HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-21 - Orange Coast Pilot- • --·--·- • . . - t - 8 . !· • • . j • • ,. • . • .. r • • ~ • -' ' I ~· • ' ; .. • ' • , 1 ~oast · Teaeher· Convicted Mesa • ' . • Over~olDe by Killer Paroled Cya~de Du1tt After 5 Months l : . . " .. DAILY PILOT , . awsu1t • e . * * * 10' * * * ' • FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUA Y 21, 1975 VOL M, NO. !J, 4'SliCTIDNS, 42 "AGIS r1a ere I • lT . h eac er Change Of Ve nue ; r i' .· . .Wate rgate CQvernp 'Biggies ' Seii_te ~ed , WASHINGTON !UPI I -John ·.N. Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, once Richard .M. Nixon's most trusted aides. were sentenced today to up to -t?ight Y.~a~s in pri~or;i for conspir- iq'g to cover up !J)'merica's worst ' polilical scandal .... • Opening the wa}r fOraq appeals \ _process-that may take as Jong as ·1tw:o years. U.S. District Judge1 ,John 1. SiriCa also sentenced 'Robert C. Mardipn to upfto three years in prison for his part in the ·watergate conspiracy. Mardian is a sometime San Clemente resi- )dent. . The sentt!nces, stiffer than. .those riceive'.d by any ~other ' Wa,tergate defendants since· the · origin-al burglars, were ilescrlbed by.one of the attorneys .as .. far more than Richard Nixon. , will ever suffer.'' · Ora~=~ Coa ~t ""*~ LJ. Weather Nixon, forced lo resign as pre· sident ol the United States by the same evidence which led to the conviction 6r his lo'p aides, wns vacationing in Palm Springs with the knowledge that he will never be prose1luiQd U4der ,.pardon tie . rec~ved fij)tn, A'resi\lent Foi'd. There w a~· no il;nmeidi~ com~ ment froml.he former presiden~. Ni>ne o(, 1he· f~r-cqn.spirat.qrs • -Mitchell, who11had been Nix- on's atto;n~ gener,al and cam· pa·ign manager;· Haldeman and Ehrlichman, who were chief White House aidl!os, and Mardi.an, who-was Mlkhell's chlf!l depUty -,showed" ;tny •em!)tlon d ' tl>e sentencc!s;.were,prOnoUncOO:' ni·e ·cori!i\i'i'plor> ·sol•mii!Y re· fused lo cotnrneiit, but Mardian's law¥er soid he thought the sen- tenc e.s were ''too heavy.·· Etirll~hman, 11'orln'ally gti~ con- fessed, •·t just• don't have anyttflng to.say.." • Northeasterl)· winds 2'to40 .. mph below canyoris through Saturday, •according to the weather servite. Fair skies with highs or 67 to 72. Lows tonight42to47. Mitchel-I.., Hafde111~ and E~f~ichman w'ere sentenced to a minimum of ·2-¥z years 'td ·a max· imum bf eight years onchai'ges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and lying. Mardia~. convicted on- ly or -conspiracy, W,as given a Kt-month to·thr·ee yea~ sentence. · They were releaS'ed without bond pending apj)eal. I NSIDE T ODA. V A MU.ion Viejo woman has totia/ied her' desire . to ad by · p•Jl n~ strings backstage - the 1tnng1 of her puppets. See lfory b1I Doily Pilot staff writer Jan. Worth on page C·2 of todau'1 Weekender. EhrUchman also races a sen- tence of20 months to five years in oonnecU6n with the break-in at the,..offlc.(, of Daniel Ellsberg's psychlatmt. Throu,g'h their at~orneys , Ehrlichman offered lo waive his right of appeal ii) exchange for an ''alternative sentence·~. of doing legal resear<b for a group or Pueblo Inell~• in N!f. .Mexico ,ind lfal<lernali plead~'fbr a sen' tence no wofsethan Nixon's. Sirica replied that he had given ''careful and' serloui lbou&ht lo what lbe pro~r senwnce should be.., and considered •tt.be deter· renteffect on olhers1 '' ' "Whateyer Bob Halde,rnan did, lo did Richard Nixon," Haideman's attorney, John J. Wll•on, aald, '1llot Nixon le free !See8Y.l>ARS, PageA2l ' • 1 Felled By Dust A Corona del Mar High School chemistry instructor was o-ter come, Thursday by what is believed to be cyanide dust which he may have inhaled during a day of checking and disposing of chemicals in a storeroom . Quick action by coworkers and firemen minimized effects on teacher James Lucas, who sud· denly fell to the floor at about l :45 p.m and experienced serious breathing difficulty Principal Dennis Evans said thal l"'o other instructors-t'fbOli· had'been on the same project~nd in the same room. Steve TaJlor~ and Brad Thurmon, immediaJel' sought help from the school nivse i . and phoned for police an~ firemen. None of the instru~ were seriously injured by tht;. ef ... 1 feels of the chemical. , Evans said that the sc idncG' btlilding wa s immedia\,etl1 cleared o f pupils and firefneri used ventilating devices to clea~' the chemistry area of any 11R5Si~ b1e hazardous chemicals. 1•• ··we sent all three of tt¥ iri-. 'sl-ruclors to the hospital just as a precaution and they were~ r~ leased by about 6 p .m . They'r~ . all back ,on th~. Job today ahd in fihe health," Evans said. ) ~. He added that it would ~ dif· ficult to determine, the exact sub- stance wbich ·caused1,the poten- tially serious mishap, but he sajd suspicions are that a pulverizt;<J for.m of cyanide m~ have been released0ur1ng th~ day's work. Evans sajd, that. t.he clearing and checking of chemicals in the laboratory was a routine event and that Lucas had been check· !SeetlVERCOME, PageA2l ' UPI Tei.c>llofo : •laz e Tragedy · ~-A Springfield, 111., policeman t1ies to console lhe grief- stricken grandmother of eight-month-old Demet1ia Doss who died in fire at her home Thursday_ Firemen believe the blaze started from a space heater. Demetria's brother was rescued by f!remen . Prehation Okayed Fo·r Mesa Slayer Convicted killer J-lelen JLanine May of Costa Mesa vias freed on parole Thursday, ldss uian five months afte.r she was sentenced to one to 15 years in State. prison Ml• tchell 's '!or the slaying of a young Jazz drummer. • Mrs. May. 45. llvl.'d at 1383 Shannon Lane. Costa Mesa', last June 11 when she s hot and killed Venice Hernando Willis, 2.1 , a musician who had recenUy taken up residence al her home. Judge Smith found her guilty or voluntary manslaughter after she tearfully testified that Willis intended to rape her and that she fired at him in self defense. Orange County Superior Court O.pti' .... ;sti'c JudJ• waiter E. Smith agreed to. • • ...., be.r release frq_rn the Fre>roera Prison for Women provided she • WASHING1bN' (UPI I _ ad¥res for lhe next live ~ears to W.ben. foi:mer Atto·rncy a long list of regulatiot;as dr---wn General John N. Mitchell w<1~ un bv tbe county's ltroql.\1bh Defense attorney Donald CSee PAROLE, PaJ;!e A2i t ed od · h Department. ' ••n enc I •;r to up to eig t Among them are the provisions . Hydrofoil Fixed ~ilfs in prison for the that she not use alcohol or frlt-n:J'::~ ,;:::::~~:th::~ quent places where iL is served, SAN or EGO (AP> The Const , . COmP')ent: • 1that she not possess firearms and \Guard bas returned thC' high· "ll Could have been a heU or that she receive p~ychiatryc treat· speed hydrofoil Fl agslafr to the a Jot ~e. They could ha\'e menton11noutpat1entbas1s. Navy after repairing dama~c lt'1lenetd me to spend the ~twas also revealed in the brief from a colli sion with a y,·halt•. r•t. of lit ilh M h hearing ~fore Judge Smith that The Fla~s taff suffered heav~ Mltche.11':°1' e w art 8 Mrs. May plans to move to damage Jan . 21 when it rammed '-------------...j 1 Northern California. into a whale ofr Point I .omu 1 ' R e jected By TOM BARLEY OI "" Oeltr Pilot SWff Superior Court Judge Claude 1\1 . Owens ruled today that Irvine heiress Joan Irvine Smith's stock control lawsuit against the James Irvine Foundation and the Irvine Company must be tried in Or'ange County. He firmly told all ten lawyers involved in a pretrial hearing to- day that he is not impressed by arguments that the Irvine Com·· pany's land owning status in this county precludes the possibility of a fair trial. ··it may be true that the com- pany owns 83.000 acres of land amounting lo one fifth of Orange County," he noted. "But I can't accept the state's argument that this justlfies muving this trial to Los Angeles County." Judge Owens next will take evidence from witnesses before ruling on a number of other pre- trial motions filed by bolh sides in the lawsuit. Among them are demands by h.1rs. Smith's lawyers for a permanent injunction that would prevent lhe foundation from pro- ceeding with its alleged plan to sell Irvine Company shares <See llEIRESS, Page A2J M1trder 'Joke' Was11't Fwuiy CJ-IICAGO (U PI> -Michael Faber calls himself a practical joker. Attempting to hire so- meone lo murder his wife, he says, was just another of his little pranks. The humor was lost on Ci rcuit Court Judge Daniel Ryan. He found Faber gui lty Thursday of soliciting for murder. During the trial of the JS..year- old former vice president of an anticrime equipment manufac- turing firm, several witnesses - including his father-in·law - testified Faber >A'as a known jokester and that lhe murder con· tract probably was a practical joke. His wife Barbara. 32, testified that she had been having an af- fair with another man a1'd that she knew her husband was in- vo lved with another woman. \Vhen the verdict was an· nounced, s he e mbraced her hu sband, then fainted. 1 ' j • • l • • • • I t',-P..,e.41 • HEIRESS ••• Be~enge? P~li~e Ta~~t . . •mounllilt" tcf ~ ecnirousniin-·· terest lo the compuy to Mobil OU Corporation for a .._rted $110 million. The foundation bas been pre- vented from COl\Clud.lna the deal by a restr•tning order issued iahortly after the lawsuit was flied. Of Fire Bomb ' ' Ready for Blastoff Mrs . Smith contellda that the lfvine shares are worth far mOl'e than the quoted fif\11'9 and that their sale at the foundation price would amount to a defrauding of company i1J.Ye1tors. ' Mrs. Snlltb i1 Ille rrand- dauchter of Jrvine Company founder Jam•s 'Irvine and a ~minority 111.arebolder Jn the Irvine Company; she -hold the' largest bloc~.of company stock owned by an l.DdJ.vtdual. , The stock h~ld by the foonda· 'lion amounts to 53.4 percent of the issued Irvine Company hold· 1ngs. Lawyers for both sides share th e belief that the key issue in pre- trial hearings now under way and ih the trial itself will be the value Judge Owens places on 1rVlne Company stock. Lawyers for the California at- Uf'I T•lfllllit• torney general's office entered the lawsuit with the argument that state laws govern financial · Pau! Moller, a former UC Davis engineering · professorT sits at.tbe controls of his Discojet, a Dying saucer he designed and constructed. The two-seat saucer is powered by eight 24- horsepower rotary engines and is expected to get 16.5 mpg on regular gas. operations of all foundatioiis •nd the James Irvine found.allon ii no exception to that rule. Under the federal Tax Reform Act of 1969, all tax exempt foun· dations must divest themselves ' ·CHPwPace Mesa 'Tomato L d ' or.controlling shares of corpora· a y lions . •~ro• Page Al for Cadillac 8 YEARS ••. ·Nevad.a-bound . TrafficAgain Deals -SAN BERNARDINO (UPll - The Cali(ornia Highway Patrol announced today it put 35 c·ruisers on duty again this ·weekend on Southern california highways leading to Nevada as iconvoy escorts to enforce the SS mile-per-hour speed limit. The operation will cover the same routes as the initial experi- ment over the Washington Birth- 'day holiday -the four major highways between Los Angeles and the border and particularly Interstate 15 which. runs to Las Vegas. Last week's operatioo was pro.. nounced a success so far as keep- ing drivers · at the legal speed limit. On sUnday anemoon and .evening on the roads leading back from Nevada. not a single speeding ticket had to be issued. CHP spokesman Dave Daniels said the escort patrols will operate westbound from about 2 to 11 p.m . FrlcJay and· Jastbound atthesamehodrs On Sunday. . Daniels s"aid the convoy system will not be employed thehext two weekends but tbeu will be re-- instaleJI for two rn.orewcekends. By ELLIO'IT ALMOND Ol u .. D.rilr Piiot SU•ff Dawn Pease is some kind or tomato. The 19-year old Costa Mesa woman recently appeared on television game show ''Let"s Make A Deal'' wearing a tomato costume and won the big deal of the day -a U2.000 Cadillac. •·1 went on the show to win a car," Dawn said. "I've never owned a car befOfe and I really wanted one." She even dreamed of winning a car two weeks before appearing on the show. "Let's l\-1ake A Deal'' en· courages contestants to dress up as part of the act. Dawn wanted something original and a photograph of an apple with a worm through it appealed to her. However, instead of becoming an apple, Dawn decided on a tomato. "I used to work in a produce market and I love fruits and vegetables," she ex- plained . So she became a five-root red tomato with a worm through the center. "I made the cos- tume out of foam liner and used wire to hold it together," she said. "l also had two giant green leaves on my feet." to buy a smaller car that "will still have enough room for my friends." Dawn \,\!as one of 62 people selected to sit on the trading Ooor in the TV game. "It was really funny," she said, "five out of seven of the girls I went with were selected for the floor. The olher two sat in the audience." I-lost, l\1onty J-lall noticed the tomato screaming in the front row and said, "If the tomato in the front row will be quiet for a second , maybe we can make a deal with her." Dawn's first deal was a suc- cess as she won a S2,000 fur coat. "But when would f wear a fur coat, so 1 traded it for a chance at the big deal." li er trade again was worthwhile as she won the <;adillac and $50 "'Orth of car wax. Dawn is al~o planning to use some of the money from the car for a two-week trip to ·l!awaii late this sum.mer; ::- Prior to the trip she ho~ to work as a re1c·reatiol\ lea,der ror Costa Mesa as s he has dOne th'e past two summers. Dawn said her sllow probably will air March 3. and llaldeman has faced the agony or a trial.'' "Yours is not unlik"e the power or pardon,'' he s aid. ''Bob I laldeman stands here facing the possibility of suffering far more than Jiichard Nixon will e ver suf· fer." Ehrlichman's new lawyer, Ira L-0\A'e, said that Ehrlichman had been in contact with a Pueblo chief who relt there was a critical need in the remote area of the Southwest for someone with a law background to research the 8,000· member tri he's land titles. Lowe read to the court part of a statement by Ehrlichman which noted he had been earlier con· victed or violating the civil rights of Ellsberg's psychiatrist. "I'm convicted of violating an individual's civi l rights.'' Ehrlichman said in the state- ment. ''Th eir (the Indians·> rights ar~. in question every day. '"I truly would like to do that rehabilitation myself," Ehrlich.man said. "If I do it myself 1 will be infinitely better ror it." Mardian·s wife Dorothy and ll a ld ema n 's college-age datl'ghter Jan were the only fami· ly members in the courtroom. Neither displayed any reaction to the sentencing. A man.~vestigato"8 allege was seeking reventco. for a traffic ticket was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of throwing a fire bomb al the Garden Grove police station. Larry Clements of 12611 Shelly Drive, Garden Grove. is in Orange County• Jail today on charges of attempted arson and possession of a firebomb. • Investigators said a city fireman heard glass breaking behind the police and ftre depart· ment "complex on Acacia Parkway just before ll p.m . The fireman went out lo in- vestigate the noise and found the- remains of a bottle that had been filled with g3sbllDe. Its contents had splatterel'.f" onto the fuel pumps used by city cars. A burning wick .. of rol1ed cloth that had l)een stuff~d into the bot- tle was found nearby where it had apparently fa llen out. It failed to ignite the Molptov cocktail. Shortly after the bombing at· tempt, police spotted a slow · moving car in the neighborhood and began following it. They pulled the car over when the driver allegedly threw an object out of his car onto the lawn of a nearby house. Police said the object was another gas-filled bottle. Officers said Clements' remarks to them ~.· 'l. "'"""' ., "' ,. .,,. -· ~ .A' ~ '" after his arrest indicated he 'lf•S out for revenge beca~e h~ had been given a ticket eaftler i.n the day for allegedly driv1ng on the "'r o ng side of the road . . ' .. ,,. Wife of ehief 'Admits Arson ETNA IAPJ -The police chief's wife has admitted· she \\"recked and se t fire to their home in this lo\'t'll of 000 near the Oregon border, police officer Dave y.,r <.i lkt•r s~1 ys. Kathve Schwinn, 34, also con- fessed she mailed a note threatening to kill the chief's .. ,:ife and five children if he didn't Jay orr drug users. Walker re- ported Thursday. 'l'hc blaze \\'as quickly put out. No ehargrs \\'ere filed since she vand<11ized her O\\"n house and filed no insurance claim. Pay Toilet Ban I.A:\'S l'.':G. l\l1ch. (L'PIJ l~cj!;is lation oulla,,·ing all pay toilets in :\lichigian \\':.ts in- troduced in the state" Senate Thursday 1,1,11th the supµorl of 31 or 38 mcn1bcrs. After a study of all the "input" from the experiment, including the public reaction to such shepherding, a decision will be made whether to institute such procedures permanently, he said. The total coast of the ouUit was $15. It was well worth the effort, but Dawn plans to sell the car. "I'm going to sell it because I'm afraid to drive the thing - it's so huge. The insurance is $M0 which is way beyond m)' Valley Man Sentenced In Robbery Infant Found Dead n •t R · 1 • 't'.'111 e <t oc~ UPI Tilepho!o Fro• Page Al OVERCOME budget." , SAN FRANCISCO (A Pl -The body of a newborn infant has been found in a wom e n 's restroom or the Emporium de· partment store on Market Street, ·rhis 12:000-caral faceted yello\\"·green Brazilian topaz, about the size or a grapefruit, is sho\1/n for the firs t time at a gen1 an<l n1ineral s hO\\' in 1'ucson. The :-;tone, the largest of its kind, is ov.·ned bv the Sn1ithsonian lnstilt1- ing to see which substanCes would have to be disPOSed of or repackaged. Instead, the department store employe plans to u~e the money police said today. ~ tion. • · A Fountain Valley man who,--------------_::=:.:_ ___ .:_ _________________ _ Firemen and police summoned a special hazardous chemical a.nd disposal squad frbm the sheriff's o·ffice, and the speci8lists removed several sub· stances from the laboratory. They were dispq.5ed of later. Walkout Delayed DOVER, Del. (AP> -Striking public 15choolt,eachers around the 'state returned to classrooms lo- day after declaring a moratorium on their three-day walkout. ORANGE COA~ • DA ILY PI LOT ThOm•S Keevll ··-Thomas A. Murphine ..... flt£•-°'"'"" H. Loos Rkhard P. Nall Mi.l\I-Mol"'60'"9 Edltllf\ Offk:ff CMl•INw· lllWir•ll!NTM- Nt.._I &.~•1 JJIJ N•-1 eoo.i.-.r ~ .. kll, 11 .. ~Solr.-t """':::!"" ... "~ 11t/J9N(ll_ .... twt114etl!Y•tl•'t: IWllU-,_.,...,_ _. 5en o-..1"•.._,. T• ...... nt {714) '42-4221 a.fllfted Advert Ill,,_ W,J671 ..... 11Miek "~ll't*""OI&. r..J~1'..'.!..· ··~ ,.,.....,1110--.. ~'°"""-"~ .... • 540·1Zff Cff<tfi .. I~ l'tfJ Ol'M .. (Sill 1"~~1!•111110 ~,,..,...,..,._llMlr .. .....__laflil ....... , ., ell.,•rllM.,..nh llf•Slll "'"'' M ..,.,..!Kill •II-I t!M'(ISI ... Ml•USn ii --· _. 1ltll ...,.,. -"' •I Ci!il.I ~ ... C ... ,.,....n .... hC«YIHW.• ....... . ................ ,) ....................... . - ' • From Page Al was pursued by police in a high Speed chase through that city and Huntington Beach after ~ 'and an accomplice took $2,oOO al gun· PAROLE •• • ,_.., point from a drive·in theater was sentenced Thursday to ten years to life in state prison. McCartin argued iO her defeDse that she w a's of ''diminished capacity" at the time or the kill; ing and that she was still emC>' tionally unbalanced by the deiih from leukemia of her husb~d, Costa Mesa Fire Capt. Lawrence fMay, ,and. the later death of her mother. Prosec~tor Pat Brian agreed to the parole of Mrs. May prO- vided that she adheres to the lis( of probation regulations. ' BART Trains Slowed Down OAKLAND (APJ -The Buy Area Rapid Transit system·s computer broke down today, slowing trains to 25 miles an hour and generating a massive com· muter rush lhrough the :..hree· county net work. BA RT spokesman Dave Kelsey said all trains on the 71 -mile system have been put on manual control, slashing the usual top speed of 80 miles an hour. Orange County Superior Court Jud.e J .E .T. ''Ned " Rutter or· 1 dered the maximum armed rOb- bery term for James Wilson \{jller, 44, of 19682 Brookhurst ~-· ~ountain Valley, after a jury in his courtroom quickly re· turned a guilty v6rdict. Miller asked for and received immediate sentencing. Codefen· da·nt Dean Anthony Kilgore. 33, Downey, was found guilty in a separate trial and sent enced earlier this "Week by Judge Walter E. Smith to five years to life in state prison. Miller drew the extra fi ve years on his minimum term because of his use of a weapon, during the high speed chase last Aug. 27. Both men were arrested after they robbed the Warner Drive-In theater in Huntington Beach of $2,000. Bullets flew as police cars 'J)Utsued the defendants' Cadillac at speeds of 80 lo 90 miles an hour. The chase ended in Fountain Valley when one of the car's tires Was J)unctured by a police bullet and Miller was shot in the arm. Saudi Gift? No Hami Aski,ig--Panel NEWPORT; Ky, (APl -The Newj>ort IIQard of Education Is . seeking a little foreign aid from saDdlrArabta:- The board vot~d Thursday to coniact representatives of King Faisal to obtain (u.nda for a new hlgh school. The idea wa1 offered by board member Robert All en, who said he heard Ar1b na.tions are 1ooking for ways to improve their image in the United States . Supt. Thoma• 9•bban! noted that a suggestion was approvfd earlier in the meeUng to seek any aid possi ble for school financ- ing from Gov. Julian carroll. . . I "We might as well ask them both," Gabbard said . I WINTER SALE CONTINUES • 8 DAYS LEFT Lar<Jo Hiedi"" of .,a111y fiomitun ol red•c•d prices. Henredon. laker, I lo1 jlago mid Droa<I all hcr¥O special ' 9 "'' --for lhlo' ·-· Fcrnl•t!i• cdledl"" of ,.1oo1m.y crlso on •crl• -· Doll't wcrlt, DAEXEL-,.HERIT AGE-11ENRE DON-WOODMARK-K AR AST AN-BAKER .. WlUOl.TS & SATVIDATS 9:00 hi S:lO I ' ' NEWPORT BEACH • 1727 WE$'1'CLIFI-' Oil . CHZ-2QSO LAGUNA BEACH • , :1-1.'> N(lll'l'll l'i>AS'I' 1-tYlY .,. 4~ Gs.st TOR~ANci:·. ,,... HAWTIIORNJ: A~vo <C)p1'n Fn Iii 9, ~un. 12·$·)ni 378·127!t .,.. " • • I G 1; I I ' ' Bl E a( SI A G u: SI • Cl ... B B sl ol "'' w "' S< n• 0 81 st "' El aJ no w Sl hi el .,. "' el .. b .. • b n .. "' " " ll < l< b 11 • • c I 1 t ( t I I J I l • I i I • II " ~ 11 y (; 'r 1 I I I I s ' . I j • -Friday. February 21. 197S DAILY PILOT A3 &~ W@Mir ~@rr~·a@@ OC Transit Buying 44 New Bus~ A Sunday, Monday, Wt"dn.:sd1y. and t•rlday ,:,aturt! Of the DaU) r1~1 BlfJle Shtmned By WILUAM SCHllEIBEll • ot .. Detry ..... The Orange' County Transit · District's bus fleet wtll grow by nearly 50 percent in June and dis· \rlct planners are working feve[lshly to develop an. ex- panded network of bus routes. The 44 new buses, which cost thedlstrlct'$3.7 million. are due to start arriving next month, but it will take at Jeast gO days to get them. into service, according to district spokeswoman Mary Evelyn Bryden. Meanwhile, planners are over- hauling the current route system to accommodate the riew buseS and to respond to receilt"""Ci-ders . . . • Guest List from district directors. ''Al this potnt, nothing Is sacred,'' said Robert A. Schweim, a sonior transport.ation planner for the district. ··we are doing a line by line examination so we can tell the board where Ute service is most needed." Pointing to a large map of dis- trict routes1 Schweim indicated that at least a hair -dozen route changes could occur o? the Orange Coast. The map is ten- tative, Schweim insists, like most of the district's current planning. Three major route additions or expansions are on the drawing_ boa.rd for the Orange G<>ast. The1 E~~!'.rsa::: othen are relatively minor. In the west end of the county, planners are considering a new route up Golden West Street from the ocean in l{untlngton Beach and on through the county to Cal State F\illerton. Jn the central Orange Coast, a route running the lull length of Red Hill Avenue from Tustin and Orange lo Orange CoWlty Airport is being considered. And a major route improve· ment serving tbe Saddleback Valley is a lso under study.' It would run from Santa Ana to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, then to Lake Forest and Mission Viejo, ending al the Laguna Hills Mall shopping center. Not readily visible on the map_ are proposal:; to intensify service on some of the most 'popular routes, such as the one that runs down Beach Boulevard to the ocean in Huntington Beach. ln line with board directives. Schweim said the successful routes may be increased to halt~ hourly service rather than hourly while other routes, called "the turkeys ." n1ay be eliminated, altogether. But at this point, nothing is final and won't be until after public meetings and a final vote by directors sometime in mid- March, Schweim said. Gal Auto Maker . Aboul the only thing dblrld planners know for sure ls ·~e)o must respond . to board. poUc.j statement s adopted Jas.j. December. They were passed shortly after the failure or a Nov· ember ballot measure that would • have infused millions of dollan into transit. · Everything the district is doing-- is aimed at living up to those statements, said Mrs. Bryden, particularly the cornerstone policy that literally changed the direction of the district's plan· ning. The top priority of the district 1s to serve the home-to-work commuter population. Until last November, the district's chle( goal was provi4ine traf!~oorta· tion to the ''transit-need)'. DEAR PAT: I noted lhnt when Edward H. Levi was sworn in as .ttttorney general of the United Stales, his hand was on the Bible. At lhe swearing in ceremony for Governor Brown, no Bible was used. How come? Could you find out if the Bible is being bypassed in our state ceremonies? A.M., Corona del Mar Spokesman ror Brown, Bill Stahl, said, ''The uise ol the ~Ible as part of a swearing in ceremony is not required. Jt's a matter of personal preference. Brown did not feel he needed a Bible to prove his position or stand on any Issue related lo the ornce of governor .•• At Nixon Fete Set <ancosco ~«"•·!~'< 1~i I u•. .Really a Man? But before the election, district. plans revolved around a rail backbone network of rapid transit. Now, commuter rail servfee, if there is to be any in the foreseeable future, will be along existing Amtrak lines. · The new center of district al· tention is the bus fleet, said Mrs. Bryden, noting it will take a minimum of 236 fuJl-sized buses to effectively s~rve Orange County. Miller Lectures DEAR PAT: I'm interested in writing to one-time television personality and scientist Julius Somner Miller.lam enrolled in a new program at Golden West College, "Science Technology," and I want to Inquire if Miller s till lectures and if he could possibly do so at Golden West. M.J .11., lluntlngton Beach Wrlle to Miller In care or American •'eder1tlon or Television ind Radio Artists, 1717 W. lllKbland, L.A. 900%8. Your letter wUI be forwarded to blm. Efertrir Heating DEAR PAT : My husband and I are in the process of building a new house. Jn the near future we will have to decide on a heatkng system. Due to the design of the house, we have concluded that electric heat will serve oor needs best. The only problem is finding out which electric system is most efficient and economical. J.l'., C.OSta Mesa EJ<ptttl 1\ Ibo N11ionll A• sodaUon of Home Bullden say a beat rump-type electric system wouJ be best ln your case. There are two basic kinds ol electric beat -ope where a coll be.ts up, mmlolten found la baseboards or wall and celling panels, and a second tbat •orks like aD alr- ~on.ditk>ner In reverse. 1bls more rostly to install and maintain, but It generally uses power more effi. dently. Your electric bill will be less because this system draws beat from the outside and brings it into the house. Its efficiency varies with temperature, but it also can be used as an air· PALM DESERT IUPIJ -·Celebrities from the political, en-. tertainment and business worlds are expected to.turn out Saturday night for Richard Nixon's first appearance at a social event since resigning the presidency more than s ix months ago. Frank Sinatra. Bob and Dolores Hope and former Gov- ernor Rona ld Reagan and his wife Nancy were among those re-- ported on the guest list ror a par- ty in Nl(ton's honor at the walled estate QC millionaire publisher Walter finnenberg._ former U.S. ambassador to Great Britain. tain. Tire fortune heir Leonard Firestone, a longtime Nixon financial backer, and Leonard Swearingen, chairman of the board of Standard Oil o( Indiana, were also invited. Nixon an4 his wife Pat drove lo the Annenberg estate here. where they were often guests when Nixon was president. Wed- nesday afternoon. It marks the first time Nixon has left his seclusion at his estate in San Clemente since leaving office. except for two occasions when he was hospitalized in Long Beach. Rolls Buyer In Secl'usion LONDON (UPI> -"'The backlash of Dorothy Ebri~ht's /half-hour spree of impulse buy . ing got loo inuch for hertOOay. "She's gone into hiding," said f-lenry Nathan. still chuckling over the ·'amazing" half hour in \l.'hich he sold Mrs. Ebright seven Rolls-Royces a nd two Bentleys for S92 ,000 cash. "She phoned me at 6:30 this morning," Nathan said. and can· celed a meeting with the press he arranged for toda y, • Super Station The map spots Standard. station No. 21·33 on California's Interstate 5 which led the nation las t year by pumping 3.7 million gallons or gasoline. Armored trucks arrive three times a week to pick Iii> the cash at the station, visible for 10 miles at night. · Mislabeled Cough Syrup • 'Dangerous' LOS ANGELES (AP> -An urgent appeal has been issued by a drug rirm for recaU or a Potent and potentially dangerous drug \l.•hich was mistakenly labeled as c hildren ·s cough syrup. 'fhe medication, sold under the brand name Phlemazin or the generiC' name promethazine pediatric expectorant, could cause vomiting, headaches and stomach ulcers, said Clarence Lofton, president of Progress 1. .. <Jboratories. Inc., manufac- turer or the drug_ llowever. state officials said Thursday there have been no re- ports of anyone becoming ill 1 from the mislabeled syrup. cond.itionerdaringtbesummer. ~--------------, About 500 ga llons of potassium chloride solution were inad- vertently labeled as cough syrup and distributed to druggists throughout California since July, a Progress spokes man said. 'Lost' Monufortur- DEAR PAT: We are looking for a healing control part for a Thor ironer. AllhouJZh v.·c'vc con- tacted every possible source we can't locale it, nor can we find the current address of the manufacture r . The ironer is in good s hape except for this one needed re1>air. I D.G., lluntlngton Beacb ••t..ost" manufacturers can be found by a phone call or vlsil to your local library. Chttk the ''Thomas Register of American 1\lanulacturers." This book lists items by brand name, followed by the manufacturer's aame, ad· dress and phone number. B~ok Approbof" DEAR PAT: Could you tell me · He Drove By tlie&ok SACRAMENTO <UPl>-A bus driver has learned that he shouldn't always go by the book when he is behind the Housewife Suing Over Te1utls Fall wheel. A San Juan Capistrano A Sac ram e n to Regional housewire who slipped and broke Transit driver who told police her right leg while taking tennis he was reading a bus oper<i· lessons al the nearby Marco tion manual and driving at Forster Junior iligh School sue(i the same time was arrested the Capistrano Unified School after police say his bus struck District Thursday for SIS0,000. a nd injured a woman Mrs. fw1axine 1\tathcharges the pedestrian. school district with negh gcnce The driver, Charles E . and claims in her Orange County Gildersleeve. 27, was charged Superior Court action that waler Thursday with felony hit and had· been allo\l.·ed to seep on the run driving. tennis courts when ~he took an '--------------~ adult class there last July 8. where I might be able to sell .8 d d some very old books publis hed ur ene from 1830to 1861? R .t~ .• Lagun• Beach · Mother Berofe yod arrange a sale, get your books appraised. Several firms offering both appraisal and • resale .ervlccs are: Book Sall, 106 W. Lincoln Ave., l\nabelm; Bookman, 10972 Garden Grove Blvd •• Garden Grove; El's Bookery' & Boutique:, 211~ Brei Blvd., Fullerton; Book Ba1a1r, 510 N. Jlarbor Blvd., Fullerton,. and Pa•son'!I Book Shop, S35 N. · Larcbmont, Los ~nceles. Bewdlne Shouiing DEAR PAT: Dresses are 'get- ting a little long~r a:nd I 've been Jetting down all my hems rather than buying n ew clothes. Cnn you or any of your r~aders tell mt! how I can get rid of the old hemline marks?. Profiled on Sunday Advance picks for top weekend reading list among "Sunday's Best" in the Daily Pilot these ·reatures now under preparation: MOM HAS llAD IT -A 28· year.old mother of five children ju.st. wants to give it aJJ up. She says sbe can't (ace the hassle of bills, babies and budgets - especially with no job and i:>re- cious little money. Starr Wnter Jackie Combs Land tells the story and what various county agencies are doing foe and about thi.s troubled parcnL YOU Sec· tioo lead. f SUNDAY'S BEST) MADAME MO DJ ESKA -One o( Orange County's most ramous names comes alive again as Dai- ly Pilot Staff Writer William Schreiber tells the story or the Polish nightinga le who loved the Orange Coast and died in NewpOrt Beach after a long and full life on stages of the w<>rld, .!!-notHer YOU Section reature. G.C., El T6ro . 'BRIDGES' ON WllEEl.S - HEART ATTACK CITY Any YOU Section special feature by the Associated Press tells th1• fascinating s tory 0£ a ,village 1n F'inland that doctors have romc to think or as the heart attark capital of the world. M ~l ic<Jl studle.s are unde r way now to find out why s\ich an inordinate number or the area's young lathe.rs never make it to m1ddJe . a;ge. Dip 1 pre111ln1 cloth tnto • balf The kids e-&11 the new sport ind ba1f mixture of vlneg:ar and' "Natural Bridges" and it makes water. Wrtng out the cloth, place surflnc: look like a trip across a over lhe hemline and pre&S llghl· wading pool. Photo layout by ly with a warm Iron.. If you don't Staff Photographer Patrick have a pressing cloth, • dam· O'Donnell shows just how rough pened paper tawel can sai.-. this game of shooting lhc sides of stltate. Other blnte from readers a concrete..c:banneled Santa Ana will be m1ll••l10 you. River on a skateboard C4I\ be. , LOS ANGELES (UPI> - Elizabeth C.arn1ichael, hunted by authorities in California and 1'ex- as as president of an auto making company allegedly used in a largl!. s windle, may actUally be CJ man · disguised as a woman, it was re- ported today. Dallas District Attorney Tom Clayton said Carmichael's home there was raided Feb. 12, but Carmichael escaped, apparently only minutes ahead of the of- fi cers. . Clayton told a t elevis ion newsman here that in the home of- ficers round a large number of wi gs. false breasts and sex· disguising devices usually worn by female impersonators. The reporter, Dick Carlson of KA BC-TV, has been following Carmichael's problems, since his expose set off the investigation in- to 20th Century Motor Car Corp .. headed byCarmi(·hacl. The corporation originally \l.'as headquartered in the Los An geles s uburb of Encino, advertising. that it was about to prOOuce a three-wheeled car called the Dale. which would be the most econOmical p1·i ,1ate auto on the . road. The Dale purportedly would get 70 miles per gallon of gasoline, be "the safest c<ir yet" und cost Jess than $2,000. The corporation allegt.>dly took in hundreds of thousands or dollars in depos its for car sales, stock sales and purchase of sales francijises by would-be dealers 1n JO states. California business regulatory authorities brought action against the firm after Carlson's : expose. \11hich indicated the cor· poration had no facilities to pro- duce such a car, and th.at the one prototype n1ct none of the cor· poration 's claims for it. California <iccused the corpo1·~­ tion of ignoring an order to hall such sales. and l.os Angeles Coun· ty brought grand theft charges. The corporation and Carmichael moved to Dallas in December. allegedly carrying on business in the same manner there until Texas authorities brought charges, and Carmichael fled. With the addition or 44 new buses this spring, the neet will number just shy of 150 full-sized buses. The district v.•ill also have more than 70 smaller Dial-a-Ride buses to expand its pioneering door -to-destination transit service. Al their regular meeting Mon- day, directors will be asked to start the bidding process for another 55 fixed-route buses to be purchased during the next fiscal year. By the time purchase arrange- ments are made, Mrs. Bryden said. next year's buses could cost more than $70,000 each, com· pared to just under $60,000 for the current batch. The 63 buses purchased last year cost about $50.000 apiece. Jt is likely not· all the buses coming this year will go into ex- panding the arterial route network , Mrs. Bryden noted. Some may be used to give the dis~ trict's fledgling Park-and-Ride express system a s hot'\n the arm. PRIMROSE 29~ In full bloom -Loads of , Color-Shade & Particl Sun Vegetable B PLANTS af-90 a .. crsl.y ........ • • EcJIJpl-t, irtc. . •Poriy Poe Reg. 89c R09- 69c ',#JI'"'/ REDWOOD ROUNDS . -~' GREEN HA.VEN~ I SILVER SPADE One of the Best Soil Conditioners 4 cu. tf. Bag 4.4'f V•hle 'ft. ' r Bare Root ROSE BUSHES 2' for 1 SALE 1., I GriOMFrff I 15.AR~f NG::: TRUCK LOAD CITRUS TREES LOADED with FRUIT JUST ARRIVED II BE : 2123 NEWP01tf BLVD_ -t COSTA~E)ft-~ (;46·31925= ··:;. lmlO - .,_ bf'2.·4-10:3 ~ -_-..,.....;., HOUSE PLAMTS Crttpin9 CharH or Erne<dd Rlppl• leq. 11.00 CHERRY llHUIARI l"J. ,_,, . s 119 I cu.ft. s1••· R09-2. 99 COSTA~.; 646-3'}25 ••. l'l'>TIO ""°" o+;z-"1103 • '~ - I • .tf OAft.YPllOT l.M ¥J~gislators ·:'And Liquor i7J &ICKY TICKY POLITIX: -~ When our legislators swing into action up in Sacramento or back <"to Washington , often the .( ... citizenry looks on in disbelief at •'t.!i!'11 lhe things happening in those ····nallowed halls . Indeed. it's not ~'uncommon to hear some tax· .:payer cry out something like : ·' ~·. •·what's wrong with those yahoos up there? Are they all • ;.ciruak or something ?" The answer to that question is now beginning to stagger out. Yes, some or them are. The neWs ·has trick.led out or Sacramento that in recent times, no fewer than four of our good legislators have been snatched i by the long arm of the law on • drunken driving charges. t l IT DEVELOPS that all rour or , the accused happen to be QemocralS. • Now you can draw your 9wn • conclusions to that. Maybe the , ;.mocralic majority has tired of· ust being drunk with power and ants to get drunk on something else. Or, it's possible that there aren't enough Republicans around Sacramento these days to find one who has sipped too deep- 1y of the juice or the vine. Frid!)'. FebN!IY21, 18'7S \ Trouble at Sea Waves smash over grounded tugboat, 50 miles north of Seattle. The \ug was leading fuel barge which came adrift and washed ashore Tuesday. Attempts to refloat the oil vessel today failed. · ~· Or, maybe those Republicans ---------------------------- 1 ~,.who have managed to stay in r~sacram ento just don't have ~ ough friends left around to buy em a drink . THE POSSiBLE explanations re endl~s. But it is a fact that wo of 'th~ solons who were auled off the highways and into e drunk tank were arrested by e same SacraJnento of ricer. Tbls has caused some ~legisllitors to suspect that there '•are pat1olmen cruising the capital streets who are out to get them. Anyway, the problem reached such proportions that just awhile • back, 'Sacramento Police Ghief Bill Kinney met over lunch With Assembly Speaker Pro Tern' Louis Papan to discuss the ar· rests. ~ It was not reporied if the pair ·ned any glasses prior to taking their midday repast. Assemblyman Papan did re- rt, howe'ver, that Chief Kinney ad made the offer to have his atroln)en drive legislators -_home if, after imbibing, the , awmaker felt uneasy about dri v· himself. Or, the cop would be appy to call a cab for the too. r aPP)' legjslator. Communist Attacks Kill Viet Children SAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) -Communist-led attacks killed six school children and wounded 13, and left 19 government soldiers dead and 18 ihjured in different parts of South Vietnam today, the Saigon command re- ported. • In Phnom Penh, travele('J said Cambodian s\udent'! ,and civilians attacked and looted Chinese-owned food shops in Bat· tambang City lo protest rising prices stemming from growing insecurit y in the r,egion . Casualties and damage were not immediately known . THE SAIGON command said five Viet Cong mortars hit the Nhi Qui elementary school near Cai Lay district town in the Mekong Delta 45 miles southwest of Saigon. According to pre· liminary Teports, one child was killed and 12 others were wounded, the command said. About 35 miles farther north along the northern coast below Da Nang, Viet Cong troops mincci a milita·ry truck, 'ol.'Ounding l\lo'O soldiers. the command said. But flying fragments from th~ mine killed five school children and wounded one, the command said. THE COMMAND said 14 militiamen were killed in an at- tack on a militia post' near D,at Do, a district town in Mekong 'Delta 45 miles southeast of Saigon, and that five 'soldiers were killed and 11 wer~ wounded in an attack on an infantry posi· tion near Lai Khe, 35 miles north of Saigon. Also in the Mekong Delta, Viet Co ng sappers slipped into a gasoline depot near My Tho, 35 miles southwest of Saigon, and blew up large stores of gasoline, military officials said. The food riot in Battambang followed the cutting Thursday of the city's road and rail links with the Tbai border, 40 miles to the northwest .. '"!eports from the citv said insurgents mined a train in 'the area, killing 4 Passengers and wounding at least 5 others. Airlift Dangers Voice4-- From Wlre Sttvlces ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia About 60 Americans still In northern Ethiopia believe their' lives will be in dal:lger from the Eritrean gue.r"illa.S..1 if Washington fills the Ethiopian governmenl's request for a big ammunition airlift . Both American diplomats and "''"' T•+wMI• civilians say they should be Tells Horrors · •\ J ' Ana Maria Morgano (-IN SHORT . ' describes "horr.ors" suf· . .fered al hands of Chile mil i tar y re g·i m fl in . testimony ·at an inquiry in evacuated fr.om Eritrea if the ammunition is sent. That would mean closing the U.S. C.Onsulate in Asmara, the besieged. provin· Mexico City. She said she was repeatedly raped and her husband beaten to de- ath. ' Groce·ry Tot,al8 1 Blamed • , From Wire Sertk:e1 . onsumer prices in Orange; d Los Angeles counties lo· creased by 0.5 percent In January, spurred chiefly by Nkes in the cost of food. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said today ttl.at January retail prices .. were 11.5 percent hi gher than.J.n January of 1974. • • Suzanne Sadow.y, chiefcflhe bureau's California office, said the Los Angeles consumer price index stands at a re~rd l!i0.8. That means that it cost $15.08 io January to purchase items that could have been purchas~for-10 in the base year of 1~. ' cial capital, and the Kagnew -------------- MISS SADOWSKY said food prices rose 0 .9 percent In January and were 10.7 pe~ent higher than a year ago. Cereals, bakery products, fruits and vegetables rose an average ol 1. 7 percent during the month, she said. military communications station just outside the city. Cleon Water Hope. WASHINGTON -l''actories responsible fpr nearly 80 percent of the nation's industrial water pollution have agreed to bring their dymping down to the limits set by law, the Environmental Protection Agency announced to- day. Citing "very strong progress" in cleaning up the nation's,lak~ and rivers, EPA Administrator Russell Train said 23 bodies of water already had shown dramatic improvement. v .. ssel Aground TEL AVIV -lsraeli naval crews fought stormy seas today to renoat a Saudi Arabian ship. that ran aground in Jerusalem- controllcd gu lf of Suez Waters, the military command said. t Israeli sailors moved in to free the ship after the Saudi seamen agreed to the operation and Israel informed the United Na- tions . the Israeli command said. Bird l"lop E11saes 1-1. CA MPBELL, Ky. -Army officials have termed this week 's mass extermination of millions of blackbirds, s tarlings and grackles at this military reserva· lion a "reasonably good s uc - cess." But environmentalists have returned to court to prevent another mass killing. \101i119 by·TWA -WASHINGTON -Twelve thousand union employes of Trans World Airlines were scheduled to begin voting today on whether to accept a tentative contract reached by airline negotiators and the International Association of Machinists. The work settlement was re· ached just hours berore a mid- night Thursday strike deadline for mechanics, baggage handlers, stockroom workers and other employes . Spacemen ' Mystified By Foulup CAPE CANAVERAL, rla. (AP) -Space agency officials say they don't know why an Atlas Centaur rocket try'ing to launch an lntelstat IV satellite into space headed for the ocean in- stead. The rocket had to be blown up over the Atlantic ocean shortly after its launch Thursday night. ··we are mystified," said Henry Slone, Atlas Cintaur: pro- ject manager. SLONE SAID il cc!uld take a few weeks to find the cause.of the failure, the first in a satellite launch since 1969. Pieces of the $30 million rocket and its payload fell into the ocean about 500 miles from Cape Canaveral , northeast or the Bahamas, officials said. Slone said the failure <><.'curred shortly after the engines cut off in the rirst stage of the rocket and that the rocket and its 3, 100- po u n d lntelstat IV "'e re destroy~d as a safety measure . TJIE INTELSAT IV was to have been po;sitiooed over the In· dian Ocean to join six identical satellites in what is called the largest commercial· corl)munical1ons global network ever established The satellites are owned by the International Telecommunica· lions Satellite Organization, composed of 86 countries, and are manag_ed by the Communica· lions Satellite Corp <COMSATJ. Mart in 'v'otaw, a vice president for C0i\1SAT, said the Cailure "d~s not pose a serious threat" to the service in the Indian Oce'an area because this 6atellite was intended as a spare. ~1ean'ol.·hile lower prices for · fresh and canned milk, cheese and butter caused an 0.6 percent drop in dairy products. Apparel prices fell to 1.3 per· · cent below December but were still 8.2 percent above a year aco. the bureau said. HOUSING COSTS rooe 0.7 per- cent and 12.4 perce"t over a year ago, while fuel and utility prices rose 0.8 percent because of higher gas i:i.Od electricity bills, Miss Sadows ky said. Nationally. consumer prices continued to increase in January, risi~g six-t enths of one percent during the month. The January increase national. 1 ly was led by a jump in food prices, especially for cereals and bakery products and fruits and ve·getables. Over·all food prices were up eight-tenths of one pet· cent from December. ADMINISTRATION economists had been hoping lhe • Labor D~lirtment'I Conaumer J>rice lnd;ex. fOr Janwvy WQUld reflect the decline in wholesale . prices during the Jast 'two 1 months, e s pecially for food prices. ' : But the over-all increase In January consumer prices na- tionally was only one·lenth ol one percent less than the December increases, ;ndlcating there has been only moderate relief for consumers from 1he nation's rampant rates of inflation.. Over--all ,consumer prices In January were l l. 7 pe~ent higher than a year ef.rlier natiooally. YOU .\a·E ONLY lert to .wonder if Cbjef Kinney's men will offer the same service to ()lain, otdl~ary citizens who abRpUy ~uff~r. a case of alcohol- tnd~ed staggers. Welt, ~ssembly Speaker Leo McCarthy this week came lo the defense Qf his drinking fellow lawmakers. Daily Pilot Otff•ery l1G • .-antffd Mondav-frlday· ii you do not have '/0'.11 ~r by 5:30 p.m .. call t>elore 7 p.m. an.d yoor copy will be de- liYefed. Pearl Jazzes Up Show This January's increase. however. still was the lowest nationally since last 'April. when . the increase was five-tent.M of one pe rce nt nationwide. The Consumer Price Index in January stood at 156. l percent or the 1967 . average. STREAKERS GEI' RUNNING SI'AKI' "EVery police department has Sahnday and Sunday: II you dO no1 receive your copy by 9 am. Satur· day, or II a.m. Sunday, call before 10 a,m. ~ )'OUf" COPY Wl11 be dehV91'8d Miss Bailey Takes Over at White Ho;se one or two members who have a yatt Earp syndrome," cCarthy charged. That may be true. But McCarthy •hould be glad th e cramento Police Department doesn't have a tough marshal like Wyatt Earp on il!oi roster . Wyatt Earp shot bad guys . Clrc......_ T•I•,,_.• ~ Ora09e County Areas 641--4)11 N0rthwes1 Hunhngton Beach. and Westm1nsler .. . . S~lllO San Clemente, CapistrallO Beach. San Juan Cap1slrano. Dana Poinl, South Laguna Laguna Niguel • . ..... -4'M6l0 Snow Fails • m WASHINGTON (APJ -Singer Pearl Bailey was a guest at the White House dinner f()('. the na- tion's governors Thursday night, and she took over the East Room, dancing with President Ford and gi 'ving an impromptu perf'Ormance. She · jazzed things up when Rockies Colorado Nets 10 Inches of White Stuff IJ.S. Su111111ar11 • ' I ' Te111pvrot11res ' • F'ord took her out on the dance floor Wearing a flo ating chiffon cafta n in gay colors, she launched into a country two-step as an orchestra played "Take Me 1 lome, Country Roads." Before long, Miss Bailey had the Fords, governors and wives dancing hand in hand with her in a c ircle, while other guests stomped and clapped in rhythm. IT LED MRS. FORD, who once wanted to be a professional dancer. out into the center qf the circle for a solo. Then Miss Bailey was up on the ba~dstand . launching into ··Hello, Dolly,'' from the musi~al in which she starred. And calhng for suggestions from the crowd, s he did a medley of state songs, including ''The Eyes of Texas," "Ohio" and "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny." ••t never saw a governor's par· ty like tbi.s." the President ex· claim~. . Ml.ss Bailey showed no signs of a · recent illness and he r performance was exuberant. • IT W.4.N'T THE first time she bad taken over the White House. \ At a similar dinner for the gov- ernors last March, she got Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon to play the piano as she sang. But lt1iss Bailey told reporters Thursday night that she detected a difference between the Ford and Nixon White Houses: "It's a whole different feeling, isn't lt - makes you happy.'' CARBONDALE, Tll. (UPll - It's not even spring, but they're already streaking. · Seven University of Illinois stu- dents shucked their clothes and streaked across campus Thurs- day night. One of the streaken admits he hopes streaking will be reviv~d this year. "lt'& bound to come back,'' he said. Man Go-go Dancer Told to Wear Bra TOWSON, Md . (AP)-The Baltlmor~ County Liquor Board has struck a blow for women's liberation, ordering a male go-eo dancer to cover his chest. · The chairman of the liquor board, Joseph L. Hess, iTI addition to ordering the male dancer to wear "a bra or something" told the owners ~f the Menill HOttse. a Dundalk, Md., nightclub that it must not turn awa~ male customers and must prevenl female patrons from stulflqgUps in the dancer's briefs. " Robert Cane, part owner of lhe bar, who hired the daftccr ' said he will consult wilh his: lawyer on the ruling. ' "These women had') lot ol fun," he said. "They weren't 1n.1 hibited by their boy friends ot bUBbands. I even had some o( my clothes ripped off." • Hess said he received dozens or complaints claiming the bar was guilty of 1GX1dlJcrimlnaUon.,l{e said tlw!, state liquor board ' rules require employes of all Ucenacd estebllahmenll to wear • clothing that ''coo:c:eals Ute entire.nipple area ind low~ br~ut." j Hess said that allh9u1h !he r\ile w~ Wfltten to •pply to women, he'd be -ulltbotv ohex dlr'<nmlnatlonllllnselt I! It were not appliedunlforml11to hsexes .• , J •. ''He'• 1otn1 to have to wear• bra.o~ soQ\ethiJ\a..,''"lless said. The ,cul•• also prevent nl&htclub elnployes frllm accept.Ing any girt of .money other than a 11bona Ode lip." Hus 1ald tli1t money 1\ljff,.S ln,lhe dancer·~ ~iklni briefs d~ not fall Into tl)at categor)' • • f ' • • ' J ' l l ] I (U de ro1 pli tlr fu : in1 Tt dr ho \st\ ~ri WI ..,. an Fr vii m l.J>!1 t~ sp ar. be in• cc m ' j j pl •1 SQ ~j lh G S: at th w of w Tl 01 IS G l~ el J . i --..- I Frid.y, FebrUiry ti, 1975 DAllYPILOT A5 Ex-grid Player Killed Oier Bono ·Saved Star From Overdose .... LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A millionaire "whiz kid" has been secreUy indicted for the murder of a British rock star at a drug party where entertainer Cher Bono saved another musician from death bv heroin overdose , it was reported today. The 1'imcs, quoting "sources close lo the in - vestigation." said J\.'lrs . Bono apparently s aved the life of Alan Corrie, the band's bass player, by tak- ing him home and applying ice packs and keeping him walking toward off a fatal c~ma. Mrs . Bono took nodrug.s herself and no charges were brought against her, the reports s aid. The British rock musi(.'ians took what Moss told lhcn1 was cocaine, but actually was heroin, the sources said. of what the coroner ruled was ··acute herbin- morphine Intoxication.'· MOSS WAS INOICTF.D. the rC'ports said , under the California l~w that holds anyone guilty or murder if they contributl' to the death or another person by committing a fel ony, in this case provid ing an illegal drug. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Edward Gun· derson Jr. of Athert<>n a former Stan.ford foo\b~ll player and son of the re·· tired president of the de- funct Regal Pale Brew- ing Co., was shot to death Thursday night in the driveway or his parents' home. · Kenneth Moss 31, was indicted Feb. 4 Cor the murder or Robbie 'Mc lntc.>Sh , 28, drummer with the Average White Band, according to the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles City News Service, and the New York D aily News. THE INDICTMENT WAS returned after a 4S.minute appearance by Cher Bono before the grand jury, the reports said. Investigators s aid Moss disappeared shortly after Mclntosh died last Sept. 23, and is believed to · be in South America. Moss made a fortune on \Vall Strl'C'l while still in his 20s, but "dropped oul" five years ;,1go, :.ay 1ng he had $1 .S million a n<l needed no m ore. In 1973 hP founded 1-"'reelandia airw .... ys, intended to be a lo\v · cost charter travel .servi<'.C. providing fli ghts to Europe for the counterculture, on plunes \\'tlh !>ll<'.h amenities as water bt."<l:s and organic food . Police said Gunderson \501 •hdwa,.rfn the reai ~st ate bu,tness, was Killed inst4ntly ,.hen he was strucklby t.,qo small icaliber buljtts in the cmt and mouth. Homicide Ins pector Frank• Falzon said the victim got in an argu. ment i with two and t pgt;s1blY three blacks ln . the drivewa y. Ir e speculated G undcrson ~nd the suspects had been involved in a traffic incident earlier and were continuing the argu. ment. 'Charity' Bingo OK In State """_,Drinks at 18 SAV~q MUSICIA~ s1119••Chereono Dies in Vote 35 Pounds OtPot Seized l\lclntosh died in the arms of his wife al a motel DOROTHY EMERSON PRESENTS DOROTHY THE MOST IMPORTANT ANTIQUES SHOW IN THE WEST ... a tradition since 1944. February 19·20-2 1·22·23, hrs. 1 pm. to 10 p-.m. Last day Sunday. Feb. 23. noon to 6 p.m. <; ir 1.1 I.' •CoJ C•J1C Audll tr1um ~.1.:iin and Pico f11vd !J, , ll:ivr '"'"lt~ Ao.-i11ss1on S?~O -Children under 1211et L.A. CALLS 6' EACH I••-" r.1.,... ... , O•ly n.. ,......,... c._,.., O• c ............ l''J H-11••. C••'• .. ,,. 17141979-123 I ~'''"'" I ... , ·-tOOll . Bill w Protect k0r-.\. .. ··-••w.11 . •U·LllJ_ Pomo Employes SACRAfttENTO <AP) -~lost emp1oyes in theaters or bookstores would be free from thr eat of prosecution for display of pornographic material under a bill passed by the Assembly. In debate Thursday, Assemblyman Howard Bei-man. (D-Los Angeles). said his measure was aimed at protecting people like custodians and cashiers.· . The law would still make it possible lo pro· . se<"ole the owner of the bookstore or theater. Berman said. Jlis bill affects any persons who do not have control over whether obscene material is Only tM 0.ltf Piiot ... ., ..... '°"' ...... -'"yow locM ~ltJ-~- displayed. · · A Sl-17 vole sent the measure to the Senate. ltisAB407. ·l1J.ilti41!1ll ' ,.. .. ' ·i Public AUCTION FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY at 8 P.!'tt. (l.nspedlon 7 · 8 p.m .). Bargains on Fine Crystal. Sterling Silver, Porcelains. Oriental Objects d'Arl. Painlings, Jewe.lry , Antiques, Bronzes, Fumi!ure. ~le1:l Indian Turquoise ... $1 .000,000 INVENTORY From Estates, Courts, Out·Of -Pawn, Customs Seizures, etc. VISITORS! Come and see what fun an AUCTION . ('an be! FREE ADMISSION! .. acros~ the strec! from seven of lhe Southland's mosl elegant walerjront TeS IOt1Tanls! HOURS lnspeclion & Privote Sales , ,. 10. S Dally 1 .. S Setur41iy & Swnday ' · Closed Wednesday & Thursday ,. I ' . . , AUCTIONB,}IELD1EVERY f'R)DAY , SATURDAY, SUNDAY' Gl "8 P.M. "'' . . . • • • ' ! .c------- 1I 1 ,,,,/ '.~0/1'1.,,;._1 1)/1 .. 11..'Jnr; . ··.u~e: 0YOUR BANKAMERICARD, MASTER CHARGE, PERSONAL CHECK OR CASH 2542 West Coasl lllghway Newport Beach, Callrornia 92660 171') 645·2200 WE BUY FOR CASfl OR SEl.L ON COMMISSION WHOLE ESl'ATF.S OR SINGLE ITEMS "Howcomemy eleclric bill is so hlgh? And wfive been using less." We know your electric bill is higher. A tot higher-even though you·re ron- serving electricity. Why? Primarily becouse of the increased <XJSt or oil. It's our job to provide the el<etricity you, your family and your job require. And we must do so in a m.mner that meets all air pollutioo rontrol regulatioos. This means burning foreign. k>w·sulfur oil in Edison generating plants. The price is set by foreign governments, and it more than tripled in the last 18 months. It could gu even higher. SilJl:daffiWY, J.m..lbt i!Kmfil_ng (!)Sts_of oil and the additioltaJ .a111iooru»e.hilve had.JQ.boy .=P!lllSible .fllc.alrnoot 90% of the in<mKin YllllI dcdric bill;. So we won 't always be so dependent on foreign oil, we're spending millions of dollara building ooal and nuclear plants. We are also researching new ways to generate electricity-without foreign oit. Geothermal power. Solar power. Fuel cells. Fast breeder reacton;. Nuclear fusion. Researcll is oostly, but it will also help to reduce.our reliance on foreign oil. Projects related to the environment are expensive, too, and in 1974 wil1 account for about 20% of our capital expenditures. In the past six year.;, $325 million were required to be spent for such projeds. It looks like we wiU have to spend another $450 millim for environmental 1JU11J06eS within the next four·year period. On top of all this, inflation is eating ·into our budget-as it is yours. The rost of ronstructing new plants is 10 times higher than it was a few years ago, and OOnuw· ing aJ6ts have imre than doubled. Your electric bill will reflect these rising rosts. What can you do to hold down your bill? Budget yoor use of electricity wisely. For ways to do this, send for our free booklet. Write: "Conservation;' Edison, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, .,..r-E CA 91no. .:J:::j.,_ Southern Callfornle Edison Mak< every kilowatt count. ) • . • • •• I DAll.VPILOT I ' • Frida , Februa 21 . 1975 .......... -~ ··-.!.~. -- .. ---., ' . ..,. '\ ... •• • .. 'fl " I ...... I "< ·1 •' • • • ' . '' ' SH ,·~.· 'S ~ .. ~· '' ' ·' ' • ' • ·" .. " .. .. j ' " ,';'· I __ _.., ' ', (" ,., . ' ' " • • •• ·I' I ' , I 4 . • ·-· ... J ' • \. . ' ' ' -. ' ' '·•·w-·i[J' k .,.. .. ·1·.-.. · .... h .. ·1·1· E -. 1 • • .. It ·'"· ' . 1· , ~ ' I ' t . l . -. . .. .. ! ,.i " • I • ' ~1· ,. , ' J • '' ' ! ' ' ., ~ ' • ~ ~-·,~.: ,,: , at s .. w-y: ··s . e :. '·;: ~u;rn~ture-".~ : op • • . • t-~1 _,, • • '•· ' '" ' t' ' • " l .. ' .. , . ' , ~ ~ .. -) -· ' -·-.. .. -. ,. , ' " . ' I • '\ > ·.-•i1 ·• .-:•~ ~ .... "II ....... _.,,.. • 4' -.,-.-,, ·,~\ .. ,.,.. ~"'-.,,., . 1:.;;..~"" 4':' .. ' •. "':.: ~-. ·) ~ ·• .. •.11 <··("; ,;.-,,)l l ,\• .,( "l>,'11 .,,,-,.,i:_ I ·' ·'. -~ ;~#·•· • . ,· • .. ... • ,. '1 .• .-• • - ,_ '· 1 . . .... •' • . ~ . -' ~" ... -, . ·-. ·_, ...... .. ' •• '. . ... ~ ·-J.1/. ,; ;~ ", ' \,: ·; .;ii-' ' .::,;:?~ ·~~ ' (, ··~ . . .. .. . . ' •I ' .., ' ····•~_11-r1!.i #;•.9 • •• '· .. '-l·'·"' .. '' ' -. ''\"!,II, ·:~ :J r: . ~' -..... ~ -~ } . i ' )" . , , . ... -., 1 • '\-.. ... '"' .. ,. ' J ·.-;· ; '' . ' "' . . - 1 i'f1f'' ·"· ' I . . . ... . ·.·.· " ;_ ii ' ' \' '.( ~ '·!. ' ' •' .. I .. , , ...... , • 1 ;•. 1 ·' ~ '· . . ' ', ., ., . ·-·· ., .. _. ~ ~-' r ' ". .-~ . r. , ,.; • " ' I •• ..., .. : ' ,_ .. - f " .. ,,: ... ,. ' . i .. , ! ' f ' <· ' .., '· ' ... i ..J • • • ' cE c BR ' . . I . . •• • c. • .. • • • •• ,. ' ' . . f'idS'• Fobru!!!Y 21 , 117$ I 4 . ' • • t I , • • • • ., . . ' ~ lt \t ·~~. ~·· 1'" ··) /' ·' "'. irr "'1i-...,\·r. · .1:-~ " \ ... 1 •• • J ':{ ,.· ,,,.. , ~ 1 .: ,l I , -!: ,, '"' .~· . " \., \, ,/, ' .. ,,,..l . ·t· • ; "'-,,! -. ,•' . . \ :B~~E~~BlR ; ~.. .r:H·UNTINGTON BEACH • . . . ' ' . GRAND1 RE-OPENING GALA. Starting Saturday, F~b;ruary 22 at ·10:00 a.m. 1, OIN _US! . . . ri A~: We . , · de.si~~ it~~o that yo1,.1 would find a happy decorating surprise around almost every . :. . . corn ... ! ~d~! 'f(Mjfn~, vignettes arid decorative settings are more exciting, more imaginative . · · · than~v,~r.i · ~llt.hb¥'arts.tocratic furniture and accessory names we're noted for are here. Henredon~ Herttage ~#i'xei.i"TnpmasvtiJe; Flair. Selig. Marge c~rson. Sealy. Simmons. Karastan. And lots. lots morel ·Yj\~·be th~ iutlge! Com~ see for yourself if we've made this the kind of store you really want! ! ·.~ ... ' . . ~ . ~ • ~· •• )" ' .... • ~. I BRING THE FAMJfry ·~ttR FRIENDS,. A"'.DCELEBRATE,WllH US!. STARTl~G SATURDAYI . Win Valuabi~-t; zes:: ~~ister to win a 'trip fc),r two tQ, ,1 :, ~~ Sculptor, Potte;, teacher Rick Anderson's activities extend . SaA Francisco a9d stay 11t the Mark HOPkli'ls Ho~I. ·,,( i from college football letterman to teaching foexhlbltfon er a handsomr'ifttioJ~lture set .;. ·'.~~·; ·.' • · '· '· . of his paintings, ceramics and sculpture thrdughoutthearn,. bra fine colo~;;e~YJf.lph. " } . :,'.~i );.i 1. • Receive a compttme!lilry·gitfl 011r own 90-Pabe .-/ •1;;;. · ·•. decorating guide, ~'~1,fotl;!,la Li~~s!YJes'.', withs ,, , . ·''· practical ideas. 'll tj i,1r,r·"" . ·" ,:· ·~ ..... ·•,. See a fascinating exh16lb,•~li;,'tdal'.;of Dpli • ;"';. , . Collecting", presented ~fhe'boll Shoppeof t.(ionr~ and_ other doll establishmen~,pa~~rit pf doll hlsfotV is displayed, from delicate traditional por,celains and chinas to modern vinyls and plastlcs'.'~obe)1 Bl'ewer, creator of the look -alike doll, shows how;a dO,IJl~~structed, . from sculpture to finish . ~ '., ... . DISCOVER INTERESTING ARTIS"fs'! . Textile designer Carol Moran, "• '· .1:•. " .. ; County, specializes In creating stuffed, sculptural wall hangings using hand-spun, naturally'dved fibers. .: . ~ Painter Abby Vaughn creates visual "music", and '· tier works an~ Included In the collections of promin~nt. Americans all over the country. Shown at Laguna, 1: •. Beverly Hll'ls, morel ' · Printer Don Van Valkenberg grew up in Southern California. He works in lntagllo, lithography, serlgraphy and Iconography. He 'ls extremely innovative In sublect and materials. Photographer Jordan is extremely popular among collectors throughout the country .. After a formal education in journalism, he chose the camera to fashion a distinctive environment. •. . . ·> f '{ , · Sculptor Howard Hitchcock creates impressive cast bnlf\ze • · figures from ceramic shell molds. His 'Column of · Figures 11" will be presented on dispiay t!erefor .the ·first time. . " . .. '· . "',,.,:. ' · Caricaturist George Yasuda is a Southern caHfomia illustrator and commercial artist. t-te captures'the essence· of character. ENJOY LIVELY ENtERTAINME'NT! Dramatic Japanese performers will be seen SafurdaY morning · '. PlcJuresque Mexican entertainers will be pr'.esented In · the.attetnoon .,~, .1,·1 ••• ""wl r , •.fl: ' .' .) ~· ' . ~ ik· ;:.;_: l •. :,ti U±~·TINGTON BEACH 83.Hantingtoq~ {, •-iodiilno~ a Delivery service and set up at' no charge li .. t' ", •• c.e.;. ............... .. .oConsull with ourclecQr,ll[ng staff ••• smart ideas at n0c:hsge 192-4401 . ,, . ' ' · -IP ' f•lenr' .. ' .. ., \ .... . ' . .. . , . \' ' ~ .. , L "DAILY Prr:loT EDITORIAL PAGE Brown Forgot Rule The UC Irvine Medical School project has passed one necessary financial milestone, but there's still a Jong road ahead. ' Urgency legislation to appropriate S8 .95 million for acquisillon of Orange. Counly Medical Center and funding of an on-campus teaching hospital has been passed unanimously by a state Assembly subcommit· lee and seems likely lo win approval of the Assembly Health Committee. The next criUcal tum in the road will come early in Mareh when the Ways and Means Committee takes up the bill. Meanwhile, Gov. Brown succeeded in needlessly muddying the waters during a UC Regents meetinj( by referring to OCMC as "a lemon" and suggesting its acquisition might be a "bad deal" for the state. The governor's remarks violated his one week old pronounceme nt to a gathering of California newspaper publishers that he would refrain from commenting on n1attershehadnothad time to study. . Since he has not yet folUld lime to confer with th~ people best informed on the' UCI Medical .School pro- ject-the Orange County &ar(I of Supervisors and the officials at UCI-it is fairly clear his remarks were not based on much solid information or study. It may have been an effective way to try to im· press the regents with his concern for the state's economy, but he is obligated at least to talk to those best informed and most directly concerned before popping off with further comments. New IRS Power While no taxpayer, especially at this season, can summon up much s ympathy for tax evaders, this week's U.S. Supreme Court rulihl! extending the power of the J nternaJ Revenue ~rvice to" probe bank deposit.s is more than a little scary. Overturning a lower court ruling, the high court voted 7 to 2 to authorize the IRS to issue a summons for bank ·records when large deposits are involved and to force bank officials to disclose the identity of the depositor. Previously, such action has been authorized only if_ tFix agents are investigating the financial status of a c1t1zen already suspected of lax e vasion. The court ruling was described by the dissenting justices as a ''dangerous detour" from earlier limita- tions on I RS investigations. Unfortunately, we have had occasion in r ecent times to realize that the IRS has permitted its pre- s umably confidential data to be disseminate d rather · freely for political purposes. The n ew court ruling, while it may turn up a few tax evaders, would appear to be a blanke t permission for fishing expeditionsintoaff airs of bank patrons. Think 55 The California Highway Patrol's novel 55 mhp "escort service'' for Las Vegas-bound motorists ov~r ~he recent h~liday weekend had the remarkable ef· feet of eliminating all accidents · on the 240-mile · stretch tor tbree days. This is certainly commendable in an area where high.speed driVjnghas caused horrendous crashes. It is apparent that the CllP can't continue to as· sign up to 100 patrol cars for regular escort ~ervice, but there may be some residual psychological benefit. Certainly the stepped-up speed patrols on the San Diego Freeway through Orange County -and step· ped~up citations for violators -have encouraged locaidnversto ···think5S." And, despite continuing complaints from heavv- footed drivers, the fact that the speed limit now is na- tional law makes it more or less necessary to adjust our thinking accordingly -or l)ay lhe penalty. 'Now, if you'll step next door to my subsidiary, you can buy a . p .few hundred troops to advise you in the use of our1 weapo.(IS. Henry Clarifies Our ,Jliddle E<1St Policies Gro1vi1ig Pea1a11ts While Natives Starve Agro-industrial Tape Worms "llello, 1-lenry? Howarelhings ( J WASHINGTON -Earl Butz, In Cairo? Or .Jerusalem? Or ART HOPPE theSecretaryofAgriculture, has wherever you ar~today?''' been taking a beating because "Please, J have told you never " .. •-----------...J "he's so stingy with our food . The to call me when I am not at thtof-pressure to give away food to ftc::~. '_' underdeveloped countries grows ''But you're never at your of-nam." with each TV · documentary lice, Henry1" Aqd the. White House "Precisely. In the .event the showing yet anqther nation press keeps / · · Arabsareatt..acked,youcanthen suffering from a ca se of asking me .to 1 ~ •send in our troops to protect our permanent starvation. explain rriy · __:,·, American boys. from the al· •For once in his life Mr. Butz M .ddl t tackers." 1 e East ~ · may be right, albeit for the policy.Iknow'it .1.... ,••vou mean the Israelis, wrong re-.._., Henry?" E l you're awful· 4!!"' asons. xcep ly busy, but if · "No, us. Our defending troops as one·shot, you could just will defend our f\merica11 boys emer-gency tell me once y._iixh our 8.ttacking t.triops while . disaster re- ( VON HOFFMAN ) one thic k ~n a yC'ar," 'l'hc re~t are ··econon1ically inacli\'e." y.•hi ch seem s to be a JXllitc Y.'Ord for starv ing. Coll ins obser\'e:; that, although the G ree n R evolution ma y indeed increase production. it means very tittle to the people growing the produce. Thus in Colombi a 70 percent of the grain gro\vn there is di\'erted to poultr'y feed to fatten chicke ns that m ost Colombia ns can't buy . back lo 11 LJl"l' the cL·ono mil: equivalents ol t;q>I.! \\"Orn1s. 1'hc tape \Vorn1 ;tl~o ;11·1·1\'l'S in the· intes tines \\hL'l"L' it li vl's by go bbling up th(' rood y, hi ch by rights bcloni.:s to th(· organi:..m it has invuded. People \\1th taj>e \Y Ornls cnnlL" ti o" n ,,·ith malnutrition. :-.o the prospects are gual'dt'(I ror l\raz1I y,·hcre. Co llins repl1rt~. \"olks"·agcn is raising cattle in tht• 1\n1azon, not lo sell to l~raz1h;1ns. hut to the J.1\H.1nesl'. ···rhl'Y gL"t s2u a pound ror lhl' bl.!t'f Lil J<.tpotn. and )"OU don 't gl.!t th;.it !or u \'\\",'' 11£! explains. ·again: .. Why ou.r Ameri&aft boYs are helping lief.· giving ·did l send you the Arabs blow up the oil wells away rood over there our~ttacking troops areaUack-makes no piece or irony. In Colombia. with an estimated 130,000 metric ton protein deficiency, "a hectare (about two-and-a -half acres) d e voted to lhe r aising or carnations brings a million pesos a year , while wheat or corn brings only 12,500 pesos. As a r~i!i ult , Colon1bia ... mus t use. s carce £oreig n exchange to import basic foodstuffs ," write Barnet and Muller in "Global Rea c h : The Power of th e Multinational Corporations'' (Simon and Schuster, 1974 ). "The development track of the g loba l corporations features increased production of luxury iten1s such as strawberries and asparagus for the international suburban market. But the money does not flow to the hungry majority ... '' A*ording to his ca\cul.itions. one hectare o4 lan{l used in that \.\oa _x y.·ill supi.ort 1,430 people, if they only had the money to buy• chicken ~t 200 pesos a kilogram. 'l'he san1e l and . if used to grO\\' soy beans for direct hun1an consun1ptiot\ .,..·ill feed 22.700 people at 12 1>tsus per kilogram. If the fond prolill·m LS ana lyzed us Collins d<il·s'it , tht•n all thl.! talk about popu\:1liun l'x plo!--io ns anJ shifts in "·l'a!hL•r p:.1tt L•rns is some"· hat lx':-id\' the point. It · n1a v n ot ('\t•n be zn ou1· Sl.!lf:intl.'l'L'S t tu ("Oll\"llll'C the natives to t:ut tlu\\"ll nn their proereat1ons '!'hi.! n1url' \he re arc of \hem, l hL· nt~ll'L' 1nulll'Y Y.:c r an n1uke sellin g th1·m tile food v.·e·\"c fi nessed lhL'nl out or ~ru y,·j ng for thcmsclv{·:-. 1 th.is time?'' ing." · ' 1 ·sense. The "It is quite simple. really. You "Buf what's the good or all poor nations have sent me over.here to make a that, Henry?'' . like the rich lasing peace ·between the Ara~ ••Jt will insure, I can say with ·must manage and the lsraell·s " their affairs so · confidence, the most interesting ·....:....,, they can ·grow feed their own .. But I thought you told me I peaCe negotiations 1 have ever ·enough food to was_ threatening to make w;µ-· en'Med in." ~6~ey. Can't do that if their best against the Arabs.'' · ... land, their v.•ater and their "You· are. Thal is why I rriust •'J GUESS you're right, Henry. investment capital are used to first achieve a lasting peace I guess. But couldn 't you just tell grow agricultural Commodities between the Arabs and the me who are the good guys and for export. Jn many places in the Israelis. How would you look ·if whoarelhcbadguys? worl4 that seems to be what's you attacked the Arabs and they. ''No." happening. There are reports. were off fightin~ a .. war -... But, Henry, you simply have forexample,thatinthemiddleof someplace in Israel?" I . M.ddl E t li the drought ,·n the Afro·can Sahel . . to exp ain my 1 e as po cy tome." h-1ali was growing peanuts and ... ••Jmoossible. I· am .h<J;ying exporting them while the relief 'ftlough trduble trying to explain planes were flyiilg in food. ittotheArab~andlbelsr;\~·" This is anything but a uniquC . . . JOSEPH COLLINS of the Tran s n at ional Institute, a l eft -leaning organization specializing in world economic proble m s, points out that, while· the production of broiler chicken s in Colombia ha s doubled in less than a decade, "onl y about 20 percent or the population can afford to buy even If Co llins i~ right. Colombia is relatively better off than a pl act• like the Dom ini c~n Republic v.·he1·e, he s~,·s. Gulf l'l..: \Vl'~tcrn . has set itself0 up in a ti Ug ar cane operalion that is so self-containcU the local s gL•t no side benefits from it ut all. Not only docs the company im port Jla itian la bor, but, Collins says, y,:ith their oy,·n repair shops and co mpany stores. G&\V docsn"t buy anything from the host country. •· "AG RO -INDUSTRIAL en claves" that m ove in on a host country, use it a nd give nothing 'l'ruc. th 1~ n1ay increase lhe number of be ~,!!ar s and miserables 1n the \\Orld. but y.·e needn"t bothl·r 1u1r~Cl\"es about~ the \varnin gs \\"C ht•ar that. if WL~ don't feed the hungrv, thev 're~· going lo r ise up anrl ·smite: us.~ Starving people 01re too v.·eak ta:· 5mite many, n1i ~ht y sn1otes.~: They beg, they " ll 1 n1 llCr, thc.r die.:' , ••on I THINK I see what you mean. I think . But if I ao\" threatening to attack the Arabs, why am I selling them twnttred:s of millions or dollars worth of guns, tanks, warships and planes -not to mention ollr bes t military advisers?" t' • "For two reasons: first. you wish to convince them you are their friend. Secondly, you desperalely need the dollars they spend ror these weapons in order to pay the exorbitant price they are charging you for oil-which is why you are threatening lo al· tack them in the first place.'' Public. Must Know Growth Alternative~ "Well. I guess that certainly seems reas onable , Henry. I guess. But I thought you instruct· eel me to instruct you to gel the Arabs to lower the price of oil ?" "Yes. a brilliant maneuver. If the Arabs lower the price of oil, you will have more money to send the Israelis more and better weapQns.'' "Won't that offend the Arabs, Henry?" · ~''YES, but you musl do this for two reasons: first, you wish lo convince the Is raelis you are their friend. Secondly, they will need more and better weapans to defend themselves from the ·Arabs, because you have sold the Arabs more and b e tter weapons." "I think that does sound fair, Henry. I think. But sending in military advisers s macks·orViet- Dear Gloomy Gus ·.t.. iJ••,I I• 'I i6ui ls city officials who have spent Utne there, Westmln~ter could start. a sister c{ty proaram with the California prison ry11lem. C.H.L _, .. Ill ...... 1 .. :l••llf .......... _....,.,,....._ ................. , .... ~-....... ~ ....... .... ' To the Editor: MAILBOX that your description or CEEED ( J 'fhat's why it is imperative . Dur:ing th.e past year, andourviews be treatedwiththe Journalists from the Daily Pilot; , ____________ ..;, same fairness given others. We inreportingnewseventsinwhich are a coalition ge nerally the Council on Environment. Letter& from readers are welcome. r epresentative of three broad Employment, Economy and The righl lo condense letters to fit areas. business and labor and a Development (CE EEO) has Jpaee or eliminate libel il reserved.. very strong element of concerned been involved, have referred to Letter& of 300 word.! or lesi will be citizens which include : pro- and described it (CEEED> as a given pre/erence. All letters must in -fessionals. politicians, taxpayers "pro development organization elude signature and mailing address groups, land owners, those in· ol builders and labor leaders." but names may be withheld on re· terested in housing for low and I and many other concerned qui? st ii sufficient reason is apparent. moderate income families and citizens, who are neither in or-Poetry will rwt be published. just plain citizens. ganized labor nor with the build-We are n ot si mply ''pro ing industry, but who are active growth " advocates. We beli eve members in CEEED, ta.keexcep. drilling and a ban on all develop-in realistic and prudent decisions lion lo such a narrow description rnent in the nearby hills and by government in the race of the of our coalition. The description along the coast. But the conse-very real problems which con- is not accurate and further, it is quenc:es of such actions by the front us. We advocate orderly unfair in that currently, words politician, .in appealing or planning which will aceom · like"Jaborleader''and"landde-responding to such public modate tomorrow's growth veloper" undoubtedly set off a sbi>rts ightedness, will most cer· needs. negative bias in Lhe minds or ta'inly be higher costs -and your readers that affects their shortages in shelter, oil and perception of the issue being r~· energy. ported. We are most sincere in · our belier that much of our coun· try's present difriculties are caused by our government's ac- tion or inaction in response to public opinion; opinion which often is ill informed and fre- quently u"ninformed. NICKYCALAGNA Member of the Board of Directors, (C EEE;D) THE PUBl..IC cannot be ex· peeled lo render prudent, balanced opinion on public Is- sues, viz. off shore oil drilling, the AlaskP.n pipeline, eovtron· mental ttcn-.ands, growth. i 1rea.ter gqvernment c;ootroJ over land' Dae 8nd resources, etc.t, -un· lest and until It knows and ap- preciates the i!!lsue, the alternatives and the tonse- quencea. If the only publicly recognized alternatives and consequences of off1hore oil drilling or the wish for huie areas ol urban open apace revolve aroundpt.betic de· llireo, the public can b<r expected to demand a ban on ollllliore I OUR ORGANIZATION is de- dicated to the task or determin- ing alternatives and conse· quences or public issues beyond those of surface emotionalism, and bringing them to the atten· tion or the people and our leaders in government. Without £air and balanced exposure in the mass media to all sides of the issue, in· eluding our views, there is no possibility that public opinion C.lµl raise above the level th1't al· lowed and encouraged the ban afain&t the Alaskan pipeline or .drilling in the Santa Barbar~ channel. 1 Obscene Calls To the Editor: Sunday's Pilot carried an arti- cle on obscene phone calls; let me tell you now how I ha ndled these calls. Perhaps ~t will be some help . We 've always been told to hang . up hnmediately and r eport it to the telephone company. I dis· agre.e' -tbat Is a singularly worthies! exercise. CEEED is concerned over lhe BY HANGING UP you lei th e spiraling co&t of housing, de· caller know you are £righlent!d tcrloration of our d~namlc and you've made his day. Instead economy, the loss of Job op--hold on the line ~ you don't port.unities and lhe. increasing have to listen. but keep the line lax burden in Oraoee County. We open. Cover the mouthpiece so believe a well informed public that he cannot hear any noise 'can have a very posiUvp effect from yqur side. upon these lnlft•; but obi.! if He will eventually get tired or they ar"e well informed. ~ _ , scared ~al he is being traced I \ a nd he will hang up and , we hope, never call again. It worked for nlc and for a friend. I hope it will work for you. Try it, URSULA CURRAN Tired Worker To the Editor: In r'e s ponsc to Charl es McCabe's article in the Feb. 14 issue or your paper, where he ask s th e que stion, '"V.'c? l)cmand"! Who in the hell do y.·e think v.•e are?," I y.·ou ld like to ask, "Who in hell does he and the rest or the world he defends think they are?" f am n working man who is tired of being taxed to death in un attempt to feed. clothe and de· fend the rest of the "'arid (an im- possibility 1 without having a lit· lie say -so in how my hard-earned money is spent or Y.'hat I have the right to expect of the people "·ho · receive it. \\'HEN f also lay my n1oncy down at the grocery. gas station, school. departn1cnl store. chari- ty, hospital. I know exactly ""•ho . the hell I think I am." I a m a n1an who expects a product or service, COOJ>('ration, courtesy and a little . appreciation of equal value. or l should h;;1ve the right to refuse lo Pitrticipate. There arc many or us who fe el thi!> Wa y. Mr. A-1cCabc has the right to think and feel as he ., pleases, but he does not have the right to drag the rest of us down that fool 's road or world subsidy without positive'results wtt.h him. DELVINO. WTGGS Bargnl••Help To the Editor: With recession, employment and ! Inflation, un. hyperlcnslon, i • bugging us d a 1 \y, I must sa}C. there are a fL•w eon1punics ou(- there th at ha\·e fL•chn~s ror thlf public with their constant strugl gle trying to n1ukc ends meet. : Specifically, thank you Carl 's Burger for offL·r1ng t"·o for one' hamburger special : thank yoU Bob's Co ffe<' Shop for you.i f<~ebruary eomb.1nalion specialt and other conglon1crates -i small restaurants offering tw~ for one dinners or any busin e~ that makes nn attempt to make it less expensive -\vho ha\"c rea l people working for them and m <i king the load a little bit lighter during th<·sc rough times by offering these n1ost appreciat- ed periodi c b<.irg.;lins. It's nice to be nice and I think in the lon g run these san1e com- panies who give a litlle now ""ill r eap a Int l<tter with this a p- proach and what ii v.·ill do for their image and public relations. l_"m sure they'll be around a long ·time. TOM DOYLE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Friday, February 21, 1975 1 ··rr Ch' the Toi pre onl th< hol st~ ~1 i di ~ <.:a P a it ' •n ce pa QL he di• ad ... m de or nc ,, pr m -' By BU Keane ' 19.1% Live Alo1ae •' House~old ~Siz~· Dips .. .~1 t' . ' ' } W ASR!NGTdN (API -The .,. Censu1 Bureau"has reJ>Orted that the propiortion of' Americans liv· Jng alone continues to increase, ttropping the average si:ie or the natioo.'s,, hou.sebolds below the ' -persons per unit in the late 1700s to th~ <:~rrent l~v el of 2.97 com- puted on the bas is of a 1t1arch sur-· vey by Census. · ' years, with 23 percent of lhat in- creiise coming in the most recent year. With 69,859,000 households in the nation, that means 19.1 per- cent of the households consist of Have you picked up· your free plant and book at Keystone? (893-2491) . three:person leYel for the first time in history. . . ""i' The aver•·ge size of 1 hOUseholds •. Whic,J_i are defined as any croUp of pe6ple living in a single housing unit, has declined steadily from 'tnore than 5 THE AVERAGt-: household :si2e had stabilized at about J.3 during the post -World War 11 baby boom before resuming its decline in the rnid-60s. one person living alone. Five ,~~~~=============~~~!~ ye<trs ago, when households numbered 61,805,000 that percen- tage was 16.7. • ., -., . New Animal 'I , P------'--'----..:. ___ __._,Mutilati~n Shady Hotel ' Bishop Death Probe Ended PARIS <UPIJ -After \\'hat it called a "methodical inves Ligation ," the Rom<an Catholic Church h<.1s annount'cd ii "·as unable to reconstruct the circurnstan_ces in the death of l11shop Roger Tort,_56. "''ho died Jan. 16 in a P:..iris hot~I used by prostitutes. But th e church confirn1ed lh<.1t Tort did die in one of the hotcl"3 roon1s. Earlier, il s<aicl 1'orl died on the street out.s ide and had bc·t.·n ('<arried into lhe hotel after,vards by p<.isscrsby. 'Case Probed COPPERAS COYE, Tex. (AP1 -Investigators her"E! are puzzled · .. by another case of datUeinutila- tion-killing, latest iat a wave of . such incideJJ,lS throt11h East and . Central Tev:as in recent \1:eeks. Deputy sheriffs in thi s Central Texas area said an animal was found on the Cecil Sheppard Ranch near here. its eyes, e<ars and sex organs n1issing. No blood "·as found in or around the carcass, investig<i.tors said. 1'he discovery of the dead cow brought to mor·e than 200 the number of cal\'es, c"O"'S and bulls found dead and si·milarly mutilated in several "·eeks. So far the blan1e has not been placed on anyone. Some contend the animals died "DESPITE OUR IN, 'VE'.STIG.''l'IO"S, ,., was -, 1-. naturally and were mutilated by r lr:n~ssible for us to rccon~titute his itinerary and \'armints. Other speculettion has his timetable that ni ght from 7 to 11 p.m,," said a gone as far as blaming a Satanic statement issued by Archbishop of Paris f'rancois ~roup and creettures from un· Census· attributed the latest trend to a host or factors, includ- ·ing :smaller ramilies, more effec- t\ve birth control methods, ten- ~ency to delay m<.1rriage until a later age and '·changing at- titudes regarding the expansion of the roles of women beyond those of wife and mother" T llUS, THE number of people living alone now toletls 13 .3 million out of a population of about 213 n1illioh, the latest Census report said. The number ·(If people living alone has jumped three million ovqr the last five PEOPLE 65 and over still represent the largest chunk of the live-alone population: 5.7 million. But 46 percent of the in- crease the last five years has been in the youngest of the three census brackets. The number or people under 35 living alone is now 2.7 million. Robert Grymes. one or the Census d e mographers "'ho helped prepare the latest report, s<i.id researchers spotted no in - dication that the trend in household size is likely to change in the near future. Measure Proposes Gardener License SACRAMENTO CUPIJ -A bill requiring gardeners to obtain a state license to do their "'ork t'-'af introduced by Sen. Ralph C. Dills, (0-Gardena). - The measure (58457) would.establish a seven-member board, ap- pointed by the governor to issue "'landscape maintenance gardener" licenses. A spokesman s aid youtl)s.rnowing lawns would not be covered but other part and full-time profeSsional gardeners would. It was explained that 'the· aim of the measure' is lo safeguard hom\.".;\\•ners from gardeners who might misuse insecticides, and lo keep track of yard workers in the event of daytime burglaries. Opponents of such licensing bills complain they are designed to restrict entry into professions and increase prestige among workers, both of which tend to drive up prices. lwtarty and fl,1 sgr . J can Collini, bishop of 1'oulouse. identified flying objects. Tort was t he second high Catholic c I er gy m an to r:===~;;;;~~~f~SA~l~EtoB~Y~~•UCiPiTilQMNi:====-jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii die in shady cirtumstancos in Paris in a year . .---NOTICE 0 'II . --- c·ardinal Jean Danielou \\':.IS found Uc<ad l<ast fall in a fX.CA.JtRl!RP.1.A. Paris s triplt.'<A Sl'r 's <.1partn1L·nt RECEIVED INGLEWOOO INT'L AIRPORT Duly cleared by Customs 8111 ot Entry ll'2202862 Incorrect contents The c:hUrch S<iid, · · fTom st<atl'ml'nts gathered, retu sed by importer il appears lhal Msgr. Tort""' suddenly seized by PUBLIC AUCTION a n illnes~" as ht.' \'.'<is "'<Jlkin.i.: on the Rue du Pon- ceau, a stret't \\"l'll -kno\\·n fur pru~titutcs in "a seamy part or Paris's 2nd JJ1 striel knu" n ;is "The l~ot Quarter.·· ''lie entered a hotel ~1bout 11 p.m to as k ror help," the chur<.·h s<.iid. "'A fe"· seconds later, he died abrup(ly in a room put at hi s disposition." It added that a p;1 storal r1n~. a cross and a rosa ry \\'ere found on the bu<ly T llE Clfl!RCll S.-\10 IT \~as n1uking the st;.ilt•· ment "bec;.iusc the dr:..in1a ti c circumstances of his death ha\"c gi\'C'll ri:-.L· to m:.ilc\"oll'nt insinuations " It said <.i "ml>thodu:al 1n\'e~llf.!<.1lion "'ith the aid of qualified pC'rsons" h~1d bct.'n undertaken The church s<.1id the facts of ·r<trt ·s death ··C'an · not discredit the testimony of Hn entire life " It added : •·\\'t' kec:p the memory of a very apostolic priest and bi shop, "'ho haU a high iconsciencc for his mission.·· Ordertd of AIRFRflGtfTED IA.LES FINEST VALUABLE PERSIAN ond otttt.-Orit'Mal llugl To cover freight. duties and other basic costs REMOVED FROM LUFTHANSA AIRLINES BY CLEARING AGENTS tor convenience of public. due lo conges11on in slorerooms for sale at NEWPORT BEACH "-°port"" '""' TUIS., Fii. ZS •f I P'.M. AUCTlONUtlt S ..... 11 07 Jllflllbortt Rd. 111$ptCfiM: 7 P' .M, ,_ .,...,~ .... .-.,.. u1 J1 •••-11Jr If It floats, chance1 are you 'll read about fl Saturday, Feb. 22nd. Hundreds of spectacular values will be offered on our gorgeous 'Climate controlled mall. Don't miss this' SYLVANIA COLOR 968-3329 ... 962-5590 19046 SERVICE SALES flUlt[ ESTABLISHED 1925 FACTORY AUTHOIUlED SERYICE MAGNAVOX SONY RCA PHONE 494-7573 Closing New York stocks. Delivered same day fre1h to your dooratep in the DAILY PILOT When you buy this SYLVANIA COLORTVl Sylvania model CC4 l 5 l givt'S you esttptional picture quality proyided by the 17" diagonal Sylvania Chro~·Line 0.rk· Lite '"picture tube featu,rinf a black matrix and dark faceplate for extra contrast. Hanclsome cabinet or hiib impact plulic. Enjoy bil Rt perfonnance with thia economic;i.J portable. l"'·Tr.O.-~ GTE S.'-''"1""'°'-'"" ' OUR LOWEST PRICE tor foOt solld-state 17"color TV with stand Only COST A MISA. ... A.1101 UU 411 l•1t St•911h"'"' Str-tef Dlity t·• S.tw•y t-4 646-1684 ' H. TOIO·SA.DDLU,A.Cl YA.WY El,_ ....... ,..,, ''"""' .. "-'"°"" o..,. ,_, s.--, , .. 837-3830 l .. ,. 0 "''1• ,,Ml). ~ Q • N WGDNA HlhhS MAhh eRO=:s::· l-;:;~~.=~=.-=-";'4::;.~~u~~-'-,-::; '"' ! '"" ~ ca I &AliUNit. I ~ Hlbl>3 ¥W. • • \ ( .. G.....W DlllfllY A.Hp HOURS: Dmlf 10.7 s ... 10.l!'JO S.. 12·1 0,........_n.r.IiM10.f • UPllT IHSTALLATIOH °'"' -.-. ~ ._.. -.. ..... --.,.,.._ ............ ....., •••• .. W TOLL FUI SHYICI P'HOHI NUMIH U..1111 7-J437 • I • ' ' • . , I • • I ,\1QDAILVPiLOT Fridey, February 21. 1975 ~Two Coast -. .. . . • a W~eta Head Deolersh1ps- Bv TOM BARLEY Orl .. 0111, Pli.15Wfl tr anyone had told Anne Blt.ick on July 24, 1973, that within 24 hours she would be dropped into the driver's seat of a $500,000 Old:;mobile dealers hip, that anyone would ha ve been tartly lo1dlhal he was spinning his wheels. Her business experience at that time was limited to the banking data generated by a husband and (ive <"hildren . "And I often tried to make my husband take that over.'' she ruefully re· calls today. Bl.JT IF THAT same anyone had told Sandra Andrews last month thBt s he was about to become general rvanager of 7'~,0 • Subaru of Southern California, he would ha ve got the characteristic flashing smile that goes with the office -but no surprise. Mrs. Andrews, sights set hig h, rought ror the job. She got it on a record of seven-day weeks, de· termination to learn and an in· genuity that put several new pro- grams in the Suba ru folders. Mrs. Black, 46, took over the pr es id e ncy o f Bob Black Oldsmobile or Santa Ana as ~oon a s s he was able to face a staff depressed by the death of their populur boss. Her hus band . Rob, 46, <:ol · lapsed in his driveway on July 25, 1973, before he could open the door of his Oldsmobile. lie died from that massive hea rt attack before he reac hed the hospital. Mrs. Andrews, 31, joyfully took over Subaru's key Southland Po$l with the good wishes of organiza- tion personnel who kne w that she had nQ real competition fol' the post. A RAPID RISE from the ranks as sec retary to busi n ess manager did · not prevent her fron1 absorbing a s hop floor training that would be the envy of many service m a nagers. She can identify every part in a Subaru car, tell you wha t it docs, where it fits and what to r each for if il doesn't do its job. '"Tha t does n 't happe n \'ery often." s he grins ... Not when you have the best Japanese in1port on then1arket ." Anne Black makes no secrctcof • her belief that she couJd never bave kept the Bob Bl ack bUiiness going without' the determined aid of depa rtment managers who pulled out a lot extra for the boss's widow. "Jt is and always has been a family b usiness, .. she added, glancing at daug hter, Bonnie, 23, in the cashier's office, .. 1 have a son working in the service de- part1nent and all my children have expressed even grealer in- terest in the operation since their dad died." AUTO INDUSTRY observers, however. t end lo reject f\1rs. Black's modesty, They note that her company , fresh fron1 the loss of its founder, weather ed an energy crisis that rolled up the shutters on many comparable concerns. Sandra Andrews t a lks ex · pansion and the building up of Subaru dealerships and service centers into a Southland opera- tion thal \viii. s he states. ''more truly renect the business that is out there waiting for the kind of car we have." The 520.400 a year executive is comn1itted to that expan~ion and her own role in it to the point that the famil y life so often eyed long- ingly by an attractive busi- nessv.,.oman has been c1isply dis· pensed v.·ith. ·•TH E R E \'V I LI. be n o children," ::;he firmly r·ules. J-ler husband, Don, is a busy contrac- tor who nonetheless somelimes finds time to join her at de- alership gathe1·i ngs that orten I take her from her I r\'ine office in·· to the early hours of the next day. SUBARU'S NEW CHIEF SET SIGHTS ON THE TOP Mrs. Sandra Andrews Sits In Irvine Office nlon . 'fhat is ;.i 1·C'fus;il to ;.iscribe <1ny .. wo1nan 's lib" ~loss to their achiev(·n1l'nls and ... firm rcjl'l"- tion of any suggestion that their business c<:1rds ~ire .striking a blo\v for feminine frccdon1. S;.111rlr~1 ,\ndrt'\V~. al 31, i~ pint till)..( ;1 l·oursc that \1dl , ~he si n- ct•r t·lv bl·lit•\"('S, n1t•;.1n new n1ark~ts and profits for the Subaru t"UllCl'r n l hal tabbt.•d ht·r tu le ad its ('Xpan:.101111µl'ration . '· j, " ' " ~'<· ~· .. ~ .;.....:' Jt OLDSMOBILE DEALER MRS. ANNE BLACK SURVEYS SANTA ANA FACILITY Sales Manager Mac McAlmond Shows Owner New Car Section Anne Black and Sandra An - '. dre ws got to th eir executi\'e "' -chairs by very different routt'S, Each \\'Oman s ubscribes to busi- ness phllosophies und beliefs that \\"ould be prom ptly rejected by the other. "GEE, I NEVER t•ven think about i t ." Mrs. Bh.1C'k s miles. ''The job was he re bt.-cause Bob died and someone had to do it. l\1aybe a nla n coulcl have done it be tter, but I don"t knov.·. \\'t· came through a rough t.iml' b ecause I wa s a 'voman J couldn't get the job or couldn't ·hold do\\'n the j oh,.. l\1rs. An· drc .... ·s said. /\NNE Bl,1\l'K is happy lo huvc prt.•sidcd over the !"i UrVi\·aJ of a long established f<1mi ly firm through l\\'O triscs that coultl h<•ve killl•d it Uob l~l<.1c:k's de· uth and the L·nc rgy t·runch. Annt..· Bla<:k sin1ply had to do it Sandra Andrcv.·s l1111J,.:t"<l lo get the t.•hancc to do it . 1\nd both \\On1cn did 11 .QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi r~·:~% ~-;-"~··:~%·:;_~;~;'.i:,~:;. J.:~ ~ . ': ,. ·~ . ,. 2.-2.l ~,. g .. .,. ........ ~...-.....- "Oh, boy.! Now all day Jong the junior execs will be sending' me over to find out for whom the you knov.· what ... " "I , Have you picked up your free plant and book at Keystone? (893-2491) J.J.MACK IS BACK 5 NIGHTS A WEEK Friday lhr0U9h Tuesday JASON WednHday & Thursday illa SPECIAL LEASE OPPORTUNITY 197!3 Coupe de Ville $186.10 P" m°' ~ for mote infOI'~ i<U )$ .... 1•?331) C.11 '"" Mlll1260. ,..,,,_ tl;ltto '°'"''' ·-131~.1 ... "61 MOlt~O.-t11•1~"'" , ... ,,kl;.) Nabers Cadillac 2(,()QHmbar&d.. Cosl3 Mes.i 540 9100 I I L.ltl. Boyd Psych Major Frets Most ' Detroit for years was a fairly easy place to get a job, what \11ith all the carmakers there. And finding v.'ork in Appalachia for years was pritnear impossible for many, I 'm told. Now the une mploy ment lines in Detroi{ stretch long. And last year 's Arab oil embargo_. kicked the price of coal so hi gh that any high school graduate willing to go into the mines can start at S6 an hour. You just c<in ·t predict the job market in any given region, can you? Clll NESE scientists contend Mt. Everest is 26 feet taller now than it was 100 years ago. The y.·himsical report s uggests that anybody who wants lo <·limb it better get started. It's still growing. AMPUTEES Q. "What proportion or those folks with a missing arm or leg have artificial limbs'!" A. About half of them. A~1 NOW ABLf: to report whiit sort of col- lege s tudent worries the most. It's the psych majot. Second on the li st of v.•orriers is in home eeonomics .~ird . in business. f<'ourth, education. And fi th. engineering. Or such be the findings in .;1 s y of l .fiOO upperclassmen , The scholar v.•ho undertook this r esearch is worried. too. 1'hat most of the upcoming psychologists will bt! chronic handwringers. YOU Kl\'0\\' those little electronic pocket calculators"! Sonle experts say the li ghted me mbers should glo~· green. not red. fo~or easier reading. And they're working toward I.hat end. FOR THE BLIND The publishers of Braille books for blind c hildren are including in some of their voluml's s lips of s pcci:.il paper impregnated with various scents. These take the place of ii· lustrations. The reader can scratch that paper to release a fragrance keyed to the story. Udor of pine ;.i rises from a forest sc:cnf' \Vood s moke accompanies a campfire description. \Vhen mention is n1ade of !he l}Urchase of a new car, up jumps banana oil. Excellent. Address niatl to L /'.1 Boyd. P.O. Bor 1560, Cosio i\!esa 92626. Copyright J975 L. !t1 . lloyd Occidental Cites 205 Percent Hike LOS AN GELES (,\Pl Dec. 31, Occidental -Occidental Petroleum earned $280.67 million, or Corp ., fol lo win g the $4.74 a share. compared trend of other rpajor oil with $71 .86 million. or 95 companies, has reported cents a share. in 1973. that fourth qua rter earn-. ings in 1974 \Vere up 205 r Revenues c l~~bed to a percent over 1973 . record. S?.53 btllion from The company earned $3.0l billion. 568.6 million, or Sl ,15 a The company said sha re, compared with domestic earninr ac· $22 .33 million, or 32 cents ' counted for abo11: two-- niihotre. a year earlier. thirds of net in< o me and Revenues rose l.o Sl.36 that Hooker C nem1cal bil lion from $940.46 and the Js h ;,d Creek milUon. Coal divisions were t.he · J<'or the year ended principal source~- But they ha\·c one thing in com - -------------------------------------------.· Over The Counter HASDUstinqs Tne,,. Quolatoon~ l>rown Ar "'• ''•'E•ecu 1n 7·0 l'• Kev~t Int J)>,, H\. O<mon1 l'. J,, Trdn'>(o •upPlled Dy tne Na· a...:~~ •'• •->. E•1r"{P 10 21· l(M'> Ind '"• ~·. P•Dsl Br ?••, 1~ lrn 0c; .. n t•onal A>!.OCiat•on ot Eluckey ,._. •'•Fa>' Ln., •. ~··.:""""VI 11 n Pdccar 18'• I~• !win Q,. So!<u"l1es 0.<"e"'· &rnp SI ''• •'~ F;ir1on El 1•'• 1~·" l(nu<J> Cp •I •, /•, P•c Garn 11•, 11•. lym~PI• '"'-' bo.:h ar.d o!l~r~Bu!ler M 10': 11 '• Farm Br 1:l'• 11'• l(oq.er Pr I·« i 'i Pdt Lum ...i•, 'JO'~ UU Fona< Quuled by ove•·ll'>e· CJ!WI S11 ?6'.• 21 1. Filtm C,r •8'• •9, ..:.,,,_.,.~, s 6" Pdr•M" 0 1•\• 1•'-Uno Cdpl <e1un1er dt>aler~ 10 C•m Iron Fu·>Qrn! 1' 1 I'• L"cled St l"• 11 " P"ul P~11 tl Ill.. Union Sp! eacn otller "> o! ~I 107 F~tao,ln l~'1 lO'•Ldt><d\I ~. 1•,Pyh•C."' >6'1 l/',.Ut"1TR<>< tlO'>f' !EiH\ernC"m Td<J 76', 211• hi CaP•tl 1• 26 Lance lB '• 1~ P•11"' Sv ll'> u Un"" Th l•l'f>e.) Th• <1uo1 ... Canon Ml 11 '• 17'• g1 T•F1n 10'• !()\. L""'sn Pr 18 , 70 P" Entrp I• ,..,, US S""'°' !•on\ oo nol •ii:luO~ C•vmAn 1•. 1·, hi Unlnc tB'> 2~'• L•..,t•• C 111 !?'• Pen1 Oii UST•~ L •e•aol m.i••uo. marh CnM\q RI b b" F-OOd J.,; 10•, 21 •, LdlY Bov I I•. I "./ 1!·1t v"'" fih °""""or corf\m1s Cen VIPS q;. 10'.f0•1'~1 Qt q•1 Q•·•ll'q~t Pl 7•• 8 Pt<! K!.li 11 ''"•VaqM .. o ~<on, and 00 nol(FS Cnll 10', 11 f••nh El /'o / •• L•• Cllrnp ~·-· b Petro1W 67 t.l'•Vin«." '>n rel)r .. ~en! '"'""1(1\mp Pt 2'• J',Fra.,Mq q,10 Lom1aStr q ,,JOl,P•n~rtn 10·.11 •.van Dy~ transac\oons. Cha"' Co • •'• FnenO le 18'• 1~· L•fl< B<:hl •'• •··· P.on HSd 1b'-o 1b'• \Ian Sn<h INOUSTRl ... LS Clltrn Cr:> O•. 1]•, Fro1 F<IE I,~ LC(l•ll' 10 IQ Poonrr W •. ,. S'•V•<lot• $! "NO UTILITlE$ Ch• Br Ir 81 82 ', fuller f1 \O >o IOI• Loiw St"r q 0 9,. Pott "'(P 1b', 11 • V•W•I SI; Thur\ddy Cllns ~( Gale L•J to ~· Lonqv fb P•...;• Mt 11•• 11"' Vo• Sl'loe febt"'1•Y 2C. nl~ 100 101 C...t<'w lt I , ~. 11) 118 Pt09't'• • ., •'• W~• EBh B•d A•• CllUl)f) Cp 36, l6•• Gelco C:p ~, q., LOl'w• Co J1 •, 11'• PS"' C•r ~·• ~· I o I' Wd~ll "'(, 10'• Hl"W"""n l 1''' 1(1•, W..•"1~n '' 10' • W•oQ! WI I I '. W.•llnQ M 1'. 1 '""1(\1 1-'I 11" 14 "'' 1<.,c,, l 'l 1'1 """"" (I ~-. '<'''Motl• F<I SJ I\ W<tl,,..,..1 I 1\•,lJ.Wd~nHJ 1•' • I) W•nt1\ ~!r l ~· ... ,n!P~I 1; • \l'' W"< F'Lt 5 \ W00<1 ltn 11•. n wo"d 5• S ~'' Wr•QI\! l,'I l '. )'-Veo<o ~I\ q•, 9•,lo<;n~Ul'> 10•' 11 )·. ~· ~ 8" "'. •I ~ I • , , ' )'I )1• ,,, • 11 44 .• 4)' • 14·•· ,., • l~ 1~ ~·. " 11'· 11 ,, '" I~.._ \6 • .... 1\'> • • ' }4' I 1\ ' u•. \) ' Ac11~1>n1 i1•1 ll CJ< frC11k 9•, 10•.Gn Autm to to', Ml>'•nH \•, ~'· ""'" C•P •'• • ._ OTC 10 Motel tfcti1·p ,t,Qvnce R l'o 1 '~ Cill SoGa b'• 1•, Gn Au10P lS lb Md<! c,.,\ 11' ll 0...d~r (fl l• lb Volum.-Bid A~kt<I CloQ Al1 Micro 3 10 0'111 C<!tns UI 7~' l'" _Gen Elond !1 '. IO M.d1 Rlty 2 1l16 Ollel!f\ (<lo ~,:.• •,O' tA""'' E•P"''~ 1•6,100 lb• lb •• A""'nt Cp 1~ II C1!1 VIA ll'• 711'~ G E"trqy 11 (. I)', Mullot"-! •") •/,, R"lnr Co nnu" Ou~<h 11~ 11)) JS, J), Ale• Ah ?l l•28'~Clari!. Mt 7~'11b'.GornRe•n M6r.O*C ?I 11 R•ycm '"' ,,, "'"~""'"l" 90.000 30., 31>,, 1•/ A•11• e"' 19•, l~'•C111veok 10. 11 '· i.1 U I """'"t Ftl 1, 8.. "" • R c 1aooo 1 J • Ai.co Jnc 81 • B>..Ciev Ttlv l. )··.(,nl S~dlt •O • 10 ·· ~""-T.,. 1~ lb 11dvmd ~ • IO'•p.,_""'• 0 lb1llO l • 1.',' 1 1~ AO')n Phr 12'' 13•, Clow Cto 8. B'· C,+lbetl A lb'o 11 •. ,,,.,..,, l<;y 1 ~-· ""· R•I M Par 8,, ',: 'JJ~~ E.l;~~1,,. 11.800 '"· ?~·· •• ,lo Aneo Snc 18 '· 19\, Cob<! L"O 11', ll', (,<,Id SFd I I• 1~ M< C.mc~ l• 35 >l~lO<; E.Q ,,, ,, • ornt.on~o In• 10 tOO 10. 11',. "l"l!dTel 10•,10>..cotiu•nO ei, q',G•nrnMa. I 1-.M<DwlE. ~ ~.,R~qE.•ec ,,· ~· PtonOn, c,, IOJOOI 111,.,11,. Am Apr~I 1'• 1"" C0<.aC L• 12'o 11, G•d"'1 S~ \0. 1\ Mt0ud~ 8·,, 9 R~lo Un•v ''" ,·,,:!<i--•<o fl<! 1.(1 bOO 9•, ''•• l Am E•Pt Jl>•.:).b~Coner Pa /l., 8';Gr.01 l <>l n ·.11.Mtod,ul 11 11' Rvi>ub 1 • ,,,,.,,,,PMhl !j"'"' ~IO(l!) 2•'·• 2~ --, Am f •ncl lOlo IQJ.io Comm C1 IS~. 16'• ~<'Y Ad• b'• I •• """<k"' l '• ;..,, Rt• Pl-'\ Arn Fltln 1\\, lb'h Cml Sllrg 20•c, "ll Gulf In!<~ I 1 6 Mt:"dlrn JS•. ll> Rtyn &R ~~ ;;~·,NASO Voh.oml! loddV 6.00-,bOO Am furn 1""" l Cwl "''(;~ 11 16 l+"!a<ll Ch 10 11 Mercllflt ll 13't• R••dl Mf '''• ,,.,•,1.,,_.,nces SJ~ Am C"ee Ill• ll'••CmwH P 2l« 14 1-1.ll'ln EW ~'• ;>, Mer•yn "/J 24 Rodd E• • I''." Anllnl Gr 451·, 46'/o Cplr Au!o S l'1 tiam11 Br I"/ l1'• IN;y11r fr lb 16'• Rob•! Q,~ 10« 11'.o ~CU•>•" lU A Mcro•y 1''" 7"oC11lrv1\ I'• S ... Harl)('r R )', 6 Modle• C q•, 10' Rollins 8 11'~ t8'1Un(IMn91'd 1617 Arn T~I£'• 1oi...11\o",(C)tln ftl 14'> 1S'i HA•l"m 1:1• .• • 'i M•ll£'t .. S q 10 Rou\l' Co ''• l '• lol•I 2•&l • • Am WtlO 1'> 8''Gonnc;.n 31• .• ll'll f1•w111FI I '• l'•M•!lipq• j~ •O R...:•rPP'! ,',,,,•,,, Ga•'neraand'-•en Anntu" JI{' 3S"4 ens P•P• J•>,• 311• f1enrl<'d f 11 0, n ~Sa•~ A 16 l• Ru\I SIO• IA' AP<!•CO 1q' 10"• Cordi~ CP 26 18 f1eocel c 10 Hl' M•MI F<1b 2·. ''• """""'"' 1•. 11·. C.a.INEI('> APS ln.fp 10'. 11'1>COll\•n~ ' •',H1Qot.>t Co 1;• ll MOQul Cp 11 1; '><llOll In 8•, q,, I Arn Be<>! Pa<• 1 •• UP'S!) Ardn l<lr';I 11, 1 · Cto~~ Co 11'• 11 H•nt!~ EL ?6 , 1~ Mol~o Ir> U 11'. So:.011 Inn p,_, 1'• 1 a.PS l"<P 0..D 10 I•, !Ip 7011. Arrow,..,, II. 16 Cull "'OU 101, 11'·• HOO•vr 11 >, 11 .. Moores .. 11'· 16. ~<oti-L (, ,, ... l ~. l l\,Oll>t-rlnll Ct> J .. \Ip ~0 0. A•••dd 1"-6 O~nl Intl 11', \8'• HOwe• (I) "10 l! M<>r.tn Br 31, •, X"PP\ f1 11 18 I G••ntr1 A )4 111 • • "/ \In l•I.< A\"\O (Old HI'• 11 ~'1 Drq I I'• f1un1 Ml!I q>, 10', MO"<YI I••• l'o''> !oe .. Wrld I'• /l.·, I C,,,v [mp W1\ W •• ''• l•p 19~ ·A!I (,~LI 11't 12•• Odtil 100 /'• ti '• .. yal! (. • .,.,, •'• MO'lk Cl> I, ll'o Sv Me<lll '"' 11• 6 Sc.011' LoQ{,0111 1 •' ' lJp 1'5.) Atl $lee1 12 12>,.DaytnMI 2!'>2l'>f1y~let C 12•,12.,Motoonln n 1J•,,S"11"1a'h 701.?l'•IEOS"'u<l .lO 13 ,7 VI> 11 4 Alwtl Oc\ 10',11 0,,(1\ Oil) 5'·,IMSlntnl 1, 1 ,MOtor Cl s, 6 S.,venUp 26',1/•,8Le.10••le(o•11 J,~, 11t1 l~J 6.Jo<CIAto 1'-l1h ~klbAR 3~',36.ln<la WM IQ'.70•o M•Sml!n ~·· 7"o'>l>onl!Y• lll'ol1-.~A<_onUey L~n• 18 •.'l : Up 16 1 sa .. CIW• I ) .. ~lh•lnU ')•, l.ln<l•Nu•I ,,, "M$1 0.JIA 8 '·• '"'""""'"" J'. •J.;.O F""""" [11'<.I 14'··~ \Jp l '>f Si!•er St 1•• 1~. Deluxe C ?I•. ?8 1n10,e• 11• ]', M<1!1•me ll 1• S•~I<\ Ji• -·· I At90P..1tl .Hkl ~' •' \ • Up ll,6 Sd~ .. rfl! 1~•,ib'•O••m(r~ 11 11 •.n~t•Lilb J~, ••,,N!ICn•SI ~'• ~ S1mpwn 10 11 "/Gelcofld 0'1> ~ •• I• Uo 1~6 Sdl(lwn L. 11•,11i,Q,Am H(I 3 J,1nl<'I C•P JI )8 "'dlL1blY r·~ J Sn.ap·Tol• l111,JJ~:.JL 1"V Cp..,h 1 "' 'Vil !S I 8"11Y MH ll IJ OQ•t (mo '· I ,Intl'•( En 8'• ~·.NI MdlC• 11.., 8"· SoCdl Wt ,,,. "" -[l-.<1nl l•m•HI ' • Uo •ll Bk .. ml<lt J•, l'•Clo(<1\~I •'• ''•lnlml Gs 11 '.11••"'11MnSv 72'•21'>SoC.nnc,, 1q•,.10 ISP<d-"'10•1 Mon ) -. Uri Ill 6.irO*lfl 13«!•',Qoll,Gen •',•'•Int Alum ~'· t. N<P.ll~n1b .. 1•,.~lnd Pdp u 1•'1 lbFolom .. t C.o•p •·~'Up IJ.8 F.la~~l!11 f 1J•, U h [)on~ld• •16 l6'••nB•W A, ''' •'• NC"'S (p 11~ !? ~1•d 11'··111'• LOSERS El.Jyle~~ H.t 10' 1 Clorch c,., b'. 6', 1n1 .. ,"1 J J', Ntttll>m 5•1, 6 SP!!•<I<'• N 11 n~. 1 $onomil Vonyd ' -'• Off S.••n C1> •·• •'•Dow J,,,., 11 ?• !n1r\t Cp l'• •'• "'cwl! Co _ • ., ; ~1 .. nad1 I ll"• H', 2 H~'""'''""~ Co 1 on &_.nlly L~ 18 1~ Qoyll! DD ~·• a"'1a.So Ul>I 11-.. 11''" "'J "''111 G tl ll'·• St<! Req•~ 11'• lb 3 Donoviln( ~0 ~~·· • • 0" 8':'11 Lilb 31 ]I'·• O...:omn 17'·• 1J J"me~o 1• 1•'• "'•COiet •n 8 q Sldn• Hn1 10 11 • ~ l(ey;ton" c_,.,,, '• Oil El•bP Co~· ~••Dun•1nO 1'"i ''•Jil'" Em•'·• •'""•"'•el'>PnA u •0 u,. t•NAle '<••10'•S TIME 0( JO ••• '011 Botd Sof"I~ 33·, JI E¥1~ S.:• '< ~'. Jo~n~ EF """ 18'> ,.,,,.,1...,n 6 14 14', St .. a• NS '< • 9'• b Amt~"" o~vl \ '• 011 Sli!."11 Pw 18 1q•, Ea\!m! 1~'" 11•, Jc"yn M JS\, lb•.·, r.iorO~lr 11'-. 16 .. ~lt9t T~-<: fi•, ij•, I J~"~e'\ C"'''~ , '• 011 B!och.0!1 '< "''Econ Lilb 34., JI llil•W!r St )O>. 31 '·• NOr!fl 1<.Q 11'-o 18. Str..-b Clo 18'1 10 8 Am~f Aoo,,1,1 I '• 0 11 BlueCll S 6'• 1'1EOS "'"" I)', 1".lldl•il• C J'o' "'"' NtG 1'• a•, ~u1><·• El '>'~I' ~Cayn1~n Co•" 1 ·• (ltt BM.A. Cri q,. q'• El Pa•.o 10'•• 11 l(dn\dn c lb'> 17 No•'1!1 Cp 11'• 10 s.n~r Cl> ~" b. 10 Ad•d" M•(•QO \ • OH .Bob Evn~ I~ 20 El N~<el b'• 1•,Kearn Tk l·"• •"• D<ean Or ""''7'• Tdlly Cro 1•. 1•,11 E!t:"cko Nuctn ~ V" Bohf!ma 11•· lJ'" Eme•"'1 ••• 4/o llvllv Ser 10 10\.o 0<11an E• 10•. 11 1.omo•• l>'' lb 112 ll•mPQ•oW>M 1 '• ()tt 000111 Np 18 16\. E""'rqy ( 4· .. \•,,l(.,mper 10•, 1S Qlhll L<J."> ~'•• 10 ..... Tilylor W 18\<, I~'• \J 5.lnt~t.nl! .l•d S'·-'1 Qt! 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G•w1~~ 3bb •OO IG!fOUP : ln!l'qO>n 110 17BNi!e' Iv 1 .2~"'L. :"°"<.!SIP /d} 9.10 l<~n"lf>C 10 •111.01 -lntom 1116 b O(I SNl<l<'b R"I~ qo111• ln•esl ll.•910.16M!~£'t 761,.,,.L UTNAM Smmd 6-~ 111) Ttiuri.141 Pro~ 1n J lb J •I (apl~I 1 /J 8 4S In'"''" (, ~JI"' L •d Am 3 9) o 79 FUNDS. l~(~nl ~ ll> ; SI F~b•uary 101 19/S Speel_. 1 2S 1.l/ C.ontr• 84!,.,,,L lnv(or. \O&o1180M,...VM lOO"'L Con•c• •>1<r!011s,,,,pyF 1 ~0 8 ~J 8•dA•k Ven1\fl" to0166JC•S!.ec bt8NL lnv Gu•d 16\NL.~nyfo 81188/EQu<!y 1•~18.lT~rnplC, /J~800 AOrn C,w 312 l6•Cn•·• fd 816 q,~ D!Y It•( 100"'L lny ln<J•C 118NL ... ss Fd 111'0"'.L VtootQ lllbl1 l l T~mp •v~·l~Nt Adm In< JO!> 331 CHA5E 0.•\t 6 l l ·· Inv lio\ 910 991 11 BnG 1;q /q9 c,,..,th H•l q711rdnC<1o bib ll' A(lm In~ 61l 6>?805TON: E\~e• 601 INVEST IF rd 6bl 111 !n<om 11? 18~1'~"!EQ 811 qo., A<IV•\ef JUI JBO fnd6-0~ 5~] 61'1 E•e••I qso10/8 COU NSEL jf Gro 2'n 31) •nve'l ~so 1101\Jdt)f'"' <r lo "'' Aetnd fO I q/ b •I Fron Co J 48 3 80 Fund 11.8' 14 OJ C.J>(ldm 6 '" 7 6\ MullHll Om4r.a ll•l1<1 r I 'l & 71 10111 CG 1 oa"' L Ae!'>d In 11 /l 11 82 Siil• B> \_9) 6 •8 Pur.ln 8.18 9 38 C"p•t Sh J.~ O )) Fim:U : Voydq ! 01 ~ 11 Xllll C.I ] ;1 "' l A!utu't 61!"'L Sae<;! ~~·q~~111mf 1.iJJll lHVEST GROU P ; Am~• \\IJ1!9111~e••f IOO"'l.1\lnl"nd •ll NI AGE Fd •01 •10 n~mfd 161 8:M Trend 11.\tllll IOSGlll •11 Gtwlll 3.80 Oii e,e,.,f 461 SOSUni!••iO 611 J J( All~lale B•• q()ll(Na.MNGF05: FINANCIAL 105 "'0 389 •21 lcom 1~6 BJJ);i!e< Eq ~l~ bBlun,fut>d ~·q 109 A\Ph.io FQ 8 78 9 ~ t<;no(k F • 81 S II PlllOGllAM5: !OSP~ "169 1.q; M~! 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Mufi, 6.11 N l l•1 fvnd S •• "'·L fQui!y 13 1 U 1-'>ELECTED FOS· 5rnco•n !1! 0! Am ln•sl 3 96 N.L Colum G 10 21 N L fLMG hERGER ; JP Gwlll 160 8 26 Gtwth I Sl R 16 Am S~• ~ 01 NL toent \ IJ S b1 Am Mui llO 198 o!umb bl!NL F!t:"m S b.'l'I Janu\Fd 14.Gf!,.,,.L lncom 1J".l1 1•SJ Opp FO 1!9rlL l ~""9d 4 )1 1 12 AmNI G• 1'1 1.1\COMMONWLlH 100 Fnd 6 66 John'1" 11/l"'L S•de llS}llll SPl5hr<; ll•INL uld S•'F ~ll "'.L. •ANCHOR TRUST ; 101 rna 6Q• Jot-lN HA,NCOCIC . EA Mt 161 ""'1hnel 11' (<) SAA Ca 118"' L. GlllOUP. A48 ao s1FOnG• J.~ 381 (Ind fd 1a101q1~ 11uCertt 4 1•N L >ton!fy F !O•~!!ll s c.. .. 1!> q~I 980 Dady lrt I 00 NL. C I 10 1 JO fOUNOElllS G•wth I 3B I 8S ~uwth 1 ;q N l HAREHLO GRP · 'LISLIFE f'UNDS• Gr..,1~ 181 •J1:,0....1>Qr •!>8 l11 G_llOUP: S.qn.JI 6.9J /.)J 11wton 101•1110 Com'! lJ>\ Jqq AIU'~ F lll> lncom 6U 682 ompCp Jq2 4)(1 ~wlh C1I hi KEV.TONE. .., p,,.,, 11••1l81 Enlfpr ••q -91 El•I Fno 6 to :•'8 Rtstr~ 10111108ComoB<I 111 /'I~ lntom 10011091 Cusl Bl 11211801 l!WW!d ~6!1011 Flel fd 190 -16 C m Sil< •4 ~Cir )!1 38bCompFO bl/,,. FM'""' (/I 111 c .... 1 02 1111189] •Chi•• 98INL '"''"l>r 6/q 1"11v-..0LUE LIMqe8'.,'g,·~ fnd tn• S 81 6.,) imtrd I 64 N.l f Sswtil 8 31 q 09 CVSI B• 110 8 00 ~e\I l•ft 1) \.I>"' t l'"Qal L SI• 611 v_,1 Ln~ d IO ; 15 WfN"ll 818 961Con~ In• 1~1 8.J/FOUt'>QF 611,.,,,l Cu\1 I(\ J>.15 69S~qe 65) 66~ P;tttFd 6 1~ /ol Vel In lbe '""'d"• F S)l 6.0l<;n\!n9w 416"'L!RANKLIN Cu\11<;2 4.31 '.IJO "'e•t fd 1011,.,,.L HEARSONfOS: l•vG!~ ~l6 ;g: AltE ConMI In 609Nl .. _ROUP: Cusl SI 16Sl!8110ni! w.u 1)51NL. App•( i.10 1s.n V•t Spe 2SO ,, HOUGHTON! Contr1 C 1001 !08i O"'TC .~.•• S% Cull Sl //J 811 l)PPENHM FD: tr><:om 1}6111 ll • fund A 41• •SOO•tl•\ 1•• Gwl~$r 5 4J 591 C"'I S.J 60'I 6bl Aim Fd f ll 191 lnW\I 181 8SjVAfll Clc Fund B ~ l! 6 8~ Oa•i<IQ 5 •~"' L f< ln<m 1 ~ 1 7q Cv~I S4 i ~ 1 8~ Op fnd 5 7~ \I~ ":!. De•n l'o 01 "' L S"NOEllS; Sta<:• 5 U S 62 DELAWARE US Gv S ~ Sl 10 •• AOOJIO l .09 J 1' IMOm 7.1& I 93 IGMA "UNOS: 1n,e•t 1.68 ell BLC. Giii 8,!l l .U GlllOUP: Uli+ltoe 311 •OI Po•••• 157 116 Monv 8 '167 C.iop Shr In 67S VS Com >SO 6tll !J•b""' q 01 N.L. a.calf 8 17 q Sl Res C.a11 6.03 ~ 61 LnOm•• S 69 6 21 Trme F • 11 '71 In• e 08 8 81 ~1 . 5 11 116 6.ioyro< •.6• Oetw f 8 1• q 01 11:5 Eqty 3.09 J l'I LO E<l•t 17 31 1l 23 OTC ~t 8 82 9 5q Tr\I 6.~ 111 ll~drbll 1 st' 1 Bl 6a1r• 9r l .18 ..• 0.1ta T l •6 l 18 ~-I LIEq 8.11 q.Sl LEX GftOUP: l'.iottml S q3 6 •8 V•nlur S ll 6 31 V•n1 tO<IQ Ill hi e..-cn '"'' 'Jb N.l ~V•11n S1 as"' L Fd Mt Op •.• , N L Cp Ltdr ,, 2~ 1l.S• P.iotner 6 ,ql N L. Smt1h 8 • OJ N L V••ffll I 1 '' J ,, &I.con f .6q N.L. Ott<I Cn J 14 l .to FUNDS ING" ~wlll 4 ti 5.4l p..,1 R•v S.<W· S SI 8 !&Gr I S. N.L. Vi l<n; Gr • oJ N L Botrk!oht 2.11 l .010tl<IQC• 11.l•NL GlllOUP: A41i•~" 110l110SP11.io1•S F Jlt l .•' '° Get!f 10 011osoW.io11s1 'ii' Si i 18 B<:ll'Am U ~llS18C>r•••I E; 80-"'L Comm ... 761 Ltlt !nt• S.90 64S,,.nn Mt 1.~N.L . ~·Inv S01 610 Wot~llMv 10tO .. l)I Bonastk 3.11 t ?S OlltEY,.USGllP Im-6.106,6fL•f!tC.iop Slt S84Penn SQ S•l N,1... wln•G 01-•-1W..!nQ•q 8•tN"L Bo~I fM 8 01 I IS 0•¥1 Fd 9 1S 10 1• Indus Ir ~ 6) •.•7 LOOMISI Pllold ,.d 5 l• S •1 .ovr In q.l• !0 11 Wl!LLllOl'CT()flf " Bto-2 ~ 7 62 E<llr fd l .•• l IJ Pl•ot •. is 6.11 S"YLlS: PllOl'U• c I IS 1.11 $.pe<:.lr•' i 11 . OlllOUP· Btn"m 8SiNL Orff I,," 11J(,\1l9G.,11..,y It> U ) Coto Ov 8MJ •. PILGltlMGP: &P 1nO 46SN.L. E•p•or" l\IO CAL.VIN FUNDS; OfYILA 10 0? .• GE!o·SP lllt Mulual l1S/ ,, PU!'rm IOOll10S1 TATl!:BNOGlllP! lvl!~I Ill/ BullFd IO.tS11l1SClll'l~m 65"6 ll•C." !of< fll (II LOltOA••: ('"Pia! J ..... N.L. Com Fa lSO ltl Moran :•• IO'I C.dn fd t O"/ • ji JrQ Cotnl ft ~1 q t4 Gitt F'"m J SI J 'IO Aflll&I ~Gt> 6 S6 tntom 1 l3 1-3• OiW!\I! J k •.11 J,u,\ I SB ')I Div Shr 113 ~ !° El.E Mu 116 N L Gl'lll llld u .10 N L Am Ou• 111 1 e. Pi!Q f'd S JS 6.18 Pro<;irs ,) )I ~ 6S ~1~1, 10 ~t l~ n "'•I""' 1)6 •.15E4Ql•Q.I" 618 6 .. G .... rll 2(1.)f~L. t\ndclfb "lO/ ••1f'ineSI 914"'1. St Fr (or 41M"'t. Wflll'l II ,.,,y Vtll 'ID' 9tJEATON a HAMILTON ORP: t.UTNllltAN ~RO : P•n ,,.. 111 0) I Fr ll'lt 1.99 N,L W'lmn ,,;,:~~ CG F"" 1 H 8.6 "OWAltD: FUll<I J,19 j 11 8rol'I I'd 1.74 'SS PIONEER ,.0: $1116 Sir l•.•1 J1,J(I WiM'll s t ·CG lntf •1.11 t ~ !J1ln, fl:d 1.11 8.A-Gr "''" 4 •S .Of Bro Int l ,44 9 17 P,on I'd 10 01 10.~ StliAOMAN tlDS; We\! Ina ; 0: 1: :; Gapltf\v~ltNL C><•l'tl'lf 1&)8l~lntom f'2•3'leroU$10.lll106Ptdnrtl eS1•.11Atnlnd t .1•Nt.W .. tCIGr '°'•S• &ii "'' 9 •1 10 ;ti lnc:tl"rll ~ 11 S.81 t<ttl G!l'I 1.ll N L. MloSS C01 PIMWJ e, S1 10 lS "'"" f';(I ,94 N.L. Wllton1 4 tl •• I Inv &.16 l .'2 5.flt<ilF tt4 J•Ol-l•rl LY •ll2N.L. Fr•m 6.$0 111PLIGP:0 •SOIO.Jt ln•tsl l.ll4"'L..lll!Qltt l:lll :'ii ANNING Ski< ,_d 8Sq ,,,._,JIO<M ~46 •·• ln61!f' 6,1/ •. 81PLI Trn ~-~ 6.0S C)"tMI 604N L.Nl "'° if.tH' flUNDS: EOlfSr:o 1S,11Nt.,H&rl!QllJ 100 .•. Mast, •. 21100tPllllC:•ROWE· ST•INllOlif'OS: llh'll!ll!lll\I '•1 •• Amer 104 l .1•!0,..l.l'O •11 q.91HllrA<• 142l1J>I MASS,.NC\.; Grwtll 9:Mr • O•!<Jn( 1&7JNL r..na,11iac1e ) I If 1 -] I 1;~t earn io,erE d~i 8 1 iC•)'OI before df,li!. ~alt en.tire intere pifce1 F< such .1 take) deduc those· itE"mi2 from t L ; retroa adjust Tl additi Al not dE claim .Tax ll loss. II premi your i instill Form shoulc your! T: amou· by wr Thea. 43. Tl adjus1 y taket J040,\ N Y'*r1 ·~< ' 'F afler, 9 perc this t you a rateo ,will n be <OJ corr~ A for 11 gains regul .~tun a res1 fill OU 'I woulc mone lolal. sepa1 ·hope take due) be(or 'Go .. .... -<'v E•tl •• d•lt~ l>"CO ' c , c "' >C 'c •• " •• " "" '" UC U• " > '" ~l r.: , ' " .. >I .. " .. .. 10 i '" "' '" 14 ~ " ' '" '" ". '" " ' •• •• w M " " " " " ') • If B;lt¥r•um •-~ f\ . I I~ .. -i:'~~~ct Los~es fn ,'l'1me Loans-/1 ' I; BySYLVIAPORTER ' I 11.<utb&oS....aJ ' ' Mlµioos of Americans have been d .. '-~9lllt<1 periods of u 1 r_._. __ lln_c_•_..,_1n_e..,.• for ftppttc,al iaSUlutlons in O::r t: evn the re,latively attractive Mone\r's 1~terest paid on these time fl • rl4'P0Sits. Worth But the catch bas been that it> you withdrlr,)V your runds before the agreed.upon maturity d#e. you ret hit by • double ~alty. T_he interest rate (or the tilltire penod drops to the lowest 1~est paid -generally 51y,. percent-and you also must forfeit three months interesl. FORMERLY, TllE l~S had ruled that if you sutfered such .a loss through forfeiture or your interest you could take YC?Ur loss only as an itemized deduction _....:._ similar to ~;ducli~nst fork rteha l estate taxes, iDt* paid, etc. Io sum. . os~ "'."' o oo ~ 15 percent standar deduction inslead of 1tem 1z1n~ deductions were unable get any tax benefit from the interest forfeited. ' · Las~ October. though, Congress changed Lhe law. ret.roacl1ve !o 197~ ~so that you now deduct this loss as an nd1u st~ent in arnv1ng at your adjusted gross income. !his means that for 1974, you can deduct such a loss in add1t1on ~o the full lSpercent standard deduction. And tf YOU sutfered such a penalty in l.973, which you did not. deduct on .Your 1973 return, you now can file a refund claim on the simple Form 1040X, Amended U.S. Individual Tax Return, based on the .added deduction for the penalty loss . IF YOV. WERF. PENALIZED because of su<'h a prem~ture w1~hdrawaJ of a term deposit, get the details of rou~ 1n~erest 1.ncome and loss forfeiture from the financial 1nsutut1on which held your deposit. You should receive a Form 1099-INT fr~m the ~titution showing the amount you should re1?4>rt as interest income and the amouDt which is your forfe1tureloss. Take this for:feiture on your return by entering the amou~t. bet"·een lines 38 and 39 on Page 2 of Form 1040 and by wnt1ng ··forfeited interest penalty" alongside the entry. The a~ount of the loss ;Should be included in the total on line 43 . This total then Wlll be carried over to reduce your adjusted gross income. You must file your 1974 return on f'orm 1040 in order to take this loss deduction. You cannot claim the loss if you use llM-OA. Now several fmf>Ortant final hints on your '74 return: -If you a~e wor:rying that you may be unable to pay yaur taxes on time this year, be warned about a significant "f change in the tax law -and take action act'~rdingly. FOR ANY AMOUNT OF unpaid taxes that you still o-.i.·e after June 30, 1975, you will be charged interest at the rate of 9 percent instead of 6 percent a year. The favorable side of this t!bange to you is that fo r any refund the IRS still owes you after June 30, 1975, the IRS \\'ill have to pay you at the rate of 9 per<'ent instead of 6 percent a year. . -You still have ample time to get all the tax forms you 1 w1U need to <'omplete your '74 return ....:.. so that you will not. be compelled to scurry around at the last miaute looking for correct forms. . As I've reported in this series, you 'll need Schedule G for Income Averaging, Schedule D for reporting capital gains or losses, etc. You'U find a list of the forms in your regular tax package. . -I repeat and reempbasiie the point made in the first .rolumn: no matter what tax rebate may be coming to you as a result of anti-recesaion tax legislation this year. you must fill out and file your lt14 return before the April 15 dead.line. You must go through every procedure you ordin¢1y would go through and send in your return with whatever money you owe. You cannot deduct the r ebate from the total. rr a rebate is voted on, ·7-4; income, it will be sent to you separately. -YOU GAIN NO'l'HlNG by pulling off this task in the ·hope that you'll be able to calculate your own ''tax cul'' and take it off on your own. In fact, you'll lose lf a tax refund is due you, for the longer you wait to file, the longer it will be before your refund is mailed to you. G11i11 ... r!f 1111d LfJ1'f#r11 '+t'• Y<>flt IUPO -Tht loHO*il\Q r"' Sl'IO....,, ,,... ,,O(_\ , .... ! "'•"" ~·""" ,,_, ~ IOU ,,.. mo~I b•~f'd °" 119rc•nt Of (l\«9 Ol'I IM Nt ., Vont !.lo(.~ E•c~ ffill •t>O l)l'tCtfll•,,., cl'l•flOn •<T I .. o:l•l!t••'>C• b-.1-ffl 1M p•ev•°""' <'°"'""' P'!Ce ..,,, l'W G~r~'lA's Cl<n!f"IJ P'•Cf. 1 UorisCr Ci>! U , •', Up s.i a 'Cl"') C.r•fl J'o• Io UP .O• J ICN p,..,.., l>• 1 UP *lO • C.OmS<v I'° •J..,, 'J VP JI O \ C.l'ln\Cr Bpi I l '• Up ?~ S • qRe.,;tv 11>! ?', • .>.o Up 11?·~ ! S.ktf" lfl .10 lo•• I Up 10 1 I qR,.OQ lpl ?• > • ~ UP 11 t 'Hr>ruon (p J , • •.1 Ul'l 11,• 10 ~PM<r lnw 1'• • o Ul'J lS.0 11 !..11?,f11..:1cp 3 •• ,, u11 u .a 11 c.NMltCp 1)1' 11'·, , ... UP 1• o 1> Addr~rptl t.' • • ~. Ur> 11.0 U H•<)hV"ol\ En t', • '• Ur> I• 0 lS lt<<ILO .10b 13"-• ,.._ Up U.I 1\'PU" York 15 Most A .. tire ~ AWiotrpf 1'" 14'"-• 11'o VP 11.lt-----------------~17 of.tlit(<1 C.orp ?\, • ...., lJ1' IJ,J I Artl<C (fllP 1'o • '• UD 13) 9 Amrep Co•o 3 • • -.. UP ll.O r. CN M !hw Cp I<.. o I UO I?.• LOSIER$ Hl Colyl ,90 t. -I'~ Oii 111 1 J•mWanpf 1 10•.,-1.., Oft 1& II ~Kf/.,.ood IO ''-I• 00 117 • Polll•<>•O 31 10 -1'• Oii n t. > Dollln lflCP 1 lo O!f 11 l t M I Corp 1 -'• Oii 1!1 I NoCflAl•I •I I -'o Oii 11 1 I ~NI (f'f!I• 1 -'• ()ti 11.I • S.nJR.c lCH 1''•-'• Otl 10 & 10 N•ll Honw~ )',->to Oii 10.l 11 a.t>oo• p,, •1"'-~· Oii 10) 11 F"Mlll"' 1,,,. 1 ~o -'• OU lDO l)U~R••llJ I .l""-'•Ott '4 1•S1M.,1 ... 11v 1'•-'• Otf 11 A11teriro11 10 ltfo•f 11 .. 11.,.. O•" ... • 1" . '• • •• . ~ • • . " . ~ 1s Brn 51'>rp .10 S•o -~, Oil 81 1t H•JWlCP .f>I / ... --... Off 1,11----------------- 11 Mel~ &9 l'o-"-Oll 19 11 CC I (OO"P !•1>-Vo Oii I I 11 Cily1,,,. wh .._-1.i• Oii 1 I ?I) t;o<",,..,., CP l ~•-_I • Oil 1 I NPw Y10rk .SnlPN \lot111H(> A~tu lol•I l>rfYIOU> d.tt Wttllc•QO Mol'llll •O<I V••r MIO '"r:·'~"'° J..,. IOO•tt 1tlJl0<1.11• 191210d••• 8yUPI 1'11terf .. 011 Sale• \/Oft!lllP ·--··~·· /Horkef Tre11d MAfltlt£T TREND ·-~~~~ht*"'"~ • 511 71J ... •11 a ••• llUO ,.,, AM EX MAllUtET TRINO _,T~:~~k.~; 301 311 "' "" tO ~19 ') luy the Dally Piiot for Peanuts (and a lot of other gr9at comics) I dollvor9d 7 days a weotc 642·4321 (Direct or collect) -' , 117S DAILY PILOT Thunday's Closing Pnees' NEW YORK iS10CK EXCHANGE w-""' ~ .... Pf_,0-Ch; P! lo.lU., ~ C..... S 1 1( 11 ,. '°""-1. °""'' pt• ,_ . l)'ill 16 C.A.c' .Doi , , .. l, \o Owo&t.o .. 1• lj>t 1' • '. ~1'1t01 l 10"° \o ~ C > ... cu 11 :a1........ ....~ ll •• ~ ... • .. l "• ).I IS 1:n 1''-...,.,. pl JV. •. 1 :; <;.toMto 1,,,, • l : • '• 0..--L 1 1l i ,. U • '• C.•tA I IDS IS JI"'• '-. °"'ILN pfJ 11'0 12'-'r-·~ C-lt>Q °'"'".. J 1\-o t .. °'4Uol l..JO ,..., •• '' c .... u.. • 1 s 11 o...a1.• 1.15 . u.0011"' C...C1M)olis ._ 110 U \1-, l>,-111 .-0 • • 1--~ C.-olFrl .~ • IJ ) .• --· <-· C.WOPL 1.0 I ll• 1., .. "' E ... 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H8'1'9' A1b 1 I 1' , .. _ '" Oicto; .t.8 .S1 5 1• 9~ • 1" H•rtfU"' f ) J>, Oi<IQl'lfl ,.0 I IQI 11 ..... ~ HCAMI SOii .l I) 1\o 0.bolO .4Qo 10 «) 11>(,-1" l+te-tnc ,, • •I lO•, "1 °"°"1 .Oii) II 31 •'·• , 1-W(lioM•" 11 lt. 1ll 20'• Dlol18 EqPllO lll 1'~ "'° Htll'l'll'\.41.1 t. 11 I'•• .. ~/lift9"1 AO 4 ~ 4V. •.. ~/flt H 11211 ?•1 •4\. oui... 1.10112 ,0 !O'h• -. .._...,. c ... , s 1J 1 .... -"" Oisftef ,12ol4 15S 40'h •.• ...,.,..,.,,,, "'O 21 16\.-"' Ols~lon _1-,, .0 7""+ 1.,, Hor!rnePr • .O .• tU 111.0 • 10 01.,,.rtlld lfl 4 )Sll 1"" •. . Helm6P JO 10 ll(I .)11,, ', OlvMt1St.cl .• 11 1 ., ~'*"'ispC.p ., 10 1'1)-'' Cit'~ .XI 10 211 '~ v. 1-it<"~ultt .eo 11 II) 11\11 • l '. o.tm.M .... I} 1S$ s.lllo-... ,_..,.,..,., IO 9 '6 l l~ • ""' J .10 •. 12 ,.., • ..., Htu1on .-Ill ' a ,," . ,,Ml) \]1 n.-1.'t l+hblofll.101J a1s, JS'•-~, C,1).20 i IJt 1t""t \'it '"'-•lttP.1021 M 12""•1'l .IOb • IS I ,. HIQl\VOll l!ft II ,.s. 6V.• t; °""g(.10 I !J '""'•ft Hlllenbf" ti l 11~1• ~ 0.Vr 1.10 • 41 J1 ... Hiiton Hll I I tO 11~, \.. Dow 1.0116J1~.1-. HM.,,,,1n.o.,\l 11 l"- OPF lnco I J-loo ,,, ~fl (.IOtO ti 11 \.• Ot"e"° 1,.0 I •SI •.. ...._..,, 1) t. )8. I~ ·~ Elu.r I.to • 4•1 ~•'""' 110tl Ii.tin .. lt. J ••• pt J,to •. II n •l'h HOI lnA\.,,. ,,, • .,, • ' _ .. 1 ., \J .. MellY"'9f1 1 ., ll""• \lo e~ l.'4 • ' 4 .. ,._ ..... HOnuil4MI• I 1J .. .. • .... 'l'fs .tot • 21 ~ •• . ~· 1 . ...-I lJ• JJ , -... Pw t.IO I 211 11\Ao-"'° ,~ 1 :it I 11 11•~-"- Year~• Higb·LoW• Ap~ar E,·~ry S•lurda\· •l' ,_\lo ,. . ' 2»-• ...., ' -. IS"•• "9 ,, .... \lo :U"-.. \.l , ..... \... •s..., .. \4.. &O -'h 131,_"" 21~-.... ·~-" Fibreboard SAN FRANCISCO UJPIJ Fibreboard Corp. has announced a r• duced ('Om n1on stock d ivtdena because of an anticipated first quarter loss and et-ono mit uncer. taintr. Robert J . McLau&hlin. ""'l>Oralion pre5ldent. s:tid a 15-cent dividend would be paid MarCh 31 to shareholders of record Marcb 10. 'r \ ' ' ·~ ' ' , • • • ( .. AIZ DAll.YPILOT Frid!y, Febt\1!1)'21 , 1976 • ' Su:per. Ageney _ 'Challenged' ' itn,plfl Ridit'J••lou' ~ , , 1_.;...._ __ ....... ____ ~--;----,· •• Jitdge Mast "'Blistei:-ed~, • I By WILUAMSCHREIBER Ol•o.i.IWl'iWSlllfl . SANTA ANk -Tbestructure of Orange County government's fledgling second s uper-agency has been challenged by Supervisor Ralph Clark, who 'wants it stripped of authority over foL.r depart- ments. In a letter to his fellow board members. Clark said he will ask Tuesday that the county library, airport. agricultural extension and refuse dis posal ---departments be removed from the new General Services Agency <GSAJ. He said the functions of those units do not pro- perly fit into the GSA, which he said is designed as an "umbrella organization" for those departments which provide services within county government. • By TOM BARLEY OftM D•llY fill"' tlaH SANTA ANA -Orange County Jail Capt. Bill Wall ace and Dis. tricl Attor·ney Cecil Hicks' <:hie( aide joiped rorces today in a blistering attack on a judge who tossed out drunken driving charges filed against an• Irvine " man. ' -cision lo immediately appeaJ the much time in J•h for thls>type of~ decision. . offense, butJ am satie,fled that, in . thls case,• it w;is un.avotdable, •o. Judge Mast dismissed ~he Enright said. 11w6 thi~ Jud1e·1 dru.nken drivin g alle ga t10~ Mast was wron·g to take lhls kind' ~ga1nst .Donhowe because, the -.,.otaction .~· ~ud:gt:? sa.td, the lo!l g· 12·hour. stuy ' Deputy J;)isttict Attorney Ore_t-. •r:i Jatl violated h1s constit':'t1onal ta Sears, who tras been rieAled by nghts to prompt .,processing by Ef\right to handle the ,.ppeal,. any law enfoi:,cement agency. 1 condemned Judge Mastta tiln&1 f Ju~g.e M ~st added that the ·page opinion s upporting h~.pos1 ... 1 ~~er1ff s or£1ce ai:id the county tion as "absolutely jncredlble.•• • Jatl had a long history of such violations and this (actor played a role in his decision lo free Donhowe. WALLACE POINTED OUT th,at Donhowe was just one oft• drunken driving offenders booked into the jail during a 24.,. SUPERVISORS VOTED 3-2 three weeks ago to IDS DECISION opened up the hour period Jast Dec. 20. 1 form the agency by consolidating all or parts of 12 possibility that drunken drivers ''It was the height or the Santa Ana Municipal Court Judge Paul Mast's decision to- free Howard Marion Donhowe. 60, of 14851 Jeffrey Road, because he spent 12 hours in the jail last Dec. 20 was lashed by Walla~e as_:·simply ridiculous ... independentcountydepartments. ''JUDGE MAST ~idn't even book~d into the county jail after Christmas season when drunken· It was t))~ second such reorganization in the b.o th e r t o g o . l n lo l he the effective date or the opinion drivers Cl> me out lJf the.t past nine months, the first being creation of the En-circumstances behind . that 12· might also seek dismissal or woodwork and we just dor\'t have vironmental Management Agency <EMA) com· ho_ur stay," Wall!lce sa&d. "Cer· charges if they are held in the the personnel to process them'' pri~ed of departments dealing with advanced plan· ta1nly, 12 hours is much l~n~er facility for longer than four any faster than we did that day,'~!!' ning and the environment. tban usual for a drunken driving hours. the sheriff's jail captain said. When the GSA came before supervisors ror ac· offense, but lbere we~ excellent ''\Ve think our appeal \\'ill take 1 r lh t I care of that," Enright said. "We Ce I 642 ·5678 lion Feb. 4, Clark and Supervisor Robert Battiq r_eas?.ns or a ong incarcera-. · vbted against it on grounds certain departments I.ion. intend lo take it to court at the Put a few worda didn't belong in the new agency. earliest possible dale. to work for you .. O! , ·Sears you inay be able to hear better with. . ·Sears Behind-the-ear . ·:: ilEA.WNG Alp with'a4Ju table output control • .. . Behind.the.Ear Aid Hegu!.ar 8299 Pr-k:ft" r.rrec:il"• 11:i .... t'rkl-• •. .._..,. ;:81 ' ' ·'Sears '..\.i. About 5'-e" Cuavl'nie•I Cndit Pl11111 ,. ~1i.r1,11•tion (;uar1u1to·r•I 01• 'I our .'1 01u•y U1H·k Supervisor Ral~h Diedrich, who fathered the Chief Deputy District Attorney "l have-every symputhy {of * I ilAU.•onucK~oco. rJ:'.'.'.a~m~e:s:.=E~n~r~ig~h'.'.'..t~a~n~n~o~un~c~ed~hi~·~s~d~e~-~-'~h~e~d~e~fe~n~d~~~n~t~w~h~o'.'...:s~p=e~n~d;s..;s~o~,J..,-TC.,.,..,,,..-~~l~n~l~h~e'...!1~9~~~1l~··!!;jj~l~•l~~::::::::::i;:::::::'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'.. agency concept an pressured for creation of the ---·· --· •• GSA Thursday lashed Clark's challenge as a loser's ; f ! · .. ••sour gz:apes." . "I think it is very inappropriate for the losing side of a board vote to come back so soon," Diedrich said. "This kind of nit-picking r eally gets me, particularly since he has almost no evidence to INC,~ C!QSIA ¥,ESA support his claim.'' DIEDRICH SAID the board will always re- Cpnsider items if a mistake is made and proof is of- fered. c "Nothing about this super·agency concept is "fixed in concrete and if changes are proven necessary then they can be made," Diedrich said. "I can't believe he (Clark) is doing it this way and I am a little s urprised,'' Diedrich said. ''Maybe its the heralding of a new da\\·n in board practices.'' The Fullerton supervisor said he plans to lobby hard before Tues day's board meeting to make sure the two supervisors who voted with him last time are still on his side. Supervisors Thomas Riley and Lauren ce Schmit favored the GSA concept in its current con- fi guration. DIEDRICH NOTED that the EMA has already been c ha nged when the Department of Real Proper- ty Services was r emoved from that agency's fold and placed in the GSA when it \\'as created. The county road and refuse department, headed by L. Ted McConville, was split in half by the two agencies, but, if Clark has his way, the de- partment will be reunited. -In his letter, Clark suggests thal the refuse dis- posal division of the road department be put back into the EMA alpng with the airport department. He said they are direct services to the public and "therefore are inconsistent with the overall concept of the GSA." Clark also noted they have d irect and significant effects on the environment and pJanning. THE OTHER TWO departments suggested for removaf from the GSA, library and agricuJtural ex· tension, "are also direct public services but are es- sentially educational in nature,'' Clark said. He will ask they be left alone until creation in the near future of a social services supef-agency. The other departments put into the GSA include transportation a nd commupications, building services, purchasing, purchasing-printing, data services,· Office of Emergency Services. space con· trol, registrar or voters and real property services. Diedrich said the makeup of the GSA was given considerable study and would continue to be probed for defects, if they exist. t'' '7 ' !. Other Deaths NEW YORK <UPI) - Actor Robert Strauss, 61, \\'ho appeared in the films "Stalag 17" and the ''Bridge al Toko-ri," died Thursday night due to complications from a stroke. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Edward ''Cookie'' Fairchild, 76, musical director and conductor for the Eddie Cantor and Dinah Shore radio sho\\'S and many Deanna Durbin movies , died Thursday. AL')'ADENA <UPI1 - Dr. William E. Branch, 81, onetime personal physi 'cian of such Hollywood "$lars as J ean 1-larlow, Joan Crawford and co m edian Jlarold Lloyd, died Thursday at a hospital here. Death Notices , MARSHALL RAY V . MARSHALL, resident ot Ball••• !)land. Date of dealh Fet>rwr1 18tt•. 1~7.'t. H"•l>ilnll of lhe l<1te Stella Umbert ~ri.halt. s ... rvl...ed 1>y hi• sis- ter, Loui~ Po.iol> ot Glendora; nephew, Edward Pvgh ol Pomona; si• cousl"'- Serwlc•' w ill lie held Saturdar, "-tinH•w 22nd at 11:00 AM, Plcir View Cllapet wilh Dr. Philip G. Murr olf•d..,..t. In lieu o! llo~rs lhe 1amu1 WggeSh tol>{rif>l.ltians Ill' m...-kl The American Cancer Sot•l!IW. Entomb- menl Pat•hc Voe• Mrmorlal Partl;, NewPOrt Beat h, C.•. Pacllic View Mort,..ry director~ HANKS GARY 8. HANKS, belO""d 50fl ot Jeann•tte Rodgers i nd Mr. Carl Rolson; belo""d llllWr ol C.nri11opr1K B. ~ Ronala F. H•n•s. Al50 s.urvl.ed 11-, r-slSl•ri.. S.r¥oc_, l<>Oay 2:00 PM M C:.1'-n Ml,~ion Morlu•y. 8111(1 Gtordefl G.-O¥e 81¥11., Garden C..-ow, C.. &lll'lop Rul~I Mil(kay, Gilf"dffl Grove Sl•lll Ward, olhci1llng. TM ":i;ro=========-; 1.,..11y r•que,1\ donation\ to Thi' r KiclMy Foundilllon, l ·ALn.llRGllOM RIMllAL HOME Co-one> de! Mar 673.q 49) Coiia Me.a 646 24 2~ llU. -.OADW A Y MOITUAIY ltO Btoadwoy, Co~o Me1a b42·ql SD McCORMICI MOITUAIY .._Beo<h -W4.t/4t!:i Sall Juori CopstrollO 4qs.1]7b . Gii.OW IPHE"GENIA M. GROW 1003 0..1•-re Slreet, H"n!lnqlon 8..a,;n, · ~t, D11rn $(p1emtier 14111, 1891 on, l)ldlhomil. Date of dr111l Fetw'....,ry 11111. 1•7~ In Newporl Beach, C•. S...¥1..,0 by ,,., !IOtl, Burl C. Grow di Hunllflgton ~h; one gran<khild, hW !Y••l-grllndc:h1ldren and onto nel)hew, Mrs. Gr-w•1 • member o! Tile Rebl-tt• LDdOe ol Allill>elm. Serllitn #ill bf "'·ICI al 2:00 PM IOdily, Smiths' Chapel .... 111 Or. R1ymona E &Kke..- lng oflkl•Of"'J. lnt1.-.nent . Melro-;e Ab· DIY Mtmor-lat P•rk In Allill'l&llt\ c.. Srnilhs' Mor1wary Olretlor\ ALOEllMJH Wll.LFAM H, AL.D EASON, r...,1,.n1 :of Ul91M1 Hin~. Ca Date ol deetll ~19th. 197~, ""''"" ot Monlana. Rel. °""""''I Erttineer !or Shell Oil Co. S11rvl¥t1d by 1111; wile, J•ne• ilolCN-f'sen; •ne O•UfO!hler, k•lll«lne Fl .. ef Fulll-r"IOfl, C.; ,..., o•~. Owrle\ •nd A.Mir ... Funeral 5flr¥kti will 1111 IWIO Sll..,rO.y 10 JO AM, SI. Nldlol&S C:.t,.,llC Otun:h, El Toro, Ct. lnll'l'mtnt, AstellslOft Ctomeltt"y, El Tore. Bell Broed"l'I' Coita Mew MDrt11Wrcffre<tor1. t..ll5T•lt VISIT Olllt MEWLOCA tlOM •• :. > , Save Now at.General Tire! • • ·:. I ' ' A great time lo buy! And a great lire too! The l amous General Poly.Jet, with wtde 7- rib l read d esign lor start/slop traction •.. 4-ply polyesler cord body tor a smoolh rid!! and durability •.• and wrap-around shoulder lor steering contr<>I. Why 1ettle tor less. 878-13 S22'5 s24•5 $2695 n!tiales1 M•c-... 1. !ul>•ll•• blKl -11 h11><11e11 l>l•c~•a". plu•Sl a3 fall.Ea.T•• plu1 S114F1<1.[• Tu plui S24!F•d l• To- 078·14/15 H78-14/15 $2695 s2995 1u1>ele11 blac~"'a' I Olu1 !ullal••) bll't•••ll. ltlu1 s~~~o.si.e.JFed E• s~1 101 S1e1F1d c . I•• d•pendln<J on '"' T •• lle~""Cl•ng Of! S!l• L78-15 s37•s • ,c.r ... , "'"'' ...,. " yn"u .; ••• ~ ;.,,~.,,·· WHITEWALLS ONLY $3 MORE! > ' 'll"'IN Cl<!C~ :>ke"'d <>U• ~ur.P1• ~I ~ome &'I<" Of"~~~"'" •~Ori <lu11ng !k•~ .. ,.~, """"I ~o"'" ~<·¥ ,,.,,. t r·••c~O h ",,, '•'"·~~~°'""''•I ""' .:>d•~'l•Oed pnt• STEEL BELT RADIAL TIRES BR78-13 OR 78-14 ISli9ht li.mtl G 70x 15 JR78-15 LR 78-15 ' ' ALl.GNMENT SPECIAL HIGH SPElD ' WHEE~. .BAL:AMC:E • I s3~ s1o•s MICHAEL D. LESTfR, '"'Union M", ST C ••• ~ SI., ~ta l'MMI, C.. 01'1 ot """'" \,I --_., ,.. Extra charge for larger or air conditioned cars, setlir\g torsion bars ... and parts if needed. COMPACT• STANDARD . AMERICAN CARS . ·' l"ebruary J'O, 1t1s. S\lr"l"•d b¥ hl•11 ............................... lll!"'lli·············· P•rt1111 •nd t'•;:rd· ren11, lowr brothers, T..-ry R , J •llre¥ •1111 PHIMMIL.Y C°'°IOIAI. HMlliL "°"' 1t01 &I.a 1w •.• w~~,. i'ill52S 0.¥ICI: tour lls.~, •rrv L11'W1, Jllft. ,._, Jo Ellt11 eltCll Trac:ty. ~"'lct5 • .._ IMlldl"'lll, 8tH Broedw1y Cotlt MIMMOrtvarv. M2-•1so. IEVAl'IS •U5S£LL EVAN5. t•llClflll ol !fl.,..-1 .. kll, Ct . D•tt d OMlll rttrlltory t\11, ,.,,. »tf¥•t n trof • ....... "•Cllk "'-" Mtmorlat P91'\ ~·· ,._.,, hec:ft. •-~-••tf O'MAltA -Jn•·-••-Jelf'fl'I O'"Aa.t., rn1Citllt ef lA91N, w -" "" ..... _,. .... _,"' '"'· ~°" 1t«ft ..,_.ic. ... ~I~. f11c1t1c Yi.. lMU9 ........W ,.,,. Mori_,.,.......,_. .. ~~~~~~~~~~~...... . , f Don Swedlund I 2855 HARBOR BL VD.: ....,:..:.-COsta Mesa • r , • .. s10~~ . ... ,. IJtol I ...... , ... •71114 HJhl4 e1111 1 MJ loll Big Selection of Real Bargain•! I ' , your ··6· · 95 choice uP Lots of Non - Skid 7read Free Installation COMPLETE BRAKE RELINE s5·-9's ' -~-.... ~ ·~ I 1, lnetall NEW heavv duty lining on all 4 wheels! i . Rebu11d thetylinders on au wheeJS' , 3. Bleed br8kes-1ns1ell heavy duty brake fluid 4,..tnspect brake return springs-. &. TunJ •nd true all 4 brake drums El.Repacic fcont wf'lee l bearings. 7.Miustbr•kes anctcneck ernergencv linkage. • ft Aoad test your automobile • • * · ··1 COAST -G-ENERAL 'tlRE !I Phone s4o-5lf0-646 .. 5o33· . ' • ' ·' lo ot C( d1 P< A le SI 0 " .. "' ... IE I" M Ji Ii c 71 " a I ll " ' ti " ti c e h b n A G A y e h [ E ~ 2 I n II • c t• p • • r a l • r I 1 / • By LAURIE J(ASPER Ot ... o. .. ,~ ....... For some people, lire ;IS' 8.lmost too complicated to deal with. But others find a loscln•t~dn the c:omviexities and quesuan-. ot our day. ~ , 1'~rUnces ~tosi;man l!J auch .J. person. · "1 As a lieutenant colonel ltl-ihet Air . Force reservtis. She'll be · leaving ~or Alabama in August to 8pend nine months in the War College. Jt ·~ an honor. Only i;ix re· serv1sts in the country are select· ed lo attend each year and it usually indicates increased responsibilities for the future. Not loo many women have at· tended the highest ranking Ail:- Force sciltool.' Blil that, Lt. Col. Moss mah explained. is history. Prior to Pre11ident Lyndon Johnson's appointment or the first woman general. the highest a woman co1i:1ld go ~·as colonel and she was commander or the Women-'s Air •.,orce. With t!\Pt as a ceiling, there were only d few women lleutt· nant coloMls, a rank required foe the War Cdl!ege. · · "It's n~ a system the way it should have been all along," she St1id. But then she laughed al tho thought tha~maybe someone still thinks she is a man. • ·Once, she recalled, she was as· signed to a school where the commander told her"'women1 shouldn't be,. "I do believe they didn1t re-1 alize it was Frances with an 'e' rather than'l'.'' PROBLEMS TO WOKJ( ON Asking her '"hY she would want lo go to the college is ··reall.v ask- ing me why go for a PhD:" she said. • " 'fm very interested in change. How things change. What's a good change? What's bettf~r? How do you bring about change?' BEA ANDERSON, Editor • ......... "" ...... ,11. ,.,~ ,. ..... •• .. I . , .. 1 ) I .. . \ equest Proves Granny's Great DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 76, alone and have been blessed with good health and God's love and mercy. Last week I realized I should rewrite my will. Am I too old to give my body to whatever agency can make use of any µii.rt of it? How do I con- tact the appropriate people? I have SC'tfl lhe beauty of the \VOrld, the kindness or people, the sweetne s or innocent children and the adoration in the eyes or my beloved late husband. Can someone perhaps benerit from my eyes or parts of my body? Please advise me. /\ n n . A G RE A 1T GRANDMOTHER DEAR GRANDMOTHER - ANO YOU ARE GRll'AT: Bless you for your good sense and eagerness to Contribute to humanity. You need a OaUorm Donor's Card ind lnstruc:tions. Please write to The National Kidney •,oundatlon, 116 East 27th Street. New York, N.V. 10016. • Eyes and kidneys are urgently needed. There are long waiting lists for both. Just think bow wonderful It would be if you could give sight or added years to a stranger after you have de· parted thl5 world! I urge all who wish to do so to make use of the address at once. DEAR ANN· LANDERS: A few years ago Ogden Nash wrote a poem about you. In that p<>em there was a very runny line about a fat girl. I clipped the p<>em but misplaced it. Will you please tell me whal lhat line was lore I wla out? Thanks, Doll -'READER IN WtilTE PLAI S •••• Thal "funny nli~·· "P11ttrod In an 01den N ~•h poem bated on • l~r n llU' I colnma, ~ youiog ....,.,,d.liMI cOlllPllih!e<I U!al b,er boy ftle•I wd abomlalle. ~·~ 'IJIOle41 .Ille Je•tleQ>U'I · iptlm•l lo lte:r: ••you Sweat Ill•• lllJ' 1111111 ·-·" ' ( ~nn , La·n~ers-°"1 ~ . . Thanks for asking me to re· peat the line. Ogden N8sh was one of my favorites. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whe6 my husband announced,. aJtJr six years of what 1 thought was a good , marriage. that be was leaving me to enjoy the freedom he relt he had been denied, 1 was shocked and coofused. l blamed m7selr ror having failed him,,. He llssu1 ed me /that such was not the case. ffe,~nsi.sts t~re is nobOd)' else. 1 believe him. He wants to go orr' °'1 his own and revte'tl(. $Orne prObiem$,. he has been una'ble to,resolve. Of course I am heartb'\-ok'en,lbut I decided· it would be best to -let him go. I don't '4'3Dl a maQ who doesn't want to share my life. I have a good job anO-don't need his finan(ial support. ll he wanls to send me money,1ine. If not, that's okay. too. I a1t1 pray- ing he will come back. but if he doesn't I won't curl up an\! die. 1 will make another , Lite for myself. Several or ~Y rriends are so furious they refuse to 'Ji)eak to \him. I think lhil is unfdr.'U I'M not mad, why~ should they be? The point of thl! letter is to say I wish my rrien~ would stop pity- ing me and as~ng me how I can tol erate such buse. I'm handl- ing the proble In my own way and l'~.J!Pp"ci~te ii ii they would lei\re tne alone. Sign me -Ml\KING IT l>f:AR M.1 .: You owe no ._.1.,1 .. ~4 .•• '""'i•tlon• lo any.one, When )'ollr ftl 1 offer 1ympat11yor counoel, ply tell 11\ell) lo bti•I of!. You ldn'J ask -alid rou mlibt tell ME lo buu oll -b•t-py h9nc• 11 $hat you're bji(ttr' oil wttlloul tlle ..,. • ··~. ·-\ There are a couple of problems she would llke to work on and the college, which is like "a graduate school of advanced study," will give her the. opportWlily to do this. In ··one or lhe more al11ve categories" ot the reserves, she already ls working .on three pro- jects ror the Air Force and .!!pends two weeks each year in her speciality of intelligence. ··Most of what intelligence 1~ all about is not covert and not spying," she explained. Ratber it is getting ·" all the jnrormation you can put together aboul what's happening'' and then in- terpreting, understanding and analyzing it. When asked v.•hat she does in her civilian life, Mossman has been kno"'" to reply, ··oh. I "'rite." But a friend contends the ·name she chose for her o(fice. I Eclectic Analysis. is a much . n1ore uppropriate description of her "'ork. It means ··1vok1ng for and r1nd- 1ng the best rrom a diversity or sources." she explained. ..I likedivers il}'." She hal:'dly needed to suy that. Her conversation, which seemed to collapse a couple of hours into 1ust a rew minutes, covered .a range of s ubjects. But only when 1t related did s he re\"eal anything about herself. .. It 's very easy for me to talk aboul issues, problems or pro· Jects, as opposed lo myselr." she · "·arned "'hen the interview ..... as set up . INTERESTED IN CHANGE Although she had seemed a bit cautious about the Yihole idea of talking "'ith a reporter. her greeting v.'as open, rriendly. She moved av.'ay from her desk and settled into a closer, 1nore com fortab\e chair to talk There are a couple of problems she'd like to work on and the War College, which is like a graduate school, will give her this opportunity. Having grov.•n up 111 liav.'n11 . she is used to informality And change No"' \ll hen s he \'ISit.S ht·r homeland, she sees many morl· people wearing business suits 011 the streets and high-rise hot els blocking v.1hal \Vas onct.~ an open vi~wof Diamond I lead. "It's not as pleasant tu mt.'.'. she ;¥1mitted. She hears the same cry in th1 :-. and other states. "Well. I can look and say l 've seen it happen in Hawaii." ''et it woUld be presumptuou:-. to think she is opposed to change ··1·m vfrry interesled in change. How thincs change What's a good change? What's bettei-? How do you bring about change ..• ·· It was this interest, and enjoy· ment, which kept her in . Washington. D .C., where she had gone for three months and ended up staying five years while atten.ding George Washington UnivC(&ity nights to earn a la\\' degree. Th"' Newport Beach resident hasn't taken the state·bar exam yet because' she hasn't had the time to study and she's just not r.eady to pTactice. · .. I 'fill eventually do it," she said ... It's o'O the back burner for later.'~ But the law, she explained, is indicative of change and general· ly reactive to what's happening in society. One example she cited is environmental law and ho,~· the law, science and technology ha\ t' ;:1ccon1 modated eaeh other She nlso has the chance to study ehangc ~s ... consultant \\·ith the lland L'orp and Ul' lr\·ine's l)ublic-Pulic~· Rescrirch L)rgan1zat1011 PRIVACY l'llOJECr .JuSt recently. s he> con1pl~tcll ,,·ork on ;i CCI project fundC'd through :i National Science t-~oun ­ dation g1·:1nt on cun1putcrs nnd theinv<.1sion o( privacy . "I tried to emphasize this 1::. 0.1 l\\'O·sided thing.,. she said. ··5?n1e data is needed to keep up ""Ith v.•hat's happening in the "'arid. And, \\'C have .in open gov- ernment so disclosure is impor- tant. ''But the misuse of information can also be very h.irmful to peo· pie, sometimes CL1using loss of job and self-respect . "The idea or privacy Can be misleading. I think a very impor- tant concern of the privacy thing is assuring accurac,y, ''she said . ·'The co1nputer may be the means to secure inforn1alion eventual ly .'' But A1ossman .. added th al the policies for hand!· ing this are and will be impor· tant. 1'he univers ity organizati-0n hopes to develop a guide provid - ing alternative structures for handling inform a ti on useful to various levels of government. Although she has lived in the n1idst or the national govern - n1ent. s he never doubted she \\'Ould return to California because she \\·anted to work on problems in the community. .. \Ve've changed from a feelinJ! of ·Let George do it' to a feeling · of 'Let the people do it.•·· ;\lthough many people won'! become involved, either becaus l· they don 't have the time 01- because they don't care, sh(" said ... that doesn't bother me as long as \Ve continue to have .an ~ctive group." Oft en the Ne\\."port 13each resi- dent said. the resource with a solution sits right across ·the street from the problem • _ • but· the t\vo don't Often get together . . .\dmilting she is in a period of "consolidation " herselr. she sug- gested that the org\tnizer, ··a person v.·ho sees the value of 'The id~a of privacy can be very misleading. · theoretical "·ork and secs the potential for application and then 1s able to make it all happen:· "ill come to be important in our society . 1'he fact that she's found few of these pcopl~ doesn't deter her. ··rm an optimist at heart,"' she said. later adding that she also is more future oriented. • I think a very important concern is assuring accuracy. The computer may be the means of securing information eventually. But, the'policies for this will be important.' · Frances Mossman • ''I like the past. I respect what people have done. _ . I like the present . . but it's the futurP that has the hope. that holds th(' potential for making things bet· ter:· • No Capitol Gain 'The governor doesn't believe in quotas. He believes in finding the best pessible tatent.' SACRAMENTO <AP> - \\/omen and minorities are a long "·ay from taking over state gov· ernment under Gov. Edmund Brown Jr The average appointee is 'A·hite, male, 40, weU-educated and I'egistered as a Democrat, the Associated Press found in surveying biographies or Brown appointees. --The new Den1ocratic governor h~s made 46 major appointments so far -45 policy-level state Of· ric:ials and one county supervisor. Six appointees are \\'Omen. ror 13 percent otthe top jobs so rar. Three are l\texican-American males, two are black males and two are Oriental males -ror a tot.-.1 minority representation in top jobs of 15 percent. The other 33 are white n1ales with an average or about 11h col- lege degrees ~a''iJ!"-·~~ The six women include two or lhe four agency secretaries "·Ith tablnet rank. l\·linority race ap· pointees hold one t'abinet se<it and l~ director's job Jn rour de- partments. 1\~k•d about the small prnpor- • Uon of women and minoritie~. • I press secretary Bill Stall said · ··1r you look at lh t.' responsibilities of the \\"Omen and minorities, I'm pos itive thrit never in the history or California has there been such a s tron~ representation. "The governor doesn't beli eve in quotas. He believes in finding the best possible talent he can for any particular job,·' Stall said. Thirty.two percent of Rrov.•n's early appointees --15 in all are graduates or the University of Calirornia : 10 from Derkelc~·. {our from UCLA .and one fron1 UC Santa Barbara. Four prestigious school s re ceived attention a few we<>ks ago ror the large share or appoint- menls to state posts v.·on by th eir graduates and. raculty members. But norie of the four -St~n · rord. Val~. lf{lrvard and Colom bia -compares "'·ith the total of UC gradtlates in the Bro\\·n :ul - minislrat.lon. The totals of graduate~ ~ind racutty memb er$ among Brown's flrst 46 are Stanford. 8. \'ale, 7. HarvRrd. 6, and Colun1 · bia, S. The li&I Includes eight ror- Sll!r college prores1ors, rour ' ' Dell,lorratic politicians defeated al the polls in 1974 . three former staff members at the Rand Corp., one lobbyis t and one re· tired A1 arine Corps brigadier !!Cneral . l'"·enty of the appointees are nttorneys and 11 of the other 26 hold doctorate degrees in field~ ranging from microbiolog,v to economics. Sixty percent of the top appoin- lees are older than the 36-year- old governor. The youngest is Stephen Buehl . 27, an attorney with degrees from .$la nford and Yale. He was named deputy secretary or the Business and Transportation Agency . The two oldest appointees on the list ;.lrc both Republicans. Bro~:n named retired J\.1arlne Corps. Brig. Gen. 1'homas Riley. 62. rormer <:hief or Starr at Camp Pendleton, to the Orange Countv Board of Supervisors · Richrird Carpc.nter .. 61. long tlm(' lobbyist for the Lea&ue or Callromla Cities, was n•med to lhe new Fuir Political Practices Commission. I • \ , 'I ( I • I • , ., '· · Coupl esleorning.to Fi t · Fairly f By ALLISON DEERR Of""o.Mr,.. .... sa.H "It 's a part or our culture to be afraid of physical contact, to eic.· press affection or b06Ulity," she noted. The couple sat facing each otlter, lc:ne" tour bing, eyes meet· ing. In turn, each told the qualities they loved about the other. An example was glyen of the wife serving chicken five ni&hts in a row . The scenario lhat de· veloped revealed that the 'husband had complimented so- AClULLES llEEL meone else's chicken and seldom Partners s hould respect the commented on his wife's cook- "belt line" and the "Achilles ing. Try it. It makes you feel pretty good. heel. ~ .. Everv married couple knows "What she meant to say was An exercise used in the Family Service A.ssociaUon ... .sponsored Marriage Enrichment course, ii was part or a PQsit:iye eve.ning th·at focused on fighting fairly. '"ihere tht> sensitive spots are, that she was hurt and she wished whether it's his bald spot or her he'd say something nice about her once in awhile. not finishing high school, hi s job or her cooking. That's not fight-"What he was receiving was ing fairly .·· some pretty unclear communica-Marriage and family counselor Rosanne Stone offered some ground rules for arguments. Both must provide adequate tion," the counselor said. input. take the responsibihty lo "Feedback to clarify is impor-respond and be ready to listen as tant ... "''ell as talk . .. Rule number one is to outlaw physical violence," she said, ad· ding that a punch on the shoulder to get his attention may not be Jhat bad. She urged couples to foJlow · Co.uples should confine the dis· the rule of double checking the cuss1on ~ ~e here and now, not. meanin g or the spouse's ... _drag up 1ne1dents from the past message. to use as weapons. Clinics Profit An evening of dining and dancing is planned for Tres Osos Guild to ·raise funds for Orange Co u nty Chi l dren's Hospital outpatient clinics. The party will begi11 at 7:30 p .m . Saturday, March 1, in the Airporter Inn. Hop. ing for a profitable benefit are Tom my Otto, CHOCO and Jill Cun- ningham. Club Agendas Interest Stimulated Las Olas A speech contest is scheduled for the Wed- nesday, Feb. 26, meeting of Las Olas Toastmistress Club al 7 :30 p.m . in the Mercury Savings community room, lluntington Beach. HB Club A paramedic de - mons tration , contem· porary music by Sounds of Praise and a t alk by former Romper Room TV s how hostess Mary Ann King will hig hlight the next meeting of the Christian Women's Club of Huntington Beach. The group will gather at noon in the Sheraton Beach Inn, Huntington Beach. DAR A lffusical \Valk Through the Civil War will be presented by Mrs. Reginald C. Si lby al the Wedn esda.'-", Feb. 26, meeting of the Col. William Cabell Chapter, DAR, in the Balboa home of Mrs. L. Bents. ATSC An open house for the Assessment and Treat- ment Services Center of Coastal Oran ge is scheduled for Wednes- day. Feb. 26, from noon to 6 p .m . at 1640 SE Bristol, Santa Ana. Affiliates A benefit luncheon for the Laguna Beach Museum of Art's cultural program is planned by Horoscope: Sagitta rius the Affiliates, for Wed · nesday, Feb. 26, at noon at the museum . Juniors Mary Die stel of Chii"'ren "s Hear-more Institute will speak Thursday, Feb. 27, to members of the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach. The 10 a .m . event at the clubhouse will honor the press. SJC Women Know Your Plants will theme the Thursday, Feb. 27, luncheon of the Woman 's Club of San Juan Capistrano, begin· ning at 12:30 p.m . in the clu6house. Mrs. Loretta Warner will be the guest spe,ker. New Start Indicated SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 By SYDNEY OMA RR ARIES (March 21 -April 191 : Don't feel the world is against you merely because pace has slowed. Legal red tape must be untangled. TAURUS (April 20·May 20>: Enlarge horizons. Find outlet !or urge to imprint atyle and ideai.. Postpone trip which in · volves confrontation with relative. GEMINI (May 21.June 20!: Money pic- ture ts confused. Key is to find ways of im· proving cuh flow. For now, do some plan· nin,c. CANCER (June 21-.July 22>: Heavjer respon1~.Pillty becomis evident. Young person has tendency to la)' burdens on your abould•fl· Know when to draw line. LEO (July 21·Aug. 22>: Home situallon commaoda altenUoo.. If you depend t>n olllul, you wlll be disappointed. Key is lo ch11t.se your own heart. VIRGO <Au1 . 23-Sepl 22>: Friends are Involved Jn t1nsled, clandestine web. Refuse to be drawn into trouble not your ft'll. Ile 1ympathetJc, ootloollsh. UJllA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22>: PromoUon. .. .,. ' more harmonious dealings with executives -4 these are indicated. You also can ex pect member or opposite sex lo pay compliment. SCORPIO !Oct. 23-Nov. 21): F'inish rather than initiate action. Deal with pet'Sons who have ambitions and goals. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21>: New start Is Indicated. Chance exists for pro- verblal ••second chance." ~APRICOR N tDec. 22·Jan.19i: One who means plenty to you is going through emo- tional hades. Know it and be helpful by be- ing patient. l\QUARIVS <Jan. 20·Feb. 18>: Avoid sc~ttering efforts. Social life accelerates. ' Peqpte enjoy your humor and company and the)' !lay SO. PISCES (Feb. IS.March 20!: Whal •P· J)oared a certainty _hu tendency to ''slide away." There are loopholes -there also )s fine print. 11 Today b Yciu Bll1IMl•rrou brolt~ from pattern eatl)'. were on YCKU' own in literal or psych01oglcal sen e. Parents were divorced, 1ep°M1ted or had 1real dif· ficulty communic111Un& with you. ... ' .. Consider the 4dvi&abili\}' of fighting berore an ~udience.' 1 AN AUDIENCE! Many marital partners are concerned about arguing in the presence of their Children. Tho counselor asserts that It might be a good thing for the kids to know.r "Children sense when-there il tension. Even an infant can dd- . tect stress before he underslan<i; what the language and act.i mean. •· Bul if the parents fight faifl , it gives the children a chance o learn that adults aren·t perl t. the world isn't perfect. marri e isn't perfect and they, too. a.re 1. lowed to make mistakes. "By the age of four, k1<1S ·t have to believe Mommy nd Daddy are god·like creatures who can do no wron1.'' There Is a diffe rence, she not· ed, between feelings and behavior. "Everyone hus a right lo feelings, good and bad. But by the time we're adult¥, we have to learn not to act them all out." , She listed some destructive fight styles that avoid resolving conOicl.s. Communication slops when so- meone apologizes prematurely, reruses to take the Oght serious- ly, withdraws or walks out, hits below the belt, pretends to agree or engages in character analysis. Others are: demanding more (nothing is enough), undermin- Ing, playing Benedict Arnold anct • encouraeing attacks on th• partner ftom outsiders. A more pos itive approach weighs the inforn1ation gained from the fight along with the in · juries incurred. Both are allowed to express positive and negative feelings. The couple mutually develops positive suggestions for improve.; n1ent of the other. ··it is important to learn to gtv~ and take, to compromise. Often, something means more to one party than the other. "One has g~und." lo ieam to give -• . ' Technology Unlimited By CAR OL MOORE Of lfWo 0.11., ,.;let""' Cherchezla femme. She may be able to identify a fingerprint. design the least ex- pensive burglar alarm or figure Utie rastest way out of town. The French deteitive inaxim. "look for the woman," applies to personnel managers, too, as a female electrical engjneer. physicist and mathematician outlined to the WomEj'll's. Studies class at Saddleback Cbllege. Dr Lily Wang, Adelin e Bergeron and Nicola Nelson described how they could "work to their potential" at Aerospace Corp. Computer science can be the best place for women, said Ms. Bergeron. "Any interest you have - science. commercial, medicine, aerospace, transportation - leads to a civil program that has a computer application. ·•It's a good part.time op- portunity, loo. The' beauty ot it is you work when the computer's available. Night work is possible, but not mandatory. ''And it's easy to get ex- perience. Once trained in com - puter langu-age, you can test for a · government agency then transfer tot! corporation." RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY W...T_W_. ....... ltJJ H..._.,.._._ Cott.~ 141-tJit L.A . CALLS 6' EACH She described one project where she helped determine the vertical stress or planes on runways for the Federal Aviation Administration With the advent or larger jets "·ith dirferent wheel configura- tions. horizontal s tress also must be rigured to regulate safety or landing strips Another job inv olved the U.S. Department of ·rrunsportalion"s requirement that all cities over 60,000 establish traffic plans. Aerial photos were digitized to compute land use complexities "'hen new businesses brought more people and vehicles into an area. Dr Yi'ang explained how photc)· graphs, words and fingerprints a re transformed into symbols (br easier storage and faster recall in computers. She showed how sometimes bloody prints are screened at dif· fercnt magnifications to clear them up. ··we don 't identify the criminal outright but the various image processes enhance the c\·idence for the police,'' she said. Asked to compare her educa- tion in Taiwan and the U.S .. Or. Spray your chandelier sparkling clean ... In minutes! °"" r ~ "°"" t•kff>Q -o. ... •AQ •na """"'9 roa• cn•nO•l•<I• b•C- lot41!,..,. Juot ll>f•Y on S"41111tlE l'lENTl' "'"" -"' d'" r..... o..o ..,.r. _,. oould ti. """""" ·~· ..... '"',..-· o..., , .. ,....,.._. c....,.., Of c .. fwW 1•11 --... ,, c ........ .. 17141 979-1 234 4 ~4 SP4AKlE Pl ENt'I' h •u•r1,,t1•!t ~·'I' WM IOt -" ~ ... -!II -l*<'l!Mi w<I~ I! ~II fl-!1•!...i 9"d Wtl•llr• tip Nil~ eon.i,1r19f lM!i,,. l,..i,lul• $2.50 14 oz. Can ,,._.,. OU A ll!QULAll LOW PlllCE • -- \\'ang admitted there was less role lin1italion iibro;.1d. Thre~ won1en "'ere in her dcx:tor:.11 class at San Diego. A m:.1lhematiclan is the only other woman in her departm ent of 30 at \\'Ork. l\fs. Nelson commented that the hard questions are ·not the technical ones in her work with ~ wrist"·atch alarms and home security systen1s. "We have the capabilities but face such social i!'is ues :.1 s accep· tanre of individual alarms, doubling the cost or law enforce· ment and considering invasion or · privacy. ··And don·t forget raise alarm~· from human error! ··1r 10,000 persons ha\'C these de\'ices and each is triggered ac- cidentally once :1 year. thttl's three exlra l'o.'llls per d:Jy for the police. ··small bu s iness stati stics ~ already are s taggering. 1-~or every 100 alarms. 95 are false. And each response takes two of. ficcrs one to four hours or paper "'Ork.'' ll o me sec urity ~ys tern s, Jike"·i se. are con1plicated enough but thL•y have to be easily installed . child-proofed and priced at S50 in stead of $1 .000 - ··affordable in the inner city as" well as Beverly llills." Child's Play Raising rund s to be nefil the Newport Beach Assistance League's Children's Dental Health Center and Day Care Center are members of Las Reinas Auxiliary who will present a luncheon fashion show Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Newporter Inn. Lisa 1Koss ey and Dana Aguirre enjoy play equipment at the Day Care Center, Mrs. J. Robert Lawson is benefit chairman. /. '?" . WALNUT FINISH. 4 LITE 24" x 48" FLUORESCENT 11111rn• FIXTURE wilh PLASTIC LENS FOR YOUll: ltOMl Ofll OfflCI: • • ' ' ! • I s I ~ ,. ~ 5 c f l c l , .. ·i Friday. February 21 : 1~75 DAILY PILOT 8 3 How Grand -Jury Functions · By JAN WOl\TH is both removed rrom or-confidential. Any leak or 0t1 ... o.11t1"Uotsutt £ice and given the penal· information from the Each year, a new band ty ror the offense dictal· proceedings ls a mi~de­ of "19 unsophisticated ed by th e California meanor,he sald . makes a possible total of 90 nominees, which are narrowed down to 30.'' day in the court room for a drawing, at which the 19 jurors are selected at·• random . people stumbles through Penal Code. Typic<Jlly , the grand TllE LIST OF 30 is county departments ask -The second job of the jury takes up thrc-c days seiectcd by a Superior ing ·Why do you do tl grand jury is to serve as a week of the mcn1btrs' Court committee based that way'?' a.,nd 'I-lave an adjunct of Superior time. Two days general-on an effort lo make th~ , you eVer thought of doing Court ;1s an alternate ty go to the county in-panel balunced accord- .•• ··~ it this way?'" channel uf bringing a vestigative function, one ing to supervisorial dis· And that group -the felony c~lse to court via day to the court work. trict, racial und occupa- Grand jurors are paid. $25 a da.v plus mileage and serve a term of one year fron\ July l to June 30 . Orange County grand the indiclmenl system . ·· h1os t people don't tional backgrounds. SOl\-1 F. JURORS are jury -is of tremendous even know how a grand paid the difference by I t th t Each candidate is in· va ue o e axpayer, AN INDICTMENT hy jury is selected," Parks their companies and according to Russell the grand jury is not a said. "We are nominated terviewed by 8 de1>uty given a leave of ;1bsence. Parks, foreman of this guilty verdict, Parks ex· by Superior Court district attorney and Others are not. and CONOUEST · I submits a vitae sheet. years pane . plained. All testimony is judges, who can name up Parks said that seemed Despite the weak· given unde r oath and is to three each . That Then, they m eet one tohimtobeunfair. nesses of the grand jury .-"~".!..!!!'-"-'~!!!!c!!...!!!!~"---.'.-".___:_!!!.."..<O'-!'-!!.'-!'~-'-"~~-----------"''-"'"'-"'-""-!!!''-"!.'...:.--- 1975 Ca•acer F igfaf Mrs. Diddy L.am1ne1·s , (center) retiring president of the Fount<iin Valley Chamber of Commerce ::tnd a mother of eight, is the Fountain yalley chairmun of We American Cancer Society residential crusade 1n Orange County. 1-lonorary crusade chairmen and television stars Lynda Day C corgc and Christopher George are on hand to kick off the 1'~ountain Valley crusade. 1'he Orange County unit or the Ame rican Cancer Society l1opcs to raise $665,000during the 1975crusade. Pettis' Widow Seeks Congressional Seat ' ' SAN BERNARDINO iAPl Shir ley JJetlis SitYS shl' will be <.1 Republicun candidate for the con· ~ressioniJI seat vac~1tcd when ht..'r hus band. Ilep. Jcr,-y Pettis. \\';1s killed in a pl;1nc «rash last ... rid:.iy. In :.i brief statl'mcnt 1'hursday the 50-year-old widow sa11.t. ··1 will run. I can nt!vc r be Jerry, but I love the peo- ple of this distritt and v.·ill give thl·m .all I have lo l'arry on th<· v.·ork for '"':hich n1y husb:.ind gave his life." PETTIS, 58, WAS KILLED when the s mall plane he \\'as piloting crashed in the S:.in Hcmardino Moun- tains n('ar Beaumont. lie was a five-term congressman £ro1n the 30th Congressional District, whic h covers much of San &rn<.1rdino and Riverside counties. Campai~n aides said Mrs. l'clli!'> was expected to run un active c;1m paign, as her hus band did. ll ER CANDIDACY IS expected tu discourage other prospective can· didates from seeking the office. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. is required by law to set a n election date by Feb. 28 lo fill the vacancy. Two Democrats have announced their candidacy for the office. I s y s le m and recent criticism of how it operates, Parks said, "I really believe it will be a loss to the system if the grand jury ever gets plowed under." PARKS MADE his re· marks in a speech to the Saddleback Area Coordinating Council in El 1'orothis week. ··or course, '''e gel a lot of crackpot com· plaints and lcttfrs. But rnany many times, a perso n contacts u s because he is totally frustrated with ouv system of government. And sometimes "'"e can help." Parks, former superin· tendent of schools in F'ullerton. explained that the grand jury has two functions ONE IS TO examine all aspects or county gov· ernment. including s pecia l district s and publishing rej>orts citing any uns atisfactory con· ditions and making re· commendations or issu· ing accusations against a county employe the jury feels has been misusing his office. That accusation may be ror either a criminal or non-criminal offense. If it is non·crirninal, the penalty is removing the person from office. If it is criminal, the employe - ''I wanted a dwendable, safe place for Charlie. I decided on Mini-Skool. And Fm glad I did. ( I The first day I wflked in to Mini-Skool. I was impressed. I 'faw child-sized furniture. stairways with S'f"d ll steps, bright happy looking walls at1d carpets. Things I hat seemed to ;>.Cid up lo a safe place for my , child. / I ')<Id now that Charlie goes to M~1i~Skool every day, I feel even more secure. I like the personal attenlion Charlie gets from the slaff. And the proper supetvision. · Mini-Skool is !he best value in child care thal I've found. And I've checked a lot of places. I would recommend Mini -Skool to the parent ol any pre-schooler.,, SPECIAL HINl.SKOOL FEATURES 0 HaW11, enriched env!ronm.nt aod programs fOt' children up to 7 yaar1 [j Vilrtetyol ful and part de,y prognsnu 9 ·11ilnM9ften ehd •• .M D Aftar-.chool Cflra · -· O Fun octM dally achedu\& for uic:h &QQ ~ Mth • Ned~ rcadlnas JMtt program et JUltablt klwM. ~ Profualooal. qual!Md ltilff -so..1, lm)Md '• ~==::-"""-~""--' . ' I 0 > " • w > • EDINGER AV( " • < > ' • (N) II 1---t~,...!""'""'-t--1~7"~·~'~'-i8•-~~-' ' 0 • w • SLAlfR ELLIS A.VE < • For Information. or to register your child call us today. Hurry. Enrollments are limited. i •• ' .•..•. .IL·.IL ; M1N1. ~kooL ' l t A ClllU>'s PLACE 99 S&ttt ... Avenue, Fountallll Valley .J TdophOn• 968-4451 , • .J>M·•S. CURSESI RIVIERA IS REDUCING ALL THEIR INVENTORY TO SUCH LOW PRICES I WON 'T HAVE ANYTHING LEFT TO TAX ON MARCH 1S·T. SAVE $41 ALL RIVIERA SUPER QUEEN "SOFA BEDS F".ii -.1-. Ultra pow! Traditional A RMe<a eI(iuSJo.le 1tia1 1ea~y lfr.. ·your rnage come through UooQvely. uor\olsteied ., IXlld giaphoc style on IQOse pillolir badls iffl walerlaft ~. combt addlrlg NOW SAVE $4t 00 :.-a1°'"~ ava•laOle ..,,,., t'OirldllnO ~~ii= s439RE~.%CE _ ALL SUPER QUEENS AVAILABLE WITH MATCHING LOVE SEAT AND CHAIR SUPER QUEEN SIZE NOW SAVE S41 .00 s419 "'~':' OPEi SUIOll II 1110 I PM Kismet! A.......-a~ ...w.., -o1 ~ E-HI Country r.tiu,....-., C..l*:m ~ed No:!\ ...cl lor.oll Cl..l~s.:{ ... .,. .......... atl.ar>d,d. ~ a l...,..tSIO'. ..:ulJJll#«I •"' ·~ .,,,, ~ .io! ""IC'lle ~ b -oo<oCllO!.t!~~ ..... Ul<IO.ts.'AJ-.jll .0 f)fl<Xloly~l•f",.,,, IC.."''"""'"""'lo.lledbiri ,,..._.~~"<'f!d <#~bo.~l(IO""" ""~"'II> ••oJIO<#.J<Q6i'wons¥>'.la liA- SUPER QUEEN SIZE NOW SAVE $41 .00 REG. PRIC E s459 $510.00 "'~'°'""""'""" •.....i~·~w .. °"lu'" NOW SAVE S41.00 SUPER QUEEN SIZE REG. PRICE $525.00 s494 "GROUPS SAVE $42.00 9-PIECES NOW OHL Y A complete conlempora1y coiner w11h: 1wo taunclahons. lwo manresses. two bolste1s and two Qu•ltecl c:QVt!1lets. plu<>. an e1epant comer table. BEAT THE TAX MAN! TRADITIONAL FULL SIZE CON'(ERTIBLE SOFA BED Complele with lull s•ze me111ess SLEEPS TWO SAVE $76..00 NOW FO!ONLT .• ~179 RIVIERA MATTRESSES STACKED IN YOUR FAVOR! .... _, Hi-Risers ··" Ow Hl·llllMf ""9pt rwe "' ..,..,, •.,el l'vn. s 119 •llt •nd..,. .. beco"'9 two 1l"ftl9-. .. -Mf '°'1blel \le<y "P«ieffr piked II •.• TWIN SIZE BOK SPRING ANO MA ITRESS SET 567 FUL L SIZE BOX SPmNG and s97 MAnRESS SET QUEEN SIZE CO¥Pl.ETE SE1 5117 KING SIZE COMPlETf: SEl 5137 ~OURS:WEEDAYS930AM10 9.00 PM . SATUROAY9:30 AM to 6.00 . SUNDAY \ t.00 AM to 5:00 PM ~ BUENA PARK 1531 STANTON AYI. ......... .,... ... 127-4400 ORANGE 2l93 TUSTIN °""""" ....... 0... 998-4570 .M R M ( 1vd\I At.•ll•blt'. COSTA MESA • 301 S lllSTOL 1 tlln.1 a.4 If ....... ,....., 979-5040 ' ' .. . ~, I ' ( ' I ~ . ' 1. b •• • ' j • •" •• ,, ·' • • ,. . I. b . I> I .L ~ . j • . , !WLYP!LOT Fridly. February 21 , 1975' 1 W~Pkshop B.ee~ye 2 f _a_bQrs Stay Busy To· Star ustodfol Arrest' Body Searches 'Fairview Workers Hope ,,., A&THll)l.B. Vlf'ISEL QI ............... ' Donald brill<b' packed the lut, ol tbe Job neaUyinto a cardboard carton, pattJns h with bis band, ·and one could tell he was content· ed, 11naer1n« lut iq th• shop Thursday after a good, solid day 's work, .. witb anOtber payebeckdllCOll~Y· He ls not aware •of, or COD · ttmed with inflation. recession, commodity and energy short.a1es or other complicated ~NI so far removed {rom the small workshop where he puts in hl•days. COmplic'atlnf fac1ors . in , ttie troubled U .S. economy and \ts multiple effects on business and lndustry, however, are beginning to make themtelves felt even among Donald and fellow eOJplores. THEY.ARE NOT just average 'A'orkers among those thousands empk>yed •on the Orange Coast. but comprise the staff of 40 in the ·Work Activities Ctnter at Faliview State Hospital in Costa Mesa. .Jobi-that come,their way~may be dwindling. , ••Jl'a 8 UWe slow now," says Dlrect.or Gail Marcus, noling U>at the Industrial training racllf· Cy has not actllally lost any con· tracts yet due to lhe r·ecessio'n and national economic slowdown. There are just fewer new ones on the horizon rompared to past years, when many Orange Coast industries farmed out small de· (ail work on contract to make U:le of and help train FairYiew '.s de· dicated blue collar workers. ·"And any company that iS Un · ion can't give us work now, if lbey are laying off people.'' :she exPlains. Donald is employed in the v.·ork center's largest operation, as· sembly of chains containing small samples of more than 20 colors ana patterns or table and countertop coverings for Formica Corp. of Cincinnali , Ohio. THE SAMPLE chains used ih department and hardware stores or other outlets around the nation a:re not made anywhere else in America and negotiations are in progress to expand the Fairview workshop contract. A second worbbop contract in· volves using a shearing machine • to slice apart no longer·usable electric.al switchplates and ex· tract thin gold strips for ·use by Dentalloy, a Costa Mesa firm that manufactures compounds used In dental repairs. National 0-Rlng, a l>owney firm. also bu a contrat\ for a group of w~tcshop clients learn- ing basic jndustrial skills to re· move excess-flashing bits from rough.cut O·rlngs and sort them to gra d sizes. lficials working with escribe the clfents as their mosl reliable and ate lower·echelon workers, a ugh they are not direct com· pany payroll employes. WORKSHOP DIRECTOR Gall Marcus diclfpped ractory workei;s. '"As long as it's rou~ine they can handle it rine," says Ms . Marcus. adding that work involv· ing constant change in function is just too challenging ror workshop staff members. 1 Training obtained by the workers, aged 16 Lo their mid-50s. will lheorelically allow them lo work in a community job some da)'. although they may still have to live in a sheltered home en· vironment. Progress is slow r some. because a changing e phasis in the type or palienl cli Ls served at Fairview has put any of the more hi ghly qualifi int~)]e~­ tually out or the hospit lnoW. "About seven yea ago, the clients in the sheltere workshop wilh the lowest ac i~venie nt potential are now o r .hjghest- potential client in.th hospital," explains Ms . Marcus. Results are being ~hov.·n from the industrial and -vocational training in t.he I program supervised by Grof. Leaders Mike Phillips and Sa ra Brooks five hours a day. fi e days per week ONE CLIENT \vhO still lives at Fairview v.·as recently hired as a dishwasher in a local restaurant chain and is expected to gradual· ly make a transition to kitchen helper and to li fe in a less to restricted group home.for the re· larded outside F&trview. "They said they have hired the retarded for years elsewhere,•• Ms . Marcus explained, noting the slow emp10yes nonetheless attained a reputation for steady, thorough, dependable work as long as the'1' task& were kept sim· pie. A second client was hired al ao Italian delicatciasen and restaurant and already is receiv· ing glowing work reports. "We try to normalize the work s~ttiqg by having them punch a time clock, and they get breaks and a lunch period, while every Friday is ,~ayday~" says Ms .. 1 Marcus. She points out the weekl y pay1 helps them learn to h andle finances, although -like non· retarded workers: ln the outside world -il is money they have,, earned. Ther can1-squander it too if they choose. · ·· On ly one industrial rirm can· celled a contract with Fairview, says Ms . Marcus, a Ca l State Northridge gradua te who rormerly held a similar recrea· tional and work therapy job with the Veterans Administration. UNION PRESSURES alter 12 years of contracting work out to the retarded and thus benefiting them and being benefited forced the firm to drop the arrange· ment. . Federal Department of Labor laws establish the clients shall be paid on a rat.io of their produc· tlvity compared to that of a non· han~icapped ~o:ker based on the $2.10 U .S. nurumum wage. Some among the 40 clients at the Work Activities Center take home $10 per week based on this formula, says ~1s. Marcus. SHE CAN BE contacted at f'airvieW State Hospital by any manufacturer or sma ll busi· nessman interested in negotiat· ing a contract for work by the 40 handicapped employes. Coast Woman Gives Fund To Redlands The University of Redlands school of music will bring guest artists, musicians and speakers to campus through a new fund set up by J\.1 rs Joseph H . Riggs of Ballxia Isla nd. "We are grateful to h1rs. Riggs for enriching our music program in this \vay," said Dr. Wayne Bohrnstedt, dean of the division of fine and P.erforming arts. 1'he donor did not disclose the amount of the fund . Mrs. Riggs is a R edlands gr<!duale and i.a DOW a member of the university~ Fellows group. She has also served on the alum· ni board or direct.ors. In 'Lace' From Wire Services "Arsenic and Old Lace" wlll served up with a double part.lo of Hungarian Goulash ton.Jgh with Zaa ~•a and Eva Gabor de buting together as in Chi cago a the two homicidal Brewster si · tcrs. Nixed by Cou1·t Although the sisters have.be around ror longer than they Ji to concede, it will mark the fi t time they have starred togeth r in a play. The play is the same one n whi ch Joaephlne Hull and J n Adair played the kindly plu p . I PEOPLE. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Law enforcement officers cannot con· duct an unrestricted and thorough search or persons de· talned for minor citation offenses in California. the state Supreme Court has ruled. The 4.3 decision Thursday dis·· agreed with two 1973 U.S . Supreme Court rulings allowing unrestricted body searches of all persons subjected to "custodial arrest." In effect, the st ale ruling said the state Constitution guarantees greater protection against un· reasonable search than the U .S. Constitution. old ladies who did in visitors their elderberry wine 'i'n the Broadway productiOJl. jth. SLA Doufer• ~I -OAKLAND CAP) -The Sym· bionese Liberation Army com· piled dossiers on dozens of pro- minent local businessmen and • Television and movie actress Laura Ash Roberts filed a $6 .5 million damage suit against the firm tearing down the drydocks in the Sausalito tidelands. Miss f,oberts said in her r.tarin County Superior Court action against Ghilotti Bro6. that her onetime husband, artist Chris Roberts, gave her title to the docks Ne w Year's Eve. The drydocks, termed a n eyesore, were towed to the San Francisco Bay Village ir11965. • For the 26th tim e. Bob Hope was getting an honorary d.iploma from an institution of higher learning, and the comedian saw some irony in the situation. .. I get degrees lrom colleges I could.n't get into legitimately," Hope said as he accepted .a.n honorary doctor <1( huTTlJlflilies certificate from Fl o rida Southern College. ''Eve r yone thinks he's a human being. but it's ni ce to have a certificate to prove it ." said Hope. who also: became. the 41st honorary chan~ellor or the Central Florida liberal arts school. • Teacher Leaves Debated 1·v.·enty.fuur sabbati cuJ leave~ for teachers at Or·ange Coast and Golden "'est collt_i::es were a p· proved thi s v.·cek by the Coast Community College Dis- trict Trustees. Di strict ChancellCJr Norman Watson told the trustees that the cost or replacing the instructors during the sabbaticals may be 5145,000. A tolal of $125,000, plus the accrued interest. had been budgeted. but administrators in · dicated that the difference ...,,.,ould not present a problem. The granting of sabbaticals has been a source or friction in previous years. and a dispute -arose briefly \V ednesday night y.·hen tr us t ee George Rodda The2J..year·old son of U.S. Sen. asked that action on the sab· Phillip Hart. ( D·Mich.) ...,,.,as buticals be tabled for tv.•o weeks. described in good condition in a He complained th<1t he had not Los Angeles area hosgital after r'eceived his agenda until 11 :30 the car in which he was riding p.m . 'J'uesday and had not h~d ran off the road, killing the time to read all the proposals. driver. Russell Millar, chairman of the James Cox Hart apparently sabb atical leave committee or suffered only bruises, highway the Academic Senate at OC('. patrolmen said. replied that a de lay Yo'OU!d be :-1 Killed was Richard Caro, 25, of problem for those who plai\ to West Newton, Mass. take sabbati cals in the summer -. and need to make travel arrange. John Hart, CBS.news cor· ments. respondent, signed with NBC as Rodda counte red that sab· a Washington correspondent. baticals have always been llP· Hart was an anchorman for the pro\·ed by the board -.. e\.·er CBS Morning News prior to the since they became a right rather arrival of Sally Quinn and , thanapri\·ilege"-and saidthat Hughes Rudd. the instructors could rely on this A network source said Hart is history. "J am asking for the being considered as a replace· courtesy of being able to finish ment for Tom Snyder on tfle Suni-reading them." he added. ( State ) designated five or them a s ••possible people to snatch," court documents reveal. The dossiers, seized in an FBJ raid on a suspected SLA ruaeout in Los Angeles last yel\f'. in· eluded inform atlon ofl: the targets' business and cultural ties and photographs of their wives. The documents and other SLA evidence seized by authorities were the subject or a preliminary hearing in..l-Alameda County Superior l:ourt for Joseph Remiro and Russell Little. The two are charged with assassinat· ing Oakland schoo ls Supt . Marcus Foster on Nov. 6, 1973. Tope Surrender LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Will Lewis formally ended an eight·month legal battle Thurs· day. handing over to federal authorities a tape recorded message Cron' Patricia 1-learst and testifying before a grand jury. Lewis . general manager or radio station KPFK·FM, had gone to jail for 16 days last June rather than comply with a federal grand jury subpoena for the original or a tape recorded ''communique'' from Miss Hearst and two other fugitive members of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Chove::: ltlorrh KEENE <AP> -Ce"sarChavez. is returning to the tactic that flnt won his United Farm Workers ncitional prominence -a long march. Members and supporters or the UFW will ...,,.·alk up to 100 miles to demand th a t g iant Gallo 1Winery hold a Union election, Chavez annoanced Thursday. Air Probe SACRAMENTO CUPll -The 'State Air Resources Board has instructed its staff lo investigate the enforcem ent practices of the Los Angeles Air Pollution Con· trol Dis trict. Board chairman Tom Ouinn said the board will discuss the district's policies and procedures in detail at its March 18 meeting in Los Angeles. He directed the starr to start compiling informa· tion for the meeting. Mobile Home Park Okayed 111 El Toro day network new~ program if l\tillar noted that the criteria Snyder is chosen to anchor "Up· for sabbatical proposals had date," the upcoming nightly one-~n lightened and that the OCC minute network news service. committee had disapproved one · A Mission Vi ejo land developer • pro~al. A post-evaluation pro· got permission from Orange ASSEMBLY, SORTING, matching, packaging, stapling mass.produced booklets and pro· duct finish work such as burring and buffing the O·rings are all specialties or the mentally re- tarded and physicall y han- ON SAME JOB FORCE~TURY Betty Ford's mail at the White c e d U~a I s o had been County supervisors Wednesday House is running 3 to 1 against establis ed. to build an adult mobile home her outspoken support of passage Bill Sh wl , dean of instruction . park behind Saddleback Valley or the Equal Rights Amendment • at Golde West. a lso told Rodda. Plaza Shopping Center in El · (ERA) to the Constitution to end "Yob oug. ~o know how tenuous Toro. sex discrimination. raculty id.em ers teel these sab· Raymond Prothero. owner or On Dean's List Emerson College has named Claude Lockwood or Costa Mesa to its dean's list for the fall semester. Emerson College, Bo s ton, Mus., is a four·year institulion specializing in creative and pertormin1:: arts and the com· munication arts and sciences. Honorary D gree . Margaret Truman Daniel, daughter of late President Harry S Truman, adjusts cap as she receives honorary degree of Doctor of Letters at. Georg e Washington University. ' . MOSCOW CUP·!) -. A carpet maker in Soviet Aierbaijan has turned li4 years old and marked the occasion·by making.another carpet, therM.cscow News.said. The English:-language· Soviet newspa peY !!laid' Zyubeida Sheidayeva had put in a full cen· tury at he'r ·c r"Att , although she now works from her home. · "I have made many carpets in 100 years and I simply cannot live without this work,'' Mrs. Sheidayeva told the newspaper. Cdl~ War ~os.metics Bus~enlarging Ai Military Posture By DICK WEST WASHINGTON CUPI) -No sensi~le person would quarrel With the concept of civilian con· Vol over the military establish· mat. but thla arrangement does present certain difficulties.· Chief among lhe prOblems is the fac.1 tbat the Civilian over· teen are not always well versed 1D Olllital')l allalrs; • 'nllllp t11at through clv!Uan ey• 1111peu unrelaltd to U>a de- &me elfort. may from a mWlary v•ewpofnl ba ve atrateelc llplflcan"". l!ACll·l>lptll'IG and bust· milUcbll -raU01U1. for exam· rt. 1 recent ~•WI release, RtP· -Los J\lpln ( D" WJI,), re~rted tllat plastle aur1eons ln"lne arm~ force• ate pertormln1 almOlt IOO 1vcb o~atlont • , .... llelltftdatla of IM beaU)lllca· limo procram are. tilt lbe mo&t part, 'J!'h•aa !Jf admiral• and ~-.--1 ..... • -.~~eeled ..,_,,_.lnp ,lied ·1• him dllqui&Md II riot aghast. He sai "l thought military sura:eona ere supposed to practice military medicine." ' AS A MIUlllER oC the House Armed Ser•lces Commission, Alpin should bav, known that race·lltllnf alld ti..Wnlarglng have 1 dlrect bearing on national · defenoe. I can•t get into )too many d .. tails because classlfied informa· lion iJ invotved1 but two racts ma y be noted wtulout bre•chlng securll.y" f _ -The n1attrlall used in bust· enlargemen l operations ls silicone. · -this Is nol the ClllJ reuon silicone 111 a Rtratielc m.ata'lal. It also Is used by tbe lllljltary to Elfal ker boxes~n at.rcraft. and tank en11n .. ; it at•11 nmdbl• lo reseal \Jl>ml>bay doors after they open· al high allitude; and it is used to insulate com· munications cables on naval vessels. • NOW SUPPOSE the Pentagon decided it would be prudent to stockplle a certain amount of siUcone for e mergency purposes. And suppose it wanted to do thl.$ in such a war that the Soviet Unloo would hot know the stockpile existed. Well, the wives of our admirals and seneral& unqueslionably are hiehlJ patriotic and undoubtedly eould be counted on to volunteer u sWcone ttpo8itories. And what of the race-lifting? Well, Ir large numbers or mid· dle-agod military wiv!'S suddenly turned up e:xceedlngly bosomy, theSovi~ts might gctswipicioos. llUT IF THEY had race·lil\S 1lmultaneously to make them look younger, the bust Une expansion woUld not seem M> un· usual. • For ~edonJ already •lated. j dare ••Y no more on this subject. · And If Alptn bas ony regard ror ~tar)I t~l.J. he will~ It . Press Sec retary Sheila baticals are. A delay will put the 32·acre parcel that is now · Weldenfeld said that mail the them in limbo for tv.•o weeks and open fields and old citrus groves, White House has counted showJ there will bee tor reeling." will be a llowed a density or eight 360 in praise of Mrs. Ford's ef. Rodda replie that chances dwelJing units per acre of land forts and 1,126 against. y.·ere too to .one tt\al all the sab· meaning a total or more lhan 200 The First Lady's staff was not baticals would be a~f{roved. mobile homes can be install"ed. at all reluctant to announce th" Board Chairman 09nald G. The zone change f rom figures and Mrs. Ford was re· llofr interjected. "If l' was •1 agricultural to multi·family re· ported unperturbed by the reac· fa culty member. I v.·ouldn\'t trust side ntial came lo supervisors lion. .. \. after county planning com. "She expected ·it,'' said Mrs. r~~011 notect that Controls ~d mi ssione rs v•restl ed with the Weidenfeld. ·been ti ghtened and Trus e density problem . • .Robert 1-lumphreys also .said lh Prothero's orig.inal proposal Rowboat enthusiast Pat Sat· "he did not presume to get in· ·called ror a dens ity more than terleehascovered70milesofhis tolved in e valuation of sab· "'"fwice that ultimately recom · attempted 900·mile oar·powered ~?ticals . fi:Jiend«;<f by pl ann_e r~. . trip down the length of the Baja The sabbati cals ,,·e r e <JP · ~ur1ng com !111 s~1on h.ea.nngs, California penins ula to Cabo San pro,·ed. "''ilh Rodda 's request for res11.-dcnts of a s 1ngle·ram1iy home Lu cas. a delay dying for lack of a second J.ract ' ~djacent lo the Prothero A friend of Satterlee. Mark tb his motion. land pf\o tested the mobile home Schweikert, said that the 23-year · Sixteen or the sabbaticals were park was~dense for the area. old adventurer passed Puerto giv\!n to OCC facult y members !~ey al o complained that the Santo 1'omas. ;1 hout 70 mil es and eighttoGoldcn \.\'estinstruc· o'.1g1nal pi t for the park .pro· below the Mexican border and tor!'i. Five or the leaves are for u v1d ed access ~hrough.theres1den · expects to reach Cedros Jsland rull year, 19 are for a semesler. tijl area. , , by the middle of next week . , . . '\ Mrs. Polly Mills, wire of Rep. M A p ~ Wilbur D. Mills, (0·Ark.). un· esa ccepts .,, .... derwent sur gery in a Washington ~1 . hospitAI ror removal or a tumor, ;:;,~1~~. doctors reported w•• From Segestroms · Look, Chief~ No .Red Light Fountain Valley fire battaliun chi er Stan Lake s1J w red this week when he left his home and spotted his firedcparlment vehicle Correction : he didn't. That·i v.·hy he called OranJi" County Sheriff's of(icers to bis home at 18582 Prunus St. A park will be bu.ill in front or the 1 ;.story hotel under construe· lion opposite south Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. '£:'1e1 park wlll be constructed. an .... 'elaintaiiaed by the Ian· downer, C. J . Segerstrom & Sons. and will in effecl be a public rac,iity under an agreement worked out between the Ian· downer and the city council. Th~ city council this week ac· cepted a 25-year ellffment over the property from the landowner. In r,eturn , qty Attorney Roy Jun'1\0l~ that ttie arrangement Deputies said thieves had car· will benefit lhe landown er ried orr the red ll&ht atop the beca11Je Its lax~• wlll be .. sub· chiefs car and a side amber llfhl •taoU~ red'uc(d ... after cutUng through the car's The agreem~n(. which guaran· :,lectrlcal wlrlng. The loss wa,. t .... tliat U>e i \j-acre site will re- , plued at $50. •1r malD -•P••• fa.. 25 :yuri, moa111 tbal lbe property will be assessed on a difrerent basis. How much of a tax break is In- volved is not clear. ~ta Mesu City Manager Fred Sonabal has estimated that the city could have expected 'tO receive about $8.000 a year tr a build.in&. such as a parking structure, had been placed on the s ite. Thursdoy, Jim Hietbrink, a Represent at ive of C. J . Segerstrom & Son s. acknowledged that the-company is "gt.lmbling that there will be a preferred tax treatment,'' but said that no one knows what the amount wlll be, If any. · He said that &ax111 -Id de· l"'nd on the parameten uaed by U>e Oranae County AsleSsot'I or. nee and Hid that the asa~'S at.an would cl~ no eommllnient at t.hi5 staae. " '• .. ~ Br 01 Cc PULi The nt UCLA I sta1Un11 mlnute1 Paciri< over C Univen UCLJ Thurs1 hesitat1 but wer' zone an Washir. inger, 1 the gan The t to pull ; the las' Pullma "I've second truly c: ing a le teams i held on the gan said . The halfti1 Cougar until f: Ke nn) Cougar Bruins ,s: 18 lef How• ing on throws the gap w11111,,q !J. Jol'ln!.ot ., .... P\l•dok•I (O.lowK<"I' M11111rnt 10. Wl~fll,. SEA Ramsf the U HuskiiE baskei ra nke Thurs< Was' 1~rt to hit Ung t losed ~o. The1 . throw, teamn anoth• lead. the fi, \\"illia Cal " e n o u \\'ashi -Itek'°" "" M•ltll" ~o .. h · Iii ()Jt, a.i .. Sp LC Trevi comp play 1 par 6 ' rounc Ange De Stock alon1 Dou! Mar Th• betw John1 who'1 the I failec Nit hi• n to "' Mill< ..... exp!( P•r. , ,.,, p, wide Alvt Anll trac Uni Co c!J says ·Ill•• th•I oho WI~ R, eh~ .... met ren ~J •• . Fr~. February21.1Sll75 DAIL V PILOr •Ii• • ruins FV, Marina Clash for Crown utlast ougars PULLMAN. Wash .. (AP) he nationally second·ranked CLA Bruins used a delay game tailing for nearly the final elghi mJnutes or play in their 69·61 Pacific-8 Conference .victory ver the Washington State University Cougars. UCLA coach John Wooden said bursday night he always hesitates to use the delay game, but went to it to draw WSU out of zone and to keep Brtd.ns Richard Washington and Ralph Droll· inger, both with three fouls, in egame. The tactic allov.·ed the Bruins to pull av.· ay from the Cougars in the last five minutes of play in Pullman. "I've always been for the 30- second clock, but I've never been truly critical o( a team protect- ing a lead. l have been critical of teams that have been behind and held onto the ball. The object of th~ game is to catch up,'' Wooden said. The Bruins, ~'ho led 44-35 at halftime, had attacked the Cougars' zone derense carefully until freshman Cougars guard Kenny Jones sparked the Cougars into motion, cutting the Bruins' lead to two points with : 18 left. However, the Bruins, capitaliz- ing on ttie stalling tactics. free throws. and turnovers widened the gap to 69·61 . UCLA,. Wa\ll!nciton 11. T•oowlt,, •."'-ff" 11, MLC.•n•r II. JoPVl\O<"O 10, Orollln!lil• 2, Spill-4. Tot•!•.?' 11 ·16. • W•tt1i11•lo11 SYolo 61 , P1>1doko1 ,., ··-.. 1, Joll•lol I, 0.>l•S \}, Glow~tllh•I l , "'°""914, 8orftt\lll 10. TOI ah 1} 1 l·H. Mallll .... : UCLA 44, WSU l~ Tot111.,..1, UCL"' 10, WIH••""910ll Sllll II "'• 7, 100 . . ~ ... • Troy Bows SEATTLE IAPJ -Clarence Ramsey scored 30 points to Jirt the Uni\'ersily of Washington Huskies to an 89·88 Pacific Eight basketball victory over lOth- ranked Southern California Thursday night. Washington led SQ-71 "'ilh 5 .49 left to play before the Trojans.. hitting nine of 11 free thrO'tl.'S, t·losed to 86-8-i "'ith 35 seconds to ~o . Then ltams t""y sank two free throws and J 2 s econds later teammate Larry Jackson added another free thro'tl.' for <.1n 89-84 lead. Williams' t'tl.·o baskets in the final four seconds by Gus \\"itliams. "'ho paced Soulhern Cal with 34 points, were not enough to overcome the Washington advantage. S."1"'"' C.11 U l.amMrl 1•, Chapma n •. Trowtl'1dP' 10, W1llll"" M. 9,.,,.11 1•. E>1I"\ l. ~ •· Tol•l• ll 1'-"· W;othll~tt..,n ""°"""' 1G, Ml"Mn ll. Edwa•ll• •. q,,,.,.,..,, lit JKk-ll, DotMY ~. Sm!!n J, Soc.OU l TOl;tl\ ll l~·TI H1lltlfnl. W11.hlr1Qton (I. »in .... 01 4'1. TOl •t "°"" W1\n1JtQ10f> l•, ~uti..rn Cal JI. Foulld 0...1 Butroll, Edw•td\, ,.. S,.00. Championship of the SUmet League Is on the line tonilht at Fountalo Valley Hi&h where \he host Qarons and the Marina HJa:b Vlkln11 aqua re ol! in an 8 o'clock baaketball batUe. I Each combatant boasts a ~1 record in Sunset actioo. Martna handed the Barons their lone loes, 49-47, while Westmimter was the only team able to stop Marina. · Fountain Valley ranks secon41 in Orange County and 10th in the CIF while Marina is rourth in the county and ninth in CIF circles. SPORTS Olympics Uncertain LAUSANNE, Switzerland (APJ -Most of Montreal's Olympic organizers left for home today and an uneasy calm settled over the problems of next year's Games and the fight to get the stadium ready in lime. The executi \'e board or the In· temational Olympic Committee, '4"hith Thursday aecepled Mon· treal's assurance that the Games "·ould go on as planned, turned to discussing other matters. But doubts about Montreal still hung over the group. "'The schedule on some of the buildings in Montreal is very 1lij:hl, ·· said Lord Killanin, IOC president. "The major issues are the main stadium, the prtss center and the swimming pool. This has been a great worry lo us because without these, the Games could not take place. Work on these buildings was held up by strikes and has scarcely started. There are 17 months lert before the Games are scheduled to open. Mayor Jean Drapeau of Mon- treal. the driving force behihd the Games. has told the IOC board e\·erything will be ready. But Killanin himself plans to \"isit Montreal in April to see how things are going. After that. he in- tends to send an lOC member every month to check the pro- gress. S p orts in Brief Trevino in L ead;·· ; Rematch D ela'y!ed , LOS ANGELES -Lee the match ,'' .:s aid Riordan. Trevino, who hadn't planned on "Meanwhile. w~ began negotia· competing and didn't expect to tion1 with Se\"e~al olhers." play well, shot a solid five-under· I par 66 and established the first· round lead Thursday in the Los LoE'~ll,t\triR• Angeles Open golf tournament. W~GELES -Argentina's Defending champion Dave P~~ Lovell used hi s 25 1 2-pound Stockton .also was i~ th~t 1rou0alpe, W@tt}\t advantage an~ sharper along with B~dd)'." Allin, ~chlng to build up an early Douglass. rookie Bill Rogers and ead over California heavyweight Mark Hayes. Charlie James and v.•on a Ull'< The ballyhooed ~onfrontatiOI)"' anlmous IO -round decision between ~ack Nicklaus ~ Thursday night at the Olympic Johnny Miller. the young-tnan Auditorium . who's -challenging his POfiiUon as the 1ame's premjer .rierformer, failed to materiaJjze. Nicklaus made eagle-three on hia first hoJe aod hatl to struggle to make it ~land up for a 69. MllJer, a tlitee·time winner this seuon wJth some record-setting ex-plolta, went to a 72, one over ptar. : · Widow Sue. Mulroy to Cards Vinnie Mulroy, Newport Harbor High 's taler{ed wide re· celver, wJ11 attend Stanford Unlverally In the fall the Daily Pilot bas learned. The 6-1, lBS·PQunder was given a lull 1cholarshlp. He was named to the All·CIF team as a Junior and the All.Sunset League team as a senior. . A IUll houae la expeded for the showdown duel. Elsewhere tool1bt ia tbe SUnaet loop, Newport Harbor 15 at Western and Westminster Invades Edt1on. &ames boglnnlnc at s. Coach Jim.... tepb contln&ent iJ ha Jc:ai>1~ probable loss of tt wa1 injured ln p week. Cook missed Wednesday's same aeainst Loa Alamitos and It wu still uncertain this afternoon whether he'd be able to play tonight. wtUa Cook out, Stephens moves Bob Lolner or Kevin J..andl'raf to the inside on offense. Lo6ner, the Otan1e Coast area's No . 2 acorer. operates best from out· atde. n.e area's No. 1 scorer, Rich Branning, however, is ready and tt'1 bis shooting and playmaktng lhatmalte Marina's game click. F(ltllllaln Valley is also ham· pered with the loss of Rich Val· buena, out with mononucleosis. Matt Kataos (6..J) takes his place and joins Mark Mitchell (6-3) at forward. The nucleus of the Fountain Valley attack. however, is lhe guanb (John Lodestein and Bill Miller) and 6·10 center Dave Robde. • Miiier and Lodestein are all- league caliber guards and Rohde's presence causes of- fensive and defensive problems. Brown says the key lo his team's success is in its ability to shoot consistently-something that has been lacking since the first Marina confrontation. ••we have to shoot well," says Brown. ''But regardless I'm ex· tremely happy with this team. It_ has played as close to its poten--(;:{ * * .i:;. . .i:;. .i:;. * tial u any team l 've ever had. "As for Marina,· we'll go wlth our usual matchini IOl'le and tty to put a little more emphasis on Branning.'' Stepbens acknowledees the af. feet of the Barons' sane defense. .. Titey do some thlnrs a little un- orthodox and it'a hard to adjust at ti met," says Stephens. "But we don't feel the fin;t ~game was as close as the score indicates. We were ahead by LO v.ith a minute left and then mis- sed eight or 10 free throw a\· · tempts.'' S :d G ds p I B aker (3 2) tan out uar rope Leads uc1 Fountain Valley Offense Fi:~R,Al~"~:~2 By DAVE ROMANO Penetrat,ion is the name of the game for the Fountain Valley High basketball team. And at Fountain Valley when one talks about penetration ooe is usually speaking about standout guards John LodesteiJi and Bill Miller. To be sur~. the Barons ability to penetrate enemy defenses is ont or the reason• they are tied for first place in the Sunset League race with a 12·1 record and have recorded a season mark or 21·5. "The first responsibility of any defense is to stop penetration," S&)l'I Fountain Valley coach Dave Brown. "When a player drives the lane the defense has to pick him up and this leaves a man open to pass off lo. Miller and Lodestein are exceptional at performing this. Although the Fountain Valley guards have the same buic skills, they perform their artistry with different hands and have different backgrounds. A right-hander, Lodestein was almost as big as he is now when he,,came to Fountain Valley as ii freshman . He played on the junior varsity during his firsL year and was named to the All · Irvine league second team lat sea.son when the Bal"OllS won the title. A late bloomer, Miller is <1 southpaw who was very small in his first year. However. he has grown a great deal in height and weight after spending his un- der c 1 ass man years on lightweight teams. Lodestein is not scoring as much as he did last year. acCord- ing to Brown, but has developed his all-around game and is a key to the Fountain Valley offense. "John has good quickness, can penetrate very well and comes up with a lot of steals on de- fense,'' says Brown. ''He has also 1rown· ~~P and very seldom snakn any big mistakes. Probably the highlight of Lodestein's career at Fountain Valley came last year when he tied the school scoring record with 34 paints against Edison. He hit on 16 of 25 shots from the field as the Barons blasted the Chargers. However, that thrill might have to take a back seat if Foun· lain Valley can defeat Marina when the co-leaders clash tonight for the league tit~e . ••we shot poorly against Marina last time and still almost beat them,'' says Lodestein. "We'll go into the game with the same buic strategy this time and hopefully we'll have a better shooting night " Probably the low point for Lodestein came after his freshman year when his family d~ed to move to Riverside. Despondent about leaving Foun- tain Valley. he used running- away·from home tactics to con- vince his family to move back to Fountain Valley. "The school I was going to (Eisenhower) ha~ about 90 per- cent blacks and it was tough to adjust,'' says Lodestein. This season Lodestein has scored in double figures in 10 straiQht games and is averaging 13.4 points a game tn league and 11.1 for the year. One or the reasons be ls havln'g a good year might be the i\Jay of MlUer and vice-versa. "They complement each oilier very well,·· says Brown. ''We run some plays to the right for Lodes· tein and others to the left for A.tiller. It keeps our attack balanced." Millt;r is averaging 9.8 in ·league play, but has a slightly higher shooting percentage than Lodestein, hitting pn over 50 per· cent of his.shots. "John and I ha\1e certain plays that we work on during the game," says Miller. "When I make a move toward the basket I know where John is going to be waiting for the pass.'' Miller's passing drew special praise from Brown, who also had kind words about his overall play. "The best part of his game is the fact he doesn't have any weaknesses and has a good at· titude," says Brown. "'He1sanun- selfish player ~·ith excellent vis- ion and the ability to draw de- fensive play~rs with him when he moves toward the t)asket. ·· ' • i , ' •• • ill. JOHN LODESTEIN GOES FOR T HE BALL. FOUNTA IN VALLEY'S BILL MILLER (22) IS FOULED. Of U1.t Dailr Pit« SUI" L"C Irvine's 6·8 center Da\'e Baker s cored 32 points and dominated the boa rds in spark.. ing the Anteaters to an 86112 l)as ketball victory over visiting Chapn1an College Thursday ni ght. I The ""in put coach Tim Tift·s Anteaters a giant step closer to nailing an NCAA college division playoff berth. UCl figures to be in the regional tournament if it can get by Le"·is and Clark College Saturday night and Cal Poly tPomona J l\londay . The victory. UCl 's 1·1lh in 22 games. was not as e"'-SY as the final score might indicate. UCJ couldn't shake the pesky Panthe1·s (15·9) until the final seven rninutes. 'The Ant e aters ha.d a seemingly comfort;,ible 60·50 le ad v1ilh nine minutes to go \\!hen Chapman scored three buckets in a roY.' to narro"· the margin to60·56. But Nale Jones and Kevin Davis each hit two free throws anti Jlaker banked in a· turnaround jumper in a span ol" 50 seconds and UCI again had the game under conttol. 66·56. Bake r controled the boards and because of his three-inch height advantage over rival center Jim ·Keyes, the senior UCl star had an easy time scoring from in close . He repeatedly hit on turnaround jumpers over Keyes. Baker canned 13 of 20 field goal attempts and his 32-JX)int total was just t"·o off the single game scoring mark. But he figures to set a career record Saturday. needing just 10 points lo erase Jeff Cun · ningham 's mark of 1.501 points. \;Cl dominated play in the opening half. thanks primarily to some poor s hooting by Chapman. The Panthers didn 't hit their first fi eld go<il until 6 1h minutes had elapsed and by that lime the An· teaters had a 14 -6 lead. Chapman missed its nrst eight field goal tries and was just 7 of 31 (22.6 percent) for the half. C'CI. nlean\\lhile, was canning 50 percent 116·32). Thus, the only reason the Panthers stayed close in the opening hair was their ac· i:uracy from the free throw line -hitting 16 or 18 attempts. VClr'WiMtMI ,, • .. .. """'"~ ' ' • " ... ~ " • ' " Clew lilnd ' • • ' O.wl• , • ' • TI~-• ' ' , -· ' , ' " Je"k'"~ ' • ' • Hair ' • • • Mr.,..1e ' ' • ' Tollll$ " " " .. Hattllme UC l•vine,3'-lO. UCI Fro1h llCll lfll Chlpm111JV Boi•ndl Fttnnorr" Frain-11n Wat Ml" Sll"!oDl'I J.tm!~on FUf'IDrlll O.ull:ll~ lolal~ Halll!m.: UC lt>1i~,J.4·tt. ftJ tt ... •• J 1 J 1 • o 4 n I ( 4 II • • • ' l IJ . ' . 7 J ,, ' D ' I 0 0 1 0 lo 10 14 to Fu1ni1ig Laver ~ Nips Egyptia11 LA COSTA, Calif. iAPl -Rod Laver of Corona has sputtered and fizzled his "'ay into the semifinal singles matches of a $60.000 World Championship Ten· nis pr~elebrity tournament. Laver. seeded fifth in the singles, overcame a string of er· rors Thursdav to beat EJ?::vpt's Ismael El Sh8fei 7·6, 4-6, 6-2. He meets Roscoe Tanner in the semifinals. PASADENA, Calif. -The widow and two children of jockey Alvaro Pineda are suing Santa Anita for $25 million, allegine.the track was negliaent In permit· Un& the unsafe atarUn1 gates. Trojans Bead Spikefest at UCI Other top sprinters Include USC's Guy Abrams (9,4) and lhe Anteaters' Russell Royston (9.51. Allan Stone also advanced to the semifinals by rallylne to beat Roos Case 4-6, 6·3, H . He r .... s Soviet •t.ar Alex Motnvell, who !oueht off Ray Moore ol South A!rlca 6-3, 6, 1, 6· l. Af\er bia match •laln&l El Shafel, Laver verbally kicked himself. ' C'on11or• RqHn BOCA RATON, Fla. -Jimmy Connors' manaaer, Biil ruordan, says Connors will not be able to glvaJID<LLaver a rema!Clt,.1!' thelr $100,000 Las Vegas tenltls showdown untll after the Wimbledon tournament In June. Riordan reactod Thursday to · charae• by Laver that Connon •'al ren11ln& on an oral •are~· menl to 11ve bllll fin\ shot at a rematcb !ollowln1·1he l!nt con- IMt won by Connora in lour 1•U e1rlltrthta year. ' ••Lavu wa110 indeclllve alter ' Some of the top track and field talent In the nation will be at UC lnine Saturday rooming when thiti Anteaters launch the spike Muon a alnll USC, San Dle10 State and Ca I State <Lone BelC!h), I The &tee'plt<hll' will aet the meet atarte\I al 1b o'clock with the field 1vet1l.a beglnnlna at 10:30. Th• !lrat ruWilli>e event- the 440 rl!hly-1eta under ,..ay at 11 . • . -Admllaton JI S2 for adU)tl, $1 for lllldeall and tllll~ with -. 5 yeara old and wider ad· milted free. USC la lod by 19'12 Olympic gold rneda.l winner Randy WJltlam•. He won the NCAA In '72 with a beat of 26-IV., was fourth in '13 and aeconcl last year with .. Jeapo!ZG·4. The top performers for Long Beach !l111re to be AUlltrallan pale vaulter Don Baird (17.0) and hllhJumper Carl Miles (7·1~). San Dle10 State Is Jod by sprinter Harold William& and burdler Garry GNC. Yl\lllam1 waa fJllh in llle NCAi 100 Jul year wllile Gr .. n ran !11th in the 440intermedlate hurdles in 51 .7. UCI's top efforts probably will ~e from frcahman Steve ~ott ln the 880 (1:52 .0). intermediate hurdler Biii Cheadle <~3 .8), vaulte.r Roberl Goto (lfi-0) t1nd high Jumper K e ll Y Donohue (6-lOt,;J, One or the more interesting matchupa could come in the 100 with sc•s James Gilkes running a1aln1l Williams. Both have cloclied 9.z. <lllkes is th• defend· bit NCAA cbamplop who com· pet<d fw · Flak Unl\'crsity laal • year. Trevor Campbell ond Claude Brown . a pair or 45 .8 quartermUers, will run for USC. Ca..mpbell, Brown and Ken Randle were all members or USC's mlle relay team that finlshe;d fourth in the NCAA meet in 3:07.6. They'll be joined by Rod CQnnors. Another top long jumper for the Trojans Is Ge("8ld Hardiman, wbo' won the Pltclfir·8 rham· pionsb.lp last sea.son. "I was really dlUppolnled and •rrustrated on the court,'' he said. "l played very erratic. 1 "'as ao- in& bananas out there, talking to rQ)'Self .•• He was particular))' upset over a muffed smash wblcbeoltblm a • servlc. break in the tlllrcllet. ••M.lsaing an easy smash like that, that's sacrilec• when )'OU are playlne 11aln1t th~ top players," h ~,ned. "lt'I' like m1U1n1athree·lnchputt." I '- AILYPILOT 21 .1975 uth Coast Vista The Mission Viejo lfigh Dlablos will be trying to hold on to second place tonight at8 when they travel t.o El Toro Higb us the Soulh Coast League basket· ball race comes to an end. ?ttisslon Viejo owns the runnerup s pot going into tonight's tussle with u 10-4 record whilt! El Toro loon1s one game back ut ~·5. ThC host Ch1:1rg~rs could tie things up '4'ilh ~win. Meanwhile, the champion San Cl l'mcntc Trilons will be trying to gather momentum for the CIF 2-A playoffs "''hen they travel to Dan;.i II ill s <.1nd U1tiversity closes out its season at home ugainst Laguna Beach. All games start at 8. Tonight's games "'ill a lso be the last for l\\'O league coaches. J erry !<'air of Laguna Bl'aCh ;ind . Tun)· Stillson of Dana I tills have stated they '''ill not .. ~turn nut season . l\'lission \'iejo has won four straight games, it s last loss con1ing ut the hands of El Toro, 54 ·<15. 'fhc . Di~blos also lost a SG-45 fitst-round decision to th e Chargers, who are going for a sweep tonight. E l Toro·s l\.1ik c Capistran has scored 29 points -·in the two games c.nd l\.1ission Viejo's Oa\·e Coope r threw in 21 in the last contest bet"''een the tv•o clubs. ; The Chargers have taken advantage of their "''height advantage to "''in both prcv1ou:> m l'l'ling~. Led by 6·8 Ed l\lcFaclden and t.i-3 J vn J aekson. El Toro has dominated the boards <.1gains t the s1nallcr Diablos. Dana Hills has done a good job nf stopping 'fed Kalata in its two meetings with San Clem e nte, but the league ch amps still won both gan1es. Steve Rip- ple is the leading scorer for the Dolphins against the -"'fritons with 36 point-;. Stillson's club will be trying to blast out of the basement with a \\:in. Dana Hills is 3-11 in loop play. Uni\•ersity ha s posted 41 -38 and 71-57 vi ctories over Laguna Beach. Both the host Troj:!ns and Artists ar e 4-10 in league pl:iy as tonight 's game shapes up as a batUe for fourth place. Ca.rlos Cervantes s c ored 25 points in University's l ast win over Laguna Beach. .Diver 2nd Despite 'Wounds Rustlers in Tie; OCC Nine Falls Orange Coast College diver Mike Wilson put on .one of the mor e 1courag eo u s performances last Fri- day and Saturday at the Gold Coast Invitational Golde n West College took an early lead, then held on to gain a 4-4 tie with the Santa Ana College Dons Thursday in non -conference baseball action on the GWC diamond in a game that was called by dark- ness after 10 innings . North.ct Etcn.noy, » Ricl'lilrll\, 11 Run.go, Oii Ml>dMJn, c Milll, rf Kifttr, lb Le°'"'· Jb OrOJt(I, p Mer1011n, p Tot•ls ' ' ' ' • • s ' ' ' . ' l ' . ' ' ' ' ' " . $("""' ,_;,..,. ' ' • ' • ' • • ' ' ' . ' S.1•oldAn• 000 210 010 O • ll Golo~n west 220 ooo o---.. ~ Or•"" CN1t lll • Hunsaker's 4:21.2 ~ ' . . I • Gym Aces Compete At GWC VarsU11 l:IT.,.(te\o'il IU\o'il LM Afl'lilM lOi)-1. DUl'lwn IEI J. A"""'"°" lLI 3. Al,.,.,•1 lE L Tl,,_: 11.0. 220-1. HuMUO-r IEI J. DuMOn IE) 3. S<lwHI (L). Tl .... : 2~.I. <M0-1. VounQ IEJ 2. Bln:~rdCEll. W.ISCl'I Ill. Tl .... : Sol.1. , 1111-1 . V°"'ng tEl 2. Ptmt>ffllOll (El 3.M.ir~ !El. Tl,,_: 2:01,6. ; Golden West College will be the site of the S.S..lrnon IM). Tift.I:: 2:11.I w .. 1m1·nster C1F invlta-MIM -1. Oolill'l~CI 2. Li190C\I• (M) 1...,.rts111'1. T1""14:S3.1 tional gymnastics. meet 1.,.,11, -1. Aev ... and ic1 J. Saturday n1'ghl •w1lh 18 "-'~(Ml NlfllrO Tlmt. 10 • ~ •»HH -1. Bl>4..ch4r IM.1 2. C..ooU • schools, including four ICtMlfllro. Tll'l'lt: io.t SPORTS . no L.H -1. K•ne lMI 1. eutsc:tw , from the Orange Coast IMIJ.M<.01n111~(Cl .tlme:4S.• area, 1·n action that ..e llttl•y -1, Coron• '"I .\Mr, T1"": ... 1 Ma starts at 7:30 .. Tl:: 1':]_,~Y -1· c.,_ c1tt r. R ti Defending Cl F team w~H.~~~ (Cl -.-cOl'ld or us ers champion Lakewood l.H-l.Mc(ifrry (NI) J. K•-IM.l H i g h a D d h 0 s t i ~~\~1P~~~11t1~.S1Wcc1 J · A • ·Westm inster, the run· l.~'1 (~.H1l9'11:10.. n ct1onnerup for t eam honors 5P -1,P•ll n lMl2.MtC..,,.,fM) I · '-""' .. 11191rt 1011t.tftC•!•I.. last year, are a so 111· Olw:tA-1. U(Cl2.l'l:ogtralM.l I I cd 3.fl'l1trnlt19 CC~Ol1t1nct : 12•-11 VO V • "'-"'•".111.,1•11u 11!,._lil WILMINGTON -From the Ora nge 100 -1. !!t" lfl'J J. J1.111.., IEI 1 Golden West College Coast area are Newport "'""""~" Time: 11.0 h I •• I ( t · 220 -1. 1F12.R1ymondfFIS. opestopayu1eroeo lt arbor, Foun a1n w.~1i.1· =:112i~1 J. v1-1,,13• spoiler tonight when the Valley, Edison and Hunl· Hu-.11F1. 1me :ss.• Rustl e r s battle LA ingtonBeach. Gt~C~i.~,::~1::•,~~i 1• Burt tFI 1 Harbor College, here, in Thi5 is the first in vita· Ml .. -1.1ttnt tFI 2. Moen:iul~ IE) Southern California C.On-tional meet of the year l.A11tn1FIJTl,,.:•:s..1 I b k lb II c d b · t gclhcr J.lftl .. -~~cl'l•l1iklCF1i.Aaotse erence as e a a· an rings o 1F11,:-i::rc~1·~=i~::;:1~<A lionat8 o'clock.. some of the most out· 2.M111111n ,q. Tlmt: 11.• Golden West 1s out of standing gymnasts from »Dl.H 1· &usl'I. CFI 2• ThcNnas IEI Ute SoCal race with a 7·5 Southern California high )..Gttf!n IJll. Time . U .I ~ 11..1., -1. "°""1.1t1 v.111y. record, but coach Dick schools. n;::,~-:.:i.y -1. Eit•nci.. TllN: Stricklin's club could put Top stars from th(" J::j'-ti Mast1rs CF> 1. Sil...,_ IF). CJ:pr~ Colleg.e in l~e Westmi nster tea~l i~- 3.ForolfJ . ...-1Qht: ~-• drivers seat with a win elude Paul Van Ru1ten 1n LH -r. J..ii ... ie12· Rol'l'Mlro IFI 1 tonight the hor1' zonlal bar and !.fn.itCflJ.Dl1t•nc•:lt-t • d Pv-•.FerotF11.M111w cF11 Cypress an Harbor parallel bar events ; "~P~81'!!",H<•~y~~::~!rowlFll. sh a re the circuit lead Richard Gishi in floorex- 0r111,1F1 . DllittflC•: •1·)\.la with 9-3 records. Cypress ercise vaulting and hi gh O l1(iUS -1. Oby flilkO IE) 2. I R . H d . Ecr...11'f1 1e1 2. McL•" (El. Dli-tr eve s to 10 on o bar ; a n d B r u c e ~.:.1r-:_..ro<Fl 2.Fin11•MCFii tonight and tben hosts McGregor in floo r ex- .1111i.1E1.obttnt•:3W. Harbor Wednesday. ercise, parallel bar and Frosh. Sopla Golden West matches vaulting. Mitt-I. Furbee (£) 2. At>Qlti'O Ill SM0.-•• 1)1) 1117) ......... "' its high-scoring d uo of An adm·Lssion or $1 Terry Meisenheimer and will be made 3.Mullj.;.,.. (£1. Tll'l'MI : 4:41.i . 100-1. Alon10 IAI 1. 1-1ISi 1 2·tnll-1. S<:l'lmlOt /El 1. LH Ill 3. HtQfttto <Al. Tl,,.: 10.t. l'Mutll IEI. r;,,., IO:ll.I. no-1. Port•r (A) 2. AkWuo IA) 3. CdM 1621 (UI M.l .. IM Vltje 1~ HH -1. Hltkl IETI 2. Sl&'nmlH lm!NI IS). Tlme: JS.O. 100 -1. Hennig (Ml 2. Hiiiiard (Cl Ill 3.M ll'llrd. Tll'l'MI :M 14.6, '41-I. HMllM (A) 2. l elSll!Nl'I f'!.I Jack Kelch ag ainst a balanced Harbor fivl.'. Mei se nh eimer is averaging 25.0 1>0ints per game in SoCal action while Kelch, who hit 35 Wednesday against Rio llondo, is hitting near the 20.0mark. LA Five At SoCal 3. Ellto11 ICI. Tl,,.: 10.6 Bl LH-1. Hkk1 tE) 2. S.Ummltl CL) 3. N1 .. 1 (Al . Tim.: St.t. no -1. H•n ICI 2. JoMs (M) 3. l. Gttftl IE >. Tl,...: 41.•. ·-I. H•U ISi 2. Con1ldlne IA) J. He-nnlg (Ml. Time: 2J.• +Ml Rtl•y-1. El Toro. Time : .t6.1. Rotlll• fAI . Time : 2:10.1. ..O-l.H-O-t1 (C)l.8orleflod(Ml3. M.11• Rtl•y7 I. El Toro. Time :· Nllt -1.Stocll(A)2.Hpwm.nn CSl Mocwtl IC). Tlmt: SO.I 3:•s.o. l. l'Mtpott (SL Time; S:14.I . --1. ""-'•!Cl 2. Bilr,.1 (Cll. · HJ-I. Hltk~ (E ) 2. Arroyo CL) l. J.M.llt -1. L1,,.is CS I 1. Stock CAl.l.. Mi<l'loMl1 !Cl. Time: 2:0-4.9 F....-IE I. H••Q/'lt: S-1. ~ CSI. Tll'l'MI: lO:•S.1. M.llt-1. Hutl111k ... !Cl 2. Cooll IM.I U -1. Andenol'I IL) 1. Mo'fl ... !El UO HH -I, PIMnteU IA) 2. J..:k_, 3. W11l11rho<is.it (Ml. Time: •:Jl.2 3.Le.ny !El. Dl1l¥1ct: It·•· ISfl. ...... _,(A). Tl"": 11.2. 2-mllt -1. H ut1111kt r !Cl :t. PV-1. l.e•hY (El 1. Lorelo (Ll 3. JJ0 LH -I. PIM l'l\tll CA) 1. Um.,lr W.il~ (M) l. Cool! IM.). r.,....; ~-!E l. ~1"111 : 11-0. tA)3.M.l ltet CAl. Time: •1.l r t :21.1 SP-1. 0.l•y !El 2. Forll• IL) 3. ...OR1l•1 -l.An•1>elm .T1m.·••S 120 HH -1. Greoory (Ml 2. Ntwille Godoy ILi. DklilfKI: •9->I!.. Mlle Rtl•V -1. Al'lthelm. T1nw ICll.J-s(C). Tl~: IS.I Di1<uS-l. 0.l•Y IEI 2. GoOOy (L) •:DO.t. 330 LH -'· Gr•oory !M) 1. AP'drew!. l. Lundy (E). Dlst•nct : IJO-~. HJ -I. Porter IA l 7 Nci;irete (A) l . IMl.l.. Polt-l Cl. Time: •1.J • ~._.,,CA ). He1gnt . i-3. •O> .. "'., R1tl•y -I, Mission YR)O. Tin-e: .llfHiOr \f Qn-lf!J U -1. ArhM !Al 2. Cllr\Ol'I (Al J ..., Sr..,.bl.oell CAI. Ois1...,c111-0"-. O Mlle Relil'f -I. Coront Gel M;ir. Sill!Cll.,.11• ( .. ) C~I An•llli.,. PV -I J..,.Ml<I !SI 2. lie Dll~n O Tlrrll: 3:ll.t 100 -1. G.r•t>edl•l'I (Al 2. ,..,.ltl'lelt P•rnelt (Al •nd MOr•les (AJ. Htl!gM' HJ -1. ConrM IMI 2. Gilbor !Ml l. CS! J. L1t0$ (Al. Tl"": 10.1. 1·6. O Martll'I 1Cl.Hel9fll : ...0 210 -I. G-lr•bedMin IAI 2.M.ll<;hell SP -l. L•nl•u (A l 1. Vt,,dl"' CA) J. O LJ -1. Mooft CCI 2. Neviltt CCI l. fS) 3. Etslty CSJ. Time : 24.t. v-IAJ. Dl"•nce: ol6·0. l 0 ~bar fMJ.Oist.anct: 20-1.... 4.cl -I. E•slty (5) 2. C•lil'l!ky {Al OlKu1 -I. Vill'IOS IA} 1 Llflf ... IA) ~ PV -t, Montoomerw tM) 2. Cirillo nottilrd. Tlmt: s1.1. l. T•ylo• (SL Ols1•nc1 : 109-1. J fCl l . O.u.kill fCl. Height: 11·6 Mlle -1. Lewi• (Sl 1. E1k•nt>o1< ISi T J -1. Sl•rbu<ll (A I 2. Sl'lll'll'I !Al l. SP -l. Al·bilY•tl fM) 1. O>urthlll l .Fltuwtrick (Al. Time: S:Ol.t. ConMOI"' (A), 0 1\lilntt: JS·l . (M)l Gould (CJ. Oh litnt•: ..._O'k 1·mile -I. Hall CSl 2. P•lmqu1sl CAM (741 t"J Mlt1to11 VMjt 1 <C~~".'F':y(c:: ~/~:':~:;~ ~:.', :. ~ (A~~ln~r.~ .. :i~: 11.0·~:· Cl1rTI1nte. 1..l~1.B..~ Y:i1i~1: li.~llud.llMi.i S.t10.W.11tt 1791 CS21 Aft....... Tl~:~::i:'~tchelt CSJ 2. E•sley IS) A~l;(~;":'TI;:!,1i~ 1 2· Bu.n !Ml 3.. But it "'as guard Ivory Tackwood "·ho hit a shot at the buzzer to g ive t-l arbor an 88·86 ovcrtin1e \'ictory over lh<' Rus tlers in the first z·ound. Harbor has a se:!son record of 22-5 while Golden West is 16-9. Cale11dar Southern Ca lirornia College basketball lean1 will close out Northern D1v1 siun play in N.-\1 ,.\ District Ill tonight by hosting Los ;\ngeles Bap· tist College of Ne"'h<.ill at 8 Coal'h l'aul Peak ':-. SoCal team is assured of no worse th<.in a hrst- pl.:ice tie "'ilh a victory tonight after l'Ompiling an 8-1 reCord in earLier action and a 19·7 overall mark . ..... swimming and diving ·meet in Santa Barbara. Wilson, competing in the one-meter competi- tion Friday , hit the board with his chin on the way down. He also scrapped his chest, s tomach and Orange Coast College traveled to El Camino at the same time to drop a .. ' l ' . ' . ' • , . 100 -I. Wood is• J. 6<1um.., CS) 3. N>lnlrd .... l9n1 : •·I. ..o _ 1. Aour1e fM.l 2. Co• !Cl J.. S•l11rda1 IFH.111 Eclln.rt !Al. Time : 10.S. lH -1. G•ra tltdl1n fAJ 1. Uu·19 !Al P•lme IC J. f lmt: S...1 S.i~k e l Od 11 ..I Or d"<,,i~ Co.>~! .ot The Vanguards close out the season 1'uesday.·. S.3 decision. ... legs. Sc.hru~. ct Soai,., rt Tryori, 1-1 ""·"' Au.om.nOO, c Sw•nson. lb Kol'lltr, If I Averlll,lb ~ ... sn.H!tl, p Bre._l'l,P Pouom•lo,p Tol•ls ' ' ' • 0 • • . ' ' ' • 0 ' ' ' ' " ' Sconbyll'IN-Ol ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' 0 • • no -t.wooosCS11.Sl•ugM•IAl1 )..Atw•,.1 ~A\.Olst•nte:l9·l'lli. lllO -l .Tur,,...(MJ ?.Oun•et fCI J. F1.111er1on 1r J01, 5,,•'ld•c11 . .r• .• 1 Con•Uy{Sl.Time:23.J. PV -l . Lord IA) 1. L01'19 IAJ no R IM ' > >>• G <• 5<" U< ..0 -1.Robln10l'llSJ 1.0vr..l(AI .... ,,.H•l-t:t". tttlt ).1nw::. ro~•monl 1,U ..... ~t "•""' • E ••·-!Al '' >>' "" ,,.. ..., Mlle -1. CJ>•w (Cl 1 !'Kc.hen (C) tro\n !~ •~), L<'"'" <'!. Cl"'~ .. t Uc ..... t .._, . ...: . . SP -1, w.~, IA) 2. E•dtl CSI 3.. ].Manti tM.l. Time:. St l lrwone (81. llO -I. A•tll ISl 2. W;1kon. IS> 1 ~ ... !SI. ObtMKe: 34.1•1>. 2-Mile -1. ~lot 1c1 2. Jonft fCl 3.. w • .,,u.,.q CIF P"''"•"· NAtA o,, DATSUN Corn• CA). Tlrre: 2:04.2. Ol1o(;U$ -1. Arnold (A) 2. e.on est H .... ~ff ICl. Tlnw: 10 ~21.f '"'' T°"'r""' a! Soulr.·•n c .. 1110111 • .) on. UGE cou~r Milt-l.T.Hu.ckll•slOfl(S)2.Tolwr l .,,. ... (Sl.Dill•nce:t2·2. l20HH -1.RUs.ll(C,2.IOl$Oll(M.)J, Collfl'qe. -rll n1 (A) 3. Ml.ll'ri.111• lA). Tlnw: .. ,.... ,, -'· ,,,,, ••• no WCOfld or third. S• . ' -.. .. 2 ... Jlt -1, T. H..odioestM CSI 2.. H......,u.-l (M.).Tlme:11.6 ornminq-orOl'IJu..t ..... or,n unt I stroiiq CO•bl11allo11 .&.,.... ISi 3. Nlurr ltt• (Al. Titre: Di1t.w>e1: :h-0. lJOLH -l. Gilrr•tt ICl2. Co• fC) l. in91on He•t"• Ed•~""· I ount.110 10:1'.I. ~ 1"411 .. 1 M.hd .. VM)t 11 ....... swll IM.I. Time: ,S.. V•ll<ly, M.ln nJ ana New J)Olt H i>r..,. MfftMO• 11ffdecl. If 'rOll S'e l20 HM _ l . Ritltfl•illd !Al 2. 100 -I. Mummert (NI ) 2. Jil(Ntrs 440 Ret•y -I. Cortl!W Oel IN.r. <II 0•.tllC)t> County cn.1mp•on"'1P'I •ll 91"011 ori•11t•d Giid "'91ow M<:O.rmoUISll.Oo,,nellyCA).T.me: CCll.GfHr(Cl.Timt:ll.O Ti,...:S0.1 l"OOllJ1ltH1qn C•a.mJ ,f"l lillo w~LQ~ 1974 WJ for $ll,OOO « U,l . 220 -1. Grt t r (Cl 2. COt'N (CJ l. M•ll Rtl•Y -l. c,.,ron. del Mar. Am•QOS JI M"~'on V•t-10 (11 ""' >, ' ' ' ' ' • ' 0 ' ' • • ' • But despite receiving verv low m arks on the jump. Wilson shook oU the pain a nd fin· ished second. The follow- ing day be placed second in the three-meter com- J o hn Macauley doubled in the first in- ning a nd scored the first Golden West run, then singled in a pair in the second. After that, the Rustlers were limited to one base hit for the final eight frames. JJO l H -1. DonntllY !Al 2. 0..., tC). Time: 25.S Tlrrw: );S.l.l .0.... HUk a1 L• S.-m.,i ln~•t.o!.-1. OYW. Call llllt. Crffit ciledl OOO 11 OOO-l Ci 1 Ri<.kMlwillO (A) ]. M<.Oermott fSJ. "'°-1. K•Killl ICJ 2. 0.ylOl'l (M)!. HJ -t. 111.usll (Cl . TMmff" tMl l.. UCSO•r lJC lrvl,...J'Y llp mt ..,.dllOI 'r• II ... Al-. Tl,... .• ~. Gtten CCI. Tl""' JS.t F.,.ror (Cl. Hti~: I. Trot<ll -Rt'dland~at L"""""'"' Be .. rn, Orange Coast scored':-iiiii 001 111 20•---6 s ~ · ""· .,-•.<•-•<<12.w .. 11.....,cMI (•--Tra• PageB71 u sc,sos1a1,.a1uc 1rw1oe110 .. m1 1714114Z-7714 iiiiiii;;:-j~~''~':•:•;•;••;:-::•:•:••::••:•:m:•::":•:·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::·~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~;==~ ~tition. "'It was one of the gut· tiest performances I 've ever seen,•• said Orange Coast coach Jack M ten.on. · ··Alter that dive he had abrasion the length of bis body. He w as in a lot single m arkers In thel CADIES fourth, fifth and sixth PllO·LIME frames, each time tying GOLF the score. Tony Ac: eomaodo's double in the fourth and Mark SALE Schrupp's triple in the fifth highlighted the OCC attack. ·~ '16895 IJOt .St ·~ ·-IRONS , .... ...... fJf pain and his muse I es 1N.c.i1<11ty. n. ~ere shaking for the . ... ' ' WOODS ·-· IRONS ' '7'Z'' ·~ '159'' Ult.II next six or seven dives. But be wouldn,'l quit, he Soccer Clash wanted to continue." . ......... WOODS 11 IJ.M '869$ Jd~'1Pn>-fn1e GOUCLUIS • ,Wilson, a J C All· U d Iigh 1Jnerican .for occ two n er ts seasons ago, thought be wotild have won the com- ZC% to 4°"• Off GOLF SHOES ·uon had he not bit the an!. "Believe me it broke my concentration for a while. 'f said Wilson. Newport Harbor •FOOT JOY High's Sailors and the •ETONIC 25% OFF Edison Chargers com· plete the regular soccer GOLFERS season Saturday night al BIG Huntington Beach High School in an 8 o'clock tiff. WORLD "' 1-! Edison won the Jeague Jll E. I Jtll St ., i l~aler Dei cha mpions hi p and is CostaMes• · [ h eaded for th e CIF lll·lll4 ; ~t Servile &::~0~~~~:;~~~!~';; I ~~~~~ . l. Th M I D · Hi h Harbor, which found the !;: : · e 8 er et g Sailors forced to forfeit 10% l:Monarcbs can clinch a ·tspot in the CIF 4-A five league gam es in ad-R. :fbasketball playoffs di!ion to non-league V' 1 toruaht at 8 when they triumphs o v e r San ""travel to Servile High for Cle m ente, La Puente, DOWN. l their Angelus League. ~arden Grove and Cer· l I ftnaJe. J'ltOS. t.W ft 11>t • LONG BEACH ARENA FEB.14·23 SHOW HOURS, . ' WEEKDAYS, 4-10:30 PM! SATURDAYS, HOLIDAYSJ 12 NOON TO 10o30PM · SUNDAYS, t.011,. UNOll 11, SI .GO • UNCfl •••ti INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS Now you can buy one of our 4,000· B,000 square loot industrial buildings for only tO~o down. 33 individual units ot Phase Ill localed in the heC1rt of the nation's largest masler·p1anned indust ri al area. in Orange County. Near airport and the intersection of San Diego and Newport freeways. See our models or call (71 4) 979-9205 or (2131680-941 5 lor information. llrOLLllRVM CIENIER 3190/o. A.irp0!1 Loop Dr . Cosla Mesa. Ca. 92626 IRVINE f.IDUSTRIAL mMPl£X --------i ROSIS:BLACK • 1:.LOVES ., . • I INGERS AT TRAVELANDS sroR-ts, VACATION AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW, Feb.22/23 Traveland U.S.A ., lhe world's largest Rec- reational Vehicle Sales and Service Center in- vites you and your family to come to our big R/V ·show. YOl!'ll find everything from thrifty run-abouts to fully equipped luxury models. And much morel Boats, antique cars, camping equipment, motorcycles, off- roed vehicles, hang gliders and live enter- tainment. lnl'ltrson-2Days0nly,Rosie Black, the WO<ld's greatest female softball pitcher and her unlque411irl team. A $25 9lffc:ef'.tifica1 .. • to lnyone who gets a hit. See the Queen and her maid• perform, Sat. & Sun., Feb. 22-23. Thirty-five acres of shopping and funl Hundr-eds and hundreds of recreational vehfck<all cortallecJ in Traveland's friendly . fro""r town senlng! Surrounded by lakes, wat91a1ts and playgrounds, you unnot escaii. the spirit of outdoor adventure. ' f~'1-: AdJ'llission, Parkiflil, Shows. Gates ~ '10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Santa Ana • Fr , Y••t·Sand Canyon Exit. I • 1.._ ________ __,.,... __________________ ,,_ __ !"'"" ______________________ __. Ce l Prl third the c tonic Mesi and Eag\ Me11 Leag at8. In gam Coro1 lo V host: Magi ta A 1Jale- Vll victo del r.' tie 1 air ea placf E s l1 Me1u with If Co!'ll ner 1 Esta finis I with Es with Cost roun led poin also as t' ling Jc pol1 Est Con D< inM to Mua an' Maf Kei Gar 18ir c der1 will di<h bac tear the uni "' <• .. .. -.; ....... ~··· ~1 Century _~ction . Wopien's MustangsHost Ath\etics Eagles Ton;gL-" c;:;:!"~,~~:1!:~~1'.:-... ,. ' .., TH Vlfl"'"'4111\ •r-t• ... 1,1-4,~ O\fflftanCO ,C1M1r0<1 ... l,M. ,flMIMI llldel.IMde .. 2,J·•,W. Pride and 8 probable Tusti R1ti..nh111c:llf.11.01.,..1"'·'"'·M· n took comm and · .. ~ co1 0.1. wuu'"'' •·O. c..• ... o. third place finish will be Corona de! Mar play· ed ,..-:-, • - th ] tbl l IH'l'MIY·Ulyale 101 d•I. Carn.r- e . on Y ngs .a stake one or its poorest g.,nes Vel\tro1<.a._.. toru&bt when the Costa of the year in losing to ~c:n._:_•tf-101 d•'· Me1 .. 1. Mesa High Mustangs Villa Park in the first 1<011no·lowan 101 d•I. Hvman- and Estancia High round, 47-39. The Sea ·...., 111 -:,i;i.s.As••T•ALL Eagles clash at Costa Kings constantly turned vAJ1:S1TY Mesa In a Century the baU over and never C.r~"'n~, .. K11~su11tt,~,T=11n League basketball finale could set up any offense 50uri«:k 001 F en Eui.m.n at 8. . Villa Park leads th~ ~;::t;11i 1101 ~ 1~~,~~; Jn other final league Century League in st.111c11 c;; t11M111et" games this evening, fewest points allowed .!.:~~·H::1;~1,~:.: 1~~::~ Coro~a del Mar travels with 636 and corona· del ·t1Te--41e1-2. to V1Jla Park Tustin Mar is second h . 'Ha1n1me;u9-a.ec11,~11. • • avmg ·M1111Mv1e)I 14111u1sa11ci.me..- hosts El Modena and surrendered6S7. •.-Mi "' 111""''' Magnolia entertains San· Gilreath 111 F 111 o.n1.irom An All lltfem (0) c • ti) GtlllfM ta a. games are He11et1111 G (t111r.., slated for 8. T k Wl!vdllrL-Ill G C•> urn. Villa Park needs ohJy. rac . .! i(Orl119 1ub1: Mlhl1111 Vl•J-• ~1.leif'•Y•.~llt. victory against Corona H.lttll'M: Mlulofl Viti;•. »-u. del Mar_towrap up the ti· <Continued from 86) .w:'.:i'::''CJ't~(U)DI~~!~'~., tie whtle Tustin has LJ -1. W111kl•r 1c1 2. s...cts1e<t1 M*ll9lf'I 111 F 011H1",,_ already clinched second tM1 l.cl'M>dl1"'k1 i1r111. o1s1 ... ui; u .1 wi1-. '~' c c•i v1-"" -1. 8ra11lltld !Ml 2. lie "'*"Pton(•I G C411lntardl Place. Corona del Mar. llM .... •n C1••k cc1 •nd we11111er !C). 1e111 ..... cal • G 1oi ""-" Helont; 10-0 .. .. Estancia and Costa sP -1.we1a.r 1M12.HanertMll. 5cDrl119sub1: Unlwf1itlr-6<on2, M I. d f lhi d Cumml1191lCl.Ol1lMK•:4ll-l Pl'lcel,Yoahlne2. esa are 1e or r DIKu\-l. weioer tMl 2. wan.:, H11Ut1me: 1•·14. with 8-5 records. IMl l.C:.,,.,mln;~ !Cl. Ol1tance: *'' JU"IOl'I VA•••TY ]( Villa Park beats ,._...riveu • ., ftJ) tUJ 1,._.., Mrtc~;;"i'::''1Mo~C14l~;~!':son Corona del Mar, the win· 100 -1. H•., tE1 t . Gel99r CFJ J. l•blo c21 F 101Stn01wet Foa!l!l.Tlme:11.1. a. ner of the Costa Mesa-no-1. G111e111 cF1 J. Ge1,., 1,11. ur-. 141 c 112 1 ~w • 0.CUI (10) G ti Yocum Estancia game would Smltll!Fl.T'-:ts.o. veru1n141 G Jo11.1rnon 440 -I. Horak CF) 2. Fa!\09o9 !F) J. finish all alone in third 0ni11.,d tFl.Tl-:St.J. kw•"9 111t>s: un1 ... r1tt -Gold 4, with a 9.5 record. "° -1. Ot.IOllr !Fl 2. AOl*I <FJ 1. ~°"" 2, E¥11n1 2. O.n• H1111-&ecnte1 HU....., IFI. Time : 2:14,0. · Estancia walked away MU• -1. s,pr111er IFI 2. H•r'*'411i H•tl1tme: i.ln1 ... ,,,11r, 22-•. "th 73 56 1 I l FJ J S.11nlenlo !Fl. Tl..,.: 5:Gt.1. l:IT-1111 (ISi u,.,,,. ... ecll wt a • v c ory over t·Mli. -1. ouddr IFl 2. ~-uur CF S., ........ MOrrll 12) F t•l 11\nowlllll' Costa Mesa in the first )J. mietUo l F).Tlme:1o: .... s. M&de-1116) F 101 ... •ulson 120HH -1, W•ll.,1 CE I J. Slerk (El round as Jim McCloskey ~-.. .,1or !FL Tlme: 1•.• Hell <•> c ~ 12i.eanuno I d th Ith 29 »0 LH -I. KMM! CIEi t. W.ltler1 O\etllpla l•l (t IOI ~I'll e e way w cr1i.s""11 (a.J.Tr,...: .... •. Mcl(1-.,coi. G 141y..,,;w. poinbl. Elwood Hansen · ..-""'' -1. Fol#'l~n Valley. Scorln1 1ub1: L•ouna ¥•11- also h d 201 th t Tfme·tt• l"owlkn2.Tre1Mll1. a n a game M1t9 R.-11., -1. ,._1a1n v•'"''· H1111um.e: u 91>N a.e(ri, 11-)o. as the Eagles were hit· Tlm1:•:oo.•. -:. M1u1et1 ... :. ... cae11111s. .. ----HJ -I . ...,..,_ Ill I 2. Harris CF) ..... ,... --- ting from outside. 1.Grec:11ow121m1etit:M . Poepf9rC•1 " "t§j"'' John Ni!bet scored 27 w -1. Glttet11 !~I 1, H•rrl• !Fl J . ••tiwr 141 F 101 edit• Frlvs tFJ. Olllanc;e : 17·•. C:.«,fllJll C IOl SC ield points Wednesday as PV -1. '""111'"'1. oa.,. 1F1 3. Ro1 .. u•U> G 101 E I • cla dele led """'IFl.IWltftl:l-•. C.t1Gcllk1COI G IO)Ulrtol' S DD a . SP-1. 0.¥en IEI J, Lal'l9(ltlle IE) Scorl119111bll: Ml11lon Vle/ ....... alne Corona del Mar, 66·S3. l.Orr tEI. 01•1-<•: •3·S. 1. JoMIClfl 4, R••••rn 1. 811.,..n 1. B h In OIK.ut -1. C•l'l•ll• IF 11. l<Olnino S.. Cle,,..l'lte-Herm•n 1. Dao yers t rew 26 1F11. ,.,,., l'l. 0 111•<•: "'°· Ha1n1mo : i.uu1on vl•io.11 ... lD• Mesa's flrsl·round Joss TJ -1. Gltt•n' 1F) 2. ,..,,., 1F11 lunq (fl. Ol•llllce: )1·2. Newpert (111 CU ! f'"lflill to Estancia. The .. FHtnH• F co1ve11e Mustangs are coming off •tT-cM11M1L1s•"'1... ·~~~~~\k••> ~ 1~~>TT::; .. •• an easy 76-56 win over tOl)-1. Ru.1M11111 2 ........ ua IE> 1 oi_. u i c. (6) o.l'r.: II S M'll S.1,.00IE).Tl-:10... ·.v.&teo....kl llll C. C•)S.Wtlr Magno a . tan 1 er. H0-1.fl:utMlllE )l .HQOPlelEl l. ·!otor lno t ub'' N••PO•I HatDOr- Keitb Josephson and ~11.L~i~f£:-Si.'C•m«90 ILI J. si-...... ,,. Gary Spink each scored WllM IEI. Tl'"': t.0.0. tte1111rt1e . Ne•port M1r1>0" n t I --I. Welu Cll J . "° MtOnd .,.. c1,.SSOlrll 18 in that contest. t111111. T11n1: J:42.1. a.llle11M111111•11•11ou1 Coach Larry Sun· Mlle-1. L~us f£1 1 Ol,.,..,,to tfi•mplt1uri111 IE I t. Fleres CLI. Tl,...; S: IJ.S. ~1'911141, ,.,,.rlboro ll. derman did a fine job 1-m11e-1. Oober 1L1 1. Orle9f (1.1 lfllrll Pl•• with the Mustanos, who >.~1L1. T,,,.., n :J.1.1. UOIM!d!IO.Offnd•I•"' e 110 HH-1, C.rU CLI 1. WUIL-ClotllHletlM didn't have a lettennen ILi J. Are rs tLL Tltne : :ro.i. Ml"'°"' Stt811n.opAm.111 is b k I I l , »DLM-1 81ndolr (El.Tl,,..:Sl.4, Ah· •-•yl-.alfl ac rom as year s ""° r•Wr-1. Loi. A11>19ftt. T•~: Mltrieie Le•y 1oa"•1o111J, KM•• team. He had his team in D • w rl9flt cup1MC11,c...011n To" !Mat•• Mlle ••l•r-1. l°' Ami91>\. no t•-· O.IJ, c..rol ,,,_.llwus CM1rlb0rol. Pen· the race most of the way HJ-I. H-ILi 1. C••rN90 \L i l nw MloOOn tS..nHl9Ql. Dlfth~ c....1,11 until Vlll·a Park and no!Nrd.Hel;M: t-11 . cs..ntl'90l.mvp. "1-1. ai ....... {El r. Arer1o !LI Pro Basketball '6ttMMI .. t.ltMMM ,_,_IMIM c...,,.111\d 10., W••"!nv1ort ·~ Nitw0rMem 1U,Porllen.cl 101 Geklllf'I MeW 10., Allen!• IOJ 'Hlo'fM:"'4. LJ-1, Flote\ CLI 1, L.-al"d !El J wn111ms rt.>. 0 1s1e1><• 11.7. !oP-1. !>Dul• ILi 1, va1oque4 CLl J Manion !El. O"l•n<•: ta.31... DIKu•-1 M("l0" !E l J, l(lrl!J.,.., Ill J. Ml CL) Ol1len<e : 94·7~, Prollockey <ftlli.e..l Heck•J Le.11• f'911"""1Phl• t. lluflelo t U le 1 Mol'lt .. ai •. Kanwot C!JI~ l llJOl 'IEl.l{T' !1.ENOED CANACllN ,,,_ Ill PR:XJI: lt.fla!TEO 9'e 197< HEUIUJH.1..C . HART FOA!l. CONN . j. I r -, .. , . Friday. February 21 , 1975 OAILYPILOT Bl For Orange Coast Area· Basketball Summaries • • JU..lor Varsity ·~A"'at (II) (7J)Malw0.. Lok•r C41 F 0 11a.Ln1r Olln U ) F Ct) J(eft'Wlke 0.Mlll!Ol C (f )UekM J , LAtko (1) G (ISl Du.rte •!>. LHko CJ) G \4) 8Nllll6\ Miller Dll Korl119 wbll: 8u\W1 •· H•rei 1, O.•n 4. Hel!Umt: M.11er Dtl, '2·21. 0-. Hiii• i•) t•I,........ Ylale Ande•MIA (21 F • Ill ll:Hlem Yocuml2) F IJIArbcMH' FeMlltr IOI C II)~ ICl'09ha l2) G IUl'loUM S..C.kt.11 IOJ G (•I R-llo MIUIOtl \fltjo KO<"lng .wo: .kltlnson '-H•tfU .... : Ml11lotlVlejo, 12"". L.e1 Al•mlle1 I ~) 1711 Mtrt .... MQn190,...rr ( lt l F ! Ill i(.ol'll'"" O..pman (Ol F {ISl W•rrffl Bae aerie C19) -C C?O) lk/Nt• lk~e• ISi G (t i ~wMIM K1•v•l I ~! G (OI WOlte S<orino •utl~; M•"n.1-SPo'O. •. S...kbtll '· HOtlrl\11 2. LO\ Alemlta.- Hilcl'IC.oclo.•, Hatllr 2. Mur•lt 3. H•lllime, M.1rln11, ~S.?9. Cftt.I Mew IUI tMI ,.,,. .... t,, Wl tl~l lOI , l'))Hl'11illli.11 Oy,11rl 031 F l2) Hort Kile~ !81 C (t ) (>oooe Voun{l l111 (t c•1 81n~1er Z1miumen ! I I) G (•l Br1!1>1<d !ocorino \ut11: Co~t• ~\11 -KnDf!,6, MYlll9en I, WIUlem\On .. H11J!tlm~: Col11MI••, 33·21. H•llllme: Costa Mila, J3·1 1, Esl•ntia !"4) (It) (CIM V.1n Horn C 16! F (8) Scri1oemar l("""nl.idl(IJ) F (11\~r" ( H•ll !171 C <1l C...rn Confer C IOI & 12) Pn~s Helw.,, (II (t t 1&1 Sl11~..el C<lM 1.torl119 sutlli: A•ln1 I, -rw:• 4,J.,,..IS Heltlime: E ,tant I•. Jl 26. OilR•"ilh C•S I tl SI Mlt1lot1Vle10 C11p0IU I F 11'1) Cun"lnot'1.lm Cul lM<hOI\ (4) F' It) Rev Heon 16) C Ill Ericl i.on AQu1I•• C1! (t 12J Egertlo(NI Se••-001 (t IJl Sc;llilCl.a ~ltlg 1..01o: 0.n• Hllll~W 1. Mlu'IDl'I Vle)o-511•• 8, Relils2. "411h•<T>e : 0.,..• Hlll1. JS-U. Sophot•ore Ml11llfl Viti• <•71 Ull 0-Hllll Slum (IS> F !13l 8r_, 5";ott C 1$) F f1Sl aethk• e.ootll Ill) C 110) T"°""""'°" C.."slCNll ill G (t) StuP(n Spear 11J G 12} 8011 Scorlnv sub~: MV-B•I•, 4, HIWkln\ i, Martln1, Muttmen 1. OH- Mlkiewlc1 4. Hellllme: MlulOflVieJo, 26-21. u,wtal67)1MIS..~ ....,,,.nan (4) F (I) McOoneld Frtler Ill) F ti II Beerll .~111191 C (l!FOf'Tfft.r ·McM~s !J) (t tl7lHIUl1>11• s.trombOlne !U ) G 1111 Fr.,.• Scorln9 s ub\; L8-01wald 4, UCI Golf i rttMttOtl 1, iC-VINldn a, Wt1'ne1 •• Helftl,...,.! l. .. <1M...,, ll-J:t. Hu11U ... 11111Hcltllm)UJ)~M Wlt kUne l•I F 1171 Komlnl<k John.on (II) F (4~ OlmlnHI Pftlolftl 11•1 C C 11) !ok•!I S.erd (10 ) G (I) Le Tirri Cot1lrere1I1(1 G IOI A~lne Scorlnfl 1ub1; HB-S.1e1n1111us n, tApoccl1m.1 lS, P~ltl t, Te,lor J, MUCtle ll 4, AnilMlm-Olrrlnt;,14. H•ltUrne: H .... UIOQ!on &..!\, )9-J4,, Meter Del I'll C•l~..._. Dallon !II F C2l J- Pwrlno 1141 F (4)Mt;~r• (l¥(1.e 12') C 110) N<llfllt VMQUeZ 110) G IOI Miiler Her1n1lt COi G IU WI.Ill Meter Del K Of'inQ IUb; l(.......tl. Hellt1m.11: Melef' Del, 27·14. It-•• (•)I ttOI ce'°"' ..+Mir Ad1m1 Cl! F lt l Ml>r1JI>" CMllllll Ill F I !SI Oostew so.rw:• t•'l t. l6J r..., He1t !lf (. (6) 0.Vo\ l(rofl"leldl (t) & l•l ,_\.CIA S<orl"9 1uo E>l11nt1• sn--n • Haltl!me E>l•n(••. u .1s. &111-1411 !4U We11er11 BrOWfl n u F l!Ol Jo"nwn L•..c:••tHI F uus. ... ilda flllH U ) C (I) PnlllopS /rl\COYirk !II (t (IJ Ev11ns S<tl•...,der 11) G !81 Mtller Edl!O'I 1ocorin<J subs: D11•1>.....oo<1 'I. Bank\ 1. Htrman 1.• Hau1.me Edlson,31·16. ,. ... "°rt (ill Ull Fin. V111t•r 6r'500u1 ne lbl F (1~) ~~"''t.i<I Kev\UI F !8lC.arroll C:..ronomi (~I C t2•! Kr.i..-.ir T1mmon• (1$) C. C6J Wlllr.l,_ Fan'I"' fll (t !•l Roter !oco .. no Sl.<bs: NH -SllV(O\l'I 13. · M.1 ue1 •, Morion 4, Brown 1. FV- M,w•ll • ..... 1111~. Founlitln V•lltW.18-79. El Toto CJf) llll U11lwerlllW M+kt Hiii (U) F (4) l!!YU>Olf Cfle •l11 Cll F !161 Lowery Tolbert ~61 C 121 O'Oon.old NwiroH 1114101 & 16\S..Clr. Trelol4l G IUI A•hne S...01•119 \1.<tl~: Un•v'''''W-11\0ma\ •. Ht1•11<1n l, Helltlme El Toro, 26.·14 <••" ,,.. ... "'' '"' M.ilg"Oll• MOiiie• C2J F Ill Me:~ snow ui F • 1•Jf••"k Pfitil Cl61 C {IS) Ft""'" Me1h10111 G c1nor.,. Helnt lOJ G ' t Jl Fe• tO Costa MIU ~O"AIJ \Utl: C.l lQer( 2. He1111me; COsta """~•. 11.11. l't"-Valley Oil CHI Nt•pe., S.l•ltM 118) F l•I Bradburtl C¥r•ll !101 F <O Kev• kr-r tJ~I C (t i Gef'Ol'llrni 'Nltkl,.,._ 141 G t lJI Tlmmotli R<Dfer 1•1 (t 111 F-ler S<.Ot'IA9 i\lbt; fOll'All.tft Vlli.y- ~r .. ruM •• H••UI 4 . Ne.~rt HerbOr-Br .. " 2, !ot•¥e(o¥• 11, ,. ... ., .. _,..., '· H.11tt1mot : Fowital11 Velley, J&.2'. Fre•h11tan U19u"• UJI (YI S...°"'*'t• "'""'91'i1 001 F !J.4l Olk O'Hara !31 f (lll l;M"\Oft Mllie• llSJ C l•ISWphffls GoM91 lt l G "' GedrlOY Rlctwl"dwn /161 G Il l Elh1 ScOf'lnt;\ i.UM: L&-Houb 1. SC- H11mmond2, Ou••ll 2. H.illlme: L•Quna a..1e11, u.21. HUlllhMJtM 1751 (4) ............. Glttord !IS) F (J)H<!J!111rl S.IUtl 111 F II I Wiison 8""1 H•I C 111 Robert.\ C-IJIJ G UJ 8utfey Humpnrew l•I G 0 0 C-r Ht1nlln9lo" B•itch 1coriAQ su~: knlglll S, (t,(Qtr '· B•evenclar ?, lowt1Mnd 2,Smll112. Halttlm<t : Huntington 61acll. 41·16. MhWM Viti• (4Jl l44llo(lltc.i.-le l(r ... n!r Ill F 110) Olk L.eoMrd C7) f' 181 El!os SO.l•r (IJ) c. 1•1.Stfl'PN:'A\ 8r11wle1 {t) (t CIO) c.,.,,,.,· Z•lln (IOI G Ill Otlvell Scori1>g \Ub~: MY-C"""""'AQ I, Deca1•l 1. SC-Roundtr1e •, McKe!µ'.te 1. Hairtlme: 21·21. l!ITore (M) CMJ UN-..ltr Holm11 C10l F tltl Kube~ Lombardi lll F iSl O.vll Slreu$helm tll) C 1111 Elh' Geor~ I 10) & 141 8a91er Kr•intl2l G 111 R<>Oer§ Unlwnltr s.corino 9Ull!i: lioop9r 1, ·Swim Stars Clash The Orange County Swim champions hips are slate d for Saturday at Foothill High School where the perennial champions'()f coach Tom DeLone await. include Foothill's double. of Bruce Furniss and Peter Spurzem. Area standouts expect. ed to compete are Corona del Mar's Mike Palmer and Fountain Valley's Bill Babashoff among· .others. IOtU.l IQll 1 ' H<11tU,....: U11!v••lllr,Jl.t7. Ml""9 Vltjt IUI t•I 0-Hiiis kr ... ,.r 1161 " tlJ) Chr11ten- S.ler I UI F C11!~5 ltr•wtey Il l C 111 ~ Curnml"9 t I I ) G (ll) Mllll<lwlu: Dlceul (10) G c•I TflDl'l'!IOft l!'iltlOll Vie Jo KDl'l"fil wti: L'°""'O •• Hell11rn.: Ml11klnV1elo. l 1·l4 ltt.l11<lalUJ l1t1Vill•,.•l'll Jard!-(131 f t•IHaft tooper CO> F Ct\Pal'llw• Pl'lce Cll c lt l Smith CMrldo Cll G (4) ,.,._ c;..rllcll (l) C. Ul fl.llln 5'.orlngMlbs: E\t•n<•ll-RMKll 1. M.11111,,..· E11.1ncl1, 13 1 Hewpert tM I llO) Ill". v11111r Serr !21 F ill "'-!ck ~tekOI !91 r tt l 11or .. 1""'v Sm<'tl IUI C 42() HOlmK s .. aer uu C. (2) Simon ven<11 k u l G t6> si.1i.t1 !ocor1nQ \\,<ti\: NH-P•Qul"n '· Mlre~l(ll S, lo\tlnhell 2 FV-E"'°"llO •. K11ulm•n « Rell! l. Socio.men J, Totlo•S2 Hlllltlme: FOU<lllil" \l•lley, JI>.!/. Colli! MIPM IMI ll11 Milt"""• Ev•n1lltl F l91C•rnonl 81,llll 1111 F (•) He<•1 ... I lnQ.11\t:IH 11! C I IOI Coclo. Wll ll"'lllWm (I) G l 4J McNam.11 .. Ba.,.rme111er Ill C 141 St•lckl11nd Coll• ""-'' lcorlno •utl5 S•ttns 4, Crlbll\ 7, Wllll•m~ l, O'Ne•! I Hallllme: CO'Sle Mt1•,ll 14 •11a11tl1 l>ll {Ill C•ron•MI Mir Roncll (t i f !I) H<\CA<oc• C1mp ll lf F !910..t,IOO<I 'Prlce !111 C !11R••n~ C.trfdO !t) (.;. CIJ\ fl1n"on C Garll<ll 1141 G !101 E\po,llo ::.<or- iftQ\Utll; &.st~ntl•-J••dln' $. , CdM -Arr•n110-3. Quinn 1 HeUliA"ll : e u antla . .>0.1s. Mlrlfl.1("411411 lo\ Al•m•t"' fin>(.• (.) F It.) Mt•d CllOl)<'niltl Il l F !9) Confon1t Ello.t W \4) c l n Ci>•r 0r1rwm !1 11 (t 110l Mlt1<111• Mlelkt (11) G !10) flaHtr\Y ~rl n• scorino $i.!I,. D.11>"110 t., Bohm 6. Alv•rei 7 H.1lll 1me: Marlna;lQ.J) II•-t7a) CUI We,1.,11 WIUI_,,,, j71 f' -Ill Tl.lmtlltson Gr.aMm Utl . F (I) C.te zi_,_(21 c C•tllracty Gvll lil G CS> HOll"'"J G.wrlly t•I G (41 TekM\efOI Scorl119 wbs: IEdlson-,..i.u.k 11, TuUort 4, JUlllce 2, Pelke a, 'Smlrt 6. C.ld'<Wll+. Pa1Jo .. 2, AU1lt1S0112. H.1lftl.-: •lfflOl'l,JS.., • ."nl". Vi!IMy CW!I Clll Nw,ort '"""""° Miit" !61 F (Jl S.rr h rael•ll.W !I) F !11!S!ekOI HO~sCJt) C (111 ~111 Simon l(U ; • G (Ol Pl.,•l!i Sl'lilW111 C•I G 111 Dllnc:liM Sto•l•o s ub\: 11'.V-To1>l111 7. Espil'\01• •. Rein i k•ulm•"n •, !ok kman J. WelllelOA 1, Gr1enleaf 2. Newport -·P•QUI" 4, M1r1tl•ll 1. ~r11¥lthS. Helttlme: Fo~l•it1 V•ll•r.36-1 7. Amohg the fi eld are five Orange Coast area schools. Swimmers from Corona del Mar, Hunt· ington Beach, Edison. Fountain Valley and Collegiate Basketball · Marina will be in action, wnwett~101, Fordumw Nmv;L&I v ..... n..i.o. .t.1>g. t..owo1a which begins at 9 a .m. ~nc~~fi1:.·~~~l~w5!u.H 7 I 11 Fre1nO!ot.81l.P•clflc 11 w i t h t h e p r e I i m & • Lot1i1ow1Ue&S. Wlctlll• !;t. 76. LOl'Q &ee<ll SI. •1, :S..n Jo:.e St.6.l h ..4-. 0 •111. Cllr IS, \flr9lni11TeUI11 UC·Oevl1 I01. S~islau1o St. SI followed by the c a1 .. · Memp111ss1.u .Tu1u10 PIOpff<:ll,. ... N••·R-7• SPORTS Tennis Results JUPOOR VAJISIT'I' CCIM 1241111 L••IOflil ... a<. '1ntl•l Sn'tOt< !LI otl W11t111 7-S, IO!.l 10 ~ Tnom•~ O •. l<>\1 1<> Jonruon , .•. J;!e•••e• lLI IO~l 0 6, 0·6, O·• Moore tL) lo,11·1 0·•.•·7.0-• F16n• ll) lo~! 1·6, 3·6., l·I . Ooubl•• Maoer-Sner (L) IO\I 10 Ryat1·Sholl' •·6, l·6., 1 .... 1 to Voun11·B•ldlg.e 1-o,0.•. :.Cf\oil·C••'°" IO)t 1·6, 11'1 ; 1·•.1 o. JUNIOll: VARSITY Mitt Ion Viejo lt'l Ill S.1t1Ui M11 S!t1tl•• fludo!pr. \M ) de!. \folr11tll '0. Wrr,\let6-0, Ro>,6·0. Vi>C~le1 IM) won 11·0, 11· 1, 1>-1, dl'L '" I t nont111 o Coll>n\ !Ml -nll-4,6·1,6 I). 1-t-<t !Ml "'on ll·2.6·0, 11·0. Ooubl•• C...iswo•d·G. &r1Hlll1 lMI del. Wt"' l oe!d·A•tllltle t ~6 6·3, 6·0; do.•I. M. HOf>I' r -(tla'""" 6.·2, 11·3. l:lo•l·Funl !Ml _,.6•4,6.·7, •• .... 2. sa.,1.w.(111•1 111 ••••'"* Sine I•' Ce"''~ tSI 11~1 . Lanouont.·•.•·l . Fa11wme.r ISi del. Reltl\leln 7·• .... 1. M11111r IS) !Ml. Mun\et •-1,6·1. LIN! (1.l dll. wi.,1,,,...1 .. 2, ... 2. feer' CS! Otll, Mel,ter •l, 11-2. &own (S) 0.1. Rlddltk 7·6.1•1. ....... Goenl•t·F•!termtl• <SJ d,1. l •f'l9'1.,,.. Mun\H6-0,6·2 Mo ller ·Llnd !SI dtf. RelbSlli"· wne1cii.e1 ... 1 .... 1. WhrtU .. ·W1itein ISi IMf. Mels\er· 6rlMl11M, 2 ... 6-•• v..•s1T'f" · ··-11tl (t) hlllie-MM"' C'J'llOH Ui I ._,I \It ... DHl\llM W ; to 0 . OiGulUo l·•; °"'· £;Ill.on Ml; ~ .. 1. RINll IE ) los' ,.,,won M .... 1, ... 1. P, !ot\>Odlrl (El lost I •.).a, _.. ... 2. ... fl:llbld .... (El lot.I).,, 2 ... , _.. M. ... Pionshipfinals at2 SI. LOU+lll, Herth T•11.St... SM oi.vo Sl. 11, UC·SMt• a..1w• uC•IVlll:SIOEINVITATIOHAL • Dr•k•tO,W.T1x111s1.11 1• GOLF TOU Ill: NAMeNT Wa'111"9l0A ... !o. C.llt.U SI. Mlry'j C.I .... S..n Fr Ml. 83 Pll:OSH·SO .. H AtO.-LIUklCe•tltrW Chll. I ndi vid u al s la ndouts UCLA ff. Wll\11 . S..61 Oolfl ... rlll, i>t>lll lpl 11 E•-(11) 11) hlltMWff. Flr4l d.IY teem sco•t\: 1. UC 1 .... 1..., _ _:_:.:_:::_:.:_:_::.:_:_.::_:..:__:_:.:_ _______________ ;_ ___________________________ _ 291. 2-~n OiegO Stet' JO\; J. UC Slln .-01..,0 end C•I S\el• !Hot1 r.ri~l JOt: S. C..I SI.lie !U>A'il 8•6<111 lOS, •. USIU 3111; 1. UCLA JOI; •. use JID; •. C...I Sl•I• CFutlerlonl 314; 10. R~dl­>16: 11. UC Ri .... rslde JJI; 12. Q I Stell (U>•A"9el•ll llt. UCI lnd1vldu.1l Kore$: Allen Ot'ok•.1 n ; !otebe Stevt AolM•IWf'I 14; ""'rrl Wi\r IS; Tom Ma ritn 76, SllW Ay•n n . SPECIAL PURCHASE WIND SHIRTS R~SllloSIS. HOW OHLY SUNDOWNER Ill OVERALLS •-.. SJ6,tS HOW Y20FF SALE! ...., HigMlt Gr• 7171Aley1 . .... 115 HOW Clloosem.."'--- ROFFE. HEAD. AHIA, MOSSAHT, GERRY AND ALPINE DESIGN!! DEMETRE, MEISTIR. UDO, Sl'OITIFf, IHHSlllUCK. HANGT!H! IECOHTA. SUNDOWNEl, IDfl.WElSS! SKJMA'RT COSTA MESA . 1799 HIWPORT ILVD. Call 642-1335 LOMG IUCH 5332 E. 21"! St. Col 439°7667 • 'If DAILYPILOT I Friday. February 21 . 1975' . w.r.~i-;. Wet*end Calendar ~ . • . I ;.J 4 • J . ~-~ Bogart Serles St~rt~ The recently completed J idwinter Regatta bas brought 1acbtsmen out or their brief hibernation in a big waY. In the Newport Harbor area :atone. this weekend marks the ·start of one major serie!, the -second sailing of another. and onesmallDoat regaua. Voyaa:ers Yacht Club holds the {irst race_of its Humphrey Bogart Serles Saturday and Sunday. This is a new series Wmed-at the highly._active Performance Han- dicap nc'acing Fleet. ·SOUTH SHORE Sailing Ciub sponsors the second race of its Hibachi Series for all classes, and Balboa Yacht ClUb will be host to the Lido-14s in the Dave Ullman Trophy Series. Yachts from all over Southern California will convene at Los Angeles Yacht Club for the start of three major offshore series - the Whitney, Little Whitney and the Harris. ' ' The Whitney Series -tnaugural will be the 68-mile Midwinter Catalina Island race for yachts rated under the lntemation,al Of- fshore Rule (IORJ. The in- dividual race trophy at stake is the Brokaw Perpetual. THE LITl'LE Whitney is for yachts under 30 feet in length rat- BOATIN G ed under the Midget Ocean Rac- ing Fleet rule. and the Harris Series is for Pl IR F . Both the Lit- tle Whitney and the Harris' fleet will sail an identical course from Los Angeles Harbor to Eagle Ro c k and return . The Southern California Yacht- ing Association calendar: Los Angeles-Long Beach LOS ANGELES YACHT CLUB -Catalina Island race. first o( Whitney Series, starts Saturday; ' Eagle Rock race. first of Little Whitney Series (M:ORF>. Satur- ' day; Eagle Rock Race, (lrst ol Harris Series, PHRF, Saturday. Santa Monica Bay PALOS VERDES YACHT CLUB -Washington's Birthday Regatta, keel boat, Saturday. SOUTH COAST CORJNTIDAN YACHT CLUB -lntraclu~ In- vitational, Saturday. · Newport-Balboa SOUTltSHORE SAILING CLUB -Winter Hibachi Series No. 2 all classes, Saturday. VOYAGERS YACHT CLUB - First race Bogart Series, PHRF, Saturday, Sunday. .. . BALBOA YACHT CLUB -Ul- lman Series, Lido-14B, Saturday, Sunday. San Diego OCEANSIDE YACl-IT CLUB -· Shannon Series, PHRF, Satur· day, Sunday. SILVERGATE YACl-IT CLUB -Silvergate Trianglerace, IOR, Sunday; Donaldson Tri,ngle race, MORF, Sunday. SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF YACHT CLUBS -Dix Brow Trophy race, SDHF, Sunday. Northa .alnd Inland SANTA BARBARA YACHT CLUB -Winter Series, All classes, Sunday. PIERPONT BAY YACHT CLUB-Spring Series, Sunday. ·-. . ' • SCHOONER ON DISPLAY e new Down East-38 holds the distinction 9_(being the first schooner evsr displayed at Jll:e Long Beach Sailboat Show. Built of fibelll:lass and other modern materials, the DoWn Easter is a throwback to the days of /;intage wooden vessels. J I • • N1'w Seboone-r · 'Down East.'. ' JI essel Bows ~,. 1hen the talk turns to Bob Poole, presidentaf sct¥><>ners, the average Down East, ~ays tbetdea sailor thinks in terms or of producing classle avintagewoodenvessel . cruising Y'!'Cb.ts I• . It isn't something that modem materials. istlle one would expect to sec result of demaoda Of on exhibit at a modern scores of sailing .-. boatshow. thusiasts who baye. ;rbat concept is become diseocbalded cl1¥Jtged entirely at the with the racing er.. LOng Beach Sailboat and want to devote fa1I Show, al the Long Beach leisure time to cr·ublllfi Arena, where a 38-foot under sail. schooner is proving to be !~tz~~·,...•~·· oq_e of the hits of the C't•astal : 5~b·e Bown E ast-38 Weather · schooner will not be a ivintage wooden craft. The sleek double-sticker is 'the creation or Southern Caiifornia"s newest sailboat-building firm, Down East Yachts, Inc. of Irvine, and will be Uie !first schooner ever exhibited at a boat show. l'lllOAY The Down East-38 SMonol'll9h "91.., schooner is the first to be SKono1ow ,,:u,_. • SATURDAY bu i It of m oder n Fl~'"'Q" s:SD....., materials -fiberglass F"\110... 1:02.,..., S.cOl>dPl•Oh 1;11...., .hull and teak interior -su .. oav with the latest of modern ~;~:::::" 1!;!:::: .deck hardware and s.conori•ot> 1:•pa, 1 SMono low •~Ot..._ diese auxiliary engine. "'·'*'"". ·'5-,.,_ Prices . Effective February -22nd ,.& 23.rd 1975 I ( ' I ~ j . ' • • i ! ' HAVE A COFF EE BREAK r • Special Buy! ~~Q:_~~ ffl 100% Acrylic, Machine · ~ ' Washable. Assorted colors to choose _from. S,M,L . , Reg~.28.99 Car Ramp Sturdy protection under your car. Ideal for the home repairman. 11.00 Reg. 13.88 Men's Work moc toe oxford with oU resistant sole. Leather upper. Browri or black 7·11 , 120. 2~~"z4 · Car Seet trCifT\ infant tq-io,~k1f. Padded plj!ce molded 1,"' 'iitas~c IL •• .I. t " ---"*' . t ' llUEl4A PAIK: Beach al Orangethorpe • 9.P':!n weekday$ 9:30 to 9:30. Sulldaye 1oto6, J OIAHGE:City Of: at Garden Grove Blvd.• Open weekdays 10109. Sondays 10106. ' SANTA AHA: 3900 So. Bristol-No. of So. Coast Plaza• Open weekdays 9'30to9. SaturttaYs 11:30 IQ . ' • • • • t<>;o&. .. Ju, . • ~ ' • • "r-JCPemW~~ ....... 123 45& l89 0 • ---- ~- 1 I • m1 W< I SOI on OP< at Co 1 ed: wi Tu 3 'l'i1 he <.ifl hy wt f.a1 k i. Be ad ' IS . is WC at di ar th Tl it , Ir ' • Arts/Dining Out . Entertainment Friday, February 21, 1975 DAIL V PILOT ('I 17th Cen~ury .France? It's Here • • • I •.. In Moliere's ' Comedy 'Tartuffe' Stories by JACKIE HYftlA N "I'm one of those direct.ors who love actors. I believe actors are magic and can do anything . We're in the business of magic.'' If Robert Bonaventura is right, some or that magic will s parkle on the -stage when "Tartuffe" opens Feb. 22 for a five -week 'run at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa. The 17th century Moliere com· edy, directed by llonavenluru, will be performed at 8 p .m . Tuesdays through Sundays and at 3 p .m . for Sunday matinees. 'l'i ckcts cost S3.25 to $5.25 and can he reserved by callinl-! 646·13fi3 :.ifterlp.m . ··Tartuffe ts the s tory of this hypocrite, religious hypocrite. who almost totally destroys a f.amily. Then by the mercy or the king, the ramily is saved," Bonaventura said. "It's also a love story:· hl' added. lie said he hl•ill'\'l'S the them e 1stimely. ·'It ·s world deception ·rartuffc 1s not what he appears to· the v.1orld. Why is thJJt timely? Look .at our politic.al situation.·· · Bonaventura. who has also directed '"Charl ey's Aunt" and "The Tavern" at South Coast. is 11rtistic a nd repertory director of the Americl.l n Co nservatory Ttieater (ACT l in San F'rl.lncisco. tie's also a college dropout. "There was no sense of life in il," he said or his college drama trainini.: in J->ittshurJ,:h • I He went on at the age or 18 to become production chief at the Pittsburgh Playhouse a nd later joined the ACT, the n head- quartered in Pitts burgh . 1-le's been with the group 10 years. Bo'naveiltufa said directing "Tartuffe'' is quite a change rrom ,;Bam ~.·· which he direct· ed recently in San Francisco .and which was his first play with nude scenes. . Yet he believes the plays, have something invc>plmon. ~. "If the m essage of the play is universal, that's what m akes a p1ay a classic. Everyone can identify with at least one character in 'Tartuffe'." But h e fintls diffei-ences between the characters an(I his directorial approach-, he said. "That's the thing about doing a period piece-you have to create that world. ''Those people wore tight <:lot hes ; they had to sit up straight . Our movements are shaped by the clothes we wear. It's really getting the acto9 to live in that world ," Bonaveqtura said , • Asked if the Yt'Offien ~the 17th century, as Motiere w?Ote them, "''ere significahtly different from women of toda)', he commented, ··1 think p eople h aven't cha nged very 1much. Elmirc (a cbaracter in 'Tartuffe') is very together and ~ knows who she is and we have wom-:n like that today. ''Then we have her s tep· daughter who's been taught she's • helpless a nd we still have people like that running around today." Costumes probably made some differe nc e in how wom en behaved, Bonaventura noted. ·'They had lo move differently. That dress Mimi (who plays Elm ire) h a d on is eight yards around the bottom,'' he said. ..I love working with actresses. They're much more willing to jum-p in and do something without playing safe. They dive right into the pool. "Most men dip their toe in the first day. Sometimes it takes weeks be fore they get wet all over . ··women know that the creative process: is a working process. They try more things:· Bonaventura said. Above, Hal Landon Jr. as Tartuffe makes advances to El mire, played by Mimi Smith. At right, director Robert Bonaventura. D;ooty Pilvt Pl>Olcn bJ Aic ... rd KNtller I • • • In IrVine's 'The Devils,' . At left, Paul Barber tries to exorcise Kitty Felde. Below, director Ashley Carr. -• Whiting's Drama I Of Exorcism j J A strange incident happened in Loudun, France, between the years 1623 and 1634. A group of nuns, claiming to be possessed by horrible devils, ac- cused a priest. a known li bertine named Urbain Grand lcr, of ha\'· ing caused their possession. The story became a book by Aldous Huxley which served as the basis for the play "The Devils" by John Whiting. That play will be presented in the Fine Arts Village The ater <it UC Irvine Fe b. 27 and 28, and ~l arch ). Tickets, whi ch cost $2.50 for adults and SI .50 ror s tudents, arl' available by ca11ing 83.1-6617. The strange incident 111 I.oudun. remote as it seems front conte m porary ure. seems to havt• an attraction (or some actors and directors as It apparently did for Huxley and Whiting. "I kind of feel like I was there. Just kind of a private reeling that Lwas there, 1 know what was go- ing on," said Ashley Carr, dir:ec· tor of the UCI production. ''My idea o( what the devils are is the devH is like the Jrustration of a hum an being. That's what this play is about. suppressing oanal ... desires in human be - ings,'' he said. Carr said he ma,y feel an iden- tification with the story ''because I grew up as a good liltll! Southern Baptist boy and fe lt thi~ oppression 9f me by moralit~ j laws and fell the need to rebel.'' l Carr , as an assistant professori or drama who has been at uc1:: four years. received his master , of fine arts degree rrom YaleJ University and spent six years iru New ''o r k actin g in off.1, Broadway and television before-ii coming to California . Now. as a director, he said his emphasis is-still on the quality of acting r&ther than the spectacle in "The Devils." I "What I'm tryi ng to do is get acting which is as real as possi· ble. 'l'he language is kind of lofty f at tim(:s and I'm trying to 1nake l it really hum311," Carr said. l·le said he believes the play, in , Its exposure of the hysteria and • supposedly false possession of ' the nuns. casts a different light on such popular recent stories as "The Exorcist.·· ..I think a lot of people have kind or m ade a ganle out of the occult a nd I think this play re· veals this. It's not that I dis· believe in a nything like ESP but 11 guess it's like everything else. l i t · s r e a 1 l y been co m ·i mercialited. ··Carr said. The play's cast includes Craig' R. Gardner, Sall y _Branstetter: Linda lttarie Zeutzius. Andrewit Dolan, Henry John Woessner Ill; David Golbeck. Scott Michael1 '-'<.itty Felde. Beth Ann Eroen and Rarbara Whinner y . - .. . .. •• . .. . . .. . . ' , ' Q ' DAILY PILOt' Frid!f. Ftibn.lary21, 1'75 She Creates Her Actors By JAN WORTll 6f • Ollollr,..... SWI Dack In bi1h school, PennyGits ofMissiOo Viejo was too shy to try out for the school play. But that was admen years ago. Now &he. commands a cast of about 200 characten - -.· all products 1f her own lively imagination - ; : ·anrl She admits she's stage-struck for good. : She's a puppeteer. Her characters range t· from Leonard the roller-s kating lion to Pierre • ,the juggler to Raggedy Andy, who inspires the hugs of many little wu.tehers. All the puppets are handmade. Gro\\·n out of her teenage timidity, Mrs. Gili now cntertHins children 'll1ilh ventrilo- quism. hand puppets and marionettes. After five years o( working at it since she first discovered puppeteering. she now ha!! a thriving business. ··~1y sho.,..·s are total fantaS}', ··she said. .. I don 't try lo teach a moral lesson. I don 't have m y puppets act like people. I stick to fan· tasy -to the things ueoplecan'tdo. I want the '· kids who watch to laugh and have fun ." Son1e day, the energetic puppeteer -who , looks a lot like Shari Lewis -would like to 1 work up an adult nightclub act. "We all h;.1ve to have something to escape to," she says. ''ff we don't have fantasy, life is a drag." . After l wo frustrating attempts to set up a permanent puppet theater with her partner in Pasadena, Mrs. Gits sat down and designed a portable puppet stage. Now , s he takes her shows and puppets with ber, •ad has found 'tb1i a more economical and Slttisfying alternaUve. She t.ravela trom Los Angeles to Mission Viejo, mostly on weekends, entertaining ._t Jibrar- les, birthday parties and holiday events. Themes or her six-show repertoire include the circus, around the world , a Mexican fjesta, Christmas, Halloween. and "Mousarella," a new version of Cinderella where all the characters are mice. ' · . ''All my shows ·are. pantomimed to music," Mrs. Gits said. "I've found that since I give most performances to kidS under 10, dialogue loses them." . Mrs. Gits discovered her fascination with puppets yqars ago when she put together a styrofoam ball, a couple of sticks, some glue and old rags and made ~ puppet to sell at a charity rummage ~u1Je. "J guess I liked it so much that I over- priced it. Nobody bought it, and I took it home and started giving litUe puppet .~hows and making more puppets. "I reaUy get attached to them," she said. ''fi.ty kids tease me because sometimes after I make one I carry it around with me for a while like it was a little dog, before I string it.'' It wasn't long after her first' puppet that Mrs. Gils went to the library an<t checked out every book on puppeteering. Then, she dis· covered the Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry, which she says more than. anything else set her on the. road to a new career. • "I don't make my puppets according to the books," s.he says. "Mine are very .l~e. ·He Conducts ·in Many Lands. . -;, .. .. .......... PENNY GITS WITH LEONARD AND PIERRE very simple -almost like modern urt . But what I do works ." ··rt's almost as good as passin g out free or chids on Mother's Day," she said. ··1'here's nothing like a little kid coming up to you aflc1· the show , giving you a big hug, and s<.1yi ng, ·1 wuvyou'.'' In· Las Vegas ' WESTCLIFF MEN 'S HAIR DESIGN NEWPORT'S ONLY St:BlllNG CU1'Tt::RS I W.STCLIFF PLAZA -"'·992S AGAPti ,LA YliltS A COUEG&.AGli GROUP lrom ORLAMDO. FlORIDA presen!Lng A MUSICAL ORAMA FRIDAY MICiHT-f'EI. 21-7:30 PM CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH 190 23rd St., Co1ta Mesa Free Will Oller+ng One admission enli11es you up to fi hou1s ska ling fun. SAN OlfQO JWY ICE CAPADES CHALET COSTA MESA MESA VERDE CENTER HARIOR ILVD. AT AOAMS TEL: 979-8880 CAESARS PALACE -Steve La"·renC'e and ByJACKIEHYl'IAN On March 7 and 8, He said different coun-iversity degree in Eydie Gorme {ends Wednesday I. Johnn y 0tt11•0 •11•"111''1111 Cassuto wilJ conduct in tries have varied ap· Portugal but couldn't do C AMPAGNE SUPPER AND Carson <starts Thursday J .. Conducting has its Irvine. proache s to music, soinmusic. own language. You can On the UCI Symphony although the . m ~sic · · So he 'got his Ph.D. in DESERT IN N -Bobbie Gentry really say what you want Orchestra program are. world has an interns· law •'1..AMINGO -Connie Stevens ART AUCTION without opening your Beethoven's ''Leonore Uonalflavoraswell. · 0 l N J " N d r· d "I pt'cked law beca"•e .FRONTIER -Robert Goulet ·. Nipsey ltus::.cll mouth. After all, that's v er u re o. , " owa sys you in as ..., w h 8 t y 0 'U d 0 i n Stravinsky's "Symphony many Japanese mu!!i· it was interesting. I liked LAS VEGAS HILTON -Liberace performance." . o( Psalms," and Cesar cians· in orchestras in the kind of mental train· 1'IGM G 'D • Alvaro Cassuto should Franck:s "Symphony in Germany as you find ing it gave," Cassuto ex-RA/Iii -Sergio Franchi Dali. Picasso. Miro. Tomao. -~ow. Jn January he con· DMinor." . Germans in British Or· plained. RIVIERA :.... Petula Clark; Stylistics iducted orchestras in . The concert will be at8 American ones There is fie said it doesn·t help, SAJfARA -Buddy Hackett (ends Wedn e:,- :rerusalem and I .. isbon. p.m . intheUCl Fine Arts alotofexchange. much with bis music. "l day) Jerry Lewis, !\'lei Torme (starls 1'hurs· Kvller. Amen. Bragg. and many. n1any others P1ovided by fHE COLLIER Af~r CORPORATION OF LOS ANGELES A superb work ot art will be awarded ! :I'his. spring he wi ll con-VillageT~eate~. "I do think the human can work out my con-day) , )Juel in Prague, Berlin, ,The pn~vez:1>1ty Chorus approach to the tracts and things like ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::'~! •'1russels and again will sing with the or-performance of music is t.hat but that'S about,-;j..isbon., • ' chestrain ''Symphony of different in different all." as a door pnze FRIDAY. MARCH 7. 7 975 BALBOA PAVILION : .. Psalms.'' The chorus countries German or- .IRVINE'S CASSUTO muriel stevens lakes the mystery out ol mouss'es, the sighs out of souffles, the doldrums out of dinner. .. whaf's her secret? .,she cooks with love. ·11e muriel · Stevens show· ~through Fn 6 to $:30p.m T .. &Thurs 10 ID 10:3011.m. ci_•.•-•":e also will give a separate chestras are very hard performance tonight a;id working .. French or- Saturday, 8 p .m ., in the chestras jus t hate re- Fine Arts Concert Hall. hearsals. They like to Cassuto has conducted improvise,·' C assuto in Irvine s ince Sep-said . tember. The Portuguese-There is a difference in born conductor, who the way musicians are speaks s ix languages trained in different coun- fluently , said he plans to tries also. Cassuto said makes this country h.is Americans tend to have headquarters. more generalized train- .. I think that there is ing in humanities and an overall mentality in other fields while Euro- the United States of. peans concentrate more. hard work and high stan-on performance. dards among pro -"lfyouwerenviolinist fessional musicians. I you would do almost. made my base in the nothing else . but study United St~tes because I the violin (in Europe)."· think the approach to hesaid. music in this country is The situation created a extremely serious," problem for 'cassuto. . Cassutosaid. who wanted to get a un- !' His legal knov.•ledge did win him the position of chairman of the board of the musicians union in Portugal, however. Cassuto explained why he chose works by well- known composers for his Irvine program. "There is much less audience for modern music than for older music. On the other hand, time has separat· ed the.good .from the bad in classjcal music. ••All the other com- posers who Ji ved in Beethoven's time and Prev1e ~v and Cockt111/s 6·30 Supper 7·30 Avct1on 8 30 PRICE S10 00 Per Person 1 Acsor11.11.011~ 11n1.1Pd 10 .?Jtli An At1C/•Ofl ! )r.n'Ol' (.-.-i,15f Un•/<!f«ll1 Un<1l<''-~.H· .I rrou•rn 12:;,':} V•CIOrr,l S/tf't.11 Ca:.1.1 Mesi'! C.111/oro•.-J .:126.'o FOT Furt11er rnlorrn.1t1on c.111 were bad, they got 539-3596 o' 5 49-9619 I os t ... The a ud i en ce is ~:::=::::::.:::::::::::::=::::~::.:::.::::::::::.~::::::::.:....J!====================,,!_ faced very often with bad cont.e m porary music," Cassuto said . T NEWPORT MARINE SUPPLY CO. After-The-Fire DRANO RE-OPENllO / ~ -Radio Telephone Demonstration· here tomorrow from 10 a.m. Free 1omorrow1 Come early, reg ister Jor drawing PAC E 133 Ci tizens Band 2-way 1"0010 23 channe ls, Class B. 27 n1h band You need not be present for drawing No purchase obligZ't1on Technical demonstration of the fantastic 6 channel plus weather Pace 25 watt VHF Marine Radiotelephone from 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Pace -world's largEisl C.B. menufaclurer tells alll You·,e invited. DOOR PRIZES Co me visit th is weekend. Sig n up for our weekly drawing for valuablb merchandise cerHlicates and special gift!!. You'll discover we're still the Wes rs most complete Marine state. Ever~thing from navigational charts to TopSlder shoes. Thousand!! of Marine neces!!illes · for llttlng~ut, maintenance. repair and for fu n! NEW LOCATION , NEW SUN. HOURS • Look ror u\ ac'roa!! the street from !he Balboa Bay Club In the form et Johnson Motors buildlnq. Con\len_lont off-slreet parking pills longer Sunday store hours for you r Shopplngflea'tJre: 9 a.m. 10 5 p.m. See you! 1rine Supp/q Ca. llbo W'oal ¢0011 Highway oppc11lo Balboa Bay Club. ore Hours: Dally and Saturday 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to 5 WPort Beach Tele phone: 64&-1711 ' l p ~ d L F <l I II c p 'I 1 1. t I t I I C c c c c '.C ; .. • c -. ' l i • . , Friday, February21 , 1975 ,1 OAILY PIL'OT C3 Tonight: odeo,.Rock and Moza11: • Times/ Places TONIGHT. FEB. u VCl CllOllUS -Works by contemporary com- ~scrs. 8 p.m. tonight and Saturday, UC lr-\'iO Fine Arts Conct!rl Hall. $2.50 adults, $1.50 stu- dents l~l'fTL~ }tURDERS -UCJ students in Jules Fc1ffcr s black comedy. 8 p.m. tonight and Salli"~ day tn the l~itUc1'hcater, 161 llumanities Hall. f5 cents. I 1 I • . I I IUGll SCHOOL SINGERS -Newport HarD<t Girls Choruis, the Chorale and the Chantelles.i; p .m . Newport liarbor High School auditorium. [ 'l 'l1e• Blub? These !ilrange shi:ipcs arc actua!Iy1 pl<Jnt parts J>hotographed by David S:;harf through an e lectron microscope. Th6· arc part of Scharf's shov.'. "A Closer Loci." at the Cali fornia StCtte Mu::;eum of Stience and Industry in L.os Angeles. SatJrday through AJlril 20 . ,.-------------' SOC OFF ~ AMY DOZEM PURCHA~E · I I -Wltt.Thi•C~- Offf'r Good Wltil htwuary 21, I 97S ! ~=-:~:!~~~~~:.+.: TEMPLE GARDENS _ Q-JIWS~ Re1laura11I RICKS HA COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~-'~~ f i•a lul'in;:: Exotu· ·r1'f>p~c.il J 1ri11ks lunc.heon l Oinnor D•i 1100 ADAMS l.t H.W I COSTA MESA 540-1'37 540· 2l AM. 11 .... Gr•we 11'201 llOO•HURST IAt ~I 611·7020 n--eno'B ~ 24·hour Restaurant and Lounge Mcfadden Offr1mp, Newport FreewOJy 1714) 547·255:i' NEW YORK STEAK U.S. Choice Beef (never, never marinated or tender.zed!) $5.95 Topped with Onion Rings Choice of home-kitchen soup or crisp green salad, selection of dressings Choice of Pot3to Vegetable, bread and butter Bring the family and business associates to a beautiful. round-the-clock restaurant with a menu that's the wonder of the restaurant world! Relax in this lovely atmosphere at AFFORDABLE prices ~ . ~e.rto'B !714) 547-2553 {McFADDEN OFFRAMP TUSTIN NEWPORT FREEWAYI DIRECTIONS: l Going South, Keno's is at the tip of :toor bumpe1I Going North. t1ke fir1t lef,t 1t off r1mp, to McF1dden;1 Mtft 991ln cro" the Frnw1v btldge, look for Keno'1 ~ , . Jlgrt on your r1~ht. * c1¥11 orumbllng ••• , Gloomy Gue t . In the I ANTIQUES SHOW AND ~E -Through Sun- day at the Santa Mortlca Civic Auditoriunl. Hour1:·1to10p.m. $2.SO. LAGUNA BEACH WINTER FESTIVAL - Includes parade, film festival, arts and crafts fair. Two more weeks. Schedule available from 494·1018. THE RAINMJ\KER ~ Edison High SchOQI in Costa Mesa, stt.tdenl production. 8 p.m. tonight und Saturday ln student theater, 21400 Magnolia. l-luntington Beach. $1.50adults, $1students. MUSJCALE -Songs from Mozart lo Menotti sung by tttary Schirer, Melissa Tenille and Jubilant Sykes. Sponsored by Musical Arts Club. 7:30 p.m. in private home, 2440 Riverside Dr., Santa Ana. Free. ' UNDER PAPA'S PJCTURE -Comcdy at Sebas- tian's \Vest Dinner Playhouse, 140 Avenida Pico, San Clemente. Various times. Reservations 492-9950. ROCK MUSIC -Bo Donaldson and the flaywoods, who recorded "Bill y. Don 'l Be a 1-lero." Tonight a nd Saturday, 6, 8 and 10 p .m . Sunday 3, 5 a nd 7 p.m . Al Knoll's lierry 1'.,arm , 8039 Beach HI Yd, Buena Park. INDIAN SHOW -American Indian and Wei:;tern Relic Show and Pow Wow, tonight through Sun- day at Great Western Exhibit Center, 2120 S. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles. near the Civic Center. . . GOLDEN STATE RODf:O -8 p.m . tonight and Saturday, 6 p.m . Sunday at the San Diego Sports Arena. Information (714) 224-4 176. $3.50 to SS.SO. SATURDAY, t~EB. 2Z I TARTUFFE-fttoliere1s classic comedy, tonight through March 30, South Coast Repertory Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd, Costa ~1esa . 8 p.m . 1'uesday through Sunday, matinees 3 p.m. Sun· day. Information 646·1363. $3.25 to $5.25. G ILB E RT AND SULl,IVAN ._ Musical highlights by Opera A La Carte. 8 p.m., Golden West College Center. 15744 Golden West SL .. Hun· tingto n Jlc<ich. $2 adults. $1 stude nts, senior citizens with Gold Key eard. and children. LOS ANGELES PIULllAR~tONIC -Sponsored by Orange County Philharmonic Society, 8:30 p .m ., Cook Auditorium, Anaheim High School, 811 W. Lincoln Ave. Featuring Alan de Veritch, Yiola soloist. Information 646·641 l . D.o\NCE CONCERT Ririe-\Voodbury Dance Company, 8 p.m. <.1t Chapman College, 333 N. ··Y Featunng ,,,._,. I MT ERMA TIOHAL STEWS .. · sours SALADS SANDWICHES & OTHER SPECIAL TIES NOW! A WINE FESTIVAL A Carafe for $1 55 with Dinner MESA VllDl CENTER, COSTA MESA ADAMS AT HAllOI ,79-1171 MEADOWLARK COUNTRY CLUB Entertainment While You Dine in the LARK ROOM LOUNGE - SHANNA THE SHE-WOLF AMDCOMPAMY Wed. lhrv Sat. 8:30 p.m. to I :JO a.m. Su•day 7 to 11 p.m. Banquet Facilities ul) to 450 People 16712 GRAHAM AYEHUllAt w ..... 1 HUH11MGTOH IUCHl714114~1I16 12tll 5f2·19S4 EARLY DINNER MENU S°"od 4 to 7 p.m. !Saturday 5 lo 7 p.m.I All entrees i nclude soup or tossed green salad, beverage and our famous gar11c cheese toast. SPAGHlnt 1w1r1> ""'"' ""''' •••••••••••••••••••••••• SJ.75 RAVIOLI (~tul!•n11 ot A•c-:.n, •...•..•.•••••••••. • ..•••• J .95 MEIZO MIZZO (K>••11"""' ,,, 1 "'" '" ••••.••••• • ••••••• Z.95 IAKED LASAGNA lw•1" ~··0~1,.,,1,, ••••••••• •· •••.••••• l .25 FILU OF SOLE 1A1mon<11n11 w•I" ~-1.!'>lol·.1 •••••• • ••••••• l .10 DIET SPECIAL !Broolod oro""" t-11 •••..•.•......••..•• l .75 CA.IHI PAIMAGIAHA 1 .... 1~ ,,,.igi. .. 111 •••••••••• , ••••• l.95 ROAST SIRLOIN OF IEEF w.'" >l>t<l"<'"" •...•••..••••• l.tS IROCHITil OF lllF TO.IV AKI (n•onoena-""'" ........ ···•···• 4.15 TOP ~RLOIH STIAK 1 .... 1h -1au.•' .................• 4.,5 CHILDREN'S ,LATE A•viall. •1MG1,.t1• ~ AIRP'OR1 O•rtiv 8Uf0"' ..., °'°""""' S!""· •••..•. • 2 .2 5 DAILY DOU I LE 11:00 A.M. lo 7:00 P.M. DANCING & . ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Glassell St., Orange. lt1emoril:\l Hall Auditorium. $2 adults, $1 students, chjldren free. SWEET ADELINE SHOW -Mission Viejo Chapter of Sweet Adelines. 6 and 8 :30 p.m., El 1'oro High School Auditorium, Information 586-2887 or 837-0737. BAND CONCERT -All District Honor Band Concert, 8 p.m . in Orange Coast College Auditorium. Z101 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. $1. SUNDAV, FEB. %3 SPEED SKA11NG -California State Speed Skati~g Championships. 6 p.m ., Glacier falls Ice Arena, 211 W. Kate Il a Ave .• Anaheim. $1.50. CllOJR c ·oNCERT -Sacred and secular s pirituals by the Costa ft1esa High School Concert Choir, featurin~ Dr. Jester Hairston, composer· arranger. 7 p.m. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, 16th St. and Dover Dr., Newport Beach. ·t-·ree, donatioru; accc1>ted. DRAMATIC PRESENTATION Works by [.angston 1-lughes, acted by Donald Johnson, directed by Henry J . Woessner Ill. UC lrvine School of f."'inc Arts Little Theater, 161 l·lumanities l·lall , 8 p.m. TUESDAY, FEB. 25 QUARTETTO CAECILIA DI ROMA -Present· ed by the Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society . 8 :30 p .m., Laguna Beach High School Auditorium, 625 Park Ave. $5 adults, $3 students . lnfonnation 499-3106or 545-7535. THURSDAY, FEB. 27 I ' -~ TllE DEVll..S -Drama of possessioh. 8 p.m .. UCI F'ine Arts Village Theater, through Satur- day. $2.50 adults. SI.SO s tudents. Information 833·6617. FLUTE CONCERT -Tim Wiscberg, 8 :30 p.m . in the Orange Coast College Auditorium. $3 .75 adults, $3 students. SYMPllONY CONCERT -Orange County )'outh Syn1phony Orchestra, 7:30 p.m . at the Garden Grove l·ligh School Auditorium. With the Brass <.1nd Percussion Ensemble and the Orange Countv l·lonor Choir. $1.50 adults, 50 cents stu· dents." Information 535·3863 or 838·2988. t"RIDA Y, FEB. 28 llOOK SALE -4,000 surplus books from UCI library. IO a .m . to 4 p.m. on terrace adjacent lo main entrance of library. ·I' .. , See Our I EN TREES I Newly Installed I' '' l"tl..do• ~liromp •<><l •o'I. doM <liowde< "'l"rl '"" ~al•·• ,,.,,,,,., "' "" 11'"''" 1·0•0•0•, SEA LIFE lj Ofld ... ,.,, lOU,FflllrtT•o u '5.45 11 I. r..o" o! ~ol• 1..,..,,1, EXHIBIT AIA\ONI Mo~!ro•, 17.75 D•l"<•Ou• ond '"" ..... ' I COOU•Ufl ~, JACOU!l P 'liA. !. ollt<p• en ·.h~ll " '5.25 ~ '"''"'"'"' •<1•1'9'" *': llOt"fllf •'•I••• 'I 11 •• 11 ........ ~ .. """' \/.' 7/.'"? , I I 'I''"-' f'"'I r· • ,., . " ;1 '8.95 ' ~"fr~·•· r' t , f•oliC Soll Wolel l1v1t19 rl Creolvres In Th e•t •• I• ~' > ' • Gle1morovs f nv1ron ment. Bring The Children <lOSIO Mondays ~lort•en11 A tribut~ to s ile nt film actors will be among t.hc panlomincs J\ilarccl Marce~u (,shown h e r e in double expos ltrc) will perform cluring his three-week run at the Shubert Theater in Century City. l-lc will be onslage 1'ucsday through ft1arch 16. t ~ < BoatSlwws SAILBOAT SllOW -1'hrough Sunday. L.ong Beach arena. 300 E. Ocean Blvd. Hours : 5to ll p .m . tonight ; noon toll p .m . Saturday, noon lo 7p.m . Sunday. Adrnission $2. NEW PO\\'ER BOATS -Balboa Marina, 2751 W. Coast Jl ighway. Newport Beach. Ton1~ht through Sunday, 9 3.m. to dusk. F'ree. WESTERN NATIONAL BOAT SHOW - Anaheim Convention Center. March 1 through March 9. South Exhibition 1-lall. S2 adults, $1 children, under six years old admitted free. IJn1's bJc~. A hit m his January ma1nl~nd debut Tani's rich bari· tone ~nd s!age peisonah ty have 111~de tum an mstar1t Soulhern California success ~nrl the Tarn Revue 1he be$! show 1n :nwn Two shew~ i11rh tly. 7 30 and 10 00. f1!st sho'l'I' 1s a dinner show Reserva11ons (7 14) 53!·12J2. ~!!I,_, !!I l-l!!W!!TT J'~l~"~!!i~" n~~m 226 S Harbor Alvd Sant:i Ana, Cal1!orn1a 9210.t Appeanno N1qh!l y (r x<1•p1 ~1 ond.1y\ 1n 1t1c EAST-WEST LOUNGE Tommy Song Trio and lussi 9 00 pm l\l 1 30am If II floats, chances are you 'll read about II • in the DAILY PILOT ED RYAN & ROSEMARY CARUSO -TUESD.t.YTHRU SATURDAY-9:00 P.M.-2:00 .t..M. .(M ·gger Room-KONA LANES 269'1 HARBOR, cosrA MESA s.s.111~ . • •• • .· • --•• ' • I I I ' I I • ~· f I ' , ' • • • » .. .(:I o.\11. Y P1LOt Frld.y.FtlbnJary?'I, 1975 • • .. e CreatesHer Actors • By IAN WOllTll Of illlt -· fltltll '°" Back.In bllh sc~ool. Penn1GlbofMis1i0n Vlejo was too shy to try out for the1cbool play. But that was a dozen years ago. Now she. ~. <.'Qmmands a c•st of about 200 characters - ;. all ,produ.cts ·\/ her ~n lively imigination -;! ·aand she11drolts she's stage-struck f« good. l 1 :She's a pupprteer. Her char&C\erS range (: from Leonard th~ roller-skating )ion to Pierre • ',tbejuggler to Raggedy-Al\dy, who inspires the ~ l)Ugs of many little walehers. AU the pu:Opets areh•ndmnde. · Grov.•n out of her teenage timidity. J\lrs. Git.s now entert11ins children with ventrilo· qulsm, hand pup1>ets and marionettes. After five years of working at it since she first discovered puppeteering, she now bas a thriYing bus iness. "My show s are total fantasy," she said. ? ··1 don't try to teach a moral lesson. I don't have m y puppels act like people. I stick to ran- tasy -to the things ne<JPle can'tdo. I wanl the . •. kid& who watch to ldugh and have run." : Some day, the energetic pup~teer -who , looks ' a lot like-Shari Lewis -would like to ).'" work up an adult nightclub act. "We all have to have something lo escape to," she says. ··rr we don't have fanta!y, life is a drag." . .A'fter two rrusU-ating attempts to set up a permanent puppet theater with her partner in P~ade~a. Mrs. Gits sat down and designed a portable puppet stage. · •1 Now : she takes her shows and puppets with her, •nd has rountl: tbait a more economical and satisfying el~aUve. She travels from Los Angeles to MJ11lon Viejo, mostly on weekends, enlerta.inina a.J, Jlbrar- les, birthday parties and holiday events. Themes or her six-show repertoire Include the circus, around the world, a Mexican fiesta, Christmas, Halloween, and "Mousarella," a new version of Cinderella where al1 the character-s are mice. _' · : . "All my s hows are_ o.antomimed to music," Mrs. Gils said. "I've found that 5ince J give most performances tO kidS under 10, dialogue loses them." . Mrs. Cits discovered her rasclaation with puppets years ago when ·she put together a styroroam ball, a couple of sticks, some glue und old rags and made a puppet to sell at a C'harity rummage sale. .. I guess I liked it so.much that I over- priC'ed it. Nobody bought it, and I took it home .and started giving little puppet .,hows and making m ore puppets. ··I really get attached to them,'' she said . ''My kids tease me because sometimes after I make one I carry it ar-ound with me for a while like it was a little dog, before I string it.'' It wasn't long after her first' p_uppet that Mrs. Gits went lo the library an4 checked out every book on puppeteering. Then, she dis- covered the Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry, which she says more than. anything else set her on the road to a new career .. "I don't make my puppets according to the books," she says. "Mine are very.l~se, ·He Conducts ·in Many Lands ByJACKIEHYMAN On March 7 and a,· Hesaiddifferentcoun· iversity degree in °'1"'0.u,,.1i.11tan ·Cassuto will conduct in tries have varied ap· Portugal.but couldn't do ··conducting has i~ Jrvine. proaches to music, ~inmu11c. own language. You cen On the UCI Symphony although th e . music·· So he .got his Ph.D. in really say what you want Orchestra program are. world has an 1nterna-law ·without opening your Beethoven's ''Leonore tional flavor as well. · mo.uth. After .. all. that's Overture No . 3,'' .. Nowadaysyou!indas .ilpickedlawbecause -what yo 'U d 0 in Stravinsky's "Symphony many Japanese musi· it was interesting. J liked ~performance ." ·.of Psalms," and Cesar ciaos in orchestras in the kind of mental train- •. Alvaro Cassuto should Franck.'s "Symphony in Germany as you find ing it gave," Cassuto ex· 1 PENNY GITS ~ITH LEONARD AND PIERRE very simple -alm0$t like modern art. But what I do works.'' "It's alsnoat ·as good as passing out free orchids on Mother's Day," she said. "1'here's nothing like a little kid comin~ up to you afler the show, giving you a big hug. and s<.1yin g-, ·1 wuvyou'." · In Las Vegas CAESARS PALACE -Steve Lav•ren!'e and Eydie Gorme (ends Wednesday>. Johnn y Carson tstarls Thursday 1 DESERT INN -Bobbie Gentry t"LAMINGO -Connie Stevens .FRONTIER -Robert Goulet; Nipsey !tuS!>Cll LAS VEGAS JllL TON -Liberace WESTCLI FF MEN'S HAI~ DESIGN 'Nl!;WPORTSONLY SEBIUNG CU1"1'ERS W STCLIFFPLAZA -646·'92S 4GAPI Pl.AYERS A COLI.EGii-AGE Q.ROUP f<Om ORUMDO, FLORIDA presenting A MUSICAL DR.lM.l FRIDAY MIGHT....f'EB. 21-7:JO PM CENTRAL BIBLE CHURC~ 190 23rd St .. Co1to Me1a One admisllon enlilles you up to 6 hours skallng lun. c $&11DllQO1Wl. ·~ ICE CAPADES CHALET COSTA MESA MESA VERDE CENTER M.lRIO• ILYD . .lT .lD.lMS I TEL: 979-8810 A.MPAGNE SUPPER AND ART AUCTION Dali. Picasso. Miro. Tomao. ' • l\IGM GRASD -Sergio Franchi RIVIERA .:...__ Petula Clark; Stylistics r ~ow.JnJanuarihecon-DMinor.'' . Germans in British or -plained. , ~ucted orchestras in · The concert will be alS American ones. There is. Re said it doesn't help. SAHARA -Buddy Hackett (end3 \'v"edn cs- .: ~erusalem and Lisbon. p.m . in the UCJ Fine Arts a lot of exchange. much with his music. •·1 day J Jerry Lewis, J\.tel 1'orme (starts 1'hurs- Ku/Jer. Amen. Bragg. and many. many othets P1 ov1ded tJy THE COLLIER ART CORPOAAT10N Of LOS A·NGEiES A tiuperb work of art will be awarded I :This spdng he will con-Village Theate~. "J do think the human can work out my con-day J ,. ~uct in Prague, Berlin, _The ~nive~s1ty Chorus approach to the tracts and things like '.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::;::::::::::::::::~ , ~russels and again will sing with the or-performance of music is that but tbat'S about.-~«Jsbon.. ' ' chestrain "Symphony or different in different all." as a door pnze FRIDAY. MARCH 7. 1975 BALBOA PA VIL/ON •r. Psalms." The chorus countries German or- ! also will give a separate chestras are very hard His legal kno\'-·ledge ~ performance tonight and working .. French or· did win him the position Saturday, B p.m ., in the chestras jus t hate r e-or chairman or the board Fine Arts Concert Hall. hearsals. They like io or the musicians union in Cassuto has conducted improvi se,·· Cassuto Portugal, however. in Irvine since Sep-said. Cassuto explained v.'hy tember. The Portuguese-There is a dirrerence in he chose works by well- born conductor, who the way musicians are known composers for hi s speaks six languages trained in dirf erent coun-lrvjne program . fluently, said he plans to tries also. Cassuto said "There is much less makes this country his Americans tend to have audience for modern headquarters. more generalized train-music than for older · •·1 think that there is ing in humanities and music. On the other an overall mentality in other fields while Eur<>-hand, lime has separat- the United States or. peans concentrate more. ed the.good from the bad bard work and high stan-on performance. in classfcal music. dards among pro · "lfyouwereaviolinist ''All the other com- Prev1e~v and Cocktails Supper Auction PRICE $1 0.00 Per Person 1Reserv.11>1111s l•ni rca 10 2001 M.w rrue1v,·:,un cnil<../f .'t1 Art Aocti(ll1 < Jr.~flOf' Ca.ts/ Un•t.1r1.1n LJn.v1v.~.1/1~1 Cn11rc n 1 ?:J'l V1ctona s11 .. v1 Cos1.1 Mesa C,1111orn.,1 ~l26.?ti fessional musicians. I you would do almost posers who lived in made my base in the nothing e lse . but study Beethoven's time and United States because J lhe vi olin (in Europe)," were bad, they got 539-3596 0 , 549-9619 . think the approach to he said. lost ... The audience isl":'.:~~::::'.:::'.~=:::'.~.'.'.'.'.'..:::'.:'.::=~~'.'.'.::::::::'.~J!,I:,,===================~ muriel stevens takes the mystery out of mousses, the sighs out of souflles, the doldrums oul of dinner. .. whafs her secret? ·•he cooks with love. music in this country is The situation created a faced very often with ')e xtremely serious," problem for Cassuto. bad cont·em porary . Cassuto said. who wanted to get a un-. music,'' Cassuto said. NEWPORT MARINE SUPPLY CO. After-The-Fire OllMD RE-OPBllNO / # Radio Telephone Demonstration· here tomorrow from 10 a.m. Free 1omorrow1 Come early. register for drawing: P.ACE 133 Citizens Band 2·way reo10 23 channels, Class B. 27 mh band You need not be present lor drawing No purcha se obl1g~1ion. Technical demonslraUon of the lantastic 6 channel plus weather Pace 25 wait VHF Marine Radiotelephone from 10 a.m. to .C p.m. Pace-world's largest C.B. manufacturer tells ell\ Yo u·re Invited. DOOR PRIZES Come Yll\+lhis weekend. Stgn up for our weekly drawing for valuabfe merchandise certificates end special gitts. You'll discover we're still the West's most complete Marine stdte. Everyth ing from navigetlonal charts to TopSlder shoes. Thousands of Marine necessities • for fittin~ut. malnlenance, repair and for fun! NEW l.DCATION, NEW SUN. HOURS jhe muriel · 1-'11~_..lleVeflSShow • Look for .A-;c;;,., tl'le a1ree1 from the Balboa Bay Club In the formetiJohnson Motors building. Convenient ott-1\reet parking pflte longer Sunday store hOurs for your Shopplnor•~•tir•: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. See you I .......... . ·;-w-I I ·• "-°"""" • I L• .=, ,-~~at 160.1. ~ew~rt ,! .. ~~~~.. i:t:.~I ,.,."'· ~-----------------------------~-J • • UI po l'i de LI 1'1 da ce '•u Gi p.1 ,,. ,, p lt p; lt a l tt R! I C ' ' ~ ............. ~. . , Frid!)', February 21. 1975 DAILY PILOT (:3 Tonight: Rodeo, Rock and Moza1·t • Times/Places TONIGHT, FEii. 21 UCI CttORUS -\Yorks by contemporary com- ~sers. 8 p.m . tonight and Saturday, UC Irvine P'ine Arts Conceit I-la.II. $2.50 udults, $1.50 stu - dents. Ll'M'LE MURDERS UC l students in Jules Feiffer's black comedy. H p.m. tonight and Satur- day in the LiltlcThcuter, 1611-lumanities llall. 75 cents. 1 HIGH "SCHOOL SINGERS -Newporl Harbor Girls Chorus, the Chorale Ctnd the Chanlelles, s J>.m ., Newport HarOOr High School ouditorium. 'l'I•<' Blob? 1 1'hesc strange shapes are uctually plant parts photographed by David Scharf through an electron microscope. The}' arc part of Sch arf's s how. "A Closer Look ." at the California State Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles, Saturday through April 20. ~--------------· I SOc OFF I I AMY DOZEN PURCHASE : ii -Wtftl Thi• c..--I \9 Oft..-Go.-1 ...tii hbr.uary 21. t•7S i MR DONUT 1 135E.17thSt. Costa Mesa I --------------TEMPLE GARDENS ()JINe:S:S Re1faura111 l uncheon & Dinner Deily 1100 ADAMI 1st H.WI COSTA MESA RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE .!ti.. 540·1'37 540·1 92l ~~:~•All-A"4. I• .... Gr-.• l't'U!Ul'in~ Exlllio• 'l'ropiral llrinks 1 ZZOI llOOIHUIST fAt a.,••I 6Jt070ZD n.eno'B ~ 24-hour Restaurant and Lounge McFadden Offr•mp, Newport Freewi!IY (7141 547-2553" NEW YORK STEAK U.S. Choice Beel (never never marinated or tendenzed1 I . . $5.95 Topped with Onion Rings Choice of home--kitchen soup or crisp green salad, selectton of dressings Choice of P.otato Vegetable, bread and butter Bring the family and business associates to a beautiful, round-the-clock restaurant w ith a menu that's the wonder of the restaurant · world! Relax in this lovefl;ra tmosphere at AFFORDABLE prices1 ... (714) 547·2553 lMcfA.OOEN 0.fE.BAMP NEWPORT FREEWAYI DIRECTIONS : • ( ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE -Through Sun· day al the Santa Monica Civic Auditoriuni. I-lours : I to 10 p.m . $2 .50. LAGUNA BEACH WINTER FESTIVAL - Includes parade. film festival, arts and crafts falr. Two more weeks. Schedule-available-from 494-1018. THE RAINMAKER -Edison High School in Costa Mes a, student production. 8 p.m. tonig)lt and Saturday in student lheat.er. 21400 Magnolia. lluntington Beach. $1 .SOadults, $!students. MUSICALE -Songs from Mozart to Menotti s ung by Mary Schirer, ~1elissa Tenille and Jubilant Sykes. Sponsored by Musical Arts Club. 7:30 p.m . in private home, 2440 Rivers ide Dr., Santa Ana. Free. • UNDER PAPA'S PI CTURE -Comedy at5ebas- tian's \Vest Dinner Playhouse, 140 Avenida Pico. San CleJnente. Various times. Reservations 492-9950. ROCK MUSIC -Bo Donaldson and the llaywoods, who recorded "Billy. Don't Be a Hero ." Tonight and Saturd:iy, 6. 8 e:tnd 10 p .m . Sunday 3. 5 and 7 p .m . At Knoll's He rry Farm. 8039 Beu ch Blvd, Buena J>urk . INDlAN SHOW -American Jndian and Western Relic Show and Pow Wow , tonight through Sun- day ut Great Western Exhibit Center, 2120 S . Eastern A vc., Los An geles. near the Civic Center. GOLDEN STATE RODEO -8 p.m . tonight and Saturday, 6 p.m . Sunday at the San Diego Sports Arena_ i nformation <714) 224-4176. $3 .50 to 55.50 . SA TU RDA. Y, 1-'EB. 2:! TAKTUFFE-Moliere's classic comedy, tonight through M <.irch 30, South Coast Re pertory Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd, Costa M es a. 8 p.m. 'I'uesday through Sunday, matinees 3 p.m. Sun- day. Information 646-1363. $3.25 lo $5.25. G ILB EKT AND SUl,J.IVAN -Mus ic.al highlights by Opera A L<.t Carte . 8 p.m .• Golden West College Center, 15744 Golden West St., Hun- tington 13cach. $2 adults, $1 stude nts, senior citizens \\'ilh Gold Key card, and children. LOS ANGELES PIULHAKl\10NIC --Sponsored by Or<.inj!e County Philharmonic Society, 8 :30 p.m .. Cook Auditorium, Anaheim High School, 811 W. Lincoln A\·e. Featuring Alan de Veritch, viola soloist. information 646-64 11 . DANCE CONCERT Hir ie-\Voodbury Dance Company, 8 p.n1 . at Chapman College, 333 N. Th~ Ste \.\.I . ··, Featu,,ng ' " . IHTERHATIOHAL STfWS SOUl'S SAL.ADS SANDWICHES & OTHER SPECIALTIES NOW! A WINE FESTIVAL A Cara le for s 1 55 with Dinner MESA. YElDE CENTER. COSTA MESA A.DA.MS A.T HARllOl ,7,·1171 SH MEADOWLARK COUNTRY CLUB Entertainment While You Dine in the- LARK ROOM LOUNGE - Wed. thn1 Sot. 8:30 p.111. to l :30 0.111. Suoday 7tollp.m. Banquet Facilities up to -450 People 16712 GIA.HAM A.YINUl:IA.tW__.1 HUMT'lt4GTOH II.A.CH 1714114'-1It•11111 St2-l tS4 EARLY DINNER MENU s .... od 4 to 7 p.m. I Saturday 5 lo 7 p.m.I AH entrees in clud o soup or 1ossed green salad, beverage and our famous garlic cheese toast. SPAGHETII (wotn ""'"' • ,,t, .................. ' .•••. S2.75 RAVIOLI !S1u!t•n11 o! R"v", ....•••..••••••••••••.•.•• 2.9S MEZZOMEIZO r""~~·"·"'d ""'·'''' .................. :Z.,5 IAKED LASA.GHA. (•"Tl' Y"!l"'"'"I'' -•.......•.• ' .•••.•• ].25 RLl:T OF SOLE 1.-.1mond•"e ,..,,., "'<>ll'''•'o1"· 1 •.•..•...••••• J.50 ,DIET SPECIAL !B•oil8<111•oi•M i-11 ....•..•.••.•• , ••.•• l.75 CA.IHI PAIMAGIA.HA. 1""'" -.1•.>Ql'• "' .•••.••• , ••••••• l.,5 ROA.ST SllLOIH OF IEEf ..,,,., w!l<ln~11 ................ 3.,5 llOCHEnE Of llEf TUIYAIU (ro1ono and .....,,..t""4~, •.•••.•• • •••••• 4.25 TOP SllLOIH STEA.I( tw1111 'J999'8b+• •••••••••••••••••• 4.tS CHILDIEH'S PLATE R•~. •Pl'll'"'u Oe•t>v a .. .,.., -. '-"°"'"""' s1it.1• •••••••• 2.15 DAILY DOl!ILE _ 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 l'.M. DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Going South, Keno'1 l1 f t !hi tip of,your bumper! Going tJ,e.rth, hike fir1t ltlt et off rim , to McFa~R:~ loft ag•l'l-crost the Freew1Yb'I09e. looKfor K:eno' • 1JI" OQ -voor1'1h. --'...:ir-r. Clvll Qrumbllng ... -= Gloomy Ou• In lhe DAILY PILOI Glassell St .• Orange. Memorla.I Hall Audiloriun1. $2 adults. $1 students1 children free. SWEET ADELINE SHOW -Mission Viejo Chapler of Sweet Adellnes, 6 and 8:30 p.m., El Toro H igh School Auditorium. Information 5116-2887 or 8.17-0737. BAND CONCERT -All District Honor Band Conce rt. 8 p .m . in Orange Coast College Auditorium, 2701 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. $1 . SUNDAY, FEB. 23 SPEED SKATING -California Stale Speed SkatiQ.g Championships. 6 p.m ., Glacier Falls l ee Arena, 211 W. KalellaAve., Anaheim. $1.50. C llOIR CONCERT -Sacred and secular s pirituals by the Costa l\1esa High School Concert Choir, featurinj! Dr. Jester Hairston, composer- a rranger. 7 p.m. Newport llarbor Lutheran Church. 16th St. and Dover Or., Newport Beach. · 1-"'rec, donations accc1>ted . DRAMATIC PRESENTATION Works by l .. angston l·lughes, acted by Donald Johnson, directed by llenry J . Woessner III. UC Irvine School or J.'inc Arts Lilli~ Theater. 161 llum<.inilies l·la ll , 8 p.m . TUESDAY,FEB.%5 QUARTETTO CAECILIA DI ROMA -Present' ed by the Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society. 8 :30 p .m .. J,aguna Beach High School Auditorium. 625 Park Ave. $5 adults, $3 students . Information 491.J-3106 or 545-7535. 1"11URSDA\', FEB. 27 TllE DEVILS Drama of possession. 8 p .m .. UC l Fine Arts Village 11leater, through Satur~ day. S2.50 adults. Sl .50 stude nts. Information 833-6617. FLUTE CONCERT -Tim Wiseberg, 8 :30 p.m. in the Orange Coast College Auditorium. $3 .75 <:idults, $.1 s tude nts. SYMPHONY CONCERT -Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra, 7:30 p.m. al the Garden Grov(! lligh School Auditorium. With the Brass and Percussion Ensemble and the Orange County 1-lonor Choir. $1 .50 adults, 50 cents stu- dents. Info rmation 535-3863 or 838-2988. FRIDAY, FEii. 28 llOOK SALE -4,000 s urplus books from UCI library. 10 a .m. to 4 p.m. on terrace adjacent to 1nain entrance of library. . <·' '" See Our I ' 1· ENTRElS { Newly Installed ' I < '"do<!<-> ~"'""~ 101~,0.r. clu,,, •"aw<Jo<. 101m1 .. , .. ~u•n<t li r<>loro o. "" g•u"" ,, .. ,0,.,~, SEA LIFE Ott(f.i.,.,.,,, ~ou . 11111 "''•llu '5.45 "'" ol ~ol• 10.,,,1, II EXHIBIT AI AtONI. M""'•'"t D•l,.,o,., ""<I tn"""' '1.75 coou1u1, il i •c ou1, I £~~ ~ olk>o1 "" ,.,.11 a '5.25 \I """'"''"'. <t~l·Qlo• 't';, ....... llOCMllll .1.,.,0 ., ~~.II 1.,i. """ "•"' 9·e~·· p., ~~· ~"", 'tl.95 11 ~17"/.'!Vf .... ,, .... ~ ..... ' I " l1t , £ .. our Soll Woler l iving • • Creolvres In Their I• • G/omOl"OtJS fn111ro n-••• ~. t ' menr. Bring The Children ClOSR Monday1 Jh\Ch&r Jnn ·-1 8\-'ffr,frfumi~~ San ck11ie.ntt. -· .1eC.('71<1) 492 • 6571 - !tlort•eo11 A tributt'.'! lo ~ilcnt filn1 ~lctors wi ll be among the panto1nincs Marcel Marceau (shown he re in do uble ex pos ure> will perform during his three-week run at the Shubert 1'heat er in Century C ity. I-le will be onstage Tuesday through I\1.arch 16. BoatSlwws SAILBOAT SllOW -Through Sunday. Long Beach arena. 300 E. Ocean Blvd. Hours~ 5 lo 11 p.m . toni ght; noon to ll p.m . Saturday. noon to 7 µ. m . Sund;.iy. Admission $2. NEW POWER BOATS -Ballx>a Marina. 2751 W. Coast 1-lighway. Newport Beach. Tonight through Sunday, 9 a.m. to dusk. Free. WESTERN N1\TION1\L BOAT SHOW - Arutt(eim Convention Center. March 1 through Marc h 9. South Exhibition Hall . $2 adults, $1 children, under six years old admitted free . rani's bllck. A h1t 1n his January m al!ll~n d debut . Tani's rich ba1i· tone and stage personality have made him an msJant Southern California success arid th.e Tani Revue the best st-ow 111 lnwn Two shows nightly, 7·30 and 10:00 _ r11st show 1s a dinner sh.ow Rese1vat1ons (7 14) SJl-1232. ~!!lf'l!!I 1-fawaTT P~l.9nl!ii:i1n "~~m. 226 S Ha ruor Blvd . Santa An<J , Cal1!orn1a 92i 04 I ' -. . . Appe<Jring N19hlly (r:xcept Monday) 1n the EAST-WEST LOUNGE Tommy Song Trio and lussi 9 00 pm to 1 30 am ll It flaals , chances ara you 'll read about ti '06., ;A t-- IOATlllC In th• DAILY PILOT LMnES 7699 HARBOR, COSTA ME~ 545-1 lll ·' ' • • I • ! • • j I • • l . • •• I • • • I I '·-' •_;. • ~" U QMl..Y!'!.07 Aid!t.'!b!ulr!21,117S . ., ~ -Wi!ining Pace at Derby (. \ ( • ''They're off and nmnin&'' ap. pli• to inore tb•D tbe tu~· orlentfd atmoaphere of the Dwb)' restaurant near Orange. Ooomty Airport. The ,ame could be uld of the entreet m lhe early dinner menu in any race to set -inarlt1 for top-notch food at blrpln prices. By trown1 to tbe Bristol Strfft eotabllsbment betw-tbe bcl!ln ol 4 and;l p.m., Monday tbrougb JrldaY, tbrlft..mlndecl dlnen will ·-increase their aavln11 Jn • •;.. w.itaway. Aod tbe same ts true .., Saturday between hDd 7 p.m:- Early 1tartera wUl fiDd a • choice ot 10 ltem1 oo lhil apeclal ••Seventh Race'',. maw. with aelecllons priced from $2.75 to • M.15. AU are served wltb soupor tossed green aalad, bevetNe and 1be restaurant'• Justly acclaimed ptlic cheeaetoast. ll'a eaay, too, to µ>ake tbe out· Ina a famUy affair, Utanks to Ute cblld'a pla~t tabbed •t $2.25. For younplers Ull'OU8h age 12, II ol- fen an entree choice of ravioli. apa1hettl, l)erby burger or CllOpped ateall1 oerved with !IOllJ> er aalad, tee eream or sherbet. and beverage. Selectlona ~tendinl for mom or dad's nod include lllet of sole almondlne <with vegetable). $3 .50 ; baked lasaana (with. vegetable) $3.25 ; broch.ette Qf beef teriyakl (risotto and vegeta- , bleJ, M.25. Those 10 Inclined can bypass tbeearlJ dinner menu for the re· gular bill of fare but they'd better be prepared for someiencthy de-· liberations. The Derby's stan-· dard offerings all but constitute an encyclopedia of American and continental dis bes. Luer Concert HEADING nine h ouse specialties is one of the continen~ tat delights, fegatini di pollo with Three-dimensional images created by risotto, $3.25. Sean the other laser beams will be f~atured in the choices if you must, but you cer-Laserium,· a laser light concert at Golden talnly '!"On't go wrong with this West College Pavilion Feb. 28 . generous portio'n of chicken Performances will be at 8 and 10 p.m . livers, prepared in a mus hroom ----~~---­and wine sauce, and served en casserole. , 10 Years _of College, ~ ' But don't overdo. You'll want to wrap up your meal with two of 11,,., ..... __ the Derby's greatest offerings. •.c••"f•1--•..,. They are the super-rich but ir-11osea1tkltellaayt. [: SCR Plays· Viewed resistible cheese cake, 8S cents I =;· •;N~ .. ~''";;;;''~14~1.~•,,.~-~~·:.. per slice. and the aromatic and f; flavorsome capuccino, $1 .35. Nightly entertainment a nd dancing, Tuesday through Satur- day, is still another feature of the Derby restaurant, located at 1202 S.E . Bristol, opposite Orange County Airport between Newport Boulevard and Campus Drive. ' . Not only is µus your correspon- dent's loth anniversary as a Dai· \ lY'Pllot drama criUc, but it's also the celebration of the first decade of production for the redoubtable company known as South Coast j Repertory. • From March 1965, tbrol!llb the preseot, SCR i\as given Orange Coast audiences 93 productions, an average of more than nine per season, and the great majority superior in quality. The presence of South Coast Repertory on the JocaJ scene has not only elevated this area's artistic stock but also J1~ has provided inspiration for eol· Je1e and community groups, • • 1.-t • It Ja difficult to select an arbitrary list or SCR's 10 best prodilcUons. The following list, In chronological order, is composed pirtially of personal favorites and parUally or productlms tbat prOved to be most significant in tbecompiany's growth. They are: · • . ''TAaTUFPE,'' dir~cted by .. Martin Benson. ~ , ''otbello, •• David Bmmes. :.i: ·--Caretaker •• "A Street· . ·~ . !· tar Named Desire'' and "Death ··of a Salesman," all directed by •-"'Benson. -· ••Mother Earth ," Ron r:-' Dronson. ~~ ••Pueblo.'' Benson. ~ · • ••aodspell.'' J_ohn-David ' :Keller. .. '"That Championship Season,'' 1• Bmmes. ~ Turning to ihe collegiate .~ll.m;~-~=_: __ lis1Ti_siclitus_'" _ __,J drama scene, there are a half dozen productions that deserve special mention in an end-of-the· decade · review. They represent the best of their breed, ettamples of the high level or quality at- tainable by undergraduate ac- tors. THESE include ''Romeo and Juliet" and "Marathon 33" al Orange Coast College, the form er directed by John Kraczek, the latter by John Ferzacca. At UC Irvine, Clayton Gar- rison's production of ''Marat/Sade'' and Robert Cohen's compelling finale for his Irvine Repertory Theater, "The Rimers of Eldritch" stand at the forefront of some highly im· pressive university attractions. Similarly, Charles Mitchell's staging of ''The Visit" was the most memorable at Golden West College, while special mention must be given William Purkiss' outstanding productioo of "West Side Story" for the Newport· Mesa Workshop. Along with last week's best- remem bered 25 community theater productions, these have been the cream of an abundant crop in living theater over the past 10 years. \ Closed Sundays. CAPTAlN'S DECK A promising new spot bas just opened its doors to the dining public in Laguna Beach. It's the Captain's Deck, located on the top level of the recently completed Village Fair, al 1164 S. Coast Hi~hway. Word has it that Jim Estes is the chef presiding over the restaurant's bill of fare, on which seafood strikes a dominant note. In the early '60s Jim operated his own restaurant -the Chef Estes -in RedllJldO Beach. But even those who will recall it as a -popular gathering place <1.ren 't likely to know the identity of two DAMC-....-..n.YTO'nm ..,...'*""" ToucM• ..__,..ll'flHYAUI Re>&"VO!ion~ (I .7 I 4) 646·5057 5un<lay 8runc:llot..UftC1-oCIOWll Mon. Tells how ~--•_••_•J to plant It or how to fix it Saturdays In the or Jim's employes in Laguna . I .. ~~~~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!! THE FELLOWS were then a r couple of struggling young enter- tainers who devoted all thei r time outside of work to the pursuit of show bus iness careers. Today you might recognize their names too -Tommy and Dick, the Smothers Brothers. cantonese Foad ••t here or take home We hope to get to the new SJ A 6 Laguna restaurant soon to sam- ple Chef Estes' wares. The owner CHINESE CASINO and manager of the Captain's Deek -now open daily for lunch, l 11 21st Pl., Newport S.•ch OR iole 3-9560 dinner and cockt ails-is veteran ·0,. hlr 12 Mlm.~ 10:30--:fri. • W.. 'fl 12:JI. restaurateurGeorgeMamary. 1 .. _________________ _. SPOUTER SALOON ·,~'~ ~~ a1rt!J Announcing : (7/f! .• ·-. . '~--.. :'VI~ ' .. ·· ,J ..... Laf ' ...... ft:' ..... C~on Lido-al WAT •lr'CM t ·e..zoe . . •' ........ ..., .... J:M • ... 9'1-~Y­---~. ""o:... Ii THI SMITH llOTHERSN ,., • .; .. w •• ,. ·-.l:JO,... ... :30- MOHD A Y "'"'THURSOA Y SPECIALS (Friday and Salunlayuntil6 P.M.) dinners include soup or salad, baked potato or rice RED SNAPPER .. . . ............... 2.25 MAHI MAHI .. --..... -....•.. -: ..... 2.45 GRILLED SEA BASS ............. 2.95 ·TOP SIRLOIN ...................... 3.25 ·NEWYORKSTEAK ................ 3.75 LOBSTER TAIL ...... : ..•.......... 4.95 STEAKANDLOBSTER ............ 5.95 LUHCHEOH __ ..,_,,.... m1 E. Coast Hwy.<oaiocW Ma-(714) 675-0'iOO 1me Poc:ffic Cami Hwy.~on Beoch~21 l) s92.1321 Presents TIM MORGON HICJlilly Tlur. lllnl Sal. ".GENO" TMS.& Wed. . KOTO: fTIN)•/MMSrA.111wic41IClti11a1· F.1<ro1'#11"1'blyrlaia11 & Elcetws Di"i"6 ~nicrJ Choose your dining pleasure. Main dining room wilh an int,mation1d menu, Teppan Yaki Room, Su.JU Bar; and cocktail• in r.he Win' C,llar louna:~ AU this in a beautilul setting of a•rd,ns, bonsai t:rtts, running brooks and a lake. 8KOTO TM More Than Jape,nese Restaurant 4300 Yon Karman Avenue, Newoort Be•ch.171"4} 752·1151 Highest Qu(l.lity Native Mexican Foods I I Week Doy\: 11:30 o m. lo 12 prr. Fri. ond Soi. I l:ID om. 10 11·30 ' Open 7 Days ''"'"'°"' VIC GARCIA f <YT'l'lefly or COMO'. s Paloc.e ,.,,,_... Fri. & Sor. Nq.~ · • COCKTAILS THE • · · 641rporter qnn . Wotel P1ouDL Y P1rs1f,jrs .. -· lV DAILY LOG Friday Evening Sing le. Servings . ' COoiilng for ont • CM be tu -., I u l -· ---~-----. • • :MIXID SINGW by W111. F. lroWll CllCI Mtl ¢a1IOll . .• MU6TAi~. C~t.J. f'l(;ttf .ONION, . Lf'l'rLICt, "W.llATO, CO!f SLAW. AND 114~!00"' SAIJCf.WlltH f~Nlf COO.:$ A ~AM6Ul1Gfl.', __ .., lAiil'T ~ . WllO C_.N -r1GTe r~e . IWllllUl17 lf5 OCITA _,'::l;;::>:lS.'--2J6HT. '-'':--1 TUMILEWEEDS A. symbiotic ~ationship (A) Good for . animals: .lS : FIGMENTS .NANCY AUNT FRITZ! DOESN'T LIKE ME 1'0 BLOW 6U90LE5 IN THE !'1..1.. JUST SNEAK A r:EW-·· SHE'LL NEVER KNOW.---'.'.] HOUSE ACllOSS 1 w. a...... ..... . "'" 10Eilllku -: 48 Mul•ol EO..C.llon: ..... 48 LI..+)' -IOF,._ ot•k 63 lnlnor .. 54Lw .. ... d M Pkltoetll 81 JoM ~-:Eng . ..... 112 -- Bracl•Y 93 oro .. • .. _ .. Roof . od .. 05 --·· tit•: Privet• -.. .,_ 87 Sltilllit • DOWN court• 31 Wil\Ol!d 8 Lewy.-: 32 Knl~' Aber. wl'lft 9 lndlan of 33 Brl~ • lndlltll bht • 10 MHll..-y 35 Long CM'\'td .... bono 11 Rtl···· ~Http .., 12 TtJtPenta-40 Fl91hYNd teuefl: Y•. tn.ilt 13 SlngUlar C2 SMutt perlOr'I 4C lrrtt•t• 19 Of gr .. 1 C6 "°"*' lill -···• I 21 Order "47 O!ltl"i!Uf! 1 Yupl•v, 25 RtUeved "49 C';.cmp9111 ... "" tar °"' .nothtr ea M.cbtth. tot" 2 Fl°"*'I 28 Tl'll ''f"' of OM god "FBI"' 51 Am~ 3 Mine: w-27 Hll'd 52 ····e11h fttneh l)ICktd tki blck 4 Dou traH 53 Dull thud l~i-: 28 ·-·· 55 Gem ...... -v BoOlh: 56 ActrtN 2 wotdl Mt!t Mlrll. •••• 5 Fe&hlon.blt ec101' 57 A••erw ...... itylt 29 8! 59 Solution: I Punta affected Abt:lr. -····. Chilo 7 Wat•· by tvtnta ea lntw}tctlorl 30 No!M lot 1llence' by Tom K. Ryan l'M J.EltVING NO Jll~P UNTlJ!t'a:P. ··~ by Tom Batluck (B) Bad.for animals. (C)Frowned upon in many circles . . ' I I I l by Dale Hale b Eniie Bulhmiller I DON'T INTEND TO 5EE AN INNOCENT MAN HAVE A MURDER RAP PINNED ON KINI. 8E8E ! MISS PEACH I I I ! • -. DICK TRACY ~ ----·-·--... -- I -.... ,.~ lo OOOLEY'S WOllD • ' WllL.1., IF HI! 1 l IS .AN •SKIMO. X: 1"HINK CSWINS T><•s• es~ow TM!! '""'ISIOM M16H'I" ea IN OA"'1i'.R GORDO • • • Frld!f.!!bn!!IJ21, >17S -'MW"LL WEOOi' ~ Rodger Jradfield ' I I I ! .. '-"Ir,__, !• . ., ' .. ': •o ... '''".-: j 1.44..,oi;;~ ...... -~·! ~ . MOON MULLINS ··---· ~.---- .-----..... .® ITIS SO 'THEY CAN t>IGEST HAY ~DGR,il.SS .• by Herold Le Doux by MeU. by Chesler Gould. -~tuk. ~11w.i.v IAIYSN•F I OUE$9l. •FOROJP9. HoW MANY HAVE You GOT? - by Ferd Johnson No 1<1DD1N'? l WAS THINKIN; WITH ALL ·.;;,-',,.-, IHATSP,ACE· THE GIRLS. - • l ' , .OSES -Michelangelo's Moses is one of ID s works featured in a photographic a nd rint exhibit at the Cal Slate Long Beach brary . • • ' '1' • t I > ' ' ., . , "~PIER ~ROUP" -This oil painting by Carol Neiman.Margolin is part of' a show ,-:f,y two women artists at the California _i$tate Mu~um of Science and Industry, Los ,;.Aogelei;, r eb. 27 through March 19 " .' EWTY man dreams of haV1ng the "perfect ff \llife The men of Steplord have done something aOOut Jl. something that changes, women into, "The 5tepford w~:· THE STEPFORD WIVES $1.2~ . " .... . SOUTH COAST PLAZA TH~ATRES s.AH DIEGO FWY, AT BRISTOL .... .. • ·- ·Women Artists Shown Galleries/ Exhibits WOMEN ARTISTS -At Golden Wes ,College Community Theater. 15744 Golden West'St .• Hun· Ul'l}ton Beach. Slide show and lecture qn great Women artists. 8 p. m . Wednesda,y. Admission free. ARTWORK BY ED KIENHOLZ ..,. •At •Golden West College Gallery. Hours: 10 a.m , to 4 p.m . Monday through to'riday, 7 to 10 p.m. Wedqesday. ENVIRONMENTAL PHOTOGRAPHS ~ At Nc"·porl School of Photography, 3720 Campus Dr .. Newport Beach. Photos by Ron Leighton und Jim Koc.:h , through March 8. Hours: l to 4 µ.111 . \VcdnesdayandSaturday. LOCAL ARTl~'TS -Al Sequoia Wine Cellars, 3300 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. One day show of coast artists and craftsmen. Sunday. 9:30 a. m . lo 5 p.m. ART AUCTION .....:.At •Saddleback Inn, 1660 E. First St., Santa·A_na. Sponsored by Amigos de Ins Americas, includes lithographs by 1 Dali and Chagall. 6:30p.m. Sunday. Admission $2.50 LITHOGRAPHS BY WALT ER CLEVELAND - At 'J'alisman Prints. 1437 Gfenneyre St .. Laguna Beach. 'fhrough Murch 9. Hours: 11 a .m . to 5 p .m . Wednesday through l\.1onday. WORKS BY JAV D. MCCA FFERTY At Callery ·r J B, 1535 B Monrovia, Newport Beach. Through March 7. I-lou rs : noon to 5 p.m . Wedncs· day through Saturd<ay. WOVEN OBJECfS -Al Cal Stale Fullerton, 800 N. State College. Fullerton. "Off the Loom In · timacy ,'' throu),!h l\-1arch 6. I-lours : noon to 4 p. m. ..,.,cekdays and I to4.p.m. Sundays. DRAWINGS BY CALIFORNIA ARTISTS At TWO GREAT MOVIES! Conlin. Sat. & Sun 2 p.m. Eves: 7 p.m. RICHARD LEE BURTON MARVIN •THE KLANSMAN" ~;N fL tMIN3S "THE MAN WITHTHE ;. GO•DEN ~~ GUN" ol TIUIHUID NINti WllHllNIT! "Great and glorious enter1ainment! Definttely not to.be missed!" · -Aaron Scl'linOltr. Fam1I~ Ct1cle DART: , :J0.3:454:00. 1:15·1 0:30 -l"oflCfl(!f C-,., Nn1 Yo.-A T1111<1s "Movie magic! The most enlertaining evening of Ille year!" -CBS.TV l'MMIJJ! l'l:!IJlS WfaW'OI • .miblll lllH Ml O>t• Pll!.!-lS & DlllR.W..lll ll>WllW.PIUU! .. A64Jllmn1n ~-..0IN111 HIOO They made him a rock star. Then they made him a god. '°"""' MllD ESSEX ADAM FAffii •• LARRY Hf'GMAN "'"m"' RAY CONNOLLY ~.'"'ti.. DA\110 PUTIN A \1 ~<><t ..,i\t-iFORD LIEB£RSON Dl•"ftrt! ~ MJCliAEL APT ED Colum~ f'irh.JK'f/ A DMMon of Ctllumbia Mura ln3usrrilts. lllC. -.. >#"'~ -.. .. IO&IO"..._,.,,.._-C "• ~lfS!lt(l(tOl #jllll'!IOO\ICTOO ,. ..J NOW PLAYING NeY.'Porl t-larbor Art rwtuseum , 2211 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. 1'hrough March 9. I-lours : noon to 4 p.m . Tue:sday through Sunday v,nd 6 to9 p.nl . Fridays. ALL CALI FORNIA PHOTOGRAPHY S HOW - At Laguna Beach ~1useum of Art, 307 Cliff Dr., Laguna Beach. 1'hrough Sunday. !·lours: 11 :30 1:1 .m . to4:30 p.m . daily. ·CRAFTS SA.LE -Al Festival of Arts Grounds, Irvine Bowl Park, Laguna Beach. Laguna Craft Guild anoual show. Through ?\1arch 9. Hours. 1( u.m. to dusk. Admission free. PllOTOGBAPHS OF DESTRt;CTION At Orange Coast College Library, 2701 fo'airvicw Ro<Ad , Costa Mesa. Works by Minor \Vhitc, Ed\vard Weston and others. 1'hrough l\1arch 14. I-lours: 7;30 a.m. to 10 p.m. week~y ~. 10 a .m. to S p.m . we<:kend~. TRIBUTE TO MICHELANGELO 1\l Cal State Long Beach. 61Ql E . 7th St., Long !:leach. Photo· gt·aphs and prints in honor of h.is 500th birtb,day. In the graphics gallery of the library, through !\·larch 15. PRINT EXHIBIT 1\t UC lr\ine l\rl Gullery.· News from all over California Prints f;om the 15th through the 19th centuri~s : Through Mart h 16. Hours: noon to 5rp.m . daily except Monduys and Saturdays. GO YA PRINTS -Al Claremon~ College Galleries Clurcn1ont. \Vorks by Fr:.\nc1sco Goya. at Lang' Gallery (Scripps Co ll ege) and Montgontery Galle ry ( J?omona C?llege) through ~t arch 21 . !·lours: 1 to 5 p.rn. dally, 7 to 9 p.01. · Wednesduys. 1\1.:\JOR co~1·t;~IPOR 1\RY ARTISTS 1\L Glenn Smith Gallery. 2fi0 N~"·1>0rt Center Dr., Ne..,.·por t Beath. ·works by Lichtenstein. Rauschenberg. \\"a rhol and others. Throu_gh ~larch 19. I-lour!>: lO ;.1.m . to 5:30 p.m . ~tonday through Saturd~•Y. ·~ IOATlllC: II it floats, chances are you 'll read aboul It in the DAILY PILOT M(ME RATINOS FOR PMENTB AND YOUNO PEOPl£ is rounded up each day In the DAILY PILOT ~===-""T ll~j@ r11e _ ... ,""""' ,.....,, '',. _,. _._ .... _,_ _ ... ..-"'._.... ... -......... "YOUMG HAM_KEHSTEIM" ly M~ lrooks lf>GI l:OO, l:•\. t:lO "CLAUDINE" •.GO, 1:4l "MURDER OM THE ORIEMT EXPRESS" IPGI "THE STROMGfST MAH IH THE WOILD" "IMCIEDllLE JOUIHEY-IGI • ''THI LOHGIS T Y AJtD" "GOHE WITH THE W1HD" "COHFESSIOHS Of A WIHDOW CLEAHIER"IRI + "CAMDY"IR) "RAPE SQUAD" IRI ·'IHEY CALL HIR OHE EYE" ...... WALT DIS!!,EY . ~. CJLD~, ~Sit ]:45-1:25 1:111. l:ll. l:t O 7:41. ,,,, l 'tC!<ll llDDT \t<OW-\AI,. JUol. "Wl.i.iat ..... ~tac'" ••<I "-·~9-al c-ff 1·10' .? •• c•-.ff 1,4~ "GrOOFY'S Sl'OITACULAR" I :00, l :lll. I.I I. 1:41. t•lO FMlllon I ..... · N•t>Ofl Ctnl&t N-'*t BtKh • ''4-0760 CAU. TklATll FOi SH TJMIS Mer• thllft. rftO'fte ! An•xplOll..,. can.tnaconcerl! D~ull SIM 01 , ... Moo" !QI Plus 'HIA'IY TRAFFIC' I l_L..,;:C,;:~• Sltow hcJl•s 1:00 1511 W. SVNFLOWEA W. OF A1ST L .M. 5•0·ori .. ~· '°DUSTIH HOfFMAH '1.EHHT " 111 "HARRY I. TOHTO" "CLAUDIHE" . " THE"CITV SHC>PPING CENTRE ORANGE •!"Ill 6721 W CITY CEHTRE CINEMA~ S.A. 'RWY !MANCHESTER EX.I G.G. FAWY JCITY DA . EXJ . "' "HAltRY A.HD TOHTO" "CLAUDIHE" "M .. With Golde-ft GIHI" "MR. MAJESTYK" l,GI ""THE LOHGEST YARD" "SERPICO" Ill "THI ODESSA FILE" "DAY OF THE JACKEL" -- lllT•1tllt u ..... 11 ........ 1 .. ,...,....., .... '"'""" ...... I\ INfl'!I .... .... ~ <-• ...... "'-• Fllllll & THI llAN 1111 PAPll CHASE '°' ' " PACIP"IC TH•ATR&S OflltlVa·IN SUNllWAPMln9 NAlllOll ILVO.Orl-· ... '-·~I & ,,.,,_ S.. s .... s-........ _ OllAJllQI Or1••·I" 111 '"· s. •. • s~ ... , ....... ..., '"',, .. $..ii.,, .... -~·-'•rn•tr ''"'~ '•oh11: ...... , ... G•'°"•! Mo ... ''"'"' frl. 0,-•:1J,... Set ... ""'-•• ,...... ., Chl....._,.,,h....,n -soc O.IWl'MI u..<Hr •fr•• I ._ .. 111 41110 0NlY 4 l'f l"'WN' 4l •M:..O • Wlln llD JUWI! GOOfATHfl ,UT" 111 'lUS e ,llMI CUT !Oii ... .. -.. ... . .. '··-~~ ..... . ' -.......· Panners to Vie Many or the world's t~p &old punners will attempt to wrest the title rron1 cu rrent champion Jack W. Robert::s or Hacienda 1-Ielghr..;; in the I Sth Annual World Gold Panning Chtt mpioMhJps to ~ held at the 1'roptco Gold Mine in Rosumond Murch 1·2 1975 Admission lo the ev~nt i~ the 1\ntclnpc Valley is rree. Cospo ns'?red by the Kern· Antelope ll1 storical Socle't'y and the Rosu mond Cham'Der or Com· merc.c, lhe event commemorates t~e _d1se~very of gold in Southern C..al1for.n1a by t<~rancisco Lopez at Placer1ta Canyon on Murch a 1842, • • . Competing against Roberts in the Open wil1 be J uneau Al Kutchta, the Alaska st:.ite chan1· pion (or three years; Prospector John, profess ional gold panner from Skagway, Alaska ; and Mrs. Larry Bertles, t<'allon, Nev ., wpose 1970 World Open Cham- pionship tinle or 18';5 seconds h1 the world's record . The ladies and junior contests will bt: held Saturduy und the opeo event Sunday. Added attractions are a burro claim stake race, \'Olunteer fire department high wheel fire cart hose race, desert hard rock pan· ning ch<impionship and rour anti- ... o......... -· 1-·--~ ,~NIWMANWWAM • que car events. All gold panning contestants use the same 10-in ch pan filled with dry sand. Judges then put the some eight gold nuggets in eeeh contestant's pan. 'fhe person who washes away the sa11d in a nearby trough in the least lime wins . Judges, assayers, timers, re· carders and scorers are veteran Mojave Oes~rt mining men. ·rropieo Gold ~line is locate<l four miles wes t of R~amond in the Antelope Valley area and can be reuchcd via ltighy..·ay 14. 7JDIZING 8'1DDLES MEL BROOKS IRI pl1tl "MaclMTOSH MAM" IEoriy lird Metiltff Redltced Prh:.ff W /S... 'ffl 5 p ..... i-..... AUDn HOLDBI ---~ FA.YI 1ott.c-..., Doort O.et1 DiMr 6:~5 S.t~l :lO r ,,..# •••• .- M11rder Case Efrem Zimbalist J r. a nd Lucie Arnaz star in "Who Is the Black Dahlia?," the story of a famous 1947 Los Angeles murder case, at 9 p.m . March 1 on Charmel 4. t~l~lrni ~rnrn~ 111 ~!iijifi · ~rni~t Hiirn1 Wi~I ~~!Iii . ~lilillil i~Jmij. ~lt ~!~ij ~~~imilf OAIL V PILOT TV Show Trip Set March 5 Tic k e l s arc n ow ' required and tickets are avaih~blo for u rt1arch 5 1im1(ed. Registretion can bus trip to have dinner in be made through the. Los Angelt!s and attend Westminster Recreation the Tonl ~ht Sho\v 'A'llh an cl Pa r k s De pl guest ho::.t J\I t:Lt!an 898·3:.lll Stevcnison. '!'he trip . \\'hich ·costs Cyrano S6 not in c ludin~ dinner. is s ponso 1·ed b y the Recreat ion l)epartmcnt TO Return o f th e City o f .l_j \Veslminstcr. A television version of _1'h~ bu.s "'·111 lca\'~ t~c .. Cyrano de Bergerac:· \~ cs t m 1 n st er C 1v1 c performed by San Fran- ( cnll'r a t 2 p. m andrt'·cisco·s Ameri c an turn at 9::SO p .111 . llinncr Conservatory 'fh eatre. ''Ill be al Kin ~ Sv.·cdl'·s v.111 be rt'-hroadca~l on S n1 or gas h or d in ··The aler ln America" llurbank. . \\"ednesday ol 9 p.m. on Prior registration LS ('hannel28. ~DUNAWAY l'iiiiTO-IPGI 'CMWU,11 hclMU.,.e OrDIMJ~ C:...+y Shewhtq TrWf • Q.r..t Fi'-"! ul~1~1 ~~i1m · lijil i1111111 . 11m imli. 11~1w~ lili~!I · im~1 mi. Mlim r~rn . " ii.MllllM~· yijf~mi · Jl i!l!~flii . ~ EDWARDS .. ICING OF HEARTS .. M·F 7:15·9:45 SAT 1:15°3:10·6:00 1:30-1 o.45 \5' CINEMA MOW THRU TUESDAY . . CARROLL ERNEST ••• .. HAROLD & MAUDE .. SUH 2-4:40-7:2.S..9:55 · ~'CONNOR BOflCN.NE LAW AND DISORD"lll' -plus- h •l<l-IMlt MU.SIL y THI RIMMllST '4L.M Of ntl YlAlM 1-C .... Nf.O-,. ...... ~ I CAIOLIUltMm Th• movie will 1tarllc you! I -. -' ... ~ " \'1\i~l"' ; \ ---·· ( IT'S THtHOntST STOIT SIMCI THl •CHICAG-0 flltl~ IPGI THE ODESSA FILE WlTH VALERIE HARl'ER EDWARDS HARBOR TWIN CINEMA HARIOR AT WILSON COSTA MESA 646-057) ORAHGE DRIVE.JN 2 SAHTA AHA FWY. HEAR CHAPMAN ORANGE 5~1-70Z1 HOW THRU TUES. RUTH GORDON "HAROLD 'TERMINAL MAH'' & MAUDE" co-hit PACIFIC'S LA MIRADA ROSECRAHS AT LA MIRA.DA LA MIRADA C EHTER-' 521 -9910 "PAPER CHASE" . ~~ M.•Tll. 7:15-t:IS..Frl. 7.9.11 Sat. l·l ->7·9-11 !Mt". 1.J.5.7.9 In Tlt.Gtr9 0.. "MADDER, FUNHIER, MORE INSPIRED THAH AHYTHING BEIHG DOHE IH MOVIES TODAY." CAU THEATRE • "Al'l'REHTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRA Vin" FOR . CAU THIA.Tit FOR SHOW TIMES M .. n.>.7':'1 l ·t :lO Fri. 7-t: I S.l I :15 $tit. •··l-&-7:11-9120-11: 0 ~L l•l·5-7:1S."101'kafnTwo Above all... It's a love st~ TIME MAW. "HA DS DOWN THE WI DEST, MOST • 0 ifRAGEOUS J A H4IU'IA ED'( EVER" MIAMI JOUtHAL ~)}. :;_($5·~ nu _ Alan -.~~n ' 'Fre8bie and . the Bean , JON VOIGHT MAXIMILIAN SCHELL DAILY PILOT A•olli'ltW,_ ...... ~, .... M•ol, ~.1.11'°1T~ lty ....... HMy. o.i .. ...... ..... , ....... ...... IM.t ........ ....... ,,.. '111~ A HlAIT & SO llLCOllllDT .t.NE¥Et0f'\IG OF HEART W AJIMIHG ' COMIDT ALL WIU ENJOY! JA"4tS Ull JQ)olfS OIAHAHMCAtOlL r " ... th• combln•llon ot word & h•ff· •••n d••d m•ke• "Sh•mpoo" ... ,., more e•pllclt lh•n "l••I T•ngo In Perla," & Werr•n B••tty out-reveals ~lrlon Brando by a tew 9qUare Inch•• of ••crollllac ... It wlll be culturally necessary to say you have seen Julie Chrit11e In the BISTRO SCENE" - Charl.aeChamplln, l .A. Times k ..... warren bcatty julie christie · goldiehawn """'· 7:1t.t:1 ... 1:1• w~s... 1.10.J:IS. !dO.f l .. t: ... /';,-~~,-, '1,10 .... ---~, . · lee·granl · jac~.\varden R -.. !!~'"'.~'.!" .. .l ' lonyblll . .._ They !Tlade him a rock star. Then they made h1rn a god. m3i~D~ .. c:- ", ............ iM .. lot'T .,,,..,...,1 t't ..... i.. 60 I .. _.,.,_ ........ ;,tt "-' ......... -•• , ... _ .. ry .. ..,...,.. .. 11ot•o· .. • ................ l.1.Tl4Eltll<l 1011 '•Ill.A ,ttHTtt1 F,·-.... ...__... ., ._.,. .. , ... n.. J.•~' 10 ~ lt~'IS·ll ,JS Ml J:I~• •S·• I~ f'OS·t 1:1 • 1-l.l~• •M:S~ ... HOW THE TWO MOST OUTRAGEOlJSLY FUNNY MOVIES TOGETHER Mel Brooks' 'JJMl.ZING S:IWDLES AND IRI 'ml~~~~!iiri "THE FIRST SIGNIFICANT FILM OF THE YUR" ....... ., c • .., "ALICE IS THOROUGHLY ENJOY AILE. "SJ.El'l IURSTYM FUNNY & ltolT!UIGEHT.• TRIUMPHS! SHE IS ._ Pauline Kael IEMARK .. ILY FIHE New YMer .. CTRESS. M Ju01th Ch11s1 New Yori. Mag ScltecMr. M.-F. 7-,·1 I Scrt./S-1-l ·S. 7.,.11 ELLE N BURSTYN ~ KRIS KRIS10FFER . ·-ALICE iiiliifi DOESN'T LIVE HERE 11 I R ~ .... ANYTv10RE ), I• • • I. : l \ • ' . ' • ~LY PILOT * · Fri 21 , 1115 .I No Recession In Nashville ·' NASHVILLf:, Tem. (AP> -Despite the re· ~slon. crowds are aUU coming to the.Grand Ole OpQ' a:nd other country music attractions. . '· "Maybe' It beJpa in the tong run If they get Ulelr mind off 'be real world," sald Jerry .Strobel. public relaUoos director ol the Grand OleOpry. Strobel said Saturday night reserved seats for the Qrand Ole Opry are sold out through Nov. \end there's 1beed noiOOicaUon in the last month or so lhat tlc;ket requests are declining. •·9ur crowds are extremely good," he said. "11 lOOU like another reol good year." . OPJl Y &bows have been playing to 80 percent bl eapaclty lately, with some general admiss.ion tickets Jen unsold·. But that's still considered aoodforthis time of year. • With unemployment at 8.2 percent and infla- tion growing al 12 percent annually, why do peo- ple·stitl come to Nashville? ''People want their entertai nment." Slrobel · said. ··1 think the past has a lol to do \\'ith it -the Opry track record. People have always come lo lb• Grand Ole Opry. ''Being realistic, we are aware or wh.at's go- jng on. But then when you look at these sellouts; it makes ypu think that.these rans are very loyal. They are going to continue to come as long as we have a good quality show.•· J\.fost of the Opry crowds are from out or town, particularly Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. strobel said. Richard Kenney,. director of the convention and visitors di'vision of the Chamber· of Com· .. inerce, said there's no detectable decline in : : j.OUrism. : ~: ''IF THERE'S been a downturn this year -~here, it's not because of a lack of tourism," he : ;Said. ''The Grand Ole Opry, for instance, hasn't : ·been hurt at all." ,. "Nashville in my view is a very popular al· traction because of the publici ty and country music is a very hot item right now," Kenney said. "Also, we're closer lo the center of popula- tion of the United States than some other places: tit doesn't cost much t.o get here.'' . The Country Music Hall of Fame is drawing 3> percent more persons this year than in 1974. ''We have a .feeling . that Nashville is somewhat immune to the overall state of the. economy because .country music is so strong," said Bill Ivey, executive director or the Country P.fusic Foundation, which operates the Hall of Fame. . ··Also, we're close to urban areas,·· he said. The Ernest Tubb Record Shop, another . tourist attraction. also reported steady business. ••our business hasn't been i:town any at all,'' said David McCormick, manager. · .: ·tn Sunday's Family Weekly: ....,."'_ --._ •.. ~ .. --°""""'*"' ,. , ... ""'1Wt' Daytime TV Star Rachel Ames Tells: .. "What It's Like to Raise Daughters 18 Years Apad" •·/was aware almost. from th e beginning of tny sec· OruJ pregnancy t11ai there could be a problern: Susan ps at un uge wliere slie 1vas vf'ry embarrassed about ~h! whole thing." Rachel Ames, known to millions of vtewers as ~udrey Baldwin on ABC's "General Hospital," .writes about her own personal drama - the prob· lein of being a mother to two girls who are a gener· ation apart. We have all experienced generation gap problems of one kind or another, but do we know how to deal with a tremendous age difference 'between our offspring? Learn how Ra chel had to ward.off jealousies and re~st playing favorites, and why she speaks of the crisis as her "greatest chal· i.illge.'' Find out how a mother coped with and con· quered this very u~usual kind of si bling rivalry. What Every Reader • s/tofdd Know About . . W)aere , ''Nm PAper" 1 , Notwithstanding the fact that Americans u.se about 9,5 million tons· .of newsprint a year-and that newsprint comes frorn trees;:-we are not in dana;er ot,..losing our precious forests. This is the conclusion reached by FAMIL 'f WEEKLY, the rewlt of a study that should put at least some F of our ecological worries in C.el 10m . perspective. You'll learn what m•jor paper companies and forest research teams have .. rMrc i.1 di «kl-f. iltrJ_~ accomplished to insure the p.r101 •• IFUICA /ored lpJ lonaevity of trees, and why lu• Mtf.1 •• 1Aer• 01 "'""" the lumber companies them- ~.,._ ... ,,,,.Jed .••. There IJ selves hive the greatest stake ~.tly '1HHrJorr# 1101t1 thnn In the preservatio n of our ~ere o. In 1909:" forests . -'11 Co•lagSa•day with the • Tryoul,s, Classes Set stitute's dance cf"epart· ment will begin ll...:e new classes tbJ• l.e 'k, ·In ballet, jaza, modern, tap and mime. Audition• 1-<tT the Freedom," based.on the Or•nee County Chamber works of Amer;ican com· Chor~le will be hetd j)aller William Billings. Tu .. dl!Jl...ol 7...)1.m. In the T h_!!._..!!, p e n I _11 g NewpOffliiititUte oflhe performar;sce Wiil be at Arts StudioThea.ter; 2411 the Newport Beach City E. CoasL Highway. ArtsF .. tival. INSTRUCTING .the Coronadel Mar. The group is directed mime and ballet classes Rehearsals will be by John M. Catanzaro, will be Ellen Prince, he!d everj' 3"uesda)'' formerly or the UC former member of South night beginning with the · Irvine music facultY, Coast Repertory Theater aµditions: now resident choral ad· and of the Jacob'• Pillow • The ch9ra.te's spri,ng viser. tor the NewpGrt Danceeenter. season WtlL ;featuce a J~titute. . · · 1 • hi h' cantata' ·.~A Cry fqr In addition the in· The inst tute, ~ c ~ -' · has been open sliahlly . l'._' · more than a yen~ is iup· Ball· t T ~ -ported by dona\;lons And e omnrrow student fees .. rt .is cur-. -~ . renUy seeking nonprofit', \ • ··Moods of Ancient Russia ,'' ''Les status. ERNEST TUBB - His shop is one of the Nashville attractions sti ll doing well despite the tight economic situation. Sylphides'' and two other pieces will be performed by Ballet Pacifica at 8 p.m . Saturday in the Fullerton Junior College Camp"'s Theater, 321 E . Chapman, Fullerton. Newport Institute or the Arts is a school with classes in art, dance, music · and theater. In · rormation is available by calling .675-2643 . • Tickets cost SJ.SO for adults, $2 for students and children. Information is available at 494-727 1. l" 1114" 1¥2" 2" 'A.-.133$ ·44$ 55$ 66$ 88$ 10 n. P-VC SPBINILEB PIPE - The greateat prices dnd It'll pl'Obably rain today. think of it a• .. pennl.es lrom JleaY,en'". '12rNCH 44c 3/4IN~Ii.66c , SCHEDULE 40 PVC l'IPE 'lz!NCH 13 ~. 3/4~cH19~ AB.$TBOllG SPRllSER BEADS "'~~ REG. 33c· POP-UP 55c Speaking of heads, my brother invented a. tooth!••• comb for bald-beaded guys. He never worked a day in his life. be' a a nighl watchman. • 197 20GAL. 30GAL. Hecny galvanized metal (For my next loke I will now. whlatl• adlrtroong.} 1.997 . . UNEALFOOT • Weh!!i~~!~~uotalew. (That's what the peanut machine •af• when 1 pul a nickel in it.) You Jmow how nice pullmane are so you're ~o! going to get the commercial on to the next item. EMPIRE LITTLE PlllCESS 3700 EMPIRE VINYi. 23" x 19'" 4500 a a • . 29·· x 19" 5700 EMPIRE NEJAMAR 23" x 19" 5 7°0 29" x 19" 6800 36"x21" 79oo .. EMPIRE IEIAIAB CUTAWAY .-PULLIAN 36" x ~I" \ J .! • 'Possessed Jean-Paul Mustone arid Marilyn Lightsone star in "The Dybbuk," a classic Jewish .tale of possession, at the Los Angel~ Music Center through M11fch 23 . • =--NATIONAL . DISPOSERS We gu.mant .. tllem. All the featur.~r• coiling alot mo,., (Dld you know U it weren°I for Lo•oble LouiH and Pepperq:llnt Patty you'd be looking ot er blank page right now?). 2477 3YR.GUAR .. • J!R 39•• 5 ~·GU.-'! . , , ·7 YR. GU.AR. . !S4" WESJEBN TOIJ.ETS Back eaat they ~all theH "'Eastern" toilet&. At least no one gi••• you that -1r.· 1.mporfed. y1mow .. llne. WHITE .. COLORS ' 2800 3900 l.O·BOY sntE WHITE 3900 COLORS . 4900 MAGllOJ.IA SEATS •• : ' ' . ~ • "' . • • ---frk!!f. F.a>ruary 21 . 1 sis DAILY PILOT DI • • • • '"' .. f • .. ;,>,I.JC.., NI ·.~ OPE•l•G S_,ECIAL •. • • ,. • ....... the car .with the . . , . . . , ' • • • , • ~ R ECONOMY .. :you . COi.Ni MONTHS, NOi MILESI . I 12 months from date of purchase) . • • I •• • 25· 8 M.P.G. ' . . ALL MODELS .. · FRONT WHEEL . DRIVE MINIMUM SERVICE · 'I EDIATE DELIVERY {Plus tax, license, dlr hndlQ. #713) , .... ' ' . 2-l50. Harltor Blvd. . . · OPEN Costa · flesa · · SU•AY . . . ' . . ' ' • • I I ' . ' I 1· , . ~ •. . 1 . I • I l • I I . ' . ·. '' I • ... l DAILY PILOT ' ~·it storl~d off os o lomily reunion buf ;, turttftd into o plagve. •• l'm iofroicl Good Shows Torrili~ FBI Share Prime REVIEW) BJ JAY SllAllBUTT NEW YORK (APJ - Families with but one TV set bave a tough choice" to make ton1ght -stay with, a Cine CBS drama 7':te show is so engross. about the FBI and the Ku lng that massive family Klux Klan or leave in debate probably will mid·program (or a nifty break out across the land Lily Tomlin special oh when· it comes time to ABC. see what Lily Tomlin is I'd reluctantly advise up to in her first special the mid-show switch only for ABC. because (a) the effort by . BE THAT AS it may, Miss Tomlin It Co. is an ratch Miss T and don't all-too-rare example of be put off by the lame comic craftsmanship, opening skit, in which and (b) we need all the 'Ernestine, her nasal· laughs we can get these voiced phone operator da)'s. character, tries to cap- """,,HE CBS program · ture Bigfoot, America's (Cbann~I 2, 9 p .m .> COil· Abominable Snowman eludes a two-part (Cbannel7, lOp.m.). dramatization of the Things pick up im- FBJ's mass'ive, well· mediately, starting with publicized pttempt to br-a ra2or-sharp sketch . . about a young man who, ing to Justice the after a first-date lov· KlanSmen suspected or em.a.king session with Li-the 1964 murder of three young civil rights Jy, returns within hours -~ · M " toproposemarriage. ww-.. en u;i usisslppi. He also brings bis The first part of CBS' parents to meet the fair •·Attack cm Terror: 1be lady, pleasing them, if FBI Versus. the Ku Hlux u. •• . .~ not her, and prompting n.J&n, air~ Thursday his mother to· remark: aight and .painstakingly ''Most of the time we iecounted events leading th don't even get to meet up to e murders and the girl he mates it th_e FBl"a inv..olvement in with.•• u.;~~bl'I' eplsod• as FBANJ[ BLAIR, soon ..,.... ~ to rdire as the "Today" tborougbb' pipping as the first,-coYers the sbow•s newsreader. FBl's efforts (prodded cbects in later -as a lty the late P,resident newscaster in • bizarre, Johnson) tc)1 break ·the funny story about what case and seeit to a sue· happens when BevUly fuJ final ID fed al Jli& prohibits fat OD re-cess e er sideots and visitors. ;;::ourt. · He cJoses by reporting EVEN THOUGH the -the image-conscious city ,ibow is FBI-blessed and 1s produced by Quinn Martin, who gave us the . old "The FBI" series, it has far more believability thi.n the series' stiff, nobly ploa- ding approach could ever hope to achieve. Large credit is due an Intelligent script by· Calvin Clements and· standout acting by Wayne ''M-A-S-li'' Rogers, cast as a Southern -born J<"BI agent, and L .Q. Jones, cast as a sm:.11-town policeman who turns FBJ informant after years of secret Klan membership. may pass Jaws against "being toc>~bort, l~g too pale and buying off the rack.'' But the best is al the end, when Miss Tomlin and her new repertory crew demolish a typical 19505 TV situation com- edy, a comedy which 'in· eludes a talking goldfish and is w ate bed by a pipe. smoking pooch. It 's an hour of originality and good fun, often with malice aforethought. We now pause to pray that Lily Tomlin will get her own variety series and soon. Television sure could use it. Air Force F etes 4 Coast Cadets Four Orange Coast re- sld en t s have been honored for their out- standing achievement while attending the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado. Cadet David M. Unger, son of Mrs. Beryll E . Unger or 1709 W. BalOOa Blvd., Newport Beach, has been named to the dean's list (or hi s out. Attorney Elected Denni• G. Monge or C01te. Meta hu been named president elect ol lbe Alumni Asaocia· Uon at Cal State Los Angeles . •. )tfona:e. an nt.torney for So\ttbero Calltornia r.dllon1 will take oll\ce In 11175 art.er. the cunoent hrm la completed by Ill.chard Griffin. Tbe or1•nhatlon n~ nu almaot eo,000 SUt.a Lm Aqeles ........ ljll. . > I All the cadets will re· .ceive a 8 .S. degree and wjU be commissioned as second Ueutenant.s upon fraduatlon from th• academJ • \ For the Record .. ·-. Births PUBUCNO'nCE I PUBUC N<Yl'ICE ,_ Publlthe<I Oft"99 Cots! O.!ly Pllol, F911l. It. 21, 2'._--0 !IN•. I, 19/S ~71 PUBUCNOTICE PUilUC Nl1l'ICE ... , P\lbl"""" o•-.. c .. st o.n, Plk>I PUBIJC NOTICE ........ ll.•ndF1b.l,U,21,1fl) J19.1 , PICTITIOUS •USINISS NAME STA TIEMIN1' PUBUCNCYflCE Tl!<! loliOwlll>Q P9tMll'" Ml (1011'1~ rifts '': l"IC1'1TIOUS IUSIMIESS OALE ... NO HARPER 1HSURAHCE MAMISTATIMIEllT BROKERS. l"'lt Wt't•rl, Pl«•. Su.I Tloe follo.i ... 119ri.on Ii doi"llll lll,ol.I· 101. Nt•POl't Bl.en. C•llfoml<l nw.o ~'•s: JoM H<Mlt•O 011•. So10C1 TIW To-SUHWEST REAL TORS, 161 .. ~ l""9~•<h,C..l1lo•n11tol0l 61it0 .. Su;le '"'· H-UnQ\Ol'l Bl:Kfl. Wollltm Frtnc" H••P<t•. ?D Fr•n· llorni.tt2 .. r ''"'0 O<tW , Newpo'I 8e..-;ft, C.lllooni A-Id L. H..,...t., 1411t1 \II.& S. .. t '1IMI W, Mlls1on 'tlOrlCI, C•lil•n•lttWS Tn11 bu,1 ne'1 1\ conChKl•d by Tl\l1 buM"°"J II C:-..itted by""' lft. gener•I ~,1,,.r,11ip. lilwel. Wolhdm F. HlrP9r 11-ldl. H""91I• T'fti1' ll•lemt'nt _, Iii.cl wit!\ Tflk ,11.......,1 _, 1119<1 ..;., lhll C.0.."IY C•••• ot 0rtfl99 Cownt' r C .. rll ol 0t•n9' coune., on J-ry 11. 1tl}. ... ... ...,., 11, 1t7S. Nti ••1t1t Pur.li~d O•.ilnge Cot'I o.J1y Pllet, P~ 0r•l'l9' C0•1I Otilf Piiot Jl".ll,tNll f'eO. 1. 1•, 11, !tPt m.r ft.11, 11,tl'lld,,,_.r, 1, I•, 19/S Sf't.PI PUBLICNCYflCE PUBLIC NCYflCE ''"' SYNO"ISD' 1'Hli ANlf\IAL STATeMaMT •• Ml' RIT..._.... IMSUlllAIK• C::O.,.M Y FuOCorpOr ... NI,.. .. .......,~°'""· .......... 9"dl, Ctt!MNl.t""' HOm10tl1c• T-ElldM OoK ........ ll, 1914 loldl .odmollld dlr.!I.\ (P ..... J, ,,._ 11, To1a1111btlltoe.. IP...,.?, hN ?ll C-Cel paid· up/~-· C11:11111 l~lllutor, °""""'' I P.>9f'l, lonelSA) Gros~ Pllod.lfl .... Wfllll lbilttd !.O.ll'P'IA ll"aQoel,h,.UAI ~s1gned!Ul'ldl!_,.usl CP~l,UM1'BI OISDWMmetllllor .. .,.._ $9,SSl>.!43 S,1'!•, I 16 1,000,000 J,1'f7,* •SU,111 (P19112,llfl91'1 J ,21',.0'N W• Atreby tMify Intl I,_.-,;. lilfM 1t'i! on «t.,..._• wtMI the AlwMNI >&Ml'ml'fll tor I,.. .,.... ...aid ~ ''· "'14, ,,.... \I tfl9 ,_.lftU :;o..wn1".-' l'I IN Sl•le .t Oltfoml.I, DW"Ulftt le t.ew. J.E.HutOll-, . L A..Hwtldlr, Vlce.Pre\iditftt As~S«'9CMT P\ltllilt'Md Dflfl9" Cont O.Uy Piiot, Fl'tlnlow• ''· M, ll, 21.21. n1 s JtJ.JS PUBUCNO'nCE PUBLIC NO'nCE FIRE AHO CASUAL TV t•f .. , S TNOPSIS 0' T" If ANNUAL STA TaMINT •• • Ml!Wf'Otl:T INSUl!:AMCSODIM'ANY Fuu '°"'*' ... """" MINlrttlltutW"wt. ....... L..,._IMI• H-OiliCt ' Yfft' IE.-NDK.......,Jl, ltM Tot•l tdm•llld t5K'I~ 4Pt~ 2, lo"' lll Toltl h'"blhl••S j Page 3, llnl JJf C'"'l>'lll ll'"•d-upl c;....,.,ty c..,lt•l/51tMOl"Y OloPelit IP~l,llM2SAI ~1ptld·ln1ndc"•••""lllllllM•-•...,J*l!I C~J,til'le16AI UnlKIONdl...,dS (~I CP~l,li,..7681 •-tortl'I, .... !P .... ll,llJ'Hill ..... .. ... 1,1.U,910 2.. •S,191 CM...,.tt,.,..,1,tor .. ,... (P19112,h,..ltl , , , 1,117,11• • ll'N het•b• (.,tlfy """ N .,mw ........ lit~ wlll'I tlW .......,_.l Sf•llml'nl for the .,... MOid ~ It. "71, 11\11111 eo 1111 lflWFllKf COmmltsl-• Oil IN SUottlf CltllfomM. putWllllll ltl •-· J.E.HMtdlbilln, L.A..~.· 'Vlc•""'IMllnf -'Mt.S.C:rwt ..... Publl~ 0<'""'1!! OW st 0.•IY P1t01.'f'•tlf'Mf1' l•.10, 21, 12, JJ,. ~lf )11.11 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUCNOTICE -- l'UBUCN011CE PUBLIC l'iOTICE -f'ICTIT10Ui'lqSIN•SS NAll'I! STATIM8N1' .. Tl'9 fOllOll'lnQ potr1o .. " lrl dOlft\ttlllM _,,, STO NE!> AHO STUFF', l '•S ~ArtlM.lr Bvkl., Nt•port &teen, c.01.n~ Ger .. 41.,. Rocft•ll• Ewin~. JOO '*r'lft ft•mp1r1, Sp•c• l6, o...,. out. """ Sfliriey A<1n Ltvlne, )00 NM1n' RtmPt•I. SP<Jtl ll. Or•n9"'. C..111, -Tni,. b1oi<w.t• •t cof'll!lu(.tt.I ltT • + .,....rtl PoJ<•MrY,lp. Ct!rtldl,.. lit. Ew""l Tl'lis sltl•IN'nl "'' 111..S -.ilh lht c-.1., Cl•rk o! Gr•~ ~Y "" !<e.,, ... ,, 10, 191S. • ·~" PubllJMd Or•n11• Co•st 0.lly PllOf. Few ... ,, 1•. 11, H , Mid JMtdl 1. 1'n C).1S ----·----PUl!LIC NOTICE l"ICTITIOUS IUSINl.SS lift.Ml STAT•M•NT T1'w lollowlna per-1 -doltagc.i;. ..Siii: HARBOR C ENTIEA $TY LIST, DOD HMtlOt 8l'ld., Cost• Nwu, CA"7..... .,. Pt"I J . K1t1•r, 1111 S. A0"'5, ~ Ant, CA "1101 WHl i1m 0 W1Uitm1i, 1100P9'1,.._ Way, NO. ii A, Cost• Mel•,CAt:u. Tlli1 bu1inei1i '' conduclocl bf I IJ'fWrll ~rlner\llip. W1lli1mO Wllll•ms' Tftii •l•temen! w11 Hll'<I wllfl !hot Count, Cle•k of Ora~Qt> County.., ~tw ... ry 10, 1~/S . ._ Pvt>Hs1Md 0..1nt;1t Co1st 01lly PUot, Feb.1•.21,11.1ndM1rcl'll.1•1s -.is PUBLIC NOTICE STAT EMIENT 0, AIANDOilfMENT ,ICTITIO~: :~:.:~l~NAMti • Tl'>e tollO•htQ Ptl"l.ofJt ,.,.,. tbtrt- «Hwd lflol UI• 01 IM lklll\itvS bt.61""'' "'"'' TAAVELANO. U .S .A. or TRAVEL.ANO, ti '° Trl .... 1....:1 l.Mle. lf:all lrvlM, C•lltorl'll•. TM lkUtlou' b<i1INll fl..,., rl!'ten-ld 'O....,. •I> flt.ltd tfl Or1n91 c..w.tr.., .w,,..mOl'f' 2, lfll. • ' J1Cll Loft. llOl hi Cr•\I~ CO<'OM •• ~'• C11L1orn•• O.rl1 L•.,,., 1407 ~I Cr•~I. Got-Cltl Mlr.CatlfOfflll , Thi' ~ ..... _, t-.cM:.ttd try • f91'1r1t p.irlMl'tl'llD, Jt<ll.l-,_ P'ubll,,,..e6 Or911Qt> Col1I Dilly Pilol. Jlifl. )I, Ind F•b. P, 1•, 11, 19/S ~:la<ll ---------PUBLI{' NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIN•ss NAME STATl!MINT Tiie 1011aw1n1111er.ons er• dol!!Qbt.111- l'IH~ I I: AUTOMATeo Ao . MINISTAATORS, 111$ I!. CMl'le'Ql• Sant1An1,CA,1T'OS · 0 C1rl A, Sf!l&r)fn, 17'12 Butlff St 1rwl!'ll,CA'l'°" ' RMI 8"rQ, •II N•nflll St., Pl«~ llt .C.hf.'2•10 6ob Meru ... llOU Bull~ st.,. "-1•111V1U1y, CA '1618 Mllwln M. Rtlllll•U, 11112 011'1Me SI., Gln:Mn Glow, C.lo t16itl Thl5 tivslMSI ii COJ'ld.ut letl by I'!,,,.!• 9dper1......wt10. Ctn A. SeltrMn Tlllt sltt.m•fll •tt HIMf Mitt 0'0! C-lT Cltrlt ol Or11109 c,uncT • """"'" 10, ''''· . ..... P\1811 ...... 0r ..... Cotti CMtly Piiat ,..._ll;!1,tt,Ml4'..,rchl',1m •ti PUBLIC NOTICE -• - I • ... ll'•• .... ..... -· c:~ """" ...... &"i; -· -:.1 "'l:J • •• I ... ....... .... 1'cr9dlt -· ... ~ ... M , ..... .... -c:•' ~ .. MIT( Driw( ·"""· .. ~ .M>g10 ..... •IMt °'' -· ...... -,..,: f ..,_ .. ';:l - • •• ' ... ..... NO' ..... ..... .... ... M , ..... , til*-d -~ ..... ... """' ..... .. , .. "'"" ...... -· ... .... ... P.0.1 ..... 1'_,; I -... ..... •• l.O" HO c:rltdi ""'' , ... ... M .... lilll>d -.. .. " ,., .. ...... .. ~. -..... ,, ... .... ""' 1:1 ,. -~ - F " ... .... 1;110 co,i w.• .... n -· .... ... " .... "" ""' .. ..... TO ... .,... -""I '" ' ""' TI .... • ..... I " ;~ I "" : .... .. i3 •• ... "' a I • 'PUllUC NOTICE PtlBCIC 1"'011CE. 'PUBUCNOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ...... Put>lo~ntd O"tnoe eo.i,t D••l, P11<11, •MtM MOTICI! TOCltl!OITOlllS SUPl:llttOfl:<OUllT Of' TKI! ITATI Of' CALI l"Oll:HIA l"Oll THE COUNTY 011' OllA ... GE FeOl,U .21 .?ll'llS •I~/~ PUBLIC NOTICE H•. •·n•Jl NDTIC~ Of' PUBLIC HEARING Etlate ol PEARL ELIZABETH l,ARA.0.-t••Md. NOTICE IS HEAEeY G1VEN l the NOTI CE IS HE A EBY (',IVEN tl>oll • ~ .. W.•bo-... m.d Wc~t l>Ubltt ..... rln9 will~ ..._.Id by !>w C•tY ttl.c .i1 per'°"' ,,..,;,.9 tl•ltm ~n!>I C.OUMll ot tne (lly 01 C.o\tll """'"'"" .,.,. 5* ~I .,, •e<111ulAd '° lite Mirtl'I •. l'llS, at tnt hOur ot 6 JO om., ....,., wHll' lfte Mt•,l••T VOUO:Plel'I, In or.,,"°°" ll'M!•••ller "' 1IMI m.a11er ..,..,. ,_ Mllce of-U.. (ler• ol ll'lfo ·-'1'1· ~ Naro, In llMI CoutK •I (l'lamt>ffl of litledU!Yrl,or .. pttwntlhf:m,wlltitne City Hall, 11 Fair D••••. Co•!• Me~. ....:~MrT -Pieri, l.olh•u~~kJM'd C.lllor,..la, ontlleto11ow1n911~mi· •HWGllk tof ... ranonoey, AARONS FIN"L ENVIAONMENT"'L IA.I· & AARONS INC 11'1(1 Hll,'bor BIW P'-CT REPORT lo• P•OPO•f'll ott w .. !Of, P.o. ~. 1tU, Coll• ,,.~· 11".m•~ ••II" •t'<;iul;U•o•n l~•llt)o).lrd•I CA•• . ..til<ll o•l ... pl~t'oll;luli....,..~ REZONE PETITION R-1S·Ooi, c.a.1~ f/11,. -~Qfted ,11 .all m•ll••• PIH'· M•ll Pl•""'"'l (omml11oofl, tor Wft1119 lo n.. ••l•I• ot w•d _...,..,, Pl"'m"•iof> to •••oN s><o~•I' IOCilt'~ wllllolll four month• .lflt'r lhl ll<li I.SI ol lllO Ht.unmo!\<;lblrd Drow:. ••om ....,itltk ... i-olttih -ICt'. .t.I lo I -A, ln\lotuloon.ol .olld '"'°'<ff'I• O.ltd .,tir,,1,., • ... 11 ho•wl, tor twrk pu•1><>••• .t. Nf'9,il<,... JEllNETT E BUHOL Tl, ~cl1<1l...,. ol Env,,onm•M•I 1""""-I E•<t<utrnolt"tWll! ,..,llltt'nQr1nl~ o!l~.lbov• .... ..wdO.Ci!Oef'ol REZONE PETITION A-11M, ~·· AAUNl&A'-lllONS,INC. M••• Pl.011nlnq Commo•l•On. tor !1'11 .......... a1q., 191111" Pt•ml\••on to r<110<1t pro~•IJ 1oc11Kt P.O.•• MM II •f'\l~n terminu1 ol 1811\ Slrtt1 .....i Cletlol~w.CAtl61t .oulht't"" ,,,..,,,..,. 01 P.Jr~Wif"' CJ< T.i: 17111~ Cit', lrao.. Ml ~o POR-MO, Pl~ ....,...,,twE-..<•ll'•• O.v•IOPm•nt R•\il!tnl••l·Mt-dlum P'Yatl~ Or•llQ>r Co;o\! O.iilr Po!M. 0.-n•i1f, into cO..torm""'" ,..,,,. ,,. ~ ...... ,1. It, 21, II, t~li •:i.. IS u.-•I Pl.an. A Nt'<;l<lt•Wt o~•otr•109n ---,-----------lo! En~·•onrnenl.JI 1mp<1cl na• - PlJ "~"' BLIC NOTICE NOTI CE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ---,:-:=.,.-,-,,,-.,.-------l•t 'l<O<d tome •""' p!.ICf .Jiit .tfld 111 NOTl,CE TOc;•EDITOllS Pt•-1nttrt\I~ "'''.,>!If'•"...,,~ Su.P••10• c;ouatTOf' THE ~··d by, ... C•IY (Ourl<•I ot '"" Col¥ol lTAT•O,CAt..1,0llNIA FOR Co\tt M••• 0,, lht 1!o•emen11~d TMf COUNTY Of' DltAHGE -~A42J,. E't•lt ol THELJrollA LORRAINE LOFTEN. 0.(••wd. item~ EILEEI'( P PHll'(NEY C<IY Cltr~ ol !l\t c''' ol Co~•"""•'" Publ<.,...d O••ngt CO..Jil Dtlly Pl\o!' Ftbnu•r21. n1~ 61ol-1> Pl'Bl.IC' :-<OTICE NOTIC[ I!. 11EaE8Y GIVEN •otho CC•ffil°" OI UW ••-nt,,.,..d oece-oent rhtl •II Pf"'°"' """•n<;i (l<1om\ ao.:o•n\I '""$aid C1et•oen1 ••t <l'Qu«IOd to''" "'-"'· wllh 11111 -.;"'""''' •oucn.,, "' ,,,.. otk<• et IM <"rk ol "'" atx>..e'""' ---- tit-'O•>tl. or 10 P•twnt lft~m. wo!ft 1"'-B S~11~ NOTI CE TD CREDITORS SUPE•tOJt COURT Of' TH E ST ATE OF CALI FOR "I IA FOR THE COUHT Y Of' OltA.NGE 00K•M.,, '11..C"-•S, 10 I,.. unotr 1•9'W'fl .. 21111'1 LtMt' V1U1 O"vt , £! Toro C.lifOfn,. 91tl0, wnlch '' tl>ilt pl.C:t ot llu:IO~I of !!'le unOtr~•ll"•d In •H ""' ~n petttl11inq to •~ tU•t• ot w1d <k" '"'°'"'· wlll>l#t 101>< mon111s •lie• I,,.. hr SI pUOloC.lllO<'lot 11111 not Kl. 0.lttdJtl\ .... ,t 11. ltJj R•ynlond T. Sl•flnl, E •<IOfOI" o! Ult w.u of llW lbo~<I 1\.1-11 dttt'IS.'nl ... ,_ T. Sitt•!.+ J17"Ull• 'li~LI Drive IU Ta~. C.lit1r11l• tJ6M ... ,....,1.,...$ ..... Putlll~ Or•ngt Cl>.l~I O.Uy PllOI , ,lall.31,...c!Ftltl.1, 14, 11, 191S· loll·IS PUBLIC NOTJCf. NC>. A·llWI [\I.I\(' ol EMJLV IClll.S TEN GREEN, OeCt'l il!'CI. NOTICE I'> HE.REBV GIVEN tot"" <rt'd•IO<\ OI ltw! above namt'd dett'dPfl! \hit .o!I df<UI<>\ ha~<ng t lll<<'n• a411n" JM •••d Oe <a,,..nl ore r~Qui•ell lo !ii" '"""'· Wtlh '"" nete\\.t<Y WOU<""''· "' t"'-oH><f of U'>t! <•••~ ol lh.-abo'"' ....,. 1111<.'d cou•t, o• to Q•l!'IP.nt l""m ..,,;h ,,. ,..<<'••••• vou<""''· lo lht' unMr"~ al Ow oll1<1 01 Ills 1110, ""'' S fEPHEN H SMITH. lloil41 ..,.,.,,,1,,nd• Goulevard M""on Vi<'10, C.ililornl• 9161~. ""'"<~ IS !ht' pll<:l! ol bu>1nt'S~ ol ,,,., ""' 111'<\•Wof'd "' dll m•tlt.•S ~·t•ln•llq IC '"" "~l•le ol •a•d de<tdenl. "'•11\on lout mo.>tn~ 11 tfr tl'ot' t'' ~t puo I !Ca t•Ofl o• th11 STATilMINTOl'WITHDAAWAL not•<e FllOMPA•TNEllSHtP OakdJ.inud•Y1~.1~1S 0P£11A.TIHGUN01iJt VER ALO LA VERI'( GREEN ,ICfl TIOU5BUllH16SI N.t.ME E >e<utor o! thr Will ot T,. tOll6"llnel per\011 h•• w!thO•t tl\t'.lboVP n11n>~d de<ed.;nl ·~a gfnerll Pltll\lr lrom fl\ STl:PHl!NH.SMITM parlfW'rU•ip ope•all119 ur.der ll'le lie JSMtM101rl•nd\ Blvd 11tl6<>' ltlu1ln<11s n.i1m<1 ol SUNSET Mlt•ianVlejo,Caltl.•ltlS CONSTRUCTION CONIP.t.l'(V at 111~ T•I ' (1141 sa.-JtSO W. Mac.t.rthur Blvd , S"''" No. 1, [0\11 Allor'"' tor E~•<,.lo• Mil!~. (ahlflfnla t16l6 P"b101fted Or•nQf' Coa't O~•IY Pilot, TM httlHOul bull ... \~ name •t.it J1n JI, •nd F•b Ft ti. I. 11, 11, ,,...nt tor llw plrll\trsllll) WI\ lllt'<I '911 l40·IS Nt-b<lr ), 1•1• in the Count' ot ~----------- Or.,.. PUBLIC NOTICE Fl/llNa ""'....clAdd•••Soll/le~rwn ---------------~-' .. tt!Ota~11q . Jol\11 1 . Cl\,.\lrnwn l'ICTITIOU$ eUSINESS JO•n Matin• L"·· Huntln')IO<I 811<". NA.Ml!STATEMl!t.11 Cellh>tniatl&.ta '"' lollowlng peri.on h doing bu!.!· SlonKI: J T C!'lrlstenwn ..... ia1 , Flll EKCELLENCE ENTERPRISES, Publl""'d O•·n~ CN\I O•lt• P1lol, 2•l6 Orange Ava .. Co~la Mfw, Clhl. _,...J1.V111Ftb.1,l'.1 1 .1~li 3111·1 '1'21 Tri\11111 D Lor,, 1•:U. OronQe "'""', C.0\1.1 ,.,,.,.., Calif. t1t27 PUBLIC NOTICE Th•S bul"'"'' is conducted bf an •11- ,ICTI TIOUS 9USI N llS di~l!lu•I NAME STATl:Mf:t.IT Trlitan 0 l.o•J TMl~l,.gpt'ri.o.,\iredohlQDu\• Tno1 ,111temel\t "''' loied Mlh tl'>t' M5S•l ; Countf Clfrll. ot D••n;i• (ounlf °" ALLSll.f.CE, 106! 9.,,,.,.\, (Zntl':r F•brua•f 10, 1q1i. (Wtw, Suite l•S, Irvin•, Cali!Otnl• F"°'25 '2M' PvOli~l\f!d Orange Coasl 0.JHJ Pilot Tel'l'l10l r•r Investment co. inc.. Feb. lt,11, ie, and Marc II I, 1t1s t!J.l·li Cllltor"'• <efllOr•llo,., 20.2 &11lries• Ctnltr Orlve, Sulit 24S, lrvinf, ' c.tlforfll1•2M4 Tllh buMMl$ ll tonduc.ltd by. CO!'· IJIOl'•llOl'I. T1rnu111r !nv,.~tmtnl CO·, Ir.: , 8yronM. T•ro1u11ef. • Prti.Jdllll-~ I Ttah $1alemrnt ••S I led Witt. lhl! PUBLIC NOTICE r1cT1TIOUS •USIN ESI NA.ME STA.TE BENT The to11owln9 P9•~n~ ••<"-dotnq SIMl\IS: TRIAD ARCHITE C TURA DEVELOPMENT CO . 3 1~1 ".t.' Govftlf <;ltl1' of Or111fl COunlf on ,,.., ... ryJI i•JS Airport LOOP 0f1Yt, (o~l'1 MtW, Cal!! ' F..SlJ '16?• P'lltill~ Q,..,. Col'1 Dally PllOl. Oean Dwve• 01vi•0<1, 31161 Oct i.i ,,..,. JI _,..,Ft•. I, I•, 11.J•IS lJO.IS "'" DriW!, O.a11a Point, C.Jl•f. '16-2'1 l • ___ Phllll) C..•ald E •bensen, fCMJ 011 ... Hon Ro.cf, Fal!brook, (all! 'l?01I .i1meo; R•v,...on Norman. llQJ C."dl•Slte-Ltn<t, Ntwporl 81!.Kh C..111.'16&0 .. • PUBLIC NOTICE Andr•w INNIN l 6atma11. .. n. Bl ~II Aw ,Mt Balctl. Cllll. 111~. • Thh bu•lnt~s I\ <OndlOClt'd itlJ I tl!M"iol P¥1Mf'\hi.p ' Ollar\ 0 0<1vot0<1 Tl\l\ i!lllft11nt wo11• 111"<1 w•th '""' COi.int, Cl••~ 01 " Oro11np ~Y"" Ftbr .... , '· 1'Ji. """ Pllbll~ll O•anQfl Co.att Daoly f'llOI , Ftltl 1. 14,21, 'n, !ti} 41,-11 P UBLIC NOTICE 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 . 7 ·8 • t ... lllott-••••... I000.2"f ttnlah . . . . 3000-"'9' ~.~, ....... f~IOI ••.••.• li000-S<M9 ..,__,_..,, l'trlOMI•. t.111 .. ,__,. ~ ••• ' ~s.t9't ~Kt.I & ....... ~'°'9 FrkSay. February 21 . 1975 The Bl&gest Marketplace on the Orance Coast. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It , Find It, [ 642 5678 J Trade It With a Want Ad . • . One Call Service Fast Credit Approval • DAIL v PILOT D.t . t .......... nl & P!"'90'ohon .•.• , . 7000-119' """chandtw . . toOG-I09t ...,., ' MorMot f~nt .. 9000""" "411~•&ooflW lrot1•po"o1-• 91CIO 999' [~INDEX] I _ ...... I~ Houses For Sale I Hows~s For ScH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Houses For Sal• Houses For Sako ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... Cla1s1ficallon 1000 --·I~ Class1f1cat1on 11 00 " ... E•ll'•· I ~ Ganar•t ~____, . Class1ficaflon t 200 -·--I~ C1ass1f1cat10n 3100 [-·-·--l~ Class1llcat1on 3700 lttnlalt I~ '---•c~,.-,-,-,71,-c-a7h_o_n_,4000 '----·-_·_· __JI ~ Class1f1calton 5000 General 1002 G~eral 1002 G.,..,..1 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Swing A Mop Save A Lot 1\lc~:1 lll.'I i\1.ir lt!>.l'I" llP \l\'I', 11 .... 1\y =-h.lkl' fl.)111 l1u11h• 11.1_., g1,·.1t IJUl ..:11 l1.1I l..H J.!\.' I l1t:dru11n"l , l bJlh 1'llA -V1\ t1•rn1., 1>w111·r .111!>.1uu-.. mo\'Ul~ uutoJ i:.l.11,-. 545-9491 Walker &Lee Real Estate Cape Cad Two Story Pool-No Down GI ........................ ...•.•••.............. II rl~Sfflid~ REALTORs' PRICE REDUCTION CORONA DB. MAR l)UJ>t,1.:x c harmir1 g hou se. 2 l~cdroon1 ::; + den. And new, large l>c-1chelor unil. Good rental income. Closl!.. to !~1 ~ Corona beacl1. Subn1it tcrn1s. $72.000. CALL-644-7270 2828 E. Coast Highway, Corona d el PROPERTY MANAGEMENT llU 11011111 iot UVON~ INOt"O•I NATIONAL MULTI UST S[RVICl WI (Air Hlf~ TPll f~'· U!L O• llAH .Alr f~LAU I• !Hf NAllOll Mor G_,.al , • JOOZ G ....... I IOOZ •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWNER OFF TO SPAIN . •• YOUR GAIN on Spanish style 3 BR Condon11n1um. grc<.it location. 1::1 1'oro. t .. ow down /lease opt only $32,000. Real Est• Salespeople Mttded! Onr"U"' 495.-112 1 • s31 -0821 _ILi II• ,,,21 28752 J\rt arguer1te ~ t>urk ~·av ~ I I Mission V1eJC) General I 002GOMral I 00~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LINDA ISLE l~Ca utifully decorated 5 BR, J'anc lin g-, 3 frplcs. i:tam1,/s li1,. DOYER SHORES '1 11'..! ba .. s;1Ci0.000 Sp.11·1.,11-. l\\'U '<lot.,.. l'u•ol l.t1-.vd 111111 1.11 1·1111"\ lu .. u11k<•11 l i \lll j.! r,;.,,11 Fn1'111 ,ol 1l1llHH: 11ow1li·t n1ur11 \\"1·! tJ.11· 1;,,uru11·1 !:~~~! .......... !?!!~I ?.~~! ........... ~?~.~ Sa11dy beach i::; the selling fc1r new , <:usto111 colonial home w /5 lllt. fam. rn1 .. t'orn1al ctin. air-co11d. $295,000. l-:.11d1·11 k1H·h1.•11 til t\.~ I' F .\ .\1 J J. \ J' \ H 'f ,. ](~Hf\I ,\· :-iEl'l.\l lJJ•:IJ !-.l \J l'l<'.1(1( \t 'I•; W1111! ltlj.! .,1,111 lu 111p l•• =-111· t\J,1=-ll'I ,1111/ 1·hiJd1"1'll" WATERFRONT WITH SLIP LIDO ISLE [ ][ ~j "" .. :','.',· ,·.:.111.v :oi.1<> '.)4.10 t:.111 _ ~-u _ q~u·k' ·~:11.J ti71ii c:::::n 5J~ [ ® '"' "' · ~ 1 .... ocatcd 111 one of Newport's Ucsl pr·iv<Jtc <:on1n1 unities, with private sli p for l<.1r g c boat. 3 Bdrm . home. bcaulifully decorated. Exlra large Jiv - ing rrn .. ~large patios. 3 baths & a cle~ li ghlful sandy beach. Priced very well at $131 .900. 1.argc 8 BR .. fl })a. hom(• t>n sandy !)each: 50 ft. lot. shore mooring. $295,000. Will consider trade. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Ba yo;.1de Or1ve NB 675-6161 VEAR Classiiocatoon 5300 INDOOR POOL BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 General I 002 General 100% ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pef"IOl\811 I~ '---•c~1a7s_s_•7l•_c_a71•_o_n_5~350 l-~·--1~ Class1f1ca11on 6CX)() '----~ .. _~ .... _JJ ~ Class1 f1cat1on 7005 fo',, J' ! h !' 1d l 1 lll.1 I ~· HI .c!1·g;1ll l ;ind 1•j>Ul1·l lt t'll l<'J'IJll)!U).! \\t" Jtr1·.,1·11! ,, 1 t1,..l<>1l1 111<'!1 "''I !l IHill ll' 1.11lt1 ;oi l 11n•11l., -,ur nnlll•I !Ill! :1t1 o •.X •JUl~ll•' 1ndvnr pou! Nu\\ pr1rct\ ;ii ::.J.,~1,:.ou. t·:x1·h.ingL·:. t"r JIH"•>!l1t" jll 1lp1·f\\ 11r ll 11.,1 d i•t·d-, l'(•ll!'o ld•·rL·rl o r li1\1 1·.1..,11 do\\ n •PWQuail ~ llii IPlace . Properties 752-1920 1100 OUAILSl NIWPOllT tlACH ' ~·-_.-_Jjrpl 1----~ .~ WHAT'S ... Class1flca11on 7100 The Difference? "' •I I I I 1· I,. II I 1· ,, c__,-_-_· _____,Jl§l 2407 E COAST M WV COFIONA D E L MAFI General 100 GrtWral 1002 ..........•••.•...... , ....................... . $26,900 Two Bedroom Repossession 3 +Bonus Room t)fl a tru·n<llY lrt.'l' lined .. lfl'l't. J!ll'i.tllllrl g t1.1r1t1\1uJd 1l110r:. l'rl1'P .1n1i 1•ll•an l '<1tl :..lfi :!.:~!;j Sl'l' ln1s large :1 lx.od.roo1n . ,,.,,, . .,,,,,,,,,1,1-••-,, ;!'~ h;.ith, bonus roorn [~ THE REAL ESTATERS ! home. 111 choice i-·ountain \";;llll'Y a rea. f'r1cl'd :11 only -SJU.950 Wllh IOI.I' down payment. ~I PLEASE DO NOT Disturb Tenants Ht•.,l huy •)!l r:as ls 1dc. l>rt1 l-l•y .llH Costa !\1C'S3 :-it ·r,,..o ;!BH homes un l.1 1!-(l' h1l "" alll'Y acc1·:,,s. Walker &Lee Real Estate 1-:.1l'h l1as l 'c• l';lr J!<ir ---- $20,950 2 Story 2 Bedroom S<:l!.tt:'iu Full 11r1l"l« 2 ll1•droon1 =-. I'~ IJ.Hh1'. :)l.IUO. Ill!!\'\.'~ yuu Ill!' llltns , H /(). !J\l'fSIJ;t'll l'ICt S L'tS , llil'lll.Y 01 ;..tor:.igl', t"A hl'<tl . ;;1r cond .. w 1w crp\!>, llrp~. J)Ol1 shcti S\OftC l'rllr\', Fl'nced p:.iuo. 1'01y 1n1•1i1s IL'SS Lh;tn rl'lll . C;.ill HJ'.! XJ:!I \'1lla g c (;ard1•ns 1111 5th St. JU.'11 wc:.L 01 llarbur Ulvd. 111 SJnta Ana. OWNER'S UNIT Pllls h :v<•;1r old lr111ll'li: w1lh :1 hdr1n. 2 liatt1 U 'Olo'Ul'r ·=-tllllt. Sha g l"arpct1n~. l't•d;.ir s1d1n.i.: 4 -Plex. EASTSIDE C.M. ;! Utlll" "' :1 .IJtkJ. I ,J \ C Ill ;J ~ hr hu11"lc ,-., ha11 · ~")].-,, ino 1111·omc 1rn1n Lh1· othl•r 2 utUlS. C<ill 1{1.•altor, l'aul Coad. ~l-6142 Class1ftcat1on 8000 '----... _ ..... _-_·_JJ[E] ~\;J.l •ll Hf \\'t• h;l\t' ;1111·'- l 'l\)"I\ ! 11 .. t 111g <1!1 .1 I Hlf I 1)11\ l<lt ~il!llll•::-. lu1111t• ;1( :):l:!.!,UIHI, ·' :; 1\11 .11 I :..t:J;!.0110 1~: :t f; llH .ii ~J1>:1 .1~1u · :di ).!••XI IJU)1' I !'1~·1· I hi' t1u1 I IL':. ,-., 1I1=-cll\'l'I". U11.•d11!1•11·111"' Both l1•in"ll-.., ur·· :.riuc~k) Lease Mow <·l<·.111 1 11 ~11lt'. Ncvl·r a Buy l~ \:1<·.on1 ·\. /\nXU•U..'i OV.nl~I' UT'C'I i1 •av1n ~ ;1rl•;1. t:i\l,L Seller I ;ind all lhl' push gooc..hcs. Sh<tfll 2 b1trm. 2 hath ~n1d I bdrrn rental urut;.._ NODOWH $200MOYES YOU iN 5 BDRM,., Class1flcat1on 8035 ~-~·-~·~·"";'""-..., .. ~Jl itl Class1 f1cal!on 9000 COMPANY Rf\l.'fOHS S l 'iC'E !'Ill 673·4400 i\' )\\'. fi Hi-4.)i"~l . (_'J.EVELANIJ HE,\L1'Y In Hurry BtJ..: heaul1 f ul 1·ooms t:ll·an & sh;11·p. Wind frc 3 B d patui. It ':> re:.idy tor yo e room nn\I.'. C;11l 64ii-717l. "" N "°', " • o "" °'"" "'°" '--=-T-~"~'"°__Jl~J----J Ctasstft catton 9100 ESTATE SALE Onl y 1~9,~~oQ and a'[~·· rt·.d ;..tarll'I" homl' for tht• _\O Ull ;!. 1\'i\"(_)\I}'; IS lJl .·\LJ 1-·1 Ell 10 a ssuml' the i ' ·'• JoJn "t ~o-~11 ,1l .StUi' a n1•1n!h Pl'l'L Full pr11•1• 11111 .\ CURB APPEAL Beaut. 14 un1l adll l.Jldg. • s h ort blks to beach. Pride 01 ownership. Cal for appl to soc. ~ ... _"_ .. _ .... _j[Qj Class1f1cat10'1 9700 \ HI(; (",\:\l)"l)N Bortl1•au' Ol<lllt·I t )Vl'f ~!ll"Jll =-q . ll 111 Ju\ury ti\ 1np,, =-1Je~·· \:tl"lll:!f \II'"' i\i,111 \ \'\ 11 ,1-.., \\ ••ll 1 l.i.,1 IPl1\.!. I .111, l ur ,1ppl . \1-!t·n1 t~l \ 1.1!.>U $23,995 Sl'1\ KLING nr;,\J. ES'l'i\'l'E '22 11 Newpot"l Bl. 8JJ -3.~m Costa MejO!I ___ _ 1 EDI 646-8811 ~~-i 1~~~~~2~",R~ID!D~l.P.!'.!.:!Su:n/~E·~·~· Would You -675-101s Believe? NEW ON MARKET 4 Br. dl'll, d1n1ng, pool , $90.UOO buys tlHS bl'aul. mau1ta1necl homt• in dl'- :.1rable J{a_v<'rl'Sl flurry• :-;p ,\J-ILJN(; I ,. ; Sell ft.· ... " " •, L\t•\\' l••.l ll lll \\ 1\011111·'' .11 l\vd r1•0 11 11 .t 1>.1111.,, :.! ,,1 1 ' lh•· ·' l11•d!<"•i\1' ,1 1 1• rn;1.,ll't' l 11·1lt"<•\1 1 1~. 111111·1 « 11 ldv=-.1 t' ., 111•1·l '.\ •·11 7'•" l•f;111 .1\,1d.il>lt· Ill HICY!' 546-4141 ~ COATS& WAI.LACE Op~n SWt 1.5 3202 Colarada. CM CHECK THIS! • l '()01. y"<!UH :! H,\ IF.·\~111.Y H<.K)~l 1J l-'1rcpl.1c·l·=- ':!l.)U ~q !I ':'\pl ,\[t·=-·I St'hl. .. '1•'11 \ F11i.11u·111 i.: I '.J 11:;·r 111·: IJ l 'l ·.-: IJ 'S.i.l.Oou H EA J, 1-:s·rA·r1·; 113J -;!54X --~ '----1 EASTSIDE j Br hi;c + 2 rental unlts. t>rt\'t.' IJY & makeo11c1·, SP1\ll LIN(; n 1•:1\I. ~:Sl',\1'1•: :iJJ :l'>IH BACK BAY BUYS 675-8600 miytime plu" 111\"1'1) I u._.11ruo1n. I 71kltl Sq I l. g lfi~S huu~t·~ VISION 11.1111 .11111 d1n1ug roorn I I • REAL TY • I :;~~~'f~"~:~~E·;;c TWO ONE I ""' 1" "" ""' I -REALTY-1 + \'oruii.t dl'I \1.H 642·5200 &75 -4060 REAL ESTATE, INC. ! ::. 111111°:11.1 ;:;'.1111:111:1:;~':1 \.'~~ 1~1\1/~ , CREAM PUFF 1~ I :")('P •l i"oll\.' dhlP ~•.11 ,1 i,:t· 1 f..11 l.:1' ilJI! ;I.I\\ I\ llfll s 1200 \/1c1 · ·''1r.t th11 11•r \1dl •'t·nl , .1 11 ,,t•ll l'lt·.111 g MovesYouln 1 1."!·•_n1·1· ·rr, tl l_·, ·/ "1 1·11 . 1 t'1.111lll ill1 l'tltr.v l'.iy111 ,.11 t,,,ll'"S lh.inrcnl 1 :-.lt.,:1.111 . .111.l K11 t·h It 1'o 1111 I ::;111.:1.>u Full l 'ri c c . i l .n1 :u·11lt1ll·. l'n•'l'il r1gh~· 11ed r oon1 ... 2 tJ ;1ths 400£.171'•• FOR AU I a t s.'lti.~~10 l . ,\l.L :1.'rti :!1;,;n I 11 I l in :'i , ll 1 tl , \v 0 1;,; C.M.:~:_ ·~us c=sELECT 1·;1h11lt·Ls, F .\ ll1•:11, al!' tf=; . .. ·tliii. 1 T' PROPERT ES 1 ,.~H1rht11111111 1-!. " • ...,. i•pt ~ •·· . 1 I l .!11 V11J.1gc· l1a rd1•n s. •!1"9Quail ~· liiitlPlace ' Praperties · 7S2-1920 1400 QUA.ll ST. NlWl"ORl llACH EASTSIDE Assumable 6°/o Loan 4 Bedroom, 2 hath home w /roon1 for a lar,cl' rarn1- ly around the fireplael' 1n lh1s 24 II . :s h a,c l"arpfi'ted h\•1n ~ room w1lh shthng glas s d oors lo eovercd 11at10. Bc'auulul d1n111 ~ rm , ktt w /Ollns ;n1d dis hw;i ~hl•r .. • n•t:l' gardt·n plot oul:s tdl'. Bl·duccd tn '.l45.000. A,ct>nl &lti-3255 FIXER-UPPER On 1?·2 lol, clost• lo hcach 111 Newporl. 2 1\H. Clwner JUS l rl'dllt'o.:11 IJrll'l' St1.0titl, now pr 1 l'l'd ;1 L Sl4.~l.)ll 67J·:lliijJ fi..J2·ll.J;\ l::vt•S. associated BR O KERS-R E A LTORS 202 ~ W Bolbo., 1>11-3661 THINK THRIFTY BLUFFS CONDO 2 STORY ·rrc1.· l1n1·d 1·11l dL··sacw J•res ti l!L' .1p1•l'oat.·h .. n1 a s.~ 1 v \.' 1· 11 t 1· y I i-:no1·1n••ll " 11arlor: Furn1.1J h ,111qoL·I ruonl, l ;1g ,1nlll' g.1rdL·ll l..111·tH.:ll, :-K·p;;r;1tt• l•l'.,1.1 n .. un. a-• BtlNUS /{i-~l)H()t)1\1S. ~UIJ 1\l<JVt·:.S 'i'1>U I i\/!~ Lll ·:. toii.:o ;1J,.;1nlag e., c~1JI now X.J <! .!.);L1 t . Ol'fN lll <;l•ll \IUN1011(1"~!' _. [Vi ltiPdl\ll~ -~ Walk To The Beach From this 1n"lrn<icu l ~1te IJL'at:h h1dl' a -way. only, =-tt.•p:s trom th~ .... atcr. 'J'tus 1=-.1 :-h:1rp n<·wrlr. property -n111 0111· nt .1 h\f uld ... l'L·.1r (lq\111,.. • lJnly S.55.(k~). llt•lll'I" :il'l" l1~1.1y. t_>.lli -1711. Opt•ll i':\t"'<. Walker &Lee Real Estate L;1rc 1·.~l 11l;1n 11llered: 4 C t D I lxlr1n;.. , 1·0 1~ l.Hnily rm.. us om up ex lorn1,ll d1111ng rin. 11h•=-3 BL·droun1 111Ht =-i. 'Jos t• lo I 1n1 s h t•d l)onus rm 1Jc.1l'h . ~1 :r1.:~MI l.11rat1·tl 1111 111.H.'n i!rt·t·n CENTURY 21 he ll .'iL·t·d s :1 l1l1 ll' ·t1,1· 642-1771 Pritt· r L·,tu1·l·1 t ti) :.-177 .. ~hi J•-----------\)..., 111·r 1\,1111 , a1·t1011 ' Supi•r p1 Lt't', Supt'I' z n1v1ll'L C. F. Colesworthv Realtors 640--<tOiO HOME + INCOME I< \S'J":->llli': ;l HH hou.,I) \\llh h.1l'ht•lo1·.1pt + 11\lt ,q>! u\ e r ~ .. ra ~t'. ,\~. .. un11· j ', \" \ lo:1n. ~7tl. pt·r 11H1 t·.111 l'Ht-'.STllib: 11(1 .\IE:'.~i L.o 1~.11; Pool Home $36.950 I' Th9n "°" nHd 0 Biq Family Small Budqet Under $5,000 DH . 1 EASY LIVING I x:i~-x:li t lll \'t '-1· lo\vt\ gri••·n l------------1 hl'll 1•11d !LrlH .! Hll ;~ ll \ NEW HOMES Newp11rt llt•1ght,., :1r1•.1 ('M a•hli-1•.,, c'll'an ~l\lt. 1\\·n. ~B 1\ 11111)11• 011 ~~f X 1:1 7 H :lt"I' lot 1111!1 s;~.~(>11 ltlf .111 1'.ill :'>.1.:1:1 Bailt•\ .iud ,\.,,.,u,· 1~1 1 i :.! I I 1~";1 u 11111 I l.1r:.:•· 1101•1 ', h 1•.il t•d ;1 1HI llll!'l <'d Ir\ 1.1rv1· lul .l t11•d1qo 1n 11.,111. 1"11 1 1.~lh 111r111.,hl·d \ ,11·.111t .111d r1 ·,1il v l or 111·- 1 lll•.1 111·~ ,\,,u n1;,!1l1• VA hi;111 Daily 'iktt do111fied ctd Nt.1 tal IM'i-5611 and ti fritncl'f c1o,.;titd od·YlMW ..,;II help .,OU ~reof<t on INllplllllY•. bul ellte:flv•. ioltt rMISOljjt. 'cry"''"' •s tosy, toa . .,_ trtodif I\ good wiftl UI 'fo..i ((In <horge ,,_ od. Or. put II on ,_ Ma11w Chc11vt of lkri.°"'""'•d. 642 -5678 Y PILOT llor 111tl11 r1 pl.111 ou11n Br 1).!l1t ;1nn :,,u1111\· \11••\1 )our ov.u fruit H1)11111 '"' i.:.u d1·n \\!,di.. t11 1 ~1·1 \\hl'r(' 1·1-..(' 1,•fl \!II lh•U'c lhl' tt•.11n i.11 '"ht 111• <'.all 1,11; 7171 I 1 ijJ:f fiait11 I - I 0 ·1 ·.•"1•1 1 1 · I "".., " •I'( it nf1• ,..,1 vr l'ot\\ 1l h •ll1~1· v. .,p .11·11111., ,·,,1 d ,\ 11u11111 •1•=-l·.tiJ") ' .11 1•!1 l'I' !1 I Ill).!. ,..;horl ,[1 p-. lu ··luhhnu,..1• llO!!l ,I \•'11111~ .,hopplllj.! lt'IHt•r \ 1111\ ~ 17 ;'i(Jt) l'.111 "'11"'111 11 .. 1111·=-ll e.dt r.j .i· 1 .~ •• ' ' 2 & 3 Bodo-oom from $30,950 LOW AS 5%DOWN Adult Cormv'lity BUORON INC. COLLEGE PARK • .:•o•>ul""'~" .0 ~" l'tH•' ~l.1 \IH•d ~::!1100 :1!------------1 l ~ll ' I\\ ll-: t'Jh,1na &j p<11oi l'1•I•. 1o11 n:;,,..h.,i k1 ·J'rwo ~tory l>OOI /ll)rTH'. lln· 1tK•I o>v.111·1· 111t 111t1)! Nn" hclie v allle IH"l'"linlt"l"ll'r "' ! '.l,,o H 1·11l.1·r b;jrjo!.~1111 ;,1t Jll::>l $,:17.0llU! 1.i" :i·i.:1' l«\1'" s.11; OJ21 All l('rn1 s ;1va 1labl c . llurry -Call K47 -tilJI /\{;'I' j Your 11a r11t ltru.,h. ~tn\I ~nn11· 11n tl1!1n.1t1 on w ill' ~------J n11•~1· l111.;; 1nl•1 a :o;hur1) IJI. 'rll(ltJll~ ho itll'. l'•lf lll'I IOI 1\lli•I, lit'f l'"•"· :\ll 1o·r111 . r .111 Au ·r • .is.1; tio 111 I 642 $bfR I I Newport Beach *TRIPLEX* CARRIES ITSELF :I Sh.u ·p un1l::. ""'Ith !)oul, llh'h1tl1ni,.: p1•1lthuu=-1· v.1\11 o('t'Jtl \ lt:\\ l..11').!l'Sl UHIL hh =-111 .1 .,~ll •' d o uhl1• t1r1•pl ,1l•1•. "11h µ1 .. 111r1• \\lndow ;.. 111 p1111I \\'Ill l";.ir11 "''h ;,!1.1 , dov.n ~7!t.:1uO By :ipp1111ll1nt.•11t only. •MQuai~­liiii I Place Plaperti•• 7.52-1920 ~ OOA.llJT. NIW f tlAC" •l.1 Walker &Lee Reel Estate A SPECIAL RE5TAURA'MT ~tnaJI , 1·h :11·1null-!, ru:.ln·i l 1 r1111~· N l'\\p<irl Ht•at•h lot:il ion "'1t h ;1n1plc· p;n k1ni.:. llPt•t' und "'1tnr ht'('tl"•' ~1 :1 .;~iO t •l)I.~: ,,.,. .~ 1-:\\.' 1'•)1r r. 1t1 ·.11111rs 6i:. ~-ll 1 -' Cov1n .:l1111 !1t11t'ph"'\ ti\ pr101c lluu1111~1on ll)(::il• t111n I >on 'l n11f.:.. th1~. ral( l\j!l. no'"" tor dct::itls, &47~101\f!t I • I ~ I • • . ' . : DAILY PILOT ., .. . .................................... , .... ,.. .................... . ··:;··..-.i~ toii ~...... .L ... 14. Fr,d!y.FM>rMlty21 .1975 ~_,,.-$tie ~~ nll'I" -1•11 ....... _,_ f""W' -•"•••• • •• .... ••••,_ •• ,,,, ... ,~ . U-----· •--U-·--~-·~-H ' ·--·~ ~"""'" ..... Sale "'"'""",. : l,,Y,1t1nforS. ,_I!* . N1•n .... 54e ...... G .. MNI 100 Goetteraf • _ lOO I C f\11! ... .._ .. ,..,,, ••••••\•••••_._,.,,..,,,, .. • -~·············-······ ·-····················· ·-·················· ••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ........................ • •••••••••••••••••••• -............... ,....... • • .... ~·· . Id • : ... ,,"'4 ..... '" •••• ,,..,....... • , 100 ••=•• 1001 , : s"-'"'Sfl . cOT1!;2.e•.1Bow1r .• 1SMT1MI , • .e••ll••t••••••"•• .. ••• •••••••!••••••-....... -·-·-·•••••9¥••••-•• ··-·•••••••••-!.V•••• * ~ * * * * . M•""$fftW ~<dr ... , .•••• rplc, __,MlllYOU ~4-iaa-•----------------~I JI( ' ,.." vn beaut. patio area . ,..-. -~i Rr'l £STAT£. ll'IVl'f' iii 1 • • .(SSUME sO,soo. BY owner, W4"TTO• ••• UI 'llllUH~ H •ta' c II t" , -Sl9 008 . IT5~or61Hlll2S The J•fY'''"'°' .:;""i'~ ::! :.t.e:.~-:o!~ew~~: erl ge . 0 .~~ 100· M J~~~~~~~.. . : tr. E~1r:>~~r.f:~ in&" office .•. unique in C ;.REf'D"'E C"""'DOMINIUM Elevu«d vesubule. · ..it11 a BR~ r<ntal. f:ifd~nl~ ~~~,!· Orange County. A :...-s: "" down 11 ."1ng ro•m-;. $9;otB1YtfdePIQr."'1~ "zo ·1 ..-a. . Specialists .in . the de· • THllOW YOUI L4WH MOWU AW4Y t·u,mal dining served by buulllUI natural W\IOCI -~9·u : ':'ir.11o i;o, velopment or your -this is the life! Poot. dubhouM and 1tr .:alltty, enormou text'!re&.0 01\iyoneye~ ~~Pt~--•. ~a I I ntorv of \lots ot green 1 lawn that others take wooded l"ieJta ~oo.m new.:C.llMf-Tlll.Alt. bdrm + fatftfl1 room persona nve -I :'t.. ·r.w.i_n _111nd1ng 5.lalr<t.•• ,,.._~r!'w-' ' ', 10~4 r.,, ... __ ~-. . k I bl h mes Full THEY WIU. IE G"~ care of, 3 Bedroom, 11'-' baths, cnarm-b 1 ~ ..._,. " ~ -~ mar e a e o · "~ c1rtular a l"OnY· ~ .ua •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• timesaving office .with envy! This beauti£ul ing and convenient. Asking ·$31,~. it c pa 1·a;.e s leejltn~fliii.iiiiitiiitiiiJOO•iiliimioioOiJ services available, full "Rutgers" model home will do it! It's" C,. 540..1151 ' · <1u<trl~rs . Kings mute · 0 L "'""· ..,. w, •• •""""' 3 teCtrOom5 time secretary, answer· a spectacular! A 3 bdrm townhouse· C l EGE PA.RI< t.1 :.ince pavilion. AsJUm •2 B'atbs hardwood ing service, qualified with a family room on !ee land. Up· HJ.RO TO PINO -lovely 3 bedroom, 2 1'. VA $3>0 '"" "'°" 8 • VEN clienl ljsts plus· rnnge graded ttlroughout and green is the 'bath corner home. Complete witih pays au. Owner m\lit,o. rioor•, tUE HA · benerils l·nclud1'ng th d 1· hlf I I I ' 'f •1k~ advantage. C•I POOL. arae palio. eme: e 1g u app e green co or ,.,..,.,,,.. pool and aecess for boat or •. ;, dJs Qulerstr•et.$311.500. N E~an'.I health insurance. coordinated interior. A greenbelt in tri.ller. Just recently redecorated. ~'f .. N lll V.•fl S JIJNfQ jfNl(I ' aoyMcC•• . ew ' w Remember ... Four front, a greenbelt rear and it is local· Tr•Jlllfet"forces sale. New on the , • · R.....,1119,Ho~ sold listings per month ed on Greentree Lane. The price? only market. w 0 n 'l la 5 t ! ! ca I I ' ~~ M,1ali4!1-1l29 · • 2·S will produce $24.0!JO per $69,900 green ones! -· •• 546·5180 ,-. ' T-esl •-t year. ; . when you .re or· UNl91JE HOMES R...iton -546-5990 B "'RG "'I""' H ·U..,..ERS •BEST BUY.• 48', 2110 ! '"' • • • ....... ganized. 2150 Mesa Yer• Drive, Costo Mffa " A " "I M'ea a Vefde·. 194 7 Newly .decQtaled, shoWI By Appointment Only NEWPORT IEACH FIXER UPPER -on Killd"r Cini!~. 163,IOO. like a drHm. •Priced Balboa Peninsula Point. Ilg. lig 2 Corona del. Mar . ow .. r: 051~. below repl•~-"' COii· J41C2K131'5~iJ~R. Geftlff'OI I 0021 General I 002 Bedrm, 2 bath, oversized living rm Outst;.indini.: one ye"r ol Nr New. lge 4ar, FR, ~~0 ~1~!';.""::u~ni::::::: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• and lanai. Lots or room for imagina· Duplpx. 1'1lese moder Singfe Stry, Xlnt. Mesa Forest of trees. Entry (714)142-4455 lion and decoralor ·talents. See this units ea c h have ·Verde toe across rn.m hall, 4 bdrms, + dea . Ll""DO AVE. special . -'reduced to $69 ,500. Call bedrms. Ii replaces Park. Don't misa this, area. h~rdwood nooc,; •. ,.. Al I$ l'llClosed garages. A toe.a ;ii84,tl50. 54~·12lti. brlck fireplace, wood 1.4.LI0.4 PEHIMSULA 54..... I. 01 :1100 sq . It. of hv1n cabih~tr_y. $43 ,00lt Charming 2-sly., roomy old beach EXECUTIVE TRANSFER a cea. Cmw,men11o shoi> HOISIPROPllTY sacrifice! ·house. Spotless! Clos e to NHYC SH.AR' 4 hdroOM -3 bath tri·level :~~}~Ct~ifs~ listing. Cal ~~· ."ii~h;5~ ~de~ :0: S40-17JO .Beamed ceilings, rrplc. Lge lo~ & home Near private community coun-640-6161 stallS!"ena557-7""3 TARBELL brick patio, with room ror boat. etc try· clul! Hugo f...iay rOam. formal din· '"·'""· EXECUTIVE REALTORS $72,500 ing and oversized lot. Very fle xible HOME-exceilentforen· :l95SHarborBlv·d. ,,,. . "' i i •... • ·' ... " J ., .. r ' Walker &Lee Rl!Al ESTATE financing Coll 546--5810.' tertaining. Sparkling 21 --==..:,=~===10-.-6 S~UE •KY cL:e..._.... story ... bedrm, a bath o-ro..-• A ·~" home with rormal dining, ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT DUPLEX 2.l!R upper+ 1 BR lower $126,000 !Gene-ral 100 CO-al 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••• Catalina '' 1, View 1 J-'rom the elegant and spacious 4 bdrm, J bitth ~·family home with separate family room and dining. "fhe beautiful lrees and greenery con· ;. trast nicely with the , thick shak e roof. g1v1ng a rich cot.y feeling to thi:i ' excellent family hOmc on quiet cul·de·s11c street. Si.).lJUO. 64ti -771l. Open "Li st" il in classified. Ship lo Shore Res ults~ 642·5678. ........................ SUPERB FORMER MODEL HOME ·rastefully decorated and LAWSON REAL ESTATE 3416 Via Lido. N B 675-4562 landscaped 4 BR. home. I G · I I 002 View of Big C11nyon golr Getteral I 002 rMra d .. h •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <:our s l" -.n <i s ion island . See Judedoutdoor ~ entert<11n1ng <ire<i w1ltl oriental garden View det•k Ga s 1"ue1ed f1rep1t Jles1den~·e features hv 1n i,: room. with ni gh beamed c~1Jings I-lu ge master s une plus J fam1 ly bedrooms Priced otl ~l!:t5 ,000 Call l>i J ---8550 tor appt to inspect Ol'IN Ill 9 •II S I I.ii"< 101!1 NtCI THE REAL 1 ESTATEff.~ $13,000. PRICE REDUCTION BAY FRONT WITH PIER & SLIP. Spec tacular vie w from most of the t'ooms. but a fan. ·tastic view from your private balcon.Y Completely r e decorate d thruout Priced below original cost for fast s ale al $119.500 -Try lease option al S7SO. per month. or submit Give this one a real serious thought ME A VERDE 4 •EDROOM -fami1y country size kitchen &-MAGNIFICENT room, all on one level. Beautiful mo'f'e huMe ram rm w,wet bar. OCEAN HARBOR. VU in cOIMlition.. Owner leaving our area V A/F~.' A Repos Prime location. owner is Nu. 6 BR, 3 c11r, nas '°'- d d · f C I extremely anxious . Call l /2 acre. Prof. ldsepd. an es1res ast escrow! a I now to 111 Orange County 54 s-tl.f.24 Associated :i;ioo,soo. By 0wnr.,Act. See $53.950. 540-1151 Keys 1n ollice SouthCoait Brokers. Ph : 675·7414 W:ORLD ..:..;;:...:.:.;;_=.. ___ _ ERITAGE REALTORS REAL EST.ATE lroalfw8)· NEW DUPLEXES. Dana l • ...._ + Pl. from M.960. Ul3l Spec1ahsts Ill govern· nlent financed homes! 5.Jti -1111 call anyi1me VETERANS th:it neut Costa Mesa Mala&•· Agt. 491J-..M3l street close to ever· Brlllnd New Odo ~<In yttung. with a beilUU!ully View Duplex. Go6d l!Pt"& upgr11.ded home on ii Ir ultns. Drapes. l>edt&. huge ~lley ucc~ rear U.ndscaped. a car gar. '1'1rcd of gelling lhe run yard tor only ~7 . .SOO. Poinl Re;,i lty. ~ I .around":"?? 11" you have 644-1211Agt. Gflteral 1002 General · 1002 ;iny questions about bUY··I -'"'--'-'-~'----EIT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1n1-: a home V,\, cull the I ._._ aro Prorn se ........--•••••••••••••••••··-- IOJZ \"r\ l::xpens ut *Balboa Bay Properties* WorldRoallh'91o Anythilwj BY OWNER Spl'l'iahsis "' V/l ~· But give her this custom 2 STORY llP Special• 1n)!. 1\.s k 1·or Veteran cottage 1n Costa Mes.,,, Bayfront rental Corona del Mar Coun se lor. 556-1777, with warm cr11cklin g $4 J,950 $350 ;tnyume. fireplace under wood 2BR R ·2 c-cr;.,OOO Oceanside of Hwy. ·--------1 bfamedce11tngs,cou.ntry S»ve com1111ss1on wita 0 Id ~ . sharp de 1 u x e lolboa Island . 100 kitchen. cand.Jeltte din· this ;? story 4 bedroom. 4 e r u n 1 ts ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1ng looking onto lush roll· ne1trly new Lille f'orHC. $79,500 duplex. 3 & 2 BR. B•LtO• ie• .. ~... 1ng green lawns. Three oome WI many 1mprove--G-........ 1002 Getteral 1002 .-.-~ cozy bedrooms, a sunny ments, Assum.11ble 7'1 •••••••••••••••••••••·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67s.6670 Dix. duplex $93,500 $106,950! 640·8484 DUPLEX den •Ii nestled und er FJI,\ lo11n . Pnncip.lson-- JACOBS REALTY ~ • 1 2919N~wporlllvd.comer3oth Oceanrt. duplex J,ovely upgfaded 2 BR towering stately trees ly.L'aUSl:I0-5Y50. ' ~~ ... $138,500 llom e w-Jbea.med ceil ing ltnd on ly ~,9SO! Call u.. fl-..t •~ t••• b Submit your orfers ptu "°' :! BR newer Apt . Sf6-.23J:l. .-_,, .. _ -macna I Irvine lG od I 675 7060 OceC9'1front Both units ha~·e lots ot (Vlr_Nlll9 .. •t \IUN1011lt.IJ("(• ··········-············ realty ~~~!'!'! ...... : ... !?.~~!••~~~~! .......... !~~~ t ~ Sat~Sun 1-5 3707 Seashore ~:·:~~~: 1~<.<3 ~..!ri g;~i ~--,·· 1 ~!~· s~;.'e~: ctiC:::i .. ,, ' 1 .. J .. .. FINER HOHES FROM $35,500 TO $775,000 ST4R LIGHT-SJil'IRIGHT. ., Lovely Monaco in Big Canyon -ex· }'. quisite1y decorated 3 bedroom, 21h . bath home. Professionally J.' landscaped. $131,500. Bob Owens • 642·8235. (Pll l " CREA TIOH OF SUNSHINE. -Spacious, light & airy 3 bedroom .... home w /J.car gar~ge, cathedral :' ceilings & fenced for total privacy. ·; $70.000. Lois Egan 644-6200. (Pi2) : • " .. • 40' 14 YFROHT -UDO HORD. In choice 700 block -pier & slip for 60' boat. Lovely lg. living room w /expansive view. 3 charming bedrooms. Jane Frazee 642·8235. CP13) IT'S TRUE. Absentee owner will accept $35,500 !or this 2 bedroom , 2 bath townhouse (split-level) in Park Lido -Has "face lirt" -new carpets, drapes & paint. Gloden Fay 642-8235. CP14) llVIHE TEllU.CE. 4 bedroom + den home. Conve. niently close lo Newport Center, Balboa Island. shopping & recrea· tion. $88,500. Tom Queen 644-6200. (PIS) "S4HD & S41LS" Newport executive home. Cozy family room w /Franklin £ireplace. S bedrooms. 3 baths + MORE al $99,700. Emmet McKune 644-6200. (Pl6) · H4RD TO FIND. Newport -Cape Cod -4 bedroom + den home. Huge kitchen; low mainl. yard; newly painted inside & out. $81 ,500. Lynne Rothell 644·6200. CP17l POITOFIHO PaHCTIOH. Choose between 2 lovely exterior elevations, 3 bedrooms. 3 baths, tropical landscapinj! w /waterfa/I , or another with finished bonus room. From ~95,000 fee . Joyce ·Edlund 642·8235. (Pl8) U'll CJ.JllNll IM HIWl'ORT. Near!)" new -beautifully decorated & upgraded 2 bedroom -den -dining room -2'h bath -pool ~ ·jacuzzi + tennis. $00,500. Larry .Dyer 6'Z.8235. CPllll llt .... .,...., ....... ~tul44·1100 .............. ~DNi . Beautiful , EXECUTIVE'S 2942 Pemba, Mesa : L>uY it! 7 ,..; view, 2 llr, z Ba, frpt . l Turlleroc:k I VIEW HOME Verde. 3 BR., fam . Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ! . SOUTH C04ST ~~=~i)=::= "°"' lln. o' luse ope. I 11 INVESTMENT ~ av111il . ~74,500. IM6-153U u1 ~t 111 cl1Vl'. v»c rrw1n -rm $58 500 Dix .. duplex. Will I ~ c.t™ 1-'1ay-l::n1o y sw1m1n1n g l.tt1ned. {"U :>lon1 hunt. 3 · ' ; 549-0812 64M710 _,..., al your own club. and :J BR plus den Everything 19362 Pitcairn. trade for more un· 1---------I •M--.-.. • good game 01 1e11n1.o; JUsl 1n c .-.ecll e ul (•und1uon . Hunt. Bch. 3 BR., 2 its $105 000 Equi· ]PEl'l'fE DUPLEX With llSll lOWASt.. aJO~awa.v mani cured landscap1 11.e: 556 b a_ 8800 . $ 4 2 , 5 0 0 . ty•.' G7S·?00o I yard & parking. J...1ke Mesa Verde-All financ· w1lh s parkling he<ited ' -new. $&1 ,950. 67i~l2 1ng or assume Gi loan . RclaK -ln your O'>''n lust fd te r ('d pool Custo1n l -OPBN S11t tSon or call gardens and <1tr1um drape s lOp ~rade ('"~l rJ)l•l· rn REALTORS ra laa1boa Penb1Ua I 007 !.48-3209 anytirhe . L1,·e -1n 1he smart es1 re;.1J y.l.on10,·t·1nto C:11J 41..ocaJOtft<:esToServe\ou JIL''l'\'li':\\'O"BAY TW04.ft.UIS 1ng It 1:-no'' \'acant au1l ~ . , !'•••••••••••••••••••••••j area . Turlle Hock {"teat 1 hi.l -XJ~O r~.S . Sid b S. EXICUTIYI air, green h1ll.s 0;1nd aj 00>1 1ir11 9 •11 ~1u1;ro~1 •11<.1 ~ , Ouplcx I yr old 3 .Br Y \'1ew [ ... ~ I General I 002 et1eral I 002 , l·at•h, 1rpl<-•, outst1ond1ng in xtnt Costa Mesa area. SUPU SHAIP 545-9491 .~;l!(JPd!'.f ............. ~ ............................... ~·~~; •,n0 :·~P~~,oc~~~. S~~~~=T ~~:: ~:;':!,~ .~~':.~~ . ,~:~ _! ____ J_~ . .Sullivan . Rhr, :,OL.-1--6761 549.011 z 644-6710 game room, family rvom or 548-21~0:'_3 _____ \..:....:..:::-~~=::--=-:--I & pool horne ... W•lt c.o KEY CONDO UC'iu:-.c 2 bedroom with \O.'oodburn1ng llreplacc, I I BELOW MARkET l o rm:.il Ll1 nr ng roon1 .1 I Blull s condo 3 Br. di n· private Rarden pallo + I 1ng. 2'': Ba overlook1n.e: yard. Sup l'r luL·.at1 on . I 1 1'.:rcen belt XJnt cond ~J.!100 . l(f 1< do'>''n. t..:<1!! I 1\.lust be sold w~~ifij8 J !'.'I PAHLl 1~(; '~ KEY ·1 REAL 1-:s·rAl"E --ll:J3-J;18 RE: Al TORS IC_ i IOOz'G .... rol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• sas,950 ON uoon1 The price is right for this charming 2 bedroom, 2 bath with s eparate family room plus dining area. Complete with double garage and roof garden. ENJOY Hi.TURE From every room of this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home built around a beautifully landscaped patio with pool .. Decorator wallpapers, new carpets, beam ceiling, fireplace and many extras. $89,500. FOR nu GOURMET G•RDENER ,Lovely 4 bedroom, featured on Plome Garden Tour '74. Beautifully decorate·d. Charming patios. ·waterfall, pond . Immaculate Big ·Canyon home. $168,500. ACRUGE OH THE 14Y Nearly 2 acres of view property surrounded by large e s tate homes. Perfect site for a home with poo l tennis court and /or s tables : Presented al $19S,000. CH4RMIHG USTILUFF Spacious corner locatio11, cove red with big trees makes a pe rfect setting for this large 3 bedroom, 3 bath. 2 story hom e. SBS,000. 14YSHORES IUCH HOME You own the land! Great location near private beach. Sleeps 12. Large patio with fireplace & rear yard ror volley ball. Great potential. $79,000. DIAL 644-176' WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. HEJ\f.TOH S ""'l"' H14H COROH4 DB. M411 11'.!COME Near new luxury dupleX: south of highway. LR water view! 3 BR. 2 ba, den, frpl ea. unit. Beamed ceiling, huge sundeck. Quality built. $145 ,000 2111 San Joaquin Hills Rood NEWPORT CENTER. H.B. 644-4910 --NEW LISTING school. You "'""' tee. . Call aMZ-9371 1 1CoronadelMcr 1022 Steps to Mariners Parle. DICOUTOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 br + fam . rm., ~ru::k j DELI•~ frpl, country k1lch . wn• I. Ettottluilden $45,000. Call : 00-6368, Executive Home. f""9ntatio9al Agt. N-0 agt.s. pis. iBdrms. 3 thtlhs, fitmHt is presently sl"lling lhelr room & 2 fireplaces. new condom1n1urns. Ca · *i'/:io/o FHA LOAM• Plush shag. DrlJ>H 6- nyon Cre:i;t Estates, .Saves $9600 on 2 br /2'h w;,illpaper matm. VA- loeated at the comer oi ba Twnhse CM. $;170/mo.1 ..:".:.Kc." '.:.'.:.Ac..Gc.'·c..r_. ll4l!'-'-' .....,,-"'--'l--l'ac\r1c View Drive ~7.5000wnrS49~J nl!w ~t•cArthur Ol\·d in Abandoned Corona de! f\1ar, start1n *GARDEH HoMI• New E:ng)ami .slyltd wtt" at $1.i.900. S;iles ofhce & BY OWNER g;,1.ble roof, & over hotn&: m o<lel n o w Ope n Upg raded 4 Br. 2 Ba . · mg e11ves. 4 Bedrooms. Pl IONE 640 ~ pitrquet !loors, atrium , G al l.G al 1002 ---. . frplc in Beautiful 'Mesit huge family room. used ener 1002 ener I . . , brick r1replace. A: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• so~.;,ou. t>ttn AIC lam!l y on Verde. ~63.500 . 1947 1 d "" I !>mall lot. Pr1nc1pals on· K111deerCircle.S51·2528. c1rcu ar r1veway . .-r; OceanVillo MesaVerc» 1 ~·.tii5-J6tJ ~~~:~!' e1bandoned . T Story GIT....,. •---------1 -~ WO ·rake adv<intage of tn1s 1 IEST IUY BY OWNER, lge S & s 4 Pool-$29,950 mot.,aicd ••lloc who woll 1 1 DuP,lox-$74,900 * EASTSIDE * UR , 2 B•, f'•m·,m. " rn:it"s ri ght! T'A"O slory, pay loan fe es .for you lO 10cewnsuJeofllwy1 form Din ·m. pro('ly pool. Cour big bedrooms. purchase this beauti(ul 4 l)wncr , 54'4·llrJ9 2 IR + f.., Rm lndscpd, patio, cust drps Shaded entry to m1r· bedroo1n fami..ly home 1n 1___ HDl{e fenced y<ird w / & crpt5. Upgrlllded lhru· rored J1v1ng room . JUSl about 1111)' method : H rbo y· HIN fruiHrees . R.2.~.900 out. J!:tSO Sq. fl. Q ,WU. Custom room d1\"1ders. you choose ·V1\.FllAor a r teW nl , PatlisonlnvestmentCo. Xlnt cond 5 yrs old . Gourmel indoor·outdoor Co n ve rit1un<AI . f\l csa 0 t'l'an. Island, llartipr 642--«ltlt IU7-6111ortM7-2Sl4 kj,tchen . No wax floo rs. Verde fur only $3!1.500 .. V1c\I.·, lge 4Ur, 2ba plus'/-------'----- Unique s ta1r~·oty toj He lle r tak l.' a lo o k. i."'>O ll. beamed ltv flh. C II Ry Ownr -~.$Olf. Z Br private m.:.s ter ;ind &1ti -i 71l Upt.•nl'::\"C!>. \ '>'',{"l'nterl"rpl c,allbltns, 0 ege home, C•ll MS -216i; children 's ~1ngs. \Vind ! ;1uto (»r door. t.!ore ! 1W7l r,•}!hpe,H8 free sun deck. One mde · lfc low market at ~.500. Park lo lk!a ch. Helter nul nu::.s t;a11 6-W--U44 I. ALL TERMS 1t.Call%3-676i. 1JpenSat /Sunl2·6 p I + Vet.sNoOOwn £"f '" n19.ors 1vN >011r ,, :1 · 1 J-hJ:Rl'Lea Lane. CdM. OQ 'lier pays a.II costs [itlliia;Jlj[I wan• A~• ~c.11 : ... ~, •. ,1 \''-'r\.~~~~~;,(y00::,.,.. Jacuzzi .... ~~~~;t,;;.. · · --.. $4B 950 Witlktobeath L'(( 2Br );IQmc. Ideal ror l -~r Young Couple just start· 1 I-furry . subm t your'"' er 1 11 I! 0 u l . ~f a l u re Owner Jade Really 841-l-t:lJt DIRECTORY HOU$ES FOR SALE 2 IR I< "-'ly Room 2101 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa 548·1168 Daily 1·6 4 IR I< ,_ly Room 2012 Port Ramsgate. Newport Bch. 540·S415 , $93,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR -SALE . 345 Univ. Dr. '(Nr Back Bay) !1 .1'- 548·7223 $40,950 Sat/Sun 10.S. , ... Wf/twf'°" ..w•.w;1r ... a.roo1. la1Hl~c~i111: creates al · Sacrifice mospllere of pr1,·ac y. •£AU~L I Clo~e to!ihops &schools.. Save thousands ! D 'f. 1)1\VIO BOURKt-:: RLTR Beautiful home. park · GLEN AR f 54t;-9950 Anytime. like landscaping, trees, ' •DISCOVERY Spn c;1ous 5 BR t'ront I ttouse wflRe !'am rm, lorm&I dining & lge 4 ba . I C! BR Rear apl w/frpl c. l l s unt.l~ck , bluns, etc. Nr Ue ac h. \)"our terms! 752.0460 ...y11 ... ' , plants. b1e pool with 4 Bedroom•, 1~ baths, jacuzii, party patio . nreplace, 1ha1 carpe1.1. brick fencing .. Entry hall Upgraded lhruou\, £x. opens to. gracious living calltnt neighborhood . rm, J big bedrooms + CIOie t •chaPll. sbop. den area. m1111)ve p1ni k ~freewtfy. E11:· rareplace. copper ,Plumb· cclleftt.bu . at• u». ang, new CllrpeLS, drapes. · ;w 54G-l 720 ~I. TARBELL REALTORS t••~ . 2855 Harboi' Btvd. j65 depoelt· ror ~re· ONH HOUSI part and •PP"fl•M ICM; . · l/11&11\ill\•c~l•,.~ lljlnn, DaUy 110 6 ~m. t:a&ll!d• :l-b•llt· Doll -l'ri* 2.Br, frplO c armer. 11·2. a<~~ Slllf~ bo-at & campu-. 2101 !re1hly9a,lntod;IC&ll · ~:&• .1'••~CJS &•al _ ·~-· .J te,~up ' WU&.ltr.\lJ ASSUl\lt: 7'k VA l°"n, a 11N-..1.-),; ~~~!S~~~~!I ,~ ~·~ 14~~ii/,;:, ~ e/111. 14 'ach.Slir.z % 161 S. JO I pii 11111""" H.I , 4 cql.OWIU. W!UR-CO. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ SEU. ldl0--{<emo-""111-J11 nJ<t'n•lllh..,.-. CIOoe »Y· 0JO'r/8kf'. ~ Doily PilotClassllltdlM:L "to •c0,11, 4 fwy '•· l4tJ,,ttt. 0P91:l, d1U1• .!<•·562!._ _ " 1171_..,IJIO • sa-1f11, * lJilik r + .,. j . .,.__ . -.. -·-_.._ ............ Friday. February 21 . 1975 CAJLV PILOT D I.' ;>. : ~.· •Fors. " For....... .._ .. Fors.., ,· ~...._.~wt K4iff For u. ..__ ilro,.ny zooo . . .............. ,.. .-,..,.. .. , .... . I l.L-U •••••••••• , .............. I flll,ll,11 .. 1111•••,·· "-•••••lll•lll•••t•lll lllltlt•l\1111111-.: tll••••llt••tt•ltlttt•t • ="f!':Ol\.lf'Cldl I 040 •--• hach' 1048 leec.lt 1°'9 ~ leocil ' I • Juo• ·· TYo'0-5 unit avt. bldg ju.~t RHtof1 Hau1n Uwfwwl*4 Hous•s Unfumilihed ' • ••••••••••••••••• :Z•••••••••••••·•••• •••••••••'·'''••••••••' ••••-•'•••••••*•••• .... •. Capl.1.t+ano 1071 con1Plt:l1,,:t.I fori>oile. Close ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••, -•• '. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 major 11 hop1i111 K CoronadelMar 3222 CottoM•sa 3714. · Z.Ull. OOLLllOt:Jtii': I 02 ~LINDA ISLE By Ownc.r. 28r. Iba. Con· 1.:1.1nt~r. l:;t yr ""'r1tt .. otf House1 fu"'ished ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' . ,., O..'CltO vatw turner lot do. Poof. &ar, $26,500. ii :t I 4 M . 5 31.i 41. .'> 7 ~ : ••••••••••••••••••••••• VI l:'.:W HOl\I ~: for leaac, i! Ou pi e" 2 Hr. ,~rpl:;I ' drp11. . l . OPE""· S •f, & SU.... 1-5 m1 to<.k.'e11n. IS30--4838. 5!.li!-5010 t · + d I ' 3 br ·• lr 1 lil~n~. gar .ne. put10. "'71500.-f4% .... -.SHkr. " "' ,... ----G ol 3102 ur ~1 11 ·"' • i\;() pets l l'htldok $1~. "--·~~-·-llST IUY HOW $191.000 N E\V ·•u111t,2blks tul><:h. tttft' "~:f:.'A'ee µingoccan\'1~"'·& 1 ,. :· .,~, .. , "''-07'"' nccu~ • • • ' • Sonta.A.na 1080 .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11\t. bc.i.<·h acce21:.. $5.'ltJ 11111 i·lb ........ ;.,..;;i "" by ....... ., WATCH. 4 Brs. 41h bas.; Family Rm. Brkfst .••••••••••••••••••••••• c;.·~a l buy, good.~OIXS8S . Ulll pd. \'3CC111l .... rmo.H~l's&l)Cr:.uual ·· llH. ··or111·1·loc .• 1'l c,..a ""'""" R p · & I' 65 ' bo I write on lnl-ome ~12t)O. 1no1J1lc. Co:. ta !\lc!'la .. ~ " • •• m. icr sip a.NT E 51EDROOM 11111 . !\l;111y xtr a s . uachclot' 111111 $l2.l. ulll 1nt c r v1c w r e q 'J . dt·I !\'tar. ~·h.i J1,1n1pcru .. SQUEEiE YOUR$$ ,the Wllfll~ Wtlhout Sl-IOW'N BY APPOI M NT Don't neglec~ lhis one :,;it; i!57!J pd, N•wi--•·t ""•t·h·. Va· ti73 5-IW -~(~!J3.....r161 . gttt1n" IJluusick, 1'ro111 .. '" uo.: ------------- OHLY S34,500. Ali so Condo\n1n iums, Conic knQck o n our S cant hou~c lfuntin~ton UNUSUALL\' L~\RGt-: Dana Point 3226 . •~uy ltu:s rCh'lfllY •I bdrm.~ OVl:rlook1r\g l\hso Pt~·r . ken Hartnm. Realtor door-ask to uu;pect tbi!I a UNITS ME A Bc!l.ch. 5175., Ulll pd . Va· thrct: Ot:dl'OOlll ho1ne. all ••••••••••••••••••••••• bth home 111 chui cc II.I~ 'x lnt f1n11nc1n•: low 64Z.,576Q, 640-1607 today .. iu~lorc surneonc $128,000·8°/o l"ant house, t:oronll dc l 111odern1 J.e d . s p<1rkllni;3 HH. ~ Iii\, 2 i·:ir g:ir, I U "" ~ else secs and se1ie this '1 "15 t I pd A t I d to \ oc:it1on. ~t· )'1111r V 1\ n1 u1 ote nunce rost.s: c lO!'ic EXCHANGE i• ur """ .. u 1 . ~. t: l'an. l'tl'a y 111ovc u · du)ll~x {Ji·cunYic 1>.' Sec ~C~·loL,,11fld l'lo:.ti to ' lOshopplhi,: & IJcaeh. No ChOJl'l' opportunity : for l"ee.~7~ ~tS430 to. One hlu<'k to ~ach, :i 1-J:~o1Silvl·r l.antt·rn .S~h 1tt.Oullll68-41:;1i s\eps lo <"l11nb Xln1 , H•wportlo--L 1069 '·owportl•--L 1069 :~.o6·~} .. ~ ... ,s;j7,i:iOO. Cull P air of ·I l)lcxt:s Co.'>la 111·1\·;1\t' µat10. ~. mth --., ,. T -" ~ ,,.. """'., 1'1esa. Clul~· $01,UOO each. lolboa l1land 3106 1 1 A'\ Hunti--ton le-och 3240 • ~ A~OSEFOR . 'IUJl'l nc 1){hlJo rt101Jd . •••••'-••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .,1.d 1,, ''''cl "•lu• at ••••••••••••••••••••••• on yc.ir Y case. i.;. ..":1 • R" t 1· "''7 5oo """SW .. • .. cu1.1-: or '.\E\\'l'Olt1'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,~· -.A VALUE? t, ·ruin~· to...,.,, II\' OWNt:Jl Westcl1fl 4 these 1,r1t'cs. Good loi.:a· r.l,Al'"tlNG I •~·d r•~11n "1>' ,,.11 "'·-E•STBLUFfVIEW ""' \" "" "' u v G l<l::t\'I' ·I h1·dr1n, ~·~ h.1. ~&tn bwlt h""l' 4 Utlr, l.1drn1, J.r.,4lh, family & .-.. uon . Uv. ncr \\'Ill J1n ance "till ,,m den & luc ua110. b -~ WN • £ " "' " lanl arc;1 & p.11111, 2 1·J1· 2 lh. larnil.Yrn1, 1t1r1nul ~:.··: ll'!:?"-ll'©. study.SB ,000.t_i.12 451~ BY 0 t;H : legant 5 at If < 1nlel'c:-.t. Sec tv Yrl>· le<Jse or t1J JuJv. Lli n1o<ldupl~xJli1',21Ja. ~ d ..., BR U " V 3 " g.ir . SJ1.l. Pl'f 111 1.1 •• 1n111 w \o\'11h 1:11lna nn.--=--·n~..,., --. pper uay IC"'· ix'l1cve C<11l no1>.· <71.i / suitable Jor couple or nrtn·h,tjl)JBl"'u111a .SJ75 bt .1. ~ U.v B c• I cl '"' %2-4.t7J.1 sk l vrK~·1lh c~ n~l. Ph.ls loads (II 499-2800 'Monterey <I, rorma Jn rill, 7.'>2-1700 si n g l e adult . 22 1 S.5·1-·2:">lil:llJ·I 1720 ~ncll:::~,:~:· llln; --·---• , By The Sea r~J~:~~~¥~·Ji'k:1:. ;:.¥~;.:::: .... ~!~~ [\®~IWldl\ll ~:~:::OC•ll 013:~:0~ 1~mr1:!~~:,;, .. ~·.::~-,.-.. --!,ffaji·.~1;·:~~:{;.~I~~~ Sac:rl.ft'ce p.1lJOS . li.:e tencc<l yard. INVESTMENT DIVISION ', ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4Blt CO~l t111csl :t.750 X·lti 1~31'1 !S-IU 1 IW ~Ian ••SS,950 .. Clo.'>~ tu sho11·g, ten1us 10:...i:'i ' 2 Br l<oadlinc r. Eas(s1dl! ;!: Ult hou.'>e . :1 BH Lil ls 1.1 ·1n'SS5U REAL ESTATE OjJpor lun1ly kno1·I.,,, 1~11· a 8ou9ht .Another Home l·lulJ, :.chools. ~~.5UU. Con1pll·tc setup. 21st & 4-PLEX Large lol. SJW. 111011 111 Call li7;) -722.J Bk1-_ ~inarl huv .. r ' l)espc1,1tc Oeuut1ful, p a rk ·ilk e t_i.14 --tS777 'l'U!>llll, C,\[ ti·ll -J007. t s t ,Ja s t +::i lOO. Agt ----- U\\!h'fS .1r1• 1r,u111 1err1•d ..:rounds, n earlht•(irei·n· U.l.l-2115 1 1"1cc units on lu1·i:e cor· :»ti--0~14 QOO t.!1·111•<'1'', ~t ~9~ 11~1.l \4~ (\j]I) Veterans 1'e1v t'l·)!ul.1l1ons 111;1V fn;•kt' L\ jJOS:.1blt.• Jor you to U.'>c ynur t>lq:nlllltlY ;_;gain ! \\'hy rent 1>.h1•n \'UU (':t11 ""'II \\Ith \l'fY i1ttlt' t·:.i,,ti ·: Call 101· de· tails 5~; 10:1::, ur '..163·54..i7 l . u111 > 111 t I I EXCITl"''G t L 11 I fl ner lot 111 N. Costa !'·le:.a ---------If 1·:..11'atu n1us l ,... beL. u xury -111!c oor 'Fl LIQUIO'\'l'l i'\Ll' 2,1:<!ill2Bl<,l Ba.:1yrsold ).:O 111 Ju \IJ)s' l'rL Cl' H1·;_dly lu ~ \'U. You·n r~·l·l plan l'tll r y hull hl ,1.! O\VN. t f J • l.Ul'. 1-;1 l\l o rr(I Oecan \lo'/igcow111·r ':.u111t. :)lij;J-1 br·qoH:l l)Cfnl . Macnab -Irvine ,..1.i,..h1·d ;ilr1111,-,L ::.ii,Oo(Jon llkt• tl11'11l~ inlo th e ta1n;ly roon1. ll;n1n~ t 'ur ,ta:.t s;1Je. ·rw(l lOJI Vu <1~1 .'iOJ7 l'Vt.•S ~i~,~JllO trlalure cpl/or 1>.om;.111 lh1s,..p.11·1uu,.. lbedn~111i , l'Jl'l tll'. :I Hdrms .. fplt', roo1n UL'l'r.'>111.:d l1\·111;; oca inns . PaulW.Brumfiefd No ch1tdrl'n or p1'l.'> Hetllty Company HEAROCEAH lJ1111l,\' roo111 tor11n1l dtn ht-;inis. Sl1 5.UOo rn1 , 'p1•1' al~ n1<1 ... lL•t l -Blufl s J Bl.~ •. l' Ba, Acreage for sale 1200 & Assoc. 642--85~0 5-ltS--OU.:ci. 1t1g roo1n 1101111• 111th <1 P· b 1· d r 11 {~ tn . 1\ v o ii (•nelo,..cd ~a nd; ~.uoo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·=~'.:'.~I.-::::::::~;;::=: \\'alk to bt:al·h & shop. pro .... ::iouu "11 11 111 l1v111i.: c:ilu11l'lr\'. S71.5uo. :! i'it:xl :So. Coast Pl;i1.;i . .\ \: u c A D () 1 .. \Nu . TRADE Laguna Beach 3148 ping.'.! IJcdrouin, l bath . • •fl·;1. Il l'"' llu11iu1glon OPEM SUM. 1.5 540-1720 liotdh ,,n e ar ll C1>.'. Up· ::.1 .1:,0 .. \1., H.uicho Ci! .. 11.,11 t"k" .1 W i·ni hou-.·e 0"1'.A",1•1'A'.1'.'1 ;:·~.~~··1 .~.~,·0·n·.: t 1 r c p I a 1.: c . Le as t: B1o;u·h <HCl~hLurhoud . North L;i guua , :t.!5Cr1~~ i.:ra e · 8u', ,..cllL'l' lin u n L·ed. LI ~" " ' '-u,.. LI $l7S 1mo. t P:!::!l Belle Ju,..1 -; lilUl'I\; .. 110111 lhl' l'l'/lt Htl.Y J)r. ,\ rllu1ce ol TAR BELL. l\loth1ng C01111J3rable Ill 7':.:'' Jn1 r1 ~hl ~ fOrl'C.'> t:usl~H.le Costa i\lesa 111 home . Ocean 11(:\V, Pool. Chase Lce6·1"-tilt)J l!l'lil'h l'u'i 111 lh•· i.iuue al ~cvc ruJ ne \\' ocean \'ll''A' REAL:rORS 1,.•1lhcr area al lhis price. ,.. ,i 1 e . I) w 11 c r 1 Bk r . exl·hangc on nl·arly ncw ,\va1l on J3c 4 l thru 1:1 1 I. l•""'~""""""""""""""""""""""""~I :;..i7.U1111~~ l·Ju ;1 . .ti -7UJ.} honi c3 \Jlldl·r t•onstruc· • 5.i!J·4tJ.17 71 -1 V.!:J .:StiO.l tr111le v.llh J hdr1ns, 2 :).t!J ;, 010 . ·l )l ·I !!.\!JU1 1>1'!11 .. 1 .>1111 lion ;~~ hlk . Jroniwatcr. 2!155llarborUJvd. BACK BAY ----hath 01>.·ner 's unit. Shag Owner. ,·· .1 Hdrni.'> . 3 baths, ---1u ,\C Jnd10, Citrus or carf>ellng anti ccd<i r sid· EYIEH:\LDB/\\' Costa Mesa 3224 Aring kid. :\l ove Hx1~1y .. '.! -·,,, A«O ''" lhoou,houl · Br. ",1r. lncd ,\'d !)11\5. "'J)ljl'tous d1n1n~ ·roo1n. •Cus·roi\t BUII:r• J.,:ri, ~ll...., per ;ie: UJ 1 ., · I-louse we lt turn. J Hr,£••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. '1 1 • < ' Brok1•r Fc1•. 'l'rall1l1onal .'>tyic; deluxe ONLY 1 o LEFT Brand New lkaulltul :. U ae ... 1n 1 ... o .. o B a. oce<:1n \'U, bcaehsu.lc VETERA"''S 'I, 11 \ t ""'"' l"' · "C \ 001 J"lll llr111" lud3 & 1~:l:.. 2 \Jr I" l .,,, I "" ·~ tc:.ihuu,..t·. s2:1o !!>137,51 111. leasehuJd. t'et• 4Br . .i Ba . Farn1Jy Hn1 . tcrn1,; · "·1· U;:.v • • --vOll t renl yuu ('Jll -----Plac• . H rtl h 3169 I I d Ktds uk ;! Br. ~ .• rd, 1ntl:"rl·'>l<1\'<11t 1•a narom 1e k.111:he11.::!JI~ Commorco'al owpo eoc o\l ll <1 iun1t•\\1t1 no 0\\11 111 anu;n1ll e.-.. s1:12.soo o o;-..1-_.: LEl' .. r -S!Jb.uoo en e · """"'. .~1 ~ · II 1Qua'I l -.,·o ul6/15 UfJ·41ti~ ,. 'BR C-domino'ums Pra rt· ,. , , ":1ra_"l'. c\\ ;1 11 no\1 ~1w OPEM SUM.1~5 a _,, \\1111d'A·artl Laue., Ila.tel Property 1600 p• leS , ••••••••••••••••••••••• p:1yn1cnl · u µa) n t•JI " " .-----------! Hl 5 Vaul>yk1., t.:u1111 1r~ Nu\\·:1k, hrkr ti lj 3~lu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 752-1920 ILo\·e ly J BR plus t·'• l.l;i lor ;it ll·a!>t Ju day.'> Ol'HE.'\;0' 'J~~~~~E\~~t-:~ t llarn1, U\'erlouk1n~ th~· Next to Runnin9 14Q.OOU~ll\t.NlWl"OllTllAC!i l Ouls1dc showl·r. On B;i) \V orld ilea I t·:stalt.• Price Reduced FP(f\.~l'I S<.'1\N F< Jl 1.~'I '.\ I ;\S r ~ St!•I;.'. 4 L1t·tlr Ill, ~I . llu. v..cl l1;1r. 2 1 1,h·~. 1Hi:1'l) d1 ·('or;1ll'c1 IJJ\lll'l't'l' n1u.~1 :-t·ll .111111t"1·'' l}uu•k po:-:-t·:-.,..1011, ::0 112 ,UllU Brot.1·r .;:ii; -xx.11; ~\·;1. 'l'<.il;il pri\·acy u1 uu,.. Stream• n •a r HY tJW;:\EH ;{ l1r. 1•,. l!;i, Strip ·rr1plex S:l~.750. Good ~ !ll31ti!J7-60H7. ~flcl·i:ills ts 111 Vt'lcra11 • *642-9900• U B \ ilt'ant $47.t>Ou. lll1r . Commercial housing. Ao.k lor Vclcr<in -----3, w,rm. ,"'111 1' •,•uc~t unn. Newport'• pper ay .. Jlii;:h. Ens1g11, 1'1ariners. l:.I • ./.',. catth spcndaUle .. 0 slcad lnt'onle:..-.:>135/mo. 'FU H N. L 1 DO I SLE Counselor, 55ti -7ii7, c:.ill $-125 ~lo. Hoorny 5 br nr ~ll.~l l' u inancuig. $40,950.-$44,950. ·rhurs lhru Sunti-lli·7J43, Grc<il strip commerc ial, 1>.ner 5·lll ~I:::.". 1lou!>e , for short l c.r1n anytime. sch!o.. & Shopp1n,!:!. IUIU'.! CRESCENT BAY ~lonlhru\\.cd~5·1l75 perfect loc<i llon. aOJa· EXCHA"''GE .1 r en tal , till Jul y l Cons l1 tut1on !Jr. ll B. 345 Univ.ersilyDr. --t'cnt to 1\ltJha licla Shop. J"111 l.i75·1l055eves. Bring pt·t 2 br dpl'I:, t1H· %2--1 2 10 l'rL\'atc !>leps to sandy O fr t J 7-H k -h \Justofllr\·Lnc ,\\'c) CeQft Oft jHll " cntr. E;1rns &JjJ.5 HiU111tsonlrl·C s heltered Y.l. g ar, ~l ::>. ro ·cr ., Bil ,.1,,.,,. I>> l~_ .. ,.11 ,, hc;1t'h. frum t 1s ch<1rm · ,., ~ ~ _, .......... .... \' d 548-7223 :isiur)·duiiJcx·.lar"l'3t& spendalJle per yea r . l.ine lorh9111eordu1Jlex. HousosUnL.-:.L-..1 ~t.'. -,.' 1 ,.111 ..,.,.1• 111 ~ :! sty .. c 1tt•1TiU1t·:.i11 ., cl N I\ 1 C "'"11~ Ki Us welcorne :! br , pa.•·_n. n111•_, .'',l: .1 ·-.1-1> I I I,., 1 oc,tuilo1>.·u,sr-..•1.:tacular hJ2',-e;1pr;1tl'.llon·l t>:· 1 e 'A·porl cac1. osta ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 It "" ,.Ly c 1ome: 4 _...rms., · .--l' 11 7 7. _ \\ C d 1 ,A ... ,,,.,,"", .,,, .. ,,.,0,, >'I"'> l.",1 11 v •• 1. • ".J" a · O"""<>&<·o".-l lltl"VtC'W.2 lay. a ( l·I! ;,;! l1U11 . csaur oruna e ... ar. ,.. ,.. .. " ,. "' 1 ,1 hath ~. l'Unvert . tl1..•n Hd1~m . & 3"1x1r~. with IWJ.,,~ ! :)7U.Oll0eqt11t)'. K1Js & pc l.~ ok. :! br. lgt-ti ' i\lun y anle n111 e "'~l 1' 5 '·I '-._ ·=· HALPIHCHIH Rltr General 3202 111ed yd .1\\·a1lno\l'~OO l•'rccr1~111all11M1k1null 1tl'. ll ~ll·lU.-\. Cu\'. p.1l10. JH)I. ~~5.000 l;1 m1 y rm ... ual ls, .. I _ , ,;~ • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bruig kid:. & µcl"'::! IJr, ... 1 1 I , 1 tt i,.:\1r. Hllin" ':• 1nl 10 trplcs .. 5garages.1::.vcry .. ,_, :\ l727 t-:l'o:.istl lwy FRl-~E f'Hl!:E 1 ·' 1 ... .:.x;unp c2)lr1n,:..J<.11, ' ·on"c11·•bl• butll·ln &I ... _.. 0·7,· .. 1~<! ge lnt·uy< .stv rl.'!~au. g arH!.'.l', ll'lll'Cd yard, bl·,1~·h . ll v l)v.111 ·1· .\,.. .. ... ••"""STMENT DMSION •Proles~1(JnalScrv1ce• l>PE:'\ 7 U,\YS/\ \IJEEK "h•ltl;:,,11 lint:. IS'l' and :_ .. u_'.". c.~"~ .. ;, FJI.\ ~.lli •. ~111. fi1•• ,·,~ ... •,,f._•_-J•i 1 __ ~11~· looo111cst 111 C\'ef,Ythu1~ ....... ~ -•LANDLORDS* HOMEFIMDERS .._ ,.., ,,.,,.... .-i .-.. ..... Condominiums EASTSIDE 1:1st n1u. ,.. rl·nt .tt::i.215. CAHALFllOHT For sol• IYOO j •DUPLEX• Homofindors• I _ ~642-9900• _ HACIENDA ·1:::~~.11!,11 '.:,~.~11111:;:;-~l ~~1 110SN.CooitHwy.,loguno 1 /l~.~~·1~~~,~~·~;~x.~\1.~' ("ALI. r.'-'-'•·!41 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••i' J{l'l'l'llll ,\·upgraded2 Hll 642-9900 I:! BH , ~a st.~ldl·. i:Jc;in, REALESTATE 494 1177 -~4' · 0 · · · 1 c,11·h .Cun1plelc!y f('need. l'.L111orn1a '!>La rgesl iis:ill'I Hc.1t·h Hl v1J. ll U. 'IJlll1lL /Ill, I BH :-1111·ht:: -4Ml///I r \\':'\l l tJl_.;S~. II\ r~Ll\L'.·I \'er\' lll'l\'clll'. q1uct & ccnlrJI. J)hl. g:1r. ""''· & den.' bJk,.. lu --w. Jughl\ uµi;rade1I , .! In . .!I · C ST •lt cnlalSer\'ICe !• :.lv. palio. \'ukids. $230. :Jti3 1:UJ1, ) 1nastf•I', i.:.uul'flh•t J..111·h1·u1 -•EALTY · SOUTH OA ----- \\ 11·1 .1~·· .1ppl1 ·' lo1·ru.1JI . Ut:l:"llll . ~i ,JI.JO 1"~11r .,,.,,.purl Po11 orric~ IJa , 1>.1110. ,11r nu cn.11111 I b l.I :!J<J -----.J. HH. :! IJJ. lrpk·. er11LS: o1U1t', .111kl1•,(h .. ·1• 1·1 111.L M' ef .\ Frc11nc:1HH:.~.uuo ' -l)'Ant:r ;,Jl.~.lO.?-l-1 --ll!Hii IMVESTMEHT I .. :As·rslDJ·: dr11.'>.l't1\'d11;1tl•l.\\'alJ..to tr.Jn ,Jl·r .\-11.1 r :.:.11n oquna 19U 1052 CAYWOOD REALTY VIEW Sl 9 ,9 SO -•• 1 .~49-0812 •646-6!..!_0 · ALA JlENTALS !Jt·Ji·h & st'hl:. ~">. 1,..1. · 1 1, 11, ••••••••••••••••••••••• -l 'll•an. newly p.111ltt>d 2 , p11t·t•1 ;11 :-.. 1.'.~K• ,.,1 * 541 1290 * wtY"Kw.1111N \11N>Cl 11 &d 1.1:-L + dt·i1. i;:u 11u;1 or • :Ail ti.ii I -L'h,1rn11ng Chrr Dr. \'lcv. s12w n10\·c:. ynu 111 .. nu 1Lotifor sale 2200 ! l "'' new crµts · rps. l'IJ~ 0115 "Abandoned" 4 BR .-2 STY. Paal·Beach $28,900 nt:ALTOH. 1111\· 01 tt1e\\'t•l•k j \11H'l'li\'ll-:\\' l'r1dl· ul l uwnl>r:.h i p I UU r1n \le\\ llu,lt'l l' S.l:t,!ff~1 I Enfoy the Good Life- Call 493-.2513 l',1! J...li lo.:L' olllPf"dl·!I l..U')tC F.111\11)'' ~lll'd II\ 111:.: •roo1n .• f\u11r1ne1 1I J\llt'l\l'IJ + ,'Qll\l· S\\1·1·p. 111::: .. 1.11r ... 1<1 '"11.1r.ttt'l•----------- 111,1.o.l1•r ~\: l·l11!ll r1·11 ~I VIEW OFHIUS I 'll ltC•. ,\~!tllrl1l' l'I ' I 'l.aj.(11 11;1 :\°IJ:Ul'I. a Wrm .. l"lf \ ln,1 11 ~:1.)0 1 h;ol 1111! :.! IJ ,1. I.gt'. a.'>3UIJl;dill'I t1l·11 .l•!.111 ,·v~1,... j:t>!I:.! 11\0 j 1, ... 11 . \'.1l·a nt. CunsHJcrl l'·I)~ .ill (1\\ll••f l!lll .. ,I ,..alc1•rll'.li'>C :-,.l\J.tl.-IO ... 1l1r111i·1· lh1r1...,•' 1 'c111 1 /....,.-----~--"\ : :11,;j j~l '~1·1 '. . '· ., ' -- THE REAL ESTATERS [v~m N-Mtt~n_N 1_,u 1 1 ~·I.' ~-:~~~:~:6~. I 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • WEKHOW• LAGUNA MIGUEL •BEST* I '1•.1r nld Brooktu•ld I tt l(. .:•· 11\ 1·1 .. 111111111 i.01 11 ..:,,1 r r1.-·u 1., 1 11.~tit &! 1'1·11 1 I lJntl ~l·.•1 1 111 1! :ur,\·:-.e,1 l'l·rr.11·1·(iardl·111 111>.'l\1•1' .11 .... 1 ti;!.!11 ff (.lllll' \\ htd 1,001 & J'11rll1· ftoci.lo. IJ 1IJ11 1'11 ·'1 J:Jt'u11.1. plush l'l'l;ls 611 1lt·t1l lloun· 11\ll l.. f,11111 d1·11s 1'1·01 ld,..l'P'I .! UH . ., lr1 S. d1•11 I 'I\· r•111tn l'r u·,.,J 111 "t·lll ~ ' ~ 1 l.!!lllll'd1;1l1·l1 . 1111·lud1 ·~ '"'''11 .,,,.••\I ~,I I· l l /'I\! "I~-( ltt · • !')J .... • II . di ( . . ~.' Sl•ll " Vl'l'Y l>t •:i,I O('.CJlll .. \'.IL'I>.' 111 gu;1rdl!d ).!Jle Sl'.i. 1 Sparklirtg Gem I errat·l" .\ ll'C ~ ard 1 .. 1 S111t ,.1110 r,. .inll h•\t'I) ,1,. J.:l'l't·n th11rn1Jt>rs SOA·1rn 1·<>r 1·nh.1111··· 1t11• h<".ull\ p•1t•I. Jaeu1.11. tcnn1:-; t•ls. ,,1 lhl~ .J lulrin .! h.i!ll l'll' in 1·11tntn . rl·c· 1 · hon11· l>uu t ,.\·l·rl1~•t. t11 r t't'11\1•r H1•1lu t•t.•d to S.:...i.~JtlO hornt•. bl·aut1ful decQr. :JI other co,..l3. 2 BH. l U.1.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f HO'.! s StUVl' & relr1 ~. !>1n gll• heir ms . l11111ng rm .• 1 ~II hlun,.., rang•· & U\l'U , East CostoMesa • 1CA !.~',',','. gar age. S2J5. 1110. \',\l' \\' r . kid" & i>cts ok. )!Our1n el k1lel1t•11 : all nc"'I 1>.' v o d e ·• lJ 1 n l" t ~ ! ___ IJ.1!1.1. ..., • • • • J Bit. 2 Ba.:! l'.l r gar Gd .i Bdrn1,.. .. 5 balh!t: mo;tr hull\ 111~. 111l·l. Corning I t)\l"t'~11.1:d e10 ..... t .... pll'lll ) j .\IJlll'O\ ' aerc H: 1 lul HEUECl)l{.\.fEU arc<i. S:l::!;l. :ftiO-J lW ut· :.u1 lt' tor ~our 11uc1·n. :: lo" & HUlj. l11d1rl'l'I ol :-tur.i!.'.L'. F \ 11t·Jl. ,111 , 4•\J Iii";! I MtWl'On &IAT,C.M . ••2·•>p 3 BH ,~. nc'A-1.:r1JL!>. drps. , .. ,., -,,,1 c ·· I \\'c .'>t:l'\'u·c tilt: lx.-.ieh~·s.1 -o Slip,., ol\L' 1;s ll hl'l'lh 1 l1 ght111 g Sn••t·khar&v.·ct . l'ot11l1L11111111g l'1'1L.1lc EXEC HOME SITE Stu\'C&J.!aragc.S:!75 'mo. I I llunl111gl(lll to Laguna &1 1 .,. · )'L'' I ~.'.il.IJ~llJ ll1.1r.1r11h· [..O\l•lyv.1(c pa\10~. ··vn1plL'IL·IL ' j :\'l)L\S.\l(i\.ll~I .· Ur1..:kpat111.:!Jir&Uen, GEM y;ird \\1\h ::! p .1t !O.'> l1:lll',.d \~';dJ1111\,dll'l'Pl "'I ::~.OllllS•1 ll.lo\1>.llh\tci\'~ inlJ nd t.)rallgc t:uuiil .\. C;1ll 1;.11; .)8..).) c1u1"'l 11c1 g hhvrllooJ . • • 0 l .\I 1,..,.. 1., n .in d i l.:1r ~c"'t -;cll'l'llun ol rcnl ~'i:l,llUO ,\; drp,... l'<1llllL'lll" ll.,..,.,I I . . --l·lv~L·\u .'>!i<>p 'g.S,!jj 11111 J~u. I' ~·~1 .... 111~ ,\1,.·.'. '.',1' '~.,"I lhan fl'tll. l'.JJI \·11l aJ.:l' l·;q11~1 r.111u \ a!IL·}'. (;rc;il tals 111 the area. l'.a!>l,..ldt• J u ... drnl duµI L'X I l11:1n1111 HedltY li'..l·I IGl:-i H~ \I l lJI/:-. 1 I ..it J luL·al1011 lor prl' .... t1 gc. Bal·h~·Sludeuls~!UJ/:$1 151 ~50 n10 . l!'>l,ltl3tT$1UU _ -· -~ ·_: • · ..:_¥ '· I CAl.I. G) •4t>·Z41.t c;a.-dcns.H:l'.!.'\:l:!l i 1101111 . 111 ;1 L'ull1llry al·i 1 Brs e pl!> & :.n gls ,\gt>nt 5·1ti -(.Hjl1 \\.a!klvH1"1l'h;jlJr 2 Hal 1 1 Jl!li:,tii!~,,. Income Property 2000 1· 11111s 1,hL'l'l' .\~k tor .\Ir l SIJ.1 1Sl9.l ,..1y t"v.11 11.,rllL'. \1<1:.hc1·. ..Be abo•e it au ~ !······················· ,\ II d r l' \\ A g t' II t. ::! Ur hse;o; Sl 75,'SllU I DESIRABLE dryer ,'(: retr1i.: uH·J. Te11- ln ony of these-.. ..,,., :00, .. ,.,,1 Pll•I <•rticc I t.>111 1ilul ! J.l&JHrhun1cs~731 :::itiOUll 110.\11': nis.~L<lmcluli,boal -RV HARBOR I C.aJ lus lur 111fu ~ UJ'. :! Ua. rpt ·d, rlrµ:., :.lorage ~t.1.; 1110. 1 .llJrt;or\'1t•\1 Jlun1~s ! .~·:.nt .i,..tle l';inl)r;irni.: ALAREHTA.LS lorl·cd a ir ht•at. Garb licn11n1Hl·~Ll ty H~H·-16.IM VIEW HOMES 1 1 or1u1111u, .IBH. J H.\I DANA POINT I Ut:t:.:.111 Vll'I\ Lul. B.ari,:a1n l 642--'383 d1!>p, blt·1n s. lrplt·. paUo. --· ---. .,., .~1..·p JBH. \H,\ tJunu.'> DUPLEXES I priced. $15,:KJO. \\'un·l l --garagc,v.•;ilerlurn ilr•ine-3244 ! rn1. S~J . .lOU. l'·e,· Ui'E,"\ FalJulousoC\!anv1e'A"' last ! !)u n .\!a ... l tcld.12 Hr llunt1ngto11 Uc;1t'h r\dult sonl~ \01>cl:-••••••••••••••••••••••• I Bit. 2 JJ,1 . V H. p1·or Sat ~un l l ·.lµ111. ::!012 5newl~eauufuld~plcxes I ~~~~a. ll e nry Hc ahor .1 Shill. s ing les ok . 2 Br H,\'fJ:; Hl::.\~.'l;.\BLE •.J B l{, 2 H.a. µool. Nr. land.'>l'.JPt'd l·orner lod l'orl Hamsgatc. NB. I-rom SQ!.95t.I I 4.1::i 1E 1· _ _ I Cos ta ,\l e~a . s1n i.:lt:s.f r\cro.'>s lrun1 UCJ, t'A·y. :-.hoµping. SJ7:i. "' l'lt'L\', Lov.·, 1.uv.[ b l-I 7866 5.JU---5.Jl.l ~u.aoo do'A·n 1arri1hes. z Ur. 2 Ba. ·r1 Countr}·l'lulJ l!JJ -lltli'1L'Lc3. l>u"'u ' I OllLcl·~pl'nWknd:..11 ·5 'Mob'I H 1 11 .. :)I ll.'>., ~C\VJ)Ol'I l751\l csa Or.•5.l.i-til~i ------------ IAYCREST \\.kd;iy,..call I ie ome, Ue· -·h J Hr l.ba ~J.5 ---FOHhornl·:.lurLt-:.\Sl~ol"' ,'\;,·vcr 111 cd 111 I Bii . .!j I lrg hr. J oa. Un belle\" a· \~ :1-131 agt. . Trailer I» arks 2300 ut1t\x:1 ;'o;e~port li~ach · C. !'ii . Ea.'>lSLdt•, •·ery 111CL' S,-\LE 1 n the I H v IN g Ka , F H " lllli ll )' ll))·1 hie c nlt:'rla1nn1e nt ctr!' JJ~JI :\l.alaJ!:a Dr. j •••••••··~·•••••••••;••1 tlpl .... Agl. t'ee. 97~--&IJU . 3 bdrn1 ho1nc, l ba. trpl. area Call u:.! \.\c ar~ gr.1<tes .'\lnt\1t·'A ~ w wctlJar & rollback ()ana llarbor 1.\1 0 1~11.E ll oml' I k . --------!le i>.' t·arpet.'> & drapes here to St'r\'t! \'OU & roui . ! l nt·<11nc llo1ne~ Ur 1d 1.tt•porl .. ·rr~d cllalboalsland 3206 &120.1130 531::! I \\'ILL 1\IAKE t..:VER'i" :!Story,!Hll.2 Ha.Nc.'l(l Furl:":-IE.Olson,lnL· I S:Jo,uuu eq. lur (.;,\l ,•••••••••••••••••••••••.~ll.I'' 11 h --El"FORl'tu soJ\e'i"OUI< lo w:re enl.lt:•l t, nr pool Hcattors L;q.;una arca. Hox !50-I, \'e1>.· Uaylronl Little G ~. 1 e 1>.·purl t.: ts. nol hous tnl!nl·eds ,\ln10,..tnew' .\Coldv.·t·ll UankC'rCo. I :\\:llon.t:aWilH !'1·1· 1tl l HR i LV w pl-ts. Prclcr ni.irricd PETTITR••LTY FIXER -I :-, di '.. . 3 • J ' SZl5. 1110. Ui3 2:!.'>4.i ~ Call l.i.t5---0JOJ ! . :\lagn11!cent V1c\\·. I 1er --------~ C n1\'crs 1tv p._.rk, Irvine t't1rner lol w1i;re;ll \'1t•\V . Bl.L.;FFS "Z" 1J1;1n 5 HI{: UPPERS :Mountain, Desert. ! ~ r _b, u ')a-·~·· \' r J y. S.\1ALL dcl.achcd :.! brl 552-7000 .'\l';n · pool&. lcn111.' L llH . I Su lerh IJl'lllll:.ulc1 lot•a ' Re1ort 2400 1 llJ l\1ti -Iv.I. huuse. 1 o r 2 chddrl.'n ok. -- :.!Sly. :l l);i , \\cl·bar l'u11du. lt'l' ~ouo. cln ., I 'Id ••••••••••••••••••••••• carport Sl80 mu nvj·rheTerr.i1·1·111Cn1vcrsity (11>.•n e r . 83:1 -'iUU l o r ! 11011 . \ l'r)' O lL\'U , -. , , 13 BH. 1 1 ~ UA. I house Oii _S I ·1.,., .. I 1 P· ·k J I I ')I <1:J•I li·llJ.I 1 ilcdruvnl honlt' and 11nc Ullr Ht~A fl hon1c lor rent. the Ou.)' Avail !\>far J~t I pet!>. ~· .ll_l:._a-1.!:_ I rn__ ai . ~ {, -i,\. crpl, ., BH . J 1!~1. turn1al din· I IJ ·drooni t'O tta roe . Av<1 1J. Ua1l y/ Wl'ckly, 1,, 1 · _. ... ,~ · ·,. drp!>,p<-1tlOl'U\~·r.eo1nn1 . 111 <:.:IL·argar.\·11.'"'0i'l'll --~ " '' .. -.. 1·1''' art. urn . .,_..,;mo. r .J Bl< hornc on \VeslsHle pool ,,., __ 110 .. 1 ~""" · t:,\HLY area Hlufl s ·, J••. 2 "'~··I 500. J.ar••e thrl'l' 1 o . .,,.,. ~·"' I ·' d I "I· ·1 · "';) 1 · J" "'!""" 11r«:\t•1\por1:1rl•a.'i'our ~ !'"'" · "' ----roun ., Sto: asl+~ c ul -ll e -s<.1 l'. L;.ir!!c callanJP\1 lerrn,..1 Hit . l ba .. din. rm., ffll. hl•tlrourn ho1nl'. needs c lean Ln g dc p . rcq 'd . t.i 11111 y r ouni "ith ____ : ____ _ I (h·1•'.0\\'ner.::;ti;J,5ull 'l'Ll". Un)· unc bctlroorn RoalE•lalo ; ""l ~'u"'•ll60<1"•kd""· I ·•1J b c t I kHtiKl::H t.H0-556U J .,., -uu -' "" ~" f1r1.!plat't' <int ~:isG r.l a onlo.tur, 'ool, 752-0460anytime coll.age. c nornlou:. 01 Wonted 29001 . -. --. Uu11l11ts. l li;Jlh,carµort , v.·s h /dry. S:.!'..15 mo. S-lti . .'>UO. l)ulll' niec three· Knotty Pine inter. 2 BD. t\CW p -11 ,11 'tl\d .. ·•rpol> ~J -l3 l2 Lido Est;1lc .S:ile. 4 BK, J 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• f I· · t · lh • ' .. ., . ----------- 1 bedroom home, rou~hcr . . 1 rep ce. _ll ·1 io, °"1 SJlS rno <1l 20-IU Pres1·i H1\. olhcl'. den. <.;real two bedrooni rental. as· E~.ecu~1.\:~_n10\·1ng.t?.~-i garage, ,\dul~"· no pt:L~. dcnt .. C.iliG-15--+iti-lti l 'ov.·nhou,..(' . .'\c'A. UIJ · LUXURY OH LINDA ISLE ,11r1un1 v11 111\' 111,1,..lc1 ,..,1111• .111d lh•· 11111111\ IUOttl ••! lhl' l.11'\!t' lhllll .11111 J•l!'ll/11 1'1•fH'I l lam1ly home. Reduced s uni.able \',\ l oan .l l<1 I. seeks to pur1.:hase 31 Year lease ;ii.IOU . .\~l.J ,------J.!r:ided JBr. :!bJ.· i·n(' Sl l7.000.Pr1n.67J-8160. S.ld.OUll.t'all6'i:, l~j j ".r ·I BH, den hotnl! HJ l!Q98. ·IBB .:!Ba.l;.1n1 rn1 .C J). l 'crra l·i··· 1 ·11 1 \l'r.~tt .\· Jl'SI' 111-:l)l't'F:I) 11\11 DOVER SHORES t lor onu dl•l i\lar. l'reL;B-----.--3-Z 7 l rpl(· ~;l~.l. lca :.e. P;u·1>.:;J~.>n1u 8J.I l:!ti<l:I elos(' lu water or v.· 1 alboaPen1nsula 0 "-II'• •·'6(1,"ttcot·, '"tpm. V. gqjl l'Oll l'.'>l' \It'll .\f' ..,.-., " "' .i hr. 1.·un' ert11Jl l' den. tx·ach right:.. Pr1ne1p<1Jsl ••••••••••••••••••••••• JIH',lll"ll \\ llJI .I I ll'I\ l>lil'l .. °il!ll 11r""' J.u1,1v ,,111 01 lll·ll 11t.j I 1.101 1·m . laundr~· hobby onl y \·frame J E\Vt-..:L·2 stry .' llo11c~ moon l'Olla~c·Sp1l' eu ... lo1n , ~pill lt•\l·l hnnll' 1 Macnab-Irvine l r1n. J200 .'>". ft . j)t)l!I , Wr1t1• ;ul no JT-1. Ua1I." 1 . L.H. 3 Br·JU:1·Blcny d en n S11a11! <!H R. J{etrig .. l pgt'.Hil'"' lo;: Ir).: lam rnl l " I \'IC\\'. Sll!\l,SIJtJ. Hy O'A'llel'. Pilot. P .O. Uo.x 156o UR·Pat1u I ~ blk Hay & SIOI l' Sl!'iO. 1\\'ali .\larch l{e:ilt)' L\Jn111an)' " l·u1.y lll'L'Jlll' l'oo ,..11.t• ,.. G-12 25):1!) or 5.'>li·H:H_ o_ --1 Cost:1 l\l l·~a. Ca 92tk.'6 Bch·Lse·S.Jt)J·ti75-3122 ~. :\I' 2 st1opp1n1'; centcr.s. EXECUTIVE ~.1rd . ~lllJ,;')(JtJ. . I -----; t>ll -1iHI!~ CALL SS2·7SOO . '•VISION• REALTY f\ Ht>d ll~l lt "ot11p~111\ l t11v .1';11kt't•11tl·I ~':\\J I'll ' 1 llH nt"'ll' Ill'\\ l I CUSTOM BUILT !Condominiums ICondorninium1 ~iniums. Small J llr. ,\o children or Lg~E3Ai!,~;~~~~(~~\" h;;1111· l';t'lll\' 0 01.gl:1,.,:-;,: ' MEWPORTHGTS. Forsalto 170ol For sale 1700 For sale • 1700 IJCl~. Ovt•r JU preL ~1.15 ho1nc 111 lr1111c. l'lose .i \l 1lh d\ 11:11n1l· \ 1~·w 111 I I ' of a k1nrl. ·I br. 2 ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! 11111. 1;.1.>-o:.i~. pcx>ls ,\· p.1rk . i l':.~ii. t-:1TI · II \ l Ill' orl•;111. ·Lul ~ of n,11111".d ,I Hr. dl'n l Ba. lirepl:.it·e. cJJ Lh e dra i eeil 'g .. lg. ---------1met 1\l ct\unl•t>.11 liltlll L\u111 l 111,..1dl·&ol1t <ll lH&I 1111 l'Pl". ~.is.~.'io 01\'lle r . n1 astcr suite, ra1!>ed ~ B h ,\IES1\UJ·;L 1\l,\ll l~"""~-""'""""""""""""~- 1:1111 !'Ill 1\.sk1ngSl~'.J ,.iOll ;;1H.o;;iu . .)11'·131~ hrarth fr11J, IJO;ll gate. In .. __. eac ,; Br. J Ba nr. St. John's,.-- " HH ·r \\o s t•>r) 1·:1111 · --1 P11l1t1, le ngth ut' house IWS' .... pvi • Sch1 . Sec O'A'ner ill llR!i 'l'hc 1't:Rll1\CE Unt•. I'>., •·ulde.~ac that unw·s th1· 1.:0.~DOS : 11..:,\s·r U I. U FF Conlin. $!.15,501). t:I Can11110. Ci\! Sat & nl'v. l br, 2 ha. lrpl, rust. ll'l0:-01 IH \ll'I\ ;14',\ .. La1·g·· FHON rs t:1 .Niguel 1:011 . s-19.500. Ownr. :J 1.)1', 2 I};\. Nc'A·port ,\fcs;i llcalty IO°'o Do·-1n a•l,3 lnte•est Sun . lice., 2 P.JllOS l~IU ()J4j lol , walh•d aud lt•rll't•d Course \\'/Unobstruc~cd Xln!. IH\rnc1ri•n1al. Nr. 642·9411Clydel\1ct\.a)' /~ 'W 7~ ., --------~~-1 ------ Bc<iUlllllll\' l;ind~i·iiJll'd . i•u·w lorn1c r model :1BH :>l'hl s, n1kt,... pa rk. lcnn1 :-. ·I Bil, :!BA . tr1·il'\·e1. ·n. o trrS'l>\NIJ l:-.lti 2 br, 1:! ""\II\ nt< «11kl'l'I' ~·•ruuud lba. ,\/t.:. ITI:.tny Xlras. ..1 • .:..-_.1 '' --~1 I r' • nnua erce " J . . t'lttl) "I ' •I"•' OC l'\NL"PONl' hou>c & 8Vi% I Ip ntage Rate* 11pl . bt'a111 C('ll "S. tins, ba, lcrral·c 1wnhous~. " ' I at l r ·le by - -.-plus h t'lll. 1, tn('cll. yd. bcsl valUt'·O\\'nf·"I · '•1 ·ffvt-t~.-t1l<('k ,rnd··c1r ll\\111,·r tr:i11s1·d. Pru't'l Uc\\' & C)Ct-:A 1~ VIJ•:\.\' ga r .. P •. o .sa . . UH••.S50Q lse . .»7 -11 ~ 64 •1-91·11 f <'h,·ir dl . \l ou~· 11.1 ~ tO!>t·ll:it;>al,llUO . , , _ . ~ owne1 . C,111 eves . & >-< .i Ul{ :Jbu. ~!en. iOxliu wknds.i.>45-0721 G h t t lb tt tSeaWnd WlhO I ------------~ 11111..·i'('d air t1"1fi nin111~. lol. 15 11 Kings Hoad _ _ _ ____ ood I 1ngs 1us seem o ge e er a 1 1 n y 1'J\ /) 'C ~ t·ntry·ha.11. wnoll p7·1 11:-lt'<t LU U, Lila condo fr0111111i.: {)wn r/ A)!I. i.>4'-!kit.iii INE\V Custom by Owner. 10% downpayn1ent. homebuyers can qualify for a remarkable C. tfQ \\.. ~ -~ µ q• ':)' l,H w1c)1 l1rt'P a1·1;. 1·;1 Nii.:ucl t:ou Course. --Open !l ouse D ai l ) 8V•%interes1rate lnNewoort8each.onlySeaW1ndcano!ferthe \:)\!;:;a "t1 ti:illrooin ,..1,,.. VIC J.11111 .Xlra :i lorai,:c 1·111. Prol LIDO ISLE 2 :3tl·.~.JO. 1 ~01 1-fighlar.d homebuyer acombinationofsuchanincredib!ylowinteresfrate That Intriguing Word Game-with a Chucll• Urvroon1. 111.1,..ll'I' that dcl'or, many upgrades. C h a rmin g co nt cm. Dr .>ll.~.000 i;is Zl38 -11 '""' So ----and low pnceol $44.950 All this. tn addition to 1lsdrama11c loca lll'LCI' .~t!l'mS IU SLOP 1>.ltll ~ ,;>Vu poral'), 50· lot. Jr~. . ---- l11·11pl,lt'•'. 1lr1•:.!'>1t1~ rou1n. L09una Miquel Rltv. pauo. 2B R 2b.i. s110.uou. San C .. mente I 076 lion above Newport Harbor and !he blue Pacific, makef SeaW1nd \ 11111lY. "'':11k 1n c111sl'' 4!Mi·404U 496·'1413 Br1tt111M:ha111 Rl'alty ••••••••••••••••••••••• fhe area·s l1nest new home bLJY Walk or bicycle to the beach or .ind 1n 1rrorl'i.I \\ ;1rdrnhc -·-. • 1;1:; u123 nearby shopp1ng centers Before 11 s too la!e. see SeaW1nd·s ". 1·1oscl. 1\ll ~or~1..'011:-.l~ de Mission ViefO 1067 --------SAN CLEMENTE 2,bedroorn/den condom1n1um homes and lake advantage of C'O ~t"tl n10 \'f Mgh1 u\'1•••••••••••••••••••••••. llG CA.HYON ~~.5.-;.z ~ u 1..:·r·rt;1t i•1AN .~ l:'~W t'or S;ilc ll)' owner Re-al Estate Co. tt11s value beyond comparo --...-~·r -Jhr.il1Jw.11·mJd1rrrm,J Be~utiful & Popular! 498-0lOO ~¥V~ li.~ti . .;J. U1·. 2 t~. Ask Inn <ur. t harrn·g. yd, W/'J. l -Plan Br06tdn1oor In' AS K FOi< 111.: ~IX.!l..JO (lfJl'll :-Oun: t'll\ d 1Jat1os M)ny 111 3 c cl e cu r 11; Trun1<1n Rlliley ~!.l:SMI li.1Au1t(11'd.C1r~·j 1'11 1 :..1.r,1"' S.iO.!IUO Bkr 1 l:liscupl·d Locale(loo i•i l't·tcllallock .,,.,.1_-073J1,1rH..'t• 11..i IU.i 1U2tl __ qd •teul fie tillC Pri~I.' Bt•lJ.Y ~1urra~· L09una l&ach 1048 Clt>n n ll!t 8 Whil11.lc! 4 IJr rt uc.~~I . \;all fur appt 1 ••••••••••••.-•••••••••• ··tJr 11•1te , New G40-t.3l7 SGRJu~n 10 c · -.. -.. -Cap11trano -t078 , Woods Cove dshwnr &. dspL. ~.fJL.JO; 'i ; ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .:i . 1•r1c1:d l'o r a q1u rk s ulc . NIQWPOHT Bc;ich '('en1us PLUM ,\vu11.3.{t.1,1,~·w2.'>4.JOsq Prine llnly. By Owner" crit,Vll 1 Lh ··Bhfr' THISISA It. 1:1Aitom + t.\r. htJnh.:. ti:t7-Kti01 1 " n c. 1 ti. a nd il's easy lvown. <1ne !\1:ull·· am·c n111•i• ·llr1v\• --· l:lr nd new 3 br. ii,;. h~i. year old house in the h'' & ~oe ul ttl3::!: Oce11n Newport leoch I 069 rum rm home pn a recn· Vllla ~c hus :1 bedrooms, 2 W .. y l'r1t·f'Sl!!7,!lOU.,wll ••••••••••••••••••••••• er;l.,ldeal:y locO~e(J. l b&Lh5 Hnd It qualifies for, con!l11il"t tr:Kle 1or ~d t'i\RltOR VIEW home r?in e nn. ~ 11· Jow down p ay m~nl . K·I Sil es. f<'nr mor' 1n1or I Monal'o Mod.f l, be11iut. fr°'b ~73•000~~1~. V1J'111 S1nall quarterly rec 1eLS ('lil ll : . lnd11c-p:I. Japa"""° ft.Y I,, m ro911o . a c · oe family r e<' prl'Vll•aes~ \Vl ,\11\lJS il n1::A 1.rv alrilosl new )'llrd work. ~1or~o~, $4~·9'!779 to ~or Red L';:1rp('l , Retiltors .Sunl11 1\n1t-~·:J95.S ~7.900 6-14·41 91 '64·l·ti .. H.l a l1 )h"'!.._ _ 497 1701 jfell//fntl from $44,950 201 Superior Blvd. Newport Beach. Cal 92660 (714 ) 645-2686 At the corner 01 Superior Ave and Ticondero ga Street o·-'°"911 1-rters ol ti.. IOUt .. ,.....oi.., -"' be. to-1o for"' lour !O"'PI. ...,,i:a. I COBIED l I I 11 I I PUOCE l ;I: _ I' I _ ~----! f _,c_YTH-,,u_,or-11 ~ I kriow a chorus 9irt who·,. I II 1 got her own way of knowln<J . . . whtn there's • ree~i1lon ., Ttv1t's when 1he-does.tf t feel f-;H,.....E°'N"B"°l"'L~..,,,1>e -"' , ' 11 I I I I G ~=:: =-"'-~!.'.:., ~ -~ ··-Mil No. l blolow. • PllNT NIJMll(lt(O l[lttlS lk THESE X?yAl(S 6 UNXt~E .4o90V! llIIIU.. lO GET ANSWll l1 r1·rri 1-11111. Sc....i.+s A .. -. Jo Claulf9cG!toa ao•o 1 \ ' •) !IN DAILY PILOT Friday. Fobrull)' 2J , 1975 ~~·=:.'!.~••••••• :!. .. !2!!.a.!1.~:~! ••• ~!'!':'"."!.~:-::~. !!.!2.! •• 1.~~.~~:: ••• ~ ~:!i:.-:::.~ .... ,-'+; t::.':'.:-J;..:, ttlmHu.tw.llMcl Ka•ttUtthntlMM · owrtltovff/ Cott•M•H l7J4 c ....... Mm-Jl2 Cott.Mn• llJ4 IMdri l 40 Mtwportll'Odl Jl6t •••••••••••••••••••••• '••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Un..... -1125 ••••••••e•••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••.•• ,,,~••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• THB EXCITING ......... . • 3244 ... pct<i leoc~ 1269 ....................... Casa d-Oro NEWLY clilLDRIH OI( .ew DECUXE I br, Cpta , de/~' PALM MISA APTS. •••••-.••••••••••••••••··•~••••••••••••.•••••••MISSION Vfejo area. ..-RED ECORATED Lge2Br•l 70;3Br 1\.IJ8a drps, cbhw•sher, r~plc.. &«0 MINUTES TO NP'I ---------•I LUXURY c:ondoon water. f\t o u n ta in View ALL U"f lLJTIESPAIU 422 La k 3b Zba ~100. Duplex & 4.ptex, 2 enbl. gar. $200. 960-2198 ... ---SCH. a: SR. I Ba. , •.••• $310 % BR. 2 Ba .•...• ~ 3 Bit . z ua ..... '4~/4M> 3 BR, 2 ba, ram ..• $475 2br,2ba,vlew,rrpl,boat ·rownhouse.Cwrtom tbr, C<imparebcroreyourent .:. .. .,., br •P~· -!'~.-.. · pools, crp,1, drps, or645-30M 8ach,1 &.2BR.from$17 ' ' h b "' 041 d . --' -... 2 r, 1-· -~· Ad I N P •· sJ1p, pool, 1acu:ci1, o · Zba.air.$290.,,.-.-1 . t,;u1aom ~Jinn. A I I w IC 8 r 8 1 e . 548·7911 u ts. o e- byshop. Priee reductid! --r·eatunng: . . 644-&-00/S44_7326 Utllfffff Plicl 1561 Mesa Dr. Mr. •1c1:1d. 613-1022 cve, Charmin& 2BR, 1 ~; ·B.A. •Spacious kitchen with in· Deluxe spac. 2&3 Br AM {5 b\ks from Newport Raisor's Realtors CALL IJJ.8600 629-9661 days. 'rwnhse. Frplc. Pa.tto, direct h~hting. 2 BR1 adults, pool, no pets, • NEW• st u dio a P t I· Oi li • 8a •• "Blvd . l • pool . Sublet $250 , •Separutedin'11area yr Jse, nr. bch. ~220. hwashers, pati08, some 54Q·9860 Beacon Bay. Avail now on 640--0493 •llomc·hkestorage O p en : 4250 E. Coast w /frplcs. Near shopping Ht•tl• lc-asc. 2Ur, lba. 531-400!. •Pri,·aLc pauos Hwy. 673-9152 1 BR APTS t:enter, schools & 1'~wy . • 2 WEEKS FREE ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 J!._ti73 -l:S785 P<1t . Duple11s u..-.. 1600 •Closed garai1:ew/stor01go 1''rom ~75 . 5J6·2579 Move in w /deposlt1only , I II k B ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Marblepullman DL'.PLE, X 2 Br, 1 Ba, 429 1 BR $190 2 BR $230 :-;pectacu ar <Jt' ay ~ Iris ,...,,..,.. 1714)119< -~ $1 00 ....... US I S , p I blul'fsite: 3 Bit. 2\.-':: IJa. UPPER 4 Ur dlx du,plex, l •KiMgsiie Bdrm.'i · .......... --v U ke living in a We:;tern "'" Re rig, ecunly, oo, *RENTALS * pool. dbl. gor .• <'ll" :;,.)2.1 blk ~~ach, Npt .Shores. •Pool -BarOOques -sur· afters pm . movie set 1 Old West Jacu aal , Rec. Bldg UNIV. l,ARK !\lo. Bruker &l·l-l !33 Lse . ~50. a.16-1034 rounded w/plush ln~epg SO. of Hwy 2 Br. den, 2 ba, flavor with city sit ck :w / e .x e r c. l.s e . .r_m .. 2 BR. 1 bath ·"" SJl51.'.:::'.C::'..".::".'..:=.:....:o:::.:._. I :N~W:'.:'P~T:-:li~C~'l~l-3:-:8~1~!,~l~B~a-.1 Adults -No pets all bltns rrpl sundeck feiltures: Pool, complete Guaranteed no rent Billiard:;, Col01·T\'. l DltT,H2EbTa.E.R"R'A$4C25F-. /ol50 Fo r I l' a s e . Ne..,,. PCJ rl l ' a o •v e rythi ng. N r ., J BDR.M J>,um . $210. gar, iiufiw l r, &ardnr In: kitehen with refrigerat.or increase in Ut7S lrvo'ne A'e at Mes"' '' Jlc1°ht.s,·1Urdrn,l•cfum , " "''"'W W1lson64'>1971 · I w II II l h • • OAKWOOD FIGHTS INFLATION "RR 2 B ~'"!" .. " "' ,.,•u ·•n, l"nnos & Olympic """ · ~· <"i "d. Alt 5, 675-8257, lR<". a to wa Pus S'"·<•S• "'· a ,,,,,_,.,)lf.1V1·ru,2 1:.:Ba,nr;1ll............... .:-11 t' AdllS I 0.,lr•cH "'"vol 3 Bil 2 B •'"S /4~l pool . ..:295, yrly Js c , 2035 Fvl'~CM ..,,5_ carpe 1ng. u on Y. " EA -----------1 The price or everythin~ • a .····~ :.l·hools , a \';HI an11rvx .,._ rin•"""" t ALL NEW' ' ' WAL ''UTSQUARE • "'2-3513 ' n o p e s . . IS going u p. NO\\ '" M a r L , s <I 5 o m u , .,.. J nu r,urn 2 lrg closets R ' h & 1 3 HH .. 2 lia ... turn. $J50 71 ,_724_,.,.,.1 -· · 'Coste Muo ' 31%4 ig t now on Ya very Oakwood Garden Apt':-f TURTLEltOCK .. · '" Sl'UOIO. 2 blks beach, 2 r1uecn size bed, prtv. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cew availahle. Biichelor from ~ helps )'OU right inllution BH . 1• Ba, patio, gar., dressing rm, extra lrg 1939 WALL.A.CE 2 Br, 1&2 Ba from~75 by ofrel'in" an eilcluSi\'c JB£t,28a .... ~·1~G/ol501-IVll ·llir,2 1 ~1J;1 ,(l /r.l'tr, , 1 N rqoms, encl . gur "IAC I ENOADEM~"' p•RK.,E..,.ORT • CORONA(>t:l.MAfl d t•ek & p:tlio . ~550 . 1,. I. S2 25 . 1 o pets . Adults only ,-~ 642_7458 1Br,1Ba.viow.~ A " nr-··No Hcnt llai s t• ., Bit , I{ "'"""" """" 8-16·13llor645·1682 w/slorage. • 160W.Wilson,C.M. .a.p•RTMl!li.rPS Guarantee··. \Vt· -·• - a. · · · · · ~ h·l\1-~. -----no pels. Beaut•'ful Grou1·"-.. "" "" s;J"ll I •'Ill"\ •"tlVI•' 11.D *Winter at ttle beacn ~uarantee that your rt:nt "' j~1 "" • llALISL.Yrly.l\larch l .' Ad ults·NoPets Oftthebay 3 8 d rm s .. J b a .• San Cltmente 3276 Br, 2 Ba. l door to beac . Dana Point 3726 10 minutes to ocean. NEW spacious 3 br, 2 ba. is beaut1ru1 Luxury apartment living v.·111 not be ra1st.>d for ! furnished. ~tOO. l\lonth tll ••••••••••••••••••••••• s315. 675_1083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Large 1 BR $llS., Gas&. PVT YD, F'RPLC, DBL •Vie ws or ocean, full year and you still nlf>llth 0<'. Vu. tor :>l!:fS. 1\to. GAR 15 Al Catalina & Palos Verdes overlooking the water. have the flexibillt)' of 2 Uk i'urn'd ~ I Br Water inc., Draper ies, ·No pets.~ · so •Large r1· atedeck0 Eoi'oy ,-130 000 ht!alth t h th CALL 552-7500 Hrand 11c"' ol HH , 2' ba 1\'pt. llgts. New Spanish · ... · • ' E ld P v .. • mon ·mon oc:cupun1·y • house , :1 e :ir g ar . J J~B :!B i\. fo'rplc . unfurn ~165. both newly carpels. gas heat, gas 2 br ~25. :ffi7$ en. •24Hour Security spa,7swimmingpools,7 Plus you get a lot mori· VIS I 0 N •. o A 6"5 1111 ' d · 1 · Obi decor ' d. & u t 1l s pd· stove, air conditioning. C.M. Days, 642-190S •Heated Pools-Saunas light ed tennis cou rts~ f 0 r y 0 u r mone y , :J 1 e wnr/ gt_, " -• • !.{t•ame ce1 1~g .. . · 4_,_0193 .~"-l l42 g ar;i g e. 646 -2666,_~ or;7UV :;w1mm1n g pool, r ec. Extra large 2 Br. 2 ba •Assignedcoveredpa.rk· plus m iles of .hicy cl~ Oakwood. including ~I REALTY SanJuan 55 room,washers&dryers. Carpe t s. drapes & 1ng trails. putting, shuf· million 1n recreutlou Capistrano 3278 & 15 -...----!j 1 Hufttinqtott leoch l 740 builtins 830 CENTER St, •Additional free parking fleboard, croquel. J unior facilities, a full time Af A Ued Hill Coinpany ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nc·wporl's t"inest Bea('h, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646_1181 •Maidserv1ceavad. l 'sfroin ~<!<1.SOnlonthly ; t1vit1cs Director who Univ.ParkCentt:r on San .Ju;u1 lf1JJ s G1JH ncv.';JBr,2ba,clec.ku.,BEAU1' 1 Br fu rn ~pts MEDITERIAMEAM •Furnitureava1I. also I and l ·bedroom plans parties, HB<~'s, Irvine t..:uurSl'. 2 br & 1l(•11 , 3 Ila y,•/w 1.:111. yrly $37~ mo. S165 & Sl'iS Spanish ~tyle VILLAGE NICB 2Br. Pool, ReJ'rig, plans and 2·story town ·rr1ps & n1ore! 1-'rt.>c sun· c 0 n d 0 L ._, Hu n111 n :Wt·281~/ t213) 333·2'l66 lildg. pvt, encl gar., pool, l Bedroom Sl 70. 675 ·&-125 325.J 17th Open M·F 10-1> ho u s es . £I e ctr 1 c day Urunt•h ~ . _, baihtut;. t:~ll' & pco(ll s~una. lndry, adll.s. !7301. I Bedroom &Den P lace. CM. alt !lam. Sat. 10·.>.Sun 12·5 ki tchens, private 1>~tios .Bl'.:AUfl FUL2story4Br. pr\'l 's Adults unly. Apartmrntsr.r.. Keel.son Ln l blk W. 01 2Ucdrooms Closed Wed. or balconies, car~ung, 3 B<&. ~85. mo. Lease or ~/~ · ••••••••••••••••••••••• He a ch of C SI at c r 2 Bedroom Townhse LA MANCHA APTS draperies. Sulxerranc<1n mo t~ mo. S&lS; moves o1%~1.<137 1 .i~3·1 IJ7. l -'""~'~-__:7~84=''-------I 4!400 Harbor Blvd. 778 Scott Place, CM Huntlnqton Pacfflc parking w1tl'I elevutors. you in. Lease option ----Bolboa Island 3706 Costa Mesa l714JS57·8020 642 -5073 O Opt1on<1 l maid ser~·1 ce . avctil.tUS--0211,extltiJY Santa Ana 3280 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOW WEEKLY Ad uhs -Nopct -Dshwhr 711 ceanAve Just north of 1-'ashion R ·-s P -LIU..-t7l415J6-1487 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :...;1c.::ELY Furn. Bach .. l ..... ,.. ar.......-Shagcrpt-Closed Mngd by Wm WaltersCo Island at Jamboree aod Lw-leoach 3249 Cat ok. l br housl'. fncd adlt over ~7. non·smkr.. ExecutiveSuitn Surrowtclrtqs garage. Gas BBQ San J oaquinlllllsRuad. .;.~-;~-;•••••••••••••••• yd. $125. Bruker ft:e. no sldnt. ~1 15. ut1I pd. 727 Yorktown llvd DELUXE 1, 2 & 3 Br Apts Gas & water pd-PooJ WALK TO IEACH 'l'elephone t714 > ~4 ·I m _ Utd. pd. l Hr i.luµl ex, 213-281 -0Jt.:5 Also Furn. Bachelo r 1or rental 1nrormat1on $250 MONTH garage:, util rm. s150. Beach Blvd at Yorktown Pvt l'atios -Htd Pool NEWPORT UTILITIES PAID 1;;;;;;;;,,;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;~ All Util. Paid ·Bring kids & 1.11.:Ls 2 b1 8 .'\ Y FRONT 1 Br , P\'l 536~4 I I Nr. Shop ·g -Adlts Only APAITMEHTS Beaut. s1ud10 apts. 2&3 Singles. I & 2 bt!droon1:-., t'urn. & unl'urn. With alt Lhe C)(lr<&s. l\1odels opco dinly 10 lt) 7. Sorry. pets or childt'en. Oakwood Garden Apartments .... ,...IHc ........ 2 BR., w/w car~t. deck~ house. Sl8J. <.~ar<Jj:;l'. yd. palio. 'Yrly . Inquire 400S. STUDIOS & I IRs Martini~ Apfs 2 BR UnfSl3St MO Br. lrp lcs, bltns, d 1s- w ith ocean & ca11yu11 Kids ~\: µ1•Lo;; ok. 3 Br. Haylront. No . .J. •F'ull kitchen ..,--PLUSUTILl'fl ES hwashers, 2 ear garage. , views . .Built·in kitchen avail :111. gar<igc, fncd 1 8-A~C~H-~-.-L-0-.-.-,-.1-,.-.-mo--,-r-.1 •I-teated pool 1777 Santa Ana Ave, CM Infants No pets Sundecks From $275. OCEAMFROMT Irvine and 16th 2 BR. I ba, unf yrly ~5 • .,,,_6' .. 5--0550 Mlsslo•• •• "LTv yd. S l~S. •Laundry facilllles M'gr Apt l IJ 646-5542 24.,. Newport Blvd. CM 5.36-2519 "~ ' SA WEEK ly. ''u1cl, adulL No pets. F' 1.. ~ Cal.494 .• 7.,1 OPEN'i l),\Y. '<C • reeut11t1es ~ ~ HOMEFluDERS 675-3613 . •f'ree linen" GARDEN t I •e 2 Br SEACREST AP'l'S. Cycle " • M • p 'fj 1 ap g ' to th€' beach All ut1J. pi.I . VERY private; the onl) house on a lge. eul d{ sac. 310 Lookout Dr. ~ BR .. 2 ba., lge. t'am. rm. with stone frpJ., 16X21 ~~ s unken J1v . rm. opens un· lo Jge. deck. Avail. now. ~Mo. Agt. 494-7551 *642-9900• •TV & m<11d serv.ava1I ar1na GCI C bltns incl. DtW. ne~· w/w B Ibo P I ··•-3707 S 1,2 & 3 Bdrms. a a en n-•Bar·B·Que VILLA shag + d rps P\'t patio. 3 •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Phone ser vice ! :itl80.aft6.&12-797 LOVEL\. 1-lunt Beh . B•LB0• 1u ... 1 •I mi le to ocean Brand is:cw Custom Apls !-----------1 .... ..... "" BACl-1·1BR·2BR hontes J & 4 lldrrns. on purchases made 1 B d before l\lai·ch Isl. $1000. r :ipts , equippe Charming SLud10/Condo. Drive by lllOVictoria ~.up tat close of escrow I 10 krtcllens. lJn1que loc. nr. B('ach/Shops. Frpl. •OPEN SAT/SUN• ·robin Property Mgmt furniture of )'OOr choice \\'inter ratL·s by v.·k or 1acuzz 1, Sl95 mo 645-6171 346-1311.Nofee REBATE l ~m~o~.~·~·7~5~.8~7±'""------1-'~'1~3':::'5~9~6':::'~~1~7~9----·1--"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~' <il a fine furniture store. CHEZ OROAPTS 2 BR, De n, I lh BA, 4 Sl0,!150 1-'ull price. 2 BR, 2 BE,.\t.:l-1, Pier. J Br, Uul. Single. all util pd. prk'g 2 NEW 2 Br. spacious . 1:1234 Atlanta. Decks. Super Vi ews. BA. crpts, drps, bltns, pd. $lUO. Adults. JOJ £ cars.$160/f\fO Garage. Nopets.szt5. I.2&3 BR Pr1v Rar, STEPS TO llEACH ,.,,,., IHi• ._ 16th at Dover 2BR,l ba.w1ntcr,$235 642·8170 3 UR. 2ba.:i325unr yrly f----------- 3 BR, 2 ba . Yearly. s.100 l---------- HEWPORT CREST 2 BR, 2 ba condo $5.25 COMMERCIAL 0 1pce suite, Npt S250 associated BllQk;(U S U(Al rous l "l' "" e.,r, ,~ i.'• J~i.1 •NEW• YOU'LL IE GLAD Lease $365/rno. 644·7211 naluroil wood cabinets, Edgewutt'r. 1·.g'i1 -28tiG t:emini Realty 894------4b-18. 675-1849 pool , washer, dryer Dave S. Agt. oversized closets. f'A ew Close to beach. 5J6-o336 1,-, Blk beach 3 Br. 2 ba 11v heat , a ir cond it10111n~. Costo Mesa 3724 Loguna Beach 3748 OAK It JOG E \'ILLt\ 3 br. Distinctive d bl YOU WAITED ! lnlrodt1rin~ new ba(·h and 1 hdrn1 apts v.1'11 ~·orth S\'('1ng. Ht>rined )et urrurdable •Grea t llt-:AL.11 en\'1ronment • furni s hed and un - furn1 :.hl·d 3 BR. Cpl, drps, frµI. priv,1te patios and more! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ba. bltns. child re n Adult Ap•rtments LU~UR l <?US I hr t'u'.n. ~r ~~~·k . ~na:.~.~lY ~~~· ~~~ forced a ir. $375. grdnr. $l:JOO. r\'loves you in! OCE•., FRONT ~·el come_ S225. 85g •R•ch•~r.1A :.?Rdrm. unlur n . lrplc. new s t1ai;. l'>_44 thSt 6-----o--1 •$185 to $215 i n c l "d. 4 93-6914 ot Paym('nts less than rent.: $30 WEEK & UP """ Center, 645-9219 • r. .... i.t:ourl~. Nit• Lit•d drps S200t ~'Jl5. Under· I ___:!__ -'" '' 4"3 8001 , II VII ,. d ForLease·Sale-Trade ----------·II •Pt•1.P•1tc..111 .. •med d k' 1 _c'c___c_ccc ______ 1 Ca 1 a ge var ens, •::'t\.OUNi ght&Up . t: .. Hinl{• groun _par R. comp · OPLX ONl"lli'-:\\',\TEll 646 8453 3 Br. 2 BACONOO,blln"'. l:S3~-l:S32 1 Jur appt. or •StudiO&lBlt,\pts South Laguna -I!:~· ADULTS. no pets, 2,B~. :'i.-.. -,p • .,1.,;n.,.t· .. ~1~M .. ~· secur uy.536·4770. 3br,2ba, lrpt.wetb..ir, • "dr1\'elo4109W.5th5t.u1 ··rv&MaidServAvail clusive.Private&Plush. encl. gar., patio. ~17;:i. i71 11: •. 11+.1:1n:.! , _ boat dock patio ptJ,· p atio. pools. out s id< Santa Ana. 3 Br .• 2 Ba End Apt &1'1--0878or548 7694! •.\:cw 2 Ur. 2 ba, trpl('. 1. ••so :1 . .,~,__:__4.i.,) ~ m ai nt. ~28.J. mo!----·------•PhoneServ,Htdpool w/PanoramicV1ewfrom -I sundeck. encl ga r ~. urn . ...., )r >'·"'" -~ 642-1334 Houses Furnished or •Children & Pet Section Expensive Sundeck. 2 DOH"T PAY MORE u1et Eastside 2 Br. cpt., F <1 m 1 I y we I co1ne ()('eanfront, New 3 bdrm. '°'"tS. 8 EA u T. du P 1 ex , Unfurnished 3300 •S5, uffweeksrent w /ad Prkg s paces w/alten· Get the most for your! stove. gar: y~r~_. pool: no I ~-g<l70or ~~I _ 2 ba , gar bltns yrly S-175 , ~e ,,_1.,,t spacious. close in. S265 •••••••••••··~·.-~:·•••: 23~~~:7~~6-~!~~~M dant. 24 hr s ccurit.v. n1oney. S225. gets you a! ch1tdrcn.:sll!!S.b13--0731 LCM)lllNll•acll 31411 &15-772Ieves'Y.'knds -~\)\.1,..'P~ mo. 3 Dr. $335_ Rit;iLOCA'fEDINSl lGJ.J\SS ----------1 r:ievators to Pool & well-located townhous c1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -I ~O Myers Rll r 4~1-5-120 01 l-11 LL, VJllilgt.• of I-I arbor NICE J Jlr dplx. Quiet. Be ach. just painted & carpeted. LRG 2 Brs. pool. nr shops, BRAND new 2&3 Ur 2 ba 2 (k:eanrront. 2 bdrm._ I ba . 1433 5 .. rior A YeN.te 960-1701 , \·1cw. lovely 3 bedroon1 Sep. by }!arages . C;.illSucConner 3 bedroom s .~ baths . adullstno pets. Utd pd. stor~·dlxcondom1~1ums. gar_. hl~ns. dee~:) av.'~11 .J Mew rt leach hon1c. Fantastic v11:w 01 Emplo,\'ed adlt over:~. 556·0710or ti75-5163 garden :;ett1ng with !884 l\1onro\·ia c ,'¥! . . . 3 1 1a.SJ60,G45 -71_lf'\t :.~ po I ~ , d I 1 · ~uper ocean \ 1c w s --___ --·- l09U"a Hills 3250! the mountanl!> and lites Nn pets 5·18-10::!1 Ei''FICJ 1!:1'C\' apt. from pool·fl~ ~rVaE.~g;>~ l 5--18--0336 , $3:!5, •450. yrly ·194-17!J5 u~:LUX £ ~ br. Condo til ~ ;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;; ••••••••••••••••••••••• fro1n master siute. hving :,;1ao inu. $60 ~k. I-ltd l I ~ E Oceunl ront. 1'.:le\', ~t:c.!• 3 Br.28ACONDO,hltns, roo m . formal di ning\ 1 .1 h 1 1845A nahe1m .J.l.>-86~! NEWHREEO ,\P.l'S WIDE ocean views , ):ISO 1 F p atio. pools, outsidl room & kitchen. Luxur:; **•GARDEN APTS ~: ~·~~·L~\~n~, 1 ~~~: CASA VICTORIA lp I IJr & bac~ Sl65/~i Custom 1 br apt. H1 ceil· ~~~~f· yr y urn, maint. $285. m o appointments. With tl11s **•POOL 49'l ·!l<l36 Adultsl&2Ur.nopets OO : Jacuzzi. g:.i,r, u 1 1ngs, pool &spa Estate gjH -JWol /!197--8:J8l 642-1334 home. you "'ill recc1,•c ! r·urn. 1&2 Br apts in --""-------I pd, t rplc. adlts, no pets. hv1ng. Close to beach & ---"""-"""---'--- • • • • thckeys lopr1vatetcnnis l adult se ction. El1nBACl-l nrbcachSlti5/$la5, Unfur i furnfr~l6:1.50 t:ves 645 -4411 393 shopping. S2::15. tncl ut1J, OceanView,lgesundC'ck Ml ...... vt.(O 3267 1 d · Pool.recrm.elev, H It I court, po~· a n 1ai.:uz1.i . GardcnApts ,U.12-3&t5 wk :)5.). UuJ pd. col tv. ami on ·1~------4653 Bd r m .. 2 n.a. bltns, J~un ••••••••••••••••••••••• Only steps lrm your rront ----------1 1435 1\;0. coasl4W.-~ Sec gate. gast wtr pd. ----------1 d I 45 1 7~ JBr,2Ba.l'hyrold,tyr door. S525 per month. SUSCASITAS 5l5V1ctor1a,042-$70 2 BR 1n triplex sep. by :2 BR upstairs, stv/ref, ry .)ry,1> -g l'()B(t..,;r\IJl-:t,i\,1\H lease. ~mo, Front & Cal l644~16S7. i\·l inutes lo Ne wport Newport Beoeh 3769 , __________ garage Pr1\·acy. w 1d w/w cr pt. S250. yr-round. 3 Bil. or 2 + f.>en _ ()(ean&: :! Br To14·nhou:>l'. lrpli·. Back yd 1n. M!f'.!-1219 I Beach. bachelor & 1 Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1· I hook up. r e!'r1g. stv · Isl & last req'da.IG -7226 Hav \'tew. :Sl.iV. 67J -4191 1ronl $:.!t;O I Hr froin ~'U:i · l;\ttractivc cott..;ige nr bch. 1·urn. Adults no -·ts. 211 DYN AJ\l IC Lg. oceanfrnl, THE DAISY shag. S!OO mo. No pets. or li75 -3186 Pool, lcnn 1~. l"Vrllinental HIL'"IDESETTINGJB1 W k • •1 re<I •-FOR KIDS& ""-l l"".e•-551-2528 1 Bdrmtba a od laundry. ~d • d. •' or ing /,l 1 -NewportBl.CA1. 3br,2 ba.yr!y .S.tOO.day I~ ~ ~ pri. entrance. util. encl. to breakfast.Svmeocean &: con o,cusl. ecur. llns gentle m a n 1''/L r('nt . &tti-7IO:l.eve673_2586 THEIRl'AR8'fTS :JBfl 2ba, yrly. 'Ulock 'catahna \'it•v.·s.SeparatL' AIC, frplc, att. gar. ~!l5 oi:M---0627. s·ruNNJNG l br Garde I IR W /FRPlC SIW. 494 -25-tO. beach. SJ:.!5. nl0!1th. I, p •POOL A ·1 M h 1 d h h 'I' ' 1a 1nily section. Close tu 586-2307 :830--'Jl79 :SllM.J.710W.IMthSt. & Ba~·h. Color TV, maid •2BEUROOMS din r m, pvt patio. $175. No. Lai::una 2 hr. 2 ba, shopping & line beach. inc. mo. marnt. ec-. apt. ooJ. rec. room.$.l!l.:J5 "''KUP.1 Bclr,28a 1 va1., arc . s "'' r. o.:..-~l!Stl NEWPORT IE.A.CH serv. pool. THE MESA •'fOTLOT l'iear Irvine Ind. Area. cha r mer w/dcck & Vu, ScmClement• 3876 ti44 2bll 3 Br. 2 Ba. fam rm. fully SUMMER I •---------~ 415 J'l. Newport BJ, NB, •PATIOS 557_284 1 clean l hr. w/s.ep. entry. •••••••••••••••••••••••!~~~~~~~~~~· crpt 'd, dr ps. EZ ma1nt.. I BR Furn •t6.J 646 _008 1 •FENCED YA Jl. OS ~l--6410 UN If > R 'li t·ul -de -sac. $350. L 3 Hll .2 BA,tgelot, Lotsofbltns,pooJ,waJk Pl r A t l8th ----------1 1 go course:. r,:.. a.Rooms 4000 W pd •=» patio. S325. wkly. Straeceet" ... ··2-3'1eoo... D-Polot 3126IL-• HiUs 3150 dbl garage, pvt entrance ••••••••••••••••••••••• aler . 586-n..,... . to shopping. 'h m ile 3 BR , 2 ba, I blk to beach. -"T ,,.,-0 '"' 2., .• , .-, Ocean front-avail beach. 9JI W.191.h St. :!~th SL Avail. 2115. Wntr. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -;:i · ....... d JJ::1 C\'es or HC>0~1S ~211. ~·k up w11h Aliso Villa Condo, like f\1arch 15 to June 30. S4l::l-O.f9'l S275.673 _71ll0 l· NEW deluxe apts, l Br ALICIA 4!Ri-o4<I~ ays kitchen ~O . .,.,.k up ~t. new, 3 br. l ba. crpt,I Comp! J'urn. SSOO:mo. l·~~~.;:;.;:~~~~~~~~;;:'~;;\\~~Adult 2 br, llh ba tJlhse, S185. 2 Br, 2 Ba~& up. Adull.s, 2 Br. loi.J Ponient(', 548-~755orti·l5~J:.lti7 drps. stv. ~7.J mo. B) 3.l\cwhome.3B~.JBA. Yearly 38r $350. Winter d /w. patio, encl. gar. Open Sat & Sun 12·5. VILLAGE 151 & l ·•s·t mo -·••t. Itel'. .. ___ _ owner, ,.\fl6213/431 ·5917_1 t.Miat .sto~o.ige, 2 1µJcs & 1 BR, quiet. A/C, pool. 2Br Sl50. ,_\Jso2 Br. S!oO. S200 .S48-7692;&t4---0878 33 7 8 1 Ma r i an n a . :!IJ-5a6--iJ3J.I '" 1:.!VI-: A'I' r11t<; !IE,\1..·11 "'ctbar.~1900.amonth . a<lults only, no pets. 046 -~00aftJpm. 496-8820 1 BR \NDNEW ___ ~S&up<1Y.K .U73 -<tt.iv Newport lrach 3269·1 4. 2 UH , l 1!1\--f'ICl'.'ps 6. Checkmate Apls . 2g31 . *VILLA NINOS SPECTA'cu• 'R VIE"-'<0: s~. .•• 3880 -l~~.\/t: Kl'ilfl'i\TUTt:1, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Junc .SJIS,J. 'A'k.Julv $220. Bristol 546_87!11 :\ttract1ve l bedrm lurn. Huntl leech 1140 ....,... "" _. • ...., COND02br,21".!ha .pool .j \\·k :/\ug &Sept S2·iO wlo; • Spac sundeck. Close to nC)foft BEAUT.1&2HDRl\1S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sti .I L'p h'.. pr1 v 1 C~1 1 11 r bltns.wash1dry.µ:1r.no1 :1_ Beaut ,·u·wot Ba y-:! WHEREELSECAM i.>v erythJng. Winter or 21r,21aApk ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-'URN& $1 15. Newer IBlt bltn~.11 bu s . ,\dlt . ~•n pct. pets.675-1111)1) BJ{, 2 8 1\. ini·l<l s yeari.v.ti73_0z.16 Super·Comfortable-Brand new 2 Br. 2 Ba, IJ NFURNJSHED . crpts,drps.dispo.sal.Gd 556·UU~or5-IM·5~. I ~ard .r\vad April thru Quiet crpts, drps, dshwhr, dis· •FlllESIJ)E LOU1'\/GE I loc: 2iOl w. AtcFadden .. ,--. -~--. --~--SOOST.Andrews l<d .2lir, !)ept.:$67S.nlo. YOUGETA LliX !ge2or3lir,ocean· EnclosedGarages p osa l . Nr. Hunt. •BILLIARDS.JACUZZI PH :5"'2-6547 1.'\lcE Hm. lor work.1n A 2Ha,hvrm.d1nrn1,k1t . YEARLY 1ront. "'inter $325 up. Gas&Wa te r Paid.Moto Har bour. 16721 Sims. •POOLVOLLEYBALL person w/kitch. pr1vg~. gar. £290 . Appl.y at ol'f1 cl I , , FABULOUS I BDRM 1'' r p I, Ind r y, gar, J\to. rentals S2tlO toS210 846-2856 S.D. Frwy to the Ah<:ia 2 BR. Sl85. ,..;r. South 751 -SaMg 600St Andrews Hd. 1 · K 111 g ·" Hd · :...; Y"Pll 64ti-:lll<I Chiktrrn WefCCMlle w•LK TO •••cH· Park~·ay off ramp, r ight Coast Pl ala area. Cr1iL.;, V atl R nlal 4250 Hei g ht~. vi e\v. " br s '"" 2324 Elden Ave 833-2480 ...., ~ to P a seo de Valencia drps. rrplc. w/ encl. ac on r s WEST BEACf1 yrly $350. ::-r1vol + glll'Sl ~u1lc. $750 FOR $2 I 2.50 0 C i--: J\ N F' ll 0 NT de · 2 br, newly painted, crpts right 1 Blk to Stockport. ' ga ra #? e . ll ·IG -8135 or •.·:•••••••••••••••:•••• br rrplc drps cptd d/" 1non1hJe;1sl· .. curator 2 BR. Avail . 2 BR 4·plex w/sundeck. &drps,garage,nopcts, 25211s ·roCKPORTDR 546-2222 ~EWPalmOcsertt:ondc1, working .ad Its C213 J 2. Pe ninsula llayfron1 !en acres or open space. 1\fonthlv or on lease . Uppe r. pvt Jocked gar. L no ch1ld rcn. no singles . LAGUNA HILLS _ 2 Ur . 1':? Ua , ten~: crL<;, ti::H:i-s&so Condo. 1anrast1(' vie"" 2 2 lenniscts.g1anlrecrea1· 21J-----t_i.J<1·~11;*! b l k Irvi n e Ave. No :il80/:il00 . .J3G-I7l l 511__.130 LAJ<GE 2 br, :! ba. Vu'. pool ~. Ja1·u1 z1 laking JJcdroon1, 2 h:t + hoat t1on <·enter with poo, child /pets .839~1569 Warner & Bri s tol. J{f'Scrvullon.'i. S!OO. per 3 BR, 2 Ba, Fam-rm, nr s lip. ~750 mo. ll'<ISl', .~aunas, pin g pong. I RH Ftirn. /\pt. w/chan· For s~le or :ent 2 Udrm. Hewporf l•Kh 3169 cpt/drp, A/C, adull.s on· .wcekc il+l ~t:13--627:J Har bor ·Hi. Lgeyd.$.1.iO. 3. ('or (1na ~l ~·l !\far1 \'olle.vball. Jatuzz1, nl·I v1f'w, nopeLS.o.idults $155. Clean, lg, I br, nr. 10x5:> mobile home on ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jy .$195.54~-1369 R .. - 1 _, 1 ,01 0 1 h- 4300 mo.Wa terpd.642 -34H4 Jiaytront 1,_'.ondo pl ;1yer 1nano & more unly 673 -4:1 .. '='--,c:---I OCC, no pets. F ur n . CoastHwyoppositeState uw 'fc -..- s pectacular vie"· 2 i\tlult.sonly. SanCfemenf~ 3776 avail. 546-57\'A, 1004 El lieac l'I . S3700 or :il85. * LAl'A.RISIEHME. Sl25 NEWER single, I sn1all child/pet ok. 2701 W. Mc Fadden. 542-65-li ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARIORVIEW KIDS WB.COME C real loc 'near pool & tennis 3 Bil. l-'am·rm Sha rp~ S415 mo 'fwo lr. chorc>Je rrom 752-0460 anyt;- hcdrms, 2 haths. bvat Camino. 1First&Last >536-3248. 1 1_Br.unfurn.Allelectr1c. · 1 •'EWPORTVIL' •GE ••••••••••••••••••••••• t1replace. Heated pool sltp, furn1shc1 , ~50 0)0 "" ......., lc;:i~e. 635 Baker ~e l y lurn._12 br apt. LGE l br, slv/fr1gM. cpls, 3 Bdrm, llfz Ba, :i275 mo. Adults. ~160. ..:i·,o. 2 Hr, 2 Ba, w/w "pus. PETE BARRETT Nr. Newport r~wy V\."eiln \'\\·, t; osc to pier. d rps, car port. I ature W/lease, 20190eleware 979-1268 ... ... 4!12 -84titJ. adlt. 995 Valencia. 51$5. 638 -Tl15 Across from golf course drps, bltns, disposal. Gd -REALTY-17 I 007 20432Santa Ana Ave. loc. Ch1ld1petok. 2701 W. 14 557~ 5 ~entslMfw11 Lge. J bdrm, 2 ba, cpts, NEW Deluxe 2 Br, 2 Ba.1----------I McFadden.542-£547 -642-.5200_ .. _ 675·4060 -----I••••••••••••••••••••••• dps, children OK. 2901 Frplc. All bltns. ~50. ·roWNHOUSE newly de· -'-""-"'""="-"'-=-"---I ~~ Ct)N l>fl :! br. den. Mendoza.C!\1557-8177 mo.Allut1lpd,enclgar. cor 'd 3 br 2 ba trpl Westmi•st•r 3891 C do . . W:;h/1lr) Pr. no children Balboa Island 3806 !:H>O-IM89 or 846-4.938 • · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• on miniums 3425 or p1·1s ::\275. for more in· ''ARDEN A t I , 2 Br patio, encl'd . 2 car gar, 2 BR 2 BA Unfurnished ••••••••••••••••••••••• '-' P ' ~e ' pool, rec. center. adults. • • shag cptg., •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ~~ 557 9560_· ______ 12 RR. 5260 per ~. incts. bltns hrcl. D JW. new w/w EXTllA lg 2 br, 2 ba, di."( N r , Wes tc 1 i !f. S325. $1 7 s m 0 . Bush a r d , 'U 1 g"S & wtr. 213 .~_27 16 s.hag + drp. s. P_vt. patio. poolside apt nr bch. Adlt. s~ 1101 or 846 =<i Westminster 846 -2227 NR . S1\ 1-'w)'. lrv1nt"·2!>1'.'f. i' llN. L).!e 2 B t Apt. 0; 213 -tl4 -~Ask for~ aft S.642-7973 ~·~-r ~.,,,n2 o pets. Sl65. "" -.,.,.., 2 hr.;! h;), pallo. air, no /\dulls only-no pet..~. In· S ~ ,.,..,.,. Bili CANYON ·apt, lux· 2 Br nea.r Westmn.st ~r mo1in1. :i>2~1j 1>-M ~l"8i qu1rf' 179 1':! Hochester teve MEW] IR $305 urious 2 br overl00teing 1\1 all. Quiet. clean. :otl7a. - ----'H{'a r J • 840 1789 S 'I 4 B1l r1n . s ha.i.: t·;1rpl·t. ;:?1• Capistranoleodt3118 Spac io u s house size 10th 1airway, Must sub· -· to . pm. Slury S;?ij,j. fl(','Jr b~·;11·h 1Easts1dt·. I urn. I-bdrm. ·D·u··P·L·:~x:··,··B··,·.··,··B··a·. 1'·r"pPlcl•.·d.~~~~~.':.':!. ~~rp~: New Luxu~ Apts 1. e,L,5096 4 0 -820 1. 0 r AP-tments ,.,..,..lhrd 111.l !.:,.;x-'.J71~l. apr _ 1'l"l·wly redecor.; "' .,,.. & &I ~ U L·-1-•-• '900 d'hwhr' 2 °h1 ldren ok or Wa lk to beac . 2 3 or 11 • ..---.. ~ ~ -I p o11 1. l'i o 1·hildrcn, no bllns. lgc yard. ocean .. ROOMMATliS W;inted to s hare hea ul1ful 2 bedroom turnished or unfurnished apt s at Oakwood . There's St.000.000. in recreation l'acll1ties. Comp1l n1cntary tenni s lessons, Sunday brunch. Sports tournaments. r\ fulll1n1c a1·:t1\'1t1es d1rCl'- lor who plans parties & BBQ's. We 'll e\'cn help you find a roommate. Sorry. no one under 21 &: no peL<i. 1'rl 01tels open dai- ly 10 to 7. See our larger ad in the apartment sec· tion. 1 ---------•i Pt'l.". ~17:·1 • 548·9633 view. ~60. 642_1155 adult bldg avail. No pets. bedrms, fireplaces. dbl Large Spanish 2 bedroom, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ...... ~~~~~~~ 1'J:t3 Church$trcet :.!615 Elden. C.M. Wk nds garage. Children & pets 1'"1 ba. Pallo, balcony, _ OAKWOODGARDEN ------~OCEAN VIF.W -New 645-8177, Alon thr u accepted . No fee . biln5,encld gar.NrHoaa ~~ APTS WESTCLIFfo'cozyabr,21 6/\l'l-IC:LOR Apt., i;ingle Duplex , 2 Br, 2 Ba . T l'lurs days 642-4\kl.J, 960-3221 REF Property lfosp. Adu lts. $2JS, mo, ---=-=--J6that0over babooboml e;!c!~~,;!;Nr. RealtyCompany man nnly. $90. mo. Util dshwhr. rcfrig., 522S. eves&IS-8177 M~nagement; 642-4387 IUITIIC~~ll'lllC 642·8170 S<" s ......... U"KI"'""'°" 1wl , 532Center.S48-3076 496-1534 . i . SANT A AMA .._.EW 2 IR $225 :eo1.y I br u nfurn, frplc. VtlMl. "".ct•"•• MAN 40 to 60 yrs to share % 81ks. to Peach. pool & Lis EI.> BR I C K & El Puerto Mes.a Corona cfel Mer 3122 Pvt"deck, spacious. 2675 1'~. R E E R ENT A LI :i200 + ut1l. No p..:ts . •locheb, my 2 Br. 2 ba ape., 1150 tenn.;11t('l1.1b.2 Br,den.2 l 'lti\RM 3 Bedroom. 2 llEDROOM •••••••••••••••••••••••Eld CM Wknds !SERVICE. New apts. 646-S902evesor wknds. •llR,28R mo.N.R.645-3761 ba.frpl.:iJSo(l.Av11iLnow hath condon11n1um fl('ar LARGE 1 br, iiar. $225 . en. • avail. 1n H .B. Walk 2 •2BR& D•n 645-Ui."lll . pnol & s hop1,111 ).! Nochildr('n,nopeU 545 -g.i1 7• Mo n t hr u blks. to ocean. JOS 17th DAYFRONT-Watch tl;le-,,._5175 MALEshar4~Wlthowner4 s 2 9 ~,I mo . sub m 11 Pool & n~l'rcalietn ;;;~;_5~ts , drps, stv. Thur 5 days &42-4905• St. H .9 . CALLs:ll--4250 boats sail by! Lg. 2 br, 2 br hse. 3 bu, tennis. pool, OlJP J.F.X 4 br, 2 h:1, lrpi, t'h1ldr<'n & Pt·1s 1P211 l959 Maple Ave .. CM eves645-8t77. . ba, plusl'I cpts & drps. ~lCIV.rd. Ea•l•Adoms UCJ l mi . S:.JOO ~11. SJ,10 huge ~f slr. bdr1n .. I l>lk ;,.11',' ~,", .. ",c N t• "'in 3 n -m llac·h•lor Apl·. Nr. 2 Bit. I ba. pool, nr bch, LlVE IN A FORF.ST 2 Bit, nr the beacn, lge l1v sec. bldg. 2 car purking,J==='S;:•;;O;,·=l;;B;;O;;O;,,,==:...J l2>. 833-3030 days ext Ol'ean . $36$. Yrly . ,_,. _ ,,.., ~-~..,35 •1 t M ~s ~·· lBr•I"' 28, 2 1la""2S. rm w /push button fplc. slip uv.-11. Adu/U only. :.!IO ·642~· ".'::-33<1~· ~'~--,----1~ ... ~ ...... ~~~~I o1a'd·•,•o••,,1 y&, ,1,s1tsh. · .... ~r~!.'!~el days .'~::-~S1~'af~ ~PM Gas & ';~ter P.t. Ad~l5 ,b B 11,ns, shag clrpud ,,;.1.i b: ·i;, Yr I Y. ~58~ .• mo. Cal I •t WEEKS FREE RENT .::.;;:_ ______ _ --~~ no pe ts . 114 E . 20th. a cony, e nc ... v '!Oar. Anita,673-2006. Bkr. Be 118 d Male to share beaut . Duple•, new 3 Br. 2 Uu. EXECUTIVl-~ WANTED. all5. 2 DR w/gi1r, new crpts. $250. mo. Juck or Joan a1 aut. gar en apt.I. beach hom~. $125. All U.. elet.kll.W/W<'rpl.drps New 2 Br . & den . wa5her1drycr Avail 548;--0137or ti46-4()9.) 842 799483lJ-1Jl3 SPACNew 4Sr.rrptc,2+ nxt.loHbr.,studios,1& cl.nodrugs ,smoking.S. ~15 mo .. yrl)'. Fineio bun1talow. pvt. lakl' & •Tropical Pool• ~la.rch 1, 304 · Oahlia: ADULTS. no pee.a., 2 Br, 1 ba, ''iar •te. ow. Yrly :.:~:~~m $140. Full rt'e. L11g una499--4:r29 bea('h. 5+18·2819/ 12131 re<' <·en1er. lie<:. l"'\llUcm. I & 2 Gr, cpL"'I, drPJa, 644 -7370 Ba . 518 J oann. Co•t• WA.LkTOIUCH lst:. nr beach . 4823""----------I --· R c .. c Pl '& bit"" 1 G • " " 2 8 d RI 1 Newport Beach, prof. or _.__. y ~· &t . aui S.O. ·-·pa 10. a&wwa r Mesi. l • r, cpts, rps, ver Ave. $4.50 per mo. c+_...,TA ANA 2 n. 2 n. Fwy,979·04!13 paid.~8 ·11611 Very special 2 bdrms., bltns. a:ar.,. 212 ISlh St. 673-7180, ~" pt, ""'· bus. man, straight non fl1tbor View 6fonleRo'l-'-"c.:..:.:::.::.=::_ ____ l~~---"'------I n cw <"pt , rt rps. a p . NiC'e 3 DR. 2 Doi, qui~ up-536_7415 or l:W7-3lt57 Upper $ltk>, down $190, 1 smoker lo 5hare 1reat mod & 4 br. 2 ba, t"/R,Monticello Condo. 3Enjoy more cli»elspaC'e pllan('es. 2 PAU<*. (o'or ~r.Bltns ,c:ptt,drps.-m Oeean view on Balboa Br uppor$11S,down$l25. hom~ Cc pool, fl!iO. Call Lr R1 D1R, oomm pool, Bdrm. l~ Ba, dbl car by stiling "don·1 needs" •SJMCial person. 5275. l &Lh 1>1., nr. Newpor\. 3 Br apt . 2 car gar. Will Pen. 2 BR, Oen. p 8,1o. All w /encl gar & A.I C. Bob Pickell 1--&U-6842 '500. 1119 Port :iw'tina: gar . wit h a Dal ly Pil o t Daya 64'4 -4848 ; eve Marr il!d. over 40, n take kids & pet.a. Call $325. 673·7638 675-667 Will 1ccepl kids&: pe1s. d a .Y s. 6 43 -lSOI 115-0171. 557-at 18 or 540-58.'Jtj ClaMlficd Ad. 642..lr6lt. 675-32$5 pe•.s. $:425 Mo . &tS-241,. »SZ-J294 . 1\g1. ~' S42-f.S47 C\'CS 1 wknd~ 'I rf. ij lctl ••• Ch WI I r 55 Yo• <a w S4 Wo. nc "' ~ .... ••• PR d : F< "7 -, Ca ••• <:~ w ' ... Cc ••• MA .:01: fi 1' 1_• ~ 4!f "' II( , ... AC on M ~ l{(~ cc y &t !!!!! Ro •• I'< " t< M· " a < a u So n 4 Ile n r I ,. I' I· " I ' " ' 51 l • ( .! 0 •• l ., c " I I • I • ' ' . ~~~d~m:nutil~ lt .W .. Oiai;ier it... Hammer it •.• Car~t It p 1 ···. ire 1t...Hoe lt. .. Clean lt. .. Move ··· ress It... mt it ... Nall~t ... Piaster it ... Flx it ... SERVICE DIRECTORY lumb 11. •• ate ... pe 1 ••• emo e , .. Roof it... Landscape It... Tile lt •.. Trim lt ..• Sewlt .. . Haul it... Add It. .. Plant II. .. Alter lt ... Learn it .. . laby1ittln9 •••••••••••••••••••••• Chilltcarl• by hr/ d.a,v/n1ghl. l.ot.-; ol' love tnr:.int s wcleornt· 556----034 7 Young Grandmother w7' ("<Ire for your t•h1ld lll'i y would, my h o rni.: Mti~. Will :mother your child not JUSl baby"'sit" Wt•c days. Ofl Avery l'ky ·1t15 5477 8't1ln•s1 Servlc• .... , ................ . PR.Of". 'l'y1nng; at! lYIJOS, d I et all on /n ot ;1 ry . f"orml'r Ext-1· &·l'. Cull ~79--0560 Cabinet MakiftCJ - ••••••••••••••••••••••• '•stm C..:al 11n ets. l11111t work , Pal10 cover .... kllCh Pll 1"1•fllt1tl c l 6-16 -5::!1!1 Carpenter ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAs1·r:R. l"rartman 's .;ipcc111Jt..). llrn1odcllng. lln1s h wurk. Hcls. Frt:t: ~·st. liu...1r. wo1'k . 4~.J-3 105 Cl\HPF:N'f'HY l{oorn:.. patios & :11l<.'ra- t1ons. No Joh 10 ::.1n;1ll t~G -35ti9 d:1y <1r nii.:h1 ADDITIONS, Hemod<.'I· 1ng. Carport.s, l'all111~·ts . 1\lr. Wagn1·r.fii:!-Jlti(; Hout•c ..... llM) Ma10t1ry ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••• Carpenhr co .... t /COftCN!e GardHlng ·········~············· ............................................. . Paio1in9fPaporin9 • •••••••••••••••••••••• l'lumbl"'J .......... , ........... . Gatterol S•r•lcH ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cabinet work, ~eo 'I re- l)a1111, drywcill work., bin nddlt, 551-(117l. Carpet Servlc• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C~~1 l':N"f & lll(H'k Work Wiil1~. puttos, :!>Ldc.walks. by hr or JOb t146--tilfl5 JOllN ·s Carpet & S1dc~0tlks·Dr 1 vt:wayi; Upholstery.Dr1.shampoo l~i1l 1 us BJ('I C'k and 1:.011 retardants). :S~u111pslOllL' \Vall.$. [}(<greasers & ull t·nJor t'4~-tf7l0 Br1l'k or Cont.:rl'tc P<1t1(1S, llr1vcs, l-'ac1n~. etc V(•ry reas.1;45-K512 hl'lghtcners & IU n1111ul l· lilcJl"h for your While 1',Jl"IJ1:l:., Save OlUill'Y Uy :.JVJng inc extra trqu, i...:lc;.an living roo1n, dining r1u & hall $15. Any rn1 Contractor :S7.ao. couch $10, chair S.5. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IS yrs l'X f) 1s whaL counL:-., K 1rchncr Corustruclion not n1cthod. J do \\'Ork All bldg, repair or re· 1ny se il . Gd . refs . modeling & l'iec. net'll:.. 531 -0IU l 27 year~ in Orangl' Co. l\lesa Cleaning, Carpets ~ .. Upholstery. Stcnn1cd t·lt·Unl'd or shampoo. 557~ li7<1;! Splushy shag c<irpet, guod rolors, 1nstulled, p<td. $11.00 yd . ()rancr1 es l1nanC"111g . Barbllra 1'1:17- ti<l5--07ti8 or 5'1X -ti~5>1 Dressmakinq · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dress rn :Jl.1ng tn thL· l-:111·0 pean n1 1u1ner Uy uppl Oi!:;1gncd for ~ou Cor day f''a!>h1ons 55t:i .oiz:Mi. 17,Uj Et•ctrical C ---------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aterin9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i..:t.t.:t:THiCIAN . Sn1I JOI.JS, n1a1nl & rcp:urs. <!l 1':1rt1es -"uur home . ~ yrs t•xp . lie GJJl118. 1.: u u rm<• l IJufl els 5-ll:l·;l2UJ. llOr!>d'oeuvrc cps . Ulor1a ·s lla\·en 5.81-~IG9 Ce-ment /Concrete-••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOr-.1 Cement Work Patios. Heasonallle Free est 642-HSl4 U11n Eh.>ctr1cal Repairs & Wu· inli! done by cxper1en.:cd t;1eclr1c1:i n. 6-1.>-122·1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JAPANt:S£ Gi1rdencr. l'l•mpletc Yd work , l·le.unup. Cut lTct-S. Frt.~ est 6'12-3102 t\tt:XICJ\N Mike's Lawn &yartl m111nt.C1eanup& ····rJtlNCS" by ~too~e . JAl'ANESE h0ill>clcu1un~ t>cn woodwork, rcp1;111·s, anytime. own t rans plurnb1n11. l.!lC. ti42-561J. Mti 05Glc ___ _ '1"1r~aL1ng oul? Goo4 ~. Taa: lood prep. 1n your homu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1\1 •r1e ti4ti·ti503 Al:! a ms Ta" Con._'iultan pru1ung, l"ree Est. Ph. Hauli1t9 .>4d -2_0_._, ________ , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ser\•tc~ 1n your home at No t;xtra Cost •000.1855 1-.:uropean Lunllscnpcr 'f'rcc Scr\'tce· t.'leun up. l'COIS . 110 ;\I aull, IN2 5J2'J Cl~~1 l'l.l!:'rE.: G .. rdcnul!j: 'l'r1:1• :.crv Quuht)' \\'Ork .. 1. l.ow..:sl r..itl'S . JtAULING & J.,t. "'tov111g Jm1n . D,ependable ::Ot!l"\"11·c . :SlO/load up 541'1 -:lti61'!. *'"Your Home• 27 Yrs Exper1cn1•e Reas fl,lt'S !fti8 tSl!:I<. • IHCOME TAX• 1\1 0 V l ,'\/ t;. ha u I 1 n i · 1'his ad is chea~1. SU .1rl' gJragc clt:an up. reliable my Rates 551·0539. la!>t:.ervicc. 9tia-6452 ---- , -, ~ . '"AO l-IAHP " for Qual1t) ·-----1\ ARD cLEA1'l UP P1.1int, Income ·rax Prl'par.1 JHI SH GARDl:::Ni':ll. llousenoldrepa1r,rcha· tion . 20 Yrs l'.:xp 557 91KU , Corona dcl Mar area on· bit!, 556-{}J47. Reasonable ltatc:. for ly Call !:17~-IQ3.lforlree i\tOVli\"G Appl call 54!1 \:1!141 01 l':-Um:ite Lucat & Long 01:.tancc 2.5.!_-ti_._93]· __ G11rdf'nln b <.:rc~s Y.'ay llea:.nn able rates. ·l'.l~··ll:IJ;J • 64.J-m:;s • Hou1ecleanlncJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tax C oMUftant ln1m cc.l1Jll' 1\111,u1nt Wll.LIA~IS & S11n)C fo.lu~onry [1~· Gl!:lO·lti Ur1l'k. hl ol·I.., s tone ~ t.:lil Per1n1tnt·nt \\'alt•rproot 1ng ce1l111~ presl·r\111g ot .iny .111tl .di ri1u ... u11ry . llc:.1:.l:. .it•nl:., ~rc.!:.c. l'lt.:. (;u.1101H·1•1:. lorl'1'1•r i''ree l'!>t1n1,1tl'S. HJ \ .ac Denhl•uv,11 l 'u nstrui.·tion l\1 t'.;i.rlu:·.i1'l' "'l'l!I< r1r IH't)(IUl·I dt';ilt•r "J't1L• 111111 1•c11etr.1l1n ~ :.l'.1ll·1 Ci l I > ... 'i:! l."1.i .) ••••••••••••••••••••••• l)l ' r & :\ UOlJ'I' ·! '! I .01-;ll 1 St .1 Lt'""ldl' ~lo\ 1 ng 7 \la , lrt:c l":.t ,521 ·~71 t•J\LIL'u'rt: PAJN'rJ:-.:1; L0 all !Ji!J 3:1:i5 State lit· & ln:.u1'<·J INTi':HIOH Lev. & \~<1'111:·:. Plun1b1ng H~·µa1~ l!c U\l.l'!el. Hl'Jlll'l' J·rcc ~t-l 1.7.::a till.JI E:x·r1-:1<1t)H l'J\IN'l'ING. R•modef/Repair i... ,, II L ... ·e 1'130 i2i8 l:::l"C:. ••• • • • ••• • •• •• ••••• •••• l'au11111~ Int ti.· t:.x1 Ill.':. A 1·11111 n1 lju..1l11y 11url.. trt'l' 1·:.t . lnsur1·d hlil ltot>ti Doug \St l'l.•"' t-:xt 'Int p;11n1 11,qll·rh.1ngnl).! .. 111 ll""!> "Ill .1 \ ~:1 yr;. t"<I' '.J7~1 ~;!:11 Room. AdcltioM It t_;~ll>Ot.:WNG (JU1\l.J'I'\. WOt<K ('w ll No¥11 r·or FltE~ ES'fl~tA'f~ And Dl'!l:llll 751 -561~ 1213> t467 -6760 L\ r t .. \'I' fl<'c>u:.t1c l"l'tl Rooflnq . Ill ).! p,11ntt'tl . J;_it•k ••••••••••••••••••••••• XJ5 01.1H~l<lnyt1rnt• J .C. ltOOl<'IN'G ' Ptost•r /R•pair l.it•cu:-.ed & insured 1-'rcc 1::::-.t. 54~--40ti6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t•,\'l'CU PLAS'T~RING \\'1tl .\lu\'1• ur Huy .• ,\11) tlHll ;! l'Jll i);u1 & ~I l I ~· 11 e s Fr l' t' IJui..: h~·lw K lUani & aft l-.~t1mati•::. l'.Jll!>lO ti8i5 H l·:PAI l{S . l!ca3 Free 1or \Vall . all type:., est. lie, ;1:-.k tJ3U -~0~1.. i.111) lllllC Phnnbin9 --- ••••••••• •••••••••••••• Tile 51irn ~i!I U:Jl.'i 11ousr:CLl:::ANING is 001 Business. Call J;:.in1c1:'s Ha~gedy Ann~ti75-6553 llco.1:. Hules (;.1,; 1.1111 Paintin9/Poptti1t9 111•'.l'AIH, lt.cp1p(', W.1tcr •.•:••••••::~•••.•••••••; healers, St•rv1cc lines. L f_HAf\11{.; I lL~-New. l'l l'~1nup'>, ·rrce11ork , {;;1rtlcn1n;; &. l\t1nor land:.C<l1J111 ~. JU Yrs 1n "fl-.l. 6'1ti '2ti!J:I /!() B S (j AH Ul:::N l.'J(; Cl1..•Jt1 Up:. & Ne\\' La-...ns I' h ti·lti-21156 ll.11•1n g l'rublcnl!'i with you r pl;.ints"! llurt1culturc Spt:cial1sl -...•111 «01ne to· your home SIS 1nl·lud1ng tree soil tesi. t.i·IG 2ltl2 'flit': BEs·r 1n Oomeslli Cleaning. Robbie's Ha~ & J\\Qp. 5-18--0757. Landscapinq ••••••••••••••••••••••• no·ro1·1LLING s:!5 1no:.1 yards. Sod :.alt'.'> &. in :.tall. Land::;1;a1)1ng. Da) orc1·c. 'l'<nn ~ilJ 2170 Locksmith ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jlu11:.l.'t.:leun1ng hy Couple Wkly, monthly, Spt:c JObs. Hcas . H<.ite ~ 5-&l!-t.i27 l Uurglar proof your homt• llousecleuning. Exp. Savi' :Si to SIOon 1nst;1lla· 'l'horough . Re liable, t1on priee:. + n1atcr1al. Reasonable. 645--0221 &12---0R:i7. Cathy ----------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • \\",1llpaµcr I langing• Hy lor1ner 111:.lructor. Cart Hl'bko. 646-24·1~. l'HUF P.a1nler, hont.::.t "'Ork, reas, lnl/exl. lree 1..•:-.t. rets, 5·18-:?75~. ti·l2 -:l~IJ. ----Fl~· E Pa perh;:1ng1ni.: & l'a1nt1ng. 22yrs s1:r~· llt1r1Jor area, l ie. Ph. 1~1G -GJS6 I-I.ones! Work. &12-!lJ15 Hen1udel. fo'rl.'1! est. .:-.~11 ------JUhS "'l'lC011lC. ~16-l42ti 1\.11\.llV'S PLU.\1UlNU ---------- . • 646 -9*>i • Top Soll N<) .lllB 1'00Sl\1J\l.L ••••••••••••••••••••••• t .. H.{11'1!') Plumbing H<.'model:. & rcp;11rs \'later h ealers, d1::.· • ·rop Sot! •Con1pos l • •.\I u le 11 • !led\\ uod • C.ill !)gti-~~:.W pus a! s. tu rna ccs, We-ldinq dshw:.hrs. 64G--62GJ rn /i.' ••••••••••••••••••••••• & b /a. Compl plu1nl.J111g •i\rc Welding • Small :.crv. Lie. 27269-1. JVlls. Any locution. 15 \'rs exper. 0-16-7014. l<emol.IL·I, Add on. gar' !.EONJ'f1': CONCRt:·r~ Ch;.iin Link & \V ood conv,cslm/newl·on:.t.G.J S"fA l\.1PI N{;, Cob -Hes/Comm. i'"r•cc e:.t yrs l'.Xp. frl'e c :.l l.Jlcs t<llll' br1t.:k tile 540·.)II5/t:i7:l·lltili. ask l'or Use the Daily Pilot "Fast ---1 To Place Your "Fast Re s u I l'' Service (;rdn 'g /Main/Lndscp. Result'' Ser vi ce Directory. Your service :.od. spldrs. cleanup. soil Directory ad ..... call is our spec[alty. Call *WINTER RA TES P;1111t'g, decorating & paperhanging. Ii.es/In· tlu:.tr1al /Comm. <:?5Yrs exp. ·rr:n :vts. &15·7!f72. USE THE 'DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIHECTORY Window Clecwting ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clean v.·1ndows •Call J 1111 $111-:i>ZO per house t).12 -72lJfi or ti73~ ltll'I! &15 -313!.I. Pa~clt:. 640 .13.1!.1 Jay. t:onc. tM2·J331 /h·l6_·<_"'8 __ +"n"o0wc·c642c=c·56=7c80. c'c'c'·cJc2c2c._.1 __ &l2_·_56_7_8c._e_•_t_J_2_2 ____ 1 ROftfal• lo •h~ 4300 Office ROt1fal 4400 ndtnlrial R•nfal 4500 Lost & Found 5300 Pon..,al• 5350 Holp Wantod 7100 H•lp Wantod 7100 Holp Wattlod 7100 Holp Wanted 7100, ······················· ....................... ··•··················· ••···•·•••··•·•·••····· ·•····················· .............................................. ·····················~· ....••......•.....•••.. .i"cmale roon1atc n<.'eUcd Dt.>sk svaec avi.11/al.Jle 2000 Sq. l-'t .-:s.3t)j) i:.er mu. L£JS'r: Neutered Seal· C E ManCIC)tt LoshareJl!Hapt.Clo:.1· ':flO. Will provide alJ975 Jhrch, NB. A~l. point Siarne!>e cat"'' SPIHITUAl .Rl<::AOf.:R 1\U'l'O~IO'J'IVr; Cashier. L RICAL FRYCOOK-Exp'd Day T ·nee ·· tob<'h.Sll7n1u.ii7:1-.j340 furnitur e nt ss. mo. 541_50.12 :-.nll notch 111 ca. ear. Open!0 1\Mtot0 Pri1 exp. prl·lcrrcd. Apply: Parlt1me.M¢icalLa.b. shift. ral f\.t essy Couplc SC'l'k" ,..lml' or 1\talc Ill z;, 10 :.h •• r ... · oipl. Eas l~1de C.\I. i"o c·lt-an lrl·ak:-. or l<1hat·1·0 addict:. plea ~e. t:orne :.1•e u:.at ll7C. llaySt.C.\1 ."ihare ~ bedru1>111 apan ml:'nt. 1\laJ~ untli•r ;15 4:18-2X77 . ltuomm.!tc \\';.111tt'cl. Fl·n1 . n11d ·20 :., :-.el'k:. ll'nl roomn1<1lt.' lu :.h:1r1: :.!Hr 1urn1 ... hl•tl ,qH nr II(" Airport. UC J. I )(.:l' SllllJ 1no. t:<.1r . ~~11nm111~ poul. JJl"tl/1.1. Fril"lllil~ t..•nv1ro111n1·11t . ,\on smoker s only plv:1'" :t7!J-l4ti'.J. ~hr & <lt•ri Jiii tn Ii/I, nr, ll1•a1·h & ,\1la11r;1 ·ru shart' "'' 27 )r (1ld 1TI.1ll". no t'h!ldrn1p1:t:-.. M.1 11· "I' ll·ml :SHNJ1n11J .~1 .. 71.>\;, S llJ\ HE 2 lir h<1nl\•. mu:.l IJe ncal. II B ~11!t· \1) 11<.'l'Un . Sl:!I. 100, '~ Ul!I t:a1JGre_i..:1\J;1m:.i .:1u 4 prn 12 1JJ6!S:l 5217 Office-Rental 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 300 SC} fT. erpl), dr1n•. ~~1 .». per n10 t',111 iJ lti 21:1uoriii!J :Ji1r.1 _,_ Corona de! r.t.1r C~t 11 .... ) l.Jlx ~pa ct' lrom "''It :m.15 t~, C:.t ll\.\')'l.iij tiWIJ Nr:w plush ofr1t·~· hid!!. l to 6 H 111 :-.u 1tcs . Cun r l'rcnce Hm Xerox copier Nr OC ;11rpor1 83:1-:11140 ---· --- ' d ·•·"·lk I N<.'wport Datsun , \ h kl Call 642-4:!46. ..Real Estate A1anager 11nswl'r1n~ scrv1c IJ1sappearc nr.4.xJVu . AUv1ceonal n1atters. 1 pprox 20 rs wee Y·i -----------Trainee needed.'' we·re ava1lubtc. J7ti75 Btuch MOWLEASIMG St•ton Jtd , Irvine Jl2N. E!Cam1n0He<ll HJ:l-1300 J\1011 !) to 6. Typing 55 !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! f''urniture ref1nisher ex· on the j.!row! Jf you are Bl vd ll unt1n1-:lun Ul•ach. MEW BUILDIMGS H<.'lll<Jrd lur 1nlormatJon San Clemente, t-•or appt. t• ..... Pm · Ca I I lie t l)" · pcricnced in tine custom an alert. aggr<.'ssive, ~~·-~--~J:!l. 32UU-&100-XOOO Sq. Ft l'Ollt.:t·rnini.:. 552-tS7:.i.tl. ~all_<_>_2_-_,.,,_,_4 _4UG -::.ll:JO ti·lti-719_4_· _______ 1 llnlshcs. Jlefs. req·d . Ex· dynamt1..' pcr~on who is 150 I W~stcliff Dr. Newport fo"1n.uncud Ctr l•asl"'J Offlct Spoc• Call on Sile Manu1<:f'r ( i 14 )64:l -JI JI ext 246 Call Mr Howard 645-6101 111 l frl'e :.t:inchng blfl1-::. f''OUi\'J) \ 2-It •PAL!\t /C',\HU AVON COOK/A.SST C'lnt. opportu nity Jor looking tor a grl'al l'uture ~~n~· ()~·l·:..'~~~ll~~.lj .. /~~~ 11•1n~le :-.t:c~~~~~x. ~!k ~ HEADE!<• Ex Pc r · d . Spee 1a 1 ty res pons 1 ble person. with 011e of the f1n e:.t !J?!l-9205 or5l2 -J:.l(J() i.:rcy w 1htc b"·n. m1.1rk -i\d/rcducl1on LIWERATE house. Wknds only.1_<_9_4_-_J_J_lc5_. _____ _, companies in the beach -------inf;!:.. Vic. Cdl\1, Bayport 11.)l'!Jl lieach BL YOURSELF l>l6_1392 ask for John. area, contact us. AU- Slor-e-4S50 Curn plcx, Lincoln Jr. Stanton,527-3406 Fr Closedr-.londay. vance plus overrides. -~ II 1 1 1------om lore-dom •-----~----1GEN. MJ\lN f & Car""n· 0 1>po<tun •lY and growth ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.C I Ii· U /:Jj , .-~ '----SL'lo;IJLl:::S Parties every &BJUs!! COOK· l·lospita l cxper. try man, exp'd .• forOC are y.D ur s. Writ e 1-"t•l"N O: t.;l'rmShepm1x, n1te . Single sr.:enc . Be A n A VON pref . Xlnt wages & r~a irgrounds. Contact: Management. Bene J55. rnale, ~I! \"l•ry lru,·ndly. Heeorded n1e:-.sai.;c. BEPH.1-:SENT/l'rIVE . hene11ts. 1445 Superior, fl.1r. G r ant, 545-1134 c lothe Uady Pilot, Post \"ll". lr\111c 1\\c. ~.Ii . !ibJ-ti6iO Add new peoplt!, new N.B btwn.7AM&4Pl\1 Office liox 15ti0, C.Osta Viti :iui:!J -------place:-..&new1n1crests101-----------l-----------lritesa!j262ti. PREG1"1o;A.\''r ·! your hte & earn good GIRL FRIDAY. orr1ce.1----------- Car1ng, con11denl1;.il nioneytoo! l"llshowyou COi\fPANION, mature part-time. Apply 8l•---------- 1·ounseling & rl'ferraL how.Call5.io-7041 . well adJUs tc.d woman A.f\.1.-12. U.K.'S 12ti0-B Abortion, adoption &'/··----------·I needed as companion for Logan, C.fl1. MECHANICS kt·cillng. ch1ldren while parentsl -~~~-------·t i\PCA llE547·25t.>3 . travel. Please call , -GIRLS 118-281 Shop. Muumurn 5 years ---------Ballys1ttl'r, loving s-i1 -ugs~ btwn ~-5 Tra1nforleg1l1mate,ru11 experience. fleavy in· l "·1!1 nut llt• rt·s1')0nsJ1)lt• grandmo1her lypc, v•1ll· dally. time position in dustrial skid mounted Io r any d ch l:. or in~ to work wknds for 2 1 --~--------l massage. Eamwhileyou process equipment, pip· llailil1l1l':o. 1ncurrl'd hy girls. 2'~ & J 1 ~. rcL re· learn. No exp. nee. We 1ng,tanks,burnersetc. .. n) on c-o th l' r than q d. 962-32P.OafL l-lpm Crew Chiefs send to school. Apply any n1y:.clf, un & ;11Ler 1-"i.:b. ------C · afternoon or evening. Ill, l:Jij. Steven ~:. T1'll·r Ba by:.lller · rchal.Jlc, my Gft'f'QSSlncJ 2112 Harbor Blvd. C.t.-1. · homl' alt. & e1·e hrs HB Start immediately. Work1 ___________ .1 I \l,'111 not bl· rc:-.pons1bltl 9ti8·4026/ 5•16·835S, 4yrold w/boys & girls helping HAVB Some Openings in for a n y debt s o r boy. athleuc club sell ti ckets a rea, i4.-~. hr. + nev.· Jiachelor 1\pa11 uni urn . -----llab1lll1t•:. incurred by[-~---------1 to sporting e vents. "'fake wardrobe each season. nrl>t.•;JC·h,\\' F'ev.purL FOll !';"fl· tin~· male anvont: otnC'r lh<1ll BARTENDER $200-$.100 per mo. t.1ust Nocollect1ngordehver· lnt•,...,iews 3 :30~PM Mot1day lltni Friday W AHLCO. IHC. lti7!1 Placentia, cr-.1 art•:1 tii5 tii4Ut·\"1..·~ :-.ti:.i ggy gr;i.v rnop do~. my~l·ll un & :1lll'r UH"I Dinner house. Expcr'd, be 18 or over. Call ing. Up to ~-in free I~~ ...... ~ ............... .... • I '!() ''HL:L·.H"'.N"I·• \'1 c. Hrouhkhurst & 1 · -· h I I ~.,., 57 16 9om i·• noon 1 -~ " r_r r t a te. t .... b . ::!U, l:ii:i . s arp, c eancu, sincere, J.Kl-:· . -"-se1mp es. JUJ07470 MGR ·rrne, $150 guarn +. F'o lt•:J sl' rc<i l.Jlx . ntT1l·cs Misc•llaneous i\d;.1111" II It. fJ.1ti :!-r.J Su1:annL· L Buntyn I & honl'st. On top of all 1\lr. Spiker. Car nee. Age 2J-46. fltr .. ;11IJ . /11rportcr Jlotc;l Rentals 46SO FOU.'\IJ . CJt. Jeni .. i.:reY - -----that, pour a good drink. liousekeeper, Students Lc.i·i,IWfi-5455 . 1\ l~. lull :-.crvu·1..·s i.·rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• & lllat•k 0 nios. 4500 WO:\I t.:N! '{our bust can S4t>-IJ92 ask for John. Datsun ok. P i t. SJ p~r hr. 9 Sun· ------- ~l.l:'i n010 1.1·:·\SI-: ·ru~nhnu-,1 · on IJl <ii k ll etl A~·c. H .f:L look lullcr. :So pad:.. Clo.sedi\1on. Oranq•Cowtty dance Dr. N.H .• tN"'Pl National f\l fgr llome Gl72Dul'ont.Huoin8 1.\!;1111 t'.hannl·I ()xuar11. is..iti ·IS:Ji; t·ream:. "r e.x crr1:.c:.. ------1 1 s lrong combination Terr,endofJ9thSt,CMJ Water Pur1f1er needs 3 •KJJ J22:1 ··r11noo11• (",\.iSl·w2.it"1 ... qllJBH. ----tiJ~·Jf5J,5JU·2W.) BeOfS•,...,iceTo sales manneeded.Jf you Call642-122S s lsmcn Pt /full time Stort: ur IJllict-. lront h.illl :u~a ..... _t·p~ 'i.:. :1_1'.1'.l1.1n(·t'.:-.. \\'t~tlt• .PUPP\". mJlc. Short SEE w-.,-1,\T -;-1,-,-,-. -K-.,-,-c Your Corrwnunity are gross orientated and Housemother-women ·s 4!;13-3JOO . t·;irpeteit. 1.'lxJU. r; ul drp~ ;! SundLlk:-.. lluat ll ,, 1 1 . J_I ~ nl 1 ( lon &: l'os nictlt:S can du lor And get paid for it :.how 1974 W2 for il8,000 re h abilitation house. 1~EED 2 Gd ladies 1-'ull \\'l':.lnun:.lCr ~lall. r·ront. do l' k I ran~ p . 1\ t· 1.l;11•bur . i.tt. ,\ Jlamllton, you. Call Jan,5'15-!!IHO "·elt·om111.(! newcomers. or over. Cail me. Credit Preier . reco.v'd wo ma n i>/t. Car phone n~c. J'.l; .\. ~ .. ,,, "''''.n". <175 n>o.J l"Omod.Hc:. .11.1 lonat .. •I.hi t:n~l:J 1\le:.a t'lex1ble hrs. 1\JC't.-d car, check mandatory. Kent 1 h 1 Good 1 ·~ .. ,. ~ .. All 1 842 7-0 ;:i co .o ic. sa ary. Richards.846--5455. 8~3 _0c.,t" 1 e;ir i.:11r. {;all iGIJ f , . Job Wanted/ 1~pe"·r1tC'r ·nappy d1s·, __ ,_n_._<_1_4_> __ ·_-_,_~_1 . __ 1 Ll\'t!ll1 4 V.?davs....-.rwk.i-----------__ ___;:!·~ -t(..l:::-6121.C'xt:~1usarnt•11 1·1JU:'JU :youngbl:ickt.ioJ.: Fe I 7050 s1-:'.IO'J-, .? .-~ I ht k I ma. I IJOSLl.Jon. , /-.J-·---[Oel,·vc••mcn "''" ·•1 -···m •·al1642 o .. o"9-I "O''"" tl>e ,,·me to get ,·n10 :il'Bl.E'J" llunl t-:x\'C.• ;'>pill l\.lonthrul-"ri \I" ~·,I c rTI;1r:111gs. l'('l ·~ '"' ,, ... , _c ____ ~ __ , __ . ___ .~ .. ,, l'ark. easy flrk ·g .. very! . , coll.11:.nro~,k~ur:.t & ~-~~;--~~~~-~~··••••••• HtUl'print & Pres s p/t earlymornLA1'1mes INHALATION l{t'al Estate. Bu.'i1ness d(·~t1·a l.Jle art:oi. util. pd. Bus1n•ss/. 11\d;1n1,. . .1GH .A.>7_!_.___ , 1 :::i • youni.:I nµ ... r.ators wanted. Copy deliv to NB homes. S225 hasal"•ayabeengoodfor :i.luu 84 i _2531 ur lnve-st/Ftnanc:• •. . • "'oman 1t c~1re:-. Job :is Cats ::1J3 Jrtl, Laguna. permo.642-UIOO THERAPYTECH us. Hut we're a s mall · !•••••••••••••••••••••••1 l·dll. t\111m.1l Control governe:.:.. lutororrel:tl 4!~ i!J;:I. fl.1in 2 yrs exper. or cumpJny. Jf you're Ln-:.!IJ ·S:+G-5~21 eve~ : 11 II . 1:-, ... ,.,1 H<'h Shelter ed licld. I las "'nrked "'1t11, _ --------!Delivery Pe rson for auto schoolin g. Salary com-terested call Hacienda Busine-ss R•ntal 4450 Business llatk. of llun1ane Society children. Al'a1!:1b!c on a Boal :\lanulacturer parts s tore. P/T ~l-3:30. mensurate wi training & Re a I Est a te, Inc. WATERFROHT Newport 8HCh t:xl'CU l 1vt• nt f1 <'f'), SJ5U, ~25, ~ l\.lo. Vi ew ul boats & ""all·r BllLGRUHDY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opporluni ... SOOS ;;:Ju tOOI daily bas1s or lungl.'r ISLANDERYACHTS ll agen H:id1alor , exper. Contact Mr.,_"6J_··_-ll __ J_l_6_. _____ _ '·----------1 ••••••••••••;~••••••••• 1\111mal .-\ss1:-.l LA.'a~uc 545-4240. llARDWARl-: 646 -4788 or eves ~lamilton, Costa Mesa 1 1· ,\rluµtion.Spaytn~& JNS'l'ALLl-:B. 557-1770 Memorial Hospital, Of'fo'ICEHELPFullt1me, Realtor ll75 -tillil MUTUAL BLDG. 3 off tees av a 11. 2 at 1i2t) :-.11 It . & one ;it Xll ~11. 11 Uoth at 50' flt'I" :O.ll ll. (;Otxt Jn<'. 1\ll util p:111t , incl. Jan1lvr1.1I. t•lev 11t1\r. µark1ng & ,.,e1'11r1t .v .scrv1ct• ,\sk lor ,\ll"G <.11111 or Mi lier COMl"ANV Jt t•:,\l,'l'tHlS SINCI·: l~t-1·1 673-4400 NEWPOHT R .. '.,\('11 <lff, par!. furn . for rent. Sli.'l. 6i3· 7GAA fii5·fi670 A.ct. "'How Suite H Is" t-:xecuL1vc Su1tl' 2200 sci.It. Dt>luxc oflll'e <4!'1.'<-1 on Newport llarl>or. "1tl1 add1tio11 :il 1100 sq.It. Ad · Jtlctnt. Crpls. drp:!>. :1m '11le t'rec park111g. Coast ll wy at Nwpnrt. 111 642-4644 HEWPORT BEACH Deluxe off1ct' i;u1le:!I from *>5 t.lo. liroker llealonom!cs G75--07UO DENTAi. SUl1'E, !11..10 sq fl. No. Cl\.1 . 45' sq I l. f\·I r O 'Kce:fe. X3.1-GOOU. OFFICE SPACE H.I. Coast lhghwuy ··c'" 'l'homois 5.18 -5j,27 (.: 0.!'1'1 . 2 5° ~<I ll X 7200/241 1 p C.!i. W/Ufll or U'tHlc 557-:.:itllG4 h~ OFFICE SPACE HI Westcltff Drive. One mon office 565 mo., ! mnn ornce. 11it, f'll·. Sl75. c.::.-11 Gene Hill". 642. --0200 55' Pill 5qFT 1617 WEStCUF'r'-Nll THE COLONY PRINT SHOP 1\cutcr111)!_1n1ormatuin PHAc·r1Ci\l, jl;LI HSI-:, y d ---------1 "'2 27 ... E 1 Op 'fhur. 'hru Mon .. 1ncl'g." Ll'lll'rprt·:.s & oll:.l·t 11111 ~ltio -~io C'ons1dcral\', r1·f:. Jfr), .. 1 5 rcx1P"c'A·R'"'PEu•NTrc ··n Delivery partorl/t ime.£2 'Em-ploy";~ qua por . wknds. Must have neat ~ BE'rA IL SllOl'S l'runi:-rt•iJsonahll' spat•e 111';Hlallll'. l;.1rgt.' & sm;4ll ()Id ~orld 1·h:irm with i'l'l'lll'h w1nd11\.l'S, g;ihlcs & lrl'l"S . .1\dJal.·f'nl to l"e s t1val ul /\rt:. liroun1l .~. .<viii llROAll\VA'i' Lt\i..iUNA Bt-:AC/l 494-7915 I I I " \5 to ·1 ··o ''"' 1•1A. Ti'~ { I::: Pe• h• + t>0nus & gas. handW<tt•.n•. 'pply :.a c or n11i::tll 1·on;>,1lcr -Animaslmpounded-.,: am ··" 'd • ' Lto;;;o"",.;"";;;o"";;;o .. ;;;o.,. " k I "12-•.•2-," 2 -3 \"rs ex per. rt'(( · Apply 315 r:. Jrd Sl, Suiter mo<n•n•s ·. !"~ Ne···po-"' fl r ·111i.: or ~I t•rl(I S11;1111clpupp1cs "" " 'JIAl~EJ{OPJ{ .... ~ ..... 11;1rt 111•r!.h 1 p. J.ur.1tC'dl ~IH·1> 1><•11. l<.'m . hlk/tan Caps"ble oi·s·ett•ng up ,_E_._H_._n_. _______ 1 IR:VINE PERSONNEL 1_B_l_v_d_,._C_\_1 _____ _ :\lllture Hl'l1;1ble Ind~· •~ ,-IJt·l~vccn Fullerton ~· l'crri ~·1'.t c rn ,trt St.:t>ki n" in1s. ;t), Nur ... 1· 1nal'h1nery&fabr1cat1ng Dental Ass1:.l:1nt. rt1ustbe SERVICESS-AGENCY.' P•RT-TIME .1\nuhe11n. rnustsl'c tv<1P·1 J1·1~hSt•t .1)up.ten1 '"" I S ~ Companion to l'hcrl\· anydeta1lon haper. cxper'd ., resp & en· 488 ,:.i,-tht't l•v•·ne> STUDENTS Pl"t'l'lall'. l ';ilJ j:ll ,,7;,J l'C'rr1 l'r ,n111lc.wht l hrn lady. lnl·lud '~. lit <', .~1ahr1c11t1ngall thus1:ist1c. t.:x panded r_ " • or 87V-4_~~ _111u:.ky, 1 ... n1. gry/""hl housekef'ping, cookin.ci i>attcrns ror Shaper duties backi!round req'd. Suite 224 Costa i\1csa Teleph Sales 960-1436 I Sht·p. 5 1•u 1•1>1("" II t k ., 1· N Call 642·1470 F S d • hC otc . t--:xp 'd. ('st re :-.. v.-or .J ·rsexper. S:1larv. open. 1 ewport l"fONE•OLICITOll or-go an w1c o. t:n g. Shpd1)~, n1a1 e, 'd ' ~ . 1 •. 11., . 1 95ti-1763,'ii:!-!"f.ni6. urt::qui\"alt'ntrt-q . e1rea.616 -·7~.1~1~9c· ____ j~ ... ~-·~-""'!+1!!!!-""'!=1!!!!=""'!w1!!!!=""'!=1!!!!-""I \'ou r phone·m ai.ing t.rus:-. sa <'S ~ ,,~J ;:;:1.o11U blk \vht 1,2., u Hd -• I' . I I S !I -arranc01 .• pp ts '' the P•·or,· 1 •. Pl'r mo. r1m1.• f\'1111• 11 · SI . Bl·rnur1l. n1•Lle. brn Jobs Wanted 707 DEuT•L " ' Irvine. !f2i05 r-. .-. &IG--0547 du~tr1al loeat1on :0.1111 "l\1y l'oodlc, pu1>. male •••••••••••••••••••••••i-----------·I Exper'd rha1rs1dc only. JUNIOR SALESMEN ----------- -----------11 t· :i s c · ,\I 0 11 • F 1 1 · l'oc·kupoo. tC'm , hlk \'()UNC: \\on1:111 <it•C·k :. BOOKKEEPER Xlnt bcne1ns & s;:il;1ry . l'rof. Inst. Salesman, be· -I 1'·J ::lllptTI. 557 o.;i~ 01 t;l'rnl ~hep, rnalc , house (·11 .. 1111ni..: Jnhs in ~i·,;ble i>os 10, 'letl-1-Call5'18 -5:l8S. A••e 10·15. Earn :i":20-S<\O Ill" sought by aggress. co~1:i.1r·:Bt·. or ofl1l'.l' :-.si:;-g4.>!:1;1lt .:l:il.Ji•111 1 hlk tl··r 1 1 1 .., 1• '"' "' ~p .it.:l' ulC'I. garagl'. ~2.5.•-~ -----·-i 11 1 1 1 1 Costa i\l l·~.1 I .ir iur! (,'.nc, J\ll·d -1-Clll ~x· per week gelling ne"· Orange Co. Institutional Mort9•9.s Tnt.f 1·a~<.'.m:il·.tr1 arra. H1~ll'r1•nel'"~1\a1la '' t g &'--DENTA.LASST 1.·ustomerstorthel.JAIL\0 r'ood & Equip. I.list. 1. ... ·ast' Hltr. {~1'1 -2:J.1:1 , ('\'rs I pl.'r . n 11·a es · u~:nc . ~ii:J li·l l.i ci·r/"'kcnds De•ds. 503S S('aliioint ;-.,;an;f'sc, lll<il c . IJlc , 5.15 \.!Ill ____ ~,1·15 S~pe_:1or :.!."JB E .O. E . Cha1rs1de expcr. only. l,ILOT at"ter school and Draw /conftn1ss1on, lull ••••••••••••••••••••••• H 1 W 1 d 7100 :11.<z day 11'1'c·k. Sa lary Saturdays. You must be fringe benefits, send rc-S1'01tr:s.QFFICES ~1:15 1;11 ~hr, m.1lc. l.JlkJ-...·ht e P an • n 00 K Kt: E PE H for open. i\lany hcne!its. Ag· out of sl·hool by 3:W p.m . sume to Sales 1\o1an81!cr . I I ti LOANS up to soo/o :-inthr, lcni. lrt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yacht denier. 3 yrs. re· <>resSll'C & 11·1ll1n11 to •nd ,,. ·•bl·· to work at P .O.llo• -,, ... To."l•n ...... ~11;·:~1~1:ts.,~ ~r::~ }~•, 1' j~1 ~i le ___ <rr11 I•:Hs ACCOMPANIST cent exp., hcnvy ~let ail & ;;.,eel chal!l'ni.:c of hard least :1~0d;7ys ~!X'r week. No 92680 "' ., -~ .._ ... 1'42-2x:1.1 I st TD Loans-8 '/2°/o L<.is·r: K itlt'n. 4 mos. Bll.: Hl·liahle 11111s11•1an. ritust lo;1d. Boat or Auto dealer "·ork. Bca('h ;1rca . Call dcill"cru·s ur collect1ng.1---'-'------ 2nd TD Loans \.\'/Whtpa .... ·s&chest.Vic be SU l'EH. EXCE i.· bkgr nd . helpful . 962-24J6.:J~-rsexp. 'l'r :1n s por~at 1 ~n prO·REALESTi\TE Salespt,-o- lndustrial Rental 4500 Lowest rates01'an~c l "o. II am i It on / ll1.1rb . Ci\I LEN'r S l{;l!'J' Hl·:.<\DEH 646--0551 l)ent··I Ch•. ,-,de Asst v1ded. Call tH•l·&!.36. pie Wtiy nut v.·nrk 111 tht! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sattl Ml C h ·I IV I &l-----------·t " ., ., ,. u· I Opport ntt ho er 9-o. h4ti !:1:?07 lor Iii~ S4· 1(N1 oca BOOKKEEf'''" 15 10 20 _q ,1 u Y ttest area. r1un11ngton 1-----------J G4G21~1 515lkill Chur:1I ro.1u ... 1c Ocrt :, rtlln. I yr exp. Full time Employer Beach & r·ounla1n ' ·· · .,1··en1<.:a1ieo,young&very i ·r 1 hrs Flex Call ror 1n-unt•IJulyl .640-0160 IOLSA BLDG. Scrv~ng JI arbor ai·c;i 2 •cntle. V•c. 'l·•s·• Ve<•le. "'h1ch 1·1erfor111s l 11 1cu t · . 5;7 1021 ---·IL•PIDARY ~-~............ Valley? Cull l'hll l\f c '"" College ,,.,1l'rtoirl'. lerview .. :> -01 ·Tl!lllUTOR t d ~ ....,.,........ N• no VIII ll I 42..') Sq. IL, shop with of yrs. 541;_3540 ::; wane · L 0 0 k i n g f 0 r a 1,,' c.__ ~gc ca I' CC h "l i\/t;, -C'hallcnJil l ll)! pos1t111n . Over GS. Interested 111 mcchan>oally ,·ncl>ned f .. slale9t)J-4li.), •. ice "113 · c;i' 'Announcemf'nh/ Lost. L11d1C's..Rolcxwatch. Bt~l!ln 1mmcrl. Conl a<'t B G'rl earn1nguptoli8(1()1>f"rmo \v;iic.r, tra s~.:, parking. Penonals/ Near Snlokcy Slavers. Mrs Reynolds ~l to 3pn1 . OYS & I S p/t. C;ill 639 6123. young man \\"ho has an RECEP'fl0NIS1'. Li~ht rcilt ioom . i!l:!1.SO. 'I Lost & FoUnd llew:1rd ! 5•11 -l'Wll wkd~·s S56 -J:JJ7 10 to l·I years of age. D~H · ---inter~i;t in lbc. growing typing. :\sk !'or Stuart. MacALPIMEBLDG. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly l'1lot deltl'cry route:. DRUl"i cLr:JtK . l\!ust turquoise bwd • .. Star1 00-6111 3 U111ts, 750 ~<I· IL ea. A ovncem•flts 5100 i''l)UN J) Sn1I 1-'cmale J\el"t~ Clerk . 1mn1ed . maybcavailablcinyour know cosmctu·s. Full 11nn1ed.Call~74 1----------- w1th front OllLcc. rl·St, •• ':': ••••••••••••••••••• S h e 1> l y p t . upcn1n11: for per.son seek· ;u·ca. t::arn profit for 4lt" umt•. t:os ta /\otcsn. l1ay~ LOT MAH roonis, hot walt•r, Sp;.it'l' hlk /wh11e /brown PUl)ll.V. 1nJ1: pernl. pos1t1on. H:JU hverlC'S & c;ish, lrll>S or 540-8!111,rves !Jl'.S---0206. hcuters, parking, tr;1s h. I Time Offer Vil". Ki,neohe J ... n. l·lil 10 5. L1fen1s. background merchaudi)oe ror st'lhng For Leasin~ & Rental ltefurl11 ~hed, FREE l Days/las 962-i600 helptul but not req 'd . new subsc ription~. Furl•---------•! Company. ~~Ken Chrt MESA. CENTER v.gas for 121 l\.fusl be good w/numbcn; informal 10rt plea:.e cull Electr1'c1'ans 1or Oct alls at 1·heodarc l-'OUND 1n Dover Shores ond typ-' .,.,.wpm. Bus>· llobb••>• c•ord 20GC ISOO Sit. ft. 1ndust.rcntal. c llf ilet Is mm-.. 1 di It d 1 ... 642-ii32 1. f'rom San r • a or a1 • '-'"\J· r1en y a e 1·e n1a c ore . Ask t or Coco, llarl)°or Hivd.l..i\I, w /p;1rk1n~:, trash, Wetll'r, 642--67S3 Sf'alpoint.':iiamesecutv.·/ .,,1,1_..242 Clemen1e -Sun Ju11n --------- l"i!i'tt r()(1m, garage door~._ Hr-a coll:ir G4S-<'l220. .,...~---------!Capistrano area. call Shop :O.l1n1mun1 S years LYN ~00. lo1t & Found 5100 , Adult.8 earn e1'tra income 495 -06aO and Mission exp('rienct'. llt•a,·y 111· F/lime, 11-7 shin. Fri & KOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• fO UNU:. YounJ( green durJog spare time 111 V1ejo-r:1·roroaren,call du!Str1al :i kLd mounted Sat orr. 534 per ahift. Koll Ind . cnndn. nrw; 1 os·r fen, \Vt'i marancr l'arrot sun. Vct.y •JM & your own business. 581 · IO. proce:-.:. cquipn-.enl. P•P· Small convalescent hotp. 3200 sq ft . i\irport Loop , • 4110 1\ 11so, Nwpt Hts. 847.J().l.5 EquAI Oppor. Employer 1ng, t.1nks, burner$ etc. (;lenha,·en of Newport, U .A ... 'nd king If yrs olfl . w /hluc :o.t111'h•. (i4!"1 2Jl !J -::;;:--:;:;;:;;::;--;:;:;:;-j'!!!!!!"!"'!!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!"j ti lti 776-1. r. ircu "par · Vic . lrv lr•t· ,\vt•. & "-'-------IASST. ma.na~er, l'Oupte, lnt•r•i•ws ------- :;i8(N) Ask for Un1v ('rs1ly C.~t . J\~wr Lost · Apr• Toy poo<tlc, no chddr•R,;· 60 unit~. CA.MY.ASSING 3:10--IPM .\l ,\l;llINIS1". General ··1luchu·· .. "'" 729' ''"'to Fill. H('w,'l rd. Vic c \I 2 ••5 BOYS ~ I 15 'l<G·•nnorMillcr _._' ,,i;; ""'-• o:itu , esa -:it;.,, -....irs .. or ovr. Monda•fttnt......_ w/i"ob shop exp. Com· •• .. W;.irnf'r ,'-,: Nllwland, llH L• $200 SJOO • ••·-1 f>'OUND l2/13/75> a larg" Shcl!pdog. vie. 1\lf'Fnd- den & Edwardo, No. II ll. Ca/I & identify. 89J-JK33 i:.11rn · -rno . pct1ve wa(!es, Ins. & 4\+ tt-17 -5G7K Auto C~rr1er, part ttme helpin~ alhletic club sell WAHLCO, IMC. clwy work wk. O•YI: He~1i;ter , 2 to 4 llm tickets to i>porting Jfii!Jl'l:1 centi~.C:\I 5 49 -1 284, eve:s: t.~JS'I': 2 dvgs, :-.ep . o1' wk·'ay•. ea•IY ,\~1 ~ ... t. & I J! ... !!'!!"'! ... ~ ............ ~!j f I I' "I .. ., •• .-events. 5Jli-U7111, Ar, .u6-17~1 111~('thrr. l') in r, Sun. Net>d rrlt<iblc car. Sp1krr .,... -------1'o ru Arc,1 ;\Jui Ill.~ flOO S40-3006 WOOlly 1-"ABRICSTORE die IU yrs. "Jnck , redj-'~~~~~~~--" t-:i\f PL.OYEES i·o ll;.1r w /llea ~••i · Oon'ldroptheball .. Get SS CA.SH$$ Full or part tune, exp. f\:('l'~1ond , gray/white 5 a job -...·ith a low t'O!'it O..ii · S2 J)('r llr. Work on my req ti . Poss. ~sst. mar. MAIDS WANTED REUBEN'S How Hll"i"'J HOSTESSES Day1 & Hlghll Apply 3-5Pro.I Dail)' - l51 E.Comtlft,y. Howpo11 le«h F.qual Oppor. t::mplo}'('r RN t-...,.11ey ""°'" :====A~G~T~·~":':_,,,.,======~~~~~~~ i ~ LOS'I', W•nmilraner lyr, l!V llmc Lr&ck , NB. 8,rown1sh ~"Y· wh litar on chest . Jll'ward . M-4-4766 )I'S. no collar 011\.1"""1!:rsto lyPtlotClastlfled. Phone l~oal . ·ram11or y , Open 311. Costa tt1esa, Ind.\', Hewn rd. 581-2$73 &U-5618, 549.0995. Call 714 -772--4471. Malure, exp'd pref'd; 1''ull \\me. See personnel Mer., OaJboa Day CJwb, 122 1 W. Co;-i st llwy, NR. • To Rotate s hff\a (Pftti) 1nsm•lldept. to~ll-· neas &t Yacations. 8Jtp.r pref'd . Contoict O.:na,n~ Roac:hc, RN, COlllt.a Mba fllemoru1l JlmP1t.al. a>1 V1ctori.it, C..111. ~ • , Jo-:og. • I • ' I ' I I \ ' ' t• " 1'-,Jollr .!'9991' Restaurant • AT THE1lt tl£W RESTAURANT ' LOCATED: 172711\ Dyer a...id. s..ta Ana Po1"io?s Avcilablo For: I ,...,.,. .I DISHWASHERS BUSBOYS ........... ·I WAITRE$SE$ BARUNDERS q>oCTAll WAITIIESSES I ' ..... .. , . • .. • • • .. ' . . . • • OJO t 10•• • I II s• ... , ............ ••• Mlsc.U--.. •• • Power t040, lkyclal ,..._. -• ·F v" :::; •••• ,. ......... -.... W_..,...,. .. 10 • .-••••••••••••••••-_. ~:;;~;.k;·~·;;;.·~;; ~;;;;.-·~;;::::·;~; ~--~··;··~--~·.·~·!··~ WANTED. ;i~~·;;·:;r:~;;~;; ·r~.11\'o :::r;4~ .. "f· 2411N WJIOr\ Wvd. ot drawut, el<.>c mowur, GREENHOUSE sale. T<JP CASH DQLLA Cd Pla~o. Write PO Box bed trlr. Full canvu. •00 C,,..6U-19JO color'tV, Labl~ch.ain, hOuieplan\s, plant coa· .PAtO FOR YOU 302. Corona del Mar. b11.ll lank, xlnt .t:ond. Aftff.-s . . 1ampt',•H1fi,fire acellet, tuiners. baby furn. & Jfo~WELl\V , WATCH~ 92625.___ 12950. 968-'* a/tell·. •••••••••••••••••••••• 20"Scl'l~1nnS1peedbtke, &much more -5139 misc. items. Sal /Sun. ART OBJECTS. GOLD 1 noons. l'ubllc' Auction llkeoew;$d -. 20411 S. W. Bircb, Santa SILVER SER VIC.C FENCING·Ch11n Link.I-"""-------...,.; "ANY ITEMS OF Ji'JN£ 615-1-389 S:QFAB EO, like new. din• Anallg\S. "'IN E f'U RN & AN· wanted W/ pc:wts. gates FOR SALE 16' 01 .... pat, •• , EWELRY C • 1ng rm. set. ~1ake offer. 1.IQUES 645 2200 avalJ. 541-3338 o lnbOard/out~ M,etc. ESTATE J • ...,al Md--:-M421lvening.s Giallt Neighborhood Sale. · -· tlHl2f-12Ci. cruiser mtr. Bait lank. ART OBJECTS, AN · ~I...... 1030 k · . in Bluffs. 427 Vista 1 · 1 E ~pn\ent Male• Cd. c;ond. $1,500. t"'ri, ~t· 1·1 QUES~ Fl~S FURN.••••••••••••••••••••••• MOVING: L.11rae home, Suerte. Beds, tools, rurn, J~ne!.oria1:1ll ~ ~ l•i..,...•h : 1011 & sun., 67~ Mo~. ETC. PHONE .FOR I~· NEWSMAN selling 'fOP· r1ne J\~ewood & ma1-1le toys, bikes, etc. Sun only. 1~ t & mJtmaln bui> ••••••••••••••••··~··•• 1 h r u T h u r s • FO & IJR OC llUR £. COR Super O F.1.4 w/ furn. tomplete mt1ple ~J!~ C· ll•<•-29ll OO JC "R ""'"--R'lll-03'.!0 ' 645 -2200 25 mm . l'"'.3.STopcor. bdrm$1.50,muple d1n.ta·SATONLY.9 to4PM .2929 ...,..,..,. a · RICl(EN C +<·•1 ..:~:o•:.....::;"Yut:....;;.:;:;_--~ :room m fo'.5.6 Topcor, 2X blt.\SJ:>, mtiplechest, 2 pe J acara nd~. C~t . i;:1ec C AUCTIOM Guitar, llO yr i. _old. Grand -Bankt. 36-Twilt teleconverter, f1lt1:rs. CUl'\'ed sect 'I. 2 Ir~ dryer S7S. Sabrtl'saw ~10. PUBLI natural wOfd, vamishl?d Diesel. Built '69, Well focusing :screens, etc. lounge .chrli, br~ tweed Misc tools St & up, toys & ~~~,~·~·~E~l~~~[Wv :;.e7ck~4Cereo. lmmtic · _malJ:i~ll\t'd. XJ.nt , cond, Sl1i5. Call 837-6722 ttfter sofa, guitar. leather to~ games. See D1me·a-L1ne A RT 0 BJ EC'l'S AN Eng1ne1 1196,hh $43,00Q. •ANTIQUES* SHOW I.SAU SonCl•...,..'- FEI. 2 I ,22,Jl Fri. S3t. 12-9, Sun. 12·6 C.en. Adn1. $1.50. Public lnvitecl 5. cof"t'ee table, huge pol Sat. 'l'JQUES, fo"INfo: r'uRN., Fender acou;;tic 12 string ti7:S--4719 plants, books, 100 's 01 IN v II ·t h d 'l_:;;.._.:.;=------PREYEMT items. l76Jl llockrose, l-lard-.1.·ood Maple D1strcs. E'fC. P l-IONE FOR · 1 ager g u1 ar. ar --:-26" LYMAN Horneteu,.,.llMll~! U 0 iv . pk, 1rv 1 ne . furniture. 1-lutch, end fo"O. & BROCt-tURE shell case $&00or best OI· V·ll imn1aculale. fteasonable Spaying & .552-7753. tbls, bktases, klt tbl 64S·2200 fer.67$.-312;7 $'1500. ' 67~1' w/benl·hes, cupt. chrs, Offlc Ir!. •• lt'I & -Neutering R_ates .. Call: SOFA BED like ne"' .,..·aierbd, co!'fee tbl. r\11 •f"IREWOODSALE • e"'"9Hlr'e 21· SAUNDERS Cab. 6351-~ehn7e9&75C0~08•7':' F74r~~nds, cond. _Quee~ s•~. ·. ~ match. Separate or Org. Euc. del :t75. rord. E•lfN"•Rt 10 .. 5 Cruiser, flying brJdlJ(. Holl top de:,k, office s1ie. • ..,---. best olfer. 841-555ti together. Very reas. 2255 ;>13. •h Cord. 581-1122 ••••••••••-••••u••••, sl"p . 6, head, galley, new recently r ef1n .. solid Dogs 8040 Fair,·iew Rd, \Corner Coastt'1re-.1.·oodSupply SECY Chrsill/24,execsvl rebll. Cllry. erown eng1 mahog:.iny. 898-2H53. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 piece scct1onal grn, Wl· 1-~atr\'ie-.1.· & Wilson Cl\1. > F nd t -chrs SlS/25, drft mach 1'<lewly faste n btm. & --•PETW~D• fin . w 11ron table & l~sk!'I, t>rn sta 5: e c. £65, Pierce 867 W 19 CM Ca ulked. $2,t.IOO. firm, Plas11c ease Daguerreo ...,_ chairs.ufr.IH0 -!7::!\.I NEIGl-lBORl-1000 ::;1oreroo_n1 an~ques. 4 645.7411. !lll:l -2~1 collec t1un. Old street Llaso-Apso, \'orkie , VAHAGl:.:Sr\Lto: Jls t :-,1. <..:an n ery ..:.:::...::=------· lamp. H~rrcls. tii:J-!rll7. <.:h1hua hua, ltny poodles. Desk, IJ.Je w;i lnut Sl;lO, K~-Used Urick. tlO train, Villagc,N U l 'eak Exec. Desk. Hlk Lab. peke, dox1e. p1L :;z bed 1\75, Con:;ole Cir Reindeer rug. skis, "'all -1 -.-C leather s w1 \'ll c ha 1r .loclh,Sail 9060 ll.ik roll top desk, $.!ZS. u:1k ch:.i1r, ~70. 2 11 .. c u ssp1d ors. ~65 ca . ti-&5 -5-10~. <!2-15 Pacil"ic J\\·e, C1\l. bulls. cockapoo. porn. 100 1'V Inc A 11s 1s I ~25 . ct1 binet, trundle t~d. 19 · IR\ IN t c_ountr!850 1u plastic mat. side chair, •••••••••••_-••••••••••• ntixed puppies. Stud Corner bed .set & t:.ible TV, EZ 1:h:.ur, tJeginncr:> 1nem ber:;hip_ ". · + walnut grain boOkcu.ses, lti' PRINOEL Cat. Never scr,·ice most breeds. ms SJ5 & n11:;~·-552-77-&U. golf clubs, child 's desk, ~a~lcr lee. 6-16-43.\3 2 leather ofc. couc hes, been in wtr. Must sell , \V. 17th a t Fairview. SA. l7HJI i\lann St. Irvine. g uitar case. 2 phono· 1-'0R SALE 15· Color an· Call 551-2810 $1,690. 493-32"2 Open e \'es SJl -5027. 2:r· Ad n11r<1l color tv, good graphs. louvre duors, tenna, like new. sue. $60. IBM Selectric typewriter, 21). AUX . Stoop, .. Mist". Appliances 8010 WEIMARANER AKC condSlGO.t>'Looscpllio" tloth1n ~ & inuch inuch Sohd Ash open Ukcase. 12 pitch . 1:i·· platten, Just hauled & painted. •••••••••••••••••••t;e•• male, 4 mo. Cha mpion '''"'' .,d •olu• •01·a. <'";)_ niorc Fri & Sat IO;;m lo like new s-io. 675--0&JS b · bbon ,-·300 •"'"'>fl 67"' 4191 1-'HEl'.::PICKUP.Ret'gs. ~ .. " '" ..,. 41Jn1 233-1 Aral1u. ,·•lt .5:30PMorwknds. ca r on r i · · ~· J · • bloodline. Will sacr1t1cc ti-l5 ·tl:fl6cvcs. ti42 -!Xl34 644 -1604 . .\ppl"sScrap~1etal price for a good hoinc. E<islblull, .\c"•porl Old Cl , Lll ' 3 MONTGOMEltY 12's. Call Anyt1me675-5258. 001--4804. ti' Sofa :ii l5U. 2 (.;hairs S5U -~4-1~~---· . __ ll \".V ioppin g -~ Pi..os & OrcJmlS 8090 Jl wy. trail ers, covers, & eo1. Color tv ~100. Bdrm . 1 p 1 ~OU. patio lablc 48 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• xtras S900 ea orbestol· ' ~ ' Ser•.Sla.Att--..1 Sears#70Washer S9S. Ai\.C Tea('up & Slandart.I set l\l2S farberwart' SKIS, H1nl1n~~. oes. c11 rs (gold) ~1:.:1. Seurs STMUSl.C I" o7;, ~2. • ~~Sk~~~ St~:. by 990 E. Coast J-l"~U ~~~r~~~o~1s!:t~S~-Poodles. Schnauzers, i.:r11l $30. i\1ens English ~~-15 li~s. ~1u1\~· r~~?P:13~ r~~sm~:.Y 1n~~~ca1~iC:e~~~~ C~~STA a1ESA C:~ .!-l9~>;1oop W/Diesels. llP\,, differential P~>'· SHIPPING& ~O. AfghanPups.6J9-0219 ~11~~7~~~~~es~~~-Terral·e. Cd:\! Cash l'Ollec tble w /bra z1t::r •f"ebOr1tan fo'uir• comp'\y loaded. 6 Mths 'F11Jlof,p /time.£xcellent REC. Cl.ERK Guar/del !HG-8612 SILKIES, Ake, Xlnl hne. only~ $Ji5. 2 \\'ht matching \\'IN 1h ORGAN ! old. i2J,5QO. sµ-2620 be~ilS. 1 t.1 & F . Born January . s· 1-IERCULON :::iofa. I yr, H 8060 ('h1ld's dressers ~15 ea Other Pr1~es. "''ts . La<t M~o f.lectron ocs knowledge Kenmo.r~ -Washer, x nt 968-1440 am tol 10. "" hte grn & ~·hl. stripe ones 645 -3319. Booths-E.xh1b1t.s I •ond ••uil> cycle e15 r · o.~• I k ••••••••••••••••••••••• J · • · I I d 8 h •1 OSTA r eq'd 101· portio n o .. · .,~ • • · at6. ::i150 Kng ....,.._,, 1·t?nt'>1.' . . amsess.ions. :!·I saner a ama, , . ~ al dulll--:.. 1'\ie..,, port Marine Ca ll842~278. S9S Sm h<ilCh ('O\"er tbl. ti yr old Bul'k!>k1n qtr .'\e:.irly l"e~· K1ng·O-Lawn i-·un & G ifts fur All dinette model. s lp:o. 3, J I .,1_ ,.....,, ~: 11 g 1neer1 n g, SO 7 Good worki'n" ... d'Y", AKC Fem Sliver Lge Toy. ::-,15_ ti75 -l:J~J bt'tore 3, n1are. µ~pers. t:.iw nmo"·e r wJc_uu.·her. t.:;ill 6-12 -2851 lor tree :iclnt cond. $4900. P.J'. -.-~ .,,..... su1'1?rior.N.B. <i i· .. 1 mos.· i\'KC Old ,\l:.ill· P\l .:H6-4ll0:! 1 :.!'1P Briggs & :>tr0ttton Cale ndar oft:\·ents 540 -35~J . 44J..<t7J4 :i-EOE ..,...;J, Eng sheepdog. K rno:,. · l·ha1n·dr1ve model :ll68·6. ~ '---------' l il SILVERSMITH Call~7-4Z'18 64.6---0142.aftS.&\5-~I 11 Velvt>t Oecorator Househo&dGoods8065 .\iewS21 2.Xlnt cond.S9S.FIELD "S WarehouseRanger21>.veryclean. ftUB'B~MAID PARTY Exptr1ence necessary. Wash e r&. Dryer late Spanish so1;;. li n1o old ••••••••••••••••••••••• o.12--4tial. Sale. 400 Pianos & or· man)·xtra.s.il0,000 ·PLAf'i. needs d-e· fullt1meemplo~·1neh~u1 model. works ~r{ec t, AFGHANS S1l\'er1Whnes S2U0557 -K;iti.I t.'ollcc:tors moving to v;ans, n ew & u se d 64·1-0159 •n"tOQStft Partorfull agrowingco.::1tart im-bothonP•5ill5_549_8500 & Apricots. Pups & trader, har .. :! stools, FOLU 1\~·ay Cot, tape Sp in ets, G,rands, 7 F 1 Lime. ~0°~oilecUl1g~ No med. Apply 1n person at J adul~~-Shov.• •pc ts to:arl\' ,\mer1ean t.:otfee nicns clolh S l .i2. ladies. deck CI a r 1 n t' t , Players (;oinG out for l-iob1e lt6 '•'a!!i!· t~llry . f' 135 E. 1 ith. Costa Mesa. Electric stove. white, ~--Oa23 Tabie. SlS. t\.llchen print sl 14. tools. linen, t11pe re· Uat•kpack. Span1stl Ch~n -business. Rent1optton to eq u 1 P . · , . · • • packing. Nod~ver1ng! 1 7 pull shadt:~l.l.~.lli!l-J71Q corde r . paint coni delier&m1!>c.675-41113 buy K:.iwai, Stienwa)', S1875/olr.64--1891. ':fop oom~1ssi ! Call dble. oyen-c ean. ~ or Free To You 8045 bo I '{14 /847 0294 Rose 'lbestoffer492-8788 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W11 letsolidcht·rryt;,ible.2 prt>ssor .& att;H."h. at Sim monsCnb:i'ls.l~<:nu, Baldwin .,<..:hi\'ker ing, LID014. ltibiUews . · *TEMPO* 8Yr01dregisteredlJJack le;1ves.6rha1rs.S70. equi p, \;i cuum & mored s ·e r Sl85 Y..'ater Yaniaha,Kimbull.Wur .. Slqi ava il. Best ol"fcr •Sf..:ARS• l:'l·IK--0063 tre;;surl.'S 55 i -55JJ. ·~~lesr ~40 ti~9 dcl·or Cll' u\'er $700.646-1297. s· ,Ji.. L E S M A :'<l . Floor Model neutered male toy poodle Irvine ~ · . . i''IELD"S 171-11638-2770 --------- t>A Les i\1 AN AGER . Me-eds You Now! *CLEARANCE• ~°i;~~~.ht older couple l:'l' SUI-',.\ \Vh1I L;" •lnv.·n1 .. --:---b-d r~s ~~.1~:.,. &c:;~~&:· f~~ llll12 Brookhurst. GV 14" llOH I r: Cat. 00 trlr, •D E A L E RS , ..,.._ 1 · ··J·u ., 'ld lub"111 g S llC' (•, ne"' coin -u . . . --I · ·o •'d rar ly l).l""fRIBU"fORS. Age Typists \Va shers&l)ryers ('U~l :,.:s<:::i · -011 l" plctesullp:.il·kagcd xtra l'~l·at, S25. Porl Sew C---t'-Goods 8094 1 3 ~·<1ys c' · e "" s ,\\1Euptos7o Quick S:.in<lbl<islln~ t."o l"hrs SJU.l·a ... 'i!1ll.l·oncl.I ·S I'"' 1 . th~;""', i\l ·eh ..::'1:;; •'allliJO-ti77" ~ ... .., us('d. ll::i c:e equip.~-No 6arr1er. f'4. fr. Old Secretariff ·-~ d & . i\I 075-·05.i~ llrnl ""· "°' """"1· 'a __ ..,,...._ ••••~•·•••••••••••••••• 1).16-l l"IZ Comp<i1ny ~·1th ~uct.3 PBX Oprs V r\CUU~·I S ~,lit ~an I 64~~~ i ix --I 4ueen Sl iu, incltls . de· 0 V lb 6' N b I r 1Mctiref;.?oc UX. \\'Vods & :o__:c~·"'-· ------ of Gre<1t De~d . No Chooseyouro....;nhours C~~~y::i\~:;J~l~~s , ou au . -. l.\l _ed1t cofte~ & ~ncl f 11~~1:; .. usoally hon1e :V.~. u1!~n~~t~~r~~~r:1 lronsXl~l C~.>"75, 1.UDEHS 10-26 fl. Ex~I lllY;ge 1n ve men t Calla40-445U SAVEuptoli200 Shep1Lab pups to good talJlts. lan11l,,. C'h:.1 1r . Kl5 l_t)J ·r\'2P.i250 Deale:rscost b4~--0668 ('ond Ootto1n painted nttded.P,.rtti otfull NEVE(tAFEE home li~·cek~oltl <Joodl ac..:e:; l~1k e Ill'~· Lar t:~!,1 . 111 ..• ,..l 213 _5~2 _1 ~~eves S R t.....+ Jan:! sets i;a1ls. ~40U. lime. No com ' lJOn. 2 Tempo Temporary Help ~t lhes~ l l~ca~K>~ ~nl y. markings ~I~ Ser\'l'/ rerr1g ~-tilt:!-& t· "'! '~ n ~ 0 ' '1 ~ -\~O ! -tor1 •· es •1095 ij.I0--0513 & 673 -TI42. w s PM . ;i J4 ·rr<1veland ::;e;;rs, oe uc om· ---·1 ·a!S er ryer. > . ; Fl>R~IERLY Columb1a ar l..il . J CA p :.i n y . A d a m. s :.i t Sr\.\IOY EO mix !em 2 ,·rs ~"·ed1~h teak i.1111111).! rocun l_I 1 dab c d . ~I 00. ti EI Yac hts Cabinel Shop.f ••••••••••••••••••••••• • · ne. ~rvine. · Typist, 60 WPM. p/time J\l ag.nol1~. Hunt1ngto!1 lid 11. /('hild.ren A1t 5pn1. set l m~_tch1ni.: tablc:>.J :-,~~reo. >75. Ant1~ue ~f· ·rt.< 3 k, l\I 3 hog 11 n y .'·' n tq "' uod blJ r n 111 ~ ~;~~!.~~ .. !!!.~ SALE:s_. Men t Wopten S-lZ,Sdys wk.lt.duties. Hcach ._9ti2·!7!!1.&210~. Ph .~7-ti6:J..1 ' /ol_d1016 &l·\p.1nd:;1u1 1.c_ctable&2('~est~ea~h t•l,•tioard. 2 x 4 .s.!1;a11and s10,·e.hvydu1y , .. , E•rn IJO/dayD!" ~ . s.1/hr,642-3472. !7t~ St . <.:os~a Mesa '~-·~~hair_": \l·r) /.!•ML :~~· _0 1.~ O~sk ~ sel:~ !, l'itl)111cts. -.1.·orkbcnl'ht·s.I ""' t·oppC'r h(lt w\r tank & ~Lil A\ ,\lf:,!S ._ Fu),I JP .Time.i45-005 :>-to-5090. FREF.. lovablenull'red ;:j,;:,_5-la-llih 1 cha ll ~~~·l•Oll~lubs&1 • . ., O\en ,\lanV xtra ., l\'.c \l.'Jl(>rt~acn Mr. Thompsbn. Varitypists, part .time & --. blal'k cal. to good home ---• hag. SJ.::i, !H2-·1256 1 r _c 111 -~ a n l ": m •1 ~ ,( .-3 -I-& 17 \' I JO -GO' Power or Sail ...::::..:...:::==='----I !/time . Near O .C. Be 1 auu1ul St~!nless steel Call~b -154:!.L.".:'ll llou~l·tohctorndo..,,,·n.all] ---! ~ard~are J-&..1<.11'; t: .tjth l '-'' c ____ 1 .iu -J:.! l'o~·eronl y A' rt W .1 Bo 4509 \l.c:;t111,i.:hou:;eelec . blt-111 iurtuturc & ,1ppli;inl·cs1Jew•lry 8070I ~l <.:or_ona 1 n1~ers1de yy Radio • . 013 _52.W SALESPHSOH I rrpo c ~ x . O\cns..iO ti75-7<L...'.l\J ,\lust tind good home IOr must "0 rhc·1p' \ii d•1\;······················· ;1rea~ rhurs. l-r1d;.y.J HiFi st' 80911 --• "llT. r· d& · rvine, a · · "·e!lcared lorn1ixed -ruy1Sat 2':,., 1111;\\".ill·e-:iil WA"''TED t Sat.9 --1 1 1 • erto Stde Tie .1vad t'or lO' rw 1me or ear ·. 11otpo1nt dbl. door re1r1g. • ll 54 · Jl3 · J JU ---' " ' - --••••••••••••••••••••••• • ' lifl shop. £xper. pre(d.,~ WAITRESS 1'11. '''''. "ae. "'""'"''.Used Co ie. b-1"" alt : fron1 . Rall!oa Pl·r11nsula.. . . • :~, , F1r"es tone i)('l"e:r I r l "\' 21 ~I st S· <"I po~er ~1 mo.673-65IO C II r """"-'., ~ , \---: f0 1' C.,\Sll UOLLAJ{I· ~v. _ . 11.0 'u .. a 1':.ic111c r1dl>SM•rinc . . butnot:neci:ss-a oi· Cocktails.Lunchesonly. only~mo .~ti0-1-IO'J. toreetogood homeonly.0 :.ik bac-ho.:lor s i·hc-.t .1 PAii) t•UR \'OUH!i...~a1n_p1•~n hcltl'd 11.'~·11 \~d cab xlnt eund I _ - -appt, Wesm1nster are~. Specialty house . .Exper. · adorable pure black IO ;o.-:!J.5 "l';ill uak houk\·a~c.1 JEY·:l'--::LRY. \\',\TCllES.t lld:l ·l ~,,,_,. ,w ouly sJ.i 1 .;;.~ 1467 :.i ll 7 ~:,k lorj 893-~lll . ,eXtra sharp. 846-1392 S1Jecd Queen range & ':''k 0.1.~. cocker poodle 12.) ·r all oak pressetl ,\/fl' UHJ ~L~. GL>LL>J 1;.1:!--0.100__ I IJ1·c__ _ __ loots/ Speed/ "ALE"WOMEN 1.l;lsk for John. Closet.I d s.h /wshr co nsole. 548-ti123 h:tl'k rol·kl·r, Sl35 .-i lLV Eft SERV l <..:t-:.1. . . . . Ski 901~ ~ "" 1 1 t r«on . har,'/gold. Cost SiJO \I 11 1 1 I F'IN>' F'U l'N & .\:\' 1,_,.i roundd ropltd1n tbl&!lolo r t:on s ole rrv & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Full.orP11n-.Time ~. maKc r-aoonable 01·1·crFreeto,,oodhnrneon!,· · asl'lVl· 01 in:.iio~ ll : '~ '" ·'I ' hr,..,-ll"t h -'"•1 :io·1 1 '1 pie lk e I 0 .. " "' ·JooydrC:,~cr.Slli.l !\111J!~I! 'l"l(.lli!';S,ti·l5-220u c s"'"-'"1 uC ~ l:;t'rco.;._•a _• '!!lw.·7;..KUN1\21 ·0aycru1sr-. <.:1111 ftiMl-681 ' WAITRESSES ~79-2t™ti. IO wk ol tl Sa mO) eel • h •• 11 d l" rue h l' 1 c d' _ ___ I <ivoc:.ido A:tS _ran).l"t'. ~I nt a:,k1ng $250 552~ Jet , f·overi trailer Im· SAMPL:EMAKEll \ F'.i ume. l::xper.tJ,·cr I::! cu tl. like new. Wesl· iemale . .>.i~-+;i:!.l I hl·d~pread. Stl5 ,\Tise ,\l_E,\"S Rll'\<'.· Dt~!"°on~ &, l:o~~. ::-..!5 :-,at & :-iun1Svl\'an1 a "c!S" <'<Nor 'r V J _~nac.li7J -735-I for Crart M(gr. Effl· ll .saJ:.~1r·~~:o~~t)ll 1n ghouse J{cl"r1g. Catll ---· c~1ll a~t 5:Ju. ;,m-IMti:!_. -::t.~!~l'~~~(', ~-o;t ::i60u :-ielll 6-1~~~ - --am l fm. record player I ------- c1ent, neat, s~lf motJ\'at-5W30W.Coastl-lwy,NB :\11kcglj-1170 f E ,\I ,\ Lr: .\I 11.1 .. '•I ·. '' . :>.~~_t;•a--U•l-Hl.'~ul;1t1on FOOL~halt la·I ::iltl0.557 -4000 aft5 IT-·---~-ed.Artorcralt exper.de-Dachshund. J ,,r,,. \,cl Like New. 'vcl\ct ~ola &I Mi1ceUane011S 808~ b1e. ne \·cr u!>l"ll ::>:!25101 · , •-r-•.,_ sirable. Call for appt, "'1tn c:h1ldren. l).l-l -5-ltil• lu\'l' :>t:.Jl. l'Oflee 6' e nt.lj ••••••••••••••••••••••~ 1cr J 21·· RCA COLOR T V ••••••••••••••••••••••• :;.t0--4l5S. Auction BO 15 t.1hlcs. lamps. h1t.lc-a -1!).) t;al glass ::u1uar1u1n .. 673_1.;iJ I l;d. working cond. ilOO ;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;11 \WELDERS 1······················· UARLJ,'<;li LOVARLr: l)('d, n1ust sacr111c e! ltilly t:Qlll pped Sll.>.i-------646-8365 c~.s· ' AUCTIONS P_ljPPJf'.:s. o "ks old t>-ll-16-1.•. 842 -24:J'J 1~1 r:.\IBEH s1 1r1• in L Rewt 9120 SECRET. ARY. I =~·op~riMen'ncoem. uHmea5"YY"•'n'' tH;)-3-ioH G SI 80551 llt\'INI'.: <..:4>As·reountry TAPE RECORDER Heel ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... • 1 oroge oe l it are antique sh1p·~1 Club s1ouu~1ro.n s1e r to r ee l , 2 cl'lan_e_el Top K l ca mpe r for Jf you fan take Gregg dustrial s kid mounted i'AH'f Abys:;tnian kittens 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••J cht onometer li1Jllballed I tel'.' da) ~ !21J 1:.!8J-7ut11 w/lapes. i200. 831 -l:p Toyotaa w /boot &' cur· shortha\id at. 100-120 BUILDING SOLD 1 ~ n ~ s u.,a I color 1 n g Public Auction l case Pe~re.ct ~·ork1ng or-to\ CS all 7 r.111t>l-l--573ti. I04lh & ... ...._ \-twins, ~ m~ old, $350, wpm t.x.pe ktween pr0<'6sequipment,pip-OwnerSellilM'I 5-kl gJti~ I \IA.'1YITE:O.tS01'flNElder-&9.i-30JJ i ----\ "-' I !f&IJ-~ 55_75·wpm&arelooking 1ng ,t3nks~burnersetc. ·rRAll .'".R..:. . ..v-.:..·1~.S . ·r l "F Jl:"WELR''. .POOi. talile ~· acC'1?s & ..,-•Pf'M" !·"'--'-------" .... 1vv lllk /hrn ~ale pupp).l f'.:>.,\ • .~... .·• **PUBLIC** 1· l1 "hl. custom bt t•••••••••••••••••••••••1 0~11 ror"' challe nge. then lntff"•iews E1,J Ul l';\l l-:N"rFro1n n1oth er ti_J~ln K_c trv !~I( r .~B Jl'~C l :s'.. AN· I :;~ag r•ix~· over all.I "tf~~-~::~t~: send us your res me. ]•>O . •pM BILLS H ~:NTALS lather Lao .»-1-JJ.'IJ I ltJU f.:,, FINE FUR,'<;, hrniture Auction ,. ~: 3 0'.'t · 11 'k lst •-~ M I ~· Classified adno.36:! ., ~ 1,'<l L'UST1\ :\1ESA --E"f<..:. PflONE FOH 1,-.;. •TOMITE 7:30 PM• ·' 'e quit.: Y j-...-., ar M Call $36.......- c/o Uaily Pilot Monc:lq_ffrufriday HENTALYAHO St.Uern:.i rd ·2~-r.old 1\lale. FO. & BROt:llURE. IDealers Weleome l p . O. Box 1560 WAHtCO, INC. £QUI p,\I EN'f tr1endly. needs Lra 1n1ng. t>-15-2200 Partial Listing . . :-2<5 l;ikc:; all ~ <.:o.ll alter EcplipMl'ftf 90JO ""° .'i pin ~7!f -09:U ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile H....,. Cpst11 Mesa. Ca92ti26 167" Pl.acenlo·a,C'1 On "l'he t>remises t;.l;!-:;lK7 I 'I · "I I I ,. ., " l\"ou r>;ced lt-\\'·e·vc <_;01! l• :tny n1 t·e " { St't, . .ots . SMALL BOATllOAC 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I I I'. Port3ble ('O m-OOU watt boat generator Com pletely self con · prt·~sor SIOO. 11~ ton chain tained. zo· Travel trlr &: 2J00New1)(1rt Blvt.I. Fu . O 1 1 of DR & Dinette sets. ··osta )1-a. CA. mrture 805 It. t:ome to 2<!44 ~ aplc 1 . S 'y 1 -.-U..--..... '""' · Great Se ect1on o l J,H *" ec s. ~pen Wll<JW,\N·rsTOWORK~ UQ I •••••••••••••••••••••••St . Ci\1. J"r1/Sat /:Su n c scts,Lo·rsof;\"1cei\l;1ple • with batte ry charger. hoi s t S:!5 . 4~!">-5254. New. Warranteed, 1n cabana wisp.ace in NB crate. Portable, mount trlr p.ark. $1795. 646-5-17 1 ( LizKeindersAgency OHI Vto::A CAB! " * GUOU quahly !Sofa&• Costumes.too s,t'lC:. Furnitur(.-'. r,, 40208irchSt,Ste l04 ··11 00•0 yo r l•ou,,· D I c t ed --· ._. .,.,. u . RENTAL YAR ov sea, never us . Gt\liAGE Sale Spcc1;ll-8 ut SofdOok 1· lo I Painting-New York ll <1rbor . dr11'twuod o n tran~om with bait eves, wkdysM-2479. l. ~ewpurt Beach ~-tll90 work fur vourself, be EQUIPME.iT l'I~ o v 1 n .,g · must s..: I l f: ve r yt hin g you ever ea 1 O ... forAppt. your own l.oss . Mt'n or 1""'11 968-882w. ~anted troin addnl ).! Dctsk&Dreswr : Esc.ablishcdl\:M.i.) women. <.:an be sltghtJ Y SATFctb22·10om mach's . to yoyos. Sat Blk&\\'h1te.t::lr"l'Vs 1 rain(', 2'Jx32~-Altr· tank holders. We1~hs 82 Small. older mobtle home, rur, -15ll4.'i, carved oak lbs . Stow wh i le un -clean & neat. adult park. derway. Greatest buy for 1r;in1c. ::i50. i\hrror, anti· m arine 110 A.C. ! S250. Space rent ~.50 per mo. hand1 ('ap pc~. Neat · Including: H·IO·l2 l"t MATTRESSES 11 ,,,,1 to JPi\,l. South 011 HTyWoodRocken t :;ervice Sto.. Attend ant •"le \ -ce Vis 1 u 1· ff ' .._, an ' ppe:t1 CIJ\ • .. J\lohawk, l'l(' Rental ••• Culver,ofl thcS,\ F"'y tol {a 10s, restlelJ sets. pJl1me. Avail e\·es & rt.-'llrl·tl.J\ge2fl to7U.Sup· trlrs. 6xl0 fJ<11l.lt"'d trlrs. C,Jueen.f''ull&Tu•1n Sets Walnut. turn rignt & barstools. dishwasht>n;,1 1.JUl' j.(O]d carved frame. CM. i l ,7506'16-9051 2tl."<-IV -S5~. <.:amet, 25x32 Firm. 642-0673 itiS. wknds. Neat iippear. & plen1t'nt ,·our i ncome. li ghts, hitches. ec ment Priced to J\fove No-.1.· ! ! follow the orange S:tle ~loves & O\'ens. Garbage' h•ndwrfting. Ex.,er'd on· Ur1,·e " t"ai1 t> hrs or more h 1 833 9625 & 646 8M6 d 1 h & ··decorator item'', Auto Pil ot. Wood · MotorCrcln/ li73-31:121>. f'"rt>eman. 11unting !lead. I Scoohrs "50 l•.ne·"'apply,AM"s,2.XIO m1>i:ers, 11111., 1ni.: toos. ·, · · s1gnstoJ51l Eboc,lrv J 1s posa s, ~·as er ~ I "· ~ a da). Aµply <n person. h 1 b I 1 t NewporlUl.CM w<.ee arro""· a11 ·Ch1ne se Furniture. -j 1ryers,rcr 1~er:.iors. I SCRAM-LETS ~395. ti46 -547l eves, ••••••••••••••••••••••• wkdys 893-2479. ... BSA. 6aOCC. ~or 01 r . Nds cleaning " Yellow Cab C1J .• 166 E. P,h ances & piano rloll_i_cs. 'I other 01. Pea'I ,,,een. E\'eryth1ng goes 9t>32 l'ul · nn. Hide-.leds l6lh St., ··o·.·ta '.11···· ,. I A ' ··v '"'" ,,.,I 1' ... Service Station help cves•1---~'cc ·' = .... a r mirrors. (')(tension -2 72 s·oo R ood in \'c, "'-""" · '· ,\l.-iplc drum tables. ol -l " Wknds. 1'<lo ~xper. USETllE et c. ladders. i\uto1not1\'l' ~·axrv~d ;,c ffeeos~:blc. 9-5 S;it & Sun, fret"dr' II Cl' d<>:;ks. n1iJk l·an 1· ANSWERS Winches, Snatch Blocks, m inor rep.airs . Eves Misc. fo"1tt\nftS, Line. 4 Oj5-JU77 . nett11s. &fin :.ii:e llt Sec DAILY PILOT tools.,Jack:,, SlM:ket sets. 21:1 ,431 _2~. llurr~ l~ool & 1-1oker tabl e:-.. '-'red Mun thru Fri ·iii · etc. Floor poJ1:;l1l•r:,. san -I a n1 '"· . I' l.U' 'l a n>·j Bodice -Coupe -Chnl AM I DSB Radio. - Duchy -Nimble -644 -8177 '7'2 Suz1ki G"C S6tl. Xlnt r SERVICF. Garage & p:.itlo :,;dl'. ea~h "' " 4spm. ,\ltiiia Verde S11cll. 01 Oi:rs, wotxers. 111du:;tr1al lllDE·A·BED. l"ull size, . -~· .. 1. /ten1 s to Numerous to1 PINCH • running cond. itiOUlbsl JfJt)l<trhorlll.CM RECTOH.Y vacuurns. 11und tool s. J!Old 1bro"·n v1nyj. Xlnl rc.:istc_i. ~·.i~, <:ht·n11 ~·1 ! J.1:,l.Somc llcmsSubjecl "( """"'n lhe. -,·-.· c•·h fo'or Result cla.mp!), g:.irden lools.1 1:<:1ntl. 644 -8777 toilet .~10·· , 1 cn!.'1' aulQi to Pr~s:Jlt', f"ooo av:.illa - I know a chorus girl 150HP, 1974 l\1er('ury 0 /8 Ol~r. Mike 49:1.7624 au ho' ot her own way complete w/elec. start, 6Pf0. ,....., Y' """ ..., Ser\'ireCa\I chain sa-.1.•s. PIJ>C f'utters. -ll·ns I' 14 s4U .. 111,·k rnl · • CALLDAILYP.fl.OT 64Z·5678exl. 322 wrenches. threader~. rc·l::ilunnin.t? dining lable top, lc1.:t1on. l/;\C .-hcst. l111t·h..1•1I! hit'. \\'c honor BofA & .. I t\lastcr<.:harge. there amers. bend~rs.el c. Tile 1 x !I. 2 Jf. Solid oak, no se<1t, sl:.int .... 1un. rn•~l· h d 'l i MotorOnly1~or t>e;;tl Vamh}tha ltf1n1 Endur4. • cutle rs, 20·1i ton serl•"-'l liogs :s85.t>46-5952 r~1·n1tu.re & mut•h n1ore.: M~STER~AUCTIOM j~~~iw~1~JH~ OC!'l n ol'r. Call Hon, 645-2002 need work. Mllke oile r. ~f :rigowing wh e n <'.ontrols. gas tank etc. 's 8 r ecession. ::;ti ll und er warrn . ·70 Y:1maha I~ CC or ·72 .. .. I r k t:Jectri c -.1.··.tl :>at & :o;u n 10 an1 to,, 1H11 , 2075',z i~e"''llOrl Bl Days only. , 41:13 -J~. Jallc esr. s t eamer clec 1 i\1~crn Turquo,ise Sofa. ~16 1 Capital Sl, t:u:,tai ,g:.i;~·%l5or646·8086. . . -· P ~ .. l\titre·box' s kill t.d cQnd. 8400 new. Sac. 1\tcsa. 6-ll u1~ • --.-,-, .._.6 s•LE Small Boat trlr. (1ts 13 to ti~ Y1:1maha Enduro liiJ • ,. • ':"eb ci & Jig &.aws' E"le~ l"orSti0.962-7253. -----HEIGE LAMB.JACK~T.I MOVlrit ,.. ·18 '. winch . Sl2S . Run~ Gd. t.1any XtraJS. ~ ~~11~: belt & disk ;an-•MOV IN(; 1.n . Yr,-. Al'· s.•~e 1.6. like l'lew :>SO. Queen Size Bed, washer. 675-6666. ~.Call.WH-5161 . " .r-.~,. .. ~ ~ d · 1 ct wrenches ORIENTALRUGS eumulat1on \\1el\('r lbl 64ti -081R dryer, da)t beds. chinaol;i~==========:;J.='=;;::;0::;='======::; .~,·.~.. $0 ers. mpa .. Bought1So1d644·888l 4g " rnd s1· s ,,1 \pt " · • SEEK & rlND' · -~':~~11~,~: ~t!f:I tolt.r bar. gringer, L'lec As1an£nterprise , .• ~-::i· •• :.1 .. ' 12 REl-'lllG "S$25ea:tWo6 ca_ 1net, sewing mac' -r, ' Mu•icfOl'Volce ·~ ~ I po!il hole (ligger, drill l!elr1g ~-111 . I r.111l1scan dra~·cr worktables $40 oriental rug, dresser, -~-' ·!t,'1 WM ar s press & MANt' OTHER SAC RI F I c E p ll I cf': t·l.iina, J(ulil' _iea~·e~ pal· c-a . l lrg din rm table elec htr. dea~·s bench, B c H 0 R L L E A a A y • 0 T w A ff c NE"w ITEt.1S. TlllS IS ALL . Beautiful rine (orniturc l<~n. ~~~'"~~fl ~ 1w 1.~·1Sl.'l;1 ~·oi'ktable wtelec-buby c~.1 b,,._._s l~~e,r. CLl'.:A ,'<l WEl~L l\IAIN-sora. l ove~eat. eha1rs. l~as >· l ~ .. \'a ue ~-lr1c;il attach 'mt $20. and ~eta! ~a luet, >'V" 1• :r i\ll\ .. -o to::QUll'Mfo:1'<lT. dining room orig. oil 1-urntturl . kitch~n .,..,.... \Y S h •t .963'.0'.'.'._-<_::06::::2·'-------I 1 .. ' 1111ni.:~ much 1n1sc 2til inure. "'°"° · t · ::; ·· -WITH •11'\SPECTION; 9Arit on pa1nt1!1gs. sd~er ser\'_1n~, Uce:.in . Cd,\I s_:.i r<1 u An a .• 11 17 . Antique Sofa, Italian Oi a y . ~ f ~ a I e pieces, ma.n) other ~1n1e ------1 t~l-9295) Chair, Library Tible, fl lf.Hti\1S t:uih pieces. RCA Color f\ \\1t>s tcllll G:tra1o1e Sule -. . . Side C hair .• R eas. YOU $) NO 2 i\1ust sell this \lo eek Orafung table lt"1Junt~K1ng::1z Wa terbed..-./htr 960-ll2ti ~ I , 646-25'59 "ei~ht@d l cost ~'1UO, sell raise? platform. Gd . ' ,By OrderofO'o\ner . SIOO. i\11sc. l2\11 Estel cund . iOO. £l'H675-3077. IRVINE Coast CC ri1em· COBWEM&DUST sOFA. Sectional. Br.,,•n Ln NB >18--Ja):J B II k C d 48 .. bersl'lip for aate all 8fM,lJ_!, FURNITURE, Tweed. i50. MH-tilM. i . . u oc 5 stm ma e evenings· W--8'1'73 A ~ 1· I Q u E s G1\RAGE S1\Lf: s~t. & gitme lbl. 6 cnrs. 5 )' . A!\tERICANASILVER 'Estate Sale I Scand1na· Sun. Feb. iiod & 2:ird. old .il75 .64.S-ti$1~. • Al..so-vian Credenza. 821~:ic20, 3 movong mu•., '·ell e\'er If you lfre I col~r, d • •175 l A African Violets & Olhf'r h ' I I JO t't. CfieV r wers, ·. nt1que yth"••••· "•17 "'Iden ··o ·· you'll lovt t IS -.' . "r h h d "' ...... "" nouie pJ~nts·. Sat & :$un ""'ed i; urn1ture Van r enc arm l" :.11r . nee· s L',I .. "'•-Jll I have a handsome fr1u1 ' h 1 ••5 A .... 111·5. a452 fo,uclUiia St., A• ""l~ES up o s .. .,... . I nl1que . colqr C h agil~ !!till ~; ..._ I ' .. . end tilble, l2X35., ~10, l S~Ll.1 1'\iG <.:1-tto:APl Co ·ti1l\fe1i,ro1.S57-75'J2. 33x40,•ptt1cctd lo .Mil• 1 62 t~or Rd. Antique Baby cradle, St111n~ ttlas8 i:M. ·oa" Gemtop ,tamper .'\he ll wl write Ad 873, Dally P,Qot, _(; guna N11iuel $35. ~l'\'eral b;andm tu;:le ·tbl!I S2S. Ouk icebox $1K5, .~urtainl for a Ford tr p o Bo 1560 CM '9'~ tfake ~Cro ... •n Valley lamps, S3S 4t up.-doti, Of Hu mphac-k trunk :s~o: IK'd. i:lt nJi!hY hoiAL. 1 set s· · · x ' · - •• 8 RABRROUNEDYAGITOBHH A R L I g DIM U 8 I C(i\ N 0 N L 0 E 0 MIOLCRANBTHKORA~CNk TALUARTSONCV~CA~HNU AECLIRTIRN~88LANAT8 ' . 0 & A L T Q(V 0 I C llV E \I g 8 It N N TLOAAENCUMIPBILNU&E ES08TLCHATU"NOG8Ra~ CANYIOC RANTl~CA~INR ELDAYR8THAIHTDALLA8 NLNO&AIRAHMHGNOGNIS DUU8ACBOOY~6UN .&INOP ALOCEESTK'~Ki~a·i'LL~L DM•Rsta&QITOTAvcae~ On1J the pelly PllOt really tel Y'Otl -"8 new In your local · COlllntuftltr •• :·every day Pk'l"Y oft San Di ego handmade bil•>: items l\1ore! niore'. 401 K1ni.:s (lin.l(hy oars. 646 -7080 ~ d . b ~ 1-"'rW_y, then to forbcs . rrom Eur~. Model .Plllc.:.Nli..Sul/Sun. illtlpni AIR Con _1t1oner. r~ ..........,Jlil........__ ....... .tfi•• See.Si n11t home. draperies.. aitsort. • • -new, window or f/1, ~._., • .,, .._.. ~....., • .. ,.... ,..,. Sil ..S~AY s i zes. Caah only, Unique .S•le. g1!'t items. SUlli\1 Set. dre56er. S.:JO. mount. Priced ri11Jll ....,_..,.. ....... ,. ......... i · M ~ .1 &2 ssti ..... 1121. drfcd r1aweri., urrunfo!e · dei;k. SlO. o,\Y~astek -• ~64~>:=''..:'::"'::...---~-ll AltlA 'atANTrr '~LAaY r " "'S~ menu •and much more. in~:. i .. i . Tappan {)bl1· !At.LAD ~AALE 1 rr:Tivs ( 1fHIL f., "'" Maple Rm dt\•ider, 9' Leftovers ffon1 out-of O\"en e~e·le\•el Runae, MIKtl••-I ~~~~ HvM'J.US ·r:Jm ; ; -... 11 wJCr•lt~.Uer .bus•-¥1~ shop. 211 it<J.643-71$1 W..... I ,L_...==:::.-~T-~•w:::•::•;.!•"~'":!J'•~'"!:;....,.,.:__JJ Mlle. 646-909'7 anepm Ri.ileis.:n. C:\l Sat & Sun. i••••••••••••••••••••_... ,gz For Resull J."'tOm Lfeal um to trllih The f:Ntest dra~ in _1hc lP'ano student nttdl ota :~c~~;1 ~~5:11.:.!~:;::,a:.~ .::J.:! J~ .... ~~ .. ~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~-=:~d·~Se~r~•~ie~e~C~adl~l~~~~T~u~r~n~lhe~m~in~lo~c~·•~b~~W~e~s~L~·1·~··~0:·~·~1~~P:•~lo~t~,n~l~bod~~eolld~~l~Li<nl.~~c:h<~1•~1To~~~-~·~~:u~m~•~l.~n~"'~dUl,Mndftlbr~ntt~~~ .t. C71411 842-S678exl.322 CALLOAfLYPI C las 15 llted Ad. Call!673-K938. p11 bitto•·s.a+AFincl"lnra,.nfthi.~ .. ptt. 1 &12 -5678. 1 DAILY PILOT • •• ·' • ,. ~ .. "d .. • L .!! "' • s I ~ ·~ ~ •, r ·~ • ::i ~ ! r s " i ,•; ~ ~ I l ii • • ~ '7 ' I .l JI , •• , ~ ' r ~ • -· . _.___ ·-... ,• ·: ~ Crcln/ 1nodt f560 4utot, lmporhd ...... h -·~~ I • rt d ....... 1............ F '" F 2 975 DAILY PILOT ... ' ., a ••••••••••• .a. .......... ' ft..•••·· .. • 1, MpO. ; _..._.,.~ • ,,..,. --. ':c•~,,•,,tc.·::c .. ,,,,r,,,u,,ary""'"''"' .::' ""'--------==:.;..:..:=.:..:.-=;'l<;<. .• -""·-··~·-.···· -.-.. :1. ........ A.He 1 ~ lll••••y..• ·-···············--· , ••• -............. -, e····················· -. ..,,, "-BMW·R 75/f '--~ DAJ_., • ,.,.. •!."!' , 97o5 Audi 9701 IMW f1J 2 i;;oprl 9715 Aolos, llllf'C1'W .....,1, llllpOl'tod -..._, '""°'1'<1 ~D· at'O} D)Odtf, ~ .. •20 ,. ...... _ ,, ' T .. ,..· .,. ......... ,. ••••••••••.•..••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••.•..•••..••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ··~···················· ·······••!•!l'•••,••·"- .. 11 •• W /JICC ... or'jej, Y/ I 0 p It~ h e 11 1 1 ii\ A!'a lt!lfMq '73 Automahc; air Cond. II/fl!;_ '73 CAPRI -t 7.20 D-9720 flat t?U' i-tt.-a:ew , tJ ,Oi$.~·r~v iteJ\,ltT chrome , Y•loceSDyder Agltt ~ .Urwn. SLer~l:r ~ ~.. li r)t·l111dl'r. 4 ipliled •·•~··•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••,•••••,• .. t• tfl~Ufafl.lio w'h fa-~""" &uqa~•r. 2 tdJ'lf, 5 dpee<l; AM:t lfM AM'l l> M, sunroof, xlnt. \,I l1'a11:.n11s:.1011, um/fm "70 DATSUN ~ur~lfiil Kt\W~SA K L IO. •e:trl~ AM £rl!f~!ye, ta61oi 4' inll:I whee». eond. 83t-9J07 . litcr1.·o radio w/ Lape, de· · 7~ 24QZ Sedan u.'83P8KJ .. ~ ~ ..... rtew, .only •1.m mu.... = , •z a. eq ~"!"~!! J G1MP1> f. AUbr "72. 100 LS. auto, 1974 ~~ grouµ. 105&ff?1W J Aut()d')\.1Ji: tr•nsmiS:lon, '4$·~?,0011 b NBewl dc~~,Dllr ORANGE coUMrrs llt46. Ca11M7.....:..tr22 a(141r' -...· W ' , ~tr, pvt Illy. iJlOO. t:all IAY ARIA ' alr conditioning, low, low z1..., ar or v • ...,, I. '' ' • MARINO 9611--6669 CLGsEGuT "~~!~:.s~. miles. (996JEY! -WILL IUYYOUR NE~~SJtn~~; ' ·~o~~~:~~~~Q~ M'91'6R CARS ''.j,~~.,':.":J,~~ s~ Si<VE!B., W Ii_". -,.., • .,.., $4999 ~~~i'.:i:~!~~ All z;:~ll~~~ alnale. lff mRl\,"l"''f· .. 1'00w.c9..,1Hwy. . nit••· 494--ll.IOS day•. Cre•I•~ M '7 1 C Al'RI PA ID >"OR OR NOT. DlckMlller~ocs J.2 ,195. Qat\'83'J~7U 11..'I •; t6•S-.I 102 Sant.» Ana 833·:U71 r;id,1o&'hcater,bodysidc --fflll 11n:.&' DOLLAR. CALL KEi'\jl' a tSo.Alwo " rare a nd beaUtir.u • ARl~'Q 1 Newport lifu<'h 496 -239S unyl1me. 208 W. trst~eL 4 s1,ced lra ns m1ss 1on, d 1· · w 1 L L p 1\ y 1· op 120 w. Warn\!r "' Jl[ter5. . TOii CA1tS' 11 Austin-He aley 9709 & ~ moulding. lij07AZWJ ~" UU\O ALLio:N.5<10---0M<! santuAna S$7.Q HRUXTON'. ~ I'" ew rtBe h ~PV'DJ.o:H. $.300 or 01' .. · SlJA uslinltealcy bugeyo ~·~ VOLV' 0 • ~ C.f! I po BC £R 16800 Beach Bl vd .. 'r'61 YELOC~TTt.-W:co&st.H;wY. 'Ga. 'ALJo"'A ROA1£0••••••••••••····••••••· ~ ~15&iGUST·--.... , ij~: ~ Single, productiOri road 45·1102 '~· 464$"'?"1227 " l SJOO,as 1s, ' uA•> •• D F I A racer. -licensed for 'the . .., .. Ch Alfa Romeo &.all U42-74!1'l. ' ORAMGrE COUNTY'S II . B. ~ \ ooU;·ijtM4 1900 "°'!;>Or ( M 646 9303 atsun - s tr~et, (ormer Bon . "" v. 1,11 tOn pickup. B L IMW , 971 OLDEST 197'1 Capri , lilULomat1 c, 67 Dats un , 4 dr, blue Oranl)e County's . .ne.~lle rhec~rdal holder, ~;~"':' 2uz e ngine. 6' bed. ~·~~:ori=e I ••••••••••••••••••••••i ~ ·o 2000, loape dl!cRk , good ~.~..!~er~2por~ ... ?'plnt cood . 11o...1ewest De~•er ')e...,mec.an1c compo· ~"""~\l-5lp7. , ., ·~.. n11leag c. e n1 se ,P,,,.,,,,.O'l.-7..0.:. .I' 1""11 llill .•ents.' ll,49$. 837--11722 . --' S•I•• & Serv.co '73 BMW 2002 4"3 -""24 Buy or lease ..... aJ'ter ~· , 1 ·l~i t'u~d tourier\ Wicl~ Beocl\ lrimnrts · ·73 Datsun 2-io Z -4 spd , . tires, l.18 m ag:s, chrome P.1 acArthJ";~d COUPE Sales·Serv1ce·l..tJ<.1s1ng Coif . 9717 J\l\1 /1-'i\f , lapc d1.·c k , 2601/2Z /\,J .S . MA 'fCH4ESS side prpei4, l'amper & J a rrlborec Roy Carver, Inc. -•••·.~··•••••••••••••••• 24 ,000 m1h::., c:..tr.i nice .f.rYP.HOON ~ 600Ct . morc~~~450.s.&Z-l~-,,i~!OQvt.• 752-<JIJOO Like new , 4 s peed Rolls1l.oyce BMW,. 72COLT (liY~9) ~ar-g:SriKtion 8.1ngJe, lete ·~ model, Ne"· port Beach lransmission. air condi· 234 E 17lhSl. . SJlt.TtOMWAGO"" How ard Chevrolet e w Used cars R•rt. r estored.. $39.). '72 MAZDA U<ih1ng, AA1 /fi\l rudio. Costa l\1es3 546-4444 Dove and Qua il St.s. Nr. Newport 837---6722after5. p,fcln.m ~i 1 9707 1878JLS1 .73 Bl\1 W :i.Os. Stereo ~u~o~i~;~s.&a:h~0;1~'! MaeArthur, ~amboree D f 1s ~AWASAKI 1201 Xlnt l8:Wii'iJ1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $4999 1·Hd10, lea\h mt. Day.s t149t .. WZJ and Bris tol Newport Q SUn c o nd. Clean. Dirt or S .. H .. A·R..P·! '74 lUOLS. air, 4 s pd. , 833-1361, wknds & eves 645-57,00 Nl•\vCa rDlr Ueach83J--0555 !\l at'Ar1hur .ind J.Jtn ~Ji;uJ:'i~ttt~N;;l -_--2.2!_'l5~<>11~a~'!!b~o''...~Ul~'~d~~~~l l-l tl l; P J 1\1 u s t 1> e 11 . Newport llc;it:h '74 BULTACO Al..ftJNA ' 55~-0175 ~~~~nv\nJsOOst c reo . -~- OVER FACTORY ., INVOICE accessories lll'C ll1oe. tt.reel. $195. ~16S7. &lS·5700 , New C.:ar Ull' AJ'\1 /1''i\1 !lltf. la~. lo mi , 9 . :OW\ terou• C1133apr· 1 7445 . Pvt pty. 9715 0 -2150 I-I arbor Blvd. 9 c 7 , 2 t 0 ·73 l)A1'SUN 240:t Air con· horce tlm! l)o\'l· KG-l:WU 35i0cc. Under 500 miles. GMCTrvclc1 ·~.,A d . OOLS . . . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•• SUNSETFORD ·71 1200 Coupl'. n('"· en)! Perfect co dlt I Oid .. ouknowG'1C' 11 '1~ u ii .-1 .dr.Air. VOLVO . 72 e 29000 . I '72 DATSUN 1200 It A,\J /t'i\l . ·7u \\'a goll , . · 11 ion-. 3' i•,sse Am l £"m A Rd I ·apri, mi,x nt ·-' ,x n . 5440GardenGruve Blvd a uto,n1.J "S.Pl •· Mll""-0341 l'or Jess than to'ord'• & :...-:·' uto. a ia cond. one-owner. good cond. 30MPG, pvt. ply. 0 '' · Pl ) 5':11 idle items with a~-" tires $2"00 67S--til88 Westm inster 6:J6·4UIU 64ti -~ltiti:i Dod ge trut:ks. Call us & .: .,.. · · f 19P6Ha1b11r CM 6469303 gas mi.,4 sp.&12-6424 $2000.556-1257 lyPilotClassiri edAd., J973Husky 250 'A'R. we'll prove 1l! Auto .~ xln~~~~. , . Bill lan-y . • •••• ~·.~:.'!' .•..... !~!~ ~ ... ~:.'*: ....... !~!~ ~~~·.~~-~•••••••!~!!~ ~~·.~:.'*: ....... !~!~ ~~~ ... ~.'.'*: ........ !~~~ ~~~·.~~.V: ....... !~.~~ ~'!'!~·-~•.-:. ..... .?!~~ .,,..-------~·I · PQN.1'1AC G ~IC truCks l~:i73· Suzuki GT 250. Xlnt .200() 1'-::. \Sl Sanla t\-na ~ond. 1000 m1 . MUlll seu,~"'""'--"'10"-'-00.,------I S650 o r ~es t offer.• • .675-~578or646-263L '6~ i'~JSU Stake Body w/dump. Low mi. Ex. )9137 BSA lt1otor~ycle, ne"' L'ond . Sc.-c at 192 Well::; Pl. clutch, new cables. i750. CM or caO iZti-l~ or best ofr. 840--0734 .. ,. '71 CHEV Pickup. 4spd 'UCZ250MXCompletely lr a n s. h v y dut y Tricked. i-fOO. radiator /susp. ·32,000 ac. Call642-2913 lua l n11. S2Juu firm . 642~1,John. 'i3 YAMAHA 100 MX. gd cond, tasl. $315. OC" trade y · t'or XR 75 or SL 70 . ans •·673-I9J3 •••••••••••••••••••"'••• ~:J---------1 '69 V')o,Y \'an, xlnt running 73 Rultaco Alpi na 250cc. conditipn. St400 oi 6est -Never raced , lo mi. Xln offer. ti4S -21,P6. condS000.673->!&56. l -----~---- ----------1'68 DODGE, G cyl •lick. CJIOPP ED l-l01'1iDA Show bike. saw t .. 1rm 963-lHM S.975. '66 VW. new eng. c lean. i l275. 646-202<! or . S48-14g2 'J2 Honda Z50 Mini Trail. Bi.ibble -top cart1per 172 Xlnl e nd . $180. Cctll • l''Or'd , 6500 mi.; refr1g, ti4S-8916 e\·es. ~toilet.~· 548-4454. , t' 74. Yamaha YZ--tiO, 74 Oodee Van, BIOO, VS, ·; fast,$350, P11rt1al convers ion, 644-osGS sharp '* -.loaded, of/et ·m;,-9561 '61 KA WASAKl 120 Dirt • • . 'I.Bike. Xlnt 6ond•l200<lall ;µ t"qJlD Club Van. '-873-~. --· .•• , ·~13741 l~Z99 • • · · • SUNSET FOllD .' •1~1 HUSKV ·250. ,.Rel!d $4-40Gardc nGrove illvd . val\·es, xlR:i. c:,ond. 5475. Westm1 ns 1e r 636·-ltll,O Days : 494-1357 · __ '73 Monlessa, Trials 250. Auto.W001tff 9590 Like new. $-lSO. gJJ-()!ti.l. ••......• , ........•...• Wt: 1~A.Y TOP DOLLAR. l"Ofl 'fOP USED CARS 1972 ·ossA. P1onc.-er zs.o. FOR£1GN. l>Ot\1fo:STIC .. Asking ~75 . or CL1\SSICS Call 551-0776. Jf your car is ex1ra clec.in .~r.---------1 st-e U!-1 first. ftonda -350. 4 c-yl, 600 BAUER IUICK mile, s how room c-ond. 2925 Harbor Blvd. ~1030. 640--0tl3H art. 6pm Costi fi.1esa 979 -25ou "iO Yamaha 650 Chopper. ·x1nt cond. ~1any custom atcccssories. ~'750 or bcsl olTer. Day! l-all 8111 at · 67 5--0970. Eves & Sun cull 545-1044. T,OPDOL.UR PAID .IMMEDIA. TEL Y FORAl.L FOREIGN ----------<Top Doll.ar t'or ·Any 'GH V~AHA l~ ~ <l)'I; ,M8keur Model. ;~~.ormakeoller JIM PANOS ' MAZDA Tr aflttt, Tra•tf 9170 ' 2001 s. r.1 anc-he.stcr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anaheim 636·6000 1~· Santa Pe Trailer. $700. 645-~40!4. ZZ45 Pac1fi TOP Uolla r paid for J\ve, CM . BMW's and all other lm·. ported cars. ~ Crevier .. '208 Vf . 1st St.reet Santa Ana SJS-3 l , .f-llo Sor•lce & / 4 . ,_ 940P ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·:;vw ENG. 1+oocc: SELL us YOUR CAR! 530..-We pay top prico! 2 1'~ord us Jn<ly Mags & MUST BE CLE.AM Tires. sso. \V1/l lake anyth1n ~ in 644 -0J41/644--0329 1radc, watches. r1n~s. 1 'fV'.s ctc-.. VW 1600 eng. $350. '70 Bus zooo llAR BOR 8LVD. Trans. axle. $150. 5 to 8 645 -1500 ,PM 642---8767 COS1'/\ ~1 1-,;s,\ ¥!!"""•/ ' Clas1lc1 9520 . ~ •..... , .....•...•....• '\1 Cadillac. 1' .. leetwood. __,N ew e'n1t-.drive lr.ain. Ex. · eon'd. SJSoo. 83'4-.t7M Orang< County'• HlghHI $Buyer onlmportl 11n Maxey Toyota Call Ro~eror Dill M47~ "41 JEEP Wit.CVS New l------"""'"--t~line. Jnt I< body gd '°REE APPRAISAL 'lhap e.·~$1150'/ofr . We buy ust!d cars & ~2--62tl~. 1 1 , trucks. Ca ll GHOT H h 1947 RONTIA,C ct1EVROLE·r for a .fre "&pra1sal. uns. $450. or bett,orrer. RO'rll CHEVROLET · 5-585.$ ' ' l~ll Bench t;Jlvd , tt.NetlffJJ 41 1 Hu'ntln&tQn Seaactt . l Volllcle1 "9130 <147-fAAIT , .... 333,' •••••• •:•••~•••41•:• ., • ' We luv1 • 1972 Y,a~aha, 30 °hP1 ."-· ,fl{ ert:E!'de s .. l59r.sche, ~can afters -.:n~111 • & f.:xotld, .. 3356 • Ctfliss1cs. Imfk,rts Wliftl 111'.iffl ,550 JIM MAWINO ••••••••• .. ••\•-•••,•••.,,. . . MOTOR CARS , .. J ee p. 4 wd. l\ebi\ 1·:JJOOW.CvastJ~wy . ng1ne + eztrli. Ill~. ' "'NC.wipon. 'Bt\1ch ·· al1 ~7~94 ,. ',. , -"' ,,4S·I 102 Ill . , tl60 CAR.PM ER wUI t"1de ••••••••••••••••••••• .... ().r k r 0 r • 0 0 d 'J f l' ... "~ ...... ' ' or ·~i_. 1 Ton slpk-'• ,traria por'latioo car. ill Llres . llbll motor. 662~ ody Jo Id, !'004· '1000. > 'llil;,~ . " ---! ''.t .. ·~ (, ' ·~ ' - '74 ROTARY Pickup {PA 136110071 l Used Low Miles. Immediate · Delivery $ 1~11r1 •~M Q<IC• plus I•• I he IM 21 Iola!....:. l'>'l't '""' !u l. he l. all cany•n11 Ch11tges lo< Ol\11 46 -~ °"""'9'1P9v,,,.<U1111ce l•-SJ te "'-"9un1-A•l11 I I I•~ · '72 Ford Pidtup Co11r1er (69542UJ 171 Fiat 850 SPOrt Coupe (901 BZJ) 51477 '68 Tovota Auto. mag!, A&H !WXU706J 5677 5 100.... S)~. Mii !ull Qloce plus !..-c • IOC ~ 3J 1cn.i mo p<n! oncl ra. & l•C & 111 ca•rv>"9 c""'"'"'~ lot only 2-' mos 0.....,.1111 1>11v~nt Q1101 $8951 92 AIV\Ull P9o-ceni..e ~2199'!1. '71 Chevrolet Auto .. P.S .• Air ( 156691Y121 476) 51477 5 1 00 .... 5 5~~- '64 TR4 RDSTR Handyman Special (XSS364J + T&l '74 MAZDA RX4' Coupe . Used. low miles. (284KSYl Immediate Delivery s2977: ·5199 51 827 · DOWN '7MONTH 121117 lull puce plu• I•~ I he 189 27 lolal ....:. ""11 ond 11~ & ••t I •II C;t<fVt'IQ ~ kif only 46 ~· 0.lllr<lld P•vmen1. P"c• l••83 ~ Annual PetCfst\1-A•t• 11 If>.,,_ '73 Mazda Wagon RX3 (565GWY) 51777 5 I 00 .... 566.!g l \f/I lv1I O<•C"' Plus,., I loc l6ll to to1• ""'· flfttl. ''''" •~• & ir11 c.1tf>"l0 c""''I"" '°' 0<11y Jtimo• 0.18'<9<1 _piY,,....,.,. 1>1«:e 1241960 A~ f>11<c.,nl;t{lll Rt.I• 9'1 8 ! • .,. '70 Datsun Pickup (12692) 5777 s I 00... 538!l 'I 11 Ml QIOU p/UI !a,o & lie a38 83 IOI-' mo Pf'll. onct. ta. I 1oc-& all carryong Cl'l;w\)M b' only 2' ,,_ Deleuad 1>9y,.,.nt 1)1!09 llOJl.92 ,.,,,...... Qe«:01nl- Fqou121 9fl'll. '72 Datsun 1200 5l4f7 5 100.... 5 5~. '69 Chev. Nova Aulomatic. P.S .. P.B. (777E1788Kl 5777 s100 .... .. '68 AMC Javelin {XWF215-) 5577 ., '72VW Bug '• (1122747~1 ) 51177 '65 Buick Skylark. Auto .• R&H INBB682) 5277.~ .~.;~ \ Price ,..., + T&L •• I ' -" . . ~II, Us >jowl . ~50-21 .41 ~ .l~STANT.<:.REQ1~:.~" ~ f, , • ~ ot •f you pre .,ew In Cdlif°'1!iO • If you owe m~t on }!'J' cat '· · ~ ~·:·' • • if ,you ar~ new on y-j~ • If y0u have litff~ .cl:. ni , ~"':lit ~. .. t w ME TRY TO .URAHCiE·THE CREDIT AMD .1'.IRMS YOIJI EED so THAT vou :Jti14y . '! , .. D HOME TODA y IH l'HE C.AR OF 'Wlour CHolCE!. ' ~ • ' • ~. . . ~ . BRAND NEW '74 MAZDA RX-4 SJDAN 53296 lndudea 4 sr>eed. pewe1 assist front disc bt'akes. rear wrndow defogger, radial tires, tachometer. carpeting, concealed radio anrenna. IL.A23S1084&1J t-Tax &L1c IMMEDIATE DELIVERY / BRAND NEW '74MAZDA RX-3 STATIONWAGON Fully tactoiy &Quipped & don't fOfget the S0,000 miles ex 36 months 100% Full Factory Engine Warranly. Stk. 1'196 ' • .~ ... ,. ....... ~., .... • • '74:MAZDA RX~4 COUPE INCLUDES AIR s 34 Radio. body side mould•~ vinyl top, & all the good Mai: ~ standard equipment lealures! {800KSO t-Tax & Lie. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY l BRAND EW '74MAZD RX .. 4 . STAT!?~~t~ONS ' Bl& DISCOUNTS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY COMPLETE ROTARY TRUCK STOCK READY FOR IMMEtllA TE DELIVERY ONE EXAMPLE OF OUR EXCELLENT USED CAR BUYS: NOW 53179 +Tax & Lie. ' .• • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL ROT ARY ENGINE MAZDAS CARRY 50,000 miles or 36 month WARRANTY I 00°/o FULL FACTORY ENGINE WARRANTY '74 MUSTANG II Just about new. Only t6. 700 miles ( 130LFTJ Check lhe many more oulstand1ng u sed car values to select fromr 52789 -+ Tax &l1c. FULL FINANCIN& A YAILABLE Honda 1.0% OVER FACTORY IN'IOICE OM ALL NEW JAGUAR Sales, Service, & Lc;is111~ NEWPORT IMPORTS JIOO W.C..SI ltwy. llB. 642-9405 973 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JENSEM HEALEY & JENSEN HEALEY IMTERCEPTER Sales, Serv1ee, & Leasing NEWPORT IMPORTS Only Three Left! Mercedes-· Benz BRAND MEW 280 CC'Upes U11portunity to own a new J\1l'rtcdes al las t :.cars prices! These c:.trs a r t fu ll y equ i pped . Available for Sale or l.cils c . Call for lease quOll'. ( 1176) f2IJ2) C3H76 I Mission Vle;o Imports '75HOHDA SEDANS ltOO W.C..st Hwy. !IA 642·9405 2870t ~ P9nr;_, ---------1 Mls"'°" Viejo 831•1740 J8NSEN-llcalcy '7J, Ir -- Your c hoic e of accessories plus tax & . license. Order yours today. mileage, hkc new, otrcr Mercedes-Benz. "FRIEDLANDER" 9ti2~ 66 81•<t GG 512 1771 AMUSES In tho DAILY PILOT Pvt. J>t y. Ext ra s 213-339-3349 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970 280 SL, s1l \'cr/r<.>d int. Good cond. m ukeotr 1--======="-1 673-2094 or 675-24f~I .. 73 Cad. Eldorado -------s5595 Beaut. cream color w. while leather 1ntet"ior · fully fact. equipped; low n111eage. Ser. #529 1 73 Mercedes 450 SEL-------Save Beaut. beige w. cognac intenor-; low ml"-09, lie. 527 JRT. lease or-sell 72 Cad. Sedan De Ville ·----- 8Nut. bf'Own w. brown INlher i"terior; fully r ... oqulj>pod: S.. UtlZI. s3595 21 !!: !l!fi!~2..~~~m------15595 w. mttchlng leather Int.nor; Ser. 15291 - 7 1 3.5 Cot1Yertible tJnJy 2ti.OOO miles. Last year 01 a classic scric:.! llt2262J $17.500 73 450SL Finished 1n black laquer w1lh black interior. 1nJOSJ SI 1,800 59 180 )To Choose J~xccll~nt economy~ 4 cylinder classic. (it50li) $1695 The1e Cars Are Waltin9 far Your ln1pKtion! JIM MARINO MOTOR CARS 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 645-1102 Mission Vie;o Imports . ·74 M r.:HCEDt-.:s B~NZ 450 SLC. 7 ,000 miles, -MG 's \f E HER6 FRIEDLANDER 11750 BEACH 6LYO w,.,._"''"' 511 b824 72 914 ' F1n 1shed 1n yellow laq~r with bl:1ck 1nter1or , S s peed, ,\:\1 / t-'fl>I radio, & low miles. l519GBXJ 58 3S6A '71 TOYOTA STATIOMWAGOH 1\utomat1c lrans rnission, air c1u.lll101ung, slercq. luj!f.:a~e t•arricr, & Sl-1 ,\HI'~ iJ95UW> b<l5·5700 New Cu r Dir ~150 llarl>or Blvd, Ct.t DISCOUNTS? SILVER CLOUD Ill REBATES? Jn •a nd & .able ex-• qui.,lely mainlainetl by I N y 0 I C E Br1l1.5h craftsmen. I-las + power windows, power l O% 1 s teering, power brakes, o . "> ascot tables & all thc ae-Bring your best deal to cootrements desired by our fleet A1 j.!r. and ·~· the mos t d1sccrn1n i.:. prepared todnvehome .• 1 $16,500. New 1'oyota These vehicles must be "Mllll t~...:1 seen to be uppreeiatr<J. ~ t.w• UUID Please ask for Richard ~~-· Si lver w1 lh blac k 1n -J~amb at Guarantee ~ TOYOTA t t•r1or. tV llJ5ti2) 2 lo Chevrolet Motors, Inc. choosl!! located in Santa Ana at 1966 Harbor, ( M 646 q3()3 $15'5 711 Eas t 17th Stree t. loaded with l'Xtra .... ~1ust ======== sell. 646-9303 SELL US YOUR OLD CAR. WE'LL LEASE YOU OURS! 100 New & Used to Choose House of Imports 5 2 l·7250 MG Sales. Scr\.'lcC, & Leasing NEWPORT IMPORTS JIM • Please call ror an ap- pointment. <714J543-9311 MARINO Saab 9160 '70 MARK II 4 DOOR Automatic transmil'!i;ion, MOTOR CARS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1200 w. Coast Hwy. radio. heater . l2:J5l.l"l.J) NcwpoCIS.ach ~---=-· $999 . . 645-1102 ~ 'il Porsche 911 T. 5 spd, i~:o=. , df.GJl lfJDia v.·t cxlras incl. air. Sepia Sales &Service ~- \11 / llo undstooth int. TOYOTA JIOO W.C..sl Hwy. !IA s h " , P ' s s s 9 s . B~ach Imports ' 642 9405 714 /644--6014. f.1a cArthurand -'" --· Jamboree _ 1966 Harbof.:._(~~6_!30, ·1.1~11-:HCE DE:S280 : l"u l I---r 11 91 4, Appear. Group, 848 Do 752-Q900 J y c q u 1 p ll c d , pl u s MGB 9744 maJ.?:s. Koni, Spoiler. 5 to · N ve 1 Be h '74 Toyota Corona wagon. J\:\1 /t'~1 ~lcrco ; l ow ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ii PM. iJ,500 or ? ewpor ac 21'1 l\l.P.(;, r:xtra cle:iu. mileage l'X~l'-l'itr. J•'u ll , J •l·l2-i!767 -~M /l"l\I S3 195548-00:IO salep,lccSl0.•191e<<><'" J MGB CONVT 1r I ~· ---• Rall R l'um your ao c •~ mlo a ""Make Room For Dod Sl81.:l\I per rno. 48 mo. 4 !>peed Lr~1n:.1niss1on am 1 oyce 975 stereo. Sell them with a dy"' c lean out lh .. ope n Dir 17 14)8.:J.:l -!l3UO . . · ••••••••••••••••••••••• · c ·r· · · · ' radro. 199.11 11'.VJ Daily Pilot la5s1 Jed Ad garage ... turn that junk MG 9742 $3399 52 Rolls Bently and use the money for into cash with a Dt1ilv Mark VI the stereo! Call 642·.5678 Pilot Classified Ad. Coil ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970 MG Midget , xlnt cond. Br1L1s h r :1cin~ 53,000 actual miles, Today. 642-5678. S7.99S ISAV200J TNCkl 9560 TNeb · green Mus t scll ~1300 01 J) t~1.,;1 best offe<. Cl f.QJl UUID fl75-9.')78/G46-26.11 . ~ 74 Midget, fm s lcr eo. ~ VOLVO 1\nsen spru1L'i . Musl sell. . 60 Rolls Royce · Sliver Cloud 11. Black & gold two-tone la· quer . $13,800 (170PP0) $3()()(1, 830-tkiG.'i 19b6 H1uho• ( M 646 9303 73 MGB ROADSTER AM/l-'M r adio, tbtome w ire wh eels , k low miles! C321Jl!:VJ Sl695 JIM MARINO 6 I Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II Silver metallic laquer with blue leather in- terior. t.ert band drive. (f49921 61 Rolls Bewtly Continental Convertible Special body-..by Park ward t789KJZ'l MOTOR CA'RS 1200 w. t:.llitp.,,,. IM . . Ncwpo,lllca<h JMAR/NO .. 645-1 ~02 -l--.::...cc::.._:c..:..=---1 MOT~R CA~ S ·s~ MOB. 40,000 mi, wire 1200W.CoatiL lfwy. whl~. a m /l'm, As king Ne"port Beach Sl311S.8:'24*· li45-1102 '71 MGB-GT. &autirul condition. Low mileage. SELL idle items wltlt, a M u 1 t a e 11 1 P . P Dally Piiot Cla11i11tld ad. 675-31114. "2·5'14 . 9560 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SPECIAL PURCHASE 94 NEW 1975 CHEVY P~~UPS LUVS • 1/2 TONS • lf• TOMS 6 CYLS • V-ts • STICKS • AUTOMATICS ~sw•'•'"°" , •MON. THAU FIL I AM fO t PM • •SAT.I SUM.tAMTOiPM • GROTH CHEVRQLET · •• 11111--tl&flll• .... .47·6017 S49..3J31 · ' -',; l 'lo ... ;:;; '" :~ ·J 5 ·~ ... •• :· .· • • :;,. :· • " .. .. ., .~ " 4 ., I • 7) ' " I A " " " ~· __ , 1. lfllported Autos, Imported ......... hftporhcl Alrto1. U1cd Auto•. usect' ........ U11"d Friday, February 21, 1975 DAILY PILOT DI J •••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••• ''.d''11ac•••••••••••••,·, .. 1's' 1.'a<1"[1'1a'c•••••••••·•9'9"1's' "~-. u,-.... ·.a.~..._. Usod •-~-, Used • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• •••••• ••••• • ••• ' • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• (; ._~ -.......... ,.,llffU -••'•••••••••••••!?!.~ Volllswa9e1t' 9770 Yol•o 977z lulclc 9910 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• : •••••••••••••••••••••• : ••••••••••••••••• ••••••-.•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •~i7:s ~'.I l>or:-uJo Cadillac 9915 Cadillac 991 5 adiUac 9915 'ti:J OAJA ill,jfi, new t.•nt: AHYTHl...,G 65' Le Sabrt', 4 door, CADILLAC . l .11.J~ l 0u1u:S1yh:! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.!nl l'ond. :.1>~. n power stccr1n~. 1>0wt•r Orung" Cowlty's 1acijtml 1' u l ly l·lp11 P , l!:\.L'cl h:nt 7 l t: Id o cu do Con \'f:fl. ~J_r.IS.'."JOO TO TRADE? br<ikes, ucw 1·ad1ator. seJe.Cl.lon. 1 · ~~19'74 's co 11 d . As 11 1.1 m e. 52 ,000 mi . A M/FM t~l~?rado '72, i>t;rfect con· W ' d r und battery, good l1rc!!;. 0 E ver 0.. bal.-$0250. fi rm. Co. e11;· siereo. All extras. $379S. d1t10~! Lpu~ecl . '70 VW Cu111pel'. Eng & e ru c or alm(lst li~oOd nlech<1nicoil t·ond•· ·' ccu. ;iutos. Dk. bl1.1Hgt 00-394J ~100. 673-<i417. Int .'\I nt <·ond. Standing anything! Autoi;;. Boats. 1100 Slla. S;J:!-dO~.ift"°r t'alrlrl CaJfl IC blue & s ilver. Ph :l----------1 sourn tJlll'r 673 jJ:J7. J~wcl~). t•tc 'iou t·an 'I GP ~I . · 8't2 ti646ord41-&W7 '74 Cpe. DeV1lle, loaded '72 Coupe de Ville '71 St<:OAN UEV Jl.Lt: Loaded. clean. '10000 m1 ~:.L'OO. • • ~l -2422 -----beut our PllH('llASt-: 01 .• --... ....... ..... -----Pvt pty. $695(). l'h: '68 V\V ~';1stf};i('k , :ur, R & J~~:A.si'.: lll ... d . FAl"l'Oll\' 4utot. New 9800 ....... -MO... Aados, New 9800 ti7J-IS8S .67S--&illl $150 OVER FACTORY t.lu:.l!::icH . &tolfttf. ti39·021!1 Aaltos, Mrw 9100 ----"''-"---"'-----1 ........................ . INVOICE ON f l. xlnt l'llll\! :,-975. Ht:B,\'l'E ~ on :>l·lct:tcd •••••••i'l'l'~'l'l'i'l"l'l'~'i'i"~iiiimiiii ••••••••••••••••••••••• li7,l -t~il '7·1 & 7,, VC)LVIJS lo AlLNEW ~ '74COROLLAS, ~ CORONAS, • MARK ll's, t '75 COROLLAS ~')' U U C (' IJ !J J \' I' O f <tl·t'('SSOril''i plu' 1.1\ ~'I. JJ('CllS('. '69 TOYOTA CORONA T •0\'l•r s vas O cl1vcry '74 VW Con•trl Spl·c1:1l1sL:-. t)nly aK 1n1. Sa\'l' S9CJO, )(:JJ !'~[jj dJ)':.,8J:J-:!.'\17 70VW CONVERTIBLE ~MlemiA \:I VOLVO . l'~M Hod10• ( M 1>46 "'303 llr.11'1gL' \\llh lihu:k in· --- h ·r1ur, lvw rn1ll'$ & I.')'. Autos Used i.'l'lii.'111 I ·(11111111011. Pl'li.'e<l ••••• : ••••••••••••••••• to ~c ll ! tM2 1BlY) JIM MARINO MOTOR CARS Genrral 9901 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1;11 C,\ ll I LLAC Cpe d\> \'1llc ~t>,:,, 1'>: ·u.1 GJ\1C ::it15l 'pvt p ty l G73·5295 l:!U1) \V. ('o.1s t ll1<..\. .;;,! 1lr. -1 ~pd . 1111."••T cu r :\~·...,·1111r1 Bl·,ti·h :.J~l'IA' brakt"'· ~·1o.1tJ 111 1· 645 1102 AMC 9905 .1.<1 1th :-.Ill lJild rtlJ, tlll t l'.11 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·.\lu~l :-.l·ll :;,;·1.1 , Lu\i Hhi i;~1 H/\MBLl'~R Amcrll".111 Bovk 15•1K-J711 11.11 .., 10 :1 Volvo 9772 Sla W~n . 6 cyl, auto. xhll ... · • ••• • • • • • • • •• ••• •• • • • •• ;:; 11 !15/ofrcr H:l:l-2lllli ...,"";-1 ·ruy11t .1 l'ti·k1t1' ''11'11 111 VOLVO :(;d . 1:0 1111 1 '11 "" '74DEMOSALE Buo"ck 9910 : .. ill IOllK;.1lll·f1, ... \ti 1-.1r-. 11 r 1• lo\\' 1111h·;n!.«. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 1·q111 pp1•d \11th air. ltJ l<1\·1cr;1, good ronth l1un . 1''uJJ y equ1pp1•d i\l u:.t S\•11 I mmt.>t.l1:11t·l.1 ~1 :1so. 8-17-6061 friYmph 97 6 7 ~······················ ~· Triumph : ;S,1 ll'', !::il'C\' 11,;l', tf..• I .1 •;1' 111;.! NEWPDHT IMPORTS JIOO W.C...st Hwy. NB. 642·9405 .--.--1il rH .1. Hhlt 1·ni.:. ,, •. " •t op, l;l'l'oll C'ttild l .di ~f; :;u:.11alt 1: p111"L j'.63 ·r H 1. 1·1·1.J1 ··11 · ·' "tran.'i. ::O l ,'J,'111 Pl' l1v.,1 n!r ;~1:!-:ll'i''.! t>-10 1,,1 "1. 1'\I ::J ~~' 72TR 6 ROADSTER .fllul' ''JLh 111.11f..1111!11111 2i.UOO 1111 1•·" ,\ \o·r~ 11h,1rp ' t :::.0 1111 • :-$3995 :·JIM j; MARINO :-MOTOR CARS ·' ,\ \l Jo'.\I -.1o ·r1•11 ~)f ,\\I 1':\I 11 tt".11·1.. !<ip1· .-. .ill l1'.•lUrl· fl·n1a1n111;: 111nt· nn 1111t1rn it ccl n11ll'.•:..:1· ''·•rr:111l11's ll ••;1ilv lut· d1 •!11·1·r~ \, \ I \\ ' 142 II l'I 111-.1· ··1u1tr .. 1 .• 11110 1•0111·1· ,,l1·,·1111:.:. luel 111J II i;11·1•U ).>l ~l'I !it.dlll 142 11·1 a11l\• .1•11111·r:-L1"·r111g, l'u!.tr \\'J1H1 -. lilUi.' HJ! ~\ 1u1·J1u1 ~.:i~1~• 1~.ill :!> 142 \\ I -.p1'1'1!, ,lit·. :-ll"ft'\I J'.o!.11 \\ lll\t', Jli'>l ::>l~tl:I ~:rt!i~, 2025 S. Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 ,.;sr.\ 1 ltJ\. \\".\1:11\. .\Ill l 't 1;\/1I 1'1!1.'l.t<I> h I ~ ';U.~l I 'I ' I'! I \\' ,1 Ill .. <11 1 .,. , \wl1n 11 .111\11 I .dl dl.! [,:!;:'! t•\ , . ., ----- i:! llu1l'k ~:l i..'<'lra Im 1n :1l· ~:quipped l or 1r;1dl'I' lu"' 1:1 '1'ravele1.t ·rr1r.1!:1~l -!JOOO '69 RIVIERA t '11n1plctely Jn,11ll•tl ll1 l!l11 n1 1lt·~ f'rt·tl.v hlul· \I 1111 11.'hl l l' lop {I.• 1n;1L<'h111 ~ 111tenor ll•·al 11111· r11nu1ng t.:•tr 1 1:1~.u f SL.xii GUSTAFSOM ltiKlkl UCal·h llll 1t 1111 l'Ll:!kiill BUICK '73 "LIMITED" :!:!.1 .\ dr hardtop lacl .oir 1·•111<1 lull IJ\\'r \'tuy l lup t .1pt.:~lr)' 111\~·fl•ir . 1Ju;il l'Ulnlort ~··aLs. lllt \\ llt•cl c ru1$C' control, 1>11 r 1lnur Ioele~ ~l•'l'l'O ,,., >t lr;u ·i.: l:q.lt' t:>Lt' l'rUl' lll\lll'I ;JI ;J IJ;;1;,:;11u 1111, ,. l:!1n 111 ;B l $3888 ... \I, ··~"11 1 ~1 .. ···d i-:,, 1 Heers .Cocl.ilac ,-.. 11d. 1 .. 111111 · .... !ltl 1!ll Z6M ............... ·lt'l'l'" 1111 1.111!.il~ ::d~i:,u C.to Meta 5"'° 9t00 I 111 './j 1,-( l:!!HI \\' \00,1~1 fh11 f\t'\\ f"ll l l ~1 ',1<'ll I !F;at 9725 Fiat 9725 1······················· ......................... . 1 aaaa 645-1102 THINK Triumph CHECK OUR REDUCED PRICES 1 \ff HERi FRIEOIANOER ., 91>2~ G G lll~d.. Ci G 5)2 1111 'Volkswaqen 9770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "i2 · ·111 \\'agon :di v\I! ,1, ,::il32:J 'ollt'fl· I'••• .iu:t~ ·n 1tl·~ 1 ~1 1 -i;,,,1_, tl,11 , -l:iti-:!'l'I;, ·' 111·111111 • '7:! \'\\' (':tll'i"'I \•'I I I cll':1n Xl111 t<111il '\ .. 11i en~ :.-..11:.111 ,,1,, •.• ,, ';!Hus. r1u l ll l' .. 111 i.·hll 1·n ~. ll\"•I OJI!'! /'I.It! \H,,, KJU ;).'>UI '';:!\I\\'. (;ood ,-,.11•1 J .•• 11 1111 .. \.\! F\! 1.1<110 ·rradl•r h111·1l .. 1·1.,11 ,.11v1 . ">l.'i-1220 •. '400 CASH REBATE OR DISCOUNT OM ALL 124 SEDAMS •\H ( hn1C(> OI AulOmCll lC lr.lnsm1!.S1Q"I Air Condotion,ng 4 So1•Pcl \'It EXAMPLE: , .. _r;r-\. '3725 124 SEDAM 1..ClUDt \ t ACTOll l All C°""'l1'0NIHiio 4 .• ' • • ,, ' l> .. . .. .. '' .. . ··-' " , ~· .. ' s3325 '300 CASH REBATE , OM ALL 128 SEDANS 2 D'iORS -M."." 4 DOORS '''' '"' •1~·,•• • 11 "'""""""'' ~'~·••IQ•~e·~~! •• ·"'""''"'"~·•;'~ 191~· Dick Miller Motors • NOW! Look How Robins Discounts PLUS Factory Cash Back Add Up To DOUBLE $avings That May Never Come Again! ' " BRAND NEW 1975 MUSTANG II GHIA WINDOW STKR. PRICE ROBINS DISCOUNT PRICE '5909 '5303 FACTORY CASH ssoo REBATE YOU SAVE ltw:l. 301 v.a -.. w'-<• >l>•h. c,.,. .. _,ocf >IHI •odool "'"""" -n ,;,_.., pw• •t-ong I. P""· dnc. br..i. ... All COMOITIONING, l10<>1 I. ·-bv.ripe1 -do, AM/fM >lereo 1udoo, p<ot..:•-9'""9 loghl II'"'''" nnyl tool olui! '"'""°"'· :r...nao1, <on•-e iroupl. "'°'•· CMOOSE ANY PINTO, MAVERICK, MUSTANG II OR SUPERCAB PICKUP AND LfT ONE OF OUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN FIGURE YOUR DOl!BLI DISCOUNT DEAL! WE MAKE NO .. ~s 1s" SALES ARElllRD 0.,10 l•on•, IO<'°'Y. ou, '61 FORD '71 AUDI F 2SO PICKUP 100 LS LTD 2 DOOR pow ''"*""ll• powe• b•ole>. sooo.,.;i.,, ?TOOK.JO You"'"" 1ee •~••.,,..,•odor! (llS••91 4 0.0f, _........ "°"""''' ...... · thcwp cot. {62S0MPI A.,10 .,01ic 1'0•11., loctorr on concl.. pow. ,,., .... "ii. powe< . bt<iili.••, ,,,,y11001, (6770fA) '67DATSUN 40001 "' l•ol fcoronCol Co• So••rl (VTil.0071 WE BUY GOOD USED CARS '72 COURIER PICKUP n,., -cotr>ll• "'''" o Gem T0pl j~$1JYJ s3799 sass SAVE s1888 sass s1 &99 1--~~~~.j.-~~~~ ....... ..;i;...~~~+-~....;...~~+-~~~~+-~~~--1· I '72 CAPRI '67 PLYMOUTH '69 FORD '74 RANCHERO '74 CHEVY '68 FORD '74 PINTO WAGON BARACUOA FllRUNE GT £L CAlllllO • GAUXIE 500 Mvu ~. G<tol T,...,~ (T't'l9SOf s999 '72 T·BIRD 2DOOI AM/f M ol•••o. o~lo, lrc•no., lo<tory oOr, pow, .-,."9, pow .. b roke•, powe• windo'"I, •onyl f~of, i.o..... ,,;..,,only 21',000 ""'-'· (l••fYA) "--• po .... "-"'II· ,-brakn , -•cor. (Sl2CflJ '74 DATSUN 2IOZ 1'M/fM >ff<eo, .... ,......,no ,,..,,.,, "''condo~. !009UX) s5499 Auto, .. _. , pow. •'-"'O. -bn1ka, v.1,...,, ""'9t. f11 02SW} s3995 '71 TOYOTA CORONA •Ooor.~n..,.,,.,...i.... (.51lCTQ) A..-toom ,fodo<y-.pow. 1-....;i, ,..,..... b<ok .. , till ..towi. {4Sl94V) '72 CADILLAC D£YIUf " Door. full Po--. lood.dl (11 2EKJ) 2 0oot Hoodtop .(.,,.,....,,"' ,.._,., pow, olee"""· powe1 b«rkeo, (Ylf7SO) s995· '71 TOYOTA CELICA 2 dr., _. opd. 1rot1,., mog• (OOlElf) We've Got I+! TheAll New : BMW 530; For 1975 • P.S. IT'S STILL NOT TOO LATE 1 \0 SAVE ON '74 BMW'S &E:l&2a402 /, ' -*READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW !. 831-2040 ''" . I I . ..,, • • '' D Ct DAILY PILOT I Fridpy. Febtuary 21 , 1975 ·- AT DUNTON LIMITED TIME Off E.R USE YOUR FORD MOTOR COMPANY CASH R·EBATE FOR YOUR BRANO NEW 1975 SUPERCAB ECONOMY MODEL Economy 6 cylinder. side fac ing rea r seats, amp and oil gauges. fuel economy fight, cruise-o-matic, tinled g lass, body side moulding, weslern mirrors. (F108 KY60829) 6670 YOUR FORD MOTOR CO. FACTORY REBATE 15; • $. DOWN '\'PAYMENT (OR USE TOWARD YOUR DOWN PAYMENT) ON ALL 1975 PINTOS· • MUSTANG ll'S·SUPERCABS FULL PRICE s4731 Plus tax & License Brand New 1974 . RUNABOUT,• 4 speed trans., radio, heater, bumper guar ds. (4R 11X181A5)5248 Supe r Beetle 4 speed, radio, heater, radial tires 1'121EC.H '73 PORSCHE 914 ROADSTER 4 cyl., s speed stick shift. AM FM stereo-silyer edilion \2514A) '73 TORINO Wagon v.a. fact. air cond., pwr. sleer., radio, healer:, w/w tires, tinted glass. Lie. (699GBJ ) '71 GALX. SOO 2 DI. v.s, tact . ~cond ., pis, RIH. vinyl roof. LA • '72 AMC HORNET 2 Dr.· b cy! .. slick shift, factory air condil1oning, #81~GIP '71 PINTO 2 DR. Auto. !rans .. radio, heater, 27,000 act moles . Lie. 704 DID '73 GALX. SOO 2 DR. Y·B. aulo trans .. tac!. air cond .. radio. heater, w w !ires, tinted glass. Lie 52bGBH I '72 FORD • F250 'I• T Pic kup v.a. auto. trans .• power steering, radiQ, . .,., tanks •1921SL $ Plus tax & License '72 PLYM. DUSTER 2 dr. 6 cyl aulo trans, faclory air corldition•ng. radio heater v1ny! rool •612EOL '73 PONT. VENTURA Y·B, 4·speeo, radio, heater low miles Lie 192HGE '71 PLYMOUTH WGN . Auto. trans .. fa r. air cond., pwr. stetring. pwr disc brakes. Lie . No, 148FTZ '72 FORD COURIER •peed. radio, full factory uipped, rear step bumper lfS88a9U '69 CHEV. CAMARO V-8, auto trans. fcl<:lo ry air condition+ng, power steering, radio, heater whitewall 11res like new ;zKF608 '74-T-BIRD 2 Dr. Executive Car Full Power, Loaded Lie. No. SJSK IA '69 PONTIAC le Mans 2 Dr. H.T., 1/-8, auto. trans., power sleering, till-wheel, a ir cond., power window. vinyl roof, whitewalls, bucket seats. (9210) '68 DODGE FIOO V-8, A speed, pow•" steering, radio, I 186868 . ' \ . I Mtos. U•od . ....... UHd :· .. Aarto1. u,.1d AMto1t U1ed • ~ · ••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• Forcl ' . 9940. Cadillac 9915 .C ... oc 9915 Che•rol1t •• !!!.~ ••••••••••••••••••• ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• '66 I'' A LOON, 1i cyl., Auto, 72 CADILLAC 1972 Coupll deVllle. oill coHMELLET ll 0 II tn 0 c c u n • xtru•·• xlnt, $4"5 CHEVROL trol ,EXCELLENT Sedan 6424>878 :)At.ES & St-.:ltVlt..:'C: tr11nsp! ~so or make 01 - de V•ille '69 Coupe de Ville. Full y 2828 Harbor Blvd. fer. Call 645-3269. loaded. Vinyl top. Sl~. L'.l)S'f,\l'zt~.>\ .69 f'urd Wagon, A/C. PiS, 1.ikt' ne',1.'. beau11h11 gold 64ti-5-17lt!Yes. weekdays 546· P /U, traller pack, Crearn color. very low miles, 893-2479. I 1 Puff cond. 846-228K one owner. !las ful! l!.17U ,\JUNT£ Caro, x ril l.uwl'r & 1s >.tn excep· C 991 7 l,11111. Ul·:;l Oller Full} "'knds._.:_ ____ _ amaro 1 -ijlj tit.MS uonul v:.ilue al •••••••••••••••••••••• 1,14u1µpc1. ·a · '72 1''0RD Only $4499 '70 C l1aro 43000 m1 ·-,. Nuia. Juadetl. 6 :'llos. CUUN'l'R'YSf:Dt\N. ai · '.i . ....,2~: • A11· •. ,,,d t'ull power. 42,000 ~---'---'-----· i>erl cl'l rnct·h <:on"l "'"' "" ,\I u:;t :>l'l' to appret:. Good _.. ··1 U'-'--yjl..1-1-l'.P .ti.J2 :i847 .. ~ lJu ) K:Ji5ti70ti75·001.J . rnllt•s.t:urrt!nl"'holcs all· rnDMVll 1151"' hlut! book $2000. Spec1<1I .. --"" '69 CA:\·L SS 396. 'llcblt !!JGj l 'hc1·y \\'u~on . auto. this wet'k il19!L Call ftlPO"U . · PS. l'B. Uisc. 1'urbo ;111· l'ond. S2!.15. llun~ ti45 -3900 Dealer. Po:;i. Jldrs. Mags. I-fully. guod ~l'<.1lT1i4ti -W57 . __ 18101 ......_.... hltlWQ S I .JJ1tti,l:.l-7-t01 '6~ Country Sedan \Vagon . .......... .,...,_ 811·1140 -· -'till :llOVt\. 40r Vl:f. auhl, P is, tJ /b, air, ral'k. -'7.J c.imuro 1.'t' Z28. ·I Spd 1•:-;, Air, Vt·ry good t'Ond. ,\111 1 t<'m s t ereo. Slel'I Loallt•tl. ,\'lusi sut·. n SL!.'..>U /Olr. 97:J-45ti5 ot radials. 42:J cu. in. Prv. 173 COUPE t a sh. 'J'akc over py1nls ,'.'Wti 1337 . l'ly . 491AUH. i800. li·lti 4 :!21~J ----4!.17 -llf78ull4Pl\1. DE ~ILLE --~ ·1;~1 lrnpula 4 Ur. Auto, air. -- Gorgeous Salurn 61·0.nze CM•rolet 992 I' s. Xlnl 111ct·h. tond. ·7u 4 Dr. Cust. Wgn. u1r, to'i rern1sl Vt//elegant •••••••••••••••••••••• ::;iw\l.645 2131ul'l7P'-1 . pwr. l\lil'h. Stl~Rads. Lo While vinyl .tdlt & w~itic ·72 .\·IALIBV slnt. cond , --------m1.Sl.IW.'l!1.:1-l;,Qti full leather 1nler1or. l'ull lo n1ilcagc, n1u:;t sec tu C 1· lol 993 0 · f· •t · t'lt whe,el · -$? 35 i on Uten "i2 FOllD Gran 'for1no. pw1 , ac. air, 1 · apprt>l'1alc ~· 1 · •••••••••••••••••••••• l'Ol\"'J1lund aireondit1on· am /1111 sterL-O. ·rh1s cat 551 Jti2ti • ~ IS LU excellent eond. t;\J SEDAN 4 dr. Full 1ni;. tlliOGl-IX)$23W eo1nes w / u l2.n10/12, 'Jl IMPALA 1)()111cr. Good toud. i\tust SUHSETFORD mi. Cadillac VP warran· ~ e I I · tn a k e of 1 c r · 5-l ·IUG arden Grove lilvd ly t•s~~~ially 4DDDR H.T. ~··-.~;·MARK 1¥-w""~·~:~ .1;'"""" Prl·ced af ,\11tomat1e transn11sl>10n , Firt•nlisl green 1vith p()"'cr stcer1n~t air con tiU 4u soft j.:i'L'Cll Jt>ather l TD'S $5 395. U1l1on1ng. (4UU:!.ll 1>t:ats. Eight traC'k lape. :.I to l'huu:;c from. Coupl'S $1199 paddl•d lundau ruul. lc:;s or ~edall~. All "'/ f;n·t. hh&JS+I ~~~ • than :12.UtJO n11lcs on till~ ;11r, full p1\'r, vinyl lop, ~ ""9U~ D l bl•autv lrorn J,Jnl'oln. Ut an1 11n1 stereo rnuJtJplt''\, ¥OIH;i41i\w·~ii •. 111111 ewtA tours~'. all of the other l'll'. ell', t 1 ·19Vi-~l'J .Mt~-~ t\11" llnl' lusury options art! 1llJV.\1'1jJ 1!t78li o\1 '1'J Yot1r l\;::i:;;::: ~. -TOYOTA 1ncludl•d. iU.>lliJH) Ill· rhull'l'. u11ly ~ vcntury H<-•dul'llOll S:.1lc $ 3 199 '7 4 ELDORADO 1966 ""'"· c M '" "" Pnc~~~~ AFSON ~........._ ~ .. , J COUPE ----t6800liea<-·hutvd.. r........-1 ..,-:J.-IC fully Cl!UiJJµed "'/elect . 'JJ MONTE 11.B. IH2-1'18-t4 ZMOI ..... · s unroof, fal'l. u1r. duul ------C...·MtflJ ..-0 9111 eomt'ort scats. ult "'heel. CARLO '70 MARK Ill ~tcrl'o and ts tra1·k l ;1µc, .\gt'iHl bllll' v.Hh \tcl\lt:'r ·7.i FOllD Country S<iu1re pwr.door lurks. auto. Autu1nat1l· traru.nuS1>LUll. tiO ·Ill leather ,,.t•;ils . 1\ll ol ('l'UISt' l.:Olllrol. l'l'nlolt power SlCC!'lllg, au· ('01\· [,llll't1l11 's J.lll\.1•ttr OJ.lllOllS trunk loeks. Str1k1nl_.) d1t1un111g. \'1nyltop,1>lY ll 1nl'lud1ng F:\-1 Slt.'l"l'O 8 Lranbl•fr\' F1rt•n11sl in '4'hecls. \<!7.JllJ-l.SI traek t;1pe & u llll "'ht•cl. 10 pitSS l'nger wagon 12!JJ.f l'G I S42!1.:I SUNSET FORD <'>·l·I,, l; ardt>n Gro\'C Blvd \\'t·~lmlUSlcr f;:kj .. }UIO l'O!OI' "'/ ~·h1\e malChltl).! $3199 . 01 l'OU l':;l'. fhi.~lo\.·eiyt:<.11' . Jealhl'I" Lllll'r•ur. Very lo. s h o w s p 1· l d c v l n11 . &. t•J\et;'Jlt•nt l'Ond J)ftlnl lA•t..;,· uv.·nl·r1>h1p. i:!\IXKl~K l In· 1!.IOl:ILFI ) t\11' UUW \'l•ntury llt•dul·lLoll i>r1Cl' Sale Priced • '""'"GusTAFSON ·;1 F<lllU c;al;1A1e SOI) ha rdtnp ( Jti·t l.t.S\\') ~16~J SUNSET FORD $8995 ~ TOYOTA IOl!uu He1>d>illnl .. I I. H. K·l:!·~·I ~I Ill (; ;1rdcn Gro\'l' Lil\·d \\'t·~11111u,..1.·r tl:.16-4010 '74 COUPE DE VILLE Pt·rs1an l.ime F1rem1s t "'' wh11e t:abr1olel root, 1906 Harbor , ( M b~b liJ03 'j:! ('uur1er v.·1th <'amper. Cor•eHe 9932 :\lnl ,.,.114J ::;21illloroller. 'tili Cht'velle S\V \'ti, auto.••••••••••••••••••••••• t>--1 :! Hll·l.ilt .";, Clean, Solid. dependable :susu w ·ru. 520 Pl ~i2 21Jl --------1 S11·1ft lilLd1ng 'ti8 ltnpala. \'rly uv~rh;iull•d . :S!J.)U. L;ill 89:J-:Jt.i2V aft 511m . tJood Ul>Cll (•or\l'llt·:; Olll•n a go•1d "l'll•('l1on ot Ill'\\' '" '>· LlUISlilll!\11\g l'Ut'll'llt;' llll'l·han1eal. body. and pa1nl tl'am fl" adv lo SL't'l'l' \'OU. full lt·athcr 1nlt'r1or. full 't>-1 C llE\'Y 11. l'lcan hltlt pl.'C'r. lael. air. Lill "'ht•t;'I.. transporlat10111·a1'.tll'yl. :;t{·rco .,,·1111 M tral'k tape, 1\ ·r. ·;5 lagl>. S-1::15. Howard Che•rolet l.>01 l' .111U(Jua1I :-.1~ _.,,.,.., .\I al· \rl11ur. ,Jani hon't.' a111J l'.t7J l.'l'I) llrougtuun, 2 dr :-~·ll:tH , I 111 lUI), lull 1K)1\.1·r: ;.it\Juslalllc ,,\l'l'r- 111g 11 hl'l'l . n1any olhl·r .\lr•1~. pt'rl1•rl tond1t111n . t'.111 u,• "l'l'tl al 3 ·1.J .\ll·l'ur1n1ek Ct.1, 8;.irn lhru 5 ::111pn\. t.1on . 1hr11 ~·r1. a~k lur Ila,\/ or 'fon). .'>·IU J;!;!i. ~.Juli. P"'r dour lol·I\:-.. lll.'1-ltlt' &l~ 405~ sl'nt1nel. SupcrlJ t•ontll· j\ C!ll-..'.\.H<JLE'I' ;\1ontl Carlo t·oupt-. l'1>\\t:r <lrH~ ;) I r L' 0 n d 11 I 0 1l I n g l thti llJBY i~;f.'.J J Hr1.~lol t~i S11u1fl' \\'gn. r /h, "'orn t1u\ rl'h :.ibll', 111·1. lJOll I \5;J·l~tl ! $6995 j~.ll~~~(~~~li~~~l\ll I ,'\t:\.\ pl•l'l lk·;,,·11 x:Cl !6,j.·, 67 CORVETTE STINGR.lt.V FASTBACK Sho"' t4Jt1tht1un, t•hrornv ~110 :lli:! :L·~•:! \:lti7 StjUll'e \\'i.:n. J' t'o, I' B. I' \\I, Had10, lltr. .\ C . )!uud cont!. Stil .... ti-1:, l'\.'l \:!11rt.H1 -1:1;1. \\'t·stn11n:-1t;'r 0Jti . ..i11l1 1~1;g [mp;il ;1 :-tatior '74 SEDAN "'agon . ~ pa ,..~\'11 ),!t'r , DE VILLE I l:11i1u rc~ l!a.!!l-.:r. ~5u "'hl'l'ls. 1 ~pcl•d, & 11.·;u\ ·1;.>1 1 ]Ir. i.:nod cnnd. Sli.11• 1n g tor ~our u1~ix·etuu1' <Jr tu·.~1 •olh·r .. \1u~l :;1·11' t\\''l-..'.S l.'I:!• ;,,1+; ~11.s1 . I j l '1.'>h . l}l,J ;WI_;:,, l, I fiior l ._ur . tul! p11r. d11;1I $3395 'L;ncoln 9945 l·••rHlort .... ,.;1(,... \lt1~·1 top. lo l 'Pl'l't•lll' St1ngr·;1_\ I l'X qu1 ,..1l •' ,\[,,rd1:. i;r;1,.. .\u\u\11;1t11·. IK)\\l'f :-tl•t•r 1 I l•X \t'l'li>I' 1111 11h l'l'I. Ill).!. hr;1 ~•'"· .\.\I l".\11 i·rui:i« l'IHl\rnl, ;1n1 1111 r ;1d1u. :i;l,IHJ\l llllll'" llou ti "ll'reu II K 1r:1ck li'lll'. 1111 ,..~ IL \ll.'o7Llt') ! JIM !······················· ;1 .\l.\HI'\ Ill MARINO 1 l'rt·:-.1tlo ·11t1al Bl<Aek 11 11ti I P" r duur lork:-. ;ill lilt· Howard Che•rolet 1 , 1'';\1";1 ~ c\: 111 ~Ll)l\'f\.J t'ond.l l)o\l' ;111d l/uad S1.,, :'>or : I 11.l'.!!J.Jl l th1" \l t'<'KL·n d 1 ,\l ;1c·,\rthur . J ;1rnlJj1r<.'1'i I htl 11! lllH'l!UllflV il';l\11••1 MOTOR CARS 1'"11.·r ~c ~t1~. l'~ildl'd 1;111· l:!t1U \\". L'~,a~\ 11 11~. I d.111 lop. loll, lu\.\ llllll·~. \t•\\ poi'\ lll'.it·h 1'111:-. luxury uuh>111u\.J1l1• 645 .. 1102 l",1n hl' ~·ou1·s loday lor 1lnl,1·' 1 ;ind Hr1 ~1ul :'\<-·'-'po rt! uul~ ~!O•f.'I HJ\t)llU\\'1 GUSTAFSON 11>xou Beach l!lvd .. I $6999 """'" "'" u:.;.. I Cor\·cttt':; Lh~'l' ul lll, ;11 I · flhru 7:,. 1 "IJd. ~ CadiUac ;1utu111al1 l""· ·r ·rvp -.. 11 H. K42·~·1 I Z600HMwll¥d. i:! Ca11r1,·e t-:~L.1te 1·0111 s. tJran,;t• t 'uunt.1·,.. 9'00 \\"a ).! u ll . ~ IJ .J .~ s . l1nc~t :;e]..:«\ltJI\, i'rH·cd ln C.to MeiO 540 ,. <iutun111t1 r. poV.'t'I' ~Leer-:;ell . '73 MARK IV .\l!l'ill\ hluc w11h IX'"ll'I' 1;0 IU 11.'.11 ll<•r ~t'iilS-. All nr l.1111·<1ln ,.. l><'"'l'I' opuon~ llll'l11d1n :.:' V.\l stereo·~ tr;14 ·k l.•Pl' ,\:a till 11'hl'•·I ul !'0111 ~1' 'J'h1~ lnvely 1·;11 " h !I \\ " Jl I' I d l.' 0 l o\\Hl'f~h11J. !O.l~.'1111 111 1t'11l<•r.1 Hcducuon Pr11·0· :)ti.1•1.'I 111g. br;1kcs. u•r l'und. Howard Che•rolri 9900 radial tire~. iu).!g;1J!t:l J)0 ,·c .ind tju<-111 St~. ~r •••ot ••••••••••••••••••• rack. PO"'l'I' "indo-.4·~. au· 1\\<11'.\rtllur. J;in1hurt•l' shorks. t•tc. -out ~t<ind and llr1s tol ,\;t•\1•porl •SPECIALS* Of the Week '69 Ford Pickup (42845E) '68 Buick (VTP108) s999 '69 Pont;oc Lemons Coupe (332EOAJ s999 '69 Chevy Coupe (ZAW418) 5899 '70 Chevy lmpolo (649ADS) s999 '68 Oldsmobile Cutlass (UT0792) s999 I 11 ),! I h f 0 IJ J'.; 11 "II l lll•;Jl'h H:iJ !):~·,;,, I 171.'>IH).'11 Unly:s:c1:1 I Howard Chevrolet ., 1 t'll H \' r:·rr~: JJcn t• ;inti l)u;iil St~. '.'.:r I' !'up .• 1111•1 . .SOVliO ,\la£·1\rthur .. J;irnlJort-l'I _ _••I:! \j,'il.; ! and B•:~s to~.:\ic"·port Dodqe 99l S GUSTAFSON l•l!'i1Ju llt:a1·h BJ\tl., , Bl· a ch s:tJ-u~1 ••••••••. •••••••••••••• ' ----1 l H IS-l:!-XH-11 , io ,\io\'a. <1t1lo. p s. H II. iu l't1;dll'll l.!l'r. :nl'I. Auto. ut.1 \1r<-•:-. xlnl t·ond .. \lu,..1 air, ra1li;d lll'l'S. ~\l.MftJ or Hl·:.\L. l'I ~·l·L 'i i :'Ilk I\', :-{'ll::>IU50.5~1 ~:1 bl':-.tnlll·r.l 'alll'\'.ll ~11:1\ !urn1.1!1\.lOaded"'•l'U.,l. -----I p 11111 pit. ply. Ditl l'. .'iJ 1\1 ,\LIBLi, t·ln .. \Int '70 l'hallt:11ger. Spt:(' s.ix :1,,1.1 111ti·~H:W !:!:.!•; • t·untl .. \'L'. p u. 1• s . 1 1·:<111 . ;11 1·. 11"r. ;1L110 I · ' S2.ti ~5. S IOll d"·n . bal. t'rt•a111 11" Hll\ Aihg. 11111. ll1ru 1111 li:oink . l'.P . ~u ,\IPt; "11 r1 ·µ Sl .l!.15 "'°4a•ericlc 9947 I :J!il\ ,'1 !!!.!. 4!1!.l ]jlHi ••••••••••••••••••••••• '•~i fl C;i111111u IJl\up \rurk. 'ti~I Clli\Hl; 1-'.H. =-llP\'t' gd J:Ji O eng. l;!•H.1<! lift«'. nu t' on d , 11 c s t o t t t' r p ai nt . ru11r11n ~oud , ·1!111 :11o11ti or ;111 ;, :tU,' '7 1 MAVERICK 1\u111 , trans. \liJCZEt li l:,.;1itMJ New Car J)lr SW01 hs t 01 r . 5"1l ~J~:J:l ti·1ti 288 1 ::1:111 ltarbor lilvd, Cr\'1 ;Autos, H•w 9800 Autos, He-w 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 , .....................•........................................•...... $200 CASH REBATE On Any Buick Skylark or Apollo In Our Stock 8 % OVER INVOICE Lei.. Fact°"' l-IOl~b.c•' Aa. BUYS ANY NEW 1975 BUICK \ In Our Stock, Or One You May Wish To Order. l OVER INVOICE . . BUYS ANY NEW ..• OPEL In 0.... Stock. Sale Ends F~. 28th, '75 D.c. TERRY BUICK 1~c. Sit\& WalMlt. H..,tliigton .. aeh 536-6588 ' ' • ' ,. I ' ·I ,. ,. '· ,, 7 • " 0 • •• • . ..., . DIC:IWILSON'S · Aiofos,Usod Autoo,U,.d Mtos.UMd -.u...I ....,.,Used Fddey.F•b,uory21 .1g15 · DAILY PILOT Dl3 WILSON fODD M;;;;,;;;••••••••·~;4; ;,t;;;;.;•••••••••;;•6•• ~·•••••••••9•;,•• ;.;,•••••.;••••*••••;;;• ;::;,;•••••••••.••••;;4·; Allto5. U1ed Alltot, U1ttd Autos, Used ~, " -••••• o , ,,.._..... ,.-aam , oc •••••••••••••••••••••·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-IS ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••:r••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '°"" 9965 V 9974 •-:UutMIM ... llllOl,.•OVT '74 MAVERICK VB '69 ,VIP 4 dr lkl/top, I . A LAS . '65 ·Plyli\outh Fu.ry. A/C1 '74 Grand Ari.• 4"" VB •••••~•••••••••••••••• ~rb1rd 9970 -~•••••••••••••••••• .. 'I I-· 1n1 eli"C on• ~r rut R/u •~ n-1 Off ·1· vv • •••••••••••••••••••••• r automJ'llC ratd.lo heater •' .,_,,.. • .... r-J,Or ,_. er. aulo ale radial s • tFIRElllD 71 VEGA .. ,..... .. .,.. powe.raleerl•u•(82'1JSC) power,Air,4newlire1 C~er-~.-th Aft8pm,6'2-1~. load,e d ~000 m -' 6 . 'MT-BIRO.Looks good . Al1'lOQ5DTl-ll :::: .'· -U " 6t$-40i2 Open •1lyp~ · til to ,, 9965 ~/bstoir.~-49l~att power .ateerinc, & nt1w tilS-s&lT 845-5700 Nt!wCarl>U' $500 . ~ 1Mc99 . ....~. AM .. FM . $100 . '·~·J :. . ... . . l , v .a. automatic, air, Runs11ood.$2900. I .._ , S MSETFORD .... 3.l •• ... ••••••••••••• · paint. (26788E) 2150 l-larbor IYvd, CM ~ . 5440GardenGrove81vd '73Roadruoner.:MO.Upd ZU29 Hart.KX"Blvd. r••••, · 64~700 NewCarDlr '73 'rJIUNDERBlRD. , REFUND Th YOU Westminster 636·4010 am I ( m la pe, ne Costa M11111 ltlBGT0,"'8. IOO!j Catalina 4 dr, radio, !UOl-larbor Blvd.CM Loaded. (::.07GNL> $r&699 71 VEGA c_,. EV.&u m1:1gs /l1rea must sell 546 1934 / XlntCond htr , U/c, $650, Call SUHSITFOltD Auto.~rans. !174CXUI . Al'VnPLf5: Mercllf'Y • 9950 p11t orr. ~~2ts. • tq-6910 545-0672 6pm to JOpm '73 FIREBIRD Espr1l, I S440 Garden Grove Blvd 645-5700 New Car Olr _lt71PINTOS •••••••••••••••••••••••SEU. "d . . '64 CORVAlR ~tanza, 'QGTO 'ti7 rlREUIRD;i26 H/O mileage, air, stereo, Westminster 636·4010 2150Harborlllvd.CN $20 0· .. · '71..-e6U)NY PARK 9 I le items with a auto top cond nds paint A/T 't d t a P e • c o m P · c--• · pass. Wagon, air, DRily Pilot Classi(it!d ad. with' comp! x'tra eng & Gd. c<>nd, $l,OOO, or best . · mags, casset e, g w/everything, Like new. Classified Ad! PhOne ,;,r;ll i~Ue items with a De.I· s tereo/radio, a ll pwr. 6'2·M18 trans, MOO . 844,5729. •ofCer. 646-3488 1.:ond. $1100 . 646-2226 64-t-5569 M2·56'1S today! Jy Pilot Classified Ad. CASH llPUND $l8DS ... S-!'121 · Alllol, ow 9100 .t.olol, Now I flOO ......... N,ow 9100 Atilo1, How 9100 ........ How 910 Mlos. Now 9800 Alllol, Htw tlOO ....................... ···················~····· ........ ._.. ............. ······················· ··-'··················· ............................................... . . 1975 MAYElllCKS 5200 - CASH llfUMD 1975 MUST ANG H.T.'1 saoo · CASH llFUMD 1975 MUSTANGS 2+2'• . s300 . C.UHIDUHD 1975 MUSTANG MACH 1'1 ssoo C.UH llFUMD 1975 MUSTANG GHIA'• ssoo .CASH UFUND : .... 1975SUPER C:AI TRUCKS s350 CASH RE.FUND lr-.d tww lt75 fORD SUP'IR CAI TRUCK '71 COLONY PAitK, $1700. 642-6tlti7 Mut l"'19 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74 MUSTANG II A 4 speed coupe with only J6 ,706 miles! (lJOLPl') 645·5700 New Car Dir 2150 Harbor lilvd. CM 'l.iG MUSTANG CONVf. Vl:I. 4 Spd. ~700. !!47--4390 1;5 · Mu stang VII J speed $275 . 494-2386. '66 -6 Cyl, auto tra ns. 35.500 Mi. on rebll eng . StiOO. 54.IS-7285556-6952 '70 MACH I Sparkling Bolero Red w / black vinyl interior. 251 VIS engine. Auto. trans., fact. air, bucket seats, s port wheels, etc. etc. ·rhc sh:.1r1>l'St J\1u.stang in Oran ~l' County. (!ltltllll}S I Sale Priced ·7 4 1\.1 US'l'ANli 2+2. (7JJKGI:-;/ $31!1.l SUNSET FORD 5-110 Gardcn Grove Blvd \\'eslm1nsll'r 6364010 ·1;!! CUNV 1-:1rrAliLE . $1tiW. WI Art Co-operating wHh the Factory wHh THE BIGGESt · DEALERSHIP DISCOUNTS IN OUR HISTORY! BRAllD llEW 1975 Lincoln Continental (Ser . 844123 OFF WINDOW STICKER See Santa Ana Ul'tColn•Mffcwy'• Cu1tomi1•d 197.5 Contln•ntal Opero Cou~ Today. Sout+i.m Calif-nlo'1 Mo1t Di1tin<liv• Lullury Automobile •::D1975 Montego MX •:::D1975Monarch2·dr. •:::D1975 Cougar XR-7 Brougham .;::';i~~~;t:~ 2-<loorHardtop _.L>•:E ~· /~ ~::-_::::-~· . . . fF25MKW03203) LW Price ; •.••••• S5117 Wis-Price ..•.• , $4117 c:.11 ,,._Ford .... $)50 .otcbmobile 9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• (SER . 523640) (Ser. 520739) OFF WINDOW STICKER OFF WINDOW STICKER :z.s4537 LIKE NEW SPECIALS . • Pf~~~~~on $960 W~~~w $. 70 5 wagon. Has air e-0ndi-Sticker t1 on1n g, MOONROOF, "-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L.~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~...l"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1 and more! (991KBRJ r RE.t.LS4~1;;sAT SPECIAL CARS FOR DOUBLE DISCOUNTS ?O fwd CYll. 100 V-8 , .auto . trans., Ca ctory air Mission V'iejo Imports SPECIAL PEOPLE e:::o 1975 COMET condition i n ~. power 18101-• ... ._,,._, s t eerin,I!, radio & •i.Moftv..fo •a1·t740 heater, t1nled glass. !:ia les and Service Ucense 134ASH OLDSMOllLE CUAIAHCI P'RICI GMC TRUCICS HONDA CARS Univ~rsity Olds '69 CHITSLfl 2!S50 11 arbor JllvQ. Newport Cn;.\;1 Mesa 540-9640 VB, automatic. power --- - ·• \ e e r 1 n g , a i r '71 Old1 Toronodo ·conditioning, (296H0l) Fully equipped. Clean. ClU.RAMCI PRICl Lie. No. WGA-1. $1995 or SI 088 be ~t ol'r. Please call · KJJ-8884 or 5!>4-0436. ---"--=--=--=---'72 FOID 73 CUT SUP. XI.NT IGMh w..,_ t:OND. LOADED, ~. VS. auto. trans., falory 892 -121~ air conditioning, power l'RIV1\TE PARTY steering. radio. heater, -. -tinted Jllass. (87BFYW> 69,442 <)Ids. am1 £~~ new Cl!.Al.AMCE P'llCE l~a.tlcr}: .. .:.t<~l.r, 1\LI. trs. s I 7 8 8 '""'I.'"·· '°" 72 Olds \.'1 ~1 a Cruiser Sla--...,.,7nj'i:pt:"ya;;,-,;_,_;....,-:;11,-1 -·I t 1 on" <1 ;.! on . 11\'crs 1 zed V-8 t.Jrcs, hl'avy duty shocks . 'a uto. trans., power trailer hitch, low steering. radio, heater, 1972 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL ~jk;:~~~~~·d;'.~~=~:~'c•co, 0$03. ,_4.8. 8 toll wh~I ~201 tOAI ·-111 ... y 1973 OLDS 98 4-DR. HARDTOP AM 1'M 1le-•.,O, ov•o !ron1 , l.o" ""· , •• ., "~""9· ~o•, $3688 ''""""9 & w •odow\ "'"YI roof, 111! ,,..,_,,.1 (8'.IBGl\I) Exqul1i1e Gem 1972 TOYOTA CORONA Mlt II .C dr ., s!olo0n wogon, auto. l•On• , factory o" (056ESF) $1988 1973 INTERN'L SCOUT 2 d1 ., llOlion wag., 4 wheel d""" outo. lron1., worn hubs, s4399 foctory air pow, 1......:: pow. bloke-1, 1oof rock. (226JEV) 12,900 Actual MU.a 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 4-DR. SEDAN Aifcondit~, power •l'9efing., o ... 1omotic tJot1MT1i1Mon ~&H. (YXU 46 I) 1973 BUICK REGAL 2·DR HARDTOP ~~~=-~-~~l::,·s2799 ,,,,,,,1 top (932GOO) (457DVI) milea ~e x Int condition Sporty & Economical CLIAIAMCI P'llCE Sl995 cal'.ih 581-6254 1---------------t--------------~ S I 3 7 7 ·11 cu1·1~,\SS Convt. P IS. --..--"-"-''---•I l'/H, fac. air. x:lnt. cond., '71 FORD new rubber, ·75 lags . • Gal. SOO :>44-4855 ~;';'.,e_'·-__ VB, auto. tra~ .. ractory ,70 OLDS air conditioning, power at.eering, radio, heater, TOROHADO Unto<! glass, msouxi LESS THAM Cl IAIAMCI P'llCE . $ 1377 41.000MI.! ---.,,.;"°"...-___ 1 A m b c r I-~ 1 rem 1s t w f '61P'lYM. whit e vinyl l o p & ,_.,Ill tapestry 1nter1or . F'ull V8 a lo l S d. IJwr. fact. air. ll ll ~·heel , •. , u • ran ., ra 10, •."Jteater.(l07DFFI pwr. door locks. cruise CLl.AUMCI P'RICIE control. am/fm stereo s7 7 7 multiplex & 8Lrack la1"lt.'. radial tires. Unbcheva· bJccondition~ i791Bll\1 J .,, c•at·~ w .. -Sale Priced V·8, auto. lrans., large ~~~:;;tJCj--~ "(amily special. Fully a "equipped. (544F'E0) . · .. ClUl&HCE •••c• ~·~rt 52788 ~·MO 9957 •l"' -.=:.::.....;;..;;;.._ Pi•to • '7J F.-4 Swf"' Y• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~v.s. stick, pwr. sttier., Jnag wheels, fal tires, ;paneled , c:1rpclcd. •(10442P I :. Clf.Al.AMCf P'RICIE ;, 53288 ' ; •72 CG!lrier ,.U. '71 PINTO, 2 dr, 4 ~!l(I, m ags, 29 mpg, H1 II. Must sell this werk ! 644-8777 ·f:i Pinlo Wagon. 4 s pd. New radial tires . I owner. Xlnt cond. $2100. 548--4360. ·?'Int. lillle workhorse. !~hite. Lie. No. U7632W '74 PINTO llunabout. :. 0.U.l.AMCl P'llCE Automatic lrlihlmiss1on, S I 4 8 a ~::· heater. (834.JSE) , SUNSET FORD :: 7JMH.;-S«OGardenGroveBlvd •1_ M...... 9"-f 1 Westminster 636-4010 VB, auto. \ran5., ac ory :~r conditioning. power ·11 pinto, 4 spd, vinyl roof, : leering, power disc· mags, s hag c pt, xln1 • rakes. radio, heater, cond, 426 D 2Znd, 1-18 .. : ted glass, {302GUL) · • ·Cl.IAIAMCI Pll;ICI 1973 Pinto wagon, xlnt : . s2 9 7 7 ' cond, 4 spd trans, low : . miles, new tires, dlx In & • oul P. ply 830--6988 • : WI LS-ON 1971 MERCURY COMET 2 dr., Mtdon, ovto. l<on•., (9J9CTf"I) Onlr 39,000 .Actval Miln 1970 PONTIAC LEMANS 2 Dr Hordtop, V-8, .,._,;,,,._. .. ,,~..... $1588 power bloke•, rod•o • heoM1. (526AOZ) w.-end Special 1969 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR factory oir cond., fu91 power, oll leo•he• int•rior, ~•nyl lop. (ZSJ922) 1964 FALCON RANCHERO SAVE 2 dr .. pick\lp, j07JSOOI T 1970 MERCURY lrARQUIS WAGON .CDR..9~. l~rock,foct. s1999 oil', luU J10Wft, vinyl lap, loaded. (863PXZJ 1971 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM <1.DR. HARDTOP foci. oir, full power, oll the •lto1 (SER 34427) 1972 LINCOLN CONTlllENTAL .t DR. SEDAN fO(t.oil', $4188 leather interior, full power. (Ser. # 06687) Ev•ry Dia. Xtra 1972 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VIUE Alf '-atfrler interior, foci. oir, oftnyl lop, lull powft. llereo, doof lockt (3 I 4GIX) 1. $500 OFF WINDOW STICKER (SER. 519547) AND YOU'LL GET . s200 'CASH BACK FROM FACTORY OVER200 NEW 1975's • Available AT DISCOUNTS YOU WILL FIND HARD TO BELIEVE BRAND NEW 1975 DUSTER • • • -. , • ·. ·' • i ' ---..:--"JDISCOUN't s· . '. OffM.AMUFACTUUl'SS11Cla.b:i ~- '72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT ROYAL V8. aitomatiC, radio, heater. powel' steering, power trakes. ~e walls. air conditioning, (Q.41M2C154538) '74FORD $ PINTO RUNABOUT Aulorrattc transmission. radio,, healer. (237 JOY) · '72 FORD GAWIESOO vs. a.domltic, t'8dio, helter. J:IO!MW' lllleering. power bral<es. wtiite waits. air conditioning, ..... IOl).(790E0Jl · '74FORD • MAYHIC.1 ' cyllnc!er. lllitomotic:. ..i;o. -.-............. wt llt .. air cond l\loning. WILl'V) \ ' . . CORDOBA .HU.GE · SELECTIO~ OF THE SUCCESS CAK OF THE YEAR . . 70MERCURY · MONTEGO MXBROUGHAM '67GMC PICKUP :Va .engine, 3 speed 1 'ransmission. radio. heater. ·\:lower st eering , air conditioning step bumper. 28254) .. '73PQNTfAC FIREllRD ESPRIT • :W. automat~. AM/FM ~•eo. :Pa-steering, pfwer -. raised wl'lit• tett..-lir~ air o;>ndihoning, Vinyl too. road •(S&IHEn '68 HRYSLER ~MEWPORT CUSTOM tV8, a"tometic, radio, heater. -slooring.oowe<brakes. "POwer window•· and aeat, ~ise control\ while walls. jfinyl t9p, •ii;,-;9onditi0fling. CORDOBA THE BEAUTIFUL NEW SMALL CHRYSLER • NEW 1975 ' SCOUT Ser. # E0062EGO,S190 ·4 WHEEL DRIVE • ' I } • --____ _.,.._ --- .. -----~..­.. -----• ' T~da}:'!.. CloslalJ · ~. ~:-StoeK!i - F£BRU~'iL21, 1975 TE;N"GENTS ·-··• r -;.., .. 1--1 -'--\,-• • __.,_ ,...-.'7?" "1 ... . ·.·~¢f . . ::~ NtiQ~ M~n~y -'Waste' '. By:FREDERICK SCllOEMEllL .. Brown jokeclThuraday that the a residence. To teu.hlm-to4ethla, •.toward progr~ms thatturned.out ~te is in the south port.tilD of The f eder a I government ot-. .. u, ~1911Mft -• cltx,~ ml&bt lilunc·h · abatement ass ou of townT-No· W'-l no-.. • ·be, 'rooorutofgles." ._. tie city. . ' originally had funded the $559,000" San-Clemente JloUce.QiWl.Ji!el .M>roceedin11 ·•tainat the Nixoo way," Portne.-..rired back. :·· • • ~an Clt~ente gran As ~e rooney also was used to. grant through June of this year, . Portner todey· &~up.red off ·with 1Jf.~idence If it·-d1dft't like pre>-Brown , r,na" the-.t•m•rks the exeendlWr.e specifioallY, -hir~ and train 10 officers,·Portner Portner said, but cut back when • ~ "EdfDUJl~ Br:c\..~ _Jr., over ~lem-.-create.d by the former pre-critical qt ~n. Qle~~''•_,,!i!&;ef ~a~:Jj°)' t.be-gov.ernor. • :. • •aid. · Nixon resigned. Protests by the th 1overnor s bl apt Thursday sident. :-, .~ · the federal grant be·rore-a meef.:--• Portner safd-the n1QrteY '«fl.f ~·· ~ ·.'-!.~ ~ftid the moqey was city over the loss of the money - thQ,.the ,city wastQ.Cl-J.551,000 in , ''Pvsonally, I ,think that's a ing of dJrectQrS and officerS ·Qf ·. oc•ted 1,>egfnning in l989tOaetµp n~ma!lllY for traffi~copy-ol and the possible cuts in police .anlt·~crime :mooey":Protecttng very ·~or remark,'' Portner Calilomta's Crim-in.al.Jusilc:e and ... security ahd coinqfunic·ations iicause of the hundreds of people 1wersonnel that "'ould result - former presid~nl .Richard ht. said. "!Abatement .means to geti Planning Coun·cJJs_.-_ 4. _ lfY.Otems 10 vsi.$~ the S«ret lf.ho daily stopped by the~ en-brought word from the state that Nixvra during his ' Sm Clemente rtd of it. ~ ·--He said the $2001million in anti-:.? Stirvice in protecting the former rtrapce to the estate.intent on see· it would pick up the tab. vtstta. ·-. ''Herii we lialre 4.Jnan who ha&. crimelunda spent stocel.967vteatt::;presi.dent, wbue.. sprawling ' IDjtbe·fprmer president: <See PORTNER, Page A2) . . ----~ . -. . ... -. -.. ... -. -~"-·"-·-·----------~-------------. ·-... r-· .. :--.. . . -I -' Q;" • ~lJit -· -- :t ..... ,.. .· ... - . _~g~ge _ l\~jeet$ _ , .~ s ,.. ·~ ·----. . -----.. -.. . -~ - -·~ ---. . -. --. ..._ ..... . ·der B S eitiiiore B -.-y .. y ' -~ . :·_. . ·-. --. -----------... . -. -_ ... _ - Wa~llte .. Sen O~reome ,_ . · -.-Said No Three Top Aittes WASHINGTON (UPIJ -John N. Mitchell, ILR. Haldeman 1Uld John Ehrlichman, once Richard M. Nixon's moit trusted aides, were -sentenced tod.a:y to up to eight years in prison !or conspir- ing W cover up A'merioa.-s•Worst political scandal. Dr'<J,w Up to 8 Years S .. -. ~rpr1se By JACK CHAPPELL Of lM D•ilf PllOt 5'Mt Openinc the way for an appeals procesa that may take•aS long as jlwo years. U.S. District JQdge Jo~ J . Slrica also sent~ced Robert C. Mardian lo up lo three MITCHIELL 'I A (ederal judg.e has dismissed a $37 million suit brought against the ci~ of Laguna Beach, a con- servatiooist group, and 43 of the town's prominent citizens by a disgruntled d·e.veloper who al- ~ MALD•MAH leged a "Ku ){tux. Klan-style'' Losing Patients? 11.HlllUCHMAN years in prison for his part in the be prosecuted under a pardon he Watergate conspiracy. Mardian receiVed froin President Ford.· is a sometime San Clemente resi-There was no immediate com- dent. ment (rom the former president, · The .••11tencc1~ · l>fl.tbe.,. our i;onsPjrators thott.:. . . . Nii/' Watttl e if en e dli ~ e genenil and cam· MAllllDIAN . i . conspiracy had prevented de-Some folks think Dr. Paul Esslin ger has already hung _ Ehrlichman, normally glib, con-velopmentofhis land. up his stethoscope because his building will be removed . fessed, ··1 just dop't have JudgeRobertJ. Kelleher ruled if San Juan Capistrano's civic center plans are adopted. anythingtosay." f. today that his court would not So he put up a sign to let his patients know he intends to Mitchell , ~f.IC!e ... man a~d take jurisdiction i~ the suit and tay i :µsqs Carilino.§a j,stranowhere he has been for32 lich9';1n _,. ·. ced ~ <liaallased WI~ a • fr~ isle..~~ original burglars. were palp ·r 1 T.r; Haldeman and deoclil>ed bf ,.,e o£lhe attomeY5 f;hr.11.tq · ,wh.1>. w«e chiff as "far more than•Rltblrd Nixon Whl~.fl •• atdea;.and'Mardlan. willever:.utfer.'' wbo waa Mitchell's ch.lei deputy Nixon, foreed to resip as pre--showed any emotion as the aident of the United States by the sentences were pronotmced. same evidence which led to the The conspirators solemnly re· conviction of bis top aides, was fused lo comment, but Mardian's vacationing in Palm Springs with lawyer said he .thought the sen- the knowledge that h~ will never. tenct;15 were ''too heavy.'' imuinofeig ty~ i:s·onch~esof -a e.ac~ Mayor .Roy obstruction of'justi'c~ conspiracy ~o~m ~~Y hat)~ ~he ~ud~ s &-•llfJX.l•t ,lf_...i\!!), <l!Jllyj<;(~/Jii' CISIO~_,SO,iJ)jf; J·d like to buy ly.J ~<'OJtSpftaey, was given< a thejlidrea<lrmk. 10-month to tbrtt year sentence. Holm as we~Jas t~e rest oC Uie They were released witbc:M.{t tdid l present. ci~Y. l!ftunc~ had ~n pending appeal. named md1vidually in the swt by . Ehrlich~n alsp faces a se('-Ran~h~ PalC?s Verdes, !>W"er of tence of tbs to fiv~;ea:rs in ~ycamore Hills, 522 choice acres Venue Bid Nixed connection ith the break-in at in Laguna Canyon. In· Irvine Lawsuit Mitchell's Optimistic W-ASHll'\OTON (Ul.'J J Wb-en former Attorney General John N. Mitchell was sentenced tCKlay to.up to eight years jn ptison for the Watergate cover-up, he hur· ried 6ul of court with but one comment: "It could hive been a.hell Df a lot worse. They could.baw;e sente~_ced me to spend ~ ! rest of my .life ."lllJl.Jlfartful Mitchell.·~ •~ · -~ ' " . . ... ... -:-'I Pai:\"jots :l)ay Parad~..,Set . 1\ " .. • For S·aturday -The"nlnth anriual PatfiOts' Day parade will step off ,1 11 a.m . Saturday in Laguna Bea~ open- ing the cit>Y':1 'l>i~en\eQnial celebr~tlon activiti~a~ 'mark· 1n1 the annual Winte.~Festival. (See8VEARS PageAZl . In addition, Laguna G~eenbelt, '· 1ts past and present directors, Sewer Service Fee • ll~~e .. Given .. S~pdy ,M~m:b:fr~ of""the Laguna.Beach jumpto$6.33 under the proposal. City CoOn~U baVe decididlo "go Fees .paid by owners of multi· sldw'! Olith:.a ..:Pro~al . ti rilore · 'taniily 60using units within theci· utan doUbfe teWer sefViCe (ees. ty_Wou14 alsO experience a similar · t 't ZI> pez:&nt increase if lhe council Cquncillllen;refwied. thLI week adoP.tslhe proposal. -to ae!t'DD t)le requ&f"penaillg sub-· Mayor Roy HoJm said he wrote mlttal 01 tui'tb"tr firiancra'J aata on the words "go-slow" on the pro- clty sewer co~s Tront Finance Posa! after he fir St read iL He said ll)rectl>r Richard il..Se. COun-:~didn't.V<antlogbilu:oughacon· c.~~n ~l~~ ~~~i-~~ tJii,,t:Worma-troversy similar tO the one three Udfl!.a~ a,1s~cial~e~g-.Wednes-year.s ato ~bf.• a ••wast-e ayrugti . management. t.ax !-proposal was past and present city planning . commissioners, and private citizens who had advocated anti· growth positions at council meet- ings were named. ~ ''The outcome is not SWl>tising to us, bu~ you cannot afford to take comfort in what you feel will be the right decis\on until you hear the verdict," Mayor Holm said. ··1 guess we can take a deep breath now and go on with the business of the d'ay, ''he added. City Attorney George Logan, who had argued the case for the · city and had specifically asked the court not to take jurisdiction, chose to withhold comment Until he has studied the dectsion. BY. TOM BARLEY OIUN O.lt' Pi let Staff Superior Court Judge C1aude M. Owen' ruled today that Irvine hiilress..Joan Irvine Smith's stoc.k contr'Ol law.suit against the James Irvine Foundation and the Irvine Corhpany must be tried in Orange· County. He firmly told all ten lawyers involved in a pretrial hearing to- day that he is not impressed by arguments that the Irviile Com- pany's land owning status 'in this county precludes the possibility of a fair trial. ''It may be true that the com- pany o•ns 83,000 acres oC land a.mobrit.irig to One fifth of Orange eouniy," he noted. "But I can't acc~pt the state's argument ~t • 1 forwarded by then City Manager ,Ree:$~.a..nd ~anking members of Lawrence D. Rose. Rancho Palos Verdes AltorneY John Pollock said ttie contact: by a reporter· was the first news be· had had of the decision. .t.. · ------------- (See SUIT, Page AZ) .~.e. city .staff .r.e.com~ended the ''I would' g~ slow '' echo.eci r.111.e. increas' o uise. ODOUgh Cou • · ,_ i ' · rriPbeyto~over\hecity's.sliareof ,. ~ .~tlman.}-~ar tonBoyd. , . 0 ' ff B J d the' cost df building o $31 million 0, ~n increase ID fees , Reese said, 8'18 ome Urg e regional s.ewage trei't'ment ld-?["ais,e--$687,000 tn th~ ftrst Burglars whose method of en- sys(em that-Would serve L8_guna yeer--of the program. A third of try is unknown have stolen Belich"lrvine: ·south:tagUd&,and t~at ~mount wo~l~ be~edtohelp jewelry and cash wilh a total Iatie ~rt.ion's 9f t.he Sa<l_dleback ~.off $2 ·.46 ,million in.bonds to., value .of .$390 from e Dana POint Valle)'. · • •cover the cJl_y. ~ AWMA~t. home, Orange Counly Sherift•so(· The: §ys' ern '$. prQPOS.ed b:Y the The.remaining two thirds of the ficers reported today. ·~w'tles AijSO'W>terManaiemectAgency aanu.al cev~e-would·be l4Sed to 'Said the theft occurred while CA'WMAJ, a copsortium.otsouth ~Y for maintenanc~ and ape~a-sales manager Jack liolmes:Jr .. Oraoge.COuntyse..wagetrealment tion costs andotp btnld '8 apecial 27, Was 8.bsent Crom hts'bome""at agt?JJ'Cies . . csee SEWEI(, P-.e Af} 34062· Pequito Dr ., Dana Point. Of/,ER 200 SEEK S41V ]VAN JOB Either San Juan Capistrano's new ciity manager is very popular. or there are lots of peo- ple out of ,work these days. James t,1:ocali s reported Wed - nesday he lias r eceived over 200 applicatiod~ for the job of city manager's secretary. ··Arid mor~ are coming in. Owners of a single family home in Latuha Beach who are now payltig $2.75 per month in sewer ser\rtc·e fees wo'uld see the rate " Mqre ll)an 100. entli .. dtom 44 Soul"em .Callfomta cltles, In· ciudlJ!J 20 b~, rill le81J!S, COi· or gtlardl, you group., Ooats1 antique caf1, lfoveltJlr:fl'14 · '~<l OtherS'\!iU matcn,l)l'lhli~~e. Chamber Chieif .·'Th~y Bel~ng' Route or ·marcli IS from the LagUn~ :&eacJ1.;l1(jh SchQol .. , . . . athletl• 11e1a dq')!'n 1;1a~k A vaJ!~• rr R to GIO!llhc\'re S!f .. et, along Glen· .6. Oller e_si.gns neyreto For.St .\venue, n9<ll!.~n Forul: and' RU!_.¥1Cl1Jl~'JleJd> :Jobi. .'toner/ l"a•ag'!' 0( the Cll.Y l:}all lo BN'll!~M!'.bei:<rtb• Sib Juan:Coplstrano Chamber or pa'tide wlllllis~and, · .;; 1 Comlllel'<e, resl!D'l"i this week. T~ls Jl•M's 11.arado-theme IS . Tlie •ll<l<!en m"°'e;.effecUvelm · "'The ·s~lrlt of 1'78." lf'honor1 me)lfately,.-was· for ptrl(Jljal re. South Lagunan Helen ~oris, aaons . , ~ · selectedJ>Y the pal'aile commit' '.'.AnothAr Jol>.:.has cooA .up," tee as citizen or th"l! y•aY. ' 1~d..T011er "l;_tan't say at this Grand Manhal ~arlie .Tun!, time, ,what. It s,-but I couldn't t radio p~raonaill1, wll!.lel4,"!( ~ssltOp.': the list of dignltari,_e• 111-\~ • 'Iliner 014 be r.urette<'l feav. , FraQk-M•t!fa£h .9f l.Jllego. chata&orlzid is a une ••I by paraae. Among i"" 11 M Inf .the ·ctia'!l~~"t" whl~h he ~ber ol-the "J:l ltl!,.~t•t• .ditr@JWl · )• · > : • t. · ·;iuc'ent~liF sipeli g £1"111111~~ ,if'h,,',!Ip,(una gucl eii ent ' tee. ·: • · • · , ; has ~~ch•11>1!ar .mDlla&er lor Knott.I iieTry fi'lll'!Jl llaf eil'· 14 miiij be t>OJll'd,ofdlrectora tered • spec.I l'I no•l -tom· h~ n .l\~.allllOUJJCed 1 replace· , .......... u1t, l"11P,Y> ~1. _ · • • •• • ·r ... ' ,, ' ' ... ,., • • ' . ' .. -..... ·-' - 8Ullf·Club Role. Outlined -..... ;.-. . "I think more than anything ·· else, we. glve them a sense of · belonl!l!J(,~-"K•m: Steward, director ~1 the t.iiu'Da Be8ch Girls' CIUb, said pointing out what she said 'f8s the •1critical" • stage of d.eveJopment for the club. -i-·•we cater to children who are · rrom s-ingle parent familles. • many Wlth Wdrki~ mothers. .#-We give· them a pl&cie' to come and have a sense or beloneilll· "We ltnow all Our kids on . a 1zr.~al basis, .... we c,_n p ;; •an op~unily lfor them tt.-o lhfn••' th't1~ota1nmty­ ._..1c111·t ," MiuStewlll't,22,said. ·~The:Loguna Beach Girls' Club ~ *•s-;!tarted abol\f lhAe yeats ~-,l,I0.11 now•bas 140 memben alid ~lillra \I abOut 20 c1\114ien • day '. . : . . }. . :A lo its classes. T~ose classes run a range of ··J.b.e usual ''giris'' acUvitiei such as cooking, sewii\g, painting and embroide ry. but also include "mime ai:.d 17'.ovement" and juSt platn play, • • • ..., d : lO~e to offer auto methanics ~to junior high girls next s~ssloni'' Mi ss Stewart said. 'l1ie Girls' Club is for girl! horn 6 yean--of aae to 16. but. the pre. sept range i5 Crom 7 to 11 wltb the greatest number or the gii1s be· ing9. MissStewattUkt. Most· ol the •ctlviLi.es of the 'th!lraff hel<htthrilU~. 1470 Temple Terra'* ovcrtQC>lci> - Ing the Bluebird Park. . Lock Q'f adequate Iinances. bas hobblld turther ,developmtnt of <See61RL8, Pafe A2 l this justifies moving this trial to Lo& Angeles County." Judge Owens next wUI take evu:lence from witnesses before:· ,ruling oq a number of other pre- ,trial motions filed by both sider in the lawsuit. Among them are derllands by: Mrs. Smith's lawyers for iJ ·permanent injunction that would: prevent the foundation from pro--: ceeding with its alleged pl1111 •to: sell Irvine Company shares· amounting to a controlling-m;: lerest in the company to Mobil Oil Corporation for a reported_~ $110 million . . The· foundation has been p1:&- vented from concluding the deal. by a restraining order issued 1shortly after the lawsuit was flied . Mrs. Smith contends that "\lie Irvine shares are worth far mOh than the quoted figure a.rid t)iat their sale at the foundation .J>ri~e· would amount to a defrauding C. company.investors. . ~ Mrs . Smith ls the a:raJid· daughter of Irvine Company founder ·James Irvine and. • <See HEIRESS, Page~) ~• •· •! • I .• Or:n:a. Coasl a Wealher Northeasterly Winds 25'to40 , mph below clfnyonS through Saturday, according to the weather service. Fair sides. with highs of 67 to 12. Lows j tonight42to47. · .~ ...... ~ .. INSIDE TO'"'\'.···~ A Mission VUjo 1o6nion. IJQ.a, satisfjed her desire Jo aa bi# pulltng 1tring1 bdckltoo• lhe .stril'lg.t-of her ~1'h story by Daily Pilot lfa/J ~ Jon Worth on page C-Zo/ t~'•• \Vetkender. • • -._ Index ' • "' ... _,.,...k• ,., ...... "' lof"''' •• li'toritt , cwJ L.MU:-J!' ' AIO MllCWf,_., Alt (tt • AS,I• ... 16-1 .... Wf M Oaultl... D1·14 Or..._~, Alt ......... _ CCII ....... a \.t .......... . .... , 0.. ""'"' ,..,, -9$1" ' ldlt..-W ,,... '"'' tlin.oulMM.t Ct.>' '"'~" .. , .. ,, ,_ tlle t'tt..-11 OJ MlftscW"t 1 2 ttlttnft••~• c• .............. , I f .. , D!\11. Y I'll.OT I . L/SC Nixon?s • . -unCIBit - ~f By .Bro~ . ~- SA1IBAMENTO (i\PJ -Gov. '' S41nu.ftd BrOwn \Jr.1Qa muth of '1• SltO· 'mlJllon to Fri me prevention ~\: f11nd1 wae wasted, incladin1 $500,000 to protect former presi· dent lllehard Nixon at the Western White House. ,. ,'.'We,'ve 1iven you half a mllllon Juat to talr:e care of one llO'," .Brown told a panel of top state lavt. enforcement officers lbunday. *'J Just learned about it and 1 wushocked,'' he added.· The governor had given the Calif«nia Criminal Justice Plan. · nln.I Directors Aesociation just a few mtnutes notice that he would join their regular meeting across . ·. ; 1 the street from the Capitol. ''What have you done to curb '1 '. crime?'' he demanded. ••Are the streetS safer in San Francisco or Los Anaeles after you've spent $200 million on crime preven-Uoa.1." ' , Brown s,.ggested that California miaht turn down fbtute federal crime prevention fuhdl, but later said he only wants to Tevlew projects. ••You're here to convince me that . N~ Versus Old . I shoUld. cooperate with you to ·' ·• spend money 'We don't have," ... Brown •-Ida, couplhig bis ' ' crtUebm of crime prevention ex· •. pond!-with complainll about ·, Prellldent Fore!'• deficit budget. 1 • The governor said he wouldn't · take federal fµnds Just because , . . ··~'re 'printing mOney back · ., tbere"iltW&1blneton. ' , ~ Plannin1 may be a diversion " . fntm the maln reality," he said. ''Unless p,arents control their . children and adults are responsi- • ~ ble for· their acts . . . we aren't ·: . fatln&'real problems." Alan Davis (left) models one of the Laguna Beach High Sctidol Band's · new uniforms while his brother. Paul, shows the ·old uniform being r~eplaced. The old ones are being · retired after eight years service. The new un- iforms cost $7,000 of which the band members paid half and the school district half. The eatriots' Day Parade at li a.m. Saturday in Laguna Beach will be the band's first performance in the new uniforms. • Santa Ana Police Chier ., Raymond Davis responded to ·· :.-aomeofBrown'a criticisms. . "We did not cet full value for From Page Al PARADE ... ' t the ~ million we have spent. but we've made progress," he memorating the Bicentennial. · , . said. · The Patriots' Day Parade will be Several members of the as-the first appearance of the noat. ' '. sociatlon, which represents local Another first will be the new ~. ctlmlnal justice agencies uniforms worn by the Laguna ' .. 'lt8teW:lde, ar1ued heatedly with Beach High School Band, host Brown' during the one-hour ex-. band at the parade. The band 's ~ change, defending specific pro-new scarlet-colored uniforms grams. replace eight year old uniforms. Brown complained that money Also in the march will be the which should have gone to crime Laguna Beach Ele mentary prevention was used to add 10 of'· School Marching Band. made up ficen to the San Clemente polite of grade school children rrom the , force, Some association mem· city's three elementary schools. '. ber$ defended J,hat 4S<-essential ~· because of · till" h'lgll V61un'ie of traffic brou1ht to the small com- munity. Others said Brown had sinfled out-a prOgcaJn ·--•re we· have egg'od our fabe." • ¥. ·-c:r * * Par.ade Route * * * E're•PageAl PORTNER ••• .Browa~ remarks, Portner 1ll<lr~ to Indicate the state Is not rOinl to foot the blll after all. "It!•~ political. Orange County is a ltepubllcan County. Our honorable gover.nor ls a D.emocrat. If he can cut down the ·CJPPDllDa.party, be will,'' Portner 11lll. • · "Anytime you meQtion Nixon, SaD , ·cterilente or transition, you're shot down.'' Portner com-Pfalned. . ~He,•aicttbere are still 126 lo 150 Pf!PPJ.t;,.a day who stop by tile ~·~trance for a peek at the former president, and thus, theci· ty eij.ll needs manpower generat- ed by the grant to keep an eye on thlnp. : P«toer aaid he wu confident that ii Ute state does not come throulb.wllh support for the lOof ·, neentbecltywlll. Jf.e aaid'popUlation increases in the city between 11169 wben the erantftnt went Into effect and lo- dO .-uant the lO officers re· malo.1Daao theforce. , -0.flANGIL COAST DA ILY PILOT Robert~. Weed ... ~--~·-· Joe~ R, cu'r1ev """ ........... .,,... ........ Thomas KHVll -TMmu ._ ... rphlne ........... ~ Ceries H . L... RlchMtl P. Noll . • ............... .n " • • To Be Closed Laguna Beach Police will'close the Patriots' Day Parade route to all vehicle traffic at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. A11 vehicles parked along the route will be towed away arter 6 a .m. Saturday. The route has been posted with barricade stands. Motorists bound for Top of the , World may use Temple llills Drive and Thalia Street lo avoid the parade Those living in Mystic Hills and Skyline Drive areas may use · Wendt Terrace and St. Ann's Drive lo get around the parade. Frout Page Al SEWER ... fund to cover t·be cost of any new sewer improvement programs. Holm said the city should hold off on the increase because uncer- tainly nists about when -and if -the AWMA project is going to getoffthe ground. · AWMA is working to a:~ con· struclion under way by Jwie, but there is growing concern that the last. round of ap?rovalsrequired from the federal govemtnent may push that date into the future. Holm pointed out, however. that the city is under a mandate · from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, a state agency, to close the de- teriorated, 45-year-old city sewer plant and link up with the AWMA regional network. Boyd further argued that any increase in local s ewer service fees should be considered its part. oCthe council's overall review of the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. FroMPageAI Quigley Eyes Agriculture Preservation By PAMELA HALLAN Of IM O•il1 Pilot s.t1H Irvin e Councilman Henry Quigley has come up with an idea on preservation of agricutlture ar.d lately he"s been sharing it with any group willing to listen. San Juan Capistrano city coun· cilmen, v.·ho for months, have been wrestling with the problem .9(. preserv.lp~&r~ltural land against urban1zati~n, were eager listeners this week. "What I'm l!:tYing todois..come · up with a pefm,arieb't:iOilJUbn for bringing tax refiilf to .Property owners so they won't be rOrced lo develop," said Quigley. Hi s plan, he said , has two al· tributes: it provides fair com · pensation to landowners and it represents a minimum cost to the taxpayers. ··1r you just bought the land the cost· would be prohibitive," he said. ''In Jrvine ,1,1e found our tax- es would double if we passed a bond i ssue to purchase agriculture land.·· Qui gley's idea is to separ ate the developm ent ri ght of a piece ol property from the rest of the land, as gas, oil, and mineral rights are .~eparate .. If land costs $40,000 an acre, the development rights could be sold for SlB,000 an acre," he said. "The land is then assessed as <.1gricultural land because that is all that is left." _ A person who buys the develop- ment ri ghts can then use them on another piece of property. If he has a hundred-acre parcel zoned for two units per acre and bought the development rights on another 100-ac re parcel at two units per acre. he could"'lransfer the dens ity from one lo the> other. The ori~inal 100 acres v.·ould then ~e left in '-Open s pace (agriculture> and the other 100 acres would be increased to four. units per acre. ··rr the development ri ghts were permanently removed from a piece of land , and used somewhere else, the tax assessor Woult.I be forced to recognize this," he said. ~. • G --:.. 4<'1:. -~ ·p.. ~ lhe club. She•• d~ Um,- auctlon at wblc~ tblo <lob~ to ralle sa.ooo It ~ntl•al. "We ~ a a 1oar:, ex~ ~nd. wie '\lj 'OJid pll\n tor' a year. liUt ye~ we f'iardly tui•e "'ough money Jpr &AUlr,1'f, , · "We sot throu1t> fr<>in. 'u1y to • now and J!m not ey;ac(J.r 1ure, , how." Mi.ssStewartqUlpJ)ed.... .,. * * ··-c:r Art Auction Aids Laguna Girls Club An estimated $5,000 worth of art, a Ford Pinto, and many other donated items will be placed on the auction block at 1:30 p.m. , Saturday by the Laguna Beach Girls'Club. 1'he ·auction will be held in the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. The fund-raising event Jtas been termed "critical'' to the club. Sponsors hope to ·raise at least $3.000. -Other items to be IUCtiQl'led are a Suzuki 250 go-cart, a Hobie custom surrboard. a Victor motorcycle, sk·~a. antiques, certificates for service from local merchants and restaurant din· ners. Cffad Jones , club vice president and chairman or the auction said that much or the fine art being auctioned has been donated by na- tionally and internationally known artists. She Usted artists Tony DeLap, John Paul Jones, James Strom- bothe, Paul Darrow, Mia Krantz, Jon Stokes bury, Paula JobniSOll, Dick Ollden, Frank lnterlandi, Romeo, and Ann Dreyer. In addition, art works from other prominent local artists will be auctioned, she said. Wife of Chief Admits Arson ETNA (APJ -The police chief's wire. has admitted: she wrecked and set fire td their home in this town of 000 near the Oregon border, police officer Dave Walker says. Kathye Schwinn, JC, also COO· fessed she mailed a note threatening to kill the chief's wife and five children if he didn't lay off drug users, Walker re· ported Thursday. The bla~e was quickly put out . No charges were filed since she vandalized her own house and filed no insurance claim .. . . Radios, Glasses Taken From Boat Two walkie talkie radios, binoculars and rain gear with a total value of $111 have been stolen from a boat moored at Dana Harbor, Orange County Sheriff's officers reported today. Deputies said thieves who en- tered the vessel via the rear win· dow took advanta1e of the absence of boat owner Harry Greenberg, 55, of\.a Habra. ' I ec • • I On Avco j n1a ~s:~en ! A ~tio mllllO'n oceanfront Laguna ·N~guel de'velopment. that was stalled two years ago befOl'J! the sta~coa1t1l co'1fllillslan wW mo•e fot'Ward 'thlf i't ... alter an agr~emenl '*:1.s >M~rli:ed 'out this ·w~k betWeeb the state and Avco CommunltY. DeVelopf;!rs . AvcO officials 8Jreecl,,to trim the project" to 2,000 uni~ l\-om th• previously planned , 2,.-ln re- turn for a Woml.se from the At· torney oeneral 11 office that it would not appeal a Superior Court decision which held the company dtd not require a coastal permit to begin construc- tion. The units will be constructed around a golf course on pf:o.perty south of Monarch Bay Plaia in- land of Pacific Coast Highway. Units will sell (Dr $50,000 to $85,00Q. • .. Grading oi' the t92-acre site ac- tually began in the fall of 1972 - about the same time th e California,.voters .gave approval to PropOsiCion 20 establishing the coastal commission with power to approve or deny coast.al de- velopments within 1,000 yards of the shoreline. After the act went into effect Feb. 1, 1973, Avco lost a bid to the state coastal commission to con- tinue grading and develop the pro- perty. Avco took the state to court and won the Los Angeles Superior ,court batUe to move ahead with construction. The cornmtuion fought back by appealing the case to higher state court!. Avco finally was successful in getting the case off center by hir· ing the law firm of AssembJyman John Knox (D-Richmohd) to negotiate a11 out-of-state 1sctllc· ment. , The state commission ratified the settlement Wednesday. DeanwTalk In Santa Ana On Watergate Watergate figure John W. Dean 111 will speak at Santa Ana College March 15 and will be paid SJ,500 for his services. , . Dean, whoSe testimony al the Watergate Senate hearings ~on· tribllted tO the uhdoing Of the Nix· on Administration, will speak in the Cook Gymnasium at 7:30 p.m. No longer restricted in his statements and free from court appearances, spokesmen said, Dean promises a full account of his involvement in Watergate events. Public admission will be $2. Students with ASB cards and senior citizens pay $1. Tickets are available at the Don Bookstore from 8 a .m. to 9 p.m. daily and al the Community Services Office rrom 8 a:m. to 5 p.m . daily. The lecture is being sponsored by the associated &tudeD1' and the Community Se"rvices O'ffice. WINTER SA~E CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT ~ . . .. . iAr<pr ...i.+t ,,tl rfi lty ~--II ' recl•c•d prlc••· Hearedon, laker. 1.,1~~· -~ ~ol • • have ~lal 9; fl .......... for !IOI nflll. Fall!Mffc • • eolodi..-~ .,....,.., oho °" lalo !iri.~~. ... .f .. , . FreJ&Pa,,e.tll ...,., S:YEXRS · ••• l!>,-!'!1• ,.-9f t!.~ni•\ Elbberg'• PIY<hlatrm:.. " ' ; . Tar,9.ur!\ .. lhplr attorney~. .J!:br~'J.lll•Q ,off~ed~ wai<e h1' riChtQf tp~aJ iQ exchange t.or. an "alternative.. sentence'' or doing legal re1earc.b for a group . of , ·l"u,eblo! Indians in New Mexico and ll.a1dema.n pleaded ror a ::;en· tence no woise th art Nixon's. Slrica replied th1(de had fivc11 "carertat and ~riofi.S ;u.ougllL to what the prope"r Bentea~ should be'' and ·'l"·i~ ·:,\)iii deter• rent effect on otbm1'. . "Wh~tever B® Haldeman dit.I, so di(!\ Richard Nixon," Haldeman's attorney, JoM J . Wilson, said. "But Nixon is rrec and Halde'man has raced the agony of a trial.'' "Yours.Js not unlik·e the power or pardon,'' he said ... Boll Haldeman stands here facing the possibility of surfering far more than Richard Nixon will ever suf · fer ." Ehrlichman 's new lawyer, Ira Lowe. said that Ehrlichman had been in contact with a Pueblo chief who felt there was a cMtical need in the remote area of the Southwest for-someone with a law back>g1'0und to retiearch the 8,000·mem ber ti'i be1s land.titles. Lo.we read to the court part of a statement by Ehrlichman which noted 'he hild been earlier con· victed of violating the civil rlght.5 ot Ellsberg's psychiatrist. "I'm convicted or violating an individual's civil rights." Ehrlichman said in the state· ment. "'Their (the Indians') rights are in QUeslion eVery day. "I lruly would like tO do that rehabilitation myself,'' Ehrlichman said. "If I do it myself I ·will be inrinitely better for it." Mardian's wire Dorothy and Haldeman 's college -age daughter Jan were the> only fami- ly members in the courtroom. Neither displayed any reaction to the sentencing. f'romPageAl HEIRESS ... minority shareholder in the lrvine--Co111panY~ she does hold the largest block of company stoc~owned by an individual. The stock held by the founda· "tion amounts to 53.4 percent or the issued Irvine Company hold-mgs. Lawyers for both sides share the belief that the key issue in pre· "trial hearings now under way and in the trial itself will be the value Judge Owe ns places on Irvine Company stock. !Lawyers for llhc CaliforDia at· torney general's office entered the lawsuit with the argument that • .state1Jaw.s :a:o~ern tiD.ancial operations or all foundations and the James Irvine roundation is no exception to that rule. Under the federal Tax Reform ·Act or 1969, all tax exempt foun- dations must divest themselves of controlling shares of corpora- tions . Walkout Delayed DOVER, Del. <AP) -Striking public school te"cbers around the state returned to classroorns to- day after de c larin g a moratorium on their three-day walkout. DREXCJ.-HERIT&GE-H~t<REOON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER ...... ~ '·, • · · .NEvvt'V1;1T BEACl1 • 1 ,~'d : . ~ · ~ 1121Wt.;S'l'~~1n·Q,R.. ~2·:i050 . • • . ' 11•.i ,,,.,.~·A-41' N:I' ' LAGUNA BEA!tH. ~ ~ -~ -·~~:!... l-1.~ )f( 'jl ..... ~w.;,~ ... .1.•"·~l · · ·· • ·r6i:iitl(}..,hi:-.• : · · ......... .,... ..... do • • 2:114! HAW'rl'10RJ:iF. BLVb-.,.-o .. •.-..•f.•v DAY~9;. "'5;1q , ~ • "'"'" Pn !•19:Suo.'1t.!i!30/ I , •-"'~ • •ljj>l.Q1'9 4!'u I• I' If ·' ' • .. I Ml• opera ti. profess The manag1 No1 tDdustr Rlcewl Pei ,o(ficer Spas in CCM manai Beach· Og• well as Lei the Cor Wit Brown after I manag Laguna Tl replact re,nU El ore J Tw h e I> U..cb staff. ~ Center Re of sale been a; F4 p DEi Ford 1974 I from . S361 I low es I sincel In Boar( It and ca sa panY ref le 'Vt?lun cover inc re sUll r1 FO four 1 Port in 19 <liry alnm lqss. Ea Mota last ~) . , < " ... n r,i ,..,~ 1JN . ' -~1 -' ~~I!~ " .. _ .. . . t ~ {• P-''9?' IUAll! pr .. llallhalioi p~al~enl or lltCilpaa "lat. I~ "'llerton ~'llWOe!~!ll,tOI l>P~rd , or1'0fU...Nort1uw~ollA>oA~n ,· Iii lhliK was adoc:late<I W11!f North . Co i l!•..-• 1.o Mii!l)ng Beekman In ~ He '"" af tli!!tUUve P1'91Ullil\t and dlrector or Nlll'lllrop from 1861 ~~ . • A Huotln1toirBeach branch of PeoplH Jtederal Sallal• Lo~·· ~uoe,latlon will open la the spr1n'-at9 Adema wl a.&eitN.f,wenasman11er. ~ ii 'Joined Peoples as in 1964 and became a of(lcer la 1870. T~• 11v1nga and loan ciaUOn\-heBdQUartereCf in ewood) has otnces 1n El Tora All!'l>elm. · . .' Anaheim resident J. Donald • talion bas been appointed onal marketing manager for ' ~W Business Credit Services in Long Beach fWIH • Ml_cbael . Chilton has Joined tbe pharmaceutical perat1ons d1v1s1on of Syntex Laboratories Inc as a rofessional service representative. ' · The Huntington Beach resident was rormcrly a credit anager. • Norman E. Pessin has been elected chairman of Health ndustrles, Inc. of Newport Beach, succeeding Robert L. Rice who remains a member of the board of di.rectors. Pessin continues as president and chief executive officer for the firm which operates 141 European Health Spas in the United States. • Costa Mesa resident Howard E. 01t;den has been named manager of technical fli ght lraining for Newport Beach-based Air CallfornJa. Ogden was formerly supervisor of technical training as well as a flight engineer for the company. • LeRoy A. ''Lee•• Brown has been ap'poioted man ager of the Corona del Mar Bankot Amerlt!a. With the bank since 1951, Brown assumes his new position after two years as assistant manager for loans at BofA 's Laguna Beach office The Buena fl ark man replaces C. E. ''Buck" Schueller r*ntly named manager of the Elloro office. Two Harbor Area res1d;nts h e been added to the Newport SHH Marriott Hotel executive staff. The hotel is scheduled to Qpc n April 15 1n Nc'A porl Center. Relnt Reinders, of Ne\lo'purt Beach . 1s the new director of sales and Peter Giacomini, Cosla i\IC'<>;1 resident, has been appointed director of catenng . Ford's Profits Plunge Sharply DETROIT (U Pll -The Ford Motor Co . reported 1974 profits fell 60 percent from record 1973 earnings to S361 million and were the lowest for any non-strike year since 1958. In a financial statement. Board Chairman Henry F'ord I~ and President Lee A. Iacoc· ca said the No. 2 auto com· pany "s earn in g decline reflected a lower s ales ·volume and an inability to re· CQVCr ··unprecedented" cost increases. They warned of still further c utbacks ·FORD WAS the last or the four major autom akers lo re· port sharply low er earnings in 1974 -earnings that 1n Ou-ysler corporation's case amounted to a $73.5 million Jqes. Earnings for Ford, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler last year amounted to less ~n $1 .3 billion, the lowest f any nonstr1ke year since 1958 recession when pro· n felllo$720.1 m1lhon. Ford said "''orldw1de sales increased 3 percent 1n 1974 to a record $23 .6 billion, com· pared "''ith $23 billion 1n 1973. Earnings amounted to $361 million (SJ 86 a s hare), com- pared with $907 m1lhon ($9 13 a share) 1n 1973. FOR THE FINAL. quarter, net income of $22 m1lhon (24 cents a s hareJ "-'as down 61 percent from the $57 million profit (58 cents a share ) in the same quarter of 1973 when earnings alr e ad y were depressed by the Arab oil em-· bargo. IL was the worst non· strike fourth quarter at Ford since it became a 1>ublic cor· poration in 1956 The only lower fourth quarter and total year eam· 1ngs al Ford "-'ere in 1967 when the !irm was hit by a 00 -day strike that didn't end until we ll into Novem be r. The eompany lost $109 million 1n the fourth quarter of 1967 and finished the year with an $84.1 milUon pror1t. l Wheel~ of Change .. ~e world's first fully automatic bicycle tfansmission -the Crosby Bicycle Transmission -wm; on-u!splay ot recent International Cycle Show iii New York. The manufacturer says the gadget, Which shlfls gears automatically on any multiple s}>eed bicycle, wlll double acceleration without doubling eflorls. J Friday. February 21. 1876 OAILYPllOT t!l:I F"'i'#.r.y's Closio(tr Prices I• .. NEW YORK STOCK > ~ EXCHANGE NJW YOltlt 1UPt1 --. $oM """ ~I~ •rt cwtcw • tN f -tH-} Oito' C1'9 .... YrN SIO<.ll UC ........ <:.llPec .ftd 1 ti lT •• < ' No( ~ltl,10 • 1 10 ... \o Sa., 0.. CHI•• C 11 • Jt + Ito ~"t-°""' HOid l4 11 •I !• .... -\l A..,..tL1.12111u ~· ... t:\";0 ·, J! ,i~-·~ AC .. 11142-'0' IC ...... V. t.rl!IOOflll ., S 1'Ao-·.,. ~c; .. ..,f • 1' ,.._ •·· Ur•h• U 4 'II U'l'l 1 \'J "-0~.... • • l'-+ .... cw' &On s > AlllJIJI., ,Ot . . I) ~ lo\ Ckflirl .0 ., I 1°? • I.... : ..,.,...MIU!.. It 2Vt ._., g:•Pl 1.0 1 Jtt liliio • '• ---~rph ·• JU ,..._"" Ttt 1 . .0 • .. 'lO • V. =:;l,.t'~. j ~ 2t.'"~ ~ •lt •C S1 t> 111 Ito• V. ,. t .. 1 »Yt--,,.. c ... rGri 1)b •. t p 1.o, •.• to 10 > i>f\+ "'° C.rlH•I• IO t 1i ltV.-\., . to i 12' ICM>+ t\ C..ttWI pl 1 .. 11 lf .... -V, 1.w;., 1 JJ lf'f-+ 14o CM\ W1! .0 I 1) Jt\ ... ·~ ... ' ... ,. C.u NG' •J 1 t I ll.-'4 .. '.tel ' 1> -+I.... C•lui:o. 8QQ • •I IJ\'t -V. :J .::1-lrl .~ ~ 1;:-·~ i •lt<Trltll l• «I •l~.1 0,., Ak..-to .f n 11""• Vt II~ Ifill 211 11:i..+ to Ai.o.1!11 I 1 11 _ .... BS P<tll •. I 11 • V. A1Hb1tl111 , SJ IUI• l't CC I Corp )I I~ t \', •1Dnrl1t! 60 J I 1•~-~ Cl<O CP I !J ~ 11 ll~o '"" AYIWl.C .:u 1• 1S ,.,.._ .... C.lt nu• 1 80 I UI JO"-. ~ .60 • ' ,....,_..... ~l..,Ull'. '.. • l l 'lt-;,,.. I.JO 1 SJ.6 11V.+ ~ rito If\ Ml •• 7'1 t l;:,, • "lo •• 1 ,, , ..... + '-' tlltt . IJ U SJI 1~1 • ~, u .JO t> " 21v.-..., C.nHua 1 IJ I S 1•', -~. ~ I ...... ,..._ C.t1 111l 1.0. I~ ... ,,, • ,, ,__ '11 ee1111t~ ,,,. .• aoo ''"", \1 M~ 1 J:it-\lo C11!1 PS1 10 • 41 12\.lo • n : ... ~i.cr ~ ~ ~·~ c.nu e 1 1•• .. "*•""' • ~ ... o ' '' CnMPw 1 l-1 I • ll\ti • ' ,. f ' I'll •· C•ntSW I 1• • "'I l•I~-h AU ~ ,) t IOI 16V.-'Iii C.nllSQy Ml I IJ U\o, \/) AlllftGl'p/: S • ).\(< ••• ( •f ' >> 0 ' o~ AUid Ch 1. ' 111 l-I Y•-1""° t n f I 2 l .. AllOM..,. 1 IOS 11 ~-"' C.nUnC'i 0• I 110 1]\t-1 •1111dProd I I II 1•\lo-.... C.•<o C I 10 J " Ul.-o • 'II A 111<151 I.Joi .s " .. n.,..__ y, C.<11'-td .Ml ll ll , .. _ ~. AUii 5'.tPl"llllt •• J •• C..•wi.Att I S ltt 1 5~ • 11'o •Ult c;~ .2• .S 1S. t¥.-Yo Cl'ltrr-.>lntl I S Ul IS'li + ~ Allrtflt.A .5' 7 s 1v •• 11o Chn<•Co .c 11 u.s 11 • :v. AlplWPt ,lt • • '°"'+ V. 0>1U pf1 20 l• 16~1+ '• Alcu IM. •S<I J9\lli •I Ch l11 111 s•, ,14 SI ,11. .. ,,,..ISl.>Q 1• ' 6.J ll\.lo • :i.. Cl'lmpSP .Ml 1 1.0 11 AMAX 1 /J I 111 IOYr+ "'° CNo•Co 100 11 ltO 2 •~• . AMAX pf S'lo 11 99 _Ve Ch•flt NY 1 S 1B 7( -O,o Amtw< JO ' 22 1 ... v. .Ch1•Frn:I n ~1.S .,.. • ~. Amc:ord .1• ' ,. • ...... V. Cll.o>fM 1 l'O • lSS l4'J'J \'1 Amtr•c l 10 I • II~• ••• Cl'l.o• M ll D ?SO 4'•-\o .,..,.,,. 1 Ml , 1 32''• , , Chel••• 10. 11 ~'"' lo Am-H•• JOQ 1 :uJ 11\lo-W Ch•fl1tr I 10 38• 21', ,_ \t AH'' pl J..... 121 .S)V. •• , Cl'lrnNY 2 88 6 20.S J.6~• AmAlrFI ,44 11 ltl 13''9+ .1,;, Cl'le~ C 1 IO• • 11o l2 -,,. Am Alr1UWI 12 116.l 1"'6 + '.to t:ro+•Pd I 31> 1• 111 Slit.• I', Am B•k .to . u i4'o + ""' Cl'I••»• 7 10 1 1•• J7 AB••l'ld 2.61 I ti ~ \lo Cl'I• E Ill 6S S 10 12"'-Amtl<c" to ' 9'l ll'h-~ Chi lo'llw Cp 1 Jtl ,,,., , ~ Am a 1a9 ,. 6 1) t -.,.. Cl'llMllCp pl i 1• ;,, A C.,, 1 2Gol 6 lSJ ""'° . .. Cl'I Pneum J 1 14 16 V. "C-pf l'lo:o. I 12"' ,,, Chi R0<1i. h i.. 21 10 -t-,._ AmClfl MIO . . ll 2'tll • • • Ch<Kli. I' l• • l )Ve • 'I. A Cll•ln I~ 1 10 Ullo+ 'I'll °"" C••ll .• IOC> l~.-'o •mc r•n 11'1 a ~) 15\/o-Yo C11r1 1c r Biot • 10 1"--•1. AmD Ull Wl3 IS U • borom.i 10 S Siio 11 '°1 , , "Ol11T11 S1 11 61 14V.-\to Cl'lrDml ~ S . j SI -1 AmDu.iil ¥.i . 15 )~ .. Cl'lryllrt Cp • 1J1 •'Ii• l • ,\O\,t1 ~ .Ml , 1 11'.lo + Yo °"'/""' WI •• 11 1 .,_ ... AmElcPw l I •S. I,._.... c Mloe .. SI ,,,.,_ 'lo AF•mlty 11 4 Ii J.,..__ 'II Cl Rt .iilly 111 B • •• "' F!11Srs .2'0 • • I I Yo '.. Clti Bell 1 Ml I q 10..... 'lo Alll,,Pf ll'l •. 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CoctBoll .IO IS sn ' -... ,O.m!...: lt\C I • .. 20 • \j, Coldw9• l6 s JI I -'· AMP Inc JI 15 :ns lJV.-1\lo ColKO ln.clu " 1\<t. \o Ampco 101 l 11 t 'I.+ "" Coll'ttt . ..a 111o 311 71..,. • Ampe• Cp l '" • ..,_ • • C.I &"•t «I • t' S:.. • "-Am•ep Carp s ll-1 l 'At .•. (DlllllS FOOd 1 1J 3', Am~l•r 1 10 2 w 31..., t .,.. Col Pen11 .0 I• llltl 3\ • 1 Amstr pl .'8 11 I ColonSI 1.1s 1 ~ 11:i.. AmJ\ed J,10 S 14 .ti •. Coll I,,.,..~ Z J 211 1'1'1-'o Ami.I Ill 31 • ,, 1yt + 'Ml Coup(A l Ml • 2 10"1 • ~. ...,..,Ml 1.20 I lll If> • ColH11 pf 4•,. . 24 ,~,,-I/, AnCl'IHc I OI J 10 IS'loo-Vt (DI &I• 1 Clio I 91 1~'o t • 1 Andot<'Cl•t I S " U°"" • 111. ColG1 pl Sl<t , . 10 Sl"" + '• A"91hc• .12 1 $2l • t .... Col P 0<1U<l1 . IS. l'•• '"' AnWI Co 41 • +( 17-.... ColS Dri I ... I S. l~,_ •. "IM'""C loO S 13 10'M ..• ComOO Com ' l~S 10"° ,_ ..,, ,\pco Ool .fo l 11 ll,_+ "'° Como£ I 10 10 U ! ]A ~. , ,\peco Cotp . •JI 1 .. + '" ComSI ~ 1 "° • I I •1 ~·-..... "Pl. Corp i S l l 12"-• * CmwEa 2 XI 10 H• 21"-APl. pl8 .W . 1 911'> CWE P<l .0 .• )II II'•••., APl.l>IC 1 0.. 11 12"9+ 'lo (wE P< I 1•. I lie,. I AppPptt.n . 1100 11Vi +1Y. c .... Ed pl JI). '~ 1•···· .,. Aol>l"d ~ 21 ?""-Y, ComEd P• I , I 1l + •,. ,\j;j,A Sv l.41J ~le C-..EOpf1•1 . • 11 Arc<11•N » s JJ l'lolo-•1o c -O<' 1 "6.. 1 11 -"' A•clo( En1p •. I 1 -'Iii (.omwEd wt ., & 9 • ••. Arlll•r inc • 16 • (DmEd Bwl 1 ''• Alll PS I» ' 1M I•,,.'·,·, Corn* Ool ~· 11 i i ~-..-l,o Alt &rs.I ... • • -. C*O•IO! I JI J7 H-.-"'° "rkltG 1.10 S M 214'o -'1 Comm S•t I I 72t JJ""' +II'> Art•nRUO• 1•1 1~-'/, Compugr• I 11 1 lf'J'J -'I'> Ar~ Cp • l •I'll + •,. Comput• s~, 1t U 9 l'o • I,(, Aunc:ol.0. I ll6 11 -'• CD" .. Qft\n I) ''•• \.'o Alm pf 1 10 , 1• 21 °"'-'• c""~M 110• • ll 70 • -,,_ At ......... '"" 1140 SI • , C»nnMI 1.60 8 I 12•o • ~o Arms C• "116 111 2111'>• "° C«l••<C .0 I t It"°-• .. ArmC l>IJ ~. r700 •I -1 Con Ed JOD • 114 10 .... "'"'" RuttD s 1t 12"", \It Con1Ed i>l 11 s \1'•• ,_ ... 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IWllOMI Iota I I 2rll , Mlal•nd R 1 1 tlA ''"', .... MohnLD I 71 I 11J 11 .... ~ 'lolo Mll!lllh 3'1 I "4 ,...., • , MMl.M l J~ 10 1111 11~-+J.,._ MlMPl l" I 11 IS',._ l't Mlrf'G Al ... I S 11V.-~ MlunEQ .11 I 19 11 -"' Ml~~Rw 1.10 4 2Q ll'lo -v. M0PK Pl 1 ,, IGl) ... +\o MoPrtC l Ml t. 1 19l o-"" Mo PttS MQ • .. ~ 9'11o-:i.. Mob!lt Hom IS 1''>-'"' Moll•IO\ l •Q 6'il •Ho '"' Moh,(0 1 20 • ~J IJ -~· Mol'l•wk DI , JS '"•-V. ""'°"lllfk RD 1 9 14 11''• "" Molycr11 .10 i 81 71V>• ;,;,, Mon•rchl 1 • 1s 111~_,_ v. MonoQ<•m 3 t l I~ ~• Montoe.t. 14 I 211 I"..-v. Monw111 40 llo .fSI U • (, Mon$ p• '"" l J sa•., v • MontOll 1.ot I 11 214...-'I. Monf>w 1 ICJ a ll 21,,._ "" Mon;S 1 I0<1 ll'I 12'\'o-~' MonyM llD I 1111 6'/• • ''o MP<w' M 1 10 ' 118 4~'1.t l'lll Mor9JP I IO 14 1!l S~ v, MOrrU(n M S ll 111V.-~-M99'~ 1!1 P< JO JV.+"' MonSh . IOI:! 6 31 2'1'o-\.'o 1'1119t r. "'" . 11 '"~-,,.._ Mor1"'0' ... I 111 IJl'll• 'Jo Motarol• .10 1s 11o11 .. , 1 Mt F~I Sup 14 m JO',.,_ I'll Mt$tl•l 1 .~2 'I 11 1914 + .... MilllfOl:d 3' 5 11 I ¥11 + ~~ Mt,inld pf .4(1 ,, 10 SV1+ V. Mun9A'Q 1.Qll 6 IJ lll't-'llo MuroCol.10 o s ni.. v. MufpM>I .Ml .f 11 19*+ tto MllffY 0111 4 JI IS.,..._ '!lo MM10m l.Jt . . 9 I~ . M'/'er~ L -'°'1 1 11 6''9 •. -··-HMMKo1l011 .. l11'11 +1.'lo fW/cOCh .Ml11 .ti 11.ft+I .... Harco lic .60 9 J1 1~ 'Jo N•s'-C .60 ' Sii '6'f•-Yo ftMAlrln .50 • HJ 1(WI.--""' 1"1Av11 .nti . • 15 »Mi--\lo Nill C.n .SJ s 121 11 + v. Htcnpll\'o .. • l1'11 • 'I'> Mo.msro 11 1't 11 Jtl'lo + 'l'o Nt CllyL .tO • 1'I ™-V• NtDtlrt J SJ S 1• JS -V. Ntl~I 1.10 I 110 1•111 . NUF.alGs l 6 ll 20'11 + 'Ao NII Gyp I.OS I 112 12~+ 'lo N•tl Hom•i , • It> J -'I• N•l lf'\du .2Q J 26 4Vo + 'II N_tollnd~t . .0., I I ... N•I lp18 1\1• .. l ll'tit • N•1Mtg FM . ll I ... + \lo N•Pr•ll.10 s J 19'A+-'I• NII Sflmi(On 12 774 17\ll+ \lo N•t St•v 77 6 4J tft-'lo NISl-901 11 U +~ N\St•r<h .llO ,. •s •JV ... ""' N•t SU 2V.• I 16S J1~ "'° N•tt T•a Co 40 S-\\+ Y1o N•tomi. 1.20 3 •?a •l,,......IV• NCR Cp 11 1 '3' J} Neptune .•O & • 'If'• N1.• p,. I.Ill j d ,,,,.,._ ~ N•P pf''·'°., 1610 2i -.... N1wPpl I Ml . zlOQ 11 -'"' NE1K1EI 1.1# B )9 11.-I'll NEGsE 1.21 1 11 lJ -"" NE9TT 2 li11 1 21!/•t I'• Newh•ll )i 9 '6 10 -V. Nwmnl I tO S 12• 21""+ ~ Nwmnpl •V• . l 11 -1 NYSEG 2.10 1 )<I 11 + 'Ao NY11tpl 2.12 •. 1 1l'll . N1119~ I.II ' 1t.l 11'4+ 'I. ,.,•Mpt l.Ml •. dO li'h• y, No•MPI I 8S • llO ..av, ... ""!&h 810 . :aJ 11;,:.+ .... Nl nd~~t I I 7S. 14'/• Nl T Crp .60 I )<IJ 11'1•+ "' Norlollo.W) S 6 91 •1:i..+ 'Ao Nor lnCp I"' 3 to 1'1/o • Norroi. 1 11 S .., 1••t.+ "lo r-tA Coa1 81> q 32 2111.-'l'o NA Ml9 IOI:! .f II ,...,.._ .... NAmPh 1.10 s 2• i sv,....."" NOCnA"I WI • , t I'll<+-.... Noe$IUI I OZ S 5M l 'lt ... No!llG\ I "1 8 lS 21'1'1+ \lo NHGspr 1 "6. J 2l'11 + \I• NolnP'!> l J6 B !I li -+ °"" NoN:Gs l 10 S 1.JS SS -~. NoStPw 1.M 9 90 21"'-• .... NoSPpt l .14 •• 1110 Q 'h+ I NoStPw pl I., zlllo ICJ ~2•h NSP pl 10 J6 . LI)(! 101 + V, Hn"9•1 6)(1 1 Jl I -\o't N«tl'lrp I Ml S 19 14¥.+ "' HUVPof I I S I U -t -"' Nwsi.4..,1 •S s .1$4 ~ • ...., ,,. ... a.11 I '° 9 •2 .S7!1t--"" Nlllfsl 111 1.10 J 110 l1"1o+ "" Nwlt lndws . II 13'1/oo +l:,.. Nwi;tl11pl i .• 70 IM +3 Nwstlpl4,10,. J I '3~+2'Jo Nw1tlnp!C S. S U +2'1'o Nw Mii ,Jib 1 JI I~+ 1<'11 NwPI ct . .f>ilb 1 JI 18'At •. NwSll 1.0. t ll ll'h+ "• Nrll\ CP 1,10 S •4t 1•""-'I• NortnSi ot0g 10 J11 111At + ~ Nr1Sl pf1.6.ll .• 61 39\lo +n\ Nu<orCp .21 l 1J IS-\.\ NVF Co 20ll 1 IO 11---~ -<30-0... ,..., . .-0 J JS l'l't+ v. Gilli.1t9Pr .&4 1 ' ..... _ . OCCld P .25b J JOSI IS -l.'!o O<coflP1 pl• • 11 ~ • <1o Otcptpf l w .. )i ta•,<,• ,_ 0C<PIP1216 .. l 21 +\lo Ogden Ctp I ' 263 JO -\lo ()QOn pl 1.81 6 lO'f·-'. Ofilo Ed I 1111 • 36' 1~1'. • '·l Ol'I E pl C.311o •. 1100 SO'h-'"• Ol'IE pl 10 111o , 1100 \OS -'" 0.1.iGE l 40 I I •2 21 'h+ Vo Oll!.iiNG 1.60 ' 1• 7'''9-.... Olon Cp 1 10 l li lltlo ,. , Olonkr•ft 1 4 14 IS-Y1o Oma •ktn .SO 1 21 fl!. .. Clne•d•L .16 .S I t~ Yo ()pflo~ M I 9 J II".--'-' OrnqtCo 11 • 1' • -V. OI" ~kl I 10 • )I IU'h-l.'!o OtoJ E1 2.20 S 101 'ltl.'!o •. 0...tbdM 1 ?O 8 Ho IS'!N , •• Outlet Co .10 • IJ ~ •.. 0..F'Sl'lpn Ii • 1• 1-.+ f'I 0-..Tr"il .IO S Jt 171'11 • v. Owen.CF .K IS lJO l S\o< +\'Wt °"""'Ut I 11 1 16 l'°" • 'Wt ew .. up11 .... •II-I'll 0.tordln Ml ] • 10 + I'll --PP- P..:;A1n l XI n IJ.-.-... ~(Gr, l.M 1i S 21V.-V. h< l.'91 ... t l6 ""'" "-c:Pf'ttl 7S ' Q 10 • '-PM,..., I loO • Ill 111.4-.... Pie T~T I,~ t If IS''"-14 ~ T&lptt ., ttll 11\lli +-'" PIK l1n .ICll • 11 ' -\~ ... IN wtb6 •• Sl 1,_ , , Pai"""'! I.JO . ll 13 + •. ,...1 ... 11'1 ts ' 2J l '" -•. ~kl• Inc. t 1"1 ·~•-.._,, Ptn ""' Air • )S&J •~• • •to "-ntiwldl• 2 1 Ill 330,. ,_ ,,., P-rcll .o s 4' ,.,,_ v. P•r91, 91 1 1 nv,. ,,. P•rll"n 1 11 S ' 16'• P•<li.rP .. II • 9 11> P•sto Inc I •• 19 Ptyles1 JO I 1t 1 1 ~, PlttbGI Ole 9 31 I•"-'lo Ptnn Cent• , • 2•3 f ',• • loo ~y I 1• 11 S91 S1 '.I. •I\• Atnnoi. l• • tt ' Fiotn11Pl I 10 6 S6 I·~ • PPlpl ll.00 .. 1100 111~• • 'I• PPL Pl l ,10 •• t10 90 PPLpf l .6d ,t llO 91'>•1 PPLpl l lO .. 1JO 91 -'l'I PtP&l pr I 140 es • I Penwll 1 ]II 1 ISi 10~ • \t ~nnw1111'1 .• 4 JS'••" P.,*I pl I 60 ll 10---'!, Ptrwua1 1.2<1 6 tOI 10t•+ "• Pt11toh pr I . s 1911.-\I. P4'Qpl 0< 10 q 3 S'I• PttoPG~ l ."8 h •1 l o -'" Pep1ICo I CO 16 1H SI -'o Petklnil 111h fl 1S>\o + f'I Pel inc 1 10 1 Jt 1l't. + t-1 ""' lfl( .,, 1 I 1 1~. ""' Peter Pi llO 18 '"' • , Ptttoe ~1 ffQ 19 14 •~\t • \\ ~!tot..,. •• I 16) IS , , , Pt1t1C I /\Ct IS lllott • '"'•1•r 11 .. 1e llD 1s-..+ •11o l>l>r!P 0 l 10 I !OS 31'1\ • "" Pl'IUa Ei l 14 I 1'2 IJ .. + 10o Pl'lllE ll)l '11 1 1100 11 -\') PhllE lpl t•~. l lO t i ""E•pt 1 •~-· 110 7• •. Pr.fl p l I 80 11<1 1JVi-I'll Ph11EJpl 1.. IJIO 7J • PhEI J.)ll flo8 llO •~''11•1 ..... 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PfDCt l Gt 2 '' SM t1 -1\lli PrOORt t>O I f I -'A Prolt• lnl IQ 1 1' 12 .. \II IDS.A Ine ll •t S..,_.,_ f'U!.C(ll 1,20 ~ 118 1)"' 1 \.\ •s.c;ol pl I IS 11n ,. ..... , t (!loll <'- ~t•G 1.lt I :WI •• PSEG ... 1 1(1 • I IJ • "" J>SEGl>f 1 11 •• 1$0 Sl l'r ••• P'SEG.fij 6 IO 1100 6' • \ PSE(,pt I 11 •• 1\JO I• • llh P5EGpl I 1!1 • 1t tO II , 1 PSEG.cll • •t 1110 t i PuStlNltS. t 111 34\\• l'9 l'ilnd pl J~I,, 120 (2'h • ~~ PSlndPI I ot . 1SCI 11 -I'll PS .. ~ .... • llJ 11 ..... • II. PS."'M• I 10 1 JI \]\,,-~' P'!..Dlo(lo fr SI } )1 •~• ~0101 30.i ' s~ l f'\wtlRC 11 ~I I '• F'\J.QISP I 9t 6 JJ J)lr> . 11\i(mM I IQ I 11 Ii'•+ .. P!..re1CpNI 2Gll'o-l'e P\lr11.,, ''" . )l) 1~ •• Pl.oroitt• ~o ~ Ill J I~•, \:. --QG-Ouol~01t IO 10 61' 11 • ~. Ouol'0•1PI l J 1~-'6, 1" <NtkS01 1-1 \I ISO 1a~, 0ut>IOr 1• S 6 .. -Rtlt !on 'IO lb 111'1 •I"° R•....a. u 9 .tlO J llo -'• R•n~o 1.., '7 s 1~ 1n. '• R•Qta Am I a 101 .,_ -'. 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J 31 • P•• Rt•n pl U , I 71V> o l R~y lnd1tf I 909 SI\. 1\~ Rt 1ln Pl 21,. 7l SS 1-1~1 Rt1nM1ot l.o l 111 18• o -•, RevMtpl •'n . 8 )1 , • • Re1..,5.ec SO 11 10 10 ~ '• R•!Mra~" I 1 21 10'• • " R0<hMfr 1-1 12 118 17',, '• R<llmrMI IO 1 ~I IJ"" -'• Rlt0tT• I 'XI • 16 11•1> '• Roo(;r In 60 ~ llS lllo• '• R•oGt' pl IO 6 ' ~. R!lfA<d .lll2 S14 111.-'• Ro"1tnt ,to ' ~ 16'" , . RobSl'll• .90 ' '' 11"'--'h RQllfl$ll lJO 6 I I~'"-~. ~O\lltl' 14• 14 6?S u ~, + '!. RothG 1.Jo.Q 8 24 IJ .. ,-~. RochTe1 .1l. 9 111o 11~.-~. Rocllo•r ·'' J ll 6~•-\o ROC:li.-41 12 11o 11o• 23.,_ + V, Rock p1 .,,. • • 2 se .. ,." RcM:k pf I JS • 4 7Dt\ •• RollmH 1JI 10 2Jl llol..._-t ) ROl'lr 1 ... 0 ,to s S6 ,.,.._ .... Rolllri.ITI ?SI] 39 11 ..., + 'lo RonSOf\ ?IQ 9 1 ''• RPPl!•C I 10 4 IB 11 '" • Rorer,\ QOll 1>11 J•~•-\.o Ro.,.fla .0• 16 2Sl l8~o-1 '1'o No~.ol CC 1-1 11 1? 10.\'o~ ~. RoylO 2 111:1 3 J•I 31:io.+ .... 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Tr•ntWA pl . l lt\lo-"'° Tr11Wfl MO 6 .0 t • ..... f rilvl<' 1 OI 10 1'3 11 o 1-. Tr•Vltt pt 1 • I 31 t II TRE Cp SIJ.I Ii S'h--... TrlConl .Jlll .. S• ill<. r .. cn p1 ,..., ,-1 lli.-.t "" Tri So Ml!I' 10 l""+""' 1 f•f\911 90• • s 11:i.. •.• Tt111 Pac .•o ' t lo,(ot '°' f rln•1Yln .IO • '"6 11""+-:Ioli Tr111•n1 20d ll I" 111'1 + I" TRW In I 10 11o IW II .. TRW pt I Y,.. 2'.2 il'Ao-IV. TRW pr •.•0,. ! JJ't't--"" Tuc10nG ..... 1 104 10\llo+ \olt TwCF• 11ld 11 " I'!\+ 'Ao TycoLD 10ll 10 tJJ ,,..,._ ;w, Tyler Cp '° 1 11 11'4-fll -uu- UAl lnc . .0.. S S11 18'/t-l'I Uarco I !C• 3 I 19'1•-'I. UGI Cp 1.32 1 S 1~+ ~ UMC in.clu I S 42 I~ •.• UME TTrst . •1 1\lo--\lt Un.r<o so J 2 10\lli+ "' Ut!INY 1 lW. 7 1 Q'Jo+ lofo Un Bnc p .&4 S l>t T'llo-W. un C•mr 1 1 106 so + t.lii UnC••tt «I '129S """• A u n comlU 6 2• ~ , .• union Corp 11 •S • .._ ••• Ut1EIK 121 I 43J 11 .... + "'° UnEI pl2 11 •• II l S\olo-\II UnEI Pl •IO .• tlOt.l -tl UnElec:r,tt 1 IO +J .... 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WPo!wl'I 1,30 S J0.4 Ill.Jo ..• -lpfl ?C I 24"'°+ • World Aorw l 10 ,,.,_ .... W'101Y1.0.11 10 ,10.-+ \.I WU<'lUtt Cll . l S"''-"'° Wyly (prp • I• 2:i.-Vo -•1'1- 1C1ro• CP 1 1• !Ot1 J•le• \.\ Ql°ltl llt( 10I l 11• l \lo + i. 'vtt•i lnau' > tt I l•l•COr11 .1•' ... ,,_,_·;~ ',•i.!:11111 ICI .. 14 IJ • ~ lfN'I• 4"' 4 p 1•,_,_ :i._ Zaci.U. pl I • I JJ:i.-•W l.•v•• Cor p 3 4J ,_ • " l tnotlllt•d I 11 11'1 1:l4, ..., lUO'll In.cl 11 10 JQJ , ' + .... [§ Help•,....,.. y..,"""' !ft '"" OAILY PILOT ... t. h_ h ,, .. ,., ... ,,. , " " " "· .,. ' > '" ... , " " • i • ( ' 1 • • ' ' • ' Mast 'BliStei-ed'·. ~ '-..... -. . ... ~ .. I ' .. ' By WIWAMSCllREIBElt By TOii! BAJiLEY cul& ·~!mmOd'l~••ly appeal \he'· 'mU.h ll'rlte In jall forthie ,~.,; o.•o.i1rP1tet sutt 0ttMD•1t1Pu•S4frt dtc1sl~. Tr-' cltren.se~ but,I amsatllfle4tbat.r.ba.'"' _SANTA ANA -_1be structure of Orange County SANTA..ANA:,... O,range county • " ,' this ~ase, lt was unawibble, 0 .. • l over?i°'ent's nedgling se<.-ond ·super-agency bas 1ail Ca.Rt. Bill Wjt.llace and Dis-JUdJe .Mast dismissed the 'Enrijtat said. ''We think-Jud1e been chaitenged by Supervisor Ralph Clark, who trict Attdrne)' Cecil Hicks' chief drunken dri Y\n II allegation M'as~Was·wtong to take thia kind', Wants Jt ~stripped or authority over tour depart-aide joined' forces today in a ~gainst .Don~we because. the ofafflon." " •~ ments. blistering attack on a judge who ludge said, lhe long, 12-hour stay DepUtY. District Altorney Orel~ ln a letter. to his lellow board members, Ofark tossed oul dru nlcen driving in jail violated his constitutional ta 8ear&1\'wholbas beea-nO.medb.v,1 stu(I be will ask Tuesday that the county libr&ry, charges filed agains t an Irvine right.a to .prom'pl processing by EnriS'ht•to 'handle tJ:ae appeal. ailllOrl, •gricultural extension and refuse disJ)OSal maq.. any law enforcement agency. condem~ed Judge 'Mast'.s nine .. , departments be removed from the new General Judge Mut added that the ·page op'inion supporting hlt,po8i"' Services :Agency <GSAJ. Santa Ana Municipal Court ~al riff's of fie:~ and the county lion as ••absolutely inored.ible.>• , He said the functions of those units do not pto-Judge Paul ~ast',s decision to J 1 had a lobg history of suc h . / • perly fit into the GSA, which he said is designed as free Howard Manon Donhowe. violations and this factor played WAIJLACE POINTED OuT·· an "umbrella organization" for those departments 60, of 14851 Jeffrey ~oad, 8 role in his decision lo fret that Donbowe was just one of143 which provide services within county government. because he spent ~2 hours in~ Donhowe. • .cJrunken driving oflenders jail last Dec. 20 was lashed ~Y booked! tnlo the Jail duriilg a 24. SUPERVISORS VOTED 3-2 three weeks ago to Walla~e as_'.'simply tidlcul0'15-' IUS~l>ECISJON opened up the ·hour period last Qec. ~· _ form the agency by consolidating aJI or parts of 12 _ . posslbllitY that-drunken drivers •·11 was the heikht Ot,the independent ~unty departments. '"JUDGE l'IAST ~idn't even 'booked Into th.e county jail after Chr~stmas Se'asori wfieil drunkeii Itwas thesecondsuchreorganizationin theb_other to go_1nto the theeffe<:tivedateoftheopinion drivers come oUt'of the past nine months the first being creation of the En-circumstances behind that 12· might also seek dismissal of woodwork an·d we just don't have vironmental M a~agement Agency (EMA> com-ha:ur:: stay," Wall~ce said. "Cer-charees if th~y are held in the the personnel to process them Pfised of departments dealing with advanced plan-ta1nly, 12 hours is much lon~r facility for longer than four any faster than we did that day," rung and the environment. than usual for a drunken driving hours. the sheriff's jail captain said. ., I ' • , ·sear,s . . ,JO,U may be abl.e to hear better with )f '-.Sears Behind-the-ear r.."~ · . HEARING AID ... . . Witli ~djustable o~tput control Be~ind .. thc-Ear Aid Regular •299 P riee. Effeclivc 1hru •'rid11y, Febru•ry 28 Aili. AbcKil Suln Cuavcaical Credit Pl•••· • When the GSA came before supervisors for ac· offense, but there wer~ excellent "We think our appeal will take l'ntend to tak "t t t l th p I a I d "-,,·,1.·oiun Guariuttecd ' . • '. - t1on Feb. 4, Clark and Supervisor Robert Ballin r.easo •• ns for that Jong incarcera· care of that,'' r.nright said. •·we Call '42-5678. I SeafS I voted against it on grounds certain departments t1on , e I o cour a e u •w wor • ~ ... did earliest possible dale. 1 le f '"" \'our ~loaey S.ei. .n't'belo~g in the new a_gen~y. r~C~h~i~e~r ~D~e~p~u~t~y~D~,~· •~ti;i~·~c~t ~A~t~to~r~n~e~y-,~~·:.i~~h~a~v~~.~~~··r· r~· y~-i~~yCm~p~•~lh~y~l~or~~·~~o~w!o*r _o_'_Y-;0~·~·~~~~~~!J.!==;:=~~=============~ Supervisor Ralph D1ednch , who fat~ered the James Enright £nnouncedhis <le. the detenda"'l ·Who sp~cis;·• "" .. In the i1f.iiijQl11il u.ua,--..ot4"t>co. agency concept and pressured for creation of the ,, , ~ .., , . . t -····-··· ·- GSA Thursday lashed Clark's challenge as a loser's ~·~· ••' •"!"••••IIl"""""!iii••m!!-"il'!!·~ ..... i.~"'••••iililIIlm•iil•••lil•llli••••lil••••••••••t "sour grapes." : " D IRC.-COSIA .. MESA ~'I think it is very inappropriate for the losing side of a board vote to come back so soon," Diedrich said, "This kind of nit-picking really gets me, particularly since he has almost no evide nce to support his claim.'' · DIEDRICH SAID the board will always re- consider items if a mistake is made and proof is of- fered. , "Nothing about this super-agency concept is "fixed in concrete and if changes are proven necessary then they can be made,'' Diedrich said. "I can't believe he (Clark ) is doing it t hi s way and I am a little surprised," Diedrich said. "Maybe its the heralding of a new dawn in board practices.'' The Fullerton supervisor said he pl ans to lobby hard before Tuesday's board meeting to make sure the two supervisors who voted v.·ith him last time are still on his side. Supervisors Thomas Riley and Laurence Schmit favored the GSA concept in its current con- figuration. DIEDRICH NOTED that the El\IA has already been changed when the Department of Real Proper- ty Services was removed ttom that agency's fold and placed in the GSA when it was created. The county road and refuse department, headed by L. Ted lt1cConville, was split in half by the two agencies, but, if Clark has his way, the d'- partment will be reunited. In his letter, Clark suggests that the refuse dis· pGSal division of the road department be put back mto the EMA along with the airport department. He .said they are direct services to the public and "therefore are inconsistent with the overall concept of the GSA ." Clark also noted they have direct and significant effects on the e nvironment and planning. THE OTHER TWO departments suggested for removal from the GSA, library and agricultural ex- tension, "are also direct public servjces but are es- sentially educational in nature,'' Clark said. He will ask they be left a lone until creation in the near future of a social services super-agency. The other depa rtments put into the GSA include transportation and communi cations, building serv~ces, Pll:rchasing, purchasing-printing, data services, Office of Eme1·gency Services, space con- trol, registrar of voters and real property services. Diedrich said the makeup of the GSA was given considerable study and would continue to be probed fordefecls, if they exist. Other Deaths NEW YORK CUP[) - Actor Robert Strauss, 61 , who appeared in the fih;ns ''StalAg 17" and the "'Bridge at Toko-ri," died Thursday night due to complications from a stroke. LOS ANGELES <AP ! -Edward ••cookie'" Falrcblld, 76, musical director and conductor for lhe Eddie Ca ntor and Dinah Shore radio shows and man y Dean n a Durbin m ovies, died Thursday. ALTADENA (UPI! - Dr. 1Wlltfam E. Branch, 81, onetime pe rsonal ph ysician of s u c h Hollywood star~ as Jean Harlow, Joan Crawford and comedi an Harold Uoyd, died Thursday at a hospital here. Death Notires . MA•SMM...L RAY V. MAftSHALL, "'-'°"'1 of a.tbM 15-IMllll. 0.1• o1 clHtl'I Fetto.owy 1*1'1, 1f7S. H~ of -I•• Sl1tlki ~rl -..-.11. s.-vlftd bf' l'll1Si1- -. LOuiw ,....._ ol Gt-•:,...__ e ... 11 PYg11 o1 ~: "" ~= S•rYICltS will lt• "'•Ill S•lurll•Y. Fftirwry 21nd • ll:tG AM. P-cifk vi.w CNpe1 wilh Of". Pl'llllp G. Mun"_... otfkl•nl. In lifll or tio-r1 tt. 1...,11., MlllQHll cotllrlbulloltl lie mldlt lo The Amerlc-C.1ncer SOc:lely. Entomt>-ment PKlllc Vie .. lrMmorl .. P•r"ll, Ne.,port B••cl'I, ca. l'acltlc View MOrt\IMY dW.c Ion. HAN!J.S I..; GAllY 8. HANKS, belo d son ot Jea11h1tte ft od91tr1 anll r . Carl RolSon ; t>eloYltd t.llller of Qlrtstopl'lt:r 8 . ...ci Ro'l.lld F. H•n-11 1. Also Alrvi"wd by •-sisters. Servlc1t!i today 2:00 PM al OU.nan Million Mor!ua,.,, ~ U.rdlt<I Grott Blvd., Gap:l•n Grow, Ca. 8 !11100 Rusw1 Molcllay, GMoen ,• Gro111 Sl oln W1rd, olflclallng. Tne -,.;;;O========'°' r1m11y reQu1t1ts don1tlons 10 Tne 1••, Kidney FounO.Uon. GROW IALT%-IEIGllOH ~ fUHEIAL HOME (arOllO del Mor 67J.'f4:i> ~o Me~ 046 2424 llUllOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broodwoy. Co1010 Me\O 642-q l ~ Mc.COIMtclC MOITUAIY la;p.ino Seoch 4q4 '?1!!1 So-i m-. Ca?v•or>o ~%-1776 PlllfM.MtLY COl.O ..... .__ .. L HOMI 71)1 Bol.o A've., W~"' 89).)§?S IPH EGE NI.._ "'1 · GROW. 100l Oel;iw•re Street. HuntlnQlon Be.ch, <:.t.. Q-qrn ~tplC'mb1tr 1~n1, 1891 1n Oklill'lomt. Oil!C' ol de•lh FebrUilry 11tn, 1t7S in Newport li1tKn, Cl. Sunil111td by ner \on, Burl c . Grl!W of Hunllngton Be•tn; one or11nck.nlld, two arffl-<;1ranckhildfl!n anct -nitphew. M.r1. Gro., WilS a member of The IWtleccil L~ ol Anilhelm. Sltrvlca #llt 1111 lwld ilf 1;00 PM to.Illy, smltM' o..i-1 with or. Maymonct E. 8K-er- ;ng affklilll,.. lnter-nt, Melrow Ab- bey Me._lal Park In Ant1Mlm,. Cl. Sml!M" Monuary directors. ALOEllM>N WlLLl.._M. H. ALOEl\SON, ...sideflt :it Lao.,... HUii, Cil. 0111t of ON!h l'etorulry 1tlh. 197S. na!IYe ol ~. Rill. Chltl'TM<al En.gl!'lltilr for 5"1!11 Oil to, S11rvlv1td tly Ill• •Hit, JilMl Ald<tr\On; on;e dilughtltr, IC•ltMrlne Fiu OI Full•"°"· Cll ; h"O Q'•andiotl$, Chilrm and Andr-. F11Mr•I ..,rv1u1; fllill .. Mid s.11.1rday 10:30 AM. SI.. Nlchol•1 C.!llollc Cl'lurcl'I, El T0'11, C.. lnlltt"rnenl, AICill'lllOfl Cemlttltfl', El Toro. 81tll Br•~way Cost• Mesa MDr..,.y dl..Clors. LIEST• It MICHAEL 0 , LESTER, 211t Llnlon St., "°51a /IWM, Ca, 0.1• of dfftl'I F1tbr1.1ar, io, 1911. $1,!rvl...ca•by ti!• Mte1111 •n• e ra11d·1t•tel'llt; fololf .....,.,...,, Terr,, Flodfttoy, Jfltr1y ...i O.orfd; Jwr ll••n, "Tert, Lym, ,,..._ ...-. _,. El'-n .,_. Tr"-'Y· setvl<ts •r• '"""''"'· Bell &rNtl.,•y C.St• ,MIN,,.,"*"'·...._.''°· aV.t.NI ~ JllUlllL\. EVANS, Y•1lcfe11t el l!fltw.,n a.ac11, c.. O•I• ~ dMllh f'Ct.-...r1 2111. lt1S, :.•rvl(H ilflt• ......_ ~cttk v1 .. Mtmorilll ,... ~,.~e.acfll. swmtl" MOITU.AIY JOHN O'H.t.:~~~1 er......,.., •» MQin St. c.. Dt~ .. dteth ,..""''' IO, ..,,. ~C)ll 8e\Jt11. ~r•Klt1 .,. !*ldlne. 'JflM~ Vie:!I! • • J • • /,,_ ~ " VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION ••• ; Save Now at General Tire! I . ' A great time to buy! And a great tire too! The lamous General Poly.Jet, with wide 7- rib tread design !or start/stop traction .. _ 4-ply polyester cord body lor a smooth ride and durability . _ . and wrap-around shoulder tor steering control. Why settle for less. 1.,t>e1eU llll•ct.•alJ. lubel••• bl1c>-,,.1I! '"bllit•s Dl•c•••ll. pl.,s $1.A3Fea.t•.l•• 1>!u1 1T14Ft<t E• lo• pl .. 1$2 41Ftd {•I~• G78·14/15 H78·14/15 S2695 S2895 tubeless OIEt;wao. Plut S~S5 1t•5~6:f F~,[• 1•~ 0•1><ndor•11~s11• lllbeies•IM.U"'•ll l>IUS '? 11Dt 12 s:I Fed E._ l ••depending on s"c L78-15 s3ws ·Loo·..,t.<o.,:•-.... \1 11,.\1Uf""' I• !Qo~<"-·• WHITEWALLS ONLY $3 MORE! STEEL BELT ( -:.. RADIAL TIRES BR 78-13 DR 78-14 1 SliCJfit llemsJ G 70115 JR 78,15 LR 78~15 ., ALIGNMENT SPECIAL HIGH SPEED :. ' s1o's. WHEEL · BALANCE ' • s109s -e>Cl'llnQ.I Fec1 E• !1oO 1011 IS .... , . . , .... .... tllall your , $695 · choice u, Lots of Non- Skid Tread Free Installation ·coMPLETE BRAKE RELINE s5 ·99s _ .. _ .... ., . ' 1. tl'ls1ai1 NEW heav)" duJy linln;on all 4 wheals! 2. Aebl.llld the cylrntiel')-'on aq Wlieels! ".3,.Bteed brake9-inslall h8a'l'.Jdu1y bri;lte "uid. 4. lnspeot bral<.e irelurn.-tptings, 'II 11r; 5., TUfn and true au 4 btakadruma .• •6. Re!"ack front whe&I. bearinga. COMPilCT & STilMDilRD Extra charge for larger or air conditioned cars. setting torsion bars ... an~ parts if needed. s3•· 7. Adt\lst biakes.•nd .check &rT)llrg~ l~tt- J 8. R~ test your aw omq~Je1 , "" ,., , . ilMllllCilM C4RS MOS'! C.US . • • .• SWe·d·lund· 28$5 HARBOR BLVD.: ........ - aodl-COsta Mesa • •· ·I. ~. c •-·: CO.~ST ~,,, ·~ ::GEN,~1RAL , TIR 'E Phone 540-5710-646-503;3 • ' .. Sl6-6SJ9 ..__, .. ,..,.. Mar11.1.ry, Nl'WPOM ________ _,_ . . -~, I ii J • ' \ ' \ I I • • • v< - J 'l I I I .~ ·~ .. ' ' I I iJ tJ a .~ ' • ' 1 ' • ] 'f I • d ~ \ s c d \ f I • 1 1 • 1 , -•• •• '?" •• ---~ ~ - • • . -. - f I • t ~ -~~ ·---~..._ . -. .. -.-·-::: I - . -Jo ii,,... ... • .!:i. t , j ' ~ · ' • • • 1. -. --· . ., --. --.. .... • . - ' Teday's Clo8lng • N.Y. Stoeks . ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 19~5 TEN CliNTS ••. ---· JV~ • -' •• .. .. • :· -· -"eJ -.---~ ~:NjXOn Mo:µey 'Waste' C:laim BJ FREDElllCK SCROEMEllL ~ O! .. IMll'TP!'*"s..tf . '' Sp Cleniente,PoUC..auet·¥el . Pottner, today SqlUIJ'Oll olf wl\h '~ov. E'dmuiid Bro-WO Jr. over Ute eover:nor's bla&t ~uNcfay that the city -waited $519t000 in a.ntl-.crlme , money N,:Fot~tlng for.mer 'president ltiellaid 'M . · Nixon· during his •San•ClelDelfle Wsite. 1-' BI1>Wll Joked Thursday lbat ~ a residence. 1".o tell hjm to &et his elty~mlght lauacb abatemerit 111• O)lt yf to!"n? ,No war. ·no 'Proc.tedln.&s a.gains' the Nixon way,'' Portner-fired back. , .realcfi!nc8' if it didn't like pro-Brown made ,t.he r~tTlarks -ble~1 created by, the foc:;mer pre· critical of.San CleJ!l.ent'e's use of , •l!IF,t>I, 1 the !ederal•gra¢•.before a meet· • ''.l'<t!!onally, I lbink that's a inc-of )llreetor'i.. and offjcers of V~ry. l!f!.Qr rem af~.·· Portner caurorn1a's Criminal Justice '!J'd. •aia. '.':.\batement means to get. Planning CouricUs,. ~.. -~ollt. • ' • ~ ' · He sallfthe $200 'inilllort U, iinl,I'· ' , "lfhe:we baveia.--n\'an.who' has crime funds sJ)ent slhce 196'l·w,ent '.... ' t:J! . ~... 1 _, _ .. _.1 ' ' . toward programs that turned out to be "boondQggles." . _. The San Clemente •grant was the expenditure specifically named by the governor. Portner said the money was al- located beginning in 1969to1et up security and communications systems to ass,ist the Sec.,ret Service i'n protecting the former pfesident, whose sprawling ' -7"" • ... ...:"".': ; f. ·t'"'. • NixOn'~ Top 3 Aides ,. . . . ; .. ~ -· ' ' . . . . " ' . Giy-en Up to 8 Years . ' . ' . Mitihell's Optimistic· · •WASHINGJ'QN (JJPIJ. -·~hen fort11.er At.torney Geoer:ftl John N. Mitchell was sentenced today to up to etgHt . years in prison for the Watergate cov-e:r-up. he hur- ried out of court with but one ~ment: . · '"~~could have been a hell of a 10t:worse. T.liey could have · sentlnced me to spend the rest-of my life with Martha Milc~ell-" _ . ' . . Venue · " . . .... . ...rh· ' '-'· anue -.··. ·~· • Nixed • By TOM 11;\llLEY Of .. o.llf tt ... sc.tf Superior Court Judge Claude M. Owens .ruledioday Uiat Irvine heiress Joan lrvlni: Smith's stock control lawsUit1 against the James Irvine Foundation and the Irvine Company must be tried in · Orange County. -, He onJy told ~II t~ lawyers fl::IMtDIA• • ' ~MALDll!UiM involved ln • Pretrialbearin& to-· Mardian Gets Up To Three WASHINGTON (UPI> -John N. Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, once Ri Chard M. Nixon~ most trusted aides, were sentenced today to up to eight years in prison for conspir- ing to cover up America's worst political scandal. Riley_ Plans Address At Viejo Meet day lbaj·jle is DQt',lmpreised by 0 C ...i..l!..l a,r1111m~:1ba1 tbj !nine Com--y • . a~uate$, l>W'• Iaad oWnlnt' status In this · · Opening the way for an appeals process that ·may llke as lorig as jlwo years, U.S . District· Judge John J . SiricB also sentenced Robert C. Mardian l9 up to three years in prison for his Pat1 in the · !!, ~ te · ·· 'ilo' . ~i(p • lilt s<sf:.t1~J.f~ cii'mente'restt Fifth Diitrict Supervi1or Th!>rou Rlle7-wlll.meet wltbibe Mjsslan Viejo Democratlc Club · at• p~m. Saturday, March 1 to dlicrlas Polltlcs at Ibo local level. Also attendlng the meeting at llfe home of Mr&. Dorl.s Jewell, 25411 Remesa Drive in Mission Viejo will be membenof the Mis· sion Viejo Munici·RW Advisory COuncil (MACJ and several can· didates for the Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees, said Robert Davies. past president of the club. Additional information is available from Da'f'ies. at 49S-8057. Scouts Hunt For Litter countr p~~51u..des the possibility T Add "'.!J~~~~lbJe~lbecom, ·.,e ." J;Je~s ·' pan)''oWns· ... ooo cres ol land amountlqtoon•fi ci10rang. 'l'o' ·ro For·um County,'' be noted ... But I can •t accept the state's ai,ument that this justifies moving this trial to Los Angeles County.'-'.· Judge Owens next wiU take evidence. from witn~ before ruling on a number Of other pre· trial motions filed by: both sides in the lawsuit. ' · . Among them are demands by Mrs. Smith's lawyers for a .pe"rmanent injunction ~at would prevent the foundation from pro- ceeding wjtb Its alleg°' plan to sell Irvine Company shares amounting to a controlling in- terest ln the company to Mobil Oil Corporation for a reported $110 million·. The· foundation has been pre· vented. from concluding the deal by a restraining order" issued .shortly after the lawsuit was filed. ' j:i~t of.the,15 eanWdates run- nin1, for the Saddleback+ Valley Unified School District board or trustees have been invited to ad- dress the El Toro1Homeowners' Association at 1:30 p.pi. ~onday. The meeting will lJe held at Lo6 AliS:.OS Intermediate School. At the last $SSOClation meeting, the othttr seven candidates were in- vited. Scheduled to attend Monday's I fo.rum are Geori:ie Henry, Dennis Smith, Robert Brumfiel, Preston Howell, Carole Neustadt, John Simon, Raymond S\cony and ,Cyrus Wqodell. · · A)so oh th:e agenda is election of 1975 officers and a review of the El Toro codes, covenants and restrictions CCC&Rs> faced by property owner$. More informa· tion is available by calling presi- dent Ed McKean at 586-2213. dent. Tbe sentences, stiffer tha n tho~e receiv~d by any oth'er Watercate defendants sia<!e the original burglars, were described by one of the aUomeys as "fir more th;:in Richard Niton will ever suffer." Nixon, forced lo resign as pre- sident of the United States by the same evidence which led lo the conViction-of his top aides: ,was vacationihg in Palr:n Springs with the knowledge that he will never be prosecuted under a pardon he received from President Ford. There was no immediate com· ment from the former preSident. None of the four conspirators -Mitchell, who had been Nix- on's attorney general and cam· paign manager; Haldeman and Ehrlichman, who were chief White House aides, and Mardian, who was Mitcheil's chief deputy -showed any emotion as the sentences were pronoune.:ed. The conspirators solemnly re- fused to comment: but Mardian'& lawyer s aid he thought the sen- tences were ''too heavy .•· Boy scouts of Troop 787 ln• Mis· &ion Viejo will ti:uly be scouting. Saturday -scoulJf'g for litter. The boys, ages 11 to.16, will be paid b)' lbe MIHiOD' Viejo OCim- pany to plck up litter lnUie lloulh end of the comm.unity, 1a14 David Davin, seoutmasler.·'nie troop hopes to coiled 500 pounds Mrs. Smith contends that the Irvine shares are worth far more than the quoted figure and that their sale at the foundation price would amount to a defrauding of company investors. u.;: Chief Qwz ~ Ehrllchman, normaJly glib, c~n­ fessed , ''l just don 't have anythingtos ay ." - ciltrasb. ' • "This ls lbe newest troop ID tlie district," Davin 1atd:,':pnd °\be boys don't have muc6 c~mplng equipment. TbtY ~ to'~ the mon~y they '1D&ke' Saturday for: back packs and tents. 0 • -. . Mrs. Smith is the grand- daughter o' Irvine Company fOunder James°'-irvilie and r 1 minority share-holder in the Irvine Company: she does hold ·tile laraest block of company st6tk owned by an.individual. LOS ANGELES . (UPI) -The University or California Board of Regents will hold an unusual special meeting here Saturday to int'kview one of two remaining candidates for UC president. At Uie .meeting, the regents will id· 'terview Robben Fleming, 48, pre· s1dent of th e Uni ve rsity of M.ichiilan. Candidate Deals . ' )rf·itchell, Haldeman and Ebrlicbman were sentenced to a minimum of 21h years to a max- imum of eight years on charges of Obstruction of justice, conspiracy and lying. Mardi an, convicted or,:· If of conspiracy, was given 'a JO-~th to three year sentenCe. They were released witWut ·bohd pending appeal. II ,... · Ehrlichman also faces a sen- <See8 YEARS, PageA2) . * * * Dean to Talk , Or::a C08,8& In llu=man Prohlerits In Sanro Ana . . . . . ' JI Wea .. er0 .. \ Northea5terlY"wSndl 2Slo.tO mph below: canyons lbrough • Soturd•f· aci:ilrding to Ibo ~weatOer tervi~e.1 Fair skies , wiiblltlgba i>l"ll'I 10.w.-Lows tmlptf!t&47. t • • tEdilor'•· Npte: Thi• is "the eiJ1/llh·in,11•w:rift o/,profil., oJ lfk,JS -.. /"' th.< Saddl<l>oct Volley '.Unified Schol>I Dish1d boo'd of tMtee1. JA't atoke in the March 4 Ndlon.ote /ive UCJll Ofl the boon!./ . . .. INSIDE '1'0,DA Y ' n'·~er work as coordinator or • 'Vic ' .~ m. thesaddlo!;&ck ValleyCOmmuni· A ·M-' 1'! _,,..,... ' ty Met>faf Hllaltl! CliAic. Qirole ratil/1<11 "" def!re lO od Ill! polling' ilflna~.,:bail<llOll< ~-Neustadt gels a close look at the thr ltringr of hl'r~~1• See struggles o( a groWing com- 11"'11 II.' Doilv Pilot Ujil/""'1kr munlty. 1 Ja>t!lforth.;. plJQ# c,z of todoii:S-Each day •he races t6e need to Week.nder. .. listen> ·~us people problema1in ciepl!Hrftif•onvey toothet:s a pro-.' •· IJ1dft!f · · ' l!lem-JOlv(ng approach to human =-':! :::=r. c!l relall~. = ...... ~,.... ititt Tb.e!tt are·au skills which Ml . . • ~t.'t: :;:l:: ,.ri fl{eus\ac;Jt :Jeels are need~ and I =.:... " g_ ;:'J'~.;.1 , rn ~llslto the ICbOOI board, OMH1t .. hc.._ .,, tr::' aw.. As ari administrator, she car· .~-: C:~ ·Mlftl..... ~11 rieS fiscal and management ,,_ .,..,, ,_,... tA .,,.ponslbllltles. t:=.:'-:: =· '~ Biltlt was·j!.S lbe lllOlher 9' !WO ••~ c• ...,....,.. M , yoUnl boys that she first became L.; ... _ .. _•_u_• --"'-·l"'-"'·-·-•-•-·.•.•t' 1, C!lee NEllSTADT, Pale ; . ~ • > ' .. • estate is in the south portion or \he city. The money also was used to hire and train 10 officers, Portner said. Portner said the money was needed mainly for traffi"c control because of the hundreds of people who daily stopped by the en· trance to the estate intent on see- ing the former president. The federal government originally had funded the $559,000 grant through June of this year, Portner said, but cut back when Nixon resigned. Protests by the city over the loss of the money - and the possible cuts in police •]personnel that would res ult - brought word from the state that it would pick up the lab. (See PORTNER, PageAZJ Hinze' Tragedy '} Springfield, Ill., policeman tries to console the grief- . ~,ti$.\~UiMldm<>U>ei;;'!lfj\!ight:monlh-Old Demetria Dos$ 1 ,''J' \lo·.~<ijf-,ftte at,li$1Rime Thursday. Firemen· believe he blaze started from a space heater. Demetria's brot;her was rescued by firemen: ~ ' I I' Sycamore Laws,uit Rejected by Judge By JACK CHAPPELL Ot UI• P•llw Pllol St.tff A federal judge has dismissed a S3V million suit· broUght against the·city of Laguna Beach, a con- servlitionist group, and 43 of the town's prominent citizens by a disgruntled developer who al- leged a ''Ku Klux. Klan.style" conspiracy had prevented de- velopment of his land. Judge Robert J . Kelleher ruled today that his court would not take jurisdiction in the suit and dismissed th·e action from the federal court. liaguna Beach Mayor' Roy Holm today hailed the judge's de-- ciston, saying: "I'd like to buy the judge a drink ." Holm as well as the rest or the present city council had ·been named individually in the suit by Rancho Palos Verdes, owner of Sycamore Hills, 522 choice ac.res in Laguna Canyon. Jn addition, Laguna Greenbelt, · its past and present directors, P,aSt and present city planning . comtnissioners, and private citizens who had advocated anti- 1 growth positions at council meet- ings were named. "The outcome is not surprising to us, but you cannot afford .to take comfort in what you reel will b:e the right decision until you hear the verdict," Mayor Holm said. "I guess we can take a deep breath now and go on with the business of the d'ay," he added. City Attorney George Logan; who had argued the case for the city and had specifically asked the court not to take jurisdiction; chose to withhold comment until "be has studied the decision. 'Rancho Palos Verdes Attorney John Pollock said the contact by a reparter was the first news he had had of the decision. "We've just learned of it and the matter is under considera~ lion. We haven't decided what 1 steps we 're going to take, .. ~ Pollock s aid from his Los Angeles office. · Judge Kelleher, ruling in a five~· page memorandum of decision,. left one course other than out·. <SeeSUIT, P~eA2 ) 'f rnstee Hopeful " Peterson Viewed f Editor's Note: This ii the ninth ift: .a Serie& of profiles on the IS can.' didates /01' the Sdddlel>ack Volley Un1fied School Di&trict board of· trw:tees. March 4 diltrid votas will &elect five tru1t.ea& -three for .a four-year term and two /oT a two- yearterm.J Joseph Peterson Jr. is the pre- sident of a school bo&r;'d that has organized a riew ,Wlified school district fot 14)QOP students. as- sembled a staff from thousands of applicant$. and caught up wtth a relentless need for more school facilities. Peterson bellevea rJflll)'y 1,hat the present trustees have done a good job, and be Ii runnlhg for re- election because he wants to con- tinue that recqrd. 'Tam pi:oud d lbe accomplish· ment.s and progrr'fts tnade in our newly unified district,'' said' Peterson, 40, a banking ex- ecutive. A native of Orange. Peterson and hil wife Pecgy moved to lbe Saddleback Valley In 1988. Thor IS... PETER!. Po1e ~)~ • DAILY PILOT • SB N• ' ~~..i,~l~Oll ~ ''"'Fund Hit ':;'By Brown SACRAMENTO (APJ -Gov. . Edmund Brown Jr. says much or ~ , $200 million jn crime prevention funds was wasted, including $500,000 to protect former presi· : dent Richard Nixon at the ·' Western White House. ••we've given you hall a million just to take care or one gey,.' Brown told a panel or top state law enforcement officers Thursday. ··1 just learned about it and l was shocked.'' he added. The governor had given the California Criminal Justice Plan· ning Directors Association just a few minutes notice that he would join their regular meeting across . the street rrom the Capitol. .. What have you done to curb : crime?" he demanded. "Are the · streets sarer in San Francisco or ·· Los Angeles after you've spent • $200 million on crime preven· tion?." Brown suggested that California might turn down future federal crime prevention ' funds, but later said he only wants to review projects. ''You 're here to' convince me that "' I should cooperate with you to spend money we don't have," ·Brown saids, couplirig bis ,criticism or crime prevenUon ex- penditures with complalnts about President Ford's deficit budget. The governor said he wouldn't take federal funds just because ''they're printing money back .,:'there"in Washington. • Planning may be a diversion . from lhe main reality," h~ said. ·. "Unless parents control their children and adults are responsi· • 1 bte· for their acts . . . we aren't " ta~cing real problems.·· ' Santa Ana Police Chier ·~Raym.ond Davis responded to .,. some of Brown's criticisms. .rwe did not get full value ror the $200 million we have spent, but we've made progress," he said. Several ·members of the as- ·sociation, which represents local criminal justice ageneies -_statew~de, argued heatedly with Brown during the" one-hour ex- change, defending specific pro- -grams. Brown complained that money which s hould have gone to crime prevention was used to add 10 of- ficers to the San Clemente police force. Some association mem- • bers defended that as essential because of the high volume of traffic brought to the small com· munity. Others said Brown had singled out a program "where we have egg on our face." * * From Page A I PORTNER. • • Brown's remarks, Portner said, tend to indicate the state is not going to foot the bill after all. "It's political. Orange County is a Republican County. Our honorable governor is a Democrat. If he can cut down the opposing party, he will,'' Portner said. .. Anytime you mention Nixon, San Clemente or transition, you're shot down," Portner com- plained. He said there are still 125 to 150 people a day who st.op by the estate's entrance for a peek at the jormer president, and thus, theci· \y still needs manpower generat- ed by the £rant to keep an eye on things. ·Portner said he was confident that if the st.ate does not come through with support for the IO of· ficers the city will. He 11aid population increases in the city between 1969 when the grant first went into errect and to-· day warrant the IO officers re· maining on the force. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Jac:k R. Curley "kit,.,..,,_ -a..~~~ ' Thomas Keevi l l •U• Thoma~ A. Murphine -~Edi• (hatlH H. LOOS Richard P. Nall AMl"1tfll JMNfl .. E<I•• Frldoy. Fe!>N!ry21, 1119 • flr••N1111 Al N~USTADT t.ot«tited In s•hoola lllld ID the p011lbilitles of running •• a llU!tee. Ma. Neustadt, 3'(, 11111 lier"""' han-' ll•ed ID the s.ddleback Valley for eight years., "It's an awesome responslblli· ty lo be a school trustee. Unless we approach it with a sense of respect. we m Isa the boat," she said. "I function with the expect•· tlon that everyone's concern ob· jecttve is the same-the ld1hest quality of education. Yet I think we have a lot of work to do on that. "The current boa.id is so split and so involved with personalities and a politicized approach that it seems difficult for them to a:et down to talking about education. And education is why we're all together. - "There is no place for politics on the school board," she added. "The results in this district have amounted to behind-the-scenes decision making, without listen· ing to the communi1'y." - ,i 'r'e~eher iFelled \By Dust A Corona del Mar High School chemistry instructor1 was over~ come Thursday bf what is believed to be cyanldedU.t which he may have tohaleddllrina a day of checking and t dt1poslh1 of che~icaJs in a atdf~. - Qwck acti'On by oowori<ers and fire men minimized eftects en teacher James Lucas, who sud- denly rell to the floor at about 1 :45 p.m. and experienced serious breathing difficulty. Principal Dennis Evans sald that two other instructors who had been op the same project and in the same roOm , Steve Taylor and Brad Thurmon, immediately sought help from the school nurse and phoned for police and firemen. None of the instructors were seriously injured by the ef. feels or the chemical. One of Ms. Neua:tadt's central canipaign issues is a re· ex•mination pf the·school district budget. A Jot ~f the "lat" needs to be sliced out, she said "I am really con~ed." she said. "I think every family in the Saddleback Valley can relate to the need to pull ift one's belt. Ready for IJlastof f? Evans said that the science building was Immediately cleared or pupils and firemen used ventilating devices to clear the chemistry area of any possi· bl e hazardous chemicals. Paul Molle~, a former UC Davis engineering professor, sits at the controls of his Discojet a flying saucer he designed and c.onstruct~d . The two-seat sauce r is powered by eight 24- horsepower rotary engines and is e xpected to get I6.5 mpg on r egular g as. "\\'e sent all three or the in · structors to the hospital just as a precautjon and they were all re- leased by about 6 p.m. They're all ba~k on the job today and in fine health." Evans said. "I think we are going to face budget cuts-and I am very con- cern~ that that not happen in the µtstructional realm.•• She oppo·ses a tax override to fill the gap, saying there .are areas the district can make cuts, "without asking the public in an already painful lime (or more money.'' She also opposes cutting ba~k on teachers' salarjes, predicting that if a "reasonable negotia- tion'' does not occur this year, "we'll have a real storm on our hands." .. :, But she does prOfn,e studying the school lunch program, which is currently losing $40,000 a year; at the administrative structure; and about school sport> bud1ets. She points out that the d~trict spends $46,000 a year to laUildtr towels-which could be saved 'tr each student brought his or her own from home "If you're in a fat year, that's fine. But these are hard times, and every family in this valley knows that " l'ro•PageAI PETERSON have three children, ages 18, 16, and 13. Peterson has been involved in the community in many ways since he arrived. He helped start the Saddleback Valley YMCA, serving as one of its early board of directors pfesidents, and also helped organize the SaddJeback Valley Exchange Club. He first became a school board trustee in the San Joaquin Elementary School District and served a year and a half unW the district was dissolved into the Saddleback Unified district. Peterson ran in 1972 for the new unified board and was one ol the four members of the Sad· dleback Five slate elected to the charter board. Peterson said he opposes hav· ing a board that has been elected through the influence and money contributions of teachers or· ganiaations. In the present campaign, a fund·raising committee led by several teachers has raised about $4,000 so far and at last re--i>ort had donated $700 of it to five candidates. "We should ha.-e a lay board. not just one representing teachers.'' Peterson said. "The teachers have a right to do what they want, but they should .Bdmit it. It's hard for me to swallow that they got that $4 ,000 in small donations as they said they did. It's not easy' to get funds ." Peterson, along with Trustee Chester Briner. has suspected that some of the money in the committee involved came from the state headquarters of the California Teachers Association, though there is no prool of that and the teachers have denied lt. On other issues, Peterson believes: -The district needs greater continuity in its instructional programs from kindergarten through grade 12. -A look at cutUng back on ad- ministrative co«t.a through dis· trict re1>rganization and evalua· tion of existing programs is needed because of the pressures I of inflilion. -More evaluation is needed o( the· concept of construction Viejo High Plans 'West Side Story' The opening night performance of ''West Side Story" by Missiqn Viejo High School's drama and music de· partments is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27 Additio(lal performances will be given Feb. 28 and March I, 4, 6 and 7, with all performances to begin at 8 p.m . A matinee performance will be given a\ 2 p.ln. Sunday, March 2. · The musical, based on the story of Romeo and Juliet, adapt. ed to modern times by Arthur Laurents and set to music by Leonard Bernstein, is being directed by Ann Vardanian, drama teacher at the high achoo I. Tickets for all performances are available at the Student Store on campus or by phoning the acbool office, 837 ·7722. for in- fonnaUon. Speech Slated By Historian Warren Morgan, president or the Saddleback Area Historical Society, will address members Sunday at 2:30 p.m . in the King Gustav room or the Villa Sweden in El Toro. Morgan will report on the Feb. 7 meeting of the Conference or California Historical Societies in San Luis Obispo, according to Dorothy Prothero, publicity chairman for the society. He also will show slides or historical sites in the San Luis Obispo area. Ad- ditional information is available by calling Morgan, et837·0518. Fro• Page A I SUIT •.. rieht appeal of the decision open totheplaintilf. The judge will allow the Rancho Palos Verdes attorneys to reQuest that the federal court retain jurisdiction over federal claims pending resolution of state issues in the state courts. . Logan said this was a standard procedure developed for cases in ' which state courts had denied persons their legal rights. Logan said California was not a state which denied due process in it.a: courts. Rancho Palos Verdes had al- leged in its action that a con - spiracy similar to that used by the Ku Klux Klan and city or. ficials in the deep south to deny minority civil rights ha<f been used to deny the developer a right to develop the Laguna Ca- nyon tract. .. Brown Te1ls Oil Concern management, a syslem the SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. board is considering In which the Edmund Brown Jf. Qjsputes a district becomes its own gener1l legislator's remark that he contractor. wished the governor had done -More input from the <Om· more to lilht proposed oil driU· munity on Ill deslnl !or cur-ing Jn !oder.al oflshorcwaters. riculum ahd proaram develop. Alter Assemblyman Charles mentl.sneeded. Warren made the comment -'l'he<onceptofnelghborllood Thursday, l!rown aald he -1 • 1c1loola shoQld be followed as "very delinltely involved.'' The mu<h as poHlble when mllclng 1overnor added that be I• not re· boundary detlslons for new l!dY to 11ay wlietlJer Clnllin1 ·ln, schools. federal wale~ of! lhe Calllomla ''This boundary question Is an • ••••t tibould b·e b111ned area where paren,.t.a cet more pe:rmanenUy. fired up than the kldl," PptnClll Warren, a Los Aqeeles. aaicl. "But Ptdple lboukl .._. l>emo<rat, thalto the EneriY. lhatnodeclllons havei,.,..ma and Dl1,ntnl1hln1 Resources yef ind we11eed their kleu." Committee. • l'r-PageAI 8 YEARS ... tence of 20 m onths to five years in connection with the break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. Through their attorneys, Ehrlichman offered to waive his right of appeal in exchange for an ''alterna~ive sentence" or doing legal research for a group of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico and Haldeman pleaded for a sen- tence nowo'"rse than Nixon's. I .Sirica rePlied thaJ. he had given "careful and serious thought lo what the proper sentence should be" and considered "the deter· rent effect on others.'' "Whatever Bob Haldeman did, ~o did Richard Nixon,'' Haldeman's attorney, JOhn J . Wilson, said. "But Nixon Is free and Haldeman has raced the agony of a trial.'' .. Yours is not unlike the power or pardon ,'' he said. ••sob Haldeman stands here facing the possibility of suffering far more than Ri chard Nixon will ever suf . fer." Ehrlichman's new lawyer, Ira Lowe, said that Ehrlichman had been in contact with a Pueblo chi er who felt there was a critical need in the remote area or the Southwest for someone with a law background to research the 8,000-mem ber tribe's land titles. Lowe read to the court part of a statement by Ehrlichman which noted he had been earlier con- victed of violating the civil rights of Ellsberg's psychiatrist. "I'm convicted of violating an individual's ·civil rights," Ehrlichman said in the state- ment. ''Their (the Indians') rights are in question every day. ... truly would like to do that rehabilitation myself ," Ehrlichman said. "If I do it myself I will be infinitely better foi: it." SCR Bri1igs Magic Theater To Sa<JJJ,eback "The new thing in children's theater is sol Yin g kids problems rather than r e hashing old m vths '' Thal 's the idea of Saundra Mathews.Deacon. originator of the South Coa st Repertory Magic Theater fbr children which is scheduled to come to the Sad· dleba ck Valley March 8. The mes of the innovative pro· g ram include subjects that children are ofte n confused about and can relate to: the death of a pet, fear or the dark, handling one's anger . and the confusing ho s tilities between boys and girls. Sponsored by the Del Cerro PT A, South Coast Rel> will give two performances, one at 11 a .m . and one at I p.m ., March 8 at El Toro H,igh School. Tickets will be pf"esold from 2 to 5 p.m . March 3, 4, 5, and 6 at Wild We st Center in Laguna Hills and March 7 at Del Cerp:> School. Sales are limited to 300 lick.els for each performance. Each segment uses both physical action and simple verbal expression interspersed with ins trumental music and singing. Fleetwood Plans RIVERSIDE (AP) "Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., said Thursday it plans to suspend production at nine mobile home plants within the next few weeks because they have been operal· ing at a loss. The move will idle 350 of the company's 5, 700 employes. WINTER SALE CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT · i.-. _,_ of .,.aty fw'llilun at reduced prices. Henredon, laker, lt11ilago .... Dmel .. han spacial • 9 i ap 1 redueecl for thi1 t•lftt. Fantastic coJWCtl• of .....,dery 1bo °" 1alo ' ,, I. -.D.,w.,. • • • f He added that it would be dif- ficult to determine the exact sub· stance which caused the poten· ti ally serious mishap, but he said suspicions are that a pulverized rorm o( cyanide may have been released during 'the day's work. Evans said that lhe clearing and checking or chemicals in the laboratory was a routine event and that Lucas had been check- ing to see which substances '11.'0U)d have to be disoosed o( or repackaged. Firemen and police summoned a special hazardous chemical and disposal squad from the s heriff 's office, and the specialists removed several,~ub· stances from tbe laboratory. They weredlsposed of later. ·Murder 'Joke' Wasn't Funny ClUCAGO <U Pll -Mic:hael Faber calls himself a practical joker. Attempting to hire so- meone to murder his wil~ he says, was just anotherofhisliWe pranks. The humor was lost on Circuit ·eourt Judge Daniel Ryan. He found Faber gullty Thursday of soliciting for murder. During the trial of the JS.year· old former vice president of an anticrime equipment manufac· luring firm, several witnesses - including his rather·in·law - testified Faber was a known jokester and that the murder con· tract probably was a practical joke. His wife Barbara, 32, testified.. that she had been having an af. fair with another man and that she knew her husband was in· volved with another woman. l ~I • I fAEXEl-HERIT GE-H NREDON -WOODMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER !· ' NEWPORT BEACH • • _ _A llf"':JI '1 1121 wt:s1·cL1 .. ·v oR . 5424060 . ea ()(J.lt. .-we#helet, -/He, LAGUNA BEACH.~ • i 34S Nj>HTll (..'()i\S'I' 1-t\('\' 4'1K·Wl . . Wlll!DAn & SAT\llDAYS t :OO lo S:lO • '1 ---. . TORRANCE• 23849 HAWl1l0RN•: Bl.VD (()pen FriJ..il 9...fu.lu 12·$:.'JO i ,, •. ,,,. l ( I Al8 DAJ·LY PILOT -EDITO RIAL PAGE Brown Forgot Rule The UC Irvine Medical School project has passed one necessary financial milestone, but there's still a long road ahead. · ' Urgency legislation to appropriate $8 .95 million for acquisition of Orange. County Medical Center and funding of an on-campus teaching hospital has been passed unanimously by a state Assembly subcommit- tee and seems likely to win approval of the Assembly Health Committee. The next critical turn in the road will come early in March when the Ways and Means Committee takes up the bill. Meanwhile, Gov. Brown succeeded in needlessly muddying the waters during a UC Regents meeting by referring to OCMC as "a lemon" and suggesting its acquisition might be a "bad deal" for the state. The governor's remarks violated his one week old pronouncement to a gathering of California newspaper publishers that he would refrain from commenting on Matters he had not had time to study. Since he has not yet found time to confer with the people best informed on the UCJ Medical School pro- ject-the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the officials at UCl-it is fairly clear his remarks were not based on much solid information or study. It may have been an effective way to try to im- press the regents with his concern for the state's economy, but he is obligated at least to talk to those best informed and most directly concerned before popping off with further comments . voted 7 to 2 to authorize the IRS to issue a summons for bank ·records when large deposits are involved and to force bank officials to disclose the identity of the depasitor. Previously 1 such action has been authorized only if tax agents are investigatingthe financial status of a citizen already s uspected of tax evasion. The court ruling was described by the dissenting justices as a ''dangerous detour'' from earlier limita- tions on I RS investigations. Unfortunately, we have had occasion in recent times to realize that the IRS has permitted its pre- sumably confidential data to be disseminated rather freely for palitical purposes. . The new court ruling, while it may turn up a few tax evaders, would appear to be a blanket permission for fishing expeditions into affairs of bank patrons. T hink 55 The California Highway Patrol's novel 55 mhp ''escort service" for Las Vegas· bound motoris ts over the recent holiday weekend had the remarkable ef- fect of eliminating all . accidents on ·the 240·mile stretch tor three days. This is certair>:J.y commendable in an area where high-speed driving has caused horrendous crashes. It is apparent that the Cl-IP can't continue to as4 sign up to 100 patrol cars for regular escort service, but there may be some residual psychological benefit. New IRS Power While no taxpayer, especially at this season, can summon up much sympathy for tax evaders, this week's U.S. Supreme Court rulirtg extending the power of the Internal Revenue Service to probe bank deposits is more than a little scary. Certainly the stepped·up speed patrols on the San Diego Freeway through Orange County -and step- ped-up citations for violators -have encouraged local dnvers to ''think 55 ." And, despite continuing complaints from heavv- footed drivers, the fact.that the speed limit now is na- tional law makes it more or less necessary to adjust our thinking accordingly -or pay the penalty. ·· 'Now, if you'll step next door to my subsidiary, you can buy a ,few hundred troops to advise you in the use of our weapons!' Overturning a lower court ruling, the high court Henry Clarifies Our Mi ddle East Policie s Growi11g P e u1111ts While Na ~ives S tarve Agro-industrial Tape Worms "Jlello.J-lenry? Howarethings ( WASl-llNGTON -Earl Butz, [ ]' onechickenayear."1'herest .arc back to it i.ll"C the economic Jn Cairo? Or Jerusalem? Or ART HOPPE J the Secretary of Agriculture, has VON. HOFFMAN. ··economicaly inactive," which equivalents of tape \Vorms. The v.•hereveryouaretoday?" · been taking a beating because seems to bt a ·polite word for tape worm also arrives in "the · "Please, I have told you never .,,., _________ ... _.J he's so stingy with our food . The ·starving. intestines v.·here it lives by to call me when I am not al the of-pressure to give away food to Collins ob!Erves that, although gobbling up the food \vhich by Ci.ce.'.' underdeveloped countries grows the Green Revolution may rights belongs to the organism it· "But you're never at your of-nam." with each TV . documentary piece of irony. In Colombia, with indeed incnase production, it has invaded. People with taPe fice, l·lenry. And the White House "Precisely. In lhe event ihe showing yet another nation an estimated 130,000 metric ton means very little to the people w or m s come down with press keeps · Arabs are attacked, you can then su rfer in g from a case of protein deficiency, ''a l)ectare growing the produce. Thus in malnutrition. so the prospects asking me to 'send in our troops to protect our permanent starvation. (about t wo·and·a·half acres) Colombia 70 percent of the grai11 are guarded for Brazil where,· explain my American boys from the at-For once in his life Mr. Butz devoted to the raising of grownthereisdivertedtopoultry Collins reports, Volks -v.·ngen is Middle Ea.st tackers." may be right, albeit for the carnations brings a million pesos feed to fatten chickens that most raising cattle in the An1azon, not policy. 1 know ''You mean the Israelis, wrong re-a year, while wheat or corn Colombianscan'tbuy. to sell to Brazilians, bul lo the· you're awful-Henry?'' asons. Except brings only 12,500 pesos. As a According to his calcul3tions, Japanese. ··.1'hey get $20 a pound ly busy, but if "No, us. Our defending troops as one-shot, result, Colombia ... must use one hectareof land used in that for the beef in .Japan, and you you could just will defend our America\l boys emergency scarce forei gn exchange to way will s~port 1,430 people, i£ don't get that for a V\V ," he tell me once from our attacking troops while disaster re· import basic foodstu[fs," write they only tiid the money to buy• explains. ·again ... Why ·our American boys are helping lief, giving Barnet and 1ttuller in "Global chicken at!OOpesosakilogram. lfthefoodproblemisanalYzed •didlsendyou theArabsblowuptheoilwells away food Reach : The Power of the 1'hesame /and,ifused.togrow asCollinsdoesit,lhenallthetalk over there our attacking troops are attack-makes no Multinational Corporations'' soy beans for direct human about population explosions and this time?" ing." . ·se nse . The (Si mon and Schuster, 1974). consumptiDn , will feed 22 ,700 s hifts in weather patterns is "It is quite simple. really. You ''But what's the good of all poor nations ''The development track of the people at U pesos per kilogram. · some\\·hat beside the point. It· havesentmeoverheretomakes that, Henry?'' . like the rich ·.;_, global c-orparations features If CoUintis right, Colombia is may not even be in our lasing peace between the Ara~ "It will insure, 1 can say with ·must manage increased production of luxury relatively etter off than a place self-interest t.o convince the and the Israelis." confidence, the most interesting their affairs so they can ·grow items such as strawberries and like the ominican Rei>ubfic natives to cut down on their "Bul J lhou_ght you told. me I peace negotiations 1 have ever enough food to feed their own asparagus for the international "'here, he.says, Gulf & Western procreations. 'fhe more there are. was threatening to make war· engaged in... . people. suburban market. But the money . has set ittelf up in a sugar cane of them, the more money we can against the Arabs." · They Can't do that if their best does not fl ow to the hungry 0 p e r a~ i 0 n t h a t i s s 0 make selling them the food we've . G SS . h H land, their water and their majority ... " self.cont ned the locals get no finessed them out of growing for "'You are. That is why I must ''I UE you're rig t, ency. · ··al Jnvestment cap1t are used to side ben:[its from it at all. Not themselves. first achieve a lasting peace Jguess.Butcouldn·tyoujusttell · I al · 00·· between the Arabs and the me who are the good guys and grow agricu tur comm 1ties J OSEPH COLLINS of the only do the company import True, this may increase the Israelis. How would you look if whoarethebadguys? for export. Inmanyplacesinthe Transnational Inslilute, a Haitian~bor, but, Collins says, number of beggars and you attacked the Arabs and they. "No .•• world that seems to be what's l ef t-leaning organization with ther own repair shops and miserables in the \\·orld, but we were o£f fighting a.. war happening. There are Tep(lrts, specializing in world economic compan7 stores, G&W doesn't needn't bother ourselves about someplace in Israel?" ""But, Henry, you simply have for example, that in the middle of problems, points out that, while, buy al"6'thing from the host the warnings "'e hear that, if we,. •·011 I TlllNK 1 see what you mean. J think . But if I am threatening to attack the Arabs, why am 1 selling them hundreds of millions of dollars worth of guns, tanks. warships and planes -not to mention our bes t military advisers?" "For two reasons: first, you wish to convince them you are thei r friend. Secondly, you desperately need the dollars they spend for these weapons in order to pay the exorbitant price they are charging you for oil-which is why you are threatening to at- tack them in the first place." ··\Veil , 1 guess that certainly seems reasonable, He nry. I guess . But I thoug ht you instruct· ed me to instruct you to gel the Arabs to lower the price or oil?'' "Yes. a brilliant maneuver. If the Arabs lower the price of oil, you will have more money .lo send the Is raelis more and better weapons." "Won •t that offend the Arabs, Ilenry?" · · ''YES, but you must do this for two reasons : first. you wi sh to convince the Israelis you are their friend. Secondly, they will .need more and better weapons to defend themselves from the Arabs, because you have sold the Arab s more and b e tter weapons." ''I think that does sound fair, Henry. I think. Bul sending in military advisers smacks· or Viet- Dear Gloomy Gus With all its city officials who have spent •l.me lherc, Westmin'Ster could ,start a sister city pi'ogram. with the California prison syslem. C.H.!.. o-Mf ow ~ail:• ..... ""*'IMM.,. ........, ,,.. • _. llitceswrllyNfloect• ........... __ ,.,..,._ ...... ,_ -,.... ........ , ... ,p,euy,..._ i r .toexplainmyMiddleEastpolicy thedroughtintheAfricanS8hel, the production 0·r broiler country. don't feed the hung1·y, they'raj tome." Mali was growing peanuts and chickens in Colombia has going to rise up and smite .us.~ ''Imoossible. I am h~ving exporting them while the relief doubled in less than a decade, ••A., R 0 ·INDUSTRIAL Starving people are too v.•eak tefo. enough trouble trying lo explain planes were flying in food. "only about 20 percent of the enclaves" that move in On a host smite many, mighty smotes}: it to the Arab~ and the Israelis." This is anything but a uniqUe population can afford t.o buY even countor, use it and give nothing fhey beg, they 1,1,·himper, they die.-: . ' . f Public Must Know GrowtJh Alternative~ To the Editor: . During the past year, Journalists from the Daily Pi.lot; in reporting news events in which the Council on Environment, Employment, Economy and Development (CEEED> has been involved, have referred to and desCribed it (CEEED) as a "pro development organization of builders and labor leaders." I and many other concerned citizens, who are neither in or- ganized labor nor with the build· ing industry, ·but who are active . members in CEEED. take excep-- tion to such a narrow description of our coalition. The description is not accurate and further, it is unfair in that currently, words like "labor leader" and "land de· veloper'1 undoubtedly set ofr a negative bias in the minds of your readers that affects their perception or the issue being re- ported. We are most sincere in · our belief that much of our coun· try's present difficulties are caused by our government's ac· lion or inaction in response to pubUc opinion; opinion which often is ill informed and fre· quenUy uninformed. . THE PUBJ..IC cannot be ex- pected to render prudent, balanced opinion on public is· sues, viz. off shore oil drilling, the Alaskan pipeline, environ· mental demands . growth, rreater government control over land use and resources, etc., un· less and until It knows and ap- pr cc I ates the issue. the alternatives and the conse- quences. If the only pubHcly recognized alternatives and consequences of offshore oll drilling or the wish for huge areas of urban open space revolve around esthetic de· sires, the public can be expected to demand a ban oo offstiore ' I ( MAILBOX Letters from readers are welcome. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. LetteTs of 300 worch or U!s1 will be given preference. Alt fetters must in· elude signature and mailing address but names may be withheld on re- quest if su.f ficient reason is apparent. Poetry will not be publi!hed. drilling and a ban on alJ develop- ment in the nearby hills and along the coast. 'But the conse· quences or such actions by the politi"cian, in 'appealing or responding to such public shortsightedness, will moot cer- tainly be higher costs 11nt.l shortages in shelter, oil and energy. OUR ORGANIZATION is de- dicated to the task of determin- ing alternatives and conse- quences or public issues beyond those of surface emotionalism, and bringing them to the atten- tion of the people and our leaders in government. ~ ilhout fair and balanced exposure in the mass media to all sides or the issue, ln- cludlng our views, there is no possibility that public opinion can raise above the level that aJ. lowed and encouraged the ban against the Alaskan pipelln"-or .dl11lln11 in the Santa BarbllJ'• channel. CEEED is concf!rned over the 1piraling cost or housing, de- terior otion of our dynamic economy, the loss or job op· portunities and the increasing tax burden in Orange County. We believe a well Informed public ·can have a very pasitive effect upon l;hese Issues; but onl.':' U they are well inlormed. That's Why it is imperative that your description of CEEED and our views be treat~ with the same fairness given Others. We are a coalition generally ' representative of three broad areas, business and labor and a very strong element of concerned citizens which include: pro· fessionals, politicians, taxpayers groups. land owners, those in· terested in housing ror low and moderate income families and just plain citizens. We are not simply ''pro growth" advocates. We believe in realistic and prudent decisions by government in the face of the very real problems which con· front us. We . advocate orderly planning which will accom· modate tomorrow 's growth needs. NICKY CAI.AGNA Member of the Board of Directors, (CEEE;DI or,.rene Call• To the Editor: Sunday's Pilot carried an arll· cle on obscene phone calls ; let me tell you now how I handled these calls. Perhaps it will be some help. · We 've always been told to hang . up immediately and report it to .the telephone con1pany. I dis~ agree -that is a singularly worthless exercise. and le will hang up and, we hope, nevtf. call again. It :Worked for me and for a frield. I hope it will work for you. Tryil. -. URSULA CURRAN Tir e d Worker Tothe Editor: ht response to Charles MiCabe's article in the Feb. 14 is9ie of your paper, where he asks the question, ·•we ? Dunand? Who in the hell do we thhk we are?," I would like to a~. "Who in hell does he and the rett of the world he defends think thiy are?·• ~am a working man who is t d of being taxed to death in an a empt to feed. clothe and de- f d t he rest or the world (an im - pJssibility J without having a lil- t£ s ay·so in how m y hard-earned rion ey is spent or what I have the r€ht lo expect of the people who· rtceive it. \'VllEN I also lay m}· money cuwn at the grocery, gas station, ~I. department store, chari- ty. hospital, I know exactly .. who . the hell I think I a m." lam a man wtio expects a product or ser\'ice. tOOperation, courtesy and a little. tppreciation of equal value.or I Jhoutd have the right to refuse to participate. There arc many of us \\/ho feel this way. l\1r . McCabe has the BY HANGING lJP you let. the ght to drag the rest of us down ~'ght lo think and feel as he leases. but he does not ha\'e the caller know you ~re £t1ghtened 1 h_:lt fool 's ~oad of world ~ubsidy and you·ve ma.de his day. Jn5tead 1thout pos1t1ve !esulU with him. -hold on the line -you don't . i DELVINO. \VICGS have to listen, but keep the line open. Cover the mouthpiece so -tf that he cannot hear any noise from your side . Borflah•• H elp He ..,..-ill eventually get tired or t scared ~al" he is being traced ) To th e Editor: With recession. employmenl and inflation. un· hypertension . . • '• bugging us daily, 1 ·must sa/. the re are a few companies ou~ there that have reclings for th~ public with their constant strug" gletrying to make ends meet. : Specifically, thank you Carl'~ Burger for offeri ng t1,1:0 for onfi hamburger special; thank yOl.C Bob's Coffee S hop for your February combinlltion special, and other con glomerates ......;. small restaurants offering tw9. for one dinners or any businesP that makes an attempt to make it less expensive -who have real people <A'orking for them and making the load a little bit li ghter during these rough times by offering these most appreciat- ed periodic bargains. · It's nice to be nice and I think in the lon g run these s ame com-" panics who give a little now will reap a lot later with this ap- proach and '''hat it will do for their image a nd public relations. 1·m sure they'll be around a long ·time. TOM DOYLE ORANGE coAsT: DAILY PILOT Holler! N. We~. Publisfiir 'fhornn$ Ketvil, Editor . Borbara Krritrich .. Editorial Pcge £ctucr _The editorial P•se of the .D•ilY Pilot St'f'ks to inform •nd sllmul1le re1dtrs by pre~enlina on th l.! Pl'~ llL\'trse N>mmr nl•ry on topics o( ln- lerl'~l by syndicated <'olumnisls •nd (';\rtnonists. by prov1d1ng • forum for readt'r11· '1c..-i. and by prt0sent1ng lh1s nl'wspaper ·~ opinions 11nd ide<1s on turrcnt topn'S. The. edltoi"lal opinion• of the Di.1ily P'tlol appear only in th~ f'ditnr1al l'Olumn 11t lhe · top of the pagt>. llpin1onJ e:1.presse-O by th~ t'C1lumn1 ~1"1 nnd r11rtoon1sts Ind le~r V.'l"llt'r"I 9M' th"1r ow"111nd no l.'ndor,,..nl rnt of the tr \'1t'V.'!t by the D:ialy Pilot should be 1nfcrrt'd .. Fliday, February 2J, 197S . I ~2 DAILYPILOT . -Nixon'-s ~F,undHit , .. Fridoy. Febnl!IJ21.1'1S NEU ST DT· IJ)tAir ted In schooll 'Ind lDlhe poasibilitlta of runnlnc as a lntltee. ·;/By Brown ll._.N .... Udt, 117, on,lher- have lived lo th~ saddlebact Valley for eight yean. , "It's an awesome re1pon1lblU· ty to be a school trustee. Unless we approach it with-a sense of respect, we misa the boat," she said. , . SACRAMENTO (APJ -Gov. .. Edm~d.BrownJr.says muchol ~, · $200 million· in crime prevention funds was wasted, including • $500,000 to protect former presi· _ -.; d~nt Richard Nixon at the ·• Western White House. · ''We've given you half a · million just to take care of one ~ · guy," Brown told a panel of top · state law enforcement officers Thursday. ''I just learned about it and I was shocked," he added. The governor had given the California Criminal Justice Plan. ning Directors Association just a few minutes notice that he would join their regular meeting across : the street from the Capitol. "Whal have you done to curb . : crime?" he demanded. "Are the · streets safer in San Francisco or ··' Los Angeles after you've spent ' $200 million on crime preven· tion?." '· Brown suggested that California might turn down . future federal crime prevention funds, but later said he only wants to review projects. • _''You're here to· convince me that " I should cooperate with you to ' spend money we doo't have," ~"Brown saids , couplirig bis ·.criticism of crime prevention ex· · penditures with complaints about -President Ford's deficit budget. 1• The governor said he wouldn't take federal funds jUst because ,. "they're printing money back . :there''in Washington. • -Planning may be a diversion .. from the main realitf," h~ said. • .. ''Onless parents control their children and adults ere responsi· · , ble· for their acts • . . we aren't ·1..:faclng real problems." : Santa Ana Police Chief <.Rayin.ond Davis-responded to :i.·.someof Brown'S criticisms. '?~ ·•we did not ~et full value fof •. the $200 million we have spent, but we've made progress," he • said. Several members of the as- ·' ·sociation, which represents local . criminal justice agencies .. ~tatewide, argued heated.Jy with ~ Brown during the' one-hour ex- .change, defending specific pro- -grams. Brown complained that money which should have gone lo crime prevention was used to add 10 of- fieers to the San Clemente police force. Some association mem· • bers def~nd ed that as essential because of the h(gh volume of traffic brought to the small com· munity. Oll)ers s aid Brown had singled out a program "where we have egg on our face." * * Fro• Page A I PORTNER. •• Brown's remarks, Portner said, tend to indicate the state is not going to foot the bill after all. "Jt's .political. Orange County ls a Republican County. Our honorable governor is a Democrat. If he can cut down the apposing party, he will,'' Portner ·said. .. Anytime you mention Nixon, San Clemente or transition, you're shot down,'' Portner com- plained. He said there are still 125 to 150 people a day who stop by the estate's entrance for a peek at the former president, and thus, theci· 'y still needs manpower generat- ed by the 'grant to keep an eye on things. ·IPortner said he was confident that if the state does not come through with support for the 10 of- ficers the city will. He said population increases in the city between 1969 when the grant fll'St went into effect and to-· day warrant the 10 officers re- maining on the force. OR.ANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Jack R. Curley wtc. .... ~ .... o.-.. _,... ' ThOm•s Keevll li4l\94' ThOmas A. Murphine ......... , ... QlarlH H . Loos Richard P. Nall AMlt!•M __,...!:.,,,.,, ~,. ... .., J rt Or...._ CiMtl' ••i.t11111 ~,,....,.,....,....._, • .._......,w ...,.,._.. •t ••-tlw..-l't """'I" ...,., w "lloftHC. .. •II.wt -.«+• .,,."'"''-•I .,,..,.... ...... , . ·e~~ • ·- "I function with the expecla· lion that everyone's concern ob- jective Is the same-the highest quality of education. Yet I think we have a lot of work to do on that. "The current boafd is so split and so involved with penonallUes and a politici1ed approach that it seems difficult for them to iet down to talking about education. And educaUon ia why we're all together. ''There is no place fM poll tics on the school board," &be added. "'The results tn thls district have amounted to beh1nd .. the·scenes decision making, without Usten- ing to the community." Ohe of Ms. Neustadt's central campaign issues is a re- examinatioi1 pf the school district budget. A lot l!f tile ''fat" n~ to be sliced out. she said. "I am really concerned," she said. "I think every family in the Saddleback Valley can relate to the need to pull in one's bell "I think we are going to face budget cuts-and I am very con- cern~ that that not happen In the ~tructional rea1m.'' She opposes a tax override to fill the gap, saying there .are areas the district can make cuts, "without asking the public in an already painful time for more money." She also opposes cutting back on teachers' salaries, predictiftg that if a "reasonable negotia- tion" does not occur this year, "we'll have a real storm on our hands." ~. 1~ But she does prOflose studying the school lunch program, which is currently Josine Sf0,000 ayeu; at the administrative structure; aJld .tbout school sport& buda:ets. She points out that the dJstrict ·spends $46,000 a year to lau·ftd~ towels-which could be saved if each· student brought bis or her ownfrom home "If you're in a fat year, that's fine. But these are hard times, and every family in this va11ey knows that " Fro• Page A J PETERSON have three children, ages 18, 16, .and 13 . Peterson has been involved in the community in many ways since he arrived. He helped start the Saddleback Valley YMCA, serying as one of its early board of director:s presidents, and also helped organize the Saddleback Valley Exchange Club. He first became a school board trustee in the San Joaquin Elementary School District and served a year and a hall unW the district was dissolved into the Saddleback Unified district. Peterson ran in 1972 for the new unified board and was one oC the four members ol the Sad- dleback Five slate elected to the charter board. Peterson said be opposes hav. ing a board that bas been elected through the innuenee and money contributions of teachers or· ganizations. Jn the present campaign, a fund·raising committee led by several teachers has raised about $4,000 so far and at last re. l>ort had donated $700 of it to five candidates. "We should have a lay board, not just one representing teachers," Peterson said. "The teachers have a right to do what they want, but they should admit it. It's hard for me to swallow that they got that $4,000 in small donations as lhey said they did. It's not easy to get funds.·· Peterson, along with Trustee Chester Briner, has swipected that some of the money in the committee involved came from the state headquarters of the California T eachers AssociaUon. though there is no proof of that and the teachers have denied it. On other issUes, Peterson believes: -The district needs greater continuity in its instructional programs from kindergarten through grade 12. -A look at eutUng back on ad- minl5tratlve costs through ( dis· trict re«-gan111tlon and evillua- tion of eisisting programa is needed because of the pr~res t of inflA'\ion. -More evaluation ii needed ol tbe concept oi construction management, a system the boa,d IS conslderln1 In which the diJtrlet-becotnes Ila awn ,..,.,.a1 contr9ctor. -More.~ input from the com· munity on Ill deshft for .,..,.. rt<ldum Olld 'Provam d<!vek>p- m•ill nee,d<td. · -'l'be -.. r <JI nellhbctrbood .. )ioola abou\ be foltowecl u macb as po1.ib1e wlien maltlag boundary de'clalonJ_ for new .. hOo ... ''Tbis boUndarJ q-U.., I.I .., • area where paref\,ts cet more fired up tbao the ltlda," ~ aald. "Biil people aboul4 1mow · IW M docillont b1ve booll mlllda yettllld we need their ldeu." • I T,e~~her iFelled :By Dust A Corona del Mar High School chemistry instructor ·was over· com!! Thursday bj y.'hat is believed to be cyanide dust which he may bavemhaled~aday or checking arfd ll•poslhg of chemicals in a etd°"f~· Quick ictk>n by ~~c>rlters and firemen minimized effects •n teacher James Lucas, who sud · denly fell to the noor at about 1 :45 p.m. and experienced serious breathing difficulty, Principal Denn.is Evans said that two other instructors who had been oo the same project and in the same roOm, Steve Taylor and Brad Thurmon, immediately sought help from the school nurse and phoned for police and firemen . None of the instructors were seriously injured by the ef- fects of the chemical. Ready for IJlostof f? Evans said that the science buiJding was immediately cleared of pupils and firemen used ventilating devices to clear the chemistry area of any possi- ble hazardous chemicals. Paul Molle~, a former UC Davis engineering pr~fessor. sits at the controls of hi s Discojet, a flying saucer he designed and c.onstructed. The two-seat saucer is po\vered by eight 24- horsepower rotary engines and is expected to get 16.5 mpg on regular ga9' . "\\'e sent all three of the in- structors to the hospital ju.st as a precaution and they were all re· leased by about 6 p.m. They're all back on the job today and in fine health," Evans said. Viejo High Plans 'West Side Story' The opening night performance of ··west Side Story" by Mission Viejo High School's drama and music de- partments is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27 Addltiooal performances will be given Feb. 28 and March I. 4, 6 and 7, with all performances to begin at 8 p.m . A matin ee performance will be given at 2 p.in. Sunday, March 2. ' The musical, based on the story of Romeo and Juliet, adapt- ed to modem times by Arthur Laurents and set to music by Leonard Bernstein, is being directed by Ann Vardanian, drama teacher at the high school. nckets for all perlormances are available at the Student Store on campus or by phoning the &cbool office, 837-7722, for in· formation. Speech Slated ' By Historian Warren Morgan, president or the Saddleback Area Historical Society, will address members Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the King Gustav room of the Villa Sweden in El Toro. Morgan \ltill report on the Feb. 7 meeting of the Conference of California Historical Societies in San Luis Obispo. according to Dorothy Prothero, publicity chairman for the society. He a1so will show slides of hi storical sites in the San Luis Obispo area. Ad· ditional information is available by calling Morgan, et 8.17·0518. From Page AJ SUIT ... ricflt appeal of the decision open totheplaintiff. The judge will allow the Rancho Palos Verdes attorneys to request that the federal court retain jurisdiction over federal claims pending resolution of state issues in the state courts. . Logan said this was a standard ptOCedure developed for cases in ' which state courts had denied persons their legal rights. Logan said California was not a state which denied due process in its courts. Rancho Palos Verdes had al- leged in its action that a con- spiracy similar to that used by the Ku Klux Klan and city of. ficials in the deep south to deny minority civil rights hacf been used to deny the developer a right to develop the Laguna Ca· nyon tract. Brown Tells Oil Concern SACRAMENTO (APJ -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. disputes a le&islator's remar)c that he wished the governor had done more to fi1ht proposed Qil drill· ing In federal ofrshorew.aters. After Assemblyman Charles Warren made the comment 'r.hursday, Brown said he ts ••very definitely involved.~· The coverfior add that he Is hot re· '!<fy to 11ay w et er drilling Jn, federal waters o t e-Oifif(\rrila coast should be "ba~ned permanently. Warren . a Los Angeles Democrat, c}lalrs the Eneray. 1od Diminishing Resources Committee . r Fr0tn Page A I 8 YEARS ... tence of 20 months to five years in connection with the break-in at the office of Daniel EUsberg's psychiatrist. Through their attorneys, Ehrlichman orfered to waive his right or appeal in exchange ror an "alterna~ive sentence" of doing legal research for a group of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico and Haldeman pleaded for a sen- tence no worse than Nixon's. 1 Siriea reptiec;t that he had given "careful and serious thought to whal the proper sentence should be" and considered "the deler- rent effect on others.'' •·whatever Bob Haldeman did, 'o did Richard Nixon," Jtaldeman's attorney, JOhn J . Wilson, said. "But Nixon Is free and Haldeman has faced the agony of a trial." "Yours is not unlike the power of pardon,'' he said. ··sob 1-laldeman stands here facing the possibility of suffering far more than Richard Nixon will ever suf · fer." Ehrlichman·s new lawyer, lra Lowe, said that Ehrlichman had been in contact with a Pueblo chief who felt there was a critical need in the remote area of the Southwes t for someone with a law background to research the 8,000-mem ber tribe's land titles. Lowe read to the court part or a statement by Ehrlichman which noted he had been earlier con- victed of violating the civil rights of Ellsberg's psychiatrist. .. I'm convicted of violating an individual 's civil rights,·· Ehrlichman said in the state· ment. ''Their (the Indians'> rights are in question every day. "I truly would like to do that rehabilitation myself," Ehrlichman said. "If 1 do it myself I will be infinitely better _foi: ~t." SCRBri1tgs Magic Theater To Sa4dl'eback "The new thing in children's theater is solving kids problems rather than rehas hing old mvths." That's the idea of Saundra Mathews-Deacon. originator of the South Coast Repertory Magic Theater for children which is scheduled to come to the Sad- dleback Valley f.1arch8. Themes of the innovative pro- gram include subjects . that ... children are often confused about and can relate to: the death of a pet, fear of the dark, handling one's anger, a nd the confusing hostilities between boys and girls. Sponsored by the Del Cerro PT A, South Coast Rel> will give two performances, one at 11 a.m. and one at 1 p.m., March 8 at El Toro H.igh School. Tickets will be preso1d from 2 to 5 p.m . March 3, 4, 5, and 6 at Wild West Center in Laguna Hills and March 7 at Del Cer~ School. Sales are limited to JOO tickets for each performance. Each seg m e nt uses both physical action and simple verbal expression interspersed with instrum ental music and singing. Fleetwood Plans RIVERSIDE <APJ 'Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., said Thursday it plans to suspend production at nine mobile home plants within the next few weeks because they have been operat· ing at a loss. The move will idle 350 of the company's s, 700 employes. WINTER SALE CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT · ~ -1 ... of ..,aty fwoitw. at reduced prices. Htnredon, laker, Heritage 11"4 Drexel al hoYe 'P'Cial _. reduced fw 11111 •Hof. Fanl01Hc cohdiOll of 11p•o111ery mso °" salt -_.Doo'twolt. • ' . . DAEXEL-HEAtTAGE-HENR~OON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN-BAKER He added th.at it would be dif- ficult to determine the exact sub· stance which caused the poten· tially serious mishap, but he said suspicions are that a pulverized form of cyanide may have been released during the day's work . Evans said that the clearing and cheeking of chemicals in the laboratory was a routine event and that Lucas had been check· ing to see which substances v.·ould have to be dlsoosed or n,. repackaged. Firemen and police summoned a special hazardous ~chemical and disposal squad from the sheri ff 's office, and th e specialists removed several sub· stances from tbe laboratory. They were disposed of later. ·Murder 'Joke' Wasn'tFwmy CHICAGO <UPI> -Michael Faber calls himself a practical joker. Attempting to hire so- m~ne to murder his wife., he says, was just another al.bis liWe pranks. The humor was lost m Circuit ·eourt Judge Daniel Ryan. He found Faber guilty Thursday of soliciting for murder. During the trial of the 35-year- old former vice president ol an anticrime equipment manufac· luring firm, several witnesffs - including bis father·in-law - testified Faber was a known jokester and that the murder con· tract probably was a practical joke. His wife Barbara, 32, testified. that she had been having an af- fair with another man and that she knew her husband was in- volved with another woman. NEWPORT BEACH • 172'7 WJ::Sl'CLl .. 'F DR . ti42405() . Wffl(DATS & SAJUIDATS f:OO i. S:JO • i:lliNA BEACH;-- "" NOll1'11 COAST HW\' . 4\14-4$$1 TORRANC!(• 2.1649 llAwntORNt; BLVO fOptn ... ri,~~~~U~ lZ·J:JOJ A I - 0 I• f• f l p t } it u r I j• I r ( I J t \ I ' I I s 1 ' \ t I I I ' I I I l I l t •• ., ( t I I I I I ! ' • I t ' J . I i .48 DAI'l..Y PILOT EDITORIAi.. PAGE Brown Forgo t R ule The UC Irvine Medical School project h as passed, one necessary financial milestone, but there's still a long road ahead. · ' Urgency legislation to appropriate $8.95 million for acquisition of Orange. County Medical Center and funding of an on·campus teaching hospital bas been passed unanimously by a state Assembly subcommit- tee and seems likely to win approval of the Assembly Health Committee. The next critical tum In the road will come early in March when the Ways and Means Committee t akes up the bill . Meanwhile, Gov. Brown succeeded in needlessly muddying the waters during a UC Regents meeting by referring to OCMC as "a lemon" and suggesting its acquisition might be a "bad deal" for the state. The governor's remarks violated his one week old pronouncement to a gathering of California newspaper publishers that he would r efrain from commenting on matters he had not had time to s tudy. Since he has not yet found time to confer with the people best informed on the UC! Medical School pro· ject-tbe Orange County Board of Supervisors and the officials at UCl-it is fairly clear his remarks were not based on much solid information or study. Jt may have been an effective way to try to im- press the regents with his concern for the slate's economy, but he is obligated at least to talk to those bes t inform e d and most directly concerned before popping off with further comments. voted 7 to 2 to authorize the IRS lo Issue a summons for bank ·r ecords when large deposits are involved and to force ba nk officials to disclose the identity of the depositor. Previously , such action has been auth orized only if t ax agents are investigating the financial status of a citizen already s uspectedoft"ax evasion . The court ruling was d escribed by the dissent1ng justices as a ''dangerous detour'' from earlier limita- tions on IRS investigations. Unfortunately, we have had occasion in r ecent times to realize that the IRS has pe rmitted its pre· s umably confidential data to be disseminated rather · freely for political purposes. . The ne w court ruling, while it m ay turn up a few tax evaders, would appear to be a blanket permission for fishing expeditions into affairs of bank patrons. Think 55 The California Highway Patrol's novel 55 mhp "escort service'' for Las Vegas-bound motorists over the recent holiday wee kend h ad the remarkable ef- fect of e liminating all accidents on ·the 240-mile stretc n l or three days. This is certaif\ly commenda ble in an area where high-speed driving has caused horrendous crashes. It is apparent that the CHP can 't continue to as· s ign up to 100 p atrol cars for r egular escort service, but there may be some r esidual psychological benefit. • • New IRS P ower While no taxpaye r, especially at this season, can summon up muc h sympathy for tax evaders, this week's U.S. Supreme Court ruling extending the power of the Internal R evenue Service to probe bank deposits is more than a little scary_ Certainly the stepped -up speed p atrols on the San Diego Freeway through Orange County -and s tep· ped-up citations for violators -have encouraged loca ldr1:vers to ''think55." · And, d espite continuing complaints from heavy- foote d drivers, the fact that the s peed limit now is na· tional law m akes it more or less n ecessary lo adjust ou~ thinking accordingly -or pay the penalty. ·· 'Now, if you'll step next door to my subsidiary, you can buy a .few hundred troops to advise you in the use of our weapons!' Ove rturning a lowe r court ruling, the hig h court G rowi11g P ea1111ts While Na(,i ves S tarve Henry Cla rif ies O ur Middle East Policie$ Agro-industrial Tape Worms ''Hello. J-l enry? How are things ( WASltlNGTON -Earl Butz, ( ]' one chicken a year." The rest-are back to it arc the economic Jn Cairo? Or J e rusalem? Or ART H OPPE J the Secretary of Agriculture, has VON. H OFFMAN. "economically inactive," whic h equivalents of tape worms. 'l'he wherever you are today?" been taking a beating because seems to be a ·ix>lite word for tape worm also arrives in ·the · "Pl ease, I have told you never he's so stingy with our food. The ·starving. intes tines where it lives by to call me when I am not at the of-..,,, ___________ ...,,; pressure to give away food to Collins observes that, although gobbling u1> the food \Vhich by uce:_· underde veloped countri<'S grows the Green Revolution m ay rights belongs to the organism it · "But you're never at our of-nam.'' with each TV .documentary pieceofirony.lnColombia,with indeed increase production, it has invaded. People with taj>e fice,Henry.AndtheWhi eHouse "Precisely. Jn the event ihe s ho wing yet another nation an estimated 130,000 metric ton mea ns very little lo the people worms come down with press keeps Arabsareatlacked,you canthen suffe rin g from a ca se of protein deficiency, ''a hectare growing the produce. Thus in m alnutrition. so the prospects asking me to 'send in our troops to protect our perm anent starvation. (about lwo·and-a-half acres) Colombia 70 percent of the grain are guarded for Brazil where,· explain my American boys lrom the at-For once in his life Mr. Butz devoted lo t he raising of grownthereis divertedtopoultr\' Collins reports, Volksw&gen is Middle East tackers." may be right, albe it fo r the carnations brings a million pesos feed to fatten chickens that most raising cattle in lhe Amazon, not policy. I know ••You mean the Israelis, wrong re -a year , while wheat or corn Colombians can't buy. to sell to Brazilians, but to the· you're awful· Henry?'' asons. Except brings only 12,500 pesos. As a According lo hi s calcul<itions, J apanese. "'fhey get $20 a pound ly busy, but if "No, us. Our defending troops as one-shot, res ult, Colombia ... mu st use one hectare of land used in thal for the beer in .Japan, and you you could just will defend our Americai1 boys emergency scarce foreign exchange to way will support 1,430 people, if don't get that for a VW," be tell me once from our attacking troops while disaster r e-Import basic foodstuffs," write they only had the money lo buy• explains. ·again ... Why ·our American boys are helping lief, giving Barnet a nd Muller in "Global chicken at200pesosa kilogram. lfthe foodproblemisanat)'zed •did I send you the Arabs blow up the oil '4'eils away food Reach : Th e Power of the 'fhe same land, if used to grow asCollinsdoesit,thenallthetalk over there ourattackingtroopsareatlack-make s no l\1ultina tional Corporations'' soy beans for direct human abOutpopulationexplosionsand this time?" ing." ·sense. The (Simon a nd Schuster, 1974). consumption, will feed 22,700 shifts in weather patterns is "It is quite simple, really. You "But what's the gocxl of all poor nations "The development track of the people at 12 pesos per kilogram. · som evt'hal beside the point. It· have sentmeoverberetomakes that, Henry?" . like the ric h ·'-• g lobal corporations features If Collins is right, Colombia is ma y no l even be in our lasing peace between the Ara~ "It will in sure, 1 can say with ·mus t manage increased production of lu xury relatively better off than a place self·interesl lo convince the and the Isr aeli s." confidence, lhe mosl interesting their affairs so they can ·grow items such as strawberries and li ke the Dominican Republic natives lo cul down on their "But J thought you told me 1 peace negotiations 1 have ever enough food to feed their own asparagus for the international where, he says, Gulf & Western procreations. 'fhc more there are. was threatenin g to make war· engaged in." people. s uburban market. But the money . has set itself up in a sugar cane of them, the more money \\'e can against the Arabs.·· · They Can't do lhat if their best does not flow to the hungry 0 p e r a t i 0 n t h a t i s s 0 make selling them the food we've ''You a re. Thal is why I rriust· •it G UESS you're right, Henry. land, the ir wa ter and thei r m ajority ... " se\f-conttined the locals get no finessed them out of growing for investment capital are used to side ben fits from it at all. Nol the mselves. first achieve a lasting peace J guess. But couldn't you just tell · It I 00· · d grow agr1cu ura comm 1t1es JOSEPll COLLINS of the only does the company import True, this may increase the be tween th e Arabs and the me who are the good guys an r t I I · h h orexpor . nmanypaces1nt e Transnational In s t 1·tu'e. a Haitian}abor,but,Collinssays. numb er of beggars and l sraelis. I-low would you look iC w o are the bad guys? Id h t be h • • wor t a seems lo w al s I e f l -1 ea n in g 0 r g an i z at i 0 n with their own repair s hops and miserables in the "'o rld, but we you attacked the Arabs and they. "No." happening. The re are reports, specializing in world economic company stores. G&W doesn't needn't bother ourselves about were off fighting a.. war · r 1 th t · th ·ddl c someplace in Israel?" ••sut, Henry, you simply have or e x:amp e, a in e m1 e o proble ms, points out that, while, buy anything from the host the warnings we hear t hat, if w~ .toexplainmyMiddleEastpolicy thedroughtintheAfricanS8hel, the produ c tion or broiler country. don't feed the hung ry, they'r tome." Mali was growing peanuts and chickens i n Colombia has going to rise up and smite.us. ••on I THINK I see what you t . th hi! h li c .. ~ mean. I think . But i£ 1 am ''Impassible. I am h<J ving expor ing em w e l e re e doubled in less tha n a decade, ·'AG R 0 ·INDUSTRIAL Starving people a r e loo weak to: enougbtroublet'""ingtoexplain planeswereflyingin£oocL ''only about 20 per cent or the enclaves" that moveinOnahost smite man y. mighty s motes .. • threatening lo attack th e Arabs, A~ .. # ~ why am 1 selling them hundreds it totheArabf! and theJsrae~." This is a nything bu~ a unique population can afford to buy even countiry, use it and give nothing fheybeg, they y,.·himper, they die~ or millions of dollars worth or ·. ;r :!~~~~;:~?~~f~t:~:::'.b:: Public Must Know Growth Alternative~ wish to convince them you arc · ( their fri end . Secondly, you ( ) 'fhat 's why it is imperative andhe willhang upand,wehope, bugging us dai ly. 1 ·must sal desper ately need the dollars they To the Editor: MAILBOX th at your description of CEEED nevq call again. there are a few companies o~ spendforthese weapons inorder . Dui:-ing the pa s t year. and ourviewsbetreat~withlhe It worked for me and for a there that have feelings forthtt to pay the exorbitant price they Journalists from the Daily Pilot; sam e fairness given others. We friend,. I hope it wilJ work for you. public with their constant stru~ are chargi ng you for oil-which inrePortingnewseventsinwhich are a coalition generally " Try it. gle tryingtomakeends meet.~' is why you arc threatening to at-the Council on Environment, Letters from readers are welcome. r epresentative o( three broad URSULA CU RRAN Specifically, thank you Carl' tack them in the £irslplace." Employment, Economy and The right to condense letters to fit areas, business and labor and a Burger for offering two for on "Well , I guess that certainly Development (CE EEO) has space OT eliminate libel is reserved. very strong element of concerned hamburger special; thank see ms reasonable, Henry. l been involved, have referred to Letters of 300 words or less wili be ci tizens which include : pro-Tired Worker Bob's Coffee Shop ror your: guess. But I thought you instruct-and desCribed it (C EEED) as a given preference. All letters must in-fessionals, politicians, taxpayers February com bin a lion speciar1 ed me lo instruct you to get the "pro development organization elude signature and malling address groups. la nd owners, those in· To the Editor: and o th e r conglomerates ..,,. Arabs to low er the pri ce o( oil ?" of builders and labor leaders... but names may be withheld on re-terested in housing for low and In response t.;»: s mall restaurants offering tw~ "Yes, a brilliant maneuver. If 1 and many other concerned quistifsufficientreasonUopparent. moderate incom e familie3 and McCabe's article in ' for one dinners or any busine the Arabs lower the price or oil, citizens, who are neither in Or· Poetry will not be publi3hed. just plain citizens. issue of your paper, where he that makes an attempt to make· you will have more money .to e-anized labor nor with the build-We are n ot simply ''pro ask s th e qu es tion, ''We? less expensive -who have real ~::pothn~~.~raelis more and better ing industry, ·but who are active growth" advocates. We believe Den1and? Who in the hell do we people working for them ana . membersinCEEED,takeexcep-drillingand a banonalldcvelop-inrealisticandprudentdecisions think ...,,e are?,'' I would like to making the load a little bit "Won't that ofrend Ute Arabs, ti to h d · · ment in the nearby hills and by government in the face of the ask, "Who in hell does he and the lighter during these rough times 1-lenry?" -on sue a narrow escnption of our coalition. The description along the coast. 'But the conse· very real proble ms which con· rest or the world he defends think by offering these m ost appreciat~ is not accurate and further, it is quences of suc h actions by the front us. We . advocate orderly they are?'' ed periodic bargains. · ••YES, but you musldo this for unfair in that currently, words politi"cian, in 'appealing or planning which will accom-I am a working man who is It's nice to be nice and I think two reasons: first, you wish to like "labor leader'' and ''landde· respondin g lo s uc h public mod ate t omorrow's growth tired of being taxed to death in an in the long run these same com: convince the Israelis you are veloper" undoubtedly set off a shortsightedness, wi.ll most cer-needs. a.ttempt lo feed. clothe and de-panies who give a litUe now will theirfricnd .Secondly,theyWill negaUve bias in the minds of tainly be higher costs -a nd NICKYCALAGNA fcndlherestorthcworld(anim-reap a lot later with this ap· .need more a nd better weapons to your readers that affects their s hortages in s helter, oil and Member of the possibility ) without having a lit· proach and what it \viii do for def end themselves from lhe perception of the issue being re-energy, Do a rd of Directors. tie say-so in how my hard-earned their image and public relations. Arabs, because you have sold the ported. We are most sincere in . nlon('y is spent or what I have the. J'm sure they'll be around a long Ar abs mo re and belle r our belie( that much of our coun· " OUR ORGANIZATION is de-(CEEE;D> ri ght lo expect of the people \~rho -lime. weapons ," d . ed · ·t "l think that does sound fair, .try's present difficulties arc 1cat to the task of determin-~ rcce1ve1. Henry. 1 think. But sending in Caused by our government·s ac· ing alternatives and conse- d . k cv· t tion or inaction in response to quences of public issues beyond Ob•c~ne Calls mil~tary a viserssmac s·o ie · public opinion ; opinion which those of surface emotionalism, \VllEN I also lay my money down at the g rocery, gas station, Dear Gloomy Gus with all Ila city officials who have spenCtlll"le there, Westminster cbuld .start a -sister city pfO(ra.m. with the California pris o.n system. C.H.L. • I often ls ill infor med and fre· and bringing them to the atten· quenUy uninformed. lion of the people and our leaders THE PUBLIC cannot be ex- pected to rend e r prudent, balanced opinion on puj>Uc is· sues, viz. o(f shore oil drl11ing, the Alasklin pipeiine, environ- mental demands, growth, greater government control over land use ind resources, etc., un- less and until it knows and ap- preciates th e i6sue, the alternatives and the conse- quences. If lhe only publicly recognized altemaUve.s and consequences.or of'Cshore oil drilling or the wish for huge areas bl urban open •r,ace revolve a.-ound eslhetic de- s .ra1 the public can be expected to demand a ban on olfstiore I I in government. Without fair and balanced exposure in the mass media to all sides of the issue, in· eluding our views, there is no possibility that public opinion can raise above the level that aJ.· lowed and encouraged the ban against the Alaskan pipeline or drilling In the Santa Bt1rbara channel. CEEEO is concerned over the spiraling cos t of housing, de- terioration of our dynamic economy, the loss of job op- portunities an.d.....the increasing tax burden In OrangeCounLy. We believe a well informed public ·can have a very v<>sitive effect upon theso Issues ; but Onl? if they aie well informed. To the Editor: school. department store, chari- Sunday's Pilot carried an arti -ly. hospital, I knOY.' exactly "who . cle on obscene phone calls: let the helllthink l a n1 ."l an1a m an me tell you now how I handled. who expects a product or ser\'ice, these calls. Perhaps it will be cooperation, courtesy and a litUe. some help. · appreciation or equal value.or I We've always been told to hang shou!d have the right to refuse to . up immediately and report it to part1c1pate. the telephone company. I dis-There are many of us \vho feel aaree -that is a singularly '· t.J:ils way. J\.~r . McCabe has the worthless exercise. ri ght to think und feel as he pleases, but he does not. have the right to drag the rest of us down that fool's road or ~1orld subsidy I "ithout positive results with him. BY HANGING UI' you let the call er know you are fri ghtened and you've m a.de hfs day. Instead -hold on the line -y6u don't have to listen, but keep the line open. Cover the mouthpiece so that he cannot hear any noise I DELVIN O. WIGGS B arga ins Delp from yqu r side. To the Editor: He will eventually get tired or \Yith recession 1 scared !:hat he is being traced employment and I ' I inflation, un· hyperlenslon ' . - TOM DOYLE ORANGE coAsT: DAILY PILOT Robf!rl N, \Veed, P\tt>fuher Thoma.! Ktf"IJ11. Edftor . Barbara Krelbk:h, . E:diloriol Po~ Ectilor _The edllorial P•1e of the .Dall)' Pilot 9eeks to In form and stimulate r~•ders by presentin& on this pace d1vtr:-1e commt'ntary on toplc1 0( ln· tere~t by i.ynd1~·•ted col1.1mnbta and cartoonists. b\" 11ru\•1clin1 a forum ror rl'adl'rs' \ h'"" i; and by l'rt'ffnting this newspaper'h ophuons alkt ideas an turrcn\ top1 l's, The. edl\oi'i•I ophuons tif th« l)~u ly Pilot •p~ar only In th1.• edllurial column 1t the ' lap flf the page. lJµln1ons exprnsfll by \ht" <'Olumn1 sl!1 :tnd <'wrtoonlsts Ant\ h•lll'r .... ri11•ro. are their O'ftn and l\(l 1•ndor~1·n11•n \ of lht>if \ lf'"'S b)' lhe D:11ty l'1 l<JI l>h<)u\d be 1nfcrrt'd .. Friday, February 21, 197S • , • . ;$ I I I • .. • • • . ' DAILY PILOT A,f ' ', ' -I• • • . -, . • l; ' " , . ··~BA.RKER BROs~· HUNTINGTON BE.AC·H • , , I ' ' , • GRAND RE-OPENING GALA Starting Saturday, February 22 at ·10:00 a.m. OINUS! W.e know you're very particular people, so we made sure this would be e.xactly your kind of store! We r.e-designed it ~o that you woul~ find a happy decorating surprise around almost every corner! Mpdel rooms, vignettes and decorative settings are more exciting, more imaginative than ever! All tho~e aristocratic furniture and accessor y names we're noted for are here. Henredon. ---Heritage. Drexel. irhomasville; Flair. Selig. Marge Carson. Sealy. Simmons. Karastan. And lots, lots • ·more! You be the ~dge! Come see for yourself)f we've made this the kind of store you really want! I . . - BRING TH.E FAMILY AND fRIENDS, ANDCELEBRATE WITH US! STARTING SATURDAY! Win Valuable prizes. R~lster to win a trip for two to . San Francisco and stay et the Mark Hopkins Hoti:I .. ·' · or a handsome patio furrJiture set ..• or a fine color'television: Receive a complimentary gift! Our own 90-page decorating guide, "California Lifestyles", with smart, practica I ideas. ' See a fascinating exhibit! "100 Years of Doll Collecting", presented by\the Doi I Shoppe of Monrovia and other doll establishments. A pageant of doll history is displayed, from delicate traditional porcelains and chinas to modern vinyls and plasHC!i . Robert Brewer, creator of the look-alike doll, shows how a doll i~constructed, from sculpture to finish. DISCOVER INTERESiTINGA.RTISTS! Textile designer Carol Moran, County, specializes in creating stuffed, sculptural wall hangings using hand-spun, n~turally dyed fibers. Painter Abby Vaughn creates visual "music", and her works are included in the collections of prominent Americans all over the country. Shown at Laguna, Beverly Hills, more ! Printer Don Van Valkenberg grew up in Southern California. He works.in intaglio, lithography, serigraphy and iconography. He is extremely innovative in subject and materials. Photographer Jordan is extremely popular among collectors throughout the country. After a formal education in fournaHsm, he chose the camera to fashion a distinctive environment. \ ' · Stuls;tor, potter, teacher Rick Anderson's activities extend fr6il'fcollege football letterman.to teaching to exhibition· . · ¢his paintings, ceramics and sculpture througho·ut'the area. Sculptor Howard Hitchcock creates Impressive cast bronze · figures from ceramic shell molds. His 'Column of . Figures 11•: will be presented on display here for the first t i me. Caricaturist George Yasuda is a Southern California illustrator and commercial artist. He captures the essence of character. ' ENJOY LIVELY ENTERTAINMENT! Dramatic Japanese performers Will be seen Saturday morning . Picturesque Mexican e.ntertainers will be pr.esented in ·the afternoon • . ' . ) I " -~ • ,, < ' • . ' • • • HUNTINGTON :BEACH • . 83 H\Intin~n C~ ~ •• tor lll<iliPlng Coi)venience I' Mtlf•le•c• a DeflV&!Y setVice •".Kl 881 up al' no charge ..... ,, 011--c ............... ,., .a Consult with our decoralln!l •taff ••• smart Ideas.at ~charge 192 ... 405 . \ . -- " f .-I· ·" .J I • • VI - • • 7. '1 •I h • •• -. ~ ~·. ID ... ~ .. , . . ' -· ' i . . ,.. ~ . . ·\ __ .... '-··-·~.-,, ....,.-~:· -:= . .t •' ... • -. ---• . . ' . • ., • ~.;· (, In an' encounltr, spiced by ex· changes of verbal barbs, the eight Irvine schQOl board can- didates -od.tlined their qualifi.ca- • tions, asplriltions and allegations ThurSday at a University High '":Scljool candidates' forum. Abo'fl' 100 re1idents JOOk~ on 1 as. the ln uffib~nts sturru>ed on · ~ir accomplishments and the ~8.llengers renewed their ,_as- sault on what,.th,ey consider' djs- trict shortC·~roings. :..'.Tile Ul{~verslty High. S.Chool .. .PJAlrents;.. ErJ.eb.4~ aJ\d "Faculty _ Otl:anization; which sponsored the, .(~um, ~sked each ca·n· To41ay's C~lng : N.Y. Stoeks· \ Views The candidates uniformly answered .. both", exp)ai~~f that there is a place for . ou:w among the a.lternative programa- to which the district is com· milted. The audience at the forum sponsored by the Irvine Tomor- row ci\'ic rorum graded the can·, didates, giving the incumbent& the top marks. But several residents attend· ing the forum 1,11ho are not mern: bers of Irvine Tomorrow charged that the audience ~·as "stack~'', with.the.group's members. ~ ! • • - :-UNIVERSITY HIGH PFFO·;Hq!i fRED lifM. (CENTt;R) Ml>pERATES ~NDl~T!=S.NIGHT THURSDA_~ .· : All Elght.Cendkjjlft Une U~o Qutllne ~a .for lrvl~e,£ducello'!,•I fraarams --·· .. • dijlate'.· "v.lhelJ elected .,mild ~ou wof.K for ·a mOl-e ihnovati-ve or n;!O~ tr·aaljio~il , educatJ~ ~ pi-0: The candidates include incum·- bcnts Sharon Sircello. Lee Sit.oli, Charles Boulanger . Norman Gi~sb u.rg 1 DeHn Olson, p.lu•.,.. : ' .. a •• _, -·'. -· 4 ......... ···.;. . . ,. . . Nixon's . . . .,. ~ .;,op .~ Aid~s - . . ~ '· ~ ;:_, ... .. ·~ -.::_ . -' - Giv~n , f!p to · 8 ·Yeal-s ,. Mitchell's Optimistic Venue Cha11ife Nixed Mardi an WASHINGTON <UPI> When for.mer Attorney General John N . M itcbell was sentenced today to up to eight years in prison for the Watergate\cover-up, he hur· ried out of' court with but one comment: "It could have been a hell of a lot worse. They could have sentenced me to spend the. rest ol mydtre with )lartha ~ltchell." UCI Hospital Seen as Hoag 'Disaster' ByDOUGL~SFKITZSCHE 01 Ult O.llr P'lt.1 SU" Competition from a general •cute care hospital on the UC Irvine campus will be a financial disaster for Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach, hoSpital administrator Scott Par.ker said Thursday. Portraying a deficit fiscal pic- ture. Par·ker said medical 5'nicea the hospital provides to Newport Beach and Costa Mesa gradually would be pared down to a bare-bones service level if the facility loses its "fight for •urvival." ' Respondin& to Parker's com- i;nents, UCJ-California College of Medicine Doan St1'n1ey van den Noort si.id toaay, ''My opinion is and will be that when the on-~•'l'P"'I bolpital is ...,.pll'l<d in three or.four years, it wlll1not ff· fectHouon('iota. H "PopalaUqn growth ol the area is such th•t r.lbere is not any signlfjcant. Ccompelitlon>.''.. Dr, van den Noort said. • . By TOM BARLEY Of ... O.lly P'tMt 111.tt &il'!;rior Court Judge Claude 1.1,Pww.~Ocl l°'4f ~I Irvine heiresS J.Oan "Irvine Smith's s\ock contr 1 aWsuit &gainst ttie Jameslrvii!e Foundatioil and lit• Irvine Co1npany tnust be tried in Orange~ty. , He firml1 told all ten lawyerS involved in a pretrial hearing to- day that he is not impressed by arguments that the Irvine Com- pany'.s land owning status in this county 1>i-eclude~ the possibi,lity or a fair trial. "It may be true that the com· pany .oWns 83,000 acres o{ land amounting to one filth cl Orange County,", he noted. ''But I can't ac~t the state's argument that this'.jiastilies moving this trial to Los Angeles County.'' Judge Owens next will take evideiice from witnesses before ' rulin"g on a numb~r of other pre· tfial motions filed by bQth sides in the law:Suit. Among '1th em -are .. demands by Mrs. Smith's lawyers for a per_marrent injun~tionthat would prevtnt the foua~"tion from pro- ceeding wltlr·lts 'alleged plan to sell Irvine Company shares amounting to a controlling in· terest in the cOmpany to Mobil Oil Corporation (or a reported $UO million. ~ 'tthe ·foundation has been pre· v .. ted from concludiag the deal by '8 restraining order issued .shortly after the lawsWt was flied. 'rs. Smith contudf that the lrtine shares.*@: Worth far more than the quoted figure and that (See HEIRESS, Pag~A2 l I, Me8a Wioow }'iles Lawsuit , . ' ' . After Cr.ash , A \Costa M'esa wom40 who was widowed Peb. 20, 197(,.wl)end!er husb'and was --ejected'. frOrif his auto during a tw'o'-C'aJ''.collision in Orange sued the -1llakerS -and sellers or his car and tbe·oppos- ing driver Thlirsday for' $1.5 million in damages. .\.. Judith,Ann Miller names a~•· • .ditional defendants in he'f Oran~e County Superior Court action the unidentified per,sons wbo allegedly served motorist Richard P .. Denhamliquor short- ly· before his ~ar· coJli'~ed. with James Frank Miller's auto. Mr&. Miller states that a con- tributing factor to h& husband's death was the defective seat bell and shoulder straP whic h snapped at the time or impact. Charged with negligence on those grounds are N.ewp.ort Datsun and the Nissan Motor Company Ltd. Parker',1. statements to newsm·en Tbur,day .en'!ed a period of.odltial· •ilebce regard· Ing a hosp\td'Hoag ~.ans to build inlrvine. ••. i . s· h I t; d.d t Hoac baa n>ergOd with the .~: _c 00 an I a IP <S...HOSJ,'~'.l'Al;, ageAZfl • '< Gets Up . ~ To Three WASHINGTON (UPI) -John N. Mitchell, H.R . Haldemati'and John,. Eb~llcb~a"1 .,..C.. ~fl'l'd . ~ . se.!1'~t=~1:~t' eig:ht yearS in prison for: conspir- inC1 to fiiv'er f;P }.:merica's wont polltic8tlcanClal. Opiinlnt tile wa~ lot an appeals process that may lake,as long, as 1two 7eilrJ1,. U.S. Disltict JU!lge Jphn J " ·Siric~ also . sentenced )lobert C .. M"ardian to up to three years la prison f9r his patt in the ·w,tergate conspiracy. Hardian is a sometime San Clemente resi- dent. • The Se'1tences, stiffer than those received by any other Watergate defendants since the orig~nal burglars, were described by one of the attorneys as ''far more than Richard NiJcoo win ever suffer.'' Nixon, forced to resign as pre- sident of the United States by the same evidence which led to the convictiQn of his top aides, was vacationing in Palm Springs with · the knowledge that he will never be prosecuted under a pardon he received from President Ford. There was no immediate com- ment•from the ror-tner president. Nope of the four conspira.t~rs -Mitchell, who h,~d been Nix· onis attorney general and cam- paign manager ; Haldeman and Ebrllchman, who were chief White House aides., and Mardian, who was Mitchell's chief dept&ly -showed any emotion as-.the sentences were pronouneed. The conspirators solemnly r e- rused to comment. but.Mardian's lawyer said he thought the sen· tences were ''too heavy." Ehrlichman, normally glib. con· fessed, ··1 just don't have <Sees YEARS, PageA2) * * '-tr ' • graJ!I'?" "':"""' .:. ·...:" ... -'.J (See HOPEl-~ULS , Page AZ.l · . . . . ,. ~ . ' Bl~i(l~dy A Springfieid, Tl!., policeman trjes to console the grie~­ stricken g~andmother:or eight-month-old Demetna Doss • • whq_died in fire at her home Thursday. Firemen behe~e the · blaze started from a space heater. Demetria s . brotjl.e~ was rescued ,by firemen. • • . . • ' • 'f~quiQse Stolen From · Irvine Firm . ' ' ' ' . .A ~u.rglar who. forced open a repr .dQOr to a shoP al Traveland in Irvine Thursday stole nearly S15t600 worth of Southwestern ln- di-ei:rFslyle turquoise jewelry, PQliceSHid . Louis E. Wysocki , owner of'tbe Mercantile Trading Post i,n the recreational vehicle complex off the·Santa Ana Preeway at Sand Canyon Avenue s aid the stolen jewelry items ranged in value from $100 to $2,000 apiece. Of£ic~r Rudy Malik said all jewelry jtems in one display case inside WysOcki 's was stolen. Wysocki described the Indian h8ndicraft pieces as being wh·at he termed One of a kind. •' Investigators today could ,not establish a direct tie to an ,\.fl~l~: dent at the Traveland corriPieX alx>ut 4 a.m. Thursday, in which • a security guard was pistol·: whipped by two men who therr stole the 1972 Datsun pickup truck assigned to him. • The victim was also robbed ot his pocket money during the pre· dawn assault while he was m.ak· ing his rounds. checking the firm's o(Cices and shops. I Quigley Airs Plan • • ,, .. 1;, • ~· • r-~~-;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;=""""""""'"'""-f--":~·~·;•;--·~~~ . ... ,..urd Pessimistic Dean w T <;dk , To AidAgriculture •I ' 'o .Weadror ' ~· NOflltea1terly;wlncls 25 lo40 inpb below canyon• throllgb · Saturuy, according tcJ" the weather 1ervlCe. Falt skies with · bl Pl· of 61 t~ 12-Lowa . tonlgbU21of7. . . l!llS~· E 'l'Ol)A \' 6 u · v;1J9 wciman ""' l<llU/W. d1ili1 to ad bl/ RWU•g l~riag1 tbackitooe -, iM atrlng.r _of her puppett. See , .il0ry !>II DSilJI Pilot ..U.fl tori.fer JG!l-ll'orth Oii page ,C·2 ottoclav'• · w .. kl)od•r. . . . · , . ,Index •"•..,,."• "I ,...,.... ,.,. --~.\I ,..._,l .. ~. C6-J .Jii>M.,19.,. ,.,,, . ~,,_. ,.,. 1Q'""""" Al.•.. M't1J_..,.,.,.. • A4 &::.'&!"' 0 .1•14 <N•~"'Y All '(1 ~ 11•t • ·.-0~ Cl-4 ' '"°'-.<,J • =flll'r·-IS.J OMUIMtlMH ._b • . ............ "' . •... .,.,, EZ..'l (tof MM'I.... ~ .. ' ., .. ,, .,.~... ,., ... _, DI "'"""' ..-,.,........ 11 ,.....,. r. ==: ~t 1== CM .. ~ . ' . ' . Editor'• Note: This i! one of a ""..;;:""n ltril• of iftterview• with t'"' eight ~fi for tbe· ln>Qle Unified &>/kio!Pt>«iict "liovrd of 'l'nul .. •. All five aeoll on' the board will be filled in.Morch 4 balloting. The , three can· didat.es receiving the larOtst number of uotu QriU be eJeCted to /our·11ear 1....,;,. T~e placing fourlh and fifth will bl clicted to two·1'tar terms. Over the next five years. Lhe lrvil)e school district will more than triple in population and its nnancial support will fall to keep pac<1; accord\ltl lo school board holJle,ful !rank Hu~d. , The result will be ~t'"8~re for a1llghel'tax rale, lleconteri&a. · H~d, ab economic coruiultant, Is ori1? of three,.hallengeni to the . lneutnben\ five"1n'eJ11.ber school bj>at<I in llil JI! arc)cl-<le<\IQn. , Hurd: 44, of 111161 ,Dewberry Way -I• a city planning com· mlllflionor-with two children In cllstrtct.1chool1. · · !"-board. he coatends, needs hll espettllt 001 ec<)l)Q;llllc.allaln . . <See HURD, Pill! A2l - '• . - " • .1 -• •'l'M ~~ By PAM•ELA HALLAN ot ._ O.Uy P'I 191 it..tt · 1r.vine Councilmitn . f1.enry Quigley has·come up with an idea on preservation of a1ricuUture · and lately he's been Sla:Blini it wjth any gi-oup willing to list.en. · ~n Juan C"apistrano;ci~ c<M.4n: cilmen. who fpr monU)s, haVe been wresUing with the 1'>roblem. of preserving acricultural •~net against .urbanlzatiOn, \Vete eager listeners this wttk, ••WlJat 1·m try ing to do is come up w~ a ~manentsolution ror lbc!'\ling la. relief lo property ""••ri~ lbey won 't be !ofced lo d_evelO~,';iaid Quigley. His plan, he said. has two at- ' tributes: l't providesi fair com- pensation to landciwnerg and it ~preseots I" minlmllm,.cost to ithti l&)(payers. , 1U you just bought the land the coot would be prohlbltlye," he said. "In Irvine we found °"I' lax· es would double ii we passed a ~oild l1csue to· purchase (See QVIGL Y, Page AZ I I ~. ~ tl I DAIL V Pl~OT ~-~Teacher • • Felled ~fBy ·oust :,.,· " A Corona deJ. Mar Hlgb SC!hool ".! Chemistry instructor was over· come Thursday by what is believed to be cyanldedust which he may have inhaled during a day of checking and dlaposing of chemicals in a storeroom. . Quick acti_o~ by coworkers and · firemen m1n1m1zed effects on teacher James Lucas, who sud- denly felt to the noor at about 1 :45 p.m. and experienced serious breathing difficulty. Principal Dennis Evans said that two other instructors who had been on the same project and in the same room, Steve Taylor and Brad Thurmon, immediately sought help from the school nurse and phoned for police and firemen. None of, the iMlructors were seriously injured by the ef. feels of the chemical. Evans said that the science building was Immediately cleared of pupils and firemen used ventilating devices to clear. the chemistry area of any possi- ble hazardous chemicals. "We sent all three of the in- structors ta: the hospital just as a · precaution and they were all re- leased by about 6 p'.m. They're all back on .the job today and in fine health,'' E_van~ Said. He added that it would be dif· ·ficult to determine the exact sub· stance which caosed the }>Oten- tially serious mishap, but be said f suspicions are that a pulverized : "form or cyanide may have been ~'released during the day's work. 1-Evans said that the clearing "and checking of chemicals in the . .;-tatioratory was a routine event rJand that ·Lucas had been check-IJng to see· which substances . ;],would have to b~isoosed or oc :..;re~ck~•ed. r ' 1'fri.oeD and pol e summoned ,l,B aped.Al bazar us chemical and dl,Posal quad Crom the . _.:sherlJf 's office, and tbe :.:specialists removed several sub- ; stances from the laboratory. ·•They were dispased of later. fi'ro•P~AJ 8 YEARS .•• anything to say." Mitchell, Haldeman and Ehrlichman were sentenced to a minimum of 2i,.t years to a max· inium of eight years on charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and lying. Mardian, conviC:f.ed oo- ly of conspiracy, was given a 10-monlh to three year sentence. They were released without bond pending appeal. ' Ehrlichman also faces a sen- tence of 20 months to five years in connection with the break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. Through their· attorneys , Ehrlichman offered to waive hi s right of appeal in exchange for an "alternative sentence" or· doing legal research for a group of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico and Haldeman pleaded for a sen· tencenoworsethan Nixon's. Sirica replied that he had given •·careful and serious thought lo what the proper sentence should be" and considered "the drter- renteffect on others.'' "\Yhatever Bob Haldeman did, so did Richard Nixon," Haldeman's attorney, John J. Wilson, said. ··But Nixon is free and Haldeman has faced the agony of a trial.'' Infant Found Dead SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The body of a newborn infant has been found in a women 's restroom of the Emporium de- partment store on Market Street, police said today. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed Pl'eli ... I "" Pwtlll ...... J•ck R. Curley Vk• ""' ... '*"'.,,., c.. .... a1 _.....,,.. Thomas Keevil EOllOt Thomas A. Murphine ,_..,...,"9 E•lor O\lrles H. Loos Richard p_ Nall lill\114 ... 1 ~-.......... , • • I . ·~ • B)' JACK CHAPPELL stale is&u~ in the st0i40W'ts· 0111tto.i1rrtwsa.tt ~ Logan, said thl!-, waS ~!P.Ddfl:'d • . ' . · · procodutl! de\ieloped 1 ... ~._ In , • A Ced~ral judge hu di~missed • which slate "co~gs &!nled . ~ $37 mllllon sull l>rOU1llt aa•hift r.Sdhs theirleg1 . ,-- the city of Laguna Beacb, a COil· • ~Logan 'said c a was Jtol serv~Uoriist grouf, ~ 43 ot-;the a slate which denied due p1"0Ct'l6S town s promineh call.Jens b)' a in its coutts disgruntl!'1 deveJoper who a~: Rancho Palos Verdes bad af· leged a Ku KlUx Klan-style Ieged in its action lha:l a con- con,spiracr had ·prevented de· spiracy similar to that used by velopment or his land. . the Ku Klux Klan '1!'<i ~lty of· Judge Robert J ' 1Celleber ruled ficials in the de'ep south to. deny today tb~t ty.s court: would not minority civil rights lWf been take jur!Sdlctlon In the suit and used to deny the develqper a dismissed the action from the right 10 develoP the Lagulta .Pa-Coderaleourt. ct -Laguna Beach Mayor ~oy nyon lrfl: · Holm.~aY!,~alled U..ll!d1•'1lle· cision. 9'aylng: "I'd Uke to 'bu)' the judge a drink." /FromP~AJ Holm as well as the rest of the present-city :council had been HO'PEFULS named individually In the suit by . Rancho Palos Verdes, owner of Ready for Blastoff? Sycamore Hilla, 522.choice acres challengers June Foley, Frank in LagunaCAnyon. ~ Hurd and Miles Peterson. In addition, Laguna Greenbelt, Friction has been growing dur-Paul Moller, a former UC Davis engineering professor, sits at the controls of his Discoj et, a- flying sauceP he designed and constructed. The two-seat saucer is powered by eight 24- horsepower·rotary engines and is expected to get 16.5 mpg on regular gas. its Rast and prese~t clirect~s, ing the campaign between in- past and present city planrung cum bent Ginsburg and comrilissioners, and private challenger Hurd. Hurd, an citizens who had advocated anti-economist, has repeatedly spiked growth positions at council meet-the board ror what he considers /From Page Al HO$PITAL. • Western World Medical Founda: lion, which has an endowment of 18 acres plus options at bargain prices on another 114 acres near the UCI campus. Western World's application to build its own hospital has been turned .down by t,he Orange County Com- Prehensi,.,e Health Planning Council, Which contends the coun- ty already has too many hospital facilities·: A joint application1 by Hoag and Western World to transfer 100 of Hoag's beds to the pro- posed Irvine hospital was sub- ·mitted to the health planning council Tuesday. Meanwhile, UCI's medical school also wants to build a hospital on the campus in Irvine. The 200 beds for the facility would be transferred from Orange County Medical Center which UCI plans to buy from Orange County to us:e as a teaching hospital. ..Both facilities will be con· sidered by the health planning council in bearings March 19 and 20 in the Costa Mesa City HalL Parker described the financial outlook at Hoag as poor. The facility, due largely to expensive renovation and expansion, operated at a $100,000 deficit last year, he said. Parker expects a similar deficit this year. The losses, he said, are made up by community donations. Taking figures presented by Dr. van den Noort to show that the UCI hospital would have litUe impact on Hoag, Parker estimat- ed that lost revenues due to the on-campus hospital would be a minimum of $2 million a year and could reach $3 million. He based the estimate on Dr. van den Noort's projection that the on-c~us hospital competi- tion would be equivalent to 40 ad- ditional hospital beds. Hoag gets 68 perce nt or the patients generated in what would be the on-campus hos pital's service area, Parker said. The fncrease in Hoag's deficit from $100,000 a year to $2 million, he said, would be more than com- munity contributions would un· derwrite. The result, he said, would be staff, cuts, reductions in the kind and number of services availa- ble, cutting out some special services such as open heart sur- gery and a general reduction in the level of care provided the communities on the west side of Newpcrt Bay. /From Page Al HEIRESS ... their sale at the foundation price would amount to a defraudlhg of company investors. Mrs. Smith is the grand- daughter of Irvine Company founder James Irvine and a minority sh.areholder in the Irvine Compapy; she does bold the largest block of company stock owned by an individual. The stock held by the found•· 'tioo amounts to 53.4 percent of lhe-lnued lrvine Company hold· lngs. Lawye.rs (or both sides share the belief that the key issue in pre- 1.rlal head ngs now under way and In the trial itself wlll be the value- Judge Owens places C)J' ·Jrvtne Company s~ock\, ~ Lawyers Co(1,11e.CaiH'oml1 at· torney general,;. otlice entered tbe lawsuit wtui; lt>e· 11!:4Ument tbat state law1 SoYef!l llnllJ)Clal _operations of au:tQllllClaUcm and · tbe Jamu lrvbl~'tbundaUon la no exeepUon lb tb~t rul . , • f" Under the fe<leral Tax Relorm Act or lilee, all lax exempt fOlln- Gllloos musl dlven th&naelvea Oltonlrolllllt 1bue1 ol-•· l 1 0 DI • Fro-Page A,l . , ingswerenamed. poor fiscal management. "The outcome is not surprising But Ginsburg, playing on .. HURD. • • QUIGLEY ... to us, but you cannot afford to Hurd's employment history, take comfort in what you reel will drew laughter from the audience be the right decision until you when he commented, "lwiah the hear the verdict." Mayor Holm aerospace .industry w~ ~ter lo meet the financial crunch of agriculture land.·· said. known for fi scal responsibility. thecpmingfiveyears. Quigley'sideais toseparatethe •·t guess we can take a deep "As I recall, Douglas had to "We need somebody with some development rl-ght of a piece of breath now and go on with the merge with McDonnell because financial analysis bac\(ground property from l:he rest of the land. business of the day,'' he added. of Its inability to handle its fman- and ability. There iS nobody like as gas. oil and mineral nghts are City Attorney Georce Logan, cial affairs,'' Ginsburg said. that on the board now. They have separate. who had argued the case for the As in previous appearances, shown that in a number of de-"If land costs $40,000 an acre, city and had specifically asked statements by the incumbents cisions. •• the development rights could be the court aotito take jurisdiction. outlined progress in the dislricl'N sold for $38,000 an acre," he said. chose to withhold comment until first 18 months of operation. Hurd is particularly critical of '"The land is then assessed as he has studied the decision. Items cited included the aban- lhe $16,000 movement education agricultural land because that is Rancho Palos Verdes Attorney donmenl of the noise-bombarded program being tried at Turtle aJ'thatisleft." John Pollocksaidlheconlactby Irvine Elementary School, Rock School. He· also opposes a ~person who buys the develop-a reporter was the first news he eliminating double sessions, hir- $21,000 ·outdoor education pro-ment rights can then use them on had had of the decision. ing a staff, selling into motion a gram for district sixth graders another piece of proi>f;!:rty _ If he "We 've just learned of it and school-by -school educational which is being considered by the has a hundred-acre parcel zoned the matter is Under considera-plannin& program and other board. for two units per acre and bought lion . We -haven 't decided what items. ••From a professio nal t.he deyelopment rJghts o·n •steps w~'re going to take,.. · Challenger Peterson scored educator's standpoint there may another 100-acre parcel at two Pollock said from his Los the dis trict on its average be a lot of programs with some units per acre, he could transfer Angeles office. performance in comparison to . h th uld lik t try the density rrom one lo the other. Jud"e Kelleher, ruling In a Cive-national norms in last year's ment.l al ey wo e 0 -The original 1oo·acres Would then q d ~ d 'sion state test1'ng results, char••ng: But sometimes they are willing page memoran um ua ect • - to try them without considering be · 1 e· ( l in ° Pen s Pace left one course other than out· "'The children or Irvine are not the consequences five years later (agriculture) and the other 100 right appeal of the decision open getting a basic educatioo." . when the program turns out lo be acre,1 would be increased to four-to the plaintiff. In her-strongest appearance in notasgooda;;theyhoped. unitsperacre. The judge will ~llow tbe the campaign, Mrs. Foley pro- "There are a lot or things that "If the development l'.'ights Rancho Palos Verdes attorneys mised improved academic stan- we would like to·try that we can-were permanenUy removed from to request that the federal court dirds 'reduced class sizes and . notafford,''Hurdsaid. a piece of land, and used retain jurisdiction over federal strengthening the distrlctwide somewhereelse, thelaxassessor claims pending resorUtiori or I commitment to basic skills However, Hyrd 1>aid he lBvors would be 'forced to recogni:ie education. a variety of teaching methods this," he said. Incumbent Boulanger said such as exist in sever.al d:i:strict Plant Thief Gets three professional educators on schools. · the board were "an asset to the '"There are enough individual 'P ' Ch d district." In a question submitted dirrerences between kids thatit is eewee arge Creeping Charlie by the audience he was asked beneficial to have alternatives." w ASll l N GTO N ( u PI) whether he, Ginsburg and Mrs. he said. "'Also, some parents Frank "Peewee'' Matthews, a 1 A potted plant pilferer has Sircello could provide "objective want different sorts of things for fu gitive with a $20,000 federal re-stolen a huge, $50 Creeping views regarding cost effective- their children. ward poster matched only by Charlie in a ceramic planter ness and salaries." "Education is suboptimi:z.ed if John Dillinger, today was indict-from the home of an irate Irvine The e<Jucators, he said, "lean we try lo cram children into a ed with 17 others on charges of woman, the victim told police over the other way" to be objee-scheme that the parents do not · · t s mu•gle multi Wednesday ti llke. To the extent that it is ~~if~~tn~ol~ar qu~nlities of The viclim who lives on v~~sponding to another ques- economically and logistically heroin and cocaine. The nine-Touraine Way told investigators lion, Mrs. Sircello said the varie-r ea s i b I e. we s hou Id have count indictment, unsealed in the burglar who entered the in -ty of alternative forms of educ a- . alternatives. U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, side or her front porch left behind tion available In the district "There is a place for all ap· followed 46 months of investiga-smaller, unhealthy plants, ap-provides a more efficient ope:ra- proacbes lo education, but all ti on Into an alleged East C.Oast parently fancying only the sturdy lion than adherence lo a single must emphasize the basics." narcotics ring. Creeping Charlie. form , · Hurd's campaign has a strong ~-----------------------------------------­emphasis on the financial. The district, he said, has the highest tax rate in the county and the second high~st pay scale. Laguna Beach i~ slightly higher. ''The issues hal{e a financial nature,'' he said. ''We have limit· ed tinancial resources, a declin- ing ratio at assessed value to • averaie· daily aftendance which results in pressure for a higher tax rate. "Kids in some of the basic sub- jects do not even have books of ·their own that tfiev can takP. home," he said. He opposes spending money on "experimental programs" when "we have classes that exceed 35 and even 40 students." Irvine Lake Pipeline Plan Hearing Set An environriiental Impact re· port hearinl on the prdl!Pted Irvine Lake pipeline and water tre,tmeftt facilities Will be tieJd . at the.Irvine Ranch Water Dis- trict board room, 4201 Campus Drtveat6:30p.m . Marchl. The seven·mile pipeline is de· siped mainly to provide iniga- tion'Waler for farming alooe: i~ route between Petera Reieivotr and Lam be rt Reservoiir: The land affected Is in the county agrjc~ttural p~st,rve ll!IUl at least 198'1. IC th~ ..:ea-Js devaloped, the pipeline ~be C!>llv'Orttd for resfdential •Jn. dustiial u•e. ac~ordlng t6' _. et Secretary ArthurC. Corn. A aecond pb•1 of tiie pro~ would inclUd'e ... pottfer uv.•n.~ mu, plpeliJlj JI• Jllel !<I tlliJ!ilit andowat•treafmentpliiil. ~ Coplu \If the envltonll)\llltal lmpac;I re1\ort. are ov~blj ,for lnal>t«lon •t the woter .mtiiet ofllcto, lrvlrie city ball incl 1/1• ucti ull('"'l· , - WINTER SALE CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT .....,. NIKttoo of~ ... ty -• 91 r•duced prices. Henredon, laker, Htri'-" .,.i Dmet • 1-• ~Id c;-a .,s ~eel for ttll1 e•ent. Fetatic ... .di.;. of ........ ....,. d>O .. .... -:·Dell, .... ;.. . , . DREXEl-HERITAGE-HEtJf'EOON-WOOOMARK~AAASTAN-BAKER ' NEWPORT BEACH• .,,.,_.~ l~M n_/ A~ .. ~ ..... fl, "-~. 1727Wi'.!~c~~:~~ACH~2·2000 1..etl: ~ ,.,.~i -,~ )tSN<•N.1·11<.:(MS'l'tl~'\',, 4!f.1·6.\Sl , ' . ,. • I< . ' • • ,A'fS I SAjVIDAYS ~lo S:Jil ' TORRAN€E• 23&19 HAW'nlORN>; BLVD . <C>pcrn t~fi..•fl •.Sun. 12·'!:301 37lt-IJ7g l I I I I ' 7 l • • • • --· -.. - . - 11. .. ""' .... . . ' . VOL. '61, NO. 52, 4}f;CTIONS/~2 PAGES . - ByTEBRV CQVl!J,.E 0t .... o.11rllti..IWIH .. .. The City of liuntington Beach has temPorarily ~lock~ &tate approva) for a • $5 mHhonJ re· modeling project at Huntington State Beach. , Calirornla parks com - missipners had been expected to approve the beilc,h redevelop- .ment at their Feb. 7 meeting in . • -' • Santa Barbara. Now, Utey won't conduct a hearing on the projed until their July n meetinein Lone Beach. . • r Ed Selich, the city's chief ad- v,ance planner, said Thursday Huntington Beach requested a delay in state consideration so the plannine staff could review the final redevelopment plan. Selich said be is concerned . . ·, ~ ... r. . ,. • -. ., . = -! • -0 .. -. • • about two items ia ute·state.plan : The use--<>f· a chatft liitk.>fence.-and the proposed purehaie·ol-85 acres of land· on-'\lle ~ sid& of Pa<ilic Coast Hialn•AY. _ "T)tey w;t•I a ttiree-loot' h,igh decorativ~ c~a.ln,/ll>Ji fnd ,wood fence. W,e wopld tA.ther see them use landscaPlflg, -or do it Jik~~l!te city with tnore of a railing.'' Attention was first f~ed on ' -l!Ft!IR I A ' ' • the need ror redevelopment al Hunttj'lgton througtr.& eitiz.eD pro- test over the fall chiln lir\k fences which, at the time, were toPped With barbed wire. ..___ The 85 acres propased for purchase. are south of Southern €alifoi-nia Edison's power plant. The land is now oymed by the s~ate trarisi>ortaliol) department. State planners sey.Uiey want it .. • ' • ~ . • \. . • T•day's C:losl•(J L. -N. Y. St_.s--,. --:'EA I DAY r FEBRUARY.ii 1975 . ... TEN CENTtS. ... -,.. : .... ...stocked li:ans!erred to lh• pl'flts de!>art- ment so the l!untln&lon State Beach office can be moved there, freeing more sapdy be11ch . Selich sald s'everal agencies are-interested In that acreate and the city has "it listed as a "planning r.eserve" for a more thorough study of its potential. He said the' primary objection tqJhe state plan ls the la~k of de- • ' tail in the state's purchase pro-t posaJ -it doesn't outline exactly~ what the parks department, would do with the property, .1 In R"eneral, Selich s~d· the citYJ supi:torts the SS ml Ilion redeveloJ>t mentplan and considers it an ··ex~. ci ting concept," especially the propOsal to recreate the naturat dunes of the beach and usenaturat (See RE~lo'rJEL, Page.Ul • . . . ---. ' • t Given Up to 8 Years ; . -. . -- .~I Mardian '·Gets Up . Ditte, MeAllistel" Teachers Endorsi·ng • iSclwol Candidates · D.lllf 1'1191: SUit """"• DEMOLITION CREWS TEAR DOWN 01.D CITY"HALL Downtown' Hundngton Bedell. Facility Getting the. Ax Huntington City Hall • " -Fal~Afte~¥e.f!rs. ~ Demolition af!'!W• began wor.k ThUtsday lo dism:lftUe the old Huntington Beach city hall at Fifth and Main streets. It will take llbout 60 days to tear down a bUi1ding that has served the city since 1923, ac- cording to Pub1ic Works Director Bill Hartge. The old two-story city hall cost taxpayers $60 ,000 to build in 1923, according to city records. It will cost taxpayers $4 , 780 to tear it .down . It was I ast used as head- quarters for the police aod public works department and has been vacant since 1ast.MallCh, when ci- ty officials moved jnto their new $12 million•civic center. A half.dozen ye:ars ago the structure held offices for all func- tions of government. Only in re· con~~ did some departmenll tnc:We to other buildings in the old ciy~c center. Hartge said old city hall is the only building currently scheduled for de niolition at the Fifth and Main streets complex, but old Memorial Hall has also been condemned as unusable and will be torn down in the future. A year ago the public works de· partment estimated the cost of demolition, for the budget, al $40,000. More recenUy the cost was estimated at $16,000, but the contract, awarded to Sampson Contractors, Inc., was con- siderably less than the estimaled price. Hartge .credited the econom•c slump and the riSing price or used brick. for the low c01t ol de· molishing city hall. - High School_ J)ist.rict · • To Three WASHINGTON (UP[) -John N. Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, once Richard M. Nixon's most trusted aides, were sentenced today lo up ·to eight years in prison for compir- ing to cover up America's worst political scandal. Opening the way for an appeals" process that may take as long JS 1two years, U .S. District Judge John J . Sirica also sentenced Robert C. Mardian to up to three years in prison for bis part in the W ater1ate conspiracy.-.. Mardi an is~~~m · Cl men ..i ~~ .. . ...,.,. ~- The sentenees1 stiffer· ffi.,. those receired by ·any other Walereate defell<lantl ~in~ lhe oJl'lginal b·urgl8f1 1 rwere described by one otthe attorneys as ''far more than Richard Nixon will ever suffer.'" NiXon, forced to resign as pre- sident of the United Stales by the same evideoce whicti led to the conviction of hiSltop aides, was vacationing in Palm Springs with the knowledge that he will never be pros\?cuted under. a pardon he received from President Foret There was no· immediate com- ment from the former president. None of the four conspirators -Mitchell, who bad been Nix· on's attorney general and cam- paign manager; Haldeman and Ehrlichman, who were •chief White House aides, and Mardian, (See8 VEA RS, PageA?l MAflOIAN I :. I • By PA1TV BURNETI' ~). OftMl'.lellyPllol~ achers'-in five West Orange C nLy school districts 'A'ill p ge their support ....,... and ey -to the campaigns of didales for school trustee. . T•• District Educators As- . s.ociaP.Pn. the teachers' organip- tion wittlin the Huntington Bea'Ch Uaj.on HJgll School Dislrict, has en4or~ cand~dates Helen Ditte and D,on McAllister for the l-1arcb 4~l'ection., In addjtioli to the endorsement • ~ the t'fo ,l""!di!!Jll!'a ~~ u ·--·. ~"~'in_ --' 'P, ;).~· • w. &r' ~ . 1 " po SO ar, r~-Dllt,, 1ia5 re- • ·~ ~ 1 1 ' ceived-S1;200 ancl .McAllister, Hurled a• . ~,empneyco10~.,,,,111.1,...u- ... -' ·" soc1ation for B«i~er CiUzeMtilp. P. ' 1i · • ap offs'ho,ot branch of, the • ~·· l CaU(otnia Teachers Association. 0 : ·Ce ;::,} e The District Educator's, al- , tiliated with CTA, asked for the :~man investigators allege was s_e'eking revenge for a traffic. ticket was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of throwing a fire bomb at the Garden Grove police station. Larry Clements of 12611 Shelly Drive, Garden Grove, is in Orange County Jail today on charges of attempted arson and possession of a firebomb. ln.vestigators said a city fireman heard glass breaking behind the police and fll'e depafl- m en l complex on Acacia P&rkWay just before 11 p.m ,. donalion on behalf of the can· didates, their organizatipn en- dorsed; as other CT A affiliates .al~o. . F.r-om the dues of each CT A metn~. $5 goes lo the Associa- tion for.Better Citizenship. In Qd4.i~ion to· the ·Better CitizenSblp, money, teachers in the bigli school district hope to raise as much as $1,000 locally for tfleif lwo canClidates. ' ~e.,.Ocean View Teac~ers As· sociatron has endorsed can~ didalp..Mickey Korba and Jay R~vera. ~ · The teachers will ask the As· sociation for Better Citizenship board of directors this weekend for mori~y lo support those two candidates. Candidates Profiled . -. The fireman went out to ·in- ·vestigate the noise and found the rernairis of a bottle that had been filled with gasoliqe. Its contents bad splattered onto th~ fuel pumps used by: city cars. . A burning wick of rolled cloth . tbat tiad been stuffed into the bot- tle was found nearby where it had apparently fallen out. It failed to ignite _the Molotov ·Huntington Beach.City·Scbool Valley Man Sentenced In Robbery Ten candid.ates will vie for two seats in the March 4 trustee elec- tion in the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Helen Ditte is th"e orily incum- bent in the race. Trustee Dennis Mangers is not seeking re- election. ' The district covers about 52 square milts tn west Orange County. serviPC about '19,000 stu- dents . It e"nc.o.mpasses flve el~mentary s~h®l dlstricts - Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach; Ocean View, Stal ~ch and Westmtnstfr.•4 ,.;_ , · Followihg ar profiles of five of the 10· ct1ndidates al.ong• with some of their v(~s : . ·~ .. Dorla -'Jlen,.§8;' I I.he founder and sui>Porter ,of a v~e\ll or cultural proira'"mS tn WestmJnster-tncludlni the WestDl..ifl.l.lU! ommunity Theatre II. -~ She is a put o( t' el e.co - munltry theatre of· canizatlon . and she hos served on lhe eommittee ~ir:eetlftl the !illllcliu of the Westm1nster CUiturai Artir Center and • What~ your opinion of unifica- tion'? Unification must ultimate-.. li be decided by the taxpaying public. A proper decllion cannot ~ made by that public until more accurate information is made available regarding the changes unification will create in the tax base structure of each ci- ty . . Wha't is your assessment of the 'way tbe high school dlslrltt Is eopln9 with overcrowding? Poor planning has resulted in the board turning a deaf ear to the public's voice and subjecting them to a probable tax override election. 0vel'crowding is a pro- blem the district was able to· foresee, yet did not work beyond a tax override to resolve . Respansible use of monies, real and projected, would have netted the disu'ict a new high school. William ••Bill'' Armstron1, 57, is -•~teacher... 8.t Orange County \Juvenile Hall. He holds a bachelor's degree two children. What la your opink.tol qifica- tion? I think serious comidera· lion .must be given to unifying the district along city bi>undaries . This consideration may be changed aner hearing all the other possibilities. eockt\lil . , Shortly after the bombing· at· tempt, police spotted a slow· moving car in the neighborhood and began following it. They pulled the. car over when the driver allegedly threw an object out of his car onto the lawn of a nearby house,. What la your assessment of tbe way the district is copinl with over~rowdlag! The citizens have voted down bond.issues for ,. several years; therefore, !he dis-. ·Murdei· ' Toke' trict has gone the only feas1ble.~ . J 4 route and has addecl' tr~iler ' classrooms. Abandoned'elem•n-WJ'asn'l Funny tary schools ·can be considered W 4 for more high school rdoms in lhe · 1~~· Brand, 43, is a ~esign To the J~·,,l...,.e engineer with Rockwell Jnterna-"""'61 tional in Downey. He holds a BS from UCL¥\ and has done graduate work in engineering and business admlnistra - tlon. CHICAGO (UPI) -Michael Faber calls himself a practical joker. Attempting to hire so- meone to murder his Wife, he s..n. was just another of his little p(Onks. The h~mor was Jost on Circuit Court Judge Daniel Ryan. He round Faber guill.y Thursday of sollcitin& for murder. A F'?Untain ".Vall~y man who was pursued, by police in a high speed chase through that city and Huntington Beach after he and an.fr.ccomplic' i.Ook $,2,000 at gun- point from a d'rive.in theater was sentenced Thur&day to ten years to life in state prison. Orange Coun,ty Superio'° Cour.t Judge J .E.T. ''Ned" Rutter or- , dered the ma~imum aimed rob- be.ry' term for James Wilson Miller, 44 .. · of ,19682,: Brookhurst St .. Fountain I/alley, alter a Jury in bis courtroom quickly re- turned.a "guilty v.Ordicl. . . Miller asked.r9r· a.Ac(.received iftlmediate seot~Olng:., Codefen· dant Dean Anlh,"'lY Ki'laore. 33. Downe)', wa& f6uod glilty in a separate trial and sentenced earlier this ~eek bx ·Judge Walter E.· Stni\l'*.t.Q fix._e y~ars lo life in.state priaOJl. He has served on lhe goals com· milsl o(tbe hl«ib •c~ool ... ,.., l\lilier. 4rew Ille. e'tta -live years .on• hhl mln1mUlll term Durina: the lrlal of the 35-year-bec&U$q of bis UW' of "I!' \lr"e&P.00· old lonnel" vice president of an ....... '-•the hl•b,ipe..S.c"'8" Jut antlcrilne equipment manufac-"""""' • - lutlnc firm', a!everal witnesses-A'!f:.f · · · · .;. ln,eluctln& bis lather-In-law ~-; ~.~= ib:f~=~:!fn District teachers are backing on- ly one candidate for the two seats onthatsc~oolboard. He is Brian Garland, a teacher at EdisOn "High SChool. Garland will get $200 in support through <See ENDORSE, Page A2l. • State Bid Rebuffed " . On Venue . JJi TO ·BA ii LEY · £ .,~ • OCN Uyllit.e$U" SUperior Court Judge Claude Al. OWens ruled today that Irvine heiress Joan Irvine Smith's stock control laws uit against the James Irvine Foundation and·the Irvine Company must be tried.in Orange County. ' He firmly told all ten lawyers invOlved in a pretrial hearing ~ day tbat he is not impressed by argu~nts that the lryine Com-.. pany•s land owning status in this. county precludes the pessibillty or a fair trial. "It may be true that the com- pany owns 83,000 acres of land amounting lo one fifth of Orange "County," he noted. ••eut I can't accept the state's argument that this justifies moving this trial to Los Angeles County." · · Judge Owens neKt will take evidence from witnesses befQre ruling ·on a number of other 'life·· :trial motions filed by both sides in the lawsuit. · ' Among them are demands-by Mrs. Smith's lawyers· for ~ permanent injunction that would prev.ent the foundation from pro. ceeding with its alleged plua to sell Irvine Company shares amounting to· a controlling 'in~ terest in the company to· M6bil Oil eorporation for a reported $110 million. The· foundation has been pre- vented from C9.ncluding~e deal by a restraining order issued .shortly after the lawsuit wu filed . tSe~ HEIRESS, Page A2l · Coni.c w WC'nfh«'r Northeasterly winds 2S to40 mph below canyons through Saturday, according lo the weather service. Fair skies with highs of 67 to 72. Lows tonight42to47. ll'iSI Dt: TODA l' • .. . -A i\fitsio'n Vie10 won1a:n hos ·• aaJ.is/iN her desire lo od by •' pulling strings t>ack.ttoge - IM 1lrings oJ her puppel.t. See 1tory· by Daily Pilot sta/J wriln Jon Worlh on page C-2 of today's WHkendcr. lndt'X :::.:: s.t--ICI Al INllM• A• I •• Ml-i•• c .. , Boys Club. ' ..:~. Ll..•• In addltlon, a e'IS a'tt:ktellirec· tor add Wes Oi!ahge· Co!IDIY chairman or CittH\18 ~!ff ol Calilornla, h~ iri or1anl ' tlon !or edueaUon•fl*'•arob· f r o m Nebraska S t a t e University, a master 's degree from Geor.ge Washington University and ·hes done 'advance~- work ln secon-.\ • ._.,ltONO dary edueation at UCLA, district and served as Cbalnrian of II\~ group durin& ltsJJneY.•~· for the past fou ears be !la:& tieen.a member of.tba"Hun~ · Beach Hiib Sthoo~·r!~· ell and"8.n active a c . ~li!iif l teatllled . .Faber , as a kno'.fn . ...o; • ...., ,_ ..,, ~ ', f "':tr'~ ''! .. ~.-~ .. -IMll ,llftdl ... ,. '--..... .,. A 10 u .,..,,1 HI"'' 114 c:........ ..... .... °"..... 01·1' Or"9Ste"llt' 1111 Ci ........ Bl·l ....._ CJ flt•l..,.•1111 CS-• Mn. Allen IW~l al 6886 Allison Circle, Weatm . .She iod htt husband, Jim. ave two e)tlidren. • He has llletime teaeblni. pupil personnel and admlnlatrallve credential". Armstrooc llves at 205022 Plervlew Lan.e, ~untiniton Beach. He I! married and hu 'In addition, Br ..,11!".• wnd i;lli!Jtto.I e.,.r1S<Ou1J you~ll base6atl ~I'd PTA camlvaJ1. Me'.alld bll Wife, <See SCHOOL,. ' ' Ul!Mktl.-All s.«tf B~r. ..... ... .5'Mlt • _,.I'll:: s•• C•, -•"' ,....,. ,.,,.,, r...i.i-,.,..""W\11 01 n.fW\ -Wiil ., --~ .............. t• .., ......... ,,._~ I I .,,..._. t I • .. , .... " "" ... .. ... ! f • I ~t,,,J,1.o;.1~vPILOl H/F Frld1y.Feb•ul!!Yll, 1115 ,,.. .. p ... .v \ •, • • • I' f SCltOOL ·C.ANDID~T • as;> Jlar Vista A veil Seal Beach. JlWI' tla111llter, RI e, la a ...... ;.,al Huntington Beach High ~School, and their son, David, is a ,~ st~nl at McGaugh School in ~;Seal Beach. ~·· Ma& 11 your opiolooolillllllca·. 1...._'f The state unification objec- ·~v.e ii to establish continuity for -t.;crades 1·12. This does not mean )tfe have to have farge, inefficient . ,clla1ric11.J wlll ,upporta "work•· l \ble" un.tltcatlon plan. ITh, hllh !wd\OOI d.18trlct IJ too large. GOO<! ·~'edUcaUon requires public sup· ~~· Smaller districts will offer ocal contr.ol and cornmunity · enUty. ~ Wllat t1 your assessment of the :,~~ tbe hl•b school dlstri<l ls <•P· , .uaa w~tll overcro"dJng'! Is the "'Pfesent b9,ard trying to force ,bankruptcy in order to force voter approval of a bond issue? We must operate within our : .financial capability to "best" :'.· 5upport our s~udents: in a team· j .ing environment. Funds voted ·•.tor instructional purposes should ... ,stay in the classroom. ,, Robert Gerard Caron, 35, is a teacher in the Ce'ntralia School . •District, where he tlU been ac· . ,tively involved in· the Centralia :·Educators Association and. the .... Buena Vista Terrace School Ad· _ visory Council. wa,lbeblpectioolii·"~ Iii with ••-••row I Jeel lllatit ta neceu.,Y·==~ ~to be bul,\t. J dlatrld II probably ... A ~e wrong way. twouJ4 take the excess property, 1tll K and use the proceeds tO tbeltbl -· Uon ol a new school, ualn& ap 12 million in total fund& for aald con· strurtion followtna stat~ specific 1ttions tor 1:choob. ·• , I.would bullcl·• c-pleii which would be eully ~onv-Into a commercial or professional building. I would search fOI" a company that mi&ht be interested in goln& in with the di&trict and provide the capital fOf' the re· malnder of lbe project, with llle stipulation.that in 10-15yean said company would take over the building for a commercial Ven· ture. The gyinnasium would be a separate complex and would be parcelled off from the'remaindier of the school after the 10.15 year period. FaiJing to find a compai1y that would go into such a venture, l would begin the school·wilh a $2. million main bu.llding ~then go back to the releclorate for ap- proval of a school bond to fin.1.sh the school. 1 I\ $2 million building would house approximately 500 ~tu· Caron, 22102 ,.-Huntington .~Beach, also is ::enrolled in a ·masters pro- ·:eram at I'ep- :1P e r d i n e ·-:University. dents, and take some of the Rockport Lane, burden off of the schools without He and his .(Wife Sharon, . :who also is a ;.teacher, have ··ate daughter. CAROM ;~ What ls your opinion ol untnca· tloa'! I am for the unification of ~boots because a unified district ·~provides a program which gives i-ra child an opportunity to pursue 411 uninterrupted and sequential _;'.fearning process. .:.. Whi.t ls your a11e1sment of the From Page A I banltrupting the district. ' Helen E. Dltte is the only in· cum bent on the ballot for the high School district . She was appoint- ed to the board in the fall of 1974 to fill the seat of George Logan. who resigned. Mrs. Dille, 49, has 20 years of PTA work i behind· her,. including ,Years as pre- 5 id en t of PTA~ at Harper School and Fountain Valley High School and the Hunt OITTI ingt.on Union cOuncil d Elem.en· tary Schdols and the Huntington Beach Union High School Dis· trictofSeconda')' Council · Jn addition, she has served as a '~ENDORSE. Jhe Better Citizenship Fund , Fred Voss is the sole candidate Jn the Fountain Valley School "District to earn endorsement by that district's teachers organiza • Girl Scout leader for seven years. den mother for three years, church schQOI teacher for 13 years and has beeb ap American Field Service ·sup· porter I tion. . A spokesman "for the teachers . group r.efused to rev,eal how 1 much money teachers are p1:1t· •ting into his campaign. Voss could not be reached today for comment. , The Westminster Teachers As, sociation ha.s Wl?f1 $800 eac6 ~om the Better Qitlzdns~tp~un4"for its two endordtt-cantl1dates, incum- bent Ada Clegg and Dewey Wiles. Teachers in Seal Beach will de·· cide this week which candidates they mi&ht endorse and help finance, a' spokeS:man for the CTA.afilliata.said. Land Inquiry Witness Slain PHOENIX <U Pl> -A key wit· ness .in a grand jury investigation or land fraud in Arizona was glven. police protection today after another key Witnes! was shot in a gangland-s tyle killing. James Cornwall said the re· asons he requested protection were "obvious." Edward Lazar, 40. was found dead Wednesday night on the eve of his appearance to testify before a arand jury investigating the dealings of Ned Warren Sr .. an ex-convict and land promoter. Lazar, forme,. resident of .consolidated Mortgage Co., a firm operated jointly by himself and Warren,. was shot four times in the chest and once in the back of the bead. ORAtlc;E COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed Pt .-i.l~tt! • ..a ~tll!IN't Jack R. Curle¥ Yot• Pr9'111111ftl •"17 ~., *"'""" Thomas Keevll <•w Thomas A. Murphlne -. ..... ,.. ldlNr "" She is active in the League of Wome11 Voters of Huntington Beach -Seal Bea,ch, and bas served on a wide variety of citizens committees of the high school d:is!rict, including those involved with tax overrides and bond proposals Mrs. Ditte lives at 8762 Night· 'ingale Ave., Fountain Valley. She is a librarian at the Bolsa Branch in Westminster. a part of the Orange County Public Library System. What is your opinion' ol anlnca· tlon! Any unification plan to re· cetve state board approval s~d include a solid, equitable tax · base for each district (if divided); a fair distrlbutjon of re· serves; guaranteed housing for all students and s~tivity to teacher security·; a plan for ethnic balance and community identity, with a sufficient average daily attendance to in· sure a comprehensive, quality education for students. If this criteria could be met, I approve of the concept. What is your assessment Of I.he way the high school dlstrld la cop- ing with overcrowdlng;J Wi~h the opening in September, 1916 of the ~pproved 2,000-student high school on the ·Golden West; Warper site, the use of rclocata-' ble buildings in the intet1m, plus the varied scheduling of the in· dividual schools, releasing stta· dents through career education (CROP) to l~al business and in· dustry, the district housing needs are being alleviated. Seniors Vi-sit Queen Mary The jolly 60's, a Huntington Beach organization for persons of retirement age, will visit the Queen Mary March6. Buses will leave Central Bap- tist Temple, 7661 Warner Ave ., Huntington Beach, at9:30a.m. There will be a donation of $1 per person for insurance and transPorlation. Those wishing to take a complete tour ot the ship will pay an extra $3. A sack lunch may be carried, or lunch may be purchased on a ship restaurant. Reservations may be made by calling 893·6497 or $36·9851. Cervical Smear . ' Lecture Slated The public i~ Invited to a Jree lecture on cer'(ieal pap smears at "7:30 p.m. Monday in th• Foun· taln Valley Ccimmlllllty HOApltal auditorium , ~-• • The discussion "'l:Jplaln the ')>rocedures and'll ty of rt- 1ular pap smo~ etaminaUOl)I, "" impor<ant method ol detect· ing cancer in ~omen. Questions· may be directed' to the bolpltal education departmenL , .. .• The ·~ l•\P'tl'Cen!tr a,t 'alrv l'li H""-llal in Costa . MOfl ls Pia& Clients bUQO, ~Ile tb allcina1,reC ... 1on'. '· 1; '.l,'lllntf ,a "'lmilll In a lllUe slower now, workshop director Gail M arcu.s says, but the Fairview rel.l~~ntl &UU pick up a paycheck on Pi-ldays. See story and photo by staff writer Arthur R. VLl,lsel on Page 84. 'i-, Students Garner Top Honors By fATTY Bll8NE'IT Of U.. Dlllf ~llet lt.eff Huntington Beach High School has won the equivalent of a CJF championship. the coashsays. Ht.it it's not 10 football , basket· ball, track, swimming or any ~er sport . The school's win was in diplomacy Huntin~ton Be ach students . taking on roles of delegates from Afghanistan and Bolivia in mock United Nations proceed· ings took two of five awards in 3 recent model UN competition in Riverside. And that's what the model UN advisor at lfuntington Beach. Lynn Aase, considers equivalent to a CIF sports championship. "I never thought they'd give two awards to the same school," h• said •·it's just never hap: pened " 'I ~·The awards we1,1t to ttle 12 Hun- ungton Beach stb.dents serving as delegates from Bolivia and the 8 8!Cti'1g as delegates of Afghanistan. • Judges said the two groups ~re amOng the top five delega- tjons in terms of representing their countries on the floor of the meek General Assembly and in committee sessions. The young people were in com· petition with 108 other delega-. lions, including about 1,000 stu·. dents from 50 schools in California and Nevadf. One of the Hllntington· Afghahistan delegates, Don Coker, explains why he and others put hours into research and strategy planning in the Model UN class and program. ''It's a real challenge to try to reflect a country's policy, through committee meetings , speei;h~s. politicking... .;i. " ... back stabbing.;.,'' Bnana Martin adds, pointing out that de- legates attempt to emulate what really happens ln__intemJitional affairs. • · · "You get insight into why those people think that way," Briana, who bas participate<f..-.in the pro· gram three years, expfains. The students also get ex· perience speaking before large audiences, pride in ac· complishing an objective and knowledge of international af- fairs, advisor Aase notes. To win recognition at the re- cent Riverside competition, Coker said he led a movement calling for a nuclear disarma· ment ·conference. He initiated the resolution in committee meeting, then · persuaded the Third World bloc to support the measure, then guided his protosal through passage by th~ General As· i;embly. His committee chairman, a judge and graduate student in in· ternational affairs, recognized his leadership and brought his name up at judging time. Enough other members of his delegation won similar endorse· ments to earn the group one of the five delegation awards . The Afghani delegation con· sisted of Coker, John Kreamer, I..ii.l\da. Hauth. Patrice Terry, Cin - dyl.enore, Rac;hel Civen , Julie Figueroa and Mary Heany. The Bolivi• winners were Kathy George, Bruce Oakley, Pattie Kitsuta, Mark McKenzie, Dewayne Douglas, Robert Bates, Scott Ledbetter, Mark Ziemba, John Coker. Elilabeth Ying, Christine Carbone and Steve F\illmer. A total of 50 Huntington Beach students participated at Riverside, and will represent di!· ferent C'Ountries at four more Model UN competitions this year. Free Clinic Protest Set Former staff members and volunteers from the Huntington Beac·Jt Free Clini,c have inviled the public to a 7:30 p.m. rally Noild•Y at the Sheraton 8"ach Inn banquet room th Huntington Beach. , r. • · The termer clbilc w.1>rke~ slgned,{Odaya aJO In protata Ml~ f.ynon, •stlJ\g cllrector, WU ~~I I.or the permanent -Vallrte ficKinner,, a former volllll\et{, •aid ' the rally wao ~chfduleil to generate public l VP· port al1cf eJ<Pl~in the prolejll•r•· pooltlon. Th~Sl)erlton i1 al 2Ul2 P•clflc eo..rHifbw•y'. ' ' The municlp.al doors havt' once again been ctosetL, to fired Hunt· ington Beach police officer.Gil Coerper. The city'• pef$0noel boa!d has sustained the Au&ust. llllO de- cision or Police Chief tarle Robitaille who fired Coerper, then a motorcycle Ralrolman. Coerper had been accused of taking damaged goods from a local department store in the name of charity,~but actually re· pairing some of the goods and giving them to friends. During months or investig;i- tion, and a public hearing before the personnel board.; Coerper contended it was all a misun· derstanding. He did admit telling lies to investigators to protect other officers who had received gift s from him. In the past four years be has been in and ou~ of civil eourtS at- tempting' to re1ain his.status as a police officer. A month ago a state appellate court in San Diego ordered the city personnel board to reconsider the penalty aspect of the Coerper case. The court did not tell the city the decision had to be reversed, only to restudy it. In a Feb. 8 written decision signed by Walter Young, chairman of the personnel board. the board upheld the firing declaring that it found Coerper had "repeatedly lied and had failed to cooperate during the in· vestigation." Legend About 'Desiderata' Poem Quashed CINCINNATI <UPI) -A federal appeals court says the popular poem ''Desiderata'' wasn't found in Old st. Paul's Church, Baltimore, in 1692 and versions of the poem making that claim were distributed illegaHy. The court also said infringe- ment of a copyright on the poem will cost the distri butprs SS,000. 'The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court in· junction t.pat forbids Pro Arts, Inc. to distribute the poem and also fines the firm $5,000 in damages. The suit was brought by Robert Bell, who holds a copyright on the poem that implores people not to worry abou~ others who may be above or below them. The poem is a big seller in small shops across the country. Front Page .Al REMODEL. • ,g rasses and shrubs !n the landscaping. The project is planned in two phases, with the $2.7 million first phase likely to start in 1976, followed by the $2.3 million com· pletion a year or two later. • o'frr"J ~timistlc ... ~,,.\M'ltT\i~~s. • • V. I:' •. ~..litb Qn'tencll that the W~!!ltl!CJlW . (UJ!l> -. thlranl'fti~;-""';~ ~li~"!J'';.~at When i'o~me Attorney -,~, ..,.. ~ General John Jll . Mitchell WM j U..ir aal~ ~ ' ' Uon price sentenced \oday to up to eight , would AJllOllJ11 lq,.a deft•~ of years in prison for the l cqqipa~ fo:Vt1f4l'.a. WatergllJ.e cover·UP~ he hur· · Mrs. ;&,uli.th ia the 1raod· ried out ol court wllll but one I daug~ter. of Irvine ~ompai>y comment: founder . James lrv~tt•· and a "It could have been a hell of • minority. atwlrepolder in the a lot worse. They could hsve ' lrvlne Company ., sh~ doee bold sentenced me to apend the i the largest ,bl~9.f ~ rest of my.Ille with Martha , stockown.,tbya Cllvt~~.-. Mitchell." '. The ·•tock 'held ' y,~tounda· ,_ ___________ _, : 'lion amounts to .4 percellt of Fro• Page Al 8 YEARS •.• who was Mitchell's chief deputy -showed any emotion , as the sentences were pronounced. The conspirators solemnly re· fused to comment, but Mardian's lawyer said he thought the sen- tences were ''too heav1." Ehrlichman, normally glib, con- fessed, ''I just don't have anything to say." Mitchell, .Haldeman and Ehrlichman were sentenced to a minimum of 21h years to a max· imum of eight years on charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and lying. Mardian, convicted on· ly of conspiracy, was given a IO-month to three year sentence. They were released without bond pending appeal. Ehrlichman also faces a sen· tence of 20 months to five years in connection with the break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. Through their attorneys, Ehrlichman offered to waive his right of appeal in exchange for an "alternative sentence" of doing legal research for a group of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico and Haldeman pleaded for a sen- tence no worse than Nixon's. Silica replied that he had given "careful and serious thougbt to what the proper sentence should be" and considered "the deter- rent effect on others." "Whatever Bob Haldeman did. so did Richard Nixon,," Haldeman's attorney, John J . Wilson, said. "But Nixon is free. and Haldeman has faced the agonyofatrial.'' -"Yours is not unlike (he Power of pardon." he said. ''Bob Haldeman stands here facing the possibility of suffering far more than Richard Nixon willeversuf· fer." Ehrlichman's new lawyer, Ira Lowe, said tha,t El}.rli~t}man had been i-n cdht8ct with a Puebld chief who felt there was a critical need in the remote area of \he Southwest for someone with a law background to research the 8,000-member tribe's land titles. Lowe read to the court part of a statement by Ehrlichman which noted he had been earlier con- victed of violating the civil rights o{ Ellsberg's psychiatrist. "I'm convicted of violating an individual's civil rights,'' Ehrlichman said in the state· ment. ''Their (the Indians') rights are in question every day. "I truly would like to do that rehabilitation myself,'' Ehrlichman said. "If J do it myself I will be infinitely better for it." · the iss._ued Irvine Comoany hold· 1ngs. ~ Lawyers lot both sides share ' the belief that the key issue in pre- trial hearings now under way and in the trial ttsetfwiU be the value: Judge Owens pl~ces on Irvine Company stock. Lawy'efs ror ~he California at- torney ·g_eneraljS office entered the-l8Wsuit with the argument that s.taie \a .. W11. a:ovem financial operatiops of all foundations and the Jame~ Irvine foundation is no exception to that rule. Under the federal Tax Reform :Act Of ·l969, all iax exempt foun- dations must di~est themselves of cotttro1ling sl'l'Bres of corpora- tions ·.· .. After-school Program Set Fountain Val~'s spring after· school re~r~a\ion program will begin Mondily f,t 11 of the city's elementai:r schools. · Activit1e,s ,include crafts, sports, tr•tk. contests and play- ground projects. The play- grou.nds will be ~upervised fljOm 3 :30 l'o .5:30 p .m. Mondays through Friday.s, and hours will be extended during spring vaca- tion : frOJT! t tO-SR.m. Fefplµ,r~ ,9-~r!ng the vacillon will pe ~ ,s.iie~"I evening. pro- grIUTl Qf ch1l~i:e,·s craft proJects, and,~iruu)~ted ::lllini·Pageanl of the Masters" art exhibit. Schools participating are Al· len, Courreges, Cox, Fountain Valley, Fulton, Gisler, Nieblas, Northcutt~' PlA\i3n, Tamura and Vista View ,4 Valley CofC Studies Fair Plans for an Industrial Fair ir\ Fountain Vall.e-y will be dis· cussed at n&on Tuesday by the chambecof commerce industrial ~ committee:" · ·"n Members or prospective ct.amber members are welcome to attend lbe ,..meeting, at the Cr oa-& r o.a d Ii . -Restaurant. Brookhur&t ·Street and Talbert Avenue. K~ervations may be made by eallanc 962·4441. The Cair is being planned for June jn connection with the charnbet's. annual Fountain Valley Days event. Pay' Toilet Ban LANSiri'ci ~ 'lliich . <UPI> Legislation...ouUawing all pay toilets in Michigan was in· traduced in the state Senate Thutsl!~~ l"tf.!> ~e suppart of 31 of 38 members. WINTER SALE CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT L'"'JO HlodlOll qf ... lty fumffwre at reduced prices. He11redo11, laker, Horihlge -11 ... n1 all hci¥.• special 9 .,., reduced for "'11 ...... Fantastic colloctlOft of •h•ble<y alao on •al• llOW. DOll1 wait. WEUDAYS & SATUIDAYS f iOO lo S:JO I • ..... PAJLT PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Brown Forgot Rule The UC Irvine Medical School project has passed one necessary financial mllestone, but there's slllJ a long road ahead. · ' Urgency legislation to appropriate $8.95 million for acquisition of Orange County Medical Center and funding of an on-campus teaching hospital hes been passed unanimously by a state Assembly subcommit~ tee and seems likely to win approval of the Assembly Heolth Committee. The next critical"lurn in the road will come early in March when the Ways and Means Committee takes up the bill. Meanwhile, Gov. Brown succeeded in needlessly muddying the waters during a UC Regents meeting by referring to OCMC as "a lemon" and suggesting ils acquisition might be a "bad deal" for the state. The governor's remarks violated his one week old pronouncement to a · gathering of California newspaper publishers that he would refrain from commenting on matters he had not had time to study. Since he has not yet found time to confer with the people best informed on the UC! Medical School prO· JCCt-the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the officials <.1t UCl-it is fairly clear his remarks were not based on much solid information or study. It may have been an effective way to try to im- press the regents with his concern for the state's economy, but he is obligated at least to talk to those best informed and most directly concerned before popping off with further comments. voted 7 to 2 lo authorize the IRS to issue a summons for bank . records when large deposits are involved and to force book officials to disclose the Identity of the depositor. Previously, such action has been authorized only if tax agents are investigating the financial status of a citizen already suspected of tax evasion. The court ruling was described by the dissenting justices us a ''dangerous detour'' from earlier limita- tions on I RS investigations. Unfortunately, we have had occasion in recent times to realize that the IRS has permitted its pre- sumably confidential data to be disseminated rather · freely for political purposes. . The new court ruling, while it may turn up a few tax evaders, would appear to be a blanket permission for fishing expeditions into affairs of bank patrons. Think 55 The California Highway Patrol's novel 55 mhp "escort service'' for Las Vegas-bound motorists over the recent holiday weekend had the remarkable ef- fect of eliminating all . accidents · on 'the 240-mile stretch tor three days. This is cerlainly commendable in an area where high-s peed driving has caused horrendous cras))es. It is apparent that the CHP can't continue to as- sign up to 100 patrol cars for regular escort service, but there may be so11;1eresidual psychological benefit. New IRS Power While no taxpayer, especially at this season, can summon up much sympathy for tax evaders, this week's U.S. Supreme Court ruling extending the power of the Jnternat Revenue Service to probe bank deposits is more than a little scary. Certainly the stepped-up speed patrols on the San Diego Freeway through Orange County -and step- ped-up citations for violators -have encoµraged loca{drlvers to ''think 55. '' And, de~pite continuing complaints from heavy. footed drivers, the fact that the speed limit now is na- tional l~w makes it more or less necessary to adjust our thinking accordingly -or pay the penalty. ,. 'Now, if you'll step next door to my subsidiary, you can buy It .few hundred troops to advise you in the use of our weapons!' Overturning a lower court ruling, the high court I He11ry Clarifies Our ,l1iddle Erut Policies: Growi119 Pea111rts While Natives Starve Agro-industrial Tape Worms "llello. llenry? llow are things ( J WASlllNGTON -Earl Butz, in Ca iro? Or Jerusalem? Or ART HOPPE the Secretary of Agriculture, has \1.'herever you are today?" · been taking a beating because "Please, I have told you never he's so stingy with our food. The to call me when Jam not at the of-..,., -----------..J pressure to give away food to (lee,'.' underdeveloped countries grows "But you're never al your of-nam." with each TV · documentary fice.Henry.AndtheWhileHouse "Precisely. In the event the showing yet another nation press keeps · Arabsareattacked,youcanthen suffering from a case of asking me to 'send in our troops to protect our permanent starvation. explain my American boys from the at-For once in his life Mr. Butz Ml.ddle East tackers.'' b · h I · f h may e rig t, a bett or t e policy.;know ''You mean the Israelis, wrong re· you're awful-Henry?" asons".'"Exce pt ly busy, but if "No, us. Our defending troops as one-shot. you could just "'ill defend our America11 boys emergency tell me once from our attacking troops while disaster re· ·again .. , Why ·our American boys are helping lief, giving "'did I send you the Arabs blow up the oil wells away food over the r c our attacking troops are attack· m a k e s no this time?" ing." ·sense . The "ll is quite si mple, really. You "But what's the good of all poor nations have sent me over hereto makes that, Henry?'' . like the rich --, rY ·' . -· 1 "'.1' lasi ng peace between the Arab~ "It will insure, 1 can say with ·must managt! and the Israelis." their affairs so they can ·grow .. confidence, the most interesting h food 1 feed th · But I thou.ghl you told, me I peace negotiations I have ever enoug 0 eir own v.·as threatening to make war · engaged in.·· · ~hpeley. c·an"t do that 1·r thei"r best ag~1 inst the A rubs.'' · · land, their water and their "''ou are. 'fhat is why J must ••1 GUESS you're right, Henry. investment capital are used to first achie\·e a lasting peace I guess. But couldn't you just tell grow agricultural commodities bet"·een the Arabs and the me who are the good guys and for export. In many places in the Israelis. 11ow would you look if who are the bad guys? world that seems to be what's you attacked the Arabs and they. "No." happening. There are reports. were off fighting a. war · .. B H · I h forexample,thal'"'themiddleor someplace in Israel?'' ut, enry. you s1mp Y ave the drought i·n the"Af'r1·can Sahel. to explain my Middle East policy to me." l\t ali was growing peanuts and ''Impossible . I am h<Jving exporting them while the relief enough trouble trying to explain planes were flying in food. it to the Arabs and the Israelis." This is anything but a uniqU~ ( VON HOFFM~N ) piece of irony. In Colombia, with an estimated 130,000 metric ton protein deficiency, ''a hectare <about 'two-and-a -half acres) devoted to the raising of carn<i.tions brings a million pesos a year. while wheat or corn brings only 12,500 pesos. As a re sult, Colombia ... must use scarce foreign exchange to iinport basic foodstuffs," write Barnet and Muller in "Global Reach : The Power of the Multinational .Corporations'' (Simon and Schuster, 1974). "The development track of the global corporations features increased production or luxury items such as straw~rries and a!paragus for the inte rnational s uburban market. But the money does not flow to the hungry majority ... '' JOSEPH COLl,ll\;S or ~he Trans national lnslitute , a l e ft -l eaning organization specializing in world economic problems, points out that, while, the production of broiler chickens in Colombia ha s doubled in less than a decade. ''only about 20 percent of the population can afford to buy even one chit·ken a year." '!'he rest arc "economically inactive," which seems lo be a ·polite "'Ord for ·starving. . Collins observes that, although the Green Revolution may indeed increase production, it means very little to the people growing the produce. Thus in Colombia 70 percent of the grain grown there is diverted to poultry feed to fatten chickens that most Colombians can't buy. According to his CLtlculcitions, one hectare of land used in that v.ay will support 1,430 people, if they only had the money to buy· chicken at 200 pesos a kilogram. 'l'hc same land, if used lo gro\v !iOY beans for direct human consumption, .,.,:ill feed 22,100 people at 12 pesos per kilogram. · If Collins is right, Colombia is relali\'ely better off than a place like the Dominican Republic v.·here, he s<iys, Gulf & \Vestern hu s set itself up in a sugar cane opera,J.ion that i s so srlf-contained the loci:tls get "10 side benefits from it at all. Not only does the con1pany import llaitian labor, but, Collins sa,yi), with their own repair shops and company stores, G&W doesn't buy anything from the ho,t country. "AG RO -INDUSTRIAL enclaves" that move in on a host country, use it and give nothing l>~1ck l(> 1l ~ire the economic equivalents of tape v.·orms. The t<.1pe v.·orn1 al:-;o arrives in ·the· intestines ,,·here i:t lives by gobbling up U1c food which by rights belongs to the organism it· has invaded. Jlcople with tat>e worn1s conlc dov.·n with m<1lnutrition . so lhc prospects are guarded for Brazil where,. Collins reporls. Volksv.·agen is raising catllc in l:he Amazon, not to sell lo Brazilians, but lo the· .J apLtnc~e .... rhey g('t $20 a pound for lh e bel'f in Japan, and you don·L get t.hat. ·ror a VW," he explains. If the food prnblem is analyzed a~ Co llins does it, Lhl'n all the talk about population explosions and s hifts in weather patterns is somewhat beside the point. Jt · may not eve n be in our self·interesl to convince the natives to cut dov.·n on their procreations. l 'hc more there are. of the1n, the n1orc n1oney we can make selling thcn1 lhe food we've fipessed then1'out of groY•ing for themselves. True, this n1ay increase the numl;ler:1 or beg g ars and m;serables in 'the v.·orld. but we needri't bother ourselves about lh,e warnings \Ve hear that, if we don 't feed the hungry, they're going to rise up and smile · us. Starving people 0:tre too weak to ~mfte many, mighty s moles. They beg, they "'himper, theydie.· ··on I THINK I see what you mean. I think . But if I am threateni ng to attack the Arabs, why am I selling them hundreds of millions or dollars worth of guns, tank s, warships and planes -not to m e ntion our bes t military advisers'!" "For two reasons: first, you wish to convince them you are their fri e nd . Secondly, you desperately need the dollars they spend for these weapons in order to pay the exorbitant price they are charging you for oil -which is why you are threatening to at- tack them in the first place." Public Must Know Growth Alternatives "\Veil , I guess that certainly seems reasonable, Henry , I guess. But I thought you instruct- ed me lo instruct you to get the Arabs to lower the price or oil ?'' "Yes, a brilliant maneuver. lf the Arabs lower the price of oil, you will have more money to send the Israelis more and better weapons." "Won 't that offend Ule Arabs, Jlenry ?" - -"'YES, but you must do this for two reaso ns: first, you wi sh to convince the Jsraelis you are thei r friend. Secondly, they will need more and better weapons to defend themselves from the ·Arabs, because you have sold the Arabs more and better weapons." "I think that does sound fair, Henry. I think. But sending in military advisers smacks of Viet· Dear Gloomy Gus With all Its city orflcials who have spent time there, Westminster ~ould start a sister city pro1ram. with the Coltrornla prison system. C.11.L. ..... , .... tefNl'tt$.,. ...... "' ,...... ......... '"' ....... , ........ .. ............ , ......... ... ..... .. o...., .... OoMtf ..... . . ( J 'fhal's why it is imperative To the Editor : MAJLBO that your description of CEEED . Dur~ng th e past year, X -· andourviewsbetrealedwithlhe Journalists from the Daily Pilot; "------------"'" same fairness given others. We inreportingnewseventsinwhich are a coalition gen erally the Council on .Environment. Letters from readers are welcome. representative of three broad Employment, Economy and The right to condense letters· to fit areas, business and labor and a Developm enl CC E EEO) has space or eliminate libel is reserved. very strong element of concerned been involved, have referred to Letters 01 300 words or less will be citizens which include : pro- and described it (CEEED) as a given preference. All letters must in· fe ssionals, politicians, taxpayers ··rro development organization elude signature and mailing address groups. land owners, those in - o builders and labor leaders." but names may be withheld on re-terested in housing for low and I and many other concerned qu€st if sufficient reason is apparent. moderate income families ,and citizens, who are neither in or· Poetry wtll 1101 be published. just plain citizens. ganizedlabornorwilhlhebuild-We are not simply ·•pro ing industry, but who are active growth" advocates. We believe members in CE EEO, ta1'e excep· drilling and a ban on all develop· in realistic and prudent decisions lion to such a narrow description ment in the nearby hills and by government in the face of the of our coalition. The description aJong the coast. But the conse-very real problems which con- is not accurate and further, it is quences of such actions by the front us. We . advocate orderly unfair in that currently, words politician , in appealing or planning which will accom- like"laborleader" and "landde· responding to such public modate tomorrow 's growth veloper'' undoubtedly set off a shortsightednes!, wiU most cer-needs. negative bias in the minds of tainly be higher costs -and NICKY CALAGNA Member of the Bo a rd of Directors, CCEEE;DJ your readers that affects their shortages in sheller, oil and perception of the issue being re-energy. ported. We are most sincere in · our belief that much of our coun. try's present difficulties are caused by our government's ac- tion or inaction in respQnse to public opinion; opinion which onen is ill informed and fte- quenUy uninformed. THE PUBLIC cannot be ex· peeled to render prudent, balanced opinion on public is- sues, viz. off shore oil drilling, the Alaskan pipeline, environ· mental d emands. growth, greater a:overnment control over land use end resources, etc., un· less and until it knows 11.rn:t op· precietes the issue, the alternatives and the conse- quences. If the only publicly recognized alternatives and consequences of .offshore oil drilling or the wish foe huge areas of urban open sr,ace revolve around esthclic de· 1 res, the·.,ublic ean be expe«ed to demand a ban on oflsliore OUR ORGANIZATION is de- dicated to the task of determin-- ing alternatives and conse- quences of public issues beyond those of surface emotionalism, and bringing them to the atlen· lion of the people and our leaders in government. Without fair and balanced exposure in the mass media to all sides of the issue, in- cluding our views, there is no possibility that public opinion can raise above the level that al - lowed and encouraged the ban againat the Alas kan pipeline or drilling in the Santa Barbara channel. CEEED is concerned over the spiraling cost of housing, de· terioration or our dynamic economy, the loss of job OP· portunitles and the increasing tax bUrden In Orange County. We believe a well informed public ·can have a very positive effect upon these is.sues : but oo.l':' i( tbe~ are well inf or-med. Obscene Calls To the Editor : Sunday's Pilot carried an arti· cle on obscene phone calls; let me tell vou now how I handled these ca)ls. Perhaps it will be some help. \Ve've always been told to hang . up immediately and report it to the telephone company. I dis- agree -that is a !ingularly worlhle!s exercise. BY HANGING UP you let the caller know you are frightened and you·ve m~de his day. lnstead -hold on the line -you don't have lo listen. but keep the line o~n. Cover the-n1outhpiecc so that he cannot hear any noise from yqur sirle. He will e\•entually get tired or 1 scared ~.bat he is being traced and he will har:i g up and, we hope, never call again. It v.•orked for n1 e and for a f1·iend . I hope it will work for you. Try it. . URSULA CURRAN Tired Worker To the Editor: In response to Charles l\tcCabe's article in the Feb. 14 issue of your paper, where he asks the question, ''We ? Demand? Who in the hell do \\'e think v.·e are·.•," I would like to ask, "Who in hell does he and the res t of the world he defends think they are:·• I am a 1,1,•orking n1an who is tired of being taxed lo death in an allen1pt to feed. clothe and de· fend the rest o( the V.'Ol'ld (an im- poss ibility I without having a lit- lle say-~o in how my hard ·earncd money 1s s pent or what I have the right lo expect of the people \\'ho· receive il . \YH EN I a lso lay my n1oncy down al the {::'rocery, gas station, school. department store. chari- ly, hospit al, I know exactly "v.-•ho . the hell I think I am ." I am a n1an "1ho expects a product or service, cooperation , courtesy and a litlle. appreciation or equal vaJue or r should ha \'c the ri ght to refuse to . partic1pa1e. There are many of us who feel this way. r.·lr. l\t cCabe hus the right to think and feel as he pleases, but he d ocs not have the ri&ht to drag the rest of us down that rool's road of "·orld subsidy without positive results with him. DEi.ViN O. WIGGS Bargal11s Help To the Editor : With recession . employment and innation, un- hyperlension. bugging uS daily, I "must say lbere are a few companies out" there that have feelings for the public with their constant strug- Gle trying to make ends meet. Specifically, thank you Carl's Burger for offe.rini! t\110 for-one ha~urgt:r special; thank you Bob's Cofree Shop for your February co1nbination special, and other conglon1erates - small restaurants ofrering two for one dinners or any business that makes an attempt to make it less expensive -v.:ho have real people \l.'orking for them and making th e load a little bit li ghter during these rough limes by offering these most appreciat- ed periodic bargains. It's nice to be nice and I think in the long run these s ame com: panies who give a little now will reap a lot later with this ap. proach and what it will do for their image and public relations. I'm sure they'll be around a long ·time, TOM DOYLE ORANGE COAST: DAILY PILOT f(oh•·rf N, \Veed, PubliJhet Thoma s Ketvil. Editor. Borboria Kreibich. • Edilorrol Page Editor The rrtl1nr1al page ol the.DaUy P1lol ~~k:. to In form and stimWale reader:. by prc.lorntin1 on this-' '*I• dlvrr'l' com111l'nl'1':v on topit's o( In· lert>st by 1'i'nd1c11t~ €'Oh1m~la and <':u·tovn1 st,, by prO\·idina a forum for rl·ad4•r:-;· \ 11·"' :ind by prcsentln1 1h\11 n1 ..... ·~1niper·11 opinions llndideu on 1·urrrnt IQpi c:i; Thl", eodltoH•l o~in1ons or lhf' IJculy Pllot appear onb 1n tht· l•r1 1tonal €"Olumn al th\!· lOp ,,, tht• 1111)(<' t)p1n1ons tXPrf'SS~ b ) 1'11' n•lun111 1 .. 1~ ;ind rartoonlsts' iinil 11•\!t'• "r1l••r ... irt' thr1r own and no ~·1Hh1r"·1111•n 1 t•f t h1•1 r vil"Y.:> b)' lhe IJ•ul 1 !'1101 'l111ultl LI£· 1nrl.'1'rcd, Fnday, February 21, 197S I I I I ' ' • ·-DMLYPILOT ·41 • . . ·. • • , " ' • " . . I BA&KER BROS; .. -HU.NTINGTON BEACH . . . I GRAND RE-OPENING GALA Starting Saturday, February 22 at ·10:00 a.m. .OIN US! ' . W..e ~ow you're very particular p~ple, ~owe made sure this would be exact~y your kind of store! We ~e-designed it-so that you would.find a happy decorating surprise around almost every · cbrner ! Model rooms, vignettes arid decorative settings are more exciting, more imaginative . , than ev~f"! All those aristocratic furniture arid accessory names we're noted for are here. Henrec;fon.. .. , Heritage : Drexel. Jhomasville; Flair. Selig. Marge Carson. Sealy. Simmons. Karastan. And lots, lots:'.~.~:; more! ou be the judge! Come see for yourself if we've made this the kind of store vou really want! · .. ; • . . . ' BRING THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS, ANDC~LEBRAT~ WJTH US! STARTING SATURDAY! . ., " ,, ' • • I Win Valuable prizes. Register to win a trip for two to San Francisco and stay,at the Mark HoPkins Hotel • . . . or a handsorrie paticrfurniture set. . . ,, or a fine color television. i , .,-., , t.~ • J •: Receive a complimenta11y gift! Our own 90-page decorating guide, "California Lifestyles", with smart, practical Ideas. See a fascinating exhil>lt! '·100 Years of Doll . Collecting", presented by the Doll Shoppe of Monrovia and other doll establishments. A pageant of doll history is displayed, from delicate traditional porcelains and chinas to modern vinyls and plastics. Robert Brewer, creator of the look-alike doll, shows how a doll ls constructed, from sculpture to finish. • DISCOVER INTERESTING ARTISTS! Textile designer Carol Moran, ' County, specializes in creating stuffed, sculptural wall hangings using hand-spun, natural Iv dyed fibers. Painter Abby Vaughn creates visual "music", and her works are included in the collections of prominent Americans all over the country. Shown pt Laguna, Beverly Hills, more! . Printer Don Van Valkenl>erg grew up in Southern California. He works in intaglio, lithography, serigraphy and iconography. He is extremely Innovative in subject and materials. Photographer Jordan Is extremely pcpular among collectors throughout the country. After a formal education In journalism, he chose the camera to fashion a distinctive environment. ' , · : ... S~l~tor, potter, teacher Rick· Anderson's· a~ivities extend 'Jr .om'.col lege footba 1 I letterl'T,lat1 to te~ching to exhibition o,'f.blS. Pili ntii:U!JS, ceramics and sculpture.threughout the area. ' r. ~ _,.., -< '• < I . .. . -· "' . ·~culPtor Howard Hitchcock creates impressive cast bronze · figur:es from ceq1mic shell molds. His 'Column of Figures 11" will be presented on display here for the firstlinie. · Caricatiirist George Yasuda is a Southern California tllustrator and commercial artist. He captures the essence of character. EN.lOY LIVELY ENTERTAINMENT! Dramatic Japanese performers wl 11 be seen Saturday morning Picturesque Mexican entertainers will be pr.esented in · the afternoon ~ at..,0 ~\€&0 ,.. r , I ... .._ ... ' • . .:. ' HUNTINGTON BEACH ,83 Huntington Center ••• tot IMPi>f1111 lbl""'l.'iJllMe II , at11•11' DDeliY8!Y aeMc:e a~ eet up at' ndchatge ., .. ,, . ,_c..._,.....,..._. .. ,., pConsult With our decorating staff ••• smart ideas at n0 charlie ltt-4405 ., ------~-----~~··-...=---... -....•. •' • ! ·-----~------- ' • I [ 11 I ,, 1 ·VO ..,..., 1 a ~?i He ho Pt tJ s . j I j Ill h c J It c io d I I I I I i • ,, ' ' . .. • , • f ·~ i. , T t • ~t DIT\b'N" • Today's Closing ' . N. Y. StOeks' , • -. . . ·VOL. 68,1j0. 52. '4 sec:TroNs, 42 PAGES . ' F.RlDA'(, FEBRUARY21 1975 N TEN CENTS -. . _ ... -. -·-• \; ' UOsj)jiiJ ' -.. 'i. ~ ··~~ Hoag Fears i B1'1>0CGLAS F&rrz.scui services the hQspit.aJ..provides to -•*a.uy•...,. NewPort Beacti and Costa Mesa ~g-t !Jm, frqm a ,jeneral gradually w.oµld lie P.ared down acutt: c4"1 hoipital ~ 'the UC to a bare-l>on~s servtce level if !Mite Call)pµs will be• linanc.lal the fa~llity. losJ>S its "fight for dfl'.uter--for .. Ho..ag Memorial survival.'','. Hospital ' I/! Newpar\ 11each, Responding, to' Parker's com- hospltll -admln15trator Scott ments, UCI-Cautornia College of ParkersaidThursday. Medicine Dean S~anlef vait den Portraying a deficit fiscal pie-·. Noort.satCl'today; ''Myopinion is ture, Plrk&r said medical and Will be that wheh the on- ' campµs hospital i9' completed in ifl Irvine. three or rour years, it wi11 not af-}loag has mer.1ed with the feet Hoag One io~a.\ _ Western World Mtdjcal Foundlh ''Population gro,wth or the area tion,· whicb baa antendoiWment of is such.. that Uiere. is not any 18 acres plus Options at bargain signifjcant ... (crunpetition),'' Dr.. prices on another m acres ~ar van den Noortsaid. t-b.-e U.CI ·campus.. Western Park.et '& 5tatements to World's appllcalioit to build its newsmen Thursday ended""a · pwn hospital bas. been turned period of o!ficial~ileoce reg_arcr.:-:down.by the Orang~ County Com- , ing a boSp1l@l"HOag plans to 8ui1d' .prehensive. ·He·afth . Plannini ' -. ·-· . . cOuncil, which contends the coun- ty' already has too mony hosPital facilities. 'A joint application by · Hoag and Western World to trall$fer 100 of Hoag's beds to tbe pro- po~~ Irvine hospital was sub- rrutted tb the health planning coW)cil Tuesday. Meanwhile1 UCI's medical ·school also wants to .build a hospital on the catnpu~ 1n Irvi ne. The 200 beds for the racility would be trans fe rred from Orange County M eQical Center which UCJ plans to buy from Orange County lo use as a teaching hospital. Both facilities "'111 be con· sidered by the' health planning council in hearings March 19 and <See HOSPITAL, Page A2) ·-t • . ·--~ --·-a . e rs entence Stqck. Laavsarit • e Trial Change Nixed By TOM BARLEY Of ta. P•llr PllOl Statt Superior Court Judge Claude M. Owens ruled today that Irvine heiress Jean Irvine Smith's stock control lawsuit against the James Irvine Foundation and the Irvine Company Diust be tried in Oradge County. He firmly told all ten lawyers involved in a pretrial hearing to· day that he is not impressed by Highuay Widening ·. ' . . Suggested By HILARY KAYE Of tlle P•llr Piiot iU'" Newport Beach planning com· missioners have recommended taking 12 feet from Mariner's Mile business parcels fronting the north side or Pacific Coast Highway to allow future widen- ing of the hi ghway. The proposal now goes to the city council. It apparently satisfied both planning com- missiO)lers and owners or the burned-out property alon2 Marine's Mile. The fire area is part of the proposed strip . Vin Jorgensen and Ned McCune, co-owners of the pro· perty devastated· in the Jan. 11 blaze. told commissioners that the original suggestion to take 24 feet from their land would kiU their plans lo create "a gracious and beautiful'' development when their tenants rebuild. "If you take away the 24 feet, our planned open space, we would be forced to make a typical strip development," McCune said at Thursday's hear- ing. Included in the proposal is ad- ding two lanes to the current four·lanes between. the Arches Brtdge and th~ Balboa Ba,Y Club. plus creating a 14-foot left-turn median, two five-foot bike Janes and trimming sidewalks from 14 feet to eight reel in width. Under the new plan, which would have a 112-Coot totaJ right· (See WIDEN, Page A2) Or:::a Coast arguments that the lrtine Com· pany's land owning statu~ in this county precludes the possibility of a fair trial. ••Jt may be true that the com· pany owns 83,000 acres of land amounting to one fifth or Orange County," he noted. "But I can't accept the state's argument that this justifies moving this trial to Los Angeles County." Judge Owens next will take evidence from witnesses before ruling.<Qn a number or other pre- trial motiOns filed by both sides in theJawJsu.it. Amon1 lhern arJ!: demands by M_N.j.Slllilb' ~Jawy~rg for a ~ Jonftftili'•litwould · previ· t.he foundation:fmrn pr:o- ceed irilh jts alleged Pl'\11 ti> loll tlf.-Company shares amounlin& to a controlling in- terest Jn the company to Mobil Oll 'Corporation for· a reported $110 million. Tbe _.foundation ha;s been pre- vented from. concluding the deal by a restraining order issuf>d .shortly after the lawsuit was filed. Mrs. Smith contends that the Irvine shares are worth far more than the quoted figure and that their ~le at the foundation price cSeoHEIRESS, PageA2) Ml!-rder 'Joke' Wasn't Furmy To the Judge, CIUCAGO (UPll -Michael Faber calls himself a practical joker. Attempting to hire so· meone to murder his wife, he says, was just another of his little ·pranks. Th.e humor was lost on Circuit Court J_udce Daniel Ryan. He found Faber guilty Thursday of soliciting (or murder. During ihe trial of the 35-year- old former vice president or an anticrime equipment maliufac· turiJtg firm , several witnesses - including his father-in-law - testified F'liber was a known jokester and that tlli murder con· tract probably was a practical Joke. His wife Barbara, 32, teslified that she had been having an af. fair with another man apd that she knew her husbaDJt was i,n- vol ved with another woman. • UPlt.,..... Ready for ••astof I? Paul l\1oller, a-rof.mer UC Davis engin~ering professor, sits at the controls of his Disc!ojet, a Oying saucer he designed and coristructed. The two-seat saucer is powered by eight 24 · horsepower fotary ~gines and is expected to get 16.5 mpg on regular gas. . Propo~al to Trim . . Densities Beaten A controvers ial propos,al that wo!llO have reduced den1_ili~ by more than 2,000 Units on certain parcels in Newport Beach wa s soundly defeated Thursday by planning commission members. Voting 4 lo 2 agains t the pro- posal , commissioners rejected the gen eral plan amendment of· fered by City Councilrmm. Paul Ryckoff tha.t would have forced two large Newport Beach proper- ty owners to substantially pare down pl ans for dw~lling units on their properties. Raymond \V <itson. president of the Irvine Company, and l~an · cock \V . Banning of Bccco, Ltd. - the two firms most affected by the proposal -told commissioners they strongly oppose any change tothe establishcd general plan. Commiss ioners, in voting against the plan, decided that the reductions proposed would not be significant in the regional con- text. They said that citizens would just live in othe r areas of the city where higher densities are permitte d . thus impacting •, seryice and traffic conditions in those regions. · ' Ryckoff Sug.~sted his amend- ment a:s-a way· of partially solv· ing environmental problems in Newport Beach. ··we s hould discourage de· velopment if tt degrad·es the en· IS<!e DENSITY', rage AZl DOW AVERAGE CLOSES AHF:AD~ NEW YORK (UPI> -The stock market, buoyed by signs in- flation was casing and another decline in interest rates, clo~ed higher today in active trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones industrial averages gained 4.38 points to 749.76. Advances led deelines by · about fo~r·lo ·thrce margin . <Tables. AJJ) . Prices also were higher in ac· tive tradint on the American Stock Exchange. Cyanide Dwt Overcomes CdMTe~her . ' A Corona dcl Mar High School chemistry instructor was over· come Thursday b'y what is believed-to be cyanide dust whi ~h tie may have inhaled during a day of c hecking and disposing of chemicals in a storeroom. Quick action by coworkers and firemen minimized effects on teacher James Lucas, who sud· denly fell to the floor at about 1 :45 p.m . and experienced serious breathing difficulty. Principal Dennis Evans. said that two other instructors who had been on the same project and in the same room, Steve Taylor and Brad Thurmon, immediately sought help from the sc,hool nurse and phoned for police and firemen. None of the instructors were seriously injured by the ef- fects of the chemical. Evans said that the science building was immediately cleared of pupils and firemen used ventilating devi~es to clear . the chemistry area of any possi· ble hazardous chemicals. W · Weather Ncirtheasterly winds 25to40. mph below canyops \hrough Saturday, according to the weallien service. Fair ski ea wltb hlllbs of 67 'to 72. Lows tooi&ht a 1o • 1. • • • · Home Problems Taekled ··we sent all three of the in· stfuctors to the hospital just as-a precaution and they were all re· . leased' by about 6 p.m. They're all back on the job today and in rine health," Evans said. JNSIDE TOD"Y A Mitlri\l!I Vi<jo -"°' ..ritHed litr doaire to oct f>!I pulli•_g ~trirtJI• back•t•Q• - tM atrlngs oj her puppets. See lftort1 bit Doilu /'ilot ato/f W(iter JClll Wcirtlt on page C·2 Of todoy'S Weekender. . lndex At TM _,,,lt• as Mt\tM .. ....__ ---··~ ~·, l.Jlt...,. Alt M IP\tllfl Alt c:atMtnlt•' ....... • ,..... .:. cataH• Qf.,t -Or Ctolflll~ Al.I ~ Ct ,.._.. Ito.I cr$.W• Cl tltlllllfll!ltt CM o.Mti...ttc" •11 Sflttt• at-r ........ ,.... .... '*' ::hMMfll ... ,i1' ;:r.... "':.._ .. ~. ..... ,,.,h<.,f 01 ~ ~ ;...... ~ ::.. .... ::-'~ ., C1 .. ••• . Newport Psyclwlogist Pl~ns Police WorkshOp lly JOHN VALTEllZA Ottr.. Dally~ ........ "l1Did'a-avery bu'sy, very sue· cessful guJ in lhe upper.middle income ran.ge. "Mom's~usier than hell with her cluliwoi:~ and social lire. "And lltJ1.kld•"11te a mess ... To .Dt. Stanlo~d Green or lllewport '!leach. that distilled personality Sketch or a family spell• troubl-. - Fqr th~ ~sycholoal&l1 correct· lna the de:eP social mataise ln a troubled family whne little -counts but ,:om petition and material 1atn, ls the toughest of Jobs. Often It Is Impassible. Next Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., or .. n and tnembera of tho Juvenile staff of the Newport ·' ' " .. Beach Police Department will launch a pilot workshop aimed at giliding parents to solutions to ra&ily problems. There will be few rules, and'the stress will not be on trying to cor· reel a. specific serious problQlll already existijlg within a family. "What we'll try to do is 11se the workshop to help parents who reel such probl ems coming. "We won't be able to do much for Parents whose children are in trouble with the authorities. There won 'l be a ny panaceas tor them ,'' pr. Green exp1alned. "Whal we'll do i!S accept re· senratlons for'30-person~. thtn,sil . down ror an evening of large and 1m"8ll eroup discussion -a shirt.sleeve session where they can dev8'.op some insight antl solutions <Jn their own," he added, I Dr. Green. who maintains a busy pti vate counseling practice as well as .tbe role of Police de· partment ~yd\ologist, said that the W,ed.6e-'l"day eventng workshop is the first attempt by the ddpa'rtment to try a solid wqrksbop fCN"mat aimed a t the contemporary problems or the Newport Beach family. "The peed is obvious." he said. "V/l1al1s been happening in re· cent y~acs Is that people in general vtew· soltd family rela- tl00shl~ and concepts such as values. tradJtlons ·and c:espec:t as baloney." I ISee GREEN, Page .\Zl He added that it would be dif· ficult to determiae the exact sub· sta.r:(ce which caused the paten· tlall)' serious mishap, but he said slisPicions are that a pulverized form or cyanide may have been rete_ased dur.lng the day's work. Evans said that the clearing and checking of chemicals in the laboratory .was a routine event and that Lucas had been check· iu& to see which substances would have to be dis posed of or repackaged. Firemen and police !\ummoned a Special bazai'tlilUS Chemical and disposal squad from the shertrt 's ofClcc, and the specialists removed several sub-, -staace1 from the laboratory. They were dis posed or later. 8 Years In Prison Decreed · . WASHINGTON (UPIJ -John N . Mitchell, H.R. Haldem an and John Ehrlichman. once Richard M . Nixon's most trusted aides, were sentenced today to up to eight years in prison for' conspir· ing to cover up America's worst political scandal. Opening thew ay for an appeals process that may take as long as 1two yeats. U.S. District Judge John J . Sirica also sentenced Robert C. Mardian to up to three years in prison for his part in the Watergate conspiracy. Mardian is a sometime San Clemente resi- dent. The sentence~. s tiffer than those received l by any other ·Wci,ter1a\.e' def~dapts since the original burglars, were described by one of the attorneys as ."far more than Richard Nixon will ever suffer.'' Nixon. fc..rced to resign as pre· sident of the United States by the same' evidence which led lo the conviction of hi s top aides. was vacationing in Palm Springs with the knowledge that he will never be prosecuted under a pardon he received from President Ford. There was no immediate com· ment from 'th~ former president. None of the four conspirators -Mitchell, who had been Nix- on's attorney general and cam· paign manager ; 1-laJdeman and Ehrlichman. who were chief White House aides,•and Mardian, who was Mitchell's chief depllty -showed any emotion as the sentences were pronounced. The conspirators solemnly re- fused to com menl, but rt1a rdian's lawyer said he thought the sen· tences \vere ''too heavy ." Ehrlichman, norm ally glib. con · fe s s ed. ··1 ju s t d on 't have al!~~hing to s_±!~ -~~ Mitc hell , Haldl'man a nd Ehrlichman wer e sentenced to a minimum 'of 2 1,2 years to a max· imum of eight years on char ges of obstruction of jus tice, cons piracy and lying. 1\1 ardian, convicted on· ly of conspiracy. was given a 10-month to three year sentence. 1'hey were released \vithout bond pending appea l. Ehrlichman also faces a sen· tence of 20 months to fi ve years in connection with the break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's ·psychiatris t. Throu~h their attorn eys, Ehrlichman offered to "'uive his right or appeal in excha nge for an "alternative sentence" or doing legal research for a group of Pueblo Indians in Ne w l\1exico und l-laldeman pleaded for a sen. tence nu worse tha n 1\lixon 's . Sirica replied that he had given ··carerul and serious thought to what th..e proper sentence should be" and cons idered "the deter- rent effect on others.·· ''Whatever Bob Holdeman did, s o did Richard Nixon,"· (See8YEARS, PageAZl Mitchell's Optimistic WASHINGTON (UPll When rormer Attorney General John N . M itcheU was sentenced today to up to eight years in prison for the Watergate cover-up, he hur-. ried out of court with but one comment: ., ··n cautd trave been a hell or' · a lot worse. They could have sentenced me to lpmd lbe rest or my ur' with Martha Mitchell." l • r l ' :.~i DAILY PILOT N WIDEN ••• .. of-way, curbside parking lanes on either side of the highw<Jy would be erased. City Engineer Ben Nolan said the widening is necessa r y • because of congestion in the i area. • Nolan told commissioners the ,,. wJdening project would take ... between five and 15 years. 1, ln voting against the plan, which was approved S-2, Com · mi1sioncr William Agee com- plained that ''the old ftecwiiy group ls at it again." Agee said he foresees the day when a freeway, complete with lights, will run down Pacific coast Highway to serve the in· terests of N.ewpart Center. Agee suggested seeking solu- tions to ease the bottlenecks at the highway's interst'clions. Commissioner J ack.ie Heather joined Agee in casting a dissent· ing vote. Some members of the audience ~ commented that the character of , Newport Beach must be main- 1'. tained without huge roadways running through the middle of the city. But Commissioner Jim Parker responded that the character of the town already has changed, . .:ind will keep changing. ''The plain fact is that we Jive in a naturally beautiful area and it attracts people lik e" magnet,·· Parker said. "It 's just not true thut if we don 't provide for more curs that they won't come here," he said. County Pair Arrested on ~·Weapons Rap Two Westminster men who as- . sertedly became ne rvous wtien a ', Newport Beach police officer · emerged from a liquor store race .,;rcharges or carrYing concealed .. ~weapons in' what is alleged to 11 have been a possible planned holdup. .#C Patrolman Vince Antista ar- -.. rested Nicholas Rudolph ... Camara. 27, and Salvatore 4-DeMarco, 25, both or 7383 Garden Grove Blvd., just beC9re dawn Thursday at the front door of a li- quor store at 2615 Newport Boulevard. Antista said that his suspicions were aroused when the two men appeared nonplused at the sight of his unirorm. A street search or the pair. de- tectives said, led to lhe"di1eovery ' of a large·bore handgun on each of the men. The two arrestees were booked initially f<>r iny.isligl\!IOh of • armed robbery and held ill lieu or $25.000 baq a\>lece. Investigators said today that complaints from the district at- torney's office would be sought and that charges could be changed to another felony category-carrying concealed weapons. Land Inquiry Witness Slain Frldly,F.Oruary21, 1875 CUENTS GETP.4ri The Work A<tl,vltl• Center at Fairview State Hoopii.I in C...tt Meta is k-in& elleots busy, despite the n•Uop:1AJ rec etllon. 'things ar, coml'l{ bl a little slower now. WorklhOP director Gail Marcus says but the Fairview residents 1t1U pick up a paycheck on Frldp~ . See story and photo tiy slafr \\1riter Arthur R. Vlrisel on Page B4. ' F'rorKPageAI DENSITY ••. \'lronmcnt," the coWJcUman told the commission al the public hearing. Ryckoff suggested cutting back dwelling units permitted Crom 10 units per11rosS acre to four units in the low deflslty zone. He also suggested addlna a new category "medium d~nslty residential." Where a maximum of eight units per acre would be . allowed. , The effect of ft.y~f's prp- pos al would .ha,"ve. been ~o .... eli minate about 1,000 units from Irvine Company pro~ies -the Castaways site. a parcel north or the Newporter Tnn and Several others. It also would have sliced about 2.100 units of the Beeco parcel in _West Newport. Watson told the commission that Ryckoff's plan took his pro· perties out of context from the re- mainder of the.general plan. He said that when the general plan was established, it took lnto account the Irvine Company pro- perties in terms of the total city. and that special amendments should not be added separately. A half dozer) persons, including representatives from several homeowners groups, supported Ryckorr•s plan, saying that re- ducing densities would be the on- ly way to 1 ease environmental concerns in Newport. Maintenance Man Burned In Gas Blast Gasoline makes a rmeauto ruel but mainte nance man Venlin Medkovski, 45, or Corona del Mar, discovered Thursday night that it makes a painful linoleum stripper. . Medkovski, of 608 Larkspur Ave .• had been usinR" the ruel to strip tin<?l_eu~ at a b~lle~s building at. 3331 E. ~co·&st Highway, fire me n said. The fumes soon fill ed the room and were touched of( by a gas hea~- l°\'1edkov~ki was singed in the blast and Suffered minor bums to his legs and lower body, firemen said. Im mediately after the blast, the victim managed to find a nearby garden hose and put out a small fire set orr wh en the fumes ignit- ed. He held the damage to only S400 . Medkovski was released after emergency treatment at Hoag r.-temorial llospital. • • • • On Avco . -' Bid Seen A $120 million oceanfront Laguna Niguel developm$!nt tha(' was stalled two years ago before the state coastal commission will move forward this year after an aa:reement was worked out this week between the state and Avco Community Developers. Avco officials agfee<l to trim the project to 2,000 units from the previously planned 2,488 in re- turn for a promise from the At - torney General's office that it woul4 not appeal a Superior Court deciaion which held the company did not require a coastal permit to begin construc- tion. The units will be constructed around a golf course on property 'SOUtb ot Monarch Bay Plaza in- land o( Pacific Coast Highway. Units will sell (or $50,000 to $85,000 . Grading of th'e 192·acre sile ac- tually began in the fall or 1972 - about the Same time the California vo~ers gave approval to Proposition 20 establishing the ·coastal commission with power to approve or deny coastal de- velopments within 1,000 yards of the shoreline. After the act went into effect Feb. 1, 1973, Avco lost a bid to the state coastal commission to con- tinue grading and develop the pto- perty. Avco took the statetocoUrt and won the Los Angeles· Superior ,court battle to move ahead with construction. The commission fou1bt back by appealing the case to higher state courts. Avco finally was successful in getting the ease of( center by hir- ing the law firm or Assemblyman John Knox . CD-Richmond) to negotiate an out-or-state settle-mti:nt . fJ The state' commission ratified the settlement Wednesday. Avco'$ next step is.lo draw up a new tentative tract map showing the reduction in the number of units and submit the map to the Orange Count~ Planning Com- mission for approval. It could not be de~r~eq_ to- day when. grading anld ~truc­ tion on the site miglit be re- newed. "I'm tired. I worked two years getting: this thing approved. I re- ally have no idea when it will get going," Raymond Peloso, Avco Laaun&Ni(uel general manager. sala. · Peloso resigned Crom his Avco postjast week. · . ' F'rmnPageAl HEIRESS. •• would amount to.a delrauding or company investors. Mrs. Smith is the grand- daughter of Irv ine Company rounder James Irvine and a minority shareholder in the Irvine CompanY ; she does bold lhe largest block of company stock owned by an individual. The stock held by the founda - tion amounts-to 53 .4 percent or the issued Irvine ComDanY hold - MAiit DiAN HALDIMAN F'ro .. Page Al 8 YEARS ... Haldeman's attorney, John J . Wilson, said. "But Nixon is free i.l.Qd J.luld~man has faced the agony of a trial.'' "\'ours is not unli ke the power of . pardon,'' he said. ··sob Haldeman stands here facing the possibility or suffering far more than Richard Nixon will ever suf · (er." Ehrli chman's new lav.•yer, Ira Lowe, said that Ehrlichman had been in contact with a Pueblo chief who felt there was a critical need in th~ remote area or the Southwest for someone with a law background to r esearch the 8,000-merober tribe's land titles. Lowe read to the court part of a statement py Ehrlichman which noted he had been earlier con- victed of violating lhe civil rights of P!Usberg'S psychiatJist: "f.m cd"nvicted of violating an individual's civil rights.'' Ehrlichman said )n the state- ment. ''Their (the Indians') rights are in question every day. ··1 truly would like to do that re habili.t'ati'on myself,'' Ehrlichman said. "If I do it myself I will be infinitely better ror it." Mesa Widow Files Lawsuit After Crash A Costa Mesa woman who was widowed Feb. 20, 1974, when her husband was . ejected Crom flis auto during a two-car collision in Orange sued the makers and sellers or his car and the OP..POS· ing driver Thursday for $1.5 million in damages. Judith Ann Miller names as ad- ,ditional defe ndants in her Orange County Superior Court action the unidentified persons who allegedly served motorist Richard,P. Denham liquor short· ly before hiS car collided with James Frank !\tiller's auto. Mrs. Miller states that a con · tributing factor to her husband's death was the d~ective seat belt a nd shoulder str'flp which snapped at the time of impact. Charged with n egligence on those grounds are Newport Datsun and the Nissan Motor Company Ltd. ..... "SPl ; ......__..., :IOID lhe Costa Mou CV1HAll· · Parker ~OM!il*I ti>ll !lnanelal ouUooll: at ~ u .Jpw. Tbe facility, due. lan~JY tlfbpenllve renovation 16id exp•naion, operat<!d at a $J00,000 •eficlMast I year, he said. Par,ker eapecta a similar dellclt lbll roar. ~· 1osse9, he' said, ace naade up by community dona\lons. t Taldn1 fl1~res presented by Dr. van den Noor\ 14 show lhat lhe UC! hospital woulll have lllUe Impact on Hoag-, Patker esUmat· ed that lo$t revenues due to the • on-campus hospital would be a minimum or $2 mlWon a year and could reach $3 million. He based the estimate on ·or. van den Noort's projection that the on·campus hospital competi- tion would be equivalent to 40 ad· ditional hospital beds. Hoa11ets 68 percent of the patients generated in what would be the on-campus hoaplta~·s service area, Parker said. The increase in l:loag's defici t from $100,000 a year to $2 million, he said, would be more than com- munity contributions would un- derwrite. The result, he s aid, would be staff cuts, reductions in the kind and number of services availa- ble, cutting out some special services such as open heart su r- gery and a general reduction in the level of care provided the communities on the west side of Newport Bay. TO CONDUCT WORKSHOP Paychologlat Green F'ro'" Page A J GREEN .•. He explained that in many family unit~ -particularly the more afnuei'l't ODeS -ftOODe is TC· ally sure of what set of values sho!:J.ld apply to behavior. "I've had parents flatly admit th at they reel like the kid and that they're being controlled by their children," he said. • In the v.·orkshops he plans to conduct. the counselor promises no swift anSYlers to specific pro- The east-west division or the blems such as the loss of parental hospital service area by Newport control and the attitude and Bay results from the inconve-behavior by the youngster. nience or reaching Hoa& from • Corona del Mar and Irvine cifer · ''There aren't any simple the congested Pacific Coast answers. Highway. "But we (Jgure that projects Parker added that the fiscal battering Crom the campus hospital would be worse than Dr. van den Noort projected when MediCal and Medicare patients· are considered. Parker said those patients make up JS per- cent of Hoag's total and many would go to the UCI hospital. Building the We1stern World hospital in Irvine on the other hand, would put Hoag in a lucrative financial position, Parker said. Expensive additional renova- tions would be unnecessary, he said, Hoag expenses would be re- duced by the cost of 100 beds and Hoag would have access to tht4 endowment provided Western. World by the Irvine Company. Presently, Parker aald, only 60 percent of Hoag•s beds are filled. The optimum average occupan- cy or hospital beds is Is petcent.. accordthg to h~alttl plal1riing council figures. Cutting Hoag's 471 beds to 371 by transferring 100 to Irvine, ~e said, would put operations closer to that Ci.Seal optimum. Parker said he supports the medical school. but believes that instead or a general-care hospital on the campus, the unl\'ersity should build a "tertiary care" hospital designed ror research and treatment or exotic dtaeases. Asked why Hoag and the un- i\•ersity could not atop their bickering a nd develop a cooperative racility in Irvine, Parker responded, "We are will- ing to discuss any facility that approaches middle ground.'' such as this amount to a solid start." What the organizers would like is both parents attending the v.·orkshop -unless, of course, there is only one parent in the family. Parents \Yith yo l41l gsters already in trouble with the police are not encouraged, Dr. Green said. Any resident of Newport Beach with youngsters between the ages of 11 and 14 are welcome, he added. Appointments for the initial · session are available by calling \}le department '.s juvenile sec· tion at 644-3770 during reiuJar . weekday business hours. ~oag Hospital Accredited Hoag 1\1 e moria1 Hospital in 1 Newport Beach has received its ne w, two-year accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, Ad- ministrator Scott Parker. an- nounced today. The commission's field representatives recently con- ducted an on-s ite survey and con- cluded that the hospital meets current standards. Applying for accreditation is , voluntary and s urveys are con- ducted eaFh year, Parker ex- plained. PHOENIX (U Pl l -A key wit· ness in a grand jury Investigation oi land fraud in Arizona was given police protectiop today Uler another key witness was ii hot in a gangland-s tyle killing. L4 Quarrel Escalating ings. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Lawyers for both sides .share the belief that the ~ey issue in pre· James Cornwall said lhe re- asons he r equested protection were "obvious.'' Edward Lazar, 40, was round dea~ Wednesday night on the eve or his appearance to testify before a grand jury investigating the dealings of Ned Warren Sr., an ex-convict and land promoter. Lazar, former resident of Consolidated Mortgage Co., a fmn operated jointly by himseLr and Warren, was shot four times in the chest and once in the back oftbebead. ORANGE COAST H DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed ,.,..,... .. , • ..., p,.t,1,.,,... JKk R. Curley Vk•fl-f~fll_Cif-_ .. Mil_• ld•lor Q\ar~H . Loos Ri chard p_ Nall Aullt_ llN,...lfliil E•"'" ' ' TeMJ*Ont f714l M2-4.J21 Cllttiflld Advtrtlstng 64t~tl °"'"' ... ~J 'tti Or ...... C••~I ~119filft"'9 ~· ... "'"'' ...... 111..i.1 .... ....,, ...... (.! ..... ., ., ••••• 11,. .... flh ,.. ....... "'•• ·~ ••IWMttc.HI wu-.i """'••• ,.fmlui.n ol ..,,..,.. ......... ~-....,. ~-Mit! el; c..~ ,.,..._ C P'I i::..-=:,,.~~=~ LOS ANGELES (UPI l Sherif( Peter Pitchess says he v.:ould resign if Supervisor Bax- ter Ward would also re.sig n, with the condition that both would agree nev er to re-enter public service. It was the latest development in a long running and increasing- ly bitter feud between the two. At a nev.·s conference. Pitchess said Thursday that Ward was "a very destructive force" in Los Angeles County. trial hearings now\Jnder way and in the Lrial itself will be the value Judge Owens pl<ices on Irvine Company stock. Lawyers {or the Cal ifornia at- torney general's office entered lhe lawsuit with the argument that state Jaws govern ri nancial operations or all roundations and the James Irvine foundation is no exception to that rule. Under the federal Tax Reform Act .or 1969, all tax exempt foun - dations must divest themselves of controlling shares or corpora· t i·o n s Sycamore Lawsuit Rejected by Judge By JACK CHAPPELL Ol•MO.lly ~li.t~ A federal judge has dismissed a $37 million sui t brought against the city or Laguna Beach, a con- servationist group, and 43 or the town's prominent citizens by a disgruntled developer who al- leged a •'Ku Klux Klan-style" conspiracy had prevented de- velopment or bis I and. Judt!• Robert J . Kelleher ruled today that .his court would not take ju.rlldlction in the suit and dismissed the action from the federal court. Lacuna Beacb Mayor Roy Holm todax hailed the Judge's de· cislon. saylnc ~ "I'd lllie to buy lhejud1e a drink." Holm as well as the rest or the present t"ity council had been named individually tn t.he suit by Rancho Palos Verdes, owner of . Sycamore Hiiia, 522 -choice &ercs in Lasuna Canyon. ln11dditlon, Laaune Greenbelt, its past and present direct.on. l'UI and present city plannina . commisalonera, and private dlilens who had advocated anti·· growth positions at council meet· ings were named. "The outcome is not surprising to us, but you cannot afford to take comfort in what you feel will be the right decision uotil yoO hear the verdict," Mayor 1-lolm said. :·t guess we can take a deep breath now and go on with the business or the day.'' he added . City Attorney George Logan. who had argued the case for the city and had specifically asked the court not to take jurisdiction, chose to withhold comment until he has studied the decision. Rlllcho Palos Verde• Attorney John rollock Uid the contact by a reporter was the first news he had had of the decision. ''We've just learned of it and the matter is under considera- tion. We haven't d~ided what 11 leps we're going to take,'' -Pollock 9ald from his Los An~leaofnce. Judge Kelleher, ruling in a five- r.ace memorandu.m or decision, · eft one course other than out- t11bt appeal of the decision open to the plaintirr. 1 WINTER SALE CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT l.Gr<JO Hlec:ll011 af qllClllty fumilure al redYced pric••· H•nredon, laker, Horilac)e and Droxal all have special .,_. ....iucod for llli1 ....... Fanla1tlc callec:tlon of uphollletyl ,.,. on 1alo -· DOll'I wait. ' --REXEL-HEAITAGE-HENREOON-WOODMARR-KARASTAN-BAKER WlEllDAYS & SATUIDAYS f:OO lo S:lO • N EWPORT.BEACH• 1727 Wt-:s1·l·l~lt'F DI<, 642·~ LAGUNA B EACI<! • '> 34~ NfJH 'l'JI C.:CJA~'"T HW,~~f M -ISSI TORRANCE• ' 2'"49 HAwn1oaNt.BWP• - !Open f'ri:Jti1ri~•,}2·~,'q0l • • ... DAILY PILOT :tJDl'l'ORIAL PAGE Brown Forgoi Rule The UC Irvine Medical School project has passed one neeessa? financial milestone. but there's still a long road ahead. ' Urgency legislation to appropriate $8.95 million for acquisition of Orange.County Medical Center and funding or an on -campus teaching hospital has been passed unanltnously by a state Assembly subcommlt· tee and seems likely lo win approval or the Assembly Health Committee. · 1'he next critical turn in the road will come early in March when the Ways and Means Committee takes up the bill . Meanwhile, Gov. Brown succeeded in needlessly 1nuddying the waters durina: a UC Re~ents meeti.ng by relerring to OCMC as ··a lemon" and suggesting its acquisition mi&:ht be a "bad deal'' for the state. The governor's remarks violated his one week old pronouncement to a gathering of California newspaper publishers that he would refrain from commenting on matters he had not had time to study. Since he has not yet found time to confer with the people best Informed on the UC! Medical School pro- ject-the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the officials at UCl-it is fairly clear bis remarks were not based on much solid information or study. It may have been an effective way to try to im- press lhe regents with his concern for the state's economy. but he is obligated at least to talk to those best informed and most directly concerned before PQpping off with further comments. voted 7 to 2 lo authorize the IRS to Issue a summons for bank ·records when large deposits are involved and to force bank officials to disclose th e identity or the depositor. Previously , such action has bee n authorized only ir tax agents are inves tigating the financial status or a citizen already s uspected ortBx evasion. The court ruLing was described by the dissenting justices as a ''dangerous detour'' from earlier limita- tions on I RS investigations. Unfortunately, we have had occasion in recent times lo reali ze that the IRS hus permitted its pre· sumably confidential data to be disseminated r51lher freely for political purposes. The new court ruling, while it may turn up a few tax evaders, would appear to be a blanket permission for fishing expeditions into affairs of bank patrons. Think 55 The California Highway Patrol's novel 55 mbp "escort service" for Las Vegas-bound motoris ts over the recent holiday weekend bad the remarkable ef- fect of eliminating a11 ·accident~ on 'the 240-mile stretch lor three days. This is certainly commendable in an area where high-speed driving has caused horrendous crashes. It is apparent that the CHP can't continue to as· sign up to 100 patrol cars for regular escort service, but there may be s ome residual psychological benefit. • • New IRS Power \Vhile no taxpayer, especially at this season, can summon up much sympathy for tax evaders, this week's U.S. Supreme Court ruling extending the power of the Internal Revenue Service to probe bank depos it s is more than a little scary. Certainly the stepped-up speed patrols on the 'San Diego f'reey,·ay through Orange County -and step- ped·up citations for violators -have encouraged local dfivers to "think 55. '' And. despite continuing complaints from heavv - footed drivers. the fact that the s peed limit now is na· tional law makes it more or less necessary to adjust our thinking accordingly -or pay the penalty. " 'Now, if you '11 step next door to my subsidiary, you can buy a .few hundred troops to advise you in the use of our weapons!' Overturning a lower court rulin_g, tbs.high court Henry Clarifies Our Middle East Policies Growi11g Peo11uts While Natives Starve _.,.- Agro-industrial Tape Worms "Jlello. J-l enry? !·low are tbings ( ) WASHINGTON -E;:irl Butz, In Cairo? Or Jerusalem? Or ART HOPPE the Secretary of Agriculture, has wherever you are today?'' been taking a beating because .. Pl ease, I have told you never. ,., _____ ..,..______ he 's so :ttingy with our food . 1'hc to call me when I am not at the of-press ure to give away food to (i_ce, '.' underdeveloped oountrles grows "But you're never at your of-nam." with each TV ' documentary fice, fl enry. And the wruteHouse "Precisely. In the event the showing yet another nation press keeps Arabsareattacked,youcanthen suffering from i case o[ asking me to •send in our troops to protect our permanent starvation. explain my· American boys from the at-For once in his life Mr. Butz Middle East tackers." may be right. albeit for the policy.lknow ''You mean the Israelis, wrong re· Henry '." E t you're awful· asons. xcep Jy busy , but if "No, us. Our defending troops as one-shot, you could just will defend our American boys emergency tell me once from our atta~king troops while disaster r e· ·again ... Why ·our American boys are helping lief, giving •did I .send you the Arabs blow up the oil well s away food over there our attackia'g troops are attack-makes no this time?" ing." ·sense. The "It is quite simple, re.ally. You "But What's the good of all poor nations .. _, have sent me over here to makes that, Henry?'' . like the rich ~ns~~~e~~~~~l~~~~een lite Arab~ .. It will insure, I can say v.•ith ·~~; ~;;i~~e so they can ·grow confidence. the most interesting h r od r d h . "But I thought you told me I peace negotiations I have ever enoug 0 to ee l eir own h · k · people. was t reaten1ng to ma e war· engagedin." · 1'heyCan'tdo•hatiftheirbcst against the Arabs." · .,._ land, their water and their "You are. That is why I must ''I GUESS you're right, Henry. Investment capital are used to first achieve a lasling peace I guess. But couldn't you just tell grow agricultural Commodities between the Arabs and the me who are the good guys and for export. In many places in the Israelis. Jtow would you look if whoarethebadguys? world lhat seems to be wbat's you attacked the Arabs and they. "No." happening. There are reports, were off fightinfil: a.. war · .. But, Henry, you simply have forexample,thatinthemiddleof zomeplaee in Israel?" .to explain my Middle East policy the drought In the African Sahel, tnme." Mali was growing peanuts and ''Impossible. J am h~ving exporting them while the relief enough trouble trying to explain planes were flying in food. it tot.be Arab!! and t.be Israelis.'' This is anything but a unique ( VON HOFFMAN ) piece of irony. ln Colombia. with an estimated 130,000 n1etric Jun protein deficiency, "a hectare (about ty,•o.and-a-half acres) devoted to the raising of carnations brings a million pesos a year, while wheat or corn brings only 12,500 pesos. As a result, Colombia ... must use scarce foreign exchange to import basic foodstuffs," write Barnet and Muller in "Global Reach : The Power of the Multinational Corporations'' <Sin1on and Schuster, 1974). "The de velopment track of the 1g.Job!lL corporations features increased production of luxury items such as .strawberries and asparagus for the international suburtian market. But the money does not flow to the hungry majo.rity ... " JOSEPH COLLINS of ~he Transnational Institute, a left .leaning organization s pecializing in wor)d economic problems, points out that, while • the production of broiler chic-kens in Colombia has doubled in less than a decade, "only about 20 percent of the population can afforQ to buy even one chicken a year." 'J"he rest 1.1rc "economically inactive," which seems to be ;.i polite \\'Ord ror ·starving. Coil ins observes that. although the Green Revolution n1ay indeerl increase production, it means very li~tle to the people growing the ~roduce. Thus in c0Jombia 70 percent of the grain ~roy,•n there is diverted to poulll":Y feed to fatten chickens that most Colombians can't buy. According to his calculations, one hectare of land used in that way will support 1,430 people, if they only had 'the money lo buy· chicken at 200 pesos a kilogram . The same !<ind, if used to grow soy beans for direct human consumption. will fe ed 22.700 people at 12 pesos per kilogram. If Co llins is right . Colombia is relaliv'ely better off tha n a place like the DQJTiinica n Republic \vhere. he s;iys, Gulf & \\lestern . has set itself up in a sugar cane operation lh:.it is so •self-c'Ontaif!ed the locals get no side benefits from it at all. Not only does the company impart Haitian lal>qr, but, 9>Jlins says, with thei r own repair shops and con1pany stores. G&W doesn't buy anything from the host country. I ' "AGRO-INDUSTRIAL enclaves" that move in On a host country, use it and give nothing brick to it ;ire the economic equivalents of t<:1pc worms. The tape \\Orn1 ;,1J:.o arrives in ·the · intestines \\'here it lives by gobbling up the food ,,·hich by rights belongs to the organism it · has invaded. l'cople with tape wor1ns come down with malnutrition, so the prospects are guarded for Brazil where,· Collins reports. Volkswagen is raising cattle in the Amazon, not to sell to Brazilians, but to the· Japanese ... They get $20 a pound for the beef in Japan, and you don "t get that for a VW," he explains. If the food problem is anal)'zed as Collins does it, then all the talk about population explosions and shifts in \\'eather patterns is somewhat beside the point. It· n1a v not eve n be in our self:interest to convince the natives to cut down on the.ir procreations. 'J'hc more there are . of them, the n1ore n1oney we can make selling thcn1 the food we've finessed them out of growing for themselves. True, this may increase the number of beggars and miserables in \he world, but we needn't bother ourselves about the warnings we hear that, if w e->: don't feed the hungry, the~"rei going to rise up and smite us.: Starving people 3re too weak t~' smite many, mighty smotes.'- They beg, they ¥ihimper, theydie.C .. ••011 I TfltNK I see what you mean. I think . But if I am threatening to attack the Arabs, why am I sellini::; them hundreds of millions of dollars worth of guns, tanks. warships and planes -not to mention our best military advisers?" "For two reasons: first. you wish to convince them you are their friend . Secondly, you desperately need the dollars they spend for these weapons in order to pay the exorbitant price they are charging you for oil-which is why you arc threatening to at- tack them in the first place." .Public Must Know Growth Alternativesl "Well, I guess that certainly seems reasonable, Henry. 1 guess. But I thought you instruct- ed me to i9struct you to get the Arabs to lower the price of oil?" "Yes, a brilliant maneuver. If the Arabs lower the price of oil, you will have more money to send the Israelis more and better weapons." "Won ·t that offend the Arabs, Henry?" · ''YES, but you must do this for two reasons: first, you wish to ton"Yince the Israelis you are their friend. Secondly, they will 'need more and better weapons to defend them selves from the Arabs, because you have sold I.he Arab s more and, better weapons." "I think that docs sound fair, Henry. 1 think. But sending in rnilitaty ad\•iscrs smacks·of Viet· Dear Gloomy Gus ,·, With all Its city officials \'VhO ha~spent time there, Westml ter could .start a sister c y proa:rant. wilh the Callforn•a prison systen1. C.H.L. ( ] 'fhat's why it is imperative To the Editor: MAILBOX that your description of CEEED During the past year, and our views be treated with the journalists from the Daily Pilot; ~--------------same fairness given others. We inreportingnewseventsinwhich are a coalition generally· the Council on Environment, Letters from readers are welcome. representative or three broad Employment, Economy and The Tight to condense lelters to f1t areas, business and labor and a Development (CE E ED) has 'PQCe or elit11inate libel is reserved. very strong element or concerneC.1 been involved, have referred to Letters of 300 words or less will be citizens which include : pro- and described it CCEEED) as a given pre/erence. All letters must in· fessionals, politicians, taxpayers "pro development organization elude signature and mailing address groups, land owners, those in· of builders and labor leaders." but names may be withheld on re-terested in housing £or low and I and many other concerned qrWst if su//icie11t reason is apparent. moderate income families and cilize111, who are neither in or· Poetry will not be publis~. just plain citizens. ganlz~labornorwilhthehuild· We are not s imply ''Pro ing industry, but who are active growth" advocates. We believe members in CEEED, lake excep. drilling and a ban on all develop-in realistic and prudent decisions lion to such a narrow description rnent in the nearby hills and by government in the !ace of the of our coalition. The description along the coast. But the conse· very real problems which con - is not ·accurate and further, it is quences of such actions by the rront us. We advocate orderly unfair in that currently, words politician, in appealing or planning which will accom · like "labor leader" and "land de· responding to such public mod ate tomorrow's growth v·eloper" undoubtedly set off a shortsightedness, will most cer· needs. negative bias in the minds of tainly be higher costs -and your readers that affects their shortages in shelter, oil and perception of the issue being re-energy . parted. We are most sincere in · our belief that much of our coun- try's present difficulties are caused by our government's ac- tion or inaction in response to public opinion: opinion which often is ill informed and fre· quenUy uninformed. THE PUBLIC cannot be ••· peeled lo render prudent, balanced opinion on public ls· sues, viz. off Shore oll drilling, the Alaskan pipeiine, environ· mental demand s, growth, areater eoYernmeot control over land use and resources, etc., un· less and until it knows and ap· preciates the issue, the alternatives and lhe conse- quences. · If the only publicly recogn.tted alternatives and consequences of offshore oil drUling or the wish ror huie areaa of urban open space revolve around esth._tlc de· sires, the public can be expected 10 dtmand a ban on ollsffore ... OUR ORGANIZATION is de· dicated to the task of determin- ing alternatives and conse· quences of public issues beyond those or surface emotionalism, and bringing them to the atten· lion or the people and our leaders in government. Without fair and balanced exposure in the mass media to all sides of the issue, in· eluding our views, there is no passibility that public opinion can raise above the level that al· IO'Ned and encouraged the ban against the Alaskan pipeline or drilLing in the Santa Barbara channel. CEEED is concerned over tho spiraling cost or housing, de· terioration of our dynamic economy. the loss o[ job op- portunities and the increasing tax burdt!n in OrdngcCounty. We beUeve a well informed public can have a very positive effect upon these Issues: but onl'! if tb"l' are weU Informed. N!CKYCALAGNA Member of the Board of Directors. CCEEE;Dl Obsce11e Calls To the Editor : Sunday's Pilot carried :in arli· cle "On obscene phone calls; let me tell you now how I handled these calls. P erhaps it will be some help. · We've al"•ays been told to hang . up immediately ttnd report it tQ the telephone company. I dis· agree -that is a singularly "'orthless exercise. BY HANGING UP you let the cnller knO'fV Y0"1 nrc frighteped and you·ve mu.de hls day. Instead -hold on the line -you don't· have to listen, but keep the line open. Cover the mouthpl('CC so lhnt he cannot hear any noise from yqur side. He wlll eventually gel tired or scared that· he is being traced 1 ' and he will ha~g up and, we hope, never call again. It worked for n1e and ror a friend. I hope it will work for you. Try it. URSULA CURRAN Tired Worker TotheEditor: ', In respon se to Charles r.1cCabe's arti cle in the Feb. 14 issue of your paper, where he asks the question, ''We? Demand? Who in the hell do we think we are?,'' I \VOuld like to ask, "\Vho in hell does he and the rest of the world he defends think they are?·• 1 l am a working man who is Ji red of being taxed to death in an ~•!tempt to £eC'd . clothe :.ind dC'- fcnd the rest of the "·orld (an in1- possibility ! without having ~1 lit- tl e say-so in how n1y hard-earned nloney is spent nr \vh:1t I huve the right to expel't of the people who · receive it. \VllEN I :ilso Jay m.v money down at the grocery, gas s tation. srhool, depnrtme nt store, chari- ty, hospital. I kno\V exactly "who . the hell I think I am.'' I am a mtut who expel·ts a product or :;.-vice, cooperation, courtesy and a little . appreciation of equal value or [ should have the right to.rtfuse to. part.icipatC'. There arc many or us ,,·ho feel t~5 way. Mr. l\tcC;1be has the right to thlnk :ind feE>I as he pleases. but hL' docs not have the rigf'lt to drug the rest of us down that root 's road of \\Orld subsidy without positive results \\1ith him. DELVINO. WIGGS Bargnil•M ff efp To the Editor: With recession, employment ·and innation, un- hypcrtension, • . bugging us daily, I ·must sai there are a few companies ou' there that have fe elings for thE? public with their constant strug ... gle trying to make ends meet. ! Specifically, thank you Carl'~ Burger for offering t\l.'O for on~ hamburger special ; thank yOl( Bob's Coffee Shop for you~ February combination special.: and other conglomerates - small restaurants offering twO for one dinners or any busines!l that makes an attempt to make i'( Jess expensive -who have real people working for them and making the load a little bit lighter during these rough times by offering these most appreciat- ed periodic bargains. . · It's nice to be nice and I think in the long run these same com: panies who give a little now will reap a lot later with this ap- proach and what it v.dll do for their image and public relations. I'm sure they'll be around a Jong · tin1c. TOM DOYLE ORANGE COAST. DAILY PILOT Roberl N. Wet"d, Publis/iir Thomas Keevil, Editor . Btlrbara l(retbich, • Editorial Pa9f! Editor The edil.Ori1l .Pa1e of the.Daily r1lot l'lef.'ks to lnform and 1t1rnulate rt.-aders by prei;f.'nllng on this Pll~ diverse commc.•ntary on,torics o( In· teresl by syndicated l'OhJrnn1st1 •nd C'artoonlst s, l)y pro\'idina a forum fc)r f'l'itders ' Vlt'\\'i; :ind by PN.'M'ntin& lhts ne"·spoipcr's dp1niona and Ideas on current topics ·rhf'. f."dltonal opiruone of lht' U;uly Pilot •pl)('ar nn1y 10 thr <'dilonaJ C'nlumn lit the lop of the pai;:f' Opin1ono; l'Xpressro by 1hr columnist!' ;_ind r11rto0nlsh1 t1nd lettt"1' \\'n1crs <treo th('ir 9"'-' and nu cndor:.t"men1 of the~r vh:""''n>Y I.he 08ily Pilot ~hould ~ inf~r~d. • Friday, February 21, 197S I • ' I " ' t l ., l • .... . ·. --• -- ' ' • • I \ .I \ -• ~· ' ~ ( . • ' ' .. • ' ' • I • " ' •• ' • ' ,. t . ~ .,, ; r, • < • 1 ·' I . •· t !< ' ' " , ' . ' • • • ... . ..... , '• ~ .. • ...! ., ., . . . . ·~ . . , ..• • .r!d!rt ~ • ' . • • ... , -llAll1'PILOT .tt' ' -''-' -- " :.!.: • .. 4 I • I " .. " ~ ' ' • ' .. ;t l>: • • I • ' . cBARKER BROS~ HUNTINGTO~i:::: .. ~~.~~_::,:".A¢H -' . -\ . : ' " •• •f' f I< I ' I ' ' ' ·-~ .... . . . GRAND RE~OPENING. 'GALA _, ) ' 1..,,. " 1·~-·-,.. .. ... ~ J') 1 .\ . . , Starting Saturday, February 22 at ·10:00 a.m. • 0 1TN U .. · .··S .f. · . .. .. ~~~· .. -.. ~·~.·~, ~:·-,· 1 .• . ·-~ ' ' ;,. -.~1")•1) . • ... .... ''" t· • - • j f ~--....• ~ ;t;f (· ~ .~· ·" .. . ..., . .' • .j • .:.,~~:~~~-~-"~'A 1 .·,i .. ,~I' , -· ;.·-,.,., .•. , ,..s•· . r-,_.... -~ ' , . t;.. , "' •• r • _ • -~ ... ~.,. ·""4' • ··~~-• we know you're very particular: people, so we made sure t.,!1l~ wo,~t'd:~ e~~~tlf.«our1kind of st6re! We r:e-designed it 'so that you Wollld find a happy decoratft1'.'~ur,qr:;1~~tq1Jn:<t .. a;ltno'Sfeverv · .. corner! Af\d(lel rooms, vignettes arid decorative settings-t'r'e more'.exciti.ng, more imaginative .·?, than evet ! .All those Bf istocratic furnitµre. and accessdry. .. r:tamesl_i'$]{~1'.!0fecj for ar~·l;lere. Henredoo •. (;_'. Heritage.·.orexel. 'Thomasville; Flair. Selig. Marge Carson. S.eaW .' S)m~oriS .. K·ara!tan. And lots, lots ~ .. :<·~ more! Y:6b be the ·iud9e ! Come see to~ youtself it we,';Ve·"i'ade.t~i~tl:ie:i<fT:.d.ot;&revou rea.11'(..want! . :· •·~ ~ •• ~ ' -\. . ' • ' ~ • ' l. BRING THE FAMflY AND FRIENDS, A1~~CQEB~l~~~t1.~~U~!;~*-R~t~i:~~!Y~DAY! .. , . ·~.',;, Win Valuable prizes. ~egister tow.in a trip 10f ~o to_ ;. ~"\~'·· ~.,..} .. ,. ''~r,, ti he/l'R:1~i<'lfn1iefl:O'ni\~a'a'f.vitles extend • • • .. San Fr a nci sc<>'ilnd_ stay a! the Mark Hopkins Ho ~I ;, ''.''" ·i ~·~·· -1. · <!!~.ll1pot~I} · etterffi.a)!l(f,f~c~iJiP.i\?,'~xhlbi!{!m .. . : .•. or a handso1T1e'bat10 furniture set... · · •'1: 1 .~ . ·':! 'ti spa1iit&gi , df'_ram.rcs,g~:'SC{(I ... re~hr9uotiout'f~area. , orafinecolortelevisiori. ' '" '/' . -. , : . r ......... ' .• ':' ·: ·" . • . • . _ ' . . , . .,\ SculptorHoward~l~~flc~·~,~4tesimpresslvecastbronze· Rece1vi: a coml>hment~rv gift· ~ur ow(l.90-p~ge -;flgutes from ceramtc sheft molds. His 'Column of decor~t1n~ guide, "Callfornl:e Lifestyles", with sm~rt, \ · · F.ISl!:ll'eS i I'.'. Will ~Pl'esent~d on display here for the practical ideas. ., , '1Jrst1irne.' •. . · · ... : · ·' -· .: " ' . ' ... ~ i"'· .. : ' ' '. See a fascinating exhibit! "TOO Yeai;sof Doll ' .' ' '·~ci.ttUti$t·~~~i9 Yasuda j_s <fSoutherrtCallfornia Collecting", presented by the Doll Shoppe of Monr.o'(ja · lfl · t " +... and f t anl"t H t th ' and other doll establishments~,A pageant of dofl history is , es;!Je~1 'Jt;ar~~;er'7 .8 .. ,: '~' ecap .u.res e displayed, from delicate traditio.nal p0rcelai'lls and chinas · •· · - to modern vinyls and plastics~ ~ert'Srewer, creator of ' e ·Nj():\i<i'..IVEi. Y Et·fi':ER:JiAINMENT! : the look-a Ii ke dol I, shows how.!8 dol (_d jl,constructed, Dram~t~'.~apanese perforini!r~' Will be seen Saturday from sculpture to finish . mOl':frit'lg 1 . ._ ·-. ~ ~(' ·c ;, DISCOVER INTE•RErilNG ARTISTS! ' ~; :•' .. ,Pt1~ei\ie:Mexi~a'.nent!rtf~fi~~r11 ~p.:esent~in Textile designer Carol Moran, · " t~afternoon · ·-' County, specializes in creating stuffed, sculptural ~II · • , : . hangings using hand-spun, naturally dyed fibers. , r ~· -~.f Painter Abby Vaughn creates visual "music", and . . . her works are included in the collect Ions of prominent Ameri~ans all over the country. Shown at Laguna, ~ . ' ' . ~ '~-. ' ' Beverfy Hills, more! , · .. . .i .. . . ·. Printer Don Van Valkenberg grew up in Southern California. He works in ifltagllo, lithography, serigraphy and iconography. He ls extremely innovative in subject and materials. ' - Photographer Jordan is extremely popular among collectors throughout the country: After a formal education in journalism, he chose the camera to fashion a distinctive environment. ' . , .. . ' .• ' I. t. I '· ,1 . '. • ....... ' • • ' •, .;\i.:'' .r I 1' ->i·.-I , · ~1 i 1 •. • J.J,I 1 l • ~l' ' l~ I ,} ., ' • ~. • 'I .. , . .. . ~ !( ~· . -. r• .. • j• . I , • • . ' . • • .. /·, • f . . ' . .. • 1.f • • I r -- . • r -. ,, I I - • , . , " ' m• ,cfr Sp; th• Br all mo JLll ..... , , .. El ~ "" Ce "' obe j j F• 19 ., ... $3 lo· sil Bo ~I Cl p . " . v• "' pi IJ i• ' " lo ' • Frid!Y· ftbl'Ul!Y 21. 111$ Fri~ay'e Closing Pricee NEW YORK "STOCK EXCHANGE • • •lafton has been •PPoii\led ~c. Anaheim re5ident J. Donald tlonal marketin1 manager ror _, RW Bu1tne11 CredltSe"lces in Long Beach. ••1111 • Michael Chllto11 has joined the ph1rmaceutical operations division or Syntex Laboratorle1 Jae. as u professional service representative. • The HunUnaton Beach resident was formerly a cfedit manager. • Norman E. PeuiD has been elected chairman of Health lnda.atrtes, Int: of Newport Beach, 1occeedlng Robert L. Rice who remains a member of the board of directora. Pessin continues as president and chief executive •officer for the firm which operates 141 European Health Spas in the United States. • Costa Mesa re&idcnt Howard E. ~den bas been named manager or t echnical flight tratning for Newport Beach-based Air Calllornla. Ogden was formerly supervisor ot technical training as well as a night engineer ror the company. ' . . LeRoy A. ••t.ee•• Bl'OWll bas been ap'PoJnted manager ot the Corona del Mar Baal< of Ammco. With the bank since 1951, Brown assumes his new position after two years as assistant manager for loans at Bot A's ILQun• Beach office. The Buen a Park man ,replaces C. E. ''Buck" Schueller recenUy named manager of the DTorooffice. • Two Harbor Area residents hive been added to the Newport J!teacb Marriott Hotel executive 1111owN &ta.ff. The hotel is scheduled to open AJlril J5 in Newport Center. Relat·Belnder1, or Newport Beach, is the new director ol sales and Peter GlacominJ, Costa Mesa resident, has 1 been appointed director of catering. Ford's Profits Plunge Sharply DETROIT (UPI> -The Ford Motor Co. reported 1974 profits fell 60 percent 'from record 1973 earnings to S361 million and were the lowest for any non·slrike year llncel9S8. In a financial statement, Board Chairman Henry Ford ~I and President Lee A. lacoc· ca said the No. 2 auto com- pany's earnin& decline reflected a lower sales . volume and an inability to re- cover "unprecedented" ('(Vtt, tucreases. They warned of still further cutbacks. FORD WAS the lasl or the four major automakers lo re· port sharply lower earnings in 1974 -earnings that in Chrysler corporation's case amounted to a $73.5 million loss. Earnincs for Ford, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler last year amounted to less than $1 .3 billion, the lowest £or any non&trike year since the 1958 recession when pro- fits fell to $720.l million. MARKET HIGHLIGHTS NYSE Index ASE Index Dow Jones Ind S&P 500 Stocks INDEXES 43.70 77.73 749.77 82.62 up up up up 0 .17 0.41 4.39 0.41 f Hl'w York (UPU -Tll.t fOlllftllll'IO 11•1 "'°"'" 1rw sto<t• '""' "•" oel....cf ~' 1.-d lcn.t l'-11 mo•I ti•••ll Ol'I .,...<•I'll ol '""~ Oii UW N•w Yo)rk ~tock Eotrwn._. Jq\ ... d PfP(tll\191' Cl'l""VH .,.. II• t'lllll"'..,.;e ""91-1'! TM ptt\ll-CIM<AQ ,..1,, ¥111 the c11rrtt1t clollno prlt •. GAINERS 1 EIKI Assoc ,~.. \'I Up 11.6 2 0.Wlll'I lflt P l'.o • 14 U9 2.S.O J °"''lei" wl , • "" U9 2l.1 'lak" In .;<I 1~• 1"-Up 'l'O.I s""" Shi• .M '"• 1"-UO 1t.O • T1i.cor .ti •"-• ~ U9 17.t ~ 1 c c • Cotp '"". 14 Up 16.1 1 a Lor•I Cotp S"'t+ •"-UO 16.f t 8rFtrrl1 .10 6\1 t "" UP 1$.1 tO qAt.O"'il Co 1h+ ~ Up IS.O 11 LMI lnw"r t t \lo UP U.I 11 Tt•ll lnclu\I -'''• + Vt Up 1) 3 ;l NoCn~rl .it '"" • "" Up 12.S _ 4 SCA Soer>tkt l '• t i, Up U S NPWYork 15 /ffo1<t A.-11.,,. N£W vQRI( IUPll -lne I ~ rt"IMI «llW tioc:li.t Ir•-~ ,,_ "*• York Stotk £•U'lfno-Frid•¥· I s .. 1... °"' ""'· Sony Corp .... 161.100 '"' .. '" P.1n Am Alr , , , , J~,lOO 4h .. "" S.li.lrf' 1no ...... lll ,IOO '""' + '"" Po1.1rold ...... 11a.1ou 20\ll .. •1, Am Ttl&Tel .... 114,100 _... >, Genl Motors 111.tOO JI + 1"' Ttiw<O ....... 1°',J.00 Vo Am Alrll .... l . , , , 1116,lOO 1.-.. + \o'o b!lltl'I Red .... 119,100 !:Mio + ~ Mllll't Mii MIQ • , 111_,IOO 57\lo • 3'-\ Qlv-ey ....... 16>, 00 "'"' -~ Gull Oil ......... 11ot, 100 ~ -..-£111,,,..... l(Ok 1 Sl,100 1ey. • 2"' SIM-n co ut,aoo '"" _,. 'olo' Genet" .. £le 146",100 "'""' t-,.,. · 1S S.411-,411 S~ • '' VP 11 I It Y1nlt1I" .20 )\? + 4" UP ll.O !----------------,, U•-. .0 10\ol ., 1'°" UO n .• 11 APe<o Corp 1 ...... ""' Up lt,I 11 ,,,,., v-.411 •l•+ 1 up 11.1 10 FstMtOt. In• Losa~:• .°" ~o 11.1 1 S.• A "'too 1w.-\~ Olt 11.t 1 Arltn RllOv I"'°-V. Oii 1).) J U,....£T Tr~l 1\il-V. OH 13 3 -' 10$ Alt .11D 1114-I~ ()4'1 10.1 l Wyly Corp ,...,_ "' .,,°", M • Guoard Mtett alilo-"" I.I r NIU l10l'llt\ J -. "" 0000, '-' I GlllM ln<or •"'-"--'·• ,,...n .... ln ,,, 3"'-Ioli Otf, •.• ti ~It pl 1 SJ\1-A\.\ Of 7,l Bt11M '# . .O .. ,.,_ >.!o Off 1. 0..-rd I ,!Ob O'tr-l!o Off°'' 7. AJ lflll\ltt~ 1 ..... -..._ 7.1 AtN(>rl.-a11 10/ffo•f A.-tl.,,. Nll!iW \'ORIC UJPI f -Ti.. \0 e<live Slootllt h•Ol!d 011 the Amert<.,, !.toc:li. f.11tchel'lett F""'Y· S.1ttt Ci.M •. 1,l76..200 lth .. lli,'°° 11111 et,loOO •14i 14,loOO 14 11,6"00 lllo\ ... 100 1S"' Jt,tOO n"' 4e.100 1w. Jf,l(IO 1~ 11 ,ioa 11 ~°'~ . , . -... -~ . " . " -' • •I = ~l t• 15 ~mlT6!,.li~ 1::= ~ Of~! ~:i' 0 n Cfl'ltr"IC'l I lt 1 I' 7. •ll llo~r !ti :: t:: lffarkt'f Tr .. nd • "Ul'r .... ,..11, \.\--"' .. , "''' MAit1t11· TllllRMO '° ll:"Cltfl • --"' .. s ----------------1 Mta#M:ft ••••••••••• ~.'~' ~ N~ t'or•• o.c1i....• ............... •n s11 ~ Lift(......., .. . . .... .. "I "' Sain tr'olff•f' Tol•I-................. TM 1'20 &Mill MAaltlT 1fllN.2.__.~ ,t,ct,.~" ........... ~~,,.~ ·-~ o.ot.ws "....... .... .. >1• .>01 l,lneht"'91d , ........... ff! 7'S Tottl ................ I 1 "2 ll'l'tl~!Mry cOul'lll I Nblt YOltlC > -~ ~ .... li:!..'°l:t t~">'I N ""' -C'4 ckM c.nPe< .I'd 1 tt U ... ' ....._ ... , ~R l.Ut • I 111ht V. P·8tMllUC-.ai.. lltt(ll •ti t '• _.,. 4---Id ..)4 I) •1 21 \li-Yo -L' -'' •n .... taclMID l"w ,, ll t V. •• _. • •·· Calll COllO S 14 Jlllo-'olo AC,IM IAO I 11 """" • lo'! ~lrot Okel • . s ,fW.·· 'olo =~·!rl--! 't L~· ."' '-Zn ....... ~ !3". "· --,.,•,•,, .. il' ~ w carJ~~.J ., r1 , 'v. : : : ·· •• ·i: CMaP1.11o1;t • t .. 'I~'~ :f P'I •· JI I'" C..11 lK 1,loQ • .. l + Wo n1..1'*:;!1· 'j '°' ll~;:: t.l'r!•rC .lttl 01 l f't• \lo L' , _,_ ~ g;•Gn .1)0 'j t 11v. ... '' ...._ T~I• .IO It ,,r,;_ ... trl C. ID ) t .. + IH•I pl t , , II J2Vt-\ft -.M t l>O l0'4+ ~ ~WIL.«I I '3 1111 ... IM• JS '"*\II NGi .t2 I ' 1·-. Ill .,.11 Jff ,. +2\olo ICli. .too lo '' 1 Vt-\:I, &¥ ' IJ l-Mli ... Hlr 1.t61• "'I tJ~-+1'41 ~~1~ .• J; ,:::; )! S I .... 11 211 .II" o .. ~;ii 7 .1 t2 -'°" C I SPfotfl ,. I JI +.., Ai.Mt lftlll ,, )I II"'• W C C I Cltf'P .. SI 1'141 + Yo "ei'ltl~ ,'4) S I 1..V.-* C.to (:p I 0 S It ti~-\(o Al ..C~ It IS ~ ¥11 C.l•ni.. l.IO • \41 >Oh , , , Al .n .!Wi I 1 11,._ 'It C..ltn~ 4\.1 •• I .i lVt-V. J.Jc.,.,.,11.>0 •SM 21111+-. ~nco 1 ... .0 .. ?'' •111.o + \'II A!n>SM ... 1 •1 ~. ¥11 ""• .1212 .,)<I I V.+ In Alt ... Lb.JOU M 'jVJ--h nHUdl,12 I ~I•'•-\, A"••11 ,1(,.11 tJ ,._ ¥11 Ctn lllL L~ I 19 1• , ~, Allttll Ml(le 1 n ,.._It. C.nHLpf 1'•. rll!O 18\\i. ~ AIMCP 'Jd J JCW I C..11 PS I.XI I .. 12\o • •,, Al!tLllll i.60 I .. ~.·~ c.r.1..11:1.21 I .., 11~• "-•::: :.::-! o -~ !:MPw 1.1"! I I 11""° ... Al w I.' 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On G.i ,,,. I J3 \I-.-""' A Gflld .J2b .. •2 2._. ... Cl'IG pit.~ .. rJO 101v •.•• AO...Sc 1.32 , . It 16'.'I+ "'° ClnG pf l,44 .. 12JO IJ -1 40fl l.,1 .MI S :JM IOl'o+ 'l'f ClnGEllf • .. 110 .. lol.+1\1. A O.il: 1.IG •• 11 tl'l>ll • .. Cl..,,,.,111 l..O 6 2'1 111'1 + ~ .t.ml1 ti .It 4 .. IO'h+ \/o CIT Fln2.20 I •s 3',._t-..... Am om .N1• 1:n 31-.-.""" Cltltorp .ICI ll USI 3J'lo-V.. AmHot.p .lO 21 11 21..,....lvt CllSrv 2 . ..00 S 11 11 '1'1 + \lo Am 1n¥t1tlm .. ~\.'I Cll111lo .ts& • Ul Jh-'lo AMlodlcl.11 • 191 J Clly Ill• ... S 111 •"6 •.• A Mlodl(.,.p 11 Ito J •. , City lrw pl 1 ,. 11 1 ~"'--'h Am MolOrt 11 1Jt J -Y. 0 1, Storts . • 2 1\.to + ""' AmMGt t.S.. 1 ts »" .. , (.ltrk E 1.60 9 I] 31'\i t 1\io Am SN!ln.Q .. II S..+ \lo Ct1rk Oil .so .. •S 8 .. ·.~ AmSlllr ... 123lltll h+l"" Cl.C Am .l'O 3 18 • AmSml 1'h > 312 1• -~.. ClvCL112.loQ.o 10 11 19"•• I Am Sllld .IO S lo2 ll'1ola+ 'olo Cle• Et 2."8 l Ill 21v1 .•• Am5tdpftlol. •. S S21/.+ Vo CltvElpl11 •. rUOIU .. 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Amrtp corp J IU l'lo . . • CPU Int l"ood 1 11 l it'> .•. AIMttr 1.10 2 M ll'h+ ~ Cbt PIM . .0 llo ltt. JS + 1 Am"r pf ... , ll I c.otonSI l.1S 1 •'lo lllol. ... a.nntM l .10 s 2• .. • .. (.611 .,...,! J 211 ,."_ .. ivni.1 In .n 1 11 1¥1+ ~ (.ol!PfA 1..0 , 1 2°"' + v.. Afte(lld l,?0 I J11 M •• , Collin fll 41.o •• 14 IOVll-\lo A.IK,,11c I.Qt 1 10 1~ 'h Col G.112.0l I 11 26 ... + \II ,,,_..Cl•y I S ., 2'"'+1\lo Co!G!. pf S'-•. 10 JI~+ V.. ..,.lkl ,11 1 SU 6 + \.to C,ol Plclwn •• IS. l"'-+ \II An1U1 Co 11 .t 4"I 11\lt-~ CAIS ClJl I ... I S6 t•:i.. • , • "'*'""c .ill s n 1011o . . . Coo'*I c.m 6 1ss 1oi.i. + ..., Apce 011 41 > n 11'"°+ """ Coma IE I.to 10 16S )I~ •.. A-.. Corp .. .Ill 2°"• Ioli ComSI~ 1 • .0 I •I -'2\lo-Mo Al"l.. COl'p 1 $ IJ 1nli+ i11111 CmwEC11.)ll It 1•• 21'111 ,,, APL,gl ,SO . I • .._ ... CWE prl . .O ,. iO M 'I•+ loot APL C t ,Olo , 11 1J"i+ tt C•Er.1.t• .• t 11'1tt + 1 ...,. 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Hou tot f'I tl<I , , 1 1"•.-, , Men: Sir .llD 10 1 • ..., t v, HOvlFpll\lr., S ,!\'* t~ Mw<k 1 . .011 )13 14*+1\'t =t~·.t I~ :~~ ~V.= : =~~:~I~ 5'J 1?~·'4 HDHG 01 2\lt . . 4 I• , , , ......... IJ \01 26> :lJVI •• , HO ... rdJ .20 Ii 1lS • -~. -..-ti' .f\j!. ) 11 l \.io + \lo 1-iowml (.p I lo tt IJ!il. t Vo MnllM 1.10 I J 11\lo+ "' !'4WY'' 1.ta I 11 ll • "' M 0 M 2\ltb 2>1 'I,,._ ~-HllCl A 1.60.I ! 1 IS ... 'lo Mf!Nrt'I .SO I 101 "'+ '4 ~~ . .o, ' 4' Mtlft'fl.)J ,,fl"' ,..,.,, .. , ~T .JOlt 111 11"-';..j MGICln .101 ... 12"' ,,, 1111 .......... lllC • 11 Ith ,,, MltftGST"·~IO I • 11\lt+ "' 11j,#ll (11 .J• 11 )' """ • '• Mkl'I I , 4 ?t 1'tlt-"' HI.II'°" G .411' 11 11"6-\• Mk rOdot , 4 4"I 11"'-•.. Hu'f(-Cp 4>11 ll 141 18 , :i., Ml(.r-N I l 1) .. + "6 HWl'Oftll Jt 4 \) •llo • \"O MIOc-I.°' I JS ,,.,..__ \lo _,,_ MldSOU 1.16 11* l•h--~-- :~ll07.:; ·i '°i; J:~·.~ =~-~ ~ 1s! J:.·;.\ IOttl8t\lC 1 , I l)'lo:I •• . M11ni..• 1.n I ,,,, ,,,... t -ldNI Toy •• 4 JI • , '4 M~tnl!lr .3'• 1 44 6\li , .. 1riiA11 .l111 I UJ 1tw.-1.-~t.M '·" 20 1171 52"6-+)'AI :.:c.:1;,~~.~ 2;: 1,!,,_._·~ M1~i11,':: I ~:~:::~ Ill Pwt 1.M 10 141 12*• "6 MltMl!,.21 I It II -V. lllllw pt 1.10 .. •ISO 24 .. H't MIUA• .10 4 XI 18'\-'\ IU ToolW .so ,, 34 J\lo;, .. 1'1 Mil p91: ot I .. 10 I) ..... ltnpen•I Cp S J)J ,,,,_ ~. MoPnC l • .O 6 2 I~-~_,, INA Cp 7 10 • I~ )7\•~ ~ Mo f'tlS ,Mq • .... 'flili-"-l:C~.· l~ :: I~ 1!~ ... =:t,~:,ZO ·;. .t3 .f~~ 1ncct11t .osa .. •• ,.,_ 'i~ Moh.lcO t,to • •3 13 -o.:i lnd/111().11 1 I 20 19 , ~ MMl>Mwk 01 .. JS '"-Vo lndP.L 1.1110 21 19~ t V. Mol!Wlll RO I t 11 11\lo-\ti tnclNtll 110 11 4S 1i•-. • . . Mlllycrp • .0 i 11 211/t+ 'l.lo IM>.CO Oill6 l1S lo"-• "• N'lllnard'IT I I 1~ \\V.+ ~ 1"'9 Rnd J . ., n 110 13 • ,,,. Mlonoel,•m l U 1"6-11o l::PcR pl 2.1S ,, tl'O 41 •IV. NIOl'lrOeA .•• • 231 lft-V. :fll<f:n t::: !! J~~.·i.o; =~2i:.~ 1tl ~\i: ~ ""-' . .0 4 •1 •'--.... .Morl\0112.0I 1 11 'llft-"' lrlWkf C .10 i 4, 1~-\lo MonPw 1.llD I l2 1'\le-V.. IMP(.Dppr t 10 IOI Je:W.-l'h MontS l .IOa .. l)f 21*-'h tnsttlunl Inv 2 1 1"9 ••. MonyM ,17b 8 .. ''*• Vt 1ni.oon 1• ~ 1• !~-.... Mo0r M 1.4(1 I 111 •J'4+1:i. ll'llert o I .... 6 •• 1~:i,.,1 \/') MorQJP l.IO 14 213 SI~ \lo l!lltrton ov • 30 1~ , . . Morr1Kn .... S 13 111\11-\II tnterl•k• 11 > 12 ~Pio+ ~ """'"'El Pr .. 30 21•+ Yo '8M C..~ 11 .. 11111/• t "°' MorsSft . lllD lo )1 1-'.'I ln•Fl1w . )I SOS V'A-'-Ml .. fr Am .. J• l \.'t-\olo lnt111r• 1.1 j SID 8~ , .. ~,,1folor .N 1 141 1.W.+ V. lnll"Old .440 • . 10 t '\11-+ \lo lri"otoroie .10 18 621 "' + 1 IUMlltC 1.11 S al ....... \.ti 111\1 f''°'I S110 14 ltt lOVJ--\'r lnli Monon9 S "' 101'1-"1 MISITtl 1.52 t 11 191.4 t 'llo 1111Mu11 1.:u • 1 n + \.'I fll'uttford .llo J 11 1.;., • v. lnlNt • I 4Qa • JDS -2•\I t i.. Mullfd Pi .10 • , 10 Slit+ Yo lnUP•per l 1 Slfl 41'-t 11W, Mutlsn.Ql10I lo 13 11\olo-V. 1"1Re.cl .l11J • \1 I"'°+ V. Mur..C.01.H • S IJlll+ .... l"I T&T 1 51 S lit ti -.... =:;:rp1101 .'4' I " l~+ t'lo U~IH 4.. 1 ••Yr .. , ••-~n:r Oii i 4 2,1 IS'.•-h t TT t•\lr ., 2~ 'I -'t"J ...... Cln'l l.J2 .. IJ ... I T& plJ 4 .. 11 4 'h+ "" Mrw~ I. . .0 II 11 61'11 ••• I Tt.T PIK• .• Sf n11.i ... N .. Ko2-:i0:1 ·~. '" ' HfN tv. .. 111 JS>,; .. • ...... C,, 60 IT& pjO S.. 1 SOV3-VI "-co~· 21 "8 3'\+IV. ll'llr1!« 1.10 l I 11oYt-YI .. .J:.&c ::: : ~ .~::=-~ 111i.p.-cp1 s.. I JI ... -... Nl'"'rln .... '" ·~ •• 1niovai GI" I I llo lj'll-116 ..., -"" ,_,., 8' ,,. O <• • u NOIA\'11 .J9b , , JS l0"6-V. '""' ' .,. N•ll C.n .SJ S 121 12 + '.'I ::rzi:~ '1 ' '1~~ ~ ""Cll pf 11'1 .. -' Jm+ YI lo.• 8'1 lol ,, 171it+ ~ :f~:. .. ~ 2t ~ ~ ~ low.I El l.IO'lO 30 11\fi-'°' Nlo.trl 1.S1 $ 14 JS -"" ,::::~~ ::: : f1 ;:-:: ~ MttOltU l.'lO A 110 ll'lt ... 1ow1PS1.u 1 tr 1'\o\+ '·' NUFutlG,, I IJ :JO""+ w. lpcoH<HoPtU 1 11 J:W.+ 'Ill HU Q-ypl.OS 111 11'16+ I,\ ITE Imp .11 6 II 1• + \lo ~u Home$.. .. J -\lo lie• c;o,prtn .. 11 l '!t ••• "'!t tl'dv .to J 2• •"+ \olo IV lnll .15 • 91 11.... ... fol li:."i . .0 .• 1 I ... IV lnll C:O,A •• l H\lo + 'h ,..t & 11' •• 1 11"-... IV lnllpl 1•i0 .. 4 11¥1-YI fol•! 11 F1'14 •• 21 1"-+ \olo _,,_ N•Prri'l.10 s > :rt'1t-"'° J-F .6110 ~ ll'llt-V. NU 5'oetnl<on 12 111 11\'r+ ... HllFl'ld .ISO .• 1M I •.• ~-.~~.n •, ",, ,---, • >tl!Pltot .i.o 1) l .. 31'1/ot-~ "' ....., ·'° + :i. Jc Pplt)lo 100 M HtSi.rcl'l • .016 6S ~. ~ ~I C 1."?0 ·a l lol 21°" + '~ NII $111"1• 4 It$ 31'Mt-Yo -'--lt or In l 37 l 'io + ..... H•ll Ttl Co .. 40 J.1111+ °" Jlmw.111 .IO 1 l•I n v.-"' N.11om' 1.10 3 621 '1.._.IV. JimWpl I.ta .. 1M )1"°' • •. NCR Cp .12 1 631 2S ..• J Hlrll .210 .. 11 O'°LI+ \lo Htpi.Ullll • .0 l 4 O'r,, ... J H I 50b 21 7''l lffw P• 1 . .0 J 48 111'>-~ '" ". .. • .. "''I.'''·" .. '''' n -, • J<>""Mv l.106 II 71~o-~ '" J<>l'Vl&J .IOI l• I~ .4 -~ Nfy pl '"° .. llCIO ,, -to Jl'I\" Cn .ICI u OS llV. • . . NEneE• 1.11 • 5' 17'1'e-..... J""(on pf 1,, J 'I • Vll. NEGsE 1.21 1 11 11 -.... .JonLOQn .«I • f,O lo'lot + ..... Ni!:QT T 2.3' 11 I 21'ilo+ ~ Jon~LplA s .. ,so Sol • "' N-n•ll ~ • "' 10 -.... Jo<QnS I.Siio ] . 1 111'! • " Nwmlll 1.60 J 11• 11"8+ "' Joste11s . .i. 1 10 II -Vt Nwmrtot •V> •. 1 II -1 Joy MIQ 1'·• 11 114 tlVo-2\'o HYSEG 2.20 1 $4 n + \II Justice Mt911 3 l 'l<t ,,, N=l.IJ ,, I :Jl'h ••• -K K -N 1.11 • 26J 11°"'+ V. ICOlsrAl 1110 • 1to 1114 + ,... N '·'° .. no 3''h+-11o l(.1iAI pl 1'°LI •• ISO 31 • ,.,_ Ni•Mof •.15 • • J30 ....... , .. 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J'A-~ MoSIP. pl 1 •• JlOO 110 -1 ..... ICfl~ In .SO • 4!1 7 -\lo MSP pf IG.3' •• alSCt IOI + V. Kell0911 .ta 11 111 '"' • °"' N~ .~ 1 n 4 -.... IC.elWGod ·'° I 10 • .. \(o Nortlv• 1-"° s ,. ,. ... ll't Ke"""tl 1 . .0 !1 04 tt\11 t-'lolo Hlf'lt1lp4 I.IS • . I ll + 'Ml Kc-ncolt 1.60 $ •S3 :UW+ .... N'lt'RA.11'1 .tS J 3.S4 16-141+ \Ito ' U''' '. '' " .. ,.,.. ... 1.60 ' 42 31-" ' ' . llo .. ,,,, N-1 In 1.10 2 ... '"'° " ""'" M<.G I lJ "31 10Yl-1"" T ke~11-, 2 l 11"6+.,.. Mwt.tlnd•s •• •1 1~+1.wi. KIOO. W .90 • 123 IS"a ... ::::.~r~:: ri ~:: .... Kldcf>IWr•·· 2 4JY.-\lo fol~l"pfCS .. J ts +2°" 1(..,..,. .10 •• I 3'1-9 .. "6 HwMll .llb I 31 I~+ .... IClmb(I 1.6'1 6 211 21o\'I + ~ MwPI cl,.00 1 31 18Y. , .. Klt1910S .fO 6 llq 7 ··· l'ftlrSU 2.olOil • 1) •IV.• "'° l(ln.<11 C .to 1 •S jS"o+ l'r Mrtn ,._ 1.10 J :o:41 24..,__ .,_ I( L M Alrl .. I •'4+""' '-" ,. 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Ol inkr.111 1 4 l4 1!1 ............. Lfl'llll In .12 t 8 11,.., .. ,.. Omarkln .SO 4 21 l:W. •.. L.ftFdCl(r .. t 61'tl+ M DMMNL .1•J I 11'1+-\At Lt"' Inc .1!-9 •• 4 1>•1o + \lo ()pellll.1 M 1 I J 11 :i.r.--V. Orngo:Co .12 • 2' 1'*-\la U'tl Sirs .411. 1KI 16\;o-... Or Rell.I 1.10 0 24 10'h--.... U•IU 1'11rn I 2-Se J • '"' LFE Coron. 11 JV.-,,. Olis E• 2.20 J 1•1 :ll\olo •.. ~·o• ", .... ~ .. , .~ ~.,.. .. '" 8:::!:.~01:Jg ! ~ ';: ::: ... ..-... 11'1•-"' ....._ LOF' pl ~"• , . • St • ,,, OvrS"P'> . IS I 1• Iv.-+ t'I Libby McNI 4 21 ~'It+ "' OoterTr1i .IG 5 36 1t~o + 'lo t.lt>rlyCp . .O S 11 IQ'1 -\'; OW.nCF .II IS 210 3S'lo , 1:.:0 Llberty•L(lrl •• 10 3'1'-\\ o-<!ltl l.n 1 16 39'1' + ·~ L•berly l. pf .. • 6 -'" Ownll pf 4'~.. 6 11 -\11 LIQ9 My 111> t 61 30\At~ ,, O~tGrdl" .60 3 I 10 ,. VJ Lill~Elo 1.IQ19 119 I~ -"" -· •-l.incNU ' loO 10 1]1 "'"' + .... Pac A In 1.20 . . 11 \]~-!llo Lon<N!lptl ,, 11 t.+ +2 ~GftlM 1 155 2lVo-\o LlnNf'd 1.11 •• 6 '11 -"' Pe< Lit 1.M a l• 11"6 .•. Llonlll Corp s ,, IV, .. Pe<Petrl .1S ' I] 70 • v. LlttonllllVI•,, l:Z. .._ \olo Pit<Pwr 1.611 9 Ill ll'o(o -Vt Lltl,,cvpll •• 12 16\l'J+IVi PcT&T1.'l1ll JS' \S .... -\lo LitlOfllnpfA .. 3 .... + .... Pc T&rpl6 .. "'° 14""1 • 'tr LOCll'IMd • 321 614-\I ... t Tin .Illa t 11 9 -.... LOlwCo 1.2tl 6 1W 19Yo+ \olo hi: W.bO •. SJ •'r\ , t.-•FI.» •• 1 .. 6Yll ••• P9nepll.30 •. 11 ll ~ V~ LoMlot .141t s '° ™" , . , Pal"" 8" .ts 1 tl 1v,-v. t...-111'14 I 6 :tOr M""• \Ill P«nkU Inc I 1•1 .,,._ "" L-SG 1.M I .. 2ntlt ••• P.111 Am Air •. ISi> •'" • V. L.onglLI 1 .... 1 io. 1•11t+ \lo f'WMM!Olt t 1 •O Jl\, ,_ v, 'IL pf N IJ .. 1l:IO 115Vt ... Ptptrttt . .a s 41 tv.-v. Lt. MJl.11 ., IJOD 11 +l Pllr1'1 ... 1 1 """* V. I.Ml l11ftalr 1 11 t + .,. Ptr1111n 1.11 5 2 16\.o ,, , ~ ... 1J 11 ,.,,._ "°" ParkrP .WQ • I 20 LM .. Corp 1 2'9 S-.t-.wi. P.lko Inc 1 .e. II .. . l..ILand 1.12 I J.)I )J -\II P•YIHI .30 1 II \\\lo .. . UPICt+c .20 S lft 11!4+-\olo ... tbGI .Ole I f4 14"'6-v. LOUCMt i M to • -Ptnn C1<1lr • . 2 l 2"' + v. ~.,,.· t J >1 jj.,.,._·.-Ptn,.., 1.1•11 s11 S2\(o+l:W. LTV Col'p l U5 11,..__ I.lo "-nnOI• .1.1 I l'9 6 ... LTV C«'°A •• n 11 ... -~ P9111'!PL l.llD • S6 I•"'° ••. LTV (:p S !If , . I SIY>-+ ' PP1..pl 11.0Q , • llOO 111\t. + \lo , ....... f.i JO tOJ "1 -V. P PL pf 1.70.. I~ «! , , . lll<kYS . !O JJ ll'h-\11 PPLpfl.1.0 •• 11«1 91V>t l Ludlow I. I 40 ta-.+ ¥t PPL Ill 8.«I •• 1XI 11 -l.'i Li*nStt1.40 • U 21't-+ .wi. PeP&l Of'I ,, 140 IS •I Ly ... IY ·* I IJJ llo\li ... ~nwll 1.:i. ' 1sa 1Q:W.+ .. Lyke pf 2V. .. a 32*• '.'I Pllnn•pf 1~>.. 4 lSV. • \~ Lyn.t;l\Sy .60 I 11500 4~.... Pl1wl Pl 1.1.Q .. 13 70"i-\lo -M-Pllnruol 1.21 • .IOI 10~ + v. M.cOOl'lld II J I I-'> ... 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W.C:llO• Rtl 6 ll 3'11. ••• WtlQrHll \II ll 12 .... -Va Wllkrl11.ICI 12 6 tl"°'., a., W•ll 811s .SS I S 11--'• W.lllMur ta 4 lJ 1~+ .... ::1M,,.~·~g 1~ 11:~ ';t:·+ ·;,.; Wt~ Fooo:ti . . Jl 6-+ ~. W1•n.1co .ao s 11 I~ .. "- W•rnC!'ll .•O S 181 l} -'·• WeCtnpl ~·,. . 2 •1 + l WtCmpl 1'• • IQ 2• + Vt WarnrCo .SO 1 I 1v, • '• W•rlam .kll 'Ill ll +•~• War,.rS 1.10 1 I U -'• W•lllG1 I.II lo 12 11\lt + •• W•Sl'INtl .IO S J 1J11o t-• 1 Wtill SH It J I 141ot+ •..., WHll W 1.Sl 9 •10 1811> .. 'h WtUf Mnot I 11 •V. . , • WtlltnJ .10d 14 •8 l l .. +1 Wt.,.,. G .60 1 10 4~-~. W'•wnf)f 1 loll .. 1 U 'I> •.. Wen pf 1.26<.. 6 14~ ... \.:. Wt.11,., .•o s 10 .,, + "' Wtl>ll°'I Cp I IJ l '• o lot WtilMtL .Ml J 104 l 't> + "" _l,Mlll .0 t It 10 + 1,-, Wei bill Cp 3 1111 ••• WtlllFQ ... ·; 61 llo~t"" WFMQe .100 S JS' S-+ V, Wncof"n .60 • 5 10\ol-"" WtKlr \Ill I l 11'1'1-\lo W~Ppl 4''1 , , l~ SI +I W\1Pt Pt'p 2 • lJ 11 ...... "" Wun.Ar . .-0. s :J..11 1'1t.-~· W\61r1nc 1.10 6 •• 72\4 ... W\lrnCo HA 1t ?01 9'1'>+ ~ W\I P•c Ind S 11 7"" + V. W'\IPuO.IO S l~ 11 \<o+ \l'r WUnlon 1.40 SI 161 u .... Wl!SIUn ot6 .• 3 St \l't • ·~ W1 Unpt • ot(I . , I tl'>'! • v• W\Ut\Pl4.ta ,. I 11 :0:.+ ~ Wt~lll El .•1 •1 1•1 12\.'I 'l'o'!tl•e< 1.40 • )09 24~>. ·;, "'r•ha1 .IO 16 lei l •..._ • 1 W't>Fryt •O I 6l j' , .. WJllPSt l!td I tlt l"tl'• W"'tlSt pl 6 . 180 t(l Wll<lPOOI 80 ]0 ~·) 10.. 1; Wlllt Con .80 • UJ !IN•'• WllltC plCJ .. ~ Jl • • Wll\Mol . .ad l 61 t t. • 'o Wllotl.1lr CO • 110 2''1 Woe_•, Cp l• t9 II"'•·~ W•eb01<2!.ll I \ ]•, ..• W!tll.1m1 .Ml 1 ,,, Sf!'"-'I Wlll••ml •i .. v. 1•1•-~. w .ucoi ... 1~ .. 1• ll'I>-'• w ,ucopf to 1 SJ'". 1 w ..... o. 1.)2 13 ·1 J7"". • W'lnn-90 , t ''' ... WhEIP f.11 I 43' 1• w;1£lpf l .llO ,. t»IO 101 o I • W1s.c:PS 1.32 I 24 1•\'1-~• w 11co c 1.io • 1 .. 1t.i.i.-..., W1lt lltll 1.6i , , lo JO , V. Wot-.WI .OSO 4 t1 1'--w WOtnltl .!4 • M •.i.i., o, ~.•s • ,....,_,. Woolwf>' 10 s JQA ,,,.., ... _, Cll t.10 ., I ttill>'• \'• World Alrw 2 10 ,..,_ "'" .....,1p1,1.-.11 'I $1\olo• .... W"'111'1t Co , , ) ... -.... wyiy c ... 11 . . ,,1 2--\lo _,., __ XotrO• Cp 11, li61 ''"-I "'° Xlt• In<: IOI > •l• Illa+ ._ Ytln 1 ... 14 ) )I I .-Zti.crr<p ,,. • M 14,_J,, bMCllOl .IO ,. 11 IS • I) Z1••• .o • J3 te.l&-,. !M),f\.I ol 1 ., I S3-"'-•tl. Uwr• C&1 p l . 4f 4 ... '• ze.,1111:::• 1 11 t~7 11i., "' z-1 .11 10 to3 1 •• i,. DAILY PILOT I I • I OJ - '"' ; •. ! r1 J ... i hof'!'1 htt't ...... ""i.. b!t.' ,, qco Jrl! "' "' . Of>/ (r'J ,,, . .; "' ;(01 •• ,,,, , fr<1r • ". ' ~U11 "' fft:'i • , -h• /(_I ~ ... "' '" «rl ,_,., '" '" '"' '•" .... - "' '"' •• 1 1~. • DIEDRICH SAID the board will always re· cpnsider items if a mistake is made and p.roof is of- fered. ' "Nothing about this super-agency concept is ·fixed in concrete and if changes are proven necessary then they can be made," Diedrich said . "I can't belieoVe he (Clark) is doing it this way and I am a little s urprised,'' Diedrich said. ''Maybe its the heralding of anew dawn in board practices.·~ The Fullerton supervisor said he plans to lobby hard before Tuesday's board meeting to make sure the two supervisors who voted with him last time are still on his side. Supervisors Thom·as Riley and Laurence Schmit favored the GSA concept in its current con· figuration. DIEDRICH NOTED that the Er.ilA has already been changed when the Department of Real Proper- ty Services was removed from that agency's fold and placed in the GSA when it was created. The county road and refuse department, headed by L. Ted McConville, was split in half by the two agencies, but, if Clark has bis way, the de· part.ment will be reunited. In hi s letter, Clark suggests that the refuse dis- posal division of the road department be put back into the EMA {!:long with the airport department. He said they are direct services to the public and "therefore are inconsistent with the overall concept of the GSA.'' Clark also noted they have direct and significant effects on the environment and planning. '"'\ THE OTHER TWO departments suggested for .-: • removal from the GSA, library and agricultural ex- qd 1 tension, "are also direct Jfublic services but are eS· • 1ui1 sentially educational in nature," Clark said. , tie will ask they be left alone until creation in ·10 t the near future of a social services s uper.agency . .. a~•; The other departments put into.the GSA include ' transportation and communications, building t•• · services, purchasing, purchasing-printing data "4l serviceS, Office of Eme1·gency Services, spa~e con· rwir( trot, registrar of voters and real property services. · ',n· Diedrich said the makeup of the GSA was gi ven ? 1 considerable study and would continue to be probed ' for defects, if they exist. """"' ..... ""'llililll~1111'6t,,."~~-f"~~ Other Deaths · ~ .••H .NEW YORK (UPIJ -JIU .. Actor Robert Strauss, 61~ "i-P,J who appeared in the :wUr films "Stalag 17" and the J<jcj ''Bridge at Toko·ri," J •• li t "11 ' n• •• I~ ltl• died Thursday night due to complications from a stroke: WS ANGELES <AP> -Edward ''Cookie'' Falreblld, 76, musical director · and conductor for the Eddie Cantor and Dinah Shore radio shows end many Deanna Durbln movies, di ed '.l'bursday. --.Ai.:rA·DENA <UPIJ - J)r. WUUam E. Branch, 81, onetime personal pb_fSici.an of such HollYWood stars as Jean llU .. llOAOWAY MQITUAllY 110~. Cosio Me'>O • 6,.12.q150 ' McCOIMICI .....ITUAllY """""""""' <49<4.fi'41S Sm .Nein Cop.\tfono 4'!1-tnb Harlow,_Joan Crawford and comedian Harold Lloyd, died Thursday at a hospital here. Death Notices I ' ' •• - . Judge st 'Blistered'" VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION., •• • Save Now at General Tire! I t ' ~ • A greal time lo buy~ And • great tire too! The lamoua General Poly-Jet, with wide 7- rib lread d esign tor start/slop traction .•. 4-plf polyeater cord body lqr a smooth ride and dtirability ••. and wr•p-around shoulder tor ateering control. Whr settle tor leas. 878-13 ' . . . ' A71·1l JU81Elf;S$ BLA:CkWALL. ll't..US S1 71 FIEO.IEX.T.t.X $2295 $2495 $2695 ltlbe!H • bl•i~woH, . 1<1btll•~1 bl1elo. .. a11. "tu1>•l•11 l>l"~~"""· p!u1 ,1.83 F•cl,E1.la1 plu1 $22•Fe cl.E• .. 11• P•<11 l 2 •1 Fe<1 (• 1•• 078-14/15 H78·14/15 L78-15 $2695 $2895 $3J'5 t<1bel••• 1!11e1 ... a11. Plu• Tubtll•lo l>laci<.,al!, i>lu• I~ 55 '" \2 &3 Fed [, S~ 71 01 l i 82 Fed E•. la• Oe?f!na'ng on s•(•. T •• dO'f>•nO•ng.., •·•• WH ITEWAUS ONLY SJ MORE! '"°"'" .,..,.., _ _,. .•.• \.'11<> ~.,, .. , • i ... -...........0"•-· STEEL BELT RADIAL TIRES BR78·13 DR 78-14 ISli9hf IJl>Msl G 70xl 5 JR 78-15 LR 78·15 ALIGNMENT SPECIAL HIGH SPEED .CoMl"ACT & STANDARD A~EllCAH CAllS . s1o•s Extra charge for larger or air conditioned cars, setting torsion bars ..• and parts if needed.· WHEEL BALANCE s300 MOS'f ~ARS • • I ·-.- OU. 111JlJ be jJbl,e "'Mnr ' better with .. Sears .Bebind~.the,~eilr.. .. , , 'HEARING {\·~ with adjustable output control Behind-lhe--Ear Aid Regular 8299 Prict:o1 Effeccl¥e lhhl t'rid•y, t"cbrv•ry :28 A.Ii. Abuul Sto•n Convenle11t Credit P\llM, I Sears I S1tli•f11<"liun Gu11r1u11eed ur \'011" ~lont:y 8-ck ,,.,,, .,,,,, IA.lll•lf ·•l••I.. 1'0e1tt •leoll• ttlloll ' -' , YSEtJ 1!IRES . ' . .. -' Big S1t.ction o/R1al Jja~gailts! YOlJ! $69·5 choice up Lois of Non- Skid Tread Free Installation COMPLETE BRAKE RELINE s59's ...,., .. ...,,..,..< .... f , Install NEW heavy duty lining on 111 4 wtlfflsl 2. Rebuild !he cylinders on all wheels! 1 Bleed brakes-insl&\I helVy duty br~e ft~d. 4. Inspect brake return Sl)fings. · 5. Turn and true all 4 b<ake drums. a. Repack front wheel bearlriQs. • 7. Adjust brakes and check ~rg4ncy linkage. 8 Road test your autorrob1le. . • • J v ·r~ di H ho p tu ' -.... , ' . vol.: ea.~Q. ~1;·4 secrlbiils, 9--P G ' I :;: ---. ' • • ;, ORAN(;E COUNTY, CALfFORNIA . e -~ _. .. ~ . .... .... . -. - • ' • • T•••r"s ctoslag N.V. Stoeks-' . FRID,t<Y, FEBRUARY 21, 1975 c TEN CENTS " • • -uc1 ' . Plan Spurs UQag Fears I S, ®tYilliA~ FRiTIJicm: -:· ,.!'~ ... ~~~ . Competltio~ frqm a ·ceneraI ,1cute.carp,..lmsl>llal 011.Jb_e UC lrvtne campus will .bf:.,a financial dlnltet tor H,oag 'Memohal HosPltat 'fn NeW'port· Beacb, hospital adminislratot -scott Parker said Thursday. Pol1(8ying ~ deficit fiscal pie· ture,~"P ... 1Fk.ir s ·aid mediC:a1 ; ••rv1~i§th" -~~'lo Newiio'1 \l:"••h and Costa Illes• Cfadual!,y"Woala.-be pU,ea ,dbwn to a bare-bone;..,...service le:vel if the facWty lqsea' ilJI ''fllbl for i\Jrvival. '' 1(Edltott81. Page A8J ResPoJldlb.J· to· Parker's com· n\ents, TJCl-~llfornta: COU~ge of lltedifin,-D~ .. Stanle van den Noort s$d tOday. ''My opinion is \ind·W:lll i,e Uj,at .wht>n the on· • . • - , . campus hospital ts comtlleted in thr.ee qr four years, it wfll not af- fect Hoag one iota. . , "Population growth otthe area ls such that there is not any significant (competition>,"' Dr. van den Noort said. Parlt'er's statements to newsmen Thursday ended · a J)t:riod ot official silence..:regard- inl a hospital Hoag plan& to build in Irvine. _ I ·,... Cou'ncit-, whieh contends the eoun- iloag has lnerg-ed With ·the· ty •lready-has too many hospital Westej'll Wor14'Medlcal Founda, ffcilltfes. • . ti.on, whicb l!a• an .endOwment or A joint application by Hoa• 18 acres plus ~~lorui at bargain ·and-Weste'tn World to transfer prictt1 ·on anoUi"e'r •l14 acres near l()Q'Of Hbag 's beds to Ute pro· .tbe -'\Jct . eain.,RJJS . W@'stern • posed Irvine hospital was sub· World's api)Jic~tiQn to builc;l its m4tteCl tO-the health planning own hospital -has been tumed ..... COl!JlcilTuesday. .down by the.0.range Couirt.y Cornt-.. Meanwhile, yCI's 1'.'ledical pt'ebehsiv Health Plann1ng> ·scb_oo1 als9 wa,nts to build a . . hospital on the campus in Irvine. The 200 beds for the facility would be trans ferred from ·Orancp County M e<11cal Center which UCJ plans to buy from 0ranre County to use as a teaching hospital. Both facilities will be con- sidered by the health planning council in hearings J\.tarch 19 and CSee HOSPITAL. Page A2) aters. e:iltellce . . Freew(ly· Project De<Ul? By ALAN DIRKIN Of Hie daily Pii.tSUtt A delegation of Costa Mesa city officials have returnOO from a ;state Highway Commission meeting in Sacramento with their worst fears confirmed: the. Newport· Freewa y extension looks like a deadend project. "It's a real c runcher for the ci- t y," said Councilman Alvin L Pinkley;-v.-'ho we nt ontft'e<>fr~ay­ trip with Vice MayOr Jack Ham· mett and Public Works Director James EldMdge Eldridge said the group went to Sacramento ·lo check out some information he received a week ago .: ··TO o ur chagrin. our bleakf:tt -te•r JoC.Orre ' .. Eldridge.said · ,, ·· ~'. Up until now. Costa Mesa ·~· " ficjals have been main(aining: that th:t freewaye>Ctensioh, a key element or the doWnlown 're· development program,' was not dead J · , 0.11;, t'1Allt f'Mte llr P1trkk 0'0.-11 .. DAWN PEASE SHOWS WHY SHE'S SOME TOMATO Coot• Meoa Bal Maka• Big Deal on 'IV.~me Show Let's MakeDeal ' Mesa 'Tomato' Wins.Auto By ELU01T ALft.IOND worm through it appealed to °' u.. o.11y Pilot su." her. Dawn Pease is some kind of However1 instead of becoming tomato. an apple, DaWn w decided on a The 19-year old Costa Mesa tomato. "I used to work in a woman recently appeared on produce m afket and I love television g-ame show ''Let's fruits ~nd vegetables," she ex- Make A-Deal'' w.earing a plained. tomato costume and won the So she became a five-fool red big deal of-the day -a $12,000 tomato with a worm through Cadi1lac. the center. "I made the cos· "I went on the shoW to win a tume out of roam liner and used Car." Dawn sa1'd. "I've never · h Id · ·•th· " h wire to o . 1t toge er, s e owned a ear·befrire and 1 really said. ·~1 also had two giant wanted one.'' She even dreamed .. green leaves on.my feet." of winning a car two weeks The total 'coast of the outfit before appe,aring on the show, was $15 . It was well. worth the "'Let's Make· A Qeal''· en· .·'effort. but Dawn plans to sell courares , contestants to dress the car. But there \.'las some good news for the local o fficial s in Sacramento. They learned that the Corona del ~1 ar foTeeway will continue as scheduled with com- pletion expected in late 1977. In .add ition. state officials r eported- ly reacted favorably to a sugges· tion that access ramps be built on the new freeway and the San Diego Freeway at Red Hill Avenue to provide better access to the west side of Orange County Airport. Tnis proposal, made't>y Ham- mell. a member of Costa Mesa's aviation committee. v.;as made to bolster Costa rt1csa's bid to have the ai rport terminal built on a JO.acre site on the west side of the airport. A few weeks ago Costa Mesa officials renLwed the idea of moving thl' terminal from the east side. Eldridge said thal the Ca lirorni a D e partme nt Of Transportation liked the idea of ramps from the Corona del Mar Freeway or the Newport Freeway <:1t Red Hlll because of the current traffic problems near the airport al r.1acArthur Boulevard. Pinkley and EldridJJC said that they learned tha t the state would CSee FREEWAY, Page Al ) , . .. t·; _ , , . , ~llyPI ,Uiitf~ DISCOVERING AMERICA IN A 1954-SCHOOL BUS ~nlJ War• to, Fly for England's David and <;eorgle <:!~ 'f a_l!-ri:Tlg Couple Stop ~1!.M'!sa By ARTHUR R. VINSEL'°: ' Ameri~ on one" of their penO<iic " 'Of 1"-°"11'f ~•at SUH vacations Crom the professions of David and Georgie Glock got· pastry c-hef· in · his case and up this morning, m'ade tbe ·l:Jed, English schoolmarm in hers. . replaced several teddy · bears .. \Vhen . I'm allowed to. work where the fuzzy creatures ·while . traveling I work as a nor-maJly sit on .the bedspread waitress," says Mrs. Cloek with and then went calling on• the a British accent as t~i~k as. Costa Mesa Police Department. Dundee Orange Marmalade. Their upstairs bedroom was She has worked in Canada,.but parked outsi<le thepolicei'acility her A.merican \'isa will not at 9-9 Fair Drive. you see. permit employm·ent in competi- because it is in the upper story of tion with U.S. citizens. an old English doubledecker bus David and Georgie d~n·t with about 2.5 million miles on purchase windshield decals· Or thespeedbmeter. pick up bumper ·stickers ad- The Clock couple, both 25, are ,·e rtis ing to ~ fe llow tour~sts taking a leis urely· tour of Georgiasnakefarmsorthe~au- .,,, ty of the Rocky Mountains. They vis.i t tlte headqU'3rters of local up as part of the act. Dawn "l"m going to sell it because wanted som~thing original and I'm afraid to drive the thing -· a photogr~ph~'Of an ap(>Je .with a lt's so huge. The insurance is · $800 which is way beyond my Judge Utaimpressed· U.S. police departments or state troopers ' barr;acks, explain their trip and ask ror a souvenir police uniform shoulder patch. • ••• b ctget." . 'tnste'-d, the department store empl9ye plans to use the money '. to buy a smilller car that ''will still have enough room for my friends." • Dl)Wb w aS" one or 62 people s~tected to sit on the trading · ·floorin·the '"JtV game. "'It 'Was really funny,'' she ,s·aii.d, ''fite out of seven of the g~rJs 'I. went with were selected for \he-fJoor. The other two sat in t.he)iuaienc·e. '' Hos\; Monty Hall noticed the C~ TOMATO. Page AZ l . . ' . M'esa School Sets Swordplay Display .. Venue Bid Nixed In Irvine Lawsuit The whole interior back door panel of their red, 1954 Thames Valley transit bus is plastered with police patches gladly donat- ed by officers al'ong a 9,000-mile route aCross America. The C1ocks aren't worried about time, just the speedOJDeter and the calendar that tells them in April it will be time to go back lo Great Britain a nd work. ' • . So far. their travel has &M?,ente· latively cheap. ,. The 1954 red bus is full)' equipped with a n ele~lc"al system 'in addition to the \IP&Wrs den and bedropm , the dOWGStairs kitchen and dinil'lg room. not to mention three telephonq. ooe of them by the driver'ssea,t. • ·To m ake ends meet. Uiey rent out· advertlsin·g ·space.on the·stde of Ute old bus. '!'hieh last year tdthem thr::ougbout ~for only' s100, The veblcllf,l~t. only $700 .,.hen l~Y ·P<U"<liM'ed ff two years ago. '"We be Ion& lo a Globe Trotters Club,'' s;cys Geor&\e'. ''And i(we hiVe to )Say moP~an ~ ·i- nfsjit for' e~mplna" ll's just too mlfch ."'r .... 111,....,~ •.;it Cmt was el o 11 (uctor in s.hl !Sec BIJSTOU1l,Pa1~A!l " • • • 8 Years In Prison Decreed WASHINGTON,IUPI) -John N. Mitchell, H .R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, once Richard M . Nixon's most trusted aides, were sentenced today to up to eight years in prison for conspir- ing to cover up America's worst political scandal. Opening the way for an appeals process that may take as long as 1two years. U.S. Dislrict Judge John J . Sirica· also sentenced· Robert C. Mardi an to up lo three years in prison for his part in the Watergate conspiracy. Mardian is a 5ometime San Clemente resi~ dent. The sentences. stiffer than lhose received by any other W8:\tt.gate def11pd31lts sine~ the or1e1nal burglars, were desdr1bed· by one.of.the attorneys·· as "far more than Richard Nixon will ever suffer.'' "ixon, forced to resign as pre- sident of the United States by the same evidence which led to the convict.ion of his top aides, was vacationing in Palm Springs with . the knowledge that he will never be prosecuted q,nder a pardon he received from President Ford. There was no immediate C'lm- ment from the former president . None of the four conspiratocs -Mitchell, who had been Nix- on's attorney general and cam- paign manager; Haldeman and Ehrlichman, who we r e chief White House aides, and Mard.ian, wbo was Mitchell's chief deputy -showed any emotion as the sentences were pronounced. The conspirators solemnly re· fused to comment, but ~tardian's lawyer said he thought the sen· tences were ''too hea\'y.'' Ehrlichman, norm all y glib. con-· fessed, ''I just don 't have anything to sa~'' Mitc'h ell--:-H-aldeman and Ehrlichman were sentenced lo a minimum .of 2 1f.i years to a max- imum of eight years on charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and lying. Mardian, convicted on- ly of conspiracy. was given a to.month to three year sentence. They were re leased without bond pending appeal . Ebrlichman a lso races a sen- tence of 20 months to five years in connection with the break-in at the Office of Daniel Ellsbcrg's :psychiatrist . ThrOugh their attorneys. Ehrlichman ofrered to waive his · right of appeal in exchange for an ··alternative sentence" of doing legal research for a ·group of Pueblo Indians in New Atexico and Haldeman pleaded for a sen· tenceno worse than Nixon's. Sirica replied that he had given .. careful and serious thought to what the proper sentence should be" and considered "the deter· rent eff eel on others.'' "Wh atever Bob Haldeman did, so did Richard Nixon," CSeeSYEARS, Page,\Z) . Mitchell's Optimistic WASHINGTON IUPli When for:mer Attornev General John 'fiJ. Mftchell waS sentenced today to up to eight years in prison for the Watergate cover.up, he hur· ried out of court with but one comment: "It could have been a hell of a tot WO~lf. They could have sen~enced me to spend . the ·~t· of my life wllh..MartlUI Mitchell." r I' ' O..ily Pik>I St.oll Pl>olo BELIEVE IT, OR NOT, THIS IS FAIRVIEW ROAO NEAR ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Six Wide Lanes of Easy Cruisln' ,.esults from S..mlngly Endless Road Project F~•P0geAJ > HOSPITA . -' 3> ii> the Cosi. !f:esa City Hall. Parker descrlbed Ille lln~lal outlook at HOii' as poor. The laclllty, dlllilaraely toexpeulve renovatio_A llnd expansion, operated at a $100,000 aericit last year, he said. Parker expects a similar deficit this 1ear. Tbe losses, he said, are made up by community donations. Taking figures presented by Dr. van den Noort to ahow that the UCI hospital would have little Impact on Ho ag, Parker estimat- ed that lost revenues due to the on-campus hospital would be a minimum or $2 million a year and could reach $3 million. He based the estimate on Dr. van den Noort 's projection that . the on·campus hospital competi· tion would be equivalent to40 ad· ditional hospital beds. Hoag gets 68 percent of the patients generated in what would be the on-campus hospital's service area, Parker said. The increase in Hoag's deficit from $100,000 a year lo $2 million, he said, would be more than com- munity contributions would un- MA"01AH HALDIMAN f'ro.,. Page AJ 8 YEARS ... Halderrian's attorney, John J . Wil son. said. "But Nixon is free and llaldeman has faced the agony or a tria l.'' Fro• Pllfle Al • Bus·:~·. pin1 the old bus. to Chlca10 by. "1re\1hter Ilia the Great Lakes. • •. ~l '1To bring It iftto "New York or .Baltimore would have cost $7 ,5001 \\-'hile it was only $2,500 to ChicAgo_,'' say,s David. "But it too~ use ~ ho.urs Just to drive O<lt or Chicago.·· I He and his wife made their way d0'4·n the East Ccfast to fl.Orida- where they collected;fitandredl of seashells still beln~ SOBked and cured in the bus' kitcl)en sink - and arrived in Costa Mesa Thurs- day night by way of Sen Diego. •·we spent the night in the City HalLcar park as guest! of the Ci· tyl -but they didn't know it," qutps· Mrs. Clock, who expects to dis· cover downtown Pasadena tonight. Ofricer Bob Kredel and Police Cadet Bob Baker gave Mr. and l\1rs . Clock two official Costa .l\1esa Police Department shoulder patches to add to their collection of 150 garnered so far on their travels. From Page Al :,FREEWAY. derWrlte. Fal. rVI· ew Road Work The .result, he' said, would be staff cuts, reductions ln the kind .. Yours is not unlike the power of pardon," he said. ··sob Haldeman stands here facing thC possibility or suffering far rrtore than Richard Nixon will ever suf- fer." ·i we've broken down under bridges and been hit up the back," Georgie Clock says or her travels with David. "But it is "·onderful. Every state is like a different country. " • get $168 million from the federal ·.~~highway funds recently rt·l ea~t'<.I ! ; by President 1··ord but that this t money could be spent only on in· Finally Completed! • ters tate proj ect s, and the • Newport Freeway extension is • · not in that category. The city ofricials .. were told that the state Department or Transportation would run out or capital for construction projects by 1978, a year before the S50 million Newport Free"'-'a.)' ex.- tension was scheduled to get un· derWay. Aner 1978, they ,.ill be just a maintenanee outfit,•• Pinkley said, adding that if thefttea·ay is killed the next question will be-to ask what will happen to all the right of way that has been purchased. Eldridge said that the t"runch at the state le\•el was a result or highway ('OftStruc:tion monies be- mg diverted to other mass transit projects. -. Those who travel Fairview Road in Costa Mesa should find the much-maligned boulevard easy riding from now on. Because, yes, finally and rorever, the road is open to six lanes of tra(fic and will stay that way·in the predictable future. ThiS week the six-month, $950,000 widening project, which has caused intermittent disrup- Eldrid'ge said that the crunch TONIGHT •at the state level was 3 result or BASKETBALL -E)Jtancia at highway construction monies be-Cps.ta Mesa, Newport Harbor at ing diverted to other mass transit ··-Western, 8 p.m . · projects. FRIDAY NIGHT FILMS - Eldridge said that he had no "'Scarecrow," OCC Forum, 7:30 specifie proposals yet on improv-p.m. Adm. $1. Ing downtown traffic without the UC I C 0 NC ER T -UC l Newport FreewaY other than to Orchestra and Chorus, Fine Arts ·agree that present arterials ·Village Concert Hall, Feb. 21, 22, would have to be lfnproved. 8 p .mo Adm. $2.50: ''But our gas taxtrevenues are UCI DRAMA WORKSHOP - going down .• too,'' he said. ''LitUe Murd~rs , '' LittleThe~er, lion from Baker Street to Fair Drive, was virtually completed wi.th the repaving of th e thoroughf.are. 1 ''The paving was ac- complished in two days, Monday, a holiday, and Tuesday," Ron Larcher, assistant city engineer. said. "All that remains is to put the raised median islands in. Thal will take only a few days and not result in disruption.'' Larcher said that about 30,000 vehicles a day use Fairview. in- cluding Orange Coast and Costa Mesa High students. The street is expected to bear additional traf- fic loads expected through the city's projected growth to 125,000 1 population. Larieber pointed out that in ad - dition to widening the road from four-to six lanes, the city put utilities underground on the east side of the road. He recalled that the job was scheduled to start last June, but was held up by the construction strike and did not get under way Wllil the £all when classes re- 'umed at the college and the school. ··we llave been criticized a lot over Fairview, but it's all over now," the engineer said with ob- vious relief. ,. Pin~ley, who will b~co~ ,6l.Humanlt1es Hall, Feb. 21, 22, maytn' next month said the city Sp.m: Adm. 75cents. • F1"re V1"ct1"m is Still committed' to downtown .,.. redevelopment. "We will have (o SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2Z ,make other plans and go from occ LECTURE -Bornstein n· f B there," he sa;d. "We can't back Memory Training, Science Hall, IeS 0 UrllS away from It." • 9-12 a.m. But Pinkley pointed out that ESTANCIA ADOBE -State the city also has been dealt a Historical Landmark, Adams Jn Newport bloW at the county level. The city and Mesa Verde Drive West, Sat. haS beeil toh1 that $220,000 in tax &Sun. 1-5 p.m . increment funds was due to the OCC CONCEllT -OCC C~oir Redevelopment Agency as f' re-and 1975 All District Honor Band, suit Of increased valuations • Auditorium. 8 p.m . Adm. $1 . downtown, but the-figure has been "TARTUFFE" -South Coast re-estimated at $22,000. Repertory Theater. Sat. & Sqn . 8 •"'"They say it's a clerical error, p. m. Also Sun. 3 p.m. · but J don't unders tand that kind cf error.'' Pinkley added. Boat Nets Bomb . ' . . ·NOR-FOLK, Va . (UP() -A fis - hing trawler with a live World 'far II depth charge snared in its nets was being towed to the N'vy Weapons Station in Yorktown, Vai. by a ~oast Guard cutter to· day. officials said. 'fhe Coast Guard said the trawler Marion ·TateofWanchese, N.C., reported Jate11Jursday that it netted a sus- . plclous-lboking device about 60 miles east-southeast of Cape :Henry, Va. ORANGE COAST ' DAILY PILOT f'romPageAJ HEIRESS ... would amount to a defrauding of company investors. Mrs. Smith is the grand· daughter of Irvine Company founder James Irvine and a minority s hareholder in the Irvine Company: she does hold the largest block or company stock owned by an individual. The stock held by the found&· lion amounts to 53.4 percent or the issued Irvine Company hold· 1ngs. Lawyers for both sides share the belief that the key issue in pre· trial hearings now under way and in the trial itselr will be the value Judge Owens places on Irvine Company stock . Fire victim Carmen Edman. 53, of Newport Beach died short- ly be£ore dawn today from burns suffered in a weekend blaze in her blu!flop apartment. Mrs. Edman had remained in extreme critical condition s ince suffering massive third-degree burns over most of her body in last Sunday's blaze, which destroyed the family residence at the Versailles apartment com· plex at SOOCagney Lane. Coroner's deputies said the woman succumbed shortly after 4 a.m. in the burn ward of Orange County Medical Center. She had been transferred to the special section at midweek a£ter un · dergoing intensive care at lloag Memorial Hospital The blaze which claimed her life erupted early Sunday morn· ing in the kitchen of the apart- ment. She was trapped within the building at the outset of the blaze, fil'emen said. lier hus band, James, suf£ered less severe burns when he and an off-duty fireman £rom J-lunt - , ington Beach entered the blazing apartm e nt and resc ued the critically injured \\'Oman '· • Robert N. Weed ,...nl•111 .,. Niii'-• Jack R. Curlev Probation Okayed For Mesa Slayer ... yq ,.,..,.IOI ... a.-...... 1111;1!< ThOmas Kffvil 1 .. 1., r ThQmas A. Murph1ne -~Edl!Oll Ql:rtft H. LOOS Richa rd P. Natl ~~-· .,,,,.M91"1E<lol°'' • t O~•ntt c-.,1 PllbJ,.1u~1 bftlft.. \illnt••t~ ... 1,.,1 .. lll••rll-nll "'9~1<• m•r k Wlll'Wtllf ~·· ffll'l'lll1i.n 01 .. ' Convicted kiJler Helen Jeanine May or Costa Mesa was (reed on parole Thursday, Jess than five months after she was sentenced to one lo 15 years in state prison for the slaying of a younr jazz drummer. Orange County Superior Court. Judge Walter E . Smith agreed to her release from the Frontera Prison for Women provided lhe adheres for· the next llve )'IArs to , a long list of z;e,c\al.UOU drawn UD by the CIO\&At~Uon ' Departmen't. • ' · • · Among theln 'ard the provlaa& that she no( u'-' alOobol or Ire~ quell! places whet, it 'If serve<I, 1that 'She not po•~e.sa firearms and that she recel)lt PS.Ydtlatrlc lrt&l· menton an outeatlentbasta. It wu also revealed In the brief -bearing before Judge Smith that · Mn. May plans to move lo Northern Celllorn1a. Mrs. May, 45. lived at 1383 Shannon Lane. Costa Mesa-, last June 11 when she shot and ktlled Venice Hernando Willis, 23, a musician who had recently taken up residence at her home. Judge Smith found her guilty of voluntary manslaughter after she tearfully testified that Willis rtntended to rape her and that she tired at him in self de£ense. Defense attorney Donald Mccartin argued in her defenie th1L ahe waa -0f ''..dimlnlahed capacity" at the time of the kill· ing and that she was still emo- tionally unbalanced bX th'~e.lh . l~m leukemia of h~ .busl>arid, Cotta Mesa Fire Capt. Lawren,ce /llali . and the Jatu de<1-th o •• mother. ~ ·• Prosecutor Pat Brian agreed to the parole or ·Mrs. ~Y pro. v!ded that she adher .. to tbe Usl olprobatlon regulaUQnl. and number of services availa- ble. cutting out some special services such as open heart sur- gery and a gcner&} reduction in the level of care provided the communities on the west side of Newport Bay. The e~t-west division or the hospital service ar:ea by Newport Bay results from the inconve- nience of reaching Hoag from Corona de1 Mar and Irvine over the congested Paci£ic Coast l{ighway. Parker added that the fiscal battering from the campus hospital would be worse than Dr. van den Noort projected when MediCal and Medicare patients are considered. Parker said those patients make up 35 per. cent of Hoag's total and many would go to the UCI hospital. ·Building the Western World hospital in Jrvine on the other hand, would put 1-loag in a lucrative financial position, Parker said. Expensive additional renova- tions would be unnecessary, he said, Hoag expenses would be re- duced by the cost of 100 beds and Hoag would have access to the endowment provided Western World by the Irvine Company. Ehrlichman's new lawyer. Ira Lowe, said that Ehrlichman had been in contact with a Pueblo chief who felt there was a critical need in th~ remote area or the Southwest for someone with a law background to research the 8,000-mem ber tribe's land titles. Lowe read to the court part or a statement by Ehrlichman which noted he had been earlier con- victed of violating the civil rights of Ellsberg's psychiatrist. "I'm convicted or \'iolating an individual's civil rights,'' Ehrlichman said in the state- ment. ''Their (the Indians') rights are in question every day. "I truly would like to do that rehabilitation myself," Ehrlichman said. "Ir I do it myselr 1 will be inrinltely better for it." Mardian's wife Dorothy and Haldeman'& college-age daughter Jan were the only fami· ly members in the courtroom. Neither displayed any reaction to the sentencing. From Page Al TOMATO ... Presently, Parkersaid,only60 tomato screami.ug in Ute rront percent o£lloag's beds are filled. row and s8id, "Ir the tomato in The optimum average occupan· the front row will be qWet for a cy of hospital beds is 85 percent, second, maybe we can make a according to health planning deal with her.''· ) council figures. Dawn's (irst deal was a suc- Cutting Hoag's 471 beds to 371 cess as she won a $2,000 fur by transrerring 100 to Irvine, he ~oat. "But when would 1 wear a said, would put operations closer rur coat, so I traded it for a to that fiscal optimum. chance at the big deal." Parker said he supports the Her trade again was medical school, but believes that worthwhile as she won the instead or a general-care hospital Cadillac and $50 worth of car on the campus, the university wax should build a "tertiary care" Dawn is also planning to use hospital designed for research some or the money from the car and treatment of exotic diseases. £or a two-week trip to llawaii Asked why Hoag and the un-late this summer. iver si ty could not stop their Prior to the trip she hopes to bickering and develop a work as a recreation leader ror cooperative £acility in Irvine, Costa l\1esa as she has done the Parker responded. "We are will· past two summers. ing to discuss any £acility that Dawn said her sh11w probably approaches middle ground." \11ill air ~1arch 3. WINTER SALE CONTINUES 8 DAYS LEFT l.anJo Hloctlo<1 of """lty -. al reduced pric:e1. Htnredon, Balcer, H<ril-and Drnol all her,.. speclol 9"0UP' reduced for this event. Fantastic calleclian of upholstery also 1111 solo now. Don't wait. Mesa Widow Files Lawsuit After Crash A Costa Mesa woman who was widowed Feb. 20, 1974, when her husband was . ejected from his auto during a two-carcolllsioitin Orange sued the makers and sellers of his car and the oppos· ing di:iver Thursday for $1.S million in damages. Judith Ann Miller names as ad· ,ditional de'fendants in her Orange County Superior Court action the unidentified persona who allegedly served motori1t Richard P . Denham liquor short· ly before his car collided with James Frank Miller's auto. Mrs. Miller slates that a con· tributing factor to her husband's death was the defective seat belt and shoulder strap which snapped at the time of impact. Charged with negli1ence on those grounds are Newport Datsun and the Nissan Motor Company Ltd. DOW AVERAGE CLOSES AllE4D NEW YORK (UPI> -The stock market. buoyed by signs in· nation .was easing and another decline in interest rates, closed higher today in active trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones industrial averages gained 4.38 points to 749.76. Advances led declines by about rour-to·three margin. 1Tables.AltJ . Prices also were higher in ac- tive trading on the American Stock Exchange. DREXEL-HERi T AGE-HE.NA EOON-WOOOMARK-KARAST AN-BAKER WUKOAYS & SATUltDAYSf:OOta S:JO NEWPORT BEACH • 11i1 w1::s1:cL11-·r-· OR.. • 042·2000 LAGUNA BEACH '• 34~ Nc• .. 1·11 t"'t)/\~'T H\\'t' .. 4~·m1 ~'TORRANCE• 2364 lfAWTl!ORNF. Bl.VD. 40pe F'n41I Y., Su11. 12·~:iOJ 37ll·l.279 • ------I l • Aa pA.ILY P~LOT EDl'l;,ORIAL PAGE · BfO;wn Forgot.Rule The uc 1~~r· • Medical Schdo't proJect ha passed. one necessary iDall'clal mll~one, but there's still a . Jong road ahea . · ' • Urgencr lecl•latioo to appropriate $8.95 million (or acquisition of Qrailfle. Cow!tr Medical Center and fup,dlng of an on·campus teacb.ing hospital has been pafsed unanimously by a state Assembly s ubcommlt· tee and .seems likely to win Qproval of the Assembly Heallh Committeec · _. The next critical turn In \lie.road will come early in March when the W'ays ahd Means Committee takes upthel!UL. Meanwhile; Gov. Brown su~ceeded in needlessly muddying the l>'aters durlnl! a UC Regents meetin11 by refel"ring to OCMC as .. a. lemon., and· suggesting its acquisition might be a "bad deal .. for the state. · The governor's remarks violated his one week old pronouncement to a gathering of California newspaper pµbl~shers that he would refrain from commenting on matters he had not had time to study. Since he has not yet found time to confer with the people best informed on the UC! Medical School pro· ject-the Orange CountY Board of Supervisors and the officials at UCI-it is fairly; clear his remarks were not based on much solid information or study. It may have been an effective way tO try to im· press the regents with his concern for the state's economy, but he is obligated at least to talk to those best inrormed and most directly concerned berore popping off with further comments. voU!d 7 to 2 to authorize the IRS to Issue a summons for bank 'records whe n large d eposits are involved and to force bank officials to disclose the identity of the depositor. Previously, such action has been authorize(! dhly it tax agents are investigating the financial statusof a citizen already s uspected of fax evasion. The court ruling was described by the dissenting justices as a ''dangerous detour" from earlier limita- tions on I RS in vestigatio1lS. .. Unfortunately, we have had occasion in recent times to realize that the IRS has permitted its pre· sumably confidential data to be disseminated rather · freely for political purposes. The new court ruling, while it may turn up a few tax e vaders, would appear to be a blanket permission for fis hin g expeditions into affairs of bank patrons. Think 55 The California Highway Patrol's. novel 55 mhp ''escort service'' for Las Vegas· bound motorists over the r ecent holiday week end had the rem arka ble ef· feet of eliiTlinating all accidents on ·the 240·mile stretch tor three days . This is certainly commendable in an area where high-speed dri Vinghas caused horrendous crashes. It is apparent that the CHP can't continue to as- sign up to 100 patrol cars for regular escort service, but ther e may be some residual psychological benefit . • New IRS Power While no taxpayer, especially at this season, can summon up much sympathY for tax evaders, this week's U.S. Supreme Court ruling exte~.ding the power of the Internal Revenue Service to probe bank deposits is more than a little scary. Certainly the stepped·up speed patrols on the San Diego Freeway through Orange County -and step· peel.up c itations for violators -have encouraged locaidiiver s to "think55. ·• And , despite continuing complaints from heavv· footed drivers, the fact that the speed limit·now is na· tional law makes it more or less necessary to adjust our thinkin g accordingly -or pay the penalty. ·· 'Now, if you'll step next door to my subsidiary, you can buy a .few hundr~d troops to advise you in the use of our weapons!' Overturning a Jower court ruling, the high court Henry Clarifies Our Middle East Policies Growi1ig Pea·1i11ts While Natives Starve Agro-industrial Tape Worms ··Hello, Henry? Howarethings ( ) WASlllNGTON -Earl Butz, In Cairo? Or .Jerusalem? Or ART HOPPE the Secretary of Agriculture. has wherever you are tbday?" , been taking a beating because. "Please, I have told you never he's so stingy with· our food . The tocallmewheniamnotattheot'· '-•-------------' pressure to give away tood to f.u:e, '.' underdeveloped countries grows "But you're never at your of. nam." with each TV ' documentary fice,Jlenry.AhdlheWh.ileHouse "Precisely, Jn the event ihe s howing yet another natjon press keeps · Arabsareattacked,you~anthen suffering from a case of asking me to 'send in our troops to protect our perma nent starvation. expla in my· American boys from the al· For once in his life Mr. Butz Middle East tackers." may be ri ght, albeit for the policy.Iknow ••vou mean the lsraelis. wron g re· you're awful-Henry?" asons. Except ly busy, but if "No, us. Our defending troops as one-shot, you could just will defend our America..11 boys e m e rgenc y tell me once from our attacking troops while disaster r e· ·again: .. Why ·our American boys are helping lief, giving •did I send you the Arabs blow up the oil wells away food over th ere our attacking troops are attack-mak es no this time?" • ing.'' ·sen se. Th e ·•Jt is quite siDlple, re.ally. You "BU( what•s the good or all poor nations have sent me over hereto makes that, Henry?" . like the rich lasing peace between the Arab!: "It will insure, I can say-~·ith 'must manage an.~thelsraelis." · confidence, the most interesting their affairs so they can ·grow But l thought you told me l peace negotiations 1 have ever enough food to feed their own was. threatening to make war· engaged in." . ~~~ey. c-;n't do that iI thei·r best against the Arabs." · ··You are. That 15· why I must· u!GUESS • . .... H land, their water and thei r you r e rt&&1~. ency. inves tme nt capital are used to first achieve a lasting peace I guess . But c:ouldn 'l you just tell grow agricultural Comhlcidities bet~·ecn the Arabs and the me who are the good guys and for export. In many places in the. Israelis. How would you look· if who are the bad guys? world that seems to be what's you attacked the Arabs and they. "No." happening. There are reports." w ere o rf fightlnjt a . war ···eut, Henry, you simply have for example,thalinthemiddleof someplace in Israel!'' .to explain my Middle East policy the drought in the African Sahel, tome." 1 Mali was growing peanuts and "'Impossible. I am h•ving exporting them while the relief enoua:h trouble trying to explain planes we re flying in food. • it to the Arab~ and the Israelis." This is anything bu~ p wtiq~~ ( VON. HOFFMAN ) piece or irony. In Colombia, with an estimated 130,000 metric ton protei n defi cienc y, '1a hectare (about two·and·a·half acres) d e vote d to the r a i sin g o f carnations brings a million pesos a year, while wheal or corn brings onl y 12,500 pesos. ,\s a result, Colombia ... must use sca rce foreign exc hange to import b.asic foodstuffs," \Vrite Barnet a'nd Muller in "Global Reach : 'fh e Power of the 1'-1ultin alional Corporations'' {Si m on and Schuster, 1974). "The development track of the global c o rporations features increased productio n of luxury it~ms such as strawberries a nd asparagus for the international suburba n market. But the money does not flow to the hungry majorit.y ... '' JOSEPH COLLINS of the Transnatiopal Ins titute, a l e ft ·l ea n ing· organization specializing in world economic problems, points out that, while . the produ ctio n of broiler chickens in Colombia has doubled in less than a decade, .. on ly about 20 percent of the population c·an afford lo buy even one chicken a year." 'fhe rest ::ire "economically inactive," which seems to be a polite IA'ord for ·starving. Collins observes that, although the Green R evolution may indeed increase production, it means \'ery little to the people growing the produce. Thus in Colombia 70 percent of the g ra in grown there is diverted to poultn.- fced to fatten chickens that most Colo mbjans can't buy. 1\ccording to bis calcu13tions, one hectare of land used in that way will support 1,4.30 people, if they only had the money lo bu.y · chi cken al 200 pesos a kjlogram . 'J'he same land, if used to grow soy beans for direct human consumption, IA'ill feed 22,700 people al 12 pesos per kilogram. · If Collin::. is right. Colombia is relatively better off than a place like the Dominican Republic \vhere. he s<.1ys, Gul f & Western . has set itself up in a sugar cane opera t ion that i s so self.contained the locals get no side benefits from it at all. Not only does the company import Jlaitian labor, but, Collins says, with thei r own repair shops and co mpany stores, G&W doesn't b uy anything fcom the host country. ''AGRO.·INDUST RIAL enclaves" that move in on a host country, use it and give nothing back lo it urc the economic equivalents of tupe worms. The tape worm also arrives in "the · intestines \vhere it lives by gobbling up the food which by rights belongs to the organism it · has invaded. People with tape \vorn1s come do\vn with malnutrition. so the prospects a re guarded for Brazil where,. Co llins reports, Volk swagen is raising cattle in the Amazon, not to sell to Brazilians, but lQ the· J apanese. ··'fhey get S20 a Pound for the beef in Japan, and you don't get that for a VW," he explains. If the rood problem is anal:Yzed. as Col lins does it, then all the talk .. about population expl9sions and s hifts in weather pa tterns is some'h·hat beside the po int. It· mav not e\·cn be in o ur self:intercsl to co nvince the natives to cut dov<1 n on their procrcatjons. 'l'he more there are. of them , the n1orc money we can make selling them the food we've fin essed them out of growing for the ms elves. True, this may increase the numb e r of ~eggars and miserables in the Y.'Orld, but we needn't bother ourselves about the warnings we hear that, if we..~ do'n'l feed the hungry, the:y're ~ going to rise up and smite us. Starving people are too weak to~ smile many, mighty smotes.11. They beg, they whimper, they die:~ • .. OH I TITTNK I see what you mean. I think. But 1£ I am threatening to attack the Arabs, why am I selling them hundreds of millions or dollars worth of guns, tanks, warships and planes -not to m e ntion our best military advisers?'' ''For two reasons: first. you wi sh to convince them you are their friend . Secondly. you· desperately need the dollars they s pend for these weapons in order to pay the exorbitant price they are charging you for oil-which is wh y you are threatening to at· tack them in the £irst place." Public Must ··Know Growth Alternatives~ .. Well , J guess that certainly seems r easonable, Henry. 1 guess. But I thought you instruct· ed me to instruct you to gel the Arabs to lower the price of oil?" "Yes, a brilliant maneuver. If the Arabs Jower the price of oil, you will have more money . to send the Is raelis more and better weapons." "Won 't lhat offend the Ardbs, Henry?'' · · "'YES, but you must do this tor two r easons: first, you wish to convince the Is raelis you are thei~ friend. Secondly, they will .need more and better weapons to defend themselves from the Arabs, because you have sold the Arab s more and. better weapons.'' ''I thjnk that does sound fair, Henry. I think. But sending in military advisers smacks· of Viet· i Dear Gloomy ·Gus •i • I With all Its <lty ofll<lals ~· h•l'llJIPllllt.Ume there, Wettminster cou.ld atart a sister city proar•m. with the Calilornla prli on system. C.H.L. ~--HR allll .. I I sf.,. "!'""!'-• ---~Nlfild .. ... ·.w:..-.,· ~-: . .... ... !""'""' . • .. o.a_,...,.., - ( ) 'fhat's why it is imperative To the Editor: MAILBO . that your description of CEEED During the pa s t year, X andourviewsbetreatedwiththe journalists from the Daily Pilot, '-----------~ same fairness given others. We inreportingnewseventsinwhich are a coalition genera lly ' the Council on Environment, LetteTs from readers ore welcome. representative or three broad Employment, Economy and The right to condense letters to fil areas, business and labor and a Development ( C EEED) has space or eliminate libel ts reserved. very strong ele m ent of concerned been involved, have referred to Letters of 300 words or less will be citizens whic h inc lude: pro· and described it (CEEED) as a given preference. AU letters must in· fessionals, politicians. taxpayers "pro development organization elude signatu re and mailing address groups, land owners, those in· of builders and labor leaders.'' but names mau be withheld on re· terested in hous ing for low and J and many other concerned ~!f if nifjfcient reaJOn i.s apparent. modera{e income Yamilies and citizens, who are neither in or· Poetry wiU not bit published.. just plain citi zens. ganlzedlabornorwllhlhebuild· We are no t s imply ''pro ing industry, ·but who are active growth" advocates. We believe members in CEEED, takeexcep. drilling and a ban on all develop-in realistic and prudent decisions lion to such a narrow description ment in the nearby bills and by government in the face of the ot our coalition. The description along the coast. But the conse· very real Rroblems which con· is not accur•te and further, it is quences of such actions by the front us. We advocate orderly unfair in that currenUy, words politicia n, in appealing or planning wh ic h w ill accom· like "Jaborleader"and "Janclde· r esponding to s uc h public modate tomorrow's growth veloper'' undoubtedly set off a shortsightedness, will most cer· needs. negative bias In the minds of tainly be higher costs -and your readers that alfects their shortages in shelter, oil and perception of the issul! being re· energy. ported. We are most sincere in · Our belief that much of our coun- try's present difficulties are caused by our government's ac· tion or inaction in response to public opinion: opinion which often is ill informed and fre· quently uninformed. THE PUBLIC c annot be ex· pected lo render prud e nt. balanced op\nion on public is· sues, viz:. off shore oil drilling. the Alaskan pipeiine, envirop· mental demands , growth, greater government control over land u11e and resources, etc:., un· Jess and uoUl it. knows and AP· preciates the iss ue, the alternatives ~nd the conse- quences. If the only publicly recognized alternatives a.nd consequences of offshore oil d rilling or the wi sh tor hu1e area.s .of urt,an open tpace revolve around C!theUc de. liru, th• public can be expected lo demud a ban oo olCaliore ' I OUR ORGANIZATION is de· dica led to the task of determin· ing alternatives and conse· quences of public issues beyond those of surface emotionalism, and bringing them to the atten· lion of the people and our leaders in·government. Without fair and balanced exposure in the mass media to all sides of the issue, in· eluding our views, there is no possibility that public opinion can raise above the level that al· lowed and encouraged Ute ban against the Alaskan plpellne or .drilling in the Sant• Barbara channel. CE EEO is concern~ over the spiraling cost of hous ing, de· terioration or our dynamic e<;onomy , the loss of job op· portunitles and the increasing tax burden in Orange County. We believe a well informed public ~can heve a very positive e:1rect upon these jssu es; but ont~ tr the).' aie well informed. '1 NICKY CALAG NA l\1en1berofthe Board of Directors, (CEEE;Dl Obscene Calls To the Editor : Sunday·s Pilot ca rried an arti· cle on obscene phone calls ; Jet me tell yo u now how I handled these calls. Perhaps it wil l be some help. \\'e've always been told to hang . up immediately and report it to the telephone company. I dis· aa:ree -that is a singularly worthless exercise. BY HANGING UP you let the caller know you a re frightened and you've ma.de his day. Instead -hold on the line -you don't · have to listen, but keep the line o~n . Cover the mouthpiece so that he cannot hear any noise from YQUr ·side. He will eventually get tired or , scared ~at· he is being traced and he will hang up and, we hope, never ca ll again . It worked fo r me and for a friend. I hope it will work for you. Try it. URSULA CURRAN Tired Worker To the Editor: In r esponse to Charle s l\1cCabe's article in the Feb. 14 issue of your paper. where he asks the que s tion, ''We? Demand? Who in the hell do we think we are?," I would like to ask, ''Who in hell does he and th e rest of the world he defends think they are?" I am a working man who is tired or being taxed to death in an att('mpt to feed, clothe and de· ft.>t).d the r est of the Y.'Orld {:.i n iin· l)()Ssibility> \\'ithout having a Iii· tie say.so in how m y hard·earned n1oney is spent or what I have the right to expect of the people ~·ho receive 1t. \\'llEN I also lay my money down at the grocery, g;,is station, school, department store. chari· ty, hos pital, I know t'xactly "who the hell l think I am." I am a man who expects a product or service, cooperation. courtesy and a little· appreciation or equal value.or I should have the right to refuse to participate. There are m any or us \\1ho feel this way. Mr. McCr1be has the right to think and feel as he pleases. but he docs not have the right to drag the rest or us down that tool's road of world subsidy without positive results with htm. DELVINO. IVIGGS Bargains llelp Tolhe""tditor: With r ecession, employment and inflal!on, un· hypertension, • bugging us daily, 1 ·must sa~ there are a few companies oub there that ha ve feelings for thel' public with their constant strug.: gle trying t o make ends meet. • Specifically. thank you Carl'~ Burger for offering two for on hamburger s pecial; thank you, Bob's Coffee Shop for your , February co mbination s pecial, and other co n g lomera tes - small restaurants offeri ng twC> for one dinners or any busines' that makes an attempt to make it less expensi\'e -who have real people \\•orking ror them and making the load a little 'bit lighter during these rough times by offering these most appreciat· ed periodic bargains. Il's nice to be nice and I think in the long run these same com." panies who gi\!C a little now will reap ·a lot lti ter wi th this ap- proach and what it will do for their Image and public relations. I'm sure they'll be around along ·time. TOM DOYLE ORANGE coAsT: DAILY PILOT llo~rl N, \V•ed, Publish"'ir Thomas KeeviJ. E'difor . Uorbara KMbich .. Editorial Po{X Edi.tor The! t•ditorial pa1e of tM .D1lty r11t1t seeks to ll'lform and stim\IJ1te readers by presentinc on thiil. "le d1vt-rse commentary on lOJHC'S o( il'I• 1erest by S) nd1catt'd col\lft\nlsls •rod C'<1rtoon ists. by providing a forum for noaders· Vlt'ws and by p~nlln1 this nev.·spape r·s opinioru and Ide.as on c:"rrent topics. ,The editMial op\nion11 of thC! DAiiy Pilot 1ppe11r only 1n th1• rd1IQna/ ("o.lumn al the 1011 of th,• p:IJ:i• Opin•ons expresst'a hy the roh1mn1't" an1! ri.rtonnlstii 3rld leltt'r 1.1 r11t·r~ .1r(• th1•1r ov.11 and O()('!'ldOr!ICment of lhi:rr \lt"V.~ by the U~U.)' P1IOl 1rihould be 1nfcrrt'd, Friday, t'cbruary 21, 1975 t • • ' ' i ' ' l I I 'I I• ' ' I . ·~ i \ " ' . )• ' • • , " .; . • • • ., ~ ....... • , . • • -• • . ' • ' • . ' • -• ·-.. , . . . 0fr!d!r.febfuiix21 , 1975 -... .., . • ' ~ . • >\ ) .. " ~· . .. • •• • , • ... • • I . . GRAND RE-OPENING GALA :~t~~ ~)~~~::·.':+::·:, . ' ' .:; , . ' . "" • l ' '· .1·~1. . ·.: !-i a.m~ ' Starting Saturday, February 22 at ·10:00 OINUS! ' "· • -. + ·~'.. • . ' . .,. . . •./~ ; I . ~ _ / , We know YC?U're very particular people, so we made sure thi;S :wouJd.:~d~~~~t•~~yo~~ klnd ~f~st~~!; -...we ~e-designed it so tha! you woul~ find a happy de~or~.!inssurt>rJs~~Cil1 n,p aJm~steve~y .. ·~· ;: corner! Model rooms, vignettes and decorative sett1ng$18re more exe1t1og, more imaginative. ; .. than ever! All those aristocratic furniture and access6rv namesw~'r:e,FJ,ofed for ar~ !:le.re. HeiireciOn. :· : Heri_tag~: Drexel. :rhomasville; Flair. Selig. Ma~ge .~~·rron. Seatv. Slm~·ons. i,<':\ra~ta·n~ Andtot~, lots<~; t more! You be the 1udge ! Come see for yourself If we'ive made thi~ the-kfndOf store VOU reall'/Want! .. ·~~~,: ' ·.:' · · ·:·· •· .. · ·:11-s~· ···1 '•• . ·i · ;,. . ... ' . ·., ~ . ;., ~,._·":.·~;: • . • .. • , • -• • . . ! ,J, ~ • ' ' ~ ... ,. BRING THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS, ANDCELEBRAT(Wtrw ~us1 ·SJARTINq$ATURDAY! .. ~~.· '.:~}lj •. -~.... .. • ~ • -;· -· ,1 •••• 5·\{"·~~ .. ·· .· t " ·· .:~ ·' .. :.. ~'1' -re· ... ~d • • ' . ,. ,, Win Valuable prizes. Register to win a trip for two to • San Francisco and stay at the Mark Hopkins Hotel •• • or a handsome patio furniture set. . . · · or a fine color television. ·5~~i~r'; P«>ti~r, t~Mr Rick".AnlKrs~;s ·activities ext; 1 · :_; •. : ;'. :. ~.;. ftoni;cp,Jl~jbotp!JJ l!!tter~!J~<l~~ thif\fl.toexh!~~ .. "\·~, _, ~ ~!s palnf~~s. cr,~~~1c~7 ~~~~ure·~hroughOu '. ~ :~ . !:~~j Receive a complimentary gift! Our own 90-page decorating guide, "California Lifestyles" ,.with smart, practical ideas.· • See a fascinating exhibitJ "100 Years of Doll Collecting", presented by the Doll Shoppe of Monrovia· and other dol I establishments. A pageant of doll history is displayed, from delicate traditional porcelains and chinas to modern vinyls and plastics. Robert Brewer, creator of the look-alike doll, shows how a doll is constructed, from sculpture to finish. DISCOVER INTERESTll';l<;;ARTISTS! 1 Textile designer Carol Moran, · . County, specializes in creating stuffed, sculptural wall hangings using hand-spun, naturally dyed fibers • Scutptol"Rtward Hitchcckf<i.creates·impressivfi cast br(>Oif;.-• tz: flguresfromceramicsheHrridlds. His 'Column of · · ~.: ... .. Figure~ 1,1" will .be qrefented>oil display here for the · ', . •. ,. ~ tlrst time. . ... · .. ~, . · · · ~ . Caricaturist Georpe Yasuda is ~-Southern California Illustrator and commerciatiartlst. He captures the essence.ofcharacter .. _, ,.,, ~ · " ' . ENJOY LIVELY ENfJ:RTAINMENT! Oramatie Japaneses>ertornfers' wlll be seen Saturday . . . ' . morning .. • •· • ~ ~ , ... .i;: •. ;.Plciuresque Mexitan entertaihel's will be e>C~nted In the afternoon ' · " ~·· Painter Abby Vaughn creates visual "music", and her works are included in the collections of prominent Americans all over the country. Shown at Laguna, Beverly Hills, more! • • ' ~Printer Don Van Valkenberg grew up in Southern California. He works in intaglio, lithography, serigraphy and iconography. He is extremely innovative in subject and milterials. " ' . • • Photographer Jordan is extremely popular among · collectors throughout the country. After a formal education in journalism, he chose the camera to fashion a distinctive environment. " r • / • . . . _... ' .,I ., ... ' . .. , " . ' ' ., . • ' . • . ' ' t I ' • (' . • 't r· Iv~· t I HUNTING1?0N ·B·E·i\~;H · ~Hun~~D~ -.!. .... ' • ... •• .J' •• • a Oeli"°"'Y service and set up at'oo charge .a Consult with our decoriiirlO stilf .•. smart ideas..at ni:i -'"·-·•<' . . :; .. ;; $, 1 '°"'1111111 , • • • I ..... 111 •-.. •C•.._~.._.-....... ,., 1tz-t•o1 . · , . • ,..... .!, tor~na co~enQ1!11 . II 'I ......... • ,., .. ... \' • • ' • ' ' .... 1 • '· ·~ " • • • • I ' 0 • .. ' • I ,_ .... , ' • , 1 I • ~ • • . ' '