HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-20 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • ' • Il· ·j . . \ • ~ • eP ~ ,. .:;:-; -I ~. "" .......... ~ :!: t • It.S-I . I eac_ • County Boy, · 16, Shotg1~~·~-wielding • .Guilty of Murder, Trio Rob Pair • • .. Faces .Long Ter01 In Lag111ta· .Beach ·DAILY PILOT '* * * 10' * * * ' . " WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 VOf .... HO. U , J SECftCNS, H l"i.Gl"S • Who's Whom? • • ~Murder • I ·W~man Boys 9 • 0•11'1' PUol SIMI f'llMo fW P.1lrkll; 0'0.-11 •Tw'> lovers..'Stroll near LagUna Beach's Heisler Park Wq,!nesday, after wading .fo tidepools and walking along tbe sand. They stroll on a fiiie February day-arms linked and jeans to jeans-and talk about the important and the not so important things in life. 400,000 Gallons Vandals Unleash ' . ' 19 Fire Hydrants Vandals uncapped 19 fire hydrants in Huntif\gton Beacb ·and Fountain Valley early this morning, •nleashing mor,e than 400,000 g.allons of water into city streets. : SPokesmen for the two cities said there Was no majoi; propt>rly ·dbmage, but .the topen hydrants kept a man and one rig busy i'n each city for at least an hour .. OJi'FICER .FINDS HIS SON DEAD GEORGETOWN, i\,y. (APJ - State 'l'otice Lt. Ediar M0$5 was .t_l!e fint to arrive t<ltll)" after an auto rounded n '&ive and sma1hed.Jnto-a tree sev.en miles from here. Inside the vehirle wus his 17· )'ear-old son, James •. who ap· porently had 1!••n killed in· 5ta~tly . ~ The Uton11er, wl>o JI. alon._. apparently lost oontdOf 11\l car.· 9fflclalll1ald. • · I ~. • -- Rotmer Fount..alh Valley amn. cilmii.n.,Joe COufreges possibly was the hardest hit property owner, Ciremen s aid. Water cov· ered one·fourth of his vegetable Cield on Ellis Avenue <:tl Newland Street. Ciipt. Dick Feuerstein. of the Fountain · Valley department, ·said 13 hydrants \\'ere opened• in his.city between 3 :30 a .m . and 6 •·/Tl· .. e vandals struck hydrantA in "'!ri sea tered parts of the clfy. open· iog four-jnch valves which sgewed wate.r out at the rate o( 2;500 ganbnS l>t'r 11'1. inute. Feuerstein said the various hydrants were open from five to ,fifteen minutes before they were "noticed. All of the water shot into street gutters, though in some cnses it spilled into yards, he said. Capt. RoK er Hos mer said a half doien hydrants were opened in Huntington Beach, near Beach Boulevard and Indianapolis A•enue; about4 a.m. . • Both captains said they have no Idea who opened the hydrants. ' • Rap for Boy,16 An Anaheim boy \\'ho was 15 at the time or the killing was round guilty late Wednesday or the murder or a neighborhood florist. Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner returned that verdict against Walter Lan· dry, now 16, arter supervis ing a hearing that was held under juvenile court regulatioos. Judge Sumner set March 19 for sentencing that could see Landry committed to the Calirornia Youth Authority for an inderinite term-the almost automatic sen· tence ror a juvenile convicted of murder. It was testified dtlring the five· day hearing that Landry ad- mitted in a taped conversation with Anaheim police that he stabbed florist Velma Mae Jonkmun. 40, to death in her Ball Road shop last Oct. 10. Landry denied the killing dur- ing the Superior Court hearing and argued through his lawyer that he \\'as several miles 8Ylay from the s tore at the time Mrs. Jonkman \\'as murdered and her cash register em plied. Arres ting officers saicJ an estimuted S50 \\'as taken from the till. Teachers' Strike , DOVER, Del. (UPI J -Del~war~'s largest teachers' ifu. 1 ion, defying a court order C(ftd promising lo test the state's ~ strike law, led members into \be third day of a walkout that hJ.s crippled th e 131 ,000-s tudent school systen1 . Rolls, Bemleys Snapped Up LONDON <UPIJ -f>orothy Ebright or San Diego. decided she rather liked the look or that Rolls-Royce, so s he told f.lenry Nathan : r ··1·11 have that one. And that one. And those two over there. and ... " ··She bought nine.,,.just like that.'' an awed Nathan said today. ··All in one hit. Bang. She practically bought m e out.'' Nathan's bonanza came Wednesday when J\1rs. Ebright, a former concert pianist, strolled into his Crickelwood showroom. She bought seven used Rolls and two Bentleys on the spot -and paid 592,000 cash. "I came over s pecially to buy some cars." !\.1rs. Ebright-told the astonished dealer. ··1 suppose it is a bit overwhelming if you think about it, but it is an investment l'rn making. l 'm sure antiques and cars are go. ing to hold their value.'' Gunnien Net $4,200 In Laguna Robbery Three masked men, one carry-a money clip. ing a sawed-off shotgun, robbed Then, the bandits turned lo the an Irvine catering firm owner secretary who said she had no and his sec retary of more than money and opened her coat as if S4.?00 Wednesday ni ght in to show that. The woman's purse Laguna Beach. was fetched from the car ancJ Robert P ennington. 49. co· bothvictimsweremadetolieface O\\'ner of Pennington Enterprises down on the ground. in Irvine and secretary Gail The bandits reportedly fled on Faye Coy. 22, of Costa Mesa \\'Cre root down Cedar Way. No vehicll' accosted by the three men wear· · \va s seen. ing ski mas ks and sunglasses as they exited their car behind the 'ci;ot1t~&~. ,R~s\'!>1>1;µnl in , the l\(l o ony. One of the men ordered the couple to march away from the vehicle, and when the secretary momentarily lagged behind, the gunman jabbed his sawed-arr shotgun in her back and threatened : ''You had better Fuel Tanker Runs Agtowul Near Seattle 1 hurry up or I'll blow your head SEATTLE. Wash. <APJ -A off.·· barge carrying about one millio'l · J\1ost of the stolen money w<1s galJ0)1s of heavy diesel fuel ran $4,000 in receipts from Pen· aground today on a stretch of nington"s catering firm. sandy beach on \Vhidbcy Island . Pennington told ofricers h(' did some 35 miles north of Seattle. not ordinarily ca rry lari::c theCoastGuardsaid. amounts of money. The fund s A Coast Guard spokesman said were a \\'eek 's receipts \\•hich the barge was upright ~nd did not Patty Is 21 Today Were to be banked . appear to be damaged. '' Pennington ti ad transferred It was not determined ir any oil HILLSBOROUGH (UPI> -t the cash from his briefcase to the was leaking. . lleiress-turned-revolutionary"" .... secretary's purse (or safekeep· Lale Wedncsda.y n1g~t. the Patty Hearst marks her 21st ing as the couple were preparing ere~ of the tug Rehef. ~h1ch was birthday today. . ' ~s.enter the.restaurant. towing the barge. radioed that ''She's_ of aie; she's ' ~ 1 After directirtg ilie''l'«·h'vittims' · ·~Ke .Rellef1wlslift.lld~~of•sink .. • · ~omatt She olrft do'\llbatevcl' , ~tll'Om 1:lle·-l "tl,.'lillt'Ofl'.,!111111>~to-60·knot·~and S.ID she wants," her father, San Pennington to turn over the cash 10-foot s~as. . Francis~ Examiner Presi· hehadonhisp.erson aboutS93in A Coast Guard helicopte r dent Randolph A. Hearst, ' ' rescued the tus(s seven crewmen said in a recent interview when the craft appeared lo be ( Rel.._ted story, A 11 ). " sinking. On her 20th birthday one Reds T-esl Bo1nb The crew had left a cable at· year ago. Mi ss l-l earst \\"as a tachcd to the: 0_11 barge in hopes hoslagt o( the Symbionese UPPSALA. Sweden {AP 1 -A that the tug. 1r 1t sank, woukt acl Ll~ration Army which kid-. t'fnedium-sized underground ex· as an anchor to keep the barge orf .JUlj>ed)lec from the llerfele)' plosion in the Soviet nuclear test· the shoretine. ~ut a Coas~ Guard aparts;Qtnt ~,1he sh.-ed with il')g ground in Siberia was r e· spokes.man. said the Relief also fiance"ll~.sWeed. 1istered by the seismological sta· wasdnven 1ntothebeach. I lion at Uppsala today. <See SPILL. Page A2l Suspect Resident· Of Grove A security guard \\'ho had been hired one day befo1·e a $40,000 rire devastated the once-intended Ameri c an headquarte rs of Japan's 1-fazda A1otors. Inc .. is in jail today on an arson charge. William R . f.lol scla\\·, 19, of 12512 Kath y Lane, Garden Grove. is held in lieu of $25,000 bail pending arraignment in Harbor Judicial Di strict Court. Irvin e Detec ti ve John Stoneback sa id today that 1-lolsclaW was arrested at his home Wednesday night rollowing a peri od of qu estioning by himselr and Orange County Fire Departme nt Battalion Chi ef Cliff Chapman. The suspect reportedly refused to discuss the Sunday ni ght fire which occurred on his second day on the job any further, according to Detective Stoneback. Damage to the unoccupied pl ant at 2100 S . E . Main St .. in the Irvine Industrial Compl ex could have reached S4 million. had it not been s pottecl earl y by a n1otorist on the adjacent San Diego f'1·ec\\'a.\", according to firemen . The "·itness noticed flames nickering inside the steel and concrete structure and pulled off the freeway to notiry firemen about4 a .m . Sunday. <Sec 1'1AZOA, Page A2 ) or: .. :a :oas1 \\' t'•ll l1t•r Partly cloudy today bl•com- 1n~ fair tonight and F'ridi.(\. A little "·ar1ncr l•'riday with tughs 111 the mid·f.O:c;. J,,ows tonight 40 to 47 l~SIDE TODA\' Three boys lighted an elder. ly man't mattress on' fire ard threate11ed to burn him alive unJl'd._ his wi/e l!!f.11¢ over thMP"""trlbn~' atid' vdt00bi€s., · Stary ,-Page Af. . I"""" Al YOll• S.rwlc• Al Erm.a 941mDoKk IU L M Bowd 1!16 C.l!larftl• AS C1•tflll.. Ci-II c.mo<t •• Cro11word I• Dt,.,,,. Nolle•' Al E•llorl•I ,.,..,. t.6 Eftt•rt .. 1-1111 85 FIMM• ... , .,..,_._. Cl '"''""'""•tJ.ooo II AM Ul"'"r' 11 Mo••t• BJ Mwtiul l'11tld1 .. 1(1,.ho .... 1 N•W\Al,CI 0..•"91' C•11111 r ..... ~I• 1 1-J Sri••,. f>or'l•r 17 Sports Cl·) SllK-Mlrtilfh h ·J T•lf•rhlolt 15 TIINlf1'1 IJ W.•IMr M .... ~,.._ .... ,. • DAIL V PILOT s Thursday. February 20, 1975 • • UP'IT•~• Same to Yo"' Fella If all art forms are expressive, one can draw one's own conclusions from this sculpture in bronze to Rainer Kriester on view in Charlottenburg Castle in West Berlin. It's called "Big Head and Hand." I Stray Pooch Beneficiary Of $10,000 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -A stray 9-year-old mixed breed pooch named Sam ''That came around one day and stayed" is assured of a comfortable life following his owner's death. Sam is the beneficiary or a Sl0,000 bequest from Mrs. Nellie Bartels Bean, who died Dec. 10. She was the wjdow of A.M. Bean, wbo owned the Cast Stone Vault Co. Her estate was ~mated to be in excess of $215,000. "He was just a stray dog that came around one day and Stayed,'' said Charolette Bartels, Mrs. Bean's sister, who is caring ·for Sam. The will, opened this week in Franklin County Probate Court, instructed that Sam is to be "'kept in comfort, well fed and suitably h~used, and is to receive whatever veterinary care is • necessary to his health.·· Man Kills 2, Then Himself FR~MONT CAP) -Police said a 52-year-old postal clerk shot and killed his wife and mother·in-law before ending his life by firing a shotgun charge in- to his mouth. Sgt. Robert Meyer said Wed- nesday the victims apparently died on Monday and their bodies were discovered by the slain wife's sister who grew cooceriied because her phone calls wer-e not answered .. Meyer said the victims were John Russell Heosier, his wife, Dene. 4S. aod her mother, Alma Combs,67. Meyer said Deighbors reported the llsier couple constantly fought and argued. From Page Al SPILL .•. A Coast Guard poliution strike force was en route to the scene from San Francis co to evaluate tbe situation. ''They might pump the oil into another barge or might attempt to pull this barge free." the spokesman said. "We just don't know yet.'' ~ ORANGE COAST s DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed .... ~ ..... ~~ Jack R . Curley Vkl f'r"l .... I •""Got._. .. ~--- Thomas Keevil EdlUor Thomas A . Murptline IM,..'1111"111 EOitor Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall ... ,o.1.1 ... 111U1~£diMf• OffkH Co\W. ,.,,.,_,DI W111I a..,Slnot'I ......_.. .. «fl;#»""'-' _ ... _o c...-e..ai.1•~51_.t ..-1..o1 .. ii.•"' ha,, .. .,.~ s..lleM(t V....,I tntl U Pa.I,.... •I S...Olllf ~.., TtlephO• (7t4) 64%-021 Claslifled Advertl1ing M2-U7t ~"-• Y•n•r ,.. .. onia Stt.U10 f romS...Cl-- •tJ.06JO ~,..,..llOF ..... c.Vf'lf~l-­ J40-IU0 I Recession Blamed In Child Abusing · CHICAGO (AP> -An increase in child abuse cases across the nation can ·be directly attributed to the nation's recession, says a prominent Chicago pediatrician. Dr. Rowine 11ayes Brown, medical director of Cook County <Chicago) Hospital, says there is a direct relationship between child beatings and unemploy· ment. Speaking Wednesday before the Am e rican Ac a demy of Forensic Medicine, Dr. Brown said, "'We've always had batter- ing husbands. but recently the number has r isen because more men <:1re out of work and at home.·• She said many men are anx· ious and frustraled over matters that normally would not bother them. As a result, they have a low tolerance for a crying or mis· chievous child. Statistics on child abu!e are hard to find and often mislead· ing, Or. Brown said. Many cases are not reported and others are not considered serious enough to be called child abuse. Dr. Brown is a strong advocate of slate laws to require the re- porting of definite or possible in· stances of child abuse. Such a law went into effect in Illinois in 1965. She said that in 1974 nearly 2,000 child abuse cases were re- ported in Illinois. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children are severely injured each year as a result of beatings. Or. Brown s aid the death rate for children admitted to hospitals after whippings is 10 percent and that the majority of deaths are due to s kull fractures. con· cussions . burns and injuries to in · lernal organs. "A normal parent or custodian Killer Child Under Study CHlCAGO CAP ) -The dread· ful phenomenom of children murdering other children is much m o re c ommon than generally believed. a New York medical e xaminer contends. Dr. Lowell J. Levine said in a s peech Wednesday at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences that judges, doctors and other proressiona ls remain "absolute- ly incredulous at the idea that children murder other children.'' But, he said, ''from ~ex­ perience we mus t believe it is oc - curring much more frequently than is being recognized:" In New York Cily, he said, about 10 percent of the battered· child murder victims proved to be the vi ctims of older children. will rush hi s child for immediate aid; however, the abusers, often fearful or their own cOnse- quences, wait until they become truly frightened and unW they have concocted their explana- tions." Dr. Brown s ays. Most states have now adopted provisions call ing for detailed re· .. ports of child abuse cases. But Dr. Brown said it is difficult to · pros e c ute child abus ers . Evidence is hard to obtain. "Abus ive acts are usuall y in- flicted within the privacy of the home where they are either un- obsei"ved or witnessed only by a s pouse who h as a legal right to refuse lo testify a g ainst the abus- ing mate." Dr. Brown said. Haldeman Blamed Pat Nixon Calls Taping 'Stupid' NEW YORK (AP> -Mrs. Richard M . Nixon was ronvinccd that H.R. Halde man did many things without her hus band's knowledge, including the taping of presid ential convers ations about Watergate, according to a fri e nd quoted by the Ladies ' Home Journal. The former First Lady was "appalled'' when she learned 1 bow deeply Watergate reached into the White House, the friend was quoted as s aying in the n;iagazine's March Issue. ''She couldn't believe the stupidity involved. She sWd the tapes should never have been used in the first place -it's something you just don 't do." , sai~ the friend. who asked to re· mam anonymous. Saying tha t Mrs . Nixon blamed Haldeman, rormer White House chief of staff, for the tapings, the friend coatinued: "They weren't the best of friends. She was -~onvinced that Haldeman did many. things without the President's eve r knowing -and this was just another . She never S&\4' H.tldcman again after the busi· ness of the tapes.'' Written by Kandy Stroud. the art.lcle also said other lk'tends de· nled reports that Mrs. Nixon had become a recluse. Jl Hid that although s he rarely leaves San Cl emente. t here are exceptions. "Di sguised in a dark wig , she made on e Christmas shopping trip to Los Angeles with her friend flelene Drown, and, at a Christmas party, sipped cham· pagne with local volunteers who help with th e mail,'' the magazine reported. An Extra President? WASHINGTON CAP) -ll's a good thing the Agriculture Department doesn't write history books . A glossy 15-page magazine published by the department ·Wednesday included an artJ- cle about new food stamp de. nominations, and the cover of the magazine carried a repli ca of a new $10 food stamp bearin g lla milton's lik eness. The caption read: "Preli· dent l~amilton appears on the nrw SJO food stamp ." Ha milto n was the fir&t secretary of the Treasury, bul ·never wa~ president. For.d's OU Pio•• I MAZDA •. ·• lnltial reperts sold the loea wu $40,000, but then through a mis· understandine or the breakdown or the arson·set fire in the finan· claUy-troubled Maida motor car empire's U.S. headquarters il wud-led toS80,000tt'uesday. .. Governors Back :fhe police report filed by Irvine Police Officer Douglas Stpermt!r said the loss included $25,000 to the structure itself and $1p;.OOO in contents belonging to the firm and individuals. Orange County Fire Ocpart- .ment spokesman originally sug- gested the blaze could be bl amed on an electrical short, then r e- vi!ed that evaluation to say Ute fire was suspicious in origin. ,A &pokesman for the Don Koll • Cons truction Company which built the 1t1azda facility, gener al manager Stan Brockhorf. sharp- ly contradicted the electrical problem theory Wednesday. I-le said release of SU('h in · formation implied some degree of complicity or res ponsibilit y on the part of the builders in thC' $40,000 fire that damaged a build- ing they are trying to sell, now that Mazda Motors will never oc· cupy it. "That is entirely and totally t•r- roneous," Brockhoff said of any electrical failure contributing to the fire. ''Jn any building of this s ize you always have electrical problems.'' The Mazda Motors building fire was the second at a Koll en- terprises building within the past week, following a $450,000 blaze ei ght days ago at the Costa 11r1csa Business Complex, 3303 1-larbor Blvd .. which wiged out six busi- ness and Industrial suites. Investigators blarne that blaze o n a spark from a battery charger being used on a Manta competition s ports car in the showroom of one suite specializ· ~ing in production of such autos. Bus Hits Truck BALTIMORE CAP> -A cit y school bus carrying 15 mentally handicapped students collided with a fire truck responding to a false alarm today, causing minor injuries to 20 persons, authorities said. • Delay m Tariff WASHINGTON CU P!) -Tho nation's governors votc--d by a lar'e margin today to express lhe1r s upport for a 90-day delay of the tarirr which President Forll has imposed on importt.-d oil. Meeting in the ir national con- (('rence, the gove rnors voted 28 to 12 in favor of a statement OPJX>S· ing the tariff. But this was short or the three quarters majority the governors r equire to formal- ly adopt a policy statement . Al though the issue could arise again be fore the conferen('e ends, th e vote left the governors v.·1th no united policy on the tariff or the wider issue of energy con- !';crvati on. Judge Rejects Suit Attacking Massage Law CHICAGO !UPI> -A federal judge has dis missed a suit by women ma s sa g e parlor employes who charged their civil rights were being denied by a ci· ty ordinance wh~ch barS the patronizing of houses of prostitu· tionorill fame. Some 100 women erriployes of local m assage parlors swamped the courtroom of U.S. District Court J udge F'r ank J . h-1 cGarr to al tend the hl'<1ring \Vcd nesday. The e n1pl oycs' suit, v.·hi ch ac· companied a suit filed by massage parlor owners, charged th.at the police department and Police Supt. J ames Rochford de· nied their civil ri ghts. J\·tcG arr S<lid . "ThC' pi cture that en1 1:rgc:> is one of a sordid, sleazy environment, which is not in itselr illegal, but is one in v.·hic h lewd conduct is performed and is expected by both employes and patrons.'' • ' Later, by 30 to 1 vote, the gOY· ernors .adopted a compromise statement calline: for lour to six months of severe conservation efrort s before a decision is made or whether additional steps are FORD GAS PLAN SOCKS MOTORISTS. Page A4 ne<'essary lo curb ~onsumption of fuels. Gov. Philip W . Noel of Rhode Island, a Democrat, spoke emo- tionally about what ~he tarirf might mean to his constituents. Before leaving his state, he said, he had to find $100,<XX> in state fund s to pay for oil "to stop peo· pie from freezing to death in their homes . "J1omeowner s in Rhode Island are living with their thermostats turned down to 62 degrees," he said. Noel said that in Rhode lsland, 1 a state heavily dependent on im- ported oil tor home heating, con· sumption has already dropped 22 percent since the Arab erT)bargo ·of 1973-4 because or price rises and the poor can use less fuel OD· ly at the risk of freezing. Pr1eanwhile, Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott said today there was ··a rather good chance'' Pres ident Ford can s alvage his increased.tax: on im· ported oil if he gives assurances that most of the levy would be put on gasoline. The Senate \Vednesday. by a 66-28 ma r gin, completed con- gressional a ction on a measure to suspend the oil import fee in· 'crease £or 90 days. Ford im· mediately said he would velo il. The Senate would need two- thirds of those \'oting to override the \'C'to -66 if the New llampshire scat is not filled by the time of the vote. The House voted Feb. S to de· lay the import fee by a margin of 309 to 114, far more than the needed two-thirds. davis·brown Close out Sale on Our new line.of Maytags is on the way! We must move out all discontinued models NOW! Hurry and Save. . Buy in the crate or we'll deliver. Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer •Permanent Df C"SS ;i nd rr>oul;tr fabric cycles • 3 Waler level seuings • 3 Water temooral uro sethngs •Zi nc coated steel cabinet with tough acryloc enom('l linish • Famrly size orocela1n enamel tub with Power Fin Agitator• Attrac11ve brtJshed melai trim While 01ey tast Now on!y s1999s Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher ' \l'JU200 •f ull 5,,,.. 11op.-.r .'.Ind lower high v~ loc1tv soray arms pfu<; center po'.t spray ... 3 l<>o1el scrubbing £'hm1n11rns ore-rln~1no •Unique rnr.k•n n·r!•&h""i .1nrl s11vrrwa10 on lop • Micro-Mesh tiller Hurry and Save wu1no • :t J t r \ a ;( ( ·I • ~' ·~ or lo in ·~ vi 01 Pl LI do ho sl l• ~ " .. n sl g " a ~ 0 d ·1 I u ' ~ ( ' • I I ' i ' ' •j • ., / • • l ' 'I I ( : I I 1 •' -- Let 'ena Fly Thursdmy, February 20, 1975 DAILY PILOT AS Purchase OK'd Laguna Bluffs Park Approved A park atop one or the most scenic ocean-side bluffs in Laguna Beach, Crescent Bay Point, is a virtual certainty today following action Wednesday by the county Board of Supervisors and the Laguna Beach City Coun - cil. Supervisors unanimously en- dorsed purchase of 2.3 acres or land at the point at a cost of S550,000 m ade up of federal, county and city funds. I-lours later. the Liiguna Beach City Council approved s pending $47 ,000 in state park bond money to cover the city's share of the park's cost. The council also ap- from the U.S. Department of In· terior and $22,500 in county funds . Stanley Krause, county rea1 proper.ty services agent, told supervisors he is almost but not quite cert<:1.in a federal Land :.ind Wa ter r.lanagement Agency grant for $280,500 is on its W<JV to the county to aid in the purchase. The Trust for Public Lands 1s :J nonprofit corporation that acts as a catalyst lo acquire valuable open space for public agencies either as donations or wefl below fair market value. UC Irvine students loss their paper gliders from the third floor. balcony of the Engineering Building (top photo). Waiting on the ground, one-year-old Casey Baker retrieves a plane for a t esl fli ght of hi s own. Casev is the son of Dew ey Baker, on"e of the UCI engineering students taking part in the paper afrplane contest and other events scheduled for Engineering Week this week. propriated $3,000 for preparation . or a plan for the park's develop- n1ent . The city's share of the cost is • --------------bolstered by a ~280,500 grant Krause said the three Crescent , Bay Point lots, owned orii~inally by Margaret McKnight Russel. were appraised last [)(.'{"en1ber o.l a fair market \'alue of 5605,000 . Through negotiations by the county and the Trust for Public Lands. the price was knocked down to the SSS0,000 fi gure. •. &~ ·w@(!:!] [? ·~®[?WO©® A-ff'SO. CA yu1.1r llard ol ffeari11g? DEAR PAT: Do you know of a ny place in the county area that offers job training or placement for people who are hard of hear· ing? L . 0 ., Newport Beac::h Contact the Re habilitation Institute of Orange County by vlsltlDg 1880 E. La Veta, Orange, or by phonJng 633-7400 for an ap- pointment. Vocational counselor Unda Shaw will interview you to determine ho"' your needs may best be met. Job plac::cment as· slstance also ls a\/ ail able. Ingot Shipped G~P Victory? Not Witlwut Good Economy SEAL BEACH (API - Unemployment and in(lation must be solve d 1£ the Republicans are to win the pr-e· sidency in 1976, says the head of the National Federation of Republican Women. And . added Connie Armitage. the While I-louse may not gel the credit even if the problems arc solved. "Our polls s how that the people expect the Congress lo cope with these problems," t\1rs. Armitage said. She added. however . that she is not too a larmed by r-cports that less than a quarter of American voters li st themselves as Republicans. She said that Presi- dent Eisenhower had won a huge victory in 1952 when the GOP had even fewer members. Mrs. Armita ge, who hus headed the 415,000-member federa tion since 1972, spoke at a news conference prior to a speech al the federation's largest member. the Leis ure World Seal Beach chapter. She listed Sen. Henry Jackson (D·Was h.1, as potentially the toughest De mocrat Cor the GOP to beat. But s he said she wouldn't rule out Sen. Ed\11ard Kennedy < D·Mass. l. describing him as ''in Hyannis Port trimming his sail s, waiting for a draft.,. On the ge neral politica l climate. s he said . "I believe that the turnof( on politics, the cynicism and the disillusion peo. pie were reeling has crested." Krause told supervisors he has received a letter from the state Departn1enl o r Parks and Recreation. which administers federal grants in California. stat- ing the Crescent Bay Point purchase w as eligible for· a . S280,500 stipend. But Krause said he is not sure i[ the Jetter-is £inaJ 4:1.Uthorization to spend the money. Supervisors agreed to endorse the purchase on the condition the grant arrives before the purchttsc deadline gf t~eb. 26. The board action came after some negative remarks were made by Supervisor Laurence Schmit. Sc hmit , the board 's new representative on the regional coastal commission, s aid he thinks the price of the lots is ex· orbitant in view o r new restric· lions placed on coastal construc- tion. But Krause insisted such con: siderations were taken into ac·· ' count whe11 the property was ap...· praised. · I . - DEAR PAT : 1 ordered and paid for a silver ingot from Hamilton Mint l<ist October. It was the seventh in a series or 24 "Profiles West " ingots. Ship· ment has grown progressively slowe r. I shou ld have h ad 12 in· -----------------------------j gots by now but have only re· ceived six. My letters or inquiry are not answered either. One wonders if the increasing value of silver is causing this firm to deliberately delay its so-called .. monthly" ingots. G. R ., Costa Mesa Hamilton !\lint spokesman llelen Mitchell says your seventh ingot has been "hipped and It should arrive within two weeks. She admitted many customer complaints have been rttel'fed since Hamilton Mint put a new computer in charge of its order processing operation. DelJberate slow shipment was denied. It your ingot does not arrive shorl· ly, contact Mitchell per·sonally by writing to the tlrm's customer service department. •('fl Kill You' DEAR PAT : Just thought I'd let you know you can tell the re· • ader who recently inquired about how to order a particular bumpcr sticker t hat it m<1y be requested from Miles Kimball for a nominal price. The address is Oshkosh, Wis. 5490 1. V. S., Costa Mesa Thanks, V. S. Anyone gllmps· ing a bum per-sticker reading "Support Mental Health or I'll Kill You!" can thank -or blame -you ro1 it! A copy of the mall order ad you sent to AYS Is being forwarded to M. B. 1Dry Food Boom DEAR PAT: The dehydrated ' food business seems to be on I.he upswing; judging by all I've re· ad, including several inquiries in I At Your Service. When did these businesses start to operate al full pace, how many arc there and what is the price range n<1· tionwide for a year's supply or this food? G. C., l\llsslon Viejo An article ln Forbes magazine ' Geb. 1, J915 ) titled •'Hello Suckers'' says the dehydrated food bu11ln8s11 started to boom 18 montlal ago, with 2G to 30 1mall C'Ompaalea producing some $30 bllllon In annual revenues. Cost '· rans rrom S4ff to $150 for a three· · monlll to one·,>'e ar lnd'lvldaal "' food •apply. The article noted that t'hl• tyre of food would not. ~ provide ful nutrition It lt were' ~ the only food available. Vlla.mins 1' C and D •re de5lroyed by the de· t hydration . r,rocess, t~orbes r .. claimed. It a so s•ld lhal clalmi ,· of 10 lo 20 year• aafe storage may r be true as rar a .. growth of food t spoilage org1nl1ml', bqt main· taln'' l•I nutrltionel v1fae and tute.q••llly 11 ~alllloeable In vl'ew of Caltfor•la's warm storage condllio•~· RulesVog11e FCC Will Propose TV Ohsc~nity Law WASHINGTON (UPl l -The Federal Communications Com- mission said today it will propose legislation in Congress to make it a crim e to s how obscene and in- decent m aterial on television . The FCC also said the three major television networks have agreed to limit prime time ex· posure of violence and sexually oriented material In the 1975 television season . Current laws make it illegal £or radio stations to air obscene and indecent materials. but the FCC said in a report to Congress that s uch laws are vague about television . "F'or this reasons, OA·e will in- clude in our legis lative proposals £or action by this Congress an amendment ... whtch would eliminate this uncertainty," the FCC said. Party Slated For Nixon in Palm Desert PALM DESERT <UPI ) Ri chard Nixon has come out of seclusion, and will be guest of honor at a party. fh his first trip of more than a few hours a way Crom his San Clemente estate, except for hoepital visits, Nixon arrived by car Wednesday at the walled estate here of Walter Anoenberg, the '"millionaire publisher Nixon 8ppointed ambassador to Great Britain. Njxon was frequently a gueat at Annenberg's estat e , b.Wdte he resigned the pre· sidency. It WfS reported fri ends were o.rganiiing a party for Nixo11 and his wife Pa(. with the guest list to include a number or 1-loll,ywood celebrities. Except for two trips to Memoriol Hospilti l at Long Beach for treatment of phlebitis and other ailments. Nixon has been secluded at his oceanside estate sjnce th~ Water1ate scan- dal rorced him out of offir:r. The report was careful to state that programs involving violence and sexual material -which might not be legally obscene or indecent but might be inap- propriate ror c hildren -should be regulated by the television in· dustry itself and not by law. The FCC said ABC. CBS ·and NBC have tentatively set the rollowing guidelines for the 1975 season: -Prime time viewing hours between 7 and 9 p .m . would be set aside mainly for "family view- ing" s ix days a week. On Sunday. the hours would be 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . -·'Vie\1/er advisories" wouJd be broadcast visuall y and audibly from time lo time in ad· vance of any shows during prime time that might be considered questionable for children. -Networks will attempt to let publisher~ of television program· ming know in advance of ques· tionable material to be broadcast during ··ramil y viewing'' periods. The FCC said 1t had received 1ncredsing complaints or ''iolence on television the past lhree years. "In 1972. the. commi ssion re· eeived over 2,000 complaints about violent or sexually orient- ed programs." the report said. "In 1974, the volume increased to nearly 25,000." The commission said it was confident of lhe television in · dustry's d esire to keep ques- tionable as well as lawfully; "nde· cent material off the air. "It should be stressed that the net.works do not view the past-9 p.m . viewing period as a time to be filled With blood, gore and ex- plicit sexual depictions.·· the F'CC said . . "The presidents or nll three networks ha\le assured the com· mission that they will contineue lo· use restraint in the selection and presentation of Program materlal tarer in the evening." j e t ;I' rr~lt.Od'l OfJ('/.' JrztJc (J11 (IJ1·crcl rr11rt%'l<riqgcJ~ c1zlti"'61¢!?olrtrr'!/ r<Jllr'cbrJ11/c Xt.tJt; Ml/ .s.efected bed'(}OlllA'; rb/lU/!J /'O(J-/ll&' flit{/ (}('('([,'J'l f)I /{ f ~ !JIYJttjJ.I'. (lJat rlo ii 11 rJ rtJ 01· ii 1rJil/ !J(· loo-lrz!t'. your fovonte designer Wiil be happy lo assist you H.J.GAI\1\ElT fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon. Thurs. & Fri. Eves:. I 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALtf. I • I I I --. ' ' .. •• • •' ,. 4f DAILY PILOT Thursday. February 20, 1975 ' U.S. To11r to ¥ietnatn Shel-ved . ' wl&b To• arpblae . "'':'.· .. Saving Schools SCHOOL DAZE: Upcoast and downcoast In our region today. We have a group or people who have answered the call to civic duty. They are running ror elec· lion to our va.Sous coastal school boards. It is really bewildering. 'Don't 8111•0 HiJD Boys Terrorize Ol4 Couple NEW YORK (AP> -"Don't bum him . u,·s an old man. I'll gi"e you our money,'' an elderly woman pleaded with three teen· aged robbers as her husband lay bound on a burning mattress. With that, the boys, armed with a Jong knife and a hammer, extinguished the smouldering bed and ransacked a bureau con· .taining $1 ,350 in jewelry and $220J.n cash. Jacob Geller, 83, and his wife, Rose, 76, were terrorized for two hours in their low-rent Brooklyn apartment Wednesday by the youths. They tied up the couple wlr..h neckties and threatened to kiU Geller when he refused to say where their money was. ''GIVE US YOUR money or we'll kill you." one of the boys said, pointing the knife at the throat of the bound man. When Geller protested, they set rll'e to the mattr:ess. The boys didn't put out the fire until Mrs. Geller, tied up 'on a couch, revealed where the couple's valuables were. About an hour after the ordeal. police seized three teeriagers, two aged 14 .and one 15, several blocks from the robbery scene. The elderly couple identified them as their attackers, police said. To ihe Defense Being a school trustee is a chancy sort of game. Also, it's a lot of work. Additionally, the hours stretch long into the night at school board meetings and the subject matter is often tedious. So, you ask, how does a ci\lic· minded citizen get s ucked into a job like this? Easy. First, the newspaper " runs stories about so many seats being Open on the sch~l board in the upcoming election. Th.is news notice is followed by an editorial or two, urging the civic-minded citizen to become a candidate. ALL TllREE WERE charged with juvenile delinquency, \1tith specifications of attempted murder. burglary. larceny, arson and unlawful imprisonment. The Gellers were not hospitalized. ·'The poor old man was very upset and could hardly talk when we arrived," police said. Geller has a heart ailment and was incoherent.from shock and fear. Mrs. Geller s aid later, "I had all that money because I cashed our Social Security check so I could have cash when I visit my doctor tomorrow. I don't know where I'll get the money now.'' CIA Director William Colby defended his agency against charges of massive spying today, saying, ''Missteps ·were few and far between'' ' and did not justify outcry _raised by news reports. Colby said recent attacks "'have placed American in· telligence in danger." · WELL THEN, old Fred is out watering his lawn one day, chat- ting with neighbor Bill. The sub- 1ect of schools comes up. Prices Going Up Abruptly, Bill says to Fred, ··vou know. Fred, our schools re- ally do have a Jot or problems these days and our present board isn't really handling it too well. You know· what, Fred? A man of . your intelligence, education and Drivers Will Bear Brunt in Gas Plan judgment really ought to run for the school board.'' Fred ca.n'l believe what he's heard. ''Aw, sbucks. Bill, there are plenty of people who would· be better trustees than me," Fred replies. WASH1NGTON <UPI> -celerated rate while holding President Ford has decided to down price increases on r esidual keep fuel prices down for . oil used for e lectric power . utilities , commercial airlines \ generation, jet fuel, home heat- and home owners at the expense ing oil and other petroleum pro- of the motoring Public. ducts. But the seed has beenp1anted. Regulations to be published in the Federal Register in the next 10 days will require refiners to boost prices on gasoline at~ ac- ALL THE INCREASES will come g radually as the price of im- ported crude oil goes up. lf Congress adopts Ford's full energy plan, an unlikely occuf"' rence, the retail price of gasoline NEXT MORNING, Fred is shaving, when the image in the mirror lells him. '"Fred, you're not a bad looking fellow. Also, BW is right, you know. You are a man of intell igence, education and judgment. ''Now somebody has to save ·our schools. So' Fred looks back at bis mirror and agrees "You're right, mirror. Yd bette; save our ·schools right now. 1 don't see- anybody who could do it any bet- ~r." . Top Leaders 'Illuminated' By Kissinger · . would increase 12 to 13 cents a gallon while heating oil would go up6to7 cents, White House Pr~s Secretary Ron Nessen said Wt:d- nesday. WASHINGTON (AP) - ~EXT TltlNG you know, Fred . · ~cretary _or State lienry A. _Ki ss- Blodgett, neighbor and lawn-1nger briefed c?ng~ess ional waterer , has been transformed leade~s ~oday on his Middle East into Fred Blodgett. school board negot1at1ng lour a.nd o~~ senat?r rcandidate, who is running on lhe call_ed .the .. sess1on very 11 - plaUorm of Save Our St.bools. lum1na~1ng . _ Fred spends Jon g hours on the Leavn~g the_ Whit~ l:louse after campaign trail in candidates the session. with K~ss1nger, Se~. night forums, coffee klatches and J~hn-Sten~1s (D-M1ss.1 also s<;ud noon service club speeches He Kissinger s report dealt with even spends some money 0~ ad· · "progre~s in the Middle East." · vertising. _St~nn1s was . as ~ed-whether • Fred campaigns on 1owering Kissinger gave 1nd1cat1011:s when school taxes, eliminating frills, a Ge~~va conference ~1ght ~e buying a better educatiCNJ for our held. No date "'.as set, St;enn1s kids, returning to basic Three. responded. _V~ce Pres1.dent Rs, buying better school buses Rockefeller 301ned President and more crossin g guards. Ford , 12 senators and 11 H~se He gets elected. Fred is a m.e~bers at the breakfast with trustee. ~ · Kissinger. . Now come the long night meet-He returne~ from his IO-day ings where Fred, to his dismay, tour of the ~11d~le EB;5t Wedn~s- learns that school taJCes are going day and said 1 believe we ve up; that all the frills have made . so_me progress toward already been e liminatea; and estab~1s~1 ng .. a framework for they can't afford better school negot1at1ons. busesormorecrossingguards. Bu~ he was Uf!ders~ood to be . worried that Syria might try to FRED SITS THROUGH night upset a Sinai settlement because after night of m eeting~ whet,e the of fears that E gypt may be mak- parents wh~ clect-:<1 hi!lJ chew on ing a, separate deal with Israel. ~r Freddie for his fai.h.~.re to de-His chief worry iri arranging a 11".er all those campaign pro· settlement concerns reports that rmses. Syrian President 1-lafei Assad is ~ed doesn 't even get pajd for urging other Arab nations to re- theJob. sist so-called ''partial settle- No wbnder he's not speaking to ments" that could divide the his mirror any more. Arabs . "We are commiting ourselves to gasoline tilt on prices,'' Nessen said. , The move was seen as a modest s tep toward accom- modating critics of Ford's energy program who have argued for rationing, higher gasoline e.xcise taxes, allocations and other ways of discouraging energy waste by drivers. UNDER RULES proposed last month by the Federal Energy Administration, petroleum re- finers would have been proh.ibited from disproportionately increas- ing the cost of h eating oil and other products -except gasoline -when baswg prices on higher- costing imported crude oil. Now, in a small but significant . change of emphasis, Ford is tell- ing refiners thev must oa~:i. through most or these higher costs in_ to gasoli!le prices. · Doily Pilot D.n.tl'Y 11 Gv•anfffd Monday-Friday: II you do no1 have YoUt paper by 5:30 p.m.. can be!Ofe 7 p m. and your copy will be de- livered. , saturday and Sunday: II yoo do not receive your COPY by 9 am. Satur- day. Of 8 a.m. Sunday. can belore 10 a.m. and yoor copy will be aehvered. Clrnhrff-T1 .. pt.~11•• Most.Orange County Areas 64J-4JJI Northwesl Hunltngton Beach. and Westminster •...... S40-IJJO San Clemente. Capistrano Beach. San .hlan captstrano. Oan;i Poon!. South Laguna. Laguna Niguel . . . '495-ffJO Flood Plagues Alabama Storm Brings Rains to Rocky Mountains ' , " " .. "' " -~! ~ " " " " l1 17 " " I -11 J• lJ ~ " 11 ,, n " " . '° M " .. SJ I! " .. " .. ,, " fl II .. ,. .. " ,. " " .. . , ~, " " ,, . ... .. .n ' ,. Trap a tropical chair. Tropical planlat1on chair . Woven 1n 1he Phihpplnes or golden bun. . l wisted crown base Tf1mmed in black 29"1126~. Reg, 39.99 Now 29" COSTA MESA 2710°H.UIOA ILYD. t..,...., ... t, 540.7lJ7 '1 I ' Congress · 8':'siness , Gets Top Priority From Wire Services WASHINGTON -President Ford's suggested Indochina fact· finding mission for 20 members of Congress is being shelvec:t at least temporarily, political sources said today . They said the current conflict between the White House and Congress over Ford's economic- ene r g y program gave the lawmakers no tim e for the trip tQ Saigon. Senate, including a proposed nue chanae to make it easier to kilt • · 1£ilibuster. ' The sourCes said that ScoU was not opposed to the trip in prlnci· pie, but was concerned about timing. He has declined to name Republican participants so far. In SOuth Vietnam, Communist,..· led forces shelled Population cea· ters, blew up bridges and struck at a regional headquarters of the international peacekeeping force ,; ,today. The Saigon command said more than 60 persons, moeUy civilians, were either wounded or killed in the various attacks. Some of the lawmakers re· portedly decided it would be politically unwise for them to make the journey to South Viet- nam to determine v.•hether that -------------'--- country needs S300 million in ad· ditional emergency milit~ry aid proposed by Ford. Good Character A Must for Job Two newly e lect ed GOP senators, J ake Garn of Utah and Paul ·Laxalt of Nevada, disclosed Wednesday they had decided not to take part in the proposed trip. Congressional sources said that Senate GOP leader Hugh Scott urged Republicans to slay in Washington for a number of important votes coming up in the OLYMPIA, Wash. (UPI) Proposed leg islation before the Washington House of Represen- tatjves lo lega)ize prostitution provides that li censes be given "only upon satisfactory proof that the applicant is of good character.·• Could Abdelhak have been Ab· delhak sitting tn a Chippendale chair? Could th al lady have danced to exo11c rhythms through a set of French Prov1n · c1at lurn1 ture? Could Sa m have played 11 agatn 1n a pop art dis· cotheque? Stage you r own thnl- ler ..... 1th low-bullilget plantal1on furn1!ure lrom P1Cr 1. Bask in a plantation chair. Buri peacopk chair The back: soars into a ma .. 1esl1c throne -over 5' !all Well-woven bf Cebu villagers 1n lhe Philippines. Reg •.......••• 11999 Now .... 8999 S1v1 on 3 miniature setting. Miniature !able and chair set tor the'-tli?ts. Table. 22" diameter. 19" tall. 4 matching chairs, 20" wide~ 2 t '" tall. R*i-69.99 Set potted plants In burt. Wdven buri llower stand. 33" tall, 16"di.ameter. Big enough to hold large pots. Dangle 1ra11tng vines from it for.a tropical accent. Reg. 19.99 Now 14" Now 44" , , Llllllhd Qw..,... OAAMCH CITT SHOffllfG' CEHTll 6JJ.ott5 AHAHEIM 501 E. KATl!LU AVE. 77Z'1472 LAGUHAHAC# 12'4.SO. COAST.HWY, 4tUIOI • """"' Mon.-S.l ,.., Sun. ,... , . .111 LOS -A judg Califo law t Lion s politic In I day. Hupp s uch J form 1 jectin: of 35 new f'irst • Jud l"irst that•• intere necesi lawn mini~ agair lluen\ 8111 LO~ ·-A ;udge sente ye~r .. J.(uilty ncctic h i j J Grey I GrE Los A ::.urpr n es c sc he pe~ra Th1 f'Urr ( l-'ran( achel ::.rl'a Ger al J,os . t'.har1 bus ri 1n Ci llolh l...os A "'' SA CAP1 ··tou s upe city' :.icad schOI ""i ll conrl educ! "1' ~itd~ clecit wh a den ti 5lic l I --~·--... Thuf'S('.tay. February 20 1975 oA1LvP1Lor A5 J11d~e's Decisio11 Lobbyist Law Gets Backing ·Victii;n's Screams .411 ti-hrlmet Bid Solon Lobbied LOS ANGELES ,IAPJ -A Superior Cou1'l judge ha s upheld California's tough new law banning contribu- ti o n s by Jobbists t o political candidates. Jn his ruling Wt.>dnes- day, J udge !tarry I. Hupp said he didn't think such gifts represented i.l form of free speerh, re- jecting a suit by a group of 3S lobbyists t hat the new la"'' violated the First Amendment. (-... __ s_1_a_1e ___ ) Supt. Steven P. 1\-lor~n:.i said Tuesday night in an· nounc1ng: his resignation on June 30. Ct1111puig11 ~l'o.>.·es u~• , • ...,..... '·""Big Dt>al' SACRAME1'TO <IJPI 1 'l'hrce influential Former LA Mayor Sl'n:.itc Democrats in Sam Yorty admitted troduc:cd legi s lation before city council \V edn~sday providing committee that h C! partial taxpayer finant-bought 3,000 shar es ing ofs tatl' elections. 0 f Occident a I ) Ignored SANTA MONICA (API -A crowd or onlookers ignort'd a 15 -yeui··o ld rape victim 's sc.r e;.ims ror help after her at· tacker told them it wus only a fa nlily quarrel, police s ;.iid Wednl'sduy. 'fh(• girl had been "'alking home from a private gir l 's school shortly before s unset ·ruesday y,.·hen she was ;.ippro<.1ched by a man holding what appeared lo be a gun. The attacker fo1·cl'd the girt. into a va- <'anl second story :ipart· 1nent nearby, officers :-.aid. CALIFORNIA "Were1rolj"' Gets I to 10 111 Stabbi11~ By Hells Angel S1\CRAMEN1'0 (Ul•I) f\ freshn1an legislator today st'Ul · t1 t•<I ;1 proposal to rc<1uir•! motor1.·1Jclists to u•t•ar he lmt•ts :.1ftl'r h~· was told tht• ht·ad~1·:1r 111;,iy causl.! as n1uny dcuths :.is 11 ()l't'V('nts. AS!->C'll1blyman l'aul C:.1rtM.'ntt•r <D -CypressJ, !'><lld he C'hat1J.,\l'(l ht:-. mind al>oul the hl'ln1ct alter ;.it Lcndini.: motor<·yclc rallies and being Jobbil•d by n11..·n1bers or th•· I lei l's Angel:-. ln:..teu<l of 1·cquir1ng heln11.·1 .... ('arpcntur now 1s go111g lo pl'e P •t l'C lt·g1!'>lul1on t<lilin~ on !>t.:lle offi('t,tl" to toui.:hcn n10Lorcyt"IC driYt'r"' tc:-.t"i :.incl ofl'C'r ~:.ift•ly progranl s to hii!,h ..,1.·hool !'>lll dents. t·3ll s. :.ind \·1s 1t s 1 1·1Jn1 111oturl·ycl1!':.t!i. 1nelud1n g a Ull'lnbt·r ot' lhl' I lt•ll ':.. ,,n~l·ls whu 1·an11• 11110 his d1strit·l 11ffn·e t u t'tll11)ll.11tl ,1h1H1I thL· IL•g1:..J,1t1011 , '••\\ ltl·:S ti•: 1.1-:1· .. T tht· u1!11·t• l had :.ippo111ll'<i 111111 ln :t l'o111n111 l l'l' 10 l'llllll' U\l I\ 1lh I l'tUllllll!'l1 clat10 11:-. · :-.,nd ( ';11 p1·11tt·r. "!Ir ,1u~t :-.hook 111~ h1-.11I •ind :-..nd, · 1 nt·vt·r thoug ht l \1t•11hJ i.:t•t 111 \'Ol\l'd \\llh \ht• t':->L,1hl1:-.h11 11•!1 l ,Jlld J)O\itJ l'!'>' ., l".1r\)l'Llt1·r ':-. r1•\ l">t'tl ll'!.'.t..,l.1\1011 l1u1.Jld c:.111tnr1\l'I\ •1t1d 1111 )ft' :-tr 1nL:1•nt r1'<lllll't•rno •111 .... lnr ..,\,1\1· 1nt1 \0l't',\t'lt• llc·1•n..,1n !.'. 11 ... \.., II•· :-,;tld t'\ l'll fl\\l\lll'l'\ t•li:-.1:'> Ii;\\ I' 1·h.1r g1·tl 1h1• 1•\.1111111.111011 1.., ;.:.rn-.,..,l;. 111.1d .. qt1;dc · Judge Hupp ~uid in first four-page , ruling that ••a compelling stutc interest is found in the necessity to protect the lawmakin g and ud- ministrativc proct'ss .again st in1proper 111- fluences." ·rt.L·y estimated it Petroleum .Cori>. wot.Md cost 54 million a stock in 1966 _ six year, or 20-cl'nts annual-ly from each t'alifornian, days aft e r la nll swe:tp <1nd predicted it had a deal between the oil goud <;ha nee of enact· firm and the city . lie The s u spe<:t then rapl·d, bc;,it and (·hoked the young vic:lin1, v.•ith :.i . w:.irnin" to sto1> strc;in1-··Til I·: Y < 111·: I . !\t f:1'S i ~ :.i \ t' ... RF.D\VOOD CITY,lUl)I J -An d I t ing or he would kill her, !iOOll' \J\'eS un t icy a so <:o:..' 'l'he1·l' ;11'1• prv:-.11111, 1>1111 · '."100,00U lll'1,'ll!'>1 'd l ll\tltn·c~t·I" 01>t:r<1\lll'!'> Ill l'.1ldor111,1 .. \I! n111tnrt·yelt• dr1v1·1·!'< .irt• 1'l'ql11rt·d lo bt· lil·1·11 :-.1·i l. but !)t•p;u'11111·n1 ol \l11to1· \'t•h1{·ll'.-. "pnkt•..,1111·11 :-.:11d tht•y :..llS IH'l'l lll:Lll\ 1•111·r.1t•11'-.. :1rt· nnt liecll~t'd . Bus llija,.I< n1t•nt this year. said the d eal is ·not .. \Ve a re <Ju· a re and we important at a ll .' think the public is awar1! _;::..:::I:.:.:;.;=.::..:...::..:c.::.::..: __ _ LOS ANGELES <AP> no\v of the influences of big·moncy dono1·s. And v.:c think it's time to end ont'c and for :.di this sub- tle corruption. if th:.it is the right \1.:ord," said Senate I·"inanc:e Commit- · -A Superior Court Judge set M<.1rch 17 for sent encing aflt!r a 17- year-old youth pll:i.lded j!uilty to robbery in con- nection wi th the Aug. 11 hijackin g of Greyhound bus Gregory \\"ood:.ird of Los Angeles ente r ed the ~urprise guilly plc:.i \\'cd- n es day in an un- scheduled t·ourt oJµ pee:trancc. a tee c:hairmnn ,\nthony C. ll t·ilens<1n 1 ll ·l.o:-. Angeh_·~ 1 The hija ck in g 11c:· curred \OJhcn the S<in 1' ... ranciseo·bound bus re- ach ed the Can1aril lo drC'a. Wootl ;ird and Gerald P e rry, 18, aJ..,n of J,os Angclc:oi. h:itl hevn char ged voith rubbing bus pas~engers of 84.o<K.I in cas h and j{.>\\ c·lr.'. Both boarded the IJu!, 1n I..os Angele~. flffit•inl ft11i1s BI T<•NI "'"'" I::DWAJlDS 1\l·'ll, 1 t: Pl, -Th1..• prototype r~I bon1bcr \\'llrkcd Up to 75 pt'rcent of the spet'<i of sound \\'l'dnC'sd;.iy on it~ fourth tc•:-.t flight. hulit·d <1:-"v1 rt11;1llv l'IJ\\ less." 'l'h1· fli~tit'. lasting 1 hour:-. :J:l n11nu\t•s, t•n · c·ountcrt·d 111) rt·petit1on iii' the 1111n1)r l'nollng and 1•1t•c1ric;d prolJlvm th;1t c·u1 s ho1·t lilt· third test ;light after :in hour J;1S1 \\ l'[.k .'i11i'f Det1i4•tf CHP Cites Reaga11's Chauffeitr S .. \~·r ;\ RArtOARA. 'Li J>t 1 The California I li gh\\';.1y t>:.itrol stopped rtonald f{cagan's r ed st•ition v;agon fo1· speed- ing t\OJil'l.! in ty,·o months. 'J'hl' first timl', H.l':igan v.1as governor. and no tick1.:t \vas is:-.ucd . The Sl't'Ulld tin1c. ht• left of· fu·c. :.u1d h1~ t.lri\cr got :1 c:1t:.itiun . It \l'~S rt•\'l•;ill'd \Vt•d· nt·::.d.;1\ th :il llt•a gan·:-. dr11t:r. \\'i llurcl n l~:11·n1 ·tl .i f11rn1t•r hn.:h11 :1.1· patrul offi1.·c:r hltll ~l'lf , \\ ··~ I ll'kl'tl'<i 1-'t:h ·I for :dlegccl\y dri1· 1ng tiO rnllt•:-. :in hour in ;1 .'i:l n1ph .,_,,ni: 11 hilt· t;.1k111i.: Ht·:.1g;111 tu the fo1·n1l·1· :.:.o\ t'rncu· · ~ r ;inch out:-.1dc S.1111.i l~.1 rh:11·:1 I{ 1';1gan took tht• hlan1t• . ..,;i~ 111)..'. ht• told lhl' dfl\l'I' \ht• \\ ;1gon ·-. :-.pt•t•dnnll'll't' "rl';.:1:-.lt'l't·d ;, 1nll1..·!':. too !':.lil\\ .. e lectronics u•orkl'r y,•ho s <:iid he · • I · t in~·csti•~ators said . soml' livt•s -tl :., a \\:.is 1.· """ 0 often thought of himself as a But the fr:1ntic teen· <..:arpt•nter. werewolf was scnt cnct:d \V1..'<.incs· 1 ~1 ,...er mana"ed to free 1'1c s;,iid n1olorcyc 1sts prcst•nt i-. "' day to one-to·IO v .. c:.i rs 111 11ri~on · t · · h' h h herself at leas! l\Vtcl' edhimw1t1stat1s11cs w 1c !>ow for assaultin g, 01 19·yl'ar·old girl d t 1luring the orde<JI <ind the hca i::eo.ir 1nl·rpases Ill' with a s h:.irpencd butl1..•r knife. · · 1 '· run to the balcony of the nunlbl·r ol I al~l 111·c..: 1nJLll'l1 '" 1'he scntcnc:c was 1 m1)():..l'd on · t t t a tl:.ir tment where sh<.• while decrca!>•ng 1norta lt'<Jt 111-R1ch;:1rd l .liugh':J.i. by Sun f\1;,itt'..'o bc""cd spcct:.itors bclo1\' S · ~ 1 d .1uril':-.. t.i-. L"ounty upt•r1or • ourt . u ge I I to call policl-. l.l·g1:..lat1on 1·cqu11·1ng ll' llll'I :-. 'l'hL• lt'}!1slat1o111 \\011ld :d .... ,1 r1· qUI fl' n1olOl'l' ~cit• d 11\1 ·r I r.1111111 ;: in high :-.c:huul. :..irntl,11· I•• \h;!I 110\\' offl'rl'd l or aulun1ob1ll'" I .ylc Edson \\•ho s aid hC' v.·uuld rt·· t d · I JIO\\•ever, the cro\\d, \\a:-. first 111trnr uct' lll lll' cornmend th:1l ht• be given 1"h ("\R l•"·'"''T \l'hich stopped because lcg1 s l:.i.Lurc 111 l~li7 . :.it yc:1r ' ~.; ... •:It .S .\11> 1\ 1\n11ld n>, i·c:hiatr1c lrt•atmt•nt in prison. f h It ti ' A I t ofthcscrc:.ims.lcft aftl·r 111emb~rs o l c es n~~:-. a :-.o St'! up pr11;.:r;1111 -; l•• 1.0111-:h "·:is found so.1nc lo~t month I I I · · ., "''p;.irentlv. bcliC'vin~ 1hL· motoreyc c g:.ing gal ierC'c 111 ··-..t·n~111z.1• ;1 uln111uhdl' dr1\l'I " h y ;,1 Jt1t·y. -t II ~'111 . ass:.iil:.int's expl;1nation Sacr:.inlcnto to s ucc:css u Y 41 P ,o \.'.11• prt'="l'rli'(' nt 11111t•Jl'l''''lt·"· 1·.oug:h. "ho h;ul pleadl·d innn-·1 I [1• :...ud Jtl ~1 110,11 ':"I) 1, .. 1 ,.,.,,1 ,,11 ,, ,, that 1t \Vi.IS a cJu1nL'!':.\Jt' 1 f 1 pos1·1 · -. matter. t·entiingrounlsn ins;.inny,suic Carpenter s:.iid v,;hcn hl' llr:-.1 \Ch1c:lc <.1cr1d1·111 ... Lll\ol\11\J,.: he s pc-nt his youth y,·,:u1dcrin~ al I ·11 I · t J t Officers s aid thl' sus· announced h is Jl 1e ret'C1vl'1 n1otort·yt t'"> t 11· t"11· dr1\'l'I' 1:-. ;.it night in the lulls ho1\·ling ltkl' J · I I I 1· · Peet then forced the glrl 1n:.1ny opposing etter:-.. le cp 1unl· <.1un . ~"~·~c~r=c~w~o~l~f.e,._ _____________ .:.__;_ _________________________ _ to dress and al'con1pany . 1 - him o utside the ap:.irl· llll'lll. Mari11es Ho11ored S\:\' HRUi'l1 (L'P l ~ II y,·:.i s drizzling \\'edncs· ci:.i\' \\ht!n J\.l:.1rinl'"> at · l•1~·ht·rl In the f',uurt h \larint· !)i\'is iun c:on1 · n1L•nlOr;1ted thl' 30th an- lll\l'l'Sary of tht· landing ;it lv.·o .Jinl:J 111 a l'cremony at Golden (;ate :"\;itiona1 Ci'mC'lt·r~. SAN l''HAi'\f'ISl'(J <APJ -C:.il11n~ his Job ··tou g h a s h ell.·· lht· s uperintend ent or tht• c ity"s fin.in c1u lly :.ind :.icadem1cally troublt·d school dislr1 <:t s:iys he u·ill rcsig-n hcc:.luse of conflict with the bo:.ird uf educ(l.tion. ··The board ou1-:hl tn s it down and \·l'r,\ cl1.:•1rl .v c\ecidewh:.it it:-rule· is iind w h at the !->up f rin l('ll· dent's r ole 1s :.I nd tht·n !'.tick to tho..._ •. rolt'"·" I.OS 1\:"\GEl.ES tl'PJ ~ 1\ fC'dt·r:.il 1udge h:.i:-. 1·{·· j('t'll'd ;1 !':.ll !l liy .1 pa raplC'~IC Ill ha\'C the ;l,800 poll1n)! µlac:t•s 111 1.os Ani.:c·\('s mochf1cd to p1·n\'1de r:.imps l or uhcC'I thairs. point1n,i.; out th::it h:.1nd1 c:appl'd pt·r :..nn" c:.1n vote by o.1b:..t'llll'L' bul\l•t. 'rhC' l'1\·1l r1~ht:-. ~u lt \l':t:.. hroughl bv J:i1·quel1nl' Selph. :-.;'orth ll111ly11ood It ,,,,s uni t.ir fron1 \1h l'ft' thrt'l' l'lll, l 'tirs pullt'd <11 l'r 11 1·.iµan ·:-. .1u1o :.ind an l':-.c·11rt ... l' C: lL I' ] t ,I' t ' .I I' 1 n Ut·c·t•n11J1 ·r. The fl:.ig u ·as lowt•ft'{L there \A.,.as <.1n 18 -r1flC' :-.:.i lUll' and :.t c:o n1bat hc\n1et "·as plaet·d atop ;i rifle that had bt·cn bavonetcd into lht• gro.und . tht· tr:1dit1011;Jl m:.ikcshift n1:.trkt•r for the g ra\'C of a fl.I arine killl'd 111 C'On1b;it .Jk CELEBRITY * 1.7- Horsepower I 0-91. pape<bag · All SIHI Complete with tools Hoover Deluxe Convertible CLEANS SHAG ·Complete with Attachments Re9. Pric" $ SI 09.95 SALE PRICE . , • 95 MOdet U-"003 .. .. -I ,. ~·' - :..,, ....,-r, -.--:.:-.c:..--:' ... ':":: .-.. -:- 100°/o NYLON HIGH LOW SHAG REG. '12.95 DuPONT 501 NYLON EXTRA THICK SHAG REGULAR 9.95 SQ. YD. " ... TWEEDS NYLON 6.y WAI Tiit I f MOU ,Tll l !O ,. .. 99 Sq. Yd. C-)llettly lnlolld witll hi••• ··~-POlldlo1 99 SQ. YD. c-,lotoly iutollt4 wltl>Dolox• .. ~ .... -· .. DUPONT SOI IXTU HIAVT OUAll" ly ..UNO eto. •.ff 'l'.IWI (ompL~l1l1 ln11Dlled W111' Dlh••• I Mbl>lr P1Hldong SPECIAL Mill PURCHASE! ATTEMTIOM MOBILE HOME OWMERS OUTDOOR CARPET •.tt .·~··. sz'.99 L1111. ft. FIMAMCIMG AVAILABLE Up to )6 Moftffl~ 90 DAYS MO IMTEREST s1 .69 [All!lllal I~ '1 ~'f - CHOOSI HOM I AU fHI MA.ICM' IRANOI MOHAWK )' "41LADIU'HlA ~-· AIMSTIONG t - HOlLTTIX ~ CAIJN Cl.lFTS IOT.ll Wf.l\'f CAlLAWAT 2110 W .•Lincoln Anaheim, Cal. HA nil IAIWICK ALDON MAGU SMITH UH 112.8813 I ----FOUNTAIN VALLEY 17200 RROOKHURST llftfM ...... uc ''"' • • l -. AC DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE The ProhlelllS Relllain • Once again, the state has lifted a threat to declare Orange County Juvenile Hall "an unfit place for 000· · ·rmementof minors'' because of overcrowding . It took a Probation Department crash program and the funding of two additional diversJonary pro- grams to drive the hall's population down below Its rated capacity when it was re-inspected by state of- ficials. While the crisis is over, for the time being at least, lhc problems that have earned Juvenjle Hall two decertification notices in the la st six months re- main. . Some. including the .Juvenile Justice Com- mission, say the county is only prolonging the agony by refusing to build a second Juvenile 1-tall. Those opposed to building a second institution argue that many youngsters detained at Juvenile Hall should be treated in lheir communities instead. They say diversionary programs in community resource centers are needed both fc>r economy as well as for more humane treatment of minor juvcn.ileoffen- fl_~f§~-- But, as yet, the county has failed to address itself to the financial requireme11ts of such community- . based projects. Some that have been seeded by state and fed eral grants, like those in Fountain Valley and Placentia, have had problems when the grants ex· pired. Others, like the Assess ment Treatment Services Center in Newport Beach, have stayed alive through private effort.. No matter how desirable they might be, it wo'n 't be until an equitable formula for funding community- based programs is found that they can be considered a viable alternative to added institutions. . ' I t It remalns to be seen how well the count~·s needs . will be met when it comes to providing the resources needed to create a series of workable community cen- ters for juveni~es throughout the county. Correction Overdue Orange County supervisors have ordered an im- mediate probe of possible rehabilitation of a half- doten worked-out sand and gravel quarries in the county. Most of the pits deemed hazards to youngsters by cvunty safety officials are located along the Santa Ana River and several major tr\Putaries leading into tt . . The question of what to do~bout the dangerous old quarries has beep under st y for many months but supervisors weren't prompt d to quick action un· til a youngster lost his life recetllly when he plunged irtto a Santiago Creek pit. • The target pits vary in size and depth. The largest one covers nearly 90 acres and Is more than 150 feet deep in places . Supervisors have been tole\-the quarries can be reclaimed by dumping non-organic \vaste such as old concrete, asphalt and dirt into them. But before such activity can begin, the county will probably have to buy the pitS: and give some th;ought to an organized fill effort that will do the most good in the shortest time. . ' So far, the county supervisors have only put out · fires and talked a long-range solution. And any solu- tion will cost a lot of money. The elimination of the pits as hazards and eyesores is an admirable goal. Perhaps it should.have been done years ago as a stipulation to the original mining agreements. Acting now is better than not act- ing at all. •HIS NlW UlTLE CALCULATOV.. JUST iOLt> HIM HE COUL~tl'T AFfORl> IT." At Least Sex Isn't Fattening ( ART HOPPE ) Al precisely 12:01 a .m . on an otherwise ordinary day in February or 1977 sex ended. As early a s 1975 sociologists had reported the pendulum swinging back rrom tbe wild permissiveness of the previous decade. People were simply fed _•up with the whole thing. Whal tipped the s cales was the . report or the President's Com- mission on Sex: ''After two years of exhaustive studies: il has be"en proved that 78 .2 p~rcent say mor e pleasure and ·gratiri ca ti on. can be ob - tained by eat- ing pistachio ice cream.'' Thal wa s the e nd of sex a nd the begin- ning or a new 01orality based on pistachio ice cream. PREACHERS thundered against its sinfu ln ess from the pulpit. Politicians, while wallow- ing in the stuff in private, swiftly passed laws to guard the morals of. the citizenry. One made it il- legal for a couple to consume the . stuff out of wedlock. while another banned the display of pistachio nuts in newsstands. Baskin-Robbins parlors across the country were raided. Bellhops would provide a quart or !'real sweet s tuff" for a $10 bill. And men would regale each other in locker rooms with dirty ice cream jokes. Lascivious young men carried napkins in their wallets . And many · a young maiden's virtue .fell to the sibilant whisper. "C'mon, honey, one little lick won't hurt." Dear Gloomy Gus Let's give the CHP a break :lnd have our boys in Detroit build us cars that self-destruct at 60 mph. D .K .H. ~. c.. (-nt•lltl -•lillllnlttM ~ ,....,....,.,.M4_11o1rllrm11Kt.,. ........... _,..,....s....,_.,.. .....,. .. G.._.,.rC...~trf'tlef.. Bul little licks led lo love bites which led to : ''f..lary Jane, you·ve put on seven pounds. I hope you aren·t being pro- miscuous." Or: "Irwin! Can you explain those cone crumbs "h1other found in the back seat of the family car?" AND WHAT a sigh of relier harried parents breathed when their offspring were married : "The young couple exchanged dippers yesterday in a double· dipper ceremony." Naturally, there were scan- dals. A prominent congressman y,•as stoppCd by police at the Tidal Basin in the company of a can·can dancer (both her cans beihg filled with pistachio ice cream1. And a prominent Archbishop defiantly resigned. ··Sex I can give up," he said, "pistachio~ never " And naturally there were pro- tests. One young lady chained herself to the Washington monu- ment and consumed a full pinl before horriried passers-by until police hustled her ofL But due to confused Supreme Court rulings on what constituted ''a prurient interest in ice cream," movies and magazines began depicting couples engaged in the eating act-and, finally, mass orgies. TllAT'S WllEN the pendulum s'ol:ing back. People became sick of the stuff. At last they re- nounced pistachio ice cream ,forever. And tfte country _re- turned lo abnormal. • '"Sex might not be as much .fun," Summed up one young lady. "But it sure is a lot less fat· tening." Co11gress Babbles i11 Di ff ere11t '1'011911es Will Tax Cuts Really Help? WASHING1'0N -Congress is bent on adding about S2 bi llion in transformed into a social reform. tax cuts to President 1'""'ord's pro-A $20 BILfJON tax cut sounds jected $52 billion deflcit and will like a lot of money, but then when try lo make it up by a cut of 5 per. it is reduced dOYt'n to SlOO a fami- cent or so in the Defense budget. Ly .a natural question arises on This is the shape of events in .....:..how effecti ve it will actually be the mindless bureaucratic higgl-in reviving industrial production ing which is and reducing unemployment. making a ·rhe sa m e could be said, or pol i ti c a I course, of Ford·s rebate idea but quagmire of it at least had the merit of being g e t t i o g applied equally across the board. something done about re- cess ion and inOation. The House or Represen - tatives is lak· ing a couple of Yt1eeks off. Democrats are starting the pre- sidential campaign of 1976, ar1d President Ford is quite right that "basically nothing"· is getting done. ·' 'rhe moti-vating idea or the muddled alternatives to f-'ord's program is relief to individuals. This is sound Democratic party doctrine but of doubtful help to those industries which need a !.1rong tax stimulus to start to grov.• again and provide the ·employment and goods on "·hich economic reco'"ery mus t be based. The Democrats on the \\l ays and ~leans Committee v.·ere more politically alert lo the ( RICHARD WILSON J needs of s mall business, '~·h ich , again. is sound Democratic party doctrine but of doubtful help to Oouilderlng Chrysler. Lockheed. Pan American. and other big employers. ONE GLIMJ\IER or light 1s beginning to penetrate lhe social consciousness of those "·ho. like Sen. 1-leniy J\·1. Jac kson. base their politic..i.1 appeal on help •·to the people of this country v.·ho arc getting hurt." A great many peo· pie are like ly to be hurt by Jasin~ -their jobs if hberal congressm('n curry out their ideological con1· mitments agains t the Pentagon. In this time or troubles the ardor to cut military spending is diminishing. t~ord has asked for a SIS. 7 billion increase 1n mili1;.i.ry appropriations. 111.)v•e \"cr large that may seem. bringing J.s il does the Pe~-· l;.i.gon 's bill ror American secun· ty into tht.• SIOO billion range, it "·ill iJl' a sti1nulus to the t.-conon1r . An ell'ml'nl of pr;.icticality thus creeps 1n o.1nd a n1odest .')percent reduction. as in the past, has 1norc ;.i.ttraction.'i This is an il- lusion. of <:oursr. Five percent reductions progressively applied year after year "·ould require a drastic down\\'ard revision or American military strength al a time v.·hen Soviet power is sub- stantially increasing. Tlf,\T •·,\{'T, too. may· ul- t1n1a tcly penetrate through the rog and ten1pt.•r the enthusiasm of ne\\' members of Congress and nC\\' committt'e members ror a shakcdov.·n al the Pentagon as the most popular v.'ay to cut the budget. 'l'ax cuts originally intended to s pur the economy are being made a vehicle of social ad- justment. Ford is being thwarted in his attempt to cut back oil con- sumption rrom the same motive und Congress is a babble of 5-00 voices talking in different tongues. The 'Free Enterprise' ~yth I!\" GOISG Ford one better on tax cuts. the House \Va ys and l\1 eans Committee has no clear idea how that will fit into the Yt1hole fabric or government lax· ing and spending. It is crazy.quilt government. Every committee sews in its 0\11n patch without knowing the s ize or shape or the finished product. The Ways and Means Commit- tee added a bout $4 billjon to the tax cuts for individuals asked by President Ford. When it is close· Jy examined it is found to be a way of transferi'ng income from one group to another. For the firs t time cash pny- ments of up to $200 for people With less than $4,000 income is being woven into the tax system.· Rebates go for the most parl lo people in the SL2.000 income range. Zero rebates go to those with $30.000 incomes or above. Thus an economic stimulus is Although economics is not my forte, J have a strong feeling that nlmost any brand of economic thinking might succe(..'d in pulling us out or the mire ir it "·ere ap- plied long enough and consistent: ly enough. It seems to me that what foul s up our "·hole economic game plan is the pull-push opposition of conflicting groups, so that only bits and patches o f a n y coherent economic plan are a!IO\\.'cd to operate for any length of time. J\loreover. I think that economists or all shades tend to ugree more than they tend to dis· a gree; but it is the areas or dis- agreement that are Seized upon, ( SYDNEY HARRIS) dist orted , and exploited by special pleaders For instance. an economist friend told me that 30 years a~o. at the Wharton School or Busi- ness. the chief maxim v.'as: '"The worst enemy of capitalism is the individual capitalist." \\'hat dtd this conservative ;.i.nd largely pro-business school 1nci.ln by that strange remark? IT J\1 EA~T that cup1talism IS in1ured by its O\\·n proponents more than by its opponents: that nearly every entrepreneur. '>''hen he gets large enough, "'ants "free enterprise" for others and socialism for him self that is. he wants to cons pire \\·ith hi s re\\ peers to keep prices fixed and as high as possible. Competition 1s for the birds -the sparrov.·s. The f'r1 cdmanesque world of tot;.i.I .. free enterprise .. is as Ulo- piiln and unworkable as the J\l<irxtan v.orld or total }'equali- ty:· The commissars who run a t·ommun1 st s t ;.1t c don't want cqu:.ility at. thl' top. only at the botton1; likc"·1sc. the financial commiS$J.rs 1n a capitalislic ~tate prt.•fl·r · · 01dministered pritcs" in their ov.•n industries to ge11u1nc Ol)Cn com petition. .'\f'l;Y ''l't: RF.'' economic theory might \\'Ork \\.·ell if people J.dhered to its theor.eti~al pre- l'C'pls . But thcv don't. and won't, and no co111 1lu-Js1on has yet been <tll ll' to ;issurt:' it . If economics np1.·rated in a void. like physics. its .. la\\·s ·· \~ ould he immutable: but the human animal is neither rational nor consistent, betieving • opposite things at the same time, .ind in evita bl y making a :-.hamhl~? or any neat, logical l't'onom1c system. -Sovkt Spy Rings--A . Dizzy Geom~tric Design WASHINGTON -The irasci~ ble Soviet ambassador to the \1!'· tied l'lations, Yakov Majlk, 11 ic· tltt ·behind the 'l<enos In Soviet · esp.lonaie. . U.S. lnulllgence ftles-tle lfbo to ' 1be Soviet spy netMjrk at the 1lnJ;(ed Na · , • tlotlk. "The -activities of 'both ..'legals' and •11Jega Is' ha" passed over hi s des1t,•• in - tellicence . 1ources tell us. :·Lecals" are sple:!I with r.,..mal dlplon'latlc · slatus: "II· Je1aJ1' · are rlandestjne operatives. On11 once during bi1 U.N. JU/'J, the Olea reveal, has Malik .-.m ~band, Tbls wu an Im· pulalve, ~ml>"'dent r'Ml!j.~ to a 11171 New'Vor'lc !l:lmesilorY Ulen\i· fYlnll 1 popular U\N. ,aecret.viat oOIClal, Vladimir PavUcllooko. .. • ••veteran ocn~·· ol the ScrrieUecretpollce. • ' ·- I • ' JACK ANDERSON secret police, the NKVD, in the mid 1930s when he attended the · Jnstilute of Diplomatic ·and Consular Employes. Pavlichenko was not only a valuable Soviet agent but a close associate of Malik. The ft~·con­ tatn detailed accounts of PaY-l.ichenko·s KGB activities \MfUle he was posinc.. as a U.N. employe. ' . - • 1 • He ,reportedly remained an ac- employed... by l_he U.N. are PJ e· "'live a~ttnt of Soviet intelli1ence par~ for the Job and regular Y · as he moved up in 1937 to become debnered by the KGB. Some~ the ~puly press chfef or 1the THE NEW YORK Times re- velation caused Malik to over- react, recalled a source with direct knowledge or the case. An· grily, Malik fired off two prolesU merely inform ants, but 0~, · Comrolssariat !or Foreign AJ. are act~al KG~ ag':nts and · fairs. Two years lat'er, he was o~s ., the 1ntelhgence c?m· • dispatched to the Soviet embesy muruty s term for contract spies. to Ja~an with the diplomatic· to the State Department and alM> THE SOVIET asenta and inlor- got U.N. Secretary-General U maotsat-t.beU.N.arehandJedon ·Thant to complain. Not long al-a day-to-daY basis. JNe are told, terward, Pavlichenko, hls useful-by the top KGB ofticifl in New nes1 i.mpalred, was d.iJcreeUy York City who is called the "re- called home. · sldentura.'' But Malik hasl a 'nle So\'iets were far more sue··· ... The world's mo~t tangled t s-form idlible . overall role. 1 · ee.fut wjUl a promlnent BoU· ·)'ion.age web has the Krcmll at vlan envoy ~o the. U.N., the fil!!' ill center. The Soviet spy syst m eltow. The diplomat was recna~ . ii, in effect, a dizzy geometric e· ed by the KGB In. Bolivia, .. 5;pofipyringtwltllin1py~s. wangled an ~ss!gnment to the 11le ell)phasla. of course, is ¥aon tJ.N. and lben, as a paid KGB clecepljon '· agent, hell"'d to enli•I other It Is~ dirricult therefo~I lo Latin Americans In Ille So\1ot vac• Mellk's tpy career. e ln- •PY apparatus. telllgeace met •l\•W he be& as ·Ali' ~•lei cltben1 wbo are a stool plreon for the · ·et . I , rank of counselor. But American agenta quickly spoited rum, ac- cording to our sources, as an in· · telligence sped a list. ' PROMOTED lo ambassador, he nmilned in Japan during World Wit II and lnunediately after 'he War. Then he was brought home to Mosc:Ow wtia:e in 1947bebec:ame anOpera.UOftil esptoq•J• pfJlci~t,:rhe mn show he wa appointed depuJy cbalrg>A• .Pr th~J{omli.•l ln· rormlt9ii; or tbe_'Kl ,.u II was celled , which WH the )>arent head '!Of both th~ KOil aeetel 1 pollc ·••II GRU mllllat)' in· • I telligehce. Malik gave up his formal Kl · post in 1951, the files affirm. wtU.ch places him in the ~enter of the secret police terror during some of t}le b~oodiest years of the late dlct~Cor J osfiph Stalin. ~ Wh.ile M-alik was still a top man in ~ Kl~ he was transfer~ed tb the t1.N~ as the Soviet delegate in 1948 and reqlained until Stalin's deal~ tn 1953. ~e served thereafter aa amljaas.alor to l}li -. , ORANGE COAST 4,. • .. DAILY PILP T • RoWn fl .. ~te~.Pubdlher • ~ .. . ' ·' ThOma• K e•arll. E4fior- • Bq,rbor~ Krttbkh ..., £dllorial PQ~ £dilf1 "' • fw -• Tllursday, Febtuaiy 20;uns • • lain and then deputy foreign minister in Moscow, although the files indicate he actively kept up· his intelligence assodatioos. ~n 1958. he was named perma- nent U.N. envoy, wh.ich pro-· vtdes sheep's clothes ror one or Russia's most sharp-toothed wolves. He is fond this eraduate of Stalin's .aecr~t pollce ap· paratus. of taking tbe U .N. poc::Uum and branding hia lntema- ti on a I adversari es as "murdere:ra and gang.Sten.'' ' - J ···. . .I • l ...:~ i' • ·. ··. ' ' .... r - • • Thursday, Feb1uary 20, 1975 • Curtain going up on the lllggest 5ales Ew.ent of the year! • OPEN SUNDAY FEB.23 11-5 Dle't •las this lfMI Gppe: tzllltJ II purchase quality m•chandiH at great HYlngs! sale starts promptly Fri. 9a.m. Fell. 21 llSTtD HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPUS OF THE TREMENDOUS YALU lfG. D ...... IH ..... REG. DAHHIEH ..... ..... NICE PRICE PllCE PIJCE f'RICE Nfe• PllCE 5ltwp I, .. I OO"f• Solicl Stat. ...... 359oo ...... ~ 1665 liuelSwnpen 800 Co6or TY .........••..•.. Slt.95 C-. IM ••••••••..•••. Zt.tS 20.tt #2010 •• •••••·•••••••••• t4.95 12.00 •-IUHllc I ]" 1 or.'o Solicl St.ho )7' ... 32900 =~~~ ............ 24t.50 '164.9312900 aiSMI Sweepen 942 Color TY .........••••. , .42t.t5 #2.220 ••••.•••••.....•.. 16.95 11 .55 l(odi* JS MM 157.9) 12634 ZD'--"IHe..t .13300 5-y AM/FM Skfto w/ITrwdi 2'0.0019900 c-. ················ ltt.50 PlltldoRh •••...•..••••••• Ztt.50 ttt.95 I.cord ,._.,"' & Spr•n 260.00 8519 ..... _.. I Dl-.-d Hecri 12300 :-;:::i~~~~-~-~f~.~~ ••. 00229°0 rro;.ctor M6 7 , •• , , ,, , •. I )4.SO I0•.4t ,~ •.••..•••••••••• :Z99.00 119.00 •""fo-• 8796 I LKtH Piccard Geftts 39867 Pro;ector D I OS.,, ••••••• I St.SO IOt.fl 141< Wstc .. &: le.id • , •• , , 150.00 595.00 P--Wc AM/fM Qlllld S ...... 20'·" 16790 w/Spealler1 ..•••.••.... 24t.tS Ioele* ln+-tk: 4591 I LKieti Pk:clrd GeM5 Projlclof •......••••••••• 71.SO S7.l' 141< W.tch-Dl-o :d Intl 65Q69 P__.c AM/fM stw.. '"·" 119°0 6.9!10 Motliet-of.P..-i ha ..•. I StS.00 975.00 w/S,.all11r1 •...••...... ltt.tS Poa.-otd 3SO a....sc-0 ............ ISt.tS 120.7S I Utc:iett Piccord Gerlh Cklricot1 AM /FM q..d Stene ,. .... 245°0 ......... 'f'S 141< With: .. &: ..... 39867 w/4 Speotif'f'I , ........... 35t.t5 ltgSltot •...•..•...•.•...• lt.95 1•.10 w /TI9"' fy .. Foe.. •••••••• t00.00 595.00 ...... 19900 Uciff Piccard Genh 0 CksicDR AM/FM Shr'M Roc:liw.a.JittCNIC• 204 9900 w/._...,., ............ 325.t5 Cdc:llkrtor w/1 '4lw •· •.. 24t.t5 Ill.SO 141< Watch & Imel 106367 DcJy & Dtrie Rotes. Typr •• 2459.00 I 595.00 s-de1kjll AM/fM Stw.o 1o ...... ti.t.soc•• •• 6900 w /1-trock ~onMr. ...... 149°0 w/Ad.pfw .............. IJt.fS I 14.tS .lac:iff Piccard Lachl 39967 t 41C wa+c .. a. ICMd 1.-c:ord !'layer I Spe•" 22t.oo A,1..-ift Shet' . 1248 R-MMHrol Did ••• , I 000.00 St9.00 GEAM/fMS,,_w,.._ ........... , 16900 .... ._ Oislll •••••••••••••• 2•.00 IS.•O Lllcietl Piccord Lodift 13300 rteyff&S,_.11r1 •.••••• 2St.t5 214.90 ~51 ... .,. 2600 141< Wakll I Imel y.,. Pot •.•••••••••••••••• 4t.t5· 34.50 r..ttt .. Di~ •...•••..••••• 399.50 199.50 Sooyq..d 6900 26~~ I GnMtl Ldifl Dll9ROlod 19950 Dtcoct.r AMP ............ I H .tt IJf.ff SM~da:: SA..-er W.tdt. 141 c ...... , .•••• 575.00 299.95 Cott.. Pot •• , •• ,, ••••••• 49.95' 34.50 .. r-lc PortaliN 2396 SMi1d1a 511..-er 18'49 l ¥<1KT.W.Dicttni.cl 16750 R.-c:orcloft' •. , • , . , .•.....•• lt.95 29.94 ~c ................. 1•.so1 21.90 Wattlly W•tcll .......... 710.00 355.00 P....-lcAM/fM ........ o ...... 235 I L..cieli Piccord GeMT. SS 7995 Clock l..tio ... , ... , .....• 49.95 ........ T ............... 4.95 2.94 wm,.,.oof Watch .•...• 249.50 119.95 0AILVP1LOT A7 ·:·: . . .. _._. •JEWEL IOXES •OVER 175 WALL CLOCKS llllCllAROMETERS . •GIFT WARES - ALL KINDS ALL OF OUR FAMOUS BRANDS OF LUGGAGE 5 DAYS ONLY ~ (It;)~ FEB. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (O; ALL DRASTICALLY ' REDUCED }, ' ' . 20%oFF • LIMITED QUA"ITITY -MANY ITEMS OHL Y ONE OR TWO OF A KIND • ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE • ALL SALES FINAL • I OAJLY PILOT Other Deaths -~ --. --~ ... -....._, . ~ - Thur!iday. February 20. 1975 . . r-------CUP&SAVE'--------., Bail~seekers ' Get Break · 8nticse ~! Cl!t-.,Dllt.,,....aatt , a man fired rrom his job while awaiting release on a .t1tftl! .'1ifM. I PHOE~. Ariz. (AP) -Raymond Molcy. 88, one of the originat' leaders of Pres ident Jo"ranklin D. Roosevelt's brain trust and founder of Today m agaiine that later merged with Newsweek, died Tues- day. I-le wrote some of Roosevelt· s ··Fireside Chats," headed his 1932 campaign and wrote the books, *"The .First New Deal" and .. Seven Years After,'' which ~·as a bestseller. . ·111 11 1 llYWILUAMSCHREmER Thejudgealsosaidlhe costtotherommunltyof I e I SANTA ANA.-An program desi'gned to help drunken dri Ying charge is sisnlficant. · iWJ iWJ "'~ · 1 peop!e get out of Jail on bail or their own re-r. cognizance has been given a shot in the arm by PARSLOW TOLD supervisors the current starr FRl.·SAT. 12'-9 •~ED. 21, 22, ~3· SUNDAY 12·& I Orange County Supervisors. • rr · -d ·1h k d . h I I 'I s Cl t In I The central county munl•1'p··· •ourt was g1·ven 0 1ve IS swampe WI wor an IS av ng 0 pu.._ n an .enteJI e n I .. ii.I.. many hoursofovertimetostayontopoflt. MISSION$150 permishsion to add t.hree more staff members to help lie said the program may even be violalina: new n.w .~!!I!!!,~ t~ .... ,."' ~ . ., -... .J ease l e crush of work generated since its creatio n laws regulating detention release because it is im· L---------------------- in l969. possible to keep a man on 24 hours a day with cur-ORANGE COUNTY T~IEff;E WILL now be eight people, including rent sl<:tffi ng. one with tJ:i·Ungual abUiUes, workµ;.& fort.he court in The additional stare. supervisors were told, the capacity of detention rel&aseofficers. would permit round-the-c lock service to ;irrestees A guide to community churches . QO. and their events appears S•lurd•y• Death Notices Projects In Cow1ly 'lmured' oow111s SANTA ANA .:...._It will ELVIN 1. oowNs.•ge ~'·• •,,i.l"llSI-, be tougher now for build: lle-nl •I Co•-. C•. O•I• ot Oe•ll'll · Ftor ... rr 11111• 191s 1n c ... -. C• ~ng contractors to leave S..•-llv..:1 bV ""•II•, Gt•dr~ tR....se11l !bugs in projects they 0ow ... o!Cor~.OfHl'\.On,JOhtli),wns b ·1d f 0 c ""c ... gq: d•""'",e" 8.,,i..f• 1-..n--I w or range ow1ly ""110fl o1 ei:won•, ,,..,., 11••nOU111&w.. rgovernmenl. .. The officers ~av~ been empowered by the and avoid conflict with the laws that forced the. Judges lo determ1n tf an arrestee's release is · program to grow. justified and then decide if he is to be freed on ba11 or on his own recognizance. WHEN IT BEGAN in 1969, the central court's Judge Richard Parslow lold county supervisors. program had Only one staff m ember. the pro1ra.m is designed to relieve judges of the iiii need to rule on bail and re.tease in minor cases all~ get people out of jail sooner, thus relieving the coub1 ty of support costs. · I le said the county is n.ow paying $29 for the fir&t day a person ls in jail and $22 a day thereafter. J ""'"' . in the THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY . DAILY PILOT Coumian Guilty In Postal Heist •••oooo•a•••················· ·•O•••••••••oo•ooo•••••o•oaooo•••O • • Fu ... ~ ....-vk•i .... e ~·d __ ,,.,... Th t Bo d r 1:00 PM. Thom•$ M t11er Mor1...,.,. ,,.. e coun Y a r o 1erment, C••U••....,, Noemorl•I "'•k. 11 Supervisors Tuesday w•s uw 1-.u,·s ••quest, 1" t1tu of approved a new clause in 11-i. !NI d<><WllotH. be m-to TIM C•"'o' .o.,wc;.u.,.. Of" Tne Ameo"k.,, major building services : Now Ce/elrtlling Our IJIANIJ ONNll/G in IA MESA! ~ 40% to 70% OFF ON EVERYTHING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS : ~•oao•oo•••ooo••••o•o•••o•ooa••OO•••oooo•••••o•••········••o••aaO•O••OOOO••ao•o•••• He•r1A~iOC••1ion. · contracts (over $10 000) GOOOSON • • • J .NATHANG-OODSoN.Servk "lOa,. perm1tl1ng the county to ""no1ng, 011N, &••'""'~' ·""'°''....,,.withhold one percent o( 11'11 lht<ll 81..ct .• Hunt1f>9'on 8e«I\ . c•.&a-,111 the contract price for one ALLAN year RONALD ALl ... N. Strvlcts ••• . P"fldlr!ll, OilNy 8•ot,,.,rs Monu.vy, 11'11 Be.cl> 81..ct., HunUngton Be«I\ ti.Ml-''" . OOMl!NG£AUX HENRY OOME,,.GEAUX. S..Vltn o r.e Ptt1dl1111. Dlld•y 8•olllt•' Morlu•1, 11911 S.t<.11 81..ct .• H""I· 1nc;iton S.ec:n, C•. 142 -111\ ZAfllTIHY WILLIA.M iAMTINY, M .D. Sotnic.K are P•t1dl1111 , D l ld•1 8roll'lers Mo,,...,..,, 17,11 8e•cll 81..ct, H"""· in.gton k«l'I, C• .... ,_ 1111 •t.O~SOM The maximum withholding on a contract would be $10,000 and the money would be used to correct any defects that show up in the new build- ing, flood control channel or any other county pro- ject. OOHALD M. &LOSSOM, n1 ,,,.11o Supervisors are hoping Sl•l<ft, H.....tl119ton fit.Kii, C.. 8ol'll , SAN DIEGO '(APJ -A Garden Grove man con· victed ol a post ornce robbery in Which he falsely implicated an in- nocent man must serve the maximum 10-year prison term , says U.S. Di s trict Court Judge William B. Enright. Lanny D. Sturgell was convicted by a jnry of participating in the Dec. 28, 1973, holdup of the Santa Ysabel Post Of.· fice. Sturgell, 32, testified that Anthony Dale E•rnest or Woodland was his accomplice. Earnest· was convicted but later freed when pro- secutors said he was in·~ noce pt . Clifford L. David, 25, of Sacramento then pleaded guilty and was sentenced lo prison. I Sturgell still faces trial March 12 on a perjury charge. ~comber •111 , 119• 111 8oothb•r the new clause will H••tioor,MolM D•t•otdeatl'I F•brua•., prom pt bui Ide rs · to 11111. 1•11 •I P•tlt lca Hospil•I. H""I· . , +"lltDn e.ec:h, c.. Re~Hll) 01 -· resPond quickly to repatr ;1101-B••t!' for hlly·l...0 yt<irs. any de ( e ct s . 0 n I y S...-wi'Wltd by hi\ wllo ltw Slos.an; OM · I brot-·lll·l•w and W•tr•I niece\ "' sup e r v I s 0 r R a p h ... ~Mt . B1o,.-, w•10 the,_. Diedrich voted against PoliU Oo'-f of HW>llng!Otl Beach hw h lfl•"°.IDrMJ. joined the H""llngton l emaller. &.Kii Pone• DeP<1rtme111 in 19:)4. wM The test case for the ... _l$t ... ldlractorol(.i wUO.~ln ne I w1·11 be a pact 0r.,.eou..1,.Ht.,,dhiJ wite"""r•t· W cause e.i T1111 s.tt W•t•r p1..,.,~ 111 H ..... 1~on between the county and 8t•h tot e l!jllll ltf•S, u111" they ... the Lyons Construction tired. Mt. er.x_.. was a mM'tler ot tt""tl""''°" &••<" .v.._.1c Lodlle~oce Company ror work lo be 1on1, ... "o .,, S.Cretar, IM tour\letl done on the north county Have you picked up your free plant and book at Keystone? (893-2491) rears. -a mtmbot" ot Tl>e El Beul . SA•iM e1 LD<IO &Kh """·con.<'*°'"'• courthouse 1n Fullerton. · was a -mbtr ol Tne Huntl"910t1 fko«:ll Aot•rv Ct1.1bwt>oi-re ha 'ief"\1"4-J'e•• a1 Prttlde<il, a11d last -,.r.,. - cl\oHfl ID rtcel•e Tl>t Pllll Harris •-rd, was• mtmDDt of The Pl!.x• Of. lic•r' .o,,.10CiatiOt1 ol Or~ c-rt1 llNI w.n President ol tn•I .,,w<!•tlofl tor -""'· Ht .,.., Ol'I ll'lt txwrd of CLirKIM\ ol The Ch<imtler ot Com- me rct, w•5 • member ol Illa 10.Molm.15lers Club. prts!0.111 -1'"9"1'11 -"' -wveral '"akh"J tonlests ht lhe ~ly. Mr, 81~'°"' wa!O VPol llw l.•ttle Tllt1tr1 G•"'-'P. a member of Ti.. C.Old C.0.'11 Stir;,_, Cl1,1b. S.rwk n '°"It be fltld 2:00 PM S.t1,1rd•Y. Febn .. ry nlld.ith thlr Rev. Or. J•m•S Cale' ¥ld Rt~. Edward E•ny otlkl1tir111. and Mr. ~¥ G. W•U will be 01ti(111f1! lot n. M•sot1s. lt1lermtt1t, W1 stmi11\lat Memorl•I P•rk. Smith'' Morl1.1.ary dl•e<:~ l!STl!Y MR$. KEITH ESTEY, "'ldMI of L•lllM'D 8••tll, Ca . D•la ot dNlll Febr_., l"h· 1'1S. SurYlwtd by hft" llu!J:IMd. A. Noble E\ley, First l.I. US., ~I. S--rwlc.e' will lNI Mid •13:00 PM ,rldr/' •I P.teil•t View ~t. He•. Bruce A. lturflt ottkt-. ltller· ..-1, PoKilk vi.w MemQl"I., Park. Nfwpor1 &e.-:11, C.. tn lieu of'""-''· ••11•lion' """' be modt lo Tht ... ,,.......lc•n Atd C•O'I!>. P•tilit View ~,dlre<:tDt,. MA•SHALL RAY V. MAASHALl.. res oden' of e.1-11Ynd. 0.10 ol dt•tll Febo"i.-w 11t11. 191S. Hu~nd of lhlr l•le ~tllo L.;ttnWn M.Jrsl'Mll. Surwiv.-:1br11!'1 ~,.. It •. Loui\t Puqll ol C.ltndor<i ; ~. EOw•rd P\1911 of Po..-; !>I• to\lfJM. S......ketwill bellaldS.1...-day. ''°"'-"¥' nno at 11 :00 AM, PoKlllc Voe•°'*"" willl Or. PniUp G. ,.,,,.,, .. y oftklant. 111 lfeu ol ,_,, lhll! ••mil' ~i t.Dfl'lrlbo,11!~ be ..... ae 10 Tho Amerk-C..IKtr SCKlol,. En...,_. t1Wnt, P9<1fic vie. MltmOf"l.JI P•rli!, Ntwporl 8t.teh, Co. P•<ilk View MWhNr' dlrecton.. JINKS DAVIO OSCAR JINKS, """'"" of Gr.nl '' t:'•U. Qnvon. Dalo ol deatll Ftl>nollry 11th,. IWS. Surwlftd by hi\ -t<', Belly Jlt1•'; •l•e !411S. 0.Vld C.•erett. J•mH Sltftn. Kl•• T*"°""''· Roberl P•ul ..,4 JoM Edw•rd J1 .. 'I; mother. TM!.,... Jlllk'I; one brolhe•, J ames Edw•rd Jlnlls; 1...o "''''"''· Patrld• May Robaroe llfld M41rr A,... .,....,"" !i.ffwice' .iu De ntld Friday at 7 00 PNI. PHii F•mlly Co1ono.JI ft,r1tr•I ...,mt, W•slmln51er, C•. Mr. Jinlls ...,,vea In Tne US N.t•Y <lu"ng World ¥1•• II, •Ktlvtd ~ .. tn b•onre !>lat!>, i\.'liatlc P•citic Robbon ""d ll'le Pt\rhp· P"""Ll-•llot1Me<UI. RING FRANCES C. RINC.. •t'lldelll ol Newport 8 tKll, C•. D~lt ol Cit.JI/> FtbnWry 11tft. 191S. !.W" .. iYed by""'' hu\IMfld. D•nrtl F RinQ. """'· O.niel C. R•nt: 1-g•andcl>lldren; one ~·~'~" H•IDll c. O'Brien. 5erwl<ts today, T~Y. Ft brlUlr y 701h at 1·10 PM, O..r L•d'f' OI Ml. Carmel. """""°'' Ba..cll. 111 ft.uof ,,._,\ 00...hom nw., be ft\·.-de lo Th• Ametlt .tt1 C<lntet Society, 8i1lll·6trgero11 (.oi,ld MIW ~fdlflC\Or), IAL n..a1tG-llOH FUMllAL HOMI l&LllOAOWAT MOITUAIY 110 8rocxfw(J)', (O'IO M esa b41 QJ~ Mc:COIMICK MOH'UAIY l.og.'111 Beoch ./1?4.Q41!. Son .loo (opt'll•CJnD .. qs.1116 PACtf-fC VllW MIMOllAL PAii c,....e.ory M0tt1.0y Ct>Opel • i500 Pocitte View Dri•e Npiport it-och. CollO'llio ..... :?100 "8 FAWfLY CotONIAL AlttllAL ,HOMI 11)1 tol-.o Avo , Wa,tmf'IUtr FJ.lSJ'S 1 SMmtS' MOITVAIY t.21 Moin $.!. ....,,.,"".,.. 8.0t"h ~~!,1' ATTENTION PARENTS!! ENTER YOUR CHILD NOW!!! THE SOUTH ORANGE CO. LITTLE GUYS 'N GALS SHOW OF 1975 REGISTRATIONS Friday, Feb. 21st and Sat., Feb. 22nd 11AMto5 PM HEJJ>quARTERS 504 H-HEWPOIT ILVD., #201 HEWPOIT IUCH JC PlHMEY 2100 HAllOR ll.YD .. COSTA MESA JC,.._Y 24 FASHION ISU.MO, taWP'OIT IU.CH .-:. PLEASE DO HOT PHONE STORES - • NO COST TO ENTER •OVER $1000.00 IN AWARDS GIVEN •AGES FOR BOYS & GIRLS BABY CLASSES -Birth lo 6 Years PRETEEN CLASSES -6-13 Years •BEAUTY PAGEANT •CORONATION PAGEANT Registration at any of the above stores. Fri. & Sat. or mail Coupan below to Headquarters by Wed .• Feb. 26th. Please print Sl'OHSORED IY H.t.VY MOTHERS CLUI 1"---Mala___ FemalL- Fathe(s fint Nome-~~----------1 Long- Short Slffv• Body Suits Fa1bsrlc selecti• at ctlan • stylas.! ---------., YOUR ptC I 19~ ! lll.!S ll[JAll VAJ.11£ ' - rns l'lltM ~ !UU sill ll•~ : --17-95 1 I • ' ~---------1 1111.llG RETAll VAi.UC Famous Maker! I IS.Ill IHAll VAJ.11£ Men'• Brushed Denim Jean Sult Ulest style 1n men's le1s~re we¥. Soft lo !tie touch. yet takes lo!s ol rurged wear. JKket features two chest pocke!s arwl r.eat pearl hke snap type tastene1s. lu1ury style 1e~ns aie a mod1l1ed western strle with slash front pocke1s af'ld p,atch pockets 111 back. Sli gh! flare. lD IL SpraJ C.. ULTRA MODERN/ Nyton StalnleH Steel Kitchen Ulensils A gourmet cllllect1on ol f111e cooking and sefv1ng tools. Handles are of durable. dishwasher proof Pakkawood. Each piece, mcluding hangrng t<IC~. is e~per11y cralled ol stau1less steel tor years ol ~se_ Scott's NEW F08my Liquid Gold · Serving Utensils S-0 beautilu!ly designed and deliciously colored, yoo'd think fhey were rnefely wall decorations, yet each Is tough, dishwasher safe, lleat resistant and useful. I $2.25/U ll[!All · VAlUI. Stainless s!etl and counter top cluMr arid Polish works hke tNgic to eliminate dirt grease, dusl, etc. iii the kite~. ll5S tETAll JALUE.. tElAIL VAlUl \\1, Aa•orted Fruit flavo<• Knox Gelatlne Drink (wi~ Villllli• ei !39~ ____ .J Pillsbury Busy Day Oven Oinner Mix Chlck•n SeHonln9 r. Seasoned Ric• Mix r~sr, simple, del!c1ovs.' Just add seasoning miJ lo rice. ~ 2¥2 lbs. of chicken to chicken season1n11. C1ombirie r\, 25¢_J'~ bOth in o'ltn bag. Takes abou minutes to prepate. Bakes in 1 to 11/• hoUfS. Makes 5 (13 oz.) dmners. L ---- Ma_cLe,~n~( ~ • l"~~rt: :.: ngc i.' 1 111 '11 11 ~ 111'· )J I --., L _____ ._J 79c 1 Maclean• Toothpa1te Novelty Gift ~led P : I PIECE SET ! White Fluoride Mini Jigsaw Puzzles L .J llotuJar sin bil>e IJ Ol.l ~ """""' nr.... --- ---------For wkitw ttttb Witll fewer Clf1tits. Circular and SQU¥e ... puulos wilh Refrigerator/Freezer Set 7lc 1£lll VAlU£ expression$ of love and flirtation. Choose __ ,. ... from 1 wide asSOttlnellt. Mikes a delightful Si• I Vt -pint storqe cont1iners ol white .m .,,_1_ift_._1_1.~-·-ll-ll-VlLMl---~--~·--"'-~-~-q_b_~_pl-1S-tic_•_i_lh-bl_~_•_N_P_<11_l_id-'~~--t~·l!IJ)I;~ WESTMIMSTER 14200 leach llvcl. COSTA MESA 175 E. 17th St. ... H..,,.wtlh•d. '' SAMTAAHA Bristol & MacArthir ,.,.,.. .. s... c ......... ORAMGE 1821 H. T111tln Ave. •-rte: ...... OPEN DAILY 9 AM TO 9 PM -SUNDAY 10 AM TO 7 PM \ .. ~ . j • temp dbc~ publi ·1 tion ' a prCI lY !ill \\'it hi ~ eomr •1ngs 1 Oistr. t•oun I, C-1 ~~: n1<1 nl µubli \\'ith l I <I 11,)1; ness chari "('0 (' " I ,, .\larJ I\ hi<· t t 1·ict~ 11 ate 11('ea1 lie u Sanil D 1.0 A ult: a ll'm( rnilli' (I c t c rnine IJisn llll~ll) l\'t1Ct ill ! I.:( c l la~i llll'll' l . s .Judi-! 1111dC! 81 C: 0 s 1 r , ;upE lUl I ·hoc nee 1uh1 •'OU ,Jl·il I s lhe< .tun ·V·C vr J Tl 1ne( !.~, t ~•1tt )UC Con T ,1n \\ 1 l n1e• .ind E 1he \~ii Ip. ··' res .J 111 " t Jp 1 ~. ,, nu \'~ "' <Ill II I SU le "' ~I .J t di C'I :11 w ,., 1 f I> " -, -.. Q11ality Ordi1la11ce .: Sew~e Talks . "' . Set in Valley 01'<.111ge Counly S<tnitation Districts, In an at· tempt to C'Stablish new requirements on 1nduStrial discharges to public sewers, is stuging a series of 10 publi c-mcc:lings. 'l'hc opinions or civi<.:, industrii.il and (·Onserva· lion group); a nd the gcnl'ral public. "-'Ill be heflrd on a proposed ordiuunce which sets wastew11tcr quali- ty. st ~ndard~ on di!l 1 charges iuto any se\1:age srsten1 ,,·1th1n the d1 s1 ri ct ~ boundarit·s. THE 1''1RST l\ot EE."flf"l.'G ~c:.ared lo chambers of comn1~rcc , will be ~t I :30 p.m., 'fuosday. All me-et- ·1ngs will tuke pli.i cc 111 the Orange County Sanitation Districts' administrution offices, 10844 Ellis Ave. f<'ountain Valley. ~ '· . t:pcoming m ee tings arc f<'cb. 27. public <Jgen- <'1es; !\1 ~rch '1, conscr v<.1tion groups ; !\l urch 6, n1<.in~ril{'turin,:: asso<:iLitio ns: March G, general public: J\1 arch 11 , Class I users ( busine!'>s firms .. '' ith hi ~h volume thschurgcs or c.lischarging polen- t1<11ly pro,blcm n1att·rials 1; !\larch 1:1, Cl<1ss II fbusi· ness firms otht.•1· th.:111 Class I <s ubject to user {·hurgesi: !\.1:.irt·h IH. g c nl:'r:.i l public : :\.1areh 19, general public. <1nd !\larch 20, Class I U!-ic rs . ,\J.L !\Jt·:1·:·r1:;o.,;G s ..... ill hC' iJl I :30 p.n1 . exccPt the .\l<irch li ;1nci l\J al"l'h J!J gener<.1! public meetings \I hil'h \I Ill t :1kl· pl ace <117·30 p. n1 . L"1Hlt•r st:1 ll' <.111d fl'dCr<.1 1 laws, :-.ti nilation dis- t1·icts urc l"L'qllirL·d to n1<1intai n specific levels or 11 ater qu;Jlity fur L·ffJucnts dist·harg-e d i11 to the nee.an. 'l'hc t·urrl'nl 11 :.ilcr c1uality l'f'quiremenls will be upgr:.idc>t l ;n lfJH:!. fort'ing the Orange County Sanitation ))1 st r1tl!-> tore.establish s tunc.lards. Disney Extortio11 · Figii1·e Se1itenced J,()S 1\:\"c;1-;1,J-:s I L'PI 1 T\ Color;.1c.Jo n1:1n \\ho tJ lt!ad c d i::uilty to ut ll'mptin,I:! lo {'XlOl't S.1 million by threatt·n ing lo il l'Lo n ate Cla y more n1i nes at Dis nf'ylund und ll1 s ney \\'orld amuse- 1nC'11l p3rks has been SC'n · ti ·llC<"d to up 10 s ix ~cur·~ 1n fcdero.il pr1 ~un . ~rai i,: l>ou g l.1 :-. 1 1<.i s ~ll·r. :!fl. of i\louu nlent. 1\ ~1 ~ •.i ·nll'l'll'l·d 11, l ".S . llist1·1L·t l'ou1:t Judge :\I o.1n11L·I I , Heal 1111d<·r lht• )'uuth l'orrL'<'· Board's Calendar Outlined s .\ ;:-..; ·r ,., \ :-;: .\ lr u11 ~1· ('t•unl .\ :'uper,·isurs Ji ;1\ L· f1 lll·d )Ul lhl'lf 1H75 d:.ilt' boul\. ~tioosing "hi eh rL·J..:uJ;ir 11eetin ).! tl o1.' s \\ \)u ld ht· 1olid;.1 \ :-. anti \\hen tht•y .1 oulc.l . hold ftu ;d hudgt·! .1t·li IJer :.i i.1011 .... SupL·rv1 .... or n.1lph l>1edriC'h gut nu oppo~1 - .1on \\"hC'n h<" i. ... t f'd th t' .u-ca\l l'd "d~1rk d..i_\!'> .. or 1975 . ,.. There \.\'ill bt..• no board meetings on J unc 21 ;ind .!.-)because t ho~c arl' lhl' I.ates of the '.'\:1t 1on;d 1\s ~oc1ation or Countll'S L.·onvent1on 111 I l n1\ a1i. The board \\•on ·1 rn1•C'I .on Chr1 stm:1~ ~:,·1· and 11 ill al !->O ('Jn1·1·I .i ll \ n1eetinJ..: pl.Ill '> <111 D1'(' :111 .ind 3 1. Budgt•I hl';1r1n j.!:-. l<1r the l975 -7!i f1 .... 1·al ~~·;ir ,,ill take µlal't' Junl' 11 :11 ! p.m, antl .Ju11 l" 1:.o! .uul l ~l ;it 9:30 :.i .m . 'l'hl'Y 1••dl resume June 18 ut I p.n1 . . June 19 11nd 20 at 9:30 a.m . and . if nC'et.·~s~iry , ul I p.m. Suturda~·, J une21 . Teleplwne Suit Told SAN'l"1\ 1\:\,\ \ '\cwpol"I l\t·at·h :11111rnC'y ·ho <·lain1 :-. th~I ;r number or lL·lc>phonl' con ver satiuns in \\•h1rh hi' \1·ns invol\'c>d \Vl'r l' t:qll'd ;.ind played b;iC'k lo olher uni dentifi ed p e rsons s ued the m .1n \1·ho al- legedly t.aped thrm \Vl'd- nesday for S/!·16, loo. Attorn ey J~olan d Ste"·n rt Bar('11n1t· names .Jack Garfield l\1ann a!" clefend:.int in his Orangt• l..'ounty S uperior l 'ourt ;1ction and l'har~es Munn \\'ith recording teleµhone 1·onver:'ations bct,11ecn the t\\'O men during the 1>eriod .July 2 tu 0l'l. -; , 1974. lions · A'<.·t. JJ01 ss l cr µlc:.ided guilty lo extor· tion ch:.irges Jan. 28. I le ""as charged "'ith thrt·alt'nin g to set orr the t·xplosivcs at Disneyland 111 Anuheini and Disney \\'orld ;.it t)rlando. 1'1 :.i .. unlt·ss he \\·as ~iven Si.5 rn 11!1on fron1 c:.ich of the p:.irks. 1'ht· dernand \\':.JS eon· t ~nnL·d iu a 11otc It·ft in a Sant<.1 Barb;.ir;.i Ous sl:l· tion afte,r a te lephone ('O.i ller tolc4Dis neyland of- fJ {'i ;ils that Claymore 1n1nes \\ l're plantt..•d at thl· ,\11:1ht·i1n p:.irk. :'\u rntllt''> 11 er(· disCO\"t•rt.'t.l .it 1·1tht'r f:.a ("i\1t '" 11:.is:-.lcr \\ l.J!'>. ;1rrC'Sled lr1·1ng lo r1<·k ur h alf the t·>.turt1on µaymL·nt . Parks Unit Acquires Old Adobe S,\:'\'r ,\ A':\"A Sole rl·:-.pu11 :.1hility for ad · •nlnistr;1t ion of the Sl'r 1·~1no Adobe in 1<:1 Toro1 has bt·L·n handed to lhc tlrangc Cou nty fl arOOrs, l\ea{'hes and t->a rk ~ l)l')l:ll'l mL'lll . 'J"hc coun1,· L{oard of Sup<'r \ 1 .... ors ·agrl·cd l hl' l11 stor1c lltu lding and the 55.5 -at·i·C'~ of donated 1:11111 ;i round 1t .sh oulc.l hl' nlan:1gcd by t he county':. park :1gt•n1·y ,\n1ong otht·r thin~~. thP tlt•p;irlO'tt'lll \1·ill be t"'\Jll'l'l l'<l t o dt'v e \o p pl<1 n:-. f, 1r ;.i r-o:.!'> i hie {'OUll· t \' histuric:..il complex on 1i11.· land . givl'll jO th1.• 1.·uu11t y Uy Occide nt ~tl !.:.ind o.1nd Dl'\'elopn1t·nt l'on1p:.in~·. 1'hc rountv has bcc>n urgec.l t o actiui re the olc.l El Toro school and place 1t on the property adja- c·ent to the :.t tlobe. Panelists To Meet A public pane l dis- cu!>sion o n the preserva- tion or Orange County's agriculture will t a ke place March 1 al 7:30 p .m . in UC Irv ine's Steinhaus I-I all . The m ee tin g i s sponsored by the C'ount_y F.nvironmcntal Coali - tion 11.·tembc>rs of the panel "'111 include Supervisor llalph Diedrich , Irvine Con1pany i>resident Ray \Vatson and Jlarold Otto, Orange County farm ad· visor for the University of California. --NOTICE OF SALE BY AUCTION---, &X CARRIER P.f.A. RE CEIVED INGLEWOOD INTL AIRPORT Duly cleared by Customs 8"111 ol E"ntry 11'2202862. Incorrect contents refused by 1mporUH . PUBLIC AUCTION Or•relll of Atl:Flll~HTID IAll:S FINEST VALUABLE PERSIAN ond other Ortlfthil •UIJ' T 0 cover trt1{lnl, duJ1es and olher basic cos ls. REMOVED FROM LUFTHANSA AIRLINES BY CLE":RING AGENTS !or conven ience ot public. due to con9es11on 1n siorerooms lor aale at NEWPORT BEACH tWwport1r ''"' TUIS., flt. 21 .. lf,,1oi4. MICTIOMIU.t.._. 1107Jo....,...ld. l"SMCt&.:) P.M. ~..,_ ........... u1i1•••-1•J1 I. I . lnutsday Febl-uar~ 20 1975 OAIL y PILOT A8 \ 1 F1111" for llo111e Del~very . --....t Counties .Confab SANTA A:'\A -Orange County "'ill make a strong bid to bring the 1980 National Association of Counties con- ve ntion here, the board of supervisors has decided. " 1, The board voted unanim()usly 10 ORANGE COUNTY commit up to SS0.000 in count y func1s to the convenLioo if the .. s~11e1 at1on chooses Orange County as tht• sit e during this year 's confab in 1-lav.•ad Supervisor Ralph l'Jarl\ spearheaded th~ effort to Cl'\ tht• board behind a bid. H~ s&id the \Vest Coast will° be hosting the unnu ul s('ssion and both Los 1\ngell's ta.nd Sar1 Diego alreac.ly have enterL·d bids • '.! ~ POSITIVELY 3 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Clark told his fc>Jlov.• bo:.ir d mem· b..!rs mos t of the S50.000 C'Ob l \\'Ill be s taff time and the main r:;ish con1m1t- n1cnt \1.'ill be SJ0 ,000 for :.i s ing ll' banquet for the 2,500delegatl·~- l le noted lhiil the Anaheim Conven· t1 on ,1nd \'isitors Bur(:au h;..is agrl'L'd to part1 cipute 10 the pruJCl'L "''fhis is .a \'(>l"Y ltt<'l'iJIJ\"e COfl\"l'll· t1on." (.'lark n oted. "IJt'l'a11sc il brings u lot of people to the :.irL·:.i ." 'l'he 1\n;;&he1m ~UpL·rv1~or tuntenll.('d !ht• lu ... t c>onvent1 on in :\lian1i Bea("h, Fla , piped more than S3 n1il!ion 1ntu thl· local cconom ~. . j L.A. CALLS 6' EACH 1 .. i.... .. i. .. ,-. ... o.i-, • 1 .. 1.1o_C:_tO•C:••-"~l "•-II•• C:•··· ..... 17141979·1231 i Ciwil Grumbling ... Gloomy Gut In the DAILY PILOT Have you picked up your free plant and book at Keystone? (893 ·2491) SALE HOURS FRIDAY 10-9 SATURDAY 10-6 SUNDAY 12-5 AU.ULI. ~ ITEMS .. Wlj(ctTQ_ 1101 SALE,.. i+ " ,_ ,. - KIMBALL Superb ne-w walnut baby grand. Excellft'rt tone and key octiOn O...R ....... Pritt $3100 KOHLER & CAMPBELL Mew Italian Provincial 42 .. ConsOle with bt-nc:h. Our Rf911cr Price $1472 KIMBALL Mew deohuce artist console. ~ tone & cabin..-ry. Our Regular' Price S 1380. Costa Mesa only. $939 ALL PIANOS ARE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK NO SPECIAL PURCH/,SE OR PROMOTIONAL MODELS KIMBALL Studio model in walnut Our Reg. Price S 1370. Costa Mesa O~y •. ~~---;~;;:;;~~~~~~ EVERETT PIANOS . A Quality '"''"""°"' warlhy~f fin< ..,.lclOM. ~Ill Values! Conl•mporory Wal ....................... R09. SI 750' $I 09 5 Italian Pro•. Wal ..................... ·· .. R09! $1750' $I 09 5 Modil•rran•IOI Pee'"' .................... R09l $1l75' $1 125 ' YAMAMA $ 29 Contemporary walnut 40" console~ Brand new wtflr · I 5 beftch. R<9 • s1510· :· CABLE-MELSOM Tho,. fine lot"-"h nrf9. by ET ...... Modlterrcm•.., Oalt ........................ RO<J. SI 550' $99 5 Italian Pro•, Wal ........................... R~, $1550' $995 FretlchPra•.Pecan ........................ R~$1675 ° $995 COSTA MESA STORE OHL V \ • YAMAHA All Yamaha Ol"Cjans 20% OFF THOMAS Mew 2 manual .spinet. Color'-Glo Presets incl. piano. sustain and rhythm. Many other features. GULBRANSEN Famous ''Theotnam" Th~e Spinet Organ. Rhythm. walking bass. and pimo preHt. Req. $3595• CONN famous Prelide Series. Rhythm. stntmmer and other qoodies. A steal. LIST PRICE Every new Ol"Cjan in our inventory has been slashed for this sale. We are franchised dealer for Conn, Yamaha, Gulbransen & Thomas THOMAS Modf.I 266. A trw 4 channel organ. Completely $1995 loaded. 4 channel Quad &·track tape deck available. Sole price, Costa Mesa ontv COl'olN 552 Theatette Horshoe stytinq -Near t-lew -One $2 395 mon band rhythm -S&&stoin pucussion strvmmer Leslie speaker. Fowntain Valley OnJy HAMMOND IJsed L· I 00 Re•erb percussian -Harminic Orawbors -Tab resets -Genuine hardwood cabinet. FOUNTAIN Yall•y Only HAMMOl'olD Used T 4 9 5 Rhythm -Leslie -Drawbars -T abi. Fountain Vall•y only NEW & USED MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT GUITARS Martins, Gibioni, Ovation. ond many other brandJ. AT HUGE SAVINGS DOUBLE DISCOUNTS •BUFFET • ARMSTROHG •YAMAHA AND MANY OTHERS ··~="u"j ALL 1nMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE ALSO EXTENDED BANK TERMS COSTA MESA 1839 NEWPORT BLVD. ai HAR9()R BLVD. JUNCTION '• FOUNT All'ol VALLEY CORl'IER OF BROOKHURST & TALBERT OME BLOCK SO. OF BROOKHURST , ':-. OfFR~ OF SAM DIEGO FRWY. ' .. " . ~ " •• • " .. , '' " " " ' .• • PHONE 646-0271 , 1 "' PH~E'963·6733 ........................ ·R·egilli .• P.rlictsiiiairitmM~l·j,iii ::::od~R:•:'-::::il~Pr~~::.· .............................. iiiiii ...................... .. • .. , , • t A 10 OAILY PILOT Thursday, February 20. t975' • 43 STORt:S· * FOR • .. * • . ' CONVENIENCE DOLLAR DAYS 43 STORES Ill:'--~.:..;, TO SERVE YOU 2300 HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON NOW IN COSTA MESA WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING the WEEK of MARCH 10th *We are ROW opea to HrYe you ii ~ SPR1NG CQ;~rg~llJi'IJ I I CLVl<"ll tlE .\~I II DRAPERIES HARIOR CENTER • REAR MALL Ph. 549-2333 Dao1y I 0 'Iii 6 SAVE AT IUY'S FASID SPECIAUSf AT UM PRICES . PANT SUITS s1000 WOMENS BLOUSES ••OM$.~ . GRANNY GOWNS FROMs5oo VAl..UES.TO•'"'""" 230D HARBOR BLVD. a>STAMESA· Jr. MISS PANTS >•OM s500 IN THf lfACK IMLL •ETWE£• MOL90A V HIAL TM IPA ~ C 0 Nflwi 556-7020 FINAL!! Co ~~ DRESSES • ~ ~ # '? ROBES ~a ' tn sor. • SERVICE • 9UALITY WE CANNOT TELL A LIE. FEBRUARY 22nd IS THE "REAL (.'l GEORGE" DAY. WE ARE CELEBRATING THIS TRUE BIRTHDAY WITH FANTASTIC $ DAYS VALUES! ••• UP TO AND MORE •BLOUSES ~ANTS •SKIRTS PARTY PAJAMAS BUY ONE AT REGU(AR PRICE AND GET ONE FOR ONLY 5 I oo GOOD l DAYS OHl.Y-ffl. 20-21 ·22 WALFalf!/ CUR(}E ~ZES 545.3020 ... N TllB llAC:ll. •"U." MEN'S HOURS FRIDAY tiU 9 P'.M. SATURDAY 10o.lft.to6p-M. SUMO.A Y 12 Moon to 5 P.."'- MOH.. & THURS. 10 ca."" to 9 P."" TUE~. I WED. I 0 o.lft. to 6,.,.. SWfATE~ ir,\IMU,~ mo¥; gj l 99 sieeye.Jesv nave.It~ s-11.J t e..s"R~. lb iot (8 _ •••.• 9I' oR.E~E~~5Er>~~o ~O +15 ~~-f?loor lo->';ftn, r •••• · 1 and ASHINGTON'S '--''--' * * BIRTHDAY** i· ARROW DRESS SHIRTS All Sius and Styles Buy one at r~ar price, Get 2nd sloirl of equal value for only s100 3 Days .Only Voll Must Bring This Ad To Qualify For This Fanlastic Offer! • Feb. 20-21-22 WOMEN'S A .. J_ Penney SHOES & LUGGAGE 011c;. Mow JO Men's Casuoi Shoes. a..~. ~zes ......................... 1699-24 00 6 .88 40 Gi1 I~ Patent SIOngs . . . . . . . ........ , • , .•.... , . • . . . . . . . /.99 4.88 100 P.. A"I. Wcrren·, (a,,,O, & SacdaJ<. ......••..•.•........ 4.09/10.09 · .99 S P1. Family Canvas Footwear ... , .............••.••• , ..... 3.CJC//6.99 .9, 10 ~~E>st.o-d Floral Boq~ . . .. , ............••••....•.... 1.99-5.49 2.81 WOMEH"S SPORTSWEAR & DRESSES 13 Queen Size Ccwd1')Qns . . . . . . .. , .••..•... , • : .•••• , •.••.•••• 12.00 I .II 10 V-Neck Cardi')C.ln~. . . . . . .••...•.•.• _ •..• _ ••.. , . , .•.. q.oo 5.88 IS As~rted Junior l ops . . ....... , .......•...•..•.•..• 7.00/900 3.88 16 TUl'tleneck1Z•ppers I flaw) wh.Te ...•••.•••••. , •• , • , •••...••••••• 7.00 1.88 ';<:l Gey, Oivr o f Lo" lLl'tle Neck Swcate<s .....• , .. , ........•..... B.00 5.88 10 LIS SoJ;d ;Pr1nt Junior Shirt .................••.•• , •....•.. B.00/9.00 5.88 16 Honky Prin! !Solid Bk>use . . . ....•.• , .••• , ....•...• , , ... 11.00 7 .88 17 X-lorge Srrv-.,ck To o'...... . . . .. , ...•.... , •..........• , , • 10.00 5.81 B Oueen s;ze Pr111r 9 ,,r1~ .........................•......... 10.00 5.88 7 Sif'cveless Poly Blou·,• . . ..........• , ........•.•.• , 10 00 5.88 9 <,hon Corduroy Joc~12t s , 12 00 7 .88 10 l/S Acetate/Nylon Shirt ... 10.00 7.88 100 +-Or<>ssc~ & Pon!su•!> . . . . .....................• 25°/o to -400/o Off 30 Jock. 1~ . . . . •..•.••••••••..•••... RedKed to C'"'° INFANTS & TODDLERS 12 l o nq SIC!cve T-Shir1 s ., ...... , •• , ..•... , • , , ••••• , .•.•.... , , •. 2.50 1.66 14 Short Sleeve Floral Toµ-; .•....•.•.•... , •••.••... , •.• , ••• , .•• 3.00 1.66 )0 Infant~' Cordl.l'oy Pl~uits .•• , .•• , •••.•• , • , , , •.••...•.••••... 1.79 2.88 14 Infants' Crowlobouts ......... , . , ..• , •.•• , • , • , •••••••..... , .. '4.'z<:l 2.88 40 Infant~' & Tod::::llers' Hals ......•. ,, •••• , ••••. , ••. ,, •••• ,. 1.89-2.09 1.22 IS Toddlers' Lorq Sleeve Blou!>es .•.•••••• , •.••••••. , ••• , ••• , •• , • 3.ffi 1.88 20 Angel Type Top/Pont Set ......... ,., .• ,., •.•..... ,.,, .... , , . 5.50 2.88 12 Def!1m Overoll !Polo Set ..........•. , ..•..•.•...•. , , ........ 7.r:JJ 5.44 IS Infants' 2-pc Poly Creeper ....•.•••••• , •• , ••••..• , ••• , •••• , •.. 6.00 2.88 12 Denim Overall/Polo Set ..........••.•...•..•....•... , , .. , . , 7.r:JJ 5.44 15 lnfonl 2-pc. Poly Gecper •••.•••• , •••••••• , ••• , ••••. • •• ,, , •.• 6.00 2 .88 WOMEH"S 14 2 & 3 Piece Lounge Se1~.... .. . ....•. , .• , , . , .... , .. , .... 20.00 10.88 q Shn11 Nylon Robr-s . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•.•••• , • . . . . • . . . . 11 .00 6 .88 84 1"-lylon Gown. Tf-wL'<.' lcnqlh•, . . • • . • . . ••• , • . • , .. 7.00-8.00 3.88 30 "T"' Shur & B1k1n• . . •• • • •• • • . • . . . . •• 7.00 1.66 29 Ptxses, l ·,other or Cord . • • . • . . . • . . . . • • . . • . . • • • . . • 6.00-10.00 2.88 12 PtKses. Mo stly &own . . . . . . . , . • . . . , , . . •......... 9.00· 10.00 4.8. 26 Winte1 Weicj11 Goves ...•.. , , . . •. , • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 2.44 26 Belts, Several Styles ......... , .•••• , .•. , ..•..•. , .....•. , 2.50-3.25 .99 15 Contemporn-y Wotches .••..•..•.•••....•.••. "';,., .•••...... 1q_q5 9.88 43 Stretch Pontino1.e . : . , •••.•.•••••••.• , .•••••••..• : •.•••.••.••••• 2/.81 25 Ca tion Flonnelet!c PJ •.•..•.•.•.••.•..••••••. , , •• , .•• , •••• , •••••• 3.99 GIRLS" ' 8 Dresses & Pont Sets, 4-bw ••• , •••..••• , ••••••••••••••• , , •• , , .. q_oo 5.88 29 Tops. Various Styles. 7-14 .•••..•.. , ..•••.•.•••..• , .•••••• 4.00-5.50 1.88 7 Better Poni Sui ts ....•••....•.....•• , •••.•••..•••••...••.•. 1-4.00 8.81 16 Dresses & Pant SUt •••....•••••••••• , •..••• , • • • • • • • • • I I.CO. I 2.00 6.88 18 Assorted Ores!.es & Pont Suits ...••.•.•. , •.••.•••• , , • , ••• q_00-11.00 5.88 I 7 Pant Suits, Reduced . . • • . . .•......•. , , , •••.••.•.•••.. , . 7.00-! 2.00 3.88 13 ''Ditto'' Joc~ets, 1 14 ......................•.....•..•. ,, .. 12.00 5.18 10 Ankle Pont<,, 10-1'1 . . . . .•.••••.•.••••.•. , 6.50-7.50 2.88 l]SwPoterWi1h(oll'lf,7-14 ...• . •.•...•••.•..... 12.00 6.88 HOME RJRHISHIHGS 2SO Yd . C<1rduroy Prints & Plain.. . . ........ 2.39 2.7q f.99 > Qu,11ed Top Bcd'f"eod . . . . . . . . ......•. , . . . . JJ.00 22.88 24 Polyesler Pillo~. Siondord . . . , .. , ..••.......•.....• 1.88 17 Tre1 Curtains. 36" , . . . . .. . . . , ...•••••••...••• , • , .•.. , , 1.99 .88 20 Mo1ching Valance-!. , •••.•.•..••. , •• , •••••••••••••••••••••• , 1.19 .55 10 Swogs, 60"w38" ...• , ...•.••••....•••.•• , ••••.•.•..••••••• 2.qq 1.22 22 Curtains, 2-4" or JO" •••.••.•.• , ••• , ••.••••• , ••••••••• , •••••• I.SO .66 MEN'S 34 Only Men's sa1fokls by Rolph ................................ 8.00 4.00 26 Pr Men's JC Penney Pont •••..•• , ••••• , •••• ,, ••••••••• , •••• 13.00 8.99 Continental WoistOOnd 20 Only, Men's Dress Shirt, Asstd. $;ze<, ..•..• , .••••.•.••.•••••.•.•• 7.00 1.99 36 Pr Men's Pot,erned Rare Bollom Sloc~s., .••••• , , ••.•••••.••••• 10.00 ·'' Sizes 28. 29. 30, 31 12 Pr, Men·~ Polye~tcr Flomef Sloc.k ...............•. , ..• , •. , •.••• 1100 4.11 2~~ Off ALL MEN·s SPORT COAT S GOES OH SALE FEI. 21 nd 9:30 A.M. 2300 HARBOR ·AT -WILSOl•COSTA MESA , . . JUST SOUTH 01 THE SAH DIMO FUIWAY ' \ G. B• ,B1 ~ SAC -A 1 horn( priva prove. Crimi mittet On day, t Assen Brow1 cisco) sembl The bylh• Attor whic1 horn• priso situat B• meaj legal pub! st at1 solicr ual at w, -S. (0-C trodt crea1 ti on "Calif Ang• T est a! the Mon hills Sant in I; tura Tu -t• Sanl and Par~ prot• ing I the frorr spra B u • w. has 1 der I sex f emi ,,, tifiet Cou1 a ful priv. Tl on t ta in wiU her den• T, the gr~ mis ' Thured , Februa 20, 1975 DAIL V PILOT A J I. _Trial A rgunaent *****11*•••••••••**••• Gay Acts Backed Patty's Photo Seized • • MERCURY SAVINGS and loan 1ssoci1tioo '!WP.!!!~ ~P!!"I' . ...... • • l"t..IVV ~ U .... t:i~· ... ,; .-...:-:.,:.~, .By Unit LA Park . \ . Proposed Ban on Sex Book _Upheld by Court WASJ-IINGTON (U PI ' -The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to interfere OA0ith a Ne"' York court or- der forbidding distribution or d book discussin g the sex life and other confidential information about a I em ale psychi atric patient. nte p·ublis her. Coe Press, Inc .. and two uniden - tified authors ~rg u ed that the orde r by the New ''ork Court of Appeals should not have been issued before a full-scale tri.al to determine if the patient 's right to privacy bad been violatC'd . The work, "Jn Search of a RE'sponsc." is based on treatment of the patient 10 years ago ana con talns detailed discussion of her sexual relations with her husband. 1-ler real name was not given but her lawyer argued that her identity would be e vi - dent to people who know her. The Supreme Court, alter hearing arguments in the case, dismissed lhe appeal as "improvidently granted." That means the justices feel th.ey made a mistake in accepting the case in the first place. · ''ftro9,.•f.• •lway' i11.,ol .. •• ritkf.. Y-c-'t .. to MC-cl bose while • .. ffPMcJ .... foot °" fint .. Fr~Wiko1 Except Co r those rare strokes of good fortune upon whic h we should ne v er d e p e nd, fe w worthwhile things have been accom plish ed un t i l someone v.·as y,•1lling to assume a r1~k . Jus t to (!cl from ht•r1• to the r e 1 n an automobile involves a ('o nside ra ble risk. Wl· must be risk -takers hut "''l' can also keep l ht> r isk at a m1n1 mum by ;i 11lt le careful thoui:ht and planning. before \l.'t' take any risk. Our experience and pr o f ess i o n a l competence enables us to anticipate needs and thus serve with t he . utmost sympathy and compassion. ;5H€FF€R lnOKTU.1.KY .,. SOUTH CO;.ST HIGIWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1535 5.6.N CLEMENTE 1 ~33 NOR.TH 8 CAMNO REAL '492-0100 Call 642·5678. Put a few words to work ror you. In the i11JIQ~!{1}i If YoU can flV to Boston,· you can afford Europe. RoUnd Trip L.A.-Frankfurt rocsav. vou pay about S750for a regular round trtp from L.A. to Frankfurt. TRANS GLOBE fares, on the other hand. start as low as S3&s: The $365 you save can l>UV a lot Of European memories. TRANS CLOSE TOURS IS Orange County's Travel Group charter oper- ator who offers you this new, low air fare. The first flight in this pro- gram leaves L.A. on May 21. Sixtv dayS adVance reservations for 2, 3. and 4-v.ieek excursions are a must. You fly on CONDOR AIRLINES, · owned bv ttie West German Q011em· ment -in spacious, luxurious 747s. All mea~ and beverages are included In the IO'N price of the ticket and so is the generous baggage allowance of 66 lbs. per passenger. So if you think your money only goes as far as our East Coast, you're selli ng yourself short. At TRANS GLOBE, it can buv you the vacation of a liretlme. Right now. NO CLUB MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED. LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE . AND AFFIWITED TRAVEi. AGENCIES FOR RE SERVATION S CALL (714) 646-5006 OR (714) 833-0454 1880 NewpQrt 81\!d. Costa Mesa. ca and Irvine Town Center. Irvine, Cahtom1a •Depending on season and group size. ) EVERY SATURDAY;;,~ :.> ~ •• ·:.· ·-'" 10 A ·1 ""11 ..: "' P M "...;.,,,. .~ t:.::.~s, .. ,IV'1l .l'-+ • '.Y•"'l'" . II' .. .-. ~;A· , ; • Open Mon.·Tllll'i. 91.m . ..ti p.m~ Fri. 9 a.tn..6 p,m • ' "STATEMENT SAVIN&S "·PRESTl&E Cud • • * •••••• * ........ * * * •.•• Dri11hag Charge Assembly man John· Foran, ch airman or Ways a n d M eans Com mitt ee, ha s . plea ded guilty toi reckless driving and' w as fin e d $182.! Charge had been re-lf------------------- duced from d runken1 11,--.---, driving. 1 II ii floats, chances ot•• you'll read about II In tha DAILY PILOT UNI llOY AL THE POLY SPORT "fOft THE PAaT/CUtAI Tiil IUYEI" Al8;13(1515/IJ)l C·X·t1 B78/ 13{tll5/t!):-==:-::-~-:;::­ f78/l 4 fI1&·1"J ~~:;:; fE&·F1 WHITEWALLS :~:::; ffl·fj 5.60/15 fl g·f1 a•113 fI•X·f1 C78/14 --~-~-~-L-• "' H78/15 2195 I MARK c. BLOOMl WILL DO ONLY A SAFl BRAKl JOB I II lhtlnt fallt to to numbar ol milts I lndlcattd, llninr wlll b1 11chanttd f FRE! of ch1r1:•. plus 111111 e111·1r11 I for Installation inly. f t111t Dl11 & It•• Dt•• l rMt J .. Sit.ti. I ••• w11,11 c,1. St.915 11. • s,.1111 "' .. l llll•J 14-tl ,., """ ""' ••• ,,... Brand new 1st Quality 6.10/15 Rm J.50/11 ao11s EDI 1.00111.s · · 1.50/11 El!l 11.00/11.5 E· T Dish Mags LUf Nuts & (op1 A••il. $2495 "" lJ"•S.S" 1.aa115 B:m 6.10115 5.10/151Ili1 l.S0/16 1.0011sElll 9.50115.5 6.50/llEill 11.DQ/1 6.5 1.00/11~ 6.111/15 0. .. ,,,_ ,..., II 11 Mtt.f ttt'Yt' , ... ",.. ''" ........... _.. ,......h '' 11n•11t ''""''' r1 r••· '''''' 1111 01r OltHltr 11 C1111rt1w AHltr,. lllr, S. k*-lc:on.tt" of lok"' -.I HClf"botoJ (2t l) tl0·1111 It lt1·1211. II w1 111111• 1111 111 1f J••r tire 1 "rtl.I 111111!" wffl H b1ff4 11qrl11 • l~ltf .. 11,.,, at tltt tiYH'fl1M ,,.... (7 I 4t 557-8000 klflc t fl BUEMA P K 2'62 Lincoln lhtd. l•-.t\. .... -I!-· 17141 826-5550 LA HABRA 2000 Whlttl•r lf•d. FULLERTON I 321 Sot1th Euclid GARDEN GR 1404011roo1<1Mnt ii Wood .. _.. ··-• ......._ 111.....-to.oo.,_,1 -· Ii oll 17 4) 17 • 100 171415 -3200 ORANGE 410 Horth T•stia ··-17141 639-4321 _ _.. •• s19aa AS LOW AS ' 1 • ~ I , ' 1 ~ -...... ... ·• . MEMBER AMERICAN GEM ·soCIETY Give a Great Work of art by Movado The Movado Museum Watch has no peer. The original 1s on permanent exhibit in tt.e Museum of Modern Ari "Diamond-Head.' 14K while gold with a diamond at twelve. $350. BankAmericard Master Charge CHARLES H. BARR IT'S TIME .TO PUT WINTER BEHIND YOU \ \ cmorrs SPORTSWEAR Westclirr Plaza, 17th and Irvine 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Newport Beach, California 92660 • • I •one-stop' shoppi ng at its finest! OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS adidas adidas adidas Hew Shipment Just ArriYfll ... All Sizes The lightweight all leather basketball shoe worn by the best players. 28 .50 ''\\'here shopping is a real pleasure'' 1052 Irvine • Westcliff Plaza • Newport Beach • 548-8684 Veta's· INTI MATE AP PA REL W••tclill Plai• ••• 17th & lnoln• i.. • ..-pert S..ch1 C.llfor .. 11 SUMMER SEERSUCKER A crisp blend of Dacron & Cotton Just right for those warm spring days-.-available 1 n suits and SrxJrt coats - ... ' 1 , ... 4'_ t _ _ , -1 ' ' Ne tw SU gr M1 Sa B, It ha the ace ders "' J'acific 'fhe I family been ra .-\l 5 ~lark J'.. \\'ach i family headed Su n Va It WI -kids. ~ !'ttlOW fr 1··irty the to.., pcned. I A car f~·~t an litt lc f d Sett! believe As a report• onWN 900 lett No o quite l elcarl) zingy, obviou ""ho 1 \\·rong One order .,,,hich the U .~ 1\fte ufsom from t nol to 1 to 1'2 rr eluded "·hole y;ond t doesn· REAS She wheelj a Na ~~~=l! a film "°a.ii fo~SI brtg 3\ s ~· na ~n • e a r po n ev it ' ( ch I it . p ob ti lh 'G • I lO I lh I 55 ' d ' ;, . . - •' • ;; .' ,.., '• ,. ' 'Two children Newport Beach of a prominent architect two youthful companions suffered grave injuries grinding head-on ·crash Mono Lake.' -Daily Saturday, Dec. 28, 1974 · and have • a in near Pilot, By ALLISON DEF.RR Ol IM O•lly P1i.t Still It has been t·1~ht "·eek~ s111<.·e the accident, but Jo Dori us shud - ders "''hen brakes s<·reech on J'acific Coast lliJ.!h\\";iy. The lives of the Kermit Dorius f<tmily of Ne"·porl Shores hHV€' been rad1cally <.11lered . ..\l 5 am . Ot·c 26 Kris and :\lark Dorius and friends Eileen \\"ach and Bob Weigand left the family cabin at Mammoth and headed for 10 days of skiin~ at Sun Valley, Idaho It was a dream trip for th<' l-;tds. all very athletic. iill avid ~nov.-freaks. 1-~ifty mlles later. JUSl north uf the town of l.C'l' Vining, it hap- p('ned. A car rounded the I{'\" eurve 100 f~1st and headed s traight for lht· little roreign \\ a~on Kris "as driving. On one side was the mountain. the other a cliff. There u·as nowhere to RO . 1"hc car hit he;1d -on. ••• ··\\"hen your kids y,·ant to go on J trip. you have to let them. ''ou t"<:t n"t be overprotective. They h<ive to find their ou·n "ay. ·· ••• The Uor1 uses passed the tangled wreckage on their way to the six-bed hospital in Bridgeport. "I should never have looked." she said. It took the Lee Vining volun· teer fire department more than an hour to free Kris from the "'reckage. It y,•ouldn"t have been possible but for special extrica- tion equipment purchased by the volunteers a week before. ··V..'ithout it ,·· said Mrs . .Jo Dorius. "they told us we would have lost her.·· More than 518,000 in medical costs have been incurred thus far. ··At least \Ve have her _·' ••• ···rhis 1s. 111 essence. <:t eulogy to Eileen 'A' ach. My daughter called her Emma. She \vas'killed in the car crash Dec. 26. E;ileen "'as beautiful. sens itive, creative anU had a beautiful spirit. I loved her as I lov ed my own daughters ·· ••• Kris was not told of the death or her friend for five y,•eeks. lier mother waited until she returned home from the hospital in Mono County. Emma "'aS her best friend. Nt>xt lo Kris· ho5p1tL1l bed in her parents room is a picture of Emma. ··1 don ·t \\'ant to forget her. I don "t "·ant her memory to dle, ··said Kr is. Mark :.ind Bob arC' :-.lowly ,.,. i Kris Darius, Newport Beach, was injured in an auto accident during Christmas break. She and her mother Jo believe others could benefit from their story. BEA ANDERSON, Editor ff111,.0••. IF~lir .. •rf 10. ltl1 P~~ 8 I Speed Kills. • • Or Changes Way of Life covering rrom their head Ill· Juries . 'fhey still cannot participate in their ravorite sports. School\l.·ork doesn'l come easily. Kris has seen eight doctors. been through sever<:1l s urgeries and has more to come. Her father took off a month to stay in the little to"'" while she grew steadily better. Jo Dorius brought ::;on Mark homC' and gave up L(!aching ten- nis. She stays at home, a 24 -hour nurse to her daughter except for a seemingly endless round of doctor visits She has plenty 9f time to think and often "·rites her feelings dou·n ••• ··V.'hen thtnk of the pc.11n she goes through every day 1t really gets to me lier brave outlook is really som ething to watch. Sht• has more guts than anyone I kllO\\". ··You really get to kno"· y,.·ho your true friends are. u·ho holds up like a rock and "·ho can·t facl' a c ri sis ••• Kris "'~IS in h<.·r f11·st \"l'<ir at S:.1n Diego St:c1te Univer:-;ity. She planned to be a physic<il cduca· lion tcachC'r . She doesn·t kno\v nO\\ if she can be. or ho"' long 11 \\"ill take to ~et back to the acli\"t' life she led. Severe head inJuries, c:om - pound fractures of one leg, a knef' injury to the other, five broken ribs, and fractured pelvis mean even the simplest exercise i s painful. Her mother calls her ··111iss Sunshine" but recalls the days when she wondered if she'd ever smile.again_ .. I'm getting there," said Kris. "it's just going to take awhile." The ti-io of leenagers have blocked out the day of the acci· dent. But Kris, especially. wanls people to know "'hat changes such an incident brings lo the lives of those involvt>d . ••• '"We have not heord one "'ord from the people '''ho caused th(' accident. In the hospitc.11 they had nothing to s ay. They "'ere in a hurry to go skiing. ··If they could see the pain and suffering m y daughter is going thi-ough. they might feel dif· ferent ly .' · ••• Since th e <.1cC:1denl . lht.' Newport Shores community h1.1s pulled together .. A scheduled Ne\V Year's Eve party '''as can· ~eled ··r.oo on<.· fe lt like celebrat 1ng. ·•l"hc kids had all grou·n up here. we all were neighlx:irs Pco- pie broug ht mt;><.d s over \\'hen I \vouldn 't ha,·t· l:'Vcn thought ;.ibout eating. ··Friends c.:ame uvt'r and a c· tually did things, lik~ work around the house. They didn't just ask if there y,•;is anything they could do." 1\'lrs. Dori us S<Jid 1'hc family has become highly a\varc of careless driving ... Yes . "'C n1ust all driv~ defensively, l kno""· It's the joyriders. and the hurricrs. <Jnd tile. panic drivers and of course the drunk who <'ause the avoidable one~. "The police practi·ce of having 'offenders see some of the results of their carelessness is good. l\1any people criticize this as in- human .. \Veil. many thing:-. tn lh1s \\'Orld art' and I've seen the re· s uits,·· s he said. ··The mcss ag(' I ''ant to pas!; on to all drivers has been sa.1d before. but here it is: If ~ou are 15 minutes late will :-.ou be fired"?'' she wrote . "1 doubt it . ... Is fi,·e 1ninules "'Orth (our broken lt•cnagc lx:idies l~·ing in ~ hospital "! lying in a hos pital"' "l\1any p<.ircnt s s ay lht·y knO\I.' ,,·hu t '"'e as parents arc going through, but unless Oil(' has ex- perienced this lr<.1un1a one docs not knov• ... Tragedy Prevented Consumer Protected Rules -Simple Betty Furness makes viewers believe she is on their side. As a television consumer-nc"'s reporter on the 5 to 7 p.m. news on WNBC, Miss 1'"urness receives 900 letters a week. No one report~ consumer news quite like she docs. She is often clearly one-sided. Iler delivery is zingy, sometimes funny. and she obviously enjoys tattling on those "·ho havC' done consumer!" \\'rong. One evening she told of a ma1l- order house she had discovered \\'hich didn"t deliver ··1t ·s called the U.S. Treasury.·· she said After going into the intricacies of someone "'ho tried to get coins from the Treasury only to be told not to expect delivery for from · · 1 lo l'2 months." Mi ss f'urnes s con- cluded. ··1r that's the way the ""hole Treas ury is run. it's no wonder the federal budget doesn't balance." REASONS QUESTIONED She found <t woman in a · wheelchair who had been put off a National Airlines plnne because or "sQfety" reasons. (T~e woman was inlerviewed on a film segment of her ActiOn 4 re· po(!). ~ far. she is only being sued for' $1 million in one lawsuil brdught by a school for nvrses aicis which claimed to be af- filf.. ted with a hospital. "They ha en't got a chance," !!:aid Mi ss Fu ess. e says she knows she gets a y with more advocacy re· po ing than anybody else on the ev ing news. o one has ever asked me lo ch ge a fact or an attitude, and it · perfectly clear that I am not ob ive in a lot of the-repprting th · I ~o." sheaald. 'G Y' .._ don't even know the degree Lo hich advertisers or people th :t've mentioned have put pre- ss e on NBC. bee use NBC n't tell me. • hat is one marvelo~ thing t being in the news area. keep al arms length~ .. It ts y of them. t think it ls only a~ uld be, boe8USC I don t lmoW how we are going to straighten out the marketplace if when something isn't good, you don·t know which one it is." Miss ]''urness, Y.'ho was Special Assistant to the President £or Consumer Affairs under Presi- dent Lyndon B. John son . chairman of the New York State Consumers Protection Board. "'as commissioner or the Depart- ment of Consumer Affairs of the City of New York from April 1973 to December, 1973. ··For all you do about passing .ind enforcing laws and trying to persuade indll'itry to do the right thing, no matter what practices are changed or what laws art" passed . if people don 't kno"' about them. they are at a disad \"antage." she said. TV ONL \' ANSWER ·'The problem of getting in- formation to the people is a tough one. and I have known since the · day l started in this bus iness how to gel information to the people : You do it on television. It is the only place to do it. "If I can, over a period of lime., get inrormation to make people behave differently in the marketplace and make them stand up for their o"rn rights. then I will feel I have done an awful lot of good.·· She tries to tell consumers "'hal people can·t do to then1 . "You know. simple things s uch as : Don't sign a contract with blank spaces in it. Don't reel likt· a fool if you ask a question. Ir you don't understand something. it is because they don't want you to understand it -not because you are dumb." NONDELIVERIES She has _not been surprised about the types of complaints which flood in on her one secretary, her three-person con1 - plaint department, and her t"'·o producers. "Nondelivery of mii!til -order goods is probably America's No. 1 complaint as far as volume is concerned," she said. "ll isn't as rar as dollan; are concerned. lt Isn't Sean, Roebuc:tt. It Isn't th• bl& companies, It is the ads in the back_s of ma1t:azines. '"-••••11······ Now a consumer news reporter for television. Betty Furness checks for short-weighting in market. She enjoys tattling on marketplace. "The furnitw-e business is pro· bably the least satisfal'.lory. You ju11:tcan·tgetdelivc~." -l Landlord problems and hous· in.g complalnt,,also pour into her otfice which -Qnly tak('s com· plaints by letter. "You name 1t , we get it," she s&ld. "And of course, we get a lot about food.·· Miss Furness. who is married to Leslie M idgly. a producer at CBS, would like to litCt some of her C'ons umer co1nplt1ints un na· ti(')nal news. ··1rtl am going to be a Ing £rog in a little pond, I "·ouldn't "'acit to be in any other pone\. I "-'as born in New York .1 lovc 1ht~ C'ity . 'f!hcy are my' pcoplt• and I feel good aboul that . ··But as far as tht.' l<1rge p1C\l1t"l: of getting in.forn1at1on to the public. obviously the national news would reach morC' " DE:\R REr\DERS: In s pite of th(' best cfforls of the local polict• and rederal agents. nation<JI crime rose 16 percent in J97,I over the previous year's record. Thi ~ \\·us the largest increase in six years It seems to mt· the \\ors \ tr~gedies are the t"r1n1e~ :.igainsl children Is lhere something p<:1rent s c:.in do to protect their youngsters from heing the vic- tims:' I believe the best protec tion 1s to teach vour ct11ldren u·hat to do and \\"hai not to do l 'oday I o.1m printing l 'EN COMMANDMENTS FOil TllE PROTECTION OF ClllLOREI' by Samuel Roen. th(' author of ··~turder of :.i l~ittle Gir1.·· I hopt: all parents "ho rt•nd this column u·ill discuss it "·1th their children tonight at d111nr•r It \voulcl be hC'lpful. too. 1f teachers "'ould cli p this column and di st·uss it in the classroom My thanks to Samuci Roen ol Orlando. i''la .. for sending it on (and notice ,.,;hat the first letter of each rule spells out). PRACTICE THE BUDDY SYSTE1\1 1,'hcre is safety in numbers. Children should be 111 !he company of other children or ;1dults at all tin1c~ RAPPOllT : Intimate 1·appor1 ~hould be devC'loped b('ty,·ecn parents and children of all ugt·:-. .<\\so between parent~ and otht·r parents. OBSERVANT r:vl"ry child should be taught to be observant of everything -the unusual. the suspicious, the strange man at !he schoolyard, or playground The strange vehicle. Children shl'luld be taught to note descrip- llons of p:1rents. vehicles. li cense platt~s and even t.o t:irry n pad ;.lnfl pencil so they' can n1ake u1• t"urate notes . TEACH llOM E SEl'lJHl'J'\' !\111ke sure door'll are ke pi locked at all times No <'ultcrs should be ad1nitted when parents :..rt.• absent (The Bo~ton Str~ngler gained udmitt<iMC to 13 homes (Ann Landers OJ \\ ithout fo1 ·ce and murdt'red 13 u·omenJ. No information s uch as ""l\l y pare nts aren't homt·.·· should be gi\'en over the 1>hone to unknou•ns An cxcu!'ie ::.uch as, "" l\l y fathl'r or molht•r cannot eomc to thl' phonl··· should end t ht' con versa lion . EF'l-1 EC'flVE PH''SIC.-\1 . AC - TIONS· E,·cry parent s hould in · struct e\·cr~ child of the ph ysical actions that can bt· 1r1ken Lil emergencv s1tuat1ons C UUl)i;:HA'l'E \\11 "1"11 rttt:; POLIC E Police s hould be con· suited immediately u·hen an\' ~u s piciou s event ocrurs . NO nei g hbor. rC'lat1\·t• or fri e nd :-;hould be s hielded Obscene phone calls. Peeping Ton1::;, cx- hibitionists and '"offe r:-.·· should bt' r<'ported TRA\I EJ, P l{l'.:(',\U'l'JONS : l "sl' \VCll ·li ghtt'd lr;1ffit• ar(':JS. Kl'cp ca1· door:-. locked and ,,·in· dou·s closed. In case of emergen· er. try to reach <t police station. or a busy or populatl'd area. II th1~ 1s not poss ible. remain 1n 'our locked l"<Jr ;1nd hold do''" thC' horn until you attrat·I atlC'll t1nn and ht•l p I :\ S 1' H l " L' 1· A B 0 l ; ·r S TH 1\l\"(;r~H S \rarn yo ur l·hildr£'n ne'"er to accept <.1 gift or ,1 ride f1-om strnngers. And tell them never to allo"· a stranger to gel clos£> f'nough so they can be snatched. ORDER SCHEDULE Kno\v \\"here your children arc goini:: ¥t1nd ask them to phonl' ~·ou "'hen they get there. If they decide to ~oon to anoth£'r place. make sure 1hcy phone you so ~·ou·11 knO\\' "·here they ~ire-.at 1;11! ti mt·~ NO lllTI.'ll ·l~ll\.11\:l; 1'ouofl l'll tr~gedy rides \\·ith the child "ho hitches a ride . ~1ake 11 a firm, un· breakable ru lf' N(l HITCli· HIKING • .' -·--..- Thursd1y. Febru1ry 20, ~975 - Dally Pilot Photos by Lee Payne ·Horoscope: Capricorn Partnership Emphasized fo~RlDA Y, FEBRlJA R\':!I B ySYDN EYOMARR · ARIES (March 2l·April 19): Accent is on cotnpletion , security, creative innovations, an attitude of ··make do," of utili zing availa ble m aterials. TAURUS (April 20-May 20 ): You seem capable now or rising above and beyond red tape. You grasp picture as a "''hol e. You make some "'ondcrful contacts. GE!\11 N I I May 21 -June 20 )· 'i'ou gC't around, you planl seeds \Vhich can develop inlo profiluble enlerprises. Count your change. CANCER {June 21·July 22): Lunar cycle is high : ''breaks" come your \vay. ~l ea ns elements or luck, timing arc on your side . Personality s parkles. LEO (J u ly 23-Aug. 221 : r·or va lid answers. gel behind the scenes . Someone who should be tell ing you something is do· ing the opposite. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22) Accent on get· Li ng your way . \'ou do so by improv1n,C.! services or s uggesting v•a ys to get rid of wa !i lc.ful me thod s LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Emphasis is on e1 uthority, dealings \vi t h profcss ion;.i l RUFFELL'S urHOLSTERY W....Yo.W-t ...... 1 t22 H..tMw lt•d. Coste M~541°025' superiors. Be selective. Don't deceive yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -r-.:ov. 21): Fine lunar <.ispecl now poin ts to long t rip, higher edu cation. gr eater ability to communicate ,,. SAG ITTARI US (Nov. 22 ·De c. 2 11: llighlight hidden corner s, subtle nuances. Be alert to cunning opposition. Tax and other loopholes are in picture. C1\PRICO RN (Dec. 22-Jan. 191 : Em- phasis is on partnership, legal affairs a nd n1arriagc. Play waiting g:a me. Means don'I rush lo Judgment AQUARl US (Jan. 20·Fcb. 18). Em · phasis Is on heallh, diet, employm ent. persons v.·ho perforn1 basie services You are drav.·n 1n more than one direction PISCES f 1-.. cb. 19-March 20): Creative Jni res flov.-. rvt eans you are stimulated and lake rcnev.'ed interest in what goc~ on .1round vou If Today Is \'our Birthday you are restle~!'. attrac:tive. could have weight pro· blem. ''t'ou .:ire completing major project th is year. Your vlews will be widely dl!-i · tributcd. You v.•i\J be sought after -;:i nd yo ur ta lent ror drama \\!ill be utilized. I . @~RlKQ STARTS FEB. 21 thru 22 " ._.._., ..... ·--·~IHOIS ..... ~ Clop -•- washington' s birthday sale Sensational saving!! while they last Three big sale days lh1s lhUrs . frf , sat . Sf the t-tunllngton Se1ch Center Mall al Beach Btvd al Edinger otf §an Diego 'l=wV ' WOMEN'S SEPARATES from s2so LADIES DRESSES · from s5so SKIRTS , TOPS, JACKETS, PANTS from s2so MIN'S BARGAINS SLACKS SPORT & DRESS SWEATERS FROM •4• SHIRTS FROM '2" FROM '3" UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS!! HOU•S. OJ0106 Mondri~ tl>i u Sotv•du" ' " IN COSTA M'SA IT'S tJinerls OEP A""f'MI H T .to"e 1 816 NEWPORT BOULEVARD Major Credil Cords Accepted • I• M·Mwfrt•• Merl Door to !(.Mart • • • Although St acie West Is the first to dive In, end with great ' determination wolfs down all the pastry she can hold, Maura Crilly (lower left) still comes up a three-time champion of t he Harbor Area Girl s Club cherry pie eating contest. WOTE . DIJ\MONDS • 6EMSTONES 'Jeweh by io1epla i1 1eou:hing for diomondi end gernstones trom povate 1nd1v1duals and estates. Carelul examinalion and evaluation by our e>1pert1. Highest prices paid. Call 540-9066 10-9 dally, Satur· day 10.6, Sunday closed, ask tor Mr Dennis Foltz or. Mr. Joseph. iewels by ioseph YOU ARE INVITED TO A HAMMOND STORE PARTY Introducing the Hammond Grandee Come and he ar Do n Lee Ell is, win- ner of Hammon d 's dist i n ctive "Award of Exce ll ence." Mr. Ellis is recogn ized as one of the top prof essio nal orga nists in the United States -and he wi ll enter- t ain you on ... SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 at 2.-00 P.M. COME ONE AND ALL AND ENJOY THE FUN REFRESHMENTS HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIOS for the Orange Coast 2845 E. Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar Corner of Heliotrope 644-8930 YOUR FABRIC AS SORTED SIZES & Colon DESIGNER BUTIONS Values Up To Sl.00 Ea. Y2 OFF ARHEL TRIACETATE CJ " ~-··-,· '• ' 6.~ , 7 / WOOL AND WOOL" BLENDS'. ROBE FLEECE $147 YD. ';l '" . SKIRT L44HTS ~ .. $1 , .... w• ~1.:: YD. ~ ~ -\' . ~ liiii • • • PHONE 642-2340 ... . ' F f 1 ·= '.• -~ :~ jo f\'1 I ::: or !" -: noun ~~•l:.iu~ ~· <..ind lr lrvir • of N1 1't Th ~ for ~ 1n 111i lion I ht• IT (.'Jul T> r.1 ar her <·rl'd nd .lrvn I It -·r\\ c l·'ull SI at '' hl' dL•g 1 l::t D ('• 11 I ( Fou • \1 ii I it t\1r~ •. """' llorl t ~'.~\:~ 'j' I. H.·n· Si Lo u. \. lt•nc r 1\1 t·~ • • I rir ! .., I rJ 2' rl'l' ~ p<ir •' 1n1S: • { -.;ale ~ l.ar t 111g ' (' 'i l 'ni <li e. !he • p n; ~ C•t l ' ' t. ha" :, • .G I· !· t I• .; ; mu : • Sc • ·• Cli :: I ht• : lo :: V:i ).i:. Sl't· < SC':· '. =· ,. .,..., .j (.'l g ~ dl'I ,' ' ··- • Thu1sday. February 20 1975 DAILY PILOT ft:J Rendezvous Off Menu :: 7: ·~ Rite Plans Told ELLEN FRIEDMAN ' WENDY WITTE · I 'm always reading. figured why not ao the s weat a nd s hl• fet·I~ about those clandestine clothes l 'm wearing so drops on her head. so sht.· lunches that husbands she stripped .. " I ~els her son's foothalt a~e su~posed to. have ··Are you fam iliar with helmct.und .. with their secretaries. or our salad bar ?" asked "Mv dress is $75 ·u1d bor.ed ~~us<ewiv cs with Kim. my shoes are $35 ," sa;d ._. the1r sk1 1n~tructors. ..Yes," J said evenly. n1ud cl a t rny elbow. I have JU Sl returned "So our housewife takes "'l'hf•v 're all fronl the from a . luncheon with a off all her clothes and Roturid:.i room and <Jt· good friend and fra nkly, ... that's a ll , Kim," I signed by Bill Ji labb. I don't know how they said as Kim s tood lhere Jsn't this stunning.," are l eft alone l o n g withhermouthopen. "Absolutely." I !'i:ud, enough to ea~, let alone "Would you like coffee clenching n1y tc(•lh. get a n affair oJf the while you 're waiting?" "Okay, hPre's thC' p1e. ground. she asked. t ure no"'. 1'he naked lady . As Peg ~nd I dr~pped "Terrific. Now , get the · 1n the football ht!ln1l't 1:-; into .a c.ha1r, I said en-picture. Peg. Here 1s our lean in~ on thl' ":1:-.her thus1ast1cally •. "l have heroine standing in the "''hen a n1ctcr rl·ader the most amusing story middle or the basement. comt•s into thl' ba ~c1nl·n1 lo:. . ., .. , without a stitch whc~ the · :.11~d ~pots her :ind th1 :-. .Cockt_a1ls . aske:d a overhead pipe~ begin to "'11i lracturc you. 1>eg waitress 1n a short skirt. ''No," I s miled. :.a;.·s .. " AT WIT'S END "l\tustard or catsup:·• OJSkC'd Kim. · ..llE S1\)'S, 'l l lO l'f-~ Y<ll1 R 1'EAM \VINS • l •. o\O\"!" ··\'oil w<.1nt this on 0111· <·hC't·k"?'' 0.1:-.kcd l\1111 d1yl~ •'\\'h;.it lt'.1111 ".1-; :.ht• \\ith '1" <t;->l.l.•d l't·g. ~ Mr. :ind t.lr~. 1\ r;. t-'rh·d 111,1n ;... of Nt.•\\ p!Jl'I llt·,1r h li.1vt· ~111 -: nounr.t.•ll 1/il' en~.,~~t·1nv11t o! thl·1r • .• daughll'I", l·:l l\n .1n l•'ril·dman ~, ;.ind Ll·On;.ird !\I . 1.-o ... tl·r .Jr of &-lr\'llle. :-.\Jn o1 !ht.· ~en1or l•'o:-.IC'rs • of Nl•vada ('11 \ \Vendy Susan \Ville and Douglas l\t1tchell Cli ldwell plan to be mar- ried Jurie 13 in lo"'irsl Christian Chur<:h of ~luntington Beach. Her fiance, son of Mr. and /'.1rs Michael S. Ciecek of Tustin, is an a lumnus or Servile tligh School a nd will graduate from Ci..iliforni a State University at Long Beach in June. .. \'ou"r e going lo fall,------------,----------------------right out of your chair \I.hen l lell you. lt seems !:: 1'ht.• aff1a11~:t.•d p;ur. \\'ho work ~for Or;.iugc l "o untv as ;J d - \.. mini:-..tralivi: .111alv!->l ~nd l'llUl';.J· lion field l'l"llt't·-.l·;l1 .1l1\'l', plan 10 bv IO<lf'l'l l'd 1\ug, ~ 11111: .. iJi>o:..L r~:.i y l'luh. 'l'hey are the daughter and son or Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Witte ~i nd Mr . and Mrs. C lirton l'ald wcll, all of Huntington i:Jl'iJCh . 'l'he bride-to-be will graduate 1n June from Golden Wes t Col lege. Iler fiance attended Orange Coast College before transferring to Lincoln Christian College. Lincoln. Ill. Aug . 23 rites in lloly !''<imily Catholic Church, Orange, are be- ing plannt!d. ••• JOHNSON & SON ·_ SAYS.·· Whip Inflation Now!! 'rhl' bridl' lo ht• ~•t tCnded John ?\1ar~hall ll1g h Sehool, earned her BA and ~l'l'Ondary teaching <"rl'dl..'11t1al :11 l'h.iprn;.in Colll·gc · "nd did gr,11lu:1tc \vurk :.il UC . Irvine. ••• Cost a M esa lligh Schoo l ·graduates, Donna Jeane Curtiss and P ete Mer ritt are planning to marry April 5 in St. Joachim's Catholic Church, Costa Mesa . FORD IS OffERJNG BlGCASH BRAND NEW '75 COMETS lil'r f1 :1nl'l' 1s .in ;1ltnnnu..; 11f ·r,\ent\ n1n<· Paln1:-; 1111'.!.h School. l<'ullerlon t'ull.·gt• and California St;1te l 'n1vl·1 :-.1 t:-.. !''11 llcrtor \\ht•rc he <';.if n(•d his mast<.·r~ lh:gl"l'(' Ill publu· <i•ln11n1slr:..ilion Mr. a nd Mrs. Glenn Morris l,ayton of Corona del ~1ar ha ve ::1nnounced the engagement of their daughter. Ther~se Anne 1.ayton Lo Andrew St anis law Cte<·ek. Their parents are B Doren Curtiss, Tustin ; Mrs. Curtiss, Costa Mesa, .and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Merritt, Costa Mesa. REBATES Of .......... . $200 ••• J:::d1:;on ll1 gll Sl"hool ~~radualt·:-. Dedication 1'h(' bride-to· be is a graduate or /'.1arywood llig h School and will receive her AA degree from Orange Coast College in June. Un its Pitch In t·oaoN,\ 01·:1. M,\;;: llJGll PTA: t\nnu ... I i-'ou nders Day luncht'01'1 • \\di ht· Hl lhl' hunlt! nf i Mr~ \\'ill1an1 T !{:11-l'I .1t ,. noon 1'h ur~d;1\. ~J <ll"l'h <; ~ llon ur .1r y lilt.• :-.l•r\'lli' t ;.J\\ :1 rds will bl" prl'S1•nt l"d Spec1<.1I J..:Ut·:-.1:-. \\Ill he l)t". .John ~1enll. -.up'"1·1t1 I. ll·ndenl :ind !Jr Norn1:111 ~ ~ f J,oat:-.. a~:-.1 st.1 nt !'Up1·r111 · ll'ndenl of !ht· l\l'\\ 1•orl l\.1l'Sa Un1fit'd St·hool ll1 ,..., ... 1r1cl; lrus t1·1·s. pa...,l pf"t" ) -.1dl'lll !-. :.inti p.1:-..t reel picnl :-... I nl t'l"l"'>I t·d ~ ~ p:.trl·nts :trl' 111\'Lll'd . <1d ~ 1n1s~1on is a t·as ... l·roll' or ( salad for I:!. i\lrs (~eorgl' ~ l.anP, c·h:.11r1nan 1:-. l;1k · t 1ni.: rC':-.er\ .1t 1ons , COURRt:G l·:S l)T,\: 'i l 'n1t \.\'Ill host public dl' drcation Cl•rcn1on1e~ fvr 1 he new school i:lt 7 30 • p m . 1'hur:-.day. 1.-(·b 27 ('1!) ;.ind <li ~lr1l'l ufl1t·i.d:-.. t. ha\.'l' bl't.'11 !llVtlt•d. • f.'l "l,TOI\' PTO : Unit ''Ill ~t:.tff student art dis- pla~· al ll unting.ton l't·ntc>r n1all Monday- 1-· r 1 d a y . f' e b . 2 4 • 2M .r.1t•m bcrs will as· Sl"I dl•ntists "'ith check· up:-. 111 ~chool Thursday, 1.-t•h 27. American ll1·r1tag<' program 1s ~cheduled san1e day. llARROR COUNCI L IYfA : School board can· <11datl·S \\di speak at 8 ~:Clinic Ex panded " •. F'ount:11n \'allC'y l 0 (in1 :-mun 1 t .v llosrit;d :.1nll th (' .. Scol10:-.1 ... f)l'1 etl1nn -· Clinic ha\ t' l'Xpandt·d ~: lhl•1r scrl·c·n1n l! proi::r:1n1 to 1ne ludl' l-'ou11t:nn , V:-tll l·v .ind \\'e:-.t1n111:-.!1·r i-: :-.t'hOl;l rh st r1rt ~ :ind ~11 n1t· · schools 111 ()el' an \'11" ,• 1\n <'~l1rna!cd :-.\0 \t•11 pt.'rC'l·nt of fifth I hrnui:h .; t.•11iehth j.!l'~HI(• lt·v1·I •.i11 w. dt.·nts h<.1\'C tht· d1 -.1·.1 • .. \\h1c h 1s a latcr:.il curvaturC' of the spine. l'ases in gir ls outnumber those in boys 8 to I . Children whose sy1nploms ;ire dt•tcctcd• :ire invited to i:lttend m11nthly el1nics at J.'\'l'll /\ model for :-.11nllar programs acr~s lh1 • C'ountry, the progran1 \\Ill l"\'l'lllU.,i:l ll y be CX · t1·tld\•d eounty\l.'ldl' p. m . Wednesday. l''eb. 26, in Lindber~h School multipurpo se r oom . Sponsor is 1-la r bor Coun· (' i I. . MA RIN E VI E\\I PTO: /\. s howing or home sewn fashions will be present· ed by the unit at 1:30 p.nl. Saturday, Feb. 22. in Golden View School auditorium. 1'1ckets are SI for adults and SO cents, children. l\1 c OOWE l.I~ PTO : 1"h1rd through fifth gradt· ~llldcnt s. under Mrs. l-'t!rn Norred ":-; guidance, will present :.i salute to Am('rica's bicentennial a s t h e American Jl e rit a)?c progran1 Pcrrormanl'C begins "l:lt 7: 30 p. m Tuesday F'eb 25. in the Middle l .. earn· ing Center at the school NEWPORT ELE .. PTA.: Rumma J,te sale and swap meet planned from IO a .m . to 3 p.m. Saturday, March I, in school cafeteria. Beaut iful Clothes for Beautiful Gals Spri ngti me has come to the garden . Come in to see our pretty new Looks. th e ... ~ 9"ctrd e Lido Vi llagc House of Boehme FINEJEWELRY ('1i...,lu111 Designed For You SPECIALIZING IN UNIQUE ENGAGEMENT RINGS AND WEDDING BANDS WE ALSO SPECIALIZE lti DIAMONDS 1276 0 So. Coast Hwy. Uguna Beach 494-5160 AND JOHNSON & SON $ IS OffERING FR& 400 AIR COHO. VALUED AT ••• TOTAL SAYINGS!.· $600 This ts the onlY-s~le Feldman Ltghttn will have in 1975 The Feldmon Company, monufocturen and distribt.itor> or '."J4 yeo~ of qua)'iity lomps ond lightio9 fi11 tutes, offerl 'f>" DISCOUnTS UPT070% * OUTSTANDING DESIGNER'S SAMPlES * CUSTOM ORIGINALS * DISCONTINUED DESIGNS * ONE·Of·A·K1NO FIXTURES DIN ING ROOM FIXTURES * IMPORTED CHANDE~I RS * EXTERIOR tANTERNS *ENTRY & HALL FIXTURES BATH & KITCHEN FIXTURE S * BEDROOM FIXTURES * G E ROOM FIXTURES * ACCENT LIGHTING* FLOOR TABLE lAMP5 Over 2,000 lomp~ ond lighting fi1dures ore "r&d·to9 Fo r tremeodou\ savings! Here are ~ome e11omple~. Regular price ;±LE r-rtCE R-335 Capiz Shell Tiffany from the Philippines. lntrica1e Hower pattern. 18 inch diilmeter. $148.00 sq.so 6099 Bamboo s1yle chandelier Available 1n antique while, <1nl1que yellow, o r antique ler racoflil 18 l1gh1s, 39 inch diameter. $280.00 S~.d .00 6166 Danish conremporary hood f1,..1ure. Availab~e in brushed chrome, brushed copper, or brushed brass. 40 inch length by 14 inch width. Also aV.!lilable in 28 inch and 18 inchlen91hs. $109.60 $7.50 -~ ~ • .,. BRAND NEW '75 CAPRIS ssoo J41l1 Vi.1 Oporto ( 7141 67~·0.'i21 Mnnda!/ Fhf'u S11f11rdQfl • JJ ·.W 11n111 s·:Jtl ()'ckldr' SALE SEG1f\l5 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AND ENDSSATUR Y, MARCl11 /SHOWROOMS QP(N O.A.llY ( IN("lUOINC ~TUROA.V & SUNOAY 1 H()JRS 9 10 S 8[vtRL Y HILLS, 853 N . ~ (1',.1ot90, 655•7090 /OR.ANGE COUNT 1327 N. Mol" St, Son10 A"o, ( 714) 547...0JSI /DOWNTOWN lOS ANGELE 5. 612 " l 'ALL S;"LlS FINAL/ NO l'MONE OftotlsgR C.O.t>. "S / CUSTOMlll PAO:IN C / !.A~EltC,.•O / MASlER CHA~(.( t Woll ~I, 627-6731 . • ' I ' ' I \ -C.• -· t • ' l l J • •• ' r • ( I • l. ( J· I I l l ' If DAii. Y PILOT Thurtdly, Ftbru&ry 20, 191'5 ! . • • by Wm. F. lrown md ~ti Ca•!O! , MIXED SINGLES I //J0£0/ AllOU1' 11-N Oto A6E, Ko~IJ/. TUMBLE~DS , .. FUNKY WIN~ERBEAN Q,uestion number one. .. . FIGMENTS \ ~-.. --- 0 I ! I J.<l4Tllf;: fllN&O. I i '3C R I e. &i.f I SCR1~E i i I 1 l l Find the predicate in the following sentences: .... • · by Tom K. Ryan : by Tom Batiuck ,.~ by Dalt Hale : . \J Eri.it B~sh~iDer : ~---'---'-.-----------.~------~-----~" NANCY · t'D TAKE HIM BACK 6UT l'M AFRAID TO PICK HIM ·UP THAT BIG .;._ TURTLE MUST HAVE ESCAPED FROM THE zoo Zoo GORDO MOON MULLINS . WHAT HAPPENl'D ;\fHR You <;oT PA'>T' rc-r 'DEAR SIR.'? ""l'""_'_···--2-'20 . J SWITCHED FROM HUNT AND PECK 10 l'Hf TOUCH SYSTEM .. SHALL I TRY AGAIN? . · r lradflelcl I t • 1 11::1...M--i ! . • ~~..---nttlf ! by Gu~ o\rriolci L.1...1..~-""' """'""ii,+ by Ferd Johnson No ·T1Mt: . I'LL WRITE' IT OUT IN LON~AAND. 'THEN WHAT'S iHE DIFFEflENCf? H• WON'T !15 ABl.t: TO ~!> IT ~WAY, EITHER ... by RodcJe.r Bollen TODAY'S CRDSSWHD PUZZLE , PEANUT_S ~ ~~----,-, ~-~by Charles M. Schulz s~ VAROOM! VEr< ~If! !t!P! RI pt (D!Hft<T ~[p! Koff I~ IT l!ECAllSE ltltl AAVE A NEiii &11<£.DR IS IT 50M€THIN6 ELSE? UNITED Feature Syndicate Y••lll'~·· P1,llll9 Soiv.cl: Ac!Ross ' 43 Canines 1 Prevari-45 Moat ca tors uncommon 6 Ghaal!y 46 Selacl 11 Existed '46 Arabian 14 Area unlls Judge 15 Hold• 49 Dwells beJi1f upon 16 Sdtnewhlt: so Ski-lilt SUtflx 52 Use an 17 Otel1rationa ax • ol gu/11 56 Bloekhead 19 Army rank : 57 New Abbr. York 20 ----aclion Landmark: 21 ~ 2WOl'Ch IOenS 60 Mineral n Preuur~· · ending mea111mg 61 Speak IUO. publlcly 24 l.twgh 62 StYub loudly 63 Legal 26 Metal matter fQteners 64 Flower :21 BroOk 65 AQoOf· 30 Voleano Honed 1811ure cards 3Z Pt1ying ' flgur• DOWN 9 Swiss river 1ttendee 10 Notwith· 35 lmlt11es standing 36 As red as a 11 Along ··-· a.boot 38 Pu\ February 39 Mock 12 Englllh 41 Inge dnlm11 : village 2 words 13 Hypodermic 42 Augment injections .._. MAiiey ··-!:~ 18 Shut wilh Acrobat's . force Clll 23 "···Got 45 Rowers Slxptnee" 46 P11ce to til 25 Cereal 47 SwlflneN 33 Candied 34 Restaurant bill 1 Dificiency grass 48 Mr. S1engel 2 Symbol 26 ·Nation 50 Fed. 37 Early Scoltllh inhablllnt 38 FMIOM'I way 39S.. ..... "Cl WffellnQ tool • 1 SmlR' 4=-- 3 EngUSh 27 Second-51 Wagers ye1r 53 "I··-- composw student dream. ·· • SomethtnO referred Abbf. 54 USSR city 10 28 Small 55 Vlv1cl0u1 5 Compa11 grou.p 58 Oub!in-- poinl 29 B•ir1:10!"1 bated oro. 6 AJto-ran partic1panls 59 Wh' h 7 _,.. ..,. the 30 CLump:s to~ was air: 3t W11Urtt: \ktdKided Slang ptoV9d: t lr.urrec:Uon 3:J Rtunton Atlbf. l'I \'l 1-. 6000 IJ,ICI( IN TME "1!0Cl/M 'lOOA'(, JOE : . JUDGE PARKE ,. MISS PEACH I . \ 1''< .. '. :· .J :.· . , . " I DICK TRACY I : voffl ff Pl ... (( . r;. • !'. NEitJ l.fATHERS! by Herold Lt Douic I 6ELIEVED THA1 ATTENDANT WHO &AID HE SAW YOU IN PERRYSVILLE TMAT N16HT ! · I KNOW '!'OU 010, OARL!NG! TAAT'$ WHAT MAKES '!'OU SO LOVABLE! by Mell by Chester GOuld ··OfCoUrSC:. the 1li\:e thing about ple<tt' i\ nl, matter how bi& )'Ou are around !he hip~. they toikc mo't oflhc blame.'' DENNIS THE MENACE I, .~~ 1.·10 I r • I I t I \ ' ~ . l • r t ' i ~ • • ' " ' • t· r r .. l I . ' •• •• I • r I ' • ~ • • r r " l • Tonight's 1-:V· H • hi ... • L '. v' . 1g ,1g.1~1'$:· KTLA (5) 8:00 ...:.. UCLA lia~ketball . The league-leading Bruins, second ralllced in the nation, takeontheWashinstoiiSt.at; · Cougars. . CBS, (2) 9:00 -"Attack on Terror."" The first ot tWo episodes (the second airs Friday) dramatizing the brtl!al 1964 murders of three young civil rights workers in Mississippi. Rip Torn. Andrew Duggan and Marlyn Mason head the cast. KCET (28) 9:00 -"Mysterious Lady ." Greta Garbo is the "lady" 6ftheli- tle, a Russian spy, in this 1928 movie with ' Conrad Na gel and Gustav Von Seyfertitz. ~ ........ , .......... l ..... ~~--.... ~~ ............ .. TV ·DAILY LOG Friday DAYTIME MOVIES ll:GO CJ) "1>111 YtlJ Owl" {dr•) '!IO-~ iijnl, r111ey Gf•llfH, "•111111 ..... Ill~ ...... ~ ......... (..s) ''3-Marty lobWM, loii h r· ·~· 11:oa o ·• lkl 11.,. ..... ('*"' .,, ~ MiWfl, .111111 WYN•· i l:Jll QI "lltf Ma• ... ,..,. (cam) 'li-¥111~•"' """' c.r.i. ~. lt.tO ID "tllll.., (dttSle} 'K-'rtta Garbe. RoMlt T111«, Uo!ttl l 111Y· t• ;~...... C.1 Tt.. ....,.. KOCE Television tli• ICMOOl.OllT•tCTMIWllC) '.(ltOC:ll 11111 MOYA (Cl (PIS) "The LyMt1111A1t11r •• 1:11 TIMI TO OltAW IC I "GMtour L.lne,·· H21 COMMUMITl' OP LIVING TMtNGS ICI "L.ta.e• tlld Photlll'f"o lhlf\I\" l1U INSIDllOUTICl"H""'t--t ,_ .. f I :" 11.ICTltlC COMPAMT ICI >C'WJ J::IO TIA.CHING CHl&.OltlM TO ltlAD !CI "l U.S.JA,AN ltlLATIOHllCI 141 TOGA Wlf" MADILlNI CCl UC 11.' ·•:• IL.ICTltlC coM,AN'+' (Cl !CTW'l J:• SISAMI STlt I IT {Cl ~CTWI •1• IOCHC llAT iCI 1111851 ••n... Uf\Olt\hody" • •:M M ... N ANO INVlltONMlllT' 'l(l"ThlNtlllf"tOIMlu\"\ J: .. AltAIS ANO llltAIL.11 ICI ,,..~ ' .. J":a 'Of'LIW ... TCM CCI O<OC:IJ I;.. NI JAlllANllSI ,.11.M ICI IPIS1 "lo•·· ..... l'ltlef 11.!ID ~'I'-nitelolY •:004 JO NftlltOllY IUO' DO Sl.INOl.f' HOll!Mf'I u )0 ~ 00 -..s C.11 ...... "'"' ' IUEBll & THI llAN ~ PAPER CHAS5 •• ·--lot!rtl- W'Jlll , rwo •DUL' M!OWS .,.... 's.., •Aft SQUAD 111 CA~l HER ONE EYE 111 ·i~rj~e' ~ff;ed · • Thur$day February 20. 1975 DAIL v PILOT BS .~sen Marks 10th Year '... • .... i;.i t \ J'F'or South Coast Repertory, it allstarted with ''Tartuffe.'' ~at was the play -drastical· ·!b' .condensed and stylized in the 'com.media dell •arte manner - whlc)! iotroduced sen to the OraMe C.Out 10 years ago this month , several weeks before the compan~ took up permanent re-sidenc~on March 12, 1965. · Today, 10 years and 92 produc· tiOns later, SCR is celebrating its first decade with that ·s·ame Moliere pla y, opening "Tartuffe" Saturday night for a five-week engagement. But the resemblance to the 1965 version quite likely will end with the title . THE LATEST "TartuC£c," un- der the direction o( Robert Bonav e ntura who s tag ed ''Charley's Aunt" and ··1·he Tavern " at the Costa ~1esa theater , will feature a cast ap· proximately twice the size of the company which performed in the 1965 "Tartuffe." In fact the cur· rent cast of 19 probably outnum· be.rs the entire SCR membership of 10 years ago. For two members of Bonaven- lura's cast', ';Tartuffe" "-'ill bring back fond memories. Lesli e Jones a nd Don 1'uchc performed in that enlbryo production . though not in the same roles they will assume this weekend. The title role o f th e hypocritica l ·'holy man" taken into a landowner's home only to reward him with attempted cuckoldry will be played by veteran SCR actor Hal Landon Jr. John-David Keller is cast as the duped husband, Orgon. with lnt&l'mission Tom Titus MlmLSmith r' wife and Miss Jon~s ash.er . . TUCKE LL be seen as OrgO,n's brother, with Steve Pat- terson and Sharon Crabtree as the young lovers. Others in the SCR cast are J ohn Ellington, Demene tlall, Reginald Rook. Steve DeNaut, John Sherman, Kiin Battles a nd Elizabeth Toohey. Playing servants and guards are Dennis Long, Sleven Weise, Steven Gray , J ake Gardiner a nd Andy \'ircsik. "Tartuffe" opens Saturday night and will pl:.:i y Tuesdays through Sundays at 8 o'clock with Sunday arterl\oon matinees at 3 o'clock through !\larch 30 at the Third Step Thcaler, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Reservations 646-1363. ANOTHER NEW livin g theater offering this weekend will be Jules Feiffer's "Little Mu'rd.efs," playing a two-night stand Friday and Saturday even- ings at the UC Irvine Studio 'fheater. Al Glove r, a seruor drama ma· jor at UC J, is directing the satirical comedy. and his cast in· c l•Jdes Rick lluber, Dan Sherman, Randy MacKay, Joan Pirkle, Lori Wilson, Mi chael Laf- foon, Monica Miche ll and Ke vin Wilson. ·Curtain time is8o'clock for the uci p~oduction. CONTINUING AT Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse t his weekend is the Orang,e County premiere of a new c6medy, "Under Papa's Picture." Gury Bell. Linda Alcott and Doris Donk<.1 s tar under the d1rctt1on of Dan Verre . Others in the Sebast1<in's cast are Aquilla 1'ippilt, l'at Brum- D•tll Side 01 The Moon ~ f'tut 'HlA.VY TIAFFIC' COMplete Show 19• 1:00 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5678 baugh and Rob Wood . 'l'he show '5;;;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;iiiiiil is being staged Tuesdays through 1 ~ Sund ays at varying curtain times ~"'•"r·•J••~ in thl• dinner theater, 140 Aven1da Pico. San Clen1ente. Hcscr \' a llons 492-9950 , i;:.:.::: ,<,•:-• .. :;• * liA('KS 'J'_.\f;F. Thl· n1os t ml·n1or~1llil' :-.hu\~· 1n the history of the Long Uc ;il'h C 1 v ic Light Opera 1s being rcv1\'cd thi ~ weekend . ··r.1an of I.a ;\l antha." first µrC· :o,entecl 1n the sprin g of 1971, open:-. again r'r 1day \~ ith l\\"Oi of the three prinC'1p;;lis from lhe inilial produC't1on, l.ea nna Nt>lson and \'inct• ·rran1. for four \\'Cekcnds at thC' Jordan lligh School aud1toriun1 ... Ua\'icl Cryer is playing the Don Quixote role originally done by OitkJohnson . South Coas t llcpertory. opening its 10th antll\'Crsary production this \'·eckcnd. ts cl·lcbral1n g at the box offi ce too the Cost~1 !\·l csa company is t.'!lJoying ~1 rt"cnrcl yl'ar, both in subscription ;.ind in · dividual ticket sales this means th~1I Sunday n1~1ti nc<•s, added for "1'hi.1l Ch:.unp1onsh1p Season·' in ::\ ovc n1 her. are here to stay atc·ord1ng toi SCR of- ficials. season :-.uhsc riptions a re up·lifl i n1prcss 1 \'t.' 300 percent O\'~I" last year . MOW THRU TUES. RUTH GORDON "HAROLD & MAUDE" co·t)I! "A,PREHTICESHIP OF DUDDY kRAVIT1" . CALL THEATRE FOR SHOW TIMES Most Violent 'Five~O' TV's Roughest ~================;;;;;;;....::-11 NEW YORK (UPIJ ..... A broad sampling of critics across the land has labeled "Hawaii Five-o·· ~.the most violent s ho"'•on tiie·rv screen. A group of 80 criticsTated 63 prime-time pro- grams. calling them •·very viole nt." "viole nt ," ··neutral, .. or "non·violent ." in a survey published in the t-tar~h issue of McCall 's magazine. "-·· The p\,blication listed the 10 most violent sho"'S on the air. The other nine are: Mannix, Cannon, Ko· jak., Police Woman. Police Story, Streets of San Francisco. The Rookies. Get Christie Love and Kung Fu. • • • f9'f" •-s.ll NQOUC.TIOM • • • ''T AITlJfR"'..., - Tn'il he"Cn C<o-dy Cl~n·c al>O!JI l'iy!l()Ct"y Gull<D<lo!y and t<u.,..n Fe.II~ D·reu lld ov Sotc•ll '2"••1 &11111 Aol>eff Bo<1i1ve"loJre o! r~e Amen~•" Co"'"''~tory Tneal•t SPECIAL PllYIEW Htl#HTS--DISCOUMT PRK:E $2.50 TUK.., WID., THUls.-R&. II, I,, Z0--1:00 P.M. '""· .. 4 •. -.11 "CLAUDINE" ·=··· 7:41 l~ll;IA~ •llDf tMOW-IAl., l\IM, "Wh~l•t M•<•l•o" •~• "U~tH• •f C-~ 1·10 & t·4\ .._.,, & 1-" 1:41. t;J. "C'--•" 7:41 • "THE WO•LD'S STROMGIST MAH" 1,JO, J:JI. 1:41 7:41, •:10 "GOOF Y'S Sl'ORTACULAR" 1 •0I. l :Oi, 1:1 i. 1:41, t:JI 4J A guide to community churches and their events appears Saturdays .. , ... In the DAILY PILOT w•m!CI bf-11lty • Al ·racl110 In "GODFATHER 11" IRI "YOUNG FlAHKEHSnlH" By Mel Bro~kt IPGI "MURDER OM THE ORIENT EXPRESS" IPGI ''THE STRONGEST MA.M IM THIE WORLD" ··1MCREDllLE JOURNEY" IGI ''THE LONGEST YA.RD" "GOHE WITH THE WIMD" "CONFESSIONS OF 4 WINDOW ClE4NER"IRI + "CAMDY"IRI "R41'E SQUAD" !RI "THEY CALL HIER ONE EYE" s, .25 SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES SAN DIEGO FWY. AT BRISTOL CINEMALAND THREE 1414 So. Harbor Anaheim 635-7601 ...... -1·1·• DU5Tltol HOffMAt4 WLEtlMT" IRI ~ "CO"I FESSIONS OF A WINDOW CLEARNER"' IRl "THE MOO EL'' {A l "HARRY & TONTO" "CLA.UDIME" ' ' "'on1n'"~"tolam-5 12'> "HAllRY A.HO TOHTO" "CLAUDINE" "M°"' With Golde11 Gu"'" "MR. MAJESTYK" IPGI "THE LOMG EST YA.RD" "SER,ICO .. IRI .. THE ODESSA. FILE" "DA.Y OF THE JACkEL" I I > -7""..,..---------- BfJ DAIL '1 PILOT T hur:ill.iv I eb11.1a1y 20 1975 p Airlines \;et Tahoe LeQrniog Ski.JI at.the 'Office'' . ' Trip OK's .SAN .fo'R 1\N ('I SC<l f,\PJ Air ('altlnrn i.1 ;111d P <iri f1c Sou th v.1'~t Airl i nes h aYt' ha;(..'ll ).(ra nt e d l c n1 p o r ary a ut ho rity to S('r vc South l .. akc Tahoe a irport. 1'ht: Ca l i ro rn ia P u hl1 <.· Utiliti es C o mmis!'dOr1 lin1ited Lhe author·ity Lo 00 days. The t'-''O c<.1rricrs v.1 11 'rill the void c rc<.iti..'d v.·ht·n 11olid ay Airl1111.>s h~1ltL'<i ~crvic(• Ft•b. 5. 1 lollday h:id bCL'll th t• onl .Y :::c·hed u led u 1r paSbf'lll-:l'f l'U r1·iC'r serv 111g the Suut h l.al-.t''l'uhol' a 1rpo1·t . r\1 r C;11ifo rn1 a v.·:.is ,;1vc11 the r ig ht to !'ly b ct\\'CC n th e ·rahoc V :1ll ey <iirpprt ~111d O:.ikl and and San Jose. It m:.iy fl y passengers frorn N>i nts it now ser·ves in Southern California to ·rahoc but it must be via San Jose or Oakland. FINANCE Railroad Gets Loan Approval WAS llJ NG1'0N Cl 1l'l 1 'J'h(• llouse WL'<in<·~tl;1\ \'Ote d s:l\7 m 1l!Joll Ill g rants ;.1nd loan guar:u1 tees t.o l'l•nn Cl'll lral ;ind othC'r b;_i nkrupt l'<1~tl·rn r a ilroad s. l\-1ost o r II would prevent s h ut do\\ 11 of the n a tinn's largt·~l r ailroad ;_1l the cnll ot tht ~ month. I-lo use commcr ct· cnn1- miltcc c hairm an Jl ;:1rlcy Stagger s s;..iid I hcre v. ;is a good possibi li ty the PSA wa s granted rig ht-s to fly b e tween T ahoe and Los Ange1es International and Hollywood-Burba nk. -:;::::::::;;:;;:;;:===;-; Senat e wuu ld ac Cl' Pl t he ~ House Uil l. The Sl'n:..ite earlie r approve<! a Sfi5 million railroatl aid l.1111. WE CAN FILL AMY NISCllPTIOH You can bring us Jor ·compounding ... ny pre-· scription , evt'n lho-;c prescribed by phys i· cians ..... ·ho pracl Jce a long dista nce rrom our pharmal'Y. We will be able to d1 spe nsei lhc t'X- a ('l medicine specifi<'d. Of cour~l' v.·e <1rt· 10 constant contact 'v.1\h :.ill our local Doctors so \It' :.ire fa mili a r v.·nh the medicines they p rt·f~·r But amoni? t hl· n1;111.v thousands or prt'~l'fl JI· tion drugs w e l'arry a rl· also the ones ph,vsi c1;1 n~ . in other l'ities n1 a:-o prl' . scribl'. YOU 01{ YOUll ti<>CrOR CAN PllONE US WHEN YOU N t;ED A DELIVERY. We will d e liver promptly without extra c harji!;e. A· great many people rely on us for their health needs . We w e lcome requests for delivery ~ervice and ch:.1rge accounlS. P.Ull LIDO P"HA.DtACY 3 51 Hotopihll lood frMOd......, ........... -.......... 42-1510 The l'l·nn Ct•nlr;Jt. w hi c h scr\'l'S 2u .ooo miles of tral'k 1n I& ... tatt·~ from !\•t ISfiOU l"I tu ['\(•\\ Eng la nd. says 1t \VIII not have thl' c·ash to p:1) 1ls employes ;:1s of l•'t_•b 25 and will h av t· to shut down unless a id comes fron1 Cong ress. Be ca use the P e nn l"en- tral serv es muc h of the c.ountry's h eav y i n - dus try. its s huttlo,vn w o uld be a sever e blow to the economy - FIRE·EURGLAAY ALARM SYSTEMS RESIDEJrrolTIA.l & COMMERCIAL • lr~stat!~d & S»rv1cPO 32 Year s E.><r.(·r.f-nc,r• 1 ~1 Yeo;1 s Jn Tht> Ha1bor ArP;i ~~.i.,··R<Rt((~t, ... A t Roor 5ofe, l"stollf'd in COl!Cre'tt-••• \ 175 SEA COAST ALARM SYSTEMS Dl•l .... Ot , .. c-• ........ -..,.,i., I 6S I PIC1Centio c .. ,_ .... f,>t;_ .. 642-1490 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 •.. ,. I Mesa Coeds Ready for Job~ l~y JA('Klt: COM8S 1.ANU O! 111• D1l1r ... lotSl•ll ('11-.la !\ol l·sa l l1gh School h a~ IJkcn a hui.111~·-.s 1n:1rh1 nes cou rst_· out uf the t'la-.-. r 11on1 ;1n1! o n lo the job. •tounl J'.:!l , lllldcr the dlt l'rtion or Mri.. Mare• B ~1rnes. h as been turned into ;.1 n1vd1•l husll)ess ofricl', complete with cuffl'l' puts, tirnc clorks and as- i.1~l ~1nt off1t·1· m an ager~ to check cmpl"' 1· productivity. l\N'll ·r111: \' 1'\ RE NOT just pr('tend- inJ:t . 1'hl' n1udcl o ffice, with 45students v.1lrl!'111 l' lh1•rr rlur1nl!: lhrt·e morni ng c·l.1..,:-. \J('r1od-. 1s rC'sponsible fo r n1o~t ut' tht• t) ping, all 01 the d up11cat1ng and cup.\ 1111-: lh;1t is required in the s1·hn11l 'I',\ p1c,d \I ror h ordl'rS rrom teuchl'rS :11•· thtl'l' ;_111d tour-pa ge multiple q11c·!';t1011 t':'\,1n1i n ations, le tte rs to pal l'tlt s. 100 1·op1cs of 13-page tc:s ts or hundo ut~. ll{'\vs lc lte r s, copies of p oL'flls ":ind ot her lite rature, a tten- d:.it1l·t•th ;_1r l-. :ind illustra tions. "Sn1nt·t1111t·s \\'(' get rush jobs and tlH:ll lhe i.:~r].., rt•;d ly have to produce," s;ud ~Ir~. !t;1r11cs, a teache r al CMl-IS J'or ~l·vcn Y'-'a rs :.ind d c1>artment head uf p r11t·l 1C':i1 ;.111d vot·ational education. 1'ht• s t11dt'11ts have lmdertaken such maJnr p 1·0JC('IS as a 200-page. pro· l,!fan1m<·d lt·arn1n ~ book, she s aid . ··11 1·rt· the g irl s l ea rn that son1t·lh111g h<1 s 1o bt• done well. It has to bl' lll'i1l .111d t•orrecl . jui;t as it has to be 111 lhc \\ ork111,(! world." 'l'llERI·: ,\RI·: 1:1 o .. ~FICE JX>s it ions f\.lr s . llarnes is confident that the model orficc achie ves its gob.I or e x· µos ing s tude nts to bu~iness machines ;ind off ice practicc·s. ll also orients thcn1 to production r ather thun class ;.1ssignmc nts. "It isn't going lo be graded a nd tossed . It's going to be used b y so- n1eone,'' she s aid. The model office operat es on a SG.000 pa pe r budget . Mrs . Barnes began keeping tra ck or work orders in t\ovcn1bcr and h as logged o ve r 700. ;\skcd how muc h money the model offi ce has saved the Ncv.1port-Mesa Sc hool Unified Sch ool District since it opened in Septe mber, Mrs. Barnes s:11 d, "I don 't know . But if we we r e n 't doing it. they would be s pending a lot n1orc than $6,000. ·' THE OFFICE OPERATES with' two classified pe rsonnel who do the l·onfidenti a l work a nd keep the office going during the a fternoon when there arc no classes the re. Ellen And e r s on, a 17-year·old junior, said , "I reaUy like learning a bout wo rking in an office and this c lass ne~cr gets boring like some C!<JSSCS." lier favorite pos.i tion is assistant of- fi ce m a n ager. "I like to fill out the bill ing forms to charge the teacher s for the work." - 1'c·achcr s a re billed just a s stude nts receives payc he cks for their work , "''ith incom e lax and social security d ecut1o n s inc lude d . Those arc jus t a bout the only "prete nd" aspect s or mode l o ffice . O.itr Pilot ''"" Plooto MESA HIGH STUDENTS LEARN OFFICE TASKS ON THE CAMPUS Mk:helle Fetlg (left). Leslie Baker Complle Notebooks U.S. Building Permits Drop v. 1lh rcC'l'Jll 10111st . typ1sls, bookkeeper. ~1 ssi s tant off1t'l' man agers and clerk po::.1t1ons 111 pay1·01l. Ciling, duplicat· u1 g, m1n1eogr~1 p h 1 ng: and genera l of- /1t·t_• \\ or k. J\ s tudent holds <I position ror lwo- wecks on a rot:.i ting basis. eventually lear111n g ;:i ll the machines and pro- cess1..·s in thl:' 1nodcl office •· 1;:ach i.:1rl h as h cr ownjobtodo .. And jus t :1s she would have to produce in a , work situation. I.h e system here d e·. p<.•nd" upon her to produce," said Mrs .. J ~;:1r11cs . Ellen and fellow sludt>nl, Gail Clif- ford . 16. are anxious lo learn the two IBJ\1 magnetic tape / s e l cctri c typewriters und the MT/ST co n1 - poser. Newly purchased. the M'l'/S'l' comJX>ser will e nable the s chool to publish the campus ne ws paper at a reduced cost . Stude nts lea rn to jus tify copy and become fa miliar with fonts,· types ty les and s izes a nd layout. \VA S I-IJNGTON IAP I -Tti e numb e r of permit's issue d for build- ing n e'"'' homes dropped to the lowest le ve l on r e- cord las t mo nth, the gov - ernm e nt reporte d Wednesday , c hilling prospects fo r any early rec overy in th e vital housing industry. The C o n1mer c e De partment r e ported that the numbe r of nC'v.' hou s e s s tart t~d in J anu<1r y inc.::rl·ased for th<' firs t t in1c 111 four n1onths .t o a sc~1 son :.ill,\· adjust ed ann u <il r alt· 1Jf rnfl .000. 1'he st<1 rts fi~url' was up from 874.000 111 D ccc mbt•r. But C Vl'll so. thl' starts fi!!Ul'C 'v.'41S s till \\t•\\ belov.· thC' 1.3 n1ilhon rate ror all of last yt.>ar. '''hen the ·industry \\·a s in its wo r s t s hape s ince "'orl cl \\'ar II. And the m onthly tota l. v.·h11..·h o ft e n ,-a r1('S \\1 \hou1 <1ffL'tl111g thl.' 111\. ct lo rlving luui.: t1·r1n tri.:ntl'. \\••~ nnt :i., :-.1).!111!1 1· ;1 n I I ll I tl I.I u s I r ~ t· (' <J 110 111 I ~ I ~ ;1 .., I h \' J•t·rrn1ts f1g11rl· :'\t•\\ buLltl 111g pt•rn111 ... 1~~111..•d . \\hich tJ )<,u;1llyH11 tit•1p:1lt· s t •irt-. o n llt'\\ huu~i ng h\ thrt'l' to -.1-.: n1t111Lh~. tl roppt•d to .111 •1nnu:1 l r:1t1· uf !ilil ,11(~!. '\'h .11 sur p a~~t·d !\<~\t·n1 · hl·r ·~ prt_•\ 11111~ l"L·enrd Inv. or -;:10.ouo. I t L .. IJJ. Bt>11d No Autograph From Garbo • 'fou tan gL·l !SOC! pounds of bl.'t_·f ofr an acrt.: or l:1 nd You e<1 n gt·t 200,000 pounds of g reen sea turtll· mea t out uf an acre of s ail water five fet•t tl 1..·t_·µ 'J'h<.1 t turtll· meat is a lot bette r than bl'<'L Nol inul'h fol llardly any cholester ol. l.ov.· in 1.·alur ies . 'f a.s tes ~real, too. We're I ar1n1ng the v.·r o ng ;.1crcagC', s ir. l ll\'()f::KST 1\ND the J apanese h a ve come up with :..in automobile so riggc<I that ;d i its lights fl:.i sh )',pt·t·tacul:.irly v..·hl.'n a dcv11.;1• 1,11 the d ashboard dl'll'l't:-. lhL' odor uf alcohol on tht• dr1' er's brt.'alh Do \OU think It V. ill St'll ? l ..... -.e QUOl•l•O .... 6•o"'" Ar wpp1.ea Dy 1-.e Nd Bu'~°" ru:in.d! A\\0<1a1oon 01 Ruckel ~""""" Oea•e•~. Su•no 'S I MC D·CI~ .ind otter~ Buu ... M ~co by over·ll\e· C.itWI 'So to...nt~• l)Cdlt'•• lo C.im ,,.,,, ~ ... n <>1n~• "' of ,...,.... tE.•••e•n c~ T•<J ''""' ) l ht Qu<>ld C...non Ml l•Ofl• 110 not •ndud<' i:..,m.in ,.,1,,.1 '""'k"p· mdfk CnM19 RI (1(1-o• u>•nm " e~n \llPS "on ana oo not crs Cntl rer>•<'"'"' d(lu,.1 Chmp Pt ''""'"'hon\ Chanl Co INOUS.TIUALS Chem C.p AND UTl\lllES en. 8 • I• W~<lne\oll"y (.h•i~ ~~ FeDo'Uil•r t,., t•JS .At.l11hnl Aavnc,. R Ad Moc•o M~nt Cp ... It• Al • Al ... , Bill 4h(O inc Allqn Plu Ahl;d Bnt 411•C<I !cl Am A11r\I 4m Eo11• Am F•ncl Am J'1.-1~ Am Furn Am C.o-e Amini C.r A MC•O•Y 4m l~ley Am W;;ld RIO A~k Chta>& (:p 11 ' 1 ll Ch FrClll< 1 , I•·. Colt S.OC.d •' • .~. C•!ln~ Ut t~ 17 Colt UIA 11 11•. Cld<k Ml 1•1.• 19 ,. Clt~111< II'• a·~ C.leY l•IY '1', \J' .. (_low Crp t .. 10 ~ l .. b 10' 11 Cotturn O 1 ·o l C.otdC u 3~" lo'• C-• R" '°'"" 104, Comm Cl U'• !6~, Cmt Sh•Q 2 • l C"'I NIC.~ 11 ·o 11'·• cm .. t i P •)'o ••'• (1>1• Aulo I' • I , C111 r "'~ Over 1'h(• Counlt·r NA.SO Ustinqs ••• o ·. E""cu In J'• l '• .:; .. y~I Int 11 u .>n,or!I ; • • , Trn u''" 1· • .N•)~ r, •'• '" E •lr .. c11 l~'• 1(1•, O:.MS 1..U 1 • o Pdb\I El• JO• 1~ ,.,,., 0-. !~ N.1•""' 1 • I \ F.ior \n~ •. \ .:; .. _ V! It t/ P .. <<o1• 16 . 19 lvm·t·r M •·I~· •'. 5 F,r ..... £1 11•• t]" O:nua• (11 I • I Pd( C.o1m 11 • ,, '111 '·"·•' "' •J• .... 10 • 11 , ""'"' l:H 11'. IJ • O:O<j<l•f Pr I • ~ P.i.< lun• ·~ • "' Un• c .. ~. .~. ""' M lto'• 11'• Farm C.r Ai •9 "'.,..ti<"' h M•, """" O J• • J• V"'"" '>1>• ' ~-'" • 11 F•"Q'"I 1' Io l,,c1~ 'SI 11'• n>, Piul I<-" I) tJ Un I 6• l /, • •l• ,. " • ~ 101 F•I Bo\•n 1~·· 10-.• l•tx .. ,I 6 7·' Pyl~' en I~ • 1~ unArt ,., .... ,.,,, I " 15 '< 211' l•I Ci11>•ll l• 1& (..>...Co 1~ I•. Po1y N Sv ll l o u<; -..,<I·'' ,, ...,, n• 1 .\ 11 • • 11·'• 11•, I~ f ,F,,. 10' 11 Lot....,,,, Pt 18 lQ Po C:ntr11 11 I• US'" ~ 11 \J. l>"I•" 1 J I '' lo 1 .. ut Unln<. 1~,Jq•,\aw•~• C ll·o ll• P.•n1 0 11 1116 I '·""' r..i •• l > ~\""'' 1 6 t 'Food I..., 2~ 11 \111 -6oy I I , !'Tl H&I'< ~, 1~ "·•QM ~"" \ l ... ,,.,n, '.I< to•~ 10"· For .. ,t O+ O•a ~·• Ll'~t Pl I / • .. ~lrolil' el ~) '"'"(" •" , >t< "' l'•l 1o:i. IO'•F• .. n•. £1 I. I· l •• Chrl\O \ ~ >'onkrt<' 1• lU """ o .. t/ •i '" .... ,, T •• ~ 3 F•d'' Mq q • to \.mta ~tr ~ 10 , f •(01 11B<1 lb • 1• , "" ~~., • "''"..i 't•• " • •·• F"C<ld I< 19 . 10 Ltrl( IJ,(l\\ • • t , P,(01•• W • • \. "''°'' "' •I 11 WO<HJ ~, n•. ,,._ Fr111 FOE , .• " LOCht-' ~. 10•· P.rt "''" /) 1~ .... , .... 1 .... \ .,,, ... ,,1 ..... 81 dl . Fulltt 11 10 10. l ....... s•~· q'. ~ "''"''Ml !I'-It . o• ')h ' y .. o+n ,,, (..J1(' le J \ • lDnQv FO k"'<'"' ''" O '" f j;> " /•0"' V"' '! 98 101 (j.dtl'W lt /, 8, 113 I I~ ~·~N CoJ.r ~ It ( 3•'• l•'• Go<ICO CD 8 8 Lot'...,\ Co 31 <, l? Vuto Cap •. • OT : 10 ~ffJ/1 1 Jif'li1·,• "'" 10. c.n .A ulm ~ b , MU..<flU ) ~ ")o.>J•• (.h ll 1\ ""'" ...... .,., It b'• /•,c.n AuloP U , !~ .M.HI G~\ IJ '• tl'• ,..,. .• ,, l.o Ul R,,,,. O•<t~~ "•\•"J ' •1~'.16'-.(,en Bond 11'. I• M.ll Rlty 1 7 !.,.In• C11 \ •6·'""~""""' 1,J •lJ J• 18 10 C.Ent'•9l lJ 1)1,,.,,..,.Ckl •1•••2'•1-1~'<'" ,,..._JNu<'<·"" •.(''' 1~'' 2b . Gen i..,,., M.i··-c 11 11 ·~~ 1 .. :.m•• I •U•~,, ,, ,,\, J• .... 10<. \00 t•1 """"t r11 ~. ~' R.,.m<I & 9 LG(t1h· Cl> '''" l J '. c.n1 Sh.ii(' 10'• 10•. ,,,,..,k Tw 1~ ·~ l<lt""' 1>,,, ~ i-'f'<'O!t1 r,-""'' l•o i '•G•ll>t't! A to 1) ..._,,, l(y I~ !~ il•CO'f E.'l • • • '''" l"b<"·•lu•v t ·" ,, 11 \J c;c.111 ~F<I ll'·J 18 M< Cmo ll ' )•I· ReQ [!•'-?(.. 11•, ........ I , •••• ' ,. q 01, G<"m M<1 I, 8 M<.0"'1 E. ~, ~'• Reh U"'~ Ii " ""' (,,,.,-1 11 11--...l l'"GtaonS<. 10 .. 1o r,McQu.+v 8'• q A~i>uDI< lb •?b ,c;•P (L> 8 &._ c;.,·~y l 0>! 11 'o 12'• """""'"' 11 11 A~o J.01 ,,. 1U', 'I I)'• t~\,G<ey A<lv ~ • I• Mrdlm l o, 7 '• A~•" &A 17 'l JASO \loh""' ''"' 10 ; 21 C...011 lnlll '>'. ~ ...... d1•'1 )~' 16 , l'l•w•I M1 il /l """"'"' ,.-. 14 " 1~i, HMn c" 10 ti Mer<,.nt t! • 12·, "l<>.td [, 11 !J ·•t.o•·• •oo 1l'• 1• ,.Yhn EW ~, ~ .. Mrrwin 11 iJ Al)brt Q,, ''· 11 ;•·'"'°""" "'" •'• s•. 11.1 ...... 1 ll• ,, • 12'· _,._, F• 1~· lb'• A'llhn' k '' ·~ '-"l•I l•bl • • ~" K~flX" R )'• ~ • M1<lle• (. ~ 10 A°"'~M Co 1 " , 1s. Ko1w1 .. m B <1. Moue• H ') ~ 10 q..._~, p,, ' ~. Gnint>r.~ t111 tl l ,o .\f'r .' 3" JI Hd..,lh F". I • I, Moll•llOI J• «0 l<u•I Slov I/ IJ. GAI Nfll\ J4 ]~ ""'"'("d F 11 , 11 MnS..t" .. 1" J~ S.ChP•N II 11 f"-•'"'' U" W••· ' " '. ~.,., L/ •• • WESTCL.IFF MEN'S HAIR DESIGN I NE\VPOB."l"'S ONLY :-;EBUl"\(:Cl l1~1't-:HS ~~-W;,;.;;E~S~T~C~L~l~F~F-P;_;;LA;,;::ZA;,;..._~;.;,;6~-9~92~S~~~J ·r11Ar1• ("l,r\SSIC ac- 1rt·~s (;rL·ta (;a r bo nt·\l'r' ).!t\'l'll :1n~body ;1utogr.1ph. l'n1 told . has her ~u·• .A~•Co AP5 ll'ICP At<tn Myl "''0"' A .. Ar>.,<l<I A\\.CI Col" AU G\ Lt All Site! AlwC Q(\ 0.J"<I At o a.. .. a Wr &Ike<' 9, s .. ker Fe 8dld'"n L 8 .illy Mft Skllm Rl1 BMnet Fl B.i\.,..t! F aa~I•~• S..k•n C11 Ber>lty L~ 64!11 Ldb O•Db Co s .. ,, Son\ 81kHI p..., Blotk 0o e1ueOI ~ 8MA Cp 8ob E•"' 8ohema Booth No Brfl'ICO I Brink> .n Bro.Kl• f- 10 ' \\•. CO<ln Fcl I , 9', Conn (,f!n 3)'• JSl, en~ P""' 1,.. • '°"' c .... a •• Cp ~· .. •~· Cou•·n~ t•, 1 '"'s co I~'• 1S'o c.,.1 Nol• ~·o 6 D.in! lnll ,.. , 10"• C>.>•t O•q 11 .. 11>. O.t~ 100 1~'. 11 HEoCP! C 4>. 10 ...,,nn I ~II J , ' 'KNiii In ~ l o •nl I "' • • •. H•Qbe (.(> 17 IJ IW:IQ"I C1J 1J t 1 S.Co!I lno 1 • , i th·'1n•·••M 11•. IJ Htne\ El l& > 18 """'~· In II I~ !.co\1\L c. t. t • l•'IM\q<.• . ' 10 11 • K<><IW.... II--. 17·, ""°°'~ .... 1\ 16 '>tftOI>\ H II', I& ~ .,_ .q~"'" "J 11 •, 18'• >1~1 Co 19~. 20» Mor.on 8• l 1 !.P.t Wrld ' " •• _,..,.,~.,.-,,,, ,... 1 7•, Hunt Mtq 9 ~. """"'""" 1' t) ..,,, Mt!•Cn I • ._ , .... ' HEW ISSUE 125,000 Shares Co mmon Stotk al $10.00 per s hare ($5.00 Par Value > ~r-•JBANK OF SAN CLEMENTE ~ (IN ORGANIZATION) I 21 A:~e..ida Victoria.. Sest Climw:nte, Co. r.o. lo• 51 6, 926 72. 714-492-81 oo This notice is neither an oiler t o pur<'ha..,l' nor a solicitation of an orrcr to sell an.v or these securities. The offer is m <ldc onl' h \. obtaining circular . /\n offeri ng c·1rt;ut:lr may be obtained by l'allin g or ,1,•11t111,! tn the bank at the above <J(ldress or l1'IL.·phon1· numbt·r . ~SAGA ~o ··~ ~thebigp>ws CITY NATIONAL BANK SHAKLEE CORPORATION AND TRW HAVE IT. Astute compan1cc like 1hese ~a"" 1.:• covered our 1nter1or des1gn .i·1<i ~.p,11...t' planning expe rlise come ~·11lh a 01·1 plus: fine o fl1ce iurn1sh 1nn·J .-11 adv.;in tageous dealer c osts If y .. 1 arc n r,01 porate execulivi' t1":k t11r our new Design Por1fof10. <1 s h<•Vv11111 ot today··, mos! d isll nguishecl at! 1c.. t11n11~;!11nn'. Just s lop 1n our nerir·-·: t ~.11nvv roon1 c:.:s!I . ' or write. CARROLL SAGAR ANO ASSOCIAT ES LOS Anqf'lal: 6751 B<"V"rlY Blvd / 659·fi?OO Newport Bosch: 359 San M1guot Dr I 633·2033 ---~~ARIZOLL l ,()VJ-: 1\:"'I) \\'All lll'1n 14U 111 our L.ove <Jnd War m<.i n's rile 11f run1;1nl11· quotations by llonore d e Ba lza c rvads · ··11 1~ a s absurd to say that a man c a n "l l11\ e orH· \\1~man all the tim e as it is to s ay that .1 v1olnL1st llC'l'dS ::Ol'Vt·ral violin~ lo play the :;,llTI(.' IJLl't'l' 11f rn LISH· ., !\l1\ .. ~l1\ H1•('L'llll~ rl.'porll·d that •·mafia .. c;:1me from lhl' J\rahic "ord "maehfi\" n1eaning "union." 'fh;.it ·s v.·rnng. say cli ents 1''re ne h ~ol dil·r s ul·r1111u.~rl S1e1ly in the 1 3 t h ccnlury, opp1·e ~~I\ i·I) \\"ht·n ~1 drunk en 1'~r c n e h ~crge<.inl r.1pC'cl :1 y41ung Sicilian girl in t he -.h<.idO\\ r1f ;1 t·hurch. thousunds of e nr ~1ged Sicilians tool.. 11p the shout· ··;o.1 o rl(' .\Ila }'~ran t·1,1 l 1al1 :1 ,\nt·l.1 ·· It rneant . ::Dl'ath 1'o 1'hc f-'renl"h 1-. lt,11,·"s C'r\." 1\nd t he word "mafia· v. ;1-. !or1l'1t:d 11! lhC' first letter of each ltal1;111\\Ord1n th;il tr<Jgicsh1gan. Tll •: R J·: ,\ '' t-: n1ore statues nation wide of on(' l'l'l'loi1n 1\n1l'rlt':H1 v.·nman th<.in or a ny of hl'r. Can .vou name ht·r ·.• Say Sac:.ij4wea. Tll I·: \\'OK I.O 'S n1ost popul a r g ame ·· ~1onop1ilr'' 1s b<i n necl in th(' Soviet Union. J\ ~1'(lR •: in San A ngelo, 1'exas. was hl1ri.:l:1r1zt•d son1t'l1n1e back. F'r iends advised 1 ht• ov. n1•r In lock up a couple of watch dOf'!S in his pl:1t·c at nigh t. f-le dl'cidcd agains t that. l 11 ~Tt•:1rl . 1us t heforc hl' 1..·lost•s s hop nO"'· he lurn.-. Joos <· 1ns1dc a Liatch of r attles nak('S . A · 1:('V. :11 <·" s ig n o n thl' front door r e ports the .-.11uo1tton ll1· c.1).!C'S t hem :t!!ain e very morn· trlj.! • County Bank "Recovering' 12 11"' 0..ytn Ml 10 IO" t:)r(oS Od 1'• J 'h [}<'k\b AR s • 6 °'"lh• 1 .. 11 1•• 1..,, Qrluoe C 2~'·• 26'• o. .. m Cr' 11 •, 12 o ... m ..,11 11' 1 lJ''' 09>1 Cn11> 1.., e• • Oocu1 .. 1 13'" l f '-Oollr <'..<>.., l]•o )f', 0ondlas 10' o tO '•; Oorlh G• •'~ •'• !)o* )Ori> I~· 1 1to' 1 Qoy!fo 08 JI!' Jq•, Ou<;omn II'• II'• Oun~tn 0 Jl 3• l.trtll Seo 1K 19 ( .. >tml 'f 9' > Econ L.oo 0 1_., 1•, £OS N u< ~'o II)•• f..I P<!o\O 19 JO El Nu(e, 11" ll'• E""'''n 18 II'• Ene•gv ( i••• 10'• EQu•tv 0 1 10" II'• EQ~ S&l ••o •'• Etn...n A /•o I '" Hydlt C •'• • • MO>I~ CD b ~ <..wmonl• 10 ll ~ l"' 'I'', 71 I 13' Hy't"' (_ n . 17 .• """"''°" I" !/ l j ~ ... n lJll 11 ,, ''" .... l. ' •' • S'• IMS •nrn! ~'• I • MoUI• Cl I h ..,.,,.,..,., !0 • \\ !1 l• "'I JS'. Jb ., I""" W~I 1Q. 1,1. M• sm .1n h ' I ,,,..,r.... J ••• ,, ' ....... ~ ' ' 1 ·• J'o Incl'; N..C, O' °"'°')I Q.11 .. k 1 $ogn•I<' 1 , '• /.•J" "' 11•.· ?a ·.'"!"'"' '' ...... ,t,nU' II 11 ~'"'"'n" I". ti ., 'Ir'"'" I i"···· 11 11 •• ln.i• ldO l t, NII C11v\! \ ~ Sr> .. p lol\ JJ • J4 . 11 l"•w<I l• ,_,. J l • 111•~1 C•ll )to. 31 lol~I L•hl> } ) '>oC.il WI 11 11 . h l.i I > ( .,,,.1., '· ' >. I Int~•'-[n <I • ~ NI Mel•{• I ~ '.o CnnC.' 1~'. 10 • '" 'I., t t! •• • • •• •nln1! c.~ ll '• 11 " NtlMn Sv 1? IJ ~Ind Pa11 13· ••••• 11 "'··~·· ,,l,<,•1 I < J 4 •In( .A ... m ~'• ~ N1 P .. !~nl b I ~l>"{h" 11', II \O~lH' 16 16•• In B•W A •'. 4 • NCNll CL> 11 11' >O•"a~I N lJ ll" I "'"' p;,.,' ""'' """ ~-· 1nt('r\1I l J'. lole..Onm ~ 6 )1,•n•<I• I ll 1•'• I';<."'-"''·'\. n,., 11 i• '""'l Co l·• • , No>.,11 (.-. • • • , >!d ll~Q•• 14', \~ , l hll <>•"111 • •!· 1 . s.1as...v1u 11>-.11•NJN11tr, ll 1J .•>'""'""' 10 11 .n .. ,,, .• ,,,. ' 1; 11 • J~m~•D 1• U , N•tolet '" II ~ ~!~ N "le Q ~ ~ S!•.•l'll•" ,,,r, :· 1.J .. ~n Em~·· ···N•~l>PnA u .u'~•tfd~NS ~ 10 61\11(1!•1" ,, ~1 • ~\, .loh1-. EF 11 11'• No~l~n B \(•I•·• '>lfQ<' l et 8. ~ I f_~n·1,1r N-•'' "'• 1~« Jo"yn M lO 1'" No•d•l• 11·• lb'o Str-..b Clo t~ 10 "\'>"'" '><• ln•J• l • • J~.;,, "d''"!f St ?I '• 18" Norin IC" 1• 1~, '><loft El ~ ~, '.,,,.,.oi ..,,.,,., 11' 11'·1 l(d!Vdr c 1 .. ' Nw~ NI(; I. R •~ s ...... , C11 "' ~"•I} NQ >I •..• nrr ' 10·· 111• l(o1m.:in C 1~ .... \ft'. 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M•T 88~ q68l 1"com Q61 C"ll'll 6qq Ml•. 81~ Q60 N" E«l '>I< \I«" 1C.q0 1.,,,.ing •1 a 1o,t of bt<I """ .. \ked "" Ct"§ on Mulu.tl Fun<h '\ auo•e<I D¥ U'lf NASO Inc ED.IV Gr S 69 6.21 F.i.rtld to ~V I 11 lnc Am (qty Pr ; 14 1 l• Fm Bure I IJ NL tnc Bo~t Fnd Am ~sq 61! FIDELITY Ind FAm (;r'*t" l Ol l 91 Jl(KJP: lnlCQQn l"com S 84 O ;l8 8l'KI deb t 71 t qq Ill lnY151 Wff,..\4'1' Prov I" ] 14 l •l C<!lllill I Mo 8 JI ln~rn G Ftb•LU•Y 1q. 1q1\ Specl 1.7• l Jto Corllfd 8 ll Inv Co .A Bod As• \lent~r \.8'1 6.•A Cw S~c 6 •O Inv GU•d Adm G* l :JO J .61 h<1rt Fd 8.61 9.•I 01, lnL I 00 N \ Inv ln<l>C Adm Int 3 05 3 Jo (HASE 0..•! 611 Inv 80$ Adm l!U 0 Oii & ~ ll<HoTON: E~Y • 6.0 1 . INVEST I 1~ I II 18l'07'1l1S ~ 16 N.l 10 11 I! 10 ~Ml ... l 1 '' ... l 9 01 q as A<lvo...,r J ~ J 8] Ffld 6<" 5 01 6 l l EvP"t Q 7~ 10 blto COUNSEL Ael!\il f'd S BJ 6 JI F•on Cp J •• J 16 Fund 12 ID tJ.88 CitO...-n 6 9• I 61 .Al•tnd 1n 11!>Ito111• <;nTr 6 s ~.99 ~ •• Purotn 9.S2 q lt (ap1t 'Sh J ti • 1 1 AJvtu•e 11 06 N \, S!!ec t '•I • a9 S.lem F l . IS l •8 INVIST GJIOUP: AC.E FCI 3 qi • 06 """' Fd I ~J 8 ?l l rencl 111 91 18 SS IDS Glh ( IS All\l<11e 8 JI Q 00 HA MNG l'OS: F!NAN(IA\ IDS NO l 81 4 ?C .Alllhol Fd 8 61 9.48 l(noc lt. F •II S.13 PROGRAMS: IOSPr i ~~ 1 ~I Am<"ll f J 81 •.ll O:ntelt. G S J4 S 8S Fin Oyn l 11 N l Mut.,.1 I I) 8 4; Am B•rlh q K• 10 11 \ibrly l '>'I 3 '12 Fon Ind J. 18 N.l Stotlt. 1• 91 111 lO Am E<1ly J •l l .911 M.-ntll 2 •2 ;_ .. f•t'> l tx: s.~ N L ~IKI & 80 "•I AMEXPJIESS. Scnus F S616'U\lent ?98 N \ v .. rPly S6261\ FUNDS: LONIAL UIFa v.. a 81 9.09 Inv R.-1 • tJ • ~1 C..1>111 SlO S 69 FUNOS: l'UtST IS I: l"'Qtn I .eQ I O'I COflwtt I 1W t 19 INVESTORS.: C,.,wtn 4 ft 4 92 lnv~tm •61 122 EQ1utr Jlt 211 OiK Fd 1 n •Oii 1...com J •J •JO Sllf'<I \ OI S \.f Fund I 36 • t• (j.t!h F<I S ~ 6 OJ lrU Ut l lJ . Stock s 11 •JI C..w•ll • :16 • 11 lt'ICom 6911 J.6S lrst ~ 11 oe lltoS Am c;.-111 • 01 ••I l11<om 8 1? 8 ')6 Sloe-F 6 11 6 ,, ntel Fno 7'1l 1ll 10 11 Am l"~ln l q1 '11 \ltnlur t 811 1 OS hi Mul!I 6 11 N.l.. Ivy Fund 'SI N l An• lnw~I J q7 N l !""' G lOD'I N L l'LMG 8EAGl!R: JP C."llh I SJ I II Am Mui I IS I '1' Oh,>mfl •SI N.l Flem 8 6 to J"nul Fa l• 01 N L .AmNI G• I •s 1 tJ OMMONWL TM !DO Fnd 6.W JOllM!" II S4 N L ,,.NCMOR TltOST 101 J'nd b qi JOMN HANCO(I( G ROUP A .. 8 ao .86 Fa" G• l Sl 3 86 8MI Fd II ll 1q 11 0.0•1• In I 00 N l C 1 1q t 1'I FOUHOERS G,.,,,1., S )I) \ 16 Gr'"I" S II •JI e>mll 9' • to1 S (Mo ADU .. ; 5<Qn<>I b IMI I 08 ltxorn •1• 6 78 p Cp l ll •1S G<...,th •.10 •"9 KIEYSTONI:_ Re!.f•v 1011 noe r>mP ea !ti en 1ncom 1001 1o•s c .... 1 e1 11111101 ~H Jo•Jl1 omtiFa It! !ti F M!Uill 1 •2811 Cutt8111l118'13 Fl'KI In• SllJ 6 l'I •a 161 N l. F <;c:iKll llO •01 CUii 6• I lO 800 M•D 1110 12 14 Nw H<ir ~Ii IS G ROUP Mt-0 '> 8J 10 I• TO F<I ~ H N L C.•wl~ ( ll S I~ MCO t06q 11 /J9 ov<I C.t I> lo 6~S l"<om 101 11 !«• IY 118 .. •u<I SIP I Jo 8 01 k""IP C 1040 It n,, lfH." I SJ N l . UTNAM Ynmol ~ JH ~ .,,, 1<1 Am l 'I>() < 16 UNOS I• •h<!I I 19 ~•I "'-'tM l(l<J NL Co"•~' '''ll~IO u••C'wr IR2 ~.1 n~ f o 801 81S Equ•!• r,1 /IJTrmol C. 1 1• I.JI SB Fd lt\JNL G<'otq 111.111H lemo.> !vlOO!lOONI II a .. c; 111 I q3 Grw!h ~]I 4 1, Tr.in C<•V ~ 11 I ri IF F<I 6•2 I lb ln{<>n• l lff IS~T,,,.1 £11 1111 "'~' IF G<o 19B 311 l"•e\t t.•J /OJTud0>r H ~?1Nl 111...-1 Om .. ,,. \/'"Id F I •S 8 1' 01<! CC. 7 Q• N I -\: \loyaq I ql 8 b• 01" Cl 1 •\ t• L Am~• 1\IJ11q1 r..er• F IOO N L \111 Fnd •1 '"' C.•wth J eo • 13 eve•<' F • 6\ so~ "''"'" ~ ~8 lcom I 61 8 18 l...: EQ ~ 10 ~IS Hn•f"n" • 1~ ' ut Shr• 18 SI N \ -'"'-O G •~"I ~)I UNION SER\llCl. utl Tr• 1 I~ NL ClJODEA FOS. l<OUP d! l..Uu 7.63"' L. Int• 1 ...... 111~ I• I f\•11 <. '" AT 5EC l'OS ; Mg! RP, TO US N I N"tl Inv l\41oiAC 6 'I() 1 ~~ (l.,Ld"t IJ 11 NI \Jn (,11>! Bo"a Sr • 11 • f'I L<im 1 •·' "< l lJooon In O•Y•<ln J04 3J? .!>r>et,>I ti1~N l. UNIT'EO Pf'r! S" $08 ',5 t\d l•·• A I\ • ~; lldU"I In.com •)I •bl ECURITY FOS Hno 1-<t 'Stock Sr \ tKI 6 J• E.o~•l• 1 ·~ 3 01 '""' 0,.. c,.,...,lh • ll S II Inv~\! ~•I \ q• (.on1 In\ l!W ENG t..F · !Jilt" I S 1' I I~ 1n<om €<1u••v 13 OS u t& El f..CTEO FDS. $t•e"'-c..r wtn I l8 8 Ol Am Sh• 6 Oil N I v~n9'1 lncom IJ Jl u •~ OPQ Fo IO.. •<I 'ii•• r S•~ II JI '1 :16 '>111 Sh•• 11 Jl N l \ISA A c .. EA Mt I ia n!•""I 111 <11 ~ GYl'.:o • 8 r 1• ' " ,, "' I!· ; • " rUNO\ "' .. , ' .. ' 16 ~ ~ 11 II. ' "" > ~ ~~ ~ ~ ll "' ' I 1• N I •• ft4 4 I, • &~ N l. Ir~ F tO•,. II z• I 11 N l HAAEt+LD G lllP : SLIF E l'lJNOS t02S111CI (om~I 3 &1 J~6 AJ>of'• r Jl2 J• tl >• 11 10 Entrll" • ·~ • * a~• Fnd 6 11 1 " ' 60 10.•'I Fie! Fd J II o 7J Co'" SI~ .-JI 10 ~~ q 11 N l ..... ,Do' 6 16 I 3q AlUI! LINE FO~ llS.N L L•9'1I L \6• &11 If~! Ln~ •61 I< I S,\N'l'1\ AN1\ (A PI - 'rht· ~•n::.gin~ ri n ant1;i.I f'nnrll l1on ol \Vestlo.i nds Hunk of SJnta An a h:Js ":-.ct·11 :-.ome r P:1J i1n 11rO\t•1n1·11t 111 t he p:1st fe,v "'-C'Ck s." ~JY h<.1n k of· fi<'Lli'i w .. Nittl 1 13 '\I s In• It! 41 1 F-1qF 661 N l . CuU Ill 623 6Al curre nt assets o f ll.bout Aua ..... F s." s.~ !I" ,.... • •• N,L. l'RANICLll'I c~1 K2 • 11 • '' $150 '\I' I · k •ICE Mt I" •.01 N.L RCKJ,.: Cust S I 16 J8 11.t s 6!i0 662 PitCC Fa t lJ 1-tQ '11•1 Inf }61 ·~· 10JON \. Hl[AASON l'DS: L•V C:.111 \12 I~< Wot! '1'8 N.L. AllJ'f'C Ul51J•e v .. 1 !.QC )•I /II .. ENHM. l'D; '"'Om l S 6) 11 O't VANCE \1·.ir 111 -.ol\t•n c ~ l;1st \.l'.H \\ ht·n · l h<.' rc;.1\ C!>l.i!1· rn .1r l..c:l ''t'n\ bad !he b.1nk hi.JS 1n~tdc.• im111 o\ en1 e 111i-. 1n 1 t ~ bond 1nvcst111ent :ii ttnd 111 de1)u-.1ts, lloncl1•ll n. llanson. \V(>stl:1 n<l s \H'I• prt.'f!Cl d t·nl . s .11d th1 ..; Wf•ek lit• -;ud the h.1111., v.1th m1 JOll . a so IS m a -MOUDMTON · Irv ' 9 ... 10.1• ONTC 5.:Jt s ,, CUii S1 I 68 I 41 ing impro ve m e nts in its Fund A '11 'si Q.111•• 1 •t ... Gw'-'1 sr s •1 s.•J cu.i .5J 6 oo • s1 Fund 8 6.111 'IS °"•ldO S.Jll N,L, l'r H•cm I.to) I.le Cuil s.t ? St 1 80 bond inve stments and in s1oc k )12 sM1 01.uWA11E uSGw s <i s1 1ou Apolto 19t .,_,. BLC Giit I OS 8 1!0 ROU .. : Ul!litit-,.1? 4 OI ~•r1 2 '' 1.Jl depos its, and is actively n.tD\Otl •" N ... ~·•r 8.61 <i .t9 A@\ c .. p s.,. • ss L.nd'"•t s.sa "10 k . f B.tvrD< ••t l)tlw F 8,1(1 8~ Al EQIY JOI 3ll! LO Elllt l116tl.11 see 1ng n e w sources o B•v•-9r 116 0.11 .. r 1.•l J.1s F1t.t LIE11 • w. • •• Ll!X GROUP: •apital. 8eM" HI I l • N l 'll'l(lh 51 46 N.l Fd Ml OP 611 N.L Cp Leot I) 17 tl •1 '" SIMM I t4 N l O"cl (p J l l J 0 FUNOi INCP Gt'wlll 4 q' S 40 "Bu t I d on 't "'•int to Bl•k~, 111 1 •• OnOQCll n ~N L GJtOuP: Re""' 1o<i111.9l 8d F Am "l~ IS"' o .. MI ( 8.0) N.L CDinm 6 .. , 16<1 Lil .. lfll• :S Sl 6.:11 mi sle :1d a n y b ody BoM\I ~ (/)(ti OtlYl'US G RI' 1,,,,..-c: 6111> 66JLll'l((•P ).?I :S.11 'lh •. . 111 6o•I Fllfl , ,, • " °'r. Fd 'IS 10 OJ lndll• ,, • ~ ')o LOO,.r!IS: e1 ('r, 531 { a nson. Brown lW 1SIEqlFd l .••JM!PUOI 6t•61f MYLIS' ··w·· ·till h " ,,,_ 6'IW'l'I l •I N.L. Or'I L~ 11.111:1 Gollewy 'l) • "'' CH Ow • y .-s ave .. prv-CAL.VIN l'UNOS! O•vf 1.-. 1001 C.E S·Sf' ))1) Mul ... t ll)(I bl<'nl . .. BUii fO 10 1• ,, 16 so l"'m • ~' I\) Geri S,( ~'"N I. \OftO •••: ,..,, Fd .... ll Jrd C..nl I .Ml • J1 C.11'1 FAm 3,.. l ,, Allllll • Oil • ,, l.J oweYer . he said that °'" "°" l'o i ••f &E M11 11s a.-,fl 1no t•t.11N1. Am "'' 110 ,'·" •• B k f A ri ' ,..,.o )1 • 10 E-'Qle Gr • l • 6.., c;...r;t•a 10.63 f'ol l . Ond dttl • 06 to <J n 0 m e c a 18 r:-NV Vt" •O. • '"fAlON & MAMILTON OJt"; LUft+lllAN llitO: 'd'ng s w 'th s u"'-co l'llNI , .. I U ~AlltO: Fvnd ).:Ill,., QIOll fd ···' •. u V1 I LI I . UD • f: \~fl 11• l .•1 fl.6111 Fd 1 ... I JJ Gr'""" ,,61 :S.O>I ""' Ill( I •1 • 10 tial lines Of credits, and .._,. "'fJ rit 1.. OWlll I' l .SI I ll 1"(...,-1 S Jt 6 )6 8'0 ~S 10 ll 11 OS We've seen ••me real Im· •SM • • 10.1 111e,,,. :S ll s "'"1 c;.1n 1.1• . MA'' o: , .,.. I )"" 1.10 I I S.Cll I' 4 M S "°'" L• 6 JG f rMf'I 6 • 1 Gt t I lb ._.. AMl'll:r \k.~ P:• .. I .SI t JI..._, S ·~ ,,,. fl • '' 6.11 Jlrovemen n e ,,.... u•oti 1 101r: kl ,,91 N L Herilee ·I .1• ww r:,•1•10 0ot T~w weeks. I ..,_._ ', 1 m 1.1 .,.., ,... •.os t.., ,_~, 1a. u. 1 MAU FN L : Alm Fd J 11 1 II '"""'I I 19 8 ~ \.AND••• 0o Fnd S.1G ) " ')n Oo'll" to )Q N L I t"'l:orn , u l .l l •GM• l'UNOS · l/IV•'•I -~s •. II NIOny I 'f.67 C.io &hf S 6• t.l ? VS D:t m '~I ' "• To"" F .,. 4 61 1.... 801 1)1 "i(lof•I \,n ''·1 TC Sec. Ito QS1 T''t ~SJ 1 11"'"cl'h11 1'•6 )"1! ,,..mt S 'IO 6 fS '11 .... lur I 1~ 6 )(\ V.•nl 10"'1 ' 'I\ itln@I 6·!1Nl. lit\ {\ l'~Nl V~"""* ! 1qq 1 1 ~I Re.. s 1 ~ 'Q SS 1,1.C.• k 19 N L \/'!~no C.• • J~ N I 9',US F ) IS J •• ,.. Gfl"F lO •ll ,,; \0 w.11<~1 Qr •, r)f, M Mt I )IN L ~ ... !t !"~ 'I Bl ~ h w~'" ML> 10 I/ 11 ,, "" 1aiNl. Sw1 .. >1C. f10 •4lW••nQtCI •1~1'L, u .. P'd JI J.U Sto"r ,,, • ll 10 11 WILLINGTON I• C 1.11 1.11 'ioe<t"I 1 t) N l GlllOlJ!ll1 ILGRIM0"; ~P !nO •67 NL li •ll'"' 1~•S t6 11"' Pll Prm 9.'M 10 10 $TATE IND Gill"· '"~'' ~ 41 1 ~t tooo• J 6J N L Com fd l •I J 90 MPr(ln 8 SJ ~ l/ tncom 61 l .ll O!ye~lf J ti 4 11 lo'u~I I lQ ~RI P11Q Fd \ •' 6 ?7 PtOQr~ l l1 l 61 W.l\IV 10 I! 11 f l ... 'I • I' N l °')t Fr (.,r t Ol NI-W.Utn 6 •• q •II ,n Irr (II 111 '>1 Ir i'n< 19• NL W"IYl!'I 9 JI 10 11 '10Nl lR l'O S!•tt °')Ir \ti 11) Wlnchr •St I 11 ~ ~ •'6t08•STli'.AOMAN ,Ol;M /' '"" 16'1 111 PiGnf II I•• t ll Am Ind 1 )4 N L. 'II Gr \" • 11 ~ t 42 10 1• Atl>O rd ., NI-K Cl(I• 4 J9 4 llQ lJ0.110 •.O IOl1 t" .. " ltolN"-]f91oir I ll •Ot L.4 Tr" S ii 6 OJ OU''" 6 01 N l.. l ro I~. k I•· RICI lllOWl STl.I" ROI ,OSI vi~ Cnwlfl • Ji J\. a.i...c. 16 °" ... -••il•bh', 'I i ' I ' . l ' ' ' i. > I ~ I I • r ( ( I ) ! I 1 r i l I 1 t t • ( ( ! ' ' t • TaxSavi11 s ,. _..---A'j'eraging Your ~ncome Can ll_elp ' Uy SYLVIA P0R'.l'.£R <Seventh in o Serl~•> If you share the widespread ampress1on that Jncome averagina is a tax. strategy gimnllck bencf1c1al only lo middle upper income b1 ijCkel . taxpayers. yo u or~ wrong Evt!n 1f you ha\e only a .relatively 1nodest 1n<:ome, }Ou can u~e this method to save on )Our taxes ' TlfE KEY TO YOUR using income averaging to f;ave taxes 1s an unu suttl increase in your 1974 income ai; against your income in previous years For instance, did )-Ou win a large pay Increase" Get a bonus? M.ake b1g time money gambling? Whatever the increase resulted from 1f It substantially hiked your 1974 income test whether you can benefit from income averaging before you tomplete your return It's easy • 1''11 st, pull out your returns for the years 1970 1971, 1972 and 1973 Jot down the final taxable income ror each of the rour years ud rl the four totals &nd multiply b\ 30 perc:ent Or )OU c:nn <1dcl the four figures d1vulc b; four and add 20 percent of that ~tther \i.uy \Oll \\Lil come out "1th I:?fl percent of you1 .1vcrage taxublc 11Hom1: for the fou r base '°ea1i.; Now c:hcck your 1971tax.1hlc1nLomt Jt it 1~ more than S3000 above 120 pc:r(C'nt of lht a\t'1Jgt f1i..:u1c for the pai;t rour years ;ou can use 1nLon1c avcrag1n~ to cut your taxes This works uul becaus(' 1ncon1e aver,1g1ng has the ctfc(l of making each tux bracket five times as large as 1t actuall y " For instance, suppasc you are single th al 120 percent or }OUr aver.tge taxable income for the four years from 1970 through 1973 is $12 000 and that your 1974 taxable income 1s $20,000 Thats not stretching plaus1 b1hty at a ll WITHOUT I NCOME AVERAGING, your regular tax on the $20,000 would be $.5 230 Just look at the off1c1al tax rate table You M-111 sec that the top $2 000 of your $20,000 1s taxed at 36 percent 1n arr1 \ 1ng at your $5 230 total tax But 1f you use the 1n1:ome averaging method :vour lax comes to only S4 950 -a nd the top rate at .... h1 ch you pay 1s only 29 percent instead of 36 percent Thus you would save S280 on taxes 1ust by using this eas1l} adopted method Income .1verag1ng does not con1e to you automat1cally however even .1ssum1ng \OU qualify for 1t You must figure out your tax under lhts ml'thod b} f1 lhng out a separate Schedule C and 1nC'l ud111i: that schedule v.1lh your form 1040for 1971 Undt.>r ordinary c1r1:um stances you find your lax<ible iflCOme (or t he four prt'.'VIOUS years by c hecking }OUr tax returns for tho):le years llul 1r your return was examined by the IR~ and c:orrcclt..-d, U!)C the corrected figure THE FOLLOWING FIGURES, prep. •d b} the Researl!h Institute of Amcnca, ~1ves you -assuming you are married 1nd1v1duals f1 hng 101nt returns -a qwck guide as to whether you can s.1ve laxes on your 1974 income by using the income averai:1ng mt thod F'or a base pcr1o<l 1nco1ne of S4 000 \OU begin to save taxes above $8 000 for a ba~e ptr1od 1ncon1c of S6 000 you begin toS:-t\C t.i:<ls .1IX>\t' S!O 200 for a base period income of $8 000 'ou l>t: gi n to s 1\ c above Sl2 600 for a base period 1n<'on1e of SlO 000 you begin Lo sa ve abo\ e $16 000 1-~or a b,1 sc per11xl 1nco1ne of $12 000 you begin to SJ\e taxt s abO\ e S17, 100 fur a base period income oC Sl<I 000 )OU hcg1n to sa\c abH\C $20000• for abuse pe11od income of Sl6 000 you be~1n to save .1bo\ e $22 200 for a base period 1n<'ome 01 SIS 000 ~ou h<g1n to s 1\c .ibo .. e $2<1 GOO for a has<: ptriod lnl'ome of $20000 vou heg1n to save abo\e S28 (M)(J FOR A BASE PF.RJOO 1n(ome ol $25 000, you begin lo .... 1\ c taxes above $33 000 for a base period 1ncon1e of ~30 000 yuu begin to save aOO\C $40 000 fo r a base penod rncome of $36,000 you began to s 1v~ above .$46,200, for a hist~ period income of $40 000 )OU began lo save above s.52 000 for a base penod 1ncon1e of $50 000 you begin to Sa\ c :.ibO\ (' $64 000 fo'or u h.1sc period income of SGO 000, you begin to Sa \ e t :.ixes above Sib UOO for a base period income of $90 000, ~ou hC"~1n to sa~c .ihove $120 000 for a base period income of SIOO 000 you begin to save .-hove St.iO 000 but for a base f)t.'riod income of $200,000, no lax sa\ 1ng 1s possible " • /.' MARKET HIGHLIGHTS -.' INDEXES NYSE Index ASE Index Dow Jones Ind S&P500Stocks N~"' YO•• 1VP11 II\ 11111""" ttQ t I ,..., .. ~ !""1 ''IK ~' tn 1 "••<i l' ned •IQ t "nd lo-;I 11'1~ "'"! h"<I Ol IJ"t tn! <f (""no;Jf' on inc N'1 w Y ·~ ';t()(~ E•t"an'1(' fl~! ~!\<1 O"C~ '"1" <M'n'~' I ><' d t1c•~ ... ,c bolt .. ~~ fn,.. P' v" ~ ( 0' 'Ill 01 Ct <ll'l(I ,,,,.. (\Hf<!! I CfO» >q f)r '-' GAINERS I Al•~an !Ob 4 '• Up ?1 4 7 Q·~ad(I !1>! ., •• ()!> ,, ( l M £I (Ofl:l ~ • • Ull 10 0 •t>tn11c~n1r 7 ,, •U>10 0 \AVlilflctO l ••l \\)p\~( • C~r I.db " l "' UP 180 7Cr.1MllwCo J 1oUp\IO I (#.r6l0.i !O 11 I 1.. UP 15 I ' DoOrOv !Ob • I UP " l 1os ..... v1 S"°" 1 t '<Up U) 11 H.1'l(S1 H &0 )•~•• J Up Il l 1? AmAl•rl ~· ,,,_. I~ UI) I) i 1J Coot! Mtge I t • It Ufl 1J S 1~ Fld fl"lnclC1> l"' ~, Up n J 43 13 76 84 736 39 81 44 up up up up 0 21 0 42 5 09 0 51 ,,.., •• 'tttrl.: l.'i .,,,~, 11t•f ;,.,. G<!ri Tl&E:I p .. ,. ""' wa. 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Dl\ILY PILOT Ttu.1r&day, February 20. 1975 CUEENIE By Ph il lnterlandi 0 .......... -.. .-............................. -.. .. "This is Dial·A·Joke. One businessman says lo another: 'Heard about the recession' Fee Dispute Program Sued By 11 Dentists SAN FRANCIS('O jAJ>~ Eleven dentist:.. 1n· ("luding a L:.iguna Beach man and tv.'o. others fr~ rn Orange County, filed suit in federal court allegint that California Dental Services of San Francisco, v.·hich administers prep<1id dental care plans, violated a ntitrust la'.''S. California Dental Services handles such plans.un der agreement with various subscriber groups and subscribing purchasers. The groups pay periodic premiums lo CDS in exchange for payn1ent of fees for fu tu re dental services for individuals. Mark Judy, a Laguna Beach dentist named a s a plaintiff in the c lass action suit, said the suit seeks to stop the practice of ''someone telling a private enterprise -in this case dentists -what fees they can charge for services." Dr. J udy said dentists who belong to CDS re ceive a higher payment for treat ing CDS patients than non-member dentists. Judy is a non-member He said that dentists thut w~nt to join COS must have their fet.• schedules approved by the firrn before they l'an join the CDS ranks. "It's discriminatory," Judy said. Other plaintiff dentists.are Sheridan B. r..1anasen of San l\1arino: Alan Everett of Santa Clar:.:i ; Lawrence S. Witter, llarry Cohen a nd Paul Ortner. all of San l''i:ancisco: Harold Ravins of Beverly Hills; J oseph Wogan of Burbank ; Ross C. •luntley of Sherman Oaks; \Villiam P. Smith of Fullerton and Clarence C. Graham of Orange. The court V.'as asked to award unspecified treble dcmages as well as permanent relief against CDS <.1niitruSt violations. The class action conlen.ded that starting about 1965 CDS cons pired with others. including certain subscriJ:iing purchasers and other dental ser\·ice fir1ns. to restrain trade. fl all eged. the conspiracy consists of continuing agreements and actions ror "restricting. coercing, suppressin g and fixing fees" v.1hich dent ists charge for-dental care and services. Cancer Survival Rate Vnchanged WASHINGTON \AP> --The cancer victim's chances of surviving im· proyed little during the 1960s, a s tatistical analysis or cancer sur- vival rates . by The As· sociated Press has round. And the results of research begun in the 1970s won't be known un· til the end of the de- cade. diture on cancer wus $200 m illion in federal and private funds. Most of t he progress in lengthening ::;urvival of victims of the nation's No. 2 killer disease came during the 1940s and 1950s before massive spending on the disease began. according to the available statistics. Natioria l Cancer Institute officials don't dispute the A P's findings ~ ' 1 ~ Ivory Receptacle With Ground Reversible Spark Plug Socket • fits ll/16" ' S/I" lporil plU,s • (halMJ• pl1191 yo1JN•ll oM M•• • Quolity c1M1sln1tf;ff, #SS09 soc • Grounded I• essurt yew ef Ml• t,.,..tien • Slu rlfy t"strv<li•n 9iv e1 y"rs el 1t01ic• • Terrifk .ohr.t 39c 5-Ft. White Extension Cord • Sele, 2-wlr• <•MlnKlin • Me11y 111•1 orOUIWI hovs1 and w""'hoo • Pick up 11w1rol ot this lew price+ 35c Government and private agencies are spending nearly $600 .m illion a year on cancer .as" part or the war on -cancer "'hich began in 'this decade in the study of three-year II--------------------....,./ survival rates for 48 IN THE 1960s . the average annual expen~ forms of cancer suffered by white men· and women between 1940 and 1969 . No later de- finitive nation'al statistics are available because statisticians must wait three to ri ve years after cancer is diagnosed to determine how patients are doing. All Purpose Glue Pen • Geh i11t1 thes• tight 1peti witlteu! a !Miii • Ust 111 w19', de!h, paper 1114 •titer ,.,..,, malericds. No11- l••i<, scile fir t hiWrlfl Colorado Girls Tell "MAN Y OF T H E most I!,..,.,..,... .... ...., Beatings pro m isi n g research treatment results have occurred in t he last two or three years. We're ob- AURORA. Colo. (AP) viously not going to see -Two teen-agers have the results of that until told Auror a police they 1978 or 1980," reported were beaten a nd their 0 r . M a r v i n A . lives threatened because Schneiderman,... associate , they refused an offer to director in charge of field become prostitutes. studies and statistics for Poli ce say they have the government's Na · been investigating the in · lional Cancer Institute. cide~t for a week after The AP a nalysis ot the l~e glrls wer! beaten at a l940·69 three.year sur· h.igb school Feb. 10. . vi val i;.J1es found onl .v The·parents of the girls three forms of cancer in asked for police protec-which dramatic im· lion and said they re· provement in a victim 's . ceived anonymous phone chances of sur vival was c:alls from persons who limited to t h e period said ''they will kill one of after 1959. T h ese are my children if we talk," cancer of tliie liver brain policesaid. · and cranial me~inges Police said the two and leukemia. Th~ teen.agers sajd two men cranial meninges is the w ho were ''sharp membrane\1.'hichcovers sers in their later 20s the brain. or 1.)130!;" approached,--------- tb,m with offers lo ll99mre.-prostitutes. in ow more than ever ._.llprings. Wyo .. with you need the tf~e to later move 1ntorm1llon printed lo AllJefes. two told' P<>IJ•• every d1y 111,, were 1110 ae · In lh•l•~·mll pi·rt llllr• .,. otber iJrls ~HIM r. . '-------+ Spred Satin Latex Wall Paint • lMYfl ne lap marks, tlnishes or rolls on smootMy • Durabl1, tasy to dean • Giv1s long-lasting beouty to any room Reg. 9.99 6 98 ~·'-,/ • ' Semi-Glos s Latex Enamel • Ideal for ki tchens, baths and woodwo rk • Provides durable washabl e surfot• • 01.1ick tool clean-up with soop and wat1r Reg. 299 J.89 Qt. ••••• •• co~ 1 • M\IA PRICES GOOO THRU FEB. 26TH Limited Supply! Exterior Stain • Choose solid color or semi- frans,ar1nt • l xcellent wood prtt1rvatiw1 ... btautifies shintles, s ha••s and siding Reg. 429 7.98 Gal . - ' 6-ft. Mini Tape Meqsure r I B· • Was possib and North blill p State name. Sec1 pullin race f the st Coug.: conte: L c: KAI s weet Om ah it Wee Tke ce-pr1 115-92 iional victor "RE cm be: coach Joh dl'fC <: L;:ikeE ;1 0·2 over llobC ··vc happE For sixth !Starts ~out o "·ent the in halfti LOS JJ. !l~d!~ /, 11 l<u·~~ O:A NS, .'.'< N~,i, JC fl~'on '"'"'"'~' LO\ Ari .:~n'" Foul<"( "'-"n'~' <Q•ICfl J(l P<1r LI 7'Jebr• clay @ who g ing ti Jlrisor Dot from' '.''Or!d 1n No' J S Ch< The and bet \VE to the Pri med a were tJriSOI his p; J le pl. Blu four burg I iVlll , )'; E' to Sc playc , long- anybc The confir \Vcdn S· A 1'or "' D vars1 suggE juni• Jenk learn l·li s the fl his hi visitl <'harr l~ea·g to i rr cord hos Dolp . ·I bask ··A gam deal Still! pres than mys Je ing Mon Wile J)O\V• Jt j uni the at D Sl Mnr tOUE and Hlg Bruins, USC · Tackle Was By The Asso~lated Press Washington is fighting ror its possible playorr life when usc and UCLA invade the Northwest In Pacific·S bas ket· ball play this week. Washington State is fighting only for its good name. Second-ranked UCLA, rapidly pulling away from the field in the race for the Pa.cific-8 litle, meets the struggling Washington State Cougars in a regionally televised contest !Channel 5 at 8) tonight at Pullman. Eleventh-ranked USC is at Ed- munds.on Pavilion agaJnst the Washington Huskies tonight and it's a must·win situation for both of them in the battle for second place and a possible al·large NCAA tourney berth. The schools switch opponents Saturday night. Coach George Raveling 's Washington State Cougara, with an 0·9 conference record, are of course big underdogs to the Sports in Brief Takers Bo • ' Bruins. But the Cougars gave a good account of themselves a'gainst UCLA at Pauley Pavilion earlier in the season, l(l6ing 77-69. Raveling's squad has been beset by injuries, with star center Steve Puidokas bothered by muscle spasms in his back for two weeks, Ricky Brown with a sore leg, Ken Jones with a pulled groin muscle. "We haven't said much about the injuries because it sounds like1 excuses," Raveling said, Champ Paroled; .. • KANSAS CITY -Revenge is sweet, and the Kansas City· Omaha Kings got a big chunk of it Wednesday night .. Tke Kings ambushed the on- ce·proud Los Angeles Lakers 115-92, scoring their 11th Na- lional Basketball Association vi<:lory in their last 12 games. "'RembcmbC'r a night in Nov- ember last se<1son ?" s aid Kings coach Phil Johnson. Johnson referred to a i23-l01 defeat administcr<'d by the Lakers that pinned Johnson "'ith a 0-2 record after he had taken <>VC'r the coaching chores from J:klb Cousy. •·You've got to enjoy it when it happens to you,·' Johnson added. For the Lakers. this was their sixth defeat in the last seven s tarts, and they were hopeless ly "'OUt of this one after the Kings ,,·ent on a 10·0 spree just before the intermission and led 62-44 at halftime. I.OS ANGC:L ES '1 H•l<~ton l, Won!<·•~ 18, tlPo<IY I, "llPn 10, Go()(lr•Cll 14, Llnll '. Wd\h11>1,1lon 17 llu• "'II 11, (m.oun 6, Rol•y J TOl•I' ,7 8 Q ... A.NSAS. CITY OMAHA llS W~dm<1n 1. '•'•Nf'olo 16, l.•<<'f 11, Arctub.lld 11, Wdl~N lf, '""""1n 11. DfoHil<jPI\ 1. D'An1onl ,,, l(O>ftl.11~• '· All"ln·lln '.MilY• Tot•l\'1"·11 L•)',A "')elP~ 10 1' 19 J'I "1 .,::,.n,,.,c,1,.Qma11a 1• :i. ?S 1fl 11~ ~Oull'd out: Nonp. Tol•I !oul~· Lo.. A"'l!l'lf'• IS """'•' C•ly·Om•n .. 70. TP<hno<•t~ l(C Om.in.o <<><1cnJol'l~f\. A ; l ,J1'. wilf join tl)e league in 1975 or 1976. But no solution was pro- vided lo a confusing situation which could involve four cities, countless team s and Jots of money. One definite development took place. Both new franchises have until next Wednesday to obtain a million dollar letter of c redit \\'hich 'viii assure them or NI-IL competitiQn :starting next season. U CI Due ls Chapman In K ey Tilt t..:C Irvine's quest for an NCAA college division bas ketball playoff berth enters a crucial ~tage tonight when the Anteaters hos t Chapman College at 8 o'clock . "but it's a fact. Steve Puidokas is missina shots people have seen him make hundreds of times.•• Both UCLA and USC will be 011 T\/ Tonigh t Channet5 a t B hungry on th eir trip to Washington. Two UCLA victories could almost assure the Bruins their ninth straight league title. But USC can't afford to lose ' ·Thurlday. Februll)' 20. t975 DAILYPILOT Cl • gton Foes even one game in the battle for sl'Cond place. The Trojans, 5·4 in the conference, will be challeng- ing a Washington Huskies squad that has won four of its last five conference outings after an 0·4 start. Huskie s coach ~1arv Harshman said of the USC con- test, "We'll be fighting for our lives. that's for sure. It's a mat- ter of going out and playing hard. tough and solid basketball. We can't go into any mental lapses." • • . ' . . Harshman doesn 't expect any lineup changes. Lars Hansen, Larry Pounds and James Edwards will be on the front line with Clarence Ramsey and Chris Parker in the back court. . The Huskies nipped Stanford 69·68 but fell to California 79·71 in last weekend's action in the bay area. Washington fell to the Trojans 89-87 in Los Angeles earlier in the season. . Woman In Charge Of Sports 'fARKIO. Mo. (AJll 'fhc nt.•w athletic director at 1'arkio Coll ege, a small Presbyterian school in the northwest corner of Missouri, has many of the same problems as athletic directors at t; bigger schools. But Bonnie Lee Morrow stands out as one of the few females directing athletic programs for both men and women students. She is 31 and single and says th~ re:acti.on from male coaches and'-1itudents "has been very positive so far." But she noted in a telephone interview that "not much has transpired s ine<~ the appointment .·· "One coach asked if he stepped out of line could I crack down,'' she said, adding: ''As long as we both uhdersland what is expect- ed. there won 't be any pro· blems." Morrow has be:en on the physical education staff al Tarkio, a coeducational college of about 575 students, since Sep· tember. She and the other three members of the physical educa· tion staff were considered for the appointment C:IS athletic director to succeed Larry Pattee, who became assistant to the president of the college . · She admitted s he was s ur· prised when s he was appointed athletic director last week 1 because she initially supported another member of the staff for the positi.on. P a rol e Grcuu e cf Coach Tim Tift"s Anteaters arc ,-ery much in the running for a post .season spot and victories tonight. Saturday C:1gainst invad- ing Lewis and Clark College and Monday against vi siting Cal Poly (Pomona} would .just about in· sure a trip to the playoffs. PITTSBURGH'S GOALIE GARY INNESS MAKES A SAVE. MAHO FAUBERT STANDS BY. ··tt's a challenging assign- ment," she said, adding that shl! will continue teaching and coaching the women's volleyball team. 0 LINCOLN, Neb. -The ":'Jebraska parole board Wednes· day granted a parole lo a man who gained the world weightlift· ing title while he was a :;tale J1rison inmate. Chapman also is being con· sidcrcd for a playoff spot with its 15·8 record. UCl is 14·8 .. T e nnis Roundup Kings Save Laver Rolls Along; Tie With Case Tops Ramirez ToughBirds Tarkio also has women's ... Donald Blue, 40, ori~ina lly from 'fopcka. Kan .. 1...-stablished a \\'Or ld record in Harrisburg, Pa .. 1n November, 1973, and repeated as champion lust August. 'fhe governors of Nebraska :ind Pennsy lvania arran,l!ed bCl\11een them to have him taken tot he 1973 competition. Prison officials said the medals and trophies won by Blue \l.'ere removed from the s tate prison trophy case shortly after hi s parole request was granted. Jleplans to remain in Lincoln. Blue was servin g a three to four year prison sentence for burglary. ,"'lillf, Exp n 11,.iu11 ~E\I/ YORK -1'hc roads lead to Seattle and Denver. \Vhich players will travel them <1nd how Ion~ it'll take to get there is ~1nybody 's guess. The National l·lockey League confirmed what everyone knew \Vcdnesday; the two new cities Cha pm an 's Panthers are paced by Paul Lacher, a former Villa Park 1-ligh and Santa. Ana College star. He scored 29 j)Oints in an 82·81 victory over Cal Poly · (Pomona> Monday night. Jim Keyes. who prepped at Santa Ana Valley High and later .starred for Santa Ana College. is one of the lop Chapman reboun· ders along with Len Pruitt. Tift says his team will have lo play better tonight than it did in a 71 -60 loss to UC Riverside last Saturday. . •·Chapman has a very good ball club. We match up relatively \l.'ell, although I'd like to match up better. Keyes and Pruitt are good rebounders and Lacker is a very good player. We could have a problem covering him. ··we didn't play very \\•ell against Riverside. l don't think we"ve really gone all year where we totally broke down in all areas. But I can't say 1·m unhap· py, because we've played well all year." · S tills on Quits Pos t As Dana Hills Coach By ROGER CARLSON 011r.. O•llY Pllol ~1111 Tony Stillson is calling it quits .at Dana Hills High School as varsity basketball coach and he:s suggesting he be replaced by hi s junior varsi ty _c oa~h. Art Jenkins, the Daily Pilot has learned exclusively. l-lis Dana Jiills quintet lakes the floor for the last time under his )'land Friday night again~t the visiting San Clemente Trttons, champions of the 5?uth _Coast t .e<:fgue. and Dana l-hll s will try lo improve on a 28-45 overall re- cord chalked up under Stillson in his three -y ear r eign al the Dolphins school. . ·• 1 reel like I've paid my dues to basketball.·· says Stillson .. ··After 20 ye3rs of coach in~ the game l 'm not rinding it a great de<ll or fun anymore,"' adds Stillson. "There hasn't been any pressure on me to do this other than tho pressure I've put on myself." Jenkins was with Stillson dur· ing bis winning yt!ars a.t Monrovia lftgh School where the Wildcats were pcrennlnl cage µewers . Jenkins coached the Bees and 1unior \'arsity at ~Jonrovlu and'I~ lhe current junior vurs1ty <:oach (including the three years at Dana l-lill s> Stillson has enjoyed 17winning campaigns. llis t967 team at Jl.1onrovia won the CIF 4·A championship with an overtime victory over El Segundo. Stillson is expected lo continue: his regular teaching duties at Dana Hills and says he has no plans to seek another cage post. His Dana Hills quintets were 6-19 in 1973, 13·12 in 1974 and 9·14 this year with San Clemente left on the schedule. at Dana llills. Stillson spent 12 years al Monrovia. Jn addition to a year ·~ tour at the University or 1-lawall and four years at Mercer ( P_a.' Hi&h. ln the 20 years of coachmg 4'> TONY STILLSON • LA COSTA, Calif. -Fifth· seeded Rod Laver of Corona del Mar beat Ray Ruffels 6·3, 6-3 Wednesday to advance tg the third round of the World Cham- pionship Tennis SG0.000 .Pro· Celebrity Tennis Classic. Ross Case upset lop·seeded ~lexican tennis star Raul Ramirez 7-6, 6·1 Wednesday' night. Laver will face Egypt's Ismael El Shafei, who defeated Chico l.fagey 6·7, 6·4, 6-!. Roscoe Tanner also advanced to the third round by beating 'Ove Bengtson 6-J, 6-2. But Jaime Filial was ousted by Ray Moore, 6·'1,6·4. In another upset, Allan Stone outlated Brian Gottfried, 2-6, 7·6. 6-4. Geoff Masters, beat Jeff Borowiak 2·6. 7-5. 6·3 and Al ex Metrevel! eliminated Charles Pasarell, 5-7. 7·6. 6-2. Co1111or s A d va11re" BOCA RATON, Fla.-Top· seeded Jimm y Connors ad -. vanced easily Wednesday in the $30,000 Independent Players As· sociation tennis tournament and lost his top c hallenger, llio 1 Nastase. to sickness . Connor defeated Bob Kreiss, 6·4, 6·3. and Nastase withdrew because of the flu . Mike Mach e tte replaced Nastase and was ousted by Van Winitsky, 6· 1, 5· 1, 6·2. Other matches found Karl Meilef beating Robert Machan, 6·2, 6-0; Charlie Owens stopped Juan Gisbert, 6·4, 5-7, 6·4; and Jan Kodes halted John Yuill, 7-6, 7·6. B org S pod:les World Champions hip Tennis tourney here. Borg beat Sherwood Stewart, 6·4, 3-6, 7-6, while Warwick downed Hans Kary, 6·4, 6·3. · l·lewitt beat Christopher Mot- tram, 7·6,6-2. Upse t s A bound FORT WORTH-Upsets pre· vailed in the second round or the Fort Worth World Championship Tennis lournament Wednesday night. Marty Riessen was upset by Tom Edlefsen, 7-5, 4-6, 6·1. And Stan Smith was knocked off by Harold Solomon, 6·1, 6-1. Cliff Drys dale upSet Cliff Richey, 3-6, 1 ·6,' 6·3 and Paul Gerken was ousted by Dick Stockton, 6-3, 3·6, 6-3. Jiri Hrebec eliminated Erik van Dillen, 6·4, 6-7, 6-4 and John Alexander, the only seeded player to survive, made it to the quarter-finals with a 6-3, 6·1 vic- tory over Anand Amritraj. Favo rit ..,. Roll DETROIT-Favorites Evonne Goolagong and Margaret Court continued to dominate the action· in seccind-round singles play Wednesday at the $75,000 Detroit stop on the women's tennis tourney. P!TISBURGH CAP> -A 2·2 tie with the Los Angeles Kings keeps the Pittsburgh Penguins unbeaten in their last 19 home games. Dan Maloney scored his 19th goal of the season with 1 :OS left in the last period lo give the Kings lhe Wednesday night tie in a Na· tional Hockey League game. ~1aloney's power play goal came on a 40·foot slapshot while Colin Campbell of the Penguins was sitting out a penally for elbowing tl1e Kings' Gen4),Carr. Rogatien Vachon, the 5·fOOt·7 Los Angeles goalie, turned back 31 shots, including at least a dozen from close range. The Kings managed 21 shol'i. Jean Pronovost gave Pit· tsburgh a 1-0 lead in the first period when he tipped in a pass from Syl Apps for his 32nd goal of the season. Butch Goring tied it for Los Angeles midway in the second period while Vic Hadfield was sitting out a penalty. ln the third period, l-ladri e ld put the Penguins ahead with a slapshot while Los Angeles· was short· handed. Goolagong defeated Lesley ·~ 1-lunt, 6-3, 6-4, while Court toppled Ilana Kloss, 6 ·4, 6·3. Olga Morozova defeated Brigette Cuypers, 4·6, 6·4, 6-4 and Martina Navratilova edged Diane Fromholtz. 6·3. 7·5. Also Raquel Giscafre defeated Marita Redondo, 7·5. 7-5; Betty Stove whipped Kathy Kuyken· dal\, 7-5, 6-3; and M:.i.rcie Louie upset Janet Newberry. 6-3, 6-4. BARCELONA. Spain-Bjorn Borg. Kim Warwick and Bob 1-lewltt were victorious Wednes· -------------- day ln the quarter-finals of the C o aches Work W ithout Pay SAN FRANCISCO (AP> With or without pay, the coaches say they will field teams this spr. ing in alWreclation or "over· "''helming community response to a cutback of sports runding in San Franch~co 's public scbools - but next year is another matter. 1 • basketball and will add women's track in the spring. The men's program includes intercollegiate competition in football. bas ket· ball. baseball, cross country. in- door track and outdoor track. About 150 students participate in the programs. She said her top priority will be "to make the programs we've got now as strong as possible.'' •'We're not concerned right now with adding any other pro- grams, just strengthening wbat we have. We won't make any big change,•• she said. '7 6 Olympics Face Change LAUSANNE, Switzerland CAP> -Montreal Olympic of- ficials indicated today that plans for the 1976 Games may be changed. Mayor Jean Drapeau or Mon· treal came out of a meeting with the executive committee of lhe International Olympic Commit· tee and said tersely "the Games go on as planned." But Roger Rousseau. com- missioner general of lhe Games, told news men, ''We are standing by our Vienna report, but with some modifications." Nobody would say what the modifications would be. Physical Education Director Armen Torzian served notice Wednesday that coaches will re- fuse duly next Call unless the__t)'r'O- gramfl are fully runcled. a · • U"I T1I 1tnQ I !<INOS OOAUE f>OIE VACHON'S ALL-OUT St-IDE SAVES A GO AL IN 2·2 T~~· J • Q DAIL V PILOT Mesa Rolls 76-56 By HOWARD L. HANDY 0Clwr.O•llfl"l19t$UH Coata Mesa 's Mwstangs broke from the starti.n1 gate like a well- trained thoroughbred Wednesday night and went on to PoSl a 76·56 Century League basket- ball victory over the :P.1agnolia Sentinels in ac· lion on th e winner's court. It was a foul-plaf:Ued a(fair with 47 infractions called against the two 1 teams, 30 on the host Mustangs. And charity tosses by the Sentinels kept them close in the first half un· til the Costa Mesa press. ing defense forced eight 1 third quarter turnovers and turned the game into ~~~ a breather. ' Tt'luf'!d!l, February 20. 1975 Showdown Fri1lay Edison Barons Hurdle In 78-60 • Last Barrier By GLENN WHITE Of 011 0•11~ l'llot Sl•ll Fountain Valley cleared its final hurdle on the path to Friday night's Sunset League basketball cha mpionship showdown with M arlna by edging stubborn Newport 1-larbor. 53·51 in overtime Wed n esday night. John Lodestein did it for the host Barons as he canned an 18-foot shot with nine seconds left in the overtime to give coach Dave Brown's forces the victory. That leaves them tied with Marina for the Sunset lead. Lodestein ·s effort came a little earlierth<Jn Bro""·n "·ould have had it. giving Newport an1ple time to come back and tie. as it had in regula· tion action. However, F'ount ai n Valley's tenacious de- fense made it tough for the Sailors to get off a good percc nl<J gc s hot and they finally un- corked a 20-footer \\"ith :01 left on the c·lock a lay-up to give the hosts a 47 -41 advantage with 4 :51 remaining in the con· test. 1-lowever, Newport got in gear wlth Pat Patrick cunnlng three ~traight buckets and Marty Feducia hilling another to give the visitors <.l 49.47 l'dgc" ith 3:35 lcft. After Lollcstein's 17· footer had tied it. t.-1ark l\1itchcll rebounded his own missed shot to give· the Barons a 5 l ·49 lead with 19 seconds tu go. However. Tom Straw sank an 8-footer with :OG on the clock and it was time for overtiml'. l\liller play<'d magnificently, scoring: 17 points, s tea ling the ball twice and displaying excellent ball handling. Dave Seymour <.1nd l\.1atl Spangler ripped 1-·v inside the first half. gel· ling 16 points between them. However, Bro"'" made some adjustments at intermission and the dangerous duo got only three the last half. F•u11tU11 V1llty ISll " " " .. M•lt.,. • ' ' " Triumph 'The Edison l'Jigh Chargers over<"ame a poor first hair Wednes- day night to record a 78·60 \'i c t ory over Wester11 lllgh in a Sunset League basketbo.11 game at Western. · Trailing 34-27 nl in· termission, the Chargers exploded for 51 r<>ints in the second half for their fifth league "'in of the year agains t eight set- backs. Edison playe d very poor defensive bas ket· ball in the first half which enabled Western to gets its· IL•all . 1'hc C h argers, however; tightened things up in the second half and held \Vestern to 26 points. Ernie Gomez pacPd Edison's ~•ttac k "·ith 17 points "'hilc ·rom Llo'y collected 15 l.lnd Todd Zirbel 13 for the winners. Steve Tully had seven as· sists. Edi"" 17tl •• " " .. Zorbt'I • ' ' u w.i""" ' • ' lloy , • .. Tully • ' • ""-' • ' • " Pre.. ton , ' • > ~·-, ' ' • Dan ByerS, a starter all season for the Mustangs, wa s con- spicuous by his absence. Coach Larry Sunderman explained he had a personal problem and would not suit up. Byers had hit in double figures " each of the previous i~evengames. JOHN NISBET (25} FIGHTS OFF CORONA DEL MAR'S. JEFF. RUZICKA. which was well off -----------target. lCIOeU"'"' • Bo•el<l ' • ' • ' ' 0 AmD<"o11crt ' ' • • A•door"I" ' ' ' ' Co"''"' • • ' ' The tenacious Costa Mesa full-court pressing defense limited the Sen- tinels to 18 field goals and except for 20 points at the charity s tripe, they were never in the game in the second half. The Mustangs ' taller fro~t line of Stan Miller, Kelth Josephson, Dave Harrison and reserve Curt Hanson, controlled rebounding at both ends of the court. Miller, Josephson and Gary Spink all had 16 while Mark Richardson and Curt Hanson hit 10 each in a balanced scor- ing attack. The victory leaves the Mustangs in a tie for ._ third place in the league - standings with E stancia and Corona del Mar with S.S records, two games behind second place Tustin. c. .. -.. '1 · " .. ...... ' ' -• ' • ...... ' ' • Rlc....,11115.-• ' • Holri :-' • ' ...... ' ' ' -' ' ' w-' • ' ·-' ' ' , ..... " • " .. , .. u .. iu " ... _ ,, ti .. ' " • ,,_ • ' ' Bull..,. di di ' ' • -M ' ' • c.-· ' ' • • H~• • ' • ' .. ~ ' ' • ' ,;:,,,, • • ' ' ....... ' ' ' ' Frtct , ' • • ToUlli " " " " s.c:-.., OU..'1•r• _ .. " " " 11 -S6 C.o1.UIMeY " " " 21-16 Tennis Results Basketball c;.w.-... Ot• ........ , CerMll 10f, lklU&lo n llitt IO, Nl .. •r• 61 II. ~ ... rtlwr• •J. Rulo-rs t1 $1. JDM't , N. Y. •l. SI, Jal .• Pe. 11 .._..~Ml .. , u Sllt11•2 N. (Mo.~.t2, 0"'"• 11 ~Sl.6', W, Vlr9l"l&•S ,..,.,.Md 10, Vlrtlnl• SI C'-"-,..,.S ~t•• T•ch .. H<k-vll .. 16. Flor•d• S1.11 DH1¥11tt, lu)•M tt 0.'f'lllft11, Cl"'< lfl,_.11 K.t-..ltf'•I e.. Mic.ti ..... Owqlftttlt ''•OT Olit&"61'N St. t s, lo•• St ro v11p.-r.tW11 .... ll•r '' M1~111,, lt•f'IM• II •~•11 .. tl, 0.P•ww.O .... N>ll Sl•l••I, N•IN'•"-• M ........,.ti, St. ,....,1·1, T•• 11 "'"~".,.. ........... ,.. .. ,, ~'-""11.lOl,N ArhOMal """"""''·SI, olNrtlft's 11 ~11,~~l !Hr• ""·"'-'!•"""" IU. ...... rttlN .. .0rt ...... ., . .-tt1'-'"0lil a .... ~,..a. .......... I 1 All that w ~1s left was the mop·up in the fourth quarter. which de- generated into a running slugrest r1nd finally Into the melee. The loss puts CdM lnto a tie w ith Costa-Mesa and Estancia, ror third plac out or Ct F playoff contention. COrOfl• dl!I Mat i ~l! •• .. Ao<le•'°" ' ' Gu•S""\.!. ' ' 81,.c• • ' a .. -~. • ' R:a-11 ' ' Fr••\\ 0 ' .... ' 0 Cu~1,. ' 0 C"-""""'ln 0 0 Pu1oc-11 ' ,, Jol•IS " ' E•l~nC•• !&•I Han~en • ' N"°"1 u • McCla,key • ' B>'l<l'>OU ' ' Orqoll ' • N~wrn&M 0 ' To1"'~ " " Ste•t bl Ou•rltrs ''" " " " E ~TIM;\• " " " . ' ~ " ' .. ' ' ' " ' " ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' " ' " ' ' 0 • ' ' " M " " "~ Rustlers Top Foe 109-80 Jack Kelch scored 35 points Wednesday night to lead the Golden West College Rustlers to an easy 109·80 win over Rio Hondo .. College in a Southern California Con· ference basketball game at Golden West. In other community college action, Orange Coast College dropped a 63-52 \'C'rdict to ~1t . San Antonio 1n South Coast Conference play and ·Saddleback was d ealt a 68-64 Mi ssion Conference setback by San Berna rdino . Kelch hit 16 of 23 shots from the fi eld and also had eight rL·bounds lo pace Golden \\'to>sl . lie is now sixth on th e a\l.time Golden West scoring li::;t. Terry Meisenheimer threw in 21 points as Golden West surged over the lOOpoint mark for the second straight gam<'. Todd Collins and Ste\'e l\-1 anker scored 15 points each. but it \\'asn't enough to get ()range Coast past 1\1t. San An · tonio. OCC hit on 19 of 43 shots from the field <Jnd turned the ball O\·er 17 times. IJave !\faze had 27 points for Saddleback in a ga me which was closeaJl the way. Saddleback led by four with 5:11 to go, but let the lead get away. * * * Ot.1111111 C.•U !Sll " " •• M.o!•"..n. ' ' • Collons • ' ' !>dutnw+ck ' ' ' W~IY, ' ' ' ,......,.,.,~r • ' • S...nd,,~ ' ' ' ~vmour ' ' ' Gdlt'y • ' ' f ytkl!• ' 0 ' fol•I~ " " " t{dlll•ml!: Mi S... A111onoo. J l·ll. Gtldeft W•U Ootl '' H ,,. f.'ei ... l'llt1m.r f S l K••cn 1• l o Jonnwn 3 1 " 1H.1t 001 5'-r\ 6 0 I Clark ~ 0 1 Par-"' • 1 1 TnompWI 1 0 1 ·~,.,l~y 0 J 0 Lord 1 I I Jol•I\ •t IS lS ... 1uome: Gold'"' Wt\I, Sl·ll. "'" ~ .. 1-+;olley Goon" .. ., .. 1, ta1als " ' • ' " • " ' Hl I~ t{•llt!mt -..:or•: Sad<lleb•c ~. ll>·J t. .. ' " • • " , ' ' ' " .. " " ' 0 " " " • ' ' '" Newport made a sur- prising move 1n the over- time, taking the tip ;1nd running a delay game until turning the ball over with 1: 36 to go. Then Fountain Valley employed the same tac. tic. running the clock down until Lodcstein un- loaded his game·winning shot. M<1c,..,u • ' ' K•lo,o, ' ' ·-• ' • !i.tufl.U.~ • ' ' lOl•I• " " " Nf"'t'Ol'1 l'lttllor IS 1 ,, " ~ Sec-er ' ' ' F'O<IWC •d ' ' ' ""'" • ' ' P•lroc~ • ' ' ~!raw ' ' ' Lou~•e• ' ' ' ,,,_ ' ' • Sp.tn<JI.,. ' • ' tot••~ " • " S<ortllf Ou.lr1•r• ... ,,,., " " • " Flri. \'.tiler 19 " " , JV Bas ketball "'""'POrl ('°I 1•11 Fifi \'.tli..f , ' " ' " .. • " 0 • • ' " • " Fountain Valley ovC'r· came a frigid shooting night. canning only 33.3 percent of its fie ld goal tries. Scnw•t>1.,jJ1 1 121g,.,,,<>!. C..lfy (Ill F 1111 llu•n' Wolk+n'on l 10 1 C 11•• ~0<0 C•••'l 111 C. Cl\ t{Oll...,d The Baron~ seemed to have it wrapped up when classy Bill Miller stole the ball, ran down and hit ""'"!<!~ <•J G (61 Tonq.y '>coronq ~ub• Nf wpon Lon•n•n 10. Ooooy ~ Founl .. •n V'•lley v.,r,.nq1on s. r,,,,~, '" Soucn ..... c-2, {y~te•' l"!olltlo~ f'ou.,la•n V'oll lrf ll 71>. Coo~less Vikes Survive, 67-56 BY ED BURG/\RT OI .... O.lly Pl .. 1 St•lt The Marina fligh Vikings won an important Sunset League basketball game Wedncs~ay night, but may have lost an even bigger event Tuesday af- ternoon. That's when the Vikings ended a practice session one player short as starting center Matt Cook suf· fered a badly sprained ankle. Marina missed the 6-5 Cook Wednesday although it defeated the visiting Los Alamitos Grirrins. 67 ·56 . Now 12-1. the Vikings meet Fountain Valley's Aarons, also 12· l, Friday night for the circuit title . \Vith Cook absent, star forward Bob Losncr s tart· cd at center for the Vikings who outscored Mike 1 Gibson's Griffins, 9·4, al the end of the second period to take a 37-23 halftime lead. Los Alamitos .refused to be blown out in the second half a lthough it never came closer than eight points. Losner. scoring a game·high 25 points. was deadly throughout, hitting on 12 of 19 field goal attempts. The Griffins got s teady performances fronl center Jim Shepherd (24 poinlsJ and forward Jim Beckerle ( 14 J as they scored many close·in shots due to Cook's absence. Also, the Vikings "'ere a lit· tie lackadasical in the second half, becoming n1orc loose on defense and more careless on offense- they com milted 12 second half turnovers. Stephens thoug ht Marina played poorly "''hile Gibson said his Griffins performed as well as they could. Los Alamitos showed patience throughout, hitting 1 on 24 of 54 s hots . bl.It it could not overcome some blistering 1"1 arina shooting in the firs t half when the Vikes we r e 18 of 25. Vikings guard Rich Branning, an All ·CI F can- ·didate, hit his first seven s hots and had 16 or his 20 points by intermission. M1ri11• 1•1l \.e1Al.lmllos(U,I " " ~ .. •• .. ~ .. '"""' " ' ' " Bec~erlt ' 0 • " U""Vt_, ' • • " ;>ne~rd • • ' , . Dr•~t • ' ' • ""'m ' ' • • 91'•-!"9 • ' ' " AIT'el•nQ ' ' ' ' ' 1"9'"" ' 0 0 • U-t<ltl 0 • • Tol•I) " " " " Jtn~i"' ' ' ' • iol.,I• " • .. " k •r• llf 0..•'1••• Lo~Alamllo\ " u " ·~~ M.lrin• " " " 16---t1 SPECIAL AU-EVENT GARAGE PASS GOOD NOW THRU MARCH 9 Here's your once-a-year chance to see Indy champions like Mario Andretti, Bobby and Al Unser, A. J. Foyt and Johnny Ruther- ford racing at over 200 mph! Exp_erience a classic open wheel, open oockp1t race-the only one like it in the West. Tickets at all Ti cketron outlets-including Sears, Broadway, and Ward's -or Wallichs ~usic Cfty and Liberty agencies -or Speed- way box oflice, Ontario, California 91764. (714) 984-2255. I ONTARIO MOTOR SPEEDWAY q±~ ......... D. lOt•I~ " • " " WtlHtn C•~I •• " " " 'Cd,lwn • > • " 'Wn·11~ ' ' ' , :t no,...., • ' ' ' MollrOP ' , , . " LO-nbo!•Q , ' , • ,M •YOlo• • ' ' " .c•ook ' ' ' ' • Toi di~ " " " .. S<or•lll'Ou•1'1•r' £1111.0n " " " 11-111 W~\t''"' " " " ,....., shocks 3 DAYS ONLY s each installed Regularly s~ each installed All American Cars callforan appointment ,:ll!lp I we're fhe ofherguys COSTA MESA .. 2049 H.t.RIOR BLVD. 646-442 I -ChO"Qe -.. o.o..i. I DATSUN-OFAClo\l PACE CAI'! -._Jl~m'f ~0'1~"0eU I I ·F c Rich :; two SC ~ Costa M Corona Sea Kin relay ('' 87-82 vl host Mu: ; League n1eet ac o.ifternoc AS"'( event w 1 l'ntrant! two wir best e~f t dividual and th ~ gave Co "'ins oft ·r he Kings I other fi varsity 1 Mik e s lar of victory. free in J : 5 I .5, !'il1·ongl) uf the r• a t.'ost~1 !'>"'Im l t_·\'t•nt :J lhl' 01\'l' 'l'ht· ~ \\ 1n the dcr tu < that giv t_•ord an to the p1ons hi 1 Swi r•almer relay t Smith. I J£'ff Wh 1\ftcr t<Jk cn 0 \\'ilh ('l) cl1v1nJ.!, !,aimer !";"·cpt t1 fini sh ir lhe Se~ conlt.·nt l ~row 100 fly. fre£'. D· bac k ar 100 bre~ l c ........ " JOO ""'"al """' ,,,.... :100 fr•• \.y~I"" IC• • l \I ~ 100 Ind. ' W <•IM• I{ 1 ·'""·? 0. ;Qf•r• I LM 1J ~ D•"""l <~•hon / !Pooni' t~ 100 F 1>1 . "·''""'' !( '" HIO r,,... !,..,c ""°" , .. TV' S1' >DI) J.·~ (((!M l l " ~~ 6 l!.c• 100 a ... 8•0"""~ l l •""' ! OI 100 9, .. l dU""r I( "" ~F•r- 1 •'""' J 2 _,,,...j 700 M<·~h· ,,,,,. 1 ., 200 F-, •. , <f 1 J '>c.ol 7''<1 In(! M "~"I 'W l ! "JO f ... ~ !, '~ I I f'< 100 f 1, fWlJ Md• I>.(\ fr,.•• IW) l .. ,, "tfl{) ,,,,,. lW•J H.,, 1uo o~c o. Wo. ,,..., ..... / 0 !!fl H••··"j H ! l Nr• "''l I rt·~ I I'"" I l E~I~" "'_, I"'~ l l XlO ~ .... I (• l ..,., lllO ln<I II Ml 1 j(_M! '" ')(! Fn'f', Cl.ML J. ! o ... ,nq ,,.c1ouqn Hiii f 11 Mil••·•< 11 100 "'" 1£1 l Ml ,., " """'~' (I 1.01 1 100 B,oc lf><l"rldnC ., ...... 1 ( ~00 ll•' t\l•~~lf! •00 •• .,,,..,.. J.I M"" >OO W l•mr l ! 100 Fr "'"''""'" 1 , ... .-I 100 i .... !M• 1 l o.,.... 1 •O r" ~ntm~" Onunq IMl.l !.I 100 r o...c~-· "' 100 '"'' IMI l C: "'" I'>! l fl! •OO 8 ... lard• ,,, 100 B• OoO,l.H ..,., t .rrwo l • •• "°M l • ....... :, "° F 0.-bral' 'WO N•ll•"I "''"' .,,,, wr..n1n• 1t.COm· ""'"II" ....... !( ,,,,,,.,.. ...Ml.I(! New Ve U!"llqq S....DiO: •• (.l\IUlll' t.~A~ Od1reil An.tot• to•t11t1 I --·WW•• ----~ --,, __ _ ThurSdsy. February20.1975 OAIL 'f PILOT inal Relay Does It, CdM Sinks Mesans Athletics For Girls Cage Standings ~UTM••N CALCONFE•l!NCl WLP,.PA C.•P'•~• " J nl ·~ LA H•l'OO< ' J lin) ~ 5"1>llJMOt"'" •• 1121 NQ Gol°""W.,'I I $ 100'! 9/6 l.ACC • 6 W t'fl £.••ILA t8~~ l A!o&uln-•I l • 1jq• ~1\ RoOHOll(,IO 7 I! •1) 11,1 w ....... ,., •• ,,.,,. GolOtll W"~I IO'I, RID H""'<IO Ml C,pre'' 11, E1•! LA JO (.ENTUlllT Ll?AOU E W l. P F y,n•Par• II l 1¥1 Tu•l•n 10 J ~ti (_<>ton..Orl-• I S I~ l \l•n<•" B S lldl Co"~ M"'' ~ \ /"' El Mc.Oo>"" ~ IHIU ""'"''"'°''" 1 ~ 614 '><lrl1•""4 II llOJ W1Clll1\Cli r '•S<O<tt l 'I.on( •4 t.fo, (<IM ~J <.ri.t"M~"•/6 M<1<1nol•·•'~ •• ~ '" "' '" '~ '" '" "' Soccer Results ..,., .. ,, D4A• Nllh !Jl (U Lt1 Aml9K • O•n• H!I" ~'011n9 . Pll.11 .. e , MdlDri<'I, .0.leUW V•'ISITY ,,... ..... 111 cu I(,_., """"",. K<l''"ll SI~•<' A•I-Jlle ':ol1t<1n, Sdm Nuo;ivvn. J•" F'e<llUw. JUNIOR llAlll,IT\I Ktn-Oy 1, M..1rl11.1I 100 l"(I Mca1c, I Ow•!"~ (Nl, 7, tLJ. > wmP!l'ln on. 'l'1mto· ,a.~ 100 ,,.. • I, Alon•l"-11 'U). 2. llnltll"lle< Ill~ J, Go'1llCMll tL). Toll'tt: l.A H.lrbo• 14, S•nla Munl(~ ot FroG.IJ'I G•m•• Galdotfl Wt>•! ~I LA "4•rOOt Cypnu •t R•O Hon(IO LA.CC •I '!o.,.t, Mono(" LA SoutllWe•t .tt E•~I l A \/ ,11.1 .,,., .. &0 El Modin• ~ i<»l•rl I J. !,""''"Ana ~l Fr1\11y-. G•m~• C<IM'11Yo•d1'.+<0 llAJt\1TT ~ .. (. .. _"" 1. ~· ..,., ...... 'l.ln C.lf,,..Hlf >(O••nq M.I~. JUNIOM llARSIT\I U V•llty 1, S•" Cle,...nkl. Richnrd C h u<~on set o school r ec:ords for osta M esa Iligh but the oron~ del A1 a r Jl1 g h a Kings won the fiua f AnlW•wn INf, ). S'1t• (Ml. l •mt: ) I) Q ~o ,,.,. 1 ~rnoll INl,,,wn,te )0 F•e. , s .. "' S utl'le•l .. f'IO I Pl '· Smit ti IWl J. Tur"e' (Fl. Tlmt: 0:11 0 100 Fl~ I. W. HOQl.of !Fl 7. A, MoQu9 IF 1 l . Pool•• IF ). 1 ir11<', I: 13.~ IOOF•ee 1.s ... 11,..rl;,ndlFll.l""ner cF l l. ,,.., .. U'l. Tlmt. a. S•.• ·~· f ,l,if><•.idt (11,1 •• ,,,.,,, .. L • """"'°"nJ "' 1.,,1,,, ')<lnl4 AnJ.,I Mao;ir10l•J elay e vent to post an 7·82 victory over the ost Must<.ings in Century ague dual sw1mminl-{ leet action \Vcdn c~d;,iy fternoon. ~ S'A"('l.'P of the <.ll\'ini-: vent where Cdf\1 had no ntrants and Ch acoo·~ O wins "'llh lifctirnc st e1rforts in th1.· 200 in- ividual m edley 12 ·tJ6.91 nd the 500 frc·e (4 :55.fir ".Ive ('ost.a M esa 1l~ only •tnsofthe day. 'l'he powerful St·a 1n gs captured cvel'y ther first plu<:c in the ;Jrsity compcl1tion. Mike Palmc-r "'as the ~ar of the St•:..i Kin gs ·1ctory. lie won the 200 rec in g ood l11n c of :5 1.5. lhl'n ca n1e on trong ly nn the> fin;.d lt•g f the r e lay 1!1 OV('l'(."1/llf' 1 Costa T\I e:-..~1 le.id :ind "1n1 tn v1c10 1·y in lh1..• ·\·(·nt ;ind s uhsl'q u1•ntl.\ h l' ll1t:l'I IN!. l Wcn~r (M ) fl ...... ll l lil••"Q I Vtrr,on !M l, 1. VO$'.l"V IM ~, l W"Qtll (M l 100 f'l y 1, O•b•oll IN ). 1. c ........ , .. ~ lM ~. 3. M ((;•nll!y (N I. l n•'<' >I II 100 F,..,, I. RObl'•U0'1 (N), 2. Co•on•~ CM I, J Ot:mou (NI. Time; '" -.00 F1"" 1 F ..,11~ {N J, 1. Wt;nget !Ml l t:l<kct (N l 1unl! \ 00.6 IOOll•t • t Buo1ner !M l 1 W'1••e /NI JOw'l~J fNI l 1mf:'il1 '1 100 ll"'·"I 1 Jotln•on (NI. 2 .-.uutc CN! J l o••t>J> (M ) ''~ 1 &t I • , I """"""· fo"""' Fool'11ll I ll•l I ll) H1>1>li ... lon 1k'.1<ll 100 Me(lh y R .. l .. y I ....... tonQ!on b<'d( rl I onw ! tij,J 100r.~~ 1 An<1c1i .. 1Hl l .V.tnt."'Y !Fil Bu•o .. 1r1 l •m<' 1 ~1• 100 lnd Medlff -1 S1ralPld" {F) 1 r~·....,~~l l'Jl veo l H ) ,,"""' 2.no. '>Cl f•<'t! 1 Fu•no~s(fl l.<,Qu•tem o ll w e.,1H f 1 ....... 0 11~ IOOl'ly 1 ~"'ni•~iFl 2 .Yeo{HI l Rt>ynolO>(Fl.T!""':0 .~1.1. 11JO Fr .. ~ \. ll•<nt lo• ff l ?. c..u,· .. >lon !I•) l, BYf'o\lo; !F), 1ita 1: U \! I '>00 F,..,. l. 'iil•iltha r1 !Fl 2. A"' d•·••n!t41J V.111cpy lF l l•mf 't .5115. llJ(l (j .. r O 1 K\'ell' IHlo.1 0.u<;~er !t 1 l Ro,.nnl(I' (FI Ton1,;,"'1·02 l . 10/l Ii"""! I C.a m"ll !fl 2 """""'"(ff) """'"(HJ l•'"" 1.0!o 8 "'° 1-r,-,. H,·1 .. ,, ! 1-Doln•ll. ,.~. ' "' ' t:<l"O" (10 lll) LO• Al.,'llolM 111)Mt'<ll•·¥ H<"ld' I LO\Aldrno\<.t>, 1,,,,. I ·~ J l(IOf,,, 1 M R•h·tllt1 Ff1<"nd 1t I ~"'"'""nlLo ''""'I \l / .w lnrl M• di< f ! \l"n Lo•<'k"" I I M1 1t."' <Ll ~ M''"V IL/ '"'' \I I >II f "' I p,,.<1, '" ll I ::~~~n~u'>f• (L I l (;oO\Qn (L ) ''"' ""'"" I 5,,,,.,. fl I' l\t,.n<1<n ll>l Mdr•t l l Pu•nh 11•11.1 10111-11 1 Pdt• IE !1 ldD,.llLll. Jo<n,IF! ''""" 0~11 100 F•~c I Pr~a'"" !LI 1 M. l'l1"v lt 1 l MUhllldY>l'' !ti.'"'"'; (I,/ I ·,1)'1 F"" rr,.•n<I !l ! 1 L•n. .,, . .,,1.1dl It I J (•O\' !LI '""" ~ I~ ~ ~ F•tt I. J. Pull (Fl 2. H.lmfl'l',llOfl IW)),Block !Fl.Tl,,,. ~-~1 100 Sb<-• 1 i<uriono IFI l Poole.f c Fi 1. B•con (Wl. Tlmt . 1:os 9 100 8•11"'•' -1 waln<ac:ou u= 1 l Smnn (WJl W. HOQ~ (Fl. Tom.: I: 111 .clO FrM A•l•V • 1. FOUllt•ln V•llf y, T•melil i '"WllO'{ 001) (1•1 "Wti ..... 700 .IMdl•J Atl•J -I. NeWllOl'1. TIA'lf :l .10.0 1<Hl F r•e ' 1 l•ft 'j.O n INl. 1 M<Ooll~I tNI, l. Mol<ler (NL l ime; 11 IM I 'lOO Ind -(lll'V -' l , flt.O..l•et!I INl, 2. Motto" (N I, l . Bu(COl• (M ), l •mt 1.h .I )Cl F•M I O,ttwt-nl (N J, 1. l(lml!S (N),J.Fttlo•t'1e~!N l Tln-.·?J I 100 Fly I. Robln•on (NI T • .._,, I OS 9 I 100 Fr-• 1. Ste we"' (N I,?. Kime~ CN!, J. TOOmp$0" (M l. Tl""', Soi.1 ..00 Ft~ I. tw:•w n tNI. Tlmr: \ •11 100 B•ck I. LODm•S I Nl 2. Rovn-r:-q !Ml. J. Ftoort tlek 1N1. ti~; 1 '~6 100 8"9 .. ~I I Robl .. son (N), 1. Mo•lor1 IN!, J. HalllelQ \N l. Time: I ·O'I l ...OO F1e11 Re1.1r l.Newp0r1. Tlmt: 4 100 U111ftrMIJ (Jt) IUI L...-1 .. Kio 200 Mi!aoey Reidy -l . U<>i.,.n,uy. ',...., 1 10 ~ 700 Fttt I. L ,.,..,~ (UI. 1. Wolli.I""' •l f, J B• .... dlr>•c cu 1. y,,..., 1 11 B. 100 Ind. Mi:dlcy 1 o ... ,~1reet !I.II, 1 f~1•0• (LI, l Lo,.k lrlle• (L) Jome. 11" ·I >CI J-":~ I Bu•t•ll lLl,7 U~•(U).J .,...,,1u1 '"'"' 1'>) 100 "'• I G"''f rui. 1 L•N.lo.'lter Ill l g..,,..,,,(ll f.me I !SS l•.llFH¥ I !i.f'\a !UI 1 IJu,,•ll Cll. >I Yll,,~(UI lorn_, S!i? ~00 I,,., I Homf,lt'~d !U), 1 h•"'" IL •. l B•CtOIOYf rui. y,....., ~ ,. 0 1008d<:• I 1.i1!o•IU),1 Lf,~llJ), 3 Ru\,,.tl IL\ 1!mf: 1 1~ I IOOBr,d\t I G• .. 'f (U), 1 Andi:•~ IUl J KtUQI'• (LI. l'"" 1 091 MIO f<f~ Rc •d, • 1. U"••e·~·t~. T,.,..,, 4 I~ 0 'J'hl· St'il K 111 gs had lu '111 the final t.'\'c 11l 111 or· t.·r tu c:..iµt urt.• the 11'1cl'l h<.il g ivt.•S lhe n1 a 4·0 rl'· ·ord and th(' 1ns 1dt· tr:u·k o the le a g u e c·han1- 1ionship. Swimmin ~ wi th aimer 011 the victorious elay team wt•r c i)a\'c 'mith. M:1rk Wa tson and f'ff Wherrv. 'I~~~ rt'1'; J,,..~.,111d:1 'T':'~:·n1 (~JI>?. f'rosh • Soph r\Clcr Co'sta f\1 C"Sa had ak en a 17 -point ll'ad ·ith comple tion of the living, t,rank l ~rowllc. 'almt•r and l\l ark J·'ro:-.t v.·t•pt Lo a one -two lhl'l't' 1111sh in the 100 Cly to put he Sf'u r:u1g:-. IJ~u·I.. 1n ·ontent1n11 l-lrown1..• t'a ptured l h1· 00 fl y. W <1lson I he ltlC) reC". De an llcc:k the If.ii 3Ck and Bob \\'cher !ht· 00 breas t for Cd~t . l'nr.<if!I COfWU ct.IM.it 1111 tnl Co1'• ,,...., 1'00 ""''<llev ll•·••y I. C.o•on<i "'-1 r1•m<" 7 010 100 F1 e• 1. P41"...-' ((.dMI 1 V .,.~llW ICM ) 3. irp;.n•&.-lC..M I l •"' ' >1 > 100 tnd IW'(lley -I (tldC O" lCMI l. ~f>C!'t ICdM • J. Wo)!'D" ((.!IMI. 1 o ...... ' 1'0o i l')tf1CX1I r ~(Of(! I :..0 f rO:f • I <,...,,.,.'°"IC.Ml o W.wd ((M!J <,..,.M l(dM I l•nk II! Dolf"l<I I. 11,•nC!"f .. , l(M \ ~. (d•l'O" ((M ) 3. c~-hldnd !(..M•, Po•nh ·~ •) 100 fl• !h0 .. "'' H 1IM\' P~•me• \(C!M), f •0,1 !(dM I ,,,...., ". 100 rr..... L w.11,.,.... !r11M1 1 "'""'""°" H .. M4 J o,mOOJt•• ICM•, l •""' ~1 1 ' \((] Ft•'f 1 c ... 1~on !C."1 ' ; 1 .... 1 !(r!M I J (, l •'.1n,. IC M ) I"" • ~)h!S~noo1 .. ·t<J•<1 • 100 Ba<~ 1 '", • 1r.<1'-l 1 , fltow"f !CdM ) l 11 ,,.,, 11n I• M> l •n-.-1000 HJ() RI"~'! 1 W• I>"• f(dM • l.~"""' l(OM l 1 W'"'" ot M '"'~ "" .i\'l f•t"-R• •·•f lomt Jll' I C 1• )""'~I M." _",..,.Mt~r 470f •••I F in Y~u~, ?00 ,.,.,..<11 .. , 11, ldy ' ...... ,1,, ........ . , ,,.,. ! •& \ ;>tJO i:, .. , I M il•· r 1r , I t•.•I>•, ..... " c~\J <,.couf~> 1,,,, •. 1 "'' 1((l ln'1 """'11" y I [).,,. t "" I'' "'"'" 1WI) ti~I\"" '' l<1n• • I I '>(II'"" llHon!l•••W •]MW ••• 1,n 11Pu1,·n•'IO • ''"''. 1))11 100~1, I 11~11.,,1'11'1rf t/ w,-,,.,,., CWl]M.IQ•ll lft r .. , .. n ,I! 1(/1 I f~" I Mo lh·• \>I,' H\!n!hy !Wll .. .,kllf l 1«"" OJ l• • .,.,... f '"" • ! D.IY"t ')n I f J I "' '" !WllHorno111fl l'n" •, 111 1\JC! O.lt .. -1 M W ''!I• ti I Woor'""' !W) ~. /o.Ulr•tl\ I I ' ''"' " ~I 0 U•)Rr•'·"' \ N<h"" If•) I.<,,.,,.,, I f )] l>il'UQ~ll<011f'f IW• ''""I ·I• '1(' f to• fll'ld1 I I •Htn' '"' 11.tOI• 1 IHn• I 1~ • E•l•flC•~ un !11'1 El MOO!'"" 100 ,..,..,,,,., Rel.Jv l I 1 ""''''' n.o l •""' I /I I lOOF"'' I Hr•u.,!I M l /f""' j [o ] ICl'l'll'f l(M! ,,.,,,. IS >~ ?!IO Ind, Ml'dlPY t 0,lofVlf'" ,~ ! l l Nl l, l Jt>'1nv,,. •I M 1, l w,.,,,., ![M f '""" 1 I& 1 '>OFt .... !MOV"''tfM).)M"''' l f.Ml,).<,10,1,,lll Tom..• ~ll Qn.,nq -1. (afrltar<l 1(M).? u .,, ..,.t lOOl<)'1 ![l,J Mollr·r ([M l !>I>~~ 100 I Iv 1 1-Htkm.>n !EM! 1 Mo••·••IEMl. l •tnP ! 0 1 l u:ioi'"" -1Oo<l<J••nl fMI1 CN<lo IE!. l M11'r~ CEMJ f"'" \\ 4 WO'''"" · I 11 ~"'" l[Ml 7 ~r••I•" tEM ), J. t,J•!'" Cf M l ,,,.... ).01 1 IOO A.H~-I K1n<1~1.1r1<1 rr MI, '>I ll>o'lrtl~"d <E M ), J. 1->~~n .. r 1lMJ. T on-.. 1 o~ I 100 f\".'~>1 • 1 Jn'1n'0" (LMI l f\l•"•lf Ml.1om" I WJ 1 ,00 Ft<•r R• l~y I. I \1.1nt •" .,,,...,,. J.418 Nlo$\IOn Y 11' ;n l 1n I I 4 •• J Se•••ll! '00 Mo>dlev Reid¥ I. '>!''""" 1 omP1 4i<I 100 r .. -~ 1. Gor1<1rll IM I 1 ~O""'"~''' ('>f. J f1 il!I"''" !M\, , ...... ' ti ~ Xl(I 1n11 Mc<l•~v l !''"~""'''" i M1 l ~.1y (Ml, l w, tll• •II I"' '"'"' 1 (\) 0 ,o f,..,. 1 Q .. 11.1~• •M • 1 lOIJll"'~" 1 Jone~ IF11 Mur1A.r !l •l l '(Od•l ILl l orn. I 0\/ l l(}ft~~ f.t 1·l,1Y I ld"on Tome-: l JI I M•\"on l/ot jO ! 1 lll ( U I E! lo•o l OO Mr dl<•y li~I~¥ 1 ""'''"onY•cio. T1<"" ! II 0 1~'1 '•~· (.c>d<lt ll <Ml 1 '< ""''" IMI ! M.,q1hy •Ml, l on o, I IJ \ /'1'.J l"d Mo·<llry 'M I •(•I '"'' l•·1 !M t 1•<" " ''" I ,., •. ,,i,~ IL• 1 °"""'"' 0"1 J '>< ~,,,.,,n OM l'"" }JI t•"·"'I ! ( .. r.1•C! IM I. I Hr>bb>. ! ,... ! "'"' • "A ' \"I •f ' !>.1< o .. r"'" l M • , M I"' '" I '" ••"0 I'"'~' ::.<Q ., 1 •· , 110,., M 1 O"llJ .. , IM "''""'10 /v\f y,,.,.,. )(1 8 \.IA! ~ft·• I .. 0 ... ., <Ml 1. °'""" 1M J ~'""'''""I M I l•nW" • ·~· 1·~1 1111•• I &n<l<l~ll l M •,I ll«'-'h !M1 J J•l •w11CM1 !on" \I l •Lit•, I 1 "'''!M l J Mu1p'1y lM• l "•n<I••··"" M o '"'" l U~r I~> It.' "• 1,1 ; I M•··""" \1>110 1 '"" I JI • 0•~• Holl• l•ll ( 111 '>•n Clt<ntnle /(H' M~il•<1 Ro l.,y -I. !.•n c ......... ''""' '\\0 1"/fJ F '"~ ! (,.,o,. <<.\, 1 W,.•rr..• tS lA-•1•~'1<1101 '"'"' ?O>J • I > l"•l "'""'"• I 0 GO"""" IS\. j (> M,or1,rn ll.>1,) Me1,1 (01, l11lll'; / I/ I 'Ill I''' I, (,,.do llo !01, 1 C..00> ''-'I "'"'"'•nn •OI r,.,,. 1•\ l"'""I I HtlllU1,l.t-ll>O<llOl,l. An,'" I Ill I ~' 1 11' 1 0 Go•m.10 l",1 1 0, M '"~'' n • (>1 .1 J,.,,, (0! 1om. )~ J ll•JI ,,.,. I (.,1a. <S•.1 C..oo~l)l, .. c .. ,,1.n, LJ1 1.m. ~Al "'~ ;,,, 1 w~•n•• <'" 'I, 11~•r•.1no 1DI J l•'"'-'"t ' 1~1 lorn. ~ '" ~ I • II"' ...... " ·"" l' .. .•• 1 .•. ,, ' M•C"''''" ' H ' ''"'I~• 1 ,.,,·nt!Cll.1 (01, ?. C,. 1ll•n '. ' ! " • ·~· J '"'' ' ' • ' " I.' 1 .. ' I H ~ I [ldnd l<ollo. ' ··-' "' ' Un•Yt•"l' '"116/) L~qwn.> Be•t~ 11).) M<.dl•, ll• I.o f I Uno~•'"'' I 1n • I • S /~''" CO,'l<nvrl\111 ''"'"I"" tu• 1 l. l~mf>l)'"I tU• I,,,,, I ·,7" 1 •1•n<I ,,...,,,~ I M1(D•m1(k llJJ, , 1;o.,.,. 1111 J 11anO"' !UI. ,,,.., ,o ' '" ' ,.., •\II' C.•orl<l•,.(L I lor•'I' 1•• '""'"'l l MoU•·• !UI I Pottn< !LI 1,.q 1,\,mo.bl!~ 100 11 , 1 0 H.or.o IL! ? M·r·"'"'"' cu Oroo"' tu~ '''"" I ((l ' 11" I"" 1 <,1r~~"' (U I, 1 Pot!•'• ILo l N,,.tnnill '""')I ) •"1 t <• I "'"'"' iUl 1 filrf~l HI) l;,.nl,n<1H' ''"" ~JO ~ H'I!\ l!.o<• ! C0>0'""" IUI, Z fin· , 11 ... 1fl•t" cu•. 1 ..... \ ·.}•,. IYit<••·><I > 11,1 ""l<IUI 7 flor\l.olo: , "' 1 ~"'n'"' r, II..' I'"" 1 1~ () "' f ,,,. Rrl,1 ~ I L<l<l<>"•l U.'"" Ii '• M 1 l<l"O" l~•i (.01 Lo• At.1m1l0\ 11 '"'I'll• v II• '" t I. l 0'. Al"' •!n•. '"'~ n01'"" ,' •11 r~• I ("• ll I/ D Po(~l<)<d I\ 1 n•~·•ll! 1,nl( in~' 1..-i1na Mt>dl ey t Hotlmft,.([1,1. ,.,..,.,,,u(L!,J <,par<1n t £t ([f.l1.,..." I II 8 ... I I ••'" I Tntt.,(I )' Mou•·.lt 1 3 N•· .. ,o..-IL• '""'" !I /\0 IOC!fl• I 0~•·• 1l !) Mol\,>lnt ll.I '>n.>"<\lo !ll I•""' 10.ll lo!Ulo •·•· ! 81d<k tl.11 G•e<JQIEl ~ t..1 00••Ll 1 omr O '),./ k<OF•.-• t D Potk!o•OILll.(O• ll•l c,.,,,...,.1E.111mr~118 \UOB.)r • l l l.H(1 tLl 7.D.A>ll'Y !Ul f,....,. \ 01 ~ !MU•f·' I 1 HOll"'<'l"l[l1 M •t "" ll• 1 , P1ck!o•<1 l[J. lune; I 1' • l!•l f ""'" Rrl/ly -\ LO~ A•.\mol<><. l ofnl' J ~J (I Fool~olt 11101 1 l•f Hunli1>QtOl'I Be.1<h 11•1 "-'•·rl•• y Rrl"• l Footn111. 1 "'" I U/ R Jl)() ! (<'• 11 1 l'~·"'''V•Hl l •m•• no!•""'' 1·~1 Ind Mcell. > 1 '°"""""II) 1. (.,,.,.,,.,F'I) <,rtiH!f I l•mr )·701 ")I tr•· , '><Otl 11 I' N.,no1, (HI I (,,oot ol I l•nw o 1~ ~ ll'll\ I 1w I ')'1orn11u 11 \,1 Cl\Cnt 1r111. .. • .. ,nt11 lomo 1 :Ub 1001.~ ... 1 J,.,,y (r11 1.in..,.,,d (I I 1 N•<hOl,r H I '""" 0 <,&Q W••l'""•'llt< t lotl CUI fin. V.illrjl iOO Mo.'dlef Reldy -I , we,1f'nln~ltr. '""" 1 DI> 0 100 Fro'e · 1 Mo)'°"" !WI ?. lncf CW) J.. An~"°" IW), l •m.: 1 09 9 100 '""· Moodlf~ -! (drift (Wl 1. Mo<,nd"<' !W ) ) M<''l<lehol\n jf'), lo~ ! 0~8 'ill f '~' 1. R . Wotkh"ff> !Wl ). J . W•C •"·lm (W)) 6Yrger l \llt ), T..,...; 0 ,~ ~ :..0 ,_,. r R Wot kn.,m !Wl? RoOI!•~ <f i M<<,,lldnr !W! l n"e O 1'18 100 J """ I Me~ IW! 1 lntt !WI l . ... ,_,._.,,, (W) 1 lme I 00 9 ~ll"'" 1 (d•lft !Wl l O'f(Wl l . 0.·t •t• IWJ l on\t! 0 JI l 'ill 11,.~,I I J~w'll lW I 1 8v•91" IWJ) lr..,,nCWl.Tomf 0 l/0 100 ~ttt R<'l•y 1. Foun•a•" Y•lley, Tome "O l•mf F-•"'!I till! (S1) t4•"''"'J-8e.Kll 700 ...., ... ,,,., RtldY -1. f"oocrvu i ...... , ~~ o. /OO F-•~e l t4"•f>t'l!Fl2.f rat..-. ,.,,J looth•U Tome 1 Sf<~ 100 lr>(I ""''<lll'f -1. D<l•IOf"ll !F'l J, coo~ ...... lHl J l'DDlll•ll T•mf . 1 IM J >O fr..,. -\. 11ar11(trk !f l 2. l a l"IO<. IH >l f-ootr11U.lom t 0;1~ l '.)()Fly 1.lke<ld (FI? Oh.,...tlH)J, f,,.,, .. , (H). Tome O 1~ 3 100 F•ee • I, M>f'•!f !F l 1. T..,ior !H1 l Var>ICI•• CF L lomf:O·~ J. 5~ a .. ,. -I. Da• 1•"0 f F I ?. , ..... ~ue (Fl l. Lf:d(ll HO . T•mL'! 0 11 ~ '>!l S•ell~I -1 Oono'1Uoe IF ! 1 Gwn- "''"m.tr> lH) J. Rer1no IH >. 11,..,.: I! j j b 100 F•f:t Rf l.t' -I. FO<M'1i", Tiinf: 1 4r> ~ E' to"' '1001 ll"tl Mli~O .. vie;. i'fl(1 Ml'<lll'Y Rel~, -l , [I lOl'O, 1 ,,,.,., 1 OJ~ 7ooF··~ -1 Wtll.o .. C L l,2~ tMI l .. ,,,, !M). Tome 1 04'11 fOO '"" NeD_•~v -I ,.,,.,..._,(El, 7 H•C•~ l(J. ~. (;, 81>'><'1 4MI. Tome, I (~• ~o F•cl' • 1 !.ChYdrl IC! ~­"'""~b.ouQrl ([I,], 1..•,,d.1 '11 tEI . l •m.· )) ~ '>O F1, I Rul>on~,,.;,. !El 1 C.. Bu-11>(M l,J <,irno,,IEl f•mt.1'1) \00 F•t•' I S.Cl'>udel IE!, l Ltt lMI lbfd<lll>fd!El.1 o"1f".~ll SOB•<I I Andt•so,,CEl,1.H1CkJ. ([I )Wol:.O"{fl l ome .l"t l ..0 !\•~•··· 1. Pt•O• IE). 1 8r-l~'<l l[t l '"""'([).l •mt•lol l ll(I F•ec Rfl") -I (I Toro. 1•~: 1 ,, 1 ...... _, ( 1041 [J6) ~~1 ... 100 """"l~J Rt14y · 1. Nr........i. I"'"' 1 Ot O 100 FrP" , lldllf t .. mo !NI,' """'"~!N <.J Kong!M l 1,,,.,.. l !.87 Ill) Ind Med•f:Y I H.ol~onQl'f IN t, ; r.nmar1 INl ] S.CllOPJ> CM I hmr I 0) \ "'1 f,p, I ll<or• !NI. 1 Moll!«, IN •.l £•e•'>Or>!Ml ''""' 1~0 10 1 ,., 1 v111t~cam11 (NI, ? ]"•m.tn (HI ) Ko,,Q (M • 11fn(''llO !00 F•~"" I """'-!NI, 1 Me~r~ lN • l M .• uo•y l N > Tome S48 SO 0<1c • l HOll"Hql'f CNl, 1 Uo"Cn 1 ... 1.] ':ol ~n~•\lcr !M ), Ton~; '" '~ fl""'' 1 Co,.w ;.i v tNI, 1. VO"J'"J) (N ). J ">t "OPP (M ). Time. "' 1r-1 Ftcr "'' • .,, -1 t<e•ood . n me: I 1,1 \.a•Ol'I~ e1e1 M.o• t 141 !t•l Casi. -u 100 """"'"' "'"'"' -I. Corona <Joel M<or Tim<> l 41 I ;oo ~ '""' 1 W ro<ih! !CCIM I 1. Cll>Mman !Cd.~J 3. K, Lv~tne C(.Ml. l onW'IO?O 100 11<<1 Mfodlf"'j' -' °''"•~l>W'I !CaMI 1 ............ lCGM I J. Pall ICM>. To~·lOll SO F•l.'f · I O,olw.o !(dM I 1 A•Ol'l-" ICM ) l Ol'fl'I !C.M I. Tune: l~ • 'iO Flv 1 IC . Ly!U,,f! (CM ) 1. <,.e-ne,,!.c><: IC<IM I J . Bl11<kb\Orn CCMI. r ...... ~ 1 100 fr""' -1. O-m.1" lcaMl '- <;t""'.,,\oo IC<IM) ], ,.,, .. Old u;M ) f•m(' )i,4 "° !lac ~ 1. w riQlll ((dM) '· C<lrl•on CCM I J, U1,.c .. 1>u•n tCMI. 1 ..... 18 . ~G B•e,1<t -L Pa ll CCM l 1. <,110 .. a\jll' (CM I l . Oot!er ICdMl. l •,,.... lS '> 100F•ee1<"1o1y -I Co1ona <Joel M;Jr. l •m'' 1.•• o S••••lf !WI 145, Misilo .. Yltojo 100 M"dlf'V R"l.1y -'· S..-rvil<:". t ... Y'10.J t 1')0 F ree I. MilP\l•Ol'IOIO CO,l, 7. WoOCI' (M).) 1\,111 (Ml, 1'om• 2 QI.'> 100 1 .. d . M~Dll'V l O•t ~~on !SI. 1. c. a .. <,th IM), 1. c .. ,.1y 10,i. T• ....... l ll 0 '>Cl F•~ 1 Co,.•ov (<,>, 7. Y•"'9"" CSl To<N•;:J,.I) >!WI l n, I (,roOI ( r) 1 Pr<'l~l~y '>Cl f IV ! (, BuKtl !Ml, 1 °''"""" C!ol. TlmP 11 I ,,.,,3 M(k ,tyl! I Ttmf' ~·!)/ 'lO 11.K• • 1. ,,...cntn ti.II, 1. ~ IL), 3. Wlfl«I (Ll. Time: 19.1 so s.-..~1 -1.~°""'"'c u 1,2.,,,_.1one 4L!,) 50ftl•I ILi. T1,,,.: Jt .O '°° Frie A ... , -I, Lt'it...,... Be.11<'1, 11,... I '' 5 D .... Hilb 1"1 (1J) 1;to11 Cl-"' 1'0 Mf<SlfT Flt l•Y -I. o .. ~ t4HIS. Tin-e.1 110 100 f ,tt -I, H1>11ler 10 1.1. 6unQ'tl ISl.J. l nomploOtl lOJ . T'""'' 1 zo.~ IOOlnCI MrClte, -1 M<C••l.oin 40 l. 1. Of"md" t DI, J. MtlO)t'1 tO). Tlflll:, '~· '10, Fr~ -1 P oftll 10). 1 ,,..,f<'l !Ol. l R"ydn !0,l. Ton'W! 11.1 SO • 1 MtCart•n <OL 1 Rllfl'ldn 101 Turlf lO 6 100 Free · 1. Be""°" 10 1. 1. Powtll 101.1 Tnompl.Ol'I tO l. Time: 5'1.1 so 8.oc k -I. 8en~o" CO). 1. O•umqa•<Mne• !Ol, J. Po~t.11 1s1. T ...... J1. >Cl B•ldil -1. Denman fO I, 2. ao-IOl. l . J. Dot.I" !Sf. T ime: 36. I 1'00 Frtt Rel4y -1. D•"" HltlS. Time · 1 '9,S Ed1-l7JI Cst) LKAl-ito!. 100 Mf<ll•J Re1.11 -1. Edhon. T•l'nf"1 19• l'OO F•tt -I. Valley tE) 1. C..•Y tL) 3. O,lrunk (LI. Tomf: 1:1'>. I 100 Ina. Medley -1. ThOn'l.ll (LI?. Cr1wtorll CE\ J. Rel>"DQlt! !LI. Time; 1· I~) SO F•f f -1 SIM kt>allft I E) 1. H?""'"~ tL! J. Smol'1 (LJ. l irne: G:111.0 >Cl F ly · 1.0-lor<l (Ell.Atlt-n (EI J.O,.mmo~(l.l . Torne:0:29.'I 100 f f« -I . Sltoe ~bduer tEI 2. Crawlo•CI (£) J, Marabella (LL l •m.' 1·03.I >O IWt~-1 Oan!a •d<E17.C>u!ltrey Cl t l Y•\lfy c El. T •~: 0 30,Q :..o B•,as• -1 Md•al>fn,. !L I 7. <,,moll\ lLl J. s.tn e•QY•>I tE ! T•rro:. '~ > 200 Fr~ Rtl.1'1' -I. £0•~0" lome· '"' GIALS BA\I( ET BALL VARSITY N~IMltl (7ll ll01 F1t<11111R Bu•n,!lf) F (2f HDldef' Dey IS) F!f ) Sl<tqf! koll""'" KnoK ( 10\ C tO J S.unOOr\ !ite~ Cl"I G !?l Slontt W1lll"""'ll'fl , G !lf<,mUll S.CDrlno \utl~: New port Hil•Dor- WoU •, WoUt 1. "4•1111mf, NfWPDfl "4.+rtx>r, J1·9. \IAASITY Fiii. \1111•11211 !2•l CdM Leona•<l (16i F (61 Pdn<J Robe•t•llJ F (10\K!!01>9n JoK-.onlll C (ti l'ohlO'IKY ltt:.tl'f\l•I G 121.,.,.....,.,.,..n eo~-1 1 (G I & 401 0gae,, S<o• •no •ub~ COM ~l~u.,..s '· Halll!IOf. CCIM , 13 11 MISSION CONFER ENC:£: W l. PF Pllo k1o;er\t<IO ll l IJ)8 1>11 C.•O\~monl Hl l !OJ] ~I~ <,.on Bern.:u<11>10 " J en !41 s.tckllel>dc• r 5 8l? l'l'l P~lom.t• I o 1003 ~)J c.u... \ ~ &11'1 1000 O>atf.-y l ~ 810 'IJ9 !>it'I DlfQO 1 U) 839 100i. Sou!Pl-•lt rn 1 10 9)1 1(1\ll W•d ... ,d.ly't SCM<'~ Rlo;er•IOI! 10'0, Sdll Oifg<>6~ 5.1,. atr11o1•<1• no•8, Sd<IOleb.Kk 114 Cil,..~85.Soull>•"'\I~•" 11 Go'OJ\~I 69, Pa!omdt !>/> '!i;otwrd.11·~Gamtt 01•u~ al R1•er~•ae O\•fley at <,.;in ae,,.a,di"o Pdlomolr .1! S.\" O•tl)O !..od<llt Od(k al G•o>.mo"I SUNSET LEAGUE W L PF ¥0...-i1 .. ;nv.i11ey 12 1 7't0 Mdfl"d 11 I 'IU \Nt'\lm1,,>lto• H) 3 7ii0 Lo,Aldm•lo• " 1 12~ (<lo'>ll"I ~ 8 81~ Ht:w l)Ort H.t•l>O• \ 8 811 lodrd 1 11 6 )S """~kr" 0 IJ llO •• "" .. '" /~·· 81~ •• '" ,., GAMOEN GAO\IE l E llo.GllE W L PF I .•. A•n•QO• 'I n "8 f,J•<l~n G•O«' lo l 110 1$•'o.I C.• .It>(!, 1i-. R•"'noA•dm•to' t 1}) ...... h...,, ~ l)(I 1 .. 0 ..... t .1 10 111 I'•<''''-·' 1 IQ /)l WeO"''d"'" '><o•t• ~" ""'"10•1• ldQurnt .•\~ l'!.,,.._rlO Al.+Oh\0'-I} '.>"'1l•dQO •f U.,.1,,.,(,<<0rlV• !lo ~ ... lo d~O frodl~ • G•rl•<'\ l""°'"GrO•• 1tf>J••1•• • I\ 1· ... t.<dO!l• .it l I Qud>I.! l..U"> Amo'}u> JI Fl.inti\" A!,.<Ho lO· •• '" ... '" ~ ~Iii "'' '" \IAM'i.ITY Jff•llOtl C01 ( t I \.1d<1l•b.c• J UNI OR \l.t.JtSITV N-P0•1 l'I (01 ~ClllltW<• Nt .. 110•• ~co1 '"Q '-.~1nn~r . 5'1W"T>dn P•Ht1n, A~• vOlo.l. [d o,on >• 0••"11 llO•!• R.,.,.,.,o,.,,,,, JUN IOll YAR\IT Y EOO\on IU l Ol w .. '1m•ft\IPI' £.d,,.., .. ,... '''"" v..n.1. •. ~•u•n"l l'JtO'i."·\OPH £(11\0R Il l !01 Wf\lm•ft>l•'f JC Swi1nn1ing Action 5oy\llfr" C1I Cont•ren<I S•"" Htl•r••• El.."C Fon.11 \.(0<onq GWC IOt (,p,,,~,'it. S..nl.i M•Jrl<<.o ~1. ELAC JO, LA H.J•llDr '°· !loo H<>n<.IO 16. LACC ~6 .00 m~dl,.v •f!,1 ' 1. (,oldt'n w,..,t !S<~Ole' M t Addm'• f-•ll<d,,, O'Too1e) J \\ 1J ~oo 11~• •~lav l . Go!u...,. w.i•.t (Ea ..... o,, c.,, .. ~,,.lS, P•te, Ho•tn!!lll J '/!118 400 bile~ •elar 1. C.old~n """'' ~Pot-.!Otd, Ca~~ey, 1 t!t Oll, Woo<ltull) • Tl.6). Ol))t+y rtld¥ t C,Ol<l<'" W•'" 1£...::n. Rc.w:•.0·1001e '>t n~''"'l" l• BOO tr~•' •<·ldy l (,.ol<I•'" we,1 (F•- l:lodn. E1'11, lrlCOlo, Hotnl!·l!I I !>8 11. ' tliO t><e•~I •fi~Y 7 (,<>10(.'n W...,,( IMcA(l d ff>~. S11;c,•1, W alt~r~.· M<Ca<!hy)' )Q 21 •OO 1nd1) rrldY 1. (,QI~" -~\ . {P>c ~to•d, RO<.•. Wdl!C<\, $<.hO!l'\I •.n~ Q. 100 tr"e '""Y 1 Golde" W\<•t !Ca•<l~n,.~. E.~ .. ,,,,o,. O 'Too1'" Uormt:ll 1 32 01, JRVINE UN IVERSITY ,, ... .,-,~ SCHOOL OF LAW ~·,~ff'• , SPRING QUARTER UROLLllENT \ r;, ~ ; l11•hV<i:rion '-9i11t fird -kin MaKh ~~ •• ~ ~ Ad mis,1on is open to oppliconl~ who completed 0 minimum of two y eor s o f college w(l(k w11h o "C" overoge. UCI Tennis R esults Wfll"''d"'Y'• sco'e' f-OUfll .. ,nVdllf:~ SJ, Nt .. PD<I SI !oll lo<l•-.on/8,W<'~l"'"W Night ond weeli.end pro gra m 1s cvailoble. tSAT is no t ·required fOf odmiss•on. Groduoles recei•e the J.0. OT ll.B. degree~ arid quolify IOT lhe California Sor E•ominaUOl'I. UC lrwi .. Ill l•l (.S 1Lo"9 lle.1<11) Woll•dm\ (I) <IOI A,.d,ew\6-1,6-?. W~•tmul\I<'' IS. lo,,, a •1 Si""lff C°"°"1 IL) de! W'•9"1 6-t , ).6, ,._,, Ne•l!>fll ! LI <lfl <,locck m•" ~-G, 6-l. A"51!n (Ll del Ea~tma" t -l . 1 ... 6-2. C••n.itl.I" II) de! M.ll!e1 6-J, 6-t. TllOl'nburgh Ul def Simon 6-3, 4-6, Double' Conden·Sim o n ILi d ef Wroqnl· E"~1man 6 •l J·6. •·•. A11•11n-A,,<lrfW) (LI 61:1 Stocktfldl'I· CMn..twnO·f .... ,, M<1rtl"·"-'•"'1e v fll det W1tll- Let.1rJ.t , 1 ... 1.j. Md••rld 61. Lo' A!amolo~ ;i, F•ld~1·1G,mcs Wt\lm.n\ter al Edosor1 M.I""" .. 1 FDunt"'" Va/IO:'I' Nolwporl H"rtlo• ill Wl"51ffll Lot.Alam•l~l Lo~ra WlllTE OI CAU. FOil COMPUTE IHFO«MATIOH (714) 979·01SI 3400 lllVINE •VE., SUITE 221, Nl'M'OIT &lACN, 92660 N1 .-;oul I 'I ........... ,....., "· \ financial institution wolf But as a t No one. likes to cry . 438 ·million dollars we mus "blc for more man respons1 speak out. . future full of uncertainty. Today we are facin g a . 't agree on what f us econom15lS can k Even the most amo . ths Investors in the stoc · h next stl'. mon · b n will happen in t e l ftation has not ee serious problems. n market face h '·ed r family · · ·to c ec~ . sibility is to you Your first resPon . fes of tomorrow . . of the un certain I . Protect it against any d that you immediately recommen . Therefore, we . s as you can into ur capital and saving Put as much of yo ··fon account . lo any . d loan assoc1a 1 an insured savings an 11 we feel that Mutual · t. n Natura y, . f insured assoc1a io . ,... ·nciudi ng a cho ice o . 1 more to oner I OOo Savings has a htt c 7'1 'll insured up to $20. . . 1 . from 5% to z o, savings pans 1 ·11 start your acco unt. • hone cal wi · But act today. " P ~~ We cried wolf and there vias a wolf! w. .... tNsaclln 1970. grown from five 10 thirteen ofllccs. We are ~01m;i,.!M I l !1u•krlC,l Tin• 111 O'"'f>Q I (,,., .. ,d (M l I >l·•t~h ")1'11<.u • I Sto!l(I J1 l•HVll'I. f ""' I ',., I 100 f r.-e I. M.•e'1•oooto l<,J, 1 L<·"!M l) (,l""yj',1 lorn~~) Bwastlmelyll .. n.Morellmelytoclay. paying a higher rate of interest now. Accounts are now insured ue to $40,000. And most important in 1hese limes, in ~fly years no one has ever lost a dime at Mutual Savings . !Ml, J <,1,,c1< !O,l 11)1\ ti• 1 fl~•I.•"'' (C.,t 1 Ou•k...Orlll (Ml. I llo~" oM1 l"n >J ' ioo ,.,to" -I l"lowr !M • 1 ""·"'"' jMI J (OIMn~" IM I Tomr 'II ij '>OOfr~~ 1 t1n .... 1M l 1 Rr<lh•" f">I l f\t<l\>n(MI l tnl•· •\~I 1()(1 R"cl< 1 (,OO(lfll lM I. 7 ...... o. l~l. J ''"''""" (0,1. ,,,. ... "' 100 fl•ra~I I f'<'Cl!'' fC,I 1 R •v (Ml,1 Muro'1y !M l. t 1m r 1 n1 q tOOf••r M1·1.o, 1 ""''"onll•'"t" 1 ,,.., J 11.Q H~wPO<I !1001 l••I M•rln• 'XJ1 M~dlCV f:l"!dV 1 tl•·••f•Jr1 ,,...,.., 1 S1 I ]00 f •fC' -I llYt~"~' (M\ 7 ()<'bt(>lt INI ~ fu l!' 1 ~L . I on• '~' Pro Scores NAlllo._.1 ••tk~llhllll lio \\OCtlhCIL N•w Yo•~ Hl'I, O.tri"t Q• W~'11nqlon !l'O. P"""no o fl "-C·°"'11'18 11~ Ln~Arlfl<'l-~0) ~•111f 111 fln•!onQ~ Aon.riC.I" 841,kflb•ll A••IM oil*\ l"tll..,.1 11'0, V"Q•rlt.f Hll .. llh•tkl 1U, 'ii L()U" !GI N .. w vor 11).~•"""'""''~Q\ V1""" O.nw~• llO ~ 0•.-00 11'. M,"11111 1•. lt!O N.111911'1 Nttk4~ l~ ..... (Jll(t~i R•"Qf'••1 t•~ ... ,,., ... ,.,l Poll\l')utljl'11.t• Dfl•Oll '· P'111•~10'1 1.l l Af\lo!\lt '· MlllM\01" 1 f Ol'011to ), (•l1lorn1.1 J, l•I '"1 f\ro ,.,( 1 Our.111 !Fl 1 Hrn. .,,-..,,,.1 11J ,,,,..,,r, l•mr \ 11•. w '''"'"'"'r 1•ll c10t1 Fl" \It!~.,. ."iltl "-'•'rl"'" 11•'1"• 1 r o .. r1•a•n \/, '", l n•Y' I \~ 1 1~1 f,,, l i t'un1r11 H,•mmq!Df't •Wl1 Md+••••Wl ''"" 10•1 '>() B"<• 1 M~uQtl!orn ISi, 1 H0f0"''" (Ml,) F•nntQ4" 151 ffffll'' ll 6 so 6 •c ... \t 1 Wood~ \Ml, Time '" . 100 ftl'f' l<f ldV -1. Ml\"Oll V•efo Ttmf 1 •10 ESllMi' U•I i .. l l!I"""""' Xt0 Mo-<llPY Rtl•Y I. El ,,,,,.,......., 1<~1 1n11 M(od1•v 1 I utln11<1 1r1 1 k •ol+I.' 1! ! J. ,....,,,n,t ol1 CF I TorlY. 7 11 J .1 ...... 10'I~ 200 1"•11• -I DeMoncfl IEMI 1. l..Ow•Y lEI, J . S..."m•dt (E l ,,,,..: 1 u ~ Thornton Quits Post M 1kc Tho rnton has r c- s ij!ncd his position as vur s1t ,v b ask e tba ll coach :11 ~anta An<t Jligh School the l)ai l y P i lot h as lc.1 rnl!d t:!x clus i ve ly. Tho rnton , v.1ho pre· ppL·d ul Magnolia Hi J:h, will put his S <iints quintet o n the floor for the IGsl t1 m (' fo .. rid 3y ni ght al ~1 a gnoli a. 1-iis '"'0 )'<'ar record at Santa Ana is 2·41. 100 Intl Mfdltt -I 011111l~r 1EI 1 ""'"" tE I, Al•t• !£Nil. H"'ll I lS J '>O r ... , I Jo"'"""' !CM ),? j;yll \(!. J t1u•lf'¥ !E.1 T•moi: 11 4 '>O Fly I Df-Monrll tEM I, 1 l<oJw l.ofl<I !El, l K•dl~ tE M\ '""' , .. IOOF•fr I t..ow•¥ C(I? !.c'1ml(:l1 tE1,J Pf-!!•1"'\E l lom• l 01 • \II a,,,, 1, ttft~I JE M l, I Al..,\ IEM) l H""''""<l \IOL l "n" :l-01 "° o .. :-~<t 1 Hui! t( >. 1 Ttwft• tEMI y,..,.. ~ l lOO Fie~ Reli!W Tom• IS•J c ''"'"(" ........ ,... 11-f•< Pl t ISi (•ii Uft•,,.rvly 1(tO Mf(llPY Rfl"V-\ l"OY"' BeiM:" Tomr l Q1 • 100 frtr I Col!tnHn• (Ul, ' fl•un'"'"\ ILl. l R1Qfl••dl'" CUI , ,..,.. ! )Q .l 100 1no """II"' 1 '"""ontn 1u\. J L•"•lt!tt• llf, ], WIJl!.ll<r (LI T•""" "" !ta f"tf!" I W•m)rl !l l 1. 51• ..... • IU<,J (,<t-1 ILi T1,.,. 1-J )0,1, 1 Mdt l.,..,(ll,) Qt-MU If you failed to take our advice and answered some of 1he sire n calls of specu lati ve investments ... you probably didn~ cam as much return on your money and you may have lost your principal too. But a lot of people have taken our advice. Since 1970 Mutual Savings has Free Income lax prepDtallon. For complcle informa1ion regarding appointment and savings account qualification s, sec Mutual Savings. MUTUAL SAVINGS • Conn dol "'- 2867 EastCoasl Hlglway /676·5010 FounlalnVlllloy ~ IOen ateOCaatlol'I Cepilb•o-Sln qomente 5:l0Gamoode Estrella/493.5651 17942 MagnoliaStreet/96:>-8396 SanlBAno 7111 & North Main/~7-9741 l -· I ~ ' ' ; DAil 'Y PILOT ;t'huraday, Febryarx 20. 1'75 , It 1 's. s1..erifJ!·_,s·a-.1;u7l.1y--..:.. -.=~~~~:= , p~u:.:.::~:E • :~;~~7.:;~ -:.::~;.~:: · ----·~ r ~ ~ ,,.,..:r..::=.~ti.. ..... J--fht ... :='.,!!.A.!:"!~"!,.M'-nit teti.wl" .., .. It Ooh'9 bu!t1 MAMllJAfSMIWT M-M.• \ . .. ~ ~, .. i --~·· Tl>tlol-4"1t~Mfl,., ..... """. f"'> • ' ' ~t. ·' DU1"£l.L,20S2S.t•PoOll•Q.,CO!.Ui TUMlllEWEID, 1121 E•1 1El111 oo\.1!111 flNANCI AL CO•P •• UOI """ft: ' ,·, ' I Mt14. C•llf "l•lt !ilt•t.f'11li.tton, CtHlorr1lt*'ll Wiftl<llfl Drln N•wOOr\ &tath. Ct. ~iO, ?Otl S.fl ~Qulll Hll~ ........ Emer-lainer-Davis GetS Ho'1of-,..'.rt1 P-ost -. ; c.o.~~1~1··."i; .. :C~!::~Ji.~ s. ,.. .. = .. !(:.·~~~;.~~·.~::.:~· "l..OJOMG.R~l .•• ,0,F••"'·•t• '*ll·::;,1 ::.-=.~i~~· ... ;::·::-o"""""' "'9"9 J Sll•1111• K•w L.amMrl , !031 s 8'11'rOlow. IDPl llldQMrest Orlw., Clr,le, .. ,,,..,11\0'0fl &••ch. C•• tlMI -"''h AoMI, JQwpof'I 11•-="• C:.lll-• ; f \ -. •· , ••'. -·• · , ,._,, C' ....... C I -.. ., •• -~-··• I•<•-<•••-"''' • ~ -.... • .. ._.., w, •• t,~ I~ ,-.c.1.tot"I''''~ ... :::.'.~.-, .. net• •• "994 ••mMJ.2091 S..""JOOoQIM"i~ f'rGDl w.1 •• ··-'-• (jjj d ' "b•• ( 11'11• IUlllflril II (Ofl41.1Cltd b'f f Tiii• """"'" II COflduCtft..., o .,,.._... • .... h • C " ..... u ~"''"..... • • •• u tea oor-ooverc .... ge opay ••• ., _ .... ,.,., ,NewPOf'I «. ,.u..,,,.., • h 9tftt<OI Ht!,._,_.... • ... totOl•~lfo. C flf' 1'0t $ ....... Sammy Davl.l'J'r'. Wlll be sworn PEOPLE .... I' 1._tl'lle~peaker 'S ~." .. ·-~·~ Wnn4,-,.~bl•t ~ '· -NMIC:yJ, ~olUn Tl'lli M•M-fll WU llltd w101 '~ .l•""" ' oct, .,, in M•rch 2 8 5 ltonorary Po)ice. • Dean is to receive $3 ... ~. The .,,... ·~ ftff -•"''t" n.11 '"1,,.,....1 -• 1uM wi• ,,. (Olilntr c1.,11 ot Ot enoo c.auntr o = MD.o. NowOM1 ... <.._ Glllfof'N• '¥'· °"W• Cleril ,..._ •lf'tit. c..w.:r °" .... nt., O.•• 01 0ro11te CNlll• • ,,_..,..,i1.1•1s , 0o 1 ,.,, • J , "'' c'hler or Langs ton. becomlnn" the -•• ' - ' m. oney comes from a 28-ctPt~' r · Jtil'IW1r•T'· .. )S ,, J'i"'lon6lrya. ,,,,, F*'' oy Uft\ffl . ..on NA!Vn l & ,,_U ,._1 Publllo)ltd0r•l'l9' CO••• Otllr PllOI lilo.id,Nfwp0tth•<fl.CotllornMnttt 1hlrd1 black eot.er&atner to talce roJon that has sprCad ext e n ,ively t1o n or the m andatoty st ent Pi.,1111wd Of--.. cooit o.u, Piiot, Pulltlitlfd Ol"•n11t Coo•• o.ii, .,..._ J.,. ;,o •nc1 ,,. 6 1l 10 1•1s •·' cniion e:. $m1tti, 20t 1 S•n JN,QUln such a post in un all·black' inJ.heabdomeii. fees tha t the lecture committee Jllfl )O,•l'\d llloo.•,1>.)o,1-ni; .,.,! ,..,..,..,.,.,l,:it,1,,.,.,..,,,.,, • ..,,.,s • · · • • • =Ao•d.N,..,.,.,., ... ,,.,c.o,llt<'"ni• Oklahoma town, 1\-tayo r A.B. • receiv es from registettd stu· 1----'--..'-~':.--~-' ._..,, Aoe..rt N. Th•Y•'· 1091 ~n.Joffuln Prewitt said. A stroke tha t ho&pitaliied U .S . d e nts . ~UBL!_C~CE PUBLIC NOTICE ~1~ AoH. NowPOf'I 8••<'1. eou1om1. .Davis would join Redd Foxx Supreme Court Jus tice Wllllarn * PUBLIC NOTICE Ttih bu•I~•• '' co°'llu<.tM or ll . a nd .FUp Wiison a s Oklahoma 0 . Douglas for seven weeks h as A ctress Jane Fonda· said In an ..0T1c•;:'~1o••ou ..-1cT•T1ou11us1H11s ..-1cT1T1ous•u111111s q9n0r•1 Pot' 1 "'r'" 1 P· hi ( r I . F arted •' ed · l -bl'"h d ln L i s:una.1a.cou•Tot1n+1 N.t.¥1ST.t.TIMllfT NA¥1S:TATIMINT AOOM"M . .t.1 1)0fl, c ~ s o Po ice. oxx s t u1e n o t still his 4issenUng voice. 1n erv1e w pu l;:i e RlhA• a it •T'.t.TIOPCAL.tflOll ... A..-ott Ttio •o1iow1nt "",...,. 1, ctoiflll llutl-~ '91,_.,.. "''°"" 1, dolno llYill, <>e,...,,1 P•1tn11 : movement at Tart. and Wilson But Douglas apparenUy will Is diffic ult to make slgn1fi'tant TNaooOwT'l'oPo••111w .... i.,,, ,.,,,,. Thlli • 1 •t.m.n 1 w•' ' 11 " .i1t1 1 1'11!. iJ a ppeare d at a similar ceremony not t•ke part in the court's de· f ilms in HolJvwood but interes t · .... A.am E a i 1. 10.-1 ,..,,, ... _. .... M<-ic11eEN ENG•NEEA•HGco .. ~~ c,,",',',,01 0 r•nve c-..,.,. 1 e1t•lo ... llelNHOl.D l!ftNESl '°" ~t.M11VtHor,CA'2l'OI -tU! °"Ponl Dl'"I.,.., Sult. II, lrvllw, Clo __ _.., • ' ..-.tit 1 recenUy ttt Boley. Both have cisJ n s in thdse case!i, argued ing movies are coming out or HAPK ll. ·-• ••1NHOL.D E. HAPKE. Owi•ll• L.. eom•n. toe si.- p ledged to help bu1'ld s w1·mnu'ng • D 31 h h " Cuba. a. RIEINHOLJ) ElllNST HAPKf.tU A ... nw. No . :io.. ,.._.,in v.n..,, CA J•"" Sho11nofl M<.KU11Mn 1101 PvDll"'9d Or.,. Coolit Dolly Piiot. since ec. • w en e was -·---•-•• --........ ,.-:.. .a.n.>0.onc1F••·•·1s.JO 1•1s ,,..,, I f h M . F" d . . l'll!IN .. OL.0 HAPKE, •k• R.E .. TOI ---.. ...___ -~·-Poe> s o r l e lowns. stricken. 1ss on a is m Leningrad KAPK1,o..c .. .-. Tl:i O&nl""' 1, """" ~ b',-.,.., Mifln• •• COO><lll(ltd..,.,. in • Of six cases decided Tuesday. ril~ing "'fh~.~l~eb;ird," the first NOTIC~lf"HElllEBY GIVEN-tht 1111 ,,~.1-.. L, ttboll dl""""".:-s.MclClbW<> --~P~U=B~U=C=N:-::OTI::::=C=E::-- Jcan GJbboney•s husband of-Douglas filed a solita ry dissent in SOv1et-U .s.' 'COOpe.rative rum ef • ;:".!:"po,s:: =~"'::::.-::.: This s••le~flt 1~1!:' with lllt c-.4r Ttih llotem.<11 .,.., flied wltrl ttio MOTICI TOClllEOITOIU ' f ered to sell an eye for her three.and joined in making two of fort. with EUzabetb Taylor and · ttw ..io oec••• .,. '"ui .... '° 1111. °"'" o1 Or•n91 c.oun1.,"" l'•tiNwv 1. c-1., c1art of ora1100 c°"""'' cin auPa:1t101tco111tTOP'"S n1edical care. NOY+' he wishes h e the others unanim o u s. H e didn't other international 1$lars. ~:'';,,":. ~~w.:;r~.=:-.!: 1 ' 1 '· .._ Ftbf'u9ir~.1'1'· 1'41111 s~~~::~~~·;:::~~11 could trade places with her as taltt! part in the sixth case, which •• M:v father, brother and f want 1111ec1c-1,o.-toor-n11Nm,wltti1t1C P.>t>1111>ed Or•noe coo•• o.ur Pilot. fl\lllllWd 0r.,. co•)t 0M1., 11t1o1, .... .t.-11n• • d octors disclose s he has cancer . was argued before lheother ei••ht to make a film for Sydney Pollack ~ ... ~rc=,.,-•~'n' :~,!"""'-L,TTL•• ~°'....,.' 1J. :io. t1.onc1 M:-tcti'a. ~·~~'' ,,. ..... 1J. 20.11. 1•1.1 J11.1s E11•1• a1 CHRISTINE JEFFEAtS ., about the Amen'can revolution .. .... ... .. .::..-::::-::::-:::-:-:::=:::::-:!-"-'I. ___ :_ ____ .~---GRA NT, •k• CHRISTINE E. JEF-··1 know the prognosis i.sn't lOO _j\1$,lices on J an. 20. 81.EIC. 61' E. Mo11ch••1•t •1"11,, • FERIS,·~· CHRISTINE E. C.AANT, d b f * hu~an his tory with a giganti~ 1"91eWOOd.C.l-ltOl'11l•to30l,whl~1s""' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUCNOTICE-1 ~te•,...,· goo' ut still have faith," • I t I plocoaflMAlllft•oflllO ..... dW""6 1~ NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN\Ottllt Herbert Gibboney Said at TheUniversity o flowaStudcnt socia ca acysm tin the b 'ack -.1111mt11er1110rt•lnlnotott•nW•o1 l -------------l 'r•d•tor~olthe •bov•ntmtdmc.oent Pl·o n ecr Commun1'ty H~n1'tal ,·n , .,Senate_ voted to ••go on r ecord a ~ grou~d . ,, sh~ said. i•ld<M<-•..,."i w11111"'-fl\Oflll:9-.n.1 "'~c;,:,t"'~~~!:~~1:::s 1"1CT1T1ous •us1N1ESS: owt •II per)Oflli ,.,.,1nv cl•lmt ...i~t ....,...,.. ., llW U"'tpllblkotloiilolltil1notkt. HAMI STATIEMIMT ttle ,wkl 00Ctd4fll ,,, ftqllked to Ille Pl'acerville, whic h responded to op~1ng t.he u se of mandatory • o.1ec1Foorutr.,to, 1t1s. 118-:'::~11-1"" per•Of'li; ••e dolnQbW· Tr.. io11ow1~ "'''°"s ,,dolnt~· u.em. w111'1111o ,.c.e''''" YOUCfltf'•."' the, couple's pligh_l by provjdina fee. s to pay for the March .4 np-C hancellor Helmul Sthmidt or WAl.TEl\lfANITHAPM.~ AUTOVILLE. ••SE. 1111'1 St .• eosu ""''I" • \tie offl(I o• llM (lfrl< ol ltll '°' ... tfl• -f W ( I f G C l l d I "• . E...culorolttieWlll Mew,c.1.•,1111 FOic.FIRE.t•111Etol•Ln .• H...t· ti11fl!cou•1,ortopr1u1111h..,.,wllflti. free-s~vt,cesa lmostthooe.weeks , l pearance o a e r gn e 1gure e rmany on race p e~y 1n otthlolKl ... Mmedd~ R u~ie•i H. woot1•r . 6,5 vht• •na100>&1.cti,C•llt.•26., n.<e•,.1ryvouc11or1,101tioU11cMrll..-.t ago: · · · Joha'W. Dean 111. addition to pneumonia, a gcivern-1..inL•e.•L.•K • 0o11ua.NOwPOrtB••cti,eo1.nw.o ""°"' ,.t.llttd Lu"' 16211 E•o1e .1t 1he 011"' o1 PAUL A. &ROM. Al· ' "• In .a resolutio n , t he student mentspokesman said. :.::,;::.~~:;.i1...,· Fr•nk w . s;.....,11, 11 s..1 v•1i., l.Jl •• H ... ul'IOt°"a.•ch.c~111.ttM1 torni,ita...w.•IS?OttiStreot,Ol"' 1 1111d· i...no. NowpOrt Bf•<fl,C•l.t'Hoto Onclr sw l.un•. 1,,11 E•{lle t.n., C.t~lornl<1 .... 11, wfllch i~ II• pl.Ct o1 Doctor~. whe al210 donated ' gcoup asked that the Unive rsity Doctors told the 56·year-old ... ,..,.,..,. ....... c..... Ttiis l;>u)ltle\I il (01\dl>Cled by ....... 11ng1., 8toch, C•Uf.t2••7 bulioOrl;rtoli ol IM und4rlii~•d ln•ll nut· ser¥1Ce5, said that explora~ry Lecture Committee. whioh Schmidt to cancel all a ppoint-Pllbll~OronQOC:OllllO•Or.Pl1o1. vene1•1~r1ner!>hlp. • Tti1, tivsi ... , 1, c001duc1ed trf, 1eri"9rt.1lnlnototheesi.1teolwlolldf· -I d d j d f . f k " fe9.1l.10.J1.•ndM.lr.6,1tJS »f-7~ AlllJtUH.Woolley OlflftOt,..r\nll"'tilp. <l'do<ll, "'."lltiln"tour _monlllli tiW 11'11! surgery revea e the 54-year-Old sch e u e d De an · s speec h, men ts ao re r ain rom ta 1ng This ,111,mtnt w•i ,11,d w1.,. h ttor.rt A. LUl'I• •1•~tpubhc•Honotihi)110llui. Mrs. Gibboney has cancer of the "either cancel his appeoranceor tele phone calls. PUBUC NOTl~E ' co11111y ct''" ot Or•noo c-1r Ol'I Thi• 1to1omonc. w•1 ltled Mtti ll'lt O.tHJ•ou•ry2t, 1 ' 1 s -__.., _, --------Flllll'UOfYJ,lt1S. C....nlr Cllfk of Oron~ COl.lf"lly Ol'I WELLSFAAGOBAN.:, rUa. L_1_c _NOT_.i_cE • PUBLICN_O_T_ICE ,....,. FeOruoryt, 1•1s • N•llonolAl)OCl•liM • NOT1CaTOClllf:OfTOll:S Publis!Md Or.lf\Qe C0•)1 ~Uy Pile!, '*"' By; ~ttldJ. F•ne. NOTICE TO CAEOITOAS SUPE RIOA COUll:T OF THE STATI o,.-C•l.11'011: MIA,,.,. b. '· 1"· . • 1•1s )61-1s •• E•t<ulor ol IM W iit ol "" A C' SUPllll:IOft COUllTOl"Tl<IE Fo • " ll ~1"""9 o.--CCMSI o.i'-Pilol. 'Trull Olllc•• ~u 1 Ull:TOl'THE STATEOFCALtf'OANIAFOA TM CDUNTYOl"OAANGE P'"BLICNOTICE tbOwonfmedlH<tdllnl rmy Omm. ences • ''' OOCO 0 Fe9.6,l),20,21,1t1S .)1f.1~ STATl!OFCALIFOll:NIAFOll: THE COUNT'tO'FOJIANGE Ho .A-llffS .... 1--------------1 P•Ul.•-••oM THECOUNT'tOFOfflAMGE No.A·l1tl6 £it•tt of FRANltLIN WEBSTER•I----------------Al-Y•ILtw No.A-llUJ NOTICE OF HEAA!NG 01' R06INSON,Ooic1•Md. "°TICETOCftlEDITOftS PUBLIC NOTICE 411*"Sw..t B • d Sl h E ,,., e 0 ' EARL BR uc E PETITIOJ'I FOA pftoa .. TE ,;1Fw1LL NOTICE •SHE A EBY GIVEN to u.e SUPEAIOll:COIJllTOf'TNE 0.1111....,..,eoutenui.,.•11 lr. aug ter llOMPAG£L,0.<ot~d. ANO FOii: LETTE.llS TESTAJiAEN-CnditOfli Ol 11'11 Obovo rwrne<3 111<-tll STATE OF CAl.ll'OllNIA l'Oll f"ICTITIQUS •USIMliSS Toi: C41jl ..,._1 ... " N(ITIC£ IS HERESY GI.,, E1'1 10 It... TA~Y lr..t •II llf•!.Ot'1 f\tvl'J<J clolms ~1~t TME. C:OUHIY 01" Oll:AM0-1: NAME lTA TE.Ml:NT ""°"'°'J.., Eat<•IM ' '· • tred110r\ ot Ille •OO•t n;ofl'l<ld de-Gtotnl E~t;ote of MA.SELLE HATHAWAY IM :Wld Olt<•"nl ;off r1q1,1lr..:I 10 li)e N•.A-&2JS1 The loliowlno !Mf)Ofl h dol"O lll>l1· PvDllU!ed 0••"94 (0.111 Of.II'( Piiot. !n.11 .oi l per\Otll n•vln<;1 cl .. m1 -in,! RIL.E. r • ~ce;o~e:d. ' tn.tm. with tM HC.tlil •• tp vouclllrl. in Etl•le OI GEORGE. 0 . OUNSCOMB, I'll~• •1; J•n. lO. •nd F1b. I, IJ, 10, ftl'S 1J4-1~ tnt! •••O dtcelffnt trl tlQUlr..:1 lo lllfl NO'rlCE IS HERESY GIVEN tl\dt ltlll ollk.o of ttio cletk of lhe ·~ Doce•wd. ARTISTS l OTH ERS, ~I~ l111d From Wire Services ( J tr.em. w11n tne n.,.,,.,.1 •oucnt!rs In .>OHN J AY H&.T1-1a.wA v ti•\ tiled e111it11d couu . or 10 11r1so1111rwm, w1Th NOTICE is HERESY GIVEN 10 lhl Sl1"1. Newporl fle•cn, C<11U . .,6'0 PUB UC NOTICE IT. CAM PB ELL, Ky. · / N SH ORT ,'~,, olll<e ol tne tlerk ot ll'le obO"".~~ he•tin ;o petoloon lo• PtD!l.lleQ(Wlll•nd tnot neceli"'''f YOUCl'oe•,, to ll'>t Credilo•1 ol IM •OO~t n;o,...d dK;~ C..or91 W. NeU<rnd•m, •1 Se~I! Th 1 <'<l <<>url ,orlopr11otnt tl>em. -thl, .. tor l)liUOni;.tol t.etteri Testament•rrto l#ldor!tlgnt-d .ol ll'>t 011ico of her th.II 111 ...,rson\ hfY•n<;I <loiml -inst L.one. SJOll, Newpo•t Be;otl'I, C•l1f 1--------~~------ -e A f m Y h 3 S net e\!Mlry •out tier,. lo !he ut1der!.l!lflfd the ...,Utioner rete<en<f to ""''<h 1~ ;o!t'l'l'llY. A RTHU A 0. GUY , JR., 133 \fie "'Id dlC'elHnl ;oro f~Ulfed to Ille ~JMQ lMI• Spray Cd de le r ge nt look o'OtO the ease Of Rep. •I Ille ol!1"'t, ot Ru1\tlt Kidder. MO m:-tor lurt""r Pd•litul.1f S, .1nd th.It Oo~r 011ve, Suite 8, N•wport Be.1<h. ttlem. w1tti lfW t1ete\HfT vouclwr\, 111 Tl'lh bu\IM;S\ il condl>Cled 9r 1on l11 l"ICTITIOUl•IJSIHliSS h . j d '"-Ne,..pa•I Center Drive. Suite 100, '" rtie the lime•™' place of tie.1r ing11'1t ~ C.1lilo•nl• 92660. wnlcl'I Iii tl'lt pl.Ke o1 the offke of IN cle•k -" 1rw -cti¥idual . NAME STA TIMI MT C em1ca an w a ter on George H ansen, who CotvolNt.,.POtt Beac h, •110r<111Qt'C.O..n· .,.;o\ t>een se• •o• March •. 19ts. 111 9.:ll bu!.!~\ o! 11111 une1er\1<,1nfll h• ... 11 enu11..:1cou•t. o• 1opr1se1111nom, will'! G.W.N1liondam n.ttouowinopersonli oredolngi.uv+ some fi\'e million birds pleaded gui' ily to t'"O 1v. w111c11 .., tnept11c<1 ot tw\lne\~ol tM t .rfl .• 111 !he courtroom ol Oe~rtf\"ll'u\ m.iierspert•in•ng to tl'le e\l•teol!.ilid tl'le necesli;ory youcl'I••~. 10 11'11 Tl'lli il•tenwnt •ii~ Ill..:! w'ill'I I' "'!s,'o"• '"' under . d f 11 4 · "thl unOo••'onod •t 11'1• ofll<e oO •or Count> Clorll, ol Oroooo ,_,, -o ~ _TS TIMING ANO Tl!Cl-f-·•nd left the m to freeze to f d I , . \•one n a m•He•. pe<111on1ng to No. 3 of Wld cou•I. "' 100 c.i\l•C Center <11-<e.,...t. w1 n tour montns •Ile• tl'lt .. NOLOGV . JOO! A•dtiltt, ""'"'"9 '', ,.. e e r 3 C 3 m p a I g n !he e\i.lt ot Mld dtltfdelll, wottiin four OtiVf We\\, •fl tile Coly ot Sol'lt;o A,.., llr•t publi<•llon of th1)notl<t. •ltorney \, 0 l. 0 MEN, I( I NG & J.onuorr JI, l•lS Wit !OS. COii• Mt\•, Collfornl•1'2'211> ' d eath in the ir pine tree f 1· n 8 n c 1· n g m 1· s d e . monrn~•ller the ll••t publlc•ti""°''"'~ c ;i1uorni•. Oolt•d Febn.oory J, 1~1s GREENE. Attorneys•t L.1w, '°' Oowr F4051 G fOOSl S. meaOorS. ~~~·FtD.l,,l,IS 0.1edFebruaryl(,l,IS MAAYA081NSONOFSTAO OrlYe, Suile 700, Newport 8t•cl'I, Publi)tledOr1noeC°"'stDollyPllol Pl' •O•QtNA. W•t~on , ''''Pott U S F . h d W ' ldiif Richard Brut e vorP'19't'I Wll.LIAME. SIJOMM. E•e(Wrl• of tne Will ':..llttort11• .,W.O. •flkh ii IM pt.:1 ot J•n. JO,•nd F1t1. •. lJ. JO, ltlS ,.._., on:nce, •wl)Ort e•cl'I, C.&UtcinW• . . IS a n I e The Jus tiCe D epart · '''c uroo ottl'leWi!lol Coun1v c1er~ olthe•tiow•n.1n>ed~ce-delll. t1ui1.w:11 01 '"' und1rs1onH 111 •II Phol"•M Ho '"'' Se · ff' · j ROBERT A. EASTMAN -.. ATHUll: 0 . OUY, JA. m.oller• pert•lniflQ lo Ille e\l•t-.ol :w!d ' · u\ft, Slttor. Ac>t.. rv1ce O 1c1a s w e re r e-m ent s ous llansen , an •11e 11DO~e 11amee1a~caen1 ~-~·o, .,,.,. •-·• m,,,., •• ,_ ,~ 101. F0Uflt•1n'i•ller.<•ltto•ni•t2"' d l . th t 7 •USSELLKIDDl!:R Attornor•IL.•w Atlwno,•IUw ~=""" "" vv "-Q•,,. Tl'lllbl>l • nd I p y o e~a m 1ne e roos • Idaho Republic an, is the At10"",..••' Uw Jl90"•rt>tr alvd .. su11e 111 &JJ Dowr Orlv• Suit•• 11rit i:iul)llc••iono11hli no!l<e. C ec:1 """,,..~: 'to 11C "or• 1 •ml 1 • ••g •r eas today 1'nd f ' l •11. ... .. _"M• 0 • ,, ,,. C.t1Mo,uo,C•1111rn11ti•1' Nlrw-1: .. •<ll.C•lltornl••tMO D11edF1bru.rr11.1t1s. PUBUCNOTI E Geor9'W•'••'. 1 ....... · , 1rs SI 1ngcongressman wpt ......... ,., r .... u • r····'''''''""" T•1 :1m,uo.~,, -· o , bodt Id • Nt ,.... .. ~ C UI lo't1WO .., ......--... Honor....,nfl•-vnscom Tflh "•temenl w•l 111..:11 ""'"' ltM! li 20() SO 1erS w ere Charged w ith Violating "fol~.,,...,,,.~f• 1 Ofll o\llWMrlor:PlllU-f AllW...,ylorE•tclflri• E•e~ut,,•olll'\t ,.ICTITIOUl•USIMl!:SS Co t Cl k f 0 st.aildirig by to dispose of the campa i g n financinrt att.......,..,11:•,,:iotor • Publhl'led Or•noe Co.11it 0.1••r Pilot. Pu1>1111>e<1 O<•n~ coo~t oa;1y P11o1. w.uo111111'"°"" NAM• STATEMENT J..':::.~,1 ,~:,1s~ r•nvt c-r "" h ·-........ . .~ 0 . 1'""1.lt,Y10, 11, 11, l'>IS Sl2-1S Fetl. I>, I), :10. 11, 1'11S ~11> 11 ,..,,.....d oecedenl TM loll-"9 pot ton h dolno lloAI · -· t e carcasses. act • ·~·Shed· ....... '0"'' ••11 Pilot, TH"··•sc .,.0 , Feb. :10 21 •nd Ma • ' • ~--..,._ · • llt. 1'111\,05: Publi-U.ed O••n9' Co•~I Otlto -.. lt.was the first stage of . ' • -~· . 1~· 1"1.. W-°1~ -_.P_U~~c_ N_10Tl_CE_ Pl' B OLOMEN. KING .. GAE ENE HA RRV ,. .. YE A EAL.TOR; KAVE JMl.lO.•lld F'"g· •. ll 10 ltlS ;;n.,;, the Army's plan t o ex· T1111a Bottle PUBLICNOT .. l"E ---LICNOTICE A~•r1;o1u.-REAL TY; KAYE REAL ESTATE. • • "' lllESOL-UTI ONN0.1S-)S 9010.wwrOrln ,Sllilo llM H,lo,RAY KAYE REAL ESTATE, 1141 terminate some 12 \\' ASHlNGTON _Sen. -~·.......--· --A •ESOLUTION OF Tl<IE c 1Tv FICTITIOUS ausiNESS '*•,..rt .. ""· C•1H. •1l-M s.>m•ro ...... cost•MH.t.CA<n•1' PUB UC NOTICE · j j ' . jj' SUPERIOllCOURTOl'THE ci>uNCll. OF Tl<IE CITY 01'" OOSTA NAME STATEMENT "-: U141 ... l--7... H;o1Hp K•'l't. ll4t So'"""f Or., C.Gll m1 10.n lo 14 ml ion J o hn v. Tunney said STATEOFCAl>IFOANtAFOll MESA,RELATll''IGTOPAUL.l>AINO-Tn~fDllOW!l>Qpol:f)On~.lffQol"'JDl.r..o· Al-rlfWE••tulri~ -w.c .t.m1• 1------------ blackpirds, grackles, W e dnes day that the TMECO UNT YO FQAANGE BEAR ANNEJ(ATION,.,Gt\llNG ... ~~:~SMElt C k:AR OUSEL. "~ s PubhY>e<IOrltl'il'fC00\10..tlyl"llot, Thoi b<l"loinol tl,cofldu<ltdClr ... ln •14147 0 btr~ d St j' • f $ No.A-12111 NOTICE OP" IHTl!:NTION TD ANNEll, ~ell. ll, l<l._21.•tld ""'•Ch 6, lt1S SOS.IS lllivid._..I. HOTIC1! TOClll!DITOllS cw u s an ar1ngs se1zureo seven u .. fis-NOTICE OF HE.AffllNG OF ANDSETTINGAPUBLICHE .. AING Co••1 H .. w •• Villl9e l';oir . L•9un.o H••rrK••t . SUP••to•c:ou•TO•TM• in s outhe rn Kentuc ky hing ·boats by Ecua dor PE.t 1T1~ f"OA PROBATE OF WILL FOA THE c0Ns 10EAAT10N 0111 Beac:n. c 11o q?•U PUBLIC NOTICE Tt111 st•1•men1 w•i filfd wu11 •~ STATIE OP CAL1P011111APOll nd orth T ANO FOA LETTIE.AS TIE 5TAMEN· WR ITTEN PAOTE.ST S ~AINST P~lff<••A Rely, •. S•lSant.IAn,1 Countr Cl••ll ol Or•nge councr 0 TH~C:OIJNTYOl'OIANGI! 3 n ern ennessce. amounts to ''outright TAAY !BONDWAIVl!:O I SAID ANNEXATIO AND AWl ,N,wpor1Bt •t n,CA.qu,60 8W.2Jl • F1bf'uotrl.l"'7S Ne.A-IJ4U G11ard ll11r~ piracy'' and urg e d o.','.'.~:.d. JAMES ART HUR BYERS. OTHERWISE PROV DING Eugt'ne H. Rtlye.o. S~3StnlaA"~ SUP'E.ll:IOACOU•TOl"TME ~ E.i•I• of GLA.D'tS "· 81~P. -TJ"IEAEFOA . ..w 'N<rwl)9rl \J•ach. CA •7660 \TATE O" CAl.t,.OANIA "°" A.IDll~d Or1nge Cooit O•ilr PllOI Otce•led. W·Aii411 NO ON -strong new steps to deal NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN that 'THECITY COUNCILO,.,~ECITY lnii tiusine1• IS COMUt led by.. THIECDUHTYOf'OllANGI&. F•&•.tl,211,11,ltlS ~1 NOTICE !SHEA EBY Gl'IEN ....... • Pr~s<l"""··an.i Mrs. Ford with the conflict. RUT.H .BRUTON svE11s h•l Hied OF cosTA MESA ooes "EAEev oene•~lpa rtnersh•P Ne.A-12•z crtdl1ooolttieoboveN,...d~ I' """ , _ •R·• -WHl<RIEM _ Ofl ll'le: '""•f cl.J 01 Thi~ sl<1teme111 .,...,~ lilt.'<! w11l'I the FOR PROBATE OF WI LL. ANO FOlll UBUC NOTICE -wk\ dt<...,._ .,, rtq..ired to fllo d' . ~n e"sct•y even-After m eeto'n g w '1\h ~fte{flt\~~'..,"',M,.''n' •• ,,, .. , ... ,r~ol>M,_u.:."",, RE501..'IE AS FOLLOWS· ~ P,1!,.(l;o A. Re•re.. NOTI CE OF HEARING OF PETIT!~ p 11111 •II pOtSOnS h•w!no <lflfM ~· 1)1 • g \~/it 3 Ford· Motor W I V e S 0 f l h 'C !Po\fi !bltlcfll"'•lwed) '''ererotef Janu1rr li(S the Losa1 j,.g:ncw Counly Cte:rlL ol O•.onQ'e Count1 on LETTERS TESTAMENTARY (Bond ll'lom, with tM ,..<OIH•Y .,_fltf's. in I b h I ·.,. ' ff'l'Ndll~;:{lho!rpart!cular~ F'ormall~n Co~m.,slo P'I,-•Het due J.lnuary?l. l~IS. W•I,,.....) 2W.16 the ott!ce of lllll clttl< ol IT19 ~.,,...J • 1 ..,. ~ ....... .,. ..otice .1nd puDl•C nearing'' '~'ed P~bl ~hed Of .-. E1tt1e of MARTIN c l•lledcour1,or•pr1wntlh9m,wltlllfle Co. Vl·ce prcs 1'dent 1·n .an una oatmen e d '1n· ~,1 •, ,, •• ,--,,,...; • .,,,, '''''''ovsovs'"''' · c li" c u r s j 0 n fr 0 m t;h e Sal in as, Ecuador, the bfen.ttt ler Mt•<l'l 11, 1975. Dv 1 ..... &ooro-Jed ano orop0sed.,_q. J•n YJ' ,.fld Fo "11~ Coa\1 ~"11v PilOI. ROTHSCHI LO, ~c••wd. HAME STAT EMIENT necesH•Y llOl>CfW•li. 10 '"' ......,,lorwd W ''h1'tc House that was California Democrat •t9:301.m.,lntnecourlroom olDl!~I-hOtlolttieC<IYOtCostaMeto,dli.h.ir•al-. ' 0 6· 3.?o, 9 i 711.1~ NOTICE IS HE A EBY GIVEN, ... , The fol lowiftl;I "'"°" h dolf\111 bulioO •t '"' oltlct of tits ttlor ... rli, CATE , fl'lll!l\I No . 3 of s11d courl, at 100 Qyfc f'das PaulafitlO·Bear At1'1tKill'licin; and HAZEi. C. ROTHSCHILO ti•• filed ,..,,,. ANO Wll.l., fOI N llt•nd 81..0,. Sul!• marred by an accident called for the dispatch or c.•l"or1w West, in the City of s.an1a WHEREAS PUl §U•nl to Secrlon PU BLlC NOTICE ner"n•pelltiontor ProMltofWlll...., ON THE GO TRA'iEl. SERVICE. CIO, Gltf'ldtlO C•lllorn••tl?OJ whldl ll . I . l I a toP.-leveJ. State Depart An.1.c;.111oro lo. lloJOS, Gowern,.;.,ent Code. n« It\~ ll'ldn ---•or i1w•note or Lflttll T1\t•rne11t•rlo k!~l~Ofe.::~';,~~.Slr<r,I, Coil• ,.,,..,. uw pl.l(t ol ~\.l ... li~OI ttoe ... d.r~ JOYO Vlng a mO OfCYC e ~" 1 •. ' . -D•tf(IFe11ru<1ry 1a. 1q1 ~ .,.,..101.<f"lti ot !he l;oftdowner~ In !I'll! tl.'r· F'ICTITIOUS BU51NE5S th!! pelOti-r !toond ••l.,edl r-.t1re11et SSS C . ln •ll ..... tt1•1PO•l9!11ll'IO lo tho ell* of escort Of the President~, 00 e.ft~ 0 e g O:~ J at<! r t 0 'WILLIAM E. 51 JOMN , rolorv nave signed atld hlfll wltti tl'>e 0 -NAMll STATEMENT 1 o w l't It ti is m, de for lurt l'lf r /'loo c!'11·· llll Bri\tol Street, ~t WM dlc-nl. ••t/\111 ""'',....."-th• II . mous1'n e . • E~uar;: and. a cut·off of Counl~ Cle•• I~ Clerk pel1!1on~ reque~tlng !Mlid Ml· The lollow•ng per •onl trf doioo P0'1iculff) .Ind 11\11 Int 1\me •ndpiKI T ~· lltom .. _'11.2• then.,, pUbllc•llonot tflhftOllUI • . . ._ I LAWAINCE K.HAlltVIE't l':'C ne••t;o,,; •tld b•"lneil•i: of hu"ng ·,ne s•me h•s !Men ~t tor Joor.~ s DvS•neii "cOt1ductf'd by a cor 0.ted Ftt.t".,.•w •. 1•1s A. l\-1elropolitan P olice 1m1"" s rom that COUn· An... .. rata...w • WHEflEAS. t~ C1ly Courotei! dl!-.lrts THE PORT u Gu ES E FISH M.lrth •• lt lS, 1t t :)Q f .m,, In '"' at•on. • t;OWIN w. TEMPLIN D ep artme nt o ffi cer as-_t.ry_. ,· _.__ ~2~~~eoa, .. !',,",'•,•,,•,,•,!·,',',;,u,.!~ , lcO s.1 • d~e tor neari119 ot w'lllen pro-COMPAlojY, 739 w,st 1t1l'I s1., c~1, courtllXH"n of Oep.trtmenl .. 0. J °' Wld SSS Co 11. E •ecutor ol tl'I'" win r .__ ___ ,... " ~ lt~ts. ll M'IY. •11•·n~t ~•Id a11M•.ll10f'I; Mew.Coll!. <OUr1 ill 100Cfv 1c C.nltr 01,,..welil in RYby Stitrmtn, ol llllloDO'o'e nfm.d~ signed to the President's PUBLIC.NOTICE Tet ;Oi.1•11.J1JJ "'1d ~ John Thomai Le••. Jr. 1f5S 1tiecityo1s.n1.1At10,Colllornl•. • . Sl<tel•ty·T•e•wr•• CATEANDWILL t d St kb • . Atlorftlf tor: P1lilioner WHEREAS. Set looo lSl01. Govern· W•ll;oc:e, Cost.1 Mei•. Coli!. ,,~17 Doted Februo•o l• 1,7s r~,' \l.1tement *"\ hied wllh t11t 411 N. ""•"" Blft .• Swll•"'· mo o r c a e was rue y PICTITIOUSBU'\INEU • PuD11$tled 0r•n9" Coast 0.11ly PilO!. ........ cooe, prdv1<k~ tl'l;o\ Sa•d""•""'ll Wlll••m Ru•\eU White. 102,) WILLIAM 1::' \I JOl<IN cou .. ' Clll-OI 0 1•noe Cown1r on ~i.. c..t.•ll'llJ a plc ktJp tr UC k , H e Suf-NAME STA TE ME NT .. otlnloty 2<1. 27, 191S ~75 '>NII be not le\S tnan •0 l\01._re t,..,. Ptle•l•t1t A.we., Fount;o•n V.1 lley, Cai.I'. County Cletk ' J.1nuory ia, lt/S. ~,, .... IE•OCllllW rered'!ilactUre dleg. ..Thfloll0¥riflflPl!'14nllidolf\flbln.i!">O!'!i~ PUBLIC_N_O-TICE bO d•Y• 111\er ttl<r P•~1 ... 9e ol s;olo Thit bUl•M •~ is t onductf'd Dy. TVllEANOKAMIMS Pi>VI! Fal1 ~bn..t..dO•lt1QIPCOOtl O•llrf'llol, 3 • ~5'011.itflln"' -11m11fd p,t<lfleri~jo Altll O....I• s Si Vwd Ort nl1! Coo it O•ilr Piiot. F••· 6. ll, 10, 11, '''' •1J.1i ERAJ. eaten-. i-.HE STATESMAN 'S CLUfl . .IO(lt NOW , THEREFOR E. BE IT . Jol'lllT .l.e•l.Jt. ~WIH~m:-is•r IM.lO.•ndFell.6,ll,10,1915 ]")~) , .CARSON CITY, Nev. MlcAtthllr8ouleYotd, N1wp0r1 8f~l'I. • MT:rt RESOLVED lh<lt Pllulilr1110-8ea1 An-T~•\ ~lllemenl w•i lil~d wi111 "" i•Co•ho,.., P•fll. E•tl \•II• I• PUBLIC N011CE C..l1fwn1•'1660 NOTICliTOCftl;DITORS Ml•tl~ O l nJo! llld qu-ciJct leg.9 1 Counlv Clerk ol Oran11e Coon!y on l..HA"91tf•,Co lilffnl,'...._, -A r esolutio n ratifying FWF Enterprises. I rote . • Oililornll SU .. Eftl0" COU llTOF' THE <tf!i(rip~\on ol wl'l•ch ll "!l"K'Wd 1o ll'llt Ffbf'l>Ory 10. lt1S. T•I: 11111 SU..UJ lh e pr 0 p06 e d £ q U a l 1~o•PM•lion, StCIO Wit1l'llre Boutev•rd. STATE OFCAl./l"OANIA 1'0R' Re5'0luhoo m•rked E•l'l•llil A, -tlV F..,.,. AU-r•tor: PllllloMr • r.;ou1to14.SQ.l.01At1gel<es,C•llfon)l•90035 'rl<IECOUNTYOFOAANGIE tn1s ~pecUI< relfrence made • p,trl P\JDl!U!M Oran!)e COi •I Oaily P!fol, Publilil'leO Or•noe Coa\t 0.11y PllOI Rights A mend m e nt has This businHl I) boin<J conaucte<1 by a ........ nsst roereo1 . ls 10 be anne•eci to !he c;1, ot F111. U, l<I, 11, •rd M..r. •. 1915 .u-1) Februol•y 19. '°· 1'. 191 s 5n-1S been defeated jr}• the Ct!ltornl•<o•PG••llon. E t t••e o• ,.MY MAR GARET eo~1<1Mesa.111d1c.become•~r1ane1 ------· Nevad a Legislature Co r / ~i::.;,""J~~~~!!~~~~.NC. ~~1~~~e~~~E&Y Gt VEN 10 t1>e ~~io~To~,~~Rc;~~a~e~~~~~Ebt111t• "°PUBLIC SOTICE • PUBLIC NQTICE the second time but s up·(.. Prfsident crtditor1 01 ttie •bo~e ,.,,.....d deceoent ,po,11111c ~·""9· tort"" pu•1><>\eof iwat-----·--------:,.c,o,:,--------'----- h • . j ™' s'8t1menl ll!td wilti t/\e County INt tU "'''°"' now•flg cl.,m\ ava•ni.t ing w"t~e" pr;ote ~ls Dy ownets ot pro 'por~er5 Say t CY Wll \ry Cltfll.o!Orat1Qt County Oil Ft!llt'"\Jlltyll, """ .. l!I decidoent ;orp riQul<ed 10 file petty w•tl'll11 !..lid <>noe~e,p lerdtor1, SYNOPSIS OF THIE ANNUAL.STATEMENT a gain. 1tt1. • ll'ltf'I, wlth"til-~·,,,.,.., vouchers In \hill be set lor the !Ith c1~r GI Marcti. OF Th t t S t led F"'21 tl'lf 'oltl(t oi tfw! cfeh( ol Ille •bD . 1q1s. at 6'.JO 11.m .• or ii~ SOOOI tl'ltredlter MERITPLAN tN5UA•NCE COMP AN r e S a e e n a C VO Publistllld Oron91' Co•sl O;oily Pilol, -t1t1e.:i <.ou•t.'o• to Pr•lf'nl l~em w~ ~~ 1~s practicable:. Full Corpo<<1\e N<1me 12 to 8 W e dnesday to re-Feb.10,17.•ndMar.11,1l,191S S$0-IS nece:1wrrvoutr.eri,tothtund~.,.'1'"!ed BE IT l'URTHER RESOLVEOIMI •:t0 ... W'-1.C. 11 torOri .. . ) 'cct the propos·ed amend· PUBLIC ''OTICE a1 ttieoll1ce ot ner <11torn•y ·RI CHARO <1ll tie<1r111g\ ~Jde retere"ct to tie•e<n Newpof"l &e.1cl'l.;:111o,.,. ... ,2 ... N 0 . FRAZEE IOSS N ti'! M,.,· St lhall l•~f' Pli><A' ol lhe C•\J Ha!! ii 11 Home t1te - PUBUCNOTICE ,-ICTITIOUS lllS:IMl$S MAM& STA. TIEMIENT ~ICTITIOUSBUllNIESS l n.t lollowfl'IO petl«! II Ooifo4 bYsi NAME STATEMENT M\\H! Thefollo••t10Pf!<)Oflltte dol1'Qbusi KUS.TOM t'.AAFT GENEllA ne•s.o\. $TORE. UI Al ... tWdl Avo., - N EWPOR T MARIN E El.EC &t.i<h,C.t.'1'60 TRONI CS, 1s•1 w _ Cot SI l"lwr PRll'otTEO P•DOUCTS av TAl!lt Newporl Be•<l'I. C•. t1MO 1n Riwer1I• Aw., N•"'J'Ort Bo~ c.rr. Nowpgrl Mtrine R•dio In(, ; 9'lW.0 -1 C.111101111.1 (GrPOf"•llon. t 001" W. 1111'1 Ttiom•\ A. Roumo, Jr .• 171-Q "M",Co1l.1 Mew .c .1. RlwerSlde AY• .• NO•PO•I IMKI\, CA Tti1s bl>~l ne•~ it collducted by .1 cot .,660 "°'"';°" Ttii\ b-"lne11 Iii conoNct•d by IOI i... HCwPO'' """''ne R•at0 111t. ·dl\lfdu<ll. M1Cl'l<1~! E. l1wls, Thom.IS A. 8tuml, Jt VPIS..c. Tl'llli it•tt,...nl wa1 llltd wllll ll'llt ment to ban Sex d' 's , , • or '" •l!ol!I. FaorO,.Y1,Co)li1Mt~"·C•Wlor111•. Ye....-E-.tDlctmbtrJ1 1'1• • \u le 010, S..nt• Aflt, C1l1lornl• 9'2101, BE IT FURT .. E R RE SOL VEO tMI fOl<>l .lldm11tfd <1\\.l!h l P.1qe 2. hne l21 ' criminatio n . The s t ate -.0 ,,,,0 ,•v•••••••••• wh•cl'l lsthtPl.actot bui."es,Mtr.eun. -a 1or.1i.;10•1tl•e\(P., ..... 1,11 ..... ;J, • llfr•lone<I •n .,11 m.ll\e•s Pfrla!nlnQ to copy ol \h1~ A11.,"°lul1ot1, "'tleo p.oswd, ,.. st,SW.,W.l Thi' Utttment ~.11 filed witl'I t"" Coun1, c1,,_ of Ot•t\99 c-.tr eii, ),lt•,11' Counl\I Clf •ll, of O••nge County on Febt"u,1•y 10, 197~. Senate rejected t h e ERA IS.-CI ''•1-tl01 'l.C.C.t '"' tst•!t ol ,.Id de:Cfdlftf, ••lh•n tour be !.ubm•lted tol~ Govern•no BO.ltd ol C'111•1•1 p;oid-up/(; ..... r.lfllv C<lpilal/~ldlutory Ofpo<.•I J...,...,.,,11, ltlS. .....,, 16 to. I • n 1973 • Nol l<e 1 \ ti ere by Q ivl'! to 1he montns •ltff !N fl~l l>UD!k•tlonol I e•<h 1<.!"00_1 dhJfl<l, -..hlttl In Pd•t &r I P~ l , hroe 1SAI Credlltt• Of Tile Sti lt! S1op, nohce I'll!. w~ole •S 111chlded 1n t~e le•••tory Gro\sl);l•d·•n,.ndconlr1buledsurplu§ 1.000,000 "4Gll P\ol>lls.Md Or•noe Coo\! 0111., PilOll "of e Sf!andal Tt~tefOf ($1, Whe\e buliflf\l ..:klres~ O.Ol~d Fttlru••Y 13 191S tnout;Jht lo be iroteludl!<I 1n the Co!y, Pl'O· (P•oe l , 1•111! ?ltA I ' J't Pvbl lU!ed 0•111oe Co1\I 0.1ilr P11a1. Febr...,.r ll, 10. 21. ond M41 rc1'16. • 1,568 »t>.)0 • .1rdFeb.6,ll,1P.1915 711-1 l~IJ •6l·IS ll "2·B M.lnllt! Ave .• BtlbCN> hllond, RHOOA G. S.PEE '., w•l>1fl0 W•d \0>001 90wernlng t).).)rd l'lds Ut\OliS•gnl!Olu™'' l,,...,,i1>1.l WASH IN GTO N -The County o1 Ore<MJe. St•t• of Colll0f1". Aamlltlstnatrl i'iti·o•· _ '' """°' • wroll"n reQue1t 1nrrt l0f'. lP.19" l , l1ftf 268 I ·'lS.llt !"'-' • tiul• lt.1t1i;ler I!. ;obOul lobe m.>ae •w , .... ,., SE IT Fl"IALL. V RESOLllEO lh<ll 11 Chairman Of lhe l-fOUSe lo The F•d Sh;oc -, T r•n\lereelsl, Anno•td.,lhetSllltolthe COPY ot .. II Rt110lul10<l be m•df a p;orl Ethics Comm i tlee says .......,.,. bul•nes\ •ddresi ls Sa c.o....i .1t'1i:N,.::-;·::;;;""''det1l ol lhe perm<1M:nt •ecords ol the C1ly OI h ~ Vlll,19e , lll50 s . Pl••~ Dr., s .... t., ...... , '°'(N f IE CO\ldMfS•. e expects t .. ~ pane l will C-yolOr•ni;te.SltllOIC<1lilort1l<1. Stfll ;..""1~ 'iiSul!•lllt .PASSED A°NO 11-DOPTEO \Ml\,,,, ' • Thi Pl'OPt•tY to be lr•osler...:1 1~ lo<•! T 1. ~11 "'.,· ,'1 ••n•• tJ70I (\,lyot Ffl>t",,...rY. !~IS PlJBUCNOTICE ed••U2·BMl,.oeAW!.,B•lbOal\llnd, 1 ' 'l ·•Jl 2 Rob•"'""' W••~on Cc.....!rof 0r•"91!. Sl•tt of C•lilorn••. Al1or11tr ••• A•mlnl1tr;otrl• CT A Mayor o! ;~, --------------1 S...ld prgpetly Ii de\cribed In QefWl'"•I Pl,,1)11tfled Oran91' Co•il 0"1V Pllol. C1lyol Cosla Me~'" ,..,CTITIOUS 8USI NESS .\ All s•oc-Ill lroae. •••lure\. equip l""eb. 10, 71, llld ,..,....'.:~· ll, 1•1s '.164-IS ... TT ES r MAMIESTATEME.NT me n! •nd !l'ood wll! ot ,,,,.., T-Snlt1 ~'D EilfenP.Ph1nney ""l'hoe lollowlng J>t•liOfl 11 doin<,i bu\> Rtl•il buiine)s -no-.." as Th~ s.n,., JIW £ V BLlC NOTICE Clly c1er• olltie en~ 01 CoU• MeM ""~';~ YS i OE BUILOE RS. ISl S W .1nd Loc•ted ;ol lll•B M1rone A...-.. '~--"-----------Sll!.TEOF'CALIFORNIA I ,.. Arll'IUf s 11t IS Cos!• Mew, c.o 81lbdlilslal'ld.CountrolOr•rioe.Sl•lc HOTlt'.llTOCAEOIT0•5 COU NTYOFOlltANGE l SS n:~6 u ' ofC•llf<lf"n1a,. S.UPElllORCOUATOf'THE CI TYOFCOSTA MESA 1 John T Ch ,!ense:n 701n M<orln. The bul-tr•nsferwlll bo com.umrn.I· STA TlfQ, CALI l"OlllNIA FOft , t, EILEIE.M P. P.H!NN EV. Colr Cle•- L.n Huntif\qlO:~e•Cl'l,C'• ,16.a f<I cin or titer ~l'lt 3'0 dt¥ 'ol Mlrch, THIECOUNT'tOl'OWAflfGE lnde•-ottlc!oCltrll, t i lhe Ci tr CootlCol r~., bu"""~~,, <orlClucled b •"In "''· •f The Sti•rt Stop, ll1·1 MlrtM ~ N•.A.aJIM of ttie Cltrol COStl M4s• ne•oOy c••!•lv d d 1 'f Awt., B;olbol IS!.1nd , Counlv ot Orange, Est11e of THOM .. S M A EGAN. otka Iha\ the'1bove and lort'Q<l"H) Re5'0<ullon •W• "'°jT cnt1slet1ttt1 Sl•t,olC..lilo111•;o. THOMAS Ml C HAE~ RE GAN . N0.71-13wottduli•nllre.11ui.r1rlld~lot0 rn.~ staiem~n! "'"' ••led •111'1 Ille Sol•r osll,now11 to ttio Tr4'nll••Nl~l. O.u-o~. ar>d l<IOPted by ttie ~Id c;1, Co1.111t1I al Ccuntr Cle•\ ol OtJn~ Counly fl<'\ •II ~,,..m.s fnd 1d111ttws11H<1 ·NOtJCE IS .. EREBY (;.lllEN lo lht • tt'}ultr fMttlng 11Mr•ot, "9ldon lhl 11 r 111 1 ~ by Tt.,,1leror(5) lor the lhree .,...,.~ crtdUors ol ll'lf•boY•nti'ned dlcfCltlll ft~NyolF1br ... rr.1tlJ. ' J• .... y ' ~ "40S1' l•1I 1)911, It Ol!!•{olll ltotl> lllf.tlollt, 11'1111 •11 PMSOt1~ ,_.,,Ing clalmsf'Q'lnit IN WITNES\ WHER EOF I h•W! Publi\h!!d Ot•t1Qe Co•\! Dtll' P.lol. •re: IN wfd decedent •re ritQulred to f11e l\ft'eunto set my fl<>t'd ;ond •l!twed 11'11 '""" 30 •nil F'eb • ll 70 1,,~ Jn.1~ Nor<e ltiem. Wltl'I ll'le hece1sary voucher,, In Seel of ttlll Cily of Cll\tll Me\1 lho~ Sth ...,..." • · ' • • P,.letl FaDru•rr 1q, 19/~ tr>e otllc• ol !ht <!e<k ol ll'le "°"""en· d<lyof FeD•u••w. 1•15. ' o U BUC NOTICE Jlld<ll'l A, hl~. \111.0 (Outl,or 10 ortsent lhem, with Int Eileon P. Phlnt'lllf ,,_ Trtnsle:•ee: ne<-fl,Uf1 YOl>Ch!!rs, to 111, unde•~I~ C•tr Ct•r-•rid Louos G.Horltlitla, ., •lO l1nd S!•eel. P. o . Qo• ins, ex<OlllcloC:ltrk FIC Tl TIOl.tS •USIMl!U Tt•flllente NtwPQrt B•Kti, C•lll<1•nlo •1...0, whlcfl Oflho! Cl!yCollllCil N,tiME $ TATIMUllT P\lbliilWO Oran911 C"U Oolly F'i •OI i~· tN plot'1 01 bu1•ne,, ol 1'-...,._ oUMCllyotC:a.ltMllW ThllollOwl"O ~·.,.*MflObv!.I• FetJnMry}O, ,,,, 5tl-t5 dlt'llQl\ed In •II m•lt•r• PO•IM'11"0 lo PAULAAl..0-•IEAfflA"HlliJtATION "'u•w the •\!•le ol \Old ~<elff~t. w•lnontQur' TOTHSCITYOFCO$TA MESA "'T RENNEL •$, 1"4 M•f"IOfft Ori"".' PUBLIC NOTICE monlti• tlt1r ine t11sl puDlo<•ltonol tnls 9091,..iftO t i Of\ tn(lle point In !hi! e•· .C:oU•Mlu,con1.•7•}• • _ N>t1ce 1ll1"'9 t>Ol>l")(l•rr of \t>e c .1, ol Cosio Gerald P LtAflfrt, 1'-' H.tl,_r • I UJJI D.t1td l'ebru••Y ll, 1q1s Me:w •S cre11ec1 bf,,,, "Peut••N> NO Dl'lY"t.Coli.INJ•,C•IJ l'1•?• ,..f'CltlOICOUltTOF i'Hf ~, ~or(ll E Reg•n _ l Aflf'l,f•lliOfl"' to the Co ly ot CM!• Jo•tl G. L""flt•I. 1•4 tlftioWf STAlllOJ<CALIFOMHIAFOR AdMj')i•t••IOrolltle E•l<>l•' INH, Ol"d1fll't1(f NO. l?S, WiCI M'>91e Orlw.~t•MeU,C.fl1l "t~•,. ,,___ ~ltlC.OUllllTYOl'Oll:AMGliil , •• ' ', •OIOW•bav•nilmeddt'<-"' P01111 bfitHJ lhf Noftfll'OtSI cllmt•"' fhll D,1'1Ml\ "c:ondl>C:M• or o ,..,A...., •> rHUaWJTt.llU'llWITlall:IEIM:A "9ld "Ptulorlno No. l A11fH!qllon", .... r11port ... r""'1"', MOTi Cl ,0 F l<I IE A" ING 0 F' Uf~l1tftl ll'IOIKI •lonQ 1hf t•bllflQ bOund.I"' 1111 JNflG.I.__,.. PIETITKJM ..-0111 PRO .... Tf. bt"Wtl.l. ... o ... -.1111 tll!IC1trofCo~t•M•~•~<.re.1W:il D'f'tllll "fMI M•t1mt11l wK fl*! will'! thl AMO PO• LJTTIE:ll:$ TIESlf.t.MEN· No._..,14!t'(ll,Ct ill•<R1•t2..0 'P;oul•rlno No. J At1M•atlot1". ITl9 t:-ly CM>r• et Of ..... C-tr .i TAllY T9'1!11UJ61S-to2t 'P•ul.af11W No, 5 Anno••llOl'I'", u,. ....,.t"W ,., t•li I~ l!llillt qt .1£AN WA TEftS SM! TH. A""""''"" Ad"'lftiltr;o.,r ""'•ulOtlnG HO. I Annt•Ollon", ltio ~ Ot<...WO. Pul¥1"°"Sf j)fonge Coost Otllr Piiot ''l¥1stol No. I An....,,•l•Otl'"" ..,,,, tl'lf Pl.lblll~ on.~~c.or.I [)tilty "''°"· NOTICE IS l'!EAt'81' GJVEN tNI ,..,. •• ,J),o"-tMlr.6, ,, ttlS *''s "Sunl-r Anr.•••t•on" ~ "' ~ .•. tnd Fob.ti 11, . 1S »1s THOMAS l.. l.ORO l'l•i 11'"7 l'ltrl':on • ' v ... 1-..<0U•M' In• 9f"1tr•l 5'lii .... 1y, 111111'°" 10< l>robfle ot wiu Mid too 1~ P08UC N~ICE • We1tertr; Mor tht••r , "''terlr, "PUBLIC CE ~· 1111 lattot• Te\l•m•fllf•Y lo ii. "' "' ~1ITl9rif. ond E••l••IY dlrt'<lkln lo ll'lot ,. •llt~r ,rtr11r1t1"11.f to whl(h " ""<ti! r lf0f1""*•' cornor ol Tr•tl No -.s. POr i1'1CT1n0ili, .. uu.1.n ..., lwtftt• pWlltul••'· ond '""' lno •P'ICT•TIOUt•:tiNl.lS ,,..., 1tioroot lf(O•d•d In &ooll , ••. NAMa,TAlp>¥¥T lltmMlclPl•<••ll'l,.•rlllOfhewtneh•\ HAMllTAT lllT .. Pfft• jl ... ~nd •1 ot Ml''"llo"'°"" "'°' foll .... flf P4r.IOtl I• dDl"f 9u11. °'"""I few M•t<h •, 1~1), •I t•llCJ•..,. Th• •lollowlnt •• son 11 at.1no M•••,. ,._,cord• 01 01•1tt• covnty, ""'~' /n~ Ulfoll'ttoom o• OtPOrllMM Not Joi lloulol_.,,; ' · can,..W.; ttion<t d~P••llng lrO<'li 1111 -• ~IOC:El. AflCAOt, ... ""'"*' !.t•d COU•( •• 10Q C•Vf( c ....... °""'"' .,.:tr:"-... ,. AG,IJf(Y', 1•so MIM •""lnQ,Mund•rr of ti\(' City a! Co\I• .,.... .... ~1l1191ot1f'ol~ll.Ctl . .,.., Wf11. In \ht' C.•ly 01 S•1tll At1•," .. ,,··",,"'•""· •,•,c,,•,•,·.·.". ,,,, Ml"'!~dthtlt<f'llH>llOtlleboufld .. ry o! #tlcti.tol Ertl11t1 wo", 1i11 w...11-c.111o1111•.-.., • n ~4 Tr•ct No. JM), M..111 o· n · 1i" tlllil0f,.+4untlf\QIM .. tc-h.(;fl.tlM1 0.1•"'-l>•l••ltY l(,1'11) 1'4~'"'°'"' Ot., Cotl• Mtw, CA W•t• •'lfhlt•n<e: °" 10000 IHI to. Tilk Ml""' 11.,1 .... IKltd '1f '°"in· WILLIAM E Se JOHN, tte)6 .,intOl\tllf t•l•tlf\9 toouod••\i' Ol l'>f 0-......... (oun!y (I••~ Ttil• lllullflfss h (Ofld~od b'l'I .n l'f"' O.to ¥-Ii• oftO lh~ Polnl ol Btog!n •lUllNIW.14 THOMASL 1.0ll:D lndlvlCl .... t ' nll'ljll. iilaltrtlll!:lll ._.. 111'11 Wllll 1111 Al""'°' 1tUw ,.,,.,_,, B Olltjl.n' "'-~ ... &Ll65oCre) ~fl., Of•llCM c;o.,...., Ofl &»m..-.-.. v•11nc1•.~1Ute UJ • llll• 11•1~1 wt' fl .. d wllh tM j 1'fl(t,.•1t-:'P1t-•t111:1 m•IOl1'000>H 1 ...... U.-Mlllt,C.Ull"'''"'IJ • -~"-~ .. flo of Oro"Of ~~ ......... ~-•I Ille ... ovol 1111 • ll'lllh ~~lfl p,...,.,, • ~.'oii:111s_ 4• · • hSw¥eior,eDflJt-~ ... hlWlll~CM\IOOllr"'lll. T .. :IJ141Ml•»M II • • • -1.,.M•tA 0 lllV'NIM ;;;;;;;fu,,~111,,..,.,...rc.llA.lf7J P(IClllV>fd Or.tf\911 COfit 0..11, .. -... Ho!...,.. M l::o.u o.i., "'* °'""" eooi 1 o.nr PltcM, • • ..,..,,. ,.._,.,llt,ttn.tt1s aws. hO 1:i..-.11,.,_,.,_,,"' -.n .......,.,.,,.,m, ,.,.11 DililMJ•wmenlS lor Ille Ye¥ • IP.tQt11,11ra1tt 7.lft.O'M We N!reb'f cert•IY 1"'11 the •btJw items a•f In ;occ"orci~nc.' wi1h ttie Annu•t >l•le~11t 1or """ "'"' tnded Oectmt>tr 31, 191•. m•dt to ttio l"'u•tnee :omm1)~•ooet OI IN! Sl•te of Calllor1111, pUrsu.1111 to t•w. J E Hul<h•!>Ofl, L.A. Hertister, 'lite Pres.den! A~~I. !)e(rel<>ry PuOUst>eO Ot.onq, CCM~t a.illy Ptlol , FeOn11•y 19, 10, 11, 21. lJ, l•IS SJl-7l" PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE FIRE ANO CASUAL TV 1•1.a SYNOPSIS OF TNE ANNUAL STATEMEMT OF NEWPORT INSURANCE t'.OMPA.folY Full Corport!f' N.1me •Ml NMtti 15111Sltftl, PflootW•,Mlr9""1JUlt HomeOfh<e Year Encltd Oectmtloer ll. 1114 Totol odmltled "'§eh !P~ J. 11ne 11) Toto1ll•1>!t1tie~ CP• J, 111'1111 1 s.i ..... 612 { 1.~.101 l ' ' .. '· L C..pltol ~ld·uplGIM• a111y C'1P•lal!SltMorr ~·· (Pf003, Ii,.. 2SAJ Gro'li pitid·lll ond contriDuteG~urplu~ IPOQl3.llne16AI t!I0.000 ,:: ... .. "· ' I). Unfitioned tund§ U...-plu~ I (P ... ],!lnt16BJ l.ISJ,flfl \J, Income IOf tho! re'"' 1•. Of~~'!!:;,11'111,.M 1,tlS,,., IS. (PtQelt,lllHl!l'I • J,111,11• Wf ~Oy crrtitr tl'lal lfle ~l)Ove flems are I" •C<Of"d•nce "'''" \M """"'• Stoloment f&r 11\o ,."' endtPd Oect<Nw• JI. 191•, midi to 1"9 1n•ur<1n(.f " Comml»l-r o1 lhe Sl<1le or c.11rornit , 'f'$l>Onl to l•w. 11· .J.E.Hutcl'I"""· I._ A.Hotll'lkr. 'i.ceP•e~1~n1 . iust.St'(rtl"•Y --"":~·:-:"-::-'""~0-'c-~c<kccc"co.o;o;'"''c~.:::"o'·c'c'c~c~:::•c•c"::·c"::·c'c'·c':'c':':.· '~':":_....:':.:11·1~ PUBUCNOTICE P U BLIC NOTICE FIAEAN OCASUALTY 161M 'YHOPSISOI" THE AMMUAL. tTATEMIMT o• •AL.90A tNSUllAMC£ C:.OMPAl'll't l'un Corpottl4 Ntmt 61'11 ""-I c .... Ori.,., N..,.,, loffc;fl, c.!IMnllo t2"'9 H_,OfHc:e Y_ I&. ....... Otc:ffl\DW JI, lt1t Tott I tdml!led •is.Ptt f P~ 1. lino 11 ) 1ot•t heOlll!loli (fl.tQll.11"" 1U Co191t.11 poild•up/Guor.r1tyc;..p.1.fl1Sl"1111o•Y O.po\,11 (P...,.J,11"'1~A J G•0!-1 p."1ld-1n •M contrlbuttd •urp!ut (Pf.Of), Ion• t6A I UNl)tlone<1 t11nd' rwrl)lu\l I P.-or l , llM 168 I ln(Or"l'lll IOr '"" ,. .. , !P#QI: 11,UIHl!l l O!M!<lrff!Yl•fll\for Int ..,..., 1J1..V1 •• ,. .U,)11,ltl t .Oll0,000 •,•s.&,MI IP..-lt,llno l•I 26,llO,tl) Wt .,..,...,y ( .. h .... INll ow llbovlt flt~ ••e In !'1tOfdMl(O wllh u .. a_., Sl•t-1 101 ltie .,.., ondlid 0.Ctm!Jff Jl, 1t1t. ma.ot 10 ~ 1-..-.C• c:.om"'111lontr l)'l 1tio St"'le of (.lolllOrnia, ,..,.......,110 -· J .E. Hutt hi son, L.A.........,. .. ,, vlct P'l'"1>1ltt.111 • A 1st. S.U•tlofr ""*"litwOOf.,. Cooit D.t1tr Pllol, Ftbnlorr it. JO, 21. n . u, 1ttS n..rs ' I "· PUBUCNOTICE Qu•n!ltr 12 Ton§ 1\0foni •so Ton' 1JI L.F, 386l..F 1.1101,..I'=, 1,1toS.F. l..S. l..S. St\ S.1'=. l ,IOOC.Y. l..S. t•Sl..I'=, .1161..F. LS. PUBLIC NOTICE av 01110111 o~ THI (1,Y GOUNCILOf'THICi~ llllYINE. tAllFOllNl._ Do!H:~11,1trs. "l'I• J /1/C.W .. J,hTM ~~ 1911111111Vlef0f'°""' Coolil 0.ty !Jtlot, ,.,..,_,~'lo. c:m .. IM Cltftf . " • .~ • •• ... • "' .. ' 1 Adu I : a ai,e11 proact; : spouts I aught "We don't v ingtQJt , Marcii ,, Gooc .• gather ~-a dult b luster _ childre lhe Chi around THE • "Cllar luckyt , says I ,. ma St~ :, s cienc1 ~ linois. , Cou ,.,_ brancfi -;·bookq .. Beach 1 volum : throUg The have n its "c~ wheni Talber ··we packec openin w e will herew 1.· ly,onA RIG --childr+ books I librar\ ·• todout ·• The ·' "Char· : Lory," the La ' I-louse .. "Na. a.re JX! .. would ,.. haven ~· says t • Sk •• • • • , Wh )' ment ~ publi "' books ,_. ju~t a Cai old S• for t pay in bone ·' bone1 , Wh may • tra I libra1 .. "E " comn ' budgj ..._ mlcrt 1 colle< " beam •. just I! a lot "' equir. ~ Thi c1~_ ty in · s h a lt St1 SIL •11 'Pora eme1 fund dlebl Lo: tain ~ oth er e n1 ef • possi Fpun Ve ~~h en •" F:hou 'Vete1 -.o"'. Roor "" ,_ - • --- Thur!dly. February 20. 1975 DAIL V PILOT C5 -·-__ .. ,,.., n.11e...-•~onv.ar....ewt -· DAILY ':PILDI' CLASSIFIED ADS -. _,"' -.... -... .....-..... ---.... -• ---One CoH Sontico -·-You Con s.11 It, And It, l &42 '5678 ] ·-··--'··--...... -.. _.., Trade It Wilh a Want Ad . • • : foot Credit ~·al -·-,..._ . .....,._.., ~-·-·-- Kids' Library ·Can Be a Fun Pla:ce . ' . , ...... for5"o · ----for-Ha•MtforS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!yTllRRYCOVIU.E 04tMO.ltfPli.tSUff ~dutt8 approach librarie6.with a stfent reverence.. Children ap· proach them with wild abandon spouts of delight and bursts oi laughter. ··we don't say 'shh .. .' We ~on't whisper at all," says. Hunt- 1ngtqn Beach children's librarian Marcia Donat. ''l\.1othersdo.·· Good children's books rarely gather dust on a back shetr. While adult best s,ellers mteht lose their lu~ter after six months. a top children's book like ''Charley and the Ch~~l ate FaclofY" has been around tor more than 10 years. T,llE LIBilAR Y has 85copies of "Charley" and you would be lucky to ever fjnd five on the shelf, say~ Ms. Donat, holder ~oc a' master's de·gree in library science frOm the University of II · Jinois. . Counti n g vo lumes al the branches and connected with the bookrpobile, the Huntington Beach library S\'S tem has 86.800 volumes for children, chiefly throUgh the 6th grade. The new central library will have more tha n 30,000 volumes in its "children's resource center" when it opens April 1 overlooking Talbert Lake in the central park. ··we have 25,000 books already packed in boxes -waiting for the opening;: says Ms. Donat. "And we wi,llshift a lot of the books from here when this closes, temporari· ly ,onMarch24.'' RIGllT NOW, the city's Children check out about .500 books e. d 3y from the Main Street librarv. S~e ex Deets that number to double in the ncv.· f1.1cility, The most popular books ore "Charley a nd the Chocolate l<'ac- ,tory," "Charlotte's Web," and the Laura Ingles Wilder "'Little House"series. "Nancy Drew mystery books are popular too. Some libraries would not consider them, but v.•e have no real censorship policies,'' says the head or the children's ··"~ ,, GARY PALACIOS, SISTER MICHELLE VISIT THE LIBRARY In Huntington Beach, Toys and Books Don't Bather Dust library. "We also hu vc some books for parents here, iOcludin g Dr. Spock. and some Wlth pictures of the birth of a baby. We have never had a complaint on any of these books." TllE ' Of'\iL \' TIME censorship did strike \\•as b ack in the early ...-\,. ,. 1950's, during the Commun ist scare, \\'h e n the previous librarian remo .. ·ed some books on Ru ssian folklore for about six months, then quietly slipped them back on the shelves. '·Nothing'. is taken off the shelves now. I'm very much against censorship," Ms. Dona'\ affirms. '6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p GOMnll . 10o2 ....... 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......................... ·----- PoolHoMt ~~- 536•950 Wll'l~Al!~~MI C Heaut1lul large pool, .h~al~d :.Alld [1Jtere<f HI l11r i:;e lot . 3 bedroom home partially furnished vacant and ready ror oc-cupanl·y. Assunklble VA loan . VI EW. Luitury adull Con d o 1n1n1um . 2 8edroon1s, 2 bath~. Bout slips. Ready.to mov'c 1n ... buy or lease. PETE BARRETT ·-REALTY- '42·~1 -_ill..:.!_16~ ~----- GtMral 1002 GtMNI IOOZ ' ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• *Balboa Bay Properties* 119 lay Most po1>ular condo in town; lge. 2 BR .. 2 bu. Full security bldg . $77,000. b75·7060 $52,500 Newport Beach. Commercial store plus shops. Choice locat ion. 640·8484 Mesa Yet"cle . 'd lack lay Very sharp 111s l e Sharp 4 llR. 3 ha. t:ovinglon fourplex in & out. 3 BR. & ram. d F' I 1· I I t con o. rp . , pa 10, prime Hunungtoo loca -r ~ . ll X n )(){)). Trv S42.500 t1on.Don 'tm1ss th1s.eall nei gh borh ood! I 67 i:;_71w::.o Agt. now for det.:11l s. SS8,500. SS6-S800 I --'L .'!'l:-IU7--£010 Agl. 4 + Family room & pool. _:::.:.._.::c;;.c=cc-----I CH REALTORS CH Vaulled ceilings. Private Oceanfront pool entrance Jrom Hom•Plus 41.ocal Offh:esToServeYou master suite. Large 1r-~ regular <:ul-de-sac lot. Gara~ Apt. Ele~itl'lt decor. Cull now Compl etely remodeled to ~ec K47--60~"A"g"l.--hoine with two bedroon1s ·rwo story i>0ol hoine. Un-and twp ba ths. Spa rkhnG bcll('vable pre-sumnler new kitchen. Newly bargain <it Just $37,000! pa1nled exte1·1or. All this A.JI l c rins available. plus a beaul1ful one llurry-Call 8'17-------6010 bcdroon1 ap<1r11nent ~·ith A.G'r. a view of the ocean. l '-"'-;..:_-------~11,rice has been cut lo ltedueed to $-\ij,5001 King S145,000. Call 67J-K550. size bedrooms. Beam OPtN1t!'1•H ~fuNr0~1-.•n• ee1\1n g f''.R. with Swed ish l1replaL-e. 2000 ::,quare feet. Corner lot. Call now to see tl47-6010. AGT. THE REAL 1 ESTATERS ' A SPECIAL · ,000! f'1x 1L and save. RESTAURANT Your paint brush and Small, charming, rustic. some imagination will Prime Newport Beach make lh1s 1nlo a sharp lo cation with ample home. t.:orner lot. Alley parking. Beer and wine access. All terms". Call license. ~49,500. COLE AGT. 847---00 10. OF NEWPORT, Realtors laycmt 675-5511 ~ -, 1002G .... ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• W 1-:Sl.EY N TAYLOR CO. Rt:l\LTURS '11lt'l' !!l4H llG CYH-CUSTOM DESIGHED You must see this elegant new 5 BR. 41h bath perfect fam. orier:it~ home! Quiet cul·de-sac st. Magn1f1cent golf course vu . Inviting balcony orf M .B.R. 2111 SaotJ....,;.HilsRoad MEWPORT CEHTER. 14.1. 644-4910 1002 GeMrol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• leauty Eashide-C . T. DuBois SquoakyC...., M E S A V E ll D 1'~ 4 bedroom -fan1ily roon1, all on 011c h:vel, beautiful mov e i n condition. Owner lea ving our area and desires fast escrow!! Call now to sec, .:i\33,9.:.U. 540 -:-1151 4 bedroon1, family home Fixer 813 Do•er decorated in tasteful leac:h a utu mn colors. l-luge Upper Newport . secluded in aster suite, .Great little starter home You arc the w111ncr ol formal dining. All ui im-or renlal on huge builda-2Ul<Cck 1 eHt,;OME· l.O tht: mat·u late co ndition. ble R-2 lot. Bring paint ·rake :s ubJccl lO 7'h VA· brush with cheekbook . IASICETIALL loan . 1''irst time offered. Only SJl,500. 6-IG-77IL G •ME Open E\·es. "" t-'ull price ~78,500. 1-~ebrua ry ll,1975 6-IQ-7711. Open Eves. Please <:all $42:-5671:1. ext I 1,..--4;1 .... I!' J33 to c laim you r =-=~;;;--~~ Walker ~ lee T;ckel<. <North cu,nly I~~~~~~~ r lJ toll free 11un1ber 1s1: WaJ.~t~.lee J\~==·= .. ·=·="'':':'"=::'.'.j "'0 1 " 0 ' VA/FHA Repos ----------111 Orange County Key~ 111 •)ffiC'e ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS WAHTED Ho Down Skeleto11s. Too•! California '~niftering' . Increasing I Energetic, progressive Heal 1'.:state Salcspeo1>le t.o JOlll st1ulal111 g group. ~cncrous ~pht. Payment! Country style strct't ~·1th hu ge trees. Whit e picket f'cn<:c encloses this rusuc eottagc. Warm Coun try hv111i;: roon1 ·~·1th cr"Jckl- 1ng f1rcpli.1ce. r ... rmr k1lchen . l\f ,\J\11\lll'. t '1\MILY HOUJ\1 . l'ounil}" sized bcdroon\S . Pr1n11.! area. owner rnu::.t go. Says su bn1il ;,ioy terms. i~O OOWN lo vet~. Ca ll to sel?. 842-2535. WORLD REAL E:,TATE Spce1allsi.s 1n govc rn- mt>nl •· .• need ho-me~! 556 --;77 call anytime New Public Libr~ry -More Than Books While the children's dC'part- ment of the 1-luntington Beach public library contains 86,000 books for the young, books are just a part of the Offering. Can you im agine your 10-year- ol d son checking out a skeleton for three we-:ks, and perhaps paying a fine because the ankl e bone wasn't connected to the shin bone when he returned 1t ·! When the budget permits, that may be possible in the ne"' cen- tral library. says children's librarian l\tarciu Donat. "EVENT UALLY •.ve'd lik e to commit 40 percent of our book budget to other items, such as microscopes, rock or butterfly collections, even a skeleton," s he beams. "You'd check them out .just like books. We would include a lot .of sets, scientific kits and equipment.·· That is st ill a dream. butreali· "'Ly in Huntington Beach might 0 ' !:ihalter an a dult's memory or his Student Vets ~Cart Get Aid ' N Student vets \Vho are tern· " Porarily out of cash can get emergency loans from a new fund just established ~t Sad· dleback College. childhood days in ~he librury stacks. Watch a youngster walk do\\·n an ais le, fingering fairy books. adventure tales and toys ~ toys! That's right, toys arc noW on the shelf alongside the hardbound books . The Junior Women's Club or lluntington Beach donated a bunch of used toys last year that can be c hecked out just like books "WE llAVE <.iboul 50 games and you'll never find more than sevt!n ot eight on the shelf. "says ~·I s. Donat. "We'd like to gel some Tonk a toys and things of "'ood, less destructible. "The tovs and movies are kind of gimmiCks to get the kids in. l~opefull y. on the way in or out they'll notice a book they like.'· The c hildrcn'.s section also has story-telling: tape cassettes, pie· ture sets, fl annel board stories, film strips, video tapes and re- cords for the children. TllEY CAN all be checked out, along with machines from the media center on \\'hich to play them. Inside the library they have an instant t.l\eater. a television: Ii kc machint! that plays video cassettes of Disney cartoohs. sur- fer films and movies on dune bug - gies. There is also a series or story· book hours for pre-schoolers and various guest speakers. suc h ns writers. cartoonists and ii· lustrators .. SAr<; FRANCI SCO IUPl1 - California brandy sales v.·ere up about 5 percent last year, putting national consumption at a record volume of si'x 1nillion cases, 1he California Brandy Advi.sory Board re- ported. J ames R . J\1cl\1anus. bran- dy board p1·esident. said the 5 1>ercent jump "'as ahead of the 3 1>erccnt average sales increase or other distilled spirits. "The steady increase in California br;:1ndy saJes is at- tributetble largely to the fact that Americans are now view- ing brandy as an all-purpose spirit -it is becoming a favorite in mixed drinks and cockta ils, notably with the gro\ving number of wine drinkers," ~t cl\itanussaid. Speakers' Bureau Available at OCC fo'rom football to film making, the Orange Coast College Speakers' Bureau plans to be diverse in its 1975 program. The program, which operates as a community service, is made up or more tha~ 50 college instru<!' tors and administrators. Com- munity organizations wishing to utilize the service should contact the speakers· bureau at least two weeks in advance of engagement at556·5816. L t:a1I U11l l:crnc t: El-tHIEt:O _ Hr:,\L'rUHS Oc:eanViUo Two Story Pool-$29,950 c L A s s I F I E D I ..... """ U lW.CocislHwy. N'pl. Beaeh S-ilt -5527 t.:vcs. 545-5643 WHAT"S ... The Difference? Th e d 1 fference 1s :il5J.OOO. We ha\'C <11n ex · clu~1,·c listing on a 4 BR . UUVt-;H SllOHt.:S home at SJ22,0w, a 5 Hit. at loauflM Turtlerock Play-Enjoy swimming OffN Ill 9 •I/ S HIN fO Bl NI(!' ~HE REAL STATE RS --__ _____; at your own club, and a ~=====----! gocxl game of tenni s jusl a Jog away . Relax-In your own lush ga(dens and alrium. L1\le -'in the smartest area, Turtle Rock, clean , air, green hills, and a view. 545-9491 ·4 Bedr..&. Fixer $220 Per Month Ho Qualifying <_;real large l'amilyl ~=== home. t.:rackl1 n g fireplace. t-·an11ly roon1. Cape Cod . Need s 1'.L .C. Existing 7"' Two Story t-' .. IA loan . S22tJ 1'.l.T.L. I ., Do Call c1u1ck646-717 1. Poo ...... o wn oPfNJr!<;l•lf~'UN,O flfM(I' Gi •.• <· . ··j Spacious two .story. Pool :. .;:; raised formal entry to ::j~;· .. · ...... ,:,.,~~: sunken living room._ $232,000 & a ti BK. al Slti9 ... KI : all good buys. Walker & lee ~c the hon1cs &discover ~t,.l ,,, .. l, the difference. I~======='==:::'. COMP'ANY Rt.:ALTORS SINCE 1944 673-4400 4-l'lo• Eostsicle , Bo ...... 1n Low down ass umable • ~- FllA loan unbeatable $4000 Down , . comb1nal1on for you tax 1 Famllv Room shelter buyers. 1·~·0 · ;i !lard 10 nnJ 2 bath bcau- bcdroom lwo -2 bedr_oom ·iy all Jrcs~(-d up. Lux- on1ts JUSl ~p the.h.tll lrom uriou s 11anetg sets ofl t~e beach 1n ~la l'ol~sa. largl' h\·in~· rn. i-'anu-1 otal price $65,000 • ly play ruo overlooks 545-9491 easy earc yard with l'l?· ESTATE SALE ment deck ing br1n_i::: BIG t.:ANYON Rordeaox yuu r boal or dads lruck modcl .O\'er2'JOOsq .ft .of 1n 01 1 alley. l·:asc in for Ju~ury l1v1n g, spec-/ __ :.;;;i .... 11111 .. --,l b-llltXI do"'n slcali> don'1 Lat•ular \11ew. i\{any ex· last. Call 64ti-il71 tr as. won•t last h:m g, call Walker & Lee Ol>fN ,,, q . pf$ JUN IOIM N>(f • : •. ~, r-i:.O~~ p t . A g e n t '-"==R~~~ .. ~~=:~~~·~:_~:~· ==:'.'I :a l+I-. Roam TWO+ONE THE REAL ' ESTATERS . -----~ t'orm<tl d1nin~. Powder room. Wet b:Jr. Gourmet i.:arden k11chcn. GIANT t-' A M I I. Y · P /\ R ·r Y 1-tOOl\1 & st-.:CLUU t-:o SUN TERRAOE. W1nd-1ng stairs lo triple size master and clnldren'l'I win g. Only :$12.5lkl. Call quick !! %J---6iti7. Loans of up to $50 can be ob- tained ror the purc hase or books, other educational expenses, or emerg'e ncies. They are ~ade possible through the Ida S. Lat7. Fpundation of Los Angeles. Veterans who need tQ avaii >1.hemselves of the new loan ,.8hould contact Saddleback's ':Veteran coordinator I>at Grant in ~RoomA -6. Humorist Honorary Bicentennial Head 6 4 2 2 llcdroon1 home w/fplc + one bed rm newer t1nit. ::icp;ir<\tc dblc ga rage. Nice yard. Owner \'.'ill 11 ll;lllCC. 'J'ry ll'h. S-16,9JO. See this large 3 bL"<lroom, 2\.7 bath. bonus room home, in choice .,·ounta1n VallCy area. Priced al only ~Jl),950 with low down payn1eut, 545-9491 See The OcHn $43,950 THIHK THRIFTY BLUFFS CONDO Utrgest plan offered ; 4 bdrms., eozy family rm., formal d1n1ng rm. plus fini s hed bonus rm. Located on open green- belt . Needs a little Tl.C. Price red u('ed to ~77,500. ()wncr wants action! Super pr1~e. ::iupcr Z 1nodcl. C. F. Colesworthv Re-altors 640-00:fo A ,'IJ~w1>01·t V1sla hon1e on a 111cc l.irgc yard on a 11u1cl cul-de-sac :,trccl. J bedrooms, like 11e,.· thrOUJ::houl. OtA·ncr rnay ~l~~~n~~~rcsc:u~:1n1<1,:'.~::.k. ~e;~~~~! 'CLERIC PUTS NIX ON NIXON :;;,,:HIAWATHA, Iowa IUPJ1 -A ""'Jl}e mber of lhe clergy in this '~stern Iowa town says he: waht~ ~:·'° see , the Richard M. Nixon ~lcment ary School he re re· . t.n amed Abraham Lincoln ....,,EJementary School . · ,!;: 1 In a Jetter to the Cedar Rapids ~.,-community school board. the ~ev. William llarniM said the ~:;'name change would provide "a memorial in honor o( Abraham --.cb,tn~oln . Q great President.. and tr\ tum, rcmo,•o the name or 1:1 (>.[esident who resigned office in ~dligrace.:· Hutnorist and satirist Richard Armour has agreed to be the honorary bicentennial poet laureate of Huntingtoo Beach for 1975 and 1976. · Armour has written more than so books or light verse, humorous· satiric . Rrose and childre n's lileraturt!. He has contributed mo~ tharl 6,000 pieces of light verse Bnd prose to magattnes in the U.S. l!Ad England and he writes a weekly feature syndi cal· ed in 300 01ag1:1zines . \.le: ls currently a resident or Clare mont, where he served a number of years as a profes~or of English and De'a n of the f'11culty at Scripps College. Mrs. Louise Folger Riley, a member of the city's bicentennial commission and a rormc r creative writing lnstruclor at Scripps, suggested Armour for ~~~~hi'1~Ji~: ~:::r::~i:: :: TEN TEEPEES Walker ~ .. l_e_e ___ 1 l:flllfilll:il ~n~~:.~:~~;,::r;.~ spec ific activities involvin g en 1 b1glot u ocean vie""'· Largesl unil Armour have been established, RA l.HOA PENINSULA I~==~'~"~'~"~·~·~·~·==~ $26,900 has mass ive double but Mrs . Riley said it should make • OCEAMFROHT Sw'-Two B...L.ooom 11rcplace. with picture •luntington Beach a little better 1nakcs -·hoppin ~ ~ windows to pool. Will kn'own. wampum A Mop On a rr1cndlY u·tt hncd carry with 20 down, Armour wrote the humorous-5 ~175,000. Sov•ALot 1s lreet. }!ieaminll Si~ . .500. By appointment SaUric . history 'lf the U.S., ''It hardwood t1oori,-cr1sp only. JACOBS RLTY . and clean. Ca ll ;)'6-2313. . . All Started with Columbus," • Mesa Del Mao· roxer up · """'""'"'"""'M~•· 1£ IQUall l · -...•hich has sold more than a 675--6670 per. l-Jea\·y shake roof • ne--· ·11· · H I d l 6 I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! home has great potcn · r"IUllo• m1 ion copies. e p ans an up a · !• tial. Large" bcdroon1, z Pl ap•rU.• , ed Version titled "It All Would FIXER·l.W'PEI bath FllA-VA terms. 7$2•1920 I-lave Startled Columbus, .. for the On lt·l lol , close to beach Owner an'xious moving I "°° oua•n NIWPOl't •U<H 1976 national bicentennial l inNcwport.2BH..Owner outofslate. • P•rfld celebration . 7 jusl rl'duced price $5,000, 545-9491 I COLLECil PAU for owner ()('Cupanl. 2 lie also plans to rcleas,e a i now pr1cl?tl at i«,950 , Price slashed i2000. 3 0 r 3 n d New Be 11 ch pla}'ful h istory of books, 673·366.J 642·225.1Evcs . !0H,ZUA,lgc•b8n,a&1oup1e:rceswithJbr.2ba. librarians ilnd libraries for the I pool. Fplc, bltm.sf\ake 1 units each. Ample 1976 celebraUon, titled "The Hap· 8 ill•lll;;..-,1 roof.owner mo\llng. Now 1 a(jrace and parkin1 with pyBooker.'' W!Jlk iQ,950. Broker LST owner depc-eciauon. A(,li.splayofArmour'sbooksls er Blee 646-39281'.:Ves :S4ti--OS2l lS8S,OOU each. Call ~et the main branch of thej:_ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~·~·~·~·~··~·~·~~~.:::::::::::::::~::~l1~6«~~'1'l~ll~A~a~cnt.~==·~==~ library on Main Street. • • ' I (8 !<2.-0:::Al:::=.L.:_:_ YP1:::L!<Oc:.T ______ Th""urado=:!c·.:..'=""::""2:z.~20·.::'"::'"6 tk-. For SIN 1-""" 5* •••••" ,_. ~ "-" 1Fer s.-,._'"For Sele-·--.i ~-. ··,·,:···········,·00··1· ;:,·.··,·:;··········1-00°'2 .et•e•e•eteeeAeeeeeee eee ....................... ...................... ti, 1•WI .. .. Ho.IH,...S., H1mnForS. HawnhrS. ~Fors. -i .............................................. ······················· ....................... ~ ..... 1..-1096 -10141-•Mgtooo-1040Mowporikadt 106t: .............................................. .................................................................... ·············•········· IALI0.4'51.AHD Nr Neol, lae 4Ur, FR H. H. Waterfront condo.~~ GI-,.. 1002 G 1 . 1.<l I ················-·--... ~~;.: .•• --.. ;;.;;i .... " .... ~ ... ... ----------------•!!111••1-··-········-· .. ~ t DUPLD Single Stry, X1nL M boat slip, main chllnnel L.ov~ly upl{raded 2 BR Verde loc •C'f'OM (ro view, 2 Br. 2 Ba. frpl. 9C LIDO ISLAHD REAL ESTATE AGEHTS Four day work week re- qwred. \Ve arc a ••Jist.- ing .. office ... unique in Orange C ounty. Specialisls in the de· velopment or your personal inve ntory of . marketable horn<'s. 1'Ull timcs aYing o ffi ce services availal1lc. full tirne secretary, ani;wcr- ing service. <1ualificd client li sts. plus fringe benefit s in <:luding h c::i lll1 insura nc e. ·Re member ... Four sold listings pe r month y,•ill produce S-l4.QfX> oer year ... when you re or- gani zed. By Appointment Only JACK PECIC. MGR. lZl31 S9Z-13S9 17141842-44SS Walker&lee REA-t. ESTATE Gmeral 100 ....................... ···-··················· V IS FOR VACANT E IS FOR EXCB.LEMT And this E plan in the Old Bluffs is just that : Excellent and vacant. It's also colorful. absolutely charming with an add ed breakfast area, s kylig hts. cute-as-the-dickens wallpapers and 3 bedrooms, 2300 sq. ft. Own~rs are making two house payments and want 'toseeyou! Seeitl at$79,500. UMlfj)llE HOMES Retlllon-675-6000 2443 E. Cootl Hwy .. c.....,..del M_. 3 Bedroom CONDO Only l ~ ye:M"S °'d 3nd 0t rc.111 starlt!r l'IOcne lor the younit. ANYC>NF: JS liUAl.IFIF.0 lo 11ss un1 t' 1hc 7•'-J lo.an of i'20.tJ41 al 'i2Q7 01 month J>J'fJ. 1-·u1 1 price 11nl y $23,995 A~S"""~ REALTORS""' ' FOURPLEX 3 -2 Bedroom, I bath. 1-3 Bedroom, 2 bath. Air conditioned. Near freeway. Priced right! For $67,500. a;~-~S..bl"l· CALL-644-7270 itlll 2828 f . Coast Highway, Corano de! Mor Sw./~~ r-.=:.,.~ .. :..:;JN~A~ll~O~o!AliiM~U~ll~l~l~IS~l~S~l~~Ml~CI!!] 67s-' 7018 -,,,•,l_!O• .... wt <•• ., roe '''· IUL O• It~• llome w beamed ~1ling Pilrk. 0011 ·1 Tu;.s this . fin. l!r h:~::>t! ~· avail. Charmlng 3 br. 2 ba, plu> J OR '"'"''t'r Apt. ~.9!'.ll ~9-l ?:JG. _f1-l.5tXI. S4tt-l5JI) frpll', 1mme!d. octupa11- l:k>lh un1Lli ha\lt! Wt.s ol EW Ltsn~ KUS1'lC RAMBLER on t'Y · $82,500. pr1vucy, + 3 car gar. H ......, lrt•e s luddt>d lot! 2:7 Owner/Age nt 673-6489 $119.00U. IS [)own will Step:. to l\t ar1f'K'rs 1-.ark fuinilyrm .4BU'~.1ncldJ __ ~ ..,, buy tl! , 4 Llr + fain. rm .• bru.:k mas ter, "ourin\:l k1tcher ~----~ SOUTH COAST frpl . country kltch. 1. f , 1 $1S.OOO. Clilll : t>t.2-6368. W/Jerage illPP I s. orn a UY OWN~ll. We.stctiff 4 IMYESTMEMT .J., dine, ankle dl:'el> c~pt bdrn1, J bath, family & 549..0112 64M710 At;l.Noagts._.. tra n sfe r & harga1r . d $Ho9000..MZ-4Sl9 •GARDEN HOME• priced at ~.900. llkt ~lu::y<.:,=:::·=~--"- 1-SY OWN•;1t c1162~:-~5S~ll~,::::::::::1 Upgraded • Ur. 2 Ba, parque t Cloor.:;, atrium, ConMHI cl.a Mal" I 022 frplc in Beauuful Atesa i',lo;l'ITE DUPLEX With y:i.rd & parking. Like new. k4,95Q.67S~l2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &lt.t.1rrcWrs ... ........_ Ve rde. ~63 .500. 194 Killdeer Circle. ~1-2528. 1026 is presently selling their ••••••••••••••••••••••• new condominiums, Ca-MACN l•"IC~N'fOt:AN nyon CresL E s tates. HARBOR VIEW Su~rSharp Monterey By The Sea Sacrifice POOL HOME 110t""" ur1•1u '' 1• ••ri• located at the '-'Orner of Nu. 6 BR, J car, nag lot "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \ Pac 1f1 c Vic w Ur 1 \le & 112 acre. flmf. ldst.'pd. = new fd acAnhur Blvd in SlOJ,500. Uy °"'4'nr./Agt • Bcllut1ful 3 bedroorn. I :v. bath home. Much p;tnt'll inJ:. upgrad~ thruuut Covered pal10. Waterral 1n back y:.i rd with fist pond. 1-'rol. landscpd Won 't la~t long al thi: price. $.ll.000. 11°"')111 AllOlhor Hotwo . Heau ltlul . p a r k-like grounds. ncnr lhe Green- belt. Luxury -fi lled floor plan , e ntry hall. big family room, d inin g room, O\lers1zed h v1ni.: rm : pr1\late mas ter bcdroo1n, wood with automatit' swl'ep 11nd slide . 3 Bedroom::. and two baftl.-;. ~.uoo. l'h . ~156-a>GO. ~SELECT . I PROPERTIES OpeaS-l·S 3202 Colorado, CM CHECK THIS! ./POOL ./4 BH /2BA ./ F'A~IJ L )' ROOI\! ./3 F'irt'places .(2150 sq. ft. ./Nwpt/Mesa Sc his ./JUST REDUCED 1$5:5,000 6754600'"'flime •VISION• REALTY 2743 E. Cst Hwy Corona de! !'!tar 2 STORY ~~O.!ljo "'ul/ price. 2 Be drooms, !'2 haths, :iilJOo moves you 111 Hll1ns. H10. OVt.'l':'llted close t s , ple nt y ul .storage, F1\ heal, a ir cond .. w / w cpl.s, drps, poll:-;hed ::>to ne entry, fenced µ:it1u, paytnenl~ le.s:. than rent. Call 8 '.1 \1 .l:l:l:!I . Vi ll ai,:t' liard.._.n,.,, 011 .ith St. jusl Y,.es t of llarbor Blvd. 1r _s _,_nta _:~~~---- MESA VBlDE Lovely 3 BR + ram rm. Recently redec. Only s.l~.500. Call lor more in· IOOZG......al 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIMDA ISU Beautifully decorated 5 BR , 4'h ba., paneling, 3 frplcs . Ramp/slip . $260,000 DOVER SHORES Sandy beach is the setting ror new, custom colonial home w /5 BR, fam . rm .. formal din. air-cond. $295,000 . LIDO ISLE Large 8 BR, 6 ba. home on sa.ndy beach ; 50 ft. lot, shor e mooring . $295,000. Will consider trade, BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 141 Buy~1d.-Dr •v" NB 67'."> 6161 ' G-..1 I ooz'GeMral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCEPTIONAL EAST BAY Owner of this very fine R -2 property has purchased another home & is a nxious to sell quickly . Easil y converted to attractive duplex. As king ,$8.5,000 with very flexible terms. VE AR BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 • •JO' I co;'>-.T H\NV CO~ONA OEL. MAR Ior1nttuon. GG~o~•~•~•~al~ IOOiG ........ 1002 Corona de! t.lar, s1an1ng 1-.h : 675-7414 al ~.900. Sales offll'C & ~ • • model now ope n . NEW DUPLEXES. l>an· PHONE 640-&&0S Pt. from ~.950. 33931 ~~~~!"'~~!"'!"'~ cabinetry, £71,SOO . ALL TERMS s 4o-•710 I -'-"===:.::=~· ---1 Malaga. Agt. 496-3-tll CU'fE 2 Br, I Ba w /lge kit & dining area, frplc, Brand New Ocl~x ~-e~ beaut . patio ar~a .. !VLew Uu11Jex .GoldCpt i 5 9,SOO. By owner , & bltns. Urapt:S. Decks 61S-2024or613-~ Landscaped . 3 car gar VolS No llown T ARBB.L, &11.,pa,, .. u cosis REALTORS 3 Large Bedrooms t".imily room 2955 lla rhor_l~l~lv~d~.-- f'oinl Rea lly. 1196-5323 'f ired o[ duplexes WilhOUl Trat!er or b(lat acct--ss l·---------Walk to beach a 'pr1\late yard?' flo w El Toro 101 about a pool si:t.cd yil.rcl •••••••••••••••••••••• llurry, submityouroffc Jade RCalty 847-12..11 with a lovely 2 Bl\ BY OWNER ownl'rs unit + ~Imo . lnirw 1044 renta l in the .besl ~-of 2 STORY Hw y locauon. Call $4J 950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &14-7211 Agt. , Phy1icaly Rt? Save comrrussion wit Jog on the adjoininl:l ttus 2 story 4 bedroom greenbelt, !>W1n1 111 lh.\ nearly new Lake t-•orcs~ ·:learby pool or benefit PYGMALION •"e ll in l ove w J hi s Galatea & so will you w/this J br, ram1ly rm, pool & \llew oC ocean & harbor. Now reduced to ~159,SOO. Owner will help finance. HAL PIHCHIM, ltllr. 2727 E . Coast Hwy 615-4:trl *DISCOVERY ~pa..:1ou s 5 BR 1''ront llouse w /lge fam rm. formal dining & lge 4 ba . 2 Hll Rc;.ir apt w ifrplc. sundcck, llltuis. L'lt'. Nr Beuc-h . Yvur terms ! 752-0460 ... yt; ... from the lht•rapeud1c ef home WI many improve fects or the jacu21j _ All m e nt s. Assumable ~ 1 .._ FHA loan. Pnnc1pals on thi:; p .us 4 bdrnls .. 2 ~-I c II 51:16-~ baths and fa111J ly room Y · a · 1 This lovely home is all oaleoc .. 1040 upgraded and can bt ••••••••••••••••••••••• yours to enjoy for SSl!.000 -Real Estate byMrl/AY CALL SS2-7SOO •VISION• REALTY A Hed ll11l Company UnJ \'. Park Ccnlcr EXECUTIVE SUPER SHAR, 'l'urtlC' Hoek l lills Presi- dent Jfon1e 4HH & Fam1- L1VL' close to beach in Jy roon1 . PrH'L'CI to sell this lovely ·IBdrms 1n1m cd1ate1 ,\I , includes ~amc room. fan11ly room land. !QJ -2·1l'.17 & pool ho me .. w3 lk tt ------ st·hool. You must SL'e Laguna lrach 1048 Ca.II ~2 -~Jil ••••••••••••••••••••••• DECORATORS ANX IOUS OWrl<'r . t-:xch. DELIGHT or s;1h• SUJ>4-'I' (JI;' vu lol. 1-:.11. ce u 1 1 Yl' llonl c . Steps 1r111n \'1clor1a Bch. 5Udrn1s. J h;iths. /;unily ~19,500. Ag•·nt.1>1<:_:-XOl ONLY 10 LEFT 3 IR Coftdot1is:itm1i Hext to R•t1nin9 Str•aM , 111ear Mewport'sUpporlay. $40,950.-$44.fSO. 345 UniHnltyDr. (JustaCr lr\ll!le Ave I 548-7223 CAHALFROMT 4 Bft. Ow ner<.inxwus! lleduccd lo$65,,900 ! 5 Ult. & dl'l1, 2 IJ!ks. to ot•t•an. St;7,5ott A t-'ran1eJ HH . ~.{)(){) CAYWOOD REALTY * S48-lzt0 * EAHLY are a Hlurrs; lJ!. 2 BR, 2 ba., din. rn1 .• fpl. t lr1~. ov.•ncr, :>63.51.A) BltOKt-:n t>-lll-S560 ~~;;·~:~~-~~ ~ ~~R~ ............. ~;~~~·~;~···••••••••••• r-~~~...;,;~~~ ... -·I 3141 Carnpu• NI 54t-uss IALIOA P&41HSULA 100 •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSlDE roon1 ,'C,: l 11rc11la..:e::i PJu,.,h !:.hai.:. !)rapes ~ ...,-aupapl·r n1al<:h. Vf\- lJK ~ ! ,\(;·r . K-12 007 1 C· I Contor Lot On ,'\f111·th Coast ll"''Y. O cc.111 s 1d._-.. it.'Ye l , ?WX 105. ~Hi9,IAJO TURNER ASSOC. 1105 N. Cst l.J wy. La~un a 494-1177 ll arhu r \'1cw, popular ri.1 011.JC'U 1nodt.>I. Hy owner. 2 BR, :l l>a. con· vert . den . Newly d c- t·orated, ~i.!lOO. Lca.se. ti4--l -~l~l 3 Br hse + 2 rental unils. Drive by & makeofler. JO' garden patio over- S PAkWNG looks parklike greenbelt. REALBSfATB lleated pool, lounge, c ;.;;;,;;;;;;;;~!13~3~~35411~;;;;;;;;;~~ :~~: n ~o~m~ \Y~ n ~J~~~i;~ bedrooms. family room Colle~ Perk °"'tlh Stone fireplace and Hard to f1nd-IO\lt'IY 3 eat-in kitchen, overJooJt. bedroom, 2 bath corner ing garde n atr1u·m . Super home. Co m pl elc with Jocat1on. SJ8,900. l C ,beauli(ul pool and access down. Cail: 962.77g1:1 foil boat ar !railer Just • K€Y recently r eclecor3ted . (tllllt:::"":..;~~~~-~ ·rransfer rorct•s sale . l\€ALTORS.R New on the r)1arket .l ----------·I Won 't la s t!! C<il TIOW ... 546-5880. • ...., ~ ,_ HERITAGE , , REALTORS MEW OM MARKET ·1 Hr, den, dining, pool , $90.000 buys this beaut maintained home 1n dp- s1rable Baycrest. llurry ~ SPA RLING H 1-;A L ESTA'rl·: 833-3548 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 FIREPLACES Plus h carpeting, wet bar. premium ""·aU CO\I · er1ngs, J huge bedrooms, :1 car garage. 3 patios. m1n1 pool. PriYale yard. Cull !:lti2-77!IB .Q,, K€Y '@l\€ALTOl\Sli Want Ads -Call 642-5678. G ........ 1 1 ooz'GHffal 1002 ................................................ 588,9SO OH uoom The price is right for this charmjng 2 bedroom. 2 bath with separate famil y r oom p lus dining area. Complete with double garage and roof garden. EMJOV MATURE Bayshores Beauty Ch arming 4 bedroom Hayshores home located JUSI st eps fo swim bell ch Large upi>tairs m aste1 ix.'<lroom has its own s u11 and \11ewini.: de..:k . 4 baths. New Cornin1: ;ill pJi;.in c es in k1tc h t>11 Courty;,1rd patio. Load~ af wood pa neling adll rustic charm lo this nc"' lis ting. O ulstandtnl! value. Sl35,000. 640-6161 ~ COATS &WALLACE 'REAL ESTATE .INC, MESA VERDE VA TERMS Charming 2-sty., roomy old beach house. Spotless! Close to NHYC. Beamed ceilings, frplc. Lge. lot & brick patio, with room for boat. etc. $72,500 OCEANFRONT DUPLEX 2 BR. upper + I BR lower. $126.000 lAWSON REAL ESTATE 3416 Via Lido, N. B, 675·4562 Costa Mesa 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bedrooms 2 Halh;;, hardv.·ood floors. Bl.U1': 11AV1':N i'OlJL . L u r ~c p;jlLO. ~u1ct strcl.'l. ~18 . .'iW. Roy Mc Cardle Realtor 181 0 Newport Costa h1esaS-18 -772'J .Hl·:ST HUY ·ll:lr. 2 Ba 1\t c~a Verrle . 1947 t\11ldct·r Circle. $63.500. Owner. 5.j7 -2i="":c' __ _ ~~~~:-! .......... ~~-~~ ~~:-! . .' ........ ~~~~•MESA WOODS• BY OWNER. Spac 4Hr. CURI APPEAL :iua llome located near Beaul. 14 unit adJt bldg. J He~port Hrights So. Coast Plaza. J."rm DK short b!ks: to beach. CharmingJbedroomand + i''ll. Custom dccorat· Pride of ownership. Clll d1n 1ng roo1n. hreplace, e cl . Land s(' 3 Ped rorappl.tosee. I ~llLn s, beamed ce1l1ng w/sprinklc rs. s68,9\JO. S l'ARLING living room. 1"1uge tot. Open Sal/Sun 1:!·5. 3270 II F:AL ESTATE 'rrces and shrubs galore! 1' u r 1 u ck u r . c 1\1 . 8J3-3548 Plus works hop, pa tio, 5.'lti-l !:llO. BIJQ. We 1n\11le your in-cc..=.:::..------1 -2 BH . L>O!.LIH)USE oeean YI'-'"'" 1."0rncr lot. ~17 .:lQl.),l}.1 2 twiSHkr. SQUEEZE YOUR SS Woods Cove OHL y $34,500. A\l;.:itl. 3/ IJ. New 2500 sq. Huy lh1 s roon1y I bdrm,<:' ft. t'U.!>tom ·l /Jr. home. bth home 1n C'hoicc 11.H l\1any amt•n1llL':i. i)rP•c location. Use .)'our V.A. tiy & sec ;it IH-1:! Ocean L<i rge lot, and close 11 Way. Price Sl57,500., will .sehoo/s. Call 9&i-4456 GOT • HOSE FOR l'ons1dl'r trade for gd. -"' H-1 sites. t-'ur more 1nfor. REAL V AUi!? call· Custom built hu11te 4 btJr WI M BUS!f f{l::AL TY 2 bth. fam1lyrm, format Santa A11a558-3955 d1n1n g "''Ith c hin a - cabrncl. plus load~ ol I ands c ap 111 ~. J{ 1 n ~ 9158--4451; ----WATCH ••. ... the "''h:1les ~·ithout gct. 4 IDRM +pool ting seasick from Aliso $48,500 Coodominiums. overlook· Bea utiful ll1ghlancls BELOW MARJ(ET home. Nc\lel" before on spcclion. Askuig S.">!J,500. c~1115..10-11 51 HORSE PROPERTY H1~ 2 story. 1\Jt term~. r11 ing Aliso Pier. Xlnt £inane· assume current loan ing; lnwmainlenancecos S2HO Jl('r n1onlh. Cati Bkr Ls; close lo s hopping & ~--454J. beac h. No ~t eps lo c limh. S. 1\ . If t'I g h ts. I d~a I for I .;;;;;;;;;;.;;~;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [ Xlnt, qui el neighborhood. market. Quiet culdesat Blt1ffs condo. 3 Hr. din- s1rcet. 3 Bedrooms . ;:: in~. 2 1h Ha overlooking balhs, 2 fireplaces. W/'A green belt. Xlnt cond. 1\1 usl be sold. "'"-V-HERITAGE • • REALTORS 'T r a 1 n e r • H o x I• t-Tom $.l7 ,500 to SGS,500. ''"" 51 "'• 0 •"' 1 - 1063 Price Reduced .tlw!I©= $79 ,SUO . 1':xF:cu·r1vr: }<'H.ANC ISCAN ,\ ~nnw l~ .... ~~~~~-~~1 flOMt-:-t•xccllL'nl for en· FOlfN'l"i\INS ..a 499.2eoo tcrla1111n g. Sparkling 2 2 s b I 2' •· ·~!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~ car1Jct1ng, etc. •~u-st u 1nc SPARLING 11 :11Jvcrllscd. Be F1r:;t ! REAi. ~fATE Our 1<;xc lu s 1ve ! ! • lOry , 4 t'i rm, r.o ua. story 4 bedrm, 3 balh wet b;1r. 2 fpl rs. n1 cel) homew1thformaldin1ng, dccor;i!ed. IJt \IO rce1 BARGAIN C'ou ntry s11.e k1tt·hcn & inu~I sell al onl'c! ~ {~u1cl.. huue f<1nt rm w/wet !Jar. On a la nta:-t1r \II to1.1his ,., i.;osscss 1on , :ii62,UOO .1 Prirnc local"'"· owner 1s :1 burn1 . 11ornc olft'r:. JJrokcr 536 88.ll; t:K lrcm<'I)' a nx1nll'l. {.;allo 1.~~ ...... ~~ ... ~-·\ bcan1ed t't>1hng::.. lh.'~·ks , 54 !i ~8424 1\ssoc 1 a ted I mOflcrn k n1·hl'n S.19 ~50 Sf)ulh Coast Brokers. VA I F 1-1 A l e rms. r·u I llJ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;"~3~3;;;;3'!8~~;;;;;;;;; [ price S-14,950. I T1rt·d of ~ctl111A th(• run 546-4 141 around ?.,., II' v11u have Custom Ounlex : any qUC'st111n s. ,;hou\ buy- 'I ~ t t!CI ,, 1ni..: a /11)Rll' \.\. l';1ll thl' • e1 room units. o:.c ta V ,\ i-:xpert:-at bcac~:~~·~· World Real Estate VETERANS E$l URY 21 '!:'.ipl'C1<1lts ls 111 V1\ hous 642-1771 1n.£. A ~k for Veteran TWO 4·PLEXES COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. 1BH -2H,\ Cov. patio. Uhl l.!ar. Bit-ins. ''7 mi. 11 · bcilch. By Owner. As· SUffi (' 7' • ••JJA ~4ti,500 !'62-HtmZ ..A'Olan REAL ESTATE Counse lor . JSG 7777, SidebySide QOO GI• ntil'f'" ~t lY~ <141J $4<1 ('JJO l,;';";'.''~m;e;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;[ 1n .~lnr <.:osta i\lesa area. HOME + IMCOME SOUTH COAST Turn your golf clubs inlo a EAS1'S I o E JBR hou~e EXEC TRANSFER INVESTMENT WE STCLlt-"1-" 1418 l'\1ar1nc rs Or. 5 br, pool, w1w c pt."i , frpl. ::i7~.5t.IO.~ By owner. 7' ~ 111. ... urill>lc contra(·l o f i>ale ~t\'arl . '213l!l44 -:.nJ88, exl 211 ''"kdys. ·------ .. le abo"it al in any of thtse- H ARBOR VIEW HOMES 4 llR, 2 B;i, F/R, prof, landscaped corner IOl w /v1 e w. Low, Low Oown ! Kever II\ ed in 4 BR. Z Il a , .~, H "''/many up· grades. Xltit \llcw! 2 Story . 4 RH . 2 Ba . Next lo ~reenbe ll , nr pool. I\ I most nev.' ~ Cornt'r lot w /~rcat View. Near 1>00l & tenn1~. 4 BR. 2 Sty. 3 Lia, wet·bar. 5 BR, 3 Ba , Cormat din .. 1ng.Jcar gear. V1cw ofen· tire Newport urea. Your terms! 752-0460...,_ .i From every r oom of this 4 bedroom, 2 b at h hom e built around a beautifully landscaped patio with pool. Decorator wallpapers, new carpe~. beam ceiling, fireplace and m any extras. $89,500. stereo. Sell them with a with bachelor apl + l BR Dally Pilot Clas.slfied Ad apt. over J.!araae, As-Sharp 4 bL·droom, 3 bath 549-0812 646--6710 d h f "' lr1-le\lel home. Near Abandoned Lociuno Hi<Jt'OI 1052 New England styled with ••••••••••••••••••••••·~~!"'~~~;,..;~!"'~ an u~e t e money or a s urne 7 V1\ loan. il76. per Rable roof, & over hang- A DAB OF PETROJ4 EUM 1ng ea\lcs. 4 Uedrooms. JELLY applied to the huge family room, useti threads of fingel"nail Llrirk r1re pla ce. & polish ;ind t!lue bottles circular drive way. llkr: will keep the lids frvm f)wn c r abando n cd stick i n ~. Try a Dai ly1_:""~"=·~""'="~; ------.1 -TME GOURMET GARDENER ,Lovely 4 bedroom. featured on Home Garden Tour '74. Beautifully decora ted. C harmin g patios. waterfall. pond. Immacul ate Big canyon home. 5168,500. ACltu.GE OH THE IAY Nearly 2 acres or view property surt"ounded by large estate homes. Perfect site for a home with pool, tennis court and/or stables.· Presented at $195,000. CHARMIHCi USTIUIFF Spacious corner location, covered with hig trees makes a perfect setting for thll large 3 bedroom, 3 bath. 2 story home. $85,000. IA YSHORU llACH NOMI You own the land ! Great locatlon near ~riv ale beach. Sleeps 12. Latge patlo with nreplaco & rear yard for volley buJL Great potentlal. $19,000. DIAL 644-17U 2161S..J .................. II. COLDWll.l 1AN1a CO. I ste reo! Call 642-567R Tu-mo. Call PRF.STIGE private country club. d I lo f Hu ge family l"Oo m , ay. _1 1\ F.:s. 645---fi64G rormul dining and O\let- io;ized lot. Very fl ex ihlt· General I 002 Geeft'al I 002 f1n :111c1ng. C:i ll 546-:-W:iH4l .............................................. macneb / Irvine realty OCEANFRONT PEHIHSUU. DUPl.EX. Sharp 4 bedroom /2 bedroom home or income . Prime location - ~exceptional i n come potential. ·$~76,000. Martha Macn ab 642·8235 . (N67) IRVINI! TEIRACE-$64,5001 Musi see to appreciate light & airy 3 bedroom hom e w/room for pool., Walter king 642·8235. (N68) , IDEAL l'AMIL Y HOM1i W /VIEW. S bedr°"ms-spacious warm family room -lg. heated -& filtered pool. ,$18.5,000. Maxine Wiiiiams 642·8235. (N69) IOI Do.-0.W. "42·•2U .... Midtht ..... •1100 ~ ...... c:--...... ~HERITAGE REALTORS Pi.lol Classified Ad lo buy, sell or rent somet- hing. S©lldtlµ-.zr,~s· That lnfriguing W ord Game wifh a C huclfe Scr-ioto AMWCI I .. C:la .. lflcatl°" 1010 ! Rt-.:ALTOll 10 down. !£arbor View Homes JUr Mo naco .. IAJwt•st at i6'7.950. Fee. Owner 644---4844. I LID C h31"mln porary. SO pal10, 28R Brlttu1g 675 EASTIL B'li" OWNE OR . lJppcr Ba, Forn ·11an1ily kite 1·or1;1 lcd , ne Lush la w /Japan 1liillOS, Jge Close. to s t·lub, sch 1).14-8177 BAC CUSTO Brund Ne ONt-; LEF -IBr. 4 Ha, P ;1na romic Windward Nowuk , brk BY O\\'NElt "'acant . i lfLJ.:h , l~nsj 'l'hurs thru !\Ion 1hru W $48 VA 'l'tns newl nt·~·ly pain l lc1gh1s be bc<.lroo1n, :! :Shutter~. t 1ngs and llatbor 1-111;. ·1£19r ~!f_ •·-~-~ n_ ~~~·~L /R~alE 498 AS l 'ru1n · r•cte He-tzy ---Son Juan .Capisfra ·······~··· JI, l>v. n..:r · do l'ool, n11 lv Ul:i:"'r THISI and il ·s ca ~ e.1r old \11lla~C> has halhs and t lo w dow :Small qua t<11n1ty r (' Hc·tl C.1 r 4'.li -1-;or.1 .~ Mobilr Ho ForSolr •••••••••• JOs4.)' 2 U f"11n1p!t•lt• ·ru::.11 u . C 64.l -21'151. ---Acreaqe f • ••••••••• AV (I C 1\ [ Sl,7!.tO /Ar:, xu se ller Int ·r1 i.:t11 U w n c 711 f,JJ :1 • ., I' ;_1 ~ h c:rccal ~lrt pcrfet•l I i:Cnl to 1\I p1nl,! rnlr :.pend a LI IL <-ap rate '(,';JJI !714 1 $1200 ltl(I ()\her <'(! .:i ll blttn. wood 0\'CrSt?. 1)1 ~1nru l!n nd1t 1 p at 10!'. rcn C'ed. k drps. than r Garden. ... • htcom• Pro~ "'OOO R-.ch••· ...,,._ LMfwwflhH UllfwW.a..d .._.., Uwtw wl....,..T '!!""~'!:..s.~y~. F~·~•!!'""""''Y"20""-. .c••,,,.,_ _____ _,o,,A:::1L,,_v,,_P"'1"L"o,:.r_,.cz ..... ••••••••••••••••• ...... •• , 4 - -••••••••••••••••••••••• Gro••1 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••·••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,_,. • I I a .... d Apcwl:aa'2t~: leach 1069 TWO-S unit "pt bid., Just •••••••••••• .. .-.... c-~ u-'222 3244 ••U•••••••••••••••••• nf&E&E ,,. ... & , • -U!'ll"I __ .,. t Mewport leoclli J26t 111_, 3706 ,•••••••··~··•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• completird ror!lale. CIOde Hon• a ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• -•••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• --M tll ~ .. II 3740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3124' UD,OISL! 10 muJUr 11 hopp>n g Country home 3 BDRM)llu'" Hou~1 ... •••••••••••••••••••••••' LpCMI OC • ....... ll'IJ:<o or leaae, 2 UNIV. P•rk ietT. new 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm Ing cont~ m . l'enu~r. 181 yr wntc-0fr ...-ram. Zoned rot horses. br + den or 3 br, 2 ba. br. 2 ba, (rpl, pool, pal10. 2 Blks. to Bcuch. pool & BAY FRONT 1 Br· pv. MEN, 11 mall beach 004.el. ••••••••••••••••••••••• HACIF.NDA DEM£SA ttiOW. Wilson,C.M. Bcau11ru1 Croun<b Adult:i ·No Pt1s ry , SO' hx. Ir,.• So. S 1 4 M · 5 3 6 -2 5 7 9 ; Cull Bkr. i63-LS43 w/1iWcep1ng octanvaew' WS mo. M2·789G tcnn ul i.:luh 2 Hr. d~n. 2 pauo, yrly lnquirc •I~~ ROQms '21.SO week. Apt.a , 2BR 2h11. lllO.OOO. 59't -5ulO pvt. btach accet.1. iS50. .. bi, lrpl. ~-AvJ1I . now. Baytront, No. 5. ~. 1no 536-7m6 ltt1ngham Reui~y NEW •I unit , 2 hlks lo lJ<·h. Real E1fcrte 1ier mo. Ref:!>&pcr.sonal BF.AUTIFUl~2story 4 Br, ti4S -lti58 la&bo P lnMo 3 707 675--0llJ t:rest buy, ,.00o l"x W-t·' 2900 1nt e rv1ew rc11 'd . Jliu ~s. mo Lease or -a H LOWWIB(LY IU m111u1es to ocean . l.ar)lt' I lill ~175., Ga!'I & W•lcr inc , DraperiCI!. carpets . .:a.s heat. ga:o:i Sl.()ve, a ir condit1on1n&, sw1mm1ng pool. rec. roonz, washers&dryers. " .. -· -l -•• DUl'L'',X • l•r. '·'bu, 1r1>I , •••••••••••••••••••••• W'>l•"off. !•come· .,........ 673-~00 mo o mo . .,,.._,. moves RATES m' 0 ~ Al 3 ;; Y x t; ;"; ••••••••••••••••••••••• you 1n . Lease option h\l~P i\1~tr. bdrm . l hllc . BALIOA. IMM liaecuff•• Suitt-I STILUFFVIEW S:Jt.i 2~7 u 752 0460 CostaMese 3224 ava1l.gJS--02ll .. ei-:t16JY 0C'c i:111 . ~Jti..>. Yrly 1 nr ••PL:io . el11.111•p1·tl )WNER~ F.leeo nl 51-----------_ •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6..\;! 3:.J.tH k11chens . U111qt.1l' loc 7 27 YCNiltownll'f'd Upper Buy View\ J VETERA.._.S 8 8 0 ., S C le •-3276 \Y1ntl!r rao;s by .. k 01 Geach Blvd at Yorkt.own F'ormu l din-rm, 8 UNITS MES• n 2 R. 1 a. ······ .;:,io an m en.... mo.675-8740 536-0411 ''kitchen. prof. dl" . ~ HOW to get 2 BR. i oa . ····· ~·······················I -'""-'-""""'-----· S 128 000 801 Don't rent .... you e:1n 3 Bil 2 Ba "A'""/4 Oe . Vu . ror""-95. Mo. tJEAt..::H. Pier. I Hr . llut STUDIOS & 1 IRs ed, new crpts, lrplt. • -10 uwn a home with oodown · · · ·•· .,,,_ .... Full kitchen h l;ind:sC"<tpin u EXCHANGE h f payment. No poy ment Jen. 2 ba, f.inl •.• i-i1 lhlr.1nd 1\1,!W 4 BR,2~b.a ·~.· ~l)O. Adults. J()j ~ I d I MEDITERRAHEAH d Ca ~ or you OU:!>C, 3 l'ilr gar. c.. gewater.l-871 -:akiO Jeate pOO apan e8e ti:•r en, Poir of 4 pll':it:C:S Cosl<J ~ for .at Jeasl 30 days. Ra1'sor's Realtors Laundryfacilitirs s, lge fl'nced y:.rtl. l\1esu. Only $6.1,UOO l!<lth W o r Id Re a I Est ate Ownr /A gt 'G7S.7•14 Costa Me1c: 3 724 J<"rce utili11es VILU.G>E I Bedroo1n 1 Bedroon1 & Oen 2 Bedrix,m:-; to s hop'i;, lt•nn1s !lard lo 11110 Yi1lue .ut I t s peciallsts in veteran CAiLLlll-8600 SanJuan •••••••••••••••••••••• ... rt-elinens schools. ~~.5uo . lhe:.c pr1ct!s. liOOtl h:ii·;.1 -Q housing. Ask for Ve1eranJ:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Capistrano 3 278 Casa de Oro 'l'V & maid scrv.avail 77 lion Owner will J1nancc ..c.:...:c.'--------1 Counselor. SS&-m7, cull ••••••••••••••••••••••• liar-D·Quc 2 Bcdronn1 Townh.!!<'" 2<1UO II arbor lll\•d. iJI H lnlcrcsl . Set• to anytime-. 0 < J Ill! G If ALLUTILITIE.'iPAID Phone:!>ervice * REHT ... * n .,.-.n u;1 11 1 s o Co b r belu•vf' ('all now 111•1 R~ol ~ C & d 1 mparc. e ore you rcnl I m>letooc•nn Co:sta ti1esu t714)557·80?0 ACK BAY . .. ,...... 1 0 I d UNIV. PARK our:.e. i br t-n, 3 '" :.:c::.~0'..0::.:'~::.----7"2 17utl up ex 2 Br, •-... .......... Custom des1gnod - ,, -• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ., ... µ n Condo. LJ: Noman USTO M BUlLT I• I bltns. gar. Encl. patio. 2 R. l bath ..... ~15 b;ithtub. (;oir & pool Jo~eal unng : t:harm1ng 5tud101Condo, Park-Uk• s ............. •11-~1.~~~.11c~·1'~ , I' ll~aiJJj\I ~!!!.~':'!~~...... ~~-~,:~~1~1;1~~:· 3 BBRRT1-,iE"b~.iRRA~~': ~1 ~ns~. Adults only. ~¥.'.~.~~T,1,: •• ~~.~~Je.:,: •. w,ith in ~~['.~r-~5~ .• ~z?.·~~ri~s t~~: .a Ha . tam1ly llm . ----·•••=-=-Z • a. ···· ~1JUU 49tl 1"37 /4ro-1137. -= ' ,.. .. .. J OJ -----1 ronuc Kilt'h(·n 2312 1!"'£~~ DMSION __ "on-al 3102 3 HR . l lla .•.. ~195/"00 --.. __ ---Homc-l1kcslorugl! OELUX E l , 2 & 3 Br i\pts; Al :.o !<'urn. Hachelor l'v! l'al1ns -llld Pool I d L -.,. ... , Peter Peters WALN U1'SQUA11t-: Santa Ano 3210 Pr1valepat1os war <Jnc., lliu:t·I 4 PLEX ••••••••••••••••••••••• J609R""''--3BI< 28 lu• "'•' Clos-"garugc~/"lOr"g'c ak. brkr. tH5-~~0. • ..-.r ·· a . · · • n . ...,..,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• cu .. .. .. Laquna l each 3748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN FHON1'2 Hr Uul. incl. Vt'kly /or nlO. Ul fi/ 15. Nr.Shop ·~ Adl ts(hlly Martinique Apts \\"NLH 3 br, 11 ~ Ua, int. i47,000. llbr. , Ensign. M:.ir1ncrs. s lhru Sun &16·734:.S, thru Wcd5-IS-l:l75 N1t·l' u111t:. on large cor nt·r lot in N. (;osta Mc:.oi \I," I I Ac OWnl·r's Ullll . "tl5 . u t1I pd, vul'anl Newport leach TUH1'Lt-:H<X;K Cat ok 1 br house fncd Jlo1arblepullman 1n obilc, Costa l\t esa. You<1rclhewinneroC 38H..2Ba ..... ~t:IS/450 ytl :i;r;5 Brokerft.''t . .' KingsileBdrms !Jachelor unit il25., ul1i 2 tickets tothc . C{)H~NA DEL Mr\~.-Lilr1 . wild. I Br d~plcx. Pool -Barbeques -sur pd, Newport fleach. Vii · · OCI HOME 2 Bil., 2 lla .... : ~ i::ar:.ii::c . util rm, Sl50. rounded w/plush lndscpg t·unt house lluntington CJllNACOVE Hfing kuls & pets 2 hr Adulls -Nupe-t.s 5Jti·032 I ; 4~7 ·1500 __ _ 1777 S11nta ,\na Ave.CM ti1 grApt IJJ 6-tfi-5542 OCEAN FRONT Marino Pacific $48,950 VA/FHA newly carpclt'd, y pa inlc<I Nc"·porl hts beauty is a 4 oonl, l b:.ilh b:.irguin. t~rs. bcarned cc1I · s and all. Near r J-li gh Quail ~ Plac:• . •rti-1.s2-1t20 ~· NIW~f l l&Cii 1076 •••••••••••••••••• N CLEMENTE ::titiH,OOJ l Paul W. 1..-1.id ..Jr. Assoc. 642-8550 Twa Fixer Uppers Very old two bedr.:>0m home with one bedroom cottai;e 111 a s uperb peninsula loculi on. New :.ippl1anc~s included. )S..1,500. lkach, $175., ut1l pd. Va· IASkETIA.U. J Bdrm~., :l b a .. hOUSl'-:iil!:l5. Garage, yd. 1 Bl)l{M F1.1rn . S21U. l"illlt house. Corona dc·I GA.ME 1urn1s heJ. ::;900, Month to Kids & pets ok. 3 Br,i.::"o'o'cW::.:.·.::Wc•clo'°o"c.::64.::20·.::10"1cl:__ M:.ir Sl15 .. ul1l pd . Agl. Febr uary22, 19'15 month avail J /I , g<irage, fncd SJO WEEIC & UP l·"er. 979 -8430 J>lcase call &12-6678, Ql CALL 552-7500 yd. ~195. ~·fc3ke~s~ ~~:~~ d~n~; •VIS I 0 N ~ or~~~E~i~E~;£K ~~sgi~~~i"~iulpts Lo ll free number is . TV&Ma1dServAvail 'l-IARMING I bedroom 540-1220!. REALTY •642-9900• PhoneServ,l-ltdpool with sm den & lge palio. A Hed I-lilt Company Children & PetSct-t1on Yrly tease or lil July, UruV. Park~nler REBATE $5.oll'weeksrentw/ad !Suitable for couple or 3 BR, corner loc .. Mesa Irvine d 2376NewportBlvd,CM Bolboabland 3106 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Lcasc·S;ile-l'radc VILLAS South LaAuna -t:x- \'lusive, Prtv:.ite & l'lush. Brand Nt'W' Custom Apls :l Hr., 2 Ua 1--;nd Apt B1\Cll-lBH·2Bll w 1 Panoramic View rro1n Drive by 11 lO V1ctor1a 1<:xpl'llSlve Sundl•C'k. 2 01~r:N SA'frSUN l'rki.: spat·cs "'f atten· 045-6171 d a 11 t . 2 ·I h r Sl'I' u r 1 l y . , .................... ~~~ .................... ~lcvators lo l'oul & Bea eh. t.:a ll Sue t.:•lllnl•r :-,.')6.u770 or 6'75 5Hi3 -------- NEW 2 Br, spacious, Garage. No pets. ~IS. 675 -10'19 s1 n J?;le-oidull. 221 del Jlo1:.ir . il46 Junipero.~~~~~~~~~~~1°11 pur c ha ses ma e 548-9755or645·39b7 ,\mcthyst. Cull 673~107 iJZ5l1no. 493--0761. F before ~1arch ~l. ~1000.1--'-"'-==-'-'--'--~quall'Y roug h lhr1·e ;1l)O utnuon . I • loc)unal•ac.h 3248 lat clo:-;c or escrow) 1nNICE I Br dplx. Quiet.Mewportleoch 3769 OAKRlDGt-;VJLLAJbr. ix•d roonlhum<· ·il ~o wnh --Bring pet 2 brdplx, fncd ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1urn1ture _01 your choice Sep . by garages.••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ba, bltns, ehlldrt·n one bl'drocun· 'c·i~ltagc . Costa Mesa 3 124 yd, i;ar, :i-175. Broker $250 MONTH at a fine Jurni_ture store. Employed adlt over JS. D\'NA~tlt.: Lg . occanfrnt, welcon1e. S225. 858 II , lt·2 lot. u:rx :wo· ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'ee. :a.20,9all 1-'ull pnce. 2 BR, 2 No pets 548-1021 J hr, 2 ba, yrly, :i;.100. day 1cC"''c"c":::::"'··c""°"'Sc·•='='='---ui;r Eas 1s1d e 2 BR house. Kills we lcome 2 hr , AllUtil.Pald llA , crpts, drps, bltns,l--~'--------1 bllti-7103,e\•c673-~i Bvth ur thl':!>l' prvi)t_•l'ties Loirge lot. s.:-xt nwnth garage, s1nglesok, il80 2wl,<1~-.0w01,,w,0cazc~· .. d0eyc0k~ natural wood calunets, ADULTS, no 1>ets, 2 Br. arc ,. 1 ... ,r, '"'ancin" l s.t,la :!>t+ilOO. 1\gt Klds &pcuok,2 br,lge .. oversized clOSt!LS. FA ***GARDEMAPTS ~::t.95WKUP.llklr.~Ua encl. ~ar., p<1t10. :t.11a. u v a 11 ;~1: I l' 1 0 r 1 ,. 11 t s-1u 0~1 -~-fncd yd. Av111I now5i200 views. llu1lt·ink1tchen heat, u1r conditioning. **•POOL & Jiach . t.:olor 1·v . maid b44--0tl78 or548-769"l ., Hring kids & pets 2 br, MISSION REALTY pr1v01tc pat1o.s uncl more! Furn . l&Z Br apts in scr_v. pool. 'l'llE fl1t.;.."Al -'""'-c-A"'ScAc.cVc.l~CTc:...O-R-l-A-- P••rl1c:-.. 'rht::-.c <ire ex-Logunaleoch 3141 tgefncdyd,stv/ccf~~. Call 494 ft7JI !il30U. Moves you in! <1 1 N N rt DI NH I I''''' ' th -~ adult •ecl•'o n. "'Im a · 1 ewpo • ' Adull•l&28•,napcts 1· u:o.L\ 1' ~ g:'> ..,,11 u~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK Payments less than renl. " "' " ' . 11 u 7 s 7 225 l~G~a~'~d~e~n~A~P':'"'~·~oo~·==~J&l~5'.....I ::'"':";:' --%>!-=~· c''-:-:-::-:-::~-;--I U nf ur / r urn fr ..: l&J .SO '""'1 -l Bdrm /ba and laun · HOMEFIHDERS VERY priv;ite; the only Call Village Gardens . • tl l l I h I l d •"9 8"21 for app1 "' SUS C •SfT•S 3 BR. 2 b•. I blk to beach, Pool, rec rm, elev. • ' ' ' • • •'I I j ' ,.,,, ' ••• '' \ \I .I J·:'t BE \1 :1') A 8EHG E ... llHPHIS~ S CO ry ,pr1. en ranee, u 1 . •642--9900• ouse on a ge. cu c .. -., · ,... "' 1.:ncl. $150. 494-~0. sac. 310 Lookout Dr. J drive to 4109 W. StllSt. 1n M · N 2'JthSt. Av<111. l/15. Wntr. Sec J!ate, gas1\loflr pd. f • 1 A 1nutes to ewport :&!75 _673_71t;0 5i!5Victoria,ti42--a97ll 1 Bit rurnis hed I louse, re· 2 BR, 1'.:astside, clean, t ired or older work'g. quiet & central. DbLgar, P'·.::"o'•~·~·c•~•~·~·•cl~W'----I ~~:_P~~i;. No kids. i2:JQ. -""'-'=----- BR., 2 ba., lge. am. rm.1c""c'c"-•c..c"c•_: ______ Beach, bachelor & 1 Brl-'"-'--"-'-'-'-----1 with stone frpl., 16X21 1h u-·-r .. -•. .._.. (urn. Adults no pel.s. 2110 Yearly 3Br S3511. Winter CHILDR84 OK sunken liv. rm. opens on· nv.nes r11n1 -°'° N Bl CM to lgc. deck. AvuiL now. Unfurni1hed 3300 ewport · · 2llr ~50. Also 2 Ur. :tilW. Lge 2 Br $170; J Br l'h Ba eol Estate Ca. 491--0300 ASK t~Oll 'J'rutnan Hu1ll'y l'ele lt111lock l{ttiy J\o1urrav _ FAHTASTIC EM£RALDBAY llousc well furn. 3 Rr, 2 Jiu , ocean vu, bcachs1de. :a550 tLI 6 / 15. 673-4169. EASTS IO E N85 Mo. A~t. 494 -7~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2035 FvllerfOft. CM 646-Sl:IW aft ;1p1n. $190. Duplex & 4-plex, 2 LOCATED IN SPYGLASS t BR Furn, 2 lrgi:loselS, Attractive 2 bcdrm furn. pool s, crpts, drps, 3 BR, cpt, drps, frp1, 1-llLL, village of ll:iroor q ueen size bed. priv. Spac s undcck. Close to•1 -""'ccc·7c9c1_'c.. _____ _ ••• pi1trano 10 78 ··~··············· l\lll'I". 2Br. llJa, t_:on • 1'1101. g:.ir. ~;,5411.1 ~ v Ucl'<in. lSJo -·ll'Qti HIS IS A PLUM 1l ·~{'as ~·1ouwn llnt• r old hou:.c 111 1111· age has J lx.'tlr110111:.. 2 s and il <1ua11r1c·'\ Hir d o wn paym1·nt . II riuartl.!rly tl·i· ).:l"I "' tly rf"'l' pr1\·llt•).:•''" Carprl. l!l-.lltors INCOME PROPERTY L!\i' rl'nt free, rent other Clean. newly pa1ntetl 2 BK w f new crpt.s & drps. Stove & refr1g, s1ni;le garage. :a235/mo. •I "'all.. ti) IJl":1ch. 1n heart Ml'wport leach 3169 ~11 J.JgUll;J No 1ai.:a ncy. ••••••••••••••••••••••• U""lll'r 1tcxll1ll• on lerm.:.. IA"l\'t•ly 3 BH plus. t·Y4 ba. REDECORATED :!>1 .!~l .''IJU ('utsidl· shoy,•er. on Bay. 3 DR w/ new crµt.s , drps. 213 97-f.t.187 Stove & gar :1)(c. S27S/mo. HOWARD JOHNSON ]e_alty 497-1744 ' ._>_o. __ cc·----1 NONSM<JKESONLY __ _:Cc:' •c:ll..:646 -6855 FURN. I.JOO I SLt: !louse. (or short term rent;i.I , till July I . EasL'i1de3bedrmduplex fi75-6055evcs. ill250. mo. Ist.last+•IOO EASTSIDE Agent S46-0tn4 • DUPLEX • HouMs Unfuntithed ---- rl1·1·cnlly upgradc1I 2 RR ••••••••••••••••••••••• DESIRAILE l'orccd ;;ur. S375, i;rdnr. Vic"'• lovely 3 bedroom w incl "d . 4~~-6914 or homf'. f''<inl:.i:;tic view of dressing rm, extra Jrg everythn1g. 111ter or 493-8001 the mountains and lltl's rooms ' enc I . gar yearly. ti73-U"l:Jli 1rom masler suite, hv1ng w/storage. Adults only. LU·X lgc 2 or J Br. occan- room, fo r mal dining no i>ets. front. winter :iiJi!5 up. room & kitchen. 1...uxury STUNNING 1 br Gardt-n r· r p I, Ind r Y. ga r . appointments. With this apt. Pool. rec. room. c"'o.o•:_='o'o":...------1 3 llr, 2 BA t:ONDO, bllns, patio . pools. ou1s1dc ma1nt . ~ltS5. 1no t>42 -1334 home, you will rt.-cc1ve $180. 7IOW.18thSt. 3267 lhe keys to pnvatc U?nn1s~;;~~;.:;;~~~;;~;;,;;\Sleps to ocean. Bach w/ l "ourl, pool, and Jacuzzi. ltH.. Ava·11 t'eb2Ut1I June ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 2 67 ' 21 Only steps (rom your 1 BR Fur n 516.S Z1. ::ii" ll1 mo. a-·· 45. Mission Viejo 3 Hr, 2 Ba, l tr. yr old. I yr t & l"ront door. ~525 per Lots or blt ns, pool, walk lease, s.350 mo, 'ronl month.Call 644--4687. to shopping. i :? ml. Apa;ln1ents\Jnfwft Hack yd in. X"''1l'0:-~12~t"9'--!:'-"-"-;-"'--~~--;--::·! beach. 931 w. L9thSl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllLJ..S101-::~5ETTING 3 Br l\ttrotc tiv.e cottage n~ bch. 548--0492 Balboa lllond 3806 •NEW• 1 BR APTS li(,J l'Ul'h Com11lclcly lenccd. l.JOM£ -Vt·r~· prL\lttl·. Gl'ftfl'al 3202 2 Br, 2 Ba, cpt"d, drp~. SOUTH COAST ••••••••••••••••••••••• forced air heaL Garb condo,t·ust.dccor.bltns. Work1ng 1 ~et1red ••••••••••••••••••••••• A1C,lrplc,att.gar.m5. ~ent l~.man i'/L r-ent. 2BR S260 . I inc. mo. m 31111 . tee . _:1~---oti27. . l BR, quiet, A/C, pool, · per mo. inc 5· adults only, no pets. gas~ wtr. 213-696-2716 Like ILving in a Western movie set! Old West fla\lor v.·1th CllY shl'k (ea lures: Pool, complt'lO kitchen with refngeratllr incl. Wall lo wall plu..<ih carpt-t1ng. Adults only. no pets . ALL Nt-.:W! Right now & only a very lcw available. ii• HomH Sale 1100 ••••••••••••••••••• 5' 2 Ur llnadl1nrr. lJ"lll'(l' '-.t'\Up 21:.1 & IHI, C~1 Ul2 J~1t)7,1 -2HSI. ea9• for sale 1200 ••••••••••••••••••• 0 t: 1\ D 0 Li\ N I> • !.JO ./Ac . H;•ncho l"J . seller f1n:.nr(·d, 1'' . 'J'1ght l:IS torce:. :-1111·. wn cr r ui..r . f;:S:l-<ti;o.J <...: 1 J"\(110 , (."11 I LIS f or ·1, ))~.)O \ll'r <1\'. Al~'°'.ill ill". I~ ml Su u1 5~ -2307: HJo-!Jl7~ CCMtdominiurns Checkmate Apts. 2831 ~r 213--434-2623 Ask ror a Br, 2 H<J. !'am rm, rulJy Unfumi1hed 3425 Brislol,5-46-8791 Stev<! 1939 WAL.LACE IMVESTMEHT FHt-:r; !""REE th:-ip, blt·1ns, lrµlc, patio, J•rofl.·:;~1onitl Scrvu·e ga rage, water furn 642-7458 549-0812 646-671.0 * LA .. DLORDS* AdulL\ only N11 pels - - -1"'11 ltATt: H.BASONAUL£: crpt"d , drps, 1:-:Z ma1nl .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BalboaPenirn.ula 3807 t·ul -dc -~at·. s35u.New 3 Hr , 2 Ba, I level .L~Fun12Br'1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DAHAPOIHT DUPLEXES )··:1hlli<1U ~ Ol't"iJll I'll'""~ .o !l•'Y.' l11·~1ut1l11J du1JIC:\C~ l·'ru1n ~.8.:1.Jo ::>:I . .>UO d11wn t tt'l1r1•upf·n \~'hrul.-..11 j "'k1!;1y~r;1 l l "'U;-.1431 :!.[!I JJ~1.11 f\1 al.1g.1 l,r. 111111 .. 1 tlarlJOr lnr vrnc Jlumc-. Homef'mden• 642·9900 Cahfornia ·s Largest Across from Country Club Z7S Mesa .Qr. 548--6706 --~"c'c"c1c•~lcSc=."'.:::."c'c' __ IC. M . EasL'iide, very nice :J bdrm home. 2 ba, frpt. new carpeu & drapes. ~20. 830-5372 ALA JlENTALS Y.'aterpd .5Hti-·lili~. Condoin So.CoastStlore Bltns, w/w, drµs, pool. OCEANFf?ON'f Yrl\• 3 NEW spaciousJbr.2ba. --------area. Contact Manager, A~l l l s I n o pets $190. br. l ba, & 1 br .. ·r;pl, Pvt yd, frplc. dbl gar. No Ansti Villa Condo, llkl· ;jii26Mar1nel.S.A. 642-9~20 hltn s , cpts, d r ps. p~~s.~15.Al5?2br s:tl.5. Iii."""" J I.Ir, 2 U;i. crpl. -. 75 1 2615 t Iden CM D•>" drps. s tv. S275 mo. lly Nlt. SA i'\,·y, l r~1ne·2sty, WHERE ELSECAH t; -536 t>42--<t:hls ' . . ' owner. Afttill3143l·.'i!ll7 2 br, 2 ba, p;iuo, air, no --m;11nl. $295. 644--4887 Capi1lrano leach lB 18 YOU GET A ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach 3269 • i UH, near Ncwporl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Bdrm, s hag carpel, 2 f Csl'lt-HOUSU lights, no pets. )225. mo. CONDO 2 br, l,.lt:z ba, pool, slory, £285. near beach. I Jl9l :'~i. ti73--'l256cc·~------bltns, wash /dry, g.,,r. no II. B. %8-9765. FABULOUS I BDRM DUPLEX 3 Br, 2 Ba, bltns, lge :yard, ocean V\CW. i261J. 642-1155 Lovely J Br .. 2 ba. upper: bltns, cpts1drps, quiet. a r ea, 16t h Place, nr. stores. M arricd, over 40. No pets. ~25.6:16-24 1 4 NI WPOl!T&&A,,c.M.-..2·ua SMALL detal'hed 2 br pclS.675-9188 Townhous.e/ OCEAN VIEW-Ne w Yi'c st•rv1cc the hca(·hcs. hou:.e, 1 or 2 ch1ldrenok, :>OOS'f . Andre~~ ltd,2 Br, Unfurn 3525 Duplex. 2 Br. 2 Ba, LRG 2 Brs, pool. nrshops, II "· & ,,,,, Ten acresofopen space, ds b~h ·, •cfr••., •22a·. adultst no pets. Ut>'I pd-11nl1nglon lo w)!una carport. :a11to. mo. R( 2 Ba. hv rm, din nn. ktt . •••••••••••• •••••• .. ' • ., "" · FOR ~212.50 ri 0 C MI SS ON y · . 2tenniscts,giant rttrea· 496-1534 . I 1884 Monrovia, CM 1nlant' ran~e uunty. pcLS .548-4592aft4pn1 gar. S290. Apply at office I teJO area. tion center with pool, c ~u---0336 I arJl,eSl 5elt'cl1on 01 ren· 600StAndrewsRd. 1\.1 o u n ta in View · C d 22 1 c~cc=_:c:::::_ _____ _ t~il5 Lnth~·area . Huntinqtonleoch 3240 ·rownhouse.Custom2br, saunas. ping pong, orona fl Mer 38 Nt:WBREEDi\P'TS met, ::>tiOu r.11'r :.ic. Your ~----------ms. 495·1021J ___ _ mercial roperly 1600 ••••••••••••••••••• Strip C omrnet"Cial t3:!>h s penduble cat !>trip cun1mcrt:1<1I. rfett 1oc;.1t1nn, adJa· nl to Alpha lkla Sh01J· i:: rntr. i-:arns SJS3:J cndalllc Pl'r year. Ju 2 p rate. !)on t dcl:.iy . ll1il417:'"12 1711) ot1 for s ale 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UUJJ,UJNl: J,Ol'w/Ol'l'an Vic"'· Llii\1 llii.:hland~. S45-145ij ,ill.ti & wknd.-. Bac:hs·Studcl\L'iSllO/Sl4~ •••••••••••••••••••••••SPYGLASS OcVu 4 hr. l.b:i.air,$290.544 -10-11 . vol leyball, jacuzzi,••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Hr~ c 111s & s nglsG RE1\T4 bedr1n.2 1 ~ba, F /lt,IJ /H&poollbl.~75. player piano & more. Nl'!WLY l br & bach ~165/~. ::.135/~195 lam area & pat1~. 2 car n10 .6-1·l -1791 /642~35 Charming 2BR, l Y? liA. Adultsonly. REDECORATED Pool, jacuzzi, gar. Ul1I ~Hrhses:ri175/Sll0 g11r. :t;375 . per mo . Twnhse. Frplc . Patio, 42l Larkspur. Jbr, 2ba. pd, frplc, adlts, no pets. :J,-1&5Brhomcs5275/::j,60(} 962--4471askforKeiUi WESTBEACll yrly~.2 pool. Sublet :a2so. HEWPORTVILLA.GE S.325. 2hr. Iba. S265-~. Eves ti45-44ll. J93 l.'allusforinfo. IJr f'rplr drps cptd d /w 040--0493 6358aker 1\ 11 w : garage ·i cHcacmc..;_1tcocnc.. _____ _ Op~ortun.llyl HT 3Bll.,2~ ba.,ncwdelu xe working adlts t2l:J J ..::.:c....:.::.cc..-----·I Nr.i'lewportFwy t}44~MOO/ti-""-7326 • ALA RE A.LS 2100 sq ft l-sty 4911 li96-S880 Duplexes Unfarn 3600 -----12 llR in triplex sep. by fully 1 c\·eluped 26 l~1l 642-'183 pear c e, nr 11 u nt , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 1557-0075 2 OR. adullS, (?001. no pets. g;1ragc. Pr i va~y, W/d sut1d1v 1 ~1on, !JI) lot ;1dd1 ----------1 l-larbour £425Monlh J BH 2 Ba, Fam-rm, nr NWPT BCl l 3 BR. z Ba.1---'--1_4 _______ 1 yr tsc, nr. bch. :i;220. hook up, refr1g. s tv.,:, 11on fully l•ng1nl·t•rf'fl und 2 Hr llunt1ngton llcal'h 846 _1~38 8<10 -ll65 llarbor i ll l.ge yd,~-ll :is everything. Nr LARGE bach, pool, uLil ·open : 4250 E. Cousl shag. S200 mo. No pel.'i1 :.qi1)rO\'l'd iilld vaiu:.ilJlc SiikJ., s1n1des ok 2 Br mo Walcrpd.642-3494 ocean, tennis &olympic pd . Over J j. ~120 .. Hwy.673-~152 S48-l l68,eves551-2528 1·0111n1c rc1al h1~hv.·ay t.:os ln Mesa, s ingles," R1 . vacant, nr beach &I ~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;,;~;;;;;\ pool. S295. yrly lse. ~-2407 I B C 1ro11L:1 ~c. Owner y,•11J ol 1am11lt•:o.. 2 Br. 2 Ha , ·r. a llschls ~ L'>t,lasl +~ &12_3573 SO.ofH~y2Br.den,2ba, RW/fRPL h:rruntasuctcrms New JI , St85, Newporl dep 9391 l\.!olan1 . HARIORYIEW 1c:.:::_:::.:.::...-----·lt'U RN. Lge l Bil ,\pt. all bltns. frpl, sundeck, Avail. March l.dshwhr, J11n111r :1011 !-en1or high Bt'ach 3 llr. 2 ba, ~3!> .. 8JJ-1103or 963~ klDS WELCOME 111.:st view of bay. Duplex I Adults onJy. no pcl<;. In-gar. softwtr, gardnr 111-din rm. p\'l patio. :l.175, :.1·hnol.:. Ucing !)udt 1n util pd, Newport Beach, Great Joe. near pool & :vr old. ;J Br each, frplc. quire 17~'h llochestcr c1·11. t\ft 5, 675-ti257, Near Irvine Jnd. Arca. oir1'a dplx. Agt. f"ca. 979--8430 llr1ng kid Move today· 2 tennis. 3 BR. f'am-rm. outs l:n1d1ng view on bay t Hear) :i;J75. a57-2tJ.tl -- 1 -- 1 - 1 d 3 206 Br, i.::a r. fncd yd ~185. Sharp~ s-475. mo. Two to nr. ocean. Call for upf)t.1---'-'-------·I I·~;;,;~;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;; Ba boa 5 an Rrokt>r t'ee. choose from. 1 >wnerr Realtor ~-6761 f':a~ls1de. furn. l·bdrm. LARUE I br. gar.~ mo.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bring kids & pels, 2 br 752•0460arrylime or~K-2103 upl. Newly rcdecor.; t:pts,drps,stv.biJ-5503 THE DAISY 1\Je.,..· Ba)·rront , Little tcanoust:',$2Jll. pool. No children, no FORKIDS& Call 6 7 5-7225 ... "' .... '"'' ·~· ..... ~· ....... !!>land. 2 nH, ~sty ~·/ Kids ok 2 Ur , yard, Sl'llDIO. 2 blks l>cach. 2 pelS.Sl75 . .548-96.1.1 2 RR. Iba. pool. nr hh. )\\!NltOUSf. 111 Irvine. r.tagntf1l'C'11t V1t•w. r1er J?arage, Avail now. ~l60. Bit, I' Ba. patio. gar.. 1993 ChurchSlrecl li235. Mo-to-~1o. b/5-7033 THEIR PA.RENTS f n r ho ;1 l . Yr I y . OPEN 7 DAYS A wr:l'.:K II . B . ~225 . No pl'l s .l ----'-'-''---~---1 days, 4~J.l -37:.!0at L JL'l\.1 POOIJ •hi,\' up!-!rad<'d. l br, 2 T Pool ll"'O 00'1 • ll:1-·t171;-21z.1. HOMEFIHDERS K4G-IJ1Ior645-IQll • ropical • 2 L> R ":s ,. \ 1.1.l•:'t· BE \1 :1') 1700 ••••••••••••••••••••• :., pal10, air, no tn;.11nl . --------____ 1 & 2 Br cpts, drps. CCKfa Mesa 3824 TO'f Lo·r ~"..;"~';';"~..:.;3~';·;9;'>0;.;';";';"";;.;"";_7 1 East Costa Mes a 3 JJR, 11-,. BA, I house oil * 642-9900• UAL ISL, \'rly. ~1;irch L J I ' G & ••••••••••••••••••••••• PATIOS A 6[R(, (NTERPRISlS CO b tns. patio. as water • Appro\ '.1 :.it•re H I lol. the bay. /\v~1I Jlo1ar. l:'>t. 2 UR, close to beach Br. 2 U ~1 . I door to beach. paid. 548·1 l&S Extra large 2 Dr , 2 ba F E N C E D YA R 0 S. sz 3 ,500 645-ti177 ______ Part. furn . S325/mo.,Yr park. mod. kil ch. i22S S.:175.li75·l~OS~JJ_ ____ !l~=:D::,:=;-'---;-;:;;:I Carpels, drapes & 1>1acent1a Ave-. at 18~/\. ' .,,, .. ,·,eel 2 bedroom. 2.._ _________ , 1 round.1st & last+ ~~00 per mo. 536-9S!ll al't ---Dana Paint 3726 bu11tins830CE.iVl"l-:ltSt. Street.642-379:1. I"" elcaning d e p. r eq d. 6PM Npt. lll!lS. New Spanish •••••••••••••••••••••••l~·~~G=l~l~•~•c_ _____ _J..;, ...... ~..;,..;,~~~~~~ alh, new w /w cnrpl'l.S, COST A MESA 4~--0663 aft tionwkdys. C:..:..0::----.----1 ;i H It • 2 BA · . r r P 1 c · 2 BR furn"d S!50 I Br r:i\)CS, elcr hltn". H1t>. Builders spcct:il lot eom-----------I i 3244 Hc::i 1ned cedu~g. D.b.L unlu~n :iil65.' both' new1Y Nier:: 2Br, Pool. Rcrr1~ Adult l br, lY:r ba tnhs<'• W. r11·1v fenced pallo, plclr Y.·ilh plans l"or 10 Knoit.v Pinc intl'r. 2 BO, .r:.~•••••••••••••••••1 ... ~~~.,.;~~~~~~·1 ~:!ra_gc. 646·266ti, decor·d . & utlls pd . s 170• 675.6425 3lSJ 171Jl d /w , pa110. encl. gar •. • ~~1~·c 1;;~ 111:!~Zt11:1~ 1~~1~~ Unit . ~~~.~~~.l' A.d~~L~'.o~o ~i: 4 BR, i Ba. J>OC:>I. Nr. UCl, N f_:W POltT ~•IOR ES J i .. l::i -~:iSl 496-0195 or :J00-1142 Place. CM. an I lam. :iiWO. S<Rl -769l; &14--tl87M'": :x"cclle ni loC'allnn. l.11th $49,500 YPar ll'asc ~()(). 4\1'1 -rwy, shopp ing. i375. Br. 2 Ba, S395. Properly Apartments FW1I HUl'ltirKJton IHCh 3740 LA MANCHA APTS *VILLA HIMOS · p I :is t l' r t.: a II S:IO -4ll.!G. · 7 5 2 ·O 4 6 0 artytlnw: m-;~~ri ... '--------_ll03=c-S..:;c9c74;_:'cvcccsc. ----1 ~l~l~o~u~>e~·c.4:2~;,31'~•~>----1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 7!:1, Scott P lal'c, c M ·._.1rlanc (iardens. ---B'"AU'f l U 1· · BalboaPl'ninsula 3 207 Tiit-.: T.t;HHAC J·: Univ. Wl-'STCLlr'F ~ '.l I Ibo 11 d 3706 c. r urn apt:c; 642-5073 2 Br, 2 BaApb Sup~t ·Coml'ort<1ble· Quiel I,, New2br 2b'> f'l'I , ~· •· p~ !·Y. ll',lo a s on ~165&'.~17jSpan1shStylt• Ad11 lt,·-No~1 -•~.hwhr ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · • · · 2b;J hom~ :.il10 & vd •• ,..... v;,. rust . de e. 2 v:1t 1os . . : .•... ·., ···~·•••••:••• ••••••• bldg,pvt,cnclgar .• pool. Shaacr1lt-<..:losetl S l9,950 Ylll.V :1 br. 2 ha, nr &lu-£345 _L~~_!!_ool~S.15ll-ti4fi·2·18· Nil !'.:LY !'urn. Raeh. J sauna. lndry,adllS.17301 garage. (;asBD<l h c 11 r h . :!> 3 !15 111 o ·I-'-"'-"'-"'--------Lux u ll y l' o nd 0 0 11 .1dlt nv1•r l!. ~1on-sn1kr.. Ke-eison Ln I blk W . ol (;as & .,-al er pd-Pvol J.;nclosed Garages G;1:. & Wa1 er Paid. 1\.1ol!t to1 o. rl•nlals ~lto:ii21U :t Childrt"n Wekome !ZOO movf'S ~Ull Ill !her 1·0~\S 2 BIL 2 ln1, ll bl1l llS. f";lllgt• ,II,; OV\'I\, ood cah1nl·1 ~- 21J,:i~1:!-.!6I .... !i7:i-9173 F'tlRhomesfnrLt:AS£or watcr.2 hr, 2 1.i,., \'ll 'W, no s1dnt. :!>l.~:>. 111.11 1'0!'.i Ueuch ol l Slater . wknd:. S1\Lt.: 1n the IRVINI'.: lrpl , hoal slip, pool . 21.l-ltU_oJl .. 1 tH2 -f841i G,\RD_t~~• apl lge 2 llr. ,\ 1ri1mc J l·;\\!El.·2 s1 ry. L H 3 nr JB.i·llll·ny d1·n J>H Palin. 1-, hlk liay & Bth ·l~sc-i40o·t>75-Jl22 area Call us! We t1re J<ll"U~tl, hobbyshull blLns1n ... l.0 1W,neww1w here to serve YOU & l'rire reduccrl' Mr CodaMe10 3724C05faMe10 3724 shag + drps. l>vt. p~1l10 Wll~I~ MAKE EVERY ll ('acl . ti73 -702i eve ................................................ :ii180.Mrt6,&42-7973 r;fl<'ORT lo solve YOUR Ill!/ -9661 days. t ~:J.!<I ~Iden 1\vc 83:J-24l:!il. ' }vl'r51zcd 1·10:-.cli-. plenty •l !'torag<', l-'1\ hf•:1t. .ur ·ond1t1on1ni.:. l'r1v:1tl' a11os. l'"Olll ltl1•lt•1.\ cnced. Wall to"•11ll l'rpl:-Corona--~clel--Mar-3222 drps. Paymt.>nt'> ll's:.t...,. ..... -..;~~~~~~·I •••••••••••••••••••••••! housin g nf'c.-d.!I . -\ ,ETTIT REALTY Beacon Bay. Avail now on Univf'rsity Park. Irvin!! lea:-;e. 2Br. Iba 5.Jl -400IJI AMBASSADOR INN BRAND NEW 2 BR 4-plex w/!lundcrk_; LRG 1 Br. bltns. dshwhr, Upper, pvt locked gar. I,: adult£/no pets. $l'10 /mo hlk Irvin e A\'e. No- Call645-4291 eh1ld 1pcts. 839--4~ 1 ..:::=::::....o~:.:...---1 -~ han rent. Call Villo11cr --- arden!I, 839-M..121. Mobil• Horne, Dudl•y Mlller 1101 Wost Boy Newport le-och You are lhl' w1nni:r of lt1c-kt"'lSlt11il(' UCI HOM! BASKETBALL Troller Pariu 23~0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\10Bll.I·: ll omf' Pk . llr1d11c11or1 ·rr tide s:1n .0110 cq tor Cl'\I , L.L[.tlll\U ;lj't';j Box 1504, ,\\;.ilon. Cit 9070.1 MOUfttoln. Desert, Resort 2 400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GAME Ul("i 81-:A H home-lor rent. FchruaryU.1975 /\"all l)ady1 Weekly, Pl~a!lc ('Rll t)-42 51i7fl, C'Xt Mo 979 1234_ :1 :1:.1 10 cln1n1 yourvou donl nt"ed a itun to 1·1ckct. .... tN011h Counly ··t)raw .. ·nst when you toll frl'!t 11umbcr 1!1 p111cc~r1ad1nlhcDAILY 5'11>-1220). PILO'f Wanl Ads '. C.'lll now 64:l-"78 •lBrS01 llwy :.;.1511 :1ur Roats ll11~50 552-7000 &'67J-87R5 l'iil. .!Br 'l'oY.•nhous<' S<li.l OUTSTANDING 2 br, 2 ba 4BrC.:D1\-tl1ne-sl>i5U 1'er r.1ce Townhouse. 3Hrl.illsB"t"rt:iitl50 Best Value ·o wner . _C:..'•cl:..l 6:..7c.5_.c7.=2:..25:..8:..k.-r_. __ I 64:.::.:c<-9....:.:.":.:lc_ ____ _ UN USUALLY LARGE "!'Ill· Tcrraec In Un1vers11y ttii-cc b<'rlroom homr. all P:irk, 3 OH , 2 BA. erpt, n1orlt'rn 11.cd. :c;parkllnl? drps, pu110 cnver . comm. 1·lp1111, r~·ndy to mil\"t in pool SJ7S/mo. 551--5689 lo l)ne t~lot'k 10 ht•uth. call art3 PM. pr1vu\e pt1l10. ~'-'.JO. rnlh on yearly le.a ~e . A!::l COLI': 01'' NEWPOHT 675-5~1 1 2Ur. 2ba Coildo, air, Pool, wsh l dry , $295 mo 963 -2312 3Br, 2ha. f-l arhor Vn·v.. llome. Comm Pool. ~13:"1 mo 644-4844 Spect aeular Ha r k llay llluffslll'; 3 BIL, 21·1 ha ,I pool·, d hl. ~;1r . ell· S12.'i\ i\1 v. Brokerti44-JIJJ F"or .lra se . Nrwport f-le1i:ch1s. 4 Brdm. IAt." tam rm , z•~· Ila , nr nll schools. OLvatl nppro:ii 1\lar I , )4 !:>U mo , 714-724-905:1 L<i mod duplex J br. 2 bli Townhouse. New, UP · Have somethinll you wanl nr heh 603 ReRonH1. :t..173 Rraded 38r, 2ba. "Thf" lo se1I? Class1f1ed uds do ~-2561 :834 -1720 Terrace'' Univtr.!111.y 1L well -call NOW W-ant Ads -Cati 642·~78. Park" $395 mo. 833-6643. 64Z·S678. u-. ............ l lt(.11H f911Jiffft ....... ,..;.,, ......... ...... w .. .... , ... , ......... ...... ~, ... ,.._. ...... ·---........... """"' cmuq·s ·~··­w...-a O.-,..-rlliL 2277 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 645-4B40 Quiet Eastside 2 Br, cpl., :al.).) .• c lean, I~. l b~, nr.: stove, gar. yard. pool. no ()C(,, n ~ P<'ls. For~~ chlldr n . •lS.S. G7J--0731 01.vu1I . 546-671.H, 1001 t.:~ e t.:rimtno. =:.::c..---- ·Redw-..,., l.2Hch'". •"""•I• •:-n• -Nllr 1.Jl..t • Pf~i. r•Uo&lfWIM!CI c·.1n .... &M l>••l•rh•a.,C'~I• M,...e 171111\1,.·l:wl"l L<;i-: I hr. !'tvdn~ .. <'pt ... drps , ca rport. Mature. i.1Qll 9!15 V;dt·nc1a :iii;,.) --------· f~AltUEN Apt. lf,!e 2 Ur, hlln.-. tncl. 0 1W. neww 1w· sh;1i::. + drJl6. J>vt.. puuo; ~l&I al"l tt.1;.i2 7!113 Dona Point 3 826, • •••••••••••••••••••••• NF.W deluxe '*P'S· l fl~ ~I&\. 2 Br. 2 Ila~ & up.; Open Sttt &: Sun I.! 5. J37tJ l MariannJ, 4~ ••• , ,, -· •' • ., .. .. •. ' . - • ' • " ' QI DAILY PILOT .. --· Thursday, February20. 1975 Add ft ... Build ft... Diaper lt...Hammer It. .. carpet SERVICE lum ... a c ... 1pe 1 T'' elt o S: It"' lt ... Cement it ... Wire it ... Hoe 11 ... Clean it... Move ROQf ft ... L1111dscape it ... Tile It .. : rim L. w 11·" IL.Press 11 ... Paint lt...Na11 it...Plaster lt ... Flx it... ttaul It. .. Add It... Plant It. .. Alter It... earn ... labraJtff'"J Carpet $erYke C.1111Jtt/Coac.Nh Fnchlig G.-dtnhlg Hr 1h:9 •IMf.. P•llagJPGpffl1t9 ~~••••••••••••••. ...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... . .. Ch · L. k •· w d Grdn'Rl"ai· IL d p • Lew&WaynesPlu1n 1ng JOHN 'S Car~et & LEONJT-F. CONCRETE 81" 1n ..-00 · in n n ac • MOVJNQ Surglarproof)'ourhome. • · I Rcrnod ti l Chi l dearc by hr /· Uphol:)h:ry.l)r1 shampoo STAMPING Cob · Hcs /Co1nm. Free e.!lt . lk>C:l,spklrs,cleanup.so1 Local&Lon1Qi.i;Utnce Save$7toS10onlrustalla· FINE .Poipe~h•naina: & Jlep .a r, F Esl' ·day/nighl J-sol "·ve (soil rel:ird;intsJ . blestone. bric'k, tile. S4J0-5115/673 -1166.askfor cone.642·3331 /046·4908 645-&495 lion prices+ matenal. Pa1nt1ng. 22yr_s serv R eP!.~t1 -ree • -~ G · , .,A .. ""'""' Jfarbor area. lie . Ph : 675-v•v · I n fan t 6• w I.' I eo me ' Degreasers & all color Patios, etc. 641)-4349 •Y· eMf'OI Senricn HOiti&ec&e..... ,._..._,., 642 2356 -·~~WfR:;p~;--~=~ 5S6-0J47 · brightener• & 10 min ute Ci'.:ME:Nr Gorc:t.tfffH) •••••••••••••••-••••••• M lc1ROcNl/RepaJr ----------1 blcaeh for your wtn1 e TJI .. ,~. ••••••••••••••••••-••• -OWV Wl""TER RATES ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babysit till.:. f'ence d t'arpel:I, $0t\IC munt•y by &BlockWork ••••••••••••••••••••••• •·• li-,US'' by Moo.se. HOUSECLEANINGisour••••••••••••••••••••••• * .. " . Additl ya rd. Lo\•iug care. 1.1ny sitving rne eJCltU trip:.. Walls,patios,suiewalks. J~PANf~SE Gardener. Gen wl)()dwork, repairs, Business. Call Janice's W'ILL.1/\M S & Sons Paint g, decorating & Room. , oo°:~ING <1;ge,unytime.ti4Z-629'J. C.:IC'an li\'ingroom,duung byhrorjob.6f6-4i!Jl5 C.:omplct.e Yd work, Jllumb1ng.elc.842-5613. RaggedyAnns675-6SS3 M•so nry tic 283046 . paperhanging. Hes/In · · REM rm & hall $15. Any rm . cleanup. C.:ut trees. Free Brick block .s to ne dustrual /Comrn. 25Yrs QUALITY WORK Young Grandmother wall tare for your child <1syou would. my home . 546-3088 $7.::io couch SIO chaJr SS. Cement Work of aU kinds. est.642-3102 TH~ BEST in Domestit $86-637t ' · exp. TERMS. 645·7972. Call Now P'or ~ ' . • Reasonable , fre e P.losc::oe Cleanin£. Robbie's Ra · FREt:ESTIMATES lSyrsexpiswhat<.-ounts, estimates Call638--3325 MEXICAN Mike's Lawn 2001 ChmieSt. &Mop.MS--0751. Permanent Waterproof· CA LlCOTEPAINTING And Design nol met~od. 1 do work · &y:.trd maint.Oeanup& in.a ceiling preserving 01 Ca ll~79-~ 751 -5619 n;iy se lt. Cd. refs. Sidew&\ks.Driveways· pruning, Free Est. Ph. CostaMno House<"leaningbyCouple. any aod all Masonr". Statel1c &Jnsured (213 1867-5760 531 -0101 Patios Block and 548 -2049 Vou'arethewinnerol Wkly, monthly, Spec-. " C~L-•Mak"-'l•saCl·'"n•'no,Ca·~ts S.lump.stone W. al l!i. 2t1cketst.othe jobs. Reas . Rale E Resists aci-ts .• grease, INT EI\ I 0 R &looflftCJ __, •"':f ".. ~ .. "' ··~ 645--87 Europeanl.andscaper UCIHbME 548-6271 e~c.Gua~once1sforever. t;X'l'ERIOH J>A INTING . •••••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Upholstery, Stc<1med 20 Tree St!rvice•Clean up, Free esuma\.el. R.J . v.an Call Ll!e 830-7278 Eves. J c QOOFING CO Cs tm Cabinets . boat clc;.incd or .sharnpoo. Brick or Concrete Patios, reas.noMaint,&42-5329 BASKETBALL JAPANESE.houscleanlnl! Oenheuval Conmruction "' ed work, putio covers, 557 -67•12. Drives , Facing. etc. ·GAME anytime, own trans Co. Exclusive ··cRETO'' Painting : Int & E.xt. Res Lic_~nsed&l~~r kit ch e rl re 1n o d c J: Coteri"n Very re as. 645-8512. COJ\1 J>l~ETE Gardening-l'J Febru 1 a 1 ry2'l, J97S S46-052l product ~ealer. The only & Comm. Quality work, Free Esl. 54!l-40G6 646-5219. ~ Trceserv: Quality work ease~a 642--5678,e~t penetrat1ngsealer.(7J~1 tree est. insur ed REPAIH S. all l "pe<, -__________ ,........................ L . "33 l I """-A""'" J C al ow est rate s . ., o c aim your ..._,-,.......,, 640-1666Doug. Keas. t-'rC'C est, lu-, u~k l'arJ ies·your home . ontractor 557_91so . ·rickets. fi'lort.h ('ounty l1teomeTox 1-:-,---------1.0-.:.::._:.::::.::.=e:... ___ , Gour1nct bufCet s •••••••••••••••••••••••!-'C"--'-'-"-'-------loll free n.umber 18 •••••••••••••••••••••••Mo•ilHJ 1·or Walt . 830 -502(. rCorptrnt•r hor s d 'oe uvr e l ' ps . Kirchner Conslrucllon Gardening Gregs Way 5'10-l l201. Adams Tax Consultants ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plaster /Repair -"-"~Y_l•_m_•·------ ... ••••••••••••••••••••• Gloria's llavcn 5.'ll -:J~9 All bldg, r epair or re· Heasonable rates. Servicr In your home al OUT, & ABC?UT ?'!. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tiie ;\fAS'fElt. Cr11ftman 's ---modeling & t!lec. needs. 494 ·4833. NoExtraCost960-lMS Local /~tatew1deMov1ng PATCH PLAS'l'ERING ••••••••••••••••••••••• Specialty. l<emodellng, Cement/Concrete <!7 years in Orange Co. -------'--~~ 'fired of eaung out?' Good 7da, Cree est,S21·2071 A 11 'I' y p es, Fr c e .-•f,'RAMJC TILE. New & J1n1sh work . llefs. f'rce ••••••••••••••••••••••• fi.45--0768o•"A" ,,n~° Clea nups. Treework , foodpcep.1n"ourhomt!. •1-YCMll'....___* Y ~~ d •-., -.. .............. W . 11 M B est1males. J{ .. model. f-'rce est. S111 e s t . Gu;.ir. work . CUS'J'Oi\tCementWork Gar e n1n g <>< Jl.11nor 1\1 a r1e646-6563 27YrsExperience 1 ove or u C 1154 -i>825 ~ 499-3105, P<itios. Reasonable la11dscap1ng. 10 Yrs 1n Rea.S. fees 96S-8lS2 Anything. Call Dan & a 0 · Jobs welcome. 536-2426 Frceestf.42-K'il4Don Dn-samaklng arca.646-2693. Hauling . Dog betw 8/Ioam & aft -.-.1..i I Top Soil CARPENTRY 1----U-S_E_T_H_E---·l•••••••••••••••••••••••l----------1...................... •IHCOMETAX* spm 979----0935 ~ nq Rooms, patu>S & altera-Dressmaking in t~e Euro-· . · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lions. No job to small. DAILY PILOT pean manner by appt. BOB'S GARDEJ'11NG LOCAL moving & haul in .i'his ~d 15 cheap. So are 'ailltinq/'ape.--' REPAIR, Repipe,' Water 'J'op Soil Compost 642-3569 doy or night. Uesigned for you. <.:or· Clean Ups & New Lawns ~:~s~t~~~~:: s!:~;uck my Rates. 551·6539· ••••••••••••••~••••• heaters. Service lines. Mult'hRedv.·ood !-=d=a~y~f~··~·~h~io~n~>~»~S.56=---'l--'232=~· 1 ____ P~h~: _64_6~~2056= __ 1 ~-"'C"-='-""'-'===---1 ··AD llARP" for Quality Wallpaper Hanging Honest Work. 00--9315 Call 580----ij!)JI) ADDITIONS, Remodel· ing. CarporLo;, cabinets. Mr. Wagner. 673-1166 Remodel, Add on. gar conv, cslm/new const. 25 yrs exp. fre,c est . 645-3439. Cabinet work, ten·1 re· pairs. drywall work, sn1 add1t . 551 -0171. "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRECTORY For Rosult S...lcoCall 642-5678 od. 322 11AULING & LL Moving. Income Tax Prepara· Byformerinstructor-:e' W Id. ilaving Problems with Imm , Dependabl tion. 20 Yrs Exp-CarlRebko.646-2449. MARV 'SPLUMBING e 1n9 y o u r p I a n t s ? · 1 d 6'16 -9807 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t-lorticuJtur"' S"""t•ahsl set'v1ce. SIO/ oa u Reasonable Rates, For PROF p . NOJOBTOOSMALL Weldin". Sr-nl ,·oils ur "' ... ~ 548-2868. Appl call 549-994l 0 1 a1nter, honest•----------·! • ELECTRICIAN. Sml will come to your home 1 ---~-------1 751--fi937 . work, reas, lnt/ext, free' large. Auy lu1..·at1on. Jobs, mainl & repairs. l2 SIS including free 8011 MO v ING. ha u tin g, ---------~! est, .refs, 548-2759, L.R.OTIS Plumbing _1_;y_rs~p . ti·Hi-701-1 I 233,08 tcst.642-2612 I "'2 39 3 Remodels & repairs. yrs exp. 1c '•----------garageceanup,reliable . . v-o -I. W 'indo-C1 .... ·-;l.18·520J. ,-fastservice.963-64S2 Use the Daily Pilot "Fas11----------1 Water heaters, dis· ... ··~ ·---------!To Place Your ••Fast1 ----------·I R es ult'' Service posal s, furnaces ,••••••••••••••••••••••• t,;JeC'trical Repitirs & Wit· Res u l l ' ' Ser v ice YARD CLEAN UP Paint, Directory. Your service 1-~or Result dshws hrs. &tl----6263 m 1c Clean \VtndowsCall Jim 1ng done by experienced Directory ad ...... call Household repair, rclia-is our specialty. Call Service Call & b/a . Compl piumb1n~ ::ilU-SlOperhouse t-,;1ectril'1an. &15-1227 now. 642-5678, ext. 322. ble, 556---0347. 642-5678, ext. 322. 642·5678 ext. 322 serv. Lic. 272694. t:>42-7lOti or 073-1~ EfKtrical ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... hMlll• Unfunt. Apco l11woils Unfunt. Apco lawoh Unfunt. . ..._.,,_h Funoisllod _. . 4000 Office Rental o Rontal 4400 Slor090 4550 M~a~s Trust .. ••••·-~:·••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ·or lJn.furftfshed 3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deeds ' 5035 Hunti~:~ Beoch 3840 Laguna leach 3848 Mewport Beoc:h 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $65 'Up /K. priv/CM/nr Desk spac.e available. -SUBLET Huntington Ex-LIMK ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE EXCITING bus . Adil. s m p et. mo._ Will prov1d ec. Park, verydesirabl STORA.GEUHITS s 800/ NEWDELUXf.lbr.cpl.5, WIDE o cea n vi e w S .SPACNew4Br.frplc,2+ PALMMESAAPTS. 556-0058or548-59S4. . furn1tur~ at £S. f!iO. area, utils. pd. $,JOO. Personal business or LOAN up to /o drps, dshw_asher, Crplc. Customlllrapt.llicell-ba, garage, OW, Yrly P.11NUTES TO NPT. • .· An ~wer1n g s ervice &17_25310r 213.592 _592 recreational storage. lstTDLoans.-81/20;0 enc l. gar. S200. 960-2198 1ni;:s, pool & spa. t-.:Slate lse. or beach. 4823\h BCH. NICE Rm .. for working available. 17875 Beac eves From S!:L Jamboree & or645-3053 li ving. Close to beach & Hiver Ave. ~per mo. Bach, 1&2 BR. from $175 ~rson w/k1tch. pnv'gs. Blvd. Huntington Beach. S<1n Diego t'wy, 979-0150 2nd TD Loaits NEW Deluxe 2 Br, 2 Ba. s hopping. ~5. incl ut1L 673-7180. Adults, No Pets 7;,l-5588 642--4321 . OFFICESPACEM.I. ---'-lsWo-•-~ 4600 LowostralesOf"an~c Co. 494-·1653 156IMesaDr. G IH 4150 C 11 . h 'nlTU nnru SottferMtg.Ca. Frplc. All Llltns. £2So.,___ ts blks from Newport •• ~! ... ~~-~••••••••••• 1501 WestcliffDr. oast ig ~·ny ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642-2171 545-0611 mo. All util pd .• encl. 2 JIR u1Jstairs, :;tv/rcl., :I BRor 2 + .~en.~ean& Blvd.l ··c''Thomas ~-5527 Chr1suandcsirestBRapt. $er\'1ng ll :irbor area 24 gar. ,960 -1889 or w /wcrpt.S25o.yr.round . Ha~~1ew.~.073--4191 546-9860 EXC J.US IVt:: but NewportFinancialCtr C.D.!\1 .25csqnx72002411 or s tore w 1 l1v1n g yrs. 846--4938 }i:;l--&liislrcq·dtwfi 7226 orti7.:. 3~ -ti llomelike atmos phere LeasirtC)OfficeSpoc:e P.C.H. w;opt. or trade quarters ~1n C M 11'llll. -"'--'----.,~.-,-,,--- JUR 2b J Bl k for ambulatory Sen . CallonSiteManager .)57.306224 hrs. tiiJ-42J5e\•cs Announcem Utilitie1Poid Mewpart Beadi 3869 . ~-. ~r y. oc t(1 C1t1 zens. Xlnt. rood & ---'-"'.'1~•"'1&1~· '=':::'3".u~1c'e"'x'-l2<;<"''-i =:-:=::"'~'::='--:-=--:::-l ;-;:--:....-....-:::::;-:....-:::::--:~I Persorials/ Del uxe s pac. 2&3 Br ••••••··~·•••••••• bca<'h. ~2~· month. OAKWOOD · s1:iec. diets prepared. Dr. OFFICE SPACE Ml Jiouse v.'anted to rent ar Lost & FoWnd 6lud10 apts. Ui s -~«Q\.JCll'.~ 642-3 1~ oncaJl.430-9358/598·7512 DELUXEOFACES Wcs tcllff Drive. One lease 1opl. to b~y con·••••••••••••••••••••••• hwashers, patios, so~e ·~·-. Son Clemente 3876 Vacation Rentals 4250 AIRPOJtTLOCATION man office S65 mo .. 3 :;1dercdJ J Br, 2 Ha, w /frplcs. Near shopping · ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIGHTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Patio s uite from S125. mano/'J'icc.<ut,clc.Sl75. ·~~.\vp_o i·t Jlci g ht s.Announcements 5100 center. sch~!s & t-'wy. · ON~olfcourse2Br.28a. mo. Incl. A/C. crpts. CatlGeneH11!,642---0"lOo tHti -:lll:J. ••••••••••••••••••••••• From ~75. 536-2579 dbl garage, pvt e ntrance INFLATION i\OEW Palm Desert Condo, drps, all u11l & Jannor1al I Ti ,..,.. __ :i250. 494 _2~ ~eves or 2 br. l ~~ ba. tenn. crlS, ser\I. No Lease Heq. J SS• PER CL\.Ff MisceUanl!'ous. me"'"...- WALK TO BUCH ..... 491j-----M49 days pools, jacuzz1. 'faking i\1onth .Free Rent. 1617 WESTCU'f.t~-NB Retttals 4650 FREE 3 Daysjlos UTILITIES PAID Ga.. The price or e\·erythinp Jteservations. ~. per 2082 S. E. Bnstol, NB AG T. S4l -5UJ<! ••••••••••••••••••••••• · Venas for 121 a_ l l d' 1 2&3 H 880 · · N "'"·eek. 114---4~3-ti.273 551·710 LEASE T h ~ oo::au • s u 10 ap s, -.011111. Santa Ana J 1 s g 01 n ~ up . o \.lo ==== . own ouse on Call ror details immed. Br, frplcs, bltns, (lis· * 2 WEEKS FREE ••••••••···~·•••••••••• Oitkwood G&rden Apt 's Rentals fo shcre 4300 Store or OfCice, (ront half Min Channl'I. Oxnard, 42~753 hwashers, 2 car J.larage. Move in w/deposits only s11 5_ Newer lBR, bltns. helps you f1ghl inflal1011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• carpeted, 15x30, E. ol' CA. New 2400 SQ ft 3BR.1---------- Sundecks. 1-'rom S275. 1 BR $JOO 2 BR $2JO ! crpls, drps. disJJ()SaL Gd by offering an exclusi\'~ MAN 40 to 60 yrs lo ~hare Westmins ter Mall. Front 3ba w /Cpt'g, appliances . • 536 __ -_2_5_1_9 ______ 1 Herrig, Security, Pool,: loc: 2701 w. Mct-'adden. ··No Hen t 1-t .a is c my 2 Hr, 2 ba iipt. ~1 ./.urc •• 1 *• & rear park1n1:. Sl15 mo. drps. 2 Sundecks. Boal Lost & Found 5300 J.acuzzi, Rec. Bldg Pll :!:.42 -6547 Guar:intee''. We mo.N.H.645-3761 ./'c_....~ 1193--0526 dock /ramp. Ac ·••••••••••••••••••••••• WALK TO BEACH Delux 2 Br. cpl.'>. drps, bltns, gar. 205 15th St. or 21716th St. 847-3957 .w _/ exercise . r _m .. . guarantet' th:H your rent -~-------! ~~-comod~tes 40' boat, dbl r~OU ND: )''('male p:rcy Uilliar<l:),Cuior 'f\'. · 2 BH. S11:15. Nr. ~outh will nol be r :used for I MAl.E sharcw11ho,~1ncr4 ./,.........,~ • •··-noos' sR-~~ 4450 tar g~r. Cal~ f213 J killl..'n , \'ic. Me:.a V('rdc. · Coast Plaza area. Crpts, rull yC'ar and vou still hr hse, :I b•1. 1c11n1s. pool. ./-......,. IMQ tmJUI 842-6121. ext 346 8 am le c"'" _ "'"' Jrvinc Avt•ati\lcsa dri;s, J'rpl c, w/ encl. h ave· lht' fl t•xibiJ11 ,v ol l 1CI l m1 . S2l).) t i >. ..!'...,.,_..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5pmMonthruf'ri. ......,~-"------545·4~55_ i:ara~e. 6"6-8135 01 month-monthot·<·up;.in{·y 12), ~33-3U3o day.s ext ./......,..,_.,iftl lu. I FOUNU: J\!<.tlcDog.Grn1• S EACREST AP'f'S. Cycle . ~ 6 2,22 J'lus you ~ct a lot more i lO THE COLO'"'Y $1ffSS Sh · H1k & b tolhebeach.All util.pd.1---------·l ·~t -·:..· ror your nio n<'y ;it J"llll ln•est/Finance ep mix, · v.·n. 1,2&,Bd ms ' 'GE b 2 b v · O 30 RETAIL eHoPS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vic. 17th & Orange, CM. r · PARK MEWPO~T LA , . 2 r, a. 1c. <tkwootl, in l'l ud1n~ s t v 54H--085~ Warner & Bris tol m1IJ1on 1n retreation TomMyers FREEREHT Prime reasonable space J..OV EL V llunt. Bch. APARTMa.ITS <:pt /drp, A/C. adulL'> on· fac1ftt1 cs. a full time Ac-J 14 Heliotrope Office space, tiandy to available. large & s mall. Business t-'OUN D: Shellie. Fem . homes. 3 & 4 Bdrms. ll<.i chclorlor2 Jy .Sl95.54::t-136!f tivitit·s Director who CoronadelMcr SanDiegoFwy.AJlsizes. ~Id world charm v.•1th Opportunity 5005 Vic : Springdalt>/Gardcn· $350. up. Bedrooms a nd ~--------•plans parties. BBQ 's, tiO days free rent on l yr. trench windows. gables••••••••••••••••••••••• GrO\'C. Wc s t1n1n~lcr. Tobin Property Mgnlt ·r ownhoust•s Sl25 N f~W 1-; R sing le, Trips & more! l~ree Sun· You are the winner of ~ase. 831 -lo\(X). & trees . AdJacenl t PRINT SHOf' 5!12-1032 . 846-131 1.Nof'ee r·r.£22·1.500pcn9-6Daily small t·hild /pelolc. 270 day Brunch. 2ticketslolhe --"'='--C.C.-''------l fo'es t1val ol Art .!> ------· ----------! Spa-l)ools-'fennis W. !\1cFaddn.M2-6.'l47 UCI HOME 1 MO . t~REERENT Grounds.. Letterpress & ut'fSt'l for LOS'\': Ncu\ercd Si:-:il· CHEZOROAPTS Acros.s fron1 fo'ashion Singlcs.·1 &2 bedrooms. BASKETBALL No leasercq.Dlx.off1t'es 580BROAD\VAY sa le or might t'On~nlcr po1nl Sia mese c;.i\ v.·1 S234 Atlanta Jsl:ind :it J <imborcc on S170. 2 Br. 2 Ba, W/w cpls 1-~urn . & unfurn. With all GAME adj. A 1rp~rter Hotel. LAGUNA BEACl·I w Ork In g Or ~ 1 J e II l sml. notch 1n ca. ('ar. 1,2&3 BR. Priv. gar. SanJoaqu1nll.Jlls Road. drps, bltns, dis posal. G the extras. Models open A/C. full serv1t·es .. Frm pa rtneri:;hi.p. Locate1I l)1sappcarcdnr.4300blk. Pool, was her, drye r. 1714164•1900 loc.Child/pclolc.2701W f'ebruary22,1975 ~I"' 494 7915 bC'tWCt•n 1'ullerton & ."C l o•• lld. ,,.,,, ... .... dally IO to 7. Sorry, no Please ca)l 642-54:178, ext ~~mo.· A h ' ' • ·C:::'.'.Jos':::'e~l~o~b~e~a~<~h.~:;.JS~:---0336~:'.'.'..l ;;:::;::::::~:::::-::::::;-;::;-;:-=:-I !\·l e Fadden. 5'12-6547 2172 DuPont. Room 8 • na e1n1 . mu~t ~Loe to ap-ncv.·ard for 1n1orm:11ion _ 0 -'~-'-'------j pels orchildren. 333 to cla1m yo ur 8.,.,_3,.,.,.Tu· noon ~~~~~~~~~~~precia te. Cati ~-6773 "onc"cnon".''"-•-,"o. ce<Jn '''P"' on H<ilbo<i Wostmo·nstor 389 O-•--· 1· k <N -· C l .,., G.o ._ ._ .. """' .,., 2 SIORY AJ\W·ood LC ets. I u1u• oun y or870---4564 Pen. 2 li lt , !Jt:n. Pal10. •••••••••••••••••••••• <oil t'cec numbcc '" 30 SQ F'T d COMM"'RC oc or1·1·cc•----------1 21EDROOM 2 Garden .. "' o • crpts/ rps. ' 1:. • ... • Los·r : Nr. Ali cia & SJ 5. li73·7fi80 liiS-6670 2 1lll,2"A.shagoplg.,$7 S.10-1220) 95 C II s pat'e incl gara••c ~"'25 RESTAURA...,. With cathedral ceilings, At ., ' S • · per mo. a · • "'• -· "' J e ronimo. 1 CA"I'. yni:. shag carpets, bltns, g. mo Bu s haid J Apartments 646-2130or679-3i09 Ll'<isc .Rltr.64'1--2J.13 Priceincl.on salehquor altered male. short· fireplace . balconies,1----------1 Wcstminster8'16-Zl27 SflARr: 2 br home. must d M C 11 li'iJ---04.JSeve/wkcnds lie .. all bar. rood & g;imc h;urcd. blk \olo'/v.·ht. pav.·!'>, W LKT II'"' .,11 ""''>"' l .. s:port..._,kHortlo Corona el ar st ·wy "'""OOO IJ II ' c h on & who ''''''·'• A 0 ""'C .-..... 2 ''' nea1 Westmnst't l~•oneand 1610 b<· neat, 11.B. !\111e to 01 · <Of 2 Bldgs 5000 ~·sq It('' equip,'IJVV. uys 1ta . .. ·' OCE•UfROUT .• xspacefrom . t . . . . RE\VARD.SSl -211J7 month.Call960-3221.No .._,... ,..., !\lat\ Quiet. clt!an $17::. 645-0550 ocean. Sl21. mo, 12 util. 2MSf:.Cstltwy6;s-690C w/5 ho1stforautorcpa1r, -GEM- Fee. Jl. t-:F J'ropcrty 2 BR . l IJa . unfyrly~5 K-\0-1789, 5 to!t pm. t6!...,..t ~ 5~ Call Greg Adams 7:31.1--4 brake, ~·hi. alignment. Manage ment. STEPS TO BEACH _-..a.. E.-: 161h al Dover ,~P_m_._<_2_13_)~6_8_5_-~;-'~"-·--I NEW plush office bid!!. 2 upholty. 585 W. 19lh St .. Rl~~[J~~{t~n Ave64~4~2J 2 BH. 1 IJa. winter. S235 A.~-~ ~sited 642·81/'.0 ,-to 6 llm s uites. Con-CM Ask for Uon . Days. •·ouNU: Bassett llounil, Tr i·t·olored female, Vh'. Springdale & Edinger., 1:146-165~ LUXURlOUS 1 br furn or 3 BU, 2 ha. S325unf. yrly or Unfunlishrd 39001 __________ _,i\1 ale to s ha re beaut. f e rencc H m . Xerox 540-5710 Eve. 64ti-o681 ... ·ouE ... u unfurn. frplc, new shag. 3 Bil , 1 y 1 ..,A00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bcuch home. Sll5. 1\ll 1n -copier. Nr oc airport "' " """'" drps. i200/S235. Under· ' la . car y.~ L,.---------~-::;;;;::';:\;;:ZL;;:;;;;;::;:: cl. no druits. s molun"' . .S . .,.,.,_,,.,A0 STORES-OFf',fCES SIJ IUSIMESS d . 1 NEWPORTCREST " "'='""'',_,~ L • ~ -FOUND: Apprnx. ~5 II>. groun park g, comp , M~£;U1(&,/ a g:una 499--43:..-'9 up. Crpls, drps, bath, air. $2,000. IHVESTME:MT lemale shcp. mix, lHk & security. S36-4TIO. 2 UR, 2 ba. condo$525 .., !-,~--------! WATERFRONT 173o1 Be a c h' II IC SI rt p--I gcey w11itc bv.•n. mark· COMMERCIAL ~..., uan•c •CW COIKtn! Newport Beach. prof. or 3-12_2834 an a ·11tne 2 Br, apt. Children ok. Office suite. Npt. £;!.50 ~J acHllTWtstMUYllC bus. man , straight non Mewpart leach l-'-'----------1 Li g h l. p I ea s ant, ings. Vic. (.'d~1. Bayport S190 & Up. Dishws hr & fl,, ~C!_ i illll"ll'fTS.i.c,•nui smokC'r to share grei.1t E.xcc utiveollices Industrial Rental 4500 F.XTllEMt.;LYPROf'"\T· Complex, Lincol n Jr. bltns. Call 960-1400. b •Bo(helors horne & 11(1111, ::>150. Cati SISO. i225. ~a.to.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AB L ~ HUS I N E SS 1 _H_•~•-h_. 6_<_0_-_1_7_9_7 __ _ •1 BR,2BR !lob P1ckPll l -00--0842 Viev.·orboats&watc1' FREEREMT servicing local stores, Brand new 2 Jlr. 2 Ba. .~ORONA o•:L MAR •" "R & Den ~t u v. s , II 4 5 -1 5 O 2 BILL GRUMOY e t c . • w i l h a FOUND: Gcrmshc1> mix, ls d d I I I " r_ "g Commerciul-lnduslri:'ll m le y• e J di c:-rp • rps. :; iw ir, (is· 2 Br Townhouse, frplc, frct111s175 t•vestwkntls. Realtor 675---6161 ::ipal'e 200 10 JOOcr. 21 to . N A T I 0 N A ,L L Y a ' " \' ry ncn ~" posal. Nr, ll unt . fromS260.lBrCrom$205. PAMOUS6-0YEAROLD Vi c. Irvine A\'e, NH. Jlarbour. Jtii2t !:i11ih;. M.saVenle Eost&Adoms .\l:1lc. la~· student share 2 ___ . _ per sq It. :IO days rrc FOOD product y.-hi~h is a 646-302.'i 846 2856 l'ool. tennis . eontinental bdrmiipt.SIOOino.Ca1 MUTU•L-ft~. rent \\'/I ~:r, lease. HOUScHOLDflORDI , ------ -breakfast. Some ocean &1 ====S=•=O=·='="O=O===-I----~~~~---"' --~1-1'10\J ~ ". N roU ,'JD: f•uppy. 5-G ~·k ", WALK TO IE.ACH J. Pancrisi (.'a tatina views. Separater 642 2J()5 3ol"fices ava1L2at620 sq -----------! Aa.1 i'.:RI CA. is consumed fe male. lloncy w1blk 2850 Chios Rd. family section. Cloi:;(! t f'\'male roomatc needed ft. & one at 811 sq. ft. M)O Sq. Ft .-UJO per mo. bD~I Llhyc T lh·I OUSAN OS mask. tl.B. Nr '\'"orklllwn 2 br, newl y pan1led, crpt~ & drps, )!araf:,:e, no pets , chi ldren or s in g les. ~180/i,190. 536-1711 For sale vr rcnl 2 Rdrm. 10x55 mobile home on •Coast Hwy o pposite State Beach. $3100 or $185 , cFirst & J~a st) 536-3248. C I Mos I R 381( .1 Bothat50pcrsq.ft.Good .. t 3975 Boc•h. NH. ,\g1. ,, 1n t 1s commun1· &ll•···•ch.•.",·.·1·-'"7• 0. a a <l•oppo·ng & ro·nc beach ooms 4000 to share apt. L o.se .. ~ " ,,., ·• ' · loc . All util. paid, incl. 541-5032 l Y • a n cl c n .in.)' s You .,,, .. ,he "'•nn"ror 6"'·-11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tobch.Sl1 7mo.n75--434o .. .. ~ ,...., . .ou · ·i·anitorial, elevator, LIFF.1'1l\1 E Hl::PEA 'I" FOU ND: Youn~ 1c n1alt: 2 t1(·kets tothe ~~~~~~~~~~~ROOMS $20 k p 'll Uc! HOME I-· ''1 u wi 1 Messy CouplesC"eks sa'me parkin g & secur1t) BUSINESS. IJusky ty pe dog. \111" kitchen ~O. '""' up lipl. \I 1 1• h serv,·ce. Ask, ..... ~~,.r-,ann BOLS• BLDG. •.• O SELU"'~'. Ncwpon "lvd. • l>•·I •2 WEEKSFREE RENT 548_975Sor64S-3!!67 or I <I e ·25 lo s are M'I V' """'" "' " """' •·f N ~ BASKETBALL Bc:iut. HB garden apts.:-----------1 a1ll. t,;asts1de Ci\1. No or 1 ler 425 Sq. Ct .. s hop with of-AS PRODUCT lBJG. ,. or, .H. Feb.17.C;illto GAME nxt. to l-lbr .• s tudios. l & LJVEATTJIEBEACH cll'.1n freaks or tabacco rice space, heal . A.JC. GEST NAME IN FOOD identify. 644 -1102 Febru .. ry 22, 1975 2 br. from $140. Full rec. $25 & up a wk. 673--0440 udd1rts please. Come see water. trash. parking, IN OUS1' RV I JS PRE-• Please call 642-5678, ext 846-1323 f'JNE KNOT MaTEL us a1 117·C . Bay St. CM rest room. Sl27.50. SOLD 1'11 RU EXT EN· FOUND: Sha,i;:,zy female 333 to c J ;i i m your -':;;;;:;-::;-;-;-;--~;;·:-:;-;;;:-I;=:~~~~~~~~~========::; Mac.ALPINE BLDG. S I V F. AND c.: o N . do~· b 1 k / 'i!..tY • Vi l', 3 Bdrm, l !h Ra. $275 mo. Tickets-. (North County SAN'f,\ ASA 2 Dr. 2 Ba. SEEK & FIND'" Collecting s Units, 750 sq.\1t. ea. T I N U O U S ~;~1~~rt Pier, N .H. w/Jease,2019Deleware toll !'rec Jl Uftlb~r i i. Upper S180. down $190. l COMr'ANV with front office, rest ADVERTISING ON Tv.1 __ . _______ _ 638-il75 5'10-122Q). Rr uppcr $115.down$125. REALTORS rooms, hot wa ler, spac R1\0IO, MAGAZINES, Lost by Aliso School, ----''--'----! All "'"'/encl gar & A/C. A N T 0 Q 0 U E S H C A L F s. B S V C SINCE 1944 heaters, parking, trash. NEWSPA P t,;Rs. ETC.. Wicker Basket. Rev.·ard. EXTRAd Jg 2 br.bc2 ba. dlx1---------Will :lccept kids & pets. ll TR OF RE TT \J B !.; N L Hu t: 0 A 673--4400 Refurbished. tC0!\1PANY PRODUC.."T hm. 499·3269, ~'Ork '197-poolsi e apt nr h. Adil. y., Blk bi:arh :i Rr. 2 ha l1v 542~7 MESA C&fTER Si\LES IN EXCESS Of sorry no p e ts. SIGS. rm, 1hn rn1. l>llns, !'>Un· -----------11 Tr p 11 I NA.MT CA E 'T I AR l ':i BILLION DOLLARS!-1-1-68-·~------ ••' "'"2 d k I I .oc ----------~ 15-00"-. (t. indusl. rental. ~_.... cl' · g;•r. y r'! ""· ~"4J. NEWPORT BliACll Off. ""'-' ANN UALl~Y J CONSISTS LOS'r · A11r1. ·roy Poodle, 12-4411 s1ri-·---f11-1 0 I 0 TL KM 0 AL s LT ALT W/park111 ,i;:. trash. "'alcr. La;aca &each 3848 ' 1 • -"-"--' __ • 0 K M A. S P E S E T part. furn. for rent. $175. r('Sl rooni. t!tirage doors. OF COLLECTING FOH. ans . to l"ift, Reward. Vu:·. •••••••••••••••••••••·~ 3 BR apt" from S IOO. All e NEW • 673·7686 fi75·6670Agt. ~OO. MER C ll ANDIS~ SOLD Warner & Newl:.ind /Ill. BRAN0n<:w 2&.1br.2 ha 2 close to beal·h. Pro,....•ct " PS w p REN o KOLL AND nt:;rct-:NISl-IJNG tJ<1 7 ..l2711 · ,,~ ., "How Suite It ls.. I N V t; NT ORY -----s t.orydlx condom111iu1ns. f(ousc,tlll -~'ill YOU1.LIE:GLAD AD 6 AWO ST Z Z '"U E ..... 2200 Koll Ind. condo. new . • . LOS T · \\'allet cred11 Supe.r o cea n views -----. ·" FNTN Xecut1ve.,..11.e REQUIREMfllNTS : · • . ~$4SO.yrty 494.1795 BAYFR01'1JT-Walch u1c YOU WArTEDI p 1 X A 0 J RS N 1 E 0 ML 1 N 9 sq.rt. De luxe office oire JlOOsq. ft .; Airport Loo l\-1ustaspire to cards cancelled. lfave no ~~~-~~----1 boats sail by! l.~t>2 Br. 2 lntroducin,i! new bach on Newport l-larbor, wit :.,,A1r·cond., parking INCOMIOF ,value, P erson.al papers .,Make Room For Dad-Ba, pluf cplS & <\rps, find 1 bdrm apt.a: well II 0 WT R A E N I B additional 1400 sq.ft. Ad · $400. WEBC UP \'ery important to owner dy'' ••• clean out the !CC. bldg. 2 car JXJrkinJ!, worth seeing. R efined C 'R 0 c UC UL LE jacent. Crpts, drps. am· ~1 <'G:~~k~~~iller have terviceable cur, onlyRlf(ou~dpll..'asecalL 18rf$e ... tum that junk slip a vu ii.· Adull s only. yet affordable •Grej pie free parking. Coasl START JM MEDI AT ELY ~5· ewari · 960---l9.'l5 lnto ca.&h witb a Daily Yrly. ~585. mo. Call BEACll environment~ llwy ut Newport DI i( accepted and ilAVE t'O UN 0 : tiny ma la POot Clanified Ad. Ca!J Anita.673-2058. furni s hed a nd un· 642-----464'1 the nece5sary S2.000. for shaggy gray mop do<. 142--5618. I furnis hed. 1 NOW OPLX.ONTHEWAfER $ NNTGLAf;SWAR&TORAAllO HEWPORTIEACH nventory 1nlhe V1c.·Broohkhurs t& 3 hr, 2 ba, frpl, wetb.ar. • 185 fo $215 AN 0 A U T 0 G R 0 p M V T T E V NM Deluxe office suites fro ~:~kioc al ln1er'f1ew, Jn . Ada ms HB. ~73 l!nt•rlalnm ... t boat dock. p.al10. ptly 646 8 SGS Mo. Broker. FOUND · Cat rem I furn. $4f)()ycJy,67!t--4421 • 453 AV ALEN T 0 ME L FR F. TT U 8 R Realonom1cs 675--ii7 elude year car, spe<:1f1c .k ' "~rcy llapptftlfttl. time ldurlng husin e~s & blac , 6 mos. 4500 10ceanrront. New 3 bdrm. ~ nt.11114M• .. -.1111• ll*W :r.; t-w, r DENTAL SlllTE, 900 iq. hours) NOW avu1lahle to block ileil Avt'!. 11.lL I :l ba . Ra r . hltns. yrly S475, • ',..· .,...., "", d..._.y ln th• ,. • Fl.O _,,. 1 ft. No. <.:M ~ 45 SQ. fl. M rj~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!"'~ serv iC'e 11 ccount:s, and IWti--4536 645 7721 e ves1wknd" _..,...._ bo•tt nuihow•: 1 O'K f 833 2900 phone numher. Uox 883. ANTIQUE.'! 8UTT~Rl"LY Cl,1'SSWAaE i ct e. -. I White puppy, mall'. Short O«anfront, 2 txrrm. 1 ba. AVTOCRAPH ~~rJOON ~!~'p8 ~ . 1 1 "Mak' J\oom t~or Dad-/ NOW LEASING ?~~Y C~~~~t,M~s~· 8.;03~ h a 1 r . II a m 1 Ito n & J gar, hltns. dC"Ck. avail. =~N . DOtl, VALENTINE :: dy''. .. clean out the/ . MEW IUILOfMGS 92626 1-larbor. 616 A Ham11\on, I 3/15, ~._~S -7721 eves. T_,. .. 1 M111k'ForVa1c. ; gar•11e ... lu.m lh•t junk 3200-G400-8000 Sq. l-'t.l::-~;-:---....----l cC~'l~''·~'~"~'~fe~•~a!._ ____ _ 1431 ~Of'4" ... 8n)oy much J11rp.r "Stell &. Find" put&let with nv•r 60 1.11.t.o cash with a Dally in 2 free Sl~ing bldR ' llAVE somethin~ you 1-'0UNO: yountt bhtclt do,:! 'Ocean Vic"'· \.l~e sundN'k :l M.wport leoch .ti~.,.... Pl'Dtl in •n •ll-ne• •eriN o<2•·PllP bookleu. Pilot Cta.ulOt.'CI Ad. Call si.t 0 . C. Airport. A1 want to sell? Classlfif'd w/ v.•hite markina .. , red Hdl'm, 2 Ua , bltn:<>, laun· To hrder Yl>lurua I. U and DI ... net JI Coreacl\. m11ki"1 tlwcb 642·5678. O>nd. Ore s, Ample Prka. ads do it well -call collar, Brookh:,:s t & dry, yrly • &IS-IJl78 !MY•hll co ··a.at l'itld"' In Catt <J( tl'I& netr1pmptr. I un> 9205 or 52'.?~ NOW 6'2.s678. Adami. 9111-2573. DAllY PllOT ( " • ' '" Lost •••• Ca II. B•< An A Ne -A ~r. 1'cr lriat 1· ... 11 ... She Eo hlk/ St, ·ray (:oc Ge blk/ Bea Seal Ln• Shth LOS W/~ JI ;1 ti4!i- LOS' ti yr. Voe Uni ··ou ..·uu S h cc den <.:a II LOS'I JI v Bro on ... l.ost: Woa II u r lie I.osl: Nea Ke r ..... SI> 0 A 31· Sa t:al Ca co Ab ke< \ ~!.~.~••••••~?!~ ~~~:! ..... ?!~ ~~.-=:! ..... ~!!~ ~:'!~ ..... !~.~ ~!!~ ..... !~!C ~~~•••••~~!~I lhursday.February20 1975 MiK.:-::OT .:. l'Mound.V· Trdennl~ Rc."'·.clce14t OJSTRIBUTOR W•l)led, _ ·M .. ...-. tiiJ.BBERMAJO PARTY , • , ~••••••••••••,!~~! ......... ~•••••··~·~!~.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• eoa e • ,...., II AVON Over 25. InW..Uil Iii ...,.... p LA N n c eds d • · TRAVEL ' Jdentily_s.$1--<nsJ.• eamiaJ up_LoSllOOper l\llo Tra~ mon.strliltor2'. l'art or ful Refrig, Hidabed. Che•ta *I BUY!!• , p/L Call 839_.123. • "Real testate Manager time. No collecting! N<1 USA HAWAII •PET WORLD• of drawers, elec mower, Good used furniture & C1;llf. Anli:nal Cuntrol LllE••n Ttalrtee ft@eded," We'ri'l packina ! No deliverinu ! • LI a so· A P!l O, York it'. rolor TV, tabtct, chairs. II 8 /Selll Bch "" 11 -• • C bJll 11~ 1 apphiancei; or will ioeU for · · ~"" er YOURS&f • • on the srawl If you are Top ~ommisalooa! Call C3n now place 1 ~h 1t rp h1hudhua , tiny poodle:.., lamps, , ... .,.aee !'le . Backuf~~.!'c~1 Sooitily Drt1rl3miii 11nt ~l0$'1_~ an alert, aggre5¥lve, 714/847 -0294. Ros' ~als. t~-25 .rree tu tr<i v~I L¥h.1>eke,troi.:1~.J1•tbul· &muchmoreS48-6lJ9 YMAsTERSAUCTIOM --Fromloreclotn MJ:;orEF:/a/cond $15K dyn»mic person who is Kibitlew:ski. U.S . re s ort areas & !::., c.-ockapoo. pom. 100 , ED lk di Anhnal A11su1t. League , & IJIJ!! Sec. Bkpr/tltJeco $700+ locHl:iog for a gre<i:l future Jlaw.u 1. n11ll.cd puppl\•s. Stud ser· SOFAB. · 1 e new, 11• 646 .. 8686 & 13)..9625 Allopt,on,Spayini;:& lie An Av o N GenOrc-Superv toS"l()j wllh cane of the fines1 SAt.1-:S. Me n /Women 'l'ran s i>or t <ttiun 1:, \1 t·(~l"tlO~t breL"<is~W . 1ng rm. set. Make orrcr. ttll60rSunduy to90974 . Neutering lnformttllon HI!: PR ES EN'fATJ VE . Wureho1J-5em1n _ P~1 companies In the beach Earn ~/day or more. . iurnistt1.'d a~ v.e ll as cl.ill)' 17th a t Fa1r\'lt'"" S,\_ s.wl-9842 everungs. --- 960--2000 At.Id new people, ucw IR\llNE PERSQ~EL are», contact us. Ad· 1''u ll /P .T1me. tW5-199S. eush ;,dlow a nC'e Ear n· Upt.'n t.·~t·s5JI .. &J.l7·. SOFA liF.D Ilk . , COTO de l'.1\ZA .. l''um1ly -Aoimals lmPCllJnt.lt.'d-I & · voance plus overrides. Mr. 'fhompsun. h Id ·" 50 -~ ' • e 111 w r.1cntl>el'~lup !Lif\:tlmt.•\ S . 1 P ace s.. new 1nterc.-sts to ·SE°' nrr:5•",.... 1nasw;k ou L'Xt.'Ct.'U SJ . \'I t: 1 i\l ,\RAN r: 11 /\I\ c_; cond. Queen si2L' .. $2W •750. t:all C:!l3) S40-JOOO pan1e pupp1t.'?> your life & earn good "-v ','--'-n...J . -Opportunity and growth per be t fr ti:47 a5.5ti Sheppup,fe1n,blk/tan money too! I'll show you ~f ... 17th(Atlrv1neJ ar e your s . Write N ." ,, . _. m ~ilL-. ·I 1110. Champion s 0 er. -da ys.(2 1 3J375:t)SI L'~. Terrier, fem, In h S t .... r -t Me•• Manageme nt, !lox ·•«, S A L I!: S M A N , 0 ~ ll p. nL't ('~s.iry <t s llloodlint·. Will ~:it·r1f1ce f . h S ow. Call M0-7041. UI e ~' ...,."" a o>.>J £ , t-A F wi: 1ru111 you ;1l our e>.· 1 1 h Gwoqe Sale-8055 • .. • ri1 et, pup, fem 642-1470 <::l o the Daily Pilot, Poe;t SAL • !i AN Al.it:: < • i>ensc. Appl1e11nts sho uld !!~7icl'_, .. ~~ a g()()( oine. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l J J--•·-Terrier, male, wht/brn Of£ice Box 1560 <.:osta O t: A L r: It s "·· & 1 ... , ...,... • • ~ Jtusky,re1n,gry/wht l.}aby s itlcr, lov\ng Mesa 92ti2t>. ' OIS1'Rlli U'f0f<S. A~c .,.: nc;.il '<'llJOY l~P t.· · You Need lt~Wc '\•t· Gtlt 92 1 W 1 A Sh c ~rand th Ill ___ y Old i':ngl1 b h s µe .oik1 1•1 ~ f\Kl' 'J\•a eup &Stan1l ;1rd II . c 9 mc to :!'24·1 Ma ril· • "'I Ye. • ep ... puppu~s mu er type, w ·DRUG CLEltK. Mu._:;t No Barrier. 50 r. tore1gners Wt!h:u1nc. 1-ur l'oo<l lc s. St·hnau t.l'r s. St . CM . Fr1rSat/Sun Me wportleoch to;n*'. &bpdog. in :i l l'' 1111; to wotk wknds for 2 know cosmetic~. t-,ull Company with Product.-; interview, see t.1r. IL U Alghan Pups. tiJ!J O~I~ Cos tumt;:., lool:., l'l<'. You are the winne r or blk(wht :r.I.:., ~'.} & ;pr,. rel'. rt:q'd. lime. Costa Mesu. Duys MECHANICS or Great Dem<ind. NiJ Jones. Sher1daa llcarh -----__ 2 ttt kcts lolht• St. Bel'nartJ, 1nul~. bl'n ~ -J2HO art. 8,,,n 540-S!:JI t. eves 9tilJ--0200. I 1.1 r g e in ves t nl e n t Inn, 21112 J'acifi~· <.:~);J.!it SJ l,K I BS. :\kr • Xl111 tine . Il a rd wood l\l;q>\(' o1~tr(•:. UCI HOME Toy Poodl~~ J)up, mule Uabysitte r, reliable, my nt."Cdcd. I' art time or full llwy .. liunt. lkh, 'fhurs. J\I & I-'. Bul'n January. fur111ture, llull'h, 1;!111\ Cockapoo,Ccnl.IJlk home ufl. & ev~ hrs HR Shop. Minimun1 s year11 t.ime. No cumpclltion. 2 t'ctl. 20 & i-·n. t-~cb . <!I. l:lll8·ll·IU a in til JO. ev('s Ibis . bk t:a:.t.·~. kit tbt IASKETIALL Ger m Shep. mate , [IBCtrl"ct'anS e xperience. Heavy an-to 5 PM. 14 Traveland ONLY. 11 arn _5 pm arl t>. w/bt.·n c hcs, ,., .. ,1. chr?.. G AME blk/brn 54li·HJ.55/ ~-4ll:Jl>, 4yr old d l . I k d l d L··n". lrV1ne, CA. -d ' I II l' •· ... , 1~5 "•••le,m•·le,ln l1oy, u:-ria s 1 moune ... '" t\-1ustbcal)lctolcavc1n1-AIA<KA N "l ·I· l • waterb, ('nffL't.' tb . A •curuary ~. "" uc; e. .. process ~qu11)ment , pip-medi;itely. '. :' n a .1n1u {. niatc·h . :::;l,IJJl';ite or r'1easot•all042-~7H.t•x\ <.:A'l'S · lhtbys1tter wanted 12 lo4, Shop. Minimum 5 )'£Hr" lllg, tanks, hurnersctc. S •LESPEIS ON -:?Kt . eha1n p_11~~1 ,lines logcther. Very rL'a:.. :!255 Ji.JJ lo l' I ..1 J m y11 u r ScalpointS1 un)L~l~. n1alc-5 days week. 979-4273 t•xperience. lleavy 111· "' WAITRESSES :-;how_qu;dl!y 55i ."194 Fairvic ~· Hd . !Corner 'l'tckl'ts. (North Cuunty L •h I ''lk/ h d · I k 'd l d I •-·->'ull1'1meforcard& • II r I n" r,mut.•.u wt :1fl4prn. ustr1u s 1 moune nte-rv~ .,./llmt• ... ;xpcr.Over l";ilrvi ew&W i l~on C~1 .) to r ee nu1n 1c r 1:-. $hthr, fem , tri rroccss equipment, piµ-l:30--5PM gill shop. Exper. pref'd , 21. Apply 111 person -540 1220). 01·111-:JtS Unl>ys1ttt>r. lite 1ng,tunk1>,burnersetc. but not necess. Call for SurC&&rloin ~ToYou 804 NBlGllU(lHllOOD .. • .. -housework Mon. thru MOltday thruFridoy nppt, Westminster a rea, 5930 W. Co<-1sl llwy, NB ••••••••••••••••••••••• t_;f\ llAGl':SA L"~ - -- LOST:K1tten.4n"IU6.ttlk l"r1 . 7 :4 5 to .5 :15, Interviews WAHLCO,IMC. l!\.13-2111. 2Mulepuppies,8wt•eks, t is l'd hrt{'k , 110 lrain.IHVJNt-: l'vunlry l 'luh W/ wht pawi;: & t·ht-st. Vic ~-3184! nft 6 l :l0-6PM 1679 Pluccnlia, CAt SALESWOMEN blaek & weaned. Need Jt('iiidcl·r rug, :.kis. ~·<ill m e 1n be r s 111 p S ~~u . ' llam1lton/llarb , CM S love.642-9933 e!l.blilct. t rundle lx.'ll, t~r transft•rlt•t.•.&16 4J..l'.I Mti-9207 lo Of Ser.ice To MOflday lhru Friday f"ull or Part-Time WELDER -----WAHLCO,IMC. ~fgnt 'frnce. llonesl peo, Call548--GHO l:l Yr Old rcgislerc'<I hlticl TV , 1-;z ehair, l~ginnl'.!rS }''(JI{ SAi.to: 15' l'olor :111 LOS'r: fem Wc1maranl.'r, Your ColNNMHy l'lc for heallhy, hai>py neutered male toy poodlt golf t•lubs. t·hil.d s desk, tenn:i, hke n1•w . sa•· $n0. Id •. And "el puid for it l679Placenlia,CM s•MrLE•••~ER Shop. l\11nimum 5 .veoir:.. i.:u1t :1r i.:asL-. l phon1•· '-'··l iil 'sh 0 , •• ,, Ilk<"·.·,. 8 yrs O . w /uluc sl·urfe "' bu~iness. t..:all Mr. liill A f'UU\. to the right older couple. 1 d .-,,,, " .-~ .... Vic, Irvine Ave . & Wl·lco1n111~ newcurnt•rs . _ 646 __ 62115 Jo,or Craft ,Mfgr. Effi-c-xpe r1enC l'. ll ea vy Ill· 642---4653. gra phs, OU\'fl' oor:.. iikc new :i¥IO. 675 WU.i University t:.M. /\s'4·r l"IL'xibl~ hfs. Need 1:ur. r"RY COOK-Ex .d. Day _ cu~n t, neat, self motivat· duslrtal ~kid mounlcd ~ t•lotlung. & n~uch n1uch , fl S:JOPM or...,ikntl~. -·Duchess " G4l-7~ IYfl'-'wr1ll'r & h;,ppy di.s . t 'ft · P MGR 1'rne. ~150 guarn +. t.'<I . Arlor crafte xper. de-1Jro<·l'SS c4u1pmt'.!nt. rip· Cockapoo P11ppi~I more. I· r1 & Sat IOan1 to1-="=''---'-- --------IJOS1t1on . 547 ~ :m5 !> 11 'C II 1>4l-4246 <;ar ne e. A~e 23----46. P.1r. sirablc. Call for appt, 111g, tanks, bume_rs ctt:. •.548-4591 .. 4 .P n1 . 2 :J 3 4 /\ r a I 1". 11,·y ()Id ('hopp1ng l!lo( i.. l•'(JUND 12/13/75'111 larj!c Bl & 1, , a · 1.cv1 .1146-M5S. 546--4155. B<i ~lblufl , Ncwporl . $200, patio lablc <IX ', I Sheepdog, vu·. M•·t-"<1d· u "1; r 1 n L : .. 1 'C:, s s r·urniture refinisher ex· --------lnter'virws 1-·n.EE lo gd home, lova {i<I<\ uJi\J. eh rs iAOld) ~130. S(·,,,. .. den & Edwards , No II H u~ra .0,r.s ~·anu.'< · PY perieneed in fine custom MO'rr.:L MAJ(}, Pllnnc. SECRE'fARY part t ime. 3:30--6PM ble sml Poodle fem. 3yr Horsrs -8 060 fo'an1ily Ori:::.in, hc n1·J\, <.:all & 1denttfy K9J :ll'C1:1 L.il.'> .IJ:J 3rd, Laguna . r · h R r q'd Ex-Apply Costa t.1csa lnn fast typist, needed for hs broken. 751 ----0147 lots of music SlOO. Ml·\ • 11!1<1 11 :1:1. 1n1s es. es re . ..,., II bo ~ Monday""" Friday ••••••••••••••••••••••• __ __ elnl. opportun ity l or ~OS <ir rlil.CM rapidlygrow'g.bus1ness, c·offct.• -tbll' w/bra71"1' LOS1'. Weim<iraner lyr, ·bl eKciting varicly of wrk. WAHLCO,IMC. Quick Sandblasting Co. 6 yr old Jtu e-k~k1n qtr s175_ 2 Wht 111 ut rhnl)~ llV Jlme trut.·k . NH. B(JtlKKl-:BPElt/Hecep· res pons 1 e person. Nationa l Mfgr llome 644 -7537aft.61'M . 1679Placcnt1a.CM fo,11JSand&PlanlerM1x. mare, papers. ehild's dressers $45 {'.t JirQwnish gray, wh star t1on1st. i''ronl office of 4!.H -3315. Wal.er Purifier needs 3 You Haul.6'6-4296. 546 ·IBO:! 6<15-J J l9. on ches t. lteward . b~s y l'h1rupraetor. Ex _ _.G-•"N. MAINT & Carpen· s lsmcn Pt/full time ----='------ pd only. lmmt."(j. pos1· "' 'd r 0C 493 -JJOO . Wl-IOWAN'fS'fOWOH.K "! Cl-llLD'S ' tr l< Hou h ldG --~8065 6'14-4766 __ __ 1 11 . 9_1 & 3_7 Or try mttn, t!XP ".l or SECRETARY swing St! ree se o .....-Old A:1 sol1ne l;twn n1owcr. .. , S ,~~."r·y r1• ,. 1 "-·s· Fairgrounds. t:ontaet : NEED 2 Gd ladies Full UHIVEACAli? good home. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Culs good. Needs o ne ~t: S1amcsr i'en1 .. ml. •· ,, .... ou ~r~. ,.,.. Mr. Grunt, 545-1134 . , If you can take Greg~ <.:HOO~t: your hours. 640-lO<H King size bed. nc"' coin-part.$10645 -1617 Wearing IUk C'Ollkr. Yit·: Westcliff Ur, ~u1tc 107, btwn. 7AM &4l'M p/t. Car phone nee. l'\-1r shorth a nd at lOO-lZU work tor yoursetr, be plele !:iltll packa~cd xtr·t "':.:.::..::::::..:=-'='--- lluntington t-l arhor. NH.&15-5300. Richards,846-5455. wpm. type b1ttwecn your own boss. Men or LAB!?AD~ll. Retriever firm ·Sl!.IO. (worth $4:·->o;. Nearly New King-0-Lnwn Heward. 846-&liJ. IOOK-K~ GIRL F.RIUA Y, Office, 0 .,.flCB tlELP Full time, 55 _75 wpm &are look ing women. C<-1n be s hghlly AKC Registered. queen il70, ln{'ld s. de lawnmower w/cateher. -· --.....--K;R. pa r t -t i me. Apply 8 "fhu th M i l'g Co r a challenge, then harul1capped. Neat.· 968-2949 livery us ually home 2hp Briggs & Stratton Lost: Ladie!ll Jlolcxwatth. Stcible pos. for Med-I-A.M.-12. u .K.'S 12(/()-B r._ ru 00·• nc · Cle:in Appc<iranre. Vt~ .. S m a 1 1 rm m 't x 835-22G3 chain drive model 3068 ·6. Nea r Smokey Stovers. l'.ilre. Mcd-J--Cal ex· , wknds. Mu ~t have neat sendusyourresume. . 1 A .,. 70 . N • .,12 XI 1 d ~ Logan CM h ndwr•t•n" Apply ''lassihedadno.J62 retire<. gewto_ -~UP· Dachshund/ Poodle ll 8070 cw"" · 11 con ·•"'"'· Reward!547----8411 j)('r .• Xlntwai:es&bene. ' · · a .. o• . ""' I ' Jewdry fi.4l -·4ti53 mor nings 19:1> Newport c /o Dally Pilot P emenl your ineonic. mo old. See the parents -· _ Persoaafi 5350 1'145Supt.•r1or,NliE.O.r~. GIRLS 111-281 Hlvd .. Cfl.I. P.O. Boxl.560 Or1veaco1b6hrsormorE." 6164164_. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Truln for legitimate, rull c-.-1" M""a,C""'"'""' ii day. Apply lO (X'rson, WAMTED Benrus Oi i.:1tal wnlch, ••••••••••••••••••••••• "00KK .-,:p•:11 for "" .. .__~ .. .,t;llX.U '-' 11 °•2 8'"'"' u ""' -r-lime pos1t 1on Ill PART-TIME Yellow <.:ab Co .• US6 E . Iris h Sette r . l''cm . llC"' 1·U guar ..... -"'""• Y<1c·hL dealer, 3 yrs. Cl~· massa"e. Eamwhtleyou IfithS1 .. Costat.ll·sa. Spayed. 2 yrs to"'""'"" TOP C1\Slf DOLLAR usk tor<.:arrie<i.fl.4:30 S l'I RITUA i. Ht:/\J)t;H Open lOA Mto lOPM Ad,·1eeon all matlcrs. rt•11t e xµ., heavy detail & eo STUDENTS "'""' I' A 1 ll •' o R you 11 ---. learn. No exp. nee. We SECRETARY homc.w /yard. 645-l812 ~-·11 t d I I 1 Jo:otl. l~ual ur Auto dealer sent.I to school. Apply <iny 'feleph Sales 960-1436 'fop <1ualilY person who Merchandise art S. J Jt:W t:L Hy. WA'l'CliES. II~):-; . '(' .. ~ cc ma nu ~ ' bk~-rnd , helpful. -Al<T OBJ"-C"I" GOil> Xlt•urHI S75 .0ld~utu:..a -afternoon or evening. pod · ..: ·1 M , . ., r-an think & expedite. i'lo ••••••••••••••••••••••· "" .--. ~ bl 1 1 h $llJ 31 "N •·1c"m1nol<• .. ,1 1'16 0551 r ucuon .• ai tin,... IN d 11 •s 1 blk SILV"'ll s•·n·v1c·,·.·. , .," w. '.,•_cc air · -·"' ~ '"' • 21121-larborHl\.'d.C.M. !'\f an w /cxper . ref. heavy typing. Attrac t ee a ome. m ·. . "' "' fi4 9 f 5 Sant..:le1nC'ntl·.Forappt . -:---.--.-, •l>'""'ar. necess to mccl poodlc/mi_x. Very friend-F I NE r'UllN & AN --H.i -·1 t P~-- _<.:all4!.12 --0034 4\ll YIJG 1~:~.K~·~·~.p~~\1 1~0~0 1~ IAVE Some Openings 1n ~~~~~;9en~r. Cum-pt:;;p_le. S:!OO per wk tc .A.ntiquei 8005 ly,loveskids.&15-5807 'l'l'JUES.tiolS-2200 1''01~1) Awa.y Cut. Lape l'ALM /<'1\HI> t1•rv1ew : 351-1021 ~:~!ir!'!~S6~a~~-s~a~i::'. quahfic~ person. C:Osta ••••••••••••••••••••••·SAMOYED mix fem2yrs. MENS RING , Diamond & d.e c ~ •. c, 1." r_ 1" c_ i • R fo;AUEH -No coll ecting or deliver-Prof. Inst. Salesman. be-Mesa. Send 1nf~rmauon Gd w /children. Aft 5pm, Sapphire, Co:-t $600. SL'll baekp.te k , Sp<.1:i1sh Ch~n · Ad /rcdul'llou ing sought by aggress. & resume to Class1r1.ed P h: H-17----6634 $325. 675 --6712 delu·r & n1 r:-c. li75-48 ~ J()gJllll•<.1ehHI , B &G•rt injC". Up lo~-in free Orange t..:o. lnslltultonal ad no. 3ti•I, cto Dail) •ANTIQUES* - Stanl11n. S.."1 3'1Ul.i 0ys I S ~<imples. !163--7470 t 'ood & Equip. Di s t . Pilot. P . 0. Box 1:>60 SHOW & SALE . 1''R£E, lovable nutered Misc .. l~ous 8080 Simmons Crib. S75. lge nu. ------IO Lu I-I ycarsofnge. 0 <11 · HOUSEKEEPER Droiw /commiss1on, full Costa P.1esa , Ci.1~"'26. S-C'-met1le lllll black cat. to good home.••••••••••••••••••••••• dre1sser, 5 185, W1att.·r PREGNAN'I'"! ly Pilot delivery routes fringe benchts, send re· -· lC' Call S46-----4542,c.M. . WA""TED t.·uo e r_. S4U, 6x9 < ccor Caring, c11nr1dential 1nay be avaiiablc in your t..:;iU 548--68IO sume to Sales Manager •Sec'ys, I~ FEB. 21,22,23 " rul!. pink & orange. ilH, counseling & referral. area. t::arn profit for de-11 k St d nts P.0 .liox 71~. 'fusun, Ca. l~iz ReindersAgcney Fri. Sat.12·9.Sun.12-G Must find good home for TOP CASl-1 DOLLAR old·n·{'ozy couch & lov· Abortion, ;11lopt1on & l1vcr1es & cash. trips or ouse -ceper, h "9 ~u 926t!O 40".?0 Birch St.Ste 104 Gen. Adm . $1.50. · well caTed ror m.ixed Toy p A ID F o R you n t:sc<it, S2S. l'orl. Sew. ke<·iun.i:. 1nt.·rl·hand1sc lor selling ok. p /L $3 per r . n-Newport Beach ISlJ---8190 Public lnYited Collie. 546-1323aft 3:30 J EW ELR y, Wi\TCllES. Mach, $35, Call 830-6774 /\PCAflt-;s.r;.;;:,-.o03 ne w :..ubscr1pt.ions. For !lance IJr, N.li. (Nwpt REAl_.ES1"1\'rt.:Salespeo· CallforAppf. ART OIJJt:CTS, GOLD. ----------1nror mat1on ple:be eall ~e.rr.':nd~r l9LhSt,CM) ple Whynot workinthe Free togood homt!only. SILVER s •·.r1v1c··. SCRAM-LETS ••• Ca ll641 IZ-l5 Establ1shedl9b."i d bl bl k ,, c ~ ti42 -4321 . f'rom San --hot.le~ area, 1-luntington Antiques : Loves cal a ora e pure ae 1° F I NE F'Ul{N & AN - t:lt'mentc-San Juan HOUSEKEEPER Beac h & 1''oun ta 1n Service Sta. Attencl :ull I840's. Vic tor. style . wk old cocke r poodl~ TJQUES.645_2200_ ra1r;c1t Cleary 434 C-St. Mow""ri-h l 'ap1 s trano area. call :.Vlilley? Call Phil !'Ile P/lime. 1\vall e\·es & Orig. horsehair upbol.1-'""~:-,;:".'7!23"_ _____ _j ~:-';~-;-;~-:----;-, ANSWERS 495 U03o an1\ M1 !>:io1un Exp'd J.1i\·hc In Ma 1dk. fo~ Namee, Village flc<il "'knds. Neat appear. & A_ lust sell ssoo .. ~lso. ra.r.t f'n..-c to good home only. Janitoria.1 Equipment Jungle-Chime- You ~re the y,.·1nnor or 2 t1ck et::;to1he UCIHOME IASKETIAU VJcju-1';1 ·roro area. C'all ~cnt>ra ouscwor · 1<.:st<.1le 963--4567 handwru1nu. f::x .. ••r'd on · ant1q dbl s ec y lHOO s Used all you need to 5lll ·310. l};iy week. l\1ust be good .-----'"' ,.... . · · 10 wk old Samoyed -. . Knack -F:njoin -f J{t;Ci'.'P'flONIS'f L" h ly needapply,AM 's.~ H.cn:.11 ss ance style. female start & ma1nla1n bus. MILKING E(Jual Oppor. i-:mployer cook. 2 111 family. Re ·.:. -1 · ag t Newport Bl . CM mahoA. S500. O\•ersea:-'S48--€7Zl $500. Call 642-291.1. r--............................ ~1 for p<.1:.t 5 yrs rcc1'tl. typing. Ask for Stuart. translt.•r. !\lusl sell bothl ---~~~.'.:'.---J'--::;:-;:-::;-:;:~=-::-;-=:---l I p:tid my (jU<irlcrly SI Y ••001 mo+"'"' "·'5 61 11 FIREWOODSALE income tax declaration ·a a r ..., ""·"· .,.. --· Scrv1c.-c Stat ion help eves 548-5676, 5-16 --8879. fo~ E M A L E M j n . * " GI.ME Cl.HVASSIHG B<JYS l:1rls, 15 or ovr. t-:a rn :.:i uu -s:ioo n10 . hclp1nJ: athletic club Sl'll t1 c kc1 :.. to s porting ('\"t•nts. 536---<17!.ll, ~fr . ti75 -00l5 & k d No pe r Org. Euc. del $75. cord. today. Now I know how · ___ · "' ·n 5 • ex · Dachshund, 3 yrs. Gd. a cow must feel artcr REU BE""'S nccess . i\t 1n a~c 18. &'l !loll top des k, offit'e s11.e. with c hild ren. 644-5460 $43. 1h Cord. S8l -l 122 fl.11LKING time. 1-"l'bruary 22. 1~1-;:-, Please call 64l -5ti7H. t•xl :i.33 to C'laim y ou r 1'1c-kets. 1Nurth t 'ount) t oll frt'(' uurnhl'I" 1:- Z>-IU-·lllO~. louse1nother -~·omen 's rehabll1tat1011 hous e . Prefer recov 'd wom<in alcohnlit Good :-.alary. L1Vt' in 4 1:-d<.1y~ per wk. Call G4.2-IS389 9-i " r·red Mon thru Fri ·u1 rcecutly rel in .. sultd CoastFil'ewoodSupply 4pm. Mesa Verde Shell. mahogany.~--285.:1. DARL ING LOVABLE ...................................... ... 3131J larborBl.Cltt --===-'-"=-==--J PUPPI ES. 6 wks o ld . Plast ic case Daguerreu 675-3408 Mow Hirioo) ~1>1 k ~------ ••• -----CLERICAL IHHALl.TIOH ASK M E About M;1ry Ka~· P:trt time. Med1c<1 I I.ah. THERAPY TECH Cosmetics. C<ill lor Frt."I.' A1JproK 2llhrs v.·eckl.v. Min 2 yrs cxper or Facial . .54.S--~180. ltjun ~ to ti ·ryp1n~ 5.5 :.ehooltug. Salary com· J will not be rc•s1JUll,.,1hlt wprn t..:all Uctty . men:.urate w/lrilllllng & fol' any dcl.ll ~ or &~7 1 9-1. cxpcr <;ontact Mr . Jiab1llt1eS 1nl'urrl•d h y l 'l)i\f PANION, m;llur1: ll umilton, t..:usta ~1t>s1• lh th:i n Men1or1j;1I llns p1t<1 , anyone o er "'l'll adJUSlt'd "·o m :1n 642_273,., Equal Oppor. myself, on & alLcr Feb needed :is companion lor Fm lo er HOSTESSES Day>&~ Apµly 3~5l'M Da ily 251 E. Coast Hwy. Newport leach 1-:qual Oppor. Employer - SttY. Sta.Attend collection . Old strec"ll------------1 990 E. Coast Jlwy, NB lamp. Barrels. 673--9217. ---cc-----,..,.--11::.~11ure 8050 SHIPPING & Appliances 80 I 0 ::'::'~•••••••••••••••••• REC. CLERK ••••••••••••••••••••••· * GOOD quaU Ly sofa & i'.:lectron1cs knowlcd ~c love seal, never used. rcq 'd for portion ot l"Ht::El,JCKUP ltet~s. lt1oving -must sell. duties. Newport Marine ~~A'cp~p~l~'>~S~'<~-r~a'.'p~M~e~t~•~I ~l-"968"--8822-"=~· ______ 1 t: n g i n cc r in g . 507 _Call Anytime675-"-52.58. Supeno,.N.B. Scacs70Washec .. 5. MATTRESSES RN SI-II p w RIGH'f, qualified. G/S llltn Dis hwasher ;;65 Queen, Full &Twin.Sets 19. 1!175. Steven_.!:.:. ·rylcr l'h11dr1·n ~·hdc parent~ _. _P_~------ 1 r a \ t.· I l'll·n ~c l'all. JEWE'~ J .,..,u not be r1.,':">pons11Jle ~ for ;iny debt :-: ur .l,l7 -0Mtl:.1 IJl~·n ~-5 Gold s mith Wanted Jiabillt1cs 1ncurrt.·d hy d.uly _ p/t1me. t:xper. 111 fine anyone othe r Lh;i n Cook. exp. ur broiler ma~ Jewelry Versatile. Con· myself ~n & .arl~r 0 th~~ days & nites, Muldoons taet 714 1549-1"24 •1u0 t h••v •xp m · •nly Whirlpool Auto Wshr. Erne Nurse " " .. c c ·· a ~··o Pricedto MoveNow !! ,.,enc:Y. in ~·ood . 5-IM-J641 bt1.1,·n -~ ..,.. 833-9625&646-8686. f"t nJ fl Sh 'fo Rotate s hirts (PKN)!.:'"'..'" ''c· _______ 1 __ l'C;C'."'.'.'°''.''C'.d'Celc_:~'.><16'.:' :'""".'."!..:''--i::~=-=~.c-:':';'-'--1 1 -a • OW a~ 1n smalldcpt.to covcr1ll-Chinese Furniture, I '!ate, t c h . 20. l.11a. lrtsh l'uh, 202 Newport Suzanne L. lfuntyn _ _ t 'I r [}r Fash.on 1:.land. nc.ss & v;icaiion.s. t:xpcr. SILVERSMITH l lOTPOJNT Mother of Pearl screen. Roache. RN.Coot;_i ~1cs a IUll llmc crnploym~nt 1n workingcond.54l:l--l959 carved coffee table. \• Memorial l lt~p1lal, 301 a grow111~ eo. &art 1m-Good workinc gas drye r 213/431 -2660. " 1;.io >--4110 prcf'd . Contact l>onna E xperience necessary. Refrigerator SJS Xlnt 72,.72• $500. Rosewood ~~ - -4561 Heil A.Ye. ------new, $100. Other misc. Joe Evans -~-~~i?.r1a. C.M. 642-273<1. ~JacdE ~fth'.Yc:t~~~~a at $45 l'alJ M47-42'78 9' blk nau~h . sofa, brand / ' -~~ _·,/~~',11 CrewCIHfs Hunfln<jtonleoch RM's~CCUflCU l ·--------~Kcuinorc washt>r. xlnt 1lems . 847-6229. 17771 C ••....... -.. \'ouare thewinncrof Days & igh1.s.Standby *TEMPO* t.·ond Mul\1 cycle, ~75. Lewis Lane, 118. <Spr-..... --.., time, difrerent1al pay <.:all 842-4278 1ngdale & Slater.) GOV~ RN £SS. yuun ,:.: St;irt 1mme tl1ately. Work l ttckctstolhe 1-·uu or pt lime. Excellcnl -----1 -~---------1 woman dcsirl's Job as wi boys & ~iris hclpini.: UCI HOME benefits. \Va s he r & Dry rr, late Desk. lge walnut$1SO, Kg- governess. tutor or rt.· Int -:1thlel1<' club sell lL<'kl·t~ BASKETIALL contact Mrs. Jensen. Meeds YOU Now! mod(•l . \4'orks pcrfpc·t, s z berl $75, Console Cir ~d field . llus \4·iirkl"1.I "'1lh to :;;f)(lrt1n ~ t•vcnts M;ikt' GAME COSTA MESA Typists both only SI 15. 519---H500 _ 1'V c RCA a s is ) s2s. c:hi_J1dre1n. l'v.:ulub1lc on ii S<!llt! S.:100 1)(·r rno to.lust >'.,brua r>·~' 1.-5 Memoriol....__,.ol Secretaries Corner bed set & table da1 Y Jas1s 11r iJU~l·r . be It! o r over. t:al l " .-...., "'' •__,...-• t-:lectrie stove. wh11e. t.1 -$35•& misc-. 552_7740. \ ?'5--42·10. _ _ .SJ6-57 1li 9um-l2 noon Please call 642-567i:J, CKt 30 I Victoria. CM PBX Oprs ble. oven-clean. $37 or 17&11 l\1ann St. Irvine. ·-\1 , 333 to cla1n1 your 642a2734 EOE Chooseyouro~nhour:. hesto(fer492-8i88 _ .\\ PRACTICAL NURS t-:. l'\lr.Spik~r_._. __ --T1eli.cts. (North County '-----------! <-:all ;'i·IO--l·\541 ------1 " <,ons_ider1le, r_L·f:..·. llrs . Delo·verymcnovr2lpcrm lol l free number is r Nt:-:Vl-:RAFr:1·; *SEARS* 23"Admiral colortv,good '•I I Ci ·r· d Phone eond $160. fi' Loose pillow .: \ ~:laam tu 3 .Jo pm p/tearlymornLATimes 540-12201 . a s s 1 1e Ad! Tcmpo 'fcmpurary lll'ill FloorModef mustard color50la, $80. rr,' •· ,':, .~:· '\ .•• 642-9278 dcl1v to NB home.-;. $22:1 __________ 1_64_2·_50_·7_•_i_od~•Y_Y'._' ----1'""'!""'! ...... ""'!""'!""'!""'""., *CLEARANCE• 645-8916 eves. - JabsWonte-d 7075 µcrmo.542-4800 J ORS S EN HelpWa•ted 7100.HelpW.te-d 7100 Wn s hers &Dryt:>rs 1 8-.-So-'3-,-150-.-,-Ch-,-;,-,-SSO- ••••••••••••••••••••••• Delivery Person for auw UNI ALE M •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SAVE upl0)'70 ca. Color tv $160. Bdrm YOUNG wo1nan . s£'eks parts store. Pff' 9-3:30. Age 10-15. Earn SZ0..$40 VACUUMS Sf'l s125. f'arberware house clct1n1ng Jobs 111 l l a~e n Radia t or . per week getting new SAVEupto::;60 grill $30. Mens English Costa Mesa -1-larllor 6 4 6 -478g o r eves r-usto m ers fo r lhe CnsoleMudclTVs ridini::: boot · sz 9 $l5, area. Refercnc."('S ;1va1la· 357-1770 DAILY Pl lJOT arter RESTAURANT SAVEuptoS200 s · ble. &IS-----4240 -school a nd Saturdays. At these 2 loca1ions l)nly a48'--<-"'3~7~7~· ------1 'L-i-;.-.,..-';':'j~j~ I _ .... 7100 1)1·hverypartorf/lime.Sl You must beouto!school Scars, Roebuck&t..:0111-QUi:'~f:N Jo'oam bed s. , , r.· lfflpW•tru l'f'r hr + bonl.L\ & gas. by 3:00 p.m. and be able pany. Adams at Mag-dincltc S<'t . blk . ,-inyl !.. •••••••••••••·•~••••••• Apply :ilS E . JrdSt, Suill' to work at Jeasl 3 day~ nolla. lluntrngton Bcat.·h. couch & rhr. 673--0148 Acctg Clerk. imml'd 1-:.11.11 . per week. No deliveries 9t'2-7781&270E.17thSt. l'\'l'S 7050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '' Circle of Colon! . ""··." .. ,- ·, ' ': , ., ...... · .... -"·" 735 4 ~Qe...B....Ro opening'°' pccson seek· --0 r c 0 I I e ct ; n • , 'The J II R ger Restaurant l:06ta Me'3. 540-5090. --·------1 9110 1np: perm. po~ition .1!:30 DentalFrontOfc: '·rran !!porlalion prl)· 0 y 0 II I 8'llF:HcULONSora.Jyr. sa~S 10:.S-18 Y, to.5.Ufelns.bat>k ground Ins urance & pcgboar<I vhll'd.Call968-4.ll\2. cyc•s 8020 liti' grn & ~·ht . :-tril>t' l.y 11T .'f1T c;,·,.•1o·11 '"'"01r1"·1 .. ur•n h I r I b t t re,., •• , 8 5 c~1 ····················••a S\50. Kng, bed, l•k• new lllMi-···~--...... 1 ..... ~t wU h th\A lnv.•I) 11ri:h1n' epu . u no ·• · expcr.ncccss. ··""" ~:qual Opportunily "'" O.-<vr•1 h r. 11 r111•11llir Jn 1 Musl bc good W/llUl'lllK'r.'> I oe a 11 on . ){cpl Y In Employer $~5. Sm hatch cover tbl. ~nlori•or ., ~•lobo" or 11<.·r•!" and type '15 wpn1. Busy C'l ass1f1Prl ad no. :163 e /o "----Will Be Accepting USED Dikes & Part~. S l5 $45. 675-1:1!.l:l before J N,.,.. 7.ll"·ll.1""D-Fl.UW •111, .... Cnlll llrr .. rgh•n or .. ..,.,. 9'- , o . ~ I 1....C,afion •· 2 N 1 ••· ~lllJ"l'"" or kohllug "UTAl!'d ore., A s k ro r t.:oco , IJull y P1lol. P . (). JJ•!X LAPIDARY FOREMAH oym•n .,.,...... $ U" up. 4811 e wport Blvd, PM nit f(lt ~(ltln11: d•r• IUHI din· nr t 111)' •rnthtrllt' P11.tlr1n "4 •24" J-"0 C t A1 l:a S ' Mon f b 24 C.M.642-7910 l----------1 n .. r•'N111r thP J1:.,.,· .. 1u1 ~urv• ;3:.i .•·IA!'dll"f'<'llnu .. u<o -• -au • os a l':.a. IJ o o k I n r. f of'" ii from 9 -5 PM farting ., 8 • 1-----------IJ-ll lJE-A-RF.D, full size, "' 1>ot11 .... ~"•mlnlll front and !1262ti mechutllcally inclined S block. Clln.i• .. •1111111 .. lal1t1. SendSIOOfiKe_.h"u"" ho "t1ng ray Boy 's Bike. ~old /brown v111yl. Xlnl 1'•1111 .. ,1 ra1t•rn ti JO : Add :s• fClr e•<'lll pattern tor .AdmlltlsfnltiYe l>cntal /\,i:;s1stant. ?dust be young man w has .an Blue. Gd working rond. eond. 644-~777 110.11 ~1 ... ,. 10~. 12", 1•w.. flnt-cla15 m.U •nd •~i•I •Ide exp('r'd., l'esp & en-1nlerest 1n the grow1nJ! $25. S-ts-6756 aft 3:30 111,.1~"".l'.ll ai 1 ~% tbu•ti'rJ ~lln1 Se11d to Alt .. e "' f " thus ias tic. Expanded t urquoise business.Start AT THEIR HEW RESTAURANT pm. Moder n Turquoise Sofa. u~~1 .~'for'~~~h,· •tt"'""· Need!~,~~·~~~.~=· To SBOO .+ benr i ls. dulles background req'd . \mmcd. Call 00-----9474 Gd cond. $400 new. Sac. Add 2$ ttnts roir ..... n piut.m Old ttiel•t.• Stai.tOt11, N • .;. • sq~pe. l'rvro;sgorr•'····.·.~r •. ,.mr•,1· Srtla ry open. Newport LOT M.... Bicycle. Nlshik1, 10 ~peed. ror $60. 962-725.1. for nr5t-<'ll51 mail al'lda&»fi•I Yor•. N. y . 10911. Prl•l d. ... Ar"ll 23 ' [rame ~. 613-1321 h1ndlin1 : nlh•rwl•• third. N 1111f', Add.rllif., Zlp, Plti.n hosp. Send resume to: __:irca . 646-7419· For Leasing & Rental LOC •:rm: after 5 SAC RI .. ~ICE PRICE ct1ss «livery ""111 late lhl'H Num._,,., , ~ , " &-"' u S••• do::J:•r•I Cro•te Cl.''il1ed ad no. 3721 c /o DE~.. r -mp,,ny. See Ken Cliff Beautiful fine furniture wtt nt'more. ,,..l.(l..,1rl•n u-"• -....., 1727 E. Dyer locml 5-ta...... ....., .. · h . h · M1rtln, 442. tM o.n1 Piiot, bu.UM thl ..... '•New Daily Pilot, P. 0 . "'-'K E 'd h . d 1 ror Details at Theodore .. ., !Se w1nn Ss(X'CCI bike , sofa, Jov eseat, c air~. P•tt•rn Df:pt , = wni 18111 t9ftNMCU~r•ftC::W..C.1 JS80, CoSl<i Mciu1, Ca x~:rhen~ri~~& ~a1°!'J: Robbin11 Ford , 2060 hkenew.$49 .di ning room. orig. 01) !it , Nfw VMt. N.Y 1001 1. :act.lptk UIU!d .......... w ~-Ila bo 81 d CM 675-1389 paint•••'· silvCF:-ervin~ Prir!t!'!A.'•lf:.AODRE.~.ZIP. N-! NI)' Pll'tyQMl.bn.• .,_,, Call 548 -~. r r v ' ' -------'-----! r·" SlZE and STYLE NUMBER. N-1 RippleCr'l)(tllll .... .s1.• ' • ail...., f Cam.rat& pieces, m.tny other 1n ~EP'R•:~PATTERNotyour Sf!w•knltBoot ........ 11.is Add~~~~a~~=~~r11,,·:~i;n:~ . ~EHTALASST Mw~;~1~h'o~T ~xc1;~~~:~~ Po1ttk>n1 "Y Wiii or: Ec,alpm...t 8030 t~sets.s~1TAt~;~1o:e~~-~:::i~~~~~W~~;\~~. ~~~:;"~·::::::: y our own bui1 1n c s1>. tha1r~1dc cxpcr .• only, pcLLvewages.ins.&4\.'l' ••••••••••••••••••••••· 646 2'"9 SUMMt:R Pll.TTERN ll••'ll••Croctt.t8ooll .... t1• "'1-""A5 31""J d~y 1.1,•eek. Salary da y work wk. J)ays : --N CATAl.OC IOO•lYi"ll.•llslrt•. fl\MintCrochetflo!* .... 11.oe .,... <N"• •1 benefit& A• 1COC>lS DISHWASHERS bl 2 lrM peltrrn rovi-. Send l Sc< lnd•nl M•t'.rarnt.l'o<* SJ 00 -----opcn.i•3ny · '549 12114. eve s; NEWSl'otAN iti·lhnJ? TOPWillelsohd cherryta e, -sr.w+KNIT~·•h lnatanl MOft•)'l!Ddl; .... 11.00 ASS1'. mana~er, eou.ple.I Mrt~s 1ve & w1lhng tu 846-475 \ BUSBOYS COR Super ll F 1.4 w/ leaves,6 c hairs,$70. buicll.ulK'l).llUt:trn .•.• s1.~ ~plt:ttGm.,. ... 1100 no childrtll. 60 1.11\ltS, m~et chKllt.•ngc of hard -----------w·-ESSES n•""'ENDERS 25mn1 . fi'.3.5 Topcor, R48--«l63 hwt1ntf'1~h1Mhooik •.. $1 .80 ptftaAf1Unlll4 . 1100 Costa Mesi' 642--3645 w_ork. Beach area. CaH M •IDS W ..... ED ""'" WV\ 1 1n1t.1ntSew101aoo. •.. fl oo ~ .. IM'Af1b•NIU ..... W 962 2-4363)'tllexp A "'"' IV'tl'Vf•ILW"-· .. s · 200mm ~-.S .6TOpc.'\lt",2Xr, SOFA Whit::idown ........ Jlq.t-•t ....... :!111' AUTOMOTIVJo: C;_1:shl1·r, - ' · Mature. exp'd pref 'd . -""""" " -·~ tcleconverler, filters, h' _50 2 god clu·1 N~1m10-'ttBrri:n ····• •-el r 1 cus s -, ~· u..,_uorTod"n ..... w exp. prererrcd. Apply : Dental Chairside Assl r'ull llme. """°'"' pcrso.nn ocu8 ni.t s1•recns. etc. h '54i fa KlnL cond. • ._.of 1tJUT7 Rues ..•... w Newport Dal sun. P.ttn, 1 yr exp. Full Ume M•r .. Balboa IJ.ay Club. i285. Call tl3'1-Gil2 after c rs. · ·• ~~~~~~~~~~~~ •333 )JOO unlilJulyJ,640--<MOO 122 lW .Coast~lwy.NU .;_. "j67S--0542 __ ' ~. • - ' • ~ .. . o.~ .... -.. I I rt d Aattos. l111ported -..nn. r-· •••••••••• .. Motor c loo/ 9570 ..... a.p:OS'hd ..... .,,~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• Sc-111'~. tie-A .. •••••••••·•••••••·••••••• ••••••••••••••''''9J)op cM 9750TO'fOhl t76~· ~. DAILYPILOT Ttiursday, Feb1uary20 1975 -9¥ ...................... J..... . ··°"····················· ...................... ~. M--1 • o 1-0 Pow-9040 •••••••••••••-·••••••_• h=-. -~ IOI .---,,_.,. "'..,. ,,,_,,,,., ............... '73 \\ BMvi·B '1Slrto--n¥ MC--Vtn, 20 mJ>ll , W .. t707 Porscht '60 Roadster. Im· '71 Toyota l>l~p-X. ~a.auf:~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -.,,--~ .. , /i900 n uine, runnin1 acar. ••••• •••~•••··~••••'' muc & or1g1nal. Call Gd . cond ~ tra ·~ T MUSIC 1970 16' S1urerart. ~· l~. swi~ arm ... --~ • 008 fl rG " ~v1lbl11° 6S Nebulizer, COAS l /O, 140 mercnu.ser 'l'ill nilles wJacce•to es. tra, batttty;-ck. Offer. 'T3 AutomaUc, M.ir cohd. 646-6065. 644 ·1 111 e · , Ben11ellRraplrator. CO&l',\Mto~A b d t.rlr t'ull ca/l\Js Li~.JW . f2,09$. =9f!7· ACale Brw_~Jtereo 70 , 911 E . Air. mags, riurnpl6. t7•7 ~~~~~ 1..-<»>t. •;'f~~;~"H(f;;!• b:lt tit~k. ~Int coud. 831 ~~r!!t! '68 DodReSportaman Van. ~~:i~~(;;'f""' •lnl. original owner. 55,000. ••··~··••••••••••••••~ Other PntA:!'I s 2 a s o 9 6 ts KAWASAKI 90. nearly ~.OOOl""actual ml. Xlnt · 11.1.-49'J-4287 Tri'umph . RMERLY Columbia lloothS Ell:htbJt :. 630Saflcrnoon:. ne~· only 1,000 miles. cond. 11800. 450 Cam-AUDI '72, 100 LS. auto, HE ~; ~chla Cabinet Shop, --~Ci.· Call 837-6722 after bridge Circle .CM. air. pvt ply. $3100. Call PORSC Sales,Serv1cc,&:Lea.$lll~' eak, 1't;ihugany . J;11n ~t·!'l:.1vns' ;?ff 'l.Yl\·li\,~ 5 . 968--6669 vboard, 2 x: 4 ':t , io'un&Gifls lor i\lt V -8.1mn1aeul i!I ~· '69VW Van, xlntrunn1ng1..:::::._:.:::;_ ____ --:c l • C•ll"'~"'-28511orlrct· · dltlo s1•~ best "-·I f 3911TT'RG' bln..,ls. workbenches, , ...... s-&500. ti75 4h\M '59 NOR'fON MANX , 500 con n. ._.... or '72 SL 100. ~ ,......,. , sn r. 7 -"' ft m n ii. n ts . m Isl' ~alend;.irol y.venl!'i -----9060 d .o . h.c , Short strok_e, offer. 64~~2106. all extras $2929. 496-3028 '61 Jagu1:1.r, 3.8 0 /D. 4 ~pd, io""'inished 1n Polar White Jard ware . 1429h t:. 6th Sport!~ Goods 8094 locrh, Sall :11ngle, 142 mJ)h, classic, ,68 DODGE 6 1 1,... nltes. :t94 -6505 days. Xlnt cond . $18:>0 /olfer. laqucr with black ll'!l.lhcr NEWP [Jf\T IMPU F\TS . . d •• ., ••••••••••• •••••••••••• d b l . r I t:Y !i ~ · 496 239S 1o1nytime S 675 4274 interior, 5 speed. alloy l . Cor.~n11 . _<R1~ers.1 ·tJ ·•••••••••••••••••••••• 11.i" PHINOl:-;LCal Nt·Vl'I' r.are an e~u I ~22 $915. '66 v'w, new cnA . -. am -, v.·heels. A.M /fM stereo, e~l lhurs. triday,Ladu~s bkl IWOls. l.:.ini.:c twen 111 wtr. tt1usl ,~·II if·~9~-Call 837 -<i t•lean. $1275.64t.i -202'.!or ·74 IOOLS, air, 4 spd. '73XJl2SEDA.M leather bra. 1 ov.•ni..·r & ,• 1 · -4. H ... ·d D ... ·v11. .~l .~i'. 1 · nt·v.' Sl.H90. 493 3242 1:1. t~_, -·-----s.&H-7482 A.M /t'l\t sl1;1r. tape, lo mi, 1 nl n1 a cul ate . Ori.::. low miles. 1 I \!JEP'J.') 3100 W.COlstHwy.ll 'rounddroplrdintUI& s 100.1•h_: L1s<1 3 S pl'h ,.. . ·61 vi-;i.c>cr:T1't; f-IELP~ Mu st sell . bw11l·r S1lvt•r grt:!y 2 9405 c hrs.w . f-lutchSJO.:~· oraft~:3o . .>io ~~·1 • ~ 1~Uf· 1~~oo~. ··~11:-.1• 'l'HRux·rtJN. 500 c .dc ~migael v ... u~~ ... o~~·i::: 559 -0175 v.·/bl:u·k 1nle1;0.-~-72914 64 • · · , •vocado giis·ran,,:c. xlnl ~lel:re1;:or ux. "'oods &'I _us _:.~ c p.untcd Single, produl·ti~n roa s harp & loaded. offl'r 642-Jll l Finiiiihudinycilo\\'laqul·r 'ti! 1"HJ . Hbll cng, nct!l eond $75. Soil & Sun Irons Xlnl. ConJ ~/;,, SJOOO 673~ _ racer, ht:en::.00 .or lhe 675....:g561 IMW 971.2 973 2 wtth blat·k interior, 5 loi>. l;l'eJ.l t:ond. Ca11 · t'6- 7 3fiz li~•I Olil:K l ',\J.2-l'JS!oopw1l)1t•i.cl:.. sncc'..e,1•1:· r~·o<~~~eho?d~~: """""'"&'.••••~~~~."••••••••••••••••• speed, Al\f/FM radio, & ~t; Sll5t1;1ftfipm. .• oa::gulation t<oot ;.ill. \,1 Sto,.r Restourcmf, ·<1ld . S23,500. 833 -2620 new mel'h<in1cal compo-Autos Wanted 9590 •ENSEM "ti3 ·rn4. rebll. eni;. \'" 11111t.. • b comp"ly loadt..-d. 6 Mth:. ~ .. •'" & . low 1n1lc:.. (5\9GDXI , le •. nevrr _us1.·d s:tl5 °1 Bar' 8095 ncnts. Sl ,~!15. 837-6720:! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 58 356A tr;.ins SI USO. or best ort: rti13-J.SIJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!\'eS . after s WE PAY TOP DOLLAR HEALEY Silver with blu ~·k in-55<!-3-1 79,640-1500, ext:_ ~---------,11 1 11 w o od burning laah,SUpOocks 9070 -. :\l \'l'Cl-ILESS FORTOPUSBDCA.RS 1974 & ler10I'. 1\'RJ562! 2 lo lSll'J 1\1 s t<: tt s 11 1 I' 1 11 (i.11·J.1nd ~Lov.._._ hvy duty ••••••••••··~··•••••••• A1: t ~II iJ 0 N 600 (' c . J-'OREIGN, DOM ESTH..: BA.VA.RIA JEMSEM HEALEY choo:,c ! IN t-.: COAS"l' <.:Oun tr~ "'-' l'opp~r hot wt.r lank & SI.IP i\ \'A IL ·~ S •I l. tt> ·'.sg model. or CL1\SSICS $1595 b . $lOUO +tr.in ~ft·r11_~1·n ~.l .:'Jn y xlra!'I .. _,Nc\\'IJOrtl!c':'("/\ ~rgt~'rl'aslored. $39S. lfyour _car 1scxlraelean CLOSE OUT IHTERCEPTER JIM• . days ·~ 21J12H:J 7()1:11 1i1J 1417 c\. _ ___ .w -tiu Power or Sat! K:i7 ~6720:! after 5. see us firsl. SAVE! Salt·s . Scr\•'lce, & Leasing ' es aft 7 l'<.1111>'4 57Jt> II \:\I tL·rt)N Ut.•at·h :1 i.t:i 20·-~2'. 1~o~<e_ronly -IAUER 8UICk MARINO '• · . ·t· 673-5253 '&I KAWASAKI 120. Xlnt 29z5 11arborBl\•d . Crevier BMW OL table "" at:t•t·.~ 6 lion mah inuccr. ~ ain· -----d Cl an Dirt or 2500 St ·ag lighl. l"USlQrll Lilt le:.!'I ~lt:l'i thl. & '!leat blk . Transportation ~~-~cl $19; 545-t657. Costa Mesa 979-Sant!~~· lst r~-317 1 NEWPU!\T IMPD HT S ate. 1 ,~,xtl ' 11 \~·r ;d! Hl·rkcll m t·:il .sl1eer, di~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• · _oc·.=..-,,:=·.cc'--c.__~-TOP DOLLAR us t :-.t:ll t1u11·kl.\ l !'i l ht':-. . w arm l' r S •• ·7,1 BUL'fA.CO ALPINA 75. t;ikc:. .111 ~ l"all :.ifLt·r rt·lrq.! fzr . i:ca~ french CamPfl'S, Sale J5(.lcc . Under 500 miles. PA.ID pm!:l7!:1 ~•JllJ:i lryt•r 64'.c! 5076 Rrnt 9120 Perfc1:l co ndition ! IMMEDIA.TB.Y -••••••••••••••••••••••• 54M-03•11 II I'. l'ul'tublt· t·•Jn1 TV,Rad10, Tol l\·it Cainpcr for :::.:.:_______ FORt-U ressur ~loo. i ~·ton l'h<11n Hifi, Sterro 8098 1 .r 1 . t .' /hoot & • t·ur-1973 •lusky 250 WH, FOREIGN CA.RS 1st S25.4!j5 5254 ••••••••••••••••••••,I'•• •J.\O a ., w . xlnl sha1>e.SOSO. --'olor ·rv ::i1··. l\1u.st Stu· l<iin:.. Ii mo~ old. S350. 548 -al65 MOVING S·ALE Wd 1"at... xlnl cond !Rio 2054 __ _ een S'' .. H•c". v.·<is hcr. "554 -.1407 :.dl 1 <.isk lur • Sh II Hl73 Su:tuk1 (;'J.' 25(1. Xlnl ... ~... lfC<1n1pcr. e · <ond . 1000 nli. Must sell Y.er, day bc<ls, china Dec. 36'" high, $125. ff NEVJPllf\T lMP Df\ rs binel :.c.wing maeh. ---•. ca11 536 _480tl S650 or best ~. er. · t · i rug drcs ~l'r olor L"on~ole IV & 675-9578or646-2631. ~~~t~. dt":.ie~i ·s bc~ch : :.l_e,rco. "'~15u0p~~:J~~!;cw, Mobile Hamn 9 & 40 1967 BSA P.1oldrcycle, new 3100 W.Cust Hwy. NA · b ·•ol> ;· ladder as in~= ·.,..... w ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• bl · ~~ 642-9405 a Y c • · · ------~ • . t"lulch. new t:a es. ""'"" ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST $ Sales-Service-Leasing Roy CarYer, Inc.· Holls 'Royce 81\t W 234 E . 17th St. Cosla Mesa 546-4444 el:.1l l'<1b1nt•l , bouks Sylvania 25" color T.V Com1>le.1e.ly ~elf con& oo~r~bc~s~c~o~r~'~·64~1}-(fl'::::'~34'.'_c· __ l --~------::-:----....4062. :.imi fnl record player t;.11ncd . 20 Travel trlr _ '73 BMW J .tls. Stereo · 4606 .r15 l'abana w/s1Jucc 111 NB '72CZ250 MXComplelely WE BUY IMPORTS I radio lealh 1nl Days •I VINt:: <..:11a sl CC ~1~1n SI00.5~ -a trlrpark.SI795.&16 5'171 ·rricked.S400. • HJJ-i361. wknds 0&eves rsh1p lor S;J]e. C<1ll,aoats&MariM C\'Cs.wkdy s W.JJ -247~ Call642-2913 Top Dollar 1'or Any, 838-7'145. P\'lply eninAs : 552 8773 I Equlpme-nt .. -Make or Model. --- . • •••••••••••••••••••••• Sinai I. older mobile home. Auto Ser•ice & I JIM PA ... OS c •• apn ••• • ••••••••••••• 9.7··'·5· R <.:ond1t1oner. brand c·l(•an & neat. 011lull park. Ports ... 9400 ....,. w , window or w:ill~ 9010 Spaeerenl$.59.50pcrmo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAZDA. SALt<.:-Dunl<ipW1rc ~ounl !'riced right ! ftWral Cl\1, Sl .75(Jfi41.i 0051 VW EMG 1600CC Wheels, 165xl3Stecl. ""s-i3·•·1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----• """l S. li1anchestcr " "' • 530~ '""' S2•t.8tl+tax 636-7W:.. -17 l'l I.arson I•() Needs Motor Cycles/ Anahcin1 636-6000 ---~ellaneous minor hull rap;iir . Scooters 'ISO 2 FordUSJndyMags& -. -72 Capri. 29000 m1. x hll ,~anted 8081 Sal·r1f1ecSl550.!S-lfi ·11720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l 'ires.SSO, TOP Dollar 1la1d for t•ond one owner good l4'.•••••••••••••••••••• ats-Marine ·73 \',\:\1..\11.\ 1011 MX . 64·1 ·0341 /644--0329 ~l~sc~~~-allulhcrltn -gas~i.4sµ.tlJ2jt24 Bid •Ill• Cush for E '· ent 9030 g<"ond, fu :-.t :>375 . or • / CrevirrBMW Cott 9717 , Piano. Write PO Uox ••• ~·!.,~•••••••••••••• tr ad!' for X H 75 {)r SL 7U. AnClol~~ics 9520 208 W. l s< "'-eel ••••••••••••••••••••••• flf2. t.'orona dcl l\1ar, SMALi. B<lATllU,\(' 67:1-l!J:l:i ~ 9162 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Santa Ana KJS-:1111 72 COLT - 5 · , ---~;uo \\'alt bo:it g~n.cri:~t.or ·73 Bultaco Al1l111a 25'k'l'. 47 C:.idillac f'lee~wood. STATIOMWA.GOH 3100 w.r.o.11 Hwy. llB. 642-9405 9740 ....................... Mercedes;.len1. & Fial 29701 ._._. ... hitiL•a'f -~Viejo B:St-17•0 OHL Y TWO LEFT! '74 MBZ 4SOSEL's Brand n ew , f11lly equipped . and ~;1l e pr iced! A vailablt' for s;dc or leasP. Call no1o1.·. (#65Jii& 1'30621 F NCI NG -Chain Link "'-'llh batll'ry thargcr. Nl'ver rat·ed. lo mi . X!nt Ncv.·eng. dr1\•etra1n. Ex. SELL US YOUR CAR! Auto. trans .. :ur t:ondi- anted w / po!'il'i, gale:. Nl'\\'. Warr;.intccd. 111 , id "'''""' 673 3856 t:ond .SJ500.832 -17N.. Wepayfoppn'cr! & Sh l'P' 28701~Pwtl-w vail . :>41 -3:13li or t•ralc. J>ort<ible_. mount .. : . .°.! """"'· . ..Jiil, l1oning . ;.i · 1 M...._,'l)eto a:1:1-11•0 Mission Viejo Imports MOTOR CARS 1200W.Co;.isl Hwy. Newport Ucaeh 645-1102 loll• Royce 9756 ......................... ROLLS ROYCE SILVER CLOUD Ill In :.:ind & sable l'X - qu1sitcly maint;1ined by Ur1lish cr;1ftsmen. Has power windows, IXJWcr stt'cr1ng. pO\\'l'r brake!'!, ascol tables & all lh!' a( .. l·oulrem('nls dt•:.irt..'(I by lhe rnus l d1 S('l'l'ning . $16.500 . 1329-7245. on tran:.om w11h bail llond;.i --350, 4 cyl, 600 ·47 J1':EI' WILLYS Ne\\' MUSTIECLE.A.M 1149i''WZ> C DI f -- 1:.1nk holders. W~1ghs 82 mile, show room cond. engine. Int & body gd Will take anything in &15·5700 New a~ r 71 ,\ll-~H C ~Dt<:S BE:'\Z no s lude nt necdsp1ano lbs . Stow while u n -s ioao. U40 -(IK30 art . shape . il150 /ofr . trade. watches, rings, 2150l-larborBlvd,C~I 450 SLC. 7,ooo nillt•!'I . 52Rollslentty good condition. cheap. dcrway Gre"'lest buy for tip m 842-ti269. TV's elt:.. Dcrtwn . '720 load<'d v. 1th .:-xlra:. "'1u~1 Mork VI S'-8936. marinl'. llll A.C.! S250 . -~ ---2000llA.RBORBLVO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'lcll.tHti!.1303 !">3 ouO aL·lual miles . 1'twse vt•lurll':-> n111:.l I.Jc :-.t•en to he apµrL'l'IJlcd. Plea~c ;.i~k for ll1chard L;.imh al Guarantee Chcvroll•l l\1ulors. Ine. hlt:all'd Jn S:.i nta Ana al 71 l i';;.ist 17th Slrcct Ph~asc t"all for an <ip- pointmenl. 17~4 J..543·931 l ~·1rm .64 2-06i3 I CllOl'Pl-.:DllONJ?A Recreotionol/ 645-1500 '70D'TSUM . S7UW5 1SAV20U1 72TR6 ROADS'IU Blue with black interiort 27,000 miles & vcr~ .shai:p! \117 1401 $3995 IM ;; J MARINO}; MOTOR CARS 1;:00 W. Cuastl-4wy. Nt·v.·port HcoH·h 645-1102 '&3 BAJ1\ liU<.O. new en(:. ii::lntcund. S9~. 613-~ . T '70 \'W Camper. Eng ct Int . Xlnl cond. Slandil1$ room_. urrl•r. 673-513~ ·73 V\\' Hus. SunroOf4 l-lad10. 1\1r Cond . Ni;ii clutt·h. Nu l\-11ehe lu::i r;1d1al s . ·75 lag s . v.'hllc /ltlue. 27,000 nu. Vl•ry <·1e;.i n ! S350U. 557 litl:Jti days, 644-4~ 111 ~hl 1 \\'knd. ---- 'iii-I V\V ., ... stback, air, R&r II. xlnt t·ond. Sf75. ti 7 5 ---6561 --'7:! 411 \.\'agon, all oxlra..<t. S2J2:! 1offl'r. 496 -30211 niles . ~~4 -6505 dayi. 496-i:195 anylnne.:__. icol ---Showh1kL•,$2t(X)~'1rm Vehicles 9530 CUSTA~~::SA "' 73 MBZ 450SL " nshnteftts 8083 Wint"hes. Snuteh Hlock~.1 !ltiJ 119"1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --, Sedan C68JBHK1 •••••••••••••••••••• M1:.1: F1tt1ngs. Linl', 4 --1972 Yamaha, JO hp. Orange Ca.ttys ti-'5-5700 Nev.· Car l>lr Coupe Roadster 60 Rolls Royer 70 VW 71 Ous, nu t1r1.-s, air. reblt t•ng. b('!'il offer. D.1-10811 ti:IO-~)I . an. beuutiful Conn Chnl ,\:\I DSB B;ul10 "7l llonda 7.50 M1n1 T~illl. $9SO. Call after6 Hiqhest $1uyer 2150 1·1arborBlvd,C_~ 1·"0 of tlll'~t· ~port \ Silver Cloud II COM VERT ABLE inµel·· spinel. l::xtr;.i 04-1 >1777 Xlnt end Sl80 Call 552-3356 Oft, _ __....._ UR I :'llt~recll~·!'I ;.ire· s ah.' pr11·ti l IU;.ick & ""Id \Wu·lon" ); 1 bl k k XI ( S fi e 6458!Hfil'\l'~ .. .,._.. WILLIUYYO jch·, •.. ,. •.•. , ... ,,,,,,.,, ... 11111, .. ()r,111g.-with ac 111 spea er. n · acri ·c p 9040 · ~ · -• 9550 l 'llM T ota OT ·~ ~~ .. 0 '" qucr SlJ,M001t701'Pl)i l"l'1or. lov. miles & ('.\-S395.97!:t-U558 . Boats, awer 4 Wheel Dnves I axry oy DA.TSUM, TOY A equippt•J .ind 11 1 l'' ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Y;1rn;.iha .,,.Z -Hll. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call Roger or Bill OR YOll<SWA.GEH ! l'\.'llt•nt t·••llditiiiii ,.l>U eellent r1111d1t1on. l'r1t·1..·d GLBSON Bl5S75. Fender •WA .'l'fi-:IJ• ta .~t.s:.iso. "'' Je<'P. 4 wd Heblt 847 8555 • 61 Rolls Royer tusel l ~!ll<!!U l r1 , Super l'VL'rJ P;.1rlncrs b11) in ar).:t'r cn~ine +extras . ......, WI LI. PA\' 'l'()Pl (::~IJl:!&::t ll!Jt;:1 1 Silver Cloud. II R I S)ou I I 1;14 Olit.i>i " Sl"~". l'r\ID FUH ()H NtJ 'r .1 n1u't Sl 'l' to ;ippr•'\'IJ.ll' JIM (;,ibso~ f;s -:135 Cleft than 2.2 It 1•1 s her -~17 Ki\\VASi\1\1 llO Uirl Ca ll!i47 --(i~2. FRE£APPRAl5AL DOLl~i\H . Ci\l.L KEN·r ! JI J I hHnded > SlOO. S48-B.J 7 l. 492 H7M.:i Hike. Xlnt eond ::;ltlO Call T--.-9 560 ~~c~~~· ~1~fi'1 1 f~~·r)~ Al.LEN. 5~!) m.ti Mission Y-tejo ~~~~l~r b;~:~t;~t·'.1{;hL~rql:~~r AAARINQ QC K •• '' ·73 ''"Sf" rue s . I '' h '" 1,.,,,' JYI R J C K 1': NB r:. f'llH s ,\Lt-.: Iii' Gl<i sspoir. ~ '· . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ClfEVll.OLE'I' for <i free I I Imports 1t·r1or ·'' :u < · Id 1 1111:rJ21 I MOTOR CARS ~Gui t ar. 10 Y .~:.._~ •· inl>?;.ird 1outbo<ird tl-·lcr<_'· ·11 ll USKY ;:.su . ltt·cd '72MAZDA a~pra1sa 1 ~ . ... OatSUH ' I natural wood. \arn1.sht'd t-ru1scr mlr. Bail tank. ·Jv·· xlnt cond s,i15 p· 1..- 1 GROTll Cl-IEVROl.hl I I· 121~\\o".Coaslll\\·y. neck. stereo. lmmat· I l;d t•und. $1.500. t'ri. Sat ~~ ~.~4,14 1·357 · I IC""T I JMZl l Beach Ulvcl • Oranqe County's 1 2~v':;';~:s:~~::' 61 Rolls Brnffy :-. ... ·w 1)l"1rt lk·aeh •H47 -3344 & sun . ti75 -270ti ~ton.~::........:_ -(K3o39ui llunl1ngtonUcat:h I Hewrstl>flder ,! Continrntal I 645-1102 e.. •• ..__&-th r u ·r h u r ,s "73.\1onlessa .·rnals 250 S-H-A-R.P·! 8'176081 S49-:c1:11 I Ct? .-.mi.....-085 21:1 llS-1) 032(1 Like new. S.150 64 5-5700 New Car Dir -------Buy or Lease 1 SELL US I Convrrtablr v I 9772 ••pment 8 ' H33 ll'Jt!J 2150HarborBJvd.Cl\1 . Weluy 2601/ z Spct·1al body by l';1 rk 1 .~.:~•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Thl· lastcs l draw in the I --. 2."" .._1 Mer1:edes . Pors <"hl·. 2 YOUR OLD CAR. 1 \\'.ird iititll\.l,Z• : A..,YTHl..,G S£CYChrsS8t 24 .cxel':-.\I West .. a l>ally Pilot /197<! OSS;' Pioneer ,,., 71 DATSUn Rolls.&Exotics, LargeSelection WE'LL I ,... ,... cbrs Sl5/25. dn·1 m<ich l"I a s~• fi ed Ad ca 11 1\sk1ng St.7_5 . 1_ I CJla 1 MssiMt:s'alRlmMpo 0 rt:-. Mew & UStd can LEA.SE YOU OURS! I JIM TO TRADE, 'SSS,Pierce8b7Wl!JC,\f 1;12 567H 1. C<ill :>57 0771 Pickup A , • '"64S-74_1I. _____ I ·rhis blue beauty has MOTOR CARS Newport . 1 MARINO ! \\"l, trade fnr almo:.l radio. heater. ;iir cond1 · 1200 W .CoaslR~·y D t 1·00 II afl\thin t-:! •\uto:-., UoaL'. . N ~ l1on1ng, & a camper N u .. h a sun :'\l'11&L ~l·tll u l "h .... :.t• MOTOR CARS JeV.•elry. t..'4.t· Yuu ran 't F ; d ~ •hell . Pro··ed 10 •ell th,~ 1 ewport •.M.!ac d J I I J'UR"ll\S'' or . . r a .. ... .. .. ;\la c Al'thur an ;.iOl · l~IO\Y .l:oa:-.lllv.y . Jt'ill our .... I ... In Ou .~. · week! 143732) 645-1 I0.2 horcc M88 Do\(' s:tl IJUu t House of lm'[orts i'iewportBcaeh l.Ei\St<: deal. FA<...'TUHY .,. Miss'ionVi-io· ·\HPEN'l't'R will trad<''I Newport Beach ' 523_725 645-1102 Ht:Bi\'ft<:s on :;;clt>cl<'l! "'· -. ...,, r" d --I ·1 4 .'l'. ·75 \101.vus 'l" w 0 r k 0 r g 0 0 '71 1200 Coupe. new eni.: •()\"t·r ~l·:1 s lJcl1V('rv lm,.....rtS tran s portation car, ,\M J f'flil ·;u Wagon .. 75 ,\lt:Hct<:l>l<:SlXO , Fu! Saab 9760 ., ... 1 · ls . · ...._... 642-9294 I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,pt< la IS· _ aulo. ma gs l'\l ply. ly equ1pµc1 . 11 u .<. . l , W ttt $1i<2Q ,;f•': r 'J: 2.,"'°',_--,-a:s:~:':" l .. uto;, Imported t>-16 -9663 Am",, .. 1a~::1 c::~r~:;~ ~~~71 5AM1· G1\fttJll e.unA · • • · W' , • i······················· w . ... .. .u""' : ·' V •• 0 •l , ,. .·, .··. ·.. ·• ' •. >~ -------'7~ IJ;.itsun ~IO . _agnn .. s01lc price :S IO.!Jl!J lease ;.it ~ \; -.'ft .... •· :· .: ··.. . ....... .,,,, GMCTrucks . AHakomra 9705 Spd, air. r,1d1al!'i. 52850 Sllil J!I per mo, 48 mu. ., ~ VOLVO I ~ 4if1 l)id you knowG~C~sell .,•••••••••••••••••••••• !:1~3 7 21'1.i •l,O_ v.•kdy :-. upcnlllr 17 1·118J.1 !l3oo luyorlease , ··-::··«..__._./ for less than ~ords &.69 SPYDER •Int cond. ~2 94>l'\C:-.. -Authorized 19b6H h rM 64~9301 : ' - "FOLLOW ANTEATER BASKETBALL ACTION AT HOME • • Saturday, Feb. 22 8 p.m ., Crawford Hall UCI vs. Lewis and Cl ark Tickets: S2 Call 833-6931 U N ~VIRSITY DR • Dod t uck · Call us & • • -9725 2201>. ltlti!t 311,IJOIJ m1 011 1111. Sales & Scrvil'l' ni 0' __ _ we'lrepr:vcil~· $0 2550. or best offer. Fiat eng ,\utom:itit· A("! B hi__. VOLVO 97!+ 9065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S4zsii. 1;.12 flfiS-t 4!~1 57H.1· roe ••.,..-. .... Bill Barry · · ---eve:.. MacArthur;.ind •74 DEMO SALE PO,N1'1AC Ci 1\-lC l"ruck:. Alfa Romeo Jamhorec -,~,, '""' All rars arc low m1Jca ~1" 20!.kl t<:. Is l Sanl;.i 1\n;i l Buyarleose Mer1.:cdc!'I B1•n1.'f~l \1USL . 84H-l)o\'l' .K, v ... l'flUPJll'd ""'Ith air . 558 lOOO Aulhorized ORAMGE COUNTY'S mint l"Ond Nt•v. pnrt l~o;it ·h ,\ ;\I 1 .,. ;.,1 s I er c n or Sales & Service MEWEST & LARGEST S.1·4511 ~ i;io !'ll~I A)\ IFt\-1 x lr;1rk l:if)l.· &:ill ~1UST S .ELL. 73 1-'ord •,. b d 1 1 Beach l,1mnris IMM 1-.:DIA.Tf~ li:i7o 2110 SL. :.1l\·er1r1·d int T 1 9765 fl·aturc rl'ma1n1n~ llm(' ton. lg c ·nu ires . a · T-· (JL~J IV ERY 1 1 k 1 oyo a on unl1n11ted mileage · hvydlysus.~15-!!9:14 i\lacArthurand .,. • • GUO( con< rna en r ••••••••••••••••••••••• r ~ J<tmboree AllModcl:.&Colors 673 21l!l4or675 2•16'1 , 7 1 TOYOT• -...·arrant1cs. Ready or ·74 Chevy Short Ued. 6cyl k M'll M t A dl•hvcr)' NOW! J spd. 6000 m1. i'"al tires . S48-~~~·pu~ 1~~~h Q900 ·Die 120 !,.~ilrn~ ors~?•••••••••••••••!?~~, -STA.TIOMWAGOM 142 S3550. 548 -7654 --ut So. ~tain 1 Aulomalit" lransm1s s1on . ...,. i·rui ~c· control. auto .• -7-2-DATSUH 72 .A.If Romeo 557 21321 a ir condit1onin~. slcrt'tl." power :-.leer1n~. fuel 1nJ .• 0 Santa Ana ' . lugi:cage !'arr1er, & O Grt•cn$.'J.4'9.\Jr5117) 620 Pickup Veloce S~der J..,.,ar 9730 MG SllAtll" '395111.J> 142 ~·/ ·rop Kal s hell 2tops,5spei..'<.AM /fo~M 1 ••••••.••...••..••••... 645-5700 NcwC;.irf)lr ~·/auLo.,power:;;tccrinJ!. \camp c r). ".ch ro 111 e radio. & maJ( wheels. 2150 Jl;.i rbor Blvd, Cl\-1 Polar White, blue int. & wheels & hamper, (361G/>M"I') ;I JAGUAR - -fucl1nj.$5399.(!f5112) A.M /FM stereo. lapc. & Sulcs,Servicc,&Leasing DISCOUNTS?. 142 more extra ec1u1pn1cnl! J '937FWZ t Le · 1\, 4 spt"ed, air. slereo. . MARINO Sale,, Ser.ice. & '"''"" REBATES?. '"'"" While, jos< $499il. Priced to Sell (# 51 ;ui 1 JIM2395 :i~:;,,~:~~ 1 N v o1 ~~~ + [ff:r('?~j [ MAR/NO 645-1102 3100-W.r.o.stlloy.llll """" yoor best <lcal to 2025 S . Manchester I MOTOR CARS .,2 A I. >'A llOM >'O JIOOW."--sl"-.llB. 642-9405 oor t'lcoc Mgr und '"',Anaheim 750-2011 1200\V. Coa~l H\\'Y · -\Mii ,, .. , . prepared lodnvchome;11 N ("" h SPYUt<:ll SJOO nr Of>'-642 9405 il!li~MG 1\11dgct, xlnt Ncwl'n Ol> . 1 t'v.'por rx:ac · • I cond. Hritis h ra.c•ni!! . Y ' 67,V.ol~·o 122S, good cond 645 1102 fo'ER. 642_ 1221 __ -I , -green, 1\1 ust sell . $1300 on 1\ l • I S!f.l.i 1 0J """'· •,coo pickop. t:iJ.~~STAR GA'ZEK~l'~ I bcs<nffer . I lU~ e.unA 492 -711_9_~ 1 New ~2 \.'OJ!1ne. 6' bed. ).,~~FIT\ _gs 9578/fAG j!f,,11_. --~!) I '73 STATION WAGON S600$46 5107 "•'" '' 'I 11 II"" I '' v ••11 . ' G.~-TA ~ """" 1J.. ,,,,,.1),,,1,,.,,,.,,yc.,..do J:> ""' ""i .t j'74 Midge~. fm stereo. ~~-TOYO l 1\111 C..:O~DITIONED • ·1;9 F35 o St<ike Body ~d-... .. H,, ""'"''~9 '0 .~. ~'u" (K• ,,....,,,,,.,, • 1\nsen sprints. Mus t sell. I fl12 -705.l d I · J:: 1 f.IT I l " <k v1·IOf> "'~'·.o<iw '"' f ,,J..,.,, '' llJ•-79r. I '---'--~ w l ump .• ow m1 . x. .,,,_.., rl'(K],... • .,,, ........ ...., .... '1, '"""°"'· )•js.64_ \< $3000.830 8ti6.<; _ IJMH01bo• e r.\ 1146 9303 11 ,,. 1 f'I> Wanls 0701 ., 1 '">nd. 0 ··c ,·01 t•fl Wells Pl. .... -· , / , , · -~ ~ ~ .f·TMiiu~ '~I""····· w•'"''"'' Mt,,,... Ko••OO IMGI '7441 '69TOYOTA V(1t~o "".~auto. tt •• easy. Looi./ for ·your name in c~~17~___!_980h~ er~"'~,.. ;:: Ut:i" ~]l'ft•~M ocr 11·-~ 1........................ I ( :1llh13 -5321evcs. ti' I\ . '68 uatsun new 1eau. 1~'"'"'" ls..o.,, u •.,. '"I' .. • """ 1·-~ I ' CORONA I -·tftlfayrs cla .. •lfled s· ection. If y"""u I am",··.'"R.;~,0n'.~ b.•.ll.er;.· •• ·•. l~·;tg .. , ~:.-:.,, ;~~ ~::~""' J!~-=: 2 dr. 4 spd . t900cc eng. 73' W:i.11011. 4 ~pci!d. 1':x('I. w,r -V I " " • . ~e=-if ~;:"" :t:..:... ,,.QITT,.uvs 73 MGB New braktil, good liresl cond. lo. miles, am/fm -d you• nah14't ""811 ~2-r•1•, ..... ' '7 536 1 ---0035 :t-:.· ~\:-:::~ "' » i.." II RO ·DSTER with std blld rdlson '°""I '"''""· ''"· rad .. Js . ~~1511. lfll f '°" ii1V pd 10N-•o~•-1011 ~,, " ""I A . Must Sell $195. {Low lllu •l!l<I lf74ij . nd 1 CllEV Pickup. 4s 1i!.".oa•• :~i:;.~· ;~~ 16 n~l<f ! AM /FM radio, chroml Booi.>S4S-l71lday~ 10-J t U d . tenalo" 333 ........ n 9 ...... ' I ~;dTa~o~r isu:p~~.~!i. :!:::,~. :!:;+;~ ... ;?~::.:;;, llWlo__ I wm;lrese, wl32hlj~~·, & IQ -!~~~· •. ~~ ........... .. Y t I ~ 300 f . •,,'•"":, .. " •)u..a,. 1)"".. , 1 • SAVE SPACI-: WllF.N · P,m, We'll-.-o·• on '· ... '",.1 .... "',;.J.sh2n. ..m. "'" ·w~ ""·· ,Jl69s " -·· II' .... :'~~. :~:~";. ~~~:_ • MOVING by wr~ppi~A JGetm"al 9901 .a. n a •• 1----. 1,h .. •• •Q" n l..... I J' dlshc~ and other rdjCI e1 ..................... .. your tkr.ct-8 re ' 1'~~~1 ~~;e!t~ :~~ ~~: ~~7·M US-. ..... !2L MARINO ~~~~~ ~~dwC::~r ~11~~:1·66 cA01LLt'c cpc d(! Of th. Body in gd cond. $1000. ~~::''t' ~~:... t!~ \ Yoo iel more :SPlll'e in V111eSM95,& &tGMC$9j() 41i9 3736em&eve1. ~=-~= :!~ ·MOTOR C~~S the,cara1?c1tndclusetsby (pvi.1ityJ 673·~ . . 72 t1 ·fEVY Luv, $llOO. 11t .. u.. ~'lo"' """"'' 1200W.Coast wy,. !elling idle 1tc~w1lh a "OOAnJ:linot!IPd.xlntml't 3S.OOO mile!!, xln\. cond. ~0-t ~:::.,. ::~ Newport Beach Daily Ptlot Clar;sified Ad. i'lOO rrm : .84 <l>ev waf. PP. t36Roche!lttr.C.M. ..~=~_, ,';:?,;~,., t'°°~cl.~f:t 645-1102 Call842·S67R _ aulo$11S:642-&l92art 1 642--tOOS ~ I ,, ,, c c II Auf ••• ..... 197• ll~ p J:i\ !'l l' li7:. Bui1 ... 1 ~· '" "' SI~ ••• JJl '!;(• (1r k Tn ... I B~ND NEW '14 MAZDA RX-4 SEDAN } '74 MAZDA RX-4 COUPE Includes 4 speed, newer .is~1.,t front disc brakes. re<ir window cle logg er. radial 11res. tachome1 e1, caroo11ng. concealad raC1 10 ..inlt•nna {LA23S1084611 53296 INCLUDES AIR Rnd•o. body side moukl•ngs vinyl top, & dll the good Ma1e1a standard equipment lealures• (800KSI) $ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW '7 4 MAZDA RX-3 STATIONWAGON Fully factory equopped & don t tnrqr_;! !tll· '50 000 mile·; Of 36 months 100°/o Full F.i.ctory l:ng1ne Warranty Stk. fl 196 NOW 53179 -+ Tax & Lie IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL ROT ARY EMGIME MAZDAS CARRY SO;OOO miles or 36 month WARRANTY I 00°/o FULL FACTORY EMGIME WARRANTY .. ThurSday February 20 1q75 ,. DAIL y PILOT C' 11 BRAND NEW '74 MAZDA RX-4 STATIONWAGONS AVAILABLE AT BIG DISCOUNTS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMPLETE ROTARY TRUCK STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONE EXAMPLE OF OUR EXCELLENT USED CAR BUYS: '74 MUSTANG II Jusf about nf'w Only s2719 16.706 m•le' , 130LHI. Checi.. the m.iny n1orf' <JufstanC11ng used cur values to select from• t Tax & Lie. 100% FULL FINANCING A YAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT OPEN 7 iDA~S A WEEKI MAZDA MIRACLE SUBARU 2150 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • 645-5700 FREE LOAN CAR FOR Ar..L ':! A .. .il.ANT)' WORI< '.N Oui\. SERVICE DEi'-i', ' ~~.~·.~::~. •• • • • •••••• 1 ~.~·-~~·. ~::~. •••• • •••• • • · ~'!'.~~·. ~~:~. · · ·········I ~~-~~·. ~::~. ····· · ··· ·· l ~~·-~~·. ~::~ ............ \ ~~-~~·. ~!~~-·-··· .... · i ~"!.~~·. ~.s:~ .......... ! ~-~~ .~:~.~...... .... ~~-~~-~::-:. ...... ··-. ·AMC 9905 'Cadilloc 9915 ,Che<rolol 9920,Dod90 9935 •Mu1lon9 9952,p0 1. 9965 1 -9965 !Pontiat' 9965 p ,. 9965 • ........... ............ '•············ ..................... ············! ....................... : ....................... ! n IGC .Pontiac I on IQC • . I .. JC • ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••1·······················i·······················1······················· 1r111 ll <)HNt-:r. ti r•,111·•~.! i.'uupt' tlt·\'illL'. :di CONNEl.L ·1 ~ .\'1 '-'"t,•:ro'.1''1 1'.~~-I:-! 74MUSTANGll I ,69 FIR : • I I Wtchbat•k. ••Ulo. I' :-, · , t r ,1 s . >. J n 1 , S 13 ;, U! CHEVROLET : ~ 1~ 1 ~-, 11 cl 1 d t ,J · ~-.JU • ,\ I :-.p1•t•1I l'OUJ>l' '''11h only, V ., • EBl~D . i'i:l Fl H F:BI RD l·:spril. lo! '74 <";rand i\i\1. 4110 \1'>1.I ,,7 1·'111 EB IHI> ;t;!1i. I l1ei. p Ii A~1 /f1.1 Stt'rc•" I I' .,~!'( I I .ylh ,,,~7.1111 'l i'~lltiJltl' 'tl'lUI r·r f . ·o. automallC'. :llf I ' I I ' 1·1· "d _ • ( ', '. '• -"' 1 S.\L J<S~·SEJ(\lt'l-'. , 'i .':',_ 1 ..::-.. · ', I power s teerini:: & l1L'":1 1111 1•age, ;:1 1r, :-.\t'rco.1 a u l n, a /c. r<111;1 :.,: ,.\ . 1n;1~:.. 1·a:-:.c·llt·, 6 J.;1".IU mi . >"ne1 rn11-.1 2828 Ho~--81•d. 1 for"d 9940 h·l.1 .>dHJ ,'\t·\1 (ar llh I , : . 1 1, L' ' , t a p t' . t' o n1 p . r Io ad e d . 9, ti O Cl 111 1 .: t'olld. ~111H1 4;.111 :!:.!:!•i ' sL·ll f,73 -51.i''O ,,,. •74 SEDA.._• tU<.>'I 1 .,1-11 1,. b lll ·d .-,1 p.11nl.12b7~11·.~ ' ' • f . . . -· ~ n ''fl._,.1.,,11.,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• -" .1r or '·'"-' "'"'·--t"I N··(· 01 _:"'''t•vt•ryth1n;.:.l1en..:"'·'iS3900/bstor.;>\8--l:}l11~11l lTh drb'd 997·r0 tiiJ-072li1·\c". '"-"' · " ---1 ....... :i1" 1 tv. .1r -1 ·1;.i 1 --., -un e 1r , DE VILLE 546-1200 · ·1,1 •. \ll'S'r,\l\Gt'<)N\"r. 1 :!1;,0 11 arhnrBh·d.l'~I I -.i.'lti.• _1 ,}. _ !••••••••••••••••••·•••• Buick 991 Q I \ill\ I t"I'· i\l,1rd1 tfr.i-. n1 . , _ . . . '" '" • . \'K. ·l,:'ipd . ~7t1t1. ' 'ti9 G'l'O 1'.Jli>I c;·r o. Si.ill, 1 1~1t.ia C<.1l;il1na ·I \h-, r.~d10.1 '.'i.i '!'.Bl H \l. Looi..~ g~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1or1.o1 4111:11 eo1ntur1Lldl j\ll:-'11\1 •1 rlu,1,~/111'.:: PamSimonton 1 K41 -439tJ 1· i:d.cond,:.ii l Jlt(I. 1 . .\lntConrl : htr, a /c , ::;050. Call Hun:.good ~(II) 'f!HF.Si\LI·: r'tlelllPr ",,•1.1",',i·,,'.,':11.1,!',',',',•·,,',',',·,1,1.,',','i .. • ~::;~:~l;P"~l'".~K!i>lli~~ix l687GifslerA•e. i -... ,'.\lli~t;ui~ ·.: 011 l'r.G46_348fl or lt'st . 9ti8 -5~1111 ; S.l:i CM>726 pn1 to l1Jpn1 j t~i.~ jlj17 :!OSx !5Stc.'(•I , Costa Mesa ! -____ !------!---i-- _S.'-l OO__:t-1~'< _ "3'; •~1~1 ·•••1 1111 "1l'rl'•1 "1li lr.i1-·I.; 'ii 1\r1l':.t. l11adt·•I ti .\\,,.., \ ,,u ;1re Lhl•v.1nnurof \ >l~l~'~p+.·~i~•:, ,!Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Mew 98001Autos, Mew 9800 'Autos, Hew 980b l ./·'.'l"S M , .. ·1··.' llJ'\I ' t.•1 11· p1lr. dour lul'l..:-..i i\lu:.l :-t·1·t<1;qi11n·1· liC>tJtl .,t kl t lh -----"" ,, ;''I t•I• "!IPl'I" 1·ond1t 1011 1 ' -il'·c:. (J " ---••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1:;;2 J.aS.i.hrl' I l)r 1 , "huv l'l.'~I 511il}lii5 -U(l-11. ' UCI HOME ,·,;,; (i {'yl, auto Iran::. . .. 11.1. ·q I • I . I :i.; .'llJO ,\!1. on rt·hlt ('Ill!. luaitl'd.979 -2.'ll:··-·1 _ : $6999 •1 1 ·.~:-. 1·11"'·" \\'.'.'","'-"· :.iu111 :, BASKETBALL ---~ ~ ,.., 1 ~·•oo 54\'i-728..'l .')!if;--43~•52 '1!1 H1v1era. J.:ood <'ond1 I I :11r ~".'nd ~::!·~;'~-Huu•• GAME I t ion. l"ull,v 1·<iu1pp£'d ~ Cadllac: i.:ood ( ,dl •0 l11 .1.+51 . __ ,, F .. hruar1·22.1:17.-, Oldsmobile 9955 .I S II I .. • I ~ ~ Pl1•.i-.1• 1·all fi.J2 -5GIH. "'1 1••••••••••••••••••••••• . tr.>l • c ,r:imt .... 1:.ite ~ Z600 ~.,.cl. 1·1.H J'lj{)\',\ -ll)r \'H. <iu10.~ :S l350.Ji-17-6',\ ,.__ ._.AA., i l'S .Air.\·l'l".\~()(lll<·,,nd l :1:1.1 to 1·l;11m \11ur 1 !'iall'sandServ1cc , -.-ta Mesa -00 1 .,.0 1-1 1... ·r11·kt·1 ... (.\iorth C'~univ l OLDSMOBILE Ce1dillac 9915 :' 1 ~~'.1 11.~!1~· : J.I ""· oh;, ur loll 1rl't.: nun11Jcr 1'.~, GMCTRUCKS •••••••••••••••••••••••i '72 COUPE : ,,. ' .. '· ---! .>iO-l ::!Zt1). l HONDA CARS CADILLAC . 1.~l lmp,11.1 I th \u\n, :ur' • * • 1 1 DE VILLES '1• ... :xint rn1·1·h c·i•nf! 1-:-: .· • . . . . University Olds .O.rani.:e County s Iii r .:1'"1 i ,, lo l'hn<1~•· t ron1 l \ 1 n \ I; ~'II Ml h I.'> ~I :11 :1 II 7 l'.\I ' !;fi 1 ,\I.( ():'\'. · t; 1 ~ 1 • \ut 0· : :!H.Ju I ILJ rhor Bl\ d 'i.f•IC'l'llOll. 1 :1or1's ·l~1;1 :-1 I ' II . -1· ll () :. Ill() I.! I' n II .,,. I ,, . ·1u·•·11 1 " "· p1vr. !.i• 1 .11r. 1111 Y.h(•pJ.l'i~ ~f,\LlllU :..Int. C'nnd .. 1 Habet t'11"''' L:vS1·•.·•C· "ad"·'· illac I cup. ,.,11 '"r ir111 ·n111" Ju tr o I. t·: );: l ' I·: I. l . I·: N ·r :_ o.~ ·'-· l':-,1_ ~ .• ..:.:.......:__ 1' •·tr· \our' i·hnil·l' ! 1., rl)IJL.,q.:<'. rnu"'' :-.i•e l•i: tr:1n:.p~ S:!.'iOormakcnl ·; '71 OldsToronodo 111:1Ei.r 1. 11•1:11'll'1.! :1ppr1·1·1.111 · ::-..! .1.Ju 1 1•·r l~<d.!_G·l:'>-J2li!l ___ 1 .. Fu.ll,\_eqL~1'?µt.'CI. SIC'_an ._I ~OOlkuMIML 1 111 111>:-./,• 1: •. -.i .1• • ..!1o ~ •7 0MUSTAMG ! 1.11 .'.'\o \\l,A-1.s1.rJ.1011 c.toMes. S409100 $3999 it ~•l 'hc\<'lh•S\\.\H .;1111,, I h''."t.ofr._l-'l£'as_c c..ilq '----~----'! 'I · 1 1 1 1 1 MACHI >1.l.lK.l>i·lor:i54·043ti. I -, \ \',Ill. )'-;o If , I L'l>t.'IU ;JIJ I' : i -:1. \973El llnrudn : Neers Cadillac ~1;,,11 \\'"l'c; ;,;.!0 ['I'• Bolt•ro Heel w /hl<i';'k ;7:1 t:l ''J' S lJ P , XL ,\c'~' l';1cl:--l:o1nS1yl1" I :11i:! :!131 1 v1n.\l 111tc>r1or. 3;,1 \•H.1 cON IJ. J,(Ji\Dr.:o, S2H'~~.1 t'ully ('quip, ''"t'vllt·nt : Z600 Horbof' lt•cl. . . . , ---! ;:i111". ta e l .11r eo11d .1 x:J:! 121Y _I c.· 0 n d. J\ :-. .., 11 rn o·I C'.mto ~ S40 9100 S\~ltl Glid1rq.: j.>! ln1~a~:i t buC'kl'l !'i C'a:~. :.purl ! PHlVA"l't-:1>i\RI'\-' \ ti;1I Sti25ll. l1rn1. l'o.1•\ 1 , \-rly O\'t•rh.111l1•d. ~Y;:iO . whl'el-;,1•\c. Thc~harJ)('~I :--ci·u .auto:..~k.hl11l' l i:1~1 .. 11 -1111 p"d'•\i!I« 1·1111 ,;l'all-'1:1J :J1i~1 aft .'lp rn. i i\,l~1.,t;1_11J:: in 1ovvn .!·1:1 Cutlass Supre1nt~.I tiluc -~ s 1lv£'r l'h 1 loi,idt·d \'ii i~ll"I' ~1..:•.•'·· 'lll'V\'ll ·I·· 1 I ·' \:.M1HBl):-t) i V1n .v ttnp.~ur.xlnt1·orul.! ~-1 :! f.H·lfiorfl4i i;.·i1ri l ,,1,, -,ijJp\~·~ \\•· .. i.d11-i,11 , .l l.1n.,1~11'' Sale Pr"1ced . s;i.-,1111_1;11 -Hg!+-lan .-. i -_ ---:, -, ·' '· (l",lll"j1<lr1:1\11HlC':11· h .\' .: '- f::!dt1rad() '7:!, !)l.'r1c1l ('0011'1'.1.J ~1 •·1 · \ T 7;, l.1 )!:.. ~1 ~1j i 17:!flld~V1s lal'r111.-.crS1a l d1t1on! LC'ladt'<l' ~amQr"o 9917'. 1012 111.i'.! ___ 'Nabers Cadlllac 1 11 .. nw~1gon, O\cr s •tl'1I ' ~ti 100. r.T.1 •~11 7. ! •••••••• ••••••••••••···~continental 9930 2600 .._bot 11"4 , 11r1·s. heo1vy clut:-· shol·k:.,; _ ,-11 , ,. __ ._ u.~-., ..... .._... ; 1.-a1ler hitch, low1 '"i''l'oupt'ilt•\'lllC' I di :11n.1ro · .. 0011 1111 .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ---.,,,... ! J ,. , • ·j , 1 1 ~111:.t'St·ll. B:-t(Jlfl'r : l',l'f,1"'.'L .. 111 ~4·l 1~"1111 L ;,..'.~(~,r ~:!I S1''.ll1\N ,, tlr. Fu11 : . l ~:'i~~·~~;J~ .. h~S~~t ~)~.:\(it ion 1i:1'.lfJ'.ll'I I l I 1'~ .l.'l l• ;11t1\\·er tfoorlcnnd. t\lu-.1 .1;;1 (;:1l<1;-.y, runs ver~-!. -------'---'- ---;-.-. , , • ,•1;:1 <'.\\I .:-;,..; :r..iti . fl··l•lt1'l'll -n1 a kt• off1•r 1~o?_d.~J.:<J<ld .tran:. .. 1"1r.lf'1nto 9957: l)(lNl li1vt upth1 Ship I'" I'll ll . I' .. · :~11'1 ltiX1> . Slh:i.117!'t -3342,:1ft5'.IO •••••••••••••••••••••••! ··1,1.,t" 11 111 rl.1:-~1111•tl I ·' 1~1 . u. '"' . ___ . • , Sh1i1 '" Short· M1·:-ulL.s' , I '•1"1 I ldr., .\!>1 :2" 11"11 ' Corvette 9932 11'.170 L Tl>, 'Int. cund .. S.100 7 1 4 ~in~o, A t e .• ; m ste~eo.I G.-i2.'i1;7K :-1 .1.'i!Jl·I~ !hJl •••••••••••••••••••••••: ht•lov.· Blul'h1)i1k. P vt. ~?· O < ~TII . ilSOO. C<11l, ~ , , !'I >·. \',·•ii ·."•"·"_ ('II/', 1 _.1.17-1.123. . I ,(;ood u sed cnrvell•·~. "'"' ~ True.ks 9560 Tnicks 9560 t)l'tt•n" _good "'<'l£'<'t1nn t>I; j 'i l PIN'l'l), 2 dr, 4 spdj -:'•••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••. nC'w 7.i s, C.tutsl and1ni.:, ('Ol.:;;.~-~~l~~~U,\N. ! n1ai.:s. 29 nip~, R 11 .j 11 ur\'ette mcchan1e~I.! \ d f II 42 000 ! 1\1.u ~l sell l lu~ \.\'t•t•k ', SPECIAL PURCHASE 94 MEW 1975 CHEVY PICKUPS LUYS • 'h TONS • 'I• TONS 6 CYLS • V -8 1 • STICKS AUTOMATICS I 2 OF THEM AS LOW AS body and paint team re~ 1 n· an 11 l>O"'t•r. · 644 x-77 ' · : miles Current wholesale 11 -'----''-'-'--- !. :uty lo serve you -Howard Ch«vrolet r hluc book S20or1. Speci al ;Plymouth 9960 '1h1s week Si199. Call .•••••••••••••••••••••••· Dove and Quail ; t..J5 :lil90 Dcall'r. I ' Sis ---ATLAS Kr !\1acArthur, ,·6~1l'ountry SC'd<:tn \\'ugon ! .J:1mborccnnd : !'/:.. D /b . air, r;tl·k .' C Bristol Am t r~n1 st<'rco. S1cel ! hrysler /Pfymouth · Ne"·port lk'ul'h i radials. 42~1 cu 1n . Pr\'.'. Open l)ally & Sun. 'td l H >133--Q.S55 'l't _y. 491/\Ull. S!!OU .. PM ---; 4~17 -1971! aft 4 l'i\1. ztJ29 llarbor Bl\'d. 67 CORVETTE --Costa !\1c~a ,MoYOrick 9947 : STIMGRAY •••••••••••••••••••••••; 546 .. 1934 1 FASTBACK '71 MAVERICK !'6.'i Plymouth t•\1ry. A!C .. • Show cond1t1on. chron1e ; Auto. trans. 1173czEI ! H /11. s.soo or Bl'."l Offer , v.heel.", 4 speed, & wa1\1 &15 -5700 Nl:'wCarDlr ' Aft6pm,64<!-\(l.')2 . ''30 ''18 miles oer IHIGHWAYI miles oer IClTYI I'' gallon. I'' gallon. says EPA Buyers Guide for 1975 CHEVY LUV PICKUP! GAS MILEAGE IS IMPORTANT AGAIN! Mr. Kevin Crommett savs: "I like the LU V pickup for comrortable. econom1cal personal transportation. It'll carry a good-sized load and it's a pleasrue to drive:· · (si gned) Kevin M. Crommett 3320 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach. C~llif. LOOK -+ Brand Mew 1/2 ton '75 LUV Pickup! Only S430 61 DOWN. Only s77 23 lor No. 21 1238/5 123 On apprO\led credit. Annual percen1age rate. 12 68 . Cash sale once. incl. tax and license. $3 330 61: deferred pnce. $4, 142 45. Forty-eight rronths . BIG STOCK '75 LUY 1/2 TOM PICKUPS OM SALE MOW! MO, • MOH. THAU Fll. I AM TO I 0 PM • • SAT.&SUN.t AM TO 6 PM• ; ~'~i~~J~"' """"""""·; '15-0 llarbocUl,·d.CM '69 VIP 4 dr 11<1/lop. lo SAVE WHEN YOU BUY! SAVE WHILE YOU DRIVE! $ ] 3 9 S , Mere ury 9 9 5 0 '. m 11 ca ~ c. ont~ ov.·ner. I u I t t;;:;:;-;;;::;-::;;:;=:;:;::;;;::;::;:::;::=:;::;::::;::;;:::;=::;:;==;:;:;~==:;==;::;;:::::;;::;:---;::;:;:::1 JIM ••••••••••••••••••••••• · power, Air, 4 II('"' 11res, i '7 1 COLClNY l)ARt-; fi , 1\ 1\1 & F i\1. ~I OOC Newport Beach GROTH CHEVROLET ' MARINO P i•s~. \\';1,i.:on. ~Jr , ti•15--.I0\12 ~t1•rc>11 'rarl1n. all pv.·r ·73 Rua ~runn l'r. :~10 1 .. 1xl, s1>1~15 5-lfi 1721 am /fm tap<'. n••1\ MOTOR CARS 121)(! \V l'oa~l II\\·~· J'lj('\~rport Ben1·h 645-1102 mu~~/\1rl·~. 11111.,t ..,.,11 \-'ou dou 1 llt"t·d fl i.:un to Ustofr. !#>8 -0215 · Oraw Fast· "hen you --- place :~11ud1n !he ll,\JLY SELL idle 1ll'n1~ "'llh :-i Sell idll' 1lt'm:. "'1th n U.o PILOl Wa111 Ad~! Call ' l)ally P1Jo1 CJ.1:-:-.1f1ed ..1d. . ly Pilot Classified Ad. now -"42 5678 '. 642-5678 ·==-==-= -"---·· -----· :::l----·---,--... ------_ ..... ,. . • • I I • • ' t • -' \ l. • * A PLEDGE OF -INTEGRITY JOHNSON &SON SAYS ... Whip Inflation Now!! BRAND NEW •75 '73 Compe DI' VIH• GorgeOui $.;llurn B•on•• F1tt1mt•I .,, .. _nt wNte vmvt lop & wn~e full ••~ll>et onlet«>t f ull pw• •• liCIC<Y ~" ~Dn<I. hlllltlle,cOt1tc wl\981 ~mllm 11ereo Tn•• c•• •• "' 0 M ET S l:l•Cl:lllvl'll conaor'°" & CO<rl<!• w11n " 11 mo 112 ooo "'' c.<1,11ac vP ""''•nty!1>i9>i00J Spe<ically prict-d ot 55395. NOW E•en though You ORDER YOUR 1975 · •PINTO• • MA YERICIC • •MUSTANG 11 • •SUPER CAB PICKUP• You'll STILL G•I Up to ssoo CASH IACK FROM FORD MOTOR COMPANY UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ssooCASH IACK Plus Our Volumr Dlscounl On • BRAND MEW '75 STARFIRE (105666) 521 0 •••. s 122 ,MMtlo HARBOR BRITISH IMPORTS Div. of la.er hick • NEW SHIPMENTS JUST ·ARRIVED *1 MG's To choose from. AB c.olors. some with over*ive. · * 17 TR6's to dooos• from. AB c.olors, some-with O'lerdriYr. Ci;n pr1Ce '' S4Jtb plu' Tll TOlJI * 4 ~•lll'•&<l P1i~m11n1 P"C~ •S 1607080 XKE Vl2 •nc• !I• +.cens11 I Ion cna•!Wio P1y.....,nts ;ue le.• 48 mo~ upcn O'Ml•1 ll>Of0\l•I APR 1s 14 J5"J.. '75 a.redo COll•tt°t. Si>•K:iat ~ ... em.st paon! ... n .... ~·n~ ROADSTERS t01>&•r.l•lea•net1nteno1. lull DWI' H we ~·t !IGYe ••o<I ,-1---------4 SIYW with bit htf ..... Wlliff l;>d .,, o;ona Tnos cv na1 v•rtualty - BETTER LAST HURRY CHANCE • ' ssoo FACTORY REBATE TO BUY OR LEASE ANEW FORD IS OFFERING BIG CASH eve•y 01>11on 1nc1u<11ng, am/Im yo• w••f i• o•r bi9 wiJtll WkjWw. Sobl.-.cifln.. 1111<111> multoDlll• w/8 uack tape .... ---.. w• will ___.. __ .• s200 CASH 4.,... cMOMatics.. ------<luat comlort ..,.n. O!IW<.ll d00< locks ....,,_ J -......-I T1I! wna111. C•u1S1t control, etc. for yo. factory .tr.ct GMI Stlow•oorn con(lollon ... 1n I&•• tnan }'0'9'1 get ti.II foclory cash I.A.Ck * 8 XJ 6 L 7.000m1 1191LPDI --L->-~ REBATES OF , •• AND JOHNSON & SON IS OFFERING FREE AIR COND. VALUED AT TOTAL SAVINGS! • BRAND NEW '75 CAPRIS ssoo CASH REBA TE! • PLUS YOU GET OUR EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN TOUCH! AUaTW ••e• ·-~ s9 5 0 0 c• lt11't achlally deti.,er.ci Plus Our Volume .A.MD • llfttiJ after the ~ 21 ...,..,., M..,.,! Discount On XJ I 2L '74 Sdorodo CCMtfM h•llv IHWIPC9<1 wolll elect sun:ool. 1ac1 a" du•! comlQ<i s"als. 11•1 "Nie! •lll<!l'O end 8 1<1c• t•pe. 11"" """" IOC~•. •u•omohc th"~" convol remo1<1 trunk IOC~S St,.k1n11 Cr•nl>ll<•V l'irem .. 1 1n C.>100' will\ ,.n,1e C.1>t11>let 100 a m&1cll11>11 •~tl>er "'"'""' VfHy IO m1!ea<ie I t •t flllt1nt cono Sale P"ced lllOllLFIJ 58995. COUN t>. Vift. Soll' 3 lo t t>OOM !tom. Vtnyl lop. ieat- •nl&r>e<. luH """· IKI. elr, •111 wtieel il•IO. .. r;.. YO<.I• Cl>Oo<:e ll•llELJ) !'i:lftCJ !0540Sl) 5 3999. LOOK HOW YOU SAVE WITH THEODORE ROllNS ADDED DISCOUMTS! BRAND HEW 1975 MUSTANG II GHIA Window Slkr. s5909 Ow DiscOMl-fl'ricl' 5 5303 FORD CASH IACK TO YOU ssoo TOTAL SAVINGS BRAND NEW '75 OMEGA t 104244) Cl!.1> orice io!; 13610 plu$ Tll. TOlat <1e•••ed pa~...anl pnce '' 1511080 ,..., 1a.. loc:en.., & tin cnar9es UPon et9'!•1 -ov1! P1yments l•I b "8 tros APR '" 11 35')1.. BRAND NEW '75 CUTLASS (1605S1) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY s3977 SEDANS Al Wy eqylpped.. l~ color Hlection. *1 AUSTIN MARINAS 2 doon • 4 doors. s- ... 01110ties, ,_ 4 1pttd5. Ser. 1750M. PRICES FROM 52892 +T x&Lic GOOD USED SPORTS & IMPORTS '74 Jensrn Healey 4 spd., air, Rallye wheels. Immaculate. {075KGX) '74 MGB Rdstr. 4 speed, radio, heater. only 4,000 miles. Huge savings. (138KKD) '74 TR6 4 speed, Al\1 1 1'~1\1 radio. heater, ha ltyc wheels. Only 4000 milt.'s. t---------1rcmainder of ractory \1;arranty :Jv:11l<iblc. 1370L\\"B> '75 Toronado (70394S) IMMEDIATE '73 DalMln 240Z Automatic trans .. air conditioning. ff5312. Huge selection of new and previously owned Cadillacs. $11 06 DELIVERY IHCLUDIM~ ALL Of . s 1777 '72 Toyota Corona 4 dr. Automatic, radio. heater. (949F'NCJ '72 MGl·GT THIS EQUIPMENT 302 VS. cru1se-o-rrla11c. · sun root. pwr. rack and p1n1on steer, owr. discs. air cond., AM/FM stereo. vinyl half roof. wide oval stee l bit. 11res . convenience group. protection gr o up (158588) 4 speed. rarlio. heater. only 37 .000 one owner t---------1 miles. ff5227 '75 OLDS 98 REGENCY SEDAN (194881) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · $1677 '70 MGB-GT 1 speed. radio, heater (I500AZ) '70 Opol GT 4 speed. radio. heater. (412ARC) Good Selection of Used Sport Cars. Buy where you get ..thori-.ed Sales & Service • s200 FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 VEGAS s200 FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 NOVAS GREAT SELECTION NOW •OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 28th AT LOW 1974 PRICES N ... 0 ... BEAT Feb. 28 Rebate Dead Line WE STILL HA VE ' A GREAT SELECTION TO SELECT FROM WE'RE· OVERLOADED WITH BEAUTIFUL USED CARS • WE MUST MAKE ROOM! Save Like-Mr•rr Befor~ 40 FIREBIRDS TO CHOOSE FROM AT HUGE SAVINGS IZTRANS AMS 10 FORMULAS EXAMPLE: 1973 FIREBIRD ESPRIT ve d,·om.rio 1.,' ··~ ,,., All f M 511•~" ., !•<'" ~' • l """'. ~1oe""l1 r•'.J ""' """a""~ ll'"'"'" a.>e "'•''"· Q90HGG l·. ,, r~an 2•000 "''"' ~Ju.., t•• "~'" 5 3689 25 GRAND PRIXS . AU.LOADED. EXAMPLES: HEW '75 GRAND PRIX ( 165874) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '71 Capri 2000 Auto., air. A&H. decor gro .. r ally whe els, (S6901JJ '69 Mere, Marquis Cpe. VB. auto .. fact. air, PS .P8 .(YWA559) '69 Olds Cutlass Supreme cpe VB. Auto .. air. vinyl roof A&H, P.S, P.B., (YXRSSOJ '69 Grand Prix VB. auto. air, vinyl roof. PS., P.B. P-w1ndo ws . tilt whl. (XXB127) s1089 '68 Firebird 6 cyl . auto . PS . radio, heater low, tow miles. (XXWD1 0) 5 1589 '70 Grand Prix VS. auto : air cond . vinyl r oo f. P .S .. P .8., P-w1ndows { 1 OSCZTJ • - ' in1 an an $4 La ! ow in ~'a •c• . ' In! th< Co Co ( COi s F F CQ Ca pu Ch de Af ne cit . lh• pa -wi ' IUI • ao ch lhl Sc Co nu • do po re1 wt in1 th1 re• • qu "" st! ofl wl c e m: • gi1 po be sa A C() ., if se t<> .,. ca th p, ~..aguna/South ·~oust Today's f:l~lllg N.Y. Stoeks VO L. 68, NO. 51, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 TEN CENTS ew a · een Trio Net $4,200 Council Pair Accosted in Laguna Lot Endorses Concept Three masked men, one carry- ihg a sawed-off shotgun, robbed an Irvine catering firm owner and hi s secr etary of more than $4,200 W ed n esday night in Laguna Beach. Robert Pennington, 49, co· owner of Pennington Enterprises in Jrvine and secretary Gail Faye Coy, 22, or Costa &lesa were accosted by the three men "'·ear·- ing ski mas ks and sunglasses as they exited their car behind the Cottage Restaurant in the Art Colony. One o( the men ordered the couple to march away from the San Juan Rec Chief Proposed A proposal 1n hire a rec:rcation coordinator i n San Juan Capistrano drC\\' fire dur·ing a public hearing Wednesday night Former mayor Edward Chermak, who is currenlly presi- dent or Capistrano Community Afrairs Council , nssailed the ·need ror a coordinator when the <'ily has nb recr eation program. "'This is just one more spoke in the bureaucratic cog \o\'hich t.ax -~ payers s h.ouJdn't be saddled -with,•• he ~aid. The proposal "'':.ts tu.bled for further study. Chermak went through a list of activities already orfe.red to children and adults of San Juan through the Capislrano Unified School I~i s lriL'I , Saddleb;,1ck Community Collcgc Districl. and numerous priv::i.te organizations. "Whal \\'ill this new cn1ployc do?" he asked. Also speaki ng ag;,1ins1 the pro· posal was former p;.1rks and recreation commi~sioncr Al Arps who questioned \\'hether the hir- ing of a coordinator might lead to the development of an expensive recreation department. Mayor Roy Byrnes asi:;ured the questioners that the recreation coordinalor would be under the supervision of the city manager's office. Councilman John Sweeney, who said he supported the con- cept but thought th(' timing might be wrong. <iskL'<I to be ·given more time to study the pro- posal and see if th(' salary !-i hould be lower. The propost:"d starting salary is $1,067 per month. Arab Blockade? KUWAIT <AP) -The Arab countries will probably declare an oil blockade againi:;t Ethiopia jf the Eritrean civil war is not settled quickly. sources reported. today. The sources said they ex- pect more than one Arab state.to call for an emergency S('SS ion of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries. OrnnJ.(.- w, .••••• , .. r Partly cloudy today bccom· ing rair tonight and Friday. A little warmer Friday with highs in the mid-605. Lows tonight 40 to 4(. INSIDE TODAY Three boys lighted an eldcr- l11 man's mattress on fire and threaJened to burn hi1n alive unless hi& wife turned over their money and voluabl et1. ·Story . Page A4. Index vehicle, and when the secretary momentarily lagged behind, the gunman jabbed his sawed-off shotgun in her back and threatened: ''You had better 1 hurry up or I 'll blow your head off." ri.fost of the stolen money \\';,JS 54 ,000 in receipts from Pen- nington's catering firm . Pennington told officers he did not ordinarily carry large <:tmounts of money. The fund s "·ere a "''eek 's receipts which were to be banked. Pennington had transferred the cash from his briefcase lo the An Extra Pres idem? WASHING'.TON CAPJ -It'> a good thing the Agriculture Deparlmr·nt does n 't \o\1rite hi story books. A glossy 15 -pag(• magazine published by the department \Vednesday included an art1- <·le about new food stamp de- nominations, and the cover of the magazin e carried 3 replica of a ne\v SlO food stamp bearing Jlamilton's likeness. The caption read : "'Presi- dent Hamilton appears on the new $10 food s tamp .'' i-lamillon ~as the fir s t sertet8.r; or [he Treasury. but never ~as pres ident. secretary·s purse for safekeep- ing as the couple were preparing to enter the restaurant. After dire{'ting the two victims away from the car, they forced Pennington to turn over the cash he had on hi s person. about $93 in a money clip. Then. the b<'.lndits turned lo the · secretary who said she had no money and opened her coat as if to show that. The woman's purse wus fetched fron1 the car and both victin1s "'ere made lo lie face down on the ground. The bundits reportedly fled on foot down Cedar Way. No vehicle "'as seen. Parking Structure Vote Set By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OI th~ D.iily Pilctl St.ill l .a~una Beach vot<·rs probably will go to the polls May 27 to de- -cid e whether the city should is- sue $950,000 in bonds to build a downtown parking structure and to acquire land for a parking facility south of Thalia Street. Councilmen had no objection Wednesday night to a proposal by the city st~~ ,hold the bond etect\on. Tti.e MJ~is expected to formalize the deci&i911 through adoption of a ·series of election- related resolutions MarC'h 5. Who's Who? Two lovers stroll near Laguna Beach"s Jieisler Park Wednesday, after wading i11 tidepools and walking along thi: s;ipl!, 'fl\•Y ;;troU 9Jl-a fine F~b,tu~~Y doy-ar!llli \lr\koo and }eons to jeans-and tall< about the important and the not so important things in life. 1'he concept of developing ;,1 230 to 300-roon1 r esort hotel sur· rounded by OPL'll s puce on the Upland l n<lustr1cs property between l.aguu;.i Avenue and Sleepy ll o\lo\v L<inc was en- dorsed Wednt.·~day night by the La~un;1 Be;.1ch l:ity Council. The coun(·i l's authorization to ;.u·c hitect \Villl am Bluruek of Newport Rca<•h tu prcp;.1re more .s1>ccific plans fol' the hotel de- velopment followed six months or meetings between the :.irchitecl ;,1nd a special committee formed lhree ycari:; ago to study the pro- perty. The property was gradually ·acquired by Upland fnduslnci:;, a Un ion Pacific Railroad sub- i:;idiary, for a hotel-condominium developml'nt Those plans stalled before eity !{overnm«nt in t972. The ne"· development plans, Blurock told the council, contains no residenti:.tl u st>s Instead, the five-acre parcel \\"ilh some 750 feet of front;.1ge on South Co<ist lligh\o\'<IY, would hold a ]O\\' profile r1..·surt hotel. The number of 1·oon1 s in th e hotel \vould depe nd on whether the llotcl Laguna parcel. under !!e parate ownership, was in- cluded in the development plan_ If the Hotel La~una is included. there would b t.• 300 rQOm s. \Vithout it, there would be 230 to 240 rooms, Blurock said. The development would 111- clude re lated comn1ercial busi- ness and restaurants. The exisl· • (See Hotel, Page A2) Police Hold Mazda Guard /11 Arso11 Ca.se Stan Scholl. director of public \Vorks. told the council the measure would seek a uthoriza- tion ror the c ity to issue revenue bonds that wou.ld be paid off from _ p;.1rking meter revenues collect- ed at the lot s . Big Tree Gets Reprieve The n1easure "'ill ask issuance of $550.000 in bonds to construct a t\o\o"O·le\'el. 233-space structure on <1n existing city lot near the cor- ner of Glcnneyrc Street and Laguna A venue. San Jua11 Spe1u1 $2,000 to Save Pepper A i:;ec urity guard who had been hired one day before a 540,000 fire devastated the onc'e -intended American h eadquarters of Jdpan's Mazda ri1otors, Inc .. is 1n jail today on an ar.son charge. William R . llolscla"'·· 19, of 12512 Kathy Lane, Garden Grove, is held i.n lie u of 525.000 bail pending arraignment in Harbor Judicial District Court. Ir vine Detective John Stoneback said today th a t J·lolsclaw was arrested al his home Wednes day night following a period or questioning by himself and Orange County F'ire Department Batl;.llion Chief Cliff Chapman. The measure i:ilso .,i,'ill ask voters to approve issuance of 5250,000 in bond s for the acq4isi- t ion of a city parking lot some"'here in the area bountied by Thalia Street, Glenneyre Street. Calliope Street and South Coast High"·ay, Scholl said. l 'he remainder of the money sought in the bond election would b<' used to CO\'er incidental costs of the bonding pro~ran1 , such as lt•g<.11 fees. A giant pepper tree, listed as the largest in the United States. will be ~iv en a reprieve from the ax by the City of San Juan Capistrano. ' Councilmen authorized the ex- p~nditure of up to S2,000 Weclnes- day lo save the life and limbs of the tree on Spring Street near San Juan School. The tree, \\'hi ch is entirely on property owned by the Capistrano Unified School Di s· trict. began to a ll fall apart lai:;t week wh en two branches cracked and fell City officials quickly con.<.ulted a tree expert \\'ho told them to trim the rest of the tree and bolt together and seal the rotten hollow trunk. ""If you do this the tree should live anolher 50 to 100 years.'' said trC'e specialist Robert L. Potier. "It has already lived pnssibly 250 ~ars or more." He said he would not recom- mend cutting the tree down, bul if the city wanted to do this it "'Ould cost up lo $1,500. Ile sug - Clen1e11teu11 Coniplt1i11i119 gested us in~ the money instead lo save the tree. Before the tree is trimmed Pot- ter will bring in a drawing of \.\'hat the tree will look like. Coun- cilmen pointed out that a recent ! trimming of a sycamore tree caused a great deal or concern among tree lovers in the com· munity that the trim was ex- cessive. The school district will be asked to help cover the costs or saving the pepper tree. The s uspett reportl'dly refused to discuss the Sunday nif,!ht fire \o\'hich occurred on his second day on the job any further. <.1ccording to Detective Stoneback. 1\ccording to ;,1 limC' lint' pre pared by Scholl. 1ht• GlPnneyr(• ~truclllr(' \\'OUld he ort·n in April t97fi. s hould volC'rs ;:1uthorizt' tht> bond s;.1le . '!'hi.it date also is contingent on approval for the project from the city 's Destgn R('viC\\' Board and the South Coastal Zone Regional Conservation Commission, the stale watchdog on developments Skeet Shooters Blasted Damage to the unoccupied plant ut 2100 S. E . Main St., in the Irvine Indus trial Complex could have reached S4 million. had it not been spotted early by :l motorist on the adjacent San Diego Free.,i,'ay. according to firemen. The witness noticed flaml's nickering inside the steel and concrete structure and pulled off (See l\olAZDA, Page A2J Boy's Tumble Brings Suit fScc PARKING, Page A2 ; Scl1ool Cliief Hospitalized Truman Benedict, superinten· dent of the Capistrano Unified School District is resting in San Clemente General llospital after. being <.1dmitted latl' 1'uesday night. Although early r eports in· Owners of the property adja-dicate Benedict had suffered a cent to the Moss Street Beach in heart dttack, the spokesman for Laguna Beach and the city are the family said a s far as they among defendants being suc.od by know he is only suffering from the rather or a 5-year-old boy who complications induced by the nu. allegedly suffered serious in-Henedict. whose condition is juries when he fell 20 feet to thl' reported as sa tis factory by beach from the cliff edge. hospital officials. \~·ill be con- B y JACK CHAPPELL Ot tr.. D.1H, Pilctl 51,,11 San Clemente res id e nt ,\J Wulfeck says shots fired at the ci- ty skeet and trap range is pepper- ing his home. lie wants the range closed. Operators of the range 'ia.v it can't be happening. and, they note the range "'as there before Wulfeck's house anSrhow. The whole m ess landed in the lap of the San Clemente City Council Wednesday. The Council which had earlier ordered a special study to look at WuJCeck's complaints. took no action. b4f 1J~ai11 ordered an in · vcstigation with a report to be made at the next council' meet- ing . The meeting produced heated charges at one poinl whe n Wulfeck accused the range operators of calling him a liar Councilman Tony Di Giovanni \\•alked a middle course. Di Giovanni said he had visiled Wulreck ·s home one morning ;i nd had heard shot falling on the res•· dent's property, but did not hear any hit the house. Speaking fo1· lhc f'.:lk "s Clu h \\'hich operates the range for lhl' city, \Va lter Liebig, con1parL•d the _present situation exist in ~ at Woman Buys 9 Rolls, Be111leys Snapped Vp . Also named as defendants in fined the rest of the week for the Orange County Superior tests. Accorning to friends he is t .. ONOON (UPIJ · Dorothy Ebr,ight of San Diego, d C'c1d~ Court action filed by John Scott in "good spirits nnd anxious to she rathc•r liked the look of that Rolls-Royce. so she told llcnry r.1atlhew or Los Angeles County gctbacktO\o\'Ork." Nathah : are lando\(lners Andrew a nd "I 'll have that one. And tha.t one. A'nd those two over there, Constance ~torthlilnd. Orange and .. " County and th e St al c of Boa L Motor Stolen "She bought ninc,_~ust like that,'' an a"·ed Nathan said locfay. California. • ,_,..,. ...... ".All in on~h1L. Bang.{;he prac\icallJ( l>ollghl m~v· ~ It is a lleged that n~gligc nt _ Or:1nge .counl,Y Sficrt11;! ,'N..q.than·s bonanza t"am..e Wednes.day wheii M~\ Ebril!lhl. a maintenanc~ or surrounding pro· titers :ire 1nvestigatlng t,l\fl,Ul (L· f9f'0\'9-'c.on..eea·t 'pianlsl, stroll~ ln,to tit.J,criCkolwood.sho~m. . Pjlrty J,:d I ~h ~ loll .M~" l8 .jlf • . .or . ...,, ouLboard l'f:ct"" vij!1"ea ~ Sh~ l\ougttt scv9n u•cd Rolls and two ll•ntleys on.the •ROI -'nd Jl>h6 Soo\t',.Mi:lthew Jr., 5. $700 lrom.a ·boa .moored Kl D Ii paid $92,000 c~. . , . · Damages or $100,000 arc de-ltarbor. Depu saiji th\ loss ··1 came over es~cially to buy some cars,•· Mr1i , E~right told manded by his father with the "'!IS reported ~ btl;at qwner -theast0([1$tled dealer. • arguriient that the area constil;ut-ti.1 ichacl Ray W en •• !2. of.~18L 1 ··1 5.}U>Pose it is o bit',overwhelmin.t if yoLl think ub¢.ll il. bul.Jt ed. a trap for children and that no Pericia Dr" On Y1ej ey ~ Is a0 intestment l'fl) Tl\aking. I'm sure antl(lues and taf3 are. tq: te al attempt· we:s made to said lhlevea u wed tor ;-...,. ini~ h~l<\J.bcir va.Jue.'1 , • ... • safeguardthcm. fromil smoun ~-4t i.-.....!. --'--..a the range with that of a golf course lie said when people move in heside a golf course, they arc the ones respons1 bile for protecting their own property. lie said it should be \Vulfeck's responsibili- ty lo protect his property if shot L!:i traveling that far. 'vhich he , doubted. Liebig said s hooters al the 1·;,1nge use only low ba~c (lo"· power) ~hells firing Number 8 and 9 si1.e i:;hot <about the size of'' pinhc<.1d.) lie said according to ballistics tables. the shot should fa ll well short of \Vulfeck's ho1ne. ln a letter, \\lulfcck charged shot on occasion had st ruck his windows and had struck his p;.1tio making dents 1n the \\'tMxl Paul Roberts. pa't range mai:;ter. said thHt both he and Police Chief M l'I Jlortncr had stood on Wulreck 's property dur- (SeeSKEET, PageA2) OFFICER FINDS HIS SON DEAD GEORGETOWN, "·' l1\P1 State Police Lt. Edg-;u· ~lo~~ \Va!; the f1r sl lo arrive toda) :1ftcr an a11lo rounded :.1 curve und sn1;1shed into 3 tree ~even mi les rrom here . Jnsldo the 'fchicle. was bis 17- year-old son. James, who .up· parc ntly h ad been killed in- stantly. Tho teenager. who was alone,, apparently lost <'Onlr()I or the car. offiClals said. t ., \ tlf DAILY PILOT L /SC A-plant CQst Too Much? CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (APl The increasing cost of nuclear power plants could price them out or tbe market as an energy sou rce . according to a 1 Massachusetts Institute o( Technology report. "lf present trends continue, it may turn out that in practice significantly fewer (nuclear) re. actors than scheduled will be built in lhis country because they will be challenged, on strictly economic gro unds . by an alternate technology," the report said. Capital costs or the large nuclear reactors plalUlcd or be - ing built s how no signs or stabiliz- ing and continue climbing "at alarming rates," the study added. Should this cost trend persist. it could significantly narrow the economic gap between nuclear and presently more expensive coal Power, the reported con- tinued. The report appears in the Technology Review, a national · tscience and technology journal published at MJT_ The article is written by Jean-C laude Derian, Marie Poule Donsimopi and Robert Treitel of MIT's Center for Policy Alternatives and Irvin C. Bupp of the Harvard Business School The authors said that whether nuclear power loses its economic advantage over coal depends up- on federal and state environmen- tal regulations on coal-fired plants. They said it's not known how much pollution cleanup equip· ment will be required for coal .plants as the United Slates 'strives for energy independence, but that extensive cleanup plus fuel replacement in coal plants could keep them expensive enough to keep nuclear power competitive. Bumper Power Diiiy '''°' SUJI 'llol.• Another message, this one in the parking lot of UC Jrvine directs that you think about the situation of the American Jn. dian. Could the owner of the Oklahoma license plate be of Cherokee des~ent, a mighty tribe pushed from southeastern U.S. to the Oklahoma territory-before oil had been found there. Fro111 Page A I PARKING. •• within 1,000 yards or the shoreline. Contract for construction ir all goes according to the plan, would be awarded in December. Construction would not begin un· til January so that the existing Jot would not be out of service during the Christmas shopping season, Scholl said. The council g.ave tacil ap- proval lo moving ahead with the election over the objection o{ City Clerk Dorothy Muslelt who said she would need more manpower in her office to locate pollingpl aces andselectelectionworkers. , Mrs. Musfelt said she was overburdened with the job of checking signatures on an in- itiative petition circulated by ci· ty firemen lo force the cou ncil to restore recent cuts of depart· ment personnel. City Attorney George Logan, however, has ruled that the petition is not legally valid. Eight Seized From Page A I Jn Two Lagzma ~~~~!· e:.,:ise and N R .ds neither had been hit by shot. llTCO lll Rober~s said t~e rang~ was always tightly pohced dunng of- fi cia l s hoots, but Liebig Laguna Beach police narcotics officers have arrested eight persons and say they also seized large quantities of LSD, cocaine and marijuana in two breaking cases. In one case, Laguna Beach and San Clemente undercover narcotics officers said they seized $1,300 worth of cocaine and six kilos of marijuana (about f 13 pounds) worth an estimated $1.800 from the home of David R. Moore, 36, 995 Cummings Place Laguna Beach. Moore, David A. Charbonneau, Zl, of Garden Grove, Walter W. 1-larpst, 26, of Dana Point, and Brian Emerich, 25, of 1131 Catalina St., were arrested at the house on drug charges Tuesday. The arrests followed a month long buying program in the beach area, Laguna Beach Narcotics Del. Terry MacAdam said. acknowledged the club could not control unauthorized shooting ac- tivity al the range when officials were not on the ground~. Mavor Thomas O'Keefe men- tioned the possibility of some future relocation of the range, which is within 147 yards of Wulfeck's home. From Page A I HOTEL ... ing boardwalk along Main Beach P:;-1rk would be extended and large amounts of land left in opeii space. according to the proposal. Councilman Jon Brand, one of those s erving on the special com- mittee, said the development would improve the area. Fro'" Page Al MAZDA ••• the freeway to nouty fl_femen Jobless Tied :tQ.~. Ahu·ses • · · f?r&!i~~:'J;::::ra ui.laolwu $40,000. but then lhn>Wlh a mis- CHICAGO (APJ -Anincrease in child .abuse cases across the nation can be directly attributed to lhe nation's recession, says a prominent Chicago pediatrician. Dr. Rowine Hayes Brown, medical dirct•tor of Cook County (Chicago' liospital, says there is a direct relationship between child beatings and unemploy- ment. Speaking \Vcdncsday before the American Acade my of Forensic l\1cdil·inc. Dr. llroY•n. said. "We've al,vays had butter· ing husbands , but rccenlly the number has risen because more men arc out of work and al home.·· She s aid many men arc anx- ious and frustrated over matters that normally would not bother them. As a result, they have a lo\.'/ toler<Jnc e for a crying or 1nis- ch1evous child. . Statistics on child abuse are hard to find and often mislead- ing, Dr. Brown said. Many cases are not reported and others are not considered serious enough to be called child abuse. Dr. Brown is a str.ong advoc<Jte of state laws to require the re- porting of deCinite or possible in- s t<Jnccs of child abuse. Such a la\v went into effect in Illinois in 1965. She said that in 1974 nearly 2.000 child abuse cases were re- ported in Illinois. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children are severely injured each year as a result of beatings. Dr. Brown said the death rate for children adm ilted to hospitals after whippings is 10 percent and that the majority of deaths are due to s kull fractures . con - cussions. burns :.ind inju1ies to in - ternal organs. .. A normal parent or custodian will rush his child for immedio1te <iid ; however. the abusers. often fcarCul of their O\\'n conse - quences, v.•a1t until they become truly frightened and until tht~Y have concocted their explana- tions;· Dr. Brown says. ' understanding of lhe>breakdown of the arson-sot fire in lhu fioa.n - cially-lroubled Mai4a fll04.0r Cij,r empire's U.S.._ headquarters 1l was doubled to$80,000Tuosday. The pollce report file~ b)' Irvine Police Officer Ddu,g)as Stoermer said the loss locluOed S2S.OOO to the structure Ilse.If and $1S ,000 in conten.ts belongrng to the firm and individuals. Orange -County Fire Depart-. mcnt s pokesman originally sug- gested the bl ~1ze could be blamed on an electrical short, then re· vised that .evalu<itlon to say lhe fire wus s us pirious in origin. A spOkes man for the Don ~oil Construction Company which bui1t the Mazda facility, general manager Stan Brockhoff. sharp· Iv contradicted the electrical Problen1 theory Wcdn1..>sday. . I le said release of such 1n- forn1ation implied son1e degree of con1plicity or responsibility on the part of the builders in .the 540,000 fire that damaged a build· Ing thev are trying to sell, now that l\t.izda Motors will never oc· cupy it. · .. 'l'hat i~ entirely and totally er- ronL•ous." R1·ockhoff said of any 1..•lc!.:lr1ca\ fuilure contributing to the fire. ··in any buildin~ of this size you a\v.·ays have l'lcctrical problems." The ~lazda l\lotors building fire v.·as the s econd at a Koll en- terprises building "'ilhin the past v.·eek, follo"''ing a $4SO.OOO blaze eij!ht clays a go at the COtita Mes;1 llus iness Complex. 3303 llarbor Blvd., which wiped out six busi· .ness and industrial suites. lnvestig<Jtors blame that blaze on a s park f1·01n a battery charger bl•ing used on a "1anta con1µetition sports car in the shO\~·room of one suite specializ· ing in produt."t io n of ::;uch autos. 3 Escape Jail SA!';'l'A !\IA fl IA (AP) -Three men av.·aiting trial escaped from th1..· S;.inta ~I ari<J s tation of the Santa Barbar;;i County Jail Wed- nesday night through a boarded- up construction s ite. The report said the Federal Energy Administration may have seriously underestimated what new reactors will cost over . the next nine years. ''The government's cost ... · estimate of $455 for each kilowatt cf generating capability built in-· to a plant will be too low,'' almost certainly by 25 percent, probably by 50 percent and quite con4 ceivably by 100 percent," the authors claim. Mrs. Musfell was told by Mayor Roy Holm that the counclt would be able lo provide her of- fice additional manpower to set up the election machinery. Lawmen Roust 3 inLagzma On Pot Raps In the case involving LSD purchases, Laguna Beach Narcotics officers teamed wilh. members of the Orange County District Attorney's drug task force to purchase more than 1,100 LSD tablets in Los Angeles whic.h ~1acAdam said were potent. t-nough to be quartered for in- dividual separate doses. davis-.brown Close oUt Sale on * * * Coast Panel Chief Backs Edison Claims Orange County marshals at- tempting to serve a traffic war· rant stumbled into what police allege was a pol party and ended up arresting three Laguna Beach residents Wednesday on cocaine and mari juana charges. LOS ANGELES CAP) _The Arrested were Richard M. executive director of California's Blue, 31. and Carolyn L. Prough, coastline commission has de· 21, both listing an address of 368 Oak St., Laguna Beach; and fended Suuthern California William A. Stewart, 'l7, of 159S N. Edison against conservationists' Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. fears about new work al the San . Onofre nuclear power plant. En· .Police booked all three for al- vironmentalisls said they feared leged possession of cocaine for the electric company was fillin g sale and posse ssion of mari· in canyons, allowing tiller to ac-juana. cumulate and causing oceanfront bluffs to erode at the site near San Arrested were Mark A. Brown. 20, and Kirk A. Gakle, 20, both of 671 Glenneyre St., Laguna Beach: and Alice R. Mack, 31, and Bruce E. \Vatkins, 21, both of Los Angeles. They were charged with suspicio n of sale of . dangerous drugs. Bus Hits Truck . BALTIMORE (AP1 -A city school bus carrying 15 mentally handicapped students collided with a fire truck tesponding to a false alarm today, causing minor injuries to 20. persons, authorities said. 0:-:::n~~sep~ Bodovitz. the Saddleback coastal panel's executive direc-Teacher tor, said Wednesday that rain runoff had caused the erosion. L • adding that the only ~1l work was IV ens temporary sandbagging. He r eported that a staff in -Up History vestigation showed Southern California Edison appeared to be in accord with. conditions in the permit issued to l'Xpa nd the plant. He said garbage cans and ••don't litter'' signs had been in- stalled and ''the only thing that we found that could be objected to was a candy wrapper thrown awaybyaworkman.'' t ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed Prnl-Ofld ""OU,,_ Jack R. Curley Yko PfttiR•ll ond Gefterol ""-"99'1' Thomas Keevn EdilOf Thomas A. MU'l)hine ......... 91"'1 ......... °'8rtes H. Loo-; Rk:Mrd P. Na ll .... \ltt-........... EOi .... Ugu!WI Beach Oflic:• llto61r...,.7"Sl•..,I • MMllfle..__.: ,.,0. ....... ~ Otllllr'otnces CMU -w1Ul-11M,S1•"°' ::::t:'"'•:tan...._,~ ...... :11'911 .. 0l,. .. W __ ~1tNcto.11111i.w 1uo1uPt•-••"-'it1tooJr......., Tel•pf'lont t714} M2:-4tt1 Cl•slltled Ah9f1)slft9 642·W• L•gwna Beath AiU 0.0.rtments: Ttj•""• ..... -446£ rtim-Son C'-'i!Mo 4'S·06l0 Coo••lo•t. 19/J 0.MIO-c...i P ... 111"1"' C-l ,.. ...... ,--.•llV.l•Ol-.,tdtt• .. ••• .,•llt • or •O<'ftllM ...... I • ...,.. ...... , 11tO <•IH'OClll<•O ••Y...111 •00(1•1 potfW\U-01 ,..,...,.,_,, S..-.... tl••t '°"IHe ""'" OI Co. ... .._.._ (Ml ........ ._ ........ c.-,..w.•_.,., . ............ -..~ .... 11._.*"1...._""" -.. I By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Ol 1"' O•ily Pllol S~" Paul Brennan, political science instructor al Saddleback College, has a "'timely" idea for adding Jlfe lo hi s courses. He takes his s tudents back to the great moments of recent his- tory with the he lp of local resi· dents who experienced it . .. There are so many people in South Orange County area who have observed the unfolding of history, or who have participatC'd in the making of history :that it 1s almost criminal not to preserve their impressions ," Brennan says. Thal observation led the Sad- dleback College instructor to em- bark on a program of interview- ing local people and rccording their impressions or historical events on videotape. The tapes ::ire recorded in the campus' own 'l'V studio and are made availa- ble to s tudents and other persons interested in hi storic;:il events. Already on tape are th€! ex· pcriences of a San Clemente man ...,•ho para<'huted behind enemy linC's in \VWI I lo meet with l·lo Chi Minh. who then commanded ;ln anti-Japanese guerrilla unit ajded by the United States. And, a Leisure World r esident Who lived through the Bolshevik Revolution recounted his tribula· lions as a .J ew living in Ru5s1a. for Brennan. Both have been shown to ·political science classes and Brennan is busily looking for leads to further tape interviews. He invites anyone who thinks he Or !'he mi~ht have a contribution to write to him in care of Sad· dleback Coller:c. 2800 Mergueritc Parkway, Mission Viejo. Others Brennan 5000 hope..'i to put before the camera Include a O.ioitr Pilot SI.tit ,.!loll FIRST HANO HISTORY Teacher Paul Brennan Mission Viejo "·om an who broke lhe Japanese code for Americans in WWJI and a Newport Beach man who fought in the ~pan!sh Civil War on lhe Communist side and was personally acquainted with Ernest Hemingway. Brennan believes some of his best source material is to be round in Leisure World, which he says "i5 like a magnet to thes e people ." lie theorizes that many elderly residents in the retirement com· t munlty have stories to tell, main· ly because of their age but al~o becau:i:;e they were successful in ·their lives. "You don't live out there if you didn't make It." he says. I y Our new line of Maytags is on the way! We must move out all discontinued models NOW! Hurry and Save. Buy in the crate or we'll deliver. Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer • rf'•mJne11r orcss and 1C(Jl1l,,r lab11c cycles • 3 Waler lev<'I sett1nrir. • 3 Wa1e1 IC'mp(.•ra1ur" Sf'tt1ngs • Zux: 1_;oa1ed steel cHb1net w11h IOuQh acrylic <'nam('I l1n1sl1 • F,1m1 ly s•ze p1ocf'la1n ()n.:ime l 1ub Wt!h Power Fon Agitator • Att1ac l1ve b•ust1ed rnctal trim Whil e they last /• • ""-r"'] Now c.>nly s1999s Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher • r 1i11 '.;,,., ... ;;ri··1.-1ncJ l(11V•·1 h1'1h ,,, i." ,i~ n•.i {·If"'"· ,.111 r,-, ·nr. , P"<! St''.'1Y. 1 '''Y<'l ~-•ut'b•nn 1·l1 m1nal~s flrf·-1111·,,nn • Un•ou e r.1rk•nq·d1<h<" ,ind s1I '' ·rw;i1•• <'!l Itri • l.i11Cr<1 fAr )) till< r Hurry and Save wuioa J ·. " & fi e ii t!l ii ~ d p • ir " • ~ t i r r ' • r < 1 I J l I ! • ' • If Withdrawn . " Deduct Losses "" In Time Loans By SYLVIA POllTER f Last in a Seri~~J )f1U1on1 of Amertcans hav@been depo11tllig 81\IDJ! for epec1fled periods of time 1n rmanc1a1 1nst1tut1ons 1n order to qm the relatively attractive interest paid on these time 4,epos1U •. But th~ .alch has been that ft you wathdrHw your funds ~fore the agreed ul)On maturity date, you get hit by a double penalty The interest rate for the entire period drops lo the lowest 111..terest paid -generally s v~ Money's Worth percent -<ind you also must Corf e1t three months interest FORM E RLY, THE IRS had ruled that 1f you suffered such a loss through forle1turc of your interest you could lake your loss only as an 1tem1zed deduction -s1m1lar to deductions for real estate taxes interest p;:11d, etc In sum, those who took the 15 percenl standard deduction instead of 1tem1z1ng deductions were unable to get any tax benefit from the interest forfeited Last October, though Congress r h<inged the law retroactive to 1973 -so that you now deduct this loss as an adjustment 1n a1 r1v1ng at your adjusted grn!:i s income This means that £or 1974 yo u can deduct s uch a loss in add1l1on to the full 15 percent standard deduC't1on And 1f you surrered such il penalty 1n 1973 "h1ch :,-ou did not deduct on your 1973 return you now can file a refund <'laim on the s imple Form lD40X Am ended US Jnd1\1dual Tax Return based on the added deduction for the penalty loss I F VOU \.\'E R E P ENALIZED because of such a premature withdrawal or a term deposit, get the details of your interest 1ncon1e and loss forfeiture from the f1nanc1a l 1nst1tut1on "h1ch held your deposit You should receive ;.i f-"'orm 1099 IN'f from the 1nst1tut1on showing the Hmounl you s hould report as interest in come a nd the amount which 1s your forfeiture Joss Take this forfe iture on your return by entering the amount between lines 38 and 39 on I' age 2 of F'orm 1040 a nd by wr1t1 ng forfeited interest penalty alongside the entry The amount of the loss should be included 1n the total on line 43 This total then will be earned over to reduce your a41usted gross income You must file your 1974 return on Form 1040 1n order to lake this Joss deduction You <'annot claim the loss if you use 1040A Now several important final hints on your '74 return -If you arc \\-Orry1ng that you may be unable to pay vour laxes on time this year be warned about a s1gn1f1c:ant new change 1n lhe tax law-<1ntl take action accord1ngl} FOR ANV AMOUNT OF unpa1dt;.ixcs that you s til l owe .tfter June 30 1975 you v.1\1 be charged interest al the ra te of 9 percent ins tead of 6 percent a }car The favorable side or -., this C'han~e lo you 1s that for 1nv refund the I RS still owes \OU after June 30 1975 the IRS "'It have to pay ;,ou al the 1 ate of 9 percent 1nstC'.1d of 6 pcrtt nt <.1 \ C'.:ir -'I: ou st ill havC' arnplet1me to i::ct .di lhl~ t<.ix rorm s }OU li'lll s.eed to complete \our i4 re turn -so that you v.111 not be compclltd to srur1} ;.iround .1t the I.1st minute looking ror correct fo1 m s ,\s I vc reporttcl 1n this series )OU II need Schedule(, for lncomc Ave ra~1 ng Schedule D for 1tport1ng capit<.d gains or loss<.'"S clt 'i'ou II rind o hst of the forms 1n }our regular tax pack;igc I repeat and rt•cn1ph0J~l7.C the point m.1de 1n Lh c first C'olumn no matter v.hal t<.1x rebate ma} be coming lO)OU as • 1 result of anti recession tax Jcg1slal1on this} ear you must fill out and fil e your 1974 return before the J\pr1115 deadline 'i'ou must go through every procedure you ordinarily \\Ould go through and send 1n }our return with "hate\ er money you owe 'I: ou c.1nnot deduct the rebate from the lotal Ir a r ebate 1s \Oled on 71 income 1t "111 be sent lo you separately -\OU GA IN I'\OTIU NG by putting off this task 1n the hope that }OU II be able to calculate }Ouro"n tax cul and take Jl orr on \OU! o"n In fact, you 11 losc Jf a tax refund IS due you for the longer }OU w,ul to f1h: the longer it will be before your refund 1s mailed to} nu If you fil e "1lh1n the next rt v. weeks for instance vou m,1y expect }our refund 1n .1hout G "eeks tr you watt until late M arc:h or i\pril it m.1\ take l\\O months or lon):?cr before the Tre.1sury tan pr ocess )Our retu1n .and send b<.ick \our money Income t 1x cuts for 1ndi\ 1duals arc certain 1n 1975 h111 74 1s ovrr (,o ,1hc.:id t 1k c adv.int ~gc of e \ crv t 1x straltgy mo\f' lo Sa\COn \OHrt.1xc.., 1nrl ftlt Ford Employes . ;Back at Plant • PIC<> RIVErlJ\ <1\PI Laid off "orker.., .ire b.1tk on the Job this \v cek at I ord s g1an1 assembly plant cast of Los Angeles -but min} say they \\<:re CnJ OYJng !ht' ''\ arat1on Press nrwsn1an as thev c 1mc off -c:h1ft expressed the 'IC'w po int t hey h:id workc.'<I hard for many vears hence had earned some lime off ' I had a good l1mr s 11d Assembllr John l,\nth catching: hi ~ bre~ith .1s h(' dashed out of I he plant I rested quil t a hit dul some readn1g .a11d did 1 lillh t1avt:I Ing :lrOUllcl f OR L \ NCll li ke olhf'rs at the pl int two factors helped ense the piun One is thnt thl layoff had onlv been ror t\\O \\ICCkS although artcl this \11cek they n1a y be laid ofl again The other is that the uni on contract prov ides <1bout 95 per cent or fl'~ular pay even off the job Senior workers at the plant wh1 C'h turns ou t Thunderbirds a nd full size Fords got an un expectedly ea rly <'allbuck thanks to 1mprov1ng <.'ar sa l e~ The plant normall y employs more th a n 1 400 ~orker~ · It was kind of hkC' a\ .1c11 lion' said hu1 I} Jerr\ J\bbolt JU!t befot e he v. h1zzcd off lht: lot In his shiny blue c11mper truck And Richard \\ f'ht r ,1 rufr.{ j.{Ccl look1nli( fathernfrour"°ho asst 1nblcs renders s:ud he didn t lik e l'om1ni:i back I ,..;ent f1~h1ng for ,1 week nnd did a ht tic v. ork around the house A number of workers 111 terv1ewed by un As.WCJated ERNEST MANSKFR -.1 f~ord assem bie r for 25 years "aid he Wc.'lcom f'd the t1n1 e off because all th rsc \cars I on ly get maybe one \11eck of \ acat1 on .i) car anrl this gives n1e a cht1 11 t.:C' to cln ,1 little ~a1 fie n1nJ.,!' and gel my flo\\crs st,ultd !\n attracli\l \Oung \\Lfe \\ho sat patiently in her c.11 .1wa 1t1n g the 4 00 o clork ''h1stlc und her husband snul .;he enjoyed his l\vO "C<'ks orr \Ve JU"t l.ucl around the house 'she said ll owcver mt1ny or th{' \\Orkcrs feel the resumption 1s only tcmpo1 ary F'o1d or f1f'ials say they will decide on tt "eek to W('ek bas is " hcthcr th< y can continue production Dul si11d one worker "tl s nothing to \vorry .1hout we j!.et paid ' referring to the 95 pt~1 cont lavoff "":.tlanes I.hat run for up to one year Not ::ill those 1n tcrv1e\\ed ho\\cver. "c1c totallv dt!) n1,1\ td about coming b.1rk to \\01 k I ROl 1 lot of things clone artJund lhe hOU'.'IC but 1t felt good to J.:t:'t back ' admitted usst mblcr Don Pederson You can only spend so much lime a1 ound the house '' Thursday's Closing Prices NEW • Thurldl)' February 20 1975 OAILY PILOT I 87 • YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ._.. "i-1 \gift ... \olo-i 'I "11 l-I I I ' t (-1 {lgw (hf Pt \"dill Q....., kor11on Co S ''f J••• Mtll;MA 10 t ~1 II"• PSEG!lfS!I 1100 !lu Hll•Pll.\t1 6 I 'f 10••• , M<L••n 11 l • 21'4 11'5EGP'ISJ '"° '' ,,l ~i<»llllC:P 1010 l•I 1S •• ~, McLtl>SIW! 4 fl' 1S •• ~ '1fG!lf7fO 110 If 1 H0>11111l~S 111 l•-n M<N•l 10 • S .,.. ~ PSECplt•1 tl!.Ofl 1 HOuGil• eo. • 11' I V:. Me.cl C. I JO 1 ~ n , '• Pl.IS lrw:ll J >-t )I 3" MoUQ~ M loO ~ 11 I l ~~ Mfil11>11 1 60 t t IK. • '• P!.lnc)pf I Q,j I 10 11' HOu•l'O oso I ,, S\'1 M E j Corp ~ ' 1 '• PS NH111.. • SI I~ Ho11\.eF n< 1 I JU Ulio-\o Mel ~ II t S.W ,....,_ 4.o PSNM• 1 10 I 21 u ~ Hou\.e lit 1"-l ,.~,-l.o ~co '° 10 1 S~I • "' Pl.cl Ck., SI S 10~ t Mou>FQI J f I ]I .. -"-Mere Sir M,I • 1, Jlil • l\ ~l>IOI XIII I >' ) Hou>LPl~ I Sl J• ,, MlltCk 1'01t Jtl tJ 'i• 'Pue•IRC: 12 ] 1 H<>11NIG\ ao 11 JtS ]~ • Me•.0111> 10 4 • '"'. .. P\JQ!SP I 'It 6 1& 1J .-.ON~ or 1 11 16 """''"Lr Sb IS S!I 16 • "" P\lfm11n 1 10 I •1 •I H-• OJ l'() 11 111 t t Mewl"e OS 111 l"" ?J , 1.l.;. Pi.<•••CP Ml I JI I ''°"''"I CD I • 11 11 ' Me>.tO Jlo I 16'1 I -.... Pl.I• 1<111 l'VI rs I Huo..•o 1 !Ill 8 16 1110 ,,..U<'M 110 11 • 18••• \\ P\,101.ir .. ' 110 J >iUOA 1.0" j I 1! 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S 1\N t~RAN C IS ('() <l1 J1 f 1 F'1b1 cboa1 ct Corp hri., nnno1incf'd ,1 rr tlucetl ton1n1on stork rl1v1dc n d bt'< 111usc of .-in :Jnt1c1p,1t('d f1r-c:t qu.1rtcr los!'l ind c1.:onon11(' uncrr 1.ilnt.> ~, M.i:Orm 110 I 11J 11 ~+ I> P<em•no n • J ''• M1 0.:,.,ht(pJ/ 10.\ <IJ\9•1"" Pror!&G1J)7 lll\ •J 1 " MtOonl) •II ' Jct 11 • Vo f'rolrr "'I 10 J .)9 >I '• , M<:QrEOI ~ I SI U 'll• PS A Int It il ~-. .. '-\ Mt(if Oil "' I .. .... Pu\ (&I I 10 I 2Sl IJ\oo \.,. ~ M()..itpt I 10 9 I~ P!:,E_I.(. I /1 I 11111 I\ o "° Mcll\1'(r• M I 1101 '1 -\ PS£Cillf I dO I u ~ f{obert J ~1 t: L.1ughlin <'<)rporut1on prl ~1dcnl hU1d .1 15<'tnl cl1\1dend would be p tirl P.1 .arrh 3 1 to s.harcholcl£'rs of r(cord 1"1.irch JO ) • Bf DAILY PILOT QUEENIE . • • • Thurtday. February 20, 1975 By Phil lnterlandi. 0&···-··---........... ..,.,. ..... ~ "This 1s D1al·A·Joke One busu1essmcin says lo another : 'Heard about the recession ' .. ·' Fee Disptate Program Sued By 11 Dentists SAN FRANCISCO tAP1 Eleven dentist ~ in · eluding a Laguna Beach n1un and lwo others fr. rn Orange County, filed suit in federal court allegin~ that California Dental Services of San Francisco. "'hich administers prepaid dental t·are plans. violated antitrust la"'S . California Dental Servicl's handles such plans un der agreement with various subscriber groups and subscribin~ purchasers . 'J'hC' groups p<.1y· periodic premiums to CD's in exchunge for puyn,enl of fee~ for futuredental services tor 1nd1v1duals. !\1ark Judy, a L<.1guna 11cach dentist n<.1mcd us a plaintiff in the class action suit, s;.i id the suit S;eeks Lo stop the practice of "someone telling a pr1v<.ite enterprise in this case dentis ts \\'hat fees they can charge for services." Dr. Judy s aid dentists "'ho belong to CDS re celve a higher payment for treating CDS patients than non-member dentists. Judy is a non-member . lie said that dentists that want lo join CDS must ha"-e their fee schedules upprovcd by the firm before they can join the CDS ranks. ··It's discriminatory,., Judy suid. Other plaintiff dentists are Sheridan B. l\1anasen of San ~1arino : Alan Everett of Santa Clara: Lav.•rence S. \\litter. Harry Cohen and Paul Ortner. all of San F'rancisco: 1-larold Ravins of Beverly Hills: J oseph Wogan of Burbank: Ross C. lluntlcy of Sherman Oaks: \Villi am P. Smith of Fullerton and Clarence C. Graham of Orange_ 1'he court \\·as asked to ;__i"·urd unspec-1fied trcblt' demages os \\.'Cil us permanent rl.'lief against Cl)S ;1ntilrust v1olation:- The class action cuntcnclcd that starting about 1965 CDS l.'onspircd with others, including certain '!'>u bscribing purch;:1 scrs and other dcnt;_il service firms. to restr::iin tr:.idc It allc•ged the conspiral'." consists of co11t1nu1ng agreements and actions for •·restricting, coercing, suppressing and fixing fees " \\'hich <lentisls <·harge for dental l'<:tre :.incl ser\'it'(•s Cancer Survival Rate Unchanged WASHINGTON <AP> The cancer victim's chances of surviving im- proved little during the 196.0s. a s tatistical analysis or cancer sur· \'ivai rates by The As- soc iated Pre ss ha s found . And the results of research begun in the 1970s won't be known un· til the end of the dl'· ~<Jde diture on cancer w::is $200 million in federal and pri\·ate funds. l\.1osl of the progress in lengthening survival of \"ictims of the nalion·s No. 2 killer disease came during the 1940s and 1950s before m assivc spending on the disease began. according to the available statistics National C;_1nccr Ins titute officials don't dispute the A [>'s findings • , ,,;,~~~.~ . .:"" .. Ivory Receptacle With Ground • GroUft.111 .... OIUlrl , .... , ••• o,.roliMI • Stvr4y IHllrvtlien 1i••s '"" ol s1rvi11 • T orrifi1 Hhttl 39c Reversible Spark Plug Socket • fi11 13/1•" ~ S/I " 1119rli ,1u11 • Change plugs yo11rs•ll •nd set•• • 011C1lily u1nslr11tfto11. #SSOf soc 5-Ft. White Extension Cord • SGf1, 7-wire con1lr1,1clion • Mony' u111 oround h•us• o.wl workshop , .,.,...,..,,,;• l'i1 k 11p sewero1 al thi1 low pri11I Government and private agencies are spending nearly S600 million a year on cancer as part of the war on cancer which began in thispecade. 1n the study of t.hrec-yc::ar 11----------..;;:;_ ________ 'Z'. survival rates for 48 form s of cancer suffered by "'hite men and "·omen between 1940 and 1969. No later de- finitive national s tatistics are a\'ailable because statisticians must wait three to five vears after cancer is diagnosed to determine how patients are doing. I N T Jt E 1960s, the average annual cxpen- Colorado Girls Tell Beatings "MANY OF Tfl E most promising research treatment results have occurred in the last tY.'O or three vears. We'reob- AURORA. Colo. IA l)I \'iously ~ot going to sec 1·"·0 teen-agers have thl' res ults of th at until told :\urora police Ibey 1978 or 1980, ·• reported ''ere beaten and 1.he1r J) r M a r \' i n A . li\'es threatened because Schneiderman, associate the\' refu!'>cd an offer to director in charge or field bt'{:omcpro~titutcs studies and statistics for Police sav thl'Y ha\'l' the government's Na- becn investiC.ating the in· tional Cancer Institute. cidenl for a \veek after The AP analysis of the the girls" ert.' beaten al a 1940-69 three.year s ur- hi gh school Feb. 10. viva I rates round only The parents of the girls three forms of cancer in a sked for police protec· which dramatic im· tion and said they re· provement in a victim's cci\'ed anonymous phone chances of survival was calls from persons who limited to the period said "they will kill one of after 1959 . These are my children if we talk," cancer of the liver. brain pOlice said. and cranial meninges, Police said the t'ol.'O and leukemia . 1'h e 1een·agers said tv.•o men cranial meninges is the ".ho " er t' · ·sh n r p membrane which covers dressers in lhL11r later 20s lht> brain . or early 30s .. approachecl r----------- t hem with offers to become prostitutes in ltock Springs, \\T yo .. Y1ith a Jiro(llise to lutcr move lo tm Ane:elcs Tbe Lwo told police lhey ~·e re also ap- pro11chtd by other girls wilb the same offer . Now more than ever you need lhe lnlormatlon printed every day lnthe•· All Purpose Glue Pen Germain:, 8asket Mo•• ' ~ ,..,.. .... tr;. ""· .. .-; ... -.. do .... .... ~ . • A4tsh"'..., ... • hiWs <i11,11tfy .......... • I ' " t • Spred Satin Latex Wall Paint , • L~Y•I no lop marils, brv1hes or roll s on smoothly • D11n>ble, easy to dean • Gi ves long-la1ting b1outy lo any room Reg. 698 9.99 Gal~ . ~ I Glidden I Semi-Gloss Latex Enamel • Ideal for kihh•ns, balhs and woodworil • Providts durabl1 woshoblt s11rfo1e • Quick tool deon-up with soap ond waltr Reg. 299 J.19 QI. , .. . ..... ~~.: ..•. ;;:: .... . • Hercules~ R-iJ> Rb,:>t Destroyer • ''""b _, '*"' {W Wttli ..... _.,, . ,........, .. --~""" --..-.. -·~-..... , ~ "",, ... ,..,.. 4-$ GINllAl U(CTllC IU"f~I r ' PRICES GOOD THRU FEB. 26TH Limited Supply! Exterior Stain • Choo1e solid color or semi. transpa rent • Exctlltnl wood pr1servativ1 ... beautifies shingl1,, sholies ond 1iding Reg. 429 7.98 Gal. " . • 6·Ft •. Mini Tape Measure . , ' . t . • """'r .. -" -...... • .......... lodo .. _ ... •Mt I . ~.,.... ,........ • • . "' .. II J . J I ' ' 81 •• J. 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IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i Tax&L1c IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL ROT ARY ENGINE MAZDAS CARRY 50,000 miles or 36 month WARRANTY I 00°/o FULL FACTORY ENGINE W A~RANTY * DAILY PILOT (,' f f .BRAND NEW '74 MAZDA RX-4 STATIONWAGONS AVAILABLE AT BIG DISCOUNTS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMPLETE ROTARY TRUCK STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONE EXAMPLE OF OUR EXCELLENT USED CAR BUYS: '74 MUSTANG II Just a bo ut nPw Only 16.706 nlile-; (1 30L f-T ~ Check the nianv Illar•· o utstanding u ~ed c..1r values to select lrom• s2799 + Tax & Lie. 100% FULL FINANCING A YAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT . .. OPEN 7 iDA'fS A WEEKI MAZDA MIRACLE SUBARU 2150 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • 645-5700 FREE LOAN CAR · FOR Ai.L \•l A iiilANTt WORK !N 0\IK SERVICE DE l"T. ~.".':'.~·. ~::~ ......... ·· .1 ~::•.:·:. ~::~. ·········· ·: ~::·.'!~·. ~:::i. ···········I ~-:.'!~·.~:::i. ··········· i ~-:.'!~·. ~:::i. ···· ··· · · ··! ~.-:.'!~·. ~::~ .... ······ ··: ~.~:'.': · ~:::i.. ·· · · · · · ·· i ':.~:'.': · ~:~ · · ·· · · · ·· · !':.~:'.':.~:~. · ··· · · ··• · ~.~.: ............. !!!!~ ;~~~1!~~ .......... ~!.'.~~~~~=~~!~! ........ !!!.~1·~.~~?; ............ !!.3.~ i~~!~~~? .......... !!.5.~ \Pontiac 9965 :Pontiac 9965 !Pontioc: 9965 l Pontioc 9965. · I ···n c · ·••·•················•·•1••••••••••••••••••••••·1·······················1·····················•• 1971 llOHNI-:'I', G l '\l. '1 :•7:! Coupl' dc\'Jllc, ~JI CONHB.l I t~ C'~J4P .oro~i·t "'.;:a:-.i 74MUSTAHGll I '69FIREBIRD ; / i Jl:tlehback •• ~•Ulu, J• 1:-.,! 'i t "s , x In t, ::;.1J5 u1 CHEVROLET ~ \\ ~ ~~. n l ctl e J · ::;_ "0· ,\,''l_s1~t'e<l cou1x~ "·1th ~nly ! V .g . . . j'l:J f<'I RERI RD F,..:;prit, lo! ·7.1 (;rand AM. 41~1 \'x .; ·,;7 Fl Ji 1·; Il l B r1 :!:!ti. 11 10. ·J:1B. 1\1'.1 /f·.\f stcrt~o 1 1.i'.! •iSI!' I SA l.ES&SEH\1 1(' .. : ! ~IU 1·'97 ·11111 · 1 lh~1Uhrnd('s! !.IJOL I-1 J l w~ra ~.t~0,1;:,~tic& ~~::. n1ilcagC', air, s tcrt'o.I :iuto, :1/c. r rHl 1a1 ..... ! .\ ·r . 111 :11 . .: .... 1·:1s-"''lll'. gtJ 1..1(~ '"!· <)1\'~l:r 111 11:-l j -2828HarborBlvd. !'Ford 9940 ti'1.,·51uu ;\l'"·C;1~Dlr ; ~ 12·67 :,11 1.~· 'ta ji'c. (' 11 111 p ·(load ed. !.J.i/UIJ rn1 .: ~«lll<L S !!1HI ,;11; 22~4; .... ,.11 t73 -Jti ?O o r '74SEDA .. 1 1 ·~1 -u tlarlJorHlvdl:\I lp;iint. 0 ,J I / h lk ,«~~/bl f "-'"'"!'I --· ·. ·-·' · -...., C 'OS'J'A;\>,IF~-;,, •••••••••••••••••••••••, -.1 .. .,1~_,-.-..1 .... ,,c· 1,1.,v•evt•ryt 1ng , 1·cncw . .....,......, s or . .....a .... 1u<.1t1Th d b -d 0070 f,7J -(1 1llie\'l'~ " ··' • ,--: -:. .,-I "'."·'''-" ·'c" a~ •1tH ·l-.iSO!I s. un er 1r .,., ----DEVILLE 1 546-1200 : Lilii\Jt s T ,\:"/GCONVI. ~-2 1.~Ul larhor l\l~l.C_:_\l_t --:-!•••••••••••••••••••••••. Buick 991 o! \'1n\ I l"I'· !\l :Jrfh c;r;;..; Ill·--. . . ---• • • : \')j, -l Spd. :>iw. I . G"J'() i 1968(iTO, S7.'"i0, : l!.168 C;1J ;Jl111a ,, dr, r;1d10.1·s;, ·r Bl BI)_ Loul\s good. •••••••••••••••••••••••1 !1·r 1or . dua l cnn1tor1 _1:J711 '.\ll>~TJ•, larlo, "'1111 1 PamSirnonfon 1 :-!·17-4390 Gd d'"SI OOIJ 1 _ ! XlntCond 1: htr. :i Jc, ::.li5U, C;•l l1 J<u11:-J,!(•11d .$2f01 TlllF:S1\LJ-: :\ll'lllvr "'"'L~. lull Jl"T, l.11·t :ur.~ (·ond. Best Oller. Full~, 1687 Gif$1et-Ave. i-------. con , ~ , . or ll'SI :lti8 S'JlO -i·~Jt'726 t I I t ·--~ ·17 2US xl5 Sh.'t'I l ill \\li'l'l c·rui..,et·outrol ;1·qu1ppl'd.SR1i -lMR . t:.l ':\l ustani-: ofler.646-3488 ! · -. ; ,,.:i ) pm 0 ipn_'-i---~.>~ -~ c·ii -1 "·•·-• ..-,'I 1 ° ,· · " 1 ,·1 ----------1 Costa Me-sa \'l:S :1 s pl'ed ::\:!l."i. 1· -, 1 , _.,. · "".......!"_ax __ '" ''·" -·11 11 . 111 ~ ~reo w,.., r~1.l' ·1·1 1 Nov:1, loaded. G !\lo~ l 'ou .ire L11c"·11111cr o f ·IH4 -2JHO ·Autos Hew 9800 Autos, New 9800!Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 L c'T 's' "\c-1• \ lll '\I 1 1·'1"· .1'"1· door ~otk ~.1 ;\Ju.~t s<.•t'loappree.Goud · ~l1ckctstothe 1-' '••••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '"" · "'' "'" ' ·. '1 "''' ~upc·r 1•ond1t1 o n .) buv kJ7.;1fi70 tj75{1(1.14 . ! UCI HOME '1;t_i-il Cyl, auto trans.~ 11fl2 J,;,aS;ihrl' 1 llr .' 4[.·,:::111 1 : · ---------1 ;c,.5()0 .\11. nn rehll "''"·' luadt·d 979-2;·>2:1 • • BASKETBALL · • $6999 .J'.16.1 l 'hcvy W;.~r:,~n. iu1tn.1 I ::>tlllll.54K -728.5556-{;'.J~2_11 '1(' H1v1:r;1, glXl<I co~dt , ! :nr :·~nrl ._ ~~~~~-ll.u11 :-: GAME , , , !Ion . f'. ully t•1p11ppcd i .._..-L.--c-.amoc f _i::~d~ll~-14~·?.l~i -__ i Fl·hruarv:!:.!, !!)I.) :Oldsmob1I~ 9955 , " t II I I I ~ V¥ p1 ,~:1.~c· call IJ4 2-5\ilS. ex! •••••••••••••••••••••••' i¥•~•~ :-.1• , n:me< i..1ll' Y "'600 u~--.... J'f>8 NOV1\. 40r \'ti. <1u\o,1 ' Si i"" x47 14'•1 ' ~ ..., :l :J ;~ to cla 1n1 vour• Salt>sand Scrv1cc I .,,. • 1r1 ' ""-·ra ~--.~. 9IOO 1. I'S , 1\ir, \'l'r.>,nOOl._l ,._ond .I · ' ----~ ~ -~ "' 'l'tl'ket:;. (.\lorth rount.v J OLDSMOBI~ Cadillac 9915 ; ! ~~~0 11~~1~· !ii.J--4;i5::> or toll trcl' numhi.:r 1;,, GMCTRUCKS ·•••••••••••••••••••••••, ! ·_.:=....:...:... J 5-IO-ll20). HOHDACARS CADILLAC '72 COUPE ;·1·;9 Impala ·I dr. i\ulo, ;nr.1 • • • I _ • 1 DE VILLES • 1• :-;. xtnt n1el·h. 1·01Hl ~-,. • , .-. I Un1vers1ty Olds :cir;inge Count~·-~ l••~I:::('~\: :; to ehoo,<,t' rrom ' Vu1vl j .)ROIJ , !il.J-2131aft7 p ,\1. i tj.1, i'ALlV>i. i..c:-·I · ,\uto.; 2K5u I I arbor 1111·11. , ·~1·lt:t.'t1,on . l!-11.iH S·l~i ·l .~t !Hp, IP;1tl1(•r 1ntcr1or. J11IJj ~ In ° -" ,111. 1'. ~ <' ~ 1~.:I L'ost;1 ;\l f'sa ;J-IU·9f~I0 1 (lp1 ·nf'.v1·rv lluy. invr.lacl ;Hr.l ilt"hc-•~J.'72 !\-TAI.IOU xlnL cond .. tr o l ,t·,1:--_CLLLf-,j\j 1 1---1 ~...i....-Cadillac k t•·. v nur c·hotei.::• lo 1n1ll'aJ!,l', 1nust !>f't:' tn•I tran~p . ~2 .. 0~~ !,nakcol·i '71 OldsToronado ~ !ll ~1~:r :rl, (1!~3F!C i.I a_pp~~·(:1al1· :;.2,:1.'lo. fC'r .C;illt.45-.126!.I. ; f•'ull,\·_equipped. ('lf'.atl.I • Z600 l .. W aa.41. H1.)!ll:'>Z I ! 5Jl -.lt.2t, ____ i ,70 MUSTANG I Lil" No. Wlri\-l. Sl9"J;,or1 Colta Mesd" S40 9100 $3999 j'•i6 l'ht'vf'lle ~W \IS, ait\•): I hl'st ofr. Please c;ilJ: '.>.-------~~·1,---------,·· l:ll'an, Solid . dePf'ndat)\C' 1 MACH I , H:l:J.S3B.1 or__.">5'1·0o~3ti. _ _I :1 .. J!J73F'.10or;11lo l Hc:i>ers Cadiloc SC5o \V 'J'G S 2u ]'l'i Rnl~·ro i{l'd "'.'_b l ac:k i7 :1 C l 1l ' SlJP , XLN'I': l ';uJ s-G!11nSty ll'' ! !"':!-21:ll 1 \/1n:-l u.J\l'r1 11r .l.11 \rl, 1 l..'OJ'>:I). L O A.Df<:O, ::;2!l:!;,.1 Full.v 1.'(llll[), ••\1·•·ll1•n1 !1 2600Horbor ... d. .--. . , I ;1uto. lae l a tr l'ond . ii'.J:!-1'.!l!I : 1·" n d . 1\ :-;. :-, ti 1n •·!l CCKta Mtia 540 9"100 sv.·1fl C.llrl1ng AA lmpal;1.1 llu i:kel .'.e :1<.:-;. :-.µn:·t j l'HJVA 'l'F.P·\ll'l''a. ! hul. :-,1;2;~J . 11r111. ( '11. 1·\ 1 • 'i'rlv 11\'l•rh:1ult·d . ~!l.'"1U i \\hee ls, ~'l('. 'J'hc .... h ;1rpe.~t :--' · ---j l'l'U. autos. IJk . lllut• lgll ,,~ l ."1111,. ill• \tl l\', J-'u ll\l Call R:13 -:lti2~;t1l Spn1. ;\J 11 ~1 ;1 n g 111 tfl\1 n .1·1:1 l'utla :is S uprt•nl•'.1 hlu l' '\: ::.il1·1•r 1'11 I I I :: --l'.1t>(11ll):'>1 :\11n\,']tri11.a1r.x!ntcond.! ,, ,.··. ---· 111;1<\'d \on.~ liip .::>1.•'.J.i ·,~ir1 11·:VYll l'le~1n llt\lo': I &1.! ti1..11,rir ~-1, x. .. .i 1, 1 , 1,. 1-1 ., .. ,, .. ,1 ,,~· , , Sale Pri"ced .1_:-;:i;,1,1•.1;1.1-1>t19-1a11 ;1. ., • • • "• L '"· ti.:"'·., tr:1nspurt;1l1011e:ir.fi(.1 L: 1 ~·,·; ·1-•1 J \•'I' ·-· I 'I'•" ---------~ .I-:ldor.ido '7:!. pt•rll•e1 1·r1n 1 · · · -1 • ' . • ·' .i g~. ::. .. J,1"' ii ~ !lids Vista Cru1sf'r St;1·! d1t1011~ Ln;jdl'd : lcamaro --9917; li-1<! ·111.'>2 'Meers CadiHac: I t1onwa,eon, over!i llert : ~li\L~L r.1:1 1;117, •••••••••••••••••••••••:Continental 9930 2600 ......... llw-d.. I 11r1•s, heavy duty shnl'kS,! -' ' ,,.__· ....... -oo : l r a I I er h 1 l e h. I 0 WI 'i'l t:ou pc de Vi I Ir til u:-.tSi:JL B:-,Lolf(·r t;J~J-0219 'ooNHI' l;1ve up the Ship ~ "I.1st " 1l 1n class1t1f'd. Ship 10 .Shu1·e He:-ul!.s' 1;.J:! ;,i;IH. ,u l :irn:Jro. ;IJ.Uou m1,I••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,_ta Mew -.. , j 1 I 1· I I d .. ,200 i 1111 ea j:!e x nt con{ 1t1on. !ll'rll'rlrne<·1cnt1 .~ i'fi!l SEl>AN 4 dr. f'11ll -~""9-. ·h ""l-1"'-I f I' I' 'I ' ·1°1-I I""'" :)('<JS "" \.:.,)-. ·1"w __:_"· j~ l Jl(IV.'Ct'. l;ood con<l. r.·Jus l ,"6:1 (;:llaxy, runs \'ery -• -- .. :i c·.\ !\I . SS :1!.16. l{chh ] ~ C' I I · r~ u k c off e r . ) goorl .. i;oud t rans. ,l'ar. 1 · Pinto 9957, r·s. 1, H. llisi:. 1·urhn l 5'~-!tiRt. 1 s_:ns, t17.1--~2. alt 5:.lll 1 ~-·••••••••••••:••••••••! 1'0~1 lid rs. 1\l:igs. llol lv. ·C It ""32 '1970 Ll'D ·I I o·ic"' i •4 Pinto, /\JC. Fm~ler{·o • _ . · orve e .,., 1 · .x nt.roni ,,.;:.. 1'J 10000 1111 s2 ·00 C·ll s \.•1.>ilt.4~-7-l!il _ '•••••••••••••••••••••••, t)('[ow f\IUl'hook . l'vl. I c!l7_192•1 ' ::> • '1 ; ,<;ood userl c-orvC'tt«s: Pty.('all :li-1:,-(J.lJtl j -'). · •· 1 r. rvc_ ks 9560 Trucks 9560 ', \)ftcn a "Onrl !'elrct1n11 nf1, • 'I I l'IN'rO , 2 fir. 4 'I"'·' .. '7~ Ft)lllJ I -:-••••••••••••••••••••• ·••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111·w "75's. (lut .... t;,1nd111;.:, . .,, . , , 1 1nags , 2U 1npJ!, H II : : , •·· I rorvottc n1echan1e;1L ; C~)U:'\IH Y:SEl!A ~~· j J\lust sell this 1\•eek '! SPECIAL PURCHASE 'hndv, and p;11nt tea1n rc·1 /\ir a ni:l,fnll J)O\\/ei . 42·00U . &14-B77i ' : . · . , , , . , n11lcs. Current y,;hnlcsale ~ --- 1 <.1dy to st I'\ c ~ou. : hluc hnok 52000. S1X'ei:"ll ; Plymouth 9960 94 ""IEW 1975 Howard Chevrolet : 1t11 s "'eek Sl\9!:1. Cal l •••••••••••••••••••••••! .... Dove and Quall · 1 •15-3~90 Uealer. CHEVY PICKUPS N r.M~;\nhur, 'G9~o;;;;;;:ySed ,,,-,\\-.a,o-o ; ATLAS Jamhort>eand : l'/S , 1)/h, :nr, rack .. Ch · LUVS • 1/2 TOMS • 'I• TOMS 6 CYLS • V -Bs • STICKS AUTOMATICS 12 OF THEM AS LOW AS Bristol , 1\ nl I Fm stereo. Steel ! rysler /Plymouth i NC t n .. h • d I 4~• c n l'r" ' Open Ua il y & Sun. 'ti! 10, , wpor 1.cac 1 r:j Ja :-.. '-·7 u. 1 . • .. ____ .,_3_--0SS,'} i ~~~~19~: !ti ~1'•~. SBOO .' 2929 lla1:1~1r Blvd. 67 CORVETTE Costa f..1~11 )4o•.,.ick 9947 ; STIHGR.A. Y .. ••••••••••••••••••••••I 546-1934 ! FAS~~ACK 1 '71 MAVERICK !·6s Plymouth F'ury. A1C .. t Show cond1t1on . "hrom<'• Auto. trans, (l73CZEJ ! Riii. S.'lOO or Best Offer : ~heels, 4 sp~. & wail1 1 G.15·5700 NewCarD!r ' Afl6pm.642-1052. ''30 ''18 miles oer IHIGHWAYI mile,s oer lclTYI I'' gallon. I'' gallon. - says EPA Buyers Guide for 1975 CHEVY LUV PICKUP! GAS MILEAGE IS IMPORTANT AGAIN! Mr. Kevin Crommett says: "I 'like the LUV pickup tor comfortable. economical personal transportation. It'll carry a good-sized load, and it's a pleas rue to drive." ' ' (signed) Kevin M. Crommetl -3320 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach. C.;il1f LOOK ... Brand New 1/2 ton '75 LUV Pickup! Only S430 61 DOWN. Only s77 23 to r No 2 11238/5 123 On approved credit. Annual rercent;10" rate. 1?. 68 . Cash sate price, incl. tax and license. S3.330 6 1: de lerred pnce. $4, 142.45. Fony-e1gtit months. BIG STOCK '7~ LUV 11 2 TON PICKUPS ON SALE NOW! : 1ng for your 1n~pect1on ·: 21501-l arbnr Blvd CM : <WES1821 • ' '69 VIP 4 d' lid/lop. In $AVE WHEN YOU BUY! $AVE WHILE YOU DRiVE! $3395 •Mercury 9950 · mile:.ip;e, one ov.·n,..r, full • MOH. THAU FRI. 8 AM TO I 0 ,M • •SAT. & W M. 9 AM TO 6 r M • GROTH . . CHEVROLET JIM ....................... pov.·er, 1\1r, 4 new tire:-. r----~ : 'II (;0 1.0Nl' P,\RK !. /\M & 1''~1. SIOOf Newport Beach ' MAR/NO pa ss. W :1 ~011 . :J1r , 645-4092 s tl'r(·o r ,1d1 11 .. Ill p \1 r . 51895_5.i!l -172_1 .·73 Hoadrunncr. 340. 4s pd. MOTOR CARS am /fm l:ip!', ne\\' 120t1 \V t'oa~t JI.,,, 1. Nr"•pnrt Ht>iH'h 645·1102 You 11011 r nePd a ;.:1111 to 'Drav.• Fas t'' whc<n you mags/l1rl'~. n111st :-,l'll Bstofr. %1'1 -021.'i MO. pt:ic(';4n ;1d1nthel)1\ILY SF:LL idli· items w11h a ' :S<-11iclle1\t•n1 s "1th a Jl;11 Pll.t)l'. \\'a11 t i\d~! Cnll 1 031ly Pilot Class1f1ed :i<l. .:::; -~·\/ P1Jo~~1f1~~L -~=-.~~~~5~~-. -*-__ i 64-2~~~----·-.... ~.~.~-~-~ __ ::_::.:. __ ~_:_~.= .. =-= .. =-=-====-===·-=-==---· ·~-~-; __ ; __ ;_.;_~ .. ;:~. ;_;,; __ ~~.;_;_;::~~;:-~~~::::'.'.'.:.._-~-:·~~:-~--Ll t ' -· • • I I • ' JOHNSON &SON SAYS •.• Whip Inflation Now!! BRAND MEW •75 '73 C~• Oe v1n. G«ge0us S.u.rn 6•on•e """"":.! .. 1e19g1<11 "'"'t• ..,ny1 too l w"'te 1u111 ... 1,,.,. •nl.,.or Fu" o,.,_ l~Ol"I' a•• coM , 111111e111scop1c: wneel amllm 11ereo This car 1s '" A PLEDGE OF INTEGRITY MOW Evt'n though You ORDER YOUR 1975 •PINTO• • M.A VERICK • •MUST.ANG II• •SUPER CAB PICKUP• You'll STIU UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ssooC.ASH I.ACK Plus Our Volume Disc-On BR.AND HEW '75 ST.ARFIRE (105666) HARBOR BETTER LAST BRITISH HURRY CHANCE IMPORtS TO .............. ,. e BUY NEW SHIPMENTS OR JUSTARRIVED ssoo LEASE •7 MG's .A HEW FACTORY r 0 choose from. Ah colors, some with overmive. · * 17 TR6's REBATE ON NEW '75 0 METS eocellenl conchhon & comes -..1111 • 12 mo /12 000 mo. CiOollac VP _,..,,,anly(629HD0) S,_cialty priced al Get Up to ssoo to choose from. All colors, somr with OYercfri'f'e. MONZAS FORD IS OFFERING BIG CJ.SH REI.ATES OF ••• .AND JOHNSON & SON IS OFFERING FREE .AIR COHD. V.ALUED .AT TOT.AL SAVINGS! $600 • BRAND NEW '75 CAPRIS 55395. CASH IA.CK ' FROM FORD MOTOR COMPANY '75 SdDI edo COfl•Hi. ~.,., P'tee ti 14310 plus T&l. To1111 oeieneo Pl~·m•fll ~·ce ·~ 16010 llO •"Cl ta•. hcense & l1n cr>ar~ P1ymen1s ~nr tor 48 mos upon CUJ<lol •Pl)POllll /I\ PR '5 14 35~. * 4 X KE Vl2 RO.ADSTERS 3Qeoill """"''-' .,._,,.,, •'"'II ~'n11 1------~ too l wl'llte 11111'-"""'"'" 1uu ~ If we ~·t ""•••-I c:-Sil•er wM blk l.ter. White lad -cond. Thd car nas ~,,,...,,,.,, --~ S •~••">' 0011on h1c:h101ng: '"'""' yo• waat i• o•r bi9 with ._.,_,er. obM-<M SUI• ... mulhples •18 l•iCk 1-. iNYftltory ..... wil order it s200 CJ.SH 4 .... " ... Olll'IOHc .. tJu-1 comk><I ....,11. POW.,. dOO< tocks, 1ou •"11111, cruise cont•ol. ere. for you factory clrKt ond s~oom cond•1•o" w•t" ta•s t'Wl you'N ~f f1111ll foc:tory cash IA.CK * 8 XJ 6 L 7.000m1 l/llllPOl ~ e•en Htough ,_ s9 5 0 0 c:• iM't ochlolty drliYenod Plus Our volume AND • ..,.. ......... ....._., •• o· XJ I 2L '7 4 EklDraclo Coupe FuMv eQUlll(l«I W•tn elect 5unrool Ill<;! •<r. aual comlott MIB!I. !ti! ..,,.,.,..,., -*•"" •nd 8 l•acl< !ape f)WI ""°" IOc:t<S. ... ,,,,...he c•"'se c:ont•ol •11mo1e lrunl< IOC:l<l St""'"9 Cta-ry F ......... 1n Cu!OI W•lh ..,,..,., Cat><oottol too & ..,.1cn1r>Q lo;rtl>ef '"'"''°'· Y•y lo m11<1;>11e I e •c11ll11!\I cono Sale P"cea j908LF1f 58995. COMM D• Vile sol• l lo c~ !tom V1oyl too. leMhar ..,.......,... lull pw<. fac1 aor. 1'11 w~(ll ..... eo elC Yoo• <."<>•Cit l 149Elf) !•931'1CJ IOS•OS.ZI 53999. Sales Leasing dNdlN. Hltf'rf! IKOUnt On LOOK HOW YOU SA VE WITH THEODORE ROllHS ADDED DISCOUNTS! BRAND HEW 1975 MUSTANG II GHIA BRA.HD HEW '75 OMEGA {104 244) M~lh Ca~n Ot•Ce •S ll810 pl"" T&l Too:ar <lftf.,.,,e<1111vment prict +s 1!>11090 "'"' 1;o.o locen<e & Ion cnarqe~ 1>1>0n c111<1•! a_.oval P1~men1s a•e !0< 48 .-~ p ... ~_·_·_·_· _ ... _._'"----! -· -- -= Window Stkr. 55909 OW" DlscCMMI Pric~ s5303 BRAND NEW '75 CUTLASS {160581) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY s3977 SEO.ANS ... ...,..,..,...._ L....,. colorMtKtt-. •7 AUSTIN MARINAS 2 doon & 4 door1. s-. ..tu: wffcs, SW 4 Sf! .... Ser. 1750M. PRICES FROM 52892 + Tx & lie GOOD USED SPORTS & IMPORTS '74Jet1senHHley ·I s pd., air, Rallye "'heels. Imma culate. (075KGX) '74 MGI Rd1h-. 4 speed. radio, heater. only 4,000 miles. HugC' savings. (138KKD) '74 TR6 ·I speed, Arwt 1Fi\t radio, heater, hallye wheels. Only 4000 miles , FORD CASH IACK TO YOU 1--------rremainder of faelory warranty avai l able . C370LWB) s200 FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 VEGAS ------·I s200 FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 NOVAS AT LOW 1974 PRICES ... 0 :z: ~ !I: ~ ssoo J Huge selection of new and previously owned Cadillacs. 5500 TOTAL SAVINGS '75 Toronado (703948) IMMEDIATE ·13 oat .... 24oz Automati c trans., air conditioning. #5342. ... ;;· f CASH REBA TE! • PLUS YOU GET OUR EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN TOUCH! $ ] ] 06 DELIVERY 72 Toyota Car011a 4 dr. Automatic, radio. heater. (949FNCl '72 MGB-GT IHCLUDIMG ALL OF . s 177 7 THIS EQUIPMENT QI! Su999~te<1 Sroc~er P"ce 4 speed , radio. heater. only 37.000 one owner 1---------1 miles. ff5227 302 VB. cru1se-o-rriat1c, · sun roo l. pwr. rack and p1n1on sleer .. pwr. discs. air cond . AM/FM stereo. 111nyl half roof, wide oval stee l .bit. tires , convenience group. protection group { 158588) '75 OLDS 98 REGENCY SEO.AH {194881) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · $1677 ' t '70 MGB-GT 4 s peed. radio, heater. (lSOOAZ)' '70 Opet GT 4 speed. radio, heater. (412ARC) Good Selection of llMcl Sport Cars. Buy where you CJet wthorized Sales & Senlco. GREAT .. SELECTION NOW •OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 28th .. ... 0 .. \ BEAT Feb.28 Rebate Dead Line WE STILL H.A VE AGRE.AT SELECTION TO SELECT FROM WE'RE OVERLOADED WITH B.E.AUTIFUL USED CARS • WE MUST M.AKE ROOM! Sa•e Like Me•er Before 40 FIREBIRDS TO CHOOSE FROM AT HUGE SAVINGS 12 TR.ANS .AMS I 0 FORMULAS EXAMl"LE: 1973 FIREBIRD ESPRIT VS A•ll() ...... h_ ·~~!•JI< "'" ,,\" 'f ~ S ll!<flO "" t.10~ • -< n I 1•0- ~1.,.,n1Q P.., .. ,., ••~ l'•"' 1:>0•u• • Cl•-.C 1>-A'"' ·<°l'.lOHG( I<•·• l~.u> 25 GRAND PRIXS .ALL LO.ADED EXAMPLES: HEW '75 GRAND PRIX 1165874) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '71 Capri 2000 A ulo, air. R&H. decor grp .. rally wh eels, (8690lJ) s1889 '69 Mere, Marquis Cpe. V8 aulo . !act air, P S. P 8, (YWR559) '69 Olds Cutlass &Jpreme cpe. V8. Auto_ air. vinyl rool. R&H, P.S., P.B., (YXR SSO} '69 Grand Prix V8. auto . air. vinyl roof, P S. P B P-w1ndows • tilt whl (XXB1 271 5 1089 '68 Firebird 6 cyl , auto . P S , radio, heater. low. low miles. (XXWOIOl '10 Grand Prix va. auto.: air cond. vinyf r oo f . P .S .. PB., P-wtndows ( tOSCZT) 1 I· ~ I ' ~ ' • •· ' I ~ ; , ' ) ' vc - . I '" "' . lo pr ll] (( a d m 1 p v ~ 6i i' c n v d n 'J h it a , I I .. .... .. ,.,._ .-·~-~·· ... ··-_ .... ~ ~ ·~ .......... - Saddlebaek VOL. 68, NO. 51, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES . • -..... ~ ... -1. ' ~ . Today's Closing N.Y. Stocks • 0 RANGE COUNTY, CAL I F.O -J_f _"· --·-__ ..:.T.:.;H'-'U'-'R..:.S::.D=A..:.Y.:..· .:.F..:E:.:B:.;R..:.U=..:.oA.:.R;...Y'-"20"-'''--1'-'9_7 S;;._ ___ ..:T..:E:.;N.:...:C;.:E:.;N:...T;..;;;;S Child Abusing Blamel\ on Recession CHICAGO (AP1 -Anincrease in child abuse cases across the nation can be directly attributed . to the nation's recession, says a prominent Chicago pediatrician. Dr. Rowinc llayes BrOwn , medical director of Cook County (ChicagoJ llospltal. says thcJ'c 1s :.i direct rcla.tionship between child beatings and unemploy- ment. Speaking \\lednesday before the American Academy of Forensic Medicine, Dr. Brown said, "We've always had baller· ing husbands, but recently the number has risen because more men are out of work and al home ." She said many men arc anx· ious and frustrated over matters that normally would not bother them. As a result, they have a low tolerance for a crying or n1is· chievous chiJd. Statistics on Child abilse are hard to 'find and often mislead· ing, Or. Brown said. ~fany c&ses are not reported and others are not considered serious enough to be called child abuse. Dr. Brown is a strong advocate or state laws to require the re- porting of definite or possible in- stances of child abuse. Such a law went into erfect in IUinois in 1965. She said that in 19i4 nearly 2,UOO child abuse eases were re· ported 'in Illinois. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children are severely Injured each year as a result of beatings. Dr. Brown said the death rale for children adm ittcd to hospitals after whippings is 10 percent and that the majority of deaths are due to skull frac~urcs , con· cussions , burns and 1nJu1ics to in · ternal organ:, "A normal part'nt or custodian "'ill rush hi s child for immediate aid; hO\\'{'\'er, the abusers. often fearful of lht'ir o\vn conse· quencC's. Watt until they become truly frightCOl·d and until Lhey have concoctl•d their c:icplana· tions." Dr. Bro\\'n says. !\1ost states have now ;.1doptcd 11ro\'isions railing for Ucta1lcd re· .• · ports of <·luld ubust.· cases. But Dr. Bro\\'O sau.l 1t l'• difficult to pro:,ccull' chilLI a busers. E\'1dt'nCC' is hard tn obtain ""Abusive <tl'l ~ a1·t' usually in· flicted \\1th1n thl' pri\'aCy of the horne \\ ht.•rc thl'\' ar<' either un· obst.'I"Vl'd ur "itrles~ed only by a spouse \\ho has <i legal righl to rt•fusl! tn tt'sl1fy against the abus· 1ng n1at(•. '' l)r. l~l"O\\ll s~ud. Trustees Take Gift 4 lncumbents Accept Firm's Fu11ds Wla•J 's Who? Two lovers stroll nco.1r L<.1guna Beach's lleislcr Park Wednesday. after Wl.l(ling in tidepools and. walking along the sand. 'fhcy stroll on a fine February clay -arms linked and jeans to jca11s -and talk about the iffiportant and the not so important things in life. By JAN WORTH Of II•• Dai IV Piiot SUH Four incumbents on the Sad- dleback Valley Unified School District Board or Trustees con- firmed today they have accepted $500 each as campaign contribu- tions from the Mission Viejo Company. The fifth trustee, George Henry, said he is still undecided about whether to accept any * money Crom the company but added his campaign manager probably will talk with company officials soon. l'he company. which last year donated over $6,000 to county sheriff. supervisor and water dis· lrict campaigns, offered the con- tributions only to incumbents. .. To me this is their gesture or saying they like what the school district is 'ng, and instead or ~.... _A .. ..,.,. taking sides, they ga\'e 1t to all five or us, .. Board President Joseph Peterson said. All rive t1·ustcc scats arc up for re-election in the March 4 elec· tion. Ten other candidates art· competing for the seats. "'There are no strings attached -at leas~ to me," Peterson said. ··1 have no compunctions about accepting money from <.1ny or· ganization or group in the <.1rea, .. ti 1? 1? Candid tes Miffed .Left Out in Fund 'Giveaway' Two candidates left out of the Misston Viejo Company's de- cision to donate $500 each to board incumbents in the Sad· dleback Valley Unified School Dietrict reacted angrily today. .. I ~m very. very perturbed," said candidate. William Kohler, a Mission V'iejb1lnsurance agent. '"It's wrong in my opinion to give just to the intumbents. Also. they should be supportint.! the <'andidalei from Mission Viejo, if they support anyone ~ and I'm one or those." or the four incun1bents who re- ceived checks from the company in the la st week. only one, Chester Briner. lives in !\-1iss ion \'iejo. Truslce Dennis Smith Jives in Laguna I-fill s, Board President Joseph Peterson lives in El Toro, and Vincent h1cCullough Jives .outside the Mission Viejo Planned Community on Los Alisos Boule,·ard. "Everybody could use the monel'. TJle inclJR!bents doo:i. rieed ft," Kohler 'saiCl. "They've got the jobbers. the architects and the contractors to tap for 'money. It's the non-incumbents who need donations most." Carole Neustadt, .who received $300 from another campaign committee led by severa l teachers, commented. ··1 think it's interesting to note that the same incumbents who have been screaming loudest about other candidates qcin~ bought are some of the ones who arc now ae- cepting this money.·· She adtied she believes the company could have been more ~~~e.JJy ,<;lu>osing a br°*1" Cross section ot candidates or by opening their fa.ci1ities up to help the community to get better ac- quainted with all the candidates. Candidate Mary Phillips said "I'd have lo think about this before I comment on it. I j ust don't know what is the right thing." Candidate Robert Brum- fiel declined lo comment. Leisure World Revised WomanBuys9 Rolls, Bent.Leys Snapped Up County Board Approves Community Pla1~ LONDON (UPI l -Dorothy Ebright of Carlsbad, Calif., de- cided she rather liked the look of that Rolls·Royce, so she told Henry Nathan: By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Olllil•D4Uy PllolSt.111 Orange County s upervisors ap· proved ;_inoth<'r hundful or l'('- visiOn!'i to lhC' J,C'i surc \\'orld cno1 - munity plan \\'f'dnt'sday hut backed away from imposing ;_i 65-foot building height limit. The board voted unu.nin1ouslv in favor of the-Ross moo.r Corporation's 11th revisC'd com - munity plan for the 2.400-acrc d<' velopment in Laguna Jlills. The chaOges had been en - dorsed by county planning com missioner s. who also recommended u. (is.root height limit on future commercial build· ings. primarily those proix>sed around Lhe Lagun:.i I lilts shop· ping mall. Supervisors agreed to drnp the height limit when Supervisor Thomas Riley said he hasn't had time to convene a special study team to explore the matter. Riley said several months ago he wanted a p:.inel of residents. architects and county planners to study the height limit question with the possibility or imposing It 011 the entire Saddleback Valley. The alterations s upervisors ap- proved involved granting Rossmoore the ri_ght to build light industrial in the strip of green- belt that runs through the middle of the community. The open space was lert as a buf(er zone for the runway ap· proach to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, but :.he !\1arines have since relented in their absolute ban on construction in th al zone. The uses that will now be permitted include such things as. temporary construction equip· ment storage yards, main- tenance w arehouscs. stables and s imilar low ·intens ily develop- ments. Other changes include the ad· d.ition of eight service station sites to the plan and permission to construct a nurs ing home on two commercial Jots. "I'll have that one. And that one. And those two over there and ... '' ' ''She bought nine. just like that," an awed Nathan said today. ··All in one hit. Bang. She practically bought me out.'' N:.ilhan's bon~nza came Wednesday when l\.1rs. Ebright, a former concert pianist, strolled into his Crickclwood showroom. She bought seven used Rolls and two Bentleys on the spot -and paid $92,000 cash. ·•1 came over especially lo buy some c<.1rs," Mrs. Ebright told the astonished dealer. ''I suppose il is a bitoverwhclmlng if you think about 1t but it ~s an investm~nt I'm making. I'm sure antiques and cars ~re go- ing to hold their value.·· Lake Forest County Board Nixes Trustee McCullough ~~:c~;a!~~1~;i~~~~ ~1~"~~ ~~<::.?:,~.~y~~~~•servc • • F~~~s!dar~P or 1 EJ Toro were ap-:fr';!~i~nc~~;~\~~~s ~~~c~~::: ~~~~l~:~~c~t rf~o~~m~~d ~.~~:~ Cl,tes Achievements ~nimous v~~n~~dta~e ~~a~;~ rejected Wednesda)'. by the couraged'' .in s uch arc::is Counlv Plann·n Co . . Orani.?e County Planning Com-whenever possible. 1 g mm1ss1on. · · th b · 1 · "-r ·1 1 I The.Pacesetter 1-lomestraclin· m1s~1on on . e as1s o 1~-Pt.:c.ause o 1 s cx~rcmc y 0,, .. Dally l'l'9t Maff l"llloll• CITES ACHIEVEMENTS Trustee McCullough • f.:ditors Note : T/us is the .'ieve11rh iri a series of profiles on Ilic 1$ call· dldates for the Soddletxick Valley UniJied S('hool D1stnct board of trustees . March 4 distnct oolers will elect. five tn1.~t~es al large -three for foN.r-year lerms and two for lwo-- yearternis A building p.-ogram that has caught up with enrollment. a top- notch Early Childhood Education 'program. a growing adult cduca· lion school -these are achieve- ments of the current board or trustees or the Saddleback Valley Unified School Distrirt. So states Vine(• McCullough, an incumbent on the board. And those achievt'n,ents. ulon~ with many othf'rs. arc the reasons in ·McCullough '~ f'IJ>lnlon why he and the otb€lr lnc·unlbcnLi;. s hould Qe re-elected. · ·1 decldcd to run again beeause I w11nted to keep the op. portunity open to vote{S to keep <See CANDIDATE, PagoA2l .. vol\•es 12 7 1 l consistency ~-1th the county s density, the Arriba de La a . acre parce a I I E l ll h d th ... I r Toledo Way and Serrano Street genera r! an . . . s re .a .a e 1n1t1a s upport o beh. d th El T H' h Sch 1 The airport project finally Comm1ss1oner Roy Knauft who in s e oro ig . 00 nosedived on a 4 too vote after said at earli('r commission hear ~:~~~i · Pl:h~ are to begin ~ohn· having been ·'test nown'' by de-ings that he would pref Cr that de· homes on ~~ sJed1:1er. II re velopers Jim Davis, Tustin. and velopmenl to a later one which morcth~~e~c 000 u 0 se or J .W. Picklin,. Laguna Hil_ls .. at mi_ght call for a density of five ' · several previous comm1ssaon units per acre. meetings. 1-lowever at Wednesday's com· RFK Slaying Probe Studi.ed CHICAGO (UPI! -Former New York congreSsman Allard Lowenstein says the invcsliga- lion of the :issassination of Sen .. Robert Kennedy should be re· open ed bec~use Californta authorities lied about fads pet• taining to the slaying. "1 have to assume aulhorl~es were acUng in a way to conceal information,•• he told a n\ws con- feraooe at a m eetiDIJJ of .the Amerfcan 'Academy of Forensic ~lences on \Yednesday. There was no immediate in· <See ARRIBA, Page A%} dication whether the ruling would be appealed to the Board of Supervisors. The project, known as "Arriba de La Estrella·' <Top of the Star J was to have been located on 875 acres of agriculturall y zoned land 1,200 to 1.600 feet overlook· ing theSaddlebnck Valley. Even though the project's density or one unit per four acres would heve fulfilled the technical requir.e;ments of that zoning, the commlsston ruled that the p~ ject would be primarily residen· tial apd not agrlculturaJ in cliarade:r. The 815-acre site acl,jacent to Trabuco Canyon's Coto de Caza t hunting club b currenUy within a 1 OFFICER FINDS HIS SON DEAD GEORGETOWN, Ky. !AP! State Police Lt. Edgar l\.1oss "·as the first lo arrive today arter 11n auto rounded a curve 1:ind smashed into a tree seven miles from her,c. Inside 1lhe vehicle was his 17- . year-old .son. James. who ap· parently !had been killed in· slanll~ The teehager. who was alone,. appuently lost control or the car. officlal~said. Trustee \'incc !\l cCullough said . ·"rhc thing is. they g~1\•e the n1oncy to all incum bt•nts , not just the ones ""·1th a specific point of viev,· --1 think il shO\\'S they're happy v.:ith the school district.·· Trustee Den11is Smith, who often has taken positions counter to those of Trustees Peterson, !\1cCu\lough. and Chester Briner. <See CAMPAIGN. Page A2) A.ii Extra Presicl.e11t? \V1\SllIKG1'0N (J\P) -11 ·s ;_i good thing the Agriculture Dep:.irtmf·nt does n't "'rite history books. J\ glos!'y lS·page rnagazine publisht'd by the dcpartn1cnt Wednesday included an arli· cle about ne\\' food stamp de· nominations, and the cover or the magazine ca1·ricd a replica of a new SlO rood stamp bearing Hamilton's likeness. The caption read : "Presi· dent 1-lamilton appears on the new SIO food ~ta mp .'' l·lamilton \\'HS the fir st secretary of the ·r 1·ca~ury, but never was president. Police Hold Mazda Gzw.rd /11 Arso11 Ca.se A security guard who hall been hired one day before a $40,000 fire devastated the once-intended American headquarters or Japan's Mazda Motors. Inc .. is in jJ.il today on an arson charge. William R. Jlolsclaw. 19, ol' 12512 Kathy Lane. Garden Grove, is held in liL·U or $25,000 bail pending arraignmc-nt in Iiarbor Judicial Distri ct Court. Irvine De!C'Ctive John Stoneback said today that Hol sclaw was ::trrt>~ted at his home \Vednesday night follo"·ing a period of questioning by himself and OrangC' Count y Fire Department Battalton <.."h1ef Cliff Chapman. The suspect reportedly refused to discuss the Su nday night fire \\•hich occurred on hi s second day on the job any further. according to Detective Stoneback. Dama~c to the unoccupied plant at 2100 S.E . !\lain St .. in the Irvine Industrial Complex could ha ve reached $4 n1ill1on. had it I Sec l\T ,\ZD1\, Page ,\2i Orc•••Jt•• Cttttsl ~ \\'t-.ttlht•r l.,<if'tl y cloudy today Ix-com- ing fair ton1J?ht i"lnll F'riday. 1\ little \\'armer Friday "'ith highs in lhC' mid -60~. Lows tonight 40 to 47 l:\'SIDE TODAY Three boys lighted an elder- l.111nan 's mattress on fire and threatened to burn him ohtH' unless his wife turned over their money and ualuables Story, Page A4 . l11d<'x Al Yo11r S.rvf(t Al £•!NO &tmtlfl:~ 9J L.M. •ord et. C..U'°""• AJ. Cl•,illl"" Cl-11 C--l<t ... e.rou-.-. •• °'t.llfl ,..\tc:li .. . IH>lt•••• p.... .. . £"~'-"' as ~ ... MO ••• I ,..,_..,. er IJ1'9ntllu• 15S """U•n a1 ,. • f • • 41 OM. Y PILOT SB .. ~· Fre•Pa,,e.41 • • ' , SCHOOL CANDIDATE • • • thin&• movlng In the direction tbey have been,'' said X<!Cullou9h, o: a coach 8nd athletics tnstructor al Sad. dleback College. McCullough lives at lhe Sad· dJeback Ranch Apartments in Mission Viejo with his son, 17. lie has rour children, one of whom is a ttending Saddleback College, and th~ family has lived in the Saddleback Valley for seven years. "There are some candidates out there that consider some changes in the leadership of this distrlct are needed. But they re· ally haven't: delineated why or how it should be done. They have presented a haiy, specious case forwhat'swrong. McCullough is one or a three· member bloc frequently referred to as ''the board majority," because the three orten vote together on vital issues. The other two ace Board President Joseph Peterson, Jr. and Chester Briner. , "I think that my qualifications as a trustee are related to my ex· perience,'' McCullough said. .. There is a~ways a time lag for new trustees to familiarize themselves with district busi· ness. "I am just at a point where my contributions as a trustee are better than before. I have a broader view now ... Before, I saw many issues just from a ·teacher's point of view. . '"Now, I see a bigger picture. ·You have lo learn that though you may have a special view on something, there is always a big· ger picture.'' McCullough applies. that philosophy to several issues in the district, including negotia- tions with teachers and the cur· rent discussions about where to open the next high school. ''I hate to see salary negotia· lions de.Jelop where someone is always pointing a finger at 'those guys,' and where a huge rift de· velops between teachers and the community,'' he said. "The name of the eame is put- ting the issues out front, as honestly as you can. I hope we can find some more creative ways of negotiating, so that ever· ybody wins." As with salaries, boundary de· cisions are an area where "not everyone is going to be satisfied," he said. "The only viable concept is that every kid should have a . 1cbbol that off ert him everythinr he could get at every other school In the district. If il doesn't he has the rl1ht to so elsewhere,•• McCullou&h said. · McCullough said be believes the district should intensify its cf. forts lo get state aid Bnd re- examine its spending. A new con· structi on management program in which the district will become its own general contractor is a step in that direction, he said. He also supports the dislrict 's conference budget. which several candidates have at.· tacked. ''People think or it as CX · tra money -but they often don 't see the results. What happens is that ultimately, this money benefits the system . "The name of the game is put· ting the issues out front, ..us honestly as you can. 1 hope we can find some more creative ways of negotiating -so that negotiations are a win·win situa· tion rather than a no.win silua· lion " As with salaries, boundary de· cisions arc tin area where "not C'Vcryonc is going to be satisfied," he said . "At the gut level •. ' I J{el upset when n1y kids are moved from one school to another," he said. "But you have to think of the dis· trict as a whole -almost block- ing out the idea of neighborhoods . We have to do what is right for the most kids " McCullough said he fell the dis· trict should intensify its efforts to get slate aid and ex;,imine d1f ferenl ways to spend its money. J\ new construction mana~emcnt program is a step toward.5 more economical s pendin g, h t> believes. He also supports the district's conference budget which several candidates have attacked a s wasteful. "People think of it as extra money -but they often don 't see the res ults. What hap· pens is that ultimately, thi s money really benefits us. "We end up by having b<'ll<'r informed. up-to.date, and alert teachers and administrators." McCullough said that he believes one of the weak areas or current education is its inability to get high school student s out of the classroom and into the v.•orld. "There has to be a major re· organization of our high school s -a much more flexible ap· proach. Kids gel turned off when they·re in high school -and Wt! have to do some real rethinking on why." ·Saddleback Teacher Livens Up History By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of IM o .. u, '°llot SUI! Paul Brennan, political science instructor at Saddleback College, bas a "timely" idea for adding life to his courses. He lakes his students back lo the great moments of recent his· tory with the help of local resi· dents who experienced it. ~'There are so many people in South Orange County area who have observed the Wlfolding or history, or who have participated in the making of history, that it is almost criminal not to preserve their impressions," Brennan says. That observation led the Sad· dleback College instructor lo em· bark on a program of interview- ing local people and recording their impressions or historical events on videotape. The tapes are recorded in the campus' own TV studio and are made availa· ble to students and other persons interested in historical events. Already on tape are the ex- ~riences of a S~n Clem~te man ORANGE COAST ~ DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed P.n+111et1I •lld P\ll>I•"""' Jae-R. Curley Vk• Prn+lllenl •"" c:;.,,....,i -~ ThOmas Keevil Thomas A. Murphine ,.,..,..,,..., E ... ._ ~rtesH . Loos Riehard P. Nall ,..,"_,... ....... £$Mr• ) .s.ctdtebactl. Vali.,.Otfi<• natt u ,... JI-llC ... 0...-Ff'w.ll't otMf'OffkM · tfti..Mew: s•""" ....,s...... .,._., .. .., .. , :nu~~-o ............. 4'( .. :lltf~·-·~ .... ~ .. .c;ll,l\lllo~•·Sl-l ·Tee.pftoM (714) 642""321 Qasslfiecl Adv•rtlslnt MZ·S471 ~.ei.·-..... ,.. ""'*"°''"'* 511-6110 Fr-...... Cl•--4f$.(t6)0 l D•U, Pilot S1i'll Pllolo , FIRST HAND HISTORY Teacher Paul Brennan \\1ho parachuted behind enemy lines in \VWll to meet with llo Chi Minh, who then commanded an anli·Japanese guerrilla unit aided by the United States. And, a Leisure World resident Who lived through the Bols hevik Revolution recounted his tribula- tions as a Jew living in Russia. for Brennan. Both have been shov.•n to political sciC'nce classes and Brennan is busily looking for leads to further tape interviews. lie invites anyone who thinks he or she might have a contribution to write to hin1 1n <'are or Sad- dleback College, 2800 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. Others Brennan soon hopes to put before the camera include a Mission Viejo worn an who broke the Japanese code ror Americans in WWII and ~ Newport.Beach . man who fought in the Spanish Civil War on the Communist side and was personally acquainted with Ernest Hemingway. Brennan believes some or his best source material is to be · found in Leisure World, which he says "is like a magnet to these people.·· He theorizes that many elderly residents in the retirement conl · t munity have s tories to tell , main· ly because of their age but also because they were successful in lheir lives. ··vou don't live out there if you didn't make it," he says. ' ' B11111per Power Another message, this one in the parking lot of UC Irvine directs that you think about the situation of the American In· dian. Could the owner of the Oklahoma license plate be of Cherokee descent, a mighty tribe pt1shed from southeastern U.S. to the Oklahoma territory-before oil had been found there. Helicopter Crash Remains Mystery By llUDI NIEDZIELSKI Ot111t Ootll' Pllo!SWll The caus<' of Tuesday's midair (_·ollision between two U .S . l\tarine Corps helicopters re· mains a mys tery today as in· vestigators continue to probe the "'reek age in a remote C'anyon o( Cleveland National Forest. Meanwhile, memorial services were held today al the El Toro base chapel for the pilot and three crew members who died in one or the choppers. Capt. James L . Watson Jr., 31, of 3552 Marin Drive in the Walnut Grove tract of Irvine, pilot of the more seriously.damaged craft. "·as a hi g hly decorated Vielnan1 combat veteran. Military policemen armed with shotguns and axhandles sur· rounded the area shortly after the planes crashed originally raising the possibility that secret equipment was aboard. . However, l¥1aJ. Pritchett srud today that · there was no secret equipment on the helicopters and that the MP's were only trying to •protect the aircrart from persons who might disturb the investiga- tion. Thal investigation, because of its military nature, does not in- volve authorities from the Federal Aviation Administra· lion . Marine Corps officials said it would be .. some time" before the cause of the crash was known. They would not disclose whether the two helicopters had been in r a d io contact immediately before the collision. E' rum Page Al MAZDA •.• . not been spotted early by a motorist on the adjacent San Diego Freeway, according to firemen. The witness noticed flames flickering inside the steel and concrete s tructure and pulled orr the rree"•ay to notify firemen about 4 a .m . Sunday. Initial reports said the loss was s-10.000. but then through a mis· understanding or the breakdown or the arson-s et fire in the finan - cially !roubled h1az0a motor car empire's U .S. headquarters it was doubled to $80,000 Tuesday. The police report fi1ed by Irvine Police Officer Douglas Stoermer said the loss included S25,000 to the struc ture itself and SIS,000 in contents belonging to the firm and individuals. Orange County l'~ire Depart· ment spokesman originally sug· · gested the bl aze could be blamed on an electrical short. then re· vis<'d that evaluation to say the fire was suspicious in origin. E'ro"' Pflg4! AJ CAMPAIGN . •said b• re1r<tted oply that t)U'ee-member .. board mllJority" had received SJ.,JIOO betweealbem. "'But J have no besJtatlon about accepting the donaUon. I need the money to get my message out. This give11 me • total of $1,000 so far and my goal is $2,0QO:' The trustees were first contJCl· ed by Trustee Chester Briner, who i11£ormed them that the com· pany was ofrering adonat.lon and that ther should contact com· pany officials to dlscusS it. Henry has been the only one to ·hesitate in making that connec· lion. "I don't want lo give or take," he. said. ''It I don't need the money, if I con do without it, I'd like to try. But it is tempting. We 1could use it (or ads or something.'' He also commented that since Trustee Chester Briner was "so critical or money other can· didates accepted from another group (the Saddleback Valley O>mmittee for Better Education, a teacher·related campaign com- mitteeJ, I'm interested to see his response to this offer." From Page AJ ARRIBA ..• mission hearing Knault said he .. reluctantly" joined in the vote against it because he could not reconcile it with the general plan. The estate-type Arriba de Estrella "'as to have in:corporat· ed a landing strip for private planes and driveways connecting the homes with hangars. An existing landing strip which had fallen into disuse was to have 'been improved and expanded to serve the residents. '· . Bus Hits Truck BALTIMORE (AP) -A city school bus carrying 15 mentally handicapped students collided \\'ith a fire truck responding to a false alarm today, causing minor injuries to 20 persons, authorities said. Capt. Watson, survived by his wife. Brenda, and two foster children, had flown 448 missions in the Victnan1 War and earned 28 air medals, one single mission air medal. the National Defense Service Medal . the Vietnam Campaign l\.1edal. and the Viet· nam Service Medal. A spokesman for the :f.1arine Corps said Capt. Watson had 2,343 .hours or helicopter flying ex.penence. Cla .vis· brown Close out Sale on Hi s copilot, 27-year·old Michael L. Belli, of 23045 Via Pi · miento, Mi ssion Viejo. had 760 hours or flying experience and had served in Okinawa and Japan. A neighbor of Lt. Belli's in the Aliso Villas section of Mission Viejo, said Bcili was a "nice look· ing, quiet" bachelor who enjoyed skiing and motorcycle riding but tended to ,keep to himself. She said Belli was scheduled lo be discharged from the ~1arine Corps in two months and that he was undecided about what to do with hi s future. The other crewmen who died in the wreckage three miles east of Cook's Corner were Sgt. William Cheshire, 27, or Tustin, and Private Kevin C. Arlt, 20, or St. Ed~·ard. Neb. 1-·uneral arrangements for the d ead men are pending, according to Maj. Sally Pritchett, public in· formation officer at the Marine Corps Air Station. She said it would be up to their families to decide whether military funerals ·will beheld. Ma rine Corps officials dis- closed today that salvage work on the two damaged Sea Stallion choppers had not yet begun. They still are undecid~d on how the \\'reckage is to be taken out or the canyon. Magic Class For Kids Set /11 Saddleback ' Boys and girls with a yen to perform magic can learn how it's done. b<.·~inning March 4 al the Saddleback Valley YMCA. The class will meet four con- secutive Tuesdays from 4 to 5 p .m .. according to Wil son Gilinsky. executive director of the Y. and will include sleight or hand, card tricks, levitation, rope tricks and other techniques designed to mystify. Jamie Marker. a junior at El Toro HiJ?h School, will teach the class. "~1a~ic has been a long· time hobby of Jamie's," Gilinsky said. "Many people in the area are familiar with his magic shows." Youngsters ages 8 to 12 can re- gister for the class before Feb. 25 at the Y, 23131 Orange Ave., El Toro. or phone 830· YMCA. A $10 fee includes materials. Boat Motor Stolen Orange County Sheriff's of· ficers are investigating the theft of an outboard motor valued at S700 from a boat moored al Dana I I arbor. Deputies said lhc lms was reported by boat owner 1\.11chael Ray Wothen, 32, of 2.')181 .Prr1cin Or., Mission Viejo. 1'hey s11id thi eves unscrewed the motor from its mounting. Our new line of Maytags is on the way! ~ We must move out all discontinued models NOW! Hurry and Save. Buy in the crate or we'll deliver. • Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer • Pcrmanenl press and regular l:ibroc cyct<>s • 3 Water level se111ngs • 3 Water tcmperaJurc sct1•ngs •Zinc coated steer c:ib1nct w1lh tough acryhc enamel l1n•sh • Fam1(y s•re procela•n cna1ncl tub with Power Fin Ag11aror • A11ract1vc brusflcd mct.111r1n1 While they last • '" • ,,,,.,.,,, ' r·,, "' . , ·.,. "" l ,,,rJ . ~r.1"·-• or•· '''· /,• 1 ,. Hain ·,f HJ di 'T"r"'<; ,.,.., •. ,1.;t• hc:I !'.D'-'~' • l.:11(•• ll""••l.1 <•r1. "'" .1 ,,, •. ''" , ,, lont ''''··• • i""· • , 1•," ! ,-. (<it 1n ... 1 '"'"' •;.,,,111, .i• , ·, .. .. ... ,,.,._ 1.,.,, ,h N ow onty s1999s •' Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher • F1oll :iii<' uripr>r ;incl lower high vr·ll•( 1ty n• iv ,,1n1s chr·, r.r>nlf'r l' ·~! •::>• / ..• :1 I· •1• I~·· rubbing 1·l.,n1n;i!C""· nrf .. l<rl•,1no • Un1Que 1,1c k1ng f!1~11~~ ;ind 'o1!v1·r ware on 10(.1 • M 1Cru·MPsh l•ltPr Hurry and Save WU200 r • , VOL ~ c in I nat to 1 pro I me (Cl a ' chi m• I }. exo tha ""' its du! I Fo, th• bui tiot I the Cn pr< ' sol ger COi . bu S.I ifll in1 I in WI blo be lei WI tic:: thr In pl • er $< I• I I {i st Ir M G s: c. c! ~ ., h A p • ~ . . . . .. -.. • .. Irvine VOL. 68, NO. 51, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES • ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA Today's Closing N.Y·. St0cks THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 TEN CENTS Child Abusing Blallled ~n Recession CHICAGO (AP> -An increase in child abu~e cases across the nation can be directly attributed to the nation's recession, says u prominent Chicago pediatrician. Dr. Ro~ine Hayes Brown, medical director of Cook County <Chicago) Hospital, says there is a direct relations hip between child beatings and unemploy- ~. ~f\t'Uing Wednesday before the American Academy of fo"'orensic Medicine, Or. Brown said, "We"ve always had batter· ing husbands, but recently the number has risen because more men are out or work and al hom e." She said many men are a nx- ious and frustrated over matters that normally would not bother them . l\li a result, they have a low toler a nce for a crying or mis· chievous l·hild. Statis tll'S on thilcl :..ihuse ;u·e hard to find and often mis l c~u..I· ing, Dr. Brown s<.1irl. J\1any caSc!'.!t are not r eported and others are not considered serious enough to be called child abuse. Dr. l~ro"·n is a ~lrong advocate of state la\\ s tu reqw re the re· porting of definite or pu~sible in· stances of chilli abuse. Such a la""' >A'ent into efft.:<'1 in Illinois in 1965 . She s aid that in 1974 ne;.i1·ly 2.000 {'hild abuse cases "'ere re· ported in Illinois. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children ar e sever ely injured each year as a result of beatings. · Dr. BrO'A'n ~aid the death rate for children admitted to hospitals <1ftcr >A'hippings is 10 percent and that the majority of deaths are due tu s kull rr:1t·tures. ('(Ill l'UStiion s. burns and 1uju1·1t·:-. to in · ternal org.1ns. ",!\ norn1;,t! p:1rL•nt or custodian ""ill rush his child for 1n1 n1ediatl.' aid; hO'A'C\'f:.'I'. the <1busc1·s. often fearful of thei1· o\vn conse- que n{·es, ,,...·,ut until they become truly frightf:.'ned ~ind until they have con{'O('lcd lht"ir l.'xplana- tions," Dr. Bro\\ n ~<1) s. Most st;.i tcs h<iv e no\v adopted \)l'O\'ISIOl!S <'.i1 !11t1g ror dct3iled rC ·'fltll ports ur l·luld .1htl'•\.' C":.1:-.l'!i. Cut l)r l~ro\111 S<111! 11 is d1tfu:ult to pr O~L'C Ut1..• rh1!d ;i bU Sl'rS . l-~\'lth.·nl·1..1 i!'.> h;,1rtl to oblain ··:\hU!'.!tl\'C a 1·1.., dl'l' usually in · nictt'd \\"ith1n 1ht• )ll"i\·acy of the honll' \\ hcrt' I ht•\ ;1rt· t•1th1..·r un - ul:>Sl'I'\ 1..•d 1lr \\ 1\r1t':."1'{I only by a :-.pou"t.' "ho Ii u~ ,1 lt•g:il right to 1·t:f ll:O,l' I 0 I t'S I:'~· .. g .1111:-.I thL' <J bus· 111g 1n att•, ·· Llr /Sr!l\\ 11 s aid n • at1on eac es • Irvine Site Mazda Motors Weighing Sale A Mazda Motors of America executive confirmed Wednesday that the rotary-engine auto im· port firm is considering selling its new building in the Irvine In· dustrial Complex. Mazda Vice Preside nt S. Ii. Fogel said, ··we are exploring the possibility or selling the building, but no final determina- tion has been made." Fogel's comments followed those of Mazda planner Dave Cruz who said the company "is probably going to sell it.·· Corporate remarks w e r e solicited after Stan Brockhoff, general manager of Don Koll contracting company wh.ich . is · building the Mazda offices at 2100 S.E. Main St., said, "The build· ing is for sale. They are never go· ing to occupy it." Brock:ho(f said Mazda's delay in moving to the Irvine facility was not due to electrical pro- blems as earlier reported, but because the company plans to aell the site. Fogel's r emarks Wednesday were the first official con!irmu- tion of reports in December that the auto industry slump was fore· lng Mazda to r econside r its planned move to Irvine. The gleaming glass and con- crete building was the scene or a $40,000 blaze Sunday morning. Inves tigato rs attributed the Irvine Man's Car Rifled on Vacation A sojourner from Irvine told police Wednesday he was vie· timized by a car burglar who struck while he was stopped at a traveler's rest s tation in s nowy Mono County. Anthony R . Korba. of 4062 Glenwood St., said his loss was $378 and included a movie camera and items of personal clothing stolen from the parked Car. The victim said in the courtesy theft report taken by local police for forwarding to Mono Counly Sheriff's Office de- puties that the theft occurred along 1-lighway 395 near J\.-1am· moth Lakes. blaze to arson and have arrested the s ite guard in connection with the fire. The firm 's compuler equip- ment is located in the Irvine building, with data processin g operations handl ed by a few employes at the fl'vine site and by wire connection with Mazda's plant in Compton. In addition to the present four- story, 130,000 square root head- quarters building. plans for the site include a 150.000 squa re foot parts depot for Mazda western operations and a 300,000 square foot national parts depot. ~ ~ Mazda's Guard Arrested A security guard who had been hired one day before a $40,000 fire devastated the once-intended American t> e adquarters of J a pan's Mazda Motors, Inc .. is in jail today on an arson charge. William R . Holsclaw. 19, of 12512 Kathy Lane, Garden Grove, is held in lieu of S25,000 bail pending arraignment in Ha rbor Judicial District Court. Irvin e Detectiv e John Stoneback said today that Holsclaw was arrested at his home Wednesday night following a period of questioning b y himself and Orange County Fire Department Battalion Chief Cliff Chapman. The suspect reportedly r efu sed to discuss the Sunday night fi re which occurred on his second day on the job any further, according to Detective Stoneback. (See 1'1AZDA, Page AZ; Candidates Meet Irvine school board candidates will air the ir views on school board issues at a forum tonight. The forum will be held at 7:30 at University IIigh School. Trustee Boulanger Seeks 'Humanism' ' I Editor'.s Note: Thi.sis one of a series of intervietos rnith the eight can- dlda.J.ea for the lrv1 ne Uni.f1cd School Di.strict Board of 1'rustees. AU five xats will be filled in March 4 ballot· ing. The thret candidates tallying the largest number of votes wilt be elect· ed to a four·year ter m . Thn.~e placing fourth and /1/th 1oill be elected to two- ~or tern1s. By DOUG FRITZSCllE Ollrt. 01ltw Pl191 ~l1rt Inc umbent Ir vi ne schools trustee Charles Boulanger libe rally spri nkl es his dis- cussions about the district v.1ith the phrase "a humanistic ap· proach to education ." "We have to keep the schools humanistic," he maintains. But it is easier to explain what is not humanistic than what is. "An un-hum e ni-slic ~rhool is one that i s completely mechanica l. A place where the kids arc not looked at as people. Where a child is a name on a rost<'r. ''he said. <Stt CANDIDATE, Page Al I T B11111per Po1ver o .. ity Pi101 suott Ptoolo Another m essage. lhis one in the parking lot of UC Irvine directs that you think about the s ituation of the American In- d ian. Could the owner of the Oklahoma license plate b e of Cherokee descent, a mighty tribe pushed from southeastern U.S. to the Oklahoma territory-before oil had been found there. ., -. -' . ... -..... Cable TV S111-vey Eyed Would You Watch Irvine CowlCil Meeti1ig? \\'ith lhc blessi ng of the Trvine City Council, UC Irvine's Public Policy l{esea r ch Organization plans to send qu('stionnaires to Irvine residents to <.issess the ef· feet of televised city council meetings. The council gave its endorse· ment to the project proposed by UC I Profes s or Kenn e th Kraemer, des pite disagreement among council members on ""'hether the survey should in· {'IUdC' or a vo id sensitive issues. Kraemer proposes a survey of all Con1munity Cablevision sub· scribers to sec who ,,..·atches I.he m eetings. A second s urvey will be made of meeting vie'A'ers to see whether they are paying al· tent ion to what is going on. I The third part of the study. Kraemer said. w~ll be interviews with council m embers to de- ter mine how the broadcasts af. feet the conduct of council meet· jngs. Councilman John Burton ob- j ect ed to some questions conta ined in a sample question· naire "that relate to sensitive is· sues.·· Among the objectionable topics were questions regarding park bond fund expenditures and \1ieti111 Frt•111 lrvi11e v•hether the viewer knows which council member most closely represents his "iews. Counci lman Henry Quigley. on the other hand, "'anted con- tro\'ersial t opics addressed by the questionnai res. Kraemer ins is ted that hi s group "'ould have to have final say on what ques tions are asked to ensure that the results are valid research . Although about 6,000 of the in~ ilia! surveys would be sent to all cable s ubscribers, Kraemer told the council he expects follow-up questionnaires to viewers to be few. Gunmen Roh Caterer· Three maskC'd men. one carry. in g a s:.1 v.'cd ·off shotgun, robbed ;.in l r\'illl' eatt•r1n g firm owner and hi s secret;.11·v of more than 54.200 Werlnl':.0d<.1y night in ·Laguna 11l':1 c h. Robert f.Jcnn1ngton. 4!J , co- owner 11f l'cnn1ngton Enterprises 1n Irvine :.ind secretary Gail !·~aye Coy, 22. of Cosla Mes a were accosted by the three men \\'e:Jr· 1ng ski masks and sung\:1sscs as they cxited their car behind the CottrlJ::C' Restaurant in 1he Art Colony Ont' of the men ordered ttu• couple to march away from the ve hic le. and when the secretary momentarily lagged behind, the gunman jabbed his .sawed.off s h ntg un in her back ;.tnd threatl.'ned · "You· had bette r 1 h\1rry up or I 'II blow your head off. " !\lost of the stolen money wns S4 .000 1n receipts from Pen- nington ·s catering firm. Penninglc;n told offi cers he did not ordinarily carry large amounts of money. The £unds WomanBuys9 Rolls, Be1itleys S1wpped Up 1.0NDON <U P!l Dorothy Ebr1 g:ht or Carlsb:ld, Calif, de cidcd 5hc rather likt.'<I the look of that Rol ls -Royce, so she told llcnry Nathan : "I'll have that one. And that one And those t .... ·o over there, and. ." "She bou~hl nine. just. like that." an awed Nathan said todny, · '1\ll i11 (llll" hil Han~. She practically bought me out.'' Nathan's bonanza came Wednesday when ~1 rs . Ebright , u former conC'C'rl pianisti,...:<;trolled into his Crickclwood showroon1. She bought seven used ctolls and two Bentleys on the spot ~ and paid $92 .000 <'ash. "I camC' O\'er l~spcciallf to bizy some cars," ~1 rs. Ebtjght told the aston ishcd clea ler. . • • · · 1 suppose it is a bit ovef\r.!hclmtn.a iCiyou think abOut)t, bu~ it is an investment I'm making:. 'r•rrt sute ant lq'U~s and cars are go· ing to hold their value." • '· \\·ere a "·cek's receipts \vh1ch \\'Cre to be banked. Penninh1on had transferred the cash f1·om hi s briefc;,1se to the sccret;n·y 's purse for safekeep- ing as the couple \\'l't'L' preparing lo enter the restuurant After c1irecling lhc l\10 \'ICl1m:-. a\\'ilY fro1n lhe c;1 r . they forl't'<I r•cnnington to turn over lhc ca:-.h he had on hi s person, aboul $93 in a money clip. Then, the bandits turned to Lh e 'secretary who s aid she hac1 no money and opened her eout as if to s ho"' that. The woman's purst· ,,..·as fetched from the car <1nd both victims were m adc to Ile fctte do"·n on the ground. The bandits reportedly flt.•d on foot down Cedar \Va y. No \'ehil'lc \\'a s s een RFK Slayi11g Probe Stiuliecl CHICAGO (UPI J -Former N('w )'ork congressman Allard LowenstE'in says the investiga- tion of the assassination or Sen. Robert Kennedy s hould he rl'· open ed becau se California authorities lied about facts per· taining to the s laying. "1 have to assume authorities were acting i'n a way to conceal fnformation." M 'told a news con· ferencc at a meot.ing of the American Acaden1y of Forensic Scien~cs on \.\red nc~d :iy Output Plunges By 9.1 o/o \V J\S lll;'..;G1'0N 1u r>J J - Prices increased at a record 14 .4 percent annual rate in the rinal th1·ec 1nonths of 197·1 while the Gross National Product fell 9.l pcrcl'nt, the Commerce Depart- 111ent sui<l today. 'rhe go\·er111ncnt reported that inflation wa s worse than originally es ti mated O\'er the las t three months of 1974, but the total output of tht• econon1y rem<Jincd uneh.ing('d. The total output of goods and s ervices, or Gross National Product, sho\\'ed a drop of 9 .1 percent at an annual rate after ;1djustmcnt for inflation during the three.month period. the Com- merce Department said. The figure was unchanged from last month's estimate, but was still the s harpest quarterly drop since 1958. fi1eas ured quarter to quarter over the entire year; it '~·as also s till a 5.5 percent drop, the sharpest decline in any r ecession since the"t>epression. Commerce revised its estimate of the dollar \'o:i\uc of Gross Na- lional Product for the yc<.ir S600 !See EC01'°0lll"\", PageAl .i Pair Beat Up Irvine Guard, Steal Truck A manhunt \VHS under \\'ay to- day for t\vO black males \\'ho pistol -whipped ancl robbed a security gu<arrl at 1'ravela11d , a n Irvine recreational co::ich com- pany and e scaped in one of the firn1 's pickup trucks Investigators said the victim was approached at the firn1 at Sand Canyon A\•enue and the Santa Ana Freeway about 4 a.m . and forced to turn O\'er his money · and personal effects. Oetect1\'e John Stoneback said the report had not been complet· ed and the victin1 's n<.ime and personal loss "·as not in1mediate- ly avail able. Police said the p<.iu· fled in a 1972 Ford Courier pickup truck \\·ith the Travcland logo emhlcn1 on its s ide following the kidna1> ;,inli a ssault 1\'ith a deadly \\ eapnn Co~1sr \\'t•a1r ht•r Partly cloudy today hccon1 - ing f:.ur t onij.;hl and F'riday. A little 1\ armer Friday \\'ilh highs 1n the m1d·fiOs . l..O\\'S tvni ght ·10 to 47 '''" DF. ·ron.\ ,. 1'//rec boys liglired an elder· ly 1nan·.'i 1'10/tres.~ on fire and lhrl'atened ro burn hun alive 1111/ess hzs w1/e turned over tlle1r money a11d valuables. Story, Page A4 . · ······~ Al Your S.rvlct AJ £•IT'ii Lk"lbct' 8l l"" 8•r• .. C.1110•" • "s Cl.l1••llft CJ·l2 Comic• 84 c:~,-rd •• Oe•tPI Mollett Al E(tl10f';•I ~... A• E11ltrtal11me111 llU l'l?lllCt ••• , lo!Orew..,. C1 l11M•mhtlo11 fU AMU""-rt fll -vie\ fU Mvt11•l l'1111<fs 11• ,.. ........ ,.. ........... (. O<•...,.Co1111tr ... , "'"''' 111-J SylY!ll Po,.,tr B1 s.porn c1.1 S'oot• iwor•oh Bt.·1 T•lt'"I... Bl "'"·"''' ., Wo•t .. r A4 ~rlif Nt-s A4,C4 • . • - 61 DAILYPILOT Woman Perishes In Fire A SO-year-old woman died and two other people were injured when a fire caused by a smolder- ing cigarette swept through a north Tustin area home Wednes- day afternoon. Alberta Baze, ~·ho ll\/ed next door to the burning house at l?A42 Newport Ave., in county ter- ritory, was dead on arrival at Tustin Comm unity Hospital. ' An Orang e County Fire Department spokesman said Afrs. Baze apparently suffered a heart attack from smoke inhala- tion and also was severely burned on her hands and feet. T he fire spokesman said Mrs. Baze ran into the house. which was occupied by Michael Sorenson, 87, and his 64-year-old wife, Florence, when s he saw flames s hooting from the v.fin . (lows. The eld er ly homeowners already h ad fled from the fire whe n Mrs. Baze apparently ran inside to use their telephone to call firemen lo the scene. Four county fire engines, a rescue unit a nd a total of 40 men l"jjled to the scene of the blaze, where they found Mrs. Baze ly- ing on the floor inside the house. It took more than 45 minutes to e?'tinguish the fire. A fire investigation official said today the blaze, which did 545,000 dam age to the house and its conte nts, was caused by smoldering contents dumped into . a waste basket. OFFICER FINDS HIS SON DEAD GEORGETOWN, Ky. (APJ - Slate Police Lt. Edgar Moss was the first to arrive today 1ner an auto rounded a curve and smashed into a tree seven miles from here. Inside the vehicle was his 17- • year-0Jd son, James, who ap- parently had been killed in- s tantly. The teenager, who was alone,. a pparently lost control of the car, orficials said. From Page Al ECONOMY. • million upw ard from l ast month's estim ate to $1,397.3 billion for the entire year, But at the same time, Com·- merce revised upward the infla- lion rate, which had originalJy been estimated at 10.2 percent. 11te new estimate set the infla- tion rate at 10.3 percent over the 1year and thus accounted ror the dollar value increase in Gross National Product. It was because inOation sapped those dollars of their value that the so-called real Gross National Product declined despite a high dollar volume of output. The wOrst of th e inflation hit in the final t hree months or the year. Originally Commerce estimated that quarterly in· crease at an annual rate of 13.7 percent. New information caused the departm ent to change that rate to 14 .4 percent. Prior to last year, the fiercest inflation over any three-month period measured by Gross Na- tional Product statistics had been a 13 percent annual rate 'jump, the first three months of 1951. The GNP fi gures on inflation include a broader range of prices -such as raw materials for manufacturing -not included in the more familiar consumer price index which jumped 12.2 percent last year. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 'lNO.-C:HSI 0.lly Polo!. -t"wl>o<l'>•S <om· -'""New• Pt es\,,. put>ll'"'"° bY tho Or•~ ... .:0.•' Putll I"" l"'iJ (O,,>Pen,. S@e••le ""'''°"" .,,,. ....,.hN1I MD""•' tn<•u9I'> fnoa, '"' Col.•• ,,..._, ,..•PDl'l 0..•<h. H..,U"{llon S..cr.t~oun. leln V•ll•Y. l• .. n•. Seddlel>•~t v.11,., •"" ~ 9itKA/5oeoJlr. (De•I. JI 1i"'1'• rt9'°""'1 ••dlllOft II Pllbll•l'>•a S..lu•dft'I -~ ... T ... P'i•w.loel pu1>t1•llinq Jti••" i• •t JOO w.~1 Roy Sttftl. (O•I• ~··· C•lllo•n+• '116~. Robert N. Weed ,., ... .,. .. 1 • ..., Pvtill- Jack R. Curley 1'Ke Pf••IO.nt eM Ge-#"""- Thomas Keevil E.dlkl• Thomas A . Murphinc ,...,,.,1.,9 EC1ot0t Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall 11 .......... ,,... ... ~'-"''"'' Ottlces Cftt• -•• ,._,,,18.o~ Sht<'i _ _,Ike<~ »» ....,_ -.... .,. U ...... IMKA, 11 .. ~f'e Mtttt -"""Oft Ike<"• 1"11 ee.<I'> ""'""'~MO ~ ... ,.v.ii.,.1uo1u""'•~ •1 s,,.. o .. .., ,, ..... , Telephone (7t41 '42-4.121 Classified Advertising 642·S671 S..<kn-• VeU•y NfW\ Qrh<« Sl1·6J10 ,.,.,... '""" c1~m.<>lt' 49S·06l0 (.,..•11111, 1•1S Ot..,00' l'..M"I Pull!""'"' c-o"J·,..'"'••no•l<o•,•"""''61'on'-.0'1 .. 1e1 ,...utr •• •dwtrH1•,...•lt• "••••ft ,,.,., bt r•IH'MllKfd "-111 ... vl "'°t<l •I P••"''>l'0" ol UOP'tf'l9"1-·. "9(0ftd c le•I .,., .... ,..io1 et C.tl• M91•. c...-• S..-"-"..,...,,.,,..,u•-"''· --IM tlO_l,.,.,: lfll!llttt_l_OOM W Olf ....... 1. • < f'roM Page A I ' . 'IRVINE CANDIDATE •.• ··But 'that ts the wroo~ ep-1ram, he sald, because atlerthe proacb. Kids are people too. ' inili•l period, the program would ,, Tlie Irvine ·district, Bou\111ger be attn end. If the moneywQ to r i aid, already II prooldlrlg pro-be •pent to train diatrlct te~hers gr1rnt WJth • bwnanJstiC tt.inL in motion education ttthn1qbes, AnExtta President? WASHINGTON <AP>-It'1 a good thing lhe Aartcu.ltwe Department doesn't write Who's Who? Two lovers stroll near Laguna Beach's Heisler Park Wednesday, after wading in tidepools and \.\'alking along the sand. They stroll on a fine February day-arms linked and jeans to jeans-and talk about the important and the not so important things in life. Saddlehack Teacher Livens Up History ••sut it la-iO ey;y to 1et Ued. up Boulanger .would have supported in the mechanics-what you have the expenditure. to do-that someUmes YoU tend But those issue:t J1re only to forget why you're ltlere," ht! sidelights to the dist~ct'a educa. said. tional program, h esru~. Boulanger 44, 1799"l Ml:llln St., In total, the c urricular ~c - is a schoolprfncipalin the Cypress tivities are aimed ot ''m~ktng school dis trict. He has two sure all the students &Te aeit1ng a children in Ir vine schools. quali\y education. Makfnt sure As the prime mover behind they get the fundamentals. We the much-maligned outdoor have to b~ producin.g cltiz~ns education program proposed for with the skill s to go directly tnto the district, Boulanger has taken the business world .or on to col· his share of barbs from opposing lege," Boulµnger said.. . · candidates. He does not flinch Not all problems with the dis· when asked to explain his views trict·s education program have on the $21 ,000 a year program for been solved, Boulanger c~n­ district sixth graders. ceded. But work to date, h~ said, Although the week of instruc-has the district headed in the tion i~an outdoor setting has been right direction. . criticized as "a week at camp," In the 18 rn onth~ since the Boulanger sees it as an educa-board took over Irvine schools, tional tool to whet students' basic he said, ••\Ve have turned the dls- skills. trict around. It w<is I.ow in.mor_ale .. What have we been talking and low in where 1t was going about in society for the last cou-academically." _ pie or years? Conservation, the Jn the much ·criticized st~tc environment, pollution. Making testing rcsulls last year, he satd. people aware or what is happen· first and second grade scores ing. Ir we really mean these were high . 'fhose grades, he things we are talking about, why pointed out, v.•e re the.only one~ to not take the ideas that are taught have the bulk of their schooling in the classroom into an outdoor under the new regime. area where the students can ex· Educationa l programs are periencethem? likely to i1nprove as the di strict ···The kids would be able to be grows, Boulanger s~id . "We v.'ill there for a week and see what is be hirini! a lot of personnel in the rncant by natural resources. ·future. The \\'aY the employment erosion. geology, astronomy and situation 1s. \\'t.' \\'ill be in a po~i- so on,'' he said. t1on to get the cre;11n of the crop.·· In reading about the subjects, Jn th e area t1f finances, taking measurements and re-Boulanger said . ··The district is cording observations, Boulanger irf good shape. 'fhis year we were added, students would be adding able to lower the tax rate 32 to their basic skills abilities while cents. Ir voe had not taken a close taking part. look ;1t the budget to get the b<>sl Despite his strong backing of use from the lax dollar. the tax the outdoor educat ion program, rate v.·ould not have gone down .'' Boulanger was the only trustee lo Other sou rces of pride for vote agai n st a no the r ci;>n-Boulanger are the decentralized troversial program: motion budget system. establishing the education. • SELF' school. abandoning the old The progr:am for 100 s~udents Irvine School and getting the at Turtle Rock School will cost building program going:. 516,000 for the six month course. · Rut the i::oal or it all. he said, is It is aimed al improving stu-··hun1.anist ic education ." dents' eye-hand coordination by .<\mong the steps in that direc- giving each s tudent balls and tion. he said , \vas the University other play objects and instructing 1-figh School .<\nnex. set up after history books. . A glossy lS.pas:e magar.tne published by th.e depart~e~l Wednesday included an art1· Cte about new rood 5tamp de- nominations, and the cover or the magazine carried u replica of a new $10 root.I stamP bearing Hamilton's likeness. The caption read : "Presi· dent Hamilton appears on the new SlO rood stam p." Hamilto n was the rlrst secretary or the Treasury, but never v.·as president. Frorn Page Al MAZDA .•. Damage to the unoccupied plant at 2100 S .E . Main St., in the Irvine Industrial Complex c9uld have reached 54 million. had it not bee n spotted early by a 1notorist on the 01djacenl San Diego Freeway, according to . firemen . The' witness noticed flames ruckering inside the steel and concrete structure and pulled orf the frcev.·ny to notify firemen about4 a.m . Sunday. Initial reports so id the loss was · 540,000, but then through a mis· understanding of the breakdown of the arson-set fire in the finan- cially !roubled i\t azda motor car empire's U.S. t,cadquarters it was doubled to 580.000 Tuesday. The police report filed by Irvine Police Officer Douglas Stoermer said the loss included $25,000 to the structure itself and $15,000 in contents belonging to Jhe firm and individuals. Orange County 1-'ire Depart· ment spokesman onginally sug · · gestcd the blaze could be blamed on an electrical s hort, then re- vised that e\'aluation to say the fire v.·as suspicious in origin. By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of IM ~ily Pilol S~ff ~~4 1 thepupilshowtousethem. last y('ar's mass drug <irrests of J Boulanger opposed the pro· Irvine teenagers. A spokesman for the Don Koll Construction Company which built the ~tazda facility, general manager Stan Brockhoff, sharp- ly contradicted the electrical problem theory Wednesday. Paul Brennan, political science instructor at Saddleback College, has a ··timely" idea for adding life to hi s courses. He takes his students back to the great moments or recent hi s- tory with the help of local resi- dents who experienced it. "There are so many people in South Orange County area who have obser ... ed the unfolding of history, or who·h ave participated in the making of history, that it is almost criminal not to preserve their impressions,'' Brennan says. That observation led the Sad- dleback College in structor to em- bark on a program c.f interview- ing local people and recordin~ their impressions of hi storical events on videotape. The tapes are recorded in the campus' 0\.11n TV studio a nd arc made availa- ble to students and other persons interested in historical events. Already on tape arc the ex- periences of a San Clemente man who parachuted behind enemy lines in W\VI I to meet with Ho Chi Minh. who then commanded an anti-Japanese guerrilla unit aided by the United Slates. And, a Leisure World r esident Who lived through the Bolshevik Revolution recounted his tribula- tions as a Jey,· living in Russia, for Brennan. Both have been s hown to •political science cl.isscs •tnd Brennan is busily look ing for leads to further tape interviews. J-le invites <1nyonc v.•ho thinks he or she might have a contribution to v.·rite to him in care of Sad- dleback College, 2800 Marguerite Pqrkway. ~11ss ion Vie10. Others Brennan soon hopes to put before the cam('ra include :.t ~1ission Viejo woman who broke O•HJ Pilot ''.ii Pl'loto FIRST HAND HISTORY Teacher Paul Brennan the Japanese code for Americans in WWII and a Newport Beach man who fought in the Spanis h Civil \Var on the Communist side and was personally acquainted with Ernest l-Iemingway. Rrennan believes some of his best source material is to be found in 1.-ei~ure World , which he says ··js like a magnet to these people.'' lit• theorizes t hat many elderly residents ;n the retirement com· 1 munity have s tories to tell, main- ly because of their age but also hecausc they \Vere successful in their lives. "You don't live out there if you didn ·1 m<ikc it," he s ays. Helicopter Crash Remains -Mystery The en use of Tuesday's midair collision between two U .S.· Marine Corps helicopters re- mains a nlys tcry today as in· vestigators continue to probe the wreckage in a ren1otc canyon or Cleveland National l;-orcst. Meanwhile. memorial services were held today at the El Toro base chapel for thl• pilot and three crew member!-. who died in one of I he chop pc rs Capt . .James i .. \Vat.son Jr .. 31, of 3552 Marin Drive 1n the Walnut Grove tract of Irvine, pilot of the ,more seriously·damagt.'tl craft. was a highly decnrated Vietnam combat veteran Capt. Watson, Sllrvi\·crl by his wire. Brenda, and two foster children. had floVt'n 4·'8 missions in the Vietnam War ~ind earned 28 air medals, one .s ingle mi ssion air medal. the National Defense Service ~fedal. the V.etnan1 Campaign Medal, ancl thr Viet· nam Service Med;il A spokesmrtn for the ~Tarine Corps said Capt. Watson had 2.343 hours of he li ropt1•r flying experience . 1-li s copilnt. 27 -yca r -old Michael L. Uelli. of z'J045 Via Pi- n1iento. r-<Iiss1on \/iejo. had 760 ~ours of fl yin g experience and had se rved in Okinav.'a and Japan. A ncighbPr or J,t. B~11i ·s in the Ahso Villas sect ion of ~1is~i on Viejo. said Re1\i was a ··ni rc look· in~. quiet .. b<.ichelor who enJoyed skiing and motorcyrle riding but tended to keep to h1n1self_ 2 Kids Saved Fro111 Blaze An Irvine mother pulled hs:r 1wo yo un~ (·hi ldren to safety from lheir burning home in El Camino Tlt•a\ \.'illage \\'ednesday afternoon. C'oun1y flrcrnen said the 3 p.m . blaze y,•as confined to a bedroom. The £1re ~•t the hom e of Michael Meadov.·s. 14771 Comet, was started by one of the children playing \Yilh matches. firemen said. .., Damage was estimated al $..">.00010 the building and $3.000 to 1t.s t•ontcnls. ( davis·brown Close out Sale on Our new line of Maytags is on the way! We must move out all discontinued models NOW! Hu·rry and Save. Buy in the crate or we'll deliver. Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer • Permanent press and 'egular fabric cycles • J Waler level set11ngs • 3 Water 1emperatute set11ngs • Z•nc coaled steel cabinel with rough acrylic ennm(;! l1n1sh • Family s!le procela1n f'namel tub w 11h Power Fin Ag1!ator • A1tracllve brushed metal tri1n While they last '.l Now on ly s1999s Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher •Full S1z•·· uoo••r anr1 lowpr h1Qh vJ loi:olv ·,pray aims rilur C<cn1cr O".'•t <f'r;Jy, :J l<·v· I 5".'fubb1ng 1•hnnn.i1r•s prb-r1n~1nn • Un1Que ra ck1n9·rl1Shl's ;inrt solverware on top • M 1~ro·Me.,t1 liltt;r Hurry and Save WU200 I ~ ) • Vi Ir n I< p. n ( a c n 0 pl M di 01 d n• a1 n; Ill rt • Y• w c w Ii· iii H g ·~ ol c s p IT y Ii c II II n c c c ii n ~ d • . ~ I t r I ' ' I I l Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Today's Closing N.Y. Stoeks 'VOL. 68, NO. 51, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 TEN CENTS Child Abusing Blained on Recession CHICAGO (AP) -An increase in child abuse cases across the nation can be directly allributed to the nation's recession, says a prominent Chicago pediatrician. Dr. Rowine llayes Brown. medical director or Cook County <Chicago) Hospital, says there is a direct relationship betwee n child beatings and unemploy - ment. Speaking Wcdnesd<.iy bcfort• the American Academ y of Forensic Medicine, Dr. Brown said, ··we've always had batter· ing husbands, but recently the number has risen because more men are out of work and at home." She said many men arc a nx· ious and frustrated over matters that normally would not bother them As a result. they havi> •• • low tolerance for a crying or mis- chievous child. · Statistics on child abuse are hard lo rind and often mislead. ing, Dr. Brown said. Many cases are not r eported and others are not cons id er ed s e rious enough lo bcC'alled child abuse. Dr. Bro"''" is a strong advocatt" of stale laws to require the re· portin.g or de rin1te or possible in· :-.ta n{·es of ('hilrl abuse. Such <a law went into cffcC't 111 ll11nois in 1965. She said that in. 1974 nearly 2,000 child abuso cases were re· ported in flllnois. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children are severely injured each year as a result of beatings Dr. Brown said tho death rate for children <t d milted to hos pitals after whippings i~ 10 percent and that the majority of dc<al hs are due tu s kull (racturt•i,, con· cussions. burns and inJurics to 111 · ternal organs. "A normal parent or custoch an will rush his child ror immediate aid; hoY.'Cver, the abusers, often. fearful o r their own consc· quences. \\'ait until they become truly frightened and until they have concocted tht•ir cxplana tions." Dr. Bro"·n says Most slates have n0\\1 :u1oplt•d n at1on eac es WomanBuys9 Rolls, Bentleys S1iapped Up LONO'ON (UPIJ Ooruthy Ebright or Carls bc.id , Ca li f., de cided she rather liked the look of that Rolls·Royce, so she told llenry Nathan : "I'll have that one. And that Ont'. And those two over the re, and ... " "She bought nine, just like thal," an awed Nathan said today. ''All in one hit. Bang. She practically bought me out.'' Nathan 's bonanza came \Vcdnesday when Mrs. J.:bright. a (ormer concert pianist. st1·0Jlcd into his Crickelwood showroom. She bought seven used Roll s and ty.·o Bentleys on the spot ;ind paid $92,000 cash. • · 1 £'a me over especially lo buy some c<lrs," 1\.1 rs. Ebright told the astonished dealer. ··1 s uppose it is a bit O\ c r\\'he lming if you think about it, but it is an inveslmt'nt I'm making. 1·m sure antiques and ca rs are ~o­ lng lo hold thei r value '' Ocea11 l'ie-rv Six School Board Hopefuls Profiled Voters in 1-luntin!,1.on Beach·s Ocean View School District ·1o11i ll pick two ne\v school trustl'f.'S March 4 from among 12 <:an- didales whose nam es ,,·ill <appear on the ballot. Information on half of lhc can- didate s appeared in \Vt•d · nesday 's Daily Pilot. J.~ollo\\'ing are profiles and vic\l,;s of the rl'· maining s ix. \ The experience Thomas J . Morgan, 32, brin~s to the trustee' race includes l'ight a nd a half ·years in administrative pos1t1ons with public agencies in Southern California, including three ye;.i r~ with public school districts. Pt1organ and his wife Deborah live at 16871 -B Cod Ci rcle. llunt- ington Beach. Jfe is a graduate of the University or Southern California School of Public AD · ministration. W h a t I s MORGAN your opinion or unification? Any final decision on unification musl come from the voters of the dis· trict. It would provide local con- trol of educational policy and might create more pride and con- cern for our schools . but at what cost? The average homeowner currently pays a bout 5750 yearly in school taxes . As a board member J would be against un· ification if it were s hown it \\'Ould increase laxes under current economic conditions. If elect ed, what would you do dirrerently in Ocean View school s? We h ave a new superin· lendenl who will provide new ·ideas. The board should help him tanl who h~is Jived in the coin rnunity for l!ight ye;;irs. Nelson holds <1 dt•grc£' 111 :,ot"iod \~·pJ fare . Jl is wif£'. Bonnie. is local and s late director of human re- J;itions for the American P o s t a I \\'orkers t:nion. They ha ve one son and liv e at MEL.SON 164 11 Jody Circle, Westminster. "'hat is your opinion or unifica- tion! I do not feel that we should consider unification at this time. J\.1y reasoning is that local areas have local problems in their respective dis tricts. Dive rsity can be a costly and di srupti\'e factor in today's inflationary educational marketplace . If elected, \\'hat \\'ould )'OU do dirferenl l)' in Ocean Vic\\' ·schools? r\o.I, ~'l ake a eonccn· trated £'ffc;rt lo utilize ;_dl a vail a· ble funding for educationa l needs. including special pro· grams. No. 2. Work with superin· tendent of public instruction on improveme nt of textbooks <in· (Sf'e DISTRICT Page A2 > NO 'S H USHI NG' AT LIBRARY Nobody's telling the kids to keep quiet at the Huntington Beach children's library, says librarian Marcia Donat. The young readers g igg lt• aloud, and laugh with delight as they read best-selling children's books at the · unconvention al library. See stories and photo on Page CS. Douglas Strike Mulled By PATTY BURNEIT ot lh• Daoly P1101 SI.Ill C111ted Auto \\'orkers at the l.ong Hcach plant of McDonnell Douglas arc expected to decide by Fr1d<1y evening \\'hether to ac· l'ept the con1pany's new contract offer or strike. If the decision is to strike, the 11 .000 n1embers will set up their first picket lines at 12 :01 a nl . ~londa y. They will join ~O rne 19,000 me1nbers of the Jnte rnalional 1\ssociat ion of !\1 achinists ( IAM J nationy.•id e including 1,500 in llunting:ton Beach -y.•have been striking since Feb. 10 fo r higher "''ages and ~ettcr benefiL'>. The UAJ/'s oV..t.aders hip hal chosen tq lake no stand on the lat est {'ompany prd}>osal. But the workers are he <1ring a different story from the IA.l\-1 g roup, \11ho believe a wid ened strike \vould brin ~ about a more fa \'or <a blC' conl r act Sl'lllemt'nt. IA!\·J mcm bt•rs passed out handbills \\'cdncsd<a y urging the Ll,.\\V to rei1.:ct the "'inferior com- pany offe r;. and join the strike. The company 's offer to the L"1\\\' calls for a 5.5 percent in- crease 1mmedi;.1tcly. with three percent more 1n each of the ~econd and third ycar·s of the thret'·:. car con tr <a et. Though t h os £' term s <are basically y.•hat the UAW and IA.l\-1 hav e :"iOU!!ht. IAM leader l.t·onard Loomis said the com· pany off er would deny "''orkers lh t' promised cost-of-living ad- JUStment of about three perC'ent for J anuary a nd that the fringe bt•nt•fit package wo.s ··poor.·• In another development t<x:lay. hoth the JAM a nd lhe cu1npany :1 grl•ed to continue court proceed- ing:-; prompted by ,·iolC'ncc early 1n the strike at the lluntingt.on Beach pl ant. 6 l'hc t\\·o sides y.·il\ apppar again before Superior Court Judge II. Walter Steiner in Santo. Ana f\.1 arch 7. The judge previou:-.ly issued a tt•n1porary r£•s training order lln11t1ng pickl'l1ng <.ictivitics in llunlington Beac h. 'J'he company al lh<1l timl::' "·as asking 5200.000 1n actual and puniti\'C d<1n1age!' against the un · ion , y.·hose me1nbers it charged \\·1th trespassin g. Reds Test Bon1h UPPSALA , Sweden (APJ -A 1 medium-s ized underground ex· plosion in the Soviet nuclear test- ing ~round in Siberia was re· gisterC'd by the :;:eismological sta- tion ~11 Upi;isala tod a:t1 imple m ent ideas which would : ·benefit the dis trict . .l\1y personal major concern is innation's im · pact on our school s and m y goal will be to work y;i th the district staff and the board to establish • programs which reduce the in1 · pact through lowering c~ls. l'o1tdol~ i11 2 Cities Needs Repairs The Huntington Beach Histor1l:al Society is asking the city for SS,000 to help repair the roof of the Newland house, one ·of the city 's oldest clwellings. The roof and other parts of the old home have been damaged by fire and vandalism. 1'he house, slated to become a city historical monument, is now su rrounded by a fence to protect it from furthe r van· datism. Valley Taking Over Street Light Work lly K1\TllY Cl.1\?'(')' 0 1 lh' Datty Pt lat ~1 .. 11 'l'ht.' J?ounta1n Valley City ('ounci l has decided to take over direct opcr<a tion or the c ity's strC'et lighting se rvice 1n an effort to a\·oi d a Sfi0.000 operating dc- f 1t:it next year. Councilmen h;1ve gi,·cn first reading to an ordinance dissolv · 1ng th e former street li ghting dis· trict operated by the city cind placing the service under direct city control. ·rhC' n1ovc ullows the city to continue a higher street light t;1 .x levy, permitted for one year only by the state Legislature this year. ft ;.1lso \\·ill le t the city con· tinuc Jevyin.(! ;1 l;_ix rate high enough to keep up \\"ith clcclric1- ty costs. \Vhich have soared more than 40 percl'nl in one year. said City Conlro l lt•r lfn\va rd Stephen:,. [\ut h(• pred1ttcd the ch.in ge \\-'ill have little e ffect on the <amou nt taxpayers s pend for street lights. \\.'1th the stnte's approved in· crease this year, the owner or a SS0,000 home paid about S34 for st r eet li ghts, Stephens said. Under the city's plan. ht• will spend about S35 next year. Before the state-allowed hik e, 1hc same homcO\\'ner paid about 523. Don E. Nelson, 43. is a food and bevera ge 11'.anagcment consul 19 Hydrants Uncapped City Attorney Tom Woodruff l'xplaincd that , '''ithout the operating change, the city "''ould ha\'e been 560,000 short of 1ht~ ~3.J0.000 necde(I to oper<1tC' strt•t'I lights next ycoir "The city could have hccn d<irk fo r tY.'O months .·· he said . ;dthou~h lhe city also could ha vt• made up the difference from the ~cneral operating fund . FREESHaJS AT SCHOOL The Orange County llealth Department immunization clinic at McDowell School in Fountain Valley will remain open until B o'clock tonight. Students, pres choolers, parents and others may be immunized against . dlphtherio, tct .. nuJJ. whopplnfi cough, polio. measles, mumpS andru~Ua at no char~. McDowell School is located al 17210 Oak Street.· l Vandal s uncapped 19 fire hydrants in Huntington Dench •and Fountain Valley early thi s . morning. unleashing more thun '400,000 gallons of water into city streets. Spokesmen for the l\\'O c·ilics sa.id there was no major property , damage, but the open hydr<int s kept a man and one riJ: hu:-.y in each city for at least an hour. Former Fountain Valley <.:oun cilman J oe Courrestt>S pos!3ihly Y.'38 the hardest hit property owner, rtremen said . Water cov- ered one-fourth of his vegetable field on Ellis A vt•nue 31 N£•wland Street. Capt. Dick Feuerstein, of the Fountain Va lley department. •said 13 hydrants were opened in ·his city between 3 :30 a .m . ~nd 6 a .m . 1'he vandal~ struck hydrant5 i.n scattered parts or the city, open- in~ four 1nC'h va lves wbtch spcy.·c~ "·ater out at I.he rate of 2.500 f(allon s pe r minute. 1-·euerstein sald the v3rious hydrants "·c:r(: opqn from five lo fifteen minutes before they were noticed. All of the w~ter sh,ol \lllo 's tre'et gutters, thouah in some ra•<s It •pilled Into-)'~. he ) said. Capt. Ro~er llnsmer said a . half dozen hydrants were opened ·in lfuntingt on Beach. near Beach Boulevard n nd Indi a napolis Avenue, ::ibout 4 a .m . Jjolh, cept{lins said U1c7 ha\•e oo idea who opened the hydrttnts-. Feucrsttin Sni d 1he van(}tils hud to ust· a· special hy(lrunt wrench which mi~hl h'nv~ ,been steti1en from a cton strucUo.n.Joh. ' ' The cos I to the t "·o cfij"' of th•• water lost was probably under $150, ~ public work$" Offjolal 1 estiplatcd. Cou ncilm a n AL Holl ind c n asked that the city stafr find ways lo c ut the electricity costs, Foru1n Set Friday The Sol Vista 1-lomeowners As sociatlon will 1irovide ii rorun1 Friday for candid a tes for trustee In the l·lunt1ngton Beach Union t-ligh School 1)istrict . The group hiiiS 1n\•1t cd tllc· 10 s chool board candidates to s 1~11.k al 8 p.m. in the l\furdy P:irk Community ()enter. on Golden Wt.'Sl Street just north or Warner A\1 ~nu~. t provisions calling for detail£.'CI re- . ports of child abuse cas es. But Dr. Brown said it is difficult lo prosecute ch ild ahuscrs . · Evidence is hard to obtain. "Abusive acts art· u:-.ually 111 nietcd Y.'ithin lht• pr1vacy of the hon1e "''here they are {'1lhcr un observed or \Vitncsst'<.I only lly ;1 spou~c y.·ho h;_1 s a lt·gal right 1t1 rcfu:-.c to ll•Sl1fy against !ht' abus 1ng n1 ;_1te." Dr l\roy.·n s a1d . • Output Plunges By 9.1 o/o WASHINGTON <U Pl1 Prices increased at a record 1-t.4 percent annual rate in the finul three m onths of 1974 whi le the Gross National Product fell 9. l percent. the Con1merce De part· n1ent said to<lay. 'fhe govl'rnmcnt reported that infl at ion y.·as "'o r se than 01·iginally estim ated O\"er the last FORD GAS PLAN SOCKS MOTORISTS. Page A4 three months of 1974, but the total output oC the economy remained unchanged. 'fhc t otal output uf goods and services, or Gross National Product, showed a drop of 9.1 percent at an annual rate afte r • adjustment for innation during the three-month period. the Com- merce Department said. The figure was unchanged from last month 's es Lim<ate, bul "'as still the sh;.irpest quarterly drop since 1958. Measured quarter· to qu.irter over the entire year it was also s till a 5 .5 perce nt drop. the s harpest decline in any recession since the Depression. Commerce revised its estimate of the dollar value of Gross Na- tional Product for the year $600 million upward from last month's estimate to Sl ,397.3 billion for the entire year. But at the snme time, Com- merce revised upward the inna. lion rate. y.·hich had origin21ly been estimated al J0.2 percent. The new estimate set the infla- tion rate at 10 .3 percent over lhe ,year and thus accounted for the dolla r va lue increase in Gros~ National Product. .R It was because inflation sapped those dollars of their value that the so·called real Gross Nation<a l Product declined despite a hi E:h dollar \'Olume of output. The worst of the inn ation hit in the final Lhree months ur the year. Originally Comm£'rce estimated th a t quarterly in· crease at an annual rate of 13 .7 percent. New information caused the department to change that rate to 14.4 percent. Prior to last year. the fierces t innation over any three-month period measured by Gross Na· tional Product statistics had , been a 13 percent annual ratt· jump, the first three months of 1951. (.'oasl ~. \\'t•;1•hc•r r'artly ('\oudy today bccom· in¢ fair tonight and fo'riday. ,\ little \\'arm er i'"r iday '\vilh h1,::hs in thC' mid-60s. Loy.·s tonight 40 to 47 . I :"\SI DE TODA .... Three boys lighted an elder· ly man 's mattress on ftre and threatened to burn him aUw unless his wife turned over their money and valuables.. Stqry, Page A4. . .... .,,. At 'fwr !-lr'li<• Al Etm.t llol'l'llle<I• BJ L..M.&o,11 86 C•llf9rn!• Ai Cl•it!llH CJ•l l (Oll'lt(i 84 Cniuworll 84 Dt•lh .. I!(•• ... E••ter~I P•" A• E111•rtal-11I 8~ FiM11(• 1116·1 Hlot'fU(otllf C1 lflttf""l''iofl Si A .... ~~·· •• -~1,, 8, Mwt'""'I F1111ds 8• f"•llOMI .... ""' .... <;4 0r~ .... c-.i1r ••• . '"""°'" • l.J Sylvi" ~er aJ ~, Cl·J Slo<ll. IMrtlMI ... , T~vl~ IU -.. -· .. .......... ""·'' • ' • • A .2 DAILY PILOT H/F Tfluttdax.F!b!u!ry3'J.117S· E',.....r,...Al· OCEAN VIEW ••• > dudini ev.luatiOfl of ethnk and I !be elenienlary;Jnd hlah ~ sex role 1tereotypint). No. 3, Im· curr1culuQ:1, Ialtlal cost im· provement of the school lunch plementatlon would reqolre t t' program based on quality and significant tax rate~ to nutritive vulues as wcll as cost in I aJJ distdcls involved.:. a bidding process. I tr elected. wlliat would you do Charles ''Chuck'' (!sterlu.nd,, dlrterently Jn Oeeaa. \'Jew 40, is a health educator lll the Los : schools? I would strive to im· Angeles City School District. Jn _ prove the reading program so his work he has served as cur· · that this disll'"ict might rise to the riculum advisor ln math, health level or accomplishment expect- education, remedial reading, ed for its socio.economic class. I JJ15ycho-molor development and wouJd endorse efforts already remedial orthopedic instruction. started for a closer relation with ln addition to that expertise, he high schools to enable monitor- ts a progro.m ing s trengths and weaknesses of advisor for a Ocean View graduates. mental health Marilyn Roberts, 39, of 81S2 and dru g Blaylock Place, J-tuntington abuse preven-Beach, is a former school tion center teacher. She has taught in .:ind is active Chicago, Phoenix and Long i n 1 i t t J e Beach, and has worked as a league, youth parent helper at Lake View athletics and .School. Boy Scouts. She holds a masters degree. Osterlund osTERLUHD She and her husband, Keith, a Uves at 5902 Nordin a Drive, Hun-. dean at Long Beach City College, tington Beach. His wife, Connie, h ave t w o •-- has worked as a teachers aide. children. Sons Don and Cayse attend \\'hat is Ocean View schools. your opinion WhatJsyouroplniooofunifica· of unifica · tion? Unification is complicated. tlon? I favor · Unification along city lines would uni f i cation be best for tax purposes but we because it would lose three schools (West-makes possi- moot, Star View and Vistil View> hie a degree and gain declining enrollment -0f teaching schools from Westminster. specialization 11to111:11tTs Unification a long present unknown in the smaller districts. elementary district lines \lo'ould Jn the reorganization of school leave Ocean View with a poor tax districts a taxpayer very seldom base. The voters will have to de· gets the same education for less cide if they want the tax increase money; he usually gets a better that will go along with unifica-education for approximately the lion. Unification along existing samemoney. high school district lines appears · If we establish a unified dis- unattainable.: trict we: cannot necessarily as· tr ele~led. what would you do sure an improved educational ·differently in Ocean View program, but we can, with a schools? We must evaiuate exist. larger, more adequate ad- ing programs, including those ministrative unit, provide the that involve extensive busing, to means for improving our educa- see if they are economically and tional program and for more effi- educationally sound. Develop cient school operation. We will early screening for learning dif· therefore, more wisely, bespend- ficulties )n all schools to avoid ingour taxpayer money. · failure patterns and costly re· If elected, what would you do medial programs. difrerenlly In Ocean View Initiate plans with the high schools? As a new s"'chool board school district to develop three member, rather than doing special junior high schools on ex-things differently, I would try to ·isling declining enrollment cam-follow the creed made possible puses. This would improve the through the courtesy of Phi Delta existing seventh and eighth Kappa; J will listen. I will r~· grade programs and relieve cognize the integrity of my pre- crowding in the high schools. decessors and associates and the Julio ''Jay•• Rivera, 45, has . merits of their work. I will be served in volunteer or parent motivated only by a desire to posts in both Ocean View and serve the children of my com· Huntington Beach Union High munily ... I will work through School Districts. the administrative employes of High school trustees appointed the board -not over or around him lo l he them. , .I will not play politics. 1 · board of gov-will attempt to inform myself on emors of the the proper duties and functioru; of Coastline aschoolboardmember. Regional Oc· Lalkle Sperling, 40, is a public cupational health nurse who has directed Program, and her energies in recent years to a he is past local Parent Teacher Organiza· chairman or tion .. the Marina She and her husband, surgeon High School M a I c o 1 m f "' ' "' Community .Sperling, live f Council. RIVERA a t 1 6 3 3 He has participated in ac-Normandy tivities of the Parent Teacher Lane. Hunt- Organization at Spring ·view ington Beach. School for nine years. They have An engineer for McDonnell four children, Douglas, Rivera and his Vo'ife, ·ages 5 to ll. Patricia, live at 1609'l Gold Cir· They have cle, Huntington Beach. They lived in the have three children. community 10 Rivera holds degrees in both ;years. s1t1E11tLING electrical and mechanical Whatlsyouroplnlonoruninca- engineering. tion? If a proposed plan for un· What 15 your opinion of unifica-ification would be advantageous tlon? For Ocean View, unifica· to the Ocean View School Dis- tion would be economic disaster triet, I would strongly support it. unless another high school js If elected, what wouJd you do built within its boundaries. differently in Ocean View Educationally, it can offer schools? If elected, I would re- somewhat better correlation of direct more funds into a stronger Bus Hits Truck basic educational program in the lo\.\•er grades. J would also strive to increase community input into board decisions with regard to in· _dividual school programs. B11mper Power Another message, this one in the parking lot of UC Irvine directs that you think about the situation of the American In- dian. Could the owner of the Oklahoma license plate be of Cherokee descent, a mighty tribe pushed from southeastern U.S. to the Oklahoma territory-before oil had been found there. Mazda Guard Held In $40,000 Arson A security guard who had been which occurred on his second day hired one day before a $40,000 fire on the job any further, according devastated the once· intended to Detective Stoneback. American headquarters of Damage to the unoccupied ~":pan 's Mazda Motors, Inc., is in plant at 2100 S.E. Main St., in the Jail ~~ay on an arson charge. • . Jr\'ine Indus trial Complex could W1ll1am R. Holsclaw~ 19, of have reached $4 million had it 12512 Kathy Lane, Garden ' Grove is held in lieu of $25 ooo not been spotted early by a bail Pending arraignment' in motorist on the adjacent San Harbor.Judicial District Court. l)1ego Freeway, according to Irvine Detective John · firemen. ,Stoneback said today that The witness noticed flames Holsclaw was arrested at his flickering inside the steel and home Wednesday night following concrete structure' and pulled off a period of questioning by himself and Orange County Fire Department Battalion Chief Cliff Chapman. The suspect reportedly refused to discuss the Sunday night fire the freeway lo notify firemen about 4 a .m. Sunday. Initial reports said the loss was $40,000, but then throogh a mis- understanding or the breakdown or·the arson-set fire in the finan- cially !roubled Mazda motor car empire's U.S. headquarters it was doubled to $80,000Tuesday. Fire Scorches Beach School A small £ire destroyed $300 worth or books and n1aLerials and caused $2,000 in smoke damage to a classroom at Crest View School in lluntington Beach, Wednesday night. Fire Capt. Ro~er 1-losmer said somebody. probably juveniles, broke the windows in classroon1 9, entered and apparently lit the fire next to some wood cabinets, about9:30p.m . J.le said it took firemen about LO minutes to control the fire, which was confined t(l the one classroom. Teachers' Strike DOVER. Del. !UPIJ Delaware's largest teachers' un- ion, dcfy in~ a court order and promising Lo les t the state's no· strike la"·. led n1en1bc'rs into the third d;;iy of a \Valkout that has crippled the 131,000-s tudent school systcn1 . Coastal Panel 'Biased' A developer accused mem· 'be rs of ihc Coastal Zone Conser.vation Commission of "bias and prejudice•t Wed,nesday and demanded that the agency's rejection of his 1>lans to construct two apartment buildings in l·lu~t ­ . ington Beach be declared 111 - valid. Lowell D. Zehnder claims in the Orange County Superior Court action filed for his L .D. Zehnder Company thut com- mission members acted illegally Dec. 18 when th,ey voted to reject the approval that had alread:,. been given his plans by the South Coast Regional Commission. l-lis lawyers will ask the court to allow him to proceed with con- struction of l\\'O, four-unit apart- ment hou ses in the "To\vn Lot'' area of 1-luntington llc<.ich. Zehnder claims that com- mission men1bcrs met secretly during the Dec. 18 heariJ1g:. Preview Set For Art Unit A preview party, benefiting the Allied Art League or Huntington Beach, will lake place Friday evening <tl Barker Brolhers in .1-luntington Be.ich. · Champagne and hor s d'oeuvrcs will be served at the event which offers an eaily look at the remodeled hon1e furnishings store. Jhe 55,000 square foot store in IJuntington Center re-opens to the public Saturday. The store has created model rooms with 200 ~cttings and decorating vignettes from Jacobean and Louis XVI to Oriental and contemporary periods. One Hundred Years or Doll ('olleet ing, an t' x hilfit of dolls and doll making, ...,·ill be presen ted al both the preview Friday and the re.opening Saturday. Harbolll" Man Held on ms Bribe Charge Clavis·brown Close out Sale on From Wire Services A Huntington Harbour resident with former business interests in Pennsylvania was indicted Wed~ nesday by a federal grand jury in Jenkintown, Pa., on charges or bribing an Internal Hevenue Service agent. George Henry Hurst Jr. 16491 Harbour Lane, allegedly paid SS,000 in December and con- spired with his acco\Jntant to bribe an IRS agent with a total of $15,000, the grand jury said . The jury returned indictments against both Hurst and the ac- countant, Morris Segal of Jenkin- town, for bribery and con- spiracy. They will face arraign- ment in a PhiladelJ)hia federal court in about two weeks. The two men are accused of seeking to persuade the agent to reduce Hurst's taxes from $90,000 ·to $10,000 in connection with an audit of 1972 tax returns or 1-lurst Performance Ink of Warminster, Pa. If convicted Hurs( could be sentenced up to 20 years in prison ~tnd fined $3,000. Segal. who is charged with making the allt:ged payoff for Hurst, could face a maximum 35-year prison term iind a SS,000 fine. 1-lurst and his wife, Llla, lived iri Huntington Valley, Pa., before ~oming lo Huntington Beach. . Our new line of Maytags is on the way! We must move out all discontinued models NOW! Hurry and Save. Buy in the crate or we'll deliver. Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher BALTIMORE (AP> -A city school bus carrying 15 mentally handicapped students collided with a fire truck responding to a false alarm today, causing minor injuries to 20 persons, authorities said. Court Date Slated ORANGE COAST "" DAILY PILOT TMOt-C.0.•I D•ll, Piiot, •••11~ ..... Cf>hcon- lblnMll Ill<' N~•" P••>'. '' publlll)od Dy 11.._0<_ (A.HI Pu1>10 ,non9 (pn•P•"• s...,.,., .. tl'O<IHior>o ••• pubh1'><-d MO..a., tn•OY!lh F•IO.y '"'" CMI• ,...,.._, hle•pc>rl fl•.t<h. Nunllr>Qlan De•chff'.,_ l•I" Y•llt•, l•v1ne. S,1ddleb.tc~ V•llty •"" ~ De..:h,<;.),.lh Ci>•>I. A olnel• r~I .. lllM k putt•••""" S.l~•<l•l'' -!.wd• .... The ... i<>tlp.11 pu1>11~non9 pl .. nt h M :KIO W..ol S..l' S!r•I. (;01~ "'-' .... C..fi!orn•• '176i... Robert N. Weed P•••IOfnl ..... Pul>lhMr .Jack R. Curley Vt(I Pl"t\•O."t •"" &tnt< .. ,...,,. • .,,.... Thomas k'.eevi1 Thomas A Murph1ne M.ln•o•nQ E"'tor Charle!t H LOO"> Richard P. Nall Terry Coville """" 0••"~ Cauf>ly (<;lo! ... Oth•r Offices U-IM•<~, 1116C.-r•~M-l ~Yo,.,,.,... Ull -~I a.r !.l•MI ... _. 8ooKh JUJ ,....,_, ...... ,..,d »<lclltDK• VetJ•r tUOl l• P•r Jto.od •IS.n Q,.911 Ftff•,,.r Te-l•phOM (71-4) 642 .. 321 ClassUltd Advertising 642·5671 """""-" OP..,<,ie °'""'r eon-,...1"'\ M0·1220 In Newsrack Theft A Costa Mesa man is facing a Feb. 27 court arraignment in con· nection with what police allege is a statewide newspaper rack theft ring put together by an uruden- tified mastermind. George W. Lockhart, 23, of 256 E. 19th St., was arrested Sunday and booked on suspicion or petty theft following a stakeout or news racks at 2300 Jlarbor Blvd., in Costa Mesa's Jtarbor Shopping Centerr A companion, 25, of Baldwin Park, also was arrested and booked at the time but later re· leased on grounds of insufficient evidence to implicate him in the series or coin thefts. Detective Tom Boylan said in · formation provided to police 'points to a key man asserted.I)' behind a series of such thens, ranging throughout Ca lifornia. "He makes a pretty good Uving a l it," Detective Boylan charged adding that ~ll efforts to obtain a name on his base or operation have been futile. Investigators said they have 25 crime reports regardin g 11ewspaper rack break·ln!J in · valving the Daily Pilot and other. publications and Information about more than SO auch Lhef\.s lo date. , I "They probably hit 100 to 200 around here," Detective Boyland added. '·seventeenth Street was probably the hardest hit, but they were all over town." He said the loss in several re· ports ranged from $70 to $100 while many more were lower, in the SS to 510 range . Investigators .said the :.illegcd mastermind of the theft opera- tion is apparently a transient who rarely stays long in one place. Lockhart and his companion later released without further <"harges anticipated were arrest· ed Sunday ni ght following a stakeout. Detective Boylan said newspaper rack theft losses amount to several hundred dollars lo date and apparently less than half have even been re- ported lo pol i cc. Suspects involved reportedly had no keys but were simply ta\lght to pick the locks or an older model rack which is being replaced by newer ones. Lockhart is scheduled to be tir- raigncd in ltarbor Judicial Dis-- trict Court Feb. 27 but is curr~nl· ly free on $250 bail on the misde· meanor charge. ( •Permanent press and regular tabnc cyclP.s • 3 Water level se111ngs • 3 W.J1er temperature scrtings •Zinc coaled steel cabinet with tough acrvtic.enamet l1n1sh •Family s1zf! procelain enamel tub with Power fjn Agil;Uor • Al1ractive brushed ni('!:il r1im While they ras1 \ ( s1999s • Full Sile llPP<"I and IOWf'f hl')h vP.loc1r y sp1ay arms olu~ center oost sp,ay ... 3 level scrubbing ellm1na1es Pf"0·flns1nq • UnlQuc 1ackong-d1shes and silverware on top • Micro-Mesh tiller ~~urry and Save I ' N< w. ho eh I Cit le~ po all ] ht . d< A J ~ Ja I~ G b; I( SI H h< a hi j ' F l t k 0 f I It i \ I ' I ' • . ·' ,,. .... . .... -_,' . -• Orange Coast . EDITION • Today's Closing ~ N.Y. Stocks OL. 68, NO. 51, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOR NIA THURSOAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 N TEN CENTS Parents Reject School Tax Election By HILARY KAYE 0t UM D•llY ~1111 SU.ff 1\ citizens committee told Newport-Mesa school trustees \Vednesday it 1s flatly opposed to holding a new revenue-raising election in May. However, the Sl'hool di strict 's Citizens Budget Committee did leave open the possibjlity of sup- porting a November election - after trustees have cut about $2.l million from the 1975-76 district budget. Trustees called Wednesday's !:peeial study session Lo gather ideas abo.ut how to cope with the current financial dilemma in th<.' district. Generally parents rejected the idea of a new election but teachers supported lhe override proposal. Trustees now ha\•e a wt:ek l mull ovt.•r the suggestions beCore deciding v.1hether or not to call the ~1ay 27 election. They declined to l'Ommenl Wednesd<.iy on what their decision might be. l called, the new election w uld follow the Nov. 4 defeat Proposil1on Z , a measure that •ould have raised the tax rate by 54.cents per SlOO assessed valua- tion valuation. It would have added an extra $4 million to dis- trict coffers. While no figure has been"'dis· cussed, a new election ~·ould pro· bably call for a similar tax hike. Leroy Studer. representing the board-appointed Citizens Budget Committee, told trustees that parents. on the whole. do not favor a new tax override elec· lion. .. We want the district to work more efficiently with less money, without harnl1ng 1J.is11· L•ducu tion, ··Studer s<11d "When ynu "\•c donl· .'our duly to your ('Onst1tucnt~. then comL· back to us and \\ e'll ~l'l' Hhunl support in~ a tax ovcrr1dl·," Studer told thl' bo.ird. I-le said that suppo1·t for a Nov ember election, \\"hich \\'Ould br· ing funds for the 1976·77 school year. remain s a ··s trong possibility." n n eac es Guard A1·1·ested In Mazda Fire A security guard who had been hired one day before a S10.000 fire . devastated the once-intended American headquarters Of Jc1pan's Mazda Motors. Inc., is in jail today on <in arson charge. \Villiam R . liol s<"l~1\\'. 19. of 12512 Kathy Lane . Garde n GrovC', is held in lic·u of ~5.000 bail pending urr~1ignmcnt in 11:.irbor Judicial Di stric·t Court Irvine DctL•ctivc John Stoneback said today that Holsclaw was arrested at his home Wednesday night follo"·in~ a period of ques tioning b) himself and Or:.in~c· c;ounty Fire Pat Nixo1i 'Appalled' At Tapes NEW YORK ~1\l'1 l\lrs. Richard 1\1 . Nixon \.••as convinced that 11.R. tlaldeman did many thin gs without her husband's kno\.\·ledge, including the lapin~ of presidential c:onversations about Watergotl'. according to a friend quotert by the Ladies' Home Journal. The former 1''irst Lady \\'<JS ''appalled'' v.·hen she learned 1 how deeply \V alt:rgate reached into the White llouse. the friend ~·as quoted as saying in the magazine's March issue. ''She couldn 't believe the stupidity involved . She said the tapes shou ld never have> been used in tht:.• first pl;ttl' it"s somcthin~ you JU~t don 't do,·· s aid the Cricnd . \Vho asked to rL·- main anonymous. Saying that Mrs. N1xo1' bl:.imcfl llaldeman. former \Vh1tc !louse chief of staff, for the taping~. the friend C'ontinued : "They wercn 't the bes t of friends·. She was convinced that Haldeman did many things "'·ithout the f're sident's ever knowing -and this was just another. She never sa\Y Haldeman again after the busi- ness of the tapes.'' "'ritten by Kandy Stroud. the article also said other friends de- 'nied reports that l\.1rs. Nixon had become a recluse . It said lhat although. s he rarely leaves S;in Clemente. there are exceptio\1s. ··Disguised in a dark wig,_she made one Christmas shopping trip to Los /\nl!elt•s \Vilh her 'friend Jl clcne nro\\"n, and. at a Christmas pi.lrt.v , s ipped ehan1· pagne ,,·ith local volunteers who help ""ilh thl' mai1 .·· lhf' magazine report eel I Slwll Out For Meters The orficial winter parkin~ meter season in Newport Beach will end 1-1 arch l nnd the areas where the devices have been s hut off will be bun· gry for coins once ~\gain . Police announced the change today. stressing that citations will be is~ued after thut date throughout the city. The change will affect meters prin1ai'ily In the cen· tral Balbou and McFadden areas of the peninsula, of- ficers said. They had been shutdown since lastOct.15. Department Battalion Chief Cliff Chapman . The suspect reportedly refused to discuss the Sunday night rire which occurred on his second day on the job any further, a:cording to Detective Stoneback. Damage to the unoc.•cupil·d plant ::it 2100 S .E. J\.1:.un St., in th e · Irvine Industrial Complex could ha\·c reached 54 milhon, had il trot been spotted earl y by a motorist on the adjact'nl S;1n Diego Freeway, according to firemen The witness noticed rlame:. nickering inside the steel and L·oncrete structure and pulled ofr the freeway to notify fire mt:n <Jbout4 a .m . Sunday. Initial reports said the loss ~'as $40,000, but then through a mis- understandio~ of the brc<.ikdown of the arson-"Scl fire in the finan- cially ~roubl ed ·~1 a·zda motor car empire's U .S. headquarters 1t "·as doubled to SB0.000 ·rucsday The police report riled by lrvine Police Officer l)ouglus Stoermer said the loss included 525.000 to the structure itself and 515.000 in content~ belonging to the firm and individuals. Orange County Fire Depurt· ment spoke$man originally sue· gested the blaze could be blamed on an electrical shQrt. then re- vised that evaluation to say the fit;e "'as suspicious in origin. A spokesman for the Don Koll Construction Company which built the Mazda facility , general manager Stan Brockhoff, sharp· ly contradicted the electrical problem theory Wednesday. He said release or such in- formation implied some degree or complicity or r esponsibility on the part of the builders in the $40,000 fire that damuged '' bu.ild- ing they <ire tryin~ to sell. now that Mazda !\lot ors \\"ill n(•\·cr oc- CUP)' it. ·'That is entirely and totally er· ronen"Js." Brockhoff said of any t•lect ric a I fa i I u re c.·ontr1 bu ti n_g to the fire. "In any building of this size you always have electrical (See MAZDA, Page A2l Boat Builder Ray Marsl1all Dead at 80 Long.time Newport Beac h , yacht broker and boat builder · Ray !\1arshall died Tuesday af; ternoon at his Balboa Island home a fter a lengthy illness. lie was 80. 1\'lr. !\·far::.h:dt. \1'ho firsl sctlll'd in the l-larbor Area in the early 1930s, served as president of the old Victory Shipbuildin~ Corporation during the \Vorld War 11 era . The firm. v.·hich once occupied the Coast I Lip:hway s ite v.·here Ros an now exist:., built vessels for the Navy. After the v.·ar he helped fOrn\ the Seaport Company, which pro- duced lofollywood cruisers. Mr. Marshall wa8 among the first members of the 8ttlboa Bay Club and had been a rnember of the Shark Island Yacht Club. The resident or 1201 N. Bay Front retired recently from nc- tive work a s head of Ov,.·c 11 ~ Pacific-Yacht brokera~c 1·1e le::lves a s ister. l.0111 ~j · Marshall of Glendulc, a ncph1•\1• and 16cousinR. Services will u~ conduc tc.-d al 11 a.m. Saturday at Pacific View Memorial Park Chapel, Newport t Beach, rol1owed by commlll.81 in the memorial park. • _, B11111per Power O•nly Pilot Sl~tl PllOIO Another message, this one in Lhc. parking lot of UC Irvine directs that you think about the situation of the American In- dian. Could the owner of the Oklahoma license plate be of Cherokee descent, a mighty tribe pushed from southeastern U.S. to the Oklahoma territory-berore oil had been found there. •• -". ' NewJ)ort Planners Reduce Strip Need '.\l'V;port f~ei:!Ch ("i\y planners ha\'t' p a red dov1n the amount or ~trip lhe y believe would be needed for Coast I ligh1,1•ay widen- ing along the burned·out block of ~lariner ·s l\11le. l 'o n1munity Development Director Richard Jlogan told a breakfast meeting of a Chamber of Commerce committe~ Wed· nesday that the original estimate of a 24-fool·deep frontage has been scaled down to a dozen, and th<1t drcv.· a favorable response from th e> co·ov.·ner of the de- \";.1:-;t ated block. \.'J ncent .Jorgensen, appearing to rli scuss his rebuilding plans. lnld the 1\-lnrine f)ivision of the C'h:imber that if 1he <"ily needed :!-l feet of the !ronlag{' betn·ccn Tu :-;tin i\vcnuc Lind Hivcrs ide l}ri\'('. hi!'i pl"OJC ('{ \\"OU!d be kill ed. 1'hc s ubject of widening or the h1 ghv.·ay -and the amount of r1 ght ·of-w.ay needed ror the pro· Jcct "·ill be one ingredient in tonight's pl<inning commission hearings on traffic needs along several s ections or the state thoroug hfare. The commission al re tidy has agreed in princ iple to try it s best to hast e n cit.\' approvals for an 3 Escape ·Jail S:\:\''rA !\!ARI,\ <~\P l 1'hrec n)Cll <J\\':.titing trial escaJ>ed frr.im the Santa l\1ar1a station or the Santa Barbura County Jail Wed· nesctay night through a boorded· up construction s ilt' 'appropriate rebuilding of the block which once contqincd the hub or Newport's marine-service business. The Cite early last month ra-;r.Ctl lhe entire section and caused S2 million in damage. Jorgensen ·s aid Wednesday that current plans call for 30,000 square feet or new onc·storv buildings on the block -2,00o feet less than the former build- ing. The parking area for the new complex would have room for 120 cars. CSeeSTRIP. PageA2J Killer Cluld Under Study CllICAGO <AP I -The dread · ful phenomenom of children murdering other children is much mor e c ommon than generally believed, a New York medical examiner contends. Dr. Lowell J . Levine said in a s peech Wednesday at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences that juctges . doctors and other professionals remain .. absolute· ly incredulous at the idea that children murder other children." But . he said. ··from our ex - perience 1,vc n1u st beheve it is O<"· currinJ! much more frequently than is being recogni7.ed. ·· In l\""C\V \"ork City, he sciid . about 10 percent of the battered child murder virtims proved to be the vi ctims of older children WomanBuys9 Rolls, Beruleys S1iapped Up !_.ONDO~ (U PI ) -Dorothy Ebright of Carlsbad. Cali£., dC· cided she rather liked the look or that llolls-Royee. so she told li(•nrv Nalhan : .:I 'll have that one. And that one. And lhPSe two over there, and. , . " ''She bO\&ght nine. just likethnt." an awed Nathan said toda)'. ··All 111 one hit. Ba ng. She practically bought me out.'' Nathan·s bonanza came Wednesday when Mrs. Ebright. a for·mf r ronl"'e,tL pianist. sfrolle<I lnlo hJs1 C~ickelwood Sho\'1toom. She b(1ught s e ven usl>d Rolls a'nd two Bc~tleys on the spot -and pa1cl $92,000 ca·sh. ·' "l cum ii 01,·cr especially to buy son1 e cars," Mrs. Ebright told thea~onished..dcaler. ... _ ''l i;uppose lt is a>.!toverwhelrtuflg it~ou lhi~K about.it, but it h; an investment l 'm;tak.ip,g. I'm sure antiquos. and cars a~ so· Ing to hold their V'aluo. • , ' ,. . _, " I r .I Newport Hit I 11 Burglaries At R eside11ces !'\e\\'port Beach police hav(' re · ported a ne\\· s urge in major burglaries through the early part or the week and in several cases. large losses ""ere reported. Among the burglaries reported to detectives Tuesday and \\lcd- nesday were: -The cleanout of the residence or pool contractor John Elbert Perry, 45 , at 21R 1:.t Balboa Boulevard. lie returned home late Tuesday after a five.day job to rind his home stripped of S4 ,493 \VOrth of furnis hings, appliance:-; and other valuables. Burg\<.irs entered thl' unlocked rcsid('ncc by unknO\\"n n1 cans . office rs said. The loss of an expensive sap- phire and pJ;itinum bracelet and gold \Vat ch. all valued at S2 ,100. from the home of !\1rs . Barbara 1-11'.'s ik . She returned late 1'uesday from a golf game and discovered the item ~ mi ss ing from a bedroom dra\\'Cr. -The ransacking: of the home of retiree Er\11in Sch"•aer . 78, at 1800 Trade \\linds Lane. lie re- ported the loss late Tuesday art er a "'·cekend absence. Oetectivt'S said someone prie d ope n a locked sliding.glass dnnr and looted the hon)e of s ound t•quipmc nt . cameras. j c:\1·~lry and ~a,·in i.:~ acrount boo k ~ '!'ht• to~~ \\ _. .. S2.834. thcy s aid The thC'ft of sound l'qutp1nl·n1 and a val'Uun1 cil'<lllL'r f1·11n1 lhe home of tcnehl'r Kare n \,('., 'r'~1e~er. 27 . ;1\ 5121 :• f·'crnll-;d 1\ve , Corona dcl l\la1· Shl· 1'1..' port ed the loss l;1t c ·ruc:-;d :.1 ~ Police said the thie f pried open <• door to ~ain c nlry Vocal Scholarsh.i p Contest Announced Newport llarbor 1-ligh School"s sixth annual vocal scholarship concert will begin at 8 p.m . F'r1 day in the school auditorium It "'ill feature performance:-by the Chantelles. the Newport ll;:1rhor Chorelle and the Girls' Chorus. The Chnntelles. a group of 12 s ingers, "'ill perforn1 number~ rilnlJing from popular to classical. Nancee Gray is their featured soprano soloist <tnd lhl· recipient of '"the 1974•75 Vot1tl Scholarship Award and PatriCia Cobb and Monica Oldmen are the con tr '1 Ito sol ls ts In reco1n 1111..•nd tn).i .ig~un:-.t the t•lect1011 . Stl1dL•r offl·rcd " µrn posal from t hl· (·or nnlltll't.' for L'lllt1n~ :d 1nt1:-l :S:! I n11 l1Lo11 f1·0111 thl' bud gel 1'he biggt•:-t <'U\..., \1 1•1't:.' pl'O IXl:->l'd for the lolln \\ 111g area~ O p c 1·a t io11..., a rid 1n~1111 tenanCl'. building .. ;ind g1·o unds 1n)prove mL'nts. ~ 11 ~.1KMl School f:t<'1ilt1 1..· ... S.t00,000 , (See F.LECTJ(l!\'., l'agt• Ali • Output 1 Plunges By 9.1 % \\IASl-llNG1'0N <llPl1 - !",rices incre;.i sed ~ll i.l record 1~.4 percent annµal rate in the final lhree months of 1U74 \vhile the {~ross National Produtt fell 9.1 pt.•rcent. the Comml'l'l'P Dcparl. n1ent said tod:.iy 'l'he govC"rnm enl reported Iha! inflation \\'a s \\"O r sc than ori g1n<11/y L'Stirr1 :1tt>d O\'l 01· the la!St FORD GAS PLAN SOCKS MOTORISTS. Page A4 three months of 1974, but the total output of the economy ren1ained unchanged_ The total output of goods and services, or Gross National Product, showed a drop of 9.1 percent at an annual rate after adjustment for inflation during the three-month period, the Com-- merce Department said. The figure was unchanged from last month •s estimate. but was still the shurpest quarterly drop sine(' 1958. ~1easured quarter to quart.er· over the entire year it \\'i.IS also still a 5.5 percent drop, the sharpest decline in any rcc:es:.ion since the Depression. ' Commerce r evis ed it~ estim<1.te of the dollar value of Gross Na· tional Product for the year S600 million upward from la s t month "s e s timate to Sl ,3 97 .J billion for the entire year. But at the same tin1e . Com- _merce revised up"'ard the infla- tion rate. which had 01;ginally been estimated at 10.2 percent. The new e stimate set the infla- tion rate at J0.3 percent over the 1year and thus accounted for the dollar value increase in Gross National Product. (See ECONOJ\I ''· Page Ali DOW RECORD~ ANOTHER PLU~ NE\V YORK !l'Pl 1 'l'he s tock n1arket , uvt:.•rl'o rnln g eorlier profit tak1n ~. c losed hi gher t<Xl.ay in active trading on th e Ne"· York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones indu~lriul average, up and do\\·n all morn- ing, gained 8.99 poinls lo 74 5.38. Advances led declines by about a seven-to.five margin. !Tables. B7> Prices were s lightly hi~her 1n n1odcrate tradin g o n lhr 1\merican Stock E.xchangt· 4tr•• ••J.!•• \\-c••••l1t•r l';trl l.v C'loud y lOd <1.v ht•co111 1nµ: f:111· toni ght ancl J.i·1d;.1~ t\ li ltlf' \1·a rn)t'r .. ·1·idr1y n·1th hi gh ... 1n the mid 11'h; Lows ton1g hl <In In <17 1-'SID•: TODA\' Th ree boys lighted an elder- ly "'an·.s mnll ress on fire and thrcate111:d to burn him alllX' unless his wije turried nver tl1c1r nionry ond valuable:<r: Srory, Pagi: A4 · ······'.\,. Al Y<>llt ~•o<t AJ e,...., 8om1>t1;1t 81 L M &o~CI 8• (..ol!lort\1• AS a"'"""' Ci ,t C1ml<1 8• Cnl\1-•l'I 8• Otlllll'fell(fl. ... Edil..,1•1 P•.. A• lilll•fl••""''"l •i l'tn..nct IL•·' Horo'-C_. Cl .,., ...... ~,~ 81 "-""'U-rt 8, Mo•1t\ ., M11l11.tl l'11nd • II• i'W•U1n•I Ntwt .. 4,C4 Or•Me '"""'' ... , ......,.. 81·J ill'lll ... '1t• ., $90111 Cl·l 5toc~~tt•U 8& 1 Ttltwlt•t" 81 Tht.ittrt "' w.-.,,... .... Wllt14 H•-44,Col I • .. 'Al DAIL VPILOT N J " Child Abusing ·.Blamed •I on RecessiOn . ~ ... • CffiCAGO (API -An Increase In child abuse cases across the nation can be directly ;,1ttnbuted to t.hc nation's recession, says a prominent Chicago pediatrician. Dr. Rowine J-laycs Drown, medical director of Cook County CChicago) 1-lospital. says there is u direct rt·lationship between child beatings und unemploy. ment. Speaking Wednesday before ..... ,,,.,, .. the American Academy of Fortnslc Medicine, Dr. Brown said, "We've always bad batter- ing husbands, but recently the number has risen because 1nore men are out of work a nd at home." She said many men are anx· ious and frus trated over matters that normally would not bother them. As a result, they have a - Some to You, Fella loW IOler•nce for a cryini or mis· , cblevoua child. • . .statistlet .on child abuse are f'IUd to find and on.en m1sltad- ing, Dr. Brown said. Many cases are not reported and others are not considered seriows enough lo be called child abuse. Dr. Brown b: a strong advocate of state laws lo require the re· porting of definite or )X>6Sible In· stances of child abuse. Such a ' If all art forms are expressive, one can draw one's own conclusions from this sculpture in bronze to Rainer Kriester on \'iew in Charlottenburg Castle in West Berlin. It's called "Big Head and Hand." Court Date Slated In Newsrack Theft A Costa Mesa man is facing a .. Feb. 27 court arraignment in con· · nection with what police allege is a &tatewide newspaper rack theft ring put together by an uniden· tified mastermind. George W. Lockhart, 23, of 256 E. 19th SL., was arrested Sunday and booked on susi;,>icion of petty theft following a stakeout of news racks at 2300 Harbor Blvd ., in Costa Mesa's Harbor Shopping Ccmter. A companion, 25, of Baldwin Park, also was arrested and booked at the time but later re- leased on grounds of insufficient evidence to implicate him in the series of coin thefts. Detective Tom Boylan said in· formation provided to police p<>ints to a key man assertedly behind a series of such thefts, ranging throughout California. "He makes a pretty good living at it," Detective Boylan charged adding that all efforts to obtain a name on his base of operation have been futile. Investigators said they have 25 crime rep orts r egardi n g news paper rack break-ins in· volving the Daily Pilot and other publications and information about more than 50 such thefts lo date. "'They probably hit 100 to 200 around here," Detective Boyland added. "Seventeenth Street ¥.'as probably the hardest hit, but they were all over town." He said the loss in several re· ports r~nged from $70 to $100 I ORANGE COAST ~ DAILY PILOT Robert N. w~ f"•"IH'"I .tnd P"bl'"'"" Jacll R. Curley -.~ P<,...*"' ..... Ge-•• "'"°""9"" Th oma s Keevil Thoma ; A. Murptun<> ~rles H . Looc. Richard P. Nall ,.~ .. \,!-.... -~ .. Lc!Jlor• Tettphone 1714 1 &42-4321 Cl•slifltd Adv11rt1~ing 642·S671 C..1rl .... t. It)) 0••-CO.o" l'uDH>IUfllil ...,.._ No.,.•)-<P> '"""'•1"""'·"'11 .. 1.tl "'.tllf'f •r •Clw•fll>e_.,,_ ~•••I" "'.t1 I><' ,.•rfdwc•• ••llHkll -l·•• p.,mll""" •I ~I-•. ilof..,. .. t i_.,\ .. u~ ,...ICI ~ COit. ~. f;M .. lo ~-C.M•-»Ol,,_.N~; ...... , ...... --.. tlllllMry-.,i......ti-..,... -· \\•hilc many more were lower, in the SS to $10 range . Investigators said the alleged .mastermind or the theft opera· tion is apparently a transient v.·ho rarely s tays long in one place. Lockhart and his companion later released without further charges anticipated were arrest· ed Sunday night following a stakeout. Detective Boylan said nev.'spaper rack theft losses amount t o several hundred dollars to date and apparently less than h a lf have even been re- ported to police. Suspects involved reportedly had no keys but v.•ere simply taught to pick the locks of an older model rack which is being replaced by nev.•er ones. Lockhart is scheduled to be ar· raigned in l-larbor Judicial Dis· trict Court Feb. 27 but is current- ly free on S2SO bail on the misde· meanor charge. School Asks Applications For Exchange Students at Corona del Mar High School interested in spend· ing a semester with a family in another part of the United Stales may now submit their applica- tions to the local American Field Service'(AFS> chapter. The new AFS program, which goes along with the existing forei gn exchange program, is for s tudents who are currently sophomores. juniors or seniors. Students selected will spend a semester with a family in any en- vironment they choose, such as .:in Jndinn reservation. Midwest s tate or an inner ritv · ~,.,,~ The loca l chapter will either send a student for the remainder · of this semester, or wait until the fall semester to participate in the new exchange program. Interested students may phone ~trs. Edwin Alford, 973·1006, or l\lrs. James Wharton, 644-0045. ror more inform at ion. North State Storm Leaves By The Associated Press The storm that dumped rain and snow on Northern CalifornJa Wednesday wa s reporled weakening today a nd moving south. Hut the weatherman said scat· ~ered showers were still dropping 1n some parts of the region and that there was enough snow fall· ing in the Sierra Nevada lo war· rant a travelers adv~. I fo'rom Pag e A l ELE CTION. • postponing certain repairs to some schools_ -Transportation, $100,000, ex- tending walking distance by one. quarter mile. Other substantial cuts suggest· ed were in the areas of data pro- cessing, s ubstitute teachers, proressional meetings and con· sultants. In making his comments to the board. Studer contended the ··credibility of the board is at stake.'' ·•The board· must meet the ch~lenge mandated by the public and make substantial cuts." he said . However, Chuck Gordon. pre- sident of the Newport-fl.fe sa Education Association. and Dale Wool ey, president of the Newport-Mesa Administrators Association , both spoke in favor of a l\f ay 27 override election. They said both teachers and administrators do favor a new at- tempt at a tax override election. A (ourth group, the Newport l·larbor High School PTA. reject- , ed the idea of the new election. PTA representative Barbara Fults told the board that a poll· taken of parents showed that 95 percent said they would vote against a tax override election. "ihe added that the S25.000 the new election would cost should instead be used in district pro· grams. From P09e A l ECONOMY . • It was because innation sapped those dollars of their value that the so-called real Gross National Product declined despite a high dollar volume or output. The worst of the inflation hit in the final three months of the year. O rigin all y Commerce estimated that quarterly in· 1 crease at <1n annual rate of 13.7 · percent. New information caused the department to change that rate to 14.4 percent. Prior to las t year, the fi ercest inflation over any three·month , period measured by Gross Na- tional Product .s tatistics had been a 13 percent annual rate 'jump, the first three monlhs of 1951 . The GNP figures on inflation include a broader range of prices -such as raw materials for manufacturing -not included in lbe more familiar consumer price index whtch jumped 12.2 percent last year. Ford Signs Bill WASHINGTON <UPI) President f<,ord today signed a bill temporarily increasing the national debt limit from $495 billion to $531 bilUon through June 30. The White l~ouse ~aid the current temporary debt limit of $495 billion, "'-'hlch was to expire March 31, re<:ently was exceeded by the government_ law went lntO et~ ln IDjnOla ln lt6.I. ' She ••ld that in 1974 nearly 2.000 child abuse cases were re· ported in llliooia. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children are severely lnJ ured ,each year as u result of be a tines. • Dr. Brown said the death rate for children ad milted toboepilals after whippings is IO percent and that the majority of deaths are Irv ine Site : due-.to skull fracture.a. ~On· cussions. burn.a and injuries to in- ternal organs. ·•A normal parent or custodian will rush his child for Immediate aid; however, the abuaers, oft.en fearful or their own conse- quences, wait until they become truly frightened and unUl they have concocted their explaoa· tions," Dr. Brown says. Most states have now adopted Mazda Motors Weighing Sale A Mazda Motors of America executive confirmed Wednesday that the rotary.engine ..!uto im· port firm is considering selling its new building in the Jrvine In· dustrial Complex. Mazda Vice Presid~nt S. I-I .. Fogel said. "We are exploring the possibility of selling the building, but no final determina- tion has been made." From Page Al STRIP .•. The plans, Jorgensen said, call for design of the building to even- tually accommodate a second story. The next stage in the long pro- cess of approvals needed for re-- building is planning commission action on the strip requirements Cor highway widening. If the compromise width is ap· proved, plans for the actual structures would come before the city planners March 28. From there they would be sub- jected lo review by the South Coast Regional Zone Conserva· tion Commission. Fogel ·s comments followed those of Mazda planner Dave Cruz who said the company "is .Probably going to sell it.'' Corporate remarks were solicited after Stan Brockhoff. general manager of Don Koll contracting company which is building the Mazda offices at 2100 S.E. Main St., said, "The build- ing is for sale. They are never go· ing to occupy it .·· Bcockhoff said Mazda's delay in moving to the Irvine facility was not due to electrical pro- blems as earlier rep<>rted, but because the company plans to sell the site. Fogel's remarks Wednesday were the first official coo!irma· lion of reports in December that -the auto industry slump was fore. ing Mazda to reconsider its planned move to Irvine. The gleaming glass and con- crete building was the scene of a · $40,000 blaze Sunday morning. Investigators attributed the blaze to arson and have arrested the site guard in connection with the fire. pro•!sioos calling for detailed re· ports; of ('hild abu5e cases. Dul Dr. BrO\o\'n said it i5 difficult to prosecute <.·hild .ubusers. ~vidence is hard to obtain. "Abusive acts are usually ii\· Oicted within the privacy of the home where they are either un· observed or witnessed only by a spouse who has a legal right to refuse to testify agaln~t the abus· Ing mate," Dr. Brown said. fo'rom Page Al MAZDA .•• problems.'' The ~1azda i\1otors building fire '4-'&s the second at a Koll en· terprises building within the past . week, followin g a $450,000 blaze eight days ago at the Costa Mesa Business Con1plex. 3303 ll urbor Blvd., which wiped out six bu~1· ness and industrial suites. Investigators bla1nc that blaze on a spark from a battery charger being used on a Manta competition :-;ports car in the :-;howroom or one suite spccializ· ing in productioo or such autos. Auto O,f'1le rs Score Victory WASHINGTO N (UP I ) - Consumer 's Union says automobile owners and other fu el buyers' won a ··tremendous vic- tory" in a federal appeals court ruling that the government ii· legally removed price ceilings from as much as 40 percent o{ the nation's crude oil in 1973. The consun1er group brought the suit to rorce the Ford ad· ministration to place ceilings on <tll domes tic crude oil prices. It called the decision a .. lremen· dous victory \\'hich could bring down all pri1.:es.'' . orricials of Consumer's Union said they \.\'ill etllcmpl to make the ruling retroactive and gain price rebates for drivers and others. Cl av is · brown Close out ·Sale on Our new line of Maytags is on the way ! We must move out all discontinued models NOW! Hurry and Save. Buy in the crate o r we'll deliver. Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer • Pcrm,1ncnt press and rcgvlar f.1b"c c vcles • J W;iter level ~t'~l•r.gs • 3 Waler temper;lturc ser11nns •Zinc coated s!eel CRb1net with tough acrylic enarnet f1n1sh • Farn1ly size procela1n enamel tub with Power Fin Ag1t;:i1or • ll.tirac11vn brusheij rne1al !rim While they last (I /, Now only s1999s Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher • r uu :.:,,~,. u11111•1 and luwr·r h1qh v•'IOC1t·~ :.111 l'I .u•n·. r,111·. c• •ntnr IJ"~·I ":"!'a'/ 3 l"v•d <,r:_ruhb1ng f'lim1n11t-:·~ 1ir1• r1n<o1no • UniQue r.1c;"1oq 111:;!1··<; .1nCJ silvRrwa1(' o n ltlfJ • M1c1o·M1"111 1>11 .. , 1-lurt y .ind Save wu;-oo I I I I I I • r • I c I t d ' ' i: s ~ c l I r ' • ' f c 1 I < ' I, I s > t 1 • • tl I ' 9 l ' r t ' r • r j ( ' ' ( I If Withdratc • Deduct Losses •• }.n Time Loans .· . •. lly SYLVIA PORTER fl..cd11105me1J ·~ Mtlhons of Americans have been depoatl1ng savwgs for .!S~eclfied periods or tlme Jn fti.anclal 1nst1tut1ons in order to 's eirn the relatively attractive Money interest paid on these time Worth deposits , But the cat<.h hlis be~n lhut 1 you withdraw .)OUr funds before the agreed upon maturity date, you get hit by a double ~ally The interest rate for the entire per 1od d rop:s to the lowest 1o~erest paid -generally 511.i percent -and you .1lso must forfeit three months interest FORMERLY, TllE IRS had ruled that 1f you suffered such _a loss through fotie1turc of your interest, you could take your Joss only as an 1tem1zed deduction -s1m1lar to deductions for real estate taxes, interest paid, etc In sum, those who took the 15 percent standard deduction instead of 1tem1z1ng deductions were unable to get any tax benefit from the interest forfeited Last October though Con gr~ss ch.ingcd the law · retroactive to 1973 -so that you now deduct this loss as an adjustment 1n arr1v1ng at) our adjusted gross income This means that for 1974 )OU can deducl suc h a loss 1n add1t1on to the full JS percent standard deduction ~ And 1f you suffered such a penall v 1n 1973 which )oud1d. not deduct on your 1973 retu rn you now can file a refund claim on the si mple F'orm 1040X Amended US lnd1v1dual Tax Retut n based on the added deduction ror the J)enalty Jos, IF YOU WERF. PENALIZED because of such a premature withdrawal or a term deposit , get the details of your interest income and los s forfeiture from the r1nanc1al 1nst1tut1 on which held your depos it You should receive a Form 1099 INT from the 1nst1tut1on showing the amount you should report as interest income and the amount which 1s your forfeiture loss Take this forfeiture on your return by entering the amount between lines 38 and 39 on Page 2 of Form 1040 and by wnt1ng ' forfeited interest penalty alongside the entry The amount of lhe loss should be in cluded 1n the total on line 43 This total then will be earned over lo reduce )O ur adjusted gross In come You must file your 1974 return on Form 1040 1n order to take this loss deduct1oi1 You cannot claim the loss 1f :you use l040A Now several important final hints on your 74 return -If you are worrying that you may be unable to pay vour taxes on time this year be warned about a s1gn1f1cant new change 1n the tax Jaw --and take action accordingly FOR ANY AJ\.IOUNTOF unpaid taxes that you s till owe after June 30, 1975 you will be charged interest at the rate or 9 percent instead of 6 percent a year The favorable s ide of th ls change to you 1s Lhat for any refund the 1 RS still owe.s vou after June JO. 1975 th(_• IRS will ha ve to pay }OU at the rate of 9 percent 1nstc,ul or ti pefccnt a ~cat -You st ill h.1 ve ample time to get all the t<.1 x forms you will need lo compl(:te your 74 r eturn -so that )>OU will not be compelled to scur1 v :.iround <.1t the last minute looking for cor rect form s A s I ve 1 e ported 1n tlus series you II need Schedule C for Jncome Averaging, Schedule 0 for reporting cap1tn.J gains or losses etc '\ou IJ find a hs t of the forms 1n \our regular tax package -I repeat and reemphasize the point made 1n Lhe r1rs t column no matter \I.h at ta.x rebate may be coming to you a s a result of anti recession tax leg1slat1on this year, you must fill out and file YOlJr 1974 return before the April IS deadline You must go th1ough every procedure you ord1nanly \\OU!d go through and send 1n your return with whatever rnoney you owe You cannot deduct the rebate from the total lf a rebate is voted on 74 income, 1t will be sent lo you separately -\'OU GAIN NOTIDNG by putting off this task 1n the hope that you JI be able toc<:1 lcul atc your own "~ax cut" and take ll off on your O\lo'Tl In fact you II lose tf a tax refund JS due YOU, for the longer YOU Wait to (1 Je the longer It Will be before your refund 1s mailed to you f.11i1r1•rs c111d l~t,sf•rs I \Pl<' ¥ork I.> ''''"' 1le1i1·,..- .. e ... Vo·~ !UP!I ln~ IOUOW"11 l>•1 '"""'~ llw •tock• 1tw1 no•• ge ,_ "''°'! •fld 101.t I~ mo,1 b,t•cd on ~·~e.,1 01 cn.onge on 111<' N~w Y<11k \!0<.lo. E •<~f\Qe N(W YORI( IU PI/ In~ I• n'O)~! Net llM ~•efntdi~ cnln!J"' .ir It "tl~•fnce ri.1ween lw' p•e•I"'-'\ Clo' n11 ll'ke .tnO !t>f tu•rent <lo<.ll'•<I o• Cf .><I -.e ~loc:-• troo.o 011 111e Nl'"" '<0•-<:.1oc:• f•C~llll• 1t>ur•dA1 P.tn .l.m A• (OIQ•lr Pim 6o•e• Ind S•ltl C10M C"' 519(>1)(1 '. 1 en. ,c, C1>t 1 Cl\• • C••1t l r(N Pno•n• • (om!.lv ! •o ~ '"' ,c, 60• • qReol<I~ 1pl 1 !la~e• In 10 II QRt_.,<I IOI ~ Hororori Ci> 10 RepMQe In• •1 F d FfnclCo 11 Cl\ M1!Cp pl 11 A<1<1r~11ron " t:t Q11Voll En I~ TycoLb H)O I• ,.wa1r111 1 , 11 Al>t<O (O•P 11 Artl c Entp 1q ,.mteo (o•p 20 en. Milw (p I NT Cotyl.. 'O l J mW•llOI 1 J IO'.elwOOd IO ~ Polol•O d ]7 , 0•11" lntp •M I Cop I No(n .. l•I WI I Penn Cenrr ~ S.tnJ'1.c IOI 10 NdU liDfN'' 11 8•noqo< Pn !l F\lM19f In¥ !) 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' ' • • ii~i-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ll 1l111erien11 ,, . 121 1(1 ~lt1st /I (.'f i t.•e ,,, ". '" ". '" " ' '" '" ... ,., '" '" .. " "' NEW VOAI( fUPll -Tt>e 10 \!<)(~\ l•-d on tne .l.f'Of•lcan E•a,.noe rn11r"4tly S.tltl ,... "" T"" 11 Fd r 110 )00 We\tt~n\ tnd 1~1 800 MC(ull 10 I 1'1l h00 S"(fll•• Corp ~• 100 K•lwr Ina Sl 100 le••• l nll SO 'fl)() Tewro P wh •~ 800 CMmo Home •l 100 Hou\1on O • ~ 600 Crulctw• A•' 111100 . ,, . 31~. .,, . ~'-' "' ... '" " ' • '. " ' " " ••!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " " " " Hnrl«•t Trt'Hd NV~E .. d•.t<><f\ °"'"" .. ' Un<h•n..e.i Toi.II ,0,0v.tMt• Dtc•lne• UM,..n9fd TOll l IPl'el Mln<lrJ MAltl:ET TAEND T~Urld.tY ..._,.,..,..,. 81• 690 ~IA Ill •1J Q 18l'O >~II (OUl\11 Buy the Daily Piiot for Peanuts (and a lot of other great comlca) delivered 7 days a wee• 642·4321 (Direct or collect) Thul'1d!f February 20 1975 ' DAILY PILOT '.l'Knraday' 11 Clolling Prices NEW -YORK STOCK EXCHANGE • -. -------I' I I-~"-"" t"<I I' I 1hJ> {IO!il V'Q "l ,_,, (.,._ (J~ ~ I 1"'1>> (!,,... V"J ! I !Ui, (omo~l1•11 ~9 lO Out,eptl10 1llO&S , Ho•IOf'ICll1 ~~ J'o o MCIC .... .,.;io •I II , ~EU9f~ll 111;111 ,1 (¥111'1( ''" I "' II 0 O.,n&t.-cl .. 11 1s• 27 • ... fotO\P!llAI!. I II 10\.o. '• Mc....... )1 ) • II • PSti.GOI) H 11Q ,, C.nal A 1 10' 2 lo>, '• °"$"'" <<> 21 1 '1 1-i<)tpll(p 'l'O 10 hi 11 • MCl,.ln') I .0 • t'I I) .... PSE<H>l 110 120 /I (.oo (Hle•Cll 18 ll"~ o nl)l •VJ n e2 ~. li0•1 lnu :16' 111 I •o MCl'+eil IO e 1 ~ \\ PSE(j.p't•1 •1)0 ti C..o>tolO l• tS J2't 2•.. du n pl J\') 1 o/ 1-iQIJ(f It IC. • 1)'1 I """"d C 1 20 l •• 11 11, Pu!. Ind~~ 't JI J• (opM\Q In• o ) \, OuQotL 111 , .. 11 , HOu\!t M .0 \ •1 8 \1 Modu'd I 00 't I••* P!lnllal I 0.-110 1/ ~:;~no('h!,:~ 1~ );I• 8::t~: f~J ::s ~~+ ~: ~°i:;."~,~cl~; 1:.: 1!...: :.f;~o'f.: l~ ; '• ~SN~·::~ii ~ ~: :; C•fllle II \ u OuqLpl J ,, 12•70211• -... 1>11'• I J'I • ... Me .... ~.o • IU I \ J>ul>l•(•t~ ~ \ 10~ 6 Cor (l&.Olll llO •l Ormol" .6(1 O 4 , .... '• li<>u,fp!J 1 ll•o •o -.(51< IKl 't I• JI ~o P.,.1>101 ;,a... 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MarMdl 10 S 1JO I/I'll •~ Pc-wt~+"t 6 o/ 11 "•'" ~. $unQ11ptl • ) .'9 •• "" 01.~·m r', 6 Jt 1. .. ···-' • .. •• • ~· H•••> "'I b 1'> ~·• Morl,,.,L •115 IS u'-• '"' P ""'NG\ 7t S 1' 17'• o ;,uo•bt'•m "'• 010$t>pt 10 ~ !\\ \"' ··-.. '' '' .. Oi<:k J+.9 Sl s 1• t •• .., l'-&ttll1nt ~ l l Motl"" 161119 31 .,*_ '"' Pe•! lmD•t 10 •• 3 "o ...... 11•n4 • ~ ll'"AM• "'"" ) 1l 8" Mo•l•r t.O 10 ,. llh..-... P1lllll>f"t I to 't 11• ~8 • \1 Sur>\t>1n .'!!,. I)' ,. "t• ... Olc11onn .0 I •01 11'1.o ~ ,,~, , •• -,1 0 ,, '' , " ... ,,, ·-, > , ~--011 1 1• I• 11) , 5 0'-bold 4(IO 10 ~ 11""'-i... •• ·~ -.. ma """ P1onN(. I 10 't H 11 \ • """> G >O • -· < > DGlo<"O 096 H J1 4 "Ill 1-lttlllMln l I• 121 10 • M.t<lott l l• ll J01 11 -~ PltMl 8 60 I Ill 1\11 '• llPI'' 11 • •v OlQll•! Eqpt 20 111 14\<o-\.\ H.tilmn <IM • )1 7"' • \lo lrMr\111" I 1• I ll I ..... \.'o P11Forq I09 II !l 1•\o '• Stl> ~~-, .. ', '°,' ',t.-' , °'"'"'" j l) • ll 6l"lll Hel"I H 1 \l 1 l•I 4< '-"'-'I M 1 lO S 31 16 o+ .... P+Usron 11)!1 I 3•j •• , H o uQ• Y.t -. • • .. t1,~(.,,1 ~ 11 3'-• M<!Cup ~· ~ 1s ui.-""' P11~ Hullo 14 ;o S""•"• •9 • 11 1 g:~ ... I ~~ ~~ 1:~ :::v:. '" !-!ell••'"' .. 10 ? I l• " M .. ltOCP l1U8 Ill J~V.. ... p .. n Re\r<n ' \Ol l • • 1. Syon•• n 10 101 I 11 •• Oltslon I} S "° 1,,., \" ..,lm.P• l>O 191 11 M<1).(lnt~ 1•1• 19l ~· • Pld¥1>ov \J • '' ' F'b b d 01-.ettlldlfl • SSO ,... .....lm~P 3010 I)\ lb MaU,ft l"Oof 4 II I) Vo Plflo\iY •Ill~ 28 I) ) re oar Wo1wWI O~b • I> womtco ~ b e WOOCl\(p .. \ '' Wool .. n I 10 I J<ll WOOi pl ) 10 U " ' 'Wl)dd ,.,.w 1 I • Wtll)!y )0(),)11 l " w,1, Corp 71 1'• ~ XYl -l 1•1 I l Jj t • ~ 1) • 6) I• ' " ,, 'I " . .,. 1) . • 1•~ Xl td Int 1'0 V•I~\ IMu" VnoSIO• ~ l•l•(O'll 16 lJl•(oo• ~ ldP•T~ 10 ldy ~ (O<(I l~" '"" uj I 1 ! z.,.n 1~0 18 10 UO I •• O•vMt T ~ I/ 1 ht"1 \P C•P 1~ I • M~((lln fl)!) 9 I~ PNBMI IOI> t ~ \ s • ( DrP«opr)O~O 111 10("-'• H•r• .. ft•llOU 11119 11 M•lnl•lot 116 11'> ""Po•••OJC1ll1l20"0 10 1• /\N 1-"'f{~\1' 'l StC) tl I'l l Oo"'fM 10.11s 1ss !M. v. ~•'JofY I00 •, •,•, u ' "'" MMuv,1 Sld b' ',', 10 '' ~ ""'--,'-~ s, ',',' ,',' ", f1b1 £'bo:u <l Corp hci)> unnuurlr"cl ,, n Donl..<,ifJ !0 11 410, "° Ht "Ion • M ~t,._, ltl> U t • ~• ,.....,. ._ 0c>nl"W!n,~151J1n-•, '"~"1 "110 1 17 1 " ""M•YDS 1 "°' \'11 •·•·P~r1cintl<1 161 ~' • duccd comn1on stock d1,1dcnd Dorl< Co XI s 1)1 "'•. ... Ht• u p 111 JI ?'' UI I ' M .. v\JW ~o I 1 ) • '" f'ort .. rpl' ' rlO .,.,. , OoorOv 1Qb I 1) I 1"1Qf1Y011En11 ~ ~ '• M"rllll tC\"1~ ~11S"t• lo Pof!GE1SI I It 16 I 1• bl'CaUSC ur Ull ~nt\llJllll(:d first 0o1...,1c 111 1 11 s'°', " 11 llt,,br .... 8 '6 11 ·-MOPXI ?Ob l • I J'otlalt 1 •O • 10 7t I Oo•rC1> 110 • •1 11 •• 110t1 Hll 1 1 60 11 ,.. t .1. 111<.' 6 111 3'l " 1"o1 r:1r11t 1 IM u quurt1 r oss ind £ tnnumit uti('1 r '"'OowChl-60116)161"'•''-HMW +ndv~l •r 11, MtCnrd ~~ 1110 l-.Po1Etol•1 1t(l•B 1, t;i.lnty 1: g,:~ 1~~ / t ~v. :::_~;.:,,c. rf 1~ ~~ :~ :;~f;~Y11~ • ,;1 J~; '• ~";.:~!s1 if: 13 ; ':,~ i.. Kober! l\t rL,1uuhl1n c-urporutJon ""Ort'l'Mlfl.0 t ••I ~+1\Ao Hott''"''" ~ ' lllcOonloC.pJ110t-1 '.l'ti•lh P..oct&G41l1 ~\ •l • • ,. O.-.'ptJ10 11Sl •11, HOll~M 371?•• & M(0onD •O•J1617 Pro..,•1n1101 l6J,..,,..., pres1drn1 so1d ri 15ccnt d1v1dt:nr1 .. Oriu•r pi? IJ ... HOiiy Syqt? 1 '1 J1 "'•C.•Cd 1 1 ll 1~ •• PS A 1no, 11 11 I • '> I L4, CW.nl \.4• ... ,,.._..., flom\ll~f llS •18 •• MtC.• HI ~o I 9• ,.... PuS(qlll(I. Ill 1)\ \~OU d IJC' p~1d !\t 1rch J l In '" o,..wh 10t> • 11 1.. Ht<"'"''l.•O R l" 11 MGtt o11 10 • 11"' P5.E&Vin' ·~~ 1 ~ ~h111 ehol rt€'1 sofr(tOtdl\l ,1 1 th\ll OIJlt:P'w1~ I )17 1'1• ""11~•t• f?I ~ II I• MC IOl•l~M 11'00 d ~ PSl!Gll!T•n I'' I -i>AIL Y PILOT Thurlda , Febru 20. 1975 QL.JEEN!t By Ph il lnlerla ndi ·--·-·-.......... -... ·-·- "This is Dial-A-Joke One businessman says to another : ·tteard aboul lhe recession ' Fee Disp1cte Program Sued By 11 Dentists SAN FRANCISCO (APJ Ele\'Cn dentis t" in · eluding a Laguna Beach man and l\\O others fr, m Orange County, filed suit in federal court allegin ~ that California Dental Services of San Fran('isco, which e:tdministcrs prepaid dcnt<JI l·are pl.in ~, violated antitrust laws. California Dental Services handles such plans un der agreement \1:ith various subscriber groups and subscribing purchasers. 'fhe groups pay )lt!riod1c premiums to Cl)S in exchange for payn1ent of fees for future dental s ervices !'or 1nd1v1duals ~lark Judy , a Laguna Beach dentis t named as a plaintiff in t he class action suit, said t.he suit ~eeks to stop the practice of ··someone telhng a private enterprise -in this case dentists -'''hat fees they can charge for services.·· Dr . J udy said dentists who belong to CDS re ceive a higher payment for treating CDS patients than non ·mem bcr dentists. Judy is a non·membcr . He said that dentists that y.·ant to join CDS must have their fee schedules approved by the firm before they can join the CDS ranks. ··it's discriminatory,'' Judy said. Other plaintiff dentists are Sheridan B. 1\1anascn of San A-1arino : Alan Everett of Santa Clara: Lawrence S. \Vittcr. Harry Cohen and Paul Ortne r. all of San Francis co; 1-larold Ravins of Beverly Hills ; Joseph Wogan of Ilurbank ; Ross C. 1-luntley of Sherman Oaks; William f->. Smith of Fulle rton and Clarence C. Graham of Orange. The court was asked to av.·ard unspecified trl'b\(' demages us v.•ell a~ permanent relief a,ga inst CDS ;..inlitrust violations . The class action l'ontcnded thttt stal'ting about .1965 CDS eonspired v.'1lh olhl'rs. including c ert~i n subscribing purchasers ;ind ~Jther dent al service firms. to restrain trade ft a ll eged the con...,pirac y cons1~t~ of cont1nu1ng >.c1greement!i and actions for "restricting. coercing, s uppressing and fixing fees ·· \\·hi(·h dentists charge for dental care and servi"es. Cancer Survival • Rate Unchanged WASHINGTON tAPI diture on cancer v.as The cancer victim's $200 million in federal cliances of s urviving im· and private funds . proved little during the l\1ost of the progress in 196.0s. u statistical lengthe ning s urvival of an alysis or cancer sur· victims of the nation·s vival rates bv The As· No. 2 killer disease came sociatcd P~e ss ha s during the 1940s and found . And the resuJts of J950s berore massive research begun in the spending on the di sease 1970s won't be known un· began. according to the til the end o f the de· available statistics . cade. National C anl·e r Government and Institute officials don't private agenc ie s <tr e di spute the A P's findings spending nearly S600 in th~ stud y of three.year m illion a year on cancer survival rates for 48 as part of the war on forms of. cancer suffered cancer which began in by whit e men and thisdecade. women b e tween 1940 and 1969 . No luter de· I N TH E 1960s. the finitive national average a nnual expen-statistics are available because s tatisticians Colorado Girls Tell Beatings must wail three to five vears arter cancer is diagnosed to determine how patients are doin,e.. "~1 ANY OF T llE most promisin g res earch treatn1ent res ults have oCcurred in the last t\\'O or three years. We 're ob- AURORA, Colo. IAP1 ,·iously not going lo S('C Two teen-agers have tht> re~ults of that until told Aurora police they 1978 or 1980," reported "''ere beaten and their D r . M a r v i n A . lives threatened because Schneiderman. associate they refused ;111 offer to director in charge of fi eld become prostitutes. studies and statistics for Police say they have the government ·s Na- been investigating the in-tional Cancer Institute. cident for a week after The AP analysis of the the girls were beaten at a 1940 -69 three.year sur- bigh school Feb. 10. viva I rates fo~nd only The parents of t he girls three forms of cancer in asked for police protec· which dramatic im - t1on and said they re-provement in a victim's eeived anonymoais phone chances or survival was calls from persort1 who limited to the period said "they will kill one of after 1959 . Thes e are· my children if we talk," cancer of the liver. brain pollcesaid. 30d cranial meninges, Police s<.iid the two and. leukemia . The teen-agers said two men cranial meninges is the w h o w e r {' · 's harp membrane y.·hich co\'ers dressers in their later 20s the brain. or early 30s '' approac hed .---------- I he~ with o.ff ers ~o become prost 1tutes 111 Rock'~prings, Wyo .. with a promise to later move to Los Aneelos Now more than ever you need the Information printed. every day In the 1 • The two told poli ce t hey •'•re aJ 11 0 ap · proo.ched by other Rlrl s wllh t.besameorter . '-------'---- . \ . . "' .. ~~~ ,,u::,.. .... ~~ -::: • c~~ Ivory Receptacle With Ground Reversible Spark Plug Socket • fi11 13/1~" L S/I" ,,.,i. plu1i • Cha!li• plugs y•un •ll •Ml M'I• • Q1o1e1li1y co,utrv<lien. fSSM soc • G,..loNMIM le 1si 11re y.u el M lt .,.,.uen • Sluriy ce111trvclien gi'IDI Y"'' el 1er1ic• • T errlfic .,.luel Reg. ,,. 39c 5-Ft. White Extension Cord • Sole, 2·wire tonslN<IHl11 • M•flY u1•1 aroimd hou'' o..d worllshtp • Pi1li. u11 1ever1I 1t llti1 1ew price! All Purpose Glue Pen • Geh hll• thos.e tight spel1 ... without I IMJll • Use .,. wff41, delh, pepet" e!Mt eiher ,.rwi 1111lerill1. ~ texi1, 11le IH chtldrM! • 35c t I ilack· &. Decker11 .. ' ... Workmate · ' . • ""'4 V ...... lt't • .U.. .... .....,,. ......... ~ .... ~ ..... ~ w:"' ·~-.., .... ...... ''""''"' ............. • • • • Spred Satin Latex Wall Paint • ltav•s no lap rnarlis, I.rushes or rolls on smoothly • Ourobl1, easy to dean • Givos long-lasting beauty to ony room 698 Reg. 9.99 Gal.,; • < " ' ' ; • ' ., <... .GlHiRAl lllCIRIC I UY\I ,.. ~ I Glidden I .... Semi-Gloss Latex Enamel • lclul for ki1chens, baths on4 woodworii • Provi4os duroltlo woshablo surfa <o • Ouid1. tool <loan-up with soap and wator 2!9 Reg. l.89 ·' ' : ::., " • • • • ·" .. Limited Supply! Exterior Stain Choos• selid color or semi· tronsparonl £1collon1 wood pros1rntivo ... buutifi1s shingles, 1Mlio1 and siding 4~~ Reg. 7.91 I ' - . •' •• 11 . I . I I i I ••• ( • . ' BRAND NEW '74 MAZDA RX-4 • '74MAZDA RX-4 COUPE Thul'!Cl!y, Ft:b!U!I)' 20. 1975 ** \ DAILY P1L0T CJ I . SEDAN Includes 4 speed, power assist s3 front disc brakes, rear window defogger. radial tires, tachometer, carpeting, concealed radio antenna INCLUDES AIR Radio. body side mouldings. vinyl lop, & all the good Mazda standard equipment features! (BOOKSIJ $ 34 BRAND NEW '74 MAZDA RX-4 STATIONWAGONS AVAILABLE AT BIG DISCOUNTS (LA23$108461 ) +Tax &Lie. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW '74 MAZDA RX-3 STATIONWAGON Fully factory equipped & don t target the 50,000 miles or 36 mon1hs 1 ooc4 Full Factory Engine Warranty. Sfk. 1196 COMPLETE ROTARY TRUCK STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OME EXAMPLE OF OUR EXCELLENT USED CAR BUYS: NOW 53179 + Tax &. Lie. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL ROT ARY ENGINE MAZDAS CARRY 50,000 miles or 36 month WARRANTY I 00°/o FULL FACTORY ENGINE WARRANTY '74 MUSTANG II Just about new Only 16, 706 miles. ( 130L FT) Check !he many more outstanding u sed car values to select fr om! 52789 +Tax & Lie. 100% FULL FINANCING A YAILABLE OM APPROVED CREDIT •. , ~t FREE ~~L4'AN QR .. ·4f ~+ . ., ~ . . .1ttfo11-ALL WARAANTY .... ~{ O~ IN~R S~ljt;~J>.-r . .......... UMCI Autos. UHCI AM!os, Used Autos, UHcl AM!os, Used Autos, U .. d AM!os, Used AM!os. Used AMlos. UHCI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ·~.<? ..... ~ ....... !!.~! :~~~ ........... !?.'.~ ~~=~••••••••!!~.~ ~-~·•••••••••••!!!.~ ~'!!~~! .......... !!~.~ Poediac 9965 Pontiac 9965 Poeltloc 9965 Pontiac 99.{.s' 1974 HORNET, 6 cyl. 1972 Coupe deVi.lle, all COMHB.L '66 Beige Coronet w/tras 74 MUSTANG II •••••:;;•;;~;;;;••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••;• ·Jlatcbback, aulo, P IS, x tras. xlnl, $4350 CHEVROLET work nc~ded. i 25o. A4 speedeoupcwithonly V-B, automatic, air. "7J _FIREBJJl~ E.-;prit, Jo ,'74 Grand AM. 40!? VB. 'U7 f':IHEBIRD 326, fl/0, P J B, AM/FM s tereo. 642-6878 SALES &SERVICE S46-7s97 Jim. J6,706 mlles! (}3)LFT') power steeridg, & new m'.lcag~, air , s tereo, auto, a/c . radial s, ~/1 , mai::s .. l·ass.c lle,.gd 15000 mi. Owner must --2828Hart:M.-11Yd. Ford 9940 645-5700 ,..,'cwCarDlr paint.(26788£) tap c, com p load ed. !:1,000 i:ni . lOnd .~.!_00.G46-2226 , s e 11 . 6 7 3 -5620 o r •74 SEDAM COSTA P.it:SA . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2150 Harbor Blvd, CM 645_5700 New Car Dir :;~ev~~l~h1ng, hkc new. • :39°°/bst ofr. 548 -4!:116 :1ft Thwtd•rbird 9970 S7l---07Z8 eves. DE VILLE 546-1200 • "06 MUSTANG CONV"i'. 2150 Harbor Blvd. CM · ••••••••••••••••••••('•. a.lck 9910 Vinyl top, Mardi Gras in-• * *" VB, 4 Spd. $700. ,69 GTO 1968 GTO, S750, 1968 Catalina 4 dr, radio. ·55 T-BIRD. Looks good . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ter1or, dual c-omfort1970 MONTE Carlo, xlnt Pam Simonton S47--4390 XlntCond htr, a/c, $650, Call Huns good.~. .,. TIRE SALE· Meuler seals. full pwr, fact air, con~. Best Offer. Fully -1687 Glfsler AY•. Gd. coad. Sl.OOO. or best 968-5910 545--0672 6pm to IOpm 675-5617 · • 205x 15Steel lilt wheel, crwsecontrol, equi.pped.586-6048. Cosloi...1___ 6S' Mustang '""'"~•::'·c."64..:6<>:::".3488""'_ ___ 1 ---------1 ----~-~--1 ----------,:<-~· 96 636 7902 r s k __. vs J s pecct $i:!75. -..... +tax-· am/ m stereo w/ trac '74 Nova, loaded. 6 Mos. You are lhc winner of 494-2386. Autos, M•w 9800 Autos. Mew 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, New 9800 l.ET'S MAK E A DEAL tape, .. pwr · door Jocks, Must see lo apprtt. Good 2 tickets to the ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 1972 La Sabre 4. Or . c,·~~29'1~~per condlt1on. buy.837 -S67067S-0044. .. UCI HOME "66--6 Cyl, a uto trans. •--ded 979 ...,..., J.5.500 Mi. on reblt eng. ~ · -~ $6999 1965 Chevy Wagoo, aulo. BASKEnAll snoo. 548-728.5S56--<i95Z . ~O Riviera. good c-ondi-air cond. $295. Run ~ GAME . lion. 1'"'ully equip. ped. w+-.s C• ••ir good!Cull 646-S957. l-'cbruary22, 1975 . Oldsmobile 9955 ·Mu.st Sell Jmmcdu~tely ~u,...= :..=-... Please call 642 -5678, ext ••••••••••••••••••••••• $l3SO 847--GOGI 6--~~ '68 NOVA . 4Dr VS, auto. 333 to claim your SalesandServiee · ea.to Mes. ·S.-9IOO PS. Air, Very good cond. Tickets. <North County OLDSMOllLE Cocllloc 9915 ' ~O/I~~~: 979--4565 or toll fre e number is GMCTRUCKS ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 COUPE . 540-1220). HONDA CARS CADILLAC DE VILLES 69 lmpol" 4 d•. Auto.""· • • • U • lty Old • P /s. Xlnt mech. cond .. 66 •'ALCON 6 1 A 1 n1v~n S ._ Oran1e County's largest 3 to choose from ( Vinyl $800 645-2131 aft 7 PM. r 1 • cy ·• 0 0· 2850 Harbor Blvd. selection. 1968's-J974's top, leather interior, rull · n ° s m ~ ~ c 0 n : Costa Mesa 540·9640 Open Every Day. pv.ir fa ct air lilt wheel '72 MALIBU xlnt. eond., tr o I , EXCELL EN 1 ct c·. y ~ u r ' ch 0 i cc ; lo mileag_e. must sec to lrans~ ! S2SO or make or· '71 Olds TOIOftOdo (149EJ.T), C493FIC), appreciate $2,350. fer.Call 645-3269. f''ully equipped. Clean. l054DSZ). 551-3626 •70 MUSTA""G L.1c. No. WGA-1. $1995 or ~eil'!!:i'!,~~~I $3999 ' 1""11 b est ofr. Please ca ll fi6 Chevelle SW VS, auto .. · MACH I 8J3-S384 or 554.CMJG. ,-~~'-:--.,..-,I Clean, Solid, dependable. -- 3 .. 1973El0orado Mc6et-s ~C •• QC $650 W TG .520 PP Bo,er? Red w/black 73 CUT SUP, XLNT Cads-Goin Style! .... -H_ .... _ -.., 962-2131 viny l 1ntcr1or .. 351 VR, COND. l~OADED, $2995, Fully e quip., excellent .._ ......, auto, fact air cond, 892 -12111 c 0 n d . As s u m c Coma Me-Kl MO~ wift Gliding '68 Impala. bucket seats, sport P H.I V ATE PAR'fY bal.-$6250. firm. Co. ex-_ _ __ Yrly overhauled. $950. wheels.etc. The sharpest · ecu. autos. Dk. blue-1.e:t .69 Coupe de Ville. Folly Ca11893-3629aft5pm. ri.1 ustang in town. ·73 C utla ss Supreme. b I ue & s i Iver. Ph : loadc-d. Vi nyl top. $1595. '64 CH EVY n. clean litlle {96QSBaQsl·~ Pn·cad Vinyl top, air . xlnt cond. 842--6&46 or 847--8507 1>46-547 leves. weekdays transportation car. 6 Cyl, ,.. ,.. $3500. 644-£894 aft 5. Eldorado '72, perfect con· _893 -2'179. A I T. '75 t ags, $495. · 72 Olds Vista Cruiser Sta· dition ! l.oaded! Camaro 9917 642--4052 tionwa gon, over sized $6100. 673.....-6417. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CM1!'10"'al 9930 tires, heav~ duty shocks, •" " "" trailer hitch, low '72CoupedeVille '70 Cama ro. ~.ooo mi.••••••••••••••••••••••• mileage xlnt eondition Mus t Sell . Bstoffcr. perfect m ech cond. $2200. '69 SEDAN 4 dr. l''ull --~--$2995 cash 581--6254 639.ff.219 P.P.642-3847. power. Good oond. Must '63 Galaxy. runs veryl--------- ---------1.69 CAM . SS J06. l{cblt. sel l -make offer. good, good lran1. car. Pinto DON'T Give up the Ship ! ... S. l'I'. o·,,., Tu•bO. !>48-1686 $165,675-3342,art 5;30 •••••••••••••••••••• ,. "List" it in classified. ,. > .. '74 p · lo A/C ~ t R I ' Posi. Hdrs . 1'-1ags. I lolly. or•~o 9932 1970 LTD, xln!. oond., SJOO in • · .-iu s erco. Ship to Shore esu ts. ......... 10,000 mi. $2500. Call · '642·567S. Sl .450642-7401 •••••••••••••-•••••••• below Bluebook . Pvl. ~..,7_1923_ ood used cor vettes. Pty. Ca ll : 645-0416 -------1 :n.cks 9560 Trucks Often a good selection of :n••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• new '75's. OutstandinJ: '72 Jo~ORI) '71 PINTO, 2 Or. 4 spd. mags. 29 mp~. lt/H. Must sell this wel'k! 644-8777 SPECIAL PURCHASE 94 NEW 1975 CHEVY PICKUPS WVS • '12 TONS • 'I• TO~S 6 CYLS • Y·I• • STICKS AUTOMATICS 12 OF THEM AS LOW AS s2994 •MOH. ll«U Fm1. I AM TO 10 PM• •SAT. I SUM. t A.MTG 6 PM• GROTH ·CHEVROLET IUll-- ' 847-6087 corvette m echaoical, body, and paint team re- ady to serve you. HowardChonolri Dove a nd Quail Sls. COUN'fRY SEDAN. Air and full power. 42,000 miles. Current wholesale blue book $2000. Special t his wl"ek $1199. Call 545-3990 Dealer. Nr. MacArthur. '69 Country Sedan Wagon. 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jamboreeand P /s, D /b. air, rack, C~·•--"" Bri.11tol Am/Fm stereo. Steel -r,.JYlllllMI Newport Beach radials. 429 cu. in. Pr v. Open aUy & Sun. 't il 1 ATLAS l--;:~~833;;;--0065;;;;;:;;;---·j Pty . 491A UH . $800. 2"29lla:~Blvd. I 497-1978afl4PM. •UU'I MOTOR CARS 1200W.Cout.Hwy. Newport Beach You don't nl'cd a ~W1 to 645-1102 "Draw Fast" when you l---------I place an 1d 1n the DAILY Sell Idle Items wtlh a DaJ · l>ILOT W<Jnt Ads! C1U ly PUot Claulfi«I Ad. now -642·5678· • SELL irlle itt"OW with u Dally 1>1101 Classified ad. 642-5678 ''30 ''18 I'' miles oer gallon • IHIGHWAYI I'' miles oer gallon. ICITTI says EPA Buyers Guide for 1975 CHEVY LUV PICKUP! GAS MILEAGE IS IMPORTANT AGAIN! fOf No. 211238/5123. On approved credit. Annual percentage rate. 12.ee . Cash sale price. incl . IP and license. S3.330 61 ; deferred price. $4, 1•2.45. FOf1y-eight months. BIG STOCK '75 LUV 1/2 TON PICKUPS ON SALE NOW! .. ' • • . .. 'A PlEDGE OF INTEGRITY JOHMSOM &SOM SAYS ••• Whip Inflation Now!! BRAND NEW •75 '7J CCMlfM De ViNit C.O.oeou~ S..lu•n B•on•e f ,,.,~,! " .i~nl "'"''" vinyl !Op & wn.te !ull l•a!llet 1nle<IO< fyll PWf. litC'10<y a" co,,., t•l!l1e1escop11; "'hell am/Im ste•eo l n1s car '" "' 0 METS e•tellent Cond•Oan.4 c;o""'~ woln ~ 12 mo 112 000 m• Ca<11nac VP wwr;inty (tl~9M001 Spt'Cialty pricff at FORD IS OFFERING llGCASH REBATES OF ••• AND JOHNSON & SON IS OFFERING FREE AIR COHD. VALUED AT TOTAL SAVINGS! 5600 • BRAND NEW '75 CAPRIS ssoo 55395. 74 EWorodo C°"fN Fully 9CIUIPIMICI w>ln ltlf!Ct wrvoot la.er •"· Oull co,,,tort seais. 1111 .,._ ai .. eo •rod R 11ack tape PM' !JOO' lol;lo• ..,IOINlllC a uo .. co"''°' 11mo 1e t•unk toc~s S111k1n11 C.an~<y F11em1sl •n c,,.ior """' "'"''• Cabriol"t top a ma1cn1no -ont8'>0I. \le<y lo m11aa.ge & a•ce11an1 cond Siie P"ceo lg()&l_FI ~ 58995. C-. De Y"tlh sole l IO CooooM Ir.,.., \l.nyl ~. le~ 1Nenot. h.>11 p,oor, !Id .... tin - ··-.-c_ ,..,.,. c+>ooce 1149Ellt [493FICI !~OSlJ 53999. MOW E•ittilflovgh VOii ORDER YOUR 1975 · •PINTO• •MAVERICK• •MUSTANG II• •SUPER CAB PICKUP• You'U STILL Get Uplo $500 CASH IA.Ck FROM FORD MOTOR COMPANY LOOK HOW YOU SAYE WITH THEODORE ROllHS ADDED DISCOUHTS! BRAND MEW 1975 MUSTANG II GHIA Window Stkr. 55909 Ow Di1cCMtnt Price FOID CASH I A.CK TO YOU ssoo TOTAL SAVINGS UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE ssooCASH BACK BRAND MEW '75 STARFIRE ( 105666) CJish Pl•C• •• 14310 plu1 Tll fOfll >Mtl«r9<1 ii.vme"! 11<••:1• •s s&110 Ill '"'" t~•. IK:•l'Sfl a l•n c...,g& Pay.,..nw; a<a lor .-a mo~ UPOn aeod _.CWal A.PR, or; 14 3.5"4. BRAND MEW '75 OMEGA (104244) C..lll ooca is '3610 pkj1 Tt L TOlat oe._1..i payment P"C'I '"',s,110 90 •t'IC• la• 1..;t1r>S<t a ''" cl\a~• ""°" ue<M t11P<010al P1vment~ a•• tor "8 moo;. A.PR 151 ~35.'li. BRAND NEW '75 CUTLASS (160581) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY s3977 HARBOR BRITJSH . I , IMPORTS Dh' • .t ......... ck •• NEW ~IPMENTS .AJST ARRIVED *7 MG's To choose from. All colors. some with OYft'GiYe. * 17 TR6's lo .-.. from. All colors, 1ome with O¥ermi.,e. *7 AUSTIN MARI MAS 2 doors • 4 ....... s-. ..t11 lk1, .... 4 spMCh... S....17SOM. PllCESROM s2s92 + Tx & l ie GOOD USED SPORTS & IMPORTS '74J......,HH!ey .i s pd., air, R allye "'·heels . Immaculate . {075KGX) '74 MGI ltdstr. 4 speed, radio, heater, only 4,000 m iles. Huge savings. (138KK0) '74 TR6 4 speed, AM /Fl\t radio, heater, hallye w heels. Onl y 4000 miles , 1------.....rrem a inder of factory '75 Toronado (70394BJ IMMEDIATE wa rr a nty available. (J70LWB) '73D-240Z Automatic trans.. air conditioning. #5342. CASH REBATE! Huge selection of new and previously owned Cadillacs. $11 06 DELIVERY n<ClUD1H~ALL O~ s 1777 '72 Toyota Corona 4 dr. Automatic , r adio, heater. (949FNC) '72 MGll-GT • PLUS YOU GET OUR EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN TOUCH! THIS EQUl,MEHT . 302 VB. cru1se-o-niatic. · sun roof. pwr. racK and pinion steer .. pwr. discs, air cond .. AM/FM stereo. vinyl half roof, wide oval s t ee l bit . t i r es, conve nie nce g roup, pro l ecti on g ro up (158588) 4 speed, radio, heater. only 37 .000 one o"'·ner t---------t miles. 15227 '75 OLDS 98 REGENCY SEDAM (194881) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · 51677 '70 MGll-GT 4 s peed, radio, he ater . (1500AZf '70 Opel GT 4 s peed, radio, heater. (412ARC> Good Selectio11 of llMcl Sport Ccrs. luy wll•r• yo• get -orlaed SalH & Ser.ice . BETTER LAST HURRY CHANCE • ssoo FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 MONZAS s200 FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 VEGAS s200 FACTORY REBATE ON NEW '75 NOVAS GREAT SELECTION NOW ~OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 28th • TO BUY OR LEASE AMEW AT LOW 1974 PRICES .. 0 :s: ~ l ... .. 0 ... ' ' BEAT Feb. 28 Rebate Dead Line WE STILL HAYE A GREAT SELECTION TO SELECT FROM WE'RE OVERLOADED WITH BEAUTIFUL USED CARS • WE MUST MAKE ROOM! Save Like Never Before 40 FIREBIRDS TO CHOOSI fllOM AT HUGE SAVINGS 12TRAHS AMS 10 FORMULAS IXAMPLI: 1973 FIREBIRD ESPRIT If!. a.,t,,.,..hc laclory ''' ..._.,.,Ft.II Ste<llO "' !arie '" tono • ~ st-•no oo•e• .... n.110 .. ~ o- o...: twill<~• 1090nCC1 l~> l"'°n 2• 000 mole~ N-'"' ''"°'"· S3689 25 GRANDPRIXS ALLLOADEO. EXAMPLES:' HEW "75 GRAND PRIX {165874) IMM!DIATI DEUYllY ·11 c..,.i 2000 Auto .. air. R&H. decor g ro .. ral ly whe e ls , {86901JJ '69 M..-c. Marqui1 Cpe. VB, auto .. !act. air, P.S., P.B., (YWA559) '69 Okk CultaH Supreme cpe. VB. Auto .. air. vinyl ~f, A&H, P.S .• P.B . {VXR~O) 5989 "69 Grand Prix VB. auto. air. 'll1nyl roof, P.S .. P.B , P-w1ndows, t1ll whl (XXB127J "68 Rrebird 6 cyl .. auto .. P.S .• radio, heater. low. low miles. (XXW010) '70 Grand Prix VB, auto.: atr cond . viny( r oo f . P .S .. P .B., P-windows. { 1 OSCZT) . j i I I ' l ( t . , ( t I I ( • J , • • Oran Coast \ . Today's Closing N.Y. Stocks VOL. 68, NO. 51, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FO~N IA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 c TEN CENTS Parents Reject S·ehool Tax Election By HILARY KAVE Ot 111e O•llf ,.Ho! S~H A citizens cQmmittee told Newporl·Mesa school trustees Wednesday it is flatly opposed to holding a new revenue·raising electlon in ,., ay . HoweveT, the sct}ool district's Cit.iz.ens Budget Committee did leave open the possibility of sup- porting a November election after trustees have cut about S2 I million from ttie 1975-76 distric( budget. 'frmtees called Wednesday's spe4;:.ial &Ludy ..session lo gather ideas abou.t ho~ to cope wtth the .current fin•ocial dilemma in the district. · Generally parents rejected the idea of a new e lection but teachers supported the override proposal. Trustees now bl.Ive a week to ntull ovel' the sugge5tiops before deciding whefher or not to call the May 27 ,lelection. They declined lo oooimen! Wednesday on what tbeir ~e~lsion might be. l( called\ the new election would follow the Nov. 4 defeat of Proposition Z. a measure that would have raised the tax rate by 54-cents per SIOO assessed valua· lion valuation. It would have added an extra $4 million to dis- trict coffers. While no figure has been dis- cussed, a new election would l>ro- bably call for a similar tax hike. Leroy ~tuder, representing the board-appointed Citizens Budget Committee, told trustees that parents, on the whole, do not favor a new tax override elec- tion . "We "'ant the district to work more efriciently with less money , without harming basil' educa- tion," Studer said. .. When you've done your dut;i. to your constituents. then com .. · baci to us and we 'll see about supporting a tax override>," Studer told the bd"ard He said that support for a Nov · ember election, which '>''Ould br- ing funds for the 197ti-77 school year, remain s a ··s tron~ possibilit)' " n • at1on es eac Ne1v Eu1plop1'• Guard Arrested· In Mazda Fire A security guard who hail been hired one day before a ~OJ)OO fire devastated the once-intended Am erican headqu~ter s of Japan's Mazda l\.1oturs, nc., is in jail today on an arson c rge. William R . llolsclaw, ·19, or 12512 Kath y Lane, Garden Grove, is held in' lieu or 525,000 bail pendinl! =i.rra1gnmcnt in Harbor Judicial Di stri ct Courl. Irvine Detective John Stoneback sai d today that Holsclaw wa s arrested at his home WednesdaY night following a p eriod of questioning by himself and Orl..lngt.' County Fire Department Battalion Chief Cliff Chapman. The suspect reportt.'Clly refused to 'discuss the Sunday night fire • which occurred on his second day on the job any further. according to Detective Stoneback Mesa1z., Dies of' l11juries 19. , A young molorcyl·list ...,·ho ...,·ets hurled head first 40 feet in a col- lision with a car Friday night in Costa l\1esa died early t<Xlay of massivl' head injuries at Hoag Memorial llospital in Newport Beach. Michael D. Lester, 19, of 2119 Union Ave .. Costa l\.fesa. suc- cumbed about 3 a .m. or a skull fracture which included a deep. wide laceration inlo the br;1in cavity behind hi s right ear. Police Traffic Burc:.iu Con1 - mander Lt. John Regan suid to- day that investigation is .continu- ing into the fata l accident 1n which Lester's motorcycle col-' Jided with a car driven by John L. Good Jr., 32, of 1038 Concord St.. Costa Mesa. Investigators said Good 's car and Lester's motorcycle collided shortly before mid night Friday on West 19th Street 220 feet west or Placentia Avenue, apparently as the auto driver exited a driveway. One passerby who stopped to assist the fatally injured victim ran into a nearby bar to beg for a blanket to cover Lester, who lay in the roadway, according to police reports. Funeral arrnngcmt•nls were pending today at Bell Broadway Mortuary in Costa Mesa for f\1r . Lester, whom coroner·s deputies said is survived by his mother, Mrs. Judith Talcott. Damage lo the unoccupied plant at 2100 S. E. 1\1 ain St., in the Irvine Industrial Complex could have reached S4 million, had it not been spotted early by a motorist on the adjacent San Diego Freeway, according to firemen. The witness noticed fl ames flickering inside the steel ancl concrete structu1·e and pulled off the freeway to notify firemen about 4 a .m. Sunday. Initial reports said the lo::;s was $40,000, but then through a mi s understanding of the breakdown or the arson-set fire in the finan- cially !roubleJ t-1 azda m'otor car empire's U.S. headquarters it was doubled to SSO,OOO Tuesday. The police r eport fil ed by Irvine Police Officer Douglas Stoermer said the loss included-r-· $25,000 to the structure ltseU and $15.000 in contents belonging to the firm and Individuals. Orange County Fire Depart- ment spokesman originally sug- gested the b laze could be blamed on an electrical short, then re- vised that evaluation to say the fire was sus picious in origin. A s pokes in an for the Don Koll Construction Company which built the Mazda facility, general manager Stan Brockhoff. sliarp- ly contradiCted the electrical problem lh~ry Wednesday. He said release or such in- formation implied some degree of complicity or responsibility on thC part of the builders in the 540,000 fire that damaged a build-. ing they are trying to sell, now that Mazda Motors will never oc- cupy it. "That is entirely and totally er· roneous." Stockhoff said of ~ny electrical failure contributing to the fire. "In any building of this size you always have electrical pro~l em s." The !\.·1a zda Motors building fire was the second at a Koll en- terprise5 building ...,·ithin the past . week, following a S450,000 blaze eight days ago at the Costa Mesa Businc~s Complex, 3303 l-larbor Blvd., which wiped out six busi- ness and industrial suites. Investigators blame that blaze on a spark from a battery charger being used on a J\1anta competition sports car in the showroom of one suite specializ· ing in production of such autos. 3 Escape Jail SANTA MARIA IAPJ -Three men a'vaiting trial escaped from the Santa Maria statioo or the Santa Barbara County Jail ·Wed- nesday night through a boarded- up construction site. WomanBoys9 Rolls, Bemleys Snapped Up LONDON <U Pl) -~ Dorothy Ebright or Carlsbad, Calif., de· clded she rather liked the look or that Rolls-Royce. so she told Henry Nathan: "I'll have th3t one. And that one. And those two over there, ·and ... ·· "She bought nine, just like that." an awed Nathan said-today. "All in ooe hit. Bang.She practically bought me out." · N~than's bonanr:a came Wednesd_ay when Mrs. F;t>tight. a former concert pianist. strolled into hi s Crickelwood s tlowroom. She bought seven used Rolls and two Bentleys on Uie !pot -and paid $92,000 cash. . . . "I cam e over especially to buy some cars," Mrs. Ebright told the aatonlshed dealer~.. . . . . ··1 suppose it is a b\l overwhelming 1f you think about It, but 1t ls an investment I'm mak\ng. I'm sure antiques and cars are 10- tng to hold their value." ) . • ' • _,, -. 0.llY "~ 11'"'91• ~ •\Ul;1r4 Ill.~ FIREMEN INSPEcT 'llEMAINS OF BURNED OUT GARAGE AFTER FIRE Mother, Son Escape Blaze E•rty Tod•y In Monticello Townhouse in Costa Mesa •• CHP Officer Saves Mom, Son f\ California ll1gh'>'·ay Patrol officer on hi s way home after put- ting in a night shift may have saved the lives or a Costa Mesa n1othcr and son early t<Xiay \\'hen he roused them from their blazing home'. Investigators sqid Mrs. Alice Ocremo. 48, of 121 l\lorristown l~anc. did suffer injuries includ- ing a burn on her arm and si nged 1 hair during the 4:20 a.m. fire Status Report Presented for l\lesa's Parks Ry JACKIE COMBS LAND °'Ole o.;1 , Piiot Sl•tt The park picture in Costa J\1esa. 17 months after voters ap- proved a S3.9 million park bond issue rrir acquisition and develop- ment of 70 acres of parks, was presented today at a breakfast meeting of the Citizens llarbor Area Research Team. Director of Leisure Services Keith Van Holt presented an • Fire Ill when s he opened her garage door and '"as hit by a blast of heat. 1-ler son Alan , 1.9. escaped un· harmed from the fire in the !\.1on-1 ticello To\\•nhouse condominium development near police head- <iu a r t ers at Fair Drive and Van guard Way . One witness also ran up to the rear door of the nearby police raCility, pounding for attention to report the 4:20 a .m . fire. accord- ing to Watch Comn1ander Sgt. Carl .J ackson. Officer Oliver Solinsky, a CI IP offi cer \.1.'ho liv es in the same n e ighborhood , had already a\vakened l\1 rs. Oerc mo and her son and ale1·ted t hen1 to the danger. Fire Department Battalion Chief Bob l\.lcClclland today estimated the firC' loss at about S.t .700, including structural dan1agc and an older model \lo \k s "•agcn ,,·hi c h 'was destroyed in the garage. "The fire is s till under in · "estigation." hC' said, adding that it is suspected to have started in or immediately around an automatic garage door opener devict'. overview on the status or park ac-'II or Stor11' quisilion si nce the bond issue in 0 r r • Rites Slated For l'oast Boat Builcler Long -time Ne .... ·port Beath , yacht broker and boat builder Rav l\.1arshall di ed Tuesd=i.y af- ter.noon at his Balboa Is land home afte r a lengthy illness Ill' \\·as 80 . l\.lr. J\1arshall. \\'ho first settled in the I-Tarbor Area in the early 1930s, served as president of the old Victory Shipbuilding Corporation during the World \Var II C'ra : The firm. \1.'hirh once occupied the Coast 1-ljgh'>'•ay site where Rosan now exists. built vessels for th<' Nav_, .. After the w ;n· he hl•lped form . the Seaport Company, \\'hich pro- duced 1-lollv,vood crui sers. !\.Ir. Mars hall "·as among the first members of the Ralboa Bay Club and had bt'cn a member of the Shark Is land Yacht Club. The resident of 1201 N. Bay Front retired rl'cently from ac· tive \.\'Ork a s head of O\.\•ens Pacific '\'acht brokcraj:!:l'. He leaves a s ister. Loui se J\farshall of Glendale. a nephew and I6cousins Services will bl' conductt.•d at 11 a .m . Saturday at Pacific Vic"' l\lemoria\ Park Chapel, Newport 1 Beach. follo'>''ed by comn11ttal in the memorial park . September. 1973. It provided funds for bolh school districl- owned property a nd private pro· perty for park sites -and the conceptual plans ror Fairview Re_gional Park. · Van llolt said Sl.4 million has been paid to Newport-Mesa Unified S<'hool District for four school sites: \V akeham site, a Weed Abatement Probed by Council JO-acre site adjacent to an exist-"The horror slory of Costa abatement progran1 so that Lhe ing two-and -one-half-acre park in r.t esa. · · accorrlinf;! to resident matter can be i11\·est1gated. l\.1esa Verde and two former Verlyn Marth, is the weed abate-Councilman Jack llammett school sites which v.'111 be in-mentprogram. said that he knows lhat weed corporated into Fairview "Thetermisacatchphrasefor abatementis madetorcduccfire Regional Park. a mass herbicide program," he h a2ards and to prQtcct s mall Although the city has been told City Council m~mbers this children, but he added that crtUclied for the slow P.rogress in week. f\1arlh might w1:1nt to take two acquiring the park s1tes, ".an lie criticized the spraying or a ('Ouncilmen out to show them Holt maintained Lh~t ,n.1n ... ,~ hJll north of the golf course on ·areashei!!com1,lainingebout. months passed be/or~ tn4~ittre-: , wblch he sajd · 12Q ~c id o£ Marth specifically request€'<! ceived the moo•Y an(' tba { veg~btion exist~d a.nd""fhespritY.~ that·herbicides not be used. and ne~tittlons Wlt)tithe sewoo1 4lft ..&ngOfo\hersJ.ripSiq*eets. . j"" that weeds be removed only by trtet\v~fcslow't!lhanex~ted. ; ··All tha('f"left ;~4;te~asy c_lay 1 ~echanical means and then only The Wake,bfGl st\.e, a t~ in which nothing 0~~~"'· l im· 111 .response to requests b y priority pr.Qj~:.__becji\Jse the~ <. ttgin~ theri:rS so mil ol)t in the • c1ti1ens. . ar~ no park& op the citiy p~rty city.•• , If· Today, city "''ficilll!! fur1:hcr e1t · north or tbe r'tooway, sh<*l.Cl be coonclf.men agre ~ tublc a~~~ plained wetd con~\ p<>llc1cs. (See STATtlS. Poee,All 'I llQn on ,JrPrd\>l the 't"fl , <See WEE DS, 1'11• A2J ,. In reeommendtn~ <tg<tinst the i.•\ection, Studer offcrt.'d H pro· posal fron1 !ht.• con11111ttt.'e fur cuttin~ aln1ost S2.1 milhon from the budget. The biggest i.'Ul .'i \\"Crt.• pro- posed for the follo"·1ng o.u·l':.i.'i . -Operatio11 s and ma111 - lt'nancc. bu1ldin i.:s and grounds in1proven1ents, S415.00U St."hool f:.J{"Llltll'S, s.1011.onu. (St•f' E l .EC'Tlf).\;, l'age A2 i • Output Plunges By 9.1% \\'r\Sl·ll NGTON I UP l i - !'rices increased at a record 1·1.4 pcrcenl annual rale in th e final three months of 197<1 while the Gross National Produ<·t fell 9 .l percent. the Cn .11111crce Oepart- n1ent said today. Th~ government re1l0rlcd that inflation y,·as wors e lhan originally estimated over the last FORD GAS PLAN SOCKS MOT~ISTS. Page A4 I three months of 1974, but the total output of the economy remained unchanged. The total output of good':) and ser\'ices. or Gross National Product, showed a drop of 9 .l percent at -an annual rate after adjustment ror inflation during_ the three-month period, the Com- merce Department said. The figure was unchanged (rom last month 's estimate. but ...,·as still the shar1>est quarterly drop since 1958. Measured qua1·ter lo quarter over the entire year it was a lso still a 5.5 percent drop, t he sharpest decline in any recession since the Depression. Commerce revised its estimate of the dollar value of Gross Na- tional Product for the year S600 mi llion upward from la s t month 's estimate to SI.397 .3 billion for the entire year. Rut at the same Lin1c. Conl- me rce revised upward the infla- tion rate, which had originally been estimated at 10.2 percent. The ne"' estimate set the infla· tion rate at 10.3 percent over the 1year and thus accounted for the dollar value increase in Gross National Product. (See ECON0!\1 V, Page Al ~ DOW RECORDS ANOTHER PLUS NEW "\'ORK tU PI J -The s tock market. overcoming earlier profit taking, closed higher today in active trading on the Ne\\' York Stock Exchan~e. The Dow Jones industria l average, up and do'>'·n all morn- in g, gained 8.99 points to 745.JS. Advances led declines by about a seven-to-five margin. (1'ables. 87 1 Prices "'ere slightly hi gher in mod e rate tradin g o n the American Stock Exchange. Or:111~111 (.·t1;1st ~ \\.t.11atl1rr Partly eloudy today bccQm- in g fair tonight and f'riday. A little "·armer l''riday y,·ith highs in the mid-60s. L-Ows tonight40to47 . ·~s•o•: TOO.\,. Three boys llghled an elder- ly man's mattre.~s on f1re and threatened to burn h1r11 aliVf.' unless his wife lurned OVt'r their money and tialuoblt·s Story, Page A4 lud .. x Al'f•rW•k• AJ !.•,.... BomM<k &J l..M 6oyCI &t C.llltr11!• .I.I ClilUilletl CS-11 COmlc1 8• (.rOll-rCI 91 0o•tfl NclUCOI .l.t l!ClilOf"i•I P•"9 A• 1!11lorl1i11m,111 es ,,,_.II<. '" 1 ......_w_ Cl 111•~n1ort es A1111L.111G<tr• Ill Mo•in es Mllt11;1f l"imCI' 8t Ntllo11•I Ntw1At,Ct o..,...eo .. 111, . .. ,...,.. .,.) ~ylv•• ~,,., ., Sp(lrt• C1•l S*•M.lrltoh ••·1 Tflt~J,1911 81 n..ler\ es W.illllet' "' ...... ,.. ....... ..,,c, l • • < . ·c Thurida Fitbru. 20, 1975 Jo Ie·ss rfi ~d :t,o Abuses CHICAGO CAP>-Anincrease in child abuse cases across the •ibaUoo c~n 'be dlrecUy attributed ' the naUon's recession. gys a JH:Oft'lineot Chicago pediatriclan; ~Di .. ROwtrie Hayes Brown, ~edical director of Cook County ~'IChlcago) Hospital, says there is ~ direct reiationahip between ~hlld beatings and unemploy- '"inent • ... Speaking Wednesday before -the American Academy of Forensic Medicine, -Or. Brown i:aid, ••we've always had batter· \ng husbands, but recenUy the number has risen because more men are out of work and at ihome.'' t She· said many men are anx· lous and frustrated over matters that normally would not bother them. As a result, they have a low tolerance for a crying or mis- chievous chifd. · ' Statistics on child abuse are hB.rd to fllid and often mislead· Jna:_,,'Dr. Brown said'. Many cases lire 'not reported and others are not <;onsidered serious enough to be called child abuse. Dr. Brown is a strong advocate ~state laws tO require the re. prong: of ijefinile or possible in· ~tances of child abuse. Such a law went into effect in Illinois in '1965. ' . l. She said that in l!ti'4 nearly •· ~.ooo child abuse cases were re· ported in Illinois. She estimated that nationwide 500,000 children .;µ-e severely injured each year as a result of beatings. Dr. Brown said the death rate {@I" children admitted to hospitals · f_fter whippings is 10 percent and th.at the majority ol deaths are due to skull fractures, con· cussions, burns and injuries to in· ternal organs. "A normal parent or custodian will rush his child for immediate aid; however, the abusers, often f.earfut of their own conse· quences, wail until they become .truly frightened and until they have concocted their explana· tions,•• Dr. Brown says. · M,ost states have now adopted provisions calling for detailed re· parts of child abuse cases. But Dt. Brown said it is difficult to prosecute child abusers. Evidence is hard lo obtain. " "'Abusive acts are usually in· flicted within the privacy of the home where they are either un· obaerved or witnessed only by a spouse who has a legal right to refuse to testify against the abus· ing mate," Dr. Brown said. • 8 (oort1on) I ' f'Nlll Pag~ .J) : .~STATUS OF PARKS "• •• .... .-' ; ... ,,._ ... ' l:' • ·L. -1 • '.IEomple <cl In July. Van Holt ukt ·before-approaching the ownet: ~ .. I ~ Ttu111er 1lt~)••ll"NOQI J6w:• ~ OWJ!tr .lll8f ~en. pa:; foe bis . Df!\>rit)i·1>fofiell bee&.,.. MOia ..wit apprilter~ followed' by • · ;}, \lerde ~u lh•ltllb~tpercentose third appraiser; aod, It token to . .-of cr-iielt and park acrea1e in '•obrt, a -judge or jury wtll decide 40qll1 tbe t'lty. The slEe also ia adjacent hoW much should be paid the pro--f I to an existing small ¥J>d recenUy per\~ owner. , ,__ compl~~ parl«. · "I! all depends on how 9'111illll .. • • "As soo.n as we had purchased to sell the owner i5," said Van the school 5jtes we started look· liolt. lp.g for pr•vate praperty that V1:n Holt pointed Oj.lt that it .\I WOuld do.~· said Van Holt . 11te t:f· takes $30,000 to develop an acre •tx 11a& a ~alnll:ll $1.8 million to , ol land and one roan1s necessary pQrtbue11>riY•t~ property. to maintain each five park acres. · ·. Aitpraisals are under way for He also said that the $3.9 million 10 to 15 acres of pfivale propeny has been invested in th~ lnterim and should be eompl~ within period, earning the city $238,000 50,days, he said. to date. ''The city council has gtven Zone Three (l'.:af1t Costa Mesa) permission to condemn proper· and Zone Six (tbe Paulo Drive-in ty," he sald, "so all of the sites area) are the most deficient we have picked will become zones in park acreage. "But we parks. It ts a matter of when and can't provide the; necessary 40 how much will be paid." acres of pa:-ks without condemn· Van Holt satd the procedure, ing homes," said Van Holt . "And under state law, is that the city the cost of re-locating would tri· must apprais e the property pie the land cost." Ho1asing Mop Revisited , Tree Removal Law Okayed The 234 -acre Fairvi e w Regional Park Y+'ill be a county regional park. It has been reoom· mended that the city of Costa · Mesa turn over its two parcels, totaling 26.7 acres, to the county. •. . Jow·mcome households and no two pro. jects can be closer than one quarter mile of each other. This restriction does not ap- ply to projects for the elderly, the han· dicapped, or students. Numbers refer to census tracts. Shaded areas were inad· verten.Uy omitted from map which ran in Wednesday's edition. • This is the olficial city map which de- signates, in the shaded areas, the 1970 census tracts where new low·income hous· ing projects can be built in Costa Mesa. It was adopted by the council this week as part of a federal housing assistance pro- gram. The council l$o adopted a restric· tion which means that no more than 10 P.,rcent of the homes in a project can be ....:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .., • ., TqNIGHT . ORANGE COUNTY FAIR BOARD -Regular meeting, 88 Fair Drive, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARYZI BASKETBALL -Estancia at Costa Mesa, Newport Harbor at Westero,8p.m . Court Date Slated In Newsrack Theft A Costa Mesa man is facing a Feb. 27 court ,arraignment in con- nection with what police allege is a statewide newspaper rack theft ring put together by an uniden· tified mastermind. George W. Lockhart, 23, of 256 ported to police. Suspects involv'ed reportedly had no keys but were simply taught to pick the locks of an older model rack which is being replaced by newer ones. Lockhart is scheduled to bear~ raigiled in Harbor Judicial Dis· trict Court Fib. 21 but ii curnnt· ly free on $250 bait on the misde· meanor charge. The Costa Mesa City Council has passed a new tree ord:nance which empowers city crews tore·· move a tree from ,a parkway where it is found to be a hazard. City Attorney Roy June ex- tplained to councilmen this week that the ordinance also contains a provision to meet the complaints of homeowners who protest when ,a tree ls removed. June said that the city's in· surance liability for accidents caused by trees cannot be transferred but the city can be idemnified by a homeowner who wants a tree preserved. The ordinance was P3$Sed un-' animously . Newsracks Stay LOS ANGELES CAP> -The City Council Wednesday fal!ed to override Mayor Tom Bradley's veto of an ordinance which would have banned coin-operated_ newsracks from the city's Public sidewalks. '"We 'll own it but they will maintain it," says Van Holt. The city also will contribute $950,000 to development of the park and a legal agre.ement will guarantee that the city will have specific uses of the sections. The park is a top priority pro· jecl for the county and work should begin before 1980, he said. The preliminary plans for the regional park include two lakes (one for fi shing), a Wilderness area, bicycle trails, foot paths. a 70·foot wate rfall , underground, bunker-style restrooms to eliminate structures, and an overnight camping · area for youth groups. The only apparent criticism from the group of 25 of the pre· liminary plans , designed by Laurence Shafkind for Boyte Engineering of Newport Beach, was for the entrance structures. Newport Beach architect William Clapel said, ··1 feel the county is insensitive to good architectural design. The over· view of the 250·acre park may be ruined by a poorly designed en· tranc~_way.'' FRIDAY NIGHT FILMS - "Scarecrow," OCC Forum, 7::JO p.m. Adm. $1 . UC! CONCERT -UC! Orchestra and Chorus, Fine Arts Village Concert Hall, Feb. 21 , 22, Sp.m. Adm. $2,50. E. 19th St., was arrested Sunday and booked on suspicion of petty theft following a stakeout of neWs racks at 2300 Harbor Blvd., in Costa Mesa's Harbor Shopping Center. A companion, 25, of Baldwin Park, also was arrested and booked at the time but later re· leased on grounds of insufficient evidence to implicate him 'in the series of coin thefts. Cla.vis· brown UC! DRAMA WORKSHOP - ''LittJe Murders,'' LitUeTheater, 161 Humanities Hall, Feb. 21, 22, 8p.m.Adm 7Scents. ELECTION. • Postponing certain repairs to some schools. Detective Tom Boylan said in· formation provided to police points to a key man assertedly behind a series of suc::h thefts, ranging throughout California. ••tte makes a pretty good living at it,'' Detective Boylan charged adding that all efforts to obtain a name on his base of operation have been futile . : Close out Sale on Our new line of Maytags is on the way! We·must.move out all discontinued models NOW! Hurry and Save. Fro• Page Al -Transportation, Sl00,000, ex- tending walking distance by one- ... quarter mile. Investigators said they have 25 crime reports regarding newspaper rack break-ins iii.· volving the Daily Pilot and other publications and information about more than 50 such thefts to date. Buy in the crate or we'll deliver. • ECONOMY. • It was because inflation sapped those dollars of their value that . the so.called real Gross National Product declined. despite a high dollar volume of output. The worst of the inflation hit in the fmal three months of the year. Originally Commerce estimated that quarterly in· crease al an annual rate of 13.7 percent. New information caused the department to change that rate to 14.4 percent. Prior to 1ast year, the fiercest inflation over any three-month period measured by G~ Na- tional Product statistics had been a 13 percent annual rate 'jump, the first three months of 1951. The GNP figures on inflation include a broader range of prices -such as raw materials for manufacturing -not included in the more familiar consumer price index which jumped 12.2 percent last year. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. w~ "''"'kM"' -"""' .... Jac;k R. Curley ~ ... --M .... 0.-.. ......._ Thomas keevll ··~ 'thomas A. Murptilne ... ,...i ... E•W J c Other substantial cuts suggest· ed were in the areas of data pro· cessing, substitute teachers, professional meetings and con· sultants. In making his comments to the board, Studer contended the · "credibility of the board is al stake." ''The board must meet the challenge mandated by the public and make substantial· cuts," he said. However, Chuck Gordon, pre· sident of the Newport-Mesa Education Association, and Dale Wooley, president of the Newport-Mesa Administrators Association, both spoke in favor of a May 'Z1 override election. They said both teachers and administrators do favor a new at· tempt at a tax override election. A fourth group, the Newport Harbor High School PTA, reject· ' ed the idea of the new election. PTA representative Barbara. . Fults told the board that a poll' taken of parents showed that 95 percent said they would vote against a tax override election. She added that the $25,000 the new election would cost should instead be used in district pro- . grams. From Page Al "They probably hit 100 to 200 around here," Detective Boyland added. "Seventeenth Street was probably the hardest hit, btlt they were all over town.•' Investigators said the alleged .mastermind of the theft opera-· tion is apparently a transient who rarely stays long in one place. Lockhart and his companion later released without further charges anticipated were arrest· ed Sunday night following a stakeout. Detective Boylan said newspaper rack theft losses amount to several hundred dollars to date and apparently less than half have even been re· Bandits Hit Sound Store A pair of bandits held up an electronics sound equipment store in Costa Mesa Wednesday and escaped with nearly $400 in cash and equipment . Pamela Floyd, 18, clerk at Lafayette Radio Electronics, 2300 Harbor Blvd., told police that one of the bandits simulated a pistol in his waistband and de· manded the store's receipts. WEEDS .• • Detectives said the bandits Fire Marshal Robert answered the description of a pair of bandits who robbed the Beauchamp said that ~hen London Britches apparel shoP at weeds are removed from pn~ate 2137 Harbor Blvd. of $250 Friday property only mechanical night ' methods are used. He added that · · be will ask the council to put the program back on the agenda at the next meeting and approveJt. Vocal Scholarship George Hill of the street de- partment agreed that herbicide C t t Ann d ' is used in ditches "where we on e~ ounce can't teally get down to cut the weeds and in· tight spots in some ot Ollr alleys.'' · But Hill denied that mass herblcide is taking place. Parks Superintendent Cbuct Rurt said that berbleldes are used in median 1trlpo and t!llrub beds ''where appropriate.'' 'There i& a pre-emeraence con· · trol program and a contact con· trol program in which herbleldes are used. He said that Ole city's creW J1 trained to a pray areas based only . en" speclfic need. ! .. Newport Harbor High School's sixth annual vocal scholarship concert will beJln at 8 p.m. Fri.' day In the sChol>I alldltorium. rt will feature performances b'y the Chantelles, the Newport Harbor Chorelle and the Girls' Chorus.· Tbe Chantellea; a group of 12 singers, will ·perform numbers ranging from popular to classical. Nancee Cray is their featured soprano solojst and the ·recipient of the 1974-75 Vocal Scholarship Award and PatrtCla Cobb and M.onlca O!dl)'Jen are the C011tralto1olhila. Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Washer • Permanent press and regular fabrlc cycles • 3 Waler level set1ings • 3 Water temoeratvre setlings •Zinc coated steel cabinet wilh tough acrylle enamel fi nish •Family s12e procelain enamel tvb with Power fin Agllator • Allracttve bruShed metal ttim' _..---..._ While they last ,.,. Now only ~199 95 ~avls•bro ! .I Dependable MAYTAG Scotsman Dishwasher • Fv11 Size vooar and lower high veloclty spray arms olus center post spray 3 l<>vet sc rubbuig eliminates ore-r1ns1ng • Uniove rac1<;1ng·d1st1es and silverware on too • M•cro·Mesh 1111er Hurry and Sav e WU?OO ' l • • • /, 7 ~ I