HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-29 - Orange Coast Piloty .an DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * W EDNE SDAY AFTER NOON, JANUARY 29, 1975 ..-01.. ... NO 1,, •SECTIONS,•• P ... GES .. • I I 0 County's 'Hord Core' Juveniles Focing loil • • • • Hinshaw's Victory Cost $5,900 Profits U11 0 kl d . a . an '~ ·.,,,,,. .o ... "'e~I .. '~, ·--.'. . .. ., . ' ,. ;.. .... ~.<,...•···· -... , ·1·1.,,-,..;i(~ ... ::.~ .... ~ .... ~~j: .£. i''..J ' ,(~'~!( .. ~ \~ .... ~-·:-~l~ PCTTS-nr·r{<;11 t l __ ,,, · · ·fi . "' b . \~'h rl·l in g 1111 1-.hurg h Stl'l'I om <. orp 1·1·11111'14·d tr11L1,\ 1h;ll prn fi ts so:..irl·d :i.c11~) pt.•r'l·t·nt 1n the la s l lhrl't' n1ntl\hs ol l!J7·1 ''\\.'t• .1u:-t had :1 goi\d q 11:..i r l l'\-," :-.a id i):Jlt• l'il z, ~l'n ior \'1ce prcsid l'nl (o r finance for the n:ition's ninth la rgf's l steel l'ornpan.\ Y./ h ec I 1 n g .1.>1 I ts b ur·~ h ·s t•a r n1ngs ll•:1pcd lo S2 11 .~.; 1nillion. or Sli -1:! Jlt•r ~h ilrt..'. from SI .49 1ntlli(n1 . 1)r 2U cents ~1 s hart·. i.·o r \.h(' y (•.tr 11 :-prt1r11 s rn~·· lo $73.·11 n11ll1t•tl , or s1~12:1 Jlt'r :-h;1rt·. fron1 ~I '.17 rnLlllun, o r SI 75pcr :-h ;1re 'Harcl Core' Juve11il es Faci11g .fail ('o linly l 'rnl>.1t11111 l)l I 11't'r i\l c1T'f!:ll"C'I. {;r11•1 \\;t-. \'.\pt•C'lt•il to r ('con1 n1l·nd 1od;1\' tll :it \~I "h:1rd l'Or 1·" JU\'t'lltlt• ott1•1Hl1·r :-he re· n10Yl'd t r<11n JO\t•n1l r hall :ind Ill)· pr1 son t·d 1n()f;1111 :1•1'11unl,\ .J ;11I l·;xct'p1 f11r :1 lc11 i-.1il :i1 f·d Ill· di\ 11luul c;1 :-1 ·~. nu 1uv1·111lt·s h ave l'\'l'I' hrcn t·r 1111n11tled I n coun ty J:iil in S;1 n t :1 Ana. <..:ou nt v l\11:-s (;r1l"r 's reton1- mc nda lio n t11 the lloar1I of S upervisors is part nf ::i package pl a n to r e lit:= Ve overcrowded con· ditions a l ju vcnilc hall in Orange . On D c t·. J!I. th e California '\'oulh J\ulhority put the county on notice for the second lime in . six months lh:i t it would de· certify lhc hall unless an a cccp· table plu n to re li eve chronic ove rcrowd ing '.vas i n1plemcntcd. t\.1 l~s G ri1'r firs t. n.1cnlioncd th.c use oft the counl y Ji.Iii as a s<'c ur1- LV dete nt io n cP nle r in u confidcn- t.i<1 l rcpurl to the hourd o f s uper v isors earlier this month. Jn that rt•port. i:;hc po inted oul thal s l<.itc law :11\o\vs the commit m e nt of juveniles to a jail ~·when no othe r s uitable pl<.ic~ of deten- tion is av~i l ablc.'1 She a lso poinl~d out ncgalivt.• factors associated with lhc con· fincmcnt o r juveniles to the j ail : -T h e ''s t erile and com · paratively harsh atmosphere'' of the jail which Is "not fully in keeping with thO philosnµhy of the juvenile court law." -l.a c k of t'dU ('alion;.il ~incl r ecreational facilities thnt would be ex pe eled in a pl t1C<' of t·onflnc - ment fo r m11101'!', -Nc~•1ti vc comtnun11y re at:· I.ion . -J>rohle1n s a s:-01·1u te d 1,.v ilh trra osporlJ1q:.:. n1inor!'I to court hearings 1n I.he juvc nil<! courts localed ill Orange. . (See JUVENILt:s; Page A2l . ' Set Off OAK l~A-ND CA P I -Fcdcr11I agents found a bomb planted in the frdf!rol building here today und detonated it with two small explos ions after carrying it out- side. A lc rtist. nntiwa r g roup c lain1cd responsibility for the bomb. The two s mall bl asts set fire to ~i n atlal'hc case containing the STATE DEPT. RIPPED BY BOMB. Story, Page A4. bo mh, a nd il exploded .,~;ith a roar tha t s hook ncarhy buildings . ,\ touplt· of \\indov.·s on the third noor of the fede ral building \\'e re broken. ···rhat's 1t . 1'hal's the bi g one .·· police offic<:rs yell ed aflt•r the ex · plosion. Several dcnlolit1 o n e xperts \1·ca1·ini,.: \Vh atc helmets carried the bo mj) (lUt of the Gl'orgc l). ~·11 1\cr 1''cd C'ra l l~uild in ~ in a rnetal tub \Vi lh a lid on at . 'f'hC'y used ropes to carry lhc l uh and set 1t 1n l hC' muldll' of the Slr('e l n e:1r the .side entrance to the building . r\s th<' t uh \\'as carried out \)n\i l'C' :1 11tl l cdcr~d a t:l'nts yel l1·<1 to ne arh\ nc11•s m1·n, "(;ct h:if'k, get baci.:. I f that thing goC's off. yo11 'r1 · ;i ll ~:oing tn he hur t.'' Aut hor1tic•:-; had cordoned of l :i rour·blol.'k ~·rra around lhc build · 1n g :iftl'r callers id e ntify in g then1 ~elves :is membc1·s of the \Vl.'a lhc r Und e r groun<l s aid a bomb tht•y planted thc r·e \V:JS set to ¢0 off Tuesday ni ght at 10 . In addition to scaling off the area . authorities ca lled two fire e ngines to the scene and a n am· . bulance was pa{ked across the street from the building, v.•hich houses the 'Armed Forces lnduc· lion Cente r . Shortly b e fore the agents en- tered the building, a woman id cn· tifying herself only as a me mber of the \Veather U nde r gr ound call ed the Oakla nd ·rribunc a nd (See 80!\.IB, Page J\2) 'Bo.mb' Just Apple Pie SAN FR~SCO (AP) -A pink box was' sitting in the corne r of a window in a buildin1 in San Fra ncisco's financial district. So· m eone decided it might be a bomb. Police seated off the street and an J\rmy bomb disp()Sal squod e yed the box. measure d i.l. lis tened to it with a stethoscope. tugged al'l t , and declared it of no interest . oerinitely no bomb, said Lhcy. Repol'tf."rs moved in, cnuti ou~­ ly opened the side of the little pink box a nd found an apple pie. ' p1: UPI Telepholo INVESTOR INTEREST IN IBM OBVIOUS AT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Heavy Trading After Antitrust Suit Victory Causes Delay Car Advertising Betrays Couple By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 IM O.l!y PlkM: SUit I\ Santa J\na couple, accused of conspiracy to commit prostilu· I.ion for a llegedly pla stering wind s hie lds of luxury ca r s around the Orange Coast with hundred s of handbills ad vert.is · ing their sexy wares, went. to court today.. · The biza rre case or mass com· munication and alleged sex.·£or- ~le originated three days ago w>t h complaints about a firm identified only as S.A.S.S .. ac· cording to Costa Mesa police vice and inleOigcnce detectives. They said they a nswered the a d placed under a windshield wiper by ~the ot.anization whose inotto is: ~··fl.aii.ng ,You Is Our Bu siness," r~Ult4ng in the two ar· re~ts . 1 Deteclive Leo J o nes w as am ong a tenrn of six officers led by l)etective Sgt. Gene ~orfien-, who raided the nttege d proslitu· tion den at 727 S .. Lyon St ., Santu J\na. Su s :1 n Lyn ''Kabibi '' Ful~ers on . 22. antl Billy J oe "S"'ccts" Bonapnrtc, 23. both or 3506 Chestnut St., Santa Ana, were take n into custod y. They were scheduled for ar· raignmenl today in Centr<.1 1 Orange County .Judicial Dis trict Court, Santa /\na, with bail set at <Sec SEX. Page A2J Church Cites CIA Support WASll lNGTON CAP J -Sen Fra nk Church says he .r;eceived persona l assurances from CJ~ Director William E. Colby that the agen cy will cooperate with.the Senate probe or the U .S . in· telUgence community. Church , a n Idaho Democrnl , wns officia lly named Tuesday as chairm<1n or the -11 -member panel that v.'ill invcstig f!:le the €1A1..YBt anti othet tntclfigcncc agencie~. Church saitl he r cceivt•d the us · s uranccs or cooperation in a pho n e .call from Colby. im · mediately rollo'w\.'ing t he ::icnale vote to c re1A tc the se lect <'Om mil· I tee on intelligence . Brisk Trade Marks Stock Upward Trend NEW YORK (/\ll J -1'he stock m arke t h eaded uµw<.1rd again to· day in bris k trading a fte r a n ear· ly pa use for prorit-laking. The micl-day Dow .Jon es average of 30 in<lustria ls "'!JS \Ill 4.23 points to 699. Gainers had virtu;1 Jl y c aujthl u1> \~·ith losers after trailing by u bout ~· :1.2 ·margin e arlier. lt appeared SOJllt' new buyin~ caihe into t he m nrkc1 when a n expected round of profit·taki n~ at the outset p1·ovcd l•t be rnild. Some investors also evide ntly took it. as a bullish sign thal the market' had not r('acted mor(' negatiVe ly to the news that the governme nt's index of leading economi<' indicators poslcd its fifth straight mon01ly ~rop in December . Blg Board volume for the first l Wo hou r s totaled 9.1 million s hal-es -active by ordinary sta ndards hul well tx>lnw the ex· traordinarily hoavy p:.i ec or A-1 on· day :ind Tuesday. l J pjOh n (a ltCrt..'(i 2 I 0 :J I :t I 011 lh(' h eel~ of ;i 3~·poinl s li<ie Tu~~sday uttrihtt\.(•d to ell\ tulvPl'SL' !'('port in u n1 c d1tal ij(•urnal flf son1c oral diabetes tlrug:s m ;ide by tht: con1-, pan:-r. Upjohn Cilll t:d the report ··unfounded.'' / By GARVGR1\NVIL.L•: Ot tl'le O.o•l'f Polo! Sldtt 'l'he l't1Ull t~· bUl fu r lll•p ,\11 d1·l'w 1-lin s b :i \v·.-. ( lt·Nc1' port Beach) successful I '..172 c·a n1 pai g11 is at $5.900 and rising, th(• l).u ly l)ilot le:irncd tod:ty . It n 1<1 .\' g o bey ond u prcdic Lcd IL•\ el 1d' SI0.000 1'hl' report of the do ll <.1 r loss n1 county funds a s lht~ rt·sul t of a :-- scssor's offi ce 1x·rsonncl alll'ged · ly \\'Or king in llinsha\v's t•:i rn- pai gn un county ti me c::1n1e :it lhl' ha lf\\'<JY point in <.1 n ;1udit ortlc rt·d h y t h l' C o unt y H<1 :1r d ol !')upcrvis ors. So far, rt' liable sour1·l'" .. ;,11cl , tilt' auditor s ha\·e nt·t·nunt•·d for the loss by l rat 1ng lcs111111111 .v I h rough Gra nd .Jury tra ns l·r1 µt s t hat led 111 the indictn1ent n1:ule last year uf nine <1ssc ssor's of1 1tt· L·m ployt·s "i'hL' nint· n1t•n. ;,il l of then1 ll111 s h:i11· :tldl'S \\'h1 ·n h~· \\.1 .... cou nty :i s~t·ssor . \\t•rc t•h:.crged \\'ith n1ult 1p\(' cn11nls nf ~r;111'1 t he ft. l'nn.s p1r:1C"y .ind fals ify1n i.: ret·ur ds :ind \'101:111~111 tif gO\ern. n1enl ('od ;,_•.s Short!.\· ;1fl1•r 1hv1r 1ndH·ln11·nt. 1h1_· hoard nt' s 11p1'1'\'1s o rs (•rdvr1·d (·ou 11 1~· auditor \'Je llei n1 li> lit' t1•rn1 111 t' Ille l':-O:tl'.I an1uun t . 11 :111~, thr t•ou n l~ lo:-1 throug h ~ht' .d l1•gt.>d c;1n111:11g11 :1l·li\'1l il'-. lll'1n1 1:-1_••q)t.•('ted to n1;1h.1· l11:- t111;i l rt·pul't 1ate nc>.t 111011111 'l'ht· -.nu r1·1·s s~ud I ht• tn! :II I••;..:-. 1:-l'X\.ll'1-'l1·d lo re a c h tilt• ~1t1.ooo 1n a rk p1·l·d11_·tc d b v :\:-sis t ~111 t \)1 ~· tl'il·l :\llorney l\1ti £..hac l C!.tp11.1.1 al !See lllNSllAW, Page 1\:!I or~":'i coasl ,,. t••• tl1c•r ln c r ~:1 s i 11 g cha 111·c i 1f ~ho\v er s tonight (l'l(•a 1·in g 'l'hursd;i y. according It> the \\'t.':Jlhc r ~crvitf.". Chnllt'CS or r·ain about 60 1>crcenl this. ~·\'('nnig . 1-li ghs 1'hur~cl::ty 56 Lo f'j(j. Lo\\'S tonight in 4Us. l:'\SI DI-: l 'OD.\ \' l)oe.~ s1v1n g1ng prod1ice "ha.ppi-. ness and ad1ust1nent" in niar· r1 age. or does it J11ad to "fru stra· lion. tension a11d Jll<llous~.'· T wo views of the subject are present · ed on Page A 7 today AIYour S..•vi<e AJ 8o.1l1nq 8J L_M_ Boyd R• C•l•IOr>'llil AS C•r .. r Cornor "" Cla.i,!li•d 01 1; Com•C\ Cl• Cro''"'''d Cl• O.•l"N11l1t t'\ "' f:d1IOr1.llP•<!t' A• E"ler1~11•me111 8•·1 1'11wn,•.. 8•·1 '°OO'd C4.it For lh• RKOtO BJ Horow:op,1 CJ ....... .._ ........ M.l•lbo• MOV•~· Moo'°t Bo• Mutu•I 1'111'11' N•hon•I Now\ Or~""' Coun11 P"'ple Sparh O• 51t"•<•fll'I" , ....... ll0" '""•NIM We•ll\9• W<1Ud N•w~ " .. 8•·1 " .. .. ... c1 ... ... . " "' ••• •• .. t I .... A2 DAILY PILOT s Wednesday, January ?9, 1975 Expert Touts_ Pot ' Pain-kill~r Prope rtif!S Told WASRfNGTON !UPI! -A drug expert testir1cd today that marijuana ha s s uch a Y.'idcsprcad medical potential it s hould be a\iail able for doctors to 1>rcscribc for patients. Untold pain iitld s uffering L'Ould be r t·lie ve d if n1arijuan<-1 \\'{·re ;1vail:.ibl e for mt•diral uses. s:.i id I>r. ,Joel !•'or!, a frcyllL'llt \\"itnv~s <Jt congrcs:.1011::.l drug :Jbuse hc-a r1ngs "'ho also h;.i s \\"r1ttt·n books on drugs, operated drug clinics a nd conducted worldwide rae....:b for the Unit- ed Nations. His s uggestion was made at a Drug Enforcement Administra- tion hf"aring on federal legal con· trols of marijuana. Fort said the drug's medleal value and potential in treating glaucom:.i , asthma, cancer, cvcp alcoholis n1 ;ind drug addiction "would ccrainly justify its legal availability for research and pre- scribing.'' Asked if marijuana should be made available ror medical use,, he replied. "I think it is vital and essential that a lrt=mendous amount of unnel'cssary surfcring has the potential for being r e- lieved by the availability of this substance and V.'e should do ever- ything possible lo make it legally available." 1''ort t estif\(•d th:il ~ocial stigma has deterred 1·c~L·arl'h on the n1edical uscs of mariJuana 111 this country. llut he ::;aid the drug has been used n1edically sinl'c I From Pag., A I SEX .•. SS,000 When·they we re booked ln· t ID Orange County Jail. They arc chari;l-'<l both with conspiracy to 1..--ornmit pro~t itu · lion and malnla1n1ng a place- where pro:;;tiLutJOll is being con- 'llucted . Investieators allege Mis~ Fulkerson agreed by telephone and lri person to enga~e in sexual activities with llete<•tive Jones, who asserledly placed $60 in bills on her bedsidctabl<' Five other orricers com · manded by Sgt. Norden assisted in the raid, after Deleclivc Jones signaled from a window that he had been solicited. Vice officers cl<-tim they eon- sooo n.c .. Government attorn..:y ll.obt'rl Rosthal acknov.1lcdged J"or·t's ex- pertise, but contended his tes timony \Vas 1rrl'll·Vant :ind w:.is not an i ssue at the hc:..iri ng l t'ill Tl1 e~1 Meet? fi s.rated a variety of. cv!dence. in the Ch estnut Str\•C'I 1nt·1dcnl, 111- l'luding XOO hundbills advertising ple;.isurc fur saJ1-, <1 ..:omplex code used t o dcl'iign;.ite :1nct cross- C'hcck th1· luxury c:1rs driven by <"lit'nt s and lite allegl•d ly n1arkt.•d n1 oney. 'Speak to Me' Experts Probe P lant 'T a lk' 'rhe D~A . the govL·rnn1l·nl 's narcotics agc n<-·y, has bct·n as ked to reclassify 1narijuana \vhich it lumps logelh('r \\•ith such drugs Victoria Fyo<lorva (lcft1, cl :1 11g hter of a storybook liaison hc t\\'Cl.'JI ~1 l tuss i:_in a c tress an(! An1crican Naval officer .Ja<.:ks<.H l 'l':.i tc !right), nnv.' rc lire<I. \\•ants to leuvc ll.u ssia for lh rct• n1ontl1s t<J \'isit h(•r ailing father in 1:1orida \\'Ito never kl1C\\' of her existence until a fe w years ago. Detective Jones alleged that ~1iss t 'ulkerson. whon1 he .as- sertcdly callt.-d l'ooh-llcar during one telephone 'conversation, pro- \'ided all the 1..•vidence he fell justifiert. NE\V Y()liK (UPI ) -Can you affected by environmental .'.Is heroin and 1 -~1> in ;.i l::.ttegory help pla11t s by talki ng to then1? influences s uch as gravity, light of drugs with hi gh ~1buse potcn- Th at i ( h_· <1 , <1 P p<-1 rl•ntl y sh;1 red ;ind t em pc r at u I'('. Lia! and no OlC'<lir ;ti \':ti uc. by son1c pvnpl<.:, n1 ;1v have been But \.\'hcthl·r thci·c is son1e sort t'ort was the Sl·cond witness en1.:ourag t·tl b y ;, iit· detector or comn1unications luik which called by the Nat1nniJ I ()rganiz•1· f 'ro>tl Po9e Al B O MB ... ex pc rt \\ hos c t.' .'\ µc r i rn c.· n t s would n1akc pl ants a"•arc or non-lion for the l{cforn1 of "-1arijuana sug gcs l plant:-. h-..ve so me ('OVironment;d changes is a dif-La\VS, which, <Jiang v.•ith the \\'iLrned them to stay uway fr<.irn rnysll'riou:--sc 1rt of <1\\'~n·cn0:.s of fl'rC'nt nlattl'I'. American Public tlcalth Associu-lhl' l'Xplosivt•. whic·h shc·s;1id \\';1.-. thing:.gu1n i,.:o n:11Joutthl·n1. ··What we're dc:_ding \vilh is a ti on, h <.i s chall enged th e ont.he scv('nttinoor. 'rht· ton I ru \'l'l':-.i J l rt'Sl'arch, set of d <1ta \Vhich purport to show 1._•Ja ssifica lion. ""In try 1ni:: to upt·n it . it 1·ould g11 popularized by ;.1 IJuok, was the that a ('Crlain situation exists in 1''ort s <Jid the n1o st posili\'C off. It's Ver) po\.\•c1·rul ," she said . s ubject today of a sy1nposiurn ut nature,'' Galston said. medical value or mariju:.ina ap-She said she and other Weather the annual in c t·ting or the Then turning to Backster pears to be Jn the treatment of Under ground 1nemhcl's could not American Ass oci;_it1on for the sittingncxtto him,hesaid : ''And glaucon1a. an eye disorder af-undcrstand\.\·hythcbon1bdidnol Advancl·rnent orScil'ncc. you a re ''' 1 thholding final feeling rnore than a milli on go off Tuesday night as pl:1nned. T"•o scie ntists said they were judgment on whether this is Americans which could lead to After the in..itial search this un<iblc to dupli cate the \11o rk or t:Ol'rect or not? blindness. 1:or asthma. ht• s~id , it mornin g. 1norc than a dozen C I c v e Backs t er, re s ea re h ··A b s o I u t e ty, •' Backs tc r does not have the side effects of federa l agents entered the build - d ire ct o r o f the B ac k s t er replit.•tl. somedrugs. ing. 'J'hey \\'C.re joine d by two Res ear<·h Fou11d t1tion <t l San \Vhy. G:ilsto'n \vas asked. was Wi th some canCPr patients, he n1t·n from the Navy F.:xplosivc Die ~o. \\'hi<·h indic:.itcd b v thc.subjecl broughlbeforesucti a ~1dded , it has been useful tn rt·· <>rdnancc Dis po:.;.il Unit . The c•if'C:lric:-il vult<-i gc (_'hanges 1f. presti giou s forun1 in the firsl ducin g vomiting and the need for l\avy n1c n "'ere ""'l•arini-: prolC<'· le;1\'l'S I hut plants (X'r<·eivcd the place'".' p:.lin control n;u·cotics. lie said 1t ti\"e bod_,· t:-quipmcnt. death of b1·111e :-.hrin1p in another ··\Ve ha\·e ;i g;:1p hcl\\'Cen v.•hat ;1 lso can be used in the tl"C'<ll · Jo ~ J•udcllo, c·hi t•f o f the ruun1. s eiPntists b(•\icvc ~u1 tl wh -.1t the m e nt of moderule depression or ,\J('o hul. 'l'ob;ic('o :.ind f.'ire:irn1s Backs t c r replied th <.1l t he lay publiebl'lieves."hcsaid. helping son1 epcoplc gainwc1ght. offil:c, s ;.i1d the bomb was found i1tlempts to rC'pcat hi s results ;.ire 1\sked if lhcrP is any harm in I•'ede ral J;:i\\' makes ma1·ijuano on lhl• s eventh floor and ~lP · 1ncon1.:lusive hccuusc thcwork at hc!Jeving: that talking to plants possess ion a misdemeanor parently consistC'fl of 10 to 15 l~orncll Univ1..•rs ity and the does any good, he 1·eplicd: "It punis hable for first offense with pounds of high explosives. Sc ien<"t.' Un lin1i tcd J{l·searl·h prob:1bJy dol's s ome i::OO<i to the up to a year iQ prison and /or a Charles Ni xon. 1\'l'F' public :1f- F'o11nU:1ti on. S•1n Antonio. 1'(':>.:. Pl'Op le who t :1lk to the pl:tnLs. r $5,000 fine . Jlcnulties fnr fir:-.t of. fair:. offi r£'r s aid : •·Jn vit1V.' of tile 'l i d Ii i•! folln\\' !h e ex a et lhi11kthcy·rcfcl'iingloncly. fense sales are five years :ind fat·l th;1t 1l \\'<i:;slil l l1l'kin).( <111d l:1~Jur·;1torytt·<-·h11iqut·s u scdintht• '"Let ·s f:.it•t• it, if you live in $15,000. vol;il1lt.·. \re de<"1ded ruit Ill ri~k or~gin :.11 1..·xpt•rin1l·nt:-;. H;_icl\stvr .;\t::\V \"ork City in u concrete n1u\·ing 1\. to ;11)(1thC'r locatinn. In !'Hid ht· has 11ot att en1pted to jungle :ind your Jandladv doesn't 3 contained building, it \\'Ould rt·pc;_i\ the \.\'Or i\. lei you hJ\'c pc:ls in theh.ouse and J • p prob:ihly havt• hlov.·n off that co1·- Aide D enies Using Post For Nixo11 WASll IN GTON (U PI ) J ames 1'. Lynn, (>resident Forcl "s nominee for budget director, de· n1cd before a Senate comm ittee today that he misus ed hi s pl'c- vious government position to boost the 1972 re-election effort uf ! .. resident Nixon. ··ouring the entire time of the ('Onver;-;a tion v.·ith suspec t "Kabibi ' in the bedroom, this in- \Cstigatur \\~1 ~ :tw.'.lre of lhc f;".IC'l shr h ~1d nn und1·rg;1rn1t•nts other lhan the s ilkeu s hirt she wore." he assert Pd. "'At that time. suspect Kabihi removed the I.op . ex posing he r completely nude body to lhis in- vestigator.'' .he ctint1nucd in the arrest rl•port. Ar t Destroyer Leaves Ro1ne Lynn, '1 7, is secretary of the Departn1cnt of llousing a nd LJrban Development and was an undcrsc.•c rctary of Commerce during that Nixon campaign. lie ROl\11'-: (Ulll l -l.:1zlo 1"olh, has bet·n nominated by l"ord lo \\'ho s m :1s hed :1 l\lichelangclu replace llny Ash. mas terp il't'l' \v ith a h:.immcr 1'he Se nate Government th ree )"t'<ll'S ago, h;1S left for OJ>l'r:.it.ions 0.>mmittee is expect-Austr:.ilta undt•r guard, s till pro- ed to apprOve the nomination. cla iming hinlsi..·lf th(' :-;on of Goll llut the opening day o( Lynn's and \'O\\'tng he \\"ill r1 ·turn lo con11rn1:1t1on hearing \\"as J)l"Jl· drive Satan out of th(• Vn1ican . pered \\'1th refcr·enccs to his ~1('· 'l\,·n :1irllnt· gu:1rd::-; '1'11l·sU;1y ·t1\'1t1t•s dul'ing the Nixon yc~irs in t'scorlcd 'l'oth onln ;1 lJanla s illl effort to clear lhl' record 1\trllnt.·s jetlHll't" lo t")ytlney. 'l'hc iJl·fi )fl' ht• OlU\'CS to another gnv-pilut nf :.lnolher J\11:s lr;i!i:in fli ght -t.•rnmenl Joh. t•1ghl day:-; 11gu rl'fusecl to acl·1·pt :\t ••. ll ('\\'~ conf~Cl"l'll("{', Dr -~OU havc_.P. l.l.h!lodendron U\"\:_f iu '• r~1n e ' . up !lf'I" or l~l' 1Ju.i~tl1ng, <Jl Jc:.•~t tht..• ----·',ttiur:f-\~;jf;>l.f.t~~~?f:essor d'J , .--11-·4 . --~At'WOtJJd be ~i]'Jforting ·•. ~ .. , · ~ . · · . -· -~ • · -~-... ~.en~-lt1 }0Qf~~~· I~ .,...J.;!.'b.!: ·.~ .... .._,,,_~~v-...;>-~ .:~1~~i·:AAY;5~ .. -· · ~,,.-~~,~· · ·r:::1e.:~~~~ ~-·· · }~'1'->.r•"t!.~;.· .,·· ·: ··4S.i(.""' 1'1 .~····--'. Sen. l .ec Mctc::ilr (D-f\.1ont .I, re.-.punsihili1y fc1r 1'oth 1111tc~s :-.o- 1~1~iM.~l'-·~~~ •. :,~~~U-.41"Llf~~.l;--.. -··· .... 1 .-· '-.v ;:11ctr:!Th!'-'Cf;i-rfmlkf!c 1h· ·f,.tntfl· '-',.,,..lit....._. ~.. ·• • ~ ........... -Jo vn1·• ·• 1l IS ~no\t·n tfi_:.1l_ pl<Jnls_ ha".(' 'J1l Otf1el"' 'si-n\'1ent th1ilg i1l tli'~il U lvp ~ . I n e tc --PLO H .. elcctr1Ca J <Jt:l l\'lly \\-"hl Ch IS .aparln1C'nl." · O l t l lll'" 70 ~'"°'-------------~ ---------~ l_vnn \\':J S identified as the "con-Auslrallan, la::;t \\-'L'l'k cndl·d l""'1> tcict man·• in the Commerce ycar~in:.i n asyl tjfJlforccrimin~l­ l){'part n1 cnt to assist in the Nixon ly ins an('. -~~---=----At School DAJ\<tASClJS, Syria (APJ rc-c l ~c tiondrivc . Th e l'ale s tin c Liberation Lyrlndcn1t.'dhe usC<11mpropcr Missile Launched See11 ~• t H e aring - Cult Chief Leary 'Tanned, Smiling' \11\CJ\V Jl .LE <AP>-f>ne-timc LSD cult Je;ider 'J'imothy Leary \vas s miling <Jnd s untanned when he tcslificrt at a heuring invo1,·. 1n g the ririn g of ii pri s on psyc hologis t .. the psychologist :.a \"S. br. \Vesley llilcr s aid Tuesday lh ~•t l.cary ''looked fine. in perfctt shape, :.lightly t:.inncd" From Page A I HINSHAW •• the lime the 1nd1ctmcnts \\'Cre re- turned r\1. lhl· 11111t• they (Jl"dl'rl·J t h~ :1ud1t. The count.\• ~uµervi:--rirJ>o :-aid tb1· c1111n1~ :--h11uld c·ull t·t·L \\'hale\\'!" !unds might h;.1ve been lost fron1 1 fH' IX>nd1ng comp;111y that b!JOdt:d I ljnshu\v \\'hen be "·as a. count .~ cn1p lo)c. l~ow e\'t.:r, 1he bourtl '''Ill not make ..1 dce1!-.1on on the bes t method of l'Vlll·Ct1ng the all£'ge<l los t fund:. untll 1lrcl'e1vcs Hc1m's final report. ORANGE COAST i •JJ I ''I~ I (•l I l "<l'Or:.i:.tO••tl.••'t "'"' "'m *"''"'~i""' t><N!dl"<I' '" ••· ,,.,,_h,,J,,,, .. o • ...,,r C<MI" Put>llY""~ "1 •·' • ~ r•• ''"'""''"""' •l'e putlll\lletl Mo.M ' '"•u.'· to.,J.1 1,.. (<>•I• _...., Newll"•1 '"' •' • .. u•·'•""!' " !). n'" I""" I••" V•ll~• ''''"' '>•~~'''""' .,,,..,., ~"" LA-ll<>~r !> ' \' (~f<" A "~ " j•Ondl e<l•I•""''""°''' '"'' •lu•r.h """ ''"'"' l•• Pf+ .... •plll ""'"' '""" "'~'" ..... ~. ~ •• ,, ""• SI•""'· Co\l.il ,.., ·•. C.•• to•<>••'>:•l•. Robert N . Wr>('Cl p, 1·"1>f<>T •M l'u!>'• "'"' lhomas K(levil Ea•tor Thomas A Murph1n£' ""-""1"'f [0•'"' Charles 1-t. Loo<, Rlchard P. Nall ·~···'~"' ...... <ll•Aqt<I ... : .. ~ Offices Ot•••M<'•• )JnW~•1 n.w~I""' .... wPo•I 6"•<f\ JlllOOf-&ov••-a UtvN k f<f\, 11•~~••'•,.MI .. ...,,,r1111don6" .. <n 11111 s. .... e .... , ..... ,0 ...,,, .. _.V•ll•1 ISJfll.tPu_, •I S.11 O•fQO r , .. *'' Telephon. (7141 '42-4321 CJAssltltid Advertising'42·S671 ~··" .. ~ ..... w-, "''""°''"-~ SBl -6310 l •on>!t•1t(•~-~ 495-0630 r ,...,. NO"" °' """ c,.,,,,,,, """""""'"' S40·1220 C•Pf"l"I, n11 O••"o• (.G••I """'""i~-, ~·"' Nf.,. .. ,,!O<•t> ,u,,,,,.,.,,,., ff+10"•' ..,, ... , '-"' •d•.,_,lo .. 11'1•"" "•'•'•" ...,., O• <f lltOd .. ~•d #•lf\0<" •v••••• l•V'"""'"~ 01 ~., ........... .. I M-fo-Rd <I••• 110\1•111' """"•I Co•i• "ltw C4!!1 ... ,, •• s,...~··"'"'" 11; ~··· ·•• u oo"""'""'; .,. ..... 11 '4.00rnQftLIMI, "'''•l•r1e.-•l•"•lt-U • _,,,,,_ ' v.·qen he appeared <ll the hearing Monday for 1-Jil e.r. Hiler said I.eary appeared friendly to\vard him, s rniled al him and referred to him as a friend during his 30 minutes of tes timon)'. Prison officials said I.cary left the state prison sometime Mon- day after testifying. 'fhey said they did not know where he was taken. L eary 's whereabouts have been kept secret since th e publication or reports that Leary fears for his life because he has bce.n ·g iving fede ral authorities information on drug traffic and the radicals who helped hin1 l'S<":1pe from state prison in 1973 . ()ffic i;:il s s ay ·11iler was fired Jron1 hi s pos t at the state prison b1.'rc after he t a ped an interview \1 1th Lc·:.1ry :ind then delivered lh•· 1ap•· lo Jounna Jl:.ircourt- :-;m1th, '' hn describes herself a s Ll·ary':, \\ 1fe. 3rd Giraffe Dies SACRAMENTO (APJ -A m ysterious disease killed a third ).(iraffe at the S:.icramento Zoo .. and the zoo's director says he's c.·onsidc ring :l ban on feeding or ;.1111n1als by vi sitors. On the Board Former Secretary of State William Rogers has been e lect ed to t he board of directors or Standard Oil Company or Ohio .. There isn't very much Of Can-Organ ization shov.·cd newsm en a political consider<t tion for the dy . She's one year old, pure ''correction center'' near g r~111ti11~ of ~ovemment aid and Cock-apoo and she'd be lucky to Damascus today \\'here it said it also denied that his position as a \f,\NDE~J3 El1(; ,\1''[1 (UPI >- lip the scales al 10 pounds soak· is holding 70 Pulestini a ns dis -··contuelman"hadnyconnection A ~1inu t('n1:.1n Ill ICllr-.f "'as s ue·· ingwel. cipUnccl by the PLO, including "''ilh lhe \V atergate-relatcd ccssful\y luunchcd f1·om './andcn· But her proud O\.\'Tiers claim five men sentenced for plotting to political adtivitics of lhe Nixon berg Air l''nr..:.·c l\asc today by a she has one of the bcsl barks in hijack a British airliner. administration. North ll~!kola combat Cl'CW, the the watc.hdog business and she ,~------------------~~__:---~------"A~i~c~F~o~c~c~·e~s~'~'i~d~·~~-----~ proved it when she drove l\\'O in- truders from the El Toro Marine School at l4736Sand Canyon Ave. in Irvi ne, Orange County S heriff's officers reported today. The two men who are being sought by deputies were carrying off a television set taken after they smashed the window at the locked school when Candy s ped lo the scene from the nearby home of Marine Harrison Franklin J~a!L . Both men dropped the t elevision set, headed for the chain link fence and scaled while Candy watched their gymnastic effor ts carefully. From Page Al J UVENILES An accompanying r e port to s upervisors by AcJminis tr~tive Officer Robert Thomas appe-ars to s upport ~l i~s c_;ricr 's r1.:con1 - mendation that Juveni les be jailed. In his r e port Thomas -suys thai one way to alleviate the ovcr- cro,vding at juvenile hall \.\'Quid be to confine hard core offenders e ithe r to CYA facilities or others n1ore suitablcthan the hall. Thomas is known to have the support of at least three members of tbc bo;1rd of s upervisors, enough to :1pprovc Miss Crier "s jail recommendation. Solon Blasts Angela Davis OKLAHOMA CITY llJPI I · A rormcr s heriff waved <J ll F'l31 \\'<toled poster in o ne hand . pounded the Podium with the ot her and denounce d th e schedule d appearance of Angela Davis al the U niversity or Oklahoma as "a disgrace to all the wome n of this state.·· G eo rge Vaughn, now a Democratic representative from Big Cabin, told the Oklahoma House of Representatives Tues- day a talk by the avowed Com· munist could lead only to "chaos and unrest . ''She's like a sundial in lhe shade," he said. "You just can't see it." Vaughn and Re p. Guy Davis (D·Calera), protested payment or a $2,600 speaker fee from un· iversily funds to Ms . Davis, who is scheduled to speak Thursday evening as an event of Women's Empbasia Weok. ' ~itc Sc:i.g warm-up suit. Champion styling fo r rhc beach , road, courts. Z ir>-up J <"rai! on jat kc:1. J"lQckcr and ankles. Jn ;:1 · n1 achin1.: 'ov:ish :icrylic anJ p<)lycstcr. JJo;;·der blue. ;.;rcen or n,1vy. S, f\1 , !_,. $;J.I· 'JOwn .. ix 1 ·r,1vc l S1)()rCS\\'Car SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I I ,~ ' , / :::..--:-·· ...-Y ?-... ~ Shop Sunday, Souch Coasc Plaza, 12:00 noon to 5 p .111. SANTA ANA, 547-7211 • SOUTH COAs:r PLAZA, 556-0611 I J.o ho te1 s t, th I' :.i lil' hL (!fl '· I ·' /, i·o 1 .. Ir i _, :i :I(' 11 ~· I h t•h h . I>< pa h:i l"l' di. "' lho ~ii J>o;I ~:I n · t 'lj ~:1 Ad , . ., ;, l'll uf r" 11. . .. l'.1 I.' "' .Ill 11'1 p ;1 lh' :"<'' t " ht• 11r 11·1 HI" )'.I ' 11. , ,. •·u l j, l"l' ~h t" :1 r t " 1'111 "' sl ,.. uf I' I '" ih ;\ m " d "' l h 1·~ h d Ii hi I de .. p ' s I I I • Wtdr?!;fday,January 29. 1975 * DAILY PtLOT A3 CHP 6ets Tough on Coast Speeders The San nieJ,!o F'ree\\'3Y from l .ong U c~1 c h ro lh t.· ~l l'Xil'<i n bor<lcr will be palrollcll ex· te ns ive ly for SJl{'C'tlinJ..( violations · ::;tn rti n~ Sa turclay rnorni 11 ).!. "We will bt.• 1sst11n g tit·k<•ts b y the gross." (;;d1forn1a lli~hv,/a)' J'atrol C;1pl . Willlan1 l·'radcn- 111.·rf! told 111.·~\:-.1111·11 ·r uesd:1y in tus Sant;i Ana he;tdqua1·tl'r·s. ··we h <:1vc ht.'L'll 1n a11daled ln enforce the 55 1nde 11t·r liour & ~ ·w@illl [? ~®l?\"JD ©® /;,,/ fJ 71r11/•/• 111'• '//, 11 11 l1J1' /'.,/ 11111111. l'ul" II '"''',/ !o!/" ,,,-r 111· · , • '' • 11 ' I 111 ·' / !I ''"" '"" ,,, 'd '" .. /,' 11/t q111l11 /// •I• 11 1 I 11 11. t 11 I I o '"I I• 11 1111 I\/ 11 ,/ 1," I// I/ •I• I n I/• / H /' r/ I /1 1110 II I/ I .. 111 '' r11o.·. '''"'"'' ( 1111·/ / 1, 11/ •1 I '1/.,1 /' ' 1 /,, I''"' I .i /11 .~/•'"'· t '1t '1 ,, •r.. /n, /.1,/,· 111.iJr /, • /, • J 1/1, '"' • 1111111 / ,, • / • Ii. i.119 'l 't.tr11 h 111111t l>f·:A Jt l'J\"I': l\1y r1H)llil·r. \\'ho l1 Vt'S in lilt• J·:a:-.1, 11u·ntio1t('t l 111 a ll'l'cllt lt•l\t'I' \hit! pl"('lllllltll._, Sil\' h;HI ord1·1't•d lrorn 1h1· l-.1n g Kur11 Stan1p ('o . lliro11;.:ll .1 li1(·;d J..:rlH'l'f" h:1d 11('\~·r· 111 ·1·11 r1 •('(•l\"t'(I. SllH't' !ht• 1·h;11r1 :-.lu1"1·-1-;1r1 'L ~1·1·111 l u 1·01nrrnu11 r;1tv \\1\h Iii•· 1·1 11np;in,v . 1·01 J1d .\ou pus,1hl,\ 1011!. 111 111 1111 ~ h•r h1 ·r : 11. I·: .. !'\1.:11 pu r t 131.·.H·h speC!d limit and enforce it we will ," he said. ''We are t elling our officers not to let people pass them ." "The drive will be a coordinated e ffo rt or p a trol offices in fo ur j uri s d il'li o n s alon g the S<.1 11 Diego-1nlerst;Jte5 F'r£~eway link. The key e lerncnt. according lo Fradcn berg is fo rm;,1lion of rive-. man cnfor ccn1ent t can1s t.o prowl desig n ated stretches or rr-eewa v •nd sy .ste matically <'Ii i• s peeder.s. Frad enberg said the team l'Oll · ccpt was formula ted \vh en rallar c hecks revrale<l mo re than -10 percent of ull d.J·ivcrs it re t•xcccd int.: the (rcl'\vay s pccltlim1l. •·whe n the Jin1it w:is \(l\\'(·r<·d, we :inno untl·d we <:ould t'nfnrc1· 11. 1f 85 pe r cent of the pcopl1.· t'nni Jet Noise Did Haig Smuggle Booze? llltUS SE I~S (lJ J">l) ~ Gen. J\h_·xandcr 1\1 . 11 aig .Ir. brought :d ong c;1SC's of \'Odka and wine int·orr('('lly l:tbt~!('d ''glasswarl'.'' in possihlC' violal ion nf J\r1ny r u I t· s . \\' h t• n h c IJ e c :t rn c l'on1111 ;11ult·r ~if 1\llit'd forct·s in r:11r11pt•, /\rn1y 11ffit·1;d s ~ai d l od:1v plil•<l volunl&rily," ht.· said . ··No"'· app,trC'ntly. v.·r "ill h:.i\·~· to ~tr i ngc nl I} t·11fo1 t'l' the J ;.i "' /' Jo"radenbt·r~ said the CllP"s j.!ot1 l i s 10 bring K5 J)('rcent o l' <.ill driv(·1·s d n"'11 to 55 niiles f)t'r' l!ou r . 1-'radcnhrrg s:int t\\"O nf th1• fiv(' n1;1n p.d ru l t1 •;1 1n :-. wil l Ollf'ra lt: 111 (!r,ingt• 1...:ounty, 1n- 111 all,. 011 I hl· S;,111 I Jtl'gh 1:rl'l'\\' a) • Cuts One \Viti be basc-d in Sant:l Ana ;111d l he othe r in \Vestmirl!.ter. 'l'hc t .. on g llcach to San IJic~o <·orridor was ehoscn bce:lusc uf high traffic volumes --n1orc: than 125,000 cars a day, l:'r:u.l cu- tx_•r~ s aid. "\Ve <lun't lt.1\'C' thC" m :-inpou·f'r to pul lL•:1ms on ;,Ill frct•\\'ays :it thl' :-.;1 n1 i.' t 11nc Sil WC h ;1d Lit t•hoo:-.c the unc v.·i th the grc01lc::..t throug h traffic." bl':.a1d , 1'hc ide.a tif u~111g f ivc1 -cai lC'a n1s of nffil·l'rs 1:. tfl prt•Vt:nt ~· drivrr rrom passing by a patrol l'ar th at h:is pullt'd :1no lt1t·rdrivc r oft ll1l' roatl ;ind ttu·n ~u nnin g 1tu11 lo 70 bl'c;n1:.c he fl"els safl·, the ('111' nffH'1,.•r !-o;tid. "'l'h;ui cc-s ;1r1 , there \\'i l1 1lC :-inotht·r p ;itrol t',1r JUSt down the ro:1d \\;11\1111~ f•H' t11 n1 ," 1''r1.1dc11~ l>i ·rg ..;:11tl . Proposed , ' 4f· Some Takeoffs ' ""'~ ,_,;Toward Tustin? 1\) \\'ll.1.l,\l\.t ~<·1 11tF.1nr·:R tlill'\' ~.Lid in hi ~ 11·1\Pr. 011ntD~·•~Po101s1 .. u i\l )t';1!->t SI I rndl1on <if th.it. !)r:'"ln ~C' ('oun t .v .S upcr ... ·is nr \1unl d h:1\'~' In 111· :-.1u•n\ lh1s Y<':11· 111 :-.h11\\' tlu• t"otlnt .1 's "01id faith i11 ·r tiomas ltilt'Y \1'111 propose in-.... t·i·t•:i-.ini.: t·ounty a i rport J i·l (·11n1plyhq . .; \111h lht· :-.t ~1h• 111,111 · t :1k(:offs uvC'r 'l'u:-.ti n tri 1,.·ut bal'k tl,111 •-.. thl' -.llpl'l'\"lsnr :-,;1HI o n thos'' tl\'l'l" ni)i :-.e-pL1 ~11 ,.,i l 'o111l 1l 111 11 :-. nl ll11· \ .1 ri:1n<·1• J\'t•\\'JlPl't Bt.':u·li. )!1\1'11 to tl1t• :urp11i<t t·.1'1 l11r ;1 rt• In :.i il'tt1.·r 111 l11s f<·llo\V ho;11·d t1111·!11111(1f1hl· 11111!->1' 11np :1('1 :irl•;1 m e mbers. tht· J•'i fth l)istri(·t uf1h1· l;1(·d 1t .\ . _ s upC'rvisoi· urgi.'S c re ation uf a 'l'llt· :1i1·purt .., l'll!"t't-n1 no1Sl' preferential 1·un\\'ay ll!:>C p ro-'·tuntpri nt " 1s :1 11 ;1r1•;1 of :1huut 'l'hf' stnrt· dist·1111li n11 1·d di!->- lrihulion of tiini.:, Kor n :-.tan1ps in January 19i l, hut t•ontinut·d to ;1Cl'{"l't :-.ta1np..; ;11HI (or"·:1rd Ur· d Prs ror rC'dPrn1•tio11 . It a 1JIH'ars I hat n1any nrd1·rs at·t·1·j1lf•d b.v lh1· t·hain ~tt1r1• \\l'rt· 111 •\'t·r r1·t·1•i\'t•d hy Kin ~ Ko1·11 , at•t·ordin~ lo l>orolh.\· 1:i-.h1·r. lht• :-.lan1v t·on1 - 11 :1 n.\"s '-1'0l.i·:-.m:111. Kin.i.: l\orn h as :t J!,r1 •1·tl lu :-.h ar1• th1• ('o:-;l or r1·pl :1t·i11 ~ lht • 111i ~:-.i11J!. 1111·rch a11- dis 1.· with th1· ~tori·. ll ;;ig's l'Xl't11 li\'{' offic·£1r , Bri):!. l.t•n .. lc):-.t•p h llr:1ltun. <:onrir n1cd lhl' int·ident after a n a nony n1uus l l·lt·phonc <''1 11 cr t o ld United l 're~s l n tcrn:.i tional about it . l~ut ltr;1ttvn said ll;iig ;1 <:lt>d. ''i nnO('l'ntly and i n adverte ntly'' GOLDWATER PREDICTS NIXON COMEBACK 'M ay Become Spokesman for Republicans· h t'P'ht tenth:-> s11uar(' n1tl('s ;1ruund gram at t c county airport. " · !{1lcy aide !~oil .Jo nes s;.iul lit(' 1111.• bounc\;1rics of !ht• f;1(·1lit}. idea is not lo s hift al l the l<ikcoffs ll il C'y s:lid . ,\nythin ~ ins ide th ~_il ~o ;i northe rly direction but ju:.t ;1rea is s uhiL·tlt.•tl 1(1 nnisP lh<tl ts 1·nough lo rnakt• s on1c kind nl' iin· intulrrahlL· '10 C\ vryd;1y !ifi'. ;1nd ;ih·eady h ;__i d \\'f ittcn a check for S~J l to r£•pay the Arn1y for the liquor sh1pn1 c nt. IL \\ :1s thC' };C'r ond rC'cC'nl t•n1h:.irra:-.s n1<'nl fn1· ll <d ~ i n his n10,·c· frn m \Vhite !louse (·h ie:f of st;1ff to l'Un1 n1a ndt·r of U.S. ;.111<.1 l\tli(•d troops in t.:uropc. Nixon Return? pal'l o n nois e tcvt·ls UVl.'I' Uppt·r 'l'hc s tal1· ha . ..; e;.dll'd tor :1 l'l'· ~-.;:('\V pi>rt tt:iy. <luclion of th:1t are;1 \o ll'~S th<ill :1, J l 1' sa id sornf' jets :tl re acly \a k e half sq u a rl' n1 tlc h~' l Ii<• t•nd l1f I hi.< .,ff o\·c r '1'11 s l1 n \\"hen v.·iiHI :1111 1 vcar.a~oa ll{ill'}":-.:1iili nhis \t.'llt.'l: Barry Sees li t• p<1H I th1...• Arn1y $-tli.92 l:isl \\1 1\S lll :'\C:'l'<}'.\f (!"I'l l St·11 '' l't·k a tll.' r an uvl' f':t.l·;llous of fi<"er I l;i I' ry (;<ii d \\ ;1 ll' r· s; 1 ;.'s H 1t·h :1 rd s.::1\'l' !ht· II:iig f;1n1ily dog a 100-1\"iso n 1:. lllJnkin f!, ahc:1u\ gett ing ... ~f•lli ti !I_~~ ~.t~~~-II.'~'!~'·:"<--" , , 'Jll~Yr•.:>.?t!-~hru!Jf.'-.h \'i£¥~iM~~:'~ ·!:··.-~·::-·:-·~'i(.W:.~M~~~.'~ ·~ ,,._;,·l .. ~W..E-. ..,.,, .... ,.. •. : ~"~"'-·~:.# ~ ... .,·.;·lT1'.'Uttl•1·:0 "'1t~;'~n -. . , ...,Ciohtv:;1tfr 1 a 4 lt•:idf'. of'.' (,.111\ '"'-•.-~ .. :G:-... 9.-" .. · r t\lrn:-.t "'-··r-·-""' ~-I J,,,,,.1rfr1 :\;nd thC"•lrqUOr'in~14'fp,,L ii:efv;:11i\·(t-ti'('puonc·Tn;{.1:-;uh r n11• !Ill' 1·111t•..; lur 1'""1 111 •11111~~ 1hv la\. \\,L S rqually i11 noeenl :1 fornll'r lll"l'!->Hl1,.·1111 ;,dkl'd\11thh1 n1 ••111ht·s ;111•ul11 !\"t1 "-.1d1 •p1·1• 1'111111J1n ;1t 1nll or ,;i l ;11Jc lin ~ dur1nj.! Jtln<·h [;1:-.t ·rh111·sd ;1,V Ill I' I . :"\.1·\1por!lh•:11·h rn1 :.t:tkP h y p ~t·kt•r :-. 111 S:u1 'Clt•n1entt•ah11ul rl·tu1·n1ng 11, 'rht'(•nlirt'~:li 11 ,\u11r1·a li'l.1'0 n \Va..;h1 n gton . l'Vllp l ed \\1th ··th(· p<lltttl·;d ;1ren;1'' to tioo:-.1 tfil' sa lt• or 1""\("h:111gl' or .\Our J"t'-1·n11fusion O\'L·r \~h l'thcr ll:ti g h:1d (;()!' 1-;in<lid :it 1·s :t1u l ht·c·o111e .i !'>irlt·nrt• is nut la,t•tl al lht• linH· uf th(· 1·1i::ht to ship th(• !1q11or:il:1 ll p:.irty s pokl':-.rn:1 n. !->;..llcir,"ilhin1111t·;.1·<1r<1rl<·rth1· Jl 1;1g's hou se h o ld g ood s (;old\.\-·a t,•r tolrl l 'l'I 'l'tH'->d ay :-.al':· ,\OU hu_v :nut ot·(·111•~ ;1nut~1·r ;trt'i\'ed i)e1-. 18 ;it S11pr l·1n1· lh:il !\ix o n '"l ;dk1·rl of h1..; d1 ·:-.11·l' rt"!->lrl r n re lh1• 1·11-.t of '_'·h1t·h JI C':tdqu artt.'l'S /\]h(•d l-'o rt't''i to J..:l'l IJ;i rk 1ntu lhl' polit1c:;d t"!lll:tls c~r t"\.l't•t·tl-. tlH· :l~l111.-.lt:1I t :uropl•. l\n l\rmy support grnur ;trl'l\:t . Nol :.is a l';i ndid:tll". hut as :-.a !(•s llrlt't' nr tlu· nld rt·sult•n('t'. tt·:1n1 und~·r Sgt. /larry J .. \'aug n ;1 :-;1}4·1kl.'s n1:1n fnr 1h1· p:irt .v." :\dtlilion=il lirn l' i " ;1ll11"1·d ir .\'OU .Jr, rn:ik1n;.: a rout1nl' C'.h1,.·ck fqr· (;oJdw:tll·r :.i1:-.(i .-.;11 d \i"ic•' 1•011.-.tru1·1 thf' nt'\\ h111n1·. 'l'hr tax hre:1k:1,L!c . found \\'hat V:iugr1 J'r l!~i d c n t ~<'l s o11 l{ot·k1·ft·ll1·r i-. post1>01u·d. nut fur)!.i\1'11 . 1-'nr 1•:i1 ]('1i '"S('\'('ra l c·ases -aho11L h:cu l "n(1 t•h:.ince" of \\'1nn1n l! the t•o111vle t1· tl1·tail-., pil'k 111> a copy fi\'l' or six" of \."odk;t and \1lne 11 1 l ~J7G c;111• prt•s ido·ntial n11n11n <1 of lltS l'ulilit·alion ~,'..!:~. ···r ax In· ;1rr;1 !e l;ibt•1t•d ··g l;1 s . ..;v,:arl'... 11011111 !ht• evl'n\ 1~rt·:-.1d1.'nl l·'ord rorn1atiu11 Ull S 1•ll i11;.: \'our \';111 ).!n 's C tHlllll:1ntl1 n~ off11 'l'f, dt•t'ld!'!-o l10tlor11n. 1101111'," a l <in.' 11<."'iofril't'. (';q1\_ l't'IC'r J,;1 kC'. S<1id \.';111gn 1;old\vatt~r :llsn r1·1·nn1111l·1u lt·d 1)1·:,\ I~ 1'1\'I' 1o11r1 h.1 :-.1·d :1 l'.•711 l ntvrn;l111111.d p1t I. up !rut'!. l.1 ,..t 1:1·hr11 ;11 \ _ IL1 \111 !11-.1 ;1 p.11·1 "I the' :-.h11!111;..: 1111 •1 h.i111 ..,cn hrnl.1•. :111tl I t•11ul1l 1111 11 111!.!~·1· dri\l' th1· trt1l'k. I urd1·1·1·d ,1 r1 ·pl :11·t·n11 •n t p ;1rl f rnn1 1111· 111.111t1l.1etur1·r hLll nt•\ 1·r 1·t·<·1·1\·1·d 11 . I '\ t' t'hl•t•ht'(I ~t·\·l'r:1l ,11111k;.·:1rd:-o. l1111iing to t1l1- t ;1111 lh1,.• p;1r1 . 1111! 11 1-. nn1\h1•rf' 111 hl' fn11111l, 'l'lu· 1111 ·.11nlT11·1·1\ lu·r~· I ord('rt•d !ht· p.1r1 h.i-. fl(l! torl-!nl - 1 t•n 111y pr11hll ·n1 -.,,1 1 Ii•· 1l 1II1l·ult y Hl"l 'UJ'~ l'l :O.l'\\hl'fl' I \\IUll' ~··\1•r:d J1 •!1l•!'" hi l111i•1n.1t1ut1;d lL11'\l'"\!·1 · 111 ("]1i 1 .1 \'1> 11111 Itlt·,1•1· t't'l'l'IVt'd :11) :11l..,\lt'I 'I" I S.111 ("lt•r11(·11!(• .l t1dit h i\t . (;;lill•'I", lllilll<l/,!;t'I. 11f ('IL..,l•11111 •r 'Pl:1ti1111-. for lnl1 •rn:I · tiunal llar\•1•-.,lj·r, r1•purl:-. that llu· r1 ·pl:ll'!"/llt"nl parl . :• r1 a ni..:.1·. \\:.I~ -.hippi-d rrorn l:orl \\'a\ 111•, Ind., tu '\our l1 11·;il d r·a l1•r, ;1111! r1•pair-. ;1rl· t·ornplt·lt·. Siu· -·:\pl ;1i111·d I ha t thr 1h·l:1\' in ~hi11ping \1:1 ,-.1111 (• !11 •l s upply ~·bo rta g1._ Door lr«•1111ir1•1I T>t:.l\ll 1'1\'1': i\11l too lnn g :dlt•r install :1 !11:1n , 111.v g:1r:1J~l· t.ln(11· :-;larlc<l lo f;dl :1p;1r1 I \\'roll' a ll'1- 11·r to l·'r:1nz !\l :u utl :u·lurini.: Cu. of St<·r l ing, Ill., l;1:-.l .hu1t'. ''Ii · p laining th:1l lh1 · 1n:1 ..;1 1n1t~· CO\'Cr - 1ng \\'<LS ;-;l'par:11ing fl'nnl son11· of \ht• JlHncl t'r;n111 •..; :ind \\'al'p1n,:.:. l\uthor1zcd ins p1•c·1nrs tr1l'd 111 n1 :1kr ::;0 1n e rep ;11 rs . hul lhl'y \\e re un:1b \c to t'(nnpl1·lc ly fi s lhe door wilhnul. rl'phH·1n 1! !'nn1t• 'JI' lhc p<1n{']S. i\l .v lv\h·r l'l'q11t•s l 111 ~ I hi s \Vork he do11l' urHh•r m y ,,·;1r ranty \Vas nt•vt·1·a11:-o\Vt·rt•c l. · lt .O . S;1nl ;t Ana I IC'iJ.!hl s ''nu rl'port your f!ar:.f!e dour h as bt:en r(•p:1irl'd adcf111alc ly un- der warranty 1>1·ovis i11n s. Addi· tion31 hin ~t·s corrccl4•d the 1>ro- hlc m o r sl'parated sf'rlions and the dc lan1inatcd l)Orlion o r lhe door where the masonite "'as s e parate d Oj lso h aR been r e- paired. W h nle Bnc k Honie SJ\N Fl\J\NC ISC'O (U i'IJ -A ~l'<iy v.•h ulc l.hoil look the ,.,,rort~ turn into ~1111 l•'r anc1 sco bay h as ;1 ppart·ntly n:1v1).!:Hl(•f\ baC"k to ~en. Tht: :in.fool ,<>pt•('klC'd moirn - . n1n l w11 s las l s potted off 1\l<.::1trnz Is land n t·ar the Gold<'n G:.i tc J3riUgc aftcl' it hcicl gone into th1' s hallow urc;1 nc;1r the Sarl Fran· c is co·Oakl0111d ISay Uridgc. dl'l:1ilt'd lh1• .. disei-ep;,1111·i 1·-." in ":1 rf':d prn\•1·11 polit1C'1:1n .. fur lh" lus l"t'Jlt1!'l . 1uh nr (;()!' n :i11 o n;tl ··h:urn1 ;11i , .t ,\ d1 ·<'i:-;H)n \\';1s n1ad1· lh:d "Ith· po.-.! 1111\\' hl·ld h~· :'llary l.1it11 ... 1· 1>n]v,,·;1v f(lr h 1n11l l:11g l !o 1n :1k1· Srn ilh. ·rhl' po-.t . h v ~;1 1d . do · lns'1n!1·i111on s C\C'ar \\;1:-. for 1111 11 rn;indnd ·:--11n1v1111t· 11 hn 1-., ln r1·1111b111·~l·,·· l.:1kl' !->;11d . :1n!I d~n ;1n1 11·_ 111ug h . ;11u l h ;1-. 1·•·:11 l hP l"l'porl \I 1th a IJJll uf S!ll poht1(·;tl !->.1\ \,\ :illat·ht'd rea<:he::ll l laig 's ufl1l·•· (;u1<1,,·~1l1 •r :-,,11 d :'\1-:on, J,,1,h1 ·d la:-.l\\('(•kt·nd. thin and !->till \1 ,ilk1·d \\11/i 1·p11 ll a1~ ,,·roll! the ('hC'<'k TuC'sda.v :-.1der:1h]i· cl1ll11·ultv ;1..; :t r1·:-.t1!1 Ill' hl'forc !(·avi n ~ fo1· ;1 t ri p I" hts hout \\"1!h pi1l1·IHl1s \1h11 ·h !'\Or\\':tV. ltr:itto n s aid. :d most ('fl!->l hin1 h•:-. hit'. ;\'1'>1111·, ""l ie 0ffC'r ed lo p;1y hrrau:-.c ht• doclnr . .John l .1u1gr1·11. ;tl -,n g;1\1• i" ))t'lld111 g o\'1,.·r b:1{:k"'.11d ti1 :1 n 1ntt'l"\"1t'\\' 'l\11 ·-..d:1,\' 1n 1.1111 ~ tl(•n1onstr;1tc l o people t.h ;1! hr· I" Jtl·;ieh. 111· :.:1id hl' 1•;,,.i 1n 1111·d \1\ nut t;1k 111 J:! :1d\ :.1nl :1ge o f 111 -. 11nl:1-.t J."r1d.1 .\'. po!->1ti11n." l lr:itton ~:1id. "I le :-.1 ii! 11 r1•..; .111d Lit 1 ~1 11·:. Commuter Train To Serve County Tlfc' special commuter lr;ii n l..os Angeles County is putting together v.•ilh used railroad p<Jsscn g:c r cars will ser ve at least four stops in Orange County. /\na h eim S upt·rvisor ltalp h C lark . c hairm~n of the Orani;c County Tra n;-;i t llistricl IJnard nr Director s. said t o da y l .. os J\ngC"IC'S is foot ing the e nl.irr hill for the ne w commuter train. \\'hi ch s h ould IJC in SC'rvicc by J\ngelC'S . S~l n ll1t•gO ;inti ()r~LnJ;:t: Counties. "·a s put log<'lhC'r dur- ing priv<1tc m<•t•lings railed hy Cl;irk !all"' las t vcar. 'l"hc t hree col1ntirs h:-1 \'C :iJ:!rccd to s hare Lhl.' (·nst of al IC'asl t"o n1ore C'om mutC'r I rains llcsidC's the one l.os l\ngclt•s is putting together by itself. Clark said !ht~ n('w l .. A t rain \11ou ld prohably stnp :.1t Sa n Cle m e n te. Si.i n .Juan Cap is t rano, Santa l\na a nd J-'ullcrton though .s ummer. final pl a nning ror stops has 11ot "This is abovr and beyond lhc . . _ . . , bcc1l includ (•d . !IC' said lht• tr;.1in add1t1 o nal se_rv1cc we ~1 r~ trying \l'i\I proha hl v t'Olll<' thrnug h Lo work uu,t :~scp1artkof ~1dtr1 -county . Oran~c Counl)• ~•t. alxiul. 7 a m . a i;:r ccm c n • ar s a1 . . carh dav . That p act , be twee n l.ns 'J'h c i.n s l\ng<'l('S (·ffnrl in Legal Pot Bill Planned \'Ol ves purch;.isc of e ig ht used rail c;1rs fronl the' Oregon, Pacif1t: ~nd East('r n Railway Company of Cottage G rove, Ore. Los Angeles County Super visor Baxte r \Va rd, \Vho proposed t.he · $198,000 purchase, said it will ALBANY, N.Y. (UPl) -Two cost between $60,000 and $120,000 De m ocratic state legislators say to rerurbis h the cars. the y will reintroduce a bill to But Ward said lhe cosl is r;.ir legali7.e m arijuana a nd control less tha n purchasing ne w_ c:irs al its sale thro ug h liquor s tore out· a cost o f about $500 ,000 ::.ip1C"ce. Jets. The new Los Angeles train will Sen . Franz S. Leichte r a nd as-be a joint venture between Am- scm hlyman Alan G . 1-levcsi o f trac, Los Angeles County .and the New York C ity told a ne ws con-So uth e rn California R a p id £t•rence Tuesday they w e re al-Tra ns it Dis trict and it \viii be te mpting to be r ealis tic in in-opcr:.1ted by Sanla Fe Railroad 1.roducing the mea s ure a nd tha t workers. thev we re a ware it would create Lo s /\. n g e I cs C o u n I. y con¥tro"ersy. supe rvisors set Hside $!'.i rn 11l ion 'l'hc A:-scmbly ~ubco mmiltce in the ir budget for s urh cx- on public h ealth care will hold pe rim c r:itn l r a ilroa d scr vic1·. h e:1 r in~s o n the proposal to d e-\Yard s aid that a part forn1the 111· velop a "rational syste m to con · ilia l outl:iy I.he t rain \viii cost trol the u s e of m a rijua na;" the about $300,000 to operate each legis lators said. year. Ex-president \\'l"alhl·r prolu liit t ak{•offs O\"l"I' ·1 ..;"nntrL'a Snnabl ~ ~1 L·h1c\';d)l l' •· !hC Ot'l'<.1 11 llul lhC•('Ul're nt,OU!llhl·r l•:\-l'll by l'hOlt!-o i!l g \1)1· n p1io1l nr uf s uL·h rt.'\'l'rst:dopc r<ilions is nol p111·('t101 s 1n g ;1 t111fl1.·r 'l.on1~, llih·y gi·t·al. s aid tht• !'ootpri11L l":l n ht· \l"t".\ 1""1-.•l'. . ihc· d111·1111· s·,1i d I I I I L 1··i ' · · .lont•s s:1'1d tilt' numht•z' uf :-a p1t•('t.t.·c nn Y 11;1 "'11 .•. :-.qu;1rt· ··1_1111lur1ht• f1r -.1 llll)l_' -.u11 ·1· Ii·· fli~ht s lhal 1.Hkl' off in ri llu·r n1ilt·s h y 1)1·(-.:·11. ll"l l lhl· ho ..... p1t :ll l.1_:.l_i\•!\'l'l.!).!)?:'.l:, .. .J.1 ,.1,.,._1 1~1 " l\1. Uc*i." . .l:"'P.j_llCd IJ.r ... ·:·rhough th_1 ~ n).;_1,\',h1:.~.lif!Od , ... .,_, J ..... ~L.-·-wa..u:r@eftl'nt.e'.4.rhp~-· ..... ,a1.;:. · · •(. 1"-·j.·f~ .1· ·'•1 '1··~·~-~c.:. \"-. ~·••t-..o._-.;_;:_L_:,._ ' -:.u.s,1-• f "-"'"'( ~-~ • ---·-··~ :"'!".., • ~.·e~1('T'~.1 ,v.J.~:1orr ..,,m1n~1-a-.,\1 • .(·.....-..'"·-·"'"'"'"~~~·-~--··iv"' •• ..,.,. , _.,111t·nt __ ~JI h_1s p~1~-.1<·:1.I ;1l?l>t':1J_~:1r_1~·1·. fl~bt •·n•'l-{u Ucr,. •. ~-n t• l' ~ t I~('~ s.1 '.' n .. tl ;1_ rd .. a 1i,1 ~ rl'c-•.~""f'l)i~.J::f'tj ~)loi~ .. ~ .... -~l~ ri1 Ju" c'C l(lT.'fliley C'it ll erl 1.r..t•t.·j('O p a rd1 7._ !h t <q un\~V :-> J..!1'1'.d 11'\t•I . , p1·l·fc•rt·ntial run"·ay p1·n~ra1n the \':1ri<1nc.l' l'l'!lC\\;d (·h :•n rt·!-> •. , (,uld11 :d("f St•1•nlt•d lo Hgrt·t•_ IJt·:-o t v.·av fn i· lhC('OU!llV tO('O!TiplV l{ll t•y s:11d . ''IJ\"!'>l'l'llll'd tu hL" qullt't:h1·1·1·ful \\'Ith to~g h noise s t<Ji id a rds irri-"l}nthe othcrhand,l h<•f'o1111t .v ;1 1H~_1 :-. l\'1'11 It\\ ~1.rf' '.'1 \\h;1l -. gni ni-: µoscd un the ai i·porl during State m:iy sh ll\\' l 1n111cd1all' good .la1\h un , h C' :-.;11d .. 1_11; !-> <'1 •·:.irl?~ kl'pt I>e lartmenl nf 'J'r :ins port::.it io n (·nnlpilanct• ... b.\' l'l'(jlll'Sl1ng ;1 :1 ~1r1·.1.-.1. of l' \ l'I } I ti J ng I h .tl :-. ill'l'll \'a;, a nc:e hl'a l'i ni-:s 1 as t Yt ·a r. prt.• fl' r l' n 11 a I r~n \\ ;~y ust· p 1·0 lt.11 1Pl ·n1 r1 J.! '!'he 1111 \ v 11thl'r noise-reductio n gram fro nl the Jo 1\t\, he ad<led . "\\'l' d1 ~t·u s:-.1.·d -~hl·lht·r h\' option lefi. to the county hy the "lles id_cs the i~mcdi atc _effect ".'n uhl ht• ;u•t'l'l~ll'd lla<"k into stale is ()utrig ht purch ~ise of of con1ph anc:': with the \'<.1 r1 a ncc. (,()I' :1ff;11r:-.. (,nld\\';1 tt·r s <.11d, nu i!:it' buff(•i· zone's ;i round the ;i prcfc r <'nt1 ~l U S(' pro g ran1 ":ind I tul d h11n I thought ltl' l'llll\\':•y , lt iley:-;aid . would p('r1nitthccoun\y\odcla y \\oul d bi·. ""1'he Orange C.Ount.v Airport expenditure o f county tax funll:-; "i\·1.v rn :1 d s ho\\s thC'rc··s nn llircc tor ha s t:'s tima ted th:.il the to r1 cco mp l i ~h the reduction nf l l·~-.1·n 1n g of n1t•·r1·-.t 111 l11 n1 i·n-.t associatL't.i \vith that option lhc no ise imiiacl. <ireH until lht• \\ 1lh11 1 the p;1r1y."' tl 11• ~1·n:1to1· of reducing t he nnisl' inlpact area airport1·nviron1n('nl:.i l in1p;11 ·I l'l' :-.:nd. ",\fti·r ;ill. h i· h :is n1il1Lu11-. \\·ould be c lnst• 10 SI mill ion;• por·tis compl1,.•lC'd." Hill·.v:-.:dd. \\h11 \'01t'il f~l 1· h1111 . '!'hat E I ll h<l S not gotll'll undl'1· ''()f l'Oll l''.'<(' llH'l"t' I.., tlu· CjlH'S-v.·~1y ~1nd m ;,iy be ll)Ul"l! 1.h;1n :1 111!11 nf ,,.,.It 'l l )11 :-. h<';1llh \IOUld p . Cl t ve;tr in prepar;ition. 1•1.·rn11l 1t.'' c;,,j1j\\;1t•·r:-.:11i l. ''l{u\ air lU e . Riley ;1idc .Jo111·s s:iid h is boss lit• ft"lt that \\•l11 •n i1 do1 ·~ hl' n11 1-!ht ~·xpccts lo run into opposit i11n \I' l-!l'1 11111 ,1n<I I I'\ 1n 111 • uf :.url1l' £)./!./! N d1 1ncrras('d takl·ol'f;-; ov1 •r 'l'u s t1n . h1·l1•"' tu (;()p r.1nd1d:1!(1S and !ht• '-'JJ ee e p;1rt1cu l;1 rly fronl Supi•r\'isor l).1rt\ g1·11,·r:1ll ~· fl::tillh C la r k, \1'ho re11r1·:-.en ts the sr~ .... , .. 1·1,•·, l 'P> 1· "'ll ·.-. not ;..:oin;..: 1o ll ;1pp1·11 th•· 1' r 1' \VO t·ity. d :iy ;1ftl·r tornorr1o\1 , 11r 111·:\t young ITil'll parac·hutl"I 520 Jlut Jlilt•v s aid it is not hi!> in· n11u1\h 111· t'\'t'll Ot '\.l '"';1r .·· h1· ft•('! froin lhi· iihsl'r \'~i tion ll'nlion to s-h~1rc NC\\'J>t11·L lleach's -.,,11<1 "\~ut ;1..; tn11 1· g,nt'"' 1111 I think pl:tlforni uf Seatth•':-> Spai·e nni:-.e problenl"·i thanyonct·lsc. \\":1t1·rL!,tll' ''ill )..!r:idu;ill.v hl· put Nl't'dl('. la nrit•d on a n1•arhy .. \\'1· anticipate little or !'Ill I I I · S("•<•\ ·•1i1' s.·Jl"ll :t\\',"Y . ( . . l l II . II' 1111( l!..; ' " 1 '-' ~l g lll \{';'lilt 1101 ~(' 1nlp:1C' ;:t <:1 Ill ··,\nd l h:1\t':1 !->11s p1c·1onlh:11 ;1-. laugh1n i..: ''itll l\\'O :J<'• lht• ·ru s t1n a1·t•a," .lo111•s said. t1n1 1· g,11t•s on hp'IJ h•· :1v.ul:1hli· t·n mpli('1,,•s in ~· van, polil'e "'N('\\' J)l'OC'<.'durcs tor takeoffs 1111' 111,. HC'puhl1l·,111 p.irt.\ .·· :-.:.iid . :ll'f' g l'llin ;..: 1hen1 !rl h 1;..:hcr t:nld\\ ;ili·r ;1ddi·d <\uthoril i(lS said ii \\·as !ht> :dtitudcs ~OtH ll'I"" (;old1\·;,l 1·r did 11n1 · ... v11 -.1· ;111v fir~l limt' anyone p:ir:it·h111 c<i ·1·ti o11gh nnt ;1:-. n1 t1n;. pl;1nt·s li111t•J'!ll'"·"·· ••II ~t \.OI\-., p;1r·1 1n th•· frnn1 th(• ,...;pa('t' N(·l•d le . St'(' Ill' \\·ould h l' t;d,111;..: lill '''"<·i· ;\t•\\'j)Orl 1·.111 d.d 1h.i1 -.\1•'1•• li1n1 !1·11111 "I nf l\\ll ,..;11i t:1dt• ll·;i p:-. ll u· p:i ~t l l <irhnr 111Hll'I' Bil~·;.·:-. pl;111 , UH fl 'l' llr(· · \11111· .It .+II .\••.ir. \\'/Hild h1• l;1nd1n;-". .. llv ' ('"llf't·r11 •·d 111•11 \111 11 till' 'l"h v p:irachirtio:1..; rnnl:irl<"d l ~ut .Jnlll':>. s;ud \ht• :1 1rpurl \1dl i"h •ll II 111 11 1:~ IH:-. l11u•I. ,1 11il [1 ·11111 :..: ll!'\I " lll(•di;t :if1<·r !ht• Jll!np ~0011 tak1· dvl!\('f'\' Oil ~I lll'\V pit'('l" h I .., 'Id,. 111 1 h ,. ~ 111 r· ,. io I "1'111 ·~dav Hl :1 11 i•ffnrt to ~(·!1 t)f dirrt'l1011;iJ t•q11tpn11~nt. t'roni \\.11,•r t:;d••,' hP ..,,11 d pholo!-'..r aphs t:1k<·11 nf l h c the 1•'1\A 111 ~11 Jll'l"Jn11 s l:i ntl1ni,.: (;11\d11,1\1·1· .... ;11d Ii.· 11.1-. 1·1 1n t'st"apadv. ·rht•.\· offered lhe ll'I S 10 ~r:.iv :11. l11 g l1 ;d11lud1·.-. 11111·1 ·d 1:oril \111! 11111 !111 ;1 J1ilt pi(·turi's for s.·:it.KI. '1oni.:l'r th:11l lx·for1.• in n1;,1king !,.rn1 111·-..1 \ 1•.1r. lhl'lr ;1ppro;1ch GEM TALK TODAY \ _, .. .,._ ·-" .. -:;:-· \\,Brilliant g ift ideas. BY ' · Diamond fas hion rings " •• PERI DOT IN ANTIQU E JEWELRY r l•'rc<1ucntl y e n cr>untert•<I in :, a nt iqu e jcv.'Pir_v is ;i t.:le ar "°" olivc-g r c<'n s tone o n ce bo u g ht as l~ :.i n "ev e ning e me rald." It w o uld ' n{>W be ide n tifie d as J>e rido t, gem -~-~...., varictv of thc-m in er a l olivine, , wil)1 Which c rn erald was often J confused. f Since pcriclot was kno wt1 in ~ Biblical l im es and was used by C the Egyptia ns , the so urce was ~ thou ght to be ~omcwhere in tte ... east e rn M c ditcrrancan a rca.f1 E;,ir\y in t he twentieth century lhe ~1 nne1ent s our ce·. o n th e s mall \'f island of St . John in the Rt•d ~ca.' w ~1 s r e di s cove r e d . and n ew! mining pit s t.hc 1·c yield s upe rb c rysl<1l.~. . J. c. A gift that -wi11 be trea~ured lor a . lifehmo. Bnllianl diamond rings in a w;cie v ariely or styles. Crafted o( lustrous 1 ... karat gold. Diamond fashion rings ar-e beautiful gifts for all occasions -anniversaries. bi rt hdays, graduatio n, h011d4ys. From our complete co1lect1on. Othe r g0n1 quality depos its <>Cf'u r in J\or111 a. C cy i (>n .*, 'Aus lrali;l and llra z1I , l>ut these .._ 1 82 JNEWPOR T BLVD,COS TA ~1ESI\ I I s ma ll st<lncs ca nnot con1p;1rc \v i th ~~ . CONVCNt[NT 1rn;.,1s .. the magni fi r c nl 11c ri<lots fro111 St. '. ~7 Y( ARt. !N ft IE SA.M( LO~~TION Johns ls land. .... '~~-~'iii ....L.: ., ..... • . .If DAILY PILOT Wediie~rh .. y. Junuary 2'9 1915 . .Just ~ :Booth Coasting ,~J . Rips State oep-rt1Dent @ with Tom arphine \V r\SlllNGTON tUPI I /\ bomb exploded ln a third floor restroom of Lhc State IJl'part ment early today. collups tn~ "'alls, rupturing water pipes and d1 sludg1n g ceiling tile 100 ft~ct ay,•ay. 'l'hl' r Jdical "Weathl·r Un- il~·r~ruund · \~K>k credit for the bl :ts t. 'l'iLl'l't· "'ere no injuril'S in the 12.5() a n1 . explos ion, whi ch oe- ··t1rre<J un lhc l:>a"1 e floo r t hat •'1 )nla1ns off1<·cs of the /\gcncy fn1· lntvrn:1t1onal l >t.-ve lopn1~·nl . the p rincipal aa;cncy hand.Jjng U.S . foreign aid, lmcluding funda: for Southeast Asia. An orgunization calling itself "·l 'he W eathe r U nde rground Organiza.Lion" cla,imed credit in tele phone calls to the news m cdiP for· the blas t. A l:>Crtcs or phone calls a ncl notes claiming to be from the or· ganization c riticized U.S . in- vol11e1ncnt in Southeast Asia. The ··\\leather Underground'' is bc:Jievcd to be ;in offs hoot of t he radical \\'C'..ithC!rmen which took credit for a number of protest bombine s at the height of ihe Vietnam War .. This was a d a mn big bomb," Dis trict of Columbia P oliceman Charles Lightner said . "It wasn't one of those blow the lid off things." 1·0 reach the explosion site . whieh is c losed lo the public, a person mu::;t pass through de- partment security checks. 'fhc bo111Ll v.•c:nl off two floors above the department's ioterna· tional conference roorn, where Secretary of Stale He nry A. K.is&- inger conducted 11 news con· fe rc n ce Tuesd ay. Whe n K i ss- inger arrived for wor k today he inspected the damage, but hod no comment. The b ui lding was open fo r bus i- n ess today, but tighte r -lhun normal security precautions were set up. Govern ment eecurity agents, police and firem en wo rked in U1c debris , attc mptiug to rtnd clue~ as to how the bomb wias planted. News organ.iz.a ttons around the country r ecei\'ed telephone calls before the explosion directing re· porters to phone booths where letters \\·ere left \Varning of the bomb und t:riticizing U.S. in- vo! vcn1enl in Southeas t Asia. t>n 1·uesday. l>residenl 1'.,ord ;,1sked Congrl'S:i to approve $522 million in ~•dditional m ilitary aid to South Vietnan1 and Cambodia. ll l(~K\' 'l'll 't\\' l'(tJ,l'l'IX : 01'Jll l-:t' l 'o11n! v Huar tl 11 1 ~u p e r v 1 -.u r .., t 'h a-1rn1l.l n lt a!ph Dit·driL·h g 1·:111dly l:1 uncht·d 111-. lri;il b •llluon :,t·~tcl'Llil) tu (.'ft·.d(· .t fai r ('an1p~1ign µr<.1<.·l1 ces l'OOl n11ss ion he rt: in our r cgiun 11 rl11\1.• rcl)OSL'' 111 <lt•0:1l t•1I ('t1nd1!1011 1111 on !hL· lo..•1·1 :1 lir·rn.i l I 1 :-. g r .1 !J d h :1 I I 111111 \\ .i -. Egypt to Purchase French Jets IJUtll'IUrt·d .1nd :-.hu ! dH\\r\ Ill.• 1111 I h:dlot b y tu,. fi.:llo\\ ... up1 •1 \ ,..,ur ... 'l'hc:, \ott•fl l111 :1hlt· th1· nut1 url q! lu rn1 ing .i thrt..·t•-pt.:1 :.011 ".1 lLhdi•i.: boll rd You !->huuld know th.ii \.\hen •Hit' t Jr:.inge Co unty sup1•r\·1sors \'Ute to table ... omclh111g. lht•y :1rt• ,lll )';l ht•ing polilt'. '\'h;.1L rnt•:111;. 111 rcHJ1 t ;I/. they kick .. i1:_,undl·r the lOJbll' ;ind sto1n1~nti l it tlil·:-. . f'll/\IRt\-1 1\N l)ll·:l)lf.l \'ll 'S Hll'a v,:a::. tu h;1 vc lhrt'l' 1.11.:op l' .<JP pointL"d ~•s political (•arnpaign "'atchdog:-.. Non1inat1ons '''oulJ t•ome fro n1 ou 1· Supt:rior ('ourt prcsidi ng jud ge , anotht·r from the Ora nge County C1·<J11J Juror s' .<\:-. s ol'1ation : Lind the th ird fro n1 ;in outfit kno,vn ;.is Sign1a Dc ltv ('h i. the soch:ty of journ ~1J ists It \\';1s a ssumed that lhl· juur n:.iJi'.-,ts ''ould non11n atl' ;1 newspaper person a nd I.be othl'1·:-. "·ould pr·o posc 1·cgula1· people I d on't kno'v how n1u ch good th(• ncv. s papl·r pers on \\'Ou Id ha ve bt'.'en on the comrnittce if it '''as lo 1>robe the high fin<.inces of political c;.indJd:.ttt:>s in Orange County. fo.1ost jour nalists I know can't balance a checkbook. They are 1~ublic E nemy N urnber (_)n c w ith :i l'ha rge card . Insurgents Sink Two Fuel Ship s l•'ro1n \\'ire Services l>~f NOl\·1 PENl-1 Communist-led forces sank t\\'0 l'uel tankers and set a third abl:izc today as they poured h(•;.ivy gunfire on the third con .. ·oy alt en1pting to r e ach blockaded Phnon1 Penh· in a ,,·eek , port authorities announced here. Port officials said two South Korean fut>I t ankers, the Bo'> ( I N SHORT J I loeung 7 ;ind I Ian Seeung 2. were s unk by ins urgent fire from tht:: uP1 r111ptio10 ~lekon g fliv e r banj.;s fi ve m iles up:-;lrca m fron1 Neak I ... u on g r1;1val b~sc and 32 miles P.o:::;ton ~1 nl1!Ju s i n g l(·ac.lv1· -"Outhl'~1 st o fth eca pit at. .Jo lin K L·rrig;111 ,,·:1s SJ)las h c <I ffre.:f1 11ev Sightetl \~Ith p;1]11t 'J'ucs(la,· IJ\· t.ll'· :\J l)SC()\V Soviet l c~1 d er JllPll ~! r;1\!1rs ;11 l~os.t<u1 'st;il l' l.l·onid Hre1.hnt~\'. Y•hu ha:. bc:en C u lle .!..!l' \\'h L·r e ht.· is <.1 :dJsent fr om public functions for • EGYPT ·~ \ "<""'"-'~ '-· ,. \ \ SINAI GIDDI PASS ' ' .. ...,--. '~ I ,-.·-·-.· I ---M 1 Tl A I PASS Missiles JJA RIS (U Pll -E gyptian Prt>s id e n t ,\n"':1r S:ldCtt said today t·'r:incc \\·ill sell him its 1:1\e ..... 1 t.\Pl' 1,800 111 .p.h. l\1i rage 1\ a rp!anl':-. Frl·nth go \·crnme nl (}ffil·i :1l~ :;aid Sadat h a d ...uhn1ittl·d :i s hoppin ~ li::.t for $2.2 Uilliun "·orth tif "a I" equipment . Sadat told the ne\\S confer('nce Ile i.:oulJ µlcdg(' t::gypt :.i nd Syria lli.'\'l'r to atta(·k Israel first and that "it is pus~1 blc th:it v.·c cnn ha\'l' peace " in the l\1iddle East for the fir::.t tin1e In 26 years. lie insistl•d . hO\\'cv.er, tha t the situation ":is explosive in the i\liddl ~ 1':;1 :-.t :tncl dl1manded that J ~r.it!l \1 itlldra\\.' ils m ilita ry forl'('S fron1 :ill fr ·onts and a gree tu lhl• l'l't';d ion nf a Palestinian ~t !11 l' JO U RN 1\l~ISTS f'!NTE·R ;1 b:ink in hun1blc :.ind contrite co ndit ion. l ikc th e mil d · · \,. 1 .. ~ ,,£?.:.un.·.q,·~I Cl~n~· ' ·nt. Arter the,· ~~, •.. ,,l\'~~.---2> -""'l;M'!J ~~·~·..,· ..... • 1 •~-,_.-..,, ~u..'1,~'" ,,,..~..._ __ ':!' front doorlmusclcs n ex ing,,.C<l\.ll' flying In ht> wir'Jd. They h ave been trans formed intO Super·· Spender. te:JChl'r . K1.::r rig<.111 h ~d take n fll':l rly five '"eeks. \\·:is reported :'ll!~1--~ :r:-·•rii;J ""'···--jpg.... • !:i,~!-j~~l, .IJ~-s-~·¥.?~9,.,:\y.pf~J.~p~,. . ...... . ... ~~"' • ..: · ."11' J ... g, C-··--, to c eseg rcga 1ng sch<Hlls . :inu-·1 ui.:sa·3·y , --" • ~ -. 1\ hi g h -rank i n g \Vc s t e rn UN 8UFFE" -.. SPE r\Kl:\G .\Ta n ews 1·111l ll't'••111·1· 1·1ul1n ~ lus lhre,('·day ... 1.11 .· 11 ~!! So1d;d :-.:ud t he ;1rn1s ill':il \•Ill 111l'ludt· lhl' dl'ILvcry of ~ .· ::..,,~<il-~: J• •'l~~'~J ~-£:tl, .. ~, .. -'· 111lly thl' J· rt'111·h :11f' tu't~ tins ~ q hl·t·n ..... 1q1p!il'd "1th the mach 2.::i t'ighlt:r hu n1ht•r::.. • · • -~ r d'ir'l'o'h't;tt' "s';rt d he s aw the ZONE Wilbur Mills l·o~n1unis t µarty~ chief being: 1\ny"·ay. Uicdrich's g rand no · lion of th e \\'atchdog commitlel' h a s been dC'flated. llis fe llow Supt:>rvis or Halph Cl<Jrk of the Fou1·th District up in An<..1hl'in1 d id mos t of the deflating:. Cl a1·k said the wat<'hdo ~~ v.·o uld s imply be <:rC'<iting OJ nL'". l;.1y cr o f purt"aUl"r:.:t <:y \Vhi t.:h v.•ou ld on1~' gather trivi a l in formatioa:i a r1Yway. Hf';SIDES TtlA1', Clark ~ug ­ gcst c d , ·Orange County 1s ;_1 pl Lice \V hich is free of signifi cant campaig n ·a buses. ·rh1s sh ou ld come to you as in· l c 1·es tin~ i ntel li ge nc e . Parti cularly s ince you are a resi· d e nt o f a cou nt y where s up e r v i s ori:i l can1paign ~ the m selves run into six figures. Als o, you livl' 111 a t·ounty \\'here s on1 c <.udc:-: or " nc \\'IY elected con~r·essman hJ\IC bl't.'11 indicted b y the Ci i·and .Ju1·y on al- l cga I ions t hc.i l l hey U ~l'd phun y ;_1 d dresses to r egister to \'Ol.l' /\nd t ht:> same Gr;1 nd .Jury h;1 .-; indicted cx-:1 idcs of our fol'nl l'I :.i sse ssor :ind nO\\.' t·ungrt.• ..... s n1 :1r1 on othl·i· ;tllvg:.iti on:-. that tl1<' :1~· Sl':-.so1"s 1d'f1cc anrl <:oun1 y l:1.x p<.1 y cr.s' t ln1c \.•:a~ abuse d <ind m is used un his <"Cn1 g1·L"ss ion:d ('amp:11 g n . /\NU \l()U l,IVI-: 111 t h e. ~a n1e <'C)unt.v ,.,,hert' v.•hi spt•rs circ:ul<i tL' heavil y 111 the County Se<.1t thaL more in<.li e Lrncnls n1 ay yet strike the polilie:.11 high and n1i ~ht)' Of cour·sv. Supc1·,·isor f 'lark n1<.1y bl· r1 ghl ThC's t• litllt.• prr1hl1·m:-. Jl'l•11 '1 1 l· ally s igniric:int. Tunzed Loose, Disappears .\\"..\Slll.'_.l;·rl1:'\· ( .. \!'1 ltl'P \\ !\hu1 I> \\111 ... has bt·t·n d is- n11 s~t·d I rorn l ~(·\h(•sd:1 \/a v<il ilo:.p11 a l \\'h('r1• he ''';1 :-\rl';i!ed 1'or ll L':Jr ly l\.\u n1un1h s for <1 l<:nh ol1srn '['he /\rk:1 ns:1~ IJL"lll!1l'r ;i1 lcJ't i\lo nd:.iy. Llul tiH.J 110 1. appear u n C;1pit(JJ I J ii l 'l'ul'sd:1 v and c·ou Id riol IJ C' r c achetl ;it h1S ~q>::.irt mc 111. Jn ~uburban Virginia or hi s hon1c .at f.:c ns('tt, ,\rl\ \.L'ne Goss, the <:on grcss m:;n ·~ :idtnlni:..trat ivl' a id t.:. s aid ht• ll«.1rnl•d about i\l dls' departure fron1 .1 1·L"portl'I' <i nd dh.l nnt know ! he (•ong rl·~:-;m;1 11 ':-. \\ hl'r L"a hou1 :-.. c;o:,:-. s;1 1d Ill' 1i~1J nol \;dkL"d "'ith ,\I di.-. ·\ hv::.p1t ;,d "l ~~1:::-.n1 1.111 l'l'fUSL'll <"Ol11 111l'tl1 t \.l'l'Pl lo :-..i v 1\ltl ls v.·a:-. d1~1n1 ss1'd :',!011d:1 y l',;'tn ni..: 1 I\ "''t11r+d ,1 111l';t!I\\ hi ll·. :...1 ·n1111"lt• ('011111 ~ .Judgl' ll:irnld . J11!1n ..... 11!\ 11.1 :.. d1:-.n11. .... ::.l..·d 1ndl·c:.:cn 1 •·:\p(1:-.ur1· l'h;1ri;cs ;1t.:.a1nst. l•'a11nc i ''ox v . I Ii v ~t r1 PPl'r f r1 L"rld of i\I i l 1:-.. .1111111 :-..nn :-.1iid '1'11 l.'sCt:1,V 1111.! prn- :o.t'l'\ll 11111 11 <.ul L.11ll·d \11 prn\·c· that 1ht· :1H <~·vo.ir·old !>ll 'IJJPL'I' v1111:1tl·d till' ];,i\\ \\'hl'!l ~·hl· :1ll (·~(;d ly llpt•ns .. J !ull·IL"ngt h robe 1111 :-.la~t· \\'hil v \~t·:.irini..: nothing 1111- \IC'l'lll'<1lh 1 'harµ1·s \.l.L"rc also di:..- 1n1s...,ed -i ;..;.1111 ... 1 ;\lich:1rl l'1nll'f. np«ralnr of the nighti·l ub :11 \\ h1~·l1 :\l 1.'I:-l-'n\.t' \\ ;1s p1·rfnr1111ng ll1 ·r· I ~" hl·n :-..h1· \\•;.1s 1.1rrcslcd <1r 1,·e n down Kutuz.ov s k y Pro.spekt from his apartment to 1h c Kremlin o n Tuesday. A \Vcs te rn corr espondent said he .-.a\v llrt:>zhnev n1aking the same l1·i p today in h is bla ck Zi l limousine. Sugar l11qHi'11 \\'ASl lfNGTOi\' 1\ Jcd cr<:1I gr:1nd jury is in\'e::.ling po:-.siblc: ind u s t ry pri l'c -fi xi n g in c11n1tt'l'l ion "·ith last year 's s harp hike in ~uga r prices, a J ustic:.:t· Dep<lrtmcnt s poke s man t·onfirmed ·r uesday night. "A federal grand jury in l\'c\\· York is look ing into possible pri ce-fi x in g in t h e s u gar 1ndustry :· said the spokesman, 1\1 ark S heehan . -I Boats Fined Qt.:11'0, Ecu;:1dor -Ecuador f 111ccl four U .S. tuna vessel:> u tolal or $464 .44 Tuesday and ('Onfi scated t heir catch of I ,030 tons for opc r:iti ng ,,·ithin \\';Jlers n \'1•r \\h i c h J;;c u ~i cl nr clai1n:-. 1 ur1~d1 et1o n It "''--'S lhe first 11mc in lhl' luni..: tun:i "ar'' be\.'A'Ccn 1':cuaclnr .111 d l ' S . fis hl·rmen that fi s h luund Ht the holds '~C'rC ::.cizl·d 'l'una i ~ cruotcd on inte1·n:i tional n1arkets ~1 l SS a ton, making the sc 1 zed C':·i r gos \~·ort h $82·1.000 D(•1111111rk Sl111k1•11p , C OPEN ll AG EN -Dani s h Pr1 n1C' :rt inis 1Pr 1~oul llartling 1od:1y ha nded in his r esignation II) <lu cc•n J\'I ar):!rethe, just 20 da y" ;1ft l·r thL' C'll·c:tions <.1 nd hours .i ftl'r h1 s t1ber::i l n1i no rit\· govt:>rnn1f'nf l1')~t ~1 n1.»tonfill cnl·~· IU\t' G r eat Lakes Pounded Snowstor111 S,,t-eeps Out of R ockies Temperaf. urf"s Ahllnld 81~m.,rtk e.,..1on llull"'" C/\1'-""10 C1ncill""'' c1 ... ., •. ,,,o O.illill~ Oen•e• 0e1,oo1 F'•"b.!"-· Ht"lfnd H()nOluh> IC•n••SC.olY L~\leg.i' Ml11m1 MH,.....ultff ,.. ......... poll'\ "It'• Or1-e•ll\ '°"',.York N(Wth Pl•llc ()ltl.atloma {.tty ---' P•lm SQrlnq~ PNl..ctefptll• -· Pitts.ti\!• Oh Porll<tnd, O• ~ ·-t.Kr•'"""'" Sl.l.Ou•S $<tit l..•l<t' C.·•. ...., l"r•nchtci 5'1a11te --W<f•h JflQIOf' H1qh " " ,, " ,. " " ,, .. ~ ~ ' "' .. ,, " " .. w " ,. " ,, .. " " " .. "' " ·' ,.. " ~ " " "" •• • " "' " " ,, " " " " .. ., " "' " ,, " .. " " .. " " • .. ,. " " ,., " ~ " ~ ' ,. Pt1t . " ... ·" "" .. "' .. "' "•"0"•1 "'' •'"'''''"'(I IO•tC•r;I •• I•"' I'' •-)<J ·'S 10•1 n """14•111.u ~" "~" u" W1 .,,., ,010< .. u • ,.Qu.111..G l1"!drlV In l "" A-fl()""''''"'' 1 .. m0"•<1t11•n tl•DP"'d lo '""'l•"O u• bt••ow 1n """'• l lll>uf!>'. Mu111 0 1 tl'lt' ~"""' ,~ lorl'tn't '''" IDn1ql\! an(I f fl1J~•IJ1>~. "llnovqn ,, "'""IO<• Ouol~ •n !OllJ l(MO' on II>" •ii\ '" ~ ,\nl1' •l>,•1<«1 I" U:>• 1'n7 ,,., H+"'"'"'' •· ''"~'"•Qh! !Ow' ... 111 r., " "' ·~ •n tr>~ •011\10• ""(I'""'""'""'~' .. ~.,11~~'-II\" 7Q\ 1n u~ n•o1.m1.1u1, .,..,,., .. lh•• ""' .. 11~1·1 .. ,,, k>w.ir '" J.~ !e"-t ·"'<I IM~ /~ <>no;l JU. on t!lo' &J. "I" I' / A "'no .. ~!tHm \-pt out ol the "'°'' ,,., •11<1 1n10 lhll ~•I IAkn '"' tl•Or>~.tfl• tOIJ,ly. ',now or lrt•1!110 r•ln hd lht' f1,,,,,.t4, la ,..,. •t1nt1ot11.1nd he•VY M'IOW w~•n•n<J' "'"nl up lor Sotlth 081101•, 1«.wA M onn"\011, WIM;Oll•Jll .11\d Motll•ll""· Fo.ir Int ""' or sf'IOW 1>1-.cr uo .. 1 Al,..•<lfo•n ,"' 0 , •M5t.C.tou0, Mh\n, Ou1<n9 1>e111•y riun and IOQ, • sm•ll Cl!~'"" .10rcrdlt cr•l.ll<ld dDOtl1 three mile\ norc~1s1 o4 <f Coiumous. 1"1:1 , dtrporl, killin9 l l'lfH ptr\Ot;i., Hl!i!YY r.11ns lrlQQert'd ltO<lding '" 11-e Cr.k.,<:10 suburb of Mot !or> Grov•·, Ill W;oler S .. •rierl ...... ....,,,,one h~U teel /Jeep ir> some "'""'· tlos•nq ro~"'· A l+d'h llOQd walch w~nt lnta tl!t<I tor odns 011 111nols. '>l>O .. dnd f<l•n <ov~•M No11~rr> C<tH lorn+., 11rid Oregan. I\ ... nter "°"m w;olc.l"I w;o, l'Sued lor l'IOr,l"iern A.r l>O'I" Sllies Clfl•1'11d ov-er U"oe R«Jo.ifs .1r>c1 111.,,n~. S11lei; were •lw elf.Ir In 1ne !ooutl'ot'.111, but MMI! log mo111fd lh(o Gultc~st. Co...ta l Weadaer Cloudy with • c~ of ~s lt>is .1ll••l>OCWI Mtd IClnlghl. Oe•""9 lhur..,.,.,. Wl..OS 10 le '' l!llOU tNt •lier-~ IOl'liflll. HIOllt kM»y in l,_.W1. C.0.il•I l•mPff•l.,...J Wiii t.t!>Qltl ~\-4} Mod st.. lnl...cl lffl'llN'•.lhlftt wilt , .... brt.wn JI Mtd !4. Thlt w11ler f.tfllCJet'Mur• wlll ~ ~. Sun , /lfoo11, T hie• WIONEIOAT SetOl'IJ I-1:J7p.m, ·0 ' Sotconclhlgn 11:02p.m, >, TMUl:IOAT . lilrUlow 11,. .. m, 0.1 PULLBACK PLAN-i sr Jcl has offered to \\ ithdra\\' :i I miles in "C" Si nai Dcserl 111 trootJ pullback Jgrccmcnl "·ith J--~gY Jll but ins ists on keeping str<.1tcg1c n1ount~1in passes anc1 oil fields . ",\" 1n<lit'<.1lcs E gy1)t line ~nd "11' the l sr<.1 eli Jinl'. Panel May Endorse Larger Tax Slash \\l/\Slll~G 'fO:\' (l 'l--'I) -l\ t o:x cut o f $18 billion or m orl' may!)(' approved by the I lou::.c \V ays :ind f\ifcans Committl'e by the end •Jf lll'X t \.\CCk . Th l' co 01 m it t t:> t:> . ".hi r h o r1g 1n ~1tes all t ~1 :-; ll'g1sl•1tion in Co ng ress. l>c g 1n s 1'hu rsd~y considl·rinJ.! ;1 bill pr(1p11:-.1•d hy it. ... c·h ;11 rn1 :1n . H ep ,\J 1·11n1an t U Ore.) L'lln1;1n \\':1ut s th \' <·omrniltt'(' 10 <·nn1pl1•tc lht• hill bt•forc ('on g rC'~~ hC'g1n~ 1t 5 I O·d~•Y l .inroln ':-; ll1r Thtl ;1y rt~ccss t't:>h. 7 'l'h c l lllm :1n b1ll . ''hic•h L-" rl r :1Y..in ).! :-.trnn ~ C'!\n1n11tl t·•· s upport . ,1 ould cnrnlnnc a $6 bdl1 f111 1:1:.: rt·ha\l' \V1lh S8 bilhun 1n p ~·rma nl·nt t ;1x_ (·uts c111(1 (·red11 s for J •\H~r :111d n1o<l1·r;11{· 1n rom t· pl·r:-.o ns, :don~ \\11h S·I hil1111n 1n bu:-.1lll'S:-. I.ix 1JH'l'llt1 vl':-.. l "l.1 .. \1 ,\l'\'S l~I L I , \\Ould "'<':ill ll!!h· t11 thr 1·11"11 ~111d to uppl'1- 111 iddll' 111l'Onl l' Pl'l':.ons \\'ho iten11l.c dcduc t1on s. It \\'ould be heavily \\'C'iJ.:ht.cd to\\'OJrd thr poor . :1l l h oui.:h <i nyone \11ho continues to use thl' standard d e du c ti o n 'vould b e nefit some what no n1 atte r ho,.,, high the incon1t·. L'nlik e Pres id e nt t~o r d 's proposed $12 billion tax rebate propos al. only a portion of Ull man's bill wo uld come in a n immediate payml'nl from l hl' tre asury. J\·t o:-.L \11ould cuml· in reduc tions in \\·it hholcling ratt's L'llman also l1rnit C'd his l'(•h.Jtl' t11 10 pt·rcen t of 1971 laxes l1 J ii n1:.ixin1um o f S300 and "'Ould CL\'l' 1t t9 lll.l o ne making n1urc th:in SJ0.000 f-'nrd's rt·botc \\';1.s 12 \Jl'r l't·nt up to St .OOtl for :di I ux p;i~ er::. .. :l·unun1i~t s . rlur1ng SC\'l•r;1I d a \'S o f <·on1 n1 1ttl'(' tt·sl1n1 un,· agfccd a!mo::.t un;1111n1ou:-ly th~11 f.'ord·s pr opo~l·cl t ;1x 1.:u t \1';1s tno ~rn:ll l a nd th;ll m ust of tht• tU1 :-.hn uld l·o m C' in lr1\.\·er "1thllol<ling r;11~·i-. n1J\ all 1n ;i turnp :-.11111 rel.):11 ~· t :l.Ll\11\1'\'S UILI .. :-..o la r appears to bC' the Dcmocrat1 c ~111:-.\1·cr tu \.'o rd ':-. pro~r;1n1 In add1t1 on tn tht· l ~J'i l rchall'. the L1Jln1an hill \\'Ould 1nal\e thc:-.t• t han ~es 10 t97f> t;;1xc:-. ln t'J"l'>•..,t· llil· ;-,l ;t tld;i !'d llPdll~'lJflll fil l' t l11J."l' \\ hn du nnl itt:·m11.(' declu C'tions fron1 1:, J)C r cenl to 16 perce nt of inconll' and r a ise the n1axin111n1 fron1 11 ... present $2,000 lo $2.500 l'or single 1:1xpayc rs ;ind $3.000 for ioi nt returns . · -A 5 per cent tax credit "'ould be granted to l ow i n come• "'orkers up to a maximum or S200. This cred it wo uld pha se out hetv.•cen S•l ,000 and $8 ,000 of income. ;\ .101111 o!f1c1 ;il communiqUl' ... ;ud 1-·r;111Cl' :1g r ccd to sell Egypt 1n1l1l ;1r.'' 1•q11ip ment ··10 <·<1rnpt:>n..;;t1 1· 111 p;1rt for losses ~uffl'ft'll h~ l·:j.!~·pt '' during thf- (l('tnhl·r t~r;-;i \1 :ir. S<.1d <it h :1 :- c·h;1rg(•d rt·1H·:•l•·d ly that Sovie! llu:-.:-.i u. ulll't' t'._gy pt 's exclusi \'t" .1rn1:-. :-uppl1t·1·. ll.1 ::. not Sl'lll him ;1 -...111g!t· 1\t•;1p1>n \11 replenish hi ~ .1!'1lltH'it·:; ~lllt't' \!J7:J. 1:lt l·::\t'll )I I l .IT 1\R\' sources -.;ud !ht· d ~·l1\'l·ry of the l\1 ir;;1 ges 11 01 ii d t .d \ far s hurt of the number 111 pl ~in•::-. .,;gy pt ;inf\ Syri:i lost in 1:r1:L \\ llH:h "·:i s thl'n l'~timated .11 n1orc than 3UO planes. lhpl<i11 1:1t1l' SOU rCl.'.S s ;iit.I Egypt ;1 !~0 "111 buy .i nu nl ber of Crotal1..· )!ruu nd ·to-;__11r nli:.:.1ll's :.ind radar l'qUIJllllt'/ll. l,.l'l'lll'h go\ L"rnmC'nl officials :-.aid P rl•:-;1d l•n 1 \':.i lcry C:iscard o· ~::.taing , \\hill' upproving lhC? :-.a ll· of :\l 1rage:-. nnd o th er n1L11 1;1ry 1n .lll·r1t·l lo ~gypt, h::is dt•rull·d to ~l'l'\J the dch\'cries under l'O ntrol :-.o a~ not to upst·t !ht· :'ll 1ddlt· 1·;.i ~L tnila ncc ol 111111~·r . t>1 p l<1n1;.il1t' :-norc('S ~:iid J·'r;1 1H.:~~ h <t..; ;1p pro ,·l~d Saudi /\r:1 hi :~·s d111·1s 1nn 10 transfer tu l·:g_,·pt lhl' :ix :'I I 1r agC's the. Saudi~. houghl 111 I Hi:! '!'hose planes arv (lf th t.' oldl·1· i\J 11·vge Ill ty pe. Daily Pilot Otti•ery I' Guarontttd "'U"''"v·rruJ.,y 11 vou do noi hdVct Vf•!lf f',<Of' llv ... JO pm (;Jll b<'IQl e I r> rn .1nrt ynur 1.roriv will bo d<J· h"'l''l'O ~.durll.1'1' .,nu !~11hd!ly fl voo do nol rr•c•••v" Y\1"' ~·1Pv I.JV 9 am. S a!ur- 0.1..,, "' 8 a m ~und;1y call befOfe \0 •' "' .inO v nur copy woll 00 doh..,erod. Cit'c6Holio11 T~.,.._. Mosl Orange Counlv Areas •42-4J21 No.-!hwest Hun11ng1on Bea:::t>, ano Westm1ns101 .••. , • , . $40..llll S;in Clemente. Capistrano Boach San Juan Cap1~t1ano. ' Dt1n11 Po int. Sou1h Laguna, Laguna Niguel ••..•.•••• 4fs.olJI Boycott Set For Ziegler Kennel Tragedy Ou:ners Slai1'4 Dogs Starve E:AS'l' I .1\~'S I NG. l\il ich. t1\PJ The student govern- ment :it ~1ic h igan Stat e Univers ity has \.vithdra\.\·n its !\l l:<\:\1 1. r·1a. (UJ>I l.--: The E nc hantress Kennels once bred world $1 .250 financial :-;upporl for 3 cha ~p1on dogs. Today 1L 1s out o f business -its owners sla in in their campu s ;ippca r a n ce by bcd.1tsdogs rescued fromneer·s tarvation . form e r p residential press . . Coast Guard U . Cmdr. \Va lter C. Parker, 39, a nd his wife Mar. secr e tary Ilona Id L. Ziegler. Jorie . 35. were found murdered Monday. police s aid. On a 7.:J vote Tuesday night.. T hen s~moone thought to check the gar age. T here they found 'the Associated S tudents of som e 80 pc d18feed poodles, starving a nd living in filth. l\tic higa n Stale U niversity .. Officials ~esday found the dogs bunched with excre m ent and a lso called for "m ass picket· urine surrounding each cage . Sgt. Armand Nill er. a n anima l control Ing a nd a boycott of the . o.ffi cer for 13 yearH . s~id t he dogs were in "the most d e plorable condi- specch" if the universit y goes t1on I ha ve ever seen.' a head with plans 10 bring Detectives have r efused comnlenl on ihcir investigation inLO the Ziegler Lo lhe c ampus on f'eb. d ouble s laying. · 27. l\tillerh estil.hmatded it took kwecks for so nluch filth to build up in the Ken Reachlcr . director of garage"' e re e ogswere e pt. llesaid "there was h olrmattedonlo the un ive r sity 's lecture · the cagesso th.ickyou couldhardl ysce thedogs.'" concert series. said the school -1'he poodles we re found in a ~ea led Ru rage "'hic h orre r cd no v en· will honor the S?,SOO contract 1 Lil at io n. Cages we re s tacked up o n I.op of one a no the r , with four to wit.h Ziegler . The unjversity seven dogs per cage. All the an imals we re covered with sores and M•on~ T flur<·tt•v woll lit' '""""(I \h 1n l.(l>Ar>g~i~ .. tn~ l-0-'"I,... •lllil•v'. l!H• '\(I\'" I,,.. mount••~~-•1 to l1 In '"" vi• l>o" -~" .11'11 ~J lo61 •n thl' lowt"r,,. ...... ,~ rh .. '"'' m 11•11 '""Welt •IW OumP· •"<I tour '"~""' ol i.tlOW II' "-•llM , Wro. <fr>d C td•r Cll y,:1Jt111 . ! '""'•lt•s wer" w•rn.d 911M•'" bl-. 1"11 snow •n 11>1> Colot'-rnouota.ln" 5howt-• s •nd !l'lvnd•r11tti,.llllrt 'lftlchtd l ram llUllOIJ Into P•n· f!~y!Y.1111.1, flr1tl'll9h. 10:iO•m. i4 tecenolow, ~:tlp.m, .0:1 I lorc.llt1rdfl191i 11; .. .,m. l .f , n r1d th c s t udent cou nc i 1 roaches a r1d rnany were s uffering from m aJnulrilion. · I II The poodles wcre t nken to an animal control facility . ~~~~-na Y were lo s plit the "-......Tho Enchantress Ke nnels housed s uc h world champions in put I nu•~•v ... 111 d.1wn <loudy. bul .... ,,. "'~ • • ,,..., t~o 10 1 l~•r oy 1•t•< - t'O()ft •n "'0>1 ••~··· s.un ~IMtf:!t•.rn .. •••J 20 p.m . M90fl rl ... l :lif p,"'-, MUI : 14t ...... .• '-----------~~ years as Champion J .C. Blgspendc.r and Bonbon's Chocolate Chip. I L ' 0 of era 'l'ra o rd lo k no ing T bet llr Lro uo· lh wh put' kill Mu (leg leer B fur the Vir s . s Sno 'rue l~a . F' Mo IV par ,. i l' .. in ( par s ('he has fl:i l s ro 1\lu t :a l .. l. p s 1~01 l1tJd 'l'u lli·i. fol' T (· [('r h;id rno r1..•g I ' I'()\ ..., :i I .. p "(' ;J r lh n1i ha tif co lo s i ju ~1 r se is h i M :in m p r fa B "" I in to JJ1 < II M n s p ... c I ' Tra·gedy Revealed On Tape OAKLAND CAP) -'fhe driver of a service truck killed in o.1 crash with a B ay Area Rapid Transit train had to be radioed orders five times a nd a ccording to the BART controll er "didn 't kno w what the h ell he was do- ing." T a pes of the conver s ation b e tween !he drive r , A r thur (.._ __ s_1_a1_e_~) Briggs, end UART 's centra l t·o n- trol were pl ayed 'l'ues d:.1y for a board o f inquiry investigating the Jan. 19 coll ision .. 'fhe c r a sh has pro mpted a spe c ia l sarety inves tigation into the $1 .6 billion tr;1nsil i;yste m by the California r>ublic Utilities Comn1ission . Youth Plead" Guilty .. MODESTO (UPIJ -A youth who had p estered sheriff's de·· 1iuties with false conrcssions of k illings h:1s pleaded g u ilty 1n Muni c ip o.1 1 Court to s t·C ond <lcgr cc n1urtll'I' in lht• death or ;1 teen-a ge girl. l{ichal'd l\lfnrll. 1!1, thC son o r :1 rurme r M od1._·~1n h:t nkt•r . Pnll'rL·d the pica 'l'U L'sd:iv 111 the dl';i\h ut Virginia J-:. J..u~~hlin, l:J. \\ho \Vas s hol l \\'il'l.' on1d 1·:q 1('d ;uit! \\'hose bod y \.\'<is found ''tl J Jlt'<i l'b loading dock . Sno1c Hits Ball Aren S AN FRANCJSCO <U l)ll 'Snow fe ll at higher t·ll:vations · ~ru csday in thl.' S:111 f•'ranl'iSt:o liuy :1r t•a, u r<ir t' tH·c11 r l't'll t'l' f'lu rrics ;itup :!,fiOH·fo11! high Mount T a n1;.ll p;1 is in J\1.1r1 n <;oun - l y l'll ll :-it'd l hl' 1·lo~11 1g nl' ;1 st;il(• park lhl're . 'l'ht•rt• al ~1 1 \\l'l'l' rt ur- r1 es :.i t ~J ou n\ J)i;t!1lu St:1t1· l'<irl\ in Co ntra l'o:n :i t 'nuntv llul Lhal park \V:1s 110\ l·lo~t·d · FINANCIER 'BLASE' Bernie Cornt•eld Cornfield's ·Secretary Arraigned 7 Males Held On Sex Rap PALOS VERDES IU PI) -/\n allege d m ule homosexu a l pro· stitution r in!-( w hich <.1dvc r ti!>cd the :->cr viccs of young m asscu1·s -was broken up 1'ucsday with the arrests of seven persons, in· e luding two 17·ycar·old s, a t an exclus ive $100,000 ocean front home. 'l'he a rre~t s c ntll'd a s iX·Wt:l·k investigation by police follo\\.·ing a complaint l)C{·. 18 by ;_1n ap- parently d issat1 sficd custon1cr. Wednnday. January 29. 1975 '. /\e1·it1l Plett A h e li co pter t r<.1 i l s a bann er <>v cr 1'crrn ina l lsla ntl in behalr of Osl·ar Klee '"''Ito is !'lc rving a six month sentence ul th~ i-"cder<.i l ra t:ililj ' there' fo r incom e t ax in · vasion . ~C\'cra l groups s po11s or c d the fly- clv<.•r wh 1<·h w.i:; st·hed u le<l 011 Klee's birth- day 1'ucsduy. Journalists Back Fresno Bee Staff University 'Gradi11g' Attacked P olice Captain Monte Newman s aid th e ring advcrl i:-,1.:tl in nc\.\'spapc r s and 1nagazincs an'I catc r1..'ci t'> t•lil·nlelc in cxp1·n ~1 \'t' areas of l ~cvt.:rl y l lill :.. l·'Ht::SNtJ (1\J)J Journa!i ~1 11 Pt•ck1np ~1h t:'-lt:h l1n11· Lh1· Ucl.' S.<\t "R,\r\ll-:N'J'() (i\I'> --State llolly 1,1,1ood, Santa f\·!01111,:;1 arid g roups havt• annuUlll'l'd !-.llpport ::il~iffcr:, rl·fus t:d lo r~·\t•al tlctalis 1·nl ll')!t' :i nd ur1i \'1'rsi ty profl•ssors \Vest lloll ywootl. fur thl't.'l:' t<'rt:sno !.Sec· staff n1t·n1· of hov.· th.._• nl'v.::i p;1pl'I' uht:..iint•d ;1 nl:i,\' lil' h ;i ndin~ uul too manv Police said n1urt· than a do.-:t·n · ·,\" •·radl"•, ·,, ,,.,,,.,,., ..• · ,.0 ,,,,,,,,'. ntale pro slitul('s oper<.ilt:tl i)Lll iif bt·rs l.'lll·d Ii:! ti1nl:'s fur t•unlcn1pt tr:..insc:1·1pt of a gr :nul Jury p l'11l1t· ti·i• ~.~.' ~ ,, .• f1u· <h~c:lin i n g to tlist·l o~c tht•1 r that rcs ull1·d 111 hr1hl'ry ilull t•t the rentt"d h i llsidl' hnn1\ · · . • 'I' ht• l r u ~ t' ., ... ·' ('oon m ·,, t "C "'' s ou r ce ul a :,culeu ~rJtod jury rncnts ag:1111~t Co11111·iln1<.1n !\!art• -~ " 'fhe alleged etucf nl' t he r ing, tr;inscript. Sli:f:.tno :ind lY.:out hl'rs . :\(·;1dt.'1111 e Standards re1)o rtctl Ji.'lo nroe S n1i th , :kJ, ll\\l lH .. 'r uf ;1 Support \.\'as nrrcrcd 'l'uC's<l:.iy '1'111•,.;d~t y 1 hal lhc jll't'('el\lJgt• ot l lo lly w ood res ta u r an t , \Vi.I S 1 1 S · h l\'l :oin agi n g fo:d itor c;cor~.._. I•'. i\·s b :1~ lh .. '{'11 ris•'oi!! ~. t .. ·•ilo'ly .. ,·,·n ··· .. lY t 1c. a n .J oaquin e a pter of tht• ~·" ._,.. · " ....... booked o n s us picion of pa nder· f . 1 J 1. ....~. C runc rwJsl'ilcd liltiml.'s<i ndrl'-1Hti7 \~·h1l1· "(."' a ucl ··u " ••r a des . g osl 'l 1· I • l l pro css1on;1 ourna ists .-,.,,c 1e t y 1~·tc ... · Jue· llo'.···•lo "0101 \"1·11,·.·on1 I IJ " in 'pr I u ion, t·on riuu inµ, '' Sigma De lta Chi : the f'resno .,.,.., •·• .• .. ., l ~l \'l' i.:eo111cr:11·t·r. the d elinquency or 1ninors and i:•rcss Club an<lthc f 'rcsnnunit of K . l ':Jttcrson :::7 t1nd 25 titncs (IVt'l' l hl:' SC \'Cll ·Yt'ar p erio d . conspiracy to curnn1it unn;ilural . · respct·t1vc ly. /\ ':-; 1ncr c:ise1! ro·on• 20.G 10 3·1. t !'-l:u.:r~1 n1cnt.o News pa per Gu ild scx a cts. J..c:u::a l~Z. f:ac h cited t h(' C::d ifo r nia pe r cent 11f tota l grad es; C's · {)!hers :.irr t.'Slcd wer e f)anit-1 "shield la v.•" ;1imct.1 at protec ti n~ dro p ped frnn1 :tJ 10 22.6 pc rct~nt . \Vi ll e t , 21, Vernon Evans, 26. a nd orricials of each or g:.i niz<.1t ion reporter s fron1 h;ivi n ~ Lo reveal anrl !)'s f<'ll frnnl 7 10 4.2 percent. J ohn l'ino , 2~. :11 1 of l':.i los men t io ned the need to protect sourct•s . JJ 's n ncl r··s ri.·1nainecl ahowt 36 \1('rdl'S, :ind l~l'rn:ird Konvicka, news sources •1s vital tu the llu.,..,c vcr . l'cckinpah. llro lhc•r ;.ind 3.5 pcrccnt.rt·spt·eti vcly. .1 ~. of !-;~1 11 1 ~1 J\lonic·;1. public's ri ght to know of n1ovic dii·t·etur S<.1 m JJcckin-.. \\'h i lc it is possible th<.1t ·cx- Uf:VElt LY lllLLS (l\l 'i '!'hey \vcr1· h1..N1k1 ·d for r(•s1 d111 ~ p;1h , ('OJlll'lldl'd that sta tute d id t'l.'llence' h<.1s become the o rder n 111 it hull"t' of 11ro~\llul111t1 :11 ul 1111 'l'llt' com inents lulhi\\l:d i·on nol :J\Jt•l.\' IJL't:ause he h<•d >.·c·•h·tl nf l l> • ol·o,· t i• tl J •· n crnie Curnft•ld ·s sel'i·et:11·y \\'J S ., · ... 1: • .. • c 1·1unn11 t'C t nuut.s b i:·ons 1iira('y und 1·onlr1bu1 11111 111 t1 •n1µt nl court c il ;iliuns is~ucd hy the trans 1·ri11t to IJl'C\'Cnt 111 111,·. , •• ,, .. th I I · tu (.' arrai t,:nl'd to1L1 .Y o n 1·h;1r••1...·s .. · · I ,, "., · e P:J lle sai< 111 ~Ir('-,.. dl·linqul'n C~' (•h:irgt•s St1pt·r11)r l '11url. .Ju< g.._• i)t·nvc1· fluent·c on \J,Ol.t·nti:il J·urors. >c 1 of us i ng an 1 llt·ga l · · tiJuc hux " to ,-'==~,=="-C~'"-'='---------'--------'------:.::.==:..:.:::..-"2:.::.:'.'.::..:'.:'.:.::.::.::._ ___ ~1:-::"~· ------------- 111 :.1 kl.' J'rct.· long thslance lt•lcphone c;.ills fron1 his mansion h t•rc . Mrs. Oidi \'allolon l.Sic lhild , 37, a S wiss c it1zt·n , was arrested 'l'ucsday a ftt·r f'Jl l ofricia l:s ra ided Cornfl.'ld's home und C'Onfi scated l"°'O 0£ the t eJcphon t.• d evices .. 1'ht· .. b lut• l.M1>.c s" ;.ire m ultifre quency genc ro.1ting dt·vi1.:(1S ust:d lo n1akc Io n,:? rlist~111 1·f' <:a ll s v.·ithoul payi ng toll i'hargl·S. t;urnf.._·ld the f\;1mhoy;1nt f1 na n eil·r \\'ho :-.kyrot·kt·ll·d to r.1 n1l' :ind notorily ,-i;.i h is ~)\'Cl'S l.''1 S ltl\'e:-.tors l.i n1 itetl • '« :''".'.!'-~~t:··~~ :. ~1,J.,'iJ1,i!li<ll<t.J!.l<;r~ s .'\ N 1) J l-: t; () • 1\ I'> 1\ . t4 t'lt: "'"''hVWffellt.q"·~~l't~tt:>;: " .. .;.. 1he ;1 fl t•rt1otH1 at Jus ho rne <1lHJ ('hcvron se rv11·1· .sl;ll1n n 11v.n1 ·r"· t horoughly sear(·hcd its 1-l rnon1s. has bet'n conv1tll·d 11f d lt·gall} in lla tin ~ his ~asol 1111· pru.:t_·s .. Station U'.' ru·r H:i lph l.1·:tf \\a~ ro und g uil t;.· J\l 11 11cl ;1y b y i\lunicipu l <..:ou rl. Judge l·:o1 rl J . <.'a ntos and \1 ill bt• :-.('nlt•!l('eti l•'e b. 2 1. Police f 'i1uf .\ud•· Hod" SA N 1:R 1\'\~·1:-;l·t1 !\'I'l l (''o ]iCC found lht• nudt'. S(l'(lll).!h·d hotly 11f r\1 ;1r1 I.\ n H1il l1n:-i nn. :1:i. ·ruc.'iday 1n hl'r roo111 :11 a 1\11rt li l\t•<.1C'h hnl<•l \\h•·r1· ~h1· h:ul l11l·il for ft Vt' vc:1rs 'fhcy had hl·1·n t";Lllt·d hy a h•JI L'I 1·lf'rk who s;iid :1 no1h l'r ll'n:ul! h ad com pl;iint·d 11J ;1 ,.1.-.1\nr 1n lht< 1·oom , which 1:-. :1;_:;1111 ... 1 tlil' hotl'I .., l't.'gul:i tions. FURNITURE EXPERIENCED JN OIANAP<ll.JS . Ind f:\1'1 f\ s econdh and ~!11r1· h;1:-. hor rO\\'Crl <I i.:1n1n11c·k of u:-.t·d (';1r ~ :dl·Sm\-·l't· "' h11 (';LI 1 t lu·1 r \'t·li h· l· ... .. prcviou~lv u11 Hl·tl " I\ sign i.n lh1· \\•ind•1 \\ off,·r ~ "experienced fur11itur1· ·· · · t ; ;"\l }'0 R Tll NJ\T I·: I.,.,'' l 'urnfl'la c racked, .. lhl·y J U:-.t n1issed the shooting r1f ~ l 'l:..i yt>oy 1·enter s pr i.::1d . ·· Cor nf1.-·ld sau.I he d id nol kno\\' 1 lu~ bl lit.' boxes v.·.._·rc o n I he prl'm ise s a nd had no ideo.1 "·Ito. if anyonl', harl used them. '··rhi·r\· arc a Jot of )IL'u ple :-;t;1yi ng ht~rl·," hL· said. ll1s n1 <}tl1cr and 11µn1<•rous ;1ttr:1t·\1\'l! \\'rl/rJt'n fril·nds h;1\'t.• ll\'l'd :II the 1n<.1 nsiu11 ,~·1th ( 'ornfl'ld si n{'C his rc lt•;.1 SL' fr11n1 a S" iss prison lasl April. S \VI SS :1ulhoritic!'; held ll in1 fnr q1u•s \ion1ng. for· <dll').'.;1t ion~ fif 1r:.ud, d 1s hulll'SI n1 <.1n agcn1cnt, forg.l.·r y and 1ncit1·n1cnt lo ~pl·t·ulate in 1·nnnl'<:l1on w ith the CPllaµs1..• o ( ]{)S . Cornfcld <·onll'IHls !ht.' t_·ollapsc \\'::IS th e fa ult of Hoh1..·rt \-'t·~t·o , \\'ho f't'purtc·dlv fnrt.·1.-·d C.'ornfcld 1111t ;1~ ht: a d or' !ht.• rn utu:d funds 1•n1pirt'. V'1 ·~co is run,· a fug11ivc 111 ('o~ta ltn·:.i and Cornfe ld is tl·st1fy1ng alH1ut l()S affairs in the I S ;1nrl S\\·i l z~·rl:in<I i\1rs lltl'lhlld '.''a,.; ht'ing held 1n t!ic Syh1l ll rand l n~t1tution fo r \\'ntncn pl'nd1ng hi.:r ;1rraig 11n1i'nl on a 1·hargc of v1ol;:1tin.i.: lht• f(·dc ral fr a ud b:.-'-''Ire s tatute •No Contest' Mil11er Faces 14-year Ter1n VENT U llA 11\!'1 l.Cf'.;.tl :1rguments \\'CJUn•I up 'l \1t·sd;1~· 1n l hc scntencin)..! he•1r1n g f1..1r OJ :ll n1ill ionai rc ltl'•':-.1· I . f\liln(·r, who has pll':tded nn conlt_·st to chari::cs of n1ayh c n1 ~i n d :-.olie1tal ion tu commit rob bery a nti ass~1ull on a former J,!i rlfr·ic ntl. Sentencin,.: w;1s expected tod ay s ince all thut \vas left "'as for the judge to r ende r his d ecision. Milner's attorney, Joseph Ball , argued at le n gth for a light. sentence, evt·n though his client, isn't c ontes ting c harges that he hired two mt·n t o roug h u 1• ~1aggie )-l ick s, a formt·r a etress ;ind e x-com p a n io n c)f Milru:1-·!'i. Miln<·r . f>R . f11ct·s ;i po ssibl e maximum sente nce of 14 ye;, rs in p rison .. B<.1 11 said his cli ent sufft•rl'd pcrma nenl brain d a mage fron1 f alling off a ho rs e 34 years <igu . Ba ll s <i id the ra il, plus a pr'tlbnblc concussion from a plfine cras h in 19-15. a guns hot wo und to the head in 1967, a nd years of drinking up to two quarts of alcoholic drinks a day had impa ired Milncr's .Jnental functions. ''THE OFFENSE whi ch is char ged is t)le act or a mt1dman," Ball told 1 Supe rior Court Judge Marvin ll. Lewis. ll ul Milner is now harmless. Du 11 said. B ut prose c utor f'L•tcl' Kossoris s aid, ''So c i t y doc!\ O('Cd .protection fro1n Milner, bus~d on his .pas\ conduc t n Ion~ series or episodes of viole nce ugainst 11t Jc astthree wom e n.'' Kossoris h as s ttid Milner h ired Okl(l.boma co11vi c t s Clyde .J1•nkin ~ ~111d Palrif·k Jo:a rlv 10 hreak in\(1 1\11':-.. !l icks' 1·.._·i110\P (),1ai hon11..'. roh and a~s:n11t ht'r ;ind .. 1·11l off one of f\l rs . ll u·k::,' finger s ·· Seal Gives ' Birth to Pup On Mainland SANT/\ CRUZ (UPI» --/\n ele ph ant. seal has given birth to a f..'l-pound pup on sandy "l..oser's Reach " ul Ano Nucvo Stute Reserve -the only .known birth to occur on the mainla nd cousl . The s tretch or beach is usually inhabite d only by mule seals who have lost the chest-thudding: bu t ·· ties to mate on Ano Nucvo Island, a half mile offshore. . The pup measured nearly five feet long a l birth and mus t now survive the indifrercncc o r the two to n m a les. who oft en crush Lh e younger seals becaus e o f their carelessness while loll in~ aro und. r::lcpha nt seals r eturn to Ano Nuevo and eight other rookeries uff the Califomio coa"t e a ch year from January to Murch for the pregnant JemHl es to g ive birth and (l'late aguin. They then re - turn \o rarm the sea ror rood . 1 In 1972, 1l single pup was bor n on the Jo'nrrallon Islands . just north o f the Gold e n G n t c ,' es tublishinl( thal are nas a breed· ing ground for the f irs t lime. y won me over:' "'y"l~at a '''.ay 1 ~1 fly 111 Ne'" Y<1rk . U11ill'<J :-.li.uicLI 1nl.' l1r1 \\'Hh ;1 l11g. hea rt y brcakfa:-.t. And thL"n f11ll11\\\.:lJ it \Vi1 h rhl.'ir I A:li·f~u rfL·1 . NirL' ...;11inc.. l ln1l l'i.l. l\l" c;u1ght )'(>Ur ~pi ri t :· · • We 'II c atch ) llll '' il h 11ur n11>rni11~ IJl;Ji fl ighl ftl1n1 Lfls Angeles I<> NL',.,.. l'<,rk. Only U nitL'LI sCrvcs y<1U a h<;anr l1rc:1 ~f;~1 t<1 l"1Cc.in y1)Ur day :i nd th en fo lll)\\.'S 1t \\'llh a IX l1-IJuffct.Y1111 <.:an cat as n1uch ~l'i you want, wheneve r yt 1u \vant . C 111<1 cut~. chcl.!scs. g:.imishes and n1urc. And \vhatcvcr y<)U <..'Qmc up wilh , '"c'll ha\'c a be verage to go \vilh it . Wi ne. cc1L·k1 ans 1lr ice-cold beer. C<1n1plin1cntary in 1:ir:-.1 ('J;1ss,a ~n1al l charge in ('i.1t1Ch. • Fcir 1:ric11d~h i p Scrvict: an<i lht.' tin ly llcli -F111ffcl 1 ll t ht• sk \', c;i 11 \'< 1nr • rravl.'I A "L'nl. ( )1 l'~il I u 11111. ·d :it \]7.7,21: ' l'arlncc~ in ·1·ra\'CI \\tlh \·\'~.,IL.'rn l11 tL."rn:1ti<lll:il HlJlt:ls. Nonstoos to New York l .eU\'e Arrive t:quipmcnl Airport l\1l'al '4.-n·k·c X:4Sa.m. 4:~)p.m. LJC·tO l\cnncdy llrcakl':L.,I .~ Deli 12:00noon 7:5) p.n1. 7.i1 Kennedy 4-~t.ir Lunch I :-t' p .111. 9:2-0 p.1n. 1x ·1.;; Ncv.;1rk 4-St:ir Din ner The friendly skies of your land. IUJ unlTED AIRLlnes I ,. l I 1-"AI . 'DMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAG~ Best( Laid Plans •.• Even the best laid pt3ns of mice. rnt·n and \Valer engineers may go awry. So it was in S£in Clemente. After sprnding $150.000 on a set of :-;upcr \\'aler filters to strain u pesky combination of iron o.1nLI manganese compounds from the city 's \\'ldl w<.1l er :supply , city water users turned the ir t r11>s r ecently and again found the red waler pouring fort h But, the fi lter s w ere W<>rking just finC' l'\;.1tu r c h:.td thro\v n the t:i ly a curve ball. W<.irm weather brought on a heavit:r than nur1nal water d emand. ·rhis rc(1LLircd speeding up c.ind cha ng- ing the flow of water l~rou ).!h the mains ;.1n~l use or "im1>0rtcd " Co lorado River v.1a t c r pumpt_·d 111to th<.· city reser voir . All th<.1L stirre<.l u1> the long built lJ P red ch.!JlOS'it :-. le ft in the µipcs .and the r c ser\·oir Any"•ay . the tily m a intains thl' g unk \\ill :-.0011 IJ\· flus he d f r o n1 the syste111 anti gone forever l '11l t·'is. that is. the u n ex pected ha ppens . Again. Parki11g Backlas l1 It may n o t l>l.' poetil' justice cx<1l'l ly, hut 1l t·iJ ll\l'~ close. 'l'hc e ily (>f I ... <.igun~t l~l.·~1ch is the pt:rt•n111;d target of ccono1nizers v,1 hu decry gover11mc nt s pl'nd ing a nt.I lambas te the city c:oun{'i l !\.1os t t·r·iti t:d is a knot o f dc,wntown rn c r ehant:-.. J\'o\v they arc 0 11 thC oth t·r end . 'l'h ree do\\'nln\\ll pa rkin g Jut s lc<.1Sc(l 12 )'cars H.f.!l) to p1 ·11\·idt: n1erth:1111 :-. \vith n earby p a rking arc losin i.: n1ort: th ;1n ~20 .(J(!IJ :1 vear. '!'his is because of lu\v n1l'lcr f'it\t:s insisted nn h' ihc m c r·<:h anls "·hic h do nt1t t·,·cn ('Oll1l.' t·lnst· to n11·vi in g: the r c nl<.11 c harges . The Second '!'he city 1s t:hecking o n ways of getting out or the lt--aSl'!'I . 'l'hc prnblt"n1 ;igain shO\\'S the need fo r cst abhsh- n)L"lll h y th e rnel'chanls of a 11arking distri ct '''ltich could ftintl th e lot s' l oss<.·s uncl even :1cquirc Ile\\' park- in g v i a a ss(•ss mcnts on the s urro undin g hus in.es~ pro- pe r t y . After a ll, these O\Vllers dir(~ctl y benefit f1n i.lll - l'l:tll y frorn I h t.' i.I \':tilubility o f parking . Hospital's New Look 'l'llt· pas t )'t•ar h~ts been OJ lry i11g one fo r South Ct 1~1:-.1 c: o n1 mun it y l·f <)S pital. .-..:11t all tl1l' JJrol)len1s h t1\ l' bl'l'll S(>J,·cd ~tntl thl' hC1s p 1t td '~ Il l"\\' board of dircr."tors s till f <.1ccs con1pl e~ I J II ; 111 t' I :d ~L lld p l't>h;1 bl\' C'llll)I ion ;ti is:-.ll l'S llul lht: <"~nnpt·l1 l.1\'\• eJ,·etio n th;il p l:1cL·d IU n c,,· dt1'ct'l1 1r :-> 1111 the hoard is a s t ;1ten1e11t in it ~f·lf o f con1- 1nu1111' 1n!1 •rt·~t in rnaintaining the ~talillil y of the in· ~t 1tu 1 11111 S!1tilh {_'1);1.-.t h ;1s a J,,·~1 .\s ha,ldccp r oots 111 Th e co1n - 111u11il .\ ln:-.le;1d of in\'cSt1Jr sl otkhuldL·r s luoki n g fur a prof ii . it s s l(1('kh11ltlcrs ar l.' res idents l ooking fo r the liv s l ni t·d1 <"<il t tt r C'. 'l'h\· d irt~t t()l'S, \\'h1) r ecei ve no s alurv . nl U!il de · \i)l l" I l'l'lll(·111lous :1rnounts <1f 1in1c· :incl t:n~·r~y to their res pons i I JI Ii tics a I th e h(>S pi l<i l. ·r11,. ;1t1.x ili ;1ry . ti>n, pl'O\'ide s t•Xet·pt1nnal ;ind dc- \tJl t·d C';1re 1o p:1\11.•l1L'> again f or no l'l.'\\·~1rcl other I h;111 tlit.· ,-;;tt is f;.1ct 111n 111' ~t:r\·1ct· to other:-;, !\:-. ;1 nev.1 1:ra hcgins. S<Juth Coast d est·r,·cs the .... uppurt .rnc! (•ncour;1gt·rnt·n1 of the c 11n1n1u11ity 1l :-.1•1._•ks 11, :->l't'\ t' s ·' . • ·' 'Com m on citizens are one thing bu t this i.-going too far!' American Dear Time to Phase Out Gas Hogs GI001ny Gus ReVolution ·1\111i.· 1·:r1 11.1r (, ___ M_A_l_L_B_O_X ___ ... J ~~~=:rl;;\l' :-.e e n1 to be \·1;ry :-.Ill' " J{11111 or 1s 1h al the l11g 11 u1·:,.· II' th t• l ' S (;l)\'el'llllle11t 1:-. ro.·;11 · . . ' - T " tol " w ti v llll i.:y m t io m ;in OU a Sc I\\' l'lc Sh \'; f/•( ·' J tion in l r,inf' ("nn1p;tn.\ l.1·_-.t•1'iuus ;1bn.utl h el'ulls(·rv;1tiun 1\lthou g h I ;1rn n fl~ \t'l'.I tiurt:-. a h.qi\ ;\II 111.11 ,.111 dl 11 -. h~'l'h t•lrv1 n ~Cumpany ,:1 1n••d 1:11t·l\ t'tl .1t-l leg 1s l al 1011 do h,1 \t•.1<·•1t1plcut :-.111 .ill~ugg,,:-.. 'O·r i l!tttl •·r \ll"k 11.,1.1 1:-. GG Jo:< d i-..1s iPn of i\1 obil Oil Co . 1'"'t.1h!1 s h11 1g p.1 r ~1 n1elt·r s o t Li•//er.~ tro 11i reaclt'ri; are 1•·1•ico 111l' l ion :-. Joh:-. e11uld he t•1e.1tt·<l h \' ~. ti. 1 1 .1 l , 1· 1 0·1 d,·,111·, ..... t;<, o n -.n t)PEL' subsidiary~· t•:111 11t· 1 I o t 111 :1 n l' l' nn n11lt•ag1·. \11r 111u/lu. icrit e r .~ s/iou ld t fln r •'!/ 11 ·1, lll'' n 111re peoplt• .it1lh1111 ~··d l•1 -·' '11 "· 1' .!\ 111t'" ·• I 11 1111111 . ! "4 • I I I t I ii • • ''' .,,.,,,, ,\· 111 !11(/ 11 1 rcl~ 11r / ·s • "' .i1 l:..!lll ll\ p ,111 11 ll• l I 1, 1~ ART HOPPE 1·0 11 t':1hs is h o1r "\'ill;1gv:-. (11 1t1l'l th t'n(nn ;..:rt•ss~h.ou ldun i..1111,\ll.·d g1·ablt• un .\ht· :-.11hJl0l'I. l p .. l rdll·ui n llhll ll\.1. .. h.ii t'. ;i::; ;i The second Amer=i a l R..wo u· he s< ue01.('d to f it lhC' tiny 1nr:-.t p u1 \ t I ,int \I l0lJ..: ll 11n1t .1 ~·«~· 1 · · •·· t. _, . ;,,11 , . l "i'r t:nfo1 l'l• 11·:-.tr11·linn:-. on p1.lll11 ion 11~. 1,. 1 ti .d 1.,1 .... 11, 1111idd rt·:-.uH 111 u) .,_;:;.,..~ · ·,~o~l'olC~~,;:·g-·-~c . :· r.'cs1''··11 ·s ~th~•'trd::,;,,. ,-':c"I .---~--::::::-.••• ~--~, ~ •• -"~.,,..-....... ~ ..t~ ..... ~.H"' • ..., ''~·~·'1"""'-'\""1 '!~. :·":',-'.o.u .... n~~-,:•,& ul. 1 _..,; __ ...._....__ --.....-,···-;."!"·-~· .... · ···-.· .. ~·"'JJ · '" ... --· , ................ --.. ··-· ,, .. ,, ,.,, A ..,,.., • , -·~ •W~I ·me ·1 ·a" -~ • • . -~ .,...,_., • /' -i\ ~ "i If frt."~1-1/ft)'ri)n'\)m1 ."!lt ..._., v-.-:_ l. • ~ il&I" ''"l~~~I'. "tfl'r:.f.\• t~~ t"Mf'......_ (f\~lild • b..: 'si_:t" i)j)~ ;nffit~1 r-t(). l)li' '\. "t \' • • ''*' (t · -,-illli:o:.. ~ : "i"J..~.J!S.f,( .. l,<frl/.~ ~oJ.,-. t;_,_ ,..,_._.. ( ' and larg~est ·r a x°.Cul-lncrea se J)ur1n " t1l\' J't·t•ent ."\~Sl'\l{ ,frf lel,er ~· · 1ncf1irl1•srqnaturi• ··L·,..1, 1\nit'rir • f:rf't'n ···r1r11 .(f)i!ll lll\JU(:-> -:_1 ·t 1-.. -~:1 ' ..... --• ..l r ·'d ... I I . r'o.L~ • ' H(·-.. :1 1l\"IH' ... ,., 1nu-. \ It' It'll' (pate nts pending). Gloomy G.,•~omm•n11;are1wt1mottHb1 !l'"I bl l:Jj .1 ('~1 rs n 111e luxul'\' (}riu111011n~au ri ss 111 11.i 1111 ~111nr1 ·r ·1n1 hut rt·l·1t .·d lol IJ·1vs ·incl · ' I I · "'I ·· II. r· .,. c I ~;aNIOOMl nKeii;tri1Jretlol<IU>f t 't I .<<< 1·000· /l• u ·11/1f1 ··/d o n r •1'1/H ''t If \111/rl'l'lll )..: • • • •.·' lhl' ,\r:1h.-. \IPll! \\!llllll lll' 111·1r · 1s 1rst ax-ul nc reusc, .1 utun1u 11 l':-. in Ill.' .•.. ,.JO lo i. • 1 '., · t ht';1ch.·s. 'l'hl.'ll I \\'1)uhl :-.t•l up l':\ 1 · .. 1 h · I . I . . 1 1 "llt•t>l1· proposedinJanuaryoCI975,14·as ;!':i:'C:::.!:,.";.:~':;i.~~~i.t~'pet l l1.-100tu 500<-11h1c inthd~s pl;.1 ce· rca.s'.1"1~appor1:11 t l 'oetn1 u ill riol l!t· pl'l'lllll'lll;d :-.l :1tu1ns a lnng '.ht• 1'.'.~l :t'lt'.1~11 11 11 1~1~.1.\'1 h·:~1'r ·:\II. 1 _widely h ailed as ''brilli a nt 1111.:ntt·l;1s:-..a\·l.'r;,1g1.'<il2:f•m.p.g. pub/i.~Ji.d t•nas l . ;_111tl starlln gl'o\\ n1ar1nt• ,.11._111111 t·i· .. 1111'1'l'd hu\ing ·• 1 ·economicthinking.·' 1 11 su burll:.in drrv 1n g ur,.·1111 :-.111 .; u nder -.pel'1al11t!d I 't 1 1 · t t ttt'I 01 1e v.·ife \\'Ould s::·~ ... Thal \\'l' (•ntdtl . ,..,, . . . . t (Ill) I . 111-.l .1:-0 'lll( I \t• 1 -To fi ght r Ccl'ssion. the plan l't•rf_orrnant:<• o n urb:1n or l'.1ty brl.'t•ding pr1JJ.:l·~~··s lu dt·\·t·lo p ·,·,1 1,.,, 11 .. ,1,.,, ,,,1,1 ,,1111.h •·l ... t.• ti\ II d f . 1 . sa\'l.' S-t:J.12 b y not going l\1r uu1· t '· I t I I J..: ,.. '-., , a e or cutting persona 111-\ r1v1 ng, \\';:is <·,·t·n rnore;,1uys n1;i. 1t001,·,10 ,,,.,.,,,,t 0 ,1 th·• t>ri t:c,· uf ·,di 111•\\' s tr·1in:-. uf fi:-.h ;uu p ;1nl 111' · It 1 I I . tt ·. rcgul;,1rSund;1ydri\'C." -... " ... · · · -· .ior "11·1·.1 '" 1·111 ·1.' pn ' ., · ~ come laxei $28.5 billion sothal. as "Arc vou o ut tif your nlind '!.. H / m .p J! . pcLro\eun1 rc lat~I protlucts . \\'hit·h n11 g ht ~ur1 l\'l' hl·ltl'I' •n ('un 111111. ,\I r 1:1<1 .t ... 1.u \1·d l1-.i t•n1n i..: . the President h apf>ily elfplai'ned. her hus b:..ind \liiulrl retili ... ,·e ~I 111 t_~l(' n11 d -r :.1 ng L' ot the 111 dll1un:. l\'hit•h ri1·t· ad \\•r sc to JJ.r1·· 1,1 :-.ulllt'"'H' 111 1i, 1. lh.in !hi' od I• pcoplC \\'Oul dhav c~xtr;,1 money to t·l:1ssllu:;1t11•"" lt•:.ll.·d ( 1,000 to 'l'llt>Sl' :tl'IP111s ;dnn1· \\'ould t·nn s1•nt n1<.1r ine li fe ,\f\1•r fl·rtd 11.u1i.: . 11 1 . t r ti•' \.·ou'll bc su•r•·e~t1 n i.:lt akl'lhl·li u:--t t · .,. ..1 · 1. -11. 1. II flt · 1u111 p,1 1111·:-..111 l!'1111'l l':-. o l' spend. ,..,.. l.::itlQ-1:-.., _.10 \1• .\.ti l'tL in .. t 1s -sl·r \·l' m• 1un:-. o gu o ns u u•· :in :1rra "'·e ll ad:.11.1tc1 l fu11 tho.: ,., ... 1 ,,1 ,,. to "·ork . \Vh .' 1h1n't \OU ~l'll :>1,11r 1 I d ·11.,. t · · I " ' (• To fi ght inflation , the President 1• .iet'n't'111 1:11 1·r:q.:l.' g:.i:-. nii c;1J:!,c · :.u y \Ji •H c1\t1 :.t1tutc a m<.1J Or st1'V \.·uun•· n1n~·i111!or .. ;1n1:-.n1 .'\. I \\11ull t .. l t .t< t-' .. 'l't-'.\. u ,\Ut)l:r \_ tar ins tc;.id ''" I r ·1 ' " .1u t reascd oil taxes $30 billion, so un subtirh an dr1 \'1 ng \1:1:-. 17.1 lo\\·a1·cl 111tl1·pl.'llt 1.·nte o 01 in1 -1,1:.inl hoth \'t'~t·tatu>n and n1 ;1 rnll' ··1111\\' \\'Utild I g1:l 1o> 1tl.' llr1dgt· I h that the pe<fple \\'Ould have: 111 11 i.: 01·:l:!~pprc~·11t Jl't l t·rl a n pt)rtl'i . lifeinthe h ;1rrt·nar1..·a lltfl.11.fl'/ • . 'i h . g:an1c '' !tut \t'ith lhe pr1t'c o l I I I o !lon1eth1ng to s pen t cu· extra 1 l c t l rt• l 0 1 11 n u '\ u r· y moneyon . ; "' "" :111h1m (Jh1 L'S. u· t1u· sa\'1ngs 111 I ''<tSO!inl· SO hi ".'h , V.'t' h<1 Vt.' ~a 1·t1 I I •t•I t ' · Pushin'g upthepr;icefjf;g-asolinf;\' cornc rsson1ewhe1'l.'. lht· lo\\t'r \1t·ig hl :inti horsepu\\'\•r a dime u gallon. the ,.fll'Cstdent "i\11 rig ht. •ill rig ht_ I 'll '·ut r;,1t1 n g~1 :-.t·\·t•11n1 11rt·slnku1g. 1triumphantly explained,-WOUid dO\\'nlo half;1 li~1\Vlofrjct•ac.lay •· force peop·le'to drive less. They TllE l'Rt:SIDENT \\'a s 1111 would t he n have more .money to derstandablv fur1 11us In hi:-, r<:1 ~l·. spend (or lhe thinj?sthcy V.'anted . h(' n1ad£' ii 0 d is:1:-.tnu1:-, n11...;t:1kt· i.Jnfortunate ly . the things that ··r·or heing bad .·· ht· a nnounet·d ople wa nted "'e r e more gallons angrily O\'C I' national ll'IC\ 1s1nn_ of gasoline. ..hencefort h nonl' of you t«1n h:1v1· ( the fan1il\' (_';tr I AFTER AL.I •• the price of 'rhal, <;f 1·011r:-.t·. 11 ;1-. \\llt·n 1hL· gasoline h ad already doubled as a ScC'ond 1\ n1l.'1'1 (·an H 1·\'ol 11111)11 r e s ult of the ene r gy crisis \v.ithou~ hroke 0111 . ~I ohs shout 1ng. "(; 1' l0 noticl."ablc effect on 1\n1c11cans 11s :1 11 tn n1oh1 l1 ·:-. <11 J.:I\•: 11 :-. dri,·in g h~1 hi ls.Anothcr tcn cent:s d t•:11h ' --.1or111 1·d ll11· \\l1 rl•· iwas s i 111 pl y :.t cl r'o p in tht.• g<.is t;ink I 1011:-.t•. dt•pn~\·d the I 'r1·-.1d1·111 But \h t• Pres ident \\·a s dl' :tnrl \\·rol<· !ht• :-;v(·.i11d l),.i·l.11 .1 termined.'r hat fa llhc;:t nnoun<:cd l1t111 11f l11d1 ·pt'rH ll.'n11· II \\,1:-> .1 ''his Gigantic S JOO Billion Tax ·Cul dut"111n1·n1 l.'\°\·r~ r't•:1I 1\n11•r1e:111 ·lnc rCa s e . 1\nd. \\·he n nothing ;1 ppl ;11u le(I . ~u(' h h a p pe n C'rl . he {ol ~o\\·Cd it ur) · · \V l' ho 1 rl 1 h c·:-.t' l rul ti:-. to he ~t· I I'- '.Ill the spring o f 1U7r. \\'Ith his t•vi dt"nt,''11 r~·:id ··,\llnil'll !1rt·1·11 t SupC'r·G igant ic $500 billion 'l''.tx -dO\\t'd \\'1\h fnur· \\hl'1·I:.. :!·l!l i lC ut-lnc r casl'. By no\v, gasohnc horsc pov.·£'r and ('C'rl ain inalu·n- 4\\\'<IS selling for $5.32 a gallon a nd :1\Jl e rig hts. tneludlng rl'J.(ttl ;11·. they still "'o tYldn'l wipe your Ethyl and lhe. pursu it of tht.: (':1r (v1:ind sh ielcl . ahee1doflhe n1 ·· ··Thal s hould d o it!" s aid the It v.·as ;1 s;u ldl'r li1 1t \l't:-,t·r· e' t Pres idc nth:..ppily . Pres idt.'nt \l'hrl refle1·tt·d on h1:-. But a s imilar s cene was being f;1lalerro1·ofJtHl .L!n1 1:nt repeated in e very America n "\Vhat I should h<1 Vl." don1 • ·· hl' home acrossthe land. s aid thoug htfully., "v.•as to ;1s k ··1 just figuN:d out, d e ar.·· OJ thcmtogi veupc:.il(n g:inslcad •· l'f I ~ :-.ldl po ~:-.ihl l.' 111 (_·rc:1l c a lu·.ury :111tnn1obil1.· for the sl.a l u~ 1'•~1 1 ~t·1 u11 :-. bu~ t 'f 1v1th11ul l11 r111n;..: 11111 i>Onlt' of 1h~· J.(ro:-.:-.t.\· 1ncff1 !'ll.'111 uni l s prv ::.l·n\1~· nil 1hL· m ;i r kt·I [\ d oe~n ·1 t;il..11 ·HIO h.p. :111d r.1 1(.IO Ill.-. of :-.l•'l'i tu tr~1n:-.porl I lo ~ p1•nplt· ,JI ;,,-, n1ph 1•n tht• n;1l1 n n -. ht ~h\\ .I I"'>, \\hill• :0-./ll ;1Jh•1' \ t•hit'it':-O :.:1·1 up !11 1 hrl'l' I 1nl1 ''< h1•tll'!' 111!1 1·.•).!~' ;ind ;1cc·11n1pll :-,h lht• -..1 tlll' p ur pu:-.1· ln th1· 111 t·.1 n111 nl' \\·bil e· ,,,. ph.1:-.1• 1JI!\ til l' Jr1 ~1n11f;1 c1 ur 1 · "' th1·:-.L' g.1:-> l1 1 1)-'.~. l1·l·s h ;1\·c g:1s r.1 111111i t1 ;..: 111 111·41l1•el l hi• lo\\' in t•nn11· l'llllSUITil'l' l{;ij-..11\;.! t h1 · pl'll't' nl l1il .111d g;1:-. '' 1111·011tr1hut1· 10 !ht• 111 rl:1liol\.11'~ :-J11r.1 I itJld \\Ill hat l' ;1 Quotes J.y m a n l)o~·lt•, I.. 1\. "'\\0L" ar(• c·0n s l anll\ hl'ing a:->kl'd \\-h:1l \\'l' .11·t· doing :rhnut infL1tinn \\'ell. in Lhi:-. houst·hold. \\('arc ht•comin;.: used In less food, )('SS h eal. less l1 ~h t . and ll\Ol'l.0 lllXl'S." Tax Rebate Questions w ASHING TON ._ Private pOll· ing data-nnw' _fJo~ into the 111wru"te House Ovar b<tice is rais - 1111 g r ave questions Whether President Ford's proposed massive i n - come tax cut will actually stimulate the dangerou s l y d epressed economy -or si mply be used to pay ott old debts and JePJenis h di11Ppearing nvlnp. 1 Indeed, 10 w orried are the Pifttdent 's economic advisers bat Wllll aa Seidman ~Ir Font'• ... 1.taat for eoono~lc ,af: • bu !"•d• 'fl'.111&~111ents LO o tto •1Wartba6re; Pa., to Ill~ ln qn tele~ tntervie,ws uctecl every even1na-aroun(I tl;lbDle!licou~ll/Y lcb ¥ l,bt: ltl~rl a1er Pollm&"Oriafl\zlli6n ·~ ( EV ANS-NOV AK ) ,house.ho lds now plan t.o u . .,c lhe President ·s proJ)(lsed 12 pe1·c:c nt income t ax rebates for paying debts o n pas t purc hases n nd tor savings -lhan for buy ing new cars or other dur1tPles. The main reason : l he record Jo"' lever of cons umer.. confidence in the W~ure of Ame rica. Sindling·er's findings. whieh in t h e \1'orsc111n g recession tcs ultc.•d from lhe. last of a series or questions rl'gul<irly as ked by S indlln g1•r . Thes e questions t1 l.t.en1 pt l o iso late \\'h a t c·ons u n1L•rs pl <.in to do not "'h<lt U1l'Y think ('\•erybody else will do abou t buyi n g co n s_um c r durable s . 'l'hus, S incl li n ger 's fir s t. questi o n se t s th e stai;:e by askiog : ··oo you think people in ~eneral would spend m ore than save, or save more than spend ? .. More·than two-thirds responded thut ···peo~Je" would spend more. .. are ·Simil ar to pess imis tic forecasts of other economists . mea.n ·ttiat income lax cuts may not oper ate a s a 6~1e"self-slarter But on the key question to get the economy moving. If whether they th'emscl,·es would true, th«tdras ticallyundermlncs spend or s ave, the findings "'e re •use of tax cuts tlf revive the rcver1ed . economy withaqui ckfix. That Imperi ls \\lhite f.louse Reports from Sindlinger now h · f r majo r s t.imulation or under study al the \Vhile !lo use 1~g<r,"co~o my : a flood of ne w sh6w that nearly 53 percent vf ' d h t ,415 ho useholrl s his t elepho ne buydt s for auto mobiles an ot er .~Jfwier.1.S:•mpled from J an . ,.heavy durabl es •. s u c h as 9to(3would :iuve.not l"pcnd .anY refrJkcrato r s . ~n st.ead , mos t A' U'BCIALIST on eoeaum.er income tax w indfall. ()nly J:J.'G con,umers. reacl 111g fron1 ~cur of babJt.a, · ~ndUDcer hn~ pe~e11t say they would s pe nd ii . ~hc 1(Jiture and. lac k ~>f conf1den cc I -'I • · , ,.,_ _,., ' in 1)1e PrHt~nt, •• .recoy~Y •• l•r• n1 up ·~•~r~m~~ln~1fft,ri~""~~"'iLLtNG Y•r~Uck\01 proj~um . may ,sUck "their lax fiJ!~ .. ~~t f-{~.,. e,r~,, ·• " Jb~rouctl c.uLSfna soCIC . " v: '', ,\,., ! ~1,.'f·..,--1~-J· .. • ' .• 'l'hl'l'l' is lllll\· unl' an ~\l'L"l' \11 t'u,•l con::.cr\'alitin. Since il al'fel'IS 1h c (·t.·on ~1 rny anti the \'ery futu rt- of uu r n<1lil)n, C\'l'ryone. n1u ~1 pa rt i\•i 11 at t• · ( 0ff*Otl f~flf i11g ·rn 111, . .-:c11tor I rt·ad \11th ton ~11i1'l'<il>ll' in· tef\':-,f )1 1u1· f1:;1turl.' last 1\'Ct·kc11 d on r1•:-.1:1ur:111t 1n:-.p,·1·t1on and :-.:1n it:1r11 111 c•1 ndi11ons in l)r<1n .i;e \'•111 111\ lf1 r1·n1t:n1hl'r l'.i1 rrt"ell\· ,\<1 U ~1°.d\·tl Ill lht• <11'\Lt•lt• that 11)\: 111-.pe1·1 i11 n rt·(·oi-ds 01 <·uunt 1 r1•st:111r.1 11t s \\'1·r1· p11hli(' l't•t·urd ~. lhL"r•·l'.,rt· 1111 rv~tr1l'!l(lf l" p l..ic·1:d n 11 n1 :1 l..111 i.:, :-.u•·h 1nf1,1·n1at 1un p11lfl If II !!11 · J1 :11I.\' 1'1lol r1•;11l.\·\1·;1 nt1·d l n do :.1 public :-.1•r\'lt'l' t11r \hl.' r•·- a dt·rs. ;ts \I ell ;1 ~ ll1•· lh<111 :-.;1nds o l people ,,·ho 't•<ll nul ' \\t·t·kl.'·· y1 111 \\OUld puhli:-.h :1 li :-.t of 1::1ch a1uJ ,.,·fir~· r1·s l ;1111·:1 nl i11 lhL" \.'Uunty \V hi c h ditl n ot pa:-.s the s an1t<1t1on ltl ~pt•l'lill/l , l 'rt'l.'t•d ,•n t·•· 1:-. a 'J'\' :-.talitin b:u.'h l'::isl \I l111·h r t•\ t•a l,•d C~f'h e ating c~I :11il1 :-.h n il' Ill in lht'ir c ity failing. to l'11n1e 11p lo ~anitat iort s lund<.1rds . )'ou t·;1 11 hl'I th;it L':.lch pl;1te li~L cd n1 :1d c ll :1 point to l·h:;1n up q1111·k a nd gl'I IJ;u:k in IJu:-.i11 e:-..:.. .Jll t: Cr\ lt ;\ \\' 1\ l ' 1tlorittf! ~fess To the 1-:ditor . 1'ht• p o ll ution rate o n lhc beat:ht•s .:u 1d in the !Jays around the NC\\' port Be ach al"co is ~row­ ing tre m endously . I know this is ail nld subject . but I am a young rCsidc nt . ~ind I have to live with the ultim ~itc results of ho"' peo- p le care for this land. Not too Jong ago we had a r a dica l £'n-· vironn1e ntalis t movem ent \\-'hi ch was s o forceful that the re a ction now see·n1s lo be ··"'·ho c ares?·· WJTll Tiit: increase in pollu- tion. the mpr\geJife on the shores of our beaches is still becoming e xtinct . I work on a boat. and I watch people dun1p 11 11 kinds of Mtuff fro m their' boats tnto the bay. Som e times.swimming is i01 · possible because of the o il in the "-'ti le r . Trash and pollutibn are· buiJdlni up and it seems lo be destroying all fertile botto m sedi- m e nt s n eed e d for growin g n1 a rine pl a nt s a nd b o ttom - clwelling marine anim1:1 ls . I \Yas "''(>11clc rlnj if you h:1d nny special views fQr liolving this proble m . What we hove been doing so far I c;Jl'l! ;11Juul kel'p 111 g uu1 hcul'h1·s and l>ay:-. \){";1ut.il'ul. K Jo::-.' H lJ \\l i::LI. M 'ru••~I (,'ar 'l'oth e E:dil11r: \'uur notJl.'l' 1111 ll·gi!-i l;1 \ur-. l':1r-. 111a1·cur:1l t•l\· ~!:tied th ;.il ,.\-. ~t·n1 bl\·n1an ·llohl·rt /\urhl! h.1d ortlerl:d a full-:-.1/l' Olrlsn1111J1lt• thi s v1•;1r . I.t i-.\• 111 :111\' of ht.:> cu1 lcl•g;H.~. :\lr l\111·!..1; 111!t'nd " \11 d1ivt.• ;1 ~rn ;dlt·1· 1·;1r Ill' ha.., 111· di·r'l'd .1 ('h 0·1 rul1:! ln~·•ill 11'l1•l t• !'l'l'UJ 'd"' HI lllll' 11! fll'l' '' l'l'l' 1 l.'-.pu11,1bl•· lur (ht· n11-. 111furn1a liu11 F'HJ-:UJ·'.llll"I, ,I ·1·,\l"i;lll·:I! l 'I 11 t•f .·\ti Il l 111 1..,I r;tll \'e ( Jffj l'('I' I ,j 111(' \:O-.l'<l'll\hl,1 llf11l f~'1101•gl1 'l'o til l· t:d itn1·: I have n1adcd the lullnv.111..: lt·l l cr l o Senator:-. Scoll and ~·1 an s fit'l (l . rt•g ;1r<li n g tht•ir d11plicatin ~ ('IA anrl FBI i11 - \'t•s tig:1lion: \)on '\ ~uu think lilt• t·oun11-y has h;1d t•nuugh nf lhl'fil' big ,in vesli~ations. bringin g to :1 h:.tlt 01· O\'Ci"shatln\\·in~ in1por1a11t national busincs:-. ·i 1\l•'T1':K T \\'O )'l.'Ul'S or \\'aterg <1l l' 1'\1 CO\'cragc ,a nd n1illions of l;,1xpa;vC'rs· dolla rs it teems \\1as hington ha s invcstig3- tiun fever. Is il to gain puhli<' ex- pos ure a nd fam('? Ccrl ainty the re arc n1orc 111-oductivc lhini;s to be a ccon1plis hcd. If you th ink the CIA <ind !-'RI need overhaulin~. do som e thin g cons lructiVJ!. If youl' ton1n1itt1:t· think:s it ·n~eds $750.000 a nd n~ne monfhs awey. from your l'lcct1vl' duties, I think <• d t:'tailcd account- ing pr e xpe nditures s hould I)(' publ'icly r e porte d . I al14:nys thought th e salarie8 pa id our Congressmen pa id Cor. the •·work" they did while in.office . Important ~ cons tructive things cry out for :your: attention. FRANCES MA COON A LD Gas Doubt• To the' Etlitor: The lead story of your J a n. ill issue , (ford ag ain reje~l.!r gus rHt1o n plan> quotes the qte41oc nt ns sfl)'ing any e ££octive pJun,.wl ll limit the motorist to n~nc g:1lf9ns per \vcek. 1·~ l)()llt1cul e :<ug- gcratlon is nlo1·e thi:1n I c u11 swallow. 1 JI the United States ln 'fa ct Im· 4' •I' f I '1"111 :-. 1.-. the 111 -..1 l+:lll·r ha\l' «I l'l' \1r111 vn 1 u ;1 l'·lflt r , llul "J)is· )..'11:0.\l'd '" If~ f\i•n l'.i ~q llt 'I !'!) . .J;111 . 1;,, 1·e:dl\ µ1~\ 1111· 1h111l..ing. Kl.'ll \I .1,.. tq,~1 ·! l11·1·:1u'il' .1 1t•l1•·r \uok 1 1\1..•da ~:-. to .1rr1\t' 1r11111 l·:ug1·n1·, 'lr1·;...:nn t11 t ",,,1,, :\11 ·~.1 '1't·ll hin1 no\ t•1 l··•·l -.41 li ;1d ,i-. 11 l<1ok l:!d:1ys t"r a_,., ... ~ 1111p11rt.1n1 lt·!l \'I' !11 :1r· 11 It•~\\() Ill 1 !1•;-. f!'!l ll\ Bal11< 1;1 J:-.l;1 nd In ·'l'll por t l ~1·:1 1·h 111 ;'\n\·t·n1IJ(•r. H 1\,1:-.r11;11 \i·d ;il lh•· 11 ... ilho.• l'\l.in<I uf111 •1· .111cl th<' 111,1 11.q.;i•r -..1 1d he'd c h1 •1·k 1nt•1 11 !1111 I 11t \ 1·r h1 ·.1 rcl lldlll l\1t11 Ir \1.:-0.() !<• .. \, 11111·· d:1 .~-. 1or .i ], •1 \ l' t' 111 \..:" j 1 \ l' 11 l I) I ~ j I I •Ill ( . !)~{<I '.\l<,-.-..1 l \1 .'\c\~1•1111 1:,•.1111 :t11d Y.t" 1 11 1 ~:-.l·d an 111111 ••1"1 ,1n1 l.'\'t:rll 111 ·(>;01 -.v 1:r tl1•· 11 •. 1:1\ 'l'li1·n 111 .l,+nu;tr~. \11 • 1'1·1·1'1\ c•d .111111 1•rrlt11• 11111 f ro111 1·:~1 1-.(q1 ~:t,\11q~ 1ht '.\' \1 L'l'I' j.!1Hn;,: 10 -.hut ot1r 1·1··1.:1 ric·il \' off 111 l\1 n d ;1•.,.. pfu"l.;uld .1 l.ir:.,:L' dt·11(1-.1 t :111d t111·n 11 111 ·ti:1rgl' 11 the lull ll ;i.-.n l \';111] Ill II\(! d ;1~·:-. \\t• llt'\('I' rl•t't'l\l'd ;1 11 r:-.1 IHll. .... o I 1·;il lt•d .-:111 -.1111 .ind Iii•·\ :-.:11d tht•\· h.1d h:1d ni.n1\ -.11!'h 0 t·al l:-. :111(1 1l1e1r l1d l:-. 11 l0r1· n1"l nut gt·l!in~ U11·uu !::'h \\'li ;1J 1t \\\'had 11nl rt•- ('l'1\'l'd llil' :-.1•1·11•1 d l1·1!1•r 01· h a d ht'l.'ll ;11\ .t\ f11r .1 11•\\ d:t\:-.·· llclp' '1·n1 :ifra11 l 111 n1 :1il .111 yt h1n g 1111pn rl1111\ ;111,\· tllOl'l.· ;,111d ha\\' h <t nd delL \t'l'\'d St•\pral 1tll po 1'l a t1 L li •t1 1·1·:-. !o I.us 1\ngelt·s h(·c·.1us1· 11f th 1~ \\'ho pays the late t·h:1r gcs on Pllt' hill o.; th:1l t;,1ke so long lo dcli\'l'I' :i nti gt•! Sl.'nl h:t ck tu Lhl' :-.1•11dt·r o r . ,,·o r:-.t', ncvt•r ar· rive :.it ;ill'' 1-\ny111\L' hU\'C a s ug- g1·stiun for \t h a t ;,1 eonCc rncd re· ~L dl'lll n1i g ht do·: IJIA N£•: Cl·IRJST I E ORANG E COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N . \.\'eed . f>11bl111hcr Thoma.! Kef>uil. f d11or Ua rbara Kre1hich. Editorial 1~age f:d11or 1'ht> ('ditt>rial paJlt' of tht> Daily Pilot see ks to 1nrorm and Mim ulale- teadcr.; by 11re.stnllnJ1 on this paj[e <l1\•ers1• C'Ommt"11t;iry. on topics of In· ter~st by !ll-'Jld1c11ll•d f'Vhlmnis1!{ and t.-:illr'tuonl~lii.. h)' ,rovulinll> a fo rum for re<1d1:r11 ' \it\\ 5 11nd hy present ing thl,s rlt'"'~JlllPcr\ <iplni(ln~ 11nl1 lde11111 on' t'urnnl topi r11 Tht e-tlltorlal opinion~ of lht> D ai l ~· Pilot itpPeur only 1n tht' edilurl1t1I column ;it the top Of the"1111 f(1• I 1r•ill101M1 •xpreJI~ b,l' the l'ul11mni1>l1 1111d c•11oonl1111 ou.Ml ll•H,•r \\'!'htt1':i H(t: l/1t:.1r own 1tntl ~ end~1r:-.1·011>nl uf tpcil' ,·\tt_wt by the l11.1il)' Pll\11 ~houlil bt1 lt1fl"r'ri-d \~·(!dn cs!! :i ·,·, .J 2 n(1 ur~: 29. 1975 ~' . ' ' • • !t I ' \ t ;i po "" \\'I 23 "' ot cs ly • "' s JS " n " '" 11 fo pt <h JU in m th " B w s N h r B b ..... .. • ~ _.I • ,l . ' • . , .. THE FAMILY CIRCUS By BU K""ae "How come that arrow doesn't hove any feothers?" Oe&1tl1 llisk Me.dies Tell IUD Fears WASllJ NG 'f O!'J 1LJ !>J) -Congress has been to ld thal two n1illion \\'Om en seriously ris k illness, ~1 borti on or d t..·ath if thc>y IJcl:on1c prcgnunt while \l.'Ci:lring the Da\kon .Shil·ld inlr;1ull·r1ne cnntri1cep- I i\'c 'rhc t est i m o n y t•;1rn c 'l'ul·s 1l ay from fi v e medica l doc tor s \\'hn s pecializl' in obstet rics <.i nd gynt·cology a nd serve on un :td\·isnry panel o n n1edical de\.' ices for the }<'l)()(j and Prug Adminis t ra- tio n. 'l'ht•ir rcurs \\'t•rc cchOed by four I•'!),\ s t <.i ff n1cn1bcrs who st udic..-d the Di.ilkon Shie ld . '!'he dcvi C'C \\'US Jjlaccrl on the marke t in 1970 ;111d ;:i pprox im atc ly tv.·o 1nillion ,,·o m e n had doctors outfit the n1 be fo re June, 197·1, ~·hen the 1''L\A placed a m oratoriun1 on its distributio n and sal e Wednesday. January 29. 197!> S~ingers 'Nornial' WASH INGTON !U PI ) Contrary lo popula r belle(, t he great ma1ority of "swinging " hu s b a nd s ·a nd wives arc otherwise nor m a l couples who report that gz:O up sex has im · proved the ir n1a rrlages. ill" cordln.g t o a C al i f o r nia sociolog ist . Brta n G. Gi l111arti n. a for m er teach L•r a l Ca l Stat e l lumboldt, reported in tile la l esl issue of P s ycho logy 'J'ocl ay n1:1g a z111L· on a sur vey or 100 S\\·inging ;.111d 100 11 011 s \\'ing 111g couples 1n J_,11~ i\ngclcs and 5 .in f'ranci!:oCO i n 1970-71 ' • T II J·: S \V I 1:\1 G i.: R S, µa rt icul<.i rly th e hushands. l'nn s istc nt ly r e por t l'd ;1 highL·1· le ve l of n1;1rital h i1 pp1 nL'!:o~ :in d aclj u stm ~nl ." 1n<:lud 1n g <.in 1n1 · provcmcnt in thc·ir "('X li\'l':O. :1l hom e, G il n1;u·t 111 :-.aid "J\1orc th;.1n h<.i lf thl·:-.,,1nging eou1>les h a ve !)L'X l U,(!L•l h L·r rnore than four l tn11 ·s :1 ~·cL·k . eurnpared to on ly IG pl'rct..·nt of th e co nt r id ( no nS\\'ini.;in g i eouplt's,'' ht• :-..11d ''i\I ~1ny of 1h1· S\\1ng1·rs re· po r ted lh<.ll r alhvr th;1n tl an1· µc nin g: thL·il' ;n·dur for <'ilc h othe r , their S\•.'in g ing ad\•t·n· l11 rc·s o fll'll c:a u!'lc d :11l :1nn1s al nf sexual 11 1l1·r1:st 'l'h<·y o ft 1·11 1·11g;1 g{·d 111 ."l'X" logl·lhe r 1n1- m t·d i:1 l l·1y ;_111 e r r t·t urn1n g ho n1t..•fr on1;1 :-,\\li n ging pa rty " (;11 .. ,l .\lt1·1 ~ 1ngin r.: co11pl1·:-. Sllll1l'\\'h ;i t !~·!'>:-. S .\11> thl· g1·n1·r;1 Jly t•d t1l'<1lJOl1 !'> \l . hoid :ind f;.1n11Jy 1ne ur11 t• lh;111 nun;,\\ 1n,c:L·rs. 11 · .. ;, J)1 •r:-.on:li l'1>n1n11t - 111cnt to e h u r1·h . th<· c·11111n1lnn- t y and lh<'ir p ar,·nl ;,, n~orc u n- happy t'hildhood..,, :111 1·;1r lil·r intcrl'SI in Sl'S ;ind \\c l'l' 1nnr C' l1hL·r;.d polit1t':dly. t\ls o , j\(•rh:q>s l•L'C ;.111:-,e thc:y married tno youn:.: or .t·arclt·ss· v.·er e divor ced bero r~ they took up swingin g. ··rvt ora lis ts il nd sociaJ con1 · mentators have described ~\V · in gers a s u n h appy, u n · discipli ned . bor ed, n('urotic or per v ertt~d," G iln1iirlin s<.dd , ··111 n1 y re s ea r c h . h o "·C'v e r I f ou n d n u evidence t (.• support ttus ... I~ f<'Al'T , II J·; s a1tl. "uther than their sexua l deviance. the most r emarkable thing ubout th e s win g ers 1s h o w un· remarka ble they are .. , As for group s e x. he said, the :>\\111ger s l'L'g <.1r d it ;J S ''a n1u'tu;i l or co nse ns u a l forn1 of adulte ry " <.tnd th at the rn<irit ;d fid cltly they i n ~ist they pri:l.L" .. mL·J ns: a n ope n , honest ;ind trusting relationship, o r "'ht1t some o f the n1 c.ill ·ro1t hfu t adul tery ,''' G1 lm a rt1n ~a id mOrt· than h a lf the s w ing ing hu~haud s ('Ort sider~d t heir m;1 rr1 ;1 ~c:. .. very h u ppy." ('n n1p;1rt'd tu IL·:.s thun o nc ·thi rd hf thl· 1u111 :-,\\'lll{!ing h11s h u 11d :-. \\h o l 'unl 1n1t tc d a rlullt'l"Y :i lll•ll'l~i'!l fzl mo n sexu a l d L'\ 1:11H'l' \1·1i1 t'h they try to l11 d1· fru111 Lh c1r "'ivcs A Sex Cooling Off Time? l\.E \\' 'l't)nl\. !>\l 'J ~l'X ll <.11 l"l'\'1dut1011 is eoollng d O\\ 11 •tS !)(Jfl )C o f thl· a \ ;1 11t garde find !hat J'l'x.u;d \·a1·1cly \Vi tho u t a f f l·t:lllJll lt·<1d s t o ''fr us l r•i t inn . te ns ion :i11d JC <1J t.1u s.v." :1 p ;1n c l nf r t·· sca,ehe 1·s rt•po1·t;. Q: ' I ' ' -~J ( 1\ ~'1~ ~ ' 'I' h t· 111 0 \' l' ll) l' !I I P J .'\rnCJ'IC':J ll SUL'let y lo\\;1 rfi rt· 1h1t•1 11g SL':'\ to :1ni n1al lik1· 1·1111 dut·t hl•l\\t't'tl )!t'Op l.· 1:-. :d~•ul to end :' P rof 1\rnit:; !·:111"111 . :1 CO] ll Ill IJ I ;1 l 1, t \ l' 1· :-. ! t ,\ :.ul'it1 log 1st . ~:.ii d 'l'lll '!'>1l.1y I I~· :-.:1irl lhL· )IL•nd ulurr1 1:-. :.\11 n g111g h ;ll'k .. !ti .1 lit'\\ :-.y11lh1·-..1 .... :1 Iii.'\\ rniddh· ·· 111·: 1\l)ll l·'.f> ·r 11.\1' l'{'"Jllv ;1r1· ":-iL-t·kini.t '' ;1ys I!• dr;1\\' .. a lllll" l1t•\\\'i._'t•ll :O.l''U~il l1'i•t•d1 111l ;ind Sl'Xu ;d L111t :1") ··11 's h l't'll d i:-.c u l'•'l't•d 111 \ ;1ry 111 ;.: d ,•g r1·t·:--th.it .di 1111 ... st·:>;U;t l ;,pl t'(' l t·:1d -; t11 It'"" :-.:J!1 s f;1t'I i1 ,11 ... 1•:11,10111 ;,:nd ··'l'h1·rl' 1:-. nu\\' rn 111·,· l'1n 11h;1 ;,1" on thini..:s nlh1·r th ;11l :-.vxual :u·roh;i t 1L'S " r:t1.inni ;,po ke: to :1 Ill•\\!'> l'll1l· ft~rctlt'l' ;1 buut a !'>l':'i!:o iO n un h 11 n1 ;111 Sl'XUa lil y ;_11 thl' l-11:-.t an n u;1 l 111 t:l'ti n g vf lht• 1\n1cr il':tn 1\s soci:1t io11 for thl' Ad\' a lll'l' 111 e nt of Sc ll'fl('C :-.1ngle p t•l':o,Ofl!'> lll t;l l'L'l\\I Ith \'1Jl<1 J.!l' Ill :'\1•\\ 'i'o1·h. :111d .·,q l'"l1 plt•!o :11 H ul g 1·1·.., 1 ·1111l·r:-.1t1 \\ho II.id ll v1·tl \11gclhl'r' ,111d h.td d l'1·1d1·d !o g 1·l 1n ;11'1'i"d Hobe rt I ' Ku lndtl\ j 1I th1· H t•p1 n d u1·ti\·1· l \1 1 11"~'.\ lt l•;,1•:11·1·h F n und;1t111n 111 ~! l.uuis , ~.iul h 1 ~ l'L'!'>l':1r 1·1i1·r:-. !'>.J\I anrl 11 1l v l'\'1l·\1 (·d h 1111drt_·d :-. 1oi pc11p1t~ frl\lll ;ill \1 ;ilk s <1f !11!· 11111 .... 1 nf thv n1 "h1l1• l!1• :-..11.t tllt•lr 1'X lh 'r11·rit•t·.., t·onf1rn1 !hi' (·'.1'1.l(U\i \'11•\\' "\\\· h :1\'l' fu11 nd ." l\1 d11tl11 ,\ ..,;11 \t . ''th :1I .i !'l tr 11·l l .\ rnl·t:h:1n 1l·al. h 1 .. l•>1n -..l1t· :111 pro:11·h In ;,1•x. I\ hilt· 1•:-.pon .... 1·d liv so1111·. 1:-. r 1·l;o1 1\1•l.1 r :1 p 1d l~· f;illlng to !h t•" :1_\!'>1d 1·" K~)l ,fJ I)'.'\'\' S .\11) 11 1:HL.\ 11! those "''ho l'X µ1·r11nt•llll·d \\1 th thi' hc don is tit' ;1 p 11r11:1l'h f11u11 d it .. rns l;1,·ini.:. not fre l·ing .'' ·r h<'Y :t r c r(•tu rn ing to ··a t le a st ;1 s~·ar c h fo r a rl'l:1l1nn ship \\'hl'l"t~ tht•r e c·a n be· ;1 p11si ti\'1· •em ntion:i l retu rn DAIL V PILOT A 7 Cabbie Really Got Tip l l C)~l l·:S'f J·:;\f). l"l ;1 tl'l'l 1 \\'lu.·n :1 \\0 1n :1n t o ld t:1hlJ1 1· ~l 1l'h:J 1 •I ,\r d1 \ltn11 lu :-.ll'JI on 1t, 1 1·a 11'1 1111":-. \ll,1t plant· • h l' Ohl'\vd .1 11d \\'>I!'> I L' \1:1rdl'tl \\'1lh .1 Sl .l \1:1111 1 I \1.1 ~ ~l ll ll lll'd ;,ind I d1dn I l.r\1111 1\ h;.t lo t h i n \.. \\liL•fl l c·o un l t·d l ht· 11lt •1lt'\ th•· :.!:.! \'l':ll'·nld dr111·r ..,;1 111 'l'ut•"d ;1\ \1'd11l1f)ll li :1d \U !->1 l111 1"hl'd hi.., ..,jit1 1 \\(•l!d,I\ llL ;.'h! II hV!1 l h1• d 1 ~ ]1.llt·li l'I ·'"h.1•d 11111 1 tu i'lt \...!Ip Hiil' 111111 1' l.!!t" ,jj .l l1H .d 1110!1•1 IOI .I \l"l!J '" 1!11· .\!1.11111 l t1!1•! 11.111011.d .\1rp11 1! .1 d1 ..,1.ir11·1· n l .1!u•I!! '! • 11111••.., "I'll·· t.11'1' 11111io •d 11!1! ll• h" .1 n 11ddl•' .1...;"d 11n111 .1n 11!!h [l\'1' 1•1iild1 1•11 Ill 1 lttdlU;.' ,t l•:d>I .... 11 .. II .I" huld11 11-•.1n IH·r ;11·111 " '!'IH• \\!'ill.Ill k1·pl 11 ·11 Iii " Ill<' 1•1 ~~" !;1!'1\t'I ,\rd .. t1n11 ~.11 d 'I h1·n ..,IH ' l "ld lllV !!i1' l1,1h\' \I ;!~ .... 11•k ,11111 "!ii' l1.1 d 111 (•;d ! fl :1 p l.1fi.• Id '\1·1\ ,.(~1 ·11 I" ).! 1• I I 11,. 11 ,l h \ I H .1 !->Pt'l' 1:111 :-.r · lh•t•I. I Hl "l l l1 1to11·d lh" .tt·1 .. ·l1 •1 .Lltlt l'lll 01) rh1· h l111 l..1n '.! 1·1111·1 i.:•·111·1 l!:..:h 1 .. ,111 rl dl'11\ ,. 11\..1· 1·r.11_\ . Ii.· ~.11 d A ir 'fra' 1·1 S .\.'l tAI' l I' lt ,\ '\ l ' !S('I) :\11· \ 1'•1 \cl HI t he .~DA CO l\1 !\llSSI ONt:R ALF.X ,\SDER l y, n1o r c o f th e S\\·i n ging Tiii·: ('()l.UI\IBL-\ sot10!(1 J.:i:-it ··so<·it·t v. I th ink . 11.i~ 111)1\ lJC'en s;1tl1.r a t c d \\'11 h 1!11· Sl':'l.t1•d 'hO\\' t u do it' hunk ~- S !..111 Fr <.1ne1 :-.eo Hi!)' ,\rc;1 \\On 't so:1r :1:-. n1 ul'h ••=-' fnrL•t·ast, hut :-!d i is L''· pt>l'tcO t" doulile in I ll Yt'ill'S :11.:e11rd1ng lu I/I t· ,\I t• 1 r o p u l 1 1 ;1 II ·rra n ::.p ni-1 :tl !\•!l t •u n 1 n1ission S<.·hn1idt , nC'ting ;i gaiust the rccommend<.itions of hus bands a nd '' l\'L';, h:1d liL·C·n 'W o w !' s ai d thi s v it•1v \\·as b:1scd 1n 1v;o n1cdical ;_id \'isory l'On1n1i ttl'('S, announC't:d in di\'of'C'L'd pr1·viousl,r. IJu t 1110 . ..,t pa rl o n in ll·r v ie \\'S "'ith 215 l)l'c c n1 bt · r v 1 a n s for ~. I i 111 it l'rl d i st ri b11 ti on D ~ti k o n -,;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;::;;,;;;::;;;;:;;;;;:::;;;;;:::;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;::;;;;:;;;;::;;;;::;;::;;;;;::;;;::;;;;i ------------===--'' Shield redt•signt'<I h y ;\.II. ll ohins Co. of \{il'h1n ond, I \';1 for s ;d(• l:il t: this y1·a r . l)ut th e dis putt· outlined Tut•stl :1y hefore Sen. 1<:d\\·:i1·d l\c 11 1led y's suhl·On1111itlCC' o n health h ing Ps on \\'hL·lhl·r the rt·dt·s ii.;ned \'l•r:-.inn or the i;hicld ,,.1Hdd :il h•\ 1:1\L' t he st·rious s:1rl•ly {jll l'!'>tions po:-,t..•d l>) llll'dit a ] <'XJIL'l'l S ~.: /: (· ~~~L~:..'!~·::~~J£.~CJ.·:.~",~.~~~ .. ~~.~=: . :;;;:~:·sr;ir?.'fi:dS·O~,;'-rrtt>dfC3jd~~;ces:~~-~ -· r 9Phe ll ;.1l kon Shil•ld allc•gcdly h as caused spo n- 1:111L•ous <J h ort ions , bact e rial infecti on~ and 14 de· ;1ths 'r 11i.; f 'l\'I·: J)O\TORS 1\GRt:F:o the ~h icld pO~L·s n u g re<.1t e r r·i:.k than any othe r t ype of It;D :1111011 !! nonpre g n anl \\'Om l'l1. Uut if prc-gn u nc y oc· _ l·urs . they s a id , 1\·o n1C"n face a g reiill'r ris k of com - pli c at ions. inelud in.i.; d1·ath. C'ompl:1i nts <111 fil e v.·ith Bo bins i ndicate a pre· gn:inl'.\' ral(' of up to 8 or 9 percent. ;1m ong \\'om en ,,·ho u se the s h il·l d , 1-·11,\ st;.iffers s aid. ·rhc doct ors t·st in1 ;1ll'd co in plic 11tions that le ad to death a rc 20 to 23 pt·r cl·nt hi ghe r a n1011g: "'·om en ,,·ho become preg- nant "·hil e using the shield th :.in for lhos e usini; otht•r Ill Os '!'he Oalko n Shield :.it·t·ounts for <.1 pproxim:.ite ly o nl'·th ird of the I L' l> 1n arkc l. DR . S ll F.l .DOS SEGAL OF Nt:\\' 'l'o rk c :-,t1n1ated th e ris k uf de ath a mong s hield USL·rs to IJ(' bC't~·cl'n three and five per million. Deaths usu<.11 - I \• arc :.ittributc d to ;i form of bll)()(j poisoning c rea t-ed by bac'lc ria in conjunction "'ilh s ponta neous <i bortions. Diek('y s aid \\'omen "'ho e lected to us c the shield \\'ere not t old ""·h at the ir r ea l r isk of dyi ng 1s .. sho uld they become prc1;nant and seek to co n-- t inuc the prei::-n:in<'y. 'l'he docto r s :ig rect.1 , hO\~:c\'cr , it y,;ould be fa r r1;,kJl'r to rc m n \"l' the-D<1 lkon Shield fron1 a ll v.·om c n ~u c·ccssfu ll ~· u;,ini.; till' de\·1ce thri n to inform \\'Om C'n , ,f I ii <' d a n gl'rS Ex-judge Denies Perjury Charges lrlllTE PLAl :\S. N.Y. !l 'J)I ) -A 60-ycOr·Old for m e r j u dge h :-is p le ;i d cd innocen t t o t h;1rgcs that he lied to n juclici:1\ panel in\·l'stigal· ing all egutions tha t he made sexual <.1dvunccs lo the m other of a yout h he \\<1~ about to sentence. \\lesl c hest c r Distri ct Wonia1i Trooper Dropped SEA GIRT. N .J. (UPI> --J ane l~o s t e tl c r Bulaga, 27, one of two v.·om en who broke the' sex barrier v.·ithin I.he New Jersey State Police, has be e n dis missed ~1~ a recruit . OCflcials s ai d l\·tr1L Bula g a was droppe d bec au ~o s h e Culled in ··,"e ssent ia l skills in u~e oC rirearms a nd Inability Lo m eet d is ciplina ry and t:onduc l require m e nts ." • "1 brought a law suit Attorn ey Car l A . Ve rga ri sa id Tuesday that llugo Scuccim a rra m a de ad\'ances to ri.1rs . i\:le lba S mith in his ho n1c un J une 21. Tiit: FO R !\t t :R Peekskill c ity j udge "·a s re le a sed in his O\\'ll re· co g nizanc (' pending .-i he a ring J:o'eb . 27 afte r pleading innocent to the one count o r £irst -d egrce perj ury. According to the in - di<'ln1 cnt. Scuc e imarra a s ked 1\1 r s . Smith to come to his home to dis· cuss the return of $!"J(l(l s he posted as bail for her so n, v.·h o p leaded guilty to a c harge of unla\\•ful entry . \Vhilc Mrs . Smith, 3".l, ag reed to telephone the jud ge the fo llo v.·ing duy to set up a meeting. she a lso di scus s~d the mat· ter with h e r brother. an assis t a nt di s trict fl l · lorney In New York County, Ve rga ri s aid. INVENTORY REDUCTION " .. · · •·· · w;~-~~r:: ~·, ·"' < • -'-. r · .. , . \:. ... ~, ·1~, :;A.tc:"'r,.v ~ ... i.:...~. / /: SAVINGS of I 0 to 75°/o WESTERN & ENGLISH RIDING APPAREL & EQUIPMENT LARGE SELECTIOM MEH"S. LAPIES & CHLPREM BOOTS 30%off iiiiLES20·30%off MEN'S PANTS ~~~ 5790 to 5 11 90 ENGLISH BREECHES,JODHPURES & FLARE PANTS Reg. to 14500 s5'° ONE GROUP LADIES & MEN'S COATS 30% OME GROUP FELT HATS 30% EVERY ITEM IN !EXCEPT FAIR TRADE OR SALE ITEMSI STORE10% RASMUSSEN'S··· ' Sadclebaek Saddlery ENGLISH & WESTERN RIDING APPAREL & EQUIPMEMT off off off 13922 Newport Ave . Tustin (714) 838-0800 3501 University Riverside 683-3311 · agAinst them and they don't wan! m e," Mr~. 9ulaga said. THE BROTH E R notified j ud icia l aulhor ll ies a n d a transmitter waa· placed on Mn. Sl!!ltb .betore •he L~~~~~~~'."":~~~~".'."'.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ visited thejud"e"s home. Another woma n , G:ill )J uSt of Oover. who uli;o )possed tho stule Police .lest and wa:i appoinlt'd -•Mi • troope recruit, is sllll a inlmber of tho trainin g class. · '.. . Al a JUdiciary Rela· tions Committee hearing )\u ~. 6, Sc u c~imarra replied "no .. (o B series .,p r questio~• about (' ) wheth er· be made ad· RT HOPPE SATIRIZES II) lh• vnticcs to Mrs . Smith. '---------~· • DAILY PILOT THE ~ ' . , . ...,. .ef"r"""' ___ ,.,_. -.. : • ','·~-"~.".,; ... r'(' . c..'.: ·.t,··~•; . ..,.,,,'l.~~'f ~Jf"-;'~~~-~;-: .. o::." •• KnowA throughout orlnge Couniy for the finest 1n Hi fashioned Men's and Women's Clothing is starting their FALL SALE Our Complete Stock Of FALL, HOLIDAY and EARLY SPR ING . Clothing -Shoe s and Accessories will be on Sale at 50% off •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sale starts in all Orange County Stores Thursday, Jan. 30 l 0:00. a.m . The ••• Women Shops at 33 Fa s hion Isl a nd . N e wport B each 127 644-2400 We s tmin st e r Mall . 842-5519 W estminster Guys Gear Shops at Beach We st m inster 65 Fashion I s land . N ewport 644-6500 Westmin ste r Mall , 842-5510 128 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bon komericord Moster Charge Cash No Layaways or )~olds All Soles Final ----- A.• . dAll. V PILOT Wednesday.January 29. 1975 29Projects Fund Sharing Sites Chosen SANTA ANA -More than ~.7 million worth of park i.lnd open s pace projects all over ()range County have been declared cli gi. ble tor federa l revenue sh;:i rin g funding this year. The 29 projects endorsed ·r ues· day by the county lloord of Supervisors we re weeded out or ;i lis t or 58 pro posed by cities and the county . T he county lla rbors, llc;..ie ht•fi and Parks Cornmission, \\hll'h gr1ve initial endorsement to the project, broke the list into t\\U parts because or unccrtau1 fund availabilil}'. T llE TO r 23 projects \\'l're Sui:! gestcd for funding ~·ith the $1.fi million in rc vl"n uc Sll:1ring money left in the fund from last year's allocation. But the conl· mission also asked for board con· sider ation or rive additional pro- jects worth more thnn $809,000. In its report to s upervisors, lhe commission s ug gested other sources of revenue sharing funds be tapped lo pay for the fi ve setond p riority projects. But Supervisor Ralph Di edrich sugges ted t he board a pprove a ll the projects out of parks and open space r e v enu e sh;.iri n g because not a ll "'ill be r c;.i dy foi funding be for e the next all oca- tion . ONCE T llAT money :.irrivcs, Diedrich said, there will be n1o r c tha n e nough to pay for all 28 lis l · ed projects. The 29th p roject, a $300,000 swimming pool at E l Toro t ligh Sc ho~I . v.•as t ack e d onto the priority fund1:-i g li st :.it tile r cqut•:-it ofSupl·rv1:-.u r 'l'huina:, ltilt·y. ·rhl' pool 1i~1d IJl·1·n pl:tt·cd <in th<· SJ .ti n1 ii hon J 1st of re J t ·t·t <:tl prOJCt'l :-. . A to t al of 12 C>rangc Coast p ro· Jt'l'l', 1nt·lud1ng lhl' t)(1ol, \.\()ll hoard l·n<lo1 ~1 ·1nt·nt 'J'h1·y ;1r1· ;\ 101.d of $HIU,000 in dt'Vl·lop- mcnt funds fur a F't1unta11i V;1llev re1:rc:.it1on:.il t·on1ple:.;. $200.000 \.\':JS r(•l)u(•:.ll•d. -:\ T<)T.1\l. 1l( $17 ,GOO fur tht• 'fcnn1 s Now de vl·lopmcnt 111 IJagun;.i l1(';_tt'h l)1.•\'1.·lo pn1t·11t funds tot:1ll111 g St:I0.00-0 for Bt1111 t(1 l:<111yu11 l'•n·k 1n S:ui Cl1.·1111.·n\e. -Ocvt ... lupnii..•nt funds l1lt.1ll1n g $5(),(HJO for Lung l'o1rk 111S•111 Ju~111 ('ap1strano. ,\ S50,0fJU :1cqui:-.1I inn fund ~1)11g ht l•.V the (':1p1. ... 1r,1n11 !~<1 \. fJark and llct·r c.:1tio n IJi str1cl fu·r Carmelita !'a rk. -.:\ SliJ0 ,000 dcvl'lnp1nc11t fund for Crown V a lley Con1n1unity Park in Li.ig una Niguel. -AN SI J,000 devclopmC'nt g ra nt for p:1 rk ing in lower Ortega picnit g rounds. -A t ota l o f $40,000 for purchase anti cJevelopn1cn1 <•l the histori c f•«l on t<1nt ... z /\dobc in S;.111 Juan's l..os Hi os di stril't . --1\ $60,000 fund fo r <lev(·lop- n1cnt of r el·rt•••lion areas ;1s 1-'irs t Street Beach in Seal Bcaeh -A $17,500 grant to Irvine for dcvl'lop1n cnl of Cu lverda lc Wilderness Park. -A grant of $25,000 to San J uan for deve lopme nt o( a San Juan Cree k trail r est stop. A. Common Foe Battin Puffs Up Brigg s SAN'fA ANA -Ora nge County Supl•r \·i.-:nr llobert Battin li kes to give tredil "'h~re it 's due, cs pe<·1;dl.v 1f it m c;.ins de .a ling •1 quixoti c blo w to his pcrson :il \\'lndrnitl . tobacco. --. --· -. ' I 'Foothifl Corridor' -~ .J- Canyon Policy Okayed :., ,, •• • 2,350 acres -Black Star Canyon, 4,000 acres -Silverado Canyon, Modjesk&1 Canyon area, 24,680 acres --Couk 's Cor ne r s Foothill Corritlo r :11! vi ~o ry cOnlnllllcCS, (Ult' for thl· nvrlh half :uHl lht: other fur the ~Olllh . 111 give l'OUll~t·I tu 11l :111111 •f:-. :ind ~upt·r' i~u r :-. on pro p o !'>e d dc1;c l uµ1ni.:11l pion:>. • -· t:rt·:.it1 on of s:n1a l\cr l'ot11 utun1ty )Jlannini.; :1r1.:a l·urn1nitlL't'S to drr1ft :-i pt·l·1l1i' ;1 r1·~ pla11 s fp1· tlu·u· 111\ll :-.t·ct1011 of th<" 1·1ir1·11\{1r ORANGE COUNTY S1\NTA ANA -A com· prehcns ive polic·y pl:.in for orderly d e ve lopment on at lca:,t 58,000 <.1C res o( S;1n t a 1\n a !\1ountain foolhllls ;111tl c~1n yons has hf'cn aµprovcd lJ y Oran g e Cou nt y Supcrv1surs. 'J'h c <1ttion 'l'uesday y.•;1s th1· f1rsl step tov.·.ard illll•llSll.'t! l'Olllnl Ull l t y planning 111 lht• ~o -called ··Foo thill l'orridur '', which o!>trell'hl'S rr·onl lrvi nl' IJ<:ikl• Lu Coto de (. :11.:1 area , l,360 ac·rc:, l~~~~~~~;~~:r1r1ri;:~~!l -T R AB UCO OAKS, 4,000 acres -UJ)per Oso Creek, l .OOOacres Judge S mitlt ToReadLaiv Library U1lit S,\:'\'1'/\ f\~,-'\ i\l11ni1·ipnl l "1 iurl .l11 dg1· .Jan1es I .. S1nith h:ls h1·1·11 e !C'c·t vtl pres idt.•nl of \ht• llran~c County 1~<1\V Library l ~ard nf'l'ruslccs. ()ther o fficers include Superior ('our! .J udge \\l illia n1 S. 1.l'l', Vit'e preside nt, and 1'h co<lor(' ltl';ille, t hC' ;1ppoi nlee \vho represents the t•ount y board of :-.upcrviso1·s. SC'<'rcl:lry. 'l'hl' 1·urridor 111c·ludes :1noth1 ·r 20,IJUU al'rcs of ("Jc\·t·land N ation::.I t.'ort•:-il 1:-t nd "'h1C'h 1s, fur .di 111!v11t:-. ..ind purposes, frl'l.' frotn de\ 1·lupn1c11t threat ~. ·r tl1·: Plll ,I(.'\' P l ~~~. \\ li1 l'h pr1..•:,ents in outhni.' forrn the go;il of l'itizens <.ind clcvl:'lnpn1cnt in· t<::rl·:-;ts for ft!ture use of the hills :ind v;llleys, is cl es1gn£"d to ser ve ;ts an inlt·ri n1 s et of g uidelines !'or planning in the area. --Plano Trabucu, 5,280 acres -Dove C:in yon. l ,420 at· res -Coto de Caza, 5,000 a.: res. ·rhe policy pl:1n n1)ll·:O that :1 linHluv.•n(•r s I\ ho~c propl•rty f<lll s 011 lhP line l:.ety.·cen plan1iili g ;n·c.:-is c ;1n pt:lition h1 b1..· placed in !ht· :u·l·H \.\here n1ust of hi ~ l;1nd Iles ." B Y AOO l'Tll':I; tht· policy plan, drafted by (•itizcn s g1·011 p s and :.tudied by count y plan· ncrs, s upC'rvi:-:urs set the st age for the following chain or events:. SA VE ON CHAIN LINK FABRIC 50°/oOFF*.vvu.. FABRIC WHEN INSTAUfD BY WARDS •G.h.t.. potlt, topro1'. ff1tiMp -.:t i..1t~011 •• •rlr• trt ,....... klw prir;•t.. Cal fo.-frff e1tilft0t• todoy! WOOD AMD WROUGHT IRO .... ALSO AVAIL.A.Ill HUNTINGTON CENTER ,!111111! 7 777 ldlMrr Hv.tM9011 ..._ .. -"' ,,,~ '"°"' 8'Z·661 I [l!f/~, ~ i~ ..... ~2~~~ :~ ... .. .._. 147-6141 Al:i o on the ho•1rd ar(' Judge' l .lo~·d !'.:. Jll;1npit•tl Jr. and Jutlgc \\'1111;1111 I. l\l urr;.11·y . or Lhr :-.up1·r·1or tour!, !\l unicipal Court .l11d gl· Philip E Sl'h\lo•ah anfl Vroink 1\l ~1n zo . l,a\\' l.i brary d1rl·c·tor i\l r s Jjcth.:-111\' Ochal con· 11nues ;.1s rcc:ording s~cret:.i ry. 1"ht! p lan suggcsts re· .sidC'nti ;il dcvclo p1nent n1 ;1i nlain a rur~d <tl· 111ns phc·r1.~ and th ;1l rc- J,:in1cn lalion uf hous ing ht• :1voidcd. L:r h ~1n at .. \'Ulllfl'nll'll1 S ~uc h as i;!UI · t c r s. curbs an d !'>lllc\.\·;Jlks arc ;.i\so dis- c·ouragcd. ~ Jmplcn1entntion of a t hangc in design;.iLion for th e 58,000 a cres (d priv;ite land frorn a pl an '~=====================~ ;1in g pre.serve to .a plan r Slide Show On Aviation Set at Base A slide sho\v on !\tarine Avia- netent io n o r some ngriculture, ranching and Ii vcstock-raising is urged. The p\nn s uggests de· ve\opn1cnl of only conve- n 1c11 cc con1 n1 c r ci;.l l f~1C'iliti('S and aln1ost no signs or bi llboards . Only minim:tl indust rial use is !;illppor t cd .. ning . r c:sc r\'C. 'fhi ~ n1eans dct:.iilc d lane pl;ins can llU\I' he prl' p;.ired "'hf're t hey \1·cri l"l'StriC'tcd hc fort'. -Specific area an(.. community planning fu1 . individual parts or lht torridor. P OSS IBL E amendment. of the 1983 Orange County Land Use Elem e nt to confor n1 \\'ith upcon1in g (·hangcs. l an d U!'>C' tion and the El Toro Air Station 0 1)1·:~ S P .t\CI': anti y.·ilt be p r esented v.•he n the recrculionis en1phasized Reu11ion Sel Or<.1ngc County Chapter o f the in the policy pl.'.'tn "'ilh l{el ired Off icer~ A ssoe iat~on prO\'is inns for g rct'll· Duarte l ligh School's J.!.alhe rs fo1· a dinne r meet ing hc•lts, p.irks bike lrails class o f 1965 will hold it s ANNOUN CING A NEW SER VI CE F or Children W11h ll'.Ullllll'J Oo~1b1lil11_i, "THE LEARNING CENTER" HAS A CLINICALLY MODELED MOBILE LEARNING UNIT Stor'fing We-st Oranqc Co..nty Wffl<Jy at M ur dy Park 7000 Norn1a Drive Huntington Beach OPEN HOUSE Friday. January JI sJ 12:00 • 6:00 P.M. . ·l~ ... ; ..... 1<>1-.. 1. iA,o • .,, ... ~t}H~ ... .._ ___ ,,, ~-r ~ r~nS[vp .. ", Vt'·~~<t·~rita·.•xrfa"" SUl*!r~soi &£1 11is · _:. 1_ .f-f,,'.b,1t"tJ , /~· •1., ,~..,·~il!J .. • .u>'-J .... 11._...,.;~.J ~.J~IW..t-JIW oinn .al 1Jw ,·. ~ lff~~cn . 'itdb'c-'~ \\>'. T::Y10r, .. C~tFrs-: -.; ...; ~· , _. ~··nlefn-eylamr .:..,dl1f ·J-~tY The m~1e.,}~r .u.c~:::~~1.:.~·1..".,~~.-~',1:_.c fl~~~ ~ ... eir1e·ntiv8· rns-1eFqi{~ ·~na Cci'hc·c·fn 1or 1h·e"chl1d · encountered ..it .,., '' ,. . ..,. . -Telfow bOnroWt C'hlber s to suµport t .... ·o pend in ~ Assemblf bills th a t putsn1oking in its pl<1cc . But to suppor·t the bills. \\'hit·h req ui re s pecial no•s m ok ing ~1rcas in public places such as restaurants, Battin . a Democrat, had lo laud their author. FUiierton Assen1blvman C'om manding gC'n c ra l of t he Comml>.. -..u;.-.~. • .'.~i;fla ss mcn1bt·rs 1n - l\l arinc Corps Air Station, E l arC'~lS .within the fooll_1n1 tere;;:led s hould ~hon.e '1'01·0, und commander of l\1a rine ;1rca lll C'lud t•: -Irvine l tunt1ngton De;.1ch rcs1- Co 1·ps Air liuses, \Vestern Area L a keacl·a.6,400acres dent Larry l\.!arshburnal THE LEARHIHG CEHTER I 5lS E. 17th St •. SCS\h• A"g S"12 ·560 I "ill deliver the ta lk following -l~imcstone Canyon. 536-8919.. l'----------------------...J dinner in the El 'foro fv1arinc ,-----------------------L---------------------- J ohn Driggs , a Republican. · e,.t.rr1N BltlOGS "I an1 a Jillie rl•luctant to a ~k lhC' bo;ird tn support a bill by :\sscmhly n1an l'riggs bu! I feel the r e is •1 lot of truth in the s;1y1n/.! th<1l e\'f'n u slopped <·luck 1s r ight l\\H:c ''day," U;.ittin said . "\le l'Ornl'S up \\1th things t·\ l't'Y nO\\ :ind the n that arc good.·• ll:i\1111 ~;11d tu lht: chuckles of I h e: Ulidit·nt:\' and huartl n1l·n1hc r-; Battin even n1an<.1P,t•d to \.\'In s upport of 1i 1~ resolution fii\'Ori ng thl' bi ll s from Supervisors Thom<1s Riley ~ind l{alph 1J1l'dri1."h, the only two sm oke rs on thl' board. Plea Entered Corps Air Station Officers' Club. Heser\'alions n1ay be m ade by C'(ln tacting Col . \1ic Cop1>ard of Laguna Jlills. ( <:ON.~l.'1\~f:H J ADVOCATES in the AND REW M. MOR GAN. M . D . Of Insanity ANNOUNCES THE OPENI N G OF H IS OFFICE FOR T HE PRACTICE OF GENERAL M EDICINE · SAl\'TA f\NJ\ 1\ w om :111 hooked on mu rtle 1· l' ha r i!eS ;1 ft t· r sh(· a llcgedly s uffocated htr. 2-ycar-old d :1 ughte r todc- a th in a Ull c n :1 !'<irk mote l has p lcadt'd 1nno- cenl by rt:ason of in:,anil.v in Ur angl· Co unl y Superior Court . Judge Kenneth I:: i,al' appoint e d tv.·u psychia tris t s to cx;imioe J anl·t J,ou1 se B;1il1.·s. 2.1, (;ardcn (il"O\"l' l /e ~t·I April 7 as hC'r tri;d date and ordered her rctu,-netl lD'lhe courtroom Murch 14 for pretrial action. f'd ;ti lh(' ,\/l{'(' ~lP!C·J i}LIL'il <1 l'.1r'k , .J;in ·I Utll'J' n1ti \cl \\'n r·J...1·r:-. di s 1·0\1'1«·il the l111d\ .. f 11•·1 d :1u g h1ror. ,\111tl·l1·1 1·~· l.A•Ul :o.(', 2, 111 I hC' /'(Kiili rl·ntc·d by thl' (l1'i\·nd:111t ;1 ft~\\' hours earl 11•r . On D e an's Ll,;l " SUITE 709 1401 AVOCADO AVENUE N EWPORT Ol=ACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 o•r1c:c l{ich ~•rd ltov1 n •1f 17 1.i.1 c .ia c.21o Cu'.;ta i\ll'!'><I li ;1-. li•'l·n na1n ed lu thl' dl';111 ·~ ll~l ~i t K ~1 n s as I\ t '\.\ n1.1n l.'ollt·g1.· 1n \\'u ·h1l ;1. l\;111 . l-----------------------11 II <' is ~1 mon~ !J·I .... lu tlt•111 ,.. \\-ho ;_1 ('h1l'\l'd av~r~1ge in ~lo re than 12 rr ...... ,....., .. ~,,,~, ... ~,,~,~l ahM<· a "·'' W "<le l""'l ,._..._w.11_.,..._.,.__..,.,_.,.'-_ll.~ llilltsoft·rcd1I . ~ I :;::::==p=,,=. c=cs=· J:;= .. r=re=cl=iv=e=th=ro=u=g=h J=a=n=. J=I ==:;I~ ~\ ~"' ~ Hearin·g loss? Cum.e ;,. I Sears I ~ .JA.fi:!'C ~ for a 11riua1e lwaring 1cs1!. . ~ ~Q~•Wl\Jew! ~ Sea rs A ll-in-th e-Ear jlf! S h earing aid ~ ~ ~ Inflation Fighter ~ I Cocktails ~ save $70 $199 ..... i., f:!bl) ~ Monday• thro Fridays ~ § 11 a.m. to 8p.m. ~ ~ "[," ~ Saturday• & Sundays ~ Uee Seu rs Eaey l'ayn 1<.•11 l Plan 8 '16 ~ 6 p.m. to 8 p .m. S /lcqrinf( 11icl.• at u f'ricl' You <:nn Afiortl ... ~ ~ lm-•8•;,•cl~"''-' b • .r.•.Cu.· ".' ".""·!· •\' 0•11•<.•,,,:•. :-::;-:.~·-,.,,.·,. .,jl ~ i Ii iii g gr~~~ ~ 14•~~1~·,~:~:::''·" Sect rs ,,·,::;~;~~::;;·" ~~ 333 o.,,1d. Drh•, Newport a.tu:h ,.,J Al'"'''J' IH1rl.· ' ._ ____ ..;;•;;;•""'=·.c"°.;;.";;.;".;;."';;;;"';..;""=o-'oo"-.'-----ll ~'\a-'#: ..,,-,O.::l\'\11 . . ·~0 •• grocery shoppers special! ... SAVE ENOUGH ON THIS SUPER STURDY CHEST BUNK TO BUY GROCERIES FOR A WEEK ! , ,._, ·-· _t,__!....J.-;.. ,_ The Ultimate Space Saver . -. The Chest Bunk Bed Is On Sale NOW! SAVE $30.00 This Sunk Bed Is super, super sturdy and features: 4 spacious drawers and a great "catch-all .. storage area ••• choice of standard campaign brass hardware or new snappy chrome hardware. Plus .double-your-ple asure style com es Wllh drawirs and ~torage on both sides. $159 ANAHEIM 301 W. Uncoln 2 Blkl. IE. of Hlt'bOf 635-4380 BUENA PARK 8750 Knon Avt. 'llw, Q.Q.' 11 frwy. 828·35&0 ' HUNT.BEACH 1MT2 IMcil llVd. 2 Blkt .•. S.. D1e90 Frwy. 842-0622 SANTA ANA no S . M•ln St. ....,. SI. Oft Rlmp 547-8024 c By SAN Super posed ordina ov:e r flame board The j?CSled dcnic his m publi bee au .re_o,ldii An super "disa of th n\cas 11 for nearf CRI prt>p-0 1nclu .a i1 d i news ~l'h e SUp e s.iid t il [.ti t'l'JC'Cl st;1te uppr "111 t·Cf l'l' a r e 1 \.\10rk Pro aud i for eight duri he re Pa lbc Of! l co n s Iii!~ Cur ~. • \\'I t r '' o.1> ...1 ~rl1 t'~s fl 11-'?. \\ Q)'k d1 1Jll ' ('ti p 110:-.p .1 ;:di l 'tin fro in ){\ "" ' •' 4 P• ... ,,. 1 .. ""'r-'" <, ...... .... ,, '~ ··~P'•'" ''"' '" t ti l.'Qt l" I'"''''' t)I ~ ,,, ~· .. ' '~''' 1 •>"' .. ... , " ' • 0 { .... ' I +l ' I "' ' '1"!~ ... o11 ,, I,• •I .. ' ' " .... ~ /,'~··~ •II<'" 01'1 ol ••t ld l tS-o•. "•· .· ' ' ' • ' .. ' ' ' . .• ) .. :· ' ·. Campaign Disclosure Ordinance Shot Down By WILLIAM SCHREIBER 0 1 ll>e o.uw l'ii.t 51.all SANTA ANA -Oranae County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich's pro· posed fair can1paign practices ordinance was poked at, pic ked over and finally shot down in fl ames 'l'uesday by his fellow board members. The 4·1 ''ote lo table the s ug. J!C::>ted tot a l d isclos ure la w e ven dl•nic d Diedrich the right t o bring his measure back for a formai p ub li c hearing in two weeks because it couldn't clear a first 1c.ading. An aide t o th e J<~ull e rto n :iUJn:rvisor ti aid Di edrich was ··IJi sappointed '' with the outcome o f t h e initial u irin g of his n1c us ure, but planned to r ework it for another try sometime in the' near future . CRIT ICISM OF the 17·page proposal came from all corners, in~ludin g the otbe r s upervisors, a u di e n ce memb e r s and n e "'Sffi l'IL ?r h e toughest words came from Si.i:pe rviso r Ralph Cla rk, who :-;Jid tht• proposed ordinance was il E·timcd in light of the untested t:O"ects of Proposition Nine, the st;1le...,·idc campaign control law <i ppro\'ed by 11oters la st year. ·· F'roposilion N inc hus been in t•fft•l·t only <.1 s hort ti111e <.1nd we arc nol yet <1blc to see how il works 111 rt:l at ion to Orange County politics," Clark. said. ··1 don't see Or ange County as a pro- ble m county in this regard, but , if il is, we nee d more refinem ents t ha n this ord ina nce offer s." CLARK Al,SO SAID he favors s tricl do nation a nd spending limits not cont a ined in the p ro- posed la w. I-le said the fair cam - p a i gn p ract i c es ·t•ommission Di ed rich wants to create as a n enforcem e n t p;1n c l is o nly ano ther ··p aid bur e aucr a tic agenc y .'' •·1 a rn not o pposed t o dis- closur e, but I um concerned ...,·ith the fact we n(·<.·d to m_onitor Proposit ion Nine bt·rorc t rylng to do some lo<.·n\ rl·fining, ··he said. "Th is propo:-.:i l would require candid a li·s to I ilt.· so n1 a ny more reports fur s uc h trivial informa· lion," ('lark s aid, referri ng to such things :is a requi rement for disclosure of a ll donat ions unde r $50. SUPERVISOR THOMAS Riley was less poin ted in his approach, agreei n ~ th at the people must have "f<1 ir, open and honest " elections. But he said more time should be devoted to preparing a local can1paign control law. Died ri c h c1 c fc ndcd the la"' and his proposed fa ir <"an1paign prac·· tic('s t·o n1 mis s io n, s ayi ng an y kind of lin1it s "'il l evc nt u<.111 )' be r uled unconslilul iono_d , 1 lc suit! the proposc.·d ord1no.1ncc• Sclwols to Hold ... ope ns c'*mpaigns and their fund· ing to the public view and that. "is what the people r eally want." Diedrich s aid he agonized for "'ee ks over the m em bershi p of his proposed co mmission, \\1hich he s ug ges ted h a ve a judicial ap- poi ntee, on e fro m the county Crand Jurors Associa tion and one journalis t from the Society of J)rofcssional J ournalists. TllE LATTER m e mbers hip p ropos a l d rew fire from two n e\.\.·sm cn, lo ngtime county re- porte r Robe rt G eivet and re· porter G a ry Granville. Ge iv e t s aid fl a tly , ''A ne"'·sn1an d ol's not belong on a gover nment co rn mission." Granvill e s3id s uc h 1n e m· bership violnles the by la v.·s and code of ethi l·s of his society. I-le s aid an infor mal polling of local c·hapter officer s showed a m a- jority opposed a news man's pre· scncc on the panel. Criticism a ls o was voiced by a udie nce m em bc r s, including Republican central committee member J anice Boer , who said the p ro po sed l <i w is full ol loopholes. MRS. BOER s aid the portion of the la "' calling for dis trict at· torney inves ti gations of viola· lions ...,·on ·1 "·ork i11 Or a nge Coun- ty bec•1usc DA Ccl·il !licks r o.ircly probes such o.illeg<1 tions. FEELS REJECTION Ralph Diedrich Attacker Will B e Tested SA N 'rA A N A i\1ark Edward Davis uf ll unl· ington Beach has bl'l'll ordered t o u ndcr i::u a diagn os t~·c s ud y o.1t a state facilit cforc he is sentence n a ra pe con· viction r eturned by an Orange County S upe rior Court jury. Da vis. 23 , o f 188J 2 Fi orion St .. v.•ill be re· turned to Judge Robert I'. Knceland's cou1·trou n1 ~~eb. 25 to be scntenc(·d to wh:1t coul d be a st;ile prison t crn1. Hearing on Books A N A l-1 E I 1t1 m ent and Supple mental Proposed textbooks and Mate rials Commission a udio -v is ual m <1te ri(j ls holds the he a ring from 9 for ~radcs Dne through a .m . to 5 p.m . in lhc Em· {'lght v.·ill he d iscussed pi re Room of the Grand di.inng a p ubli c heari ng Hotel. W&~@J&J [X]~~D~®TI®~ hercThursday. In s t r uct i o n a I Pa rents , te at·he rs and m at e r i al s in he a lth . tbe publi c w ill comment m a th e.mat ics . mus i c , on the inateria ls being sc i en c e a nd soc i a l con sid e r e d fo r s tale s ci e n ces f or kin · . Af;i'?l.>~Q;R. ~))er.. t~--.t~te_ Q.er,;:a_r~en.-~.'iW .gret de.~ 1-8 '<!Ur'ttcUlb'Jr:i ~c:~---. -----·l«:~tui'lle;.~'\.~, .. ~. Satisfaction plus ... Satisfaction plus economy, that's what un finished furniture has to offer. The salisfaclion of owning just what you want, finished as you like it; and the satisfaction ,,y.<'.f fini~h~ng •. ii+?.urself. ~t-~ much lo~e; W ednesday January 29 1975 D AJL y f'JLQl A' 'Overlv Narrow' • Bargaining Unit Bid By Employes Denied SANT A AN/\ -Or<Jngc County S upervisors have reje cted a bid by 86 of the county's building t r ades cmployes to 'set up their o ...,n h a r t-(a ini n g u nit wi thin the ()range County Employcs As soc iation. The <·on solida tio n v.'aS op1>0sed by t he county l"'er so nne l l)cpa rtm<•nt on the grounds th~1t 1t created an o ver ly narrow unit of e n1 ployes. ORANGE COUNTY pe r son nl·I ll l·p:1r L1nc nt 1·ut.•sd ~1y _ 11 u 1rr S('t r l "I', pt·r:-.on n1•I off1(·t•r for' !ht• c·oun ty, told Lht• bo:n'<I his off 1t"l' l;i vorc·!I :1n11th c r n t •\\' s t r ut·tu rl' t h at \1·o uld hoo~t n1t·n1h(·r,h1 p of lhc- 111111 f rtinl Hli to I J\J Ill' :-;11<1 o1h1'r rraft <.1nd lradl· \1 urkt·r:-:-.ul'h as ~1 1110 1n1·1·ha ni c~ ~h o uld be part of t hl' ~a ni t> un1l S\ll '.'t: lht: Ir :-.;i l ;1 r·y , bClll'fl l Tll F; C R A l·'T a nd tr atle St' ~dt•<; 0.1 r(' a hou t t h t..· ~a n1c cn1p loyes . n1osl of .... ·110111 a'i t h1· ln H ld 1ng l r ~1d e Y.Or k in lht• countv l\ui ld · l'tllplo_v 1·:> 1n g Scr\'lef's 1l e p <.1 rl B ut :-.upt'I"\ ,,or~ c·h11.'t c n1cnl . art• t·urrc 11 tly par! u ni I ";.-1:-. 11p po:-.1·d IJ\ not t u;1do p11·1 th1·r v pl1on of ;1 lr1rgcr 11 1•gol1Hling l )CE1\ l ~t s l )'t'~1 r dunng 'l"h1·.v1lt·t·l(lt·d tu r1·Jci.:ttlie 1.:roupt h:-tl lll l'ludc:-,ulht•r 1·mpluye b;1r guu11n g nn li11f hy the /\G l·n1pt oyc-. I y p e s u f :. k i 11 t·U llt t• s anl t• g 1·u und s :1s ;111d n1;11nl a1 11 t ht• :-.l<1 tus "urkers l hos c \'0 1ccd h y lh t• quo 'fh c crl1 pl oy<·s :..i ssf>t'lil -.-._._ __ .,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,...,. .... .., l ion i ~ l h<' b;1rga 1n11 q . .: I dinners fro m $2.25 :114ent tor a ll lhl' s t·11•1 r~1 l~ luncheon too negot1:.i tin~ unit s in lhc ,~ ' county bure auc r acy. ~ ~J[' 3901 E. Coan Hwy. I Corona Del Mar Re$. 675·0900 ......................................... L.A. CALLS 6' EACH The Telephone ~y Of Califonriia 2951 Harbor li•d. co,ta~ 17141979-1234 J ohn sa ~')'l..'r I oc1•:/\ s po k e s m :..i n . t 11 I d supe r visors the s n1t1 1! i.:1·oup of l'mploycs as ked for separat e r('cognition because they fl· It l ht•i r jo h (·:..itcgori cs "'e re di fft•1·cnt fron1 Olhcrs in the largt•r SPECIAL: BAKER'S DOZEN 13 lo A DOZEN THRU JAH. 31 , 1975 UJll{ S<1w yc r ;1dm1tt c d fur n1•1tion of the ~p [l nl er MR. DONUT BEDDING PLANTS T 1me to plan now !or a colorful Spring garden. Choose fr om a wide assortmenl ol bedding plants, including pa1151es, ~tock and snaps, Reg. 79c 48c FURNACE FILTERS llS l..17~ST. COSTA MESA ..!filf&·-•. ; •. _ ..... ,,~.-,.,.,.~.,,~., •. , .. ,... ·~'" •' ~ • . ' • .., .. _.,,_~ ._f?-1"'?."/~:."''\'(>.-i;.·.._....__,-.:.( •. .:L .... ,...J,!:._ ... ' .. ~ ... ... ... '-'· ' '"" I! y0t1r heal er has an o!d. dirty lilter your ,,,_-',,_., .:i:'_,_.. .. .,,.,.~._e, 'ii!fi'ci~nl'IY.'ltrese ltlteli it!"1"'1"''lck, melsi?te '" · old lil!e1 for cooecl sire. Replace y0t1r tilter Other Deaths \\'l f.i\11 NG'f (),-..;. N (. 'l P l 1 ('h 4i mpion '.'ltol>o ~·,·11 0;·1\is. y,·hu :-l ~flt•d .JI l·I ;1:-. ;i 1\llant it' <.·~st L 1r1 l..' H:.i il r u a d 1n t s s t•11i.:cr boy ;.111d \\{()'"k c<I h is \\'ii.\" 111 pr r~1 d11p t. d1 l·d ·r ucsd<1,v ;:~ ("b pc• l't·;_1r \";.;li e .\ ll0:-1ut;1I l>.1,·1.; \\;1~ ;1l.,•1 ;, .d irc t.:t<i r 11f the l.i .S ('~a rriht•r of Co11i1ncr<:c rro1n 19 19 to 1952 . Arthur Jud:-.011 , ~1 :! .. 1 tound1·r of \\ hul 1s nvv. the ('olum h 1:i llro:id · i.'0.1;.l 111,L! S y:-.I L'fll , d1t•d ·rut·:-tl<.1 v .1 1 1t1.,.. hon1c· hl'rl.' · ·r 1·:lli-,('ll1\l 'I 4,<\P! Sl·r\ 1c 1•:i. ar1· 111.·nd1n i,.: 1or l)r ll ubf'rt \0t'<i,1trr. l'lll t•I tn <·d i <·;1I 11 Ff 1<·<·r :..i t Ca lifo r nia Corrc ct1 ona l Institution a t Tch:1chapi. \'ca ger, 57 , died J\·lon· <lay. Death Nofirf'S OCO EttlE A l-'<.>•!ua•v <'.IH~110•' '·UI l?l(><f·llO ICOf t<L E ll $<-•votf'\ PETE AS . .,ij I>• n'l •"Q. Odd"V 6•ol'1~r\ t..LAOV> f I'( r t R•, " <11'111 ti! MO~ 1u ·" , 11~ I 1 B > .IC 11 0 1 v(l , r '<I• M"-1~ (•I 0 .!l r Cl! II• ·••lo~ •""4'V t<~llt•flvl•'ll;•.t<h .C• 8'l ~ill l 1• I HI !.Li•••v~a r..v "'' l\"l>"nll • C AOMW EL L.. ''''''~" J Polo'f \ >l~• V•" !lu,.lnn 1J,~ "''l '-11,M S (ll0M"N lLl ''"'o il. lw'> q1,,r1l<h•l•J"" I .r ''""" "" 1,. ~.>1 ,~a 01ll!dV L.-01"· ,, ,,,.,., .. • .. w .io,,.,,. •·· o•, ·r ·I·• M<f11 ... ,p-1 idll ''"~'" !•;1J ·'U h ·r.,.tl' ,.1>, '' ,, " , .... "~p11"·1I "I· •~(_•<II 'I I'[• llSO N 1~ ·~ ' ' .•• ,'•:II '~"' l\"11"1 1 Ll\l.'><"l'I •.,,.,.,._r ""' .i l"• '"'• ''" 1 I ,,, r , 1. ,, J I"''"' I !Hl<f,1v Ill d i'>~•< 'll:.,1 M,·ll~·'• I•!' •.".)•tu"'~ 1,J I I h•·•I • Ui•\l :>U f 1•>111< ''"''"'Jl<>l\h••Cll.t •o•2 I/JI lllll"l rl t •!/rl111f, " OO'fLC 'l""tlO. C.·• 0"'" <>! <le,olll -1 "· • "Y /~, o}t L I"<(, OOY L E •fl~ bl O"!P DI IUI. '>u••ovcU Uy '")''"'" I , '4f\, '1• •l'l J '"""Y 21. 1~1~ l'l<~loe"t 01 !<}fOn SUIP•"" ol lo<l• C.t "'·'""1"' , >\I" "'" \ C•. !)u•v•Y<'<I l;l y ,,,., lln<>e !> Oe.i•~r OI Coto"" U• I '"'" "'' f .. \r;""" I~•, ~.r• O.>yl C Ot>e '"" 1ran<lc!1 11oju'n M r SulP'''" """' n '."~•• nl)<ly • Jr ol Mun1o•Hl!""IJt.iCI• rn~mbe• ol The M""""t l •Hl•o• 111 '>·"' ,,, n•• u .. ugnle•. '>tw•d A•nul<I '" Ma••ft O. M r mo r .. 11 :.:O • ••••~· , ~!o •,l•'n 1.~ ;l .. <:>l,l•nl'1e•>,Wl lld'(1 '1~•~'1'1• 11 OOn<>0n <,1 11' ""'•'"" , I 11.11!1 "''' p.,,~ ""'I t<:rnn~1h OI ·,11 Anqe"1 P•~<nl)d (ho110_1, T.owl•"' j ... '"''· (),. oon. l••c 11r .. n(l(~ll<lle" , ... (n. 011 .. ·~"' ... 11 Do.:,,,, " , '"'"'" ~ '• , ""'" oe l\~10 .. 1ll•·I!1Jro.o0-...a-. '"~'' o,..,.., 1n1~rn ent, '>•" r,.,ll••LI •'I"•" 1 r,n t•1~•~0<IY 10 ()Q llM Olllu,1111 r m,_1r•y rn '.i·•" (, .. IJ•h '. • • r>.1tolo( fi,I• ~· '·'' Warren ~«1w1.,n<1. f)(tH '""" Mcm"''"' Pn•• 1~ .. r1u .. 1 ~ , , "J " y C.o ,I<> M"'•' "''"l ~ur > ~, ... ...,,, U""l l'I, (d <.lotr ''"\ '"' u ,, 1,.. "'""• ~\IQQ• ,,, ron!roou••o••. I ... m~~ B L..&CI(_ •J l l'I~ UOV•~(OUt\al A"1•'"'" 1"0 /tl• I.LA(..: ••Qt II [,o •!'" o• l'l "ll l .I(' :'\l)'l'l('J·: F I Cl 1 l lOUS. OUSIN ESS ·~<'1'• '"'~·""II 1•,• l<·••<l••·' "' .,.,,, •• , ,\1,, (•• -,,.,~o•L<l U• l>O\ "'''' '·I.ii "~ 1.1,1'' duu<1n•t•. M r\ !\~''"'' '°''"II'' '"" <l"'"J(noltf•••n ,rnd !,.Q ,,,, •I q• in ti """' • n ~1'1 .. ,(.,\ "''" IA nt l<I ,11 11~•1 L0<uo111 ....... C.l'l·•~I ..... NAME S.TATE MEl\IT ;~1 .!l.o• ~ (J(j 1>1.-. O ll•L•d"! ,.,,, 1... ll'le I01tow1ng per ><lfl "' OQ<n11 l>u" w...,. (h,t<I<'~ ~><Ht!ll llf'll l>ro..a"'·'I •le\'C';M P U S M f:NS WE AR,4\/q(•m r------------,l°"'D' ,t1w•ne,C01hl 9l t.M Fr.!nk J S.·''""'1". l>lill s,,err<) IALTZ-IERGolRON , FUMlllAL HOM E i:ooon~ dul 11\U< 6.7J 9450 :coi•o IJoL ;::i • 64b 2424 .. . .. :-IELL lllOADWAT •• MORTUARY •. • , .. , , , 110 B•noJwo y. Cos•o Mo.' 6.42.<!1~ Mc.CORMICK MORTUAllY l::ici''"'o B1·<1t• 4q 4 04 1~ 5_,,, J 10" Co1.o1,1•(Jr·1 • •95-1 /lb _ PACIPIC YllW .t MIMOllAL PAllil' • Cemeteiy MonUl7'f ; .. ~ C-1 1~ Pocif;e V;ew Oiive N (,WfXlfl S..xh (a~forrbo 6'1 41 700 SMITHS' MOITUAIY ti 21 M0in Sr. HuminQ!Ofl S.och !",)b.e!J]q B•oJwn RO , lr Y•f\I.', Co1io!.9/(>I.( "'''· F r•nk J . S.iMCOlil, •111 Sierr• Br""° R<I , l•w•n". c .. 1o1 <nl.M 1111 ~ b"""r'' 11 u>r"du{!e<I by ''" ln- (li~oo11.i1, M• '· Fr .. nk J. 5.ltni(Ol.i Tl'll) ~!al~ment WJ~ lileG ''"'" !I'll' Co unly Clc•k ol Q.r<11>11e Co .. nry on Jilf<U.lty 1 J. j OI} "'Oill4 P<>bll\llt (I Or.iro~ Co.:o\! 0..ily PHo!, J .. n.19,.i•nO Feb 5, ll. 19. 1q 1~ 767·/S Low cost burglar and fire protection An all·ne'*" approach tl l'lome sec· urlly. Thal iS FLASHGUARO. n pro- leCIS JUS1as 1"8 moll p0pular "'"ed MC-urltytyt i.mt do. rt guatdl every wll'ldow or door Iha! •n intrude!' mogtlt use ~ ~ .ilo-yoa home. Fite. 1mok• end gas prOleclion, loo. Al la11t -QUlllty bu1 lo'*"·COll pro· 1ect1on lo• hom••. ap11. a no bvs1ncsH S C1N or w11te tor • no· ot111g1tol'I eetom11e. ,.......... '' i• _ .... ....,,;::· JIOLl7tf11St,. . I CMt•Me ... Cellf. ,.... t.f.,,..tl ... c.u 714-642·979 I ' • I I MILK STOOLS Unfinished ha rdwood stools 1.88 ! /,..,,..,_---"'i I I STORAGE CABINET Par11cle board storage cabinel has A shelves. GOH high x 30~ x 15" Ready to assemble Reg. 21.99 14.98 lo STOOLS Unfinished mahoga ny srools with spindle backs. 18" Pleg. 8.99 6.88 24" Reg.9.99 7.48 30" Reg. 10.99 7.88 ,. • 0 I vi ~r ' •• ,. I .. v <) ~ -•, , today and save ene1irv and healing dollars. Reg. 99c 44c each For any o1 the lollow1n1 size~. 12 in ~751n. 16in.i 20rn !4 1n 1 201n !6 1n.1 2~m. !Sin •20 1n 14 m.1 2S1n FLUORESCENT TUBES fluorescent tubes are ~n ener gy saver -and at this p11ce they'1e a 1eal money saver too. 4' cool white, rapid start tubes. 40 watt Reg. 1.69 ea 98Ceach CONCRETE Re~dy·mi•ed conc:ie te is easr lo use. 1usl add waler! for folm dat1 ons. curbs, patios. and pos!s. To pa1ch 1ar11 e holes use corn;rele to old. 60 lb b3i! Re~. l 40 BBc SHOP PLYWOOD Plywood is a bas ic in1red1enl o! most bu1!dm11 and do·1I yourseU pro1ects_ Ust this sanded shop plywood !or cabinet s. it playhouse, a !able !op, hund1eds or lhllli S. 4 ft. • 8 II. i \/) #. Reg. 8.29 5.98 ·-·· I -· ---·: l • ! _c·~-·~-~···'J'.;-i~ =·--=·~···'-JV ! • I ... \r Ii ., 11 J .o\.,, .. ,,. , ~ .I; '·I -• A f 0 DAILY PILOT *· Wednesday. January 29, 1915 ' ...... • Kids Kick Dim Mickey Mouse Wants Vnion \VAS llJ NGTON(A I))-Mickey Mouse suy:> kids k1l·k tu ~ shins . The lllg !lad Wo lf sllys his ears gel pulled, and it hurts . llut l he National J_,alx1r ltelations J ~oard ru led 'J'uesd:.iy that ju::.t bet· a use Mick ey und his friends al Oi'int•y Worlr:t occas ionally run 1nlo son1e niisty kids, is not r·ca~on cnouJ::h for Lh t: LJi sney eh;.i r:u:ll·1·~ lo h <1vc their own union. ~t ickt•y, the \V olf, Snow White, Br'1:r t 'ox and somt· GO others ~1l the 1-'lorid a a musement park petitioned to forn1 a unil of the lntl·rna- tional /\llia nc<:' of ·rhe<itr11·a l Stage Empln)l'S and t lotion l 1icturc::. operators (Al<'l .-C l<J). Tl-ll:IR t~!\IPLO'\'t:RS S l i(;(;J.:S'l'l·:I) tht·y be int·ludt'd 1n ;i n opcrators-SC'rvic.:c unit '"'h1 ch repr\':-.L'nl ~ !ll·:irl~ t •\ 1·ryon1 · :ll:-.11 en1ploycd al the p;.i r k, i11t°lutling the !JC'Ople \Vhn :-.L·ll liol dug~. gu1lli' t ouri:.l s ;i nd c hange hnlL·I beds 'faking their casi· to the !\'l .JlB, the t•on1u· ehai al·ll·r-. :irgul·cl lh<.i t they havt: special probl1·ms "'h1 C'h or1l y th1 ·1r 11\\ n un1n11 e11uld un· dcr.:.tand Hild fight to:-:.r•l\·e. 1'hc l"h:1rac.:ll'l'S s;ucl tlu·ir JOh puls lh1·n1 ;1l thl" tllt't'l'\' 111 '1:-1L1n~ <'hildrl'Jl. \\'ho oft1·n l\1l'k ;ind lug on lht·1r t·o:-.lurn~·-.. :111d l"l'qUJJ't·:. them to s h ~1 kc hands :111d post• f11r p1ctur1·:-. v. 1th lhL· l41U11:-.I:-. '!'ht•y c.:tll•d ··a h1ght•r 1nl·1 d1 ·nC'c11( n11nor fir~I ;i1d pr11hlt.•111:.' th:1n t:X!JL'l'it:llt'L'd h) th(• p:u·k':-. othl.'r en1ploy<':-o 'l'ht.~ l~1 g ll;1d \\'11!f. tor 1·~­ ~1 1nµle. con1pJ ;.1in1·d th;it kHls pull on hi:-. t.•;1r~. \\h1t:h :11·1.: :1t l.1e h1•d \tJ ;1 heavy m<1sk, and lh:.1t this hur·ts his rcal l·:ir:-, \\'ORKl!\'.G I:\' '1'111·'. llf)'f ~un \l.'1!h lilt· hc;i\.\. t·u:-.,tnllt'S, they argul'd, <.d su :-.l'l S tl1c·n1 ;ip:1rt bC'c:.1u se lhl'y h;ive a :-o pv1·1:d i,e hl'dult.' h alf-an-hour· on ;1 nd half -~1n ·hourofffor e ight-hour t:i h 1ft ~ !Jul th(• !'\I.Hit \~·;.i ~n 't convi nced. In dismissing lht·i r J)l'l itiun on final appc;.il. th e bovrd ruled lh<1l ··the 'th<ir<ttlL·rs' ~u·c nol ::ic.:tur.:.: thC'y do not t·1inst itutc :_1 cruft. ···rhey arc," lhe OOarcl said. "c::iscntl;dl y unskilletl or :.it bl'sl semiskilled indi v iduals ..,.·hose w orking cond itions. b('ncrits, l'tl'., arc si milctr lo those of other employcs workiug 111 the Dii,n(·y \Vorld <'Om- plcx." OIM""lf~, d.Uh~1'fwµ.-e,. Bucco la Redesign Ordered Afte r sever<.1 1 hours nf dis- t.·ussion this week. South Coa st rt•·· gional zone com n1issioners de- cided to w:1 it until l•'cb. 24 lo t<.1 ke nction on ;_1 proposal to build 85 singlC'-family hollll':> in South Laguna. f'om1niss ionr1·s as ked the staff and applit·ant, the 11uccol<J L'11rn-·1fl>!lfl•'"1··m •fl'i "fti!"'.;.,..... u,.·,. .. b '".:LlI .... ,·. ~·..,.: •·"'· '" ' ' :t•-, ·:;1 .... ~ ,--!J <"' l'SI t he SO<J~O(Kl~~·(·l ;intf . She's Willi119 UPITfl'"'hOlo Retir e d Con grcSS \\'on1;..in M arl h a W . Griffiths of rC'lurn "'ith <t ltc rnat1ve pro- po!:i<.tls -Mic higan says s he \\'Ou ld a<.:· c e pt if Democratic 1-'<:trly asked her to run for vice p r e- side nt in 1976. C0:\1~11SSIONERS ·"·ere ~pill ov~r "·helber the prope rt y , lut·nt- cd at Pacific Coa!:il Jlighv.·ay just north of Crown Valley f>arkway, should be used a s a residential tract . 1'hc 50-ac·re :;;itc has previo us Iv beC'n considered a s ;1 potcnticil school site or for u~e ~1$ park land. Final Exam In Newspaper Class Slated /\ final meeting has been set f or Saturd <iy for persons enrolled in t h e l\l.'O-e r c d it Course by Newspaper at Orange Coas l College. •The final lecture in the S£'ri1·:-. appeared in Sunday's Daily Pilot. Students will meet r1·om IO a .m . to noo n in room 25 of the Orange Coast Collegt• Sc·ic·ne<: lluilding, Costa Mes;.i . ThcSat ur~ d<iy session \\.'ill ineludl' :1 d1 :- c11ssi on perio d and f1 1i;d 1'' .:1ni i n <itinn . ('Oltr.'ic i11-.11 ue1ur 1 '0 1n V~/1·rt s ;iid. l 'C I rvine l-'r11f t•ssor .J:1_\ r-.t:n·t in v.'111 n1et·I "'Llh :-.LucJc 111 s . and anS\\'t.•r question:-.. i\1artin authored rour <1f lhc llCV.'Spaprr ··Jectures" '"'hieh \Vere published as a public service by the f);.iily Pilot in t he second year of the Courses by Newspaper progr am. One con1pron11s1· :-uJ.(gt•sl C'd bv n1en1 bcrs of the eon1n11ssion \\'a-s for thr appl1c;1nt t o d t•d i<.:<J1l' '-' strip ;ilong the h1 g hv.ay for par!.. use. In otht.·r a elton :il'fctlinf.! the Sout h Coa s t rt.·g 1nn . t•om n1issioncrs dC'c idL'tl il pr·oJt.'l'l pro- posed in Capistrano lk:1c·h does not fall "'ithin their jurisdiction. /\FTt::R A SllORT riiscussion, commissioners v oted to exclude the project by fl1 ch ard Sc\\•ell of Cost.a 1\l e$a fron1 t•onsicl cr:1tion bt•caUSl' part nf it I it's <1ut side the HOO-yard ;1 rl·a lhl'y l"Ontrol ;dong lh(• coust. ~t'\\"t•I t pro pos •·d 1J t11 ldin):! 10 dup]\•).CS ~·nd rc·f11rh1 ~tuni.: :111 t'X · 1.;11n ;~ hnusc :tt :1 I \\'O :1C'rl' :-111! ;1l (':llh· r.:ts l'alm :l.>;, 1';1.s l of (;;dlt• Hl·~1 l l 11f':1llc J)olorL·s . Thl' con1m iss1011 •1ls~1 :1pprovt.·d conslrut·t ion or f \\'fl ~HIJill'e nt three-unit ;1pH r·tn1t·nt buildings ~11 2609 ;ind 2611 IJ c\ Conlc1·t·10 1n San Clt:n1 cnlc. Peril Pointed Out In Herb Medicine C HI C AGO (AP l --Tw o California physicians r C'port that certain C hin ese herbal m edicines illegally imported into the United Stales are causing a serious blood dis ease. SwrkHas His Method ROME (UPI ) -Five thousand more ha bi es \\'ere born in September. 1974, than in September , 1973. the Italian Ass~ialion ror Demo- graphic Educ.a&ion says. The increase ca me nine months after the government banned driving on Sundays o:and ordered reduced heating, fewer televis ion r>rog r<ims and earlier clostn1 times ror bars in an effort to save energy. ' \ In thP .Jou rna l of lhc /\mt·rican Medi ca l A ss oci;1l ion . lhl'y describ<' four t·a:-t•s 1nt:luclini:! on(' '"'hil·h prnvl'<I f :•t :.d in w hi ch pal1L'nl s d eve lope d ;1 g ran ul nc~·tosis ;1fl"•r l akinJ.! these h<'rb:-d m <.'dicincs. 'I'hf'y s;iy more t·ascs can bt• t•xpcctcd. T ll E AUTllORS, Ors. Curl /\_ Ries and 1\-tcrvyn A . Sahud or the University of S<1n Jo'rancisco, say the m edic ines ori ginated in I long K ong and Taiwan. The patien ts. m iddle-aged and elderly non-Chinese, took the medicines for reli ef of ~rthritis and b<i ck pains. Th c .v d evelope d agr<i nulocy tosis ;:ind their "·hlte blood cell count qui ckl,\· dropped. ·r11e dise<ise is n1arkcd by high fever, prostr:1tion and ul(·cr;ition of the m outh, v;.1 ~i na and rectum. 'l'he h c rhal n1t.~di cincs used by lh(•se patients w1•rc found lo con- t:ii n the dr u~.s a rninopyrinc ;ind phenylbul a10 11 c. anti - infl8mmato r y. pa1n·r e li evi n g agents that <ir(· knO\\'ll 1o cuuse' aliranulocytosi s in some persons. Six Share Nine ORCOPS Pilot journalist Tabbed County's Best i ~·. GARY GRANVILLE Honored for Enterpnsc Daily Prlot Staff Writer Gary Granville is the l1rsl r ecipient of the Sigma Delta Chi · Soc 1e1y o f Protessional J ournalists award !or 1nves11gal1ve or enterprise r eporting. The honor is l he most prestrg1ous rccogo1t 1on of journal1st1c excellence of lhe 142 awards made in the 20th annual Orange County Press Club com- pet1t1 on. A panel of editors ol five county newspapers selecl· ed Granville's covorage ol lhe disappearance of lhe "Shooting S t ar " as the year's best example of en- terpnse, 1n1t1al1vc and in- vestigative reporting by a county new sman. RICHARD KOEHLER Best Photo Po rtfolio Bes! Story-Photo Combo Best Photo Coltect1on Best Animal Photo ·. • STEVE MITCHELL Best Spot F eature Pho to THOMAS M. KEEVIL Best Editorial ARTHUR VINSE L Best Series ALLISON DEERR Bes ! Pl!:JC Lnyout Best F amily Sec11on Story 12 More Share Second Place Spoils . ·.,. Doug Fr1lzschc Tom Palmer - Pardon our pride. But. o nce again Daily Pilo t writer s and photo- graphers have distinguish ed themselves in the annual Orange County Press Club awards com· petition. Nearly o n e third o l the 72 cou nty n ewsmen cited by the press club contribute to the Daily Pilot. There w ere 22 Daily Pila! journahsts among the winners and they won a total o f 42 awards. Eighteen o l them tOok first or second place Pat 0 Donnell J ohn Vallerza Gl enn Wilde J.1n Won11 honors and sh ared a total of $1 .075 in prize money. Ho n o ra ble ach ievemen1 certificates were re- ceived by the fo llowing Daily Pilot journalists: J ohn Valterza. Arthur V insel. Gary Granville. F. A. Schoem ehl. Barbara Kreibic h . Sieve Mitc hell. Carol Moore. Pamela Hal lan. Patrick O'Donnell. Laurie Kasper. E. Lee Payne. Richard Koe hler and Jack Chappell. T he awards confirm whal D aily P ilot readers have known for a lo ng time •.. Award Wi11ning Coverage of All the Orange Coast Conies to You Every Day in the DAILY PILOT • Coffee Lover Assut ed By DR. STEINCROHN DEAR DR. STEIN· · CROltN : I Jove coffee. ls this a bad habit? I takt! no more than three cups a day. A friend tells me she has heard that coffee drinkers are more liable tu have heart attacks. Is this true? J'd hate to h:ive to give up my cof- fee. But l 've a lways been arraid of h eart disease. I suppose, if I had to, I'd J.!ive up the habit. Is it re- ally bad? These days it , DOCTOR IN · THE HOUSE see m s that practically l'Ver y thing is bad for us. Mrs. M. COMMENT: 1 know >A'hat you m ean. 'fhese d<1ys you hear or read that too many vi ta mins ~ire h armful, that aspirin may ca u se h emor- r hages, that s l ~e ping pills (even though pre- scribed by a doc tor> are nothing but "dope," that beer caters arc prone to t·ancc r of the OOwel. And so on ad infinitum. We're inordinate ly frightened . La t ely, as you 'say , the re have been reports that coffee drinking is a bad bad h abi.l. Doctors dis agree, so 1·11 con- tribute my f ew cents y.·orth. 1£ corree doesn 't cali.S e you any discom - f c:(r t (n ervou s n ess, h'=.artburn, ~as, sleep- l~Sness J. my opinion is that it is not a bad habit irfyour case. 1t has yet to be proved bejond a doubt that cof- fet!! predisposes to heart attacks. 1 re<:all .a report t ~t came ou t o r a PJijladelph i.t inves tiga- . ~ ~ le_~Jf_!.f!~!!. b... · ~ ntftT!i-b~f~~<."~1 ree · ~ tutd heart attacks. And a s tudy co nducted i n Boston about a year ago concluded thut coffee drinkers invited heart at- , tacks. l l owcver. I 'vc just lwcn reading of a study 1nn d e b y th e Kaise r Pe rmanente llealth l'lan in Calirornia which de - nies any s pecific re la- tionship be twee n heart <.ittacks and coffee drink- in!-!. 11ut it is true that many hC'avy coffee d rinkers :ire heavy s moke rs, too. In s tudying the e frects ot Lobacco. most in · vt•s tigators agree that s moker s ha ve the hig hest rate of ulcers :.ind heart attacks. 1'he point I'm trying to make. P,1rs . P.1 ., is !hat 1noderatc indulgence in c:offee is not a bad habit. But s moking? 'rh.at 's a !Jad,bad h abit. MEDI C Al.ETTES ! lt c plics ·ro !leaders I FOR MRS . N .: Alt hough suc h im - n1unizat1o n i s under :-i tudy , al present there is nn v.· a y to preve nt L"h1C"ken pox -as we do, fur exarnple, mumps or t;erm:..in measles. • FOR MRS. W.: We call it l e uk o plaki a -a thicken in g o r ovcr - s;:ro wth o f mltcous mem - hr <.1 ne. As your husband is a n inveterate pipc- s mok er and h as de - ve loped som e large ,~·h ite patches inside hi s t·hceks and on his tongue, I s ugges t he sec your fa mily doctor a nd an oral s urgeon. You want lo be sure these lesions are not pre- cancerous. I recall a pa· tienl who r eluctantly put aw ay his pipes when leukoplakia turned out to be preca ncerous . H e said, ''I 'm thankful I learned in t ime. Smoking a pipe is fun. But so is li v- ing." Dana Hills Win Told Dana Hills lfigh SchoOt student Arthur W. Baker, was the second prize wtnner i n bi o l ogy category~r the 1974 Co llege o CreAtfve ... Studies T lrd Annual Prize Exa at U€ ~nla Barbara. k~r; one or, 623 students tO tolhpete, r eceived a $500 under- graduate fellowship and .,SO cash prize. Wednesday, Januaa 29. 1975 .. DAIL'( PILOT A I ' QU EENIE By Ph il lnterlandi· Dr. Pick Lawmakers May Lose Cars 0 ·1, ,! J-, ' • " .. ~-. ;~;; I -' '' • .. ii~ .... - ;,.· . v~ ........... ~ . ._ ... ""' ••>• ....... -...... - "The pressure around here is constant." ·comple t es Courses Dr . Jan l1 lck o f Newport Bi:ach, a £a111\ly practice specialist, has completed continuing education requi remenls In the An1erican Academy of Family Physicians. lhc nal10n<1l · association of f<irnil y doctors. Dy comple tin g the education requircn1cnts. Dr. Pick is able to ret;un an active member.ship u\ the association --the on- ly medical group that re- quires m e m bers to keep up with m edical pro- gress through continwng educ at ion. The require- ments call for members to comple te a minimum of 150 hours of accredited cont i nuin g m e di cal study every t hree years. Capitol ri\ews St>rvicc SAC ltA~t EN1.(} f.'or u lone tirn(' one :-.y rnbol uf :-.uCL"t:~.s lh:1t currie s ""1th e lcL·tlou lo lhe J.~·gil'i l uture h ~s bC'\.'ll o big l)l'tro1t :1 u1 o mob1Je with custon1 -made li cen s e plates und a s tatt·-fundcd t'rc<l1t card It is not i11t·o11c-t'1vah!t·, h<l\\t:l"t•r , th:tl Lfl lhL· fort'Sl'l«1blL· futurt• tht· l,1\\1 rn ;1kL•r :-. 1n:iy b(• <.1:-.l..1'cl tn driv1· !->un1t.·v.·hJl ](•:-,s 1"\jll'l\~i\•(• t'!ITS, If no! tor Lht· .,;1kc uf thL' l 'IH"J"gy <.1n<l l'l'/JllOmLc crunchl'S. pt·rh ttp!-> for lht• llll:t g c or the J.cgis!aturl' 1n gcnt·ral. ( aul 11111ob1 I es '. '1 ,. t\ ~1 .. : :'\' )) ;\l l·'.!\"'f orfering a me(ldrnents t11 Y.Jll µl11 t·e th~· .?.a111t.· sections of 01e 1975..tl l11n1tat1on on <:11r> drtV('O Budget .'\ct . which prt' by the govt·rnor, ln:ult•· sently a llow thl' USl' of n a n t ~ o v e r n or . luxury cars by c-onst1tu-trea s urer , con trolit.'r , tional urfic-ers :ind set•rt·ta ry of :-.!:t ie. at- 11.:g islator s. torney general, s upt•r11l- '"As a mcmbt.•r nf thP tendC'nt of ruhhc 111~1 rue­ \\'a~'::t nnd fi.1 c!.lns l'unl-t1 on and IL'g1slator:-. n11ttc<·, [ ,,-111 h:ivt.• th1· "l'ht• :1 rr 1111~1·n11·r1 1 111r opportu111\y tu Jll"l'S<:nl tr:u1 :-.µortal1q n in 1'11t1·•· 1n n1y \'il'\\'~ 0 11 thi ~ thei\sscn1!1I_; :dl11\1 .... th1· St'llSLllllt" i~s uc <II lilt' <I P· Olt'Olb1..·r ~ '.52:.'."i 111·1 Jll"lllh IJl"OIJl'l:1 lt• (llJ)t•.'' l\l ,1t• fur lh L• lt',l !>t o r ,I ll Oon;dd ~:ncl. ;1u to rnvb1I (' qr !HI pt·r· "I helil'\'t.! the USl' of (' l' ll t ti f I h l" I ~· .1., l'' t:1'.lo.:p:1)l'l"S' n1nney fort he 1\h it.'hl'ver 1:. ll·!">:-. ·1 ii,. purl'ha:-;c or-rental of(·X-Scn:JlL' pro v Id\•:-. no pl'ns1ve ears is un,v:1r-pt·r·et·nt::igt' hut ;lllO\\"S :i r;111tC'd, t•onsidl'ring lhc f\<1t $2:!0 Pl'r rnonth ASSEMBL\'/"1 1\N KL·n econo mic: and energy IO"'llrd the lcas1.· of an ~Inr Donald (0-0jai 1 :111-· problems our !>la le :.ind .:1uton1obill'. 'l'hl' h:d,1ne(• nuuneed th:1t he cunt:ut-n:itionf<it't.•t od~i y ." or Lh e lt~;1~t·. 11\ hoth eel the: legi s lativ e 'fhe l!udgct Act limits hou.sl's, is paid b y tht· counsel. lhc governor's cars purchased ror t he. legislato r. office,;.1ndthc l('gislativc USC! or stale c 1nployes to Asscn1bl yn1a n J.an- analyst in preparation to · · I i g h t c I :.i s s • · t crn1 an (H · ll ;1sa dt·na l Uklii a st ale ca r pool auto 1n:::.tead. It 1:::. <1 t•on1 mon ari::u nn.·11l th;1t if legislators \\1•rc 1n pri vate industry .ind were in buslnt'ss rur thc1nsc\vcs, they would he making n1ore monc•y than they t1rf' making 1n of fl <'t', :ind their statu~ \VOulJ \\;1rr11nt a luxurv c·;1r !lu! I h1· f:t('l rc1n:11n" lh ~1 t thr·r. hy choy.'c. ;ire nut 1n pri \' ;.tll' i11ct U!->I r.v \\l"rllOl "f ltJ·:f;AHIJ f1 ~1" lhl' \:trLOUS :l('C!Hn- 111odal10n:-. th:Jt :-.l.it u ... \\:lrrant .... 1\ l~ unquo• ... l1nn;1hl y of rlti h~·lp Y11i:lt '-l14'\·1~r 111 !hi' fn1.1 )...'.1· nf thi· l .1·g1:-.l:.t11rl'· H1r u , n·11·n1h1 ·r:-. I •! d!"t\'t' r11.,r1· I" :>. p l ' 11 ~ L \" l' -{ Ii ;1 fl lh't"t•":-.;11·\ .1Ul1trtHd11l1·., \\'tJ,1\l '\"t 'I flah l\JJI" 1)1 )1\,1 ld ·, ;1 rr11•11tt n1 e111 ... I" ll 11 I ll ! n I n t h I" DUPONT NYLON HI-LOW LOOP ALL ITORll CIUBRAnNG GRAND OPINING SALE -WllT LOI ANGIUI 10525 YINICI BLVD . ~j"?''' ~ . .,;~~".'. ~ ~;:i·<'1!?.' -';_\':' . DUPONT NYLON TRI-COLOR SHAG I 00% DuPONT NYLON PILL LONG LASTING, RICH . DEEP. DURABLE SHAG. NOW SALE PRICED •••• COMPARAILE mAll ••••• $5.99 100% CONTIN UOUS FILAMENT NYLON PILL Hl ·LOW PAITER N THAT COMBINES BEAUTY AND DURABILlfY. A LARGE SELECTION Of BRIGHT TWEEDS IN A VARIETY Of COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ••••••••••••• COMPARABLE RETAIL ••••••.••••••• SS.49 49 SQ. YD. SAVE S2.00 HERCULON ® 5.CULPTURED HI-LOW 100,•HERCULON· OLEFIN PILE IN A TIGHTLOOP I ~ WEAVE FIBER THAT RESISTS STAIN AND WEAR AVAILABLE IN MANY COLORS AND AfTRACTIV E --r'o''")':-\IA ,~l ,;·-:~-·. -:'_,..~t ~ , .. , .. ~>~-.... ,_ """:" .. ·- • . -NOW SALE PRICE ~-: .. : ... :":': ... ·~::· ,. COMPAIAILE RETAIL .............. $7.99 S3.00 KODEL ® Ill TIP SHEARED HI-LOW 100% KODEL • POL VESTER PILE. LUXURIOUS Hl·LOW STYLING COMBI NED WITH A GENTLE INTERPLAY Of DESIGN AND COLOR. AVAILABLE IN 20 SOLID AND TWEED COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ............ . COMPAIAILE IETAIL , ••••••.•••••• $8.99 98 SQ. YD. 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DUPONT NYLON SCULPTURED 9B 100 -0 DUPONT CONTINUOUS FILA· MENT PILL THRfflEVEl COB BLES TONE DESIGN EASY TO KEEP CLEAN 18 BRIGHT COLORS. SQ. YD. ll OW SALE PRICED ••• SAVE COMPA RABLE RETAIL ••• S7.99 Sl.00 KODEL ® m PLUSH I 00< • KOOEL • Ill POL YEST ER PILE. BB !!JENSE. SHORT PLUSH MADE Of LUXURIOUS! Y RICH FIBER Will ' ADD NEW BRIGHTNESS TO YOUR HOME NDW SALE PRICED ••• SQ. YD. SAVE COMPAIAILE mAIL S9.99 $3.00 DUPONT NYLON SHAG lOO"Ai DUPONT NYLON PILE. 19 EXTRA DENSE SHAG IN LAVISH MULTl·COLOR COMBINATIONS THAT Will BRING HIGH f ASH ION TO AN Y ROO M NOW SALE PRICED ••• SQ. YD. COMPAIAIU RETAIL Sl•.99 SAVE S5.00 HERCULON ® WOVEN PATTERN BB 100 1 HERCULDN· OLEFIN PILE IN A TIGHT LOOP WEAVE WITH BRIGHT COLORS AND UNIQUE DESIGNER PATTERN SQ. YD. llOW SALE PRICED •.• SAV E COMPARABLE RETAIL S8.99 Sl .00 KODEL ® m HI-LOW I 00°A KODEL • Ill POL YEST ER PILE Bl A CLASSIC PATTERN WITH THE DISTINCTIVE LOOK Of.ELEGANCE STAIN AND SOIL RESISTANT MANY COLOR CO MBINATIONS. 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NOW SALE PRICED ••• COMPARABLE RETAIL , ................... 57.99 MONTCLAIR FOUNTAIN VALLEY 4819 Holt loulnn I S945 Norbo• 11.d. (7U) 626-3Sl7 (7U) 139-1700 COVINA W. LOS ANGELES 280 I. Anow Hig hway 1 OS2S Venlu ll•d. 966-4471 559.9590 SO. YD. ·SAVI SJ.DO NORTHERN CALIFOR NIA •CAMPBELL • MILLBRAE • SAN CARLOS Library Spots Scarce By JOYCE KENNEDY . DEAR JOYCi:: After getting my B.A., I maybe inte res ted in obtaining a master 's degree in librarianship. \Viii there be jobs for librarians in the future ? -f· S.D .• Kannapolis, N.C. \"OU CAN BE re- asonably su1·c of getting a job after graduation - allhough it may not be in a locality or at a salary you want. 1'"'Jcxibility is critical. and librarians with. rig~d requirements (Career Corner) are at a dis adva.ptage: In the mid -1960s, Ji brarians we re r a re- book' scarce. The profes- s ion actively recruited workers. pus hed for librar y ed ucation aid money, and promoted t he hirin g of paraprofessionals for routine ta sks. These cf· forts worked well a nd ,. manY n ew librairians en-.:°"'"'<>'~· --·-~·~rtiilltd<>llJ''.llll!!. ~ · · h 6 wev er . mostly b e cause or s hrinking government support and declining school enroll · ments, librarians were no longer. best sellers in thejob·m arkel. . LIBRARIAN JOBS re· main sca rce today. Ad- vancement opportunities are few, partly because many library staffs are too s mall to permit pro- motion based on skill s pecialization, addi - tional r esponsibilities, or supervisory duties. A recent Department of Labor report , "Library Manpower -a Study of Demand and Supply," asserts that new graduates of library schools arc gene rally preferred by employe rs because they have cur· rent training, will work for lower s alaries than experienced librarians, and are less like ly to have fa.mil y r espons ibilities \~.ihich cou!U limit mobility or working hours. Undoub· tedly this is ti:ue in many c ases, e s p e cially the part about hiring begin· ne rs because they make less or a d ent in austerity budgets. However. many other employers require several years o f ex· pericnce, a nd as the job market ti ghtens , re· quirem ents rise. A.n un· known number of new librarian grads remain unemployed at this lime. In some cases. though, this i s because job seekers r efuse to accept jobs outside urban areas. or in certain libraries. THE NEW LABOR Department report estimates the average demand for librarians each year through the mid-1980s at 11,200, and , that the annual new gradua te supply will be 9.000. Nearly half of librarians will be age~ or more by 1985, which helps account for the ex - pectation that replace- ment hiring will account for three out of four job openings in the next de- ( cade. and that only 25 percent will be due lo ~~. On the 1960s, more tban half the open· inaa were because or ex- pan,Scm.) . ID · ..Sdltlon to begin· ner!t _ f~ture prospect& \ are mou.1ht to be best for .. iJbi'arian• from minority • pvup. community out- r ea c b t l brar lans , ·me dta / audJ ovi s u a I spedtlilll, and library • automaUOn ·specialists. ' The outliok la favorable , Jar -..neoicid library • aCl·mial1tra\Or1 and , supervl-1' llbl'IU'i ans . I Wlldneeday. January 29, 197.5 ,,_" ....... ftn. .. I•. -"' .. _ .. •iflil •l• ......... -.. Wft lit •..t.n ., - ' WOMEN'S KNIT FASHION TOPS l key"re the !op> -W.O•r 1loo•ecl cot!on kn•" ,.,,h )11 • .,., ""'"'' hiil •~• """ .S.·M·I ;n Sp,,ng ; be\I Colo... • ••9M bur• '" ,ho11 1h! • ..,d. ""' b101dt r•d ~ylon l ·>h.,i; 1ko1 m0<h•ne wo•h & d"p "'~ ho;h ~ .. .:olo!i, SM l. ' JEANS Style Cliokt REG. S.99 fa>;h;o" "9hl llo•e l,,91 ,,. '"''""'"! polye.ie, double k"'' panh wolh pull o" el.a•"< wO<>lbond & WO\•t•" <o• asc DOIOTIY GIAY RIPSDCllS ,.,_ fl'l"lll Jatr Af4t ~ in lo,. toiw!OM '°'(ate. Flip up & ~p1titk tlote1, IUp do""' & it pDfll up. SllCO VllYL CLUTCH WALUTS Clu1cke• & 1ld. 0< !op·opi!~ wolle" wirll r•p•. >"Of>'-buck!~. \01ch1• Mo"Y woth m'"""· (Omb• 60 ways to s(Jve ' While Inflation is hurting everyone's pocketbook, our 60 departments are otter.ing _f ellef. You'll find everything from automotive supplies to zippers ... from c;o$metlcs to camping gear. A 'lot of _things you can't live witho11t. at prices you can 'live wi th . ' If cost and selection are Important to you , St!lrt• shopping at Thrifty. Helping yo u save Is ou r department. .. ORIGINALLY MADE TO SELL AT 65' to 1.50 • L-., Eyt Slafnn • Ctepjt~• Con -. • C.,Will c.n er ...... , CJ Appar .. tor tht F amity 0 AutomOtfve 0 Blcyclol D Camer11 /Fttlm· 0 Camping Gooda 0 Candy , 0 Cooklts OCoamettcs 0 Drapery Hardwate D Decorator FurnltUtt D Drugt 0 Eleetrleal AccN&ol'I• O Electronic o Feminine Hygiene 0 First Aid Needs O Fishing Equipment 0 FIOwera (artiflclal) ·• 0 Footwefr/$11ppers 0 Framed Pictures O Garden Needs ~· __ ..... • :m1 ltil Ptlllit • A..,i F"' """" r- • C••P'•i:in can • l'rwM PIWNn c So mu<h mo••up lu•u•y fo• 1u!~ o '""II pt•<•' No b~ll•• '""" ro <!6d YI> on Pond• lotncu• b.."ou•~ noed' "' ycu• """'by l h .. hy o~d.-.o•e' Mode to ,~11 lo• muth mo•e •hvp early. • .,.'..C-; ~ " • ! ·' • ... • -. >f\"?:I REG. 69' IUl"·SIZE CADBURY CHOCOLATE BARS p GlftWf;re O Mens Toltelrles tJ Qlft Wrappings O Mirror• 0 a•t.re 0 Notions O Q~ Ctrde D Office/School Suppllts o H.lirdwli'I O OutdoOr Furniture p HObby Suppll" 0 Paint O HofkM'y (Family) 0 Paper Gooda o ~l ~uppllea O Personal Core Appll•l\Cel O HouMhOld E11cirle1I Appliances 0 Pet Supplies O t'fouMhold C111ner1 O Photo Finishing 0 Hou'"''" 0 Record Albums/TapM O k:e CrMl!I D Sporting Goodt O tnfanta Neied• 0 Stationery O J-..ty 0 Tobacco 1J K~are 0 Toye/Dolls o Lemps o T olletrhts O Unena/Bed<llng o Towels/Wash Cloths 0 liquor l Wlnea 0 V1lamlns O Lugg1ge D Watches Q Magazlnet/Poeket Book& 0 Womens ToJletrles • Plua S•IOnll otPw. NOi L1ated Above '------l'I~~ 49~. • 11111 OiM•11 • 1...W 11..t • O..lt. hi;pll •• , .. •1 •J,.11' l•t •Al ...... F1ne,1 quoltly. k.ony '"e •mpot!ed c~0<olo•~ bo" ,n b lo•<>fl1•> mode '""''h Codbuty , ••<>I <hocclote s.,.., 10< ea<h. .. -- URAN FREEZI DR Im COFFEE 19 NALLEY CHILI WITH BEANS 1 S·OUNC( c • DIET SOFT DRINKS c .... 79c-Mc • HEINZ KOSllHI Dill PICKlfS 32-0Z. c 10.oz. •fGUlAI t.oz. TACO c IACN 444 16-INCH TIFFANY STYLE DECORATOR TABLE LAMP 16" bt09ht p1a,," !<lto"y •'v"' ""' l r· •loy '''"'ghr d"m• ,h<>d• '" Wh<fo ( 810(1, bo>•. Vpllow / Yollo"" & ~uby / Wh,1~ Ad(l1 colo< ond 9lomou< loony '°""'.,.,th loll,..ny \l~le KollofH'ri ,hod• ·~-· -.,; I i .. , -!~ l "' ..... ~ .. -•t: Qi ~~ •, uHY:l r.:. ~.· .. S;.t .... -:-! ·11:iill tn' ;· ... ::::~ t : ; . I · -~I -1;1 • . • ·~:t;~'. !:.: f! ~~. ~4f ;!~ 'r --u.'199 . :-h l l IOUllD WOVll c IAMIOO HUIPll Oil TllATMlllT Srnoll olrt in ligh11y wo..., bo,,.. Htlp1 your <o• IO '"" imoo•he boo 1ho1 ta" be_yoi,.t.-d! qu•••t• , long~' 5<1...., JOc ' .. .... · · · .r.11 llrtl · · l.M •Ill: ll·Oz. a. l1'1111M! ... 1 @.'.!?> ik~UIW. . . ~llllllln E ' ·7-11 =-33 99c 1.,, I t.It •-.• ~ 3 :t. 20-k MELMAC ~IATUIAL ~·59c ~i 44c .... 59c .... 79c .. '!' -... ,... . (UIAD LISTlllll CWIOL llGllT GUAID VICKS •CE 'I EASY AITl-l'llSPllAIT VAPORUI IAIDAGI~ AITISIPTIC DllSTAI DlllUWAB SIT 00 1.U. VITAMll TAllfTS •ea : Cllp\, 10Vttfl, d;,,,.., plcrlt1, Thr.ll r"• bottte ol 100, 1'00 1 v. b<•ocl I b<>t11t1. c1<..al1 •ft lo~"t No1,..,,1 v.'"""~ l o• ,0.,"9• dtlf\I"\, colo•t1 h• 9"(1•onlH~ 1 SO i~ litN!•d tom~ 011~, Costa Mesa ' '2Jl I. 17111 SI. -. " Santci:A· 1416 w. ,.,., ~ ... ~ 01 R'1J .. Powdor I J 01 ~el•,•e• l~d 1:1< Of lob.I Cold1 O•<t•~" Fountain Valley M..,...1alT- Fountain Valley 16141-all!docjw • 10c Plo'1•t 10 0 1 fo• Bod 8'.oth •119r !•Oll>po•~~I 1"'1 1~< 0 11 \oho>! BToro E!Toroallocilfltld WHtmlnster Wtstm' I• af hWN Wflt HunffiicJton Inch '''' •--.t•aitaf 1t Hullllnaton B11och 21131 ~,d It.cl. al A-• Huntinatqo Btoch sufw- . '·-· ~~.,~ ~ -·~··, ~·. I Wedne!day. January 19. 1975 OAIL y PILOT 8 l Laver Disputes Co:Dnors' No. I Ranking World t e nnis rankin gs re· eognlze 22-ycar-0ld Jimmy Con- nors as the globe's No. l tennis player. But• Ro d L aver , who m eet.s Conn0,'rs in Las Vegas Su n· d ay fo r a $100,000 winner.t a ke-alt match, dis ag rees w ith those rat-. l ngs. "I don·t think h e 's No. l in the: world," Laver t old lhjs column ·ruesday afternoon in a telephone interview. "'I n m y opinion you have t o play in rnore than j \)sl a few of the tourname nts to I;(' No. 1." I.aver s ays . ··1r Connors played on the pro •IWCT>-circuit a full 'year, lhut would de term ine if he's No. 1 or :~~Se\ct:!r:g~~~~~mbc is very • Lav e r . once the undisputed leader of world te nnis a nd the on- ly man ever to record two grnnd s l a m s (winning t he f"'r e n c h , Austra li a n, U .S. a nd Win1bledon the same yea r ) S;JyS Sunday's s how is to him u grudge m <itch of sorts. "Connors is a lit tle outs poken :Jnd mis man;;1ged, I 'd S;J)"" tht! 36-year-o ld L a v e r :11.1:ys. l~avcr has been dcvast<:itin~ \Yh en Sl't- GLE "INWH ITE WHITE- W·ASH . ting h is si ~hls o n certain goals , s uc h a s n e u1a w he n he ac· complished the second s lam ahd ;.tgai n two year s ago when he helped his native Aust ralia w in the Davis Cup. "'I feel definite m otivation for this match , too," he says . IS money the m otiva tion? ''The . challenge that is being thrown out 11 moUva ling, but the money means a g reat deal, too," he states. ••1t•.s a pure challenge match, they h aven 't m ade a three-ring circus of it up here. I've ha d a full week of doing j us t what I want to prepare <i nd it's been great for me. "I've worked a s hard toward this miltch a s a ny J 've e ver bee n .----..... . in ond m y garnl' lh rivl's on a lot of ha rd work . I don 't RCI. ~tal 1..· just bec ause 1 'vc been o n the court four or n vc hours. ·•[think it ma y be to rny aih:an - tage ir the m ut('h goes fi ve sets, · Laver adds, di sputing cl::nms by some tha t a Ion ~ Sl•SSIO!l WU Liltl work ag'ain::.l hi n1 hccau~L· nf thl· great age differc·nti<.1 1. "Whe n you get dO\\"ll to 1 h<: fif! h s et te nsion builds :ind lliL·n t:ilk d oesn 't d o an y gon<I ;1ct111n s peaks louclt•r th :1n 1\urtl .-. Lave r a lso fe(•ls lh~1 l ('11nfl1Jr..; may feel cxt r;.1 un1..·as1nt' .. s ~01 n i; aga1.n.')\ ~· le fl hander. "llc 'IJ lulJ •1 lnl <i nlf hit h a rd re· lur ns :1n<1 l muy :-.t..iy b:1ck a bit.'' . "l"vt:.,.studit•ll filn1 sofhim play· 1ng at l•Orl'.s t ll 11t-: l!i st·c what he <Ines ;ind hO\v ht· <'.\""f'<·utes tt nd I 'II ~t'o ut h1111 ~0 1n c-;11 pr;1ctice this \\eek." 1\.':>lo.ctf if ~J.!l' h:.is :-.!o••·cd him iu r ('(·cnt "\il.';JJ':-., I.aver rl·plh.:s, ··1 f1·1..·l l (';.i n :-.lill c·ovl'r a'l :1rea 10 lo IS y:ird" ;1-> 1\'1·11 . liul runn ing c1 ll)O y;1rd d<J '>h \\nuld he r11u c h d1I · l l'rl'n l 1111\\. Sn. th,• l<1h·ki•I j,; 11 n lhL" laloll'h pad. J tab h11 n 1n tourst·ts . How NFL Kings Roll ~ Cyele(Iogieal) Warfare Teams To Win Laguna Girl Among Worlq's Top Racers Drafted .,,~let uon, b y IU•"'" '" lfli':' 1 ... ,1 'l'"C" roun<I' !/I l"<l N~L(lr.•11 : LOS ANGE LES RAMS M111 .. f•<t nn,.u;r. rJ,. NU~•~ D.1m(• Dcr11>•~ flJHJll. 01. M1<1m1, l'IJ. Douq i-r,1ncc. o,. onu.1 ::.1 Mon!e .ldCl<'>lln. db. !)"n Do"'l') !:>• I •••ov JOI"''· <Jl•, NOrlol k SI. Gt'Olt R<~>C ". <. W,l't'""'l"n '>I , D"n 'l"91·n1, 11·, AYl>u1n. Hl.lfl l'••••v. <Ill. U>IOr<1d<l. Wdyt\C ""'""'mon<1. <11. MvnlJ•"' !:>! llo~ll Nu1um, ~. Kcntuc~.,. Oar"" Ml;L.orlnv. "''· Suu1n C•rOlof\<1 ::.1. P.11 H.1d<tn,1111to; US<. OAKLA ND RA IDERS N ... 1t Cot1•~. dt>. (lh.o St C""•le• Pl><ll•p~, dll, USC . I ouoS Cd tl"'· in. M..i1yl.on1I 0"""' Hyrn fll, (It>. NttH .. ~•·• J .. m.,~D.lni ... h,<10, 1., .... ,A~M. 5.1.H 01EGOCHAAGE A5 G.11y John'>On. Ill. Ctdtf>lll •nQ MU"• Woll1i>m\, 00. I :.u LOu•r K .. 10 .... di. WU. f•"d o ..... .,, 10, LOU•".J""' ,,.<"· Mo•'" t·un .... do. Au.,..,n. l(,.n '"'•nl<n. Ill, Aul>o.>fn. l(t·von No~b<l<otl>. di . Nolf<· O..m•• Ct'l<1r!~~ Wil!tdl-11, w. No~tn Cdtoltn"· Jon" (.""011. ,.., . CJ•l<1nom..• 11ouy Sh•r>d,, 01. G-eo•o;1•<1 ''"'"· R1c •1 YOUnQ.•I>. Jl>C•\Of1 S.I. SAN FAANCISC04tE A~ Jomrn1 Wcon, di, M'""~~•Pll• SI. G<eQ Collon~. 11>. Hair" Dame. Jell Hdrt. ot. OrCQoln Sr. '>I'-'•" M••C·M<l~er, f.o•. M.tryld"<I W,oyn.: lld•~r. <lt, tJVU. C•"• .. l<1nd c1,•m. u.·. l eiv>o·,.,.... '>t ~'""" (lhv"'· db. K._.nluc•y ::,1. Wdyn.: llYUoc •. •D, NOl<L" South Cot1cl1 Over NY Jly llOWARUl.. ll,\NUY Ot 1he 0.loly Po lot !i.l.111 'l"\\'O is l'On1p any and three is a c rowd in bicycle !iprlnt rac in ~. INGLE\VOOD -Form er N°(•\v And a lthot1g h a larger Yo r k pl<1ye1·s Ge ne Car r a nd gr oup of p articipants sla1·ts a 'l'o rn my Williams eac h scored l'Oa d race, it is a more lonely one goal a gainst their former eve nt a ccording to Linda ll'ammatcs to lead ~the Los Stein of Laguna Beach. Angeles Kings to a 5·2 National ·•Jn s print r acing ther e are l lockcy 1.ca gue victory ove r the usually t wo contestants on the ll angcr s l 'uesday night. track a t the s :ime time, 'l'hc victory \Va '> the Kings' s ometimes there arc three. first over the Rangers in four' "It's a matter of psyching nieelings this season and marked out your opponent," s he says_ onl y the second Los Angeles win 111 16 atte mpts against New York "You have to fig ure out whot ,Bill Pizzica el f Nf'\\·µorl goalic GillesVille m urc. she is up to and m ake your llarbor ll igh \Viii t:o:.ic h the J,os Angf'lcs, "'hich dropj>cd a ownmovesuccordin gly. South t eam in the Orange 3.2 decis ion on New York ice Sun-''I usu a l ly try a nd for ce the Count)'' J\11-~ta r ft)i >t hall ·tl:.iy ~tfter leading 2.0. jumped in· olhe r person to make the firs t «!lme t his )'C~lr. Gle n t(' a 2-0 lead in the second pe riod mis take. and go on from ,... ·there." 0Jn1e. I l ast ings o f 1'.:I Dorallo I lig h is on go:.i ls by derens('m an 'f erry M1AM1 ootPNt Ms . h 1 ll arpl!randCilrr. S he has apparently had Oarr<·I C.irllDn. oo. !dm~· .. ,.,d Solo"'°"· Qb, the No rt ('0~1<.: 1. · d SUCCeS 0 • Wi.lh her theor y O[ l ·""P.•' s1.1n w,,.,,, •. ~. rn ..... Ar•·<m'~' st 1.,~r.11<J llar pe r :;cored only his secon d~ l-I UI. 10. ltou•ton. Btlll." En ... lb, Onoo SI, Mor<" ''Val Of t hC se:JSOn al 12 : 18 When raCinc;. . o""""· wr. /\."'°''" ..... n .... y Holl, <JO, 1""'11 SI. ,.., 1'he 19 year old Saddle back ::it<'Y~ row1.,.111,ll..1n.,." l"n.1i.11ll..-n1 ,r1>,u .. ,1,,,_ he ('hipped in a shot fro m 15 feet · -d f MtMN esor ... .,,•K1NGs LA Faces :i"·ayto llreaka scoreless tie.after Coll ege s tu ent inished M<1rkMtolldnev,01 -11r.co1°"d<kl'>t ArtAl•e1,cn. fo th ·n the· world s p ·nl use. H.1•o•d t-tcn'""· '"· °"'" "''· ll"''" Addm,, both ll!:l m S failed to gel a goal in ur 1 · r·i "'" 11. .. n,,1~. Hobo-rt Mdh·•. rl>. K ""'"~· l!u l>IO.. . od {.'hampion s hips in Canada last ', ·· ., •··-, ··, ·· •" , lhl!lJ flC'n1n g flCri . "0 "''"'u· . ' """ "''" n~• '' ~· " . , ' year a nd is looking forward to ::.OUlh<••n. NEWENGL&.N DP•T IUOTS Lowly Jazz 11 -~lae ,1ld vo11re.~ competing in Belgium this rt,,.\fr~n <•~. ''" O"'Q<.>n rtod '>"n"1 ... lb. · ·r h 0 .1 .. t>o .. "1 l'e1 .. ru-.. 1 ~.cn.0<"0 ~1 ... u~"C••'•'· R.ICIJ:\t <>ND, V:.i . --. Three coming Au~ust I s c can .... use . S.CY'" 11 ...... "''· A••·"''"' ::.1. !:.•"··· mak·c the U.S. team . <o•f)qd"· <1a. "' .. ", .. ~'>-I s1 .. ....-.. ,~..,,..,_.n, do, ,...,~ scetfed pc r f ornlL•rs adv a ne ed bu l '""Po• !>1. ~tn'd'" 11.u1q, 10, c,....,,q .... L""'"'"<" :inothc r \\";JS bcalC'n Tuesdi.iy in A s print ra'CC is usu:Ul y on w'11'""''"'"·'"~"'1 <<Lh Aft L I d ba k d t k •tL&.Ml AFALC.OMS . er oss the Opl.'!li ll!,! r ou nd Of th e <I ll e nc OSC , n e rJ.C ".>!~ ..... 011rtk ow~-1 QO. c<1 .. 101rn". R.•lpti o.-teQ.•. l{ichnlond \Vor ld C hampionsh ip ove r 750 m e ters . Only the las t-·~,,,.f~4'Jt...J!~'r"~n, ,1:1,~~·~.U·\ . . f7iali.& .\.-:...... tcn.nis t o~r_Q ~lmen"' 200 meters are used ip the 'i'iliiOl.""mt~~11'.'"ucl:A:·~'l>~~~~'\-,;,.~ # ~-.::>l'l-"·;(4.;,. ~· J~Mt.r~.-;'~ ; -:>l~Jt';· ~·., -~~'.A~!it-}>--;1 -:>rtal'J·•_-M .~;.1(\-:..~.t,,::. (.01 ... ..00 ...... ~ .. E~•IO.•O, 11o-.10..-co11.,.,.,. ' Rockets forward lton lltley S;JYS h ...... ~, d ·~-..... h..,.d. nk d -·· is psycholog1" cal warfare llALTIMOAE COl..TS . . . Sl'COllC roun \\'C f(! t If ~ra e . . 1e,..,Hu1f.OQ.N.,.,n<...,o"""' M .. .,.w .. ..n.nQton. gel ling ~ chance to st.art a g<1m f~ Arthur.A she,fourth·seededOnny -~ Som e times 1t e nd s in 411>. Al.ol>tom" °"""' .,..,,. 01. W.o'h•n11,on. \~'a S :l b 11• break fol' him :1n{[ hi.! f'· . . .. I f'f h . 'Ad emb•rrassm ent ""·""""11 Jonn,nn, •I>. Hou,1 ..... l'.w1 Lm•o•d. <J1. . c. . :.11 un anu I t -ratetl r1ano " · evu. r.,,,,,.....,.t'.11..•·d~,,•b, 1~~' 0on w •. ,,b•uo•. l r1 C'd to take advanla,L\l' or tl. l';.inalt ~i . T:Jke for instance the only LAGUNA BEACH WORLD CYCLE STAR LINDA STEIN. "''· N~1>r;(\1<..1. I(, .. , Jon•·~. rl>. C:olo• .. do ~I. lie did i·u st that 'f u1,..•:.;d:1v ni 1•ht t ' r th l""d w Id ,. -,,,~vt' Jo.t<"•"'· qo, l•·•11p1.:·. °'"""'•Lu'(!,· 1D, -., 11ut th e No. G seed . JI ans por ion o c "'' e or o 1:1,.vtor. llUFFALO&ILLS ~ts h e got the l{o<·kct s off <ind !.Johnlan , \\'as ous ted in a siight Sports s how o n national lom Ruud. 1o, N..or...,•d. !lob Ne•....,.,. lb. running toward a 10.1 ·89 National .s urpri s e by J e ff Boro wia k. television lhat showed her in ~ .. ~~:;!·;;:,~~~~~ !:~;.~!i.i~.~~~ ,;:;:~ ~~;e,:; Basketball J\ssocialion vi ctory IJorowiak defeated Pohmann, 7.6, compe t ition. OdDm11ri .• n. M1cn•9M\. Rl'•"i'~ c.n.:t1 y, 1a. over the Los Angeles Lakers . G ., "I didn 't think it was too HO<A!on.tt <1rry~;.!';ci:~:E.~"~~"-1'onigh1. the 1.akers f:i cc the -~i'he o t her final opening -round humorous," she rec alls. "{ w,,11"" P11v1on, rn, J"'"'°" St . M•~e host New Orleans Ja'.l.z. -...· ,· ,,,.1,.,. m .. tell 1·uesday s a w fe ll while competing in the H,1<1c·n•,1inP. Ot>. p..,.., SI. V"Q•I Lo••·r•., dD. ll'I h l t d b Ed " '-" w.,~to•n Kc•niu<w,. 11"~"' ~··~. o<1, 11i.no .. eob 1 t'Y , \_"' .o s o r e ccau:-;e f.>e1n:i tla rally ufter a dis a strous se n1i rin~1ls and that is the o nl y 7~~:\·~~k~~i1>7;·1•1~;.:;,~· t. .... ov...1n°u. ub. 1ow... n a tlc rf 1n1urL'd an ankle 111 first s e t fur a 1.6• 7.5, 6_3 vi ctory time thl'V showed m e on c1N c:1"INAT1 D£NQ•1..s uvcr tius lcr Mottra m . te l ev~ion ~·' C.lenf't Cam•·"""· ID. I lo•«•~. Al "''""'~· 01. ()11 T•' ,.,..~•r1i11r1fat t.• t t f 1· I h a"''"" co11c11 ... c.ir v 11 ..... 1.·1, m, Po 11. (,,,,, ., •.., ~ As he overpo\vere d Conrado "or un<J l! Y or 1cr , \V en ;.1 .')"<;!<1<'.Q1>.t1 111.11011.1,,,· .. 111,L!>u.s: ..... 1nn,, Chfttltl(•f .'i at G u~ira zutti o f\tal)'.6·2.rl ·3. s printe r f;il ls on a banke d •b, North CilrOlofld P .. t MCN<1llt, wr, ""'""""" t k th . t t f J••trwt·~1 .1,.J1.C•n<"""'1•1om snum.•n.110.1~·n" l';.trun turne d ba ck Steve rac· c r atc 1s 1·e·sar et . ~..:;!o~,·~·n!i•"''"·dD.A••dn!>"\.C.n11>l><!v1o".1b. pl'acticc, s cored 10 of his I:! Krulevitz.6.4, i -6,6·2. llfl wdid s hc h:.ip pentofall '' c1..e veu ... oeAowNs points in the first )l('riod. lie ;d:;o l'atritc Dominguez \\':JS t he on-·"rhc race was ror three ',.."'" Mi1<ne11• ~·. M'"''1°"· o'"1' Ro.•n , "''· grabbed 10 rebounds in hi~ :J8 11 .. "t1 ... 1·01,, oet 1.1·c tor . dcfc"t•'n" laps and they usually r ing o -~U lon1P~!<1••.dD,0•1.,t>om" J11nn t.,,ntM ,<lo·, ,, ",.., _, " ,.., VH•dnov ... J•m co1>r. u,. on.o s1 C."""'" ..,,.,,.., minutf's on thc<·ourt . l)ick U c ll 7-5. 7.(j _ inclurli ng a bell for the final lap_ 'l'hc y ~:,:'~~~'.r~'.";'(u~~n•t 11 ·,....,,~ •. •b, 1''"'111"· .. , did n 't knO\\' I 1111 g.h1 st:1rt. 7 .. 1 tiebreaker. rang it afll•r the firs t lap :i nd I DALLAscowaov s unti l about iln hour tx-ror<.• the w:isn "t s ure "·hether I s hould R,1nd,Wt>!l ... dt'.M.t<v•·""' l o;>m ll,.n<;tr•<.0n.tt>. 'R 'I 'd 11 . c ..... ~ .. (J p·· .. t l d'MJ"o<" ll"rton l"wh·~>. ·~1. l •o•o<J,o Uol> ga me,' I eysai , ''anl \Vi\Sll t .'9... ,'9 Sprint Or not. e'""n"'· •to. A"'""'' ::.1 ..,,., OonoY<1n, ., ... sur e until the t.1pufL '' J{udy DA"TON. Ol>•O _ Tci·mur•z '"The tr:.i ck is banked 48 S!dnt<>rd. 1'1,1n<J y 11.....,....,. <II>, 01<1,1hnm,1 "1 'e I <> D.oY•~.t.0>.1 .. nom.1 Aoo,1no1woo1.,.·v.u11. An...e::.•. Tom janovic h. \\'ith 19 po ints, led Kakulia , the No. 2 player rrom degrees a nd I started up t()() M<-~"'-'<Jm.in. io. '*'""'''"""·~r six lto uston p]ay('rs \\'ho hit in slO\\' and hil the inside peddle OE l'I VE A BRONCOS tbe Soviet Union st<i ged a s ur- l oui .. Wf19•>1.dn,S..•nJo ... ·S.1 c .... ,.ll'~<;m.1h,ll<', double fi gures. lie also h<Jd 1-1 fl rise 6 ·3. 7 -6 v ict o r y over onlhe trackand\\rentdO\\'n. No11n C•lfOl•f't.l C.Pn1r,u M.•c ~ ... ~<•0""'"' 111>. bo d k'I I h ctntrd•M•t'"o;Jdn °'""'M,""'1 ... 10.Noirco •• m. r e un S. .Au;;lra lia"s llo!)!'i Cuse in the ''Luc 1 y. 'h'as near t c S•t'•~ r,1y1or. uo. C,..O•Q•" 1.1,.~ u, ... .,.,,cn. .... Ga il Goodrich of the l .akcrs led op•nin ~• round o f the Dayton hotlonl a nd only got a fC'\V MH>nt•~Ot• .')I.on ROQo••'· ol. Md•Vld'1d. i;tull•<> f f · d ' 0 c..incr.<11,M ... m.. :1 I s<'orrrs \\'it l :.:!:! points :1 n l-'rofcs:-.io nal tcnni:,; classic Tues-sl'rapcs :ind burns." Lyn" f\!'d~n . !.Es!.':,~J.~.'o~.;~1 Doua £no"'"· 1 l:i ppy I la irston :.id tied 21 for Los d a.' The l~a g una llcach la ss has "'· 1 .. .,,~ C•<1•u "'''"'"'· "'· c,..,,«1•d 1 ... u AngC'lt•s. ,,\1 othi~r singles matchC'S "'e nt a na tural ability fo r sprinting .COOi""'•. db. Pu•dc>t. 0•"""" r '""~""· ;;i~w •. Hous to n took the [('ad l':Jrl y I hat re w c.vcli s t s possess, N•~""J"'"·M ·•"Murrinv.w•,D•'"'~" ;1('(·o rd1nj:! to form , n l th o u ~h GA£E HBAYPAC1tc11s a nd n1ovcd to a 42.:J.·1 margin f!)llrlh·st·eded Don Al ex ander •Jf ;1t·cQ rding to thccxpcrts. t1011 1\.o!n,09 Ul>C. w,11"'"'''""'11 rn,P,Kl!•C. 'd f h I · I Al h · bo ·.1, .• ,. lu•c. un, on.a ::it. l"''' v.;111uon10, "''· m1 way o t l' seconc pt•r1 n( · .. ,us tralia had to go three Sl'lS \IJ S e compe tes in a ut 25 C.<·n11 ... 1 conn1:~~0"~~roN OiLEAS that poi nt the !lockets ('au g h1 fi1·c sla v 111 lhC' toui·nanit•nt. t\l('X · 1•aces in tiout.hl!rn C:1lifornia Ro1,,.,, n,,,1,1+·, ot>, J.•c• "'" .,, oon u11,.,..m.on. ~1 nd out s cored the l ,:c kt• r:-. I fi ·2 H i id~·r (j L' f C' a t.cd r~;JU] (;e rk{·n. 7 .1;, <l 11r in ~ th c s umme r m onths r11. 1 ~ .. " A ~1''"""""1,, ... ,,a~ .... ,. o:"'""··· ::ind r ;iccd a hea d ~-:11;. llou .... 1nn 1 l and 1s n ('Qns is tcnt \\'inner in .J•·''" U NP,,,, rtr. Gt.u.,bhn<J M, ... lloPt'll ... DI, . (j.; , fl <• ,....,,m.,o. M,,.. c.011• '·''"· l·"""'on, 0•1~. led G·l-·12 u t lnlcrmiss1on. Seco nd -s t•edL~<l l'rian Gottfried I h C' v.·om e n 's d i vis io n. 1 imor" s~-~~~~~,sc.1:.:,.~.~~1~:~,. eo'"'"""~ J,os 1\ngc!es l'Ut the lc:1 d \11 ha d 11 \ll L' trouble. ous ting f{:i y l·ler f;.tl hcr. l{ichard Stein, :i ""·""''· "'· 11.c~. Mnr"' t.•t.•d<>d, •b, Tdmlld. C'ight points, 74-6(), on (;oodr1("h 's 1\1 oorc. G·l . (-;.2. former l .. ;:iguna lle ach Jlig h Od~Hl W·l~K•.1 1>.S..nJn...•S! I . h t <n I f . th th• d NIE"'DALEANSsA1NTs ayup wit :"" l' tin e ir lnthe lo ngestmatch o f thcda)·. ·School pole vault cha mpion. : La••v auno,.,, ... ~. Purd<.le. Ku•t Xh....-:t>rr.01 , period but the Rockets g radually A l•Slr a 11· a o Phi· 1 Dent topple d -~ ._,,,..._ .......... "Of>•OSl. l.ttGros\.c.Auburn.Andrew.Jone~.•b. ff d · '' ,. ;,,.··.;.""'°'·'"'='>"~:ii :~ w1•l'l1nQ1on s. EID<\ c.rooms, .,.,. ,,,_,stt Tech. PU e 3\\'3Y a gain. country m a n Ray Ruffe ls , 6-7, 6·3 • .>onns1.1••el>ilum,dD.N<lt>f•1o1<•.Ch.t••e•H•n . .,.,_ Kevin Kunnerl. came off the 7_6_ :-.t~•rlcll he r on tht: roac.I to c ycling famt:. lier m other. Carol. rid t·s \\'ith her during prac tice sessions-until shl! ~larls lo s print. •"J'hcn I jus t s it bac k and \\•ntc h," her mot.her s ays. l·fo\v did she ha ppen tr, · n1 nke the U.S. te an1 for the 1vnrld championsh ips? .. 'r hl! tria ls were held in Uctroil . but I rode 1:)(l0 rl y and was left o ut,"' she says. "l~ut they h:.id anot he r mCl'I 1n l\o rthhrooJ.:. Ill. and I llnis hed third "·ith a f;.1irly st ron~ p crfor manl·l'. 'l'h e~- 1nvited n1 e. to parlic 1p:.1 tt! ,1fter that." In C<.1n ada. :-.he \\"On hl•r first rounrl match \\"ilh C';.I~\· :.ind ll (•fc:1tcd the dl•fe nct in.Lr c hampi o n f r on1 Czec ho - s \ovaki;1 in thC' second round lo g ain the scn11 s. 'fhc rc l\"C'rL' \\\11 l . :-i. ;1n<l \\Vo f{usstan t·nn1 pcl1tn1·s 111 the :-.C'lll i:.;. Sh(• ln:-.t lu llh· l'V<·ntu:1I <'h.1rnp111n frnn1 l(ussi;\ 1n 1h1• ~cm1:-., finish1n )..! fourth ove rall Ji u\\' dnt•:; :-.hc lr;.1111 \'ur s u1.:h eom pc lil ivn ., .. It. is s 1mil;"1r tn ~Pl't""d skatin g. ,·o u 11~~· n1:iny or thl' :-.amc mustles in ho lh sporl:i :ind peopll! in the cast. h avP <in "'« Tu1•""· ""1-• urnm., ti>. """wos. sieve R~•s, bench and scor ed 17 J>Oin ls for .. t1,Lsu. NEwvoaKGl•Nts l lo usto n and grabbed 1:! Evert A dt.•ot1ces-A1 Slmpwn, ot, Coicw-SI . o.nnv D~. wr, W!-$1 Vlrqon!I. ~ G<blln, dD, HOl<Slon. Jom rebounds. <»i"..S.•kll,te,~~YORKJETS "Ke\•in got his s hots ,"' s<iid ••-ro1e11.,..vsc.11:1t1yrdw..,..,1.,.usc. llous ton co:.ich John E gun. ''lie Joe wr-.1<.. D<J, M,..,,.,,, '°'" Alw••d. 09• had his little turnaround and "Ot tlf!llr.ISl<I, ~ t"HILAOELt"HIAEAOLES a couple of hooks in . lie p layed RIU C•P·~.iti•~~:~EELEJtS w ith real intensity." 01Y11 BrD,..n, db, Mocl'llO<tll. Robert e .. rber, de. The L a kers shot only ·11 i\Tf.:RRIF'IELD, Va. -Top - scl•ded Chris Eve rt overcam e the scr a p py play or Raquel Giscarre to record a 6-3. 6-2 victory T ues- day night and advance to t he s e cond round of the $75,000 "·o m e n 's professiona l tennis tourn ame nt. Games Won't Shift, Says' IOC .President Gr•mbll"9. Willer """'lie. te, M1r1la"<I. Herold Ev•ns, 10, Houston. B•enl ~•Ion, db, EIOfl. percent from lhC floor tind \.\'CrC Mervin Cra nsl'l.11 .... DI, Nellr•s-•. w.,_ outr ebounded, SS-41, although ~Ul11gly,01, Colorado. sr.L~1so1to1NALS Elmore Smith h ad 17, m ore tha n Tim Gr.1y, dll, Te•.11' A&M. Jim Gerrn.wly, rt>. anyo ne e lse. New Ma~ICO St<1lll. ..., ... , Goodm<!ltl, ot. eoi .... ~.L•••YJolmHOfl,dt,Jec1<.M1R St•1•.51•v• Egan s aid he had Bll•lrd,rD,~~~UiNOTOMll:EDSKINS putting Rile y in lhc no fC'a r starting Mlk• Thom•1 .. •II, NtY""--1..1$ Vegas, Mlrtt line up . PoU,ol,N•br••k•. Riley tried to offe r an U.S. ANNOUNCES DAJllS CUP UNEUP PALM SPRINGS (AP> -The United States and Mexico h ave announced their four-m a n teams !or the second . round North American zone Davis Cup playoffs lhats tart here Friday. Stan Smith, Bob Lutz, Dick Stockton and Roscoe Tanner were named by U.S. captain Dennis Ralston Tuesday while Pancho Contreras the Mexica n capt ain, pickCd R a ul Ramirez, the former Un lversity of Sou\hc rh California st ar, Vincente Zaruiun, Joaquin Loyo-Mayo a nd Roberto Ch avez. Both teams said they would not ·'disclose singles and doubles lineups \l htil afte'r the draw i s announced Thu.rsd ay but Smith end Ramire& 8re eJtpected to meet ln s ing les compelition. explan ation of what is w rong with the Lakers , last in the Pacific D ivis ion. ''( don't know if lhey ni iss Jerry West or what." he s a id. ''They are not playing te am d efense. And if their s hooting is off like it was this t im e, Uicn their o ffe nse s ufre rs. The y didn't seem to be running any." ---• LOS ANGELES ln l Clltoootl 3 1-1 1, IW!rsfQfl <t l..ol 71, Smiln l 0.0 I, An.., 1o.a t4.~kh <t 4-4 27, S.41tw t •·•'· u ... 1& 12·2 4, Lave 4 I· I 't, Wlnttn21H1•. Tot•lt )'t 11-12. HOUSTON ClOI) A. AHIV60-0 I!, Toml-t<tt9 t-l t ,H.1-1104 16, N ... nn, 0·1 14, ""'pny 6 l-2 ''· 8•11•Y I 0.0 1, KlollW"lllt'l I f.I \I,""'"'" J 2·2 .. Wl!lll I Q;O 2. lot1l1 ..... ,. L<nAntele• 'lj 11 J• 23 -tt H°"'\on 11 J6 1• 2t -104 Tol•I loubl: Lot Ao91!1t1 ,,, HOlnlan II, Ttcl'lnlt •I : Mt tly. Laver Match Even LAS VEGAS -Rod Laver and J immy Connors w ere rate d equally today in the first odd s l() be posted by bookm a ke r s for their $100,000 winner·take-all ten· Dis m a.tcb here Su.nday. Evert 's second-round oppone nt will be Di a nne F'romholtz of Aus tra lia, who top pled Patti Jloga n, 6-2, 6-3, in a n earlier m atl'h . K e r r y Mel ville b e at Pam Tecguarden 6-2. 6·4, l ri' o the r firs t -round plu y ~1mong: seeded playe r s. ci,:?hl.h· s eeded M artina Navratilova de· feated Nan cy Ornstein, 6-2, 6-1 .. fourth-seeded Virginia Wede bea t S ha r on Walsh 6-4. 6-2. a (ld Wendy Overton toppled Ilan a Klass, 6·3, 6·2.. . Grldders Fined · VANCOU VER, B .C. -A British Columbia Supreme Court Jus 'tice a s sessed $19,500 in damages Monday against two British Columbia Lions football players for t.he beating 0£ three m e n last ye ar. .Justice A. A. Macko ff said the, conduct of Franc is <Bud) Maf g rum a nd H arold Garrel,-t l·lunspergerof the Canadian ~ool· ba ll f .. eegue club w as '04i· rngcous a nd hjghhanded and ca lls for an a ward of s ubstantial dg· graval.e d an<l .cxcmp l ak,ry dam a~cs ." Hunsp e r ger must p ay $161 . a nd Magrum $3,000. AM STERDAM (A P) -In· tern a tional Olympic Committee president Lord Killa nin said to· day the 1976 Summer Olympics wi'il l a ke place in Montreal despile the labor and fina ncial difficulties presently threatening the construction o[ Games · facilities. Killa nin told a n ews con- fe r e nce, ''There is no question of the Games taking place anywhere othe r than Montreal ,'' adding thal the IOC is confident the Canadian city will fulfill its resPonsibilities and has made no contingency plans. Howe ver. Killanin said9 ••1r there is a risk o f the Games not being h e ld in toto or in part or in SOfTlC way in Montreal, it is quite nirtural that we should think. "We're not idiots," the lOC president said. ''.If s omething goes wron g We m ust think of cer - t ain contin gencies. But there is no n eed al this stage lo try to im· ple mcnt the m or broach the m . w e are u sing our little brains as OOst we can , so there are m a ny permutations and sugJ?:cstions iC som ethin g goes wrong.'' Killanin said he was w aiting for the r eport of Olymqic Gnm ci> Organ.izing Committee president I R oger Rousseau. ··R o u sseau is prese ntly in Canada attending t he. hearing o( the Qu e b ec P ·a rl iam c ntary F inan ce Committee, which has been discussing the Olympics' budget . ··1 hope to meet with Rous seau within 10 d ays ," Killa nin said . "The re is no point in m eeting before we h ave definite facts ." A m eeting of the JOC executive board is scheduled for Feb. 20 in Lausanne . Switzerla nd . a nd KiJl a nin 5aid th e Montreal Organizing Com m ittee \Yill be there. Can.adian I OC e xecutiv e member Jim Worrall. who m et for nearly five hours Tuesday with Killanln and his three IOC vice presidents at a n Amsterdam airPort hotel, told a n ews m a n Tuesday there h ad been d is· .e ussion of -the possiliilities of Games be ing held at othe r s ites In Canada. ' /\skcd ir there wn.:> :1 possibilit y or the Games bc 1 n ~ s pread around Ca na da , Kill~1ni n sa id that until the Orgnnizin).!" Com ~ mittee m a kes its rcporl. ""'e do. not. know what th<')' ~ire going to liugges t. :idv:.intagc because they ice :::.k~tc in the \\•inter. "I run aboul. ~ix flays :i \\'eek for about a mile ;.i,nd a h:ilf a nd ride 1.o school l\vice a \Vl'ek (a di stance of 15 mile~ e~t C'h \V:tY !. " llo\v f~i st dors ~he fi gure \i) ~o to \Vin a \vorld lit le '! ' "I think it \Vilt take a lime o f 12,tL 1\1 y best is ·12.s 0.111<! thc \V innc•r \:.i st ye;ir rccordcll ·12.1. .. 11ut vou C':ln \vi n \vithout goi ng lh.<it f:1sl "'ilh a .sm;Jrt. 1·ate . •·'l'he rc :l!"~ n lot or little things y ou can <loto \vin. 'fhc11 it "s only a matte r of knO\Vi n'"' \Vh en to use the m and pract icing' to n1nkc perfect .'' She usC's a l V·i nch biko t<l r aL·c in sprints a nd a 20-1n(·l1 \vhcel for road racini.:-. .t\nd \\•h y is it n1orc lonely in ro~d rac1ni,:!·: "t ·n1 not rC'all.v a good hil l l'li mhe r :..in cl I i-:c t. behind the p:n:k :i nd I 'n1 by rn ysc·tf ;1 Int ul' lhl~ 11111 £'. 1'hC' field is usu;1lly· s prrad l)llt :inti you :ire <.d nne '\"hl'tlit•r you :1ri: in l ront or in h ;1l'.k .'" 1'h crf.~ ts no lo nC'lincs:: in a ::.print r :1re \\"1th l \\'U com · pvtilnrs. 'l'hcre·s co1npa ny in- ~tL'ad. Vanguards Edge Foe 'fed lle rgerson h it t\vo· fr ee thro\\'S \vith 37 seconds le ft Tuesd:.i y nig ht to pace Southern Califo rnia College to a 57-53 win over Pt. Loma College in the \vi nnc r ·s gym. With the victorious Vanguards holding a 53,51 lead, Berger son hit botl1 e nds or a one-a nd-one s ituatio n to give I.he hosts a 55-51 adv:.intugc. sec was lucky lo escape with t he \\'in as il was outrebounded . 4 1-29, and s hol. o nly 39 per cen t from the fi eld. The Va nguards 6-11 cente r . Al Carlson . is coming ofr a bout with the flu and s cored s ix points , far £rom h is 2 1.8 season a verage. Pt. Loma led throu2hout tho first h a lf, but the Va nguard s finally ca ught up wit.h 1:03 left. The team s were tied at the h a lf ;1t 27. Pt. Loma also led for mos l of the s econd half. but Dave Barron s cored a l ayu1) a nd converted u steal into :.1 bucke t seconds Inter as the Va ng uards took the lea<.I for the first time, 46-45. So111lltrft C.llt9Hoi.1 Col._ IU I lOle l)('•Of'•wn (.,jtlSOf\ a ...... n Wl!kitoS , __ ""~' TOl•I~ H.1111•""9 : 2.1-.11 Ill II ' ' ' . ' 0 • • > I • I ' . ,. . .. ' ' .. 0 .. I ' ' . . " ' .. . ' . ,, 'I . - .,, "' . ' Ml DAILY Pilot -Wedne5day. January 29, 1975 "arina, FV Clash for Lead Estancia, Ka Iota Pivot;al Mesans Tritons Handle • The Sunset League ba:-.ke lball lead is al ·~'t'Jke tonight \\'hen thc- cif'l'.Uil 's h ighest scoring tC:.trn , fllarina, hosts the Je;1gue 's best dcfcnsi\'C unit , Fountain Valley, 1n u 7o'clo<'k rlash. ()lhcr loo p CllCOUllll'fS p I l F: d i s o II ;1 t \\'cstrninstcr. Wcst1..•rn ~l Ne" 1>o rt ll t1rbor and Lo;.ir a at l.o:-. ,\laniitu:,, a !l ;1t 7 l 'oal·h Jirn Stl'ptu.:11 ~· J\l.1r1n11 \'ik1ngs ;1r1· lhc h tg ht·~t :-.<'01"1111-! ll':llll Ill . Colonists ·Threaten "Oil City •, ll untin g ton Oe:i<;h , J-ligh "s Oilers v.•i\\ be try · ing to hold thei r sh:u·e of 0 'ihl' En1pir c l,(•;1g u e b ;;1s ketball lead lorughl \\h en they host th e .Ana heim Colonis1 s. Opening tip is at 7 <.ind ·the Oilers v•ill be 1ry111g t o boun ce back fronl a ,""7 1l ·G6 Joss to l·'oothill, "'hich knotk('d llunt· ;:fngton llea<'h nut of Liu~ r<t nks of unbeaten in league play. ~ K ate11a sh;1rcs t he ~ircu it lead \l.'ith :i' 5 I "m:.irk <tnd is a hl.':.ivy f'n,·orite Lo Jis po~e of\ 11'· }ting S:iddtcback tonight. 1\nahc i1n s nappt·d a ~fivc-(!amc losing s lrt·:1k )<.1st \\"tek "'ilh <1 lil-!">11 v.·1n ovt·r· S addlt·b.:1ck ·roni gh t ·~ t£'sl 111vol\"('<.; lhl'. highc:-.t scorin~ tl'an1 in th e leag ue (110111 - ~)ngton 11l'~Lt"h \\'Ith :111 K2.X '1 VC r <.1gc) :.q . .:<11n s t tht' )o\\'CSI .sc·o rinJ-! l c;1 n1 1/\nahci111 \\1lh :.t .'"1X.:l o.i ver;,.igc i. ,J1n1 C ;thle has ht.>C'n the mos t consiste nt scor1·r for t•oach 1-:1n1 cr (."ornh~' Oile r s, hitting: double ... ft~urt·s Ill l.'\·ery le aglll' : .outing for a Li .:~;1VL'l'<11.,:1• .. ... " . ' ' I the I ~ague .... 1th a 71.i ti sror1ng rrorn 20 feet out I .Ll\\'fl'llc.:e, who returns avcrag'-'. und the st·t·ond f''uunt:.un Valley coun-after <sn Jbsence of 16 ··v.1l.' h a ,•e to shuol re- ally v.·c ll." ~a)~ Urov.·n , ''bcc:1us e you know ~1ari na will Dranning's the key to ~·1ur1na ':-. al- l al'k, but Losner, Cook :ind Kevin l_.and graf n1akc IL tough." llt·!ll 111 defen :,t· lt'r!> \\'Ith 6 -10 ccnll'r games. <.11low1ng 5:.1 .G point!> Pl''" D ;1vt~ Hohde, who 1s de-"\Ve 've seensomeprc- victor'!t · Hdly 1ns1do,yeteanban.k 'tt y big c enter&_ th is Collide El Toro, 69-64 Coach Da\'C Bro\\ n·-. :.i1ul hook from the 10-foot season," s ay:s Stephens. F'ounloiin V.nlley J~.aro11' r~ingc· :.ind hit jumpers are the best defl•n:-.1\ l' lruni 15 feet . Costa Mesa 1-ligh's s ur· prising Mustangs enter the final game of !he first round of Century Le ague basketball warfare with a one-g:irne lead over four t•ontl·ndc r s as F.stanci<1 's l'~ag \e s aw:1it the in Ya sion tonig ht. Ill' lt OGER CARL.SON (-l!S.t.i) ~llld thl' Sl'Cll!HJ Ju ghesl seoring (G6 :J1 'f"'O l'.ollt1·a st1ng :-it.\ ll·<; of pla y arP featured ;1, l\ll;1r1na revo[\·es :1rou11d tht" outs ide :-.hl)()l1n g of ti ·J guard l-<1c:h llranning :ind ll-5 Uob l..osnl·r . \\hu gl·ls tht.· 1n:i1orily of l11 s l\l:itt Cook (6-5 l has Ii l' ._, n a s $I c .n e d b y .S11·pht'n ~ to guard f{ohde \\ ht..•n thL• Yikes nre in rn :1n to-01a n coverage :1111! the \1ikcs' atlat·k v.·ilJ IJL" bolstered by tht! r l·turn nr g unrd .ll'rry ''Al th ou~h 1-""o untain \'alley got·s t o Rohde more, ~'e 'llju$tplayour git me." l iro~·n says his teum·s l<i s k begins on th e bourds, but withoul a hol :-ihnotint; nlghl it"ll bt.• d1f- fH·ull lo tontain the Vik- · 1ng~. l .. osne r and Branning h avi..· '-'''l'l'a~ed 2U.ti and \'.J I in lt·aguc ov1·1· hcdf 11f ~I arina 0 !> UUIJIUL. l{ohd e's l \•:iguc ;\Vl'ragc 1s l·l.S in add1- l1Pn to his rel>ound1n~ ;.dJility. Diablos Thump Trojans, 71-56 B,· 1--:ll l\llRG1\ K.1' •Ol IM 0••'' Pile• Sl•ll l'\1)\\' don 't get the idt·.1 that l';it n nberts \\'as look- 111!: pas t the l Jnivers it y I l1 g h 'l'rnj;.1ns 'l'ul'scl;.iy nig ht . l·\1r f1·om it . l~ut it \-1ras cvidl·nt c\'f'll lJl·fore the o pe ning tip th<it t lu.• l\1issio n Viejo Jli g,h ha skl'lb<.dl l'.Oach h ad hi s n11nd on the l)iahlos big garn1· agaln st San C'lL•nienle l•'riday night. "If v.•c l'a11 heat Univers ity tonight, \\'c 'll b1:at S;,i n Cll'nlcnte," he said con· fidt•ntly. \\I ell, the Oiablos not unly bc:Jl the rl'roj:i ns. They ;1nnihilatcd thl!nl. 'l'hc fin<.11 score of 71·56 is not in - dicative of hO\\I one-sided the South Coast l~e <igu~ bas ketball g;,im(' y,·;.1s·. 1'be "'in g1vt·s the l)iablos ;.1 5-2 league record ancl lcav(•s them one game back of l t«•~uc -le;1d ing San C\e1nt·nte. '!'he Diablo:s \\"Crc"on lop. l·l-0, before you C'Ould blink your eyes :u1d J ohn llris<:ol l's 'l'rojans never ... ·:.in1c closer than 12. The visiting Diablos particularly i;:uard Dean Egertson -cou.Jdn'l miss in the first quarter \\'hen the 'f rojans looked likt• anflhing but a baskl'tball lei!nl . U niversity turned the hall OVl'I" eight tin1es 111 the period -s ix times in the firsl four minutes <IS the Diablos built a 14 -0 lead. Egertson cam e up ,,·ith three steals as the 'J'rojans couldn't handle lite Dia.bias full-court press and score d 14 points in the period. 1'1lisslon Viejo\vas 12 fo r 1·1 in huihling a ~4 -10 lead . <.c1 t the end of the first qu;.11·tl·r. 1"hl' l)1ablos only it."d , ,10 -23. ;1t halftime as :.i l"l'Sull of ;,i c:onl 5 for 8 in the .'>econd qua 1·ter. Coa('h L ar r\' Su n · derm :i n ·s J\tu S t ;111 gs, picked fur !-.1·\·1..·nth 111 lcuguc , ba\t' \\"t!rl r1\'l'Olll of s ix 111 e 11;l"l11 t p l.•.' ~111d can maint :i1n Lhl·i1· :1d · \'anta ge 1f tht-y <.'an hand C'Oach Da ve Carlis le 's t-:stanci:i <1uintt•t its third ~lra1ght sct batk. ()pL•nin1; ti1> is :1t 7. as arP th\' otht·r thrC'e loop tilt s \'111'-I l 'a rk :1t <·or1111;l t!t ·J i\l :1r. 'l'u~t111 :it l''.l i\lodt·na and !\1:ignoh ;1 t1l S:int:a /\na. illl's:1 ·s hre:1rt ;:uHI liu!- lel" h ;i~ bt'l'll t hl· <ii . fl'nsivc hu;.irds :ind lhl' 1ns idC' garn e oincl C:1rlis le s a~·s th;1t 's \\/hat hi s tl.'an1 must contain. "\Vl''v t· got to ket·p Costa J\·It·sa screened out and k<•ep lht.·ir offense to the outside. ,\nd \l.'C h:ivc t o s top turning: lhl' hall U\'l'I" :ind h1~g1 n hitting the bo;11'ds :ind pL1 y l11·l- terdc•ft•Jl st•. s;1\:-. t";1rll,lt· in rt'fl'r t.:11<,'l, I r) hi s l t';11n'.s l:i ~l ll\O i1L1\ 1ngs I i ;.ir1d 18-poinl IOSS('!> t:s t :111 t"1:1 ha s lht• ht·:-.l .S h 0 0 l t' 1· I tl J i !TI J\IL'Cl oskl·~·-"ho has ;:1vcr;q,~C'd 17.1 points, ~ind F.l\\'Ood ll ~inst·n . l{ay ()rgill, K.v lt• ll1s1·hoff ~111d .John N1~bt•! t·11n1plL·n1L·nl J\1cClosk l'Y \1 i th their i,h0otin~ 011"' 0.11, f'•lot Slit! San C'li'mentc ll i~h 's 'l'r1tons c·ul thl' list of im- medi;,itc l'Ontendc rs for thC'ir South Coas t LcaguL' h :.1s ketb<1\I l end 111 half 'l'uesday night ~1s thl'y knol·ked ho~t E:I 'l'o rot"-'O g:1rtll'!> uff lhe p ;.H'e with :1 69 ·6·1 l r 1u1n 11h. J\.lission VieJo. :1 g:.i ntl' hl'hind. invades San Clcn1t.'nle l·'rul:.iy ni g ht 111 ;111 j..;suL· th:1t could put tht' 'l'ritons in a con1n1;111d1ng po:-.1tH111. 'l'ttt'sday 's to11qu1·:-.t \\ ;1s kl'YL'<I hy 'fl·il K a lol;1. 1h1· 'J'r1t on ~· li -7 p1\"ol K.dut.1 , that is. plus th1· 111;u11ptd:1t10 11 ot S;111 <'l1..·n11·11lv l'o>1l·h St.111 !)1·i\lai:,- g10. Ka Iot a found tu n1s t·ll 1n foul l roub1L' 1•.1rl~· :1s lite 1·ers 111t'ked h1n1 fo1· thrc>t· quick unl'!:i ~·ith 1:31 still left in the firs t pl•r1 o d l)L·\lagg io pu11t•tl i\;1l11L1 a1 th:ot po111l ;i nd ~a\v ;1 ~0 -1 8 ll·ad ITi t·lt inl11 :1 ~I 24 1 fi r :-! Pl'!"HH I dl·fu·11 11:.i ck t·on11·s K;ilota ;111 d \11!h .J1-ff l)t•nsn1ort· h1tt1ng <·1g hl of his Ill pn111t ' in t hv 111·\! r, :!.1, th<..' 1'ritons ;igain H;ok I ht• h_·ad \\'Ith ::: · :1:111 •I1 111 I hv IJ ;df :ii :1 1 ~\f l)e 1\l;igg 10 pulh·d k.;d1Jl,1 ;1;_!:1111 to pr(1t eel hill• and s ent h is tl·c11111r1t1i ;1 clt..•l ;1y tut: I it·-\\'hteh paid off \Vtlh :1 J8·J~ ad vuntagt•. S;.111 t'lt..·n1t•ntl" rvl t1rrit•d 111 i1:-. u ~u ;il 1·unning ;d \;n·k .ti lilt· <H1l st·t nl llH· tli1rd pt·r1nd and \11111 lla\l' 'l'a y lor , l)c11s n1ur·l· and S(·l~tt ,'-i(·vt'rs ell.t~k in r. t•xpanded their hulgL' lo ·lfi -.1·1 before F.I I oro s l~har gl'rs n1adc u run t~'iee, cutting the l e~1d to4ti·40. the n 52 -4fi. 'l'h<• \\•inners built th(·.ir l1·;1d to 5G-4G v.·Jth 7:20 ll·fl ;ind !Jel\l.1i..:giu a i_:;iin pulll'd K:ilot:·1 to kel'p h in1 ;1\\'av frun1 ;1 fi fth fnul · \'L't h ~ovini..: h im l'l'<tdy in 1·;1:-.('. thing:-. gnt lough. l~;ltula fi11i :-.hl'd "'1tl1 17 po int s. 'J"l\1• ("h :i !').!t'r ~ nf l"U;1ch \\'cndl•ll \\'1tl Pl"O\'Hlt'!I hin1 \\'Ith :1 l'O;u·h"s drt..•a n1 in ~cu rin g -:.il l fi\ll' :-.larl1•rs \\ l"l"L' 111 dc>ublL• fi gures. And thl'y p;Jrcd thl' L'UU nt to 5U-:,.\ "'i I h 1 · ~J:l lt·fl onl v to St'e Ka lot :.i c·on11~ b<tl·k in and S:111 Ch.'lll<..'rl\t• \\'e ;1l tu a d e!l•1Y gamt' ai1nc·d at ).!l'tl 1ng lht..• t..«IS ~ back do11r play _ l )l'~1;1 gg 1q '~ 1 ;11·\ic·~ p rPvt·d ri ght ag:1111 a s tin· 'l"ritnn:-. '1erl' 11111 t11 st·l· thl·lr n1;1 rg1 n l·l1t to IL·s~ lhau f L ,-c points I he rl·~t uf I he \\'ay. S an Clcn1enl<..' hit ~9uf 5:1 from the fiL·ltl (~1·1 .7 per · ccntJ a g ain s t f.~1 '1'11ro 's 27-of-~iti ( -18 . 2 p(•rce nt.). • s .. ~ (lem .. nh (,., '" ti , .... 101 .• Tay111r °""1"'0'" D.i1~ At'll<l ll1.ln • , • ' ' ' ' ' pt \p ~ (Qrlnd!ly .. I l ..... ,J • ' ' II M (d0•,1f6rl I I Jdt >->Ori I~ M<F .. Od<r> ~ J ~n"'<l'~.J 0 ~. (.,.g,.lr.o" I to!•'• i i \I 11 1,« To!dl~ ~<o•e l>rQ.,••I••• El Toro ~-•l " • • ' ' • ' ' " '>4 .. c1 .. ,,,,,,te CIJ ·~II t.:1 ''"" .• ~ t• 1' ·~ lit ... ti pf lrt l J I< fl .. 17 ] J ,, ' ' 0 " " ' ' ' .. " , " 11 •• L'ni\·crsity. n1can\\'hilt'. ,.,·as J for 10 in lhl' Opl'n -. . ' -'' ·--~-~~'t'·J·ct +tQ!d.Q 1i""..u\i'~ "'1,.., h·~·t~.;J--~ ~".;··:-: J.·ast •·• _.,.."~""'""'' ii:o'ublt' gcTtin"R ~tl)C ll:tll 1n s rc\t~ ~1 g;~i·rlsl the ;ig· J-:l'l'SSi\"e 2-3 zone dcfl'n:-.i..· ;ind wc·rc forc·cd Lo l;1kc l ~ut 1\1 ('~;1 c o unters \\"Ith T't•bn11nding pO\Vt•r ln Kt..•lth .Jt1sephsnn , S1;1n i\lilll•r;1nd ('urt ll ;1 ns11n _ '[po, J.l,r ::.a h .11'. Jl, ...... <'ltYtrt1' !"UoOtti'rs in'"'(;:\,~ Spink . ():111 l SYL'r" <i.nd D:.i vc ll arri~o n Koenig Sparkles • In 62-50 Victory l\y (),\\'I;; fi()!\11\'.'l:l) Ot 11>e Q,.1ly 1'1101 SI.Ott The \,;tf.',lln,l l\t·~1t·h l\\gh Arl1:-.ts ~~·l·tn !11 :,;,i\c their lH ·'iL l'ITurls !11r \\h1·r1 thf'~ L1t·1· thL· IJ.111;1 ll d l~ llig h Oolph1ns. l.t.·d h~' an 1·f fc~·l 1\'1· zo111· dl'il't1:-.e and J\1ikC' Knl·n1g':-. IX p111n1 :-.. l .~1 guna Beal'h nnll"hl·d 1\:-. Sl'COnd \\'in in South Coasl l.l'<tgu(· l\a~l-L·t h . .11 pl.1 y 'J'ucsdHy oi ght :in c;i:-y G2-::>0 tr111111ph OVl'r O;ina 1 Ji ti s on I he lost..·r·~ t·uurt. 'l'he .<\r11 sls only \\'lll in tht• lir~l 1'<1und uf p l:1y \\",IS a 711-63 \'i('tnr\· O\'l'I" !)an•• 11111 :-.. 'l'h1· \\':l\ l .. 1 ~una pl:iyed ;i g;.uns-t co;it'h ·ron.v Sti!ls11n·s L'lt1h -.l"t1l'sday, it's 11 a rd t n figure \Vhy lhry ·rt· nn l y :!-5 a I I h 1:-p111 nt . l .aguna ·s d1·fcnse d id a· gre~1t JHli ..,t11p p1ng l hl· Dolphins pas:-.ing g:nlll' 1'he 1\rt1:-.t..; \\ l'f1• 1n ~1 znnl.' .a nd nlU\"l.'d to the ball \"C'ry \\"t•11. l.;.1g11na :d!>o d id :1 s:ood Joh of ket·ping thl' n1 1d dll~ J.1n1n11.:tl up. l11rt·111g D;.1 n<i 1-11 ll:; to sh not fron1 out s1df• Uffe ns 1vt•\y. l>an;1 11111:-. pl:1 .\L'tl ;1 n1tu1 1h·f1·111">e agai ns t th~· t\rtists . 1\los l oflhl' night LI \\":t:-:-.1n1 pl y ;,i 1·ase of \,agun•1 pla~L·r:-. bt..·at1ng tlH· l)olpl11ns u111·· o n-one•. L~1g una l ~L·;.u·h al:-.11 dhn11n:1tt.·d \hl' ho:u·d:-. \\"1th Kn1·n1g. !\l1t'kt•.\ 1\l!t•n .ind :'-lark ll .i!hliun g1·1 l ln i! n1ost11\ t h1•f.'.;11·un1 ~- /\ll{'fl t•ont1·il>llll•d Iii po1111, [11 111' .ilonµ \\l!h Kncnq.~ ·~ 18 \11th 1h 1· Ja1 tl·I l'<11l1•1·1111 ~· '''\ 1·1 .d 1>f h1:- po1nl ~ :d1vr gr:ihhing 011,·11:->I \ 1• 11 ·li~1und -.. .ind i.:•11n g :-.traight tlp .J11hn \\'1lll'ttt· p:11·1'd ll.111:1 !1111 -. \11111 Jt; point.-;. :-.omc poor percentage shots . The Diablos \\'ere :i 1i1llc C'urelc·ss in !he• !-,Cco nd h;d f. but it d idn·t re<lil y matter. l /ni vcrs1ty sc·orcd 1•1ght str;.iight points 111id \Va y through the third period to cut !\'fission \'1cjo's lead to 48-36. !Jul 6·5 t·t•nter Stevt> Sa"•ycr Sl'Drt·d ;,i r1'''l!rse layup :.ind hl'lly Cox drove fo r l"o to send Mission <.1head , 52-J8 l{nhcrts called l\1issinn's ,,·in :1 IC'am effort :.is :di five l)1al.Jlos st:irlC'rs sc·ort·d in double fi ~urcs . 'f ht· ,,·111 l'l'\'el'f.t•r! :.i 48-·l'I ~l'lh<iek lo lJ nivcr.silv in :tn t«i r ht·r g~1n1c th:tl J)iablos gunrd l)av<' Co0pl'r did nut play 111 . r, ,,,,n1~ j,,~ ...... Vln>h· Un1~1r•'1Y t~•) !<1 " ' ; ' ' " ~ ' ' ' M"~'o" \l•t10 (Ill 1'1 II pt Ip Y > ' :JO ~ U I II " \I [Qe•h•O" ~ CO<>r>"' \ " ~ 1,). Corona d PI 1\1 ar :111d \"ilia r•;.i rk y.·erc t ablit·d 1·2 in prL'lcag uC' pitks, ;ind the t1\'0 c lash in ;1 t·ruc:i;.i1. ll oth arc one ;.:~1meoff i\!('s;i 's p ;tc<'. ;1s is'fus lin Tht· ke\' to l~orona clc·l I\l;1r 's att.;tck, a s ide from its i t'n:1cious defense, 1s fo r\\ ard l':iul :-\ndcrson. Pro Scor t-s FAEEW•'fLE ... GUE W l PF P .l r .,11••1on l'<<>v l " Hal>•·• .. • ••I °')/ •lU J•I .....i •10 AN GE t.:U!iLE A~E """""""'di M"'l•.,()oo '>I A t>!...,n y W L PF ., 1 ...... I I 1•~ I I lgJ •• ·~ '" "' :>.on1.1 ""•' V,Jlll"v '>unny H 1fl' ~d•dnn.1 ''"""~I'd•~ l o .. ··11 41>!> 4•1 ':>o•1v<10• b JI! .,,J '>I I .>111 Jl'tl ot I " I 1 I~) llM I 1 II' 111 u l 11~ lO<I T ue•d•y·• s.c.,..., l •ov S'. L<1w.-11 •·• F "''~'lo" lb. le ~l .11>r<111 !'.AV,.l<~·;db '>.i v .. nn,1/J !tunnf H1 11~ ~I . 11.,.,.,,,, I""' • t F•11l•r "•G.om~' lrov.l1 :.unnv ~<111, I ·• H~I>''' .>I '>A..,,.,,,... II""""'""• ·•I LI>""'' "·'"'""''' • .i ! ull .. • Ion sou r"' COAST Lf" -.c.uF 'fol L P F PA l .,.,•d•y'l S<<><e• M .J!"r [)f'o 101. Pou~ ltb> .,, 11<11nonv ~O '>I p...,, <A ';.o•fv1!~ 12, l\"n1>0 Amat61 F<u!.oy'•G.omn I An1"""• di u""""""''"'1 '• '"''r ~! Mo>1''f U.,o ~., 1·~ ... 1.11 p,.,., JC ORANGE LE ... GuE I !DO•d<ll> W L PF P .. 10:..ll •" ~~1 J••J IH ••I o .. o•• ' ' 0 ~ .. v~• 1 Cto • ,, I 1• N!•W 'l'O•• 11 ; All.uot .. 111 . ·"'f '""'~"I•· M ""O~ V"'iu I I !u•o ' I ••I "'"'""' •II/ )I< < ~M>O" l •II <I ! ' I )ll •Y. J ' OM ••I 1 • •lq •I>'. v,,. .. d M t(!'rmO!lO' M""'"'' "'~"''" c. ... ~. ,., W•<'(o'! l Old'> " 0 0 0 0 " 0 1P .t.Od''" ~ l'l.O•~~ ? .l<>Q<I TO\dl\ • ' " ' ,. • , 0 " o 11 Cn.t,,qo 111, C""""'""~~I u .! Ho<"!<>n rn• 1 '" ,..,.,,.. .. ,. •• a,Q I "'"""'' 11 ..... I> I ? PO•ll~'\d ,,, l'n()e"" I\)/ Un·•t""I' 7 n 11 ..,,.,.,,,L.on e .. ,keltwtl ... ''°''"''"" l;>dn.1 1-1"'' ' L .. ~t All·>!"', I) I, w •. ,, All ,1 .... !/• T Uflll.Jy"• S<o<e\ N•1oon~l l-ICK-ey le•que C.,.n Cl•"'l">~nt'o'6~ t I 10!"'•' (l I lJ~ !>" J\> •!'' l >r>o'"""'' I ') •~I Vdl~"''" T u .. ~.or·~ S<1><•• ,,,,.~1•.C.aM~on)!I J Id ••O ""~'0'·'"° ......... ,,(.~~' N Yl"d""•'"·6 M '"""''-"1<12 M""onVoe 11111 U01••••>•I • b L I OO•.O<l<l 18. (•P.·<.,n1~~! !><O•f "' Ou.or1e.. 0..·!"''' •.~I I "U"·. I 1 .. l L<'<IUM<' I"'"' n 61 [>,,,,,, H ,,.,Al LO\ "'"<i~I .. , '• N ( l<dnyo•" .' F roo.oy '• c..om... ~,,,, .. , ~1 c. .. ,, "'" " ... Frid•,·sG,o.-\ M•"•<>"\l•tiu ~· lo 1' 17-1! MQ!ll••dll.V"n'""~~•I M''"onv ... 10,11<..1<1 lh""nl•· l+Do••dodlll!P~ Unower~oly i'';::':':::":::"::':':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::":••:•:"':':'':':":D:·:"':':":•':"::::::::::':::'":':'":':'"::"':':":":":':'":::::::::; MD Whips Loop Foe OC>\VNEY The ~l at ('r 0 1.'1 lligh l\lonarchs ('.\· plotted for 32 points in tht· third qu:1r !er 'fut·scla y nig ht and \\·hipJx>d th1· J>1us X \\'arriors. 101-65. L"qun~ ee .. tr> ••11 •q " ,. .. "· /.!',.,,,., ., o""" 11.ii-+~01 !<I " 1n an Angc·lus Le:iguc ~~ bcisketball g<-1mc . $ 1>li1· ... a ... on 11'0""•0 M t(dlid ""''dn<> Vl•en l "tJ'~"u fl<>l~tlu'l 101 .. 1 ~ " " ,, ' " " ' " 1•.,u1·,.,1l I~ l'<OOI • " w ........ " HQ!!'""" 1 ,_,,.,,,leol l>run• fl;!<>I• \to•e b' Ou.odt•\ I "I""" II•·"<" 11 1 /I Udl>« Hdh 11 Y , .... ,, . ' • I• " ,, " O••ly Pilot PM\e'l lilt I." ,.,,,_ ·rhc v isiting-ti.1on :1rc h s 1:. only led. 4 ·1·'10. ;et J halftime before lhC'y got their f:1s t break runninc ~ s moothly. l\1ar k Rrcit- fuss had 1 l of his 2fi p Qints 111 the third <i u ;_i rt e r \\ hill· .J 1 1n S<·hultz h:id t·1ght ;ind Jim EJenz seven. Five M onarchs \Vere in double figur('S, Schultz had 22, Jack J)c:1n \11 Hnd ~:lenz and r•at 11111 13 each. H ill l'_IPnt Stn.,111 K.Jufm.on S1tm....,, ""'°""";! H11on M.o ler Det !!OH lq II ,, ' . ' • ' 0 • ' '0 ' ' " ' 0 ' ·' 0 Fl~ttl>er .Y.o•br"t~er 0 u " StOt• llr Qu.o•I••• To la" M.llPt ~I 10 IJ JI p,,,, JC 10 11) lb " ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 " .. " " " " ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' ' 10 101 75 101 . " Saddle bac k, Bucs in Ac tion Orange c;oast a nd Sarl- dltback colleges bid t.o h a l t l osing s lre<ik s to nig ht in l'.onfrren<·e basketball play. Saddleback's Gauchos have dropped four Mis- sion Conrerence g ames in a row after winning the ir Nrsl two, but fi ~ure lo get well t o ni g ht against So11th\vestcrn College :.11 l\1 i s~ion Viejo J·l igh 18n'C']O('k;), Sito Rffl 1-1 \ / I ll\ I l//\ 14 I /,', 111 I " (,/ij 1•l ("'.IP. '•'J H/" '1 11 /8 I~ .II!! i'> I 18 ::l FOR MEDIUM SIZE Tl RES. E76·14 , F 16·14 , G76-14, G78-15 plus Federa l Excise lilx of ~2 .32 to S.2 .69 and rel readable trdde·1n. belted blem sale this week only 'lf>"'P""n •ad<> •• , •• , ,. '" Wh•lvwa•ll "'"~"°"'!"~ '1"' 1· I '' $21 '-' ., ' lo::> \J , -,, ,,, ,•' ' . , ' $26 •. ', t J ·""'') .. , :. f ( {\ ' $31 ' ... •• ' ' ' '" ,, '" , I ' .. ' ,. 4 ways to charge/Revolving Charge, American Express, Wos1er Charge. BonkAmericord B. F. Goodrich Store COSTA MESA 2049 HARBOR ILVD. 646-4421 SANTA ANA 200 SO. MAIM ST. 547-7155 CYPRESS 6182 LINCOLN 826-40 I 0 ANAHEIM 524 W. LIHCOLM 774-7578 'LAGUNA'S MARK RATHBUN DRIVES FOR A BUCKET. And (J('.C's l)irn!C's. losers of ,eight _1.!ames in <i row, t an~lP. '''ith hos t Snn Diego M esa :it 7:30 in 11 South ()>r1st j!.1 m c. Roth OCC a nd l\1l·.sa are 0-4 in circuit action. ·- ( I • .><~·· '.• LA Club Plans Opening '!'h(' Los /\ng(']l·S ''i'aLht ('JulJ , the oltlt>sl Ylithl111g org:1n1jl';.1t1011 111 tlu:-. :u·i.:~t. \VIII tt'll'lir;.itt• 11:-. 7ilth ( )J)('lllllit ();t_\ S .1\urd,1"' \111\h a rl·ga!l .i 111 1h(• ai l l·l'r1nn11 Hnrl ~' d111ru:r d :1nl"l' :1t lht· l"luhJ111usL· ~J 11 '1'1·r1n1n;1l l..,l.11u l ()nly l h1.• S :111 f)1t•go \'aell1 ('l11h pr l· d~1lt·:-. l .1\\'<.' 1111 th1· Si111tb<·r11 (',1J 1 1'or11 1 ;1 ).11·h1111 g .-.1·1.·n ... h ;1\ 111,t.: l>1 ·1·11 1ir- :·.111 111·d li1•lo11· lh1· llnn ••I lh1·1·l·nl 11r\ 1·'1· ... 111111 ....... I\ l •• \\'t ' \\ill :-.1 .11·t ;II 11 .1 111 111th .I ll:1g 1·:.i1:-.111g 1·«11 tll1 111\' .1 11 d 1n :-.t:dl;ilio11 ol 1 ~ri·.'"i n l l 11·1·1 "· 'l'li•· llt'll' l '"lll 1111 •d1u1· 1-.. t 'h:11I•· .... 1 ... \ 111 g \011 . (llli1•1 11.q• .,1 l11.·1·r ..., ;1r1· \\'1!!1 .. 111 · l l ud'' t '.1rp1·nh·1 , 1•·1· ! 0111 n 1ndj1fl' \\'1111 ... Hl"kt•:--ll ·t·, r1·,1 r 1·111t l n1odorc, :111d \\'1111.1111 1 lu:--hl'H, ll1 ·1·l c;ipl;1111 l•\1llo\\'lll~: 1111· 111 ... 1.dl.1 llOll llli.'f"l ' \\Ill h1 • ('o)Jll pl11nvn\;11')' t ·ha11111.11:111 · [H 111;1 ... 1 llll' II('\\ 11l!11·cr-.. tJ11r111 t.: tll1 · d,1.\' ;111 n11·111 - h1 ·r-. \\ill "d 1 , • ..,:. -;li1p" 111 1·1·l1·hr:111· l !1 v upt·111 n1~ • I. I I :...1,1rt111 1! .d ll•M111 lll1 •1v 11 111 h1· r.11·1· .... lor th1· f '1 .11 ).! 'J"r11ph1 . ('11rn 111 11d11re :-.. \·'l ;1).!:-..h1p ·r1·uph ~, 1'1·1 tor·rn :111,·1· l l.1nd1l':.JP B :1t nig F l1·1·l , \!1d ge l l l l 1·;111 H.1 l'111g l•'ll'l 'l J l!d 111)1' ill' ... L;.~11 • I .i ...... ' .... l..\ 'i'C d1 <I \\:. 11 -. 111,·111 l•1·r-.h1p t rn11\ lli11l11J.:ll1111I :...oulhl'l'P l;;dd111 111 :1 Top Racers Slatecl al t·'<iur flf-'t li,. 11r11·1<1 1s · h.-... 1 r :H'lll J.: -.;11[111 ;-.. 11d\ f+.t!'\ll'!p;1ll' 111 ,I ~ .t!lll]I! ..,, rnpn ... 1urn ... p11n ... u r t·d 1!1 I h " l 1 ·1. \ :....1d1rn.: ( 'lu l 1 ... t .11·11 P ),.! '1'11111 ,,1,, \ 'l"h1 · ;;'.1 1\11(11' 11 ·1 IUtl'" -II d! h1 • l11 ·1fl I ll l ( '[. \ " l l.11 111· ... I I.Lil. !11·;:1111 11 11 :· ,d ·; :\U J) Ill ,1 11.f 11 iii Ill •'lt1<1!• :.1111,·:-. ld111 -. .orld \>i\·11\,\ 411' 11111 \· l11r q111•.., I 1 1irt·~ :111d .Ill'\\\!'! '1'111· 1111 \J.il 1'!•''-•'ltl .1 ! I 11 11 \\ • I : I 1 I' I 1 _\ 111 I I I• 1 t' \... ,. r I ti r 1111 1· ~1 ,1 l \\\Jt'Jd 1·h .tll1jllllll l !l'j l \'nn g r1·~:-1J•1J ,1 I ('11p 1111 1 tn·r ;ind :-.tit·1·1· ...... i11I d1· l1 ·rHl1 ·r 1d ,\1111 ·r1t·..1 :-\"u p t1ll l11ll't •p11l 111 l'.17tl 111 ~ tnp1t· \\d i 111 · -lnl1•1 11.1 r 111rt:d 1·11 11 H .111111: ,111<1 \\'1n n1n i.: 111 :...nu !l\1·111 ( ',il1fnrn1 .1. ( )n 1•',•h LI. [ l,111 · 1 I 1111,111 . nll t' ol lilt• 11 11 1•,l -.11c1·1·:-.:-l 1il -..111111.1\...1 r d q!~ hi :.ail<ll .._ IH !li1• i llil i·tl S I.il l':-tod.1 1, 1\ Ill, 1111 •'t •nt r;i lt• 0 11 d111gh 1 .... 1tl l!l!.! ,111 d \1111 111 :..• 111 ,i..:h :-.p1·1·d :-..11l111 (' ,I \ ;1 111 ,I r .I II... ,l II d t-.11u1oh11ll ... " \1il l 11<· t l1t· 111pll' !II\ l·'t·h :··.-h.\ 1i 1('\... ·r .l \ l \I I • \ l' r :-. ,( t I!,. 111 ul l 1h11ll :.l,1 ppt•1 11 1111 h.t.., ph·11l y ol 1111t·11 · t111 • 1l'1 Tl l•.1r1:-nn -. "" I 11 11It•r I/d1:-:-01 11 \d ,11 j1f:-..1il1Ju;ll ... \ 11111· l1n11r 111111 1111 1111· 1•1';:! -;1 •. \10111 1d 1\1•· \\'111'!(1 li ,l t'I' 111 11 111).!hllg h: lhl' ri1.tl"l )1 ) ;,.. 1 •1 1·n1n ~: \\tlll 1 ~11•~· S.1\\"y t·r uf \V;1\l :-. :-..rd.., .1nd his prt"'''nlal11111 111\ i.:111nl! nfL-.hor'I' :ind \I h.il ii r1 ·•1lly l;.a kl.·:-.. In :-.1111 !\• Ill lhCS (' t'OllditLOll:. i\I Nt.:l s on 11111 h1• mod<'rnto1· for 1hc· ~·L·111 · ... V.'hil(• !\f ikt• J\ll i ~otl V. ill rt·prf'~c nt I lfl' lJ(;l .1\ S;nl· 1ng Cluh. UPI Telep..,,\o TAKI NG LONG WAY HOME TO JAPAN Kiyo mi Yamashita Aboa rd 21 ·foot Sloop Long Way Solo Pa.c~fic Sail l\lyon11 Y:1n1a:-,hit;1 is 1111 th1' hig h :.t·a s a g:nn . f1\'c 1 nnrl l h:. ;1 ft f' r ht· d11l'k e d :ii. S;1 n 1-,cd r o 11 ;J rbo r f11J [11\A-' - 1ng :in Xli-d :1 ~· :.olo 1'(1}ag1· :.it·r o ss lilt• J':1t·il"lc.: frorn .Jap ;11 1. 'fan1:.1s h1t:1 !-l'l :-.ail !ron1 r\1 ar1na dl·I f{t•\' 1n his :;1 f11ot s ai l\n1:1\ 1:ing;t 11hic·h 1n1·:.ins !\1 1 lk ~ \\'H)' :ind l .... :-.ailin g d11\\·n 1111 · coa s t lo\1';ird F\.'lt·xit·o . llt· pl ;111 s lu s lup 111 !-.l'\."t'r;il l\1 cx1c;1 n p ort s. the.: l;:tlapag u s l s l:uuls. ll;1v.•;11 1. 'l'a h1 l1 ;111d 11ltu·r :-;outh 1':1 cl fi C' 1::.:tl :1 nd~ il w1.:a l lu:r pc rm i Is 'i';imash ita·s trip frum ,;ap:in l ook h 1n1 north t11 th1· !\las k:111 t·oas l and l h l'll d own to SuulhL·1·11 (';1lttc1r r11:i . ··\'l 's . 1\as st·:.irl·il :.nm cti m t·:-., .... :11d \';1n1as h1t:1 t hrough an 1ntL•rprclL•r . ··Son1t·t1mt·s I (\·II hkt· tu rn ing h at·k . 1,111 the "'·ind tonditi<ins v.·t.·r•~ nul good !or going baek. l 'omi n g to Amf'ric :1 \.'.'<.IS .1 SI f"(lll g dt·:--1 rt•. hut I . tl1 fll it :-:u r·i..: I \'.'OU Id do ll ~lg a In . Boating Safety Course Planned 'l'h·· I:! l1 •:--;1111 «1fLlrSl' \Ill! bl' J..:IVt'fl f1·om 7 :3U I' 111 \\11·d1u · ... d.11 :.. ·1'h1· (·1:1:.:. i .... opt·11 10 t he.: publ1t'. I· 1 1· ,.., $h l 11r hook:-. a11d s uppl11· ... "l'h •· \'v:1:--I (:u:1rd 1\uxll1:1r.1 1 ... :1.nn11p,11d 1·ulun- l1 '• · r nr g .+1111 , 11 1011 (I:. .11· I 1 \ 1l11•:-. Ull' hHJ(· ;.1:-.:--1s t1 ng 1 he (',.,1 .. 1 <;11.1rd 1n !'>.tf1 ·1~ ... 1·:1tl'h :111d 1·c·:.1·u1 · p a trol:.. 1 11"11 d111 ~ ... ni.ill IM1,i1 1·nur1t·..,\ -.:d1·t1· t'\<1n11nal1on:-. "111 I "pu ll..,,• 1 Ln ;.:, pu I 1\i1· 1,·1 i\11-;1 t ;1111 1 ·la .~ ... ,'" Lectures Slated By Sail Experts \ :-.l·r11•:-. of :-1\ thr1·\·-lu•111· h:l'lllrt·s h,· Sou thl<ind -..1d 111 g 1·\p1·rt:-. \1dl he 1·1111<lul"lt•d :1l lh1· i .11s /\n11gn~ Jl1g !i S1·h1 f1 d l •. 1 1·1•11111. lh.°>l~i :-\1,•\\hnpl' S t ~·011nt;11 11 \'.1111'~· :.1.1r11ni-: 1'u1·:.cl :1~ J·\·h 11 J·:r111111·d (;1·1 l<~'.td} ·ro S :nl.' th1· :-.c 1·1l'" v.dl d1· ,J 1111)1 :-111·11 .1 ... µ•·1 ·1:-. ol :..11 l1ng :1 s bu~·1ng :ind 1•lp 11 ppnlg ;, hu;1l. dc·:.1g n ;inc\ handling of :-.;Ji\:--. t r .1d 1·1 .1 hl" '-<tilbo;1t .... ~ .11 h! (!(•!'>iJ,.:11 . off:-.hurt· r:1l'HlJ.! ,ind j•r111s 1n1.: <uul n1111t 1hull s:11Jl1uat:-. tltt• lcclurrs i s Frt·t· :-,, . .,,.o n:. ;1 11• ll'on1 7 ln 10 p 111 S !,1n ~llll1·r \.I.di l1 ·ad off thi' -.1·r1t:-. lure • \\'111·1·· 111 !'>!.111 U 1r~1ng .tnrl \ (•lll" -"'.1dh11 :1( 'l ')H • u t h v 1· h ·(·1 urt ·:-. 11·i1 h ;1 11·~· Eq111pp1ng F(·l1 :::, "S;ul ... 'l'h,.1r ll~·s 1 ).!n . l 'un:-..lru1·l11111 .111d l l .1 n il l1ri :.:.". I •,\ 1\ndy Ho:-1· uf Sc·hoonm;i\...1 ·r (' 111qd11•1l S.iil:-.. :u1il '.\i 1l..1·:...1·h;11·h1t·r . II nod Sall ... ~J ,\lt('ll 11 'l'h" ·rrulll·rablt• ('ru1s 1ni.: :....1111 ,.,11 .1,1il l'o.111111 ) S .111111 g," ltogc.:r rit ;:1e(;rl'gt1r, \l a.!.t':r1·i.;Jir \',14·ht -. .• inti .Jerr y l';1rl1c·k . North 1\irt1·1 ll:.in :... .. 11111~ :\..,:.•l<"1.t11011 \pril 1 '\0:11·ht l >t·s 1i.:11. ("u1·rrnt i()Jl :ind ('ru1 :-.11ig ·rrc·nd.-. . (;;1ry !\lull. de1:.i.:nt·r for i{<.1 n l,!1'r \ .1 1·ht:-. o l t '0-.l.1 \l,.sa ' .\prtl 1:1 '(Jff!-.ho rt· ('rui:...1ng And Its i\ppli('J- 1111n ·ro "f'hr ('ruis i n~ \"at·htsrn :.in," l;J u rk~.~a wycr, pr1•:.1dcn1 ••f \V:i t.ts S :u ls'. 1\p1·11 2~• "i\lullihull Sililboa1s t-'ro nl H c ac·h /loo.1l tu lJtf:.h n1·1.: 'i":u·ht ,'' \Vnync Sch af<'r o r C oas t c:ntam<1r;in a rid \V~rrc n Scam<in, d e.s ig n er o f of- f.sh o re cat amarnns. Ettrl!I I 11 terest lligl1 Forthe j Record FINAl. DEC.RE£\ E11lore•J-vt H•r•tU, 01<1n~ (;, i>"'liEQ\J<or ')..,l(k•rll, Homer Anon •n<I Anne ~·· Hem1ng.er ,EOw1n G -CIWr!Oll<!A Fiora. R1cn•rll A ..,...CMOI J Ml-<""'""· lou•nn O . ...a RODP:r1 A corn~tock , lfnn Artt1Ur .....a !tncllr '"" Stc ..... r1 , O'""" ,;,nd Mo:rlrn R Lor". B111rn Attn •tlO Hf!,,.. Ja.><I'"" Arcr. IJolrll<>fol A. "<>II Ron .. 10 D, H"""'"o"'· s,.,11 , """ ,.,,.,,, r. ')(.nl<'~'"9'", W 1ll1<>rl"><t<IO 1.n• l-Wll<l, Dt"r>t' H dnd 0.vi<l llubt,,lr .,nt Jl .. ndfl<tM«IL i.IOOO•lo, """I 1 ~""Cyu1r .... A """""'• Pf1 \(iil• l •nll L-<1u1" ( "'!<""" IJoli<h••f\, N>< •• J•'<>n """ C.lt•nn l;cdw.or<l -,.,,,.q, u.,rbd•• A<>n•<> <>nd Hur.r:rt w ........ . I n 11~•. J C>dn u.,b.,11 " ""II Mr•• ')!~'"'"'I, Jf. (,.,,1.1,.0, JC><>n L ""'''-'""""' ( ...... ~n .. h·rl ........... ...,.,l J• 0.-<""" c.n11 •t•n" c .. 101 ..,,., A1tn,,, IJ.ovoo, J< ,.,,.,,, N .. nc r .,_,....._.,, ""° R.01Df' u·on·"" 1 ... , "'· Jciln """ Alf>f"•• !."Hin, l.."1 01 Eltdl '"''° W•ll'"'" M , l!I. Et1tore•J-JlO Rent•o. H" H'i Ahn .tndMr«"' Cur 1,, l «v>lon, C.d<OI""' <>nd (l\d•i .. ~O..v1<1 N• l•on, '>"~"" Jore" """ M.,,,.,.., .. 00 .. 111 I lo,..,, J"""'pn'"" R. .ind Fu1g.·~•<> Mt:I'• M,...'>1 .. ~. p,.1t1c IJ A 6nr1Albo>rt R , J1 Prne,Md•ln.it ... naRoti..•• f . """''"""~Y. Rl1tn Ann <>nd eo ..... a .JQnn lluL"""""· Gl<>r•d Anl<>•nf!\te '""' k ol>CH ~ lt:d•" •<k lldlf, J<1>cpll1oe JC>"" ""'° ~t<11ne• cn,uce, '>•<l<>tka, Eto:ano< ~ .. ,,....., EOWilrd l-110'l<1•d l t~et,Cd1h1 H iH>dl)<.n.oldL. Lt><J1<'1. Jt-•• y dnd 01""" Hnwl .. nd, t.>ell•d IC."y ""° ICc~'" l.•·111n Pele"'"" Jer .. 1<1 L ..ind o:,.ttllee'll {o<.C.lddJ'W .1n<1J.,....•p/1l '>• ''""u" rroon1.1~ M•L"""' .m<l Rulro IJ•·IOr '' ••v,nr•, Ma .. 1rn Wd!'""'' .. na M,,u•1tt'W1ll1 .1m M•Wf><><U_r, Cl.oulJr• l-•-0:: .,,.... ~•f l yn "''"' '>w t,.,, p,.qq.,A ..int:llC.«•tnf< Wo•I"''·"",,.,'"' ,1naU•Lt\"'"C. l"'""Ji,•~er~•t J .1n<1€wetvnM A.,,.lo•!I, R1t na1<1 £ .. nd ,,.,.,.,1,. w Ou'''"'"• Oo""''""'""'W"'frn•Le" l!ld<" Je,,v Krf11tln """ U4rbdrJ """"" Mu•p.nv ,Ano'~"'O .1NlMvrndC. M .. 1new~ Hell,,.l ,.n<1W1lh<>fntl w .,n,, a .. r111 w """ o.·-o"' L '>P'"'" .. '· F~tne• l<>Uand C.11,nnoa.·11 IJOQ.+l y, Ann'"""" Melv•n M"""I. Ar!nu• Lloyd ""'t J"n•<" NaO•"" WOOO>, L ai""' E h1.,11>•tn ilnt'.l T 1mo1hv " hn>.O•I, \/,•I ~'" " ,11"1 f ''"~"'(I I ·•lhOcrr .,, M.,ry "-"I "''° ll!W'T1 .. ' .1~ Enl•red J.1nu.lff 1• th•«t•f'<>ll , l',J<H0..., '1,,,dl "''I' I'"' >lur.k • (,~r1 .. n<1 H '""I It~''"'' f< •,n_.mpo, A~t11 d rd1n.!' C,!f(il •"''! J·"'"' "'"no··" Mr O:• ''''''• l'l.!11.-'<l -.,, n11 ,.nd l ''"I·• ,.,y J,"~'"'" ' I t•on>"'•• JUhA l• r <>f>fl I"'''".,,'""' I V•">(lf!, '"" M.,11<n "'~ ' ........ 111'"" ( .... n ..... t. Ch.Irle"" ~ .. .,.,.,uo•n, Ro"';'fD t•"' ,....:! t . .:iur .. l •'-'""'""'' J•'"''"'· Ndn< r J ''"'1 .lo-••11n M 1 •.t< • o M•cro ... ·1 .,.,.,,,... """ r "''' 1 ,, \'W•'""'"" M""l·lrE'I Ahu ""'' Hot"-"t II it<\. A"""'· J:la~{'m»rv ()"""' ,.n(J """'''" H<>O"r! I 101,.. OQ"""' .,...,1 w .. u.~, I l •''•" "' , hQ< I"" tf , oN! l V"" ( '""' ', f),.11" •I I "'><II •• M ........... ( "'"" " .... 1,., ... ,,,..,, I'""".,' !..l<f .. n•·•n,,nrl\•·'·"' '"'"" 1.oe .. , Jonn {.n"''', l• "''1 (,,,.,, "'"' "'""·.D•·""'" """'"'t t.o .. , •• ,,, Muf•1·"' I 1"' """ (J-'••rt I VW••<>.,, Jo~•'t>fl ttow,.,O .,..., "''' ·'"'" •·"Y I • o•m"n t ""~'"<! 11• rl>'ll J1 ""'' Mdrl •l,,Jun~ "'"ed J,.....,.,, ,., w . '.I 1·•,.u1" M '"" dncl.100 i<.1th•n (J M• '""• r ""'""'> MO<c· ·"'" 0.·1~;1 "'' ( "'!' n i ""''D n, I), t>o-,,n I • .nrJI '"'I n, .. ~'""· Ho ...... 11 0 .11. '"'° c""''' I ~/\r> II •"" Ill'. M d •t~d \I , '"'<1 ~!.•nl rv J""''' II •n U',lr•nO, (,.,U '"""' ,ina I r ..... ._ t nw,!r(! •"••1>t>.C .. tnv 10 .. n<1r'"'~H<'•rn"n .,..,.,tn. f , .;.,,., (,.,,1 .. .,., I·'""' W• trlOn, l\dtO,.,,, Lvnn """ C.!t'lln ....... M.,c l , . .,,. J""'·on•""O ,,,.,.,,..,...,,,p " ,, tnlf'•~• J,.nu..,, I/ '·•lb•tt t;1..,1n..•.tL .. 1"'H"'~"ol IU·nQI• J.t<\I""') ,.,,,tl ""'''"'' I' '""" J<>'-•PO I ll ,o<\<I H,~•O N •'~"'"'""'" Jd< • """. (Jo "'" f' .,nci JQY'f'A I °'"''" CA••"• D ,on<I l'W"!i.1m ..... ., .. ..i Wn•I• .;f>('•l••M ,lhrt''"''"' '"llJl •n,,n M,.,,,..1 JU.• ·•"41(.,n l""'' '• I '"''""0'", J~nn J O''"" .In(\ t•·"l'•"•'l ~n.q n! ""'""'•/ Ro•r,...•y ""(J o'~"'"''" I <tw,.1<1 ,_.,., \. I '"'I .<•HI (1<-nn., 11o•11.Juav "'"' H" """'C•. o,nu li , Flu "'"!! l c••<cn~r ""'t l "'"r'"'" ( ••·l•n /\•••""''' ... 1.n .c .1rn1 fl,,.,,.~ l>tl"'' '"""'"' M ,,. '•' P . ,,.<(j Av'l•' ! M ~•rn~((J(>, ~"'-'Ann o)n!I l••'I .,, ....... . Noiln•", Pal 'f 1 '""I 1,.mo ~ '•>llM"" II, l !hl<I•' M· 0/'1'"'~ ''"" ,., ... !, '"' '"1lh ""•.•·rm .. ' 1.r1>rri l.rn "'"! J''" '"" r--.10~11 . f:IOnflyr Mv•·M """' M•\ n •• ' p ,.,d ""'In, [ "' ,-,. M"''" dnd M . .,~1.;01 ~·1111 "" w,,., ·'"«", OOU.l•<'' M. ,.n.d D""'"' • , .. _,.,,.,, Rot1t·r1 A,lnd.lll .>nu Cl'!'•v• Ami J"Olum, Oo•oH•y J....,..I "'111 °""' 11 N(l1I • B11llel proof --~.------- l'U HLIC NOTKE F IC JI r 10U!> llU~I NE \!> HA"'E \T AlE"'E .. r I""' l!llluw•n(l vou ·~.,,~ l.IO•l'lq l:>u» Of~',., l10lll ._ .. iC.t<J J~(' ll[h')l•.-o t eo,,,. ,,., '" ( ~"""""' M,.,u,n In< , d C•11fQfn • ., CO.P•"- •1.;.on 11'1 NJn•1 t.on.,_ 1 u11.,11on C•hlo•n•" M"•l(,H• l•i< lt<'""V R lo h .-<\ l><'"ll 11"'\ID"nl / .. 1 N""'. l,.,,.. 1-ullt'l tnn, C.tlo lOt<,._. I nl\ Du>11\e>"• u <.<lf><JU..~ lit" ~01 ....... 1 ... ,, M••<on tnt '"'''"'• U f.,!t,.ntio 'II ll•• rn,, >1 .. 1 .. m.-nt "'"' '''''<! w11n 1tw ~<iun1v c ·~·· ul °'"""'' l""'"• .... J""""''l lJ, l ~I > FUMll f'uolo>tkO 01.1nu" (..,.,I 0.,,1, i'<•.:.I '"" 11.ouil+eo ),11,l·•,lll) l><>I ' 11 I . I\ I.I t ' /\O'rl (' J-; DAtlV PIL OT B3 l~U BLIC NOTICE Fl( fl llOU!i. llU\IHt'\\ ft ... MESTATE ME Hf :! '"' rc"ow•ng, Pt.·• wn '' oo.og ., . l>OUt:;lA\ LN T£R Plll l~U. "·"·'•'••Co•,h· C.o•td M~\,. C.. ~ ,_.,. Uu•"il•• I-r .,n k~. Jl l 4 .,,.., 'M''"''''" co.1a ~1• c. .. "1•1• "' 11,.,.,~ 'l\vm<l.,<1"0 0.,.in ., 111 •• 0 .... 1 /0 oMUI\ (l ! I''"'- 1 "" ''''""""' '"'~ t••c<I ..,,tn t~ (;.Ov•'H • (.1~,, Ill \)1•AQ<I" C<>unty..., J"""°'Y 11 1-/) ·-Pt.bh "' n O'""ll-' (n,.•.I O.uly P>IQ\, ).,nu.it , II .. ·•,"''~ f c lln•"'v ) !I. 1QX l/ ... ~ __ f~:H!:_lf :\'l)TICF. Fl(TI fl0U \ BUS INESS H'°'ME \Y'°'lEM£4'lf Vl'l LlY c ... ~or N S, P O. Bo• l<><>I, l ~n\I u~~(n (o!>lo rnod <IOl!IOI, •a.ro tJrooU1ur •I '>I, ~o un1.,.n ¥.!Uoy. c. .. i.• -110~ SUPE llt OllCOU ll TOFT~ Yill"' (,,,.ll~n·, ,..,,~,.,1,,, In<,,• !> T • J E OF C Al.I FO 11 NI• FOR C..11"""""' a""'"'''"n THE. (OUN TY 0 F 0 11 ... NGE Jn,., """"'' • < • t~nd'-'t t <·<l Oy " (Of NO "'•11•1 IJOfdllOOO / J NOTIC.£ OF HF•llllN G. OF V.1l"y (,,,,O•n"Nur ''" "..... PETIT l0N FOllPllOBAT£0F WtlL l n, ~""''"'t\1 ""' t""""'"'"'"' In< fNO FOR l£TT £11~ lE!>TA M[ .. (()<i"!f (lo<1 • <>I 11"'"1'' Luunl~ 0" .11 ARV 1""""'';>•1·.i· . ~·#. [\l"lu ,;t 1 M"•IK 1 ri-1111. ••IM..., .... Jo '°"'~"'"'O •· ,1,., .n•<t 1)•,,n,,. '0.1 .1 11 ... 1, l•1ot -,,fJ l lCl lO,li!>l!llVLd\/l'IU••t J~n •<>n.J l cl)~,l]l'<,l'J/'. ,M11\ UNllL O (.lq_1ru1, ....... ' ...... I. 1t1..a,,.,,..,,..,p,.,,1,on "" l"uh.ol• "'"''" PUHi.iC NOT ICF. '""' tc• ,,.,.,,.,,.,, ot l··I •·•> 1, "·'~"" !---------------~ '"''to tnc P<'t •f•OA~• ,..1, , • '", 1, """" " "'""" tu• I url n~ 1 1• " lo< ,. 1,., .•n• I!""' rn .. t•""' """ pl.1« JI n. ,,, ,,.~ "" 1,.,., v..~·n .... t !Or I cD1u"' y In 1'•1' 11 ~ li'i .in•,•ntn"•''"'l''''"''"IO.·t•"' ''"'"t No lo• \"•O ' "'' 1 "' /fJ11 (,,.., l ··ni.,, Or •ve We>I, '" In• t '' y ut <~••I " An". (.dlllt>tn•" FICTITIOUS eusn.i E \~ N•ME STATE MEtl!T Ttie lolh>.,•nq r.er w n' ,., .. ""'nq c.. .. """'\ "' 0 £Yl F<ON, J07t 0 <dn\I<· A•<'., ~.II An•. c .. o,ro ... ,. ~2101 \/o<l<>r EdU<J<Oo '\/•~fl"<'I M'f,..10.., 10112 Drt'rvale Ln. •1untu•gl0<• & • .ell, c .. 1,,.,.,,1.q)1>-16 \Villi ;11n 'I'. C;1pps Ill. preside nt o f t'apJ)S and S1 Hl S I .Id., L·xarn i n C's pi:-.tol :-;lugs 11f v:.ir i1n1s l'alihcr \V hith were r1..•pC'llr•cl b v his Ill.'\\' line of bulll.'!proof S JJOl-t S \\'C<J r . c 'ap\)S 1:-; \\'curi n g 11nc 1)( his produ1.:t.s, :.i bull<.:1.- proc>f vest li ned \V1l h sevcr;,il l;iycrs t >f K evlar 1n ;..ill.'ri ~1: uriginall.Y desi gned for au to ti re :.. IJd1t"d J .. nu<1•v 21 1'•'~ WILl.IAM [ ~IJO HN , (uunty (I••• T110MA SL LOltO ll11 1 p,.,eo<l<f V•l<'nt ••, !>"''~ l I l Llq.,n.o Hiii•, CA q16IJ Ttl : !I U !Sl l·Jl60 Allornor '"' · pet•haMt P~bl "ned 0 f .. nge l,,,,. ! \J,;ny '"In~, J .. n~~.)O,.,rl<ll-c b ).I~/) ~I\/~ I' t. 111.1 ( . .'\" f )1'1('1-'. ';tt"!"'t"n Ot•m•'<, JJ'"1 l'itO•,,,. C:u'. l •q"""' N1q.,r l, C.•l 1to1 n.a "1611 Jn.,""'"'"'~ '' <OnOu(ll'D bf • <JI'""'• I Pol• I n«r ,n 1p , s1 .. p""'n 011m<'< • Th,, ""'""'""! ..... , hleo w1tn 1,., t ounty (•e•~ 01 or .. nge co .. •11.,. w. v.-..... ,,u.' )ti. 1~11 F IC: 111 IOU!> ~US•N E!>!> NAME!>IAl[MENT FICTITIOUS l!IU \IH ES~ HAM E STAT EMENT What Do You Say To a Dirty Lady? '"" !oll<i"'•"\I po.• ~··" •"' <"""q '""' T l>e tol 1cw• ng P<'• \.On, ••., oo•rg bus.f. ""'~ ... , .,,., OE:SIC.N PAR TN ER!., Of!.IGN MAOI ~A ll<I /\I l(J N'>, t~•O PARTNERS 1Nllo RNA11 0 NAl. Tit[ "'"'el..1"".Un11C.,LO·.t•M·'"" ..... t !.HANNON HOLLtOAY COMPANY, lt.«IJ 2•1B -<A•lnu• Blv<l, N"-..l>Ort &tokti Je>nn l "'"""Ion ~11~ 11 1~l·• ~19<1"'" OIHotn1~~ll>M) · • 1i.,,..00r1 11.,., n, \ .. 1ot •1,.,,.1 J"""<' Sn•nnon, "111 """"°"Or•~. N •n<v l><>•I•, 'JOO A•.:to·r N<'""I''" 1 H..,t,nglon 8eatt., C.•1ll o•n•"''-Oo•.ocn. (.,.Ill ''1<.W Leu N· HOtl•lldf, llSJ! Ftr M St , 5oulh In.~ Du"""'~., t ondutl•·Q t>Y " 1,,,.,,1 l <111un• Be..cn, Co1111orn1" "II J>d•l"''r\h•P. ~;~,:,::;::,',',.,~~ <OnclU(led b't ~ Jon" I N~wtnn J•ntee Sh•nnon In•\ "''l"n1o:f<! .... 1~ hi('(! "'''" Inf' lh1\ ~t.ote.....,nt "''"' IUfd Mtn 1tw: C.ouniv (h·•k 01 Q'""'l" Criunl1 on Counly C.lt •• ol Or~ng.t Co•>nly ooa J .. nu . .,1 1•, l~l'l J.tn ... ry l, 19JS. F4()14: F .Htit P"n1.-.t1rd O•·•l>CI<· Co.• .t o; .. 1y v.101' I PubtiV.•11 Orange {.OO\I Odily PotOI, J,rn r 1 .• u1<l 1-.. n. \, 11. 1~. 1~/) Jtol-1! Jan.,..ry 1, 1 ~_:2.1.:..!.!!...!.~IS .ii l·I• BY JAM ES PlllLl,11-,S unfit for polite company . \V/\SllJ NGTON !J\Pl 'J'he raw n ature o f h er -'fh e sex J'cvo\ution di a Io g u c I c f l 1n t ' reat'hcd n ew h eights or mome ntarily s tunne d cle 1Jt h:<i.. I r e ceived <.1 n h ad been car vin£! dutk o hs ccne phone ('<t ll rrom dc('C1ys in my baS'cn11 ·nt l 'l"lil .J(;~rrr1 c1·: l'l'f\l .IC ' N01'1CI·: ;.1nun1dcntifie dlady work s hUll wht·n the esi.oi& e s•101 "l\lr. Jo.in1('S"!'' ;1 ~ked phonL' hcg~ln r i n gi n g . I l"l(TITIOU!.8USI NESS SUPEA10RCOUlllOl"THE •••••• ,.,,, •• ,.,. \TAT EOFC•ltfO RNIA FOlt 1hc c·all('I' in a hus k )', bounded Lii) the t .. n ~ ' ... "" · !->ill I S . 11,.. IO!!O""'"'l ~•·<...r,n "Clo'J"''l Im" THECOUNTYOFORANGE l;i bort>d \Olt'L' \\lhL·n I thinking it v.·:1 ~ .a fr11·nd "'·'"' No.A-11s's ' Jl t'k""<lupthet"l··1>h•1•1·· C"ii1 n g /\io1 ,,, ,,,,. ltll l RSC.OP[ I/I" IN•-, J 1qst NOTIC E OF H E ARING OF " ... '" '" "' . r, q)llrt Lv<>ll C..<>'I·• M•'"'' '-"'''"'""PETITION FO"I PROl!IAT E OF WIU. '' f.>urd o n'1" outermos t rC'a('h es of 1n1· ]""1~ · · ..... o FOR LETT ERS T£SYAM£"' ·' J'vl r •. J :l n1 c s 1m.1g1n<.1t1on dtrl I C\l.'r ~~· .. •r;,;,~·1;,'~~n""'c.:1 ;;~~"''.,~;;:,7"1 '1' T AE~~ .. i.·ot 'O.AM oCAl'LAN ,dko1 SAM.i l 'h1ll1ps 1•• s h e !'>J ld tn a C'nv1s 10n r l'l'Ci\ing <Ill ''"·""'"'''~''l<>tl<JU<lo<O ily .lt1 '1' O:APLAN Oc~fdV>ll. ""~"~~nc obsc~hnnl' (."111 [re..,.. a ... ,.,.,,)I tlOflCf" j'; HER EflV GIV EN "'81: ..., ... --' :->." --~ l"ia.~~ ,..,..,,.,..,. ~ ..... • .. .,.,;.. ',,;t,;,f W";;!~\~.,.. ;oNS,_. • . ,··~-::\.~'· 'tl"f Co-·~· ' ' • ~~;-<' ,j ~ ,...,... ~ -··-"·~~Alt r\., J j'.RROl0 1-.'Y"f4.-AN.h.l~l~nt:tC""'• ~, "Yt:s .·· ifEPl..IED .,.. I thoug ht o t f emal e co':.nt;: c1t··~ ct Ot • .nge coun•1 <>" ,..;,n(eot Le)1~•~ 'Tt"'rt 1>~n1 .. tfl~1Pf ' " . . . ' . . . J"""'"Y7~.1v1~ l"'••t>O<l"'• 1eUJ1en<~ lo wn.ch ·~ mitdrl lh1nk1ng lh<il Jt w a s a n friend·s "A-'hO compl;nnccl F~044~ tO!" 1 .. r1ne • odnoc .. Mr\, ""d tn.u tne oper;:1\or ('Om~\e\in~ a about h eavy breather s. eA1.0111:o!t11:11.KLOT1 1,..,.,,,no p1<1c~a1tie11r.ng11>t>.........,,...~ Allorn•v ~ .. 11. .. ,,. bt.,n "'''to• 1 .. br1Mfy 18, 1q/) ... t 'f:.lO pC'r so n -l o ·)lcrso n . f o ul talk c 1·s. 11 \\l~S 11oi oovesi.,!>u•le l<S ,,,,., 1M"1e<ourtroam oi 01ep,;1n..,.,.,..1 loni: -d 1st a nee c :ii I seeming! v common pl ace t11ew1><>rt ee .. c1o, c:A r.Wll ""· 3 o• -....a covtt. a• 100 Chile C•·nh • ,. f ' ·· Pl1Uh~ned Or .. nn.. r"""t o,.;,1, f'•Mt °''"~We~•. 1n 1n., C•IJ ol S..ntd An;t. -·•our name IC':.Jlly o r v.•omcn to rcc('IVl' .J .. n.19,.,,,0 F.,o ~.12,,., 19/~ ~111 , c.ai.torn .... t urn ::; rn c on. . s h e such calls . ;.1t leas t in thl' oa1.,dJ•nu.ir,1e.101s :-.aid. city. ll ul men·! ~.:!: .. ~~"'c~~~-st JOHN , I l ll'r h rl'athu 1g bcc;imhl' Pl'Ul .lt•'.\"OTll'I·: ~~';"'"'· KAPLAH. tl!EITER "'"0- ll'<l \ I Cr . Th e n s l' \\'lllLf: T ll ES t-: --------APrt11tu ion .. 1cor,.., .. 1; ... ,.1 (• s ("('Tl d l' d l 0 <t thoug hts "A-'C I"(' r~c1ng FtCTIT l0U58U51NE\S lM&Cen1urrP•rkE•1t,""F' .... "On l'C"<. '•'''""·''' l e 1•1•I th •h n1y "''"''· tl11· N•MESTAT£MENT l.o~Anqol•~.CA '1>1Mol '-' r OUg '"" lulluw•~<1 1>C'r..On,,.rt'<l<""q t>u-.1 T~I'. lll ll ?17·2214 'Quickies' Slated l•'tiur ~hort 1.:(1u rsc:-. for prc.::-.c.·nl 0 1· prn$pl·c:l 1\'l' school aid es ~i nd v o lun- l l·crs will be• offered tlu s s pring ;,ii Golde n \Vest <.'o!l(•g(' 1n lluntin gton Jtc.:;1c·h. 'l'he th1·l'C'-Yil'Ck ·long <·our:-.,•s :1r(' 111 c hildren·S h onk s, ('<Jrd c·a t ~1lo g, c·1rC'u t:1t11•n ;11111 lll\'t •n · t ory proccdurf's, :1 rul ,., .• f t'l"l'llt't' ho11ks_ ll f'g ts !ratinn Pnd:. J :1 n 29 lt y ;ippo1nln1t:n l ;111d 1·1111:. rro n1 .I.in. 30-l·'t·b 1:1 v.·1thou\ ;ippo1ntn11·nt San C le1n e nt•~ Student Citt·d .lt·ffr f'v l f11 r lh11! 11f S,111 ('h·1nt•11\C' ,,·;is ;1n11>t1µ :.!X~1 f l"t'l>hlll l'Jl l'l 'l'l'll 11\i-! h11n11r ... ·al 1·.nl r_:1ll\'l'j "''':1rd s al <al Stat~. I 'u1n1111 .1 ·rht· h1 11101· 1:-has l·d on ,1 g r ;ull' poin1 ;1\ t'r;t gl' of :tf'l ;111d <!hO\'l' Ill h11-:h :.1·hnnl ;111d s 1·ho11I a(·- 11 \' 1 t I f':-0 , THE EARL'S v.· o m a n c O Tl l i n u e cl ,.. .. ,. .• ~ All••""'''o" pe\11••""' t a lking. J tho u g ht uf lhi! [lUN .. VvAN [N!E.l<PRI .,! '> FVb'1·.n~a D•il!\Qf' co .. ~I oa;1-, .~•IO!, 1 1~~" P~"'"'"n'' c -.·~1 . :i.oMld ""''• J"n 79.JO.and F"b s.1q1s 314·1!. .:1 dvicc police give to c.,11 .t orn•.1C."'" q110~ w 0 men w h 0 :1 I' L' 1""''" f M< Kl """Y, 1 }~0~ l._U 1\1 ... IC NOTICI·: f',11>o••J'"~ C.r .. ,1. :0.1n1.i /\na. (.a111 h ar:.isscd b y o b scen e ~1/(1~ --NOflCE TOCREOITORS p honecallc r s -h ang-up . 0-'"'" M . Mt l( .. nnf'Y. 1?80K !.UPERlOllCOURTOFT11E P,1no,,,m<1 C rr~t . ~nl a An,'!, (.did !iTAT£01"CALIFOAHIAFOA But] am t oo polite to '•/ILI> THECOUNTVOFORAMGE Simply ha ng Up. M~r~ C"err.oH, 11101 While Horl.I' No.A .. l•S• ''U h , J a d ;•. l·•n<',Hun!•n'JI Ollflf'"cn,(d"t q}""'~ E"d!f' ot FR!cO MYRON SMQLl. L1n<1" Cll<'rno!I, 71101 wn.r.-Ho•se Deced~f'd_ interject Cd, ._,,,,,._ Hunt•nqton 6c...:n, C<l••t, 'rJt,.Olo NOf tC.E IS HF R!:"llV GI V(N t!I tl>O' S I I I"'" ov~•"'''~ " conduciea Dr " :•e<l i l<>•~ ot tn<' .1Dow" ndn>f!O <l<'C•'O•'"t • l (' jl ;I U S l' ( I n 'l<'"'"'"I P•'' 1 nc r~n•P. thd1 all P"•>On' n~~•r>q (Id'"" dQ."n t con\'ers ;.ition Bul 0 111.\ PnH•PL MCK"""''' 11"' ,.,,u accrdrnt ""' re11u.,.,1110 ,,,, . brief!.>.'. l1(•forc ('Ollhl lru~ ~,,.1,·mc~1 ..... ~ '""" w<1n ltl(l 1n.,m. witro inc nece~wrv ..,, ... ,..,,\, ,., sq ue l'zc a v.1 nrd in C'dgcv.·isc s hl' again said. "\'ou really turn n1con " ,\s a n ;1ftcr1 hought. :.ht• added ... ,·ou d o n 't h:t\'l~ to go, do you ·~'· "\.<'s . I rl'pl if'tl '"\\'hy'?" ~hl' a :.kcd W~S 1mmod;nl1'IY C:ountr Cl~r ~ ot 0td"9t' Coonlr on tne Olht e ot 1ro" clerk ot tne o1Dove <'" J.inu.1t ' 1~. 1q1;. htle'<l CO•"'· or IO P•tS<"nl rti..-..n, W•!n thl: F•°'"" nece, .... ,, woucr.er •. lllUW ......,.,.,,Qfled P\lnh'""" Ordn<ll• COO!~• O""' P11e>I. ,.1 tne olt.ce ol nPr .. norn<'~ J 0. Jdn 1~.1n<1f<O) !J,1•1,1 •1~ .JIJJ·l DQN ALOPEllU'.:>.b7S M.>r".-,1St"''·'· r•t"RLIC NOTICE \UP£ RIOR COURT OF1'"E !.l A re: OF CAl.IFORNIA FO!t T11E COU NTTOFOAAtl!GE ,;...n F r<1nc1...::o. (aliturn1a. wh•<I> ·~ If>,· Ph><e at l>U~m'"' ol tnc unOer~•q""d 1n .. 11 "'"1t<'•~ pctl.,,n,nq •o tne """'" o• ~·"d o-~o·df'nt. w1tr.•n l<tt:r montn~o1th:r (,.,.. !ir~I pun hr .111on ol tM•' not+'e. 0dl~O J,,,,.,,.,. 21, tQ/} MAF<Y E !'.MOll """"''"' '' r 11tr1k w1tn •he w,11 ..,.. m·~('(J of \f>(' olOO"e""....-ddctc°"nl J_O. OONA lD P£TTU!. Sl'17.C'd hy <In 1n ~p 1 rnt1on . No.A·IHM ·· 1·n 1 in the rn iddlt• of NOT!(E OF MEA RINGOFPET•TION Allor,,., ,II\ L .. .,,. •?' M .. r-•l Sire..! l"O R PRO BA TE OF Wll.L AHO FOR n1aking ,1 s oufflf'. ·• I LETTER!> TESTAMENl'ARY iaoHo rl'plil'd ''I f I don 't .(!l't w~~~•~eo~t H "· ""C·/\&Ri C.Hl, ,.k,, hn('kLomy souffl('.1twlll ~•1><u 1-.. r fl Al'<G/\Ul<1 GH T, coll:111s e .·· D<"•r•J'"n NO ! I(! '~ Hr"Hrnv Gl \/[N th,•I S..n Fro1n<o~<•. C..ohtonola t41~ Tel: ,.1·2»0 Attor,,., lor Adm1nos1r.11lrik wiltl 11'111 W•l!,.nneoell P"""'n"" Q1,1nQ'' co ... ,1 O...ilw. Pih>!. j,.,, 1·• ,u1d I ~b '>. 11, 1'f !'II \ JO? I'> ":\ s oufflt•"'.. PAfl<l(IA ARGAt!l<IVH! ~MllHn .. , l'l'l\l IC !\t)Tl"I, "'"t':." ll""t I"'"'",, Pf'tll"'" tr>• Pr<>Od!" <>I ____ ____,_ ' ' ', w,11 ""(t ''" ''"·V·""" ot Lt•ll••r NOTICE TOCREOITORS 1\nd I hung lhl· ph•Hl(' 1 ... t"''"·n1,,,v 1o I"" fl(•t•i.i:.n-.r l!M;<'•l ~uPElllORCOURT OFTt<£ bac k On j t S {' f' <J cl I e, '"''"'''"I ''''''""'"lo wn1<h '' m,.,,., ''" S l A I£ OF CAI.I FORNI A FOR =~~~"='='t u•!/~·• P"'l•Culd''· ,\"<f "'·'' ""' l•m• 111E COUNTY OF ORANGE. , .. .,.1"''''''1Jt 1'<!•" ""I I"''""""' Ad' ~·•·n Ho. A·IJ°" 1 .,..1 tot 1-r4'•U•l•• t ~ l'•I\ "t q JO,> m ,., r ,1,tt>' v! ¥ t HA 1'0"' I ELLA WE. BS. In.!' lOurlr<><"" "' Oo•pol•l n ... nt NO '()I "'""''Pl! <.>•d tOU•I, .11 100 (•~.r '-'""', IJ••v" NOl l(.l I!. HLf:lt:UY C.1\IEN to t,.,.. W<'''· '" 1ne Coty Ot !..int.1 A•I·•· c .. '<l•IO•'"t I"" M•D• .. ~n<lnV'dOO.....,.,nt (.,ol.to•n•,• ' oro.1! .ul •~·r"'"" ""~"'9 <l,um• ol<)>•ln"t Odlt'<I JdnU.1<¥ ''·IQ/', I"" '"'d dt.'L .. nrnt d•C <''(fl1•ft'<I to h.., W l l.l.IAM E.~tJOHN, \l.,.m, .,.,1n tn" ""''°'"''' "°""""'~· 1n count~{.'"" "'" o•I•< rot rn" tlrrt. nl I~ .. oavr, en- Hu RWI T l , HU II w r I z ...... d {(\Uri, nr lo l>fli'"'"' tnem, .... in~ ANO II £ ... EA ""' "~~·" f wOU( """·ID!"" U~''''J~<l Au ..... ,. •11..tW ~·I'"' Oii",. ... n.~ Att0<""•· Gli.Ol'flil.'. l!ly: R-r1 A, Hu"•'•ll I U0ll0. J M.>lldttn ""¥ PlollJ. Stftl• 4JO J!nd S1re,1, P.O. 86• 11.n !il~. l "'9'"'" N ,q., .. I, Cdlilorn<d, ...... ,n t'- Now-t 8~•ch, (A '?••O '"" "'"'"' ol Du>•.._.·~<>! \tie ""°"'"Otll'll Ttl: Ut4f 61 J ·tO?O '" dll rnillte•' l>f'<!•on1f1Q to nw e~t.,teol At~:=:~~r6.~~1:;..~,, 0;i.11 P""'· ;.~.~~~?,~~.'~;::~,i~::::,i,i~~r J.ln 7q, .)O, ,,,,rt ~•·ti S, IQ/'; JHl·I'> Oatell J"nu,1ry 21, t'l/I l't;J\l.IC: NOTl{'I-: ._, NOTI C.E OF INTENTION TO C.REA 'l'E SECURITY ltl!T£ASE\T 4 Secs. 4101 -610/ U.C.C. t ••·••• r Rdvmono vw,b!I J• ..,.,,,.,1n1~t•Jlor w1011rew111 • ,..,,,.. .... ao1 t""E~• .. 1e • <>l 1ne .1Dovr """""" lk'tedc~ GEORGE L. BOZZOA!t.-y l Mon .. rCll 8.o~ Pl"r• S...ilo IDS l..og-• Nlquel, C•ltlorno• n•n Tel : 11 14l 4t6-0411 •norney lor AdmifM11r•lor •l"' ~ WiH .. n..e••d • Record Transpac? PARAMOUNT SPORTS in :JenniJ l ue r'Jlhin<J GIANT JANUARY Robert J . Wiqmoro THE NOT ICE ,~ nl'reby gowen to lh" (1<·dd or , o ! tNrEl-INATIONA t IN\/(STMI N f &. 0 €\/El.OPMENI C.OHPOH Alt Qtl ""<! INl(.RNAllQN/\L MANA GE Mt NI !.ER\/I CES INC . O<>t>lor ,, w"O"' f.>V" ""'' iladt ~\~ •> 1611 W~"<"H D,,.,.. '>u•1~ 70~. N~wnori lltdtn Covn:y o• Or .. nll<I!, ~IO!l f! ol c .. u1orn1d, tM.>t " "l!<Ur!IV 1ntr•~>I "dl>al1l 111 !lo' ("'<•lea nr Dl'l>IGt """ 11•1n1~11 1i. BANK o r IRVIN £, " C"IUOfA'<I cn1oor,1h<111 ""1<u••'<l 11~, tr .. no .... Dl1~•ne~' .w:1a .. " " u l/I C"I •~• ()11 .,._ It v•nc, Co'""' o• QranQU S.!"l~o!C"l•IC>•n•" PulJl•\""d Or"nq" (•>;ht O.ilJ PtlOI. J""· ~· ""~eD. ~. 1!. i., \91~ ~/~ t> l i 1\1.IC NOTICt<: -w PERIOll cou•l' 01' THE STATE 0""CAl.l l'ORNl.t.F01l THC COUNTY OFOlll:AMGE HO. A-11Sl2 t:arly i nquiries und ::.ipplicutions ror lhisyl•:1r's 'rr·anspac rat(' frnrn J .os Angeles to l·lo nolulu ind1cu 1.<• a record turno ut o f l a r ge y<1C'h ts 1n str iou:; <'On · te ntio n fo r line honor s <firs l -to-rlnis h 1 in the bie nnia l 2,2'l5 mile rat•('. C lass A y~cht~ PXJJl'c lcd tu file c:i rly C'ntri cs ::t r e l\il a 1·k .J o hn so n 's W indward P a::;sag('. l h(· I .on~ Beach synllical.c nwnt'd ll ai.:ti n11•, Sumne r Long 's new 79·ft•OI l 'll:tn('1•-d1•s1gn cd k etch Ondine : (~(·or~,, Ki:-.kadden 's 69-foot schooner NC'v. \VOr1d . John !;;cripps' 79-foot k1·tC"h 1\l1ran1nr : lln s t - ings llarcourt ':-rlC'V.' i:I foot (';'dk1n::i.- d esig n c•tl ketc h \\lhi~t l<• \Vlng: the vin · t <1 gc 8:l-foot ::i.ch t1on 1•r Sf•rt•na 01vn cd by S t even BragJ.!. :ind Hl :·u ·k f1n br inl! sailed })y r hartcr c·r('w from the U.S. Nav al A cnd em.v A boat-f o r -battle u' th(• Clu::i.s 1\ r a nks is cxpe<:lcd between two C(;-6 ts. \V i!l1a n1 Nic mi's Joli and Ja rob Wood's SOl"('('I'}'. \Vincl"'•ard Passage holds the e lnps cfl time r e cord fo r Lhc r ace, s lightl y n1o rc than nine d u;>s. scl in 1971. In thl' 1973 race, llagtin1e bcot \V P by fo u r m in utes but neithe r yachl came n ea r the record. C h a rles Kdbcr, r ac(! c h airman. s aid applications (or I.h e race are already 25 per<'e n t a h ead of 1973. More than 100 owners l),ave ex1>r esscd inte r est in t his ye"r's r uce but o nly 75 will be selected . A questionna ire has bee n m:.iilc d lo ~lPPlit·o,nls which n1us t be re turne d by F'rirl:1y to receive furthe r cons ide ra · tio n . S p ecial attentio n in ~cleclion or y;i c hls will he the ir previo us rac ing r ecord us well ns the d eep-wale r sail· ing experience of c rews. TENNIS WHITE SALE! EHDS SAT., FEB, 1st •DRESSES •SHIRTS •SHOES •SOX •SHOES •SWEATIRS •JACl<ETS REDUCED I 0°/o to 50°/o •·• c-"'"''• & P11rc:ell ... _ •..... \I.SO ~ICt'dt ...................... \1.00 l•ptrl Str'l1111Ji1NJ ...t l'1'11irt 333 E. l 7111 St., Cosio Muo ,~-,,,..,,,~,...,_.,,,"!'"' •!"~"""'t' PHOME 642·6186 MOST POPULAR HOMEOWNERS POLICY 1s The "all nsk" policy. II prolects your h ome against many perils Gall us !Of' a Quotat ion. Tne l>'Ol>"<IV '" -o<n "'" ~Ur•IY lnl<!•r" "'Ill Clo' c•~•IP<I I>,'""""'''"''· A•f !"tu•~• "n.d E<IU•-1, ll1fNlure An<! turn''"'""' ot Debtor CO"'" •<'<I pro- 1'<''1¥ now IO.:•ted "' 16(/ W~>l<f1ll LJ"wt, N .. wno•I A .. •cn, Countv ol O•••nqr, S!"t" ot Cdtil0<n1,• ,)n(I bu"'· ""'~ ~...,,..., •~ s,,.n F'"""'""" TM .l!ore•.1•<J WCUt>t'I ''""'~"-hon '"''" De ton,ummdll'll on or ''"~' '""' u11n MV ot Fen•u•rv 1q1~ .. •t q 00.o m, .. t t;IANI( OF IR\/ll'<lf , If.II/ (.ulver f)"""· l•Ytne, {."""''~"' w•th l"\l<ilt• "'~7r-~~~77===-• J ""'"' Nol,., ~ WJGMQRE !>010• "'•nownlOl"".,.....'-''"d P.o•tv, r-r •tt 1m s •II nu~•nt>• ""me~ ••nd ,><1<1r"""'' "'"o ..l1 I NSURANCE ov t"" °"blor tor'"'" tnl tt ,,...,,I••' zt10...._at .. 1'. Wtw 21 &, c ........ 1 .. ._ _ _.c __ ..,.,, 979-6543 ,,..,1 ... ~ s .. m ... l).olf'll JAn"~'Y 11, "'~ ""'CurPd P••IW I C AIOfitn ft•.,,., ol lrw1ne PO Ro••OO' ··~•nt c,1.0Q•n••l'/ ... Pvo'•"" <11)1,,,., •. (n.1.1 Q,,•I• Potol, O,,.. I .llJ!\ I\ tl!OllCE OF Mtf:Alll:ING Opr PETITIDtll FOlll PAOaA1"e 01" 'Ill.I.. .t.MO FOR LETTEllL\ TESTAMl:M- l'AllV E\l ali! o t E ARL BRUCE VORPAC.Cl., Oecea:lof!d, NOT IC.E IS HEREBY GIVEN UWtt RIC.HAR O 8AuCE \/QFIPAGEL ""' hi"'!! herein • pelollon tor Ptotwii. OI/ Woll •nd tor ;,,u .. •1<• <1! Lotter~ Te\1.omtnlfry lo '"' peHll-fe· lereme 10 wn«n il m-tor lur1....,. rto¥fl<wla•~. ""° 1r.•1 tne timf .llndOI~• of ne.orln<i 11>1! lolffil n.o• been jOltf lo• Fel>fu••v 18, 191 ~ . .,, •)I') •.m , lfl 1ne <Ou • r•oom o• o..,,.. tm<i"I No JOI/ ~<d <oun, "' 100 C•voc Cen1er Ori""' ~I. ff\ ll>e (1ty ot ~""t" "'~•. C•l•IO•"'•· O..teCIJ•nu•rv 11, 101' WILLIAM £. St JONN, Countv C.•1•" lll:USSELLlllODEA Anornoy•IL..ow MOi-....,,..n C•nlor Driwt Sll4hltl ,,,..,~ k-K~. C•l1l•rni.o t1••• ltL HH) M0-6JOO AllOf'llOVIOf': hUllef>or P\ft>ll\1>1>11 O<dnqe_ C.<>ol~I 0..ltv Piiot, Jo1nu.ory 1~. )I), 111\d Ff'b•vo1rv '· t•I\ l I• ·~ .. I • ------· -.... ,..___-~ -··· -- Jl4 DAil Y PILOT Wednesdg.JMuary29, 1975 L.M.Boyd When Hubbies -Play Around Al what age is a husband m06l 1ikely to be unfaithful? So inquire:s •client. IL was lhe coo · tention of the renowned Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey that husbands were most apt lo indulge in that thing called infidelity at the beginnning or m a rrla.ge in t he 16 t o 20 year age bracket. liis i:;tudi es the n s h owed a second patte rn or unfa ithfulness among m en aged 31 to 35. And finally, a third tendency to seek out a ffairs showed up in men aged 45 to 50. Other research, incidentally, has indicated . that the young philanderer tends lo find his ex- Ford get'!., tra-c urricular ro m a n ce amon g s li g htl y olde r women while the middlc- aged lothario is inclined lo date women in Lhe early :JO:-; !\IODEL T <J . ··E\·erybody IS In - terested today in the gas mileage of the new <.'ars . :\s a n1i.ltter of record. hO\v rnu ch did the tild ri.r ode-I T A, From 25 to 30 miles per gC:1llon. \Vith a 22 h .p. engine. EACtl EYE of a duck has three eyelids. AL THOUGH Napoleon Bonaparte re· portedly bathed daily, history records he in- sisted his J osephine not do so. ONE OUT of eve ry rive famil ies that hire a trucking firm to move them from somepl ace to another \\'ind up filin g c laims for da1nage, loss or theft . M USK DEER Only a few clever trappers in Asia kn ow how to snare that little animal called the musk deer . It's only about t hree feet long . may be 20 inches high. Perfumers pay .,.,·ell for its musk ·which they use as a fixing agent in fine scents . Trick Lo catching the cunning beast is in · music. They're fascinated by it. The trappers · entice the m by playing flutes . ... YOU MAY SOT kno\v it ... says Chet Switell, ··but that five-axle rig ahead of you on a ny interst ate hi gh\vay m ay be driven by one of the more than 25,000 women truckers in the U.S.A. Their average yearly pay is $15 .000. '' 'T I S WRIT in th e Ta l mud th a t ''whosoeve r rem ains unn1arricd does nol de- serve to be called a n1 an. •·And I know a s ingle lady in her 40s ,1rho'd agree. N E \\' YORK C ITY law r equires a peephole in evt!ry ap<1rtment door . ft.>· member . ,_,_...,,.., .. Oii Exec. Transport a ti o n Secretary Claude S. Brinegar h as been e lect ed senior vice 1>res ident and a n1ember o r the ex- ecutive con1mittcc· or lhC' (Inion Oi l Co. Ile is quitting hi s 1>os t on l·'orcl eabin c l f 'c b . I. Phone . Budget Up2 1 l% LOS ANGELES (UP).) -General TelepboneCo. of California ha• an· oounced a con&lructlon budget of $163.9 for the current year, an increase or 21 percent over last year's budget: A spokesma n , J ohn Forder; said spiraling costs and inadequate rate re11,r. have forced the utility to limit its overall construction program. The constrUction dollar will be distributed 17 per· cent for growth and ne w services, 3 percent for modernization, 8 percent for replacement of exist- ing equipment. l ti per- cent for toll assumption a nd 2 pe rce nt for civic or Public Ut ilities Con1- ------------mission requests. he S. Coast National Offer Set Initial s tock subscrip· lion for South Coast l\'<i- tional Bank . under ('Oil · struction 111 t he So uth Coa s t Villa ge -So uth Coast Plaza Shopping said. The major construc- tion investment, he said. would be $26.4 million fo r toll assumption or service in its territory previously provid e d b y Pacifi c Telephone Co. Earnings Up92o/o Complex. I S nea ring At St el fu lfillme nt, according to e Nick J . Florio, pres ident and chairman or the board. To date. nearly 150.000 sha res have been sub· scri bed for by loc al rcsi· dents and busin cssn1en . To con1ply '>'-"ith fedcr;,ll regulations for nationa l PITTSB U RGJ-1, Pa . (APl -U .S . Steel Corp., bellwether or the nation's s teel industry, has re- ported a 92 percent in · c rease in earnings for 1974. banks. a ll s h:ires n1u st be Both earnings and re- subsC"ribed ;u1 d <.1 pprovcd venues for the year v.•ere by the Con1ptrollc r of the records for th e ncitlon ·s Cu1't·e ncy_ pr.ior to the larg est s tee lm aker . ban~open1n g 1tsdoors: In despite " 24 ·day na- thc interest (1f exped1t1n g t io n"'i d e coal s trik e • FRONT WHEEL DRIVE RABBIT NEW Ll"J FOR VOLKSWAGEN IN 1975 EPA Teats Show 40 MPG on H1Qiht1y1, 24 MPG Cltyolde VW Gets Jump on Rabbi• By Ct\ R L CA RSTENSl·; . ....,; 0 1 tft• D••IY Piiot <;Ull Volkswagen d ea l er~ hi.i\'C added a nimble new hatchhut·k sedan to their line of c<Jrs for 1975 . V\V o fri cia ls C'<•ll il .. economical. versatile and. 1n techn ical fea tures, the mosl ~id · \'anced subcon1pact in the in- dustry .,. The Rabbit , a companion C<tr to the Beetle, is :l water cooled , rront wheel drive hatchback sedan. available in tv.·o and four door mod els. In 1ci;1s b:y the En\"1ro11n1cntal Protection A ge n c~'. 1nanual transmission Rabbi!:-. ;.1chiC"vcd 10 miles pe r g allon on lh1· hi[!.h\\•ay and 25 n1ilcs p1.·1· galhHl in the city STL'ART PERKl!"S, prcs1dl'nl of \lolk S\.\'agcn or J\mcri<·a. point ed out . "\'\V enf!ince1·s have come up \\'ith a c:1r tha1 doC"sn ·t havl" an ounce uf ulHlt't'CSs ;iry f at, ont.' \\.'h i ch provides t•xct.·llcnt op era t i n g ceon11n1y I I N HICfl CEAR p<>rforn1 :i nce and v uluc ." At a recent press preview in Florida for both the llabbit and the new Scirocco, Perkins s aid he expe ct s the new cars to help in- crease V\V pl"netration in th e U.S. this year to about 4' :i of n1arket from 3.81'; in 197'1. In 197~. V\V delivered 33·1.515 new cars in the U.S. This year. Perkins said he expects to sell more th an 3~0.000 nc"' V\V 's, in· eluding 130,000 t o 1·10,000 ncv.· lt abbit s bas e priced nt $2 ,999 and about 24,000 of the sporty Sc iroc · co models pri ced at :$4.450. 'l'hough only 155.3 inches Ion~. the Rabbit has room ror four adults on a wheelbase of 94.5 in- ches. because o r e ngineering ai n1ed ::it ma xi mum s pace utilization 'f'he overall siz e of th e R;.ibblt \.\.'a s kept s n1all by n1ount · o,·•·r l 'h c Count.t·r HASOLi1ti~1 ing the engine transversely, rather than •·north and south" as in most cars . TH1'~ HATCllBACK opening . combined with a folding rear seal m a kes it a practical car. '!'he 12.'1 ·cubic foot normal lug- gage area expands to 24 .7 cubi c feet wh e n the rear scat is folded to accommodate large bulky items. The wide·opening hatch gives easy loading access. 1\ parti al list of standard equip- ment sp(•cifi<'atio ns for the Rab- bit reads like those for a s ports car : A iO bhp tSAE Net) over- head cam engine with light alloy cvl ind f'r head ; cross.flow aium inum radiator ta ne\V V\V design): transversely mounted transmission y.•hose clutch rod operates throug·h a hollow shaft in the gear box (also a new V\V design> and four·whecl indepcn· dent suspen sion "'it h an indepen· dent stabilize r rear axle .that is simple, effccti\•e and reduC('S un - s prung \\'eight (i.i nothcr new VW design ). ' ''f/;n<) ~ ~>inoal ~· l•ed.; In ' .,. ~!F f' ' • ' ~·"-,LC ;.~Jl C:-··.fU.·..p-.\"',Yf .,._ ~. _ _. _ .,,..._;y,.:~-·-..J. ea •·~·'-"""'·<......-.. ·'., ·~f'KA'i.\~. -~-.. -- · -·i~;th«:il'li oi 1 ;1l~ 1€6' ;~Ji.-~:;:l ~el ~£ "'l~;!ltl 1 ' ' web. WHAT'S SO remarkable about the pigeon is it's the onl y bird that C'an drink \V<Alcr \\'1tho u~ raisi~g its head to S\li<lll o\\·. A Cali£ornia medical c linic. \\'herein th:it birth -preventive s urger.v k nown as the va st!<"· :omy is a common oper::ition, keeps sperm ~pccimcns in a deep freeze fron1 ever y s tu..:11 patient. ·Should a husha nd later C'hnngc hi s mind about fa thering an offsprin g. he · tncrefrom can retrieve the whe rewitha l Address mail to L r.1 . Uoyd, p O. Newport Beach92660. 80L 1875, Cop1Jright 1975 L. M. Boyd .MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS -MERCEDES BENZ- Sales • Service • Leasing 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY 495-1700 · MISSION VIEJO 8 31 ·1740 ~~< '1.~ andDecember. vot:ecfro ofrCf Tcma1ni Og shares to qualified in - vestors on a ··rirst come·• basis. Full details <1nd in- form:iti on m:1y be ob- tained by c<ililng South Coast National OC:1nk at (7 14 ) 540·5300. -~­.~- TlllVll Fly us. Anywhere in the DAILY PILOT 11<\ I 'ol \II' I I l~A f)1 H. Clff,.,, On•'·f'l-.1·lo..1nJ C-Q.\\,\ff)f)ITY & rL.H.Rt"NCY ·1 H.ADl:-.i~ l'H.IJCRA.\I Fun., "'•n•gr•l. "tn•l •"'g ri•o Ill l>Otr ""•I w H•1 lh" O"'Y <'•W O••o•n•I l"<><l'·"" .. VM, .. ,,,_ l'tO'< O• 8,.1)"''".,< l., .. .,., .... ~· I RI ( Sl .. l •f\:AA 1·~111 11 4) 8 J5 1134 1 p,,..,~"'"" hv Tti., Sw•!\ Vault\ 140'1 N G•~"U A.~e!'ue S •ntl A n,. C 1\1forn1<1 U.S . Sleet, whi c h sparred wittl President Ford late in December over price hikes. said the return on sales still was "'ell below that earned in the record r eturn year of 1957. Income ror 197·1 was S634 .9 million. or $11.72 per s hare, on sales of S9 .34billion. Ea rnings in 1973 were $325.8 million, or $6.01 per share. on revenues of $7 billion. PAL1\\ SPRl:'\CS : San Diego Fwv. to Avery Pkwy. e1tll, right on Marguerite ==~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-I L•lr STORAGE UNITS Golf rn (0 . icnn1s ··family and business storage . P'ltfYAn :,. COH'f'EMllHT •.• lndi\/idual S!Ofage Units 7 AM. 10 7 PM Your Own Door 7 Days a Week Your Own Loell' 11 Sizes from 25 lo •ao SQ t1 .51CUll ••• · 24 Hour Resu:lenl Manaoer Concrete Construction Steel Doors Shop Units available with 220 V power and telephone Localed near San Diego 'Fwy_ and Jamboree Rd lOWCOST ..• Perimeter Wallell Night lighted F1re Protecled Rents as Low as 19 01scounls tor 6 Mon 1h Leases No Move-•n or Move-oui Charoes CALL 17141 979-01.s.~ or droP. bv 2892 KELVIM AVE! llVlll:· ~GIAnT SCREEn . -~ Muniz Theatre Television introduces the , world'a flr11 self-eon!a1ned oolor television ~ Pf'06edlon system wilh a truly giant screen. ~ 11,....ze lelev11lon piciure. Muntz • Theltre Television is simple 10 Install and • • 6N6ty maintained as your conventional , Ml. The glint screen ptdure Is Sharp, ~ oolar pure and bright enough 10 view in 1 room ol average light levet: ! Dlfrll."LM llfn••llltA......_OAC ~ ........ ,, ... ctM9_1• ..... ;~.._.zc ..... ...... .. __ ..,._.._. ....... s-.... h1•• .............. .. · CM1•nawm1wt,,,.ac: IC • 'ill .. ~ C:AU." """'TOM" 549·2900 HOME THEATER mEVISION PM INTUl'lllS'S INC. IXCl.USIVI DISTllllUTQl,IS ••••• JJOJ ........ llM.. Wt. Al #', • c:..-.. l ·I Mid-wee k 0rs~l~1., . nl'WCS1. most l~aul1ful anil rnriSI rompkle rC'M rt. ;\I bar~ain prires. 1-'untai.l1c r•n1·:1l•·l\0 v11·n1·1! and i.:u.~Lum fle.·o rated fa lr11av con1lon1iniun1s al unhc;irJ of Inv: ral('F. 3 days -2 nights ~63.50 c$74.50 Includes: •Breakfast thrc<~ days • f.olr and/o'r tennis dail.~- • BC'autiful ~wimrnin,; uni! th•'TUP}' )WI,; (J.!'""l ,\!vn<lay LhrtJ Thur~<I~)) For r'(•:-.f'r1·ationl' (';ill col lt't1 1-:l ·ll a:.:.'i-1;;,4~1 sunR1se COUllTRY CLUB \,\GHTE:Jt S IDE AMUSES In Ille DAllY PILOT i Acu~nt11 -\d~nte R Ad Mocro Ad~tll (.p A•e• A• r Ale• (l.;I Al•CO lnC All<,1n Pnr AloeO I.Jn• All•e<I Tet Am Apr~I Am E~pr Am r 1n(I An> Fl<ttn Am F•"n Am Gr,.- Amlnt C.r A Mc•o•Y .t.m Tele• Am WtlO Anne~v -""•<o APS lntD Aron M~I ..... o ... A .. Atw1d" AiW COi"' All V• Lt All Sit" At ... d Oc~ R"'"d A!O 8 &ir<I W• 8••t• er 8•~e• r, 8'10....n I. 8 .. lly Mii a 1u1m RI! H&"•t1 r I 8•1 1~•1 r ll.+yl~li tl~~•n (p 8eMly l• &ot , L•I> 811>11 Co 1:1"<1 S<:tn~ 81~HI p ,.. ' ' ' 1.411.100 . . 111 ....... 1!.0 ...... • !ll\ 701• g:~~ .. o~ ll"°"" Cp Boll (wn~ Bo"em~ Bootn Np 8r,nco 1 Bron~\ In Brn .. av I I Ntw 'l"o•~ l'ol· MUTUAL FUNDS I lowino •~ • "" o! f11<1 .. n<I i>kf<I P" Cfi on MvluoJ• Funcl\ "~ civoleO th lt\lt NASO Inc ll•l~td 11; 9•11Eo•E ~p ll Ull ll]Ht"!Qt 9• ~"I' ,,, 'lS1""1C"f llOWE TEIN •o• P05. D"o F<I I \1 B ?ll'E<,1•~1 F<I 8 )) 'l 11 1'9••Ct !J.77 t• 7~ M.1.5$ ,.NCL , C.•*I" 8 .ll R•••n<-U.10 !• 10 C:olyG• }4J ~9J EH.,nln 10 •8 . /1mll'ICp 61] 1lli MIT 1 1'1 9 0!> ln<om 9u (•1>1U •Jto •. J& E<1h Pt 1 ~• 1 11 Er>er!y t .17 9 II Imp C.. I }t •.•I MIG 119 8 11 'l* E•"' 1 8<> Slox O t .t4 t 9• rndl\.m I H ~8Sf'alfl d 6 34 l>.9?111>< Am lt'lJIJ.Ol MIO 11 11 1736 "''""Hor ~14 llGllOU .. : C.r.••1'1 • 19 J IOJF"' B<.ort • IJ 6 IJI In• Boll 1.70 } 10 MFO 8 u t 10 P1 0 ra •~I i \ c,..,..1~ 4 ,9 , ,1 •ntom ~ 19 ~II FIDELIT'I" Ind FAm I 91 MCO ~ 90 10 31 Provo C.! S ~6 6 ST ln<Otn •. I C I Jt T,.t•d•f P•ow In l fl• lll GROVP 1n1egon 69t l•)M•lfl lw 1 74 17•Pru<l'!o1P 6 89 Ii K~mp C 10•?110t J&nu••~ 18, 191 ~ Sp.!~1 I I) I 21 8nd df!O 1.11 I ~11 111 !n.-.•I lS 06 It.Sil ~!her 1.lS / 11 PUTN.&M S.......,11 S I• al() 81d A•~ Venh., I 18 ~ "6 C..-P!ll 6 6'1 • Jl l"~''n G )./9 }.19 M•G Am J 12 • 01 FUNOS fttnnl , " S ., Ad"' Gw l JO ]Sl ~,,.n F<I 110• 182 Con!r• 1.11 1 .. 11 Co A IOOIT101 MO.,., M 100 100 Con"~' •O• F 1 !1 Adm In( J.00 1.2• HASE Cv SS<!c 6 ,, Inv Gu•<I S,27 S.17 Mony Fd 1.43 l .n Equ11, l>,}l • 9? • ..:.r G ••• : ~: "dim l"s S.11 l.37 0$TON: Oly It>< 1 OU ! 00 !n" ln<llc I 11 l 18 MSl'I Fii 10 16 '"JI VtO•Q 10 •S 11 ,4 fmQ Iv MvtM• J.•• ].IS Fnd Bo' s !O ) SI Clt'<I s l>I ....... Bo• l.41 'l• Mt! BnG •. ~ I S• Gr ... 1n I IS I. 1000.00 1000.oa Mtn. Fd s .•• '·" F•etl (.p 174 3.1• e,~.. S,6} ' INV1!5T MIF FO •• , 6.t! ln<om 69/ 1.• ''"" c • ., 6.ll •.• , "-t ... lfl 11 .l• !1.31 St1T~ l'ls 5.60 0 11 Ewtrst t .Sl 10.t COUNSEL MIF Gro 1.ll l .t '. lnv<'~I S t'I t .S ••wl E q 1.lio I., Alutu•t S.4S 5.•s 5'11<1 •.7• 4 6) Funa 12.04 Tl 16 C•1><1m •.6S 1.1' M"'"'"I om.11., V1~1,. F 6.19 1.•1 \Kklr 11 I .ti I.ti "GE Fd l .ll J.11 "' Fd 6.1• 1,48 Puro1n l .ll 9. C.pll Sh l .ll 4.()8 F ...... 1: \l'o'"O J 11 1. ~CG l.IJ l.IS All1t.tt 1.,! l .t• NA MNG .. OS; s .. iem F 7,9S l 12 INVEST GllOUP: Ame• 11.•8 !l.6! Rt<e•v r ! 00 ! ~Ct l .2, J.1• "I .... Fd l .l4 9,11 Knl~-F •.ll I 16 Trend 1\.13 16.6 IOS Gin l IJ .. G•"'I~ l .6:1 J 9\ Reve,.... F • lD 0.1 'ii" Fnd 4.I S t.7~ -~ .. l .Sl J.N Knick G s.OB ~so FUIANC1AI. IDS NO 3 •S ).I! !com 1 )'I 8.0:; S,,lt( Eq s.~9 l>.S 'lltifll 6.Jl 6.'11 "'" ''~ t ,1110.IS t.lbrty J l8 l69 PAOGllAM5 IOSPr llV ?60 Mu! Stirs 1f>'l)U9J i,aleco G 4 11 4.9J nllutld j 9t •. <1<11 •Am ql'f l ." J.lt Mtfllll i.. ),31 ?!) FinOvn 190 1. Mutu•I 1.l• 198 MuU 1r< 1/S tll KUOOl:ltFOS' NION SEllVIC:I. AM X .. ltl!SS ~,,~" S,l S ~6J F,n ln<l l .01 JOI ~loc k U 091!.J1 N.at lnOu 1.20 1.lG In!• In" 11.IVlt.1 AOU .. : .. ,.u_~'!_s,, .,. '' .·.·.•.IAL F•n Inc I ll!! S..lect 8.!I l?I NATSICF05: fllCllRtl 10.0l!O.O 8•dSI" •.lS t0.21 ...._,. . . 4 : V~n ! 7 IS 11 Var P .. y S U ! )9 8t1•nt 6.IS 1 JI 8it .. 11c 12,16 U.1 N&U lflv 4 ti S '' lncom I.JO 1.•a C.onw• 1 81 8.S• l~t Fcr II• 8 •• 9 12 Inv Rt\ 4.!lli '·'' Bona Sr l.98 4.li Com /,00 I, C ' · lflw!llm •7• 691 E<,1uUy 19'j 713 FIAST I St : Olvld" }.ti J7S SPllCAI 11))11.1 ~7""'r~ ,~:~it:? =· t .•6 t ,11 Fun<! I O/ 8 I I INVl!STORS; G•wl" t 10 4 S9 Pr~! Stk S.0.. I.SJ MXI Le• J 91 c. NITl!D FUND,. or;-J.t S S.96 Grwtn • 02 •.]9 D••c F<I l 11 l 11 ln<om l •1 • 11 lncom 4 01 •,46 Sl:(UlllTV FOS; Acc,.M •.U ).JS Am Grtn 3.16 '11 ln(am 1.90 I .bl (;.r\n "'" l \l S.61 l•\t UI J.t) Sto~k Sr S'.14 o.11 Equil' ? S~ ?,8' 6nd Fd 6.'1 1,JJ Am In.in JI) • 10 V'nlu< I 1) 1.8~ ln<Om 6.S2 I.IS lr>I Sf1 U ,S! !S.86 Gr,,..1h 4.l l •.11 ln•t~I },\q S.6. CO I Am tnv~\ lb~ 3 "6 lum G Q 36 ,,J6 SllKk F } '' 6.41 llltl Fn<I 1•.0l 19.01 l!W E"'G LF, Ullr& F 4.81 ~ ~I r~ '~; ~:ti' Am Mui 6.9} 1.l>O olutnl> 6 •9 6.•9 ht M"ll1 · t .Sl 6.S? Ivy Fltll<I ,.lJ }.IJ Eciuit~ 11.31 IJ.l~ SELECTlO FD!li: lf'Com •.O. t .t AmN1 Gr 111 I 9t MMONWl.TH l"l.MG·•E Jl:Ot:M; J p G"'1h I.SJ 8.11 c. ..... 1n 6.10 1.21 Am Sh, S.6J s .• Sitl•tl( ···' s.o~ ANCHOll AUST· Fl~m B 6 IS .• J•"~~ FO IJ.4t 13 •t lnco"' 11.t) 11.!MI ~ F<I 6 6f t .6 V•nOd ).tl 4 JI GllOU~: AA.I) l• ll 100 Fn<I 6•1 ,. Jol'ln1 tn 16.)71t.l7 s.i<lt 103111,71 Spl~nr~ 10.1110.11 t<I Swt F A,11 4 17 """r Ill 1.00 t 00 (. 1 IS I 71 101 rno 6 6• ' . JOHN """'COCK ' Nll!A Ml I 11 Sentit<el 6.16 1.• SAA c. •.SI '·'' ~ ... ti S,>O s.11 omp !I• • 11 •.61 F"1'1 C.• l .t• l .16 l'lncl Fa 11.•1 lt,]1 u Cf nl 4.40 t .40 Sentry F '·'' 10. s c....is t .SJ t ,t l lf'IClit"' 6.10 ..... p Ca 1 11 '11) OIJNDl!ltl G• .... tn '·'' ,,70 l,IWI .. &.10 t .IG All!MLD 011~ : )Lii"• '"llNO!li' "'-" 10.01 11.IM I> l!(I 11) (II llOU~. Slll,..I t .66 ?.24 wton t .44 10.J4 Comst J.32 J., APt• I' l .ff J.11 S-!r ).17 J.41 mp Fd II> !1) Grwl~ l .11 •.t• KOSTONE : "' Pe•~ 11.10 12.lt Entrpr 4.1t 4. S.I l""CI 6.IS 7,lf F'n41 ll'lV S,4J J ,tJ t r<I I.,. 1,J, ll'ICom 9.90 10,12 !""' 111 16.9' 11,1, w Wld l .IJ t ,61 1"111 Fd J.J• J .I c.om Slk t .6110,1, W• Nllll 1.tl l .•t S In" 1.31 I.I} F Mtull 6.'1 7,)6 uU 1!11 16.~l 11.11 dlll\ 1.16 1.16 ~rbr 6,61 7.J ALU• LIM• PD , AOHI&• F S.00 J .41 Min gw •.lO '·'° F 5'1t<il I .OJ 1.71 1111 94 6.11 7.14 11 lwtr IJ.10 1J.10 U9'1I I. 5.Jt J, V•I Liie .... ··" ..... onMI In '·'' s.•I •Sq·F 6.4J ....., °"'' 1(1 J.n '·ff 9' '-» 6.S1 Pt t l ,d 6.S2 1.1 V&I Ill(;. 1.St lo.•> "°'-1 ... TCHI: l~y C. t ,1t 11.P<I llANICLIN Onl Kl J tO 4. 1'811 Id t .11 t .12 IAilttO .. ,DS: UY G"' 4.M S,44 "'* A '·· 4.41 -0&11 4.1) S.JO ltOU .. : C111t li IJ~l1 I•. 7 WIU 11.Sl 11." ~t IJ.'2 14.6 V•I !.PC LQ 2.W ....... B 6.11 6.•S -0 1" •.SI 5.01 ONT( '·" S.47 ~! 1.06 1.1• ... NNM l'D: '"''"" IJ.>7 1•.• ANCll!' Stoe-.... S.11 llH J·'o ... Gwt'1 Sr •. ,. $.22 ~ s ... 6.90 "'"' Fd •.13 ,_. lnvett 7,JI 1,0 NOl:ltlt tt.C GUI ,_., 1.10 .~ •••• 1• '·'' Fr lnc;M 1.)6 1.11 !,to J.N 0. Flld ..... s.40 o.-12,j.I 12. 1n .... 1 s.ss 6.07 ...,__ 1 17 1-17 LAW US G•S t .•110.JI ""9119 1.M l .11 I~"'" •.'2 f .jt OMA l'U"DS~ ~CO... J JI 5 • I •• -" "'" •• •• -· t" ]·•' ~Y a •·•' snr J.16 s. SQkl · in ,.;,. .,. l :'6 ... 0.00•,•tr..,. •,·',' 9.111 Re1 C.p •.•.s J.•l lnOINll .lt .70 lMt F ).tO '·'t '"" 1.11 •·H~;;, 1:cs 2:.a HI t'' 617 w r . 1 1.4 Rl•Er. 1.U J..10 L~l!dlt llAl 1 .21 TC S.t I::? ,,1 T,..t 6.Jl 1,1 lftl 10tO ••• I ~ 'u 't·i!·:· ~·1·,, T J:a JJ: U~! • 1.1' I .SI ?: OttOUP~ •r...rt ,61 6.1 \lt .. tur S.I~ '·. ,~ I 2.11 2.01 kt 1.:00 I • ~ Ol 1.11 .... UNDl~ .. c•;.21 •·21 ~ 'l: .. '1':1tM ...... ttt ttt I 'r&G~ ;::, ,:, -iil't Or ··?! '·1' I-J .• J 11:.:11 ,j,f ltDU,.1 -..vc~ 10.PO 1 • ul F J.00 J.7' G9"1' f.21 t .I =~ 1-1: 1::011i:n ,. .. t.•J 1.12 tlMI E 1.71 1.11 ComM • 6.)6 1.11 ~ lftl'I J,7' 6,21 llfl Mt 1.Jt 1.M W,.I '"" j·M 6.1 lt19 1q 1.61 1.tl 2,JO 1,3J •IY .. 115 flt.. Fl'tlHt S.91 6.M ~· c.70 S.1C Pff'ltl ~ t.•l S.t: lllv ~ .IS •.I l!LLINOTON m l .O!I I .DJ ox ,-g t•' t.S1 I"""' Ir 1.01 l .7J "'ll: • Pt<U1 Fd 4.tS S.4' w In 1.lt t ,1 ltCh.1 .. : y~v\.-"' '"VNIPI: Bq r Fd .71 !.SO Pllol S.tl • s Yt.f : Prwlnlll c 6.M 1.21 lr.tt ...rfi 1 E•plor 1•.0l 15.jj (." If t .tc 10.11 ry t.w 1g.8J 11.97 "'*l l .•2 4.11 (411 Ov 1.tc-7.tc "tLOltlM 0": P lnO .SJ •.I 1,..t1 5.11 t , ~ :"~ l:tt ;:n .. ~II<~ 11:~: 1~·~ 15 .. '·s.~ ';:1~ ,..i 1.-c;~·~.~~,, 10•10 ~1p1~1"' ;::8 ;:~ ~-...:H~ .. t·r~ r.i:,," r:r61 1·tt N•IW<d 7.9' 1.JJ C.t1t .. l .•1 lh FAm J. 1 :J..'8 Allll&I t.to 6.H ll'IC•m J,t2 t .11 Oi,,.11f J,,, •.01 wttll'f' 10 r 11,n lv V111 f ·M H! &I!: M.. 1,•3 1,U I~ l!'Kj n .M 1~ .... AM Bus l,19 1.IO ~I• Fd 1.i1 S.I ! Pr09r1 l .Ot l.14 wtlllt1 ,.11 04 C l"l.lfld ·'' . •Gii G• J.tJ •. 'fd • ?O.ill .1t l!lnO O.fl l.,S t .j4 Pll'ft SI 1.tJ 1.63 I ,, Ot J.10 1.1 W~t"'n ,II 10.01 ~,In<" 1.12 1.1 ATOl'f & MtLTDN OlltPI t.UTH•llAN 110~ Pin T'" (i ) (tJ ,;I In< 1 ... ·1. Wlt'ld1r 1·1• •.73 fl Prw 'I· I' '4.11 OWAll:O: Fut\d J,IJ J,•U l'lrofi Fo I, I l·fi I" ON al It .. D: ta\t "Sir Jt.ot St. •It lnlf ,II I.ti : s::.~ r:H ::~ Ct",.,.~ i:i: ·~::~ ~(~::: t~ ;::: ~ ·~ 18~ 10:;, ~1=, "1~ ·J:i: 1::~ I~t,~MA N1,11'f,,: 10~r !:ll t!. """'"• S"'e 5.11 •·'' .,,. 01" 1.61 '·'' Mil,is co1 [';""" i·'' '· .,,,. ,.c1 .91 .'1 199 , .... _!-tt 1,6, UHO$: II F •.11 •.ts l••I LV tll 1.21 ,, .. m 11 , ..... 1.,.01 10110 ,tQ 1-U'i~ll ·" ....... ,, __ ...,.. .ti .1.-:r I'd •r,11 I to ';'" S.16 ... lflOt I' • ,_lt_AI P ! 1'tf\ ,\I .I .<k'I•• J ... t: -"'!111;"•• • " r .,. ,, ' .... ... _._.... . ............... SLeven Swotfor~ ha:s joined The Irvine Co01pany's finance d1v1&10n a8 dlrecLor of data proce11 1ng fie was formerly a m anager or d ata processing consult 1ng for the l,.os Angeles accounting C1rm of Coopers a nd Lybrand and had bee n\ ice president of technical de\elop m ent at Systematlon Technology Corp 1n T orrance lie and h1!) family 11\ c 1n Cypress • Cos ta l\l esa resident J ohn flayer has been pi;o moted to \l<:e p 1cs1d ent ol maiket 1ng fo1 the Servo n1c/l ns1rum ~ntallon Di vision of Culton Industries Inc F'ornl(:rl y d lrct.tor u f 1narket1ng tor the Costa l\lcs a :s ubs1d 1,1ry II.ayer has been t mployed by the manufa<'lt11 t.<r ul trans ducers Hnd m easure m cnl s\ ste ins tor 15) car s • Robert L Lambert has been a ppu1nll d senior \JCc pi e s1dcnt .ind treasurer or Arncord In<' ol Newport Ue ,u.h F'orm erly sen101 \tC( pre~1dentof adm1n1s trat1on 1.an1 her\ 101ned t he l1rn1 1n 19.:>5 lie li\cS 1n fullt:1 ton • Linda John~on h 1~ bee n named olhr1 1n,1n.1~1.:r 01 the \11 ,(hc 1m m31n IH anch !or ll&ll Block Inc , ,i t :l IG-1 \V Lin (UIOA\C The s .. nt.1 1\n<t resident \1 as former 1, otf1ce rnan<igc1 of the Cost.1 ~1 C'sa offi ce on 11.n bo1 f~ou\cvard She has btcn with Lh c tax preparing firm for eight )ear s • t:dw1n II ''Ted" l1nst.l'r, reg1on1 .. d v1te president o t Boyle F.ng1nceru1g Corp of Newport Beach has bee n elec t 1.:d to thC' boa1d of directors ol Lhc Consul ling Engineers As "oc1&t1on oft ahforn1a ThP <: t\ 11 engineer 1::; al:so p1 cs1de nl of the Newpo1 t lh_ Jlh ll1stu11c.il .SOc1ct v .1nd the 0 1.1 11i,;t Cuunl) Coast 1\::. 'Otl<1l 101I • l>o r1s Croxon ha:-. bt"en 1ppo1 11tcd n1<1n.1 ~ttr ol th1 :\('\\po r t Ct:nlc c 11ff1Lc ul ln1 J>t rial ~a\ 1n~s 41.nd L04ln 1\~ :-.OC'1al1011 The i\t:\\~irt ll e :.i ch 1es1 dent an <J sS1:.tant \Jl:t: president of I he Ne" port lit",1C:h off1cl'.' Shi 1s a 10 1 nlcr prc!-1dcnt of tht: 'cwport 11 .irboi lh1 s1nes::. and Prolcss1onal \\on1cn s Club • CllOlllOlol !\meron l'rO<:c~s S)sl ems d1\1 s1on 1n Brea h 1::. n uncd I'' u Or<ingc Co<J::.1 n1rn lo managc1 pos1t1on-. ~h eldon h:rut~i.:."r of Ir\ 11;1e has been n.1n1C'd n1.111<1gc1 ot µTULL ::.::.") :-.ll 111:-. s .d c~ <J nd Roberl \\ lt1t1.:l11t: ul ll u11t1n!:to11 Ue:tc h h .. ~ bi.:c11 <Jppo1nted m a nagl1 lur n1e th.in1c ,1I ec11up 1nent sa IC'~ • l ohn llour1 111 , ..i :.so1:1 Jt ~ 1n ~nil;i~r ut t.:o urll a11d Pa ul/ \1 thur Bf>J!J4s and A ssoci ates 1n Co1 on<1 del ?.'1<11 lltis btlll l lt<lltJ 11-, pr esident ol the Southlr n l.d1ft11n111 l h .1ptr1 ut llll \Jl1lr ll .lr1Soc1ll\ tif l ~nd sC OJ\)l \1 thl\t~('r , ~ '" ..._ i.. ~y-,,.--.'~1 -· .. vr::~·'rllr' ._.., ~-_,__._,.,... f'A ~ ...:.,..0...-.,-+~ ... .-, r ~,yt.Jn.-;~ niana ~ ... 1 r\llf'n L Goody, b .1s '" :'if hf1 n cll l tt:cl 1 h.111 rn 111 uf I 01 ti \lu lOI ( on1p<.1 !1\ -. t Ir 1n gt ( (1trn t' ( 11n1 1111 1111\' 1 l I tllun:-. 1.:on1n11l lcl llH )'I I• rhun1 \ln1 r r"'l \ \lronullu111l ... d1rcc1or 01 111 !ustr1 ti rtl i!luns 1\<.1 ~ n<J1ncd •on1 n1llll l \Ht: t h>.111 n1J11 .11111 f_.ct" nrd I Bf.rr\, cl11 ec:to1 ul \t 11 11 11 t r •tl11 " 111d11,\r1 ii ind t rllll .. 11n1111t ii p1udlll l ::. OIJ!I I ! 1 111 " I!:> clcct td ( h 111 n1 111 ul Lh1,: p.ult l ~ bu~l llt::-.:i c 11 ni.ilt llllplO\tl\lllllJlt\l-1 lfll • \\ 1lha rn 1• 111 1111 \ice presiden t and gent:ral m anagt:1 of ll1\11 :-.1d1 ~llt'I (onstruct1on 1n Santa 1---e Spr1ng.s has been electt:d It) lhc board or d1recto1s of the Amc11 c.1n Insti tute ol Sti:C'l Con:-.truction 11c ind his fun11\y rcs1cl c 111 Ne..,. port Be.ich MARKET HIGHLIGHTS INDEXES :'\)SI~ Index ASE l nclex OO\\ Jone~ Ind S & I' sou Stm k, 40 43 i 3 2-.i b9-l 77 76 03 ll p up ll p u" 0 ;J I 0 lb 2 1 I II (16 l1t1i111·r~ 111111 l.••1'-.·r~ N r "" Y ()I • !UP• 1 ~ lallew rig ~""'"'' lrir >Iott • n. t IWW 11" nt!a '0\1 •M la" ,,.., mo.I o.t~ "" °"'t""t nf <~•....,.. on 1nr New y.,,_ :.toe • E •tn•n~ ,, •"•t, \ ark I .i Jlt>sl •\f•li L'f> N~! ""d P"•Ce1>1...., ,,.,..,Q'~ .11•~ tne d fir enc~ t>elwefln r .... p ~. ou' li<" n9 P' t <1nd l ne cu fi! ch1'1ng Pl'1t" Pur 1 .. n "'"' 1 0~¥11n lnc p J IT&I plF • • P~I t pl I JI ~ l!td 1nn' 10 "' s~,, "''°"n I I•~ F"O C..•P II Webb0.I Cp 'I B1Umdfll In 10 '"' .. " , .... H A,n,.t pl l GAINERS . "' Uo ' ' ,, .. "" "' " ' ,. • ' , .. ,., 1~ •• JJ •• ' • , , "' "' "' uo "' "' "' "' . "' ·~ Up • uo '" "" ... " ' " . "' .. ' '" ". ". '" .. ' ,., .. ' " . Up1onn Am l•I& IN 0 0 M tnl lei .. T.111 """''"' .... ~,')',!!~~ Co 6"1" Ind 1•••<0 (,enl CIK c,.,,.,, Mo1or ~ M t O-al<h lirun"" U< uo1on CrDd<' Kre)9t 11 (row lE o~o ll ~11e Hom 1~ U""'°"" Cp U AllCO I Jld ,, Jewtltor t1> H Mld M1 I 0811 11 J mW•ltPI I Jt !<•ult.Br 16 20 E•ton11t 1.,19 '". ' .. }\ ... 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'" '"' Jtrnrkl'I 1·r,.11d NYSE AOY.11"<'~ Decline• IJf'ICl'l•~O Tole! DAILY PILOT I •ll ., 5toc • c., ' .. ,. ~ ... . "' .... Tuesday•11 Closing Priee• s.u., Nel ~1'1~-o~ Al:IOOl1L t )1 IJ 111 !AJ'l)f '9 ACF"lnd l 1oO t 311 '1~ V. Acltlt!Cl1v 1 • 1• '"" • "' Ao ... or a.&d • lO 1~. AcU:•1>• •lo 21 9 7 ... A.U,..,M111 11 1 ,, ' ..... ~•I>" ~12 ' • Ad~1110 lOd i l 8 o Aetn<1LI 1 1)1 I 'IS4 ~· Aou1rr" Co ' 1 o , "'""'S°"' 10 ~ LOO 'i , IJ, IH'll l"(P • 44 7\1 Au P•d 10o n )li ~J IJ,1r~Ol1>C '6 } llb I• • o\ J !..Ou•I<~ I l'• .... '°"" I 10 ~ J\ ll '• IJ,l<1 G .. \l l8 I ]I 11 4 Al.isl" lnl•I "J 10'• A 011~1n <:>0 \ •U 11 Alllol!flO( .ko l~ II &lo +, Alllol!•h n t.<J I IJ I• , IJ,k •nAI 1 '!l • )I• ~1\, Al<o 5 td 41 • 1> 'I ... IC<>n l b 10 18 1W. 1• o Al~odn 1011 10 10 J~• Ah""' 1 llHI l I~ } Allt!gCP •So J Jl I All!JL<HI I Ml J ~I 1• A119 Luar ' J 1 .;.. Al111 Pw S1 'I ,,q ti 1J,UenG rp •(I ; ~6 6 IJ,l d Cll l QO " l l> JI~ AllOM ln )• H <:> 1)"° '" Alh~dProd ! I b 11 l\1u..as1 I '>O ) }I ?I Allo Suom;,r l• J AJl ~C"ll 10 ) ~] I AhrqnlA ).(. o •J 6 A Pfld Pl IJ I !J q Al<tHt I J• b ~69 )) Amd)U!J1~ J •Ill AMAll 1 /) 6 109 l6 AMA)(p! ) • a,, Amo.ic 10 '>O 1 A<TKO•a )• • 11 J •• Am~ld< I l~ J ll U A,.,...rp1 1 •u l 19 AmH~, JW I 1098 16 "'"•rll J ~J •• AmA rFI •I H IU 10 A n Al• n I<; •'18 b Am lJ1~ 10 17 • AOr•od ) >• ! 119 Jc. AmB•<" ao ~ ,,, 11 Am lllaQ l" h 99 I A Cdn l 10" h I~ ll A C•op11, 11> 21 ""'C~n Ml<! •l l 1>, "' A Cn• n 1 2 10 11 , ,., An (y ln l II •91 71 •+ ~. t U 't I >O JI lJ 11'• A0,\Tll S1 11 19i 11 A mOu~! v ! 15 l AOul pr t.o.i n U ,..mEl<Pw 1 l!lJ> 111 AF.il m f 1• • hi I A F ns,, ;o i~ • A GnBO l~U ,I ?J AC.~nsc t / -" 1e A Cn Jn' 60 1<1-1 9 A Gni;l80 1Jv "mH.:> I /0 > I !\ A!TIHOm 8!1Jl 1710 31 • ""'l-IO>P lO 2> 0811 JJ • 1 .. Am ln~e\lm I 3 , + AM<1a(I Ub l l • A M~ll<O•P )~ 2J~ J AmMol 2ikt \ '<eJ I Am NG \J>1 11 11/ lJ A.m <,,:,.ot n9 • ~ Am)~p~~l1 ~ o AmSm11 I • )0; 11 A•nS1011 iol ~JI~ u ... Al'l'IS.1<11'1 o ~~ # • Am:.le• I , .. 9 ••9 I ~ • A"'SIO•••l • •01 31 ·~ > A"'f&fl<tO 112~oz oe A..,f .. fp1 4 )JO)I Affl)!Al6• 11 0) Allp10l/O 29 I i A' l &f w l 11•11! lh Amw .. tr 61 I 21 8 A\ ... 1t pl I •l 1100 l) Ame<Or> 'IO U !0 Am~'Sl IG<l II • Am~'•• In 1 " •• ll Af.IF In I I i 10 J /i 1/ Am i.>< l l't I I •I 11 AMP lt>t ll 11 ~•i'O 11 A TIP<-0 oo .. l .l t ""'~' Co J 1<• .:i "''" •o C.o• p • JO 2 A n !•' / 10 2 lo..l ]S , I A\16 I'll b' ! •0 J An"'' po "8 11 a Am\;ICtl) )0 ' <Ito Oh Amtet In Jl • •~ I • A<"'<~~J J~!j,,• __ NEW YORK • ' t Jarluwr 1'7!1 OA!l YP!LO T STOCK· EXCHANGE I . ' Pr, .. t. 0,.. Sunn.•"' l I ~8i I\ • Sun•1•ftd to • )!4 11 •I '!.""~1tpl )\, • Jl"-- S....\f\ n 4J 10 IQ ~\•­ !."I) Ool 1W1~ l li.I •S ~tGn 20 o 10 o '!.""'"-""" l lJ• ,, Sup' V•I tO b 19 11 , ~ Sul•o Mlije I •O • ~....... •9 llO ~ \•II on I' 111 I• • SvtvnQI? •O 1 J•-• !1\tr.;n O.;n •8 J , ff!1llcs• 60 1> ol 1;,i<Ofl I<~! I I l•llt r In t.0 \ IJI 1•11~• pt t 11 .. l•mp•[ '"' .. ' It 1l .. 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I H">mJW \01/ '•• 11u lfD •II 10 '' ' ll(Mp.<1~ 1 I bl 1/ r .,_,,,._, w ,. 61 J I 0<'•111 ol)d 0 3>~ I I tn" I c l h _.\ JO I "' M >0 i lfl'> 1.J • T m~o l 8(),. t. \b 11 ~ r ~'""~" R1 lo 11'• .. l a\>n ~~ • •{) 11 ~ !1><111 ~n p vo ! 101ea Q t:o 1 1 !b• 10,.,• .. c1> •O 1 <J ' " . , , 1001~111 '°'1 • , '•dne(o q 11 108 11'•- """'dm \9 'I ~I I I Trn<,I" \.,;I,; l b 1q I n>cL " •I It 11 I l nonf ;u ... • lQ 1,.nUnl Sb\1 ol• l n ,.,y I •O \ b) H lt dfl~W A 4/11 f dfl>WA po 1 T nW~I 1bll b )I fr d<lt 1)8 b 111 11.;VP•UJ TR£(1J>J~11 • ,, • " lrCon1 lJll ~I I~ Tr CTI n 1 I JO '"So M!9e ~, ~'• !. 1~,,;;, ~g . ·: 1:.:· Tr n !yin BO • 191 11 ... T•p en~ 10d 1• ll9 I~ TRw1 .. 110 I l~1 is .... TRW Pl • J'> 41 lf!Wpr ••O <J \1 I• 1 .. ,,onG 8• o l •t> 8 o ) ~;.~~~ l~ 1; :~: ~ • •• ' l, cl Co oO • ll 15 -v u -- UAI In( ~o.. .~, llt ~ U.J• o /01 ~ !~ JO 0 ,0 ur,1 Cp• ll 1 •9 11 UM C:ll'tlul 4 OQ O UML T '''1 I 11 U o\OJ ~I I \ INV I 1<1 b S o Un lln 8"1 ~ IJI g \J (d D/2\1 I~ J •1 I 'Com 1 >l \/ 10 In .n Copl'J od nl\<<11ijd •1>0 11 \'nl pl'/1 1 2 Un l+ p f 1{) JI un lo tlllo I I> u 11 u1,1 \4n J uriOC.t ! ·~ • 111 11 '" '"" , , ' ' " ·,·i UnOC11 I! d i. Un P;,t lilil \0 ••~ bl! 1 Un°"""' 1• I ,I.IS' ~JR..~J~~ ·-- • . ... '' -· ,.,,.,,,,,.-,,,,,~ ... 9 r--.: U\\l !\ n~ A • u1<1trno u r ; I unco I) 11 1 1..iJ ~ uun '' liJ ol I Ut.,I'\ )\> llil I Un llllul ]I o :N 1U 1~ Unlnd\,.p J<> ) hl I lllld In"~ I" 11 I uo.1,,111 U• •1 P U"MM 1~(1 1 I I\ U Ny I /} 10 Utd I• "'" t ll I •(i \I >} I I i~ \l'>I U>~ 8clD US ('Ill nJ c usc.,11 1 •<J ' .. ... ' "' ' , l'>l<n nt ( Ll I 'I I 11 • I I I 1 1,1 11 I • • - ( " U'> I. "I~ I ~ /I I'> I II ~~ t l ~~I I I 10 ~ " ) 1 fl J I 1n1,..1 lOll ~ 1oe." Un lc l ""t~ II~ 1J It ,,) u .. lr>l.A ' JJ ·~ Un 1,1p1 1 t l<I u"1 n<J <..P •1 Ut •JI (U I t. 1 Un v•l,..1!} c 1) 7n Un v•O I ~O • JUI! IJ up1onn '16 \J J4Jl ~J USLIJ E l? b 4i/ IJ U)l.~lnc ~b l~ 10 \o USM (O<P I 10 " U~M 1>l lP 1 11 U•dh" ;ul I• 4nl •• ldllPl I )I> 8 I JI V ln<Ju~1 I J 1().1 I~ __ , Vd n ;t<I I V, 0 I I l/q h Vela 101 ~ , _ ,,, ' ' ' ,, ' 1; I 1 110 I!> ~1 II ' . " ' '" iJ ~ Vr 1 " 1 o " It .. 0 "' V I r;irnl ' I V l~t h ' V~ L I d " ! !>+. 811 """ ~ .... ~~tol :: I~ •OH <1<JJ I I V'>I C(lta 10 V1JIC."M 1 bO ' 1(1 I 11 I I •I • 11 • l •n l IL/() C.> 1110 /fl "' . • • IJ 11 M ,, ' ,, " " ll lo • ~ ,, •• \1\oo.• .... ...... . I I ._ .. • I ' ·-. . .- ' • •. • .. . .. OAILVPtLOT !'llllLIC NO'nCE . .... ' Wadnirsday, Januar'y 29, 1975 P UBUCNOTICE STATE "'ENTOF A8A.N00NMEHl' OF USE C F l'ICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME T11e 1011o,..;ng ""'~' n ..... e .. -.. 1'11.'d '"" -011 .... lic UtiOU\ IMr>tne'>' -B&W SUPPLY" CO., 219t S.. Grand ...... 5.>nfil """· c ... .,l'M -rtwo F k t;tjo.u<, su .. ~\S '""'"" ,... e-rrl!'d to <1blW<! W<IS tiled In Or.-.gr yonM..owJ,1'11•. Wtlli.,m H. Wulll, 1511 A~ Pl., b• l~t-. C•. '7U2 Paut M. B•yllf'lt. :l!Jl er..tord \l',UHalwit,C.0 Tl'li} b!N~S W.i> lllinducled by il ••• ,,. ... , ..... "1110. Willia m H. Wulll Thb '!>1.,le meool ....,, file>" ..,.;t11 tho' ounlJ Cler• ol Ot<1n~ COUntl' on anu.t•Y 11, 197S. P11bli\.l'led Ot.i.tlQIC Co.l>I Oally P11<tl. Jan"6<1' 11, 1•. ,incl Fe bruary}, 11\~~:: PllBLICNCYfJCl: . P UBLIC NOTICE "''" NOTICf TOC•aOlfo•• •Ul'"I Rl(la COURT Of' TNC $1" ... Tll Oil' CALIPORNIA.f'Oll THI COUNTY O ill OltAllG• .... A,,... e.•l•lt 01 J L , "'I N(E NT YOU "I C.IC f.:FI , ••• VI N(f "'l f VOU>4U..C E i;i, O.ce• .. d NOTICE I\, Hf.:ltEav GIVIEN IO IN c•idnOt• r.t 11\t' •a<>v• •11meo <»<-nl 1,_.. •" per~o"'> l'l••ln<J cl•!m• 419'1'"'' -+ •~ •••O oe<e<kf\t ... w t&Quir•O lo 111e 1. ~e<YI, •!UI the n«•>w• Y VlkK .... •>. '" IN olllte ol lh .. <I••~ o l U•o •bO.,... ~" 11 llf<ll courl, QI' 10 II'~"'"' llW m , ""'!h lho->ti ne<:e~w• 1 ¥1Nt ,..,,, 10 l"e ""'°"'''~ t •1 llw ofllt•o!ne• •t10•n•r. JEFIRV.J ~ SMl TH , 1~'~1 81,,.,•11~1\I St , Suitt 10~. ~ Wet!m•n~l~r. (.tlltorn1a '2~8l . .,.,,Jt!! Ii tne pi<Ke o! bl!••"'"' or t he """"'' "qinoni I in •U m.illt•> 1>f'•l•ln1r11,1 to l<W>t-'~1~ ol • ~ >.1io cte<:edolnl. w •I hln lour 1n<>n111~ .11te< :<. Uw ll•l l puOl!c•••on 01 In•} n<)lllt 0..ll.,,. J.,. ..... , 1l , ,,,~ LINO .. L CAkPENTER .A.0m!nl>lt•1t ••DI ..... ~~·'" o1 1he •oo,,.. n..nwd ..,,edit,.. JE•RYL SMlfH 11o111 .,_.,1""" st .. S•ntt IOi -•l""'ll•l•t, C.•lrleton• t 1"3 Tll'I llH! ~"'·11" au..-.. ., ..,,..,,.,11IUr••••• P ubh..,...., °''"""'"' co .. \! 0 11;1, p,101. ~ J.,.. I), 27.1"1. •nd Frb ~. 19,., 1111·1~ J PU Bl.JC NOTICE ·-· SUPE RIO• CDll•TOFTHE S 1 A TE CF CALIFORNIA FOii THE CDU N lYOFCRAN~E N•.A·•1D NOTICE Of' H E AR I H G 01' .. llE.,ITION l'OR PR08A TE 0 1' WILL AHO FOR Lf.TTIERS T E ~J.A.MEN· f.A.RY £,l a t<" o l ,.. ... THAN R A LP•. ST UCKF V , 0..ce.l><.'<I. NO r!C.E I':> t1 EM1,A'f' GIV(H II\;:!\ ~OGE R MOHTGOMLRV STUCKE'( n..~ h!l'd hereon" J:lt'lll1on IOI' Ptob->lt' uf w111 a no lo • ·~~u"n<'-' .ol L .. Hc •~ , .. ,1 ....... n1,or, 10 '"'' ~111 1one• •e- l<'•L"'i:<! to whlc h •'• m.:itlt! tar ,..,.~,,.,.... p.Of"1KUldr~. and lh.11 I..., IHJ\e""" 1>fao:e nl .... dr tnQ IN> ,,.,no!! No~ hi'<->ft ~I IOI' f-l"D<.,..•y-11, l'fl~,.tt 'l·J0,1,m.,rf\ll'le courtroom of Ot!pdrlmo!ftl NQ, J ot ....,;o courl, a t 100 C1v1c (enlc r Oto~ IN es I, in 1rw C•ly ot S..1\1" ........ (;dl11o<'n1 ... O.it .. dJ<onu"'" 74, 19/S WILLIAM E 51.>0HH, Cour>h Cir•' "THOMAS L . LORD l llll ,..,!.•• •• V11knci•, s ..i..1111 L,.._..Hllls, C1!1I. '161J T~: 11UfHl-Jl4ol 11.ftlr-Y IH: Ptl!l-Publl~""'d Or.l"qe co.a~t 01111., ~itol, J~. 78, 29, an<1 F e t>.•. I'll~ 799-IS PUBUC NOTICE Fl Cl I tlOUS 8USINE55 NAMES fA TEME Nf TM lotl<>W1ng per'>Of'I!. "'e doing bu' ....... ~.·~ OATA WAY", !ill Motw-owi" St., H.,.POl'I Se.Kn, ca111orn .. 1"7611 NOrman W••· ~e. s.,_..,~ .. ~•t•le.ot.n,C.>11lorn1.09'2t60 Htlen War, 460).8 ~a,nc>re Or .• He.._1 ae .. <h, c ... 11100'"'""'..w E d w .. rd J . Mc.C.orl h~. •&00.A S••~hor e 0 • • Ne •pof! S t' .. <h, C.•lil0tn1ol'l7&60 ll>i~ bu~!llt'!.$ •~ C.ondUCICd by .. ~"t p"rtner~n10 E J .MC(d•tny Thi~ ~hll~mr.nl "'"~ """' w11n '"" Colffltr C1cr 1 o l O.<>ft!JI' Countr on J""""'' '" 191~. .,,_ Pu1>11~1'11!<1 Or;ong!! Co;i!d 0.:..iy P"ol. J..,...,.,, I , 1!., ~2, ~9, IV/~ llQ-J' f'U BLIC NOTICE ------------l'ICTITIOUS 8USIN£SS l~~T~~',-:~ .,:. .-...... : ~-~- P EACH"!. PALCT TC . 113 Rocnester St., Co!.l•MC'!>ol, c .. •ilorni.;. ,11>11 M:tr,.... L.ou w .um .. n. J)J Nochl'r,tt,. SI .. Co•l.1 -~-C•1tlotni11 'l'lt.21 '"'~ bu~i""\' ·~ conOIKIOO "''"" ..... diwodu .. I. Nor,.... Lou w ... m ,.., "lrt;\ Sld1t ..,...nl ""'' l•le<I ..,lh tn.- Counrr Cle•~ 01 Qr.;nqe Cov<11y o" J ... .wr r ll , I'll~ F40121 Pul:tlh hltd O•,.n<>e CD.t'ol 0.,.11 P.101 Jdn, B , 11. 1"1.0lnd f-~b ' I'll; !?IJ II rt1BJ .IC NOTICE FICTI JIOUS 9USINESS MAME STATEMENT The la11ow1ng ""'~"" ;~ doin:} r.., •. ~~ .. ~: C RAN( S YST EM S, INC . 2111 Po<lal" O••W!.Co~td Ml/}d. c..i.92~ J .. ' .( . . Tonight's TV Highlights ABC (7J 8:30 -Fi rst Annual Co mudy A\va rds . The funniesL me n C:J.nd wo me n in the enter tainment "'orld -a.s chosen by lhPir pee rs -a re l1onored toniglll 111 Hollywood . NBC (4) 9:00 -Lucas Ta nner. A black youth is dis couraged in hi s ~t· tempts to attend 1·ruma11 lfigh School. Da vid Hartman s tars. CBS (2 1 11 ;30 ''(~unn ·· Cr:__i1 g St even s brings his 'l'\i (;har~1l'l -.:r of l ,cl('I' G u nn l.o the big scre<·n 1n t h 1 ~ l !)ji7 n1o v1t· \\'ith La u ra Devon Hllll l~d As n<'r TV DAI.LY LOG Wednesday Evening l ~1 Att-rl•: P•lll~ Rollt:rt H Sullon, 2118 Porlol"' PUBLIC NOTICE Pul>ll~-0..angill! (.o.'J5,l o.;1, Pilot 0-1 .... (.0~111 Me•"· c... '11t 1b '-""· 11_.19, .a~':_e_o.•. l'll S 7"18-1 1 T"'\ oo .. <W!}) i~ 'anducled br iol ii\--Oi¥o0\Nll. PU nuc NOTICF. Ro~rl H Sullon FICTITIOUS8USINESS 1 ------~~~=-----; Tho\ •1.ilement w.i~ 11~ Wl!h lt>e NAMl'STATEM£NT SLP·lstJS C.O..n1, C.!.,r~ ot 01.0ng., Countr on TM loHowlftg ~·~onj .... doino busi· SUl'"1E•10• cou RT OF THE _wn.,..,, II, It /; IW\\ ii\: STATE 01' CALI l'ORNIA FOR F•O!ll rHE Ml "IUTEAM.N WA V, C S JOlh "JNE COUNTY OF ORANGE Pu.bti-.t>e<I Orlln9' Coll~I °'1tlf PtlM. S UON:'I, 1-tt .. porl lleil<h, C•l•IC><nl ..... A•IJ•'I~ J .... 11.1•.<1nctFet> ~.1 1 , ltl~ 111()..1; '7..0 NOTICE OF HEARING Of" ...,.,loft L. Reillr, 7)).1 Ml,.,le<nan PETITION FOR P ROBA.T E OF WILL W•r. (.~I.I -~ C.111.ornl,.91~ ANO CODICIL ANO FO R LETTER L ... nne Ser,..,., AIU"" P•c.1fic College TEST AME NT ARV Bo•tOOl.Al"'W,C•tllo r,.;11 '111()1 E•l•le ot MURL R. CO()t(, Tl\I\ Du~·"•~S Is t O"dU<-11."d Dr "0.-<l.'iWd. ete'M'f•lt>••t...,..Sftlp . NOTICE IS HERE8V (,IVEN that Lu.,_ Be••., RAVMOlllO A_ NEL!.0 111 hd' Ii-Th•~ ''"'""'""' wa ~ 1111."d .n1h tl"to: •ln•l>@'lilionlor P•ot>.11e of Will- Covn1., Cll"r• ol Qr,.nge C...,,,., ""C.OOitU ¥>11 IC>< i\'""""" ol L"""'' .J.lnullr., IJ, 191~. Jei.111men1 .. ry 10 tne Pf'l1 l1DnO!t. F.011 ~rl'n.;e IO which i~ m•d<:' .,,.. 1..-lt>c• Put>li~ °'~ CO<ISI O;t1;1, Pi101.P¥l•(Ul•r ~.-d lha lll>e l1 ..... M1d pi.K1" .):tn IS, 11 7'1,•nd l'f.'l:t. S. l•I> 10} 1! l'>e•••no the '"""" h,J' e..e.. <,rl IO< P UBLIC NOTICE l'l'brUoJr Y 11, ''IS, di ,30 ,,m, 1" ll'>e t(M.lrtroom of Oepa•lml'M NO. J m w id <O\lrl, ,1\ 100 (1y1( (...,le• Or1w We'!. '" I"" City OI S...0..l ANI, STATEMENT o.-WI TNDWAWAL C.lllorr .. a. l"ROMl'"ARfNERSl'llPOPERATING 0.11."d January ?!, UNOE lt FICTlflOU S ll USIJrtESS W!LLI AM E.SIJO>i>4. NAME Coun11 Cler• The ton<>Wl"'ll Pl't:.<>n ha' wou1,,,.,,...., l!RICA.NEL 0 "1 .,, a gl"ner"I o•rlne• l•om the n.-r111U8•e•A.-e, p.tttnt'•,,..i1> o~"'''"'il uod~• lhe> I•<· ~·A-t•~.C•lit•rt""''°°.K '"•O u~ t>u ~1 n e '' n"m r pl IN· 1Ull9J1·>MO t4E RSC ... P E DE!.IGN . 200 N~wo:>o<t Art........,1..-:hlill•Mr Ce nti'< Ori .. e>, Sud~ 110, "'ll'•flO•I Publi.r.ed O•an'1'! ''''"'Dally f>;lo!, 8".:h, car11 ~r n•~ •26•o J""·l!, 19.•nd """ •. n1; 111.1~ lhl' l•tl•l lOU\ DU\•nf'S~ n-~lotlt'· . ' I 1' ' PUBLIC 1'"0TICE FICTITIOUS 8 USINES5 N&ME ST.A.f E 4111£Nl l ... l0Uowon9 per'°" •~ d"'ng bu.; nt~\ .. \ FIR!.T t:ABl"I CLC:AN[RS, l.001 6<>1~ Ch«•, .... .,1in91on Bc.Kh, C... .,~. J•<• Slt w-n JlllOl:>•on. 161.~1 S.md, Hunr+nqlon 8'!<1th, (d 'lit •9 Tho\ Ou\1...._..,~ 1\ <-on<lucle<I b • ,_,on dl~l(l\.ldl J ;x.t !.•even J~ob'<>" Th,~ .. , .. ,,,.,..,", '"''" 111~<1 .... 11 .. !rte County C•e•• ol Or<1n Q•' Cou,,tv on Pul:tl•~d Or.1n<;ll' co .. ~• l'.!a·•v P>lol . J"n :n, 1'l, •11'!1 l'l!b $, 11 I'll} M·I~ PllBJ.I{. NOTICt: l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAMI. STATE MENT T"" loHOW!"'9 iwrwn i~ doing bl!!.! 1111\\11\ T N"l L•C>H l lNG A~SOCIAI E~. 1l••2 Lindley St., M IS\•o" Vl1j-0, C.llfornl• '1761~ er r•" O..vld Tt bbvtl, J)t.17 Lindtt y St., Ml,~ion vi.;o. C•loto•n;,, 9':.llt1S Thi1 tw~""' 1$ conelucled br.,.. in- dl'oo~I. a.-,.-O. Tt-.in 'nlis st11temenl ,..., filed wllh IN ::O..nty Cter• 0( Or.tn9" (.ountr on .....,_tTl, ltlS ·-· P\ltlt°"'"' Or.....,. C-st o..ur Pllol, ~rrl, I), ll,1't. 1t7S ;10.IS PUBLIC NOTICE Thur sday DAYTIME MOVIES l0:00 (6)'°S11111htt1"" Tentlt Awtnut" (d•~) '57~1hth¥d £111n, ldn Sier fin~. D~n Ourye ... (D "I. lllt ht1J" (rnys) 'Sl-D•lt [I. "011, f'rnton rosm. rtair C;rstl! Jl:to 0 """"lf111t\ .. ll11c1 hit" (.ith) '38--(jarr Coopt1, Si11id G11- ~ Ill)~ ll.111'11'1<Hlf. U:JI ~ "'CMua ti ~" (tth) '61 -Aoq Cillhoun, I ta Maua1i. IHI. "l're ti E"'Mt(' (•ilv) '5'-t..r.t Wilde, Yitloril Sith'. MitMy _,,,. 1:119..,....,.~(W.)~ -Jok Bt11llty, 81d1 HlllMJ. t.161 "Tnnt M,, ,itr' Mr~) '42 - ll11t1~rt Don~I. Rolirll Mr1rlc1 Z:JIJ l8)NTht Country c .. r· (dt~) .,,.,_ Gr.w:e Ktllr. Wilham H11ld~n. !Jmr. cw~h1. t:2J (6) (C) "The Bolo1i Cun .. Mr A) 'ttl\-rtocor W1lh.tmM1n. J~n llolm, D.w1d W.irner. J:Dll fJ ••nit '""i'ki:I An~tl\~ fd1~) ''.1/-lloclo Hud".Qn, Rol~•l ~!~1.t .. {)nf(ltl'lr M.i!one OOI (t) "Tiie Lm D1J ti the w,, .. Id") '69--0f:otEC MolhMll, M.1rrl PUK!lef. l:JO(JJ "\l.itt ill ll'lt Mirrti" ld11) 'SS -•left¥• [Ill, Jtrlit l.OIUloll, 0 fCJ ..... to.li"I ,_.... .. (11!>1) '/!J--8i"'! Cro\bJ, fr•nk C<llM1~~. 8/)1111 ~Ml. KOCE Television , 1• SCMOe\. OIST•ICT Me.WI Cl llCOCEI :It AMa..lltC&fC)IP8S) t i• PACI TNI: STUOl:NTSfCI cte Mii.TN fl'ACTOaY IC.I :U INSIOSJOUT ICI :41 C:OMMUJUTf Of' LIVING ING-S 4C.t :• I LICl•IC COMf'ANT fC) CTWI • ..,l.UALL•eit• fCl'fllMl ey A JUaY 011 MIS nilU I IPTLI 4;• MOUSI T &IL.S (Ill RUMEll (;()DOAN (l'"TLI 4:>t l:t.ICTRIC COM l'"ANY ICTWl l :ot •llAMI. •TREe.T ICTW! t :M Ll'AIOITA•Y INMIM E (PTLl 61JI llOL«IO"G l'"ATCHWOlllK J :M l'"LAY 8lllDGE WITH TtiE .. , ... ,, 1:1t VOTERS' fll,l:LUI E IKOCC l •r• MA•Tlllll'"ll:CI JHS.ATRE !Cl lll&SI ••• AKINTO•MiNICJ IPDSl , . :11rlo . . . . . . FIRST RUN! "The Naughty Stewardesses" • .. fl Y ME" (R) LUCILLE BALL '" MAMl (PG) ALSO "CHALLENGE TO BE FREE" I ••• .,., 91 •I l o"'no"' St ~:\ 1~1• Olv< I ""I l(llCI& lA SY II Oijl';;R=-:-, ,.;_,~ """""•"''"" ··--..... .. , ...... ~I, 1 \I I lOM t-'llOMl""';;t-~~ TRfAl or l lll y JACK fl$t "vs • *"" c- ONDlllllA LllflT\' (11 .. .. _ ... -"" .... ft .... ftl l~tl OOU1U tltl VMjNl CifNI lt.M:IUMN FRENCH CONNfCTION 111 PLUS e SEVIN UPS 111 c ....... ". ou., ... . •fl ·~·~ -..... ,, ......... , LAW & DISOIOll !rt lOIDS Of fL.AfllUSH "'' 1 ••'~11nily ' First • 'Hot L' High; 'Barney' Low DAILY PILOT ~suRFU'4G FILM ffSTIYAL • Thi' ;, !he l11 it & Flnal Wetk of Thi' Winfel"'\ "'ti•ol & we're windin') ii "'P •(th One o l lh<' l e >I Mew Film' .. - "TALES FROM THE TUBE" Still! r M,,q ,1.•111r• · .iy [d1tf·ri I•• 1u·rh ·1.I HHI (lllOd V"''''IV dyn.1n11 t: .11 ti•••• & l'llC•·ll"r'll 011.th!Y •' I •~• l .i .. 2 Show' Hiqhtly -7:)0 & 'i':lO ••• hallenge tobe •lO •lG '" "VANISHING WILDERNESS " ree @J /\~•Ol·f O\ . .. "SPIN:E S GA~G " ., .... 1 ~--·-· .. ·,1,,,.;.~ '-.. ,,.. .... ~~ ·.~ .. · anGA '_,_, .. ~"t ·'. MATIN[( "MEMORY Of US " I: l S· J. I 5·5:0~•:4 5-1:25· I 0.1 0 OU STIH H O ~i'..-AH "l l NHY" !Il l "MEl.40A:Y O F U\" "LO l'E Al'lO PAIN " !P GI LA\'I 8.. DISORDfR 1R \ O WL h THE P lJSSYC AI IR \ ... l!l( Cl I Y S ~ll)Pri NC C (N T RE ORANGE •537 f,1)1 CITY CENTRE CINE!'JIAS S A f RWY IMA "OC HESlER [)(I GG fRWY IC ITYOR_E)(I A "FLESH GORD0N·· 1x1 V .. MYRA BRECK INRIDGE" "LAW & DI S ORDER" !RI ."). "O WL & THE V l"USSYCAr·· !RI .. THE LO NGEST YARD .. •'SERPICO" IRI "F-retKh COtlneeliori" "THE SEYEH UPS " IRI Spe.;1•1 P•1<• 12.30 10 2.00 p.m. lnc.-,f-._ & Ho616eytl Sl.2S "MEMORY OF US " OHEMA 1 ROBE RT REDFOR D "JEREMIAH JOHNSON" SO ME FOLk S C A LL THl:M A NtMA.l \ Challenge to be Free 1r. Early l ird Mali""" lltductd f'Mc t \ SCJf /S..n. 'Ill S p .m , OoOt"• O p t"n Ooil1 o.~S Sol. S..n ·I J O CltlHAll GEORGE c.scon "BANK SHOT " ~ ....... .. Eorly lird ,Motl11e• R•d.etd Prit-1'\ Sol. S...11. 'Til 5 P.M Door~ Open Dally &:4S Sat. S..11 . 1:10 'MEET MR.DOCllY" ;:.· ." Wednnciay. January 29 1975 DAILY PILOT 87 Utah Orchestra Sibelius Superb ll """ Ju :-.t :1 ... "'CIJ that this \\'r1ter had his Orang1..· (..'~J u Ill)• l'hllh.11 rnunll' ~J1·11·ty 11roi.:ra1n re· <Hiiiy nv:td:thlc \\ h1·n thl' 1111ll' l';!IJH' to <in<1I\ 1.1' the perform a 111· l' J a s t '''1..•t:k1..'I h l uf the v t:-.lt ! ng U t ;_;h Sy m . vhony Orl'hl'!SI r ;1 F'r·unkly, yuurs truly s1n1pl y ...:ould not f'Cl'Hll '"'h at h ad gont· hefor'L· n111 · or lhi.' rnn:-.t :-.t11 n111ng in · t crprt•t ation s t•f ~iht·liu..,· St•(·onU Syrnphiiny th :i l. 11..1 5 l'\t·r l1t't'fl lu.•:1rd i11 lh1 .., p~1rt c•f thl.' \\~irl1l . J•'41r the r e<'o rd, J\10.1ur1e1,_• Abravanl'l h<ul ](•d his dt• l t'rmined a nd thoroughly diseiplinL"d lJtah t•11;,1·r11- blt• 1n :1 rou ..,111g ··1··e~IL\'l' ()v 1·1turc' bv Shost;1kn \•1c·h <Hid '''h<it ::.truc k u:-. .1 .., ·• hu1ndrun1 interpre_t :1t 1on of l'rtJk•J\111·\·':-. S1·\·c11lh Syn1pli1111,v t:t>rla 1n ly uo g 1·c c1t f:1vor1lc of this "'r1lt•r ':-. :ind a 1414 So Harbor Anaheim 635 7601 "REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONER " Dally 6:30·8:30-10:30 Sat /Svn. 12:30-2:)0-6:]0 8:30-10:]0 I R ! E PARK I c'°~--.,..,..-,,.,-~-, CARWOLL. l:Rllfl:ft J .. k .,l<•..,•- O'COftlfllOA BORC.flllNI: ''THE LAST LAWANDDISDRDC• ~ DETAIL"' 11,..1,1 .t. IOJO Dooo,••~ ~..t/\.~ l I ~-I 00.10 ID 1 .. /!..• l·JO·\ I S·l .•S .. GROOVE TUBE "" Dell1 1 'I t D o \ s .. ,1-... 'ao •DD I 11 ID 1 > "'PORTHOY'S COMPLAINT" D.,ly -,10 ~ .. ~· l IS·~ ID· . " SOUTH CO AST PLAZA THEATRES ',4/j ()I( c.o I Wf . Ar ti"!\ rot SO.COAST PLAZA I ~4111711 so. COAST I•"'" '" PLAZA II :::.:':~· ~~EAT EMllllTAlN-""'T ''TllAL Of llll T JACX" .A.MD "SPYS'" IMDS THUIS. 11! ti' ... LAW AND DISORDER r'Alll>(l~o I lt .. t,t ()((ll•ll.C)lt l'lU• ll()ft(,IU .. ( "GAMIUR" JA~ISCAAM STAITIMC. fllOAT ...... ~ ALL WALT ~Q DtSMIY 11'111:1.LIC& ! TOM BARLEY Music Box \\'Ork that protlucl'tl a yi.Jv.•n or t\\·o 1n a c.:1poc1ty <•ti · tlu·ncc at UC lrvint:'s('r <1\\'ford Jl :1ll NO\\I T ll l·'.N, h •t ·.., J.:l'I h:ic·I.. to \\'h :it m;1tlL"rs. l ]J:it :-.u1>1·rh S11J1·l1u~ .11111tht·1·-.o;;t"ntially F.uropt·an 111t1·rprL"t:.i11c111 of till' v,ork h v 1\br:.iv:.i nel. lit.: ;_dn11C' h :1:-nialli· I hi· l 't :1h S\ nnihon\· th1· mus.ic<.11 forf·1· ii 1-. 1 t>d :1 v ;1 nll "'L' !'>:J"'" h.v 111 t Ill' Si ht·! 1 u:-; 1~11 rav ;111t·1 took. t11:-.11n1t• \\ 1!h th1 '> rich. <.·loqucnl. \tork and th ;it 1-. pr1·1·1-.L"lv \1h :1l lhl' l'C1nllutlor h :1o;; l•> dn 1! Ill''" ,t.:ui!lJ..: 1o c·n1111:,\' lh1· rHt'~'>:..t gc 1n \th:it h ;1-. <.id 11111"\il fl_\ h1 ·1• n d t "'l' I d 11 «1 a-. S 11Jl• li u:-' "I' a -.tnl' ;ii C' " .\lt11·h of lh1· f1 ·r\ortli.111 ,·1·urs 1n 11'> f1111r nlo\'t'- n11•nt.., i~ cl1·;1rly 1 1.1t1011:il1~t11 · 111 o r 1g1n hut t h:1t 1111111 \'t•rd 1.• St·hool. J I-II i\l 1ch1·1:-4•tl, l1 vi11C' lk 111•r !'>till , l·.dl th1.· 1.·\p1·1 t ... ,1\ JQ:1 :.LM-1!1 'I hl·~ hc1\I" ,1 1n u ... 1 1n1 pi'l'~~L\'l' p ro1:1 ~111 1 1111 ti.inti 'flll~Y AH:I-: A l~l . lrorn f)r. Ju~t 1n ('(l\y~r's(}ran ~t: l'o~s l Col !1•gl11·la:::.s ~111d tht·y ,~·1Jl ht: p!Jy1ng Jl 8 p m 10 lhc \'l'r\I IO\'t.:ly ~t. {'.!1 c h al·I ;ind /\II An,t.:(•]:-. J·:p1 'tt'<>p:d t 'hur1·h 111 ('<1ron:t dl·I ~1 u r. N11 ('h<ll l-:l' lor .1drn1-.-.\n n Hu IL·t· :\l on\ rn url r1·. a J1i1Z i p1:nl Jl ).!t'!IUp d1·d1 r·,1t1 •d \11 pr1 "-.\'l'\111 g l t!lpl·l'1<11 Bu-.-.1:1n ball1·l ;1 '> 1t \\OI S \Ju ~h t pr1n1· lo !ht• \~!17 11•\'t>ll1l1t1 n , \\•di prt·~i.;1 11 11 1·111 1 ur.d dl•111on -.11·:1tPJ1l ul' 1 hi• :1rl :--1:!1 urd.iy :.it K p Ill JI I I Ii l.' l 'll: llJI I) ;i 11 Cul I (')~C ;1 utlitt11' I u 111. --lt l-~11 .. ~A H S.\l~S h(·g111 111.:.xl \ll'l'k 1nr 1ht· tlranrt· ('fl,1-.t C'u!h·}.tt.: S~n1ph nn1 t· f'h11 r1 d c•-. "t•:l1 1.1h . :-.t·hl·llull'tl !or j\l'rfornl.ot\l'i' 1\p1 II 1~ unil1•1 the IJ.d 1 )11 of d I l'l't: l Of I l I l' h;.u·d ,\. f\ U,\' h\ · 1td .d t lJu;..l1f1l'd lugll ~1·hool Junior:-;. :-.l'1 \111r~ .ind ill l l'f t·-.l··d :1dult-. <tJ'(' t11·i n g Ul"J.:l•d ln l'1'J.:l!'>l1 ·r IHI\'/ 11' l hl'Y ;1r1· lllll'rl·-.ll:d 111 lhc prOJCl'l. N1 ~ IU11Hlt1 ,111d l'I' g 1-.1r:it1url-; ~llt ' a1·1·1•ph•d lro1n 7 p rn \•1 IU I' n1 111 :-<(llt!IO 1-J\ Of llh· ()l'l' lllll-.lc d\•p;1rlfilct1l 'j'/JL· l'UUJ'-.c • ·~ "1 'RrPORl 10 f 111 COM ~l~SIONtR" 1 ~ , " • r,V ,. Un11ed A111sts NOW AT BRISTOL CINEMA ;v t:;lll b1• I .1kl'rl ftiJ"('l'l'dLt \\ a\' Ill a r s \ht' ~\'Ill pl11 •II)' Ill' d 1:-.-.1p:1 t1·-. I 0 ;111 ~-d1· g l'l'l · lri\lal Al Moc A rtllur•Sawth Coa1I Sllopp•fl<j Arto·S40· 14-t4 I h l' \It I l' r, .\I I l' I\( h . I S1' ll t L ! I ! l' Ill ') I' L" pt' :1 l 1.·d I y 1 ll J l'C l e ll ,--,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;-11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~===~ intu ih" """ "'" ",,,., R i· " ... th 0 fu n, sus-p-0 n-s0 _a_n_d n•sta lg1·a •i l'r \\'J\S !\N 111:-.pll·l'd !'l':ldlng by a ftl\L' url'ht'~lra \. " " \I \I :ind 11 I'> IO IJl' hupl·d th:it thnsc \\'hn t1J11trol thf' ;if--., f;_1 i 1-~ of t hf• (Jr;l!l j.;t• l'ount .\I Ptlll ;n ·n1onil' Sot:ll'IY c;1n r 'THE STING ' a lu sty zesty enterta1 n ment :1t.:r-.11~1d1· !\hrav;nit·l and h iscnsL·n1lllt.: lo I'(' pl' al th ts Ii ••· ' ~··~·n fhom.i!i. • i;IJll~-~·l~;~pf~>1;~l'r;,~:;:-t 11'1lJt.:l'll bl' pr•HHl of thl·1r -.y n1-E ~~~~·fl lHJr:l•"S fim.._ .. ~ pho1 1y urt·h(·s tra . It h <is :1c h1 ~·\"l·d int1·rnation;d !. ~~ fJllll' 111 :1 r l·l:it1v1·ly :;hort P l'r1od of t1n1l' :ind Lht· re· ::.1so11 for lh:.11 dl'li g htt:d u-; fru1n the podiun1 l:1"l \VC\'kl'!1tl. -C'll()lll):-\ J\'I' ll.-\l\'.1)01\1 -'/'1111t• I') ru11n1ni..: 0111 f:1~t fo1· .in.\'ont· \\hu n11i..:ht lil' 1u\1·rl':>ll'd 111 v111'•d1Ln i..: th 1·1 r ··hildr1·111n tilt· I r\ in·· <"onscr\'ator·y 1if 1\l 11:-1c·'-. S111uh 1 pr nJ-:r';nn ·r111 -. 1-. :1 r1·\c1h1l1n11,1ry ;ind li1 ghl:-. :-.uccc~sful n11·t h11d ••t 1nu -.1•· 111 -.tr11t·t1un :ind 1n\1·rc-.ted p:1rf"nl:- 1·:u1 r1·i.:1-.11·1 I 1 ••111 '! ;, 111 tn :i p 1n S:Jl11rd;,1y :it \l1-.1a '·"· "" ,,,, .... , .. ~UH -IMUI 100·)00 .1.1 000 .... '" • 10f ............... ..., .. 11100 • A.I PociRo in "GOOF A THER II"' IRI "YOUHG fRAHKENSTEIH" By M~l lroolls "MEMORY OF US" & "•O C ARATS" IPGI .. THUMDERIOLl' & LIGHTfOOT .. "LONGEST TARD .. !RI .. LAW & DISORDER" "LORDS OF FLA TIUSH" I liiiiii '""?"!!'•"" .,.,..1.,.,f •n•., I R,,..,.,,r ,~, "''""'" [_":'.'''"' "" "• "" n".o '--~""'"' ~ • ~,., ...,,~ "'~" ·T~" ll)O 1000 '" too•oo • ·~ .S•• !."~ •~OO JOQkO(l 90~•1 •• SHOWN NIGHTl Y b:•S & 10:00 P.M. NO PASSIS ••• JamesCaan Alan Arkin ·,-_ .. ,',-·.":·,',".'."I', I ~·'•\\ If (I " IPGI THE FRONT PAGE WITH CAROL BURNETT PLU S CO-HIT A·T HUNTIMGTOM "LAW & DISORDER'" C ARROLL ERME ST 'tfi!lbie a:~a~ii~ tsra .-.·--.~~~IJ:. :f"..-~..-u •• il<dfCSli'ti~ !' ~;.., . PLUS CO-HIT Al ORIYE IN "'MEMO RY OF US" HARBOR BLVD . ._,,_D~.1 ~~~~"f~ ..• :, WITH Y ALER IE HAR PER r---0-,~.-.-G-,-D-R-l-V-,_-,-.-,---t CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES SA.HT.A. ANA FWY . NEAR C HAPMAN ORANGE 558-7022 "THE GA.HG THAT COULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHTu EDW.O.RDS HARIOll: TWIM C IHEMA HARBOR AT Wll50M COSTA MESA 646-0573 M .._.n.,,._ 7:00.~]0 fri.-•-l :JO-I 0:45 W.;s-,. l:IS-l :lO-•-l:l0.10:45 PLITT CITY #2 Ar THE CITY CEMTER ORAHG E 998-0S32 PLUS "CATCH 22" IE.A.CH AT ELLIS HUNTING TOH BEACH 8•7-860 8 SAMTA AHA 153 1-J 27 1 ·~ AT WIT'S END Erma tells ii like ii is . ' I '\::c-~ S CINEIVlA.S (HARL TON HESTON AVA GARONER: GEORGE KENNEDY M-lh. 7~9:30 flt. M :»-10:45 CARROLL EANltST O"CONNOA BOACNINlt LAW AND DISOADltA FROM THE BEST SELUR "THE ODESSA FILE " JON VOIGHT "111EMAN -WllH11E . GOLDEN GUN~ - "II" !Ml M1tl~lot "f\l~MGO!tt>Oll' • PLUS 'iHf M.t.UGKn' STIWAIDISSIS" ..: .... -.... 'J.. l j 1 ••••• 1 •••••••••••• ''.' • ' r.. DAIL V P1LOT Wednesd1y.January 29. 1975 'A Day i1a the St101v Hearing Students Get ·Trip 2 USC G raduates J o in Fral e rnity 'l\\I) l)r.1 11i.;,· \'11;1:-.t r\•!-.1 1ll·r1t !" ,,,._ .• ~r11uu i.: :l:l l ':-;~· g r .1d u;tll' :-t u d1•1\I" \I /111 Ji JI l' IJl'l'll JC'Ct.'jJl \'t..I Ill lu l'h1 l >l•lt,1 ~;1 p p:i . 13 Make Coast Students Dean's List 1'h1rteen Orange Coast r esi- dents have been narnL'1i to the de- an's list at UC Riverside . a nd B;r o n l'h1llco, N c w~orl B<:ath, a 11d llru1·c 1\llcn, Seal .Beach. Beach. A day In the snow for dear and. hard·of·hearing' s tudents will lake place ~t 7 : 30 a.m . Feb. 8, sponsored by th e Childre n 's l-lear-More Jnst.it ule of Newport Junior and sen ior hi gh school students. wh o 'A"lll have a day of s ledding a nd other ~now :.ic - tivitics. \\'ill leave the Mcdit·a l Plaza, 307 Plucentia , Newport Beach at 7 :30 a .m a nti return al 6p.m . Participants should be dressed warmly. J<~ood will be providL>d . lleservations should be nladc by c ailing 64 5-1624 . ·r1i,._, .11 ,. ·ri .11 l'• \\'<•.,nc· 1 h11u plll'l'Y o f 1755:! S:1nta l\ton1<'a ('1rC'J.·. l·'11 1111ta1n .\'u lley, :111<1 :\!rs, J';1t11 e1.1 IJu14 h<·s (,';_1rpenlt•r i if :tH.'>1 \r,11 l'rly l "1r1·ll', !\'.._·\1vort l~l' :t ('I!. ifunlington Beach residents are David Bender, Kathleen Gaulin, Louis Cassclle and Lisa Sporing. Others w ere Susanne McLain and Diana Mitchel l, Irvine ; Anne Marie Guiltinan More a rc David Ke lle r , Capistrano lleach ; Carl Anne Buc k ey, Coronu dcl ~ar; William L . Smnllwood Jr .. Costa Mesa, and Atarlys Uunivcnt, Dana Point. 14 OZ. CANS KAL KAN PET FOOD fJ1!tl JUMBO KLEENEX TOWELS Ext ra Strengt h! ED•I•J PAK OF 60 ZEE NAPKINS "lu au" Decorator Colors QUART CAN Pennzoil MOTOR Oil 20 & JO Weights! 1 Handy case lur Cli'. arettes and yuu1 lavonte lighter. 1 99 . • ea. LAD•Es Handbags Assorted leather-look soft touch shoulder & 6 88 casua l styles. ea. • ·POLAROID ·;~~~~ Cameras Colorpack Get more people into your shot .. 27 88 crisp black & • whi le pictures. · Square Shooter 2 Enjoy instant color pictures w1tfl 1n1s1 g 88 . --all purpose camera. • ?~ "~ll\,~~~,~~~>.;;_ "..;i;\,'>'-~:-&~~~$,-:':$---··~:~ PUROLATOR Oil Filters .,,\\\\\\\\\ll1l1/ifJ,/,l!J/t11, LJ\10R1HERN AUTOMATIC .,\\\\\\\\\\ll1l11i/J,/Jf1111,, ' EAU DE 1 50 ad1usts hlanke l warmth tor V/ ' TOILETTE 1oorn tempcr.:ihirc Lhonyes. You eat less. • V~ ' , 4.00 VAL UE • ' . . lo se wei ght • I ~ 1901 Twin size Double s12e Double size naturall , •e ~uE 2.5V liis e:95 ~ ·'--~~~~~~~~---~ ~ AT YOUR NEARBY Empty ceramic .Plate lnr ~~"°"""if your la~or1te plan! .... PLA·STICWARE by Festival 27 GALLON Trash Can Seamless. rustprool. 4.44 INFLATABLE, 'Puffer'' 1.99 2.49 'FV~-- " LANDU N PLUS" v ALuE'-s o_.:N .:..:...._;;;; K;;i t;;ch;;en;;;;;UT;;EN;;S;;l L;;S;;;;: Hair Care Needs ; by RoB1NsoN • • KITES With sti~ on eyes and mou th. 1.29 ea i~!~!tligy_nty · B Comple x with C As a dietary 5 49 supoJemenl 90 Capsule s • Vitamin A from Nrttur.11 119 S<111rces_ I 00 Capsul es • Vitamin C wi th Ro se Hips 't--.! An tlscorb1c aci d 1 29 \\ .. ~.;:' J;S mr. · "" 100 Tablets • • Vitam in E · ~00 I U. · · 90 Capsules-6.49 '"'*"' Ba lsa m Plus Protei n ......... ln::;tanl h<11r conditioner ........ ... _ ... Nat ural Her bal SHAMPOO -··· lo give new hdlf beaut y "'" -__ .. _ Natura l Wh eat Germ ~"-"-E SH AMPOO .. Contains v1tam1n [ '" Egg Enr ich ed SHAMPOO -·--'"'" Cleanses & cond111ons .... ,. e-.;:::: .......... -~+ • Creme Rinse ::~ I caves hair soil, 1.,:t. ''-1: & sil•y. lb OI . 77c YOUR CHOICE ea. ;, \! ~*Av.1,..;; '-~~.,.!./!~'"'",_,.~*4~o/~o/!~~00€Vo' .; WAHL SWEDISH STYLE HEAT :~ MASSAGER :?. ,;: ' ~· • -"', ~... ~ '/ )cpara tr. hra ! & ·• "'' -\ "Pl1l'd $t;1\1n1:s ::; ., • r , 8 (•· ·· 11 -/\ tn 1~1ve d1:, ~?. ,, j Handy helper ::; !or. : • , -/, ' ''.'; every chore. ·:··. • ~ . -, ' • CAKE CU TIER / '•BASTI NG ~ SPOON ~~ • SLOTIEO v . TURNER . • STRAINER ' SPOON Iv. • PANCA KE LJ 0 TURNER ' YOUR CHOICE 0 ~ , ... \.t'--i d · tinr.tly . d1ttcren t ;::.: i r ...... ~\ \ ma:,sag1ng modes. ::~ <; '?J it vAsEuNE i WAHL "4 IN J" ... Eylure NAILS ., INTENSIVE CARE ., G "I 0 Wipe'n Dipe ! MASSA ER , --, .i !3W-:t• <f l ong handle 1or • ~, ... ... -" ~--~ MATTEL Flyi ng Colo rs 7 oz. Size Reg . & Mint CREST T001H PASTE -EA 100 TABLET BOTTLE Of ANACIN mJ 6 OZ. SIZE SECRET ANTl-PERSPIRANT m Johnson & Johnson BOX OF 230 Cotton Balls' 100% Sterile IEJ REGULAR & DIET -16 oz. PACK OF 6 POND'S 6.1 oz. Great Lash • I better grip... '~ ~.._ '-,~ : ... ...::.;. ..... · attachments lor .• ~... ,.... · ~? Go1geousna1lsinminules WIPi•DIN 14 types ot _/F 1" . ~ ~.'-. -~~~~ ... co lor any color you ---:-:-.:~-· mas.sage. #4180 f _, like. Wild ~ Wild! Ca1s _ .. IQU/!h and s1urdy, die cast nir.tdl car s. ea. EACH ~ Ir: .'\I ,,, -·· ' ' The prolessional oi l filter. Install s in 60 seconds. 1.95 ~;~;~i~.istene d with * 6.88 ~· -::.. \ :;; Complet e 4 00 :;;oo ggc j Heat Massager KIT ~,,~''.. • • ·.. • i ::; Twin Pack -Reg. Size VASELINE i s ;, i . " Adds lhe hlth ~ Neutrogena B Play-doh by KENNER ly~ Modeling compound • • • JJ pliable and clean! C FOUR 6 oz. C"s dimensioo al penelraling heat 9 88 ~ PE~~~t~UM 10 soothing. relaxing m~~~\~ • i ACNE-CLEANSING ~SOAP "Home Barber" OUTFIT BARDAHL "1 & 2" ror family skin care. H1WPOn HACN-1020 .,....., W..tclff Pine '1' - . 'F . b ' SPRINGBOK Fast bac k flS ee 59c ~ (Starjet) rhrow & catch sauc~r ... ~ Silly String ", ,':~.crara1a Crayons by WHAM-0 Crayola , BOX OF 24 Halt mite ~-• ....,. ot plastic fun! Shoots a stieam of Si rin~. Crayola Fabric Crayon KIT Transfer yOµr color designs pelmanenlly 2 77 to synthetics #5000 . • ' . ' U.Ml'.t. .t."4'-Jtl I --.St .. ~ ~ \ ; • •• ' Visiting a Chinese grocery, you will find: 1) Mustard Greens, used cut up in soup or stir-fried dis- hes. 2) Chinese Dried Mushrooms. black to cream color; need soaking before use; a flavoring agent or main ingredient. 3) Garlic. often the beginning of a stir-fried dish. 4) White Radish, sometimes pickled; add to main dishes for crunch, flavor. 5) Cellophane Noodles, separate during cooking, absorb flavor of mixtures. 6) Bitter Melon, just a hint of bitter-most- ly cool and refreshing in stir-fried dishes. 7) Scallions. may begin a stir-fry dish or be used, sliced diagonally, as garnish. 8) Fre sh Ginger Root, CLJt in small pieces as beginning seasoning for en trees. Chinese Have Old Saying eop e 'Let the ;Celebration Begin' With the Chinese New Year T-tappily, fOods which spell · This dish is s ubtly seasoned 1 pound l'rozcnorfresh s n1all less than two weeks away, you China to millions of Americans -with onions, garli c, soy sauce and shrin1p, shelled and devcip.ed BEA ANDERSON, Editor CAROL MOORE, Food Editor m ay want to start shopping for waler chestnuts, bamboo shoots lemon juice and is especially ;.it-4 lhin pork chops intriguing condiments and a ndbeansprouts -areavailablc tractive with pink s hr·in1p and 1 largconion vegetables. in can ned form in mos t greC'n c ucumber ac.:ecnlin ~ the I largcor2s1nallcucurnbers Feb. 11 marks the beginning of supermarkets. brown pork and sov s~iucc tont•s. 2 garli c cloves, cr ushed Wed~l4•yJ•niury 2t, 1tl) the Yc~r of the I I are for which G i n g er c d s h r i in p a n d r~or dessert, sainplc t\1:0 ideas 2 l a blespoons finely di <.'c d '. . •J>e cn.'~"M'i<l!IP....u.'~ _~,~~--"-~---,,""-oifpll,w,;~~~~· -~i<-f1'1-c--·-,, -·--· s ::,ftcs~111i'l1-~.----• <>" _..., .. ~._ . ,~,.._.__.. · · ~:>;'~nol 1.1~··~t-1'6ct"".ho~1r -bt:ic·~u&e · hoihS'h~Ti;;p -a~d ~· rk ' Cti1'fiD:(bv.'fri . · The}; Co m~e f ro~1· · 'µO"On g rOUrl~· ginger ()1: :r f;i'bll's-. ..t 'µo (..'4-· 'l ; ! . · "";,:""~;J~-~1~-.... ~·:--__:.~4~.t.a;r· .i&i : -·~-:~\i~'jt:.' ·-___ ... ·. -:J'"i _,,...., ·~ .... -v . ·~~.s.. .''":;..,d,-~M~pl!,. DQPnf-. P_ t ,q 1,ne<t _ l't1v_v1~~*!()'"9; ~-.. , . meal ofyourov.·n . _ ing ror-twice the fun in lastc an reRt<1trr:ir\1."~ri(1 c3l ~etu'it~mise. ~C't't'J~~n~---· -, · ' / If you co~s u~t ~ Ch inese texture. ~1 l'rcsbytcr1an m1 ss1on v,:h1 ch on -l can (8'. ~ ounces ? "'alcr cookbook, you 11 find 1l probably ce served as an escape route for chestnuts, drained and sli_<'ed includes some very cxolic Items. Puris ts "'ill use fresh ginger Chinescsla\'cgirls. 1~ca nut o1·\·~·i-:et~1blcoil If you have a Chinese grocery root; others will choose lhc GINGERl~J) S llRIMP 1\ND ·~e up canned chil·kcnbr·oth store handy, you can s ample ground ginger substituti o n. CUCUMBf:R ~ lablcs poons soysaucc some of the <1uthcntic '"precious Canned water chestnut s add 1 tables rooncornstar ch 1 teaspoon cornstarch ingredients." crunch . 12 teas poon salt t to 2 tables poons lemon juice Fresh g inger root, as described above, adds a1,1thenticity to Gingered Shrimp and Cucumber for holiday feasting. . \" ' , Lemon "'ed ges and p;:i1·s lcy for garni sh (optional) I-lot fluffy rice ln large bO\\•I : s prinkle cornst arch ;.ind salt over shrin1p. 1'oss to coat evenly. llcfri geratc "'hilc fi xing f('maining ingrc· dit•nls. Cul awny bones :ind fat from ·pork chops. With back edge of hcavv knife or ed ge of plate. !}{)Und each piece nf n1c;1l sli ghtl y to te nderize. Cul meat into 1-inch p1cct•s. Cul onion i'nto v.·l'd gcs. then eut \\'C'dgcs crosswise in h<Jlf_ Cut CL1<:11n1be rs in half ll'ngth"•ise; scr;lpc out seeds; l'ul crosswise inln' 1-inch slices. Co n1b inl' chi ckt'.'n broth. soy s;:1u c.~· ;ind th C' 1 t easpoo n t:ornst arch in s n1 ~1 ll cup. I n \\Ok or large skillcl, hc;:t1 11 c11p pf oil . .\cld shrimp and st1r- frv unll l pink ::ind firm, 2 to :I n11n11t es 1{cn10\-1' \\'tlh slotted spoon and kct.'P hot 1\dd pork to r1.·n1,1ining 01 1 1n \Vl>k : ::;tir-fry 1 n1inutc or jusl un - til p11rk turns grey. Stir in onion. ).!;:1rl1 t.' and g1 ng('r ; st ir-fry I n1i11ulc : add more oil if needed. 1\dd cuc:un1 bcr and s tir-fry un- t il t1·ndcr-cri sp, 2 to 3 minutes; st11· 1n 'vater chestnuts. Stir soy s auce 1ni xture well. then s tir r apidly into wok . Cook until sauce thi ckens and clings \!) vegctal>lcs . l{cturn shrimp to wok, rcsl'rV- ing a few for· g;:1rnish. if desired. St.ir-fry until thoL·ough\y hot.. ~tii­ in le1non juice. and addition;JI salt ifn<'cdcd. Garnish with le mon and parsley. !'ilakcs 6 servings with rice . CHINESE NEWYEi\RCOOKIF. (Teem Gock) L J)Ound . \Von ton wraps or skins I egg, beaten Oil for deep frying Stuffing: 1 cup c ho pped roas ted peanuts 1 cup diced fat pork (op· tional ) 1 cup shredded co<'onut '~cup roasted sesaml' seed~· l 1fi cu ps sugar _1 /6 cup slivered Chinese red dates (or any dried dates) Mix s tu£f\ng until well blended. Take a wrapping and place 1 large teaspoon stu[fing in center. Brush top wilh egg. Deep fry un· Lil golden brown. Makes about 90. JOHNNY Ki\N'S< GINGER Si\UCE FOR ICE CREi\M 1 cup finely chopped Chinese preserved ginger 2cupswatcr •1.t cup cane sugar I teas poon cornstarch 2 tablespoon~ water Add ginger and sugar to 2 cups water in a sauce pan und m\x well . Make a s mooth paste "'1th I.he cornstarch and 2 tablespoons \.\taler and add to the sauce pan. Stir ,>Constantly until mixture thickens. Cool and \1se as a top· 1 pi ni: over ice cream or pV<1ding. RITA STOREY ENCOURAGES NORMAN DEMING TO USE MORE SPAGHETTI Pasta Prized "We've spent so much time in Italy that we r eally learned to love pasta and use it all the tim e,'' said Norman Deming of Newport Beach. "But lately v.•e've been trying to takeoff the Christmas bun1ps. '' Dieting or not, he concocted a }'>arty Macaroni casserole for which his wife, Ann "helped cor - rect the seasonings'' to win $100 in Globe A·l 's contest for using pasta products economically. Deming, a r etir ed movie pro· duction manager, was the only man among eight winners. "Macaroni is a boon when you're living on a fix1..'<1 income. Plus it's healthful, tasty ... and easy to chew." he added. Home ceconomist Rita Storey further explained that macaroni, noodles and spnghetti are "com· plex carbohydrates'' ad ;1ptablc to most diet concepts. rather th an refined carbohydralC's that ('!Ut- te reatlng habils. De ming said his chicr incentive in e ntering the cont.est was to come .closer to the 25 t'cnts-per· serving goal than previous win· ners as d.escri bed in the Da ily Pilot. • lie figured hiS entree with. a salad could serve 12 at 24 cents each. The company estimated more generous portions, eight at 36cents. Pi\RTY Mi\Ci\RONI 1 p ackage (16 ounces) macaroni I •h pound bacon 2canscreamorchickensoup' Jcupmilk · 1f.i ounce chopped pimento 1f.i me'dium green pepper, chopped 'h pound s h arp Cheddar cheese, grated · 2 tablespoons Worcestershlli sauce l teaspoon onion salt 1h teaspoon pepper Boil m acaroni in salted water with a tablespoon or oil to prevent sticking. Fry the bacon until crisp; drain and crumble. Dilute the soup with milk ana combine all ingredients except the macaroni with the soup. Mix well. then fold the macaroni into rnixture. Place in baking dish; cover 'li ghtly with foil. Bake at 330 degrees ror4S minules. I t I ' . ' C: DAILY PILOT t • Par for th e Course? Beauty Garners Beastly Second B y JOAN RIVt:RS l 'vl! <J\wa ys felt that golf is a terrible s ickness. And a recent news itern proved I \l.'aS right .. It said that a 66 .year-old Malaysian sulta n dcei<t cd to post pone taking a ll·yc:i r old bea ut y queen a s his ninth v.·1fl· in orcle1· l o play a round of go lf. 1'h1s Ill'\\':-; n ash pro n1pted m e to ''~k n1y friend ·rr ae~. \\'hosl' hu~hand 1s C\'l'll rnorc of ;.1 golf fiend than 1'.:ds.:ar, 1f shl' found the ~ull a n 's dcci:-.ion tu gi ve up his marri a g e fu r ;1 f.!u lf ga n i c surpr1s111g . Shcdidn I . "l,1stcn, J oan,'' '1'1·;.iey ~aid . r·ive<l . "I think that s ultan 'olo':JS :i cr<1ckpot to gi ve up a gorgeous girl for a durnb golf game," h e yelled. "1'hat 's what l 've been wailing to he ar." I chc1.·rcd . "A normal r e a ct io n fro n1 a n /\rn~r ican m Hlt . '' ··or eou rsc." he we nt on, "if the re \\';J S a good N f<'l , g ame on 1'\1, I could undL·rsland his think- ing_'' l 'hl'll all thrl"c turned to n1e. ''llO\V do }OU fel'I about it'!" they as ked . •·1 think the sultan Y.'HS cr azy," I sa id. "l ~ut then l 'n1 prejudiced ~1 ga ins t golf. Sport." arc :-.opposed to take one's n11nd off hoUS'.{'WOrk, but eve rything aOOut golf r e- m inds m l' of it. Final Week of Jw1uary Sale Sult! •:ntl• S111urtla y i''e l1. 1.1 . Savinqs from 50°/o to 70°/o or more. Domoslic & lmporlod UC)hti119 Fixhr•• & Lomp• Al ;i.,...., ........, ..... "-,.,.... •locl. -otWoooii i• lieW i..•. MmJ-~-........ -•f. •i...t t ........... _.. _.... ...t.<MM of .. ~ it i• .,,.,....., i. •iMI - ----,_~ ............. . ........ "They could line t he gol f course with teenage beauty queens, and tf n1 y husband w<1s playing p,o\f, all he'<( ask Y.'Oultl be, 'Arc they in bound :'i or o ut"! " .. r·or e x ample , they arc always 1----------------------------------- talking about irons. I don't \~1ant to he ar the word 'i ron· on n1y day off. Nor the l f'rn1 'hole in one.' 'f o lllL'. it so unds likl' F:d g:tr n;1).!~ing rnc lo darn his ::;otks . And ever y, time snmC'body a sks nil', 'Can you l'hir'.'' 1 fee l likes<aying, ·Just Antiques Classified Four four-hour lectures 0 11 antiques \vi ii be pre· scnted M onday. f'eb. 3. throug h Thursd ay, t'""'cb . 6. by the Virginia Castle Auxili a r y of Nc \vport Beach Assistance Lea gue . G\ven Zcrnold. a 11ti- ques a uthoril)'. \viii teach the c la ss, which \v iii benefit the Children's Denta l Health Cente r. Cost is $30 for the ser ies and $7.50 for indi vidual lectures. Check ing their s ilver are Mrs. n ·avid Hibbard (left) and Mrs. Richard Bechtel. l\1 y neighbor's husband over- hea rd o ur l'O nve rs a tion a nd :-.poke up. '"l'hat guy \\·as ::;m a rt not to n1 a r ry if he rc:tlly loves golf.'' he c ht1t.'kled . •·women just don't undl·rstand us men . M y \\'ife got so n1ad at rnc \:is l ni ght, s he \\·ouldn't lt·l me put m y golf balls in lhc dis · hwasher, a nd jusl ~ausc I tut her n1olhe r ac<:ident ally wht>n I v.·as practicing my golf game in the li ving room.1' . Anothe r ne ighbor joined in: "l 'he s ultan \vas s mart. You can always fin<\ a girl "'ho \vants to get m arried, but how oft en do you get your golf game together'?'' The mailman. who v.•as coming up the w a lk, had a differe nt out- look about the s ultan's decision. "Boy, I 'll bl't that gi rl \\'<.I S m o.id !" he c xclain1ed . "'l\1y wiff• wou ld have gone berserk if I h.ad postponed our v."cdding for golf. She was mad enough \Vhen we sc pent our wedding night on a pitch-a nd-putt course." I was ready to give up on all golfe rs when the laundry man ar- (•heck 1ny d1shes·.·• I \\'/.IS still n1umbting ahout goll \Vh L·n Edgar r:an1e in off the cours('. I asked !urn what h(' thought about the sultan's leav· ing his bride standing a l the !'re Sho1>. ··n on't blame everything on golf." said Edg ar. '"1"h e girl must have been a real boy.•.woy,· or the sultan wouldn't have chosen golf over he 1·. No golfer in his right n1ind v.1ould turn down " rc •ll genuine bn nafide r~caut v (}U ci·n . I knn'v I \\'Otlldn't . no'r \\'Ou!d any of m y friends .·· ··1 i;::uess not," 1 said. I low could I hurl his c~o and tell hin1 there's Vl·ry little eall among Be auty (luce ns fo r older, married men who sleep wilb golf s hqes on '! . l. ';110,,'.l..._,_,;,1, ••• ; l:C' . , .. r · ·~:':"''A':f "n.c;· "fl!.. · • ,~."'·"·· · •-¥ ),. ,.,., 1*' _Q . ~ -Ir ~.J, \ ~ f"'I SI • . . -· , .. 'rf< ,,, -. :htf" ~-t""1 ,, • t . -· ,_ , ~~.lo' .,; ; • .,_'.~.'>( f~!~ I ~~ --. ' ' ~-.,, .. ,,, . : ••, !, ' ,. ,. I Events Varied Philh-armonic More than 1400 volun- teers will participate in the annual C.Ontinuance Fund Drive of th e _Oran ge Co unt y Philharmonic Soc ie t y beginnin g Saturday, Feb.1. • ' ' . ' 1 To meet the increase d ·demand for more con- certs, a dual series of 10 concert s is being planned for the 1975-76 season. Included on the sche dule will be the Los Angeles Philha r moni c Orches tra, the French National Orchestra and the Tok yo Symphony Orchestra. Fufld contributors arc eligible Lo purchase ad- vance conci:ert tickets a t a discount price. The m o ney raised a lso h elps s up port s eve ral school m usic programs and a mus ic schola rs h ip program. Nurses The California School Nurses Org anjzation v.'i11 have their 25th annu al meeting r~riday, Jan. 31, to Sunday. f'cb. 2. in the l~o s A n ge le s i l 1lton l·lotel. Dr. Wi lli am GlassC'r w i I I s p c a k <1 n "Poss ibilities of Positive Addiction'' during the me e tin g v.·hich ha s "Future S hock " a s a theme. .Garden Clubs Me mbe rs and guests of Orange Ceunty Garde n Clubs will attend a din- ne r thea te r p a rty at Sebastian's \Vest in Sa n Cle me nte on S..'l tu rday, F eb. 2. . T he event will hencfit e cological concerns of the clubs. Council Six Council Six will meet ' fi.1onday, Feb. 3, ul 6:30 p.m. in the Silver f'ox Supper Club, Tustin. Jane ilrunc, advisor for the Newport l·larbor Toas tffiistress Club, y,1i ll s peak during the meet· ing \\'hich is. planned to prepare me mbers for a s peech contest. Tutors be gi nning wit h t e nt h grade students. - The contes t t:loscs J\1;irch 1 when e ntries will be judged on the ba s is of orig inal ity, suitnbility and a rt work. Furthe r .information may be otitaincd 1n loc a l libi:arics. Semin ar New tutor training ''\Vork Smarter. Not classes in English as a Harder" is the title of a second language will be se mina r s ponsored h y o ffered in San Juan Oran ge Coast Colle ge Capis trano by the South 'fhursdays , from 7:30 . CoaslLitcracyCouncil. 9 :30 Jl .m .. bc~i nn i n g The first cl;iss will f''e b . r, 1 n ~J.s t bluff start Monday. F eb. 3, and · E lc '1l c ntar y SchUi1l . t~c second on Tuesday, l\trs . Do rothy \Vcnck , f c b.4. ho m e ;1dvis or fnr the Irvine Jrs. tJ n i ~C'rs i ty or ~·1 1L ror~1a /\gr1<.:ultu r td 1 .. x1en:-.1nn JOYCE REG. TO Sll.00 •KIMEL •SELBY •GAMINS l/2PRICE AMAL Fl REG. TO S46.00 REG. TO $36.00 NOW Y2 PRICE ~PRICE THE SHOE TREE 3410 Via Lico • Newport Beach• 673-5521 Ba nkAmericard •Master Charge A four \\1tck self-Sc r viL'l', \VIII te:1l·h the d e f e n s e <.:o ur !'>e f o r free cours e \vhit·h is dc- \Vo me n, sponsor<·d by the signed tn ;1dv ise un mak- s:1fcty committee of the in t! ho us e ho ld c-ho r c sc Irvine Junior Wo1n<in's e ns icr a nd less !in1e con- Cl 11 b. "' i 11 bcgi 11 'fue s-r-~«~•~m~iin~g~.::::_::::::~=~=J~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~~~ day, P e b. 4, at 7:30 p .m . i n the multi purpose rQo m o f V ist a Ve rde School. F'ec fo r the cl.ass. taught by Betty Brooks , is 512. .. "J'h e <·lu b 'vill m eet \\'('dnc:-.d ay. F'cb. 12, a t 7 : 30 p . m . in College Park Ele mentary School. Contest ''Your Public Library S o n1 t' t h i n g f o r 1'~\'c rvone " is the lhcm c of ;1 graphic arts contest fc ~1l11r in g bus poslcrs he ,t:"inn rn g this v.:cck. 'I' h c <.:on t c·s t i s sponsore d by th1c San· t ia go l~ibrary Sy stem and opened to all adults, Month. End SALE! Jo~ ]0th J I st. &FM. lit Y2 OFF BRAS-LINGERE SPECIAL BRAS 99'l Veta's -INTIMAT E A PPAREi. ., DELANEY BROS. RECIPE More Freezer Specials 2V2 lb. Box Mrs . Fi'idoy ·t:;ourmet Breaded Shrimp ...~ ...... ssoo HOW Ma ' ' Bread Cod .......... ~ 8()¢ lb. Tarter Sauce ........ 40' y, pt. Cocktail Sauce ...... 'f 4()¢ y, pl. • ~ra~~©)rr1 r~rrm~. OF 01110 DLD·r4SHIDNBD NICKEL DAYS ABE COMING THURS., FRI., SAT .. JAM. 30, 31, FEB. I The qnocl old rt.iv •. Chi•f)i<n , The Ru.""''11 .,...,,,,,, . .,. G olrJ1•',h s,.,.,,llow•n ri . \h ~ Bu!t:ilo Noc~~·-You Su•t.' c"uld buy ,1 lol w •ll• 111,11 n•~k(>I. 11••\•"" 10 ~he Q ld-ld'ohooned Nickel D<iy \ .;i i vuur 11oc i..01v f J"n" c l O!uu -.iorc • WE'LL BE SERVING A 50 SANDWICH ("~") /\II pt(')(Ce<:k '''"" thP. '!if s.1nUw .. :h w •ll IKJ 1.1 tho! llot:li n ry f .l1rn tot Boy ~. 5outh Coast 'Plaza ...... ~ .. , ..... ··-1-............ .... '~""·· ··-··-COSTA MESA lln•lol a l San Oiego freewoy Phon~: S-40-6991 J""""" Penney • JCPenney1 Pixy portraits are enough to make anyone smile. . Only1.69 101 a 5 • 7 or 4 wallet slzas of aarno pose In natural color, • No appointmen1 necessary. Coma in. •Age Hmil : children to 12 years old . • Choice of poses from as many as 4 or 5. • Two chlldren together .•• only 2.98. •·No hidden charges. • ~ail orders: just slightly more. H, you ha11e a second or third favorite poae, lake them, too. At lhese spocial prices. In either size. . ' Your second sele.ctlon ......................... 1.11 Your third setectlon .............................. 1.61 Your fourtti seleoliQn ......... , .................. 1.11 Your fiflh selec\1o n ... _ ................ :.1.40 . ' '• . Plxy houro: 1 O AM to 1 PM end 2 PM •nd,~ ~to 8 i>J·weciiie~1y through Friday. S1turd1y 10 AM la 1 !'M<iJili ~ fM (ii-s1ao·PM • . COSTA MJ.BA (Hl!bot C.ntorl ' ~wPO"RT BE'ACH ,,,._ , ... ..., ' Wednesday. Januar11 29, 1975 DAI L y PILOT C3 ·. Quips: Serious Cover mallie ~ w~hej lo m.ake lhe II)· <:~ROL MOORE OIU•• Oo11lty Pll11f ill!! .. I'd like to sa y I'm g l;ul to S(>l" you but I l '}1n '1,·· sa id humorist S tCVl' /\lien as ht• Jk'<'rt·d ••cr oss the s tage· li ghts ;it lhc S R O a udience in N1i:uel 'fhcater. ()nee ~n focus, though , h1 · procel•ded 10 n1iikc llu s w111·ld ~t·t ·ni a lot 1nt·r rl\'I° and l ~1IJ.. :1!.oul t•lh1·r pl:111t·t s :1:-i ht· 111· :1u g uratc•<i thl' 1 ~11:-,·ro\\ll I l;dJ lt'l'l Urt• ~l'l"l\'S. AnS\.\ 1"1·1ng short orlit·r 11u l•:-.t1on:-. rrun1 the· :iu· d 1r net·. t\lll'n h ad lht'SL' :i llllll Y ·S ldt'·llj) ('()In 111\'rJtS: :\rt• you g<11 11 g to run fur poli t it: :ti uf fit' c ·• ·' .. No. 'J'h<.•rc art' t•nuu1.!11 S p iro Ag new c<..1me to the !'res iden cy . llL·· w<..1 s fo und l.o have illl'g;.;I bu.s111css d t'<1l ings ;.ind ht"s s till m ak1ng a pro- fit." 1-fow do y ou vie w Los Angeles in 10 years "! ··with i;re~t d i f · ficulty." llow s hould \\'C ~nl ve I .A 's t r<in s p ortat ion llll'S!'> '.' ''l'i·luvc to l .a.L:u11 ;1." \Vhat d o you like bl·:-.l :1boul l.;q .. :un a ·' ···rhc f~1 tl that 11 ·~ vn this pl:Jllt.'l. l!:H r lh I:'> !'>II f:isc1nat1n g : ho\\' <·;1n anyont· bl· bor<'d ., I ! ·s morl' wt.'1rd ;1nll \\'Oll- d<'rful than ;1ny p lanet <.'lose by or any f1 ctinn \\'Oriti in1;1g1 nahte ·· t' o 111 1· d i :1 n :. i n '.'ou '1·c <i propone nt of \\la:.h i ngt on ;dre ;tll y " rt·inc.:1rnal1on . Jl ow du .\rl· a ll p1.t1t1 c 1<1n :. you"'antlocomeback"! t·ro(lk1·d " ··As soon as possible." ··No. Jus t lhl' s ue Such eage rness befits rf':-.:.ful 1)ncs !ht· n1an, bes t knov.·n as ""l 'nfurtu n :.t !t•l,v . our StL'vt·ri no but uclu<1ll y a pohtir:il prot"l'!'>~ ;dl<l\\'S d<i \.l ine i of 'vii sincl' hl''s lh1· mos t ruthll'SS In r isP :d so a n acknow lt•d g t·rl In !ht· top . 'l'h<·r1· s hould con1pnst·r. :.1utho r , JHlt'I , ht· n1ort• v.·1d cs pread d is-n1 u .s i t· i an. p o Ji l i <' ;1 I t·t1:-.::.1cin ahc•u t. rnonkl·v-lhl·oris t , rnovic star. 'l'V 11\1! v.ith lhL· rnt·t·ha111 ~·s host :.ind producc 1·. ur St•lt•c·tinn \\lh;tt <1re vour future "'r hinl.. of ho "' t·los c plans for TV "!. ··co ntinue mHking the p<.1 y mcnts o n the s et.'' S t·ri o u s ly , h e ju:.t fin is h e d tapin g t .... o s pec ia ls t o b r aire d tonight and l<~t!b. t.i . Alle n was c h ull cnged on his recent contention that l .i ly 'fon1lin was the only truly funn y wom<.i n. ''Shl''s the n1os l original. 'l'l1t· ~wa r1n Of h11111 a n1 ly nO\\' n u n1 l.H.·1·s ~ t..Jllion. 1\bout 300 of us <!ft' )JfOft•s!>.i O ll ~ll l"tJ ll1C llian:-., v.•1th lt·ss th:1n :10 lx·1ng fl'n1 :ilt·. •·'fhl' 111d11:.t r y 1:-. nuu·h n1ort· 1ntcr£'St l'd in find· 1ng funny \.\on1e n. It'!>. 1111 lo nger un-ladylik t· to t1·ll jokes ;ind th l'r c·:. ll'SS socio.II bi<i s ;1hout who t;cls pie in the fat•t·. ··11u mor h ;1s ;1n a;::· g ressive s train ;,ind 1t WilS j ust more :1c·ceplu· blc , res pectable for ITTl'll t o be d e l ivering th e line s." Oo yuu condone frcl! lov(':' ··Not at all. 'l:'ou s hould pay and g el a r t•et•1pl, t axes being "·h ;.i l tht·Y :ire·." \Vhat about the• !:1c·k of good t <1s tc and n1 or:d r esponsibility on 'l'\1:' ··1 sec no i1nn1ediatl' improvement fo r one dre adful reason : tl1e niark l'L .,...·ill be floodctm \•i ith m o re o f v.·halevl·r s ells. ... rhc ·rv cr1t e r1a is not whethe r you're good but if you t•an a ttrat·t an au- dicn('e. A s uccess by tha t standard not only will be rL'ncv.•ed hut a l so copied. ··vul g arity is a v:duL· judgmt•n l. ()lhcr nlL'<h ;t L'a n .solvl' the 1:-.:-iul· b) rl'SI r i<·I Hiil of t lnl I' or ;L U dit·nc·t> B ut j1J1 '/'\'. _\r)U 111·v1·r kno\\' \\'ht•n :.11u 'rt: l ;tlk1ng (iJ ;i 10 :.1 ·.1 r old girl ··'rhc v.•hole natu1n 1-. too dirt y. y,.r e h;i ve (.;rah· h e r tir es, S\11 1n g l'f t·arn(·ras. Mothc·1·:-. r11c k J!roup and <1n :i irllnt• th;tl 1n oves its I ai l for you . •·/\pparc n t l y l'Oll · .scrv::itivc corpo r :1tio ns have ildoplcd M ad1son /\vC'nuc termi n o logy that Lenny Bruce woul<l h <1vc· been lol·kc d up fur :1 ft•w years b<t t'k." llow do you k eep your wife , :i c t re ss J ;1yn e /l.1eadov.·s , happy ·! ''ll a ppi ne ss i s prim :1rily an intern;il quality that a p e rson !Jr. ings to a .s ituatio n . STEVE ALLEN ''t\ttU ;1Jl y, :-.hL··~ a n1:t:"'Vl·lo us "'0 1n ;,1n l'X · t·t·pl for ht·r Pt'n t·hant fnr hu y 1n g elo l.hl'S . llL·r t•rc d1t card w~1 s s l\)ll'n hut I h;ivrn't r e ported th e l oss. ·r h c thi ef 1:- s pending le ss t han she does ." /\re you i n f:i v11r o f \\'omen's 1..ih ·.• ··1\s fa r as t•limina11ng inc<1uil i!'s. <lt•finite ly _vcs . .. Jl ut th<• abbrcvi:1t inn 'r\1s.' v.•on 't las t 50 y~:1rs. 'fhc sound is socially un- fo//owin'}-announcem.enl WE ARE HAVING THE MOST FABULOUS SALE IN OUR HISTORY SAVINGS TO IF THERE EVER WAS A TIME FOR SAVINGS •.. THE TIME IS NOW! WIGS s49s _ s99s _ s l 500 _ s22so Valurs to 45.00 WIGLETS • CASCADES • FALLS LAY'AWA.YS •MASTER CHARGE• IANK.4.MERIC.4.RO WIG & BEAUTY SALON Phone 548-3446 250 E. 17th ST. B COSTA MESA '. grJCt.'fu l t:Omin g <Jut of ~=============================:== th(• m outh. ---••Jt m ;1kcs nnnoi:.1· ·• Theory Has Foundation (Ann Landers r~ 0 E A 11 /\ N N enlarg ing sa m e :_ inr lud· J,/\NOI-:RS: 'l:"ou p rinted ingsur~ery . ;:1 lel.tt•r fron1 a wom an llne v.'oman c .... ·tio was who v.•a s 1-!Y l'P"'d by ;1 rnor c-t h an ;11nply cn - t·on1puny that advl'rtist·d clo v.·L'dl, lln·ncd tn m e and fh L'Y c·ould t•nl;1r ge:· ht·r· sa id, ··is n 't this con· husllin(•. 'J'h :il ll·Lll·r was v t~r s atio n ridiculo u s'! the 1n;1jor t o p it' 11f ("011· \\>'h.it good arc volup- \"t•rs ;1 tinn at a 111 1•t•li11g I tu o u s !Jo s nm s i f <.1 <1\lt'nded rC'el'n1 Iv . ,,o m an·s n1ind ts flat anC. I \\as an1;11.t·d th;1 \ :.u :-.n1aJ1·.' Is n't th;1\ an insull n1 an~· "',0;11 t·n )\' l· rt· trul}' to a man ·:?~ fl.l tl i.IJ:~ nee ·:· •• '<'(iii~ "f.t n ,., 1 • ~' un ri~ I rft,~· "P'i~ ~ ·s (' ., "t ~ ... l'I ..... ,'1_ '.' I" ,.:t.it,c. t?f tl~t·i r brL·;1st.:-. :1nr.l 1i._\, \' t: ~ 1\ (; t: /\ N [. .1'fgu1n ~ 'l·hr m ~r1t.-. ufJ~'("'f}N'i'~,1 ., 1.,. · ~t .<~,,·,<.t,, vario us l t•c h niqucs fo r IJJ.:,\R 1\ 1\Nl> C : l ln fortu nately, dear, most mf'n can see b etter th<in they can think . I) J<: t\ ll /\ N N l .. 1\N I) 1=: l{S : 'l"h is is a r~p­ ly to ··1f i1n s l'lf.'0 th:it. :ir · roganl , pompous ~1:.s of a husband v.·ho !'.:.i id lhc rl'· ;1;-;o n so n1any n1 l'n V.'ould JUSt ;1s soon nut h:ivl·lhl'1 r \\'l\'l'S gl'l up in lhc n1orn· 1~ J ''--o.;'Wf; 4rt;.U;.jtisi-..1.s 1i1·t':l'\P.l'\: ._,.t·~'lOO'fr~;. · rl111.t.!, . . .i1e:-""',r:c sc l"ibcd Lr1tr tang led hair, b<.igs undl'r thl..· l'\'l'S. rattv hathrnht: and b(•droo1n Shoes •·flop- ping a r o und likl'lwodt·.ad animals.'' I 'd like to kno\V v.•hc.it Ill:: looks like bl'fUrL· hl~ h ~L s li:-id a i:h :.1n tL' to s ho\Vf!r :.ind .shavt•, dab on \.h(' :1ftcr-shavc lot.ion , gel. into his s hirt :ind tic ;111d frl's hl y ·p rl..'SSt•d suit . It and n1akc brc~1kfast and g1vl' his \•life tin1c to fix her h ;t i r, put on .srHTil' n1;1kc ·up :ind appear at the brcakf;1s t table 1·l'ady f11r lht• l'it lllerJ ·~ - BU J{;\··r U l ' Sl'l'lllS to Ille if ~1 coupl1~ 1)1•:1\I( f\l i l(N'I': l\lany h:is a fairly decl'nl nl:n·· r«adcr:-. "·rule to t•x1•rcss ri;q .. ;L·, i11t.·v :">hould hl' :1 blc s irnil:ir \'il'\\'S, hut _your I\) look r'u111plL·d 1n !ht• lan14 uaJ..(t• v.•<is the 1110:-.t "'.'i',~,..,.11·•~~,;1 ;w: • .., .. i.t!?~,..,-.. ~w~···· ...... ~ ,, , ... ~­~r101d_gtie .. 1·tiY1t·s \,'11~1l .-.truc:'k" ;.11:,~Ty···0 r r a ;,,1 "~ i.ti. 11\~1·rl'tL!t; 1,::i >.1ll (µ,1.Jo11t ...... .CO)'~ ,,ith ru .. ~'•?•;k <.O ,.. ... IX'1ng c'otflfi11tJble \\11th' !\rrS:i\\•r).agC w.rr . ' ,;.i ..s:i,.-,• oncanother. . I aJ!reC that a goo<f As ~!11 cx pc rimc nt . \1'hy n1 arriage s hould be able dol•sn t th ;1t hus b;1nd J.,:ct to tolerate the "rumpled up half ;1n hour earlier look ." Libra Warned Focus on Home 1 'i{ll.I 11 « I .. : .11.HIHl• Ii' 1! 11 I ,. I 1'1 1111,11111nt W,1 1" I 111 I 13h.'.it.IL 1 I Ui h lip f-f t J<,!111q ... '. . " ,., ·•· '• .... ' S:l.00 ac .. ;•• ti .. ; •• I 1.:;o I .'i.00 .. .,, . 1.o.l l~,\L111\1h.! 1 1 )1\l(IN\,H/\lf~ It \11141 I' Ir'"" '2.00 IN COSrA MESA ' ' 1695 IRVINE BLVD., at IRVINE & 17th STREET -645-1050 or 548-9986 IM<'"""' - 'I' 11 U K S It ,\ \' J ,\NU,\R\' :to ljy SV l)N l·:V OM.t\ RR. 1\Kll·:s 1 :\l a r c h 21· ,\µrll l !Ji · 1'akc e arl~ of .. v1s 1hle'' n111 lll·rs . L>un 'l ft·ar lht.; unkno\\ n T 1\U ll US \1\µrll :!II · ~1 ay ~0): J,unar a spctts 1ndi1·:.i t c r on1ant1c Lil · vo\vc n1;.·nl . (; t:il1 I NI t !\l ay ~1 .Jun1..· 20 !: }-'nllow thrnugh on hunch . 'l\·ach ;ind 1 e ~1r11 h v s h ;1 r 1 n g 1 d ca:--, k1lo .... ·l1.:di..:•· (';\N('l-:H (.l11n" :!1 .lilly ~~ 1. 'l'r;1\'1·l pl.in~ :-.11hJl't'! {n ehan).!<' hl·~l lo s \;1y nl·a r f.1111ili :11· ll'r r11 or y . l•'11rl'c:. t ent! l u l•l' -.(';1ttt·r1 •d First time ever! $65 of 'reg.price with w rrv1n9 c-.1s~ 01 cabinet On the Futvra n · sewllllJ llGChine dllrfnt our ·11 pays to seww sale. Buy now. It pays. Th e FUTURA ll" sewing ma- chine-the world's only instant 'convertible '. With exclusive 2· way sewing surface! Ju st flip a panel to go from flat to in-the- round sewing. Save even more by trading in your old machine for a big allowance. 920 AND SAVE $20 ON A QUALITY ZIG -ZAG MACHINE! Carrying case or cabinet extra. Reg . $119.95 Now only $99.95 252/242 "A,,,,_, ()11111 -.11't1A q(!Jt.Ol'hNV l .f.:O ~Jul yZJ·1\ug ~21 . l\l onl'Y p1eturc n eed s :.h arpl'r fol'us . 'l'c1k c n othing for ~r <J ntcd Bl· a\\·arc (1f dt·t :uls. f111'.: poin ts . VIKGtl i ,'\u~ 2:l -S\•pt. 2'.!I. ,.\l·ti\ 11y 1nd11::1lcfl 111 :11·l'a of c h:irl a=-so1·1ated .,..·it h !(•g al n1;1tl l'r S, partncr~h1 p. n1a1·1·1agc . L IBR1\ tSl'PI. :!:t -0 1·t . 221 : I lo m c ~1t ua111111 1:-- em pha ~i t.L'd . '.·11u j.!l·t l'h<lnl'l' l•! ll l.L~C ).!L'"'lUl't' of i·ccOlli' 1I1 ;1 ! 11111 S('(lHl'ltl 1l fl"t :!'.! :\O\' '.!l f" Sc\' :1, 1:-, nnl tllt'l'l'I.'-1t1rn1i;.~ll ~)n\\' 1d· cuphn1·1:1. l-"r 1l'nds \\ 11•• fl ~llH·r ;1nd pl'o!lHSl' rn:1.\ ht• Ill 11 •\ pu,..illPll \!l d.- s ,\(;1·r ·r ,\RI LS (Nov. :!~·1.lt:«. 2 1 ): 1•0,1·l'r play 111:1y hl' in offing. Ern · ph;1:-tS is C1n b j1\\' ~OU l"l'· late to ~om c h ard f:.icL-.. l 0 1\l>ltl ('()R:"I/ ( l)l'r. 22-Jan . 19): '."ou ~1r1.: n1 orc ;:ip l to fu11~h rcither !hi.Lil lu h l·gin proJCl'l. ,\ <t l i ,\ K I VS ( .J an :!0·1-'L·h . Jt:t ): :'\L'\\' :q l· proa1·h Ir~ 110:-.:.l'~:.ion:-o. ('11lll't'lllJ!l:i l:i lll'l'l'':-0~1 1'\. l.,I S('J·:s ( Ft•h. \~)· :i.1:11"\'h :!~~) \\',11! ;111d !>h· ~l'l'\l' J,,·l tilht•r!'> :.huv.· th1..·1r h:1nd :--. f"V\l·al lheil' p1;1 n~. t 'ht·i·k h\'l\\'t.•t•n lhL' I I Ill'~ A SPO RTS\VEAR wt'.>IUlll Pt A/A NPw:n-1 fllooc.h 54!1 Jl?l 'BALBOA ISL AND :?l6 Mor1nt Ave t.75 IQOA RO~~ Sh•mpoo Stylttl RO~~ f•nci -lull 1.00 •nd Stt Rinse 1'.\t\n. l ul'~.-3 50 1 111'"' 1n1t111'd 1,tf1·lv' < "'"'' "'·1\" Tor11_..., VVl'tl . . . . I l•h'.u h·~I h_,,,, M,1t• h1 ·~ hh•.n h··d h., .. I•, flu\., Fn., Sal. 4.00 So..rday a-d l'Clld:Jr. 4.50 Ill'\\' )!r1•\\!h. IS l'\ll\U•~ • ulu1~ on --.h.1n11 ~"'''l1t -ll•1l.ul11n~ -un.....: F•sliion Stylttl Creme Oil 9.99 H•in:llt "'-~ '=a 2 50 Permanentw ... N\11n. Tut·-. .. Wed ., 1 In cludes fashion styled hJir cut, Thur.,. Fri . S.1 1 ..... '· ()() ~h.1mpoo Jnd set. Onv prH.L'- ~un. ,ind hl1lid,1y-. .... \,it) n1) e'tr,1-.. Anyt inlt' EVERY PERMAllEllT WAYE GUARANTEED Ill WRITING RO~~ ~::: .... 1.s5 Hair Tint Touch Up /n</tx/ir. "'-Jlll.IOO ,/nd -.('/. i,:, ~I\•! ,,,I\ o !<H~ ., ( to•1n1 H .111 l1pl \.;"'' ... ~!•·r. 111\ott' ll.1)111,,I 1 •• ,~,ll~•1•l111 ·\"1111•~· C LA l R 0 l ~:~is~1;',"si1 ... 1 11~11•"" ,,i1,.1 lh.11 11."'' '\, •I f .,I , , d I , ,r · .t, I Ill 1 I I\ ' '•·ill> l .l'I• 1,,r \Vl '<'i.,~ In· 6 95 llud" .Ji,1mpoo .. nd 't"I. a Anylinw 6852 EDINGER lat Gotde-tl w .. .tt HUNTINGTON BEACH CALL 848-0203 ~E o ..... ~-'"''""' l -.. _ .... ..-..... '-·-·· ........... . ....... -. -.; ... h·- MARIE l•"Ml HOURS· Open 8· M 11..M. to 8 P.M. MON. \ft F;@Mi THRU FRI lo ~~-~o ~ ::· !o 5 P.M .• SUN. \ -• · · NOTICE K-MAC DRUG DISCONTINUED BUSINESS ON JANUARY 25, 1975, Much thought was . given to the future prescription needs of t heir customers . It was decided to give K-Mac's prescription records to Dean·s Pharmacy (formerly Dea n·s Menicine Shop). just a few blocks away. This decision was reached due to the si milarity in operations of the two busi- nesses. At Dean's, you will enjoy the same prescription service which attracted you to K-Mac. You or your physician may still dial the familiar K-M ac number. 645-1352. OR, the telephone number of Dean's Ph arm acy, 642-4104. Your order will promptly be attended to. Then, simply pick up your prescriptions here. DEAN'S PHARMACY ,.,..._,, Mobil Slotlot1 &CrtrW•U Formerly Dean's Medicine Shop 390 E. 17th ST., .. '""" ••• , COSTA MESA • 642-4104 ...... U.S·T ·l7·~·ST ...... llliiii ......... • • I r DAILY PIL OT * Wean~day January 29. 1975 \\'ht>n it':-. t·old and gray out- side, the mt><il!» th••l hit t ht· s pot are someti1nt·!'> the cas1t'sl to rnakC'. PanC';tkt.':o.. frt:n('h toast , OI' hoc-ca kt~:.. toµJX·d off '''ilh "'ater until tho s ugar dissolves MAPLESVPUP GINGEBBREAD 1 cup m aple syrup ~IAPLt: ,,;u1• BARS 1-;• cup butter 1~:l cu1' ~··"dered sug1:1.r 1 egi,: Meals d muplc syrup . ..irt· j u:-1 t he thing S t !or breakru:.t u1· J11111L"r on •• Ce n e blustcrv da y In f:.t 0r t. n1upll' :-.y rup. c;.1n b1: used to enhun(:e n1cals in 111:Jny \\':J\'!>. l\laplc .syrup will kttp well at room lemper.aturC' in :!L·aled con· t<.uncrs. After the containers arc opened , lhe syrup may mold. If mold develops, sk im it orr. then hc:.i t syrup to boiling and C'ook 3 nu11u ll'S t)p('n 1,:ont ::iincr s of maple :,_\ rup :-.hould be s tored 111 tht..· r c fri gc r u t o r . If you h <.1ve purch:.i!>cd you 1· ma pie syrup in ;.1 cont<tirlL'I' !hut holds 1nore tha n \\/U t·an tt..,t• in u reasonable l1 1nt>, :'-llll <'<i ll !>lOl'l' il ln sm:.1ll er l'Olll<lllll:l'S 1 cup sour cream 1 egg, IJeat en 2~~ cups s irted rlour 1a 1 teaspoons baking soda l 1'i teaspoons ginger Y.l cup maple syrup 1.., teaspoon salt 1" te:.tst:oon soda =!~ tup si ft ed all-purpose flour I cup broken nut 111euts Maple Hot Dog's Pal? In Season . Pe rk up winte r ap- petites 'vilh a pre tty. r efres hin g sa l ad o f mix e d crisp g r een:->, rrcsh ur canned pint•uµ-· pi e c ubes. <l\'oc ~tlo sUrcs. r ed onion ring:; and coarsely brok en toa sted walnuls. Serve with vinaigrette dressin g m ade with Jeinon juice, garJjc and rosemary. Co111plote covor•1• .,_,.,,. goMrn111ont •nd cour11. r--~lvorr d•r lntllo DAILY PILOT I ·i·rv 1t <.•-" <J S!.lllc C (or lt't' 1 :! teaspoon s a il Cre an1 butter unt i l so rt . Flavor Add d cre;:i;n. puddings. :.ind tust:.trds e 01' ;;i .. iJ gla/.t' f f11' h ~llll, l':il"rots. "llu:1:.h . :o.\\'t•v l pulatoes, or baked 4 t a ble s po o n s m e lt \!d 15ho1'IPning fJl l'nd 1nuple :;yrup, l'ream :J nd egg together. Sift dry ingrc- d icnl..., a nd st ir into liquid. beut - ing \vell. l\dd shortening and bc::il thorou ghly . Graduullv add po\l.'dcrcd sug~r and blend until cre;.11n y. l'\eat in eg g, syrup. s;.i lt, and svd u; niix 111 flour. Stir in nut meat~. lrull:-.. l ':.t: 1l foz· pic:s, nul bu1':-., ur t'<tnd ~· 'fhc t·on:.u int·r should look fur· n1:tp lc :-.yru p t h;.it 1s :1 li gh t ,11nhf'r eolur and h~1 s u ri11nin1unl of l'lnudint'!>"-·rhc:i1.· :it (' :.1~n s ol lhl' lnghc:o.t qu:.ility n1o.ip l ~ syrup. I lt••tl lht· ~~ rup to :-.in11nt•r1n ~ 111;0 dt•g1·cc I·'• :.ind pour it "'hile ..,1 111 hut 1ntu :-.tL·ritizt•rl J ~ll'S. Seal lllv Jal':. lul' ~ltlr :ige II a :.u i.::1rv l"l'USl fortns <il l hc huttun1 (if •• • l'On t L.Linl'r 01' n1aptc :-.:--rup. "l'l 1 hl· t·unt;,uncr in hut (>our i nto a g1·c:.i:-1cd oblong . (·a k e p <1n and bake in 13 50 d egree J.' 1 oven 30 to 40 minute::.. Serves 8 to 10 . !>our i nto 8 by 8-i nch greased pan Hnll bake :.i i 37$ degree 15 1n inutes. Cut into 36 burs while \~ a r1n and roll in powdered ::.ugar. youony Since we never limit quonllties, feel free to itock-up 01 excep1ionol savings. Tnot's Lucky's Key Buysl Now tliol you know, snou1dn't vnu be shopping ol l ucky too? -.. -......... _., __ _ When you see !he brigh1 green "Key Buy " signs -stop ond· toke noticel They signal eKtro sovings mode poss ible by manufacturers' odverlising or promotional o11owonces. l ucky passes !he savings on to you by prici ng these items be low !heir everyday low prices . t_... l 1171tr~-.-....... -......... _ ............ --.....--.... --..... -.-. • ... ,_ ""°.., •· •or Beef Liver Spareribs Slab Bacon •60ZCTN 65C t60ZCTN 71 C; oozcrn J2C Household Items .... 6 I OZ 163 6 l oz 163 PONDS DRY SKIN CREAM 113 11 ~oz PONDS PEACH COLD CREAM 113 6 I OZ <>"' LIFE BALSAM CONDITIONER ORGANIC • , 110l 139 rt" LIFE LOTION We Welcome Sliced, S1t1nl•11 & O•~••r>.cl ll 38 C rr .. h, Small Si1•1 ll 114 ll 88 ' <>"'GALA TOWELS 45c 100SF AOLL Food Stamp Shoppers U.S.D.A. Food Stamps Gladly Accepted Frozen Foods .. Canned Foods .. <>"' TRH TOP APPLE JUICE "o'"N 58C <f" LADY LEE PLASTIC_WRA~"'""°'' 37c ~GLAD PLASTIC SANDWl~HJ~~' 44c the finest quality ,ptOduce avllilllble .•• <>"' FABRIC SOFTENER RAIN BARREL .. .. .. . •.• -a oz BTL 1,, DEL MONTE.FRUIT COCKTAl~,ozCAN 41 c <>"' HORMEL VIENNA SAUSAG~°'"N 38C <>"' DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW''°'"N 83C <>"' ~~~~1,s~o~ CHILI W/BEAN ~OlC" 52c Packaged Goods ... Russet Potatoes .11 12¢ ."25e .. 39¢ 1!!0ZPKG '93C 12-11 20ZPl(G 101 Beverages -Spirits ... ~~~VEST DAY PINK CHABLIS a.cert 221 ~~~.ou~T BL6NDED,WH~~~~t .. , 8" \;!l,~,~y ':AGER ~EER . . . . . . . . " OZOJtS 1 •• AVAILABLE AT STORES WITH l~ DEl'T. HEREFORD CORNED BEEF l?OZCAN 99c rt" MOREHOUSE MUSTARD "o"" 2sc 1°.\l k l.4 DISCOUNT CENTER These items available at Discount Centers only! .. , ...... MIN'S SllOIT SLRYI KlllT 1111111 Cr•w nKk fo1hion In rou• chok• of 11ti~1. 990metric: ond wPt.el pott..-r>1. Some with pock1t1. ShM S-M·l ·Xl. LillU' QllT TOI'! '100% .,,ton knh with 1hort ..................... _ In °'''· color•. 111: .. 1-Mol. IADtU' WUNGUI PlllTS 65" po.,..,.,, S5" conon •tr•t<h Qn1,,., 'tNr po<k1t1, ol'ld llor• ..... Voll• l»oclt. A111. 'olor1 In •It•• 6 to II. 311 713 • • • 1. Or.p c...ty --,. •• U.MUM& ... '"M. m11 c... •wt. --· ••I LA,....._ ... ---- JIO.Ct ..... ._ 131 c.--Ho• o dip for llHpir>g 113 ~r• on:l1rl,. -..... u.---.,. ... ., , .......... .... ...... llllCll ............ , ..... '*" ... T ,.:~ ~:.> I ~ tl ~f.' ' J \,.:..~.i.-"71 ' ... ,.. .... '""" 53 ¢ Of r.d. ,..ti<_ Con~1ni.n1 ond •01y . ro u11. "°""' •au 1"7 •m CMfl ... "' w ''' IA •llUi \AMIUIA ..... C... -aM L CMP9• n'MI ........ ." .. _..,..... • With •1,lu1IY• l ·7 49. "' oddltfft. 30.wt. y STP GAS TllATMlllT Mali;" your 'or r11n 11noothlr. ••Al.L "" ..... 1IJI UTalA AWi. -um....,•'l'll• ....... _ ........... ,..,, ,,_,,.. ,.. -lllll &. __,. .... U.S. 11, lok!..g S•z• Delicious Apples Pinto Beans U.S. II, 'in.11 Ouoli1,. House Plants Exotic •" Po11.d S.l..:tion • , .. --lllTI Ouldlly 'emG'I'" .,_....,.,_ 137 ,,_ 9n11M, 111-1 ID UllT1MI AUTO UnDT With Ul1!11M f\lorontN , Shet for n11al cort, L.c.lut DISCOUlll IU'9IWllTS 11-CMTT A.llATttmlTOI .... ....... 98¢ ~w•.lfaltnwT ----.... u ...... ,...,....,.n. ..... ... Ml*" ... ,_ """-.. "' •• I& ; • 1 ' UPI t elepholo His Menu's Heavenly, But Down ,to Earth liAY C l1'\', !\\1th. {lJl'I) -c rc:1t ion is t11 sp\<-1ycd on the lhev all lis t en t u the storic:-., .. Onc::;t. Joan to ~o" is a f;.i rniliar JTil'llU. "F:S 1>l'c ia ll y thL• Protestant s ." lun£'hlinl(' rl·l'r;un ;d the C;_1sa 'rhl' St. J o;111 , rur exan1pl t·. is a <>nl' sand\\·ich ha:-. ;1 s pt:e11d \'in ny deli catcssC'n, \\hl'rl' 11l';irly g rilled pork chop sandwich \\'ilh n1e;i11 in g for l~o s ito . li e has 100 ··sainted '' s:.1lld\\1eh(·s arc a s ide of potatoes. J..osito C'hosc t•n1b.arked upo n a carnpoign to Sl'rVC'd up with a s li<:t· uf ht!->lory that ('ombi nation to represent have St. Siegfried named patron on the side. J o:1n of r\re, u 15th l'cntury s <iint Saint.ofl\·I ichigan . "\\'hilc J !>lal'k up 1hl' n1c;1! and \\ho \\ ,1:-. huinl'rl .il lhL·st.1kt• "St. Siegfri ed brought good Delicatessen owner Vinc ent Losito offers a menu of 100 sandwiches all n amed after saints_ H e tells a story of each as he cooks . DAI LY PILOT C:i Compare These Prices With Any Store In Town UOSED SUNDAY MESA . PRODUCE 1854 NEWPORT BL VD. lco,·~::..~:;::~tv"oW,·"' OPEN 6 DAYS 9 to 6 Phone 642-6025 WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS CELERY U.S. HO. I BROWN ONIONS HO IAG SALES-LIMIT I 0 LBS. TO A CUSTOMER TANGERINES 1 ~- lhC'_s auC'C'." :-a.\·:-. o\\llL·r \"1nce.'ll ·'rh e pul :ilot·s. \\•hi e h .i rl' t fort_unl' ~h~;ev e r . ~e v.·~n1 .·· l.os1l1). ""I l l'll thc t•ustomcr a ILt. ltalian-frii·d in oli ve oil :.ind Los ito s :.i1d . li e _c 1 ca.~ed labor, ~. ',., .. ,1J.•Sv.r,y_~,i.o.;..."'"1. --'. ~ ~.;M~.-~· ·"··>w.~;t;,···~.!;,.)"'P.;!'11 ~!!!?~~-·"'-·~.,.,,,,, • _, !>··!-~ -. ..,_._ •. ._:;.,. ·~'-~"""\"}" ~' ~.:~--:-~~.i'"(ji"~' ~~.~"'-~'6 '~ ,~, ·~. '·\·"'.\(' .. ~ ... ~ · 'l"t•!;taut a~t" -t'h°t-; n1icf.Ml~firg,:1fi ,. Arehhis hoiJ. · · · 1 .~ito 'cxpiti ine<I. -~i Jiaoi C ~ Milliken:. a'"Skl~g ·him ~ TH-Ru MOMD:A.Y·"" 1 ~ .... ~ -· t·nmmun1ty for :-1'\"t•n :'-L':11·s lit• ···rht• :-.<.1Ul'P rC'prC'scnt s the to procl:11n1 St . S.1t•gfr11•d a.s FEB. 3 :-.;1 1d ht• \\ as · · 1 n:-pi rt·d hy I he holy ht•a \'£'n J ,. \ nit"es v. ho di rt·etcd her pal r on s;·'. a~•~n~t.~n~u~t ~><~>~I"~·~· ._h~e-h~a~s~n_lj~~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;...~~ :o:p1ri1 ·· tu 11:1n11· 1'.u·h :-.;111dv.1 ("h tnlov.ini1111 ~ h<ittlt·:-. ·• received a n allS \\l't' .1 11l'J'a i{1)n1 ;111('athol1t·s:11nt . ' · · \\' l' · r l.' 1111 1 h C' r 1, f 0 r l ,os1lu i:-. c·urr·t"ntly ~lud ~ 1n g lhL' l'llll\"l'r :-.11>11:-.'' :-.11d l .o:-.1dn 50. a na\t\'t" of ~t'\\' \"41rk ··11/11nk th:1l n1 avh<' l ht':-•· ..,tor1l'" ahout lht• s ;1 .1 n I s h r 1 11 ,L! :1 I 1 I I I c l'llC'OUl'ag L'llll'lll ltl \hOSl' \\"hi) ;ire d1·spondent '' 'l'he t•urn p(ls it111n nl 1•;H·h ~;lllrl\\'il'h 1:0: IJ;i \t'd IHI t•t•J'l.!111 <"liaraclt·r is\11":-of !ht· ,;11nt '!'> lift• 1,os i t o tondut•t -; L"x h ;1u:-\1vl' l'l'Se arL·h hl'fCIJ'l' t';I L'h Ill'\\' life of Eli z;1beth S(·ton. the first /\ 111er1 l' :1 n b o r n s aint . /\ sa nrl\\·1eh nan1l'd in her honor \\Jll 1•\'(•n tua ll y j u 111 tho:-.c honorin ~ Saints S l ;1ntslaus, ·ruz.ill(), 'J'hercsa and other~. l"usto mcrs pal'k lhl· fornu<·a 1·ount e1· \\"hi th is dot 1L·d \\it h r 1·lig11)US s tatue's i\lo s t t·us lo1nt"rs ;n·t· amused by th1· \llll4Ul' llll'lltl . Lo~ito s;ud Anti ... --·-·-.. ~·----·-'"'"'*'"""''""''""'""""-·---···--·-·---·····--""'~"'""-"'-'""""'"""""''""""''""""""'"'""~ r 11·_ /I , \. " Two ·rear 1111pply (104 lists) ~furnishtd in convt1ieat tear-off pad lor j1t1l S 1.25 ( postac• prwid l 'Send in Coupen.Today I and Become' A !'!~~!D!~!~---~ I fill ill t)ls et•~. cUp a11d Ul witll $1 .25 te; l'ilot Printing Shopping List Post Office llOt 1560 Costa Mes•,t•lif.92626 Now you can do a week 's shopping without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING . 14 0 separate printed item s, plus additional spaces you ' can fill in yourself. Just check 'em off - 34 Staples 21 Vegeta bles 14 fru its 6 Bakery Item s 5 Beverages 19 Meat and fish entries 11 Dairy items 20 Miscellaneous li•t• ....... •i:t111I ,;,, ANITA BRYANT SAYS : ''With the price of sugary drink$ so high ••• doesn't it make -~1 ~ .--. sense to serve our · family natq • t ·-· juices inst · (ESPECIALLY 100°/o PURE ORANGE JUICE FROM FLORIDA) If you want a good value for your family, Anita Brya nt suggests you do some comparison shopping. You 'll discover that Iha prices of popular sugar.based beve'rages have gone up and up and up ... while lhe price of 10 0°/o pure Orange Juice fr om Florida, with natural sugars. has hardly budged in years. And doesn't it make sense to serv e your family a beverage that not only cos ts less. but is high in nutril ion as well? 100~~ pure Orange Juice from Florida. It's a whole lot more than j ust delicious. _. FLORIDA •• • ORANGE GROWERS. I ) ' ' • ! • • . ' I• •• . 1. . ... . ' ... -........ -.. -· . . International entrees start with convenience foods. They're all easy fora work night dinner. Don't Chuck Steak 'Marinate It ing process is s \O\Ver, but just as effecti ve . BULLFIGllTER"S BEEFSTEAK <Cadero de ·roro) ' ' '• ' . .. ' Dinner Eas·y on A husband and .,..·ire working lcan1 ts n1uny ;1 coLi plc's :.1nsv.'er to the money :.hort:.igc problem Jlp1 ·ip1•,.; lh:.it 1·ithcr 1:a n prl'J)Jt'c ur1! in ()rd er. 'fhC':.L· int1 •r 11:.1li1•nal L'nlrt·L·:-. ~t ;1r1 \\'tlh l'on\·e11n.:n l'l' r1111d::.: 1.::11u1cd p ;1 ::;t.1:-. 111 ;__. v t1ri1 ·1y .,r s;1uL·cs o r hoxL·d d inner-. 1\llL·1-i 11g dl'y p;.i ~l:..i , a l':lll of s;1u cc plus l'hCCSl'. So they arL' extra lle:1r!_.,. h ut s:.iucy, d elicious and t:.plcndict cnouJ!,h for con1pany :ts ,,el\ us family . Lasagna con l'oll11 i-; :1 spiey way to use l eftover <·hu·kL·n. l~ecr ·o -g(•lli ()u1L·h c gL·t:-: 1•\l r :t non1ph \Vhcn a sp:igh l'Llt produt l is ad<led to thl' L'gg eusl.1rd. ,\nd mini r;.1\'ioll :.iddL·d t" .1 homt• hre\\"t•d sou p n1akc!'> 11 \\or\ h :-. our bt..•o.l I UrL't:ll. 1,.1\S .\(i:\'.\ Ct)~ t>t)l ,L(t I l"lU\l: g ~Jr(H,:, !l1illl"l . .'d 11 ~ 1:up:> t:hoppcd il·llo'>·t:r lurkcy or chil"kl"n :1 t_abll•spoon~ lJu\trr ur m<lr g<.1r1ne l t:U p t l1 0ppl·cl oniono. _ ... , ..... .................... --- ..........__«. muflel s ieVens lakes the mystery out ot mousses. the sigh~ out of scuffle~. the doldrum s oul of dinner ... whal s her secre l? she cooks with love. 1 lcnspoon basil 1,:.l pint ricotta cheese · 1 L'g g, beaten NutmC'g 'i t:up chopped parsley 1 pack~~e (1 pound 7.1" riu nt·es) lasagnadinnt'r I/! pound n1uzzarcll;.i , thinly :-.!iced or ~h1·l'ddcd Sautc niinccd ~arlic and turkey in butter; add onions <.ind basil ;.1nd sautt: 5 more minutes. Con1binc ricotta, egg, das h . nutn1cg, parsley and t.:he esc trnm p~1t.:k:lg l' l.a>;agn~L Prl'parl: l :1s:1,L.;u;.1 nuudll·S <.1C<:ort.l1ng to pi.I c·k age di l"L'l"I lOOS !)o ur ~rnHIJ a1nou11t o f ::.:tlll'l.' i11 hollu111 o( X inl'h !>ljUarc IJ;1killb dish . l.a~c r nuud ll':>. tu1·kl'Y n1ix- lurc, :-.a lll'L', lht·n n1 ~odil':-., ricotta ,tlld llH>l.l.;ll"L"ll;.1. tht..'ll O.;!lll'L'. r:nd \V ll h !>;IUl.!1.' ;.111d ITill/Lafl'[L.1. B;1kL' LHll'UVl'r·ect at :115 dcg rC'L'S tor :15 ··10 1ninulc s . Ll'l sta nd 10 1n inutcs bl·furc o.L'T"Ving. ll I~ I~ I<' .().f; l':'lrl'l l~U I Cl 11-; '1 :.t1·ips or b<.1l·on '' l'LIP t·hoppctl onions 2 :.lict's S\V iss chel'sc, cut in 1-ineh s li ces l 9'' frozen pie s hel l or horn cm ade pie shell :1 eggs 1 can ( l5ounce::;) hc t:r u·l>t:tti I cup rnllk Nutn1cg 2 tublcspoons chopped pi · 1niento l-'ry b acon s lices;. drain on absorbent toweling; crumble. J-<1..•muve <.1ll fat except one l :iblcs poon. Sautc onions in b;1con fal. Spri nkle bacon crumbles , ~1n1ons :ind cheese s lices on bot- to n1 of pie ~hell. Beat e ggs until lig ht :in1I IPnlo n y. Stir in becf-o.gctl1 , n1i1k anti d ;ish nul1nC'g. l1our n1i xl ul"L' into Pll' shell. /\rr<:111 gc pin11entu o n t(1p. l ~akc 111 p1·L'hcatcd 425 dt!grel.'S I•'. U\"l'll fui· 15 n1inulcs. lleduce to 350 li e)..(rt:es 1:. ancl continue hak- 111g for ~O n1inutcs longer or until knifl! inse rt~l.I in pie con1es out l'le:.i n. Allo\\' to set for 5 1ninutcs bcforl! cuttinJ.!. .Serves !"ou r to s ix. SOU PE DE RAVIOLI 1 can (6 ounces ) luncheon meat, cubed I clove garlic, minced I cup sliced carrots 1,~ cup butter or margarine ·~ eup chopped pepper 11!1 cup chopped onions l can kidney beans, drained and \vashed ) teaspoon oregano I t ablespoon basil :.:! cans (lS ounces) mini ravioli · 2 cups water 3 tablespoons chopped ., pa rsley 1>~1rmcs 3n cheese s~1ute Junehcon n1eat, garlic ;ind <:arrols in n1ar~arinc. Cov - er; cook for 5 m inutcs. Add pep- per and onion s and continue cooking for additional S minutes. Add ren1aining ingredients, ex- cept parsley and sin1mer for 15 minutes. Stir ocC <lS ionally~ Garni sh with chopped parsley. St•1·ve w ith J>3rn1csan cheese in 6·8 portions. 103 FM STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR THOUSANDS OF ~••fll•llU!IY I •••••• ,. •••w1w 11 ...... .. The need to buy ~nd tastefully prepare less expensive cuts of meal is not new. All cultures have been doing it for centuries ..• and have d e veloped some de- lightful recipes. ! lemon, quartered 'h orange, quartered the muriel 2 cloves or garlic Stevens show The Chinese, for exam- ple, cut meat in thin s trips and cook il quick - Jy. In the curries of In- dia, chunks of meat sim- mer for hours in a spicy sauce. · 4 whole c loves 1 b3y leaf Mon through Fri !h cupoliveoil · 6 to 6:30p.m. 1 chuck steak. about Tue & Thurs 3 pounds ' 10 to 10:30 a.m. i·leat lemon, ora nge, Bul, ·to keep meat in one piece -a nd still ha\!<' it tc>ndc>r -is another story. 1'he secr et here is in the marinade. garlic. cloves and bay COMMUNITY CABLEVISION leaf in oli .. ·c> oil untll rind1 ~~·"'~'~'-~'~'"~-~'~"~"~'~'~"~"~'~"~'~! of fruit is brO\\'O. i~our:- Spa niards combine several of their na tive foo d s ..• olive oil, orange, l e mon. and garlic ..• to turn chuck s leak into a delicious , m eal. Another tri c k in marinating is lo have the meat at room tern · perature for a few hours. 1'enderizing agents in the oil a nd citrus fruits "'Ork bc ll<'r and faster "'hen warm, hence the hot oil poured over the meat. To m arinate ror a longer time , refrigerate the meat. The tenderiz· over stenk: marinate about 4 hours at room temperatu re. Cook m eat in large heavy iron skill et over medium heat, a bout 20 minutes on each side for rare, 25 to 30 minutes on each s ide for medium. Just before serving, add remaining marinade to s killet to hc>a l. Or cook over charcoal grill , 5 inches from coal~. about sa m e length ol time. Serve with c hoicl' o1 condiments, s u ch <.1 :-. curry,_ sa lt , \V orccs- ·lers hire sauce, or mustard sauce. Makes 4 to 6 servings . S~AFO'OD SPECIALS 1 n.-..J-. JD& WM.. Feb. 5 O"'r WWh S.,pli11 Leif! COMPARE OUR PRICES! ~Oi>Aes .............. S ] 2! -~w-$]79 ~BSIER TAILS ........ - ... s349 l.QBS~MEAT ........ · .. • Double up, America. If you drive to work by yourself, yau're lf>Mding twice m much mon•y on commuting os you should. Cut it in half. Tok• a friend. Not only wlll your doily commute cost you hotf os much, but that monotonous trip wil b. a lot more pleoMlf'lt. And. ff' ewery connuttng . cor corriff just two p«WM, we'd sew• S b;ll;on ....... ol ga..an. this.,..., ond we'd nen ochiewe MOfor ~s in air pollution and . traffic congntlon. So, we'd sOff a Jot Of energy -incJuding yours. Noto bod payoff, is it, for the pleawre of aome company? ' TM> Cljll ride cheaper . lhanonc. II O , Fll\R CELERY ~=aa~ lot, ""' THERE IS A MARKET BASKET FtJOD STORE NEAR YOU ·-" .. ""''·-·""• • ....... , ... ,l __ ----~ .... -.......... _ ·"-"'""-·-··'" ................. , .. ,, ... _ ... ,,.,_ .... ___ ......... _,,,,,,_ ... 1-.... ,. ..... ,. ..... _ .... , ·-"'"''"'' .._.... ··-·-····-··~·· ....... -........... ,, .. _ ................ -...... . .......... , .. _.... . ..... ~ ........... . .-... ---.......... _ .. ,,_... • .. -••• ,.,,., ......... • ....... llllt•• .. ,........ ........................ • ......... ,,. .... .. , __ ... ,_ ··--· ... ·--... -..... -....... __ .. _ .. ,,_ ... ·-··· .. ··--·-.......... ,, .. ,.,,,., .. ·.--.. -=· .. --·.--· .. ·--······--,:-,_ .............. , ... ,_, ·-••o<• ,,,,,_,,, .......................... . ..................... ~ ..... ... -·-' -•• -...... ._.~M ~•• .-......... -..... . .. -... .,. ,..,_ ... _ ................ "'"·--·- ·--'"'"'--'"-·'"·-• .-... ,,.,.. -.. ~.. ·-'"""''-'"D'•-M. .... , ........... .,,,.,,._.,._ ... _,,m ""(-,_ ..... __,.... .-............. .-..... , ....... ·-·-·... ·-··· .... , ·-·-·--........... ··-•"' .,,,,,_ .... ,._ ... _.. ·-···""'·""'-.-......... \__ .... --.--·-·-·-·-.. __ \ ___ _ ·-·-.... ·------·--.... _, ...... -... . ............. ,_, ---···-"· .............. _ .. . ·--·--·--·---... -.............. ,, ......... , ... ,...,_,,,, oi....<-LJl>I ... .-·-····-·- •"'t••°""'•MlfL. ...................... -...... ... """!""'""""~-...... .. :::-.:... ~ *'"'!::.:.::c:::i __ c.: ..... _ ... ' -· ' J .. I Woonesdav J~1nu<iry 29, 1975. _____ _cDocAc.llo_Yc_:P_:IL000'-'T'--"C'l<.!: Simmering Needless (1f m e m or it·s of ;_111 1•\'l'r t·n11-. { ~a.nt stock pot huhbl1n~ 11 1L·rr1l,\ on the back of thf' 1.1n~l' ... 1111 ling.·r v.ith ~uu \011 1t· not alonl'. neeJ11 t l..ik1· liuu1-. uf prcparal1on l'i lh1·r \\1th .1 I ,•11 ~.1 1ph· 1l ..:n1s fr urn 11/UC l 1H1d 111 !1 1•-. :-O lt'V.L'J !11rn .1t1Jt·:-. 11111.1 11 ~11 . l·;1n 11t•d 1 I 1111-.. .• n.t -..11d111cs \111 1 e.111 11 \ ,1 \. 111 dir.illy 1n-:-.111rt·d l11111ill.11J.11-,· ,. 111 hair an hour p.u·:s lcy :s prig:-.) l l'a n !R ou11ces) minced c·l.1 rr1s :..: l'i..LflS 161 J11u1H.:t•s t·•u:hJ tuna t1 :s l1. Llralnt•d ;:: ('H l\S (33~ j1lJOCt•S C<tC h J :\'orv. a) sa r<l1nes, drained S alt and µt•ppt.·r (Jruugc shc·cs loptional) Viking Idea Lauded r-..u rn:llt1•1 \\li,it Liu• (·11111111 \ thcr1•'s a ~111111 rt·l-111•· 111"•.,llt d c.11nung lhc IJ..1g<'S nf 11 .. 11.di.~ncd t'lllSlllt.~. 11 .:il)' h;:i' 11$ lllOlt•-..(11)rlt' Japnn its suirTiono, Hus:-1:1 it~ borscht, I n t.l ia its n1u l li~•.;1 I ~1 1v n1·v A ll SOUJJS :.ire b:Jsil'all\' ;t IL (jUld to Yo'h1ch all mannl'r uf rnod-.. h,,.._ l!t11•n added v.luch, 1ne1cl1·nt:dl1, n1akt•s lht•in :111 :1pp1·t1"11r1g :1rid t°l:UllO ITill',JI IV <I)' 10 U.'>l' tip ll'f 101·1:rs. 1 >I< our-.t• ~·11t11 ! l·'rench brcJd is a 1nu :s !, :ind .1 bollle of "¥i'hilt• \\ IOl' «on1pJ11114'1 •l " this horn1·y 11\t•:i t \'IK l'."\(i l\(Jl ll .J ,,\J~1\I SS i': 2 ,·an.; 11 11 ounces cacti) -;!(",\'t'(l \on1 :1 !•11·" 11 ~ l'Up:-. dr,> \\ b1tl' w ine Bo uqut·t g .i1 ·n1 1c·('l1•ry s prig, h ,I \' !j•af. jlt'Jll•l!J'l'UJ'OS. and In l ;Jr gc k e ttle, si mm e r ton1:itnes. \\'inc anti bouquel i..:a1·n1 20 rninutt·s. Add <.'lams and tht•1 r ,1utcc, tuua and s ardines. · Continue si1nml'rini; IO minutes. Season to t aSll'. ,\nd (;;ir111:s h \\'ith lJt'angC :-.l i ccs, if c.lc:-.1rl'd . l\.1 ;Jkcs2 quarts. • • ICESPlU S YOU Al ~YS SAVEi WITH STATER BROS. 10W·LOW PRICES WE RfDffM fOOD STAMPS AT Al l STOll5 KED CHU CK ROAST STATER BROS . CERTIFIED. GROUND BEEF FRESH DELICIOUS ANY SIZE PACKAGE HAM BEEF•BLADECUT KRUSE BRAND 5 9 C 57~ s11 s . . 11.0l. osc ... R M ... YER COTTO SALAMI s109 -' a.oz. osc .... 11 ........ TIR • CHOPPED HAM ... SHANK PORTION _ LB . osc ............ Y(R llOUNO OR SOU ... Rf $139 VARIETY PAK . "°' • 0$C ... R ........ YER WIENER ~ Oii EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF •• LB. 99c w r c m n J: 11 !!l I> ;c 11 Ul * r 0 :E ' r 0 :E 11 ;a ii BEEF FRANKS l!f'f'( IR.O.ND TAQUITOS "gge 1:. s oz age: !O~Ol 89' 6-TH RIB C & 7-TH DRUMSTICKS .. m Ul 11 r c Ul m r c m n :c 11 Ul _, l lf'f'E IR.-.NO CORN DOGS SWiii ~ SLICED BACON MOl:REIL"S COTTO SALAMI "o' gge -"age MORl!~u ·s REGUlAll OR Rt rr age SLICED BOLOGNA .... .t• ··-· "7gc OVIUOUE MEf DINNER FRANKS - PRICES EFFEC. 7-FULL DAYS THURS. th•v WED., JAN. 30th -FEB. 5th. -, , LB. WHOLEOR 99c BUTT PORTION --LB. ROAST BEEF • ST ATER BROS. CERTIFIED • G UARANTEED 99L~ 1-ST THRU S-TH RIB ...... LB. $1.29 TURKEY FRESH FROZEN ROAST OR FRY 39~ !~!:iii"ioNE.oAST L• 79' FISH VALUES! ioA"silNG.°CH1CKEN .. 69' 'Rou'tiii 's!iE'Alc.o •.. ,. L• s1°7 7 BONE ROAST 89, fRESHfROZEN w"''"""'°'0".,~"'0 69' """'="°'"'"'-' $149 ""'.:~"'"'·WN<U H ......... __ ,,_ ICELANDIC $ BEEF CHUCK STEAK IB SIRLOIN TIP~·::~~··--·--·--LB- I> ;c 11 Ul * 0 ~ r ~ 11 !! n Rr#ED ft'[ s 1 .29 LIBU _ ___ 1 89 """W""""""""'c~i-. SJ 2 9 " ...... o, """''°'""G" ........ o s 1 49 -.. --,,x·J;''--~ .,,,..,lt~ ·~--,·-· .J:llMJ.1-Y . '.CA.IL , !.lo ... • -BE1Cf ll•w.T~AK · ·r ·sTE:;J. · ltiEA"?'~'~·~:-~·f!.t'>"c..ook'l6" ---s· ~~-i~;18 s~n~K~'r _ ·.~'.-~"j'fj ::~~T::a·~o·-: ... T.! _. ,.A_·:.;,: .. 4'{N~-~,;;~_,_;•:~-;:.~;.:.~•- ~MU SHRIMP ....... Lii l'WK; n.. .................. l8. I ft 89' • • l 1•(1JT •f(Nlllol•WUIT'!MMIO $149 IUlf•IOIN CIJ l •NOIA.llS •GIJAlAl•<llUD $175 DULK ·WIENERS ................. ••-o<-YEl••o BEEF CLUB STEAK ........ ••· PORTERHOUSEsnAK '" 1<0IMUM•Ow1s1 ·•l'C>UNO ••C •~&I s 1 09 BITS 0 ' s 1 29 ...... 5 c 0 Mtt••OIJ,..OCU!•GUAUNlllO s 107 Bll ,•lOIN CUl•\l ,._!i~B~OS,Ci~llflfO s 1 a9 LI ED BAC N __ . __________ ,.>-LB. SHRIMP ............. RUMP ROAST BON[-IN .•••. LB TOP SIRLOIN STEAK "- • • • KEfiAFTACCHEESE ....... :~:t 8 9 ~ TREESW EET Ju I c EGRAPE~~'t~T ........................................ ~~~ 5 3 ~ cNiiGi N"ii sE :::~E~S ~~-~ ................ ~.2;~ZZE $1 34 HUNTS • ASSORTED c SNACK PACKS.--.. --~~~70 RALSTON PURINA BEEF CHUC KWAGON $ 49 DOG FOOD ................................. '.~i~: 2 KSETC Hu p ........... ------------.................... -.~~1fi6 9' BRILLO c SOAP PADS ..................... _cou~52 DOWNEY c FABRIC SOFTENER .................. --~~1z~8 5 DRIVE• DEAL PA CKAGE $1 07 DETER GE NT ............................. ~~~~: l'RJCf S ffffC 7.fLJll DA rs TMURS, ,,,,u WED .• JAN. JOf,,.ffl. 5,,, :g.,wAn aRECK T TllPAITE HAIR COLOR ,_ .. 92• $179 YO·S HAIR HEAD & . DRESltNG SHOULDERS .... 99' ,:;;:, •209 PLUMBER SAYER DRAIN OPENER ' 32-0Z s 1 • 1 3 VICKS YAPORUa \.Mil, 59~ ,_, .. ,.$1 OS KAOPECTATI ... 96~ KRAn DINNER 26< LYSOL D£ODORIZllll CLWER 21~z.93 C VIVA TOWELS ASSORTED 49c B•B•Q SAUCE ' lllFT PLAIN OR HN:lOR' 11-0Z.61 C TEA BAGS TEllOEIWF FACIAL TISSUES scon•ES • ASSOllTfD 200 42' COUNT PIE FILLING •~.~~·:;;· FRUIT COCKTAIL ::d... Ju ICE "H>"'!l! C~'ot.r.1 ()< (;e•l'fl<\111 PINEAPPLE JUICE ~~ ... HUNTS RED BEANS ~ ... HUNTS PORK & BEANS !l u/ ao· 1~01 391 ·~ J.' 56' .. ,. 56' " 30' "'ll 29' DIAMOND-Am 3 1 e GREEN BEANS..... •e-ot SLICED BEETS :.:.:i':"' • HUNTS SPINACH TOMATO PASTE '""" " 41 ' .., 36• 6<•J 241 SAUCE ~~C~!~~;-;.,Of ~01 43' loll..'.' 761 HUNTS WESSON OIL "" '1.17 FRENCHS BROWN GRAVY ,.,o, 19' PERHCTION ELBOW 41 c MACARONI 10.oL , ... co, VIENNA SAUSAGE ..... ., SMOKED SPAM ..... , CHUN KING NOODLES DOG BISCUITS ~:.;:, DOG FOOD :"':1'~·:.:.~;·g4" JERGENS SOAP :::.~~ POPCORN OIL , ...... , PANCAKE MIX "'~,,',"" CEREAL::·.;-::·-.. , .• COCOA ~;· .. ,.; ... ,,:. ~'," w COCOA ·,". ,.,. O! ,, l•f '" .. ,,, .... '"'" "' ROYAL PUDDINGS:~.~~:, 36' 82' ... , 29' .l-t>.' 581 :.;o1•~ SJ.BS '''" 19' -· ''" 70• • 66' 82' ... 95' . '1.98 "'I' 23' PEANUT BUTTER PIT!• •l<N 14 01 81' BISCUITS ""' ..... , .. 1•· ·"l ~· nrc""' SWISS CHEESE ;::1~~-~.".'t1n CRACKER BARREL ~.i::;:. CRACKER BARREL c::;:,:. .. CRACKER BARREL ~~~:;"" MARGARINE;:.:::;,. __ . MARGARINE ~~~·;:-·~-. MARGARINE ~.~.'!':;::~· TOOTSIE ROLLS -~" .• '"' ' 18' " 78' !,101 93' """ '1.13 1001 s1.17 Ill 75' Ill 69' 11J 71'1 77' • CREAM CHEESE PHI LADELPHIA J.oz 19' SWISS CHEESE l<RAn SINGLES ~oz.56 ' ' Low L,,,,, ~ 7-t iDuW.. 01< "'" $ 33 LASAGNA •~A~;:i, .......................... ~.~P~Z: 2 "'""°""' $ 15 FR IED CH ICKEN ·----··-.. !;'~ 2 "'"" ri L&~U •AHO•TtD BANQUET DINNERS ~-· oc STEW VEGETABLES.... "'~~8 M<O.Ull "'-AID 0 c ORANGE JUICE .·----···--·-·--···-···-·-···'-'<~~6 cu"r CORN _ :~;~~69c • '~t' ... 11•1.o.PIO ' 96' FiSH STICKS.......... _ ---~~,~~: ,, ·•If(),.''""' POPSICLES " ~·~~ FU DGSICLES , .... , COB CORH con FILLETS ~PPL E JUICE FOR 41 c ........ ,, •.•• { ..... (;! °'. 67' """ BEEF PATTIES "°' ~··· 45• YEAL0PATTi~S"'. -"·01, 77' .... ,69' SAll"A°LEE BROWNIES _ 11°' 11 12 \ .. •Ul•")~L s102 ·• ,,, GERMAN CHUC. CAKE .... . ,,, 53' Y'ELLOw CUPCAKES ·001 94' TANGERI LARGE FANCY SWEET KIN NOW $ LBS. ijjji PRICES EFFEC. 7-FULL DAYS THURS. thru WED. JAN. 30th WE REDEEM FOOD STAMP S AT All STORES 14600 So. lrookhur\I A•t ., Wt ,:mil'l\ltr ri800 EO\t Colliin A•t., OralMJf ~I 7§ Ioli.tr SI .. Coilo Mt$G 70 7 Wt\f Nintftrflfh St , Co\la ._.,,a 511 Wt ,l"1in1ltr Blvd., Wt 1fmifl sftr 180 Newport ll•d., Co$ta Meio 6862 Edi..qtr A•t .. l~untinqton 8coc!I )'\JO Wr~I li~coh1 A•r .• .4.noht ilTI 141 71 R•d Hill A•• .. Tutlill 260) West Sr•rnitrnlh SI., So..ta A,110 l 6JO Edinqt r ;.wr .. Sonia Ano 14112 Mlflts A•t., Whfttif.r 8888 Chap-A•t , Gordtr1 Grovr 1210 Mcfodck-11 .4..,r ., !.a11la .4.1ta )462 Kaltlla A•f., Lo, AIOfltitos 2)60 North Ttnli11 .4.•t .. Sonia Ano 2S64 w,,, Broadway, Anohti111 11011 M~o A•• .. f~ v•, • I • -• ;r; . . ~' •• ~..,. ,-..... ·~---. S~Pe~~n d · ~ .. , ... .,._._~ ·' ~· ...... "',.. 'OriJ ea' Ck,1 with pork chops, roa sts or sausages. Bank On Beans \\'hat's the food that gro\\·s on a vinl.' or hush: Ii.is bel·n cullivaled lor t·enlur il·s : is 11:-t'd in al n1v:.l every t:ui:-int·: in 11 :. d ri~·d forn1 1:; u rne n1b cr uf the l\l c at (;ro up -l·ontributcs prule1n to the di('l at "'barg ain p1·iccs"; a nd is pri1.t·d '''orld·v.·idc fur it:;" )..:lltJd l ~I SlC "! It's Lhc bean~ So, for a qui1·k 'n" sali s· l.\'1ng main di s h t hat's big on fla\·or ;ind IL"an in p !'ll"C, try: l'IGG \' llt\l\'K Ul::i\NS 1 t_•up cubed luncheon Ol l.·a l or h;i rn l cup <·ubl.'d zucchini J llll·d1 un1 f'luve i;ar lll', n11n c1.:d 1 ~ t 1· :1 -.. 1• ~, o n r 11 .-.. 1· n1 a r v 1 l· :1' c s, l.'l'U~ht•d . :.! l~d1 l 1·:-poun -, butler 1ir' n1 ~1r g.1r1111: I (•;111 ~ ]!: l)llll('l'S) p11rk <tnJ hc;1n :-. \1 ith I n nl il l.o) .-. .t 11 ('l' (; r .1ll..'il l 'ar1 n 1·~:1n ('h l•(•St' In :..a u e f·p .111, hrO\\I\ luncheon n1Pal :ind l.'onk :tUl.'<:hini "1th i.:arli(_' and rosl'm ary 111 butter until l t•n dcr. J\drl llt.'ans . l l1·:.it ; :;111· occasionally. Serve \vith cheese. M a kl~s ~1ho ut J cups . Still Inexpensive Rice Is Nice ·What to do wilh a dessert that men adore i a nd wives ignore? •. Gla m orize it! Jn the pro- ~ cess. y ou may just be (i m a king it better than ~·ever .. < Take the case of good I ta blespoon lemon juice •,':! cup pennut brittle, broken in s mall pieces Co mbine rice. milk , s uga r . lemon rind a nd butler in medium saucepan . Cook and stir over m edium he at until th ick and C'reamy - ilbout20 minutes. 'old rice pudding. It was ' .aways a s tapJe o n the ~ .menu111 o r res taura nt s Mix some of tbc ri ce mixture into the beaten eggs, stir all into the hot -"EACHBRITl'LE " mi x t u re a nd cook l ·•1 -pa-tronizc d b y bu s i - nessnien . \ RICE•PUDDING minute longer. Add 3 cups cooked rice vanilla: Pour into large serving 3 cups milk dis h o r individual serv· J /3cups ugar ing dis hes. Chill until r e· 1 ¥..1 teaspoons g rated .ady lo serve. JcmOD rind Drain peaches, rescrv- 1 . tablespoon butter ing 10 of the slices for f 1 or margarine j!arnis h. Then combine 3 eggs, beaten r e maining peach s lices 1 teaspoon vanilla with whipped cream. 1 can (J poun,d. 13 a nd fin e l y cru s h e d quncesJ :;ljccd peaches , peanut brittle, salt a nd drained lemon juice. 1 cup C ''a pint) fleavy Spoon o nto rice pud· cream, whipped d ing. Garnish with re- • Y.z cup finely crushed served peach s li ces 11nd pea.out brittle , • pieces or peanut brittle. v.i lea spoon salt Serves 8-10. . ·' Pears Prove Versatility Fresh pears demons trate their ve r sutili· ty with three.accompaniments to a varj('ty or meat e ntrees. Curry P ears are a natural n avor -matc ror lamb chops or a succule nt la mb roast. 1'"rcsh pear halves arc baked until tender with a curry powder, butter 1.1nd bro .... ·n s ug· a r n1ixture brus hed over them . Delicious with pork chops, pork roast or spicy sa usages arc Sautecd J>c ars and Onions. g lazed with suga r , vinegar and ;.il - )~pice ror a sweet and sour treatme nt. Serve Cranberry Poached 1>car Rings as a colorful ;ind tasty partner to pou ltry , pork or beef. The pears are s liced crosswi se ~ind s imme re d until te nder in C'ranberry juice <.1ccc nted with cardamo m and lemon juice. CURRY P EARS 3 fresh pears 3 t ablespoo ns melte d butter or margarine J tables poons brown s ugar 1 la blcspoon curry powder •1~ te a spoon sail ll a lvc and core pe~1rs. 1-,li.ice, cul side up, in shallow baking dish . Combine rl'maining ingredients and spoon into centers of pc;.11' h;_ilves. 11:.:ikc. covered, al 350 degrees for JO m inutes or until pears arc le nder, brushing occasiona lly with filling rnixturc. Serve \vi th la mb c hops or roast. Makes 6 s ervings. Fresh pears demonstrate versatility with three accompaniments to variety of entrees. SA UTE E D PEARS AND ONIONS 3 fresh pears J largc sweet Spanish onion 114 cup butter or 1nargarinc 2 tablespoons sugar <!: lablespoons cider vinegar 1 '!t e a s poon allspit:e 1 ~i cup golden ra isins (.:orL' ;i nd slil'e pears. Cut onion inl•> X \\ t·dgl's. J\t cll bulll'r or murg1.1r11le in s ki llel ~ind add pe<H'S and o nion. Saulc 5 n1 inutl:':-. 1\dd sug;1r , vinegur and ;.ill:.pu.:e . Covt:r and (.'IJOk 5 n1 inull'S longer . ALld r~1i sin:. ;ind continu(.· t:ool\inl! lln- 1..'.ovc rt.'d uvl'r lo\\' he::1t until pen rs and onion <l re te nde r ~tnd glazed. Serve with pori.. roast, por·k chops or silus ugcs. l\10Jkes f> servings. C RANBERRYPOACHEU Pt:1\K RINGS :! fresh pears I c up cranberry juice 1 ·,cup sug;1r Das h c::1rdu mon1 J la blcs 1x>on ll•rnon ju it·1• •>.teaspoon red fooLI colo ri n ~ l 'e(_·I .ind t:orc pears. Cut crosS\\'i:.c 1nt u r111).!S 11.1 iut·h thick. Conibine ren1aining in g rl·dic nts ;.1nd bring to ho il. J\dd pcoir rings ;.ind ::.in11nl'I', l.'OVcr~·d. until lc111Jl'r. Scr\·1· hot or cold \\'ilh poultry, hcc{ lH' po rk. ~1 a k cs 4 st·1'vings. ~-------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----.....-· • • • Richard's is too expensive AO PRICES EFFECTIVE T HRU FEB. 4 • • Richard 's price on mos t grocery ite ms is as low or lower th an any other s upermarket in the area. : :.~:: · • 0-~''1":~;, _ _:, · ·WJi~; ~~:{~~r~,~~~;w:t;f ~~~· ~o~ ii:;~~~::~f~'hi~~i·~'~ ~~..r;:~~x; ~,.,~/, -~" · :.''· !J~ deal," (new r esearch shows that only one s hoppe r in t e n can. name the exact ptice of even one out of a broad range of common food store ite ms) or do you know just what a true ~ value is" ; Richard's Market is d esigned to give you TOP VALUE. Jn ~ s hopping, there a rc the needs and there are th e wants. •• Richard 's offers you a l arge selection of national brand g roce ries (n eed s) as low or lower than any other s upe rmarket in the area. And set s itself a part from the other marke ts, by g uara nteeing you the fin est m eat s. top produce, quality bake ry good s and delicatessen item s <wa nts) a vailable. Jt is a mus t th at in today·s wo rld you compare a lternatives, and choose the m arket that brings you top valu e for your dollar. Ri ch a rd's gives you competitive pri cin g on a ll your needs, with unmatched quality and service on a ll pe ris hable goods . We h ave li s ted a number of grocery item s for you to compare with the market you are n ow shopping. With an hon est evaluation, Ri chard's is sure you will find our store the b est VALUE in town! I 100 Jd]J VIA t.100 Nl WPO R 1 El(A!,H u , ... ,, 9 1 o ... 1y .,73 63(.0 HE IN Z Ketchup ............ -................... 14 01 ..... 4JC- l-I UNTS Ketchup .. _ .......................•...... 20oz .... 57C f-IUN TS Tomato J>aslc . . • . • • • . . . • • • • • . • • • • . . .•.... 6 oz, •.• 25C HUN TS TomatoSaucc ................ , ........... Boz .... 17C DEL MONTE S"'ect Ger kin Pickles ....•.•....•... 12oz .... 69C 0 1.DSOlJTl l Watcrm('!onllincl ··········-·····-··· !Ooz .... S3C BEST FOODS Mayonn<ii sc ........................ 32oz ..... 1.38 KRA F'f Mayonnaise .............................. 32 oz ..... 1.29 WJ SllBON E Italian Salad Dressin g ...•...•........ 8oz .... 58C FRENCll 's !\1usla rd .......................•........ 9oz ...• 28C CRISCOOll ...................................... 24oz ...•. 1.17 WESSON Oil ......... , ............•............... 24 oz ..... 1.17 CRISCO Shorteni ng: .....................•.••..... J lbs ..•.. 2.05 Cl-ll CKEN 0 1-' T l! E SEA Chunk Li ght Tun a ...... 121h oz .... 99C STARKIST Chunk l~ighl Tuna ........•....•...... 91/.i oz ...• 75C ~ER~EJ! Struincd 13aby l-~0<>d ••••••••.••.•••••••••..•.•.• 1SC LIPTON Onion ~oup J\.2ix .........................• 2 pa k ... 49C CARNAT·ION Evaporated Milk .......••.••.••..•.... tall ... 28C FRISKIES Burfct Cat Food •.........•...•.•....• 61f..oz .... 23C • JONNY CAT C;1t Litter ..............•..... , ....... 10 lb .... 67C GENERAL MILLS Wheaties ..........•.......... l2oz .. ,. 59C KELLOG GS Corn Flakes ........ · .•....••..•...... 18 oz ... , 66C BETTY CROCK ER Cake Mixes .......•.•. , ........ reg ...• 79c GOLD MEDALFlour .............................. 5 l bs .... 98C MORTON Sall ... -............................... 26 oz .... 17c C&HSUgar ...................................... !Olb ..... 5.04 LOG CABIN Syrup .......................... ., .... 24 oz. .... 1.32 · SKIPPY P eanut Butter .............................. t8 oz .... 93C JELLO Gelatin ..•••.•.•.... , . , ......••••. : ..•..•.• 6 oz .. ,. 4SC FOLGERS correc ........................ : ..•.. -' .. '.lb ..... 1.12 SANKAC_olfee ...................................... lb ..... l·~~ YUBAN Coffee ... -.................................. lb ..... • TASTERS CHO ICE Freeze Dried Coffee •.. , ........ 4 oz ..... 1.47 SANK A Freeze Dried Coffee ... -.................... 4 oz ... · l~~ COLD POWER Detergent r eg. pa k .....•..•....... gia nt ....• ' t!ARHOR V•lW 1 f,fiO MAC AR 1 H(IOl NlWPOR I" BlACH o,,,..n 'J • B o,..1v. s,,., 'J {,~4 6(;(>0 CO LD PO\VER Detergent deal pak .••••••.•••.••.. giant ... -1.10 C1\SCA DE Di shw<i she r Detergent . -..•....•........ 35 oz .... 89C OJAI .. Face Soap ............. ·· ... ·· ..... ··•··.· -. · · rci::: .... 24C 1\JAX I~iquid Dish Detergent reg. pak •....•........ 22 oi. .... BOc /\JAX Liquid Dis h Detcr~entdcal pak .............. 22 oz .... 67C JOY Liquid Dis h De tergent .•.......•..•..... -....•. 22 oz .... 76C AJAX Cleanser reg. p;.1k •..... -....•..•.••..••.... 14 oz .... 2Sc AJAX Cleanser deal p<ik •..•• -..•..••••••• , .• -••.• 14 oz ...• 23C: COM ET Cleanser : ..............•.•... -.... -.•••... 14 oz ..... 2Sc CLOROX Liquid Bl l'ach ..........•. -.•..•. , ...... 1h gal., .• · 1l/C PU REX Liquid Bleach .... . ....•...•••••••.•.•.... gal ..... 79C \VR IGl-ITSSilvcr Polish ...........•..••.•.•.•...... 8oz ..... 49c SCOTK JN Lunch Na pk i ns ..•...••••••••••••..••.•.. 50 ct ..... 33C SCOTT Assorted Towels ............••.••..•• -.... bi g roll .... 51 c VIVAAssortcd 1'owels ...........•••...••...•... bi g roll .•.. 51c CHIFFON Toilet Tissue ..........•...•.••........ 2pack .... 42c llEYNOLDS Economy F'oil ....•.....•.....•...•. 12"x75'. -.. 79C PLANTERS Cas hews ...............••........... 61/• oz .... -1.01 BIRD'S EYE Orange Plus ....•.•.........••........ 6oz ..... 32C !\>1 INUTE J\o1 AID Orange Juice ..•......•.••..•.••••. 12 oz ..... 63C F'LEISCl-IJ\.1AN N'S Slick Margarine •.... 1 · ........... lb .•••. 76C JOt-INSTONS Sundae Yogurt ..•.•.••................ 8oz ..... JlC K JlA 1'1 Sliced A mcrican Cheese........ . .•.. · •..... 8 oz .... , 69C OSCAR MAYER Bologna ........................... 12 oz .... , 98C KNUDSEN Colt.age Cheese ...............•..•....... qt ..... 1.29 GIRA RD'S F'rench Dressing .............•........ !Ooz ..... 69C , CHICK EN OF T t-1 E SEA Chunk Light Tuna .•...... J IA oz ..... 33C PAMPER Overnight·Oiapers .••••.•......... · ...... 12 ct ..... 1.17 g~!t~~~:c~~~~~~k~-,.~~k~~-&;~p·:::: _._. .·: .-_. .-.-.·: .-: i:~::::: l~ CAM PB ELLS Vegeta ble Soup .................. ,., .:IBoz .... 42C BETTY CROCKER Angel Food Cake Mix .......... 16 oi .... 99c' BJ\KER$Choc.Chips ........••••..••. : ....•.•.•... 12oz.: .. '9C LIPTON Family Tea Bags •.•.••...........••..... 12ct ..•. 66( DECAF nsla nt Coff~ee .............. ·: ...• f ••••••••• 8 oz .... ,2 .33 " I ' I I I I • ,; ' I • ' { I i • " l I i ' ~ t j ' • I ' ' • i r. l I ~ ;- • f e l . ; • • ' I ' i I . I t . ' ' • j ' ' l . J I j • Wed nesday January 29 1975 DAIL V PILOT '(;fl ~· Diet Ideas a Good Catch Low-calorie Meals Come From the Seo By BARBARA G!BBONS Do you eat when you 're not l1ung ry'! Many people do. l·lc re- .are 10 reiisons why. WWeh one::; apply to you. .' · · WllY Pt:O PLE EAT WHEN T HEY'RE NIYf llUNGBY : l. TO /\MUSETllEMSELVES. Breaking out the potJlO chips is one way to break boredom , b ut nibbling is a JlOOr hobby. Next t ime you feel the need to nibble . get busy! :!. TO QUIT "'ORK. Since stop- p111g for m eals is a lc.:g1tin1ale rc- a:.on l o l a ke tinic off, the d e~ire lo escape a te dious task often 1n a s qu cradcs o.1::; i ruag inary huni;cr. If you're "hun gry'" ~1n hour or two after a gocxl mL·;:il take a break, nut a snac k If pos:,i bli:-, switch to a nother activity. 3 . TO ltEW/\HD Tl-1Er.1 S EL\1 t-:S. Surnc peup lc treat thcn1sclves lo sn:ic·k:-; in puyn1cnl l'ur a Joh "'c ll llone, 111· tu even the score over sonic slight l.)f grievance. Jjut burde ning your::;elr "'ith extra fl :dJ 1::. no re · v.· a r d. \\.'ht·n you feel short. .. :h c1 ngcJ by life, trl•:1t _vourst:Jf to sorn1..:1h1ng non1...·diblc . Spend rnunL'Y ur \\'as lt• lime if necC'si;:ary; you c:~1n a1'fo rd it 1n or c than fat 4. TO Pl.l·:A!'!iEO'flll·:n s. ''Hul l n1:.idc it just ror you." l)on'l be Grocery fJlAR INA /\sso rtcd Toilet Tissue ... 4 pk •••.. 65c WESSON 0;1. ..... , .......... 24 oz .... 1.09 F LEISCHMANN SUck Margadne ... I lb ..•.. 69c NEW HEARTLAND Ho t Na tural Cereal ... , •••......••.•.••.. 16oz ... 69c NABISCOCh;ps Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies MINUT E MAID ....... 14 oz •.. 39c Orange Juice ......... _ 16ozfrozen ... 69c BIRDSEYE Green Beans ... _ ..... 9oz ..... 29c . .. bull1t.·d 111Lo bul ~es. 'l'ho:-1.· \\ho rc: .. illy t'.1ro..• ~1 bout your "'L'll hP1n g \\'oll 't 111 :-.1:-.t on ~e1.·111g their t·ul1nar.\ ~ki lls dtsplayc<l 011 your b11dy 111 th l.' rorn1o(flab l)l.'unl\• \\'ho ('(1nt1nu;dly put t1·rn pl:1t1on in your p :tlh h;1ve dt.·1.·p, ll.1rk ~(·lf·servini.: !'1.·~1 sons fur prc\-l.'lll ing your~Ul't"•'""'· 5 'J'() JO I !\: (ff"llf__:RS . lt .\HU 0fL" throu~h c:1t1ng, dun'\ r1·:u·h for a se(.'ond ht.·lp111~ JU~l to h1.-·1·p ~our t:1blc1n;.ilt•:. t·on1p;u1~· ll .\'Otl "rc :il\\CI YS the.: first Ulll' l1n1 ~hcd, \\t1rk ut p utting on ;1 "h1·:1he" ~o :-.0111· n11...·:iltin1c pi.IL'l! 1n ~1ll'h1..·s t )\ht•r;;. Ii. IJ E('1\l 'S I·'. 11"S Tl l l·:ltl·:. Son1e pt•1;j.)IL· t ~ik t• OJ ''!\1ount _1·; \"c fl'S t'' ;..i pproat.:h lo s n:.ic k ~ H nd :.\\1'l!I:. . won 't rest until the pa1..·k:1gc 1s l'On11ucrcd ::in J L'lllilt.lo.:d . If you're like that , the onl y ;.•llS\\'Cr 1s lo keep IL'nlpl<•liun nut uf the h ouse. If s uch ll"(':1ts musl lit· pro\•idcd for ulhl·r::;, k1·eµ :.1 ng lc-:.ervlng µurt1ons 10 the lrcczcr .:.ind 1..lt:frost then1 one ;..it a ti llll'. 7. n1---:CAUSE l'l"S T l l\I F.. If \'Ull a lways h<ivc a three o 't"loek ;cc c:rt•a1n sand\\'ich, then "'it :i p .m . I CC CrL·:1n1 Sl'C ITIS a ll Cl'CSSity, If ynu (';111 go ;1 \\L'ck \\'lthout It. ) 1111 • \·c h r okt.·n I he Ii ._. \Jt t . Contr1 \'C lo bt· very, very busy. :.i t the ··1·r1 ,-.is ho ur", anti as f;u· a\\·uy frun1 ic:e crearn :.is you t'~Hl get . 8. Rl~(",\USI·: Y0l l P i\10 l;'(IJt l'I'. 'f hc lulJ "'<JS C'norn1ous und !>11 were the po1·tions. 11lll why p,1\' f11r 1l l\V1t·c the second l1n1t•, 0 11 you r st·:.i l.:• \'nu <.·;.in ~l'l }'our n1unf•} "• Yoorth frorn duling 11ul \\llhoul t·un:-.un1ing t•ve1·y last fnu1"'l'I After alt, the food is on ly p.1rl 1)t \11h;1t you p:.iy for ... nice !>Ur- roundings, a ltracti\'c de<:or, ;11 - lt.·ntive !>t·r v il't' i.ind <i nil,\hl uff fro m cooking a rc val ues you g1·l l '\'Cll if Yt)U don 't c le an you r plate. !l. '1'0 AVOID ''\VASTf.:" i1ut lht .. \\'or:;t w;1stc of >111 is tn turn food 111Lo needed v.':uls of f~1 l. I f l e ftover s ca n't b e du!-!J..:.\I · bagged . frozen or othcr\ViSl! rl'· eye: led into L1nolht.'1· n1cal, 1f h1>1Jl'· h·:.:-1\ un1·l·~·lu11nalllt'. betlcr lo lo-.-. 1l tllll 11!;111 1..1\'L'l'cal i\o 1n ,;\1~·r hO\\' 111;.iny s ta r ving PL'oplt: tllt·1·1· .1r1..· 111 lhC "'o rld , you e.111 '\ ht•lp 1ht·1n hy fi nis hi ng Lii) your :.011 ';:, ltoflO\'c 1· fr ies. ltl. (".,\l.()RJJ·:s 11.l.ITE RACY. i\1 :111~· \\ t•ll 1..·th1c;1lcd . highly in- fur111 .·d ,1ud olhL•t"\\'l:.C 1ntclligenl Pt:OP lt· ov1·1·1·.1t b('t·ausc th ey ":.1 ru µly dun ·1 h rv1\\' ;.iny bc ttl'r. "f he \'t•ry ~ oung. the old and n1cn ;1rcn't tht• un\y ones "·ith mis- t;.1k;1.·11 11til1nns about y.•hich roods f attL'll ll t•a ltb food (ans, honll'nlakt•rs ant.I self-st y le d go11r n1 c-t (·noks l':Jll <tl so harbor <1ua1ntly i n<1t·u1·att: notio ns ... I n~c-:1 u ~t· 1 n i.. n1i\1· Jcdge t here is .,... i l I IJO\\i_•[', AD ITEMS GOOD THRU SU N DAV, FEB. 2 Lu ckily f()r IJ ik1n1- \\'CUrC'rs. rt·sort ;11·L·;1s and se~1food u:.U<dly ~o togelht.·r . ~L\ l\T IN I S TYL E S llH.IA1P M e at R ICHARD 'S CALIFORNIA GROWN TURKEY PARTS Breast of T11rkey ............ rib cage removed .. 1.49 lb Turkey Drum::.t1ck.s ......... individual servings ... 79c lb Turkey Thighs •....•.......... all dark meat ... 98c lb Turkey Wing:; .. _ ....... serve with brown rice ... 59c lb C a ndlelig ht M eats Stuffed Cabbage R o lls ......• _ ...... oven ready ..• 98c lb Richard's Meat Loaf •••...•.. packed in foil pans ... 98c lb Stuffed Chicken Brea::ilS ..... , .. parsley dressing .• ] .39 lb SineL' SL0:1food is only a fr;_1rt1on or t hL" C<.tlo1·1t.·.s of niost meals. sun lovers C:Jll gL'IH:!l";t \ly dine dl-!· li t' i Ou s 1 y on loeal spel'1a It ies. I'' I~ 0 It I 0 !-\ ·S T Y L l·: SNAPPER 2 pounds red snappt'r fillets 2 tablespoons oil :1 t ub!c:-;poons or;.ing:c ju ice 2 t(·a::.poons g rated orange rind 1 k te as poon nutn1t.·g :Salt a nd peppcr Thin orange slit'es ror garnis h (optional; :! puunc.ls shrimp. fl'cs h 1u· fl·nzcn :.! t;1hll's poons die t n1arg:1 r1 nl' 2 tL"as ponnss a!t !)a s h of c ayenne pcppl.'t' :J tables poons d ry vermouth 1 1:: tab l espoo n s \~n1onj uice 1'h a\\', peel and cle<.1 n till' r:1\v s hrin1p. Cook in ;i nons tick skillet in die t 1n arg;1rinc fo1· 8 to 10 n1inutl.'S. t il pink. Add r c- n1;11nin g ing r edie nts . ('ook and sti r over hig h heat one to l\\'O minutes. Ser ve hot or col<l as a n1 ea l o r app e tiz e r. SL·r\·cs four, lfi9 ('alorics each. French or regular cut frozen .. /~.'--1··-',,.'-'<--":..,__.,,,._....:::::·~..-ol-~~~-~~~r-;-·..-.• ~-.-1 ,~·'<C ·1 ;,.1';· ~ -~·~ .. -...... ...._~,_, .. ,~~.,; ,., __ wC ~~_c-r......-...,.J 4 .. "1?:'\~--E.,._.. ,, ... ..,"""" ..... .,-."\.~-..... .,'I., ---;f'~.!..W\.(°~{;"f""_.,...,,.. ... --~·-···~·-· '"l,i 'I),..,;-......._.~•· -_..!.~·~{~;\-..._.,, ' ·~--.. .•. ·-' ' -....... .-~-. •. -'"'•r •·~ ··~·'--• ~ 'l'h<.t \V fi s h if frozen (othe r fis h m:.iy be suh· s titutcd ). l)!acL' in :.i :;1ng lc layer :.k1n-:;1dL' .-duwu.,. ~n ;.y_1_g,,cn~·ovf -~t I r e s <'afood slim· lfi: ~~ , ·~ ·$1~· ~ _,. ~... ~ ·-..• ,,,..__..-. T~r . •· ' • ...,,,.. -... ,<;;.:,...._. _ :_ _ _: ·-"-,.~~·?'.,~ • 100"' Wh I Wh B d l lb I f 7 I ~\"-,' . -'furbot Fillets . . . . . . . ..... _ .. ·. . . ....•....•.. 89c Jb 0 '<> R0 1f C'J t rea ····• oa ·6·r··5_.c f : ;::: flounderFitlets ....... , ..................... 1.09lb range 0 '··················:·.·1· or oc f"' '·1 'PLEASEDONOTHES ITATETO ASKFORPERSONAL /\ngclfoodCakc ............ noicong .... 2.67 ~. --~ ', SERVICE LemonDani~h ....•.•..•.......••.• 2 for S!c f;-1, ~-~ I li'-" • RIC HARD 'SC~o~!i ~~:~~.sen [" ·~; .. Salad , •.......... _ ....... , , ] 4 OZ ••. 55L '$.-' '' RICHARD 'S Oven Baked Ham ... 1/2 Ib .... 1.89 A . RICHARD'STelemeJackChee>e . l /2lb .... I 25 p ·· An outstanding sC'lection o f th~f incs t French Pastries Now Ava ilable Everyday In Our Bakery uoo 3433 VIA l.100 NEWJ-ORT BEACH Open 9 · 7 O;,.!v ti73 GJGO HARBOR VllW 1660 MAC ARTHUR NEWPOR T l!EACH Open 9 · 6 Daily. Sun 9 644·6660 ·~.-~----~--- A- ~~~;­ ~~ ..... ,; .. r I!.":-.-...~'\ .... j~·: . ·.~\~'\-i , I Liquor EARLY TIMES This week Richard 's features delicious fuerte avocad os'for 13c each , a nd yummy bananas for 13c a pound . Forbidden 7 At this price , who would · d eny themselves the plea sure 7 Co mbin e oil , juit1c. sclf-addrt•sscd envelope · • rind , a nd seasonings. and 25 ("('nts to ""Sl~IM pour over fish. l!akl.' :1l G<>U Ill\! E'f SF.1\1'-00D :!75 d cg r·ecs fnr 20 ll l~l'l l,ES "incarcoflhe n1in utcs or until fi:-;h llailv f'i lot. ~O West flHkc s easil y. SCr\·e::. Shor~ 'f rail, Sparta, N.J. eight, 1·10 c-aloricscaeh. 07871 . Rich Dessert: A Porcupine Almo nds :.ind chocolate -fuvoritc in g re~ die nts in th e c ui s ines o f Spa in and Me xico as \\'ell a s ·Engl<ind -arc con1binc.'<i he re \Vith 3 wine-dri zzled s ponge eake and ~• t llslard S<IUCC . '\'cs. this dessert 1s as good as it sounds ! ,\nd 1ts's int e 1·estin~ look in~. too. \\'il h a lmon d h alves .studding the ca ke i n 1>0rcupinc -o r he dgehog: -fashion . lncidc nt::1l ly, you·11 fi nd the toa st ed :.ilmonds ensicr lo split "'hile they a re ::;till \V<:lrn1 . Use a lhin-bladed knife \!Jith a point· cd tip. l round spon ge l'akelayer (Sor 9-inc h ) 1 .! cup \\·inc such ns l\l a dc ira or sweet s herry 1:! l'UP 1,1,•h olc bl..1n('heJ aln1ond::;, toasted 6eggs 2 c up::; n1 ilk 1 c up s ugar 1 1 ll'<iS poon e 11111:1n1u11 1 :.-cup s h ~1 vl'd nr chopped !-.C'mi·S\\'Cel t hocol:t t c or s (· 111 i-~ \\ L'l'l n1i ni . c:h i ps Drizz le the \I ine O\er the (•akc. Split lhc allnond::; a nd slick t hl'Ol a ll ovl'r the cake, sin all ends up. l\'1:.i kc :i ('l'Can1 1·usl;1rd by hcntin).l lhe eggs a nd con1 bining \\'ilh milk, sug;:n', <Jnd cinn<imon. Cook in ;i rnelal pan over hot \\•alel', s l1r1·ing, or ~al gently \\•ilh a wire \\'hip / jf \ Cook L'llStard j ust u nti l it bubbles. Le t cust:.i rci cool, then pour around and o ... ·er cake. S prinkle with chocolate. Ma kes about 10SCl"\"lllgS ,y ,,,y .. o. • ·····~···············,·····················y···················· .. •. upon good lhtu-Feb.O. 1975 Coupon good thru Feb. 5. 1975 _ Goupo11 good lhru Feb. 5, 1976 I ON E COUPON PER AOU LT CUSTOMER I ONE COUPON PER AOULT CUSTOMER I ONE COUPON PE R AOULT CUSTOMER : I OllE 6\.S oz. CAii : ONE HEAD : . ' I : . STAR KIST I BOSTON BUTTER I RICHARD'S . BAKERY I I CHUllK LIGHT TUllA I LETTUCE I FRENCH PASTRY I !' 394 : 9¢ ' ' : 25¢ Qff. : ' ' l ' • " \ With this coupon O.P. I With thi' coupQn D.P. I With this c;ou pon O.P.: • Ont 6K..ol.,_QJ_n__Stii~1lt. Tuni '--· • · ..:• O•'e HeAt.I B0$1 0fl 8u1tc1 Le ttuc•· ~ I ~ 25c OFF R1ch,ud's FreQctl Pa$,fY I ..• ··--···~·····-••illli-·················---~···················· ' ' Poultry Sauce Tasty Low -cal doesn't ha ve to mean no-tas te, and here is ;:i pe rfect exam . pie. ·rhc rooler is the rich tasting s;_1u ce. Broccoli is a colorful, nutritious compliment to the t hi c ken. I C1\N'T BELIEVE IT'S LOIV C A LOR IE "" CH ICKEN l rrying chicken, cut 1 tablespoon fat 1 cup water 1 en vel o pe (:W. ounce) a u jusgravy mix _I tablespoon p aprika 1 2 cup dairy but· term ilk Brown chicken In rat: pour off excess fat. 1\dd Wtltcr. con tents or gravy niix e n velope. a n d pupr1k~1 ; cover nnd s in1. n1e r 40 to 50 minutes un- til le nder. Re move from heat a nd s tir in butte rmilk. J-lt!nt, but do not boil. Mnkes 4 to 5 se rving s; 230 calorics each . 1 . • • ... ' -.. .-. ' .. ~ (.'10 DAILY PILOT Wednesday, Jsnu•ry 29, 1975 • By CF.CIL.V BROWNSTONE lo.)tec i.tM ~ ~ II! .. _ i\ new version or chall.ah . the Jt'wtsh sabbath bread , came lo n ll' highly rtcommendt!d. ~ . f •lly of a Bread But \\!hen I glanced ut the re (·tpe, I \\10r\dered about the l n 1.:r1.· dients . Would the flavor uf thl· dill pick le, onion and carav.,.1y seed in the filling be too hearty'! llow about usinuicklc juice a :> part of the liquid in--rtrc-<lough ? I il\:c·dn't h;.ive h ad any tre pitl u· tron. \V il c n \\'e tested the rt•<:ipe I foun ll these Dilly Bra ids ha .. ·c 0.1 ffii.lrvelo u s te xture and the ir flavor is 011 thesubtlc sic1 e . '·, ... ' . • • .. . '' ' . ' Super ·}Dessert ~.Simply !;:Grand • }:, llt•l t'"' .J j~flllllPl"Otl ., :~·a :-.y lf'j".h fr uit d l':O:..,(·rr f·::H11llll'\I111 11•t' r1n1nTl1-. for Sa bbath 011..LV BRAIDS 4 12 lo 5112 cups flour 2 tablcs poons s u g;,ir I 1 1 teaspoon::\ salt I pac kage uctive dry ye<.1~t 1 ~ 1:up water 1 ~cu p dill pickl e liquid At Ralphs we've sweetened the savings for our 1 s cup butler or m llrgar1nl' 4 eggs 0 1lly 1''Hhng, see be lo"' In u large mixing bo~·I. thoroug hly :;tir togetl:er IV... cup:i. uf the fl our , the sugar', s;.i.lt i.ltld · unrli:i.sol\'ed yeast. In a 111l'd1uo1 saucepan he at the 1vatcr, pickle liquid a nd 1,:i cu1> butle r until very warnl ( 120 to 130 Jcgrecs) :,._ butter does not neeJ to n1clt ; g radu<ally s tir into dry 1 ngr1·d i l' n I ~. l~e ;.1l ~ 1n111 utt·s a l m ed iurn s pc·1·d uf i·lL·1:Lric mixer . s t:raping bo...,11 t1eC'a .-.s1onall y _ . .\dd :J "'hlllL' c~gs, 1 egg \Vhi!v :ind 1.: l"UP nnur. 1!eat al high speed for 2 1ni nulcs, scrapin g: bowl ocl'as ion<.1 lly . With \~'llodcn s poon, s t ir in l'nou,e.:h <1tld1t1onal fl our (2 ;~4 to 31 1 eups) lu m :ikc a soft dough. 'furn uu! onlo li ghtly floured ~urfacc · knl·;.id until smooth and t·l:1:.tic -8 lo 10 rninules . l"'l ucc dough In greased hov.•I. turning to grease top. Cover with c lean dish lov.•el : Jet rise in "'arn1 rlr af1 .fr1.:c plact• until doubled about l hour . l)uneh d o"'" llough; turn orito li ~htly f111ured :i.urf;u·e ; divide 111 hillf. !loll v nc h<.1lf into u 12 by 9 in1:h rectan gle. Cu t le ngthwise into three 12 by 3 inch strips. Spread 2 to:J tables poons fi ll in ~ ll·ngth\\'ISL' down l·enlc r vf c:1t:h ~1r 11.>. J.sr1ng long e dges ot "-'<ttll :-;t1·ip uvt..·r fill1 1i~ a nrl pinch to sc:1I edges, n1aking 3 ropcs. !'lace •·opes, SC'um sul1• tlo1\·11, un grcas t'd t:OOkll• s ht't,'I : p1nel1 togcthL·I' a t one end· bri.Jl<l tuL·k 1.·nds under and seu\.0 ' ltepl'al \Vith rem aining dough and filli n~. Co\'er and let risl' i11 ' \1:.1rn1 draft .f1'l't' pllll'l..' un1il doubled -about I hour t\lix remainin'g egg )Olk\\ ith l -w· 1 t ~s poon <·ol<l Willer ~ lightly bru:-.h lu:.i\'l'S 1\Jth n11~turc l!:i ke 111 a I 111·h ... ·..itetl ·IOU·dl'/.! l'l'•: oVl'll until lua\ ... ·~ sound holll111• 11 hL·n t11p1h·d 011 l1Vtto n1 ;,incl :-,idt·:i. 2!> n11111J1~·:-. lt\'lilU\C tu Wll'l' rn<·ks lo t:oid llclll·1~1u:-. :-.._f1t.·d 11·urn1 (runl tile OVell \\1th ;)\Vl'f'l bu\ll'I' Ul' c ream che1.·:,e . Braids st ~1y fresh for S1..'Vl't"•' <lay::; ~·hl'll ~tor1·d o.1t roun1 l.c nl· pL•ralu1·L· ot' in th1· rc frigl'r ator· :111t\ also t1'et•11· \\.._•II 111 1·1thc1· l'<i.'>l' n1ay b1· l'L·li~'.t!l'd . l\l ~1 h.t·:-i. ~ lou \'t"S l)ill\' Filliui.; ln a lll ·int·h ~kdll't . n1ell ~ t .il 1lt·s poo ns l>utl1·1· vr rlt;Jrgar 1111'. 1\dd l t,:Llp finl·l.v ·t·hnppC'd 0111un : f'o11k f,!en tl y, !>l ir r ing oftt.•n . until "'iitl•(\. ()ff lil':ll , :-l i1· in 1 ;: L'Ui> l'iilt:ly 1:huppt·d dill pi1•kh'. I !alJll'SJ)uun l'OlllHll'l"l'tal :o.0111" 1·re.llll iUl d '~· ll•a:-.pOOll l':Jf;J\I H\ ~1·1.•11. use both parts of the coupon for •Jt00df 011 a :m lb. bag of s11gar "-C PL~ ~ ~ /,:lo~ ~ s lb. ba& of sugar • lO• 10 lb. bq; o1 .....- •: 'l'hv ...,1111plt· :-1 1111·1· 1.-. ' ::11h:1I r11:1kt.·:--!!\1-; .,Ii ~:-.p1·c·1.d II t :-. JU -.l .1 111.d •• -t.·1· uf :-;t1rl'HlJ..! luJ..!t'lh1 ·r ;1 ·.'(·;111 111 t·lioi•c1l:J\<.· .... und;1l· , ·:-..111rt•. tnus ll'cl :-.ll11•r1 ·d :·~;dn111 11d ...; ;i nd :i hll ,,1 ~":run1 . hul it 1s ..,11 g ood' 102nd anniversary Ratphsor CSRSugar 1.111\1! llnt' lt ... •111 and On ... Coupuu ··-== Add:onal OFF I :.::::::::'· ·:.l~t ..... , ..... • \110\ht'J' I ltll l', :-,t•f'\'I· .. fhl' :O.;J U!'l' 111 l'I' lt:I' ('l"('<J Ill , ., PI N f:A lll>J~I·: l 'llAl\"'rlLl.Y ~\\'/'I'l l /\l.!\·1 f>Nf) ·~ l'l lOCO L1\'l'1<: SAUCE ·: l cup "·hippi n :,: ('ream •' 2 l o.1blc s poun !> . :po,.,·der·ed s ug:.i r ' 1 cup frc:s h pinci.lpplt' ~<·hu nks • Ralphs Anniversary Savings "Coupon and a Half" Beef Chuck -Center Cut -...Size .:. I c up r·ed g 1·upcs. . ;1>a1vod ""d "ceded "' 7-Bone Beef • 'Sl 1cl'd b:.in<.1 11 as Pork l' ... ·r ('u,;1.t>1Til.'• ¥/,,h t '. 1'1 I""' 1,-, "1~'1"'~ .ol t 'uupon Etfn;l1 ~e ,Jun. 30 through Fch 5 ,..,..,1 .. '• ""'""''"·""-" ~··1 Huot I ""\ mil' 1~••h• '' , "<I•·", K,., '" I ,,. "' '"''"""~ 1, 1, h ' COUPON AND A HA.Lf' -J"""- use this part of the coupon for 50cd£ on a S lb. bag of si1gar Super Bakery Super Produce Ralphs E•cluslve -Full l'h lb. loaf E1tr• Fancy W•1hington Soper Golden Delicious .~JJ,l!OJ!J1";~~ ~ 2 l <lblt>s po un :-Roast .;; l 1 v"' r c d .... l 1n on d :". . lb. I '~ast.«i~""'-~ .. -t..uc.....,..._...,. 4 ,.,.\l(\r~.eo.._ . .,,'rfCo:!>::f"' .w•;ov.,,,.,,~.Jii. ,"fO, • ':-"2 I :J!J)\'!'>f'\HHI..,: 1"11111 pr.aad IT,,. , , .,~ .... ..,,43 ,Sl~sc.. ., ... ~ ..... J,9.," .. ,,;, , .. : 1 · . Q;ffe:;~kes ~:~: .49 Ki~~;nTangerines per lb .... 25 . ~ .~, Chocol1.1t1·-/\·ln1orHI BeelLoin-TailRemoved ~.._ _.::SU,u.,c~.. T_D,,...... Cillilorniil Grown ~Wing Chickens R•lphs-Dellck>u1 AU Purpose l"\@rlge Tea Cakes .. ,h .98 \'/hite Rose Potatoes , .. lb .• 15 ... ~:.HY ~'Cf~arTfh'1'h'f);;tirt'.· '~FU.::-, !1~~ ":' c ut up ,l!i lb . :~:28 stvs;;;;;;.v Pies s1z8~ 1.29 [))\'~j~~ up;~·.;; .25 .10 .19 · I-• • ' • I I ' I sin· In sug:1 r. 1\l SCl"\'i n.i,: Steak 'tirr1L', n1 ix fr uit. ;iln1011d,, s .ant.I run1 into \\'h ipped c rC<im . Spoon int o 1; per Ibo. Mild, Sweet, U.S. No. 1 ~~h('rbet !.:l~1:-.s 1 ·...; ur· d1·ssert bo\\•ls :ind 111p ~\·1th 1\lrl'tond l"hocol11T1· S ;1Ul'l'. .\I 01 on d · (' h u (' o I at t· -Sa u t•f•: :\dd 2 t ahJl'.., pnf/11 :-. lo<.i ~lt•d :-.\11 l'I t•d aln1011d s and 1 1 :.t~l v.» 'i>uon rum lt11 C'U IJ 1·:in11t·rl 'l-hueol HI e s 11 nd ;rt! :o.a \l<'t" . Burgers Crunch l ;i\"l' Jl\'\V !l.1\nl' ;i nd l l''\ t n r 1· 1 nt l ' r(• . .,\ t ,, .st;1ndb~ h.1 111 hur ;...1·1· l 'omh1ne ~our l.11<111l1' burger n11.\l1IJ l'. .11ltl111g 1.: t·up t 111 1·!.1 l h11ppt•d 11 ;ii nuts !01· 1'.1t'h I µ<111n cl l)f rncal . Sh.q •L· 1111u g l'lll'!'OU S p;Jllll':-., Spr1n kl1· 1i11t· ... 1dl' 111111 co a i-:-; c I~, t' ti~· p P L' d \\·a/nut,..;, p1·1·:-..,1n~ IH nil ,\ in!o n1 c;.i! Jl:111·try pl.1J11 ,:-;id1• dO\\'tl , 1!1 r t1 !llf'll li ght ly h J"O\lll \l.Ji11u! studded ."lt dt'. S{'r \'e 1\'o.dnui :-.ld l' u11 H!l buns 0 1· :-;l i t1 ·~ 111 r 1 '" '\ h!•ll' 11 hl'al or i·ru~t\ h1·1·,1d <:~1rni~h \\1111 ll·i !lie • 111111.11 11.ind 1n11q1 1 Doubl~up, :America. !; If you d,;~,-•• "°'' ~•by yourself, you're if .pending twice os. much ,, 9"10ney on commuting :1• aa you s hould. • Cut it in half. Take a friend. R Not only will your ~: doily commute cost • . you hoH os much, but thot monotonous tnp w1U be o lot more pleospnl. '; And, if every commuting • cor carried just two • persons, we'd save 5 ~ billton gallons of gasolinl! • lhis year, ond wed even ochleve mo;oi-reducllons ~ a ir pollution and ffofflc congtstl0f1, So. we'd 101111 o lot of •ntrsi y -including y0t.rrs. Hot o bod poyoff, i• ii, ' for th1 pltowre tom• <Ofr4>0ny7 -. Too can ritk: cheaper tllJn 1•rK.~. Any Size Package Ground Beef Beel Round-Boneless Beef Tip Steaks Beel Chuc:k -Clod Cul Rolled Beef Roasts l ean Cubes Stewing Beef Quick To Fl• Beef Cube Steaks Oven Ready -Seasoned Beef Meat Loaf Fine Fo• Bar·B-0 Beef Riblets Pork Shoulder-Pic:nic Slyle Fresh Pork Roasts lb .85 lb. 1.59 lb. 1.39 lb. 1.29 lb 1.49 Ob .79 lb .• 59 lb .• 89 Po1k l oin-1/l Center Cut -1/1 End Cul Mixed Pork Chops lb. 1.28 Pork Shoulder Pork Steaks lb. 1.09 U.S.D.A. Choice -Fresh Shoulder Lamb Chops •b 1.49 U.S.O.A. Choice -Fresh Sirloin Lamb Chops •b 1. 79 Wilson -Fully Cooked-Waler Added Boneless Hams !':f~~ lb. 1.48 Skinless Sliced Beef Liver Wil son-Rope Style Smoked Sausage lb .• 69 lb 1.39 Young Turkey Wings or Turkey Drumsticks lb .• 49 Norbesl -Sell· Basting Junior Turkeys lb .• 89 F;y;r p;rt;ks -Thigbs -Calilornl:b. ,SQ Fisherman's Cove F,:;;st;"&;!;; Fillets "· 1.89 lb. 1.49 Northern-Cold Wa ler Fresh Perch Fillets Columbia River -Pan Ready Fresh Smelts lb .• 89 Super Spirits Sandra Vodka Save .30 2.99 !!Ith Old Glenwood -6 Vea• Old Straight Bourbon "11h 3.99 Sandy M•c Altlater Imported Scotch <;Ith 4.59 Red -White-Rose Renee French Wines ""h 1.69 Brown Onions pe1 lb. Fresh. Crisp. U.S. No. I Celery eac:h Super Flowers Fr•1h Super Deli Ralphs Cream Cheese CUt .. , .43 ~~!!!~~ns b""" .92 871 8 ot. 1.39 ~!!~ ... e~!~~~ Pol each • Plllsbury-E•tra L~ht Buttef1'!1ilk Biscuits 7Y.oc. ,19 Kosher Knockwursl or · 1 49 Hebrew Ncit'I Franks. 12 oc • Osc•r Mayer-Meat or Beef Franks Clau11l!n-Whole or 'h lc:icle Kosher Dill Pickles Blue Bonnel-• Stic:k Regular Margarine Saltol1 -4 Slick _ Safflower Margarine Bull111mllk or Oven Aeildy Ballard Biscuits Ralphs -Delicious Sour Cream 11b .• 98 """I .95 "b .66 lib .• 75 ,.,,,,_ .15 Vi pin t .29 Gold Dust Plants .. c h 1.47 Super Household Values Coronado cOokware -2 OL Size Covered SaucePan 6.99 each Ralph s Super -One Size -Popvl1• Sh1des Panty Hose o,;, .57 Stackable -Assor1ed Designs Ironstone Mugs .. ,h .57 Fluted -As s'!. Colors -Al uminum Bundt Pan s '"h 1.49 Prices effective January 30 through February 5. SuperBuys ~~~~~~----- Ralphs na1phs-Frozen Beef or Chicken Treesweet-Pink Catering ::.~~~ Orange Rice-A-Roni !~~ Grapefruit Ice Cream .98 Juice ",~~ .47 Rice Mixes .39 Juice .. ,~'" .49 Health 6 Beauty Solt -Medium -tfs•d PepsodentToothbnJsh Miss B•eck Hair Spray Ari!1·Pe<spir1n1 Arrid Spray D•v -Normal -O•ly Breck Shampoo Sl•"O"• Medicated Pads Regur;ir-Wolll Body Breck Creme Rinse l!illCh .39 1301 .. 79 CRn e 1C ot. 1 77 c:•n • 1501. 1 49 bolll• • 75ct. 113 '" . 1~01. 1 29 boll I~ • Frozen Food Slok•ly"• -A••ort•d Y•••l!ll•• Menu Maker Vegetables Minule M•ld-Vn1w .. 1ened Grapefruit Juice Ro1••ll• -Frozen Mexican Dinners Green Gl•nt-Wllh Butter Seuce Broccoli Sf>l!ars ~e~~n:'Cot, Appl• -Ch••l)'-Pe1ch-,lluebe1ty •Sara lee Pies 11 Ol. ··~ 12o.:r . '"" 15 or. .... 1001. pkg. pkg. ... .89 .59 .69 .62 .89 '"" 1 69 pkg. • Pantry Fillers N1bi1co -Pr11mlum Saltine Crackers 1501. 67 ••••• Chun~w -Meettlm•. Chic. SI•• or Pm! Sl•w ,, 01 33 Kai Kan Dog Food "; • Sweirl Po1110 Plecir1 29 0 1_ 59 PrinceUa Yams "" • 2 \or. 79 c:1n • Com1loc~-C1nned CheryY Pie Filling fl or. 2 39 ...... . Pu•ir CotriOil Mazola Oil S ib. 1 09 ••• • Sklppv -Nugge11 Dry Dog Food Pantry Fillers Oerin•1on·1 -Reg o• Hot -Wllh Beans Chili Con Came O!et -As•o•l•d Fl1~0•1 Shasta Drinks Ble1chirs Ou l Steins Ajax Cleanser Ro11uil• -Canned Retried Beans 01lne1bu•'lle•• -Wi1h Clloe'Je Dog Food Chel Soy·A•·Otie "'Beefaroni 15 Ol, .49 '"" ''°" 15 C•n1 • ,. oz. pkg. JO 01. '"" .22 .83 ""'~•IO'"•<>~'•' f> O• 1;10...,lo•t-r•<>ton Ralphs Everyday Low Prices l!~···-..... 1 ........ Clam Chowder ··.~· •• 49 Mo~•-•-AU*'I .. ,,,.,.,, Intensive Care Lot10n bo<•• .89 ··;":~ .93 "~""' ...... ··~· Crest ToothparJte Oo"d"""' "''"' Right Guard ~ ... "'"' .~ 1 ...... Tampa• Ta mpons -=·~· 1.37 ........ Mytanla Liquid ;!::,~ 1.54 Bridgford'• Bread 1~;-.14 .............. _,,.,.~_,.,, .... ,..... 31 Grapelruit Juice ,..,.c • .' • Au l -lu "°'"·•••l.H•-'•••••clo 53 B•nquet Dinner• ... ,., • °"..,._,, ..... G•rllc Bread -...... ,_,,._ Orange Jule• ~:~ .. 54 n.':' • ..57 c ... ,,. ..... _. """ Campbell's Soup .~~ .21 s1< .. o-C"'"'"oolo•• Boullton Cubes ·;:; .. 23 ........ , ...... Long Grein Rice ;.:: • 73 ................ -...... -.r-1 Ground Colle• , ...... 1. 2 CMuo•O• ... s. • light Chunk Tuna . ......... Strawberry Syrup w.,... .......... .. Sugar Subttltule ............... •Dry MUk ~· •. 84 -:.~ .45 -:.~ .. 85 ... , ... _,. .. !! ...... , .... , ... G round Cartee ::':. 1 .1 2 ...,,. .. ,_ ...... c: ........ Ins tant Bouillon ·.:;.:.~ .35 . ... ~ ... ··•·· Orange Drink ~:O'. t.82 • ........ c:... . 'R.E.D. Salmon '".~·. 1.39 Rice Seatonlng MbtH '·~";: .24 MoolO•o-J"""''''° II Sauerkraut ~ .67 ,.,,,...,H..,oo-11 ... G•""' Ground Coffee S••t1 1-9'i<•d ' Dried Be e f 'IMTC-,.i-1-otl Ra th Ham Sllces !!'~ 3.30 2"~: •• 79 .. 2.98 "Asterisked Items not available in the following store1: __ .,.., ...... ._~. Lool-o. "O'"' -"'" \ ................ ..,._ \ ... ..._ ............ 8 .... L-............. \,~"''"''" ·-.i..;.... •. .,,.~.·--­·-l~f""'-°"' IHA-o ~·~W ~t<,r•­ LMA-•, l>fto)IW • -· ,_ ...... ,,., ... ,. ........ . _ ..... c,-...,,...·•~· °'-"" 1 r.-. ... 1• .. --.•."'l'l•.-.. .. .--. , .. , ...... ,.,. ·-·t'"'-""" ... __ ..... ~* ......... _ ..... L"-'''"-"" __ ..,,u,. ... ....,._ c-"'""'"""...,._ ~-_....-~ ..... . Yo ......... D:IO .. """--~-IOM* T--• ... "r-MJ<••-""'--•.,o.1tJl)I~- r-- -,gff'>·-- - , r---,~b·---., Better Homes & Gardens I S••• ,10WltF1 Cfffl'O"I #IJ2 I I Sev•.l 7 ~ ,01 l•• With C°""°" •IJT I =-;~:::;.~; r.::~~ .... . _,IV,.,,._.,.._ .. ....... '"'1• .. ...,.... .• ~ .. __ ..... ,,.,. ............. ~--, .. -- w1•oon C~·,.U•d I •" -llto"·On I f~:~ks .:,, .55 : I ,.~sp•rant ~~.:.~ .59 : ~ I UmotOri•!tom•ridO"•'O"""'"P••Cu11om•• I I Ll ... ll On•ll-•"•°"•Co .. pcin P•1 C .. 11oftll•r .• The Sur&er mar et (<>1t1lon E.l!ir,tlwo Jin. JO IFlt0..9~ F•b S C~poft !n1C1l•• J•n )(I !Flrou9FI Fob. t r- laD Encyclopedia ( D of Cooking Vol. #1 .49 " Vol. #2&3S1.99 L - --.;~~~---,J L---~~~~---~1 lWPtfS STORES ARf LOCATED AT: 380 E. 171'1 ST., COSTA MESA. 9901 ADAMS BlYD .. HUNTINGTON BEAOt 15471 S. BROOKHURST, WESTMINSTER. 24167 PAIB> DE VALENCIA, LAGUNA HIUS 1~1 171'1 ST., TUSTIN. 401 N. LOAllA. AJIAllEIM 6942 WARNER, HUNTINGTON~ :sTOIE HOURS: 9-10 Daily, 9.9 S;undaY · l \ • . ' l •• ' . ' ... , . ' . . Loaf Cuts Fine Pin t'applt• (.'lit·t·,c· Brc~d 11 :1 ~: g r t•a l versaLillty a s .1 n :1t·1·11n1 panimt.•nt l ur :-.a l .. HI t1r soup, Lt lunt:hbo~ I l'l'<ll, or as the s l<.ir ur a 111<:111(· or burfet. fl is e as y 1o 1n;1k c>, :111d t he re s ult is " t·r1111 eh v fruit-cheese loaf '' 1\ II :.ul interesting cu1nln 11;..it1on t1f flavors. rJNt~i\l'l'J ,I~ Ctlt.:t:SE lllll·:,\L> 2 1 :.! cups :-.d i • J :tll purpos e flour 1/-t cup s ug~u· 2 teaspoons U<.1k1n g pcwde r 1 t cnsponn s;dt I~ lt'ii ::,ptHHl "Ptl.1 I e gg .J t1.1 bles poo 11~. 1n1I\., 11:.1 cupod l cup gr:J!L'tl tlu.:dd<.1r C'heese Jh cup sliced pimicn- lo-stuffed grt'L'n olivt•s . I (8 1 1 Ollrlt'••) c'tlll (·rushl'd p1nt•;11111lt· I t c<1 s punn nt\.·ll1 ·d huller llf'~1f1. flu11r \l 1111 -.ut: ar. baking flH\\d1·r -..d i. :ind s oda 111!0 11 11:-.11\).! lxl"•I. llcat l'J.!l! ti;..:htl-. ""ilh milk . · 1\dd oil, cht'l '"t'. 0 Jivc.:s. and undra i ned p1ncap· plL·. Stir 1nlo d r y · 1nix· lUr<'. bl entl111g J U~l unlll all of flour 1s n1ois le nt·d . 'furn into grl';1:-.1·d !Illy 5 by 3 inch lo:.if po.i n l!o.t kl' b t'l o w o ven 1·enlt•r in modc r :.1lt·ly slu\\ n \'L"ll , 325 d f•grc t·~ 1-' .• till n1inutcs , u nl ll lo:i f is bru\11 nc d a nd test..; dont', l!rush l op \ll i!h 1nl'IL1·d bulll'r . !.t•l sl ;111d 1n pa11 JO llll llllll'S. ll'll'll lU!"!l out otltl? ?t'irt.· r :11·k ''' ~·011l . :" ..... ,J,,·~"l(;...,l .... ·~,.. • -.··:..-........ Diet Blahs Beaten I f you 're ~till l"'l'k111 g ;11 the scale thr11l1gh p'11·t ed fi n gl·rs . ,..l'hP Zut" ('hini 200" C'a:-. ... t·ruh· .... 11 1 ht>lp !Jc:1l <l 1•·t t~1 r1 dur!I :ind kt'l'P ~u u 1111 l ht•11 ,.111 tral'k . Z11 l'<:hi n1 .11 11! ~ri•tJ11d b eef :-.auC'c up vv 1th f lav11r s ltali:1nn. 'l'h;il l.ioon l n di e t er :-.. \l/or cc s t cr~hirP :-.;1 u c__:c provides an l':>.l ra zi p ,\11 lhis <.i l JUSL 20tJ t'.di!rlt'!'I rt·r ser ving Serve v.•1th gi·t·t·n :-.al;.1d ~nd lo w calorit~ tlrt·s..,1ng , m clba tu:.ist . frl·:-.h fru11 s kim milk ;.111d 1·ol l t·v or l c;_i 'T iii·: Zl C '(.111~1 200' C1\S S J·:lt4 11 .I·. l pound 1-!.l'lHlrHI 11 .. ,.f I f'l l Jl <'h1)p1x·d t·t•lt'l'Y 1 la r i.:l' (;1hu u\ I 1xn1ndJ ZUl"l'h1 111 ... q 11;i..,h, :->hrt•d .Sall ;ind l 't•p p1·1 1 C!tn ( 1 110 111111) tomatot"" J l ~t bl \.'"'IJ!!U tl :­ Worccs ft•rs h1rt• :-.;11 u·1· I l f'ospnon s11 ;._:;11· :I l;tlJIL•:-p•l(\11.., ,_;r.1H·d l'c1rn11·:-.;1n ehct·~,. ('nok b(•ef c1nd 1·1·IL·ry in ..,kill el until h1•1•f hro\\'ns : remove frorn :-.k1ltt·l Hrown '/.l1t'l 'hrn1 1n p.1n 1tripp1n g s 111 -:k il l··I 1 1\lterna te lavt'rs nl I ll(' , t·hini and bc~f 111 :o,h:d lov.· 2·<1uarl b ak 1 11~ d1 sh . sprinklin g with s alt ;ind pepper to tast 1•. Stir togclht·r to1n:.ilocs, Worcestershire sauce. and s ugar; pour over casserole. Sprinkle "'ilh c heese. Dake at 4.00 degrees f c1 r 40 t o 4 ~ n1inutes, until zu <.:c hini is lende r. M ukcs r, l.n Ii ,,_ murlel stevens takes the myslery out o f mousses. lhe sighs out of soullles, the do ldrums out of d inner wh;tl'!:> her secret? she cooks with loye. the muriel stevens show Mon through Fri I 6 to'6:30pm Tue & Thurs 10 to 10:30 am. c..ntn CAIUVISIDN .-.·~If.Cl! tMlllll[I ) . . ' 0 Reader's Digest '--~------' l:IDrn@~§.s Shopper Hash : Co££ee I Chock's .!rowns : Rich I Vitamins ~:zi·S . ~·".''21': E'188 --· ,_ , __ _ • I I O.lt v~i ----------~----~---~-----------Minute : Prune : Pancake Maid : Julee I Mix J11<ll 1 , I W..ott 0:'.':!,13''·~~ .. 11'' .:~::.II' . I .OOl I W>tl •l It.CU I I llOl ·---------~---------~----------· Fruit 'n • Instant 'i Flelsch· Danish l Oatmeal, mann's o • 'J25 i~·:r5 . 'i ~:.\.~.~is' • . ., I ¥ 10 I . l lJ O/ u..j I t•. BRING YOUR READER'S DIGEST COUPONS TO THRIFTIMART FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS! The Februaiy Issue o! Reader's Digest Is loaded w11h cen1s off coupon~. 1ec.1pes. premiums and serving ideas on :.om<: (J! U1e :illo~t· ill·ms. Oon·1 miss 11 O!JBUQ UE • lll~l\ER RANKS . i;,~1· I' ~ O>tlo •t.t"·~•• CflEAM CHEESE w•<,P"''f sz11 CROCKS ......... • • ••• ••• •••• ••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• • "'\\l ...... t>..\l(;lfl':: t>..H AI-,. • Gruyere 1 l Medium Cheese: :Cheddar : ~?5 &9' J l ~?~&9'. • • • • • • • • ••••• •• ••• • • •••••••••••••••••• ~Spirits • Beer -Vodka JANOV 80 PROOF • '3?.!, t .::11~ .. s1n ..... s10 ... D 'Lucky Lager .. :"::".'0 .. 12:s111 ~Whiskey 6 .~~';, , 11 '~ 80 PROOf -KfNTUCICY Nmlll BtE NDED ~.:.£' WHISKEY -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f Scots Mist '•17 'i : Scotch ••••• •" .. , i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Discount Values! • Wednesda)'. January 29, 1975 DAIL y PILOT c 11 • • ·' wo cart families fill up '==In->"'""°". for less! TENDER Chuck Roast : ~ 'ri~ II' - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 BOTAN RICE ............. ?' :'. '7" 0 CUT CORN 1•-:•" "l~~ ~"tl~:~;l)OI 69' ................. .... 1 • :~1 •••• 45' !ol<.o,N~ Wfll U l-10 ....,..OU tfGS ,_6 11.5.. o fmb WNlem Oysltrs " :-'1 ~ o Or11on Shrimp Mat ·:-:·. 'i"f' 69' o 7 ·Bone Beef Chuck Ro111 "." 79~ o fresh Rex Sllle ... :-:':": .• 11~· o frah Black Cod ... -....• 89! o fresh Dover Sale .. , ...... '1~' • ~ f~~T~ZAl II' : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • JA NE ANDERSON ·45 "' • WHITE• OR ~HEAT Ir : ~ : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ?•Gt<tlll ~Al.IC! 9, , o RAGU MARINARA .•..• :'.' ?' •••• 5 o H1-C FRUIT DRINKS ........ ~~,. 491.. D SPAGHffil SAUCE •• ;:~~~::;:~·?'. 591.. D PRIZE DOG FOOD ... «:~ :':,?-... 8i '1 o IRIS TOMATO SAUCE ....•.. "!'. 15' D TUNA HELPERS ••...• .":';.~0't:'. 631.. ~a•'. ~,GRADE 'AA' BUTIER . .''.':::;·:~:~'.~ 82' D POTATOES O'BRIEN . ::~:,:~~;~'.·:·. 62' ••••••••••••••••••e••••••••••••• ••111 D LIVER DOG FOOD .... ·:~'.".' .... 8i'1 ""'"I'll' •QI'•••• o,.0\ '1 W11~ .. I lf••O> +rOlt" "Ill',. o REGAL WHIP . :~' .":": ~ ·:·:~ :0~: ~,,. 53' D CHEESE PIZZA .... '.":": '!':·:0 • '?~'. 11" GRAPEFRUIT Jule "'""" "0''" D E .. ":·~•:·.o~ .&·~1. Jl t (••OV~\ ,,.,,,,, 1!1<.t•,.••D f0"11 D ICE MILK BARS ....... ::': :·~ .. 89' D COTIAGE CHEESE • .'~'."· ':':"!' .. ~"" 57~ 0 CAULIFLOWER I • •• ...... _ .......... -._...,. We<lnesaay, January 29. 1975 Give Guests· 'Just Dessert' You may have t>een intimidated by that French pro- verb : "Always make the guests wait for the souffle as the souffl e will not wait for the guests." Wh y·> Because a nufry baked souffle will rail soon after it's removed from the oven. But a fuffy chilled souf- fle will hold its fluffy texture high in the refrigerator, growing firm as it chills, a nd staying tha t way. f'ar from having to make the g uests wait for it , this kind of souffle can be made several hou r s or even the day before a 11arty . Strawberries 'n Cream Souifie is a nobie example of the cool art. Eve n if you have neve r made one before, this simple recipe will s ee you through successfully . Two versions of the souffle are given here: on'e to be made when fresh strawberries are in season, a nd one us- in g froze n s trawberries. Winter or summer you need never la ck for a s ho\vpicce dessert. S TllAIVBER RIES 'NCREAM SOUFFLE (with frozen strawberries) 2 e nvelopes unflavored gela tin 6 tables poons sugar 4 eggs, scpar<tted 2 packages (10 ounces each> frozen sliced strawber- ries, thawed and drained (reserve syrup) Water 1h cuo bran<Jy 4 drops red food coloring • l cup C'h pint) heavy cream, whipped In m edium saucepan, mix unflavored gelatin with 4 tablespoons s ugar; blend in egg yolks beaten with re- served s yrup and e nough water to equa l 11/2 cups. Stir over low heat until gela tin dissolves, about 5 minutes. Tum gelatjn mixture into lar ge bowl : add brandy and food coloring. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mix- ture mounds slightly when d ropped fr om spoon. In rriedLum bowl beat egg whites until soft peaks form; gr adually add remaining 2 tablespoons s ugar and beat until stiff. Fold into gelatin mixture. Fold in strawberry slices and whipped crec.m; turn into 11/2-quart souffl e dish with 3-in ch collar . Chill until firm, about 4 hours. Makes about 12 servings. STRAWBERRIES 'N CR EAM SOUFFLE (with fresh strawbe rries) •<rr;. ~·-~·~"'l!cAA' f~~~l! ~1,ra)Vb~rrijls (abuul 3 pints I 2 e nveToP:esv6hn3"Vofeu ge1ilt.ft1Jv, : -4 • r % cup sugar 4 eggs, separated 1 cup milk 1h cup brandy '1 cup (1h pint) heavy cream, whipped Jn blender, p1,.1ree 3 cups strawberry slices. Jn medium saµcepan, mi x unflavored gelatin with 'h · cup s ugar ; blend in egg yolks beaten with milk . Stir over low heat until gelatin dissolves, about 5 minutes. Turn gelatin mj xture into large bowl; stir in pureed strawberries and brandy. Chill, stirring occasionally , un- til mixture mounds s lig htly when dropped from spoon. In medium bowl , beat egg whites until soft p eaks · form ; gradually add remaining Y-1 cup sugar and beat un- til stiff. Fold into gelatin mixture. r Fold in remaining strawberry slices and whipped cream : turn into l 'h·quart souffle dish with 3·inch collar and chill until firm, about 4 hours. Makes about 12 serv· ings. • ( High and fluffy, this showpiece - dessert can be made ahead all y~ar . rouri<l:' .. .. ., . ·i Carefully fold egg whites into gelatin mixture- g ently. presents Baeon& Toast 2 slices of Alpha Beta RounJttop or Sandwich White LOADED WITH VITAMIN C ARIZONA JUICE ORANGES OUT ST ANDING VALUE SWEET & JUICY SWEET, CALIFORNIA WHITE NAVEL GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES LB.~AG59c lB.~AG 98( E~CUlENT ~ll!lflON4l VAlU' Lt.NCH ao• Slit • IQ I 0 / W KfS ALPHA BETA RAISINS ·'· QU..,f £ Ut.'1 Ill WISK DETERG6HT ~~.~~;~t:i t .o 7 ,'?OUNC( !!0 11/f IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT EVf!Rl"OAY OISCOU,_,T PFUCE .76 c LB. EXTRA lARGE EASY-PEEL MINNEOLA TANGELOS 25~8. THIN SKINNED TEXAS OR flORIOA RED OR WH'T~ GRAPEFRUIT 5 ~100 SMALL SIZE. CAUfORNIA fUfRTf 25 ~ AVOCADOS l ·OU .. CE BO ! 11 t "' IJlllo I P 4< '"""'' SAL VO DETERG ENT TABLETS /VfHV{)lol t t 8 f IP'.I " ' I ,., ll 'l l'A o 1 •. CON GESPIRI N TAB LETS CHE WAB LE COLD I "'" ~' l•! •• j ... ' .65 REGULAR • U"ISC.t. .. It 0 2'' Ol IHl BAN ROLL-ON DEODORANT /">O<llllf • • 5 '""· 0 "" I I I DESITIN P•'llfUI ,, ' '"'" .63 SKIN CARE LOTION Npn·Food Double Discount• '~ TOOl'llPASH ,..o, 55 TUOE 8 A"'H·PFP;SPIJU, .. T Q P; 93 8RUT 33 DEODORANT ;E~~-• •6·0UNC( BOTTLE 89 !!RUT 33 BALSAM SHAMPOO , """"" . ""0 "'"" Ji' HPSODINT TOOTH BRUSH sizE • ,lllEO •'-llN f , '~-UP TOOl'llPASH O•-Ol. 79 TUM • •·Ol I 27 "'fP;O • CAt LITTER I UTTER GREEN . '8~lg • . • ••,......,. ,.,. ,..,,... 1• , .. ,., ..... i... "' , ... rn.,...ei•I ,i..1tt ... S~• ~ cnl...,«"d ""•II 1•,.•b'f-l•~rn\. Soti•h• 1;,,,, '" Y"I" ""'4'~ nfund~J. • Cul')'.Otl,1 191'5 1'1/f'b., ll~t.• 4 '""/""' All ")(l>h ,..,,..,,.../ STORE HOURS, MON,-FRI' 9,30--o,3p SAT : 9 :30-8 :00 SUN : 1 0:00-7~00 OoW»f8 DtKCMlftfl 918 1111r• sSvrn~Jn addlilon to O!lr regul1r IOW""d itcount pric1s. 11t9y are t1>ec1a1 bUYI 01 t1mpo,ary l>Uftha .. 111owanc•1 which we receiv1 lro m lhe m1nuf'!clur•rta ind ~Nlong I~ you . Look !or 1n1 0.-1. Dl•eounl •hell 111g1 , (hroughoul '"' aCOfl lhl•'~ COACHELLA VALLEY SUNKIST WHITE ~ GRAPEFRUIT L\ C LARGE SIZE LEMONS EA. BlUE GOOSf lOO~o PURE JUKE 10~. ~ ORANGE H GRAPEfllUIY JllKI °"'"'' 49' en. r.t.. FIH.SH cur. fULt BUNCHES 8 9c STOCK '""' 4-WAY NASAL SPRAY ' '' "' A• I 1,• ',,, ! .9' Grocery Doub le Discounts •. Ill CROWN PRINC E BR ISLING SARDINES I l 4~f U CRO WN PRINCE SAR DINES IN OIL ·:,; .67 ,,~'14 3 1•ou1n 66 PALMOLIVE DETERGENT ~~1i1 1 <OLD POWER DETERGENT ~g; I. 70 SCOTI'S LIQUID GOLD 1 ~frf l,57 l•·OUNCr ACHOSOl I 57 SCOTT'S LIQUID GOLD SPRAY , MANDI-WIPE TOWELS . 6 IO·(OtJMf I ""· . 1.43 WHITE KING • 7·ll:I. BOX WAHR SDFHNER ~on·s APPLISAIKI .3~;._~Z .• &8 ftEE TOP APPLE JUICE ·~~o,.z. ,&3 />INll; • ~6·0UNCE CA~ 54 TRIESWllT GllAPEfRlllT JUICI , . t.A~. HkLS-.tJf4 L c.iit de le i...1• ......,,...,°" llAC:H-9041 ..... ' r Saucy Substitute for Butter Sidedish Is Main Attraction By l\'1 1 Ll.I~ Bl·:J.J . 'fir e d of pl<.1111 butt e r ed veget a bles'! ·rry ~<111t·i11g thl'nl v.:ilh o ne o r the drl•:-.:-.1ngs in t he following rcl'ipt:s. 'l'hL'Y 1.1 dd a distinct varie t y to your menu and ('nhance the veg ct ;.i blt·s. too. Oft e n W<: luuk ;1t the g rcc·n beans, s p1n;1C'h ur \vhat c\'er vegeta ble we've d ecided to h :..t\'L' for dinne r , a nd \\·ondcr Y.'liat \VC t:an d o w ith 1l L11 SL·rve 1t t11t fcr c ntly. \Ve d o 'become Cl'L'a lurc·s ul J1abit, relying on 1H1r oltl :-.tandb,\• of buttering-the cooked vegcta ble, <ind letting il go a l lhat. But sO m t't1 m cs v.·c \\i~h there was a no thl•r v..·<iy . 1\ :-.1111plc v. ;1y A11d the re is lm p1,:r1 al \'cgl·luhll· 'J'o1)p1 11t-; ca n bc niade :t hl·ad and ke pt in the refrigerator. ·rake out wt11it you n eed and return the l'l' n1ainder to the ruir1j.!crutor tur :1nolhl·r 1.irnc. It':-. al:.o good a s~· tlip l'or J':..t\\I fre:.h \egetublcs. I i\11' I:: 1i 11\I. \'f<:G ET . .\HLE 'l'Ol'PING I cup n1ayunnaisL' ~ lL•aspnuns soy s aut·c l tcaspoun te1l1on j ui('c' Cornbtne all 1ngrcd1L·n lS in ;.1 s 1nall l.iu \vl. J\l1x "'':II. ~'l akl.':,. I cuµ of s:iul'c Pour 1ntu ~· l'jo\'l'rcU l"O nt;1i ne r and :.lure lr1 rl'frigl•ral!1r until ·need ed \Vllen rll'Ct!E:tl , hL·;i t i rl ,. :'>l'p;1rul l' Si.l UCt'j):..111 , lhl'll l!O\Jr th1: lopping over the Vl'J.:Clo .. dJlc:-., ui-, pi!UI' lhL' dt·~1rcd q uunltl y ot :-..1 ucc u\1cr cooked ~ind dr:.i iul'd vegetables . l{clurn Lile vegetu l>ll'S to lhL' heal just l11 ng enough to heat thl· !'iaUt c . Se r ve u~·cr hroC'coli , 1.Ut' 1·luni. tnuli flo\\·c·r , aspurngus, or other vcgetahlcs. ~·luffy J,crnon S:!Ut'L' is nol l11n1 tc d to \'L'gt·l:.ihll':,. 'l'h 1:-. sautl' gnrs i·qua!ly \l'l.'11 O\'t•1· rll't'. fi sh '11· n1 ... ·;it. too , A ~a lu·e u:.ed 1vldcl v 111 l i rt'l'L·e. it can c:ven be. scrvc;I 1\1lh 1n<:~1tballs to give an extra · !'i pt·t·1al touch to th o:-e o ld :.!;111db) :'>. ,..l,U FF\' L F.i\ltJN S1\ l '('J·: 1 t ·~g ·~ l :thle:-.puon (1':.o l1·.1 :-. puons ) \\all'!' I l<i Ull·spoon lc n1on JUlt:l' 1.:. 1ahles pOfJll (!'.:. l C'a s DAIL (PILO T c: I :J Single Servings puun:-.J ~t ol·I-i bt'l'l 111 l·li1 l·l-t•11 1 l lcat \\1<.JIL·1· 111 lo\11'1 ' P it1'1 ol dou bl(' bui le r l n lop t1f l hl· d1 111 IJ I« t.xi ile1·, heal th1· Pgg and 1\ :1l1·r un 111 fluffy . 1\dd lht• :<.l••l·k (p r1· t1.•r,1 bly llot J :u1d tht·n lli1• l1•n)11n IU ll'l' l 'ut till· t\\1:. p.1r1 ... ,,1 !hv doubt,· boiler lng1·tl11·r .. 1tlll :-.11r Ilic 1_·~g 1111xturc until II I" tl11 tl.. Ke ... ·p ll:11n e ln\\ :-.11 \\.ill'I' in l:>vlton1 ot d uuhl(' l1111 lt·r d111· ... 1u1t 1·v.1por;1lc. 1\1· "'ltl l' \1.11\:1 l\.'\l'I l'O L1::.1<11 ill v t(JlJL'ht•S lhl' lfl\\l'I' 11111'\\1111 O-f tilt• top ul thl· duulJIL· l1t•d•·1· r\!'. !'>OUll ;r..., ..,,,\It 1• 111•;..:111:-. (u lh1 ekt'n, 1·l·n1n\'e 1111111 hl•a! L1·t llit• :-..11J1·1• :-.1.ind .1boul :'! n1 11111 lt:s IJ\'IUl'l' _'o\'f\ Ill)-: l ',1t1r (1\ l'I' Cl)()l\l•d l.!l'l'V ll \1•,L:1_•(;1l;[1·-., "Ul'll :1.., :>j )lrl .~(·h . J.:l'l'\.'lL !11_·.111 ... l'll.: r\ddr1·:--s qu1•..,t1on:-. 1•r t·um • rl1t'lll S tu '.\1Ll ll· H1·ll 1n c:;tl'\.' l)I lht~ l)ad y 1~t111t I a Creative Sandwieh: Pickle Perks Party Avocado (about 2St each!) Bread, spread on 1/3 Avocado (mashed) and top with 2 slices of Iowa Maid Bacon. DELICIOUS! WHAT'S IN STORE 110\'/ DOES YOU R \.ARDEN GRO\V '! llu.' "'Uack lo Na ture" rnootl is "ilh us. ~tnriy :1ri.' pl;1111i11g lhC'ir 0\1•11 garJl'll<; :111d hilrl·esting :oi.;1fisf:1l·fion .1 .. v.·c ll 11s fresh protlul·c 1111d tluwl•rs front their l'fforts. 1\l1ho11 gh I can't pro1nise ... ,111y ""ilvt-r bells or co1·klt.• ,!Jello;," Alpha Bela do<."S "• .. u:. • . have :1 large variety o f pl:inl.s :ind ~eds lo 1nee-1 Chl' nl'('d.\ of 1he ''do-it-yeur.;elfel".!" I saw a ~nod ~·lcl'lio 11 of baf't."-ront fruit tree..; a11 d lhc fin~: No. I rosr l>u 'lt•·" conii11g into thl' 11-.irchou~ this v.·e ... ·k. Sca:.011 -frc.\h tlo1ver anll tl'gclablc s.ttds arc :rhn l~ing'. 5old at a 1 (J',b di•r11liiH in the prodll•'t• "'-'l'li•>n uf lh•· 1n ;1rh.l·ls. ,\t o ur hun1c. v.e '"11o' a \':Jricty of ICllu•'t' ..... ~d ... as a burtlcr lu our n n1YCr g:i rdl'll. If rtl:inr<.'d no\~" thl' han•r,I IK'ri11d l'~IC'lld" rrrun 'Pring through 111Ul'h of lh•· 'un11111·r. loo,,· il·:tl ll'lltlC{' y;1rit•fi{'S pro h~1hly :1rl' lhl' c :1..,il'\I I" !.U"\\" Thi• !C':l\'r"" c:an be pl ur kl'd :it lhC' 1x-:ilo.. o1 h'IH ll•rnl'''· \O :L,hC'tl . wrapp••tl i11 p:11)('r l11wC'lin)!. and ,,nrc<l 111 a pl:aslic I.lag i11 till' rl·l ri~•·r;11ur u111d 11c••d,.,I for ;i dl'iightlul "ho111c·gru"11 " .... , :111. t Jp "'ilh !he l~rl'l'1' I hun1ti-.'. '''~" l ""'" IJ.<n lor of <'<>"'"""' ,\!Ion• 111 So. ll.,hnt lll>J l.o ltahto r ol•! *()<. l 1 Grocery Double Discounts llll(\Wr(T . •6-0UNCt r •u ORANGE/GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .56 "0' 33 KAL KAN DOG FOOD c ... u • A 11•Rll TIES lf(,lJl .t." • ft f C P(ltf. Bl j lO 2 93 MJB COFFEE • c ... N • M'JB NsTUff1NG PLus ~,~1:: .43 MJB BROWN & WILD RICE ·o· 58 ;,t1:.0: • •lt! .. C(. [NII{ l OPE SCHILLING BROWN GRAVY MIX ,18 f1PPY JO[ 1,11~ • 1 31·0.' I .. II •; 111 lO•r 5£ •SONIN(", "''' • •I~ 0 .' '<f !,1 (W U1 ~·1 '>0/ INll '' IJ Sl.t.SON•,.G "'"' ''•·Ol fNI' "'' '>[•~ONt>i(, ... ,. • 1'• Ol l Nll 'I C'QUNT 1'.-\CIC•OE ZEE LUAU NAPKINS I "\/ ]1 " ,. " .28 •·~T•LS •tOl 75 OR ANO DRAIN OPENER c· ....... • MOP & GLO FLOOR CARE ~·,'.'; 2.02 t 1v°SOl.l SPRA1v DISINFECTANT 1.4 5 l'vS'O'L D0EOlD0RtlER CLEANER • 9 3 ALPHA BETA SPAGHETTI ;~.!;g .59 ~;g .65 NUCOA MARGARINE M0 N[Y I 0A 1$ • CINr-.t•l.IONll!~l.._I"' 1., Ol 83 NATURE YALUY GRANOLA "'" • FRUll ' NUT • l&•OZ 80~ .I) 1 St OPPY J0£ • P()AI( ORA VY • llU JUS 0RAYV • DllCKEM ()AAllY. MQMl SIYlE GHAVY Z2 RllKWS MIX "'·~';:v0' • ... Ol, ~ GR•VV •.JOji.()l Ctll~!-0 .2't QH101't 0A"Y'I' • l·Ol [NV .29 KIH'S ,.,_ PltlSlllVIS '~Ail .• 73 -·~·-... ·~,: 1.32 CiiOW'"°w•DIUS ~~·.45 <.-·-IOY SAUCE ~?~· .30 Your ALPHA BETA N1111hborhuod Bultht< (!ht Min on !h• Red Apron! Proudly Oiiers BUTCHER'S PRIDE MEATS MEATS YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SE.AVE ECC>f'K>-PAK • 3-l 8S. 0 11 OVER BEEF • SEVEN 80NE CUI FRESH GROUND BEEF BONELESS CHUCK ROAST FRESH FROZEN • MEDIUM SIZE FRESH FROZEN • HALF Oii WHOLE WILSON'S SPARERIBS SILVER SALMON 8. .. ALPHA BETA IOICHt R'S IRJDC BEEF !OICHU'5 IRIDC BEEF PAT IY M IX BUDGET BURGER LEANEST GROUND BEEF BEEF CHUCK STE AK BONELESS STEWING BEEF BEEF STANDING RIB ROAST 98~. •39 ••• IOWA MAID BACON HORMEL RANGE BACON 249 ... DUBUQUE ROYAL BUFFET5 798 CANNED HI.MS ~lr Et... fl(ill flOZUI • usoa lllSPECl(O S9.~ 1!0 BONELE SS TOP 01 u 59c SIRLOIN STEAK LOI N ll. I!.• NEW ZEALAND BONELESS UMB SHOULDER ROAST &.Ot PttG CERTl-FRESH fl (Stl F•OlEN BATTER FRIED HALIBUT 138 "· 98~ .. Grocery Double Discounts l"''>l•NI TANG ORANGE DR-·"0' I 81 JAA • r•r !IV CRQCO\(A BLUEBERRY MUFFIN MIX "" 0 ' 71 ao~ • BROWN SUGAR TWIN "°' 55 "i1' I "" 63 ""'" . ll! l•lltAU PARKAY MARGARINE ... IR•lU W>H11 98 DETIRGENT •;;~·::· • CHE• oov All Ol[. w 1u r•1 OR WI MU~HRQOM~ 43 SPAGHETTI SAUCE I~~:: . 'o· 45 c•~ • CMlf lJOI' llR 0 ! f BHFAR- C><f f ROV .-\R Of( ROLLER COASURS ("><£• ~ov •R Dl:C MINI RAVIOLI ('><fr ~01' AA OEE CMHSl PIZZA MIX HANOI WRAP 100~;~~ 1 1 39 O\EAN S 111 Ol 95 Sl'llAW8ERRY PRESERVES ''" • ICY POINT RED SALMON GEISH• !>'>·OZ JAPANESE SNOW CRA8 c" 1.33 1.85 OllUAN'S SMALL SHRIMP ''C~°.: .80 ORlE•N"S JAP'AMA OYSnRs O·OZ 64 !.•N • M.-\RS • 1-1>,t,Co( ' CllOCOl.A n ALMOND BARS .67 SUNSMIN[ UMS.-\1..f f;O KRISPY CRACKERS " 0 ' 51 BO• • Dellc:ate11en Double Dl1counts a.llLO -Diii CNHSE KISSES 'oz. 7&' l'~G. I BOAOt!N UTl.f.1911 CMISE !OZ 75 1•..;G 1 Delicatessen Double Discounts VIENNA BEEF FRANKS OUN{.l l'ltl • • ,1 •• VIENNA POLISH SAUSAGE • rN' f UA • •r;t VIENNA BHF KNOCKWURST 1.31 1.41 1.31 G1illlO.,Sc.L1"CEo PEPPERONI jE . 71 01s.CAR 1MAYER BOLOGNA .66 MACHIAEH SALAMI "'\,"" ...... " VARIETY PAK n<.r.An M•vrp . ~l.IC'D BRAUNSCHWEIGER LIVER CHHSE ROSARITA TACO SHELLS IMPERIAL MARGARINE ·:.:~: .81 .2:1.28 ~~t .83 ~~i .76 ·.OUN! 45 f<~C. • """ 74 IV!J I Bakery Discounts If\ n u '<I'! 111AV . OOUIJL r n1r,co1•Nl 69 ALPHA BETA WALNUT SWIRLS , 1<111"•1!11 M.., • D•JUl\l I l~1Sf:0UNT CINNAMON BREAD "0 ' 72 LO.-\r I • L U\!NI 69 11Q~ I Al ''"A fH I • APPLE SPI(( DONUTS .611 Ai!'"•tllf~•'·l"'ll •,'~<)U"l l Ii'"' SOURDOUGH FRENCH BREAD •1•"1•11£•• FRONTIER BREAD "°' 63 ll•v • this week's FREE ercafivc c1Jfc11u Complete :oo~' BEEF ~ .. 19 STROGANOV I "" Dinner ONLY AT ALPHA BETA m ALL ALPHA BET A STORES ARE OFFICIAL FOOO STAMP REDEMPTION CENTERS Fro%-en Food Double Discounts EGG BEATERS " 0 ' 86 ' Al <ION • I \ /\HIE TIES lllDES N(J T INI ! I i1 1L bl ll & G Hl\VV I BANQUET BUFFET SUPPER 1.29 "\)} \'. 1'1)1 ~I nt11~1 ''11 • ,•, "' ''1 -' 'I 42 BIRDSEYE PEAS UO• • EGGO' BLUE(BERRY' 'WAFFLEs 1 ~(;! • 5 9 I ll•N•' f II' DHP FRIES POTATOES Everyd ay Discount Prices RIV•EH • MINESTRONE SOUP C:HOCOl•TE NESTLE'S QUIK STR•Wl![RR' ' 16·0U11Cl CAN t~ "o· 49 •I!~(., L • Bf£1 CUP O' NOODLES S><A•'-'P • 2'• OUNC[. P•("''"l J9 ABBA IABA CANDY '"0 ' 12 11111! • •'> OUNC~ "A( l\A0l ROSARIT A MEXICAN DINNER .64 .30 t-Ot!'<\:! "•N• fll11/I N TREISWHT ORANGE JUI(( .: .30 1 ~ OUN!.( CAN .51 (l'lEES WFl I • r f~O/I •i GRAPEFRUIT JUI(( 1,'-l>UN:f (..AN 51 ~RECK 'HAiR''(10LOR (..···~·;~'I I 1.79 COllTAC COLD CAPSULES '0 ~~NI .99 1.tt(W,li.Blt • io;.c;oJUl'<I l'•C..;-'Gt 65 C-SPlllHI COLD TA8LETS • '" 91 ll I~ • 4-WAY NASAL SPRAY Di:ii0lMTAC:iDT~BliTSl I.&& ~·-rouNT 78 l'll'TO llSMOL TABLETS e•o • TMM p!'ICff gu1t1ntffd to bt •ff•otlM J.,,, 30 -Fib.&.. ' . " "' PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALPHA BET A MARKETS Adaptl'd fron1 ;1 trad1· l1 (1 n ~d l'l.l!C:ho:-.luvakian d1 :-h, this \Cl'~il)tl h as h :1 t' o 11 a n d u n i o n :.pri11l..l t•d llll \!t,_• ::.tc;1k bl·fort• it 's rulll ·tl a 1·ound lhc-p ic·kl1·.-. '!'hi:-. -.p,·1·1,d party U1..•1_•I look:-. hand ... onit! \\"ith S \\'i rl s 1•t ilut·h css put:..it nl':. "11th•· platte r P.\H'r\' llE I·:,.· l-'l ,,\:\K ROLL 1 bc·cf nank ste ak, about 11 :! pounds 1 :! 1 easpoon g arlil' s :tl l 1 . l'llP l'llnppcd onion :1 s licl'S ha c t)ll , c:hopped 4 d ill p i('klt!:.. about. :i• :!·i n c:hl's long I t :.ilJle::.poon i.:ooking J (10 '.:.-uu111.:cJ c:a n bcC'f !)rot Ii :! ll•:1.-,pnu ns c·ur 11r i·~r,·11 ., • . . ·' 1 (~·::f,uu ~•c-..,' c1'n ~!ICl'd n1ush l'•M1n1:-. 1 • t'UP d:tiry :-.our l'l'l':!lll Spl1l :.teak hutlcrfl.' 1:.i:-.hiun ll·ng lh\\'l!'it.: tu 111:.kL' 2 thin la~·,·r:-. IC:t\ ing :1 h111 g L" ;1\ long ~ide . ll p e n :.t ..:;ik 1l.1t :.ind pound \\'l•ll Sp r i nkle v.·ith )..';1 rlil· sail. union anti bal·1)ll ,\1·r<1tl ).!t' p1l'hlC!-.. 2 ;1h1'l'<I SI . ;1h111g lllll: :--idl' urS1l·:1k. lt10 ).:1h\\i:'>L' \l\\h ).!r :11n uf IJ1't'I !lull ht·l'r l1"l1tlv arnund p 1l·h.l1•s, 11 ·'1lv r:ull f1J :-.h1u11 , Lul·ki1ig ·111 ·L'nds Skl'\\l'r end -. . ;111 d \11 • r1ill Tightly 111 :'>L'\l'l':tl pl :ll'l'' l~rO\\'ll in o!I .-\dd h :lll of broth. c11\l'1' l'hJSl'I .\·. ~i nd sin1 111t•r about 1 1~ hour s, un l ii beef i s tender, udcllng a li ttle '' .11..-r . i f 1111 11-l' liquid is 111·eded Ski1n off and dis· t«.1rd r~1 1 . S111· co 1·11:;tarc ll into re · ma1ning broth. r\lld to n1t•:1\ juices. <dong \\'ith und r~1 1nc•d n1ush roon1 s. Conk. stirrin;..! urH i l sauce !.oil:-. .111d tl1i l'h.l'11,,. St.tr 111 s our (·re; .. 111 . 11..:a t . bul du not boll lil'tll11\ ;:,• -.1r111i..::-. from bPPt' Slic'L' 1 ull ;111d sc r \'e \Vi\h S alll'l'. ~l :1h.l'$ ;d)()U I I) :'>L'r\ 11\)-l:. 'Wild' Optionc- Selling 1·:.,s·r s·r 1 .t)l 'l ~. 111 l :\l'l It. 1111).!ht be too nl\IL'h lo t·~d l r! a sign of the tin1t·:;., hul Urown's f-'(!od S t ort• r epo rts a slt'adv tr:.tdl' in l\\'O dis · hes 1;op11!;1r durin g the l)L·pr c-ss i nn a 1n o n g $Ollthc1·n s h.11·l'l'l'Oppcrs -raL·coo n :111d (1pos s um. · ll :1rrv l\1'11\\·n . pro - nric loi·.· .-.;.11d 1hal !-.illl'C NO\' 9 h(··s :o.1Jid a bout ;,oo pound:. ol 1«•e <:oon and ;d)1111 l. \\I po11 nds of upos:-.un1 fo l' li'.J l'l'nls :1 p11und II ~ l h 1nh.:. t h e goo d t as lt~ uf 1111..• 111\.'<ll i-. 3S J!oud a rt·a:-.on to lluy as lhL' µrirl' .. ·r 111 :-. 1n t•:1 l m a kcs r l'<d d l•lie11111 s n1c al s u nd s a nd\\'it·hcs," he said · Some ca ll 'possum and ·coon a real delicacy and 1 agree-." .. Raccoon i:-l'Sllll ti<.dly µoµul ;1r \\tlh olde r folks ''ho 1\1'l'C rt11 :-.1•d in the Soul h u11 chittcrlincs uniJ hog1na,,·s," he said. llrv,., 11 r1·por1:-; tha l r:n·conn 1s ll'il tl an d firn1 Ilk(• l)Cf'I" :n1d npOS~lllll i:-i }!I C.1 :0.,\",ll\tlf:.i l l ~ ll.;o:-.:11d r:ll'.!'CH)ll IS ht•:-;t pi-1;.•parL•d h:1t'h1.·c111 ·d .1n1I f1p11~:-.11n1 p:t 1'l)()i It•<!. HUMTIMClTOH llACK-llill N.,~. St. FOUNTAIH YAUIY-1190 W..w ' I 11v1ta-11041 c .. ,~.UM"""Mtr '-* I SOUTH U.Q.Ul'IA-l01J2 S. Conl H~•.Y Bro\\'!1 °:-. :-.;1 ll'" {'!ld o1h~u1t .Jun 31 \\ hC'n !ht• hunting :o.L·asun l'lo :.-.es. I -' '·"' ' • \ I , ,_ 41XED SIMGW FUMILEWEEDS '1.AOO~, 'it?U IU'MfMl'M llC*l!tH i..., 111e HAN6W\N, ro'(f 'IOU? l'lltS 5ICll FAL.L ON KILIMm/AAl? DO >l\FFOl111.5 ~ IN 1lie Sl'RIN&? FUNKY WINKERIEAN FIGMENTS . J'VE BEEN SNEEZING ALL I)A.Y TID&T'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLB ACROSS 1 El'IQWltl ... ..... actors: -9 Auto of .,..,,,, 14 Turk ish . !Mder 15 The ''E-of "O.E.o.- 16---leal 17 SmlU mot.1nt1in pool 18 Shot and •hell 20 United 21 0.llnd 22 Afr1can ... _, 23 Cont~ tuou• ......... 2:5 Del• 27 Sqtt ll'IUd ....... """" 3) " .. .mercy on iuch -~ -·· 34 Ttn.: prefix """""' 31 Wle.wtlltoty ·~-39 Footww: ·-" '"1f1 ------.. _, ·--I 2 l 44 Fondle 45 ()ptlnNltk: 46 Vktory 47 Religious G ~ellke ~"'' subslances 51 Ponoer 54 Oigestiye tracl pottion 58 Make a decision ao lmave: Prefix. •1 Bitol precip.: 2 words 83 Small """""' I 64 Satelll!e path 66 Temis' laCoete 66 0 .T. -67 looehy 68 BOhemian "' "'"" Down I ShMta ol tnllted wool 2 Onto "'"" 3 Tri..gtt f•t11e: ...... •o-bom I composer 34 Ski-lift 5 Cure 35 Nevada city 6 HlYing 37 Boundary weapons 38 Distressed 7 Former 40 Marine fish First lady: 41 Verb 2 words contraclion . 8 Actor ---46 AccOIT'C)anying Irwin 48 Set Of bells 9 Miss Post 49 Pate 10 Information 50 Oept•ted of 11 Revolve torce 12 Alleged 52 •·•·• D•me: lore• Ptrls 13 Eye part ctthe«al 19 Trim 53 Rotlwlthtl'lt 24 Mechlnictl htndt man &4 Hurry 26 Liquid 55 Rtbbll's _,., 28 Supporting rtltllve 30 Jtl"lg'tr.,, 68 Sptnt 0< for one short --- 31 Bet 57 "Butcbft doubler: bit •••• 1 •• Brit. · 32 Htd rNlity 159 Ttl'enpot 33 Formerty 62 MoulhS ' .. by Wm. F. lrown mid Mtl Casson illU. ! St~ 1llt Jo>l~5 FINALL>I 'll'/..IT UP! ' by Tom K. Rye11t l 1~!2 COW.AR, , 178 FtlUNPS, NO N~Xf Of KIN. by Tom Batiuck E5PE.CIAl .. L.9 IN 1Hl5 WEAlHER. ... I ALll\06f FROZE. OUT HERE L.A5T NIOO) ' I by Dale Hale -" ,_ ... , ... .., .. ,_ I CAN NEVER GET MY KERCHIEF OUT IN TIME PEANUTS by &nie Bushmiller JUDGE PARKER AP?ARENTL'I' BUT '!'OU $AlD THAT 'fOU OLD WALLY DIDN'T HAVE THE KEY FO~ DOESN'T T~E TRUNI'.! HO\V DID HAVE TOO T~E STATION OWNER MUCH TROUBLE OPEN IT? WITH LOCKS! MISS PEACH DICK TRACY DOOLEY'S WORLD DR. SMOCK ANIMAL CRACKERS !-l'I ..__ _ __..~U-J~ . ·I IT LOOl(S Ll<E AN EMl'T'/ WAl1£H01>5€ .. NOT IF '1'00 61VE A ~ PERMISSION TO ()PE:N THE LOCK! by Chcrles M. Schulz by Hlll'C!ld Le Doux NO .•. IT MUST'VE BEEN LOSr OFF MY ~-.--=RING! by MeH THi veirv woro ATTILA TMe H"'N "'SiD ! by Chester Got11d 'THE MURDERED STOOUE HEii& IS WHATS L.EFT HAD A AORTIAL BOOK OF OF 'THE cAm; FllOllTSiAT. AHA! 1 /lllllClES IN HIS POO<ET. IF THESE FIT, IT PROVES H& 1111\5 IN THEIR CAAf -ATLA&T, SAN\f 1-----... I WELi.· O<>N'r BE I J,YJ!AARASS£1t. ! lraclfleicl . by RockJer Bollen C'"'"'""'-'-•• _,, .. _ ....... -~~) 0 THE GIRLS .~_... ,_, __ "'Thal certainly :.urns up every ofr.cejob I've ever had ... DENNIS THE MENACE ~ 'l~!V:/j ... .. ' - \ Eat Muffins - Be Healthy BIG JIM'S RANCH llRl!5H EGGS SPRINGFIELD GRAPEFRUIT JUIC~IHK OR NATURAL NABISCO PREMIUM H;RFORM-LARG£ 21 OL Cc111l FURNITURE POLISH · SPRINGFIELD SLICED CARROTS GINGHAM TOMATOES 16 01- MANDARIN ORANGES SPRINGFIELD SPINACH 15 01- USDA ROUND fHOICESTEAK $10! ZACKY FARM GRADE "A" FRESH HEM ·TURKEYS c LB. FRESH BEEF c SLICED LIVER LB. USDA RUMP $ 19 CHOICE ROAST BONE-IN LI. RATHS BLACKHAWK SLICED . BACON .. s11! J llow ~1 buut trC";1t1ng the fa1nily to h1llllt·1n11dt• Jtr:111 1-~ng.ll sh 11.111(. rins " 'l'hl''" .Lr•' r11.11h· 'A'Lt h \L'J:.t itOd (ult Id illlll tl1t11J.., 111 1-:l'l.' cl1t·nt-;. Ou1 \1•r-.1,i11 11:.t·•. lll-.t l'/11111;.:h brun Uflll !luOi' 1 .. uound \\ho!~· \\•ht1 Bl (lour tu glvo lho n1ulf1ns th:i\ inl.l'rt!K ll11l1 whul~ ,w r1tl11 l ttstu ;.ind lt"'<\ut'l' \\'hirh jjl 1u p upulttr tod.I\' ltU.-\f\' l·:~(;IJSll /\\(1 1-'l,.l ~S I t11p n1Jlk . :.t .. dd 1·d .ind coulctl (IIO·IJ ad~·g1·, ..... ~ I lulil t•s poun ( 1,Cll Vl:lupt.:) dry J:ll'U n ulur ycasl •<,cup warm watt•r (1 10·11 ~ dt•grt'cS) I ll·a:.f)OOll !->1111 :! lC.:1.!>l)0(JllS h1)111·y l ('UI) UOj)1"1J{'••..,..,1•d hran_ flnkt·s 2 t·ups :.lone .:round \\li11h.: \\ht.:.il fli1Ur II .t•u11• unbl e111 chud white Clour a tubltTtpoDnll 1oft bultcr or rnurguri11c l)I S!->Ol\'t.' y1,,•asl Ill \\,J rlTt v.·:il1..·1· :.ind add huney .. In :1 l:1 r1~e mixing: 1~,1,o,·I , l"t1t1101 nc n11lk . )1..•:1s l m 1x- tul'l!, io all, und bran flff.k ea .. PRIZE DOG FOOD BEETS OL SLICED OR WHOLE POLLY PRIM CUT GREEN BEANS 16 Oz. SPECIAL VALUE .PEAS IALSAM TREND Ll9UID 16 Oz. DISH DETERGENT . EASTERN PORK SPARERIBS 32 Ch. Wftdnesday, January 29. 1975 . OAJLYPILOT (;f J), ~1 jJC the lWO rlours togctht'I' l'h...-S 10 dlunlt'lt.:r. (j\ 7 ULU\l't.' lU/l:J \\'llh a fork 111 1tn1ilhl'r h11v.•t f;radua lly bC'rtl 0111· h~ilf t hc I lour nuxturl.' 111l0Lhe l1qu1d 1111xlur1· t·;111 \\'tlh l111lh t:l11I:-. 1·1·rn r)\'1·d :zt n1:1k1•..; ;1 g11od t'U l\t'I') ('o\'cr .i n•t 11 •1 r1.:;o,l 011 lluur1·d hu.ird unlll iluu Liil' 111 bu I k, .1 U..1ul ·IS 1n 1nl1t(•-,. ('uv t•r· bo wl :ind ;,i\lo\\' I Ill' s plllll;\l' lu rise 111 ,, ",1rn1 pl:it•i• (80 dtigree~) for about 1 lo 1 . Lift rounds l"<-1rcl ull\' lr11ri1 hours. until tltnihlL· 111 bulk und li1J:1rd \\'Llh pllnc.llkl· lurnvr :ind \t.:l'Y light . pl.1<;c on u li ghtly l>u\tcrl'd l·h·<·· IJ o ul 10 ~o i l \Jutli·r ur trtL' g riddle. prl'hC;.itc<l to JOO · . dl·grees, rn:n·g;.ir\ne. Stir 1n l'l'lll a1n111g fluur, ro •S('l"\Jllg .ihout :1J1 <'UP fo r llakc UllC'O\'Cfcd ror 10 to 12 knl·:1tl1n J..:" on ho;1t'd hn1•;1d until m inutes on l'ach st<lc or until s111o•ilh t1i1l or lll l":>:-duu~h unt il li g htly browned. tu1·n ing-only ;tlJ(>t1\ ·'1 1nl'll1 lut·k . 011l·1..· .. Split ;ind toa:->t o r SC'r\'e h ot Cul 1nlu 1:!-1·1 ru1111d :. ;ibnut 3 in·_ from the ~l"iddle . .LAR•E SLICING- LARGE SW!fT 'H JUIC Y BROCCOLI ·~ .. , .-~ •<(! .. ... .. ' .. -~ FRESH '··· ... 1a.~ ... ...... c LB. SPRINGFIEl.D SQUASH PEPSODENT • ..,. 69" ·41s1 TOOTH BRUSHES ~ wtLKINSOM STAINLESS STEEL PKG. $ ~HAVING BLADES OFS COLGATE SHAVING 2/$1 CREAM-11 OI. AEROSOL CAN LIQUOR DEPT. BARGAIN BASKET s3s9 VODKA FIFTH BARGAIN BASKET s9" SCOTCH 1/2 GAL BARGAIN BAS.KET FIFTH ·: . FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF ·~ GIN •• PROOF BARGAIN BASKET BOURBON s399 FIFTH s499 MONTEREY s1'! JACK CHEESE RATHS 89! WIENERS BAR M BOLOGNA 98~. BAR ·M SJ'! KNACKWURST Ston Hours: 9 to 9 Dolly locl11Cll119 Sunday · Pricff EffKfl•• ThuNday lliru Wodilosday J .... 30. Feb. 5 Pric11 wtbjttt to 1tock OA h...t w. Gtcdy .4.ceept food st-.. " ·1 .. :r; . ' • ' ., " COST A MESA 19th and Placentia ·· PLACENTIA 710 W~ Chapman :! J 1 .. • • • ·°"'1 do~y 9 to ! s..diy 10 to 1 • Ms to dealers! .. . . -- Who, but El R ancho, would schedule such a fantastic S uper-Sales event? . _ . for 7 full days _ .. T h ursday January 30 through W ednesday, February 5! • / f"ilet Mignon ... the epitome of dining delight! Tenderloin of l l.S.11.A. Choice beef, natura lly agt'Ct. ·carefully trimmed ... a n epicurean feast to be remembe red! Doubly so when it's served in t1111den1 \Vith n1agn ifil'ently ntE'Hly frE'sh l'acifi c l..-0bster ..• fl avor and tenderness that's so rewarding. 1'reat yourself to u gourn1et feast this \vcck-('nd ... Fi let !\1ignon and lobster (avg. 1to1 14 lbs.) Ground Beef . • 99f i.:xt:a lean . bulk or patties BEEF ROAST l l.S .l>.A. Choic e rolled shoulder clod .. _ boneless! Delicatessen Sliced Bacon . . s1 1•9 1·:1 l~ancho's Lhi('ker ranch style CHUCK STEAK 89~ ( '0111pa re vnlue! U.S .D.A. ('h~iiCC' liel'f, tri1nmcd for value! Beef Rib Bones 79c. 1 ·"I>.·\. l 'hoi1·l· -hakt' or 8 -13-Q SPARE . -39c RIBS lb Fn·-h'. 1\<l on• llll';tt v guodnps...; ... F.;i .. t.·rn Jll-.rk fur !11ivur (. Lamb Chops · .. 5 24~ :-\rnall lni n • lJ.S.I I.A. ('hu1ct•! LAMB CHOPS l.:1r!!I! l•1i n ... l"UI. fr11n1 fret1h l l'S.I}.,\_ ("hoil·e du1nestic lamb! L 73. BEEF for FONDUE ('_ul_u· .. of ten_der loi n of s-249 I ...... !).A. C'huice heef ... !'oo lt'an. tender, delicious lb. Ground Lamb •• 79e. Fr(';;;h! Bulk, p11ltie"'! V.S .D .A. Choioe LAMB CHOPS l\,,nt>less Sarato11:a cut • loin chops l ) S .l).A. Choice quality'. L iquor /J cp 't Values' Tillamook s1ss CHEESE lb. Medium sharp, for eating, cooking! Broccoli SAVE $1.00 ON 3 EL RANCHO $ 9 8 TEQUILA Now! Save on quali!y! fifth <:arderi fre!<h ... ;ill green and so tasty. from tender stalks t o d elicate floret !'~ Sliced Ham -. 69e Tangelos . • • • • • Oak's sandwich size! 4 oz. pkg. :--i\ve<'t <ind j 11icy . . "i\'l ineola" variety! Cheese Bars ~ ggc Fun eating! Hoffrnan·s. 10 oz. Sauerkraut • . . 49c Homade ___ 22 ounces of good taste! F k CWMTII $139 ran s PCMIOS. • • • LI. Vienna Beef'! 4 in I lb. pkg. ROMAINE 19c LETTUCE ea Garden fresh , crisp! l,arge hunch Butler GRADE "AA" .••.••...•. 82~. ·p a iry fresh goodness means more flavor! Springfield -I lb. cln ~~!t~l~w~! ~w-:ne~~!~.~~~~~ Kraft' ~r~ ( Soup CHICKEN NOODLE ••••••.•••. 19c Campbell 's, of course, for the quality and flavor you prefer! 10 v, oz. can. Seven Up.•™-•. 5119 Sour Cream •.. 49c Rfg. or Sugar Free! 12 oz cans :-:prini:cficld .. _ pint carton Peanut' Butter . 79e Margarine . . . . &9c PlB,. Smooth or Crunchy! 18 oz jar Hl ue l'onnet ... 1 lb. €Arton Sandwich Bags • 25c Potatoes -• • • 59c "Glod -...... BilO • pkg ol 60 Pre•.1111.m • .. gge . "Non-dflry «?flee ....,,,.,, . Good Seasons • &9e " :e • Jt.tlian Draiiinc ,mlx! Frrnch'11 lnsl.ant ••• 13 oz Tuna Helpers • . 59c Betty Crocker'11 -all varietiefl! Grape Jelly • • ,. 59c K crn'11 ... 18 ounce jar Fltered Water • 29c ' , .. Kl Rancho~• own! Gallon ... 37c Rice-a-Roni ('hoi1·r of (our varieties! BAKER 15c RUSSETS 1b I f .. "5. ?\o. I Pre111iuzn q uality! ORANGE JUICE 'f'rl'e:o;v•t•cl 6 01. t"<ln (1 2 oz can ... $7C) 29< Broccoli Spears 49c f:rl•en Giant ._. 10 Ol pkg. Egg lolts -· .. &gc rhoiCe of varieties! 6 0 7, Dinners •·..w • • • '\'he bi!( 15 oz' Mexican plate Vegetables ... 49c mscn llTDllATIOIUl. ... all varieties! Watercress . . 2 '°' 25c Fresh and tangy~ ... gener11u:-bunches FRESH 25c LEMONS 1b l.Arge s ize ror more tangy juice! Vodka or Gin .. 5399 1-lo liday 'f in1es-you r ch11ice! Quart Harvey's Scotchsll49 S;'.I V{' 50c on the half-ga llon~ Wines =:t: ... s334 l~u rgundy, Claret, Chablis or Rhine'. Lancer's Wines s3sa J{ose, \Vhite or Huhio! fifth Cheer ·oET~GENT •..•••.••..• 99c The giant size package _ .. ror nil your colors end fabrics (inc. 10¢ off) ~!!r!ic~~!!:n~~~p;e; ~ :~.;t ·p~~-i~ ;o~y~~e~ Apple ·sauce Mon·s .59c 'f'h c bilo{ 35 ounce size in the convenient fre~zer jar! AlwnyR a greA t side dish! Fl ff s1as B · s219 · u o-,.... . . . rim --. . . . ~ l<eal coffee taste! 9 ounce "!'he ~olt-::'>.Qe -'.l lb. can .s13t' Macaroni a:'a ~ • 29c A{lacin.1 .. _. .. . . r-. l\r:i!! 1nake~ ii. so Kood! 7 1,; oz For fast relief, and 11avin11t! t !,~~!!~ o;tu~ • gsci Prell ii. ........ 79c Concentrate in 3 oz. tube, (inc. 20t ofl') Razor-•••. 19 · ·Kimbie Diapers ' 5191 J)is1l0Sabl e -Toddler l!llzel 24 ·ct Kimbie Diapers .. 1l91 ' I )i!<posahle · daytime ute!-pkg of 30 Maxwell House . 99c 'fhe new Doub:e 11 at this price! Secret.111nwr •.• 79c Fine coffee! All 11trin1'" . 1 lb can Sanka flll.l[ 111111 • • • 5279 • Wedne&d•y. January 29, 1975 . DAILY PILOT P l TOP PRODUCERS • MARY AHHE HOTSEY· • JERiY JAHESKI •JIM KREFT • JEANINE MAAS • ED PEMHIHGTOH • WHIT PLUMMER • VICKI RlCHIE • LIHDA SCHULER •JUDY SUSAK • CURT V AH DYKE MESA VERDE BEAUTY Mrs. Clean lives here. Charming hon1e features extra !urge bedrooms, big homemaker kitchen, manicured yard with buick BHQ. Walk to schools + golf coursi.:. l)nly $44,500. Call now to sec 847-6010 . SECLUDED CUL-DE-SAC MESA VERDE $5500 DOWN Secluded tree lined street. Ranch style canopy entry . Mummoth living room, two crackling fireplaces. Spacious ram1ly r oom with indoor BUQ. Gourmet kitchen . llidcaway nlaster s uite -clcf,:ant pri vate master bath seeluded wind frcL· paiio. I~arJ!C trec>s. ~down -take atiVi.11llagc&16-7171. VIEW VIEW VIEW NEWPORT TO CAtALINA $42,950 3 bedl"OOms, pool -VERY PRIVATE with wide open spectacular view. Bel- ler hurry il_s vacanl. Cull 646-7111. NEWIN COSTA MESA Combine the n avor of living on Costa Mesa's east side with the wonder or a brand new home. Ovcrs izNI Country Gourmet's Kitche n . comfortable siesta room and J deli j:!htful bt.'Clrooms, on a lot big enough to hide dads trul""k, boat or wh;1t have you. U""·nc-r says sell quick at $47,950. Let's i.:o call 646 ·717t. EASTSlDE BARGA'IM- $4000 DOWN FAMILY ROOM }lard to find 2 bath beauty all <lrcsscd up. Luxurious pant•lling :;eLs orr lar ge Jivin~ r oo rn . l';•mily pl ay r no rn overlooks ca.sy care yard with c-cn1t•nt deekinf,! -bring your boat or dads truck 1n off allt•y. l·:;ise in for S.tOOO down -steals don't last. C.all i>-10·7171. FRENCH CHATEAU 2 STORY BEACH POOL $32,900 Formal dou bl e door entry to dramatic JivinR room . Formal dine. llugt• garden view kitchen. Artistic open stairs s wt•ep to sep&rate n1as l er su.itc · l'hildren's wing. Secluded 22' BALLR001\f sizt.'<i party room that overlooks walled C'OUrt yard. !furry for this exceptional BARGAIN ~ Call gf)J.7881 . IF I HAD A MAMMER l'D BUY THIS FIXER UPPER You will injoy this ont."!, located ne~r 17th str!'t."!t -Y.'estc liff :-.hopp1ni.: -on h1·ge R·2 Jut. Tiu:-. 3 b~.,Jrouru 2 bath home 1s 11 :-.tc ;d at Sl'J,!:150. Lt•t's gu. Ca\l 6~6 ·7 1 7 1 LEASE O'PTION $325 PER MONTH Super sharp Mes :• Verde 4 bedroom wilh windowed f11mily room , 3 baths - private patio -walk tn i'verylhing prid e of ownership type location S45.950 -o wne r w an ls out -call Fasl - _call S46·2313. "HACIENDA" 2 STORY -POOL BEACH -$41,900 Park-like ,i.:r ound s . Atrium entry. Large fa mily s ized livin.i: room with huRe noor lo ccihng rircplace. Garden view wifesavcr kitchen & dine. f-'iesta party room ove rlooks lus h walled courtyard & fcr racc . \l/inding stairs to hideuway m a s te r suite & se pa rate childrens wing. Tnkc over 77,. VA loan. NO NEW LOAN COSTS. S266 /mo. pays all. I furry for this unique bargai n ~ Call 963-7881. CAPE COD TWO STORY -POOL NO DOWN -G.I. Spacious two s tory . Pool. Raised formal entry to sunken livin~ room. Formal dining. Powder room. WET BAR. Gr-urme t garden kitchen with WALL 01'~ GI~ASS. Giant family-party room & secluded SUN TERRACE.· Sweeping stairs lo TRIPLE SIZE MASTER SUITE & childrens wing. Only $42,SOO . Bette r call qui ck ! .983-6767. ".ABANDONED" BEACH COLONIAL 5 BR · ASSUME $33,000 Ve randa el\try lo enormous 24 ' li ving room with m•ssive stOn$! lireplace & com- manding vie\f or lush grounds + summer pavilion with 20• s un terrace. Formal d in· 1ng IS eloquently served by huge gourmet food center with breakfast eating area. Sweeping stairs to stately n1aster sui te wilh c r ack llnR fireplace + s eparate. childrens & gues t s uites. Take ov!'r 7',; VA lo<in. No ne w loan cost:.. $2!:15 per 1nonth pays all. Owner n1ust s acrifice. llurry! Call 963·1881 . A TOUCH OF ASPEN Mesa Verde -hillside -luxury. Four big bedrooms. Mountain lodge sized ramily room. Beam ceilings , firept..ce looking out onto m ountain pond like pool -move in to- day it's vacant -owner i!I anxious SBJ.500. Call qu.i ck 546-2313 . NEWPORT NAUTICAL t .. ar ges t waler front 64' on the ""'ater! New privat{' pier ;ind Ooot. 4 bedrms, 2 baths Away rron1 11 ;11l, yet slep!> tu s .and and shops C;dl 546·23 13. EXECUTIVE POOL HOME Ult imate i n terior d ecor . Soar1n J! cathedral ccilinl-!s ;1drl to open sp:ic1ous- nes., Elc~ant from the Ion~ l""n\'t•r1•d !'ntrv lo the ent crt:u111c r's d ream yard \l.tlh hui,:·l' s parkhn,g p<>c>l. 558.900 1 ~ a ba rg.ain ' C.al l now to see. 847 6010. CORONA TRIPLEX NEAR BEACH CORONA DEL MAR with cverylh1n.[! i;!Oing fo r it . Quaht ~. location, privatr fin anci ng. anrl \/It'"-'· One of the very few honc:-.1tn·Ple xcs 1n Corona de! f\-1ar. Prinle l 11~::t11on for winter & s ummer rentals or owner- occupant. Priced at Sl27 .500 Call fnr more detail.~. 673·8550 DESIGNERS HOME Interior designe r 's own home. A spot· less three bedroom house In excell ent condition. Pane led a nd papered thru- out. Sparkllna: kitchen. Top grade carpeting. Convenient to tennis courts and s wimming pool. $72.500 call now 673·8SSO. BUSY! Bl:JSY! BUSY! WE NEED YOU Our sales people tell us lhal working on our t eam is both pleasant and productive. We need two rnore s al es peo- ple. Our r equirements a re integrity and enthus ias n1 . You could start today! Would you like to know more about what we have to offer you? Call T erry McCardle now at 752 -1700 .. ·-you'll be glad you did. PARK HUNTINGTON $7150 BUYS IT Hamblini.: two story S & S C:1t a!Jna Formal double d oor c nl ry. Slep down formal living & <l in1ni.:. Gourmcl ki~chen & ;0;pacious family -fun roon1 . Pr1 v;~te i.:ue1't s uite. Open staircase lo king s1·1.c . m:1ster & ehildrcn s uilcs. 400 SQ. i'~r .. i\1ARDI G HAS P AR'rY-UA~lE HOOM. Spa <.•iou s profess1ona\ly l an_dscaped grounds Call now to sec !! 963·6767 . eo :ONlAL MANSION 6 BR-2 STORY MINUTES TO BEACH _ Double door formal entry to s pacious 11v- 1n1! room w it h floor t o ceiling stone fireplace. B;in(1ue1 siz('(I form;1I dining. room is eloq uently ser ved by <i huge gourmet kitchen with breakfast eating a rea. Stately g rounds. Sw!'epin g stairs to 1•leeant master suite + separate children & )".(uc s t wing. ll idcaway libra ry . l'rofcssionally landsc;1pcd. ll urry~ Call 91i3·7R81. ABSOLUTELY IMPECCABLE You can s mell the newness. A crispy ('lean 3 bedroom with a \'t•ry large family room On a top r ast .~1de Cost;1 1\lesa trcchncd . no traffic. pnde·Of·o~·nership street A lrur c harmer, S4 1.950 &16·1\i l . MESA DEL MAR CORNER RY & BOAT STORAGE Bi g one·slory, the favorile floor plan. 4 lxlrms. 2 1 • loving roon1 . Lush veJ,:ct.alion a l s o lo ·mainl .-s p rink l ers . t c rr1 f 1c lath·cove rcd paliO. Just listed al S.16.950 . Ue first and the l<1s t to see 11. S.16·23 13. 50 STEPS TO SAND CUSTOM HOME + UNITS NO QUALIFYING Unbelievable opportunity to a "llard lo fi nd" investment. No need for new loan::i -owner will fi nance himse lf al a-,....•k. Dramatic c ustom home lavishl y designed + 2 bdrm apt. + studio. Take SO giant steps to beach. You na me the terms no qualifyi ng necess:oiry. OWner must leave the slate -lake ad vantage. Call 842-2535. JUST FINISHED IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Almost ready wilh """arm """oodsy fceltng throughout. Spanish tile e ntry, formal en· try, formal dining plus large gourmet k itchen. Personal area includes private atrium off large master bath with Roman style tub. 21x3'.J garage off lar~e patio faees alley. 1'akc a "looks ee" call .646·7171 . BEAUTY BY THE BEACH $53,950 Custom La Cuesta features unusual family room with """el ba r rind plank nooring. Park·hke yard looks l ike its cut "'ilh manicure scissors! i\lust see -call now JS..17 .fi()l 0. DEL MAR SELECTIONS BRAND NEW LISTING 'i'ou wtll love this. Superb home in Irvine Terrace -3 lttr.l?l' brs. I luge cor- ner lot. Immaculate condition. Li\'ing room is over 25 ft. long. One owner home shows tender loving C"are. Pl('ntv of room for pool. Priced fa irly a·t $79.500 Call 673·8550. , SUPERB DUPLEX Outstanding custom built duplex in Corona d el Mar. Front unit h as three bedrooms fa mily room plus separate dining· r Oom . Rear unit almos t a duplic ate -e legant, easy care. Near ocean. Call 673-85W. SUPERLATIVE VIE.W HOME D1sllnC'tive. we ll·maintaincd. custom bu.ill, 3 br. plus den. In e:ccell cnt eondi- lion. manicured landscaping with s parkling he at ed & filt ered pool. Cu:-;tom drape s . Top grade carpeting - it's new. vacant and easy lo show. Call now 673-8550. HOME PLUS INCOME CJi,a rming 2 bedroom home. spacious living room with co?.y fireplace plus very interesting income un11 in rear. Walk to everything 1n downtown Corona del ll-1 ar. Price~ to sell at 589,500. Call 673·8550. "DESERTED" AT BEACH ARTIST COTT AGE POOL EZ TERMS $23,900 Dramatic e ntry to cozy hving room with c rackling firepl.ace. wet bar & COMMANDING VIEW Oi'' OCEAN Ma rina. Exc~lent for bcach·li fe style. al LOW PRJCli:. l.f.urry won't last. Call 963·7881. "ABANDONED VILLA" SPANISH $38,500 2 STORY -POOL - GI NO DOWN P Ltrklike entry to spac ious li v i n~ roorn. Formal dining Is sc r vt!d by huKe garde n view kitehcn with br(•akf;1s t t•;.tini.: area. Fiesta part y roon1 ~·1 t h l'O nl · 1nand1ng vil'w of lush tcrrat l• 111 -.•1allt'll courtyard. IJram at i(' stairs tn :-.•'Pilrate master s ui te + l'h ildrcn's ""·1ng. Ul 's try NO !)OWN. Now vets lo w do~·n . Hurry call !i6:1·7HHI. SPANISH MANSION ASSUME $39,000 POOL-BEACH Manicured yards. Elevated vestibule. Step down living room. Format dining ser ved h y IM ' i.:a ltC .. · 1-:no rn1uus wooded fies la room. ··r~·1n J;11Hling slaireasc . Circu lar ball'on\'. 5 h ui.:c separate s leeping <1uarlc.rs Kings ma ster suite. liO' wrap ;1round danc e pavliion. Assume 7 ',,. Yr\ S:ISO per month p;iys a ll . O~·ncr must go -t ake 11dvantage. Call 842·2535. GI-NO DOWN ABANDONED . $200 MOYES YOU IN Prest ige lo<';.i tion . 'rrl'e lined approach. Secluded entry. S pa{'ious living room. i''ormal d i nin i!. c::irden k1t l'h c n SEPAllA'fE fa n1ily roon1. llidden p11tio. Spiral s tairc a se to massive masfc r &-WJ._V.ii.•J''ull :family· ~i"9d''.be>....::~~ OWNT.R 11 ;\S ,\fJAN.DONE-1). s~Oo 1'0TAL cos·r r,,10VES YOU I N!! Full price only 538.500. 'r ake adv:inlagc ca ll S.12-253,$". APPLE-PIE ORDER! JiAF.<!..A.. '<ER.OE •. , 4 Bl:DROOMS ' . Charming -""'arm -tastefulfy dt·- corated-immaculatc condition-3 car garage -on a choice, qu.ict street -price $76,500 -·nuff said? Phone 546-2313 to ins pect -before it's sold! NO DOWN- . WALK TO BEACH J.:njoy prestige area Ii ving. G raettnis en· try. llu~e living ronni. Forn1 ~LI <lining room. G IGANT IC t ',\:\llL 'I' HOOi\·l . 40' x 20· d ance pavili on. Kin g $i1cd n1asler suite. NO DOWN-1\'.0 COS'l'S invnlved for veter an buyer. F;~ nt asl1 c n11portinit.v for you ! Call now 842·25:'15 BAY VIEW BRAND NEW :i bir bedrooITis.· d ining room. Choose your colors throughout -h1..:h beam ('eilings -lots of rough wood -won 't la s t al only $46.95 0 ~ 1s t tin1e advertis ed. Call 546·2313 COVINGTON FOURPLEX Prim e lluntin glon Beal·h loenl1on. These go fast -better call now for details. g..i7.1;01 0 REDUCED ! $48,500 2000' home on corner lol. Kin g si1.e hedroonls. Sl·p ;1 r a t~· beam c t•1l1n g family roo'll \l.'1th s~·edish firC'placc. :\ lot or hon1L· for tht• n11u1L'V' c·,111 now 847·1Kl\O. • POOL HOME $37,000 r..1.·s ""'l•lc o tn ('. l 'wo s tory horne ha:. hu g e r i es la ronm \l.'1lh har. Unbel;evable barg:iin ! \Von't la~t so ·call now lo sec. 8,17·6010. "ON THE SAND" SIX BEDROOM HOME + INCOME Panoramic vi ew of sand and surf! Forn1al entry to REi\Cll Fll0 N1'J1 vin~ room. W1\LL O f-~ c:J,ASS and noor tO ceiling fircplal·c . Sweepin~ stairs to OCEANVI E W m11sler suite. Se1>arate children & guest suites. Over 3500 sq. ft. retiring o~·n f'r "'il l hClp fi nance! Easy terms. Take advantage! Ca ll 963·6767. DIVORCE 4 BEDROOM 2 STORY $4750 DOWN* Tragedy forces sale! Two story. Four bedroom. Over 2000 sq. ft . Quiel C'Ui dC ·Sa!' location . Tile ent ry to forma l l iving. c.;ourmet g arden kltcfi en . Spacious family room. Wide staircase to hideaway mastf:' I< chi ldrens s uites. Uike to beach. )on l miss this one! Call 963·6167. NEWPORT BEA.CH 1700 "-" Blvd. ~?171 COSTA. MESA 2790 Harbor Blvd. 546-2313 H U NTINGTON DEilCH CORON A. D EL MAH 332 Marguerite 673-3550 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. 'I N V ESTMENTS ' 17931 Becx:h Blvd. 21030 Brodchurst 6014 Wllff'M Ave. 842-2535 <rJIH.767 847~10 T 18109,Brodchurst 963-7881 18662 MacArthur Blvd .. Su tte I 03 Irvine 752-1700 . ., ... } ( .. ·~··· .. " • • • ' • • j ' • • ' • . pi( DAILY PtLQT I Wedne&e1ay.J1nu!')' 29. 1975 Co11tr11et Cha11ge I • ' .. Penthouse Minifarm Valley Force Protested Answer .... mw1reServ1 ... Awaits ANIMALogi<t..»1, "'"1, .. .. " Teleprompter · Wi1is Reneu:al Airing Delay lly Kl\TIIYCLl\NCY OltM o.tty ~1"'4 $..," l\.1os t 1''uuntain Valley city couu· t ilmcn b e lie vt• the c ity gave poh ce officers a fair one -yea r t•on· tract offer, designed to keep their s a l aries and bene f its i.ibove aver age in Orange County. But at the same time, they agree \\'ith police that the size of the for('e may need to be in- creased. In add it ion. Councilman Bernie Sv ~1lstad said he plans lo review o vertime pay for police o rficers. and he may suggest u.n adjust· .n1ent if it appears policemen are bcin~ s hort-changed. The police contract battle rl'· ached :1 c liniax a \\.'eek ago. :1s 250 local res id£'nts and off-dulv po li c emen took their di s pute before the cit.v council. '!'h ey were protes tin g low J>Oli ce manpov.·cr , time and a half pay arrungemcnt s f o r police n1en, laek of disability in· suranCl' a nd refusal by the city to g ive' officers n1ore lhun CJ 12 7'1 percent p ay increase. At the e nd of the three hour. m eeting , the council appointed Mayor George Scott and Coun- cilman A I ~lol lindcn to a special committee lo work with police on increasing the size of the for ce. At the sam e timt.•. Svalstad pledged to review the disability insurance a nd lime and a half que'slions. Citing complete loss of busi-I-le s;.1id he has now de termined n ess and fi na ncial records ia the that since the disability insurance ?tfarincr's Mile fire, the lop ex· \\"3S offered to police on a L"-·o· ecutive o f Tele prompter has year contr.act, but turned down in w on a two· m onth r eprieve Crom favor of a o ne·ycar agreem e nt, he city co unc ilme n in Newport conside rs the matter c losed . ;Beach -a delay to a n ap· But he does plan to watch the r.arance which amounts to a overtime pay question for the General Motors heir Ste""·art K . Mott has transformed hi ~ Park Avenue pe nthouse LcrrCJce into a s ky-high minifarm . and fellow s hareholders in the luxury cooperative apartment don't dig it. 'fh e management is, in fact, su· ing t o up root its res ide nt gentleman farmer and asking $15,000in damages. ~1 ott has said previously that he put 40 tons of soil on the one- twentieth acre, raised chickens and grew more than 400 varieties ( ____ P_EO_P_L_E ~) of plants, 235 of them edible. ''A g reat h<tzard and e ndanger- ment ." clairnt"d the ~ J>ark Avenue Asso(iation in a New York st a l e Sup remeCourts uit . • llenry Kissinge r nosed out Muhammad Ali as m.an or the year among the Britis h Broad- cast ing Corp. 's African listeners. the BBC said. It said tho s traw poll among lis teners to its "-'Orld ser vice ''M o rn ing Show'' put the secretary of slate a whis ker a head of the \\'O rld heavyweight boxing t·h;:1n1pion an1ong 71 nominees for the title. • Mayor Fre d llorhe inz of Houston norm ally is an articulate speaker. Blit commenting on reports of JO\\.' rh o r a le :1mon g policemen because or the emphasis on recruitment or policewomen, he said: She's .Goddess at 7 • Child Worshipped in Nepal t\A1'111\1AND U. Nepal (API - ShL· !Hts on he r gotil 1·11 thrunt· as lht• \)l"I Cht w us h c:-. lu•r rt~l't ~11H I d:1h-. <.·.-r1•rnon111 I )1·llO\\' p0\1dl'r (111 h t·r bro\\. ;1 7 yo,.•;1r-uld J.:O•lde:-.s >1tl·•·pt111 i,: 1 ll r \\ 01·:;h1p th:n 1s ht·r dL1e "()1 11 ,\ a ;.:.od(t1•s!> 1·:111 sit on that 1hl'o111 · ... l ht.· prll':-.L s aid Ulll' ll)01"t1111 g <1flel' tile daily 1·1t(" \\'1.: h('lH.'\"l' th:1t if :u111Lhcr child sils on thl' thruJlt:, 1t "'11 1 von1it • blood ." K.,\TJ\I AJ\'.OU'.s J\laiden Cod· dc ss h:is graced t hl· lhrunc in a do .... ·nto\\'n tempi(' fur fuur ye:1rs, he s;lid . 'f'h crj• has h1 ·c1111u vo1111l - 11lJ:: of bloo'I or t·r yiri g "Sht> has innC'r :-.trcn~th ," s a id t Ii l' II 1· i 1' ~ I , h 1' :-;1 h 1\1 ;1 Tl har;1m:1c h:1rya. "She 1s not ;1 1·h1ltl l1k(' olhl.'r C'Tl ildren . She sit." 011 1hc !hr1'1np and do('sn 'l lillk ;1rl<l d111 •:-.11 't {'I"\'. It IS \"l'l"V Ul l '11:-.u:d for a l·hil(i ufthut :1g(' :, 'l'hc little goddcs:;, "·ho lea\'es h•·r r uon)s u niv il;ilf .1 dorv11 t in1 1·s a )ear for f,•s l i\al ;1 p pc urance:;, h u:; IL\'1·d 111 Ju·r 11·111 pi e :-.i nc·L· sh1• 1\ :is l'hu:.t•n in 1·1tuul h·:-.1 :ii 1111· :1 g1· o t :1 ALONG \\'ITll oth<.•r lots f1·o n) thi ' prir:-.tly ll:11r a1·h :11'~·;1 f.1 1T1d\, :-.hi• \1 :1:-. 1·l u~c t cLI 111 ~• ll.11k n 1(~1 11 ("UJ\IO!llllll g !>:lt"l"lf1<·1·>; IV llio,.• 1~111(" ;111 d ;.1 pu111 •rful p r1 •·:-.j l /i':0.(,11 1' 1hf' d,1r k :tt)d lhl' p1'1e:-.1.·:-. 1111·anl:1 ll~•ll:-.. ~ht.· d1d11 •t "t"I'), q11.d1J.1111g ht.:r ;1:. i\l :11d~·n (;uddcs,.., .1r't·n1 d •She sits'''' fhPfhro114" 011d doeYtt •r I nlk '''''' does11 .. f. cry.• ing to antitnt {\.~·r:dt·"'' 111111111 tr;1 dit1011 . Shi· d1:-.1.1rd··d h i:r l-!*''·11 11.11111· ;111tl O l~J\ 1•d l!l l•I h\·I l1·111pl•• l11 •..,1d1 • 11\o• tnr11 \•'t" 10.v.il l'.11;111• ;it <HH' 1·111\ nl h a \tll !1111lt1 .., 111.1111 :-.l re~'I It \1 Ill h!' li 1·r li i•lllt· 1111111 :-.h1· n11 •n ... t r l1:ill':-. uni•'"" ... 111· t 111 .., or hl1 •t•d :-. h1.·l11r1· 1 ht.•ll :\l:titl1·n \\(1r ... 111 p 1,d·.i ·-. pl.11,.11+ ... l'\ t"l">il I 1•nq1IL"S 11! i\<'p:d 1\111 ~1·p:ilt'"~· .... 11 llH· ,\l:iid1·11 (jnd d1 ·:-.:-.111 J.\.1 11n:111d 11 1-.!l11·01il\ 1!11•· Mary a Solo Peter, Paul Co Own Ways i\" I·:\\' ,,.(I HK (,\I' l -\\'h<.1t1 ·1·er h:qJpt·ned to l\J :1r.'· u! f>t'l•·1·, P:illl :ind :\1 a r v·• '!'he :ill ... \\"Cr. n1y fl ·it.•111t. is i1ot blo\\ 111· in lhl' 1\·inci :-ihi··s :-til l !--i n g 1n i-:. hut llO\\" ;i\:.o ho:;t:-. IH:r O"-'ll 11:1tion :t1t:-i syn. d1e;1tt>d 1·:uilo s hov.• 1·;1eh \\"eek. l \dlt·d '· i\f ;1 r1· 'l'raver s ~in d Fr1 C'nct .•• tho,.• ~lll('·hour s ho\v feature s ("hal!; \\'Ith prominl'nt n1us1c g roups or snlu 11erforn)crs. a s \\"('I\ a s s an1pl l':' uf thl·1r old ltl h\.'l' in h C'( l l'lllPl~· lull 111 11 •·, ,11\ a!o 1 roru ht•r p :1r(·111 ... ''S()l\1 •:Tl~IF.S ~11 •: pla y:.., SI 11lll 'l I Ill l'!> :,)I l' f'l' :ld ~ .... 1)11lt ·I 11111 "" ...111· l ';it .... " !-:lid 1lt•' ;'p )t':1r uld 11 ·111plv 11 L11n1,' \1 ho h;1. tiinl.rd .it t1 ·t' :-.1'\ t'll ~ud d1·..,:-1 '" "\II .1r1· I Ii ' · .... 111 l 1 • " ·r1i1·11:i 1111 .\.11 1d1·;t '1 :1 .1 .• ;dl .. 1\" t1l·1· ).!1·;1ndt·hddt •'ll ,., (1u111 ' .i ncl pl ;1 ~ \\i th !hl' ~u ddl·-.:-. ~-ntn1·lu1 11.::-. Shi· :-.;11d lh1 ·v \11 ·r.- th•·Olli ':> (11 lt':ll'h \h1· ~t.><tdt•-.!'. hu\1 [If I l 'Old , l'.trt·nl :.i l \ 1:-.1 t s ;dt-o :1 r1· ~II · ]p\1•·d . llld l.\:irrn ;.11:h:1 rv :1 :.aid i\l:.i 1dt•n <;l•1l d1.:~!>· rnul h.-1' ;1n1I t.1l h1 ·r \111r!--h1p hl ·r li k1· n\h1 ·r cit · 1uUI pall'illl ~ uf lho,.• t1 ·1nph-. llt·:lt l Jl•Kt-:1·:1• 1·om1·s fron1 •• 1r11 :-.I tund 1 1ouri ~ht•d Ii) "'t'al th ~ Nt·pa]C$C' I lundus I linth1 ~ a nd lhl l"ll,\"~11f;t 1111 I~· \\ 11••11 h 1•1' I 111Je• 1 .~ up . t!u· Pl"' -..1•11t \l .111!··11 i ;(1~ld1 ·~s 111'1 ro,.•11 11 ·11 I 1 ~ 111 I \ 111 :1;..:t• ;1 ntl try \\) Pll'h 11p .I 11111 111.d Id•·. 11•· -.:11d Hiii ~l.Hdl°oil 1:111ld1 ·-...,,., o1~1"11 1•1HI up •ltd 11\,ild -.. h1 •t'.1tl;.l' [llo,.'rt l\·:11· Ji[l' II Ill! .+ 111rn11·r ll •'1t,\. We Owe It All To Debt I~\· l)J('~ \\'t-:s ·r \\.\Slll\'.(;'1'())." 1t 'l'l1 -llu\1 n1t1 ·11 . r1·.d l\ (!i1 yuu think ~1hu11l 11H' 11:..1t1p11;d <lt•hl ., ( )lll't' a \l"CC'h ., ·r\1 ll't" d !1il\ ' H1l.'l1tH;1 1ly".' Nt•\"(•r on S u11d:1;. ·• 1-:1 l'fl 1f \ uu c·llc1 h\•tl :d i 11f th1· :ilJU\t', t ht.,' f.1t.'1 l"t'tl\;11 11 ... th;1t lht• .. ~hpwdow n in a cable·¥rvice . ~' -11 __ :,;. .. Chisc re~6a..n:1. · .. i"~ ·~·· oex,l ~~~~9;~~*Yi\99.,.~&,"'"';~:,.,,. , •. ~.)··.~~:~~ • .R~i~_,10. n£Jer wlic~, The panel ;.1greed at its Mon· Mayor George Scott and Coun -JObs ·to qua1111 eo Won1c11 1 Lt~<>•'1 · ~ ·'· N"' it.11., . '1'\ IT;; !'.: "". , -«~ ,, GJI..,.. J? .... ( , .. , .,") ......... ..If > ..... ~ •. ...,..,.,~ • ~ d ay s tudy session to give-cilrpen Mar vin Adler and Roger lessoftheir sex ." Lawren ce Priest until la te March Stanton said they believe lhe con· • to pre pure a definitive report on tract as it stands is fair a nd do n 't Jacob Malik. the Soviet am· ·:Telc prompte r 's plo.1ns for up-plantoofferanychanges. bassador t~ th~ U n ited Nati_ons, grading service to the communi· · has s omething 1n common with :i ' Ly . ThcoriJ?inaldatewas l''eb.10. Councilman Jlollinden "-'<1s out multitudeofNcwYorkers. ·7; "It!'-·· -.·.-.m~ -·-~ ''---~•,y:.i~"'"\'f"'t'l c~l_d.;·---""'~·~Ke· --~...,4\'".parking ticket a nd va.Stated iti"1 tfiC '$2 ' milliOil firC be' rCa"c h t:d ' ror ~olh~h Cht . ~·anls to kn'ott': "\Vhere e lse is early this month . It already ha s · there a legal place to park?'' feltthesting ofcouncil criticis m J\1 e;:inwhil c, S{(t. Terry Thcparkingtickctwasslapped for the need lo expand and im-Tavernetti . president of the 1'~oun -on t\talik's ear Dee. 12 as it stood prove ser v ice. lain Valley Police Officers As-in front or h is mission waiting to l'riest said that because of t he sociation. s aid policeme n are still . take hi m to the United N"Rtions . Joss of all the records und the pre-'"awaiting an offi cial city counc il In a protest note to the U.S. Mis· :ssures or operating in tem por a r y decision on a possible contract sion, the Ru ssians said the inci-t'hangc. · ::quarters, developing a package to dent ill ustrat ed ''the cynicism or •propose to the council would take I le said officers do consider the premeditated action" of the 4·m u c Ii m o r e t i m e 4 manpo...,•er qu£'slion a major is eity police in tieketing or towing The official initially proposed a s ue, and they beli eve the counc il a"·ay ca rs \\•it h diplon1atic plates. s ix.-month reprieve. but coun· committee will help open cum · • cil m en quickly whittled t he m unication between the two t··ormcr \Vhite I louse aide J ohn pcrioddowntotwo. gro ups . W. Dean III d oes n ot y;a nt Priest stressC'd that his l'irm·s I-le added lhnl l)()liccmcn are tele vis ion nev.·s cameras or tape ins urancf: c;:1rricr h as r;uggested ...,.·illing to accept their 12_74 per-recorders present Sunday when that it rn ;iy ·take sjx month:; cent pay increase, but they still he speaks ~tt the University of before a settlement is reached on hope to r eceive d isability in -Virginia . thedamCJges . s urance <.1nd lime and a hair pay A c l a use in Dean's $1,000 con- Coun ci\mcn s aid "t h ey r e -for all overtime above 40 hours a tract with the university explicit· mained concerned about the w eek . ly prr!Jibits the use of e lect ronic firm's plans to expand service to media equipment during his ap4 areCJs not now reached by the ~n -pear an c e . a uni v e r s it y t e nna cable service. ·rhey also s pokes mansaid. are concerned about the le vel of Mesa BiJJiard The speech will be Dean's fi rst local programming offered by s ince h e was released from the firm which now holds Uie city federal prison two weeks ago • franchise. Manager Puts after s erving part of his Y..'atcrgatc s entence. CoffillS Lighte1ied ()Sl.O (\1 1'1) 1\ l'\(tf"\\.L'g 1;111 t'1)n1p:111;v is r<.·;nl y lo introduce ;i 11<.'"' prolluel for u11dcrt.~1kt'rs " lt ghtwcight, r1·;uly -\.1:rappctl <.'offin ! h1 · l\"orY.'Cg 10.1n informnt1011 service, Nurinform. rl'pOrlcd. /\ccorrling 10 Norinform, thC' comp<l ny \\'hi c h is lot·all;'d just n11t s 1rll· uf ()s lo \\'Ill 111 - lrudu,·e 0.111 casy-tO·l°arry cof- f 1 n m adt• of ce llulose li.1mina1e, 711 pt•rccnl of "'hi<:h t·on:-.ists of St«licd :1ir buhblcs. '!'h(' process \Viii make the new coffin about 40 percent li ghter tha n tr~ditional \\'ood roffins. Halt to Theft ,\ hand it wilh two accomplices wailing in :1 gcta\\.·ay ca r found himself behind Lhe cighl-ball at a Costa M esa billi;1rd parlor 'fues- day, "'hen a (•rolchcty, flG -yc;1r· nld m:1nagcr ::.1n)ply refused !ft h:.incl over :1n}·thing but his key !'I ll),!. l 'au l A . Limbert, of Jrvinc. callC'd p oli ce to Arl Judice f,ami - \y Billiards shortly a rt.er l a .m , t.o re port what turned out to lx• a S.1 holdup. Ile sai<l the bandit, who :1p pcared lo be simulating a pistol \\'ith a hand thru s t into his pocket. gol a \\.•:1y with only his key carrier instead o f a wallet 111 lht: holdup. Limhert's loss included key!:i In his house and car, valued al about $1 each. . =Retired LA Police Sgt. Holman Dies IJeath has claimed retired Los , ,\ngeles l1 olice Department Sgt. ! lier /nan W "Sarge"' l·lol m un , 83, : :t 25-year Cost.CJ J\1e~a residt.•nt l a nd th e f ir8l LAPI) pistol ~rangemusler. • The veteran pol iceman who ! lierve.d with the U.S. Army in the .. Philippine Islands in 1909 a nd. ; joined the Los Angeles rorce in r 1927 s uccumbed nine days ago .. • lie w as buried Thursday at ; Harbor Rest Me moria l Park, 1 • wilh funeral arrange ments un4 ! der direction of Bell Broadway I ' Mortuary . 1 During his police career. Sgt. llolma n recoj(n1zcd early the need for uniform armament. a nd marksmunRhip trulning,. lcad.ing to his ossignm£>nt a~ the firs t l~APD r0tngemas tc r lte w as a lso occasiona Uy us· slgnt..~ lo security forces durinJ.?. the heyday or llo\lyv.'ood, \\'he n makirtg of a movie was a huge spectacle and crowds had to he controlled as a result . J\1ovie conlacl<; m ;.1de by Sgt." llolman included friendship with· many m ot ion picture ri gures and led to a part for him ns a soldier i n ''The Sheik ,'' f eaturin g Rudolph Valentino. Famil y m e mb ers said pOlice work: was his fir.!ll love and fls~ing hi6 s~nd \ with manr trip~ out. for 5almon in his own boat off the rugged coastline of Oregon. Sur:vivors incl-,de his \\•idow Juanita Holman, of the home '6l 206 E. 16th St., Cotsta Mesa. a son Elon P. lfo lma1,1, of Ornngevalc. ·a g randspn William P. l·loltnan, of Sacramento, ;1 g r a ndrt au g hler Kathleen Me llow, of llio l ... indn. and a niece. llctl.v llolman. of Costa Mcs:1. t Comedian Junior Samples, the ('hubby s tar of television's "Hee ll:1w " s how. is s ticking to h is diet ~nd hopes lo gel down lo 200 pounds in the ne a r future. lie has 81 pound!'> to go. The 4R- year-o ld Samples wt!ighccl 318 pounds when he "-' as forced to diet h y h is do c tor after bei n g hospit:ll i7.cd for diabetes la s t Dec em bt.• r. "I'm m<.1king good progress," said San)pl1•s from his home al l'umrning, G ;i. Tr<1pczi!<;t Raul Va ldez and hatancing ·act p e rformer F:va Zvitaci preceded ;1 thrl'e·ring sho\v al Mi <tmi l~t.'ai:h by get.tin),! n1 ;1 rr icd 1n !\ •tnuhle·ring ceremony , thc11 prOvefl they "'e1·e still swingers by doing a trapezt.' uct for the reeeption guests. Valez. a Cuban. and his bride. a llungari a n , are touring I.he Unit· cd States with a circus. Both are 27 . • Rear Adm . James O. Watkins has been n omin a ted by President Ford for promotion to vice ad- miral. N~vy spokesm en s aid in San Diego. If Wa tkins' n omination is .ap- proved b.y the Senate. he will become chief or n<.1val personnel. His 21 -ycar·old daughter . Laura Jo, v.«1s the s ubject of in· lernational social talk last year when she t r aveled to London as g uest of Prince Charles. • Mary llemln g:way donated 15,000 p ages of Ernest llem4 ·ingway's manuscripts a nd mo re than 3,000 photographs to the Job.a F. KeDnedy Library in Waltham, Mass. The library said the eoll ection Includes the original opening or "The Sun Also fl is es," one un· published section of "Islands In the Stream " a nd sever a l un- published c hnpl ers of "A t\fovca- ble i-'eflst." The matt.>ria ls include f '. Scnll Fitzgerald's comments on "A Farewell to Arrns " and 11 cnllec 4 lion of photographs covering l·lemingway's life and family. in lht" NEW'S ;ind 110.:"-· rcl"ord1ng.:-Jnd tho ... t.' uf ulht·r a rtists lht·v <1dn11r1· ' ... Sii i-: S1\ \'S C)J'\ I·: futur1• gu1•st i" rf·clu~L\'e folk 1111ll1nn ;11rt.• l!t1h J)yl:1 n. n fr11 ·1HI 1)f h1 •rs ... inct· !ht· 1·a1·Jy 19G0s \\"ht·11. :1.; _...he put~ 11 . .. \t"C hllng out 111 tlH' -.;1 n11· coffl.'l' h OUS('S nnd s t :1rved l•);,!l'lhcr .. /\"tall. frit•ndly ,,·on1a11 or :1x. s he"s \O.:Orked solo sillt"l-. 1970. \1hC'n thf' trio Sh•· ;:;111:-. "Pl'l\1"' hrok(' up nfl \'I" nine V(·:1r:-nf f:un•· for both it s nlusi1· ;1;1111\.., 111\111\t' n11·nt in thP t·1' ii r1 ;.:h\-.. :111d an 1111 ;11· rno\·1•tni·nl :-. A1th o11 ),!h -.h l' ~;1\:-.-.hr·'d ~1dl IH · \\llh t l\1• l ri11 IOtl .;i \' h:1d -,,q di• c:l s inn h ct•n nt :l(l1· hy f(.·[!111\. s1ng1·1· l'aul Stookt·\ to IL':1 \'t• 'ht· ;.:roup ~in d b(·co n1 ~· 1n11re in vol\ P1l 1n rl'ligion than song, sht• ll kt•:-. the c·hange. "(JJ'\I·: o•· ·rll I·: fun th1n j.!~ ;iboul being on your O\\'n is th;1t )'1111 l"il ll t ~1k e t.•n11rnlllUS tli:HlCt'S ;ind f'norm11us ~trel1·hin~s and do ;!II kinds Of Olltl"il j..\l'llllS things ,\"OU can"l do ""hl'n )'ou're 11l ;i gr11up:· shf' :;ays. 'l'his 1nr h ul1·s four :llbum ~ 111" hl'r 0\1·n. s ix li r1l1!--h J\ro<1 d1::1 .... l 111g Corp. \':11·11 ·1 .1 ... ,~·t i:il s ~llt· \\ rolr ;1 nd ho ... t!'d 111 1'.J7~. and :111 (·st1n1:1 IL'<I :Jo t•ot1 t·1·rt cl:1t1·" ;1nd Ol"f'<l:-1nn n I t·luh" nrk 1..·:11·h \·4·;1r Sht•'s :1ls o f111i!--hin :; :u1 :1;1!ohi« g r:q1h~· d t•:1!111 g 1 11:1111!~-"\\1th gl'0\\'1n;:?. up il·fl 1n :'\t·\\ ''ork"" 111 ~Hldd HHI tu 111·1· lll'll ~liul\', v. hi«h l\•·g:11l Ill ~:~ ("1111"" ,l/•('Ol'din).! !11 11 ... 1•r1111Ll(•1·1 .. ·r,\ l·nt 1 1-"ir:-.l t ",,nt 1nun1 co.1 lH.ltl " { ·orp. S ll E'S 1'11 .\Rltll·:tl tn ,l('rr1 'l';1 ~·lor . pul1l1 s h 1·r 111' i'\:.i ll nn:d l .:i 1np{)o11 111 ,Ji.::11.1ne. 1"h \' 111 :11.~il "/ll\l' I" 0\\ n1 ·1 I hy l \\Cnl\I Frr"I ('1•n1n1t1n 11·;1t 111n:-.'. ~ul :-.h~· :-.:1 .~~ hl· pl;1~ o,.•d n11 p,1rl 1n' ... t·lt111µ " VPI Tel~pfo01o HAS RADIO SHOW Mary Travers up hf'r r ~HliO :-.h n1\ Sht· s;11<I 1 ht' 11;11'1<1l! 1·t ~rn11,111\. 11l111·h l1u1!t ,1 :-.l ud1•1 l11r .i '\,, 111111;11 L:11npnun t ;1d1n ~1'1 11•:-. l,1 .. 1 1.1•;1r. ll :HI IH·1•n t"i •lls 1d~·111 1 ;..; <11111 1 I :1 W<i pr1i.J,'I'!:-. \I !11·n :111 ,.,,.\ lll ll.• nnl he r hu:-.IJ ;111d ~11 •;.:1•,.!1•d tl1·1· :1.; !ht' hnt-( uf .1 pn11 .1t1d l1il h. 11,11 ... ll" t:dk ... 11111.\ ··\\ h•·n lh•· 1d1 -.1 11 :1 .., h r1 1111·ht 1·~ ti1n1 .":--ht· g r111nl·d ... 111· -...11 d. ".\Ii 1•·11:1-. l 'n1 ll•.1\111 µ 1h•·r(i•1n111•,11 ·r111 ... 1s !hv phr1 n •' n un1lio ·1· 1d h1 ·1 :1;..:l'nr ;ind l\1·r n1 an;1J.!l'I ",\,I.) I 1111'.'"1' \1 ;n11 !n h.1\1 • .1n.1·t1nng lo d 11 \\1t h d l11 ·c.1U:-.t• 11 t' dnn·r l :ilk ;d l(11d \1t1r" \\h•·ll\\CJ.o hnn11· ... l lon1r t•n nr :1i 11 ... 1011r hid .;, 1 :1 11~ Lil l.: 111 .l) . .:t.' I l"tl\11 Iii l u IS. 'l\\O i•I t' ~11 .... , 'i't';i\"I'!"~· It\· .1 prc•1·iou ... rnarriai,:1' ;,i nd t\\11 <•ll' '1';1 _\I01 'i- l1:-.1pt't'\1<1tt-. n 1:1 1 ti.,,..,. 'nn•· t" a hudd1n ;..: 11111 .... 1f'1 .1n 111 '111 r 1•r , "h•· ":1 1 ..,. ··hul 111 · \1· "t .i l11t ul 11111 ~11 ·;1[ IH '.1d , .d h111111 1111 11 :1 \:ll H'\.\ 11t illdl\l oin d L 1-.11 ·" r.111i.:1ni.: lt•H11 1;r11.11l",1\ ll Hl..,l('.i\~ 111 1.111 \\11\'I" ll{I '1'111·'.' ll111th 111 ti• t 11ld "1'1'!1•1' l',1111 ;11111 i\1.11\ .1l h1tn1-.·1 -·1·h1·\ l l,1nk -..i1111t ' Iii II h~oJd ~ lll• :in d ~11 n1c1 cl ( 11 d11L"•r1·1 · -.1i ru ~i..:1·d lh•· hl1111d1· hi°111• ii ..,111.(!•·1 '"\\'h11 ·h I llnnh 1:-. .in ,11 j'UI ,ll t• ;1""l"'> ... lll{"lll Spy Says Soviets Got Him With Sex l~ONDON (UPI ) -A forme r British diplomat who spent 10 ye:lrs in jail as a convicted Com· munis t spy says in his autobiO· j'.!rup hy he v.·;1s fo rced into it by Soviet ;.iRen l s "·hn threatened II\ C'X )lh!'C' him n . .; a hnn1ost>xual, John ('. \':1ss:1I. s on ot <• clcrg:yman , s:1ul hL' \\"as set up by the t\G 13. the Su\·ie t ~ccrel 1>olicc·. at fl homnscx ua I party in Mo:;cov.·. \\.'hC'rf' h e workt·1t in lht· Jn tc lli ~cnce dC'partmcnt or lhl' llritis h l'm bassy . FOR SF.Vf:N Yf:ARS, Vassal wrot.e, he "'las fo rc('d to cooperate with the So\·iel s -first by spying on his own e m bassy and later by passing on naval secrets afte r he returned to London lo work at the admiralty . Vassal was arres ted in 1962 and ~entenced to 18 years' Imprison· nlc.nt. lie v.·as r e leased after 10 years and is planning to open ,:in antique store \\'ith the 1>roceeds fro1n hi~ honk , "l 'he 1\Ul.nbio· graphy or ;1 Sp}»'. \t ass a l , nn\\. :11. dcse r11,ic ~ himse lf :1 ~ a "pcrfe('I full Rily ," who rc\J for th1• friendly ()Vl!l"lllr1 •:; or ltussians who singled him out a s :1 ho'rtloscxual lie s aid that £{rit1s h sec11ritv ngcncies f;ii lecl to detect h1°s homosexu:11i1.v but lhl' nussi:1n !-- \\"irted nod d in('cl hin1 :ind inv1ti.:<l h1 m to a pri vale apart n1en1 ·rhl'rl' ht• \\'ns photo!.!r<1pht'd .d ;1n ;ill 111 ;11 1· ~t~.\ p;i1·t y :.i nd lhrl.';1tcn£'rl s u hsL·q 1t ~'1 11I _\' 1\·11h t·~ po ~ur(' unlt•s-.. h e :q.!f"l't·d 10 "t·oup l·l"~ll l' .. \1:1:-::-.:d ~.ll <I ht• 1\':1 ... drllgged · I did not kno\\ "-hc•r1• I "-'ll S. or ""·h :1l \\':1s ~111ng on. or v.·h.v it w;.is happe nin~ ·· •'ron1 lhnt momt'nl. i11'suirl. thl' K(~f\ h;id hin1 in ii :-: grip and '"I s lipped gradually into a kind of spider's v.·eb from "'hi ch it was imposs ible to es cape ... t\T FIRST JllS masters aske<.I for general inCorm11tion about goings-o n in lhe ~mb11i.sy. l .ater , lhe demanct ~ included docu - mt·nt.s, ('~peei:illy aftC'I' he joined the ndmlralty on his return to u.-1 . t:iln f)rsp111 · lu s ~r1n1 t'X P\'l'i <.·nt:t'. Vu!'l$;d h11 ~ :-.on1£' kind \\IOl'clS l() :;ay nboul lhc I.\(; I\ .. 1'ht•y \\'er1· $Ol)h1:;:tic a1cd and did not rn;ikl' me ft.'t)I emb;,1r raSSt'(I. ·' he s:1 ifl SI l>E ' 11;d 11111:..d d1 •l1t U!"l"ILIJH'" 11111 .\ :1 d i tll 1>1:u1· Il l 1b1 • J'llldn· l 'ill\:0.l"l!HI"· llt .. ,:_.., ! 'ung r1•-. .... l11r 11 1-.t:.rH·1-. 1111!.v tlunk:-. :.ihou t !l \\ h1·t1 ti 1·1Jn1 .. s 111111' l':1l"h _1 l'.11' lo 1".11"<' th•• d{'hl 1·1·il1ng ~1n o1 ll 1·r f1·"· h ilhnn . \"e l tlus rnmn111n obll.£!:1tion 1:-. 1 r111~ th<' gr1-.11 h ul11.1rh or th1· \111l·r iL";1n 1·1·•11111 ru'. 'r tl()l "(;1rrs .\I.OX•; that lin•· 111•1·e 1•nd;1ngcrt.•tl rt•t·('ntly h y l 1 r 1·~1d 1 •11 1 l·'nrd ·:-. ~!:ilt' 1,f t h•· t 1111'11 !l l1'"""":!t' Ill \I t111·h lil' f I' 111•l'lv d 1ht• 11;1!1 <111:d <h·lil :-111111 l\"idd ('\( l l'd :0..-1l)I) h1l!11111 JI 1.., 111111 111 t i111L·~ 'If t roul!J.·. -..11~ h .1-. 111111 . I 11.11 \1 i-r 1·.d11t• ho\\ (l l UI 11 II, ... 11 I' HI +'•tll" r;q1:1 r 1I \' lo•· 1n ... 1.l11•111 1 1 111l·.111 :1p;1r 1 1rr11n !liv"-'i1111 h1ll11•1t ·r1unh .. 1 1111 ... 1111h1111 t lh1· n .• I 111 n .. d dt•h\. ol1 ·I HI\ s 111 ·11d111 ~ \\lllllf l ht• IH !pn .. -.1hl1• i\11d fll·fi1·1I "'-pt•tldl tl).!, ;1 .., l"\Pt'\Olll • kll1)\\.<;, 1:-. lh•· 1 l.1 ........ 11' rt·1111•d\· l11r r1·1·1· ... s 1011. ll ;ul th1 · J-!l•\~·r1111H·1H l)('t·n :ibh• 1,. ... p1·nd uni\ a -, 111111 h ,1<:; 1\ tonh 111. 1111 -. \'Pt111i !"\ 1\ ould IL.1\ t' ;.!0111· 011\1 ti I ho,.• d 1 ,, 111 long ;1:.1 • T!I ('lll"'"l'I· [{ Tiii·: eurrrnl f'l "l t'"'lntl l·"nrtl 1~ pro11·rt in r. .in ,•!\nu.ii d, t 11 11 r.1\1· 1•f S:JO hil li 1111 111 .,·1n l1dl1 .. n 11>1 .i t1'( :11 p1 ·r111d 1 Io. ii II 111 4 1 'i !\I I• I 1' II ii fl \ !1 \• 'I l t' ;1 -., 111< I lllt 'T\!11,il 1' 1, 111.1 11111 1 \1\ .11111 h1I,. 11 11 .-1111·11111.11 pl.111 II• I~ di 1• Ji,11 d 1111 1111· 111 .. l.1>1 11 [111" II .! I .., I • ! \ill•li\.t l dl!l tl!•'rl\11\,1 !111 1· ,1 I I ,1 I! 1111 1 'I II • I Ill•' <1i>l'11q1 11,dt• 1111111 '\"I "\1r1,l1 11111ild l1J • "nt11 .. 1.1111 rd 1r1h111 L' 111 r h1· n .it11H1 .i l !l o•hl . \1h1 <!1 ,., .1111,,t1· 1111• 111n 1 11111)r1 ·-.. ... r1 1• :11 1.1 1 111 11 «11~ • td .111\ "11\1 ·11·H'tl •,!;iii• "illl't' I ill.' I\ IJl'ld lil'!.".111 'I> fl!!)t•t l)t'H\111· LU)1\1'd Ill 11;1 !ll •llhond h;1\ 1• t 111111• <·lost' lo r1111 11111.:.: lhl·111 ... 1•l\ 1"· int11 :1 l1n;1nr 1.d ll1~l•·11t lh.1 1 lll,H'll1l111h· It IHll\ 1111· dt•lJ! \\\'11' Yi ... 1111\• 1 .. th1· 11.1!..1•11 •'\P i1 \1<111ld q 111rkl:- li1·<·11n\t' .111 11l1p·1·f 01 t,1r r1'rlO\\l' l lH· l1_1r:11 1111I-., '1':11 i\l;1h:il . llot\..: l 1t\, 'I 1·1111 , ;di p;;lc 1)1 t "( ltll p;1 1·1:-.1111 ()ll\'IOl 'SI..\', IT \\Ollld h(• iJT1 .. pr<11·11 t·:d to ti n;: 11n :tC'lu.:i V h o!t.~ tli:1 1 1l <'1·p . 111 11 fnr !h1 · h1c'f'nlf'n- n1:d. lhl' 'J'r1;,1:i;ury I 11 ·part1n£'nl f·o11ld .Cl \'{• !he' d C'hl f1•rn1 :ind s uh4 -..t:i11 i·t• h .1 (•r1.'l"lin{! upon 11 -; roof a 1!11 1.:1• 1·l·td 11·a 11f !111 r lt•r!ronu· • :il e ul :1 1111' l'ro!ll oi111 pn1111 111 llu· t'o"llHl :d I l"l\HI l'-. \'Uldd "''I' lh(• pf\1:-0111\l 11111111:-. k1·1" d :11 1c·111~: up :i nd do\\ t .1 ... !!i1•dq . .'i 1 hi-.1~1'1 •tortl1·d fl'il c ra 1 r1 · \ 1 ·nu1•;. and fl 1 s htt r"1 'mt•n1 :-. \tl(i It) !lit• 1'~';1(.1 f"1\ll \\ tiHJl)\I ll :1 ... h.1ng ll lllll (•1·als 11uu ld kC'cp ;1 1'ur)n 1 n~ lu1 ;d ol' thl! 1·isc of th1 · 1111hl11· 111d~ht ed n 1·s .... ,.uu ·\ t' J,!o ! lo h1.·l1 1•\'f' nn ('Xhibit lik1• 1hat \1011ld runk \\ith the \1orld's prl•m1rr lourist attr:l<'· t1 ons. 1\nd 1\ h ut nn insp\r3tion \n th_e poor. un<l ~vC'I OpC'cl nation s ='tdl stru ~4,lln1 i,: tu achieve rho;ca l i f'1 !:>al an (·1 · !" Abortionis t field f~()~·I 1'l ·ll'1 111 I ' • ~, · 1 cc f' • :11·c10, a lt•ad('~' 01 lhc fiRhl tn legall7.<' ·~hort1on in IL1lly . "'as arrested Sunday niMhl on n thc11tcr sf ;igc hi·~o rl' 3,5<1£! ~rson ~ attendi ng the country s firs t 11l)()rlion con· f."!rf'S~ ,. ' . . tr ·-' ., . . .... ,. how's our or a IJargain? • ' i u People turn to the Daily Pilot whenever they have something to convert to cash -a used car. sofa, boat, camper. washer or dryer. And, people throughout Orange County turn to the people's market place -Daily Pilot clanilied ods -whenever they ore loolting for bargains. On Saturdays, everyone turns to Daily Pilat DIME -A-LINES. That's where the biggest bargains -items under $25 <n ta be found . The best place to buy or sell in Orange County is the Daily Pilot. • • • -· W&dnesd1y. January 29. 1975 DAILY PILOT 83 ~!!.°!..~~.~ ....... ~!~~!.~~.~ ....... ~~~=.'":!~.~~ ........ , ~!~!.'":'::..~ ...... . GeMral 1002 G..,..al 1002 G._ral 1002 G ...... al 1002' ........... ············ ......................... ·········· ............. ········· ···········•••, ••••••••••••••••••••••• HRORS: AdYri'°" G..,..al 1002 ""°4lld GM ck ...... ods ••• ••• • • • ••• • -·-· ••• • doily a. ,.._. ....._.. VETERANS l••edl ately. The DAILY PILOT1m..,_.1 Uablllty for tt. first ;,,. correct htsft"tion Oltfly. HouHsforSale ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'fired (tf ~etl1ni:: Lt\f, run uround'!?'.' Ir you have any questions aboul buy- u1g a ho1nc Vt\. t'Jil lht· VA t-;xperls 1.1t WorldRedbtate :-i1te<•1alist s 111 VA hous· int.:. A s k for Vl'l••ran Cou n s elor·. f15t~-1·1 11 . G....,.al 1002 illl)'lllll•'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BuHdrr Reofiring MUSTSEU. HORSE RANCH +income fo'ull 1·'! a l'f(', t:i6:<300. :1 houses. StiJO. nlu. 111 (·um..:. l 'WnL·r w:1nts l'.1:.l s <1l l'~ $13 ,Uuu d o wn . Olli) ... GeMrol I 002.Gtoneral Reaut1fully decorated 5 BR. '1 1 :.! ba .. panclin~. 3 frpll'S . fl<.1mp /Sli1). $260,000. Custom 5 lilt, 4 ba., 80 [t. view frontage on lagoon . fl amp/noat. $'295,000. !~rand n ew (i hdrm ji.J(.'U ZZ I & saun;I. $125.0011. • (i baths. Pool. J{a111p & f l o ~tl . 70 Linda Isle Dri•e ' l)rimc 45 fl . Lagoon l..ot -$15(),000. f '<>r inform at ion on all homes & lots !=_a_l~l -. 1'h is !!CW . oi._·(·~n \'ICW duplex 1n Newµo rt k l'al·h. EnJO)' first owne r t-..x bcn1:f1ls. 3 lk"llroom, '.! halh, 0 11.·nt•r':. UIHI (l utsta nd1ng wood t'X l1.:r1qr w ith 1.jual1\y t·un · :.t rul·tlon lhruuul. l'ark 1n g no 11rl)hlc1n ht•rt· ""'llh :i r~u· g;1ragl• anti wide :-.lrecl. l'rll'•:d right 11.·n ""I [;1s t ! C;tll S.Ui -~I SSB,000. .........•...•......... ······················-G"'rral I 002IGeMf'al I 002 .................................... ············ ~HERITAGE REALTORS ~U l'EltB­ f-fOMES Ja41 Cilmpua N B 549·8655 s=r21 17970r_,.,CM 642-1771 SO. OF I 7TH. ST • .. 'l'r1pl('X", ~.ont'il C l w l :I BH., 2Blt. & l UH ut11Ls, !01.:atc d 1n N•:W fJort llcq . .(hl!i ;1 rc a . a 11d pr1l·cd tu s e ll at $55,000 . Cull .'1:)6-26011 WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS s1nn· IH46 BEST BUY IM BLUFfS! $73,SOO fhe last NEW Linda n1od c l left & it is a bea uty! Bea ut. g r een belt view . cptd .. draped & l a nd~ca pcd. l_,g c . L.ll . w /cathcdral ~ei lin g, perfect kitchen. 21 I I San JoaqUn Hills Rood MEWPORT ' CEMTER, M.B. 644-491 0 O cranfronts fi-1 l .otS80.000! 10 Units SI 75,000 ! fi15-70GO Corona Ml Mar S h a1·p dupl1·x , oc1~an s ide or 11 \.\·y . ;~ & 2 ll ll ' v 1 (.• \\1 • -NEEDEDZ- Salesmrn or Brolcen 'fl)I' COM MISSJtJN c·a!I o r d rophy. -=SELECT General I 002'General 1002 $106.%0' 640-8'18·1 EASYLIVIHG 11! V l NE lovely g rt·t·n l"tclt c ntl urlll . 3 llR --2 H,\ ·r o 11.·nhou!'o<' w s 11;1c1uus y;1rcl & fruit l ft't':-.. 1':1lJO.V t·;1rl·lrl.'(" l1 v1 ng. Short s lcµ:-. to 1·l uhll<111~t~. ponl. tennis. s hopping c•cnler ,\ lt1w S•lli .500. C.111 or dru 11 hy _ ~UPEllB f-f orvIES 3148 Cilmpua NB 549·8655 lrrrplace-able ()t('anfrunl llupll•;>;, :! & 2 h cdrooni F1nes l Wi._•sl N(•wporl lot·a t1v n . $lS~.~l(J. !)s kin•• pncc. ··g:7s.i:.Co~l..J-~-'-r •VISION• REALTY :!j•l3 E . Cst llW.\' l 'ur(1na clc l t..1:11· GI-HO DOWN ABANDONED $200MOVES YOUIH !'rcsllJ!<' lo1•at1on. 'frl'•' hncd «p111·oac·h. ~~1·l udt·d e ntry_ S p;:1e1ous l1 v1ni• rnu1n l-'orn1;d 1t1111nt.: t•ardc 11 k1ll'ht.·n S1._·par;1 h: f;11 nil\' r uon1 ll1rhlt•11 pat~-Sp1r;il s ta1r (';1!-o •' t•1 rua,..tt•r su1l1 :. 1"1111 1,1rn1l,1 ~1i'erl liedroo1n.-. l111.·n•·1· h ;1s ;1h;1ndonl'd ~011 lol;1I 1·0:-.l 1110\'l'S Y•u 111 1'1111 pr1l'I' only $.'IX .. ~~•• "l';.t l>t> ~1d va n l :1 gl' (';111 r,O~ll 111 II • d 'I I'· I ' [Blltdi;d POOL HOME S3 .000DOWH Bcautilul lar,l!t• pool . h<'al<'l1 & f1Hcrt.-d in l;.irgt.• ~·a rd. :1 ht'r\roon1 hoinc parl1a1ly turn1ShC'd \'ii \',.illl & fl':trly !n r tH' 1·uparH'\' 'l'oo mo1ny e'I; tr.cs 10 ht·l11·\'('. Just l1s1 ,.d •• 1 s:i1;.:•::.11 \\·1 111 ,,.,,-.u 111 .1 lilt· \'A lo;1n Wolkrr & Ltt Rral Esto+r S4S-949 I A SPECIAL RE STAURANT ''''11">11 J( .. ,,,•)1 pr11111• 11 II .I\ PHI :-01 t).111 <'Ii.ti" 111 111 1.;. I n-.111 \r11pl<' p;11·f.. 111}'.. h•·•·r ,\, "'in.· l11 ·1·n,.,· );1"•,l"~' i'i)4llll' ,,7;, .>.dl ('••1• "' , .. "p .. r : I(• .,1,,.,. : . .i., I·. 1'11:1.-.1 IJ 11 I 1 •I \! I PROPERTIES Indoor Pool t-'or th (• ullinla!P 1n cll•J.!ilfll'C and Of1ulc•nL cn - ll'rtain1nt.:. we prese nt a (·usto1n 4000 :.fl . ll hl)ITII' Wllh ;ill roo1n s surround· 1ng an ex11u1s 1le 1nd0Q r pool . Now priced ;1t SIS!.1.500. l·:xchanAcs fur 1Ul'01nc property or trust deeds l'Ons 1dcrl..'<I or 1011.· c·a:-.h dull.' IL BIG CAMYOM Gracious Monoco, 3 BR, din rm. 2800 sq. ft. SI 4 2. 50;;0.nT'.T=::":l I PERFECT lt•I o "' 1)1·r fU'('U]l,11)1 :! H r~1 !l d :-.; "-'"' lll·:1l"11 lhqilt·\t'" 11.•1t h J hr. l 1!;1 11n1L :-1•a1·h ,\n1p t .. :.::1rag1• .n1 d ll.1rlun!,.'. ""tl h 1 .• 1 1111.·11 .. r· d1•pr1._·1.;1auon ~i;i5.t11l 11 t•at·l1 Call 1;.1.1 721 1 1\gl'lll 8i9 Canyon Cando lll';1r lh1• <1u1ct 1n lh1s cl<' ·······•··············· ...................... . WATERFRONT Open We d ., Thurs .. 1-'ri .. I l o ~l. beautiful lge .. 3 bdrn1., 3 bath. with pr1v. s lip for large boat. $131,900. #63 Ba lboa Coves, N.R. YE An BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 i.'407 E COAST l-IWY CORONA O E L. MAR Livr In Mewport l'll,1rn11 n g :i bt'drt:l!rn .ind d1n1 11c rooin . J1rt·1ilac·1•. lolln~. l)!.:;11ll('d i-1·1 !1111.: l1v 1n g nkun Jl u;.:1• 101 'l"r••t•s .111d :-h rul1~ g.d .. 11 ·' 1'111' 11·ork-.hup p ;ll10. t\Bl) \\'t• 11111(1· _1, .. ur 1n~ut·l·t11111 1\sl;1ng ~, .. i4 NI \':111 ~ .. ltl JJ:",1 ~HERITAGE REALYORS HOME + IMCOME 1·;1\S'l':-.1 1 i ~: :!llH h1n1 -.(• \II 1t h IH1<"lll·l1>r ;1111 + 1 !\I{ ;q>l 4l\1·r i.,:.1r;1g1· .\-. ,~U l (ll' j ', \1 1\ 111,111 .$:!/+i pt •r Ill" l '.di l'I( I•::-. I'!(; I•: lh 1\11·::-> .,,1:. ·~i hi ADULTS ONLY /lt·luxc• :! IJt'(ln ~>rn l'ondo '11th 1\'uodhur 111n g l1r<'pla1·1· l(>rn1;d ihll 1ng rnoin. pr1 \,Ill· gardl'll p.li1n. $4~.!ltNJ. l',dl k.c •y rt".11!or.-. ti·H> -1177 I u 'I; l' I )o \' t' r n1 utlt.•I. l'n nl C 1;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;o;o;;;;;; I lo1·:n1r1n . 2 lldrn1~. df"11 ,l' HOME OF THE WEEK Jqr1n;cl cl1n1n1: :1rt·:c I . J l l m .t 1 (' pr I I ·'' .I' ~I l.),01111 1\nd l1111 ,, lilt· hl•sl '·•l ll l" t11l lh•· n1:1r k•·t' C. F. Colesworthv Realtors 640-0010 4-PLEJC SI 0,000 DOWH l .~•w 1l.i11 n ,\ .. 1s~11r11.ilil<' 1·'11 :\ lu;111 1111l11•,1l.1lii•· ''"rnti111.111 .. 11 1 .. 1 '"" \.o\ OCEAMFROMT I luJlll'.X . ;J hdrn1.-.; . ~ h<tl h Jo~t'r 111111 , upP•t•r lJ/111 ··~1t t• 1 hdrin \\'!lh \ 1•·1>' do•< k ()"' lh'I ,111>.1<11(,. :-.111!11111 Iii !1 •r'~ :-.t•ll pfl('I' !!, !.ol I j~ 1!1 associat~d ll •\ H II c I tt \I I I·: \\' S I' I·: l' I A l. IJ I·: I. I 1; II "I' F 11 l. I. \' l)t·:C'1 JH,\'\'E l1 l.11\·~:l.Y 2 ll l•:t1flt)1!\1 l'l.l'S 1)1<.' IJ(l ,\1 1·. \\l "l'll 1;u1.:\·r 11t'1r1·.:-.rt,\L filH 1-:\ 1'1\\:.,!(J,'J J.'. S f• ~: ,-.,; .-.. I \' 1.,: c ,\Hl't·:·rs . t '\ ,-..f(lilt ll H /I I' I·; S I, \ S \' I. 1\ N ll S (" •\ I' I '\ 1; t'fi \ l-' \ 11\l!l,\I'\ \I' $f;:1,.-,11q 1·'1 .1 1;,,1 ,.,,,,cl ',., .. ,. -;h1•l t•'r 1111,1l'r' ·r"1' :1 ! I 11 •.• 1r1 .. ,111 .~ 111 .. ;!1::::::::::::\ •. ,l.tUJ.,:11::\1 ht·drCHllll 111111~ 111:-I up\111•11 .. ill\ ~ i: hdl lr1J1H the hc.1 ch trnn1 IAOKERS-REAl TORS lOZ ~ W Bolbo11 6Jl.J66) 111 \:o!-ola i\ol c.~:1 ·rot.ii pr1~·" Sti~1.UOO Mestlrd In t11·l 11.'1·(·11 1r1't'" .11\d Walker & Ltt Real Estatr 545-9491 If you'rT not 11i rn11t:h1 1rc111 1:-. th•· pre•! 11e•!-ol hon\1' 111 :\le·-..• MEW LISTIMG l.11\c·I~ .l hl'1lrm . :! hath, ;,dull ""' \Ll'h'<l h111n1· o n •1 111••l 1·u l il 1•!-o.1r A i.; 1:r•·i.;..1t1· ".ilk.; .cud p:1tu1 S hullll' h1i.c1·d ilu\s1tlt· l!gh1tn ~ 111 i..:ar tl <'ns S pr1nkll•rs fr1>11I ,...,, rl';1r l)nly 54,2,;,110 r arninCJ S20M '"·rrli:. :1 Bq! llH ·~ .! ayr arormore TAXSHB.TER b;1ths p1.1110 Siil' 11 ,111~ ,.,,11 0111 tl t1• yuursl•l1 l•• ·r.•kt• iid ";i ul.•~t:' ul lll•~ ruun1 c1u:.ility l'l'l'l' tu 11l\l·:-..1•i.:;1ll' !lit· ''1' (.'nrnnil·r ('i:11t;1xshc.1ll'r . l"\"\·1v rnocn . ;ind l.1r).!t' 11nrt11111l ,\' l<11' rn;1 n ;q.:t• 2!~·10 · tildg for ~rll flll huSI· 1·01t•r ••d 11,.11" 1:;11'.•f:l' 111t•n l .• t l<1·d l'a1'pi·t ncss. plu-.; l 111< af)l. nvi._•r l":i11i; u:-.1·d .1 -.g:1rn1• nk1n1 ll1•,111 11rs t 'a ll t'h111·k :; ('ar ~:rr;i).!l' Fur1lt•lail:-. ~·1th h1 ·;1u\1tul p;1111·lhng ~:.~h •In l'l >tlfldl•I\\'•', <II 1· • .tlli·l i' ii()IU 1\4;·r and 1111111' <'\•I ••!'\Ill.! (·our.,, Y1111 II bl· <'~1·1!•'•1 11 h<'11 \ 644-7270 GeM-ral I 002 Genrral 1002 . ..................... . LOWEST PRICE 4 Bedroom Home NEWPORT BEACH l'lus den and J·11 halhs Nl'""' i._:;1 rpet.-; thr uoul 1'J •_'W ljl;J I llt lll '~ •>Ul Wood shutlel'<-rl ""1ndo"''s ~'1 rcplo11·•· nc•arncd l'l'll111 g:-. Natura l wo•"Wl lutL"hi:n S111M.'r sh;1r p :I ho:•d1 00111. ~ ha th, 11n1· yt.•;1r nld . l'!Mll & J•H·u11.1 Sl'llt•r nt•t·d!-o r:1sl s;llt< llon't rn1s~ 1111 ~ on1• 1\s~urnahlt· lu;1n on huge lot W olker & Ltt Real Estate S45-9491 ·······-··············· DOVER SHORES FROM $94,500 ln (·ludtn~ th1S.CJ1t'lus ivc : ;, Hit .. "'·~ ha .. sul)\~rbly pta11n1·d t1on1i:. 5 Non- •:•ln f I 1ct111 g ~•t:l1 v 11 y s phL·l'C'S, Ing den -little cll'n,:.: wcl h;1r:-.: fa nli.1sl1 c \'1i:11i·: forn1;1I L>ll .. the .,..•nrk~ ! A~k 1n)! ~32 ,000 ~'!Ill!';~ -· ·' n··1':.X1:1'lJllS S I NC I•: l'.~'·1 673-..4400 MOVIMGEAST 1)11.•111·r mu s t se ll -· g11r'g1•nus, nl•;1r !ll'W, :i hl•1lruurn , hr1,i.:hl . 1·h1·•·rful f;1rntly ruurn + turn1,d rl1111n g. lk:autirul l"ll\'Prl'd p:tl10 & large s p;1r kli11 g ll<)ol. 1\sk1n,i.: 51~;.Sl )ll. C:1H s-10 ! 151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS Geaeral I 002 Grneral 1002. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... macnab / irvine realty TRIPLEX -OC EAMFROMT IMCOME. . yrs. new w ;:1 bedroom. 2 bath down · nd 2 bedroom . 2 b:.ith each upstairs. and , s urf & s un al your Newport Bc~1c.h doorstep . Ga1·CJgc parking for 4 cars. Waller King 642-8235. t J6tt1 ARE YOU AM IMFORMED HOME BUYER ? If :50. ~·(1u 'll find this 4 bi:dr1)o n1 . 21/2 bat h IJ ;1rl)nr V ie,~· f-l on1t•s Pc1 rlofino prict'<I :.it $95.~Hi ft·<• to Ile th L' hl'st buy in Lh (· n1arkcl t(HL1y' t·:n1n)t•I i\l c Ku nc 644-•iino < .J ii!I 1 MARVELOUS 4 BEDROOM HOME. RIG l 'i\NY{)N ,\'l" Sl!l,1.!lOO l~r1 1acln1oor ""'/i(J•:s·r \·11·:\\'' I .~ !':1 11111 .v roon1 w /f11-t•plat t' \\t'I li;1r pro1~ssion al · ly land s 1·~1pl·d g round.-..' '1'0111 (}ucen [;.1'1 ·11200. (J 'iO ! BEAUTIFUL BAYCREST. I>i:-,t 1n c:t1 vc -i l1edr1)(11 11 . 3 halh + fa1nily r1)(1m h<11111•. {)\'l'l'"11:c 111:.is l e r bcclroom suite & lots or ~tor;1 gt• J ,ovcly patio w /g<.1 s l ~J\(~ $1 J ~}IOO I ll'IL!n 1-l artley 2·8230. (.)71 ) BET VOU CAM'T LOOK JUST OMCE w1tht1ul se l ect i n g lh is s u nny 3 hl~<tror1n1 , 21:• ba1h hon11· w /vicw o f Catolin ;1 .._'\.: l l :1rh<>r SI 10,000. lJetty K err l)·t4 -ti200. ( .J 7~ l OMCE UPOM A HILL! l .. ;;";;";;"..;';;""'";,;",;";;',;""'';;" .. :·!'.;"·;;''!!!IVA/FHA Re~os l' -''1•11 ~··(' i1i1 ~ tit'''' i.~1 ~11i.; • 111 ··· l''' .• 1 l•lll \ ~l.1 .i')ll I 1 n I • r :1 n i,:1· Coun .\' 1 ·,,I\ ;, ;,. ,)!,-;II ,.;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;:::;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;j k.c•ys 1noffu·1· , ~ r/u.J(l#t. HU(/r tfo1'#.4« R(AllORS DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5678 You v.:111 fi nd lh is co rnp l cle ly 1.:us t ()1n11.ccl l$r<1\vn 1..•ll d1·s ig n c<i \Jea uty . J\olc1rvclo u s \'11.:w fr11n1 Nc\\.·porl to Anahei m , 1r ~·(111 \\1an1 th€' unusu<il call WORLD REAL ESTATE S pt•t•1al1sts in ).!01'1·r11 menl fln a1H't•d l1111T1l's' ;...'>{;-jj7j t·;111 :111.)'l 11111· ~HERITAGE '.. REALTORS ' \ Country Club \ Livinq I Sp.1t·1011-; ·I h1·<lr1n . 2 stor~· hurnt• :ul1 .11·t·11I tu EASTSIDE CHARMER DOCTORS lhl' M l·~a \"t•nl·· l'ountr~· :1 Ur dollhnu!'ol' ·t-2 rl'!l\a! I ... noRMEYS ( 'lul1. Sl•par;1h· I :1111 r ill units . <J t11l'l s li't•1.:t. Wt.•11 BUSINESS MEH v•1mass1vc f J'll<' .11u t "'·•·t k(·pt pro1l''rl y t\.\onlhly l :-;,,\'(• \"111t r 1·;1p1t al \\'h\' har , f11rmal 1hn111g hui.:+• u'lco n11~. S5tl0. l'rull'lpl('-; 11,,,._,. ·;1do\•11 pa.vn1c n1 ,;,. n1as ter h(•drm s111 tt· .111d only : 1h11 u-.:1 nds 1,( d·ill:i r !'o n1ndl·rn . ;-ell t•l<'1' l.11t·hc•11 &1 2-8235 J,ois l\lil ll'I' !.1 7:~) BALBOA PEMIMSULA PO!MT. ~PAH,1 :1 ~•.:.. ; 11ht·n \.\'(' 1•;1n ·h1111. )OU Hi•l1111·1·d $.~•1 11•1" 1111 ll ~.,\I. l!:SlA I I·. 1 hn.,.,· 1u rt·in ~la\i._• )'ou1 (;I u.~1-rl1.1!1· s:d1· ~7!1 ."11111 1· 833-35-~ l'lq.!1h1hl y undt·r u nc""'I L • .t l ,~IJ Ii-Ill I WATERFRONT I 1;1""·· a11d 11urchuse a l F~xec utivc custom built h o m e . SJJa c ious rooms w /9' ceilings, billi a rd size family room w /wct b~lr . m aster sui te "'/luxurious Mr. & Mrs . ba ths. l·:lc valor . $t 5u.ooo. r:velyn Gray f).12-tt2:l5. ( .J / 1i I OME OF A KIMD , O!tlr 1"'9 o.itr PllOt '""r t•tl• '/OOI whill'& new In 'f"OUf lol:.•1 c;ommunlly .•• _,, dey l 1f!iii~il1ll • 3 I ll . r I ho1n1' as high a s $1·10.000 m Associated I ~e": J .. ;1 ha ... a m . ""'Ith 1111 I<' rlt1w1'I pay- 1 rn · 1111 Nnrlh l>u)front. n11•nl Ca ll fn rdt'ta1ls. 50tJTH COAST I llalboa ls.l;,1nd. j Walker & LH ~·1rog Broken tl,iJ-97MI • -- ·1 HESTER-l~OWH . Roal b- & Assoc .. Hcattors l 646·7711 *MO CHARG£ I --1 Opet1 E.,es. Rrntal Senice to 1-,,.ll ull1· 1lt•ms wi th a 1)~11-1\;. nt A \· C· II r,12 5ti""" teftonts & hwlor• ly 1'1!111 <.:1as-.11IP(I i\(I . a 1 s -•1 • ·• 1"· Aqt. '162-7751 t-'loor to ('cilLng \\'it1d o\\'S, 1·orv111g :-;tair case. 3 h c1 lrc>on1:-;. 3 l)a!hs & :-;pcc ial offi t.:c or tlcn hiclc<.t"';1y . S97,50U fee. J t,ycc f:dlund 642·82.15 . {.)41 l '"-',; ' ' ' • .. ~ ·• . ' " ,. ...... ...._._.._.tel JM•· 29"'1m H•••",_.~ 1••••1nFor·s. ~.-..., '-. , ft'« 0J1ULYPILOT '"""" 'l• .. err · ••••••••••••••-••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'._..._ .. •••• •, ,,..., • ' d -· ~-C ...... 102 ~ ltaw1etFw~ Co• ir ..,.. 1700 . ..... Fors. ~ ....... For w. ~!~~:~.~~ ....... ~~.!!.·.~~ ... !!.!! •• ~ •••••.••..•.•.•• !!':'!~ ..... ~~.!!!! ~!::';........... ······················· .... For ••• ·.• •••••••••••••••• ........................ ........................ • • I ..... W"!lllHorw .. rllh.dt Io•• G-NI 100 G-.rail 1001 .... r.. 100 VALLEY lltllJY : • rs ..... : •••••.• -•••••• ,; .......... ,.. •• ., ................ o .WNER .• V•ll,• BPaclnn•'w· •••••·•••••••••••••••••• ••••-••••-•••••••••••••• aLN. LOV~RS Y,~ ~ ' ···················-·-···· c ·TA.UNA VIEW •a1~...... w'1ll •P-P•"ec1·a1e . ~.· ... --------~· spac 3 r. . l;t '. ; '. ,.. r asl"lt~ Y-1 1 c~,qu1tl $l 1~1m1_scts. Fron:' lhia cleg1111l and UPI.""' off.ired io this charn\l_,OJ TR ,. "'1'1111 llL . PUii WjJJ FllA. 968--0767 HEAR DOWNTOWN ••• ,., ... bdnn,. balh D UIU ram bom•. luc clooe Cb • "'"-IUGAHC:.$100,tot. t ~ I a 1n i I y home wi Lh • schll, 1hoP,:1. frwya. ror A hillrmonious unison ol ts prgv•lte,d in tbf' t BR C0ti09 ~me fO«" COS A MESA separate family ropm CDM S llST IUY your conveni~. You man with nature. St.roll Baycreit><•re• ~ ••le ortr~e 1ntian Juan. BigR·2 lot, cute 2 bedroom home offers and d ining. The buuUl\aJ. When the broker's preview was htld will eajo)' the Pri~ too, to the ::ibpre, shopa °' resldf!'nce . E.•quiaJ1.o de· Call 496-1"491. terrific potential . Room to build addi· trcet1 an~ gr~ coo+ recently Alice C larke, the listin g only S33,000. 1'•HAtVA Wander thru Ult! canyon. cor thruouL .. 3 bdinof,t' 3 tionalwu·ts. Blg--•;c fireplace,BBQ. tr<t Sl nice ly wit 1tbe broker ~as t o ld ''Alice you again buy,er s welcome -a Bdrms. 3 baths, baths,'plus gucs(·~e ..__.,,~1/ 1100 a...,,.., thick shake root, giv nia • • ' . . II SHARP. Dial IM&-3317 fot' eplace. $7Z.)OO and beautiful POOL. ~U-MH Fruillrees.Jus t$29,900!!Call54.6...(141. rich coay feeling Lo t.hls have priced a property realistica Y PERFORMANCE. \ •••••••• .. •••••••••••••• CENTURY SHORES excellenlfamilr home on and it s hould sell". The out of country YOU 'LL SAVE MONEY FAMT.A~C . 4 UHITS·l BR.Z llA quiet cul·de·sac street. owner does n ot expect to make a when you assume a low VllW SJi6 000 Mcstiet This 3 year old, 2 s tory home h as 4 ~;~~i:l!it~~:.ke~ &: n1t1~ fortune; just . receive a fair price for inte rest loan! 4 & 3 Br's. Unsurpas~ed~~~lit~ and ~~:'R:tal Area. bedroom, 2 b a th. BeautifuJ country Open Eves. this very nice 2 bedroom an~ 3 in all a reaa ... all it takes elegance 1n, this custom As:su"r:i . v_A. Loan. Al(t. kitche n , private rear yard with ex-••a• I.a-ct IOOI bedroom r e nt al property. A skin g is s to ts thousand for 10i munslon. ~ ~ms. 5 549_08111 646.6710 tens ive d eck ing and large covered mo paymts & int. No baths 1ntlud111g m1)ldf.l~'-- l. Q t f ed p · edbel ••••••••••••••••••••••• $85,000. qualifyio g : For L-.matiliC)IMI 1012 quarte r s . Oeautif ul1KCN1MPl'O~ 2000 pa IO. wner r a ns err · rte bl 0~ SPACIOUS VA ASSUMABLE LOAM PERFORMA NCE call ••••••••••••••••••••••• POOL area with jacutti. •••••••••••'::~:: •••••••. market at $47,900. tlas a ssuma e 7'lo family home on 2 lots. Ann Bradstreet, the lister o f this well 846-3377 • Stimula~inC panorKmic GREAT IMVESTMEHT VAloan.Callnow,962-4454. big pa tio, 4 Bdrms. J locatedduplex, learnedherrealestate -.orEHHOU""* VlEW from house and . 11 2 li I ~' u _ FANTA.STICVIEW Ba 's , 3 f rple. den inanotherCaliforniatownwhereever-lll5Ma inSU-: gardde~~~ across the bay ~l~~~tsi: yrs ~Jd , .. lo~ • b dr 2 d C w/pooltable, Mexicao OOO" Sh an ocean . ~;ie ;in{')'. Will sellon corl' Outstanding 3 e oomor + en on· 1,·ic 1100,,, sis,ooo . y thing is not ''over $100, - e OPEN DA1LY1-4PM 1 . 1 1 ftb U II h N .BR .. --L l ract. ~r1nc1pa s on y. dowith•aforeverviewo egen ero • c u s tom hardwood mightevengetlheownertolower _t e e w eu.stom lc1tluyThisW--. PRESID&lf f.44U,OOO m. g hillS. Upgraded with shag carpets, furniture included,~ blk pn' ce a bit more, but at $49,500, this 3 famrm, 3 car gar, trailer HOME-$79,950 oe__tat. access off alley. Walk to Spartiftq Red~ c\astom drapes, large covered patio, air from beach. A grea and 2 bedroom rental a lready looks beat'h a nd Lake 1 .. ark. COZY ZBll, den, c..;ardcn In :>ou~ht after 'rurtll· BJJ-l!M conditioning. Mus t see t o appreciate! pla~e to raise children! very good. 5.16·8S2l Home. pt-rfcct forone l\ock are;i . Beautiful 11 1) ------. . 10, FHA I $40 990 t~or sale by owner, al .a.n1:..&. IUY Gerald S. Thomas. Rltr. or two. 1>r1v~H'Y •. $56,500 graded J bedroom, fam1-Mesa Ve,.. 4-Ple-• Assume ex1strng 10 oan. • · $65,000. below replat'e IEST BEACH-• ly roon1 homl' wnh v1ev.·. f\ heuutv 111 t.M:·st area Call 640-6161 . m e nt cost. $159,000. Bob Holderieth, the listing broker of 28R, 2Ba. ADUl.T CO N· &joy The Good Utt Just inlrodut't•d to the Priced b.elow market 1or JU ST LISTED ,u,•,Y,•989. 645-3323, eves, this like n e w property says "th e owner DO. f'ull recl'eational Call 493--2513 market. You own Lhc qui C'k sah·-c;ooct finan 'd I b t · t I t h · f<1 cil. Asking $31 ,51.A>. Call ------land r I W ln.nifle4d Big 2 Story, Huntington Beach Gle n will consl e r ess u JUS e me s ow 536.7317. Mi,sionViejo 1067 · ou • Mar. Separ a te formal dining room, MEW LISTING you these two b ig 3 bedroom units and ........................ WATERFROHT & Assoc. 642-8550 GREAT BIG f a mily room with bltn Duplex,x lntloc.Agt . all the special features''. Walk to ., S,\NJUANMODt.:L .. DUrLEX-$115,000 -. 549-081 2 646-6110 d ·d y ·1l A k . ->TEJJ. d BAR covered p atio and huge pie beach an Lt o 1 age. s to g 2 br&den,Z ha_.frml 1n. An in vl'st o r s dreum shaped· lot w ith frWt trees, etc. Shows Corona del Mer 1022 $127,900. FOR A 50MG ri:n. country kitch, 3 ~on come true. An outstund· YOUR DREAM HOME air. pro f . lndsc p g . 1·0 g Newpo•l Bca"h p•O· 22 UMITS EAST BLUFF lik. e a MODEL. Many, many custom ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~odcl _La _Cuesta-Pool, SSO.WO.~rk .4~-1020 perty comple te with Call 67~7225 Pride of owner:>hip! 22 gorgeous apartment u11 · its. Prime • view 101·;1 ~ Lion . Complete tenant 1)r1vac)'. Sv.·1mmi11~ pool. Owner wtll t'<1s h out 10 ta x-deferred exchunRe. io1,:."k financing av<11l :i· ble. Gre11l tax she lter. li·:.! t1,;-droom & lti· l bellroon\. Low -I.o w \'i!L:Ltn(·y , llurry · (7 1 ~1 752 l7UU . features. Just $52,950. Call 546-4141. 1acuzz1, with gas .gnll, 2 ....._~ rt 1 ach 1069 pri v a le boat do c k , $32 500 OPEMDAILYIZ-.4 story 4 Bed. plus bonus ..._....-po e Am en it ies in c lude • 232POIM5ETTIA room, rormal dining ••••••••••••••••••••••• b eamed ce i lings, Unbelie vable but true, 4 b edroom, 2 c ute cottage; 2 bdrms. & roon;i . All terms. Call for NEWPORT HEIGHTS fireplaces, 1ou; of brick-. ·-b·ath near b each. Home is only 5 yrs old, den ; close to lhe beach. details-Agent, 968-4456 4 Br. tl en , brick fpl1·. tree shaded fountain in bltn kitche n , dble garage. NOT A CON-$87,500 -Owner will 3 DRM $255 I a r g c Io t . C hoi cc yard. Just introdueed to d 'II h finance. · a ·• Ne\l.'port Beach IOC'i1li(1n. the m::arkct, lhis 6Ul· DO. Bring a little paint an you ave a Hig 2 story hideaway · Needs some 'J'LC. Owner st anding har~:iin ::.hou ld Doll H o u se. Has a ssumable loan loo! s potless throug hout . a nxJous. M;1ke offcr. :>clltiuu:kly . H II 962 4454 CU""IN 11 '"TIN I Near-new carpeting -Ii ~rf Rl'<ll Estate L • urry,ca n ow -. llU -1111 n mo. All builtin kit<heo. .,,.. '"9 Walkor& .. ISLAMDCUTIE REALTORS-~ BToro 1032 Ga.den P•lio dining, __ !J~·l 544 __ H•wportlleacJt. Highly upgrad e d BALBOA ISLAND * 644-7662* CoronadelMcr 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• parkblike •"'o,undsd. llY O W N l'~lt Westeliff 4 Irvine Office home W ith ups tairs garage apartment. --D-U-rLEXOH ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near Y sc 00 s an bdrn1, 3 b;ith, family & 2043 We1tdiffDr .. 1111 By O un..tER s hoppin g-.. Full price d .-o 000 64 51r •--&. .Both units exte n s ively remode led a nd 47 FT. LOT E5tate luildet • "" $25.750. Call now. Brk. stu y. -P09.c___·_G~~ Me-wport--.n decorated in th e las t 2 yea r s. ln~malional 2 STORY !163-4543 EASTHLUt'f' Condo . 646-7711 Call us about this charm· -ll 11· th · ----·Everything is new. See for you rself. is presen Y sc mg e1r $43 950 BY DWNER, s & S Big $49,500. Ownr. 3 br. 2 ba. Five-4 Plexes ing well located owne ne w condominiums, Ca· , '"'u" Model, 4 HR, 3 car Xln 1 t. home/renklaL N:. HEYi Co••"_._ New listing. $95,000.640-6161. occupied ho me with n yon Crest E st ates . Save commission with ., • ::;ch s mkts par tennis • -. '";I'...,.' storybook garden and localed at the corner of this 2 s tory 4 bedroom, gar,Jba ,hugeram-rm& club.532-4543 ' NEWPORT llT S . w,.11 lul'atcil·nl;inagrd· $225 /mo. rental unil So. Pacific View Drive & nearly new Lake Fores office. Ultra exquisite. Eastside -near Orani.:(' low hc;Hlathe~·tu pro!it! of Hwy. only $89,500. Cal new MacArthur BJvd in home w/ many improve· $79,500. Shown by appt. IA YSHORES Ave-at 230 -l-:-t5Sl. -Le ss tha n 3 yC';irs old. 10~644ii;~· ~72~1~l~A~giie~n~t~. !i"iiiiiil Corona del Mar, starting ments. Ai:;sumable 73 15691 Sunburst l.n. Near CONDO open t'ri-S.&Sun.---<>nly t)wner will l'al'r~· 8:'.1'., at$66,900.Salesoffice& Westmin s ter Mall. $45,000.forqui ck sa lc.'~ r,·,, .. 01.,1, ... 1• .. 01a1~ frotn t'l-JA Joan. Principals on· ........ .,.,~., Sh arp 2 Br, all bltns. .. ,., ~ .. mode 1 now op c n . ly. Call S86-5950. 898-2220or o~-......,.. c lose t o pool, bbq & M ilc to ocean-bus at S&>S rno.·$Xi41J nio ()nly Corona clel Mer PflONE 640·6408. 4 BDRM, Family rm, clubhouse. Crpts & drps. {'orner-q uiet SL lug asking S.'19 .~5u t"aC'h. Call Catal.inaView CllARMINC;oldt'r2story Hulttinqtoaleach 1040 frple . assume 1'10 GI. Lotsofprivacy. R-2 1ot60x l27 lo<1lley todayl714l7~i2 17t•L Custom built ,one owner. s1n~lc family hOmf'. So. ••••••••~••••••••••••••• Conv 968·967U ~l'AHLING ~~~tom 3 b~~rrn _i h:;thJ !•1~1~1 ii " bedrm. 3 i,~ hi-Ith pool or Pac. Co<1st Hwy. ·I Br. Irvine 1044 lt~,~.!;· .. 1~~~!~\TE tre:~ g~-~lu1~~~:~·d .~n1 ~lu~ . • , ' j" home ov er look ing '>U·· $76000 l'vtown•• "' ~ 1 ~ ... ' · "' . ••••••••••••••••••••••• --ty-llurr v t1r~ 1•on1l' · J•ac 1fi c Ocean. VI 1-:W 675-0"13 · ·~'iit-..<biiathf.lr··-l0>_f~ ..... ""'-'1AY UCEANFi<ON·r Jfouse & f Ir s I ~ l' r \,.cl lNVtSTM I ihis q1u .i rity . 38oo .s"':rf Du'p1' •• ~s''7· i.t..~\.Y.. P \:.~~llil....,~J' .. ~; • "1.COSITS!Jrrl!llC.~, ':""'~fl.Pt .... b).'.q~,~vl'.l> ~211:.11 --.-WJl/Ll\-t?-.1l>. ..r.· -. -'I "'YOU" ·~ l''A ~ •• d •• , ~l'. ~ ·1.i~t witn·:........ :· ,: ~)'"':O~l\ri11:~1~; .~ ..... •1•• .• • • "I .... home fealul'Lllg 3 wood Occan Side of .llwy CR•CKERBOXTHIS In this very <1ltract1 \'0 wei• ... n S<>'< • v • ,.. \<,.. .. , r · I ~·' \ '· b · r· 1 E h A C do .. rcont uni t "O ndo . :J -----ll11 y l''rom1.-.lJ dt"r(·on~Lru(·L100 ors;11• urning _ 1rep aces. al' Own"r 544-1999 Bd • -T Oc I le v e l complete with .._ 3 rm: on miniunt, J!drms .. 2 -baths, !a mil~· Steps o ean . . . . , , . , C lu~l· Ill maJor ~ l(Jppin..: only 2 1r-y r , old. Up· •oom fo•mal d'oru·n , &·· Im media le ""SSPssion ; 3 W,f\1 l'.J<" HON l , I ri~.i te C"i:nler. !:-,t yr v.·ntc·ol'I 1002 G .... rot l002 ·····-················ ....................... . BltANDH£W LISTING GREAT HOM ,r-: ON mJGE CORNER L0 1' IN JRVINE 'fERRACE. T JI R F: E DEDROOMS.SF.i>A RA · TF. DINING ROOM .ONE TllE MO ST WE LL S}UJPPED KITCllENS W'E 'VE SEEN Wl'fll EXQU I S l 'fE CABINETS. YOU MUST SEE 'fH IS· l'l'"S ONLY $79,500. CALL t;73-HS50. kitcben. Many, many ex· Costa Mesa 1024 d · ~-' g ,~, 1 3 Ul' r I · 't"'n> " o grade , private cover'-"' .1. ' n: al f h Wrnls. + tlt•n. 2 b;iths; 1er. '· <imt,) 1 ....-· $1-ttl\, ;,:_Ui·l 57V . ~i!,l-... JI FOREf·GN CAR ~-:;::~b -.-----. • .._ .......... ·~~"'•· ,-.. ~-77~; ·~~.·A:!:~11ty_.~1.&,.y_< ue~ur\t . -·-,n..11.llU.... ~-l'--.t.~t:"J;•~...-..,.. ··~.1.·v' .).:>,,:.:."'.":~ •. ·,·~~. ·,-,,· .. :_ -~ preciate. ESA VERDE SeParate·1natYttn. com' s111 .... ~JL.-_ ....... y .-,,.,.-.~ :..-~ -~. -~ ...... __.._~. -n".'\ "" -~- SERVICE M munily pool. Submit VA. CALL 552-7500 s ... c1 ..... tt I 076 he;n·h. """' ,,,.,, ""'' Xlnt Au tomotive Uusi· Only$5000.downto as· Fl-IA,atlter ms.Justde· VISION •••••••••••••••••••••••tax wr1 t1•off, \ru•o mc ness Potential. Price in-.sume YA loan on sharp, ligbl(ul thruoul!! Agt. • • MEW EHGLA.HD $1200 1110. i\l.1ny l'Xll';i~ eludes land, l)ldg. inven· bi g 3 bedroom home. 968-4456 · Y c II A H M & '~.J6-j;!:,jO tory , eq uipment & fix-Located on (.'Orner lot.1----------1 · REALT l;lrAH AC'fl':R. :!Bit. ---· lures. Complele details l'~~~~~~~~~~I Newly Jandscaped. Very $28,000 A Redl-lillCompany l)uplex, b\k, to oce.an. bug1.• l.lri t•\l frpl(',('Xf)OSCd * 4 UNITS* lo 'l,1:1ltl 1L•rl buyers. Ask-c lean. World R ear Uni·· P a •kCcnle• , 3 II 1 · 1 ~. 1.1 .. ~· ne w. r c;1 _ b t"~m t'f'L 1ng:-., •'o\' 1 ·rv.•o:! Ill\ "[\.,11:iun in !,! S I J!t ,OVU . <..:~111 c••sSIRED Estate, 556-7777, £'all OwnerDewaled Jrvine · ...... ~!l.:lUO. pat1Q . .shake ruof Xl11l ,,,,.,,011.~.·~,1 .. -,n,no >lh "Af; o··~Ci an,vtlme. L fl th I I ~ l•• 1..,!!'!!'!!''"1!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'] "" "'' ~,, HOURS l' e s <• e . r.n .i 1. 5J1K.&llen.2blks.to lo"'"' tr;ilflc Hrea nr. ~·11 1 l'ril·cSl>S,Uu(t h:dl. 3 bedrooms & dcn L---1-h 1048 oee;in.$i;7 ,50U l'UUrsl•.S.ll.5tJU. RIVIER•R••LTY OPtN Ill 9 • '1 S ~UN 10 81 N•CI • l•R~t411 RErOSSESSIOH 3 + IOHUS ROOM See this large J bedroom 2~~ bath bonus room home. in choice Foutain Vallt'y-area. Priced :.it only $30.950 with low down p;,iyrncnt. Walker&Lee Real Estate- 545-9491 '"' ~• •o~ • •~H '" ... " "' • .,~, '.\[,[J~,. HE\LI'' 4 BERG ENTERPRISES CO GOVERHMENT REPOSSESSION Exeelt~nt opportunity he r e for someone. J bedroo1ns, 2 baths, dou· blc car g;iragc, walking d1s t;1n{'e lo elementary and high school. Full price on $34,000 with low down pay ment. Walker & L ee R e al r:s t atc . 646 -77 11 Op<"n t;ves. SELL idle ilt•rns with a Ua1 ly l'i lut Clas,,1flcd ;:1d . 642-5678 -------------·- General 1002 General 1002 ................................................... PRIME RESIDEHTIAL LOT On e or the fe\v r c 111aining 40' lots un Balhoa Pcnins ul3. Corn er location in . finest are('I -~1 buy <Jl $50,UOO. CAMEO HIGHLANDS VIEW C0rne r fee lo t \vith o cean and is la nd vie w . 3 b e droom s. 2 baths. Large li v- , ing room~ No extra charge for pool. $112,000. 3 UNITS HEAR BEACH -3 two-bedroom apartments. 55 foot lot. Great location. 2 fire places. Three garages. Property just remodeled. Mus t s ee. $125,000. CHOICE HOME -CHOICE LOCATIOH Delightful D eane two bedroom, two b~th plu~ d e n condominiun1 in Bi g Ca- \nyo n . Exquisite ly d ecorated & landscap e d . Many custom features. Perfect for a s malle r family of any· age. $139,500. RHE COROHA DEL MAR CHARM B eautifully d e corated 4 be droom , 5 bath h ome close to beach. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces , breakfast bar, front a nd rear -balconies, .courtyard. Large ,s tudio bedroom ideal for older child or in1aw. All this for $129,000. ; • UTTLE IALIOA ISU.HD IAYFROHT Spot.less 4 b e droom home, or could b e 3 bedroom home plus one bedroom apnrfmeo.t . Pier and slip for large l>oal. $242,000. DIAL 644-1766 216 I S-Joecpoi• Hll1 lld., H.I. A COLDWELL IAHl<Ell CO. " Ad~ert1s('rs may plare Lhf•1r :ids hy l('lephonc l'.l :OOa .m.lQS 30p.m Mond.aythru f."riday 8tonooo Salurday ' (.'OSTA ME:SA OFF!Ct: J.lO W. Hay 642·5678 Nl:'.WPORT Bfo:ACll 1133Newporl Blvd . 642·5678 HUNTINGTON BF:ACll 17875 Beach Blvd . 540-1220 1..AGUNA BEACl-1 1188 Glenneyrc Laguna Beach 494-9466 SADDLEBACK 25201 I.a P :11. Road Laguna !fills :Ml1 ·63l0 NORTH COU NTY dial free 540·1220 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Ocadline for copy & kill.~ is !">:30 p,m. the day tiefore puhlicalion, ex· eepl for Sunday & Mon· day t:d1t1ons wh <i n deadline is Saturday, ll ·-· CLASSIFIED REGULA TIOHS ERRORS: Advertisers should check their ads dai ly & report errors immediately. Tll~ DA ILY PILOT assum t'S habi\ity fOf' the first •n· con-ect insertion on ly. CANCELLATIONS: When killing an ad he swe to make a rt'cord of the KILL NUMBER given you by your ad taker as tE'('eipt or ynur cancellation. This kill number must be prest'n- t.ed by the advertiser in cueofadiapute. CA.NCELLATION OR CORRECTION OF NEW AO BEFORE RUNNING: Every effort is made to kill or correct' a new ad Uu1l has been ordered. but we cannot guaran· tee to do i;o until the ad has appeared in 1he Ila.per._ DIME-A·LINE ADS : 1hMe ada are 1trlctly t'aatl in advance by mail or at any one of our of· Roes. NO phOM order•. Deadli n e: 3 p .m . Friday, Co6t.a Mesa of· nee & 12 noon at ill branch ofnces. THE DAILY PILOT re1erve11 the ri1ht to clusiry. edit, e~soi' or refurie any adver· ll~menl. end to t:hanl(e it& ralt5 & regulatiofis without prl<i-not I~. CLASSlltlO MAIUMG AllORISS J'.O. Rox I.MO. Cot1ta Mm • · ..... ... *SUPER AREA * 1!1·17 Kiiid eer C1r\.•lt• tll l's:1 Verde. Sec lo :ip· 1>rcc1at<: this upgr;ided 4br, 21.Ja lovely horn(' with .a,n Atrium_ $6.1,500 by owner. 551·252l:l. $2500.DOWH W1.ll move you into this 3 bedrm , 2 bath Condo. Stt'ps to healed pools and cl ubh o u s e . 2 1.h Car garage on a quiet street. 675-8600cmylt- • VISION <t REALTY 2743 E. Cst Hwy Corona del Mar t:,\S1'SI l)~; $34,5:10 llll"e roon1y hu1110: Qu iel Street SJ2,!j50 2 br & Gut'~\ __ So__l:'lh~1n_dcr:_\'f!l2~ Townhouse 2 B<'d roorn , 11·2 b;..Lhs. Like ncv.· <·;1 rpt.•t. draix-s. gar<igc. "("l ubh(1u..,;e, p1.10L Real s ha rp i'~astside , CM _ $28,:>l)O. Roy Mc~ Realtor 1810 Mewport Cost.a Mesa 548-7729 area. Ure am kitchen. CMJUllCI eac ·1 Bl<. t an;dfrv11tSi>!1.11oO ,,1;·r ·1\'1'! ci;100 "" -natural wood cabinets, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 s·ry A·fr;imc ~.ooo 642-7007 645-5609 extra ba ths. s pacious l1v-HORTH LA.GUM.A. i\\~o Choice Hrntals Santa Ana I 080 CHOICE !!! 111.g roon1 . Ukr. 962-5566 ·rwo separ<ite, l'h<1r m1ng CAYWOOD REAL TY ... ••••••••••••••••••••• older homes; quaint & .._548-1290 * Xlnt , 5 Bdrm. nr, S. (' O..-.·nl•r::. :1bdrn1 .. 1 '~ ba • Abandoned ruslic.lnfront.2bdrm .. _ _ __ PJ ;11.;i , :>Lt r ;1s , l t•rrn frplc P Ll1S ,...,., ~H I! Authfllfic Spani5h l bath: in rear. I bdrm .. I UY OV..'Ni'~H :~ lir, l '~ b:i , $Jtl .500. ,<;;,j-:!U7J(Jv.•r rt>nl .11:. /\II 111 ,,Int i,:uod bath. Bolh h_avc frpll·s_ v<iu<•llt . s,17,uoo. llbr.liiiiii ________ ,I $67.500 lyth~Seo Sccludcd setll!lg onlar;;t' llig'h , r:risij.!n. !\1;1ri n1•rs. 8 33-9781 Wrought iron balcony. lot. Tre_es & love.ly 'fhur. thru Suni~tti 7J.1:1. HESTER.BROWM Old World cha rm with landscaping. Good 1n -Mon. thru w ... d. :-:>-1;, 1275 Spanish arches, entry come! $79,500 ---· SI I 00 Movrs hall. Secluded living TURMERASSOC. WESTCLll<'f''/Wh y "Yo'ait Youln!! room. cozy den, huge 1105N CstHwy.Laguna for mortgage rates lo Payml'nts1cs::.thanrent! family room, king.sized 494-1177 come dov.·n? Huy nuw on $11:1.425 Full pr ice. 2 ]C:bod~~,oo~m'.'."'c· B~k~c.~962"':.·~l~37~3'..._j----------] a n .l:l'r• ('Ollli<.1(1 of t'al e & Bcdrms. 2 baths, b\lns EW ge l :your permanC'nt r<iOl!l' & o ven , v.·0111t OCEAN YI rina ll l'ln g 1atcr. ~ nr. ·cab111els, roreeo air hl';J\. i'IJorth Laguna duplex, w /w crpl, 1->001~ lrpll', :Hr condi tioning. W<.1M Co Mt:Vli'f Xlnt hedge agai nst infla. xl nt <·onJ . s7~.;,oo. Hy wall carpet::. Cal l Villaf!1· -STEAL-tion! A whale or a buy 011 Qwnc r _ 1 :.!IJJ944 9888, Gardens 839·83:!1 today 's m ark(•t at $77 ,500 ext l •l l FORASOHG "YOUR DBEAA-1 t;As·rKLUFV, \'U , :1 BH, :1, ...... ----.... '!"'-·I 1-lOMt:" ~·o · tl"\'.::Zfic;!U'O ha & hon us rni. tl•;.on bt• 51· Model La uc.":>ta-Pool, -.,j. ~~ IJ3t:Beil'Cr~7 BB i Al·rvs,, 1·rom p;1rk. Acrea9e for sate 1200 J<ICUZ7.l, \lo'llh ~as gril l 2 ·: 499 ·2800 , ___ ,_i·lll ;,5ti0Af!l'nt ........................ . Story 4 Bed plus bonus -~ y .ACAMT AV 0 C '' ll () L ,\ r-; ll room . formal dining E::MJ<;HA LD BAY Hct1rc $1 .790 .tAr·. rtun(·ho Ca . Corn£'r : 3 Bit. newly re· room.Allter ms.Call for 1ncnl llome.2 11?. l~D . 2 80 ',. Sl•l ll·r f111 ~1nct•d . dC'tai ls, Age nL968----44:.6 ha. $87 .:-,00. 494-7075. at't done. M:iriners School. 7 r.,.•-; int Tight$$ forr1._, __ 5 L f!f'. lo!. FIJ 1\/VA :i;~i lc ()"-'n •·r l llkr (: () M P AN Y SA I~ l':, ; -$.'il,(iOO 71·1 1;:1.1 -4GiJ:I former modl'I, nestled 3 BR .. & DEN -GEM-among cucalypt1L<:, 4 btks t2f1·f''T'uslio Avt' .• N n. to bc h ! Sweeping stairs V .A. Mo On. Pymt. R r:,\1:roRS 1-~12·40~:1 to g-iant master w/priv BUJL'!"' ON 3 UYfS. lligh study and sundcck! I luge up on Laguna's f;1med Jacut:t.i & Pool S 195 PER ACRE & ,\sso(• . Hcultors BUILDER'S ATTEHTIOH! Savr Money P l:ins for lti un1ls go 1~1\h th1 ::; l ·o~l•t l\l (·s a lot ('lo~(' to l·1·er.vth1ng. Bu~ 111\ ;it $<\~,.500 JlutlSC' IS FREE I<<,_' Ta~·lnr, Hll rs i:'l'.!. l~li'il.) I CASH OUT " K l1tlll '" 1'1J.1h1,;lfll d~ ~111n.1hl+• $Rll.()IJ(). J+n1. 5:'".ti 1 lKI 2~ UNITS ANAHEIM :.'. l ~ s t •.•• '\ ~l"lJ:-.5. l :'i'' fl.,..., n flu~ 1 nr huUl . l'r1n 1H1 ly (·;dl .J;1rk. f'R w t bca ms & brick Riviera coasllinc, WI Tll 5 Beil ;m,f an1dy r 111 ,ht'~! ].,!!!_""! ______ ,]fplc.forn1d1ne.glass kit. A ~c 1:;NIC ()Ct:AN l"la r hor V+ew l/Qm<-'~ + bar . 3 Patios & Vl l-:W. Oe t;.iilod, rustic lO{'O.lliun . Jl q~hl y up l'OUrlyard.3ba,cenlair. ex t e r ior has cedar l!r a1l~t1 an d worth JGO ~i t•res ;i midst l;1kf's ,\: snov.··cappe<I mtns. l'vt ilCCC!iS to I;: er(:ek _ (.;'lo:-.e lo town . Nanll' _\1.Jllr terms. own('r 1;!.31i 7:tn2 C:il l eves . $36,500 Abandoned GlorFHAT...._ Priced below replace· ment costs. Central fl oor plan offe-rs 3 bedrooms+ den area. huge brick fireplace in lhe li ving room. extra eating area, forced air heating, lots of ri ch wood paneling, new carpeting, picture win- dows, pa rk·likc yards. C.a ll540-1720 TARIELL, REALTORS 2955 Harbor Blvd .• CM Abandoned . Giant Pool Home Ass ume 7'"/r Vf\. S.175. s hin g le roo f l ines , $10\.l.750 ;isking pnci· 2-'.'.• AC Hr;~ Ocs(·rl llo~ rno.Tot.$66 ,SOObut SU B· s h i n g lc ·r oo fl incs . 675-8600-..61.me !jprgs $'JOU p~r ,acrt', 4U srARLIHG IHVESTMEHT CORP Ml 'r YOUR O fo'FE!l! SJ-IF-:L'l'ERED 1-'f\'f l{) -·7" :1l'rcs l11d1v , Cit rus or ".iBiikii•ii96iiiZiiiSiiSiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiil W/REDBRICKDECKf,: •VISION• agrieulture. $9~0 ,p er __ ~:1:1 -3..',.\4 I" WALKWAYS . Well acrt•.240 a crcs.Utm1So. landsca pe d g ro und s REALTY of llemel $GOO per acre. TWO HOUSES Be~~ru~~ ~J o/4 bath home. Much panel- inl'C . upgraded thrU01it. Covered patio. Waterfall in back yard with fis h pond. Prof. landscpd. Won't last long at this pri<'e. $32,900. / t ·n1c1 Well Your lcrms. o!95-102Q ~2,;jjM) ('a1·h. f)wnc:r v..·111 wd a_u o. d'P',' BDen;R.M & 274:1 E. Cs tll..-.•y ----c;1rr.v finani:1n". i\1:.i y es1g ne • · Corona cl('! Mar COlllmf'rcial "' DEN & DINING AREA p rty 1600 take s allboal as 1k1v.·n floor plan, Sf!rviced by 2 OCEAN1'"'RO~T Custom .~ •• !'!'~•••••••••••••• paymcnL Easts1det:.M. • baths. Spacious formal Duplex, 1,o p cond .l•----1111----•l J£ ·=· ii ·~· ' liv.rm .wilhpitchedceil· $149.500. {)wnr. w i!J1' , • ing & ex lensive use of rin a n cC'. (;()A S 1' TAXSHB.TER glass. The den is a COZY P H. O 1~ £ R 'J' I ~: S . Income & A Future Propertl•• . R ETREAT. HAS ALL 673 -5410 Two bldgs. in the area 7'2·1920 W Cl O D P AN EI. F; rJ designated as the future 1•00 Q1£A1l't. HlWIOOllT 1tAC., WALL S. VAUL T E D $39,9501M t'ommt"r cla l center of o P E N B E A f\.f MEW'PORTIEACH, CM. Currently 8 units 4PlEX lWJ111·mlf."f,"'Q•~r.,!-"l"'{!!'"F.l"'"''"I CEILINGS, MASSIVE & a s h ;irp 2 RH . 2 Hi\ rent for $1150. per 1110. 7.5X GROSS IY, '' ~,J +\ft IM l-'OS I NG S 1'0NE townhome with fr esh Purtner separatioo. OC· ~ 962·4471 i:l: 546·8103 F l ltf.:PLACE. J-~R OM pain~!!lnd p:IJ~r. Cive in fers flexible terms on Buy oneora pairorthese ''!!i!i'"""!!'O'!'!!'!!!'!!'!oi!""'1 f'LOOlt TO CEJLlNG . or rent (lut . f.44 -72.1 1 $89.500. at only 10"/., dnwn. In· 1: Steps avcr kitch en has Agt. 646-3928 F.ves546-o521 come S696 /month with llGASAIAl:til ALL BUILT-IN ltANGE ---------rents $10 /unit below Beautifully derorated 2 & 0 V EN. D I S ll • If" you would like lo have market. ·rwo and three gtory, 2500 gq, rt. home. WA SHER. GB DI SP ., a <:ha nee to ~a~c up to bcdroonl , l % bath.s. On ly Submit a il offers! Spot· Features 4 king giz ETC ., all ble nded 95 ''/., eo mm1ss1ons on t62.500each.No driveby. less pool home, entry bedrooms . 1 dormitory together in matching col· ALL your .s alt.>S, ple:ise . _ By appointment only. hall, overs ized livihg size, 3 balbs,hugefamU or tones. T he property is ca ll -fo r 1nrormut1on -----· 1£ ·=II ~ r oo m with brick room off kitchen, plu ln a-lCONDmON.w/w betwcen6&8PM. HEWLISTIHCi! • fireplace, 3 bedrooms swimming pool. Tak carpeting & cu!!ltom NEWPO RT-l!tVINE Super Cosla"Mesa com· Pl•• plus de n or study, extra over subject to 7':k GI drapes lbruout. Ofrered Realtors Inc 640-5770 mercial corner buildirig. Pt opertl•a · eating a rea. centra l loan or new 10070 GI for onty, First time orfercd al this 7$2·1920 fo rced·air heat, copper terms . Only $338 pe $69,50 MPrice DOVER SHORES price. ONLY S89,9SQ', 1•000Uansr.Nrw1"0tt111ac11 , • plumbing. pool, jacuzzi. month. Priced at $62,500. Mo Down.._. 4 br, Convertible dem Auto, reJnrir buaineu at Lt + Bui S43.9SO. fiave thousands. 556 7035 963--5671 . . • r-· fam rrp.. laundry /hobby t,_ls eddress can al.lo be •• a • Ider Ca11 S40·1720 -or · 'J'.oehgibleVeterans. En· rm. 3200 s<1. ft , pool, purcha11ed if desired. 3 Tr4P1 exes all Joc'd in TAlllLL, RIAi.TORS I Wolker &LM ~1:.,eAlo:n ~a~iu·~c~r~~~l)!i view. $189,500. By 6wner. Call 675-1225 San Clemt>ntc. Jlr1ced ~ 55 11 bo ·s1 d c A-1 1 R•al Est.t. """"'! P r ·• ~n · · &t2·2589or 556-8940. / · below rnkt. Heflecl pride .i:J •• ar r v ·• · · ,-----·-----·l _8~"t. annual M rate. for of ownership , Xlnt MESA VEllDE·3 BR, 2 H.ll. W~terfront Condo. 30yearll. BACK Ray Cslm t.omes flnu ne1n ~ w/good in- UA. New paint, sk)'li itht, bolil s lip, main ('hanncl MISSIOM llALTY 12} left.. 4br. 4ba, FR. tercs l rate. Ofrcred neH r b icy c l e trllil . view, 2 Dr. 2 Ra, frplc. 9858.Coust-1-lwy, OR. 11 Nowak bkr. 2224 to1iiether or separately $42,00 0 . ey Owner . patio. l{ar. 90'!(, fin . or Lagu.na Windward Ln.NB . JoronlyS89,750 .• 1119,950. 545-2774 . lease opt avail. 846-1530 17141 494-07) I 645·3920_, _ & $73,950. AGT.-498-0300 ' - '" .1 llk-t1 UofunilJood ous•s Unfuml.Md ' .,... 1-•ls IVw L.tt ...... zzOo ~ U.flnlshtd Hoen•s U11fwMWcl' ;;;,;;············3z44 ;t;~;····i·;_;;···;z·;; c;;;.;·.;.~~-.;······37•24 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• port ......................... .. WednHday. January 29 1975 0A1l V PILOT Ar"-••• Furn ApoMwo...t llwfw1iished .,_..... u.m.... WE BUY LOTS ORANGE COUNTY l.C. T..W.Co. Re•ltorstl>eve~ 7S2·04f'l lilnytime OWHH W IAHAHC! Vac, 5 Unit R4, A.gt. 549--0812 646~710 MoltiMHo.e, TNlilerP_.. 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOBILE llome Pk . Hridge por\_. Trad e JJ0,000 e q. '"'far CM. taguna area. fJox 1so.i. Avalon, Ca 90704 M-t•,Dowt, Rnort 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ................................................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• e11 AA .. .....,. 1222 ••• •1wt•-1..t. 11 c··u···~·L~R·o ·~·E:·.··~····· ·.·L:··~" ....... "............ c d Oro ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••·•••••••••• ... .,, A. 2 r. 1"1 .:.AC 2 B r0\1:1 , fo'rpl1. QSQ e ha.$325.A l ~.kl'yt o pool l)r p ~. Crptd , C .. r ALLU'rlt.l'l'lt:.."i l'AIO M.wport l•ach 1769 Co,ta M••a )114 DOH PoMt 1126 ........................ ·····•··············•·• ....................... . *BRAMDNEW &len.c rt (i11rdt'nl!I' wtr $:17S .mfi.yeurly 1i1J 1 I 2 .. 3 • •--inl·Jud 'd .L(laise6mo':sor tit.lti ~ Cun1 !1:1 l'i:l1cfort>y<)Uf~·nl ~J95 WK (';IP 1.1~1r.2 nri • r_.-.,.....,. m e 833_8600 <.:u ~h>Ol deso~n~il & Bai.'h, olur IV. 111a11I NOM $200/.0. or · --WES'l'CLlt'P l'OZY 3 Dr.~ t"ciilUr1n~· scr\', lk>OL Tiit-:: MESA Dsh.wbr open b e am B R O A I) M 0 O R Ba home. Patio& yd. Nr •S paeioi.t.s klll'hen w1t.h in· 415 N Nl'wport HI , NH. Realty Company clg:s , sb~g l'rplg lhru-0).IL Turtlerock 'l'nhse. J u_H:. sch~ls . SJ7~ 646 ~9 _ ~1r~el light1n,g. 646 -!lfiHI _____ _ CA...-0 c om pl drp'd , privat '2 Ba, ram.rm, pool pnv. . ~ .. •Seµ<ira ll.: din~ area :> • , • Hkr'>'•lll patios, e ncl'd ,garagea. Assume l~eai.e, at re ·!:i~YGLASS fkVu 4 _!Jr, •lfomt'·hke stor<1gt' _IJ_H.' :l~u nr Bay /~h _&_ Jmmacu1ale 4 bedroom No ~11 . I mi. K>Qr@fln. 'duccd price or $390. mo. t /H., D/lt & pooll~I. $87~. -1~r1.,.ate pul1os 1';11 k 1-t>b th,ru J·~·~'~· 3l:i06 20121 ,0 ..._. 752-05:16 mo.644-1791 /642·82JS •Clost·d~arai,:e w istor;i~ .. I ar k 1.anl S--:> mu home wllovely ocean • •-~ Ye --. f 7"! 1;.1 1·1 VJ EW. $695/mo. incl. (3 blks W of Beach Blvd CIJNOO 2 br 2''" b<t pool •M <ir ble pullmun ' ' '· ~cfrd e ner. Betty Ke rr I b1k So of AdamsJ ' F~R h?mes ror LJo.:AS r: 0~ bllns. w11s h ·/Ur~, g~r. n~ :Kin)!s rl~ ~drms . I 1101 rs t: to ()(:can. 2 br, 644·6200 (Jl9) S4g.gsoior 5.'J7.7010 SALi!: in the lftVINF ... pets 675 _9 1814 Pool ·~l1 arlx't1ues -s ur-11\. h;i. furn, frpl, gar. Macnab -Irvine llAl'I ~:N LlA Dt<~ M 1-~A Ilk.I W Wil::;on, <.. :0.1 Hcaut1f ul lin:M.Jnds Adult ~ . N1) 1'1.•l!t 10 minut e~ t•l ocean . 1.ar8e I & 2 fir I HH s11:;., :.! un $1~-wnh P<1t10 $195 l;;1s & Wah~r 1111· .. llrapl•r1e!S, !'arµets , gas heat. ~us slOVI', air l"o nd11 1on1n..:. s w1n1m1ng IM)ill, rt·1·. ruum, WJ~her::. & dryl'r:.. SPYGLASS or 5J6-8989 are<t -1·all us! We are __ :_ rou ndedw/plushlndscpg $.!SO Wntr .ti7:1-~93 pa n 0 ram i c Ol'.'e 9 nl-,-------.-1 here t o ser.,.e YOLJ & ON TH~ W1\Tt:ll , Lux · Adults --No pets MEDITERRANEAN /ll a rbor /N\ght light FAMILY ROOM wit WILL ft1AKt-: F.Vt-:ll.Y uriou5 2 s t y, ·1 hr. J ba, 1 l:ll>ltM l"um.$!15. Sll ll l.1-:j\S t-:, forn or un VILLA.GE VIF:WS . Spacious 4 Cplc, 3 br, 2 ~a. hll~ EFFOR'l'tosol.,.e YO UH din. rm , mastt'r s uite 2 B!Jltltt t'urn.$245. 1ur11 . Park Ne11.·porl J bed'oom. r··~•ly ~m-d,ble gar.-.· pallo w/81,1" hous1ng n('l•ds. w lfrpl & balt:ony, lg . :lr..'i W.W11sunfA2·1!)71 1111 till Aug 1. $!10. + !Bedroom """ ·~ 11 N ~,, PETTITR•'LTY 1 IP 1 1 11··s•J7'1L 2 Bi·druorn &lk11 Jlkcne w.ONLY$895/rno ~ri · ice arc-.i. -.9J1 EA • ri:..IH>. mma('.('Onc . 1><1 l WE &UP u 1 '·· " 2 Hcdroon1s "'di d 642_.,.,.,c rno. /\sk for 13c.,. or D:..lt University P:-irk, Irvine & ll'n111 ~ prJvl 'gs. ~~5. S O EiC '------1 t-'ANl'AS'l'Jc.; Ot.'t'anview.· I~. ;1 br duplei.:. ;11' hv. rn1 11.·1 frpl $J2S m l), <&93 7~57 o r 4l:l6-~13 Nt-:W deluKe apts, I Hr Slg!i . 2 llr. 2 Ba s;.!50. &· up 4~-~20 ----Hunlinqloo Beaclo 3140 ........................ N r:w 1.2 & :l lir a ptS. 1,2 & z•,_. Il a, f rplcs. ga r .• patJo~. Sl7.'i /$350mo. • ••••• Nt-:Y.' 1ll·luxl' 2 8r, 11h ha ~tud10. Ut11 pd. 500-mo_ ·12'..i 20th Sl. No f<'t.>e. Tul11n Property M)!ml K·H> 131 I. No f<'("C. • • ~Jloc,c "" uu ._,.,,, 963-4567 963-17&>. 551•7000 t"15-0836 • SO.W N1i.:hl & Lil> •I lll)H1"1 , 2 b:.i . Wuler pd 2 Bt'drox n11 '1'011.'11hst' 40 ACRES + 3 BR home, •Studio & 1 HH Apt.s S.125. mo. YrL,·· 2<100 llartJor Blvd . NICE 3 bedrm, 2 ba. cpl~ N>'.W O"'f".ll>'l ECl.D •TV & ~1 ;i1d &•rv /\\•:iii 673 64~)2 CnstJ ~1cs a i7 1'1 J551·1020 WALN TO IEACH Beautiful view of Topaz .,. _ 1-------·I;;;, LHke. 50 Miles So. of I!!!!!!!'!!!"'!"!!!""'!!"!'!!'!!!'!!!'!\ Urps, bltns , dbl ~arage. J l.IR . I f •Phone St•rv1 ('C -lild N d $285 0 • 2'r.a Ja. am•rm, 1 LUX ll;l! 2 or 3 Br. ocean·. lll•a ut1 ful n c"'' 4 unit 10 11.•nhou ~es . H8NT or IJ U V. l-'1rc-plat•es. bltns , k1t.·hl'n, 2 car garages. 2&.1 B1•1ir11111ns. 'l'uhoe. Gr eat huntin~ & 2 BR D bl f ice ya r · · m · din ·rm, i:us l . dr 11s, p<JO friinl, winter $.350. 111,_ fi s hing. Owner noxious. , I a, Lns. re ng. ~-4567 963 -1786 a:>& 1 d 5395 Af 7 •Ch1ldr('n l>i.Pct ~('tion frplc, 414 f'ernleaf. ~5. for Bev or·Dale. n scpg, · mo. t. • $5. ufr wee ks rent 11.· tad ~·rpl. lndry • l'.::tr. 6-i6<U l·I $40,000-$15 ,000 down. pm, 55 1-6344 7'fu on balanec. Owner-O\'er Rar.644-{(lJO -----ll It C 2:!76Nl"wport Blvd.CM (){;1·:1\N 1-'llON'I' 1 BH B ------4 BH, 2 BA. crpts, drps, ea y ,nmpany S4K-~i55 url"15·:f..lfi7 Agent. ox 10541 , S. Lake 2 l!r. 1 l\a, rrple. g;ira~e. bltns. patio, $295. md. Loguna le-ach 3248 4 BEDROOM r urn . lJ flt. $175 / 111 tJ s:11; is10 ·ra h oe, C A (!tlli) $285.mo.549---8867,evcs 9G3-45G7or963-1786ask .......................... J...o.,.('ly upg raded Mon-I Bil Furo .2.1r.:ell~"cts. ,\dull s , no pets . Ca ll 541-653l. b75 ~2~;673-2925 for Bev or Dale. $l5-0. u ·riL pd, smal l but l('go 1nodel 10 ll<.1rbor c1ue{'ll s11.c bed. pri .... U7:i li22·1· _______ 1 PIMECREEK 1'1\X Sl-IELTER CONDO. Beaut furn . Indian We lls. ·rcnnis, pool, goll, elubh. Owner sac rif1 cC'! 7 14 ·345 ·l0K7 or 7 I 4·S48-543R. 2 HRJ BA newSJS() VAC/\N'r l story prestige nii:c l l~clr: So. l.ajtun:.i V1t'W Jl omes • tenn1:.. dressinJ! r111 , c.·xlra lrg $110. (IN lt{'aeh. Uti l pd. LIVES UP 2 Hll C hunnel fo'r $375 Condo. 2 RI?, nl~w cpL-; 4t $185 1.-AGUNA c·oltage t·ourts, imol & j:i.cu:t.1.1 in roo m :.. t' n I"' l. g ;i r K il.•"'-ha. Yc;irly. TO ITS MAME JBRk 1d.~pets $400 p a 1nl. 2 C<.1r e n(·Jd a_!oneo!'llot ,lgcy~rtl i:lullcd . $5W/J\.1o. Belle wJs tor;igl•. A<lulL-; only, 1;7:J 1241.f.75 -5().\R ()\'cr5Uu t ;dllr<'C'S:tudl0 JURhoatsl1p$450up garage, xlnt ('Ond. ~60. S2 t5 U flL i>d . I /.~ Hdr. C.:hasc Lee &14·till)O (J l l) niipets .• II ,. ----strt·~m :4 w1tl1 w;•ll•rl :ill:. l'R I • $4" ,~2 ,1 ..... vu Sl"P' lo t ......... 11 Vi <· READY... 21J:l5 l·u crl1>n,,_,M. A ~ tu~-'-•-, J IH>O lenn1s .,,) 1Krr mo.=· -4471 as '-" •_ .._ · ,..._.. .. . --. --parrmen ..._......W9CU 4 BltCDM f1nest$750 Keith. loria lich ... tor ot•e up<iney. U1» Nl<.:1-: t Br d11I ". (.)uict. ••••••t•••••••••••••••• :S BRJ.ills.U'front5850 $240 l l\J)ll :'IJ)l gl'arlt>dJ bedroom,2 b.<1th Se J), by ga ra g e :. · be1tr1ns , fir1·µl;il'es. dble gar.1g1•. t·h1Jdrcn & pets :11 •1•1·p\l·d , No f et:. \li;r., :12:!1 H t·:r· Property 1\ta1L ,IJ.:t'n1l'UI . Roal&late · w-.i 3BH i>00lfurnSl200 N~ARocean·4 BR,crplS, W /~ura~c. (JuiL·l <.1rea , h1ime in llarbor Vi ew ,. 10 d "dil ~ ,, ~-;~ Balboal 1--, 3806 2900 I ' . . N I 11 • $495/ Uell .mp ye .. t.V<-"r .>-.>. 5 gnu ca11 675.7225 Hkr. 1 rps. I-am1ly s 12c O.t.'nl . omcs. mo. Y NopetsS4S-H.12I ••••••••••••••••••••••• crt•Jll' a rclux1n..: ~•·llill).! fnr your s p:11:1nt1o..; 111·w 1 11r 2· hc 1l rfui11' :1p:1rt rn<·n t. ~·ro 111 S l ~IH . 1-'urn iturl' ;:1v;11J.1hl<'. ()I· f1 t·e Oj)t•I\ ~-1~1 to t.i :UO, 2JOQ l•';ur\·ie "' Hd , (.'o::.1a ~1es a . l'lu111c.').·lf1·l:ltlO. l'll EZ t )HQ ,\!YfS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------kitthen. Ds hwhr. Frplc. MANY O'fJIERS/\V/\IL Kerr 64·1·ti200 (J22) ~-..:.-------I rVTP/\RTYintereslcdin $165U'l'ILpd,nicellklrs Jioat gate. SJ75 . HU-VIEW RENTALS <:1tANll C ANAL I br, Hl34 f\tlanta buying house for CASI-I . nr heach . Cd M, Bal 963-5806. 67J-40JOor ***GARDEHAPTS ""':l\c·rfnt. W/boat do{'k. fi-40--0008 Pcnin ----No ch1ldre n/i>eL-s. $300 1,2/,3 llll. Pnv gar, pool, w:1sher, dryer. Close Lo bcaeh. 5J6--03Jli -----$225. 2 R DR C'Ot ta.c;:e. MODl-~RN large 3 bt:.;:lr~. 494-3248 LUX UH Y l:ondo 2 Br, l ***POOL. ,'.",7 __ o1-{. 1y21,,7J y , inc. utils·I'!!!!!!!'!--!!"'"'!!!'!!!'!!!'! H·2 LOTS wa nted, Corona frplc. garage, ycJ. child, 2 ha, fplc. i:ovcrc..'(J paho, L H·n 3250 U:.i. VJl.'W, l'rple, boal s lip, Furn. 1&2 llr ;1pls in Park-like Nl-:W ut-:l,UXF. I br.cpts, tlcl Mar or Cost.a Mesa. . l DW & bltns. good lo<:a· C191ftG Is po ol . J<1cu :1.:1.i, hobby :id ult :.;ccl1 0 11 . t :lm tlrps . dshwashcr. frµl c. ,. 11 W · l sm pe · k r ••••••••••••••••••••••• h M II d G d • l ,.,, .,"'''-BA Y"'llONT Yl·arly. 3 Br. Sarro•__.._ I $200 """' 1 "° "'"a •rm1n.e on $28S Z BDJt frplcho1JSe. t1on. $350. mo. As or . s op . r . e a ._~n ,,p s,,., -,){HJ 2 b Sf25 675 twos --·~ t•ne.gar .......... -~1'70 nrolhers,673--<BJo dbl 1 h'ld l~L Bev or Dale 963--4567 LAGUNA Jll Ll-'i~lovc l y li7:l 70:l2 evl's, 629-'JGtil a , ' mo. -DELUXE l,2&J BrApts or&l5 -3053 gar, Y' · C' 1 ,.... 3 b I " 1 SUS CASITAS or675 -7009 c>vcs. •J ,. B h I ------$37~ nt-;A UT 2 Br, i Ba. 2 963-~786. c 1 r ~ , ... _ J a. . d;iys ·~ ::.o urn. ac c or WE BUY LOTS ORANGE COUNTY R.C.TaylorCo. Re3ltors /Developers 752-0460 a nytime WANT to lease aOOndoncU Servi ce Stations 1n ()range &: L.A. rounties. Mr. Lc21hy, 714·540.7744 .• Renlah ....................... -.Faolslood frplc, gar, 1 blk bcb -Tt1wnhou s c . J a panese ~1 Lnules to Ne wport P vt Patios -lltd Pool HU-VIEW ll&fTALS IJELUXE 3 Br. 2 8.a, new modern decor. No pets or 13cach., bac he lor & 1 Br lalboa Pe-niMUla 3807 Nr. Shop'g -/\dltsOnly C'rpts, c.lrps. encl patio, Jo (·hlldren. S2JO. mo. + M~wpat Shores 3272 rurn . Fro n1 S130. up.••••••••••••••••••••••• Martinina.-A...lc BE/\Cll /OCE/\N v 11--:w I bdr/$190/adults 124 8lh St. !)40---8442 673--4030or maint.yard .536-0C.J5Jor utll.lst&las l.549 Ht'~s •••••••••••••••••••••••Ad u lts no 1iets 2 ll0QCE'AN F' B c .,... _ _,.,. ..,. . · · . rnt. I r. ·pts. 1777 Santa /\nu Ave, CM DELUXE D'-~ 494-3248 :>47-5905 ---------DUrLt:X4br.2boi.frplc', Newn.oirl HI Cr-.1 I bll. f I -~ L M" U.S 3252 .. '" · · (rps, ins. rp c. Mgr Apt 113 &16-55'12 ---OCJUftCI KJ et1·. 11~1 ~. o,c.e~n. S31?5."'" . 1175 1536_ ___ _ --·---3&4 Dr. dbl i.:ar., yard. a ll (;Ht-~AT4bedtm,21h.ha ,••••••••••••••••••••••• Yrly.h4::!-J361Ava112/I I Bl}.llMApt.$1.!..'l.mo;N~i ~. BRAND NE:W 1-:-si d e bllns.Closc tobeach.514: Costa Mesa 3214 fam area & patio. 2 ('iJ.f 2 l:IR , 2 BA ('Ondo 00 the s~ A . ---328-0 P,(·ls .. A(~l~l ls only. 208.3 BAL BO/\ !'A RK l..oc. 3 duplex. Nc11.· dlx 2 Br. 2 1HthSt. llB 847-a957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• g ar. S375 . per mo . golf C'ourse overlooking 1R1Ta •a lhur1n fi7J-OU!7 HH 2 lla r 1 sns VETERA ... s 962-_44_7) ~sk for Keith__ l_a kc. S2_ 75. Call before 5. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -. I ' R -,k r p c, 3-3Yr-l~a. Shai:, frpk·. bcci!°s, NEW. elegant. large (1260 1""11 3 nn. ·r ~h 11 t;" 675-203/J . t-'AMILY needed 2 llr, 'l'H.LH 1-'0l<llt-:Nl' y. ro t.'r . ti'1 5· 43 bltns. LJ!e p11ntry. Enc. sq flJ duplex. 2 Br. 2 Ba. Don 't rent .... you can own ousC', ,.~ · ---yard, ga/'a~e. $135. Hkr. l ll lt Sl\5. + ulll. J HR , I Ba. ~JO. mo. dblLi::ar. 752-171.10 llerb \11~tlk -in c losets. Dining. own a home with no down h I l n s -$ l !) 5 mo · 3 BH, 2 Bf\, llilllup, fam· "'1:1· 6'15·15!t5 Avail. t'eb. 1. or cs frph•, µlush ·carpeting, payment . No payme nl 2 1 3 :-ti 3 1 -· 5 2 I 0 or rm, 11ir. fl·tl , spklrS. Im. ~I l!S & pets ok,. :! J~r. Sl'10. M(l. 1 1~ <kluxc <1pt, (;7J-9S!J I pvt ya rd •/i..,_dbl encl. for :..l leas l JO da ys. 714 -968-273fi. mac. V;il·;111L (Jpt1on lu :sl~i.Mo.,.c lcxlay . M lure i·o upl c· No c · 1r • ___ •3818 Mari'naPaci'fic i.:ar.a~e.4 b1u tobeac.h.• World H.e a l t:s t .i tc :--1N"L>"S---, •. 1 N buy. /\ssurn . loan. ~;o. LAH1;r: fa mily, 4 Br. 2 ;i .. -.. ap1s no~ $335.permo.514 t6th St. spc<·1 ahs t~ in vett-ran Iv 'k 0N' "3mb•Y 2· .... ~mo . 4!.l 'I 1 5 2 ~ 01 Ba , move today. llr1ng yhildren,?r lri>CL~ .. '?u!c1lb&••••••••••••••••••••••• VILLAS 1714 l536·1722or536·8256. c A k f v ff · wor · t'W r, '""· 557-0074 l>"l. $23'. ".'c.·urc,-., "",, CIO!'i.I "0 · 3 Bii. 2 8 °, bllnS, d'l1wh•, ••••••••••••••••••••••• , •.ousin~. ~ or t'lCran I". f•pl. p•l•o. dbl. "'"'-. -1 .._ J t t l""I Ncw1""l fll "d " ·• ' D a d N C l m A Ls "'XTRA I 2 ~-, 8 dlx I 777 II "' • "0 ' HOME~~~s :s · "" .. ,,,. • · wa:.he r /dr)·l'r. Or:e<1n r n e w us o P r:.. ge o•, a, ~ou~seor_ .. 556-7 ,('a ,1\vuil.Jmmed,~<,m" ,.1 ic.' v .. · .• ·"'7 ., ...... ~ L·~-1 646 8373 BAClllBll 2Bll I 'd l b h • •........:._v " 1 .. ', ~)·••·-·'IL ....,...... ~-,~ .... -;.• ,,.......... , -·-~t.:;.·f,,.. .• ,,.~., . .,.,.i' SIG4 .,. '19 ""'' ~ . ..,1 _1,.~·• ·..--, ___ . ...:::.._." • .. -• . . vicw.$275 •64.2-l'l~.~ . · · · p.oo S I e ap nr , c • • ...,..__. -,.. .. _ -~--. :6 • · '·. • • ·r,' · ..... , .. ._,_..........,,.. • 1 , ...... • --·······'ln ·--······· · "'t ·u•w._, I . Drive by I I IOVictoria Adtts. sorry no pets $165. ••••••••••••••••••••••• F'AS'r81 ,,,. ·1 II 1 " -N cw ON 'fll >' ("(>I ,. ----SlJO B,ich r"c w fuin. ulil <>Cl-:AN view new du -'(·x Almost to l111nl1n«lon 536-8302 h · · • • r. oa, BH ,2 H/\.l~.J)<ilio&yd , ~· , • ,' •• d W/W "''t Id P" .., ------1 H~ ouse $100 Ut~I pd frplr. st r ccned patio, hltns Singles & ·ts 01\ Course. !·or lsc.,:; br, 2 C~dominiums/ I> • t lk I t·<1r,lk ~ ry, 2 llr. 2 Ha. d shwhr. Bl'<irh I MILE r~ROM BEACH ! Also bach. unit 11.ilbo.i en•l y ,.,, 3"" ,. l"'h Si · · · I.JI · · b·i fanl rm frpl v.·('th;ir Fu 3400 '1~ J · ~ius. w s ops. rt:'frii:. $225. 4~6-1 534 •OPEN s i\·r 1SUN • '~ hJ u.. L '" ·' • "" ' "' "-'>~, ..... ,., f................. · · · · · rn • •u et 0 •• l'"" IJel•••c l & 3 I!R •Pl" 1,-S.J "11,~e~n"~~~....;a "".~ ,.·-~--· 1tl-'\ i · .,.-) ·. •. .:.'"•·~J71eves&wknds . "'1 .• ,.. -v"° 1:l5 am . 11•15-6177 .,, -.rt ...... Jtli~.· ~ •1..,. .. _ ·.• ..,.I,.~~_ -· . --_ --~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• --' Bo<it & C;impcr parking. mobile home $115. llunt· J UH house. 1 Ha. rrplc, K IDS &--P~t:·rs OK . 3 Mewport le-och 3269 J BDll~1 . lfunt Bay. /\dull 1 BDR~t & Studio. SJ25 & Corona def Mer 3822 Some frples. Sl75·~ 1n"lon BeaC"h 2 Ur Sl75. l J t 1 3~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• h\·1 ng.~·O.l8lafler S :JO Sl3S. + util. Adults, no ••••••••••••••••••••••• CASAVICTORIA l'honc846 6139 b J!<lr.,ge , Ae 0 • b+::droom :.ii,.buth,douqle /',\1 . pet s. 2 1 33 t:ldcn f\J:t:.!_'c~!79~J(J Hoc hcslcr. $240. nw + .:arage Walk lo bl!;.1ch llG C.A.HYC>f\il S.l.'i :1171;or 54H-50.l.J S F: .. :1'0 BELIEVE! 1\du.lts 1,2,3 Bil 11.•/p;itios Nt-:w 1)elu ~c 2 Hr, 2 Ba, ulil 548 -fiJ77 bet11.·ccn :l& S265. · · New 2 Hr, 2 B;i. d~·n . Condominiums 2 !Jr, 1 bi1. $27().$200. 3 hr. 1->rom $1 69.50 !"11J pet~, Frpll'. i\ll bllns. $l.50. I iil511 UTIL pd, 1titt.' I Bd r. 2 blk ~. So. Lagun11 Sl70 UTIL 1xl I Bdr C'ol· laJ:.l'. No. c>ntl I .a~. Beaut vu S!.25 l ROR near bea"h. gar. Patio. Corona t.lel tt1 "r HU-VIEW RENTALS 673-4030 or 494-3248 -------- Bal:M>a Peninsula 3 I 07 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW dlx :J Br. 21,;, H.1. drn. Winter/summer. W Bay Av e_ 673·5981 . ------- HoowsUofwM•d ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5. HllOKE rt -Ft-:t-: crpts thruoul . i:ustoin Utrfwrnisht-d 3425 2ba.S325.Allreecnlly re· l_ool. rec rm. eJe.,.a tor.s, mo. All util pd .• e ncl. I) ,. T h b od HOMEFIMDERS drps, frpl<'. 24 hr scrun· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Huntinnfon B~h 3740 llecor1tted & w/ga rag.c, Sec. gate. G.1s & water gar . 96 0 _1889 0 r ·i.,, uwn se, r;i nu. lY ~"l pe•-l'"tp ..,. 4;!2 Larks pur,644-680o or i>d . 525 V1 clor1a, CM. 0.,, A""" Ir~ 3 hr. J ba, din rnl. * 642-'rlOO * '"""' · ' """1• ~ ar· ::! s·ron Y ('nndn nc;ir ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, .• 4.7321·, "12_8,.70 .... v-•J..., Ly, ea 1 1 co 11 l' c I . A I & I kh II be h ho I '" , , -----rrplc. clhl i:icir . pvt p;iL -------(2131820_1527 ra m s · ~roo ursl , MEN, s m a at le . -OV . od b 0 ,, XI n t I o C' ." $37 5 mo B EN'I' or lease 4 HH. J HA 11 B lmm<ic 2 Ur . ~ Ila. !looms $2 1.50 week. Apls 2Br. hi tin~, pool, sundel'k. LARGE ,3 Br, 2 Ba. just 1\~h i \~~~~1 10:.yi~J9~ ~!;(: 6 44 57ti6 or Joyee . Meredith Garden ho me J HH,Sll'ps to sand,hu(.!e frple. 1\dult ~. ~"M.I. mo. $95.mo.5:16-7~ Adu I l s. no p e 1 s . rcdcc .Crpts,drps,bllns. K 1 1 bl k W £ 644 -1 7~1. $495 /~~536 -8.Sl4 famtl y rm . $425 mo. 003 f>8Z3 BACl-t-S~J~ -N •Ls ~l.30 /$2 '1 01 673-141 8 M,es a d e ! Mar a r ea. u~:C'shonli l. Off Sia.le~. Ml)NTl<.:t-:LLtJ 3Br. 2ha. 1-·u . bl!ns. slu1i::. halt·. p11110 . puvl. ,.:;1 r $Jl>O. 968·2t~1 7 BR . C P1'S, drps, blntns .. dhl. i.:;1r., no .)'d. $2J5. t~(; -4:>5!1 l'ro1J e rty ll o u se ;, mo. 0 pc: · C\es/orwkttds Jo:imil1C'S only, no J)Cls 642 _JH50 .Hl'h <•-s.t~·;itl~lyemployl'd , .. . , pl e ase. 5225 . tno .~'12--0389 adult.5.Jh 7.)17 l)IJ fLf,X . S o. (lf Cst 675-5800 Bkr.Nu f<~cP 'J ll ll 1,_-b-.-S--d-.--.-17_5_ llWY. 3 Liil. 2 Iii\. f;nn ----~:... -· -a. tu 10. :S • rm . fplt·, 11.·;ilk lo :.hop. CHILDREN OK mo. 1st & last+ dcpos. Macnab· Irvine ---I -3244 !\IDS & pl·t~ ok. I hugt' .r:..~••••••••••••••••• VIEW POOL TENNIS 1!(';1lty (;om1J;1ny SAHTAAHA LOW WEEKLY RATES h I & · k S3•5 i\lt6(lm. 536-l&JO. ~1· · r<1r ·, · Li::e2 Rr$170::ll3r1 12 Ba ------------ Hr.bco rn t•JnJ;:. Slti.'i. U1iiiiioiiimiioiiomiioiii•I Exrcutive Suites 727 Yorlrto'MI Blvd '"l•I n:1:10 SIOO. Dupl('X & 4-plcx. 2 BRAND Newdeluxe 2hr,2 pd . l't<-:Ts & kids 2 !Ir. ~11r, ~1 n~lt·s 11.•clcome $1!l5. UH.JN(; pct I Ur. ulll pd. s lv/ref. $200. • KIDok, 2 Br duplex, gar. $195. Urokcr, 1-'l.'C HOMEFIHDEllS *RENTALS• (' 1\ R 1'..'. F H F: E <'0 N 1'hc VICW IS breathl.:ik· J)()~ll N I U M LIV IN(; UNIV.PARK 1n.::.SnOW{'appcdmo11n· lli g hly u ii g r ;tdi•d :1 2 BH, I bath $32.."i tains by day. t11.•1nkhni.: hcdroonl . :! hath·t·lnsc lo J llH ,fum .2 1t>~ba"'""''/;IS() l1'o ht• b y >l>"hl 'l'h" Be;1t h Bl\•d al Yorktown 536--0411 STUDIOS & I BRs "'ovu "' ·' ,... · " So. Coasl l'la7.a ~ho p · •Full kit chen JBl~i·~1~~1.·t:RRACF:$A~ private 11001 & tc11n1 s p111)!. $2~5 /m1). Sulimit •lleatc<I pool ,\tODEHN. s unny I nn . 2 RR ' 2 Ba. =. 1360 eourl one JUSt Sll'flS from c"•'ldcc•n & ;-,..•s. IJ22aJ •Laundry facilities 1, Rlt APT. So. of 111\·y, w,olk to llt:h. adulls. ,s240 tiil2 5!1.'1:1 8 lo 5 11.•kdys: ti7:1 -J9llJ/G45-939':J t'\lt.'~ _ & ~kn_,_,,_.·------ lh 3 •-d 2 I " r -'" Lr" fe nced patio, lenn1s. is ""roomor +ccn J t.'anncNc11.•man •f<'rl'Cul1l1t1cs '" 3 Hit. 2 Ba. 5395 lfarbor View Home. ·rh1s 642 ... ,,.,"' •l"rce linC'ns pool. pct ok. Sl ~5. A\'I. pool~. t'rpts . ll rps. ba. din rm, bltns, D/W .. s.IB-7!H I cov·d . gar . nr. Hbr. ~ ------1 lS46-:Xl l S ~----NEW DELUXt-: 3 Br, 3 Ba & 2 • • Br, l Ba. pvl gar, 0 /W, hale. P vt fncd yards. Pct 1 BDR APTS & eh;ld eon>;d. 181l Alabama. (No. o f Adams). 536-404.2 or * 642-9900• WALNUTSQUARF: 1 h .,........ n o w . 64 2 -477 1 or .FREE fo'REE -----i • near new uxury omt.' "!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!"!!!'!!!'!""!!'!!!'!~ •'l'V & m;1 id ser\•.avail 7:l l -Ol5tJ 'BR JBA Tri level Oen 3 BR-. 2 Ba. $350 has carpets. drapes. dis -r ,1·1", ,.1J.Qu• ___ o_ ___ 1 •Profcs,;ionalServicc• · · · . · • TURT1.c 11occ· h h " ' Like livin~ in a Western 536-iil28 movie set ! Old West 1-'=-'"-"C-------'- flavor with city s lic k 2 BR. 2 BA. Drps, c pls , featurc.s : Pool. complete bltns. Nice area. $165. kit!'hen with refngeralor mo. No pets. 968-9174 in('l. \~/all In w:111 pl u.~h *L• "'DLORDS* frplC' .. Heam cc1hngs. Bit· u "' was e r L't l'. $550 PC'r CONDO Newport. J Br, 2 ·l'honl'scr \'iC'l' lli\l'llEl.l)H IF:fri c1e ncy. """" ins . Plush carpel. LgC'. 3 3 8 13 R11 .. 2Z ~a., $4JS/45o month . Avallublc l"or Ha . 2 ca r elos1•d g ar. •I n11l ctoocc;1n t adult 11111.1·. no fll'lS. Ho.et~• f("nced yr!, HHQ. $..)()() lsc . ·,-.,·11·~:1,; •. N1"'."l;ECE". ~2.'J y our 1 n s pt.'et1 o n now. Pool. Nr. 1 loa)! J losp1t al ---E v l' ~ 4 '.J 7-:!5; 5 0 r 642·9900 557 41 88 u.,. \ -Avall:ible n1ovc in about &.· Jlug ht.'~. S:IOO.ti-12 90IMI 11 u~·r1N<:TON l·lt1rbour h7!> !Jlil:.• C II .. I -------1 S UR .. JBa $400 F c h 1 5 th. Ph on(• -studio apL SIW. mo.+ ------a 1 Qrn1a s ..ar)!l"Sl N C M IJ J)L'.L'.Jl"'l""D 6 7 Dupl•••s UnL-3600 I • 11 r os l:J (•<;a If!' 4 + ·~·~ •. """'-' 644 ---4 K . lU"TI 1111 . (.. :t t 7 p1n . l,\J:XliH l()l-S:? Bl(. 1750 •llcntal Scr\'IC'l.'!• 1· . • .I.Il l I "lll!,"•-"··•· .,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' 7 o f II ___ ----am r m n s , '1s · " "'·· u ..,.."', )I V f\.I '"I 01 ., :-ii t. ,, room .... &· p.1t1n ,: BR housr (.:os t:i Mf'!';) h...,•s hr. ~h:1)! thruout , C/\1.11".llQ,\tF.S . llAR BC. t ICW ontt.'J!n :-.ll-:\\1.1'lcga11t.larf!rl l:!i;r.f - -h:l\"l'o1·1•;in&bay\·11•w.J "'l~O-l Hr llunlln"ton s prinklt.'rS, l:a:-bbq_ ~5 J UR . 2 hi1. A/(' £.36!i model 4 Br.;::: Ba, din & :-.ii rt 1 llu pli·x . 2 llr. 2 1!,1, L0911na Bt-ach 3748 !Ilk 1r1,11, hc,ich ~·'! C;or {·arpct1ng . Adul ts onl~". LAHt;~; 3 Br. 2 Ba .studio, no p ets. /ILL NE \\'' Warner & Tkach area .. Ri ght nO\~' & only a very 1\vall now. Children un· ft·w a\'ailabll'. der 6 <1llo11.•cd. No pets. s.!30. mo. 841-4440 • ' C llJN•cOv>·, riim rm . t:umn1 1)001 lk 1 I) ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\earh $1/i!i. :i llr hnusi• 545 07t)ll " w:o -111 l' 11sl"ts 1n1ng. I! 11 r . 1. l' a s ,. :,;; I !I :i -3 Hll ,3ha,rurn S!}(IO $.'100/mo. IHIU PortSll•rl lr1111·. plu~h 1·arpet111)!. Oceanfront.Apt. H'.\J ~2:1:1 Costa Me~a $lll.'I. 2 Br. ;i 2 Hr dupll·~. 1•rpLo..;, tlrps, NEWl'()J{.l'CHl:-:.'}·r u1g Ownrli75 0771 P\'l y;ird. dbl 1•11r l t.rasC'. :l Br. 2b:1 fur"n 1n ------lia. Newport lknch $18."t. blln'., ,,,., •• ,,.,,,.1, i>atiu • -C I M 3824 S I r I A 1 " ... • · 3 UH l l/~ b:i turn S400 J!,ar<JJ.!l', 11 l1lk s lo h1.•a(·h. µ1u~h La)!un;i lloyale. 2 OS a e sa •. 1ng cs, _a rn1 11:s g . No p•·l.<. 1 "b>ld ok. $195. C.AL-L 5 ·52 7 ·500• :; BH . J Ba. 1·ir1·u l;1r I 0 •· 9798430 .. • b S:IJ."t.p1•rmo . .:ll41tit1..,)t, 1•:1r s t> w /<.11.tndl 11k '.r ••••••••••••••••••••••• rce ... · , mo.t~16-J7 1U;,54~-07ti0 VISIQ. N .sla1rcas~.·reb·nn1s &<'lu llti.:-Hl"'h. (7 1·1)531..i-1'< 1':1t:· ... I n pl)ol & hl'h UT!LITIESP.A.10 _ _ __ ----• • pr1 vg.s, -.:>CC y ap(>L An· I ALA. JlENTALS 2 nil. I Ba. Nl•ar shoppin~ n u a I $ f, O O m o . or 5:~i K25~ t}cca n view rrom ~ g J br 11Jd1•r art. mature in· & sehnnJ s. $250. m o REAL TY t 7 I •l ) fi 7 5 . 1 J2 K or Apartments fw1t sundc<'ks. S7 :ll)nl0. d1\•1du;lls only. Sll!O. n10. 645-139[1 _______ 1 t213)241 -31S_I _____ ••••••••••••••••••••••• _55li_•_·0770 /675·J_'l_1~_· _e_Y_ f~lti -40ti•1 _______ 1 A Bed lldl Company -- Wf VOf(IAllrl IN ~ tvl(( COSTA MESA BUNKHOUSE 19:1!1 Walla1·t'. 1 hi No. Qf l ~th & l bl E:. of Placen· t1 a 642-7458 f CA-HOOSE~ J Hit. 1-:u s t.s ide . $250. Univ. ParkCenter S TLl rJ l (J <lupl ~-x. ;ill Mewpor tleoch 37691 tllt t-:;i stside, r rpts. I ) ... =S. · Crpts. clr1Js. Adults onl y. I rvinc u t i J 1 t 1 cs , St o v t• , Balboa Peninsula 3707 •••••••••• ••••••••••••• drps, bltns. \)()01. $1·15. No N l!:W 0 H l·;r..:D /\!''I'S 645 -7253 ""!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!'I refriJ!c ra Lo r. $\JO .••••••••••••••••••••••• BACl l l::LtJR f\pt.., on the Pf'l.". 675-5800 Hkr. no BH v.•/lot"l , & 1 Bl{ apt HIWPOIT&IAY.C.M. ••2·13&3 r Broke r .... ('(", BALBO.A.IMM ht•:Jf'h , 1mmC'd. Oc«p"y. fi•t•. ------~BR a 1)l. f<'/1\ lle<it. c nel .• "' gar.ii::.<', nr. beaeh. $22~.· 5:lt:----Oliti!I, 411 11th SL lBR a pt nc ur beach. $13.'i. + ulil. Pool_ No ehildren- /pels. !Hi0 -2746 BHANO new 2 Br. 2 Ra, r rpls . drps, dsh..,.·hr, dis- posal, nr. Hunting ton li arhour. 16ill Sims . R4ti-2!15ti LclgunG B;Gch CLE •N 2 b ·~ --•1°•e LARG•' J b 2 • .. U · '" ----------1 r :in 1•1 n i.: fr(lm Sl!tO t o " l.'urm ~~... ..... . • • r , ud, IU\I. HOMEFIMDERS I Br a pts. t'11u1ppcd s1 ...... mo 6-1 ·1 !120G . . -"' NICE ha ch !> $95/$125 crpts. stove & attached P.ark, frpl c. vau lt e d kitrh c ns. UniqUl' lOC'. • , ---1&2 HH ~ unfurn (,a rdt'n S:!Z5 . AJ>pln:.. util furn. Nl'.:WLY carptd. & Paint. furn uti1 paid, NU . CM. gar. Not fe ne C'd . Nu cell '~ .. rec center . $425.1 ___ *_642-9900 r Wini er r;ilC's by wk or ~Y N A.~11 (; LJ!.(l(·.e:.infrut , ,\pis. F rplc. D I\\'. p\'I t:nr l . j!ar;iJ::C'. Po1JI , •••••••••••••••••••••••• JIB s mokers . Heady now at a.17-7044or552--0056 BLUFFS f 75.R740 .. 1 hr,~ h;i, y rly. S.IOtl. d:I)' 1Jat10. Sl75 tnS21)J, I baby ja cu1.1.1. 3!13 llamill(HL l'CI. 2 HR, t 12 Bi\,oc. vu. S EEnowlHrSIJOU.P. $200.mo.646-58..')..'i ---mn .•. ___ --O-h; 7JOJ.cvC't>73-251% uk .Nr.l rvinf'lndustnal ti4:i -44ll l'\PS,&12 -19ti0 Cc nl . Laguna , $275. Sm complex for s1n~le l1u_t"_E_l_l_ACKYARD J h r ~~~~lou~~;f~~d~ b~ti~: .. ~PEI C~AUL~TS UACJI, ru rn apt fur I n1an. I BR. J'oo!. blk to ocean. i\rl•a . ..'"157-28'11 '.:!.;~s ·---------1·-'-97_-_2_7 __ 5_9_. ------ ' :ASTSIDI:-: 2 Hr hse $180 . ' • ' r•p r ... xc us1vc 1v1ng nr 1·t r of Balboa Util pd. I I I ~ • 2 llll-L•.ke '"P•"•·"le h"" VERY C lllC, Are hitecl-2 b. ''pie no ~. ·~ 1 " .-yd N• 1 '""" s1n i:: c ac u t. .,,oo. n10 . ....EW IREED A~s "" .. .. ~--Child, sm ""t. "'ara"c • · . • , .... ..,..~,. ~,,.. pa.io. · '-poo . l easC's 0·om S1JS li7 36790 " ,., d L ,. desironcd z story apt. PATIO 2,.Br hou,..; $200 556 -8286 L.-;e.$375543-8329 ~i.Jislo$700 .. ,. -ti7[)--6'128 &fi•lii-2b.'9ti LJ!C" b.ichelor. 1 adlt. no oncl)'.a r . ge il..Aar., a cro";;s st . from s pec- l!AYl"ltONT 1 brfun1;ipt. $2!1.95 WK UP. I Bdr. 2 Ba pc. ts. Applns. ut~l fur~ pvt yd & lndry rm. Wtr Gar&fncdrorpel fo~RUIT TREES. BBQ, •4 BR. 2 Ba. pool. Nr. xlnl views ulll JXI N ' 1 1 pd. Quiel , nr schls. no tacularCovebeach.Uke ~ POOL 2 Br ~ $255 b b ,. ~< UC I r h · $37 . _ .. • · & Bac h . Color TV, maid ,ne gar_· PQO • Jacuzzi. ""''". l "Iii Id ok. ~·~-o a pvt, home. 2 bdrms, 2-. r, I a,....1n rm . ...,..,,. . wy, s oppmg. 5. [a stores Ha Ibo 1 $250 $165 645-441 L ,,.._ ... ., '" "'""" f'rplc,nupaint,smpet 556-8286 833-8974 f ·. · ·· · serv_ pool. Tl·ll-: ~1F.SA ·· eve ; f'-1 ey~rrl .$1 93.50. baths. lge. de<:k, £rplc. t'AMILY •·pix 3 Brl-----------1.c=.....c.ccc_------I ({.$ o73 -G790. 41 5 N . Newport BJ, NB. _:142:-_1_96o_d_a~y~·<:_ ___ t --:;:-':;-::::-:--;-::::.-:::-:-:I Many closets. 2 cal"' $219/$225 HB&CM, s mall NEW 4 Bedroom, 2 story SMALL BACHELOR 646-9681 w B · l BR duplcic, frple. patio, J;::ara~e . Mature adulls• 'pet & chld B Toro 3232 homC'. Dining rm & fa mi-N ~ 2 . r • s pac ious. ut1I pd. CrpL". drps. I only. No children or pets.. CHOICE 3 nrs MC'sa V, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly. Culdesac. Compl SHIO. 675•671 OCE/\Nl-'HONl' 2 Br. 2 c:ar.ajle.Nopets.$.?J 5• ~1 (lu lt o n l y . $lUO. Hc f's. $425 on yearly CM S2:75/$320Familyor4 BR. 2 Ba. /\/C, fully draped & landscaped. 2414.Vls ta.dol Oro 3724 Ba . frplc . Adults. Ntl 675-1849 1"12 1:1t>o lease . 4~7 ·1617 or d d · 1 l · N tBeach CostaMela pl'ts . Winte r . $310. h s ingles crpld & dtp . Gar en1n~ $425. mo. Cal I ent..a ge 644_~33 A' NYTIME ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673_808R 'I Olt In s c Z'h Ba. bllns. 2 Hit twnh si'. 1 ,~ na. fi.12-r.6.lti. ·• 1.\ACK bay 3&4 Br5 s erv. Avail "'eb. tst. $400. Rcaltors.546-5880. •Tropical Poat• l·pt . drp:•·. n~ pcts:Nr. rrpts. d rps. Nn pets. Nr. TWIJ 1 Bil Apt.~ 00 Park S325/$S2S Real homes. mo.Call s.86 -5676 1 1, d hll a••cHv••-y Bakc r 1t-a1rv1ew Sl JO. ,. .10 • 1,,,., Sl"" Avail. Can we help you?? -----• C.rt'Q~ ,il, A: f> "'C ~C. 8 _.r. c pts. rps, ns . ....., L011U1o1o 5-IS ll:U\2 airv , w , • i.: • "''· Ave . Ol"a r main beach &.. We service u ll lhe OCach l./\KE t'orest f...xec l..akc 'V~ \.'-ulJ ~). -~ 1,:.J <.{• ~ pa tin. <:;1s & V+'alcr paid. :t br. 2 ba . 51st SL S10ll 54:>-lm\2 downlown . Newly re-l nreu. ALAREHTALS 642-1383 Frnthome.3br,fHmrm, T' I W JG 1 1 fi.4H ·l168 mv,il·I.'> 1591.i/494-2852 1.AB<;t-: 2 lir . ..::1-5 Sin" ---·. decorated. $225. p/mo.I C b · nal nfriguing ora ame wifn a Cn11ckfe ------"''· · · ,.... 2 BH . 2 ha. frplv. p~1tin. 49-l 1 ·25 I' '30 & din,/\/ ,cl b~e.1>a11lng. ,,.;o.,.i.,cu.y .. ,ou.,,. Costa Mesa 3724ColtaMe~a 1724 s 1 .. ry , b l'am re1l1nA . i\•lults. Nu pet);. Call wk~s\:I. <i t,;i ; p.m .. l e nn.i s , s wimming. , drps. hll1ns & pa1nl. ,""-2o ,.0_ _ -· __ ------ Brun.d newss.: + A!l:sn Q t t.11 o! l+1t •••••••••••••••••!••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C'a 'P"•·L . 211','I \Vall•ec ~ ~ -------1 D <• f\5 •='"!c"!"..,bltd.,~d• b.· ' " " BltANDncw2&3Br,2 8a.r JZ06 ues .... o-a · io...101o< .. 1-.i ... 11i......,d•. AMBASSADOR INN ,,_,_ . ..,_·'-'--'-"-'"----I I'm Sexy 2 story deluxe con -1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J2) LAKE f•onl homes y Old dom•·n,·um• Su~<-un ' I l I BH. Crpts, drps-, s tove. Two e.-s . "· ...... ....._ .. , YEARLY Charming 2 br each 4. Br, din rm. ra m IF' El'B IE LI l I . BRANO N£W rcfrig. s140. Balcony. 717 views . $325/$450. Yr y. ...... .a-d w/beam ceilings. frptc, rm, rrpl cs, 2Vr car w 7 h -c M LookMeUpA.t 494 -179S ~'· .1 • I t !)t., , . patio & gar. _..,._ uu s. garges, drps. Boat. ten· $ & UP 962-8936. LA MAMCHA APTS L HI--' llSZ Availl' .. eb,.ls:L308 Ruby. n is & c lu b racil , 1" IR," I 1·1 :.;.!.':.:·~ 29so :::::;:.. 778ScottPlace,CM ...... ,...... '673 7811 SSCO S560 586-8323 I . _ . _ . . . ..,. .... ·~ OAKlllDGt~ VILLA 3 br, 642-2007 •••••••••••••••••••••••' -3 07 - . mo., :.,':;:.. 2 ba, hltns. c hildren /\dull-No pet-Dshwhr NF.W 3 Br. 2\'2 Ba rondo. I 1•0.'1 I 1A1 l . l J· welcom e'. S225. 858 Shag C'rpt-C losC'd Ocean view, 2 frplc. wet. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._.. ll40 . f u....,....,..._. S-tk........, Ct"nlcr, 645-9219 ••·••e. Ga.s BBQ. bar. $500. mo . ort.M. opl. YRLY·Deluxe 48R.28a,••••••••••••••••·~····• 1 l E F No Ir •1t,ii...t..uwn~ ......., .. ..i -' pd p 1 640-8495day!'. reas. rent lo right fa ml· BR, 2 Ba. c\Ofie to beach . • Never lend book&-1'\obody ....,..~._..._...... Jw.ul NEW llOUS l-:·SIZF.3 br, 2 ~s &_water -00 ----- l y . Re f s req . Open & park. mod. ~jlchen. f I I j' ever r•tvrl'ls them; the only Wittti... c;.,119·s ha .Pvt yd.rrpl c,dbl J(nr 2 RR a pl . Ground floor. NEW 2 BR. 2 Ba Condo Sat /Sun. 675-'\076 SJIS. rno . Afl 8 pm, ':::'.=~:;:~=~='._~bookt I have In my l1bniry ••• T.t.wlW-•·~ 1.c~ •-r-.;0 pets, S:l l5. Also 2 hr Clean $lliS/m1J a ~ross f_rom Laguna 536-959l f r those which people k•ve -Dincl6itt1 ,.._.._.-. ••olltt&Df)'ff••... for S.22!>. 26i5 F.ldr.n, CM 548 :t>.40. Niguel Country Club .~ CCWOIMI clef Mer l22Z -------1 H E T N U:-R I ,.i9 1.A . ,.,..,.c.1 1::111 for uppt. !l t•) 5 wk $3.'iO. lea~c. "'um or un· , ........................ 4 BR.CPT,drps, bltns. nr. I I I! r I 0 Co,.,.pl~• .. , ... tl>uc.kTe quot•d WATIJIFAU -STll:AMS-LAGOOHS dnys. •~4 l <l :~lii l,U X ,, plcx 3 Br. 2 au, 2 furn . Ou ys. 644 -5404,' l.G. mod duplex 3Ur 2ba. !>hop'g. & schls. $350. l Kl . . . . _ . . tw 10ll1ny '" •he "'"""0 """'d' I •. _ --. . ('tir J:a r 1500 sq ft .t'rpl.c. 645 _-7_~J_2_«_('s_. ___ _ &I ~'6122 voud•v•lop 1omt1ftpNo lbelow 2277HARBORBLVO 2 1l ll 111 ·"'I• 0 11' 2 11> 603 Begonia nt oc. $735. ast . .....,. __ .____ I a ·"'·'··•. · · J)1W. pvl patio ~. Csl SM 2561 8J.4 1720 & P~1NI NVM&tt!o ltllf~!o iN • $<!i5 1111 per l-.:ists1dl' l'l~li.i lol"' :iiH 1~ Mewpart l•ach 386' • I • FORLEAS1'~4Br.2 Ua,J 1~1!.r!oQuAtf S C OSTA.MIS.A. lo<'. li kl' nt'w. ll ltns --••••••••••••••••••••••• blks. Lo Beach. t:l2l> mo. A UNK.tAM8lf tlll(R!o 10 I I I • I I 645·4840 ll111ndry la1·1L ,\dult:s, 110 l./\Hli t; :! 111· to11.'nhouse. 2 llll, PQOl, g:ir:;ige. I hlk COZY l Br house. Mature 8in1le or couple. No peLs. P3$.813-4169 21282 Breton Ln, llB. V c:Er AN~WlR . . . , . . pet ~. 180 {:(·1·11. 675-648H l'.,·t ..:artlt•n. SltiO. mo. from Oc~an . 210 Ct.'Clar 536--4096 SCAAM-&.ITS AM ill Clatlificllffow 8080 or640-4 ltil C\'CS only. Call eves. 645-8004 $225. Mo. 548-7200 ' I . I ' , • . . • • .. ' ' 0A1L 'f PILOT Wedneseley. Janu•ry 29, 1975 Offlc••-445 ......... Oppaati lty IOOI MCl'SO#Y 4070 c,.. .Ap. lwwwat1 Uttfw9. Apa la•at1 U...._ . IOOIM 400 1o..1 l , ••••••••••••••-••••••• Lost & Fo.d SlO C• ,....r 6015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• l'llllOW .a ICJ Affll l1'le Full/P\·Ume •••••••••••••••••••••• ••:•••••:•••••••••••••·•SLUM PSTONE, Block , ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• M.wport leech 3169 .t..o 3110 LIVE ATTllE BEACl-1 SU,1:11()1: A.Y'L OfflcH & YINDIHG LOST : '"Ch co" BJk . mal« REMODEL, Add on. i•r Urit·k Stone. Cu1tom ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• S2S6:upawk.61S--0440 Medical or olc. apace. Stores We S('IJ lhe OTM'St new Chlhu.a h.ua in. Mesa conv, cu~t /new ()'.)n,'Sl 25 v.·o rk, 'specially priced. PAIK MI WPO«f SllS. Newe r lBR, bhni. _ ~~~NOT M<Yl'EL 1100 'q ft . Ml 42'" per11q ec-iulp. We lunw>h Large jWood&. CM. H.t:WAR yr• e:ic p , (rge est. l"all Bob MO~. P •ar·~s ft. 1r1c:I . lndscpg. m•unl., 336 ft & up Co n1mercial & lndualrial m-~1 &45-3439 - A "' ,......., <"rpt.s, drp~. d1spo.ial. Gd ROOMS Jtalbou Is land . water, parking, lt'a~h : Urand new 4,.l)tnmerclal locations Xlnt financing ·r ----MoYilMJ 6071 811.chelorloc 2 ltx:. 2701 W. Mcf"01dd1:n Men only, 1>hare bulhs has drape,. .. .... ,1. 'lart'ong ln"e•l· fOUND.: Mule, Bl at'k & ADDITIO~S. Remodc:I· •••••••••••••••••••-•• Pl' • 2 ~,.7 complex! Spanish 1:>tyle ..... u • bl BedrOOnl:illlll.1 ·54 -----v""' TV room & kitchen. $85 . MUTUALaDG. 1,.lenly of Parkini:c. f'rom nlcnt ~1t;. Call today & tan. mix br~eddog. Jlun 1ng. Carpor~, ea ~et.s. OUT&ABOtrr'?? Townhouse." 6?5-Je.IJ 40fflces avail.from414 l36 11q .!t.to l400 sq.ft .or Gel slartedo"lheroad to t1n gto.n Beach . Ph : ~Ir Wagncr 613 Jl(iti l..o<'al /StatewldcMovJnc. t'r. S224.50 Open 9·6 Ually A,.. lwww .. • FwW"-d SLEEP IN-G--fl----I lO <!.<!41 11q. fl. oil 5()-per more.. t 'ul I fac1l111eb f1nidnc1al independence. 962-41:)68 It I': I' A l lt , r e 1no•I t! l , 7day , free t'Sl, 521·20'11 ' ipa.Pools·'f~nru3 or U~ 1900 . oom, P'' ~11 . ft. Good loc•· 1o"·n_ All IJ I ll l'h ( I 7 -A fr m t'asn·on entr & ba Nr l:lhops "' rop e~11ngs. cccs:;e ...... -.... u00r in o . l 14) l''OUND : Irish Setlt:r , rl·pl.oc c . Work g11 Jrn COl.l''ON f\-1llV ING . 32' cro:s s o 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• b h •lZO ·,73 '""3 ( utJI. p1d . Incl. 1anltonal, llRhtlng. Air tQJld1t1oned. """' ""' ( I .,. l'I ,. 1· l 551 0171 ~ l.lund .at JamborC"' on c u -v .... at · -cma~. vtc •• .11:en1a, ·rcccs . · v .. n.l••·.•••,l•>w-irales ·~ THE EXCI1'JNG · · elevator. parking & Pr ime lo<"at1on . JU.SI oll .. .. •· ''"' San Joanuln ltllla Road 5pm · "' SPECI .t.1 C.M. 673-8237 N' ,,1 O" l•.·.·is . •0 1 ~'3 ., · PALMMESAAJl'TS . s~eur1ty serv1ce. freeway! Goodvis lh1hty "' """" 1-;xPEHTCAHPF.. fHY ~ ·• "° _...,,,.,.. (7141644-1900 MINUTES TO NPT.DELUXE IJ.,,ll'flL,bath, STOfti':S & O .... FI Ct :· RESTAURANT FOUND: S m all h1!1 t•k GENt-~RALHt-:PA l lt MOVING W~lCLIFf"AHEA HCl-1. no :>moker11. ,._toid serv. FROM .JS s q ft. Cuti tu Newport Beach prime Cot•ka poo, fem1tll!. V11'. CAHI NETS 64~-1~15 t.oi.::i l&Loni.:Di!ltancc 2 b 2 b I d '" Bach. I & 2 BR. from$175 f:ostu Mesa. 548-7197 . preview {7141752-1700. l0t·1111011-Sm11Jl, <harnl· Garden Grove Il l. A· •MS "''9S• r . a, poo, .au , ,._IJNt)R llOJ\11'_:!tEP1\llC ~ . quiet, red re. &12--41 14 ~~~1~;!~ ~~ BOHM w /kitcht!n privil. [lll.g_1·~· 1L··~I ':,,"~~.'.~··,· .. '_",•:,·.•~5i~1;5A1•"m·c;;'0':10'1. :""~!~0·:,· 1-1-.rbor. 638-~ l'lumlnnii , C•.11·1>1.'11try O CE AN VIEW D eluxe (5 blks from Nev,.port Women only. Vic ~• ... -----.. " .... "":.., t'ound -BLACK & Cl.!rarnu:1'dl•.:i40·~ PohtfitMJ /PopttiiltlJ 6 0 73 , new Condo, 3 br, 3 ba + Blvd.I Bushard & Garfield, JI.I! WlllTE J1upJlY. ~1ale . --, -. --••••••••••••••••••••••• • 46 .. ....,,., ~:!-1719 l\pprox.l·4111,~old. vu MA S'rl'.ll . Craltm;111:; •WallpurerllanAinti:• retreat. Pools & Tcnn. l=::::::::'::::-;::::::::::-j ----------1 N1:wport, Jlltni, 2515 Jo;_ Union & Victona , C.M. SpL·1:1a lt y. llt•m0ih:l1.nµ, . n .v lormcr lnstru:'-or . Crt!I, ~.Ag\. 645-7573 'Sffii){)(\j" Cn/ :l ROOA-15 $:20. wk up with SMAJ,L shop a v;ul. I()('. ln Cua~ ll~y, CD_M_. ___ 1 i>-45·1\IZJ. f1n1 sh w1Jrk . llef..,_ I· l'l'L' Ca rl H~·hkn. 1'46-2..149 ,, ~r. 1 ~ ""')J kitch('n S:lO. wk up apl.I::::::::::::::::::::; ,,, .. ''II 1 ·1·11•· L'A•· ll'lll"UT'flN''&"· , L·S t . 1; uar. ~·ar k --.• -.-. ~ .. , '"''--~-·"'' f..1H-:17:-.Sor64S-39b7 ... '" .i . • r ..... " '-"' uo:;iuy FOUNO :Tri eolorCollic, '1!J~-:11u:-1. /'::)IA1t-.l.1 Ct-:N:-;f,O . utlTlllC lfW COllCU'T! 'fOR Y. ~-1no. 42.!i JUth , Sal o n , .. :~ t abl 1s hed . C " LIC<)TE PAINTIN{ ~ L th PRIME FRONTAG .. :; N.B 673-!.,-,01:> L'<1rona dl'I Jl;tar. Call ma lr, vie North Jlunt· -. ---1~ • , .' i ~~.LUI.,"' •. '!..'," •• ",' ·r· sood. w/pvt. a 'ror ,·ndownlown"--•·•1 .. ., .. , -·-. L:vc~.644-710J i n ~ton Bca.:-h . C all CcrpetS•r•tu 6016 )~SU Ht:l~~-1-3JJ5 ---... re inc lady. Kitch . .......,......,., ....... STORl::OROFl''IC t-~ -'---__ ----1147 -3168. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -•Bochel0ti pr1v ·1gs. Quiet home in ~ ~o 1200 s<1.fl. Ideal for Best loc, 1882 llurbor *Increase Eaming!I * :.:.....:c:::::.:. ______ IJ 0 If N , S Cu r pct & l'H0 1'' Painter , honfC':\l •1 BR, 2 BR CM, ref's., no smok'g. o ut e t store & many RI d C t M 960S<t tnclul:llru1.l 1''l"'lance f'OUN D: Irish Setter , 1 yr Upholstery. Dr1shampoo work, r!·as, lnticxt, rl'c •Aclutt •2 BR&Oen . 540--7195 other businesses. Good It~ ·ic.f~: JJ~~-k1n.g, Rcco mc commerc;:il old.,.1 :.le.Vic.Yorktown (~0 11 r e t arant ~I l'S I , rt•fs , 548-275:.1 , F 85 -& l _o_ao_d ___ •"o"s·o-1 traffi<". Lots or parking .. •111-2"9• & Brook hurs t. II. 8 . Oc••reast'rs & all i·ulur _&12 -J~_OJ. ------- •••• rom S 175 • S4 _.... ,. Call W. F,. Lachenmyer l.;,"--j"i;.;oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioaii-j j'~e~a~'~'°~"~o~r:!:li'~m~e~,~-"~'="=' 1~~':.363~~3~------1 • · ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• &lti-3928 Evcs:b'13--4577 1' broker.55:!·8237. 963 · llr11,:hten('rs & 10 m1 n~tt• ''NC)W '' l~Tlt 1':;'!'1Mt.:to ; 2 WEEK.SFREE ~toV.rdefait &Adaml RETIRED/Ambulatory. bleach r<?r your "'hilt' huveyo11rpu1nt1ngdonr . . * .~~~;:5~4=0~·~1~8~0~0==~ homelike. alm06. xlnt. THE COLONY l11ves""""t f'OUNI): Calico kitten , carpels. ::;ave money by lnt-t:xl , rl·s & npt . Ji.1ove ln w /deposits only ' 1 3 'llOl'S Oppor.tu.ity 5015 approx. 6 tn0e>. Vic. D<tnil t-;av111i;. me extra tnps .. •'•--'.'""'?. I BR $190 2 Bil .,30 . 1nca s. persons or midn .,,,, RE"l''ILS u·o II ""I •mo 1 ·" -'" ------""" &wife.548-4464 ...., '~ ~ ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ro ·on1es.o.1 -wu• l.'1t::an!lv1ngroo1n,ltl1tllg ----·-- Refrig, Security, Pool, e NEW e Prii:nc reasonable s 1uu·e WILL CO-VENTURE for 496-6059 rn1 & hall $15. Any rm 1s·r Class t~xt /lnl pu1nt. Jacu zzi. Rec . Bldg ·' PVT. BCl·l. llomc,rct1rcd ~~~ilublcl,dli-:ih• & sinal~ ~1dd itionulequityca11itaJ. REWAltD ,0 , r"lum of ~7.:>0,couc:h $10,cluur$5. pupc rhani.:1ng, airl('s.'I w /exerc i s c r m, YOU'LLBE'~•D or Ambulatory, xlnl . 1-'UltN Office Space L'1 who'. de arnl '::1 1l ::! Mobile home s ub· .... , . . 15yrs exp u:1 wh<1tcounls , si>ray25yrse.Xclc'_97_9_·5_2'>_• Dillards, Color TV, • • ...,_ meals & atmos. 31f"r~on.s Av a i I ab le N r . QC rrenl' win o~s, l'.lau c.s d1 vis1nns . Sales Kick-Off tamcra case con tuning nol rn ethod. I do \.\'Ork ---- YOU W >JTED! or man & wife. 5''1S·-446.r1 Airport. C.a ll tCJJ.--9432 ~ Lrc,·l!s· AdJacent I ~~ 4175. l~igh yield. 1 nf a Z ya s h i c a ~·am er u 111 Y s c Ir. G ti . ref s. !-'IN I·: l'a pcrhan~1ng &. lrvine ;\veotMesa Introducing . new ba('h Jo cs 1vlil of Art:; kin I situation will stand le~scs ,clcclro~1:fl11.sh& ::.:.11 ---0 101 P :11nl1ni.:. :!2yrs St'rv ~-· -·-·-~~:]·-'_I!.,).) :.ind 1 bdrin apts well PVT .. Resi~cnce,3~cco. m. 300 SQ J.'T, crpl.ISfdrps, Grounds. ( 1 · ·1-1-tripod. Lost 1-'ri . nr. self -· !!arbor area. He. Pl1 · worth scein". llefincd av.ail. k1tch. pr1vl. i:;s . $95 . p e r mo. Ca ll :180 UROADWAV ;.;f~67~ive:o iga ion . service post office 1n •L:.irry Lake's Steam cpt M2 -2l.5f. 0 ti d 2 t .A (!UN' ll""Cll ' .. ..c.cc_· _______ I u-,-.. tol Town & Country. & u1>hol o·l .. a11•n,. ''""' -------ye t affordable • Great omc surroun j'.l s. &lli-·130or679-3709 • '' ''"' -• ... OCEANFRONT BJ.:ACll envlfonmcnt . Semi-pvt.$250,pvt.$325. i::.,ouo :-maresorwalkcr& 5-IS-:1:10.t. wor k. frt:t! est da y~COLLEGE S tudent s f urnished and un · 548---4 •164 _______ 1 EzecuSaite-s 494-7915 LC'c Re al £.state slol'k H!:t~--(>HJ31:vl·sl'.!1J-3t~'-l'uinuni::. lnl &c"t. air· 2BR.2ba.,winter$300 --·-If t h b d 1. ···•rl•l•"ales ror •"'le .... ,11 LOS'l': CockatcC'I, s n1 l. le:o;s t'qu•1>. Al:i;o k1t('hen furni shed I M lol •100 C ur ens o "'""""""""""""""""""'I .. .. "" n · CdM 'II IAYFROHT · ~s. o 5 "' manaccment ,pcr~nnel.r-conside r trade for re-grcyparroLm .t,;a l·abi nl'ts rrfinish1n g. .. 3BR,b'.u•'$175y,I• •$185to$215 . &h' .d I . _673-8_232 ProfCpl"'-,, .. ,, .• 73-""'~"P-'". • ., u . ., scrv1cl!s 1gh overhead 2800 SQ ·FT bas ement SI ent1a or 1nrome pro-I ' -.. ~ ~,... ,1 1, STEPS TO IEACH 646 _84-53,. "'~ ';;~;;.SL',;,·:;:· J\f:01; have drained .prof1~ & compJe){ ofclubroon1 ,of-pcrty. Phone 549-1072 FOUND: .6 mo. to yr. & Wiitdow ~ 1, A 1 NT ER. S ~MI~ , 1 a BR, 2 ba, fum $300 Yrly :-t11.1cd cr eat1v1ly, <..:A.LL fiees & slora.i:c rms. ;\dj. eves. honey tan min. Germ. J)utt:h Service. 5.:fl-1508 Rf:1'I R ~J). INTERIOft. 2 BR I b · 1 ., .. ~ Inn, 1575 No. CsL Hwv. U' w e Jo c c ''iiiii.iiiiii-oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ , a ,win er.-.... " J, .. as ~:.x· t.oMar1n :ionCoa:.tHwy.t• '::)hep. or rn1x. 1'~e m l-:XTt:KIOR.642-lZS..'l 3 BR, 2 ha, ~unf. ytly ~ 4S4--4SJ?. ccuSuitcs & an E:xecuScc 642--4044 w/choker chain. 1-lunt. Ren~ one of our pro· ----· • .,, CHAN~ELFl.OHT .s.:"( stHCMM 4150 prov~c:; all these WANTED II arbour' n c ar fess1onal carpet clean~!: Plasht"/R•pair 6077 •1 2 BR, den, 21h ba: nearly ~e •••E,. services. PRIME ground floor store Edgewate r & Davenport. ma ~h lr:es , <Steam) c ••••••••••••••••••••••• new. 2 Frpl, all bltins. ·~ 9J-.l\',.. •••••••••••••••••••••• space avadallle. Uank ol Sl6---4808or846-122!F. dt•hver-Pit"k ~p-:ind l 'ATCJI PLJ\ST.ERfNC ; Dbl garage, boat slip. .,0 \)\..1 I' PRIVATE ROOM A Nt:W CONCEPT Costa Mesa J>taza , cor· IMMEOIATRY Instruct. As ea. .. y to ust• A 1 1 T P 5 I'' r e e $575 1 r for ambulatory person. Jo'ORBUSYlttt:N ner llarbor and Baker, t 'OU ND: Dlk. do c :.1s ;1 vac uum e_lra~cr.()r , L .1 Y C ·ell ~I0-6825 mo.,yry. 1433Superior.A•.,.. Good m eals. Nice sur-Costa Mes a . llarllor w /white markings on wc w1lldo lhc 1ubloryou .. c.:___!__ma cs ,a .:... : .~ CORONA DILM.4.R N rt leach roundings .. Eas t side 'l'l-I E HAUSER Blvd. expos ure: Approx LEADING chest, fe male, <:ock·a · as l_ow as JO' per Sc\. 1-l. Plumbinq 6078 ..... •BR. unf. house, fam. ewpo Costa Mesa. Avail now. COMPANY 1000 .s c1, ft . Agent poo terrier m ix. Vi c . White Cross lnd ustr1l'-~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm .• 2 ba ths. $500 Leuse ~~~~~~~~~~~RC~a~l~l54~8'-;;1~l~4~8l. ;:::--;;~;-:I Ac.:ross from O.C. AirP<irt 546 --1141 a sk for Mr. NEWSPAPER .F ed marl Gold. West 75 1 -G89~ ____ _ .,, orleaseJoption. ----· •• • 2 BR, 1 ba. unf. S275yrly ROOM AV Al L. nice, 21!J2 Marl111. Suitc 155, Coals. HOW EXPAHDIMG. _8!_17_-< __ 9_>V_o_r~l-9500 CHMtlt/C~6019 L.ll .OTIS l'lumbing ){emodl•ls &. rC'11a irs . Water hc all'rs . d is· 1111:-.;1l s. 11irnac~s . ,dshwshrs. &1:.!--t\26J m11· /!.: h •a Cnnipl~·lt' p!un1h 1111: ~1·rv . 1~11:'. 27211~J-1 . ~" HEWPORTCREST <I• •ood f no•I + Irvine. (7141752----0681 L'QUND & I •• ••••• -A · :an, J.: ~ : JUaek lrown ••••••••••• ••••• 2 BR, 2 bu, condo $52.5 MES s pecial 'f.L.C. &12-!j278 ~;XECUTIV E SUll't_; J02r1 A·I R .. toil Location Meeds deakn to own dog, fl'malc, 3 mons. old. CUSTOM Cc1n('"l Work. COMMERCIAL GARDEN C.M. s q rt ovc.rlook1n~ harbOr Dow~tow1!, Cos~a M~s.~ . & service thrir own Vic. Old La Pai. K37 ·!»63 Patios. Rea:;onub!e ocotion Rettfds 4250 on Coasl 1-lwy UL Nc"·porl ~J()~'k~:j ,>48-3-WI. l~vcs newsp:J'.er Yendin9 --S5-0.-R-EWARD F'rre t::-.t li4 'l·l<51•1 l)on APTS •••••••••••••••••••••• BIVd, :-.idJ to rn.1r1n •. ·1, ___ -------1 --~.. drk' • •···-,. UI k h k & l l ""'IJ rvu• -~ LOS'r': White 'foy Poo· ..:t::M t;N'I' & 01' W0rk . .• ,,.~.._,,.,,..~· ~·"· --.,.. ---.....-~ :i n ·res aur .. n · ,,.,, EXCELLEN'l'o,.·1•1c1:; per-eek. · · d -.. .. ,.,,, ·•· """~ t.·"'---.... '¥~._..,..,., .,B...,"--.. "~~ ... di e , f o nial". ••, ... Walls,p:it1os,s1 t•walk s. d · -. · · ~ 'd ~--.---,....,. "...-·~· ,.· ·-_..._____,,.,.... ,,r ,.runm •o"·~·[l\i"~", " " v .. r1;>s. ut1!1t1es pal ·JBedroom ,v1ew,c1oSeto "x-,..... _....._. ~ ·: ""'.">:~'\ ~. ,., , ·" ·-• ,~ .SU.""1~'"'"".>.,a.,~' .. " _·_·.':':'_J~r .. ~J'-'-" •. '.'-~.·-:--,~.~~ •.. " . Ll''.W &.· \\.';1yn(•s l'lu mh1n µ. l{c 1J;11 r Hl·modPI r'I!~ ........ ~ t:'"-'--....... -... ., Bluns, laundry facihhcs . a II ~ol r tournament Corona d('I Milr Cst llwy r•:itid'Cnfran' ur'I • ·Min. in•c-;;f,,:;;,;f'<~f C.\f:. s1i:-11ri9 ~m. G ...:.:.._1-0-9 · ·60-4 5· • He<:. room w/pool table. courses. WeekJy or mon-Dix s paee from .40 ft Nl'·wport IJlvll. entr:i"<'C. 613 ':Q77 ~ .,, r:ym room, sauna, rwv1J . !':i u1allo rlar~espai.:c $1300.~nuiredKC. or · ••••••••••••••••••••••' t;1a--02r;t -·' Rb:l'1\IH, Hcpipc, W;ih~r ht•a tcrs. Sc.rv1cc J1nL'S . I lonest Work. &C!-931~ ~·· OCEANFRONT New 3 br. Adult.sonly, no nots.28H1 thly.642·05~642·1771 285 E. c::~-lwy t.i75-t>.'<f00 G<l2-J:i.:.l ,-LCJ..'i'f: 9 v•k. old, Choc. '.o, 1 2 ba, upper. Z car gar. .--"" ·=:....---1 ,, $6o·o. mo. Yearly . Ur1stol ,Cos taM~a. lndustriolRental 4500 MUST IE AILE TO Bwn. l.;1bpuppy,NcwpL .. :UROPJ.:AN &42-3443 ____ 7c....:5_1_...:.l c4clc5 ___ 1o eetal5 tosltor-e 4300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• STARTNOW. ll f'.!Ls. a r c". 1-<!1;, her L <lc;,\RDEN1':J< , . .c.=._:;.:..;::.._ ______ I •••••••••••••••••••••• • brothe r misses h er . :in s_ca1>1ni.:, trr<" Remodel/Re-pair 6081 1,r.l BDRM 2 Ba, $3ZSo. mo. ROOMMATES ./.., e--... 1500 SQ'R' & UP 642-9172 aft. 6 s 1• r v 1 c c . H e a s . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,r Large patio. n;S .... :; want e ct t 0 s h u r e ~~ i--MISSION YlEJO Call Mr. Cliff 1·1-.,-lS-T-,-5-ichc<cr;cacn_l_l_w_'k-y-&-I 642·532!l/685·1.f25 QU,\L Work. Rf'f. 25 )'rs •" . ____ •_7_3_-6606 ___ · ___ ~ I b ~a atiful 2 bcdronn1 ./'u ... -Industrial Urih d c <l · '' I exp. L ~ & :.m Jobs. t'rt'l! • "' 1 h d nf . h ·_.. ,.....,1111 ___ J S;1moye llusky,approx ar n g/1 ~11nl/ .nrl<;l'p. o•s.\. ,.,\Ill l'lllL'f,' lil·. UNl''URN ApL't, :! Rr, 2 lC!':!,.S,,_, urn1s e oru om1s C.'u o/Kwoo.-• 27~2Cam 1n0Capr.-;trano 1213 774-4190 <!yr s old, v1 c. Goldt·11 Sod . .s prnklrs, (·le;inu1r.;. Ba.Wcstcliffarea.small apts a t Oakwood . ./'$9Cy -w:• .. -. •1 t!-i:1nD1t•go i''wy 1213)633-7670 \Vt::\l & t.:dwards. 1·21, Soil C'nd . t:i -12 333 1. G·l 2 -i 77o. l'Jll Ken, 1 P et ok . ~42 -2 1 52 -, 'l'h1:rc's $1 ,000,000. in ./.......,~~·"11 i Avi ·ry lurnoffH.11 -lti()O • f • Hcw<ird .893 -7·126 &1tir1!J08. earl'. CORONA DF.l.J\1AR rcc rc ;ilion f;1c1llt•cs. ---Fortn ormation. "----1 '-'---- 645-9060 2 Br Townhou.._t!, frplt', Compl1 m c nta ry tennLS tt Jo:N '\' G00·1200 sq . fl. SIW l.t>ST ·. L',.ml Sh .. 11·,, 0,,. Room. Additiofts from $200 . l Br from i>GtJ5. 1 s <l b •r-c .. .. " • ' 1,; blk beach 3 llr, 2 ba. hv t!S!>Ons. un ay runch. -----------1 ~ •U rnn. ·~---------~I ".". ·ahl" & "'"''''· .. ,,. Pool, tennis. continental s -· · s I" .,. " .. " •..• rm, din rm. bltns, sun-· port~ tournaments. A v~:lt V NICE Street Jo'ront . __ ,_,_,_1c"c'c"c·c".c''c-....cclc"c;·_, Ir', n •·. a' • .\. o7"J o • breakfast. Some ocean & f · · · t •· Mort T t .. " " ' LAWN MOVING Heli ;1 hlr-Ht-:1::.1>"'-'blc fri.:c e;.l·l)11\ v ~.:!7 -~'l:t:J n ~;i\1001:";1.1 ~(; t)l1ALl1'V \\'{~UK deck, gar. 't'rly lse. $3.'iJ. Catallnil views. Separate ulltime act1v1t1cs < Lf'CC · (_Jff1ee , approx. 400 sq. fl. FREER~ qaqes, no 5035 _XJ3·!J.ltr.1 ___ -l':dl !'\ow For FH l':E l·:Sl'IMATl·::..1' 12 7 4,4 th .s.c.;._ NU . tor who plans parties & 164K Nt•wport UI Cttt. '""1 Dt>t'cfs ----l'ut Liff' in Your(;:1rd('Jl & ·~-, 675---07~ ~ fa mily section. Close lo UHQ 's. We'll even help 548 _9766 ' Com merC'ial-lndus1nal ••••••••••••••••••••••• J,()S1' (;olrlcn Heln 1:vcr. A Sun,t! 1n Yn11r lll•a rl ~hopping & fine bc;ich_ you find a roo mma te. Sp;1 cc 200 to :JJOtl'. 21 to ;1tfJt'1'. l 1 :.!7.n1alr.5 rnto~ \!;11111 l ('l f';1nt1p . ~.'> 1\ 11<! I ll'!'>I ~n 7.)! [Jtil:f EA ST BL u Ft~. 2 BK' 1c•,·1,4,·'"c.c'c'c· -------Sorry, no one under 21 & s1·u EET 1'~RON'I' 3 roonl 31JC per .Sf} ft. 30 d ;1y:5 frt•e LOANS up to 80% old Hl'il 1·nll<1r ... ( ;1·1·~11 h ;1 11 ;: ( I\ g !'I ;, II t s .adults. no pets, frplc,26R,Quict.pooJ,nr Shop· nopcL.:;.Modl!ls opc11da1 · off11:c. gd. local!ori. ~)~ r 1..•nl w 1 l y r . Je,1 ~c l•ITDLo .... 9 '/•°'o w1"" H C\~·u rrl ! 5.Jl.718-1/ t;.lti -1117:!. 6082 pool. $275. mo. 644-4767 ping & Bus. Adults. no ly 10 to 7, S<"C our larger Haker St .. CM . :-;.-w--6212 l ~X~:l~l .. -~1~4ll0i.;,iiiiiiiiiiiio __ 1 .. 1 ' 537·7S41l. · ---.-.:... ______ Roofinq • :nl1ntbe apartmentsec-2ndTDL.ocmrs •l-:X l 'EH l~:NC 1':1J •••••••••••••••••••••••· ::fit'LJOO Bayfront 3 br, 2 ba, J>eL<;. ~94 1 P~mona, C.M · lion. 55• PER SQ FT Lowtlll r a tes Orangl'Co. 1.1 is·r : 1• c m all' I l1111:! • H !'.:AS. J C. it()OFJNll CU. 11ew drps & cplJi, fresh M~r. 642-3527 1617 WES1'CLl t-'l''-NB MESA C&n"ER Soffler-Mtg. Co. ba1r1•d bl-.t"k & white• <·;it S<-rving NU , I rvin('. C'.\1 Li cl·n:.c1I & l"sur1..'<I '' ~ paint, s.andy beach. $500 OAKWOOD (;ARDt:N AGT. S.\l-'"°32 1;100 Sq . ft . 1nd. rental M2·2171 5'1.'i-06 11 Vic Sunholluw. &in Juan 54.'i-Cl\'IJO !\Tit\,.: Fr1•1• E~I. ~!f-lllf'it. ~ mo.Yearly675-77i 7 OAKWOOD /\!''I'S w1l h parkin1:. tr ;"t.s h . Serving J-tarhor :irca 01 C.apo.4!J:J-7b~. N h B lGlh nt lrvinc OFVICt-: Av aila ble . w;it1·r,rcstroom.i::oir<1ge 5150 . Heil! ts, 1 r w/yard & , ____ 6.12_8170 Orange County Airport. 2 doors . S200. 1..o>c'-_'·--------Pt'NOROl5 ".."t< gar. drps, nr :.hops. $145. 1. ;11tra r t ive off1ees (I 1·om-MacA.LPIME BLDG. NEED CA.SH? ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ .646-1514.arts. FIGHTS w ANT£ D mat u r c pll·tcly 1ndcpcndenl) H~:(; M;i intena nee. Yd Cleanups . 'fHE~ ·rnm, lt 1•1111 ~· :11 e. 542-2772. ll l·:l'/\I H S, ni l types . H~·as. 1''rt·c l':\t. he, a~k f1•r \\l ,1l t. ~J0 -~1U:!O anyt inh· ., · I 1 1:-.00 Sq. ft. ind . rentul We Purchase -..·.WSTCLt'F area,Zbr, l \r'.i slrili~hl mall' to share ava1 Jble. Fu I st•rv1ccs frontolc .. rcstro"nlS,ht1l TrvstDt'eds SP! lt11'UAI.. Rl':AnF.n ( >1w n Io A ~t to 10 Pi\-t 1\f1\·1cc on all matlt•rs. :112N. EI C:im1no f<c,1I LA \\'N S F.RV1 C1': Clc•anups Prompt & t:k._·1ll·l\d:-ihlL' ----- Tt>lt>•ision Re-poir 60'0 ~· ba sgl s ly l''"o g INFLA I l gL' hom1• llU ~135 . ava 11ahle, 1nc-l uchng ' · · •'-'' ar, TON 002 -8H68 <i f\6 .\t•ro x. l1Llr a r y, c-on-W<tle r , .spat·e hl"a l c r~. lt C,'f;iylor Cn .Rltr:-.. frpl , $250. Adil. 1665 ------purk 1n~. lr:ish: Sd)O. 7<,·• t>160 Irvine Ave, CM 6'12--0239 r .. rl'"'"' room, etc. C<tll BOLS • BLDG. -----• ---- fo'rt'(' c~l 1;.12 O!llJ7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt UDl 'S 1·v S F.RV1r1·: F'nr J>e rsu"a \11.l'd ~r v11·,. •HI Culo'>r hr Blk & \Vhl ( ".11! •·l ti~2 4,·111. The p rice or cvcrythin!' 2 nH:. 2 UA 'l'ownho11se to 71·1 1:1:1.J-3622.. ,... J0'1'0 0Ct :AN 1 ~ ~"111 ~ up . No \.\ s h;irc "'lfc1nalL'only . ----1 42.'i Sq rt ~11,1p Y.'11hof AnnouncC"mHrh/ Sant 'lt•ntl·n(e, }''or ap11t. Gener-al St>rrice-s 6046 {':di '1'.12-~J·I r1~J:! ~Jl·u; ••••••••••••••••••••••• •,, 3 Br. $325. mo. Property 0<1kw1~ t ;;1rdcn ;\~il l! call ev..:.1. &t!-:J07!1 or fJ{'C s pu1'('. h,.;11, ,\/l', Personals/ HousC'.64 2-38SU helps yo u fi ght i111'1a11on !''52 ~JGOU FREE RENT water. tra ~h . liJrk1n g. Lost&FoWtd l 'HJ::!J,"l:i\;<.;·r" "'~'Jltr-;f;s ·· by l\l t)OSC' -----1 b 1·r -------1 1 Sl 27 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . d 1 (.en ,,,,,.,J.,..·ork, rl'IJ<urs, Tilt' ---- 6091 y o cr1ni:: O'lllf':\'l'l usi \t' ( {)ffi1·" :;pa«('. h;_1n<I•· to res r1Jom ~ lar ing. r-onf1 Pnl1.1 1,1 .. m 1,,,,.,,.,,,_,.,1., ~·i·i $235. l..S E ; 2 Br, nr ocean ··No R c n t Jt ;i 1 ~ t' SIN ;Lt: Girls shar..! ne"' .Sa11 !Jic.e.o !'wy. All !-,'1zcs. KOU ('0tH)~t!ll n g & r t·h:rr:d " J.: "' :lb '· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sha~. r ef. rng: No pet Gu a rant cc'·. w~ Ocean View house $!50 & 60dav~ free rent on 1 yr Ko!I Jnd. <.:ondo. nf'w : Announct'mt'ftts 5100 ,\bor \1f)n, ;11topt1 <u1 & GF.:N . C'n r & home m;1int Ct-:HAM IC ·;·1 1._.~:. N•·w .'V e h Id l 2 8 <l tll h S t ; j'!uaranlcc lhal yQur rent _$125. Oe~bi e <l!)'J.::Hl.'>li lease: 831 -1400. · :12ou sci ft : Ai rport 1 .. oop ••••;••••••••·.·~··••••• ktcp11n~. . • h;~ulin g. cleaning, bghl It c m o d 1: I · I·' r e l' 614-434 0 will not be r<"US(~I for I fE M A Lt: Hmmal e:. W, f'." .. T C l.l "f' Dr-.•."' Dr. A1r·l'1l ni.J., parking JI()\\ TO SA\.t-, e n.i::1 nC' 1\I Ci\RE,f'.42 -..\•IJt• t"·:irplr)'. t".il l !J avid. e!,t1n1;1ll'~. Sm J o b-.· OCEAHYIEW 2 br, 21,';, ha, <h~n. mir- rored w el bar , aul . gar/opnr, pool, tennis. Eves/Wknds. 9132-101 5 t'ull year ''"d yrJ11 !>\Jll wanted In shr. f)i't'<Hl · .... r ...... sxoo. 11\·1•rhaul. Send $2.00 to ---------4\tot 0-37 <'XI ti:!l "-t·lt·omc.5:M;-:>.A2f'i. hHVC'lhe flc"ibilllyol fo 1 . l $I J l n furn.off .phonct"cld. HARBOR l'.(J lti>){2•11-1.CM. UIVO/lC l·:SIMPl.JFll·:I) -;_·~· ----1 monlh·month occupancy 0~~~:1lH~ ''. ', 1 0 · XJnt. fnr Independent ---Complete profcs:-.ional wh y It ls k C h 1 n1 n cy Top Soil 6092 l'lusyou i;:ct a lutmorc __ ._. __ c vt ~. CP/\.6'12-30<!6 MODELS l'.~ogram. }YPtn g FirC'S? t~liminatc Sooty ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo r yo ur mont·y at N 1';~:DN1 c€'lady to s~arcSt~V~:n ..\L t;uite-!iOOsqfl Jl ;1v(' your t·omposl l C' t-1l1n g-Ser vi "~ F1rcpl ar c o d or . •1·npS.11l•C.Om1JO't• CJ;1kY.•ootl , i11cluU1ni.: ~I my ~p t . llc.ated t ool , lhrutJ5(.)sqflloc:iledad-COMPANY ll(l11cby thcpn)fcs::.innal:-. t\1 cm b c r Ji B f3 Prof«ss1o na l l'h1nin('\/ •f\1ult:h ""Hcdwootl .. m1 )hon 1n r•·c:rc,1t1on ~M ·....:~~39h i·ace"ttoManna,Hank& H1':At .'rtJH.S who :-.hoot lht: ;i d s 71 1-77·1 flKfl l Swel'p. Ht>as .r;i\t•s .t"'ail C11ll5AG-'1J30 f;11·tl i11cs, a fu ll time Ac.:· S INC E 1 ~11.1 H1•a~1111 a[)I~· rules. L'SI. ftlJU11 hlwn-1 fi 4!j.1 5 1~•1 ---· ._i:......,te 3876 t1\•1ties Direct o r whu Garagf:s farRt'ftt 4150 n:.~st<1uru"lnnCoast ll"'Y 673 '400 17!11'1 !'>ky park C1 r(·!e, DIVORCE $40 .. ----·--· -Tutorin9 6094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• al Newport BL /\mple -1, .. ,,,,. •. '. -,-.,1,,-, Houlinn 6051 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~··•••••••••••••••••••• pl;i ns partlf'S . Bfl(>'s, • '''' " "JI • ·1· & F' SING !."'. car .. ,1r;i"" Nr. frl'e par_k,_n ~_/;;12 10'14 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• :'lflJS JC :. Basic theory . -s.Ns;-W huge 1 hr, frplc. ri ps ·rn•~rc! ·rec .Sun-'" ,. .,, L l&Fo d 5300 C I I S . ;'~ ~. exc lusi~e urea nr day ilrunch. l21r:h st. &_ flalt~1:~ ~!vd . p v·r. Furn o ffil'C + Stor-aCJC" 4550 as un omp • t' t'rY1ce . r-.t I) V I N (;. JI au tr n ~. :-;1,vtisl 1cs. t'ar tr:unin~. , bch. ,2.,0 on •·I "'''· . _S2.,mo.fi7.1-71!7hl~~s .. _ 1, .. ,.,.1,,,·,,,, + ._ .. l•m•· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coll for detoils, 24 1!••r:t•'" Clt•att 111•. Hi·ha •h•·l:11 1on. l·len1cnt;.1ry & ~ ... --.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• J.'l)LJ,'lli>·. 'l'c rr1c•r l,1·11" " I .t• 496 --06lfi. s.1n~lcs, l &_ 2 lx·rtrooms. . NI . ... hrs.. h I" 1 ;1s t s er \' 1 c e . +n1t·rn11 •• 1.111• 111.1110. $:\:, , rurii. & unlur" \.\'l\h ;il l D UJ . c; A It/\(; I·: IC M ;o;f'c re.lary, i t:c·nt('r LIMK r11;•le dog, hl;1l'k w/wh1l1· fili'.I -f't4;i:!. p•.'rhour. •l~I t1ti!lll. Feil1·1 arc:i). S torage onl y. 11 i425:..!:"!0·l <!til STOR•GEUNITS h .11rs. Vir Mc fo';1cJ !i'.l:i-82.'l2 ty B;1ch : ATTbe Beach, Spacious 2 the extras. ~lode.ls open "' -------_, br, many bltns, p vt dally 10 to 7. Sorry, no mo's. min. lease. Av;ul. • 1 MO . .,.J{t:1':Ht:i\'T 11 r c-r:.o"al hu!i iness or d 1•n /S pr1ngdah•, II ll Abroxas Mmsoge-LOCA L movi ng & hauhn).! · • garage . $200. <!9'i-1(179or pet:-. or c l11ldr1~n . ~o w . <;a 11 J 1 m , No lease rcq. Oh1. nff1e1~s re1·rt'~l1 on :il s t or.J/,;•'. l'h H!j2 2457. !lad flt•.1 17J:l l'ullt!rlun Ave. (:M hy studcnl. Lrglruek, re-Job Wantt'd, Male7025 ,~ •l·l-776-5890 ad). Airporter llote l. 1'"rom "9. Jumhuri·l' & _roll;1r&choakch~11n . a.'l. H :i rry .5:l1-t2.1.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~2527· Oakwood A c r II . L' s n · .. "' 979 0150 -Exp. ma.s!'leUM."S, JO--lO OWN .. .:R, operator. Men's Offtcel...taf 4400 I· u services. rrm ·an •c~o .. wy. · · 1-'0UND near JlunLinglon *""64 2-~•* Q U AL Work . Ynrd storc9yrs."-s1·-relai·1 SPACIOUS, 2 Bdrm, I'h. · Garden s135 mo 1 """' ....... 'ha deluxe vt / generous A ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2112riuPont.Room8 STORAGE Arca i\vail. ntcrcommun1ty Cleanup. Mn ... ing. Exp. s <il e.s. M e n's wear. ;li nen ·c losets. Shops, 1 partrnents Desk space evailabte 1 S50 •833_3223 ,Tilnoon • (or boats & t railers. l!o:-;p1tal o~ llcach Blvd. Ser•lc•Pire<tory Lowrates.556--0347. 194 -!)G()\_ 1!blk. Adult!'!, no pet. mo . Will pro v de Rea!'1.CMarea.s.15_!M9Z t ema tc St. Bernard ,••••••••••••••••••••••• -c--,------- 49'2·0404. ''*•fG'lleoc•Nertll' ru r n itu r~ al $5. ~o . NWPT. BCH. Off. Part or646_1751 askfor.Joc. while wi ll brn & blk . 1-IAULING & Lt. Movina:. JobW.+~/ l lrvineand161h An ~wering 8 e rvice furn, for rent, all/part. -w/l,.'J blk ma sk &A,cld-A-Roowt 6002 Im~. Dependabl e hmol• 7050 1 SHARP2 Br, 2 Ba, new 645-0550 ava11able .. 17875 Beach $lJ?up.li?S·t72S/673_5502 R..talsWllllted 4600 diamondtopofhe:ad.A~e ••••••••••••••••••••••• 548ser v.1.~;.· $10/load up ••••••••••••••••••••••• c rpts &: paint, s tv & tll;:pwthodls...Hii Blvd.l-l11nt1ngton6cach. •••••••••••••••••••••••unde r 1 yr. llURl{Y! l'ltll.LI PSCONSTCO ·-.:.on · 0AYWORK,$3perhour. refng. Sma ll child ok. 16ll')atlrvine 1"12--4321. WANTE IJ! 1600 Sq ft Pl\SADENA Widow de· s:u.\-28'11 1)r 962-24~. Gaves compclitive .. writ.Ho.secleoninq 6054 PleaseMes11Verdeare:1 F.nc l. garn~e . $1 95. 642-8170 single room. Nr frwy. sires 10 lc-.se Jllr. Jha lc;ivc rn essage. l('n bids on all wrk. 111. ••••••••••••--•••••••••• 01nly. Call Huth after t1 1•'16~··~0\l~l~l_c;i•~f~l ~'·~"~""'~71l5"':'__.t-=-::----::-------:j 150 I Westdiff Dr. I mprovetl . 546-7947 or Wulc rfrQnl llomc. l''urn FOUNI>;-~I · 1 1 cld 'g. c uston1 rm. uddi· l-I OUSF.CLEl\NING is our _r M · ~5-74fi3 . • .:. J I RC 2 Br . p I ..__ Newport 1''1nancial Ctr f"1'l·7•1:J2 nr unfurn. NII art•:l . Will · '1 e r og 8 mo· Al 0 C 1 ---------_. llCllt • s, 0(1 ,nr Ruvps, hirnlsh bank &P'!r!>llll.Jl lyr. Be 1gt' ""'1lh d :irk lions. I r:1 ngc 'ly Jus 1uess. Call Janit"e:'s Jobs Wonted 7075 Copistr-3871 adults/no pel'>. Util pd. L•nltMJOffic•Spoce OFFICESPACEH.I . f • . ,. 11 21 .,1 1•;1r:-; Vu· 10 &. Orange f42-0f>61Mr.\\'oc:id ~ggcdyA nns U75·f.i.'l53 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 8<1 Monrovia, CM . C.:allon S1teM:inager re t'r(nccs • ._,a 1 · tlll 'lliO-H;H<t ----- • 'CON IJO. Clean2 Ull ........... !, 548-0336 171·1l64 2·-3l11 cxt246 •·c" ·rChnoamsl'~s~igh~~Y ~~-.-. 7\J9·44AH . . labysltti•C) 6008 XLN1' l louseelc~n1ng tly EM PLOY M ENT wanted ,~ ::-::-=::--1 ...::-_.'..'.'".'~·"'._....:-"'.«>':=~~~·1 . · . 1.os·r · 'l'ny Poodlr male ••••••••••••••••••••••• lady w/C"P· Ucpendable ror male&. fem colleJ.!tJ $ 2 o O I m o, C n l I SAN'rA AN/\ 2 Br, 2 Ba. DELUXE OFACES YOUN<• l1r or Couple want · . .' . · · . ' students for p/l.ime flfl11 711-552·92 14 . Upper $180, Down $190. l "IRPORTI ~·TION Ci·IOICE general office, long ll•rm lsc on 2 lir ~1l vl!r. I~ CJn _med1eallon M?TJIER . will h:ibys,it own lrans.847-~ & eve jobs. Call Mrs. ~ '' .Al\,,'' corner Suite, 3 oles, re· dwc ll1n~ <"omme n('i nJ.! rnr h(•;irt Vte, UodeRa f.ull or Jl:trL lime while llOUSECLEANING E t-:vans,5-1.5 -1171'.1. • s.te... 3110 Rr upper $115. Down Patio suite from S125. eept. area, 1126 sq ft. June 1915 CID!'C prox 10 l,n ., M. V. Heward . )'OU attend school, work. 0 · 1 · _.xp. , ••••••••••••••••••••••• $12.5. All w /encl gar & mo. Jnc-1. .A ICJ:. ~rP!"· Cent AJC, elev, drps, · 831 -2027 etc. College l'ark nr wn ra·n s porlal1on. HetpWClfthd 7IOO ••.a.•n.-• A/C. Will accept kids & drp.o;, all ut1l &Janitorial ~pts, janitor, maint. & ocea~ 8 ~JUSf. Call ,._1. ----OCC.556-0341 ~S4;;•~-;9~"';T7;;;;----/;~i l~'~·:•;•;•;•~•;•;·~~;;.··~·~·;·~·~·~·~·;•;•;• ~.,,,,,_ pets 542--6547 N , • p....... Kam1n,!'l k1 . 640-8510 ur LOS'r : Tan Dachshund, I ; Stln"Oundin~s &cbeerlul, · 5erv. • 0 ~ase -~· * util Incl. Lsc 65" sq n . 6'5--171.L w/leather collar, fe~ale. BABYSITTING in my ftCCMM To:1 6051 -•pacioua apt.a. •2 WEEKS FREE RENT J Month Free Rent. Ne wport Center· N 0 . VI Jl 1· dM ho 2 I h ••••••••••••••••••••••• · -s E D"·•-' NB n•c K n•y 'ltE" c. e 1otrope, . me. yrs up, une. , •AdultorfamUyareu Beaut. HB garden aptli o:,uo.<; • • ,.,,...,., • (714)644-$800 9am to '' " " '' 640-4345 k kd •l•Yo.I' ..... * Accountant.a toS12K , •2. bi•a l·o-So. Cit nxl.to Hbr .• ~-~.1 557·7010 4pm,Cal1Ray8oring. Yn~. woman, UCJ'5 full snec s. w ys to 5 :30. MEorEF. SISK ,. • ,.. --lime !'ltudent needs lo $20 wk. 646-1933. 58th 27 Vra Experience • PJ•aa 2 br. from $140. Full re<:. NEW plul'h ofrlU bldg. 2 r ent or sh• .• ~ ..•• w/vd. LOST : Male Old Engl.ish Seashore. NO Reas. fees 968--1182 Sis Rep EDP sys SIOK + •Adult rccr-eation 346-1323 to 6 Rm auitcii . Con· OFFICES •ouu:K ., Sh 11 hl Printer/,.leidelburJt$865 1 1 •-bhous fo r dog. Tina : 646 4319 • cep 0 1!~ P1Jl't' w 1 e. WdHs 60 IO Mwv · 6070 Prod EnSr/Plll.9tic8 $865 ~ ac-illtes""clu e IOOIM 4000 f e r etlce Rm. Xe r o x 4005,...FT&IJP Nr. 18th :St. CM. Needs ----, F. Id i. •Children'1playareas copier . Near O.C . .,.. lvsines5( rn c dll"atlon . Ca l l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••• te Au itot/deg $150+ • •State JJ censed day care ••••••••••••••••••••••• Airport 833--3640 MISSION VIEJO l•Yes /Fl-.ce 04~_5503; 642 -MIOO. llOM E & TAX S,.IELTER WMI I, L I A M S . & Son fl Packaging Su~rv $690 • center · SINGLE&Dblw/pvt.ba, IESTPRICI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Duplex plan5 meeting asonry. lie 283046 Secretaries lo$650 : •C h i l dren H yr" & !'I W.pool &kiLpriv'g.Pri HEWPORTIUCH IN AREA LOST: Sin Blk!WhtPup, Coastal s Commis 11ii)n Brick , hloe.k, s tone. IRVINEPERSONNEL c-·youn~er home. 751·5.588/546-1224 z D•·luxe r;uil.es, 42< per Crpts. drps, wet bar luiiMSI I no k s I k U ea J.: I c , Cr11 er ill . 12 previously 588-6J71 . SERYICES•AGENCY t. •!lOrr)', nopeL"I -----sq.It. Hrok{'rli 831 -lliOO Op .... -u.. 5005 .. Natur:i .. , Vic. \.\'hill irr, hullt In f;nrona clel Mar. ITTt , --, •2 & 3 UC"drtKt ms Turn your golf clubs 111lo a po. ·-··r Sehl & Ph1cent1a, c .M. 1''1nunt•1ng ttv;1il . Contar. ICK WOH K. Pav1ni;i , 4881'.;, 17th <Al Irvine} r ,From t litS s tereo. Sell them with a Rc11lun11ml1·s 675 -67 l4nl R ol ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.46 1184 Worm in~ton Hrothers plante rs & entryways Suite224 OoKtaMua ..., PARK ,Lil.A II D.11ily Pilot Clas!'l ificd Ad MIS ent 4450 Ultcrpre:.~ & l)ffse t print 67:l---O!l:l0 ' 53 1 ·4973., Lie. #227430 Call 642-1470 • .. si"d use tha money for 8 · Ol'FI ••••••••••••••••••••••• .shnp fo r sit le. Loc utt•d in J.(JS1'. \Vtll . mcd -si1.ed lroHi'°l'"i;bG;;;:~Co;;:1 -""~"~'~"c· ________ 11~~~~~~~~~.;,;~ ~ stereo! Call 642-5678 ·ro-Cf SPACE. M.I. COMM 1-; HC . or office Northern <Jranl!c Court female cat w/bl11C! eyes . JOHN l~1bb Gene ral Con· ~ SO~W .SCc.-vens dlly. Westrliff Drive. One space i"c l. ~aragc. $225 ly. M1 J.?ht con s ider Vic. ()ceanfront & ''U'' tractor new con."t., re-SELL Idle items with a Ilave somethinR.vou wa.nt ·tOff Sunllower> man riffi ce $65/mo. Call Lease. Rllr. 644 -2343 par I n (' r l'i h 1 p . C a 11 St., Bal. Pen. G4S-6646 modelinll:. framing by ht. Daily Pilot Classified ad. to sell? Cla!'111lfled ads do .~'-=iF"';;:Aaa;;;;"'==;rS<>--.;;:;;=1=1~231~c:LA:::SS:::::•:F:1:E:D:'"':::;·11:se::;11:":'~c:c:n:•:':":":·: .. :•:-0000:::::::::l:;;;..,~3~04:;;;•~·~·~,.~IWk;;:,;~•~ndJ!:;;;;;.1;:'1=0= ..... ;;;;,...=:o~r~""'~·=_,,.,.,:;;;~';·:;1i::;or~•~1~s~2580::;;:;;;;;::;::::::J~o:r:J~o~b~.•:':':;;":";:;::::::::l:G4;::2~-S6='=8==:::=±::::::·:::·:1..:l:<:w:•:ll:·:P:•:•n;•:642-=::5618.~:::: " 'l ~~~ ..... !~ ... ~.~.~!.~ ..... ?!.o.o.· Help w..tH 1100,...,, w-.. 7t oo . . ...................... ············~·········· APT MGR-CPL.. M UR· 1ta . EmpJ01od hwlblnd No es·p . n e4:e10:1ry. 1142-JOOT or (ll.3J8M-~l · Alr ro Service Writer. \'oung with foreiain car ex perience. See Bo!J Severson. DEAN J.f.:WIS I P.1 PORTS. 1966 1-larbor PART TIME EVENINGS Ulvd., Costa M,esu JJ F.NTAL ASSISfANT ror •liiliiiillllliiili!"illll"'"liiiiliij Children's Dental Off1c-c In Laau-nu !fill:s . <.:all 5¥1 -.5800 AVON SAYS... D~ntal, Chairside M•ke ff A _t;x per. nee $.\50 mtn. H::rr,• Hew v... Newport Center Adults with outstanding, attractive personalities who enjoy working with kids . Start at $3.50 per hour. Phone 642·4321, extension 250, between 1 :00 and 5:00 P.M. , f:rnployment Poy of aat years bills & ConsultantsAt<enc-y ~la rt sa'vlng oguin. ~o 5ti1 San N1t·holas Ori\'(' ASK FOR LAURIE An E'l"•I OpporlMnily Employ•r :-.ellinl( cxper. nel'c:is. Newport Bcal·h640-6150 I.eta talk about it. t:all: -~------ :.i.t0--7041. j)ENTAL A S~lllil 2 y~ H I w t d 71 0 •'!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!'""''!!!'R~I ex p, t:h111r iude, ·X-ray~: • P an e 0 Help Wanted 7100 !lon1e fro nt Offi c e .••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••1 51 •r•s•• •BARMAID• &15-26:>2. LVH'J 534 8 HOURS Needed lmmcdiutely ---'~~"-'~"=''".....:·!>Mc:.;;9:._ __ 1 t:X l''.C. Secy., NR. 'ryping -7\J~ WP!\-1 , lranscnht·. HOOKKEE.P£R /Recep- 11on1st. f'ronl office of l1usy Ctiiropr11r1or. Ex- p'tl only. Jmm('<f. poai- t 1on . llrs 9-1 & 3-1. Dr. ••:1ry L. Couture, 2U4 :l WC'slcliff llr, Suite 107. NR.645-5300. JtOOKKEEPER. On Call, !'/lime l o r elieve me t rom time t.o time. J)rcfer St·rv • .sla. cxsx:r. Appl y ~JW Ncwporl RI, C M . BOOKKEEPBIF/C Nun-Manufaetunng or J.:;1nit.ation req's t'/C: Hk- kpr. Must bcalJ\eto han- •llc bkkpnc 1"11n r t1ons lrom typ1 ni.: (:hc,·k:; thru JJrc paration or fnu1nci11.l :-i ta l ements. Must Uc 11ualificd, bondable & h ave r ers. Jl c11utiru1 IJaysldc offi ce. Non :-.moker . Call Mrs. Da vis, 1.1on lhru -l'~ri Y:30am- tO :JOam only. 642-1626. gen. offu:c , bkkpi,;. s._·nd resume lo I' < J. Box 1;2:::, <:dt\1, Ca. !l:tti2S 1'.:X rf~R 'O p r:1c t irat nurs1• for wet>kend r cl1t•I. AP 1>l y ~lo llanl . 6'\ti i K48 ---- FAROtlT MEDI CAL r ront ore. E-Z MONEY 25-40. Exp'd, Ins. bilhng 1~no(i RAf.1 MER JI. COMPUTBI PROGRAMMER Boys &Girls 10 lo 14 ycar.i o( nee. l>ai· ly Pilot delivery roules rnay be avail able in your :1rea. Earn profit ror de· liveries & cash, u ·1ps or 1nerchandise for selling new su bscriptions. 1''or information please call 1142-4321. 1''r om S:in l"ll'mc ntc-Sa u Jua n For y 0 u r v c r ha I ~I i.le bkk(-lng. &12--JtS6ti, •·apab•li ties. Earn $IU11 .:i~•p.cm.:c· ______ 11CUnfl1N-M1'nTIN In plus per week for Jl /ltrTIL' M EDICi\L lnsur<1 net:, t'X· !la m-lp n1 or 4pm·.Upm 111 po.:r. ll eply : 1-'.0 .Box 143, 1·j1mfortablt" s pacious of· t l unt in~ton Jtcat•h.~21}11; flCL' ;1('1·rO!iS lhl• !;lfl•<'I ----· ·---- 1 r Onl (Jrani;c l\u1nt y :\l c n -\\'on1 t.!n . 111akc 1\1 rport. For 1x•l'"SOf1dl 111-mo n c y 1 n s pit c or tt·r\'it•w Call l\tr. Kcy!>l.'l., :vou rselL Be your own S.:l.:i·>IO!lli. boss. Min. investment. ----Wi ll rurn. s a les pitch . IOZO HolpWOllffcl 7 100 yclff •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l'ASTEF. FHEEZ, d•y) SCllWfNN Supt·r Sport, 11 -3 Ne11t app1~~r App hi s & herii , SSS l'it ly 1n ~cr:)on, ~ U1•1:.lol, P11:ui,:~t PX lO t:Campy, C411Sta M e:.~. Sl25 7S2 Uli6 ____ , Weanesday. January 29. t97S DAil Y PtLOr 07 ............ 105 1010 MIK1U•1ow IOIO •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MATIRESSES ... WANTED (iueen. to'ull & 'l'w111 Set~ TELL.ER f.'(IR SA Lt: Hrlitld new 10 Pf iced lo Movl" Now •? T (J I' CAS ll OCJl.l.A H I' 1\ I ll F 0 K ~· C) L' R J EWELRV , WA'l'Cl-IE.<i . ART OHJF.CTS, GOJ.0 , Sll.Vt~lt S t-:ltVI t;t-" l''IN I': l"URN & AN Tl(lU l-;S t;,\\ ~JO. SCRAM -LETS ANSWERS MEW ACCOUMTS :.pl"t:d l'c u ~~ot rac 'i;i 833 ·9ti25 &:646..i:tt..,.,i. P /t1rne. Xlnl workini:: bike . Wo rth 5160, :Jsk1 ng fk,l1"'r -l\tourn - Felon -11 unter - Lt:N'J' i\I t-: roods 1n II. H. area. t:x-$100 f>.l:'>-7c•cl0U _____ 1KJNOSZ bed , ~'>'·, 00111 - per. S&L or ro1nm 'l pl<'te , &lill pack;i1,tt.J Ntver lend boo ks - ILUIUH.l y t.'\'~r r e l\.U·ns b;1nk. Contuct Mrs. Al· C99Mrat &-Alru firm. $19o CV.'(1rth IJ~on . 213 678 342.J. Equipment 1030 $450) Qu()Cn $110. l lsual I Buyl I then1 . Lhc vn ly books t ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'ECl-I NICAI. WHITElt -MI N<lL'l'A Celt 1(' f'j 5, indus lr111 I advcrt1s1n g 2tt 1n1n wid{' btlgle lt'n~. <1nd 1n~tr u c lio11 n1anu11ls . nf'w, 1n box: W/f,!uarantee Mu:,l llc c :.i1>a blc or $>17.546 -01 27,.rt-t ;JO, eoordi n a l ln ~ t·opy , - 11rtwnrk, and produtlion. Cah 8035 675-7Jti0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• USHERS& SAVE ALIF£ CAHDVGIRLS P/t irnr. f\.111:-.t ha\lc nt:dt S1 ,\t\1 t-:s t-: t:A'l'S, ChO<', :Jppe dr<tn c('. t:uud 1101 11t m :1le &: r ... m~l l' pe rsonality. l\p11ly aft 'l'or1u• ro1nt. l'IJ I • <.'X~5 7p m , So. ( 'oa :.l 1'lat;1 all J l't\l T h 1· a 1 r r r I , ti K ,<, OOCJS 8040 Su11fluw1·r , l ',,\l __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jy homf', J 11clu<l1·~ llt·l 11,1 • 832-2488. --- •• ha \'c 111 11 1v hbrary ace GLMKI , USl'll f11r111turo: .! tho-.p whtl'h pcopl1: have apphanct"S or '>''1U se ll !'or Lt:N'J' rrt t..:_ you. 1..::.::c:.:..:::coc.. ____ _ MASTERS AUCTIOH {\.1A'fCl 11 NG t·ouch a ud ('hili r. Drown \IUl}'I. hkc new. $200, 714/KlS-13'.!_U. (i.\t_) ~;xt; o)r X.'l.'l·!ll\;!.'1 KING Sl '/.t_; llarJ !tock :.1ft 1,ur Surul ayKJ'.l \1J71 (\1 ;1ple Ill) set , Green -- - - -- H1•1·l1n('r. !:iµa n . Jl ed ~I EM Ut-:l<S ll l l' I n V~·lvct chair. t.1ake oJ1cr. l ll\'INI·~ Ct)t'\S'I' L~ounlr} t\-1 u s t s a lo . ofl. ~11111 ("luh. ~IO(JO ; t r;on.-.tt•r ~'J/ 2302, r1:•·,-.. f'l ll)S 121"1) :.'X:l-70>1) eve:. 111t 7 1·;dl 1•14 :)1:11 . WI NTF:lt 1''iro"MlOd Sale. (\r ~. t":u«. ·1•·1 $7~. Nlrd. ~,J, ' , cord. 5H1-l 12:! l 0PHS I Ftr•"•l.'<1'.idSuppJy WO N S.'\0 worth or Alpo l>oi: l''•lud . v.·111 sell ror $.'.$.\ cn.-.honl y.6'\2~ • • li()t)J) (jUOllily ~Of.I ~, 1"1 ~· s1•Jt, J1t•ver ust•d t\t o v 1n g -mu ~l :,,.;II . ~.M ~~~- ~"l J l.I , Irvin(' <:1).1sl Cuuu- Nl'~\\' f1011r lC'n)'.!lh n.1tur,.t trv t;lub 1n.·n11Jcr:.luv. r.u\•·h n un~ '"·'•·•"'·to ro 1 ~'110 dcs1~11 w I d11uhlc Urt·a-.1 !)l:lti· H218:_.,__ __ I' I I' d :-. f• l ' I I --7101_ X·lt.i 7071; • ,itl I.Aro.ti• SllAO ~ now. ' IJ.tl ur.d h11t 'tl. JO "all. $800 + 'l'l'JllSfl'r l''•"·~ l•· <11 ,1 $/ ~,111_·;1.or <1un 11- l\'lcn1bershq1 111 NB ·1\'l i •1~} d1 :.•·u11nt .1v:u l. Un11•. .' C l •· I i··i•) utc:ahL l r\1111e H.ei.:<'1Vln;•, 1:0. U u , I ,!~l! -., ~-'IOHl . C\'t•:. llil 1 <'J\J l )('pt. l•;1rk 111i.: 1nt !>I &1•1-573ti t 'orn c r J :11 nUClrcl! •\. ----~--C:i 111 pus l >r . I rvine. FOR SALE 91;, Ft. Surfboard $15.00 638~684 HJ:! ji51:J l'IL l .<)WS, J11c1i ;1 type. :! l.•f)'.•' l1C'<.1lll 1f11l,('xlrcn\1 • 11• •·olo rful $8 both. .• 11;-11 !~7 f1rT ·1::10 ,, ___ _ . ~10 !~. '~ .. ~'a.9(&.~l't.-.-...: ·.::: -_. ::;'..:.~ 493--0630 nnd ~ir.s1on Viejo-Jo~! Toro area, c11.U 581---6310. • , ...,,.,-:---;i,_t;.liit~r~~ $3 Hr MGR/TRAINEE P /time. 1-Spm. t;ood Nl'W 1•lcclri c-~1l firm has l:(cneral ofe C>Xpcr. Com-01>t~ni ni.:s fur ti men. No pose own letters, 1y1>e ac· t·x p. ni ·c. 5-tis-~;.s.13 c ur;·1tc. pos t d<.nly re---------- cords. Nice phone man· MC It ·rrne, t"arcec opp. • r:quai Uppor. Employer CANVASSING RO YS -Gi r ls. 1-::arn S200-S:JOO m o. hclpin J.: athle tic club ~·ll t11·kl•ts l o sportinj! events . _'.~ll:i-51 ~Mr. Sp1k"r nee. $150 J:uarn plus car. AAt' Ruth Ryan.A.geflCy 2 3 -4 6. M r . L ev 1 1193 Newport Bl, Ct.t 846-5'1c5~5_. ------I &16 -·nC;.1 -f\.IOTl-:L MAID. p/llmc. 1\pply Costa f.f csa Inn 17391 UeaC'h Bl. NB 114 7 ----9617 Carftf' Opport.aitf l-"'!'--"'!'"'!'"'!'"'!'-•j--:1~1_1S_lla!l.oor UI_. <_:.\1_ Tralnen GEH1. OFC $SOO 1"1''.EO 2 Gil lo1dtes . Full. YounJ.( m e n trr fi e ld "t C:1r phnne nrr. !\lr -...·ork in l'Onstn1ct1on in-l.ifc in ::;ui·, exp. Split & lt1 t·h;1rd~. H4t.i-54S.S. dustry. l -Z yrs rollc).te rc1m h_f("t'./l\l.'>ll ff"cJObS. -~ ---- pre('d. Opportunity to WESTCLIFF '.\"t:t:I) 4 mitlure dd11lt!; . .:row w /expiu1d1ng co. & l't•rsnnne lAl!cncy EJfll SI.'). 2 hrs. plc::is;int xlnlt•o, brncftls.J\1u:>l bc (M ark ll lCt'nlt•r) v.•ork . For interview. <JIJIP. lo truvcl [ro1n ttm£' 1651 t_:. 1-_:d inl(Cr A\le SA _r~lti -J:l,,Jilc_ _____ _ In time out ofsl:tle. Must1 ____ c.:~I~~~~-· __ have reliable tran.-.porla· t1on and live locally. AP· PLY I N l'l::HSl>N f)NLY : 6 PM to ~ PM Tu£'s .• Jan 28th o• WcJ., J an 29th . 140'-J E. Warner Santa Ana f:qual Opply t'.m~ l"lllLO CARt: Needed, my home p referred. SO. 11.U. l\f on·f'"r1. I Ci 1rl. a~c r. mo . 9 GM -l ·I J5 or r .. 10-:~05 NEW SHERATON GIRL FRIDAY NEWPORT l~itc lypin g, bookkccp-1n~. & f1lin~ for l m:Jn re· HOTB. •ti estate ofc. Near O.C. MOW HIRING Airport , Call 91\M -Application &-lnl.ervicv.'S , _i_o_r_•_•c· '""'''-c. _ _c0c200c;c..· ____ I for thl.! iollowing Jobs: i · •C<lOKS GIRLS tll-211 •llll.EAKFASTCOOKS Train for legitim;1lc full • 1'"R y COOKS tim e pos 1t 1on 1n .. PAN1'HY 1nassogc. EarnwtuJ..•you •Kl'l'Cll EN MAJ N"I'. leurn. No ('Kp. nt:('. We •lJIS t-IWASllt.:lc; RH, ~µ!me t-:ve nings. Capistrano By 'J'hc Se a P sye h iatric llospitat, 496-5702. .RH'1 /CCUj1CU Oa~·s & Ni~hL". Stant.I Uy lime, d 1ffcrenl ial pay Full nr p/llmc. Excellent bcne r11 s . Co ntae t Mrs. Jc!\,;en: 1''R ..:r: I'll .KU!' Ref-. 1\ppl ·s & Scr:tp 1\1t•t<1I (',di iltl)'(ltnC ti75 52.<,H 8060 CLERK TYPIST l'/l1 ml'. Crl'd1l IJ11p t . Near 0 . C . 1\1rp<irt. 4 llrs p e r d ay . t:H nt a e t .'..10-1030 Mun-1'hur-. :...:·nd In school. Apply any a rtcrnonn nr t"\'t'n1ng. 2112 i·larhor Blvd.l : f.1 . HOUSEKHl'Elt • l{OlJS t:K t:F:l-'lN(; •MAIDS •S UPI-:HVI SORS •llOUSt-.:ri.1 t:N COSTA MESA "ol l)I S ll\V ,\S lll·:H S25 .,\ll.\ Mrccd puppies, ti Ir MrMorialHospit Wnrk~i.:ood ,nl·1.'tl::hnscs, """"· L'.;111 ''\\'1nd v'' ewr Y 8070 "Lu1·111g fa mily nt't'ci::. you''· L1 Vf' 10 or come in 12 to 1 . J'r1Vlilt' rilflm ·r. V ,. Good pn~·.:? llf•l'S i:i -IO C:tl I '1'0111 5-lii-:!~ I ur '.It~-!l:lk6 Xlnt hencf1 ts & wn g<'._ Appl_v In Pcr;un, Mnn thru t'r1, l Pt\1 5 f't\I. 4;,.1;, f.1 ;1c1\rthur lll\'d. 301 Victoria, CM Cdl l aft.hpn1 m~l -3 1 ~ (,..(1;-21<10 ••r bcf si>nl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642•2734 ___ EOE Cop 1~l'rlon c· rt'frii:, frost .!?.._7-, ~lUti. WANTED S 1\LES GAl.S OVR :!5 fr1:c , w;1:.hcr & dryer : 1'0P C1\S ll llll l.J .. l\ll l'/tlme work itt homt•. new K pc. !>la1nless slcel Furnitur~ 8050 I' Al I) t' lJ I{ Y 0 U It CLERK TYPIST f /time. f.f on thru F'rl . C::Onvall'11ccnl 1106[1, C.f.f . -----1 !'\(•wµorl Heath J::qual f)prty f·:mploycr I\ n Al ll f"OI\ Properly 12 -30 hrs a v.•k _ Call l·ookwar..: scl w / cop1>er ••••••••••••••••••••••• .JEWEi.HY, \.\'l\1"CJ!t:.S, !lam-2pm846-~ bnttom , 11l pricc-$33 . ·rwlN S1 .. ll lywd Bed, bx 1\ICr O ltlf~C/"::", f:(Jl .I>, 5.'"17 -2t;7 9. :-.pi.::-. n1alt & frm. $50. S ll.Vl!:B S l·:tt Vl l'I·:, li4l -:l:>05 . HAIR DRESSER .:;_:::_.c:::::::...------1 75t,:. Wilh rollowint.: flnl y Si\ l_,l-:SL1\ OY, expcr -.1 For Dress Shop. t)vl••' 2:'1 Sa l co m mcn s ur;it.t• w /alul1ly. 548-5.JtCJ, ----()ec. uphl. :.wvl Chr. $Jfl. t'I N £ l"l l H N s,_ AN -* SEARS* &14-177' TIQUF.~. 6<5 '"'' COOK, EXPER 'D nvL"d <1.pply. lkach arl';.1 HURSE RN/C'--- C.ood 6a lary &. benefits. 645 7·1n ·-"" -·· · ------1 Pe rmanent rcl 11f. 2 n1les St-c r.-1 rs. II ale. J3c\lcr ly Manor Con v. llospilal, llAIR DR1':SS f;Jt -pt'rwt•••k ll1Hnto 7:1m. 24452 Via EsLrad<.1, Lai;. · a tlracti11c new salon in l I H Cunv :-ilt"~l't"nl 1 ln..;p. SA LESf.1 EN part lime. 3 tll w1ndnw fi lm. WarrhouseSale THl\01'1'\0NAL Cherry JJinnt'r r1 ni::: J)1:.is/Huhit•s :ios P ts. $."195: 1)1:1 :-tu1I 1•arr 1n~s $2~i 2 1:1/-IJ l ·l:J:!.L l-4•isure Worldl'\"f'. lhlls. Newport Beac h. 75':4 IM/'111 f'lnr1 rla St, llB. Cn ll 64•1--849'1. K~:NM<)l t r: wa~hcrs & WflO(IUu ffct.h;111d carved Or ye r s, {;(tLDS P01" <lt·la1I , 23" x 6.1" x :J.I"". H e f r it; c r a Lu r s & Sl75. b7J -2114. Frt·t:zers . IJ i:.hw;1:-,hcrs & COOK c.:om n1 . Onl y th OSf'I----M47-:~1l ~'--­ W/following need appl y. 10-t,>-3730 , --- :-, A L 1-: s I' 1-_: Its o N, l' , . 'l'V s matt·h 1 ni::: decor;1tor liar-1\.1 AN ·s Ro lex sohll l!old I ii MURSESAIDES iu·ricn<'C d forem;in to SAVl-:SJOtoS90 r e l C'h :1irs. s he phe rd " v.·alC'h & hracclc l Is l Cook. Jlcavy cxrx·r w /soupi;, s3U(.'t."S & lolal produc tion . ~t1Jd1cal 1)1"0- g ram . Ove rtime as- 11ured. &13-8Eal. 1\1 1 . ..;hifl:.. •~12 o:.!1:1 wo rk 10 bC'l te r gr:1dc Atthese 2 locat1onsonl y! i·;.i s t t'r s. gnod i·ond . ~l_000_.~6-_c""o·c7~1----I " I < .. ·-•A k ".·-··•"., '"o<bu•k & "om-~5/p r . 21" SlivL'rtonl.' HOSTESS /CASHIER Allply In Person /\ny l)ay 1()-1\At\1 Clsco's Restca.rant 8078 Nurses A.id.s S28.80 ~;:~ ~1 ~re. Shoe~ke~ ~ ;:~ ~~ y ~ A ,; a n1 s" a t C'onsole 1.'olor 'T'V, rnaplf• achinery r:mploycc be nc fits.llosp ll EMl'l llLl.S S l-I OE ~f aj.!n o lt a , ll untington ra1b,•1ncl,$75.548-422laft •••••••••••••••••••••• l"l<tff reltc_r. Your t•ho1~t' S'I'() H ~, 54 Fashion Beach . %2 -7781. 210 f.;. 4~·-·--------\IR Com pre~s or, JO COUP LES c:irn xtra s o.Coas tV•.ll ••e of hos ps 10 Oran~e Co. lslnnd 17th S I Co~ta M i!Sll. i;?a llon. 5 ll P, $560. (';-ill mon ey, workin g " J.:xpcr. req'd . r.1 .iJor -·-· · · · -r.-1~1)1'f.Game &din.tbL together. No phone in-:J&SllS. Plaza Dr SI\ medica l, health & ace• SALES/Public Rela tions 540--40\10. w /4 chrs. $:iO. Dc5kJ.968:'.:0·~~.:=~9~3c·~-----I t erviews. For appt. call: II 0 USE KP R, non -de nt ins ur. avail al low 1-l nsl /l-loslcss positions lcycles 8020 w/heavy glass lop $50. 2 • U 8080 5!)7-0215 smoker , wkndsoff.GoOd cost. Ylo'/Welcome Wa gon In-•••••••••••••••••••••• Maple bnr s_tls. :io· l~l-•• '.':.~.=•••••••••• s alary. fi40-6213 aft 4pm Lescouli c Medical terna li onal . Pteasant. USED b.k & ~-SI ' ,"°er',",.1~. 8 !1l.m·5 0".eo1dbl .S ,•,.,•.· ·u. R·FROA n, ,o _li ke new, DELIVERY Ma n , full · Service prof1tableca~rrorout-1 _cs P1"'""· ~-"' .. time, must be neat ap· l-I OUSt:WORK. ~cneral. (l)arkLidoMedHlllJ! going . willing worker. &. up. 2488 Newport S trat o l ounge $80 . 1 Long 20 Wi cic. Good pe ar in g. B c ach St a · No ironing. Monday itnd Ac r o s s f' ro 1n 11 o a g I lrs f1ex1 ble. Car req 'd· l ~"~'~'~d~ .. ~C~. M:-::· -~642:=:='=•=-tO~~!-:C"':;O-'o·-•0~'.'.-"'~=· ======~ 1;;'~0~'c""~·~·~o~n~•c•~·~· '163~;-3~1~1~3;;-I t iooer5, 4360 G, Campus F'riday. 8 AM to 4 l>M. Jlrn;p) t>h ~ f.1rs. Morrelli, In· .E Range, Excel. cond. l)r.Nlt Ow n lr a n s • .Refs . :\51llospitnl lt1l ,NB tC'rvws ut Costa Mes a SEEK & FIND" SourceOfFibers, $40 o r b e s t offer . DlHTAL RlCll'T. 1~64°"4_-"-"''c'c"c· ______ .1__:64'.'..'.:2=-9955 nr 54•~-!r.1s..1 111 11, 557-~ 'fhurs .1 :111 Vibrator hell massager ----. :10th or ror 1nfo .'">.'it 125-1 H 0 RR E I s s I l Kw ARM 0 0 AG $7.3133 ()ublin C.:.~1 . All pha1'e dent;1l rngn1l. I Yr ,exp nee-. Sal 01>en . S ome S at11 . Corp . benefits. 11.B. 846-3540. ln~uru nce l~I Fl-:: Depart menl ••e<.'d S ('X p. J,ife and/nr 1::roup Secretary . !->a la ry n1x·n C Hl l Mr s . l.t•ctlun1 , • MURSIMG l•'.qual Oppnr. t;mploy1•r Matur e p c r sn n w/su1JC•rvisor.v cx11. fol' SECl£TARY 549-30~. prog r ess i v(' Anim al t<'or new ('orporalc nfes llospt. lo $750. Send r1· near «>.C . Air port . DENTAL Ot~FIC I-.: t'umc lo ull 11350, Daily Statis tical typing, hclp- E R ECEedP'fl.~l'!;_ JUNIOR SALESMEN ' ::.l':.:il o.:ct:.:. -'I-"' .:.:O.O..'-l-'lo"x'-'-'15-G-O.I io< w /fioa ocial <eco<ds xper1ene .~ 1 _Cosla Mesa,CA.!Y.!f>2ti & gen 'l secreta rial. Top P EN T AL A.11 a i s l . A 0 15 E ,........ pay for qua lined person. ge l · . am _.,-$40 PART-TIME Rep•·· to : Class,·r,·ed ad chairslde e xp°" training n..' eek g 11· g e ~ .,... w e in -n w STUDBCTS no. 2990 c /u Daily Pilot. d es.I r e d . Mo n·Fit;I . c o s t o m e r s f or the 644·7162. DA ILY P JLOT after TelcphSa tes 960-14Jfi 1-.. 0 . Box t.~O. Costa ..:::c..:.:::~------1 ,chool a nd Saturdays. Mrsa. Ca 92626. A-'-' -Ole PIX Anwerioog S... .,_.,Min. 5500 You m usl be outol school Gr ave yd shifts l lpm-S~CRETARY, full or p.arl M-~cotE-A_..__ by 3;00 p.m. and be able 7amCallS40-l96Z. ~OE time lo wC>rk w/la!ld de--· ....-.-~ to work at lea&t. 3 days vcloper. O .C. Airport $600 per week, No deli veries p E R s ON A I, A(!.~ l s . area. Post11iblc to work OrftloCWna. o r co I I e c t in g . need e d t ri Laura nce eves or wknds if 1lart· To$il:K> Trans por t ation pro-Bullcit !l.11i r SAion. $80 , time . 644 -'16 70 n 11 Newport Center v1ded . Call 968·.S12. wk. pl1'. com mis. & tips. A.tw1 . only. Employmenl 1'~qual O pportun i t y 1'ru1n1n~in siliSOr C'uttin.i -----• -Consultant.sA~ency f:mployt.·r & blow dry . 1':1u:I. a1t-•S.C•ys, loold&Npers 567SanNicho\3~Driv~ LIKt: Chi cken Soup, it v A:t n r c . p(l s~I h . l.ir.Reindcr~Ageni:y Newport Deuch &10--61:.0 couldn't hurt to loll( to C<1s mcto\ogy l ... ~c. req. 4020 Birch St.Sle 10.1 491 -1349 bctw. IS &. IO New1)()rl Bench 833 ij l91J DENTAL Asst. ltov\nft thuck Nas h abbut" very Cati For chairaide ex'p . X-ray rcwardlnR cort.-cr in Heu! pm. _____ Appt. J~lc~.G~ood~~p~a~y~.548~~:!88~4~4::_·~ ..:~tale ( 1n ronl1dence, of llave winte r wear yo~i __ Esta~hshed 1965 __ ..: course ). J\ed Carpet have outgrown? Sell h SERVICE Sta Attendant SelJldlelt.ems ·wllhaDai· R e altors, 830-8800 fa~t with a OaUy Pllo~ ~xpcrienced 11 PlkKCl11slfiedAd. 963--SUS · Class1ried Adi 990 E. Coast 1-lwy. NB I A G W t:l,NU NE CS YA t:RA £PO C8 MT C F O Jo:TE MA.AFL .AVET R YA .AS C MDX A OCOA.O H K tl O Jl PROTM R Ri\BI TT PON T ANJRORER E LWOALNSREBMLE~CPllL EKTNLTHOHTTELOPLNLY E L81 lN K D S TOKTAAALXF HITB U HE SA NWTBL •E IAA D S 9ND O P C MOON L H SESL M MAA ONGVE R N I 1 8S TIXPI RPMQUKIM C PF S T UNOCOC l•01r~kl•t1 TIM llW4wl N-llOIOld ....... ·~ f,..U'd, i.tk...,., •p, ttow•. or d...,,.nr i. di• pol.UN. fhld ,..di lll4H11-.... llol 11 lll ... ,.,.....: CATTt.t: GOA.TS l'l:"IF.AP.,LE ("{ICl)NllTS 1100~ RAKRIT:t C"OTION llOIUIP.!t SHJ:J:P Yl.AXLll.Y I.I.AMAS SILKWORM Toooulno• -y.,.,, It Arli~ll l" . . • Tu Of'd.r any nr •II o( li'MI e•p.1nded "Setk I; Vind'' book•, nwni'Mlr1 2 thrr•n"1 &, Mnd 90 ~nu for each. 111akln1 cl'lec:U -p11yablt to "S..k A: 'ind, M Sl&r-T1leJl'•m Synd.10.t.11. Add~ ltU..r. In c.ra Qf this ....... P9par. OLD Chin a huleh i1s Fine china ror 12, $'1~. ·rv <'a h i n t•L S25. f.11:.c. 642-7786 art .. ·I ---1 90 YOS I-Ii-Lo Avocado Carpet. Gooc1 cond. All /part $1 Yd. ~9-3139. '74 RCA B/W 19" port . TV. Xlnl. cond. S7Sororr. •74 mens 25" Wht. Citane 10 s pd. Xlnt. cand. $100 or ofr. 646-~53 E.IHRO TUU.. concert ticket& ror Feb. 4th. Call Andy 536-123.1 ilEAVY Duty industrial power tool3, llout er s. saw!l, drill ,., at factory (']0Scoutpr1Ct"'5'..llol;!· Olli) ----- PARKING Lot ptunl snle Mi sc t y pes & <'CJlors, rrom SL!IO ln $4.IJl AHi Sat. t"eb I. 8 AM l0 2 PM. 1634 Ohms Wa_y, ~ta • Mesa (bclwn 16lh & 17Ul S l 11..,o f( Pomona ) 642-2928 For oft Ad In WGIMtl's Wortd Coll Sue 64Z-5678, bl. JJO Sew for Spring! ··;-o ~·1 --0 -­.. • - -~ ,, 9 336 IOY1·10~ I.,, 11f .... ,_ 11f,_,-r_ )I ,...t ,, i ... c111 ror lun<·I>. • """' "llf•nll' IQ 1111• prln(•""" ~•._.. k <o.-.tdre11•. I\"" "•l•l """m - 1 ... 11 It "' no.11: Noll~,. 1•r••U) "'"''-' ol )'Ok••, ~n<I '. l'tln 11•d l'n11•1·n '!3~: ll•lf ~l1•11 1014,, l!l,f-., 11\.t. l '"i· I~\~. ~~. Sil•' I"-. l '"'-1.i 37! uk~11 2* rd11. ,;,·, Sftld st.CO ,,.. e:nch pattttn. i\dd :!:\ centli for P•ch patt('tn for fi~·cl11111 '"""ii •nd speroal h11nd hn1:; olherwise third rL•~~ drh,•'t'f")' wlll t1ke thrf'f' ~lu or mor•.SPlld to M au•n M1r11n. ~.U. the D••ly 1'1IOt, l'•lle:rn l>rpt , 232 Wr.~t 18lh SI , New Vnr~. NY 10011. l'nnl Nl\M ~:. AOORF.SS, ZI I', SIZ~: an(I STYL~: Nli:-Cfl f:ll ON~: >'ltt:P: l'ATTl':RN o! y<>ur rhowr 1Q ,,.,111 rnr , nnr ftt'<' pM tl'rn '"'·d1h· NF!W Sl'ltU•a; SU MM~:R l'/11''\'~~H N 1" ... Tl\1,0('; LOO~tvl~•. ~ll ~,,.,,, tr>.,,. llJl'1ern fQVl>On· ~rod 7~ ~"" !l;t:W l !<NIT llonk with bio••r lUIUM!IMll1tm .. II U lnslaDl t'11lllklnl'°'11l ... $1 00 INIAtll..!iewlq &t>ll.-,. .. 11 .00 Crochet for Spring! ,, .I .: :.i ~. pl DAILY PILOT Wedne'Sday ,January 29. 1975 ·~ . !>.~ Pro1n ts~ her ~ a11yth1ng, • b11 t give lier ~~ 011r P3:ge. This Valentine's Day send yout love a greeting all the w orld can share. Express y o ur love 1n a Daily Pilot Valen· tine. Y o u r p e r so n al r.1essage w ill be published in t he "card" o f your choice. You may w ri te Or' print your own sent1· m en.ts or ask u s to set them 1n attractive type. Either way, your Valentine wi lt pro- claim your l eelings tor that special so- meone. It's easy. Write your m essage t o Ill any o f the boxes o n this page. Bring 11 l o any Daily Pilot o ffice prior lo noon Feb. 12. Mail to Daily Pilot Classified Departmen t. Box 1560,Costa Mesa 92626. The mrn1mum charge is $8 to r greetings in the s maller boxes or $1 6 for the larger Valentine. • ..: • ... • ••••• • ...................................... :< • • • .... ·: . ,~iS;. ,,,.... ; • ... ~·) L.)'-.. / ._.-.:._::: ... ·. '.{;~ '::./' ,._... .... • ·- If words alont" won't do, Design your hordt"r too. .... r----------1 S-hould yo u w ish \ I to c reate yo ur own I 1 decorated greetin g, I I use on e of the plain 1 1 bo xes shown here. t Print or w rite y o ur l • m essage in blac k I ball point pen and I @) use the same p e n to i ~ draw y o u• 1 i pe r sona l i ze d • border. J D® ! • l @ I 1), c;)) You may I ii! the : (}'\.. entire s pace. Only 1 t h e l i n e s dr a wn I • iS w ithin t he d o tted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ hne w1tl app ear 1n : v~ :~~~~V a~e n l i~-e~~~-=-:-=--=:===--1 . : D@ ! • i I t>@ i ·~I : @) -------------~---------~ (lj If you w ant help composing a suitable ~ {]\, greeting or ·h ave any ques tions, call • 642-5678. A friendly Daily Pilo t ad·v1 ser will _('I) be g lad to help you. • ~ And. ii you like. you c an c harge your - @. Valentine ad. Your credit is good w ith us, ~ 1 or you may use your Master Charge or ~ ;e:a~~A~~~c:a~~-------------i ·~: I D@i •iS ' ~@ l I I I I I I I I I I I ! I L __________________ J INlllO O.lf ""91 °""""""' °""""t_,,, lo-IMO Coote""'"" t'l1t Or Qlfl &42-5678 DAILY PILOT c <@c *• <@<3 ~. <@<3 c >&Kl *• Office FtorwHwo & lloah, Sall 9060 T\"llCks 9560 ... ~~r~::'! ..... ~?~.~ ~;;~;;~·~~:~·;;:·;;;r· ···:·;;;;·~;,;;.;;··· ............ ,...... · ...... 1.portect Mto•. '"'''' ~~ ...... . • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• ••••••••• •••• s ~~<.:Y t.:h rs $8124 . excl' '75 H e~1 strallon. $200. PICKW Ga .. r• 9701 ••••••••••••••••• Saab :iwvl l'hr» $15125. drt ti'IS 1t11 1 W /CAMPYSl-&L• ••••••••••••••••••••••• J.,..._-9730 •••••••• m<i<'h $65 P1ert•c lf67 W -------.. ,. ••••••••••••• •••••• Htl.:~1 64~: 7~11 CAL·20, rully equ1pt . Xlnt " ~rM.>ed . rad io. '""al.er, '59 l ll LLMAN --- -· -cond . Nu 11i81ls. P.l a ny Jei;i> th<tn 211.U:IO ff!lles. $\W 181\-1 1'ype wrilc r. C .li tan· xlras. $2000. 846~18. Ready to .wo to lhe nv~r. ~ • ti75 -6261 • d e.rd , $ZJ15. lteblt ~X · -.--~ 14131-I EU~ $2(6; A.Ha ICHMo C<'Ul1 ve. 5195. Bolh lk N t--W F a t•to r y 01r e~t GUSTAFSON new ~I 3102 Sabols. rea dy to sail LIMCOLM ""8CUIY ••••••••••••••••••••••• •j & O 80'0 Win<i rt.ls & Naples. 5349· 16800 Beach Blvd., ALFA ROMEO r """' ~ M0-1<9' 01on -t 'n . ·-r---11.li. (7 14j tH_2.8844 ......................... SAAB ORGAN CLASSES SANTA NA :!I ; d incth_•, 1,~ 'I". GMC Pkup w /fu ll Norlh sails. Harlows, L I I d . ' Buy or Lease Free to Adufh Li nc .s. v ,, ng. Se a gu ll , ull 1ty >0 Y. ;1u~, 4 SI'""· A!'l·e r1t 1ng R~r\•ations tri.l d cr .SJ.~50.ti16-~ 64sl~£·.'.1c7·~1 tap c/f tn . ~u th1. or1 se1I Si.Il es C<i ll 1or 1nrormut100, --·1-;,. :serv ce <:iis l:i ,\lc:-.u. l>42 -2ll51 or CAL 25. Xlnt l:ood. Genoa. ''US'\'UM \'i ... 0 C BEACH S k ·!IP ()/lJ, i · .... · ,.r. our1e r t"o u ~.1 .:1 111 V al l ey , pi na ~(!r,ti -• ry Gt·o1 t u p \\'/l'r 3Wl ·thru: IMPORTS ~-t.7.iJ. <•nly t ho.lie stn-$&100 ti73 ?O'JM. Xtrris. 12,0llo n1i. $3Ulll 1·1•rl.'IY 111 tt•r(•,.tt·d 111 4!j5 ti347. Macl\rthur ao1J ll·a,rnu1 i.: to pJ . .ay. l.ht• loats,Slip Docks 9070 . . , , . , . . J a n1burc•c· llri.:.111 ~hould t.tkc ail ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7'1 Cll hVY :! r ~hor11e 84g[)ove 752·0'.IOO v;intageofth!·""lfcr.. SI.II' /\VA I LA B ll.l'l'll-~S ;1~'· ~tr: m:1g:.. lil\1 n11 , • C oast Music Servtce NC'>l.'port U•:•.1ch :JU"-W" ~-u9 1 b Audi 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t-:1.~A f'leetrle 1)1a no, Powl.'r or ~t i , 2<J'-J2' '71 1-l lLUX. all nu wide ·7.1 AUl)I t'ox. 1\-lusl sell. in:vc1· us1•tl , i·o!-ol S.">OU l'owi•ri•nly G73 ~253 t ires, stc r t:o, s hel l. A l\1/\<'l\-1 2 door ;1uto. Asking ~Jo. n1a11y ('X · 3:J.lJ00,SJ!j50.8'17-4H l3 Uudcr :....i.lrr tv . '$·1 ~150 tr;·~ :.J1; 20KO loats/ Speed / ,58 Clt t-:v v 1,-:,, ·r . Fu. 837 _ 2t14,• ___ _ Sporting Gooch 8094 •••~~~••••••••••••!?~~ Wt.·1H·he.s. ~addle t:ink. 2 BMW ·9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :,pd axil·. xt r <tS. S l50U ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970 Gl.A S'l"RON How t•\'i•s!i3ti 78 1•1. .!Ill L'!\1 & /lt•x<·c l s ki s. best (JI h·r or S75 I i<I ;! 8().10 ---1 ll1dcr. V1Jlv<1 i(). t-'ast, Ad ----- fuel ct.·on umy. 'l'rlr & 1nany xlra i.. Sac $2500. Vanl 9570 Swaps 8096 f 548.71:1 1. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~··••••:••••••••••••••• 16° f1 bt•r gJass S ki lioat '7·1 IJOl)G 1'~ V;1n. ti<.:yl. 3 7·~ 0 1.X Van . cpt. pnl. & w /t r aile r & 15 H P s1xl, i.:rl.'ill gas n1ll e;1g1!. C..:;1 :-ih lo r l'/U &. 5th Wh ir Johnson . S550. :~ l:l lMI. S:lJ~j5. C..:.i ll 640-1'.lJ&! .aft 5 or l\1tr hom t'.642--ff1tl5 ~-wk dys ~i n d ;oil d ay -Transportation Wl•1•kcn1l s_. _____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8098 TY, Rodlo . H iFi, Stereo 1974 BAVARIA CLOSEOUT SAVE! Crevie r BMW ••••••••••••••••••••••• C-rs, S• ;1utom:1t ic, po\t1er slcl'r· ~OH \1/.1:.lSlrl•l·t. SONYTC-377rcel to reel. -R.~t 9120 111~. r ail i u , h c atl'f, Sant;i.An i.I l!.:15·3171 JAGUAR NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Con l Hwr Hll 642·9405 Jensen 9732 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JENSEN HEALEY & JEHSEN HEALEY IMTERCEPTER Sall .. ~. SvrvH'l'. & Lcas u1g iMMEDIAft DELIVERY Si\l .ES &S t<.:RVJCE Dick Miller Motor• i iu w. W;irne r iLtl So. M:uu Santa Ana 557-2132 9765 Tayota ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANYTHING TO TRADE? Y.'l· t r.1tll· ror i.ll most .111\•th1ng ~ 1\Ul06, Boal!.. J ,.:,..l·l1'y , Ht•a l t:stal1·: t·lt· )"ull 1•a11 't beat our l'U HCllAS t-: or Lt:As t-; .1 .... 1 1 r· ,, c ·r (J tt Y HEBi\'t'ES on selc('led '7•1 ,.;,,. ·1r. ·r1;YO'l'AS & Vt)l.VIJS d:v~~ 19b6 Harbor ( I>\ 646 q303 • "70 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 DOOR• '1 ~p\·t·J , r;1d10, hl':.tll•r , ft"a l l'Ult'. 1·ar w1lh thl' r1gl!L 1111lcs. 1<uns:)lro11g. (~,7;,nF Xl Sl:!!ti GUSTAFSON LINCOLH MERCURY It'HUll Bc al·h Blvd .• II II. i7 1 4)~2·R844 Sllll on wa r ranty. SJOO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• custom nl aAs & tires. & 1)7[1 -!1747 .. --~--. h 15,000 m 1ll•s. ~1 ust sell &' _ \'W 70' Pop 1'op. Mic (:a l t al ter li :OU p ,.._1 llEA l.'l'O N t-.: A~1 /1'"M ti r es. N e w e ng i ne . 5l'l l·S084. i i 'l'()'t'tYl'A ~ndcruiscr s t e r eo nl ul t i p l e x a m /fm . 1::xct. cond . JlOOW.CoaslHwy.NJL \\"/\.\'t ll l'h . Xlnt. cond. NEWPORT IMPORTS w /spc<1 kers . Sohd State. 494-7324. 'liiiCllEV.,6 <·yl. ORANGE COUNTY'S i\.1 u~l Se l l ! $3 400. L1kl' new $30. 540--0121 8• CA M P ER tihe ll Huns gd . ~. 01.DEST 642·9405 U.15 li!\03 . ~ifl.4 ::lo "125.C'"llAfler OP~f 536-956l & ---'71'\' t ~1 rklr Had10 ----.., Karmann Ghia 9735 oyu " a ' · STEREO/CONCORD 847-6177 1913 DODG r: ~1 ax i van . he ;1lt·r. :11t·, ~l mpg. t';oll • ••••••••••••• •••••••••• is.12 7022 •M /f''M 1\10 110 & Stereo . Cl'E v 'v S V A /C, Am /F'm . 2 tone_ :J 1. " '' 56 ~ t l'p a n . sixt . '\~ T . 979--81137 Cl'\ot Sa lcs·St'rvi<·c· Lcasjng \ \I 7 3 • :.-, p l' r -1: o 1111 .. M o d e ,.\ i''C. l)u al comp l. self cont. Ne w :·irea. R C Inc Al'\o111''l\1 :.tcrl't).n1•w s t1.•(:l ·r1n ~:S A t .t-:·l>UNLAr S pr <Jk t'r s. C c.i sset l e mol o r /lr <J ns , $1500 . --oy arYet", '\, rads.~l.OOll.4!t:1 "9:9! 11i:1x l·l lt;11il al.~l .l7 + Ht·c-o rd er . l'lt . Sl25 Firm. 2J3_592 _57:::.u. Hulls R.o.v<~t· _ H:\1\ 1;:\ii -7!l02 Call: 1-·rc<l 1 afl 5:30PM ---Autos Wanted 9590 :t.n t-•. l 1th Sl. Mttcedes lem 9740 ---- &lti 12t;1; Motor Cycle-s/ Cu~t a 1'tle,..1 5-li•··lol·l·I •••••••••••••••••••••••Triumph 9767 Scooters 9150 ••••••• •••••••••••••••• --•••••••••••••••• S 'I' t: H t: 0 ('o n so I l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE P AY "l'OP [X)LLAR opri 9715 SELL US •••••••Tr1'umph P;1ck;1r(1 Uc.II AM/f'M. '72 1.lK W dirt bi ke. 6 VOH T()P US !:::D CAHS ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUR OLDC.4.R.. . la pc rarl. r ™;-no S150. spcl'tl . Xlnt t'.onll. Must t "OH t:JGN ,DOMl-.:S1'1C '73 C APH! Vii. 4 s pd. WE'LL S:1l1·s.St•rvi('l·.&Leas ing f>45·6f»!l :1fl e r 5:JO_ st·IL t.i44-82J!t. or CLAS.."ilt.'S s lerco, hitch . LEASE YOU OURS! If vour c;ir ts exlr:.t el('an ii.73-1070 <lays. NEWPllf\T lMPOf\TS scC us first . ----al-9720 'f IAUER BUICK ••••••••••••••••••••••• loots & Morine '72 1;50 Y AMA"l lA. very Equipment good cond. t20CXJ m i.. w / ••••••••••••••••••••••• l .. $111111 ""'·774'1 •f\ 100 General _ 9010 xr.is.~ ·"'"' .a - . ..........•........... , .. 2!j25 l la rbor l:Uvd. <:;osla Mg.a _ 17!j-250() .,.-.. ...,f-. ...... ' ' -;;;p1. ~ N J<~W &USF:l> WILL IUY YOUR ·r o CJl()()SI·: ·,:;:~u~;:-1)ro1 .. •. ,, ( . .:.•rt"t"f: .·"t ;>-· 31\lO Jt.c..st ""'· llA. "•6'4~~ .· T AX A DVANTAGt-:. ~68·r n1 U MPl l ~C': 1!0 l)ona t~ your bo:.it. runnin g 1·011d. 493 -5776. TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS OR VOLKSWAGEN House of Imports l'AI D F O il O R N OT. 523 7250 Boy Scouts !>46-4990 -~-'h_,_rl 1c~I='='~· -----I -'t>J 1'H :I . A c-l11ss11· in xlo"' WlLL l'A 'li' 'r tJP __ _ ---cunJ '. Nev.' BH{.; 11a1nl FIBERGLASS '7 1 YAi\1A ll A 175 !\-I X S225. S •l li -S l lS9 o r 540-1258 . 0 0 1.LAR. CALL K F:NT ·7.1 ,\I ~:R c ~:l>,.:s fl t-:N7. :-.lt·4·f r.idi;d s, t l'b udl 1\l.l.t:N.540={}142. 4511 SI.(.". 1 .11110 n11lt.•.s mut.ir. :.: to11s , $1000 lu:1d('<t v.·1th 1•xtr;1~. l\Tust 1 ~111 ti 3:!!">. i\l ;1 r t•r 1 a ls & Sll J)plit's \\'noil':-<Jll· & lll'l;u! Uii~NNilA~ 1626 Placentia Ave Casto ""4rsa 17 141 5411-0292 '67 YAl'\o11\llA IOU,r unsgd , s lrec t le J.:a l . x t r a s. Sl 25/offer . 53ti-l32.'> ·1 1YAi\1AllA175 f':nduro . strt·cl legal. xlnt r unn1nt:: $200. 21J 592-3157 'NEWPORT IMPORTS "6.1 55CC YAMAllA. C'Ond . S75 J IOO W . Cciasl l-lwy., N. ll. 642·9405 xlnl --------- !161S -53H9 -------1 WE BUY IMPORTS DATSUN ORANGE COUMTY'S Newest Dealer Buy or Lease 2601/2 z Lar9e Selection Hew & r.awd ccrs •---------•!SUZUKI •70 ~w:·<' Runs ·ro11 l l ol t ar For i\11,· Newport -~ood . ltcl n1et &tools 1nt• :\l akf'ur .l\lodt'I. · aoots.Madno si 10."'" "7.\7 JIM PANOS Datsun Equipment 9030 ;\·laci\r\h ur and .J ,u n , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74· llON l)A <~B 21.JO. ~400 MAZDA hnrt·i· K81:1 lloi·l· -mis . Ne w t•o nd. Co:-.l IK llP J ohnson outboard 1nl·I ta nk + !"'\Ira s halt kit S.125. h42--?J596 ~01.1 1 :-;. ,\l ;1n1.:hc~!l'r K3:1-13UO Nt•v.·1Jl1rt IW.·••<·h Sl ,OUO . Sal(' lrir S'&IO. Ex \ . . . - --- tras. 4\14 22:11. 'l1:il1t'irl1 -----"·~1·tilllll\ G rt t-:AT BUY lfr7 \ l);1tst1n ~l·ll ti•lt ;.11:1~1;1 ---- ' ~ . -.---: :"'.: Volkswa9r n 9770 7j) (,HA NI> ,\11'..HCJ-.ut-.s ....................... . (;flu , l\l ov 1l' ~l :o r ·_, "t>:J\'Y."lllq.:.'d nl l"onJ. personal r <1r 111 n1u1t rnn :)l•hAI. d1t 11 111. 3!J ,OOtl :1c·tu;i\ x.1x K-L'lli mde:. 1 i:uo1 ~.l~1 V.'111 lt'a :o,e 11r !>t•l l. (7 1•\l 1~;'.JVW (;uU<.[ flillll llll! l"Of\41. KlJ.9:WO dJr _____ 1 ,\ \\ 11-':\1 S875 ~.zaY.t '7'.I l\l l:::R<"E I)~:.,<; <150 SJ·: --- S1_•dan . Fun p~r. ;11r. \'\\'. 1:11.1 llliS. 7 pass, :11n /f r11. l1k1· nt'"· lov. <ilJ\j> 1111 , .\1 1l•he l 1n ITHl 1•ag1•. Ua)!-o !;!J:11 r:1d1;i l' :!<:IX~f5. 1·r ply. m:i 7fJXI 1-:vl·:-<1fl 1 pm. \fl."\.l(,J I!'\·, .1.1H H1'..'"it•. <,•;ill 1>44 ~7:11; ** 7"-! Sl 'l 'l·~H lll<t•tl(•. i.:rwxt 1·nnd l.11" rnill'a gc. $:.!l tM• l 0 .dl !il4 ~l!l. Pt:N'J'ON. 'b\I I25i\1X TllP Do ll,1r p<i1 d for pkupw tc inpr 4 ~pd.H& l>1•n10, 4000 m1 '.s. iN.·r i\1~:U t:URY :'JO llp. Short ,,,,,, ,.,1, <·lc.·•n .. 'I'"' .. B!".t W's a nd ,ill other lni· 11. :io,1,400 &l•l -051 1 ____ , IY75 MIZ 450 SEl 4 Dr. Silvft'". $16,59'. ,;.1 N(! l't'll l!At."11:. nC'.,., pa1111. 1·lut1·h. Jll llll1J!- >.lllt \tllHt $-i.":iU ii7J -62'1)tt sha fl. IOhrs max.bot.tom " ,.. ·• '"" ·ll'«itil Appo1nlml•nt ouly. I l " 52110 ,,, b"'· l "f fnr 1l0rt1'dc<l rs. ·-,_·, 5l0 •.··•·o•,". ••li.·•l·I•·. 111 ll 'l 'I ''<I ,,,_, pa1 n\,('ecs :.i,,,~ase;1 n . ' v ,_"' MW .-.i:;. ~"" .._ ·~ · · ·•· ....,..., "7t1VY.'$J~OV3.'>.IM"l"lm1s. ••oo 1,, h•l Ph · Ron ti73 ~1J~1!1 a f1 5P i\1 ·Crevier I ~.11~1.o•.«1m1•p-'y m"nt·.·. ;· II /11 '· "" · "' · · "' "' '·' ~ ~ " '64 i\I E l{Ct';l)f"'_<.; 220.'if:B t· ,,.,.,. ~· 1 .. i nter. fi45 2Uii2 d ay>. f ' 0 II s· • I .•.• • 7 I . 208 W . lst .Street 75 1 -5J~;ll":1 ~-5:_____ A I I XI l •on<\ -~-----" ···oupi• air, a uto. l'/R. 111 rn r.1l .. n • . K •W "SA '"I M· h Il l Sanl:1Ana 835·3171 ---''I " ""I «« k f Boots.Power 9040 " "· '"'". ac .· -S AL E · !)unlap \li1 r c l'JS. ;\,\1 /i"l\1 lilPl'. nt•w 1-.,1 "'" .,....,., <I!'-or ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vl'ry 1ucc.S650545-5V l6 TOPDOLLA.RPAID \Vhcels, 175 xl4Radial. vu l\'t•s. tir akcs. rachato r. J\c11 u ty S:1lon, Ca ro l. "72 /1.Z'l'l:::C ._2 1·1.Trailer .MolorHo-•,•~-~-IMMEDIAnY S2·1.8K+ l;.16-7902 X l nr . S3.!.l~ll . <71•1 l .1:u;-1 :~. k ""~ ~ ------71 '1-li·I~ KlihU All . 7 PM. • ---- 225 11 1'. L1 c n('\\' ni & Rent 160 ·r o r C AS l l for elean •73 x .11 2 s t-:DAN . 1m· 2 1:1 K22 -•l%0l);1v_s_ '66 VW BUG O'>l . 42 h rs 04•1 -S7:'". \ \ k ·><> ••••••••••••••••••••••• usc( t·<i rs ;on ( true ·s maculu ll', Ori ~. ov.'nc r . MOTORHOME Howard CheYTOlet Silver .i::r1·y w1 black 111 '58 I 90Sl S:i?!:• __ f>.!2-t 4& \VAN1' T<l Hl iY 32" I .lll 111 S I> I ESl-:J,,, USE U l'r1 1>ty <1!).1.R1:m4 H t-~Nl'i\L':i J)nv(' :u1d Qu;iil St:.. 1 .. r. Q1111·k S<41c f.:t2 3121 l\11nl (•.,nd. t~lu ~X"I V\\' ·-;: llui:: 17,()1.11) m i. :-..1111 rorltl. Sl~or m<Jl..1 11ff1 ·r '•Ill ~.:..'ffl ;iftPr J . l)ALE '!=; 8J3------0:jl){) Nr. MacArthur. .l;1mhorccand lir1 stol l !l'i!I 2111 Z. 1'11i.l l! whl.'l'i .... , 1'111 f-'. S;\Lt: ·2 1 1 Jr)HS ~:·r'I' 'l'rlr ·rv.·n 5 u ~· H . ,,Jp s •I S111k r1•lr1 i.:. cn(•I hl';HI. S:u· S:!211!1 .'>lti 1:ix.'l 1•v1'!-o RENT l hr hl's1-·73 Ex cculJ\'l' 2~'. <i ll hoc ...:tra s Frel' ill I !17!1 ~IO;jfj 5 K pm ', l'Al\"1'1~!-:HS !l lF 7:l :.:1· Fl.EX I H l.~:llus. Fully Ll"H llS :1::!· ts . fh. Sl'lf·l'Onl"d, sip:-; Ii. Bt'a11- ,. \I h """ 5· OVl.'r!-ol/.Cll l1r1°!-o. ,;:I OI~~ 1~1·v.·pClrt ca~-l'IJ>> <~ ,., p.Ll·, •I !-opd. SUl'k. ;11r. all SELL US YOUR CAR! l1·adc•I ::>.1·1Ut• :;:11; 7~1·1:: G W I · 0 1 or 531; ;;001;. M e poy op pnc . •••••••• ••• •••••••••••• 97 42 f.~I \ V. 1111 1.!. ~<I tire,;, } tr"i "l•'l""fl, run.~ J.!tl, xln1 ! nnd . SI•~. ~<3 '1<1 Sf:,\ l<.\Y , 21,-, 11·>' AutoSonico &/ ~ lh;1n ;;11 hrs. + cxtr.is. Pwh 9400 loafll0CI SK4l/!I. t-"1n:1n Ly, A /C, !1{'W rubbl!r, iJ ll ,1v;oi! 1. l; S!r.1.'i '<tr a s. $.4.suo. 54R -44G4 MUSTIECLUM 'it 2 1oz. n1'1v t\11111 :-.. \.11111 L1k1· any th1n ~ in S11•iil 1·r. l\la ~s. 1".11·111 J! l railt•. wa tc h!.'S. rings. rnir.rf)J".~. ~2.7ou. e\"l'~ ·rv ... 1·1 (" • r.1::i ;"1.11 lOUU !IA Hn OR Bf_, VU. li15 -150l.1 l 0 llS'l"A MJ::..'iA '72 l'll'KU P ·I !-ol'M.I . r ;1d11>. J.!d. 11res, mirrors, unly 2?1(JO n1 1. Sl ,6'..0. :-:M5·4121 MG 4i5 l\U!'o. flll 'I'. :,o!/.10 . :1 !H ·tlti!J 71 l'ANhL. rl•b111ll. I m 111a r 11l.1to·' Art G f'l\1., :11,H +i!n ·l. t...o.__ $7JUO ti--10 1<!67 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• CV-C IS Your Da ls un, Toyota or O r a1t9e Cautty's ---l'Vl'S. --------I VolYO '77 Z TO BUY !lea s. pr ice~. q uality ~ 1~17V 24VZ, 4 spd . 'li'cllow, KJ PA H.r N r::H.S lf lP in work.· onl111porh Xlnl. C'ond . i\1 u~l i;cll, @ W ANTB> F'ial Sic k ? (;;11164ti -G45.1. Hinhest S ~er NEWPl1F\T IMPORTS ············•······•·•· l:ir.£:<·r lhan 2Z fl Fishi ng -• BiHMoxeyToyota S'.1.40 0 . 9 79 8607 o r lln;it l,°;d l 4!J2 M78."I · 2 ~1 1)1-:Good ycarllre.s on C;.d lllu~er or li1ll _5_-1_:1-_Kf)J()askfur<Jrel! ANYTHING TO TRADE? <...o__ wid e wheels for f<ord R47 -85.'i.'> __ _ CU-.. "l·I 2·1' 1~<1.vl in(•r Nisc1ually lruck·llolt pa tlcrn 5 on 5I---fiat 9725 3100 W.CoastHwy.JilA @ l'lvb r1rll!1!, dual control. 1.-::. A sk in ~ $40 firm . FREE APPRAISAL -••••••••••••••••••••••• 642 -9405 V..'i• t rade for almosl :1nylh1ng 1 Autos. Bo<ll!-o , ,1£•wc!ry . Ht'al l•:s talt'. \'t l' You r :1n't hc;1l our P l JBCllASt-: or Lt-:r\.'i~: d c:i l FA C'l'OR Y HE IJA'l'l·:s on Sl'ICC'ted 22f1 (Ji\1C . t railC'r. good fl73 4266 morn.or cves . We b u y us ed c~1rs & ---- V1 cond1l1on . 675 ~ - ----lru C'k S. C a l l (;Rl)TI-.,.. .. 11';96ii"J ·54 M f: '1'1-". Cl;is!-oUC (;t)(ld "' '---'----14 Wheel Drt.-es 9550 CJ I EV R Ol.~T for ;i fret:' .... ~.. contl. C;d l bt•forc :} or '72 24' Seabird Cutter, 22.5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• appr a is a l. after 5. 64•1 'J:kl."I ~ O MC. b<1 1t tank, traile r. '44 M U 4x4, nu. eng . No G ROTH C l-IEVROLET ,,. Grt'at fishing boat. Also mile.~. Xlnt con d . + llS211 Beach Blvd. S k i -boat $ 14 0 0 . many e xt ras. Pr. Pty . llunttngton Beach @ 675-8866 847 -6942. 847·6087 549-3331 VJ ~--.70-Gl-.A-STRON 20', 160 Trvcks 9560 We lur ({) I /{), n e w ca n va ss,••••••••••••••••••••••• ~f e r ce d e s . Por s c he , tr a il er , e xtras. S3SOO. ·7:1 COU RJf:R w /Master Jlolls,&Exotics, C _<_94 __ JZ5~c· -----View C<t mpcr shell , xlnt <.Jasi;ics. Imports ON·S llC>Rf_; r<.1ooring: r:. cnnd . $2600 . Must sell ~ JIM MARINO Bayfronl , L il. Is land + :!l :~--4J~~7o I MOTOR CARS KJ J3 ' Dor y . t-;lec. SO Ill'·~ IJODG E w/ '75 t ags. 1200W. Coast l-lwy. ~~Jhn;;6~·-s_,_.soo_._"_'_m_ S200. Call 960-223!1 Nc,45:~ iGich ~ ~~:-= -:=:::="''-::-::-=::=.::==:--~--... 32' G HA N D BANKS , I ~ o ;n .h y, •Ul O·pH o\, l_i.l STAR G A'ZEK·~ @ hailer, int<'r com . de pth . ByCLAY a. POLLAN finde r , life rafts, x lnt 11-, "'"'' H. ~"" I/) MA~. I y '(-o.,,;/y A<.i<.~r C....N Ji.. ltl'I'. ll m :'-> cond . $34 ,900.673-7363 "''·" -'«••"'~~ ,. ,~. Sto•" oc;. n~Mlil 11.1 .. lt. l o dr.oelop meuogor lo• Thu<1doy, J6.31.Jlil. 36' com 'I swordfish, doe. .n~ .. 1 ,_,;t • .,.,,.h c0t~•ng t1>........i;...,, SM! 471 G M C. 2 r adi08. OF, of yo.ir Zod0o<:blrth11rn. I '""'• )I Hold Mete r . Private party. 1 A J1 A 645-7744 afl6PM. ~~ n~:::""""' 24 ' OW ENS Cabin Cruiser V-8, Pwr, Head, Jee Box $1700. 675--4618 -.. ... ~.-:'!!.~~.'r. .. !~.~~ BOAT St l P ror rent $2 .00 foot, up lo 30'. Newport l>'fi~~!.,..f are a . 4!17-3 127. -..Sail ,060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SO... J~ S.N 6-l6F·-1 ("'ol1-J7W•U I A llf•-e 01 39 •~"'-• 100.. 000- 11 -"-· IJlo •)f- IJ n....t.. •ll~l l•A•OUf •• o.-- 1) W•d• ·~ lw• " ... _ ·~o. 17No ., .......... 11 1·-•I To lt lo •~ i.. ;!O l -• ,oy-2! (>.~'"' ..__. •• _ Ml<--5,v,,., )JT .. • 5lC-7io Ot 5• ........ :nn.. 55At• ...... 16()1 ..., ... ,, w... ,, °""' "°"""""· .sf ""d 2'W. ~""" -JO r-.. ioO}io'pi G* cg; ......... Ol•NGECOUMTY'S ·73 MIDG l:::·r . l){'rl cond , 'i 4 & ·75 TOYOTAS & MFWEST&LARGEST ha rdly used ~ 1_...._.ss than VOLVfJS • 8100 mi : !';:it·r1r1 ec 1 eJ l IMMEDIATE ~iG-<1Y:J·I tLoi6 DELIVERY MGI '744 M All MOiie is &. Colors ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOLVO Dick Miller Motors ·1;.i MGn •1.~1 , · 120 w. Wa r ne r <il So. J\11·1·h .-.pc·<· '!'rans sl1 !)!'; 19N>ll111hor CM.6db q303 + Main I 1sl ) r,4fi l 02i1.''4X 741'12 1---- S~nt a An:i ____ 5.'.i7-2122 ,7 J l\l (i B Ho::t d !<l-e r . VOLVO ·70 124 S PYDEH. xlnt IH1 r~un1ly , ;trnl frn . w1 rl' •74 DEMO SALE co nrl ., r e built cn ~inc v.•hls. 12.0uO 11r1i.:. mi. 0 /\ll c;irsare low mileage . $1000.67:1 5224 S:IK::IU \V11rk .. ">•Iii 7160 cq u 1 p pC'd with a i r . ('XI :!12 u r h o m e A 1\ll f FM s t e r e o o r '72 FIAT 124 S1>Ydl•r. 5 ti45 :1:-i.11 Ai\t /i'i\1 8 trac·k IUJX!. & spd, i.·~1 . very gd eond.J .~ -c· .. -:ill fe 11tu rc remainLnJ.! $3095.p r i fply .552-1397.1 '0 i\l ofl .<,r . low mi " tim e o n unl i m i t e d ~-Yellow. Nt.•w cn!l, hrks, m ill':t J,:l.' warra ntie-5. '7 l FIAT ~50 Spydcr. Con· tirei;. A n1 /F n1. ~7011 or Hen d y f or d e li very vert. M any extr11i1. Xlnt bes~ o ffer . Cc.ill eves. NOW! eond. $1295. 675---0951 540-9517. 142 eves. PoncH 9750 v.·/ cruise cootro1, auto .• '69 850 SPYDER. depend ••••••••••••••••••••••• power s teering, fuel inj .• lrans p., gd mpg. $650.or '74 911 T A R GA. Jee gm D.Gr.ee n S5499.(#5Jl7) bst.orr.645-6625 m et a l lic . AC, ma gs. 122 FIAT 1973, 124 Spider , xlnt. cond. $3600. Days 6"t2·6042. Eves-642·3.124 AM I F M /Stc rco/Cassct-w/ a uto., power .steering. te. Llhr scats, fiOOO mi,· Pol:ir White, bhKI inl . & $14.200. 673-4642. ruel inj. SS399. 1#5112) -----141 J ,730 PO RSCllF. '73·914, 1.7. w7 4 ·~,_cd . air, ate-., OCJllGr . am1rm. 11 ppr. gr . ·XlnL. p 1 ;y-hl j .•. ., ·········~············· M k rr' .~ ·~3 () ar te, U!\l $49'.)9, __ u _eo er . '!.:"~' . (1'5138) T IRF: SALE -DUNLA P 185x lS U.adial. $31 .72 + 636 -7902 1 E~~"~;,:~~~!\~; ~p·~,1~;i~s1~~-~~1~,1~Junmti~1· · 60 S ll ,·e r 1600 S uper . 2025 S. ~ li m/rm. lei1 lh~r. gd cond. Anaheim 75()' 2011 $2300. 494 -0381. --::' • ~ . . '· •..,.•{ .......... • ~~.~~·.~~~~•••••••••• •. ! ~."!.~~·.~~~~•••••••••••• :':~·.°.,~·.~~!~•••••••••··' Wednesday. Janvary 29 1975 :':~~·-~~~~-.. ........ ~"!.~~·. ~~~~-........... ~~~·. ~~~~ ........... ~~':!!~·: .......... !~.2-~ ?.~~-........... !~.l. ~.~·d· ............. !~.~~ '1! ~~·.".~·. ~ ~~~-........... ~-~t.°..':. ~~~~-.......... . Gt'Mrol 990 I • . ...1 •••••••••• •••••••••••• -ck 99 I 0 Ccunaro 991 '1 t ~'J -..; 1-:\Y /'l Ht r 1• 11 . I' ~.1 to1i l liu·dlup . ~cry t.:<l t·u11<I 1~ l ' 1, 1-: It (.I. I·:,\ i'I 1 ~u:, Oklsmobil• . 9955 Plymouth '9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I llll l 'AU ·1 ..;.111:. r l'rlL«"'rl li•r q111t•k :>UIL' 1······················· ...................... . ' DAIL y l"ILOT D9 DIC'K WILSON'S WILSON FORD ... • LllK Look At These SPECIALS '7l TOYOTA l"<'IH"U . -I llDt•t•d I' ;id i 0 . Y I 11 \ I , 1.J.'.X llJJ t:1 '7] TOYOTA ,1 111 ll 11 1 ·l·li r·a .~l\t1t (1n1.11u-. air •"IJIHI., OJ r ;1d1n, I 111yl 1 n I'. a ~ w h ,. t' I s. 'IHHllPD s3299 "7] TOYOTA 1·ur()11 ;.1 4 1)11111· v..1;:••11 \\111flll<lli1•. air l "UIHI l1 Mil llcll"k lti:JHJ ,\1\ 1 '72 TOYOTA \l.11 !.. II 1 l l r ;-;,.d ·I !"''"d . arn t .idi<> low 11111 •·' tlifl()t-'Z F 1 - . I " . ' . ,, I . • 1 1,,d.1"1.IC ' .!l'l't Ill""' ... it••·! . I 'tiUHl \'1/-:)(,, .,ll,•\lr,1..,• 1.1 ~ \\l\Hl l ,1<11 1·111• bt·'>l "ll•·1 1(.'.! J:J;,,t 1 J ll'I ·h •ll'l,,th7.t H.',tlol1 1 _,oj , loi .1).;,., -.Ii.,,~, ~.,l l"'>••11d St•1\lll' Xl111 1·0 11d $1!>00 ,, r , 1• !". I' Ii 11'1\~MI' I ~I IHJOt'I' l)\lt"I' rt•lt!l ··ug ,\II.Ill"!-->•!! OLDSMOBILE I li'ki !IM.!4111•M ,,·,1'1 1111 b1.,v.11 :..1;•1111 omet 9927 " . •'· 1 . Sluntl GMCTRUCKS 61 UV Jt'K ·1 l>H 2:2:i t-:lcc a ... ' • ••••••••••••••••••••••• .\1111 <·.,1ul t-olu:.t :-t·1i ·1 .d'\1 HOHOACARS Ii-I ~ 7·•1r I '' ,\11 < uutl ;\l"" tut::-. I"' nll•·r ·l'J..' tl-11111 ,di tra . 1 IJ"' ul'r l!c.1ut Che•rolet 9920 7~ V.'lil'rF .!. 1l1 , P s . \ 11 ~~1w M~:! ~Jj\ /i:i;J 1.1·u Hi i•uc.hJni .!.dr. University Olds t•ond. Y.'hltc y,·/ hlk vinyl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ll.'>l int lu 11 1dt'.1g1· "''''' lu.idl'd. IJclow y,Jll:-.l l' ZM5l.Jll,_1rb•Jl'Jll \d lOjl .. Cl 11ll<1t1·11l ll1r C'nnd .. COMHB.l $.c!Olll.l/1!<':">1 <>I!' <l!Jti 2:j,1;1 7U t'll :\t.Ll:'~Nlii<K . ~ • I I I k , k I .ill', I• '· 11/h SIJlA) 1\lu;o,l 1 uc 100 , p vl l}t y ,,;.. Coi">lii 1\t c :;a ::~111 :~~111 c Cl' Ydnduw:., t_; v.•:;y ,,eat CHEVROLET I I< I I • 'Ill ~··II -1 :1 1 112:1:1 or u y 11• 111" .1 , c·ontrol. l1111cd gl:1s:., Si\l.~:S&S EHVI('~; Continental 9930 5411 :12311 '71 Olds Taronodo lll·<trly ucw tirt>:.. 1ni1ny 2828 Ha~--l l•d. 1 1 Jl t t: tit t .\lr·1" l'r1 d r•1iu(td ~ • ••••••• .. •••"••••••••••• '.Ji!, 0' i.:•· onvt·r 1'' 1~17:it:ALr\X I E2dou1 .lulJ ' l"l" c . . ("11s·r ,\ ,\I t-~-.;,\ 1\17:1 ''l'I<· I V , •• , .... \I ;...1111 1·111111111t11l (',di .dl '• l'ull~· t•qu1ppt'tl t "l('.Jtl Lil' 1111 \\'(;1\ I s."1:~• j•r ~;)jl tur ljUHI. :,,;11(· llOY. ·~ ....., ... l.!7 1 ~/.!~ i.',111 vwlll'I 546·1200 b1·1;.:1· 1·:itlu•r \!J, ,;r;1.• pni t.~ .. i:! I.\ :-.·\JIJtl-: ("1,111 11 li llt 1'111"1 'I'" I ,1<I t 11··· .. ' .... ~-~';, 1;.11 Codilloc: i .'1 I .u· 991S ······················· CADILLAC <lr:i11 gr• ("uunt v ·' J.1rj.!1•st .~1:l1·el 111 r1 . J~.1~·:-J:J"'i·I "!> tJp1•11 l-:v1·rv J);11 Maben Cadillac :Z&OO "-"-' ll•cl. l "ll J~\'V \'.i11:151JVd.u11!", 1.11 h o . \ln1 l.'01141 :)l.',1~1 1iK t;.J (",\J\l l N<> H 11 I ' S. l':t111•u ,, l":1uqui1 Slll•ll :12"/ V li. :1utn 'l'r,111-. (;.,od 1·.,11d $1 l f•!I j.llS l'l!l:!·L '12 1:\11'1\I .. \ 111 1\11 111·.J tl·r . ·I 11l·\1 t in·~ ,\"lnl c1111d ;:,~:UJO toll •IJ .!I• '7 1 11\ll'l\l.i\ V.'.1).! Ill'\\ i\11", .Ill.I'>, fill ' ·11.' ;,11.1.1 C.ta Mfrsa 540 9100 i'------------'1 '"' NIJ\ •\ 11•·1•1 1' trl1ru11 11· 1:1 (",\ll Jl.l,1\t" 1'111111• ~ •. ,~~) 1,,, 11111 .. ;1 ~"· \1111 p;ur-. l\1••.11.ltPr I• hO tO~" •:• \'<.'!')" l u .... 1u•l1'.1 ~v I' lt•;i,,. , ,, 11 J ! I >!.It, 711. 1, 9932 ••••·····••···········• . . . .. . . .... ,:1 .\](l:\1\l 'l) ., I'""" V.,•µ !"-11,H p. Jif.o.: l lll' 1 ~1 Ziii Vull t'llUlll :...,., .• 1ppr'tl" :'-1.t~"'"" :th:! HlHl to! J H)I 1{; t-: l).ir•t. 4 dnur .. 1.u1l. ti 1·yJ 1:1)11d 11 :1111>1>. s.!1",o j; l•i :11ii1 1 • 'I "I' 'l'I II' ·1!>-1 • \\'lrl"'Hl.I\ L'\/"I". AU'J'(I. ,\I', 1\\1 ,1'!\1 ~"l'l·:l!t-:(t, 1.1·:,,·r 111:-:1i 1:-.;·r 1.u 1; J( \l"I<:. J'S I'll.']) U\Jll ford 9940 !\I J .\1 I !-('I" :-.1·:1.I .' Sli7,;1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • ••• l ':11lll:H 01,1'1'.1 1 '1 7 11 F(IH l l L 'l'I) • • • • • • • • • lir1•u g han1 ::.1:!:1;, 1'111.Jll" l ';i 1 t1 . 1·1 i11 !•L '"H"ll'll•· 1'.1:-.lbavf. •1 :1~:'.X..':! :\u" Auto Nl"111 l"11g111•· !t",11 1·11d ,(. l1 . .r1 ~ \Vd! "·•<'f!l1 1·t' al ~IXO\I lo.l(I I ! j I . 1;;10 l 7 I U, 1~. Ft11< t11 ; \I.\ \"l l·'. ').:"i :, 1'111 .111 · l',11 IV (".di 1,.;J ·"~I~ I '< •H<J : I 'i' I Chryslrr 9925 7.! l "(J H V .• r1 .. 1 <·11111 .. rt ·• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "I •11J.~. ,\:\I 1 l·':\I :-.1<•1«·0, "1,:1 l.1d !"111 1111\ ;-.q !'.I.< \\',n: l' . \' v. p 11, .1 , bl• 11(1!1 IH I ~ (;,~•I !"•t1•d :-1:.!UO I'\! 11!\ I .di ,ill 1.p111 . :11,11 .!.111, 1;7 ("po• d1• \"di<'. lull IHtl\t·r . ,\ l" .\,\I V.\t J.:••11 1 1·•11nt1l1<111 ~7l•I ••I' 11<·;..t otll·r. 1;7,') ll'it,t, 7:!'("1J \' l.a11d11ulop,tully lo;nJ,·d , Iii-.•· n•·\1 1\1u-.t .. 1111• 1:11 Xjl'lu cl :-.. ••'• l:\ll '~:Hl.·\L l ... ·Haron Cuu11t'-V.'h1Lt· ""1hl«1·k 11111.v l top. ht:u:k h·atla·I" lll1 1'1'14•1'. lltH11> ,'(, llr1Vt'1> xlnt. Frn 11L end darn:1g ,., i\1 :1k•· uft<·r_ :,.!.';-81.)7 .dt .'•& wkc nd' :-.1!(1 ~511 ll-.1tl1l'r <>pl111n I J J JtJt l i\l JI L"' l'-1•1 •\ J.J1 Dadq• 993S ........................ !1".lll1>ll\l!'l :•\l<•fl . ~;,11 X·I;! 10:1.1 1't111'•·r, 1111)'1 n ~1r. l l·ry 1 l•·,111 :,;.,.,. 11,.,,. l 'llnn. 1,7:, Hh:!L i"IO.:lllllj.!""> .IHll ""l'O.:kt•Jld ;o, lrnpC"rial 9942 ..••................... '1i~I l .\l l't-:lllAI. ! .. ·Jt;11·i111 l 'ot1 1H.:. WIH1 c Y.', IJla<'i-. 1•111.\ I lo JI , lilaek h·,d h•·r 11l11·r111 r . Huns & 1Jrivt·:-. :..:Jul Front t•nd d ;1 111~1.,:l' 1\l a ke olft·r. ;~1s~1U.'i7 ~•It ~),'I,; wkc·11d , Mrrcury 99SO ....................... IJ\'"1 •d i' l'J"·'"" I .>II x:1:1 l'l:U~M .. r :,,, 1 01.~, Pinto 99S7 ······················· •1 974PIMTO WAGOt<• •I ;o,pc·.-d , 1 "111•1. irt'l1\t·r . l"I " ,,f ~·~t·lfall 1:~LH.JSI-'.~ ("nail" drJ•><" t!u.•, 111\e 1111 pill)' 52~··1!i GUSTAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY (t:H110 J11 -.u ·l1 Jll1•t HI\ 17 11 1H-l'.!Xl"l l l 1; l'a ~i'.. :\l .1rqu1:-.~1.-.11. Plymouth 9960 •1 du11r Bri111:,:h.1r11. tTIU:-1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 111.111<' -~P"'"' t"l!ll trol &· "ti7 U1\H ll \\'l II\. , ... :11r l"or1d1L1•111 l.t )(.•!Joy, 10"11 •·,11 Ii.-·.! .,11,·1 t. .. d.\. l'o'lll!t' 11 .. ui,:;1h~·dl' :w;i; 11,, I '.' ;11 I +,j. \I t11p. J·:.\ vnnd . Hy ong1ri:d 11y,•11cr. f,,\l'I l>H-IK 1day:-.J "i:l Hc ),\JJ Hl '''J<H •1 ~. \,'! Mustang 9952 ....................... 1;:1 t-.1 US'l'1\NC;, 1">l1arp lott1k1ng, 111 :1g:;. Sl·\:1:>. i,;.11; I'. r. ii :-pd. \ "' 1•111:. l. ··~· 1111 .\!11L 1·.,11d . ,\1 11 ~1 ""II S:JI Oll 1;j:J 1:111.! •i!) l{t)A[)l{llN'\1·:11 . :11'1.!. I :-pd Nt·W ba!l<'I Y ,\ 111ul 11,-r,., :;:101!. \JI ,,~,.urn l•o.J Y 111 1·111...;. 7:,1 -:.:i:1:.i .ill. " ATLAS Chry\l•r /Plymouth \!p1·11 11.ot [\ ,\ .... 11!1 111 l!t I' \1 i o-:t :1 \l~" ... 1 546-1934 Pontiac ······················· I""•'• Ll : 1 ...... 1, d \I \' '> 1 ',11 I! 111 u •I ' II 'J"\' 1,, 1·11 .,r I " I II I 11,'1 • ! o \J.d I .. '""' 1111 I I V. 11 1 1'1 I pl \ t" ' tol•i I l JI •oi . ) ul 1 ti I J J I • I Thunderbird 9970 ........................ 1·1.,·1 'I " II "' 1 .. 11 I" II ..... 1 ' ..... 1 "' Veqa 9974 ••..................... , ·19 73 VEGA WAGON• ·1 ~l>l 'l 'd I ,I'll' I 11• .1lc I Ion\. Ju i' 11<>1• 1(1 "" 11 ·.11 I I ri t' f' ' I • 1 •I I " 1.11,H:-.k• 111,111 1 :> 11'1·1'' ' " '" GUSTAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY 11;11uo 11,.,., i. 1n1 d 11 II 1 , I l f 11 l.' ,.._.._ I 1 fO .. D MOTO I CO. AHHOUKCE~ UP ro ·~ CASH ' REFUND TO YOLI EXAMPLES : ', . ;: '75 MUST A MG~ z+z :-,, ...• \ 111.1 I 1111 .. r,, •r ' 11 p1·t1ng', , I r .. 111 & r .. i' U .1 r 11 ~, I I h II f II iJ I' f I·' ·.1 !1 ,1 <'I-, 17i l•,1'.1Y11 ~11~•1 I \ I ! fl~., ', >4105°0 s3449oo "'"10 .. ,..K.J: s 300 0 o ... , .. ll OMfQID $3149 1975 PIHTOS C ASH RE.FUND :· 1975 MAVERICKS C ASH REFUND "12 TOYOTA Ki_: 1111 ' i·i ' t «•n111 a t:p c . 1\uto 111:1l1l', '\Van! 1\d:-. t ';11J 1.1:.! r,1;7H S l·'.LL Hii e 1l1.:1ns Wi th a /J;idy J'1lul C l.11">1>il1cd ud t;.12.51;111 H' ·' c;l.llH t-: (';d~n·•·f 1111 '.1:1 J)UJ).!t• l'.ll l\(1{h Ill ~(Ill ('Ulld. \Vilt ~l·ll • ;unpl·r 1>t'par.1ll•ly, hut 11nt truek s i:11.01 ur t. ... l , :! 'J' l > I( I :'\ I I \\ .1 ).!0 11 . g(Jntl (Jllj..'. Ol'oHt•r. (,;;; -:i'.HJ~1. Squ 11 1• l"Orlll I ::i I ~1 !)0 . 't;7 !\l lJS'J'ANI:. ~Int l'Olld p111 l ';d l r1111ru111gs K.t.:I Hl'll!J 11 r 1; i ~. 2H 11; l" v c, ->c lJ idle nen1s with :1 U;u ·; 1 \ /\Ir, .1:1~ l·.1: 1\ ;o-1.1 \' ·"' I .-.p1I ~!1 ~I H\11;, .11! lipn1 " r c. di I 97S MUSTANG H.T.'s ol r '.JGH .',.1;, '.J:l:Jl. 1•:..:l :ix Jy l 'ilot c1a,.:;1t11·d 1\d .,11 1 radi o. v1 11.1 f l i1 p . 1 1:.::11·:1~cl utos, Nrw 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, H ew 9800 Autos. Nrw 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, Hrw 9800 Autos, New 9800 .f '72 VOLVO 1800 ••upc . Aut <•. air , \,\\/1-'l\1 s lt'rl"O ! 11;1~• '74 DODGE V AH 1\ulon\al 11· pu 11'l'r :-t1·<·r in g "l •·l'c u ·~;!itiJSl>J "79 T-BIRD ·t Jloor. l n1111,1t·u!;1!(~. \u10 , P .S . I' h .. 1•.,.,1n1lov.·'· 1 1n1I top. :.iir l'<J1Jl11t1on111g 1 .XS.~ Iii:,) I . s I J'CJ'tj ' '7l MERCURY \1'111\Cj;:f> /'\I X llr<>11g h ;1rn ,\utu n1 ;1\1.-, l' S t 'l 11 d . . V I II \' J 41,;.;;i111-:111 '72 CHEVROLET \l.1 l1bu 1·nupe \'N .1ul <1m<1t1 c·, i"'"""r -.1 ~···r111i:, r .1d1 1>. ho·.•1t·r !'..!l 11EYY1 Derut LWiA ()TOYOTA l~b6 Hrirbo• C 1>1 /,~,., 'JJQ) \\"Ar"'"f l lS,.:U C.\H 1;orw.1 \ran:;, g(11,d 1•und. l "p 10 ~'MJt l. 4~1 I 1 ~:~1 . Salesman.-- .. .1. Your Life Styte Pleasant & Productive? \1,. )'<HI on lh•· 1!1"<•1<' or . 1rt• :'>'<ftt .. 111111Jing ... 1111 '•>II t":1n l'!lllli•lo·t•· fll<•f<' 1 r;1n~111·!1"u " 1\·11ti I•·~~ 1r11st r:1l1 011 tt ~·lp1n i: ••l ht"'r" 1-. r ........ rdnu n •.11 ,.._1,llP 1:-1'\t !IHIJ! j. .1111 111ort"' . Je.1r11 u11w1• .111<1 ··•·rYt' IH•llt•1 .. Jill' 1\ t.l·:A l)l·:H' ll•·11u 11•• r•l«nt s · l111t'r n1v ,'(, 1·11 11i11:-.1a 1n t .~·t .. t.;!k .rlMIUI 1~ t"all 11tt., ·r,·r1 \\o·(.'ardlr al i .... ! 111 w1 AMC 990S ······················· •1973AMC MATADOR• •I doo r . 1; 1·y li n 1!1 ·!' ;1utom ~tlll". l\i\\/l":'-1 ..;tC'reo, ;,i1 r eo1uhluuu111-t . 11 lt wht•(.•I ;ind mut•h 1nor1:. J.OY.' rnill'S. N1<·(• tamily <'l:l f . (!Hi lllt':U1 BUS1'EO TO $2468 GUSTAFSOt< LINCOLN MERCURY 16800 l\rach Bl vd . ll.B. (71'11H-12 /IX.l,I luic:k 9910 ...•.....•............. j•I APOl.Lf! Z dr Spnrl Coupe, fu lly e<111111 . s.:1100. •Ir l>e.st offe r . G·IZ 8''-1.'i llUIC K "72 ~:JN·lra 2'l.''1. <I dr ht, xln t 1•d . Lo;uled w/ lull pwr, Hn1Jfm stcreo, N ew r adials. $2300 . 1;,.10-16<16or 1-'JR7-62\I. "Make ltoom 1-~or D ad· d y", , .c·lc ;i n out t lu• ~ar"itgr ... turn that j unk into c-11 s h 11·1th a IJ.uly !'.:!~~~~a1">~1l1L>d Ail . C1 1l1 1 You con Charge DAILY PILOT Claulfled Ada 642·56fa ··········•············ ······················· ............................................... ·········•·······•····· ........................ . CASH REFUND S500 FACTORY CASH -' EXAMPLE: Brand New '75 Starfire ,. , ' // 105660 • .,,n pt'(f' ''" ~1J!(] phr. 1...:( lnT.11 oJt•ll•1t"!l lhlV""'"' l"'r" ''• $L070 8f! no-I 1.i '· " "" ,,. ,,: 1 .. 1 rhar11·~5 P .1vrrJMI'< "'" '"' "d Hll),, uti(~I ... .,u.1 .&PV'U~d\ ... pH '. l·I J', ~ + ... , ' ..... .,,.. " 71 PONT. CATALINA '72 OLD S 98 LS VW B 7 1 DODGE '" I' ( ''"' ! •t, I , ' I 'fl' '68 ug MON•(O ~AIOIOI' ,1nl ' • . f<"I'""' ,.., I• "'""' '"'" I v. ,,~.,;· >' • .' 1., '" ' 1 d '• h11, !"·.o'o·• I y,f>o ~ I ,_ , ••· i < '" • ,,, ,I ·-.. ' " ,. " 1-.• '67 FORD LTD '"' ~ ·' , , ,,, I',,,., " .,...., 'r I ' ' "" (l(;, "''" .. (,. '" ,1 '·~111 '"' 11/~J.»I , I • 11J• • ,, r T .-. ' i• ,_, "'"""· '"" $126~~ S50 5~o $5 'f~~ ,.,, ... " '72 TORONADO ' ' I 'I '• " •00<! ~01yl .1 '·"' 1 .... r···· • t n. i 1' '69 AUSTIN ' " ' ,,., '•'·•hf' ... ,,,1 ,., '69 f' ... !I " " " ·' .,,. CHRYSLER WAG . 'I ,.. '73 CHEV ,1, .... ·73 HONDA CIVIC ' " '74 OLDS .. ,. ! '" ... , $54 1 ~0 $27 1 ~0 $I 04!~ $134!~ • < "' "' " •• r i, ~• ' .. " ..... R ~-·M·~ •• ... 0 " .. -,,, ..... S200 FACTORY CASH EXAMPLE: Brand New '75 OMEGA "IOJ?~.1 ' 1·,•• "'" " 1-j ''' 111 pi,,.., 11'.r I mal d,:,l~rrt'fl 11,,vrnt•nl f"•t:T , , 'l,•11 111 ·~I 1' ' I " •• "'''"',., 1°n • '°"'"10:' upon <.•e<llt a1Jprov,.1 Pavmenr<. .1rr tn1 dfl •nn., llPl"l '" 1 1 1•. 1975 GMC 4x4 112 TON PICKUP l'•O. •"lhl"''""' pn N• r I• ,,r,nr1 pn·.•1•·• l!f"lc1··,. 1,ll ll . I\[) '.U' p. 11 •111 I•"• ''"I rt1tl<'•t'nl"11. H D t),tl1"' ~ ..,, "' p1 .. 1• l•d111n ,,.,,, "'"'1CIOw.10 · l~l I t1" FACTORY INVOICE + IMMEDtA TE DELl'l'ERY lp-50424 4 1975 GMC 4x4 SUBURBAN "(I .1,1lnni.1!•<, f"'""' ff'('•1no . IX''·'• !>•,1 •f'· •. ·"' con1t•r1onu1u 11 0 ~u'1'"" '"" .. ~ •P p!t11 "'• loll wno•('I, !ol(ll ,,.1 , t .1ll •t ~ •) n.11 •i.t , l,n>io l {l~lf·~ !•• •'\'! t!Hlrf' FACTORY INVOICE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY "S046l!'. 1975 GMC 4x4 3/ii TON PICKUP l~n v II "l!IQ•1'.1!n I"'"'''' ~ll'•'f'"'I \..o<l N • 1 !"·'~(··., l"IT•·olfll,1.,,.-.lonulrJ I• "' h l!l<IOW, ( ,,.np1•r ll·~ '"I I•!(• Ultl ll•tt• ""'''''!· ~~ul 111,tt• 'oo(l•O. J.,. '' 111•11> ~ !o" ,Ul!l <tlO'• FACTORY INVOICE l!>!MEOl•TE OEU\IERY l'f50l l0l 1975 GMC 4x4 JIMMY • rt V >! J.'! "·"'''I ,1u!O<",~lo' Dl''""" I•• r '"'I C~·>"•' !"'''' 11 I' '''" • • o{! or • lnl•nl)-.o<lo wuld• .~ •t I pr1nq •1•1 111.i !"' l/t1.1I !,1,.• r •·!" '" ( undol•l1ll ""I ,\n(t "'0"' FACTORY INVOICE IMMEDl•TE DlLIWflY "!'.0)20!'. 2850 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa 540 · 9640 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE introduces:-- HO ND A CVCC for 1975! YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT HONDA'S AMAZING NEW 1975 CLEAN AIR ENGINE. NOW COME IN AND TEST DRIVE IT! 1 ___ , __ _ I 97S MUST AHGS 2 + 2's • • . . ·· · CASH REFUND 197S MUSTANG MACH l 's CASH REFUND ,., . -· I 97S MUSTANG GHIA's .; ., C ASH REFUND ---·---., .. 1975 SUPER CAB TRUCKS s350 ·~ CASH REFUND ' ' ' . -' . LIKE NEW SPECIALS ; ·73 V~a GT Hatc:hbac:lr Auto. tr:111:-. air. n&JI,. <205/o;V!ti 5 I 877 • ·' ·68 f'tym. Fury Ill , _ .. , V ·A. :111tn trans . r :1d1 0.·- hl·atl•r 11•· .. n :-.1• f"!Zli (J071)FF1 •. '68 ,.tyrn. Sot•llite _ ·; v.a. auto tran .... p nwl!t"· stecr1n1;. radi<1. heatcr~ l.Jccn1>l' No. IWFllH1 2f ., ·~ 5 7 77 1---'--'-----·· '72 C°"'ri•r Pic:k11p sp11 ~d . rad1•1. hl';ttQr • \H1\l 1nl1·r1or 1 l t>HH.'i l ") • • • 5 1688 '71 Dadq~ Coron•t V-+1. ,outn Lr.111-. t.1rl as>.' air 1 on th l1or1111 g po111-~·r -.1 1·1·r1ng r .1d 1v. heall'f'j: t 1nt"d gl;1, .. 1 .... No_ (lSll-'.XV 1 s1388 ' .. '72 Matador ~ \ut•1 t.11·t•11·1 .11 r pov.~ ... 1c1•r111;!. r11d1" 1.,.,11ic1·: v1n:-·I ro<1 ( (17'.!11·'.t..S 1 s 1977 '69 Che•. Jt• To11 ,.!ctr~ • /{;1 d1 n h 1•at1·r .c ·an11Jef' CqUIPPl'll. (lJfi('l:!K I -· ·, sl277 -:; '74 MDnf~ Carlo 1\·s. :iuto., fa('lor y 111r. (ull p111\t'r'. A :\I /l'i\·l s lf'rMJ 1'~"· 1·1 n1 I '""11. 1111~1 :l.i~-. I I.II l,f,I • $3988 ' •' ·12 ,.ontioe. -·s l"\oo n1·vilh· VK. ~· I • ;li.f.. p.s .. p.IJ . 11 w .. &. scati,. H&l l .v t roor. T /l(lask. 't ib16f'l.U I ' ... ) ' ! " I s ~.!.!_8 IVR, a11tom11tic, p n w C:r s!C'crinJ!. radio. h eater,--; (''Qt .. 1'17:l) # s 1077 ' ' ' i I' • . . ""'.".: ") I ,.. . • • . DAILY PILOT • • • 1snow on at ... Alli '73 cHttYS\.ER •73 fORO All C.n Wtjtcl To PriM Seit All Prictt rt.• Tot Oftd Lie"'" An hictl Vciiid Ullfll I 0 p.ni. S.lldtiy ,. J, 1915 CHRYSLER Plymoulli cc ~ Cl) -C!J LL.I cc w· •• Th• u •• Of ANY FREE 1975 CH•rs u. CAR rtooucr FOR ~N~~~RLLCH01ce YEAR ! CASH BACK WITH BONUS TRADE IN SPECIAL ON ANY BRAND NEW 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY VS, Au!omal1c. AM/FM radio aura cruise control tin 1 POwer stee11ng. wall !ires undeicoalin bs e~nng wheel . whne 9. uc ... et seats Ser. P.E01 40EHB19732 . lnte111a11ona1 Travel all Greater rapacity! Delivers 20,.... more usab!'c cargo space r/1nn "' sta~ndard siz~ wagons ... nnd is 18 shor(cr 1n Jen,<h' s · d . · • .:lVPS secon. tnps -moves mor~ per !np. SEE AND DRIVE THE ALL-NEW SMALL CHRYSLER THE FANTASTIC CORDOBA •.• A test drive will show you why Cordoba is the talk of the industry. ' • .,, . .:' . •.', •, • LaglJ.lla l South Coa~t .. Today's Closin~ N. Y . Sfoc•ks VOL. 68, NO. 29, 6 SECTIONS, 66 PAGES OR)\NGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 , 1975 TE N CEN TS • ms aw at ' ' Gl"ie,. S uggesti,111 'Hard' Youths To OC's Jail? County l'rnb:..it ion (J ffi c l:r 1\1;_irg:Jr{'t Grie r \\':JS expected to rccomn1L'nd tod;,iy lhal 19 ··h ard <·or£•'' j uvt·ni ll~ offl'ndc rs be re- n1o v(•d fr onl juvl·n1h! h;..i ll and im· pr1 s onC'd 1 n OrangcCounly Jail. t:x (;~pt f(Jr a fc\\' isolatt~d in~ d 1v1d11 ;.i l l'~Lsl's . no ju\·eniles h ave l'\'t•r be e n e11111n11llt·d to cuunl.y J;iil 111 S~1111._. J\11;1. County J\'liss Ciru·r-·s rct·om - n1e nd :1t1n n t n Lht• l~na rd of Su pl'J'\'Lt>f•r!, is p;1r! or ;1 pat kage pl;1 n lo 1·(·hl'\'<' O\'l'rl'rl1\\'dcd t.:un - <IJ t ions :1 l Ju \'(•111 lc hal I 1 n ()ran gt•. JUVENILE JUSTICE ~ ,($_ ~ ~o,~;;;·•• l )n J)l"t' \!!. l ht• c·alifur11 1a \'outh ,\uthor1!:-pul tlh· eounty •Ill nollt'l' 111/" l'hl' :>('('Olld \.iJTI(' Ill '"'.•~\~~.;;ix _lj\WJr.U1~ .. ~l~.i. Jj f'~1p.lrl ,J,._ ' ·. • ·" · 1 (l~fttfY~ ... _ .... \-.u1\olt•ss ai~rnh""p· t;dile 1•lan 1u ft'iil'\'!' t"bronic ' • u\·1 ·r1· r1)\o,'d 111g "':is 1111 pl e n1 e ntl't l. i\f is:-(;1-it•r fir:-;t me n tioned the use of til t• 1·nunty j;ul ;1:; <1 Sl'Cu ri - 1y d('l('n\ion l.:l..'llil'r 1n :.1 confidcn· I 1;11 f'l'purt to lht• hoard of SU p(' r\'i!"ill r~ l':u·l 1 t.'I-1 h I:-. in Clll I h. Jn Lh at J"(•pnr1 . s he 1101nt1.:d oul ! Ii .ti st :i IL' l.t \\' :d lo\1 s I he l'Olll 1n it· tnL·nl of JU\'l'tlll('s to ;1 .1 .id "\\·he n no othl·r su1tablL· 1)l;.1ce of clf·tl'n· t1on is ava il :.1hl1· · She :.d-,n p111nlf•d out. lll'J.:UIJ \'~· t..1ctors :1:,s11e 1a l1'd \\1l h t he con· 1111c nl t •n l or j uvcnilt·s tu the jail -'!'hf• ''S \t •r1 !1· ;ind <.:OIT1 p:ir:il 1\·pJ y har . ._h :1\ n1o s ph1•rt·" of 1l1c ra il \\'hit·h 1;-; "not rully 111 l,ve1;111g \\llh 1l1L' pllilos ophy (Jf 11Lcj11 \'l'l1ilC <'OU1'I l :t\I'" J.~1 r k nf t•dui·at1ona l and rt·C:r(':t\1 nn:d t.1t·il1\1t'S t h:.11 \\'OUld hl' L'.'\Pl'«lt•d 111 ;1 pl.ict' rif confinc- n1c·nt fnr n11nurs :'-Jl'gat1\'c c·o n1rn 111ul y rl':tC:· l ion, -·J1 roh lr•n1s a!'>sOl'lalt•d \\'1t h 1 r,1n ~port 1 n ~ nuno rs to cour t. Grace Period . Ends Friday 'l'hl' 1'1t y of S:1n ('l1·n11·n1 1: 1-; t'l' 1n 1r1d1 ng l.J11 :-.1nj•..,s 1n1.·n . pre>· h ·s:-.ionHl nt1·n ;ind oth('rS do1n):! ll uSllll'"S 111 th•· c11 11 th ~!I a g r :tl'C 1u ·1·1ot l ;ill!l \\f'd fn-r payml·nl of 1~17:; b u~1nt·r.:-. i1 1·l·n:-.1· tax1.·s L·nds 1:r1cl :1.1· _ 1\ll bus iru·s." lt e'1·n~l' rt'nC'\Val s 11n\ p~1 1 d lJ,\' tt1.it d ;it1• hcc·o n1e dc - l1q 11l·n t :in d :\til)!1•c1 t.o :t penalty rvi:. i ';i ,1 tl\~·nl s1•n! h,\' 111all n1u:-.t Ii~· po:-:tru:i r kl'd 1u1 1:1\('r tha n 1:r1 · d .1 .\. . !{f'l1l '\I :t i n<1\ 1Ct·s \\'l'rt• m ;nlC'd l o b11 s 1n l·:-:s n 1t'tl l:1s 1 m o nth . 'J'llosc \\'ho 11 :1\'L' losl111' did not l"C" l·1·1vc 1he nnt h:t' rn .-1v <·;111 t.IH' o l'· fi ~e oft IH' (u·1 ·n~1· 1·()11t·1.:\nr' al the 1·ivi<" tl'llll'r. Oran~•:::· -('oasl · l ~';o k:> ----· ,,, ............ .. l nci·c a :-;in ~ cha n ce of s ho\vcrs Lonig ht c le aring: Thursday, ac1.:ord ini:! lo t he \\•e ;_ither service. Ch:inces of rain a bout fiO percen t this C'VC'ning. 1-li ghs 'rhursdny 56 to 60. J_,o\v s tonight in 40s . I NS I UF: TODA\' . Does sWinging produce ''happi-. nr,ss and ·adju.<:lmenl '' in tnar· riage or docs it lillul lo "fru stra- ti<ni. tension anrl jea/.ousy.'' Tu.Jo views of ihe subject arc present- ed 011f'af]e A7 todoy I 11tlt."X At Yo11r Servltt Al Ann L.Jnd••' CJ 9 Nh... BJ M.tllDO• At &..M. llovd e• Mov••s • ._, (.,lhlor111oJ AS Mu,1c 8 110 Ill C•rMr C11r11fr Al) M Mluitl Fundo M (l•1lil1td 0 1.10 N.1l•o11al N•ws At Olm•(' Cit Ora11<1•C011111y Jla.t Crossword C14 Ptople Cl·l O.•ll'INolicts At SpOrh •l·l EdllorlalP•(I• A•. Dr.Sltl!W-fOllll All E•11•'1•1f'!mt ol 86-1 Tl ltV•SIOll llt l'i,..n<t 84-S Tl'tt,oltr\ •t-1 Food C4•1t Wt,oll'ttr At l'or1ntR1co•d 81 Wo•ld N•"'' M HortKllPf' CJ hearings in the juve nile courts lo<·atcd in Orani:::e. An accompanying report to supervis ors by Admini!lrati vl' Officer Jtobert Thomas appears to support Miss Grier 's recom · m endulio n that juveniles be jailed. · In hi s rl'pori Thom-as-says thal one way to alleviate the over- CSec JUVENILES, Page A2) Planners OK 3-lot Rezoning By F .A.SClWEMF.llL Ot this 0.:11 PiloMM,011 .~ _:~:;..."'., .·ah 'high Mon.- do.1y ni ght a ~ l_,aguna-B(!a ch pla n- ning commissi9ners n:.i rrowly a pproved a reqlf~St lo rezone three Canyon Acres Drive lots fron1 industrial to r esidential use. Commissioners split 3 to 2 in r~vor of r~sidential zoning for I hl' lots :-iftcr a· debate I hat pitted Cu- uyon Acres res idents a g ains t o wne r s or other indus t ri~_dly z oned prope rt y in th e nei&J1 borhood, 'fhc com n1ission 's rl·l·om mt·n dation still must race considt'ra- 1 ion h y the Laguna Beach City Counc il . 1·he three lot s affe cted by lhL' action a re located at 137-167 C:.i · nyon Ac-res Drive.1'he r c is exis t- 1n~ resi d e ntia l zo nin~ lo the .south and "'est and induslri<.11 zoning to the north and cast. The rczonin~ r equest was in- iti;,itcd by the commission ;_it the rl'qllt'sl of two J_,aguna Beach \\'On1e n who hold a n option to buy one of the I hrec affected lots . Pe ter Os tra nder. archite ct · and forn1(•r J,agun;_i Beach cit.v 1.:ou ncilma n. Jed the de leg;_it ion of per sons "'ho addressee! the com- mission. lfc said uny rezoning r e· quest s ho uld he held in abeyanC'l' pending <:on1plclinn or a sµecific plan for future development. in the Canyon .1\cres <-1rca. llarold J ohnson. O\.\•ncr of on1· nr the t hree lots, s aid he and another lot owner Were opposed to I he rezoning . , Vern on S pitale r i. I.ag:un;i Ne"'·s-J>ost publisher and l)\vni:r of induslrial property on thL· other sid e o f Canyon /\c res, s::iid action by the con1mission to ~1p ­ provc lht' 1·cqucsL \.\'ould be "prc - ::;um pluous" and \.lo'Ould amount In downzoning: of the l<ind without f:OmpC'nsation Lo its owners. Jtay Un ger , preside nt of the Canyon Ac res Neighbot·hoocl /\s- .sociation. told the 1.:01nmission !hat n1ore lh<i n 130 Canyon /\cres reside nts supported the r ezone applic ation. One r es ide nt. Elizabet h Brown, s uid the commission mus l prevent "the intrusion of m a nufac turing'' into Canyon Acres. -"lt is a strong r1eighborhood. IL has what Irvine is trying t r..> c reate. It h as villages . 'l'hc peo- ple are together ," she said. CSee R EZONE, Page A2 l Are NEW YORK <UPI) -Can you help plants by talking to them ? 1'hat idea, apparent!;,:,.. sha red by some people, may have been 'encouraged by a lie detector expe rt whose experi m e nt s s u ggest pl ants have s ome m ysterious sort or aware ness or things going on about them. The controvers ial resea r c h . popularized by · a book, was the subject today of a symposium at th e annual m eetin g or t h e Ame rican A!JsOeiation for lhe Adva ncement or Scl en~c. Two scientists s aid -they were unable t o dlfpliontc the work of Cl eve Baek S t e r . T'ese:irc l\ direc tor .of th e fiack stcr Research Foundation at Sari Di ego, which llidic atc d by OC Loss Expected To Rise I~~·(;,\ H ,. <; lt 1\N"\'ILI .J·~ O• on0 o,,.,, Pilot St.111 'l'ht• ('i11t11l v lilll IHr ltl'p. /\ll drc\1' ll 1n -.l1.1\1 " t H ~l,_'\l'por t l ll'<Jch 1 "'11l'l'•':-:-ful 1~!7 2 (':trnpaign 1:-. ;_it s:, !HHl :nul r t:-.1n g, th1• Dail~­ l 'ilol h·.1rrlt·d \11d,1y. It 1n ;_1y gt1 h1'_'.'011d ;1 pt't<di elcd li:vcl nf ~](),1\0() 'l'h1 · r1•pn 1·1 ~lf thv do!l:ir ln!"is 1n euunl 1 Ju11d ;-, :1.., tlu· r1'!"iu\t of a~­ :-.t•:>:--oii··-, 1il l ri ·l· pl'r-,011111.·I alh.'gt·tl- 1.v 1\n1·k1n g 1n llinsh ;i \.\··s 1.:<.1rn- paig n un (·n11n1y l11111· 1.::in1c at the h;df1\':ty p\)in! in :in :1udit urdt'l'l'il h ,1 1ht• l'••Unl ~ l{c1 :1rrt of Su pl' I'\ 1c..ors. Su t'ar. rt'l1abl1·sour(·•·ssaid , !he :iuditnrs h :e\'l' :U'('OUfll (•d for· the lnss bv I r:i(·ing Lt·s ll n1onv 1 tu·o u g h (;r:1n<-t .Jur.v transcripts !h:1l ll'fi hi lh1· 111dil'l n11·n1 madt• !;1.sl ~·1 ·;1r 111' 11 l n~· :1 SSI 'SSot" s ofr1 (_'(_'''Ill ploy ('S 'l'hl: 111111· nit·n . ~ii ! 0 1' th1·n1 ~ -l!1n..,h:i1v :11dt·s 1\l11•t1 !it· 11•;.1:-. INVESTOR INTEREST IN 1811'1 OBVIOUS AT NEW YORK STOCK El,(,CHl\NG!'- Heavy Tradin9.Alt•• Ant"rust·satt·v1ct0ry l:ali~e'!i't>i!fay ·' ., · '· · • --~----...,--~--. . UPI T e•~Pll<U<> l'utin1 .\ :1ss1·s,-.c11·. \\l'l'1• t'h:1rg l'd ·• -) ., •• ...,J~1 h -O·ltt·1 l~f>ltJ•.chun t.s of , i.;r,f'nti 1h1·l'l . v()!l ~,pir,1 ( ~ .n H[ Lil sify111)! !'l't'ords :11HI \1<\l;1l1P11 111' ;.'.1>\t•r11 11ll'l11 ('!lil t •-, Pain Killing Properties Of Pot Cited . T . T __ .._ _!;ihi>rll.~;t,l'it;.i' th.ep: 1nd1 i..:t11~1..·~1t ., I':; '-J l' 1f1e-l~ocrt (i~ tt1"l'r-r~~rr . .., ,,,.~i;\ti'• 1· Market_ Headin~ In Early Trading \\'ASH I NGTON (UPT ~ -A llrug e x pert testified today that 1n;1r1juana h ;,1s s u c h a "idl's prl•;Jd rnt·diC'al potential il should b(' ;1,·:nl;1blt• for doctors tv prescribe £or pat il'nls . · l 'ntold p:iin :ind s uffering t•ould be retievl'd if m arijuana \1crc available 1'0 1· rn('dical uses. -,;1id J)r Jo('I l"orl . :i f1·cqul'nt \\'tlnc:-.s al <-'ong1-l.'!"iSinnal dru g :ibuse lle:1rings \\'ho also has \\'f'iltl'n boo ks on drugs . opt'.'rated drug t•linJl'S J nd eond ucJ ed \\'Or ld\\'ldl• rt:'sCareh £or the Unit- t«I Nation-,_ l lis s ugge slion \V;is made ut :1 !)rug J·:nforccn1cnt i\drninistra* li on hl':1r1n g on feder:iJ legal con· t rols of 111 :1 rij tJ <J na NE\V Y(JRK (AUJ 'fhe stock market hea'ded upv.•ard again to - day in bri s k truding ;1ftcr an l'-.r ly p<iuse for profi t-taki ng _ Th e mi d -da y l)o1v .J o n es average of 30 industrials \\'as up 9.39 points to 704 .6. Gainers h aEl fi nall y caught u1> \\'ilh l osers ~ after trailing b y about a 3-l m argin earlier. It appeared som e ne\V buy·ing ca me into ' the market \Vhen an <'X pect ed r o und or prof'it -l;-ikin g a l the outset proved to bt:' mild. Some ir.vestors a lso evide ntly took it as a bullish sig:n tbat I.he marke t had nol reacted n1 ore negatively to t he ne\\'S that t.ht· govf'rnm ent·s index of le;,i d ini,! eco no mic indicators pos lc«I its fift h straight. m onthly drop 1n Dcccm h er. ltig 13o<lrd volume for the fir:.! l \o,·n huurs totaled 9.1 million !->hares active by ord ina ry standards but well bL•lo\v thP cx- traordin:1rily heavy pace of l\lon- day and 'l'uc:-:dar. L·pjoh n faltered 2 to :!t!1 , on the heels of :1 3.-.... poinl s li de ·rut·~d :.1 .v at.1.r ihut1.:tl to an :ulvcrse l'{'port. 111 :t mcdi<":d journal of son1c oral diabct1..·s drugs n1;1d (· by the• com - pany. L'pjohn t~d l<.·d Lh (• re port ··unfoundt'd ." ofJ!!\I pickcdup 2 tolR1·'1 afl er;i fG 71>l ga in 'l'uesd;11· in its firsl trading s ince a fed c r<il appeals c·o urt rul('d in fa ~ivor or th(' ('On1 - pany in an ~1nti1 rust cas e I a le l:is l \\.(.'l'k .,·urt ~;nd the rlrug·s rn cd ic;il \'alue ;1nd pn1enlial in treatin g gl:1uc·on1;1, aslhma. t·a ncer . even alt·ohol1 s n1 :ind dru).! ;lddi c:tion "\V\ft1ld l'vra1n!y ,1 ust1f:-..-its lt•g;d ;1\·;1d :1h il1 tv fnr rt·;,e;1 r ch :incl prc- ~l'rihln g " ·Clemente Panels 1\s k(·d JI' n1 11r 1,111a11 ;~ -,hould bt• rn :1dc >1 \';11l:1hlP for n1edil·a! use:-;. he rcp lll'd , "L think it is vital ~ind t'S$('nt i:1l 1h:11 a lrl'rn (':\dous a1nount of u nllCl'l-'SS<ir~· s ufft'ri11 g: Going Into Actio1i (Set~ PC)T USt-:. l'a~c 1\:!l Laguna R e placinp; Dist·asPd Trees Cit y pu blic works c r ews arc replacin.L! d1.sC'ascd s treet trees alon g: l"'a t ific Coa!'it llighway thro ugh !h t,_• du\vnlown business llistri('{ of Laguna !~ea ch . Public Works Director Stan Scho ll said !ht• f\owerinJ! pear 1l'C'C'S orit::inally planted s everal y (•ar s a g o \V l're no t hard y enough to withstand exposure to vehi cle exh'a usl5 and s alty b lasts fro m the ocean . The c ity is repl acin ~ the treC>s with more robust ll aper Bark (Meloleuca l.cucodcndr;1) trees. About 15 trees are involved . ,\s pecial study s ession of the San Clcrn e nte City t :Qunci l <.ind four subordinate p~1n C'l s h('gins .il 7 30 tonight at the munirtp:il gnll' coursl' ('I u b house. The city's l\_~rks and 111·tr c:_1 t ion Con1n1i ssion, l'lanning ('om· m ission, 'l'ral'fi(• ~1111! l':1rk1n g CO mn1is:-:io n and i\r1.:hite<·lur:1 l ltcvic\v ltoard "'ill n1l'l·L \.\'ilh llll' coun1.:il. 'fht' m eeting \\'iii be pre· ceded by d inner at (;:30 p.n1. Items nn the <.1gv ntla inl·ludt.: -lmµr ovc m c n t of con1 munications between s<.:hool dis · tri<.:t and cit.v officials rcga l'd111 g f>o pulation .growth . prov iding schools. lax litnitatio ns and l'l..'· l ated m atters. -Street access lo new Junior hi gh school in Sho1·eclirfs. -Con s ideration of the citi7.ens parking commillce repor t and amendment of zoning l a\.\•S rc - g<1rding changes in use for build - in ~s n o ! conf;irming l o parkinf! spacC' t'l'q 11 1 rt·n1t·nls. ('nn,-;1 d t•r:1!111n n f :1 "S;lfo•ty OV('rl;iy d1 ~tr 1i.·t '' dt.s i g n ,1ti~111 uf ;n·l•;is 11'h 1ch :1r t' l'n•·ironn1cnt:.1ll.\' 1 •11d<1n ~vr1 ·1 l 1nt>ludin;.: canyons, ))luffs, fl ood pl:nns and :>IC('Jl hi\ls idl'S. l)p('ll s p:•l't' and g r ;-1d1ng [:l\.\'S . 1\ I ;i I' )-:1'1' !:t('ilt!y General c·o unty lib rar ~ Res igns .I F, It lj !-i 1\ J, f·: l\I ( t; 1) l ) He s e!'Vl' i\.l a.1 c;L'll . 1\h aron l ·a r i\'. l.s rat"l's thi{·f nego li<i l Of' ,,.,·ith Egypt follo\\•ing the ()t'tobl'1· 1973 \Var , today aunounced his rc- s i g n a t io n a s infor n1~1t io n rr1 iniste r in protes t and fruslr;1- I ion ovC'r I.h e operatio n of lhC' gov- l'rnml'lll. Plants Talking? elcclr1cal voltage changes in arrccted b y c n vironmc nt:i\ leaves that p lants perceived the influe nces s uc h as gravily , li ght "de:ith of brint: sh(imp in a nother .andlemperaturc . room. But "'·hcth er t.h~re 1s som(· sr1r1 Ba ck.S t e r r~pli ed t.hal. the o£·co.mmun.ications link \o.-·hic h a.tie mptS lo r~peat his res ults are \\'Ould' m ake pl an IA> aw:1re of non· inconclus1vc be c1use.U\e \\'Ork a t e nvirqpme nlctl c ha nge~ is <i <fi f. Cor nelf U.fi·ivtt,A·l't y a nd the rerenf'mattcr. Scie nce U nlimited lleseal'ch "What wC'r c d ealing \Vith is a F'o11nd ;.1tion , San Antonio, T ex .. set of dil ta which pur1xu'l lo sho\v d i d n ot foli o\\' th e ex;1ct lhat a Cerlflin s ituali on c:-<ists in la boratory t echnlgucs used tn the· n!ftµte. h Ga ls.ton suid. origin<.1 1 C'xperimpnts. Baclist~r / • · ' said h e has not uLternpttd to ThCn turni n g to flack~tL'r repeat tlie v.1ork. sitting next to hinl, he s:1id : ·· /\nd . / y ~'U a i:e wjthho ldin A f i nal ,Al a nu\.\·s contc r e oc;e, pr. judgmf!:nl o n w h e the r this is Arthur \V . G alst.pji;J professor, of ct>ftcct pr not ? biolog~ ul y·..,1e Ubiver5'1ty,68i<l 1 ''/\bsolu lt~l r.·· R ac k 5ter it is kno\vn th.at •p\ants Kave rtp\icd . el ectrica l act.avily wb.leh-l:r l 4..Why. Gal,5Wn w as asked1 was ,I f I l ' 1 r ' the subject. broug:hl hC'for ('!'Ut h •• presti g iou s f(,run1 in th(' firs1 plat·1"? ··\Vt> havC' ;·1 g ap bC'l\\'C'l.'11 \\·h:11 s-l'it•ntists bPli cve :111d \vha\. tlH· la:-1 public be li t'VC'S. ··ht• s;:1id. As ked if the re is o.iny l1:irn1 in helie\·ing !ha t t alking to plants does any good , ht.' rf'pli ed : "It prohahly does s omP good to the pe(lplc \\-'ho ta lk to thf· pl:i nts. I tlunk they're reelini:: lonf'ly . "l~cl 's f ace it. if yo11 li\'l' 1n Ne\v ''ork Cit y in :1 1•11nc·rctt· jun gle and .vnui' la ndlad~· does n 't let vo11 h:ivc• p ets in ih(' hr1t1Sl' ;1111! vo1; h:1v1' H philOdl'ndron O\'l'l' in :. ('orncr. i1 "·nulcl bC' C'on1forting lo \'OU tn k nO\\' lh<•t llH't'I' \\'a S anc;thcr s entient tlung, 111 that apart.m rnl," ' I . <"nunty ;111dil 0 r. \'1c I ll'!ltl .t'.1 il l' lcrn11n1.' !hl' i·;..~1 ('! ;1n1n11r1\, it :111.v. t ill' ('Ot1n!,1r 1!1 .... t thrntl )~h thE • ;1! lc·ged <.· :1 n1 p:11 gn :1t·11 \"1111 ·s l le irn 1s t':\Pt't'l l·d !ti 111;1 1\1' h1~ 1'111al l'<'(ltH'I lal(' next n1011th. ·rhe :-;ou rt·l'S s:nd Lhl' lol;d los.., i~ f'xpect('tl to rC'<i<"h t h(• $10,000 n1~1rk prl1d itt1·d h ~· ,1\:-.s i:-.t:inl l)1:-;· 1r1 c1 ,\1101·111·:-!\lich:11·I C;qii'l1.1 al the tl1nl' lh l' indi ctrnl'llts \\('J't' re · turned . At 1/Ll' tillll ' l!H'.\ nrdi•r(•tl l~lf' :10Jit , till' (·01 1nl_\ -.11pt·r·\ 1:-.n1·..- ~:1id thP ('O!HH_\' -,11nu ld {'t>ll1 ·c·t \1·h:111·1·c r fund:-: rn1 ;.:ht h:1\'1• h1·1·11 hist 1'1·01n lhl· /}j~11d1ng 1 ·~)tnpa1 1 .\ •h:Jt bond1.:d 11111..,11:111· 1\hl'n h" \\':1:; <1 co11111 .1 l'lll plu,\l'. l 101\'t·vcr. l ht• L>oard \\ 111 11 0 1 1n a kc :J d l..'l'i.1 1011 n n t h 1..• la·-,t n1 t:Lh ucl 11f cu\ll'ct1ng the :il l l·~t~rt l<i:-:t funds until it l'L'l'l'IV('~ l ll·in1 ·~ fn1al reporl. Tennis Pros Withdraw lrvi11e Offer 1\n angr) fl'IH'l'Sl'lll ~d 1 \-(_' of the Fln,v F:n11 •r-,11n ;ind Bod l,;Jver 11·nn1 s r1rn1 st1Jod b1·for c the lr\'111v Ci tv (.'()\JJ\('il ·ru1·:-:clay l'.'ilh ;1 <'ll'flt'hl·d .l:t\\' a n d 111tl1dr1•1\' l h1· l1rn1·-, o ffer lH lnu ld :1 l~nn1s 1(11'111 1,\ lrl (l('ll,\ p~11 h 1;.1ry 1):1!1.ell. ;1 fnl'n1t'r' ell~· p \:1 n n1n ~ l'nrn1n 1s!'>io n-(·r now l't'lll'\'S('l\I tni..: lh•· 1n t1·rnat1ona l ll'nn1s t·h;1n1pinn-,. l'l•tr;1('lL'd the o ffer ;1ft f'r th(' counr·d dPcidcd to .sol if' it hids fron1 eon1p(·t 1! or..;_ I lalzcll g ripped ~1 1·011 uf plans \\ h1 C'h he never hud a chance Lo d1:-pla.\ :1 ,.. ht• prntcslccl the ;u· \_]( 111 '\'lit• t1 r n1. ht· s;111I . pres l'nled :1 "Pt:'l·i fi1 · pr11p•Js;1I i,11 t hf· rcq ue::.t ul' Lhi• t'Olnll1lllli1\' Sl'l'\'IC-es COil\• nlis:-1Hn ·rhe pl:jn 1.h•t;iil s a 2 2· :1l'l'l' L11_·i!it.v with Leaching l<-1nc::;. pre> s hnp, locker rootns. snack har. lt·nnis courls a nti o ther :tll\l'11ilh'S 'rill ' prc1poscd fat·ility, he s aid . no\\' h;i s bet·n 1nc·lu<led in e ily plans fo r lhC' Irvi ne lligh School ('1Jn1n1u nil y T1 ark ·rhl' pr!lposcfi l'at·il1 . , cen in - c·lii <lcd in city µI ans for t he Irvine 1 li;.:h S(•hool Co n1mu ni1 ~-1~ark . J):.11 7.c'lt eon1 p:u·cd cil ,v r equests fnr sin1il;1r proposals \\'1t h asking ror hid::; to c·onstruct a facility his t~cc Tl~NNIS, Page 1\2) Cle n1enle i n Suit Qyer Sea R escue L1nn1:i g e s tota li n g $100,•)00 \\'crt~ dcn1andl'c\ ·rut•s<lay by thL• n1othl'f of :1 'l'ol'r:111 tl' hov \\ lH> lost part of a finger Jul ~· 21. \vhi lP San c·1rnll'l1\(' lift•gu:irds \\e l't' h ;1uling hin1 t'ron1 thf' n1·1·an . Mrs . 1':\l c n L ·c:raha n1. 1nothc·1· of Kenneth .J:1n1f'~ c;rahanl. 1:1. na111es t.he {'it~ .1-, lh·f<:ndant 111 h er Clrnn !-!t' (',,Hrll y Supcri1)f L'(>urt. l aw ~uit :'hi• st:1tf'.., ;1 ~harp boat hook usc·d hy \ht· ltfl'gual'ds sliced off n portion of l he boy's 1'1ngl'r . I ' " tl,2 0All. Y PILOT L /SC 7wo Taxi CQncerns ·seek OK ' Two t ax i fir1ns are seeking a fran c h ise 1n San J uan Capistra no. Courtes y C<:ib Company and Capis trano Cab Co mpa ny re· que ~ted prelinli nary a pproval fron1 th e c ity's ·rrafri c a nd Tra nsportation Com mit tee Tues day. Thl· (·om n11ttct• a).!rt.·cd to sup· porl the 1rl e a of taxi:::. 1n San .Ju:.in und ''Ill pcr111it p;,untcd curbs urid <.i sn1all rais l'tl s i ~n :11 ~·urh~Jcl l'. !Jut ''ill ri ot allo\\ bl· ill' h l's "r sl r t.'t.'l phone.:.. It al.:.o denied approval or Capistrano Co.tb Com1>any's re· c1ucs t for a slancl out!-.idc the Old !lol is~ion t•nl ra nc·t.•. t'a pi strano C<1b Con1p:.i ny is O"'ned by Lyle :i nd Jtobe r l Decker . Courtesy is represented by 1\rthur !·'lores '''hOSl' ('On1p:iny l"l'\'l'll tl\' 11bt;,1incd a c-:1h t.·urnµi.l ny 111 San Cle m ente . .: City councilmen arc expected to :.itt on the· frnnchi:;e rcqul'st ;,1l tti t'tr 1'"cb. 5 meeting. From Page Al POT USE. • • has the polential for bei ng r e- lieve d by the availabili ty of this substance and we shoul<J do ever · ything possi bl e lo make it legally available.'· F o rt testified th<.1 t social .stig m a has deterred research on the m edi c.al uses of marij ua na in this-country. Bui he said the drug h as been used medically s ince 5000 B.C .. Governm e nt :.1ttorney Robert Rosthal acknowledged Fort's e x- pertise, but conte nded his testimony \Vas irrelevant and was nflt <in issue at the hearing. ·rhe D EA, the government's narcot iC's aGcncy, has been as ked ' WHALE SPEAKER Philip Grignon Whale Talk ·Slated Tonight By Principal, A semina r on the southward migration of the California Gray Whale will be held al 7 o'clock tonight at the Dana Point Marine Studies Institute, 24705 Dana Drive. Feature d s p eaker will b e Philip Grignon, Ca lifornia Gray Whale expert, conservationist and acting principal of Dana llills High School. ' T he seminar, part of a series or lectures on oceanography, is be· ing held in conjunction with the start of the Festival of Whales Saturday. The public is iavited. For J1cvenfles Younger Urges ' Adult Trials SACRAM EN TO fA P l Al l y. Gen . Evl•ll e Youn ge•' :-.;1ys Judgt.·:i. s hould be able tu dl•t•idc to try j uv eniles .as <iclulls ;.is part of "'long ove rdue '' 1uv~n1le JUStict: r eforms "Onct: the cou .. l determine:-. that the juvenilt.• has commitlt·d a !'erious crime. I s urt· "·ant hilr1 t rit·d as :in :.Jd ult,'' ','oungt·r told ;.i Cap1tul nt.·"'~ ..:onrcrcn<:e 'J'u1 ·., d;.~y . "{oungcr ~:..iid the <.1dull lri;d recomm endatio n is ronlained in. h is t a s k force report t o t he legislature on the juvenile j ustice system. Under Younger 's r ecom mcn· d a tlo n , th e l a\lo' wou ld be ~mendcd1 to a llow the cou1·t to de· termlne whe ther to detain t he j uv en il e and t ransfer hi m lo Superi or Court for t rial :.is :i n adult. Distric t altorncys now make that decision. YoungCr a lso r(•t·o mmended an extension or the j uvenile dclcn· lion period from 2·1 hours to five days. He said tha t would give of· fi cials tim e to gathei evidence :.ind contact witnesses. Jle said it '''ould also av0id :1 repeat of the cont roversial re· lease of juve niles arrested in Los Angeles in :1n investigalion of drug pushing at schools. Because of the juvenile deten· lion la w. t he a rrested youths had to be r eleased a ft er :.i 24 -hour p e rio d b eca u se suff icient evi dence wa~n ·t presented at a <l<:tenl ion hearing . ()thl•r tas k rorce retomn1end:.i- 1iun:-; wCJuld -Strc·ngthe n 1 he authority of thl' Juvenile Court lo enforce its own informal prob;.itlon order by ;.illowing the cour t tv deal \.\'ith 'ioln1i ons of the µrt:•b<1l1on . Give Juvenile (."nurt po,11cr to t>l'd('1' t he paren t or ~u<.1rdian into ,1 c·vunschng progro.1n1 wilh the 111 in or a nli to en rorec the orde r . -·Req uire the d istrict attoroey to ta ke part in fa(·t-finding and dispositional hearings'in all con· tested cases a ll eging violations of crimina l law by a juvenile. From Page Al JUVENILES cr owding al juvenile hall would be lo confine ha r<l eore offende rs either to CY A fa cil ities or othe rs more s uita ble than the hall. Tho1nas iS.knOwTI"tO hav·e·thC support or a l least thre~ members of the board of s upe rvisor s. enough to a pprove Miss Gr ier ·s jail recommend;i tion. Aide Denies Using Post For Nixon Profits Up On Steel . PIT TSB URGH (UPI) 'Wheell~s·PllUburgb Steel COrp. reported today that pro- fits soar ed 3,000 percent in the las t t hree months of 197•1. ··w e jus t had a good quarter ," said Da le J1ilz, senior vice president for fin;,ince fo r the nation's ninth largest steel company. Wh ee Ii n g · Pitts burgh_'s earnings leaped to $24 .25 million, or $6.42 wt s hare, from $1.49 million, or 20 cents a stia re. r or the year its profits rose to $73.41 million, or $19,tJ P<'t sh;..i rc. from $9.37 million. or $1.75 per sh are. Five Sewage Agencies OK New Budget ;\ne w budget of $709.117 wa s unanimously apPtoved ·rucsd:1y by fi ve sew.age tre atme nt agen· c ies who hope to jointly bu ild an ocean o utfall off Dana Point. 'l'h e S outh Eas t Regio nal R ec l a mation Auth o r i t y (S ERRAJ, whose original budget was $120,000, took the action in a n attempt lo put a ceiling on expen- ditures for getting the project a p- proved and obtaining gra nt funds lo help pa y for it. Those approvi ng the budget \\'Cr e Capi stra no Beach a nli. Oa na Poi nt Sanita ry l>i slricts, ;\1ou lto n -N ig u cl a n d Sant:i l\·la r~arit a \Va ler Districts and the city of San Juan Ca pis trano. • Lqwyers Hired . By Avco · Avco, developer o r L~gun a Niguel, h as hirt.'<l the law ftrm of a 1)0\.\o'~rfu l st~1ll' legis lator "'ho personally ha.s 01et in private meetings wilh st ;.1rf m e 1nbers or the St.-te Coabla l Conservation Commission ::seeking c ha nges in commis sion ·ordC'red conditions of devl•lopn 1t.·nt on ~111 oceanside lracl. fi uyn1ond ,\. l'l'IO!'OO. Avco·s l~aguna N1~11el i..:1.:nt>1·al n1an<.1gc r , s aid 'l'ut::-;d~1 y tho f1 r n1 of As- ~~n1bly1na11 John 1'. Knox (lJ· !l1ehn1ond ) \Vas hiret.J llCC:J USe o ( the lcgis\;1to r 's inti mate knowledge of envi roni;n enta l law. Knox 1~ chiiirm<.1 n of the as· scmbly loc•d go vernment coin· m ittee. lie and Jleloso met J a n . ~ in th e office of J ose1l h !'.:. l ~)liovit :t,, PXt'l'u\1\·c director or thC' s\<1lt· t·o.1st~1l t.·01nn1ission. lo discuss re.-;tr1t.'ltons imposed by lhe cominis!'iun on rll'vclnp menl t•f tract 7885, ~l t·o ntrovcrsi:J l pro- JCt'l . l't'IOSO s:.1id lhl' dt.·Vt·lopcd W~•::> s('Ckini; .. c l;.1 ri rication " in t he t c - {pnrc mcnts laid on the lr<ict. lie said the comn1ission had im - posed unworkabl e co nditions. "\\le \.\'ere seeking lo modify it to n1:.i ke it \.\"Orkahl c fur ever· y bod) ... Peluso :-;;ud. lie said the comnl 1ssion ;..ippi·oval h:.i d re - quir <'d the company to wo rk with age nl'ies ··totally tiul of our rC'ac h. · · l'elostJ a lso dented tha t · the company ,,·as phinni ng on im - 1mmedi atf' :.;..ilc of the property to another p<lrt y. "'l \\'ISh I knew the buyer. f'd like to find hin1 ," Peloso s a id in The budget docs not become I final until the board of ea ch Ill· jest. "Anything's for sa e .•. Residential Area but Y.'C' arc not <•ctively seeking a WA S HINGTON (UPI> d ividua l agency formally ap-buyer fo rthe p1·operty nordo wc T L P ·d F d ' proves it. James . ynn, res1 e nt or s h..iveonc ," hl'i>:tid. Gl St eet n~minee for budget director: de-·rhe hudj?"et includes e ngineer· "(>ur inte ntions ar c to seek or· enneyre r n1 ed before a Ser:iate com.~1ttee ing. le gal . accounting and dcrly d cv~lopn1cnlof !he propcr-1.~ay that he misused ~1.s pre· secretarial fees for the comple· ty." he .said . . ?:~ ..... >.i Jo reclll ~if~.IT'arijuana \Vhi£b.i(.. ..... .t rr:' , • 1"1 ·.-:rum~ iGg~ ...... w~l'h ,uctr ·dNet~_.,. f-, • .. ~ · , v1ous governme nt i:io~1t 1 on to tinn of several t1-1sks . 1·hese <ire The p roperl y 1 n,-_otve ~ .was .,,.~,. •• . . "~-· , . _boo,\it.tbfJ 9J2 1·c-.~lcc l1on cifor~or. ... A :-;,..~"·•· . -''. lion ~ ....... 1 .---1.1 '-'.rv-,z.a>fl -t-··~ ... -·#--"li-·~·.t~'-'·i. ~.'··~·~"-(I:"~_.,. "a'Vo· r·,,. ... ·.~·,·~ .. 1.: ....... :td e.nt·~l'!'C ,. r ··.·";}·~·.·_.,,·Ci1~~.;:·"·>-•!r·,..~1,~.~ ...... c. ..... -··· r ··1 .-,,,. i·•,·r ·"·~: t . as he r oin a nd LS D in a category i U of dru·gs \\'ith hig°h abuSc pote n-e r , ics .. 0 1 . . ('fforts to obtain ,.,rant::; fro m thl' it s in ~t n( t) ;1t:1 ic ..... o.1s .-....-. I~ynn. -17. is .sc(·r('l;iry of the Environme ntal ii;.otcction Agen-ll l g h\\"a~· lll':1r l.'l'O\\"rl Valley tial and no medical value . ... ~(;~ 'l:.r~l WliS ,Ule . .$""•--:j, ~}w!lo""' ca lle d by the Na lional Ofganii a7 tion fo r the Reform of Marijuana La ws, y.·hi ch. a lo ng with the American Public Health Associa· l ion . h as c h a ll e n ged th e f lassifi cation. ,.1 Fort s<.i id the m ost positive l • m edical vah.~c of m a rijua na ap· pears to be tn the treatment or glaucom a. an eye disorder a f. feeling more than a million Americans which could lead to blindness. For asthma, he said, it does not have the side effects of some drugs. With son1 e cancer patients, he ·added , it has been useful in re· ducing vomiting and the need for pain control narcotics. lJe said it also ca n be used in the treat· ment of moderate de pression or helping s ome people gain weig ht. . Purse Stolen At Market A thief, who \\·:.iited unti l a "'·oman s hopper's attention was d istrnctcd. grabbetl he r pur:;c a nd the SSO ii contained in a S<:1n J uan Capistrano market , Orange County sheriff's officers report ed toduv . De°pu l.ies said Mrs. Ida An n Love I I. 70. of 270 12"13" Capote de Pasco. S<1n .Juan C~1p1slrano, \Vas robbed S~oday in ;.i market while she \.\':.I S checking lht: '·ondilion of avocados ""·ith ti store emplnyc. 'J"he pui·se a bsn contained her credit cards, drtver·s liccn::.e and <it her personal valuable s, of· ficcrs said . ORANGE COAST· DAILY PILOT 1"'0<-(INl\I 0111, Pllol.vrit.,.....,(hht- l>ll•Pd !he ....... \.P,t\t." puhh""'4 b'f' l ... 0r ... Ql9 (.oil)! Piib111.r11nq C.OmP•"• !><!Pd' l!t l'Ool'-f<f pibl""e<I ...... ...,., ltH-h F••.S.• 1o<· Cr.~ 1"""W, ~ .. po<'I llfjt(.h. Hunlll'IQ\on 8t1Chlfo..,._ t•ln v111ey, l•w•n~. ~ddl•tl.K' \l•llt• . .tNI U OJUM S.ll<h ~Ulh (01'1 A ~'~ •~I ..clllio'I ii p,obll1-!.lh .. ddTI MCI Sound•T~ JM prtMl"'91 pul>ll~hlnQ pl•nl •I •t JOO l\ltil ~y SlrMI, COIUI Mell. Ct lllo"•lt ~lit, Robert N. Weed Pfu 1dtn! •nd P\lbl•>l'ie• Jac.k R. Curley \/•~• ""•!cJenl •"" Gtne<•l llM~ . Thomas Kcevil [dl!IH' Thomas A. Murphine M.o nt 11•nQ E"'t<"' Cha rles H. LOOS Richard P. Nall AUh!tnl IN"tQ<ntEdlt0<• Uguna Beach OHice , ... ~'"5Jt•ttl 1Nli1119AOCIA\\. P.O.fkl•W.n.51 OtMr Offices Cb\I• W W UO Wtlt Bt• ~!•.,.t """"'*' h f<'h " Jlllfft w-1 __ ,, t¥d ... 9"18t••h lltll llfll;h llDult•ftd Si<IOltMC'lltlltT UIOI UPtt~ ., !>Ill 0••11<> f ·-·· Telephone (714) 642-4121 Clas•lfled Advertising M2·S678 La°guna Beiich All Departments: Ttleohone 494·9466 ~ ro.., !.In<•~.....,·~!• 49S·06JO (01,.ru;ihl. 1t1~ O•·~~ Cat 1t ''vD"1hl~Q 1 (fmP>t"V '°O"'"'''I'>'"'' ol!V\!•••""''·""IOI••' mt!1tr ~r 1d•••l<um~nh ~··~·n ,.,.~, l>t ••t•l>O"'"• ••!~ow! •l>t• ••• "''"'""0" ol (OOVt!llf'll Ow .... , !H-C&/1.11 !'411 flG"-Pf•~ •I to"• M•••. t•l!l•fl!t S111>•c •;p1fonl>t'c•"~1 '-I OCl "•ontt•I•; • bf ""'' "'·oo-•~1,. rr11111 .. ,ci.,1.,...1.-u.ot . .._.,.., 1. ~ Jltl.~~Q,I!,~ ct( p.t<l.PQ.'ial.s. lQ \ll'e·. serve the residential flavor o( G l e nn ey re Stree t so uth of Callio pe Street "·.is approved Monday night by the Laguna Be ac h Pla nning Commission. If a do pted by the Lag una Beach Cit y Council Feb. 19, the proposals would: -Limit Glenneyre between Calliope a nd Alla Vista Way to two lanes thus killing previous plans to wide n it lo fo ur la nes. -Require that owne rs of pro· perty fronting on Glenneyre pro- vide "parking bays" if they un· derta ke new construction or re· development on the ir la nd. This requir~ment would be waived if topography or large trees pre· vented the construction or the parking turnout<;. -Require fronting property owners to construct or post cash bonds for construction of a mean· derin g w a lkway along Glen- neyre. -Require that all stree t im · prove m e nls proposed for t he south e nd of Glcnneyre be re· viewed and approved by the city Design Review Board . A basic street s ection con·. structed under the proposed p\;_in would incl ude two IO·foot traffic lrines and two eight-foot parking: bays. a s s p<.1ce a llowed, with l a ndscaping on both s ides o r the slret·t .:i nd a \\:alkway on one side only, Comm i ss i o n er .J oh n Froon PageAI TENNIS ... firm had designed. B ut council mem ber s wer e concerned a bout setting a prece· d ent for a ll o"•ing commerciat recreation firms to us e c ity p a rk land. Ten acres in the high school park ha ve bC'cn :o-;ct aside for com· mercial r ccrealion , wi th three acr e s specified for a t e nnis facility. "The sole objective of this is lo open up the syste m with respect to commercial recreation in the parks,'' e xplained Councilman Art Anthony who pressed £or seeking other proposals. Both Counc ilme n Jfc nry Quig ley and John Burton protest· ed the action, n1ainlaining it was une thic;il. But after requirements for the proposals were modified to ask onl y fo r d esigns for a three·nc re tennis (;_i cilily. the counc il a p· p roved it unanimously . Dalzell told the counc il that on· ce th e c ity d e termin e s the l"Iilcria for Streh a facility his firm could be put back on the bid· der 's li st, but until then, the s pe c ific propo s al was withdrawn . Th e L a v c r ·Em c rso n ;~~P~~~w!I ~~:::~::ci1~1e ~~~;cci~ lio n poli cy for city parks. The bro adly "''ordc d policy says t;uch commercial fa cilities ::ire desirable as a mc:ins to pro- vide rec reation opportunities which 01 ight not otherwise be available to residents. Ocpa rt1ncnt of Il ou:-.1ng a nd cy and Slate Water Jtesources J>ark \.\·a y. Urban Dcverbpmcnt and "''a s an Board, co mpletion of an a ppeal C.lnc itt•n1 of ~1pprov:.i l w;ls the ,Mc00Y1ell, who cas,t the oi::ily vote u.n~l-~g·~.,~.Er_e tai:y ~r .Co ... ~ m ercc,.~,~i'"' 1 ~ \~ c ""'o;.1"'.1. "'f.Onf.j'"'?.deQiCf!!,iop. ~f, : 1 1 • .14:~!;!"~.t1if'ks 1te,. ) ag&fnst. the Proposals; s<11a .. r • .: •. ..,1 1n1 Rd"\. -... ~~· cwnr1~':'·~-. ...... e'l>nsl!r'l1);aon ··ccrmm.~-sron . ana . '-t .... ..,..,_ ..... frl'a 1 nt .''"""~'. it "':'"j ~..t . .. •.. wa lkway concept was impr ac· has been no1n 1n<:1 lcd by r ord lo J>reparation ofseveralreports r c -honlt.'o\\·ner!' J.(roups of a t11acenl Lical. lie said that in some areas re place Roy 1\sh. quired by slate agencies. arc:.is. n r by the ('ounty. It nlsn the re would not be enough room 1"he Senat e Gove rnm e nt c-s!abli s hed an erosio n control ro r both. t he s treet a nd a Opc r~1 tion s Committ('e is expect-The San Diego Regional Wate r tin1e t:1ble rC'quiring planting of y,•alkway. c<l toapprovc thcnomination. Quality Control Board has or-exposed surfact.·s 1n the :.irea by Mc Oo,ve ll . ho.,.,·evcr. said the But the opening day n( l~y nn 's dered S ERRA to discontinue use Oclober la ~t ''l':1r . fi n a l pro p osals, d e v e l op e d e:on t1r nYa t1 on hearing "''as pe p· of its old pipe into the ocean by 1'ht.• co ~1 S t :.i l commission - throug h. s tudy sessio ns and pered with references to hi s a~-J an. l, 1976. esl;lblished hy l hC' l!l7 2 Coastal public hearings over the past ·tivities during the Nixon years in Consc rv at 11111 1\t'L initiative, has seve ral m onths. r epresented "a a n effort to clear the record If the project is finally com· pern1t t jurJsdirlzon over develop · good prog r essive development of i>e toi-e ·he moves to a nother gov· pleted, the total cost is e xpected ment \1rithin l .000 yards of the ideas." ernmenljob. to exceed $11 million. n1e<ln hi gh tide lino '. The co mmission undertook the __:::_::::...::.:.::..::..:_ _________ '.'.'.::::::::::::~~.'..::'..'.'.'.'.'.'.: _______ c.'..'.C"."-.'.:'-O.::..:.'".'c".c":.:. _____ _ study or Glennoyre as part of a program to co1llorm wi th lhe a dopted General Plan. . A portion of the plan states that s treets in existing reside ntia l neighborhoods not be widened . Irvine Pup Stops Theft At School There isn't very much of C:..in· dy. She's one year old. rur(' Cock<lpn<l :ind .sh1 ·'d ht• Juc·ky In li p the sci.il Cs at ll) pounds :.o<.1k · ing wet. But her proud O\lo1ne rs claim shc> h;..i s one of the bl'.Sl h;1rks in the watchdo)'.! hus inl·~~ and she proved il wh(•n s he drn\·e ''''0 ir1 · trudc rs fron1 the 1~1 'J"oro /l.1:1r1nr> Sehool al l ·1736 S:1nd (";111 ,vn n 1\ Vf'. 1 n Irvine, O r~u1~t.· Cn~1nty Shl·r1 ff· s offi cc r s re ported t0d:1y. The two men \•:hn :ire bei ni:: sought by deputies "''ere <'arrying ofr a television set taken after they smashed the. '~·indow at the locked school when Ca ndy sped to the scene from the nearby home of J\Jarine Jl a r rison J-'r anklin llall B o th mt•n d r opped t h e television set. headed fo r the chain link rence .and scaled while Candy watched their ~yn1 nasti c effor ts carefully . "She·s <ill bark," Mrs. llall proudly con1mented today. "But she's :.i swee t little girl.'.' "She's all heart," a deputy s heriff com1nented . "Wi sh we had a hund,red like h e r .'' • From Page A I REZONE ... Following lhC' par ade lo lhc podium, Commissioner Clayton Claxton said he could not support a zone cha nge that did not have the backing of owner s or two or the affected lots. C ommi ssi on e r J ac k McDowe ll. who voted against the request with Claxton, wa rne d tha t appro val of the zone change might plunge the c ity into a laws uit. Mc Dowe ll also claimed the <.'ily was sho rt on industrially 1.oned land. Their ohjcctions were ovcrrid · den by othe r commiss ioners who said the rezoning would he m ore ln k eeping wi l h the existing quality of the area . Wiicc Sr3g warm·up suit. Champion sryling for che bc:-it h, ro:t(I. cnurrs. Z ip-up 1..l1.:ra il 0n j:ic kcr, 1l<)(kc:c :ind ank1L"s. fn a n1~1ch1 nc: ,~·ash :ic.rylic and pnlyc~rcr. Po~vdc·r ld uc. ,t.:rc·t..·n ur r1.1vr. S, 1\•f. L S."{ 1· ·1.0 wn & Travel SportS\\•ea r SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA • , . ' ,. ·;·. .. Shop ~unday, South Coast Plaza, 12:00 noon to 5 p.111. SANTA ANA, 547·7Zll • SOUTH COAST PLAZA, 556·0611 • l I ' I l I i1 I I I l I i j I' 1/ l Ke111ote Mo11e~1 f\n1c:11 can St<.1tc llank 1n Nt'\\µ01LClnlL1 h <ts installed .1 llur1 oughs ,1utomat1c tclle1 unit \vh1 ch dispenses up to $200 to '[1casu1e Is land Club ' membc1s l,ash /cr elJ1t ta 1ds dli(JW bank tuston1c1s t<) make \\llhdra\v,1l!':i ~1n't t1n1eofthecl.1\ 0 1 night J\1<.1gnct1cal l\ c:ocl cd c a1 d <1cts ,1s passkC\ to C':..ish 1n~1dt R.tnk 1s Jnc<.1tt1..I at 500NC\\portCentt1 1)11\e NC\\po1t E~e~ith Car Inventories Begin to Shrink lll:':l HOii' !\111.:h !L l'I J ,~ ..LJ ~ro,aJt C~I'" ~~lUftl;tfU''1'"''"' Jrr rnprn'' \11th c 1-.h IL'bill pl ,111 " -. .. 1111 •l! lln I •7 000 l s 1t1\u ll lllk tt 'i f\1111 on Oplr! •lldLdl.1111(f S (Ollldt.1< h1tknn lilt J11 h Ii\ -.p 11n_ 111du ... 1r1 ,il\',\l\tl\~y ( ~~ .... ... \!1d I uiu 111 :-.:i'll " t•f sni';.nr 11 -. .11tount1d !or '1\h State Bail.ks D r o p Rates 11) .... \'.\(,1,1 I s I \!'1 "'L'1n11\ 1 1c1f11 '.'\ 111on;.il lh.111\.i tJHI 4 t 1( \.;ll I\ 111k ha\t 1 ut 1ti111 p11 n1< l1..nd1n)..!r 1tcl11 11 p1t f'LT1! fron1 'I "• p~tllnl •ffL(!l\t[oidt \ Sl(llll!\ i' 1t1IH ol I O S \ng t IL-. 111d ( 11n i,,, 1 11! San ! 1.nlll:-.i,:1 1 fo llu\\ld 11\L lt:<Jd •11 nlhtr ni 11111 h inks ,1r(1u11d t 11 t < ou 1111 \ 1 n 1 ht l ;.i st \\et\.: I IH.' Pl ll lll [ tit IS thl 111 lLit s tt h 11 g 1 d h\ < on11nt 1c:1 ti h,1nks tn lht 11 hq.:gc"l 111d 1no:-.tttldil\\Utlh\ l.JIHllJ\\i,:l!-1 Ill 11111 \ { I\! 111 I! 1 ( 10 111-. ptrtLnl of tlit' rn.11ktt ;.i ->---, IC\lt--.... i flll!ll 0 1.'(( mhtlr s f1 i;1\rl of ~3' pt: r { l.'llt Dl'lro1t s 1uton1oll\l {");('('Ull\t S !->,I\ 1hd\ 1f \hl' lllnd co 1lt 1 n11L ~ some uf the --~'-JI ~ plants Lb•' l~c C.Uff{'j"Cl""\hP JllOS\ d(,\Vr)\11lll could 1esun1e fail I\ nn11nu l prodtH t1on \\•\\(I' I 11 di) lH .1blc lo s l l thl full tmp<1ll o1 the 1tb.1\( p1 0~1.1n1sunttlthl.'1.:nd !Jf J,tnU dl\ \l,hlll \\L l.Ul S{C hn" (, M and ,\ :\1 C d rd on th( u sn1.11l c.11s o ne :.in il\s l s .ud \\ htlc n11d J .1nu.n v s.L)rs !lp 11 pC'1 C'Pnt fron1 c u ht r in then1011lll dtd l!!lll-'tOIO\lolt thP record l 7 1ndhon C<Jt 1n\e ntor\ there" 1s 1 sl1~ht drop 1n s n1.ill c,1r s tocks tht' <1n.d ysts su1d l\t Chr\Sh.'1 ll:IO d<ly suppl\ or c-omp.1' ! \ .11L.1nL<; .ind .i 160 d.1~ s upplv of <O mp<ict DCJ 1t s un l,111 10 befor e the No 3 r111t11 n1 1k1.:1 tug.in offc:r1ng r{h.1t\~" chopped to I lll d 1\s fut \ ,t11:.i nt ;ind 11 5 d.i\s fo1 l)<J rt l>v JJn 20 G ttct«l'\<e ,a r Pl&an • N o Retirement For Old Tires \.f \\ 'i ()Ht\ fLl i'l l lJld <iutu .ind lru<:k lire:-. onC'c u:-.cJul ch1t•f]\ I•> \O~Jngsters .is s\11 ngs ind hoops <1nd p1ett\ 1n u 1 h ,1 nu is int L 101 ;id11lts 11 ho h.1d to d1 c.posc of tht 1n \t(_ 111 r 111n g oul to bt son1c-th1ng <ir .1 lrl'.1:-;urc tro' c I ht :-;t rdp he op or tires of ~Ii kinds 1n the United .Stat.:::.; 1!1 0\1 :-. 11\ ,1hout ;!00 m1ll1on :.i) i.:,1r hcc:<1usC' mos t tires nc1 l r ·" e rC'l t c .1dcd and o nly .111 c r <i ft .1 nd \ l ry b1 g true-k .1 nd tr ;;c I (ll I II t'S .1r(' t et t e.ided OlOrf'' han onc-e 1\1,L f ill RU IJB I R (0111p.1111 es h,1\(' hcen tntcrcstcd 111 f1nd 1ng uses for 1Jld I 11 es rhe1 Ht e cul up .ind 1n.ldt into tiller fo r somt: kinds of ton , t (\(' BuncllC's of them .ll l c.-i bl ed togf'thi:r to make s ho< k 'tbsorbent c 1 1:-.h c-u sh1ons al :-.ulh h1 gh\1 .1 y h,1z.1rd points .1s hr 1dg< p1c1 s ,n1d frl< \\,1v inlet sections \lot uf effort 111 tltCnl )t'.11 s h.is gone 11110 pl.int1ng 11!1f1t.'.1<1 I f1-.t11ng 11.:cfs 1n s<dl \\aler <1.rc.1s m.1de of old tires. 1h.1t .lit..' JH.:1for.1ted to reduce their buoyancy and then "'ll{.:htcd so the\ will s ink to the bottom Crustaceans uJhe1c tu th e 1uhher <.ind lht y <l ltr.1ct s y.•arms or bottom lled 1ng fi s h b) pi V\ 1d1n~ food :..1ncl shelter from predators BI JT NOW, /\CCORDING to Goodyear T ire & Rubber ( 'n l \ < n mo1 c .1m b1!1ous plans for using up old tires arc be 1ng Lil\ (_'st1g.1lC"d The most a mbitious 1s a long range pro1ecl ofGoodyea1 <.1ndthcoil shalecompany 1o co tolueakt1rcs do\\ll l.'.hem1cally .ind ice-over the ir or1g1 n,tl pe troleum and n1et.1I content If ,1 pr occss proposed by 'rost o C<.1n be made to \1ork lhcorcttc<a\ly 1t should he possible lo build .1 plant cu p~blc of turning eight mil hon sc rap tires 1n .1 yc<.1 r back into I he cqu1 \ .1IC'nl of 15 million gallons of oil 73 m1 lllon pounds o l t .11 bon bl a t k a nd t" o m1lhon pounds Of stee l 'lhcs C' m.itc11.1 ls could be used tobu1Jd two m11l1on ntw I 1rt•s But bolh techn ically a nd commerc1ally, that s <.1 tall or dcr and Goodyear and Tosco still h ave t o evaluate its probn bl ecommerc1al feas1b1l1ty More prom1s1ng 1mmcd1alely 1s a process for burning old I ires as fuel to produce steam lo generate elect r1c1ty This 1s being done expertmentally by Goodyear U\ a pil ot plant in Jackson Mtch . where a furnace h ds ~en built to burn one rntlhon tires a year " OLD AUTO T IR ES PRO DUCE twlcf'e as many Br1t1sh Thermal Units of hent as average grade cOal w hen they urc Uurned but they .ire not easy to burn and tf burned 1n u crude rurnace they give off muc h smoke and an awful odor The n ew Goodyear furnace 1n Michigan 1s said to burn the tires with no s moke and no odor Jtnd lo leave only._. clinker us h r1 o n1wh ic h 1t rTil.l) be Poss1hlc to rt:CO\(!r some 1:11'< and lrol). Wednesd ay'11 Closing PriceH NEW Wedne5day Janu~ ~ t 97S DAIL'¥ PILOT ll R.;- YORK STOCK '"' "' '" pt •o:!ol l-(l>Q II'• ,,. ' " " >Oo>pollAj1 •• I I) •l>ft• \19 Ho~pO(.p 10 i 101 Ill•-l;o '' Ho>t lilll J4 i 6S ltll HOudll" llG;; ' ,. 9 + 'lo H0U9n M .Oi c'>l ...... "101,.Ftl Oltl 1 11• ~ +tOu>"F n< l 1i 211 16\• -\t Hww ui 1~• 11 JI , .. ~:~[g'?~: 8 ,.~ ~::· '• 11 •• j He>uNI(;\ 8'1 11 11~ lol""tl lo >l<1"1Gp1 2 • J M~1 .. l"4 t•llwdf dJ 20 ll 141<1 "•• .... t•ow•n! Cp 1 c'> •I I/;, ~' Hul>urd I 64 I 11 11•• " " " " • " " ' " ' " " " ' " ' " " " '° " ' ' ' ' " " u " . " " " " ' . ''" '° • 10'• ' '" • ' . " . oluOAl;,()oJ l t 16'11+ 'lo H Udyll &Ud J 2 \;\, t 11/) '1U~n.J>I• •0 \ \ l 'lo • 'lo "ugn.,,l '>0 18 •))8 Mot l'lo Hum.i1 ... 1nc1> )t O't- Hunl Cn Jt 11 .14 11 "" 1Jo Hu\1(>nl,, tt 8 \.8 q '>• 'h Huv<~Cp 40 II 7t 11 HfOfOMt 11 • I b ,. __ 1C,1 Pnd " f>.I OOdnO P j IL H )I ltl.,dl6"'°' I L ~l O<l~<tl "" < J II IOSRll) )let ~ 1% ' " " ' ,,. ;, 111C.,i11" JO • !~1 1) • • 1, " . 110(~1\ p!A ~ Ill.OJ ~. :::c;;::,~1 /10 ~ 1~~ '• Oil lt.t"W 0 11 16 '"'l>t'""' (_p ~ q11 O•IA Cp 1 10 I ~~ ~, ONA 11\Y I )lo I I ) t o 30 h . • "°"' ~ •• 11 ' \It . ~ ;)O'~ t I\'• 11 .. !J ~ 1 "" " " . 11> • + •• "" " . 1'• • EXCHA1'GE ~· ~· f' l 11.,.J U1W' !••1 P•Ool&G•1)1 )/) "°'•t/; "•odRe> .lO ) II J / t P•olttlnt !o 1 l~ ?ll I) P S A I ~{ lo JO ~ , • ~. " ' PuSCOl\~O ~ 1111 IS "'n PSE&G I /1 I 110. IV •• PSE (,p! 1 t O 1 It PSEGpi 4 Ii 1\(1 Jil ,. P<;EGpt 1 t O 1JO 61 ._ P'>£C.pt/~/ 1Al /(} tl f '5E C.pt961 1'>0 ~I I 0,. PuSloOl"" 9 •W l.J ,, _,,, P'>lll<! pi l l1U t 1 PS NHd 1 ~· b l~l 1• PSNM~ \ 1~ I ,J 1• PuDI <~•f ~' t II) 4 P...,tllu 10 .. ~ bl! i , • P.,.,HOI(. 10 ) • P"'J\\P I 9& 6 I~ 11 Pumd"l 10 6 lt)I t o Pur<.,Lp Sii I ~I ~ Pu< 1~11 F 'I\ t ) i l'urOOdtt ~~ JO 9) ?J , 1 °""'O"t It() I JI<> 1~ ou .. ~o ''P' J 1 •I Qua~'>6 ,,... ~· !~ Qu .. ,tor 10<1 " 0..... >1\.r po t f I• ' ' It I; Jf I I Jl I b ~\ ~ ~ 1 ~tl I " ' ... t i ' 8 11) .}I ~)lb/,, ,. " • '" "' " SW< V•• "'J l6 S..••o M l...-t l Sw•"" 48 • ?~ SytlrOt'( II I lb~ tli... • I , .. ' . 1S\, • • • S,.Dt"npt 7 4-0 11 Sy~lfo" O.:.n 1• l b J l I ' '". " T•l1Btlt 60 ~ 11 11 l4l<Oll N•I • J l•Hc~l•..O 9 1 6 7•11e r pl I \ 'I r.rniM E •o f ~1 lJ lin<lv t.OIP I bl\) /U •• l IPOd"C t-0 8 • le<l\n<olor 1 ~ l..cnn0<0" IU ' T~Mtton. io '> e1 l •!t cor '~ ,3 1~1e<1~11~ ) iJJ l~Ny,,p!o ' re1epromp )'lq T~ll<!<O I M) j\9 l~•ne( A"'! l•l i~~ci~ ~· ~.o ~~ l• •<><0 ; ... l~b· !~•(!l\~ QO 11 11~ T i E!tl /O jj Ill l•(.>l• I/~ \ Ill ,~,'l~'' '10 ~ Jib le•d\ln<l l'} 0) J i.~ ln\lr I 18 1~10 1 .... 0101 Q l<)t I • fl1,_ I ~~I~ I Tl oU"I I lb 10 "/ • , B " ,. .. " " i··· , '" " ' H " " " " " II , • " .> ; 1 ll<lu,1 I~ • r.1ron 11(1 11/ 1} l•tp•708 J1\ ! 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Uot'o I 10" 4 18 ?IJ UGI CP J1 I I'> 11 UM( lttJU I 4 110 I UMEI Tr l 1 I~ 1, unatto \0 l 8 l l •• UnNV7\9cjf 7.3~1 •• .. • • • • Un !ln 8lg ~ •7 "' + "' U<> Cam11 1 8 1 1~ th , ' ••• unc.,rn 7 •0 '> '1\1 44 1 Un Com I JJ I /'> \() IJ• on CO•P 1H •to J u" El<> ! 78 B •a1 11 U<>E un 11 11 21 \Jn j ll! o ly 15 I J , t)nO(.dl \ '18 4 I I )I•~ t 11nO(pr l 10 •a un I'~( 7 ,80 IG 2~1 1>'1 , • '• -"'O'V•l~ i,.. ";'iJ~l. ,::...._I,.,,.,.._ uhoroyalp Ir" 111111 ..,1 ... , ~. ~); .. ~UPW;d~ ~·I I~ 1i • ~ Dolla r Up ; • ' ' ' .. " " '• \ I ! ... '''I l ~ I \'I )b • Ul<l At< p!~ 1\) q) llttl Ar 1n(1' /~ 4 "• U1<1 H fl<I 1>! ii I • • uncorp 11<1 C>• c • •• lH<JFn( I 70 q1 } I ur,. L l'.>D J I I 1 { u11111,1J1 b •• io ,. Uul< 1LI JC> ~ I U 10 II pt 41 • \ U!!' Inn~ 1 \ /II A Un_J ~y!l I a. I ~ Un MM 1 41) IJ 1-t U1 N e1co~1 •• 10 Ut<I P~C M n II Unl<~l \(j 10 I 1• I USFn'.1~1 7 t8 q 1Q~ 71 '~ 1 USFoSc 811tl I I• U'> Gyp I 60 U I H USGvot 1 80 IJ <• \J:>HC>" e (p lb //Cl u,, ''" 01() J j(~ j U<;l<>>~< ~. •7 •• 1J \!" !! 1 If I 8 • U'.> '>too qi I 6! ' U'>'> ol/~() •I I t; U,_ I Q!) q(I v 14~ 1' Un I o I Y~ JI/ 4 !J T O ,., I I /n 1 ~ /I < •v ~lo T po I /I Un!<l<l Cl/• J< • UnvHlil/Hlb u •v• r ... r ' ~ 1r 1'1 un .. ~o vo ' I•• uo1onn v~ 17 >?1~ \I U'>~I FE-7'1 o •b) l4 U'>LI Inc ~h j l •o U'-M (o•p 1 • IU 11 u11n 10 ~"' 1, 111 " Uldl PL 1 Jo ~ lb ii U lf lrlU">t I l 80 18 ',_ Vorn'\\l l!lo'I lh~<I• ! 11<1 I> 8 1~ v~nll<l Lu /US I" • Ven ( o ~O I> 11 I v <1>0 1Jo ?S 1~ v Uo Q11,n 194 /~ VF Corptn I ll 11 v .. com 1n1" 11 • "t hirCC >tl I lb .) V1 Eo < 1 TO qi'; 1! v •El pr• 80 1100 .o VJEI 0! I ?!I 1100 'be V 1l11IJ I I r740 IU VI\ Jnln( lilt> ~ \l'-0 LOrP oO 11 q v~l<nM I oil ' 1 11 WW -W o o 6 II 11 W •"~' > J8 W1 1\uvl><'I" I/ t i . • • • • • w uor 1 11 '" II•• • Wl0k'1 I 4U~ Hl 8 )II ,.._ Wd O tl"' I 8 I II wa1!M.u• bil l l5 8 , 1 Wd M ~ ! IU II ~q'.O\JI,) I• w~nn t ADS •" " W~r<I I o<l<h JI! 6 w, ~" ao J 1> u W n, µt I 1' Wd "('.'" 4Q .1 IRO 11 Wll\p!4• ]U Wol pll 11 w n LO ~o I ~ b W<" '"~·I > 7 1d II> W1 'o llll b4\1/ W ,n( ~ I R6 ij 17 IS W ! ~H ") I 11 11 WNlol/ 4 1/ W n ~II 1,., Jl 1S t W "nWl ~J ~ lO l"-, .. • ' "' ' • ' • • WI It M<>til I JJO b 0 11 W~olo.nJ ll)ct I() q) 16 ,_.I 4 w '" (, ~G b a • ~ W ._n110 I Ml ll'li • 4 Wo ~n\jn lnr U • w1µ111~ ~l J W otlt r 4\) t I J ~ o, • W N)0<'1Cp S \II Jo ••• W M l 60 l ~1 8 we M~! It ~ 1 I~ W 11111 C:!l II \I 1~ W I' Fq V~ I QI 16 :z1 ,";'?e 1 1~~ ~ 1~ ?~ W1'1l'p!• t hlO 41 w ,1p1 Pep I I 11 11 ••• w,lnl\r •O.t S 188 8 W•f\11( 1 10 6 Ul n w,,, Co NA \] .0 a ... w ,1 Pa< Ind< ~ 65 1,., w~,1l'ub 16 4 •1 11 WUn on I tO llS 10'•+ , w11,1Unpf~ 1 '' .. 1•4 W'Unpl 4 '1() 1 l" +I w,v .. pt • w 1 al">• '.I) w~''" E1 "' • 1~ea un W !Elp!J80 1300 "2V..t2 WSl~at I tO 4 11 7t'.lt ... •;. Weyef'b l 28 ~ l 1•.1.•t \4 W•Y'""~ 80 17 131? lO ,_,., • WnlFtle tO 8 'll 11 -\.,. w l • ·~"'· t$0 ...... WnlPSt J)d 711 1•'1•• p, Wl>l't'ISI p! " It)() }~ , l '• wn~~ISI pt ~ 17JO ,, .. l WMnPoO• 1011 117 18 -t , WI\•!(~" 80 t 1/0 10, .._ '• WntM"I •Oil J M 10' • Wl\lld>•CP ~!SI ? , \• W<1'<'\(p I 1' 10 II..._-'• W ~bOldl 18 I !J )•~ w onm~&(l 8 •'16 )4/a 1 W 0 LO•w l> I)& Joi • w nno~ 1 JI ll bl J.I...,.. wnnO• Cl<l l 4.l l W OOt'b.OQO OI 4 Wl,EIP 1 84 'I !$0 7J • w ,Elpl ~ 'l'tl ~lllO '' •I W1si;PS I Jl 8 lJ I' " Wl\(0 C 1 10 4 3'I 10'• WOl~W!0}b t ll 7 i +-1• Wom•to SI> b 1~ e • Wood~Cp •8 \ 10 ~ • woo1wn 1 2\1 ) ·~~ n 'lo .. '• woo1 pl 2 10 n 1•-• world A •w 1 ~ l'•~ WrQ!v 2•G.tl1 I '8 Wi;fl'1'' Co 1 ~ i Wyly (0•11 •• 1 > • -JC.'f't~ Xero• Cp 116 1,ll bl •l • Xlr• 111t 2G• l !&to ' 1-1 V•te~ lndu• J 15 I • YflQS!D• Ml t 11 111..,. ~ l41l'(O•p 16 6 •1 11 l•IM•• •O ' '8 11'•-• l'1Y•t (OfP 4 ~I ) I, l"°o11\~~d I 10 /bV 1J luf11 !l'>d II 8 •I I>~• ZURICfl, Sw ttt.t>rl.1nd (AP The tlollar reeove1t!d ~11011 gl; .1g.11n st lht Swiss franc r1s1ng by 3 percent Wed nesday 1n acuve tradtng on the Zurich foreign exchange markel. I - .· ', .. ' DAILYPtUlT Wednesday.Januafy 21. 1975 PUBLICNOTICE ·-SUPE••O• cou•t OF TM E STO. TE Oft C&ll l'Dlll:H I A FOR l:M~COVNl YOF DRA'fGE Mo A·a11i. NOT I C E OF ME & ltlM G 01' TIT!<* FOR "ll:OllAl £ 0 1' WILL HO l'Oft L ET TE R S D I' AD· IJ<llSTRATIO"I WITH-THE·WILL _,.EXE C. En••e OI AM Y -...RG~RET 00-N.Oece•~. NOTICE. IS HE'llE8Y GIVEN ltwt HOOA G. SPEER "4\ IUed IWreln • tihon !Or Pr-le of Will •M IO< ~-r>U! of Let1er 1 ol A<lrninbtr•llon "l'h·U>f·W•ll AnMl•ed t o IM pet1lionef" "'"'""(" 10 w"itll h m•de ,.,.. 1,.,,.,, 1.c>1l.i•,, .iftd '""' 1~11~.v.dOl..:e r.e;if!"') tr.e '"~ l'ld~ been w l lo< F1!t>ru.1r v n , 191), at t ::>O o1.m ., If• tr.e .,Urtroom of De!HH \ment No . J ol \.<11<1 0url,.it IOOC1v1c C""'"' DrlVf'-~, In 1W Coi r o! SM'lla An.i, Calll0<n14. O.Oled J•nw.ry1t, 1•1~ WILLla.M E.SIJOftft, Co..n1vc 1er1< ICHA.11100.l"lllAZEE tSS ... rtfl ~lnSt.,S•ute ltlt -•••. ,<,•"•"o"o'°'•~•u°'o"T'°OOFCT'"HOE~-!<-~•h•.(.IU!Orfli•f1Jfl -el: lllt l Ul-4112 PUBUC NOTICE STaTE 01' CALll'OlllNlil. l'Ollt 1..,_,1.,._, "•tit;o-r TIUE COUNTY 01' OlllAHGE P\IDll!>N!<I Or•nq.e Co•\I Oaily Piia!, JM. l\-GSS1 ~1'.•n<!_Fe_b._.. 191~-~I NOTICE 01" tt•AllllN'GOF PETITIOl'il fOll PlltOaATIE OP WILL AND FOR J•UffLIC NO'rJCE LIETTEllS Tl!ST AM•NTloR Y E~l•ll' o4 GEO AGE 0 . DUNSCOMB. •k• GEO R G E D OUGLA S OU H!>(.OMB, •k• GEOR:C.E ST. CLAIR O UNSCOM&, .... GEOR:GC 'ST. CLAIR 0 . DUNSCOM6, •l• GEOR GE !>T. CLAIR DOUGLAS 0UN!>C0 M8 , 0.CHioe'd. NOTICE I!> HERE8'1" GIVEN 1 ... 1 HONOR DENNISON DONSCOM8 ~ tlted toereln • "1111-tcw ~e ot Wiii ,....i I• LetWr• Te~l-t1Wrr. to 11-pelltloner retere~• lo -lch h m.4e lor l....U.r parlk ...... 1. -.cl IN\ -I--plKlt OI -rl1t4 lhe W'"" ~ .....,, wt tor F•bu•rr 11 , "7S, 111 •: :lD •.m., lt1 IN' tour I room OI °"""''· " fn'tl\ No. 3 of ~•id CO<lrl. •I HJb O •lt it::.nter °''""' we~•. in ti>!! c nr ot 5.!tnt11 .A!>f, l;f1l llort1!0. O.IHIJlnu•orr ''· 191 S WILLIAM E. J°"N, Countr Cterk 'T'MOMASC. l(ING, E t•. , 0LDMEll,91'1NG & GREENE ... -... , ........ • •1 g.,,., Ori••, S•ll•lH. ST.O JEMEJ<IT OF A8.0 .. 00HME PfT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS &U SIJ<I ESS NAME '"" IOllOwon.g ""'"""'" hd~e dbM>· t~ the 11'1 ll>o; fkH!iou5 OU!>o,,.,.. ~' 6&W SUPPl.Y CO., 2191 S. c,,.,..;1 ~ .. ~""'""·C11.1J210; "' Tl'le Ficllliou> Bu,,ine"~ Na';;~ rfll 10 11-w115 h ied in "''on M.a y 3. l 'll•. wuu•m H . Wullt, ISll Ab.:llontl! Pt ., Ol>oil 1.1 .. tld, c a. •21oobl Pa ul M . B<vanl, 2?31 St~ord ay. l.d HaD111, ca. Thi~ ti<J<,lrw:~• w11~ condu<ll'd bv a ,,.1 pa•lf>l!f'~hlp, Win i ..... H.Wul!I TI!i~ ~1 .. 1em ffll wa~ filed wilt> llMl 11n1r C ler~ ol Orange c.o""'' °" nu.l<J !I, \91~. l'lll"l Publ;siwo Ora ft~ Co<>~I Oa•1• P1101. J..,u.)ry ,2, 1'1, and Frbtudr J S. 1j,1~j'.~'i PUBLIC Nb'J1CB aswt · 1Kn'1c• To d•o1T0tt• Wll"eRIOlll: COURT OP Tf4• •T&Ta Oil' (ALI f'(llll:NIA POI! T .. I C:OUMTT 0' OllANGlf ..... A •:tOU E.•l•dt 0 1 J I, VIN(fHl YOUNC.ttll!:R, 0 •<1 VINCf"NI YOU NC.ICE II:, O.,e ..... o NOllCE I~ HE ~EllY Gl\/[_N !On-.. c••Oo10•~ Clf IN •OOvc t1<0meo 4'1l.~ t....i .t!I '*'•llM l'l•~•"f,j Cla.,,,, ~lft\I t .... \•od IM<tftt11 •"• '"""""'IC •ole .,....,,, .,,,,'""nee.a•~"'' vo"'"''"'~' "' ' lhe Of!•~• ot '"• <!erk (If Ille •t:U..., .-n • 111'1id <Out\, Of to o• r._..nl tlwm, .... 111 I"" "",, ....,,.,.,.,Y "°"""''''·to 1ne 11no.<"11"<"ll ,. ., 11\e o!t•~e 11t flt• ~no1n•V. JL"11<1' J '>MIT .. 1 ~1~1 61<>0••H•''' St ..... •1• lllS. -.1 .... n.!er c .. 1.1o•t1•a 'n683, ""'"(n" tl'lt P'ilte 01 o~"""'~ 111 nw un~•••w-1 on •II m•l!e• ~ P•·•l~·""'ll lo lhe c'l•k Of ~•<I dltC~<l<:nl, ... 1r.,n fOUf """"'"" oOt'< \)'II''"'' pUOl<<.d1•Df> Of tt>!l "°'''-''· (l,u..,. J""""'' tl 1~1S .f l ,IN O A l (APl'E,..rE R .l AOm•nl<tr .. tro <Olt...,t"•IO.!e ~ of!ll!!•Do"·"•">t'<l<k~-:$. JEaltl' L SMI TH ., IUSI &t--~ .. r1t \I , 5ultc 10) ., ... 1 ......... _ c .. 1 ......... J.J.l , 1 . le4; 1114l IW-1100 ,· ... , ..... , i.. A6m1 .. i1l••lu • f'"°''~~d Ol•n~ Co•~t O,,olf Pllol, J..,,, 1), 12, 79, 6nCI Ftb ~. !~/) Ill ~~ P U Bl.IC NOTICE ·-SUPIE •IOlt COURTOI' THE S l ATE Q,0 CALll"ORJ<llA FOR ~HE COUJ<ITY Ol'OllA'fGE J<le.A·l ltJlo NO'TICE O F H E ARi"'(; 0 '° l"ETITIOJ<I l'O R P ROllAYE 0'° WILi. AND FO • LE Tl E ll:S T EST.OMEN• rAlt'I' E~ldte o t N ATHAN A'.01.I'•. STUCO:( ¥. Oct l'.t"'-"'· NO TICE IS Hl:AEtiY G l \/C"I 11'1<:!1 ~OC.E A' MONTGOMIOAY S1U(KE¥ tJ.t• IHed l>t'•l'•ft <I ~lotlOf> 10< Probdtt ..i W olt .it1d 1or •~~udnt+; 01 l.t•(l e•~ '"""mf'ftld•J 10 !Ill> pelotl-r ff'· r~r~'ftce to wnlcn 1, m.Kle !0t 1ur1ner paonkul"•~. ond 1r..11 ''* tln>eand p1;oc., o1 ~"""9 ll>e ~an~ IM• °'-""" SO:t IOt Februo1ry 11, 191S. di. 9:JO '''""' '"tr>e rourlroom ol 0epa.1ml:'<'I No, J o4 wod (ourl, ot 100 Clwi< ~ler Drow Wttt. 111 UM C.tl Y ol 5;>nl• A/\il. C...l1t0tno.o. Odled J3"u•rV I,, l'lJ; WILLIAM E. SIJOHN. Counly Cieri. T""OMAS L. LORO 1JS11 P•W11 ff "110fKY, SwilltJIJ ~ea ""lll1,C11l•l.tt•SJ T•I: (Ii.) ~1 ·l:Mo0 ... .__,,_, ,. .. ,,_ Publl•t'>ed 0•dn9<' C°"I D.til1 Pilot, J..,., ?I, 7'l, .tnd Feb •. 191; tt'l-li PUBLIC NOTICE l'I C"TITI OUSllUSI NE ~ H.OME STAfEME HT Thi' 1011ow1ng petltOrl!o a•e doing bu'•ness 11~: DATA WA¥, 1'>31 -OW•;>~ •• N-por• Beac;11,C<1l1IMn1at16?I Norm•n w;i,, ....00.U, !.l>a\NMe Of~ Newport ue~c .... c .. ,,,.,..,;iv;olit(I H•len W•y, 4....X..6 s.,,. . ....,,., °'~ He w pot! l!ed<ll. C"l•l<1rn1"~'""" £dwdrd J . M~c"""'· ••OO·A '!>ea,l'lo•e Dr., N~w porl 13.,,.cn, <.a1ilorn1.:. q?l>MI Tiit• 1>u••OO•; ·~ (on<!U<.led l>r o. 9l"'t''"i partn~r mop, £.J .Ml C:d•lny Tt>•l .rJtc me nl w11• ''"'" .. ,in 1.-.e County Coe•~ 01 0•"'191-' County on J,lnudr,o, 191~. Fl t'IOI Ptilll•Slll'd o ..... .,. (<l~C Oailr P .. 01. ~ Tonight's TV Highlights ABC (7) 8 :30 -F'irst Annual Corned)' Awards. 'fhe funnic::;t men :.i nd v.•orn cn 111 the e ntert a inment \vorld as chost.·n by lht:!i r pccJ·s -CJ.re honored toni ghl 111 Hollywood . NBC ('1 J 9 :00 -Lui:as 'f a nner. A black y ot1th is discouragccl 1n his <ll· tempts to attend ·rrum an lligh School. Da vid I·la rtman s tars . CBS C2 1 11 ·30 ''Gunn.·· Craig Slc \'e ns brings his ·rv c·h :.ir;.iclt_•r of i>ct <·r Gunn lo ll1c big SCl'L'CO 1n this l ~)(i7 mO\'lf.' \\1ilh La ura Devon and I::d AsnL'r TV DAILY LOG Wednesday Evening JANUARY 29 i :.::::"~~~ .. i:~ l'U BLIC l'iOTICi': _ ~ """'"~.:---- : ,.._·_~n_:~~ -:;r.~~--~-'t~··~·~,+-1 -,·~"~·~"~"-·"d"~"~';':"'","~"·'~":?..cn.~:•.-·t .. ! Pu ~t.1C r-.mtcE J ""11<1r11l, 1), //,t~. IV/~ bl)./\ THECDUNTYOFOllANGE PUBLIC NOTICE .... A-GSl!l STATEMi°tiT o 'FAiA-.. -ooNMVfT NOTICE OF HEARl'fGOf' l"ETITION 0' USE 0' FOR PllO&ATE OF wtLL AltD l"Oll l"ICTITIOUS aus1 .. ESS NAME LEnElll:S TESTAMEJ<ITARY 1:.hl' i-+n<i per~ons ""we~· E~lale o l ti AR:LE Y R OSCOC: ~ tM l.IW' 01 '"" fill 1ll°"'~ bu!.1~~ WHITE , Oece11W<I ..ame· "IOTICE' IS HEREBY G!VE"N ll>ltl ~I.(. CLOUTIER AS<,O(.IATE5, .I LLl.ON f E ... GU f /\a~ l1IP<I he•e•-: • ,,._. BuMtll'~~ cen~r Drive, Suilf' lbll, 11uon IM Probal" OI Woll -lot·~- ,,,.1,.. c,.1olornooi1 92t4• 'luMl(e of !..titers Te.1"""""1""_Y 10 lhe 1""' Fi< hhOU~ tl~•S•...,~~ N.........:: re. ht.oner Jeferei><e to ...,,,,.,., " ""'°" · le ,.DOve ..,.,~fol~ il'l •Or..tngoe IOt lu•llMr parlon;I..,~. and tn•t the -~red on0ctvbl'•7V 1911 """'and pl11t<!"Ol""M•ng l,_.,...,,,....,,,.~ u';;;1., Clou••e• l:i\11 fl•g':>ur. o.in1 bffn ,.,.1 lot Fel>•uM1 11, l~l~. "' <J•:lD P-:i· c;.1 to•n •'1619 11.M., '"\I'll! <outlroom -0t °'™''"''"'' ;:~ ti<J'-..n•~\ ,..,.s tond.,.~led by ;i No 3 ot ~11ia tour\."' 100 c., .. ,c Cenle• ,.. o""" we~I '" tr.e C.•IY of~"" S..nt" lbntteGp.t•IN!•~ '" Anil c .. 1110,',,,,., g;_"•' (!~~~~~;..,, O~t~d January 7•. 1971 ·n.;s st•l~'.:Vn! ,..,.,· foll'd """' 111£ WILLIAM E. SIJOtlN, County c1erlt. ot Orange Counly on JOHN A C~~';!;Cc~e~~ J.1-•Y 11, l'JJ ~. l"Jt?l AttonM~ •I Law l'Ubtl!.hed Or oilftQI! COitSI 0dl1J V.101, IZ.SS-1" .......... .,o .. ... 12.1' .. na~el.>•""''") ll lV/) _,1,HiU\,Cllh ....... 'ICl'U ..._..,,, ' • '1"8-1 T .. :(U~)l"·tW~ -------------irl-JIW: J"e~~ Putlti!>hed 0 ••"91' ~ 0...ly P ilot Ja..78,19,i>ndFeb ... ,191'> 1Qflll PUBLIC NOTICE PU BUC NOTIC E l"IC1'1TIOUS llUSl,..ESS NAMEST,111'£ME"'T The lollo,.•r>g perwn ,., Going bl&· -~oil.. P E"CH'5 PALC:TTC. 333 Rocl'e!.I .... 51 .. ~I• Mfl~11. C;olo lO•h•i IJ~77 Norm.a LllU W;1•m;1n. JlJ ROC~\e<' SI , Cosl,. Mesa. c .. 1,1ornia 'l1~11 '"'~ buS•no!~• I ~ <onOUCll'<I by .... in- OiV>,,.,dl. Norm~ Lou Warm,1n T l'I;~ l131Cn>et1! w .o~ h ie<! willl II>(< County Cll'.'f • of OrCIAgt Countf on J.:inu.o•v 1J, 191) ,.. .0111 Publi~"'d O.~n9r C.oa~t Od•ly Pilol Jan. 11. 77, '1'1, ~na Ftb. • 191\ I" I~ l'UHLIC NOTJ{'E l'ICTITIDUS &UStNIESS NAME STATE MENT Tl'lt f<>llowlng Jl"'••on ;;. do1ng bu:.<· ..... , .. ,. CR,.N E s vs r E.MS, INC. 7118 Por101 .. O••vl', Co''"-•"· C;o. 'l'l•:>t. Robert H !>111ton. 7118 f>Ot lOOla O.ove, Co~la Mi!s..o, c ... °'11>11> T llo~ bu>•ne~~ ·~ tondutl<:d l>J i>ll ;,.. dovidudl Rolletl U . Su't lon Thi\ !ll•lem<Jnt "'"' l •le<I .,.;,,. \ti. FICTITIOUS 8USINESS 1---------------1 (.oun!J Cl~•• ol OrJt1ge C0""1Y <"" NAME STA TE ME J<l"f S Ll"·1JO)S .J.inUO.f' II, I'll~ 'f"9 lol-JOVPl:•!IOOI~ ;or~ O<IU"Jbol'>• SUl>E'-IOR COURT OF TME ""''•~: STATE OF CALIFOR .. I& FOR f HE MINUTEMAN WAY,~ nh TMECOUJ<ITYOl'Olt&MGE Slrttl, ltftwl>Of'I 8 .. K ,., CMilorno J<1•.A-12•ts 'T2WtO NOTICE OF HE ... RINC. OJ. M.l,;on L. Aeot!T. 'll• M•N.f\ Pl[ TIT 10"1 FOR PPOSA T £ OF Will W•T.Co6li1 Me'W.C...llto rftl <1<Jl•2to NO CODICIL .ON O FOR LEnERS L.........,, Betry, Ai11u P•< itK Colif!9' TIES T AMENTARY Bo•«llll,&t""",C..1itort11•91101 E"illt ol MUR:L R WO<. Tl'I•> tw••""'' ·~ condu~l"O I>• n Oet••'>l'd. 9"fte'"t Pil"ner>l'l•O. NOTI CE IS HEREl!Y C.IVEN llM1 L ...... ,,..ee•ry ll:AYMONO A. NELSON "II' ,,...., Jn,, M•!•"''t"I _.,,, 11*<! w1!" lhc e•n •Pt'1•1•°"'°' Pr01>o1!~o!WiM- Counlr (•er• ol O•oil"'le Cou,.tr Od•(ol ;."" ''" '''"~""'" o• 1_,.tt,.,.., J.......,,, ll l'l1S, '""'·"'"''"til•• IO tlle pe\•loone•. F411 ~~·~"<~ lo wt>-ot> ,._ m;>dl! lot lutthe• J\tbl•"""" ()<~ Co.'' Oa•ly Pllol tltul.W \, ;1n<1 ln;>t tl'I' ••mo: ...,.ip1ac,. "'"" 1 !, n. 1". dnd Fe!> s n 1s •01 I' r.e .. rino t'>e •·~ 11~• f><>I'" ""I '"' PUBLIC NOTIC E FebrW•• 11, IQ/I, ot • j() ""'-· '" cowr1•oo"' o t Ofp,.~1,....,,1 NG 3 nt .a tovfl. iO\ JOO {•v>< Cen\tif 0<;..., , ot1 lfte {•If nl 5.tt>tiO Aft.ii, 'i.T.OTEMENY 01" WIT .. 011tA•AL Ufo•niiO. ""°""'"AR TJ<IERSMlf'O,.ERATl'fG O.'fll J;on"a''I ?1 UNDER l'ICTl110US 8USl .. ESS ¥WILLIAM !. 51JQHN "AME (n'"''I (le•~ "fnc lol-•nt;I ~·~ hds ••!-..-.. IEltlCA.J<IEL SO H ,a,," 9ent'rill ll••l""' f•O..,.. '"" 1K-'1.JIUo8r~~ .... -tner..,up Ol>efdl•ng un<I~• lh" lot lA~A ..... lo.l,C.a.lllfl•"•~-.00~ l d•OUl l>u"i ""~" ...... , .. o! IN U lll '11· ... ,.ElltSC A PE OCSIGN. 200 N~"""°d Al--JIOI': Pe!1li•n•:r 1<J7S C~n!o r O• •~f . S.u<le 7 10, Newoort Publ•~<I OtilM<I" Co,.·\ O.u1y Pi!o!. Be...:11. C••11orn111 'l1b60 J,.n, 111, 11,ilnd f ~b •. li/S 11' II T"" !1ch1>ouo; ou.,,,»'!1'· "~""' 5httf-~.,1 IOI' '"" P"'"'""'""'" .... \ ''"'°on P U Bl.IC SOT1c •: f Je1>•u••1 1~. 1'lll •n '"" Countf ol 1 ---~~ °'""~· F ICTITIOUS8USINESS F Jll N ....... ana AOd•t~i ol llWI Pl'.-r<;oft J<IAME STA 1 E MENT W.lllO•••lnQ 111~ lol!owonQ IM:t'O<> " OOo r.q l>u!-1· KAll:EN M JOHNSON. SS1 811...-od ft. 0r>W!. Ne "'par I 8t'"Cll, ( .. !1l<1"1ruil'nto60 $1!1""(1 . l(.aren M ,JDl>n"'" "'"' P\IOl•Yled Or•nOI' Co•sl Oi11ly PllOI, J ..,. 1~,11,1'1,•l'IOFl'"'•IM•y S. 1qJi 1a..i.1s PUBLIC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUS •USUotESt. NAMl.STATIMEMT P UBLI C ~OTl{'t: ,.,\,., Ft Cl IYIOUS &USI NESS "'AM E STAl:E,fl'I E J<IT lollowonq per<.dn " l»-"'1 b\r_.- f-!Fl'ioT <:ABIN CL!:ANloJi\ l~I Bot~• (n1ta, .... ~,,,.91nn U• .ocn c.~ '™' Jit(k '!>lrvrn J~~otJ Ot>. 1"'-P °!>""· ti ...... 1•n<t!Oft i!P~Cl'I, (,1 'l1~•~ lno> 11"~'"'~" •'• (O"Uutl1•(! by""'" dovoOUlll J~• > <;!r~en Jo><(,n~o" t.,.~ •,1<11em<"nl "'~' 111,...i .... .in !"- County C•~·~ of O"""'"' C<Juntv "" .Hhuil•• 11, IQ/~. Put>t•':l>ed o.,,,.Q~ '°"'' o~t1v P<oo• J.J(l.1'/,71.~nor ,1> ~.11 ,!QI' 7(111\ P UJ\1 .1(: N(JTl<'t'. FtCl:lTIDUS &UStNESS J<IAME STATE .-E NT ll'lt' lollowln9 l>l'f~Oft •~ dO">Q bu'' .... , ... ~ ! tl'I I 1C,1-<l!N(. A'>SO(ll>TI .._ JJ••2 Llt1dltY 'Sol .• M ••••on V•~10 C&lttornl•<rll/S 6tv•n O.v•d T~Dbull, 73<1•l lH>dle' St .. MiMiOft llit 10, Ci0l1f off"·' '171>1~ T/\h bu•il>H• •• totlducttd by -"' <llviotu.ol. Qry..,O Ttbbull T/\h •l•l•"'cnl ..,., l •~<I with th!! ~ly Cl••k ol Or.tt1Qe County on ~ ...... ,., J, '''~ PU BLIC NOTICF. ---F iCT1T1pus •us1 .. ESS N.ltMI t.TATEMEMT TIOt fo~owlr>Q ~·-•rt dOOllG tllnl• N ii I~: Thursday DAYTIM E MOVIES IO;OO 16 "Sl•utMf1 on l'•lh A.e•uf " (di.) '!il-Ao,hi!!•I I ~~n. fan Sl'-•·J IU•F~ fl~~ llwrr.•. @ "I, \hf llll'f' (l!ly~) ~' 1-lloll 11 11.,11, rr•\lnn IO}lt•. l''l!'l'l'l c~\ll• 11:00 O "Ad.enlu1~1 ot Mil<• l'olo~ j;,dv) '38-C:ny ~1. Sir."'J f,u t1t, lLwl Allh~. ll:Jt m "'Coltsstt el lllMts• {ollh) '61 -llOfJ C.lhOll'\ I !J Md~'J" lttl G) "lllre ti (teni~ IJdw) ·~g_ Co!Rtl Wilde, ¥11:lor1,1 S.U.., M.uty Sl'laup..essy. 1:to o ~ St1""4!"' 1.m) ·!Ill -,loltn 8cnllcJ', 6•tlt H•llef. ~ti "Yeung Mr. 1'1tt" Ml~) '4<!_ - l/\ot1e11 f)l,~M. ~nb,.11 Motlr.v ?·JO •R "Th, ~untf)' Gui" Mr.i) '~ol­ G.:io:r ~~lly, W•lh,1m 11.,Mrn, 13•nr. 1.10\ll'I Ol (1>1 (C) ''lh1 llolol\ Gun• !d•~) '1,Z ~ltfn! WPih~lll".00, IAn ll~im, II ""I W.11 nri l :OO (:) ~lhf h tn11htd An,,~I'" l<I'-•) '~/ ·llo.• H11~';(on lfol11;1I ',1 .... k, lin•mhy M.i!i;>l•t. llol (Cl "lhf l11l 01, of l1lf Wat" lt~U) 'fi'}-Gtllfet Mihjtb, M~llJ Pl!l'.\l.hty. J:)CI (J I '"YW i~ ttw Wlftl" ldl1) 'Sii -Rithatd f «1n. Jillie l11116oll. 0 IC) ~01. c.i.t.·1 CiMt11• fd1•l '/B-H•11• C•n\lly, I •i111k Cotlvt1!oe, Blythe O~t,•1. FIRST RUN! "The Naughty Stewardesses" "Fan1ily' First 'Hot L' High; 'Barney' Low • "FLY ME" (R ) NEW YOJ.t K (Al>) -Nicl~cn figurt.•:-., lhl' 11 •1 CBS' popular .. All in t he tion 's 20 rnost·";_1t c l11 ·d I ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~J Fum i l y" ser ies topped pro g r u 1n s l u't \~t't' I. I~ l a s t w <:c:k 's n ;.i t lonal \vcrc: "All 1n tilt· l·.0 111 television r at i n ~s. b~t a ly" (C US1 : '"Sanfurd1••;1d nC\V AllC cun11.-<ly series, Son" <1 nd .. Chico <Jilt t 11·' "Burn cv ~t i ll er ," did M an" (both N ISC); ··J\1 J>OOrl y.<;ccQrdingtoA.C . A·S ·l-1 ''''Maude," ··1·11e CO,TA MESA .::.·.~. LUC ILLE BALL '" MAMl- (PG) ALSO "CHALLENGE TO BE FREE" Jame ~ Caan "THE GAMBLER" I RI • fi.1'1M"(Jt C . S t ott "BANK SHOT" ACADEMY AWARD ALL·TIMl FA VORITl "DR . ZHIVAGO'' Mot1 , '"""Fri.°"°" •:I Sp"' So1.&-s.,,, • • Show1 016:4) Cllltd._,, 6 th,., ll ·SOC Chilcf._n Uncfe• 6 Fr•tl f , ..... , 91 ti l o"'°"' ~I ~J~ 1,l~ o .. t f All.O Ml Vt IH IU"'I' _.,,_,... . TOWlllNG INFllNO •I(" ltGlNO Of Hill ...00~1 ..:.1 ...,_..,_ ---, .... " •... ~ ... . ~ .......... . 1111 IO~,' ...... ~ ... , •, ...... ·~· ,,_., ..... ~"" C.n"'""• ~,. 11111 r. W a lt ~ns. •• ··cannon.'' Nielsl'n ·~urc~. . . 1'hc l\UC show. Lla sed "Good 'J'1mcs,"••'J'hc .J t•I· O" the lire Of a New York fe r sons" 11nd "l(hud.i " (a l l C llSi . ''l'ol11·t· no l icc capt ai n , on ly ,. 120 \Vom<1n .····/\1111 · pulled <Jn cstim;:itl't Ma rgar et S1k'Ciul " :ind percent shart• uf thl' ~u· •·Little lloll:-.c on I hi.· dience in it s tin1c-pt·r1(KJ T hur sday. 'l'ht• ncl\\'urks l'rairic'' (all NU(') · •·J\1ary T y lt.•r J\·Jourt•" .ind consider :10 pert·ent a :-.1:-:n "l l<iwa111''1vc·f>" ((;!>S J. ofsucc-css ··\Vorltl of Ui sn cy.·• l lowcvc1·. ;1nnlhe r 11 £-;11 "World l'rL·nu«r<· Muv· AIJC c11 1n i.:dv scr1t•S, "I lot L ISa ll1n1orv , .. d11I Uellt•r ~~~~iL::~u.•,1 ~t.~~fi t:1 ~~~~~·~· in its l-'rld:1.\' ni g ht flft" ._, n tl ' , S n1 o l h e r ~ Oll l'fl', reJ..?i~lt•l"l llJ.: II :JI t· ·..;" t al\i\l\{'l. per cent !>h :trL' df :.iu -r,~!!!~'#""##!'§# .. ;i:o;;;;;,.,-. d ienc-t_• 01 thL' r:.iting:-. fo r ,o-... !'~'"'''~"~"_/)!j:"u i Jan 2U·211 'f~~l/,;c;,;J The prc:n1icrc shO\\' or ~ .~ the scril'S, ,..,.ho:;C< e:1 s l of l'hura ctcrs 1ne ludl'S l\\.(1 'prus titult•s :.ind :.1 p;.iir i'•f cl<l l·rl\' h o nio~l·.x ual s , \\':.ts -r cjcclt:d pn gn1unds of t•onlL'lll hy s tat1nn w.1 z-·rv 111 1i a1u1nnrt-. /\'Id. 'l't'll 1i lhl'I' .'\I\(' :ll · fi li at l'S del'llnt•d lu air !Ill' t1r:-.I s h O\\ ;.11 i lS~l'hL•dul(·d t1nlL· l·'r1tla v n1g hl ;ind d1·· I :JYL'd 1 t u nt.11 ;1 I <1lL'r hour. 1\<·eord in ;.: to tht• DAILY PILOT •SUIFIMG FILM FESTIVAL• Tiii• i1 Hie La•I It Flnol Wttk of Thi1 Winl•r'• ffltl•ol It .,•'re windiltC) ft • .,jth Ont of the lt•I Mew fillfti ..• "TA.LES FROM THE TUIEH Surlt:r Mag:1L1nu hav-. .. "Ecl1!cd to oort~c1 1on. rioo d v :11 1L·ly dynamic .1c t1 on & e xcellent Qll.lloly I ~lu~ ~ ii ... ~o;, !.•• .. ,..,.lo Jn• n•·•""' 1 I•~ ....... tol llT 4UGll~T 'Ulfl OAIO 2 Show• Nightly · 7:)0 It '9 :)0 .. ~' "VAHISHIHG WILDERNESS" 1 \G.o O\.• I\ "MEMORY OF US " OU~TIN HO f FMA t< "l EN~Y " IRI "MEM0l{Y O F US" '"LOVE A NO PA1N .. !PG1 LAW & DISORDER {R} OWL b lHE PUSSYCAT iR\ •J "' .,. .. ,. f~tE Cl TV Sl~QPPING Clr>oTfiC ORANGE •~)7 6)11 CIT Y ClNTRE CINEMAS S A FRWV !MANCHE STEREX I G G FRW'I' ICI TT OR. EX.I A "FLESH GORDON" IXI V "MYRA I RECICINRIDGE" "LAW & DISORDER" IRI ;,_ .. OWL & THE ~ l"USSYC.t. T" IRI .. THE LO NGE.ST YARD" "SERPICO" IRI "Frel'leh Col'lntcti-" ''THE: SEVfH UitS" IRI $pec1el Prtet 12 .30 10 2:00 p.m . ltK.,t 5-. I H.u.ysl Sl.25 Oprn D.11ly 12 30 pm "MEMORY OF US " CI.-AI ROBER T RE DFOR D "JEREMIAH J OHNSON " SOME FOLKS C ALL THEM A.NI M4LS Challenge to be f:l'ee Ir:; l..-ly lird Malit1e e A.O..C.M l"rice • Sot/S..n. 'Iii SP·"'· Door' Op .. 11 Dody 6 .4 S Sot. S..n.· 1 10 GEORGE C,SCOTT .. BANK SHOT ~ " .. <., Eoriy llrd Matint• Rotduc•d Pric•' Sot. S..1'1. 'Tit S ... M . Ooor1 Op"" Daily 6:4S Sol. S.,". I :lO 'MEET MR.DOCllY" ALSO SlNlllll'IG &W/t<ENYON " T"' '911-l'IO l)e•1'0ll5 "'" do>i~ buW ,..,~•S: MO R EL l~T ERNA TI OHA L, l 'C< ()'(•\ O•., (Ml" Ml!,11, CalllOTnl1tJ.1.76 0o"'91fi A , Mo"'i!.Oft, I TO'f Ore ... Or .• ~ta Mt\•, C•lll0tt1I• IJ7tl6 TROY 8.0"l lCE•'S tNS.URANC.E COMP.ONT , .0 Olvl51oft of \Jfll~rMJ S.1 ¥1'• E•c,,,.,,Qt, >1$ l'li•e11ici. .OVot., Ntwoorl O.ac/\, C•lotor nl• IJ1'60 R•c ... rd l.tt 8 r •j./\1!ar, 6J' Lillo "•"-0.ll't, H1•PO•I Be11c11, Catolo1t11,. KOCE Television M.l•c c.. Ell•s.,,, 11-.e> c~~tktOft S.., Cl>flt!!lllftO, Caloforni,1 Ql41• Thi\ btOl ftf~S I\ <onllu<!IMI n, ii oe~••• iw• in..•.,...," Doolql~\ .... ""°"' ..... Tlllh "•1e....,nl w~• h l•IJ w:u. the CflUAI' Clert O! Ont,,Qtl! C..U..ly ot1 J""""'' 1l, it's ".cill• Pub!<~ o'""°" Co•\I n.11., Pilot, J~,., ll,J1.. Jt,-f'cb.,), lfl) IOJ.11 -C\outlla' E. c..,,;1ty_ &•01 C.~t1tlllo'I Orlwfl, Hufltl1'9!Dn Be.oth, C• 'tt- ll'tl< bl"I"' ~\I~ conduclfl'd by~ 11.,,il· c<!Pil•IM"IFj/\11> Roc,..rd L~fl Bt ,.c\hot~• T111, >lollli..,..,,,, w•\ llMl<I ""''"' I~ C.O..t11, C.t•rk ot Df•"<ICI C.-tv °" J ... 1161'~ u. lfl). """ P111>1!\Md ~-de Collll 0'1!1y Pilot, J .. o-t 11, l',•nd "•t>•V•'~ S. n.11:,'.f, J:• SCHOOi. DISTRICT NEWS Cl <ltOCEJ t :t• AMI RICA !Ct IP8S) f :* l'ACITHISTUD .. NTilc l :It MATH FACTORY IC) :tS IH5tDl lOUT (() :• COMMUJ<llTY 0,. LIVING Hl,..OS !Cl :• ELeCTlllC COM,AN'f' ICI CTWI :M YILU.Al.L.•0111 iC>4PBS.) :• •Y A JUaY Df' NII ,. ••• , I l_tt ...,...IM lAW & DISOIDll 1tt L _fil!_flATllUSH ,.1 ' '(A•1,·\" "'·~~ , ) I . I ' I I I ·----•I o... • Saddlebaek • .. ' ; Today's Clos ing N.Y . S tocks VOL. 68, NO. 29, 6 SECTIONS, 6" PAGES ORANGE COU NTY,. CA LI FO RN I A W E DNESDAY, J ANUAR Y 29 , 1975 TEN CE NTS • ms aw Grier S11gf1e sti•111 'Hard' Youths To OC's Jail? Cuunl y Probation ()ff1 ccr. 1\1arg<ircl Grier v.·as expected to rl'commend toduy that 19 .. hard core" juvc1Wle offende rs be re· ·moved from juvenile hall and im· prisonctl in Or<.inge COunly J ai l Exce pt for i;I re ..... isulaled in- dividual l·ases. no j OVl·niles have JUVENILE JUSTICE r.lr-t~ O•~;;;n•w t-•\·c r b een cnmmltted to county jail in Santa l\n:1 llo "'ever. l\1i ss (;rier·s rccom- menda 1 ion to lht• lloard of Supl'rvisors is part of :.t p:icka~c hearings 1n the juvt•nLI L· t:ollrl:-. lo<·aled in <)r:.ingc. An acco m1>anyin~ reporl to s upervisor·s by Adn1inist1·at1ve Offi cer Ro bert 1'homus UPJ>l'<1 rs to support Miss G1·ic1"!' rt·con1 · m cnd:.i lio n that JUVt•nill'S be . J:.!iiL•d . In his rt>port 1'ho1nas says th;1t one way to a\le\·1ale the over <See J U\:E:\lLES, Page i\:!l Trustee Hopefuls In Foruni a at ' OC Loss ·E x pected To Rise I'~· (; ,\ R l ' (: lt;\N VI I ,I .I·: Ot Ill<• 0doly P1101 St•ll -. ·rtit· t·ou1 11 y hill ro1· Hep. An - d rt•\v ll111.-,h:1\\·s t R ·NC\\•port Ut•:1t•h • :-.111·t'l'S:-.f11I l!J72 can1p;iign is :.1L S!"l .~100 a1ut r1 :-;i ng, the U:.1ily Pilo1 h·:1r11L"d 1od:1y. ll. n1;1 _\ gn he yo11 tl :l pr1•tliLll'd leVL•l n[ SIO.ooo '!'ht· 1·l'port o1 lhv dollar lo:-.s 111 <·ounl.v ru11d:-. as tht• rt·sul ! n f •.t ~· SL'Ss11r 's Ill f11·1' pt•rso11n1·I :Lllt•J.!t'tl· ly \\'11rkin~ 111 1t 1n:-.ha\v·s cant· paign 11n t·o1u1ty 11rlll' t·an1t· :.11 the h<.ilf\\'ay point in :111 i.ilHlit ordcreJ by !ht• (,'ou nl y 11oa rd of Super,·isors So f~1r. rc\iablcsuuret•s s aid, tht~ audittu·s ha vt• o.u.:i:ounted for the loss by 11·:.J.(!ing t('Stin1nny through Gr and Jury t ranf>cri pt s Lll:J.t IL'd tc • the indictn1ent n1adl• last yt·ar of nine :.isscssor's11ffice l'1nployt<s. 'l'ht: nin1· 1111..·11 . ;111 nl the111 llinshLl\\' o.iidl's \\'hl·n ht• \\'as c:nu nty :isSl'ssu1;, \\ll'l'l' t·hargt•d \\1th llllllliph• l 'llU!l\;-. nf ).!,l'~IJld 'l"outh 1\uthor1ty put the county fl~·J 1\S \\'£l RTl l INVESTOR INTEREST IN IBM OBVIOUS AT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE !ht.·l"t. t·ons pi ra('.\ ;1rHI L11 si1.\ing 01 1i.. o..11r P1!0f s i..11 I I I 1· .. • lf ~ Xr . .. ··~>""ki·~ ,. _ . , . . , Heavy Tra,ding After Antitrust Suit Victory Ca u ses Dela y rl'eorc s ;tn( 1·111 ;1\1011 o gu\crn· ~Jan to relieve overcro"'dcd con · it ions a I ju vcnj le hall i 11 Oran~c. On D L"e . 1 ~1. the ('ali fornia .. ;_ ,.-.,..ROa<l"'~'fo~Ure .'fl ....... .,,. ....... ~"'"'"w-.Jf("'(~.·... . . . .· .. ,..,· .· • '-·' ..• , ,~ .. ,_,.~(:'i4'1 't, ..... ,,~\, ..... ,, ...... ·.•· rt1~l~~·"'t~~·· ·d·if..· ~is;~~~f ~:~;~~~~:'~!;=.P1tt li-'k·e~tf-rre);~a;,;l. nAg·~.~· Yr'p. ;;.~;~ ;,:~~·~ ' . I . ~~~~~:::~(7,:~~:Y'.~~:~:§:.'.!r~~"t:' .~· '.~ H e aring S e t fhese ques tions \\"l're r:.11sed ~t u lJ th e l'OU111.v Inst l h 1·ou1.d1 lhL' a t- ·ruesday night in :-i forum of J.'> L • • J lcµ<'d c~1 n1paign aetiviti1·;-; For Thurs day (':.J nrt id:.itrs for th(• S!lddlrlla e k I E I T d istenzng n lll'in1 is t'X PCl'tl'd to m :1kl' his \·a tlcv Uni[icd School l)islrit'l n ar y ra 1•ng fina l rcpnrl latl'nl'xln1onth Mission .Vi('jo residents "'ho ~~):~·1~ 1~~ ~i~·~c~~·~1;:~l:~~~:~~ :.irt· • At S y 1nposiuni? is 1~~l;1~~1~~ft;~ ~~i~tl'~h~11~1•11~\10~~~~ ~·a nt a st reet closure :.it l\1ontilla Ele \'en candirtatcs attended n1ark predicted b y /\s:-.i . ..,t:1nt lhs- Lane and J crortimo Jtoad re-the d-isCU!ISion. f;po nsored IJy lhe !\J F,\\' ,. ()flt\ <AB I -1'hc St9Ck f!fth straight monthly droµ 1n trict Altorne~· l\1iCh <icl C1.1p izz1 at moved will have their ch:an ce to South La!!'.una I fills ll<Jmen\Vn(•rs m urkcl hl':iried up\o,•a rd again t o~ December-. · N E\V YORK Cl 1 l"I> -Can YOU tbe time the ind1ct1nents \\'Crc r('· :;peak a t 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Assqci.lition. Canrlidales Hay da.v in hrisk lr<idinj{ afti.:r <.1 n enr· Big Board volume ror the rirsl help pl<.i nts by t a lking lo lhem? turne d . ~1iss inn Viejo tlii:h School. Skony, Clifford .80('hnlC'r and in· ly pa11:-.1' for prorit .takinJ.!. two hours totaled 9.1 mil li on ·rhaL 1d~a . :1pp:1 rcntl.v shart•d .\ t t hi• 1 ( n1f' thl•\· nri lt·•·l·il tht .. Th(' m eeting is a hea r ing eumben ts J oseph J'ctl•rson and ·rhi· 11 1 ict-rt'ay 00..,,1 Jones .shares -<.ieti,,e by ordin<.iry h.v s1nnc pl·opll'. rnay have been ;1udit.. th e L'ount.~· :-;upt•r \"tSl)rs befo r e t be l\liss ion V iejo De nnis Sn1ith did not attend. a\·t·r;t).!.l' 11 f :~t industri:.ils was up s tandards but well below the cs:-"neour;igt•d b .... :1 li c d etector said thl' <"ou nt y :-.hould <·ollt•t•t 1\1 uni c i p a I Adv 1sorv Cou nc i I Dol'h mer and Smil h SC'nt 111 \1·ril-11 '2.7 poi 111 :-. lo (!lt"i .U·1. G:uncrs hu.d tr;:tordinarily heavy pace of l\1 on-l' x Pt' r I \I ho:-. t' l' x IJ(•ri men Is \\'h:JtL'\'l'I" fuud:-. n·u ght h:i ,.1• bt•t•n (l\'l AC>. Only those fiivor ing re· tc nstatementr; f~nall .\ l«iught up \\'ith loser s d ayand1'uesday. :-.ugg t•s t plan1s have son1t· Jos i fronl thi• honding (·orrlpo.ui.~ moval of the l 8·mnn th o ld ... fhis bourd 1~ y;rackMJ \\'Ith .llll'I" tr.1ilin).! h~ <ibout <:I 3 .2 Upjohnfalter('d2 1o3J!1'1nn1ht> n1yslerio11 ~:-.or l of;t\\·;u:L"ncs:-.11 f th:il ho ndl:d llin:-.h:i\I' \\'hc>n lit• blot' k a de "'ii I be <:i 1 lowcd to dis sens ion. bit\(•r feL•li ngs and ni:t rgin l:arlil'r heels of a 3:}11-poi nt slid<' 'J'uc:-.d av I h1ng:-. going on about lhl'nl v;as ;1 C'o u nl y t·nlp!O.\ l' speak . s lunderous accusations among attributed to an <idvt•rsc rcpo1·l 1i1 'fhl' (.·i111trO\"t•r s1a l rt.'sc:1r1.:b . l lo,..-e ,·cr. the hoard 11·dt not l\IA C members "·ere asked to board members," l\ochmer's II appe:lr<·d :-.01n t' new buyi ng <i med ical journal of some oral populari'l.t'd l>.v " ilO(Jk , \\·as thl· nlakc a dccis in11 on thl' best r eview the controversy by f'ifth st a tement read. "I am running lo t'illlll' into lhl' 1narket when :i n diabetes drugs mad£' by the co111 · :-.ubjcct tod;1y of a s.\~n111nsh.1m a l. n1clhod of coll cl'ling the ;Jl lc).!ed Di strict Superviso r Thomas try to do my p;:1rt to 1:Jcan up this t'\pl'C'll·d round of profit-taking pany. Upjol\11 call ed the re port I Ill' <:1111111:1 I n1er!1ng ol the lost funds until it receives I le i m's Riley. Last week thos e who want· mess." al I ht• oul~t·t prnvccl to be m ild. "unfounded:.i1" 1\ m('rl l·;1 n 1\s:-.nci ;11 inn for lht• · fi nil l report . cd the blockade to stay v.·ere <SeeFORUM,PageAZI S<1n1e 1n1·c:-.tors a lso evidently 18 1\1 pi ckedup2to l81·11afll'ra 1\d\·ant'L'1nentof Sc i('11{·l•. h eard. lnnk ii ;.J..; :1 h11llish sign !hat the 16~~ gain Tuesday in its fir st ·r\\·O Stil'ntis t s s:1 id they \\'Cl'(' The rouncil "'111 t akl' ct positiOn n1arkct h:1 d not. l"l'<tctcd n1o rc trading since a federal ;1ppt•;d!j 1111;1hll' In rlupllealc lhe \\/Ork nf on .thc issue aflrr the hcuring and neg;1t 1 Vt·l.v !11 tile nc\v..; that the cpurt ruled in f aavor of the eon1 . c· 11• \' l' I ~ <I l' ks t c r. 1·c sea l'l' h ~ub m1l ~• ret·ommcnd a tion to ~O\'t•rnmt•nr ·~ i111h·x of leadin ~ 1 PattY in a n antitrust case late tu:-.t d 1 r l'l' Io i-tJ r I ht• 1$ a ck s t er rt j J e y It y r a r J }. Mar(' h . t•co nun1u· 1rulil'alo1·s 11ostcd it s \\·eek. il<'.S l'~1reh l·'ou ndation ctl San Supe1·vi sors \\·il l lakc final action l>1t'J.!.ll . \1h 1(·h-indit.·a t cd b v either to rt~n1ove the barricade or <'ii .. ·(·t r1~·:il \ ultagt· <"ha nges 1°11 make it pe r mane nt. Al .... .:~al Boom 11•;.11·1·:-. th :11 pl:u1ts p<•rccived thC" ~..... d1•:1lh uf li r1 11t• :-.hr1111p 111 ;.inotht'r l"Ofllll B urglars S 1.-~a1 Jl ;l('k :-.!t'l. rt•plit>d Iha\ th t• Sa·'·ari· Zooloniii:tS at Meet· ,1tlt..'ll1pt;; IQ rep('~lt his rvsults i.ll"t.' Carpet C lean e r J ~ ~ <Sec PLA.:o.,·s. rage 1\2 ) Burglars whose rn<'thod nr en- try has not yt..·l bt•('n determined have sto len a s team ca rpet <"lcuner ''aiucd :it ~.500 from a Saddleback V;illl'y :-;tore. Orange Counly Sheriff':-. offi1..·ers report- ed today. JJeputies said th(' loss w a~ re- ported by T ho1nas l_,ee Spears of Miss ion Viejo Carp e t , 28052 C:imino C<ipistrano.1'hey believe that burglars cnlcrcd the store v ia the rear door and used ~e truc k· to carry off l(hc heavy equipme nt. or~·:a c o11 s t \\le;1ll1 .. r 0.1i1, PHol SI.all Pho let Appohu.c d T ho m a s Riley. Oran.ge Coun - t y's Fifth Dis tric t Supervisor since t h e disappearance ~tl ~e a of RonaJd Caspers. wi LI serve in the pos t until l97fl elections , it w as announce<.! today. NCY."port. Bcacl1 rcs 1· d e nt Riley was appointed tor t hat term today by Gov. J,;d . mund G. Bro\vn Jr. Zuolo£!1-,ts fron1 !'.inn Counl.rv :--..1 1.11·1 .111d rdht•r Southe rn ('al1for111a i'••o"i :t11d wildlife pre- :-.t•1 1 c . .., g:!I h1·r1·d 111 Los An.l?Clcs lnday fnr a su rn1111 t nlC'('linJ?" on h(I\\ hl •-,t 1n d~·;1J \\'Ith llll\\':J.lllCd <in1 1nal:-., '!'ht• t·oni t'rl'l\t'(• al Busch (;;1rd1·n:-. f11t·u:-.1•s<•n h(l\hclon1 estic and \\"lid :.n11 r11;ds v.'hic.::h h;ivc fl\'t•rprop:1 g~d t'(I ;11 lh1• l rvi ne prl•: ser ve .ind 1ilhl'I' ani1nal a lt1·ac.::- l1on:-.. I.ion c ;ounlr~ earlie r t hi s monlh c·11cou ntere d a d verse puhlie reaelion lo its l't1lling a nd croppin,g prug:rum of domestic n1 ;dl<1rd ducks a nd rabbits which h;.ul bred out of control on the 2~\o .;icre prl'servc. '!'he animals, blamed as poten - tial d1sc:tst· t;:1rriers and as .. fr(·eloadcrs" \vho compete ror fond \\Jlh I.ton Country Safari's t•xol1C an1111 1.1I s toCk w e r e cl11nin;1t(•d hvshooti n~. t.1o n l'111111try officials said ii bout 100 anin1als \Vere shot with , a .22 r ine lJut that I.he shooling \\"HS ordered onl y after othl.'r m e thods s uch as· trapping: and I r<i nqu i 1 iz i ng ""l•re rcjf·cted . At today's mceti n~. z11tilogis ts from I.ion Co untry , the l ... o;-; :\ngelC's a nd San IJ1ego zoos. B u s c h Garden s and the California l)cparl.n1ent of 1''1sh and Game atten1 ptl'd to find a ne w. more publicly :1cccptable strategy for getti n ~ rid of pests. Th ey a ls o m et to disc uss various ways of holding b1·ced1 ng by exotic animals do\vn hy s1>av- ing and ne utering. · Lion Country Safari, whic h :.i t one ti m e encouraged fema l ~ lions lQ produce cubs by pressing the late "f'rasicr " into service, now is trying lo cur b g rowth of its lion population.· Zoological director P at Quinn s aid that Lion Counlry \\/Ould soon initiate a ser ies of lion vaseCtomics to accon1p\is h that goal , Burgl a r Hits E l Toro Home c~1 ~h. j1•wclry, :J cu.lculutor, :i nd a kntf(• :i nrl gun with a tot:.il value. of SH95 have been stolen fron1 :1 home in the Wake 1-lous · ini?" sretor of the El ·roro Marine Corps Air Stat ion. Orange Coun· ty Sheriff's officers reported to day. De1>utics s:Jid thieves entered the home of lJnnn<' Lee Fotu·h;i via t he unlocked windOw to select the ir loot from the bedroon1, kitchen and hall"•ay. Also unde r investigation in thr. E l 'l'oro area is-the theft of hand tools valued at Sl80 from th e hom e of teache r Trerit Leo Trim· born. 24. of 25308 Crocker La.ne . Deputies s aid intruders en· 1<'rf'd via the open garage door while thr. occupants were in another parl of the.ho1n c. Expert Touts Pai1~killi1zg Use f o r Pol \\iASl ll N(;1'(}:\' (L'l"'lll /\ drug l':\jlt1rt lcst1 1'ied today th:il nl ;i r i J u a n :1 11 a ~ s u t' h a \.\ich·sprc:id nH.'<h<·al 1•olential it .should bl' ;1\·~1tl:1hlt' for doc tors to prc:-.cribv for patll'Tll s. l'nt.,ld pain :in d ,'1 uff<.·rin~ l'Ot1ld hr r1·1it•\ l'<I if rn:n·ijuana \\t•r1' a\ o.ol ~1ble for 1n cd1e:i l uses , ~ai d IJr .. J11L"I l·'urt. ;1 freqllcnl \\lllll':-.:-. ~1t c·1111 i..:1·t·:-.~1{1nal drug: o.1 h11:--~· h 1·;1r1n;.!s .,,•ho nlso has "rit len hi•ok~ 1111 drugs. 11pL•rate(l dru i..: clinics :inti c·o ndueled \\orld\\"Hll' rcseart•h for the Unit- ed )\:al ions. Iii:-. sugges11011 \\'US n1 ade ul a !>rug l~nforccn1ent 1\dminis tra- lion hearing on federal legal con · t rols o~ ma 1·ij u::ina. J<·ort said the druJ.(s medica l value :1nd pot ential in tr-eating glau<·o n1a . aslhn1<.1. cancer , even <.il('ohnll sm ancl drug addiction "'"'~uhl _e_c r.;ii nl y juslify its legal ava1l~1 bil1ty for researc h and pre. scribin~ ... /\skcd if marijuana should be madl' a\l:til:1ble for m<'dical uses. ht' rl'plicd . "I think it is vital a nd {•sst·ut i ;1 I th:1 t a tremendo u s um1111111 or unncc£'ss;.11·y suffering !Sec POTUS•;, Page AZ} Increas in g c h a nce o f s howers toni ght c lea ring Thursd ay, according to the weather service. Chances of ra in 11bout 60 percent this evening. Hi ghs Thursday 56 1060. Lows toni ght in <10s . l~SIDETODA\' Does swinging produce "happi-. 11ess and -adju.rtment" in mar· rioge or does it lft.ld to "frustra - tion, lension and jtolo1lsy." Two views of the subjec£ are present• ed on Page A7 today. Pool Approval Cheered at El Toro High lntle>0 AIV011r .. rvtce Al ........ ., ·L.M.. •• .,. •• C.Ufw11f• AS C.,_Cwoter &11 Clo•tltlff 01.11 ·c:.rnict t i• Crettw.,.tl Cl4 OMlllHoUc.n At l!dllorl•l I"•.. A• Efltff10tft-t 1 .. 1 ,.IMM• ... , ,... (4·11 ..... tltfltKWd IU --CJ Allfl L• ..... r'\ CJ ""-11'"~ ... , MOl•l4'1 ••• , Mlltk ••• ., ~11<11ndt M Noli.tYINOWI M 0.-.1 .... Co1111ly ••• .. ..,i. (l.J Sl*"'l 1 I I .J Of. SlolMrOllfl All Tti4'¥hM>rl M f"-•"'" ••. , W.Mtllff .... w ... ,..... .... , "We're ecst atic.'" Th at's how Robert Bosunko. for me r principal or El Toro High School, summed up his reaction to news that $?50,000 for the. El Toro community pool was ap· prove d by Or-ange County Supe rvisors Tuesday. "It's a real breakthr-ou J{h . Bosanko said. "The supcr v1 ~ors now kno w they have to give :.o ml' attention lo the needs of youth in the unineor~r&ted arc ns. ·· The money; 'from federal rt?· venue sharing runds, will provide j ust u nder half of the $5.15,000 needed to build the SO-meter 110<J I planned .11l El Toro l ligh School. The res t will be d ivided as back on t he list Tuesday and his rotlows: .$100.QOO from El T oro colleagues unanin1ously backed count y service .area funds; hi m. ' · Sl 70,000 ft'O'l'T\ the Saddle back MostlQr t he money clolecl out by V3 Jlcy •llniflftd, School District ; the s uplervisors fron1 re venue nnd $15.000 from community fun -shartng goes to cities . ThHt's the .dr 3ising. prece~e nt Bosa nko ;in d Pno l barkl'rs hud aln1ost given hom eowne r-s a nd 1n1rcnts ha\e U 'l hope fo r the_ Olympic·l'l i:ted battled more thun t"'o ycu rs 111 ;' µQO I a ft er the Pl'OJect "-'as deleted their effort to snare son1 e n1oncy by lhe county Harbqrs.' Bea~ ,~t\e unincorporutcd ~ud - and Po~rk s l>ep:J.rti:nent~'1i~1~<< 1 . t~i lley . nf _proJCCt !> rccommeiid,~ ~r--~~ , · >cJtJ es all have paid pc<>· c~IVl' part of the reven1r~1sh&.i'Uig ,pte'-'v~l l a~ to write proposal ~ kitty •. , 1 l ror lhe1f' .p:C6jetlt,und to ~o 21nd llul :1 l11sl-m1n ute e1fort< by tJi lobb)' foT ·therri." •Out here, the F'ift h Di s t 'rlct ~. p drv i so r•f~chOol dl s'lrict was the onl y of· Thomi.IS Ftr itc)' :~ot lho :,»rojec ·ricifl bodf. I wr-ole the proposal ' 'j ' ... "~' ! -I • ' 1r(i6 m yself.·• llosankorecallcd. Late r . tbe -1ate Supcrv1~or Ronald Caspers assifi!ned two or his aides to help Bosi1 nko. who has s ince left El Toro to take un a dmi n is trative post at Sad· dle back College. l.<t st year-a parent supporl ~roup , the El Toro Community Pnol A15soc iutlon, formed of· fiti~1Jly to drum up support for lhc project . Its m e m bers. lt.'<I by Marsha Ra"y rin d M ary Ph~llip!5 . ra ised $15.000. "Next we'll be-selling up a n archi tectural committee, draw- ing up pl a n!I, <.1nd t\lc n ~oi ng to 1he s tate for ;.ip1>rov::il ,'' s aid Bos a nko. ·r hat routine is typical of school dis tri c t constr.µction projects. especiall y in the Saddleback dis- trict which receives 51 percent o( its construction runds from st.~tH aid. "\Ve reel very grateful t.h:.it the school district had enough raith in us to ho ld their fut\ds for the pool for l"''o years so we could work on this," l"\o.<;anko said . Bosanko ~al d a f ter lhl!' s upervisors· m eeting 1'ucsrlay he went st raigt\t lo the high <See P(lOl~, ll a(!e 1\Z\ I t .. " DAILY PILOT SB 5 Acres ()ffered, . I NoTakersi FREE:· 15 acres of view pro-- perty over looking Aliso creek. Mountain ridge in scenic Lasuna N11uel . Ca ll AVCO Community Developers, ln{'. AVCO officials are not yet re- a dy lo place such an ad but after this week's experience with the Ora nge County i>l anning Com- n1ission, nobody would blame · them. T hey tried to give away the 15.7 acr es a s open space for a new 33-acre subdivis ion but d is· covered tha t nobody would t a ke it. ._For """tn•les · Yoiµi·ger· llrges I \. •" Adfilt TrihlS I . I Fro• Page Al -Profits· Vp On Steel , .. ;PLAJsirS ~ ..• . ' PlT'l'SliUlbll (VPI l -Wheeli ng-PIUsburgh Steel Corp. reported today that pro- fits soared 3,000 percent In the las t three monlhsol 1974. ''We just had a good qu flr le r , '' ioaid Date Pili, senior vice presid.:nt for finance for the nation's ninth lar gest stee l company. W h c e Ii n g. Pit t s bu rgb' s e arnlng:s leaped to $24.25 million. or $6.42 per share, fron1 Sl .49 mill.ion, or 20 cents a share. l·'o r the year its profits rose to $73.41 million, or $19.23 IM:r shart', from ~.37 million, or $1 . 75 pc-r sh a re. •·ro1n Page Al POT USE .• , lnconc-lusive because the work a t Co.r..nell U1'ivers ll)' a.u4 the Selenee-r Unll:frftted Res~arch Foundoition. S:i.11 Antonio, Tex • did n o l ro ll o\v th e exact laboratbry lCl'hniqucs used in the ori ~in ul l'X pr rin1ents. B~ckster said hr has not attempted to repeat the work .. At a ncv.•s conference. Dr. Arthur W. G<1 lston, professor of hiolo~y al Yule Universi1y, said it is knO\l.'n thnl plants hove electrical Hc:l ivity which is effected b y en vi ronm e ntal lnfluences suC'h as bravily. JJgbl and tc n1 J)l' r :11 ti1·('. Ji ut \\"h(·t her t ht.·rc 1:: !'omC sore of l'O n1mun1c ati o1iS link \\•hi<'h v•ould n1 akc pl :inls ~1\\'arc of non· cnvironn1 l'nl •tl 1·h:1nf!CS is a tlif· ferent mattel'. "Wh at We're deuling with is a set of d ata \\'hich purport to s how thal a t·crtain situation cx~t.s irt nature," Galston s~lid. T hen t urning to Ilacks te r s itting next t o him , he said : ''J\nd y o u a rc ,,·it hh idclin g fin ;1t judg n1t'nt o n \\'ht·lh cr this is correct or not ., ''Absolut cl ,v." lt :i.c ks l c r repli ed. \\"h v l.;il slnn \V:'ls ask<'d . 'vns th..: ::aibjel'l lJroughl IJ1·fu rc .s urh :r 1n·C'::.ligiuus furu1n in th..: first Jilacc·? "\'le have a ga p hct\vC'cn what .scientists believe and y.•hat the lay puhlic be li e ves. "'he s aid. Asked if there is uny harm in helie,·ing that t :ilking to planl<> does nny good. he re plied: "lt probably docs son1e ).!ood to the people who talk to tht! plants. J think they're rt.\L•ling lone ly. , "Let 's f;.11.:c i!. if :,nu live Ill' l\"ew "York <.:it \" 111 a ePnCrC'l l! j ungll! and you1: lantllaUy tJoc sn't let you have pt.•ts in the house a nd vou h;..i vc ;1 philode ndron over i11 a corne r , it y.•ou ld IJC <:omforting to you to kno\v that lhl•re wa:J ;:1nother sent1 c-nt thing iit lbut apartn1ent." From Pnge Al Frona Page A I Calculator to Ad. Up Coast Booty? Ca sh, jewelry and a pocket ca lculator wilh a total value of S767 ha vc been stolen from a Laguna llill s home. Orange Count y Sheriff's officers rcport- t:d todny, De puties said intruders at the home of e lectr ician Joseph ;\_ t 'uzu zzu . ~,I. of 23606 M essina Jlond , m ay have used a mas ter key to gain entry lo the p re mises. 'fhe l oot was taken from bedroo m s in the home. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed ,, KoOfflf •llO P\lbllthff" Jack R. Curley Vice Pte\lllenl •nd Ot,..,_, .. ,.,... Thomas Keevll .. ,~ Th0mi'15 A: Murphine M.i<Wi!"9 EOolor " Charles H. l!o06 Richa rd P. Nall ~•illJj IM!Wtllnl Edlliir• s,,;dd .. blck Vall~lce :t»t1u,.,111:1 ..... SM! ft_.., · Olfter Ottius C-t.1-.M ;»O W~~taa,s­-1"",et•n ")3 N~-•l lkKii.-d Hw1'1"'91on 8e.1Ch: 11$1j 8'.l(ll BolM~tl'i:I Uf!MlltlU\ ltMO-,Or1Mt'MI Te ...... 17141 '42-4nl O.Jlifitd Adwrtlslng '42·.S.71 ,._i.o.c, ValltJ -Ol'lk.• Sl1-6310 ,. ...... Soefl c., ...... ,. 495.(1630 C..rrltlll, It/I 0tt "9e CM't. 1"11011\1111•1 ......,.,, M 11t••JIOrltt, 1lhllollal-\,.cllW IJI f1111t1t ,, ••••"llN-"h M>••tn ,,.., IN '"'tH<Kt• tttlllMil -•41 ptt1nl•olt~ •I c•••lfltt-•, ' liK .... 'l•\• H\I ... 11•td •I (.911• Mo••, ~.MMcrlfll9ll!J1t.,rler N OO,_,l~lf ; .,....i1M.10.-.r:_..r~N• -.. ~'The three of us are more closely aligned philosophically," Trus tee Chester liriner said or his volirig bloc. ··But what bothers me is thHl once the de- cision is made. we don't all sup· port it." .. "J.'roblem solving s hould be done in a human rnanner , ,. T rus tee-George llenry replied. "We can't survive much longer with \,his dissent. or the kids will be .al a di s advant1:1t:c." Candidate C a r ole N cus tadl snid , "I don't think five people h:.i vc to th ink the same but every boa rd n1e m~r should approach thl'ir pos ition with the highes t in· te.(!ri fy." "Fact1 ons ;:1re irrelt'v:i nt, l 'd likl' 10 luuk at hov.: dl:l'ISJo n:> are made.'' i\l o n<'y 1ssuC's alsn took the forf•fr vn1, \11th <.:andidt1le {,oa ''oung leading off with a series of state ments on how the district is in her opinion ntisspcading lhc ui.x doll ar. "ln the p;isl year, your scboo1 ' board spent ove r $80.000 need · lessly ,'' she said, "And that 's lvhy I'm running." The board authorized $8,000 for· consultants to produce a master pl an, $6 ,0IJO for a 1>ersonncl sur- vey. and $9,000 for an attorney to belp in salar}' negotiations. ''\Ve have the t alent and ex· pertise in this district right now to do these things ourselves,'' she said. Further, Mrs. Young said she was "appalled" that the district had spent SJ,000 for a three.d ay Hdministrator·s retreat in San Diego and $53,000 for conventions and conferences las t year. Candidate Mary Phillips said she supports the present ad· ministration because t hey have s uccee ded in uchicving many goals for children. · "I rate this district as high a s any I've e ver worked with," she said . addinJ? that the El Toro pool had been approved earlier Tues· .day for funding from the county Board of Supervisors. "Today we saw the end of a dream that we thought wa1 com. pletely Impossible. That commit· ment was made by the preside.nt of the board or education and they are doing a fine job," Mrs. Phi llips said. Another issue, that of rnding decis ion on high schoo boun· d a ries . drew s everal questions from the fl oor. 'fhe district is trying lo de· l•·rm1nr y,1herc to huild its next high school -jnMJss1on Viejo or Laguna llills. If the school is built in .Mi ssion \.'icjo, Lag una l·lills stude nts would be bust.>d to El Toro Jligh SC'hoo\, ;1 ccording lo tentative dis trict pl ans. Asked their oµinion on the sub- ject, the c:und idatt~s responded a.s follows : -Chesl er Briner : "lf we can justiry it. this s id e of the freeway (Laguna llill :-.J is \\•he re I'd like lo sec ii."' -ltob4·rt Krumfi<'I: "I believe in n righborhood .schools within v:alking d istance." -l'rr~ton lloY.'t'll: "'l'hC' ))o;:ird mu!-.l n1akt.• 11.S LIC'ci::.1011 liast•d o n what i s best f11r t he );.i rgc s t nun1hC'r nr kids.'" -\\'illian1 Kohli·r : '•!\i lls ~hou lei be a blc 1 o v. ;d k to C' ll"m en· 1;.iry ~c hon l , \.\i<tlk t<• inl.(•J'mcd1 alt:" !->C'hool and 1valk to hi f~h :-.e hool. -Vince l\lcC'ullouj!h : "You r inpu t is be ing sought." -!\ls. Neustadt: '"1'his is an e m oti on a I issue, the point of quahty education has lo do v.'ith continuity and that is an issue here." -Mrs. l'hilJlps: "These arc on- ly p r oposed boundaries. The board wants c:om1nun.ity input and needs it." -John Simons: "l 'd like to sec it here." -Cyru_.. \Vood<'I! "There is nn houndary ::is permanent <ts the freeway. I would hope if a school for k id s here is built, il wilJ be on this s ide of the f1·eev.·ny. ·· Woodel added he believes the trus tees do not. make e nough ef· forl to keep parents inf<n·mcd of th eir activities. He pled ged to do that, along with watching out for I.he taxpayer. ~ • !._.. Let Theni ' SpendM~ There's n smart alee in every crowd, and Tuesday's Corum ror candidates for the Saddlcback Valley Unified School Dislricl board of truslecs Wt\3 oo excep-- Uon. After several hours of talk, the theme moved to teachers ' sala ries. "Wh en educators are the meat of th e s chool Syst em, why · s ho uldn 't lh(•y g e t more money ?·' one person asked. 1''rom the rt~ar of the room came a shout fron1 some inO~ lion-weary S-Ou l. "Or why 11<>tJuat givelhem more meal?'' ~it..: Sta.~ War1n·up suit. Champion sry li n.~ for ihc i)t.J.l h, road, tourrs. Zip-1111 J cr.ltl on jnc kL·t. porker ;cnJ .inklL·s. Tn ,1 n1~ch inc \vash -:icrr lic <'In d j•DlyL·Sh.:r. PO\\•Jcr Llut.·, ;..:recn or navy. S,~1 ,L. 834 'Jb\\'11 & 11-:i v\.I SJX>rtswear SANTAANA SOUTH CO.AST PLAZA ,. ' -· •• • Snop Sudd~y, South Coast Plaza, 12:00 noon to 5 p.n1 . ~ANTA ANA, 547-7211 • SOUTH COAST PLAZ A, 556·0611 J .. " j • ' .Af' "DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE :C;bange for Irvine? • Coiltrol of the Irvine Company is for sale. Looking at provl,ions or the federal Tax Reform Act of 1969, directors o r the lr\'ine Foltndation -O\Vner of eon - trolllng inte rest in the Irvine Company have declared ll1al stock is on the 1n arket and has hU)'Cl'S . Pros1>ectivc J>urchascrs of the foundation 's 54 .5 percent controlling interest include Mobil Oil Co . ~t nd Northwestern Mulu<'tl Life Insurance Co., \vhic h are reportedly cons idering 1>ay ing SI 10 million for 4.59 n1illi on shares. Without doubt, the Jrvine Com1)any is the largest single influ ence in the city of Irvine. It s activities at'e evidc11t cvery y,•here. It owns n1ost of lht undevc lo1>ed land, most of the con1mcrcial f:..icilitics and t•vc-n the city ha ll building. Unde r its present n1akcup. the con1p::.i n y hus pro· vided a strong , consistent set or p lans for future de- velopment and-despite ot•casitn1al t•Jl('Ounlers \\1ith the city counc il -things havl' progressed n11u.:h as planned. llerctoforc, relations betY:ccn the company ha,·e been generally amiable. \Vh ilc \.vrangling he:ts bcc..·n standar(f t>ruccclurc in ci ty-con1pany de::.ilin gs, 1>oint s of dis pute have been resolved through negotiation rath er than th rough lhecourts. \Vheth cr that \\'i l l pr e\'~1il u n der the nc\v ownership i s anyb<)cJy's guess. r->rese11t munagcmcnt i1hilosophies cou ld continue (Jr they could be altc rl:d c.lrastic ally . ing city 11olicies thal l\a,·e ridden through without questic_.n in the past. \\leak spots include three different Ian~ use pl~n:-. ror th~ l'it\.·'s futu re de\'elopn1enl . llelat1vcly hi gh l}:J1·k dc<lic;1ti1111 reqoirements of 4 !"> aercs per t .000 l"l' ::.idc nts could be chCJllen~ed . At this po int th.c city should begin s izing up it::. C>\V n operation \Vith an eye t o s hori ng: any areas s u s- ceptible lo alta<.·k. , t;o<.1<l relations ,,·ith the Jr,·inL· Cornpany he lped the city thro ug h il s infancy . 'f hl'y very \Veil could <.:~n­ tinuc: but it \vould be \\·ise tu prcpal'C for potenl1i.1l shifts 1 i n attitude. 1 Practical Art Lesson 'l'h<·rl··~ a big CO\'t'l'UI) going un 111 th<' Alic;(1 C r eek flo11C.I c·1Jntrol c·hannel i11 i\lis::;u>n \1le.10 . :ind th<.· scvc•nth :tnd eighth g 1"<1dc r s 111,·ul\'l'd ha\'l' l'\ l'l'Y rl ghl tu be pr11utl 'l'hl·y <tl'l' painting a rnural on Lhe concrl·tc c.:ht1n lll'I. c·ovcring O\'l'I' graffiti left there by other )'ut1ngslt·r~ 'l'hl' pr11.1eet \\as launched by l.os 1\l i ~os In· tl·rn1l·d1:1\t' Sc.:houl l'rin<:ipal Robert l\'l c.:<}uccn after the-continu1nj:! g r:1t'fiti problen1 \\•a s 1>oi nlC'(I out IJy t•111 1nt:r E11 viron n1l'ntal i\'lanag:crnl'nt Uircct or 1-1.G (ls!)Ol'nl'. 'J'h l' job ,,·a s turn<·d U\'l'/' tu al't teae hcrs. ,,·ho ha\'e made 1niu·c than just ~1 le,-;son in 1nural painting. ·rhey have tak c.·n the.• 11p1.M>r tunity to g ive sludc11ts jl lesson in social responsi Uilit_v us \Vf'll . 1\ll ~UPJ>lics :Jntl c'lj11ip111ent \\'cft:: tlonalcd by a Santa A n a n1crc.:hant . ~111<! the paint in use \\1ill not. ,,·a sh off ,,·111211 t he l'hannel is fille d \\'ith w<.itcr. J''rom a purely s peculative st:J ndpoint . it ,,·uuld seem reasonable to guess that a profit-m ak ing ror- JX>ra tion governed by :..1 profit-c:onscious bo:..1rtl of directors rt!spons ible to thousands of s lockholders niight be less patie nt and less yielding to city (lesirl's than the rel ati\'ely altr uisti<.: l:>0ard of a non-prufit foun · dation. \Vh ut it n1eans to the c it~· is that. in a ~·ear or so. a new I rvine Con1pany management mighl be: c h ullt•nJ.!· 'J'he gift of this n1ur11I . rc1>lal'ing the c h aotic out- hurs t s 1.>f 1~1·affit.i \\'ilh grace. c.:u lor, i!llrl J>lc:.ising llc- s ig ns, is ;1 fine l'X pression of youthful spi rit.. ;Co1n1non citizens ar e one thing but tl1is is f(Oi11g too far!' SB The Second D ear American Gloon1y Gus Time to Phase Out Gas Hogs Revolut;o· n 'l'u1111· l·:d11ur ] docs n11\ seem lo be \"C r y :-.\J("- 11 J{un1 orist h ~1llhl'bl~<1u1·~ Jf lhl' L:.:-; 1;u\t•r11ml·nt 1srv:il· [ (·essful tiun in l r\·in e Con11>any l.\' sv rious ;ibout the rur1:-;p1'\'ati1Jn MAILBOX \ 11 1 1 1 1 ( J ..... · ,. . ... ,... . t 1oug 1 ;1tn nu _,~·I';. 11111·t:-.;i\J•111t ;!l1p!'l'(·t·11 \tJf1l s eonl:dis 1s 1111\\" Villa).!l':-. !1lltH·l.tht•nton,..rt:-tssh ould101 kno"''ll'd).!.c a bleunlhcsuhJcl'I I 1 1 1 .. ART HOPPE .. ' 1· 1 .. 1 ,J::·.1,t · . · · l"'ll'ut.·t1n1 . t1t·11111" :-.1a1.t·. ::i:; a by I ht· Jr,·111t• Company , a nll'l l:1 tt· ~· t•11,1 { Cj2 1:-i .I 1u11 • do have.a i.:ouJilcof :;_m:.dl •. ~-~~'i-, .. 1._ -··~" ,,~ •• ~,,~,~ ...... ~·-·,, w .·· · 1f J\I obi I Q il Co.. . ...... , .... J, lJ~luJ ' • .• ,...,," ..... £.J:::;_, u.1:. \-:~~~-...~.<--.. ~~~...r--...... e,1i_:el.co111e. ' , · ·.,. .~.-J . .JJf~i'tti11!',:'be:~l>Y~~·'.R-~!:~~i(l·~Sf '\.;.," ',· _ , :::T''' ~ ~... • ... : • ; J' i .. (' "' .. r ._.._4 * .. ' .... :-7"4;;~: -~ . I ~a~ ~1~~~ ...... ~~ttt'fk~r .. ·rr.rn~·r !pt' r' f o-tltrl"~ I~(' i'-. 1i ri"' rfl'i'f~itit~ .... .....,·(l~,ri'a?nr: ·11,.~1IPr~ -~1ir;uld tn1u ('I/ 1:~~~l;t..:"::1'~.l~;~·oplc au! hori'l.t•il t~· J.!._d·'·; 111:-i ll':I \ 111 ~ Li I o l' dnllll'.S 'c • The second Amertcan Revolu· be s queezl'd to rit the tiny hl•l"'-t·po\1 L'r ;n)d \l'l'IJ.:hl lin11t;1 1~1e1r 1nt!ssag1•s 111 ;i1111{·p1(L~ or le,,,, t•nforce res lri ctions 011 po!lutilln . HI 1 ~11 1 ·'11 '. 111 .,in '~11 1 1\:1 .1.1~1;11 t r.1: tion look place on July •1. 1971~. sign~ ;dlu\\·ed in Jr,·inl'. 11011"' 111 tht.· lt1lurt.• 1f"lanuf:1cturt' 1/1(' n~l1t r.o cn11den:;f! lell<'rs 111 /1! i\ s ubtle atl\'{•rti sin~ pi·o ).!r anl 1L"\ _ 111 lh.i.t '. '11 ~1 : ". 11 :. 1.'.· 1 1 ,1 11 (ol~~.·in u~'"·".·. l'r~•i'rl~'•· 11-.: .. ,1 I•'\ l'.'1. 1 V.aj.lll.H.n..«'~· · JJY"Tt,'t111111ateltbcl1.s ""'J:;"'il II b .. 1 1 II ,t tHHl\1!11• 11h11•1!1lllHl rull"l ·"'""' "'';.; ., u.»>1 ·~. . \,. •' • c . • " . . . • .. 1 d~ . \'OU 1 l' sci up .s1n11 a r u IC \r·ili lJnpurl .. an l ar,,..· ·1 ~Tax -Cu nt·rc:l!-'lc ' )u1·1n" the t·l'n! :'\;\SC ,\l~ ..t /1 · ti·. r11 u.~1 r11r11 .1· .~ 11" ··Kl''JJ i\rnt•rica {;rl'l'n ·· iiro · · · I ..... ,,-.. 1 . ··" 11 ,,. 0 ,,, , .. , ''' 1 , , . ,,,,,,1 c. IJot'' <111\0111 • -.~·111111..,lv h1 ·llt·v1..· (p<i1t•nts pt·ncling ). c;i.-.,c; .. ,,o,.11'""''•rt1u1>mi-.11, It•:.! <1 1,.,,,'} (•:ii:.. -lllllt' u~ur~ ""u 1 <I 111 fl ...,r -~·' j 1 '111 t'.~ ).!ran1. hut r1..•lall'li to h;.a ys and , ·. · . · , , . l·lis fir~l Tax·Cut lnc.:rcasl', .-r ....... _,,.•c••w•ll1m1e<.1r1w :iultlnlul>ilt·s 111 tht· fl .5()1> 111 r.,tl(I() he 11:1111_/icld i•n r 1·ri11es1 11 sr1tlrl'it'llf bl'at·hl's. ·rlH'n 1 "'"~>uld :-.t.•1. up t·.X· th:, 1\r .. 1h ~ 0 \\1,111<_1 .'.')1~!111ut lhc11. propos l.'d in January of 197$. y;as ;!-;!.!1c;':,~"'c."!.~:i1~~~".'0' .. "' lb . .1UO to 500 l'lllitt' inch dis platt'· reai;un 1sappar1•111 /'1Jefn1 111// ""' "" Jlt:rinlcnl ·i i s l ·iliuns ·dong lht· ln ,...11 h.indt ii 1111' t ,int~ s~ippl ,\ I · I • G 01 h d • · ' . ' . polll"ll':-. 11 "''· 1!t1•11 '."liu . I .... idely h ;1il('d a s ''bri lliant nlt.•n t t as:-.. <l\t.•Ja j.!l'< 12. 01 .p.i:: pu 1 ·~ I! t'O"l»l ·ind s t ·n"t lo j.fro"'· 01 ar1nt• . 1 1 ., 1 ' th' k " .. In s ub ll I' b '\ n d I' i \'In ,. • .. : . • I ' I' J c·11 S lon1t·~' :-.1 .. ppt•t >UYL1l).!. cconom1c 1n ·1ng. h Id · • ..... · 11rl!an1s m s unc ~1· spcc1a 1zc1 ,1 11111 ,1 1,,,1 .,. 1 ,1,,,,1,t Jll"' 11111 ., "''ire \\"OUld say, ··1 <ti 'A't' C'OU \' f I 1 ~-11 ·' '.~ '" ' To fight r ecession. th~ plan l'r orm:.inct• o n ur )all or l"'-" IJrl'edin" 11rocl'SSl'S to <lcvelo11 11 : · ·1 · 1 1 1 save s..i:I.12 b~l nol g11ini:: fo r our · 1 1 " ·· · <>·1 on !1"U ·..: anc ·n1u1.: 1 l' s c 111 •C':lllcd for cultin" •w·r.suoal 111 dr1,1n).!. "'aS t'\ 1'11 ni~rt· :i 1~·:-.111:1 · tloniino c•flctt un Ille ,,,.,,., .. ". ul ,•,II 11cv.• s tr·1in" or fish ·i n<l J)l:.Jnt lift~ ,_, ""ii 1· 1. l l ' " ..-~ rl•gu\ar Sund:Jy Jr1\'l' ' .. -. ..-., . · •. · ·. ' . . !l\lr :-o ·c·a t'( \•111..·1·g~ pn It'.\'. ~ C'Olll e laxl·sS28.5bi\l ion 89 that .as A r 1·•"' ~ {nl.p .g . PCLl"O l('utnrclatcd pru<luels . ~\·t11cbn11 g ht SUl'\'l\"t.•bc ltcr tn con-11111"' \Jr l•'•lt'tl ,\·1J"ll'!I li:-.lt'l\1 11 " the J>resident h appily explained, "·· ..... re you out 0 your inini · In !he n1H.l -r :111 ~l' of lht• Jn rliLions ,,·hi ch ·11·c ;ul\'l'l·sc to IJl"c· ... · 1 ' 1 1 c1 ht'r hus b<ind would rl•ply ··:-.;t.'\t 1 .,. 1 I I"" 1 .' . . . lo s unll'!•nt.• 11! 1"1' t 1<~11 I 1e 01 people would h avccxt r;:1 monf'yto 1· as:-.1 1t•:.it1011s ll':.\t•t !·. ,,,,.1 ° ·rh<·~e actu1ns :1Jone \\'tiuld t•un Sl·nt n1 <1rinl' llfP. Aflcr fcrt1llz1ng . . . , _ 11 , 1 .. , 1 ,1. ti , spend. ,·ou'llb('SU/.?gt.':-ilinl.!lt:1hl'thl'hu:; l.:'JIJO ll>:;. '.!:l(J to :$:10 eu. u1 . di1'-scr\"l' rnillions uf gallo11s of f11t·I ;111 are:.i \\'Cll ada \)tt·d fnr the t.n r.11p.1ni_t .... 111 ll in tit.~ t 11.: -,,, \\·ork . \'v'h,\' don ·1 ,\ ou :-.l'U .\·our · 1 · I t·~l uf u,.., To fi ght inrlalion, the Prt•sident ca r lnsti·;id '.'"' pl;1(·t·rnent 1 it\1·1·;q..'l' ca:. 011 c<t_J.:l' daily and ,1.:1 1n ~1itute a tnajo r s t1·p yvung marluc ~irg<inisrns. T \\"oulll · -1 ~ .. \ l 'Hl·::"•:('J•: l. !).1\J\()L'I' "llV\\ \\'uuld I J.:,'t'I tu tny l1r1dgl· I incrc;.ased oil taxes SJO bil\io11. so t•fl :-.ubul'han dr1\·111~ \\·:1:; l 1 1 ln\l'tir<l iilc!C'p(•tld(•llt:l' 11f oil irn· 111:.inl both vc."t'tatiun ;:ind n1arinc· tha t the peop le "'nulcl ha ve nl I';..: 11r :~L :J 1H.·re1·n icttcrt ian port:. Jifcinth1.•IJ1:1rren:1rca .Jlttil l ... tll.I ioon1et h.ing. lo s pend their extra ~amt'" But "ilh thl' pri('t• uf th t: 1 h r l' l' l u 11 I 11 x u r ·' moncy on. ,::asulinc> so h ig h , \\"(' h a\t· 10 <'UI Ht1lon·1ob1lt'~. ·rh1· fuel sc1,·ing::; in .-....1·ncr:):-.on1t'~'ht·r1· ·· I I hi 11 Pus hing upthe priccof iasoline '-v Ill' O\\t.:r \\t'I~ ;111< lorsf'J)(J\\('r a dime a gallo n , the Presidcnl '"A ll right. ;Lil right. 1·11 l'lll 1·;1tin·i.::-.1."e''t•11 n11 ir1·..;1riking triumphantly explained . "·ould dov.·ntohalra ho" l11 f1i c(•acla_, · (orcc people to.d ri\•e lc·ss. ThC'y T11•: PR•:s ll>t<:NT "''"~ un \\·ould t hen have more money lo dcrstandably rurious . In his r;1g1•. sµc nd ror 1hc thinl.!s they wantc•cl hf' marle ;1 di :-.a :-.tro11~ 1ni:-.1akt• Unfortunutcly. tlu.· things th;it ''l-'or b<'in g b;id .'' ht" 01n111111nc·1·<l people \\•ante d v.•t"rc rnore gallons an~ri l ) O\'t•r nationa l tl'lcvi~inn . o fgasolinC' · "hen ('('forth nunr of ;.·nu l'an ha \'t· AFTER i\J,L , lht· pr1tt' of !I: asoline had ;1 I ready doubled :J S d rl.'s ul t of th c enl'l"i.!Y crisis "'ii hou t noticl'ahlr c fft•l'l on t\nicric:in!>.' dri\'ing habits. /\not her ten ('l•nl s "''aS~1n1p\.\ .1 llrop in th1 > j.!a .... tank liut the l )rt·s tdt•nt \\':J S dt• tC'rmincd. 'l'h:ll ral\ ht• ilt\ll!llllll'('d his t;ig;111t1c SlflO l~dl'1011 ·r.1x·('ut inc rl';1 Sl'. 1\nd . "'h1·11 not hi ng mui.:h h;11>11e 111·cl. ht• rollo\\'ccl 11 up Ill lhc :">lll"lllj.! ur 197li \\1th hi :-. Super-Gig;1ntit· S500 l.11U1un ·r~1x C ul-lncr1·asl'. fly no"'· gasoline \\'<IS sel ling for $5 12 :J g:dlon and they s till '''ouldn'l "'ipc rour v.·indshicld. ·'That s hould do 11 ! " saill the President happi ly. But a si1nilar scene v.•as being repc<itcd in ever y Aml'riran home across th e land. "I ju.s t figured out. dear.·· a thl' f:Jn1ily c ar ·· '('h;.i t, Of ('OUl":">l', \\"ilS \\"hl'll lht• Sc•cond Aml.'r1 <:;111 Hl•\"olut111n broke out ~tnLs s hout111 J.:, "t;11r· u s aulon1nh1l t•s or j.!l\1• II " d1·alh'··, ... 1111 n11·d !h•· \\'11111 · llou:-.t', d1.·pos1·d !hi· 1'11 '"lt!\'11t ;u1d \\"1"11!1• !ht• St'('l•lltl l1t·1·Ln.1 tion uf h1dt>fH.!tld1·111 I' I! II .1 ~ .I dq(·11n1t·111 t'\ i'l':o' r'l•.11 r\1ncr11·a11 aµplaud1·d . "\Ve hold lhl::-O c trulh:-.1.u hc ~··!f t·\·ident . · · 1 l rc;1c1 · · 1\ l I n1en "rl' en d0\\'1•rl \\'llh fo11r \\·hc1·ls. ~ltl hors epower :ind C'<'rtilin in:.illt·n 11hlC' right.s. intluding r r•gul:1r . Ethy l and the pur~u1L ol' the· c :1r ahe:..id of them.·· It \\'<lS :1 s:nJlll'r hul Wl."l't' (•\ Pre~ide nt \\'ho refll'<'ll'ti" on hi :. rat a I e rror of .1 ud g n1 en! ·•\\"hat I s hnulrl h:1\'l' dnnt•," h(' said thoughtfully , "\\IUS tu ;1s k I hem to give up eating lnsteatl · · l'I' IS :-.1111 pn:;..,1bl1• \" l'l'CUll' ;1 111,111"\' ;111tnn1ohill' fnt' lhl' ::.l;J\l!:-. c·u11:-:!.'i o11,, hU\ i•r \I ith,.til turninl! .iul !>.Orn•· 111 ' 1h1· 1-:ro~:-.I .\· 1111·111 ('it•n1 un1t s prt·st•nll\' 11n thl' n1 :1 r k1·1 It (l~ll'!>.11 I I ;_1ki• l(M! 11 p .llul /;uij(I llJ:-i pf s lt•t:I tn trcinsporl I to '1 p1•1111h· .ii :i:J n1pt1 on !h1.· n;1t1nn .... hq .. :.h 11 .1 y~. \1 hilt· ~rna lh•r ''t•h1l·lt·s j.'.l'I t:I' tn lhl't'l' 111111•s h1•tt1·r 11111 •'.1:.!t' ;1 11d ;1r1·or11pli :-.h th1• ..,,,+II! l•tll'llH'l' 111 tho• rnt·:.in t1ml' \\llllt• \\'t• 1 11l,,...,~· 0111 lhc· 111;t nl~il('I1rri• of 1ht:"-t' ~a :-; hni.::-.. lvt ·s h ltvt.• ~~1:-. r ~1 !ion111g to J!l"Olt•t'1 I ht• Inv.' 1n1·nrn1· t·o11s u Jlll'!" ltai!>.Ln;.: \.h{" prirt' of 01 l :111(1 i-:as "'ill e\Hllr1b11ll' 11) the· 1n tl:111on l.l r~ spir al ;1nrl "'lll h ;l \"{' ;1 Quotes 1 l.\·ni a n 0 0 \'11•, L ;\ :I "\\'1· arl' ~·onS1 ;1ntl v h;·1ng ;1skrrl \\'hal "''(' oirt·dotng :ihout inf1 11ti on. \Vc·ll.1n th1-. huus1•hold . \ll' :.i re· hCl''lming u:-.c·d to less fond . less heat. less li ght . and mnr•· taxes .. 1 Tax Rebate Questions \VAS •llNGTON -Private poll· ing data now flow ing into the White I-l ouse Oval Office is ro:iis - ing g r ave questions whether President l-"'0 1·d's pro posed m assive in - come t ax rut will actu a ll y s timula te the dangero u sly d 'e pr esse d cConom y -o r :-imply b e u!ed to pay otf old debts ab<J replenish disappearing savings. lndeed , so worried are the President's economic advisers that Will ia m Seidman. Mr . FPrd's MS&i1tant ror econo mic a(- flirs, ha~ made arrangements to g o lo Swarlhniore, Pa .. to lillen in on telcphonl'! interview~ <:Onduct~d every evening ~1round tle co untr y by th e Alb ert Slndllnger polling organiz;ition . I A s t••:Cli\l,IST on cons un1or .st>en<.lihg habits, Sindli nger has bee n turning u p a larming evidence that Car m ore Amcricun (. EVANS-NOV AK ) households now plun 1.o use lh1· President's proposed 12 p~rl't'11t incom e tax r eb;1t cs for puying debts on past purchases -:ind for savingS than fo r buying new cars or oth t:r dura bles. 'l'hc mi!in re ason : the record lu"' IC\'l'I of consumer conridencc in ihe fu t ure of /\mc ri ca. Sindlingc.1"s findings. \Vh1ch ar.e si m ilar to pess in1isti t rorecasts o f other economists, m ean that· income lax cuts may not operate as n sHle self-st arter to get the el'onomy moving. If true. that drasticall y undermines use ,or tax cuts to revive lhc econon1y \Vi th a quick fi x. Reports from Slridllngcr no"' under stutly at the \Vhitc !lo use show that oearly 53 pcr<'cnt or 1.415 households his tl'lephonc interv;si~ers Sii mpled rrl?Dl J a n . 9 to 13 would save, not spend, :.1ny incom e tax windfall. ()nty '.l:l.6 pe rce~tsuy they \Vould spend it. TllAT ClllLLl"NG yurcbtil..:k or consum er 1>la ns not to buy 1nuch ' i n the \\ orscn1ng r r cess1un rresultcd from the lasl cf a series of questions reg:u l;irly asked by Sind Ii ngc r . ·r h esc q-ue .<.;tloo s altl'n1p l ln i solate "'h at t•onsu111crs plan to do -not. what they think every body l'lsC:' \Viii du ;il)o u t b uyi n g c on s um er clura hles. 'l'hu s. Sin dl1n gcr 's rirs t que:>tion s et~ t he s t age hy ;.1skin~: ··Do ;.'OU think people in gcnc'ral \vould s pend 'l!orc than savl', or suve n1ore than spend ?'" ~•l o1·c tha n t\\•O-thirds res ponde d th<&l ·'people" 'vould spend m ore Hut on lh <• k ey question \\1h elhcr they thc mi>elves \\·ould spend or s ave. the findings "·er<.• reversed. T h a t imperi ls \Vhi!f! llousc hopes for major ~t.imtJlalion of the econ o m y : u flood of new buye rs tor nutorn obiles.and oth€:r ht'IJ ''Y" du rables, i;uc h a s 'r errigt:!rutors. lni;t ead . n1ost <'On s\1 rn ~rs. react ing from rear or the ruture and lack or confidence in t.he P 'r eside nl's nccoyery , prof,!rafu . m ay stick 't!1cir tux ~uts in a·so:c k. ' I ·rhcrt• i ~ onl\ 1n1 1.· :1n$\\l•r to ftil'I ('O ll.'it.!l"\"<lll~n. SillCl' tt :.il"ft•i·I ~ tht' t'C't Hl(1n1_v and th(' very fulur1· lJf otir nation. l'\'cryont' rnus1 p:t rt'" I JJ <• It• . C lt.''Ull ·~··· ;,,~, ·ro lhl· r:dnur I l"l';ul v. 1111 run:-.idt•r,11Jlt" 10 IC'J"t•SI ;.nur f1·:1tu1·l' List ~\l'l'kcnd 11n r1 ·sl :1ur;1 nt 111s pf'1·lio11 and :-.;1111t:1\1011 ru11d itions in (lr:1ni:1.: (·11u11I\· lf I l't 'Olt'nlbl'reorrt•cl l\ \C>tJ !>.l.;1 !1 •d in th1• arl!t·le th :~t lh•; 1n :-.pt·ctic1n t'1·enrd s 'nf t'ntHll,\' r~·:-.1 :1 t1r .. 111I :-. \1 t•r1· puhlH' l'c'1·ord:- !l11.·r•·f11rt• no rt·-.1r1t•!1•1ns pl:.i<'1.·d t•ll 11 1;1k111;.: -.,uch 1ll!nrn1:1l1un pulil1t· lt lh1· lf,111 _\ l'ilul lt•a!l.v \1:1ntvd ludo ~l pt1hl11• "l.'l'Vl!'P for 1h•· t't' ;1dcr~. :1 ~ \1t·ll :1 ~ till' th1111..,:1n<1-. "t l)(•opl t• \\'hn 'fo;.t nut" \11·1·kl,\, \"111J \\"1)11\d putih.-.h a 11:-.r flf {'aC'h ;ind {'\·e ry r1·~taur:n11 in th1· l"H1n1~ \\hi ch dJCI nul 11 :1~~ 1111· san1!.1l1u11 111Spl·etu1n ['l"t'('t'tiC!ll't: L:-. .1 'r\' :-.l .1tlilll bo.1t.·k l'::i sl 11h 1eh rt•\(•:1lt•d t·:.it•h eutin,g t·~tahli:-.hn1 1 ·nt 111 lhl'll' I'll.' r;.1 lling tu cn1nc up l•l s:1111t:1t1un standards . \'uu c:111 hl't lhal t•;l('h place li s lt•d n1 ;1d1 · it a point tn t•\ean uJ) quic·I-: ~111<1 gt'l hack 111 IJus inc·ss ./()I•: C.\ ll:\ \\' 1\ Y Tu the Editor T he po ll ution rate on lht' hca('h es ~1 11d in the buys around the Nc"''port Beach area is grow- ing trem endous ly. I knO\V 1his is a n old s ubj~ct. but I an1 a yo11.ng resid ent. a nd I h'nve to liv1~ ''"1th t he ultin1:.ite results of ho\\' pC'O- pl e cure ror this land. Not loo tong ago we had a radi c;1l cn- vironmontali s t K1ovcmcnl \\"hlt·h was so rorceful that the rc:it·tion now seem s to be ''who cares '?'· \\'ITll TllE incl'C'tlSC in pollu- tion. the mnrine li(c on the s hores t1f our beac hes I~ still b<:coming ·extinct. I work on :1 ho:it, ;ind I "'al<:h people dump :111 kinds of ~luff rrom their OOnts into the bay. Sometimes swimming i:-;; i1n - J)OSSlb le because of th{' oil in 1.hc \\'iller. ·rrash :.111fl pollution art· b111lding up und it seen1s lo bl.' d estroying a ll fertile bottom st•di meots n eeded fo r gro\\ 1n g tnarlne p l ants ct nd h ollnrn- llv.-elling rnarine animi.lls. I \\'HS \1'ondering if you had nny sp<-t·i<d vie"''S fo r solvinli( this probll·111. \Vhat '>''C h ;_1ve been doing ~o far I , I c'llr!! :thout kcC'pin).! our' h1•ath1·s ;ind h:1.1-:. hc>autiful r: E:N R()\\1 1-:l ,I. 'l"<>lbe l·:U1tu1 . ,·r11u· nol 1c ·1· on l l'g1sl;1\ur~ · 1.::1r:-. 1n ;1 t·t·11r:1ll'l,v :-.t ;i tl·d thal ,\s ~t·mhlyn1;1n Bulir·rt Uurk t· had ordcrl'd a fu/1 -sJzl' <llds 111oh1l e this y1..•c1r l.ike 1n;1ny o f his col lra g th~s. 1\fr IJurke intends lo d1'1\1• a s 1n;1ll t·r ('i•I' 111: has or dt·r1.·d ;1 ( 'hl'' roli•I tn1.,1n1pll·l1' r•·1·••t"1ls 111 r1ur •>I fi1 '1· \\ t'l't' t'l"~jJ1Jrl .'iLhlt.: for lhl' n1i ~ 1nl u 1·1n ~t11011 FHE:Dl-~Hlt 'I\ ,I '1',\!"G lll~H t ·11 it:f 1\d n11111 ,,1r.111\ 1:: Offici;r ,,f !h1 · :\S.<.,1•111hl;. ,,,,,, ·~''''''9'' '1'\1thl' f.dilur I h .1\ l. r11a1\t•d the f()llo\\'ing let 11·r 1u .St•nalor s Scott and !\lan s ficld , r<·ga rflin g lhei r duplit :i11ng (.'11\ <11111 Ff\1 in- ' t•sti E:a tion l)on't ;.·ou think the c·ountry has had enough of these bi g investigations. \J1·inging lo <1 halt or O\"er s hado\ving i111portanl nalional business'' i\ 1-· T 1-: n T w O y ca rs or \\l;itcrg:.itc TV co,·erage unfi 1nillion.s of taxpayers· dollars it sccnls \Vashinglon has investiga- tion fever. I!' it to gain public t'X · posurc and rame '! Cer tainl y tht•rc u rc more productive things tu he :.1ccon11>lishcd. If you think the. CIA ~nd FBI nccd ove rhaulin~. do someth ing cons tructive. lf ·~·ou r committee thinks it needs S750,000 and nine months :iway ft;,om your ~ec tivc duties. I think a'dclniled accounl· ing or expcndilurc.s should be pUbiicl y r eported. I a l\\'llY .S lhought lhe s a laries paid our Con g ress m e n p aid for th e "work" t hey did while in offi ce. Important eon slructive lhings cry out £or your attenlion. FRANCES.MACDONALD Ga• Doubts ·ro the Editor· The lend storY or your J:.1n . 21 Issue. (Ford again. r"ejccts g;i s ra tion pl ;l11) quotes t11e Pr es1ctent as suying a ny effective pla n '''ill lin1it lhC' n1otoris l to nine g1:1l10 11s pe r ,~·eek . "l'he polltlc11I exag- geration is n1orc t h :i n I ca n $\\';;1110\\' I t' the United ~1.a~tls 1n fa('t 111~- '!'utile 1·:di!o1· '!"his IS lhl' 111 ~1 !1.•tll'l' I h ;I\(' t'\"t•r \1·riltt•n In a 1'1;qlt•r, h11l ·•J)is- gu:.tc·tl " h,\ 1-\t•n C:isqucirn, ,J;111 15. r<.·~1lJ~· gnt nit· 1hi11k1n).!. K l'tl \1 :.is upst·t bl.'t:;1u~1· :t Jetter t11nk r11·l· d•-Y" tn ;1rr'1\ t' f1 ·un1 t:ugt•n(•, llrl'g111l t1l Cn:;1;1 ;\l1 ·sa . ·rell him 11ot~ln fe1·I so had ;1s 111.onk 1 2 da~·s for ;1 \t:ry itnpnrt;inl lt:llcr to ilr r1vt•l\1·0 01ill' ... fr·on1 Balboa l sl:.int.l to ;\c11·port llt.•a(·h in ·November. 11 \\':JS n1ai11.'d a l !ht· B:lihoa lslanrl 1irfic e and !ht· 1n:.i11;1gl'rsaid he"d <·heck in!I) 11 . l1u! I !ll'\'cr heard lrnn1111111 rr ,\l,S(I tonk n1nf' d<•Y:> for ;1 l1·111•1' 1 ti :.'n I 1 \ 1' 1111 h ·:-. frnn1 Cost :1 :'111 ·:-.a In :'\v\1·p11t'l llt·:ic·h :ind\\'(' r111 s~c·d .111 1rupnrt:1nt t:\'t'nt bl·t·:111st· 111 1 h,• dvla~ ·rhcn 1n .J;inuary. \\ (' 1 \'("l'I\ ('d :111 uvl.'1·dul· bill fr11n1 l<rl1so11 s aying lhe.' 1\ r•r1• •'11111 g to .shut our t·h·r t ricit 11 o ff 1111\\') d ;1~ ... pl11 -. ;utd ;1 l;1r ~~ d1·pc1 :-.11 :1ntl 111111 1111 1·h;1rgt• if thi· !nil \\~1 -.1 1 I \"11d 111 t1\n d~tys \\'(' nt:\t'l' 1(·("l'l \1•ll .1 11rs t hill. so I t·;ilh·d t-:d1 :-.1111 anlJ lhl'.'" s;li d thl.'y h :1d had 11 1:1 11 .\' 'il rt'h calls and their bills \1L•r·1· 111,..,1 not gelt1n~ 1hrou_c t1 \\'h;1l 1f \It' h:Jd not rc- l'l'l\l.'d th1· !>.1•P1u1d lcll1.·r or had ht•('n ;,1\\·11y fiir "ft'\\ d;1ys'' l !C>lp ' I 'rn :1f r-.11d t11 milil ~1t1\"lh1n i.: 11npurl~111t any more ;,nil ha\'t' h ;1 nd dt·li\'t•1·ed several 1111!)11rt ;1111 l1·t11·r:-. to Los J\njtcles ht.·eausl· of ttus. \\'ho pays the late ch:1rg(·S on Ollr hills lhiJt take s o long to d l·hvt·i· and g1•t sent back to the Sl'rldt•r 11r , "11rsc, never ar- ri\'e :.it :•II '' ,\nyone have a sug- ).!('Sl ion for ,,·tJ;)t a concerned r e- sidt·nt n11 ghl tin" Ill 1\ ,'\ r·~ Cl·IRJSTI E ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N It' eed . Pl.lbli.ther Th1lmn.s l\ee1J1l. J..'d1tor Harhara Kreibich, J.:d1/onnl Page f:dilo,. Tht• 1'11iton:;i l PUl/l' ot lhe Daily P1 lut ~f't'ks h• inform and ti l1muh1lf' rca!lt·r~ h1 prl'~t·n\lnf!'. On thi!I p1,11.e d11t•r..,. 1•onnncul:1 r~ on lQfli~·s or 1n - t1•rt·~t t•1 ,,,1·ndrr:il{•1! {'Olun1nisl!I and l't1rl11un1~1~. b)· µro1·1d1n.: a forun1 fur ro':irll·ri. · \'t1•11.·~ <1ntl by prt'Sentln~ ttus "''":>1.111)•\·1·:. v11ir1ions ,.nd idt'11i- on turr1•nt lop1 1.:~ 1'h(' rd1lorial 0111n111n' of thl• 1•1111) l'1lvt lrlPP\'llr unh 1n the r1htorial t•uhunn wt \ht• 1011. of tt11· Pl.IJ:t.: f111lnlon~ ex pr1•.-,;f'd by th1· t1ol11r1111i~t,.; :.Jntl curtoonl~t., atnl It'll Pr v. rll l'fl'I ;+11· lhf'lr uwn 1nw.I lk! t•ntlor.)1•1nt•nt of 1 '11•1 r \'i('Yo'~ by the' 11:.1ly 1'11111 ..;hvt•ltl bt• 111l'r rn;'(I l Traged y Reveale d On Tape OAKLAND (AP ) -T he driver or a 5e rvice truck killed in a crash with a Ba y Ar ea Rapid Tra nsit t rain had to be radioed orders five tin1cs and according to the BAR'l' controll e r '"didn 't know what the hell he was do· ing.'' Tape s o f the conver s ation b e twee n ~h e drive r , Ar t hur ( S ta t e ) B riggs, and llART's centr al con· trot were played Tuesday for ::i board of inquiry iovcsLigating the J a n. 19 collision. The cras h h a s prompte d a s pecial safety investi gation into the $1~6 billion transit system by the California P ublic Utilities Commission. Y outft· P lead" Guilty · . MODESTO (UPIJ -A youth who had pestered she rifr's de-· puties with false confessions of killings h a s pleaded g ui lty in Muni c ip a l Cou rt t o second degree murder in the death of a teen-age g irl. R ichard Alford, 19, thC Son or a former Modesto banker , entered lhe plea Tuesday in the dcalh of Virginia E . Loughlin, 13, who was s hot twice and raped a1,t! Y.'hose body was found on a peach loading do ck. S now llits B a y A r ea Gas Prices in(laterl . S AN D I EG O <A P > --A Chevron s e r vice st ation ov"ner has been convicted of il lt.·g<.1 Jly in - fl ating his gasoline pr ict's. Station owner Ralph Lt'nf \vas f o und g u i l t y Mo nd ay b y Municipa l Court Judge 1-:arl J . Cantos a nd y.·ill be s•cnced Feb. 21. Police F h1 d l\'rufP Bod11 SAN FRANC ISCl> 1L"P I J Police found the nude. strangled body of M~1 ril yn l{obinson, :.l:J. Tuesd ay in her r·oom at a North Beach hotel whL·rc she had li\'ed for five ye<.1rs. They h ad been called by a hotel clerk who said a nothL·r ten<.1nl had complained o f u vis itor in thL' room , which is against the hotel's regulations. FURNITURE EXPERIENCED INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. <AP> A secondhand. store has bor- rowed a g immick of U!'iCd c<i.t' salesm elJ.who cci ll t hei r vchic lt.·~ "previously owned." A sign in the windo\\' offe rs ''experienced furn it ure.·· FINANCIER 'BLASE' B ernie Cornl"eld Cornf e ld's ·Sec r e t a r y Arraigne d "U N F O R TUNAT EL Y ," Cornfeld cracked, "they just missed the s hooting or a Playboy ce nte r spread." Co rnfeld said he d id not know the blue boxes were on the premises and had no idea "·ho. if anyone, had used them. ··T here are a lot or people stay ing here.'· he said. l-lis n1olhcr a nd numerous ~1ttr::icli \"c \Vo1n cn friends h::ive \i \"ed at the muns1on with ('urnfeld s in ce his rc\cusc from a S\\'iss prison last April. $y.·iss ~uithori t ics held hiln for questionin g for a ll egations of fraud , dishonest m anagement, forgery and incitement to s peculate in connection with the t·oll a pse of JOS. Cornfeld contends the coll apse \\'as t he rault of lt.ohcrl Ve!'ico, \.\'ho reportedl y forced Cornfe ld out as head or the mutual funds c-mpire. Vesco is now a fugitive in Costa Rica and Cornfcld is lt'!'i l1fying ~~l>ou ( IOS affairs in the l ' S an<! S\\•itzcrland. !\1rs. [~iet h ild y.·as being held in lhc Sybil Rrand Institution for \Vu men p('n<li ng her arraignment on a cha rge of \'iol:.tl.in,(! the fL"dcr al fraud by wire st;:1tute. 'No Contest' Milner Faces 14-year Term VENTURA C/\J>) -l.egal arguments wound up Tuesday in the senten cing he ari ng for Ojai millionaire Reese l •. Milner , who has pleaded no contest to charge!'i of m ayhe m a nd solicitation to commit r obbe ry and assault on <i former girlfr iend. Sentenci ng was expect ed today since all th at was le ft was for the j udge lo r ende r his decision. Milne r 's a ttorn e y, Joseph Ball . arg ued al lengt h £or a li ght. sentence, eve n though his client isn 't contesting cha rges that he hired two m e n to r oug h u p Maggie Hicks, a former actress and ex-compan ion of Milner 's. Milner, 58, faces ci possible m axim um senten ce of 14 years in prison. Dall said h is client ' s uffe red perm<A nent bra io d am age from falling off a horse 34 yea rs ago. Ball s aid the fa ll, plus a probable concussion from a plene crash in 1945, a guns hot wound to the head in 11Mn. and year s of drinking up lo two quarts or a lcoholic drink s :1 day had Im paired Afilner 's JJlenlal functions. ''THE OFFE NSE which is ch1rged is the act of i:I madman," Bill told Supe r ior Court J udge Marvin H. Le y.•is . But ~1 ilner Is now harmless. Ball said .· But prosecu tor Peter Kossori s said , ••sotie t y does n eed .protection from ~I ilncr, based on his past conduc t u long se1i es of Cpbodes of v io!Cnc;c uga inst ut lealt three wom e n.·· KoeeOnl ba a aaid Milner hired Okl•lao 1Da convict• Cl yde -. J enkins and Palri<:k Earl y to break in to M 1·s. !licks' remote Ujtii home, roh and c1ssault her :.ind "cul off one of l\lrs. I li cks' fingers: " Seal G ives Birth to Pup On Mainland SANTI\ CRUZ (UPI ) -An elephant seal has Jt ive n birth lo a 65-pound pup on sandy "1..oser's lleach" Hl Ano Nuevo S la te Reserve --the only known birth to occur on the mainland coast . . The s tretch of beach is usuall y inha bited onl y by male seals who have lost the chest-thudding bet .. tics to m ate on Ano Nuevo Is land. a hal f' mile offshore. The pup meas ured nearly five reel long at birth and must now survive the indifference of the tY:o ton m a les. who often crus h the younger seals because of their ca r elessness while lo lling around. _ F.l c pha nt seal s return to Ano Nuevo a nd eight other rooke ries orr the California coast each year rrom J anu;:1ry to l\1Jarch for t he pregnant fe males to give bli'l h· t1nd mute e~ai n. T hey then re-' t urn Lo fa r n1 the sea for rood. 1 I n 1972. :1 single pup wa s born. on the F'a1·1·:1lh1n ls l o nd ~. j ust no rt h o f lhl' c;oldcn G a t~," establi shing that <1 rea as a breed· ing ground for lhc (ir:i.;t time . 7 Males H eld On Sex Rap •. • . " /\ h e li co pte r tra i ls a b a nn e r over 'l'ermina l Is la nd 111 beha lf of Osca r Kl ee, who is serv ing a s ix month s e nte nce at the i',ed eral facility there for inco n1e tax in- U .. I T•lt~ vas 1o n . Several groups s ponsor ed the fly·' ove r whic h w as sch eduled on Klee's birth·-~ day rfuesday. ' Ii;: ' The spirit of Friendship Service. Its catching. '' y won me over~ "Whal a way 10 ny 10 New Y<>rk. Unilcd slartcd inc off \\'ilh a big. hea rt y J1reak fa .'>L 1\ntl the n fl)IJ uweU 11 \vi th thi.:i r Dcl i·IJuffcL Nice gui ng, United. 1·\'c L".1ught )'<lur spi ri1 :· . Wi.:'11 cat ch y11 u ,,j1h l1ur n11Jrni11g Ucli flight I J\~n1 Los Angclc.:s lll NL·w York. Only Unitt:d sc rv(:s _v1,u <.1 hc.:a n y hrc:t ~f<L"it I<> begin you r day and I hen li)lliJ \~·s il \\'1th a IJt:li·lluffct. Yiiu ca n e.:1l as n1uch as YllU want , wh~never y~1u "'ant. ~11~1 cuts. cheese~. gJmishes ancl n1L1rc. And whateve r you co nic up wit h, "1c'll hJvc a beverage to go \vi th i1. Wine. <.:~x.:ktans ,,r icc·c<JIU hccr. Con1p lin1entary in Fi~t ('la!).i;:, a srnall 1.:J1argt.! in Coac h. . Hir Friends hip Se rvice and lhc only Del i· Buffet 111 lh t.;_ sky, ct11I ytiur Travt:I Age nl. l )r t all UnitcU at ~J7-7~21. 1 l'arlnc(s in Tr;1\cl wit h \\'('stl'rn International llolcls. Nonstoos to New York (..e•VC Am•• f:qu;pmm< Airpo<t 1\1e11I Servk-e S:45 a.m. 4:50 p.m. OC·IO Ken netly Brcakfa~I & Deli 12:00 noon 7:55 p.m. 747 Kennedy 4·.\1ur Lunch I :.JS p.n1. 9:.JO p.m. OC·8 Newark 4-S1:ir Dinner The friendly skies of your land. Ill unlTED AIR.Lines • • I ('t '. '' ' .,, ·' l· l I LJ • j • . . I ' VOL. 68, NO. 29, 6 SECT IONS, 66 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. Today's Closing N.Y. Stocks WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1975 fE N CE NT5'. Irvine Moves ~oward Housing Subsidy ByDOUGLASFRJTlllCUE CN ... Olity~~, The irViDe cii;i cOuOcil took the first step toward a city hous- ing subsidy progr4m Tuesday. Over the objections of Coun- cilman John Burton, the council told city planners to go ahead \Vith an application for federal housing funds. Part of the ap- plication is a ''Housing As - sistance. Plan," described_ by • Mayor Gabrielle Pryor as •·a new euphemism for subsidy.'' The city is joining with Orungc . County government and several other cities in an application for federal Housing and Community Development Act funds. Jn agreeing to take part in thl' joint application, the county has promised the city $40,000 the firs t year, $80,000 the secantJ .and $120,000 the third. J\ddtt1on:1lly, an Cs('ape clause in lhc agrCl'mt.·nt with Orange <.;ounty \•Oills the pill'l if the cit y 's housing plan 1s no! tt(·ccptable lo the rcdl·ral go\'t'l'lllllt'lll . 1'he planning department draft of the ~rant ~1ppli c;..ition is. lo (·o me h<ick 10 the council Feb. l l for ~1 f1n :il rcviP\\' before it is shipped tu the fcder<d Ul'part- n1 e nt of !l ous ing and Urban Development !llUJ)) . 'fh~ grant application requires the city to 1'nakc a state ment of need, housing objectives for the next thr{'-e yt'a rs. long·range housing objet·tivcs, a communit.v development plan and <.1 hous in~ assistance plan. 'The applic;_ition, Orange· Coun- t y fl ousing Planne r Ht·cd J?lory told tHe council, could consist of broadly derint!d goals <ind objl·t·- tives \11hich n1ay be modifi ed al a later date . J\ckno\vledgcmc-nl that a hous- ing a ssistance plan must be part of lhc ;_ippl!t·atinn \\'<1s lhe J u·st hrcakthruu gh in a lt.·ngthy hou ~ ing c:1n)Jl;l1J.:n on the council 11..:d primari l y b.v J\·l rs. (>ryor a nd Count.'iln1;1n J{nl>ert Wl'sl. 'l'he {"UUn('i!'s <tCll011 \\':IS .s purrt·d b y the thrl·at th at <lllOlh Cr ll'VC] ol" J':OVt'/"llffil'llt "'ould s tep itl ~uld takl.' over in tht· subsidy nrea ii 1hl' c·it y f;.i dc:d lo ;J('l i't'lldlllg p;1 s:.ag1• Of ~I ~\ :1l~· l.11V t•s talJltsh111 g .1 .... t :1lL' hqus 1n l-!. t1natl('l• :1 ~<.·1u·1 1u pro\ 1d1· 111\1 1ntt•f l'~I lli1r n1· lu;_1n:-> \\ .1:-> .t 1...e:v con<'<·rn. l nll·ss lh1· c1\\ h;1 ,•, it s 0\\'11 plans . l'l~lr v t1 :1s tofd lbt.• \"OUn ci l. II \\ lll IH~t: L"lllllrol OVt•r 1\hat kind of s t11lstd1z1·d hou:.1ng IS lOt':J!l"d \\'ht•1·~·. (Sc1·SL l\Sll)'. J•age ,,:!) ms aw a at ' Gri e 1• S 11ggestio11 'Hard' Youths To OC's Jail? County Probation Officer Margaret Grier was expected to recommend today that 19 "hard ,-.ore'' juvenile -0flenders ,be re .. moved from juvenile hall and i·m- prisoned in Orange County Jail. · 1::xc'ept for a few is olated in- di\"idual cases, no juveniles have J UVENILE J USTICE 1975 · ever been committed lo county jail in Santa Ana. However. Miss Grier's recom- no other suitable place of-. d eten- tion is available.·· · :. ·. _ She also· pointed -0ut negative .factors associated with the con- 'Iinement O"tjUveniles to the jai I:. -The ''steril e and com · parativeiy harsh' atmosphere'' of the jail which is "not fully in keeping with the philosophy of the juvenile court law." -Lack of educational and recreational facilities that would be expected fh a place of ~onfinc­ (~e JUVENILES, Page AZ l Tennis Pros mendation to tbe P,oard qf~. '· • ·, h Supervisoi:s is part of a package W1l draw plan to relieve overcrowded con- ditions at juvenile hall in Or ange. On Dec. 19, lhe Caiifornia Irvm" e Offer Youth Authority put the county hearings in the juvenile courts _located in Orange. An accompanying report to ~upervi sors by Administrative Officer Robert Thomas appears to Sl!PPorl l\.1i ss Grie1··s recom- mendation that juveniles be jailed. Jn his r epOrt ThOm.as-sa·ys·1h.al one way to alleviate the over- On notice for the second time in six months that it would d e- certify the hall Unless an accep- t able plan to reli eve chronic over cr owding was implemented . Miss Grier first mentioned the use of the <'ounty jail as a securi- t y detention center in a confiden- tial report to the board of supervisors earlier this month. Jn that r eport. she poin ted out that state law allows the commit- ment of juveniles to a jail "when Dance Classes Set Irvine's new Institute of Dance Arts will begin ballet classes Feb.Jal Vista Verde School, 5144 Michelson Drive. Registration for children and adults wiU be open throug h Friday al the school betv.•een 4 and S p.m . Addi· tional information may be ob- lained by call ing 552-8259 or 55-1·4424. . In c reasi ng c hance of showers touig ht cl earin g Thursday. according to the weather service. Chances of rain about 00 percent this evening. Highs Thursday 56 . to so.Lows tonightin40s. • INSI D., T ODA 'l' Doe111Dinging produce .,happi-. ne11 ond -adjustment" irt mar- riage OT do•• U lf'Od to ·~/ruatrr.> tion, tenrion and~.·~ Two view• of Ute, subject ore prtsent· td on POI/' A7 IOday. i•••x atv.r--. Al -,,,. .....n a ..... IQ Mei•• ... L.M....,. M Mew5" M-1 c......-. At MftW:... •1 Cllr'MrctrMI' Al1 MllltMI ,_., M Cl ...... 6" D1·11 H•ti-l M•w• . M QM!<• Cl4 Or• .... C-ly .U-t er.ts~ Cl4 ,._,.. C1·l DNtllfll.UCtl At s.tt 81·1 llfltmri•lfl•.. .... 0..S'-IM.rtlHI an IE11twtaf11r•1.nt · ... , T ... w11• a1 P-...C• " a.w T••t.r'l 8"1 hM C•lf Wt•tllltt' M ...... •«.... ·~ ...... N-l I Ail tt.Mt•. a An a ngry representative of lhe Roy Emerson a nd Rod Laver tennis firm s tood-before fh l.' Irvine City Council Tuesday \vith a clenched jaw and withdrew the fi'rm's offer lo build a tennis facility in a city park. 1 Gary Dalzell, a former city planning commissioner n ow represe nting the international tenpis champions, retracted the offer after the council decided tu ·Solicit bids·from competitors. · Daliell gripped a roll of plans wbiCh he never had a chance tr, display as he protested the ac·· ti on. The firm, he said, presented a specific proposal a t the request of the community services com· mission. The plan details a 2.2· a'i"e facility with t eaching lan('s.· pro shop, locker rooms. snack bar, te nnis courts and othl~r amenities. The proposed facility. he .s~id . now has bee n included in t·i1.'· plans for the lrvinc 1-l igh School Community Park. Daltell compared citY requests for similar proposals with asking for bids to construct a facility hi s (See TENNIS, Page A2l I rvine Pup Stops Theft At School • There isn't very much of Can- dy. S he's one year ·old, pure Cockapoo a nd she'd be lucky to tip the scales al 10 pounds .soak· ing wet. But her proud owners clai m .. -he h as o ne of Ute best barks in the v,:atchdog business and s he proved it when she drove two in- truders from the El Toro Marine School al 14ft8 Sand Canyon Ave. lD Irnrie, Oran{ie County She ri rf 's oU\c8cfs·r~oorted today. Tb; two men who. are being soU'ght by -deputies were carrying off a ~ (eleVision set taken after they sma$hed lhe window at Lhe loeked school when Candy sped to the s~ene from the nearby h o mo of ' Marioe Harrison Franltlln nan. Botll ulen dropped tbe televJ)i.oll . set. headed for the chairi. link. fence aod scaled while Candy .. watcbed their gymnastic <!fforl8 earA1rull y. ·.~e's -all 'bark," Mrs. Hall p'rOu(ily edmmenled today . "Out she's, I: S"weetJ.JtUe gfrl." ''She~• ·all ·1heart,'' a deputy aheriff commented. "Wish we h ad ·a hundred Ilk• her." '( .. O C L o ss E x p ect ed To Rise 1-1 .\' l; 1\ HY f;R1\NVI t.l ,I·: 0 1 "'" D~oly Pllol !>!"II 'fhe count~· hill fo 1· Hl·p. ,\11- drcw l-lins ha\v ·;.; (H -Nc\1·port l~e:lch J s uccessful 1972 l·:1 n1p;.i\gn -~: ~1 1 Sfi.!)00 ;.1nd.ris1ng. thr l);id:t 1'i--pi1n•~'<::,_ ... cJ 'tOday . ,.1t:1"n'ay '~O· ,'lo, J hC'v o nd a pi-1.:d1et.ed lc\·l·l ,,f s10.ouo , 'l'hc rl'po rt of lllf' dol l;ll' lo ss in county fund s as the· rt.·sult of ;•:«· ~css o1"s offi ce µcr~(innel alle,r,L'rl- lv \\'Orking in Jl insh~1\V 's can1. 1)ai~n on county tin1c (':llllt' at t.111· h~llf\\'ilY point in Lill audil nrdt'!"l'tJ h) thL• l'ount .v l ~11 :1rcl n l Supervisors. So far , rcliablcsour<·C':. said, tlH! auditors have accounte d for the loss by tracing testimony lhrou~tl Grand.Jury transcript.:-> tho.i t. led to theindic-trnC'ot made l:lst year of nine assessor'sofficccmployes . INVESTOR I NTEREST I N IBM OBVIOUS AT NEW YOR K STOCK EXCHA NGE Heavy Trading After Antttr u st Sult Victory Causes Delay ·The nint' n1('1L ~di oi tht.·111 lfins haw ;1itle" 11/i\•n ht• 1v;1:-. county a:->sessor. \1·1·rt: rll;1rg1•d 1\•ith n1ultipll• 1"UUlll !'> o f J..:l";end th e ft , conspii·al'.\ and f:tl:-.il\u1g records and viol;1fion uf gnvt'rn lllL'nl t'Odt.'S . Market Heading Up In Brisk Trading NE\V Y()ilh'. (,\J!J -'rhcstock m;irkL'I he;1dl'd up1vard again to- day in l1r1"k tratltng after :in e ar- ly p;1u se for prnfit -t:1ki11g . ·r ht• n11d -i.l ;1.'-[)1111' .Jo nt•s a\'t•r;ig-e of :111 1ndustr1:d s "·:1s up 11 .27 poi nts to 7()t) Ol (;;11ners had · finally c aught up 1vith l11sers :tfl{"r trailing: by :1ho11 l ;_1 3-2 margin c;1rlif·r· I t appP:irt·d sorn•· nf'w h~1ying ,·:1n1e 111\n tliL' n1 ;1r hf·t \l'h<'n ;1n t•'\JJL't'tt·d round .. r prnf11 t:1k1ng at th1· nu1 ,..,l'1 prn~t·cl to I.it• n1ild Son1 l' tll\ L'S1"rs :dso cv1dl'nt ly trmk it a s a bullish SIJ.!ll th:1t the markC't h:id no! rc<-1tlcd rnorc • nl1g~1t.1\'f'ly to th l~ nc11·s th~il the }!overnn1t.·nt 's 1ndf·x of lctidin g '~conon1i c indic-;·11.or . ..; posted ils fi fth s 1 ratJ..:ht monthly drop in TJC'C't' n' IJt· r l\i g l~o:ir d \'uliJnl(.' l'ot' lhl" r1rd1. \11() h11 u r·., lf)lnlt·d !I.I n111lion :-;h;1r1•:-; ;1l'll\'L' h\' ordi11:1rv ~tand:irds IJLit \1e!I h(·IO\V the l'~· tr;1ordin ;+ri1y ht.•avy p1.1('c of !\ton· d:1y <-1nd ·rue:->d;1y. Upjohn faltered 2 to :J l".i on the heels of a 3~0!-point s lide Tt1Psdny attrihutcd to an advt.•1·se report 111 a medi cal journal of some or:.il diabe tes drugs made by thf' con1 - pan:.'. Upjohn c<illcd the r!•porl ··unfoundl'd .·· 11-Jilil p; :>kcd upff l , to 186' ~ at'ti•r ;1 JG •,. gain 1'uesday in its l1 r sl trading since a reUcral :.ippt.·:.ils court ruled in fanvor of ihc conl · pany in an anLitrust case late l;ist week. Art Destroyer Leaves Ro1ne ROME (UPI) -Lazio "foth, \\'ho smas hed a Michelangelo mas terpiece· with <t han1n1{•r three years ::igo. has if'ft for J\ustralia under gu:ird. still pro· clai ming himself the son ~if tiod a nd V0\\1lr1 g he \Viii return t11 drive Sa ton oi1t of I he \tatic'-ln. Two ai rli ne guards 'J'ue:.d<1)' ~scorted Toth onto a Q;.tntas J\irlinei; jetliner 1.0 Sydney . Paper Pileup I rvine Eyes Typing Needs Irvine Cit.y Council m e mbers want the city bureaucracy_ to see-if the river of city papcr'.1.'0rk c~n l!e slowed before approving $60.000 t.o $80,000 in s pecial typing equipment. T llE CITY ts•considering a lease-purchase of three el~c­ lronic editing l)-1lC"'ritcrs. Al a cost of $17,470 to S19,77.0 plus in - terest each, the sophis ticated typewrit~rs s upposedly will reduce cost per pa~c of paperwork fr(lm $3.20 at pres~nt to S2.-2". . Inst.end of typing on paper, the Lex,itr~n typewriter$ dis play written matter on a li ghted .scr.een. CorreCtlOns arc made on the r;;cr ecn, then thetypewriter prints out a petfect copy, say the com- p-tP&ny's ods. ADMINlSTRATIVE ser vkes Direc\Or James llarrington told i.he council that as much as two thirds or typists' time is taken up with corre~ti ng and ret~ing. . • 1 . Eliminating lhc retyping, he said, would account ror the ex· peeled savings. · 6UT :\1 1\ YOR Gnl>rtelte~· •~t --"· erlenct' in a typ· Ing pool. \\'as u'p~aU~d at t~ ~ ,.at. ·' <l n.skert ror u r~· vic\v o( t.h.e.,qu~tity lO-~e 1r. iflt-. . .1, ~! · 1 . ·A fobritb""s\Y.ping, l larr1ngt.dh r~o~tjp, con$bts of949 pages, · 72 forms, J63 en~~lo1>Cs. 399 spe~lal ro1cBs. ~ Y ... .. ' • ' . . , • .. ...; " ~· • . ' .. ,1. . \ ~. ··~ I ~ ~ ... j I J ... lrvi11e F e1tee Must Be Cut, • But Not Now 1\nthony S\'cnk:i 1nust ~et rid of !.he !op 18 inches or his new front f(·nl"t' f\-l aybe. Jlut not 1·ighl nOY.-', the l1·vine City <.:ouncil ruled '1'1H'Sd a .1· \Vhat ·s nlol'L'. lhere :ire a cou- p I e of olh1·r unid enti fi e d honl('O\\·ncr s in Irvine who will be f:1<'ed \\'ilh the same problem . /\t thc,(•ncl. of t"·o public hear- 1n~s . the <·ouncil decided Tues- day th:-1\ Svcnk:.i "s 60-inch front w,1 11 i$ hig her than the 42 inche~ a 1 IO\\'t'd hv <· i Iv 1)!·din an cc. S\-t.•nk:1 : . ., fl;n('l' has a 32·inch hlnek \\/<L 11 toppt•d \Vil h another 28 inc-hes of wrought iron fence. 'l"he ortlinance \Vas called into pl:iy by Svenka 's n ex t door neighbor Robert Hukee. who told city officials the fe nce is a safe ty hazard \\•hieh obscures the view o f c hildren pla y in g: o n the s'idev;a\k fro1n drivers lea,,ving thedri\'C\.\'ay. ' 'l'hc t:liu ntil ;:1grccd. but de· <"idC'd to gj ve the whole ordinance Cl going over afte1· the Svenk a ·s , attorney, Lou Murlin. pointed out that even a 42-inch rence can ob- scure a child on a tricycle. E nforcement of the Ordinance. the council decided, must .,.,,ait until the ordinance is redraftc(I. (ltherwise the fence owners \Vould not kno\v ho"{ to modify their \Ya lls Clmrch . Cites CIA Support WASHINGTON (APJ -Sen. F1·ank Chur.c h says he r ecciv('cl personal assurances from CIA 1 Director )\'illiam E . Colby that the 3gcnc} will cooperate with the Senate probe of the U.S. in· telligence community. Church, an Idaho Democrat. was of(iciall:y named Tuesday u,; chairman of the JI-member panel that will investigate the CIA, FBI and other intelligence <igencies. p hurch said he received the as- Sltranccs of cooperation in a J)hone call 'from Colby, im - mediately following the !:icn:cite vote to cretate the select co111rtlit· tee on iotelli·gence. Shortly ;1ftt.:r thL·tr ln1fit·lrnL·nt.. the board of s uper\'lsors •irdcrl'd {"OUnty auditor Vic llein1 lo dc- term inc the exact an1ou nt, ,i f any • the counly lost through the al- leged campaign acli\'itil's. Jl e im is expected to n1ake l11s final report late nt.·xt n1onth 'fhe sourc·l'~ s:lid thL• 1ot;d lus:-. is ex:pt'<'\(1\i lo r<·~ii.,:h lhl' SIO ,UOO n1ark predil"lt•d h_y ,\ssislanl Dis· trict 1\tlornt·Y :'\l icha(•I (';1 pifzi <Jt lhe lin1e the indrc1n1ctll:-. \l'Cl"C' rl'· turned . flt tht· t 1n11• thl'.'y ordcrt>d thv audit . l h<• 1·1111111~· supcr1·isor~ said lh 1· t·nuntv should <·nllt•(•t. \1·h:itvv<'r lunds.rn1:..:hl IJ ~1\"t• hct•n los t frun1 1 liL' ho11ding l"Otl'P <Ol ,\" that hundl·d , l lins h.~11· \1 hf'll h1· \\ ;1 s ;_i l'Oll nt v vn11il''·' 1· 11~1\\'1:1·t·r. thv tx 1:1rd \1 ill nut rn:ikt• ;i 1ll:.•c-1 s1n11 un Lil!! be.-;t nl ethod o[ co\lcc11ng the allegC'd lo~L fun<l s until it rcccivt·s llcin1's final report . · A ppo h1fed Thomas Riley. ()rang(• C<>un~ ty's Fifth -Di strict Supervisor s 0 incc the disappea rance cl,t sea of Ronald Caspl'rs. \Vi l\ RC!'\'(' in thl; pos t until 1970 election:;, ii ''<l ~ a nnounred tod<-1 y. NC\\'\>u rt Bea~·h l"C.sl-: <.le nt llilcy ''as a1>p0intcd fo"r that term today by Gov. Ed- mund G. Brown Jr. ( • - For·Jubetailes Pro:ffis·Jlf O'h St~el f'l'l;XSBUR G ~ IUPI! - Wheel inj· Pitts burgh Steel Corp. r eg6rted tod•l tliat pro· fits soared a.~rcent ln th~ la~t three montMOrl9'74. Yo~ger Urge~ . ' .. WASHIN GTON \UPI) -A drug expert lt..'Stif1ed t0<fay th<.1t m a riJu an:.i ha s suc h a widespre ad medj('al potential it .ahould be available for doctors to prescribe for palienls. ' . "would ce.ralnly jusUCy its legal availability for research and pre- scribing." ··\V e ju st had a good qu;i!'lt.·r." !>~id Dale 1'11..:, ~!·n1or v i ce president f or r1n:.i 11t'.c· fn1· the natio n's ninth lar;.:l'St stet.•! company. Adult Trials Asked if marijuana should be made available for medical use:i. he replied, .. , think it is vital and essential thul a tren1endou:-. amount or unnecessary suffer ing has the potential for bcini,: 1·c- lieved by the availability or this substance and we should do ever- ything possible to make il lcg<illy available ." Si\C lt1\M 1-:N'rO (Al>) Atty. rccon111lenclation is contained in. (;t·n. l~\t•l l t· ''oungcr !'i uys judgl•s h is tas k for<'e report lo the ~11uuhl ·hl' a hlt.> to decide to trv let-:1sla ture onthejuvcnilejustice .1u\1·nill·:. :1:. <.1dults ats part of .sys tl'nt . Untol d v~in ;ind suffcrinc ~ould be r eli eved if marijuana "'ere available for n1edical uses said Dr. J oel F'or1. a fr~ueni witness at congressional drug abuse h earinl:(s who nlso has y, rittt'n books on drugs. operuted <lrug c l i nics ·and co ndu c ted worfdy,•ide research for the Unit- ed Nations. \\' hce Ii n g · Pitts bu r i:: h 's C':1rn 1ngs leap1·d to $24 25 1111\Jion, or $6.42 1x:r s hare, fronl SI .49 rnillion, or 20 cents :i s harc_ ··111ni-: 11\'i·rlith•" JUVt"nile justite · L'ndt>r )'ounger 's recommen- refor n1s . d ~iti on, the IHw would b e "Onl'l' th1..· court determines :..niended to allow the court to de - th:l l till' Jll t'1•111lf• h;1s comm1lll'd (t_·rnlill t' \\'hethcr to dctuin the ;1 ~t·1·1 11u' i'l"lllll'. l.~urt· \\';int hn n Jl!\'l'IHl e :ind tr<.1n sfer him ti' 1r1 \d :1s ;11 1 ;idull , Younger told Supt·rior Court for trial as an ;1 Cap1lul llt'\VS c onference fucs-adult. His suggestion was made at' a Drug J·:nfortc ment Administra· lion hear1 n ~ on federal legal con- trols o f m a r1juana . 1-'orl S<Jld the drug's n1edic:il v<.1lue and potential in treating glaucoma. <:asthma , cancer. even alcoholis1n and drug addiction F r on• Pog,; A l · Fort testified that soci.i l stigma h as deterred research 011 the medit'al uses or marijuana in this country . But he said the drui: has be£>n used medicall y sincl· 5000 R.C. Governn1enl atlorney J{obl'rl Rosthal acknoy,·ledgcd l·"o rt·s ex pcrtis c, but contended hi s testimony \\'as 1rrl'll'V<11lt and \1oas not an issue at thl· hearing. The DEA, the government's narcotics agency, has hcen asked l·'or lh1·) 1":tr its profits ro::.c ti) $7:J.4 I 1111llJon, or $19.23 per ~hare . from $9 .37 rn1 lll on, or Sl.75 per ~hare. clot v Young1•r ~;ud the a<lult·tri:.il 'Speak to Me' Exp erts Probe Pla11t 'Ta l k' to rcela ssify marijuana \VhiC"h it l\l-:\\' \'l)f{\<\ (l 'l'I J t ';,in you r11on1 lumps togc lher y,•ith such drug:-. hl·lp pl ;n11~ hy 1:dk1nglo thl'lll' !~:11.:k !'>t e r 1·c pli ed th :1l !h•! as heroin and L.SD in a l'alcgorr 'J'h:il 111 1•,1 , ,q,p:trl·nlly sharc•d :11 t1·n1pts to rep<> at tu:; rt•:.ul ts ;u·t· SUBSIDY .. • of drugs with high abuse J>Oll'll -!Jv ~on1c IJl'ilpll'. n1 :1y h:1ve bl'l'll 111eonc·lu s i\·c bcc ~ui st·l h1•\\·ork;1t ti;_ilandnon1edicalval'ue . L'll cu ur~1 Kl'•l h' .1 lie d eteclor t.'01·nt·ll l 'r1ivt·r:.itv ~i nd lh·· ''Either w e do it, or Reed L' • • ~ .. ort was tile secon(1 \V1lr1l'!iS t•'l:pcrl \\h1 1 ~t· 1_•:-o;.pc1·11ncnl s !"t'll'T1('l' l 'nli/i1it L'(( 1(1•s1•.1rch (Flory) doesitorthestatcdoesit I'd b h !\I,. • O · ca 1e y t c a 1ona1 rgan1z:1· s ugges t pl :1r1 l " ha vi.: s onlt' r·uund.1l l(1 11 . S;111 1\111tuHi1, 'l\·x. or lhe federal government docs it ,. c th R c m f M 1 ·Jtt' > • ion or e cor o ;r1 ai; m y~tl•r1o us s .. 1·t ul ;1\\•arcncssof did nil l folluvv lhl' 1·x:ict or t he cou1·ts do it," l\1rs. Pryor . I h" h J .,, 11 .a\VS. w 1c . a on ~ Y.'I 11 1c things "ning n n ~1hnut them. laboratory f('l'hni<tlll'~ used in th" told the council. · bl" 11 ° " American l'u 1c · calth Assot1:1• 'l'h•' c·o111 r1J\ t·1·s 1 ~il rl'Sl':1rc·h . ()fl''ina1 l'XIJl'l'in1t•111-._ B;1ck:-.tt·1· But J3urlon, a persistent OPIJO· · h I I 1 d t I 0 t1on , a s e 1a cngt•_ ·1e . 1x•puL1r1 1l·d Ii;• ;1 bnok , \\'as t li1 · s;11d h1· h ;1:-. 1111\ ;l!t t•1np\1'd \u nenl of any fo1·m of hous in•' s ub-1 ·r· ,. I · . . ... c ass1 1c:1 ion. :-.u lql'l'1 101 ;1.\ 11! :1 s,,·n11x1si11n1 ;1t rl'1u ·:111h1 · \\1·11·~ s 1d1cs. tontinucdhis opposition . f' ·I ti l .,. ort sau le nlos pos1 1ve the ;1nn11 a l mt·t·ting <If tht' 1\t ;1 tll'\\'.S ,.,,,,,.,.,.,.n,-,. 11,-.. J can't tell you how tired I <11n ct. J I f .. me 1ca va uc o mar1Juana ap-1\rll l'l't(_·;:111 1\:-.$ocialion for lhc /\1·th11 r \\'. (;;il!'i lPn. 11r0f .. ,_.5·0, of of this f ho using matte rsJ coming pears ·to be in the treatme nt o( Ad 1 of s .-1 · 1 " b k · d . d vanc!'m!'n c1cnce. ."o_o .. _v <t i _, . ._tJ .. u,,,, ... ,.,_-,1_,., 5 .. ,-d ,ac <1ga1n an .a gain. an I d. d f · · "" ._ .._ ·' .. again," he saiC1. I aucoma, an eye 1sor er a -· 1'v.'O :;cienfists s<iid they were it 1s kno"'{Jl that pli!nts h;;:ive P f ecting more than a million unable t o duplicate the work of e l ectri c;1 ) aclt. ,,,·ly "'ht.ch ,-.. r essin« her point, Mrs. Pryor A · hi h c Id lead lo " "' mer1cans w c ou C leve Backster, res earch l)istl'i ct attorneys now makl!' that decisio n. \ ·uu ngcr :i lso recommended .an ~·'>:ll'n::.i on of the juvenile deten t 1vn pt.·1·iod frum 24 hours to fi''l' dJvs. }-l e S H id th:Jt would give of- ·fiC'l als time to gather evidence ;ind contact witnesses. I le said il would also a void :.i 1·l·pe~t t o r the controversial ri...~ lt•;isc of JUVe niles urrcstcd in Los /\ngl•lt•S in :111 investi gation or drug pu;,hing ;1\ st"liool s. Ut•t·ause of lilt.• Juvenile deten- tion la"·, lhl' arrt.·:-.ted youths had to bl.· releused <.1ftCr a 24 -hour period becau s e s ufficient t'v\d('ncc wasn't presented ut :.i <lctenlion hearin~ .. <>tht·r task force recommenda- tions " ould Strengthe n thl! 11ulhorily of lhe Juvl'nill' Court to cnfurc.:(" its O\rll infurn1al pro bation o:·d('r by ~11l o\\ ing the court to dco.11 with viulat.iuns of the probation. I -- D•olr Poltol ~1•11 Pi'tOlo J UVENILES TO J AIL 7 PrQbation Chief Grier f 'r o m P !J!JP A I J UVENI LES 1n1•nt fo r ntuiors :'\l'g.1t 1\l' L'UJH1nu n1t y rea c- tion . -Pr o bll~111 s :.i:-.~vc·L :.itt•d v.·i th transpvrtinh niinurs to court cro"'<l1ng :1tj11vC'nllt.· hall \\"Otllcl lie to t·onfi11 t_• h:1rd <·11rt.· <iffcntlcrs t·itht·r tu C\' 1\ Lu·1l1ttt·..; ur ol hl·rs n101·l' .su i I ;1 hll' I hall t ht• hoi l I. 'l'hon1a~ 1:; knt1\1ll tu ha\l' the supp11rl o f ;1 \ lt·a~l I hrl'L' 1nt•1111Jl'r ~ of lilt• ho;1r d of :-.upL·rv1sors. enough lt) <.1pprovc i\li ss Grie r 's jatl recon1nll'!lda11 on. s Eiid, "l agree, John. It has come ·blindness. For asthma, he said, it direct 0 ~ 0 f the Backs t c r a f f cc l c d lJ y c n v i ro n 111 cnta I' QP again and again and again. l does not have the side effects of. R esearc h Foundation :it San influen ces s uch a s gravity, light w:ill be on the city Council until d t. andtempc r ·i ture 1.978 and ,-, wt.II contt"nue lo come some .rui;s. Diego •. which · indicated by li l h th. th-· -· o t W'.t• some cancer palt"enls, he I u ...,. e er ere 1:-; some s r d " c ectri c al voltage changes in h" up again and again an again." added,·,., has been useful ,·n re-1 or comn1unico:1tions link \\' 1ch Th eaves that plants pe rceived th..-e cit y cannot use the federal -duct·ng vom•·l,·ng and the need ror d h 1 b . \\·ould 1nakc pl<.1n ls <.t\varc ofnon- f d [ d . b ·d c at o r1ne s hrimp in another .un s or 1rect su s1 ics, F lory pain control narcotics. I·te said it environment;.il c..·hangcs is a dif- said, but may use the m in hous-also can be used in the treat-ferf'ntinatll'r. iug-relatcd n1attcrs. Other parts mentor moderate depression or F rom Page A J "\Vhat \\·c 'r l' dealing: \Vith is a Experts Detonate ·Bomb in Oakland o{ the hous ing act than the sec· helpingso mepeople~ainwei ~ht . set ufd;1!;1 \\hith purport to s how lion one funds being asked pro· Feder al law makes m a rijuana · TENNIS th'1 1 ;1 <:l·rta111 s ituation exists in vjded1recta~sistance. possession a misdem eanor-• • • 11 utu rc,"Ga lst_on s aid. . OAKLAND (AP) -Federal plo:o:;ion. . . ·T~e coun_c1l as k_ed plan:iers to p unish able for first offense w ilh . . . 'l~h t•n tu rn 11.1g to 13.:itks te r :lgents found a. h?mb planted in ,. Se':'eral <!t'n101it1o n cxpC':ts Tf!Vtew various things whlch can up to a year in prison and /or a firm had designed. . s1U1ng ne xt to h1n1, hesuod : "/\nd the ft'de ral bwld1ng here today wearing white he ln1 ets earr1('cl be done "'ith t he .money and ss ~tine.Pen~ti~(p;firstof-But co~ncil _m_e ~bers were ~o u ;trL' w ilhh o lcl ing r_in~I and~e_tonatedit ~:ith~wo _smnll th~ born~ out of lh1· Ci_co1·g_e I'. ·<i·~--:!l\~~~ti~~~~"'tJ'-i~~,.,:;_:;~--·~~ ... ·;~~·~r .,. 1'1,::~f1S.~.E;~·1,,t :;-oJ • ....-~ .. :7:';.~Yt-¥·\~.it-/1 .... ~>. •.~}~·~.~ ... ~o,~')1~~'illUlS :\ftnr c.ar~.~ /Jr quJ-. .!J1 ~l~l~:..tk,:;~~·:1~~~u1.l_:l 11!~ in :i .l'le. 1_5'.C'SsfOri."-_• $15,oOO. . , -~Cnt fo~ a ~Win g Comlrieic.ia t:O~"'.'l'C.o~nO . ,. ,,, sl·d.~, '!\' ~tft::>L7 ~·<:L~.,.~·.l ~'-i•"I. .f ';Ar:r-f',...<".'Q'o'"" .•.~,y,;;~'":1-."1~, r.i~,...., . Spec1f1cally, the council asked rec r eation firms Lo u se city Ah s ul utc ly, ll ackster claimed r cspons1b1hly for the · rhey ust•d rc'tpl'S tu <·arry fr'i& ( • lbe planners to look into usi ng the parkland. l'l'plit:d. bon1b. tub ;ind !'it'l 11 111 l!lt• n11ddh! of lhl' funds for : A. "de D • 1'en <icres in the high school \\'hy, Galston y,·a..; .:1s l-icd, \\'as strCL'l nc;u· the :.ult• l·ntra ncl' t11 -Reduction of interest rates l.. f!lll..eS park have bee n set aside for com -the s uhjctt brought before such a 'l'he two small blasts set fire lo · the buildinJ.!. ,, o n homes f or l o"V -income m ercial recreation, with three pres ti gious forum 111 the first an ;,,itl=ichc case containing the 1\s the tuh \1 ;1..; t•:1rriC'd out families. V.s;ng Post ac r es ·specified for a te nnis J>lu cc'.' f>a lii.:e a nd rcdl'r:d agl·nt..; ycll <'d -Down oavment assistance to ., facility. STATE DEPT. RIPPED to nearby ni'\\·~n11•n, ··t;t·l b;_ick, hClp lo\\'·incomc families obtain "The sole objective of this is to "\Ve h ~ve :.i g <.1p bctv.·een "'hat BY BOMB. Story, Page A4. j.!ct bal'k. If tlt:i t lhin[! gol's off, Loans. V N • open up the system v.'ith 1·espcct scientis ts believe and \A'hat lhc ;yuu 're ;ill gn1 n~ toht: hurl .'' ~De vel opi n g a child care C Or lXOll to commercial recreation in the Jay public.: belie\'Cs," hes<.11d . bomb, and il exploded v.·ith a .Authorities h:1d c1 >1"(lo11ed off a ~facility for childrqn of Jow in-parks,'' e xplained Councilma n Asked if the re is any harm in roar thHt s hook nearby buildings. four-bloC'k :irC'a around the build · comeworkingparcrlls. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Art Anthony v.·ho pressed for bcltevin g th<.1t t .a lking to pl;.1nts Acou pleof v,rindowson the third ing a fll'r t'.~dll'rs idC'ntify1n.Q -Paying for an interim city James T . Lynn, President 1' ... ord's seeking other proposals. <Jo(_·S any ~ood , he replied : "It noor of the federal building were lhcm sel\'l'~ a:-. nll·rnbt·rs of lht' census. nominee for budget director, de · Both Counci lm e n llenry prol.lably does s ome good to the: broke n . \Vc athcr UndC'rg round s~1id a -Ass is tance lo the city's nied before a Senate committee Quigley a r:i<l John_Bur.to_n p~ote~t-1icople who talk to the plants. I '"l'h:.it's it. That's the big one," bomb they planted there '''as scL elderly . today that he misused his pre· ed the action, ma1nta1n1ng 1t w:.is think they're feelin g lonely." poli ce officers yell ed after the ex· to go off Tuesd~1 .v night al 10. -A bus syste m for the city. via.us government position to unethical. -Bunking nil the money until a boost the 1972 re-election effort of But after rcquircnlcnts for the speCific program is BJ>frovcd. .f'resident Nixon. proposals were modified to ask Lynn. '17 , is secretary or the only for designs for a three-acre Burglar Hits El Toro Home Cash, jewelry, a calculator. and a knife and gun with a total value or $695 have been s tolen from a home in the Wake Hous- ing sector of the El 'Toro Marine Corps Air Station, Orange Coun - ty Sheriff's officers reported to- day. ·Deputie s said thieves entered the home of Donna Lee 1'~oucha via the unlocked y,•indow to select the ir loot from the bedroom, kitchen and bal1y,·ay. Al so uodcr investigation in the El 'l'oro a re a is the theft of hand tools va\uc<l <.1t $180 from the .home of teac he r Tre nt J ... co Trim- born, 24 , of 25308 Crocker l ... ane. Deputies ~aid intruders '-'n· tcrC'd vi ~1 the opco gu r agc door 'vhilc th e occupanls were jn another part of the ho inc. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 'TNOrll!Qe (H •I 0.Uy Pilot, ,..;111 •1<1<11 ;, • .,.,.. bll...i !lit ~Wlo-l"rni," P\IOUV-.d by llltOr ... Collf Putll1Sltl119 (.omp111f. S-r•" odlllon!. •t pUtil.,...,, *'""•r llltou9ll frlOt'f lor Cosl.I • #91"1, Newport IWKll, H""t~ Bl«l'l/f- t•I" VllMy, lrtlne, S10<llle1>«l Vtltev •"" U..-.. K .. /'S6tllll CO.it. A t l,.te ~ "'lhwl It pUtothhH S.111rd1ys -~.Tr.. prlneip91 jMIOll1N"9 Pltnl b .-JOO wast IWr SUMl,,C.Sl.I ,.,_ ... C.IH•rrilt '21o2'.. • Jack R. Curley VK.. PrHIOtllt ....io Genefl>I ""'"99111" Them as Keevil EOl\ot' ThOmas A. Murphine 1 Ma~lfll EOll• . Offlc•s ~ MIW: l>O Wt\! a..,. Sll'Mt ...._, .. te:ll: WJ ~-' .......,.., U ........ Kii, 11ltGilfwWYA Strwl ....... lftOI.., IM..:11: !1t1l 1Mtdl flllwlllt"ll ._ ' S-llO .. <-Vtll•y: U201Lt PlorANd 11 s... o• F•-av TeltPMne 1714 ) 642-4l21 Cl•fflfi9d Ad...-r11Si"9 642-5671 s.o019fMo:k Val~Y No.-, Otf1<t Sl l -431 0 ,. "'"' St11 Cit ,,..,lo 49So06l0 C•OfPl•lll. ltf~ 0!111~ (01\1 PMDh•llillt ,.?~Y· M•Mtt• "°"~'• 1!1"61rtl,011\, N •IOt••I "'"''' or .tartrtl••m•MS 11~·-.~ "'~' M. ••P•••u<•• wllfloul ~pt(••I P••ll'•U•Oll ol tOllY•iO"! , .. .,., • .. ,.,,. tll tl "°"t•ll'll P••tl t! C:o•I• Mlit, , CMllorl'lll. Subl,(fopl~ toy <.,"'' U 00m0t'll~lr: "'l'-""'·oo -1111r. ml!ittrr ""'''"•"''" 1J.06 ' __.,.,, Department of 1.Jo us ing and te nnis fa c'ility, the council ap- Urban Development and was an proved it unanimously. undersecretary of Commerce Dalzell to ld the council thalon· during·that Nixon campaign. 1-lc cc the ci ty d etermin es the has been n omi nated by t "o rd to ('fitcria fo r such a facility his replace Roy Ash. firm could l>e put back on the bid- 1"he Senate Government dl·r ·s li st. but until then, the ()perations Committee is expect-s p e c i f i c prop o s a I ,.., a s cd to approve the nomination. \\'ithclra "'11. But the opening day of Lynn's '!'h t' I •• ~ v c r -Emer s on con11 rmat1on hearin g was pep· \V llhdr<JWal l'amc us the council pered with references lo his ac -adopted a commercial recrea- ·tivities during the Nixon years in tion policy for city parks . a n effort to clear the record The broadl y \\'Ordcd poli(_·y befoi-c ·he moves lo <inother ROV · say!'! suc h t·on1mL·rci:d fa cilities crnment1ob. oi 1·c d esirable as <t me<1ns to pru- Scn. Lee f\·Tclc<tlf (Q.f\1 ont ), v1dc rC('l'('<ilion o pportunities poi nted lo a re port by the Senat1 • y,·hi e h mi ght nnt ntherv.·ise bl' \Vatcrgalc Committee in. which availablt· to rt·~idt:nt:-. Lynn was identified as the ·'cun· tact man " in t he CommL"rC:l Departffie nt to assist in the Nixon re-election drive . Lynn denied he U!>C:d 1n1propc;r political considcrat1on for tht: granting of government aid and also denied that his position as ~' "t'.ontact man" had ny connection with lhc Walergat c-relall?li JX>litie al adtivities of the Nixon administration. R e d C hie f N an1 e<l 'J'OKYO (APJ -An ally of Pre mier Chou En-lai. Vi ce · Premier Teng lisiac-ping, ha s been named chief of the Chinese army's general staff, the Kyodo news agency reported from P ck-. ing t~ay. Career Fair Set for UCI (';1r't••·r· 1ipporlun1 l1t·s 111 t h<• ~u t'1.tl ~C l L'TIC'L'S will beOutl inctl ;d a <"art•e r f:-1ir at UC' Ir vi ne 'l'h ur.s day_ l'rofe!>s 1onals in adminis tra lion. l<.1w. atl,·crlising. man age- m<•nt . Sn(·1al \vork, le:.ic hing , u~han planning <ind psychi atry v.•111 ~1ns\vt·1· ftLJt'.Sliun s nn career preparation ;ind planning at. 1hc 7.:10 p .01. C'\'cnl in the Ur<.111· dywine ret'.rC'ation room at the Middle L·:arth residence hall. F'urlher 111form.ilion rn ay he oh· t :ii nl't1 hy c11llin g-the ucr school of soci a I :-. c J<'nccs at BJ:J-GM~I _ Council Action· The I rvinc City Council Tuesday : -SET THE transportation commission mceling elate us the second Thursday or each month ins tead of the second \Vednesday. ·-APPROVE D ADVERTISING for bids , for S68.480 in improvements to the Rench Park. All existing fncilities arc to be demolished in the J .8-acrc park and new walk:;;, lights. play areafi, lawns, trees a nd athl etic court installl:d . -APPROVED A STUDY on lowering the Atchison, Tope ka and Santa Fe Railrond tracks through the city and told Public Works Director Brent Muchow to be~n111 cgotiat· ir\g a $100,000 contract for engineering g r:ldt: sep;1r;il ions at road crossings. -ADOPTED.CRITERIA ror a transportation n1a nage- ment plan for Lhe Irvine Industrial Complex· r;<is l ai1nc·d <1t cutting automobile-caused pollution , 'fhe Irvine ('nn1pnny will pay for t he plan and s ubmit it for cou nc il nppro\ al ,~. 11h111 .OOdays. · -s£T A s:;:w·t..:N-TON wci~ht limit on the l'arnpus Ori~~ ~~idge and extens ion across thr San .loaqu 1n i\l ars h • /.1p·L1p dLt,td l lll j,H ktf, puL ~t·c .tnJ ;i.nklcs. In ,1 .~fl·t·ri IJ f n.1vy. S,J\t,L. 53 1· 'JiJ'.I. n ,\. ·rr.1vcl S1JOrtsv.·c:'l r SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA . / Sho p Sun day, So uth Coast Pl aza, 12:00 noon to 5. p .111 . ' . SANTA ANA, 547.721 1 • SOUTH COAST P LAZA, 556·06!1 ) r I , I • • .. VOL. 68, NO. 29, b SECTIONS;~ f'AGES ORANGE COU NTY , CALIFORNIA Today's Closinl{ N.Y. S toek'll WEDN ESDAY, J ANUARY 29 , 1975 TEN CEN:TS Jailing . ~f· Hard Core Youths Urged County l'robation ·officer J\:Jargarel Grier was expe ~ted to recomme nd today that 19 ''hart! <·ore" j uve nile off1~nders ht• rc- ·1no vcd from JUVt•n1l c h;_d l and in1 - prisoncd in Or<inge County J :i ll. 1~:xccpl £0 1· a fC\\' 1so l:Jted 111 <li\•idu ~t l cast·s. no ll\Vcrull's h a\1~ ever been cornnuttcd to C'ount y Jail in S1.1nta /\nil. i'lowcvc r , Miss Crit•t's recom· • " JUVENILE JUSTICE rlr/1r.O•~;:;ntr mcndatioA lo the Boa r<i or. Supt.•rvisor:; is .pa.rt of a pacllagc plan to r cli eve·bvercrowded con- ditions at juvenile hall in Orange. On Dec. 19, the California Youth Authority put the county on notice ror the second time In six months that it "'ould de.- certify the hall unless l.tn acCt.'P- tabl e pla n Lo relie ve c hronic overcroy,•ding •.vas implemented. 1\.1 iss G ril'r fi rs I. me ntioned ·the use of the t.·ounty jail as a sccuri· ty de te ntion center in a confiden· tial r eport to the board of supervisors earlier this month. In that report, she pointed out that state law a llows the commit - ment or juve niles to a jail "when no other suitable place or de ten- tJon is avitilablc." She also pointed out negative fa'ctors associated with the con- finement of juveniles to the jail: -Th e ·'st e rile and co m - pa ratively harsh atmosphere" or the jail '''hic h is .. not full y in keeping Y.'ith 'the plulnsoµh y 11f the juvcnlil· court Ii.I\\' ... Lack of L'duc<i tiunal •1 111.J recre<1 tio nal f;1 c ilities th;.1t \\'ould be cxpcctccl in a place uf conf1n<' me nt for nii nors. . -Negat_i vc community i·l':tl' lion . -~Pro blem s associated \•.'ith t ransporting n1 inors to courl he arings 1n lilt· .1u,···n 1I C' t:ourt:-1 lu<'aled in ()rang1• 1\11 a ct·o 1np;111~ u1g l'l'POl"I 111 s upt•rv1 sors h} .\d1111nistrat1\l" Uffi('t'I' l{obt•rt '\'tu1111:1s ap1)(.'0JI'" tr1 supporl 1\11-.-. Gri l'r ·s recon1 - rn 1·ndat 1on thrit JU\"t..·ni ll's bl· J.11h·d . In tu:-. r t•p111t 'l'ho111a:-:,;1y s Lh al {•llt' \Va~i LQ allcv1 atc tht..· ovc r - <St'(' J UV l·:NI 1 .1:-~S. Pagl! 1\2 l ms aw a at ' Lie Test Proposal Reported From \\'irf' S1•rvic<'s Profits Up On Steel PITTSBURGH (UPI> \Vh cc Ii llJ!-Pitts burt?h Slee ! Corp. reporll.'<I today th:.it pro- fit.s soared 3,000 percent in the last three months of 19711. ''\V e j ust had H J..:OOd qu:.irle r .·· said l)a\c l 'i l z, S('nior v ice pres id e nt for finance fo 1· the nation's ninl t. largest stee l company. LOS ANG EI.ES -Dr . Jeffrey ll . 1\.1a c Don;lld of llunling ton l\crich , the· forml'r Arnl y spf'('i:.il 1nrcc·s <l octnr ac-(·Usf·fl n l st at11l1n g )~'·:-·(,..,~· A~-•---"'~~~-- .; '"'~"'"'' .~ ........ ,.. . -·a1ti In 9'i'o . ofh·r?.:£1 0L.1K(<.1 rtit)l· ~c rum ll'Sl to )')f·ove ht~ d idn 't t•o mmit lht.• murdt_•rs. the physi- l' i:.1n · .s at tornt.•y s;1icl 'l'ut.·s day \V hee lin g -Pi tts bu r ~h '.-; earnings leaped t o $2,1.25 n1illion, or $li.·12 per s h;1re, fron1 $1.49 million. or 20 l'C nt s a share. : ~-:tfk!l~Jjt,~;z~-:"'" :;=-·' :·to $73.41 ri1illion . 01:--SlfJ.23~1- llul prosecutors 1><-'rsuadC'd ..t fc dcr:.1! gr;_1 11d Jury in ~orlh C~1rolin <J. tu il!norc th l' offl'r for fear he v.•ould ht' µro\'<-'ll inno t'l'llt . ;lltornt.•y Bl'rn a rd Segui charged in :in afficlav1l fdt·d fo r a bail reduction hearing . 'fhe hcuring was tu I~ ht·ld to- day before U.S. 1o1ai?is tratc .John -R. Kronenbcr)!on a request to re· duce 1"1:.i c Don:.ild "s b:.11 1 from SS00.000 to $5.000. MacDonald is bcin~ held 1n Oran ge County Jail. MacDonald's IHY.'Yt•rs ar):!ucd I ha t the truth seru1n offer s ho .... •ed the physit•i;in's t'nnfidcnt·e th:.it he V.'ou\d be acquiltl'<I and wa~ thus unlikely to flt'l' 1f he-w<J s r t." Jeasc<l on :1 lo\v b;iil · J\1ac 0 on;ild \\'~Is arrt•sted last l·'riday in his I luntingtun Uei:ich homc>. '!'he fo rmc>r (iret•n Be ret phy.s1 c ian was acquillt..•d by a n1ilitary •·uurl in thl' 1!.170dl·~ths . l~U l 1\-l ac·· IJonald , no\\' undl·r civ ilian ;:1 ulhor1t y. w<1s 1nd1ttl'<l by a fede r a l ,,::ra nd Jury Jan. 24 in RalC'igh, N .C. I-le had b<>cn trying to mak<' a nC\\' life fur h1n1sl'lf since his r e lease from the m ilitary y,•orkin g: n s di rcl·tn r or crnerg l'ncv :-.ervices at St l\lary·s-1\.1 l'dieal Cf'nlcr in l ... ong Bl!ach for the past three vcars. lie \Va s ar rcstt'd otnd bonkt·d on thl' North C;1rolina ind ictn1 enl pending an C'\lr:.iditlon hcUr lnR :.c·hc c!11l f'd f~H· nt·x:t l\tonda.v. \lt·an\vhi \c I n~ L1\\',Yers h:1vc h<'l'll ;11·g1Jing lur ;1 rt.:du cli on 1n the !):iii. CSer OOCTOIC , l'age J\2 l Softball Lea~e S ignups S lated Signup ~ fnr the Fountj:llll Va ll ey llo bby Sox softball leag ue '"ill be held from IO a . m . to L p.m., F e b. I, 8 and 15. at Von 's Market. ·r ~llbc rt /\ve nu e ;:in<l l\-1ag noli:.1 Street. Girls 9 to 15 can pl a.Y. Rcgistra· lion cost~ $S \\•ith 0.111 additional SJ.75 chargt' oplion:d rorpic·· turC's . Girls s hould hring H parent a nd the ir hirth ccrt1 ficale Lo sign up. ~ :-.hare. fron1 $9.37 "m ill ion . or Sl .75 per s hare . Valley Y outl1 Arrested on ·Burglary Raps A tountaln Valley teena g~r was arrested .Tuesday on suspi- cion of burglarizi ng three homes that a fternoon in the sa m e neighborhood whe re he allegeclly carried <>ut five others in ()(·· tober. Fountain Vall ey police said the youth was s potted in a hous ing d evelopme nt off Slate r Av e nue and Ward Street. /\ patrolman said he mat<"hed a description give n b y a burglary \•,dtness a y,•eek agu. Detective Vic Deutsch said the L6·year ·old boy had about $400 worth or s ilver and turquoise jewelry. believed take n from u home that a ft ernoon. a s we ll as some liquor and a smaH <1m ount of cash. In addition to those three burglaries,· Deutsc h s aid t he youth is be licvc<l rcsponsi hlc for- ··at least three'' othe rs in the same neighborhood over the pa st two weeks . In Octohe r. Lile boy w~1 s arrPst C'd in l"n nn ec ti on \vith f 1\t' burgl.iries in lhnl neii;:hborhood . allegedly ;:di carl'icd oul 111 cir)t' afternoo11 spree. Police sa id the youth was I :ik<•n lo juvenile hall , then released lhC' ne xt day. when offi cers arr ested h im ag ain for a n ea rli e r break-in . Deulsch said he Sl'rved a 30- day te rm in juvenile hall :.if- t c rward. lie was returned to juve nile ba ll again Tuesd:.i.y . Baby Hangs Self SAN DIEGO (AP1 An 11 month-old twin boy fell in his crib, catching his <"hin on the .~J ec lri ca l corcl o f a lamp Christopher DcN echochca died later Monday in Sharp Mc mori;I] l lospit al of asphyx iation Dt111111ge Averted Oakland Bomb Threat Quelled 01\KL:\N D (APJ -llclmeted "It v.·as ticking. \Vhen they de m olition experts found a bomb moved it first, it sto pped ticking. 1n the federal building tod<1 y The n they moved it a gain. and it :1ftcr a ti r;imatic scar"c h· and s tarted ag<lin," Nixon said. nighl·IOn i:! vigil, then dr:.igged it 'fhe demolition experts ginger· OC Loss Expected To Rise By GARYGRJ\NVll.1 .. 1·: 01 111~ O..oly Polal Sl~ll 1·1il~ C'ounty bil l for lll'P· i\ll - drew ll in s haw·s ( lt ·Nc\vporl L\C'3Ch ) S UCt'CS:iflll 1972 c:nnµai ~n 1s at. $5,HOO and risin).!, the IJ aily -.¥l1Q;.!~f.t:,~f&.::tl.rt;ct,_;p1d. s~~i.t off~ .L Lv~.c;~~ie.~ t.~~ c!~ic~ .<!u .. t.sji:_te ~n.-'1-. ... 1~sm~H-'exvlW~ln'S. 1 •· •• ft'rdte~tfY\i ,n_... ... __ .. :£~4&1tC ~ l:!,i.lo\ 1-"arnt:~-. ,t'\dit ~ ... J.t n1 c~· go "· , ' 'h~"fiffu ~'J '1~.;:.-.o ,,.._.@t .(l"f'.._,...,.,,, The IC'ft is t . anti""·ar Weather by ropes. then removed it from LI n d c r g r o u n d c I a i m e d the tub with 3 rope, tied the han- res ponsibi lity for planting the de · die o f the attache case and cov - ered it with metal blankets. STATE DEPT. RIPPED BY BOMB. Story, Page A4. ,·ice on thc seventh noor. It was an cstim;.ited 10 to 15 pounds of high ex1>los1ves in an attache case. Age nts said it c:ould h ave ripped off the corner of the build- ing and destroyed the seventh floor if it had exploded inside. Ins tead , the bomli exploded v.·ith .a roar that shook nearby buildings and broke a couple of \\"indows in the third floor of the <.:eol'gc I). 1\1 ill er f<'cdc1·al ll11ild- 1ng. No inj uries we re rl'portcd. "That's it'. 'fhat.'s the bi g one," polieL' ofricl·rsycllcd . r·cnc ral a~cnts found the bomb tick in g 1n an ;ittaehc case above !hf• fa\s(' ceiling p a nels in a Sl'\'l'nlh floor Navy offi ce. P hcy l·nt crctl lhC' building -scene of \"1nlL·nt anli\\'3r prolcsls in the 1960s againsL the Armed J<'orces I nduC'lion Center housed ther e - s ho1·tl y aftcr6a.m. Sho rll y b e fore the search he}!an . :1 '1.:oman identifying he rst•lf ~1s a ml'mbe r of the \\'eat he r Underground called the <>.ikland 'frihunc ;ind to ld the ne,·•~pu pcr y,·lu ch room the hon1h \\"<I S 111 . .'\tl c~p l osivc s ·sn if f i n ~ dog tr1Hll the s~1 n 1\1 <.Llt'O Counlv :-.h(•r iff 's offi (•(' ht•c ;1nl~ ;1gil atccl (Ill (hi' St'\'l.'111 h. noor hut l'OU Id nol ' pinpoint lhl' lol':1!1on of the htinlh, :-.:11tl ('h:-irlt..•s Ni~on , s pokesm an !<~r lht• 1\IC'ohol. 'l'obaeL'I) and .-·1 rcn rn1 s office her(' It "·as found in a ceiling panel outsuJc Roo m 728 wluc·h houses th e De fense Contractir..1; Agency. AREA STORIES HI Gii LiGHTED l<~ount<1 i n \.'all ey ponder s a police contract, Nc\\·port Beach . d~lays urtio n on a cable·service rranchlsl' ·pact aJ"Jd a veteran µu lite officer dies in Costa Mesa_ 1'hesc s tories, and others. ap- pc ur Loday on Page 02. Immobile Library To Close? By TERRY COVILLE Of -o.ll,-"41911 SC." The city plans to close its i m · m obile bookmobile in Huntington Harbour Feb. 7, unless volun- teers can be found to keep the library outlet open. "The circulation is low e nough the re we just don't think it war- r a nts an $8,000·a -ycar person to run it," 1\-trs. Sherrie Daugherty. c hie f reference librarian. ex- plained today. "'They c heck out about 20 to 50 books a d ay, and that is n't very many per hour," she added. "But it is used by school children and senior citizens from a nearby traile r park." The bookmobile -once a roll - ing e mis s ary or the library, makin g• sch.eduled visi ts throughout Huntington Beach - is now s tationed permanently on the parking lot at the Boardv.•(l\k Shopping Center. Old age forced the book 1nohil e into re tirement. The l'it y has bought another, but, because of a t ight bud get, it is n 't runni n ~ · e ither. The new rolling library "'rill s\t al the city yard until the st.art or the new fi scal year in July. Mrs . Daugherty said thC llarbour branch would have to bc- c losed t hen anyway. so the library decided lo close it early and the staff member ther e will be pulled in to help open the new central library. The city council has sharply re- d uced t he number' of people re· quested by Librarian Wa ller Johnson for the new library . so the entire system, is short·staffed at present. tSce .LIBRARY, Page f\2 } o.,1y Pilal 51•11 f>MI• $10,000. '!'he 1·cpo r·t of the doll:ir loss in county funds as Lhe rl'sult of a8· sessor·s office pt•rsonncl allcgt..•d- ly y,·orkini:; in llinsha "''s cain - paign on county tin1t• ca111c at thl• A ppoi 11.f pd half\\'ay point in an audit ordert•tl by th e Cou nl ,v lloa rd <)f 1'hc1m as Riley , Orange Coun -Super\'is ors . l.y's 1'~iftt1 Dis tric t S upcrvisof' So far, reliable sources said, the since the disa1)pearance at audiJors have accounted for the ~ea or Ronald Caspers. \\'ii I loss by tracing tcstin1on y throu ~h serve in the pos t until 1976 Grand Jury tTanscripLs that le d to ' e lection s , it was announced the indictment made last year of today. NewJX)rt Beach resi-nineassessor'sofficeemployes. d .1 The nine men, :.Jll of t hc 1n e nt Rr ey w as appointed for llinshaw aides. when he \Va.-. that term toda)' by Gov. Ed-county a ssessor. were ch:1ri.:t...'<f _m_u_n_d_G_._B_ro_"_'Tl_J_r_. _____ · "'ilh n1ult iplc coun t ~ of gr o.11ld theft. ("On spi1·;il'.V and fr.i!sifying Brisk Trade Marks Stocks' Upward Trend i\F.\\1 YORK (AP)-1'hestotk m:ir ke l he aded upward a gai n to- da:i· in hrh;k trading after an ca1·1.r pa use fo1· prot"it -taking . The clos ing [)oy,.' .Jones :.1 vc ragc or 30 industria!s was up 11 .19 point!' to 70.'l.96. It appf'arf'd some new buying · can1e into the m arket ·when an expected round of profit-ta king at lhc out s et proved to I.Jc m ild . Son1e in\·estors also ev id ently tonk it ;:i s a bullish 1'i~n that the 1narkc t h:J.d not reacted morl.' nt·i:;-;1livC'l y lo the nc y,.·s I.hat I.h t· ~ovc•rnmcnt'::; inclcx of leading economic indi·catOrs posted it s fifth s traighl n1onthly drop in Oeccmbcr. Big Board volume for the first two hours totaled 9.l millio n s hares active by ordina ry standards hut well belo w the ex· traordinarily hC'a vy pace of l\1 on· day and Tuesday. Up john faltered 2 to 31 :!'1 on tht..· heels of a 3~8·point s lide Tuescla v ;;1.ttribut~ to an adverse reporl in a medical journal or som e oral d iabe tes drugs made by the com- pany . UpjUhn called the rcporl "unfound.ed-" records a nd vl~1la tion o f govcr11 - n1enl code!;. Shortly after their ind1('ln1c11l , the board or supervisors ordc rt•ll l'ounty auditor \1ic Jlein1 to d (• Lei-mine lhe cxa('t amount. if <i n\·. the county lost through thl' :il \cgell can1paign activ it ic~. <Sec lll NSllA\Y, Page J\2 1 Art Destroye r Leaves Rome ROM E tU l'IJ -~ 1.:1zl o 'l'oth. \\'ho s mas hcct ~1 M1 r hel:1n gelo mas t e rpit•(·(' \Vi\h a h :1nln1 c r three years :ign. has h•fl fo r ;\uslralia under guard . s till pro- cl:11n1 in g hinl~ell' thl' :-;o n of God and \"OY.'i n ~ hf• \\"ill r1 •111 r n lo d ri \'t' Sa I ;1 n out of Lht• \ .• II I(" an. T\'0 airlin(' ).!U;1rd:. 'l'llt.:3da,\· l'::;eor1l'd 'fi)lh nntu ;1 llant all :\irlines JL1tl111er to Syflll('Y· 1'hc pilot nf <1 nothera\ustr;ll 1an f light t>b~hl da ys agu ~used to ac cept res ponsibility fur 'l'oth unless ~O· meonc guarded hin1 1'ot.h , a ll un ~arian ·bor n 1\uslralian. IJ.tsl v.·cck e nded two ~car!; in an asylum for ccrimin.al - ly lll!:i:lll{' .. Ctt~lSC ' •,. Are Plants Talkilag1 Beach Thief I . A 'No Show' ln crcasini;: <"h tince o f sho\ve r s t onight c le arirng 1'hursday, aC('ordinJ..: to the-- \\'Cath<-'r ser\'icl'. Chances· of r:1in a bout 60 percent lhis : C'vening. llighs 'l'hursday 56 . 1061). Lo ws tonight in40s. '• NE\V,'ORK !UPll -Canyou help plants l>y talking to them ? ·That id ea . apparently shared by so1ne people, m ay have tx>en encourag.e d by a li e detector expe rt \l.1h o se ex pc rim('nts s u g~es l pf·:1nls ·hi.l\'l' s o m e m yst erious sort of nware n<'ss or th in~s going on about them. Ttie controversi;1I research, J>OJ>Ulnri7.ed by ll book. was the subject today of t1 !;ymposiun1 <it th e annuH I m e •ting of th e /\mcr\can As sociation for lhc Adv.ancement of Science. Two sc·icnllSls s a id they were unable to dupllc:itc the work or C leve Bn c k s t c r , r e~e orc h direct o r of th e l\a c kster lteseorch 1-"'oundution at San Diego, which indicated b y electrical volt <ige changes 1n· leaves that plants perceived th(• death of brine shrimp in another roo n1 . Buckstcr r e plie d that the attempts to repeat his result~ are inconclusive because the work at Corne ll U niv ersity and lhc Science Unlim ited Research Jo'ounclation, S;i n Antonio, ·r cx. did not foll ow th e cx att lahorntory techniques usl'd in th e ori ~in;d cxpcri1n c nts. nuc kstcr said he has not atteniptl'd to r('peat the work. ,At a'• news confeccnce. Or, Arthur \V. Gn l ~ton. professor of biology nt Vnle Univer!'lity, snid it ts known thnt plants have e lectrica l a ctivll.y whi c h is :1ffcct e d by C'nvironmcn l:il influences such as gr uvity, light and tempe r ature . . ; 1 the subject brOught before such a prestigious forun1 in the first place? ··we have a gap between what But \\1hethe r there is some sort scieiltists believe .. and what !he of communications link which l ayi>U bli cbelieves ,"h~~aid .. v.·ou ld make pla nts a\.l.•nre of non-ASked· if therO....is: an)'. ha rm in environmental c h a nges is a dif· believing that tiilklng to plants fe'rentmat ler. does any good, he replied: "It "\Vhat we're dealing with is a probably does some good to the set of data \v hic h purpc)rt to shd'W people who talk to the planls. I th a1 n <"ert nin situation "exists in think l.h cy'rc feeling lonely." n111ure," Galston s ai~.. • . .. ".~l 's face it, If you live in 'fhe n turnt(tg to .r1pc'~'.(i:)'1 ~l~· ,York Git,f. in' a concrete ~iltin g next to hirrl . he$rud :. nt , •.• -qt4·nn<fyOvr(1tandlactY.doeSn't rou :ir e \"lthliofdtng f n-1· ,1 y(H}h&ve petsiOUi~housennd Jtld g m e nt on· wr.clhC"r f.~t s S y.cu ll)v(!: a philod4tndron over in <'<11·re<'t or not? • . •cortaer. lt'wnuld \bb corriforting ··Abs olut11\y:·· Bac "s l e-r to yO\I" to k·rtow that 1th.ere "-'<I S r i:pl\c<.I. '·~, ·; aholher .sentient lhln_g .in th.B.t \Vhy, Galston ·w as a5kcd,~w;i s apa rtment.'' : • ·. '" " , Kevin MlchaCJ Ward of Hunt· ington Beach bas fa iled to appear for sentencing in Orange County Superior Court after being found ~uiltY of grand theft by a jury in Judge Wi,liam S . L ee's courtroom. Judge Lee i'ssuetl a bench wa r - rant for th\.' arrest of Ward, 22. of 7701 Willard St .• llunting ton Beach. He faceS a st:itc prison term of one lo JO years on hi s con· viction. Wat"d ,Wa.s arreslcd Inst July 24 after };\f!, lill.egedly stoic a car parttCI i>n birc h S trecl in Ncwpor\ B.,,Bch. Police said the woman owner loter ~potted her .car beint1;1drivcft by Ward And tracked .hlM to Orange Coast eoucie wbere ahc notirlcd police of the theft. l:\SIDETODA'V . Doc3 Sl(n nging produce "happi·, ness and -adiuslment" in mar. riage or does it I~ to "/nutra- tion. tensron and jealOU&y. ·• Two 1news of the subject are present· ed on Page A 7 lodoy Al'rHrS.r•i<• Al .... 1 • .., ., L M. ll•y• 114 C•liforll~• A.S C.trMrCor"•r A.11 Cl•UlfM<lll 0h10 C""'l(t C 14 C.-•ctr• ,,, o.. ....... ,.. ... lll:tflffrl•I "•.. A6 ~""'""1"'"'"' a •. , ''""fl(' 1144 ,..,. C4•14 , .. .,...t(.,. llJ H«tlM;... CJ t ·,, • • •• DAILY PILOT H/F Wednesday. January 29. 1975 For .Ju.ven¥e• Younger Urges Adult Trials SAC RAMENTO (AP) -Alty. Ccn. 1'~,·etlc Younge1· says judges should be a b le to dt·cidc to try juveniles as adulls as part of •·long overdue" juvenile justice reforms. "Onl'C the court d etcrmint•s that the juvC'nile h ~1 s con1 rn1th.·d a serious crin1c, I s ure wanl hin1 tried as a n adult," Younger told a Capitol news conference Tues- day. Younger said the adult-tri al r eeommendation i:s containL-d 1n hi$ task force report lo the Wildlife Officials .In Parley Zoologists from Lion Countr'y_ Safari a nd o ther Southe rn·· California zoos and wildlife pre- serves gathered in l.os i\ngeles today for a ":::;ummit meeting" on how best to deal with unwanted .animals. The conference a t Busc h Gardens rocuseson both dom estic and wild animals which have overpropagated at the Irvine pre4 serve and other animal attrac4 tions. · Lion Country Safari. which a l one time c nco.uraged fe m ale lions to produce cubs by pressing the late ''Frasier" into service, now is trying to curb growth of its lion populalion. · Zoologic;_al direct:or P at Qu.inn s aid that Lion Country would soon initiate a series ·or lion vasectomies to accomplish that goal. From Page A I DOCTOR ... • l\>1acD o n ald 's attorney .s;.iid that th e North Carolin a g rand jury has ;:i s kC'd !\1ac 0 ona ld to •·onsenl lo c1u<'slioning unde r the: influence of :,.odium c.tmy tol, o r truth :oierum. l·le::itt id MaeDonald had consented ;,ind rcct•iv cd h is doctor's pcrn11ssio n, but tha t fe de r a l p rosecutors apparently talked the grand jury into ignor- ing the offer. ORANGE COAST · DAILY PILOT Jack R. Curley Vlt• PrH(Mnl afld G4~~1 ,,,.....,.. , Thomas l(eevil ··~ Thorrlas A . Murphine ,.,..11991.,9 E<t<lar "" Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall A\lhl.,.I w .... ging Edita~ Terrv Coville ' WIM 0rtll(l9 Counl'I' Edl"W HuntllHlton 84'1ch Offlcf trl1l k..:11 Boulro ... d Mlllll119 ~''" P.O. 8oo 1'0,"""' Ot .. rOfflc., L..-.iil•h~11•~~ .... CM la-. .. : S» #I~ a.y Slrw1 Nir-1 &1..:11: WJ Ne•l'0'1 Ooul>t ..... Solcldllbltl v11111: 1no1 u P91 ANO 1t~nOit09,fffW•Y 1eltphon1 {714) 642-4321 Cl11ssitlld Adv1rliiing f>42·S671 f 'rt1n1 Ptt~e .·l I HINSHAW The s ource•:-> s:11d l!ll' total lo:-.s i~ cx p etlt·d li1 r1-·:1c h Lhf' $10.(J!!O n1ark p rl'dicctcd liy 1\.-;s1s t;1nt 111 :-.- lricct Attornc.v ;\liC'h:1C'I ('ap1zz1 at the time the indi ctments were re- turned . ,\L lhL' t1n1t· thl·v ordered th1 · audit, the c:o11nt.Y super v isor ~ ~~1d the (·ounty ~hould colll'el "hat e ver funds might have ht.•t·n lost from lhl.' hondinl! <·urnp;1ny that b(,ndt.•d I linsha"· \\'he n he Y.'a s a count.y cn1ployc. FtOl'l'I NOrlll Otaf\Clt County ~I"'' S40-12 20 Dta11ce Tt1pestry toPYllllll. 1••S 0•.ll"tJ-Co•\! Publl\llln9 ~"· HOMW'llllflf>l,!H11\lr•1•00"·"'IO•lal fl•U•• or '"'""'U-All "'"'" .... , l>r ftP••d11t td wH~I ~•.Ill p1rrr111110,. ol (epynffll ...... f' ,__ t ll\1 pM\"91 Ml• •I ,..,,., M~wo. c.i11ttn11. s.-c.1.,.... llfc..•11• u .ao ~1>1,; .., PMl1 .... .......,...,, ,,.11i..~ dlt\llN!loool. l.J 00 -·· l • Jo Ann Coleman, Jeqnifer Fairbanks and Debbi e Bedford (from top) are :.imong 40 modern-dance studc11ts at Hunt- ington Bea_ch 1.Llgh School who will perform at 7:30 p.m . Thursday rn lugh school gym 1n benefit show for girls athletic program. Tickets arc priced at $1.50 for adults $1 for students and 75 ccntslor children. ' I ~ire St.1.~ \~':t rn1-u1) .,u11. < h.1rnpi1~n ~ry!1n .~ f1)r tl1t · bl',ILh. ro,hl, ll!11r1 .... /.1p-up dc(.1111111 )•tLkt·r, p11tk.cr and .1n kl l's. In ,1 111:1Lhint· \1'.l'>h ,1, ryl1L · ,tnd pn lyL· ... rccr. P1>~\'dl'r hlut·. ,:_;fl l'll (ir n.1vy. S,i\I , L. 83·1· ·1:1\\'ll ,'\:.. ·rr.1v<:I Sports\vt•.1r I SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA .. ~ft :. '·Pot Rx -· ' For Pain JJj/ .• Shop Suriday, South Coast Plaza, 12:00 noon to 5 p .1n . SANTA ANA, 547-7211 • SOUTH COl'\ST PLAZA. S56-0611 ) . l I I ., I 11 I I I .(' ' ' I f l 11 '! I I A6 -, DAILY PJLOT EDITORIAL PAGE. ·rhe recent move in the 1-!untington Beach Uni on lligh School District to build a new $8 million school stirs 111ix ed emotions. Basicall y, trustees made a wi se decision. But there are reservations -pa rtic ularly <tbout som e of tl1e rationale behind the vote to bui ld . ~ 'fhc most valid argument is that the new sc hool will remedy ovcr cro\1/ding in a \\'ay \!lhich \vi ii have a positive rath er than negative effect on youngste rs educationally. 'I'hc district wi ll stand a bl'tter chance this way at keeping enrollme nts in each of its sch ools below 4.000. ;_i nd even th<.1t numbe r is h igh. With smaller sc hools, fewer students \viii be lost in the shttf -nc. 'l'hc rc's ano tl1 e r r e a son btti l<l in g lhc: ne y,· s choo l is right. too. I t 's u11ification. \Vithout the sc·houl. the st<.1lc \You Id be n1orc likely lo turn thun1b s clO\\ n o n lhl' current unification p roposal. l t ·s be('ause thl' sc hool dis tric t to be C'r c atcd in the area no v.1 la rge ly scr vc<I by the Ocean Vicv.' School District \\"UU ld have on l) one hig h sc h ool not c nou~h for the nun1bcr o f st u d <.•n t s within its bouncls. 'l'hc s chool board shO\vc d t he rigl1l s p irit by pro- mising s <>m c months ago to use a porl ion of reser ve s <.ind pro fits from the sale or I.he s urplus \·orklti\vn site fur construction. l lo,vcvcr, one arg un1ent so n1e trus tc·cs ;:i nd ud· minislr<1tors put forth for bui lding the 11C\V hi gh s c hool is h ;.1 rel to S \v :011 low . It 's difficult to sec h O\\' cons tructing the scl1ool \viii build suc h co n ficlcnce t hut the p uhlic \Viii gladly vote in a tax increas e in ;i fl'\V yea rs an<l so lve the (iistrict ·s fin ancial 1)roblc n1 . 'l'h ;1t ·s too hopeful a no t e no mal I.er ho\v :.1ppe<.1 ling it may be. g Justified l<ty in building the school probably wou Id only 1>0s trKlnt the anticipated pe::ik of the district's econon1ic cri sis rrom 1977 to 1978. Because the dif(er e nec is j us t one year a nd l)ecause the h igh sehool holds hope fcJr be t ter ecluca· tion in this dis trict ci nd u un ifiecl dis tri ct of the future the <Ice is ion t.1> build the new hi gh sc hool is j us tifie<I. R e alis tic D ecis ion l(c;il ity \\Oil a 11 <.l f f O\\" VIC'.l()J'Y Jn llllllllll)..!l !!ll l!l'iH.:h las t \\"(•1..:k \\"hl'n the cit V CtJUll t:il \"u tccl 11 :i ln rt..·slrict the f uture c x 1>ans i1l 11 " of the 1·L·ntrul p u.rk J•'acecl v.-·ith severe f in<inc:i al r est raints. the m'1Jor1l.' of the ct>uncil <J~rc·cd th<.tt cl rean1:-; of adding :11101lu .. ·1 · 175 0 1· m<1re <i<:rcs to the. southern p<)rt1on o f the park j us t ;i rc n 't rca lis t1 c. llat hcl' th a n liL' thl' \;.ind up \\ 1th ::.tudil'S :ind thl' ""ptissihility" of park expansion. thl')-' <.ig recd to tu rn 11 l1>0sc fo r p r ivate rcc rc;;it io n a l devclopn1 c nt a $1 ::! millio n lcn11i s l.'lub \V'1 S :.1pprovc<i fr1r <>n c sn1:.i.ll pol" ti(in and fur l;1rge r esidential es tat es. 'l'hc c ounti l n1L·n1hcrs \\'ho OJ)poscd the l'U rh o n p~irk l.'Xpans ion Norma Gihhs. llen1·y Duke u ncl Du n Shipll'y rt•fusl'd to :J<"l"l'Pl the fi n c.1n cl al reali t y of thv sit11atit111 . J<~v<.'n if lhl· city tnuld fi n d the 1r1onl'.Y to huy the Ian(!. Ilic ci ty tl)Llld not :1ffor<l to i rnp1·ov c It 'l'here is g r cal finuncial unce r taint)' ahead for the d is tritl . It m c-1:i.' be cc>nsidcrecl r easo n e nough fu r (>pJK)Sing I.h e ne w high S('hOc>I (•xcept for one facl : de· \\'i~e p lan11 i11 ,:.:, ho\\c\'Cr , can !-ill!! all11\\· tha t '1Cfl'a g c lo con1plc n1cnt t he p<.irk \Vith sueh u ses as the t.c11nis clulJ . a n cqu<·st rian c cntc1-a nd t:1rc f11\ly d e \'t•lop1...·cl hou s ing ·rhc de<'is io n \\·as just o ne of n1 a n.\ h~1 1·d financ ia l t·hoi ces th e cit y has to 111a!->r 'Common citizen s a r~ OJje thi11g but t.J1is i s g oi 11fI too far!' H The Second Lu.\'.UrfJ f)fJesn't .'\-(•erf 'f 'o1111r1ge American D e ar G loon1 y G us Time to Ph~se Out Gas Hogs Revolution ( ART HOPPE• ) '. '.''!' ,. · .. :/•( , i\''.;, !/~ ~ •• '·~wu& . .-'.i./:1 • • Tht:' s t!cOntt J\1nen ean ·~m-· · \1011 took p"l ;t('e on July 4. 1976. lollov,:ing th e Pres ident's third and larg es t 1';.ix -Cut·l ncreasc (pate nts pending ). ll1 s rir:-.t ·r o.1x·Cut Jnerc:::is c , µro pos ed in January of 197,';, \\'a s \\'idl.'ly hail l.'d ;1s ··tiri ll1;1nl <'t·onom1c thinking ·· ·ro ri ght rl.'t·l.'Ss io n. lh(• pl;in -t·<iill·d for t:utting 1.icrsun<.JI 111 t on1i.' t;1Xl'S $28.5 billlonsolhat, as I he !'resident ho.ii)-pily explained . pl.'oplL' y.·~ 1u Id h;t \"l ' t•xt r<.J rn u nt'y to spend •• ·ro fi J.!hl infl ;itiun. thl.' 1~r1•:-.id cnt intrCa SC'd oil laxes $:10 billion, So th :1l the 11(•0 pl c y.·o u ld ha\·e son1l•l h1n g to spend their cxtr-<1 lllOllt')"On . Pushing up the pri c~ ga\ioljne 11 d1n1e a gallo n. lhe J>resid~nt Lr1um phantly explained. would forct• p(•ople to drive less. They v.·01Jld the n ha\"l! m ore m one y t o ·p1·11d for lht· thini.::-. tht•y \\'<1 nle d l lnforl unal1·ly. tht• thing:-. that pC'o plt• y.·:.i11lt•d \\"t•rt· n1or<' gallons ufg a~nl1nt• o\f"rt:R 1\l.I .. 1l1t' pr1t·1· ul g a:-ol1nt· h;HI ;1 lrt'<1i.I)' tl1111 hlt•1l a:-. :1 r1·sult uf til t' t•ntrg~ c r1 :-.1.o,; y.·1th o 11l nolu:1·;1hlt• l·ffl'1'I un 1\111l·rie:.in-.· d r1\"111g h.1 hll :-; i\nul hL"r lt·n c..:l'nt :-. \.\a~:·.i n1pl \ a il rop 1nth1·ga,-.t;1nk B111 t h1· l'rt':-1ilL"nl \\<o; d l· ll'l'IHl tlt'd 'f'h;1I tall h1• :tl11l•lllnt•L"d hi s (-:1ganl1t' $100 l\lllion 'l\1x·('ut· lnerl.•a:-.t.•. And. \\ht·n noth1ni.: llllH'h h ;1ppt.•tu.·tl. 111· f(1!IO\\'t ·d ll up 111 lht• :-p r1n g 11f l~l7f. \.\"ll h h1:-i So pt•r (:1 J.!:1n tir $:100 t11lll on "1';.1x (.:11t ·l nc rtH :-~· H v l!fl\\'. ).!nso)Ln{' .... a s :-o l·ll in i.: ror sS :12 ;i i::t:i llnn :ind lhl'\" still \\"01ddn "1 \\'i pc. vour \11n·tl~l11l'l d · '"rhal :-.ho uld do 11 '·· o,;a id the f't•e:-H lt'nl h :q1 pi t ~· B11t a :-;1111i la r :-1·1·111 • \1·a :-. h1·1 ng rc•pc:1te tl 111 1·v1·r :i. 1\rn(·r1l";1 11 hon1 e at·ru:-.s I h u 1 H nd ··1 1ust fi ~U rt'd 11u1 dl':•r ."" :1 1 ·n1 sick ant] l1 rL·rl of pt•opll' l'u1npl;1i11ing ~1 bo 11! t h(• pustal t•n1plnyes. i~(·l ·s put tht• hlan1 P Y.'h t'l'C ii bt!h1ngs . i)n thf> h1anugL .. mi:nL '. lll·:ivcn kno"·s tht- 'i----.. ~1•1'11 :,~ . ''!Jo,(:;,.' Jikj: son1t• 1mp rov~ment~ too ' !>OSTl\I~ E!\I l.,U>'if<; GIMMr Gvt c ........ rot ............ uw.i '-Y ........ ....ci .. _.,.IKt K •rU, reflKI N Ve"" el I ... ••l~por. MM -po1 _ ... t9GloMMy0..•. D•ll' "1191. "ifc \\'ould s :1 y ... that \1"1• could s a vt· s-1:1 12 hy nnt i.:oing !11r 1111r rL·gul ;1 rSu ndaydr1,·L~ ·· ".-\1·~ :i.·ou nut nf you r 1n 1nt1 ·1•· her husband \\nu ld rt:pl.v ·':"t·\I you · 11 he SIL ,L: g t'S I l Tl ).! I t ;1 kl· 'ht• bH:- to \\"ork . \\."hy don·l you :-OL'll yu u r c· a r ins l t· :111 •• · • ··1101\ \111uhl I ~(·l l•• rny hri dJ..:\' g:anlt··· Jlut \.,.Jth th1· pi-11·t· 11f gas nlinP s n high.\\(' h:1\·1· lo t'Ul eorn1•r s s11n1 l'W h1 · r<· · · ··;\II l"l J..!hl. ull r1 i..:ht 1"11 (·ul clOY.'nt o half:1bn\1lofrice <tdt.1)' T lli': l'R•:s 11>1-:NT w .fs u n rlcr·s tandnbly furi ous . In hi . ..; r.1gv . ht• n1ad1 · ;1 dis .1 stro11:-rni:-lakt• ···t ·or bt·i ng h a 11 .·· hl' ;111nouneed :n1gr1 ly ovt•r nat1 nn:d tcl t•\ 1:.ifl11 . ""hL'lll"1'furth OU!lt' of \O!l t",1n h :1\"(' rht•L1n1ll \ c.1r · Th•1t . ,;r ('1n1r:-i1·. \\:•~ ,,1n·11 ui ... • St·l·ond ,\m1·r1L·;111 ll 1·,·u lu11 011 hrokt• o u t :\!u h:-:-l111ut 1ni-:. ··1:11 1• 11:-;1utn 111o h 1 l l•:-. o r j.!I \ t• u -. d1·.i1h ' ,1urn11·d !111· \\hit 1· 11 011...,1• di•pu .. ,•d I li t• l 'r o•-.1d1•11t ,ind \1 rnt•· th'-'. :-i1•1·11nd l.ll'f·l.11 ,o llll!l 111 l 11d1·p1·11d1·11l'l" [l \\,11' u d<ll"U ll lt'l\1 t•\"(•t .\' l'l.'<d .i\ll'll'l"i(';111 <1p pl;1ud l·d ··\Ve h1 1ld t he:-;e I ruths to h<· st•lf l"\ idf'1l t ,•" 11 l"<';UI ··,\11 n lC'll <ll"L'l'O t!ov.l·d 1~·1t h i nu r \\ht·L·I.-.. L\11 hor~t·powc•r and ("l·rt:1in in ;d 1~·n :1hl1· rights. 1nc ludin ~ rl'gula r . fo~thy l il llfl the pursuit of lh<· 1·ar ahcad o f them ·· It. \\";lS a s add ~·r· h11t \11:-.1·1 "' P r1•s1d 1·nt \\'ho r1·flt'<·t1·d nn tu -. ra 1 a l t·rri 11· nf J ucl g n1 v111 .. \\'hat I s hould h <i\"t' l.10111·. ht· :-aid thou~htfu l l y. "\\•:is tu :1sk lhc 1nto ).i"i vc up c;.1ting inst cad ·· ·ro il lit• J•:(1:<;•r [ J fil thl· ei t~· of 1 .. ountuin \":.i !lc) and If lilt' r · S t:u\"t·r nn1L·n\ t.-. rt•u l M A I L BOX i:-prub;ildy h;i\'i ng :1 hig l:iu;,:h <it I.\ St.'1"10.J :-. ;1hi1tl\ lilt• t'Oll~l'r \'[lll fHl •1lll"t':\J!<'H1>1· 111' fu•·I, th vn l'nn µr .. ss s houllt ln1 ' I :isl\ )Oll t<I '('L' tli1 :-. ni ui-.,l ~ind n1 l'd1 ;1 l L· I.\ 1· n :1 1 t I Pg i s I ~1 I i t,n d r;i\\" yo11 r ()\\ n 1·0 111."lu~iuns . 'rh1·11 c:-.tahli :-.h1n!.: pi.ir<101(•\L"f'S i 1f l.uJ/er.~ fnir11 reod1·r.,·or,• IJ"e/1·0111t' t.'~dl lht.• l"i l y li<dl and get th1: p 1·1"1'ur n1:1 nvt· nn mil t·;i g i·. \1 ,r1nally . 11r1/t"TS .'>/1t11dd cunVf'I/ n,nn t· of ~11u 1· C'O ll.ll('llmiln <ind , !Mrr~~W.·V-'.l'f: ;.ow.I.. ,~·1·1-":!~t li !),q\·~ thi·1r nie~suyc ~ 111 ."11111 rronl~ 11r II'.~:> l":dl h \n1 l u votc..:t' .1·uur 0 1}i n ion. 01· t 1<111:-. ""fn' t ht· 1fiitli·t." •mnrt~'fl:\l·th~:· ~~."!"!: . .!''r.qh~ • .:...., .. ; ·-~t>ilel'.ftf~~ ~i\. -::,~•~1 ··~~-c ·'t(!._ •-, · · ;:~t.1(1'\"J'l'.(J at.·.-... 11 1 nC'\1· ~1ul o n1ol 1ill·s . .o;p(IC!' 11r r/1111/llflh" /1h1·/ 1., r1•s1•r1·1·r1 \t·nd t·ounl"ll n1e11.1ngs held t'\"cry !)u,-ing th1· ri·l'l'll\ ~1\S(,.\ f( 1111 lei ti· rs 11111.~r 1111 l11d1· 'HJ110/urt• otht•r ·ru 1·s da y ~nd find out \\·h ;11 t1·.-.1 of l \Ji:'i 1":1 r :-.. n inl' Juxu r\ rnzrf 111Dtln1g ndrlr1· ... ~ llul fHJllH'-'" 11111!1 1:-go ing un i n y ou1· <'ily ~ind bO\\" ;111l o1n u lnl1·-. 111 1hL• .=..:>1"°t 10 fi.4"°~) bt· n·it lllu·ld 1111 '•"f/111''' r/ ~11t/11·1.·11 / .\our n111 n c~· 1:-. h <·tni..: sp~nt Iii .. Ul(l lO SOP !·11 h 1(· inl·h dis pl :11·t·-n:os1>n is r1ppo n•11/ /'•••'l n1" 1/111111 ht• n1t•11t 1·I:.i:-.:-. .1\1·r;1gt.:d 12.6 m .11 g pu/J/1sll,.<f 1n -.u hurh:1n d riv i ng l\•rlu1·n1;11l("t' on urh;1n or \"L I~ dr11 in).!. \1 ""1•\t•fl n1ur1• .t lo)Sll1.d. M 7 Ill p . .f! In t h1• n11d r;111 ;.:t' n\ lht• !II 1·la:-.:-.1IL<:il\l(>H -. t1.•-.1 r•d 1 l.4lilj.J to1 1.3!M.I lbs •. 2:io l u :l;)O c11 in . d i:-. pl..il·•·!l\Cl1! \ ;1\ ~·r.1:..:1· ;..::i!'o n 1i l1 ·;11:(· 011 -.1 11Jul'li :1n il l"L\ inl! \\":1s i-; l n1p1~ 1ir :i:! ~l p1·J'\"1·nlbt·\lo ·r lh:i 11 t h 1' t h r l' l" 1 n n J u >: ll r ' ;niton101Jd1.·-. ·rh1· fut·l s:1\ inJ.!!'o (11 th1.· lt 1\\'t•r 11 f•i).i"h l <.ind hor:-f•po\\t·r r;11i n~ ... i:-1•\ (·ll n1ort'Str1k1n;.: l'I' IS s till po:-.s 1hlt· to c1·L'<.1t(' :1 111,u r) ;J11 L!l n1 o bi l 1.• fnr th(' st;1I 11s i·.1111'1 ·11111:-. h u .11·r 11 it hou! turnin:..: 11111 :-11 n1t· of t h1· :..:r1•s:-I\" 1n1•t t1 1·11·n l untl ~ 1or1·-.1·ntl\ '!1!1 t ho · 111.1 rl..t:I ltd"•'?-.1111.ol,.p IOOh 11 .ind •iVOP Iii:-, ul -.tl·t·I tu lr:nl!-pur"t 1 !n I 1•t·urlv .11 .·.;, 111ph '•II lh1· nat1110 .. lu;..:h11 ,1 ~..,. \\Ii ill" .-.111 :d i Pr \ Pl111·lo·-. ;..'1'! UJI 101 tJir'1't' llll\l'" ht•\lt'I 111ilt·.1!.!•• .ind .11 ·con1 p l1:-I! th1· -..otl)l' J'lll"liH!'>I". 111 tllo · r110..•;11n11n•· 11hilt· 1\t· p!l.1:-l' 1o11 1 1h1.· rn.1n11 !;iet11r1· 111 lh<•:-1· )..!;.1,, h11gs, 1 .. 1 ·~ h :1\C g a:-. r:1 11,,11111g to 11roto..·r1 1 ht• lu1\· irH'orn•· t"I 111-.u nll'r Ii :11:-.1 nc. thl.' pl"H"l' iif i 11 I .111d :.!:1-. \\"ill eonlrih11t o• l!) thl' 1t1 ((,1tl1•1l!\1"\ -.p 11•;11 ;1nfl \\'ii ] h .11 L• ii Quotes l.:i.111a11 1>11 ~ Ii" I.~\ "\\'1.· :11·1,: i·o o11 -.t :1 11t\\ 111 ·111 :.! askl'd \\h a t \\t· :1 1'1• rln1!li! .1hnul in f1 :1l in11 . \\"1·11 . in thi:-ho11:-1·hnld . \\"l' <•r l" h~·eo ming 11:-Cd to ]l'~S roud , \PSS ht•at. lcSS liJ'.!hl . and n1or1· I ax rs ·· dunll ll U t•fl t•C'I Oil th(• p t"H·l·:-. uf ;JI[ Jlt'l 1'• ii eu ni r1tl :1t ~d 11ro(t ut·I ~ ·r h e:-v a<·l 11111:-. :1 lnn1· \\ould r-011 :-1•i\·l· n1i ltion-. 111' g;dlons of fu1·I d;1i"fy ;i nd t11ti:-t1 t11 tt• :1 niajor :;.t~p l.11\1 <II d ind cp~·n <h 11{"t· ,,r oil in1 port :- 'l'h «l't• 1:-. (11 11.\ t lllt.' ;11\:,\\l't" l() llll'l t·on:-.\'l'\·;i11un S1 nl'e It alft•<"IS lhl' t't'11no 1n1.1" ;i nd the ,.t.'I)" futur v n l u u 1· 11.1lli1 n, 1•\1.·ryo111· n1u sl p;11111·1p.d1' "1"01!h1· J·:d1l111 l r 1>;1d \\!!II l"t~1).,11ll•r;.il1l1 1n ll'rt·-.1 ~"11r f1•.1 1ur1· l.1-.1 t\1·el.t'1HI "11 1·1·-.1;1ur.1 111 1n:-p1 ·1·l1i>n .n1d -.:1111l.1IJt1n t"11nd1t111n-. 111 <lr:111;..:1· ("01101.\ 11I11 ·n1 1 •111h\·r<"~1·rl'('l l1 11111 -.t ,1f1·d 111 1h •• .11"li1·J.• lh.il !he• 111..,pt'( ! 1"11 l"l"l 01·d-. 11t 1•011111 \ r1· .. [,ILI! .1111 .. \\ \'! ,. putil11· 1'1'\"(ll"d ... thvrvlut'o• 1111 1'0•-.!t!l'!1t1ns pJ :.u ·1·d "11 1n.11>.111 ~ .. ut·h 111lor111<it1n11 lollh\H It th·· !l.111\ l'liHl ll':1lil 11 :11111•d I<' d u :1 p1d1l11 · •,1•1Il<"l'1111 lht• 1'1• ;1d1.•I' . ..;, ,IS \\t•ll .1-. lht<l ho111 :-,!1 ld:-.ril j)l"l l]l h • \\'1\1• ·1•.i! l llll 0 \\1•1•1\1\. \"!)II 11·rndd publ11'h ;1 \1:-.l oil t·:1<"h ;11lrl t:\"l.'r~· re:-.IC1t11.:.1nl 1n !ht• t't)LJll t.1 \\h1 t h d 1d not p:i:-:-1111· :-;1nlt .1ti1,11 I 11.-.p1 •1·! 11111 1.1·:·r ·:-; <: l·:T 1111 :-. d 1.-.gr;1l·1·t11J 1n11r:d t;1\.:l'll off i1nn11:d i;1\1•ly . In lht· )1·;1 r :-. to t·1,n1\· your ehildr1•n \\!I] IH' gon11g lo :-.l'ho(tl \1·it h t·l11lflf"t·n t ro 1n1 l h1 :-. ;1rt·a \l hn li a\·1· l1\1·d 11 ilh lh i-. 1n 11r,il ;ind h:t\"1· ll1·1•n h r ai n \1·a s h t•d t o lt·a r p ul i1·t-nlt"ll :111d :-.h O\\ ;1 tnl;d <'())l t1·111pl :1111 ! l<1 t·I\ 1ff rt·:-o pcc -t f11r 111 .. In\\ If this n1ur;tl is :dl1111·t·d to -.ta.\· ;1s is. it \\'ill :1llt'l"! t'\"t•ryn111· li,·111 g 1n this 1·it ~· for yc;irs to t"o lll •' l )o \"Oii t.h111 k \'OU er 1uld ).!~·[ a 1\·:1y \\"ith C..:O\"t•ri11 i! ynu1· hlol'k y.·a lf \\·1th ).!ra!Tdi :ind lhen paint 111;.: :• 1n 11r ~1 I .'011 "·anf('d on Y•llLr ~\\·all ;.i nd gctt.ing lht• l'it ,\· t u p;1,1 1'11r II ., I for 011 1.'. h;1\'t· l1;1cl cn1iugh nr' gr :1fl1!1. r;1l'i;1 I t cnsu1n a nd dr:- t"L':.P l'l"1 fnr !ht• la1\ C;111 ·1 .. 01n1.·1h111 )!. be d11111· ;1bnut 1 IH:-·• \ \1 I>,\ \'IS ·r .1th\· 1·:d 11u1 \ •llll" 11111ll'L·1111 !t··µt:.1.itnr ... 1.:;1r :-. 1naC'1·ur.1t.-I\ -.tal1•d th.it •\:-. -.1·n1hl\·1n ;1n H11ln·rl lhtrkc h;1tl o1rd!'f o:d (l fUll·SI/(" ()ld"nlflhih· ll\1:-. ~1 ·.ir l.i k 1· 111.111.1· of his tnl lv;1g11P-., \I i-. 1!111"\.:t• i11L£1 nds !•\ cl1i\t" .! :-111 :illl'! 1·:1 1 llv h:t:-i or d!'t"t"d ,I {·fl,.\ t'O ll•t l l)\•111\P !t~lt • l"l"('Hl"d:-. Ill uu1· o)I I 1 ( ., ' \\ 1.·1·1. 1·ps JlO ll~I b l L' f! >r I he Ill is 111!•11 !11 .d 1<111 1-"Hr:J l l~:l{l('I\ .I ·r ,\L«-:111-:11 I ·11 1 l·f ,\ d 111 in isl.r Jli ,.e Uffieo..:1· .if Lile t\i.s1·n1 1il ~ lltc tl t.'11tJ1cgf1 'l"n tll(' r:d1to r Tax Rebate Questions ,.,., ... ,."'''"'' ,, .. I"\ ·'""'"" b;u·k r::.-.l \\ h11"h t"t"\ 1·:dt•d l'.11"li C.<ll l ng l':> I ;1hl1:-. h 111 \'11\ L II I lu·1 r Ctl v failing lo C'•Hll l" up to :-.:111it :1t 1oi1 standards. 'l'<•u (";111 hl'l th;n l';u·l1 pl:1t·1· h :-\t•d 111.1111· 11 ;1 point lo t•lt•;i n 11 11 qtu c·I>. and gt·t h:u ·k 111 bu :-111 1·:-:- I h a\"~ 1n ;1i!e1l thc lullo\\·1ng let !t•r !C1 Se11;.1t o r s Scotl and \l :111 :-.fi1·l d . r eg a r tlin ~ th1·i1 d up l 1L·:1 !111 ~ Cl;-\ and f,.l{I 1n \1'sl1:.:;1t 10 11 : l)on·1. you lhink tht· 1·nunlrr h :1s h:ld enough of thes1' hig 1nv('stigations. bringing to a h:lH or ovcrshado,ving i mportant 11;1tiun;ll busine ss '.' · \Vl\S lflNGT ON -Pri\"alepoll· ing ctata no'v flowi.ng inlo the \\'hitc !lo use Oval Office is rais· ing grave ques tion s w hether 1•r es ide nt l''o rd 's pro po s e d mas s i \"C in · tome tax c ul Wil l :t('(Ul.lfl)' sli n1uJ;i1c !he dangerou s l y depres s e d economy -or s impl y be used Lo pay off old debt s a nd replenish disappearing s:ivings. Indeed . s o \v orried a rc the President 's e co nomic advisers that \Vi l li :i m Seidm8n , r.fr. f-·ord 's nssis l •1 nt for econom ic n f· fulr 5. has made u rrangement.s to g o l o S 'A-·arthmore . Pu .. t o li sten in on l elephon'!: intervicy.•s 1·onductcd t:vcry c\'Cnin~ t1round th\.' l'Ountry by the Albe rt !';indlingcr polling: org<1 nlzatlon . i\ Sf•l-:('I ALIST un tunsunlCf .s pundinJ{ hahH·s, Sindlin).!er has b een turn in g up <il :t r ni in g evidence that far 1no~·c i\mc.rjCan ( EVANS-NOVAK ) households nO\\' pl a n to use the P res id e nt's pr oposed 12 percent income tax r chHtC's for pa ying debts on past p11rch;:1scs -•~nd ro1· savini;:s than for buy in g new cars or other durables. 1'h1· main r eason : lhc record lo'" \{'\•cl of consun1cr confidence in the future 0£ Ame rica. Sindliriger 's £incllnj!s. Y.'hit·h 1 are s imi lar to pess imi s ti c rorecasts or other e<'onnmis ts. mean t hat income lnx cuts m ay not operate as a ~ale S"Clf·sla.rtcr to gel the econo m y m oving . If true, that drast ically undern1incs use of tax cut5 to r evive the economy with a quick fix . Reports from Sl ndlln~er llO\v under study at the \Vhite llousl' sho\v that n e <irly 5.1 p1•rccnt or 1.415 hou5eholds his telephon e intorvtewers i;n 1npl~I fron1 J an. 9 to 13 would sn v~, n i1t s1x.·ntl . ;01~· inc·onll' t ax \\'indf;dl (Inly :1:1 ~; percent say th ey would spend it. T lt;\f ClllL l .. ING yardsti(·k o f consum er plans not to buy n111c h . . . in th e V."Ol"Sl'll lng r C('CSSlUll lt"csulted fro1n the last or a series of questions J"l'gularly asked b,v Sindli nger These (Jti cstion s a ll c n1pt to i s olate \\'h al 1:ons uml'rs plan lo do n ot \\'hHt they think C\'e rybody else vii II do :.i bout b u y i n g con s um er dura b les . ·rhu s. Sindlin g er ·s rir s l que s ti o n set s the s tage by ask ing : .. Do you \hink people in g en eral \\"Ould spend.m ore thrin s ave. or save n1ore than spend ·!" r.t or c than l\VO·thirds responded tha t "people " would spend more. But on t h l· kcv Qu est ion \\•hether tbey t he m Setves wOuld s pend or save. the findings v.1ere rC\'('l'S('d . 1'h a t Imperi ls \Vhitc llo usc hOJK'S for major stimulation of tht• econom y : u floo<l of ne"· buyers fo1· automobiles and oth er )\('l\V Y durabl e s , s uc h n s r efr 1g t.•r ators . Ins t ead , n1 ost eon:-.u 1nt·rs, reac t i n ~ rrnn1 f(·ar of tlu~ :11ture und luck of confidence' i n th1~ l'r tti;ld1•nt 'g recovo,ry prog~tn'l . 1:;Hy ~t11'k their t ax cuU:i in a :SQck. Hurul 's t:n-.·•·I ·rotht• r:d1to r I ;1111 ~cpp~1 ll ~·d lhat. tht.: f."0 1111 t :11n \":ill l·~· {'11 ~ {'ou11 c il ha:-. gi\l'l1 S700 of ou r l ;1x HllHll.'.\" anti pl :..in s l.o ~i,·e a J·'eder;d g rant 1 n1orL' of our t:1 x n1.1nt~y) lo <.1 Ch ic;.i no artii:;t , SE>rgio o ·cacli z lo pain l :.. n111r:.i l on lhe gril ff'ili · lad<•n b loc·!\ \~·all 111 (·0 1 on 1~1 .lu;1 rt'/. Tht· idea bt hind tht· n111r a l 1~ a goncl one. to bring color and h e:1u l y t o a r\y arl'a 1s fint• llO\\'cver . t\1r . O'Cadiz has t ak en it upon hin1 self to 'paint a ll:1rt of lh1.· n1ural d c pictlng so-cal led po li Cl' hr ut Hlity by pa inting t \l"O po li l'L' 0 Cli tc1·s in !!:JS mu:-.ks untl ~1noth er polic<.• o ffice r dragging a )'ou1h by the h :lir. 1\) US\' t nx· paye rs hard ·c a rllt?d m oney to cO,·c r u sC'Cl1011 of a hlock \\·u ll \\'il h such a Sl'cnc \\! the nan1c of Chic <1no h t•rita~e Is not on!y r111 ins ull 10 the 1·i1 y c ounc il \vho \\"t•nt ;dnni.: \\ ith 1.hl· nrtist in gnod f:iith, liu ! ltl lhf· .·\n ~:I•) :111d otlu·r 1:1;.:p:1.\ers of 1··111111l a 111 \":dlt•y I ft'L'I th:it t\li-()"(';uliz a nd H!'o :-.oc1;1 t t·:-. ha\1' p1·rpt'lrat••d 0111· ot the l.Ht;bt::>l frauds in lh1• lustnry 1\l-'TE R T W O y e a.r s of \\"<:i t.e r g<lle TV coverage and mi llio ns of taxpayc1·s' doll ar~ it . ..;l·cn1s W a s hing ton has in ves tigil· tion fever . l s it lo gain publit' ex· posure and fan1c '! Certainly thl're a r e more productive.thing:- lo be a('com plisl)ecl. It" yo u think the Cl1\ a nd 1''111 need overhauling, do son1ething cons t ru ctive. Jf "your commitlel' thinks it needs $750,000 a nd nint' mOnths a\\'ilY from yo ur Clccti\"C duties. I think <.1 deta iled account· 1ng of exp~n difures should bL· publicly reported. I al\\'HYS thought the s al:::irics paid t)ur Con g r ess men paid f or th e '"Work" they d id \\·hile in office l mportunt cons tructive thin~s ('f)' out ror your attention. l"llf>NCES MACDON ALD • Ga• Doubt1< ·ro Lhc Editor: 'l'hc lead story of y our J;n1. 2t i:1.suc, i Ford ngain r cjet·l s ~a s rat1v n plUnJ quotes Ille p1·csull~11L :JS sa ying u ny c££ect:v0 pJ;in \t·ill Jl n,tt the m otorist to nine ~all ons p1·1· "·eek . The po litieul C'Xag };l·r at1011 :-\I :dlu \\' [f l ilt• l 1\1 \l·d ~(.t\L':-. Ill f;1Cl illl · po1rt s :d u1 11l :10 pt·rt'l'lll of it s 11t ·11•11l !·U111 . \hvn 111 .\ :--h ~irt·, as a :!U ;..::dln11 J•v1· \\\'l'I> u:-l'r. is fi.(i :.!;11!nns, 11•a\ 111 !.! 1:1 I 111 du mcsti\· .. r1g1 11 ,\n~ pla11 \\hi(·h ltn1it(•l1 ._14>y;°"'·'• ~'~"~·'t·Xi~~,,~l'\llf,1-I ·,'.Lo~i~~~"-!~;:;::: ·' 1·nn1pl1 •\o..• 11'l't1\·p1.·~Hl l·'t1c-c l'rtlm · .\rah 1111p .. 1·l:-. l)oll'"' :11i\(111~· .,._.1·11111:-.l v hclie\"L' th1.• ,\r;1h:-. \\1H 1ld l'l>llll;ltJ(' th('il h 1~h ha1ull'd pr11·1 · ;uld :-.npp l ~ p u[J {'lt'"' 11 1~1·. 1h1·1 r !'\n . 1 l"U s to1n 1·r·. -..l111iP•·d hu.vt n g·• l do1d)t 11, .1u:-.l ;1:-. I duuhl lhL· t11 1ll' t!:dlun fi.t!t1 r1· ;111d nluL·h els e in 11u1· :-u t·.dll'rl l'n1.·r;..:1 po li ty. ll "s 111111· \It" 1-"nrd -.1:11·t1·d !is ll'ning In :-.Ot11l'<>l1l' 111 ho·r· I h a ll thl'" u ll r·,qnp<1111t':-111 ll:o..· 1n1vr1·:-t of l h1• 11·:-l or u ... \,,\\'\{J·:'.\l"J·:l . l)Al~(ll...'I" Hail IA •!/ ·r ll1hl'J:d il or 'l"h i:-. is tlio..· l i r:-.t lt·Lter I ha\'C 1·\'1•r '' r1lt vn 1n :1 p:1 pL·r. hut ""!Jis- g11:--led "" liy h'.1.•11 l ';1:-.qu1·iro .. Ian. l:'"i. r\·;dl~ ~nt 111 1· think i n ~. h'.t·n 11 .1 ::-up:-..·t IH •1·.1u ~v ;1 lclte1· tonk fi\'t• d ;1 ~:-. lo :irr1\"L' fr!1 n1 l::ug t •n1·. (lt"l·gutl tll {·ns la \l l.':-.;1. '!'e ll hin1 no\ t i ) lt'l'l :-.11 li;.11 1 a:-it tuok 12 t.lay:-. l1•r ;1 \\"I"' 1n1 p urt.t11t l1•tt er to ;11 1'1 \ \' t \\ 11 rn 1 h:s f ru 111 Hal bo:.i Isl and ''' '.'t•\1 p1)f[ ll1 ·,1t•h 111 \"r)Vl'nlhf'r 11 \\ ;1 s n1:111t·d .ii I ho • H;1ll.><ia Islund 11lfi('L' anti ti\\' rn:111.1g1·r s:ud hc ·d t hl'l'k 111111 ll l1ul I n1·v1·r hl'~•rd I 1·11111 h n11 l'r ,\J ,S(I !Hui>. 111nt· l1 ~1 ):. f<u· :.i li ·t 11•r tn ~· 1 l 1 \ t• n1 ill'S I run1 l'osta .\!e:-.;i tn '\(•\\ p11r·1 Ho •;11·h and Wt' n11S!'o.t'd :1n 1n1pnrt ;1 nt c v t:'nl h~·L";1\I:-!' ul tlH· dvl.1\ "l'llL'll in .l.111 11 .ir~ \1 •' !"t"('1·i11·d :111 u\'urduL' hil l f 1·1•111 1·:d 1:-.11 11 :-:1ying they \\"l'l"t' ~01 11 ;.: to :-h11t our l'lectriell y nff in 11\11 dd.\S 1d11 :-. aci d 0.1 l:irgt? depo..,1t ,1111( l11r11 n11 t'li:1r g t• tf lh1· h111 \\·:1-:n t p:nd 111 1"·0 rla.\·s. \\'(' llt'\· .. r rt'(·1·1\1·d :1 l1r:-.t h ill, SI) I 1·,d l1·d l·:dt!'o"ll ,111d 1hi·_v s ;u d they had ll:1d 111.111.\ :.ul·h t•;.1.lls and 1hl·ir hills 1\ ('r1· 1i1 -.1 not ~ct tin ~ th 1·ou'..!h \\'h ,t l It \ll' h:1d not rl' 1"t'l\1·d th1· :-t•t·nnd h •!11•r or h a d h1•1•ri a11 ;1.\ lnr :1 l o•\\' d :1~·s" tl1·lp " J"rn .ifr;1 1d to ma1f .1n .1th1n :..: 1n1p11r 1a11I an:v more ;ind h:1\t" h.111•1 d1·h\1'l"t'd sever a l 1n1pnrt<111l l1·tlL'l"S to l.os Angel es hl'c;n1 s1· or this \\'ho p;1ys the late l'h~ll'J.!l''-(111 n11 r hills !hat take so lun ~ lo rh·ltv<·r a nd i::1.:t sent back to th<" s1·nd1·r o r . \\'01·:,;c, never ill'"· ri \·1~ ;1l :i ll "' :\nyone ha ve a sug- At·~ti un lor 1\·h:tt 11 concerned rc- :-.idl'nt. n1i,:,!.ht du ".' DI<\;\" E CHRISTIE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Hnlierl :\" \l't>t>d. Publi.!her Thr111u1s l{ec ud . f:d1tor liarbara f\re1bic:h. J-."cl1lvr1al l 'ayi: Editor I h1· 1·1l11.1r1.d 1111~c of lhe D1uly l'iln! 't"••I.., tn 1n fC1rm 11nd :-1limuh1t~ r c.ut•·r~ h~ pr1•i.1•n11nl( on lhls pt1J1,e dn .. r:-" 1·un111h·u1..i r )· Ofl tOJ1in or 1n- r1•r1·•! h.1 ~)nd 11·;•l1•1I rolumn1sls and 1·11r1uon1-.1:.. l.l.1 11ro11ding a forum f(1 r n·.1d,•r,· 1·11·11:. ;ind hy presenllnjt th1~ (\t'"'PUPc r ·s n1i1 n1nns <irid idl'"9!1 on t·urr<'lll '"fJic.. 1'h1• editor111I op1n1""' nf lh,. 0 101ly Pilot ilPJ)('ar nnl)" 111 !he t•1litnri..t c11lu1nn at thr tup of th1 • l'•'I:'' ~Jp1ninn~ orxpresii<"IJ hv tht• rnl111r1n1:-t-. :i nd rurtooni:1I~ 111111h•t11•r11 n h•rs 1111• tht•ir 0•1n and n• f ••tltl1or~t·111 .. 11t uf t h\•lr \'ll!V.5 by the J):.11ly 1'1J1.1 ~hou ltl l.111: 1nfcrr~'d , \\'ccln es<la)-1• J a nuary 29. 1975 ' , I I .. ~ Tragedy Revealed On Tape . ' OAKLAND CAP> -The drivt:r of a service trui.:k killed in a crash with a Bay Arca Ra pid Transit train had to be radioed orde rs fiv e times and al'Cording to the BART controller "didn't know what the hell hl' was do- ing.•• Tapes of the conversation between the drive r , Arthu r ( ____ s_1_a1_e_~) Briggs. and BAllT's central L'On trol were played 'l'uesday for a board or inquiry in vestigating the Jan.19 collis ion. The cras h has prompted LI s pecial safely investigation into the $1 .6 billion trans it system by the California Public Utilities Commission. YouCla Pleads Gulley MODESTO (UP I > -A youth "''ho had pestered sheriff's de-· puties with false cnnfcssions of killings has pl cadt>d guilty 111 Muni cipal Courl lo s t..·cond degree murder in thl' dt•ath of a teen-age g i1·l. Richard Alfort.1, l!J, thC son of ;.1 former Modesto banker. en te rcel the plea Tuesday in thl' dc;:1th of Virginia E . Loughlin, 13, \\'ho was shot twice :ind r~•pl'd a11d. whose body WiJS round on <.1 peach loading dock. Snow Hits Hay Area , SAN FRANCISCO (U Pll - Snow fell at higher elevations · Tuesday in the San F'rancisco Ilay area, a rare u<:currt:·rict·. FINANCIER 'BLASE' Bernie Corn1 1eld Cornf eld's ·Secretary Arraigned 7 Males Held On Sex Rap PALOS VEHDES tUPll -An alleged male homosexual pro- stitution rin~ -which ;.idvertiscd the services of youni-: ma:,,scur!> -Yt'as broken up 'fuesdny w1lh the arrests of seven 1><=rsons. in · eluding l\l.'O 17-ycar·u ld:., ;,tl an exclusive $100.000 ocean front hon1c . 'l'hc urrests ended <• ~J:\'.·\\'1 ·ck investigation by poh('l' follo\\•1ng a complaint J>ec . IK hy ;in ;ip pa rent I y d iss;.1ti sf ice! t ustomt•r • • . Aerit1l Plea /\ t1 c li r oplcr trails a banner over 'l't:r1n1nal Island i'n behalf of Oscar Klee, 'vho is serving a six month sentence at the l·'cdcral facility there for incom,e tax in· U .. ITtM,...I• .. • l vasion. Several groups s ponsored the fly· ~ over v.•hic h was sch.eduled on K lee's birth· • day Tuesday. Journalists Back University 'Grading' Attacked Fresno Bee Staff l 1olicc c .aptain J\'tuntc .r\lcY.'lll ii ll s aid th e ring :idvcrl i:-.(·d 111 newspapers ;.ind 111 ;1J::;_i z inl'S ;;nd C'ale red to cli1·nt t·lc 1n t'Xpc n~1''\' aretis of l~t·v crly Hill s , FHES~O {i\P)-Joutn:ilisn1 l>eck inpa h each t1n1 e the Hee S,\C R /\~1 E!\'TO (i\l"'J State i-l oll ywood, Sant<i l\t oni1·a :in d g roup~ hav(• announced s upport starrers refused lo reveol details college and uni vt·rs1l y professors Weist Jfollywo<xl. for thr<·c r·rcsno Ut·1~ s t:.if( 1nt•m-of how the newspa~r obtained <1 niay be h anding out too many "'oli ce s aid niurc lh ;in a l101.en 1 , 1 · l ",\" "raclt•s, ,., (1'tos,·t·,,-·.,··' ··omn1c·l I . >ers t·1tc< 62 Limes for contempt transcript o a grand jury p1·obc t-....... ~ ... ma e pros titutes operated out or f d 1. . d . 1 h . th t 1 d · b ·t lt.:t' :-:ay s . th or cc 1n1ng lo 1sc ose t e1r a rcsu le 1n rt >cry indict-e rented hillside homt•. ·rh<• trustee"' Cttn1ono'llce on 'fh 11 source or a sealed grand jury ments against Co unciln1an M;.iri.: C> ca egccl chief or Lhl" ru1i.:. transcript. Stefano andtwootbcrs. Acaden1ic Sl:1ndards reported Monroe S n1ith , JO . ()\\"llt'I" or ;1 ' ff d T 'l'ucsday that the ~reentage ol' 11 11 .Support was o ere ucsday ,, .... o ywoo d rt·st :.1ur ;.1 nt . ''a :-.. 1 1 S · h Managing Editor George 1''. A".s has b"encc•1n""'le,'ocli·1y",·1·nce book lY l 1c an J oaquin c Jpter of the .... " "'"" ., ·cd on sus piciun of pander· r , 1 Gruner\\'ast·itcd !Otimcs andre-1967 "'lt<.I" ··c " ,'>n<I "D"' "''"d"",· . pro ess 1on:i Journalist s Society .... 11> ........ ~ 1ng, prostitution, contrihut1ng tu .. 0 C 1>0rters Joe llosato and Wi\lian1 have b•cociic '"''''''· Sigma e lt:.1 'hi ; the 1''resno '"' the delinqul'nry or minors nnrl P ress Club and the .Fresno unit or K. Patter son Z7 and 25 times ,Over the :-.even· year pcriotl , cons piracy to t:ommit unn;1tur:ll .._. N respectively. 's >Jtcr.-.·•"CCI 1'1·0111 "-·<l.fo' tu 3,1.1 .~a cra 1n ento C\VSp<1pcr Guild t\ ,,_..,., :-.e.x <tcts . L I Ench cited the California percent of total ~ra d es; C's ()!he r s arrl'Stcd \\"t.•1·t· J)arlll'I i)Ca 92 · "shield luw'' ain1ed ;it µrotecting dropped from 3.] to 22.G pcr c:c nl, \\lilh·l. 21, VL·rnon Ev<1n s. 2G, ;111U ()ffii.:1;ils ttl L'!li.:h organi zation rcpo1·tcrs from having lo reveal ;1nd D's fell fron1 7 ln .1.2 percccl . .John P ino . 22 . all of 1'':.•l us n1cntioned the need to protect sources. ll's <1nd 1--.·s ren1aith·d ;;iboul 36 Vt·rdcs, and Bt·rnard Konvicka. news sources as vita l to the llowcver. l'cckinpah, brother and 3.5 percent. rt•SJ>e ctively. l!"i.of Santa l\·lonica . public's right to know. of movie director Sain Peckin-""While it is possible lhut -.... ,._ BEVERl.Y !LlLLS <A Pi '!'hey "'ere hooked fur l"L':·ad 1ng µah, contended that s tatute did ccllence' has bccon1e the urder 'n a ho'l .. of t 'I t ' l 1 '!"he comm••nLo; folto"· .... cot1 · t I b h h d I d f Rcrnie Cornfeld 's sccretarv \\'a s :.e pros 1 u H nan( on ... "'""11 no opp Y ccausc C a sea e o tht! day. the con11nitt cl' do ubts tn be arrai<>ncd t0<l;.iy 011 t•li<.•r••e s <·ons pir;1ty and contributing to tc1npt of court cit;ilions iss ued bv the t1·a nsc ripl to pr(:ve nt in-thi s is so," the 1,~nlcl said inu re-" " ci"linquc ncy I Su1>crior Court Jud"e Dcnvc'r fl t' I , of using an illc~•il ··blue box " to ,~~-==='=''-''~' •~•~r~g~t'~'~' --------'---------'~":__:_:__:___:~u:c~n~c~c~·~o~n~1~1o~t~r~n'.'..'.:'"'.:.'J~LI~r~o:rs~'.:_ ___ l~'"~"'~'------------- makc free lonj'.? dis tance telephone calls front his n1ansion here. Mrs. Didi Va lloton Bi cthild. 37, a Sv.'iSs citizen, "'as arrestt!d 'fuesday aflcr FJ3l officials raided Cornfcld's home and ('Onfiscatcd two or the telephone devices. 1'he .. blue bo:-:es "' ill'l! n1ul1 1frcqucncy gen erating devi ces u sed to make long dis t;;in ec c;ill s without paying tofl c harges. · Cornfcld the flamboyant " ' . ' . ' :, I Flurries ~llop 2,600-foot hi gh ~fount Tamalpais in !\'larin Co un- ty caused the ('los ing of a state prirk there. There also \Vere Clur- ries at Mount Diahlo :-;trite Park in Contra Costa Cou nty but thut park was ~otcl o::;ed . financier who s kyrocketed to fame ancl notorify via his 1 _1 -~~~ .... ;aves~·,,-4:~_·· .. 41-, \\'as blase a bout the raid. · ~· ... .,. SAN DIEGO (AP ) -A Chevron service· st at ion o'vncr has been convicted of illl•gally in flating his gasoline prices . Station owner Rillph l,caf \\"<JS found guilt y l\1onday b y Municipal Court Judge r_;;;i rl J . Cantos and "'ill be scnlenecd ,Feb. 21. Police Fbuf N ude Bod!J SAN FRANC ISCO (lll'IJ -- Police found the nude , slrangll'd body of !\-l;irilyn ftobinsun. ;.1:.i. Tuesday in her room at a North Beach hotel where s he had li\·cd for rive years. They had bee n called by u hotel clerk who said another t<·n :.1nt had complained of a vi ~1tor in the room, which is a ga i n~t the hotl:'1 ·~ regul ations. FURNITURE EXPERJENCED INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. CAP > A secondhand s to1·e has hor · rowed a gimmick or used ca r salesmeitwho c-all their vchicJ(•S "pre viously ov.•n<.!d." A sign in the "'indo'\' offl·r!> "experienced rurniturP " He said agents spent most of the afte rnoon at his home <1nd thoroughly searched its 14 rooms. • · U]'; 1-~()RTUNAT E l .. V.'' Cornfeld cracked, "they just n1isscd the s hooting of a Playboy cl'nte r s pread." Cornfeld said he did not know the blue boxes were on the premises and had no idea who. if anyone. had used them. '"There are a lot of people staying here." he said. l-lls m other and num<·rnus :.i ltractive \\'Omen friends have lived at the n1 ansion with Cornfeld since his release from a S v.'iss prison last April. Sv.·iss ;1uthorities held hin1 for <1uestioning for allegations of fraud, dishoncsl mc.inagem ent, furgl'ry .-ind 1n cite1ncnt to speculate in conn ection with the t:ollapse of IDS. Cornfeld contends the collapse "·a_.;. the fault of llobert \"cs co, \\ho rcµo rledly forced Cornfcld out :t$ hPad of the 1nutu:d fun d::. L'rn pirt·. \·l·s co is now a fUJ!tl\\"C' 1n Co:-.l ~i ll1t·;.1 and Cornfeld 1s 1t·"tif~'1 n ~ ::1hout I()!; affuirs in the l!.S. und S\\•itzerland. J\1r s. l{1ethild "·as hci ni;! h('ld in the Sybil !{rand lnst1tut1on for \Vomen pending her arr;ugnment on " ch:irge or \"iol t1ling Llie fl..'dt:.·ral I r<1ud by wire ~l<!llllc. 19No Contest' Mil11 er Faces 14-year 1'e rffi VENTURA (i\f)) l .. l'ga l arguments wound uµ ·ru~sdc.iy 111 the sentencing ht•<jring fur (lj <.1 1 millionaire Reese J ... r..·t 1ln('r. who has pleaded no contc~t to charges of mayhem ;.ind solicftation to commit robbery and ass .. ult on u former girl(riend, Sentencing v.•a s expected today since a ll that "'as ll'ft w;;is for the judge to r ender his de cision. Milner's attorney, Joseph Ball, a r gued at le n gth for ;.1 li ght. se ntence, even though his client isn't contesting: c harges that he hired two m e n to roug h up Maggie Hicks , a forn1er <Jctrcss a nd ex-com pan ion or Mi lnt'r's. Milner, .5R , faces ~• possible maximum scntl·ncc uf J4 years in prison. Ba ll said his client sufft·rcd permanent br<.iin damage fr om falling off a ti orse 34 years a ).!o. Ball said the f;;i ll , plus a 1>rob~1blc concussion from a pl ane crash in 1945, a guns hot "'ound to the hc<it.1 in 1967, and yea rs of drinking tJI> to two quarts or alc:oholi e drink!'.> a day had Impaired ~1il ner 's m ental functions. · ''THE OFFEN St~ "·hich i' charged is the a ct of n madm.;1n." Ball told Superior Court .Jud.i.;c Marvin )I. Lewis. But ~tilnt•r 1.'S now harmless, Ba 11 s •1 1d . But prosecutor P et1'r f\o:-.soris aald , ''Society docs ne1,:d protection from Milne-r . h:1 .... (·d 011 h i$ past conduct ti Ion..: !-.1·r'i("; of episodes of vlolcn1·c ;1 1:~11n~t ;it Je1sl three wome n .·· Kossoris has said l\T llnt·r hirt·rl Okl •hom a c o nv icts Cly de -ll'nki n . .;; :i nd Patrick Early to hr~·~1k in1u i\lr:-.. ll1c l.:s' rc1notc ()J ~1 1 hon1 t•, roh anct assau lt her ;111d "'l'ul off one uf l\.lrs. I licks' r1ng<:rs ... Seal Gives Birth to Pup On Mainland S ANT1\ (:RUZ <UPI) --J\n elephant seal has given birth to a 6.5 -pound pup on sand y "l.oscr's l~each' · al Ano Nucvo Stat e ll<.!scrvc -the only kno"·n birth to occur on the mainland co;.1~t. The s tre t c h of beach is usually inhabite d only by male s eals "·ho have Jost the chest-lhlldding bill· ties to mat-eon Ano Nuevo Island. c.i hair mile offs hore, The pup measured ncurly fi ve ree l long at birth and mus t now survi ve the indifference or the t wo ton males, "·ho oft en cru5h the younger sculs because o r their carelessness while lolling around . Elephant seals return to Ano Nuevo and eight oth(•r rookeries off the California coast c-a("h ye1:1r from January to ~1 arc·h for the prc:g nant rcmales to give bir·th ~in d mate again. '!'hey the n re-· tu rn to farm Lhcsea for fo<KI. 1 In 1972, n single pup was born <•11 the .f'arri411on l sland:'S. just no r th o f the Golde n c; ate," (':->t.a blis hing that area us a breed- ing ground for the first time . ' ..V\1h;.1t a ''••Y ll> fl) Il l NL'\\" )"l1rk. Uni ted ~farted llll' 1Jff \\'Ith ;i llig. hcarl) hrL-:1kl"a~1 . And 1hcn fc1lliJ\VCd 11 \\'ith thc..:ir IJcli-IJ ufh.:l. N iL·~: l!l iinL!. l lnill'.d . l°\L' Laughr yilur spirit'." · • WL''ll i..:;.11ch you \\'ilh 11ur n10rnlng D~li fl ight lrun1 L)s Anµc lcs (() Nc'v )'tJrk. Only United serves ~ou <J h~nrty hrc~1kf;~.;;111, lx:gi n Yl)Uf day anO then lulhJws 11 \\"llh a Dcli·l3uffc t. YlJU can c-al ~L.;; 111uch a'\ you \Vant, \vhcncvcr yc1u ,,·~int . C<1ld l·uts. chccscs. ga rn ishes and more. AnO 'vh~1lcvcr )'l)U c:on1c up v.·ith1 \ve'll h:lvc a lx:,·cragc tu g(J '' it h it. \!V ine . c1x:k1;1 Ms l lr ice-cold beer. Ct1mplin1c:nt(1ry in t--ir\I ("las..;;.;i ~111all charge in Cooc h, , J·i..)r 1-ri cndship Service and the '111l y l)cl i·Uuffcl 111 1hc sky, call y1lur Travl'I Agent. Or call United a1 ).17-7)21' J'::1r1nec-s in l "ravcl \vith Western International llo1cls, · Nonstops to New York WV• Arrive F.quf,...... Alrpon ~1r-al Seni<"'t 1\:45 a.rn. 4:50 p.n1. DC·IO Kcnn1,..-Jy Brca lr.fasl & Deli 12:00 noon 7:55 r.n1. 747 Ki:nni.:dy 4-Siar lunch l ;-1.) p.n1 . Q:~p.m. DC·X Newark 4-S!ar Dinne r The friendly skies of your Jand. IUJ unlTED AIRLlnes \ Orange, Coast . I ~EDITION - Today's Closing· N. Y. Stoeks VOL. 68, NO. 29, 7 SECTIONS! 74 PAGES . ...,, ORA NGE COUNTY. CALIFQR~IA W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1975 N TEN CENTS Hinshaw Win Cost $5,900-~So Far B y C 1\RYGRANVILLE 01111• 04111 P•IOI SIOltl 'l'bc t·ounly bill foir llt•p. All · tl rcw ll1ns h:1y,•'s ~ lt·Nl'\Vporl l\l«lch ) sut·t·essful 1 ~72 ('~1 mpaign ts <it $5,900 und ris ing. !hl' IJ;;11Jy l'tlot l('arncd lodi.iy IL 1nuy ~n ll<'}'untl a pl'l•di ct.ed ll'Vl'l of $10,000. 1'he report or the doll ar loss in l'O unty runds as t he resul t of as- sessor 's oCfice personnel a lleged- ly v.•orking in llinshaw's t"am- paign on county lime came at the ha lf\Vuy poi nt in an audit ord<·rl·d l1\ the Cou nl)' lioar ll Of Su pt· rv isors. aud1tvrs h<1vc uccounted for lhe loss by trae 1ng teslin1ony through (~rand Jury trans cripts that led to the indictn1ent made last year of nine ;.isscssor ·s offil"t' employes 'l'hl' nine n1t•11 , all of lht·m ll 111s ha1v aides 1vh1·n he 11·;.1:-. t'OUnly u s:-.t•s:-.11r . y,·1·rc ch;.1rgcd ~·i th mull q1l 1.· count~ or grand theft. (•onsr11rac:y and f:.il sifying ret·ords and violation nf govern· rnent codL·:-.. Shortly ;dl1·r their 1ndictmenl , tile bo.:1rd of :-.upt'l"\'1:-.ors ordcl'ell t·ounty auditor v·u· I lcirn to de · term inc the cxa1.·1 amount. if :.in~·, the count y lost through th« HI leged c amp<1ign act1vit1 cs. lleim is t>Xl>cl'ted to 01 akc hi :. rin:il report \:.ti c next month. 1'ht• sou1'1't':. sa1c.j th(• total lo:-.s 1s expectcf,! lo re;1('h thl' SIO,CMkJ n1ark predict1·d hy 1\~:-1 st.1nl lli~ tricl l\ttornl'V :\lit h a£•l l \J1111.1.1 ;11 the time the 1ntlittmen1s v..·1.•r c rt·· turned. J\1. the t1rn1· lhcy orlicr cd the "1 ud i I, I hi• l'ounl y s upervisor-. I I rown n orses Seniors Get OK For Cut Des pite· dissent fron1 a f:.tth t:r ant.l. a stude nt reprcsC'nt:1tiV(', N eY•port-M csa t:nified School trustees voted S-1 'J'ucsrla.v to ul· }r11v C(•rtain qualified senio rs to t:1kc only tv.·o <·l~1sscs p1.·r day this :>t•1nesler. 'l'ru ste1.~ \)onald Sm;_i\lwnod. \.\'ho oppos 1.•tl the ;1et1o n . said h1· 4; . .i.i,f.I;',~ th1.· ~laf! ~1uul d ~.iv,1r .~o:: itl6r ~'lt\""l'f11th. -... ,.:t loti,.-c;f fl\tl'DY t ions tJt a k 1· t h1.· short l'lll'tl day. \\'hen :.1:-;ked ho""' n1any ~l·niors 1111~ht t;.1ke ;u\v;.1nlal!l' of thl'nc.\\' pol11·y. IJl'puty Su1•t . l\:orm:Jn l .. 11:1t:-; ~;11d ··;d.>oul lf>ll sl ul..l cnt.;." S('hnol offic1;.1ls sLtid th1·1·1• are l .. "100 to 2,000 !-.l'll1!lrS i11 tho· dJ ;-.· l r1l'I .. 1•urpnsC' of the chtini:!\: is to nl - lnw Sl'niors who havc)<1il'cad ~ t•omplc t cd their g 1·aduntion Tl'· · 1111irc m e nts lo take ud\'o n~d coursrs ~1t a community collt-gl', ••r to find :.i job durinJ! their timt• ;.i1vay from the hi gh .school t·an1 · )Ill~- 'l'he ('hangc of poliey ca m t~ ;.ihoul \\"hen the schnul bo;,ird "';:1s i:ivcn the option lhrou~h rce1•111 :->tat« 1(·~1 :.l ation In al/ov.· lhl· :-.hu rt<'ned ilay for qualified -~l'nior!;. St~n 1or s Jll'li1ioning fnr thC' ;c;hnrt d <t.r \\"!!! 1>1· ;1llov.·l'd to drop 11hysi<"<tl <•d 111·a111111 ::ind 0111• other c:lass. gi \'ing lhl·n1 a t\\'O·\lt·riocl <lay if t hc.v \\'i:-;h Seniors ~1 r1· n111\' r1·q1.1irt•d lo t:Jke :1t ll'<l.'il four pl'riods '' cl<J .\' to 1n~11rc rh:it lhc.· d1stl'I('! receives funds for th('ir a!t1·nrl:1ncc. 'fhc n1·v.• s tate law will allow the district to ret·eivc I.he funds t•vcn for pupil.s y.·ho only e nroll in 1-....·u classes. Uecause or ~cvrral :irgun1cnt.s a g:J inst t h e poliey 1.·ha nge and the fact that l hl' bill i~ curl'c nlly h t" 1ng rt.'wriltcn 111 S;icranll'OI O hy · ( Srt~ St·: ~IC) ltS. Pa J.:<' 1\:!) AREA STlJRIE..'i 11/(;HL/(;/fTED /?o unt;11n \';llli ') p1111tl er:; a po\1c1~ C<111lr:t('\, i"l'\\l)Orl !\each c.lr l:iys :1rt1011 nn a C'<Jhlc -sC'rvicc fr;u1chisc pact ;ind a v('lcran police officer dies in Cost a Mesa. ~rhl';,;c s torit·s. and others, ap- J>Car tod<1 y on r\.1ge IJ 2. . or~~11:•'4 , ~asl I t \\ t•;1fl1t•r l n~rra s inJ! <'h;1 n cc o f ~hO\\"l'l'S tonight c learin ~ ·rhursdav. ;,i(·co1·din,:: to tht• w('athcr. scr\'icc. Chanc:es c>f r:lin ~houl 00 percent this evening. l·lig hs 1'hursday 56 to 1;o. Lo\vs tonight in 10s.. .li'\'SIPt: 'TOPAY Does swinging PToduce "happi·. 1Jess and adju.~r ment " in 1nar· riage or doc s it lead to "/rustra· fion . tension and jealousy.'' Two ·vieu)S of (he subject are presenl· ed on PaRe A 7 lodOJJ . · ·····~~ AIVourkrWl(I AJ -..u.. 8J l.M.(l•i• .. ColllllOffl • AS C1r .. rC•r11t1 An Cl•1&1llH 1)1-10 C""ICI Cit Cl'CISIW.,d Cit 0..lfl Nell(lt At •• 1 .... 1•11"•!1• ... •r1t•"'1""''"' e .. , ,,,..iw;, 94,s ,._. C4·16 l"orlllllt.cerd llJ Hot:•'-<ff'I C.J At'l!ll..•M•r' CJ ~Ullo• At lo\lllll•' .... , Mu~lc Bo• 91 M"'"'"I '"'!Odt 11M H•ll ... fll Ht'WI ... , 0••"9• ceunt' ,. .. , Pto~• Cl·J '-""'• • 1·1 Dr.Slt'iMrM!I .\II TlllYlllO... .. Tlle•ltrl ••• w •• , .... WO<"ltlNt'WJ ~ ' ' Caspers Term Filled Gov. 1-:dmund C . 11rov:n Jr.'s office in Sacram ento announced toda y th a t F'i fth l>i strict Supervisor Thomas Riley will Pc appointed to fi ll the term won by the l<1te Ron::11d~as pers in the June 1974 primary election. lliley v.•as initinlly appointed lo Caspers' vacated se:.it lasl Scp- teml>or ~Y • li>f9""!i· !<oo=J>.or 'Ron!ifa'Tf~~alf. ,;~-, ~:(· ... ~~ •. •· ·~ llowcvcr. there was a question :1s to v.-·hcthcr the c1ppointment v.·ould carry thFough to include Cas pers· nc1v term which bcg:an J an. 6. Ford Rottd Widet1ed 1\\1 ~Pl'C'ul ~1tion ended today v.·ith the governor's a nnouncc- o •• ., P1101 s1.u Piw1o ment that Riley w ill ser ve al least the first 18 m onths or the four.year term. r~a rring bad \\'eal.her 1)1' ol ht•r rlifri('ulties. ~c\vpo rt Beac:h pub li c \1·11r ks ol'fic1als s ~c.v lhe l;'or<J Roar! i1npro\·cn1c.•nt pr1>jccl t.hal h;1s been un<lc·r v.·ay s 1nct• :'\c)\'C nlh{·r :-.hould !)c co1n1llclcd in n1id -l,.<.·bruar)'. 'l'h t.· $·1·14 ,000 J'ro.recl rn,·ol\'(•s \\"i<lening J.'ord R <)<.id l1et"·een l\'lk.l c .i\rthur l!tlulevard ancl Jamboree Itoad to four la11 es. install- in)..( a bike lane. sidewalks a nd ~lrect lights. rJ!u s modernizing t raffic si gn<.1l s al l·'orcf 4:1 11d J amOO rcC'. Holding Tank Law Said Lax Ney.·port II arbor ;,i1·1.·a cn\'l ron menta li sts accusC'd C'l ly tiff1c.·1a1..; this "'eek of failing l() t·nforc(• rt' ~ulatio n .s rl'l:ite>d tn \\"a '."tl' holding t ~jnk s 011 \'l'S:-.l'IS c.dl111 i.! f\"£•v.•porl home Ill> fl . t)ffi c ials ju s t ·:1.-. quickl y C'lctim£'d th ;1t c.·nnfus ion ~ind un eert;,i in1 .1• in lb(' l:1v. makl' ~t r 1l't 1·nfcH'l'1.'ml'nt in1possiblc ut lhv n1nmen1 . Ser1•1ng tt s 1:1n 11rhtl1·r tn 1ht• U1·· .bate lhl' ('11 )· ('ount·1I ;1grt.·1..·d to tr:insfcr thl' 1n;.1tlt·r 1(1 lhi' c·1t ~ t•ounly .Joint I l;i1·hor ('on1m1tl1·1· (or a thorough cvalual ion. 'rhc acC'usations c<Jmt· fron1 lh1..• city.appointed Citizen's Environ - menlal Quality J\dvisor.Y Com· n1iltee .-i s \l't'll ;1s rc prc:-;c nt ativcs from ;i pun1pou1. Sl'l'Vi('(' v.'tii 1.·h :-;erves m:.irin;.ls 1vh(•rc pumpo11l. . r:.iC'iliti cs do not exist . Each <1C'c u ~c d 1he l'i t y ·,.,, l\.1;irine Safety ()cp;,irtmcnt of not s trictly enforcing: tf'ic rej:!ulations calling for 1narin•~s to provi{h· pumpoul facilities . Jail Recommended For Teen Offenders l'uun t y 1 .. robation Off'icf'r :\1Ltr )!t1rl't (~ric r \\'a s L'Xpectcd to rec{l1nml·nd llxla.v lhat 19 ''h;.ird 1·1)1"1' .. JU\ r nil c offcndC'rS be r e . 1110\ ed frt•n1 juvendt• ho.-1ll .<1nd in1- l'l'IS\l ll\'U 1n Or<.1ngcC1111 nt y ,Jo i\. l::\('t•pt fo1· ;1 ft·\\ is1)J;1t('d u1 - <1t,·ulu:il c·Hs t·s. ll<l iU\"('IHles have· 1·1cr ht1e 11 1·o n1n11i.l1·d tu c:ountv \.11l 1nS.1n1a /\na · I lo1\·t·v1 •r. !\'l tss (~ri t"r·:-. r ecjirn n11•nd a t1 0 11 tn th1· l~11;1rd u f Sup1.•r,·1sors is p;trt of a p;.1ck:1)..(c pl<1n tn rt.'!tevc f1verc1·owded con- d1t ions .11 ,lll\"C'nilt• h;,i!I in Orang1.· tJ'l l)t•(' \~J . thl• c:ali forn 1 :~ \'outh 1\u1horit,v pul lhc county on notl('l' lor lh1· Si..'l'Ond time 111 ~ix rnonth:-: th:it ii l\'Otdd de- ('('!"l1fy the hall unl l'~S a n acccp . t;ih!e plan to rcll1·vc chroni c o\'t•r('ru ..... ·d 1 n~ \\'<I S i mplt>mcnt C'd . \\li ss c:r11·r firs t n1entioncd the llS(' of lhe t:ountv j.:dl ;is :1 sc('uri- 1,r dl·l c·nri~•n c·1·1lter'in a confidc n · 11:1 ! 1·1.•por1 tn lhc board of sUJh•rvisors 1.·arli<'r this month . In Lh ~1l r1•J)()1'\. she 1X>i nted out lh;1t s to le ln \v allows the commit- n1cnl of juveniles to a jail ''when 1u1 O!h(·r suita ble place of detc n- 11011 i:-. ;1 v a ii a blc." JUVENILE JUSTICE ~O•;;;;nl y She al:.o pointed out neg"al 111• f:1c to rs :1ssn1·i;1t ed \11th the C'Hn 11ncn11.•n\ of juv1.·ntl t•:-. lo lhl' J:11J · 'l'h c ··~tcril l' <tn d l'tinl p;irat11 1.·I.\· hars h :.ilmo:-.ph<"r C'" nr tll1.• jail '''hich is "not fullv 111 kc('pin1'( v.1ith tht• philosuph:\· 01 the juv('n1l1.' ('fllJ/1. IH:\\'. •· J.:1c k o f 1.·<lucati n11:d :111d rc•<·rc:1! ion al fncilities th nt "·ould be ('Xp1·c.·tcd in a pl;1('c of conf1n1 .. mcnt for n11nors. -Ncg ati\'l' comn1 un 11y re:1c lion. l'r·oblcms asso('iatcd 1\·i1 h lrans porting n1inurs t o C::ourt hearini;:s in the juvcnil(• courl s loC'ate(! in Orange. 1\n accompanyinJ.! rt•porl t11 supervisors by l\d1ni11is tr<.1 l1 \·t' Officer Rohert Thomas ;.1ppcar~ to support l\11 s.s t;ricr ':-; rccon1- 1nendat ion that juveniles ht• j ailed. (Ser J U\'ENJl,E.S. 1,agc i\21 After today's appointment it is believed the retired brigadier >!t'ne ral \\'ill fill the Fifth Dis trict sc:1t at lc:1st until JO days after lhE· 1976 pr·imary clcl'lion. Should a new supervisor bt· cle<'led by winning at lea st ha ir of the votes plus one in the primary. he \vould then take office 10 days fo llowin g the election. according to C ounty Cou n st•l Adrian Ku)•per. Should ani candidates in ne:oc t )•car's primary f<l il to "'in a ma· JOrity plus one. Riley would then ser ve until 10 days aft er a F ifth Di strict super\·isor is elected in Novem bcr·s general e lection. l.a st n1onth. Riley sa id he will seek e lection in his ov.•n rig ht in 1976. ''I like th isjc,.b and feel capable Of St•rl'ing the pcop\C in the l-~iflh Dist r il't ," RilC'ys:1irl. Landscaping Pac t Awarded 1"he ll;1rr1•n ~r11 unrl s of :-.=1.•\\·port l!l'u(·h·!'t new po li ce huilcl1ng ;1t N(·1v1:M1rt Center soon \\'ill bl' \'l'rd;.1nt. citv counc ilmen agreed this v.·cck. ~ ,\ <'o nt r act <'<Jlli ng for $18,046 1\'0rth nf lanrlscap1ng at th e build· in).! o.1t .J;1mbo rt·c Hoad and Santa Harbar;_i Avenue was awarded In lhc firn1 of J"'laza J .. ,1ndsc:ipe. Inc ,of ()1·a n ~e The fir1n y.·as the IO\\'CS I or 1;.i b1rldcrs. and ils offer "·as con· s idcrably lower than cit y :slaff l'~lirn;,itcs o f ~5.000 for th£' joh But Robe rt llC'cd, dcpnrtmenl director s lrC'ssf'd that the s1:1ti: m:iy h ave preempted th<! <:ily from enfor cing lhe requirements culculatcd to end I.he disC'h<lrgc nf human waste into Nc\\"J>ort 13ay. Reed explained that legislation introduced by Assembl y m <J n Robe rt Badham I R ·Newport D('ach ) s till needs a thoroug h in - terpretation to determine if cities will be forbidden to enforce such t;anilation regulatio ns. Bilingual Data 'Wrong' Reed s aid that the impression glea ne d by his sl8ff "'·as lhlll. mo!llt of the h arbor's boat holding tnnks us ua ll y a.re discha rged into orrshorc 1.1.·atets and that practice is acceptable' by rurrtlnl st:.in · dards. Not so . 1n s 1s tcd Sunford l"rcnch . a partner in o firm kno"'n as Se~ Lancers. which has 1.1 vessel th flt pumps out !he lank ~ while l hc \lcsscls nrc docked . 1' .. rc nch , tho \\·ith n 1lartncr sur· ·vcycd local m.1rina s lo de- tcrmi1lC' exttclly how n1any havu pum'pout stations.. ag~ertod th~t he pe rson a lly knows of many boaters who make a habit of <See BOATS, Page 1\2) ' Sclwol Chief Says Government Erred • in Report B y 1111.AR\:' KAYE pleted an ethnic survey in 1972 0111wOM1,P>1e1s1a11 that in cluded the informatio1.1 ~uperintendenl John Nicoll as· that the re were 905 s tude nts with s_erted Tuesday thtit I.he (edcral Spa.rtish su rnames and 3S4 Oricn- governm"Cnt used f<.ll sc data in lal children . accusing Newport ·~1esa Unifie d 'rhc s u perintendent said the School llistrict of havi ng nn ii~ government u:~cd this informa· · lega l bilinguul education pro-tion to determine the number of ,l:!ra m . bilingual students. nOI. lhe d is· Nicoll t.olcl trust"ees that.Spanis h trict 's own tally of 80 bilingua l s u r n a m c<I d esce nd a n ts o r s tudentsinl972. Caliron_ia pionctrs, and fitt..l"'; .:• '"\.lle •'safd· plO'!t-~'Of ~c ethnic - l!encrat1011 l>r tcnlal you,ngsle~ .;·s ytna·me(I yovlfg~ttrs s poke "'ere intlurlcd y.•htn the fedttel' Brlgllkh nvent.l y. . cl'vi l r ights o!.ficp 'tallied \.thc1 • Ncwpo,rt·M$lt w~~ Cited \nst number of Ne\\·p orti -M es a "'eti by thetj,yilrigbta:office for l'hlltlrt,>n whn !)pe8k' a prima r y 1 beift:g one or ·~ schOQl districts lanAuagc other th~ri Eng11'h . • pr9Yiding ln:&aequato ~'bjlingual lie said that lhe distribt coat· 1 Prbltram~ , ' i ' ' The federal govern ment <i c cused the district of haying mori:' than 1,000 bilingual pupils hut pro1o•iding bilingual cl<isses f•Jr less than 10 percent of thcn1 . \Vh cn Newpart-~1csa offil'i:ils receive d the news they s pent se\'Cral days trying lo rig urc (l \11 where, the t.000-pupil figurt• came from. They said they could only finft 165 pupilS to whom ~nglis h w<1s ;i second 1a nguas:c and thnt each of these is e nrolled in the .hilinl!u;,i l pt'Ogram .. Nicoll said tht'!y could only con e lude lhot the figure rnmP from <see Dt\T1\. P agf" 1\21 :-.;11 d lhl· c·ourll\ :-.llould 1·11ll t.:l'l 1\h:1ll'\'\11' f11 11d ... ·r n1 ~h1 h;1\l' bc1·n !os l f ru1n th1· ho1u\1 11 ~ 1·nn)pa11 v thal h1,111h ·d llin:-.h.11\' 1\h1•n In.: 1\·;1-. a 1'n lint,\ 1•nipl11 11· ll.1111•\t'I', th1• 1111,11".f \1dl fll•l !TI;~lo..t• ;1 dt'l"IS!llll HI\ lhl· hl.':-.l u11·lhvd u! 1·11ll•·t'\1nµ 1h1· .dll·g.,.fi !us! fund.., 111111111 r'•'l't'\V(•-< ll1·11n 's hti.d r1·pul'\ e D~•f~ Polo! Stall Plloto APPOINTED BY BROWN Fifth District's Riley AF Jets Caused 2Booms? l ' S. Air l;'111·1.·1.· oflie1a\s s~11d to· day lhat an air dt•f1.·ns 1: !rnining t'X(·r1·ist· n1<i)' ha,·e (':.IU ~cd the :-;ot11·1.·c of I \\"O sonic booms \\'hi('h r<J ll c d across th(• ()ran ~c Co:.'lst 1\11.·sda y nil:(hl. l\ut Capt .. Jnhn Pi-l•nt•z , \11 . forn1ation offltl'f for the 26!h KO B /\J) Jlegion;d (:on1 1n ;.1nd <il Luke Air l-'orce I.las(' in ~\rizon:..i, dt·nied an .\" ,\ir F'or<·e respons ibility for hoom s that \vc1·e s ;,i id lo con ti nu t• today. li e s;dd f'.tC l'h~1ntom jl'ts v.·ere p<1rl1 l'1pat1ng 111 Lile tr•11n1ng excrC'i sc ;01d could ha\·p caused the hoon1 s ··1'h1..• f.•;..:t'rt:isc ended hcforc m1fln1 ght last night," he saicl . ··.\ny ttung th•ll h;1µpcned this m l)rning 11;1.; clt ·ri nitel_v nut ours. " 'l"h1• n1~ ~lcrio11-. 1.,.,1nn1s joltl·tl rnan~ ()range t "o ast r 1~:-.idcnt s ;.dllllll 1 ·l:l 11 Ill S11lll •' !)l'Ol•lt' l't•nt1n1 1l·d 111 fl" port boon1 s ;it 7 :Jo .111 d ~ :1 rn tu· d:1~. <·111n g a run1hl1ng u r l'X ph~:>!l't' Sl'llSH11fll1 .\llh nu).!h nth1•r S•tlllh t•rn l 'a II fnrn 1 ~· pnlice il1 ·p.11·1tl)t:111 s l'L" p~11·\t·d h11ndr1·d ol ljlll'l"!c:-. frorn th(' pt1hl11·. !lrani.:i' ("0:1~f poli ce offit1 <1l t> rcpo!'l(•d l'c11• c.:aHs. ' /\ dut~· offil't•r Oil 1::1 Tnro i\1 ;1rin1· l 'nrps J\11 · St;.1titlll today :-;:nd lhl' ba ~t· had no aircraft in \hi' ;i rt•.l 1h;1I h·· 1.:nt'\\' of and ;1 ~pok1•:-.111;u1 for thl· :'<o'a\·.v al Loni,: B1•;1(·1l ~a\·1· J~:i :-.1• said lh<'1·c.· \\l"'l"i' nn plaiil's aloft v;.1 pttblc ol' SllPt'l'SOtlil' ~\1t:1.•tl).. ·r111· ·"ir Forl'l' ~pokt·sn1a n t'ur .'\l)J{,\ ll :-.:nfl :j :-.t r·on,I.! i11\·crs1011 1;11 l'f ('11u !d <·c·ho ~ut·h boon1 s nt;lll\" nidt ·~ furlht·r !h;.111 usua l. \nd. lh1· .\"al1 u 11"I \\'eath cr St•r\ i<'t' 1·nnf1rtl1l'd lhl"'T"C \V:lS ;1 1'•lll ~1dt·r.L11lt· 1n\·1.·rs1011 l:iy1.·r a hlanl.:1•! nf \\";1rn1er an· ;!loft ,,1 er tlu· ;1rt •:1 'l'ut's<lay ni gh t . Art Destroyer Leaves Rome llt>~TE 1Ul1!) J,:1ilo Toth , 11·ho s n1ri s ht'(I :... i\·li cllclangclo n1as lt·rpi('<·e "·ith a hammer Jhr('t.' years <11'(0. h;is lt•ft fo r Australia under A1rard, !ilill pro- t'lain1inµ: hin1selr lht• son or God and vo1\·in ~ hl' will !'(•turn lo d1 ·i, 1.· Satan out of the \';.1tican. ·r\1·0 airline i,:uards 1'l1t!sday csl'orted 'r oth onto ll Qantas 1\11·h11es jetliner tf• Syd n('y . The pilot of anoth('r ,\ustralian flight t•11-:hl da.ys flgo refused lo accept rC'sponsibility for 1'nth unlcs 5 so - n1C'11nc ,:?uarrll'<I hin1 'l'olh . a ll ung :.1r1un·bor n Aus tralian. ltlSt v.·1·ck ended two ~·('/IFS in a n nsyJUOl fo1· e cr\rnin'al· ly ins:lnl' ., A1 OAILVPILDT N Wednesaay. january 29. 1975 Highway Bridge Pushed Youth ' I l -Reform Urged Ne1,~:port IJ.caC'h t•lly offici::ils SACRAJ\1ENTO !AP) -Ally. this .... ·eek l aunched ;_1 renewed C.en. F.v t-lle Ynungc r $aysjud gcs campaign lo t..'Onvin<ce stttle of· should be uble to decide to try fi cials to hasten ron11>lellon of a juveniles as adults as part or n e w PaC'iflc ('.oast Hi gh w ay "long overdue" juvenile justice bridge. reforms. Citv counciln\L'rl have slressccl ''Onre lhe <'Ourt dt..•lermincs that ihc $2 .7 n1i\linn span i s the that the juvenile has comm i tt(.~ e ntire key to traffic relief along a serious crin1c, l sure want him thccloggerl high\vay. tried J:t s a n a dult ," ''oungcr told The c urre nt tool bci n ~ used ln ;1 Capitol nc\VS c unfl'rcncc Tucs-s tir cOn1n1unit y support is a new 1 fa <·t sht•C't y;hich spells out the < a~O unge r suid the adult-triul r;J\.\' det ail:. of a :-.p a n \Vh il'h i~ 0.11, P•let 14•11 """'-rc<'Omn1e ndatio n i:. contained in pl annL·d tu rl'Jll<l('t' the narrO\\' JUVE NILES TO JAIL? his t ask for ce 1·e port to the bav br1dJ!,e in use since 1932. Probation Chief Grier Jegislatui·c o n the j uvenile justice lies1dt'!s setting fo rth !he ret\\' s vsten1. data about design and fund ing uf · Under \"oun t.:L·r ·s r e<'n mmen- thc s tru c tur<', the di11,_·un1ent f 'ru111 Pnge .'1.I dat 1on , th P 1,1 ,.,, \v ou lcl b e ;_,vai lHblc to anyont• ;:it city h;ill :Jrn('IHied to allc1w thccoul'Lto de lilsnh•1s<1 h;:1ndy lislt)fthc puh\Lc J UVENILES tt'rmine \Vhethei-to detain thP off1eia ls whose influence could d11 juvt·ni le and transfer him to the n1ost good in the e ffort to prnd , h Supc•rio1· Court for lrial ~i s ;111 Lhc state. In his report "fhomas s ays t .:it adult. r'rophccies have t.•merged in unc "·ay to a ll eviate the ove r-k IJist rict attorneys now n1a c INVESTOR INTEREST IN IBM OBVIOUS AT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHA NGE Hea vy Trading After Antitrust S ult Victory Caused Delay uP1 1 .ieo11o1o recent days thal budgct v.·ocs \'l'O \\'Cling al juvenile hall would be that der ision. \\'ithin I he California Depart · In l'O nfine hard ('O re o(fcnrtcrs mcnt of ·rra nsportation could set t•1lhL"r to CYA facililies or others tounger also recommended ;1 11 the brid ~c project <is far :i head as nu 11·1.' su i ta lilt.• I han t he ha 11. ·t · .~ten~ ion of I h(• .i 1t vcni le <lctC>n - Market Up Agalli In Brisk Trading SEMORS ... 198-1. 'l"hoin;is is known to have the tion period fron·1 211 hours to fi v1· City Jl,l ;i n a~l.'r J{ohcrt \V ynn s upport of ;itlc;:istthrccnlcmbcrs da~~-lit• :.:lid th;_1t \\'Ould t:ivc 1)f told c ouncilmpn ;.1t ;1 stud y of !hf' hoard nf supervisors, fit·ia ls tinle to g<.1thcr e ,·idencc session J\l ond<.1 y th<-it indic.:it1ous i.:nou ~h to approve Miss Grier's :ind contarl \Vilnesst•s . :.ire that :IO pC'reent of earlier np-jail rccomn1cnd<1tion. lie s;1id it IA.'Ould al so a\'oid CJ proved projects in {)range Coun-rt•pc;I! of the t:outrovcrsial re - ly next fiscal .vcur would be ex-le~1sc of juvenill'S arrcstC'd in Los itsauthor .trustees decidcdtoap-\ I · · · 1· ,. f cisedfro mthestate's budget. l tid t"ait Talks E nd , n,(!ees 111 ;1111nvps 1~a ion o Prove the s hortened day for this d 1 · t I 1 Nonethe less. cou ncilmen rug pus ting a s e 100 s. semester only_ They will review I'-r ti · ·1 d l a••eed completely on a plan to GRESl-I AM . Wis . (UP l l ->• ... cause o 1c Juvcn1 c c cn-their action and decide whether f'>' h 1 h h d Wl·n mai·or lobb1·ing s upport from l\lilitant Indians occupying the lion la ". t e arrestee yout s a to continue it after the semester b I 1 r 2 1 NE\V YORK (AP J -The stock Big Board volume for the first · legislators . Alex i a n Brothers Abbey said to t.' rt· c;1s l'1 •• ll-'r a ·I-tour jscompleted,theysaid . . db rr·. l marketheadedupward again to-two hours totaled 9 .1 millio n Among them arc State Sen. Tuesdaynightoneoftheirmem-pt•r 10 c c ;iu s t> s u 1c1e n The trustees' decision eame ~...1 day in bris k trading after an early s hares -a ctive by ordinary Denn is C arpen t c r , A s -bers was wounded by gunfire in t•vidl'nce v.• ~sn 't prcscntt. ...... :.it a after Doug \Vall ace, Corona dt.>f pauseforprofil·taking. standards hut well below the ex-semblym an Robert Badham. an ''ambush." and called o (( detention hearint.:"- The closing Dow Jones ave r age traordinarily heavy pace of r.-ton · ~!~~es~~tga~i v;~~~~~·~:;~.dt~~J U.S. Rep. Andrew Jl inshaw and talks that a ppeared headed for a Otht!r task rorcc rceommcnd a- of 30 industri als was up 11.19 dayandTuesday. Ca lifornia 's two De mocrat seltlement to lhe long dispute , tions would points to 705.96. Volume totaled UpjohnfalteredlV11 to317""'o n thc trustees he disapproves of the Senato rs, Alan Cranston and -Strengthen the authority nf 27.4 million s hares. hee ls of a 3~·point slide Tuesday idea . JohnTunne1-. f' p A I the Juvenile Court to Pn forcc its "Seni ors v:ho ask for cxemp· rom age 1 b It appeared son1e ne w buying attributed to an adverse report in or prime concern to cit y of-OIA.'n informal p1·n bation or( er y lion from PE are those who pro-I · h ~a m e into the m arket when an a medical i·ourna l of some oral fi clals is the morass of a gencies TS a\lov.·ing lhe t·o urt to dca wit • . babl y need il the mos t.," he :BOA • expected round of profit-~aking diabetes d.rugs made by tne com-claimed . \11hose approvals are r_equi red • viol at ion~ oft he p~o h:~t 1 on . at ~he ou!set proved to be n:i 1Jd. pany. UpJ oh.n called th e report ''Al .0 most of those ha \"in g b~fore the span can he built about -Requ1rl' the r.l1 str1 ct attorney • Some investors a lso e vidently ··unfoun_ded. · h ts 'c1 da ,5 \\'ouldn't go to 20feetovcrthebay. , dum.ping the contents of holding t~ tak~· .p;1rt 1n t o.~et-f1 1_1d1 n g: and took it as a bullish sign that the 1 .B!\'1 p~ck;cJup7 \:::!lO_l87~fi a fl~ra ~ofre=~~ but )would take Jobs. ·rhc fact sheet li sts agencies taQj_g directly into bay waters. d1 spos 1t1on o.il ht~<tr1 1.1 gs 1n_ all ~on- mark ~t had not reacted m ore 16~·8 . gain_ ruesday 1~ its fi rst That's not really inl'luded in the s uch as the llcgional Co a staJ J-tc ~dried that or the cit y's 41 tes~~·d ~a-st'~ ~lll',g.111~ ,vu!:~1 1on ~ . • _ neg.ali,vel~ to _t_hi:_ news tha.~.!he _tJ~~n~ ,j!,llf~ ~J~.~e.r.al i'ppe•~M~~~ -: ·~ -~.,!;(_ Ut..-~ .. ~ .• , ~t!-~-~,·,.~--•., ~ ... """' . .rn""'"""""'"'""'-~~·1 ?,·-!>'"·"~ -•.o>:i._•-' ..1.pf ·~~W.~!Jf.\,blot ~JU \~' o11 :· ...1..t, .;~.-~f ·"~~Ci'.t..""~,. +.~el·~ -:---.. .. --,-•· .. o~«t"~ .... cilt'C ..:..nfl'J."""·SiliCI. -.. ,.. .... -.~~ ' , ._... ...,,m e-;t -~Of' 'ti3ii'S Por(afion. th-e':'Jo'bttt: lh""at lifs"'sefViCC1o··ma"ny' o't .• -v r1:e ·Ju vth1~ t.:o11n·~w~r th lr--,. .. • i"'e~OiiOhl1c . indicators posted its pany 1n an antitrust case late last He added that many student s C t Gua rd a nd the 1-"edcral the rest makes them conform order the parent or guard1.an into fifth straight monlhly drop Jn week. "sleep during their free time, lt?:~way Administration. \Vith current regulations. a .cou~sellng program with the Dece mber. a nywa_y ." . . Councilman John Store. v.·ho Councilme.n -expl~ring the minor and lo enforce the order. From page A l Anofher co"!lpla1nt was heard s poke the strongest about t~e long-vexing issue of trying to de- Bomb Squad Sets Blast In Oakland OAKLAND (AP) -1-fe lmelcd cle molltion experts found a bomb in the federal build ing t(lday. after a d ramatic search and night -lon g vigil. then dragged it into the open street a nd set it ofr with two s mal l explosions. The lefti st, a ntiwar \Veather ~nd e r g r ound c l a im ed res ponsibility for planting the de- STATE OEPT. RIPPED BY BOMB. Story, Page A4. vice on the seventh noor. It was an estimated 10 to 15 pounds of high explos ives ln a n attachc case. Agents s~id it could have ripped off the corner of tht• build- ing and destroyed the seventh floor if it had exploded ins id e . Inst ead, lhe bomb exploded with a roa r that s hook nearby buildings and broke a couple of windows in the third floor or the George P_ Mill C'r J<'edcra l Build · ing . No injuries \VC rc reported . .. That ·~ it. 1"hat's the bi g one," poli ce offi cers yell er!. F e deral ai::e nts fou nd the bomh t icking in a n a ttachc case above the f a lse ceilin g panels in <i seventh floor Navy offi ce. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Rober t N. Weed Pro"~"' .ond PvOl1on1" Jack R. Curley "'<.•Pr~"''"'*""" c..11 ... 1 ,..,._, Thomas Keevi l Thomas A. Murph ine Mt1119'11Q Ediior • Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall ' AHli.1 ... 1 ........ 11'"9 E0.11>•• Newpor1 Be1ch Office llll H•llWPO•I fktyl•v.,d Mtllo"ll Acld•I'" P .O. Be,. ltll,. '1t4.I Othtr Officf'S (O\I• """'' lJOwtlt 81JS!•f'l'I u..,...ttoc,., 1, .. ~ .. !tt""' H11ft!Hltl0tl 8'.t<ll l/lll IW1<ft lloultvl'd _ s...llHooel Vl!ltJ: fU~I Lt Pit~- Ol 1on Di.to F•-•Y Te ltphone f7141642·4l21 c11sslfled Ad vertising 642-5671 Copy1191\I, '''' Or.tllO'f Ctli! P~bll\l\lno c..ip.11,. Ho_,""'"'· lllu•lt"'°"'' HllM•ll lfl•Htl or Od•fflltOITMfti ' hftflll mtp O• '""OdU(lod .. al!Owl 'PO(•ll l><•mlll!Oll &I CtlPY<itlltO"'llOt. Sot"'d (ltff ,wlott poJd •I Ce1t• Mt••, c.HIOnMo. ~-·Ill'(""''-' IJ.Oi)-ftly. .. ""'I '4.o&1-WllJ; ""htM~ -1ifltht M IJ.QQ from parent Richard Stevens. need for a n intense community termine exactly. how much waste Tl1 ey G o t Point Stevens a rgued that instead o( effort, lamented the apparent is di schar ged into the ~ay -DATA .• • • the ethnic sunrey_ submitted in 1972. "May I point out thatour354 Oriental c hildren contain third, having seniors roaming around · ··movi n g backwards . n o t asked Reed and his staff 1f mon- during part of their school day, forward" on the construction thly Jab tests of bay waters they should be' forced to remain schedule. s howed any problems. in class . '"We hope thal all the intcre:->l · ;\idt•s r e plied that mnnth1 v· fo urth and fifth-gene ration .. ~--------------, eel 1ndiv1duals ~ind grt~ups sup-snn1ples s ho~'l'<l that hay water~ port an C'ar\y C:OnslruCtJOn Of the V."C'rC \lt'('JI \Vif hin health depa rt · bridge by v.·riting to the persons ml'nl standards for body contac:t (;Ind agencies \.\'hose:; names \\C :ind other normal aqu:1tic ac Profits Up h<1ve provided,'' he said. tlv1tics . RUJlI,tNGTON, !\l ass. CAP> -- The Ilu r lington School Commit- tee v.'as dist.:ussing hiring scc\,lrl· ly supervi sors lo control van · dali:.rn "hC'n a rol·k \.\"ilS thrown through a \\'inc!0\\' 1'uesday ni ght into the school roo m where lht•y \'.'ere meeting. J1olicc said there "''ere no injuries . Japanese and Chinese families , \vho do not even use a lanaguage. other than English in the ho me;~ Nicol l \\"rote irt a le t ter to·· On S teel ~~·~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~- \Vas hington. ··And. may I further me ntion that or our Spanish s urnamctl children. some or whose families resided in California before the pioneers, only a fraction are · dominant in any language other than English," he added. l'ITTS I3URG lf (lJ l-'I J \Vheel i n g -P ittsburg h Steel Corp. report(·d tcxlay that pro- fits soarC'd 3,000 pcrc-cnt in the last three months of 1974 . ''We ju st had a ,E!ood c1 uarlcr.'' s;1itf Ualc J'ilz. senior vicC' pr('s idC'nt for fi nance for the nation's ninth lar gest stee l company. Nicoll told trustees he hoped the Jetter would expla in the federal snafu to Washington of- ficials and exclude the district from those being examined by the government_ Man 's Boc;f y Found GU/IDALUPE (APJ -The hody of Or . Grorgc Wolr, f>.:t. of l,.rcsno, hus been found in the surf south of P ismn Beach, the s heriff's nffi cc s aid .Tuesday. \Vh ee Ii n t:. -l'ittsbu r.tt"h ·s· earnings. lt•:iµcd to $24.25 million, or S6.<12 pCr s hare, from $1 .49 n1i!l io11. or 20 cents ;i s hare. For thr ye:.ir it;; profi ts rose to $73 .41 millio n. nr Sl9 2~ per shnrc. frorn SJ.37 nii!lion , or $1 .75 per s ~.1rf". Tennis Facility Halted by Firm An ang ry r epresentative of the Rov Eme rson and Rod Laver terinis firm s tood before the Irvine City Council Tuesday wi th a clenched jaw an d withdre w the firm 's offer to build a tennis facility in a city park. Gary Dalzell. ;1 former ci ty planning com mis sioner now representing the international tennis champions, re tracted the offer after the council decided to solicit bids from com petitors. Dalzell g ripped a roll or plans "'hich he never had a c ha nce to display as he protested the ac- tion . ·rhc firm, he said, pr esented a specific proposal at the request of the community services com- mi ssion . The plan deta il s a 2.2- acre facility with teac hing lanes, pro shop, locker rooms, snack bar. tennis courts a nd other amenities. The proposed facility , he said, now has been included in city plans for the Irvine High School Community Park. • , Dalzell compared city requests for similar proposals with asking for bids to CO)l.Stnlcl 8 (acitity his firm had designed. Ru t l'n11nc il me mbers were <'nnc1·rn(.'d <1bout setting a pr ece- dent for allowing comme r cial recreation firms to use city parkl and . Ten a cr es in lhc high school park have been set aside for com- m e rcial recreation, with three acres specified for a tennis facility. -"The sole obJcctivl' o( this is t.n open up the !'>ystc111 \\1th res pect to comme rcial rt•c:.rc:1t1on in the parks,·· explained Councilman Art Anthony \\'ho pressed for seeki ng other proposals . lloth C ouncilme n Jl c nr y Quigley and John Burton protest- ed the action. maintaini ng it was unethical. Dul afte r rcciu1rcn1c nts for the proposals \\·e r e nuxli fied to a~k only for des igns for :i threc -acrC' l.l'n ni s f;;if•i l i!~·. tht• f'Ou 11 cll ap· proved it unun1mously. Dalze ll told the counril that on- ce the c ity dctf'rmin es Lh e c riteria fo r such a f<1 cility his firm could be put hack on the bid· dcr's list, but until then, the l'p ecifi c pr o po s a l wa s Viithdrawn. Th e Lav e r -Eme r s on withdrawal ca me as the council adopted a commercial recrea- tion polfcy for city parks. The broadly worded policy says such commer cial facilities arc d esir:Jblc as a means to pro- vide r ecreation opportunities which mii:t:hl not otherwise be available to residents . Additionnll v. it refC'rs to fee paym e nt ~ 'ti y co mmerci:1\ recreation firms on city parkland as n way to keep doY1n the cost of park maintenance. 'fhe l,.t1V<'r-1-:merson proposa l was prem ature. the council de - cided, s ince it was made before any policy tzoverning such en- deavors was established. , W,itc Sea.~ \varm-up ~uir. Chan1pion strling ft>r rhc hc:tch, rn::id, cou rt<;. ZiJ">-U jl d l't:1il on jal k<.·c. p<K kct :1nJ ankles. 1n :1 1nachinc '"ash :i cryl jc an~J polyc~1cr. l 'O \~·dt·r bl u(_·. ;.:rccn o r na\•y. S, i\1, I .. S311· 'fo,vn .. 'Ill Tr,Lvc l Sp<)rr '>wc:ir SANTA ANA SOUTI I COAST PLAZA Shop Sunday, South Coast Plaza, 12:00 noon to 5 , . , : )? 1 ,~/ ~,~ - • p.111 . SANTA A NA, 547-7211 • SOUT H COAST PLAZA, 556-061 I J I ' l I \ l A6' ·oAJl,Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Costly M9ISinf orlllation The federal government has 3ccuscd the NewpQrt-rvt esil Unified School District of illegally denying bili11gual education to its pupils . One of 333 dist1icts cited by the federal govern - mept, Newport-Mesa CJl!egedly has m ore thLin l ,000 bilin~ual s tucle nts. but fewer than 100 receive the s pecial c clucation according to the feder;1J folks . Shocked district officials point out that they ca n find only IG 5 eligible JJUJ)il s. A11d e<Jch is a lrc;.1<l y enrolle d in a bilingual progrun1. 'l'o add in s ult to injury. the govc rnn1 c nl threatc n'.'I t o \vithdra\v grant 111oney fr<>m the dis tr1<:t 's biling u:.tl prog ran1 unless l.:O rret:tion s are madC'. 'J'hat's rath e r richly ironie::il be(_'aus e the tlLs tri l.:t doesn't <·ven rccL·ivL' fcdL·r<.11 funds fo r the hilingu:.d J)fOgra1n . So th e fe d eral go\'ernmenl 1s thre;1tcning to <:ul off funcls it is n 't gi \·lng IJcL·uusc it hHs L·r r<111c11u .... cl:it;.1 1.1.nd \\·r ong conc l u s ions . \Voncll'r ho"· ma11y l~1x -paid n1t111hour~ 11 \Vii i co:-it to uns 11arl thi s bit of 1·c<i laJ)C and get 1t hl11n1ed on some l}OOr defl'nsc.:les:-, C:<)nlpU tL·r' Fiscal Forecasti11g \\1is t' cit.\· offici;d.-; knov.· the long-range 1n1plt1.:a - lions Llf ch1.1ng 1n g tl'cncls in tity govt•rnn1t>nt 111.1rtitul;1rly in arc.:ts \l"ht•rL' he:ivy dC \'l'lop1nL·nt 111 <1.\· he ~ulijL·c·l li) distour:i~ing pt>lieil'S In Ne\VJ}O rl l~l'at·h . a L'on1bi11;.1tioll of CtiiJlOlllll" :ind guvcrnn1l'n1 ~ii f 11<.!lor~ has l c f1 ;1 ll'g a t'.\ '' hi t·h hits the c ity po<.:kt·t.hfxJk . Suddenly. thL· t·1 1ffprs ;1rcn ·1 .ian1n1cd any 1n ore from rl'\"l'llltl'S fron1 p1·rn1i1. ... and dc\"cln1>n1Pn1 s urta:-> fees. '!'ha t occurrc11cc' as \\ t·ll ~is olhl'r p0Lt·nl10!1 l'l·onon111..· \\"Ocs s purretl Council\ron1Hn l.nt.:ille h:uPhn The Second ' recently to s ugges t that a blue-ribbon comn11Ltec be formed to m;_1k e solid economic forecast;; for the l·ity Mrs. Kuehn 's suggestio11•won the concurt'cncc of he r fello\v s and s he laced her proposal \vith the oh- scrvation that the comn1unity is blt"sscd \Vith ex cellC'nt prof l·~s iqn ~1 ls whose expc1 ·ti:-.c is \\ell k ttu\\ 11 . \Vhcn it C<)n1cs tin1e to appoint persons to SCl"\'I.! on the study group , those doing tl1c 1101ninating should 1rcah1.1• the nO!lJJaroc·hial fla\•or of s uch a pru,ictt . l)is· triC'I considerations should be set ;1 s1dc ;ind the cntirl· fiscal \V(.']f:trl' 11f the entire comn1unit y should he the motivatio11 Help for Elderly Quite oft l'll . \\'hen 1.1 m uniC'i Jlal bu1ld1n g is :-.uddt..•11 ly ah1.111dt1netl ~1n LI s l ~1ff n1ov1·s t u other qu ~1rt t•rs . of l'1t"1<1ls find a ''·hllL' l'll•ph:nll <111 their h ;11 1cl:-, ;\lot s c1111 NL•\v1>c11·t ISt•:1t·h . \Vhl·ll the l)<•partnit·nt t)f t>ark s, liL"<.1c h<.·:-. ~ind l<ccrc<1lion n10\'ecl fr41n1 its l~a11H1~1 pL·n1nsul;1 u l"f1 c1..·-. lo qua1tt·rs oil city h ~1 ll . an allcrnalL" u s e'' ;1 ~ qui<:k l) f(!und. Suon. th e 11.et irl'd Sl'ninr Volunlt'<•r l'rc1gr:in l v.1111 hu vc t'rl't..' Us(· (1fttll.' bui\(iing as a ht·aclqu;irtcrs fut' :-.t•rv1 ct·s tu the e!(lt.•rly, ('01111riln1c'11 l'!'>~cntially had the (.'1i n 1cl' lo i..:J'ant f11nd s to 1.h1· 1·fforl, or rind a s 11itahl11 :tlll'rnal1\'t' lh;1t \\otllrl :1n1ount lft :1 \":d u:1hlc L'on1n1itn1L·nt tu lilt' C'l(ll'rly /\l1hnu g h \ht· ('ash t·t·1ta 1nly \IOUld lit·n t.•1'11 Li ll' l'! fort h v tll<.· \'olu ntet•rs. the n1orL· i n1ug1 nati\·t· H l L'~l ol prov 1(-llllg ;1 bu1 Id ing se1·n1s to be L•\"l'n morl' \';ti u;d1!1·. (Jilt' ton1n1011 t"t>nlpla1n1 hl•;u·d frnn1 l!io :-L' \1hn :-Ol"l"\L' re\irl'l''> 111 lhl' Jl;1rbor /\re;1 is tht· llL'L•1I fo1· ;1 p(·rrnanent :-.ilt· "hit Ii ls re;ulil y ;1t·t'L'Ss ihlc . ·rhe Lltinat i"n by lhe L'1\y 1tf Ne\\ port l ~t·a<"ll flt:-. 1».:l"IL·ttl.v . N 'Con1m on citizens are one t}1i11g but t hi.s i.-.. gui11f.{ ftJO far!' American D e ar GI00111y Gus Time to Phase Out Gas Hogs Revolution ( ART HOPPE ) \\"hy not Lurn th1· .. L · St1·pt:·1 Purk i1110 it com- n1unit:-v 1elor·y g:i rdl'n ·•, \Vh:i1 1\ith the nevL•r i'lldllll: suµpl\' or fertiti"lC'I" ~,, 'the .~J.;~OQQ_.t).~1".r~;~cyolu-.· ~t~~\1~111: ';• ri£J,y l it sh o~l-~t •.. • jmf·~~~p1~ :-_ ........ ~c ~."').ioo--·-,,..,.~ ~ ..... ·~--.! .... _ I rollo\\·111 g the President S third \\'.K and l;.irgcs t Tax -Cut-lncrease l patents'"J)t•ndi n ~ l . ll i:-; firs t 1'ax-Cu t Inc reas e . proposed in J;.1nuary of 1975. v.·a s ,,·idely h ;1ilcd i!S ··b rilli<int cconon1ic thinking ·· ·ro fiJ,!ht rcc c~si on , !ht· pl;.1n -c-all\•d for culling pcrson'al 1n- <'On1e I axes $28. 5 bi I lion ~o that. ;Is ih(' Prcs 1d(·nt happily explained. peopl l' \\. ou 1 d ha \\e <'xi ra n1onCy t o :;pend ·r o fi t: ht inflation. tilt• Prt.'sidunt incrL·as cd oil taxc:-; SJO bHlion . so th;tl the people ,,·ould h :i ve i:.0111t•lhing to s pend I.h eir f>Xtra n1oncy OIL l'11 shing up the price of gasoline . • 1 din1e a fo!c.illon. tho President triun1phantly explained. would foree people to drive less. They \\Ould !hen h;.1v e more money to :-JH:nd for lhe things they \\-·anted .. L"nfortun<ilt•ly , lht• things that f>eopl t· ...,·:1nl l'd \\"t•r1• 1nnrl' g;.1 Jlons 1Jfi::asolin1· .•\1-··rt-:R .\l.L. thl· pr1 (·t· 1,r J::L1~ol1nt• had :1 lrc:tdy doublcll as LI l"L'~-.tdl ur llil' t'lll·rJ,!:> <·ri ~I S °"'llhou \ 11uticf';1hll· t•frt'<'t on 1\1ncr1cans· d ri\·ing h:1 hits 1\nothl·r tt"n t·cnts \\·a s s 1 n1 pl\" ;i d r<ip in t hc gas t :ink Hui !ht• l'r1 ·~id('nl \\<I:-tl l' l1·1·n11ncd 1'hal lall ht• ;1nn11unt·('d his (;1g:.i11lit• 5 JIU> llilliun ·rax·Cut I nC'rt·:1::;t: 1\ nrl, \\ ht•n nothi11 g rnut'h happt'nL'd . h i· rollo¥i"('d it up 1n lht: s prin ~ o f 1!176 \\'il h hi s Supt•r .(: ig:1n1 ii' SSOO hi1!1on ·r:1x- t.'u t -lnc·rc:1 s(' ll y no\\, ~:1solin l' \\as :-.ell inJ.! r(lr S5.:I~ ;1 ga llon a nd 1ht'Y slill 11·ouldn ·1. v•1pc your '1 i11d shi1·ht ··'t'hat slH1uld do 1l' .. ~<tid I.ht· Pre:-.idt•n\ happily l!ut :1 s1 n11lur set'll<' 11;.1S heinl-! rcpeatL·d 111 C'\"t•1'y ,\n11·r1 r;1n ho1nL' :1L·ros:-; t ht· l~ind . • ••t JU!>\ fi}!Ur C'd 41111 . dt.':tr.'' ;1 ~,G,.•c•mme •I• ••• ,......,.._11, ,..,._....,." ... , ,.~ ...... u, rwftkt,.... •le.,,, •I IM MWIP•Pf•. 54-ftCI ~ Pf\. _ ... leGloomJ (;1>1, D•llJ PllM. .. y.·ife \\'Oulcl s<1y . ""lhal 'A l' could sav<" s.;:1.12 by no t going fur o ur rcj!u[arSundaydri1·£' ·· "'Are you out of your 1n1nd.~·· her hus hanci \\·oulrl repl.\· ··Next ~·ou"ll h e su gi-:e~L1ng I take I Ill· bu s lo \1·u rk. ~\'hy du11 ·1 _\uu :->1·ll ~our ('i.11" inS\l';ifi ., .. '"llo\1 11ould I ).!t.'I lorn~ bridge ganlC'".' But \\"i!h I.he pr1cc of gasollnC' so high. \\.l' ha\"l' to l'UI COJ"!l('rSS(!ll\l'\o\'hl'f t' .. ··,\!] rii.:ht. <•ll ri~ht. l"ll cut do>.A·n to h:.ilf <i bol'. 1 o fri('c ad:1y. ·· Tilt-: PRt:SJl)t-:NT \YUS un derstandaply fu rinus In h is ra ).!l" he 1nade a dis;1 :-trnus n11:-.t;1kt: ·· fo'or be in).! bad ,·· ht• anr1ount·t·d angrily ovc•r .n a t 1011<1! lcl1'\"1s1on. "ht•n e t·ro r lh nno\· 111 ~·ot1 (";tn ha\'1· th(' fan1il~· t';tl" ·· ·rh:il . of t~1u r:-.l·. \\a:--1' h1..·n t ht· 'St·c·ontl :\n11•r1 t.·:111 HL'\"t•l11t1on brokt· out \luhs :--ho11t1n i.:. ·(;1 ,•· u -; au t o n1 nh1lt•-. or g1 1t• 1 1~ dt•a th '"". -.t.i r n1t•d lh" \\h1t1 ll ou.~t·. rl1·1111s1·d lhi· l 'l"•'"1!l<·n1 .111d \I l"l•\t• !h1· S1•c1,nd l)•·<"l.11 .i 11011 ot lndt·pL'ndt·11 t•t· 11 \1 <1 ~ ,1 dn1·t1 n \l'll! t..'' cry 1"1..·al /\rnl'r it·.111 ;1 pl-JI :1 u rh •t I C\"idcn t . · · 1 t rt• a d. · · ;\ 11 inen art-t ·n dO""t•d II il h fotir 1'.'hC•(•I'. 210 hnrS\'PO\VCI" :.ind l'l'rta1n 111al1l'n ;1ble right s, 11H·ludini:t 1·t·g1il;1r J::lhyl and th~· PUl"S\111 11f lht• l":lf ahuad-0fLhcn1 " fl v.·us :1 sadd1·r hut \I t..,1·r l'r('sidcnt whn l"l'flt•1·tt1d c111 fat ;ii C'rror of j 111!J,!n11 ·11! "' 111, ·•\\'hat I ~hould h:t\'l' rl11 111·. 111· :-.;iid thu;q .. ~h tfull,\. ··11 ;1.., 11) .1~k them to give upt'alin g ins tead I T I S s!dl po:-sihlC' Id i.:r1 ·a!f' ;1 111...:ur.\" auton1o h1lt· l"nr the :-.\;1!11:-. t\fllSl'IOU >; ht1.V\'I" II ithnu! turning •1ul ~cin1t• •J1 lht• c..r11 :---,I.\ 1n1>ft'1 \·iv nt un 11." pr1•..,1•n!I' on th1• n1 :1rk et · Ir dHt.':.ll I t ,+kt· l!l•I h p ;111d !10011 lb:-n! Slt'l"I lo ll',1 11:-pnrt l ltf -I 1i.·01dt• .11 .:;.-, nqd11•n 1111· n.il !i•n ., hq . .:h11 .1 .\:-11 hilt· :-.111:illcr \1·1ln·l1 ·~ :.:1·1 ttp t .. thr1·1· 111111·-, h <'l l1·r 11·1rl1·:1 . ..:t• .ind a 1·1 u 111 pll:-h rhv "•lfTI!' )IUl"IH!"l' 11 1 11\t· 1!l 1·.1 1lllrlt1' \llH Jt• \I t' 11h.1:-!' tJ U! th r n1:1n11t ;1clurl· ul llh ·st· g:i:-ho ;.:~. 11•1 "i ha\C' g:1:-. ra 11on1ng 1o prnl1•c-I lht· lq\1 1nr·nrt11• 4·11 11,.11 nlL'I" \{;1i :-111g lh1· prii·1..· 1>11111 .ind i..:01:--\1·1 11 l'l>lll l"l ht tlt• to tin· 111 ll;ttiun;i!'~· :-.pir.d :ind 11111 !1 :11~· .1 Quotes I.\ 1n ·1n l)o.\'li-. I .. \ ··\\',· .iri· t·11n .:;f:1nt l1 he1n i..: ;1:-.kt·d '-A"h al Y.1· ,11·1• dt11n i.:. .1 ho11t lnrl :1\1Hri \\'1·1l Hl 1h1:--h•lll'-•·hold. \It' .trc· ht•t·1 1n1in g l!:-t•d I!> ll':-:-0 f1111d . It·:---.. ht·al . ]f'SS hJ.!hl . ;ind rno r\' ~ ~1xe..; ·· Tax Rebate Questions \VASlllNG'rON 1'1·ivatepoll· ing dat1:1 no\v flo"·ing into the \Vhite !louse ()val OffiCC' i:-; r:ds - ing gr;1 ve qu es tio n s whcthl'r Pres idcnl l•'o1·d "s propoS ('d ma ss ive 111 - comc lax cut will actually stimul;ite the dangerou s ly depr essed f'eonomv or s impl 'y IJc- u sed to pa y off old debts ;ind reple nish d isappearinl! savings. Indeed. so 11•orried are t h e Preside nt ·s economic advisers t hat William Seidm an. ~1r . f'ord's assistant for eeonomic af· rairs, h a s made arrangements to go lo Swarthm ore, Pa., to li sten in on telephonr: interviews <'onductcd every even ing around the countrv by Ill e Albert Sindlinger poiliog-organization. . . . A SPEC'li\t..IST on consumer s pending hublts. Sindlinger bas been turning up alarm\ifg ~vldence lhnt rur more American ' . ' ( EVANS-NOV AK ) hou sehol d~ 1101\' plan 1u usc lhl' l-'resident ·s IJl"lll)OS('cl 12 percent inc·on1c tax rc hatcs for paying debl.s on µ:1 st purt·hast·s :ind fo1· Sa\·ings -than fnr buying llC\\' c;:1rs or olhL•r dur0:1hlcs. '!'ht• n1ain reason : t he record lul'. l(•\•t'I of consumer t'onfidcJH't' in the rut urc of A m c ri t·a . Si nd lingcr 's findings, \\'h1(·h :ire s imilar to pess 1n1i s ti t· :orecas ts or othe r ooonomists. - mean that income lax c:ut.s mnv not operate us a sale self-sl:1rtt:'.r to g<'t the economy moving. If true, that drastic ally undermines use or la~ cuts to revive the economy y.•ith a qu ick rix. Reports from Sindlinger noY.• u,nder stud).-at l,hc \Vhite ~louse show that ne ar ly S:J pe rcent of 1.415 household s h is ll'lcphnne interviewers sampled f1·nm .fan. 9 t.cr.J.ia;.wo\11<.t'saYe, not sp~nd: any income tftX windfnll. ()nly :1~.6 percent suy thC'y would .'i pend 1t ' . . Tlll\T"ClllLl .. ING yard~ti c k ot ~consumer plan!1 ~ot to buy n1 uch Ill lhl' \\llf ~('lllfl j.; l'el'C':-Ol'i lOn !res ultt•tl rroni the l:i:-;l of a series 1ff questions l"\'g~d:n·l .v a skc·d hy :Sin d1ing1..·r . 'fhC'st' ques ti on s al\c n1pt lo 1so latt· ,,·h al c-ons11n1c·rs pl;1n to dn ll(lt l'.'h<1 t !ht•\· think l'\'l'l"\'hud\" else 111ill do ;,1i)~)Ut bu yi.n g ~·on s un1c·r dur:1bll's. 'l"hu s. S111Jl1nl-{t·r ·s r1r.s l Cllll'Sl ion :.l'l!.o lhc s t ;.1g t• IJy askin i.:· '"l)n .'ou think !>t!Ople in )l:<'nL·r:d \\OUld s pend more than S:t\'t', or savt' n1orclhan s pend?., !\·IorC' lhun f\\'O·thirds rcspondetl that ""p{'Oplc " v.•ould s pend mo re. Jlut on lh C' key c1uc•:..lion \\·helher thL'Y thc m sclv<'s \\ould spend or s11ve. I.he 'findings ''e re reversed. ·rh ut imperils \\'hilC' lloust· hop('s for n1ajor st in1ul~1tion of the economy : a flood of new buyers ror a utom obiles :ind other h cuvy durubles. sue-h a s rpfrjgeralors . (ns teud . mos t tf6nSume rs. rcactinJ! fron1 rc~1r of the future and lack of ronfidencP in the Presidc11 1·s r ecovery proi;tram • .111ay stick their tax c uts in 8 s ock. r111 r1 ·::-.t :1 11ra11t 111 :--p1·1·l11111 :ind .";111i1;1 !11 111 ("1>t1 d111ifl1'-111 (Jr;ll1;..!t• l ·nu11t' Ir 1l l'll l •1nl11•rt'•1rt"t"t:\l1 .IOU :-.l.:it1 •d Ill 1111 · .i!"flt"lt• lli ;1\ 1!~<' 1n-.;p1•1·t 11111 r1·1·11r di. "t 1·uun11 r1·,.1:n1r:111t-, 11 ,.,.,. pulol11· r1·1·nrd:--. llH·ri •fnri' II•• 1 ,.,,,.!' \1n11 .. 11l .1r1"1I Pll n1.1k111 i-: ~111·11 :nl1ir111;'11011 p11hlu· It 1111· l),111. 1'\lio\ t1 ·,il J\ \\,i1\l1•d !11 d 11 ;1 pt1ld11 '!'I I 11'1" 1111" lhl' fl' .1dt'f'-;1.., \\1'1! .1 -. 11!1 • lho11.-;a11d-.. o[ 111•1Jpl1• 111\11 .... 11 (tlll \l!'l'kl\ \11 \1 11 t111ld p11hl1-,h .t 1t-,1 nf •'.1t:I; :11111 v11•r1· 1'\'"-l.iltf,lfl\ 111 lt11· <·ptJJl!1 11htl•l1 did r:•IJ 11;1 '-" \Ji, .... "1111 ;11111;1 1r1,p1·1·1111n J>1·1•i·t·d t•11t.1 · I.., ,I I\ -.1,111 .. 11 h;11·k 1·:.1-.1 \\ IH('h )"('\ l'.dl'd l".H'h l';1tillJ~ v:-l:il)l1-..l1n1•'l!l l!I l lH'll" t'J\\ f:111\n ;..: !I! •"Plllt' 1111 to ~;1111!.1 l111n sl:t1uL11·d ... \·1111 1·.111 lu •1 tll;t! j·;1ch pl.1t•1• 1!"1t"•I 111.11!•· 11 .1 fl\tllll I» l"h·;111 1q1 q 111<·k ,ind i-:v1 !1:u·k 111 l>Ui'llll'~" .1111·:t '\I{\\\ \\" ,Jl11ri11•• .tl••s.-. ·ro t'ht· Editor 'l"hl' p1lll 1H1t111 r.itt· un Lh1· ht•;tl'hL'" :111d 111 th1· ba~·s a round 1 hl' :\C\\·porl Bc;1ch art.«.1 is g1·0\\" 1ng: I rt•n11·nduus l:-·. I knoy. this is an old s ubj ect. hu t I :nn a young rcsid1..·nt . ;1nd I h:1\"t: In li ve '''ilh tilt• ullin1;1tc 1·1•sulls o f. ho>.A· pco- plt· e;1rl' fllr this Lind. No1 too l11ng a ;..:n 11 c· h~irt a r:~dical cn- \'irnnn1ent:1list n10\1.·1nL•nl ""hich \Vas so for('L·rul that the rt~aclinn 1111\v Sl'enis lo tx.· ··\\•ho e;,trcs".' ., \\'1'1'11 Tiii·: lll<'l"t':tSl' 111 pnllt1 lion. lhl' tnarinL' l1ft•nn I.he s hore~ nf our h eaC'hcs is still hecom1ng (•X tinL·t 1 \\'Ork 1111 :.1 hoa\. <.ind I \\ ;itc·h people l111n1p a ll kinds of sturf from their bo~1t s into lht hay. Sun1 ctimes s\vin11nin~ is im· possible becaust" of the oil in lhc 1\·att•r . 'l'rash a'nd pollution arl' h1111c1111 _g up and it seem:'! to he dC'SI roy1ng 1.111 fc rtilc hottom !'i\'tli lll l'lll S flL•cdcd ror g rO\\·in).! m1:1r1nc p l a nts 11nd hotlon1- dwcllini.: n1arint~ animals. I was \\'onclc r i n g if you h11d any i;11c cial viC'1\·s fo r sol vin~ this problcn1 \\'hat W(' hil\"l' ht•c n doing .~o f;.1r docs not sccm tu be very s111..· c·c~sful . 1\lthou g h 1 ;1 m not v t'I'\" knov.·lc<l ~t'<Jhll' oil lhL· s 11hJel"t. '1 do have a toupll· of ~n1a l1 Sll~/.!t'S t\011:-> .• Jobs could be c1·c:.1tL•d h v .h:i\·111~ 1no1·c PL'OJ)\t• authorizi;d t;J I d:1ughll'l"S . "l'llllt~I·: i\IOR I-: ~t)Ull {! llll0 ll l•lllll'd 2 1 alrL':icly on eollt·gc ;:111d 11ni\"L'1·s1t .\" schol:.i rsh.ips thrvuJ.!h lhC' ,. \\"f"l"S lllnJ.! progrJn1 I\ nr•I'." f11nt·s:-. pro g r;11n . i n tl 11d11 \~ t::.1rd1:.1c f1tn1•s ..... had ht·en ~1ddl'cl fo r <1d11 l t s., a !1111,:: \11th ;1 rc·van1pC'd h ealth centl·r \1 1\h :1 \1hi r lpfl<1l to prndll<"•' r1·\CIH1t' tu ntl'ct ~ oulh nCt·ds 'l'hi· ()ra n gL' l'oa~t \'\I t '.\ th• "''l"\"t"'> rt•t.:ng n11inn ;1.-, 11 ~ct1k s t11 f111d n1·11 \\ ays 10 11\l't'! i1 s g11:t! ol .,,.•r1 in ;.: th(' p11hli1· IJ(I\ '.\ll.lll.l(; ll11d 1:1··~··~··· ·rn the t:thl o r I h :1\·c 111ail1·d 1h1· l••ll11\11ng h'l !(·1· 1,, SL•nat o r .., Sc·n 1l ;11111 i\l a n s r1t·ld . r l'g;1r d ini.: tht·ir ll u plil·aling L'l1\ :ind !•'Jt l 111 \{•:-;li g;1tiun · J)un·1 ·'"ll think 1111· i;ou ntry has had t'nllugh of thesl' big in\'cs li).!:1tions. hr-1n j!ing lo ~1 halt or o\·c rshado\\·in;..: 1 n1port ~111 1 national busin ess·• 1\l·'Tl·:lt 1'\\"() y e<.1r :, ol \\°atcr g:;1tL' ·r\· l"O\·c rag C' and n1illions of t ax p;1yc-r~· doll<1rs it seC'n1 s \\"a.-;hington has 111\·csti ga- tion f C\'l'I". \~ 11 to g;1in public ex· pos urc u nrl fa n1c ·• Cc1·t :1inly lhl'l'C ;ll'l' n1or<· pruduc-\i\"l' things to bt' a C'co 111 plis J11•d . If 1011 think !ht· l 'L\ :ind J<'BI net•ii" \)Vi.'r h :n1h11 µ. fin son1C'thing t•1111s trllt li\·1· If ~-~fur <·on1111i ltel· thinks 11 tlt'l'dS 57S0.000 ;.1nrt nin(' n1nnth:-. :l\1·ay fro111 :-riu 1· t>\ct'li\"c' dl1til':-. I lhink a dl·l;1il cd account· 1n g nf 1·x pt~ndil11rt·s should bl"! puhhrly reportl'rl . I n l\l.·a ys thought th(• salari<'s p;.1~ our Cnn g rPSS l11{'11 p:titl ror the "'y.n rk '' they did \Vhile in o££ice. Jn1pfl rf :i nl. ronstructive things C'r~· nut fo r your ottcntion . _ FR 1\ r-;c l!:.'l i\1/\COONt\1 .. 0 '!"11th~~ J·:ditor : '!'ht• ll':1 <l ~lnry til' ~·our .J~111 . 21 i~:-ut•. i fo'11rd a i.:ain rl'jCc-ts gas 1•;1111111 pl;in1 qu~)\l':-. lnl' prcsic1~nt ;1.., :-.ay u1g :.111 y l·ffl't tive plan \\.·HI 1111111the11101or1st 10 niru• g allons \H·r \\Cl'k . 'fhe politi1·:tl cxa~- 11" \I.SI) 1110~ 111111· da)S fur :1 11•\!t•r tn r.:u t i\ 1· n1dvs frr1n1 Costa :"111·:--;1 In :-:t•\\ p"r·t l ~l·;1eh ;i nd \',"(' rn i s..,t·d ;111 11nporl ant C'VC'nl h1·t·;1 11~l' 111 t hl· ([l·l :1~. 1'hcn in .l :1nu;1r.', \\ 1• 1·1·1·1·111•cl an ovc rclu1· bill ft"<Jlll 1·:1l i:--011 :-aying: th L') 111·1"1' go1n ~ lo :.1111\ our eh·<·tri c-i l.\" pfr 1n l\1 o d:1_vs plu ~ acid :1 l;_ir gi· d1 ·po~1! ;111d I ur11 -un 1·h :u·f.!1~ i( lht• 1111111.1~111 p :1td 1n tv.·o d ays. \\'c nt·11·r 1·t·1·1·11vi! :1 11r:-.t bi!j. so 1 1·:tll<·d l~d1 sn11 ;u1 d I he)· said lllC'\ h ;11I had cn :111\ :-..1u·h l":1ll s 11n il 1h1..·1r l1ill" 111·r·t· 111:-01 nu! gcttini.: through \\"hal JI 111· had not r l' {"i.'1\"t'd lh t· St'l'OIHI h·ltl'r 01-had 1ll't'll ;111 ;11 for· ;1 fe11 dil\"S 0 .' ll1·lp ' ·1·111 ;1fr:lid .. l.o 1na1I .1n~·th1n g 1n1porl ;1nl any mort• a11d IJ;11·1· h;u1d d1•li\L'rcll several 11111M1rt;111l lt·ltcrs 11~ l.os i\ngclt•s bt.•e ;1 u::.:t• of I his \\"ho p;.1ys the I alf' l·hargt'l< 1111 o ur h ills th:it lake so long Ill d1·1i \"t:r a11d get sent back lu the Sl.'lld<·r or, \\"Of S(', never a1·- r i'"L' at a ll "' /\nyont• h;i\•C a s ug - gl'J<tion f111' \\"hat :1 t•onccrned re- :-.iclC'nt n1i g h1 <10 ·! IJ 11\ :-; f; ('If RISTI E ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Ro/Je ri ,v \Vet'd. Pub/1:1her Th i:1111a s Kt'cuil . 1';d11or IJor/xira Kri-itnch. 1'~dit11riol f;to~· ,.;ditor Tht• c1htoria l 11a1:~· of the 0,1lly · l"ilnt !oo'f·k~ lo 1nfnrn1 .ind sl1mulale rc:oders h> 11r1·.,1•nt1n~ on this paJtl' rlJ• cr~c con1m1•1111 r.\" vn lopi('s of 1n· t ere~I b) ~)nd1call•1t rolumn1sts and l':irlo11111~t~. by 1>r111 td1n1t a forum fo~ rearlt·rs· 1·u·v.·s nnd l)y prl.'st-nling this nl'v.sµapcr·:. op1nion!l 11nd lde;as on 1·urr1~nt to1u es The Witorial 11f)ini1.1ns of the-U1uly Pilot 1ppear only in the ('ditnrial rtMu rnn at IM lop Of lht• flili:t' (.lp1n1ons ('XpreMed l1~· lhc columnists ~111<1 c11rtoonlsts :inti lt'll t•r 1<r111•rs .. re lh(•irown 11nd •I•• t'fJ1l<•r~<·m1·n1 11f I h1•1r \'icws by the 11.111) l'tlut ~/t1)uh~ b1• 1nfcrrl•d. \\.rdncs dH y. J a nt1ary 29.1975 Tragedy Revealed On Tape ( ...... __ s_ia_t_e_~) Brtggs, and BART's central con- trol were played Tuesday for a board of inquiry investigating the Jan.19 collision. The cr a s h has prompted ;1 special s afety investigation into the $1.6 billion transit system by the California P ublic Utilities Commission. Youtk Plead• Guilty MODP!STO (UPI J -A youth w ho had pester ed s heriff"s cI1· puties w ith fa lse confessions of killings h as pleaded g uilty 111 Mun icipa l Cou rt to second degree m urder in I.he dC'<.tlh of ~1 teen-age girl. Richard Alford. 19, thCson of ;1 former Modesto bank e r, cnlt·reil the plea Tuesday in the death of Virginia E. Lou ghl in, 13, who was shot t wice and r.a ped al"~ whose body was found on a peach loading d ock. · FINANCIER 'BLASE' Bernie Cori"ll :eld Cornf eld's Secretary Arraigned BEVERL ''t' 1111.LS (1\l''J Bernie CornfC'ld's sccreL;_iry was lo be arra igned tod:..y on charges of using an illcg;.tl "blue hox '' lo make free long distance telephone calls from his n1ansion here. !\1 r s. Didi Valloton Bicthild , 37, a S\Yi ss citizen, was c.1rrcsted . SAN FRANCI$CO (UPI! _ _ Tuesday a fter J<"'BI offi cials Snow fe ll a t higher t•levutions . r aided Cor nfcld's home a nd Tuesd ay in the San f<'rancist:o co nfiscated l\VO of the telephone Bay area, a rare uc c urrcnct:. devices. S11oac Hits Boy Are a F lurries atop 2,tiOO-foot high The ''blue boxes" a rc M ount T a m alpui.s in Marin Coun-n1 ulti f r e que ncy J!C n erat i ng ly caused t he c losing of a sta le devices used to m ake long park there . There al.so were flur-distance calls \\'ilhout paying toll ~ies at M ount D1n.1Jlo State P ark t·h~rgcs. ' 7 Males Held On Sex Rap ;\ e ritil Plea 1\ h e l icopt er t ra ils a b a nn e r over 'l'c rmina l I sla nd in beha lf of Osca r Klee, \\"ho is ser ving a s ix month sente nce 3t the l•'('dL'r :.i l fac il ity the r e fo r income t ax in· '• ' vasion . SeveraJ grou ps sponsored Lh c fly · : over which was s ch eduled on Klee's birth· ~ day Tuesd ay. Journalists Back Fresno Bee Staff 1 , .. 10 Cori!!.a .Costa ~ounty bu,t ,Lhµt .. •·; .. c,:::_r,~fe l d -th~ fl n n1 boyant ~l'i'.fJ0~"9'•~1"""·"·~ -'··· "'"'"""~P,;cpq~l<,q\!'<I.. '"' .~ . · .. ,...., • .. -.r -'1alno-{ Yi'nat< hollOfify · \1a• ·nn;· · ... • ' • Gas Prices J,.flnled. S AN D I EG O (AP J -A · Chevron ser vice station ownc1· has been convic ted of illega ll y in- flating h is gasoline prices. Station owner Ralph J..eaf v.·as r o und gu i l t y r.t onday b y P.funicipal Court Judge Earl J. Cantos and \~ti ll be scntt!nccd ·t'eb. 21. Police l'fnd 1\'11de Bod11 SAN FRANCI SCO CU Pl 1 - Police found the nude. strangled body of Mari lyn Jlobinson, 3:1, T uesday in her roon1 ~1l a North Beach hotel where she h;.1d li\"ed for five years. They hd'tt been c alled by a hntel clerk who s aid anotht.'r l L·nant had complained of .a visitor in !ht· room , which is ag<-iinsl the hott·I":-. regulations. FURNITURE EXPERIENCED INDIANAPO LIS, Ind <A Pl A s econd hand s lorc has bor· rowed a gimmick of used car salesmelt who call thei r vchic lt·~ "previously ov.·ned." A sign in th<' window offer:-. ''experienced furniture.·· ()verseas Investors J,imited - \vas blase a bout the r a id. lie said agents spent m ost of the a ft ernoon a t his ho me a nd thoroughl y searched its 11 rooms. "U N FO R TUNATELY ," Cornfeld c r acked. ''they just n1issed t he shooting or a Pla yboy t't'ntcr sprc•1d. '' Cornfeld said he did not know the. blue boxes were on t he prem ises and had no idea \vho. if ~111yonc. had used them . "ThCJ'I..' <ll'C a lot of people sl<iying here." he said . lfis m other and nume rous al.tractive \\'Omen friends h;ivc li\'ed :it the n1ans ion with t'ornfeld since his r elease from a Sv.·iss pris on last Ap ril. S\l:iss authorities held him for questioni ng for all egations of fl'aud. dis honest manageme nt, fo rgery and incitement to speculate in connection with the eo\lapse o f IOS. Cornfeld contends the coll:ipsc ~as the fault of Robert V('sco. \\'ho rcportt'dl ~· forced Cornfeld out a s ht·ad nf the 1nutual fund s e n1µire \'1•:-(·o is 110\Y a fu gitive 1n Cost a R ica and Cornfcld ls l~·stifying about IOS aff<.1 irs in the U.S. ::incl s .... ·itr.e rland. !\1 r s. fi1 ethild v•a s b£>in g held 1n lhe Sybil llrand Institution fo r \\'omen pending he r arraignmc:-nt P ll a charge of viol ating the ft'dt·r al fr<.1ud by v.·irc statute. •No Contest' Milner Faces 14-year Terni V E NTURA (A J.>J Lcg<.il arguments wounl.l uµ ·rucsl.l ay in the sente ncing hearing for OJa• millionaire Reese L. l\-1ilner, who has pleaded no contest l.o charges 'of m ayhem a nd solicitation to com mit robbe ry a nd assault on ;.1 former girlfri end. sentencin g w as expected tod<.iy since all that was left was for th!'.! judge to r en d e r h is dec is ion. :Mllner 's a ttorney, Joseph Ba ll , a rgued a t length for a light. sentence, eve n though his t licnt isn 't cont esting c h<J rges that he hired tWo m e n to rou}.!h up Magcie Hic ks. a former ;:1etrc:-.s and ex-eomp anion of Milocr's. Milner , 58. f<J ccs a po s:-.i lil e maximum se ntence of 14 years 111 prison. ' Ball said his client .suffer4 ·d perma ne nt b rain d ama.i;:e fron1 f alling off a h or se 34 years :1~0 Ball sald the fa ll , plus a p robable concussion from a pl ane crash in 194.5, a 1 pnshot wound lo lhc head in 1917, and yea r s of drink ing t1p to two quarts of alcoholi c drinks a day had impa ired M ilner"!<i ,:neat.al functions. ''THE O FFENSI·: whith 1s char•ed is the net or a m adn1<Jn, ·· Ball told S upe rior Court .Juclgi: Marvin }I. Lewis . Bur ~1ilner 1s now harmlel!ls, B.i:i l I s.ittl. But prosecutor Pl'lt.!r Kn ssori s sai d , ••soci e t y d ocs n eed protection from Milner, hased on hls past conduc t a JonJ! sf'rics of eplsodeS of vlolentc ;1J.!t1inst UL )eutlhree women.'' Kossorts bn~ s aid ~1 \lncr hirC'd Okl•hom a co n v i t·l :s t:Jyd c .J1·nk1n::. ;1 11rl l)a11·1<·k J·:~1rly 111 brt•:ik 111to l\1r:-.. l l1cks' r e m ote (!Jal homf'. roh anrl ;1ssa ul! her :inti "C'ul off one <if l\·Trs. !li cks' fin gers ." Seal Gives Birth to Pup On Mainland SANTA CRUZ (UPI) --An l'lcphanl seal has given l)irth to a l/5·pound pup on sa nqr"l~oscr 's ll c aC'h " at An o N.l"£yo Stn tc H.L'SCJ'Ve -the only knG'A'll birlh tn occur o n the mainland coast T he s tretch of beac h is usual ly 1nhabitt!d only by male seals w ho ha\C lost the chest·thudding bat· ties to m a t e on AnoNuevo Is land . ,1 half mile offshore. The pup m easured nearly five ft'C t long a l birth and must now survi\·e the indiffer e nce or t he l\\'O ton m a les, who often crush 1 he younger seals because or thei r carelessness while lolli ng around. F:lcphilnl seals return to Ano i\ucvo and eight othe r rooke ries off the Ca lifornia coast each year fro m J anuary to l\1 arch for the pregna nt fem ales lO g iv e birth and m ate again. They then r e- turn to fa rm the sea for food . t ln 1972 . a s in gle pup was born un t he f<'a r r<1 llon ls l.und s, jusl no rth o f the Gol d e n Gate; ('S la blishing thal area as u hrccd- 1ng ground for Lhe first tin1c. '' eone '"Wh;.1t a \\d) l\1fly 11 • Nc\v Y(lrk . lJnit cd ,,r;-irt t.:tl lll l' ',j f \\it h a hig. I it.:: ll"I ~ I ll'L';I k f;i,1 • /\ nd r ht'll f I 1l l1l\\'Cll 1 1,~·iih1hci r l.>c!i-l\11 11i.:1. Nit.:L' ).!1 1ing. lJnitt.:d. l\'t· t.:~ught ytHir .... pirit:' VVi::'ll l.:a1 ch )'tH1\\ilh1111 r n1t1rn in1JJ)cJi fl li•ht . ' 0 lr<1111 u 1s An).!L'lcs l1l NL''v Y,irk . Only nilcd serv~s y<>U a hi.:ar1y hrt.:akf:t"il !ti begin y<1ur day and lhen ftlll tl\VS it \vi1h ti l>cli-IJu ffL'I. 'i'liu can l'at ~t"i n1uch as yt>u \l:a nl , \\'hencvc r Y'H1 \\anl. C1.1ltl l'.uts, l'.hcescs, g;tmishes and n1orc. 1\ntl "'halcver y0u 1..:t1n1e up "'ith , \ve'll have a l't.:,·crag~ I<> g1> \\Ith if. VVi11c. l'.1x.-k1Hn." (1r i1..·c-t:1.)IJ beer. (lllllpli111cn lary in , .. ir~I Cla~. ;J sr11all l'.hargc 111 (1,ach. 1-\1r f--'ricn<fship Service and the <inly fJt.:li-llu ffc t 1n !hi! sky. ca ll yclur ~lfavcl Agenl . ()r call United :it '.'.17-7.121. l':.1rlnl..'(' in l i·:i,•cl \vith Western ln1 crna1ional I ftlll.:I~. Nonstc;>ps to New York U•ve Arrive f,qul-Ai'J'0'1 l\-1cail Senitt - ~:4)a.m. 4:50 p.m. DC·IO Kennedy Breakf;L'I ,'\Deli 12:(() n~X>n 7:55 p.m. 747 KcnncJy 4St:lr Luneh 1 :.J~ p.m. 9:ll p.m. IX./\ New:lrk 4-S1;ir Dinner - The friendly skies of your land. IUJ unlTED AIRLlnes ' I • • • lfe111•1t t• ln••••t•u An1 c 11 c:a n State l!ank 111 Nl\\p01t Ccntc1 has installed .i Burroughs at1to rn ett1c tC'llcr unit \\h1c.:h di spenses up to $200 t(> r1 <'.1surc l slund Club membc1 s Cdsh /c 1cd 1t t.J1ds allo\V bank c:usto m e1s to make \\Jthdrc1\vdls any t 1mcofthed<1yo1 night Magnct1 cal Iv (Od ed ca1 d <:1ct s a:s passkl"y to cash 1n s1d e B.1nk 1s loc .1ttd dl 500 N c \vpo1 t t 'cntc1 Dr 1 vc Ne'' poi t Beel c h Car Inventories Begin to Shrink Dl.;Jl{O ll J\l1th (l 'l'l 1 J>ercent o l lhe m,1rkC'I a .,r s'inall ci r sal~cont1nue to . sh'atp , •reVetfal '\\# Cropl 1n1pro\('' \\Ith < 1s h 1r h .1\t O£'{cn1hc1 s f1~urc tif 4:f.!r pl 111s -.ornc ot the 177 000 L S J)t.'rcent .1uto \\u1ke1 s 111 1\\ 011 OpC'n Detro it s .1ulon1ot1\e t'11dt.dl.1\11ffscoult!bc haC'kon executives s.1y th,it tf the lht p1 b h\ sp11n ,... 1ndu ... lr\ trend continues so1ne of the <.1 t1.d\sl..,.., 1\ !:>ma ll car µlant s that ha\C' ~1111 J .. 1nuar\ :-..1h:s of s mi.ill s uffcr('d the n10:-.t downtime rars .1c c ountt cl f11r ::i i 6 lOUld r esume f.11 1 l\ n o rm.ii State Banks Drop Rates I ()S 1\'\;(1 £( i::S I \!'I !°i<lut 1I \ P111f1 c :'\.it1on.d Bink .end ( 10( ki r ll.1nl\ h 11t (lltlhl l! p11ml'll11d1r1 g r .1tcto 91 p<'r c1 nl frnn1 'J Pt'ft t nl tlltl I I\ f'l1)(!.1 \ "'•llllll\ l',1llt1l of l~u:. \ngt ll .., !IHI ( 1 (ll ~t 1 c1f San f'r ;.inll ~(O tollu11C'cl the IC'.ul nf nlht r rnaJO! h.1nk:-; .iround !ht l u t1nt1' 111 the last l\LCI\ lhf' p111nc r<tll' 1s the 111 It rr:-;t C'h.11 )(ed h} comm C'1C1 JI hanl\~ tu their h1~gest ;.ind most rrC'dll \\o r! h \ ho11 owC'rs rn ,11 nl \ C'n rpor ,1t1111i :-. produc t1on \\I-\\0:\: r rt .di} bt ublc To :-;f'c the full 1mp<.1cl of the 1 ebat(' p1 o i.:1 .1 rns until the end of Junlli.il Y v.bcn \\.C' t LJn ::.cc howG !\t and A1t-f('d 1donlht1r sn1all car s o ne <1n.IJ\..,l :.;i1d Whil e mid J,1n u<11 v sal(S ur 41 p<"r<:cnt fr o1n c.uh< r 111 !ht n1onth chd J1t l lc 10 IO\\C'f the record I 7 million Ci.if 111vento rv thc1 c '' .1:s 1 "ti ght drop 1n s m.111 ti.If ... to l I\'> the anal) st:-. :o;;i1d \t Chr)slc1 l!:MJ d.1) supply of tompi.ICI Vi:!l t 111! .... und a lflO d.1y :-.upplv of compact D a rts 011 J,111 10 before the No 3 i.!Ulo mukcr bc~an uffcr1ng rebates ~opped to !JO days for h'a._n t a nd 115 tla)s for l)a1t bl ti!h 20 MARKET HIGHLIGHTS INDEXES :\'t S J:o: Jndl'X ASE Incle " DO\\ ff 1n{ ~ l 111! s & P sno s 1ci1 k l1t1111•~•·~ «11111 I ••~er~ ,,~.,.. Yor • ll)PIJ In. 10llp"'1n9 11~1 '""" !n< '" "' n~T n .,, <l~""o moil ""° 0,1 1~~ n•o•1 D~""" °"' o..nen! o• tn" ~e o, 1np ,., ,. "O'• '>to~• l.' ''""II<' lj ~! i\1111 P~lf tn!~ t nanll'' •<• IM~ II I" e nc fl4'1w~n Trot P'~" <:>u' < •o\ "9 Pll<• dn<I lllf ~ur•eM tlo' ny pr ct-GAIH EA5 '~· ' ... ~-·. )Io • ,,, •• • • '!'" ~­,. .. )V•' .. '· ' . "' "' I'• UL• 1 • Up I'~ UP '• Up . "' • ,., ' • • ~ "' "' "' "' "' "' V > "' " " '" ". ". " > " ' "' '" "' " ' '" '" " ' 11 0 l i' l !)!) i'U :l ~fl 77 2L II p ll Jl up Up 0 I 1() II "j"r, 1 I 1 (I I ll \e11· \ f>rk I:;; tlo#f 1tc•ti 1·•~ .. rw VO R!!; tUP• a(llYe "OI.~' l<ailo!U o In Sloe ~ E•t~dnllf' w-.,."°", ' C A Pol••Pld Sony Corp llltdn Alm int lei& lt>I Am A. rlln~~ ~piio"~ B••nll! 1,.11 MGIC '"" tt•l <O e ... ,,,.,.,c_ McOo<ialll~ llaulm•n & 15 Mot>rot. Ay!O ,.., >~""' 40 700 •7• 900 '~~ '~-2JI 11)0 111 100 111 800 J 11 900 """' 1~1 JOO 19/ 000 Iii 600 """' Ill 100 CIO•e " " • " " ' " "' ' " J~·~ 11 •• J•·· ... • " ' '" "'' . ' , .. 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' • '" " " ,., ••• "' ' . ·~ !),.yin ltl<P 10 G AC (o•P 11 P~1l1J11oln JO 1 WFMQt-101> 1 j Al ., (_otO " !ro So Mt~ I\ UnlT~I wl~ lb (1UMI~ qlll 'I tt••ISMI ~1 •I F\t Ml•\ 24 1</ 1-il<k ln< 12 70 S•vlllB Mtn l • DH 6 • Q t! :1r---------------- ' 1 1fl1trkt•f 'l 'rf•11d 1'.,, I • 0 11 ,,._ '• 011 J /o 0 0 " ' l\••u· lork .'inf•~ \!11f111ne ApprOll'IOtal IPr~v.ou~ll•1 w~ .. -.,..,., MOf\!114QP Ve•r "(JO .!!'11° l~~d~t"" 1•1J 10 o .. ,~ 1~/l l011.11r. ,,,,.,),.,., To!ll y•aoo F111a1 hno ,1, ~""' ,. " .. ~ l~~ ~I fJQOQr )I 311 00< A.MIJI( AdVll"'<,,11 o.cune, UfKll~ll Tot•l !Pr~hmlnar' MA.IUCl!T TAENO Vil'MMMYY TIMMl41 10)) IQ10 ~)/ ~) 161 Xll 1 .. 1 1116) MARKl!T TRl!ND COttnll W~yTv.tNY ,,. ~ 240 111 llfool Jn ... !Oil Wednesda 29 1975 DAILY PI LOT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE W e dnesday's Closing Prices v~ar'1 H.igh.Lo-wa Appear E•ery Saturday Sole\ N~l Pf lt>ll>I LIOU Ch\;! --· ·-A.lloPltl ll11• II '11tt•1 A(J-la J &II 'I J.1 •I A.cmeC1 r .. I o 11 I'•• '• a.amOr 6'd J 1'1 I • • •llE•P• •ID '.Ill ~ .. • A<U""M ll !I l• All!lr,<1•1>!'1 \II • > •a~ In" lO<I JI 8 • A.tl/loLI \,Oil OJ.I 24 >• A.,t,.•l t pf I J Joi~. A.nmw n 2ll O 34~ 11)"' A•IH tl 111(0 6 II 1~ Al• P<!I 10t) l~ l 1' ~ , , AlfCOlnc fO i 1'9 I• o A j 111(Ju>I•~ 111 I • A•tona I JU JI IJ•. Al.tGa1I II 10 •I'' A1.Pp!S 18 1HXI /I Al•1• 1 lnl•I oil 'I All> ~Int bQ ~ ! lo AJl>er!P( lo I~ I? ~ All)l)rt\n 00 I I I~ A.IC •nAI I 111 < ))l J II Al(p ~HI •I • o> AICOfOI O 1011 ~!I 10• Al~"'" IQO lU I~ J Al" I ti4(! J '' i Al t~(p ~>I> J \9 I Allgl J 110 J JI 2l A I JL .. IJp!J •0 l• '"'!! p ,., t 'I ~ II"' II "'11e11C.11> •u ) " o ""a e n 1 i.o h •~1 JI .O ll<lM n )• I • IJ All e<H.,1>11 I i. l • All .. Pl>l 1 '0 Jtl 11 All!IS"P'"•I )l J A1•(.~,.Jo)/l8 Al '11"1/I, )b O •I o A•11~P1 II • > " Alco 1 I J• I J~I JJ._ 11,., tl~Ull • J }O JP AMA~ '/) o 181 ~ AM,.,opl ~ • ~ lrt Amo-< SO \J ~ Af <O•<I I•• H J "'"'~•d< I 11 J J 1~ A<n~rp!1LJ J 30 An 11 , J <I JSO 16 All ,fJI J '}b •) .... ,.,.1 '' oi. 10 . Arn A ti no' II 1J>I I Am 11~~ /II IJ • Aju._111,j 1bd I/I J6 "'"U''" 110 b ~ I• An l\ltlq >6 o ~ I A C •• 1111 • o lb!i Al fl t .. n pl ' I A11 C~n M Q 1 1 J P. (!'I 1 n I JU \ 11 /l,•l~l 1 d~VI• ltd) 'ti I 'I 10 I~ /I AmOuJI v ,1 ' J P.l>u1111 8• l l II AmE!(Pw > 811 111 AF~mll ~ U /) \ AF ns,.,,o J A GnBU loo t AC.en!.< I J] I A Gn t " bO •I A(;up1l~O J9 Am i.Jo '1 10 > 111 Am.,om 1101.l ti 1 Aml10\p )0 ]) )llo Am !nyeltm lj A Mt!llCI 1J o ~· • " " " " " JI o ' ' ' > AM,.{lt 1qlOI \] Am Mo• llM I J >I AmNL.~ 1 \; ~ ~J A n '>< 11 11 d Am ~!'I p bdl/ /1 ~ fl n~m t 1 • i~I 11 ' ' . 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U 11 UI• -BB--El•D&Wd ~0 6 101 \t B•<lle & Co 1J6 • S..•~r In lQ o SJ o Bd•trO < ll H • \ 3• 0.Jld D •Od • I I I 8• l(OtP .,!) 0 I \/ B•!G••lq6 I 1•• 1~ ,, BtG\pl• 1 TUO \() B•nC•• I J• 10 1 BAna•Q Int l) •l • lb 8dr>QCr Pn I J~ • B•nqr11tC, \ '' Bn•r•f 110\ •;> B~n• VA 118 \ 11? 11 1::1~•r.,,1Jb 71 • e~•<:iO •~oo 111 B~ oc<> JO\\ •\ I J Barn~H M IQ B"' t 111 •O 11~1e• Ml 10 " e .. 1.,,M n• 1 1 ·~ 8•1n 1na •~ 111 B•u~t!'ll oo 9 l~• Ud •le• L t1 ll \()\ !~ B•vS1G I &<l \ 9 \ S.~""Q' Jl & 11 h .. .. Be•I F d1 /1 !\ ~/9 9 Be<•mn SO 10 10• 11'• S.OOllO 40 1~ l\J JJ , fk~(I\,\ 6"0t) S ,q ~ o • I• B>!k•• Jn l! I 180 18 Be coP! lollt-• •• "'•' Bt'Ot<ilJ05 1110 · 6"1aQH lOQ O 9 \ • Elell l!w I• • )09 14 o •I Eleml' Co I • J\ I P o. --Btl\l!l;t 1 80 0 J6 11~. ~. t:."'c·p r~~ • t~! ~~ , : .. e.ne:oo12v, •10 2• • Be11Cpff JO I •5 ' BllnS!llO<t J 17 6 o • BenoeB 10.: 4 •8 1'• '• ~·•~y f'no 1111 1 • • Bes! Prodt! 8 186 S r t 1 • Boi!h !>""' 1 • 563 J(l\o ~• B 0J1 no 6i)Q Tt jJ} SJ.,. 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'r ~~:~~p~~ :~ ~ ~~ !~·~ 71 W>l~dC I •0 II J( Weyenll I }ft ~ j U'~ 1-Wt>y~h"' ti<! 11 1)11 30 , I Wnl>-ry" 40 8 VJ I? WnL~E.-~ , >W ""' wn f'St J>ll 1 Jll ?t 1 I W~~IS! pt o tlJO ll l Wnt'C'ISt pt~ 11.IO •; l Wt>r1_,1 ao11 1n 18 w1111 Con 110 • 110 1().J, Wh!MM •Ol:I J Mo 10' o • w~.1 .. ~r C1> \ 1)/ 7 ,, W1c~e>CP1 o 10 11 w eootdl 18 1 1J J.>.~ W li1~m• .0 t ·~~ 'M • 1 Will CO'IWI\ Ill> Joi 4 w nnO• I JJ 1J •1 .l<l'IO. WnnO~CIEI l 41 I W1nMba'1') • t • W1~E1P I It 9 1'M JJ W•'IEll>! I 'l'O 1180 q1 ~I WIKPS I JJ 8 JJ to l WllCP C I 1(l • ~ 20->lo Wolv W! OSb ' IJ 1 >-, Womlco )(> 6 16 ~ • Wooll~Cp •I ~ !II Q - WOt.!wl\ 1 10 ~ 4SI I }~• ... ' Wool p! J 2ll 12 Jt , WOtl<I A rw 1 79 Jo j.-1 w .-.0 1-1 •o.t11 1 "ii Wurlllt'• Co ? ~ Wyly CO•!> t• ? .. l __ .,,_ I )(•row (p 1 1• ll/J •' • l X l•I' lncJ~o j lie q , I Yate~ ln<lu~ J /) I , V"l!SIOt 60 ~ 11 1)""; l a1 .. Ca•P 1, b •7 11 laH!I •O • flt l l"- l llY"" CU<p • ~I ) '''"1~il•d 1 10 IOI IJ lu•n Ind 14 Y l l ~ ZURICH, Sw1tzcrh.1ntl (AP fhe dollar r e covered s trongly e1 g.11n:st the Swiss franc, r1s 1ng h} 3 percent \\'cd · nesday 1n active trading on the Zurich foreign exch a nge m arket I I I J • ; .. OAILYPILOT ""•D '""lt"wi ll L" n "'" ''"tll<hJI •0"' "°"' "' "'"'',.'lly, r•P<• 'c;.r "'"''"" ,, . ..,.,,111f") loll(, P0~\ .. \·.1u" Cl• Ul<••"' '"·>n<c~. ID p~, th<: •tm ... h .. II"'··~ •fl·•' ~""'<.I '"" nut• f)) '"< "'•II to , '""' t..-ro <>I Tr1"I. ,.,\h >n\•,.o~I 1!\et>hn" p<O Wednesday. Januaft' 29, 1975 P UBLIC NOTICt; ['la•~ ol ,._ ... v 00 ........ ,~ Oe<<~'''.l M»l,•.Al<f I ll011C(. I ~ l lLl<\llY tJI '• '"'' 1'1>100" Co \Pl I.~ '"' 1' '' "'' ''' ' f••l•l•C" Ill' f'"'n~t• ~I 'l/1 11 "~I !•.< "'"''"'" ul 1 • 1'• J , I A1ln<on.,t1 '''"'' P UB LIC SOTICE l'l HI.I(' :....1rr1<·1·: 11 ~OClll l>UPt· Jl!Oii COUOI f {JI"!"( ~l" l to OF C"LIFOll NI" FOii l'"'[COU NI YO~ON ... NG[ NO .. t U>}fo N O l lCf.. u • '1 (. .. lll'•G or PE!il!O N J'.011 1>11 0 fl"TE O F W•L L "NO FOP LLl f E.ll~ Tti.t •MEN r ""'' '' '" .,., ''"lo "A• I'' T!\e n..1,t l0<1••V ur><ll.'• """ f>o•·a ot '"'" h<•elolot ~ t •e <ull•~ .,n<I dt '"e •e<I to 1ne unae•~•gn.,a ~ "'"II•·" Do <l•t•lo on ol D~t•ull an<! n. """<l IO• ~1.,, """ .. "''111tll NOi•< ,. <.I r .. ldult -[lt<l•on !O ':.~II Thi.' ""'"''"·'V""° toilin.o:G ~••<I Nol•<•· ct D~t.1ul1 m>11 [ 1,.. 110111<>~11 lo n.. •~<n•<l~ll Jn '"'" •UUfllf ,.her1• '"" rt"I f>H;J>tr !y " I<><•" O 0 .. 1~ J""""'' I, I~/\ D~lS..•vo~eC.!J "'"' 11.r 1•;,o """' < Cl II)" I" 1 '' ""' , I,/• "I I'' I' I '''"'"'"'' ~o \ ,,, H·'l••to" ,,•lilt, '""'•I•' !Yl'lll•"' \HI !• , " "'' '+ ,, " 1''"' , ·11!11" '"" +" /\I ''j !1 ,/\lo"" l!H .;1 i "'>••d l•u>•ee. Bv LOUl<IC> Gitr' "' l•UilOllo<er 1 .. ~ ..... ,,, .•• '·", ""'l1' ,,,.,, ,,,,n.,,1,.,,,,,,,,,,L ..... .i ••·n•.,.1.1 •-,, , , " "'·' ,,,. •1,, """ ,1 1.q ,., "" I+ • ,,, , : , " ',. "I • ,. ' ' I I , , "", "I ' , I Hu •" I ,+" .o\, ' I' '~" .. ,. '"'' ,. ""· '" ' ' •. ' ... ' ,, """ ,, '" 1'" '"' ''"""' Pubt•,h<'d Ne .. po•I M~'"°' r•~·•" f>1 P"· tomlll,,..d oNoll> Ill•· O• ""Ir.-(t.d>I O•uh Po\ot, J "t1<1,)ry t~. 11. "t'•, 1Q/} 1()().11 11. '' ' ''"'" ' • " '11. ' I . "' 'I " ...... "'"' '1" 1.,,.,. '""1 '"'"1' c;,.1 j lo <U·" ', l "<' O' '" !" "j I!" """ ,,,, ,, '" .,,, 1,,, WILLIAM[ \IJ0 '1N I"'"''' II l~/l "'' •<'·'"'·"'1"" ( OWd ,/IL", '" p • "" "' (,. !'ottl•'I< nl 'ja JM~""! I' l · I~ Lil ' .'\(J'l'I ('I·: li!(HAl<DCI F liAlEl. ..... 1 '"'(I()( .... ~"'"'' ("> ... ~we~• '" 1gs1NonhM••n~1 .5.,,1 .1010 ,,,, ''•"''••"''1"1'" (•I•'~''"" =·~cc=====~=~--l<;...o111~An• C~l•l<>•n,;•9llD1 '"'''no'"''"'"''• ••I • '"""i"UP'EIUOllllCOUllllTO FTH[ T•! llU ll lS-olll WILLl4M[ 51J0HN, STATE 01' CALIFORNIA f<OR Allo•~1 ,.,... l'cl•hon~t ' """I -1<.1' '• THE COUNTY OF ORA,,,GI:. P"Oh'1ll•<"I Q,,..,.,, c.,,. t r,.~11, f'"-.i '"OMA\ L. LOliO No. A·l lSl1 J n 20 1~ ~~Q f ~n •. n 1 it... " 11~1' P•,eo de v •'•""••. Suote l 1J NOTICE OF HEARIHG O F ,LTITION " L~qun• H•ll•, C•lol '1'~J F<lll PROBATE OF Wll..L. ANO FO R Pl 'l l l .I{' .'\1rrl ('I·: I~! (114) ill JltO 1..ETTE It~ TEST A ME NT A It 'I' "HD•ne, !or. Ptl•l•ont• E\t•te of C.EORC.E 0 OUN">COMll S l '"' E Mf NT Of .. Bt. N 00,,,MEtlT »u1>,,,11 .. d 0• '"""' (<h>•\ 0 Jol y Po lot .&ltoil G EOR GE OOUC.1 A !> OFUSEOF h•n.n,1'< .. n<1r 1·b •,lv/~ 19"/) DUNSCOM B, ·-· G COR:C.[ !>r Fl(TtTIOUSllUS!N(SS NAM( -- CL ... IR DU N~COMB. ii ~• C.l.OH.C.( Jh.• 1ouowon9 "'""'""' """ .ir,..11 l'Ufll..IC NOTICt : <;T . CL ... lli 0 . DUNSCOMB, <l"-1ti,,,,,,..dllle""""t H•c l1t l•l">u'bu•,u>L,_ C.EORGE S T CL AIR DOU(.,LAS ~m<: DUNSCOMB, Oe<~•...,d. OiLW SUPPL V CO . 11'<1 ~ C...~'>O NOTICE IS HE.RE.DY GIVEN l"'11lfA w-.S .. nl"A.n<1,C.t q1ffl) HONOR DENNIS.ON OUNSCOMil h~ l'ocl•l •O'-'~ G"~"'£'~ .. .,,,.._. '' Iii.ti """eln oil t>t:Ul1on !or prot>.Jte 01 1 ',"c~ !c. ;.t>Ov" "'"' tol• '1 •n O""'''' Woll .ana IM Lttter' le>IJment"rv. to iunt y on Mav J, 1'il.: 1/10! ~llllot>er rererencc 10 wNt h ;, W•ll•dm >1 Wu1H, •~11 A!J.o•~ Pl rnaide lor h1rther parHLt1IJf\, ~"" lh.11 P•H>O• l ~\•n<l, {_,., q;>6~7 ttieto..,.,ondpla<eot r.e•••n<1ll>e •01me PilUI M . arvdnl. J lJ1 Br<1nlor<I M•• bfffl ~· IM Ftb<.loilr ~ 11, IQ/~'. ~1 j..,dy, L<I Hitt/•d (.<1 "JO ., m ., on t,,., tOu•l•l.IDMl o• U.•<J<tf1 Tll•' bu"ne'' """'• "'""'"W<I ll< • I"'"'"' No. 3 ot i••d courL, •• 100 C•"~ . ne'"' ,.,,.,10.,,,1.,11 Cenlfr Ot1v•· We>l, '"Ille C•IV ol S->nld 'It" ...,,,.,,.,..., >1. """'" }.n,i .. Ci>lofc•n•a, . Tl>" ,1<1tem enl """" ld,•<l ''"'" Ill• 0..tt0Ji'lu~ry1<, 1q/~ Cou•,l• C';l~r•· ot Or ~n<J•' County "" WIL.LIAM E.JONN. J.,n4 or y 11 191' Coun•v C•~• • THOMA SC. ICING~ E•q. OLDME N, IU NG & GllllE ENE FJJ)9J FICTITIOUS BUSINESS H"MESTAT EMENT I nO" loll<>w1ng I''''"'-"'' ,., .. OD1n9 Du ''n"'~""' n A I A WA V. h JT Mo1u ov•« ~'. N•·oNpu<I (l,•a, 11, (.~hl»•rn<1 1/6'// Ncrindn w,.v, •O.UO 11, l>o:.•<1>110re Or , N,·wpo11 t.l>'~<ll. (.,.1u.,,,.,, .. y7to<J ~teoen w .. ,. •6(1G.C! Sl.'JYW>o"e or., N•·wpor1 oc. .. c11. C<1l>forn1.i ~1...W 1-l!w,>r (l J . "''("""Y • •bOO·A Se.1~'"''l' 0•., r<«wpOrl l'.le .. t n , L.Jl•IO•n•.i 91Uu ihi ~ lJU>Ofl~~' "' t ondUUl'd bt a 9ent'<"I P<1'1nP< >ll•I! E J . M \ t ""nv ln1-. 't"l~•n• "' w.,, !ued wnn '""' C.<iunly C l•·•~. ul U•""9C County on .J<1nuar r6, 191, ~l.,..~••IUw~ ... -.. ,,,. '( ·~,it ,.,, •~Ii. ·c . •1 .e .; :J'_ Atl<lrnevsto•: Potilio"e' """ ·~o~m;r~,,~~·1•-~r· ' PubhiM°"' O••nQt Coa~I D~•ly PolOI, J•n 18, 1'. •l'>d feb. 4, l<J1~ 1%·1~ 'S TAT EME NT OF WITH DRAWA L l<llllOM PAll:TNEASHI P 0 "ERATI NG UNDEllll FICTITIOU~ BUSIN ESS NAME'. ·-"'°''v.d OrMl9f! Coofl O.il'V PllDll, .,,.,....,~1.1S.tt,1'. lt1) 61--JS P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS 9 USIH EIS HAMESTA TICMEHT Tlw lollOMftQ ~ri.on~ ••e doing llll'il· llt'SS oilS; MOllllE L INT ERNATIONAL, 111X O<c•~ Or .• Go11• Mtw .Coilll!Ot"nl•'1616 Oougl•s A. MON"li.on. I IOt Or~ Or., Co~'"' Mew. C•HfDrnie OJ•?• Mit•l C . Ell.t"°"• J1 I.al CeillMon St .. C.<l!M'•l•N . c1111aml1 qso•~ 111" buli "e~\ I~ ton<lu<l~(I Ov ~ q.Mf• ,,1 PIO• l,,.,.,_,,;p, Oovql~ A. Mftrrhon Tnh •t.io-111 we~ l ilfKf ..,;111 '"" countv Cl••k "' Or•nqe Counl r on ,/..,_ry I), 191). ~ F*ltt Pi.obft~i..f O•...,oe \I o.+ty Piiot. J,,,. •s.n , :rt.•"° Fe.._J. 1•11 *OJ.1s ---------- --------- FIC: Tl llOUS 8U51 NESS NAME STATEME NT 1~ loll<>wroo;i ""''on,, ao.ng W.. "''''a' PEACH''; PAl t TT[. l ll Rod'ot:.lc• Sl . Co\td •"'*"d. C•l1•c •n1d <o1bil !lorma LDu W~rm.1n Jl1 i'I D<hl!>IO'f '51 . Co"~ ~'><I . C<1!tln•n•d n1~~1 ln" "'"'""~' •\ condutl"'-1 n,. ,,h •n O•~•(lu~I No•m.; Lou W ,>•m,.~ 1n, ,,,.t .. •nf'hl "''' •il rd ... 1n IN' Coun!y Cle r~ OI O•·""le Counlv on J .. nu;>r f IJ tQI ~ F4'Clll ""n1"""d O•·•n•I' cu . .,1 i;.,,.,y PH<>! J""l ~1/.7'l<1n<1f "ll'!~/) l'M/~ l ht• FIC Tl TIOU5 BUSINESS NAM£ STATE MEN T 1c.110"''"1/ P<.'•""'1 '" aolng bu~i · ""'~a> CRAN [ ';.YSl(M 5 , l HC .. 2711 ..... \~ .. ,. r1AST f'.:.11 81"' CLEAN( RS, 161!-1 llol'4 Cr.ota, .. ,...,..,ng!Oll bt!.ot n, Ld "~ J<1t l ':.IEvtn J "t Ob<.Oll. lM.SJ """"' Hllnl 'nQ!O'l f\P"tn. C~ ~164'0 rn,, ''U~•nt'I' ·~ con<lut lPd by...,,,., d•"'Clu~I J,,. • St~~n J.lto!l,O'I In·~ ~1<11~menl ... , !olHI WIM'o '"' Cnunt1 Cler• cl Or<1nQr' Coun1v on J"""'"V 11, I~/\ F•G1tl l'l UIJ(' /\'llTlf l·: . ""' Pt.obli41Hi °'"'"~ COll11 Dlill'V Pilot. .,..,,..rv •. 11, n. n, 1t11 10-1~ PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE --,;-(:i'iii"Oui" iUslN £:Si NAM .. STATEMf.NT Tiit lo+lowt"9 ~·-s ••• <IDino bu~· fie~~·~· TAOV BANKER'S INSURANC( COMP ANY. " Dlw+t•O" o+ l/nlvtrs..! \•l•er E ><:,,.nl)f. J1S Ill wort.lite Aw~, Newpon B<!dCh, Colllornoa '1660 A·c~•d Lee &••~ne~•. ~11 l.•<10 PAt-°"\J'f, lite•po<l f.l.e•<h. (.tl<IOtt\,, ~No() .. Oot1<1I•~ E. c .. ,sld'f, lolCl c~"''"" o .. ,,~. H""'t.nqt°" °"'"'" C.oil ~• 1 "" ~~"''' 1s t onductcd br., Um.t. Nl11•rl~•slllp. Rl(Nrdlee Brllohe~r rn.~ st•1e111~1 ,..;, 111~ wolh 11>1' (l'Junly (.I••-ot Or•nue Cou"IV "" J"""'""' 11. 191). """ Pul)li1f\.f'O Or..,ge Co•1T Oaltv PllOt ~-'' 11. lf. oilnd l'ollnMry S. 17, lt1~ o•Jl Tonight's TV Highlights t\ 1$(' ! 7 i ~-:.w J·'irsl Annual Con1cd y :/1rlo . .. . . . . . FIRST RUH' "The Naughty Stewardesses" • 'FLY ME " (R) 'F:1111ia.~-· First • 'Hot L' High; 'Barney' Low Nl-:\V \'O RK (,\l'I Ntt'ls cn figure:.. tlu.· 11 ~1 :\\\~1 rd .... 'l'h1,_• funn iest m('n <in<I \\01ncn in thl· f·111l ·rt ;1inrnc·nt \\(1rld :1 :-. l'hus L'll h .\ 1l1t·1r JH 't'I':-. ;1rl· honc1 1't'd ton ight l!J 11(•11.\ \\ 11od C lJS ' µv pulu1· .. All 111 lht• 11 .. n ·~ :!jl rno:.l·\~·at«hc~ l============'lf'~1mlly .. series lo ppC'd pr11g r ::1111 :. 1:1:-.t \\'L'(' last \\'(•c k ·s n;1t io 11al \\l•re : "All in I.he l•\11n 1 televis io n rulings. but ;1 Iv'' (CJ-\SJ ; "S:111fortl ;ind 'Ill ' 1 : i !1 iM 1 t .111«1;-. 'r <i 11nt·1 \ l1l.1l'k \i•Htl1 1.:-d i'l 'IHlr:i g t.'d in hi:-. ;11 !1 •rl1 p t.., !11 .1111·11!1 ·r r11n1;111 11 1).'.I! Schn11I /l.1 \J1[ 11,1 rt 111.111 ,,r,11 -. ('!~~ 1'11 II :10 1;l1t111 l'r;1 1 ~ ·"'ll '\~·11 ... l1 1 111,.:-... 111 ~ ·1\'1·h.11.it•t1 ·r1d l '(•\t·r <;11 nn 111 !In· IH .' 'l"r1"l 'll 1n 1111.., 1~14.7 11101, 11 · \\li lt l . .0111,1 ll1 ·\u fl,t11d J·;tl \..,111·r TV DAILY LOG Wed nesday Evening JANUARY 29 Th ursday DAYTIME MOVI ES , I0:00 1 t1 "Sl~lt1tr •II lel!I~ •ft111t"j (~••) ·~/-ll1(ba1d Ii'"· J.wi Sl'-r hn~. Dan DmycA. (D "I. 1111! Jurr .. (myi) 'SJ-Rill 11 loutl, l'"~lon litttf!, PtR«ir. CdSI!• Jl:OOO "Mvc•t11m o1 M"<• r.io·· (~th) 'Ji-liMf Cooper, :0..P,lld Gu rie. RA11I l!A1ttbotoe. ll:JO (D ''Coltuus 11 lrhode~" hdv) '£.I -1!01r t1lhoun. I•~ MJ~\~" 12:00 Q) '1~n If [ltrnit(' l~dv) ·~'1- f..orMI Wildt. Voetoo.i Sl!n•. MIC~l'J '\loi!ugflnt~~r 1:00 0 '"Sllblr.1ri11t Sf•-,.•# hdv) ·~ -John Denlle1, &tu H1l1er. p0s's ~.m le th! wrr~pl ,,Qc Pl the pi rtoc,I .. a1ld i.·,,~·•"I 111."'' 8tOo>~•' Bundy, ht.lion ~'''"'• I ,,n \','"-l•oll, ~nd L.1~1u1tr 1•1,·,,•nioo r.11t~! 0 LUCAS TANNER RI SKS *JOB TO KEEP NEW REBEL STUDENT IN SCHOOL! TON JG HT . 0 0 l f6}•1olEDluc 's r,nnt• "W~a! s Wion~ l't11h 8oL01t'I Lu~•\ l"nner o!le1s to h'IP ~ hiar~ ,,,.·~ "'heir ~es"e to aHfnd f1~trJn fl•~I• c. 01\COuMV,'d by h11 h11d~ne•! n·,1~1 b!othe•. Yihc m)11ls rh e )"Qljll! \l.J• rn th,11 G"n n'1i~bOlhMd ft. I Spr W S•1•11 lo Ad•,nlurt fl) Tht4\1e 1n Amtflc• '1 11~ c''·l p~,, Ire Gr.1nt J'"I hJn~ 1.,111•1·1!1 II.JI '° Ch,~hv" I pl.iv ,11iu~1 ni. n' pr~penS•ly 101 ne~11~~1n,, 1·11r,r h• 11 c'lse',I in 9:lCl l Nt"\ ~ W1nd-t1lu1h l Chucho Avtll•ntl Dt•m• (E Wh"' h !ht Rt1I b p1n? lDil<ll· ·.{ ..... -.... "'"_ ,, , • , . :;.u fL"4flt\'ffT~Jbh;'rl~, ~ *MAN HUNTER· BEST BE T f) 17 J 8 M'nhun1tt !1 .. ~r.-c,1h M 1i · A rh~1; .,,,, .... , .1 ,,,,. 01 rnu1cr1ru "'"'· ~,,,, .. ;, '16 "Toun~ Mr Pit!" 1~1.1) ·4~ ~r.11•!1 ll<Jn<I, f111brl! M "ol~~ 7:JO tA1"lhe t nunlry Gi1I" In••) ·1,~ (,1.1(/' l\t!lv, Woll•~"' llol1l•n f11~p t.rn~l1y (?J. ft.) (CJ #lh~ B~to1\ Gun" 1,11,) 'f.!1-N1(ol W1ll•an1 .mo, 1 '" ltf•lm, tla~•d w.,.nei. l:OO 0 "Th~ l111ti1~rd Aft~•I'' tdnl ''t/-lln. I: Hu/111,n, ll~loM ! ',1.•t~, /)Ot~1~/ t.1Al(IO(, (IOi (t) '1M L"I D'1 ti !ht W,r (1lr~) "69-Georgt MJ!i.ln~, M,m~ Pei!i(.1\1-y. l:JOfJ J "Vtkt in 1111! Mirro1" (clr,l '!.8 l!ic:bJ1d U:••. J11loe I l'llldrofl. 0 (Cl ~. C.k's l:11dtn~ ld1J) •1t1-ll1n~ Cro'ihy. 11~11~ Conl'tr~~. lll)'1hf 0dnnc1, KOCE Television t:• ICHOOL DISTRICT NEWS f() IO(QC£J J:IO A"'f.lllllCA (C) (PO!".) J:•I FACE TNE STUDElifTSCC) .If MATH ,-A CTORY(C) :JJ INSIDE /OUT (Cl :ct COMMUHJT'f D,-LIVING NHtU)S !CI :ot lL.ECTlltlC COMP""y fCJ Cf'Wl :)f VIL.LA ALL.!011111 fCI IPSSI :• 9Y A ..tU•Y 0" HIS Plilll:S LUCILLE BALL '" MAM[ (PG) A.LSO "CHALLEHGE TO BE FREE" Jomti Caon "THE GAMBLER" IRI • G cOf'l)e C . S<:olt "BANK SHOT" rM •·"""f V-~.t.~~ ·-· • , ......... 0 1 • .... A.C.lt,DEMY AWARD ALL· TIME FA VORITE "DR . ZHIVAGO " ' Storrinq Omar Shc11·1t C A LL THEATRE fOR S H OW TIMES ,, ...... 91 .... ..,<111SI ~.·i. 111• ONt' AllA Dtillfl IN IUN' -n l.,, ,_. tOWlllNG INfllNO "'"' LIG(NO 01 Mf:ll HOll~I "'I IOST.OCI- ' .. , "'" ... ..... .. __ ....., TH( lONGIST YARD '" """'•NTH I~ • ···•·· ... "'" ., ._ .. , \11 !]/ 1 ''"" ... ... _.,, .. '"" l o"n • \\I 1011 s.-g..,,,, .. , .. ........ ~.-.. -.. . • ..... i. ... .. \•I 1111 '°"' l.fltK.lfl TRI Al Of llll Y JACK 1N11 '11/S • .-. c... (INDERlllA lllflT'f '" .......... ...... ..... •1·• 14' l~tl llO.Jllf lltl \~Sf!! GfNI llA(ll,IUN FRENCH CONNICTION 111 PLUS e SIYIN UPS 111 ,_ ......... lAW I DISOIDll111 IOl!!!..Q!_ flAIUUSff ,. nl'\\I AHC cornt>rly s cril·s. Son'' :111cl ''('1111·0 and lh•· "Barnt•v ~l illt·r ." did l\1 ;111 " \hnth NISCJ : "!\\ poorly . ,L c cording to 1\. l · A·S ·l I.·· · · 1\1 ;1uclc. ·' ···rh(· Ntl'ls<·nfij!u r~s. \Valtons .'' ·•<;:111non ·rhe AR<: shn"" lnis t·tl .. Good ·r1n1 t.>s:· ·"rht• .lt·t on the hft• o f a Nt:w York fL'rsons " ~ind "llhud:1 P olit·e l'<.llllain , ohl y (a ll CRS J , ··1•011 1·1· W o m a n . · ' ' · A 11 11 pulled an t's llmat1·d 20 pcrcC>nl sh;1re of the :1u· i\·1:.il'J,larct SpC"c·i:d '' ;ind dicnrc in it :-. time period "l .ittlc l lous.· on Thi· 1'hur!>ll;1 y . 'l'hc nL't"·n rks Pra1ril··· (;il l N li(.'1 ('onsicl c r '.lO Pl'rt·cnt ;i sign "1\1 ary 'f y lt•r J\l1>tJft' .. :111.J ··1 1 ~\\l:d1 t 'ivc·Cl .. (t'J);-;1 nf :.ut'C'f':-.s. •·\V o rld of J)is 11 t·y.· llO\\'l'Vt•r. anoth1 ·1· new i\ltC('OlllCd VSl·rics. •'Jlol ''\\'orld l'r1..·n11t•rc l\lo\ I. ll;dt1n1nr1·," did l1l·ttcr IL'. "Su ncl ~i v l\.tvslt'f'' l\lnvit·. · ·' l'oiu·l: St11r) in its l·'rid;1y 111 ght 11r1..·-:i 11 tl . S ni 0 t h (~ 1·.., ni tt'l"L', rt•g1:.tt•r1 n g a :11 L··s''l ·ill f'.:BC..'!. p e r t' , • n t ~ h : 1 r L' o r ; 111 -r;!Jl:!!IJ!:i!~;;l;ll.!.l.!i~"""""-"" dit>llt't' 111 lht• ra11ngs l'ur <.,..,, .. ,,, ... cco.,,.-.. i)~"" Jan.2(1.21;. '5-tjt).IJ !(J;/f.?1.r,~ 'J'he prt·nlll'r l' s hO\\ of ~~ .~ th e s 1.·r ics. ,,·ho...;p 1·:1st CJf l·hara('ll'rs includ1·s \\\'1l p1'0SlllU1t•,<.; ;oat :I pair Of vlilvrlv hnn111:.v_,11;1l S, \\'<IS rt<ll'l'\t·d un i.:rnunds of 1·01111·111 by :.!:t11on \\l.t Z •t'\" 111 H:ll t1 111111·1'. i\1d . '('1•n tl11LL•1" 1\)~(" ;1f f1l1 :.1 lt':-. d l·1·1Ln1·tl \4• ;11r l h1 · l1r:-t :-.ho1\ ;1l 11:-. .... t·bt•d11h·d l HllL' l·'r1d :1y 111 g h1 :111tl dv lay1:.•d 1 t un t 1 ~ :. I ,1tt'J" hour. 1\t·co rd1n µ tn \h t• DAILY PILOT •SURFfMG FILM FESTIVAL• Thi1 i1 th• La1t I. Final W.eek af Th ii W inter'\ F<estivol & we·re w i11di111:1 II 'If' with 011e o f the Bell ~w Fil1111 ... "T"LES FROM THf TUlf .. Su1!Pr M ;ig,1z 1nt• -..tvs "Edited 10 Pl ·flPC ltOll QUO d v,1r11•ty 1-lyn am I C oi l. I I U I) & e"cellenl CH1:thty ~lU \ '"· ''"' l Olill .. UC.U\! \UUIQA•D 2 Show\ Hi9htly • 7:)0 & 9: )0 .. '" "VAHISHIHG WILDERNESS" l II• ~\,O OS "MEMORY OF US" I :J 5-]: I 5·5:00,.6:4>1;25· I 0: I 0 DUSTIN H O ffMAM "lfHMY" lRI "MfMORY OF US,. .. lOYf AHO !'AI M .. tPGI "LAW 3 DISORDER (R) "OWL & THE PUSSYC AT " tRl !HE CIT Y SHOPPIN G CENTRE. ORANGE •!>J2.6121 'f!S c ITV t:lN THf CINE.MAS S A, fRWV !MANCHESTER[)(.) G G. FAWV (C ITY O R. EXJ A "FLESH GORDOM" IXI V "MYRA IRECKIHRIDGE" ··u.w & DISORDER" IRI A "OWL& THE ~ P'USSYCAT" IRI "THE LOMGES T YARD" "SER ,ICO " IRI "ft-e'!Klt COllnecti-" ''THE SEVEH UPS" lltl Sp«o•I P11<:0 12:30 IO 2:00 p .m. In., ... S... & H.....,.. Sl.lS 30 p m "MEMORY OF US" CIHEMAI ROBERT REDFORD "JEREMIAH JOHNSON" SOMf FOLICS CALL THEM A."'41MALS Challenge to be Free ~ f..ty 16rd Mcrtlnl'• R""-cfli ""C•I S.t/S.ll. 'fil 5 P·"'· Door' Op~ Daily 6:45 Sal. Sun.·l :lO GlORGE c.scon ' 'BANKSHOl ~ .... Early llrd M.tl111"1" Reduced l'rlcl's Soi. Sun. 'Tit S l'.M. Ooort O pen Doily 6:'45 Sat. Sun. I :)0 'MEET MR.DCXl.EY .. ALSO ST,tJtltl~ ,I &JISj KENYON '· ...... r ., r T -• Orange Coast EDITl6 - , ' • Today's C losin g N.Y. Stoeks iOL. 68, NO. 29, 8 SECTIONS, 78 PAG6S ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 197S c TEN C E NTS Hinshaw Win Cost $5,900--So Far ByGARYGRANVILLE Ot Ow 0.hr Potol St•tt Thi' ('Ollnly bill fur l~cp L\n drC'A-' l·l in s ha \~··s C){·NC\•.'porl Beach ) suc<.·cssful t972 <.·anlpa1gn is al S5,900 and risini;, tht• Daily J>i!ot le;1rnccl today. It n1~1 y j'.;!1 b eyond a prL·dictl'd l evel o f $10.UOO. 'fhe report of the dollar loss in c:ounty funds as the r esult or as- st-ssor 's office personnel alleged - ly working in 1-linshaw's cam - paign on county time came at the halfway poi nt in a n audit ordered by t h e Co unt y Board of Su pervisors. So rar. reliable sources said, the I I rown Planner Meeting Secret? B y ALAN DIRK l i'\ 0 1 I ... D.ally P1IOI St.Ill Qualified S e niors May Limit Classes Despite dissent rron1 <t father and a stude nt representative, Newport-l\.1 esa Unified School \\'t.•;a:1thrr Increa s ing c h a n ce of s howers t onig ht clearin g Thursday, according to lhe weather service. Chances 0£ r ain about 60 percent this evening . Highs Thursday 56 to 60. Lows tonight in 40s. I NSIDE T ODAY Does ,•winging prqd~ "hqppi· . ness and -adjustment" in mar- rki.ge or doe .. it ~ tot•· /,rustra· tion, tension and i•alou.IU·'' Two view! of the subject ore present· f!d on Poge A 7 today. lndt-x AIY-S.rYlt• IU ... b... BJ L,M ... .,. M Glll .. r11la Af C.l'MrC-er~r 1111 Cla11tflN Ol·tl CMnl<t Ct4 Crn1w .. 11 Cl4 O..tllNeUc•1 At ••lt«11l l"•1• ,., t:"""1•l,.m111t ... , Fl-. ll·S F... C.·lt Fwtt19'•tct rf aJ ....... K ... CJ MllL•,...,. ci MalllM• ... , Mt-.le1 ... , ,.,.,I< ••• ., ~u•I 1"11"4' M N1t+M1IN1w1 Al o.-1.,..c111111., ••• 1"..,i1 Cl~ 5.plf'l1 .,., Or.Stt.ill(..-1111 All Tt11-.l1l..i M T,_,.t1n ••·1 W1atller M Weri.Ntwt M tn1stees voted 5-1 Tuesday to al · low certain qualified seniors to 1.akc only lYiO classes per day this sem ester Trus tee Donald Smallwood, who opposed the action. said he reared the s ta ff would allow senior s without serious inten- tions to lake the shortened day. Whe n asked how many seniors might lake advantage Of the OC\V policy, Deputy SuPt . Norman Loats said "about 160 s tudents." School ofricials said there :irt! 1,500 to 2,000 seniors in the dis· lrict. Purpose of the change iS to al· law seniors who have alre,ady completed their graduation re· quirements to take advanced courses ol a community college, or to rind a job.during their time away from the high school cam· pus . ' The c hange of policy cam e about when the school board was given the option through recent state legislation to allow the s hortene d day for qualified seniors. Seniors petitioning for the short day will be allowed to drop physical education and one other class. giving them a two·period day if they wish . • Seniors are now required to take 1:1t least four periods 1:1 day to insure '\Hat the di1trlct receives funds fo r their attendance. 1'he new !!late law will allow the district to receive the funds (SeeSENIOllS, Page /12) a uditors have accounted for lhe loss by tr<.1c ing testimony through Gr.a nd Jury transcripts that led to the indictment made last year of nine assessor's orfice cmployes. 'fhc ninl' n1 cn. all of them llinsha\\' aides "'hen he was county assessor, "·ere charged with n1ultiple counts or grand thcrt . conspiracy and ralsiryi ng records and v1olat1on of govern· m c nt codes. Shortlv arte r l ht.·1r 1nd11::tn1l·nt, the boa r·d or supervisors ordcrl!d county auditor Vi c llc in1 to dl'· termlne the ex act an1ount. if any , the county lost through the <ti · leged campaign activities. lh::1n1 is expected to make hi'> fin J I r._•port luti' next month 'l'hc sourc('!-. said thl" total 1nss 1s l"XPCl'ied to rl':l('h the SI0,000 -,11 ~1 r k pred1c tt•1! hy Assistant lli:-. tr1 ct. i\\torney l\llc:hcicl Cap1z~j al the tim e the 1nrtict1nc nts were rl' turned . :\t the time they ordC'rcd th ~· a ud it . lhl· county :-.uperviso rs n orses \'1\i\:ll~.:!\BERI. /\Fii (LIPJi :\ l\.finutt'm<.Jn 11 1 lCll'.\1 was s uc· ccssfull y Ja unchf'd fron1 Vanden· be r ~ Air ~·or\:'r. JJ;.1~c Loday by a North lJakuta combat crew, the Air Foree :-;a id AREA STORJES 1-"'ountain Valley ponde r s a poli ce contract. Nc"'l>Orl Beach dc l;1 ys <1 c tion· on a C<tble ·serviec franchi se pact and a veteran police of ricer di es in Costa Mesa . l'hese stories. and others, ap· pe<1r today on Page 0 2. Caspers Term Filled Mesan Pleads In Murder A Costa i\l1 ·s;1 c<ir'pcnt er :Jl' t·us<'d o f c u lt111g: hi:. \\'ifl'·s throat al the height of :1 rlo mcs-t1c :-;p;1t plccided innUtt·nt lo n1l1rrl c r charges 1'ucsrta .\· ;111tl was or d e rcd to f:1(·e 1r1;.1J J\1a rch 2·1 in Orange Counl Supf'rior Court. Judge K<'nn <'lh E. l,ae further order-ed th at Pat:I Edward Grieser. SS, of 310 Vi ctor ia St., r e· turn to his c:ourtroom Ma rch 14 ror pr-ctri<il ;.1cti on lie is held in t he county j:i il \\·ith bail denied . Grieser ""'as ;1r rc::;ted l:ist Nov . 29 s hort]\· aft er Cost a l\1 esa police fou.nd thl' hody of "-1rs . E s th er Gries er. 57. in th e couple's ap:.111.mcnt . ~ter dea th had been reported by the defen· dnnt, puli ce said. Bilingual Data 'Wrong' Sc~ol Chief Says Government Erred • in Report lly HILAJlY KAYE pleteµ an ethnic survey in 1972 , 011,..~1"11.ts~" that included the irtfOrmation Superinteiident John Nicoll as· th,at there we re 905 students with serted Tuesda_y that t.he federal Spanish surnames and 354 Orien· ·government t;15ed false data in ,fAJ ch ildren. accusing NeWpOrt·Mesa Unified The s u.,'erintendent said the School Disirjct of having an ii· government used this informs·· legal bilingual education pro· Uon lo determine the number of ~ram . b!lingutil students, not lhe di s· Ni coll told trustees that Spanish,.""' 1' pwn lallytof 80 bilingual s urnamed descenda nts of · tsint972, Calironia pioneer s and fJfth· ~sa,id most of the ethnic · general.ion Oriental youngSter s amcd yo\1ngsle rs s poke were in cluded when the federal Entp!!htJuenUy. civil rights office tallied the N'.twpQ~·Mesa was cited last number of New"ort-Mesa 1wcekby, ecivllrightsorfice ror children who speak a primary '1belhg o of 333 school district s language other than English. 1~prov.idi · inadequate bilingua l I-le said that the dis trict con1- The rederal government ae· cused lhe district of having more than 1.000 bilingual pupils but provid jn g bilingual classes ror less than 10 percent of them . When, NewJ)Ort·Mesa officials received the news they spent several days trying.to (igure out where the 1,000·pupil figure came from . l 'hey said they could only (ind 165 pupils to whom Engll&h w~s a second langua~e and that each of these is enrolled In the bilingual program. Nicoll said they could only con· c.ilude that the figure came from <See DATA, PageA2l r s ;ud tht• l"OUt1ty :-.hould l"\~\l •·ct \\'hi.ilt.'\'C'I" funds n11 gllt '1 :1\ 1~ hf'1·n lost fru n1 lhc hondtnk •·11111 1>.111 \ t h ~tl h111n\ed J l1n:-.h.11\ 11 hen h~· 1\·:1.'>" <·11t1 111 y c>n1p l111" lln 1\'l.'\1·r lhL· l1u.11·d 11111 nut n1akt• .1 1lt·l·1:-.1011 011 th~· h L·:-.1 n1ethorl .. 1 i:n tl L·l·ll n l-'. !hi· alll'g(•d lo::i t lu nd:. u11t1l Lt r •'l"t 'l\t'" lll·Jn1 's fina l rl'pnrt e Two Held In Sex 'Offe rs' A Santa Ana couple. accu ~ed or co nspiracy to com mit pros titu· lion ror allegedly plastering v.1i nd s hie lds of lu xu ry c art; around 1hc ()range Coast ·.vith hundre ds or handbills ac1 ve1·ti~· ing tr.cir sexy "'a rcs, Y.'ent tll court today The bizarre case of mass con·1· n1unication and alleged sex·for· sale orig ina ted lhrec days ago "'ith complalnts about a firm identified onl y ~1::; S.A.S.S., ac: cording to Costa Mesa police vic:e and inte ll igence dclccl ives. They soiid they ans"·crcd the ;.id plat'ed under a \\"in<lshic ld "iper by the o rgani zali1.111 "hose niotto is '"!"leasing i "o u I:. Our Bu.-; i Ill' SS,'' rcsull1 n ~ in th e l 1\'11 ;1 r - rc~ts l>l'tcctivc 1.,eo J11nL'S "·as among a learn of six officers led hy Detective Sgt. Gene Norde n. v.·ho rtiided the alle,:!crl prostitu· lion den at 727 S. Lyon St .. Sa nt<1 1\na . S u s a n l .y n ''K<.1bibi "' Fu lker son , 22 . and llllly .J oe ··s weets'' Bona1>artc, 23 , both of 3.:K>6 Ches~nut St., Santa 1\na, were ta'ken into custody . They were scheduled £or ar· ralgnme nt today in Central Orange County .Judi Ci:.:i l Di strict Court, Santa Ana. with bail set at $5,000 when they we re hooked iri· to Orange County ,Jail. 1'hey are charged both with conspir;.1t•y to conlm it. prostitu· lion and mainl<.iining a place where prostitution is being con· ducted. Investigators a llege Miss <See SEX, Page A2) Art D estroyer Le a ves Rome Rd~t E (UPI I -Lazio Toth. \\'ho smas hed ;1 !\1i cbelangclo mast e rpiece with a h am m er three years ago, has tert ror Au stralia under guard, still pro- <:laim-ing himself the son or GOO and vowing he will return to drive Satan out of the Vatican. Two airline guards TuesdHy escorted T oth onto a Qantas Airlines jetliner lo Sydney. 'rhc pilot of another Australittn t1ight eight dll ys ago rerused lo a ceepl responsibility for Toth unless !jQ. meone guarded him. Toth , a Jl ungnri.Qn·born Au stralia n. last Weck e nded two years In an asylum ror c ci-imin.al- ly insanc. .. . •\. • 'lll DAIL V PILOT c SESSION • Wlldnnd!y • .t.lU!!y 29, 1976 • ·, • • ' ·, cl06ed doors Uons for au statlom be made .. ••1 guess we thoaeht we could more rettrictive, lhal movie say som ething but the attorney theaters be granted attraeUon said no. Otherwise we would bo11rds wlth chanceable copy have if it was legal. That was it." signs to announce pro1r1m changes, and that motel sign al-The Daily Pilot wa s not lowances be computed on the -represented al Monday night's numbe r of units rather th a n commission meeting . The Dai ly highway frontage if that would Pilot"s inqu iries were prompted give the m bigger signs. by a <1uestion from a read~r. ":ho Com missione r Nate Jl.e a de attended the n1eeting . s aid that after Campaana had Section 9of the s ignordinanC'e ca ution e d the fi ve co m - tht:' ordinance beca me law last missioners that they could not April -resurfaced as a pubhr is-meet in groups of three o r more, sue bet·ause the eity t·ounc1J re-the commissione rs agreed to cently a sked lhe plc.111 nin~ com-meet "separately, one or two, so mission to resolve the issue of we can m ake our suggestions." 'vhether the re should be s pec ial Commissioners Reade, Shafer. exceptions undt•r the sign or· a nd Leonhardt all agreed that no d in ancc before a no ther or-perso nne l issues o r pending d in an cc th al .,.,.,J u l d ban lawsuits -topics covered by the billboards is tackl c>d . llrown Ac t for executive session Planning Commissioner John -\.\'l"re d iscussed al the meeting. J.,eonhardl said he was 1.1nder the They all said that the thrust of impressio n that the Mond a y the meeting ...,.as to bring the sec· nig ht meet ing was not a n ex-tion forwa rd to the publi r. and ec:utive session -"1twas asludy pointe d ou t , <.1.s d id Co m - session." missio ners 1-1 . J . Wood and I le s aid that the publi c was in-Clarke, tha t lhe matter would be \'ited and noted lh<.il <.i contractor discussed at a public meeting of did attend. the commission f''cb. 10. 'fhey all ":r a pes of the m eeting quote stressed that the re was no at- Planning Commission chairman tempt, and had been no intent, to C. C. Cla rke calling the se~sion a t circumve nt the public or r each 7 ::~0 p .m . in the council cham· d ecisions before th e matter is bcrs by s aying, "At this lin1e we brought to the public. They dt·· <.1 re goi ng to adjourn to an ex · ni ('d tha t any d('clsions had been ccutive .session in the.• b ack madc orany instruclions givcnto roon1 .'' the st~1 ff. Apparently at the executi ve 1'he mattcrhad lX'£'n scheduled session the concern of com-for discussion at a study session missione rs was lo determine pro-Feb. 3. in conjuncti on with a pre· cedures on how they could s ub· s e nl J ti o n on the proposed mil their differences with the bi llboard ordin ance by the sign staff report on the special regul a · compani('s but tod ay it a ppeared lions to the ci ty council. unlikely that the matter v.·ould be Leo nh a rdt said the com· discussed Feb. 3 ,because the ·missioners .... ·anted to know commissione rs' vie-....·s wilt not whether they could put their re-have been submitted to the staff -commenda tions on a separate bv then. sheet from the staff study, a nd · \Vood noted that the co m - not just have the commissioners' m issioners had he ld a study recomme ndations marked by an session o n section 9 of the sign or- asterisk. dinance Jan. 21 and agreed that "We w a nted to know how we he had "hoped to talk it over could do lt legally and not upset some mo r e" a t the executive the staff,'' Leonhardt said. session but did not because of What apparently was agreed Campagna 's cautions. INVESTOR INTEREST IN IBM OBVIOUS AT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Heavy Trading After Antitrust Sult Victory Caused Deley f 'rot11 Page ,I I CRASH • • suffered in the c.•rash at Royal Palm Ori ve and Baker Street. Poli ce sa id passenger s Kris tine L . Lans dal e. 23. of \ ""' I \ Brisk Trade \ Marks Stocks' .. \ Upward Trend Orange. and Christopher D. El-TOMGHT NE\V YOfiK (AP>-The stock Jiott , whose age was not li sted. of BASKETBALL -Costa )1esa market headed upward ugain to· Garden Grove, were also in the .a l Est ancia. 7 p.m. \Vestern at d ayinbrisk tradingafteran earl y process of being admitted lo the Newport Ji a rbor, 7 p.m . OCC at pause for profit-taking. county m edical center. San Diego Mesa. The c losing Dow Jones aver age Nursing supervisors said their "ftOT L BALT I~1 0 R E" -of 30 industrials was up 11 .19 condition had not been formally South Coast Repertory Theater, points to 705 .96. Volume totaled lis ted, but Costa Mesa police said through Sun. 8 p.m . 27.4 n1i 1Hon shares. Miss La nsdale was ta ken to "ALCOllOLI Sl\f, AN AODIC-It appec1rcd so1ne new buying . . -. . Oakland Device Set Off OAK l • .1\NI) (AP l -1-lelmeted de n1 olit iO n t·xPt.·rts found a bon1h In t hL• fedl.'ral Uuildin~ llJday a ft er a d1·an1atic search und night-lvng: vi gil , then draggl'tl ll into the ope n street and set it ol f with two small t.'xplosions. 'fhC' left ist . anti,v:i r \\lenlht.·1· l l 11 d t' I" g I"{) u II d t' I ;1 i 111 l' d re~ponsi l.J il 1ty for pla11t1ni:: the de STATE DEPT. RIPPED BY BOMB. Story, Page A4 . vice on the sevt:nth fl oor, It \\'i.LS an t•st irnaled 10 tu l.'l pounds or high t.•xpl o:-0 1 \'t'~ in :11\ ~tllache Ci.ISl.." 1\1,"!l'llt S :-,;iid Ll t'!IU\d ha\•e ripped c1ff l hl' curnt•r uf the huilJ- ing and de:-.lt"\)~l·tl tilt• :-.t·vc·ullt f\t)()1· If it l\;1d l.'X\!lOdt•tl 111:-.idl!. lnsll'.:..Lc!. till· l>o n1h explorlC'cl \\'ilh ;i rn;ir th~ll shuok nl'arhy buil dings o.1 nd hrokc a couple l'f \\"indows in the thil·d noor 1lf lht• (ll'orge I'. J\·1ille r 1'~1·dt•ra l l ~udd ing-. No injuries \VCJ'(' report(!d "Thill 's IL 1'h;1! 's th e bi g Ulll' .. p 111 t<'l' ol'f l Cl'l"S :Vt' Ile ·d l"t~clcral il )..:L'll\:-lilll nd lh1• h 111nl1 li tking in <111 ;1tt:1cl11· 1·a :-l· :ihn\'I" the f<tl s1· t'l'illng pa111·ls 111 " !>('\'C'lll h floor N;t\'.\ ot fll"L' 'l'h l·~ L'lllt•re ll !ht• IJ L11!d111g :-.c·c nc of \"\Oll'nl ;.1ntiv.•;1r prull'sls in the J!H.ills against th(' Arrnt·d f'orcc.s lnducti1Jn ('l'fllvr h11t1;-.L'd lht'fl' s horll\' ;1flL'rti~1 111 . Sho.rtl y bt•fort' the ~ca r c h bc~iln, a won1an ide ntify ing herse lf a s :1 mcn1lic r nf the \VC'at hl'r Undl·rgruund called the Oak land Tribune antl told the nc. .... ·sp~ipcr v.·hich room the bomh "·as in . f 'r11m Page A I DATA • • • Costa Mesa Memorial Hos pill.II in TIVE DI SEASE" -Dr. Robert came into the m a rket when an critical condition be£ore being Schmitz lecturer, Ra leigh I-lilts expected round of profit -t aking lransfe rredtothecountyfacilitr . 1-l os pital . 1507 E . 16th St . a ttheoutse tprovcdto bemild. the ethnic s ur\"t'Y s ub n1it!C'd in "All three are extre mely lucky New port Beach. 6.15 p m In Some investors nlso evidently 1972. "i\t av I puint out that our.35 1 µpon wa s tha t eac h com · .. , was one who wanted to dis- plissioner could submit his re-cuss it more in detail -you kno w ~ommendation separa tely to the you don 't make hard and fast de-~ ~~:~ ~~!~~~~d th~~~~-~ile_._ ~i~io~;~_.i.~?~~ 1~~.~~~~Jf~t __ 1.heSlaff s tudy. , Wood sal"a he felt that person· they were n't killed," declared formati on 645-5707. took 1t a s a bullish~i n that the _ .. ~:1~1~~a:_I c l.w_!~r~.l l'q_Il~ti\n 1,h• .. .-1 ~ .Lt Re.can , ·-· .... JJCJ LE.CTURF~"i ~ "~~1ru:.r l\:..".i..~· .__ .. ~ • · ~ ' ... ' :.i • )i y :.fjflh-~f'ic r ::i 11on ;,, .°'.. __ ;._ ·~<'!~'¥&~~-~~'L.,::-..-a. .... _,..,..h -.vq··~Ystc811 .;ne~an ~(l"ly to l he ;:ews that the JapJnl'se and Clu nese familit·s driving northbound on Jloya l Scicncl's Rldg., G p n1 Poetry governnlt'nt·:; ind <'>. of l eadin ~ ...,·ho do not £'Ven use a lan ;q~ua~l~ .. . Basically, the staff study re· nel issues were discussed at tbe commends that auto dealers re· meeting. "We went into person- e!elve no special consideration nel issues between us and to the under the ordinance, that regula· staff.•· -<:? ~ ~ ~ Planning Chairman Palm Drive at an ppparent higb Writing _ Works hop. Room 257 cconotnic indi"aLors posted its other t han Englis h tn the homL.,·· speed when h.is powerful s port Humanitics HaJl.7p.m fift h s traight monthly drop in Nicoll ...,·rote in a letter to coupe clipped a pa rked car and Decem ber. \Vas hington. careened out of control. headon liig Board volume for tht• first "And . m ay I lurthC'r mention into a parked van across the Tiley Got Poi.ill t,~·u hours tot:llcd ~ 1 million ~~~·~d~!n~~--~~~.a~'/~~hos~uf3°~~i~~ s tree t. .s harC's ;1Cli ve by o rdinary . . f The 3,400-pound-van \VHS BURLI NGTON. Mass. IAP J stand;irds hul ...,,ell be low the <'x -resided in C:11ilonua be ore thr hurtled backward into a second d pioneL·rs , onl y a fra ction :ire van· -whose owner had ~one in lo ·rhe Ilu1·linglon Sthuol Com n1 it-:1'~~~.~;;n~:1~.r,·:,1.'.;,h1.-",,"_\"Y pace of l\1un dominant in ~tny langungc other f tee was discussin" hirin" S<'C'u ri-·"' th E I<' 11 "h" "dd"d h is house just moments be ore -'"' '"' L' f an ng s . .._." ... ty supcrvisor:s to control van-PJnhn :dt(•rcd l 1i.t0Jl~S.onlhe Ni('o!l tnld tru~t('es hC' hOll('fl ~~~ir:w* ~:Jkaj::,ro~toi~1\~ ~~~ dalisn1 .,.,·hen a rock V.'as thro .... ·n het·l s (If ;1 ~1 -~,,-point s lid e Tue:.da~· the letll't' ....,·11uld l'xplai n th1· J Airs Sign 'Rules' front or the house. through a windov-11'uesday ni ght attr1 hutl·d to ~1n :1dvc·r:.c report in fe deral s n.1fu to \\'ashington ul into the s r hool room .... ·her e tht>>' :• mcJi~·al JOurn;ll uf some nral 1,-c,-.. 1" ,.,0 ,1 ,.,,.1,,,10 1110 ,1,.,,,,.,.1 Police s a id the accident re· r •~ d d b th " " were m eeting. Police said thc1·e < t<Jv ('tl'S rugs ma c Y c com-fron1 thost• b<'in" cxan1 incd by quired a major rescue effort by Wf're no injuries pan.\·. t rpjohn called the report ,., men of the Costa 1\.lesa f''ire ··un fnundc'<I ., tht~!_!U\'t'rnml'nl. ' Cos ta Mesa P la nning Com- missio n Chairman C C. Clarke I called the executive session of t1l e commission Monday night <.it which proposed s pecial regula- tions on lhc sign ordinance were 'briefly discussed. Clark e contended t hat the special regul ations section v.·as not discussed "specifically -\.\"e just discu ssed the procedure on drafting the ordinance.'' He said that he call ed the ex- ecutive session to discuss pro- cedural m atters on the attorney's workload-the city now has a new fulltime assislant cit y attorney to work .... ·ith the plttri·1in,g com· mission. "ll seemed j us t i.ln in -house paper m atter,·· Clarke added. Clarke s aid that he believed lhe m eetin~ was not illegal "by any nicans"' a nd that no de· cis ions were reac hed on the special regulations . Cla r ke estimated that about eight study sessions have been he ld on the ~J>Ccia l reJ?ulations section in the past four months . ORANGE COAST c DAILY PILOT Jack R. Curley vie.. "'ft.ldfflt •"" c;.,,...i Mtl'*7f Thomas Keevil ~.,.,.,. ThOmas A. Murphine ,_..,...,fttElllr Charles M. Loos Richard P. Nall .-,,.,.,.,., WN'J'"ll EdolO<\ Cos11 Mtta Offi<e .... ,, .. ,SI""" ...... ~t: P.O. Bo• llilill, 9JW\; Tel.,etont (714) '42-4l2t Clauiflld Advtrtlill't9 '42·5671 CNWrlflill, 1•11 Of"• .... CH1I Pwoio,lillf>O c-.-r ......... ....WS.lhi.l•.i ...... .oi\lri.I 1 m•ll•' ., •d'ftrt~,..."o "'"1~ ••u1 .. '""""'"" wlll!HI "flfllal ,.,,,.l110ofl •I ~t_.r. t.c• c1 .. • .....,. ,..i11 et Col•• Mtw . ~ ..... """"'..,Uf"""'··-... ,; t ............ IC W•,t:"*-'~IMl .... U.• I These have bee n with represen- tatives or auto dealers, movie thea ter s. motels, and gas s ta - tions Depa rtm ent m <iin s t<.1t ion fron1 ·------------- He said the section would be brought up a t a public hearing Feb. 10. F,.om Page Al SEX ... Fulkerson agreed by telephone and in person lo engage in sexual activities with Detective Jones . who assertedly placed $60 in bills on her bedside table . Fiv e ot h er offi cers com - m anded b y Sgt.. Norden assisted in the ra id , a ft er Detective Jones signaled from a window that he had been solicited. Vice offi cers clairn they con- fi scate d a variely of evid e nce in the Chestnut Street incident, in- cluding 800 handbills advertising pleasure for s ale, a complex code used to d esignate and cross- check the luxury cars driven by cli ents and the allegedly marked money. Detective Jones alleged that Miss Fulkerson, whom he as- sertedly c alled Pooh· Bear during one telephone conversation , pro- vided a ll the evidence he felt justified. "'During·the entire time of the convers ation with s u s pect 'Kabibi' in the bedroom, this in· vestigator was aware or the fact she had no undergarme nts other than the silken shirt she wore," he asserted. "Al that time, suspect Kabibi re moved the top, exposing her comple te ly nude body to this in· vesti gator," he continued in the arrest r e port. Death Valley Tour Sia~ nearby Royal Palm Drive and Adams Avenue . Sch aefe r Am bulance S('r vi c1: d rive r R ichard Gulizia. 18, of Lakewood. then returned to the accident scene more than one hour later a fter hospita l r uns, to pi ck up or relurn equipn1ent . Police officers Mik e Donova n, S tev e S hulm an and Dick De Francisco said they heard the ambulance engine suddenly wind up a nd th e van-type vehicle roared stra ight into a parked fire truck. causing major damage. Guli zi a \.\'a s taken to Cos ta Mesa Memorial flospita! himself for treatment of n1od(•ralc hc.-.:.id lacerat ions and police s<.iid it ap· pear ed lo be a stuck throltl•· and not driver that cuused 1hl' :-.c eon dary colli sion SENIORS ... e ven for pupils who 'only enroll 111 two classes Because of scver;d ~1rg uments against lhe policy change and the fact that the bill is curr ently be- ing rewrilten in Sacramento by its author, trustees dc<'idcd to ap· prove the s hortened day for this semest e r only . They "'ill review their acti on and decide whethe r to continue it a fter the semester is completed. they said. The trustees' decision cam e after Doug \Va llace. Corona def Mar ff lg h School 's s tude nt representati\•e to the board. told trustees he disapproves of the idea. "Seniors who ask ror cx<'m(i· l ion fro m PE a rc those. who pro· bably need it the most," he c laimed. "Al so. most of those ha ving s hortened days wouldn 't go lo college, bu t would take jobs . That's not really included in the e ducational process," \V::ill uce s aid . He added that many s tude nts "sleep during their free time , anyway." Another co mplaint was heard from parent Richard Stevens . A Death Valley adventure has been planned ror members of the "'Costa Mesa Senior Citi1ens' Club. The three-day, two-night bus trip will take place Feb. 8-10. The bus will leave the C-Ommunity Recreation Center at 8 a.m, Feb. 8 and return at 6 p.m, Feb. 10. Stevens argued lhal instead of having seni ors roaming around ' during part of their school day , they should be forced t.o re m ain In class . Among the s ightti o n the itinerary are Scotty's Castle, Sand Dunes , Devil 's CornfieJd, Harmony Borax Ruins, Bad Water (the lowest point in the USA at 280 feet below sea level), Zabris ki Point, Ubahebc Crater, Pauamint Valley, Owens Lake, Lone Pine (with o view of Mt: Whitney) and Alaba ma Hills. Red Chief Named TOKYO IAPJ -An all y of Premier Cho u En-la i. Vice Premier Tenl? Hsiae-ping, has been name d chief of the Chinese army's gener al stafr. the Ky()do news agency reported rrom Pe k· Ing today. l :-.111c. Champ1nn styling for rile bt"Jc.h. ro::\t!, courts. pnt kl't :i nd :1 nklc<;. lq .1 111ac hinc ""i"h acryli c .1nJ plJlyrsttr. Po\vJL·r blue, ,t;rcrn o r navy. S,M, l . S;{,J. 'Jb u.1n & Tr:ivcl SportS\\'c:i r SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~ \~;\ ' ' ' ' I I I ,. Shop Sund:1x, South Coast Plaza, 12:00 noon to 5 p.111 . SANTA ANA, 547-72 11 •SOUTH COAST PLAZA . ~5'6-061! , '" , ,. • ~ - :A G' DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Costly Misinf orlllation The federal go\'ernment hus <iccused the NeY.1port-!\1 csc. Unifie<I School District or illegally denying bilingu a l education to it s pupi Is ()n<: of :tJ:l clistl'it:LS (•it c ll r1y the fcderul gO\'l'l'll n11.·nt. N<.•\\'port -I\<t cs::i allcgc<l ly has tliore than 1,000 bilin l!ual !-i l udents. hut fl'\\'CI' than 100 receive the spcci~ir c<lucat1 on a(·c<>rcling to the f<'d cra l folks. Shockefl dis! r·ict officials point out that they can find onl y lli5 eligililc pllJiils. A nd t·;1ch 1s ;tlrcady l'llrr11l ecl in ;1 IJil1n gu:i l pr<>gr;.1 111 ·ro ad<l 1n s u ll to inju1·~" tile gu\'t·r11n1t.•nt thr·c:c1lcn:i lo \\•it h dr~1\\' gr;_1n l 111011ey fro1n th<: tli:-;tr1 t·1 ·s bilingual progr:1111 unlt!S:-o corrt·<·tion:i art· n 1:11IL'. ·r1i ~1l 's ruth('r r1chlv ironical lil·t;111 ~l' 1h1· d1 ~11·11·t dol'sn 't 1·\·1·11 rctt.'i\·c fl·<.l t•r 1.it tun<!~ fnr the bd111).!U;d progr~11r1 So tht.• fc<l1 ·r;ll g<1ve1·nn1l·nt 1s 1tirt.:~1t1•ning to cut off funds 1t 1s n ·t g 1,·i11g l><:C<IUSC' il h~1 ~ t•rrOnl·ous d;.1!:1 :.ind \\11·ong conelusion:-i. \Vc.111<11.:r hu'v n1any lax·pa1d rnanhuur-. It ''ill c-11st lo uns n;irl thi s IJit of red tap1· :.incl ~ct ii bl :1n1 <·d un S(Hllt.' poor dt.•ft• ll~l·lt.·:-.:-. t"Olll Plil t'I'' $3,21 7 Error 'l'ht · l1ost;t! Servict' h<1 s i)ct·n tr.\ ing l!t :-.hftl lilt· 1111 agt' th:1\ rn;1dt· it lh{· hull of :-;ci n1.i11y-ii>h:1•:-. ''hen it "us t he L:.s. !1 ost ()ffic.·t· 'J'h t•rt• h :1\'t' bc1:n 1n~111\' 1nd11.:~1 tions tli ;it ii 1s s111· t:l'l'd1n,..:. th :1l 1n <til til'li\'t•r~v is i n1pro\'ing though still fa ll ing f;1 r s h ort ()r ,,·hat 11 s hn11ld ht· only if .)'O U sa\'or irony. The checks apparently \Ver e n"Jisdire<:le d lo F:scondidt> because there is only one: <ligit differen ce l>et1,1/ecn Cost a l\1esa's zi1> c.:ode and one of Esc.:(1ndidu "s . Why this :.tpparcn tly is 111orc th<..in uur mode rn J>Ost al syst<:n1 cun c.·opc \\1 ith hus not been explain e d Zip cod c.·s . y1..>u rt:n1en1l>er. ,,·crt• 1nt r()dutt.'d to speed up the 1nail. Wate r Going Up! ·rtic next \v atL·r bill rt.'C:Civt~d b\ busi ni·sst·:. ;ind [;1rge1· hou:-;c hnl<ls 111Costa 1\l t·~a sh1;u1cl rt·t'!et·! .i r:11 t• Jtl('rl'<JSt'. It 's l hc firs t 1ncreast: t·fl:l( . .:ll'd by thl' C..'o:-.ta \1t•:-.a l"i1unt \" \.Valt•r l)1 sl1il'l 1n thrt'l' ve;1r~ ~1n <l ll n1:1rks 1'11 · :-.l ;irl ;Jf a th rt.·c·ye;ir progr:1ni \\hi<·h \\'ill St.'L' s<n11•' r:itc.·~ r ise 50 pt'recrn '!"ht.• n11n1n1u1n r:1lt• ha:-. not l>l'L'll 1ncrca~t'd hut 1111111\'<I : the Sfi minin1urn \V iii no longc1· liu~ up 1111 .700 l'Ubit· fe1•1 but o nl y l .·lUOt.:llh1l' fc.·1·t. ()lht·r r:\11·:-. ,,111 liv 1111·rt•nsf·d h ~ ~lt·])S unt i l t.'\'Cl'Y b11lpa_\·er u:-.111g n1orl' lh;111 \ ,.100 cuhit· feet \\"ill pay ·1:1 <"l'nts pt·r hundrt·d ('Uhi<' ft•t•l 'J'hi s n1e:111 ~ lh;1t t ilt' \"l'r.\· big 11~t·r:-. ..... uth :1 ~ l·'1 t1rvi1•\\' S t :1 le ll<1spit:tl and the t:il.v 11 1" ('os\;1 ;'rle s:1 , \\'i ll nn longt·1· g t.·l hrt'•tl.:s l1;1st.·<I cir1 l;11:gl· <"On :-i u 111pt1011 'l'hl• i11crt.·:1Sl'S ;irt· h l'ing prese nlL'<I as costing on!.' llu .. · hi ~: u st·r~. hul t't•;d \y t.h ;1t"s 1nis!1•adinc. 11' lht· cit _,. has In pa y n1ore fnr \Valer. then th;1l cos1 i s likt•I\ lo he p:1 f..serl on. t·ilht·r In !light·r t il~t ·s 111 ' r 1·d1H 'L';1 "it:J'\'itvs (.'os1a '.\1('~:i ns \\'l'I'<' J't•111in de d . ho\\'l'\"L'l". CJI' JU~1 hU\\ St.'1·i11us 1111rl'liabl1• n1 ail dt•livt·r·v e :1n h l' \\.hl'n 11 \\"tis l'L'\"t';1ll'<I last \\"t.•t•k tl1<1t :1 1 <l a\'S \\'ere lost in dt.• li \·c.•ring l\\11 lal'gt' ehl·l'ks, fr1)1ll 'th<: ~ta l c ;i nd the county. t1J <'ily h all. '!'hi: 31 days ('ost lht.· r it .v !;ix payt·rs S:I.;!17 in lost inlt•rt.•SI . It clu t•s appl'i11· th<1t Lh l' h1h:t·s art• ncefll«I. "!'ht•\ ,,·Il l t'i11 ;1ntt' lhc laying uf llC:\\' pipt•s in the southeast ()f the c~y. ~1 11 ;1rt'a J)\~1g uerl l}y lt'aks, and lhe d ri ll ing: ol th r cl' rnorl' \\'l'll s lo gi,·c lht.• (list ri cl :..1 cht.•apl'r supply· and an i..illcrnativesourt(' from t he Met ropolit a n \\;_i - tcr Dis tri ct. 'Com1non citize11s are one thing but t/1is is {(oi11~ tul> far!' ·rh ;1t ':-. 1 h {• kind uf n1istake t h a t n1 ake:; you l:1ugh The.Second American Dear Gloomy Gus Revolution .. I 111 Stck ;111d l ll"l'd 0 1 1,Jf:UD.1•1 "' ...---------•·-----.-... , .• l'l>llJ 1 1J.Jiu.~~-... -u.;:..•;;<o;-1 n~ .... ,... .,..,. ... ~~;~~:·.'.-·.:.~;:..·.-.• ,.~,u·'l•'il'fjj11J~·t.':-. l.t·I s p111 -·.'!:~ .. ·.:ft'Ur.r~ -J t h{· hL"11nt· 1\'h<·rt· it hl·h1ngs. on the n1anHgt• '-----------··------' Oll.'111' ill':J \'l'll knO\l"S lhl' Tht• st·l'O lld Am e ri{'an Revo lu-ixistn1cn :111cl <:lcrk s \\"OUld tion took pl;_i1·c o n J uly 4, 197G. tiki· son1t· in1i)rovem f!nts fvlt.U\\'ing lh(• !''resident 's third •• lixi: and lari,:t•s1 Tax -l'ut -l n crease l'l)ST A I·. E l\I J)J,0'1' t-: t p:t lent:-p('ndin g I ll is f1r:-.t '1':1x Cut Jn c1·cast•, pru1,o:-.1·d 111 .J o1n uar\' of 1~75. \\':JS \\"itlt·I~ h ;11l1·d :iS ··t.rill1ant l'COno n11t.· I hinkini.: .. 'l'o fig ht l't.'l"l':-.:-.1011. lht.• plan -l':illl•d (o r ('U llin;.:: µt.·1·!:.ona l in- C'Ol11l' I ;ix I'S S2R. 5 h i !lion sot hal . 0.IS thl' l)r<·s1d t·nt h :q 1pi1~· expl<iined . people \\ 1 •u ld Ii a\" L' (•xi ra n10nt·y I ti :-.p{'IUl ·r .. fight 111 fl;1t 1on. lh1· l'rcsillt·nt lnt'rl•ased 01 1 la.xrs $30 hillion. so chat \h(• pC'opl1· 11·ould h ;1vc son1t•!hing tu :-pt·nd lhl'll' cxlrit 1110111·.v o n . l'us h i ng up t h l' p ri cf! of g asoline a din1t• ;i g:Lll on . I.he President tr1un1 ph;.1n ll y cxrl;.1inecl . ll'ollld forl'l' pcoplP to dri \·e lt·ss. They \\()Uld tht'n h:1ve lllOf(• lllUnC\' to s1Jt•11d fur 1111· t hi ng~ thl·y \\'anlt.·t.L L'11furtunatl'l). th<· thin gs t ho.it pt·o11 lt' ":111!1·d '' 1•r1· 111fu't' gallons ofgasoll 11 e ,,.,··r1-:R ,\I.I .. tht.• prict· ut g .1:::.ol111l' hacl :d l'cad~ duulih·d a., a T"t.'Slllt 1il !ht• 1'11("1"~\ l'l'ISi~ \\'llhoul 11ot1 1.·1·a hlt· 1·f1"1·1·\ '1111 ,\n1<·1·iean:-.' dri\'111 1.! h ;1h1\.., 1\11 otht·r ll'll c·1·nt:-. \\ ;1:-:-1111 pl~ ;t 1 lr1 II' 111 I ht· J.:;I~, :ntk . !Jul 1hl' l'r1·~1d(•n\ 11;is tll' ll'l"nlln1·LI . 'J"h :tl f;ill 111· :1nnoun1·l'cl Ins (; 1 ~a n l 1 <: S 1110 ll LI 11011 ·r ax · Cut· lr11:r1•.1:-.l' ,\nd. 1\lil'n no1 h1n g 111 ut·h h:1Jll'l'lll·d . he tollo""l'd 11 up ni lht· :-.pring 11f 19ili \\1!h h1:-. Sup1·r-(:1g.1rit1t· Sfl10 h1ll1 v n '!"a:-.: l'ut l11l'fl'il:-t• l~y no\\". g asolin e '' :1:-. :-.l·llLn g lor S.':i :1:! a g;illon Hnd lil o ·~ ,..,1111 ll\11ddn°1 \\lpt.! .\Oll f ~lll(l~h1t•l d ···r 11;1t s h lH lid rl o it ··· s:11d th1· l'rl'~1dt·nt happd) l\u\ ii :-1n1ilar :-1·1·nl· 1\:t:-. hi·in).! rcpc:itcd 1n ~·vt.•r_,. 1\111t·r1c·an hon it· :1{'rn:-.:-. the I and "I 111~l f1g u rl'd Olli , tleur ." a Gieomy Gu• <•mm tRh I•• \..oml!Wd by ... -~I •"4 00 -t R•<•••••ily r.t"-<l lM •ioo-ol Ill• ..... 0,1~•. St"4 ,...., pt1 _ ... I• Gloomy c;.,,, D•ily Plll't. "'if~ \1·oulcl sa~. ··that 11'(• 1·•1ul(I S:J\'(' S·l:l.12 by nut goin~ for (Ill!" fl' i,: u l ~i r Su nda:-o• d ri \'l'. · · ··,\rt• you out of your 111ind·1 •• hl'r hus b:n1d \\'Otdrl reply. ":"t•\!t .\'ou'll hl' :-.ugg1:st 1ng I t:ik1·th1· Jiu:-. to 11·ork. '"'by don't ~-uu :-.t•ll .\'Our 1.·ar ins l c;1d ., ·· ··111J\\' \\11ultl I J.!t.·1 to n1.1 hr1dgt.· gan1e'' But \\ ilb thl' p rice of gasolinl' s11 hig h . 11·e h:111· to cul co1·nt·rs ~0 111 t..•\\1h1•ri• ·· •·,\JI 1·1>-:hl. all r i~ht. I'll cul do1\ n 11) h ;d f :1 !Jo\\' I (If ri <'l' ad <1.\ • T ii t-: l'Rl~.SllJt:NT 1\"ltS un <ierst andabl~ fur1ou:-. In h1:-. r;1 gt·. he n1 :1d(' a d 1:-.a:-.tro1u:-. n1Jstakl.' ··r·nr bL"ill J.! hnd .·· hl' :u1n~1un ccd ;1n gr1ly O\"t•r n;1t1on;1] lt·lcv1sior1. .. ht.•nc·f•forth nont' n( .11111 l'illl ha1 L' the f:1111 LI~ (' :1 r " '!'hat . of l'OUl'!'ol', 11:1 :-. \\hCll tht• ~C'l'011d 1\n11·r1<·:1n H1•\ol 111ion hn1kt' uul '.\lob:-. s houllni..:. "C;111· v:-. autnn1nh1l1·~ or i.:111· 11 :-. d1•:i1h·· "t urrnt·d !ht· \\"h1t1• lltiU:-.l', d1 1pu ... l·d tli1· l '1"\·:-.1d,·111 :111d \\l'llll' !hl' ~!'CO!ld ]ll't'l:1r;i l1un 11! J11dt•111•n1lt·r1t·t· Jt \1:1 :-. :1 doc 111111·111 t·i·t·ry r·t·;d 1\111er1l·an :1ppl,111dt•(! "\\' t• hold t h1· ..... e I rut hs lo he ~c lf · f·\·tCJent . ··it re· et cl." 1\ll 111c·n ;u·e en d o\1 1·d \\ith four \\hC<·l s. 2·111 hurS<'PO"'t'I" and C(·rt:11 n inali t:"n· :1hle rights. 1nclud1ng t'c).!u lar. f:1 hyl and l l)e pur:-.uit. of tht.• (':n· ;1he:.idnflhc m ·· IL \\':l~ a saddt.•r 11111 \11:-.t·r l'' l'l"f'Sld('lll ''ho r 1·fl<'l'1 r rl ••n h1 -. r at a I error of J lHI g 1111'111 ··\\'h:..il I should ha\<.' dont•, · hl· s::i id thou~htful\;.·. "\\"<1s to a~k I he m lo g i,·e upt•alini:! ins tead.·· c Time t? r~~~,~·,·:q_YJ-:·-G~f;JS:~·~lJ,gg~,-~,~ 'l',n ll)l'oi::flL)'"'::,.. ·-....;l',4,/:/\.\~·1"r[· ., ] 11ou:-. <'P:-O! 1o! •• p1Jl1t•1· 111otort·~vl1 · -.:1·1·;1\11111 1-. 111 u10 · ll 1:1n I i·:in ,ftj..\S l~t:H c'J t"S' (·~,.\·t;rnn11·nt 1:-. rt.·~tl "'l'1'l'd<·il 1h;1\ ul' :1 pul1e1· l';lr :-.11.illu11 I I 111 1 MAILBOX l'·.,,,,.,,,,,.,1,1 ''''''' 11 ·,1 .> ,·, 11l,•1111 111 11ti"·L1111,·.l:-.1:11<·.:-.111f,·u ·111)l .\' :O.t'l"IOU:-0 ;1 )OU IL' t'Oll:'il'l"\'<l 11>11 _ .,ff!Jt•l.th1·11L'ong r l·ssshuuld in1 , . 1i11 ·l ·~.\ H1·1' .. r1•lh1·1·11dutl~ro:1 p11r1:-. .d111u( :i11 111 ·1····111 uf its n1ed1:t l l'J.\· t•Jl:i<'1 !eg is l:.llion 1111,.• l\:111.1:-.:il.1 pol1<·l' 1no!11r("~1·l l' p1·1 rnlL·11n1 l]lt·I\ 1111 -.l1 ;11 ·l·, a s a 1·~t:11ll1:-i h1n g p ;1 r;1 0ll't(•r s 11f l .1·//1 ·r.~· /run1 rrui/t•rs ur1· 11 1'/i'1in1<· \1dl ht· l1uil1 :II lh;i\ pl;nl!. tll•· :!II >-:.dlun l't'I' 111·"k 11:-0 \'I", L::. l; r. p L·l"f 111·111 :1 !l("l' on n1 i l1·ag1,.·. \11rr11<1ll!! 11·1'JT1·r~ .\/1n1J/rl 1·u111 •·11 :-.;11))(' pl;111! th;d :ilrt•:id.\ t•rYip!o.\.., :..::1111111 ... IL'.l"lllJ..' 1:J I 111 dunll·:-.t1t· hur:-.i•po\ll'I" a_nd \\l·ighl linlit;1 ll1t•1r lfli'.'iSO!/I'' 111 ''11111 1·ord.~ ur /,.,, ..,1·v1·r:1l 1h1111 :-.,111d :\lllL'l"il':tJl:-. 111"1'.!1!1 \t11 pl.111 111li1•li l11n1tl'd ;,.1111 ..; in 1h f' l'uturl' n1:1nuf:it.:tt1r l' Tio• rrylit tu 1·•ord.·11.~,· /1·rtt'r~ ''' l1r I h1·l1t·1l·lll :tl n1 :1ny11llil'rt·1 l1•·:-. 11:-.1• t1J th.1l L''>.l1•111 \11°11l1l1'l·~111 1 111 111111•1.., :iuto rnohJli:-s .~/)l\C1• ur f'l1111,,1<ll1· //lit•/ 1.~ r1·~1 'ft.t'rl 111 t1r:1J1 ;.!l' l",1uo\~. 1;1 ;1ddit1/ih I" .: 1·q1llpl1·H· 111d1•pt•11d1·1H't' !rn111 llu1·i n g !h(' l"l't't'lll '.\';\S('.•\H All /1'1/l'fS 111u.~r 11u /1ulo' .\1111111f 11r1· ('n..,l :t \[1•:-.:1 h :1\ v p1lf'l·ll:1:-.1·d ;ind .\r,d1111 1po1 ·1:-. It•:-.! uf J9'i5 t';n·:-.. 111111· luxuJ)' r111d 11101/111~} nddr1·~~ b1it 11t1111 c~ ''11111 h.1\1' 111·1·11 ll..,111;.! 1-::1\\·a .... :1h:t :n1d l>u1 •., :111.111n1 • .,,1 •r1ou :-.I~ h1·1it.'\t' ;n1ton1obill·s 111 tht• ."'i.:l(MJ \11 f'.IMlll /"' 11·1111111·/d 1J11 r.·11;11•'1 11 '"'/1411 •1/ •llhl'r t.irl'IJ.'.ll l1r:111ds 1il p1~l11 ·1· !ht· .\r,11 >:-. \l ••Ulol ··•1tlltr1Lll' tllt•ir lh. ·JOO to 50!11·ul11t 1nt·h d1.t.,plal·i· 11·<1.\11111sri11pHr.·nr /'1•el n1 ii i//1>111111· 111ot11rt·1l·lt·:-. l1•r ~1·\t•r;d .\c;1r~ :t :-. 111 '.!h h :11 td1·d pr1 1 t' a·11o1 s upply nii·nll·las-;.:1i1.·r;1g 1·d l:!t;m.pg pt4 11!1 .~hc<I .1 1'1·..,ul1 1.i 11!1· tlt·n111<·r;1\1 1· pol11·1t'" 11 \It'. llL1·1r :"o. I 111 !I u 1J u r ha n d r 1 v 111 ~ \n11·11t·o111 \\,1\ ul l11ddu1 g \\llh :nl v11-.101n1•r slup)i. d hu .\ 1n g·! l l'l·rf11rn1;1nt.'t' (11) llrh:1n !If t.'11~ cltlltlll\U L'l1L'l'l 1)11 \ht· Pl 'l{l'." (1 1 .Lii ,.,,. 111\\,11"11 " C 'll~I . (111.d11 ~ ;ind d1•ttl1I LI . 1 11 ~1 .1-. I dc1 llhl lhL· nint• d ri \'i ng. 11 as t' \"t' n n1or1 · ab_\:. 111 : ii . µt·l rul£'u n1 l'l·I ated produ1 ·t:-. P• · r·t or 11 1 ,., ll't · ;.::d 11111 1 !J.'. ll r1'. .11H t 11 Hit' h l' I se in ~';Ill l).g 'i'ht:~l' :lt'lHHI:-. ;dlHH· \\oUlll L'Ulo H II l(j )('f\\\()()f) !J\11' :-.11 f'.illvd t'llt'I";.!,\ p11l11 •y. It":-. In th(' n11d-r :111;.:1· ••I lh1· 10 "L'l"\'t• in i11 1,,11 .., nl ;.::illon:-. n! lt;•'I l'11llt1•S:d1 ·-.IJt11 ..,11111 111111• \!1 l·"11d .... 1.1111·.t IJ..,ll'lllll).! ("l;1.~s 1fi1.·at 111n s 11·:-.tt·d l \,jHK! '" d;::ul.\ :ind ~~,,,11...,11 1 1111.;1111 :111 ,r:-.ti·i • J,;t\\.1...,.1!.1 'l0>\11r ..... t 'nrp l S .\ 1., ..... 111l11'<H11 • 11tlh•t' 1h;i11 Iii(• nil I ::1111 lb" ?'JI) 1 I ., •• , ,.,, ,-,, ct.-, 1 I . I I r I ('<llllJ>:1111t·-.. Ill \ht • 111l1•1't'"' uf t lH• ··" .... -· • · ·" . . . o\\·arc 1n< l'Pt'llf .. ll<"t' o 111 101 l\l:11·,·111c111 1 ,'1\·,,1·:1"1' ""•"· rn iJp·,1"t' i>•l r1 " l ·s l1111•nc•f 1 ("->!Pl u-. ,... " . ... ., . l .. \l 'H l".~t..'1·:1 . 1'>1\l((>l;1· "11 suburh"ill tl ri\·in).! \las 17 1 Tht•l "t• i ..... onl1 (•111· .ins111 •r 111 n1 p ;.:. or J2 .~ Pl'i'l'L'!ll bt't!vr th;1n fucl t·u nsl'r\·at1t111 S111l"!' 1L .1ll"l'('l:-. I ht• th r· l' t' -1 on 1 u x ll r ,. thl' l't'u11on1\ :inti lhl' it·ry l\1tur1· :u1to rnohill·S . '/"ht· f111·I :-.;1 \'it1 j.!S 1i1 of our 11;1(11111. "' •'!',\'t)lll' 1nu~1 tht~ 101\cr \1-l·iglll ;u1d hor~c po111·r p.1r!it.·ip;11 1· raling:-. i:-. ('\ l'rl n1orl· st riking IT J.S :-till po:-.sihlt· to crl';1lt• a lu\ur.\· :1utvn1o bdc for !he s\;1tu~ \"Utl:-O('IUU~ hu.\'t'f \\ 1thou\ 1111·11111g 11111 snn11· .if lhl.' g ro ..... :-.ly 1nl'll1- 1•1t·n1 t11111 s pr1•:-.t ·ntl~ un th l' lll;lfhl·t 11. d1•l'"n ·11:1ht.· l!H/ hp ;111d l;(l(MI lb:-.. IJf Sll'l'I to lr:1n~p11rt I to I pt·uplt· :st ~1.'i n1pl1 1111 tht• n:1!111n ..... h1gh\1 ;1y-.. "h11t· :-.ni:tllt.•r \l•hit.·lt.•:-. ).!l'I Ill' \11 l h l'l'l' IJlllL"" bt't1t.·r 1n!lt•:1>-:1· :11ld ;1t'l'Ulllpll:-.h lht• :-.;1nll' plll'pO:-.f•. Jn !ht• lllt.'Ull1llTi l' \\"hilf' \I I' ph:1:-.t' out lht· 1n:int1fJt'ltt1'l' 11f these gas hlig..;. lt•t 'h ha\ e gas ra tiuning lo prntel'I \ht· ]O\\" itll'OlllL' l'Oll:-u rn er H ~li:-.111 i; t ht• pru ., · ut' 01 I ;ind g;1s 1\'(11 C'<inlrihu\1· tn 1hl' 111 rla\1ona r~ ~pir:tl a11rl \\tll h,1\1' ;1 Quotes I..' 111 ;.an Ou~ 11·. !. .\. "\\'1• a1 l' ('1111:-.tant l,\-h1 ·111 ~ :1s ht.·d \1h;1t \\'L' :1r1· llo1ng :ihnul 1nf1;1Tion \\'l'll. 111 rh1s hnus t·hold. \Vt· <il 'l' hccuming used to ll•.ss fnod . lt.•ss hc;Jl, 1cs::; li g ht . :ind n1ort• t;.11".('s.·· ('11•011 ~al i11~1 '1'1ilhc r:111 1or 1 r1·:1d \\ tlh c·1 111 .... u!vr~tlJl1• !11 ll'fl'S\ _\'Olll" ft'.lllll"t' l.1:-I \\t•t•l-.t·IHI nil r1 •-.1:111r ;111 t 1n :-.p1•1·11u11 :n1 d .~.Hll1 a1 IO!l (•1111!1111110:-. It\ ( •r:111i.:1· t ·ounty If l r1·1111·111l11 ·1·l·•11·r1 ·t·ll \ ~Oil :-.I ;1! 1·d Ill I ht· .11I11 ·1\· 1 h;1t lbt· 1n-.pt'l'l1011 f't•1•11rd.; Id t'1•Ulll ,\' r1·:-.1.1ur.1111 .... 11 1·11· puhlt(· !'1·1· .. rtl:-. lh1·r1·fur1• nu l"l""l t'll"11011 -. pl:1«1"i 01! 111 ;1 l-.1n i..'. '-!lt'h Hllt>r!l!;+l!P!l 1111hl1(' 11 1111· IJ.11!\ I '11(11 1 ~'.ill ,\ \\ .11111 d t<l dt• :1 p111Jl11· :-.v i 1 l(•1· l'ur lh1· l"t' ;11l1·r..,_ ;1-. 11t·ll :1-. lh1•lh11u.;;111t!..,,,f IH'11pl•· 11h11 e:11 11111 \\<'t·l,I,\, 111u 11u1ilil p11t il1:-h .1 11 :--1 df c;11·h .111d !'ll?f.\ 1"1':-.l :1\ll'.1!ll 111 lht• <'IHll111 \1 hich d1tl 1101 11·''" Uio· .... :1111 t:1 l1•111 iu :-.pi.'C'l 1011 i'l't'!'l'clt•l\l"\" I ~ .i !'\ "!.Jll'HI h;1('k J·:a:-.1 11 h11·l1 l"l'I v.ilt·d l'.t<"l1 1•:it1n.l! 1•-.t:1hl1:-.h1n1·1\l 111lll1·1r111 \ !.11hnJ.: I n ('l•ttll' Iii' !o ..,,1 1111:1\11 111 :-.tand;ird:-. \'u11, .111 h1 •t Ill.ii 1•:11·lt µ\;11.·c lts tt·d rn:1d!' 11 .1 1111nll 1" l'iC'.tll \q1 (j\!ll'I-. ,l!ld J.:t'I h:1('k Ill Uu~int·~ ... II 1 J•. ('\IL\\\'.\\' 'l"o 1 llt· l~d i tor ln lht• p;1s l .\l'a1· 1nor't• lh:111 ~.1011 Pl'l"S !)tlS \\'\'f"t' ill\"t)l\"L'd Ill p:11 '1•11\ l·h ild p rogr:1n1s lhrn111!h th1.· ()r;nl~l' l'o:lsl \":\I (',\ JU:'! ,Ill llldit·:tlltlll I)! lhl' {jlLLt'l ·_l"l'[ 1•tf1..•(•\i\"t' 11n pL1t'I (1f th1• ur>-:;11111;1 \1011":-. llflp:.11.:t lfll \ht• l1f1• HI 1111• !l:.1 1·1Ju r /\rt.•:1. l)u r1ng 1111· ,\1:.1r Ill'\\ p:1rt·n1 l' h I l d II r tl ~ •. a Ill .. \\ ,. I' I' l' ..... l;1bli:-.hed f11r 1"1111rth lhn•u.:h s i't Ii gr;idc hh~·s and Lh1·1r d:nl" and al:-.o lor f:ithcr :'! :i nti d:1ugt1lt'l"S "l'll Hl·:I·: .\lt )lll·: yo1111g 1111·n 1111111•<1 21 :Jl 1·p:1 d~ 1111 t·111!1•J.:l' :ni\\ un1\·t•rs1t~ :'chol:11·sh1ps thr11ugb till· \' "r1..·:-.liln.P. pro~r;1n1 :\ nt•11 fttn«s :-. pru g1 ;1n1 . 111c·l11dt11 g t';1rd1 :1l' f1111l•Ss. had h1·1·11 .1d(\t·d lur ·;1 dull s. ulon J.! \111h ;1 t"l'\";llll Pt'd hl':l\th l '('!l!l'I' \\t\Ji ;1 \\h1rlponl 111 pr11d11!"1' l"t'\l'111U' !o 1111•1·1 ~ 0111 h 111•1"1.~ 'l"h\' tlr;11\~l' l "1>:1 ..... 1 \"\l l 01\ ill' .. 1·1 \l'" t"l'l'11g11111<111 :1:-. 11 .,1·1·h:s 111 1111d 111·11 11';1y.-. !u tlll't'I 11 -. i..:u:d ~1! "l'l"I 111 ).! lh1• puhli1· I)()~ ~11 11 !,I (, ,,,,,, ,.;,,,,,,~,,. ·r,. llll' ~:t11lo1· ll1ril f_,11~1 'l'lu" 1:-!ht• !1r-.1 lt•lt1·r I ha.,·t· l'\ l'I' \\ ritll'll IO :1 l'C'llL'!". hut "l)i:-.- g11:-.\1•d " l•,I l\1•11 t'.isqul'irn, .J:i11 1,-1. l't":dl.' ;.:111 11i .. thinking. h'.1·n 11 ;1:-. 11p:-.vl IJvt ;111:-.1• a lt·!lt•r tool. 1111.• d :i~-. l•f ;i1·r111• lron1 Eugt:nt·. 1•1t·;_!o11 tn ('n'-1;1 \l l'~;1. ·rcl l hin1 nut 111 lv,•l :-.u h:11I .i ~ 11tnuk 1 2 d a~:-. t•ir ;1\1·r1 ltll1)~11·t,111I lt•lte1· tn <.11'· r11 t' t \\ n 111111 ·-. t l"P lll J~alho:i Island \n '\t·11pot\ l\c,11·h 1n '.\n11•mbC'r 11 \\ ;t-.11 1.od1•d .it lilt• ltdhoa lsl:.1n<I 1ilt'11·1• ~111 11111· n1,111 ;1gL"r s;lid h(''d 1•hv1 ·k 111 \•1 I\. hnl I tl C'\t'I" hl'ard tr .. 111 h1t11 rr \l.~41 t1111I-. 11111t· da1-. f11r .. I( ·11! ·r 1" I.!.\• ti\ 1· 111 ii i·-. I 1'0.n1 C..'n:-.t ;1 \lt•..,:1 111 \"t·11 porl ll1·;1t'h :ind\\\' 1111"-4'11 :1·11 i111p41rt :111t L"\l'llt IJ1·1·.111.-.,· 111 th•· (lvla~. ·rhl"n 111 ,f ,11111.J I'\. \I 1• l'l'\'l'll t'd ;111 U\ l•rdtH' hill fr(1111 J-:d1 :-u11 ,..,;1.v1n;.: lht',\ 11 ~·r1 • µui 11~ 111 :-.h 11t 11ur t>ll'!"1r1l·1(1 otl 111 1\\1 1 d ;1 1 .. p\11 .. .idd ;1 l:1rg 1· flt'f'P"il ,111d 111111 llll t·h,lrJ.!l' If lht• hilt II ,1:-,tl 't p ;11d Ill 1\lt! d;!,\' .... \\"1 • l)t•\('I' ]'('\'l'\\t•d ;1 f11 :-1 hill . so I l':illl'd l·:t11:-."tl .tlld 1111 •\' :-..1id !hf'\ h.t1! h:11I 111 :1111 -.111·h t•.i lls :11111 lih'll' hill:-. It l'I l' 111 -.I t)111 ~t'\IFllJ,.: I hrntL!!h \\'h:ll JI I\ 4' li :1 d lltJt I'\' 1 ••i1t·d !ht• -.1·~·ond lvll1•r or lt;u l l1t.'Pll :1\\ ;1~ 1111" a /1•\\ d;l,\ ..,., Tax Rebate Questions 1·n 1 he Ecl1tllr I h<L\'(' n1<1dcJ lht• !odh1\1111 g l~l l l"I" !11 St:'n :1tur:-. Sl'tH1 ;ind flla11s fi t•l <I. l'l'g:1r d111 g their d11pl1\'.;tli11g (.'I :\ ,111J l•'l\I 111 \t'hli).!:tliOn '. 1)011 '! ~f1U think the t·ou nlry has h;ul l'nough of these big 1n \'cst1 gation <;, br1ng111 g lo 11 h::tl l o r o\'er.shadov.111 g in1po1·ta11t ntttiunal busine ss'' llt•lp' [Ill :111:1111 !1> rn:HI :111 .\ ! h111 ;.: 1111 pul'l :1 rl1 .1ny n1or1· :11HI havt· h:nHI d1·lt\1·rt·cl st·\·c·1·al 1n1p·oi-t;1111 lt·IT1·r-. 1 .. 1..-,:-. 1\n~1·l 1:~ hC'ea u~t· of th1 ~ \\"ho 1•:1ys the l;1 \c 1·h;1rges 011 1111r hill!> th:11 t~1kc so long tn dt·li1·1·r :ind g1·1 St'llt back !11 !ht· .-.l'tHl<·r ur. 11i.r:-.t·. never ar· l'l \1,.' <tl :1!1" 1\ll\OIH' h:t\'C a sug - g1·stio11 fo1 · 11 l1:t1 :1 1·nn1·(•r'nf!d rl'- s1cli'lll n11J.!hl cit•"' \VAS ~Jl l\'GTON -Privi:-te poll- ing d ::11:1 n o w flo\\·ing into th<' \\lhite !louse Oval Office is r::lis · ing 1-;ravc qucs lio n s \\o·h elht•r Pres ident l"o r d 's propost·d massiv e 111 - com e tax cut w lll aC'l ua lly ~timula t c the d:in gc rous l.v d e µr csst•cl economy o r ~.impl y U c us ed to p :iy v(C old d ebt s and r e p le n is h disappearin g savings . lnd{'ed , so worried are the Pres ident's econo mic advisers l h a t Wi l li a m Seidm a n , l\.1r . 1-.. ord's assis tant for economic af. fai rs, h as made arrongcments to go to Sworthmorc. Pa .. t o lis ten in on t cl cnhon~ in te rvie11•s <.'Onductl·d C'\'C''"Y evening :.1round l h e cqu ntry by t he /\lbe r l S lncllin1:te r po l lin g organization. t\ Sl'l~l'IA l .JST on cons un1cr !>pend ing h abits. ~indlinger has beC'n turn in g u p a l ur m1i ng e vidence that far n1ore An1erican ( EV ANS-NOVAK ) hous ehold s no\\· plan to use 1h1· Pres ident · s pro pos ed 12 pc rccn1 incom e l ax r c b:.il t's for payin ).! cleht s on pas t p u rchases and for sav ings than fo1· huyini.: ne 1\.· cars or other clur:.ibles. 1'hl' n1<1in r e a son : the record lo\v levt'I or cons ume r conridcnc<.· in the fut urt' uf Am crica. Sind li n ~cr's fi nd in(!"S. 11·hic h are s i m ilar to p essin1 i s t ic :orecas t s of other t.'cono mis ts. mean that income tax cuts m :1y not oper :1te as a sale self-s tarter to get t he economy moving. If true, that drasticnlly undern1ines us e or tux c uts t o r evive the ec<lnomy with a quic k fix . Reports rrom Sindlinge r now under study ut the White !·louse s how th at n e arly 53 percent of 1.415 households his tele phone inter.viewer s san:v>led from Jan . 9 to 13 would s 11ve.'n nt spt.·n(I. any income lax "'ind fall. ()nly :J3,G percent say they w o uld s pe nd it . Tl11\T CllJLL ING y ardstick ot con:;u m cr plans not to buy nluc h ' . in t hl' \1·ors1·111n g r ecession tres ultl.'d from the last of a sc1·ics n f qucstion.s regularly a sked by Sindlinge 1· ·r h ese c1u estio n s ;1 t tC"mpt to i so late "'hat cons 11me1·s pl;1n to do not 1vhat t hey thin k every bod y e lse \\'ill do o.1h o u t bu y ini:: co n s umer (lura bles. T hu s, S 1ndJ,n gcr "s f ir s ! question s ets the s tage Uy ;.i.s king : "Do you lh1 nk people in gene r a l \vould s pe nd m ore th a n s a\'e, or save m o r e th3°n spend '!" l\.fore than t"'·o -thirds res ponded tha t "people'' wouh.J .s pend more. l~ul on the key questi o n "'hcthe r they t he m selves ":ould spen'd or sa\'C, t.he findings \\'Cre rev('rsed . ~ That i mperils W hil e l louse hopes ror.llnajor slimulution o r t he econo m y : a flood of new buyer s fo r a utomo biles and othe r heav.y · b l cs. s u c h a s rel ri . . I n s t e ad , mos t C'onsumf • ea cling frn1n fc :Jr of t he future and \:1c k of con fidence in the Presiden t 's recove ry progr a m . m ay stic k their t nx cuts in a sock . I rc~td \\.'ith 1nt1·rt·-.t llil' rt't.'t·nt :i rlitlc in )'our p:q >t'I' :1h11ul nrlt' :\11· f,Lf\\"Cll IJudJ.:t' :1ppv:1r1111-: :11 a rt'L'<'ll l Costa ;\·l t.·s:1 ('1ty (.'n1111l't l 01l't•lini:,: :ind as kint.: t'1111 1H·1l 11hy they pu rc h ;1:.<·d .l;1p ;1n 1·~1· K:1\\·:1saki roliel' n1otor1·~l·les in Sll·;11I of !ht• .-\n11·1·11·:i n h11 i ll J l;1 rll'Y· Dav idson I 1\111dd like to po1111 {•ul111;11 th1· :-;;1 t1 o n ;1 l hcoidq t1a11vr:-. fur t\<1\1·a s oiki is lnC':i!t·d 111 l>r:111gt• ('1111nty and c onlrih1111·:-1'.1'1 •;1ll ,1' I•• the t•cono n1y with St.'\'L'''~d 111111 drl'fl pt.•nplcon the p ayrq\I In adchtio n . 11·h ilc 111 s 1r111 · t!l :tt !he> ba!:i iC' n1otnre ~·cl1·. 1•n g 11l(', fr ;1 m c. 11·ht•cls, e tc . a rt• n1;1dl' 111 Jaµun . il is a lso I t'Ul' lh~1 t the r111:.d assembly is cl ont• in C>r;ini.:t• County hy n nolht•r firn1 th;1t al:-.o ('mpJ(lyS m a ny J>(•oplt· K 1\\\'1\S 1\KI C'nl1•r('d 11110 Lil e police m ot o r eyele ht1:-.i nt·S~ l:11 c 111197,1. ThP\ d id ~o :1ftt'r t11ndur! in ~ an extl'Os1\·1· -.tH'1'f'.\ of polil'c dcp~1r l 1nt·11 t s frnni 4·p:1-.1 to 1•oa:-.I 'rht• o n t' 1n;1 .1 11r i•1 ohl('1n 111:11 ''as 1·11nsta111 \1 :i s lh :d iii {'o:-\ 111'1111· nc'' units th :i1 11 vrt· 11tf1 •1'1•d h.1 h1·;11Hl s th :.1t \11.·1~· :1lre:1d.1 in 1ht• hu~1ncss In n)an~ <';1..,1•:-. !h•· p1·1· \ ,\ l·"T 1-: R l '\\'l) ·' t•a rs 0 1 \\'atcrgatt' 1'V l'tl\'cragl' an d millions or la:-.:p:ly('r:<.' dol la r s il scerns \Va s hinglorth;ts \ll\"l'Sli g a . l io n £e\'er. Is i1 to i..::1in pl1hlic ex· pn~urt.• ;inti rarnl'"' l't'r!:ii nl ~ Lht'rc Hr c m o t·e p1·rid111·11,·1· tllinJ.!s lo ht.· :iecnn1p lish('d If \OU think 1hc ('L\ .11111 1··B1 nt.'ett" o\·erha11l1ng. 1lu :-.11 1111.·lhing rnnstruc:ti\l' If \our 1·nn1 rnitlt'1' t hinks 11 ll l't'ds S750.!)(Hf :.111d nint• n1ont hs a11·av frnnl \'our Pl('('\1\'l' tlutit's. I thin.k a d t'lo;ilcfl :.c1.·f11111t - 1n).! of cxpcnditurt's should 1.>t· publi cly r e pnrt c><I. I a l1,·~1_1s lhought !ht• sal a r ies JJJid our Con grcss n1l·n paid for the ··"·ork" they did "'hilc in ofrict· ln1po1·1ant cons trul't i1·c th ing~ ('I')' o ut for you1· a t te nt inn. 1:R 1\N('ES J\1A C IJ0i'\A I .I) (•1111 f)o11bf s '1"111h1• J·:ditur 'l"h1• lt.·:11 1 :-.t11r~ 11f ~1Jt1r .ran ::!1 i!-.s llt'. ( !·'01'<1 :igni11 r C'.iucl s ~;.1 :­ r;1\11111plan 1 quot.:•s111(' pr c:-.1rlt'nt :1!'> :-.<i~ 1ng any t•1l1•rti\·~· pl ;1n \\ill '1 11111 1hf' 11101nr isl to nln<' g :dli'HlS p(•I' II t•1•k ·r ht• pulitit':d !'XU J.! I) I,\\' I•: l "11 A: IS1'1 t: O RAN GE CO AST DAILY PILOT U.,/),·r/ ,\ l\lt'o 'd. f'11W1.t/11'r Tl11n1uJs h'1·1•t•1/. f:d1tor Ha rl">o ra I\ rt•1b1cll ~;<11111ru1l /'n9..: f:dlfur '·rh1 · .. ~111 .. 11 ,11 pago• nr lhl' n .. 111_,. l'ilo! ~•·•·I.-. to 111f11rn1 ;uKI st1 mul:.11l· rP;Hll'r~ tn 11 11''-t'1tl1n,_. nn 1h1~ p:.J:1• <h1·1·r~" c·,.111 np•u1:1r1 un lopu•s (If 1n- h'l"\':-I lJ\ :-~11d11·.11,·•l l·olumn1 iotio und 1·art\11>111:-l1' h) pru111hn.r.: :1 Forum fur r1•<11h'r:. 1 tt'"1' :n1d 11~ 1ir('~t'nlln,11 Uu :-!lt'"!olH•llt'! ·1' 11p111u1n~ ;ind u1PaS on t'\lrro•nt t11 11H.., 'l'ht• t"d1tonal OIJl!llPlh nl th" ll;11h 1'1lot app1•ar t•nlv 111 th•• 1·1111••1"1.•I 1·oh1n111 a1 th(' '"r•'}.r lht• '"'!!" 11 11111""'~ 1·~pr1·~~1·1\ IH lht· t'"lu n1n1't' hilt! 1·url•'"•n1s1 -. an.I l+·t !f'I \\llll'I" 1111' 1ht•u OW!l OJ!lll 1\l t t'IHl•l !'"<'lll•'lll '1f ! ht• Ir \ lt•\\ ~ IJ~ 1 ht· 1}:1111 I'll••! 'h"ultl l1t· 1!'1f1'n •·1I \\"c<llll'~d :1y , .I anli~r)' 2H. 197:-i . ' Tragedy Revealed On Tape OAKLAND <APJ -"l'he drtvt·r of a service truck killed in a crash with u Bay Area R•~pi<l T ransit train had to be radioed orders five t imes <ind acC'urding to the BART controller "didn 'l know what the hell he wa ~ do- ing." T a pes or the conv e rsation between the driver, Arthur (.....__s_t_a_te __ _,) B riggs, and BART's central C'On - trol were played 1'ucsday for a board of inquiry inves tigating the Jan.19 collision. The crash has prompted .a special safety investigation into the $1.6 billion transit system by the California Public Utilities Commission. Yout• Pleads GHilty MODESTO (UPIJ -A youth who had p estered sheriff's de- puties with false confessions of killings has p leaded guilty in Muni c ipa l Court to s<'co nd degr ee murder in Lhe dl"ath of ;1 teen-age girl. Richard Alford, 19. thC son of ;1 former Modesto banker, entered the plea Tuesday in the d eath of Virginia E. Loushlin, l:l, who was shot twice a nd raped ~111r! whose body was round on a peach loading dock. Snmc Bits Bay Area FINANCIER 'BLAse· Bernie Cornt;eld Cornf ·eld's ·Secretary Arraigned ,,. .. ~ ! ·oA1LYPILOT Alt. 7 Males Held On Sex Rap , . 'li:;1 . JS, • l PALOS vt-:rtoES <UPI) -An alleged male homosexual pro stitution rin~ -\Vhjch advertised the services of voun~ masst:·urs -was broken Up '1'111~sd<&y with the arrests of seven [)t•rsons , in <'luding tv.•o 11.year-olds, at ;111 exclusive $100,UOO O('l.'ail frtinl Jleritil Plea /\ h e l icopte r trai l s a banner over 'l'crn1inal Island in behalf of Oscar Klee, \~·ho is s erving a six month sentence at the 1•1..·dcral facility there for income tax in· vaslon. Several group s s ponsored the. fly· ~ over which Wa!:> scheduled on Klee 's btrth· d ay Tuesday. h~~~ "'"''"end ed""' ""'·k Journa11·s1s Back University investigation by poll1·c folh)\\'tfl J..: a ('ompl:..tint Ike. ix by :..111 up 'G ad• g ' parcntly dis!'>Clll sfit•d l'US\011\t'I" r in Police Ca pl•in Monl<· '"." """' Fresno Bee Staff said th e ri ng adv1·rt1 s1._.d 111 A k d Jle\\'Sp:lµ('rS and n1ag;1 ~.llll'S and tlac e C'atered lO l"iLl'llll•I(' 111 t'XPl'll"l \t" S:\CR Ari1C:.\~ro (/\l'I State are.is or I.le v 1._· r I y 111 \I :-.. l•'H ESNO (Al'J -· Journalisnl 1->ec·kinpah each lime the lice t·ull.-i-:~· anci uni\'l'l'~ity professors I-lolly wood , Santa l\l oni1·11 ;1111.I g roups have announced support staffers re fu sed to reveal dct<uls nla\" Ill' h:inding nut. too m:iny \Yest 1-loll ywood for three fo'rcsno BC'e staff nlcm-of how the ne wspaper obta ined" .. A -, gr:ules. •• lrus tt·cs' ..:omniil · Police said n1orc lh;1n ;1 dozc1~ hers cited 6~ times for contempt t ranscript of a ).(r and jury proht· lt'l' s~i) s male prostitulC'S operatct.l out o for declining: to disclose their that res ulted in bribery indict 1.ht• lfust .. ·t·:·.' c·111111 nillel! 011 lherentcdhills1dt·h11n1t·. source of a sealed grand jury menls againstCouncil rnan ~1 arc J\<"a de nlil' St:ind a rcl s r1._•portc tl T he .a ll cgt•d t·hi t•f or thl' r ing, transcr ipt. Stefano and two others . 'fuesdav that lhe \)t'l"l'l"lllagc uf 1'tonroe Sniilh. 30. n\o,·ncr o( '1 S upport \l.'HS offered T ues day Al anaging Editor Ceorce 1• . .r\'s ba s.bcenr1 ~111g stl•aclily s in1·1· llol lywood rC's lau r;i nt , \Va s hy tlic San J oaquin cha pterofthc Grunerwa s t·itcd tOtimesandrc-t9ti7 \\'hil c "C" ;i nd '"IJ.' i:;r•1dcs booked on suspici on °.f1 P~~ndc r professional Journalists Society porters Joe llosalo nnd William lla\"e bcrunll' rarl'I"_ ing, prostitution. l'Onlri luting Ii• !')1gn1a De lta Chi ; t he t~res no K . l'attcr:-;on 27 and 25 tin1cs l)ver I.he st•v1·11·Yt:ar period , lhe de linqut•n1·y of nii nors and l'rcssClub<indthc F'rcsnounit of res pect.ive \y _ A' . ..; in c·rt·a s('d f!'11ni ~O.fi to ;1.~_.I <.:ons pirat·y to l'On1nul unn;,.t iu·al S;1<.:ran11..•nto Newspape r Guild Eath cited t he C.:J.lirornia pe rcent or t otal g1·;1dcs : ( s Sl'X at·ts. ) I n2 ) ()thers a rrt'Slt'd \\(•re J>antt·I ,oc:.i J · .. shield 1:.i"'" <linit•d al p1·otcC'ling dropped f1·(1111 :i:i to 2'.! l.i percf'n • I, ,,. t l)ffi<'ials of 1._•;ich organization reporters f 1·on1 h:.ivi ng to reveal and l)"s fell frn111 + t11 1 2 pcrt·eol \Villet , 21, Vernon '.\an:-..:.." ;u H Jl 's· ,.11,11 l•"s r1.•n1:iined about Jli John l'i no , 22. ;di or l)a lu s rn c ntioncd the need to protect sourt·cs. Ve rdes. illld l!crnard Krill\'lt:k a . nt•v.•s sources as vital to the l·lo\.\'evcr, l''crkinpah, brother ~nd 3 .5 pt.'rcrnt , rl'S J)('cl1,·cly. rs '1 · i>u blic·s r·i••httoknow. or movie d irector Sam Peckin-"\Vh ilc it is puss1Uh• that ·c,. 45.o a nla n ona·a.I f d "' pah, conlf'ndcd t hat statute d iet ccllence· has bc con1c the ordt·r u EV 1-:: Il l~\' J llLL-"l (A I" J --in'l~h~~u~·~·~r l~~;~i~ut:~~-\~~<11 ::~ 'l'h<· comments followed con-not apply because he had sealed or the day, the l·on1rn itll·l' doubts Bernie Cor nfeld's secretary was tonspiracy and contrihuling In tempt of court citations issued by I he l rans {·ript to preven t in· this is so,'' lhc panl•I s;11J in a fl'· to be arraigned today on t' h arges d cl i nq 11._.11 c Y charges_ _:':' ·~· p:<~· ·~· ;~o~'_:C:'"'.'.'.'.":l'l::__:J:u~d'.'.'.:g~c_:D~c~n~v:e::_r_~fl~u~e~n~c~c~o~n'.:..'.p~o:t~e~n~t;~a~l!ju::::ro~r~s~.----'"°::'.:'~'~· -------------of us ing an illegal "blue box" to .---~-~--~---- make free long dis tance telephone calls fro1n his mansion here. J • .~ Mrs. Did i Vallolon Bicthild, 37, a Sy,•iss citizen, was .a rrested s,1.~~~CISCO (UPI l _ Tu.esday .after , 1''"'Bl officials .. ~--, .-~-.;dip • , ,-j..4.W~~,,,... ---·-• I "Si C!ioeu>C<>Ld "· h a m e .anrl ~ r> ' ~· I ....,___:. ~ •• ~, ";.,-;;!.. -· , • • -r ·--'tuesd"~y in the S~. ~~;;n·~·j°;l~; • f , _ 1s~tfifa· f\\-'O. OI Ulc-i:'.en::-pnQflO. . -' ,, .-<t.-: j I \ Bay area, a r ar e oc<"ur rcnec. clt;_~i ccs. .. . _., , Flurries atop :.!,600·foot high I he. bl ue boxes _arc Mount Tama lpa is·in J\-1:irin Cnun· in u .1t1 fre quency ge n e r a t i n g ty caused the closing of a st<.1le d?v1rcs used . to m ake: Jong park there. The re <..1 lso y,·crc fl ur -distance call s :v1t hout paying toll ries at I\1 ount DiLlblo State r)ark charges. .. in Contra Cosla Countv bt1! that .. Cor~fel d -the namboyant park was nol clost•d . · 1_1nanc1cr who Sk)'rocke_lcd ~o · l:.i me and notor1ty vi a hts Gas Prices tnflrit"d SAN DI EGO (AJ'J -A Che vron service station o,,·ncr has been convicted of illegally 111- fl ating his gasoline prices. Station owner ll.a lph l .<·a f \Va s f o und g u i l ty M o nd ;.1y b y Municipal Court J udge ~art .I . Cantos and "'ill be scnlt!nccd ·Feb. 21. Police Fhul l\'ude Budy SAN FRANCISCO (llPI l - Police found the nude, strangled body of Marilyn Robinson. :Ja, Tue sday in her room at a North Beach hotel where s he had l iv~cl for five yea rs. They bad been culled by a hotel clerk who s aid another tcnctnt had complained of a vi sitor in the room. which is ::iga inst the h otel·~ regulations. FURNITURE EXPERIENCED INDIANAPOLlS. lnd <AP>· A secondhand s tore has bor- rowed a gim mick of used car salcsm e ltwho <·all thei r vehiC'lc~ "pr eviously owned.·· A sign in the \vindo\v off l·r :-. ''experienced furniturt'. ,. ()vcrseas Investors Limited - \vas blase about the r aid. I-le said agents spent most of the a fternoon at his home .and thoroughly searched its 14 rooms. "UN FORT UN AT E LY ," Cornfeld crack<..'CI., "they just n1issed t he shooting: or a Playboy center spread." Cornfcld said he d id not know the blue boxes were on the premises and had no idea "'ho, ir anyone. had used them. -·1'hcrc arc a lot of p1.:oplc staying here," he said. !!is mother ;_ind numerous :1ttractivc "'omen friends h<ive lived at the n1ans ion with l'ornfeld s ince his release from a Swiss prison last April. Swiss authorities held him for questioning for all egations of fraud , dis honest man<.1 geme nt, for gery and incite ment lo s peculate in conn ection w ith the collapse of !OS. Cornfcld contends the collapse "·as the fault of Rohert Vesco. \~ho reportedly forced Cornfeld out .as head of the mutual funds t.'lllpirc. \·l'~(·o is now a fugitive 1n Cost :.i Hi<:a anrl Co1·nfcld is tPstifying about IOS affairs in the IJ .S. and Switze rland. ~1rs . Bit"lhild wetfi being held in the Svbil Arand Institution fo1· \llonlen pending her arrai gnment on a charge of violating the fl·deral fraud by wire statute. ~No Contest' Milner Faces 14-year Terr11 VENTURA (A J') f,cg:.il a rguments wound up Tucsda.\' in the sentenci ng hearing fo r UJ<i i millionai re Rees e l .. ~I ilncr. \\·ho h a.a pleaded no contes l lo charj?e:; ·or mayhem and soli<"1t ~1tion to commit r obbery and -.iss:.iult on :.i lormer girlfriend. Sentencing y,•a s cxpcC'tcd lo<l~y s ince all that 'o\"as Je fl \vas ror the judglto r ender hi s decision . Milner 's a ttorney, Joseph Ball. argued a l leng th ror a lig ht sentence, ev en though hi s l"lit"nt isn't contestin g charges th at hr hired tw o m en to r·oug h 1q1 Maggie Hicks, q fo rn1er ac11·ess and Cit·compa niO n or J\1 ilnPr"."· Milner, 58, f:1ccs a po~~1Lil e m aximum senlcn(·c of 14 )'(«.1r <; in prison. Ba ll sa id h is client suffc·r(·d permanent bra in damage frun1 falling orr a horse 34 years ago. Ball said lhe fall , plus a probable concussion fro m a plane crash in 1945, a gunshot wound to the head in 1967 a nd year s or drinking -UjJ to two Qua rts of a lcoholic drink~ a d111y had impaired Mil ner 's .mental functions . ••THE OFFt.:NSE which is char1ed is the act of a madman.·· Ball told Superior Court Judge Marvin ll. Le\.\'is. Bui r.lllncr is now har mless. Ball said. But prosecutor P eter Kossoris s aid, ''Soc iety d o<'!i nE'ed protection from Milner, hascd on hl• P•St conduct u Ion~ ~t·rit·s of episodes Of viole nce Hgrunsl at least three won1en." X:oeeor1.s has snld Milner hired Okltboma con vict s C lyd e .J enkins :.ind Patrick Early !•1 brc;tk into J\1r s. !licks' re mote ()j:ti hon1e, rub 3Jld assault her .1nr1 "cut off one of f\·lrs. flicks ' fingers.·' Seal Gives Birth to 'Pup On Mainland SANTA CRUZ (UPI ! -An t•Jcpha nt sc:1J has given bi rt h to a 65-pound pup on sandy "Loser's [{each'' al. .r\no Nucvo State Rc>scrvc the only knov.•n birth to occur on I he mainland coast 1'he stretch of be<Jch is us u;.11ly inhubitcd only by m a le ~ea ls who have lo~t the chest-thudding bat· tics to mate on Ano Nuevo Is land , a half m ilc offshor e. T he pup measured ncnrly five feet lo ng a t birth and m us t now survive t he indifference o r the two ton m ales, who often crush the younger seals because or t heir car elessness while loll ing around. ' Elephant seals return to Ano Nuevo a nd eight olhf'r rookeries off the C.a lirorniu coast ca<'h ycetr from J anuar y t.o rit arch for the pregna nt femulcs l o give birt h and ma te aguin. 'fhcy then re - turn to farm the sea for fontl. In 1972, a sin gle pup y,_·as horn' on the fo"'arrallon I.s lands. just north o f t he Go lden c;ate," establishing th<:it ~rc a ns a breed· ing ground for the first time. • • "'""' 1--• , •• 'o?'...:,11.J. ,>\'.:tii('ll"•"' • '' y '' won me over. "\iVhal a\\'!!)' ltJ !"I) h1 NL'\\-' Y11rk . lJnitcd starte(J 111c ~Jrr \Vith a bi!.!. hc;1r1 v hrc;1~fa~1. And then follc)\Vc<I 11 \\ith thei r LA:IT-llufft.:I·. Nice ~1fin t.:. l l111lctl . l'vc. . caught y1,ur spirit :· ' ' We'll L':Jll"h y~1u ''11h 11ur n111rn 1ng Ucli flight rr1 1n1 Los Angeles Ii i Nc\V ''11rk. ()nly Unilc<.I se rves yt)ll a heart~ hreak f;1 ... 1 tc1 lx·ci n yu ur <.lay anti then f(Jllows it \V1th a l)cli-fl uffc1.\'t111 c<.1 n e:.tt a'i much as yo u "'ant, 1.-\·hcncvcr y1 1u '";1111 . Cold cuts, cheeses, gami1\hes and nliJrc. And \vhatc,·er y11u {.'(1n1e up 'vith1 \\•e'll hl1VC a beverage to go \\"ilh it. Wine. coc ~taMs or ict:-cold OCcr. Cvn1plin1cntury in 1:ir~1 ('la'.\.-.;, a .\n1all charge 111 (\1ach. For Fr iendship Service and !he onl y Dd i·Uuffet in the sky, o ill you r rlf;,_ivcl Agc n1. t)r ca ll Uniti.::d ar ~37-7)2 1. Parrne cs in l 'r:ivcl \Vith Western lnti.::rnational Hotel>. Nonstoos to New York w,·e AniV< t:..Wro-Alrpon l\l eal Sef'\icc S:4Sa.m. 4:50 p.n1. OC·IO Kc:nneJy Breakfast & Deli 12;00noon 7:55 p.m. 747 KcnncJy 4-Star LunC'h 1;4~ p.m. 9,~p.m. OC·R Newark 4-Siar Dinner - The friendly skies of your land IUJ un1Teo A1RL1nes ···-·~ ,··~ • j I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~-------·----1il c b 0 d t