HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-25 - Orange Coast Pilot\
• •
VONine .. sa1es 1 Alle9ed-l . . , ' .
• •
, . . .
• • 1
Indians , Vow • Dunti11gton Duo
To 'Keep Plant' Held by Police
In New-Mexico ,,._, In Holdup Try
VOi.. "'·NO. 14, J SECTIONS. It Pit.GE$
: Yo1r're. Covered· • .
. ' ... ' .
Al Jiminez, long-time resident of San Juan Capistrano,
__., is prepared to maintain the. mission community's
version of the I8w during itS colorful M'arch celebration,
Fiesta de las Golondrinas, that includes the annual re-
; turn of the swallows. Parade hlghlighting the evenl is
March 22.
• j
2 Hµntington Men
Jleld in Heist Try ,
; Ty.io 'nlen policf 1llege were sus.Picion .or conspirllcy to cOm -
..,llbout •(o .Jtcild 1.1'P ~n alt.nJght mi~armcd...-obbery,policesaid. ~ar\:et. ··were arrested by of. ' Adams also faces kidnap and
-ficers Mond•Y ev,pning outside ,,:.assault charges aner he afleged-
:1he Jiunt1nston B6lie'\l atore. , ' "'bi lr,te<l<to· sle• I •· car to drt ve to
: One.of the pait •lsowas a.Tr.bt-tJ\e hrudup scene, police said.
·ed on SuaJ?lclon of kidnap and w .Officers said the caper started
1ault. Police claim he sl!jle a It:' 9: lS, p.m . wlren Adams al-
·1woman's car, ·l'orce<! her to ride legedly look the car of Kitty Lee ~•round with hfm at gunpoint, Kirby, 56~2 Mangrum Drive, at
»then gave up the idea an4'1reed gunpoint from a parking Jot in ~her and her car. ' Huntin1ton Center.
-Warr'en GtadY Taylor, ~ or Police said Adams assertedly
~Mars"'!) J;)rJv'e1,>\ll! Rowatd forced Mrs. Kirby to ride around
--Deorge Adu ms: --21,' ol 16!21 lheahoppln,I( center parking area
·•Hollywood Lane, botll ·of 'i!um-with hlm for :1 few lniputes,
nglon BOach. remained In city before he apparenUy changed his
all toclay. They were nrre'st<!d on mi~d about the car theft. Police
uspldon or armed robbory and <See PAIR HEl>D0Pase1\%)
' • '
oman escues
• esan m
• . ..,._.. __,..,__ --.
4 Nabbed 811rst· of 'Fire
On Drug
I Mali Jailed i1i Gu11 Assault
.1\ Santa Ana husband v•as
jailed by Costa Mesa police early
today after he allegedly confronl·
ed his estranged \Vife and a male
companion in a parked car and
opened rire with a pistol.
Ne\•.:port Beach police un-Randy Langford, 24, of 110
nounced a task.force arrest today Aloha St., was arrested and
of rour South Coast residents on booked on suspicion of assault
charges of selling cocaine with with intent to commit murder
an alleged stre.et value of following the 1:30 a.m . incident
in a northeastern city industrial SI00.000. k., The arrests, made om ttie area.
\l.'eekend and kept under wraps in Noone was injured by the burst
an attempt to arrest additiona1 of shots, ~ccording to ~lie~. "'·h~
suspects, took place at 2400l ."are holdu:ig I .. an.gford •I'! lieu o
Avenida de la Caflotta. LagUna ·· '.525.000 bail pend1~g.arra1~n111 ~nt
!!ills. ~ . , 1n ·Harbor Jud1c1al D1sl:r1ct
Officer Phil Dickens said the
pistol assault occurred at the
\\'estern Di gital Corporation.
3128 Red Hill Ave., \\.'here both
apparent targets are employed.
The parking lot \Vas actually
ncxl to the Digital computer
firm, right at the Costa l\1esa and
Irvine city limit· line. according
to police.
They identified Langrord 's
v.•ife as l\Irs. Patricia Langford.
of Santa Ana. and the other as-
serted victim a s Michael
i\Ioreno, o!Newport Beach.
i\toreno and 1\1 rs. Langrord fl(•d
for help \\'hen the shooting s tart-
ed.jnv.es~lOJ& said.
11iey added that a .22 caliber
pistol 1,1:as used irf. the incident
near the plant \vhere both vie·
lims have been employed . In custody in lieu of $10,000 bail
each are Anthony Albert
rwtartino. 27. 33741 Olinda St., Apt.
A, Dana Point: Jack Lee St. Den-
nis, 27. 24830 La Paz St., Apt. C.,
Dana Point; Louie Vincent Peie·
que, 31471 Galano \Vay, San Juan
Capistrano. \•/hose age was 11ot
available and Patricia J\,fargaret
Rummd," 18, 24852 Galano \V~·.
also in San Juan Capistrano.
Rehiring llemanded
Detectives in Newport said
that major help in the several
months of investigation came
fro.m ~edCra l l\gents, along with
1 detectives from Laguna Beach.
Huntington Beach. and San
Clemente' •..
1\ total bf 18 ounces of lhe ex-
pensive narcotic was allegedly
purchased during a series or con-
tacts . Last Friday's arrests
came soon after an alleged final
purchase of cocaine by agents .
That sale. police said, was the
largest or the transac ions and in·
volved 14 ounces of cocaine.
Police said they are still look·
ing for one suspect who is sii,Jr at
In U1ulies
DUBLIN. Ireland tAP• 1\
mlddle·aged woman was arrest-
ed · f-0r smuggling t?X'J)losive
gelignite in her underpants into
Portlaoise j ail, Irish security of.
ficlals said today .
They said the explosive ap·
parently was for a breakout by
some of the 100 guerrillas or the
Irish Republican ~Army who are
in the prison.
Two other \\'Om en· who were
visiting inside the prison at the
same time Monday wer~ arrest·
ed, police said. All were taken to
Dublln'•Jlrldew,ell Prl8-0n.
Armed Indians Vow
To 'Keep' Facility
Rifle-carrying Indians patrolled
the roor of'an electJ"gnics plaql OD.
the Navajo reservation today,
vowing to keep control of the
facility until Navajo employes
dismissed last week are rehired.
Thirty Indians, five or them
won1en, peacefully look over the
Fairchild Corp. plant Monday
morning. The group held two
securilY guards for a While but
released them ·'in a show or good
The lhdians, angered by the
dismissal last week of 140 Nava·
jos at the electronics components
plant, said they had enough food
and \l.•atcr to last for a month and
s'vore they would not leave until
theirQcmands were met.
Mercer Curtis. the plant·s
manager, said the facility wa s
. forced lo fire the· l40 employes.
most or them women. because or
the recession .
The plant, owned by t!\e Nava·
jo tribe and leased to F.iiirchild,
employed up to 1,000 Navajos,
but half of them have been Laid
off since Jan. l .
Larry •Anderson. spokesman
for the Indians and a member of
the American Indian Movement,
said the Indians would meet to·
day "'ith Wilbur Atcitl}'. an of-
ficial or lhe Navajo Trihul Coun-
cil. to Present J formal list of de-
"Wo have tried to aet in Louch I with plonl o(ficials, but have ha<l
no luck;'' Anderson said.
"\Ve feel an investigation
would bring out the grave health
care conditions \1.'hich exist (al
the hospital),'' Anderson s aid.
Ander:so.n saic\~ll1e lndiar,:is are
al so cor1cerned C\bout induslri<tl
de velopment on the Navajo re·
servatlon . ·T1,vo huge power
plants are 'located near the elec ·
tronics plant. and t"·o con·
glome.rates plan to build large
coal gasificatiol'\ planls near
Shiprock. The coal to operate the
plants comes from a large strip·
mine field in the are a.
Four armed men kept \Vatch
from the roor of the plant l\1onday
ni ght, while officers from the
Na\'ajo tribal police kept \\·atch
outside the plant '6 gates.
<See INDIANS, Page A2 i
Portland man has been ordered
to appear in-court ne'!'.l month on
a charge of illegally wearing a
rubber ''Planet of the Apes"
mask while hitchhiking.
Walter A. K<\urman, 25. was
cited by police' under a little·
used city ordinance that. pro-
hibits wearing a mask or dls-
gulsc ln public.
Fire Hits
In Face
One \Voman t enant of a tiny
Costa Mesa apartment complex
\\'ho heard her neighl:,>or moaning
and attacked her blazing home
\\'ith a small garden hose was
credited today with saving the
\•ictim's life.
The victin1 . Doris F. Presseler.
62, of 130 E . 20th St., still suffered
severe facial burns before being
rescued by her neighbor Mrs.
Albert E\ven. and firemen.
l\lrs. Presseler \\'a s struck
~quare in the face by a
blowtorch·likc blast or names in
the I :30 a .n1 . fire, when she
heard a noise and opened he r
closed bedroon1 door to in-
"She r('all y got it, .. said Bal·
tali on Chief Robert l\·lcC lclland.
"Second and third dl'grCe burns
on the face and hands . 1-ler lips
\\'Cre already blistered and peel·
lie said l\1rs. E\\·en. a residenl
of Apartment 1 tv.•o doors down -
from l\1rs. Presseler's Apt. 3.
<See SAVED, Page A21
Or:~:a :ast
( \\'t•ath<"r
Variable high clouds but
mostly sunn y through Wed·
nesday, according to lhe
\veather se1·vice. Cooler at the
beaches but \varm inland.
J.1ighs from the lower 60s to
·th e Upper 70s inland.
Overnight IO"-'S 42 to 52.
l\i1ko/a1 Bulganin. lhe pre-
mier of the Soviet Union from
1955 to 1958. died today afteT a
long illness. The 79-year-old
premier was often upstaged
by colorful Nikita Khrushchev ·
in Soviet politics. See stqry
and picture P.age A4 .
Al Vl\lr Servk• Al L.M ... ,. .,
CllH9'rlll• Al
c:i.nlti.. •1•11
c.n.k.1 •s c:ren-rlll •J
OfftllNel'CH Af
fA .. tW!ft.n>tfll A. It ,._. A.t0-11
"---ll lllW1'Ml••l9fl A.II ..... u .... r' 11
Mt!WyT,.. A.II
,_¥1•1 A.It
Miiltut '"'ltllll A.11
Or .... CHMy A7
...... 11·1 ,,.... ... ... -· Mtrlt .. ,
T...-.lsle!'I _. ... _ ... ......... """'' ., ... .. ••
• •
OAll.YPh..OT s Al ' Fre•P~AI J
Be Really Advertised ms Love SAVED~ ..
saved the 62·yeer-old woman's
Ufe by ber,qu1ck a cl ion .
Cambodian ··
End Cited
For Assault
Of Hitchhiker
San Clemente Police are
searching for two men .driving an,
out-of-state van who picked up a
Martne httthhiker and latertried
to force him to commit sex acts
with them.
Del. Sgt. Ardon Saunders said
the hitchhiker, a 20.year-old
Camp Pendleton Marine, was
trying lo catch a ride southbound
on El Camino Real when the blue
van with lighl·coloted license
plates pulled up and the pair of.
fered him a ride.
The victim t,old officers one of
the men struck him, declared
that the two were homosexuals
and then attempted to molest
him .
The Marine's resistance ap·
parently paid off when the pair
returned lo San Clemente and re·
leased him.
The -driver of the van was
described as a Caucasian, 3S to 40
years old, heavy set and sporting
a J?oatee.
The passenger in the van was
said to be of Mexican or Indian
descent, young, thin, with a pock-
marked face and wearing tur-
quoise pngs on several fingers.
San. Clement~ Police have is-
sued a d~scrtption or the vehicle
and its occupants lo surrounding
law enforcement agencies.
Marines' Jet
Noise Boosted
Louder than usual noise from
Marine jets that rattled Hunt·
ington Beach, Irvine and Costa
Mesa today was attributed to a
change from the north-south to
the ~t-west runways for prac·
lice flllthts, said an El Toro
'The north -south runway
normally used was undergoing
repairs, according to Capt. John
Shotwell, assistant public
Air traffic will resume its
normal north-south pattern Wed-
nesday, he said.
He noted that Laguna Niguel
and Leisure World, normally hit
with the heaviest noise, got a one-
day respite.
Routine Cruise
U.S. aircraft carrier Enterprise
completed a 40-day "routine"
cruise in the Indian Ocean and is
now in port at Singapore, the
Pentagon announced Monday.
Robert N. Weed ................ l'utol•-
Jack R. Curley "it•,.. .. ,-•net c.-.i ""-MOtr
Thomas Kee..,it
Thomas A. Murpt\IM ,... ... ,, ... •e111oo-•
Cherles H. Loos Rkhard P. Natl
-'t\141--... 9'"' l:Oll..-~
CMYIM9 ... )Jl"H•1 Mr$.l•..-t ........... '°"" JWN•_.-1 flooM,..td ~INKll,11 .. 0-'l"H~•w•
~$11 .. e(ll• 11tlS8te<ll~w,tr<I
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Ttteplto....C71C) 642~21
Clultlled Ad¥trllslng '42:·5'71
~ ..... ,iftN-0tllC.-
F"""' iM'(.tems'* OS_..,0
~--Oo ..... c.v..tr~ti.. M•12J:O
~yrlf'lt. t•)t Qrall .. (N~I """"ll~lllfll ~ ......... _.._.llvtl• .................. -tM• • ••wff0\-1111 _.,.111 "'•1 ... m~·· olttll,.....1 141>Hiel .... ,..latl ... II -..r..,.,_,_
S.t• tlffa llMUof' H•• •! Cette Mew,
~ .... , .... ., • .,,, .... uAO_...M,: .......... _\l"t';""'t.w"----"-" ........
Sin Joff televllion
director Chuck Phali9,
27, hired a blllboardhl
downtown San Fran-
claco to proclaim hi•
love for glrlfrland
Margie Comal~ 23,
In plaadlng lo/ her
hand In marrtaga. For
Pharla, advertlalng
won the only
customer he really
wanted. Chuck and
Morgle wlll marry In
UPI TelephoW
A woman living In Apt. 2. im·
mediately adjacent, called in an
alarm at 1:32 a .m .. according to
Chief McCl•lland bul he did nol
knoW her name.
He added that raging flomes
were only four feet from the vic-
tim when Mrs. E'A·en dragged the
gurden hose and thrust the nozzle
through a window, starting lo ex ·
tlngulsh the $2,800 fire.
Shock and th e severity or
second and third degree burns
over 10 percent of her body--:-ln
addition to heat and smoke 1n·
halatlon-had instantly in ·
capacitated lo1 rs. Presseler.
Spokesmen at the Orange
County Medical Center Burn
Unit said today they were listing
the victim as being in stable con-
dition for the present lime follow·
ing her admittance.
Firemen however. commf'nt·
ed that th~ potential effect s or
lung damage from the searing
heat would have to be evaluated
in days ahead.
Investigators also said lo'Irs.
Presseler occupied her tiny cast
side apartment alone, although
she reported ly hus parents li\·ing
President Ford told the House .
today that I! il does not quick· ·
Jy approve hi~. $222 million
Cambodian m1hlary req•at
soon "the government forces
wilt be forced, within weeks,
to surrender to the •ln·
t-'ord !lu id in n letter to
Speaker Carl Albert, re1d to
the full House, that without
the additional military aid the
Cambodian army will run out
of ammunition ln less than a
nlOnth . (Related story, A4)
"An independent Cam-
bodia · · the President a aid, "can~ol survive unless the
Congress acts very soon to
provide supplem~ntal
military and economic as-
Court Rules
Judge Admits 'Long Way'
From lrviiie Suit Ruling
in the Orange Coast area. .
They said the fire originated 1n
the living room, possibly due to a
cigarette accidentally dropped
into a chair before the victin1 re-
tired for the night.
The blaze v.1 as the second
severe one to occur in only t\\'O•
days, following another apart-
ment fire at 435 Fair Drive early
Sunday morning.
board officials n1ay be sued for
dan1ages in some circu~sl3:nces
for violating the eonst1tut1onal
rights or s tudents. the U.S.
Supreme Court rilled today .. By TOM BARLEY
Of Ul9 Delly P{lef: lutf
Two days of courtroom argu-
ments ended lite Monday with
Orange County Superior Court
Judge Claude M. Owens admit·
ting he is a long way from his
pretrial rulings in the stock con-
trol lawsuit filed by Ir.vine
heiress Joan Irvine Smith.
However, a restraining order
that prohibits signing of an al·
leged $110 million deal between
the James Irvine Foundation and
Mobil Oil Corporation will t e·
main in effect until Judge Owens
issues his rulings. ·
He has been asked by Los
Angeles attorney Michael Tigar
for Mrs. Smith and two lawyers
for the California attorney
General's office to issue a pre-
liminary injunction that will
freeze the Mobil deal until trial of
the issue.
Judge Owens has been asked
by foundation attorney Howard
Privett to rule that Mrs. Smith
does not have the legal standing
to block the !la1e and that the at·
torney general's office has failed
to prove a case justifying ln·
junctive action.
Judge Owens, obviously in a
dilemma late Monday over a
case that has no real precedent in
Ca lifornia law , repeatedly
sought the opinions of lawyers for
both sides as hew restled with the
issue of the injunction that he has·
not yet signed.
His decision appears to be at
least three weeks away. Lawyers
for both sides will be adding writ-
Thieves Get
Church Items
A chalice and other gold and
silver religious articles of Un ·
determined value were reported
stolen ~ l\.tonday from St. Cle-
ment's Episcopal Church, 202
Avenida Aragon, San Clemente.
San Clemente Police said the
loss included a silver paten. a
gold-lined "'afer box, a lavabo
bo\vl, a portable communion set
l:lnd an American flag.
Rf'v . Cecil Burton. pastor of
the church, has not yet computed
the total loss, a church aide s&id
Rev. Burt.on told investigators
that a key to the church stolen
months ago may have been used
by burglars to gain entry to the
church. The items were removed
from the altar.
Ul'ITt ........
Top Mauffm D~ad
Elijah Muhammad, leader
of the Black Muslim re·
ligious sect which advocates
racial supremacy and Isola·
lion for black people, died
today In Chicago at the age
of 77. Jjleath was attributed
to congestive heart failure . .,
ten briefs and arguments to the
voluminous file on the judge's
bench until at least March 1.
Tigar again argued for Mrs.
Smith Monday that the SJ.JO
million price offered by Mobil for
the foundation's 4,590,000 shares
or Irvine Company stock-they
represent 54.S percent of the is-
sued holdings -amounts to a
''ridiculously low'' figure of $24 a
share. •
Tigar and two deputy at·
tomeys general Pointed out to
Judge Owens that valuation of
$35.65 a share had been made on
the Irvine Company stock in a
1973 appraisal made for the In·
ternal Revenue Service.
Tigar again urged Judge
Owens to clamp a 90-day injunc·
lion plus an immediately follow·
ing trial date on the foundation-
Mobil deal.
And he predicted there would
be no shortage of buyers for the
Irvine Company stock despite
statements to the contrary made
by Privett.
' "Since this story hit the local
papers at least one buyer has
emerged and th~overnment of
Kuwait was interested but had
the door shut in its face," Tigar
Privett fai~d to respond to
Tigar's charge"' that the founda-
tion had failed to produce draft
c9pies of what Privett said was
the "tenative agreement" re-
ac hed between Mobil and the
Irvine Foundation.
Judge Owens has refused to or·
der that the paper work be ad·
milted into evidence al th.is stage
or the litigation over the protests
of Tigar and deputy attorneys
general Lawrence Tapper and
Yeoryios Appallas.
Tapper warned Judge Owens
that 1f the foundation is upheld in
its argument that it can dispose of
Irvine Company stock without
challenge, then $14 billion in trust
funds throughout California is in
"l shudder to think of the effect
that could be created by such a
decision," Tapper said.
Lawyers for both sides agree
that the key issues if Mrs.
Smith's lawsuit goes to trial will
be the fair market value of the
Irvine Company stock held by
the foundation. what Tigar called
the "hidden clauses" of the Mobil
deal and the offers that could be
made by oth"er concerns if they
are allowed to enter the bidding.
Tigar predicted ·•a fairly short
trial if we can only get our 90-day
freezing of the Mobil deal and
come up with some other in·
terested bidders.
''We are running on a fast
track," Tigar told Judge Owens.
''We will need but a few wit-
nesses to go with.our documenta-
tion and we beli ev'e we can re·
solve this issue fairly quickly."
l\.1 OSCO W (A P) -The Soviet
Union and Iran signed an agree-
ment on eC"onomic cooperation
today v.·orth an estimated $3
billion .
Fro,.. Page A I
PAIR HELD ~ ;; \• .
said he &true~. Mrs. Kirby in lhe
heael, bruising her, then ned,
leaving her and the car behind.
About ten minutes liter, of·
ncer11 were called to the Stop N
Go market at Balsa Chica Street
and 'Edinger Aveuue after a
nearby aas station attendant re-
ported a pair ol suspiclOus look-
ing men out&fde.
When police 8]'rived, they al-
Jeaedly found /ul"~m• and Taylor,
armed with a handaun and c:ar·
rying panty hose, which police
claim they planned to use as
holdup masks .
The pair's car was found two
blocks away, police said.
.Pair Rape~ . .
In H~spital
CHICAGO· (UP)) -A young
woman and a teen·age compa·
nion were raped in a hospital
waiting room by a man armed
with a gun, Polict:: said.
Police said Monday the 22·
year·old woman and 15-year-old
girl were staying overnight at
Presbyterian.st. Luke's Hospital
to be near a seriously ill relative
when the incident occurred.
"A school board member 1s not
immune from liability for
damages .. .if he knew or re.
asonably should have known that
th<' action he took within his
sphere' of official responsi~ility
y.·ould violute the const1tut1onal
rights or the student affected, or
if he took the action with the
malicious intention to cause a
deprivation or constitutional
rights or other Injury to the stu·
dent ·' Justice Byron R. \Vhite
·said for the court.
The court added that an award
for damages should be made
·•o nlY. if the school board mem~r has acted with such an
impermissible motivation or
with disregard of the student's
clearly established constitutional
rights that his action cannot re·
asonably be characterized as be-
ing in good £aith."
Despite this qualification, four
justices said the decision "ap-
pears to impose a higher stan·
dard of care upon public school
officials •.. than that heretofore
requJred of any other official.••
''In view of today's decision
s ignificantly enhancing the
possibility of personal liablllty,
one must wonder whether
qualified persons wiU continue in
the desired numbers to vo1unteer
. for service in public education,''
Justice Lewis F". Powell Jr. said
for the four justices.
Death of Employe
The gunman entered the wait·
ing room, woke the victims and
robbed and raped them, police
Gay Officer
Item Shelved :
council president John Gibs'en Is
critical of postponement or .a
public hearing on a proposal in-
volving lhe possible hiring or
homosexuals as police officers.
Coast Executives
Handed Probation
Richfield Accused
semblyman Gene Chappie Mon-
day accused Atlantic Richfield
Corp. of closing a Colusa oi l dis·
tribution plant to increase com-
pany profits under the guise of
federal environmental regula-
tions. Chappie, a Roseville Re·
·publican, warned that the ·
closure would threaten
agricultural production and re-
sult in increased farm operation
costs that eventually would be
passed to the consumer.
The item was scheduled to
come before the city's personnel
committee Monday, but was con-
tinued by councilman Robert C.
Farrell, the panel's chairman. U.S. District Judge Warren J .
1',erguson has placed two Hunt·
ington Beach men. officers in a
Long Beach firm specialiiing in
petroleum storage maintenance,
on four years p.-obation following
the death of an employe
F'erguson placed the company,
Crosby and Overston Inc on pro
bation along With J .R Dent.
company president. and John
Saenz. vice president, following
their no contest pleas to violating
federal safety laws
The government said the de·
fend ants violated the safety laws
in the death of Jess Martinez on
Aug . 8, 1973.
Investigators alleged the
From Page A I
Tribal police chief Roland
Dart, who order«! 300 employes
to turn back Monday when they
reported for work, said no at·
tempt would be made to remove
the Indians by force. Anderson
also said his group wanted no
prices plunged along a broad
front today on the New York
Stock Exchange tn response to
profit taking and negative news.
Trading was fairly active.
A Federal Trade C.Ommlssion
ruling against Xerox prompted
more .. 111n1 as the DQW Jones Jn.
dustrlal averaae, a 12.83-point
looer Monday, fell 13.54 to '12S.40
11 mld-d•J · The Dow l1ad risen
133 poinll 1lnce Jan. I.
Declines led advances, e to I,
det11on.1tat1n1 lhe brudlh ol the
slida •
en1ploye died ~-hen his air com·
pressor failed while he was \\'Ork-
ing in a storage tank at Douglas
Oil Refinery tank in Paramount.
Government prosecutors said
the firfu failed to supply an ade-
quate\11r compressor and did not
have another employe on hand
y.·ith rescue equipment.
He told 150 persons from the
First Baptist Chruch In Van Nuys
who attended the hearing that
more time was needed to gather
background information from
the personnel department, civil
service commission, city at-
torney and city administrative
What's My Line?
You won·t be fed any lines at
Alden·s. We are more interested in
developing loyal customers than
making a fast sale.
None of CJur salespeople will bother
you ii you just want to browse. but
will be pleased to assist you if you
wish. with. truthful answers to your
When we discuss carpet lines. we
would have to "'modestly" admit that
we have the largest selection in the
area .
Customweave, Evans-Black
Monticello. Lees, Walters, etc.
1663 Placentia Ave.
HOUllo-Tln~ tlo 1:30-1'11, tto t-SAT, f:301o I
Me sa
Phil at
the st
that a
Hid ti
mov ·
of Mi
and t..
we wt
far ha
o[ $11
yoar 1
ly ret
to •
tcr r
the c
th es
: firm
: shirt
. frorr
· shlr
. ble,'
' • par: ...
I in
u1 n:
' •
r1JMOay February15, 1975 OAILYPILOT ,4J
Of ltducation Hit
lly G"llV GRA1'lVJU.E
Audllorio for lhe Orange County
Qr.and Jury recommended
Monday that the Coilnty Depart-
ment of Education have one fis·
cal master.
segments or the education de.
partment's b~dg et under the aupe rvlaors control and others
with tho board of oducaUon.
"This arrengement can resutt
in difficulUes in administering •
the department." the auditors
auditors stopped short or reCom-
mending "r1sca1 independence''
Fiscal indepe ndence bee'lmo
an Issue Inst year whtm county
Superintendent at Schools Robert
Peterson asked the supe.rvilOl's
to approve placln1' tot.hl .. fiscal
rei;ponslblllty for his depart·
~ent with the County Board of
\Vhile stopping short of endors·
ing fiscal depende nce in Uieir rc-
Port, the Grand Jurv's audit01-s recommended that ··alternatives
to achieving single responsibility
for ,fin ancial manage nlent" be
already revie wed by the districts
are being rc-~xam1ncd 1n the
same fashion by thl" county de-
partment. .
In as much as legislation 1s
needed to clim in ate the duphcatt•
\\'Ork . the <.1uditors said th at the
t:oactment of such lt•gislation
should be "encouraged ...
g oods or compliance with
purchase order terms, according
to the auditors. .
f.landling of invoices in such
mt1nner "presents poor control
over disbursements since it
"'ould be possible for accidental
or intentional duplicate payments
~o be_n1adc. or e ven for suspicioui:t
1nvo1ces to be processed and
paid,'' the lludilors said.
said. ' ''It .ca n also cause a lack of But;. the auditors didn't say tr
lhe County Board of SupetviliOrs
or the County Bo11rd or Education
obould hold tho nnancial rcjns or the department.
,, However ·~they did criticize the
current pr;tctiee or placing som'e
cfority in deU:rmlnlng 'who is
..responsible for fundins functions
which are not tbe clearly man-
dated responsibllty of either
board," they continued.
Despite ,those criticisms. the
Supervi S.pr.S r ejec t ed
Peterson's proposal, which. he
admitted, w&s madewithoutfirst
consulting the board ot education.
T h e auditors went on to
criticiz e duplicate work
performed by the Qepartment of
Education 's school c laim s
division and the county's 33 in -
dependent school districts.
Specifically. the auditors re·
)'.>Orlcd warrants a nd invoices
1'hey <.1 lso found that dis tric·t
r CQUCStS ror \Varrat1!S fronl thr
county depart1ncnt art· cu vt·rcd
only by vendor in voicc-s.
'fhere ar1..· no al'conlpanyini;
documents c6vcru1~ receipt of
·ro correct wh:1l they sc«" as
fault y procedures , they recon1-
1ncndcd that ··full s upporting
docume ntation s hould accom·
pany alt \varront requests."
oc Har
·Six Routes
DEAR PAT: Last September I
ordered a child's personalized
story book advertised by
Americaq Consumer of
Philadelphia. This book is person·
a lited to include a child's name,
home address and his fri ends in
the story. My c heck has been
cashed. but no book has been
shipped, a nd my le tters to
American Consumer remain un-
answered ..
R. Lord of cuslomer service for
American Consumer, reports
lhal a refund has been mailed lo
you, wllh an offer to prepare your
original order al no charge. Lord
said th1l lhe story books are pre-
Plll'ed by computer and require
approxlmalely six weeks for elf·
livery. Since much more Ume
than that bas elapsed ln your
<'1st, lt'a being assumed that the
book was Jost In transU.
DEAR PAT : Last July my
husband changed job6. and we
moved from Michig a n to
.California. We notiried our health
insurance company <Blue Cr06s
or Michigan> to cancel our in-
sura nce as of Aug. 1 and reim·
burse US for the lWO months or Un·
u sed coverage. We've written
and telephoned lo find out when
we would receive a refund. but so
f arhave heard nothing.
OCTD Expands
Express System
Of tM 0.11, "Uot 5Uft
O~ange County Transit District
direttors agreed Monday to ex·
pand their Park-n -Ride e:rcpress
bus system by adding six routes,
most o( which traverse the south
The express network is based
on the concept or a commuter
driving to a parking area near
his home, leaving his car a nd
boarding a bus that takes him
directly to his destination.
The transit dis trict already has
· one such station in operation at
the junction of the Riverside and
Sa nt a Ana Freeways 1n
~nior planner Dave Schilling
said the expanded service would
be based initially on temporary
stations set up in shopping center
and movie house parking lots
along the routes.
Even with temporary sites. the
expansion will cost $1 .1 million
Hall Wins
State OK
the first year, with operations
starting in June .
Ultimately, the district Park-n-
Ride network will have 10 routes
for express buses serving at least
24 stations and distribution
points all over the county.
The initial expansion, Schilling
said , "''ill require 23 buses, more
than half the number due to ar·
rive this spring to expand the dis-
trict's bus fl eet to 147 vehicles.
Schilling told directors the ex-
pansion wi ll mark the district's
first entry into true vehicular
rapid transit.
As propos ed, the six routes that
will begin operating this sur;n mer
will all have stops somewhere
along the Orange Coast, ranging
from San Clemenlitl lo Costa
fllesa .
The routings include:
-Route A. connecting San
Cl e mente with the Fullerton
Park·n-Ride terminal fo r connec-
tion into Los Angeles. Stations al
Crown Valley Parkway. Canada
Drive and Culver Drive in ·
terchanges of Interstate S
.a ts
Jeer Panel
No More
E x-su bway
wotker Tom
Jordan, who quit to
.become a New York
Central Park car-
riage driver, now
declares, ··1t I 'd
. known how good
this was, I'd never
have stayed down
UPI Telepl1oto
Seek End
To Coast
fourth public h earing on possib le
replacement of the SOuth Coast
Regional Coastline Commission
'''as marked by shouting and jeer-
in g from an Orange County group.
Gilbert W. Ferguson, executive
director or a g roup cal led
CEEED (Council of Environ-
tnent. Employment, Economy
DevclopmC'nt J, said the organiza-
tion brought out about 400 con·
struclion men for the hearing
1'he coastline panels will end
their regulating activities on
coastal construction at the end of
1976 unless rev\vcd by the state
legisl ature or an initiative
measure like the one which creal·
t'd them in 1972.
State and reg ional coastline
· commissions are dra\ving up re-
t'ommendatons for possible re-
organization at the public hear·
··1r this commis s ion
perpetuates itself. it will be one or
the biggest ripaffs ever," Alfred
B. Gray told the commission
meeting in the packed board room
of the Long Beach Harbor Ad-
ministrative Building. ...
"~ou have a l.fusy track re-
cord." ht> added. The local gov-
1.'rnments v.:ill not do lhe hatchet
job on the econom y that you have
You have been Issued a refund
of $134, the unused portion oJ
your prepaid coverage. Kay Sim-
mons, assistant director of con·
sumer affairs for the Blue Cross
A1soclatJon In W ashlnll.on, r e-
Porla lh•I lh• difficulty In qulck-
ly returning your refund was due
to a personnel shirt, which ap·
parently resulted In you.r file be-
ing misplaced.
State officials officially
notified County Probation or.
ficer Margaret Grier Monday
that Orange County Juvenile
Hall ''is now a suitable place fo r
the confinement of minors.''
-Roule B . connectin g
Newport Center to Anaheim Hills
and possibly extending into
Corona. Stops at J amboree and
F'ord Roads in Newport Beach,
Orange County Fairgrounds .
lrv1ne Industrial Complex. Mall
of Orange and Anaheim in·
dustrial area. -Route C, connecting San '----------------------------'
Ca rpente r I\t 3tt Norman of
F41l erton s aid, "You are rubbing
a lot of people the wrong way. Ir
you continue to rub us the wrong
way the sleeping tiger of the AFL·
DEAR PAT: Enclosed is a let-
ter noting dates of previous cor-
respandence lo Superior }lint
Prints. Aliso PTA had contracted
with this firm to deliver 22 dozen
T-shirts and sweat shirts as an
~rganization fund-raising pro·
1ect. The PTA s till is waiting for
the delivery or rerun'd ror four of
these s hirts . The area sales
r ep r esentative has orrered
nothing but reassurance, and the
manager of the Los Angeles of-
fi ce does not return my many
. It's all taken care of now. The
: firm's s pokes man explained
· s hirts no longer can be obtained
·from the manuracturer which
; had fill ed your original order.
·Your $14 rerund for the mi.!iSlng
·shirts ts being mall ed Im ·
• med.lately. The delay, ln spite of
;your correspondence, was
~caused by ••no address avaJla·
. ble," according to Superior.
MobUe ffonre
, DEAR PAT : The interior
~ paneling in our new mobile hom e
1eems very thin . T~e wood grain
pattern also fe~ls soft to the
touch. Did wc get inferior panel·
Probably not. Most mobile
laome paneling appears to be thin
and soft. It doe11; have a tough sur-
face, however, plus being wash•·
bleand moisture rt!11Mant.
Gunmen Execute
Two Fann Workers
IVANHOE (API -Four as·
1 sailants lined six farm workers
against a wal1, then shot two of
them to death. Tulare County
sheriff's officers said.
The farm workers were accost-
ed while asleep at their residence
ln this agricultural community
over the weekend, deputies satd.
An.er the assailants lined · them
up and demanded money., one or
more of the bandits be&an firing.
Californi a Youth Authority
Director· Allen Breed's letter to
Miss Grier conrirmcd the Feb. 14
findings of an inspection team.
fl visited the hall in Orange
and found the population below
its rated capacity.
Thal wasn't the case Dec. 19
when the same s tate inspection
team round the hall overcrowded
a nd, ror the second time in s ix
months, declared it unfit for the
conrinementof minors.
The declaration came in the
form or a decerttficatiori notice
that gave the county 60 days to
correct the overc·rowding and to
file "an acceptable Plan" to keep
juvenile hall's population at an
acceptable level.
Miss Grier 5olved much or the
problem by issuing a series of ad-
ministrative orders that diverted
minor offenders lo programs out-
sid e the hall.
La,te1', th e Board o r
Supervi sO r s approved a nd
funded two p robation programs
aimed at keeping offenders in
their communities for treatment
rather than confining•'them to the
hall. * * tr
Open House
At Juvenile
Center Slated
An open -house is scheduled
Wednesday at the Orange
Coast's privately financed As-
sess m e nt and Treatment
Services Center ror juvenile
The public is Invited lo meet
with director~ of the community·
hued diversionary program for
juvenile offenders and to learn
how it works from the county
Probitlon Department
cou.nsclors wfo oper&:.~ it.
Clemente to ruture terminal at
junction or Garden Grove and
San Diego Freeways. Stops at
Crown Valley Parkv.•ay, Canada
Crivc, Culver Drive, Euclid
Avenue and Beach Boulevard in ·
tercha nges along the San Diego
Freev.'ay .
-Route D, connecting the
county rairgrounds \vith the
Fullerton Park·n -Ride terminal.
Stops at the future junction or the
Orange and Sa nt a A n a
Freeways . centr al Santa Ana
and the north Irvine industrial
-Route E, connecting San
Cle mente with the northeast
Anaheim industrial center. Stops
al San Juan Capistrano, Crown
Valley Parkway. Canada Drive
and Culver Drive freeway in-
-Route F, connecting San
Clemente to central Santa Ana.
Stops in San Juan Capistrano,
Laguna Hills Mall and Cu lver
Drive interchange.
. Plostie Potad
Ford Has Dishes
Flown to Dinner
\VASlll NGTO.N ( APJ -Aeling
on President F'ord·s orders, a
load of offici.a l china and
glassware has been flown to
F1 orida for the President·s social
events there today and Wednes-
When Southeast mayors s it
down to dine with Ford al the
Diplomat 11olel in l lolly\vood.
F1a .• tonight, they will eat. ofJ
gold-edged dis hes Y.'ilh the Great
Seal oflhe United States on them.
Press secretary Ron Nessen
said th e Pr esid e nt rei:!ls that
v.·hen he is hos t at a party .. he
would like to have his china ror
the dinner." ·
Dishes and "·1nC' g1asses fo1' as
many as 50 g uests were flown to
Florida in advance of the Presi-
dent's trip.
Nessen s3id the Ylhite I-louse
som etimes runs into a situation
where a local hotel, for example,
does not have enough matching
wine glasses.
Actually. the ofricials Ford en-
tertains are not dining orr his-
tori c \Vh ite .}louse china. What is
being used i ~ a standard china
supplied by the StalP Depart-
ment ror its use in \\lashington
and in U.S.e mbassics abroad.
UC researchers from the Lawrence
t...i vermo r e Laboratory flnish con struction on
an ex p eriment a l s ha llow water pond in
Livermore. Solar ponds are promising de-
vices for harnessing the sun's energy. The •
pond's bottom is black plasfic, ror heat
absorption. The top ls covered \vith a flat,
translucent plas tic layer to prr vent c vapora·
ti.on and a second. raised layer or semi-rigid
plastic creates 1l "greenhouse" effect.
Enviornmentalists and mem-
bers o( the Venice and San Pedro
town councils were booed by the
union men, m any in hard hats.
when they addressed the coastal
Leaders say the group consists
of union members and some busi-
nessmen who are concerned
about unemployment and the
business climate.
Nixons Back
111 Clemenle
After Trip
Richard Ni xon and his ,,.ire,
Pat, have returned lo their San
Cl e m e nte s eas ide compound
after the former president's first
long trip s ince he underwe nt
phlebitis surgery in October.
The Nixons returned Sunday
arter a five.day stay at lhe Palm
1 Desert estate of Walter Anne n-
berg. rormer U.S . Ambassador to
Great Britain .
One guest al 3 Saturday night
dinner party Annenberg gave for
the former c hi ef executive
described Nixon as looki ng thin
and tired, but added that "he was
in a ve ry good frame of mind"
and "kept the convf'rsalion very
light ."
Gues ts included comedian Bob
. )-lope, rormer Gov. Ronald
Reagan. Frank Sinatra, Leonard
Firestone and Standard Oil of In-
diana board chairman John
Patrol Power.
Border Patrol has been granted
its 26th 10-da y e xten!;ton of a con·
troversial blanket warrant for
its highway checkpoint on In-
terstate 5 near San Clemente.
The , .. ·arrant. the first of its
kind in American history , was rr·
vived by U.S . District Court
Judge Willlanl B Enright.
It was first ·1sst1ed last June
:.lfter a series of court decisions
limited the Pntrol's fr~om to
stop and se3rch vehicles .
' A4
• • ...
A Taxing
• ••
MOSCOW IUPll -Nikolai
Bulganin, the cdurtly commilsar
upslaJted by boisterous Nlkil•
Kbl'lllhchev during. their two-
man rule of the Soviet Union. dlecl
in ·obscurity at the age oC 79, Ole
Tass NewsAeenCy said today.
The official news agency said
the bearded Bul1unin, former
chairman of the Soviet COuncll 0(
Ministers, died Monday after "a
serious pro tr acted illness.''
KHRUSHCHEV overshadowed
h.is partner from the moment the
pair assumed the helm of the na·
lion in 19SS, following the fall of
Stalin's successor, Georgi
Malenkov. , · · ol sl(hl.,He ht<I ~·bol!n men·
The rustic Khrushchev wn ~ theS.Vl/llP"°"ln......,t
secret.al")'oftbeComrri.unlSlpany ,Yt...,., • , ..
and the dapper Blllganlo was pre. '. ;ra .. rol!'!rted ~lall!\111'• death .
mier during their three yem of '"-' IH1!(-dl1p1Jc~ f1'!11l M\ll<Ow
tandem rule. m.,.keet ••uraent. •• The report
Kbru!lhchev, who played tJie si\idatmplr:, :" ,_
shoe-banging buffoon ih public, './l'Ukola Bulganin, a rwmer,
worked cunningly I behind the · !h ti:man or the SOviet~~lof
scenes to shoulder ·~he , Jst;e,rs,diedonMbnd~Yailhe
aristocratic-'looking s ·ulganlh ~9t roll0Wln1 a senous pro-
aside and emerge as the stl"on.I tr , edillness.~r ,
man in theSot-iet Union. i:ULGANIN1SBE1'1ED more or
He abruptly banished Bulganin a bon vivant lh&11 'a Bolshevik,
into obscurily in 1958. Bulganin more of an aristocr8tthan a com·
was seen chattin2 with missar buthe'w9sfarfromabuf· Khrushchev at a Kremlin (ecep-roon. ' . '
tion in 1964, but then dropped out On his way ta. the titular top or
lhe bbre1'ucraer,. h.e knOeked on
doors at mtdn 1ht u a a~ret
Pollce · egenl and aer~ed with
brllHance as admtnlatrator,
enallleer and polltlcal commissar
inthearmy. •
What he lacked was the drive,
lhe eu~nfllg •nd \he long labors in
the part.y vineyards thatprovUled
Khrushchev with bls secur.e"
OR,GASEOUS:Irweareever ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. .
Bulganin was born Ji.ine 11,
1895, of middle class parents in
the city or Ntzhni Novgorod (now
Gorki>. He worked as a clerk in a
factory and became a member of
the Communist party in hi s home
town on the e"e of the revolution.
going to have peace in the West,
we'd better round LIP all the
bureaucrats who are nOW' propos.
ing Energy Plans and run them
east of the Mississippi.
Every time you turn around
these days, some governmental
fdnctionary or another is propos-
ing a new Energy· Pl~n. Jt always
sound! lofty and high-toned.
You have, of course, noted in
the news that President Ford has
an Energy Plan,
This invQlv~s· ao import lax of
$3 per barrel of oil.
' ' Al.fA Resolutfon
Changes Urged
bi Rape Laws
• I
Uf'ITel ......
The Democrats, ljkewise have
an Ene.rgy Plan. Theirs is a lS.
cent per _gallon t~ on gasoline on
an esC4latini scale up to 1977.
American Bar Association ap-
proved a resQlution Monday urg-
ing redefinition of rape laws in
all states lo include homosexual
rape as well as changes in the
laws covering assault against the
opposite sex.
SUCCUMBS AT 79 calls for the development or new Nlkolal Bulgenln
procedures tor poUce and pro--~~~~~~~~~~~~~secuton in handling rape cases.
RIGHT HERE IN our own re·
gion, an ·outfit known as the
Southern California Association
of Governrpents, or SCAG for
short. al.So )ias a plan to save !
SCAG's grand design would be
a 'lD-Cent per gallon regional tax
on gasOllne. This tax would then
be funneled into rapid transit.
You taketh froll) one kind of com·
muter and giveth to~
YOU WILL NOTE, however,
tbat all tJiese grand designs for an Enero Plan have one thing in
Grisly CO-incidence
The naked body or a girl found washed a~hore in
Melbourne, Australia may be . victim of witchcraft
sacrificial killing. Police say girl's l.efl arm had been·
severed and that a clay figure of a nude woman with
missing left arm was found 15 miles from where the
body was discovered..
comrpon. They all boil down to --------------------------
slapping a tax on somebody.
Tbatso91e1?o<1y is you.
~~e tbe Odds are good you
commute someplace to work,
sc.h_oo} o~ shop, you are l.h~ key to
the granii design. You drive. You
u·.s. Rice Shuttle
Let's assume that all the
en-:rgy planners gel their way
except President Ford. That's a
fair assumption.
So right now you pay S4 cents a
i:aUon for gasoline. Let's say you
use a modest J2 galJons each
week. That amounts to about
$6.<t& a week oT roughly $337 a
Just suppose gasoline prices go
up eight cents per gallon on infla-
tion. plus 16 cents tor the
Democrats' Energy Plan and
-another JO cents for SCAG 's
Energy Plan.
THAT'S A 34-CENT increase.
Now gasoline is 88 cents a gallon.
And. instead of costing you $337
each year to get lo work,.ilillp or
school, it's going to cost y!)IJ,lSso.
Ob well, what's 200 hue.._,nloce
ar less lO anybody lhesed~$?
Ab, but lhe Shakef'&:&tld·
Movers will tell us that .alJ•tbese
taxes added lo fuel Costs wUl dis-
courage waste and extra driving
and encourage you to use the
transit bus-if any.
Fine, you say. I'm all for Oj
greater, stronger America. But
why all this for taxes?
extra clout and then take your•
$200 and give it to a meaningful
cause. like perhaps the battle
against cancer or heart djsease?
Put it all in that kitty.
Oh, no. You couldn't do a thing
like that. Then the government
wouldn't get your money. They
wouldn't have the cash.
Then they might not have
enough money to hire the
bureaucrats to make the studies
t.Odecide what lax to levy on you
To Aid Cambodia
SAIGON (UPI) -The United Nhutairbasefortheairlift.
Stales moved hundreds of First reports from the.field" to-
truckloads or rice to Saigon day indicated heavy re~I as·
airport today tor the start of a saults on outposts and penmeler
massive airlirt to the besieg~ . defenses a,ro~nd PhnoJ!l Penh ..
Cambodian ·capital of PhnOn\ --AlthougAome office~ _said
Penh. --!bey we!F~l sure, one nulitary
Reports from Phnom' Penh 1~rce Sli~ 1'it appear~ to be the
said 13 t'oCkets slammed lnto start of lft~ long-awaited ~econd
Ponchentong Airport, where thf!:' ·ph,Q~ ofi.~ the Communist of·
U.S. planes will have to land, but fenslve. . ·
U.S. offiCials said· the attacks THE FIRST phase began last
would not stop the 35 planes in a New Ye~r·~ Eye, and has ~laced
day carrying food to Ute city of Cambocha _1n ~nger or falU.ng .to
twomilJion. Com munist control w1th1n
THE MORNING rocket at-
tackS destroyed a DC3 com·
mercial airliner and wounded
four persons. Other rockets hit in
the city and the suburbs. More
than 40 rockets were counted.
U.S. s pokesmen s aid the airlin
will begin Thursday and last 30
days, but it may go longer.
Sources said 20,000 tons of ri ce
were being stockpiled all'an Son
Daity Pilot Dtli•ery
Is G•oranhed
Monday-Friday: II you do not tlave
Vo!Jr paper by 5:30 p m .• "call belOl'e
7 p.m. and your COPY ,...u be de-
Salurday af\d Sunday: II 'fOU do not
' receive your copy by 9 a.m. Satur·
day, ex 8 a.m. Sunday. can belore 10
am. and your copy will bedellvered.
Clrc....._ Tellpf1111•
Most Orange Counly Areas "42--4J21
Norttl'#t'Sf Hunllng1on Beacti.
and Westminster ........ ..._1!20
San Qetnente. Cap1slrztno Beectl.
San Juan CaplstraflO.
Da!UI Poinl, Souttl Laguna.
Laguna Niguel •...•..•.. 4tM6JO
Only the U.S. airlift of hun-
dreds of tons of ammunition and
fuel -and..· beginning Thursday,
food -His kept the refugee-
s wollen,e$pital from falUng.
Military sources tcxtay said ob-
servatioli. pilots spotted rocket launch~js at Prey Khsat. a
village a mile from downtown
Phnom Penh. which would give
rebel gunners a dominating posi·
lion over the ci'ty.
Embassy sources said the U.S.
planes would carry enough rice
to suppl}' each ·of Phnom Penh's
residents a half-pound or nee-a
day, a bare subsistence level
Cattle Ship Sinks
Arabian cargo ship sank Monday
afternoon in the Red Sea o~C
Yemen with a cargo of 2,lcJo bead
of sheep, goats, cattle and
c amels, it was learned today. A
Prench naval ship rescued 38
members of the crew but one
seaman was reported missing.
Killer Stornl in Midwest
Floods, Snm.vstormJf Blamed for 18 Deaths
. ""',, ........ Ant_..., 11 .tu
Atlafll• SJ ll Bolllll'I <13 l9 1.tl
8'1ff•IO 61 31 .)4
Olkago 36 " .os onc1n ... 11 "' JO .11 Ol'wl..., SI 3' .01
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"Statistics show that although
sexual assault is increasing more
than other violent crime., sexual
assault upon a male is increasing
statistically faster and its effects
are often much more devastating
physttally and psychologically,''
Connie K . Borkenhagen, author
of the resolution, told the ABA's
House of Delegates.
year law student al the '(Jniversi-
ty of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
prepared a report showing that in
most cases prosecution for maJe
rape can only be brought under
sodomy statutes of the various
states as a misdemeanor.
Only Michigan, California,
florida, New York,-New Mexico
and lt1 assachusetts have re-
formed rape laws changing them
"lo recognize sexual assaults as ·
crimes of violence not sexual
passion," she said.
The resolution also recom-
1 mends that states eliminate re-
qy.irement5.i-of corroboration of a
'victim's story ; urges re-
evaluation or rape penalties ;
Bail Set
Joanne Little, a young black
woman accused or murdering a
white jailer, remains in custody
because or a mixup in posting her
Sl00,000 bond.
Bessie Cherry, clerk of court in
B~auforl County, said a
certificate or deposit ror the bond
had been returned to lhe
Southern Poverty Law Center in
Montgomery, Ala., because it
lacked a corporate seal.
Joe Levin, c"unsel tor the
center, said another certificate
marked with the corporate seal
had been: mailed to the clerk's of·
rice. The center agreed to post
the bond, set Sept. 30.
On Monday, Judge Elbert Peel
Jr., set bond of $15,000 £or Miss
Little on a breaking and entering
Miss Little was awaiting ap-
and asks for the establishment of
treatment and study centers to
help both the victim and the or.
The ~BA also ended internal
bickering and removed one
roadblock to wider acceptan<;e or
prepaid legal insurance. ~
BUT IT MAY be as long as a
decade before legal insurance
catches on for the majority or
riiiddle-lncome Americans, and
one of the primary reasons for
the delay is the current state of
the economy, an ABA official
familiar with the controversy
Prei>aid legat insur8nce first
came on the sc·ene in 1971 with an
experimental, funded program
for 230 construction employes in
Shreveport, La. According to
ABA reparts, the program is suc-
cessful and is operating on its
own funding.
Basically, it provides legal
services worth-$1,600 a year £or a
$33 annual payment by the
worker. Other programs provide
various services fer payments
ranging from $JO to$180 a year.
Yet in the past five years only
about' 20 programs Covering
about 100,000 of America's 90
million work~rs have been
established, "5ald" Philip J.
l\1urphy. an ABA staff director
ror the plan.
In another move. the ABA has
approved a r esolution calling for
a new legal definition of death as
lhe ''irreversible, total cessation
of brain function" in the human
Demere of the ABA's Law and
~'edicine Committee, which
drafted the proposal, said the
new de£inition would eliminate
the current waste or thousands of
dollars a day and precious
specialized hospital facilities on
patients whO are, by such a de-
finition,.already dead.
The Proposal was approVed
Monday by the ABA's governing
House of Delegates.
Wilbur Mills
To Continue
Center Stay
peal on the breaking and enter· WASHINGTON (AP> -Rep.
in&" conviClion last August when Wilbur O. Mills says he plans to ~he ~sca~ed from the Beaufort leave ~thesda Naval Hospital
County jail. , today for an unidelllified medical
Jailer Clarence Alligood, 62, center where he' will continue
was found stabbed to death in treatment for ''general mental
Miss Little's cell: She claimed he exhaustion."
tried to rape her.
She surrendered to state
authorities in Raleigh eight days
later ·and has been held in the
Women's Corrections Center
there pending the murder trial •
set to start April JS.
I ?"' 14"'
'I calf )t th• Brilokftri Brld~
tfird ti'• yours for lrSB.tSOI'
An aide for the Arkansas
Democrat totd newsmen on Mon-
day that Mills will have the
"finest expert care" at the new
He also.••id he is hopelul that.
the transfer will enable Mills to
return to Congress sooner but
that he could not say when that
might be.
Mills was tr eated for
alcoholism at Bethesda {or near-
ly two n\oh:ths; released bfiefly
and then r eadmitted last week
ror what bf& office described as
addltiohel examlnaUon.
The aide said doctors advised
the consress~man not to Identify
the medical center he ls entering
lei bit rdt and treatment wlll riot
.,;,, disturbed. He said lhe hospllal
la outalde the Washington, D.C.
In Lillie Roek, the Arkansas
G11~lle said the hospital
speclaliaea tp treatment of
alcohonam .. The Guoue t•ld
that when l!lll• waa clilm)jselJ
lri>m llclhetd• last month, his
pb)'llcfaos reeommended that he
enter 1ueh a f1cillly for transl·
Uon to public nre.
In Manila
MANILA, Philippines (AP> -
Two hijackers of a PhiliPi>ine
Airlines DC3 released their JS
hostages and surr~dered today,
10 hours after seiz1ng the plane
over the t'entral Philippines and
ordering it to fly to Manila. '
Before the surrender, Philip-
pines {»resident Ferdinand E.
Marcos interrupted a televised
political broadcast he was mak· I
ing to announce he would meet
one or the hijackers' demanded
fora pardon.
After being taken into custody,
the hijackers met with Philippine
authorities at the airport.
Dollar Sags
VIENNA, Austria !APl -'-The
U.S. dollar sagged to new 'lows in
European exchangt>S today as
ministers or oil producing na·
lions met to consider several pro-
posals to exclude the dollar from
oil trading.
lt reached record lows in early
trading in Amsterdam and
Brussels, a 17-month low in Paris
and a 1974-75 low in Frankfurt. It
14·as only slightly above its his·
toric noor in relation to the Swiss
Plot f'olf Pd
go\"e rnment blamed "a few un-
repentant fools'' today for an
abortive plot by young army of-
ficers to £ree jailed junta leaders
<ind set up a new military re-
Sources close to the armed
forces said at least 28 army of-
ficers have been arrested for
plotting to overthrow the seven4
month-old civilian government in
011 oe .. 1sio11
Solicitor General Robert H. Bork
says President Ford's energy
program needs a quick Supreme
Court decision on whether 12
Atlantic Coast s tates or th.-
rederal government own vast of·
(shore oil rights.
Bork argued for federal title" to
millions of acres or undersea land
l\.1onday, saying the justices de·
cided the basic issues 28 .years
ago, and ''the urgent efforts of the
President to improve the ~nergy
program require immediate
judgment here.''
KARLSRUHE, 0..rmany
(AP> --.. West Germany's
highest court today struck
d_own a laW permitting abor-
tion on demand within the
first three months oC pre· gnancy. •
The law, which was ap·
proved bf parJiament last
June, never took "effect
because of a federal court in.-
Junction. ·
The federaJ constitutional
court in ruling the law un-
c on st it u ti on al uph.eld
ch,Uen1•• flied by.live stales
with c~nservati ve. 1overo-
ments plus ,1$2 members ot'
parliament rrbm lbe DPPOti·
·llOll· Christian Democralle ·
party,, the Roman Calhollo
party. • i
' \
A :
a lowly u .. s1 ~ry plnl
•l!Quld n'10 11
• Ill
are .ii<
dam a
in COil
the poi
' LO
are e1
if t
11 n
hou! m°' cj
the me
AU( s;
I --~
• '
Male Uberatlon
Airline Must Hire
More· Men .Stewards
. LO~ ~NGl!iLES <AP> -Men's
liberation ls taking flight too
sldWly. 6ays a federpl judge u\s. J?tstrict Judge Avery.
Cl'pY •~tee.sled to Continental Af{llnes• atJorncys that the firm
s~I~ hir<1'.Si>rmen for every 19
new gnbt att.endit,nls as Ii. WUi)' lQ.'
'atiold ~llar~es ol employment
dlBuimU1a1""1 ag~lnst m<;l/.
Cr'ary n~ that' the number or ste'."'ar~htred by the airline in
FJiebntfry as down froqa •"1ary'squota. .~,, .. ~.Sidi /11ed
. SAN FJIANC!s'co (UPI) -
1'1•yor .THePll Alioto and the San. Fta'?cls~ ~o'licc Department
are .de(enC:ta:nts In a $14 million
damage sult related lo last
year's ·~Zebra'' strt•et slayings.
State ) '
cf'Poi:_t appears to be .the rron·
trunqer for the Job with the
\l(itHi:lr•wal Monday or Uh.iver~'· ty,of~lchlgan Presiderit ~bben
School 'Bill Dela11ed
\ '
Brown Administration has dealt
a major and perhaps fatal blow
to 'a measure providing
California schools with almost
S80 million in "urgent" inflation
assistance. .... ;;;;;;;
Henry Ford, II
• • •
Tuesc!!y. F.t>ruary ~. 1975 OAK.YP!l.OT Al
~ff sho1-e DriUfn9
. -
Oil Spill 'Certainty'
jor oll spill is almo5t a certainty
if underwater drlllin' is
permitted on 1.6 D1llli<>n acres.of!
the Southern California coast,
says a federal report.
The 2,041 page Department of
Interior d~ument is a draft o( an
.teovirontnent.al Impact' report on
·the proposed federal drilling
plans. Details of the tentative re-
port were rePorted in today'5 edi-
tionof the Los Angeles Times.
· Amon" the key points:
'" -.. There is over a 95 percent
chance of a platrorm spill" dur4
lng the 30-year lire span of the 60
plaUorms planned .
-If a large spill does happen,
'"there is an 80 ~rcent chance
that the volume will exceed 2,380
barrels and a 35 percent chance it
will exceed 23,000 barrels."
The massive Santa Barbara oil On the other hand, the state·
sp1ll ol 196? hlt an estimated total . ment estimates that revenuH
ot 100,000 barrels. Ecologists and could range from $11 billion to
many others, Including some $146 billion over 30 years of pro.
political figures, oppase the drill· duct ion. Probably state and local
ing. Oil companies constituted governments would pick up $1
the major support at recent local billion from taxes on onshore
hearings in Santa Monica. facilities.
Killed By Be:ar
$87,418 Awarded
In Death of .Man
The, suit was filed Monday by
~even men. rounded up last Miiy
in connett1on with the random
killings, codc·named "Zebru" bv
the Police. ·
Saxo11 'f'ronf r1111ner•
University of California regenL'i
are expected to name a replace·
ment for UC President Charles.
Hitch at a special meeting
scheduled here Saturday.
The adrn inistration f\londay
declared its opposition to the
measure during a hearing of the
Senate Finance Committee, and
the panel later voted 7.4 Lo delay
:t('tion on the bill until nf'xl
,\flor11e11 Dbborred
state Supreme Court on Monda y
ordered Chino atlorney John T
Tomlinsoh Jr dis barred for
financial misconduct
The court held that ·romlinson
sho"•ed a "shocking readiness to
place his O\~·n financial interests
. above the financial and personal
interests of his clients."
Rap Facing
Henry Ford
The report also noted that a
major spi ll could cause
widespread destruction or
THE DRAFT ALSO wa.rnSthat'
ma;0or spills could also result in
transporting the oil to shor e,
either by pipeline or tanker. The
t'op spill, from a tanker, could hit
288,000 barrels .
federal judge late Mo1l9ay
awarded $87 ,417 .67 in all to l:he
parents and siste r of Harry E .
Walker, 25, Anniston. Ala ., killed
by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone
National Park.
The damages -a long ways
rrom the $500 ,000 being sought -
came as Judge A. Andrew Hawk
ruled that the park service had
been negligent on several counts.
The judge said the park of-
, ficers should have warnud that
the bears had only recently at the
time had their favorite food
sources, the garbage dumps,
closed abruptly.
'l'he judge also said the park
service should have continued its .
mbnitoring the grizzlies and could
have at little expense. The
monitor.ing, by radio beepers,
had been done shortly before on
some 600 park bears.
a.loreover, the judge stated, the
particular bear "'hich made the
attack had already once been
moved out of the area, but should
have been moved even further
away from populated park areas.
The victim and a companion.-
Phillip J-1 . Bradberry, 25, Oxford,
/\la., had been camping about a
half mile rrom the Old Faithful
geyser when the attack ~curred
on June26, 1972. David S. Saxon, 55, IA'ho is UC
provost and UCLA vice C'han ·
Auto executive Henry Ford JI
"·as driving on the wrong side or
the road when he was arrested
tor driving under the influence of
liquor, police say
Lady's Bathlwuse
Attendant a Male
BOSTOr<; (AP) -The city has been told it must hire a man as
an atlenda.n~ for a l~dy·s buth~o~se <:1t a public s"·imming pool.
The C1v1l Serv1c<' Comm1ss1on and the Massachusetts Com-
mission Against Discrimination told the city it could not restrict
the job to women and must hir£' the first qualified applicanL even
if that meant hiring u man '
~nd it ~id . Parks and Recreation Commissioner Anthony
Forg1on.e sa.id_ everyone expected the man to decline the job when
he was 1nterv1ewed, but he said he "'anted it. He would not iden-
tify the man.
Forgione said he "ill try to gel the slate commission to
change its ruling.
"I must tuke the position thut I cannot put u male attendant
in a female bathhousl', rcgurdll•ss of the la\\" on discrimination "
he said. '
J-le said Civil S1.·r\ ice sends :1ppli cants on a staggered basis so
every other one is a female and he might be forced to hire eight
persons togct four femules to work in the rem ale bathhouses. The
four males then "'ould be put lo "'ork at male bathhouses, ""here
they are not needed . ,,
'Tough But Fair'
·Womwi Nominee Testifies
From l\:ire Ser\1ices
Carla A. Hiiis has testified. she
would be a tough but com ·
passionate housing secretary
who would "forbear rather thun
foreclose'' "'hen the poor
couldn't meet mortgage pay·
Al a Senate Banking Commit-
tee confirmation hearing. Mrs.
Hills. 41, sat alone at a long, nar-
row table fielding questions rro1n
11 male senators for nearly three
hours and winning {he backing of
most of them.
Chairrnan Wiiiiam Proxmire
(D-Wis .) called her unqualiried
••jn this complicated, highly
technical business" of housing
but said the Senate "'ould ne\'er
reject a woman nominut.cd for a
cabinet post. • Susan Ford, the President's
17-year-old daughter, applied to
the Washington Post for a sum-
mer intern job as a photo-
A spokeswom an said Susan ap·
pUd to work during July and
She has been studying photo-
graphy with Ford's chief photo-
grapher D~vld llume Kennerly.
* Former White House Counsel
John W. Dean II was suspended
from the practice of IBW before
the U.S. Supreme Court.
Jn a one·parairaph order, the
justices also called upon Dean to
sho';' cause within 49 days why
they should not dlsbarJtjm.
Dean, a onetime aide to form er
Presldeont Nixon, ""'as instrumen-
tal in Watergate disclosures
through testimony before Senate
investigators and in court
* Frank Sinatra has been elected
abbot or the Friars Club, the
show business fraternal or-
ganization formed in 1904 by
George M. Cohan.
lie s ucceeds the late Ed
Sullivan and thus becomes the
10th abbot in the c lub's history_
Former abbots include Joe E.
Lewis, 1\-tillon Berle and Mike
Todd. • Former Prime Atinister John
Diefenbaker entered Ottawa
Civic Hospital to undergo tests, a ·
statement from his office said.
Diefenbaker, 79, developed a
rever while attending a winter
fair last week in hi s home consti-
tuency or Price Albert, Sask.
Eugene O'Nelll's dau1,hter.
Oona ChapUn, joined a rnove-
m e n,t to acquire the· tote
playwright's home-in ,the east
San Francisco Bay community of
Danville as acu~· ra1center.
t he Eugene 'N · 1 Founda-
tion said that M s . C~lin, actor
Ch•rlie ChaPlin's. fourth ,wire,
had.J"'ritten the couple's endorse-o\ e n t rrom h er home in
* •
It Y.'ill be 5.000 men &hd one
womah aboard the U.S. carrier
Saratoga in the Mediterranean
ne"-t ""·eek. Mrs. Berit lla(stad, a 38-year-
old Conservative member of the
Norwegian Parliament. is the
woman and the first civilian ever
lo sleep aboard a U.S. carrier up-
on of£icial invitation by the U.S.
government, a spokesman ror
the U.S. embassy in Oslo said.
Kathleef1 DuRoss, a Detroit
model, Was \\'ith Ford when he
"'as arrested, police said. She
"'as not held.
Ford, 57, chairman or Ford
Motor Co., spent more than three
hours in the Santa Barbara Coun-
ty jail before posting $375 bail
early Sunday. the sheriff's de-
partment said Monday.
lie paid the money in cash
himself and v.·as ordered to ap-
pear in Municipal Court on
'9farch7. llecould berinedS375if
The arresting officer, ll.G.
Hunt of the California Highway
Patrol. said Ford "was weaving
in the Jane" or one of the main
commercial streets of suburban
Go.let a v.·hen he "'as slopped at
11 :45p m .Saturday.
HUNT SAID Ford was dri\'ing
20 miles an hour southbound in
the northbound lane when he first
saw the 1975 two-door Ford sedan
the auto maker was driving.
llunt said he watched as the auto
crossed over the "'hite center-
~lripe several times.
Ford consented to the blood
test after his arrest, said Hunt.
lie "·as booked a nd fingerprint·
ed, listing his occupation as
chairman of the Ford Motor Co.·
A spokesman ror the California
l~ighway Patrol said l''ord was
given a blood test to-determine
hi s 5obrietY. before he was
charged ""·ith driving under the
inCluence of an alcoholic
Results or the test are expected
Day Nixed
By Assembly
Assembly Monday tumeddawna
move by Assemblyman John
Briggs. CR-Fullerton), lo hold
Thursday Lower House floor
sessions in the morning, and on a
48· 13 vote sustained the current
schedule of arternoon sessions
set by Assembly Speaker Leo T.
At McCarthy's direction. the
Assembly recently switched its
Thursday rloor sessions lirrom
morning to arternoon. The ouse
reconvenes Mohday morning.
The change angered some
lawmake r s because it meant
they could not fly or drive to their
districts until late Thursday or
early Friday, redueing the time
they can sf>end with constituents.
Some have used the earJ.y
"getaway" for Thursday after·
noon golf matches.
schedule, arguing jt meant
hardships for those ·who must
drive to remote California dis-
tricts. In Briggs' case, it means
he often will mis s the last flight
to his Orange County district on
McCarthy said the Thursday
afternoon session was vital to
eliminating conflicts in u,e oom·
mlttee schedule anCI was in keep.
The Greek e lectoral court ing with the concept of a "full-
lurned down the appeal lodged Lim~ legislature."
by Melina Mercourt for her al· F'our Republicans jolne·d
lcged illegal exclusion from Democrats in vOtlng "yes" whlle
Parliament due to vote countinS the only Democrat voting "no\•
irregularities. was Assemblyman Vincent
Kat May Lose
Gourmet Diet
SAN JOSE (UPl1 -Jt'splain
old pet rood ror a nurry .brown
and v.·hite cat named "Kat" un-
til a court decides whether she is
entitled to an $8.000 diet or
cracked crab, s hrimp, and
chopped Ii ver.
Visitors to the park. including
Walker, should have been warned
that the bears might logically ut-
tempt lo gel into the picnic area
i n~tead, the judge staled.
THE JUDGE 'S decision
divides the award between the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Walker. and the victim's unmar-
ried sister, Jenny Lynn Walker.
all or Anniston, Ala. The father
was a""·arded $35,697.67, the
mother $34 ,480 and the sister
Gate Crushes
Dairy Worker
Her friend and keeper, Robert
Weiss, died in November. His
handwritten will left the money
to '"Kat'' for her gourmet treats.
CORONA (UPl>-A<IOO-pound
electrically-operated gate
slammed shut Monday, crushing.
the head or a 28-ye3r-old dairy
John Lima \\'as working at the
rear or a milking stall "'hen he
reached outside the stall to press
the button which operates the
gale. Investigators said he died
instantly when · the gate swung
shut and crushed his head.
Deputy county counsel Brian
Carr, who insists he likes pets,
now says "Kat" might not be
legally qualified to inherit the
estate directly because Weiss also
was survived by relatives in the
Attorneys said the case was the
second instance of a suit after a
grizzly bear killed a man. The
first, also in Los Angeles, was
sPttled in 1968 ror $100,000 out of
court. That grizzly attack had
been in Glacier National Park.
Ask for Amfac's Home Equity Loan. You
simply borrow against the increased value of
your house and what you've already invested
· in it. No points. No prepayment penalty. (You
pay only for the time you use the money.)
And it's fast. We can lend you from $2,000 to
$25,000. What you do with it is up to you.
Write or come see us.
r---------------------1 I\ ." I I uun1ac THRIFT & LOAN :
I Yes, I'm interested in Amfac's Home I I Equity Loan. I
I MailtotheAmfacomcenearyou. • c.111 I ·---------------------·
~=· "(//tit£ 'S NO fOOL t!Kt 11110£ P
FOOL-rbtJ .IVS r Cllll' r BtA T
t/f PER.lc#CE. ··
The 50·year-old actress, who Thomas, <D ·San Pedt0).
also is known for her hit movie, Thomas said his physician has
··~ever . On Sun~ay ." cam-prohibited him trOm taking p~1gned 1n a wor~1ng class dis-airplane rlights. This means that tn~t. of the port city or Piraeus he must drive to his Los Angeles
a.dJ01nlng Athens on thC! party area district every Thursday
ticket of Andreas Papandreou's . nia:ht in order to meet with his :
Panhellenic Soclallst Movement. constituents Frid·ay. ·
Costa Meal!, 270 East 17th St .. 92627
Fullerton, 624 N. Harbor Blvd .. 92632
SantaAna, 1.020N. Broadway,92701
l' ). ~.' 'l
Park Needs Attention
Almost exactly a year ago,. Orange Counly gov·
emlil_ent made the ~lggest open 4pace purchase In
counfy bistory-$1.4 million for the magnificent
5,500-acre Starr Ranch.
The scenic wilderness parcel represented a
strong desire by county officials to preserve a vast
piece of county ltt.nd in its natural state for a ll time.
· 'fhc ¥03 I \Vas admirable and still is. But to date.
no J>lann1ng has been done to determine Q,ow this can
best l>c accomplisht.'CI.
Though $150,000 was budgeted for park planning,
almost nothing has been spent.
Even if tbe., park i~ to be retained in the wild,
meticulous stUdy and master planning must be done
so officials can better understand how the job of pre·
scrv ~•l ion is to be handled.
Some outstanding questions also ·must be
ans\\·cred. f'or exam1>le, the nagging issue of poten.
tial sand and gravel 1nining oa lhe property is un-
Saving such a resource from undesirable en-
croachment of any kind will take more than simply
bu,yin~ the land and letting it sit. Usage patterns wJll
develop that could block good planning at a later date.
Better Use for Money
Revelations since the 1972 national elections have
·spotlighted the ever·present danger of influence-
buying by big campaign contributors and the
vulnerability of special interest groups to pressure
from political fund raisers.
Now three California state senators are sponsor~
Ing legislation that would combine private and public
campaign financing.
Their measure would limi{ contributions from a
single source to $100, but in turn would provide tor a $2
paymerlt from state funds for each $1 raised by a can-• •
didate for state Offlce for bona fide campaign ex-
penses In the general election.
Limits of expenditure would be determined by the
number of registered voters involved and the
sponsors estimate the program would cost the state $4
million a year.
Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy, himself an ad-
vocate of public election financing, has suggested
that action be deferred on this and other money bills
"unless they create jobs or feed hungry 1><1ople."
Since the next full·scale state election ls not until
1978, there is little need to rush.
Two Grand Juries?
Legislation pending in Sacramento would require
Orange County to have two grand juries, one to act as
a watchdog in civil matters. and the other to hear
criminal cases: ·
There is no question that Orange County govern-
ment has grown large enough and complex enough to
require the full attention of the grand jury.
And, so far, there has been little argument with
the desirability of expanding the jury's watchdog role
to include periodic examinations of municipal gov·
ernments. ·
But there is a sharp difference of opinion over the
advisability of establishing, a criminal grand jury
called for in AB352.
Both the Orange County Trial Lawyers Associa-
tion and County Public Defender Frank Williams say
a full-time criminal panel might lead to abuses of the
indictment process, by an ove r ·zealou·s dis trict at-
However, the existence of a separate jury to hear
criminal cases does not necessarily mean that there
will be abuse. .
Orange County has t'nuch more. to gain than to
lose by adopting the two-jury system.
.~ -~ .......... __
'One, you can't swim -two, you're already married -
and three, she's a niyth anyway!'
Find the
Odd Men
Re11g1111 Cl111lle11ge Loo111i11g?
GOP Right Says Ford Must Go
In Quiz
Wonder about the high
cost of food? The checkers
at the market where J shop
were paid triple time to
work on Washington's
birthday. I'm s ure others.
like me, could easily have
shopped on Sunday or
WASHINGTON -The increas-( J
ing possibility that Ronald EVANS-NOVAK Reagan, vigorously backed by
conservatives, will challenge "'-------------'
By long odds, the "Odd Man
Out" quiz is the most popular of
them all. Jn each of the following
lists, one entry does not properly
belong. Which one, and why?
One·third right is a not despica-
ble score.
l . ''The Gold Bug,'· ''The
Tuesday.~ J .A .C.
~, G.,c_,.., '"'",..,.HM~
~ .... Mlftff•U1t~llyr.8Kt1llolt
ri1twt et ttMt 111tw~. $.IN.,._. ... _ ...... G ...... yGvs, Dally "111tt..
Golden A~$," ''The <;;olden ANSWERS:
. Bough," •The Golden Hind,'' l . All literary works, except and '"Golden lloy." "'Goldep :t-lind," the ship in which
2. Milton C. Work, Milton J . Drake sailed around the world. 1.
Cross , 1i1ilton Sills, Milton 2. Alf real people (bridge eX·
Keynes, and 1\1 ilton Mayer_ pert, radio announcer, actor, and
3. Simoom, Cartouche, writer) except Milton Keynes,
Chinook, Foehn, Mistral. the largest of the ''newtowns'' in·
4. End. 1'"rame, 1-leat, Touch, England.
and 1-'lin"ch . 3. All fierce winds, except
5. Gen. De Guullc, Admiral •·cartouche," an architectural
Darl<)n, King Louis I. Je_~ Paul. figure.
1i1arat. and Preside~-Sadi 4. All J>reakPoints of play, in
~arnot. eurling, bowling. racing, and
6. Gouachc . Grisaille, fencing, e~eept ''Flinch," a
Penuche •. lmpasto.,.and -game. ·
Scrim:shaw. . • 5. All assassinated Frenchmen
7. La rch, Juniper,'SequOi:t, -exceptGen:-DeGaullc.
Y~w. and Banyan. 6. All painting techniques. ex-
8. '"Old Folks at llome," "Old cept ''Penuche~·· a confec ~
Curiousity Shop,'' ··old Mortali-tionary.
ty;· ··01d 1.'l other Vlest Wind,'' 7. All coniferous trees except
C:jfld "Old \Vives' Tale.·· · the Banyan.
9. Calabash, Chibouk. 8. All stories, c x:cept ••old
1-lornfe l s, N::irgilah, and f'olks at Home,'' a Stephen
'.fyrole;in. Foster song.
IO. Beaufort Se~. Laptev Sea, 9. All smoking pipes, ex:cept
Kara Sea. Darl•nts Sea, and Ross "Hornfels," a type of rock.
Sea. 10. Seas s urrounding the Arctic
11 . Little Dorrit, T.ittlc Flower, Circle, except for Ross Sea.
l__.i ttle Evu. Little John. and Little 11. All fi ctional characters. ex·
Nell. cept for Little Flower, the sobri·
12. •• LC'du and I he Swan,,; ''The ,: quet of the late Mayor Fiorello
Hound of !leaven," .. The llunt· LaGuardiao!NewYork.
ing of the Sn ark ... "'The Leaping 12. All poems, except 1 '1'he
J-lorse," and ·"rhc Gingh::im Dog Leaping Horse,:• a painting by
<.ind the Calico Cat... • <.:onstable.
President Ford for the 1976
Republican presidential nomina-
tion was inadvertently enhanced
by the unfortunate timing of two
White I-louse decisions.
Within days of the recent con-
servative con·
ference at
hotel, the
White House
let it be
First, that
t .w·o ! c I os e
aides Or Vice
Nelson Rockefeller, James Can-
non and Richard Dunham, would
become top staffers of t he
Domestic Council in the White
House -in effect a cession by Mr.
Ford of that territory to his Vice
President. Second. that Carla A. llills,
now Assistant Attorney General
for civil right s. would be
nominated as Secretary of Hous-
ing Bnd Urban Development
ing!}' unrelated to 1976 presiden-
tial politics. helped harden the
consensus of the conservative
conference: with Mr. f'ord
beyond redemption in their vi ew.
influential conservatives are now
thinking less of forming a new
fparty and more of seeking the
Republican nomination "'ith :111
increasingly available Reagan
even if the incumbent Pres ident
seeks a full term.
Appointing thl' Rockefeller-
aides gave the conservatives
more evidence to justify their
J.'ord-must-go theme. Since
Shah Gets Down to Business
1'he ""holL· thing !-.ta rted when ( ] · ''J t the Sh ··h or 1,,,,,, bought Pan· , 1ngernO\\'. can f!.C ~ou one1n d'· " ART HOPPE ady-made wholesale. lt"s ea le American. PennCentra1.•·
\Vhcn th(• Li.S. gO\'t'r'nment"a p· "'-------------' "'To think ," said his peasants,
proved the s;iiL' "'1th seeming re-as they trudged do\vn their goat
luclancc. n1o:sl Amt•rirans felt a ·potentates what you require ts paths. •·that we own u vast
twinge of uneuSL'. l.1ttlc did they one of the world's bjggest .networkofrailroJds '.''
know the de~il had bt-cn consum· airlines." ·
mated by that 1nast r·r or inl1;gue. ")1ou'rc right," said the Shah.
llug:hes Kissi n i:c rnow. the •·sut buying the planes. truining
\ Jorml'r ust.•d ~uc.·dl' s hoe the pilots, lc:iching the
~alcsmun . s tewardesS C'S to really mo\·e
Kissingerno\v s inlfJl.v knocked tails .•• "
on the pala<"e ''Don·1 \\'O rry ," said Kiss··
door and when ingernO\\'. "I can Jct you have one
1 he Sh a h right off 1he rack. It comes rom·
opened it ht• plete wilh ~111 optional ac-
said . ··Shah. <'essprics. inclu.ding 8 zillion-
old friend. I 'm dollar debt. Tnstant prestige!''
going to make ·•where do l si~n?'' said the you an offer S you can't re-habh3ppily.
fuse.•• ••To TlllNK, ••said the Iranian
··1 already peasants proudly as they moved
take Playboy, about on their camels and
Penthouse and Oui :· sald the donkeys, "thot we now own one
Shah,closingthe door. or the world's biggest airlines!''
"Wbat you desperately need to And the Sh3h smugly dropped its
enhance your international pre· name at Biarrltz and Gstaad.
stlge," $&id Kissingemow, insert· A week later Kissinoemow was jnghisfoot, "is an a.irline." • ·· back, "Shah , old friend," ~e1ald,
•. "I've ~ot an airline.• !Aid the ''what you dcsperatd'ly need riow
Shah. to prove you arc the ~t.Pte or
''A T\\'O·tJIT airline." aaid •
.J\1ssingtrnow with a s niff:.
"fo;vl"ry lv.o·bit country's got. a
two·b1t airline to enhanc~ its
leader's prettlJe:. But as the
richest and most powerful or
a modern, developed counlry J.s ll
vast n~twork or railroads.••
"You're right," aald tho Shah.
"'But buying the locomotives.
laying the track, prihUng the
timet.ables upsidc.<Jownj •• ••
"'Don't worr,," sad Kl&..<s·
TllF. SllAIJ wns c·ontent until
Ki ss ingerno\v noted he could
never claim to be the monarch of
an industrialized society unless
he owned one of the \\:orltl 's bi.I"!·
gest automobile plants, c rnploy·
ing thous::inds of workers. '·con·
fidenttally," he sa id . ··1 can ~ct
you Chrysler on thC' cheap · ·
·•To think.·· sai<I the JX'<i!'>anl~
grumblJngly. :rs they l ~1borcd to
v.•eave rug:s for I 1,1,·o rials u cla:ii.
·:that we own .•. ··
The fin a l straw 'c::imc when the
Shah renched the pinnacle of pr<'·
stige. thanks to Ki ssingemow.
"Henceforth, wh en I travel from
Mtnhattan to Brooklyn," he nn·
nounced triumphantly, "I will
travel on my very own bridge!''
TO THIS DAY, the Shah enjovs
the prestige of being the man \l.•ho
pttreh\le:ed for Iran Vs very own
huge airline , vast railroad
network• giJnt auto firm and lt~klyn Bridge. tic cnjors it wbll~ sitUn~ on the Walt St.reel eurll, soiling apple.. ·
···With fri ends like lho
Americans," he i ~ fond of S3.ylng,
"who needs lsraclis ?''
Rockefeller is indelibly. if ir-
rationally. the devil incarnate to
the Republican right, handing
domestic policymaking to the
Vice President puts the Presi-
dent in league with E'Vil. The cor·
ridors at the fl.1 ayflower were
buzzing over this outrage.
TllE . NOMIN1\TIO!'\ of ).frs
l·lills. in contrast. went virtu;tllv
unnoticed by the conservativ~
meeting. But Reagan noticed. I-le
views 1.lrs. Hills, a Los Angeles
lawyer. as a liberal Republican.
While s till serving as governor of
California las t year, he quietly
protested then f>rcsident Nixon·s
nomination or her to the Justice
Department. As an ex-governor
today. he was not pleased that
Mr. Ford failed to consult him on
naming her to the cabinet.
According to Reag;Jn's inner
circle. the appointment of 1i1rs.
liills further <Jccelerated his
intcresl. which has been rising
since he left office six "'·eeks
ago. in seeking the presidential
nomination -against Mr. Ford.
if necessarv. .
The cutalyst moving both thl'
conservat ives and ltl'ag<.1n
toward a point Of OO·return is 1t1r.
Ford's $52 bil11on budget deficit.
Thus, the nominations o( Mrs.
!!ills and the Rockefeller aides
merely confirmed and solidified
a trend. .
.TH E ~I 0 0 D 0 F the
Rt'publican right \\':ls typified
al the conference by the frigid re·
ception given Clarke Reed, the
veteran and tenaciously con-
. servative Republican state
chairman or Mississippi, on his
two·pron~ed mission: to sto1l
third-party talk and stir up sup·
port for }'resident Ford.
Actually, about two-thirds of
the 500 conservatives at the con·
fcrencc favored forming a new
conservative party. But the re·
maining one·third, opposing ii.
had the power. Reed was sup· .
ported by Sen. James Buckley of
New York, Reps. Philip Crane of
Illinois and Robert Bauman of
Maryland and Reagan himself in
!tis Saturday night address.
BUT REED was all alone
when he urged conservatives to
say something good about Mr.
Ford. There was stony silence
when Reed begged them to back
the President in fi ghting a liberal
Democra tic Congress and
particularly to praise his efforts
for strong national defense.
Reed. accustomed to leading
the party's conservatives. \\·as ill ·
prepared !or his reception la.'it
Jn fact. despite disastrous
performances by consC'rvalive
c·nndid::ilC's in the 1974 t'lection .
the right has been quietly ~aining
sin<'e then in taking contr".ll of the
party machinery. l\fost recent
"''as the coup l'-''O "''eeks ago at
the California llt'publican state
convention by ril!hl-wing in·
surgenls v.·ho defeated the slalt.'.
{'onservati\'e itself ~L·ll'cled hy
the Republican est uhlishmcnl
President f;orJ has nu C;Jsy
response to this phenomenon. lie
obviously has no intention of re-
versing carc·ful dt.•ci sions. ~uch
as the nomination of l\frs. Hills
and the Rockefeller aides. which
probably "''ould not appease the
right anyway. All he can do is
hope against hope that the
economy is revived more qWckly
than fore1.:aster s believe, putting
him in the normal invulnerable
pos1tll111 ..., 1th in his part)'. of past
in<'umbent 11 residents,
Other\\ 1st•. 1fhe renlly intends lo
run. thl' 1{£'puhlicun party max
be ln for it s '-''Orst internal strug.
gle since 1912. v•ilh the consc--
quences inl'om par ably "·orse.
'One Man, One Vo~e'·
Unrealistic Slogan
Efforts to ac·hievC" .. equal
reprcsent::ition·• which let! to the
.Suprem e Court ··one man. Ont•
vote'· decision arc continuin.e <ts
legislator~ seek ¥-'ays of ··en
couraging" citizens to exercise
their ··rights" or "duties·· 111
balloting. Propos<Als for perm<.1 ·
nent re,::i slration and rna1I re
gistratlon are being rene\\~d.
The contention is th3t, because
of light turnouts, candid<.1tes arc
being placed in office by as little
as 25 percent of those rec;istered.
In such situations the y.·inner ac ·
tually repres e nts an even
s maller part of the citizenr.v
since the number rcgislcred is
far below the total eligible. One
can argue th al th ose not intercst·
ed enough in their governmen t lo
vote don't deserve representa·
tion but it remains that good gov·
ernment requires the full
participation of its citizens. ·
But. no matl l•r "''hat thl'
Legislature may do to stimulatl'
voters, the Su prcme Court de-
cision has made fair and cffer·
live representation \"irtualls 1n1 ·
still bristling because the d<'·
cision compelled the abandon-
ment or its legislative plan, pat·
terned after Congress. "'ilh the
Senate districted by area and the
Assembly apportioned to equal
pqpulation . Tt protected th<-
rilhts of those living outside of
population centers from the rule
of a tyrannical majority.
\\!hi le the Court's decision was
hailed as "great"' al the time by
some, the monumental error of
semantics in confusing "fair and
cffecti\•c"' , . .,.ith ''equal ''·
representatiOn is now coming to
light. Writiqg in the Hastings:
Law Journal for Septembel'.
Billie A. Rosen takes aim al lhc
decision and advances a plan fo r
making elections truly represen~
Rosen charges the "one man,
one vote'' is an "ttnrcalistic
cliche" and says it will never be
more than "a good slogan." The
preoccupation of the eou'rt wlth
numbers ignores "the most jm.
portant aspect, the qualit,Y or the
voter'A representation.' As is
pointed out the emphasis has
been on the total number or resi-
dents and on census figures
r11;thl!r than on voting J)Opulatlon .
This does not renec\ the sul:w!tan·
tla1 variations In the districts or
persons not qualified to vote
~cause or age and other factors.
''IT IS ONLY 1r lhe number of
.valid b•lloU Jn every di~trict Is
1dcnt1t:al thal lhc right of a
citil<'n to l•q11.il r('presentation
::ind to h~1\·l' his \'ote "''eightcd
c-qu;illy ''1th those of all other
t 1t1zens is at all meaningful."
E\'en so. Rosen says, because the
Court ruled th<Jt districts must be
~-in strict accordance with num·
hers <.111d no consideration to
community 0£ intl'rest. "fair and
crfective representation may
st ill be un elusive ideal.''
To illustr;1te, Rosen holds that
a s tale split 60-40 between·
Ocm(}{'rals and llepublicans con
d1strirt "'so that each has exactly
this partisan C'Onl position, pre-
cluding the 1.'lection o[ any
ROSEN ALSO attacks the cur.
rC'nt method of electing officials
\\hf'r~. in a field of more than
l\\'o. the front runner wins even
tbou~h he fails to g:.iin SO percent
of the ,·ote. Pointing out lhal a
\'Oler oCten "''ill pass over the can·
didate c!OSfsl to his \•iews in
fa,·or of one ,,·ho appears to have
the best chance of defeating the
one he most strongly opposes.
Rosen·s solution is a system
"'·hereby a voter \vould indicate
several choices on the ballot in
order of preference known as
preferential proportlonJll
representation. Conceding "ft is
mechanically too complJcated"
for voters to understand, it is ad·
"anced as a one which "&uara"'
tees fair and effective rep!''tsen·
1 talion.·• · · • ·• ' '
Rnbert N. Went, Publ.i3her'
Thomo3 KtftVil, r:ditor
Barbara Kreibich.
Edilorlal Page Edi.tot
The t-ditorial page or the' Dalr,
PUot •ffk3 to Inform and Mimulate
readers by pr~enlin1 on th1-,..,. diverse commenlar'f'on lOpltt ol In•
ten'!1I by syndltated t-olumnlttt Ind
<'art~ltt"· by provldin1 • rorunt for re"Aden · \'icw s Dnd by ~ntln1
this n•wspaper·a opinions and lrle11~
on current toplta. The editorial 1
opinlnns or thll Dally P'lkll appear
only in lht' cd~tori•l tolumn •l the
top of tht pa11e. Opinlnns •xprtJ*
hy the columni111 and c1rtoonl~ts
and lttter wrlter!I are the-ir nwn.1nd
no endorJi.•menl of their vif'WI bf the
Dtul~' Pilot 1hould be Jnferrtd.
Tuesday, February 25, 1975
' I
Tuesday. F ebruary 25. 1975 DAJL y PILOT A 7
r QUEENIE By Phil lnterlondi 1 .-~~~--~~~~.;..;;.;.;.;;.;.;::.:.:::.i Tonight's TV
I •
"llarry! Arc you in lhere?" ___ ,,.., ..... "' ·-Other Deaths
1U PJ J -Civil rig hts
l e ader s a tt e nd e d
memorial services dur-.
ing the weekend for Carl
Braden, a cofoundcr of
the Southern Confe rence
Educa ti o n a l Fund.
Brade n died o r a heart
attac k Fe b. 18. Braden, a
controve rsiul civil rights
figure in the South, was
convicted of <.1dvoc..·ating
sedition in Loui !>vill~ in
Dccenmbcr, 195-1.
<UPI) -Frank Branch
Riley, 99 , O r egon 's
1ongtime ''Ambassador
of Good Will," died Sun-
day in a hospital. Riley
C'XtOIJCd the beauties 0£
Ore go n fr o m 19 18
through 1964 in lt:>cturr
to urs thro ugh out the
United Stales.
Dh•solul lo11s
01 Mnrrloge
(1Ut fH 1'•••11.trJ II
Gof'l'I<. ~rr O•<in• ~11 Woth<lrn Vd•11 ,
W>lll•m\, M<l•<tY•I• Y •nd Tl'l<>"·l "
Alt"''°" uo1n~11 f """Mu'""'" 11;.,., ku•I. l n""'"~ >to """ C.llo• IOl l•
Rollf', ~0<00:1>t-s .. ~ .tnd '"' '""' JOnn
M.anuWI M,Ol \11 .. (. dnd °''"'""' I Hol!m.tn, Jull+lll t<N>•' <lnd. i<<>t• 11
""°'" Newm ..... t"•OQO'nc' •I rn "'"' '""""'m R...-.ld
R•tmoo ... V•<<1•n•• A •nd """' s AiCC••d• Judr Ann .inn M•< n••I v,1.,
HO••(k, t<f'ten .. nn 1•"•·· f 11 .. ..,,,
AmQ<'o...,, Jft••"'<" ""'"'~ dn.i Mot••!
1 ... ep ..
Wood,T1111.11 M ,.nd Jd<•l•nn
C.•f'q.1111. l •ndJ l • c ·•"O r ..... , 1 ...... 8•..,~nU.• O..nn M Hn1! /Q,mnA l·
Pi.o.,...n, 1«111• ll •no """•ll•om V.
D eath No tices
PAUL W F ER RIS, fllldetll ol LO>
Al.trnlto~. ca. 0•1• ot de•U1 Febr1.1<11Y
7l•d, 19/S Surwlwed b~ nl~ wll•, l•N.rv
C.. Ff1<11'; d a 11g hl••s. M """
Fe1g,.\on, oonne 8111• Tompli.•n,,
Cl•udlnP 60\hwelt •nd fla•ll••d
S.•ke\I; lWll \OOS, l(t'i11'1 Ft'rri• .tn<I
Harrl ,on Ferris; twe.,IV·"lne
11'<1'1d<hddt en and sl" 9re .• t•
,.,, ...... c111 ltlr ...... F ....... 1 ~·'"'CH W•l I Dt'
l'le lll 9'""e~lde al W esl min~l•r
Mamo,.•1 P.or•. W•~lm•n•t•r, c ...
T .. wsa,. Febr .... rv ts111 •• 2:30 PM.
O"t'(led l)y Peel< F.tm•lv Colonial
F11ne<•I Home, We•lmon\le•. "· 110TT£NROTH
(.HAAlt:S A. HOfTENAOTI-<. 19'~1
ll1utgtll , 11unlinQIC>tl Bt:•<ll, C.• Ollte<>f
de•I" FPllf11<1ry ?J•d. !!1S ;ii P<lC•l•t <•
Co1111t y 's Youth A rtists Con1pe t e
HO•P•1•1• """1'"910" 0 ""("· HOii\ A t d L n -h 'd ts 1· I' 11 N II b A M o· A1111 .. ,111. 1913. 8 ,0Q ...... Ne .. YO<• c or a n a,g u11a 1.>eac r es1 en te r 1ng -.o oway, ev.:por t · ar or rt useum 1rector
s...v;wa. 01 "•\ w••• °"'0'"'; W", Hett 'furnbull a n d a r tist Ra.v J acob tt re J·udging cntriC's of children's art \\'Ork \\'hic h w ill be J•m"' 01 Hunlln9ton 8eac11: 'on.
E11 w1n 01 fl•adeh1011 . F101111.1. di splayed at L agun a Beach Art Museum March 15 to 28. Show is sponsored by L aguna Beach
CMUO"t"', S•nllr<> Jt'•n S<llil!< ol L> S h I f A t Hdbr ... C.•. lwo l>roll'le•\, Fr...,k 01 ·-"-'C"'-00;;..;C:..O'-'..c;~r,;:.:. _______________________________________ -:------
M<inlCl.t•<, C•. •nd Oon.:ild ol Lont,t
1\1-. N,.,.. Vor-; '"'" o•.+"<knll11ren.
'>ot1vl<e' wdi ~Mid 10.00 AM Wl'dfw~·
i:.:,:; .. :,;b~::r:er .!~1~" R~·~ s~1;::; SCAG £rn1 <>11" •~no l nurnnl .. n1, Pac d oc v,,.,., M• mo••"' P"'" 1n Nawoon
lsi.•6t n, c .. Sm.in~. MOt !u~· y ii.recto••
VIRC..!NIA MAlHEWSON, r•~idt'nl
ol l.,•T•n. C.<1. O.tle ot deatl! FtobrUd•~
Flayed on Transit
7•tn, 1q/~ Su•~•~ld l>y ner loO"I. W•llt<
.. M.ou·,.,..,.,,, o! C•mt>~ll. C.•. 1""r
Q•...,<)c"••<1•e11; two t1•0Tl'le••. c.1 .. ...c1e F
Jonr• QI H11nt•nQIO" Bt'•Ch, C.... ,.....,
l:l~td w Jonr• 01 Alton. 11l•no".
~•v•~t'\ m 00 AM Wro..e\d•1. Paut.c
V•rw {l\.t<tt"I 1ntel"""'"'· Pd<>l•C Voew "':'"''"°'•di P.ir•. NP,.pOrl Br•Ch, (.o
VAL [ 111 ~ T !MM; EN WH 11 N EV rf\•
OM>lo1N .. .,p0rtBea.:n (d O<ol .. Ol<I~
•111 ~ .. c,.u.i•v 7•1h. !~IS ""'"'""" b• ,.,., '"" Wol loam S 1 uro1~ 0 1
''"'<1"'"~·"•·. N•v•d.1 Mt!n'D••.tl .... ""~~1 .OPM ll\11••ll<tV SI Jam•' r P•~<<>i>•• C.flu•cl!. ,..P,..Po•t O..at" l."
IOml>"'~"'· G•rtn ... 0011 MLn'l)t • .. I
""'~· ~ 0•f90. c.~ Pac•hc v.~ ...
""'n"'''~' p,,,~ Moflu•rv, ,..,wuo•I a..., ... _11 .. ~tl<tl•.
SANTA ANA -Orange County
Tra n s i t Dist r ict d i r ectors
charged Southern California's
chief regional planning agency
Monday \At'ith ignor ing local
transportation master plans.
The target of the d irectors'
anger '"'"as a draft r egional
transpor l<.1tion plan prepared by
t h e sta ff or the Southern
California Assoc 1at1on of Govern·
menls <SCAG J.
through the federal Urban l\1a ss
Transit Au thority n1any studies
but is n~ considering the results
or these efforts 1n the develop-
ment of the r e~1onal transport<J ·
lion plan.·· he add eel
Clar k's revelation thOJt SC.t\G
Yoasn·t c-ooperat1ng drew the ire
of Director John Kancl. who said
he can 't undcr:-.tand v.hv the rC'-
gional planner!> v.un't v.·ork v.•1th
local at:t•ncics.
"WJIAT IS ·r111::1R problem·!"
deadline, leaving no room for
"I GUESS TllE staff feels that
by plannin g for the region they
:..ire doing what is right fo r
Orange County in the process,'.'
Clark said.
Besides the C'ha rge that local
plans v.·ere ignored, the list of
OCTD C'Ommen ts includes:
A cri t ici s n1 of SCAG 's
"short -sighted" approac h to
future transit needs.
N BC (4) 8 :00-"Journey F rom Dark-
ness." A brilliant blind student (Marc
Singer> fi ghts to w in acceptan ce to
medical school in this TV movie based o n 1 a t rue s tory. K ay Lenz, Wendell Burton, j Willi a m Windom and J oseph Campanell a
are featured.
CBS (2) 8:30 -M'A'S•H. General
MacArthur is planning to pay a v isit to
the m edical compound a nd ever)·o n e is
excited -except Hawkeye and Trapper
John , of course. Alan Alda a11d Way11c
Roger s star·.
ABC (7) 8:30 -"'\'ou l~i e So Ot.'l'l'J ,
My Love." A nc\v 1V 111ystery <.lra1na
with Don Gulloway, Barbara 1\nt..lcr!:ion,
·Angel 'J'om1>kins and \\'alter 1.,idgeon.
Evenin g
• • • Scofl, Not• Nwf' """' Rotw!• I lld• 8••~-'""""'·0•d~ L .tn(IA11nu1C.
Y.,,bd, Lf'••~ 11. ol'ld ':>n.0•11" K. Hjct \, Ll'lh~ A ""'/ J.,,.,,., •A
, .. ,
E01T., U Lo"u<, 1<'<.•d•nl of ~
J""n C..1>•,l• .. no. C..i O.ote o! O<:•ll'I
f~b"'·"r <•U1, 1•1~ ~urvlwt-d bi l>I•
d.oUQnle• Me•le Ft'llrn•n or !.Mo J<Jdn
C•111~t•11nn; Qrandda11gnter, M•~.
Ut~nda Q,lyll ult 111 La H.+br.o. C•.
Pr••••• J~r. .. 1v ~erv1cr' 2.00 PM Tnur,.
<L;v, P"''''' View C.~•I><'•· lntr,.nenl,
~..c•t•C V•l!w Men>o.,•I P•rk, ,..,.....,,...,
lle•c" (.i, T"" l•ml~y ~llllQ•'''
,..,..mo,,.ol <ont•!to;ilion~ b .. ..-10
vou• t~•O••tf c11at1tv ar l"•' c.iv OI
I'<>~ Pa<.i•c V•f• Manu,,., a""'
T he OCTD c h iefs agr£>ed to
send SCAG a det ailed. four-page
list or comments and criticisms.
"THE MAJOR concern is that
our adopted tra nsit m aster pl an
has been ignored,·· said OCTD
board chairma n R alph Clark in a
<'Over letter to J a r vey Gi lbert,
presid ent of SCAG.
Kanel said. ··Do they wan\. to r un
everything anti then shove their
own pla n d oY.·n everybody's
throat ?.,
A cr iticism of SCAG's con·
tention that the minimum fare
structure of 25 cents per r id e is
still inhibiting bus use. OCTD
clai ms it is not a barrier.
' I
l ' I
O•.tl , S!l'Pllrn C..tnt ""ti c.~'''"' Vtrona
Kt'llf", El•t•bl'I" Jd'" ,,,,d J.irl: c-_,.,,,
... f'llt. S"•<on l~f' •nd JAn All<'n Su•'i, ldd ~O'>f' ,.na J,,.,,,., t
~"01. RO<> .. l(J W. An<I {llr"I'"''
""bd•. o,. . .,. .. L vn ontl W+lh•m """",
(<llh..0" '-'l••Qil lOI M ~nCI J.+""' I..
C..•••f'\. JO"t' A"n """ H•nd<>ll l et w~. ')!'It'••,, Jnd J,1n't' f '""~t
W•ll••m>. '>•On~, Mu"P ''"" T1mo1nv ~ .......
l(,<1n. I •f'd I '""' M01nn.ot ·~· DAVIS
A11 blt' ':> .. ntH;J k.ty """ J,,m P£A(Y A DAVIS. ••~•d•nl ol
O<o,.91,,_ t.w ... p0,1 Ut>•c,.. C.• 0.tle ot <1~·•1'1 l.<>"'''" ' w··••' J,.,.. "f\<J "''11 l-M><u~•Y 11n!l, ltl} S11r v,.,•eabvtt""' (:~~~"Mun I , . J'ln I , ,,,, l •I '°"'-AoMn<I { 0•v''· ,.11.tn 0..v" ""'I
··vour st arr h as assumed many
things wi thout considering the
facts that we have been provid·
in,:: them." Clark added.
··sc . .\G has been funding
Kane! said it is "absurd" thc·y
wouldn't include local planning
Cla rk explained SCAG is
always running into deadlines
and v.·ork is lefl almost stnctly to
the s taff lie said thC' plans
almost a lways come up for a vote
of the SCAG leaders just before a
-A challenge to SCAG's con-
tention tha t more than 700 ne""
buses must be added in the re-
gion thi s yea r. OCTD claims that
is un1·easonabl y h igh.
Comments that SCAG's in-
tt· rp ret al io n s o r d ist ri ct
capabil i t ies. manpower anC
t·quipmcnt arc e r ront.'OUS.
B•l1 Ro•.inJ , .,...., tl "" t f 1 •• n !.JJ•"-1<1"11 gr•ndc"''"'"~" .tnll Id s._.nn•n<J. J .. me .,, ,,11 ,11 ,,,.11 M• '",. I•~" <1•~d1 '1•1nd("''1'~n S"•••e<•• '"~ -----·-------·-~------------
0••..., l»•••lf' lnloi•M('n •. P1<•l•C C•~•I •--FORCED SALE L.A. CALLS
r.-----------, : Was Chicken• (n.,n», .!,,<!""' V• tltl ~,.,t I"'""'•''" (rmt'!f'fy ihllfl·kr~•Oll (O•I• M.'W
AM ""'"tUil!V d•ft'C IO~~..... *AUCTION *
•---------.-----NOR-NC. HILL. rr•idt'nl Of C°'!.+ QClf1'IO !of<WOOO •lff'O•r.""'
Mio-...(• 0•1e <ti df'.t\" Ff'bH>6•V 1l•d. -c;_.._, Ill el....., •111"4t. Death Nolices •~1~. '>u•v•~ee ov """" '°"'· H•••v J •-• ·-· , ... , .. '' -.,_,
lion. Cl\""'' M. Hill .tncl Nor....., Holl,
llOOO~ll~ •011• d•uQ.,ltri, M1rv Aioce Holl .
OOfrolALO w. ROOC..ER ~ re•idi'n! DI t•lll<'""" V. C.orco•an, Jo\CPh•>* H · c,,.,...., •nd Norm• Ao.,... ro;ilf', 1•11«<'>1
"unllno;ilon Ueatn. {.+ D•IP o1 o....,tn Q!IAdtno•dtt''I, Aos••• wedne\dl~ J."t><""'' Jlrd, l~I}_ SufY1Vecl nv "" 1 00 PM Co•t• Mt'\'1 ("apel ,,.,.,, f•lller, W111l.+<f' Rodrit••. morn~•. ' 0 00 AM 0 '' 1 " ,. ~-,.. ' ,.,.,,,d•v : a . oac om ...,.,,, .,..gpr\, 1 ... 0 b•otn~••. on111d C•ll'IOl!C (l'lu•c". lnl ermenl Ho•v
G -Alan C. R11!1Qe• ,; lwo "'!'"''· Y.pulCl'lt'r C•meterv. Balll·6"•111'•Dn
Su\an •rd Lvnne R<>dQ•'''· P.•!••n~• C.0-.llMe~•MO•IY•ryd!fector\,
(lfM>t l.ollW•. ( M JtOdQe'' n>u!•·rn,>I tJ"f'<tO•\
Qf;tn~•enl\, J V•n<I'•" ~'1!1 L~!11A P . MVLLIG•N
Grothtl; ,_ n111>he,..,. F llnf't,>I ""rvocc\ c.r.R M 1 £ M VL \,JGAN, rl'\lden1 ol
"','11 °' llC'l<I W<'!l~~~v. fPt;"•"''Y 2Mll C.o•nn<> <!<>I ......,,, (<1. •or~~ vt'e•~. Dille
" 1 00 PM, El'' Avl'nu« Udl>l"t 01 n~•lll F"<'brliA•v 1~'" 1q/S Surv•.,..d
(llur<11 O! HU,,l•nglon il>'•<ll ~ ... ~ ~, l\er d,,,.11.,,.,,~ F"<el Wd1kl'f QI
~.+m•ly C.ol<>n!dl .-u ... ••I Ho ..... tllfPC· ~1• Mt->.+ .tfld M~'· R o~n Rt!...:I Of
"'" P•lm °"~ed , C..f : one g•AnCldftUQl\lr•.
1.A.LTZ-l l l GlRO H
1'1"' le• """"'"" 111 V•lll'v (t'tlter, C• . aoe 11••ntlSO<o, Ma•t•n Me.id o! t.amPO.
(a . Sr•••tl'~ ••t' 1>end•"<I 6••1
fl•0o1dw•1 Morludry, CO•ld Me~, C..
o.41 qlj.O
a llH'"-lfftll l ilollS.
ftMl 'l VAlQ•l ll
....... -I• <•• .. tr•i.,111 • .+I" ---· .. ·~
FEB. 25, 8 P.M.
11 07 J-boreor Rd.
Yitw: 7 l'.M. ,--------------· SOc OFF I llU llOADWA'f
11 0 S.oodwr.y (~.to M<" -,
l 01uno Seorl'!
4q~ Q41 ':>
Son Juort Copo\t1ono
JSOO Poe:;t,t I/,_ o,;v,.
l~t ~a<h. Col1fornta
b~~ ]700
1!(.j q.' '""'"' .. w, ,...,,, '•
.'l 11 •'.>)':>
b?l M...,.n'.1
I Lt11 »q!on fie'•• t,
t,~b b'.]?
PUBl.IC N111'1CE
-WHh This COllfNH' -
Off•r Good ~ F.twv.-y 21, I '75
135 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa I --------------1
Annou ncing the opening of
the ort1ce ol
Or. R. Croia Stout, Opt ometr ist
General O'Pt1metrv & Contacl Lense<;
(71 4) 493-7772
3 4177 Coas l Hwy
Suite 10 1
Dana Point . Ca 92629
EARL'S '"""'" '•'••••••• O••• l•• , ... pi. .... , c ....... 01 c ........ .
JO ~) M.,. • .., l ••d Co,10 .. ,,.
ri.111otl .... Hf4Tllf(j,
... COMO,
Sffvic:1 Ti-St-11
At Yow Door 17141979-1234,
I 495-0401) 1'-'=====-===-
. ,_ 11o rr ,01111s •L• I Local ne ws. •/ "«1 STOil At
21922 c a"''" capi1h"-
Every dey.
'--~•·•""·~"·"··'"·'-"'"'·~·"·~~• o:=:::~I~n~t~h~e~l~·~!~J~!~f~•~J~j~!~1)~i~
Lindora ihink
IS easy?
II is nol o simple task for o po!ient lo
reac h a nd ma intain "lean weight"' for l1le. First the
patient must have on honest desire to cure his
p roblem ... lhen accept professional guidance
from tra ined Medical Doclors.
Lindoro's unique 10-week lfeatment
and training program will teach palienls how lo
reach and mointorn their "lean weight" for hie.
A safe and procllcol plan, with proper nutritional
d iel. and coiilinuol emollonal support. New
audio and sub-ll mfnol vrsual aids are used to
molivate the patient The en11re program is under
the slnct supervision of Med1col Doctors. special·
isls in Boriolric Medicine
l•ndC:>fO 01n1cs ore owned ond odmlnoste•ed by
Med1col Doctors that rcstucr the11 prochce to Bor10111cs
AU Clon•c Personnel ore he ens eel by the Stal£' o ! Cci.11101n•o
Coll for information
Monda y lhru Friday 8 A. M. to 6 ~ M.
: Little right?
I l
No, lhl.' sky •Snot abo I to
fall. But d you'1e w de "9
whe1h~• OUf t'CD•JR v •S
ong to collupsii. wc'v got
11ews lo• vou It's al1ea<lv
Is 1h .. 1e anv1n1n'J VOll ca
do] Of course. Pu\ your
money •nto on~estments of
1eal, •nlt"l"C value. l.ist. If
you'1c t•ed 10 .. ,,1su,ed" sav-
ings accou11 !~. mutual lunrJs.
or convcntoonal sloci-; n1d1ket
actov.iy. vour tonune~ are
tied 10 US. currency. And it
t.lOr>sn"t take an econon1•c
g<>n1u> tu see that that's a
ve1v vulnerable pos1t1on to
~ "' IO(lay,
P•Oll'Ct your~.-11. We believe
Hie ~lll<l'l lflVt>SlOI Should DU I
h« dollars n110 qold ;inr! s1lv1"r
i;oo n anti ll1J!l•on, Su. Alrocan
g{lld stocks ancJ ~tu1,ihle food.
Wholi' othrrs n1,1v 1>romp1e
9old anrl solve• as a snecul,\·
hve ro,id to 111:;he~. w e 1eco9·
n•lt' floe"' as h1sto.,c.1Jly
s"ong r.ommodotoes ot 1eJI
v.iluo', 111dt·Pc!"lc1enl ol
0411011.il anc11nl{"1na11ona1
l!tonom1c 1nstab•l11y.
S•mll.ir!y, qold ~tor.lo:~ can
pro~ulf' <trowth an\J income 1
lrf'P hum lluctuat1on~ ol 1he
A"d l>t'CilVse you can·1 eat
1•11he1 qold or \ecunties, we
say pL11 awav a! least a year·~
supply <)f siorabfe load, both
as 1:not<'c!1on from forecast
shor !.l(J•'S .ind ,1s 11 hedye
aijilll"t I '""9 l)flC!'S.
Oon'r you owe'' to vour
sell 1<1 "'v"''''l•1t.i ou• "•n·
su•.in""' pol•cv'' o19a1nsr wh,l! .,.,._,. r. .. 1.,·v~ .11e the econom•C
tJCIS 11! Ioli',
Wht''' .1 .. • W" •~ally heJdt'd
"' • 7[1' v.~.1 11u• S<'n1•n<l•,
Tl "11~d .. .,r F~h. 77. ') 30 prn,
T JI 1'.lJllJ! \:11nh1n1g. LJ!lu" 1
Hills f ,., H·~1·1v.111on\. c •• 11
581 7!.i/O
Clrp lll•f .-,,J ~Ve'// Sf'rlli you
our "For~'!..JSf: f975" l'CO<IO-
nuc predu;11ons 1K1d •con•·
p/lrnenr•ry r(}()'I of GWl's
Br wet>4/v F•n.inc1al D1ges1
(s11f;!M:r1fJ/1011. 550/yr. /. Just
marl, along w1f/1 your nAme I
Wedne sday
tO;tO (i}.,... "" Ctnll"" ('11) ·4s..
Ciiil011 Yltblt, Mar\ Stnw, lucitle
B•"· Cl) -Ttwtt IMMa ill Mis lilt"
(mys) 'tiO -.loO MUoMy. G1tl1 r.,..... 11 :00 0 "T., ......... (llM) '54-f'llil
Sitvro. Rest Mint
ll:lO Q)(C) "Jk Sal Wlle r..-th wrsr lwttl .,, -,_,.. ~r1o.
Scott 811.tJ. IOI\• lllWCll. lt'OO m ~..,, I ttr. ,.,... .,.._
..... !!If•) ·~ -.,. Gtrdllll,
.llntn MIJOll
J:t0 Q "'Ctlill" (du ) '•) -AIMI ~4,
Ls.cu fOUlll-
@ (C) ~' WllU hdlt"(1dv)
'53-Soun Hl)'Wtrd, Robtrt Mllth· ••• 2;30 (IJ "lt'1 A WHdt!M Uh'" Part I
ft11m) 't 1 -l!f!!tS Stt'l'lrl.
@(I) (t) "S.~ .\Jtt111d•" !•d•) ·45
-Em>I Flynn. Alti15 Sm1r~. S. l
S.k11!, P1ul llitlly
J:OO 0 (C) "T)f Moulbi•~ /IW1) ~
-S11tnctr lrKy, Robert W1tnrr.
Cl11r1 Trrwor
('!~ (C) "lroci'1 L.ut C.w" (d11)
'/Z -lhcl'l11d W1dm11._, Htrvy 011
row. Bet~ 8ndell
J:JO (}'\ (C) "Mlrtllwat Mou!!tr4 r.Licr"
(Wt) '40 -Guy ~r. M1ddrinr
0 tC) ........... Sltt,ni, ii .. ,
"'1"' (COl'lll •6J -Ort11 Mt111n. £11t1blth MonltOl!ltfY, .hll St .loll~.
Mutil Bt!Mlk.
picked up your
tree plant and book
at Keystone?
and adrln!SS. ro: · · · 1
Golden West 1
I NVCSl,..f.N T CQMPll.NY I KOCE Television
Thi to11ow111g Pl''°" 1, dalf'IO
rtEP.&!JI, ll1S 801ton W•r. COi ..
#MM, C..111, .,,,.
M.,.•n W•lk•r Chrlllopl!o•'°"• J11J
lotion Wtr, Cott• Mt••· Calll."t2t Ttll1 bu,.,..,. 1, t1111a11c:ttd 17¥" fn
M~Ofl W1U11r (l"l\lqpMnOl'I
Tl\11 Mllt .... fll ••• lllH wlltl ll'lt
Otwlty Cl••ll. et Of".,... '°"'"' .,. "'""'*'" J, 1'1J. -,...., ... DI'~ '"'' 0.lty "*' ,.w ... 1yll,1 .. 1J.1flCIPMK llA,•t1J . . .,.J)
Pace Ptotessionol Mesa Verde
Bldg Protess1ona1 Bldg.
Son S.mordlno • E. tono Booeh • Mlsslo11 HUis
Hawthorne • Ofongo • NewpOft Beob:h
Gorden Grove • long Booch • Posod4ino
lo Hobto • Woodland Hiiis • Sherman Ooks
West COVlno • Fullerton • Rt'V•rsldo • SOnlo Monico
Cotto Me sa · Pomona • CefTl!ot • HollyWOOd
I 11,1• SCHOOL OIS Tlt!C:T HlWS r~J \lah1l 801ld1"11 CCI 11~~1 P•~eo Jt v.1,"ci1. I 11; ,. THI ASCINT OJ' MAN iCI
S111•,l08.L1fttt11,llill\, ,.f 1:10 C:OMMUNITY 01' LIVING
I... C' A llU,'J Phont' ~l-7f70 t i THINOS lCI __________ _. 1;• 1'1Ml.1'0011AWI() <-------------...; 1;4$ MATN J'ACTOltY (()
ff ARftl
j;11LI) .. A Tt'.M
SPIEAl<S OUT in the
1:tl l '-ICTtllC t:OMPANY ICI <<No<
l :J• CAtlll ASCOLCNOAl (Cl IP8S)
tXl'altYS ICI
)~» C:OOKIW CAJUN tCI tPtll "Veoti1bl~t··
O:• Y004 Wf1'M MAO(lUt• tC)
4:» t:l 8 CT•IC COMll'AN't ICI
J :ll S t:!.AMI S Tlt lET lCl
6:00 8 1G 8 LUl MA ll&Lf !Cl
7:00 ltOMA.NTIC Jtl&li.LLION tCI
l 'M S f't:CIAl : CCI (Pf\~!
'" •.• s ••c1Al ' !Cl (P6SI T·• CAlJl'OltNt A JOUllMM. "&:»
ua Wins, Gai,nS Playoff ~ Berth
' ' "
To Horpel;
Match Off
Chris Horpel, former CIF
wrestling champion at Newport
Harbor High School, annexed the
Pac-8 crown at 150 Pounds re-
cently with a 9·1 rout over Oregon
State's Doug Ziebart.
Harpel, 'who red-shirted last
year after placing fifth in lhe
NCAA as a junior; compiled a-
31-2 record this season for Stan-
ford with tbe·NCAA finals at Prin-
ceton Mar. 13-15next.
Match . 011
Hoped-for Newport Beach ap-
pearances by two Russian Davis
Cup tennis players were lost to-
day with the report that none of
the area's several facilities
would be available.
The matches were to be Wed -
nesday and Thursday.
.Hoosiers Romp
CHAMPAIGN, lit. -Indiana's
top-ranked and undefeated
Hoosiers showed no ill effects
from the loss of leading scorer
Scott May and gotj.30 points from
Steve 'Green tO crush Illinois
112·89 Monday night in a Big ']'en
basketball game.
The .. victory \•.'as the 16th
straight in the Big Ten for the
Hoosiers who now are 27·0 for the
s~ason and stretched their un·
·defeated. streak to .. 30 ganies,
longest in the nation.
John Laskowski filled "in for
Ma~. who st;iffered a broken arm
against Purdue Saturday. and
~cored 28 points.
. Pro1nQter
Dead at 78
George Parnassus, intern&·
tionally known fight promoter"
died in his sleep today. He wai
Cause of death was not im·
mediately known.
Parnassus went into semj.
retirement in January 1972 and
had been in failing health for
some months before his death.
But he still remained active as a
consultant for Jack Kent Cooke's
Forum Boxing Club in Los
Parnassus was always friendly
with boxers; they ate at his care.
ln -Phcrenix and soon he was
managing Benny "K,id" Carter
and " ''Arizona'' Joe Rivers.
Later be managed Ceferino
Garcia and Juan Kurita"to lilies
from his Los Angeles head·
quarters but by 1952, hard luck
struck. .
His next home base was Sioux
City, Iowa, where he he recentlY
-sheepishly -admitted be
· made quite a bit of money pro·
moting wres tling. '
As a silver-haired dynamo in
recent years, he destroyed the
idea that only heavyweights can
draw large croWdS and-big
To prove it, Parnassus promot-
ed num.erous successful . ban·
tamweight bouts grossing mbre
than $200,000.
One of Parnassus' most disap-
pointing fights -but not from the
standpoint or the gate -came
Dec. 8, 1968, at the Forum in
A feisty, li~tle bantamweight
from Mexico City. Chucho
·Castillo, ·challenged world ban-
tamweight kirig Lionel Rose of
Australia for the crown. Rose,
despite being knocked down won a
split, 15--round decision and the
heavily Mexican-American
crowd went wild . -Fires were set, cars in the park·
ing lot were dam aged and police
were called in to quell the riot
• O.lly Pilot Photos by Le• P;ty"'
Vegas Gets
$1 Million
Net Match
situation. ···-····-··-··· Painassus sat in a back press ' NEW YORK CAP> -The
room and wept. . Columbia Broadcasting Systcnl
The gate was more than called a press conference for
$250,000 but it was little consola· Wednesday. apparently to an-
tion for a man who lovedhiswork nounce the closing of a contract
and, ironically, couldn't stand for Sl million challenge tenni~
violence. match between Jimmy Connors
But he came back. and John Newcombe.
Mexico City's next ban-The match is scheduled for
tamweight challenger, Ruben Caesar's Palace in Las Veg<:1s
Olivares, came to Los Angeles April 26 . This was the site of the
and wrested the crown from Rose Connors-Rod Laver $100,000 \\•in·
before 18,762 fans for a gross gate ner-take-all mat ch Feb. 2, '-''OD by
RICHMOND, Va. -Local of. of $281,840 -both all-time re-· Connors.
ficials learned Monday to their cords. Plans for th e Connor s-
cha~rin the Russians have not Parnassus spent more than 50 Newcombe match have been in
planned to send seve ral years in boxing. as a manager, the works for \\'eeks but Bill
world-class athletes for next matchmaker and a promoter . Riordan, manager of Connors,
Monday qight~s fourth · USSR· and staged some of the mos t said here Monday that negotia-
USA ind®.! _track meet at the lavish fights ever· held on the tions had broken off.
Richmond Coliseum. West Coast. However. it was learned that
\ the deal has been made. Riordan
:::--------\ and Connors flew lo Syracuse to-
TeD DIS RODD. dup day but left word they would be back Wednesday in time for the
Lutz, Emerson Set
For World Cup Play
CBS press conference.
The package is one of the
gaudiest in tennis, approaching
(hat for the famed .. Battle of the
Sexes" bout between Billie Jean
Kin g and Bobb y fti ggs in
1-louston 's Astrodome in 1973.
Cal Poly
Trampling ·
Of 11111 O.lty ...........
UC Irvine clinctltid 'a ·beitb in
the NCAA Division II regional
basketball playoffs ~\)llday nlfh(
with 11:n impressive 83·83 .victory
~vervisitingCal Poly (Pomona).
U_CI today was recoplmend~
as one of four teams to compete 1n
the NCAA Division II w~tern re·
gionaJ basketball playofts March
7-8. . . ...
·other teams selected include
Far Western champion UC Davis ~nd Puget Sound. The CCAA
Champ-either UC Riverside or
Cal Poly (Pomona> will be the
fourtti tea·n).
The site tor the tourney has not
been selected, but it figures to be
either UC Irvine or UC Davis .. ·
UCI parlayed its domination
of the boards with some splendid
second half shooting for the vic-
tory Monday.
Coach Tim Tift 's Anteaters
took the lead ror good with 2:28 to
go in the half, b1,1t didn't put it
away until 8 minutes remained in
the game. .
Ahead 54-46, UCJ's 6·8 center
Dave Baker hit a bucket in close
·and a pair of free throws in a six-
second span to put his club up,
58·46. An eight-foot bank shot by
teammate Jerry Maras extended
the lead to 14 points.
Then when the Broncos cut it to
62-53 With five minutes left, UCI
quickly put it away.
First, Maras hit a 14-foot
jumper, then Steve Cleveland.
banked in a two-pointer from un·
derneath. Arter UCI's Nate Jones
matched free throws with Cal
Poly's Richard Gross, the An·
teaters' Tim Tivenan scored on a
layup to make it 70·55.
And with just three minutes
left, UCJ had its 16th victory in 24
MIU"as and Baker dominated
the boards with the 6-6 Maras
leading the way with 17 reOOunds
-UCI's top individual effort of
the season. The Anteaters outre·
bounded Cal Poly, 54·29.
But it was the second half
shooting by UCI that probably
was the dirrerence.
The Anteaters canned 1r. of 29 ·
second half shots for a blistering
65.5 percent. They finished at 52.9
(34of65J forthenighL
Maras 1ed the scoring attack
with 22 while Baker hit 21. And
Nate Jones, Steve Cleveland and
Tivenan played well. Jones
scored 16 points (12 in the second .
half), Cleveland hit 11 and
Tivenan played PoSSibly bis best
game of the season. coming up
with some nifty assists.
UClrvl.._, CUI .. " .. .. .... ~ • • ' " ""'" • • • .. ... ~ • ' • " O.vis ' • • • Jenkinf. • • • ,
Clevellnlf ' • • ..
Mr...,te • \ ' • r.ve...., ' • • • T~t•ls ,. " .. " H•lttl-; UC lf'lt•; »4·%1
UCI Fr•Vll11tl IMlc.J.....,~
Be"'°' F1umor"~ Fr1nkhn
F"'l°"O Sfi1uen
.. fl ..... l • 2 ,.
' • t •
11) 0 .] '° 1Cll123
1 ' .] ' 0 D 1 0 1 • 0 •
0 1 0 I
'2 II la 102
•IARTFORD, Conn. -Dennis
Ralston, U. S. team captain, an·
nounced on Monday hiS players
for World Cup tennis competition
against an Australian team
March 6·0 at the Hartford Civic
In other matches, Great Bri-
tain's Mark Cox ousted coun·
tryman Graham Stillwell, 6-4, 6·3.'. and Viiay Amritraj of Indi a topped Pat Cramer, 6-1,6-7, 6·3.
CBS reportedly 1s paying
$600,000 for Ii ve T\' ri ghts. com·
pared \l.:ith the SI00,000 paid for
the Connors-Laver match.
Caesar's Palace is reportedly ad·
ding $200,000 to the promotion.
The breakdown of prize money
could not be learned immediate-
ly. Riordon s aid Monday that he
preferred the same arrangement
as in the Connors-Laver match,
with the \vinnC'r recei ving
$100.000 and each of the two
players sharing in the TV re-
ceipts. This was put <it $60,000
· SoCal Plays
Home Finale
McMillan Rolls In a telephone call to tourney of.
fi~ials, Ralston said he picked Arthur Ashe, Bob Lutz of San R 0 TT ERDA M -F' re w
Clemente, Marty Rissen, Stan McMillan or South Africa rallied
Smith and Dick Stockton. for a 6·7, 6·3, 6·2 victory over Cor-
Australian captain Fi·ed Stolle rado Barazzutti of Italy J\.1onda y
announced 18st week he would br· in first round singles action of the
itig Ken Ro se wall. John World Championship Tenni s
Newcombe, Roy Emerson of greengrouptournament.
Newport Be ach and John Alex-In other action, Bob Hewitt of
ander. Stolle said he was trying to . South Africa topped Dick Dell.
get Corona del Mar's Rod Laver 6·2. 6·0; Australia's Dick Crealy
· &klhefifthman. downed Yuaoslavia's Nikki
Australia holds a 4·1 edge over Pilic, 6·4, 6·4; and Rolf Thung of
the U .S. in the five-year-old The Netherlands dropped Spain's
tourttament. JoseHigueras, 6-3~ 4·6, 7·5.
IJr.f•dale Wi11s .
SAN ANTONIO. Tex. -Cli ff '
Drysdal e ouste d Pancho.
Walth1tU1 6-2, 6·3. and Erik van . OOff11 upset Mike Estep in lhe·
reatute matches of the World
Championship of Tennis tourna-
Tiriac blitzed Abbie Maynard,
6--0. 6·0, in the opening round or
the Fairrield County Tnterna·
tional tennis championship Mon-
each. 1 Newcombe is said to be insist·
ing on a prize money ratio
perhaps 60·40 -as in big prize
fi ghts.
It is believed Newcombe will
prevail. Jn this case, the winner
might r eceive as much a s
$250,000 with S100,000 going to the
Connors. 22, is the No. 1 player
in the world. having \\.'On the
Australian, Wimbledon a nd U.S.
Open crowns l ast yea r .
Newcombe, 30. is three lin1es
Wimbledon and twice U.S. chan1 -
pion , rankE'd No . 1 in the world in
Connors has neve r be:.iten th<-'
six-foot. hard,hitting Australian.
IOC Plans Include
Los Angeles, Mexico
weekend in Switzerland.
Bue ks, Knie ks Out?
treal Gazettl:' says the lnterna·
tional Olympic Committee is
drafting contingency plans to
save the 1976 Games should Mon-
treal prove unable to hold them.
Alternate plans include :
Two other plans, the sou_rces
said. would be to spread the
Games all over the world in the
form of 21 simultaneous world .
championships, or offer the~ to
a combination of German cities
intheRuhrVal\ey. I •1 D• A11oclated Press
Deapl1-additions to the playoff format this season, the Los
Angeles takers, Milwaukee Jllld<• •and New York Knick• -
r.,ular P!>•t·Season participants
-are beadinf tor subtraction
from this yea.r's National , 'Balle~ Alfo<!iaUoo elll,\'of!s,
The Lakel"S, wllo hive not mis·
.ed the i-t·MUOO eompetiUOfl
• r llM• mov111 to .Los AilC•l•il lll'em ~nea I 1900, ....,. In
the bl1•••l d.an1•r ~ ~Ing
eliminated. They ar~ jo lest
place in the five-team Pacific
Divi~ion of the Weste,rn, Con ·
The Bucks also are in ~Jast
place, in the Western Con·
!erence's four-team MidWest
Divi.sion, but lhey are closer to
playoU coDittntion than the
Lakers. Milwaukee has reached
the playoffs every year since
Kar"'m l\bdu!.Jabbar joined the
M>am Ill 1969.
Of the three per~nr1ial
spreaOing the Games across
powerhouses. the Knicks have Canada: asking Los Angeles, a
the bes~ chance of making the defeated bidder, to stage an
playoffs. New York. which has emergenfy Olympics, or return·
participated in them every y£'ar in g the Games to Mexico City
since 1967, is in third place in th e 'vhere they were held in 1968. the
Atlantic Division of the Eastern newspaper quotes IOC sources as
Conference. saying.
Under th e NBA 's revised ''If at som e time several
playoff formula this season, rive monlhs from now it becomes ob·
teams from each conference ...--vious Montreal cannot finish the
. ihe top two t ea m s in each Olympics stadium In time for the
division and the third-place club Gamt'S, ,~hen SO,f[lO-action \\'ill
wJth the best record 1n the con· have to b~ taken. th~ newspaper
ference -earn playoff berths. quote~ IOC P~es1den~ Lord . I Kill-a~1n as s~y1ng dunnc the
The last suggestion, ))ow eyer,
does not sit well 'with Willi
Daume, IOC metober for West
Germany. becaustlo?theterrorist
problem at the 1972 Muoich
Oaume ravors keeping the
Games· in Canada, reports the
Gazette. "Much or the Gain~
could already· be held rn Mon-
treal," said DaUme. ••Perhaps
the Toronto stadium colild be
used and ,we have a re1>0rt in -
dicating the Wlnni\>eg p0ol could
be acceptable."
• f
Southern California College
will close out "the regular basket-
ball season tonight at home
against the Chapman Panthers
with tipoff at 8 o'clock.
The SoCal Vanguards will
participate in the NAIA District·
III playoffs as the No. 2 seeded
team with first action scheduled
·Thursday or Saturday night.
SoCal and Biola finished in a
lie for the Northern Division con-
ference title after splitting re-
gular season games. But SoCal
lost out in a vote Sunday and ~
must' enter th,e playoffs as the
second place team despite the
No. 2 rating.
If thE! Vanguards win the pre-
liminary round, they wUl meet ,
Biota Monday night with the win-
ner advancing to the district
finals against the winner of a
game between Occidental and
" a
' ' ' (
' '
• • • • • • • • • • ' '
TU!!d!y. Ftbru!fy25. 1'75 DAllYPILOT AllJ .
n ' Duels BP · ·a Area'"
-1:.r . '* * * '* * * *I * Swim
. llB Dominates
My~a~lesGahrTonight -'!:~;~~:._
CIF F · · -Tall Ord~r ,.~"""'""'"""""'K'"'
Empire Team
~ The Huntington Beach High Oilers walked off
wlth most or the honors in the Official Orange County
Sportswr\.ters All·Empire ~guc basketball team,
including player of the year and coach of the year.
Oe ..., aooi::t'ff -1.SCll>rnn(F)l.Oooca.tl
(Ml 1. StrM.hil" (Fl, TllNI : 1 :o&,),l
1-lunlington's Jim Cable, a 6-3 senior center. was
selected player of the year and the Oilers' E lmer
Combs was named coach of the year. •-, "'(" tQt INt. MMl•J -I. 8 . ''""I'' If')
Has ·Lofty
f FODt· J,,ine
-• ..1 ' Skyac~11111n• Brea lnvodeo s..,
Cle11>ente Hill~ School tonight in
the lint l'<>qnd of the CIF' 2-A
baskl!lbaU plaxofl• and comeo ln-
tolheBlt with a·frootllneolll-9,6-8
and 6-4. TipoCf ~ at8o'clock.
Coach Jital\ OeMaa:aio's San
Clelilente Trifons, however, are
favored th advance to Friday's
sec.ond . round-and th11t 's
becaus,·the 'Iritons like lo p.ress ·.
and Brea d'oesh 't like lheta"r.tk.
The visiting Wildcats of coach
Gene U0yd'own a victoey over El
Dorado in overtime, but they have
lost three of th~lr last five league
The Wildcats have the height-
bul they don't have nearly the
team speed or firepawer or San
Clemente. Still, if Brea can get its
inside game going effectively and
get San Clemente's 6-7 Ted Kalola
in foul trouble early-the Tri tons
could fall.
Barry Weston is Brea•s No. 1
player. The 6-9 post has an 18.8
average and broke the school's
single season scoring record. He
scored 41 against hapless Valen-
Dan Hanson ( 6-7) has a 16.3
av~age and 6-5 guard Mike Lowe
averages 11.6 points and 6.8 &S·
sists perga,ne.
Bre,a likes to use a 1·3-1 zonede-
ren.se, but one of Its big problems
is when Weston gets into foul trou-
DeMaggio's Tritons have their
height in the middle-Kalota-
and they also have excellent fast
breakinf guards in Dave Taylor and Je( Densmore. Both guards
are a ll -league players. ...
And, with sophomore Tim
Dunham and 6-3 senior Scotl
Severs in the corners. the Tri tons
have explosive firepower.
Brea's6-4 Terry Goodelland6·3
Chris Hopkins alternate at one
forward and Steve Mahl~tede
<5-10) rounds out the starting
This is the second straight year
of playoffs competition for San
Clemente under OeMaggio after
nine previously fruitless years.
El Toro,
Square Off
CERRITOS-The El Toro High
Chargers draw a rugged assign.
ment tonight al 8 when they
travel to Cerritos High for the
first round of the CIF 2-A basket·
ball playoffs.
The Cerritos Dons won the
Suburban League title with a 14·1
recol'd, compiled a n impressive
22·3 overall mark, have won nine.
straight and have two players
who will probably be named to
the All-CIFteam.
Ranked fifth in the CIF 2-A
pall, Cerritos also has playorr
experience. The Dons won the
Suburban title last year and beat
Temple City .in the first round,
Qut lost a s~cond round contest.
El Toro finished in a lie for
second place in the South Coast
League with a 10-5 rtt.ord and
.compiled a season mark or 16-10.
However, the Chargers like to
play against smaller teams and
Cerritos is smaller.
Ben Howland , a 6-1 guard, is
the Cerritos team leader. 1-te was
most valuable player in his
league ~ast year and was All·~I F
first tea m . He averages 19 points '° s.nu ,.,.,.
.oC..-rllM '' 11Y•l•nc~
71 ~~· ..11 a game, holds the all-lime assist
:: record al Cerritos with about
~· seven a game a nd is the second ~~ best rebounder on the club.
lM IMllG.tl"dlots .,,,,,_ .... ,u,... .. ~J 11 Eioer..-.u " ,.c ... .,.,..
'° c;...d.n c:.r-., _,.
.. IMUIOP Gor,,....,
"'-"" 11EIQMade
st l•EIDorlNM
"' 11 Sollor• 12 6f E~rM11e
50 7"C-ron
)S j..I El Dot.io
•t !IOV•leM.~
71 t>.i~a
s1 Forward Darrell Hall, 6·6, ~ holds every rebounding record at
11 Cerril<>S and also aver ages 18 a ~~ game. Rene Hairston (6-1), Mark
Gauchos Stop
Baseball Foe
VISTA-Saddleback College's
Doug Pryor hit two home runs in
leading the Gauchos to an 8-5 non·
conference baseball victory over
host Mir.a Costa College Monday.
Pryor had a two-run ho~er 1n
the first and a solo blast 1n the
third. Rieb Douglass also had a
first inning home run for the
Gauchos while Tom Zanotti had a
two-run·single in the ninth.
The victory ran the Gauchos'
season record to 5·2.
•• ' • ... Zel'IOtll.tt ' ' ' ' ..._tl•r.7tl ' • • • var;.q,t.IJ ' • • • PTl'OI". II • ' ' J Rootioit. ti ' • ' ' °"'9'"'· cfll I ' ' ' s.ildlileOt, 10 ' ' ' • ~1.n,10 ' ' • • *l"'JtN.,, lb ' ' ' • Gly,.c ' ' ' • ~·· ' ' • • .... ' ' • • s-. ... 1,\\ ' • ' • Mlll':J)hy. 0 ' • • ' TI"1Hl.O • • • • Wlf'll'QJ•"· O ' ' • • e..trOl'l,P ' • • ' -.. ' • ' • Tot•rt " • .. '
~ .. '""'"•' • • SMdltlM<~ J07 ODO 011-e It • ' ' Mlreeotl• :o» 010 010-) 1
Girls · Sports
OekletlW.ll leHllottl ll41
alo .-II rM
' 1 l 0 7 2 0 1
0 0 0 0 J I 1 I • J
' l
' l ' • ' n sc.,...,. ''""'•
' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' . . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' t , • ' . . ' 11 11 10
' . toO 000 CIO!>-il 1 • •
1 '' O 000 OOl)-14 I I '
Smith (6·1> and Rodney Miller
(5·6> round out the Cerritos
El Toro coach Wendell ·wilt
thinks stopping Howland wiU be
the Chargers' toughest task.
"He's very quick and a great
shooter," says Will. "lf we play
man defense we'll probably need
to double team him and if we're
in a zone we'll have lo conccn·
traleon his side.··
Uke they did in lheir three
wins over Mission Viejo, El Toro
plans lo take advantage of its size
while Cerritos will counter with
its quick guards and excellent
The Chargers will be relying on
the outside shooting of guard
Gary Connally (14 .6), rebound-
ing of center Ed McFadden (6 -8}
and overall play of forward Mike
" &tls.Gt•nH " 11 N91l " ,. ..... .. IO ,.,.,.rtelr " •~ V•I•• Qlrltt!.., " $1 GelW ,.
11 89111"-t " 111 Gle!ln ..
•2Ll"'I~ .. 17 ArMil• ,. •1 MoM.ci.lr " .,_ ., n....,... .. " ,.,.,.rt•lr " r1 o....-t u sa G.11r " 76 Chino " It GNM " 10 et s.,ui.ctro .. 73 Artttle " ,. ~llr " ~-.. ....... " 11 Nte.Jf•lr " n Art•1o1• "
SoCal BOmhed
Cal Poly (San Lui s Obispo>
slammed three home runs, in·
cuding a grand-slammer in easi-
ly routi n g host Southern
California College, 10·0, in col·
legate baseball play Monday.
S.C.I C11! ... IOI
M • . '" °'"'·" • ' ' ' ... _ .. • ' • • Ml>r•le\.' • • • • ~11.111 • ' ' • LebKk.CI • ' I ' W•rdlOw.dl'I • ' ' • Col•, rt • ' ' • MlllMP. 10 ' ' ' ' HO•ot. $~. • ' • ' S.nc:het,O ' ' ' ' Tor'llM.P ' • ' 0 To1.11i ~ ' ' • l <.,••w 111•i11M • " • OIPolT IS1.D1 , .. "' I00-•0 " J soc~ "' ... ..... ' '
Diablos Five. . . .
School's tall and ~efy Gladiators
await Mission Vle}o toni1bt here
ln the first round ot lbe CIF 2-A
basketbaJI playoffs and are slight
ravorites to advance tothesttond
round Friday.
Opening lip is at 8 and the core
of Gahr's role off a vorite'ties in re-
bounding-where a front line or
6-4 Art Jackson, 6-3 Noble Smith
and 6-4 Greg Ripbagen-bascom·
bined to haul in 24 rebounds per
(fahr coach Tom Pryor says his
team's major assets are its work
on the boards and the high post·or-
Jackson is a 245-pounder
averaging 11 .0 points per game·
\\•hile Riphagen, Gahr's chief
threat, is an l l .2scgrer,, · ·
Dennis Huff (5·1fguard and 14 .0
scorer> and Andy Serrano (5·11
guard and 9.0 scorer> round out
·the balanced Gahr attack. ~
Pryor has height on the bench,
too, with 6-4 Rodney Bran6on and
6-4 Harold Homsher available.
Thus coach Pat Roberts' Mi s-
sion Viejo Diablos have their
1work cul out for them. The
Diablos finished in a tie for second
place in the South Coast League
and accompljshed a sparkling
17·7 overall reeord with 6-5Ste•e
Sawyer and four slick players~
all under6-0.
Gua·rcts Dave Cooper and Dean
Egertson both earned first team
all-league honors.
And Sawyer is a second team
choice. With forwards Kelly Cox
and Milch Adan1s, the Diablos
have a potent offensive game. But
for the most part, they must do il
from outside 8Jld tonight's opposi-
tion runs a zone and man defense.
Gahr finis hed second to Cer-
ritos in th e Suburban League and
handed the champs their only
league setback.
Mission Viejo can be expected
to put on a full court press in hopes
of tyingt up the taller Gladiators
and a stall, of some sort, is not en-
tirely out of the question.
This is the second time ever for
Mission Viejo to make the
playoffs-the last lime coming in
61 hllllo-.r
M BNllWl'fl
M St. Jofll'l BoM:o
61 st. Paul
.., S..-vlt•
1$ Oreno-
,. "-leln V•ll•' Sot us... ....
61 UHtt>r• u C..-.-110\
ll;J ... l""lffj.
., .. yl.if"
~ 14 Glefwl
42 6S Hieff
12 ... CerriD
$1 6S ·•rtni.
71 11 MA/t•lr
72 10 G4efWI ... ., ... "
SI ~ Cerri'°'
•1 6o4 Art.U.
1• tl Me-,f•W
SJ 11 """
Prep Tennis
Nllflti..tMC14l (14.JI WotltlniotAw
Si .. '-5
" ..
" " ..
" ..
" ,.
M ..
Jenn I H l lost to Johf'l$Ol'I ... , • <»t. 8rool<s ... ,, dl't.
Mtd\A.ieM. de!. Armer •4. Colli..-\HI IOlil (H, 1-6.
...., t-1. M . French I HI IO!il IM., M . M , -1 ... Ar•\ln(Hl loslM. 2-6. J-6, 2-6. -8.-ff-G.llC" IH I del.'l..eidholl·Williams. t-2, t-J;
c»I. 0.llulri·Broadbeotl 6-4, t-2. Colrf--C::.rnpbtll
(HJ-t-l.6-1;1otl4 .. ,4-6.
.. ._. ......... I IS.I) {14.1) WttlmillS .... , ........
81Mek IHI lost 10 Mels11I J..6, def. Clipt91n ..... ,
WI. Posslnt-1,def. 0-1~4-2. Wlntl'towd (H) won
t-1.t-.t-1, t-4. R••N• (H) lost 2-6. won 7-5, lo:\t , .. ,
t-1. PeM:oe CHI IOSI~, J...7.1_.,_,,.).
o.~-... . Str""'J\·Stlwr IHI lost lo Foe~tenn14,6"7.
O.I. khe"'9r-Cr.01 •·I. •·1. Slr•H·Klil'le IHI loll W ,
4-6; f.1)1111 .. ,4·0.
El Toro 11 I \Ii i 11• 1"1 TW1ot
Fred.,<11 lo~• to (.a\e 1-6, dt!t. Kelli• 1·5, lllet. Lin·
OIQ 1·~. oet. ~ntry6-0
FOf"l)fftot.t '"'·""°"'·6. lost 2-4.~>I. wni '""er 1osl l ·6. wo" 6·•. won 0-2, won o-•
A"IW''""" IO\t 0·6. l<.-11-6. to~t 1·6. to!-1 4.fl.
Ell10!1 Mu ... del Udld<1dQe·M1kllehon 16. )..6
<IP! H•••tllon Slu!tm ,1n 1 ~. 61. Bo'ldel-Alnll• klSI
l 6. l ·O lo\1 1-6. l -6 .
Jlffl'-r verslty
El TON 161'11 U \'l)TllSfl•
Sl .... IH
c ... 90a IOil 10 AQU AQuller• 2-6,lllel. Hunt 0-J
f'orbfflos11 •.won6·l . ~11er lo\l IO L•wls0·6. losl ~oSmlthlM.
H ICkil0\11 .. , !01;1 0 ...
OotoltleS " ROQl!rl\·Mtt•rll1y ... f. W'!Mlm-WebDH"I·~ lo!.I
1o o«ee+o·MI ••mo •-o.
M..,pny.venS.Ot 'l _,.._J. won 0-1
HB-Vikes Tickets
Tickets for the Huntington
Beach·Marina basketball clash
Friday night in the first round of
the CIF 4·A playoffs are on sale
at the financial offi ces at both
Sales will continue through 3
p.m . Friday or until the tickets
are sold out.
Prices are $1.50 for general ad·
mission, 50 cents for children 12
an(I under, and 75 cents for
Marina and Huntington Beach
lligh students (presale>.
The doors are e xpected to be
()pen at 6:30 Friday nighl at the
Huntington Beach gym.
' '
Have you
picked up your
free plant and book
at Keystone?
,, I•
2. O...C:lt-ftll IMI l . R•¥ !Ml. TlfJle : !.W..1 •
iO Fr•-I. O.vl' (Fl t. Gou•lln
tfll A.OUNkl IMI. Tl-: O:tl.1 °'"I'll -I , 0.rr••d IU> 1 ......... (Ml l ... II (F). Po.Int•· ttJ, 1\
t00 Ply-1. llu~ (Fl 2, C. '11rnit1
l"I ,, 8v1JI IM/, Time : O:S$.I
IOD Frff -a,.,,.., ''°'!.Ho. IMI l . DllVI\ IFi,lt'lnw : 0:41,t
B FrH -1. How• !Ml t . 5trKh.M
IFI 1. Bf"Mln IMI. Time: f :!o0.4
\QO "''" -1. 8. Furnlu. (F) 2. Gooat!I lMI ), 'l'•l>CY !Fl. TUl'lf:
100 a .... , .... 1. Dutt•Ol"ll'• tMI t. Tabb• SlllMll (Fl J R•· IMI. Time: 1·o.1 • • 1ng
.. "'" A•••Y -I. FooO•lll, Time: J:'24.5
MIMM 'clloe)e 1141 IMI F~ . •
200 ~.,. l'I••·~ -I. Footlllll .• M .
ti'"': l:W.• ar1na lOO Fr• -I Cr•nlord {Fl 2. K. Mui".,..., (Ml J. R•ymonl IM I. THne :
200 '""'· Medll!f -1. Y•"Cf (Fl 1. El~~::.i ~ V:."°t: . .Ci't~·FTll~ 9!~·
IFIJ. H-UJ IMI. Tlme ;0:1~.J
100 Fty -I. T•rryk (F J. Tl ... : 1:31.1
100 Fr-e -I. C•wln (Fl 2. O•nlonl
!Fl l, WOOCIS tMI. Time· 0;~1.1
lol)O Fr .. -l . Y•ricy (F) 2. tC
M11r0hy (Ml J. T•r.-yk I F). T!"-c;
100 B•c~ -1. Horwilt (MJ 1. Troller
IF I l. Tyrtu.1Uer IF I. Tune : 1. 16.8
100 Sreet l -l. DeBoar IFl 1. ~dw•rck {Fl J. Ellloll IF L Time :
Marina High 's Vi~ings
are favorites to knock
Huntington Beach out of
the CJ F 4-A basketball
playoffs Friday accord-
ing to a survey taken of
five opp'lsing coaches
who have aced these two
during the regul a r
1:10.1 season.
..oo Free Rela y -1 Foo11>u1 Ti"": Here's what they have
l:s1.4 r F .d . v.t.11s1Tv to say o r1 ay s en-
MIMl•v1t;.11 .. 11M1w.11m1,...,. l
200,,,,..,,.•.,R•l•y -i.M1,11onv.10• coun er:
1~ 'F:!e':.... 1. CC>ooef• tMi 2. &-....-. Cypress High 's Bill
CM11.Fr...-tM1 . Tlme: 1:0 .1 WaJker says Huntington
2001"4.Medl•Y-1.DIK --r1r.CMI h H " h' 2. R•• IMI l. Hurr•n 1w1. t ime : Beac 1g s momen·
1:02.6 tum could be a big fac-~ f'rH -1. liunlle• (W) t. PulOJO
!WI •nd N•"'Olf~llt'r IWI. Tin.: tor. o:~·!1"9 _ 1. eoioliie;oi 1w 1 2. Ge•· "[ like Huntington·s
.-..-d CMI J.Hotlb' tMi. Poioi1i : 2 .... 10 chances. Marina's Bob
100 Fly -I. W~\ne• (W) 2. 9u5h T --d R" h B tMl 1. Fu-11shlma cw1. Tl.-: o:s1.1 .a...u;,ner an IC r3J1-
100 Frff -I. Howe !Ml 2. Olr.aLMr.i ning did SO much against <M~·;:.:11~w :w~o:':':'~~'f.·~ .. n us that I don't really re-
1M1 J. Fr•nwn CM1. Tllnl'· •:so.• call the rest of Marina's I()() 8•,k -1. Gooll•ll \M l 7.
WM'll>l!r 1w11. E•~tt•urn 1w1. Time . lineup.
o·~'e•eau -1.ouct..ortritMl?. ''But Hunti~glon
R•v tMi J. r . M1><1>11, tMi. rime· Beach showed a very 1
!il•F•H Re1o11, -1. MissiOt1Viejo. ~alanced attack. The
T'""' J:2~.• Oilers had their troubles JUNIOllYAASITY
M11,; .. v1e;.1111 u111 we11m1m.1... early, but they have real-Ti::~~~: A••aw -1. W•stm1m.ter. ly come along. They m3:Y
200 Fre• -1. K. Murphy 1M1 2. be playing some of lhetr ~n...-1w1 l. H•rrln-;iton cw1. T1m11: b 1. basketball right 1.0..1 es
200 1nc1. Medtey -1. C•rter !YO 1. now Marina is more of a B1>rte IWI l . Ric.II (WJ. TlnMt : 2:11.1 " • so Free -1. Sf\11 1M1 1. ee ...... n . patlern-consc1ous team
1w 11.H-ui1M1.T1me:o :1•.1 nd Hunli.ngton Ji.kes to 100 f ly -1. 8urke IW) 1. Rltfl (WI a
1. Harr;, 1w1. Tlmt: no ume run and ~hool. '' IOOFrM-1.~1 IWl1. Me-IWI
1. wooos. (M l. Time: o:~.4 El Toro Higb's Wen-
soo F•H-1. IMe IWI 2. K. M<.ir'pfl'f WI · k M ri 1M11.Mu1er <w1.Time:4:S1.2 dell tt pie s a na.
IQD e..c1o, -1. Certer 1w1 2. tlar-"We got killed by Marina rll'qlon !W) l . Kl11glberfW lWl. TIITW . . r· l d 1:01.1 1n our trs game an we
100 e,...,, -t. Bennett 1w1 1 beat Huntington Beach.
H••t1\ (WI 1. k rger (W I. Tl"""· No II
11me • We played ve ry we r;=:~~~1R.•1•Y -L We~t,,...nster. against Huntington
Edi~ 111111 M91•~ O.t
E ll•ion -No c h oll. \l. '·O·l •. Oe~ro•lfr. rl, •·1·1·0. W•,d. Jb,
l 1·1·1·; !nne•. '· )·1-0-1 ; H•~.,,. ID. 1·0-0·0: '!.!Iker•, U l .!·0·0; Strovil&•.
11:1. l ·l·O·I: se1(r1119•, t i, 3·1·1-2;
Dor.mf ff F. P. 1·0·1-1; Ldve l1e, )b,
1-040; 51oker, C, 1-0-0-0; Durh<tm, p,
1-141; K•llW. 1b. 1·0·0-0.
M11 t•r D•l-Slla ow1 , c t, 1-0-0-0;
Sewerl!IO. 111. 1·0 1-0; Liekh .. s. JO.
3.0.l· I; M.lc•ul1y, rt. 2·0-0-0 ; Kelly. 11.
2-0-0-0; WiQmore. is. 2.0-0-0; Abl:lon. c. l·O·O·O; I.Inne r\, 2D, l ·O·l ·O;
For,,...MCI<. P. 2·0-0-0; P•luul. ct.
1-0-0-0; Ori.o-. 11:1. 1-1-1-0; Romero.
tl. l~·l.O; J1>91t, II. 1-0-0·0. Gu1 ier1>l.
lb. 140-0.
Beach and the y may
have been down. llunt-
ington Beach has un-
_doubtedly improved
s ince that game .
"Marina should \Vin by
10 points, but with the
game at Huntington
Beach the margin could
be smaller . I 'll pick
Marina, 75·65."
Villa Park High's Ron
Lindsey also favors
Marina.·''Marina beat us-
by about 18 and we beat
Cable averaged 16.3 points a game and was one
or the top rebounden for Huntington Beach. A con-
sistent performer throughout the campaign, he re·
ceived much praisefromopposing coaches.
The Oilers figured to be only a medioc re leom al
the start of the sea son and their 3·6 non-league rrfark
seemed to bea r this Olit . However, Combs guided his
club to the league title with a 13-1 record, including
two wins over K atclla.
Cable was joincd'on the first team by teammate
Paul Gassmann while the Oilers' Perry 1-l arbin was
selected to the second team. Gassmann. a 6-4 senior,
aver aged 13.4 a nd was a clutch p('rforn:ier for
Combs. Ila rbin will be back next year to 10 10 what
should be a nother contender rorthe Oilers.
Pl ayer, School
All-Empire League
Jim Cable, Huntington Beach
Paul Gass·m ann, Huntington ~acb
Ken Munger, Kennedy
Buck Day, 1'~oothill
Chuck Greene, K atclla
Player, School
Perry Harbin, lluntington de a ch
Brian Todd, Katella
Chris Wing, Kennedy
PeteKoehnke, Orange
Rick Cromwell, Cypress
tit. Cl. Ave.
6·3 Sr. 16.3
6-4 Sr . 13 .4
6-2 Sr. 18.l
G·6 Sr. 16.2
6-1 Sopb. 16 .7
Ill. Cl .
6-0 J r .
ti-4 Sr.
6-3 Sr.
6-2 Jr.
6-2 Jr.
14 .2
15 .2
17 .0
11 .6
McCloskey Voted
To All-loop Team
Estancia lligh's Jim McCloskey is the lone
Orange Coast area bas~etbal l player to earn first
team All~Century League honors as selected by the
Orange County Sports writers Association.
McCloskey, a junior, led t he league in scoring
with a 20.0 averag e and scoredover20 eight limes in
P.-1cCloskey is joined by Ray Orgill on lhe s econd
team as the pair led Estancia lo a third place finish in
league behind Villa Park and Tustin.
Villa Park's Steve Nelson and Ron Lindsey are
player and coach of th~ year in the c ircuit while
Tustin picked up a pair of first team ~rths.
Area stars on the second team include Corona
del Mar's Chris Baker and Costa ~1esa 's Keith
Josephson .
Baker althou~h not the highest scoring player
on the Cor~na del Mar quintet, was the most consis-
tent-and played tough defense.
Josephson was the key to Costa Mesa's game
and Was the dominant ractor in rebounding and scor-
ing ...
All-fR:enlury League
First Team
Bob Dove. Tus tin
Steve Nelson , Villa Park
Jim McCloskey, Jo:stancia
Dave Flood, Magnolia
Doug Gray, Tustin
Second Team
Chris Baker, Coronadel Mar
Keith Josephson, Costa Mesa
Ken Quigley, Et Modena
Jeff Sanderson, Villa Park
Ray Orgill, Estancia
Sc .
Sc .
15 .2
9 .7
6·2 Sr. 10.8
6·3 Sr. 13.1
6·3 Sr. 14.6
6·1 Jr. 10 .5
5·10 Soph. 9.5
Huntington Beach by 15, ---------------------~ so I would have lo go with I r~---------------------, sc-., '"'""•Ii ' . Mater 0.i 000 001 0-l I Edtl.otl 000 211(1 0-1 •
LMAll'tl ... (l )0(ll Etli ....
0 Marina. 2 mg ·1a1-.1Jmq IMtll!t'll!
''I'd say l\1 arina should "pt1 tig~1'11~. llC l\fpo11 ocr ·1•
win by s ix to eighl
..... ~ ................... ~.
Eoi,or.-N ICll OI•, ·~. 4·0·0·0; Seller•. U. '·0-0-0; De sroslt!r. t i,
,.\.\.0, 1._i. t, '·l·l·l; W•rd. Jb.
•-1·1-D; StllridQe. c l . l ·D·0-0 ;
:.tro•nl.,..r 2b. 3·0·1<1 : IC eUy, '"· 140-0; We•••, P. 1·040; Dol'lme-,e~,
P. 1·0-0-0; C•rr. P. 0-0-4·0 ; Sloker. c.
I 0-0-0; Bowen, Ptl, 1·0-0-0; H•vl'!>. P".
Newport Harbor
ffigh's Dale Hage)' says
Marina should win 72-66.
• 101 000 l-'
000 100 l -3
• • •
• "Huntington Beach has ~ to run and keep the ball
Wetlnfftlay lfl'elt. 2•1
S•lmoi1lng-E1l•r.cl• •I Co\!•
Mew. An11Mtlm •I Huntlnqton Beath.
Vft\lern •I EdiiOfl. Founleln V•lley o111
Nlfwporl H•rtK>r. M•tin• •I Loi
AJ .... uos. s.an c1emeoi~ •I Mh.1lon
\ll•io. l.•Q1>ot• Be•cll •I Et Toro,
unl...erslly •I Dan• Hiiis C•tl o111 3. Ul.
Col<ltn W1\I •I C.•rltos ():JO).
S•M0.11-fdlloOn et Co~ta Mes.<!.
BolS. Grano. 11 M.lrir.•, R•l'l<ho
Alar'lli!OS et Newpor1 Ha rbor. ~"" Hitti el Los .t.mlgoi, F•llOrooll 01 El
Toro fell •I J :lSl. Or1"91! CoilM al
C~pre~\ ll:Xll.
Al•Nme 11. Georgie M
Florid.o .. , Kt oiluclly SI
TtN>nwe: 109, Mli1. St. ll
Florldlo St. ,I, /Ntrc•r ..
GeorQie Tlf<ll 74. T11l•M ••
A11DU<'fl 110, l.ot1l1le.,1 Sl. ••
,,,....,,..,IO, Jet lo,90fl¥1Uo '' V•r.IMr bOI ... MIUl!slppl '° llMlla.n.1 112. llllnol s 19
WIK onsln 70, Mlc,.lo•n NI
P'IHdl.le 14. OlllO SI. 11
Horl}l.,..,l•rn •1. MlcfllQ•nSI ...
E . Montaoie 69. 8oiM St. 61
A.atench JS, Pomone SI
c11••monl·Ml.ldd "'>, C•lllfCm6'J
away from Rich Bran·
ninglowin,'' says Hagey.
''When Branning
passes off they can't let
him get the ball back.
The full court pressure
that Huntington likes
might gel lo Marina.
"And Marina won't be
able to play the offense it
likes best -the passin g
game-becaus e you just
don't run a passing gamr
against a zone.
Orange Hlgb's Tony
1'1ason like s Hunt-
ington's chances. "l-tunt-
ington Beach is the hun-
g ry team and I Jikr. their
style of play.''
Pro Scores .,..,.,k.., eas••t .. 11 AtMCiau..,
lrldl•f\,J 120. Se" DifOO 108 Kent....:ty 109. Memttr.1, 11;1
Ul•l'I 117. New York 1 JJ
Why aren't you
Clrlvlng a
JI \!"$ bacause you thought you couldn·l '111ord 11,
try lhi5' Brand New Coupe de Ville ·
• $186.00 pee mo~
Wllh our exoel~t financing and our tailor-made
loo:Je !Ii= yon hove no more excuses. Call us lodoy
for a ~quote.
fO e: :11 "'° i•~I. eao .• mt •• ,, eo. ..., ...-11J1 eo. to1111 ,..
141'1to.ter lit!'"°''·"° 1olf,1..ilf0.N1'!6 k)
. Nat>ets Codillac
zeoo--.eo.1a -17W)MO-MOO
I •
los Angeles i:eet
~nta Monica·long Bea~h Sails
San Diego Wave
vs Anaheim Hamm's
San Diego Community Concourse
202 C Street
San Diego, California
Game Date: Wednesday, February 26
Game Time: 7:JO P.M.
Tickets: $5.00 $3.50 $2.00
Ticket Information:
(714) 236-6510
" . . . ~::.~ .. ':. '-e;,l(r./,. • --.•.. -···--
,..1 .• ~., •
1 . . I ___,-\-.. ~ ..
.. ·!
~' I
W11ning: The Surgeon Ge as Oett11n1n1d
Th11 Cign111 s..lilg Ir °""l•nm 10 v.,. Neailh.
. "
; • • • • • l
.... l'tJ
P\11111$hed Ore~ Co.II Delly Piiot, ~w.ry II, II, 2S,.,..a~r<fl t,. IQ/S _,,
Ttlt followl "II P'tl'loOtll •• e doing bl6l
lle\1 as:
2810 11111 s 1., No. IG4. Huntington ee...01,
GltEGG MA••ISON, Ahr ••
£rw111,C...._ &J•••w ..
,.., Wiit.iii'• 11¥111,, 9U! l'lr.
.. ,,,, • ., Hillt. C.1111. tt212
Ct Ill 21J.6JU •-I Pulllllstw!d Or-oe Co.,sl Dally Pilot.
F•,b. II, lS, ~!'Id.~'· 4, 11, 191S SJ.i.7S
T~ following per¥Wt Is doing bu!ol• flt'•••: AIR-COOLED RESEARCH, 150'/
N. En9ti\l'I, S..nta An•. CA. 92106 .
Danie! Pell, 1502 N . En9Jlsh, S."'aAn.o,Calll, 1910.
Tl'M• !Ni.on<'!>!> Is coodv<l;id by •n In·
Olwl aua1.
TM 1ollow1 no per!>Gni ha..e alNll-
;JOl'Md ir..e "~ ol tM ll<llllous INSlnHs
n.ime (J.S . OE.VELOPMENT -
Pt-tEASANT RUN, a l •100 Olrtn Sl:re..1.
~wpor! 6~~h. CaUtornla 92460 Calil 926'18 Tr•<><••as M. £o1ton. 1810 H tn s1 .. No l ---------------O.nl" Pell
Tllis s1'1tci..,.n1 .,..,!> l ]led wl1h tl'lft
CoVl'l'f Cter~ cot Ora11~ Coun11 on lhe lk liUou• bush.es• n.ome n:f..-rrd to <H:ICl..e w•1 tried on NoY•mber 21. l'ln
!fl !I'll County 01 Oranoe
111 AE ... LJY VE NTU RE AS·
SOCIA TES, INC .• i.ole QO!n•ral PMI..,...
2100 Wol..,,!reo 8oule•ard, L~ °'"9"1es.
C..Ufa<nl.i 900S1
CORPORATION, form•r gener.•I
p.or1..e•. 4100 Biren Stre-et, Newport
Se.ch, C4.. '2660
Tr.h 1;1usJne1s w•s CONlu<Jl<f bV .J
iml1e:1 p.orlMrs r.lp.
lt>e tollowl"il Pl',.,,.., h•v• otlwn·
1~, !1.'!~!!"<i.190:! ~~-c!'., C~ll!0<n!~~_16olf
This l;lu!tl11e11 Is c.ollducted Dy .., ,,,.
TllOmas M. Ealon
Thi$ '1•1ell'Mnl was flltd woth thll
County Cl••-ol Orange COun!y on
.HnuaryJl, 1915. .... ,,
PUbflt.hf:d 0rd<'MJI' Coasl O.lly Pilot,
f'ttll. •, 11, 11, 2), 1t1S JIN>-15
OotMd the .,... 01 01e 11cu110.,s business SLl"-7MW
COUNIA'Y VILLAGE , •100 8ort l> STATEOl"CALll'OllNIAl'Olt
Stretl, Nl'WPOfl B•at ll. Ca!llo>nl3 THECOUN1'YOl"O•ANGE
'76'o0. N1. A·IUlt
TM lt<:liilous l;luslne'~ """•re N OTICE OF HEAlllNG OF
lttted IO,,llOYl' w•• l•led On NO""'mber PETITION FOR PROfJATE Of' WILL 21,l9/11nlhlCo1.1n1,oror;on~ AHO FOR LETTERS TESTAMEN·
SOC.IA.TES. INC., ..Oil' gene r•l 1Mrlner, Est.Jlt or Gl.OAIA OLSON FRAN
:UOO W1 1\hlre Bou!ev•rd, LO> A"C)l!le\, CO. Ill.Cl known as GLORI.-. GRIF·
CA900SI FITH, Oe<ea...O.
CORPORATI ON, lormet gener<1 I QIANA OLSON !prl'vlousty DIAN E
_-1111r, 4100 Birch Street, Newport Ol..SONl ,.., loll'd herein• pelil..,, lor
8e«h, C•lit. '"'°° ·· Pr-I• of W111 •nd ror kwanc:e of Lt't-Tftis l;lusi""Si w•s u>nd11tled Cy • ltrs TeH•rnenl••'I' to the pelltioner. r.-
tifl"llled l)drtnerSh•P • r.,l'flte to which h made la< lurthlr
A1•11y Yen1u•e • o.ortk wl.,s, .11ld 1na1 !he li"'11 .-ldllld<l'
AsliOti•tes Inc. o1 t.e.rino the Wll'M h.is beef' !of! lot' ~~~·~:iiopmenl C.orpo<•· Md•th •, 191S, •I 9:)0 a.m., I~ the ~....,,room of OePilrlment NO, 1 ot Sill ct
tlon, c-t.•t 100Clvic Center Ori..., West, on
• Cllll. c.orp. t""C•lyo! S~t• "n.i. c ,..1;tornl-'. Thi~ ~t•temt1nt w•\ tlled w!llt lntc C.tect Febnwry \4, 191S
Counly Cler-ot Orange (.aunty on WILLIAME,SIJQNN,
Fetlfu.ary 10, l't1S. CountyCll'r~
U!Jw ... IW•l-hti 4:MOC•m .. $0r.
SSS 5-lh l"I•-• Sl•••t k1 UCll
UlA ..... i ,CAt00f1 ,.. .. ...,, l.t.acll,Calitomi•
·Publli<hed OioonQ11 Coil•! O•oly Pilol, Attw•Yt._: PttitloMr fn. It. 2l. ;om,..,.,.'· 1 i: 1915 >*') Pullli-'lt'd Oronve Coai1 O.il!t Pfioi.
F•ll .. 11. 19,JS, 191~ S64·1)
llS6116 1• U 8 Ll,C NOTICE
IC!l'd!IO<• or Int oillOVt' ......... o detl'Clent iANO FOii LETTERS TESTA.MEN·
1n<t4 1111 pe<sons n•vonq c ldom \ "9<t•n" TAll'Y
lho! ••od doece<lenl are •~u,.ed lo hit' E\l•le ot W BR AOFORO HELLIS.
l'-:m, with !ho! neces~ .. •y .. ouc/\er), in De<ealoed.
the ollj(.t1 ol ll>e <l~•k ot '"' ;1DO,,.,.en· NOTICE IS HERE Bl' GIVEN l!'tat
l•Ued<a<>rl, or 10 preMtnt tnem, ...,t~ llW ROB~ .AT C. LUCIC EY hill lllecl ho!re1n
nt'teSSMy W1>11flWt'$, lo tr.e undeor~•Qnl!d a Otlrhon ot for Probate ot Will and lor
at tne otflce o t 11 e r anorney s i\MIM'<t ol L•tltt\ Te'1•mentary to
EDWAllDS EDWARDS t. ASHTON' 1111 Pl'litloner, relerl'nct to wlllCh I\
'?0 N, B; ;ond 8 I vd., G lend• It: m-lot' lut1hlr P'!floc ui.rs, and th.it
C•htorni• t17lll, who'h Is 11\l' l>I«• OI ine lime elld place ol hearing Irie w""'
bu\<ne•s 01 Uie "ndersl9ned In •II m.11. PIM beeon teol for Marth•. 191S, ill 9;:JC
C..rs pertainin11 to tn.-l'Slatt' of wlCI CJe. a,ni. In lhe courtroom of Department
ceCIE."nl, within tour month\ after u.. "ID. l ol S•id ,our!, al 100 Civic O!nler
l1r\I publoca1ion of tn•i notice °"'""' W.ll, in the Cily ol S.Jnta A..,,,
Dated Febr,...r~ 6, 197S, · Calllorn!a.
M ARGARET M, SHRAOER 0.ted Ftbr1Jary 1.1, 1'115 E~<."(Ylrl• ol the w+lt WILL.I AM I!. St JOHN,
01 tho •b<>~e neml!d decedfn\, Ccunly Cll'rl<
.:ON. &raotll &l•d. 1nt,..r1.11 •r.at1waJ
Glenda I•, CA '110J Silnta Au, C.lilor.-1• 'tl11t
At'-1s lor E•t,•lri• Tel; 11141 S).1.1111
P\,1>hll>ed Or.JnQI' Coa~t D.J<ty Pllo1 AllwMy1tor: P•lll ..... r
Fl'l>t"uarv 11, 18, 25, alld March'· 1t1S P"bl'\""d O•an9e Co.i~t O;;o11 PolOt. ,,t.11 Feor.,.r~ 18, 19, ?>. 1~1~ ;.c.1.1;
PUBLIC NOTICE -----------------1 Jan..,.r,11, 191~.
Publoihed Or•n~ cn .. il O•il, Piiot,
f1D. 4, • 1. II, 1S. lt1S ll<l-7S
Triot N•.1151
The tollo"'•n<J ;, • <OPJ of "NOh<e",
!he 0<u;11 .... 1 of wlllch Wi\ t iled IOI •C·
<O<'d on Ftbru.iry •. 191S In Ille ofli(l'of
Ille CouMy Reto•Ol!r 01 Orange County.
IN THE MATTER or Ille Deed ol
Tru\\ ""1<k by ORANGE COUNTY
l)<ltlneN.llOP, to FIRST AMERICAN
C•lilorn1<1 <0<POra1ton, l•u\tee, cloi~d
"""' 16, 1'111. re<oroeo Jun" 14, t<tn, "' OO<um<'nl No 1Jl90, on BOOI< 10111.
l>il9C '1• ot 011 1<••' Aecoub, In the ot
lot• ol \l>e County Ret o•Ol!r of°''""'""'
County. Cal1 lornia. \l't1.1tln9 among
othl'r DDloQ.ohons, • no1e /or Sl~.000-00
1nl•vorol W ILLIAM A. IC ... NOLOAND
LOUISE H . ICANOLO, hu~!).)nCI ano
Mlt•i ro•nl ten•nl•, or oreu>r,
Dre•ll ol •n OOlo9<'1l •on tor WlllLll ~ocl
Deed of TtYit l\ • \l'C yn t 1 n.> i IKC"'r.,g
'"that lhflre ";o' oee n • Clttd.,11 rn the
p.o.,.....,nt oft"" lnil•llment or oronc:lpal
an<l lnlert1•t whocn became Gue on
Oe<ember !4, ''14 and •II su~I
on'1•11me.il•OI pr1netplll ano on1erest.
!urt'le• oetaul! "•' Ileen n•.td« on ltlli'
Po!•torm 11nce ot Boe ot>t1Qill•on ot '"'d
Tru,to•\ <ontaine<l on P"'.Jll•.:11)1> ~ of
~(I ll."' .. ol \d1d Ot!1.C1 ~I T'""-'· lo PdV
'11 ledSI ton oav• be!o•e OCl<no...,ncy all
l.!•t'\a\•l',..,du1><>nt,...propo,rty. There
is now owin11 .:1n<1 ""P"•d upgn ..aod nole
llW ~um ot '100,all .l>S prmcopal, i>n<l In·
terest lhereon h om November 14, 191~,
Plu\ ta le Cll••11e•. Ely red'°" ol ~rd
a<each •l>d def.iull, II Is herl!b\I <ll>cldrcd
Ill.JI the whole 01 sa•dUl'lflolld amounl ol
wid note ""d all Olllt• Sum!. :wcured Oy
1-11d ~ed ot Trust IS imm<.'(!l•ll'l'I' Cl""
111\d paydble, anCI nDl•<e •s """'by Q<Yen
of lhe elKloon of l"" unders•grcd to
<orpgr.Jt!On. lrusttt lhl'•tun<lt"r, to"'"
'""property o~sc••o.?CI 1r.ertln in lhoe,
manner prov'°"'" on ~.J•CI Deed ol T•us1.
ltnd no!lce '' '"•tl'ot'r "erecy gl..en '""' tne unclt•rSlqneCI l'>l'relOIOrl' l'Jt<?Cul~ '""° O..hoterl'<l 10 sa•O T •vstee • -;ueo-
Clel l•••hon ol ,.;o cre•cll ano oe1a...11
a...:! a wroltenClo!manCI for 1~ !.a•eOI w.a
You m•, Mve lh• "9f'll lo u"' lhe
oi.t ... n dt,crltN<I lwreln and' rll1Mlall'
tl'll marltatt Of' <letd el tr11U. Section
m~ ot t.,. c1vo1 Cod• ...,rmni cert•in
del•wltl lo "" cur•<I "Pll" 1"-p.oynw"I
ol Uw atfMllHll' ••C111lrtd by tMI welt..,
w•t"""I requlrin11 P•,m•n1 ot llwl llOf'·
11.., ol ,.-in<ip.rl ;ond l~t••ts1 which
-Uld M1 lie dlM hid M ... lallft OI'· c~rr..t. Wh••• ••1nol;otemt1"I 1, ~s.I·
'"-· II !~fl del•ull i• .. 01 <ured willtl"
ll'M'•e monlhli followonq tht rtcordl"901
1hl1 naUcl', lh• ro<tftt or ,.,n•l.te .... nt
Woll lertl\in.rlt .rnd Ille properly"""' Doi
~'-To dl'tcrmine It •l·1~>1atemenl is
l>O\\•tllc .ind the an•ount. II any,
netes..,, to cur" lhe detaulr, t onlacl
I~ l>enellci.rry or •nof'IQ•9'!'e or ""'"
'UO:<••i.o•s •n •nlfrest. whose n¥nt and
-rt•••• ol lhe Cl.JI!! ol lf>ii nohte ·~
Wollo.rm A. K.rr.olO Louo\e II K•noldott
1l0 Cdbrollo St•cel, Co••• Mew, CA
Datlod Jdnu••Y 1q, l~JS
15' Wo lloam A K<1nOld
rsl LOU•,... H ic .. no1 0
Pub11\.hl'd Or.inQt Coa,1 O••ly P<k>f,
Feb, 1I.18,11, ind Mil• •. 191) •J/./S
·-· Pubh~hed Or•nge c"i.' O.ity Pilol,
F1b. ll,U,•110~r.4, ll, 19JS S)f.7S
The rouowing peri.ons •••doing tiusi·
d•rCI Avenue, S.:.nl• A...-•, C"t1l0<n•.i
llll So. Sl.Jnd.JrCI Avl'nU<', S..nl9 Alw,
Tllo~ ousfne\s o\ <onCJuctrd Dy., <or
ElP-K Elecltont<.\, Inc.
F, Gordon 0tnl>.JrCI,
r11,, \l•ll'men1 .... ~ tiled """' the
Ce>unly Cieri< e>I Oran<.,ie County on
Febru.Jry 10, 191S.
E..,.in, c°""' & J•'"''
MO• Woblllre •1vd .. ti~ Floor
a.verly Mills, C•tllornr• to212 ._,
Publ°'hl'd Or;;n9e CO.J>I O•ity PtlOI,
"'eb•Y••Y 18, 2S, •nd M ... cn •. 11. 1•1~ }}:J.7S
On M.ltn:h S, ltlS, at 11 :00 A.M.,
COMPANY. •s duly aP9Qintl'd Trulitee
unoer •...:! pUrwant to Deed of Tr..st re·
cordl'<JAprit 18, 1t l•. •>Inst. Ho. 1/IXll,
on blllok 11111. pa~ •1•. ol Ottidal
Records on tf>e ofllte ol lhe County
Ae<ordl'r o l Oran11e Co.,nt y.
FOR CASH (p.oJ.JDle •t tirne ol Wle ill
t•wtul ln()IWy ol the Unll•CJ Stales! at
the South l•Oflt entrance to Ille Old
Or•f\91! County Courtho11sa localed In
tne ?Oil blotk ol Weil S•nla An.>
Bou\ev••CJ Ho•mtrly W e•I Sl~lh
S\reeo. Santa ""'"· C•lilorniil, al!
• •llM. I •Tit •n<l inte •e>l conv~ ye CJ to ""°
now '>eld Or 11 un<l"' •a•d Deed of froJ1il
in the properly ~1tudled in •dtd (.aunty
df>d S.t die <14! sc r •tJood •' .
PARCEL,. Lots'· a. 9, 10. 11, 11 and
13 on e1oct SlO ot Liln<.a\\er's Add•llon
t• Ne wporl Beac~. in lhe O ly ot
NewPOrt 6eacll, County ol Oritngr,
Stall' ot C•lllorni.i, •s per ,....P rt·
coroed In BO<lk S Page 1' ol Mis·
ctll¥lflOUS Mao~: In lf>l' o!loce ot Ille
Collnly Al'CO•Cll!r of s.ttd County.
PARCEL 2: Tne Norl,.,.r!y 11 tee! Di
Loi~ ll to 11 i<ltlusive, on Block \.JO of
l.•"<••ler ·~ Addih on lo New1>11t1
Se.ch. 1n the C•ty ol Newport Eleacn,
Cownly of Or.JnQ<!, St•te ol C•litorni•,
•\ f>l'• ""1P re<O•de<I in Book ~ Pilllf 14
of Ml!,(l'llionl!OUS Map\, '" Ille olfoc.r of
lne County Aete>rde• of s.ii<l c°""1y.
E •Cl'(>! from tll•I po<lion ol Lot ,.
heret11 oescritwd ll'Wt p.ort oei.crotle<I"
fOllows . begonnong •I • point in ll'W!
Ea\ll'•IY linl' or •••Cl LOI I•. ""'iCI pain!
of !ll'il•""-i"'9 oeing t•nvent lo a ,..,...,
concave to lhe So11111we\t •"" Nvong •
tiodoor.. ol .fO tee!, :..>•Cl cur..., ali.o blo<i<g
t._nt lo a une 7' •~et me•~ •I
riQl'll dl\C)les Nort,,.,rly of and pM •llel 10
the Nortl'llrly line ol wld Lot I•; thence
-rtherl, along said (UtYl' to '"" rn·
ter....,lllon ... itn '""' Norll'lerl, Ii"" of
w•d Lo1 1•. thence EiUerty .Jlontl s.old
Northerly 11...e lo ti><! Norll'll!•Slerlv<or•
....,.. of wid Lot 14; I t.enc• Sou\,.....ly
•lon!l lllt E•sterly lone ot ••iCI LDt 14 to
uwr pain! of be')inning,
PARCEL l : th.JI oortlOt'I of llllrty.
•econd \lret1!, lo•me•!Y w asl!inoton
A"1!n..e, as per m.p ol unca,ter's
AdOl!lon ~o NewPOrl 8e•ch, In l1'le O ly
ol Newport Eleatll, Count, of a.......,..,
Slate-ot C•llforno~, <Ii per map re·
corded in Boo~ s Pave 14 ol Mlli·
tet!-ous Mai:>•: in tlle offk• of Int
C-\y AecorOl!f ot W•d Co11nly Y«•I·
ed ~•<II ll. ltSC llJ Rt\.Olutlon 37U ol
the Cll'I' ol Ntwpart Beacll idjolnlno
P•rcel 1 on l he No•th and more
l>il• he ulll• ly Cles< nbed .JS lollo""!>:
8eQ•""i"ll al '"" Nonr.west•rly <Gt
,.,.., ol L.ol lO, In SICK k 5.>0 of L•nc:•sltr's
Addll«•n lo Nt1w porl 8e•<h, •s per map
rec.O<'ded •n Book S Pave 14 ot """" ceH-s Mai>•. in the ollice ol !he
CountJ Recorder ot w id tounty; ~e
NOrtherly ••ong ""' NOrlM .. y pro· 1on11o1hon ol !he Wt\lerly 11...e ol said
LOI ll'.l, • doslaocl' ol II "'" lo the blqo.-.
.. 1n9 o f a c urvl conc •we1to lhe
Southe•\t, 1>av1n9 • t•CJ•"' of lS ffet,
thence •lon9 w!d cu•Yl' • Oh lM>e:e ol
?l.'.16 feel tllfdu.gh a <l'nl•al 1"91t of 'Cl
dotO)fH~ 10 •point, s•ld pelnl btl"!I In•
tone 2• !eel, me11i11red a l rl11"1 <'ll\Qlt"!i
"'lortlll'•IY of and p•r•llel to 11>8
Northerly UN!\ ot LOIS )0 lo 1• lnclusl"1!
ol •a•d Slo<k )30; lf>t1ntt1 E•steri,
aiorog wid -•llel line to Ille be<)ilmln<J
of • curw tonc:ave lo th• Soul'-sl
t>.l•ln<J a radius of 40 teoel, said C\lfYl'
a11oQ belnQ ,..,vent to tne E ••l«ly llnu
ot LOI ,. of s•id bltX~ Sl01 lllen<l' •lonll
wkf cur..e to •n lnl•rYclion ""''II !hi'
NOrttierly line o l uld Lot u ; lhlntt
Westerly •lon11 "'" No ttlMrly llnt ot wlo i..01111f to lO oncl.,Slve co \lie IJO(nl ot
E•cept 11>•1 J>Ortion lhereot 1,!n9
We sterly ol tr.e Northerly prolonoallol'I
of Ille We\ltrlJ llot' OI ••Id LOI 21
Tiie IHtl'I ac:ld•fl'' '"" Olllef<onvnon OlitQfWlion, 11 •ny, ol tll. real pt0Qlr1Y
"'1.<;rlbl'd abO.,_ IS p1.1rpoNN lo IM: JUI\
L•l•yet\e SI., Ntwporl B••tl'I.
.Bank Monicker Helps _Image
. When G. Robert Truez Jr. wu an execuUve vtce·presldtlltot tJ{e
Bank of America In Sao ~
clsco. he bad a style that easUy
dbiaUkngw11·1sbed hHlm fdrom the otbe[ an o cers. el; rove to wor.
every day lo a Jaauarsporta cat.
That style, so unlike lbe image
of a stuffy banker. is still in
evidence noW that Tnaex Js run-
ning his own bank in the.elate or
TBJJEX LEFT the Bank of
America in 1973_CO become presi·
dent or Marine Bancorp. He
moved into Seattle at just about
the same time that Bill Russell
arrived there to coach the Seattle
Supersonics in the .National
Basketball Association.
Both Russell and Truex are
managing second-place or·
ganizations, bQt they have made
their influences felt. The
Supersonics trail the Golden
State Warriors in their NBA
division but are pullin~ great
crowds. Marine Bancorp. trails
Seattle Flrat. ~tlonal but is
ateatinc the th\ibCler these days
because of aJace11ftthat's rugbly
· MUSual for the staid banking ln·
You know bow boring bank
names tend to be? 'Ibey begin
with "Ftrat" or "NaUoaal" or
somelhlng equally J~. Marine
Bancorp .• when Truex appeared
on the scene, was rllht ln the
groove. Its principal bol~ was
the National Bank of Commerce,
which had branches throughout
the state. It alao bad a mortgage
company, Coast Morta:a1e, and a loan company, C"ommerce
Those names l)ave now been
swept away. Effective Jan. 1,
Tustin Firm Wins
$675,400 Contract
Congressman Andrew Hinshaw (R-Newporl Beach> has an-
nounced the award of a $675,400 contract to KVB Inc., 17332 Irvine
Boulevard, Tustin by the Environmental Protection Agency which
could have effect on the nation's energy a nd air pollution problems.
Hinshaw said the contract calls for an in-depth survey of all
aspects associated with the use of low sulphur western coal lo verify
viability and establish cost effectiveness and the impact on air
"This important study could have an additional impact on the
economy of the western United States," Hinshaw said, "through the
increased use of undeveloped coal fields if the survey proves they
can be utilized with a significant reduction in air pol lution .''
Mann• Banco,P. appealed In a new dress. Jl{o, -It's not bein8
called SUperstmlce, a name de~
rived lrom Boeing's location in
Seattle. Truex' bank ls ' now
Rainier. after Mt. Rainier, the
majestic mountain peak that
towers over the center of
MARINE BANCORP. has ~ome Rainier Bancorp. The
National Bank of Commerce has
become Rainier National Bank.
Coast Mortgage ha$ become
Rainier Mortgage. And Com·
m erce Credit bas become
Rainier Credit.
To eet his new monicker ,
Truex brought in a hotshot New
York design house, Llppincott
&Margulies. Morethan.OOdif·
ferenl names and variations
were considered. In the end, the
choice came down to three:
Rainier, Cascade and Columbia.
When you drive a Jaguar, you
want to be recognized as dif-
ferent. There are 18 banks in the country which carry the name•.i
National Bank of Commerce, and
many others have Commerce
somewhere in their na mes.
There's only one known as
Of course, there are 67 other
companies doing business under
the Rainier name in the state of
Washington, including a popular
beer. But Truex has assured
stockholders : ''Before long,
when you hear Rainier, you'll
think bank.''
Marine BancOTp. stockholders
were told that the change to
Rainier is one way of keeping up
to date. "Times change," said
the bank. "So do companies. Peo-
ple get old. So do names. And it's
really nQt all that earth-shaking
when you think of it -women
have been doing it quite sue·
cessfully for years!''
.------------------------------------------.· Over 1'he Counter
MASO U511114JS
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·Dtsta;ff Workers ' . . Monday's
Burden on Job Market?
A tboory rapidly aaJnini
clrculallon In the U.S._b that
eur ·unemployment fiiures
are 1ross exaggerations
because the s'llo'ollen totils
count so many mUllona of
women workt;rs.
Worth A columnist who wiuaJly
restricts his observations to
politics put this point in print
recenU,l '#lth the following :
•;THE WORK FORCE, AS never ~fore, inciudei tar1e
numbersof wome.n ... whose unemployment would only mean Joss of an ex tr a Job, not a catastrophe."
BecauSe of this, it WCMJld be "wise Policy" i! we "would ~akt a lltUe more unemployment over a IJtUe longer period"
tf by sodolng, we could help break the inflation spiral.
· The Ignorance, expressed •nd Implied, In these com-
ments ~ould make mes~chless were I not so enraged. But
since It s probable many or you male chauvinists out there
may feel the same way about women-and -Jobs, I 'll submit in·
a:tead lhe $tatlstlcs that by themselves puf veMte the theory.
Approximately 35 million AmeriCan women are noW in
the la~r force. We, ac~ording to the U .S. Department of
l .. obor s Employment Standards Division "work fo'r the same reasons men do . ., '
To dramatize this, 7 million or the total are single women worker~, most or lh~m working "to support themselves or.
others. An.other 6 million are widowed, divorced or separat-
ed from their husbands and these millions -particularly the
women who also are rearing children -also are working for
what the Labor Department calls ''compelling economic re-asons."
THEN THERE ARE 3 million married women workers
wtth husbands who had incomes beJGw $5,000 at latest re-
porting date, and an additional 3 million with husbands who
had incomes between $5,000 and $7,000. These women, says
the Labor Department, are ''almost certainly working because of economic need."
On top or these millions are 1 million wives with busbaitds
not in the labor force and more than S00,000 wives with un-
employed husbands -women working or seeking work
because many are their family's "sole support."
To pulverize the theory even more-If it needs it-
amon~ all wives working, the avetage contribUtion is more
than one.fourth or the total family income. Among all wives
who work year·round full-time, the average contribution is
nearly two-fifths of the family's income. About 2 million
wives contribute half or more or the family's income.
Now. having crushed the theory coolly and competently,
.1 trust, let me blow off a bit.
First, if any woman is happy to be outside the job market
and wants to concentrate on making a happy home for her
husband and children -and tr this woman can afford it -
then good for her.
But millions of American women wholi~ethis life are not
happy with it at all. They neither create haf py homes nor do
they make happy mothers nor dGthey fulfil themselves. For
this woman, a job out.side the home is essential to her well· belng. ' ,.
JULIUS SlllSKIN, nationally respected economist and
currently Commissioner of Labor Statistics, conceded the
validity or this point when asked in an interview with U.S.
News a few weeks ago about whether there should be greater
emphasis in measuring unemployment on the breadwinner
who i~ the ramlly's sole support.
''It is a value judgment,'' answered Shiskln, ''to say that
one type of' unemployment b worse than another." Then
Shiskin told of hts own two daughters who are married, have
children and hold jobs. '"lt would be very ha.rd for them to
make an adjustment ii they lost their jobs,'' he said. ''They're
Jiving at a standard set not by their husbands' incomes, but by
that of botb partners."
Second, the theory disgracefully downgrades the crucial
role women play in our economy-and all but ignores the fact
that if many women quit working in industry and the
$ervlces, our economy would grind to a halt in a matter of
AND A THIRD, DEEPLY personal view: by what stan.
dard does any man determine that his right to work (Or
privilege of \YOrking) is greater than a woman's? By what
yardstick does that columnist judge that his loss of a job
would be ·•a catastrophe'' but mine would me.rely be ''loss of
NYSE Index
ASE Index
Dow Jones Ind
S&P 500 Stocks
Gnl11t>r# n11d Lfuf'r"
Ntw Vltk tUPll -TM tollOW'lnQ lh l ~ H .. llOCk\ 111•1 1'•v1 o;tlntd mo't
fll'ICI IMI tfll mail D•5•d on Cle<''•"' ol
(,..,... on "" N•... YO•' Sloc -
l!•cfllngo "-1 •~ Pl•Ctnt•Of cll1!'1QH 11A llW Cll"t•onc• l>flwftll TM pl'fVlol.o1 C!Oloing ,.,1(1 fl fl(f \1't (urrrnl CIM.lll'IJ PtlCI. GAINllll
1 NI C1t~L 'IO 611 • 1'-'< Up lt.6
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1) OP f= tflCO 4 .... ! ·~ UP 10.D 1' !trllMI W ,olO IO~~• ~ Up t .l
orr o.59
off 0.36
off 12.83·
off 1.18
Nt>w 't'ork 15
1ffftsl :t cll1~r
.Kllve >.tOC•s lr•MCI on IM New
Stock E•t l'llnoe MOftd•Y· k••• c111c0tp ....... m,IOO PQl1rold ....... 211,)00
MIO So Ull1 2,..600
Fd NI MIO ]Ot,)00 $ony Corp 106,AllG
FG Ppr 6rd 103,300 Kr1J91 S S 163,IOO Int Till Ttl .... 1).4,?0Q e.1\111' llld " .... lll,200 :!ooulhltl'n ca •• , , 1J1,t(IO
OlrWltlll' •••••• 12~~)00
ATol&Tol ""'' ,. .. 1nj900 Gtnerol lit .... 11S, 00
Pllillfl Mo•••• .... 111,700 Gtnl MOtor1 .... 110,300
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11 tK11n<o1" .... • ~) Uo •·1 A rf ,, 11.Cl"Lpf •h Jl\lt -t. UP I.I .... ra11
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LOllllS ,.._ N£°W 'YORK IUPI) ~' l"ho 10 flt11ft
' ~ ,,, ~ s~-'* .....,, 111.c itoc1o.1 lrfldod .,. th• ,,.,,..,le.., Moc.11; ,1 le<I• """1~ 1lt::= ,:: &:: r,:~ EjlCl\fll'IOf MOl'lllflp. 1016'1 0... Qe.
• • N Uwin l 'lo-~ Dff, .,.1.1, """flduQIJll 11 •• 124.JOO 2~ ......
l T&.T wl 11'1-;, s:: 1 ·0 S~nt•11 Corp .... 111~ !12"6 -IW. ltfCIMol Inv 2'Jt-•L ,..., ,,·, US Fiiter • ... ... 11;1<1-N 6~ + \\ 1 l .. cMilm pl 5\~-... X!, ,1•1 Ao1N•<fl Cot I ,600 11 -v. I LMI lnvttlr I~-\11 .,. · CNmp Ho""' t,J,.)00 3• -\.'t
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AINU 1,,1.it •• 61 11-.-... ~M JM 4 lltt5 2Wl-l'lt Elfdr Ind I •t Jl'I-.... ICH P'Morftl •. DI 1Vt-~ MIOMI 1,0td 1 2l 2~ , ,,
A"""l,,t.60 S I 1..-,,, 6".i~ .. •1 41V.+IV. 1.10.ICl.IO S•lll 11:i. .. , l4fltloPI, .. I Jt •"'•'" MO.dlandRI 4 •1 14\.o-""' AIW.C.>fl It II ....... , 1,, H 195 ~I-EUr.C.1.60 6 .,. l _.._ V. lclNl ... JlC 1 1 '' 1.__. "' """"Ul 1.21 1 l)i Jl"--1
Albtl1t11.60 I I lj¥t--~ • ,'11fi 11' IV.• ... E,,,..,!.1 ,1120 .. I"""• ... 14INllT..,'I 6 11 ,.._.,.. .MIU111111'.,.. 1 SI '"°' ... AlctnAll.Jo 6 * 1"" ••• vdl.12 I 16lM\+1,41 !;tN"yAlr ... 16 100 •l"" •.. IOSR11 .11b •1JCD 11 -\.'I MMl.Ml.U!Oll»l SJv,+ "'-
Aki Sid .41 • Ill ·~ 'It C,t,, Jiii.. 1,60 I 11 !Jiii>-"' E~'tlfl .fO fl 21 ~ + V. lllC.nl,, 1.lO 6 !6' t<I •• • MlowtPI. 1.'4 e ) IS lo ... Al<OflLtl .:toll m !a'Al-\lo C..llllL0t41'J •• l20 47\lt• \o't Eml'lrtl . .JO.t S JS 11 -I lll~ofA6 •• 1100 "41t-\.'I MlrroAI ... 1 111 I~-....
AMUfl .10011 111 l ... ••• ConlU,,pfJ.,_ ,. 1)00 ll'h-Ill emo0t 1.:tl t •l 13 .... + ""' 11/C.... pf3\lt .• 2fl 14 -Vt Mll.lrll:q .:ti I JS 10'•-v.
AU-Ml .. 2 n >VI •·· Crwt PS I 20 l 11 1111.-"II fl'l\l)lrir fll,, U 6 U'lt-V. 111 ,.._, 2.1110 1"6 11..._ \i Ml"Rv I.to • 111 18 -"• AllOOC&>.•setJ ... ,,,.,_ .... un:t1t1'.'l1 l)t ...::"" E"'l)lrtG•'' JO IVt-.... HToolW .SOll ii 11w.-..., MO,t<pll ••• llV.-•,. Allellld 1.60 l 13 ~ -CriM w 1.14 16 12\io •. . ENl!l'ICI .60!! • 141 11'"-·~ l'""'iol Cp J 11111 1\lo-Ill MllMC 1.loO 6 S lt'l'I. • \fo AllO L~J .. l U\lt ... Cen W 1.ifl t tll 111'1-.V. ~NllF .lf 6 :to • -V. INA C11!.IO I 205 .12•4-"' Mii Pl)S .Mo fl 6 t"'-... AllgPwl.U t II llt\11+ V. C.l!tlSoy • .O I 9S IJ\11-V. frllfl•l"l.20 6 •It !ti.I.• v. INAlnvl.5' .• 37 II~ ... #IQOl .. Mom .. •4 J~, •.• Al~O •• 0 .S IO SVt-V. ClnlT•l 1.12 t ti 1~ ••. IEflvlrOI«" 11 11• lflto.+ 1 lftCOfM C•P •• II ,,,.._ 'Ao' MllbltOl J.60 • •SO ''""-Vi "lrld 0. 1.IO ' 11' ~-Vi C.nltN;I O• 1 11 1JV.-v. E<NkMI! .81 ' 11 t'llo . . . lftCCll'IC .t.SO • • 1• • + t.io MDl'l"l:o 1.10 • •• 11"·-1. AldMaft .5' 1 )$ 12'4+ \lo Cern:iCl.10 l 31 1•"" , •• e'Qw.GasJ .• 6 , 26\lo-14 lftdla~2 I S lt\lo+ Iii ~"'k Ot •. 11 \>.o-V. AlllodPrOdl • t 1•...,-V. (erln-td .60., SI ~~ Equllf,.f.•9D I 116 14"'-+ ~ ll'ldMpfl ..... r.IO 12 +ll'J MonwkAtll t 1 11q+ Y. AIH•d:!.11.SO J JS 21!'.--\lo C.1~Alr I J 131 IJ -~ E1mtrl! I 60 5 111 21'4-1"-lrw.M pt 1.1.,, 11'0 10 + 'h MDlycrp . .0 S 91 21v,-V.. AUC1$.u0tnkt ,. II 2,._"'° Cl\a"'l>tnUl S 13' 1~i.li E~•• .32 3 11 •'h-14 ltlClll'wLl.~111 •1 1t\lo-V. MDlyCpft ...... • 10"1.-Vi AUii 0.. .1fl S t2 ,,,.._ Vil OWKiCo .M 11 • 21'11+ II) Este<li11 .)0 1 tO •v.-\lo Ind Pl.of I"' , . I lfl -I ~cflT I • ll 12'h,. ... Atlr9'11A .$6 1 jg 1'4-\lo t.nlll pl t.?O.. ll 16.... • • • Ethyl C 1.20 4 11 19 -Vt lnctN•il 1.20 te II IJVl +· ~ M11ono9ram l 2• J"" ...
Ale.Gt 1.3.-1 JS6 •Vt-t °""'°''" .60 3 120' 1~-IA Elllyll)f J.00 . . 11 62 -\lo ll'llt«CO OU 12 111 6MI-~ MD!woirA .•( I 82 1\o--V. Amel:!oua 2• • u Jt -1'41 Olol•Co ,tOtt 2 21 111~ ~ Ev.,.• Prlld • . 111 sq-""' 1"9 fllllCI t ... 1l 2• 7JYI+ v. Mofl\¥1 2 . .0 1 291 Sl'i'i-Vt AMAX 1 .75 1 201 ~ ,_. CMnr H'f 2 J 11 ll4'11-V. Ell Cfll 0 I ) JS 1211>-""" lnQA pl J.3S,. lfl ., ••• MOtlt pf 1~.. I SI -'Ji AMAXptSV. •. 11 tt'.lo+ Iii cn.ifna.n ,. 11 Mii--"' £11t1 ... 1.i.. .. t 19~+ '.lo lnlC0..1."°I • •ll 2'1'1 •.• Mar!I0..2.0l 1 I 21 .... + ~~
ArnJ:ilC .SO • I• 11.i-\to ~l\&MM2.?0 I 12' 32-..-1" E1111011 IV.D S 540 71°"'-I 1,,ldSll2.•0. • 111 »h--\lo MonPwLto I 21 26.\.o ••. AmC:orCI .2• • ,fl 4 -"" ,_., M .tlD , • 101 J + "" -I" I"-lnnlO<>I • .0 • 1' •Vt-V. MotogS 1.IO.I . . • 4t 11\lt + '}o "'"-OC: 1.?0 • l 11V. IWIHO .olOa 2 • ~ ... " F•bOfOf ·'"°. 3• 6""-v. ln-.llCO e ,10 5 .. , -v. l/loflyM .11b t 1<151 fl l'I + 'h Am~1 ..lOlll • 319 ~i .. Owmit 1.10 S 217 21'9-"'° Folrc.tn .to S •ll 2s•,;,-1 lnsoCOl>PI' 2 10 " .--. "" ,,_, M t.60 4 t1 ••'h-'f• AM11pf3\li . II 51V.-11Jo OWnNYl.U I 501 ~...ii Flirclnd .» s 110 oq+ ~ lruol1tun11nv 2 2 2"11 ... Mor'llJPl.to1• 216 Jll'w-'h AmAjrFI .~lo 161 ,,_._._..., Clle1c1.IOa 4 • '2 ... + l'I F•lrmll" .60 • •I ' -~. lntirgo11 .JI J JI i11o-.... Morr1K,, .... s 2• ,,...,_ ~
Am AlrU,,.s 12 io. e!h-'Ji CMIPCI 1.3' 19 1' 51<4-V. F1l1tlfl Br .. JI 1•; + \!II lnttrto I .... 6 ll U.,.._ ~ MllrM £1 ~ •• 31 2''t , .. "''" a.11 ,20 ,. , • + .... O'lls.s.lt J.10 1 105 lB._. v. Fonsl..i .60 • IJ ·~-~ lllllll'COll o. • 11 lf'.+ ... MOl'$$fl .IOb • 11 2>.\ ... A8r1nd l.61 I ISi ~ ~ Chi E Ill .U 5 t 12V.-''" Fllf W~I Fcl 6 73 •V.-11) 1,,t•rllllo 2a J 30 JOll>.-,_ M191 Tr Am .. tJ l -Vt Am8"cll .~ 6 JJI 11'111-~ Oii MUw Cp 2 656 ~+ "9 F.,.all Mlt .• JI •~• • 'l-1 l&M Cor~ 11 ttl 212 -'4 MDr!Nor M I 131 1l'lll + 'h Ame1c19 .:w. 6 11 '"'--111 ClllMUCpflf •. 11 1•V.• v. FOCIOlll'~ Cp .. es •••. ln!Fl•Y. JI~ 11\olo+ .... Motor'ol•.1011 '"'•iv.-~· AC....I.~ I 1911 lJ -~ CllPn•u"'t 1 20 JS-~ l"fderalC.01 S 10 11~ ,,, lntH.tr.,1.1 '6012~1"" Mll'uelS..Ol•11li6 lO'h;. \;;o A Con of l'llo •• I tt ........ •4 cr.1 Ao<k 111 •• lS t'4-"'-Fed Ma 1.90 9 22 16~0-""' lntMOltl ... I>.. j I~ \'I M1S1Tff 1.Sl 9 11 1t•.. .,. AmCtri Mtq .. I 2""+ Vt Crlock F JI .. t J -V. FdNllMI .U 11093 111-t-~ IUMl,,C 1.21 S 314 JI"-!h MUrll'ord .)6 S JJ 7"•-l'I A C"'°ln 1.20 • $ 1...,._ ~ OW l1 CTlll •• 121 ~ V. Fifi Pep 1 ~J • lOU lS +lVi Intl Mi,,lnQ 5 .st I~ 1"' Mouftl'd pf ,..0 ,, J S'n-Vt •mc1.,, 1i., 1 JI• :zs _\lo Cl'IM>n'I• .10 s 2• 1111t--v. FoPpte 1.20 •. 122 16'"'"'1~ ,,,,Mu111.3' • 12• ,.. .. , Muni.1191.oe s 1111 121\• v.
Amo llU .SI" 1 11""'-\loo CllrySl•t Co •• 12U ~ • . . FICI SiQfl .JO 4 3 S'4-~ lfltHC• 1 . .0. ' .... 2•~ v. MlwpCo l.:IO • 1 1JV.-"' ADlitTfl .S! 12 ,1121 2'1Jo + V. f.'.111•• wl .. ti J ••• FedDSI 1.11 ll lll Js:i.-,._ lritl P1p1r 2 I 5.33 ~" Mut$1111()1.t0 • 111 18'l'lo-~ AmDu .. VM •• $. •"'-MIQf .• , •• ...,._ .... F•rrOCOrpl 1 11 11""-'to l,,IAKi .120 •• •'11-V. MwrfOl\1' II 1S -\lo '•m"" •• ~, ....... , ..... •, ·.·.~ .... A••llrlfl •• 5 ' ••• Fibl'irtwCI .60 l 40 10'4 ••. ,,.., Tl.T l.S2 J 1.142 ,,...._ ..._ MulOm 1.ll .. 17 ISlw't-"'
.... <W ...-Cln&lll .60 1. ) ~\4 FICIFlndCp I 11 '"" ••• ITITotM6 ,, ] ~\It,,, M,,.rsL~t.010 2 I -'4 AFomlly .J• 4 • S~ ... OnG01l.l4 t ll II+~ FltlUlk.1.MI 4 6 29"' •.. I TTpll•""·· 21 .. \lo .. t,.r, ----H N-AFlnSyt.10 •• II .._+ W. CinOEpl• •• tlSO 16 -'Mo Fleldc•MI IJJ' )6 t -\4 I T&Tp1J4 •• 41 ·~'-'< PUbLK02.J011 ISJ 3'l"ll• V. A Fin pt I \It • , iJOO 1• • t'o ClnMH• 1,40 6 S3 11t'o • . • FiltrOICp .6'0 S •lfl IO'olo+ ~ I T& T plK • • • 12 ,, -V.. N61Co Ch .loO 20 161 2l'lto-~
A Gnlkl .UD ,. ii 21'._ It& CIT Fin 2.:to I l4 34*-V• Flncl F"° SJ • JS 9~-14 I TT p11'1 lllo •• 1'6 2S\lt ,., N.,.co Sc. . .0 t 10 7'!. AGtnk 1.Jl • • •4 ll , . , Cllicorp .IO ll JM J2h-'M First,,. 1.10 6 5t 1•V.-'Ito lntp.Ubl Gr I • S 1211.-\4 "'-t.l'luolC .60 6 101 16 -\lo A 6" ln1 .60 J 1.: 1~-"" CllSl'Y l .'°lf S 221 •1 -V. FU Chert SI 6 •ff 10\IJ-tt lnUI &r .OSb I 20 11'1+ \to NttAirln .!oO • 621 10'4->,t
A Gft pl t.8(1 .. ,. 11"' ... '"' Clllllll Mto l 21 21'1-.... Fii Chic .to 1 "' 11'h-~ lllHIPw 1.40 t I I~+ .... fYIAvn .l'tD .• 11 IOV.-v.
AmHoill.70 J 1• 10¥!• W. Citl,,5o .1Sb 4 16 l'l'-V. F.i;lllksl.1013 ttt Cl'.I0-11-'"" Und .24 l 1121 ,....._ .... Nt!IC.....SJ S 1,2 11:v,-•i. Am MOm .U 26 Ml ~I Oly l,,., .6' S 262 ~ ••• P's! Ml11 .24 4 1" 11'1>-~ ·-· IMI IOI l 11 11"1-t}o NI C11 pl 1Vt .• I 21',,._ "4 AmM,,...l021 505 11'1\ ,,, Cltylnvwt1 •• 14 \lo ••• F1tMtgo-ln¥ ..... ,....._. .... •-•£11.J020 1t 11 \lo ••• NOlm!ll .2t281s.16 :t'l"'--V. .,,,lnvo1tm ,. S Jiii-~ C•1Yl"~Pl2 .• 61 ISW · .•• F1NS-l.U • •t 'lfVl-t-i,.., low1UGl.)l 8 11 1$1'11 ••· NI Otyl ,tOtO 40 fl+o+l'll AMfldl".lJ' Jt • ...._ ... Clly Slor•I •• J 2 _,,.. FUNS&ncl 1 1 ?l'I\•"" •ow•Pl.1.M 1 II,.,....__"" Nt0tt1n2.s1 s 11 35 •.•
A Mo<llcorp&l ?ti 3\4+ °"' Clfrll21 . .0 t 90 Jl\lo ... FiPe(;fl1.n 1 111 1111.-11o 1-IPSl.SZ I 17 1•1-... ~IDlslll.10 • 111 '' -v. Am Molor111 JSl •t't-lolt CJf1rk01l .SO .. "4 I 'll• 'h F1PM11.61d 1 • J._" lpc:oMO$plll 1 11 1.._V. NUFuelC.Sl 6 IC 11 + V.
AmNG1 2.i.. I IS )6\IJ-'Mo C\.C Am .?O J 1 • , , . FstUAIE .M 10 1$ I.,._+ ~ ITE Imp .11 ' 200 1''.lo • °"' NU Gyp I.OS 1 13 12\4-Vi
Am S.•tlno .. 11 s"'-1"' c1.,c1111 . .o. t 1J 11'1-1'4 F1tVlk .4Sd t • S'4I ••. II•• CorP<"tn .. a I~ I.lo H•tt Honw1 .. 64 J"" + v..
• Am Stllr .... ''1 1•1 10 + '"' c .. v El 2.41 1 ''l 11~'l . . • F1W1SC 1.7• ,.. •S I•"" .. '9 IU lnll .IJ ' 1H 1~ ~ ~ lfttlll .ltl l 11 .,,,._ 'Ill Am$1111 IV. 3 l'tt IY}o-"" c .. vil pl 11 .• U»O llS •I FltchM 1.10 t l .,,.,.,_"" IU 111uot IV. .. I 17'!oll+ "" N61Iota1!,lo .. 1 11v.+ v. AmStlld .IO 5 1l 11 -"61 O•vEot7.!4 •• dO ll +l\lt FlllWr F.407 17 J..t'Ao-'ilo _ _,_ NllMlqFllCI .• 1l l~~-t,\
AmSIClpl '"" • • • 51~ Ill CNvEf, J.60 .• ISO ., + ,.., ...... rSc .20 1 2• 1~ \4, J-F ... 10 • 1l'Ao • • • Na~ .. 1.10 s 3 ,..... . .. A"'Slirtll .28 t •SI l'ltl.-\lo f::' P>>B >20 I Ft->E•>.Z•ll llt ........ _ "· J.,,t1"' .10' 4 11--'4 NUSlmlconll 6l8 11'1'-~ Artl S'°'•• 1 • uo U\11-1 .• ..• F~I 70 1 11 1m -JapF"d .15b .• !10 tlll+ ""' NII Sorv .12 ' J• ' -~ Anl1&T 3.40 t "'4 iO ·-"'-':!''f:~ .1•1 ';: :~-:;:;: Fll•I ~L·sl 6 91 ,,,.._·;,..; J•llPU01 • .0 ll 221 SI + V. Nt SIMI .90 • 1t 1•'h• ~
ArnT&.TDI• •• '"JS -'4 Owt!Po(I .. I ''"'+ 14 Fll,,lk0\1.1fl 6 JO,,,,_.,.., JC,,Ppft.l6 .. !lto~\.'r NIS..ch.ICl1• t05 ~ + v. ATTp!Al ..... :IO -01.'t---~ CM.I lmrC:..' It 10 ............ EC061U 1 3 19"' ••• .i-1c1.xi I 1 12:'¥1+ ... Nflt Sl,2...,.' ~ l1"1o+ ~
ATTOlll.1• •• Mo ~ V. CHA Flnacl •• tJ •:i.-"" Fifi Ga .to 4 .. 11V. ... .Jow9kor In 3 JJI> ,._,._ " .. PUii TN CO,, M )"1 t Vo
Art1T&T wt ,.122t 1*-V. CNAlll( 1,10,, n t\lo-t-V. FlflPwrl.tJ t IJS 21\6-"41 Jll'!Wolt .IO 1 I ""1DnK1.JCI J 210 61""-1""'
Art1Wfl1ri S 10 ~ ... OIAl11 .llb ,, 1122 11 -·'h l'lflPwL.1.)6 t Jlt ZJ'h-V. Jlrt1Wllfl,60 •• • 31._._ NCRC,p .72 7 310 2J.._llt
AWi• pr ••• 16fo0 11 + .... CNA Lowin .. 12 1\lo-v. Fl•St .. l 1''1 l •• JIJ'f+ "' J H61'11 .2/D .. .. 11\lo-"" Nfo(~ .• I. 6 ·~ '4 AWetrpl •• r200 1)"1-\.\ CNAL.pf J.10 •• 1 t""' •. • Fluor Co .20 10 Jt• 20'llt---V. JM.,,I,, .SOD · · t lD -v..., Hf• Pw 1.olO S •1 11'1•-V.
Awtr pf I •. J1llO 1$ + Yi C.0.st St G$ 3 31' I~-h FluorCppt J •. 1 60 -I .IOl'H'IMw I.JO S lll J(Wo.-N•P fJf II.SO .• 11>00 211'1-"" Amf"1tl ,'I) 4 2 12,,_-V. CtlSGJ<ll.19 •• 1 l•~+ 'Ill FMCl!..'11 1 110 1~+ ·~ Jol'lnl.J • .0.31 416 t1"6--2°"' MtvPOf1.60 .. 1JOO 11'111+"'
AmnS1 .1oa. 101 ·~· .,.. C'.llSG(ltl.ll •. 11 10\'f-,,. FMC 1\.\ .. l ~ ..... JnMI Cll .IO IJ "llV.+ .... NEntEl1.1e1 t1 11h
.t.m.t•1tn 1 fl )'I 1l'•-'Ill Cocf1Co! 2.1J It <I09 11 -1'1' Food •r .?O J 11 J'h+ \'f J0t>L09n ·"° 6 tt Vil> NEG5E l.'lt 1 3 17~•+ V.
'AMl"ln1.2•11 .. ll'tt •.. coc16ott .60IS •26 )~-·111 F001e(8 .IO 9 JI 1,.,. ........ JMon1l.SOll J J ,,...._"" NEoTTJ.:1610 14 11>\•-'h
Amtoc: lllC I • tt ,,._ ~ ColOwB• .» i 10 8 .•. FordMol.?O t '2~ )41"'-""' Josf•ns .Ml 1 14 I~ \Ao ,..,,.....,. .» 9 •1 t\\-h
AMP l..c .3121 1•111...,._:I(, Col.co lnGu .. ,, 1 ...•.. ForMck .81 4 .s, l~'A JO'flilllg1Vt lt .t"' ... 1,1,-2 Nwmnl 1.60 s \SI,,~_,...,
Ampc:o . .0. J ] I -14 ~lo .61 15 1~1 26'1to-~ FtM pf I.to .. x6 ZJ.-lj,+ V. Ju"1t1 Mtg 12 1t 3""-"" N'fSEG J,20 4 ll 21~-'I•
Amp11< Cp J 1.00 6\t ••. Colr .. Alk .00 6 16 Sl-t •.. FtOBfn .31D .• ll 1• + •4 K ~ K..-1~ 'ltl Nl .. MO 1.11 S •'" 10\f>-Ito Amr10 Corp • 2t l~\'f CollinsFOOd 1 10 3111 , .. FortNwd ... ll 11 19 + 'J. oisrAll. • Nl•MptJ.60. •110 3• -Vo ""'"a,1 . ..0 l ..s .lOV.-1 ColPIM.«116 79 34.,._,.. Fos1erw1111. 110 Z•'h+ ~ K•IAl~I•... I., NlolillPf3.60 •110 l6 .. 'h
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Sil'IOfrCo . .00 .• .0. 1~-111 Vulc!'IM I.IQ 6 ll JO -0..
Si1'191rl)f l ,_, , • 18 32 -"14 -W W-Sllt90Co .60 e M le,.._ 'I\ WaRRpl •'l't .. JlO 61 • 'lo Skirll'fO 1.10 6 2 17-IN-..., W•t" (p .16 8 •I> 17 ••• Skyti11CP .1•ll :UJ 15-\'J WtCllOl2.lO .. ll llV>-1'•
SmltllAO ,II M t 1'1'1-'4 Wocl\Ov Rt! S 11 l >•-\o1o
Smlllll"I .J6 10 8" 114--W6IG!'Ol'fl l II J• 11"-11-'111 ·Sml!Ntltnir 2 lJ 21• Jl'loll-1 W1lllrH 1.11112 20 •3•.-.-'"'°• Smlthl T .4S • I ... • .• Will e .. , .S5 ' , 18 ......
Sm....:•1r .IO 9 IS 14 -"°' Wll!Mur .6'0 6 • 111 ••• Soll 8•1 .60 • )6 ll't-V. Wfl1Mlr1 .1012 llOO llto. ·•• SonirSlfl Intl S 1 1 •. . W0"9 L .Otll I h ti,;,-V. $0tlyCp .02b II :J0"4 1-'\t+ ... Wtvd ,.OOCH .. 11 •'11-~. Soo '-"•.Old • IS 32('&+ ..., W1rnaco .to s 11 1\11 + 'h
sos c.ros .:u • l sr. •.• WtvnCm . .a ) · 91 12 ... S C....EI 1.41 t 2Q 1•\lo + .. W.Cmpl •V. .• 1 •7 , .• So. 111111 1.)1 1 • 1•v.+ .... Wl(rnpl 1 ~ •• ' 1 JJ-"-...
Soutl'ldow,, ' !JO !I"'°+ V. WflmrCo .SO I 20 1'1o+ •i. sown Pl l.IO 21 2~V. • ~ WafUm 8• u 111 )J'llo-~. Sol1.I 811 .IO I 2J 14 + ..... Wflr,,rS 1 20 I 1 0 •..
Soir PS 1.lacl • I ,,....._""' W•t"G' 1.• 6 21 17'-ll-" S CfllEG 1.M i •14 19V.-1h W.11!Nt1 .to S 38 11 -'• Soutnc:o 1.•0 11J1l 10 -t Vo Wit.II Stl I• l 1J 14llo
Sot..OEl.21 1 S 27'1to+ V. Wa'lllWl.SJ t 41> 11'1 . 50NA11 t.•S fl 11'9 •14't--"" W•ll• Mnot I •2• 1'4 • ~ SNETfl 1 ... t 11 221\o-~ Wolk,,J .200 ll 26 JI',.-'-
SHE Tl OfC~ , . 13000 Sol''°' t :V. W6'Yftf G . .0 6 :n '' 1-•, SoPKll J,16 1 92 28'/t-\lo Wt•nU" Inc 6 -,..,,_ '111 So Rill 2.11 1 JOJ '3'.lo-V.. """'"pl 1.26< .. ol I• •••
SoAaUl)I .SO.. 11 s~ \.'t W••lhtr . .0 s ,, '"" ... SoR1U llf J .. I ... ,,.,.._ ~ WeDbDll CP S 18 l '• •.•
Sounost . .O f •32 24°"'+ 'to WtUMcL .e.o s ll •~+"" South.Ind ,(0 12 •220 ll\'t I 1-WtllMkt .llO t I 18--V.
SoWslFr .20 6 1l 6'.lo ••• W.1bill Cp ,. I h ..• $,..Forl)f l\lt " ] l•'il .,, WtUI FO ... I SO 16"•-... SowltPS .'O t I .. 10'h • • . WFM!tt' . \OD 26 21 I"'°+ .,.
Sowsll"S n• •• Mol1 J-M .,. W,..IJpf •~1 •• tltO SI •.• Spartan .24 <I 42 I .. • W!,tpt Pip 2 4 IS 11\oli ...
SptrryH11t 1 fl .. t,,..__ \4 ~tnAr .4C.I 5 3St IV,-\,
S,..rryHol l .. 1 311'1 ,, , W\8onc 1,..0 6 11• 21~-''1 ~ A•nd .76 t JOT JJl\o-:w. wstr"Co NA 11 11s t v.-I'• ~ ..... El l JI ,_.._ V. WU Pt< Ind .S ,, 1V.-~~
$prngMI .JS 6 fl ,.,..._-. Wt$lfl\ID .IO • ll 1''~-~' Squ•rO 1.10 12 110 ll'11-1V. W!.:nl°" 1 . .0 SI 111 11't ,, .
SqulDtl .M 11 UI ll....,._ 'l't W!i!Vn pl• .. 01 Sl , ..
StollyMlg 1 1 1 .. .:1"'-1~ W\U..pl 6.to .. I •3 -\.1
StC18t•flC\1 t 1• 241 Ul.o't-l'h Wntfl Et .ti 3' t S1 12"'-'• Sl<l8rpf 3.SO .. •010 4'YI+ ~ W1tElof l .IO •• r110 11~ t ~ ltlPlilll .2127 JJ <llV.+ 'lj, Wslvo< I.ti)' I• J6\~ • tdOl1C1IJ • 17' 25\lt-"" 1Mtye11bl.Jt 6 1 16""'~ ~.
Std 01111'1112 6 Ml •l'>'t ,,, W•Yl'Nii.8016 78S 3.-->..
StOUOll 1.:W. 14 101 SS -h Wl'>lf'r.,. .<IO 1 •• 11~-'•
SICIPoorl.tl .. SJ 12U •. , WtdPSt .3Sd 1 9S 11\ot '•
Sid Pr Sii .•O l •1 1 . . . W...OISl pf 6 • • no 61> ••
Std Pi'u<I .M I It 11't + YI wtwltl~ pl S . , zqo •9 • .. Stondl• .~2 • 4 9•t -V. 'Nhrlciool .I07' t(1!6/ 10 -'• s 1 .... w111 'Ho 1 14 11•·-"' W'Polt con .ll'l • 11s 11 ... -•.
Stflnr1, ,M> • o I>..-"" Wf>t.\l.ol .IOG 3 ·~ •1~-\•
Sl•rrirn 1 • 1 11" . .• W"lll.,.• Cp • I•~ l ' • ••• StM11t1J.1tl 1¥ 2 ll 2"°'• Yo Wltk1$ C.p 1 t ~ !I •-\..
StMllS< ,JID .. •JS II"'°+ "'-'NIODOICll .21 I 10 J ~ Stoull•• 2 ~ ' 17 67 -Vi W1111-., .Ml I 1114! ~8 ·, •
StorlDrq .10!4 217 21 -1~ Wtlilam\"'' ·~ i~·, s1ev.n1 I.JO J 2"' 11\61-\.\ Wiii CoswH •' '~ StirwW" Ltt I II 20'<6-"" IMIW'I01< 1 1111 •~ J• • • SlOlllyV I 10 • II I~.... wmo. CIH .. 1 •I'. -' Sl<*ely pl I .. 130 12""• VJ Wl-•go .. I• • • • '•
SlontCll' 60 J IJ I~ \lo WlsEIP IM Q 1<1 I; '• S!OfMWD1CI i l7 6'~+ I.lo Wi\Ell)fll <I0 .. 11)(1101
S109&Shop I • 113 IJVt+ .,. W!KPS 1 J7 ~ ~JO ••' '• Storfr Ord 1 I J6 I~ \.'t 'Mlco C I 10 } •I )II • '•
StrleleRll .10 I XII "' •.. WolvWI Ost< • ' I•-'• SludfW, l' J 11 2:Mlo•"" Womtto ill I ~JI ID .,
Sh..,_W pl J •• 16 '""'+ VI WO<'l(O .04 } II R • • 1• StuW OI 1 •0 ,, fl It -'A Wa(lho;h 1 !'O ~ JiJ 1~ • '•
Su.tvr Shot • SI 1¥oo-\'t Wo<ll Pl 11'1 IJ '~ • '• St>DPrOP .U ) JO 13'-'• .... ..,....,g1y1.0..11 10 }I•
Suc••\IC ,10 • , 16 6"" • "" w..,.11nr Co . . 1 5 • 1 • SunCnm . ..a J I ltl'I+ Ill w~ty Coro ~I 11.-1 ..
sun on 11 • 71 :M,,._,.,, -xvt-•
su..olrpl 2 ~' 'I ,.. • -1"o 1t1..,. Cp 1 1t 1•1 11 • t
SunDir•m I "5 1j\to• .,.. )U•• l!IC 10I J !I I•-'• ~ll•llCI .IO I ~ 1 1-... 'fflltl 1..0ul l JI II\ -l•
Sun1l•llf JV. • • 1 .-..-v. '(~!Or 60 6 1 11 ""'"llfn ..... 1• IP t>v. ... i.i.C«11 .1t 4 ti IJ \,-1,.
SuPOtJ I.AM •m -v, llc>lt• . .o • 71 Hi -'• rOft .lf .. 1'Cll .J,,._.... Z.t\'fl (;orp J JC 1'11 -h
,JO "j S 16~ ,.,_ lllf!Ullllod 1 10 t 11 1J' •-~, IOI 16WI+"' Z\Knlnd ,lttO JI I ,,,
SAN DIEGO (APJ -Sea World.
Inc., marine park says groes income
grew by S6 percent last year but nel In·
come by only 2 percent on total. re·
Veft\le& of $33.868, 705 compared with
$l11~1e&t.tbe)'car before .
' ' I
AJJ DA!t.YPILOT TuMd11.FobrU!!)'2S.1175 .
10th A n•ve~sa~ 19rodu~tion ~·.,.-·~
Fine .'Tartuffe' at SCR ' .
'the second time around al South Coast
R.P.rtory has aotoJwaysbeen overwholmin1ly sue·
HliluJ, as Wltne11 the less than auspicious reprises
ol earJler landmark prOductl011$SUCb as 'jThe Glass
Mena.-erle" a nd "The Birthday Par,ty."'
. B\ll today, with Its loth anniversary production
of'1Tartuffe'' -the show that started it all torSCR a
decade ago'-the COstai .Mesa company has e't'fec·
tJvely shattered its ''second production jinx•• with a
first rate. freewheeling restaglng of that classjc
·Moliere comedy. .
. There is, to be accurate, li~tle basis for com·
parison-between the current show, beautifully
"TAllTUfll<•" ,A.~ by Moli.n, tr~t.l•tef .... Rlc:Mrd Wlltiur~ Cll"'1:1HI ty
,Aoblw'I i!lclrM"nntur•, K•~ry 9ftd llgMlnQ b't'~1"wht'. t0$ll.llnft
I .., ~1"9 11'•-r Hoell, nlU'$k Oy I.ft Hoil)y, ~Dy $Guth
QMll lftQil"°"" T.,......,, ttwougtl s..tnd•n •I o'cJD::k "'14. ~' .~_..,•I J o'cloclr. •t the T.Nrd Stt;p Tllfft«, 1121 ~rt 81,,.. .. a. .. Mew. Rewr .. •tioni ._.lt-IJ61
Tllf'tvtfe .••.•••.••.... , ........... tq,IUflOOnJr 0rvon ... .. ,, . . ...•••... , ..... JOM-0.vlcll(•llC•
~lrnlr•. . . . . • • . • . . . • .•.••• , , •... Mimi Smith
ci...i11 . . . . . . . . ... . . ................ Don n.c11e
C.ml1 • . .. . ........ , .. . . .. .................. .JOIWI Elllngton V•I~•........ •. .. • .. • . . . . ................. Ste-ooe ~tt.rson
Marl-...... .. . •• . .. . .. . ... .. .. .. ........ stWJron Ct•tltrH
~,..,,..u .......................... ., ....... L.l!•tl•-'-
0or1 ..... , .................................. : ........ Dl!meiteH.tU
MDMl•Ul'Lo ... •I ................................. ,,.. Reglneld Roo~
Prince . , ... , ........... , ••..•.. , , •••••• , , , ••••••••••• Steve 0.IWlul
• lntermissk>n
Toni Titus
' . . noblem~ with fiery dedicaU~ and belligerent
bullheadedness. Mimi Smith as his wife is excellent
as she subtly manipulatei the manipulator in the
Two members of the 1965 pi-oduction, playing
different roles this time around. are particularly im-
pressive. Don Tuche functions strongly as Keller's
brother. the Voice of reason, wtiile Leslie Jones com· ·
mands the stage in hert\\'.oscenes as Keller's equally
taken-in mother, wielding an oversize fan as a
formidab:le weapon.
Demene Hall is marv"elously funny as the but-
tinski maid who repeatedly turns up Keller's
tolerance burner. Steve Patterson and Sharon Crab-
tree lend fine support as the young lovers, sharing a
prolonged kiss that may well be'&. threatrical record,
as might also be Miss Crabtree's extended ex-
pressionof shock in one memorable sequence.
Gw\t1, Me!o1, wr¥e1ttlf11tCI II""'~ ................... .' klm Bal UH,
.lotl !ollerm•n, usile T•wior, o.nn1s LCWlll, St1w1t Wiese, Jake Gerdl-'*, Sieve Gr•·,, AtldW Vlriclk.
EASILY Tll E funniest performance of the night,
however, is delivered by John Ellington as Keller's
impulsive, tantrum-throwing son who is not to be
directed with an eye for subtle slapstick by Robert trusted wjth a sword. Reginald Rook is a cackling,
Bonaventura, and the outrageously funny com-Scrooge-style bailiff while Steve DeNaut makes a
media dell 'a rte Chinese fire· drill of 1965, which nice lmpression as the prince who eventually saves
feaned heavily on the improvisational ability and theday. physical energy of a young, hard-driving cast. The entire production is an exciting and laugh-
filled extravaganza calculated for pure entertain-
••TARTUFFE," CIRCA 1975 contains enough ment, and Bonave ntura's extended curtain call 111 -
elementsof thepioneerproduction -tberip·roaring sures the companr, of its just reward on the ap-
ribaldry and fleet footed movement -to regale its plause meter. The 'bravos" bestowed upon the cast
audiences, while at the same time charming them might also be intended for the entire SCR organiza-
with its lampooning of the heavily mannered style of tionon thecelebrationof its loth anniversary.
Moliere:s courtly prose. Bonaventura misses nary a ''Tartuffe'' is indeed a celebration, a robust,
trick with a cast enormously adept at ensemble ribaldrompcappingadecadeofsuperlativetheater
stagemanship, logistically prohibitive 10 seasons from South Coast Repertory. It continues Tuesdays
ago. through Sundays for five more weeks at the Third
The battle Jines are drawn with the opening Step Theater , 1827 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. ~natch of (Jia logue ir the SCR production in thestrug-,-----------------:-:'::::--I
g1e Of family and servants to prevent their duped
patriarch from selling them down the ri'\(er to a re-
ligious hypocrite with a Svengali-like effect on the
master of the house. It would not be too difficult to ap-
ply Moliere·s lesson to contemporary events.
The c.ast, straight down the rin e, is superb, with
Hal Landon Jr. deserving the deepest bow for his
robust performance iri the title role. Landon neatly
telegraphs his ulterior motives at the height of his
fervent ecclesiastic zeal and pursues his primary
mission (the seduction of the master's wife) with
hilarious purposefulness. .,
JOHN·DAVID Keller enacts the snookered
.,.....,, ,.,..., 25 to Fridcly Fttlrwcry 28.
01ncial practice
Watch the Indy cars work up to racing speeds. $2 ·
general admission. kids under 12 FREE. (Special
garage passes good thru Match 9 are available for $10.J
S?*dor1 Mnlt A· Ouahhcation runs f0< the coveted.
po e poSJhon. $ · general admission. kids under 12
FREE. Overnight infield camping SS per vehicle. plus
general admission. ·
~M.-clt J. Two exc1hng 100 mile Indy car races ..
, prize money. General adm1ss1on $6, (Kids un-~ 12 FREE). Victory Circle·S 15. . .
5-!1!ra *"'-'ell f , THE CALIFOR~IA 500 Come early! 7
am. gales open. 8 a.m. noo-stOp entertainment spec-
tacular. 11 a.m. race starts! Reserved seats are S12, S1 5.
$~0. and S30. Victory Circle seats are S55. Infield
oen~al admission is S7. Juniors $5. Kids free ..
Get your tickets now at all T1cketron outlets -includ·
ing $ears. Broadway, and Ward's. Or Wallichs Music Ci-
fy andLiberty agencKls. Or at the Speedway Boie Office.
Just off the San· Bernardino Freeway. 40 minutes from
Ctowntow:i Los Angeles. (7 14) 984-2255. 3901 East G
St, Ontario, Calif. 91764 . . .
. Al ..........
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SeniclfCldnM/Studen\t 11 MatiMM j Avd.,,._ art.I'
AFT S9alOll TlcQt Nl'de111 .,. •••t•d.
l :H , 5:41, t:JO
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Information printed
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CM .. o.tty Pl..Cs...t
The Windjammer clothing
!Store has bad a spotty history. .
One year it lost SS.000, and
. ano,ther it made several
thousand dollars.
It has never paid its rent, and
its management hopes it never,
will have to.
No other boutique could keep
up this track record and still be in
business but the Windjammer,
Orange Coast College's unusual
student.run ''classroom.''
-A full-fledged retail store, the 1 Windjammer is used as a
laboratory for at least a dozen
, OCC classes and is open to
whatever teacher decides it
would r~ his purposes.
The kinds of studies it accom-
modates, according to Eugene
Overholt, an advisor, are ac-
counting, fas hion buying ancl
coordination. advertising, dis-
play and visual promotion, data
processing, alterations, apparel
analysis, nontextile buying and
design and selection (what is
popular in fa shion >.
Students handle every aspect
of the operation, from buying to
keeping books and preparing the
ads for the student newspaper (it
is not allowed to advertise off
This total student involvement
is the reasOn for the variance in
profits. s.aid Mrs. Carol Giers.
another advisor. .
Some students have a feel for
selecting what kinds of clothes
will be popular and others don't,
she explained, and with new stu-
dents coming in every semester.
there are snafus in the"manage-
ment procedures.
Overholt remembers one year
ihe .students were "sold a bill of
goods" with polka dot men's
dress shirts. "We had to give
them to Fairviow State
· Hospital,'' he said laughing.
But the Windjammer was not
·alone, because the other local
stores also had an excess of polka
dots, he added.
The store, much like any olher
retail boutique, carries men's
and women's sportswear. ac·
cessories and gift items. In uddi·
tion, it has a full line of gymwear
and some sporting goods.
Students attend regular
buyers' weeks at the California
Fashion Mart in Los Angeles and
s pecial men's wear shows in
Palm Springs along with pro-
ressional buyers,
Though technically one student
could do all the buying for the
small s tore, Overholt takes as
many a s 30, designated as
r..,...,,,.,.,,..~,u. 1t1s
·rha Windjammer provides a sea • . I
of knowledge for ace
students. The student-run
store is a lab for at least
a dozen classes.
"'buyer trainees," so they can get
the experience.
T.he 10-year-old store, the only
s uch operation in California and
possibly the only one in the na·
lion, was set up after an advisory.
committee determined there was
a need for practical work ex-
'"We "'ent to local stores and
asked the managers if they
would be interested in hiring our
graduates,'' Overholt said, "th~n
we presented the idea to the
Some Chamber of Commerce
members were concerned about
competition, but when it was de-
termined that the Windjammer
would advertise only on campus,
that fear was allayed.
l 'he next step ""l.S a trip to the
student council. inquiring if the
associated stu dents would
fin{lnce the venture. They did, to
the tune of $7 ,000.
Then, a g rant proposaJ was
written and sent to the federal.
government, which resulted in
funds for remodeling of the old
bookstore and purchase of equip-
Currently, the store has a
515,000 lpan from the associated
students t at 6 percent interest,
which Overholt would like to see
paid off with the store's average
annual profit of $2,000.
But growth. beyond the
forthcoming exp::insion into the
c-urrent bookstore, Y>'hich is being
relocated, is not the Windjam-
mer's goal.
Primari~. it is a classroom.
Overholt emphasized. For one ·
thine:, minding the store already
takes much of his and Mrs.
Giers' time.
Eight student man agers work
20 hours a week. but still the
operation is complex and de-
With so m<iny students wandt'r-
ing around the OCC campus each
day, it would seem that U1e Wind -·
jammer would have a built-in
clientele, but this is not so.
Overholt said.
"A recent survey showed thut
43 percent of the day students· the labels1 . .
had never been in the store." SO without a base of'Cllarge ac-
M rs. Giers addep that ''the stu-count customers like most stores.
.dents a re _not Jo yal. Actually., have <o nly faeulty member_s are
consumers are becoming less allowed to charge purchasesi.
loyal.·· ., 'the promotion students face a
To keep the store competitive. constant battle of trying to lure
t he stud ent workers survcv other the students in
shops ta see what is being Offered (fn the days when students
inthc <1rea . \\•ere allowed to charge
'fhe Windjum mer is not a dis-purchases. the store was left with
count store and at one time has many outstanding accounts.
even done Private labeling. Overholt said. An OCC law elass·
though this is expensive ($500 for took some of the non·payers to
Community's Classroom
small claims court as a project..>'
, Now that the Windjammer has
.been operating successfully for a
·decade, other colleges are think-
ing about settin g up a similar
operati on. Overholt said, but
none has been able to do it suc-
cessfully so far.
"They can't find a teacher to
be ~dvisor , '' he commented.
"It's very time-cons uming."
"It's like running a stor e , ..
l\1rs. Giers said, with a knowing
'look .
Expertise Shared
OttheO..lly PilotSl;rll
Oscar Taylor looks enough like
actor Carroll O'Connor to make
you do a quick double take.
The resemblanrc to Archie
Bunker ends there.
Taylor. a Lido Isle resident
who's taught at Orange Coast
College for 25 years, has ex-
pertise in a rchitecture and an in-·
born love of autos and engines.
lie has som e strong opinions.
about education and exposing
youngsters to career op·
Born in 1-luntington Beach. he
began tinkering with engines as a
s mall boy, under the eye or his
fathe r and older brother. both
skilled mechanics.
·'When l "'as 10 or 11, I was do-
ing all kinds of odd jobs, from an
apprentice in the auto shop to
dusting off bottles in a store," he
Today's youngsters don"t have
the same chance to be exposed to
the working world. he believes
So. he's decided to give some
time to doing just thut.
Recently, he began working
with s tudents <1t the Mardan
Center for Educational Therapy.
Costa Mesa.
Executive director David
Eisenman said ·the response·
from the students has been fan -·
"He's one of those teachers
\\/ho has the ability to really turn
kids on to a subject. to hol d their
interest in the classroom.
"Our kids love him."
Taylor asked a fri end. \vho
happened to be a 1\1 ::irdan board
member, if there was anything
he might be able to do.
"Anything" became an in-.
lroduclion to auto mechanics
Do engines turn you on? .ace instructor Oscar Taylor
helps Mardan students find out
if this career interests. them.
He advocates earlyteaching.
with so m e aid from-occ·
auto,fnotive instructor Fred
Oelk~rs, \\"ho supplied cutaway
After a couple of classroom
sessions. Taylor used hi s O\Vn
foreign car in the school parking
lot for a de monstration.
Next came a field trip to OCC
where students toured other
areas such as aeronautics,
architecture and wood shop.
"l~the kids like it, I 'll come
back, 'Taylor said.
Why, he asks, couldn't other
lines of work be introduced to
children as early as the clemen~
1tary level. on a volunteer basis?
Architects, artists, engineers,
scientists could visil classrooms
once a v.•eek . .. Ir the kids \\'ere interested
they could con1e back for another
session. Instead of not knowing
\\'hat direction to go, children
-could pursue interests in eJe~en
tary school."
After a long teaching career,
he believes the key. to reaching
students is ''knowing your sub-
ject and having enthusiasm."
Projects such as he suggested
are already under way to some
degree in many school districts.
but he believes much more could
be done.
"Children l earn la nguages
more easily while they are
young. Why not use tha(inlerest,
that curiosity to gWde them
toward a job skill?''
He attributes his long career to
"thinking young'' and judgin1
each student as an individual, no
matter what his hair length or
n1anner of dress.
He is optimtstic about the
future .. ''Kids today are thinking,
questioning, and 1 believe that's
It i· •, •
' I
• ---.. ._ .... -... . ' '
Going It Alone for Scholarships
~. ~--.....
Instead or joining the Los Angeles group in presenting a scholarship benefit, th'e Orange
Coul)ty Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary or USC will stage its own fund-raiser this year.
'lbe N~wporter Inn will be the setting for a Mardi Gras Ball Saturday, March 8, begin· nli>g at 7 p.m. Mrs. Garry Short (left), benefit co-chairman, is assisted by Mrs: Frank
·~hey Have Wrong Dope
know how you feel about dope, so
I'm sure you'll never print this
letter but I'm going to write it
. anyway.
I enjoy dope. So do many
thousands of other people who re·
ad your column. I'd Jike to tell
·you our s_tde of the story.
, . When I'm high I fee1 great. I
I see life crystal-clear. I mean I r can see life as it really is. I first
.. started into dope because all my
friends were doing it. I know I " .can stop whenever I want to. But
why should J? Just because it's
against the law? I.fell no. The on·
"' ly way dope can ruin your life is
if you become addicted to it. But
that will never happen to me so
I'm not worried.
' Why do you knock dope v.·hen
'you don't even know what a high
is? I 'suggest that you try it or
button your lip. -SAILING JN
my lip. I didn't write to you, Bub,
you wrote to me.
Second: Your accusation tbat I
don't know what a blgh Is
because I 've never tried dope is
incorrect. I can get high on ex·
hilaratlng conversation,
beautUul music, or a responsive
Your notion that dope helps
you see life as It really is -
••crystal-clear'' -is the most re·
vealing part of your letter. It pro.
-ves that dope actually distorts
your vision. That ''blgb" you are
so In love with ls a snare and a de·
Lire, my dear, is rar rrom
crystal-clear. Life is convoluted,
unpredictable, mercurial and
filled with conflict. Anyone who
says life is ••crystal·clear" is
zonked out of his ever-lovin'
an executive secretary, age 34,
and married for the second time ' • DEAR !?AILING: first, ~J>out_ -to Tim, age 40. }le was a
l~nn Landers~
bachelor until six months ago
and was considered the town
catch. I felt very lucky to get
him. .
Problem: 1 received a sizeable
salary increase yesterday. Tim's
response: ''Which one of the vice
presidents are you sleeping
with?" · .
At first I thought he \Yas kid-
ding, but soon I discovered he
v.•as dead serious. Tim insists
that in times like these a woman
just doesn't get a raise unless she
is "putting out.'' How can I con-
vince him he's wrong? The best
signature I can think or for this
' DE,\R FLAB: If you have to
''convince him," he's not v.·orth
lt. Obviously, one of the most im·
portanl elements in marriage is
lacking in yours. It's trust . ......
Horoscope: Gemini
Stop Carrying Deadwood
ARIES (March 21-April 191: Full Moon·
aspect and position emphasizes tendency to
ride with tide. You have reunion, most likely
with family member.
TAUftus CApril z0-.May 20J: Low-key ap·
proach could be most constructive. Lunar
Position· emphasizes change, creativity,
children and intensified relationship.
GEMiNI (May 2J-June 20): Litigation, legal
complications could slow pace. You? re going
CELEBRATING their 45th wedding an-
niversary were l\-1r. and l\1rs. Marshall
Braun of Newport Beach.
Married on Valentine's Day in a Los
Angeles parsonage, the Drauns were feted
during a buffet hosted by l\fr. and Mrs. Don
NelsonofCo$ta Mesa
The Brauns, in the last JS years. have
traveled extensively in the United States,
Alaska and Mexico and have cruised deep
into the Caribbean ..
• WINTERING aboard the Ro yal Viking
star with port calls at Tahiti, New Zealand,
Australia, Fiji, Samoa and 1-fonolulu were
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Toto. Costa Mesa:
Bobbie Littlefield and Leone Loos, Newport.
~ach, and Stella Marks, Costa l\-1csa.
ELECTED vice pre5ident of Delta Gam-·
ma sorority al UC, Berkeley, was Tracy
guest. She is a 1972 graduate of Newport
Harbor High S!'hool.
NAMED debutante chairman for the l .as
Damas de los Ninos sponsored ball. to be
presented in San Diego. is Mrs . W. Dermott
Richardson JU, former Newµort Beach re·
sident. ·
in right direction but could be c:<irrying de·
advt'ood. Get dO\\'n to business.
CANCER (June 21·.Iuly 22): Full Moon posi-
tion accents short trip. renev.·ed contact with
··!'>pecial" relative. \'ou could be chasin g rain-
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): New deal necessary
· if you are to get money's worth. Some persons
are being fre e and easy and you are paying for.
it. Do some checking.
VIRGO (A ug. 23-Sept. 22): Cycle is s uc h
that you a re called back to repeat some steps.
:;tatemcnts. Popularity temains high, but
some envious persons have issued complaints.
LIBRA (Sept.. 23-0ct. 22J: Nothing seem s-
certain -forces are scattered. Key now is to
enlarge horizons, to see picture as a whole.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Friend mav nol
be a bargain hunte r -and you could be pay·
ing through the nose as a result. Know it and
do something about it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): One who
usually is practical may nO\V be just the op·
posite. Know it and strive for greater selr-
rcliancc ..
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·.lan. I9J: Make
amends for recent sli ght to family ·member.
Gesture of goodwill now will give you peace of
mind. Know it nnd act accordingly.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 'l8l: Gel to b<>l·
tom line. Means wade through red tape, pro·
mises, implications -directly to meanings,
responses iJnd costs.
PISCES <Feb. 19-March 201: You find that
opposition creeps into picture from one v.•ho in
ordinary circumstances is "on your side."
l\-·1akc adjustments.
If Today Is Your Birthday you understand
need to organize. You are capable of giving
directions, assuming responsibility. You arc a
natural executive. 1'hc year will feature
significant changes.
RE-OPENING SALE 3 Full S.rvl ..
L.C..tlons In
HIMltlnflon Beach
Has Moved From Center St.
. l\'•wAtlt1N"M•1•W.19••Sc.
N••P .... C.09192
SAME °""LITYl'IOl'tK~.'.JHll"
• ,,., .... ~. °"""""'
Ltl • nflll ,,..,, "'-' ""'""'-
" '
Don't Rush .to Brush
I read ''Future Shock'' years
ago, but it still didn't prepare me
for the horrors of the '70s.
I used to feel so guilty IYll>f to
my dentist. It was alway& hls
first question after he had hooked
a hanger over my lower teeth to
absorb my saliva, jammed an x·
ray >between my teeth and
wedged his two. hands in rny
jaws. '"You are brushing after
every meal •. aren't. you?" he·
· In the last five years alone, it
has been revealed that: (a) there
is more nutrition in the, plastic
whistle in my cereal box tttan in
the cereal (b) I will not be arrest·
ed by the FBI if 1 tear the tags otr
my pillows; (c) 24-hour girdles
can't tell time; (d) if Catholics
still a bstained from meat on
Fridays they could eat a hot dog
and still be in grace.
Now, another childhood myth
has been shattered. The other
night on the news it was an-
nounced that British scientists
have conducted tests which pro·
ved that brushing after every
meal didn't produce any less
cavities than not brushing.
Trying to.register shock in my
eyes and indignation in my body,
l writhed and grunted, "Ahhhh. ''
Later, when I only had a ppund
and a hair of cptton and a cup of
water in mv mouth he would ask
again, ''You're sure you're
brushing REGULARLY arter
every meal'!"
meal. She was a neat girl who
wore braces. Before she brushed.
we'd ask, "\Vhat's the menu to--
day?" and she'd smile. tt saved
us a trip to the cafeteria.
I've never been sure in my 0\\'11
mind that "brushing after every
meal" r eally caught on in this
country: You just pretended you
did .•. like people pretend to
know a ll the words to the "Star
Spangled Banner'' or who Dow
Jones is.
This time I would cross my
eyes, \\·iggle my tong ue and when
I was sure I had his attention
groan (\'•ilh feeling) "Ahhhh."
Actually, the only time I car·
ried a toothbrush \\'as when l
knew I was going lo the dentist
and didn't want him to suspect
that I used my teeth to chew food .
I don't kno\v \vhat olber revela-
tions the '70s will hold for us. r
'"ouldn't be s urprised if someone
invented a decaffeinated cof-
fee ... discover ed lettuce , was
fattening ... or revealed a~piri n
didn't race to our bloodstream, it
da\vd led on the scenic route.
I only kn e\Y of one kid in school
\Vho used to brush after everv
1 onl y know this latest bomb is
going lo be rough on dentists.
After they fill our TJIOUlhs up,
\\'hat are they going to talk
Couples· . ..
'1\--tarried in Calvary Chapel \Vere l\.1olly
Louise Regan and Roger F. Mann \Yilh the
Rev. Laverne Romaine dirc{'ting the dou·
ble ring riles. · ·
Parents of the newlyv.·etl s are Mrs.
I.ouise Hall, Newport Beach, and the
William F. l\1anns of Willits .
Attendants were Mrs. \Varrcn \\'ilkc.
' '
I ·>)
Mrs. David Custer, Karen Johnson, Diane
Sutherland, Robin Huffine, Kelli and Kathi
Regan, Allen Beachamp, Darrell Uyeda,
Paul Tokanaga and Luis Shanks.
An Estancia High School graduate~ the
bride now attends Cal Poly. San Luis
Obispo. Her hus band, who no .. 1r is studying
at Grace Bible College. is a graduate of
Santa Rosa College and attended Cal Poly.
I le also served in the Air 1'~orce.
'fhc ncwly"·eds \\·ill live in San Luis
Debbie Lynn Evans and Daniel Joseph
Clements exchanged nuptial vo\vs and
rings in St. Joachim's Catholic Church,
Costa Mesa.
•. Honor attendants were Caren Sue Harvey
.and Michael Clements. Others were Mr.
and Mrs: Stanley Frisbee. Mr. and M rs.
Gary Moore and David Beaubelle.
1'he bride, daughter of .l\-1r. and 1\trs.
Catholic Church, Corona de~ Mar \Vere
Kathy.Schuda ;:ind J ohn l\1 . Bibb of Corona
del Mar.
The Rev. David Duran directed the vow
exchange for the daughter of the John
Schudas of Irvine and the son of the John J\-.1.
Bibbs, Linda Isle.
'.\Iarc1a Grcllich and Daniel I~ihb :.crved
·as the honor attendants. Others were
Janice, and Suzanne Schuda, Debi Bibb,
J-lenry l\1organ, Mi chael Jones and Rick
· The bride is a J:radualt" of l~oa ra lli gl{
School, An<Jhcim <-1nd a bU :.int•ss college
there. She llO\\' attends Uran~e Co<.1st
College and he r husband attended the·
University of Southern Calirornia.
FollO\\·ing a J.Ja\\'<J iian honl'yn1oon, the
nev.•ly"·eds \Viii reside in Curon;.1 <le i J\1ar.
Russell Evans or Costa 1\.1esa, is a gra<luatl'
of Ne"·port llarbor High School. lier
husband is a graduate of r.1atcr Dei lligh
School and now attends. Golden \\'est
College. 1-lis parents are l\'lr. and l\-1rs. 'fom
Clements, Costa Mesa.
Blbb·Schuda .
1 .. -.., 1o1o--•-• O•'f
""',....,_. <:: .... -. 01 <:: •• , .......
Jl ~l M•-l !•<t, t::•>lo "'"" ... ....
17 1922 Harbw lt.d. l\Tarri~d in Our Lady Queen of Angels I 4) 979•1234 C..taM,_.541.0JH 1~~~~~~~~--
'\,,ORR J'
""-• & Plaoto ... ._,
ca.tl & lockgolNM• · ....
IUJLCO.UT ... MWAT IJl-lt ll
c.-.. -e-'oriiot
band concert
On Wednesday evening
Feb. 26, from 7:30 to 8:15 p .m. the Foun1ain
Valley community
band wlll provide
entertainment in
support of Fountain
Vatley school districts.
18 school student
art exhibit A'ee
admisalon at the
Huntington Beach Center
· et Beach Blvd. at
Edinger. off San
Diego Fwy .
( 642•4321 )
Direct or collect,
·to •ubacrlbe to
YOUR hometown
paper, the
A Delicious
-CombinMion ...
Honey cake and
Cream Cheese!
They're a natural! Hickory Farms of Ohio's cream cheese and
honey cake. Just spread our cream cheese on the honey cake .••
and enjoy the old-fashioned goodness. With these delicious foods.
dessert time becomes something special. This Combination also
makes a tasty snack. Anyone can make it. Everyone will enjoy it.
Honey Calle
Cream Cheese
Rea. Pa llee Res Pa lice
. Ofht Gto..t,. JO .. Mwck t
5outh Coast 'Plaza oF oHio .
COSTA MESA ._.__ "I:.":::.':: ...... -·_ ..-:S4o.6HI ..,....,,. _u .. 1.,.
' c::
. 1 °'' ~
F~ s
! ;
' '
Tl -e e
Hl1 MISTER PmllV! f.f( AUNi SA'rS
ffll]!tCT PCOl'LE • ROJfR .
... -
by W• F. 'lrown and Mel CasSOft
ifut!.llt ~tS/.l'T Pl5-
BEGINNll-lG 11'.> t.IAI~ OOW"l
.. ~ iftAT?
L1KC ~!
' "
by loin K. Ryan
. -;/ff.II
by Tom Batiuck
FOR I\ lk1RT<.>-N\1U .. ION-
If UP!
lue!d!y.february 25.1975 OAILVPllOT ·~·
YOU ~NOW, /Ml.'S
™AN IT "°'* !
SMOCKe-R I S M , M iss c ~ee se .'
by Rockjer lradfleld
I HAVE A 11£,,.[R
TO:V Tl> F16UR(
by Gus Arriola
. :'I
Q: ·1, I .. 0
~· MOOM MULLIMS by Ferd Johnson
15NT TILL ~· _ __,,
by Dale Hale
by Ernie Bushmiller
y: ~®,. "'" .. 5UDSY·WUD51!0,
DEPARTMENT ( j ...--
~ ~ • fl.!"""'
............. _ ~ . ·~-··--
by Rodger Bollen
__ ,,
~ ........ y .... -... ~ ... -·---
IJNITEO Fealure Syndicate Ye5tcro.1y , Pulz111 So1ved
45 t.Aoved
l E11angeh1! iapi(lly
· A.bbr 46 01re<;l11>11
S lrre>ert!l"IElnce 47 Calcareous
1ntorma1 deoosit
. 9 Peach, e g 49 Swarmed
14 Vall•y ~ C1trU111n
1S Show b•Z
"''" 16 Ink
57 COfOOlerce
58 Successtul 1ngred1ent t' words
17 Chew 59 1ro1n or perai~l9011y Peru
13 Historic 6l Small
I I l f
' l)erlods P•9Ce T 19 Narrowne,s. cut ot! fr abbl 35 en!atrve
Prel11t 62 Boul•QVe 6 Emanation goal
20 lab, 63 And 7 Tole1a1e 36 Idle lalk
Ch8fTliC1IS olhers '2 B Nourishment Slang
22 Aualra111 worOS 9 Czar 37 Flat1ers·
afMJ New &4 Prepo,•lion 10 Me~nan•cal Informal '2
Zealand 65 Made a device words
24 Sow anew recordi part 40 Harass
26 Style ol 66 lea ng 11 Partook ol 4'2 Verdure
lurn1sh1110 cieam 12 Tar source 43 Sneaky
27 Indigo corteocl!on 13 Man s person.
source 67 G b name Slang 29 Altm au one Y 21 BairacucJa •5 Frolicked
dPOLiCl!ons DOWN Var. boisterously
30 ;.·1.Jw 23 Bakmy •1 TasJC
33 Sweet 1 AuthOr emglOyee 48 Slow·M11SIC
material 2 • .•••• 25 Roman 50 Foodol
words Watrlace Pluto cl1v1ne origin
37 Male 2 Sleuth 28 NOIAllle 51 AedaCIS
animal Philo ceop!e 5:t Station
38 Ealuary •JO Knowledge 53 Price pa!cJ
39 Chess J. Turkisn 31 B"11sh 54 Brazilian
Pl.'. ~-1 geer 1 reg"'""'" I 32 ••on 01 apir 408easl ol <FD R m burden · · ···•.USC's 55 Cease wpcorler. op 1 41 Celesllal 2 '1110tds a1n1e1es era ing ............ 33 l ight tog 56 Marone,Usn """"'' s t~oly 42 lndi~idually person: 34 Opl)onent 60 · ·· mo<Je
l !N!llST ON PAl'l/'4G THAT
by Charles M. Schulz
10 THE 5VPEAAW<<ff ..
TD THE 6EAllW $HOP ...
. .., '•' ' ---·-·-~·-·-~
TO THE TENNI• cou~r...
by Harold Le Doux
by Mell
Airi'M(.llr, vaA'~E PLAYNU MOU 'MJ.1?1(;
YE,, 511r. 5J.JGH EVER'61tEEN FAVOR:ITE? A<; :
"'TltANGf EIU1tlt5 IN T><E NIGJ.(r,'
' I
"J rM§ON WtfH iME L.IGHi fJICOWN ~/,JZ.Z., 0
A.N0 11 Ti.;£ Al.LEJt6Y SY §AINT#5AEN~ ... 11
by Chester Gould
"C;in·1 ever leave }OU :1lonc without )uur getting in10
• ' .
lroul:ilc -l•lt.I ~. \ •'ll i;ot a parking 1i.:ke1 !"'
I ~t.:o_.f~f''-'
I : :;
I ·-
.,-., D,\IL V PiLOT• -•
1 Fl"anehb'ed Food 'S."W.A.T.'
Co.st Padding
' Claims Eyed ,, Debut,s
.~ Federal Trade Commission has
launched an invesUiation aimed
at ·determining whether illegal
methods were used to pad prices ot the $10 billion worth or fried
chicken. hamburgers and other
food sold through franchised
Although th'e commission
slressed Mon day that the in·
dustry-wide investigation does
not imply that any violations of
Jaw exist, the practices singled
out in the brief annOWlcement
have bee n challenged in previous
FTC decisions.
the restaurants plenty of ti.me to
reconsider their policies before
deciding whether to invite possi·
ble legal action.
The commission said the first
slage of its investigation will re·
quire 75 restaurant chains to re-
port whether they require in-
dividual operators to buy sup·
~ plies from the parent company or
,. froll\.a specific supplier. None or
theC'hains "'as named.
Under franchise agreements,
an individual o°f' group of in-
di\:iduals is usually permitted to
set up an outlet of a national chain
in return for a capital investment
in the individual restaurant and a
periodic fee to the parent com ·
IN SOME cases, the parent
company a1so requires franchise
holders to buy meat, baked
gpods, paper cups or other sup-
plies either from the corporation
or an approved supplier for a
specified price. Companies
'' which use such a system have
argued that this is necessary to
maintain the quality of l.heir food
and reputation.
1 The commission has ruled,
however, that such a system used -.------------~
Cleared in
1334Death .
VIENNA (UPI 1 ·-Did an
r-82-year-old snake · charmer
f strangle his brother 640 years
agoip.~Tibetan monastery?
Did a •30·year-old masseur
take the snake charmer's
$56,000 in savings to help the
old man atone for the deed?
A COURT in the Austrian ci-
ty of Graz, 80 miles south of
Vienna, found the snake
charmer innocent of murder
but convicted the masseur of
It all began at the "Zur
Sonne'' (sunshine> Turkish
baths in Graz.
One day last September,
Rudolf Johannhoerster. a
masseur at the baths; was
·massaging Alois Resch, a
pensioner whose hobby is
snake charming.
Resch told tbe court he con-
fessed to the masseur that in a
previous life in the year 1334
the murdered his brother, a
jfello"Y monk, in Tibet's Black
.monastery. · ,.
116· SAID Johannhoerste"r
theD"\aid he had supernatural
:powers and was known in
Graz. Austria ·s second largest
eity, as the •·Master of
Masters." He offered to use
his occult powers to relieve the
:conscience of Resc h, the
:testimony said.
Resch told the court that
:over a period or months the
:masseur wen~ into trances in
which he supposedly got in
1touch with various Tibetan
monks. ! The old man said the monks
-through Johannhoerster -
told him the black monastery
·was having financial trouble
and he would be absolved or
sin if he sent the monastery his :savmss.
: THE OLD man said Johan·
.. nboerster came to get the
:money one day \fith the news
t~t a delegation of Tibetan
monks had arrived to collect
; Theoldmanwaitedforword
•of thanks from Tibet. And lie
,waited. And waited. He finally
· went to Police in Graz to ask if
!Austrian authorities kne w ~anything about It.
Valley Pair
Face . Lumber
Theft Rap
A pair of Fountain Valley men
race charges of grand theft in·
volving the heisting of $400 worth
of cedar lumber from an an
Irvine construction site.
Gary D. Comrady, 33, and
David T. Carter. 27, both of 15893
McDermitt St., were arrested
and booked on the felony charge,
then released upon posting $5,000
Police said Joe Welle, security
guard for the Irvine Pacific
Develo pment Corp. spotted the
pair in the a rea of University .ind
Culver Drives with 66 planks of
.cured cedar in the bed of a pickup
·truck .
: He followed them down Culver
Drive and stopped the vehicle
driven by Comrady, a telephone
company engineer, al a ne'"'
model home complex \\•here they
were held for police.
Investigators said a large
amount or construction tools JJnd
Comrady's pickup truck were
also impounded as evidence in
the theft case.
. If~ stoie dis played a sign say-
ing its oranges contained large
amounts of vitamin C, for exam·
pie, it would also have to provide
a s ign explaining how much
vitamin C -and all other
vitamins and minerals -are
contained in the average orange.
BUT II<' NO s uch nutritional
c13ims were made by the store.
the labeling requirement would
not apply. .
The order was published Mon-
day by the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration with 60 days a l·
lo\\•ed for publiC' comment. It \\"ill
not become effective until later
this year.
The FDA said it took the action
because it already imposed
simil ar nutritional label require-
ments on canned and packaged
foods and "it would be uncons-
cionable ... to a llo\V freSh pro-
duce to be sold with nutrie nt
claims which are without valid
support . . '' ·
TllE LABELISG requirement
will not apply to ne\\·spaper or
broadcast advertisements. the
FDA said. But it said it would re-
fer any cases where the advertis·
ing was suspect to the Federal
Trade Commiss ion 'vhich has
jurisdiction in that field .
The FDA said it recognized
that fresh fruits and vegetables
vary in nutriiiona l content, de·
pendin g on where they arc
grown, hO\\" they are shipped and
how long they have been stored.
It said the industry would have
to get to ,vork to figure out \"alues
for its produc ts. adding that the
;\griciliture Department is ,,·ork·
ing on an automated nutrient
data bank "'hich n1ay provide
more accurate information.
· jackets, jumptJ.uits and.
paratrooper boOtsi
And they use such
military jargon as
··neutralize'' and
.. second line or defense, ..
I only wish they'd
employed ''protective
reaction" when asked to
recite the amateuris h
lines of Monday night's
show .
··s.W.A .T." was
frighteningly realistic as
it started with the cross-
fire ambush of two·cops
answering a family dis-
uturbance call. But the
wretched dialogue of~
s how was promptly
established as a regular
policeman told the
S.W.A.T. team chief a
sniper was on the 11,oof of
a nearby building; and
asked, "How do we take
"YOU . DON'T. We
do,·· grunted the team
chief, Lt. J-tondo Har·
relson, played with stiff.
jawed g'rimness by Steve
The am·bu s her s
who've killed one coP
a nd wounded another.
escaped in a blaze of
gunrire . Ensuing
S.W.A.T. talk revealed
the gunmen were loons
on a cop-killing spree.
Why ? asked a black
S.W.A.T sergeant.
.. Color," Hondo said.
··Not because they're ,
black. brown or white.
Because they're blue.''
Subsequent scenes had
the wounded, revenge-
seeking cop and others in
his precinct applying for
membership in a new
S.W.A.T team forming
there. He and two others
were"chosen after basic
Poliee Still Puzzled
learned the killers \\-·ere
two brothers, their
cousin and his wire. The
menfolk sought revenge
because the brothers'
Psyc"J:iic Says · He
Can Find 'Slasher'
father was killed by
police. The lady set U')>
ambushes by phoning
police for help.
Sure, Hondo's men set
a trap and nabbed the
baddies. bu( not ,before
one villain, smelling a
trap, emitted this classic
line: LOS ANGELES (UPIJ -Peter.
Hurkos. a psychic who assisted
police in several murder cases in·
the country, claims he could find·
the "Skid Row Slasher" in five tO:
eight days.
The Slasher, who cuts the
throats of his victims. began his
murderous campaign in the.
downtown area Dec. l . He.
claimed his nfnth victim either
Jan.30 or31.
PSYCHOMETRY, the alleged
ability to "see" the past, present
or future by touching objects, is:
is Hurkos' psychic specialty .
By fingering a photograph of·
an artist's conception of the
physical appearance of the
Slasher. Hurkos ·said, "This is
not the right drawing. Absolutely
Gates said the difference in
hair length doesn·t mean too
much because the Slasher could
h~ve been ~·earing a wig during
his attacks·.
··1 don 't like the
vibes. .something 's go-
ing down. I can feel it."
He c,ould well have
JIURKOS llAS orrered his 1been talking about the
ser vice s to L os An ge l es ratings future of this
authorities but Gates said, .. We series
haven't reached the point that his MONDA y NIGHT'S
help is necessary " show no doubt got good
Both 1-turkos a nd the police ratings because of
have said the killer is a homoseJC· publicity given real-life
ual who kills out or frustration. SWAT teams, particular-
But Hurkos went further and said Jy U:!e teams involved in r the Slasher had sexual relations last year's shootout in
with some of his victims. Hurkos Watts with members of
also said the Slasher often the Symbionese Libera·
muµlated the lower-part of the lion Army.
v\ctims• bodies. But should the bad
Gates declined to comment on dialogue per~ist. I've lit·
the physical details described by t 1 e d 0 u b l A B C ' s
Hurkos. ''S.W.A .T .'' will be
PALM SPRINGS police Police
Chief Robert While said Hurkos
assist ed his department in a
murder case and was "amazing".
in supplying information about
the murder and the murder
swatted off the tube by
the end ol s pring.
L.M. Boyd
• ..
How;the Atla~
Got Its Name-
When an elderly couple choose twin beds,
it's usually the man who maJces the decision.
But when a young couple buy twin beds it's
almost invariably the woman who so decides.
Such is tbe contention of a bed salesman.
AM ASKED if any one human being could
carry a ~illion '11 bills. Not without a fair-¥zed truck. They'd weigh pritnear a ton and
lid up 4Z.cubic feet of space.
NO MARTINI drinker should forget that
five green olives contain as much nourish-
ment as a hen's egg .
ONE OUT of every three clock radios goes
to a bride.
Looks as though everybody has sort.e
favorite classifie•d ad ..
1'l'iend Robert John A.lien
says his is: "Personals: To
the party who stole the un·
attended lawnmower from
my front yard: 1 !\ope,
when you arrived home,
that your mother ran out--
rrom underneath the
porch, barfted. ai you, and
bit you on the·leg. ''
Q. "WHY is ' book or
maps called an atlas?"
A. Because practically all the ear~ map
books started out with frontispieces th~l pic-
tured the mrthical character Atlas holding the
world on his back. It was slang. originally.
Like Ma Bell. Or Gt. Or cop.
Was none otfler than James M. llotchkiss,
Jr., who said, "To commit suicide in
Philadelphia is an act of redundancy." Mr.
Hot.c:bkiss co\lects redundanai•• Uke: ''Brief
moment," .. congrega~ arOOnd ," "encloSed
within." ''end result," "military bomber "
"past history," "close proximity," "origin~)
source." "proceed ahead," "totally an.
nihilate, •• "undergraduate student" and
"stupid idiot."
THREE OUT of four convicted rapists
were themselves as children the victims of
sexual abuse. Or so one study of the matter in·
A WASHINGTON policeman left his 1 p~trol ~ar in the police department garage /
Wlth this note under the windshield wiper
"The siren ain 't workin' It'll si but it won't re·
AMONG the Russian literature of several
hundred years ago, is one "How to" book
which details the most effective manner in
which it was thought a man should beat his
ftlAME STAT•MlNT'. Tr.e 1o11ow1no pert4111s'•f• .,.. bu,1. -•i: THE OONUT Fo\C.l'ORV, 117!
Slll'lllower, Coll• M,IM, GlllfMIM• w... .
Alwt J . Hadler, JU 2Jl'ld SC., 0:..t•
W i.t. C•lllarl'I" m21 •
l t.on••rie 11. H•d••Y. Us :l2fld SI . Cli~I• Me~•. C..lolarnl• 92tt7 •
Tiii~ bU\ll'ltlS i) (Ol'\dlltled tlr •I\'"
Lorr;1ine H. H•d1•¥ 1'
Tnos it•CemeM w•s til<tc:I 11ltl'> 1~
CO\Jnl'f Cle•l< ot 0••"9' Colinty Ol'I
~brUiHY 11. l~IS "'' .. -P..bl•~l'lo!d OrMQ;e Cotit o .. uy Piiot.
FtO. tS.•n<I Mtr .•, 11. 18~ 19/S .&511;-/S
SU'•a10tt~•TOI' THIE itAtE 0, cM;l'°llNIA JIOll tMl COU•TTO,OtlMOI .... A.asn
£1t•I• OI FRANK l . Tl'l:i8E, -.... NOTICj 1$ P4EHE8V G1¥EN tolf'le
(rmll.lori 9f lfll ,.,..... "'"""' °"<...,._
tn•t fll Of"-11••1"9 Clalft\$ """'" \1>e W•d Ot<tClrtfll tre •tctu11'9d 10 Ille
.,,...,, will! '"' ,..tHUr' "outlltrl, In
tne otlice oi ttie.o:lttl< ol the -!'fl·
htlfd co11rl, or ta prtM'fll tftem, 11itfl .,_.
rwceswrr .oucM•s, fO lhO ~9'ea
"I lhe l<uSI ot,.rlmtnl of Irle UNt tEO
C .. l.lfORftllA BANK. 1011 NOftt> -On
Street"; POU O!lite Bo• 1/Jt. s.tntt .......
Ctllhltnia 9'210f. wl>ICll I' !he pl.Ct OI
~'of 1'-UflOolflltfl'CI ifl .........
lt't\ Pftl•ll'll"'ll 10 tllt l•ltll of Wld Ot-
Ctllffll. •ill'til'I lour tl'Mlflll'ts illtr tlll'
hril pUbU(ttlOflor !tiii flOllCt ,
0.i.11 l'fltr_, , .. t•IS
tiy F.O.\.t.,,lt
""O:•ecuto• of ll\IWU!ef
the ftl<l•e "•med deceoent
TMOMASLLOao IUU ,_,..,. .. v.i.d•.S.,llt111
Utw\I Mjlh, Oli'°""' tl6»
Tel: f11~ ... 1·1*
Al..,.Y ... S1e<1r1ter
~ Or•l'IQO C:o.-st Ofil p P.IOl ;-
Feo.IS.MG M.-r. 4, 11, II. 1tl.S ~l·l~
Troe IOllOW•"') perlOl'IS ,,, do4f'IObusi-
LtlZtE'S AT T I C. l•Ot !oo.
E•e•o•ttn. S..nl• -.no1. C•lllo\'"nlt'110f
tie•n•tO IL HeolOl t. t•OI So.
E•er9r""· o;..,,1,.A11t . Ctllloml•fl101
l!:llittlttn tie•ote . t•Ot So.
E••rorHn. S,,n•• .,,.,. Ctll!Otfll•'2101 ,,.;, OU\lne~~ ;~ COnd\KleCI tly.., 11'1•
tie•"'"'d R. !MtQI•
Tiii~ ~lt!en1en! ••!. Ulflf .-ill't 111>'
Co1,1nly Cieri ol O••n~ (Ollftly on
Fetirwry 11, 191~.
Addreas mail to L. M Boyd, P O Boz 1560,
Costa Me» 9262~ Copyright 1915 L. M. Boyd F41'"1
'----,,.~---,,..._ ... __ ,,.._ ... _...,,,.<# P\ltllllol'll'd Or•n~ Co•sl Otlly PllOI, ·' Feb. 1$. llM Mllr. 4, 1 !, II, \9,!o t.36</S
Peanuts and Milk PUBLIC N<n1CE
NAMll STAtlMl"t
Split Researchers
Tl'te lollO•lrit pottSOI'" t.-....oillOblrsi-
1"° So. C•1l .... .,.,,_, 1.."9Uf'f et.cl'!,
C•Hlorni• mu
Merl• Howtrl \loyl•s. 1 3~?!
-Th_e _Food and Drug
Adm1n1stralion and
Ralph Nader's health re·
searchers disagree O\'er
how safe the nation's
food supply should be
es.pecially regardina.tw~
widely used item{ -
peanut pro4,uct ~ and
evaporated milk.
Last Dece mber. the
FDA, saying it will never
be able to remove cer-
t a in contaminants.
established tolerance
le vel s for a suspected
cancer.caus ing mold
contaminant in peanut
product s. including
peanut buttt::r. and for
lead in evapo'r8ted milk.
Mllrstlt, L•QuM Hiiis, C1llfornltt2•S3
li on since D"cembe Ao11t1<11 P•w• "'''"· t11s1 -.: r , O.t.t1r1>roo-. Ln., Hvnt111otori "'1Kl'I,
when Co mmissioner c...111°"111•n.,.. • Alexander Schmidt s aid T1111 D1n1n1s1 ;, coM11ctM 1:1, • otntr II fMlrt,..r '\h!I), the regulations no( only M.Howarc1Vot1t•
allo"·ed frir consume r rr111 •t•t•m~t ""'' flied 111t11 '"" COIPllY Cltrl al Or•t1~ COU!llr °" safety but a lso prevented J..,..,.,,11,1t1s.
a po1ssible outright b~n Pl.lblllhtd 0 ,,,.oe Co•u 0 •11,-=_
on OW ·cost prote1n F•t1.•.11,1112i,1,1s u.rs
sources such as peanuts.
because the law was too ..PUli.IC NOTICE 1igid. ..
S.d SIJl'lfUOfllCOUllTO,TH• 1 ney Wolfe, director 1Ta.t10,c-.L1Fo11N•A.f'Olt
O[ thE! group financed bf Til.COUNTV0,0ftANft
N d . b ........... 1111 ~ a er s Pu lie CJtizen NOT1ce OF Ht:A•INO o '" Inc., said the pr<>posed "•T1T101r1 ,011: ""0•11rT1 ol'WILt. le~d level in evaP,rated ;::.'011: Lt TT••s tllTAMIN·
milk is "21/2 times higher t!:5ta1• of BRUCE F"llANK Cl.ARK ,.
than.current averages in °',!O~~E 15 1-1eReav 01ve11. ""'' the industry and could CORfUNEJ.CLAllll:flUflleclflt81fll
make many children in· 111111i.ii '°'Proo.it• or w111 .lld".fdto '"" Wollf'I(;• or l.•11'" Tttttm•"'"' to 1he gest health-threatening ""''*"' rot.itftC• to •Mc•••~ amounts of lead " w NrtMf ,.r11c111•r•, '"" ,._. '""
H d ' Umttl!CIPl1Clof11Mrlr101f10...,..tias e sai the lead, which ~wt101"·Mtr<f\u.1t7s.111:• .. m .,
AT THAT. tim e, the enters the milk from 1.h~ .1111"''°"r1,..,010.P11tl'MfMN1>.1°'
agency,sald it felt there. sealer used on thAcams =1~~·,~ ~,~·!~ ':.",.~ C:!::
was an adequate margin of the can ls an added c.u+o"'1.. ....-: •
of safety and. in any problem bCcause studies o.WC11,:~':',.'~'~:~~10NN, ~a§e, it was technically show tb~t canned fi:ift · ·~t11vc1.r11; 1
l•ml>Ollss~ble fohr Industry ju!'te! i nt e nded r~r ~~:,'u":C:o\NN
o.c rnmatet em . ch1ldrt:n _also conta1ti rtJWttt'-""''"''·,._ .. ...._,. · But Monday Nadep'g ''massive amounts J u.a,.1tt.c.n1•""1"'''
tlealtb ResearCh Grolip lead.;. Cqmbining ti-ft t:::.!!:1e::fu._-. f-.
told the FD/t. the levels it two sources ho salil: PWtl.ned °'~ ''''' 0111r 1'1101' established pose a could resut't in lead ~-r2s..,.,••M11r<l\•,•"5 "'i.
· Tbe court, in a light-hearted
'.ru.llng. assured Resch that he
·was• conside red innocent or
!fratricide in the eyes of
Hurkos described the Sl asher
as having short, bleached hair.
about S-9 and muscular. Hurkos
says the killer Is 26 or 28, has thin
·ups and a ta ttoo on his left arm.
His nails are virtually bitten off
,and he we ars an army-type
jacket. He Is also a narwttcs ad-
dict, he said. Police Chief Louis Sunyich of
Redondo Beach said Hurkos as·
sist~ his department in a miss·
ing: person case.· Again, Hurkos
was able to provide information
about the individual, but SUnyich
said. the person was never found.
"grave threat to health" POisonina. • a~d amou'ht to ~ ·go·: PtiBLIC NOTIQE
aheall to lndu$frY Ill a1. Rock Guards · . ' 111E IUDGE said Austria·s THE CO.M POSITE picture
statute of limitations exe:mpt4 police are workint from depicts 'ea bilD from a.ny charges con-a man atx>ut six. feet tall, 190
.ned.ed with a U34 murder. It Pounds, In his 20s. with a promi·
alto eapresoed ~oubt that Its nent nose and stringy. collar-
·jutjodlc:tjonextendedtoTlbet. leoClh hair of a dirty blond cdlor.
• Bul the ~our! then turned Alsiltant Police Chief Darryl
·ffl'I-and we.n~ on to •en· Gates, In charge of the Slasher ~tmcf l .... DJllloenter ,to two investigation. after hearinc the
,year1lllprlsOl)forembazllni • ptycblc's version Ol what Ille
i 1Reldloulolhl'sllfe'ssavlnp. · Slaiher looks like, said the two L-------------•·-.:.1' . were quiteslmllar.
Hurkos said he bu an ac-
curacy rating of 87 percent or
better while •sslsllng authorities
in a number of criminal in·
·ves tigation s, including the
Boston Strangler case and the
Sharon Tate murders.
loW cont•minants in food • • · . P1CTt"M1u11,.rlt i '·' ' h ffAMllfAflMl"T
where•• In t e put. · SACRAMENTO ~It/ "" "'"'"" ,._ -.:-
y,ithout knowing the ap· -About' one in 1 el\ "'"':~~,·:o,. ... ,.."'""''' ~ • ._
prove"' level, the food freewey overpaa1 in c1rc1t.C.O.t•Mer..t11rttt1' •
makers mleht have had the atate ~now ........... ned v1rK•111 "'""°'"'H'*''· ''''A,_.. i t · P'~_, · Of'dt,OilllllMtM CA'2•1• t h e n c e n t v e 1. o to preve l .oeoole f£'9m "''' ...u,..u f, c:1tld~ttr1 ..,1.,.
eliminate the pro,blem throwl n 11C'fO·o.k1 it llfltl~t.NI l
rompletely. 1 veblcln1 a itate>afenC}t Ttlt, ~..!.!t •• ,,." .. ~· u.
repor(ed. In four rears ~'1 1;_,:' °'""'" ~-
AN FDA opokesman Ille state hnr1pen~ $\.4-. · '!!Ill
said today the agency .millidll puttiugcholi\Unk ,..~1~b,..11 .. eo.11 o.tt~~~
has not c;han,:ed its posi· fences oµ l3.9overpae-0s.1 wtr~111 1"'f1 -fld~~~ '....,s
I • •·
... .,..... . .......
...... 3000 .....
~ ........ _._,
fWwridll . ' . • . • . to00-'°'9 __ ,_
l..M&f-.j ,,, .~
...... & .... .000-60tt
'l... • ... .. • ... . • • j,
_;,. TM Bl1191t MlrQtpljq on the Orqe.c-t I • •
You Can Sell It Find It, [ ] ' One Call Service
Trade _It With ~ Want Ad 642 •5678 Fast. Credit Approval
• ••
~el---1Mt1I,._.. ·-
100f.11" ---...................... ,,.,14* ..... ·-tlt)G.'"'
Tuesday Feoruary :25. 1975
House• Fo/ Sale · 1Hou1e1 For Sako · ., ••.....•............. ········•·•••··········
G.-,Q} I 002'<itfterol I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••••• •••
G-.1 1002 ........................
Private Dock
Ho.s.1 For S• Hou1•• For Sale Hot.ts h Sale I Hotlse1 For SaM G;;.;:.; • •• • · · ·•• • ·1 '0'0'2· -;. ~~·;;"'· • • • • • • • • • • ·1'0°0° 02 • --• • ~! · · · ~ · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~~:::.~~-~ ....... t~c:'!!!!.~ ~-...... .
-ral I 002 <i-ral I 002 • A~Smit!e~
Lu'>:Ul'IOUIS 'I lift. J U ,\
11 .1l\·r1 r«1nt ho1nc with
J•ll'Uttl pwl und be;.1u1
p.1l111 llov1n lur l.1ri.:c
l.0.1\. w G-al I OOZr<i-ral I 002 ••••~•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••••••••••••••••• .................................................
Without a doubt this 6vcr~i ze one
bedrGom unit hlis the best viC\\' you
have ever seen. 270 d egree vie\v of the
ocean .. J)ay . penins ula ;.1ncl tannery
area. You will love this ··1)enlhouse:.
over Liclo isle. ~75.000 t'lt:ar O\vncr
will trade for I~iclo b<.1yfron t :.ind ~1dd
Our best buy! Spal'kling t\vo s t<u·y
townhouse. lik e_• llL'\\' c1011d1t1on, over
l800' or prol't:s:-i1una ll y <lcC<l l'illCLI
l..AND, $40.00 /\ MONTll D U l,S, ON t-:
BLOCK TO B ~:/\C ll.'-N l•:XT TO
PARK Only ~82.500.
:o)p l it. l eve l t o \vnhou se <les1gn·,
beu.uL1 ru lly llCtOl'ill L .. I ~llH.I pl'i('Cd CX·
actly where the rc<.1 1 cstilt c 1ndustrv
predicts it \Vi i i st·ll . ()n a \VicJC' g reurl·
belt (jnd with a VIL'\\' of tht· bily.
1''or various rt->a sons \Vt' fcel thcsP pro·
perties muy be purl·ha.seli on ll'rn1s uf
your choicl'. l,crhaps a lcaSC"·OPll<>n. u
li.irge 2nd. ·r.D. :..i t:ontral't of sale. or ·J
Jf'YQu r eally \\<Jill to buy ont• of thc.Sl'.
you arc the onl v r e a son vou ;.1rl' not
doin g so. Simpl)i t·all u s ~;nd ll~t·s sec
what ('all he \Vork c<I out
Call 6 75-7225
G......,I I 002 GeMrol 1002
~······················ ............••.•.•.....
. \11 11111· ... cur ... d!'t".Hfl
('Ullll' \ftil' \n t/tll,l,!11d
111;.: .\'t'"' l'orl IW:,u h 1•1"
pi •rl~ 1·1>1npl,.L•· 1\1lh
11r11.1t •· 1111;1 1 11111·~
1\ 1n c n I I I I'' I"' I ll J l'
h l' ii m t• d 1 l' I I 1 tl I!..,
11rL'llh1Ct'.-.. lot" 111 111 ll h
trl'c ~haded t11u111.u11 111
y<Jrd. Ju:.l 11111·0.!111.·11 lo
the marJl.-1, thu. u4jl·
standing b;•ri.:.,,111 :.nould
:'>l'll llUll'~(\' \)tl(I
::i ll.i.UW. Olli iOll l lj10:ll
1·11,t 11111•' 11 ~11·•! (\\11
111.1 ;.;111111 «Ill • u-.l o llt~ loll
t1011I«' 111 I "I 1111 ,1 d1·I
\l.H ,">h,111 1'1~1(,\ l'.1\ln..,
"" "' • ,111 '••I• II ' 1011
111 ~· 11111· hn11l1 l•·.1-.1•d lu
~· 1 ;, ,11 .. 1,11 .1 111011111
1'1 '' ,. r .. 1 lonll1 ,I,, ""'
Large B pR .. 6 ba. home
beach ; 50 fl. lot, s hore
$295,000. Will consider trade.
on sandy
llrand now 5 bdrm. 4 bath. on 30 ft. lot.
Pier & slip. $295,000
Attrat live 3 lill .. 2 ba. s ing le story; tiO
ft. street-to-street lot. Sl52,500
XJnt buy. 3 BR, 3 ba. single sly. home
on 35 rt . strcct-lo·streel lot. $89,000
40x90 rt. $250,000 30xl05 Sl65.000
341 Boyo;.1d£> Drive N 8 07S -61bl
~~~~~~! .......... ~ ?.~~~~~~~! .......... ~?.o.~
•Balboa Bay Properties*
BBP •cials
l ~ay f ron t rcnt<..11
2 llll 1!·2 $65.{J(J(J
~()]{!er units S79.5UO
Back .Bay
Sharp 11 L~}l . 3 Ila.
eon <lu. l•'r1)l .. µatio .
J)1><>L 'f ry S-12.500'.
f)l x. lluplcx $!J3 .50U 1---------
{)l'c1.1nft. duplex
SUhn11l yc1 u r ofrer s
today' 675· 7060
Corona del Mar
l)l'l'Jl1S lcJ L' C)f IJ V. y.
S harp deluxe
clupll'X & Mesa Verde
\'ery s harp insidt•
& oul :i I ~ I~ ,.\.: I~ It . :S I 0 h
fa rn r 111. I n x I 11 t {).\(J 8-\X 1
II CI g h b (I I' h 0 11 d '.
s58.50U, :'i5li-XXOO. rn ~ 1.o<·al ~~~e~~~:c~ve You
General I 002 General 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
t 'ouut1·1 ;t 1•1--1r o.11 I\
l'r111ll' .111·.1 HtJ;o.lu 1·01
f,1 i.:1· 11tl1·1-. IJY.'\ \.\Ill'
\·Ito;\\' l)f 1'11'\ l.l'l'l':~
h1 nl\,.,\ S\f1111 t·:l\\l'h
,\II'\.., I" d,11 :-.tu1•
h1M11\ llil\ IJ!I! IJ.1111\"HMl
t 1tu1r.., ,\I ,1 -.-.11 t' v1111h·1
111 11·1. I 1r,·11l.1t" l '••Untr.1
kncru-n. l\ntir1111.1 <-h urm
thr,,u:.;h 1•!H l·,\t!'.t I.it g ,
1111 . !11,l(I-. 111 l,1ri.:t· 1r1·1·-.
!lu111·1 " ,\ -.l1 n1tt \ 1·,,1,
l111d llllfll !u ,,. !';ill
rl 1~ !. .• :1., ....
S5 5,950
1 lt . \\ II .11'tlll,1 d«
t •II ,111·11 11 II ti 11111• p;i111•l l
111 :.' I 11\u1 I ,. "riot') ..
dr,q"'" .111,1 lll.1d-. o! de
1111.1lltl :.' ••\IJt'l[l,.t' \,
'llll)O' l'\t-.tl!I ' lnll Ill
lt'l '''I '• \ I0.111 !II "1•111•/
\\di p,11 pn1 111~ lur VI I\
ur 1:J .,,11 1• l,1-.l1·d h1·lu~
l'OllllJ•1r.1l•tl· prit1'.-. lol
ra-.l :-.111· 1ilti 7711 \Jpt•n
Walker &Lee
Real Estate
DUPLl•:X \\'1th liL·~t 111(·orTIL· in Curt)na
del M~r for its pr1<:L'. l.ot 1.1nd a half
be low hig h\\'<.J.v \\1th l:ir gl' S \\ in1n1i ng
pool Sul11n1t <·11ntr~1l't ol ~ .. ill'. S8--l .50U.
2828 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mor
llOJll\ l(MI
l"Quall l Iii IPlac:w ,
Prapwrtiwa ,
751-11120 " 1400 QUAii ~1 NlWH>Af llAC ..
Country Estate
l BDRM+ den
Horse Property
lt1',l\llJIU[ \'ll-.tPlll ~ II'
u(d l U\IU/!'\ h11lll~', l'Olll·
plt'lt' 1111111111:'> plu-. l't'H•
ll,ol ,Iii \!Jlllhlhlllil!).:
H11tl111 :.; 11111 ~ ,111tl h;u ~
_,,.,d r1d111 ~ lr.111-. 1;11.·
·' 11 ,11 pr1•1· ::.1 1 7.Jll
Bhr :u, I 1 .. L.l
'l'he popu\ill' 3 bclr111 ·rru1a :\lo<lel
<-1n<I this one I" ta ... t<.·1ul t lle;.1ut1ful
pancltng , \va1·n1 \Vall tre~1l 1nents and a
comrortablc fcl'I <11 l'1L·gan1.:c Class
but n<>t O l)Ul(•l}(:t' \.ll'\\ or the Ba{'k
l.~a y and {'(1111 l'ort :-. 111 <·on<lon1111iu1'1 Ii '·
ing:. 0\\111crs h a\L' 1110\t_•d lo l .... .\. ;_i nd
they \Vil! <.:<11'1':" l hl' ludll :11 H'' llllL'fCSl .
A li sting of l{it;1 J{11l:1nd at ::>!::18.SOU
General I 0021Generol I 00 Balboa Peninsula I 007 ·······-··············· ..................... . . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·1······················· 1'10: !I rl< lJl l'l.I·::\ \\'1lh
UNIQUE HOMES R•allors-675-6000
2443 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar
General 1002\Generol 1002
••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Coroni.l lie! !\f ~1 r
IJuplex. i Bil.
lio lf CC IUl'Sl'. :1 I ~!{. t'Olld<I. $48.950
C;.imco Sh11r('s bt·;.1u ty I 131{. \·ie\v &
1x>o l. ::>195.UUO
~~~~~~! .......... ~?.~~I ~~~~~~! .......... ~?~.~
REALTORS s ince Hl46
f\L•w fanlast1e I l ~I { n101lel \\',bonus
rm. ltTij)J'C:-.:i l\'l' :! SIOl'\ \'llll'~lll ~·t.·. igl'
LI{ & J)I{, \\'L'l bar nHJ"'\ 1n\·1ting lgc
kiteht•n. r :1eg;1nt 111.-.tr 111{ :-.u1 \1..· 'l'op
(jUillity c:ptng l'rll't.:d l'lJ.dlt '. S Ll~l .. )l!O
2 I I I San Joaquin Hills Road
NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-491 0
General I 002jGeneral I 002 ······················ ........... ······-····· $1200
l u-.l .. nl
I ,1 II I' h
:J llH r.11~1bl1ni.:
Jio1nt· l·:i,.,.
l;.:1· l.111111.' rin
\\' II l'( lf.1 I 1•:11,-llJ,,t•d
OCEANFRONT l1t .. ;o.l•lf'Y puulho1fll' Ln (u1Hlll111t1IH I!. 11 I\ o·pt. .. p.illo 11 11'11 :-.t·p:ir:•I•· 1',dl \.+11.o •'« li.t1di·ll'>. ]1;\:!X ft'•'l'\'dll!\ll r111 HOME PLUS h••l 1,•1 .11111· pr1• ... un1nH,·r ,... '' ;-.n1101>.1·r !.ilil•". h,1r l't1·.
Moves You In
l'.1v1n1•nl:. [e,.s lhan rl•lll :-.1~i .~1:>0 F11ll l'r11·1· ~
lll'1lro11n1 .... !. h.1111-..
liltLll-. If l) \\U"ll
c·.1lur11•1 , F \ IH:,11 ;11r
lo.lf"<•l!I ;d Ju.-.\ ::;:37 ,11\KJ~ /'l,l:J i-;:J:!l h
GARAGE APT. ,. l ·urral•·'I 1111 ' .,r;o.1'"·
\II 11•r1n-. J\·;111.11,i,. lu,·i.. r1n, .1tH<1 11,1\1·r
l ·11111 ptt·lt•l1 r1·111•1•lt·it·d 1111rr.'i c •• 11 is17 t:iotu LAGUNA ,,1 -.Ll'ln. 1·u1111n1·t 1·1,11
11n1n,·11111i111ot.1·dnM•111 .. I \(:1 LANDMARK ~1·,.r, .. 1•r11.ill' 11d111:.:
,11td l1to h,1111., =-'11arl-l111g
____________ 1 ·r1.11 1·01n 1nvrt·t.1l rvnt.11;-. 1r.i1 I. n111;·11 111<>1'<''
nt· 11 k 11 •' t1t'11 '\1•11· I 1 111 ,·nn1t·1· ,..1ut11 Lag1111.i Hrokl•r :1:1~; .'Q>.ll·
p .• 11111·11 ,.,1 .. 111fl' \111111 :. $5000 Reduction (),.,.,,n 11•·11 -.t'111·1lt1k·11 I ~,;;,;;;,;;,,;;, ______ _
11111 . ,, lH'.n1lilul u1lt' 1111·01111• 1.., .'j]j,)() 111•r I Assume 7 1/2'?/o Loan ht'\ l•1••1ll .tl>,illllll'!lt llHll 1110111h ll 1gh1\,1~ 11'1111 XER UPPER
,1 I ll'\\ 111 11\o• '""•111 \1\IJIL' l•I•• •<ll!tillltJ/) f..., 1.1>.;t' SUIHl11ldll<ot!L'l""l(l Fl
!'1'1<•' 11,,.., lft't'll o·ut 111,fh111 \h\I 111!1 J1111i ttu,., Jl\\i<•ll" 01,11,.r.., ('all
;o.!!11H111 \',olj1,7;t ""'or 11-L'<'ll 111p1,·\ \ll '! .-., .__. .. 1 1.Et\SI•: lll'l'lll;'\ 'I '"·' n.l.11 I< IJo•d1tU»l1 tlllll-.. l U:.~· lo __..,.,. ,.,.,, '' !. -.1or~ ;'\~·111M11·1 l\l!'t':t [ ~ ! """l'l•!lt L'. •·1111•1'L,1111tn1·1ll [ ~ .l l1l'dr110111 11t'l'd-. lo1.ul,., ol
l.u1 c l) . .,., .JI nl anti IO\ 11
Ill"<.: .$ IHI! Ill 111101 lllllllt'
Ill/\\ 1"-J.'1.:!:111 \\',di,. lo
~f111pp111g fr,"· ,.,11alll·1 I
.1 <1 rd <ind .. 11 ·1·1·t
.111d tou-. .. -. !. l 1111;-. IJ.tll.' ~ 11.t', p,11111. p.1111•lLl\J!.
11111.110 · 1•.1111• .. f':.1L·n h,1-. tloor Liil' ,'\: 1uu t1.1tlll.' 11 ·
1·1H·lo-.1•1l j.!.tl.1 '.!t' 7' •' _ .::0.:li.~Jll ~.l .XOU l'<L;o.h11h!\
\-.-.11111.11111· \ \ lo,111 .Ju-.c I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::;1 cs ~·uu 111 ' or rt·11111! you
.,.;;-,1.,,11 ',111 ~ t!lll\ :th!. j'j'l'll)
546-4141 Bargain Hunters
:"t:"''IJOrl 15i,:.it'tl l1x1•r u1J.
IJt:"I' un HallJt);J ~
P e11Jn"ul;.1 1\1 ;.:. l11 i.: !.
l11·dr1 n . !. 1):11 h. '" 1·r:.111 ••l
h1 1ug r111 ,111d !;111.11 l.01-.
01 l'IJ<llll loll' 1111.Jt.,:Llhill<HI
~ind d•·• •1ra1111· 1.il••ttt..,
S t '(' lhi ... "lll't·t.11
l'l'dHtl'd HI .'ll~l..itll.J l '~dJ
,Q,,, KEY
Lease Mow
Buy Later
In Hurry
1 .11 d ,, pJrk111;: l.1!-c
l"''I .,1;1 '!.1U !••-• h7!2
111·: .... r \ 11-:\v111··11,\\
l1t1plt•\ 1 'r ol1I .l HL'
~"i"li 11pil·, n1n-.t;:1111t111,..:
I ll'll "II 11:1,1 111' O\'l',lll
1' .111 I 11 r ,1 ppl I' 111 I
:-.lill11,111, lllll .. JI:-! i;'i1 d
111 ' IK ~HJ.!
Corona del Mor 1022 . ..................... .
Estate Builders
1-. 111•·-.,·1111• -.1•H1ui..: 1111·1r
IH'\\ 1·~1111l•1tlllllllllll ..... \',1•
n1"11 1 'r1·-.t l':,.,\.1Lt'"
h1r.il1·d .11 th•· 1•11r111·r "'
l'.u·1111· \ 11·\\ IJr1 11· ,,
llt'\\ .\l .11· \ttlnu Bl•·d 111
l ·ur1111;1 111·1 ,\l.1r ,.l.11l111i.:
.ii .-..,1, '.~IU ,..;•1lt'" ulttt'l' ~
11111dt·I 11111' <1P\'ll
1' I \L);'\ I•: Ii hi 1i l•lX
4 Br.
111111 .I llH ~JI.\ rt·111.1I
:-.11, ol l\.i};o.idt· llr 1•1111
l1<·;1ut1tul n.otur.11 l\O•otl
lt'\llll'•'" (1111 .1 llllt' .ti'af
lll'I\ l ';dl!il l ;211 ,\·~I
1\!t'l'.iJJ,1<h•ol 11 11•1 •
I )\\ 111' I .> l I ] ~I'.!'. I
.">11.11·Pll/ .. " Bil Frn11t
l\IHl,,l' 11 it.:l' I.Ill\ fill .
1 .. r111;1I .1111111~ ,\ 1g1• I llJ
:.! 1:11 Ht'.11' .q11 " 1rµl1'.
'lHhlt'l'h. lll\111-.. ~ll• /\r
t~e.11·11 'uur 1,•r1n,,·
752 ~0460 artytime
Ii I•'.\ I, J't IH:-;
,..;1.-..1.·1-: t:J.11
673-4400 1 --[~ Sharp Harbor
'\1·11por1 1!1·1 ;.:111 ... :1r,·;i . l~Quail ~.
1 · \1 :1ddr···-.-. 1.·11·.1n !.llH . liii IPlace
dt'IL ~I\\ li!Hl\I' otl :.11 x Propertieos
1 :1~ l<.!l'!' l"I llHI .' 7$2·1920
;o..!X :i,111 l<lf .111 !',ill .\11.:t'I l•OO DUAtlS1NlW,OIH15lAC~
On Your
.'i 111 l !."> 1
llq . .: ht";!LllllUI !'\.l<Hll:.
('lt•;111,\. :-11.irp \\'111d !rl'•
pJt10 lt-. r1•ady lor ~ou
11"11 l'all 1i1 1; 1101
UHl'>•fil "' l\>uf,·1'1i ". f Costa Mesa 1024
TRADE View Home
ll.1111·' .111d '-~"'"'
'"II •h•H I llt'l'1I .i L:Ull In 0:.!J l
111.111 1',1-.( "111'1\ '"t••i ------------l'LH<' .111 .1d 111 llll' J ~\IL\
I'll.Ill' \\,tnl \•I..,' I ,111
""<I 1.1..: ·"''"
ONLY $32.500
">l. I' Ell \' \LL'1·: 11:-..
Cape Cod .
Two Story
Pool-Ho Down
"'•II lilkt.' .I h1lr1n h"U"'t' H··1!11t•l••l1•tt ,111.>.\ \1 '11 Jo;;1~t-.1de. t'o.-.1,1 ,\h•-.,i 111 1111 .,1,•1I•1th l !.,:dr•.,1!11-. .. J
1•:•u.:hani.:cun 111·.1111 tl\'" 1 ,,1111 ~ 1,.,111 ,,1 diu1t1J.;
u·1 plc \\1lh .! t.drn1,. . ..! ,1111 1 111 ,pl.1<•' 1.,11,•1· 111!
hiilh 0 11.nl·r-. 111111 :-.11,tl!. di• ,-.,,1 1,.1 .'\~·iil i !It I·-----------~
1·urp·t't1111! :11ul 1·1-tl.11 -.1d , 1,1 ,,1,.11 111 ,111,· 1 ,,1 ,,111 BEACH HOME
I H L.., :1 ht•druonl. qualH ~
11u1l1 ('11-.IJ \!,~;, holllt'
l.,1r).!•' l•)I 1111!1 l10,_i\ or
11 .11l1·r .11·1·t·,.;o.. l.1-.11•11
_1 o·~l•·rd;11 llLUT\ \\1111 I
1. ... 1 ·'I '.di ;,11; ~"l(J
:-.p.11·t••11-. 11\u -.to1') l'uol
r.1 1,.,e1I l11r111.11 t•1ur.1 lo
-.uni..i•n 111111~ 1·unn1
F11r 1n;1I tl111111g l'o111lt•1'!
r<M11ll \\ 1•( l>,11 li11Urtlll'I
µ.1r1l1·11 !-ll1 t1l·11 t;i \\JI'
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SL~· l'l'.l<I< \\'I·: \\'111d
HI ).! -.l.111 -. l" 11'll'lt· -.1/l'
n1.1-.t1·r .111•1 , h1ldrl'll-;
"'Ill).! 11111.1 ;o.J _!.~~1 ~'.!II
IJ,.1 •·t ~'-\\',•,,1el111 111
111·•·•1 101 :111111 .\II :-hop
pin).! 111•.irh1 !. .,lll'l'I' th•
lu1t' 1n;1:.11·r :.u1t1·-.
::.. 1 1 I l. I' l H I· l'i1'"i;:;, ~· 1 .1111!11·,~~~-~~I,
Prap...tl ..
75l-1t20, 1•00 OUAlltl. HIW~1 llAC~
.i to r 1·<1-.·111.11 dn1" ,\u
Custom Duplex
El.f':t..:.\\°l'E Frl'C .'\
I'll',[]' '.,LIJll• ~uur U\\11
ll'frll.-. ll)l' l'l'J,01\dhl1'!
~)lll•·k lllll\ ,. Lil•'-' 1·;o.('1'1f\\
!"'""'hit• t'.tl!t~111 717l
Ol't" Ill V• ir \ IUN 10 8! r.,, r
.11d1•· 11111" ~.,,.,1)(• 1•1 .t'S!. I.:==========:. :1 llt·•lflu1111 lll\ll,,. t•lo.~l' \u
11\',H'h :-ol!.j' .:K~I
aln1n,.;t o n tht• SA:'\D\"
Hl-'.1\l'll l>l.Pl.EX, I 11>1
lr111n lh1· t1(·('.J111ro111 l .r ).!
I Bil HJI . 2H H du :J l'<tl'
prkl.!, \11 .11llt1:-:;.'!'.!, 100. ,,•p:11".1l1' 11·11l:1I 111111'
till I r1 '
:-.J' \Jil.J.'\\j
!(I·'. \I, ESl'\rl·.
M.::1 .L'>-IX
I urn 1uu r goll 1:iul1.~ 11110"
;,[1·r1:,, :-;1•ll lh1•111 v.1111 ,, lo\ 111;.:LnH )Hl!l'plt·\ Ill
lJa1l,1 l'ilul t.:l.i;o.;o.1lu·d \d 11r1111o· ll1111l111i..:t1111 101:1
.iud II"•' lh1• n1u11•·.1 I"!
!ht• 'll'l't•o ' t .tll ••I..! .~ •• i;
I od.11
lu111 11"1! I 1111-.,, 11\1,.,, «.ill
\ C:l
l\l i
II II \\
"" 111 \ :.:1
General I 002Grneral 1002
. '
.. ...
Spacious family home across from Big
Corona Beach. 3 bedrooms, g uest
room, family room. F'ormal dining,
ofrice, workshop plus arnple parking.
Supet e nd unit . 3 bedroom. 2 1 ~ baths. 2
rirepla ces, s hag ca rpet . wet bar .
workshop; near 1>001 & tennis. feneed.
enclosed patio. H URRY~ Only 561.500
Will excite your imag'ination ro r this
quality duplex . Consider c orne r
exposure. great amenities ; make for
an (,'11ceptional va lue. S72.SOO.
FISH • JOHATHAH fro~ the spacious living room of your
fwe .l?droom Cape Cod,home. Formal'
dining room , patio plus s h e lte rett.
terrace, on 45' rrontagc. Pier & float-
Excellenl foe value $250.000
' DIAL 644-1766
21 • .1 5., Jo•• HIU1 Rd., N.B.
I 11 i·d ol J.!t·Uni.: lht• run I·-----------•! I t F;11nil.1 11~1111 K 11<.1<.il
.110111111 • • · ii l'••u h.111· WAMTED \';iultl·d 1·l·1!1ni.:-. l'r11.11t·
,111.1•1u1·-.111111.;.1IM>UI1111.1 l·:111•r t.:l'lll', 11rt•).!l't':'>:'>lll' Pt>lll l'lllJ'.1 11•"•' 1111111
Jacobs Realty
1;1.~ t~iio
~:112 ;.; .. 11 port 1111 d
HIL! .1 !1111111• \' \, 1·~1 11 tl11· 11,.,11 E:.t,ill' S:ilt• ... pt•npl« 111.1-.1,•1 -.!1!11 · L.1!':.!l' 11
\\l·:1 111·r1-..11 111 1,,111 -.tiintd illtlli.! ll·;.:ul.11' 1u l d""'" lu1
1'.111t;1;,ll1' .l ht•. ~1 · IJ,1 ,
WarldRealEstatr :.:r•illP 1;l.11,.1011.-.-.p1 11 1·:11·:.:.1111 d,.,,.1 1·.,111111"
:-.1u·1·1.1l1-.1,.., Ill\'\ hllll" I .1ll l~1lllil'tTll' 111-.t'1•l'\-.l j' hH)<f \I
111 ;: \-.!-"'' \ 1•\t•r,111 1;1·:HHll·'.{'\I
l 0'flltl'<l·l"I .~ll• '.' '. "I·: \l.'l'l)H.:-.·
.1111111111· i.I I l 1 ....... 111.·d ... 1 'II 111..:I
lli'll\.-. ;,(l\.111 ll t'lll-. '"
Bay&OceanView l·------------l .1111 11\·111 111 ... 1 1.1111,
111111<' l\•rr.u·t• lrn1ll FIXER·UPPER 1d.! ;,i,,/'l 'l.i-.-.il i~·d \jt '
General I 002 General 1002 11111 r1·1111·r t ·111nph·1,·11 i ~11 II 2 (ol. l'lO:.t' to l11 ·;_i1·h
ft'tlv1·•u ()11 ,},P<•I :-•1 II 111 ;.,;, . .,.,.IJOl'l :l Bil (l\\!lt'I'
t11111).! ,j r 1•:.1 ('t11nl1•rt.1hh• Jll'•I r1•1lu1·1•1I pr11.·t•S.i.tMl\l.
I a 11111~· I 1 I Ing IS.· l',\l!l'llLI I l' now pl'l l'l'd al Sl·l.~1
1.•1!l4•rl.u111nµ I lklr'll/;o... 1i1:1 .:l1iti:I ti.l<!·U~ 1-:l't'~
I' • h<JLh,., Jut'rllal 1l11u11g
:lfl'il . i..'tl\ l'f 1•tl \'ll'W
p atio. pool & l.ll tn. Bt-14.
l,o"' ll'aschold ~·17 .;"100.
CJ. Colesworthv R~altors 640--0020
Mina Eat011
15 3 2 E. Ocecm Blvd.
Bolboa I 'I 11u .ii!' tilt• 11111110.:1 ut
r\\'tl fH Et-: l'lt 'h 1., I:-.
I '"'V1'lh::il~11t11U11•
I ;1\
Yl llrl·h 2. I .JO & 3P,\l
!P lan to arr11·c al.lout
lll)(IO) (.'1111()42 5fj1tj,1•xl
202\ W Botboo 611 )661
B1·.1nl 1 0·1hn.:.: l1<.'.1u\,1 111
(''-t'[U,llP '.'\'l\jlol'I
11,·1 ,c hl' .~ I~·· hi .... :!
1rplf-. Vto·111 t1 1111011'.-.
11\t'l lool-111:.: t'll«lo:.1•1t
:-.p.1111 ... 11 11.1111• ,\ i.:.1n1.·n I
\\'.1l'm ,\: '111.\ 1.1u1i11 rn1
1'\•I ,1111 It l l
0ll' & p;1 ;'lj\U'l I
l ltM11·_, .\lauv 11llh•1 t''
l!'.i;o. l'all l111·.11)IJI
.:-.l't\H l,L\'1..;
HI·: \L ESl'1\l'E
M3:1 3.".L':'t
:}:l.t tor l1tk1.•l.-. H{'1h11·<·d lo ~~.5((1~ K1n.(l !•--•-----.-.-.-.-.-.-;.;. "11.l' bt'droo1n;o.. Bf'a n1
••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
macnab /Irvine
Cuslon1 t_•d1IJ(ln 111
1110<lel :1250 "'II n
\'arrl \\ ar1Jor11<·d
i(KJ! St.a!1.H9!l <";1rl
popular 2-:-;tor~
lg i)~<-1ut1f11l
p;it 10 ()fl i('l'
l~u1 lt_•r li·l2 ·~2:J5
New \V orl<l :1 tx:droon1. 2 l)ath
i\1cdallion ho111~· Below n1arket
imrned . occ:upallt'Y S30,000. Do n;;1
Cltichester 6~2 -8235. ( P67)
ce 1I :1i A Jo', H.. with EST A TE SALE Swl'llls h 11rc1>4:i(•e. 2tltltl ,,
8 I G C A MY 0 M squurt• fl'l'I . Cot·n~r 101 •
1 Bordeoux modet. Over l ·u.1 1.110 .,., to st't'tl-1 7 f>tJ lu. J
2000 sq.ft. of lux......y , ,\(, 1 i
Two 2 hc<lr<>on1 u111ts w /tremendous
off-street parking. Close to Bi g
Corona beach . $~1.0l)(). Tom Queen
644 ·6200. I P68)
, li•in9, spectocutr vitw. !
. Mony rx.tras, WOll't last ' r111· 1 .. ,1 ..... 1 111._ .. 1 111 u 1,.
tong, call for oppolnt· 1 \\ 1·-.1 .1 /1.1111 1'11(1t .
mff'lt. I t 'J.i.,,l lt<•d \,j t ',111 ;
901 Do ..... Df•we 642 123~
AGEMT 644-6056 t>l.l ·'"i1>1 _ __]~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "~~~~~~~-,;,;,,;,;;.;,~.:;;,;;,:.. ___ _L============
!VA/FHA Repos [~, THE REAL
I 111 tu·ao~l' L11unL.1
K\:,"~~r~1·t· !-----------
1'1·11·" ;o.la:.h t•(.i :j2UlllJ :1
S1H:l•1alt,1s 111 ~01t'1 t1 · Ull. l II.\. 1i.:\·;ili<1na ~
Ole Ill I L!l.tHl'l'd hot Ill'". I h lft10I l'plt·. 11 IH;o..:. ake
.ijti j'j'j''; l".!il ,111\ tlll!t ' l'IMll . U\I lll'I' !lltl\ Ill).'. :"u\\
Ocean Villa
Two Story
... 1.1.:1.10
O.iGi I·-----------·
Pool-$29, 950
'J'h.it ... r1 g l11' J\11• -.111ry.
Re altor II' 11.11. I 0 u 1· I 11 ~ hl ~ I 1''-'" Ill:'> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I
Sh;uh•d .. n1r1 '" n1io·
ru rt' d II\ 111 ~ 1111111\
l'us11u11 r11<11n d1111h·r.,
(;r)urn1l'l 11Hl•~u· Hlltd11or
kllt'hl'tl .~'1 \\,1\ lh•ol''
l 11 111u1• :.1<11f1\.11 lo
pr11:111· 111.1:-1('1 ,111d
1·h1ldft'!l' I\ 111 1.!~ \\'11111
lft.'l' ;o.UJl d<'t'h \)111· llHIL·
tn ht'.Jl'h Bl·l11·1 111t! nu-. ...
ll l '.d( !l•i:l 1.711:
(ll'l N !II~•" ' '
:111 H .2 HH .<1tllllHI!
L11 t• rt•11t FHEE. F 11ll
pr1 i1' ::;:i: •. :iu11 . l';il!
·!·''' ~hti\I
c;:;. SELECT
~ 3 Bedroom ~ CONDO
I t l1i1 _\ I • 1 l'ilt':'I ol1I .111tl ,1
',·.11 -.1.11 t1•r h <Ulh' 1<1r th« I '"1111 ,i.! \.'.\'l l;\J< I ....
Thi-. hl';1u11r111 <!.>IM1 -.11 11
hi!:'> l'\ 1'1'.l'lhlll).l I
IJ1•clrou1n. :1 h.1111-.. h111·I•
l 1 ght~·d pii!l•l. l>.1Lt'ht•11
"1th 1•lt•i•,r11111t· 01 l'll plu-.
IH11 ll 111 111\IJ ('111-.1• lo
S1'h OOl;o.. 1·ht!!Thl'-. .• ltld
.. 11opp 1ug. ,\l;1,1 11,· -.11111\
~·ou our 1·h.1r1nu1i.: 111•11
l1:.t111g .
Thi:. 101 l'i1 n1•11 c:rl·i·n .
hroui.. h11in1· 111 1·u,t.1 I '.\lu.~oi I:'> jU:'>\ ho·1nt.,: 111 !
lrodUt't•tt ,., 1h•· 111 ,11 kt•I I
JHtl() :.q ft .. r 1,1n11ll 111
1ng llt«lrr'\11·1.. 111• n1•1 •• it
111-.1 cun1plelC'd l1PJ.!t .nl
111,1.: .,., hen ht• rt'Cl'111•11 ;i
1oh It ansfer J\e11 ;11\ 111·r
\\Ill h:ll'(' ;111 of !ht• ,,1t
1 anl:.tl!,ci> of ,1 111•11 h11111t•
1•1lh nonC' of 1ht· .,.,orl.
L>on 't 1n1 ~s th•~ one,
t/l .\l.I Vll-:11 lu .i-.:.unit·
11\l' 7 ' • io>,Ul •JI ~0 li·ll
.11 ;:..!IJj .t !Hntllh Pl l'I
f.'ull pr11·t' 1J1ll\
\ 11..,l••I!\ hoollh' -.p1•1 1.1111
p l.111111 ••1 t11r l.1111111 ,111d
• 11 I t' I I ·'I II I I I 1-! I
.11111 , •• p.11 .dt· 1·1111111 ~·11 'I
11111;: 1.1n11l1 IP•Hll .inti
1111111.11 cl1111ui.: 1no!ll
:ii! I .. 1~1
612 ·1200 671·40611
•B~:s·r BL'\·· \Br. ~B.1
1\f 1•",I \.t'J'd L'. ]\Jj'j'
ri.lllt.ll'l'I' C1rt·lt• ::;u:J.$00
ll11n1·r .J.)7
1;1 , till•'•""' !or 1111s
:-harp .~ h 1lrn1, :! llalh
ll1Hllc 111 11h·;1J lol'aUon
nt•.1r So. t 'oal 1'1 :11 .. 1
1··rt•shl.1 p.11nletl L;r,•t•u
;-.hag t«1rp1•1.-.. 1·h•:i11 .u1d
111•:11 1lull hou.-.1· l'ru<t·d .ii
::-:ll . l.'lO . \llht·r l•·rrn,.
,1\ ,11Ltl1ll' L'.dl
,~..,l \110: . ' \ \ lu.111. 2
,L.1 .1 i.r t1011u,. rnl . rill
l•ll pool llll Li.:. llh.111.
It!• I' lll'lt.:llb1Jfl!1101t.! l·l11-.i,!
1 " .., I' h ! ., ~ I I~ \ ~
~t, ~I ii I :111
Mesa Del Mar
Owner Leaves
1'1·11 t•d 111.u·k1·t
1:11111· 111·1"'" •our
1·h.illl l' l<l 01\ll tll;.il
111',ollllll!I 11111rh• 1011 °\l'
.1111.,1 ... 11,1nlt•d tn1L .11 .i
.. 111,111 pru" l'ar·i.. l1f..e
\ .1rd.., t•u1·J11 ... 1·d 11,tl I"
1',•11tt.1I .111 t'•M1dHllH1!11:.'.
i.:.11'.l l.!I' d111•I UIH'lll'I
'\,11ur.11 l1r•11·k turpl.tt·1·
1.1111111 11)\llll J h1.:.
ht·1tr ... 1n1... "lr,1 t1.1Lh;o.
l.111t•ly hr1t·k palto
:..J95.i llarhor Hl1d
4 /lc1ll'OOl1l, 4 bath home \'cr y t:.iste(ully tlt'l'Or:ll
011 H 4 lot w1lh p.i.vt•d al· c d 2 U r II u n1 "
'.~l.i.llOll ' und ~tt \'t' II•\'. Nt"':Jr n t_•1v HALPllS. ldt•:il lo r youn~ t'ot1p l1·
• Yuur pa1nl hrul'>l'l ,1n1I l\s-.um.1hl1.• VA loan. JU::Jl slarungout: :\lalur~·
somi· 11naj!111a11hn 11.·dl l'r11'1' $42,500. J\Af'nt land!'lcapulJl. cn·~lC!I ut,
64~ 3~4 ~. • mo kt• t h1:. 111111 a :o.hitr11 CNoJ mu~pnert ut J1r1 vuo.:).
hon11·. ('11r11•·• 1111 .• \II\',\' Clo:tt.' to llhC>p~ &: schools.
aCl'l"'· \ll 11·1111-... <.:.111 11 a~ilif"(IAft! 6'1<!51!\i OAVllJBUl,l tKE.RLTft "r 1 · 1 ~ lltSll Anv. Um~ '''· "'' h1:_'c''c'-----l.-----------...l'L-------·
........ . • ~ .. ·~4--· ... ...
114c-.· • Por s. lee-""io•rtv zooo -· ............. -.. , UofunollMd HouHt Unln•d · '.
ljliele• Fw ~ 1t11oo ....... s. For~ H;:;;;;ti;.;d.•••i06,; •••••·L:.~·····ioi·6 •••••••••••··-·····•··•· ...... po··,.···,:·:_:~··:·,·,·,· c··.·,·1· ... M··"··.······.·3002°2°41 :.:1· .. ·••••·•·••••••••j:44· ~ ...... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• •••••••••••••••"',.•••••• -~ WH 'TIS .._ • """ • 1ta Mau IOZ ttuutMtto. leac::h 104 tr¥1H · • 1044 •••-.•••••••••••••••••'.• •••••••••••••••··~··••• " •••••••••••tt•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••.
1\!!!d!y. -U!!Y 25, 1975 " OAflYPILOT
••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ·-·••••••••••••••••••• Except Ion ii I So. YOUl CttOICI VETERA""S FOR hoiaes ror L.EASE Ctr LlgUM Value ! 2 er. For••···-·· FURN . LIDO ISLE ..... SALE In the JRVINr.
In lhhi 3 bdrm., 2 ~ bwlh ' View of oier & oc••n. A~su..mtble.VA loan ren l •I, l 1 I I Ju 1 y I own a home w1lh no down he re lo 1er \·e YOU & Mes·a Verde -DT•Ai CH.ilM .. HARBOR Adult Condo. SJS,000. DUPLEXES Koua e, for short ,.erm Don 't rent , ... )'OU ca1l arell Cell Ul l We att:
$43,950 -
hom e , Gre wt torntr 'VJEW Arch Bay Real E 1t att, in Santa Ana.gar,,~ 675.~eveo. p•)•ment. No payn1 ent Wl l.L l\IAKE EVERY -..
firepla ce 1n Jlv111~ rooin, fft-2277. UnderconsltuctMln In 1----'----fbr wt lea•t JO duy1. r.:fto'O H'f lo aolv~ YOU It
Rea.I Estate pi cture ·hook ki t l·he n, Abo 't II le:--:-:::-------lluntinglon&act\ Hou1•1Unfwwl~ Wo rld k eal E1 1.1 1e hou:.1111(needs. ·Owner Sacrifice p8~1 (> d 1 n~n.: rounl , ve I a ... obll•Homn 1100 $71,900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.pecta lis\11 Ill \'ete r:t n PETIITRIALTY by NV!t/AY "°°"Cilsc stllir~·ny uni.I ;1 For Sal• 1-'0U RPLEXE..<; hout;1ng . Ask for Vctcr111\ Uinvt-rs1ty Park, Irvine Gl·fHA Terms 'liP'1 Clouis bonu1 i·ou111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• in liunl1111.'1.on Beach GeJMral 3202 Counselor, 556-7777, cau 552-7000
t OVERLOOICI~ with we t ba r lln<I ......,..1 ta 'fh1 :;: 4 bedroom, 2 bath 24x60 2 UR . 2 Ba, :J yn old . Brand ne w, $95,500 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11.nytime. ~-.---:;:;::-;;::;;:;-~;-;;;-;;-~~-~ -;;-;;:,_-.-.-.-.-~~.;-Su \'c t 1ousMnds on lh1:s ~ i~~· home with family room Loe. 1-:1 !'lt orro. Ot't11n Bl••k tooce· an<1·~.·-" \If 1 I th BE•UTIFUL ble, 1f you d l'l'I H'l' /\ "" .. "'iNU FREE J?R"''L' v-O ltll u 1omc Ill c ~ I\ Slllll.lt1,:ll 0 1\ ii, pro· Vu .<l!J•l 50:J7C\l°l'i Wa lkt .. b•a"l••11s.ooo ' . ....:. Uuplcx :! Hr, t l'pt.:., drps, R I 001'0
.I. "c ·a V•,d• p RK tre mf'uduu .-. \!l llll' at · II I d d ,,.. .. • •Prole .. .)1••11:i\.ser v11·"· 2 8 . Bu. ""' pre 1 c ,,. s "" -. A fc.)s1ona y i:in ioc ape S EV'-'N UN l1~' (.~l<Vl,000 ... " bltn.). ~ar. Encl. patio. "'"'~
N I led · ~.WO 1nc lud1n~ l:uli.I. 1 "" ,._..,., L • ~DLORDS 2 Bit. 2 Ua ~ area . c w 'I pain in-\\'l' :tJ·l' offering you Ii l'orncr ,•1cw ot. Low, low NINE UNl'l'S $'l20,000 * ,...., * No pets. I c·h1ld ok. SJ~. l
s ide & oul. G urdeu paL1u, holll>C whe re you c~n rn -CALL 552-7500 dvwn. 1t VACANT* We hi.ve lhe property. Homeflftdln* n10. tl-h> __::J7Mtl; 5.l.l--0700 :J llll. 2 I a , .. , S-125/450
darkroom. Entry h1;1 lt to joy 1tv111"-1 1,.~ rrules to •VI s I 0 N. ·Double WldC 2 Hit , onl y :i The choice i~ up to you. 642·9900
3 un . 2
llU, f<Ull ... ~7~1
hu ge J1 v 1n g rou n1, /i('QC'h. J>r1incare:1. Al~L /\4 ht:d l'oo m,2 lnill.bun.it b lks fro n1 downtowu Call totlay. Ei\S l'SIUt: Ra1'sor's Realtors ntuurat b rick fircph1c·c. ·r E It M s~ : ~ c ALL REALTY wit h :.i f:i 1TillY room and C.M . Mini Shopping THE REAL Citllfornla 's Larg~st Clean, ne•.1d y painted 2
c,l1 n1ng r ooin , pr\\'11tt· ~.9371 n1 <1 ny up~rades. Never Center ut cn1 ra1H:c lo __ •ltenla l Scrvicl"1" URw /newcrpts&drps. CALL83W600
ur . n e~s u r t'\'S ' ''' f l"nt•"n ••on •·a"lt ~ • " 1na~ter s tule w1lh bath. ULTIMATE IH A Red Hill Com1);111_\ 11\'l:d 1n. t,'>.ei.·llent view. p k 111 1 ESTA Tl FAIR 0.:10 ,e & .,,·,,g, ''"gl•t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~
540-1720 Univ. r .. rk Cc.:ut cr M:J9·613353&25.il " e• PC ~ PRESTIGE n sMle . lltakcorrt•r' l~"""'""""""""""""""~"""~~I i lOO .. s ingles ok. 2 hr gara ge . ~~/mo. TARllU. LIVI.--Irvine 1'lt·a r te1 11u:. rind pool. Amcrit•il n ;157 !IJYO I·------Costa !\t esa .!>ini,:I"'· • • • • * REHT"S*
ALTORS ~ this 2 :,tu ry, 4 lx:droo111, :I ~ -REDECORATED ...,. '1'111.) ~rac1ous po..tl and --------ba lh honic . ..,11i <>11 a ror· Bach e lor~. Couplt.'S. Uc:1t t"O URPLEX. good condt• fa m1hes. 2 llr, 2 Ha, T UN I\'. PARK
-_29_ ~ JlarbOrBl\•d pa ti o homl." is ideal for LCMJUl'CI l•ach 1041 ne r lol w ith ~ xrand h1"h beuch rent. '5!J8xJ5, li on, excelle nt locallon, II ., .S i 8S., ~e .... ·port : BK~/ new c rp~~·drp,.. 2 HH, I bath . ,, SJ l;j
I roadway
lha t neat Costa !\f c~u
:.Lr-eet c lose to ever·
·)·tiung, .,., 1ln a Lic.iullfully
upgr aded home o n a
ttuge a lle y access rear
y ard ror only i47.500
644-7211 Agl.
Et Toro 1032 •••••••••••••••••••••••
cnle rtu1n 111 g· .'oiove.1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• \1ew. r e al nice! S acr1ti ct• a .)s urn able Fii;\ loan. He.1ch :1 Rr,2 llu. S23S .. !)love: g 1tr1tg~. • a/tno. Ju n . 2 Ila ..... ~~/4:>0
t h is ..iU H. :Jba home COMETOSTAY S2975.S411 -0432. Annual incoine $iUOU.-u1 11 pJ, Nc.,.,·µurt ~ac h , NON S!'i10KERSONLY ·r~1t;·r ~HHAC E ,.~ ll S7 950 C "" <;all 64ti -~ NOW '~ \'uu mos t see. Massive stcn1c flrt~1>h,1L·t'. \\11th J \ 1~w ul lhc cnlirl' ----u price, 4, . all dplx. Agl. fee . .,.,9-8430 2 UH. i Ua . . . $.:Ll5/300
!W2·fl:J71 hc 3\'Y bi:ains, di::<'k wro· Newport area, tn1s s Acreag•forsale 1200 545 8424 Assoc1aLed ----:J UK. 2 Ba . ~51 4UU
Mot Just
Spanish Mansion
r: .. .)1:.11.l e J bcdrm d uplex eean view to blend with bCll toon1 , J htith ho1nt· ••••••••••••••••••••••• St.lut h Cotisl Urokers. \l.'A L;..iU 'l'~UA Kfo:
y o ur 11 1 Fi :S\'Sl c 1n . lia~ .11or1nald1111ngroon1 1\ V OC A D 0 LAND · Al.A 1.ENTALS S2SO. mo. ls t,lfSl +SU.IO :J UH., 2 }IJ ... !'urn. $35tl
F 1nu n1.:1n1; 1,, ·~re a l! <ind :J ear ~.11'.tgt>. \'vu!' $1.7~./At•. Ka ncho Ca.. PRIDE ~wuw.1.11 .. w1v.::t --'~g~~54_•_--0l! __ I_<__ 'l'Ult'fLt:HOCK
S-)9,000. ,\.).)uni.iUle loan, tl·r1ns llU'k selle r ftn a n cell , OF OWNERSHIP LARG E t Hr. bltns, io'f :\ 3 HH . 2 Ua .... S435f·150
1:111 te r1ns. Ht.'<1 Carpet, 7'•::' t lnl. 'J'ight ~forces 14 unit pool. Walk to f fiiil NOUSCS heat. rncd ,11ooded yd CORONA UEL !\1AR
Hcaltor:s,497 1761 ll u "· abo u l' .1 pr o · s a le. Own cr/llkr , ocean. Absentee owner IJ .., .. ".!~ Dbl gar.$225.nlO.Avad. ~Utt .. 2 H a.·····~
tt•ssionally dcl·oraled & 714 --iJJJ-4® mus t sell. !\take offer. _ ---~ ... J/l5.548·6680 CllJ NACOVJ<:
DELUXE CONDO la ndsc11 1Jt:d , :J Ucdruun1, 2 I -1-----I S2:t9,000. NIWfOl:T alAY,C.M. H2• ------1 :1 Bd r m s .. 3 b a ..
In s 11 p e rh lo<'a t io n , 11;1t tl l'ort J.;:in1.•1t·).; ho1nc ommerc a SPARLING (;. i\1. r:asl!>tde. very nice t urn1:-hed . S~)IJ. !\1onlh tu
a c r o :;:s from n eean with a 1an11ly rou1n ! Property 1600 REAL ESTA'fJ<:: L,\G UNA ocean bac h 3 Udrin ho ine, 2 ba, frpl, 111011th
Spacious, ne wly bui lt l· ()wnc r anx1ou:.. L L·U.~l' •••••••••••••••••••••• 83:J -354S ~IW.lia s1c 1urn ,ut1lpd . new <.•<trpe ls & dr;;pes. CALL552-7500
bd r n1 . ,t.,; <h·n. fo'rJ)I<', 1n ava!lati!l· Strip -----NEA'f I br ~l&'i. \'ll'W . $-&:to . tl:J0-5372 •VI$ IQ N •
the large l1,·1ng rn1. l·:as)' 752 0460 Commercial Util pd-mo,·c 10t.l ay
wa lk tu pa1·k::. & to\\u. -!f 4'' rash s pendable . 8 U•'ITS-POOL s r:,\V l to~w 2 br g;.u· ,,,n <! un . Ncwp.ort t-f~hts. no 11edul·ed 10 sl·ll ~ s~J.oui1 Anyt ·me .., , " , 1 1 . tircul ~t rip eu1nn1l!r1·1al. S27.; <-:d.\1, tur11. Svi,111 µc s . .-re e r n1a rr1 el ·
TURNER ASSOC. perfl'l'l lul·uti on. adJ:1 VIEW-$ 175,000 S l'l.11' le ve l ~ br , IJ II . ;: ~22j. 1n u t>7:1 2:l.>ti
i\ real much in demand
home. 'l'h1s type home
becomes available once
111 awhUc. r·eatur-es 4
bedrooms. f•nnll~' room.
fo r1n a l li tning. l~arg t',
v1._.ry pr1vatf' mas t e r
1>u1le on S\.'parale level
ll 1g hl y 4i es 1ra1Jl e
11\•1g h liorll uoll l'IO.)l' to
ele mentary sehool. p<1 rk. llll5 N. t.'s t ll'A'Y. Lagu11 a
Lennis courts. b1kt· trail 494-1177
Ht?d l·llll Con1µany
L'n1 \. P :1 rk Center """' ,,, .,,,, •. , .. ·1 ·1 O.:J•Op Pr11nc b.·.c k b"y '•CW I "OU I' I • .... · '°'-''' lo .. ·•t•"•l'. Ju"l •~·•dut'C<I '. i.t,:)J. · •rµ .i;ar . OL'l'l .EX I llr, c·r11t;-. & ping 1·nl r l·::.irus f,3.SJ:i ...... .., " -l'\HI\: ·1 lJ ., l 11'\'lll,.
and beach. It •s hard tc ---------;-,µ~·n\l .ihti• per year. ,\II l bedroom~. Swim· .. '~-1 , near.· '-. ~\ 1'1 drps. l1n 1nal'. !\lature i-----------
.::,avt.• l'u111 m1ssio11 w1lh
tf11s l .)lory 4 bt.'llroon1,
nearly new 1.akc Forest
home v.·/ many 1mpruvc-
m enls . i\ssumablt> 7 ·,~
f''IJA loan. Pr1nc1p.als un-hl:lleVl' a t o nly :»l.~~
ly. Call 51i6-5!60. Call 54ti-2Jl:J
.\1 ust .)alt-1 IC!a.)e 1h 111
mont h. J bdrm, <: bath
cottaj.!e r)wner afte r ti
P.!'11 . 4~7-JU22 .
1!!.l ', c.iµ r ule. Oon't cit.'· n1 1ng pool. $43,750 down. ~.J. -m i OLCJJt, Ld, 1 adult. l -12 f''lo\ol.'er -rear L
luy. Call 11 14 1 ;jl-1700 . J ust bac•k on market· Oil hi ke, h llr bororul·c,ui ----------3 DH .:! Ua , Co llege Pr\Rk:
1 :--.i v i-_: s ·r ~1 EN ·r lake ;1li \"<1 ntagc! Call ~Vc~ot 't!nl.cal!u...;. "UH. l Ua , lam rm. C,D. llU ~I E Nr p;irk, pool:,,111.: OPfN n1 9 .·,1 ~ lu•i roBf ri.rr•
Htonlloqton lleoch I 040 'Iii" ....................... . ~
• WALK lo llEACH > ' fi New custom bi t -4 & furn .,, ...... ::-.f;~
DIVIS IO N JHVJ N r: now t o prev1e ...... 11 1-1 1 ALA RENTALS t r pl c. SJl:l5. lea::.e . elcnl ~i:hool. :sJ50. mu.
·ri-fE HEt\L E.S'l'A'J'EHS 7.)2 170U . J NVC:S'l'~1E:'•rr 642-8383 j.Jij --=~~~ ~l~r 0.30 Pi:1.-_ ti l0-J5J!!: 998-ZQJ
IJJ V ISJO N·IHVl~E. ----• Bd , H F p F R · · · · · . ·r HEHEAl.i::Sl'A'fERS lalboalsland 3206 .. rm , •. a._ · ·· 11Et\Ull1'LL 2story -1Br,
--------••••••••••••••••••••••• nr. OCC, iJ9J, ~~.......o.133 J Ba . S.J85. mo Lease 01
rm. J Car gar, alley ac--ALL TERMS cess for boat. All deluxe REAL ESTATE
<,lQQ r.1. ntH•y•' St
TWO 4·PLEXES :\'C\\' Bay front. L i lt le 352 Princeton Dr. Cl\! 1110 to m o . .5&15. moves
F • odioltwr lsl<1nd , 2 liH. 2 sty Yt'f -:---, .-.--.--you 1n . L ea.)e option
acing e • .\I a~iuficen t \'11:"1\' 1'1er ::;~AC 1,~u~ :J . Ur '..1.1 n•~hed « ,.,11 I. ll:J5-021 I, l'\l lt>.:I \' features.
1115 Main St.
Gera ld S . 'f homas llllr
S3t.i-~I ---
~·hen you move inlo u11s
~ bdrm. 2 ba hoin~ on
l a r ge J o t 1n <1u 1('t
n eigh bor h o o d . Onl )'
:t.12 .000. Assume low in·
teres t 1-'llA loan or GI
te r m s 8\'a tlabl e . 21:.i
596-8211or714 897-{)J'.C:J
4 BR.· 2 STY.
Park li ke uppro.ic h .
Large to'a m Hy Siled l1 v-
1n g r oom . (;uu!'met
kitchen + dine. Swee p·
· 1ng sta ir s lo separal c
mas te r & c hildre n 's
s uit.cs. Assum(• x1:.·;
fo'HA loan. ~3.500 llal. no
nt>w lo:u1 costs. S242 1no.
pays all. Owner n1us t
s a c r1'f1ce . Jlurry ! Call
96::1-7 8lt l .
• ()l>tNfll9 •1l S >UN IQ blN ... I'
Ve ts No 0o .... ·n LUXURY HOMES .i94 917.l ~49 (>)16 Seller pays all costs $975.-$1800. mthly
:J Large Bedroo1n., EXP AND t"ounti.!111s, pool, Jacut1.1,
Farn ily rw n1 No l'U a ~l \'U . Ole! brick unob~l ru e t cd v ie w ol
'l'r:.illeror bo;_1tat'{'C!I" 1ph· Hm . tu al.Id a 2nd ocean,'(,: l1av. Jm med. Ol'·
W;:i lK to bctit·h ll•gal u111 t. 11 ~ Hlk walk to eup;.)ncy. i-:teganl Dover
II urry. s u bm1 l your 011 e r L>i \'ers c.:1.n't'. 8ti2.50tJ !'.)hol'es hon1 c::..
Jade Hl'al ty 847 ~ llJl 1----------1557-Ol 111 lrl2 -1800
CAL Laguna Miguel 1052
CLASSIC •••••••••••••••••••••••
Y ou 11 I O \ c Lh 1sl•----------
~how 1)l;1 te Jistin~ on ;1 3 VIEW OF HILLS
bedrou1n, 2 batl1 model Lagun;.1 ~1gucl. :J bdr1n .
with fl rep1 <1l'e ,11ld family 2 b ;i . L Kl'. ussun1;iblt."
k1tc:hc:n. Only 5 yrs. new Joa n . \l;,i i:;:i nl. Consider
Close to bea ch <1nd sliop-:.ale or lease. S49,95o
p 1 n ,11: w 1 t h e x c e I t £· n l r--'-'-'-'--.;,;,..:.,cc;c:.;:._,
lc rms a\'a olable 71 1
1:197 -~JGJ CUHblN -Mt.HTIN lw1
• 644-7662 •
F Ul 'URfo:
Ht.:AJJ ES'l'1\fi':
Fo r Sale By 0Y.'ner
Be aul1 fo l & Popular
:!-Plan Broadmoor. lm -
rn a c de c o r &
landscaped . Localed on a
qu1el cul -d e~ac. P rice
rcd oc~d . L·all /or appl.
:\'E\\" C11:.tun1 IJ) t)"-ner.
Oveu ll ott.)l• Da ily
2 30·5 :111. l::!Ul 11.ighland
!Jr. :-I 15.0!)(J. l.i4,j 22Jij
New C"om1nl'rC1<1I rro n1
J5• .)q , ll. P li·nty or' park
ing. Fro1n :1:11 ; ti 10 l·IOll
fl. and UHll't' 1'1'11Tll' Utl
frc'l·way l11L·altu11. Strong
i.:rowth are11. Lcd.)lll J.! u1
l11'l' on s ill' ()pl'n huU~l'
10-5 P .l\L da d) & S.u . u.;:
l' . .\1. L :tl l tu IJl'C\'ICV.'
t7 14 1 7.:.::: 1 70 0
1 I\" v i:: s ·r i\1 r.: 1\J ·r
UI VISH)N ·I H \1 1.'J~:
'fH E H l::r\J. 1-:S'l'A"/'J<:n s
For sale 1700
In xlnt Cnsta i\l f•;-.a ;1rc:.i. 10 r Ii 0 ii t . ,. r 1 y garJi.:1:. -ba. :;)JjU. 1110.
SOUTH COAST :!L! !37t:i :.!7:!.i 5·10·7~-•t UH . <: UJ, i\ t:. ltll!'
IMVESTMEMT . . rout, puo l, nr s hopµ111g,
549-0812 646.6710ColleqePark 3220 J B~. 2 Ba. db~ ga.r, yJ . t'wy.S:J~?>.Eves!iJl-8971
••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·0\' d . pal1u. qwel Street. --·------
FIXER OPPORTUMITY! SJ25 mo..:...548--078U e,·es On ly SJ!J i\lo: 2 UR . end
UPPERS t"ully dl·\·l·luµcd 2ti lol C0 :-1 00 ;J lH· 2 t>a. pools uni t n! L:ikJL\'. ~:~rk-~;ul " I I I ' · now.n ru·er JOlo.-1........, Sll!Jl'l'O 11 .. 11111.)uia lui.:.•· :>UIJu!\'1s1uu. '.JO ot at< 1 clobhsc., ~rllnr. &. .... ·.tr .• -----
t LOll. 1l'r:f o l d l \\'IJ l1on1ullycng1nccr.:.>d a 11d 1ncl'd. :)2.>o mo. Av;HLTheTEHRAC EUniv.PK,
IM.:d11>01n hu 1llt' o.Hul une ;tppro,·ed and \';;lu~bl e now . ti -1-1 -Jll~J or N t-:\\'28R,2 BA. F RPl..
b ed r !1 on1 l'o l tll~e. comm i.:r l'ta l n1 g t1way ~oi -.;t1;;8 Ct:ST DL'C P\TIO" frnnla uu. "•>>">" W>I> O>· ------s~-<",J·\>" "' ·• r ·' ::i.>4.500. L a r ~e three "' "'" '-' .. --------.;v-u 1Jed ruo111 ho1n t•. IJ(•cd:. ll'r l.inta1>tlC terlll.) .. '\l'""' Founlain Valley 3234 -------
'l'l .C. tiny unc l.>Cdroonl Jt1111 01· and sc111or hq.;h ••••••••••••••••••••••• •&rand N•w Home• cotla~c. e11or1nous lot scllDOl~ 111l~!~1!! _~,t~dt 111 Extl'a lgt> J Ur. 2 U.i, 2l'd r l'(1ll. l'Jrk. :J br. den, Ii:.
S-lt:i • .500. Quite 1u c(' thre(' ,irea . L;; bi.> •-.:.J. J,:ilf. atl blllns. 1111crt·u1n. KHl'h t.1 111 . rrn . IJrps,
$19,950 bcd roon1 home. rougher cun1n1 . s,11n1 puul. l'\Ji. 1na1 n1. :"1·\1 ~l'hl.
~1200 lllO\'e:. you 111 111 1 l""'O bl·drU<un rental. ;J!'>· sauna. tc11111.), ).;ill.) vi\ par Ii . 11•1111 .,, 11u pt'l~.
other costs.:! BH, 2 ba. -.u 1nahl£: \',,\ lua n . ,'\u lt:c . .:.27'.I 111u l~l l'hllll UI\ I.~·· ~-1 2,;
all 1Jl t1n,., ran~..: & O\'t"n. $4~.uou. L;1ll b7J ;12:> P 1 on 1· c r H l . .i I l) . 5.il 1~hti
Y/ o o d t• a b 1 n t> t s ~l :l· -112 J
o ,·e r3Ltf'd closf'ls, plenty LCHJUna Brach 3248 <•r' storag\'. F . .\ heat. atr K u:J;; & pc!s oK. :! br. I '~ bJ •••••••••••••••••••••••
l·onl1 1l ton1 11 g. J>r1 \·ale C 3222 '/'·h.)~ $::!li.l. VPt1un, UUI $275 MONTH
HY t.1\\· '' !'.: H :J Ur. I '~ h<J. 11 at i n s, <· o n1 11 I e L<' I _,. orona del Mer gar. Brokt•r F t'l'. •11 Ut1'L p,.·d -,-0 ( It ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ \.it·anl ~ '· lJI. I 1r l<'lll't•d.\\.nltlo .,.,·:ill{·rpl:. HOMEFIHDERS
If h "' 'I t:~USU ALL Y L,\ltG E Lg . o:..llSll,i n. "anncrs. & cl rp~. l'a)!llL'lllS le.,.) •642-9900• Th lh Su ~ 7343 ------three bo:Uroon1 hun\e. uU 1 ___ _ :\10~1r:hrur~~d ~s-1:.i15 , t ~.1;1 n .rf'nl . t.'~I.~ Vtlluge Lot5foriili-2200 m. •.•«,"'.'_ed. s purk_·l.ing H-tlo9loo•--L 3240 ------lo .1 rtl~n.).b.19·t!:iwl _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• I d I -• ---t can. ca y o 1nO\C 111-•••••••••••••••••••••••
::: un . \\ \\ l':lrpet , dt'ck:-
1\ 1\ u1'ea11 & c:1nyvn
\'\("'A'S Hu1 l1 ·1n knchcn
l h·~l llu1 ,,1 1111· \\\·1·"-111 .U F ~-s ··z' plan 5 Ult lncomr Property 2000 East Casto M.sa to. Ouc bluek lo ix:;H·h. -HF \'I' b ·J . 1 . lJ'
U..:au11lul u11;:r.1\l~·ll l'Untlo. le\' ::i8.!:fi.JO.d n.••••••••••••••••••••••• i\ppru:'\•,,acic KllOt.pr1vatl•pallOs:itJ.l.n1tli l; 1;' .1 1 r11
;·2 ., a .
Coll 494--0731
garl.11•11 l\111nv "II ,·.,ru•·r t)11 llL'I 1:1:J.i 1u111 t)r 4 U"-'ITS 1;.15·-ti lii o n )'l'ar ly lcaSl'. Agt. '11
• a i ~.a ~pa LO. w \'a r lul. :.! Bdr111 . ·,,Lud• 1""11 l'.lJL ~: u~· NE\\'PUll'I'. g_,,1 · ~~7 J. !Jt'_r 111 " l'.1 1 1;:01 14 ·1 k c· I 111'1\Jlt· g ua1'th•d oL'l'.otl $62,500 .loncdtor l.i oiH ts.tilix30.i 075-5.l l l :JU_ j :.i~·ior r..i·lll ..! HB , v. \1· e;1r110.·1. de1·"-·'
:.i r l".1 v.1 111 rnu n yl<1\H LY;1rea Blut1 :.:1 .~::: ~j22 ~:l<lcn 1\\e .. Co.)l:J -.----''"ll .. :11_ ....... nC'"•ic·lu 'o ll &
I I I G n'od d I "I b 'b ..> U -u.... .. ;.: \l'L l Ol·e an l'aJl)O"
anlt'll llll'S Corn pa rl' HI( "1 l.111 1·n1 f I .ow I OV.'11 p:1)·m,•nt 1\ll·~;_1 , Sale by u .... ·ncr_ • ~pex. r.-.. -'!· ,.,,,,.,. "•••ll·••'''''"l•c•t
All Utll, Pold
l ·1 · · -1"·· 1 · " 11 S1i\.'ndu1i1 Stil.IU 1110 ...,. I nr bch 6U:J Begonia sJ 2100 !>Q. It . 2·.)\y , 4:11 I u a . . . .so-.. -.ou. 11r1;,:. uv.·ucr ;)l.OJ.5o~1 &15 -13,;4~ nr S4ti-3 1~1 · .;:,. I' 1 MISSIOH R"'LTY OP1Nf•!9·1l'>ru1irub111•,1• E · lh GoodLI..... rt•n ts "lll 111111 tic·lo\.\ _ ·_'5.').1-2.iti l ·.83·1 17~u 1•arcl', ur . I u111 -i -·~~~11,I n~o~l4;3 2513'~ HHIJt\~:11 ~10 .l.lhU n1:1 r k:·t <! ;111d :1 B.\,"FHCl.'-''f ;)O.\IUO F cl· -ll arbuur.S42.i ~lonLh Call494-4'731 ~: ,' i : a __ :::_ 1.11·1.:.\\F Ht).\'.I' h!lthi' ,\· Bl·dr•Jinn 11y appuu11 Loi s i i 5.uou. s:il.Ouu_4UH Sot l l\\·y:>150 I ti~ti -~3x __ b4u 1111.l
fh1s suburbia park I
Jiccl1•ou111 for mal ch1111fl.'.
nK",nl & J e n ho1ne " 11! 11l•I
he ,1\:Jll<ibll·. s1;:ll1·1· 11111
lo~l' hi s th•po-;11 "11 111•\\
hu 1n 1.· J u:.l rl«ll!('••d
thousand ~ uL Lloll a!'.) Lu
:,iS:J,950 ~ 'l'h1s ts a l97:1
pr1 l'C. AC"!' ;\'.lJ\V loan.)
a\•;11 I a tol e Ca !! .).)t; -G:J IJ .
1.,,, ·:~. Jl J (JNE or Northv1ew :. ht·~t J.:.11 ..1pt. J(ll° ~,l(c ti~ ITil·nt uni~ .r~.0 ·~·Pll·~l'.) clt•"'n . Prtt1l·puls unly. JHH Boat:.lipS'5o ~ UH. clo3l' tn t-.calh _... ~~~.~~~~~1!~••••••~~.5.~ ~~~==-=• •=m1& 1 l~xi o te 4 Hi ts. u" ill· I' o" 11 l' r t a 11 1· \ 1.•s ~'1 ;-,Id~ b} 1>l d~ a\ a1J a ble U.\l 5.!67 3UR l 'ownflouse 5-17,; k
I . --.. , Cl I 4BRCD,,l l'l nf'Sl "i51J par . moU ... llC'h. s22.>;1 Hr.28 ..\('0~1JO .IJH ns .
' ----o. U Mountain, Drwrt, J lHl Ld Js H'lrt.5850 pe r niu. ·'ti ~;,:i 3Jt. p ..1 110. p ool~. ou1.,1Uc
C L t .s-l!l,:J!)H Pl tiP '.\I orner 0 llH UKl-:Jl·19J -:QJ.I 11 ,\ll lltl H \'I EY• hu1nc ac• . Rrsort 2400 L';1!1tii5 7l25 Bkr. . . ...:____ 1n a 111l ~2M.i. mo .
tr;u1sf('rrecl. n1ust ,,1•11 Y.l\llC 'i 1,1, 11.:. 1£ Q Ql'I ~ -----~-"' "j . l
with boat g ate, 3 .\l1111.1c" .\lodel. beaut. P1Bl'll•rii•a ••••••••••••••••••••••• f r ecren tal book1n orf1l'e. b42-J.l.ll
S W E E Pl '.\J{ • 1 -r75,.1920 BI G ",_._, R hnmc· 10, ,e nt. 2 Br. frplc, ra in rm. nr - - -bedroom, l:l4 bathS,t1e w •'(}("('all \U'\\1!1 lllf~epd , ,l,111ane:-e:otyle. u " u t • f':xamµJe2bdr1n.2balh.JlJ f, :.!Ila. all'. bllll~. CIH.
S •LE blln k •"lchc•• W>lh m•"e•o CJ\'t•r 1uul.11ti.: t'r•1.,.,·n I 1 I k 14000UAIL 5TNIW,OITalaCH /\\'all. lJail)"/ \\'et>kly/ u1g ... oro na beach. )325. """' , 11 1nos Ill'" y;.ir1 "-'nr· ----_ __ \ k 1 • J.:;•r a ge , fenced yard. dlll :!.II'. ~~M.J n10 wa11 ('ove n . Bltn 'l'V and Val ley l';,11k ll. S.td ~ii.~111till11!11 i\lr>.~i9-123.J f~-1or r\ol.'111, li7J·-l-100, ,. REDUCED "l'\\'i)-~5 u nil apt IJ!dg just 675-tiOOO childre n r1ne. lST and ti:.1 ll:!l or 11-tti 2214 ste reo in living room. /\II 11il'htil·k ~I t-. \;\·11 .1 llH ,
$5.950 tum ptcted tor ;-.ah•. • ·1ose Ro~ E•lole - --------last mo. s rent at i215. lh1s for $36 900 l;11n rnl & 1hn rin hof1111· .... U'I tJpportun1t y k11rx:k~l ur ;• II " -onlrg lul .vuu i·.inhi·ll• THEBLUFFS tv m<iJUr shv pp 1 n ~ Wanted 2900 VI EW!f0,\Ji'.:tor lcasc.2 HACIENDA
s mart IJuyer'. l)cspt•r:ilc ll v.'ltll cll·t·or :-;1n;u·t lliHia• BYOWMER et•nti:r 1~1 )r 'AT1te-ott •••••••••••••••••••••••hr.+ den ur ;j br. 2 ba REAL ESTATE
uwners url' trunstcrred n.a~.44711-., •• 6 •8103 ~I ·I 1\1 ·' :i ti ~ .°! 7 :1 , Execull\'t' mov•n• lo So' . \>I.' .)weeping occ11nv1cw & 1">18 "·","t"h IJl'd II "· VV4 , .. ~ torS!:!u,01111 H\.'de~1g n e d L':.ir1netn a °' 0
" '" "' out of tht' s1all' ;ind mul'i t Lanuna H I--' Rily inodcl lo..:<1tl·d 111 tflc 5!1:! .)0111 (.'al ,il°l'kt-to pu rl'h;1sl• 3 P\'I. llf'a ch il<'Cl·:-s. s.iJO. 9tiJ 83\G
.l Hi',:! Ua. I '.· yr old. I ,It'
l•·a~t'. :<I.ill rno. t"ronl &
1\,11·).; .\\1111.1-tJ..! l<:L:I
i;u i n :lo tl :1yl'i! Pr1cl·--JO ~· • or t H H. <ll·n hon1c 1n µl·r 11111 . Il e ! s & ;-,l:+shcll alnl u~l ::iti.t~~I CJn CALIF CLASSIC 496-4040 496·2413 inore desir ell ;,crl'<l "1 Ul\· ,,E\V I unit . ..! lllk~ tu l>ch t 'orun:.i <ll·I 1\[ar. Pl'l'l person;.i 11 ntcrv1ew req 'cl. V..'a lk to hi>•11·h. lph·. hltn~.
1.h1s s pa<'I OU ~ ·I bcdn.11Hn, 4 BR+ Poof! •if'l~ l>lu l t~. uici·~1'0111111;! <:rl'<•I IJU,\. ~ou1I l ;.1' l'I O.~l' tu v.·nt<'r o r w t>73-5-109 ur 58li-o,.195 pallo. yard. 3 UH, l·'• Newport Brach 3269
J;irn11y room , lor111:i l din· WOW ~ HI " 4 br nlodd. Nrwport Beach 1069 poul & ~rcentJ<_.Jl J Bil .. J 'ATtlt!·O ff. lneon1e :il:C:W. beach right.:-; PnncqJ;il" -----UA 8.Ji 1~:11 •••••••••••••••••••••••
ng h ll .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• B;i, Dc.n & IJ.!t' llollll) m o . ,1 ,.,,1,. ,,, ... _. ,,,,1,. Co•loMoio 3224 . ,-,c•)~I' 1\1Hlr1•v..,Bd.2 Br, 1 r'o;i.i ni o mi• WI 1 ap· \\·/n1~1st cr sui ll', ~ourmel II J l l "" I prox. 2000 s;q . II. OI J1 v1ng kit . fa m1 lv , used bric k rn Lo n11> c e y l'l'· 5Jti 257'1 \\·rill' ;id no:J74. Daily ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 BH. :.! ba. frpl!', IT!Jl,,, :! !;1. 11\' l'ITI. fhll fill. kit, a li t II t · OCEANFRONT dl·t·ura ted & in lllU\'l'·lO -=-__:_____ l'ilul . l'.U. "" ,-.• .,.,-Urps . CO\''d 11allo. "'<.ilk lo g:t r. s::!:JIJ. ,\p!)l) .ii Oll H'•' rea. es unttng on lpll'. + t·us lom pool & 4·,,11d. w /shutters thru SU Ull" ~'-" ~~:AT I hr clplx :.i l5l.I. Sn1 liOUSt ,\111.l rC1\s HJ.
Reach nc1~h borhoodJust dcc·k . tJw·n•·' le.·•••n g DUPLEX NITS MESA <.:o~tu .\l e,.,1.Cal:llt:i<:ti & 1 hcal'h & srh!s. ~-,. l:-1. . lllll. pluo.n cr1>tg, u n upi~ pct · c 1l d , .)1 n~les
blocks lron1 the beac h. coon u·y 1n 30 davs will L('s" than unt· )'l"<lr old v.<i il paper.), et1.:. A!>King S 128,000. 90;0 Rrntals ECl\1 bCtJul.\' I bl' SIW. Ja::.l + de p. ~ -!Ju.1 ur ~ut t o,, '~-e bon e at s a c r1 f1ce tor s·si.vuo <i n d n1 u st he s ol d . "i-1 .c'~.u·•·•--i•"'"" · · d !IJ'J 711,; ~7 ooo Call S.'Xi 7035 "' "'"' .... """' EXCHAMGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl\•/ret. lne .,.,.,~ara~e -- ------· .. ·:, -·rake advanl :.igc ! Hkr H1 •;11111 ful 11u1Jd1n.L: "'1l h ST UDI02 br, l 'i ba l>IW. VA CA.'i'I'. kid.-. & ..... Ls ok
:i BR. :.! UJ . Fam·rn1, n r
l-l arll(ir 11 1. L~e yoi. ~5'.J.
_m~~ll·r pd (i.I<! 34!.l-I
or:f63-.>67 1. !:H>.2 5.i ll :1uu~1 .,11. 11 .. 1 living BACK BAY Pair of I plt'.\Ps l'11~1 a ,. .. ~J.>.i•·l« J.ar.l(l' ;i hedrooni. · ,\l c~a . Only Sti4,IJl~J 1>a..:h. Hou1rs Furnishfd I las poul & 1o:arage. :J Bil,! Ua . 2 car ~ar. tjd
! llJlh 0.,.,.11 er ~ 111111, l'll •l'.US'l'(J,\f ll UILr• llar1I to rind \':tlut· al ••••••••••••••••••••••• VIE\V goll course 2 n r a rea. S:JlJ. ~ J\~l(J •II'
lJe:.icon Ua .'. \\'all now o11
lt'.1.)e. GUr \lJ.1 !iJI ~l(IUl)
&: Iii:! 11711,1 fl.I! Walker&tee
Real Estate
C-'lt KEYS
.... SEE ™IS .. ~
Charn1111g & s cc·f*nled h;.'
wood ! 3 BR ,+ fam r1n.
Loads of s pace decorat ed
1n paneling. s huttl"r~.
Parquet & nostalgioi . Cal
Spaol"1 &tlry
to:ntr r tht• Iron <i :1\f'.~ ul
this t.H..·u uu lul 3 Hd r m. 2
tu1 "' 1u m . r1n . hon1t'.
T~rr1u 1• 1n lrnnl & tit ..
1·or:1 tf'd 1n Span1l'!h
liuvor. Dial 968·4456
JOY ,.,.1'""'1'0rt:. 11n e . ..,1 llran,l ,'\t•\.\ Ueaut1lut lhl''l' pr1 cc·s ~;•Nltt lrn·a S2W. Blln:.. nu C.:&U, lgc· !fG.1 7/t!!I
t11·a1·n v t-:HY 1.1)\\'du"·n u ..... ~: 1.1-:r T ~'l{;,()IMI t11111 u\\·1n·r "111 t1r1,11n·1· G"'eral 3102 d ei.:k
\\o ,dl-111 tl'llrll ' 1'\Jlll'1 ,
hc:u·h & 1•0<11 1n1u1 1111~
hLJ.(lil\ u11 ).!r;1d1 •1I 111.1111·
11'11.l!l!'I' lr'l'l' l't'~lrl\•llt:•',
1>:1.,·n1t·nt to 11u.1l1 l11•d
bll,\ L'I" \'a\·a11I t1'.ul • 101
~!UI) 111.')/i't•!l<>ll " i',tll
" I 1, 1111'\H . Jt !' 11I.1i.:1
llt·.111 •• r-.
0 111 .... 1 ~ •'otr 11 1·""' ''l•----------1
Ue<ll'•~lHn " :ind \1lf' p.1l1u,_,...,.,...,.,...,.,. ......... ....i .111 "'ILIHll l milt· (II tlunl· I·
1 u~l11n l!.1r11 .. u r ()nl;)o
S2i .. 1011 t';1IJ tl ' ,11
l'l!.17 0,1:!1 LIDO ISLAND
f'h,1 f 111 1ng. :1 br. G ba,
lrph·. 1nl nled. occupan-
C')' ~~ . .>1111
lJ'A'TH'r r A~cur 1:7.1 1;.11:1!J
-11!1' I H.o. l·'~11f11ly H111 .d /'I ', irlt i•rt•'L Si·•· lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• lilli ),1nl .I Iii' h'e ~IOtJ. S.\l,\LI. .I hr. I l1lks lr,inl
l1.1n111·a11111· K1t1·hl'll hl·l11•\'l' 1·a11 1111.,.,. 1i J11 ~is:, util p d , \,,,·,en! S1 n).!ll·,l!n1·.1nv\e1n oc~:111. !'IJI unl\ ~i.1111
\\111111\,ll'lt l.;1111•. ll.11<·1 1 .-• .!. 1 ; (! I) 11111t11il'. l 'o~t .1 ,\ll'S:I MANY MORE 1·1 U1 1l"i l ~t & 1a:.1 I 1lvp
I \'. V I·: :-.. I' \1 L ' r !iaf'helur unit ::>1:!5. util ALA RENTALS ,\\u~t ~l'c lu a pprt·1·1.itl' .'\11\1.JK . orl.1'.ti\j .l!J:!H
I Ii ll 111\'IH•f ."11\XIOU.''
ll1·ducl'1I toSOS ,1:!\llJ '
lJl\.l~I\).\ jl(\'J.\;'I·: p1I. _\;'t•\\\)01'1 l~•,11•h \',1 642--1383 ~:\'C:S 21J 4Ji) -\jj[)lt
111 l': lt .. :.\I, I•:,.., I'\ l'l·,HS 1·a1ll hou st• ll11n\11l••t•ln ~ llrLl'k l':1l10. G Br & 1)1·11 . B('aeh. ~17.J . utll 1>11 Va '!ti.) nlo J hr. child ok.
N B l'aut housl'. ('01·011;1 del a\·ad :111i,yd. Bkrt>·1· quiet n c iij hbo rh ooll ewtort each ,\l;1r S2 15. Utll (XI. Agl S\75 n1 0. 2 h r. k1<ts & cut GCIOiil'lo~hop'g.S27.} Ill·"·
!i HI<. & tll•11. ~ l)lk~ hi * T IPLEX * r ec-. 979_11,130 o k. Avai l J . 1 __:1111111 Hl«tlty M9·!=-4o.ll!l
(1l'CUO. ~li7 ,500 1\-l-'ran1c 3 8 R. S..55.000 CARRIES ITSELF llUN'f lNGTON Be3ch va-3. br. 2 b<1 5:.!70. Kid5 & Walk to Be ac h :J br 2 Ba 1
C •YWOOD R"•'TY ll singles ok. l\tovl! tCKlay. sly town home w3sher ~ ~ :1 S, ha rp un1L'> \ol.'1th 1·-•I. cunt 1 r , ~l:J5., kids, "180 mo 2 b' k•d• & • · "" B h "' · ' .. dryer & rel r ig incl Tei . * 548-1290 * 111c lud1ng pcn1 hou.~1' "·1th peL<> · I r ouse SIOO. nr sing les ok · 1
---ocean vh?W. Lari.:L'~t unit Ne wport Fwy. 3 Br ocean HOMEFINOERS n1s, s w1111 c lub, boat-ltV
YA.CANT ha s nl ass 1 vt• dnu Ii le vie w mobile, tlunting:ton storag('. S395 /1no. •642-9900• Gcm1n1 ll<'''ltv 8!~1 ··1li l" Cor ner ; J BR, newly re· 11repluce, "'llh 111 ~·1urc Bl."a ch Sll:IO. Agt . Fe\· ----" 0
l·----------1 done. Ma riner.; School. wind o w~ to pool \\'111 :.1:~1-84 JO • • •
1044ONLY10 LEFT 1.gP . lot . f''l-I A /VA . carry "'11 11 ltl'i 1lov.·n.8----d 3 AJEbbatson
VA C i\N'"l' :1 uR Gl>a, l·
s tory . K111.~1 p1•1:.. t)I\.
~J7j. mo. int V.Jl!.'l' &
gar(lt•r11·1· :\l r h1·h, .<1cll ls.
~hu 11 '~. :J-111 Al11 l '1rl'.
:kill J llij!j ul' k lti·4Li3d
••••••••••••••••••••••• S.'>l .OUll $7!1,500 . Uv <1Plit:t1nlmet1l alboolslan 106 .. GEM-onl\• · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 201 l Mir.....-Dr. RELAX lltl·F1'u311n 1\\ ,,'ii u · • t 'lli\H:\ll:"t: '· !Jc<l1·oon) Balboa
.. 11 d (• 11 J 0 v 111111 .., 1.1 3 IR CondonWnlums Hr;,,1.·r tJHS 64 2-462:i IA. 1Qua1I l 1'.1th ~111 d1·11 ~.., l;.:4· pauu I You ar1•thc "·1nnerul
""n1·rsh1pa111 .... lll·~1 l.•·1 ---Plac• 'rl\ lea''' or i11 .1uJ\ ii l'\\'O fH 1>:1·:·r 1ci-.:r:·1·s
u" ;-,hn""' _\o ll 1111 , .IJ Mr •t to ttunning 111\Y ,\• i~(·~:\;o.; \·11•:\\. p t • • :-.u1ia1Jl1· 101 l"uuplc Or f\\'nr1h Sl:!tfurlht• . 1!11 1 1. • • 7 roper IRS ~11\Rlf' a d ull ,\;n llct:. J.C:J' TWIH-100• \\I(.)\\' I 111 dpl.\~llO.Clust>
lk.'droum ,\-t:nnrl\ 11N1111 t S I r • a m , n • a .. 3 .I i.i . 1111 iO xi 11 7">-19]0 , --· w ·I I • • ~ /\n\ •thr ·1 L 11 ~ 1 x1o to l1l·1u .. 1. c.!hld, 1>c1
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ll1•nlc 1'01111111 l'11l•I !i.\it,1
n1u til I 11'1 ll
S pf*l·l~cul.11' B.n k l!.1.1
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puul. tlUI ~ar 1't1· SS2.)
i\lv. Urokt'r l}J.I I l:J3
2 Hlks t1> llc:H·h, pool &
Li.:1111 .ll l'lu b. 2 Br. Jt?n. 2
ha. fr pl. SJ!'i!l. ,\\·a il no\O'.
f1-l.'l-16511 --------
J-IVH 4 I.Jr , 2 1 ~ ba, d 1r , l'/r ,
<l1·1·k .'.t p a tio. ~55 0 .
640 VOllH
t-l arbor Vlf'"-' ,\1 iinlego
n101.ltd 4 hr, 2 ba. r 1n .
L It, 0 II . t•u1nn1 1100!
S.iOO 1111~1 Po1·t !:itcrl1ng
tl7.:> U77 l
llarliur \I!'\\ .1 1)1 .!. lJ11
~u rdt>nt'r 111ll ~l.)S mo
~~~ llt'l.!i 1Jll·J~1· 1,j.14_5!,,~
ICJ v.nhou,.,\•,.,.,hl•r(',\'tHJdol H I ' U 8 lut 1:1 11 t\1ngs !toad 1•000UAll ,T.NIW'°•T•1 ac• c !'; '
1 "· ' al N""AT 2 b 1 ., h •wpor I pper ay. Ownrf \gt U.t, -Oti(jtj .1bt11n 11oon 1 "' • r muse -w. t f' g.1rd1·11111g \ol.Jtt1 ·'I $40950 $44950 ' • E'STSIDE OMTARIO Pct &c·hld ,gnr&i;ngls LUXURYHOMES
V.'.1l e1 hu;-.e. S.'l.'l.~JU ' .-• • ~ c I M 3124 MOTOR sr .. ftw•y San Clemr"te 1076 EX 01 a ••a CEii' ~ eto_;Au ·rv 3 br, 2 ba $285. ~lJ75 .-S l ijO(l mun1hly.
Ral'sor's Realtors 1 u i " ·················•····· * DUPL * ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1 arch 2. 1:ao & J PM Mil('toheach .11ee 1octay t'o untit 111s. poo1, JMruzzi. 45 n • ty Dr. Ret'!en1.Jy up_grnded 2 BR ~as ls1 cl e 2 BR house (Plan to a rrt \'C a bout ~f n n)' fli m il y ho n\l"S, unobslru <'led view a l
C 33 .. 1Ju~1 olf lrviru.•J\v('I SAN CLEMENTE each <.:omplelely fenced SlS,950 , --=-=all B -600 · · L:i rlife lot. SJOO. 111onth noonJ. Call 642-5678, e itt good urt!as S27~/$3i!5 ocl."a1\ & bwy. lm1ucd . oc·
Is 11'1e ru/I pncc on lhis'-548-7223 Ve r)' pri,·:1tc.$l,CXXI l .'fi l , I ;:is I + SI OO . Agt 333fort1ckets. ALA RENTALS rupancy. E1e11ant Dovl!r
·• h d TURTLE ROCK Real Estate Ca. SOUTH COAST ~ti--OMl4 ----Shore1 horn .. ,, ~~~~~o·u "'J ::,l ('" r ~~': IMVISTMEHT ---,2 er. 1 cur aar .. J!;mall _~~!-8lll .>a1-0110 "' 642·1800
m i nut es lro m i h e HIU 4!~~03~0 5490112 646.6710LagunaBtach 31411 ba by o k, no JX'IA. Musi Kid & k lb t'UTURE
llCaC h !! ·r<1ke)iUhJ('~'l lu J IJR, 2 SA w /enr l Ti·~·;;.on~iley --·---------•••••••••••••••••••••••!·h ave c red it r~f,, S\75.1 Gn~ &p!~sl~riid ~~~~1'. R EALESTA1'E
7•,. \;I loan or try }'Our ga rden . Ht>SI pr1rr 111 Pete ll ~illork I ~;,\ol t~H 1\~0BAY mo, 4'75. de p no refund. l-'t!f' ' 1--·--
Mfi-iOJlor !IG:I· 5ti';'l. By Own er 8J:J -J21ot'vcsJ clzy , 111'1""' O ll:Lu{·l·:u1,·u.l>t'aehi1de .• - - --~" . ,., : r a\·a1 l. Upg raded J Br.· own Vt it•r;ins cfl;i:i hihl.v. r•rea-"8.900 1nc1rts J;1nd. n M [ Pil I J 1 11ous~ wtll turn 3 Br. 21 2274Plactntia 646 -:;tl37 I llrinjif kid&t·l'll 2b S2loJf o r Lease -l m m eo.
Walker C lee
Heal !~:tale
I l
!_& Wkl~!:____ 1' -:\l uk;lioo1n Fol' l)Ud· s .. Juan i Logbooac I :)!1501116 1.'I ti73 l lii!J. ·3. u~ h()ll .')(' \\'. sidf'. lge yd,l ~~~'.·~~;!; ~·~~;1;:~ief;llO ; ('nntto ("1(1.l(l' ... he1ch.
I rl\' r leoo 11 ut lhc Capistrano 1078! -~.kidx.~p('.l ()k.C&O.:.t,·. K1d .... pct~.s 1ng!1•sok ,\a I l'iN)I & IC'n nis C'l'I~. $300
" J' ,. . I 1 _Lil 1 Junk •••••••••••••••••••••••) C•ndld commt nl•rl", H•wport l•och 3169 ~.IOO. o42 .l5d.'J r.a nt mo. SS8-\f.)S I. »II .;;i pm,
<• ,oJ\'(' Uj.J 1/\1• !'lnq1' lo:<ll'Jio:t• u,,. •1 '••••••••••••••••••••••• __, ' 641) :.!Jti
,L1Jil 1l_ 111 1 IJ:.:011ed 11110 '~~h "''llh •• D:!1ly By Owne r . GUr, '.~:i, Con:: ••clu•lv•lr 1" the ·l .rJ\C'I~· :i HR plu..;, I·'• ha. t-;a~1~1rl1· .1hr. r ptd. fnC'cl HOMEFIMOUS I -v ·
.'.'IR q> 10 :,llore H ~ult.-,1 l'llut tlao.:;;1r1ed Ad Lail du r C'\01 . gar. ~.50rl. 'l. th1l "'1c.l1' ~li()'A ('f l)n Bay. )ti,;.! l'l11ld uk, no ,..,,, J •642-9900• ..:£j I di" l ' t •t h I 'j' -... , 5ri-JJ m1 10 Ocf'~n 8.10-4836 "" II -•J ~ • 4 I " I l 11 ~ \\I
h> .>nitf ' · 1 __ __ • jJ.JJIG!J7 611.1!7 ·~~~~89a0 4 t'lassil ied Ad~-64T-,;67d, Oa 11!.P1lot l:l11$,1l1~Ad.
f • I t
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' t •I~! • , . ' . ' .,J
·'~·"',.uddit~ii1'.". •• '.i.e~u~1i'i1d~11t".-.. roii'1a:::pe;::. ::,01•1.-•• ~H~.a:-:m~m::e-::,-:,-:t.-•• "':c~a:-r::pe~t-S~:""-::1=:-l=l~V"'""'"'""'l"'""'t-::C=:--::l=~--::1:::::-)~l:-l=l~l=:-t-::C=~:-=i"'""'[=C=l~i"'""'l-::Y~ ..... ,p';'l1~:~:~:::1·¢~t~·.0:::_'.~"·~:~:~:~· '::"'~;t;:.:: •. :g;1;;:p:::e:::;:1;:;.:: .. ~0:~1~~v~;~'L~:~T;;r8~7•
j t ,.. ment lt •• W lre 11. •. Hoe 11. .. Clean it ••• Move Roof it •.• Landscape 11...Tlle lt...Trlm lt ••• sewlt •••
t ... Pr $S lt ... Plllnt lt...Nal l lt ••• Plas ter lt ... Flx It... Haul it ... Add it ... Plant II ..• Alter it .•. Learn 11 ...
1jibyslltl'"J , CorptlSt I c-~ ' G~-I H-·'I I tT Palollog/P·--'-Plcnt.r/Rtpalr ·• IStwlog & .... •••••••••••••••••••• r• ce _,,-actor ~• ng -n9 n<om ax ""f"'"" •·'"'ll all r •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'lltr ons "b Id b b !•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._ c.; care )' r /·JOHN 's C .
d!Q'/nilht. ~ ot love. Upholstery . ~~:~e~ ... ~trcbt;dnl•.rCroe~t,':UctJ0,on,.. HOB'SOAROENJNG MOVING 'Al> llAKl'" for Quahly
ln1·omt Tax Prepara·
l1un . ;:O Yrs Exp -
lll'l.i:.011.tblt" Jtulcs. 1-'<H'
1\ppl <':Ill S•llf -US.11 or
751 (i~:f7 .
•Wl.lllpapet llun~ini.:.,
8)' former u~lrul'lor
Carl Rebko t,;.lti 2.11\l .
l'A'l'l"l-1 PLASTERING •••••••••••••••••••••••
Al I 'I' y p es . f' r ·e e Exvcrt ultl·ratW>l'L'I. rc.'ti..
t-:sl1m;1lt·~ Call:W0~25 pr•Cei by expcr1enc~d tnfatall welc ome ..,.. _.... .. Ch.•un Ups&New l~awn:i. l.AJ<':tl&LungD1slunct: 5.5i--0$4? · lso1I retoirdanlsl . modeling & elet. needs. Ph:li4t:i 20."6 •tiilS K495•
Younc Gr1ndmother will
c11re tor, your cblld n:> you
wou.ld, my home . .. ~
c;.blntl Meldng •••••••••••••••••••••••
C~tm Cabinets, bout
work. polio covers.
kitche n remodel
&&6-S219 .•
Uei::rcascrs & all colo 21 years 111 Orange Co.
br1 ghlcn1:rs & 10 minute 645-0768or5-"&H-005H Grtln 'g /~fuin /Lnd:.ciJ . I~oC~\I, Mov1ng&haul1ni.: ~leach f~r your whit sod, spklrs, cleanup soll by student. l.urge 'J'ruck.
carpets, Save money. by LIC. Contra.ctor1 lloom cone. s.12.33311646 4oos ltea.s. Harry 541t4172.J. ·
saving n1e exlril tnps. add ., put10 covt'r1 , ------Tax Consultant
Cle;an J1vin11 _:oom, d1n1ng decks. ~I ans & d~igns . JAPAN ESE GARDENt::ll House-clH1tfnq 1 niincd ,\i>pointmen~
rm & hall ~15. Any rm 586-5743 10 Yrs Exp. Complete ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hc<1:> Ball':S 645 -1370 ~?.SU, l'OUch $10, chuir S."1. service &-Cleanup. HOUSECL~ANlNC i~ our -----"--C
l;;i yrs c>xp l:t whut counts, DrettMGlclftCJ 1''ree Est TSI ~l9J7 Business. Call Jantce'.s
not method. J do work••••••••••••••••••••••• RitiJ&edy Anna675 -6553 Locksmith
1n y:i.clr. Gd. refs · OH.ANGECOUN'fY'S ---··••••••••••••••••••••• 5al Hui . Dre11m~1ng in the Euro-• Most Rea son a b I e THE BEST in DomL-stic Uurgl,1r proof your home.
ban m~n;icr by atpt R1;1,te15• Cleaning. Robbie's Hag :"!JV\.' :)7 to SUJou 111:.tall,1
:.t'.imstrciSiS . lrv1nt•
;).).! ti US1 PRl)l-' l'l.linler, hone:-.t
wo1•k, rca.'), lnl.t'Xl . tr1·1·Ptvmblnq
c:r.t, rti!~. 51!:J 2 1,;~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• fil-t-
&t2 :l9t3. Rl':PAIH, Jl<'pq>t~. "':tt«r •••••••••••••••••••••••
Pa1nl 'g, dccor,1!ing &
p<1purh.-n"ini,! Ht·s1ln-
dustr1llll Con1111 ~.lYr:.
t•)(p.1'~R~S. tJ.L'"i 7'.li:!.
CA 1.1co·rr: l'AlN'l'lN<;
Call !119·a:J.'L•
ht•att·r:., SE'rVH't' linei. C t:ll 1\~!I'' l'IJ.t·:. New &
llurH•:.l \.\'ork 612 9:11~ Hcn1tJdt·I Fr.-1• est. Sin
-JOl:i); ~l·ll'!llll~ 5.Jti -2426 !\1 ,\HV S l'J ,l lt\.\OIN(; ---
•t;-4ti -~7 • fop Soil
"l'O,JOH1'0{)Sf\1AJ.I, •••••••••••••••••••••••
• l'op Sod •l:v1n1>0St •
., :'\lulc h • Rt'tl~·ood •
1.·,.11 5~ t~l.lt)
c.,onter •••••••••••••••••••••••
MASTER. Craftm an·~
Specialty. Rcmoclcllng,
flnish work. Rcf:t. F'rel' cs\, Guur. \vork
Mcst1Cleun1ni;,Carl)tlts d ·csi~~~h . 0~ "~ou_:A .. 32?r· Gft t-:t..i •l!:M--4833 &Mop.548-0757. 11un p1·11·t·,.; ,+ 111ah.'r1~1l . & Upholslery. Steamed uy a~ions .......... ---,..; · ---------------ti-I.! ox:.11
cle:inecl or shampoo. llouseclean1n11 by Cou rie.
State lie & lru.urt•d
l..H.t1l"JS l'lu1nb1n~
t!t•ulodt•ls & rl'pll1rs
\\'.1L1·r h1·:1t\•rs. do,
p.is a Is, furnat·cs , We-fdinq
557 ~1742 Electrical Gneral Sft"•lcH Wkly, m onthly, Spec-. Masonry
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jobs . H.eu s. ttates ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • S 'l't:At.1 ., *' 1-:1.ECTRICIAN. Sml "1'HINGS" by 1\1.oose. 548 6271
Jobs. maint & rep0tirs. 2~ Gl'n woodwork, repairs,
l"ainung: Int & E.\t Hts
& Cornm . Qual11~ 1101 k.
free est. [n ..,urt'd
640-1666 Doug
l\1>oh .. •1'il1"1' ti-I;! li2ti.J Ol ft' •••••••••••••••••••••••
,'V h ,, l'o1npl p!uinhin" •Ari· \\ l'l•hng • ,:>;n1;1 1!
:.1•r\' l.11· ~7:.!tl:lt b JUl>S All,\ Ju1..1t 1011 l~Y•s 1:spe1 I• lh 7UI I
l''rcc J·::.t !JfJ2-00ll yrs exp. lie• 2~:il08, plu1nb1n g,etc.64i.--56lJ.
Rooms. palic>ti & ulter11
tions. No job loo 11mull
642-3569 day or night
C•ment/Concret. 548 -5203.
CUS'l'U1\1 <.:ernenl Work Fencin9
1'1rcd of eat111i.: ourt lillod
loud prep. 111 your ho1ne.
l\lur1e646·65SJ l'..1\lus. Rea.sonable •••·~····~···••••••••••
ADDITIONS, H.crnotlcl· t'rec l•:.l 1i.J2---8514 Don Ch 111 n · LI II k & Wood· Gcnerul li-1aint. Window
g C r t b ~ ---ltl's/Co1n1n. l''ree est. 1·le<1n1ng or uny type of
Jn • a por S, Ci.I lll~IS l.EON l 'J'J•: CONClii•:'rE ~0·5ll5,167J-llli6. 1.1sk for
r.t r.Wagncr.673 t1G6 _ s·r A 1\1 l'lNG, Cob -Jay. :~~pua;~ ~~~k~srT~o~~t
Hemodel, Add on, .i::a r O,le~tone, brick. tile. i\llkt'fi75 3:.!JJ
conv, cstm/new C<Jn:.t 25 _I at1os. cit. fi40-4J49. Goardenl1t9 --
yrs ex p . fre<' l"Sl CEMEN'r •••••••••••••••••••••••Hauling _
(i45':""""34J9. JAP,\N .. :SI!: Ciardenl'r. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----_ ___ & Hl u1•k \\'ork Walls."atio,.sitl .. walk• .. t:om 1ll cte Yd work.lf,\ULINl; & LL Moving. Cabinet work, ge11 't re-,.. '" " cleanup.Cutlrt.'C.s. Free l n11n . u .. p ... ntl;1IJl1·
pairs, dryw1:1Jl y,·ork. s in hy hr or job.G41l + b"9l5 cst.G4.2-Jlfl2 :-Cl'\'J{"t' $1U /loatl u11
add1l. 551--0171. :-1.\H 2/WM. Bru·k ur Conercle Patios, l':uropean L;1ndscal>l·r
~uality Work·All Ph:.i:;e:.
' ti73-365K J1JllN
Plumbing, Carpentry
Cera m 11: Tile. s.I0-5St;Q
J1 r i \ 1· !; • Jo' al' in g. ._.11· ·rrcc Ser\' ice-Clean uµ.
I/ ••ry r1•a s . ti·l,5 -fl.512 , re as. no i\I & int. ti-12·5J:.'!i
To Place_• Your ·· r·a:;I CCJ~f Pt~r.·rt-: (;;.irden1ng-
R es u It'' Ser\' iec 'l'rl·e :;erv: t)u~hty work
Directory ad . . call :it 1.o" 1•:.l rates
now . 642·5678, ext. 322. 557 ~ldO .
~1 0 V I N l; . h .1 U l L n ~,
~aruge Cit.Hin up. rehabl~
Ja:;t ser\•iel'.116.1--645~
Y,\JtU l..'L .. :,\N UP Paint,
llou:-.1·hol1I rcpwr, reha-
hlt'. 556-0:147
___ \Vll.LIAMS & Son :;
llousecle<ining. Apl.i .. of· :'1-l.i-.11n ry 111· :lK:JU·lti
fices. bldg:.. etc. t:xp. !lr.il·~· l.ilol:k . :.tOlll'
quick & rt.'ILubll' ('all .illh '1·171
John. ti•UJ·:l220
lluuse & Apl. clcan'i:· by
1.1dy Yo'/t!xp., depcnd;.ibh:,
own lrans.1147 :Jtl:l'7
"•·l'JllJncnl Waterprool
1111.: ,·,·ding pr~cr\'111g ot
a11y ;ind :.ill !\l asonry
lll"H:-.1:. ;.i<·uls. ~rca:><'.
l"ll' (; U;JJ' OIH"t• 1:. lure\!l'I'
l-"r'j•£'t•:.t1n1alL'S, HJ . V.u1
!St Cluss Ext IHI p.1111l, I ll J.: 1 J ~ '"" ~:<p i>jperhan~111 g, ;11rl1·s~ H1•"t'""1<1n 1'1·11·1•:.
:-.11ray25yrst-.\Ptl'/~l::O~~I hr"'·' i.;.:1.1 l,1e
St! \J."1
INT-EXT. A1:ou. ... t1•· l't·il· Remod•l/Re-poir
1J1 g pa1nlell . J..11·k •••••••••••••••••••••••
111~ 0609 anytin·u· Room. Additions
PAJN'J'l Nc; .I 1\ 11AN 1-:s 1-: f.:1tly .. ~1ould
like It> houSl'<·lran .
ti4.Zi 15li7
Income Tax
Jl1·11h1•u1·.d l"on:.lrt11·111111 I Jll\ :-1na!I, 111y pril't':.
t 'o l•:.\!'l U:.I\ i• • t 'HJ•:!'()' ;u'\.' :.n1a!I ' li lti :!if .. Alt
111'<1dt1<.:l dealer. 'l"hc uni) 5
Ii J·: i\1 C HJ l•:l .l '.\ll;
~ll .\1.1'1 \ \\'(ll<k
l ".1111'01< ~·or
I' 11 I•'. I·; J·:S'l"J :\1 .\ rt::s
Adams Tax (;ons uttanl:;
11<'r1l'lr.~~1ng sealt.'r. (7141 PJ\IN'f l·'.R~IN'l'l·:Jtl()H &
·'·'~ i.J:,.,_ ..:x ·r1·:1t11JH . si>t-:c
7" ! :'Ki!~ I
~,!1 :1•11117 .·171;0
St·rv.1ce Ln your0 h_111n1·-~t M0Yin9
No Extra Co:.t •lll.i0-1>1.i.') ••••••••••••••••••••••• _+ __ _
t)U'I' & A BC)t r r .,., •In Your Home• . J,u(';1J /Slal1·"''dl· :\l oving ~7 Yrs Expcrit·nct· 7 d ;1, fr<·l' ei;t. 5~1·4::1.171
lteah. fees 9i.i1:1 tlllSi:! ~ ---
Prol. l'a1111111g
orn1ght _
1::!55 Roofing
lnl1·r1or •••••••••••••••••••••••
t rt' l' .I (" Hf)()l-"IN<; .
-iX-t 1. l.1•·•·11.~ed & l11~11r1'1I
t I ;,l) Fi l't' l·: .... 1 ::.-1:• ·ILIGtl
-\~1 111 MO\'C or Buy HJO:J'\!I!,:>;,
•IMCOMETAX• Auvth1ng. Cull Uan & For Re:-ull lll',1" l"r•·\'
all t1pes.
··-~l. 111· .... 1.
x.111 ,,11 ~11 'J"his ud 1s cheap. So ~trc Ooug betv.' 8/10 am & an ServiceCa11 l1•t \~' .1 lt
~ny _!!_::i..l~-5:.;1.ti.UI !ii>m . 979-09c35:;;:. ____ ; __ _,64020."56"'-78"-'•o'o'·c3:2:2:....~i an~'t 1mt· -----
Apartments Fum Apcw t1nents Furn . A.partme-nts Unfurn .. ............ Unfurn Apc:w lcaenta Unfurn.
IJAILY 1'11.()'f
H l':StJ 1."f""'
St-:HV l('I-.
For Re..,ull
fi \.! ~ii>I l'Xl :1:!2
For Rl'sult
642·5671 .... 322
....... ln...ts Uofurn. ...•.•...•••.•......... ~····················· ............................................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
3880 Mtwport leoeh 3269 Santa Ana 3280 Coata Meso 3724 Huntington B•ach 3740 Costa Mesa 3824 Costa Mesa 3824 Hwntinqton leoch 3840 Newport Beach 3869 Santa Ana ................................................................ ..: ............................................................................................... .
'fh1s llarbor \'lt.'V.' hon11·
1s loc:itl'd ne<ir 1JUOl und
tennis. Spuciuu11 :1
bedroom Yo'Llh J.i1nilv
ro&m $475. mvnlh Ull·luci
Ulll gardner.
Anytime .
REBATE Casa de Oro
on pur1·1l<.1:.l·:. 111 111t,· ALLU'l'ILJ'l'lf:.SP,\IJ)
h1•lo1'1· ~I areh l:.l. SIOW Compare Oeforl' you rent
t ;11 1·lu.,\.' of t":>1·ruv.· ~ in Custom dt~•~nt'Ci
lu1111tufl' nf your choice Fealur1ng·
.11 ,1 tint· turnnure s tort•. •Spae1ous kitchen \\'Jth 111
~11.'J:.u Full prH·1· 2 BR . 2 direc-t ll~ht1n~.
I\,\. 1·rpt.,, 1tip .... hltns. •St•p1:1rall'd1n'i::ur1•a
11.11111 .ii 1\"IJll .:ab1nct:-.. •llome-l1k1• storage
u11•r:.111•d clo.~L'lS . t 'A •l'rtvate patios
111·..11 . ,11r cond1t1on1ng.•Closeclgetr agl'". :.Lorag.:
pn1,1ll' p,1t1os and n1orl'! •!\tarble pulln1an
~lJuu .\loves you 111! •Ki ngs11e Bdrn1s
I' :1.1 n·i .. n LS Jess than rl·nt. •Pool -Bar bl'c ue:. sur-
i. '.111 \"dlaJ.!e l;ardcns. roundt.'d w /plu..,h lnd:.cp).!
HJ!I ~;1:::1 Jur ;1pp1 ... ,r ,\dlllls NoJ)C'tS
•ln\1· tu nu~\\' .Ah:-it. 111 I BJ)H :\f Furn S2JU.
S.111\,1 .-\11.1 :M>.:; W . \\'1]:;011&1<! 1~71
E1•cwti•e Suites
727 Yorktown Blvd
Uc;;ch Blvd a~ Yorktown
•Vull kit1·hf•n
•llt·ated 11001
•Laundr~ 1ac1ilt1cs
• Vr1't' Ulll 1 l1C:-
• Frl'l' linens
"l'V & 1n;11 d !'Crv.ava1I
•Har· U·lluc
• l'hone ~Cr\'l!'l'
• l 1111ll' lu n1 l'.ill
Loquna leach 3748
11 1\CIF:N UA 01'.: Mt-:SA
ltiUW. W1lson,C.M.
Beautiful Grounds
1\dult~ ·No l'l•l:.
JO minutes lo oce:..n.
Large I UH $175. 1::..s &
Wale r in c. Or;q>L"r1c.s.
c:irpets, ~us ht.·at. g-.s
slovc, ;Jir cond1l1uning,
:-w1m m 1ng pool. rce .
room, y,•ashcrs&dr~crs
I Bedroom
I Bedroom & Dt:.·n
2 Bedroom ..
::! lied room ·roY>'nh:.t
•2 ll l·:UHIJ(J.\1S
•'f\J"I' [ .i.)"I'
•l',\'l'I US
•1-'ENL'EU Y ,\ROS
l'la1· ... nt1;.i Ave .ii USlh
Stri·l't. i;42 -3790.
Adult 2 hr. J 1 ~ f);.i lnh:.c,
d "" µ:.iliu , encl. gar.
QOO 5-1>1 71.i!J:.!. ti-14 08iM
Nt:W l)Jo:LUXE I br, cpts.
drps, 1tshwa,;h1·r. frpll".
enel. ~ar. ~20U !:!00-Gl~
or 6.\5 J05:1
Utilities Paid
Ocluse :;p:u· G&:l B1·
s tudio ;1pl:-. U1s -
h\\·asht·rs. p;.itio:.. :-ome
\\'/frplcs l\'e;u· ~hoppin~
cenle1·. Sl·houl,. & Fv.·y.
From S275. ~1:'1.i·:::!.'"17:1
Jh>aul. studio ;1pl:-., 2&3
Hr. frplc~. Ultn~. d1 s-
h11.·ashers. 2 l'ilf g.1r:ll!<".
Sundeck~. Fr•!ln ::i2•5
;,:lit :.!57!1
...._ -.. -·· • 2 WEEKS FREE
J\1ove in w /deposits only
I RR $190 2 BR $230
Refri,i::". Security, Pool,
Jacu,.;zi, R ec. Bldg
V.'/cxcrcise r..m.
tld ll;i 1·d..,. L' 011 ir'I'\".
lrt!Ol' \\"t' ;J\ .\l l•..,,1
51.i ix:;:;
·11s. Newt·r !HR. biln:-i.
erpts. drps. disposal. tid
)ol" ;;:1u1 \\'. J\lcFuddrn.
1'11 :5·12 ti.J>l7
Seal B~ach 3884 •••••••••••••••••••••••
! BB up:.tairs, stv/rel ..
w " 1·r11t s2so. yr-round.
l:;I & l:1:.\ r1<11 ti 8-IG 72:.!ti
Westminster 3898
········~·············· ~ BH. 2 H \, ~hag eptg ..
::;11.1 11111 llu:.h:ird.
\\I 1 '"I rn 111 ~ l l' r i..u, :.!227
$30 WEEK & UP
•SH.60 N•M ht & L"ll
•SIU(tiull; l Bit Apt:-.
•T\' & .\laid Ser,· 1\\..111
• l'hont• Sl'f\. I Hd pool
•t'h1ldrt·n & l'l·t S..·1·11on
HAi.."11 nr li\.·ach •1G5 SI&>.
11.k SSS. Ut1I pd, coll\.
l 1:1.> No. C...:oa:.l <l!H -;~5l.ltl
· 2·100llarborlllvd ..
Cust.a 1'1 £'sa ~ 714 ! S:l7 -l'!OlU 2 Br, 2 Ba .4.pts
Apai Intents Furnished ·
i ---------1 or Unfurnished 3900
Unfurnishl!'d 3425
UEJ.U.\: !'.: I. 2 & ;1 Br ,\pl:;
,\!so 1-'urn. lia<'l1t•lor
Pvt i-:•auo:. -I IHI Pool
1·:1u.:lo"l'tl Uar<1ges ·
1;.1:. ~ \\'at~r l'aid.1\1ulo
,\J11 rentalsS:..'OOtoS210
C hildre-n Wlfk:ome
SEACllt:S·r Al"l'S t."yl'leSl'.\l" 1'\'1•\v 411r. trplt·, :.!+ •••••••••••••••••••••••
tolhl' bt·al·h ,\II 11t1I i•d . h;.i, ..:ara~e. OW. \'rly
I tld1111 ... hu~ 1·;.irpl'I . :.!
:.lor~. ~ll'!j. near beaeh. • ~:1. nt f ~ l'('k:. rt•rll \\.' 1.ad
:t:i7ti Newµort Ul\'d, CM
5-IH ~175:1 or t;.1;,.;mi.;i
.~~~~~;;;;;~~~~-1 I I II ~!!iX tl7ti.J.
J EWELED LIGlf'l'S b,\ ,'\<'\\' 2 hr 1·ond1.J. nr llunt
night and :;µct·t.n·ulur tl ;11•hour lor rt•nl .
rolling hill:. & ,,110" w~1 7J2Uorp;-~;\ .'IJ ll'E I Hr dplx ()1111·1 + · St·p. hy J.!.ira g.l·~ 1·appt•d ~n)Ount.iln ., b~· .\H :-i.\ 1-· .. 1:v. lr\Ln(':.!:-.l)". Emplu.v<'d ndll 01·cr :1:1 I d a y . L h 1J I' Ill. n ,I.! ,j ., I ' I . \ · b d 1 .. ti .. •r. -,;1 . Pd in, ;11r. no !'\opt•l ... ~l lX lU~I . e room \On11 "' 1 , --11 01 ·· 1 f I d ll\.lllll :.~'./,) •• •~1 I orma 1111ng ruun1 . noan~ MJ~-7~7 t-'1replace l'lu:.h "ha!! ------**•GARDEN A.PTS
l'arpel111~ lhrouM,huul Dupll'Xes Unfum 3600 **•POOL
"'4ewport leach 3769 •••••••••••••••••••••••
llVN'AM IC Lg. 0~:1·;.1nlrnt.
J br, 2 b e. yrly. $400. day
t).16-7103, t'Vl'Li:l 2.58ti
s:t.l :!5 WK Lil' I Bdr. 2 Ha
& U:ic h l"ul•ir 'I'\.'. 1naul
:.l•r1 .' p1•ol . ·r11E .\lt-:S,\
41.i :'Ii. Ne11.1»0rl lil. NB,
1.11i; ~681
Attruc111e :! ht>drm furn
Sp;11· :-undl·tl. ''lt1!'o1' to
l'l<'r~ ltHll).!. \V1nt\.•f' or
1 t•,1r!~. "7;1 u'.!:lti
ll1g h bcan1l..'d t'\.·11\11~ .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• furn I&<! Hr :ipl' 111 E-:asy <'arc klll'hen. 111 s·rl.IJHI . ::! hlks hc;.i(·h. 2 udult sC'i·tio n . t·:tn1
<·lt1d1nf( :oit:"ll ·elL•.1n1n).! Bit 11" Ila. patio. i::ar .. r..irilcn ,\pL :. i;.1~ 31>15
oven J u:.l .. Ll'P~ 10 II It . ::i22.l :"o pf'l!i J.l'X lg\':! 01·,J Br. •)\'.l·an
pr,wate co1nmunn,i. te-n K.u; 1:111 or1;.tJ·l~ SUSCASITAS 11·1u11 . "Hllt'I' :>J2.) 1111
·n,iscourt.s...,·1mmu1~~100l. . . 1\t1nut~!i t1• Nl:'~port l'i pl . Jud r y, ~ar
.rc 'ja<·ui.t.1 1·rot lot 'fvoL ~pl II;.:.~:. i"\cw ;'Sllanish Helith. b<1chclor & I Ur 1,11; .111 1
qBrdcner 1nl·ludCt.L Only 3 H 1-1 • -U A · " r P 11' · furn. Adulls no pct,:,. 2 1 UJ
$525 pf·r monlh. PhoAl' Heami·d l"t"1.1111.g· IJhl Ne"°· port Hl, Ci\1. ll (" E .\:.,: I" H f)N 'J' d c · &44 ---.Jf~7 . i.:~r~.?c. t•lh 2tiiili.---------i·u r.dor l BH. ,\\"<Ill
. ----'''" .1.1.11 2035Fullerton.CM :'\1onlhl.\ or on ll':i:.t'
N f.WPORT StlORl':S ;1 br. I. \i.; l' ,'\ \ dupll·s '!. llr. ~
l ba, $395. l'ro11~·1·l y 11.1. slr.1 IJ.!l' II\' rm. 2 l·;;r
l{ouse.fil2 ;is.)41 i-:.1r ('lu~e\11111.unl>l•ach .
U1\CH on lease s1;:::, .\ rl~
H1i!h ~ on beat·h. ut1I p..I
1.i.1 1111.:h ()J"l\"e. I. li
l ).1~~ .1·ltJ J-1~.
I UH !-"urn. 2 lrg clo::.eL'I, .!l;l 1;._,i j 11'.lll
qUl'l'll .'l/i' IJ\.·d. prl\'
drcss1n i.; rrn 1·\tralr;.: \\'u111·ro11I\ I llrlurn ~J1'11J
room :.. \.'l\tl g:1r 1110 1111·1 u111 ;,.1.1 1Q1~r.1
v.•/fitQra.11:c \dulls olll,\, n/,, 1,1:1K
1111'11 STUDIO 2 hr. I'., 11:1 ~Jo Apartrn•nts Fvrn :·i'f Ull\;...; l,'\c: 1 ht U..1rd\.•n '!. hr. IU1'!1 1111
St t'fl:o. I 0
.)~!.I Singles. bltn . .;, D t \\o'. g.1r •••• ••• • • •• ••••••••••••
1.2&3 Bdrrn:-.. l,.l .. nr bC<tl'h . 4g2J1:.o
..-. •• • • 1!111·r .\\'e ~l.Jo l'JCr mo.
LUV ELY llunt lich. •i7:! ~lKH
Nr.!'.)hop'i: -Adlt,:,Unly
Martinique Apts
1777 S<inl.l Ana AVt'. C.\1
~l g r /\fJI 11:1 l>-16 :.S•l2
1\it•:\~· 2 Br. s 11ac1 o uis.
1;.ir;1g \.' Nu pet.s S2l.'"1.
2:12·1 Elden Avt· M.:U :.!4t\U
I. Bit \-pit•\ w/sundeck.
l..,'ppcr. p\ l locked J,?ar. 1
hlk J r1'1nc A\'t' Nu
1·tuld P\.'l:. ~19-4.'"dJ
ti7:1 18.J'J I HH. :-t\'. .'!.: rcfrLg, S llU
----1no. Atlulls only, cpl. No
01\t\ HI OG t-: VI J.J .A J br. µ<'ts .543 -9531aft .5 P:\1
:: IJ:i . bltus ... hdd r en --~·1•l1·o n1t· :::i:.!~.;. 85H MEW2BRS225
homes. 3 & 1 B1trm:-
S.:l.'iH. u p .
·robin Pronl·rl.v .\l)!n1t
M46 1:111 Nul"t•{•
Cl! EZ OHC) J\l"\'S
~234 1\tl;ul\a
l.:.!&:l liH . Pr1v gar .
pool. WOj Sher. dryl'r.
Clos(' to beJl'h. S:ki o:tw
B.11·l\1·lur I or:!
lll·drooms and
"1'011. llhOU:>t.~
l-'1 ::'::!:.!l.SUUpen~l·tiDa1l~
~p;1 · l'Ools:l\·nn1s
,\~·rv :.s J r11n1 l';.is hiun
Island ;.it J:unborce on
San Joa4u1n ll1Jls H.oud.
l 't•r1lt't" ti \.1 \12\!I p, l dcrk, SP:JCIOU:'. I
t•hild ok . 2ti75 EldL'n ,
t ' .. \I \V knd:. & t•\'C'.S
ti-15 ISJ77. Wkclay :;
Ii 12 .\:llJ./
LUXURIOUS I llr furn or
unfurn. frpll', ne11.· shag.
drps. $200 /~'i . Undcr·l·----------
1\IJL"L'J"S . no i't'l"· :.! Br,
l'tlt·I. g:_ir , p;1lH1. :')175
1;\.j -Q87K "r ."1-lX 7~~
CASA. \' ll .. rl>HL\
. \rlults I & '.!llr. nopets
LT nf u r /I urn 11" $1t\\1.50
Poul. re r rni. l'll·t".
~l'<" gate. ga:. ~tr 1Kl.
~2:'l V1tlor1a.1~\'.! ti.970
l.\.:i' 2 Hr ~lfll :1 1\r 11 ~ 8 :1
::ilW. f>uplt•.\ ,\: ·I plcx. ~
jlool :-. 1·rp1 .... rlrp.s .
;"1 ii) f~I I 1
:'\!{'\.' :l liH.. 2 h<J , {!lUt'l UP ·
11t•r. Bltn:.. (•pts. drp:.. :!77
H1lh l'I . Ill'. N('11·port.
,\1,1rr1ed. Oll'f •llJ , 110
p1 ·t .... ~225A1o.G46 2111
ground park"g. t"Uffilll ,
security. 53G-177U
Br;tnd nc,11 ::! 111'. ~ B1:1 .
l'rpl:., drp:;, cbh"hr. <h:.·
pu:.al. Nr llunt .
llarhour. lti"ill S im:.,
K Ui '!.M.')I)
!-"or :.;111• 11r rl'nt l Bdrm.
HEW J BR S305 lU\"5~ mol.ltlc home 011
~p..1c1ous hnu:>l' :-it"' t 'ii.1:-.t llv..vup/JlhiteStal\.'
tr1pl1·\" ;qit . lru·d ~;.ird. ll1~a1·ti . SJ70U ur SIH.'"1,
lr1 1I~:. dbl )!<If'. t'IJI:., drp:-, (1'1r:.I & i.;1:-.t/SJU :J24~
dsh11.hr, ::! ch1ldrl'n ok or , . __ -·
.idull bid A ;J\"Utl. t'o Pt:L<;. J 8drn1. l ~ B;J , Sl1» mo.
:!Lt75 1:-.:ldi·n. c.~1 \.\'knd!'o "'ile:isc.20190rlaY>·arc
:I Hr. ~ Ba turn ur unf.
::i5UU. YI Jy
2 llB , 1 ba. unf yrlySJ~/5
l BH. Iba. w1nler, $235 ·
;-s Bit, l ba, ~ unf. yrly
:-sllH .2ba. Yc_•;irly.$.IUO
<! llH . l ba. condo SS25
Oflit'l' :;ULIC, Npl. :)25()
(i -111 ;q>I . Puol . rt'e. roun\ u. 1•.111
Kt-:AUTY 2 hr ; hst• ' -·~ :iii~ 710 W 18th St. i.~:1 .t!ll~ NEW 'SJ2;). ·!•'rµJc. ~ 1".1r. lge lalbo0Pen1n>Ua 3707 e y.ard ......................... __________ Bl·:,\i.'l),\; tlA ,. 1 br ~IP\. •
ALA RENTALS BALBOAIMH 1illt1-'urn· SIH.i s"l·t.11~11 rrµl , utils. µd.
& i•1t'" 01:1 Xli7. \\"kd;iy!'o ti:lH-7275
1;1'.! l!JU.1 ~ ;'\E\\I Deluxe 2 Br, 2 l:~a. ·
102~ W 8olboo 671 ·Jb/; 1
•BRANO MEW* Frplc. 1\ll bltns. $250J.. ---------
----k1lct1en:.. l n1 4 Uc loc to sho ppin ~. 1 ~ 1n1J e
:! Hr. ill'IUXt_' apt.
"' g ara~e. 5-l~--4Ul:H . 642--llll 1 llr :ipl.s. equipped LoL'l 01 hll11s. pool. "alk ~rly.SJOO rTlu ti7:1 g;,_){)J 1 BR APTS
fl, t d k J b at \V b k beach. 931 W.19th SL A.partments Unfum f~~nt,o~rPlc, ~~l~~~y ,. n1~~~e7~ ;~lt~s y w or 548 -<)492 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.tkC 1111111).: in a \\'t•stern A~lr 2Br, shag t:p~<;, bltns,
singles welcome. Bl'okcr ----n1ovic !'<.'I' Uht \Vest < rp ... Adu!ls. 0 pets
Fee l RH . slcµs to beach,------lalboaP•nlnsulo 3807 !Javor "'•lh 1·11v s lick $17.> l ~J70 W<:1llal'c .
n111 . ,\JI u!1I 11d, l'n1·I gar. --
'.ltill IMH9orK4ti ~l:JJ8 ~2 Hlk hcachJt\r,2b;.i hv
--rm. 0111 rn1, bllns. sun-
1::x·r1tA tg 2 hr. 2 b;1, dlx deek. g~•r . yrly IS\.·. :t-325.
poolside apl nr heh Adll. 1274•\lh St (i7,') oiil
sor r y no l>l't s. $105. --
SJti 8:~ti2 Occanl"ronf. New :1 Wrm. HOMEFIMDERS ,11tu!L:.. nn Pl'I:-.. ::;lr"i mu FUHN. l.~e 2 BR /\pt.••••••••••••••••••••••• !C'lilurcs l'oul. 1·;1mpletc 1,.11; 0111;
*642_9900.. lil Jun,. :!ti or ~o. rno ,\dull:; only nu l>l'L" In V..' \l.h lu h,tyli.lt:a<'h :!hr. k1lchcn ,,.,11h l'\.'l l'lg\.'l'J;tLOr O p · t 3826 1 ~TILi-: Fli():\l lll·:.\Cll '
I 7 · I <1u1re 17U' · Hoehe~ter I I I ,,,,., \\"·.oil '" "·''' 11tush ana Olh
2ba. gar bltns .. vrl~·s.175.
tt-15 77~1 \'V~S \\.•knil:.
l'he llr•<'e ot 1•\ i•1~1 h1n~
I:-go111g LIP ,'\o\~
ll;1k"""d (;;ird"n :\pl s
h1•lps yuu til!hl 111tlat1on
Uy u1fcr111g an ~ ... clus111
··No Hl•nt lta1 :.e
1; u a r ;.i n t t' e ' ' . \\" t'
guar;111tt•t• lh;.il ~our rl'n1
v.·111 not be r~u .. l'd for I
ft1ll .11•:1r <.11111 .l"Otl still
ha\'t• lhL' lll•\:ih1\1ty or
ninnth 111011111 01:1·upaney
Plus ~ uu get :i lol mo rt·
for ,\our n1uney ;11
Uak11.oud . l/ll'l uding Sl
m 11!1o n 1n rl't"reuliun
fac1l1t1es. a l"ull timc At··
li\•tt1es f)lrl'l'lor whu
pl.111.., p..1rl1l·~. liBQ' ....
·rr1ps & n1ore • l•'ree Sun·
day Brunch
:-;ingll's. I l!..· :! bedroom:-..
1-·ur11 & uufurn W1lh all
the 1'\:lras .. \lodels open
d:ul,i. JU tu j Surry. 110
~lCl:. or i:hlldr1•n
Oakwood ·
• .. .,.... .. .ell H-1tl .
Irvine and 16!h
fitwporl l•aeh S-"'
16th a1 Dover
-----~ry ti :J libU · .1cull:..l 1.• JJ ,µ;or, 11d1\. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oeluxc 1&:1 11H.qll!'
---! Hear) p.il10 :>:! 111 ~ rl.\. H1·I:-. 1·:1r1•t·t 111 i-: \1hdt.s nnl). Oct•au!'ront. 2 hdrn1. 1 bu. -----------
c.r.n. d.l M ... 3722 '''' I'''' •. \I I "''.\\'' NIO:\V cit.:'lux <· :.ipts. ! llr lloat&C"amr11·r1Jark1nl-(
Sm1Ju11n . .1·IX 1.-.:,Hor."ilX :itill7 · ~ -·i"· , ... ,11 .. J-11 , " 1 1 1., ~-... 1 .. gar. hlll1.s. d .. ·1·k, uvoiil,
C. l.lrano 3271 •••••••••••••••••••••••Et1:-ils1dc.'. lurn lh•lr1n , l(i )!hLrin\t,\:•llll\.i i·t•r\· ::i ,,,1. n r.-a~.i ,..,up .~01nt· rpl'S.:-..1,,...u ••••••~••••••••••••••••! l\r oi<·r gar. utd pd. ;1~1 1 1'\Jt•wly r1•dt«'•1r .Capistranol~och3818 lt•\\':i\.nl,illlc• 11pl·n Sul & S1111 12.-. Uul llll'I H.1i1 111 :1:1 :11. •. s:1t;u.ti15 f72Jc\·e ..
\In ..... n Ju·•" llill.i (;ol ~uo. l•·tl :.11a~. no 1.1et pool Nn t•h1hlr1·11 . n11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1939 WALLACE .l :i ~ X 1 .\I ;i r 1'1
q 11 ·' J Bil ur 2 + UC'n . Ocean&· t:o:r~e . 2 1:r & d1·11. ;1 ha <1:1;1'. Jr•~ 1111 -13-IU pcl:;. Sl75 .il!l·!Jlkl:I UL' fJl.t: x :1 111 . ;! u.. \'.!t i l'IM;!U lr'line 3844 B..1 ) \'LC"'· ;:iJ,Jo. G7J ~11 :'.ll
, l !J~IJL'hur~·hStrt•t•l l1ltns , !~ .. 1.1nl. '"'·;111 642 7458 H 1· I B h 3840 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·· "\186 c..;Qndu. Lg Hon1 ;1u1 Hrcluvlc .\.C..:lcan.llUiet \•tew.""ti0.ti'1;! ll":l _ un1n9on eoc , . •' .... , .. , 11r11;:1, b thl t ('If & II ol ..,... .,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .\;H .:-ii\ I wy-Gsl) ... h1 ,--U 11 ). ~0 0 11.· 1'111·1 g:.i r ~ew ('l"pt.Sm narh('lor Apt Nr -'•----------·I h.c p.1tLo. ~ur. nu 1n:u1ll H1\Yl'l{()N'l'-Wat1·h lhi' prvlgs. Adult s only . ..:1c·. ,.!I IJ<XJ Oran"t' & 15th. i\111tun.· Corona del Mer 3822 Extr.1 1.,r .... :.! Br. :..: bu~ "'~"5 01• 01"' 1 1 1 1 o • 1 2 1 ·• ••~/ """ ,... .. ~ ...,..., . •.. "'') 1 no ;01.~ '"·' s :-a1 y .• ~. Jr.:. ~mo. , ------lodyonly.0 115."''"-i>l.ll '•••••••••••••••••••••• ··.,, ... ,.,,,. tlr•"t'S &.· N l A I 7·"1 & I
___ :..__ _:.._ __ Casta M•sa 37 aft5. Nl-:"·1.v llt11lt111s KJIJ 1,.'t·::\ l"l::lt St ,.,~1 .. bldg. 2 car parkuig, ... 1437/493 1131 24 • ~ ~ • "" ew UXU!J pts "" ,. ""· ,,,,., ... ,,L, · "1"·
3210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------HEDE''OllATEO "·16 11•1 W·•lk to b·•u• 2 & I ~-ta •na ..,. ·~ " ..... · · L B h 3848 '"I' av;1il. Adult!; only -"' •Tror.lcal Pool• Cozy 2 rooms & bath pad 422 La,rkspur. Jl>r. 2ba bedrms, f1renlaccs. dhl aquna •ac ••••••••••••••••••••••• l II pd E Sd ·1 · 2h h 0~'' L•M•NcH• •-s "··•r"g". '"ho.ld rcn ,• p··t.-••••••••••••••••••••••• Yrly. ~585 · nio. f'.all
BR r ·~A 1 I & 2 lr, cpts, drns. pv ent. ut . . .. 1 e :>::ta.· r. I a. ""'""'·SGKS. "' "' "'"'..-' ,.. '"'~-.... "' .. .• 673 2 58 1 k 4 • am ~m, ..,....,R. 1vai bltns. piit1o. Gas & waler S135 per mo. 548-3893 A I I w I u a· r a g ,<' . 778Scott Plael', Ci\l al'l'('pled. Noel. 960 -3221W11) J·: 111·1• ;111 v 1 c" s. 1\111ta:_ __:..:_.:__a: · 1 ·r
now. Heritage ea tor:; aid 548 _1168 ----64.J-6800/6•t.J -7:126 · 642-!'ll'7:1 H8F Property l\1anaµf'. <"u..,11 11111 br:1pt lh•·i:it .1 Hit. 1. f ~IOO \!I
540-115l p · -I Br apt, waler pd . $1 •15 ---i\dults -NOP<'l Dsh11.·hr nlt•nt. 1n.11s. pool & :.1n1. ~:stat•·' ·•P s ron\ · 1
1Aot Intriguing Word Gome with a CAu ckle
-------........ , CU.T I. '1>ll.AM
O'-•oi• ...,.,. ot ,.,. ...... IUO,..bled -rds ii+
... l'O .... '°"' .O!llP!e' -d•
~225 or iii.• tit;jd
mo. $2.:J . clng dep. 7•11 <!U H. ;;dull!'>, pool. nopeti>. Shag ("rpt-<.:losed ll\·1ng Clo!'e 10 t~·;1 e h & ··lo:.l' to b\.'<:ll'h l'rop\.·rl~
Jumes St. 645-1501 1Jr yr 1sc. nr. U1·h. S220 J?artigt• l;;islllli.1 !-hopp1n¢ S:.'9.1 1111·! ut1I llou:.l•.lil2 :"Pl~
54$--isoo Open · 42:'10 t·: r:oa:.l <i11 s&wat1·rpd l'uol WALKTOIEA.CH •I~·' •H>.'j:J .! 1111 . di·n. putio. bltn:.
-------ll"'y ,ti73 !Jl.i..! & :.! lir . 1·pt~. drps. 11 ulk 111 hi·h . ,\rly S175 t\falurc cu11plc. 2 br. l/u111t Easts1dt• 2 llr. 1·pt . blln~. ~;Jr. ::!12 Li!h :-;1 tlN ·rill·: \VA'l'l·'.li
(jUlt:l. 1>001, nu 1·hfldren. Vl•ry :-µ1•t•1JI G hdrn'·". slU\\.', )!ar, ~ar<I. J)ool. nc ~i:Jh 711.iur8.J7 .11157 I 111 S. :! Br. 1'11 ,11·4· Lu 1'7;1
O(tpets.64ti ~I tll'W l'l'l 1t1·11s .. 1p •·hil<lt't•n Sl~ S?:l ui:ll hr·h H~'(ILJI ~anh·n. pool "11"1
plLJn('l'S .! l'.11iu.., l'or ;'\I\."" f)uplc\.u\\·111'r!'o\1n11 ')llll'l J•tull:. ~illll~)llO San Clemente 3876
DanaPolnt 3726 .;pt-c 1 ;~l P•'f!'oon ::.:.!i.'1 1.n1;i 111·s .p1101.nrsho1>-~. J h1:droon1 .;, .1 hJlh!'o l'h ·Hl'I :!71'11 •••••••••••••••••••••••
lntrolllll'lll.I!: Ill'"' b;u·h
<•lid 1 llllrt11 ;1pl ~ lll'li
~· .. r1h ':.1'v111i:: H\.·lll1\.•1l
1 t•L .11 lvrtl.1hll· •l;r\.'al
·ut-:AL"ll 1•nv1ronn1en1 •
1urn1 .. hcd .111d un ·
•$185 to $215
646 -8453
~e~-·w\)1.1 "' 1<0
I 4 3 3 Superior A. "•nue
Mewport l•och r LOPNEL
I' I I I I
••••••••••••••••••••••• Ou~·s 1;4 .1 111.11'1 1·1·1· udult:s 1 n'O P<'I S tl11I pd. J1rcpl:1t·1•. 11,rn1:.I <111111\g.I . , , , l)i'IJ ~till l'Our:.t•2 ltr, i! 1\.1 .
2 UH ,,,,1,.d ,.~. n 1 117.'i -;J25t"• IKH4 Monrov1.1 . l'1\1 h11ilt 111s . fh:-hw:1sh1·r. Vt-.lt\ L:l111l. Ar('htti·rl dl)I •'.it'.~"'" pVl rntraru·i•
. . .,.....,.,. l'W Y :,48 u:i::u; p;itnl. i.:ar111<•'. n1·~1 dt•s1~ne1 l slnry :1p1 Sl.'iO ... <1:1.I ia:r.J t:'1cs •JI'-----------
d,eror'd & ut1I~ pd So.olllv.•y21>r,llcn.lha ucr.1n $35!1Nntee Hkr .1t·rn:-~ .... 1 lruo1 :.p1•e
I QENIF,1 ~, _11'1.
I. IT RI T IA pl I i A CORNY JOKE, .,.,.,,,,
• • • _ . _ Mell sOl"'le bun•r. H•'• -·
'•m ton~ht l~ f ·tt
I ANNPIK I !.1-"-1""1~1 ~l'-"1~1-l 0 c-'''" •• '""''" ...... • • . • by lilli"Q I" tt.t ...i1Ji119 -d ......... _ ......... _...__,_, .,..., d•¥tlop ,,...... lltp No. 3 Mio.,
I' I' I' I' I' r J
I I I I I I 'I
·~tis..,._. lo Classlflcall.01010
4!.16-<ll~~900·1142 __ .. 'rplc, :-undeek. t '.411 Nt-;w BHl::t~OAl''l'S ~.:t 71111 1. 1arul:irCovcbc;.ich l.1kl· ·1\IK olllfd.i ,\.~
Huntington koch 3740 !_i~ -8~ I hr & hiil'h ~lti.J l s;.!1)0 a \)Vl hon1c. 2 hdrrn:-.. Son Juan v~·i1fLpe( tile.tr I
••••••••••••••••••••••• l'ool. j11l·uz1.1, )(ar, ulil :l Ur. 1 1~ .. il:1 . p;1llo OVl'r bnth:., lgc. deck. 1r11le Capistrano 3878 nc11111C•lWC1>1tCl,I!
BEAUT 1 Hr rum apL~ Costa Mesa 3824 pl1 . lrplt·, adlL'>. no Pt.'ls louk111i,: goll course. $200 i\t11ny t'losels . 2 ('ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• AD'l.ltlllllSILM.ll11lllO
$16S&ll7SSpanil'lh Style ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:vcs G45 4411 . 39: mo .(211)5~ij·fJrill /ll!r;i.,:('. Mature adulli~u1e1 :1Blt .sundcl·k.pool. i ~'"·'u""""cti•nD
bldlf, 11vt, encl gar .. pool, 2 Bdrm, nr Wcstch{f, Cur. l-lan11l1on 642·1960do1y~ _ ~-----only. No c)Hldrcn or pets. 1·luldr('n . SG<!:'>. ll •Boch•'°''
1tun.111.lndry.adlt&. li30I patio, dps, bltns. :J!JRC . • 1.A RGf': I hr. I ha. encl ~ef 's. ~425 on yearl)' C:tll545-!"1t:L1 1 •l BR ,2•t.
Keelaon Ln 1 blk \II.of WoodlsndPl.lt75 2150 2 HLiGl',hl.'droom~.Supcr )tar ri1arr1l·d cpl or lcu s l' 4~7 -1617 0 --------•2 8R&Oen
Beech ofr Slati•r ----------loc:1l1011. Hc.11m ccll1n ~s m:iturc :1dll. Sl•IO Av:1il 1~12 i;.;:Jti Santa Ano 3880 FrOMSl75
842-18·18 Uf~LUXt<: I hr.iiur,stor. 1~0 pt•ls. S l7n mo :t 18·17 4•11u I --••••••••••••••••••••••• --j locker. uduH"I. iul !)i·ts ti<l.'"i hOIO \. -. • • 1M•wportleach . 3869ls125 N l·'.\.\o'~:H ~1 ni.:h» l MeMJV.rdeEast &Ada""'
Single, all ulll Pd. prk '~ · SI s:i . 150 t-: 21 sl .l . . . ~. . -, .~ -<! 1111 ,\pt . .,.::>l!iU /\I() 'J01••••••••••••••••••••••• :-n1 :dl child JX'I ok :nui. 5-4 0 -1800 . cars .Sl~/MO. 646-6016 't {JUl_tSEAS~N~Ai1S i dir~·t·t . 1:4 ~~ l~ueen!i Ln.• IEACHYEARLY . I \V ~1l'i'°<1ddcn .&l2 6.S47 l-"=========-
Gemini Realty R't14_.641t . -I 2 hr studio. I "J ba.1)(:~1.1 1\1~1 -~· c1:1 ll Oonna.1 1>1•lu)(e 3 hr, 2 ba upper. ---•2 WEEKS l•'Hi'.:E HENT ---·--12 Ur . Qu1c1 Area 1111110.rhddOK,$185. ,351 ti.~l-~ 7.1.:!l ,,•v(•:.5..'i7-=61UI I Sun porch w/oceauvicw.1$170 .!Ur,2Ha,Yo•/wepL~. Ue.-i.it. llU i;:arden apts.
M ~N. smnll bcuch hotel. $2001 mo Isl & Jasl mo".!i JoMnn. 64 0.1.12 II ave ~on1elfllllfl ~ou "'1.101 I 1Aii blk tn heh $400 per drps. bltns. tllsposul Gd nxl. lo llbr .. stud1~, I &
Roomsi<!2.~wcek.Apts renl. A"a1I. Mar. 1 111 :.('ll '!t:ln .. ,1111-dud:-dn nin 7 .ll 7319 or1 IOI"' Ch1\d /Jl<'l~.2701W 2br.(rom$140.1''ul!rt~· ~100 m o 536 7056 ~ I 64.s --1~84111r1.f)pm Wunf;1drt·sull .ot M2;'167H· 1t11.l'll 1115 15:.lt.i '~l t l".1d<lcn.542 G.547 84(i 1323
: ' ,.,
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help you. Our ~r~ll:l.'s Hl<'iude !lpJn1sh
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Procedures for developing will P<)Wer and tor
the skillful application ol lhe will. Hypnotic and
imaginative procedures will be among those
utilized. 8 weekcourse. Tu1!1on S35 11 .00 a.m.
to 12:30p m M onday
A•serilon Traioing
lbllh ...... M.A.
and P"'J9Y F'Ol mr, M.A.
Proven lechn1Ques lo devetoP sell confidence.
achievement o l goals and non passive personal
relationships. 8 llteek course. Tuition 545. Fri. 3
to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9:30 pm. (for women on·
ly). Tues. a.m. or p .m. classes to be arranged .
tor both men and women
Di•orce Process
A workshop designed lo explOfe the PfOCess of
'divorce l!lnd the building of a new ident~v
based on present needs 7 30 lo 9.30 pm. Wed-
nesday evenings 4 week course Tu!11on S35
per person
C•ll for Additiorull
h1fortMtiOf'I Ol'ld Reqlstratlort
Callfornlo C1nltt for
c_,.e11119 and Psydlalhorapy
330W ... ~
M•wplll'i le.ti. c.tfonile
PltoM 7 I "4.tS-0720
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WI Sli. Lii I 1;1 1 ·1-
1.1 v.. l ' • "
t 111 M• 11 , "',.,.
l1'1 ~l t.1)1
FRll"lllMT -~
Office space, handi lo
San Die&o Fwy. AllJJ,ua.
&l days free l'ef'ton~¥r.
lease. 831-1400. .·,•.
300 SQ FT, crpta~.
$95 . per· mo. ·el'tJ
646 2130 or 679-a7!;
Corona del .Ptf'arC:stJfwy
Ulx $pace from :e>(t
2845 E. CstllWy67~
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a\'iillable. large & zn'nlill.
Old world <."h.urm -'w1th
French windOW$, gwbles
& trees Adjacent to
F 1o:st 1va l of fi.r:ls
Grounds. • '
L1\GUNA Bt-:Acfr'
CO Ml\IERC . or orr1ce
spal·e incl. garage. $225,
J..e.:ise. It It. 044 -2343'
ti7J 6-145 eve, "'kend:.
2 llldgs. 5000 w sq. ll. C·i!
"''/5 ho1 sl ror autoreJ>air,
brake. \\'hi. a lignment,
upholly. 585 W. 191.t'i·St.,
C~! 1\sk for Don. Oitys.
540 5710 Eve'.646...:0S:Sl
S'l'OH ES ·OF1'~1CF.S· $J35
u1>. Crpt:i;, drps, bath, air.
17 Ju l Beac h ,' llB
&12 :llti·I
Fully Equipped Modern
~t.'"'port Dental Ol'C'.
\\'t.•11 Uc~1gned floor pl.un,
Call i\1rs. Browh al
64ti -ti822 --------
,...,,trial Renlal 4500 •••••••••••••••••••••••
320U -6400-8000 Sq. f't.
1n 2 tree standing b,ldg·s
al (l. C . Airporr. ·Air
Cond. Ofcs, Ample Prkg.
!179-9205 or 522~
2000 Sq. f'l .-s.300 pe(.mo.
al J!fia Birch, NB.·:A i;l .
5~ I 5o:J2
. " *COSTA MES.;
lJOOSQ.ft . ·jlij,'.j
3800 rt . 1000 n, 21,soo ft.
sprinklered. Vacant.
5.000 SQ ' fl. lrg. stqr.itgt:
yd. lle.uvy power. ·.~.
Naltre5s Rily, 97~71
CLASSlfllD • • HOUllS ·-·
,,..vertisers may Pl•«
UW:ir W by telephone
8:00a.m. loS:30p.m.
· Mondayttorv Ji"rid~.
I to noon S.turday .'
330 W. Bay •• •. ,,,.,..,.
33XI Newport Blvd.-
1781'5 Beach Blvd,
540-1220 '
1111 Glelli neyre
lArun• Beach 414·~
25201 La Paz Rc>ad
La11una Hilla 511.Q.O
dial free 540-1220
Deadline f« C!'OltY Ir kills
is s:lo p.m. the d•y
befcwe publication, e•·
cept frx" Sunday Ir Mon·
day t;dilions wben
~ne is Saturd•y~12
ERRORS: Advertlser1
!lhoukl check their ad1
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liability fOf' lhE" first in-
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Wherl killing an ad ·be Ap~u.~~~.-~5hed3900 Roo111s 4000 Rntats to share 4300 Office Rental 4400 ~::.~:."!!'! ..... ~~~~ .... :~.~~!'! ..... ~~~~ ~~:L~e i:U~oJ~c;:
.... •....-n M""1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• given you by your ad
••••••••••••••••••••••• I VE ATTHEBEACll EISURE \\'orld r1..>s1dent Desk space available SSO SUBLET llunt. E){ec . NEW plush of~ce bldg, 2 laker as l'«'eipt or your
TflEEXCITlNG ~&:upawk .673-0.l40 is lookin g 1·or lonl'ly. re-mo . Will provide Park. easy prk'g., very to 6 Hrn s uites. C_on~ ~•ncellation. Thlt illl
PALMMESAA.nS. PJNEKNOTMO'fEI. tiredladyto share home. furn1t~rt; at ~5. ~o . desirable area. util. pd, rerence Rm:, X_erox numbttlnustbeprken·
i\1lNU'l'ES ·ro NPT. ----Pvt. rm .. & bath. in ex· An ~w c r1n g s ervice ilOO . 847 _2531 or copier. Nr OC airport tedbytheadvertlset·ln
BCJI. ROOMS £20. wk up with ehg. for lite cook·g. & available .. 17875 Bea~h 213.592_5!JZlevt..~. 833-::3640 _____ --tl cueofadispute.
Bach, I & 2 BH. from ::1175 kitchen $30. wk up apl. co m p a n I o n s h Ip ~lvd . l~unt1ngt.on Beac h.-. -·----W •TERFR~ CANCELLA.TION OR
Adults.NoPet.s a48-9755or645-~7 837_21 t«i 642--4321 . Of'FICE, pvt bath. AtC "" ~· CORRECTION OF
15611\fcsaDr ----liffD •htd 1nl'i .. reas rt•nt 2-iOO Newportlf'oc:h NEW AD BSFORE
1:1 hlks from 1'1ewport furn. room for rent 111 ~1ALf: or l'"l'rr.ale $92.SO. 150 I W~stc r. w ('oast l·I"'')' tacross £11:etut1vcoffices RUNNING:
Blvd. I pr1v<.1 le home. ~11ss 1on mO\'t• 111 hy Isl & shr. 2 Newport fo'1nan c1oil Ctr tram st u 1 t Sh 1 rt ) Sl!iO. $225. i350 Mo. EYery etfort ii rn•dt·to
.)4U-98tiU _ VteJo area. 581.i---O;~. hr . ..<1pt. • ~ blk. from bc h. Lea1inq Office Spoc:e 54.1 86iK View of boats &wuler kill cw corre~t •new ad
G IH 4)50 Come ult 41>1\lf . \15 13th Cu llonS1teManagcr llLLGRUMDY that ha s been ordere4, 1---------•I ues omeo 711 642 '1111 t 24f • I ~10. f'H EE l<EN'T * Realtor 675-6161 but we cannot ru•IJl.I;' ••••••••••••••••••••••• _s _t .. ~~t, L>. llli 4 ' ) · {'X > lee to do !IO untl th•,.-j'\ln lease . Di x off1r.cs adj ------HOME almos. gd. good & t'~ml room mule to shr 2 DELUXE OFRCES A1r1>ortt•r I lot cl . AIC. "How Suiltelt Is" has tppe•r~d in the
cmrship. ror your am-Br. 2 Ba apt 1n Cdi\f . Al RPO RT LOCATION full scr,·1ecs l''r1n SL35 Executive Suite 2'.'0l.I PllJ* bulatory ~1olher or 25 D 1 off' Father. G4Z-9'l78 Sl50/mo .. •n<'ld~ ut1L Isl P11llo s uite from SI . mo ~Q.ft e uxe l<'e area DIME·A·UNEAOS:. ·-=::-.;::::;::;~,.:;;<.; l~&~·~la~s~t mo s . OfJ--{;713. m<> Inc I A IC, c rpts, <dli2 DuPont. ttoom 8 on Newport Harbor. with 1bese ads •re itrktty
Vocation lenteh 4.250 drps, all ul1I & janitorial • 833.3223 ·111 noon * additional 1400 sq.rt, Ad· cash in advaMe by mall
t.:ORONi\ DEL J\IA R ••••••••••••••••••••••• LSO-male to Share lrg 2 br serv. • No Lease Req. • jacent. CrplS, drps, am· er at •nY one of our' rff·
i or Townhouse, rrplc, NEW Palm Desert Condo, &'pt w/frplc & all rec. 1 Month f'rec Renl. ORONA del ~1AR.4 rms. pie rrce parking. Coast nCN. NO~ ordera.
from$26U.1,.Brfromsro5 2 br, l 'h ba, tenn. crtl, 548 -7210 aft 7 am : 20825. E. Bristol, NB $300 tno. Coast 1-Jwy ex· Hwy al Newport Bl. De•dllne.: 3 p.,m.
bero'e lo pm Np.Beach 557 7010 posu•e, o•can v•'ew, 642o.-.it644 Frid•y, Costa Mffll bf. J'ool, tennis, continenta pools, jacuzzi. Taking · · · -------1 " :i-'=-'"'-'-;-----ll !"ce Ir 12 noon •t QJ
breakfast. Some ocean Reservations. $200. per Offfce Rental 440 OFFICE SPACE Ml sarden. Suitable ror law MEWPOITIEACH bnnchotth:'f:I.
CatallnJ views. Seporat week. 714 --493-6273 ••••••••••••••••••••••• We•tcllff D••'ve. One 0 f cs ' X 111 t pr kg · Deluxe ofrice suites from '•' ( ·1 1· c1~-t facilities. Ph : 63-4120 THE DAILY PILOt
ami Y sec._JOOn. -be h 4300 1 MON. Free Rent. Walk ma n office SGS mo .. 31~----------1 $65 Mo. Uroker 1'8erve1 ttre rlsht:·to , __ ._.. n. w """' w.i. .,,_ a...ni, &hopping ar no ac letttal1 ta thcrt to ocean, new dk Brwn. man orflce. air, etc. 5175. CO M~f 'L-PROf'&5S'L Realonomic!I ti75--6700 claaaity, edit, ~NOt>Cllf :::-'.-.,~'::'1tZ.:C:r "',.. ,..._,... _.. \\!l6«~·~26· ~l~l~. ~~~~~~··•••••••••••••••··~··· cpt 'J'. ~175 . 673·7686 / Call Gl'ne 11111,642--0200 Cla!'ls A offi ce bldg. 2700 DENTAi .. SUITE. 900 sq, refuse •:J' advc.r\ f:~l ... PElll EU. ~f>T•'.M MAN 2400.lo e;> 6!5 at~$~~ 673·92:.!5 1--. --.. , a r h 0 r BI v d '' (at rt. No. CM . .t5" !IQ. ft. Afr. t::e=· ~ 1'1!:~11,:~: ~~::~ ~~())t ::f:O!'li : SANTA ANA 2,Br. 2 Bl. my J ·645-3761 • . IBcaulll'ully dcroratcd of· 1\d ~rn s1. c .~1 : Elav .. O'Keefe,833c~-==·--·ff wlthoutpriornotlce ..•
01v10-••••"• MOO _ U•~rJ180downllOO1 mo.N .' Journ ,J .st lfloor.~r.O.C. ftl'l' near OrHnge Co A I L . elec .. Janitor.----·-r••s•-1D .· ,.. ._,. .. -""-' · A1prport. 1\ll utll •n<'I. -...,... T.......,.W19"etl1.t'CtikM•• • BrupptirSJ15,downSl25. Fem roommatc> over 21. s1101mo 548~124 , Airport Has 1c 1,e~~e mu1 '"1" Mp a rkR'""s'1 a~c . SS•PER~fT . M.+AJH9ADQll1i
S. •lkii a.r•r •. ._,. 6 rind" put&lfl with IWrr .w AJI w;encl gar & 1\JC. own room , oceanrront .....:.X..::.:.-· · "': · I prlC'e 1nclds : o rice l>lt ro · . . ever. PO loal.llO ... I bookl • f I r m SS7 0136 1617 W6STCLl "F-1"JB . ' ''• .._10 t•';~:.•rlh1N1•l·M;t""'*"'24·~ et1. WUI atcept kids & pets, N .8 . S92 mo. & util W \d ,. 11 ,,,,,c....:-• urn lurt. 1350 sq t. g r . -or AGT."'i ~··~ Coola
Met• .• ,.,...., I. U w11I Dl....,11rotMCh.1Nl11na cNck1 $41-M4_7 ---"'-· 6.6234_ _ 11nl 1 s --..M l>"W' • ....,, • 551 !l760 _____ 646-8396 "' -..-..... IMtl'lbff~to •'fMft A Pied" Jft (lft n(t~W! MWflPIOtt, - --. ...
t • •,
I .,
. '•
' I .
' ' ". '" , • I •
'"!."'~ ";Jofltt.-,,~.~:!~~.!! ~ .. !.~.~d 5300 MftpW..t.cl ·. • 7t0 HelpW..t,d • 1100 Hllp\l(...h..i., .-..?!~~.~~•••••!~~' . Tundsy.F•bru1ry25 1975 ... OAILVPILOT 10.109 ~~·• •.,....••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... -·;:.:;r. • Oop 1040 Fvndtur~ 105, Misct:llan•~
• ..~ Nll194T . LOST : ltm Weimaril)er. ASST ~ D!HTAC.AS$'r E1::: 2 Gd 'ladits. f'u~I, . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••••
<• mm.t.1:eialMpdU1trt11 8 Yr"I old. 'W/bh>e scarf. 'bi''"'lff· toUlJ: ' Ch1ir1ide' expec-. on1i, plt, •r pt\QM nee.• r SECROARY WElMAllANt:.H. AK •GOOD 11 JaHfY Kola & WA..,TED
Space ZOO to 3l00'. 2J to VI~. lr-vlne Ave ... , ~l~~:r;~lla, I~ day wut. Salary Rlch•rda,8.t9--MM. male •. 4 mo. Chan1Pt.01 love iea1.··ncvl'r used "
J(lr'per1qfi.30da11 frM Un1vtr1ily C.M. Asw 1 open.Manybenefi!iJ.AI• ow'alh•l\metoiettnto If you can taJl:e Gregg blOQdhpc. W1ll 5at'nf1c~ t.l ovi nte ·mus l s ell . TOP C A&ll DOLLAR
rent w / l yr. l11a1e . ··Duchess'' 842-7293 Asst. Mir. Couple, re-1r:res1iwe frwllllnto meet Rea.I Ea tile. Buslneiiii shorthand at 100.....;120 price for a MO(J(I horn~ 008·-88?Z. I' A I D .F 0 ~ Y 0 lJ H.
•::lll:;l;.....lc.•c.OO __ ~--"--.. t~OUND: Germ Sbep. tlr.ed. Lite d, utles. N chB alleA&e ot hard work. haa atwa)'s beftl acood for ~11m,,._.'p'np&c ,b,eell~e•n• 907 -04 . t AHl:<WTEO'LB~~d~~~:
hlde petalf.3b each area. Call (IS. llut 'we·re asmaU .... -.. ' .._.1 ~ MATTRESSES -e 4550 male Grey & Wht., ap· cap't ~~ "uolrll + ••l•rv 962~2438. 3 ynexp. 11 •ou're .0•0 for a e h al lenge, then AFGHANS Sliver/While,; ••• S I I.VER S ti: RV IC fN;.
••••••••••••••••• rox.lyr.ViC'.Plactntia • .,. company; ., · sendusyour111$ume. & Apricols. Pups Qul·t·ot-'ull&1'wan5et.s l•'I NE t 'URN & A ·
LIMJ( & Superior. 64.'l-7324 646-M42 DlSTRIBUTOR ~pnted. tere5ted ca11" l-latlt1nda (.;h1s~1f1ed ad no. 362 ad u I ls . Show I pct s . l'rU'l'd 10 Movt· Now~~ 1'1QU ES 645 -ZJ!OO.
-. STORA.Gt•1to...11TS FOLJNO.-s eel h' AUTOMOTIVE Cashier, Ove~ is. lntereU4'd JIJ 963Re a J.-,E ... stale. Inc . ep/ooDaBily Pi~ 54.8--0523 --l!J:I ~•~s & ~~ ~·-Ja111lnri:1 -~q-;,tp1nenl
VI"" • amoy w 1le r ed A 1 . earning uptoaiDperrbo ' """""""TN • • , ox 1-. l'e rsona.I bu1tnc1s or nl1lle approx L yr Vic exp. pre err · ppy. c 11 11394123 Costa Mesa.Cu.9'as26 l'l'AL.tA NGltf:YllOUNO.s(J FA UEO . like new Used -ull )'QI.I na'CI tn
rticreatlonat itoraac. Del Mur & Santa· Ana Newport Dats un . Jl/t. ·a · ·~NURSE Aide-All shifts, AKC, pups ·:.how/pct:a , rt)ud \luct.·n size $200. start & ma1nta1n bus.
· ~""tom $U. J11.mbo1·cc & Ave,CM642-6&53 833-1300 DOCTORS mature, depend. Top$. ----champ.\lnes .64ti OtilM hi•,lu1tl·r.x47 _5s:.u $..')(M1.C;111&12-291J.
· ':>1111Di~Gof'wy.VT9·0150 -.._ SSIST•..__ Xlnt ben. 144~ Superior Secy $750-$825 --------
' fo'OUND : 2/16, Seal A "'"' Ave.,NB. Employerpay!>l ~.High IRISl1Sk."l•l't"":H SAC Hll•JCI·: l'lll CE •l-"iHl-:WOODSAJ,E•
• ..B•tola Wattted 46,00 Bcuch, ,;ml white female Young ludy t l8·38) to skills. Marketing b~ck-Femalc , AKC, 5 1no!'I ,,,..,,.,1,1,.1 ,,,11. furn1turl' ()r~. to:ut'. de! S75. rord. • AYON . work a s'doctors usist11n· N Aides 11 7 ·~ ' • d 1122 .··'~••••••• •••••••••••• Cockopoo, w /rul>ies tag. ur1>e.s · · · ground pr.ef'd. Local ex· must sell t o gd, h<ir•'t' i,o tJ. lovl':-\•al. chairs, S4:l. •1:it.:nr .51SI -' .)louse wanted to rent or 9G3-Z497' l /recpt. In hea1lhspa. No Conv1lescet1t Hoe>pital. pandanij mtg. Orm. 1-~ee ti75-637ti din iui.: rooni, 01•1 ~. 011 Cnast r·u·c:wood Supply
• lo.1se topt. to buy con-exper. neccaa.Wai, trf4.in Call842--0593 J obs Also. --------~~-
l>ide red) 3 Br, 2 Ha, FOUND: male md. size LlllRAl'i you. Apply In per&llf artn Angus Gordon Personnel Irish Sette r , 111ale, 11 1111111tings. ~!I ver serving *I BUY'.'·* You •c•c or e•• 21 12 H•rbor OfflCEWORK llll'l'1•s, n1Jny u1her f1nl· Newport Ht!i&hl :i . .:r~y 8haggy Dog. Vic. "~ • Agency642-6720 mo's. A Kt: llt'~ .. tH6·3115. .t" & N Fro'"lor-*-m Blvd., CM. , Thtutre Co. moving of-333 1':.17th No15.CAI ho b k f Pl\'Ct·i.. Ht:i\ Color ·rv . • _ a1rv1ew ewporl. -P"'"' N l""hh --.--u se ro ·en w vcrv !\lii ~t sell thi:. "'"eek . C.M.549-4220 l:lllfH · DRUG CLERK. Must hces.to ewpor ~ a~ good ten1pt'rn1l'nl ''j:Or 2 Br Lido area for 8 A AV 0 N k ,. F 11 need r or ( I I ::;t:H.VI CE Sta. Salesinan s..'M:>--8620 dayl>:5.l7 ~I.' '"li.-.::5a:• ~ ~·r ,gentleman. Local rc£'1>.f'OU ND : Fe m al e e n now coi;m e ics. u ReeepttTypist, ~2> Bk -es :. tll5--0211 ,exllS3Y. Ouch:shund puppy, red, R EPRESENTATIVE. time. Costa Mesa. Day1 kpr & Gen'I <Xe. & lJJ & lube man. Top pay & cv___ __ cu~tun\ SotJ. crt:set•nt
, _ B k 8 Add new people. new 540-8911 ,eves968--0206": A/Pay"ble. Please send rr1nge benefits. Bxper. Fr T y 8045 shapt·. tu!t~I back. hk{'
Good used funuturc &
aj)plian(;es or-will ~ell for
646-8686 & 833-9625
aft ti or Sunday R.19-0974 ,~. VI C ac •Y are.11, 1'Ti 1 .. &ne lnleres'·l • man pre f 'd . F'ull or ff o ou '' I : p.esp Gent 50 Seeks Un -2/21. call 5~7-J032 . p ae ' w "" Need resume to classified ad •••••••••••••••••••• nl"w . Sl5ll. i :.ip (' wti~on •• •·•rnHentul.OceanVunr ----your lire & earn good t-:XPANO I NG -no.""", •/o Da•lv Pilot. p /ttme . Shell, 17th&••• ,.,.hi lgt toe. eopµt_•r Ian ll ,. v , 1 bi s s 6 .z11 t r I'll ho t e wo n .....,.. ... •., I NB ... at. "''h1 t1'. neutered . U<h.Alle r6i09-<02'1. Found ' Collie. Ta n & money 00· ' w yuu ma"'" m n-me· P. 0 . Bo< l""°. c ... ta -"~c ~l «l "w etl. "'"'"'good""'"""" G·l>·"57"_ '•·hulm·c.SJ25. Bef.ll _ \''ht 1. 1 V . Sol h~C1111 540-7041 . par l u111e -l/t1me. t'or •< C 92,,..,, tc ~-'l"''?P-1 •·hi·i•ltan F' .1 d v 1 e ema e. 1c . 1 M()--{028 es.H, 11 na>. Service Sta. Attend ant hoinc. %3 7dtil i''rnll llH l>c'I w ti t'hr" HL"•J11ra tnr . v--, ~· •.m1yes1res y 1 ••. ,"T<a"L . _1ntcrvew, · --.• , A 'I &---1,, •. ,,1 .. r·<·o ·t d " .. L IME 1 1 ph p flJ,m e. va1 eves SlOO x · I ~~5 s ng ~ · 1o renthouscor up!;~/~ Wc~tm1n:aler .894·tilH9. Baby s ilter, lovi n g r~RY COOK-Exp'd. Day p~~T-~T _ w:r~ fr~~ wk.nd!i. NeHt appear. & 1 .mo. l'/Hoxer, nla lL' ~ . !'!ti '1 '1 ·~1t o~r :!l:t :i~l:! 19J!li·~·e~. ·~}~'-~·::· $l50 to '--. --.--: grondmother type, will-shift. act ors . , handwriting. Exper'don-!-awn w /wht n1<1rk gi. l""' 1 11 ~ 111
'' · ------~-LOSf : ~1amese Cat. tng toworkwkndsror 2 CallS4 2~6 y9ur home. $2.25/hr . ly necdapply.AM 's,Z590 good w/kirls. \Vifc d•~-751 5713 _____ :O.IE!\1ll l·;llSllll> i1
·au'iiness( Sm11ll Adult Fem. Seal g' Js 2~ &3th rer re· · PLUS BON USES. No NewpartB l,Ct.'1 hkes do~s.548-:'!J7 1 . GarageSale 8055 JH Vl:-l l·:COAS'l'Cou11try
Point . Slightly cross· q~~.if62~32801trt'.sp,;, GEN. MAIN·r & Carper'!-selling involved. CAL~, --------••••••••••••••••••••••• ('lull, SIUllO+transfer
' In••• /Flrwmce eyed. Vi c: CdM. Needa ----try man. exp'd .. ror OC 1.·A W N -A -!\f A I -,,, sc~1 c; Sta. men. lst YOUN(; Lo.,.a hll', fcnlale. MA n t ·II Isl &l n cl . ll'l'i.. lia.vs ll lJ)~-708 1 ••.••••••••••••••••••••• d t "h l1°rd 0 l1'l •7'" 111c 1eat1on. Reward. BADYSIT'rElt, mature Fairgruund s . Contact: 556-1424 (;Jass. 'l'op wages + P ·. •J c p .~.'J · .. :' ' · r101h~·:-. p111·~,·s. "hoes. C\~s~t_.?ca11 1;.1.1 -., ""· 83S-482 1..644 ·4~ la_d y for 2 youn g Mr. G r a n t, 545-ll:J·i 1-;--AR'l'-.l~;c Secretary . l'Omin . Apply RayCar{'y \\'/l hlldrcn .. .ltil lU:ll pl 1tq1Jl•S. pl az1ts. Sll!:12 1 , • • . "' ~ -
""ir1esi 5 5 , ch11dren,2yrs,&6wks, btwn 7AM&4PM . . ·•· Ch 't t 604 S B or tl e 1ux I rvine· lll \I NI'. t.u,a!oit CC Mcm ·Opportuttify 00 ~ound : Blk New · my home. PM'S only. · Accuracy 0 J~ typ&ng"" cvron ~a ioo , . ·i-~H EE4yr .'!"crrlt'r.hJVl'~ IUAM -4i',,\t . hcrs hq) Jui-sale. Cal
... -••••••••••••••••••••• foundlund TyP,e Puppy. 546_7068 GenOfc S600--S650 exp. in business 'ettcrs Coasl llwy, La g un ;i k11I ~. l n fou t duur µ1 ·1 . -l'\"cnuq . .::-:552 M77:1
PRINT SHOP Olk /wht ruff . Vi c:-----Beach Arca nee. 26 hrs per wk. $2.50 Beac~---Spayed fe malc.!162 5'173 Cornpll'tl· ll t)US{·hold -------
1.t.'tlc rpress & offset for ll~rbor /1''a 1rview. CM . i'~ee Ncgo. Expert figure ~r hr. Corona ~el M~r SerY. Sta.Attend a lt.4 Ful'111,,h111;.:.;. Sat-Sun, .\Ill Cor)d1L1 oner , bran~
l>i;tle or might c?ns1dcr Ntles ~45 -J5~7, days Bank lypis t. 10 ~ey , li Ahl bk· olhC'e.Cont~clb'73-2Ji,Sti._ 91.JO t.:.CoastHwy,NB FREE tu g d hon)c, 10-4 4~t:.'.I·~ l!ilhSt.Ci\t ~11~·:~·111~1 ~_.':.~;cdorri;I~~
"''Orkin g or 1>il e nt S4G-~OO.extZl2. TELLER kpn g d_uties, phones. H.F\I ESTA'fESales1:ico--.--:. ---.----b e aut , lov 1 ni.: if SAfl.ll CJi\'I', \\';ii.her . ,~ 132-1
partne rship. Lot'illed Jo'ront olc appear. as you ~, ' k the> !:::iALE:o,-Jf you re outside ,. alamul /S'h "J>. m "I" 1~ ;,--:: • -------, bl•t ween 1''ullerton & eraonals 5350 "''1llgrc~t t'l1cnts. pie \Vhy not wor .in selling now and w,,&nt 1tl .. .. ... dryeor. i:.1rdcn l'<Juiprnt..
Anaheim. must see to ap-••••••••••••••••••••••• UNITED i\ngus Gon:ion Personnel hottes t a rea, ~lunc1ngton lle aut1ful ' i'-1 E\V' hand Nds yar'!:._•l!lS-5615 afl.6. ti' dres:-~r + n11i.c·. item:.. I~~~~; ~6~A1~!~ ~~~K !;1
J>reciate. Call 524-6773 CALIFORMIAIAHIC . Agenc}•ti424i720 Bea c~. t 1~0Puhnltai't;'~ crafted bead Jewelry for e...mr'lure 8050 ~ 3220 ______ 1,_16_0MIS ll.
or870-45G4 S PIRITUAi~ READER 333 E. 17th Nol5, Cltf Valley· 11 , , 1 1,. t:I extra :ii call Manenthal ,.,.. H h Id Goods 8065
QnonJOAMtolOPM 4 IE.C IH Namee. Vd laJ,:c Rea '"'"-""'•·•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ouse 0 I C .. ~ 31 001 wy "° ,,, , f & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12'x21 '6'' l.>ort Stce 0111 -F-Sondwlc.h Co. Ad\·1ceonallmat1ers. 1-IAlll DRt.:SSER. 753 Estate9tiJ-4$7 ---~ . Like Ne...,•! Velvet ~o a · ,. I I" l s· • y -~-·•2NEIC · CoronadelW.. N o. h ------. of &•dK 1ng ~1z1·bed .ne .... ·t·om· merc1a .nn .pra Gross s ales SJOOI).~ JI' . anuno Real comm . ewport '""'ac . Supply--lnventory love ~ea t'. c fee .... n plcte still pi.!t·kaged. xtra u 0 0 t h · s 3 4 9 5
per m o. Prime Irvine In· San Cleme nte, For appt. Only those w/following RM's~CCUJI CU Control $500 mo tables, J:i mps, hide -a; \Lrn\ Sl!JO. 1 wonh S.l50 L 1714 )552---4555 dl-!Slrta l Jocat1on. Xlnt Call 492-90J4 49'l-9136 17141673--9240 n ee d a pp I y. 645 -Days & 1ghl.!I . Sland by l'erm. [/time. Gooddnv-bed . m us l sacr1f1ce . •J••"cn 517 ... uu::lds. d" ---·------
1 •• • e . '1o t>·t'r1 . 3730te•e · & wknd " lime. d1ffc rent1al l)ay. 2 9 • " • • " p LM c · ' s "'• 1n g re cor d. bondabl{'. 64 --4M · livery usu:.dly ho n1t• [ h W x:i:Jllpin . S57-0542 or .,,. A I ARD An Equal t;73.7975) Fullorµ/t 1m<".Excellent 1. A I .. ~ ll -----art Orms r.50-8'15~art.J :JOp1n Hi'.:ADER • l•~O~p~oo;r~tu~n~•;ly~E~m;p~l~o;ye;r~l ~~~f~;r!I;~;-: bcnerits. sc 1 litarle r. PPY e ·Parsons t a ht e. blaL·k MJS -_22~-__ ----Ad t reduction HaH Dai t4ice p~ Contact Mrs. Jensen : 21th thru 28th 9-4pn), h h For lhe Garden. 1495 'f!OST C RES1'AURAN1' h COSTA MESA. 1;;il ifornia Mortga ge i·namcl. i''our ri g t Jewelry 8070 \\'orrn Castings Sl.50\ug. I .. : lotl31 Ueac BJ. 9A '1 -2P 1 or •P 1-llo Bentwood •tde I Ofs ' T " ' ri Hospital Scr \·1ce, I7862E.17thSt. ye w -· ••••••••••••••••••••••• !73ti2C.:othard.ll.B . . l)rime Newparl Beach Stanton,527-J406 e •"•c• O • orM. E>rn '100++ ~r M I sst ""'' -" .. .. .. ~ erno a ·rusll n. t·na1r~-~ ---WA..,TED --. Jocalion, ample parking. -----:-Your Co.,.,...;ty we.ek doing e~oya ble 30 I Victoria, CM ----n !\lus t Sell 'l'h1 s We<"k!
Small , charm in g, C .PJ{EGNAN,.Td'! . 1 And get paid for it work in our brand new 642•2734 EOE Sofas. end tables, ·rv. 1·op CAS ~I DOLLA ll c ustom bi t. :-;ofa . multi
rustic-indoor & outdoor ar1n g_, con 1 en ti a welcoming newcomers. ofc opening neartheO.C. bed, dinette . n1ake otfer. p A Jo F' on YO V H t'n lored v{tlvct, pd. $825.
:''."'-Pettodining. llecr&wine coun5ellng & referral. F'lex.ible: hrs. Need car, A1rpqrt. Klntopportunity *TEMPO* ti-12-0010. after :1 pm. JEWELRY. WAl'C~ri-:s. !-iCll ~290. Bent chrome.
• · li(!ense. Reduced to Abortion, adoption & typewriler & happy dis· for pos1live minded in-:iA ILMAK Ell k>oking for -------ART OHJ l'.:Cl'S. GOLD. fo(·kin g chair, pd. $475,
Sl9 .50 0. COL t-: Ofo""' keeping. position .!>47-:nl5. div. For pe rsbnal in· exp'd Seamstress. Call • PC.Solid llardrock Ma· S IL V l::I{ Sl·:ltV IC E . sell $20l1·6 11105 old. 1974
..NE\VPORT, Hl'a ltors. APCAREM7-256J Blueprint & "Press terview,Call833-8095. wk.tays,541:1_-"'464_' _____ 1 Heeds.You How! pie U1ning Set, 'l'bl. 6 FINI-.: t 'UHN & AN -i\dm iral r c fr1 gffreezer "ij7_=;-s 511 · L -Secy's-Typish c hrs. hut c h . $150. 1'1 (~UES.645-22QtJ d , 0 _____ .,,·t-~E \Vi-IA 'f Mary Kaye operators wanted. Copy 1-f OUSEKt:EPER. Live S A L ·t.; S M A N , 640-491S2 •ombo, 2 dr, AOI . ~11 • Atiilia~ t'ull/Pl·timc C.:o!>m et1cs can do for Cats 333 3rd, Laguna. 1n. Take c harge of house SAL~ SM A N AG ER , PIX Oprs-1.ecept's 1--1 ,\·I t:NS R IN Ci. Diamond & t'ull sz chiropract1c mat-
VEMDIMG you. Call J an. 545-9180 494-7133. for 3 Adu ll:>. Lag una D E A L E R S , , elf Account Cieri!: DRt~SSER, Sohd Oak. lks Sapphire, Cost sooo. Sell 1 ress & ~pr1ngs w/ caster Beach .Ca llbetw 2P~l& DI STRIB UTORS. Ai;::l· Chooseyourownhours brand lll'V.'. ros. Match SJ25.H7S fl712 t'raml'. 1>d . S2511. sell
)W.e sell the fine!il new ·1,N•'f,'"''"' Paru-e•ery 1o•TIUILDEllS '"all 540-4450 1 '' c -----Id ·75 """·t I u '""~ "'" "' SPM.494-0162. No8arr1e r .50 Yr.Uh.l " prs ava1 1 a .v. o . ::;10111,·ro .ti """"""V<> ....
('quip. We fui·nish argc n1tE". Si n gle scene. Need experienced in-Co mpany wiih Products NEVt;RAFt::E 6-12-J!IHO Machinery 8078 ----
,-comml'rctal&lndustrial llecord cd message . ler1or fi n ish ftfarlne JISKPR, li ve·1n, ov<'r 40. of Great Demand. No ]'empoTemporaryllelp -'-·---·---1·•••••••••••••••••••••• • •.,,.
· Jocations. Xlnt tinancing ~-6670 Carpente rs. Only apply for 1 adult. 2 Yrs refs. Gd I • r g e , n v e •ton e 11 t :-i Cl r· ,\ a 11 d match i 11 ~ DtJALL me ta l band sa"''· V. Engel<rdl a\·a1l. Small Starting Jn . --------1 • • •· d
od & with 2 to 3 years recent t:ngllsh. N .B. 675-3770 needed. Part ti me or full :.ir1nl·ha1r, 4 monl11.:i oJ · bench lathe & n11sc. lU01 175 VirniNa Pl. \'l.'strncnt. Call l ay I "''Ill not be responsible "laro'ne carpentry ex-WAITRESSES "'"'00 5·0· ,,·01 w 1 I s l 11 1 ·~-" ed th d t " lime. No compel1t1on. 2 = -___:J _ ' • I I I, · ui c · · Costa M.so •<.ret start on c roo 0 ror anyone·s debt.S but perience. 4 day week, ex-INHALATION F/t1me . l::xper. Uvl'r 2 w-o 1 1n anc~a l independence. my O>A'n. t.tdton J ames celle ntbencfits.App1y in THERAPYTECH to 5 P~1 . i1 14 Tra\'cland ll.Applyinpersun -'f us t sc·ll '!'his Weck! ~I'-1
_______ Youarethewinnerof
.. h tor info 171-t J W . Lane. Irvine, CA. (7 14) Surf ~."'trlotn ,. 1 1 l>lt '"' 1 n·ultt M' II 8080 TWO !-'REE TICKETS ISJtl 2700 · r1 ~nc. person at Wcsts.;,iil Corp., t.1 in :! yrs e xp.e r .• or """" '--u" 0 1 1 · .JU ' • ' 1sce aneous . gate Guard Shack, 1638 schooling. Salary com-559-4272 S~30 W.Coasl~l .... ·y.NB eoturcd vcl\'<'l. 1"11.l . ~-••••••••••••••••••••••• \v.·orthSl2J l"orthe M~es, Trvst . obWcmt•d.Male7025 Placenti;.1Avf,CM. mensurate w/tra1ning & Saleslady. Ace :JO to 40. Wl·IO Wi\Nl'S"rOWORK ? sell S250. Bent Chr.?m<' l:.1·:. Wa s her & Ga s TWIH,;;-IOOs
. D s 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••liiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiii~ ex.p~r. Cootai:L ,M.r . Gift Shop exp preferrE"d . DRIVE ACi\B'. rncki_nA_ <"h.'nr, _pd. ~75 · 1Jr)cr. S150. Color I'\',
••••••••••••••••••••••• atcring Workers' Bar-B & G"rl llamilton. Costa Mesa 962 -89111 ror Appt. (~I IOOS t: your ho urs, :,ell ~17;>. ·Li n1o:; old. Full ::;75. St{'rco tuner & Gar· OMTARIO -···QA.NS t BO% t enderi n g Serving OYS I S Me morial Jlospital. -."AL"'SWOM!,'N work for yourselr. h{' szeh1ropract1cn1attrcss r;ird 1..:han gc r, ~SO . MOTORSPEEDWAY '· L up 0 0 PrivateParliesCal!Jim lOtot(years oCage.Dai-°"2-2134, Equal Oppor. -~ "' ~-our o .... ·n boss. ~!en o r & s pr i n g s w fc a s tc r ~IJ -77i·l Marell 2, 1:30 & 3PM I st TD Loew'IS-8112010 · ll et i r ed Mi Ii l a r Y ly Pilot delivery routes t:mployc r Full or l'art-'J'1me :,•:omen. C.:an he slightly frame, pd . Sl;iO. st·l l ~JOO. --\Pla n to arrive about ~'. Steward.751-6738. maybeavailable in)'Our Call 548-6810 h"nrl••appe<I. Neat . yr old. \\'ill dC"lL.,.er. '!!I l'o r tahlc ·r .V •. noon ).l'a ll l).12_i-.>678,cxt.
. 2ndTDL.ocoK ----E ol'tf d 'JUNIOR SALESMEN " • 67S -6\J3' blklwht. p la >'' ve<)' :l33 1ortteket<. Or C All A Ound Deekh•nd ureu. a m pr t or •· ,.1, .. ,0 Appe"r"t>"C. Vt•.,• ·~-=---J.,owesl rat~ unge o. r .. li veries & cash, trips or SAMPLE MAKER "...... .. .. ~ ., ,_ -J"?ood . SJ2. 640 -IS:l5 -----Sottltt Mtg. Co. w I v a Ii d Coas tguard merchandi:11e ror selling Age 10-15. Jo:am S20·S40 For Crall Mfgr. Effi-rcured. Age 25 to 70. Sup-DAV t-: N }"' O ll 'I". c_; r n . ---1·1 Vol. LaSalle Law 8ks .
00-2l7l 545--0611 'documents-Exp as Isl new s ubsc ript.ions. 1'"or pe~ week gethng new cient, neat, self moliv<it· pl eme nt your income. Brocade & 2 Mpl. end 1\1 AT I SS l'.: LI NO, S95. gd, Cond. ti.lake offer.
Serving ll arl>or area 24 class cook & baker, de· information please call customers for the DAILY ed. Art or craft exper. de· Un ~·ea c ab 6 hrs or more bis, :ill 3 tor $125. C)thc r C.oya Etching, S.150. Oil call 499-1692 mornings
.Yrs. si r e s employ m e nt 642_4321 _ Jo'rom San . ~!LOT after, school and si rable. all ror appl, a day. Apply in person. 1n1s\. 646 -<.J.139. 755 W. t"loral. ~125. Pvt. l.>ty . --~NEW
-".!.::'---------·I aboard private vessel. C le mente-San Jua n Salurclays. \ou must be 546---41.55. )'cJlow Cab Co., 186 E. 2llth St ,Apt.A.CM 535 .'i.'l!.15 .
: ArwtouRcemftlh:/ 536-2426. Capistra no area, call out or schoOI by3:00 p.m. ----16th St .. CoSta Mesa. -- --Double Horse Trailer.
· Persoaol1/ l-----------1495 --0630 a nd Mission and be able lo work at School Teacher SecktnJ: ----7 Dr:.iwer Desk, 25~54 , Technicolor 1000 projec-831--031!.I.
: ·• Lost & Folmd .tp Wonted 7100 Viejo-El ·roro area, call leas t 3 days per week. No person to ca re for Merchandise \\.'al nut veneer. S70. tor. supe r 8. xlnt cond
: . •~••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 581-6310. deliveries or collecting. child r e n & do light •••••••••••••••••••••••1 ___ ti4~-Q15.'l. ___ Sl15.:.. 642-t>ll40 aft 3p_m_._ Sell idle ite ms
EquilOppor. Employer Transportation pro· housework. Permanent .
101t&Found 5300 .l"!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!!!'!'j v1ded .Call644-6236. pos i t ion. 1·op pay . Antiques 8005
••••••••••••••••••••••• AceountingClerk to$600r Equal Opportunit y ·rransportation & Re rs •••••••••••••••••••••••
Calif. AnimalCootrol ME or £E.a/cond SISK Employer req. r-,1 us l he loving Roll top desk. office size,
ll.B./SealHehSht!lle r f'undRaiser/P.R. SISK ClericolPosfflon I----pers on who lik es rece n t ly r ef1n., :-.ol 1cl ·orafl•m .. 11 /ink toS700 LVH ·•ho"""' 898 .... ~., Uuck or.~~~~ Society Sl-c'y; Bkkpr SlOO+ Re<auires accurate figure F'ltime, 11 _7 shirt. Fri & children . 8 tool ~1on thru ni<. ,..., ¥ • -=-""·
Person F'riday SS.'JO ap t itude. Will t rain Sal off. $34 per shift. f'r1 . ~~h~~t llo lldays 1850 SETTEE
• ·:Animal Assist. League CustServ/orddsk S500 bri g h t pe r s on Small convules•enthos p. Paid.&12-.12 16.
Adopl1on,Spay1ng& ID'VINE P""C'""-'N. EL' >A'/kn owlcdge use o r G'lenhaven of N...upact. ----Neuler:~1.~~!e~~ation " Cl\,.)VI "I calculator w /m1n one 646 _7784 . ....... SECRETARY All wood S450, 5.16-3507
Appliances 80 I 0
' •
I ~ ~ SERYICTSS-AGENCY_ yea' bu>ine>S exp. Xlnl ..:..:.:.....:..c.:c.:....----1 ·~A nim uls Impounded-•. d •~ 488 t-: 17th (Al Irvine) wor ing con . <>< coin · Manf'lftN' • Spanie l pupptes Suite 224 Costa Mesa p .i n y b c n e r i t s . -'79-~hep pup. fem. blk/tan Ph.644--360 or apply 500 Trainee
••••••••••••••••••••••• To Tech. Director ~ENMOR E \\'as h{'r &
Req 's. _Shthnd .. J:.d. typ. Gas Dr.v r. matched set
1ng skills, 1n1..:ld g. the $150. t'rigida ire Washer
abihty to compose own £40. t"rigida ire Elec·
letl<'rs & lo do :-o m e DryerS30.
! ·i
' 1'err1 er,fem,tr1 Call642-l470 New port Center J)r . ··Real F.s tatc Manager
. " Irish Set. pup, fem Newport Beach, suite Trainee needed." We"re
·rcrr1 cr, m ale, wht/hrn 600. on the g row! ff you are
llusky.fem,gry/wht ACCOUMTING 1-'.'-.--------·J an alert, aggressive,
..:,h<'p,S pupp1es CLERK COUPLE.ovr35,cleaning dynamic person who 15
·En g. S hpdog , male. Exce llent ruture & op-& handyman al a bch looking fora greatfuture
.·blk /wht portun1ty lo learn new mot e l . Sa l. & apt . with one of Lhc rinest
· Sl. Bernard, mal~. brn 8 k i 11 s fo r shar p . 714 /496-4_8_00 _____ 1 comp<in1es 1n the beach
"'!by Poodle. pup. male h ard workin g yo un ~ ---tt rea, contacl us. Ad -
. Cocknpoo, Jc m. blk person w /min. 2 yrs ex-, . DEM1:~ vance plus overrides.
(ierm Shep, male, p er. i n A /Payable. 1-.xperd eha1r.ndc on ly. Opporlunity and growth
blk/hrn Payroll . Gen'I Office. Xlnt beneftl., & salary . a r e yo ur s. Writ e
~aglc. male, In $450. Apply in person OU· Call 5-18 -5588. i\1anage m ent, Box 355, .. ,,·rs .... ty to O.A. OiLaura. c /o the Daily P1lol, Post
: ·~alpo1ntS1amese.male Westsai l Corp. 1638 DenlalChalrsideAsst. Office Box 1560, Coe;ta
: . J,hg_hr.m nlc.blklwht Place ntia Ave, Costa Min. l yr exp. 1'Ullt1me Mesa 92626 .
•: ',Shthr. 11•m . tr1 Mesa. unl.il J uly l ,640-0460 ------
. ' 1 l'l'l I f<f":~R~S---1:::::::=-;;~::::::--:;;~;1~2.:~~ . !\1G R 'l'rne. SISO guarn +.
--H.tpWnted 7100HelpWmhd 7100 Ci1r nee.Age23-46.Mr.
: · FOUNIJ. small blk/br ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Levi,846_5455. : 'ferr1 c r n1 ix, fe n1ale.
: ~:nana P t. area. <t96-J7
' .. '
···FO UND : Sm . mi x.
-• · \llht/blk /bwn., 111ulc dog.
~~Vic . i-la r bor & Uoker.
-•·, 5;-lG-2472 ------1
; FOUND: Wh ite malt' poo-
. die, vie. San Juan Capo.
' nr. the M iiision. 493----&199
lnci.cllng: -
•Food Preparation
•Building/Grounds Maintenance
•Dining Room Positions
*Front Office
Mechani c. lite duties.
Class A rcq'd. 1''/time
990 E . Coast llwy, N.B.
Medical Stco tho y
Ophthalmology ore. Ex-
per 'd only . Send resume
tn Classifi<"d ad no. 366 ,
clo Daily Pilot, P .O. Box
1560. Costa Mesa. L:3
stal1st1 cal lYl>ing. Some c;uar/Del 5'W-AA72 C:1mil1ar1Ly w/Chl'mlCil l --·--
lcrms 1s de.s1rahle, + 5 to llefrig /t'r . runs good ,
10 y r .s . Secrclur1al & {'lean S311. l\1ust .sell by
\.en. Off. t>xp. 28lh. t>1:J -64!3 Plus Products, on<' o( the --·cc:....._
Nations lcad'i-:. Ml'gr 's . Al''I'. St G .t:. Jtcfr1g .
of V1tam 1ns & rood sup-a\"ocndo g rn, 4 mlh:. old.
plc ments, provid es Sl25.840-144l
steady cmplymt.. a J:U ----·----
salary & be nefit pro· OLDER MAYTAG
gram & pleasant work'g \Vorks S25 i51-----t>243
eonds. 1•1easc send re ----
sumc to : 'f ech. Director 20 cu ft He1r1g w/lge up-
(nr compl<"te apphcauon [>\'r frzr & 1cemaker.
111 pc rsonl . Appl1c;i n1 s Penney 's mdl 0320
"''ill be contacted for 1n -Delux int, harvest ~old. 6
tcrvlew 1n about I week . 1nos. Cost $500, sell !395.
PLUS PRODUCTS 673 568~c-____ 1
2681 Kelvin. Irvine t 'H EE 1-•iCKUP. Hefi;:s.
4 .I ust north Of J ;nnUore{' Appl 's Scrap i\-telal
& Ma_~~1 ~--Call Anyc1me675-5258.
•S•c'y1, lookk~ 1'1111pa n s<"lf clean·g ~.
J.1z Re1nder:i1J\i.:cncy 1 vr olrl. S{'ll $l00or hest
4020 U1rch St. Ste lM offer . 54M -5521. Nl•wport Beach SJJ -8100 ------·:.C"'-----1
Can Far Appl. Blcycln 8020
Established 1965 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'FOUND: Sm. Blk. fem.ale
• dog, vie. Mesa Drive .
l 657-2074
Ow llnefih lnchde Help Wanted 7100 :Help Wanted 71 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
USE.lJ Bikes & Parts i'15
& up. 2 .. iss Newport Blvd.
C.M, 642-7910
bOST: male Terner/Dox.· IP mix. brn/blk on f'eb.
"16 , vi e. n ew t:en tral
,1 Park , li .B. ans. to
··Doc''. $50. llewnrd.
. \: S-2-5770 afl. 5wkdays.
•REWARD $100. return ot
'·stereo, no que1 t~on5
. ·'lteked. 632-1336; ,uft $,
' ..... 848-4~ . ' ; , Loat: W e ls h Terrier.
·, .,f'om . Ans lo Mlt.ii.
· ~,..)llk/brn/tan . flea collar.
·'.'\•·.Newport Back Boy.
:::; ·Aew1rd . 642 -7989 or .• :eoo-.,a333. : \ • I LOST: 2: dog!'!. Yng Fem
: I lrl1h Setter & i'em G
: • · •pnerd, blK /tJtn. may
: l ~ ~paral t or to1elher.
; 1 Loll 2122 vie of CM &
• .,N.B . No C!ol lar s. ~ .. .A.'1\eward I 646--8450 eve•.
ealth Insurance Sick Leave
Profit Sharing A Free Meal
And Many More
Apply lo P'"°"' -Set 9.5
" I · nfi:U ~
TheNewport Beach .Marriott ·H.-.1
900 Newport Ctllhr Drlv1t
Foshloti 111...i
An Equal Opportunity
Employer M/F
Equipment 8030
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
,\11nolta SYIL SRT 101
body, lenses SA. mm/ t.2,
<JI mn112.H. 2W mm/4 5;
inti nH l>C". filters. 2X t'On·
vettl•rs , l.':.ise &ba$f, Best
Ofl'er . ··t.1ke n e w ··
D09s •••••••••••••••••••••••
Experience a classic open wheel, open
cockpit race -the only one like it on the
West Coast.
Tickets at all Ticketron oullets-lnclud·
ing Sears, Broadway, and Ward's-or
Speedway box omce . (71 4-984·2255)
Jto1 t:AST 0 ST., ONTAIUO, ~Lt,. 117M
It's ·easy. Look for your name in
foclay' ~ classified section. If you
find your name, coll ' 642-5678,
.extension 333. w.·11 oriange 2t0r
yOAJ to ~ick up your tiCkets af 'the
neor:esf ,office of tt,, ·
l ' ' i
I •.
led ... I rW A ..... llM4 UM4 ; '~l:!~!!::!v~Pl~Lso~r:...._..:..~---~r!.2!!!!l!r.·~F~llb~"'~l'..!:is~. ·~·~':!' ........ wtllfllid -t!it• . • •••· .,,.,~'"'"" .... •.•· •.r.• _ ...... • ........................ , ••••••••••• _. ••• 9':. • t" ''''''"'''''''' ceceeeeece _ _,._, ee;i eeeNeeeeeeecceeee... ••-eee e e ~ 1 ..-ffR•
•· H fl.110 •••••••• .... -"~ "'lll . ·-' tt•• t I • CW .... t ~· j•
11l•r1• t MW.... OMS r WEPAY""'fl>OIJ.AR ,,_ ..., ..... f776 Wr •••••••••••--• .. ••-fl
•••···•·•••••••••••• lq I ••• •010 ••!•••.················· •-on.ToP'UsEocAas · ·······•••••·········· •• , ••••••••• -......... , ·-·····-····.i-····· -·····c·;:::.:::······· 72 OLDS ~·· ..... ~f ... ~ .... 1 ..... 0• A,•R TR. iux, i;.1,. roatmN.l>O»ESTIC WIUlllYYoUa • o 230 st., Sporu AMTIHIMG cH"'"ay::::"'-Vlatoc-'~ .· td CI ,-ad<Ond o.:cLASS1$:8 DATSU.., TOYOTA Ro <ialA>< 2•-. l~tlO ...._ ,....,...., ._ •. SCDM-lETS
Pof)en -1FeJgo -
l'~rll:7Napkln -t'µPPtN' Ii CORNY .JOI(£:
~·Jl•ma. melt &0me but·
tee. .Ha'.& POPP.IN' 'om
~·P,:•:i:::?'~ con · ,;:~ • UyOW",cari1ex1r1elean OllYOLnWA981 m1,m111t.'mwtH11. TOTRJJh:I' $,\L£SfoSJ:RVICE 9 paueaa., 11111-u ... usfi!"t. PAID FOR OR NOT. '13 460 SI, Whl\' red We trao\0 lo 1lm0;0t 212.H.W•vd. ·wa1on. Hu air c:ondl· CGAlrob, I tank Ole. -C cln/ IAUERIUICI W I LL r. A Y $ 0 I' leilller, miAt. m <MU. anythlnfl AutOI Boat.I. COSTA Mt&\ Uonina. MOONROO>'.
Sli l l u Rd er. w•rrn ~ ti 2925 lt•rbor Jllvd. · DOLLAR. CALL AE $11,49'. 540-7744 Je'frelry. elc. vdu c&.n't 546·1200 and moret. (99lj0lfl) -!\ tl!otorOnly)llQlor'*'I Scoen Co&taM..., 919-2500 ALLEN 54 bealour PURCHASE or . , RULSAY .... SAf.,.,. orr. Call Ron. 6'5-eo6Z ••-•••••••
•••••••••• 1974 PferC"edes 451.>SL Ex. LE~SE d.•al FAt'TORY Swu·t Gilding 68 impala.
• $ 4 9 :·~ Dllyaonly. '73 8ultaeo. Alplna =ace TOP DOLLAR oa•·· .... 0\ upt.IP:nal cond. fll1,1e Jl1::8ATES M •elected Y.f'I)' ove.rhauled. $9SO. ...
Never race4. Jo n:i:i. Xln < ~ PAID Ullll ni.etlllic pa.Int. 8000 ml. ,74 It 'TS .,VOL VOS Call893-.J629al\~pm.
loaft.Powor "9040 condf<I00.6?3-<111.16. l''MED'•JELY Or-C°'""''' $13.0oo.Qlill491-6272. •.Ov.erual Delivery '6' CORVA IR MoM•, M.....,..Vlelo ·~,
••••••••••••••••••••••• 74Y•rnahaY/.-80, M FOR"'' ,.._, ... ~ -• "" i " · L ·.~' aulO,lopcond,ndSpulnt. lftlwtl
2$'LYMAN last,$.W>, ~ Buy.or Lease ••••••'••••••••••••••-.~ ••Ml ··" I xt.ra eng & .,._.. •~-'-'•--.., V-8, immaculate_ 64•-0068 ,FOREIGN CARS i:: .... UUW Wlu• comp -
--$4$00. 675-4618 260''/"• ' •7~ • ..Mld1e1, Im at., .. , WI.• Jraoo, $400.&W·5729. ,...,. -,... __ ,, WClltfff IOll . '67 KAWASAKI J4!Q •Dlr 26' Ansen •Print.&. Md.sell. ........... IN•·•MO·.· ••••r •••••••••••••••••• 27'.SAUNDl!:RS c. ab . Bo'ke. Xlntcond-•Cal Lar-"\ellc.._,' e:tnnB 830-:8005 V"LVO · · '70.Nova, auto, Pia. R/1-1, ., W. d Ill "'··-.. f. -o.Jow'iu-~~,;_... ~ -~ · V nu lif°'· xlnt cood. Must Sales and Service :· 1JI B1 * * ......_., or Cruiser. !lying bridge, 673-3856. " .,. MW,..-..,,. P'"-~ ., ~SO DSMOllLE
G'd Piano. Wi'tte PO Box .sip. 6, head, galley, rtew -. N wpor.t ._...,_ YJ 1966 HJtfo,. •( M. 6-4& 9JO:J sell $1000. 581-6483 'OL . ~4 J '302 Co ona del M•• Cho ' e ................. ,........ I GMC T'••-"s ' · • r · rebll. ChryCrown eng. '70 Yamah;l ~ ppcr. 'D... ·P 1>.>'t 914• •p~ G~ ''· ' 1 I 307 m .......,. "'
92625 ' ~ • •YO vo •• mpa a ' crea HOHD• ~••s ·.' · Newly fasten btm. &: Xlnt coudr Many cw: sun < mais, Kon, Spoi.lft. fft ,7,. "EuO 1 s•LE 'cond. 11 uto. a/c, radio. ~~ ... -
J'EN'CIN'G ·Chain Link Caulked. $2,000. firm . accessories. $750 nr s llOO W.CNlthJ.l&. i"1 acArthUr .and ~~ m-13 .PM. $S,500 or, r; .. "II' ,,. ~ p/s, only. 48,000 carerul UnfyersifV ~"·I
wanted w/ posts, gates 979-225 1 offer. Days call liill a 642·9405 borce 88&4)ove 8.18.;..qaoo 642-8767 • ~ll cars are low mtlea~e. ·mi. $795 . 548.-3893 zliSO Harbor Btvd ... ·•
· ·1 541-3338 or e7s--007o. Eves & Su n h --oqu.tpped/E,~h •tr, Cost11 Me11• 540..9640'
.a¥al' loah. eaU545-J044. MP .RT. S Newport eac • *,al•R•fc• ;7J6 J\M /FM 1 reo or·73~1alibu20r.A/C.P/s,
· Rent/Ch_.... 9050 . WE BUY I 0 · T3 Datsun Red ~up Ma1: ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMLFM 8 k lape & P /b tiuted glass, xlnt '71 Olds TotCllMldo WanttoBuyuseclelec ta-••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 Suzuki GT 550· XJn 'fop, Dollar_ .,"o r "'!Y Whl-s, radtals, am/fm all ·feature rem. ,uining cond.2..1,ooomi.Only$lOO Fully equ;p---'. Clean. · SAVE S •YEii running cond. $600/bs • . 1 1 d ,,... ble sa~, good cond. , A •• ortr. Mike 493.1624• al't J\lake or ~1od~ t~Pe dc4;~, Cb'rome bum-ROLLS ROYCE: time on u n Im 1. e dn. $2350. 97i--0433 days, Lie. No. WGA·l. $199:5,or
Dor1sHope545--0401 Jtent,don'tbuy. 6 JIM~PANOS pers xint eond. $2650, mileage W(lrraniies . 963-1420eveli. besl oft". Please call
Offk•Fwwffurelr J8:~k~b:<>ats i-Wperda~: ~___:__ f45-~~-$.ILYUCLC?UJ>I ~Q;,~Y foe.. deliver>' --8J3.IJ384or554-0436. i
Equlpntfff 1085 :.>.4 Sktpjucks $28/d~y 35 73 Kawasaki 350, bough MAZDA 68 PICKUP (The ~ard -to-nd model) 142 . Continental 9930 ,442 Olds, arn/rm. new! •••••••••••••••~••••••• fiif;~:Y~ Sportfisher ne"'·74,~~:~cood. _lOOlS.Manc~~ • 19 Luxuriously maintained w./ cruise control, uuto .. ••••-••••••••••••••••• b.atlery, statr, ALT, tb,
SECY Ch rs $8/24, exec i;vl And many others. t..:all __ -------~h~lm _ Si.SO,. 675-1431 in t )'/h1 ca I Br It is h P<l"'"er steering, Cucl 1nj., 'tilt SE DAN 4 dr. 1',ull $1200, 645-.st;8.j
cbrs ~15/25. drfl mach now for reservations, HUSK\' .ioo. 1970. S600-·roP Dollar p<itd for '72 1200 O~t!i un. Xlnt ;~~~~~e::!~~·;::;:~ts~!..Zf1j O.Grcens:>499.(lf5ll7J power. Good cond. f'lfust
d v· l C . Sl
$650 Pierce 867 W 19 CP.f Newport Ill. 640-4.540 Xlnt t•ond .ru)dcn \'Cry ht· Ui\IW ·s and all other Im· cond. '-ow mileage. Ne~ 'be., '" 142 .t> c IJ . 1n a k e o Cr er. 1'. s 18 8 rwser. a~
64$-7411. -loafs •-II 9060 tit•. 67?-164:3. iJOt"ted curs. tlres. Call 556-_l.257. --., a joy rorever. $18,SOO. w I auto .. power slt.'Cnng , 548-L6M6 t!on wagon, oversized '~ ~ "l ..:... Polar White, pJue int. & ·--t1rcS, heavy duty shoc'-"l'i,I Used office furniture. rP· •••••••••••••••••••••;• l9G6 l60l1onda Crevier 'MW fiill[' 9725 Sl&.:VER CLuuD Ill fuPI inj. s5399. 1115112) Corvette 9932 tr a 11 c r h 1 t c h, l?W
asonably priced. C~llCAl..2·29 Sloopw/DiesE"ls. Xlntcond .:!OS W.lstStrecL •••·~··••••,••••••••••• Cn s and & sable ex · 142 •••••••••••••••••••••••mileage xlnt condit1,on, $48--04~'l3:30. co1np'l.Y loaded. 6 M~hs Call548 -M3&1 . Santa Ana 'S:l5·31!_! g 'qu!sitely miuntained by . . . . Good used corvettes. $29'.l5cash58~-6254
,I , . & O I090 old. S23.SoO. 833-2620 --·.--· ' BrltJ1h c raftsmen. l las W t 4 :sp~c_d . ;i_u ·. st~~ eo. OJ'ten a good selection or
tMOI f'CJCIM eves. Jav:a Spet!dv,.ay Bike. FREE APPRAISAL . # • • power windows, power Polar \\lute, JU:st s-lfl'J'J. n~w "75's. Out.standing '70 OLDS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------Xlnt. SI300. \Ve buy used C<ir s & ~RlNGE COUMTY"S steerin". power brakes, 1;;a1a&1 Corvette mechanical . O
COAST MUSIC Wholesa!E" Hobi e Cat Aft 7 PJ\1 .. a:l6-7671 truc ks. Call GRO'fll . EWEST & LARGEST ascol tables & all_ Lhe ac· f···~~[~-,!J!~I~ body, and pa1nl team r~· TOROMAD COSTA MESA parts, 16/14 , sails, rud----·--CHEVftOLl'.:'f for 11 free . coutrements desired by • T • 11 dyloser\'eyou. LESS THAM
•1''eb0rganl>'air* de rs. tramps. etc. Motor Homes.Sales/ appraisal. IJ\t~tI>:L?~~ivE the mos t discerning . HowordCheYl'Olft 41 OOOMI1
WIN., ORG,'.N! 497-2024 Rrnt 9160 GRo·r1i CiiEVROLl-::·r . I 0,,E .. Ll,\ &'.c I . ~16,500. 2025 s Manchester Dove a_ndQuali ' •• Olh Prizes ••••••••••••••••••••••• 182Jll!eachBJ\·d. 1\I • es oors ts Amber Firemist WI BootH:~Exhibits LUDERS 16-2ii 1-'t .. Exel REN'f TllE BES'r 73-lluntingtonBcach " Dick Mille-rMotors 'fhesc vehicles musl be Ahaheim 750-2011 i'\lr. ~1 ~eA.rthur, white vinyl top &:j
Ja·m'Ses.siors! cond. Bottom painted E"ecull\'C, 25 ' lJIJ Jux 847-60tl7 5-1 -3331 12ow. Warner seen to be appreciated. Jamboree and tapestry anterior. F!ill
Fun & Gifts ror All J a.n. 2 sets sails. i2400. "l r as free n1i . f>. P . ---------al So. :\lai n Please ask ror H:1chard D. e ct It e bat e -S500 Hi·istol pwr, fact. air, lilt wheel,
Call642-2851Wrfrce ~8--0513&673-7742. 979-905ti5to8pn1 We Buy Santa 1\nH 557-2132 L<imb <it Guarantee 1 ~ bl ,book !:173 Newport Beach pwr. door locks, crWsel
CalendarofEvcnt.s SI" o--·· 9070 ------.\ll't"C('dcs. P orsche . ---Chevrolel i\1otors. In{'. tie o.w W·ue \' 'uo"''·I 833-0555 control, amJfm ster;eo • • tp ~ Explorer Motor llomc Holls.&Exotu:s. l:17:J 1-·1at 124 Sports toculed 111 Santa ,\na at Vol\O <1gon . e , -· ----nlult1p!Px&8trac'ktape,
Player piano, elec., good ••••••••••••••••••••••• Custom C!:.l. dual air <.:la:.su:s. Import Couµc , luX .\. 1nuln1ght ill Eas t 17~h Street. spd/20:UOO ~1..20+ ~l~li Dodcje 9935 radial tires. Unbeli~v8·1
cond. 15 rolls incl. SJS(). 'LIP AVAIL'S gcnt:rutor. rool ruck . JIM MARINO blue\\' mag:. .-\.\l ·F~I &r Please cl.Ill tor an ap-in 1.'tl) vcr) s,:oocl t:u1 d . ••••••••••••••••••••••• blt"coniJ1tion ! (791Bl!'tt)-1
Ororre r 536-3507 Newpon Beach mint. SM.495. ~ -7744 MOTOR CARS :\1allory 1g111l1un s~·ste1n po1ntment. 17141 543·9311 .Dal::' ~1:i_-:-u2~ _ .73 Oodge 'l'r06dcsman 1~. Sale Priced :Jt1 -60'PowerorS:ul · --------· L,.-..;;...;;..,-___ '.:"!"";,; ¥ ?.1anual Lowrey, pd . zo· -32 ' Power only Auto Srr¥icr & / llW Y.'. Coast 1-r-...•y. Sharpe"'t l' iat tn to."'11 Saob 9760 Autos, Lls•d :JIS auto. l!l,000 m1. J\lags
•1300, sell ror $60(), will 073-52.'lJ Parts 9400 :-.:-c~~11>ort Bea<:h '4'1lh onl y 2ul..Uln11. t:al •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• & big 11res_. Very clean! .........
• '45·1102 Hlt.5:30pm.6-ll-6230 .>-13-727Malterti. "toltllli' ·del~ver 675·5810 ••••••••••••••••••••••• o • r
loots,Storoge 9090 YWEMG 1600CC ··-··--------~FJ~.850Spide-;-sua· Buick 9910Ford ___ fl40
Se1r+1119 G.oods 1094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · Autos. Imported xl nt cond. 40 mp<. 0 "5, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• r.\,.=,,;,,.,.,,.,,=~~""'~I • •••• BO ·T ST-·GE 530--t~111 •• • •• •• •• •••••••••••• •• '°""' p c L \" ~--•••••••••• •••••••• ~ ------ti73--34ti.'i "65 S E 'I.·\ -.a~on, "69Counlry Sedan Wagon. 1966 .. 88 .. xlnt <.-ond gd McGregor DX. Woods & Daily Weekly-1t1on· VW ltiOOen g $350 ·70 Hus 97 -----9727 luvo"rL.eose oeaut. l'Ond . 1\1r, P"T. P is, D /b, air, rack, . · ·. ·. · • "''"'Ons Xlot. Cond. $75, -· · General 0 I H da -, i\>Just sell' soou Bob Den· \ / F 1 S'leel rubbe1, upholst., paint, -6 •. Ji _ _,..,.,., thly. With wash rack & 'frans. axle. $150. 5 to f! ••• •••••••••••••••• . Ol'f ... Authori;ced · · · · , m m s ereo. . ball
,,g owner "-· · J nch'ng PM64' 8767 ••• • •••••••••'•• Sales&Servo'ce ton . 556 -39:12 °1 ·d 1 4·•• c ,. Prv air, · · ,·• access to a u 1 --'l;s Cortina, 4 spd. R/ll. ra 1a s. '"' u. n. . ~ S8ti 5478 $..___ I · t......+ ramp Beach liilnftfts 556-.1676 pt y . 491Au1-1. $800. __ · _.::: -~----,._..' es • NEWPORTDUNES, Re<:reationol/ ~50· 'ii ·rriump~ 5oo. T-· -----497-1978aft4Pl\1. Ol os o 88 "' .. lor 8095 llJlBackBayDr.N.B. Vehicles 9530 Semi-chopped. StiUO or Mac>Ar(hurand 'ti2 Electra . .iUI'. l!f64 • ynarruc -:-'i •~•••••••••••••••••••• 644~510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• trade. 548 -8779. Jamboree d t:ond , 11 .'ll. :11r .72 CouriE"r with camper. gd. cond.
qarland Antq, Stove, Blk l!f7 2 Yamaha. 30 hp, ANG Ro;;;;-0 IWH·OoYE" 752-0000 S:JOl) b-l2-8382 Xlnt cond. S2tiOO or of£ er. ____ _:__548_-o_i_oo ___ _ "l"/ni~kel trim, also S /S ransportation ~2-· ~3·~1 •. ! after ti ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nc~'port Bea~_:__ ·--~Uoc--9915 642 -~l.J. ~f~. into 99571 iest. sink. 673-1417. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,,, ., ., If R %. T I 9765 -·
A a . omeo 1 Q 0 oyo 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I!f73 L'rO Broughu1n , 2 dr ••••••••••••••••••••••~ T'(.•ltldlo, ale rucks 9560 Buyorlease ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 CADILLAC sedan . vtn top. ful1 '71pinto,4 spd,v1nylr001 .
-HiFi,Steno 8098CClf!IPR •,rs.S 9120••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\utho1izt.'tl 0 OISCOUNJS7 . !K>~·t'r. adiustablesteer· mai,:s , ll>.·ha .. c.• cpl. xlo1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• en & • s d d '26 D ._. ....... llU • GMC Trucks Sales ·:serv1~·t;" OYER •cTORY • e an '''" •'h"•I. man>· other con_. -.. """'ru, .. .FOR SALE Akai 4 chan· ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' ., .... _
iel receiver, Pioneer op K<it Camper. lor Did you know Gi\ft: "'-.t•ll Bea.ch lmporis IMYOICE REBATES?. d v·11 Xll"06S, perlet·t con<.ht'.on. 1972 Pinto Hunatx>Ut , 1-'M.
' 1' t /boot & for Jess th:1n Ford "' & .\lac.\rlhurand e I e Cun be Sl'l-'11 at :1.J.5 <tutu, u1r. gold. l~u1g ~rntbl.,Craigtapedeck, JiE· o a. w ~ur-Dod"c ''ucko .. ···,111 ,,.,· & J '·-0 ICE L •. •-l I' I Id '1 , k ,.,, 8 I .sony tape recorder & 2 ta 1s. 6 mos old. ~. ., '"' " amuuree OM·ALL INV + 1 e new, u.: .. u I u J.:O "t:l.:ur m1c · ..... , am rack. Cust 1nt . f"ewt1res. sanc:..•j Spkrs. Sl ,500.. 2_054 ______ wc 'llpro\·eil! 8-IK·l)o\'{' 752 -U-OO 1 color, \'t'ry low m1leS', thro 5:3opn1. ~1on. thru Xlnl cund. P.l'. Evet1. ~257 --8ill 8c:ny Nc<A'Vorl lk•ach HEW JQO/o? one owner. I-las full f-'ri . ask rur Hay or Tony. X.J.ti -7~. """'--""-'·------·18 rt. Cabo\'er Camper. PONl'IAC GJ\.1 C1'rut:ks /C po'4·er & is an excep-~0_3237 i,2,500. -. ,
IOClfs&Mariwe xlntshape!S700. 2000 F:. 1s1 S:jnta ,\n~ BMW 9712 •75H0HDA. Br•n& your beisl..U.alw ~-'"* ' PrN'TO PAN~ maJfY,
Eqalpmettt Call 968-5564. 558-1000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• our f'leet i\1gr. and be Only $4A99 t 9 7 O r 0 It D L 'r D xtras. Xlnt cond. ~100.
Me••••••••••••••••••• ----&' &" · · SEDANS prepared to dn\'e home a ilroughm, 4 door. Im· .i96-8424 11.fL. IO p:ro ......... ~... eblteHomes 9140 Ford '5-1. t 'l'on 1'takc. ,. 0 u r ch 0 i cc 0 f New ·royola ll72t-'NAJ inuc. cond. 'l'he v.·ork.'i in \4'kdys . • i ~fr.!:! .0,0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dual ~ires. Hblt ~otor. I '! ces 1es --· - -r:~:·· r'i~!~~··;:~-~~ l~~:J.e~~.1~·r!:~r.t~1~"& '~y 3~~6 ~~ ~~~~·s~1ru1. I 97 4 Si~~;~~i~r~~u: ~~: r~ eJecut ltttrlA Missionbm·~to ~I~: ~77 a c . !iOr .. ·~~r~~l.l~te~~~.C:,a!~: ~reeman. llunt.ing head. cabana w /space in NB --::-_--. ·. --:---r--"' 't>ti L'l'D . .J. Ur. ,\/<.:. l>S /pb. H.et:enl \'a Ive job. 2:!).J cc
._395 648_5471 eves trlrpark.$1795.646-5471 i\-1Usr Sl!:LL. 7.1 l"ord •.. BAVARIA TOYOTA til:l,000l\1 1 lcs.~.orbest e n g. S950 I Ofl'er.1
.. ? kd : S9l-2-4?9 ' eves, wkdys 893-2479. ton, lg bed, 110 t1r1.>s. a l. CLOSE OUT · 28101 ..,._... ...ni_, 0ri·er. 642-1007 all 6 or 541i -V8l:I ~"'-jiy·s------jiijjiij-iiijjjjijiiiliiiiiiiiiiiij~j hvy dty sus, 045 -tl~:l·I • ...._ .._.,. ea1·tMO _ d d: ----SAVE! 1966 Harbor. ( M 64&.9303 all a)'_~~ke.n s .
. '
~--""•=--""'""-==='".""~ '74 Uatsun Pick Up. i~c"· Crevier BMW 97•0 ----CADILLAC • • • Tacoma mug< & rnhl>cc. JIM}Uar • '69 TOYOTA ~
lUS W. 1:.1 Stre.:-1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COR....i.J... Orange County".s ·largest Pam n-CIMf" ATLAS 9960
F •r F abrrlou! Great Ensembling!
9178 a.1a
.... t .... 11T4tt6-
Al so high Jack e r s SC1ntaAna KJa.:n11 ru.. H ~ · '"''" 1914 ' 6771 MOl'lll-Cherry cond1t1on! i\1usl '73XJl2~A i dr.·4 spd. I900cc eng. selection. i.....,s. .!I Tl..&... '"7 1 see! S3200. 400-727~ & & Imm al' u I il tc. Orig . New brakes. good tires 0Den Ever,\' Oa\'. ,.... h I ~
37 Dollge I ton Pkup good w/blaek 1n1cnor. ~. fl.lust Sell £795. (Low Blu ~ You are the 'tl.'1Merof Open Daily n. 'til-tO
--------owner. S1l\•er g rey with sldbltdrdlsonrear. "'±:--~:er Huntift4Jtoftleoch C ryser
cond. bes t offer --·---------04l-:llll Book) 548-1711 days J0-3 IMO TWO 1-'REETJCKETS 4!!!l9 lia~:.. Blvd.
-_5-l8-_6Z_"_1~ ORANGOELCDEOUSTMTY'S Ma1:d; ---9738 VolltswCKjf'n 9770 ~ Miill stl «r~~~~~ ~~~e Costa Mesa
73 FORD Courier •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 546·1934
w/Shell, 10,oo.l 1n1. t'or ·~ ·. ·74 i\·IA ZDA RX4Wagon 71 Bus., nu tires. air. reblt '69 Coupe de. VillE". 1-'ully ONTaARIO ----
sale or trade. !Jti2-&132 \,II t\m /1-'m radio. 10.000 eng best offer tl»-l087/ loaded . V1n}l Lop. SI-595. ontioc 9965
· 5 mtles. Xlnl <..'OCld. S3SoO u"'"·550· 1 · 646-547Ievcs, -.•eekday! MOTOR SPEEOWAY •••••••••••••••••••••• alt. pm, · """" 9 2 7' PM ----s..ilc:.-St•r\'IC'l'·Ll'il:.1ng I 1 r n1 I' r 1 v . PI\'.------8 3-' 4 !I. March 2. 1:30 & 3 , . •73 FIREBIRD Esprit. lo
ant 9570 RoyCorver,tnc. 673--279'J. · New&usedV\IJengines& 'JlCOUPE (Plan to arrive about mile a ge, air. stereo·, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kolls Hoyt·t· OMW O trans. plus 1nany parts. noonl. Call 6-12-6678, ext t a p e , c o m p .
'68 DOl>GI::, 6 <·yl sttck. 2:1.1 i:: lllhSt Mercedes lern: 974 Also repairs. 'friek or DE VIUE JJ3fort1c1cets. w /everylhin g, like new. ~75. '66 VW, new cng. Cos1a .vt es..i . ,Hti-4444 •••7•5•MERCEDES••• Stoek. Workmanship Gorgeous Salurn Bronze -.,-,-L-TD-; dr. tn r, P/S, _64_4_~_! ______ _ clean. ,~127S. &16-2022 or ------""''' 556 9306 <teve or 1 I ·7 IJ'll" ·1 80 ., ' · -·" Firemts l w e cgant PiB cle"l'ono·c ·1,0 . t=oc·i·o,$1~ ""•-.,_.82 J '' v :i .o~. ~ t-reo 2 I! .. ., VW C t ~ ' ""'° .,... ~ , 0 on. a., onver · white vinyl .lop . & w~itc 111,0 '".' xlnl. "1,425. .Xl n1 ~··• --·-----radio, lcuth int , ays "'"Y equ;ppcd: Al\l /F:P.t 1 1 hc•tofl'c'' 1 h •· 11 .. '"' '-AJlllU II 73 "'o 361 , d •. res orec , "' · full !."at er 1.nten. or. u ...... __ onA1 eves, .. 2_1,-,0 "'"''-S9 JO i\lov1n g. 1nust sc .,;,.,-1. . 1\',.;n s ~eves s terco.lo\11mileagl'excc.
h I .....,-.,.... ..., " ;;roo-Dod"C . Trudesman 200. 8:JH-7 145_:__~\·t '"·'·---· F 11 s le 1 ,·cc· •74 YW C __. pwr. fact. air. t1 t w ee, da)'S ---------
<> _ -car. u a 1 1 · Oll'f'a-1' am/fm stereo. 1'h1s ear 'i4 Grand AJ\.1. '100 VB. ~~~~~~~t_"64&2!j~5 ~~ .. ;~ HtreMow! Sl0.832· Lease at !178·89 Only 3K mi. Save $900. is in excellenl <."OOd. & ·71 LTD Convrl.. mint auto. a/c:, radial.$.
Autos Wanted 9590 The All Mew ~~n ~:dn~~~s~~~lu~~~;'; 333-9555 days; 8J3-2907 ro_me.s "'.' u 12.i,n<>!U!,OOO cond., yellow w/whL int. Io ad ed. 9. ooo m 1.
BMW Ser. #3797 ~---m1. t;adillac VJ warran· 1''ully pwr'd. Mtt'll sell. $3900 /bst ofr 548-4916 att
530 .
JimSlemons '72VW411W-. ly.(S'9HOIJ> >J,5oo o' best ore.; .
Excellent condition SpeC:ially ~-4 C!:.'.i7 _ ---1 ort ------1·1z Grand Jlrnc, 23,000
We pay top price!
Will take anything in
trade, watches. r1ni:s.
TV"s etc ..
c.1ll 1tu· 1nlor1nal1on
Crevier BMW
2U8 \\'. Isl ~reel
Sitlll<t i\n..i ~-3171 2000llAltBOR BLVO.
0r'"1CJ• C-'J~•
Highe•I S lkiyer
on Imports .
••••••••••••••••••••••• Datsun 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bill Moxey Toyolo
Call Roger or Bill
841 -855.i
ti6-l200 Spt. car\ Perf.
l!!mpg. nu tires & bill.
S.'100. nr b~t 01r673--M:ll:I
Trucks 9560 Truck;--9560 ....................... ·············••'";•••••••
94 MEW 1975
LUVS • '/2 TONS • 'I• TONS
12 OF THEM AS LOW AS s·2994
•MOM. THaU .... IAMTOfrM•
•UT .. 6 SUM.tAMT061'M•
mp s thro()ghout. See lo ap-Pr·1ced at ·oo 1~·r11 2 Dr. Air . p 5, llll :.. ~cw l1res. fl.tint 3 ~ prec. fl.lust sell~ l714J 8 ~ Call675---00'!lJ $5395. J'ib, good c:ond. ,\sk for t:_un~..:E!_!_er.6-12-156.J.
'74 MERCEDES BENz --· _A_l_,6'_· ~--4=•="=·-----·74 Grand Pri~, lots ol
450 SLC. 7,000 miles. '67 ~amper, xlnl cond.:~~·4·i"""ifi~~-~ijli'!l~~L~-olft 9945 equip . ~4351). Days loaded WI.th extras. Mu.st New paint. Am/On8trk, ; Plrl &9111111 """
"•II .• ,..9303 side tent. Sl47S. Eves ......... M. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .>44-93:12. E\•es & wknd6. 1 ..:'c...-~-0--c".".C:----1646-42-f. .. B~AUTIFUL "i4 Mk lV, l!.Jl-0482
SELL US ,.... .... ' lo mi, lux. lopded w/cusl. , • .
. YOUR OLD CAR, ·oo VW Bug, mags, over pai.nt. pvt. pty. Dave. 1::168 Ca1alina 4 Dr. R/il,
sized r ear tires, new '74 COUPE SSS-9543 nites834-l226 A11"/cond. S6SO. O.N.O;
WE'LL motor 1600 cc. ne\4' LLE ' Call 545-0388.
LEASE YOU OURS! s hocki;. needs paint. DE VI Mercury 9950 -.--d-rb-I d---9-9-7~0 . Persian l~ime f>'iremist •••••••••• ••••••••••••• 'nun e r ~-·-64_6 -1840· all. 5 / while Cabriolet roof. '71 COLONY PARK 9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 00
1°"ew &. l:!:;ed to Choose 1959 VW BUS w/'tiS 40HP h.u le:.tther interior. full pass . wagon . air, 1\I us t sci I ·72 T·Bird-.
eng. needs \\'rk. SI75. pwr, fuel. air. tilt wheel , istcreo/radio. all P"'r. loaded 10 avoid r e·
548_4019 evPs. :Jlerco with 8 track t_ape, Si895.S46 -17Z4 1>osst>ss 1011 .. uest o~fer
House of 1.._..ts
-----------pwr. door locks, tw1-lite ----ti;ikes -ask. S3800. Brian.
63 VW For Sale ., &en line!. Superb condi-MntOltCJ 9952 1--995-110 .. 1_. --~-,
Best offer a1king Cor lion. tl534:.ttsJ •••••••••••••••••••••••
~475 646-3390 $6995 65', FM Casett , new Oon"tdrpptheball .•. Get ' '73 280 C. White/tan 111-"' -·:-::::;-;::;::;'1,,_-..;:,.:::.;:,.:;,::~~..J clutch/tires, 6 cyl., 3 spd, a Job with a low·COSl Dai· ter1or. fact .'iun roor. ----:.. . 1 fed p st~JCO tape deck. full 6.1 . VW 8~8. good pa11'1t, good milge. $725./offer. ly Pa Ol CJas&1 1 • hOne
~r. new redial tires, body & t1re11 runs great. 496-8841. 642-5678.
30,000 miles. i8975; S650.5Sl""""-3249
eves/wknds, 494-7997 ; •73 VW Adventure'l'~;;,;:.;;,.;:;;.;;,.==...;,;~~i~~ daya833-J071. 1. A' 1 • ---1..:=::..:;:::...=.c..----1 Cam per,. ir, s p~ .._. '69 ELDORAOO. beaut.
Only Three. Letti sto'>'e, refng. pressun:zed nd. One of the best ~·atcr. 1t1ust See! i5600, co ., Mercedes• Hob Denton, 556-3002 or years. Gold w/Landau
556_5676 top, all teath~r seat.s,IF=~=~ Benz 1----------·1 power e .. ·eryth1ng, com-
.RAND HEW J\fUST SELL ·73 Super pl. loaded, ~fu.stsee. Call
Ueetle, xlnt. cond . Kathy, 6.45-4878 afte 280 C~s . AM /FM stereo, s:e.100. or 4:30Mon thruThurs.
Opportunity to own aJ~be'.!'!'':.'o!!Cf~e~r:,:. 64~6':;-<lOT~~6'.__-7~;;;;;;;-----~tt~ J new l\f ereede11 at la.st • .,...o
, Th -i,.,. '89 VW Pop Top Camper ••••••••••••••••••••••• y'an1 prices. ese ~11rs I', . ,..~:;;;;-J are tully eq'\iip~d . 74,000 ml. ~Rebul t 70 Camaro. 43.000 •DU .r
Availa.t>lo (or Sale or engine. New tires. Ma~e periectmechcond,tz'.00,
Lea!fe. ,Call for J~ase Otter. Aft s .PM., f.P.642-384_7. __ ~-o
Quote. ' • $St-66tl:. ' · •o
(1!761!21l2Jl381!fl lo • . _CM•ralol f~• ~--..,..---.;,,-'-vohio A .... 977,z •••••••••••••••••e:••••• ••••••••••••••••h••••• 'f7 CHEVY Impala 4100.
'74 VOLVO 164E. lo mt'I, $400. '::ve lneila1e (
HU1t0", A /C. AM t f.•14 Oreg.~-8;2tl2
1tereo. \eatt\er. sunrr, ·
Wtet. l 11:0 d . Mint $6700 sell 'die 1tem1 with a Daj. 61 O. 6'15 -52Steve. ly Pllot.Clas111'ied Ad.
J ..
' ·Lag11na/·~tith _£oast Today's Cl~lag
J'i. Y. Stoelul •
'' I ~ •
VOL..68, NO. 56 ,z 'ECTIO!'fS, 22 PAGES
«;an did.ates t ~· • •
.Give Views
• ·voters in the ~agl.Ula Beach
Unified School District will vote
next Tuesday to decide .which of
five candidates should ·fill two
positions on the Boatd Of Educa-
To assist voters in·making in-
formed selections. the Dally Pilot
today publishes blo'graphical in-
formation and philosophies of all
They are John L. Anderson,
. l18rry Bilhell, Annette Cassidy.
Ronald Chilcote and Richard
Lemon. Tbe two incumbents,
Patricia Gillette and Gerald
Linke, are not seeking re-
In formulaUng the profiles of
each candidate, the Daily Pilot
asked the following questions:
-What are the key issues in
"this campaign as you see them?
-What is )IOUr educational
-How much of a salary in·
crease do you feel school district
employes should recei,•e this
The candidates' respanses to
these questions are carried in the
accornpanying stories. Space
limitations do' not allow full
answers to each question.
Polls will be open Tuesday
from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Any re-
gistered voter unsure of his poll-
ing place may call the Registrar
of Voters,' .834·2244 for informa-
Election results will be availa-
ble from the Registrar of Voters
and at the district's Education
Center, 550 Blumont St. Persons
may call 494·8546 for latest re·
Anderson Serves
As PT A Officer
John L . Ander&on, 33, of 3034
Bern Drive, Laguna Beach, is a
territory manager for a
pharmaceutical firm. He has
worked ·oo the development of
school district goals and during
lhe past year was vice president
ol. the Top of the World Elemen-
tary'Scbb(!l.PT A.
Anderson and his wife, Sha,rt>n.
bl've two
cbUdren, one
aUendillJ Top
aginations to generate
necessary funds to keep
schools alive," he said.
He said the school board must
promote state financial legisla-
tbat benefits the Laguna district,
seek community volunteers, and
make sure "we are getting the
mostJor our dollar.''
""'falh, science, English and
the oUier traditional subject mat-
tet ~fil'IPllJl!'I. will continue to
hold _a dom1nant1 p~ . .Ja...~e • of ·the World
and one at-
tend Ing
!fhurston ln-
termedi ate _
School. J.j
1 stbocil curriculum. But the leflltl·
.. ing in 't.fiefe disciplines Jnust be
based upon Personal ·needs to
cope with a complex contem·
The key is-
.sue i n, the ~ ·camp&ign, AND••soN
!Anderson said, is finance. "Al
the present, we .are unable to.
"et additional tax reVenues,
. therefore. it is of the utmost im-
portance that we use our im·
parary society," Anderson said.
Anderson said that the 12 per-
cent salary· increase requested
by the Laguna Beach teachers
"appears to be out of line as the
Laguna schools are ent.eririg a
fmancial crisis due to inflation
and slate legislation!"
Bithell a 10-year
District· Resident
Harry Bithell, 37 of 31201
Holly 'Drive, :;outh wiguna, ·is a
real estate salesman. A resident
of the school district for 10 years,
'he has been active witb'the re·
cent formation of the Laguna
Beach Girl• Club.
Bitbell, and his wife, Suzanne,
have two
children, both
,.tte ndin g
·IJlso Elemen·
,tary School.
Btthell pin·
Polnled school
f.inances as
Jthe key issue Jn the election
campaign. He
said state .,THt:LL
,.cbool finance Je11S1ation allows
the budget to increase only three
percent per year while inOation
is increasing costs at to percent a
year. •'Th -e board and.. ad·
ministration must find ways of
continuing the· quality of our
education while coping with this
financial problem,•• he said.
"The develapment ot a positive
mental aWtude in our children Is
extremely. important. We· should
contiilue to seek parent and com-
munity volunteers to he.JP our
children develop this high self-
image, '' B.ithell said.
. Regarding the teachers· salary
increase proposal, Bitbell said,
"I ligA( of current times and
general economic ~conditions in
our country, a 12 percent ira-
crease is not in line at this time.
Our state governor has set a
maximum level of 8.5 percent for
state employes inch.Kling those
1e~ployed in state universities.
Laguna Homemaker ' ..
·;Cites Leade~ship
' ' '
"" Annette Cassidy, 37, of 138
McAulay Place. LagW1a Beochjs
1 homemakeP-community
worker. She recenUy servM al
~11airwoman or the school district.
Goals lrnplement'tltlon Commit-\ee. . Mn.'Cassldy and her husband,
~mas, 'ha\'e otir chUdren al·
t endlna
a g u n • 1
B e :t c h
1choo1s. ~ "Budaetary
, 1 decisions and bow they are
wade lo th<l Jtey issue,••
11ald l\lrs .
,Cassidy. Sh•
also said ·ll \1 ,,. ...
1"Ume for the boaM to rewrll to
, Ila role o! leaderall!p h\,lj>lUni
.policy fO!' tho dlatrlct, . .U iuidod
by the expres'sed goals of the
"?tfy principal concern is for
the ilevelopmen\ of the whole slu·
dent -which includes the basic
I <See CASSIDY, Pare A2)
Anesthetic Vials
·Report~ Stolen
vials of a.•e•th#lc d(llp used
tn detiilatry were rePQll'ted stolen
Md¢ay from tho office of San
-Oltmeote denll•l JCJ!ln l'. Klein,
• 1 Police sara a window was
brOken to 14ln entry. The 150
vials of ntedicatlons 'f\'ere valued
al$18. The dru11 were Identified
as Carbocaine ind X,ylocalne,
bolll local aoe11hetlcs .
4 'Nahhed
On Drug
Newport Beach police an-
nounced a task force arrest today
of four South Coast residents o:n
charges of selling cocaine with
an alleged s treet value of
The arrests, made over the
\•:eekend and kept under wraps in
an attempt to arrest additional
s us pects, took place at 24001
Avenida de la Carlotta, Laguna
Hills .
In custody in lieu of $10,000 bail
each are Anthon y Albert
A1artino, 27, 33741 Olinda St .• Apt.
A, Dana Point; Jack Lee St. Den-
nis, 27, 24830 La Paz St., Apt. C.,
Dana Point: Louie Vincent Pele-
que, 31471 Galano Way, San Juan
Capistrano, v:hose age was not
available and Patricia Margaret
Rummel, 18, 24852 Galano Way
also in San Juan Capistrano. '
Detectives in Newport s;.1id
that major help in the several
months of investigation came
from federal agents, along with
detectives from Laguna Beach,
Huntington Beach. and San
1\ total of 18 ounces of the ell'.-
pensi,·e narcotic "·as allegedly
purchased during a series of con-
tacts. Las t Fridayls arrests
came soon after an alleged final
purchase of cocaine by agents.
That sale. police said , was the
largest of the transactions and in -
volved 14 ounces of cocaine.
Police said they are still look-
ing for one suspect who is still at
Y 01r're Covered
~ Jiminez, long-time resident of San Juan Capistrano,
is prepared to maintain the mission community's
version of the law ~urillg its colorful March celebration
Fiesta de las Golondrinas, that includes the annual re'.
turn of the swallows. Parade highlighting the event ill
Match·22 ..
Busing, Sports Slash?
Lagu1za School Candid<,ites Tell Views
ot-. Dally Plt.ts...tf
School busing a nd athletic pro-
grams might be the first things
abolished if budget cuts are
needed to keep the Laguna Beach
schools operating, school board
candidates said al a forum Mon-
day night.
At the same time, the five can-
didates vying for two seats on the
board in Tuesday's election said
they don't believe the Laguna
Beach Unified School District
will experience a budget crisis
this year.
They indicate d financial
problems, may hit the district
with full force in fiscal 1977
because of expected changes in
NEW . YO.RK !UPI l -Stock
prices plunged along a broad
front today on the New York
Stock Exchange in response lo
prQfit laking and negative news .
Trading was fairly active.
A Federal Trade Commission
ruling against Xerox prompted
more selling as the Dow Jones in-
dustrial average, a 12.83-point
loser Monday, £ell 13.54 lo 723.40
al mid·d <iy. The Dow had risen
133 points since Jan. J.
Declines led advances, 6 to I ,
demonstrating the breadth of the
state school financing.}a""·s.
1'he candidat es are John An ·
derson. Harry Bithell, Annette
C~ssid y . Ronald Chilcote and
Richard Lemon.
They were asked where they
would start paring the budget if
cuts were required.
Chilcote said reduction of the
district's flnal1Cial reserves. slu·
dent tf-ansportation and athletic
program s might be the first
ilrens looked at. He said he was
n(!l\.-.necessaiily advocating cuts
in those programs.
"We would have lo determine
\vhat would have . the least ad-
verse effect on the least amount
of people," said Lemon. Re pin-
pointed transportation and ad·
minislralive costs as two are11s
that \\·ould be looked at first if he
were elected and later faced with
making budget cuts.
· ·•Transportation is certainly a
possibility." said Bithel1, "but
.I'm nqt ready to go on record on that:" .... ·· -··-·
''Deciding where to cut ·a
budget is difficult until·yriu have
it in front of you,'' BitheU added.
Mrs. Cassidy said she would
look at the "non-academic" por.
lion of the budget £or areas that
could be cut. ''What happens in
<See FORUM, Pago AZJ
Not That Dot
Class Gets Name Change
SA DDLEBACK COLLEGE students will be able to sign up
ror 45 new courses in the spring quarter but ''Learning Those Sex-
ual Roles" wo n't be one of them.
It might b~ li sted as .. Women's Studies 20'1 or something
1:'9Ually Jess s picy as a fesult of a rewrite job ordered !\fonday
ni ght by the board of trustees: ·
. TlfE TITLE CHANGE was pushed by bOard member Nor-
r1 sa Brandl who argued that it was ''miscalculated."
Accordiqg to the course descriptibn W~at ''Learning Those
Sexual RoleS'' really is, is : "An examination of the institutional '
~nd societal conditions which sociaJize women into rraditional sex
Supe rintendent Robert Lombardi and Dean of Instruction R .
L. Platt agreed to bring the coorse ba.ck for approval with· a dif·
ferent title .
Irvine Ru1ing 'Delayed
Ol .... O.Uy l"lt.t S&;lft
01 Ult D.i.lly Piiot SlitH
Saddleback Col lege trustees
did an esthetic turnabout Mon·
day and ordered a mission·style
gymnasium. complete with a tile
roof, for their campus.
The $3.3 million structure,
combined with locker rooms and
teaching facilities. "'ill differ
markedly from existing textured
block buildings on campus.
But board members, "'ith the
exception of Robert
Bartholome\\·, believe the t"·o
styles will be harmonious and in-
structed the architectural firm or
Hippe and Randell to bring back
detailed drawings.
Bartholomew said he didn't
like any of the design concepts
shown by architect George Ran·
dell, blasting one of them as look-
ing like a stable a nd another like
a ''Tijuana.hacienda."
Before the district commits
that much money, Bartholomew
argued, it ought to have more
than a set of sketches.
Bartholomew said he wanted to
look al some slid,es and some
similar looking buildings before
giving his approval.
But the pressure of a June 30
deadline to award the contract
O\'errode the trustee's objections.
If the deadline is not met, the col·
<Seo MlSSION, Page A2l
2 Men Wa1ited
For Assault ·
Of Hitchhiker
San Clem e nte Poli ce are
searching for two men driving an
out-of-state van who picked up a'
Marine hitchhiker and later tried
to (Orce him to commit sex acts
with them.
Det. Sgt. Ardon Saunders suid
the hitchhike r. a 20-year-old
Camp Pendleton l\larine, "'·as
trying to catch a ride southbound
on El Camino Real "'hen the blue
van with light-colored license
plates pulled up and the pair of-
fered him a ride. · ·
The victim told officers one of
the m'en s truck him. declared
that the lv»o \\·ere homosexuals
and then attempted to n1olest
The !\1arine·s r esistance ap·
parently paid off when the pair
returned to San Clemente and re-
leased him .
The driv~r of the van was
described as a caucasian, 35 to 40
years old, hea\'y set and sporting
a goatee.
The passenger in the van was
said lo be of !\1exican or Indian
descent, young, thin, with a pock-
marked face and wearing lur·
quoise rings on several fingers.
San Clemente Police have is-
sued a d escription or the vehicle
and its occupants to surrounding
la\\· enforcement agencies.
Variable high clouds but
mostly sunny through Wed-
nesday. according lo the
weather service. Cooler al the
beaches but warm inland.
Highs fron1 the lower 60s to
the upp er 70s inl a nd .
Overnight lo"'S 42 to 52.
/\'ikolai Bulgariin. the pre-
niier of the Soviet Union from
1955 to 1958, died today o.fler a
kmg illness . The 79-year-old
pretnier was often upstaged
by colorful Nikita Khnlihchev·
in Soviet politics. See story
and picture Page A4.
ladex ..
AM-t1 •• ... •• ••
··candid ~es . --•
skills to succeed in the adult
world (the basic three Rs and the
ability to use them in daily liv-
inl), communication skills,
knowled1e of one's own interests
and talents.· Mrs . Cassidy said.
Mra. Cassidy said it is the
responsibility of the present
board of education to negotiate a
salary increase wlth lhe school
district's teachers. "Volcina: a
apecific oPlnlon would mly make
things difficult for them," Mn.
Cassidy said.
Chilcote Professor
At UC Riverside
Ronald II . Chilcote, 39, of 1940
San Remo Drive. Laguna Beach,
is a professor of political science
at UC Riverside. Chilcote has
been a n active member of the
'f emple Hills Community As-
Chilcote and his wife, Fran,
,,. have two c hildren attending
L a g u n a
"I believe
quality educa-
tion is depen-
dent not only
on money,''
Chilcote sald.
"Equally im-
portant are
teachers who make learn-cH1LcoT1.
ing an interesting and re\li.'arding
proCess ; students who become
involved in decisions about their
learning ; parent•. who
participate in programs for their
child.ren, and a community that
commits its human and material
Chilcote said the ach9ola
s hould promote the ba•lc
academic skills, critical thinking
and individual freedom in it.a stu•
Chilcote declined to address
the question about the 12 per-
cent salary increase requested
by teachers, .saying, "The school
administration has vowed not to
make this a campaign issue, and
an amicable process is under
waY between the negotiating
partL.es. It would be Inap-
propriate for school board can·
didates to attempt to.Influence
thls process by expressing their
opinion at this time."
Attorney to Seek
School Financing
Richard Lemon, 31 , of 609
Sleepy Hollow Lane, Laguna
Beach, is a corporate attorney
with a Santa Ana law firm . The
father of two children attending
Laguna Beach schools, he has
been a resident of the district for
seven years.
.. How the new m embers or the
school board
propose lo
quality educa·
tlon in
1Laguna at a
time whJ!:n ln-
• flation baa
with 111·
state law to LEMON
reduce, in effect, the financial re-
sources of the district is the main
issue of this c11mpaign," Lemon
He said be would 'wofk to
generate revenues for thediltrlct
from non·tax aourcea, such aa an
education foundation, and take
an active role in formulatin& new
state school finance laws.
"ScbooJs s'1.ould not Impose on
children any ready -made
political or other dogma, but I
believe it is important for the
school to encourage certain
values such as the specl8lness or
each child, the benefit of being
·productive, the validity of dif·
ferent viewpoints and the worth
of :i,11 persons,•• Lemon said.
Lemon said he does not believe
the district can afford the 12 per·
cent salary increase requested
by teachers because of financial
constraints. He urged that
teachers' pay scales be re-
organized to pay more money to
teachers who work harder and
are more talented.
From Page A I
the classroom must not be affect-
ed," she said.
Anderson s aid he has been
''frustrated" by past budget
cuts, particularly those that
abolished entire programs. He
said athle tic department ac-
counts would receive his atten-
tion if cuts were required.
In capsule form. here are some
of the other views expressed by
the candidates on the subject of
school finances:
Anderson said the current ine-
quities in state school finance
legislation may force lhe Laguna
district into deficit spending next
year. He said he would support
federal and state grants and use
of community volunteers to help
ease the rin ancial problems of
the district.
Blthell said he would support
federal and state grants so long
as provisions were made for con-
t,. 0•..,9' Coat! O•!IT Piiot, wllh ""'fell l1t-
bl...a t .... ,_,.,,p,~"• I' IHl&li""-" b, ltw °'""II'
CN\I Put>11\.l'lot111 Con>••"' "-•lt..i•I•<•• .... .
publl"'•d ,,..,...,., tn'""ll" Ftl""y '"' c ... 1. -.... Ne*!>O'I 6••<h. t<unt1P>q1on 9ir8C"1Foun
l•ln V•ll•¥, "''""· ~1ddl1bt(-11•11•, •nd Lt9"N S.tth lSO"th Cot\! A 0!"91~ t'910Nl
Mii~ i. .,...~,.,_td ~11.,·~••• -,.....,.,., Tne
"''f>l-._I p"l>ll•h•nQ pltnl '< •! )DO -.r B.o,
S\1"ftl.,(.o1i. Me\•, (tl+!o•not~Ollo.
Robert N. Weed
Pl't•IO-ll ..... "'1111-r
Jack R. Curley
\'l(t flr .. ! .. ~t tNll Ot,,...tl Mii.....,
Thomds Keevil con ...
Thomas A. M urphint'
M.l ..... n11..i1w
Char)f1 H. LOO' Richard P. Nlllll
M •ltt-..... ~ ... £011••
tinuation of grant progrems
when the government tap is shut
off. Bithell warned that a tax
override election to generate
more money for the schools
might be required in November.
1£ required, he said he would "go
out and try to sell it."
Mrt1. Cassidy said board wi em·
bers must be aware of how the
budget "relates to the individual
'student." She said her past in-
volvement with the school dis-
trict goals and attend ance ::it
school board meetings would
help her immediately become in·
volved in this year's budget pro·
cess if she is seated on the board
in April.
Chilcote said quality education
is not necessarily dependent on
money. "The important thing Is
what happens in the classroom,"
he said. He said the district is in a
pasition to receive £ederal grants
in several areas,l including new
innovative techniques, resources
and instruction for handicapped
Lemon said the financial issue
is the most severe problem rac-
ing the distric;t. He promised to
take an active role in he1plng
formulate new school finance
legislation that would benefit the
district. Lemon also called for an
e ducational foundation that
could collect private donations
and bequests .that could defray
school costs.
Collins Gets
Naval Pact
-·The U.S. Navy hat awarded a
$2 .3 million contract to a
Newport !leach nr111. !ht Co1lln1
Radio Group of Rockwell ln-
Rep. Andrew J . lllnah1w <R·Newport Beach), In announc·
ing the contract, said It calla for
production of 1 newlommunle•·
tions technique developed by
Colllnaenglneers In thepa1ly .. r.
The techntque allow• contact
between atrpl1ne1 •nd 1ub·
marl net.
"This LI a breakthrou&h and
will probably lead to ldclltiooal
rontracta later thLI yur for Ille
firm," Hin.thaw 1ald .
O.lly Piiot St.Ill "'°''
,. . -l ..
Developer May
Renew Lawsuit
Ot '"' Dall'I' .. 1... .... . . ~ .,
"" 1..awsUlts over Sycamore Hll11 ma.y not have ended with the dll·
'missal ot a $87 mllllon action
a"ainst the citv of J.alfunA RP""h
and others last week in fed eral
That was the prediction Mon -
day of the attorney for R•ncbb
Palo s Verdes. owner ot Sycamore Hiila.
··we are disappointed of
course, but this is not the whole
lawsuit and we've 1ot a good
claim. We'll find some place
where they'll give us a good hear-
ing and determine just how good
our claim is," said John Pollock,
senior partn e r in Pollock ,
William s & 'Berwanger. at-
torneys for the developer.
Rancho · Palos Verdes Is a
division of Great Lakes Carbon
Corp. of New York, headed by
Ruston W. Skakel, brother of Mrs.
Robert F . Kennedy.
matter allowed suit to~ brought
in J'ederal court, inltlally,
however.. the federal Judi• di•·
milled the 1ult 'aayin1 lllat ap-
propri~t• remedies had not first
been sought through the ~late
court system.
Pollock said no determination
has been made over the future
course of the company'a legal at-
tack against the city.
"The whole ramifications of
the judge's ruling are up for di s-
cussion. There's no thought
though of treatinc this as the end
of the ball game, just part of one
"The decisions that are going
to be made are not whether to
carry the litigation on but are of
what fashion and in what court,"
Pollock said.
If an. appeal ot the federal
judge's d ec ision were to be
made, it must be filed within 30
days of the deciaion.
Becky Gaulden Play• Admirer at Dana HUis
The developer had filed suit
against the city, Laguna Green-
belt Inc., and 43 Lagunans, many ·
of whom are past and pres~nt
members of the CJty Council, the
Planning Commission and the
Greenbelt board or directors, but
also private citizens who spoke
out at.public meetings against de-
If the issue were taken to stale
court, the city could be 1ued as a
whole, however, individual city
officials would be immune from
Sycamore Hills was annexed lo
the city in 1966 and consists of 522
acres of rolling hills and pie·
turesque rock outcroppings. At
the time or its annexation, 3.000
units were planned in a tradi-
tional housing deve lopntent plan.
'Bye, Bye,Birdie'
Set for Dana High The action sought in federal
court sought $37 million in actual
and punitive damages in·
dividually against thederendants
which the developer claimed had
engaged in a conspiracy reminis-
cent or the Ku Klu x Klan and of-
fi cials in the deep south in deny-
ing him his civil rights.
The project was scrapped
"''hen the housing market fell, but
revived by Newport Investment&
Inc., which held a n option on the
land a nd wanted to build 2,000
townhouse units and a com-
• Tickets are on sale now for the
Dana, Hills High School produc-
tion Of ''Bye Bye Birdie" to be
staged at 8 p.m. Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday at the school
A combined production of the
school music and drama depart·
ments, ''Bye Bye Birdie" Is a
story or a rock and roll singer,
Conrad Birdie, about to be in·
ducted into the Army. -
His manager stages a na-
tionwide competition to promote
Birdie's last song "One Last
Kiss." The scheme falls afoui of
From Page Al , -,
million price offered by Mobil for
the foundation 's 4,590,000 shares
of Irvine Company stock-they
represent _.~-~ J?_ercent or !}le is-
s ued holdings -amounts to a
"ridiculously low " figure of $24 a
share. ·
Tigar and two deputy at-
torneys general pointed out to
Judge Owens that valuation or
S35.65 a share had been made on
the Irvine Company stock in a
1973 appraisal made for the In-
ternal Re\o·enue Service.
Tiga r again urged Judge
Owens to clamp a 90-day injunc·
lion plus an immediately follow-
ing trial date on the foundation-
Mobil deal.
And he predicted there would
be no shortage of buyers for the
Irvine Company stock despitP.
statements to the contrary made
by Privett.
"Since this story hit the local
papers at least one buyer has
emerged and the government of
Kuwait was interested but had
the door shut in its face," Tigar
Privett failed to respond to
Tigar's charge that the founda-
tion had {ailed to produce draft
copies of what Privett said was
the "t enative agreement" re-
ached between Mobil and th e
Jrvine Foundation.
Judge Owens has refused lo or·
der that the paper work be ad-
mitted into evidence al this stage
of the litigation over the protests
of Tigar a nd deputy attorneys
general Lawrence Tapper and
Yeoryios Appallas .
Tapper warned Judge Owens
that if the foundation is upheld in
its argument that it can dispose or
Irvine Company stock without
challenge, then $14 billion in trust
funds throu1hout Califomill is in
''l shudder to think of the effect
that could be created by such a
decision," Tappt!r said.
Lawyers for both sides agree
that the key issues if Mrs.
Smith0s lawsuit goes to trial will
be the fair market value of the
Irvine Company stock' held by
the foundation, what Tigar called
the ''hidden clauses'' of the Mobil
deal and the offers that could be
made by other concerns if they
ore allowed to enter the biddlng.
Tl'8r predicted "a fairly short
ttia' if we can only get our 90·day
freezing of the Mobil deal and
come up with some other in ·
terested bidders.
"We are running on a fast
track," Tigar told Judie Owens.
··we will need but a few wit-
nesses to 10 with our document&·
tlon and we believe we can re-
solve this Issue fairly quickly."
Car Tools Taken
The theft of $150 worth of tool•
from Ille repair 1hop of the Tom
Sump Ford dealer1hlp, !W N. El
Camino Real, San Clemtllle, LI
under lnve1t11at1on by Sen
Clemente Police. The lOll wat
illscovered Monday. •
a jealous boyfriend or the girl
who is to receive the kiss.
David .Paulson is ''Conrad
Birdie"; Kurt Grarplays "Albert
Peterson"; Chris Jenkins, "Rose
Alvarez,'' manager's secretary ;
and Becky Gaulden, .. Kim" the
girl who win s the kiss.
Tickets are $2 .50 for adults and
S2 for students. They are availa-
ble in advance at the school and
at the door.
99.99% Safe
Ato1n Power
Plant Eyed
budding nucl ear pO\\•er industry
will ha\•e to be ma de· '099.99 per-
cent" s afe to prevCJ1t a "public
health nightmare," a medical
physicist has told the California
Med ical Association.
Dul another phys ici;}n said
l\.1onday that no means of produc·
ing energ_1.· is 100 percent safe,
though he stated that the nuclear
po\\'er plants in existence have a
perfect.,J.;ecord of saf.-..t.y so far.
In a ~iscussion at the CMA con·
vention, a nuclear poy.•er opp<>-
nent, Dr. John W. Gofman, and a
supporter, Dr. Leonard Sagan,
agreed on one point -that doc-
tors are ne g lecting their
responsibility to take stands on
environmental issues.
' "The virtual absence of physi-
cians from the environmental
movements of ou.-times .
doesn't add to the estimation or
physicians by the community,"
said Gofman, professor emeritus or medical physics at UC
There the ;.1greement ended.
Gofman s<iid he believed th at
potential health hazards or
nu clear plants are so great that
··y.·e s hould giv e up this un aecep-
table techn ology right now ."
The civil rights aspect of the
f 'rom Page Al
lege \Viii not qualify for some
$300,000 in state aid.
The new gymnasium-physical
education facility will actually
consist of a cluster o( four build·
ings -a 2 ,000 llieat gym, a locker
room building, an an activities
Trustees voted unanimously lo
ex pand the women's locker room
to 60 percent of the men's locker
room area to allow for future
growth in women's sports. The
expansion will add $30,000 to the
price of the completed facilJty.
Some unusual features of the
co mplex include a glass·encased
press rooi;n overlooking the gym
floor lo fa cilitate the filmin g or
sports events and a whirlpool
bath located between the men's
<1nd women's locker areas.
The architects also pointed out
lhat the new complex will be the
first or the new campus buildings
to incorporate energy-sa\·ing de-
sign features.
It will have operable v.·indows
for mechanical ventilation and
air conditioning will be confined
only to offi ces and a few other
Skyli ghts will provide much of
the lighting and the building, ac·
cording to Randell. should be
usable even daring !>rownout or
blackout conditions.
College officials hope construe·
tion will begin this July. The
building is expected to take about
12 months to complete.
In related action, trustees vot-
ed unanimously to award an
architectural contract to Hippe
and Randell which will pay them
seven percent of the $3.3 million.
mercial center on it. ,
The city council and the plan-
ning commission found the en·
vironmental impact report for
the project inadequate and the
project stalled.
Sycamore Hills is located at
the juncture o f El Toro and
Laguna Canyon Roads and 11
connected to the city by a long
··shoe s tring" annexation.
Representatives for the de·
veloper recently have hinted at
deannexation from the ci ty.
I 7 ,000 Birds
meone bent on malicious mischief
apparently caused the suffoca-
tion deaths of 17,000 chickens at
the Foster Farms plant here, a
sheriff's spokesman says.
The chickens, valued ot
bety.·een $30,000 rind $40.000, were
killed when the rour buildings in
which they were kept were
sealed. ~t er ced Sheriff's Lt.
Robert Fisher reported Monday.
Another 15,000 chickens were
saved \Vh en the sealed buildings
v.·ere d iscovC"r~d Sunday night,
he added.
Laguna Council
To Meet Wednesday
The Laguna Re ach City Coun-
ci l will meet at 4 : 40 p.m. Wednes·
day at City llall to con.sider item.c;
d eferred from a long agenda at
las t Wednesday's session.
Among items to be discussed
are the Laguna Beach firemen's
petition, status report on the
\'outh Service Center, a poUcyon
receipt or gratuities, end a re·
quest to make Eiler Larsen Lane
a one-way thoroughfare.
What's My Line?
You won't be fed any lines at
Alden's. We are more interested in
developing loyal customers than
making a fast sale.
None of our salespeople will bother
you if you just want to browse. but
will be pleased to assist you if you
wish . with truthful answers to your
When we discuss carpet lines. we
would have to "'modestly'" admit that
we have the largest selection in the
Customweave, Evans-Black
Monticello. Lees. Walters, etc.
AI .. DEN'S ·
1663 Placentia A. Ye.
HOUIS:-'Tln'llorL, 'to l tJO-NI.' to ,...1. SAT. •:JO to I
• • 1
I , ' ~·flJlct 11r,.da11
Consumer~· Say
Rebates a Must . ' By United Preu lnternaUoaal
'f'fbe only way the auto
01Uert are 1otng to start
turning profit& again ls to sell
rood can II 1ood pric ... "
1ay1 Ellen Ru11ell of llochuter, N.Y.
Her short statement put
Detroit 011 "notice thllt an
honest price cut.. not Just an
extension of cash rebates,
which end Friday, ls what it
Will take to 1e1 her to buy a new car.
Charles Goodman or
Roebe1ter doean 't think re.
bates should be extended.
''ALL THE rebates in the
world won't get me to buy the
junk Detroit is putting out
these days," Goodman says.
"The cars should cost about
$500 less because that's aJI ·
they're worth.''
Justin Camerleneo or
Bergenrleld, N.J ., admits he
.was te'mpted by the rebates,
but didn 'l buy a new car,
because he's just finished
paying off a 1972 model . Like
many others contacted by
UPI, he felt the rebates were
another gimmick.
''Basically, there's no dir.
$6 Millio n
Center in
Hunt ington
A $6 million community
shopping center is under con·
structton near the Civic
Center and Huntington Beach
High School in Huntington
Beach, by the Huntington
Beach Company, according
to Stan YounJ, vice president or engineering and opera·
Young said Seacliff Village
will provide a community
shopping center tbat will in -
c I ude convenience and
s pecialty shopping ,
restaurant.e and a complete
flnanciaJ facility .
The 135,000 square foot
complex, to be known as
Seacliff Village Shopping
Center. is scheduled to open
_in November, 1975, according
to H. Scott McCartney, pro·
ject manager, Grubb & Ellis
Co. 's Newport Beach Office,
exclusive leasing agents.
McCartney said the shop-
ping center is designed to in·
elude a 30,000 square foot food
market: 12,000 square foot
drug store: 7 ,000 square fool
restaurant, 4,000 square fool
fast food outlet: a 6,ooo
square foot bank, a 9,200
square foot savings and loan
association branch. plus
67,000 square feet or other re-
tail outlets.
rertnce betWeen 11 rebate and
a sticker price cut ln tbe lon1
run,'' he a aid. ''But that
check, say ror $'00 would take
care of the first few car pay·
Most Americans surveyed
by UPI 1atd large price cuts
on all models would be better
than 1tmply con\inuJna the re·
bates on selected-moatly
EVEN DEALERS said they
felt the rebates, started by
Chrysler and picked up by
General Motors, Ford and
American Motors, have ac·
compllshed what they set out
to do and 1omethipg else ls
"What the rebate has done
has got the people out Jook·
Ing," !!lays John Crabbe, a San
Francisco new car salesman.
"It has stimulated the bust·
ness and has taken people out
or neutral.
''It really has been a
tremel\dous shot In the arm,"
he says. "But what we really
need now is a tax break, like
an income tex rebate, to get
money back into people's
hands so it will get circulating
Sometime this week, the
auto makers arc expected to
begin outlining their plans for
the days after the rebates
end. Many dealers are featiul
of the early days in March,
"It 'II be total destruction,"
says Bernie Solomon ,
manager of Bayside
Cbryster·Plymouth in
Queens, N.Y. "But, then, I ex·
peel the guys in Detroit will
make some kind of extension
of the rebate, whether by dis-
counting the sticker prtce or
actually keeping the rebate in
Mesa Firm
Gets Bid
A $172.592 .50 government
contract has been awarded lo
lnternaL1onal Circuit
Technology Corp. of Costa
14esa, by the Defense Supply
Agency's Defense Electronics
Supply Center, Dayton, Ohio.
A fixed·price, supply.type
award, the contract calls for
manufacture of 3,275 d.igita
microcircuits at the firm's
plant 1n Costa Mesa.
The Defense Electronics
Supply Center procur..es.
manages and supplies Com·
mon electronic parts used by
the armed services and
\'arious other government
agencies .
~epairs S t eady
' • i
Capltol News Servtre
SACRAMENTO -Jf you think do it yourself service is
on the increase as a result of economic conditions, car
owner• are doing it on a sclcct1vc basis, says a report from
Detroit in the current issue of Motor 1\1' agazine.
Car owners who lack the money to have maintenance
work done by professional repairmen are limiting
themselves to minor repair and maintenance jobs such as
tuneups, oil changes, lubrication and lamp replacJng.
The amateurs are still leaving the major items up to the
seasoned mechanic, even if ll means a little more cash·
exits·pocket .
While the sales of do it yourself parts are on the rise, the
phenomenon may be due to increased automobile popula·
t1on, rather than a major trend In the repair it yourself field.
One way to get back a lot of the snap that your car had
when It wa s running right Is wl{h r\!g ular tuneups al the in·
terv ala recommended in your car's malntennnce schedule.
A tuneup also helps your vehicle run cleaner and get
better mileage, in aeneral It brings the' pawer sections of
your car lnto better cooperation and gives that feel of
respon!le to the driver.
. Althoueh 1park plugs can endure mtlllons or firipes,
they all eventually wear out or foul out. A routed or worn out
plug will not fire , so the a:ag It should Ignite will simply be
Durihg: an engine tuneup, the plup are replaced with
new, accurately gapped ones of thtt right heat range. The
old plugs should be carefully checked, because they tell an
important story to your mechanic.
Black, fluffy deposits, for example, may Indicate a dir·
ty air cleaner. Other spark plug 1ymptoms tip off the
tralned observer to other need• that your Ignition 1y1tem
may have developed. • l1nltion aer\'ice begins at Ibo ~l1tributor. Nothln1 on
your en1lne ta more important or more aenattive to 1djust·
ment. This Important part 'houtd be thoroushly ln1pecttd
and Its parts replaced whenever necessary.
Distrib)J.tor contact Points ore nearly always replaced
durinl a tuneup. The rlaht settlna of these opening and clos-
ing polnta'ls vet)' critical lo the performance of an en1ine.
Skilled mechanic• use electronic equipment to set
'°lnu and en1lne Umin& to very exact specllicatloqs. II the
setting and /or tlmln1 Is off even •llahUy, the car'• ruel con·.
1um.ptJon wlll rl11e. and por1orn11.nce.wlll decrease.
• Your entlne runs on au and air, and It runt beU.er the
more precisely the tv.·ocomponents ara mixed.
tr th• mixture ii out of balance, the enalne may t>e bard
to start, tend lo stall or use more fuel than 11 necusary.
Service of your fuel system should include a check of the air
and ruel fillers. automatic choke and the engine Idle speed.
25,1'75 OAtLYPILOT
NIW 'l'Oftk 1\/,1) -tlillt ~ l'th•••'o':l tre iirlttl ~ th• • N,.... 0.. =. V IUKi tll(Nlftte _.,l>"-l':"l! l•,l, 3 j·-..... "" • ..,,·1 . _,
P-• (Mil tlOM °"I• I ~ ... ·; ' t "'-'" _,,-.»t.~-,.-~_,"" J rt \V'j n: .~'~
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A1l1rpf 2.65 . J '' COi P1ch1rt1 .. 190 • ,
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F•r Wit Fcl • 6S ''• t \6. •ntMull 1.:M. • • 2Jh-"'II ~ l.Ol49 Jl nv.-'\:. l'•r•h MIQ , I 1.,,_ Vt lt111'1t~ I .0. 6 IJS 2Jl4-~ M11rp(;Q 1,20 S J UW-V.
F-•r1 Cp ,, }J 3'1•-...... ll'IU P•r.• 1 1 SSS 40\lo-* Murpl'IOI .lloll 4 81 1, + v. l"""'tlCD I J ~ 11 ...... ll'llRt< ,tld 4 2 ,.., . Mutty Oh 1 • II lS'll t Vt FIO Mo,. I IO 9 II 16\<o-Vo IM T4. l.Sl '11t1 1Jto-I Mo.IOm l.l2 . S tS\.'o-~
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F<IP-pt81.20 . ISS \S\.'t-1 t T& pfJ4 ,, 12 40"'--~ N•MKo2,JOll IS6 JIV•-'il>
Fecr Slgtl )Q ' II l\.\-'·" I Ta. T pfl( • • • •I tOW-1\lo N•ko en ·'° 10 llO ,, -"' F•ODSI I 16 ll 2Sl JS -'h I TT r~ 21<. • • t 1 1•Vt-1 N•rto $C ,IO I 4 •:14-lot
F•rrDCo'P I 1 ti 14 -~ I Tl plO S . 1 •1~-l:W. N61h11<1C .lo(I 6 J2 IS'"-V.
FlbNbrd .0 J •1 10',1, , • lnlfPIC I 10 • 22 11~-:W. NelAlrln ~ 4 30t 10Vr+ V.
FIO Fln.clCo J 1 ' -Vo lllkrPICpf s .. 1 '°". 1~ NelAYl'I .)'jb.. 24 1~-....
FldUlk. J.40 i l 21~ , .• l,.,lpUOI Gr 1 4 4 12~-V. N•ll C.1'1 .Sl 4 S?• 11\.la--""
Fl6tG<rMI 1 tJ 4t t\4-V., 111111 Br .OSl:I I 3' I -\"t NI Ctl pf llh,. JI 10'...,_1'11
P'Ulrol(p .0 S SI 11 '~ + \>lo lnt1tPw 1 40 9 11 l4!11o-'lo NC11m11'1 ,ll 21 JS 31:14-"' Fine I Fe<I SJ • Jl ·-~-\.1' In$! U"O 24 :I J )Ill-V. HI CllyL .90 10 )II I t o • FlrU,,. 1,10 • •1 16..,_+ '4 I-• 8'1101 ! 1• 1•'4.-~ Nl[)Url 2.S2 S 10 :J.tV.-I~ Flt cn.,t 11 I 1lS 101.-\.'t I-• fl I lO 20 10 11 '4 ••• NllOIUI 1.10 4 111 ISV.-...
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Fluor Cl> JO t J2l 1t:i.i.-"• Jl'lll'I Cn 11'.112 14 IOt'lo-""' Nwmnl)f •'h , . 1 .. V.-1'\li
•MCt.. 'l'1 S 21S 13 -1111 Jlw'IColl pt 1 , 4 2S'-+ 'II HY5EG2 20 • 31 21'111! •..
FMC 2V., I 21'* + ._ Jol'llo91'1 .40 6 2• •to ., Hi::i! 1.11 S 161 10 -"" FDDcl •• .10 S s 51, wr,:s 1.$00 J • 21.,.. ••. NC. 13-'9 •• zta :J.tV•+ ""'
fDOltCB 80 9 6 ll'•+ 'II Joi tnl ,9{1 1 It 11 .... -.... Hl'O .l]G .. II 12\.'•-"'°
For<1Mo l 20 9 , .. ll'o-1''• J"f Mt9 1 ~1 11 132 41\lo +I NL llld<11t I • 111 1llN+ 'lo
fo.M<.k 88 ( l5 ll''•-.,.. JvtUce Mtgl1 l 3>'• ,,, HLTCrp .loO 1 )01 II -v-r
FrM pf 1 10 . I 11' 1-~. ---« K-NDrlD1•W1 5 • 4' ~-"" F108rl'I lib , 1S IS\lo-V. K•llrAl 1.10 J 50 ll'l'o-\'I NorlnCp IV. :I S 14 .... , , ,
FOrtHwd 4112 :Ill 11'1>-•;, l(llAt pl4','f ,. 1 47 ••• Hofr.s 1.11 S II IJ'l'o+ V.
l'Mte<Whl I 1 101 ?1\,-1~ l<AI S9pl 4),(,.. 1 ••"-+1:W. NA CDll .80 t •11 ~-It
fi>•boro . .0 IJ 11 t t -"' K•l1-rCI .50 1 l6 6 .... -.... NA Mtg .40& 4 S4 ~ ""°
F•-M 40 10 194 lt'h-"' Ka poref 1~ •. I 1)\o't-~ HAmPh, 20 s 2• ISi'>+ "" Frt-ptM 1.IO S •1 2•"'--\lo K•.,.Mll .20 J :J.t 1t"lo-" HCllA.lr .10b 4 .(9 2'\li-\.'t Fruthullto t 1'7 H'h-1'Jo KtCPLl2.10 I M Jl'.t.-1111 NoCnAl!"lwt •• 10 I -'l'o F~ ln<l<I ' bl 4\11-.,, ICCPL pf·~· • 150 SI..., ••• Not51UI 1 en .. S2$ II -...
-G o -l(CS011'1 .500 4 4 1•'--"" Noetl!Gs ... I 12 10'/'I>-~ CO.ble ln01I 3 Jt S -•.to !Ctl'I CE I lo6 I 2• lS"°-.... qNo C.n Ar •. 1!IO 7'.t.+ '4
GAC Corp J ICIO 1'~-·~ !CtmN I l t! I 9 1•'1)-'lo Noll!GS I .fl I 14 2111e"t ...
GA!! Cp .S2 4 100 •v.-Vo IWnPll IS ' 1 II ... + \Ii NllGSOr 1,t(I 3 2l'l'o-"' CAF rM 1 10 •• 20 lS>,'o-v. K.llJ lr>duU l 41 ,.,.._ V. H01nF'5 1.l6 I "8 14¥-" G;tt!'l~l!l ,40 4 .. IO:tf.-"• Klly Dl1.4f, •• • 12""-~ HoNIG1l.IO 5•127 ~lo<\ 0... .... 11 s21• 3' 29•.-.-v. ~vt4.8r .1• .• •22 6V. ••. No'>CPwl." 9 JJ1 :ZO:U-'¥11
G.ttd(le,., 111• 'l 11~-lo't IUutBpl l~I ,. I 1• NrlnQ.11 •Jd 1 \I 41/4
C;.rtlnlo.I .% • ll !Oh ••• K•-t l • ..0 4 l 10 .,, Nor1hrp1.to J JCIO Zl-\>\ G;ir)OCk .. ' I 11 IUylMR ,M) If • 11"'-.... N•IUUrr .•$ J 252 \Siio-"""
G91SYt 1.12 7 \4 11 + V. !Ct-Cp,20 S .(9 ,...,_,... Nw8Ml 1.60 • J/6 :J6.14-V.
Citllw•y 11'1 1 I 2 •• l(fUer 11'1 so 4 J3 .,,.._ 1,(o Nw11 In 1.20 3 21M 24~\.'t
GCA CDl'P • lS l"'-V. l(•ll09Q .60 1• 106" 1514-V. NW$1 Inell ws •• 11 12\.(o-"'
o.m1t11 C1p •• 21 l\oo -"" K•I-.eo • '' I ., . N .. 1 rn p1 s .• 10 1•~ O.mlnHn 1• •. 10 12 + Vo "9twntl 1 40 S I 29\'f-'ilo N.-sllpl' to .. :ti JJV>--<t""
GnAMI .24b .. IJ ..... •• lt•N;;oll? '° s •5l2 )2 -\.'t NwstlftpfC 5 •• ' 1tlh-2Yo
GnAOll 8011 I 20 31 K~ U!lt 1.74 10 IS IS.,.-V. Nw Mu 31b 1 31 11 •••
C.nATr t.IO 1 2.$ )]""-V. Ktrr M<G I IS 3t• 69 -1V. l<lwPI Cl • ..ob 1 21 IJ..,,._ \.Ii
Gl'IAT Pf 2~. llOO 43"• + tv. ICIOO. w ·'° 4 100 llV.-,... Nw'>CI 2.AOol • It 41\/o-"" Gtt1B"t' .IO $ I f0"•-'.-' Kldl»pl 2.2'0. I 14 -14 Hrtn Co t.10 S ti 24'h ... GnC•blt 6.1 S 14' l :\lt. •• !ClmtK.11.'4 6 «l9 2•\o\ , , , NDf'tnS! .40Q 10 .. , 11 -1 Gn Cgr 1.20 • 3 ll l(Jr191DS 40 6 8J 7'4 + \lo Hrt$1pf1 . .0 .. .. )I -IV.
Gel'IC•M .•4 1 19 tl'4 •.• Klrtcnc .tO 1 •1• 11:\li-\'> •"?", fp.:J.!. :11 n'' ?._~ _.,. .. Gil De\l'!lop l 20 ]""-\', K L M Alrl •. ) 2t*-""' ,,-..., ""' ,..._
Gel'I Oytlam 5 lS 2J'-'>-1'f> Kl'li'Olhl R ~4 10 26 21~-""' --0 O-
Gll f l« l.I01) 1ltt 42111-1\11 Ko.l'lrll'IQC.0 5 17 '"'° , .. 0.1111141 ,40 3 14 J'h-\fl
GnFODd I 40 10 JJI 2311.-~~ KDll'lr pf 2~.. 2 h -VI 0.kllePr .IA • 2i • -\.'I C.1'1Gr 1.06d11 10 11"°+ v. KOP!»r 140 S 142 .,,,._1 OccldP .251:1 310St 14'tll-\'I
c,,.n.HoJl ,40tl 4 11 • ,,, KQPP9rof 4 •. tl•O ""'1 +1 Otcldil"tpf4 •• 11 ..-,_1\o'I
Gen tn\tr l l 4 l6J 1'11-""' Kr•fleo l.t:i ll 11 :19lla-'h OC<.Ptc»t 3 • .0 •• 54 4s:M.-2141 Gtn~.I• I t • ,.,..~.., l(K...., . .,2211 1011 12\:o->i(o OccPtpfl.1• •. 2 21 -1,'1
GenMIU 1,10 14 1•1 "'""'-'"-t9'111tr . 9 2 10111-v. Qpn Clll 1 4 1 .. 11"6-"° Get'IMDI .tcb 11 IJS Jlv.-1:,. KrD911' 1,,. ... 1!11 J(R9-ln §$'of 1.17 .. 1 )I) -"" GnMolOI 3:14,. S •9'4'1 + \4lo KyW In .Ml 4 4 6V. ••• f!.d 1,&l I •IJS 1Sl4-V.
Gtt1MolpfJ 2 66 -lh -l. L-pllO.l6 •. 1JIOIO.Sl't-llo C.t1Port .IOl• )1 •'h-..... ~n~IQ) 13 I™+ \.Ii 0..l•Gel.AQ11 1:n 21'h •••
G P\ibU I. .. s l•J IJ -.... ,,...,.9,, .n • ,, II -~ Oii. cep1 .IO·-1100 1~ ...
GnR<!lr ,100 ' 21 • -I,\ Ull'Obt .10b 5 12 IJ~o-\.t O•ltNGl.'4 f 31 I -v.
CllSlon•t ·'• 1r JS l l .. + "' L.HrSl"O! 2t ) 147 S'Jo-"" 0111'1 Cp \,30 2 11 11-.-... Gil Strtt ltld 1 52 l:V.-!,'I le•swy . .OO 5 I! ,,,..,_ W. 011,...,r•lt I 4 25 11 ••·
GTE I IO 10 1009 20\lo -1 l.Hch&N .~ • II I0\11-Vt CllnMllln .SO• 11 911\ ••. GTFl1pl 1V.,, i200 1• -V. LHIOM .60 3 11 10°"'-V. OrngeCa .12 • • • .,._ 1,'1
Gf1F1pf 1 io •. 1100 1• ... -YI lA~I PIC 80 S • 11 \I•-~ Or Aclll 1.20 I to IOV.-.... G Tl~ I 109 • 16t lJ -Vo lAll 11•1 llld 1 11 IS·I• + 1·1• Otl1 El J.20 S 12 29 -\"t 0.M~<D Inc 14 .. 3 -v. lAflmn ~ •• II• 10'--'lo(o OJtbdM 1,20 • lJO 1•--h
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bl" Finl SI ' 1 t""-"'° L 0 F I iiO 1 4'0 161.t-~ O•ford\n .40 l 2 t'h-\lo
GlddLw .IO<I l 11 4'11-V. Llaoby Mc.HI 4 _\.& .,,,._'II -· ·-Giil 11111 .SJ 4 12 10111 ••. LlbrtyCO . .0 J Jl 10\0t + ~ P.cA.11'1 1.10 .. 11 1)--~ Glltette 1,loO 10 f 71 211,'1-1\"J Llblrty LDl'I .• 11 l'llo-"" PttGI• 111 7 140 22 .. -lo':r
Gll'IOl ln<Dt' • 111 6111 -Vilo LltltrlyLpl ,, 2 Slolo-:i,, P..:Lt9l,"8 I 40 171M1 ,,.
Glt•\Ol'I Wk , , 41 '""-"' LIM MW 2VI t JS tlilli-'\Ii PecPltrl .IS • 44 1t--\'I CIOWI ~, 11 25S 1Jr..-111o LJRYl!U 1.1011 SS6 JJV.-1" P•(Pwr 1.t.11' 111 ti -"°' e Un I ' • 1l"'-v. I."""" , ·'° 10 IM nn--1... Pt TI. T I JO • ]I 1)\k ••• WitFcl6" 2t 10 -~ LIM.Nl\1Pf2 •• 1to -:W. P1i,.W.bb ,, 112 •-Vt
rte 1 11 4 1•S IS"'-" t.lnNfld l.J4 ., S l•V.-"'° J>t;lntpf 1,)0 •• 9 12 -"°" ,, 1 10 1 29S lj...,_ V. L~L Corp s 12 n.-"" P•lm 8h ,JS • ••l l~ l,'I
DnJ 31 • 46 I -\II LLttonln 2\1',I •• llS S"'-"' Ptm~ IM. 1 1 IJ s~-"•
din 1 IO 5 4' lfVI I Vilo Lllll'I CW pl 2 •. 15 I ... + ',\ P•l'I Am Air . 1419 4'1• -''
(;D<lldpf 1 ll •• fl llW-l't \.U\~11'1 o•A •. I '""-YI Pill'IN>nd!t 1 J ]'QI J1V.-"' Gr•<•W I'° s 10I 2• ••• LOclltlff.cl l IS1 Slit-* P<.percll .40 4 ,, ,..,._ v.
Gr•l'lll u .aat• •1 1>"'+ ,,.. u.wQ:r.1.10 s us 1Jlll.-1 ""'"' .M • 11 1ot.-""' Gt•,.,-..1 I.SO J 11 16,,.__. .... Lom.11'1 3' ,, 1 ...,_ .... PerliHn 1,12 I 1 16 \0t + 1,1,
Gr•,.,t WT .. 10 2""-"' LOMIO'f ,1,0 J 12 1~ \lo P•P11;rP ."9 • 10 191'1-'h Gr•yOrQ ,40 4 • tl,'I-\:o Lncnwn ,4(1d 4 10 ,,,.__\lo P•te• lt\C 1 JIS 11 -"
GIAMI I •10 " •• 2 • .. ~ s llld ' I 121 1J...,_ "' PloyL ..... >O ' 6 10!'11 • Gr••t Al.P I JO 9Vlo-Vlo ~SG I 10 10 21\o\-:i. Pl>•l>GI 0.ti 9 60 ll''>-....
Gtl.kOO 1.20 10 1 16 , • Lo119!Lt 1 ... 1 Ill 141't-"" PIM Ctn Ir . 211 1 .. -\'I Gtl<I lr110d 11 1 11 '1) , . LIL pl N IJ •. 1190114'4-1,1o Plnfllfw 116 11 120 SlV.-~.
GIN"'-• I 80 • •ll ll\lo-~ LIL pf Is"'.. I M V.-1"' Petl..01• .J• 4 ,, s~-"" §N.N ol 1 60 •1 Ill .... -V. LMI lnvntr • JI 114 . , . Pe"" Pr111t . • I l VI •. , IWsF1n '' 6 19• ,,..,_ "" L.Of190ro ... 1• 31 S6 -,] Pt co"'."" . . 1 SO~-.... IWIU 1 tlb 1 41 24'1)-2\t U:.r•l CDt"P • 110 S -'Al Pen,.,PL 1 90 • 121 1t1,-"-
GttW pl I 88 . 3 16"'-V. U\.llndll2 I 168 N Y! P Pt.pfl40 ., 1•0 ~· t i Grn Gia I 08 6 14 11 .... + .... L•P•cltC .to S 142 1oi..-1 PPL rM 4.!0 "j JSO SI + VI
Grl"'ld 1 OU t 71 11\to •• , l.ov<HI \. .. 10 IS JO -\lo Plo ....... I 1.3' 140 2011.-v.
'li""" WI . • 29 I I/lo •.• L.Owenlt" 1 3 tt 11-"+ '4 PwMwpl 21-1 •• 2 JS•.t. •.. Dlt• ll'IC •. 1! 1 ~+ 'i'o LTll (Mp t ))3 12~"' Pnwlp\'1,loll .• I to•11 -"'
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""'''d MIOt '. •• '"' •• \.ubrJDI r.i 11 1.0 '3'Ao---11h ?M~lpf l.JJ . . I 2s .... -"' ~llLll• .JO J l•S !'Jot .... 1.IKllYS 9 1S7 10'/'t-'Ill ~I Or 20 t 1 S~1'-!lo UMlllf RI .. , 1"9 ... LliQlew , • JO 10~+ .... """'elG•1."8 ' •1 ll'"-v. II Oil I 10 4 Ill 20 -'' LullnSll 1,•0 I 11 2•V.-lot Pl~ICO 1.40 14 JOl SJ -J~o URC l(tb I 215 IJ:\t-Vt Ly1!91Y }QC 1 2'4 11 -111 Pe~lnl!I ti 11 152 2•t-.·-"" 1111 pl A .10 .. I It,,.,-.... L'kf OI 2''1 , , It :Pl't-\t --.1 tn.c 1.40 6 12S 21\'1-1111
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Gull aw11• J t4l ,, -"' M«An" '° 2 j 1'oto • •• Pelrll SI .aa II JS ••VJ-v. ~lt4.W1 W1" 2Jl 4 -'II """-Ooflld 12 2 1"' • Petrol ... ,4, l •2 U
tW1 p! l+. ,, 1 St -I M•CI• .30 1 ) •\.\--Vt Petri pf 1 l l •• S 29 ••
IW1 pl ~\lo • I 61""-\'I MKmlll ,25 l tJ 41.i.-\-' ~trlC 1.711:1 ., S 111'-'A
tlDfl .... ~~o "~ 2\>lo-"' :r.M pf 1.XI •• 2 I~ Pf!Hr , .. I 470 12ini-l 'Ao
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""'llPrl ·"°" l IJ .... -V. Mid Squ•r1 'J I V.-Vo IEl(llf '"" .• rUO 81 H•U•Olft I :n 1• 211 llJ'--2" NW!flCCll .]2 H ,.. 411>-llltllf 1~ .. 1IJ(J 7) H•,,,P• l IO 2 14 14h-~ ~'10• ll S f'flll El Pl I -· i l'OO IS -l
H•mn'IDfld • I ,..,.. . •• ""-ll•r•CO 1 6 1 IJ'4 •.• Piil! pl' 40 •• 1JO 4J\l'i ,,_ \II
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II• EIK 1.11 6 •9•4 111'1-"" \l•EPtif.(.1l •• 1110 41 -f•
V•EI Of •.IO •• •1100 ....... + \lo ....... , P4 7.10
•• 11210 n .,...,
lleEI pf 7,.U
..,.. •• a1uon.,...+1'-
VMMdo IO'IC 4 I• S'4-Iii.
\ISi COrp .to 4 I 11""' • , V\lknM I 10 • tt H'll-~ _,.,._
WKh (p .16 I 11$ 1..._ ""°
W1cnot 1.20 .. St '! -1o W•<hDY lllttl J )1 \.'t-V. W•IOl'Ml'I 1 10 1' 11\'-ll<a
W•ll1r11 t.40 11 ) 41 -~· W611Mur AO 4 4 1h , . W.IMtrl ,10 12 11700 \4Vt-~,
Warit I.. .(Mb I W. I""-~'
W.rd l'oolt• • " Jt.-~ W•r .... co .IO 5 4 '"" •• , w1,ncm 40 s 1s1 111/o-\.'!
w.cmo••,,... l ...., -• W~L.em ·"I• Jtf J0'--1"' W.rl'lrS I :ZO 1 tO 1•~'1-11) W,,!o/IGI I 83 6 l S 11\1)-~. w.,nNt• 80 s 1 1?¥1-v. WaNI rM 2~t ,, I ,.,,,,_ \lo
W•Sh Su 1• l 11 14•,•-""
W•"' W I J2 t 1J llV.-~ W•t!• Mngl • 11• 1'Jo-''-W•lll.flJ ."lOcl 12 IJ 20 -IV; W•Yl'le G 10 S 21 4 -\._ W•vnpl 1 IO .. I 141"11 .. v. we.,..Ul'l Inc • s 41'f •.• Wel'I pt I.lie 1 14 ... W.•llW' ,40 S :II 6\t-'11
WlotiO.I (p S 11 3 -\• MllM<L IO ! •IS 1111 -...
M !sMkt Ml 8 6 11'1•-V.
Wlfblll Cp '1116-1-lb
Wtttt l'o ... 1 SI 1Sto-"-WFMtt .10b)6 1 S:W. • ,
w1tPt Pf-Pl • 11 11"'-n WSlllA, 40• S 24• 1-.-, ..
W1S.nc 1 40 • 1• 21'1'0-V. W11r ... co NA. 11 HJ t l ••••
W'I P•c !nd S ~? I'• .•
We51Pub .&O ' 11 111/lo-'" w u,.,;on11os1 J•1 12l't• 1.
w,unpt •to . l •l•n • l 1 Wt1th Et ,9117 1101 tl'n-, ..
W\!Elpf l to •SO 41 + l.'o
W•h•c I 'O ' •I 11'-.-l'h \'llYtrtb I J8 > jl 1S-h-I
Wevrn•• (IO is 1-4• lJ -1 W!l!Frr .00 I ~I 111'1-'•
WhlPS .l~ I '' 21 -~ -1!>1 pl I 1t10 ,..,,.,_!\<,
WIV!pool Kilt •21 19 ..... -t o MIU Col'I IQ ' ... 11•.,._ 1,
'MlllCplCl •• J l?-1 W~IMol •Ocl 3 16 9 --"•
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WlrbOtd! 78 1 • )•,, ••
Wllll•mt l>O I IQ4 !l'lot-1\'w
W1lhal'l'lt wl ,, Jl 11Y't -IV.
Wiii Cot Wit , • t! )6 -2
WlllCDOI IO . 1 JO ... -\~ Wlnl'IO• I )1 13 41 31"'-1'11
WlnnD• C18 •• I ' -•,;, WIMllWQC , • :)) 4 -,.,,,.
WISEIP I &.I 9 21a 1J'f)--* ""'''~ ' Jl • • "'"". ,,,. W!ICO C 110 4 Sii 191"'o-'• WO!~WIOSb • 11 2 ... t '•
Wom!CO 16 k tO 9V,-'o
WDO<l\Cll •8 S l l I '>-'• Woot'"~ 110 S IOI 11·.-1.
Wooll>l1l0 9 J> •
...,..,14 .... , ... l 7~ l~-• '
Wt lQIJ )"'°'"ll ~ l! -\4
Wurltir• Co l S', Wyly Corp '1 7••, •-. -xn ll.f<"D~ (p I 18 71)11
XI•• 11'1< JO; l •" V•l<!5 ll'ldyt l I) 2•1•(Drl) .16 6 J~
11'• ,,,
II ' '• 7 -...
" ZalfCPl>f llO l 17' ,
l_I.. 40 l fol 1t. ·I'~ l •v,.. Co•1> J \t 4', ltftllnfllad I II 315 13 • •, Z~•nttl<I 2110 WI 1 ,_ •,
SAN LEANDRO CAP! -lnt<r nl·
tional Harvester's heavy.duty truck
manulacturine plant here wlll be shut
down fully by tho •nd or June putting
all 1,200 employea oul ot work of·
flclaiJ have reported. '
Airline Layoffs
HOUSTON, 1'ex. CAP! -Texu Jn.
ternattonal Airlines sa3ts ''increasing
nnanclal losses'' inc1.1trcd in a nearly
three.month old atrtke has c•used the
firm to Jay off 100 of itS400employr!I .
411 DAILV PILOl' • · Tulld1y. Febr!J!!YH, 1974 •
' Jei-• A~niv.en~ Prod~t o
Fnle ·'Tartuffe' at .SCR·
!Illa 1ecood till)e arolipd ,at ~lb C~ast
.eil!W, ..s·witneu tbeless than aU1~.,r..-r1:ses _ -·orelotller IAllllJD~producUoos:sucllu:"J'll«OIUs
14eny:eri~''and•"TheJHrtbd;a,yPUlY·.·"' i . B~t toc\ay, wltb its 10th annlvers8r1 Ptoduclion
I • • lnterniifelOl'I
Torri TituS : . ' .
• I or "TartufCe" -the show that started it allf~SCll a
deca<karo -tlie ~ta 'Mesa.company has eCfec--.
llvelyshatteredlts' secondproductionjlhx"wltb_l\ nobleman with fiery dedic&Upn and tielligerenl
fifst rate, freewbeeling restaging ot. that classic bullheadedness. Mimi Smith~ bis wl,fe·is excellent
·Mollerecomedy.. . • as ahe subtly mariipulates the ll'lanipulator in·tbe . There is. to be accurate, little· b1$is for com· pla~"sshowcasescerie. '
parlson between the current show, beauUfully ;Tw'o members of' the 1965 production, g_Ja11.Q,c
.. TAltTUflfllE" <Ufferentroles t))i~ time around, are partt,cularly i~-
,A..comedY by Mou ..... 1r•n11M«1 bV Rlc:Nrd wow. u1..-c1.a ~... presslve. Don Tuche functions strongly as Keller-..s
."°'*1 Bofla"9ntura, .ce_.,, -i 11o111111g bf SUMn TllOtlr, costumas brother, the-voice.of r-eason, wbile Leslie Jones cooi-
1 ll't ""~'• V•nder Hoell, mullc lt'I Lee Hollt'I. pretmtlld bv SCMh mands the stage fn her two scenes as Keller's equally C..1t Re~rtl>t'\I TUffOIYI lhro..Ql'I s...ioa'/$ at I o'clock and Swll>d1r, .an.-11 !o'c•oc• •t 111e i:111r<1 s1e9 Thffier, 1121 ~wport e1 ... e1.. taken-in mother 1 wielding an oversize fan as 4l tosu Me511. R•Mn<oJllOftl W..1>61. fnr-Ynidab}e weapon, • TM IE CAST ..,.,_. ••
TertWte ......... , ........................... ,. H•IL.andonJr. Demene Hall is marv'elously funny ·as the but-Otoon .......................................... Jo11n-CM ... ie11<•11•r tinski maid who repeatedly turns up ·Keller's
Elmi,. .......... ·•·•• · ·••·· • ............................ Mimi smllh tol•rance burner. Steve Patteraon and Sharon Crab-0.Mt• .. , ...................... ,. ... , ................ Qon TlolChe ._
O.mb ...................................... · ..... JOhnELllnglon t~ lend fine SUpj>ort 8S the young lovers, Sharing a 't!:r9111;1;:::: .' ::: ::::: ::: :: : ::: :: :::::: ::: ·::. :::: :: ·~;'!.~6~:.ir;: ~ pfolonged kiss that may well be a threatrical record,
lrMdan. Peri.He .............................. , ....... Lesli•~ as might also be Miss Crabtree's extended ex-
DDrf11e • .. • • • • · • • .. · • .. • • • · • • • .. • • .. ·• ................ • 0em1ne Han pression of shock in one memorable sequence. MOnSlt'U!" Love! ..................................... , R&gj~kl Rook
Prine• •• : .. , .......................................... Slewe Oeuut
GUeai, M•kls., Mlr¥1Al5Mld !l ..... M ......•...•.•••..•. IClm B•ltlei,
.Jon Sllerm•n, l.e$tlt Ttvlor, Denni$ Lon.Q, 51ew:n Wie5t, J•ke O.rCI~·
.,.,-.,SleftGr111, And1 Vlr5clk.
EAS•LY THE funniest performance of the night,
however, is delivered by John Ellington as Keller's
h1l1r=•I 111111 .
Of S,1ci1I &Mii.
Tlcllttl• 15.00 EYenln11. 13.50 MltlnMI. (1.1,IOtof
SlnlorCltlana/IWdlrlta at
MetiMM ,} Alllilllbll lfW
An heeon TlcQI holclltl .,.. •••l~d.
Or»~•,,.•• ..,,., ~.,w,.~
S;•<li<"''~~ -'~
Mon. thfU ft\. IO 1 O·fl\.-t1,ll>
~~~~~~-r~ .
~ ' : I ............ ['• ' -=·fl.. .._ I ~ -sW m1ac1111· •
i. ·.,.. .. Of~ ...
........... VTTaAfllC"
_c '" '• ...,.. ..,...1:00
directed with an eye for subUe slapstick by Robert
Bonaventura, and the· outrageously funny com-
media dell 'arte Chinese.fire drill of 1965, which
leaned heavily on the improvisational ability and
physical ebergy of a young, hard-driving cast.
impulsive, tantrum-throwing son who is not to be ~jiiiiii~~ii[jj:jjiii:[~~~~~lj~····~ ·trusted with a sword. Reginald Rook is a cackling, I
SCrooge-style ·bailiff while Steve DeNaut makes a
nice impression as the prince who eventually sav,es
""TARTUFFE," CIRCA 1975 contains enough
elements of the pioneer production -the rip-roaring
ribaldry and fleet footed movement -to regale its
audiences, while at the same time charming them
with its lampoonipg of the heavily mannered· style of
Moliere's courtly prose. Bonaventura misses nary a
trick with a cast enormously adept at ensemble
stagemanship, logistically prohibitive 10 seasons
The battle lines are drawn with the opening
tbeday. ·
The entire production is an exciting and laugh-
f"tlled extravaganza calculated for pure entertain-
ment and. Bonaventura's extended curtain call i11-
sures' the company of its just reward on the· ap-
plause meter. The "bravos" bestowed upon the cast
might 31so be intended for the entire SCR ofganiza-...
ti on on the cel,brationof its 10th anniversary.
••Tartuffe'' is indeed a celebratioJ;l, a r9bust,
ribald ro.mp capping a decade of superlative th·eater
from South Coast·Repertory. It continues"Tuesdays
through Sundays for five more weeks at the Third
Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa.
snatch bf gialogue ir theSCR production in the strug-,---,..-----------------j
gl~ of family and servants to prevent their duped
patriarch from selling them down the river to a re·
ligious hypocrite with a Svengali-like effect on the
master of the house. It would no~ be too difficult to ap-
ply Moliere's lesson to contempgrary events.
The cast, straight down the line,' is superb, with
Hal Landon Jr. deserving the deepest bow for his
robust perfQrmance iri"the tiUe role. Landon n~tly
telegraphs his ulterior motives at the height of'bis
fervent ecclesiastic zeal and pursues his prii;nary
mission (the seduction of the master's wife) with
hilarious purposefuln~s.
JORN-DAVID Keller enacts the snookered
. TWO WEEKS OF SPEBI AHD EXCITEMENT. . . ' T....,;Fallir-v2S,to~Mw~21.
• " 1 Of 1cihl practice.·
Watch "the Indy cars work up to racing speeds. $2 ·
general admission. kids under 12 FREE. (Special
garage passes goop thru March 9 are available fOf" s10.J
'm••t1· ~~ A· Oualifi~tion runs for the coveted. po e posi 1on'.i · general admission. kids under 12
FREE. Overnight infield camping $5 per vehicle, plus
~eral admission. ·
1a5ws;.c1t z. Two exciting 100 mite Indy car races .. , pnze money. General admission $6, {Kids. un·
der 12 FREE). V.ictory Circle S15. .
.Sed!x. !wclll 'f. TH.E CALIFORNIA 500 Come early! 7
am. gates open. 8 a.m. non-stop entertainment spec-tacular. 11 a.m. race starts! Reserved seats are $12. $15.
$20. and $30. Victory Circle seats are $55. Infield
· ge~al admission is $7, Juniors $5. Kids free ..
Get your tickets nqw at all Ticketron outlets -includ·
ing Sears. Broadwa)f, and Ward's. Or Walliehs Music Ci-
ty andUJ>ei'ty agencies. Or a1 the Speedway Bo~ Office:
just off the San· Bernardino Freeway.,40 minutes from ctowntown Lbs Angeles. (7141 984-2255. 3901 East G
St .. Ontario, 'Calif. 91 UM . ..
. Al ., .... lo.
"YOUMG FltAMKEHSTElll" •i M_. lr~s lf'G)
.·"UPI SQUAD'" lllJ
l:M. l:41, t:JO '
4:ff, 7:4l
,,,., l:ll;5:4•
1''"· "" .. GOOFY'S
S'ICtA.l ltDDY SHOW-SAT .• Sl,llol.
"Wh•I .. N••"••" ••of '"Ii••-•I
c-~ 1:1•& l:4i
1:41. f:J•
"C,_,," 1;4$
Recipe a
to add
Our team tells you everything you
want to know about your t1tam
calorl••· In the Wedne1d1y In the ·
8:45 P.M.
Pl.US I Wllll CUN
Now more than ever
you need the
information printed
every da_r
In 1he i1Qlfi@ll1)i
I i
' r ~
• ' '
Today's Closing
N.Y. Stoeks
... ---, • • • ~ I -Sa<Idl~bBck Gym Plans Changed
' ,
Not That Bot
Class Gets Name Cha1.!f!e
SADDLEBACK COLLEGE students will be able to sign up
for 45 new c'ourses in Lhe spring quarter but "'LearninC Those Sex-
ual Ro1es'' won't bt:: oneQ( them. ,1 .
It might be listed as ;'Women's Studies 20" or something
equally less spicy as a result of a rewrite job ordered Mon~ay
night by the board of trustees.. '
. TllE TITLE CllANGE was pushed by board member Nor-
: 'risa Brandt who argued that it was ''miscalcula~d. ''
· According to the course description what ' Learning Those
Sexua-1 Roles" really is, is: "An eX:amination of1.tle institutional
and societal conditions which socialtzt women intotra'dltional sex · roles." '
Superintendent Robert Lombardi and p~an of Instruction R.
L. Platt agreed to bring-the course back fO'r approv'al with a dif·
rerent fitle .
3 Shots Fired
Man Held ill .Mesa
Jail on' Assault'
A Santa 'Ano hus~and was
jailed by Costa Mesa police early
today aner he allegedly confront-
ed his estranged wire and a male
companion in a parked car and
opened fire with a pistol.
Randy Langford. 24, or 110
Aloha St., \\'as arrested and
booked on suspicion or assault
"ith intent to commit murder
following the I :30 a.m . incident
in a northeastern city industrial
No one was injured by the burst
of shots, according to police, who
are holdin"g Langford in lieu or
• •
$25,000 bail pending arraignment
in Harbor Judicial District
Officer Phil Dickens said the
pistol assault occurred at the
Western Digital Corporation.
3128 Red Hill Ave., where both
apparent targets are employed.
The parking lot was actually
next .to the Digital computer
firm. right at the Costa 1'1esa and
lrvine city limit line, according
to police.
They identified Langford's
wife as 1'1rs. f?atricia Lltngford.
or Santa Ana, and the OlheT ali-
s e rt e..4 , 1ltci&+m... .... .IUc.hael
Moreno. atNewPorl Beach.
Moreno and Mrs. Langford fled
for help when the shooting start· 1ed. investigators said.
, .
4 NahlJed
On Drug
Newport Beach police an·
nounced a task force arrest tOOay
of four South Coast residents on
charges of selling cocaine with
an alleged street value of
The arrests, made over the
weekend and kept under wraps in
an attempt to arrest additional
suspects, took place lll 24001
Avenida de la Carlotta, Laguna
fu custody in lieu of $10,000 bail
each are Anthony Albert
Martino, 27, 33741 Olifula St., Apt.
A, Dana Point; Jack Lee SL Den-
nis, 27. 24830 La Paz Si., Apt. C.,
Dana Point: Louie Vincent Pete-
que, 31471 Galano Way, San Juan
.. Capistrano, v.·hose age was not
available and Patricia Margaret
Rummel, 18, 24852 Galano Way ,
also in San Juan Capistrano.
Detectives in Newport said
that major help in the several
months of investigation Came
from federal -agents, along with
detectives from Laguna Beach,
Huntington Beach, and San
A total of 18 ounces of the ex-
pensive narcotic "'as allegedly
purchased during a series of con-
tacts . Last Friday's arrests
came soon after an alleged final
purchase of cocaine by agents.
1'hat sale, police said, was th e
largest of lhe transaWons and in-
volved 14 ounces of cocaj.ne.
Police said they are·still look·
ing for one suspect who is still al
Yo11're Covt!red
Al Jiminez, long.time resident·of San Juan Capistrano.
is prepared to maintain the mission communitr's
version of• the ·law during its coltirful March cel~bration,
Fiesta de las Golondrinas, that inoludes the annual re-
turn of the swallows. Parade highlighting the event is
March 22 .
F orDJD Slated
A school candidates' forum co-
sponsored by the League of
Women Voters and the Sad·
dleback Valley Chamber of Com·
merce is set (or 7 :45 p.m . Wed-
nesday night at People"s Federal
Savings and Loan, El Toro.
They added that a .22 cali~r
pistol was used in the incident
near the plant "''here both vie·
ti ms have been employed. Leave Policy Okayed
FBI Probing
Interest Leak
Sabbaticals Approved After Six Years
All 15 candidates for five open
seats on the Saddleback Valley
Unified School District board of
trustees have been invited.
The forum is the last scheduled
before the March <I election. At
stake are three four·year terms
and two two.year terms.
2 Police Fired
/TIJUANA, l\fex.ico (AP1 •-
TWo pol•ce officers were fired
after admitting they took aboul
S500 from an American sludenl
before hauling him off to jail,
police said Monday. In the week
before, nine other municipal
policemen were fired for "using
their authority for improper
purposes" and extortion.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
is investigating whether Federal
Reserve Board employes sup
plied a magazine with interest
rates charged by ·banks for con
sumer loans.
A Federal Reserve Board
spokesman says the probe was
requested by Chairman Arthur
F . Burns after the magazine
Consumer Reports published
such a list in its March issue.
The· magazine published the
list a(ter the U.S. District Court
in Washington ordered the Fed to
supply it under the Freedom of
Information Act and the Fed
declined to do so pending an ap·
peal to a higb~r court.
A ne...,• policy governing sab-
batical leaves for instructors and
administrators at Saddleback
College ""·as adopted Monday
night by a split vote of the Board
of Trustees
ThP .policy allO\li'S staff mem·
bers who have worked ror six
years to take paid leaves ror pro·
fessional growth. Jn the case of
teachers the leave is one year, in
the case or administrators two
Trustee Donna Berry cast the
lone negative vote but did not ex-
plain her reasons for voting
against the policy. Questioned af ·
terward ,~he said it was a basic
"philosophical" difference with
other board members.
Mrs. Berry said teachers, like
other professional persons, have
the opportunity for growth on the
job. l~owever. she added that in
John Simons s ·ays Plan ClJ..ief
Experience Helpful To Resign
fEtlitor'•Note: T. · t~llthina
urie1 of pro lei o tM 15 candidates
/or lhe e k Vallefl Unified
School Di1trlc board of trustees.
March 4 diltrict voter1 wiU elect five
ttmteeJ-..ihree for Jour·year tvnu
.and two for lwo·yeor trrms.J . . '
John S: Simons of LagUna.Hills
went throo1h a devastating
depression and had a career in
tlie corutructlpn business.
· Both of thole experiences have
&lven blm opinions and concerns t41.t he believes are needed on.
the school board. i': '.'Watchlnf the way school! are
bUJlt here I can tee a lot of. things
f.hal could be dOne to .save
pioney," lald Simona, ~ says
he's "Du.shinl 70."
• "WJ>en ~pu bull<l"a school on a
· 11111 or, ln a djtch, 1\ takes more • cnonet. onen l\1eematheydon't
'llull4 ll>e!ll oll~e•'1 flWnd when ·
I thauidQ(IJI;''" adaecL• ' ' " .,.I I I l:. Years , a10, Simons said he
•lWOrked •lilt youth U the or·
pniaer and coach <>t baseball
''Ud lootball teams.
' "I wanud to 1.Wnvolvec! lllaln
'.With kid•," l>e aald. "M'Y wlle and ~ always 'Wanted to bey our home dose to a ,choot , and we've been l;!;.~ed in what•1 happening
. ,, ' •• ,
' ' ~It{~ ... .;.,. ~ • SEEKS INVOLVEMENT
Candidate Simona
Simons and his wlle Muriel
have •Uved ln Laguna Hills tour
yean an« in Southern C.lltomla
25 ye.an. Ttley have three 1rown
chlldun., .
Simoni 11 a lcequentopeaker at
(i!ee WONS ~age .Ul
County Post?
Informed sources said tOOay
that Orange County Planning
Commission Chairman Roy
Knauft will resigo 'hfs PoSt Within
the next few days -to,become a
part-time field aide to Rep.
Charles Wiggins <R-FuJlertonJ .
Knauft, who was Third District
Supervisor Ralph Diedrich's ap·
pointment to the commission in
early 1973, has served as
chairman since January ol 1!174.
During his term on the tive-
man panel, the retired Yorba
Linda business executive bas
been known as a 11\,oderate in his
position on growth and develop-
Diedrich reportedly has not de·
• ctdcd between µiree persons he is
consitleling naming as Knauft's
successor .•
' ., .
NeviJda .Blas~ Set " , -'' ~· .. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UflJ -
The (ederal govern&lent wJU d&
tonate a nuclear expldlion u·nde
ground at the Neva'\8 telt si&e
Wednesda)· mornf.h~ Th~ e "
plosion will have '>, ~lm(ilft
force of 200 kilotons. °"'"•·* tons of TNT, the Energy
ReSearch and Development Ad -
minlatraUon announced Monday .
the future she might be
persuaded to vote for sabbatical
Sabbaticals "'ill be limited lo
3 .5 percent of the district's
certificated staff. There are
about 200 s uch staff members on
Superintendent 'Robert Lorn·
bardi said the sabbatical policy
will cOsI · ihe disirict apprOX:-
imately $5,000 to $7.000 a year.
Plans are to replace those go.
ing on sabbatical leaves with
temporary, lower.salaried help
prices plunged along a broad
front today on the New York
Stock Exchange in response to
profit laking and negative news.
Trading was fairly active.
A Federal Trade Commission
ruling against Xerox prompted
more selling as the Dow Jones in-
dustrial average, a 12.8..1·pOint
loser Monday. fell 15.65 to 721 .29
at mid-day. The Dow had risen
133 points since Jan.. I .
Declines led advances, 6 to 1.
demonstrating the breadth or the
or not to replace them at all,
keeping the expenditures low.
Administrators say they plan
to issue tbe sabbaticals in the
spring months when there is a
slight decrease in enrollment and
it is sometimes possible to re-
lease a faculty member without
replacing'h.im .
···under the policy, instruttors
will be given a year orf at fi6 per.
cent of regular pay, or if they
<See LEAVES, Page A2i
In Undies
DUBLIN, Ireland (APJ -A
middle-aged woman was arrest-
ed for sml}ggling explo&i\'e
gelignite' In lier'' l\lnderoants into
Port:laoiSe jail. Iris h Security of·
ficials·said today.
. They said the explosive ap-
parently was for a breakout by
some of the 100 guerrillas or the
Irish Republican Army who are
in the prison.
Two other women "'ho "·ere
visiting insid~ the prison al the
same lime )\1onday ,~·ere arrest-
ed, police s-.iO. All "''ere take\1, to
Dublin's S"Pi.<feweU Prison. : .
Viejo Girl's N<>te
Finally Delivered
Vickie r.-1 uth of ?t1ission .Viejo
has a tale about slowness of. de-
livery that even the U.S. P"ostaJ
Service can "t match.
She sent a message by balloon
Mission Viejo
messege read.
Ironically, it w1:ts the MissiOn
0111" D•oly PllOI ~•II
Saddleback College trustees
did an es thetic turnabout Mon·
-day and ordered a mission·style
gymnasium , complete v.·ith a tile
roof. for their campus.
The $3.3 million strucldrc.
combined v.•ith locker rooms and
le aching facilities , will differ
markedly from ex.isling texlured
block buildings on campus.
But board member~. with the
exception or Robert
Bartholomew, believe. the tvvo
styles will be harmonious and in ·
slrucled the architectural firm of
Hippe and Rand-ell to bring back
detailed drawings.
Bartholomew said he didn 't
like any of the design concepts
shown by architect George Ran-
dell, blasting one of them as look -
ing like a stable and another like
a "Tijuana haciend.a ."
Before the district commits
that much money, Bartholon1cw
argued, it ought lo have more
than a set of s ketches.
Bartholomew said he "'anted to
look at some s lides and son1e
similar looking buildings before
giving his approval.
But the pressure of a June 30
deadline to award the contract
overrode the trustee's objections. tr the deadline is not met, the col-
lege "'ill not qualiry for some
$300,000 in state aid.
The new gymnasium-physical
education facility v.•ill actually
consistrof a cluster or four bUiltl·
ings -a 2.000 seat gym, a•locker
room building, an an activities .
Trustees voted unanimously lo
expand the \\'Omen "s locker room
to 60 percent or lhe nlen's locker
room area to allow for future
growth in women's sports. The
(See ftllSSION, Page A2)
At El Toro
School Set
·El Toro ·High School's official
dedication ceremony will be held
at 7 p. m . Thursday in the school's
The high school was created in
1973 and met for the first year on
the Mission Viejo High School
campus, with the ty..·o schools
cooperating in a split shift
schedule. In the fall of 1974 El
Toro students moved to their
own, only partially completed
campus at Toledo Way and Ridge
Route Dr.
The dedication program
Thursday evening includes an
open house, so that residents of
the area may see new fa cilities at
th.e school, now that all planned
facilities bave been completed.
All faculty and staff members
will be on hand to "'elcome vis-
Variable hi gh clouds but
mostly s unny through Wed·
nesday, according lo the
\\'eather ser\'ice. Cooler at the
beaches but y..•arm inland.
Highs from the lower 60s to
the upp er 70s inland.
Overnight lo"·s 42 to 52.
'"SI DE ·rooA"
l\'ikolai Bulganin. tM pre·
mier of the Soviet Union from
1955 to 1958, died today after a
long illness. The 19·year--01d
premier was often upstaged
l:1y colorful Nikita Khrushchev
in Soviet politics. See story
.and picture Po.ge A4 .
· ·. lnlle~,
Al Y-s.r.k• Al L-":= 14 01 • ...
0.UHJM •t-1e
c-l<t ••
o..111,..ll<M AJ Efl .. 11•'-11\ A12 ... _. .. ,.,, """"'"' •1 l"""''lllMltfl A1J ...... ~ ... ~· .. . MN9•lr.. A10
Mt'+'Ms Al.1 Mllhljll I"..... ..,, .... ~'"""' ... 0r._,.c.-., AJ "'*'"' .,.a """'' ....... -· ........ ........... --........
.. , .. ,, •• ... .. ••
s.»ea..Wre llilis ,~ . Rejected
Develo:p~r ~ay Project '. ~
Renew Lawsuit ,Renewed
By IACK CHAPPELL °''" 0411• " ........
Lawsuits over Sycamore Hills·
may not have ended with the dis·
missal of a $37 million action
aJ?ainst the citv or T.aeunR R4"At"h
and others last week in federal
Thal was the prediction Mon·
day o( the attorney for Rancho
Palos Verdes. owner of
Sycamore Jlills .
ing and determine just how good
our claim ls," said Johp Pollock,
senjor partner i n Pollock,
Williams & Berwanger, at·
torneys (or the developer .
Rancho Palos Verdes is a
. division of Great Lakes Carbon
Corp. of New York. headed by
Ruston W. Skakel, brother of Mrs.
RobertF. Kennedy. 1
· Developers of a proposed $2
million estates housing project
on the Starr Rancb with its own
\private airport are not giving up
the fight even though the project waS rejected by the county plan·
ning commission .
"We believe that good projects
wiU som ehow survive," said H.
Rodger Howell, attorney for J .W.
Picklin, Laguna Hills, and Jim
Davis, Tustin, development
partners in the Arriba de
~trella <Top of the Star).
• •
' •
··we are disappointed o r
course, but this is not U1c whole
lawsuit and we've got a good
claim. We'll find some place
where they'll give us a good hear·
The developer had filed suit.
against the city, Laguna Green-.
belt Inc., and 43 Lagunans, many·
of whom .are past and present
members or the City C.ouncil, the
Planning Co mmission "and the
Greenbelt board of directors, but
.also private citizens who spoke
out at public meetings against de·
Howell said ne1ot1ations are
underwaytogettbe87s-acrepro-Cattle or Horses<> 1eet approved "substantially as •
Court Rules
Suits OK
board officials may be sued for
damages in some circumstances
for violating the constitutional
rights of students, the U:S.
Supreme Court ruled today.
"A school board m ember is not
i mmune from liability for
. damages ... if he knew or re-
asonably should have known that
the action he took within hi s
sphere of official responsibility
would violate the constitutional
rights of the student affected, or
if he took the action with lhe
malicious intention to cause a
deprivation of constitutional
rights or other injury to the stu-
dent," Justice Byron R. White
said for the court.
The court added that an award
for damages should be made
··only if the school board
meiilber has acted with such an
impermissible motivation· or
with disregard of the student's
clearly established constjtutional
rights that his action cannot re-
asonably be characterized as be-
ing iri good faith."
Despite this qualification, four
justices said the decision "ap-
~ars to impose a higher stan-
dard of car'e upon public school
official:; .•• than that heretofore
. required of any otherofficiaJ."
"Jn view of to<fay's dCcision
significa ntly enha ncing the
passibility of personal liability,
one must-wonder whether
qualified persons will continue in
the desired numbers to volunteer
.for service in public education,"
Justice Lewis F . Powell Jr. said
for the four justices.
Powell, a form er school board
member in Virgini a, was joined
by Che Chief Justice Warren E.
Burger and Justices Harry A.
Blackmun and William H. Rehn·
qui st .
. El Toro High
A total or 629 freshmen.
sophomores and juniors and
seniors qualified for the honor
roll at El Toro High 5Chool dur-
ing the fall semester, assistant
principal Sue Rope r reported.
To be eligible, a student must
carry six s ubjects and earn at
least a 3.0 (BJ average.
Of the total receiving the
honor, a number who carried a
rigorous academic program will
be eligible for membership in the
California Scholarship Fedcra·
lion, Mrs. Roper said.
In all, 156 seniors. 159 j uniors,
145 sophomores a nd 147 freshme n
made the honor r oll.
RObert N. Weed "'"''*"' .... ~·,.....
Jae k R. Curley
Viet Pfftt .. l>I •"" """-•1 Mo ......
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Murphine
~-· ... l!Clolot
Charles H . Loos A ichard P. Nall
$1ddleback vat ley Ottlce
til't'IUP•ffl-11 ~ '*'90Fr-.r;
other Offk:ff
C.. .. MfM: S:IOW.'t 11.<orw..t ,.......,, ~._,., )1» ... _., lo\fl«v•~O
M\lflli.....on ha<'fl: '"') lflp-C.~ .,.,...v••• Lat-8".C.ll,llet~-s.i·"'
\'elopment. ·
The action sought in federal
court soug ht $37 milliori in actual
und punitive damages in-
dividu'ally against the defendants
which the developer claimed had
engaged in a conspiracy reminis-
cent of the Ku Klux Klan and of.
ficials in the deep south in deny-
ing him bis civil rights.
The clvU rights aspect of the
matter allowed suit to be brought
in federal court. initial ly,
however. the federaJ judge dis·
missed the suit saying that ap-
prppriate remedies had not first
been sought through the state
court system.
Pollock said no determination
has been made over the future
course of the company's legal at-
tack against the city. .
"The whole ramifications of
the judge's ruling are up for dis-
c ussion . There's no thought
though of tr~ating this as the end
or the ball game, just part.of one
•'The decisions that are going
to Qe made are not whether to
carry.the litigation on but are ol
what fashion and in what court,·'
P ollock said. ·
If an appeal of the federal
judge's decision were to be
made, it must be filed within 30
days of the decision.
If the issue were taken to state
court, the cit,y could be sued as a
whole, however. individuaJ city
officials would be immune from
Sycamore Hills was annexed to
the city in 1966 and consists of 522
acres of rolling hills and pic-
turesque rock outcroppings. At
the time of its annexation, 3,000
units we re planned in a tradi-
tional housing development plan.
The projec t was scrapped
when the hous ing market fell, but
revived by Newport Investments
Jnc., which held an Option on the
land and wanted to build 2,000
townhouse units and a com-
mercial center on it.
The city council and the plan ..
ning commission found the en-
vironmental impact r eport for
the project inadequate and the
project stalled .
Sycamore Hills is located at
the juncture of El Toro and
Laguna Canyon Roads and is
connected to the city by a long
"'shoe string" annexation .
Representa tives for the de·
veloper recently have .hinted at
deannexation from the city.
Court Backs
Library Plan
evenly divided U .S. Supreme
Court today upheld the right of
two gove rnm ent m e di cal
libraries t o (ill requests for
articles in journals by photocopy-
ing the entire a rticles and hand-
ing them out free without paying
The court split 4 to 4 on the is·
s u e, with Jus tice Harry A.
Blackmun taking no part in the
The effect of the tie vote is to
uphold the d ecision of the U.S.
Co urt of Claims in the case,
which involved the National
Institutes of Health and National
Library o( Medicine. The de-
cision establis hes no precedent
for sim ilar cases. however.
Toro Music
Boosters Set
The El Toro High School Music
Boosters Assoctation has an·
nounced ils second annual fund
raisinj driv~. which will run
through March 15.
Boosters are selling cho.ncca. to
win prizes which lnclud~ 325
pounds of prime beef, "round hip
tickets fg.r two tp San Ftancisco
iUld a pc)rt.able lelevb ion se.t.
The prite draWing will be held
at the conclusion of the St.
Patrick's J?ay Parade, Mar.ch IS,
at the Mission Viejo Country
MoneY ra ised will be used lo
buy instruments and equipment
for lhe El Toro band arid choln
and to provide transport,u.J.on to
musical events a nd compeU-
1n/ormalion is avaJlable from
Joan Strockis, 837·7976, or Don
Armstrong. 837·2839.
planned" by including the pro·
perty in the county's next general
plan amendment lhlsJuly.
The commission last Wednes-
day rejected the project as being
non·conforming with the coun-
' ty's general plan which shows
the property and surrounding
acreage as a "planning preserve
area" on which development is to
be discouraged.
Howell s aid the developers do
not intend to appeal the com-
mission's ruling to the Board of
Supervisors but instead will push
to remove the property from it'.s
preserve status .
"We s till intend to go ahead
with what we feel is a unique and
first class project that the county
government and the residents
will be proud or'.. the attorney
The Arriba de E strella proper-
ty, located 1,200 to 1,600 feet over
the Saddleback Valley, is the on-
ly part of the St arr Ranch
earmarked for development.
As presently envisioned, the
project calls for one house per
four acres, an extremely low
density level.
The houses are to be connected
to the private plane hangars and
air strip by means of driveways.
One reason the airstrip bas been
planned for the project is that
vehicular access to the property
is limited. ·
From Page Al
from human relations to land
planning. ''I'm a concerned
citizen." he said. "I've been in·
volve d in county m eetings
almost all my life. I don't belong
to any clubs or organizations, but
I goto all their meetings.
''I like to know what's going oa.
I don't just go because I'm a
"1iember, but because I care
about what they do.''
·As a re ti r ed operating
engineer, Simons says he
believes his experience in con-
s truct ion is his strongest
qualification for becoming a
He'd like to sec the district
duplicate school plans in its
elementary and high school
plants. He's a firm believer in
pay.as.you·go financing.
·'I went to a o n e.room
schoolhouse back in Indiana,''
Simon s recalled. ••Jn the
depression, a lot of kids that were
smart couldn't finish because
they didn't have the money.
"We had to buy our own books.
And most things tt-at a re stan-
dard now we called gingerbread
then. All the extras were
furnished by the parents.
''Co nsidering today's
economy, l don't believe in bor·
rowing money or doing
something that can be put off
awhile," he said.
I Simons said his position on giv-
ing teacher's raises would have
to be based on the economy. "I
know I couldn't g ive them 10 per-
cent raises, when a lot of the stu-
dents' parents are getting laid
The candidate credits the pre-
sent board of trustees for getting
di&trict schools off double
But he believes the school
system is guilty of being "too le-
nient with the students."
"That doesn't mean that they
s hould whack them behind the
ears. But teachers should teach
them more courtesy and deport-
ment," Simons said.
He said he fears schools are
moving too far from the "three
Rs" but added schools should
also prepare students to move in-
to th• working world when they
He also believe s i n
neighborhood schools and said
the next high school built in the
district should be in Laguna
Richfield Accused
semblyman Gene Chappie Mon·
day accuaed AUantic Richfield
Corp. o( closing a Colusa oil dis-
tribution plant to increase com-
pany profits under the gui se or
federal environmental regula-
tlom. Chapple, a Roseville Re-
publi c&n, warnC?d tha t the
cio1ure would threaten
agricultural production and re·
sult In Increased farm operation
Costs that eventually would be
passed to lhe consumer.
Cattle g raze on the softly sloping hills of
the Mathis Ranch in Laguna Hills. conjur-
ing images of cowboys a nd cattle
punching from by gon e da ys. Soon
bulldozers may turn the pastoral site into
a 631-acre housing project for a n estimat-
ed 9,SOOQ persons called Ali s o Hills
Planned Community. The Project goes
before the Orange County Board of
Supervisors Wednesday.
From Page A I
' expansion will add $30,000 to the
price of the completed facility.
Some unusual features of the
complex include a glass.encased
press room overlooking the gym
floor to facilitate the filming or
sports events and a whirlpool
bath located between the men's
a nd women's l ocker ar eas.
Riley Announces
Staff Assistant
The architects a lso pointed out
that the new complex will be the
first of the new campus buildings
to•incorporate energy.saving de·
sign features.
It will have operable windows
for mechanical ventilation and
air conditioning will be confined
only to offices a nd a few other
Skylights will provide much of
the lighting a nd the building, ac-
cording to Rand ell. should be
usable even daring brownout or
blackout conditions.
College officials hope construe·
tion will be gin this July. The
bui lding is expected to take about
12 months to complete.
In related action, trustees vot·
ed unanimously to award an
architectural contract to Hippe
and Randell which will pay them
seven percent of the $3.3 million.
From Page Al
. choose, two quarters orf al full
For administrators above the
rank or associat~ dean the leave
is calculat ed at two months with
full pay, or a full sabbatical leave
at instructor's pay level.
For Saddleback College,
rounded in 1968, the fi rst granting
of a sabbatical leave is two years
At the in siste nce of Trustee
Robert Bartholomew the expen·
ditures will be shown as separate
budget entries.
Bartholom ew, a t Mond ay
night's meeting, expressed con-
cern that the sabbati cals might
be "hidden" in the budget.
' Etna Explodes
CATANIA. Sicily <AP1
Snow-topped Mt. Etna, E urope·s
-tallest volcano, burst open a new
.active crater Monday night,
authorities reported today. The
crater, belching fumes a nd
molten Java, was at a height of
about 8,000 feet, amid snow fields
on the north slope of the moun-
Orange County Supervisor
Thomas Riley announced Fri·
day Kit Drollinger of El Toro has
joined his st a ff as a volunteer ex-
55 New Buses
For County's
Transit Eyed
The Orange County Transit
District ~ill advertise for bids in
the coming months for purchase
of another 55 buses that will go in ·
to service in mid ·1976 .
Transit directors authorized
the start of the bid procedure,
\Vhich will involve seeking prices
from the country's three major
bus manufacturers. Flexible
Company, Gi\1C and American
1'-'lotors General.
The actual bid procedure Y•on't
begin until the district is notified
it will receivt> two.thirds of the
funds from the federal Urban
1'ta ss Tr.ansit Au thori t y
(U MTA >.
The district wants to buy the
sa me kind o r 36·passenger
coaches it bought last year.
Cars Looted
At Apru·tment
Orange County Sheriff's of·
ficers are investigating the
burglary of six cars parked in th~
garage of an El Toro apartment
Deputies said intruders "'·ho
entered the garage a t 23333 Ridge
Route Drive during the hours of
darkness used special tools to un ·
lock the parked vehicles. .
Among the losses reported
were a camera a nd tapes valued
at $412, owned by Thomas An ·
thony Dominico. 24.
Other losses included a se"·ing
machine valued at $400 owned by
Linda l\1arie Lynn, 23, and stereo
s~akers valued at S32 owned by
Saddleback College s tudent
Carole Madeline Sykes.
Deputies said nothing of value
"·as taken from the other three
I ecut ive assistant ..
l\1iss Drollinger· is an active
member and past president of
the county League of Women
\'oters and \\·as appointed b)'
Riley last \\•eek to serve as a
t rustee of the south count y
cemetery district .
··There arc lit er<J lly hundreds
of highly com pctcnl people who
are just "'aiti n~ to be asked to
help.·· Riley said.
"l don't think there h<Js ever
been a time "'hen ""e needed
them more and l am confident
Kit will be able to coordinate
these pl'rsons cffecti\'ely," he
Riley said it ,,·ill be 1'1iss Droll·
inger·s job to coordinate volun·
leer resources and increase
public participation in local gov·
Riley s aid she "'ill help take
:-.ome of the burden ofr him and ·
his paid staff by securing and
coordinating the e fforts of other
r·ifth District \'Olu nteers.
Her initial task \\'ill be to form
task force groups on juvenile
justice <.ind the cost of housing to
help Riley formu late plans and
polio:ics for implementation.
Valley YMCA
Slates &ys,
Girls Camps
Boys a nd girls S to 12 years old
can roller s kate, ride horseback
and visit area tidepools and
parks during Easter vacation by
attendi ng day camp at the Sad-
dleback Valley YMCA.
Spring day camp will be held
l\1arch 24 to 29. a nnounced Jan
l\1arker. program assistant at
the Y. Acti \'ilies are scheduled
from 9 ~.m . to 5 p.m. each day
and include cr afts and a movie as
v.·efl as outdoor projects.
Registration will be open uil.lil
l\1arch 19. Because of heavy
enrollment for winter day camp,
the Y urges those who are in-
terested to sign up early. C.Ost for
the five day prog r am is $21 for
members, $24 for non-m embers.
Add t lon a l information is
3\'ailable at the Y, 4 23131 Orange
Ave., El Toro; 830 ·9622.
What's My Line?
You won't b e led any lines at
Alden's. We are more interested in
developing loyal customers than
making a fa st sale.
None of our salespeople w ill b6ther
you ii you just want to browse, but
will be pleased to assist you if you
wish, with truthful answers to your
questions, '
When we discuss carpet lines, we
would have to "modestly"' ad.mit that
we have the largest slllection in the
area. •
Customweave. Evans-Black
Monticello. Lees. Walters. etc.
!~n~1~l :~ ·~--.. -' .. -MA&_ ......
IMCI ltlJ ,
1663 Placentia Ave.
HOUIS: -n... l1lora.. f le SoJO -NI. t to t -SAT. t :JO to 5
lrvi.De. ·
T oday's Closing
' N.Y. Stocks
I 'li ~•~ ' Tr,11Sfe~·-':change · Gymna, 1 imit Design
• • i .._ ' T
B)' RUDI bllEOZJELSKJ But bo-.rd members, will> the a ··Tijuana hacienda.'' i.
ot1Wo.ir1"+Mita." ex.~ pt ion o4 Robert eerore the district commits
SaQ.dleback College trustees Bartholomew, believe the two that much money. Bartholomew
dld an esth~tl.c tu('nabout Mon· styles will be harmonious and in-argued, it ought to hBve .more
day add oidered 8 nl\sslon·Style structed the architectural firm or than a set b r sketches .
gymnasium,. complete with a tile Hippe and Randell lo bring back Bartholomew said he wanted lo
.roof, forthefr campUS. detailed drawih1s •. , look al some s lides and som·e
The $3 .S "mlllion 'structure. Bartholomew .... said he didn't similar-looking buildings before
CQmbined with locker rooms and like any of the deSign con('epts giving his approval.
teething facilities, will dirrer shown by architect George Ran· But the pressure of a June 30
)llarkedly from existing textured dell. blasting one of them as look-deadline to award the contract
block buildings on-rampus. ing like a stable and another like overrode the trustee's objections.
4 Nabbed
On Drug
Newporl Beach poliee an -
nounced a task rorce arrest today
of rour South Coast residents on
charges o( selling cocaine with
an alleged streel value of
The arrests, made 01<er the
weekend and kept under wraps in
an attempt to arrest additional
s uspects, took place at 24001
Avenida de la Carlotta, Laguna
In custody in lieu ofSl0,000 b<.iil
each are Anthony Albert
Martino, 27, 33741 Olinda St., Apt.
A, Dana Point; Jack Lee St. Den·
nis, 27, 24830 La Paz St .. Apt. C.,
Dana Point; Louie Vincent Pete·
que, 31471 Gal<1no Way, San Juan
Capistrano, \\'hose age was not
available and J>atricia Margaret
~ummel, 18, 24852 Galano Wa}'.
also in San Juan Capistrano.
Detectives in Newport said
that major help in the several
months or investigation t'ame
frorn federal agents, along iA'ith
ctetectives from Laguna Beach.
t-luntington Beach. and San
A total of 18 ount'es or the ex·
pensive narcotic was allegedly
purchased during a se1;es Of C'On·
·!acts. Last Friday's <irrests
came soon after an alleged finul
purchase of t'O<:aine hy agents.
1'hat sale, police said, was thC'
largest of the transactions and in ·
valved 14 ounces of cocaine.
Police said they are still look ·
ing for one sus pect who is still at
Collins Ge ts
Naval Pact
The U.S . Navy has awarded a
S2 .3 million contract to a
Newport Beach firm, the Collins
Radio Group of Rockwell In-
ternational. ·
Rep. Andrew J . 1-linshaw
(ft-Newport Beach>, in arinounc-
ing the contract, said it calls for
produCtion or a new communica-
tions techniqlie deve loped by
Collins engineers in the past year.
The technique allows contact
· between airifJancs and sub-
"This is a breakthrouab and
will probably lead to additional
contracts later this year for the
firm ,•· Hinshaw said.
Y o11'r e Co cered
Al Jiminez, !Orig -time resident of San Juan Capistrano.
is prepared to maintain the mission community's
version of the Jaw during its colorful March celebration
Fiesta de las Golondrinas. that includes the annual re~
turn of the swallows. Parade highlighting the event is
March 22 .
Extension of Road
Gets Panel Delay
After more than rour hours or
bearing MOnday, Irvin\! planning
commissioners put off a ruling on
an environmental itnpact report
for the proposed Michelson Drive
extension until alternntives to
the project could be researched.
The commission continued the
matter until April 7 over the ob·
jections of Commissioner Walt
Rungaitis. who voted to find the
report insufficient.
ThC' tran s portation co m ·
mission has found the r eport suf-
ficient. but decided that the ef-
feels of the Michelson link
bet,,·een the 1 rvine lndustrial
Complex and UnivCrsity Park
would be bad.
Commissioner David Terris
said his own analysis or the.traf-
fi c statistics predicts severe eon·
gcstion at the Michelson-Culver
Dri\'l' intersection.
"\Vhat we have is a 250-page
t'nvironmenlal impact report
and only four pages are devoted
to a di scussion or alternatives,"
Terris said .
Irvine District
But Terris added, "The traffic
situation has been analyzed to
d('ath. I think "''e. have a pretty
good reel for what may Or may
not occur."'
Whal the com mu;s1on needs
now. he s aid. is a thorough
investigation of aiternatives to Hopefuls Profiled·
J. (~ditor'sNole : Thisisthelastofa
Jrrlel.. ~ Jnterviews with the eighl
tandidates for the Irvine Unified
·School Districl Boord of Truslees. All
Jive seats will be filled in March 4
balloting. The three cand~es re·
ceivhlg-ihe largest numbef:fOJ yoles
will be elect~ fo /our-ytar tris.
fho1e plocing fourth and /iflh will be
·ft.ected to tioo-year lerms.J
In the three years since
• Elizabeth Sicoli waJ elected lo
Irvine's rounding scbOOl board,
the issues have ch•nced. . ..i
Talk tbrt¥t )'e•rs acoW~ ':bol,lt, ~
double 1&11lodl', c tnpe.d tlassroo~J ,and noisy chootf,
she slild .. Tffay Lb,e I-rff.
.volve aroua,d cur~um~ p~ Jr•'I)• and lli• finandlll.pµUOOll . •
·.• Hlall lt'no~ been f9r the prog.--
. inad0 b~ tli preM!nt boNd. Mn. Sicoll said, \he luu .. woold stilt'
·be the brick• and m'OJ;tar rMher
Jhan what cou on Inside .the . ·~·· ' . c .. ~ ... ,
· Mrs . Slcoll, 43, ot 18002
Whitewood · W a_y 111 a real estate
,:,gent employed i..:uh 'Pettit Real·
Jy. Her daughter Is a student tn
1/le lrvlne district. 1 ,
The board haa already led the
:district over some of Its \Olllh .. t
:.)iurdles, she said. Amonc \hem
• • ..,, '.
; '
Otlt't l"llot SI.at! Plloto ~ISSUES CHANGING'
Truatee Lee Slcoll
were the abandonment of the old
tr~tne Elementary School due to
noise from Jeti; using the El Toro
Ma,tne Corps Air Station. •
The abandonment, s he pointed
lSee 1'.IUJSTEE. Pase All
t11e one-mile link . ·
Commissioner Roland Schinz.
inger said the areas of concern
about the proposed project have
·'The whole tenor of the dis-
cussion has changed,"'•he said.
"It '!'I no longer a question ot ap-
proving Fluor or not. That ques-
tion has b('en taken out or it.''
1'he l\1i chclson extension \\·as
proposed lo provide an additional
access to the lOS·acre Fluor site
at Jamboree Boulevard and the
San Diego Freeway.
Two wee ks ago, however .
Fluor site manager Tom
Mallonee said Fluor could "live
"'ithout the project·· during city
council consideration of I.he site
pl an.
Mallonee told commissioners
<See ROAD, Paget\%)
Tonight's Irvine City Counc:il
meeting will be held at El
Ca mino Real Elementary
School , 4782 Karen Ann Lane, nt
7:30 p.m . The council•moved the
meeting fro m its usual city ha ll
location to North lrvtne because
it .will be con~'idering a zone
change for the 1,208-acre Village
or No1'thwood ill that aru. .
tr lhe deadline is not met, lhe col-
le1e. will not qualiry for some
$300,000 in state aid.
The new gymnasium-physical
education racility iA'ill actually
consist or a cluster or rour build·
ings -a 2,000 seat gym, -a locker
room building, a n an activities
Trustees voled unanimously to
expand the women's locker room
to 60 percent of the men's locker
room area to allow for future
growth ift wom.en 's sports. The
expansion will add $30,000 to the
price of the completed facility.
Some unusual reatures or Lhe
complex include a glass-encased
press room overlooking the gym
floor to facilitate the filming of
sports events and a whirlpool
bath located between the men·~
and women's locker areas.
The architects also pointed out
that the ne\v complex \\11! b(· the
first of the new can1pu~ buddings
to int'orporate energy-saving de·
sign reatures .
It \\'ill have Opl'1·abh.> \\ 1ndO\\S
for me£·hanieal Vl·nti lal1011 and
air conditioning \\'Ill tx• c:on£1n cd
only to offiC'e ~ ;ind ;1 ft•\\ other
Skylights \\ 111 p1·0,·1dl' n1uch of
the lighting ;.ind t hl• hwlcling, ac·
<See l\1JSSI01'\, Pagl' t\2)
No R11ling Near
Irvine Suit Delays Seen
Of lfte Dilly l"ilol SUH
Two ~ays or courtroom argu·
menls ended late Monday with
Orange County Superior Court
Judge Claude M. Owens admit-
ting he is a long "·ay from bis
pretrial rulings in the stock con-
trol lawsuit file d b.Y Irvine
heiress Joan Irvine Smith.
However, a restraining order
that prohibits signing of an al·
leged $110 million deal between
the James Irvine Foundation and
J\1obil Oil Corporation "'ill re-
main in effect until Judge Owens
issues his rulings.
He has been asked by Los
Man Jailed
In Ass ault
"7'itli J>ist()l
A Santa Ana husband was
jailed by Costa M'.e5a pOlice eltrly
(oday aner he a11eged1y confront·
<'d his estranged wife and a male
companion in a parked car and
opened fire with a pistol.
Randy Langford, 24, of 110
Aloha St., was arrested and
booked on s uspicion or assault
\vith intent to commit murder
following the 1: 30 a.m. incident
in a northeastern city industrial
No one was injured by the burst
of shots. according to police. "'·ho
are holding Langrord in lieu or
S25.000 bail pending arraignment
in llarbor Judicial District
Offi cer Phil Dickens said the
pistol assault occurred al the
\\'estern Di gital Corporation,
3128 Red f.lill Ave .. iA'here both
apparent targets are employed ..
The parking lot was actually
next to the Digital computer
firm, right at the Costa J\.lesa and
Irvine city limit lin.e, according
to police.
'fhey identified Langford's
"'ife as J\frs . Patricia Langford,
of Santa Ana, and the other as-
serted \'ictim as Michael
l\Ioreno, of Newport Beach-.
J\Joreno a nd M r!ii . Langford £led
for help "'hen the shooting start·
ed. investigators said.
They added that a .22 caliber
pistol t\'as used in the int'idenl
near the plant where both vic-
tims ha\'e been employed.
Joint Plans
For Irvine
Stadium Eyed
A proposed joint agreement to
improve the UC Irvine athletic
field for stadium use by the City
of Ir.vine, Irvine School District
and UCI will be considered by the
Irvine school board Wednesday.
The 7:30 p.m meeting will be
held at University High School.
The proposed $300,000 city and
school district rinanced improve-
ments to the field would include
night lighting, increasing sealing
capacity from 2,500 to s.ooo and
installation or a scoreboard and a
public address system.
The item was to be discussed at
the last H'oard meeting, but at-
torneys £or the three agencies
"'et'e still work In out <tetails.
taiflu!J'I im·
ve 'drawn
tee Sharon
the district
·Petenon, a
1;;d:lding a
and com-
Angeles attorney 1.tichael Ti gar
ror J\.1rs. Smith and l"'O la"·yers
for the Calirornia attorney
General's office to issue a pre·
liminary injunction that will
freeze the Mobil deal until trial of
the issue.
Judge Owens has been asked
by Coundalion attorney Howard
Privett to rule lhat A-1rs. Smith
does not have the legal standing
to block the sale and 'that lhe at-
torney general's office has failed
to prove a case justifying in-
junctive action.
Judge O"·ens. obviously in a
dilemma late J\1onday over a·
case that has no real precedent-in
California law , re peatedly
sought the opinions uf la\\·ycr:. tor
both sides as he \\'restled viith the
issue of the injunction that he hus
not yet signed. .
llis decision appears to be at
least three \\•eeks a"•a y. Lawyers
for both sides will be adding writ-
ten briers and arguments to the
voluminous file on the judge's
bench until at least J\1arch 7.
Ti~ar again arguell for l\frs
Smith Monday that the $110
n1illion price ofre red by ~lobil for
the foundation 's 4.590.000 shares
of Irvine Con1p~n y stock-tht·y
represent .5~.S percent of the is-
sued hold ings :.in1ount S to a
(See LA\.\'SlJIT, Page A 2J
Not That Hot
Class Gets Na me Change
SADDLEBACK COLLEGE students v.·il\ be able to ~1 gn up
for 45 new courses in the spring quarter but·· Learning Those Sex-
ual Roles·~ wo·n 't be one of them.
It might be listed as "Women's Studies 20" or som ething
equalJy less spicy as a result or a reiA•rit-e job orde red ft'tonday
night by the board of trustees.
TllE TITLE CllANGE \\'as pu shed by board mcmb(>r Nor -
risa Brandt \\'ho argued that it \Va s "miscalculated ...
According to the course description \.•,:hat ··Lt'arning Thosr
Sexual Roles" really is, is: "An examination of the institulional
and societal conditions which socialize women into traditional sex
Superintendent Robert Lombardi and Dean of Jnstruct1on R.
L. Platt agreed to bring the course back for approval \\·ith a dif-
ferent title.
Mesa Woman Sav es
Neighbor in Blaz e
One woman tenant 0£ a t iny
Costa J\.1esa apartment complex
who heard her neighbor moaning
and attacked her blazing home
with a small garden hose was
credited today with sa\·ing the
victim's life.
T~vlctim. Doris F. Presselcr.
62. or 130 E . 20th St., still sufrered
severe racial burns before being
rescued by h e r neighbor ~.Yrs.
Albert E\ven. and firemen.
l\1rs . Presseler was struck
s quare in the r ace b y a
blowtorch-like blast of names in
the 1:30 a .m . fire, "'hen s he
heard a noise and opened her
closed bedroom door to in-
"She really got it." said Bfll-
talion Chier Robert J\.fcClelland,
"Second and third degree burns
on the race and hands. Her lips
"·ere already blistered and peel-
I-le said l';lrs. Ewen. a resident
of Apartment 1 twodoorsdown -
from J\.frs. Presselcr 's Apt. 3.
saved the 62-year-old "'·oman's
life hy ber quick action.
,\ "'oman living in Apt. 2. im·
mediately adjacent, called in an
alarm al 1:32 a .m ., according to
Chief McCle lland but he did not
know her name.
He added that raging names
were only four reel rrom the vic-
tim when 1'frs. Ewen dragged th e
garden hose a nd thrust lhe nozzl e
through a window, s tarting to ex-
Irvine District
Given U.S. Grant
The Irvine School District has
rec-elved a S721592 (ederal a:r•nt
to set up a mpdel library j>rO·
gram at Vista Verdt School ..
The program 'k aim is' t<>
coordinate library materials
with the schOQi cutriculurp. Dis·
frict resources toordlnator
Shlrl•y Woodi aaid'tltal -ts.
teachers and atudenta wtll begin
picking m1terials IOI' I.ho library
tinguis h the s!.'soo fire.
Shock and the s c•verily of
second and third degree burns
over 10 percrnt of her body--in
addition to heat and s moke in-
halati on ~ had in s tantly in -
capacitated 1\-1 rs. Jl ressC'lt'r.
Spokesmen ;.it the Orangl'
Countv l\l edic<i l Centt~r Burn
linit s iiid today thc>y \\C'rC' listing
the \'ictim as being in stable con-
dition for the prt·sent tune folio'\·
in g her admittanct•.
Firemen. hO\\'('\'C'I", con1n1ent ·
ed that the pott•nti al effects of
lung damage from lht> S('arin,g
heat ,,·ould ha\·e to be l'valuated
in days ahe<id
\'<triable hi gh t louds but
moslly sunny through Wed·
n esday. acro1·ding lo the
\\·ealher ser\·ic.•c· t,.ooll'r at th e
beachC's but \\ :.irn1 inland.
1-lighs fron1 tht .. lo\\'{'r 60s to
th(' upper 70 s ' inlan d .
O\'ern1ghl IO\\ S 42 to 52
l'S I D E TOD A ,.
1\'1kola1 Bulganin, tile pre-
mier of the So viet U1uo11 Jrom
1955 lo 1958. died today after a
long illness The 73·!Jear-old
premier was o/te11 upslaged
by colorjul N1k1la Khrushchev ·
n1 So viet politics See story
and picture Poue ,.\4
....... x
Mov1•i AU
~""' FuNh All NttlOllll PMWI ••
OJ•1199C•IHllY A1 '"Pl• .,.,
SMl'I• Al•t
St.ell M.1rlltts , AIM1
Tt+rtltMIO Al n...t.rs Al1
WIMhw M ............ . . .
•. e•ot ...
, ' Logbcij>I(,.
Boy's Fi~st ·ca:r:
. .
Sign of Maturity
OI U. l).IUy Pi tot M•U
A KID'S FIRST CAR is wondrous; a mark of maturity and
mobility · something that should remain a thing of beauty forever
like a pa~m . despite sail air corrosion that eventually eludes each
Sunday afternoon waxing ritual.
Salt air corrosion occurs only on the outside of the car, you see,
~1 not insid ~ a man's mind, even many years
aft~r the auto is sold or towed off to the local
wreC'king yard. ·
·rhe kid's first car forever sparkles in his
My brother-in-law-to-be, Mike, got his first
cor Friday.
I-IE: IS 16 and has saved money from odd jobs
and little birthday card enclosures for the past
five years to get a car. which is probably
every Ameri can mal~'s long-awaited
birthright.. He bought a brand-new 1975 VW Rabbit. · •
Now I could tell Mike it's risky to buy a brand·neW m.odel of
any ca~, fresh off the drawing board, having purchased my fourth
or sixth or eighth vehicle \vhichever it was, a 1967 Fiat Spyder, in
eatly 1968 after it was hastily unloaded by a pre-owner. The Fiat,
which became immortalized then and now by my friend~ and
myselr by "the title of Mussolini's Revenge, was a miserable
It was an after-lunch Fiat and those Italian car makers re·
portedly consume a lot of ...,.·ine ot lunch.
BUT-WARNING MIKE about buying a ne w variety of any kind
of vehicle might spoil the mystique of a younger man's very first
car. Even if he might believe my wise counsel, accumulated over
the years. His first car is beautiful to him. And that is how it
should be.
"It's the most bilious, godawful green you can believe," says
his older sister, although her eyes are shining as she says it. ''He
even let me drive it."
···And tften Sunday morning t woke up at A:JO with this rock
music:·. booming out of the garage right nex~ lo my bedroom,"
she added. ''He was just sitting in thete in his car playing the tape
deck, turned all the way up ."
One is hampered a bit, however, in sharing Mike's joy and
dream come true in a 1975 VW Rabbit with its brilliant, peagreen
paint job, by memories of a fire engine-red 1949 Mercury with
electrically-powered windows and custom Naugahyde upholstery
that tended to melt like discarded chewing gum when you left the
windows rolled up during hot spells.
THIS MASTERPIECE of Detroit, Mich., American automotive
technology was 10 years old when ·bought and still managed to
survive a· broken C'rankshaft incurred 80 miles outside
Bakersfield bn a trip back from Yosemite.
And then there was the night I was trying to impress my male
passengers. stomped on the gas, wound the engine RPMs up far
too high in front of the local funeral parlor while trying to peel off
a little rubber from the tires, popped the clutch and tore.I 7 teeth
off low gear.
I know it was 17, because my. stepfath.er, an auto and truck
mechanic, counted them out as he handed them to me during the
repair job a couple of weekends later. The Mere never drove the
same again. ·
I" THE RED BATHTUB, as the kid's 1949 Mercury convertible
was known when spied cruising through the LittJe Chef Drive-In
parking lot or sitting sinisterly at the end of .the road atop Black
Mountain on Saturday nights, was finally hauled off to the local
wrecking yard in 1964. Or was it the following year?
Today, I envy Mike his 1'975 VW Rabbit a bit but .it isn't for the
fancy tape deck, the fantastic mileage it gets or the $2,999 ad-
vertised price tag.
It's just that another kid's first car, a red, 1949 Mercury con·
vertible, happened such a damn long time ago.
From Pqe Al
cording to Randell. should be
'usable.even daring !:irownout or
·blackout conditions.
College officials hope construc-
tion will begin thls July. The
bµilding is expected to take about
12 months to complete.
In related action, trustees vot-
ed unanimously to award an
architectural ·contract to Hippe
and Randell which will pay them
seven percent of the $3.3 million.
' Etna Explodes '
CATANIA, Sicily fAP)
Snow-topped Mt. Etna, Europe's
tallest volcano, burst open a new
active crater AIJonda y night.
auth~ties repor'ted today. Thl'
crater, belching fumes and
molten lava, was at a hei ght or
about 8,000 feet, amid snow fields
Robert N. Weed
P<ttliNnt •"Cl P1tt>0 '''''"
Jack R. Curley
V1t~ Pl'"\i""'ftl •NI Gen.,.•!,,...,..,,...
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Murphine ,,..,..;lno Edit•
T•~M (714) 642-4321
atmllff. Advtrlislng 642-5678
t• ffl••• 'tl•n•t Ht-a11n 511-6110 ,-,..t.tio. ..... ,..., ........
New Policies
On Sabbatical
Leaves Okayed
A new policy governing sab-
batical leaves ror instructors and
administrators at Saddleback
College was adopted Monday
night by a split vote of the Board
of Trustees.
The policy allows starr mem-
bers "11ho have worked for six
years to take paid leaves for pro-
fessional growth. In the case of
teachers the leave is one year, in
the case of administrators two
Trustee Donna Berry cast the
lone negative vole but did not ex-
plain her re asons for voting
against the policy. Questioned af-
terward, she said it was a basic
"philosophical" difference with
other board members.
Mrs. Berry said teachers, lik e
other professional persons, have
the opportunity for growth on the
job. However, she added th at in
the future s he might be
persuaded to vote for sabbatical
Sabbaticals wi11 be limited to
3.5 percent of the district's
certificated staff. There are
about 200 such staff members on
campus. .
Superintenderit Robert Lom-
bardi said the sabbatical policy
will cost the district approx·
itnately $5,000 to $7 ,000 a year.
Plans are to r eplace those go-
ing on sabbatical leaves wfth
temporary, lower·Salaried help
or not lo replace them at all,
keeping the expenditures low.
Administrators say they plan
to iss ue th e sabbaticals in the
s pring months when lhere is a
slight decrease in enrollment and
it is sometimes possible to re-
lease a faculty member without
replaclng him.
l:ndcr the poli cy. instructors
will be given a year off at66 per·
ceot o( regular pay, or if they
choose, two quarters off at full
For administrators abovq the
rank of associate dean the leave
' ls calculated at two months wJth
full pay, or a full sabbatical leave
<1t instructor's pay level.
U .S. District Judge Warren J ,
Ffrguson has placed two J-IunL-
V.rton Beach men, officers lo a
LOO& Beach firm spetjali&ing in
petrloleum storage m&fntenance.
on four years probation following
the death of an employe.
Ferguson placed the company,
Crosby and Overston Inc. on pro-
bation along with J .R. Dent,
C'Ompany president, and John
Saenz, vice president, following
their no contest pleas to violating
federa l safety laws.
The government said the de·
fcndant s violated the safety laWs
in the death of Jess Martinez. on
Aug . 8. 1973.
lnvf's ti gators alleged the
employc died when his air com-
pressor failed \Vhile he was work·
ing in a storage. t a,nk at Douglas
Oil Refinery tank in Paramount.
Government prOSfYCUlors said
the firm failed to supply an ade-
quate air compressor and did not
ha\'e another employe on hand
\\'ith rescue equipment.
Plan Chief
To R·esign
County Post?
Informed sources said today
that Orange County Planning
Commission Chairman Roy
Knauft will resign.his post within
the next few days to become a
part-time field aide to Rep.
Charles Wiggins CR-F\lllerton}.
Knaufl, who was Third District
Supervisor Ralph Diedrich's ap-
pointment to the commission in
early 1973, has served as
chairman since January of 1974.
During his term on the five-
man panel, the retired Yorba
Linda business executive has
been known as a moderate in his
position on growth and develop.
Diedrich reportedly has not de-
cided between three persons he is
considering naming as Knauft's
3 Watergate
Pardons Seen
As Possible
' ' .
., • < ,. ·> ' . ' ' . ta ·. , 'INJdian , . . ~,.... P• "' -1" ..!-l ·~
I • · Tov~n,Es·· PRQF t)!j '~· . ,.
.· '1.d ·~-~ ~ , . .N, • ~ .,o~. l/heflii:.';.a:'t~::ei>;d~ W~SHJNCitQN IAP> .-0.. ment. • , ' • eutng-not ~lsteillruf. But we ,.....ldillltH~f.t.old\heHOYM ' Cl.the ,polll -Of,p to;u, •be· 'l"'tdoeverylhing.-Well'.Ytoac-loday !~at If i!'does not quick· sald1 ,lnc/udo '\llllnlnlt!tu~tbe commodate as many iJ&>pfc as we
ly approve his $222 million ·threat •o( dolfble"9·,.. tt, t;4J>." ·•
Cambodian mltitary rcquesl "'e'atablistJ,lni t~e Se'CoQ.J ary i . ~ ln co1'nlrig·years, she Said, the
soon "the government forces Education Le'an)lng FlciUtatoi distrlet will continue its search
will be forced, within weeks, <SELFJ alternatJv~-lt.l.&1.1 scbool. ror bettfr ways to Imbue students
to surrender to the in· and f(etting the tu~ ilan.ru.ng wiUtaba!lcedUcation. ~.
surgents." foe the fas~·frowlng bdiaµict .on ~ ··~e.at1ve. lnnovaUve.1 What
· Ford sai(I in a letter to a firm fln•nctal,basii With voter that means to me is outstanding.
$Peaker Carl Albert, read to approval of rSSo million tiond ts... We are !poking for better ways to
the Cull House, that without sue and $44 million apportion-do things . We're. not looking for
the additional military aid the ment election. wild-eyed schetnes, bul for a
Cambodian army will run out Uader the guidance of the pre-solid t<{ucatlonal foundalion~•"
of ammunition in less than a sent board, she said, temporary
month: (Related story. A4) Greentree and Culverdale
l ''Ao independent Cam· schools sprouted in 12 weeks
bodia," the President said, after the board toot<. over and a
"cannot survive unless the broad range of educational pro.
Congress acts very soon to grams have been installed 1n lt!e
provide supplem~ntal schools.. , .
military and econon11c as· Planning has b~ a major ac-
sistanee." tivity of the b0ard'1uring the dis-
From Page Al
trict's first years. The result, she
said. is a master plan of tlistrict
expansion that has become a
model for the state and a ser\_es of
school-by-school educational
• plans. The school plans are
aimed at assuring that g()ais set "ridiculously low" figureof$24 a in a need•· assessment program
share. · last year are met.
Tigar and two deputy al· And, she said, planning at pre-
torneys general pointed out to sent is looking bey.oni:l the needs
Judge Owens that valuation of dictated by growth to the future
S35.65 a share had been made on· when the district will ''Peak out"
the Irvine Company $lock in a and the number of students
1973 appraisal made for the In-begins to $hrink.
ternal Revenue Service. "Some of tee new school-de-
Tigar again urged Judge signs are more residential in
Owens to clamp a 90-day injunc· character. They could become
lion plus an immediately follow-commun'ity meeting places,
ing trial date on the foundatiQn-recreational buildings, small
Mobndeal. , dectors'. offices or whatever,"
And he predicted there woUld she said.
be no.shortage of buyers for the If the board did not consider
Irvine Company stock despite alternate uses wb,ile designing
statements tq_the contrary made schools, she said, ~vine would be
by Privett. stuck with worthless and ex·
55 New Buses
For County's
Trans~t Ey~d
The Orange County Transit·
District will advertise for bids in
the coming months for purchase
or another SS buses that will go in~
to service in mid·1976.
Transit directors authorized
the start or the bid procedure,
\Vhich v.·ill involve seeking prices
from the country's three major
bus manufacturers, Flexible
Company, GM C and American
1\.-1otors General.
The actual bid procedure won't
begin until the di strict is notified
it will receive two-thirds of the
funds fron1 the federal Urban
Mass Transit Authority
The district wants to buy the
sam.e kind of 36 -passenger
coa<:hes it bought last year.
This year. 4,4 new buses are due
to go into service. expanding the
district's fleet of full ·sized buses
to 147.
"Since this story hit the local pensive structures when enroll-
papers at least one buyer h'as ment begins to decline as has
emerged and the government of been experienced in other dis-OCTD spok<•s "·oman Mary Kuwait was interested but had tri ts "
the door shut in its face," Tigar ~ul those, she points out, are Evelyn Bryden said the buses
said. past issues because they already that will roll this year cost about
Privett failed to respond to have been resolved or on the way SG0.000 each, compared to $50,000
Tigar's charge that lhe founda· towanl resolution. earh for the ones bought a year
· lion .had failed to produce draft Similar advances. she said, <igo.
copies of what Privett said was have been made in the district's
the "tenative agreement" re-educational programs.
ached between Mobil and the ''Our program is different
Irvine Foundation. from San Joaquin," she said, re·
Judge Owens has refused to or· ferring to one of the predecessor
der th8t the paper work be ad· districts from which Irvine was
milted into evidence at this stage formed. ''There is now a definite
of the litigation over the protests emphasis on basic education. We
of Tigar and deputy attorneys believe basics must be taught
general Lawrence Tapper and completely and thoroughly."
Yeoryios Appallas. A variety of approaches, all
Tapper warned Judge Owens aimed at giving students a grasp
that1fthefoundationisupheldin of reading, writing and
its argument that it can dispose of arithmetic, have been put to
Irvine Company stock without work in the schools, she said.
challenge, then $14 billion in trust "One way is through the1sup·
funds throughout California is in plementary education pro-dan~er. gram," she said. "We put the re·
.. I shudder to think or the effect sources in the schools for special
that could be created by such a educational needs."
Mari1ies' Jet
Noise &osted
Louder than usual noise from
Marine jets that rattled Hunt·
ington Beach, Irvine and Costa
Mesa today was attributed to a
change from the north-south to
the east.west· runways for prac·
lice flights, said an El Toro
The north-·south runway
normally used v.·as undergoing
repairs, according to Capt. John
Shotwell. assistant public
affairs officer. decision." Tapper said. Programs. she said, are aimed
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. <UPI) -Lawyers for both sides agree al helping students with reading
John Dean, who served a fraction that the key issues if Mrs. problems, speech defects and
of hi s one·' to four-year term for Smith's lawsuit goes to trial will other J earning disabilities
Watergate crimes, says it is con· be the fair market value of the without removing them Crom
ceivable former top White House Irvine Company stock held by their own school.
Air traffic will resume its
normal north-south pattern Wed-
nesday. he said.
confidants John Mitchell, H. R. the foundation, what Tigar called "lt differs from traditional
Haldeman and John Ehrlichman the ''hidden clauses" of the Mobil programs because the people in·
could get out of going to prison at deal and the offers that could be valved are 3 part of the school all
a ll. 111ade by other concerns if they the time, not somebody who is
"I could see President Ford are allowed to enter the bidding. called in or the student is sent out
He noted that Laguna Niguel
and Leisure W.orld, normally hit
with the heaviest noise, got a one·
day respite.
p a rd o n in g H a I de m a n • Tigar predicted "a fairly short to. Having these people on the
Ehrlichman and Mitchell," Dean trial if we can only getourOO·day spot allows the teacher to get
said 1\.1onday while here to ad-freezing of the 1\.1obil deal and help in a hurry when help is
dress 1,200 persons at the come up with some other in-needed,''shesaid. NEW YORK tU PI> _Stock
f\.1a ssarhuse·tts In stitute of terestedbidders. Plenty of work remains, she prices plunged along a broad
Technology. "We are running on a fast said. Goals must be periodically front today-on the Ne-...• York
The former White House track," Tigar told Judge Owens. reassessed, the high school social Stock Exchange in response lo
counsel, whotestifiedforthegov· "We will need but a few wit-sciences program is beina: re-profit taking and negative news.
ernment and spent four monihs.in nesses to go with our documenta-vised and career education will Trading was fairly active.
prison for his role in the lion and we believe we can re-receive a stronger emphasis in A Federal Trade Commission
Watergate cover-up, predicted solve this issue fairly quickly." the high school in the future. ruling against Xerox prompted
there was "minimal chance'' the The present board, she said, is more selling as the Dow Jones in -
former White House aides "will Red,·-1ran. Accord well equipped todoth~job. dustrial average. a 12.83-point
succeed in keeping themselves "I have been to many school loser Monday, fell 15.65 to 721.29
out of prison." MOSCOW (AP J -The Soviet board meetings and I have never at mid-day. The Dow had risen
Mitch e 11 . Ha Idem an and Union and Iran signed an agree-seen a board which works so well 133 points sin ce Jan. l .
Ehrlichman were sentenced Fri· ment on economic cooperation together and has as much respect Declines led advanC'es. 6 to 1.
day to 21
1:-. to 8 years each in today worth an estimated $3 for each other. The board is very den1onstrating the breadth of the prison for participating in the billion. tuned in to the community. Our s lide.
scandal. c;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;; Their appeals may take two 11
years. Dean predicted none of the
three men will win a new trial or
a reversal of the verdict.
He said he hoped Mitchell,
llaldeman and Ehrlichman
wou ld choose to cooperate with
federal prosecutors in unravel-
ing the tangled web of
\Vatergate. after which he said
the three might expect reduc-
tions in prison sentences.
Fro111 Page A l
ROAD ...
Monday that Fluor has spent
$100,000 on design and environ·
mental inform at ion for the road
Residents have protested that
the road extension would channel
industrial traffic into the residen·
tial area in violation ol the goals
in t.hecity general plan.
'fhey have also complained
that free-flow right turn lanes
proposed to cut the congest.ion at
the Mi chelson -Culver intersec·
tion would keep pcdcslriaris from
using the intersection .
Commissioners arc to put their
concerns in writing and 'Nill con -
sider the environmental Impact
report again April 1:
Job Age Upheld
U.S. Supreme Court upheld !tfon·
What's My Line?
You won 't be fed any lines at
Alden's. We are more interested in
developing loyal custom'ers than
making a fast sale.
None of our salespeople will bother
you if you just want to browse, but
will be pleased to assist you if you
wish, with truthful· answers· to. your
When we discuss carpet lines, we
would have to "modestly" admit that
we have the largest selection ir\ the
Customweave, Evans-Black
Monticello. Lees, Walters. etc.
'"'"' ~ " HAMOIA.llA SIMCll ... ,.
1663 Placenti~ A.Ye.
day llie federal government's re-
qwremenl Ilia( clvil llervan15 re-I
tire at age 70 wilhout,-egatd IO HOURS:"'°"' n...n.ra.. f M 5:30-RI. f Mt-SAT, 9:30 lo 5
individual fltnoas. IL-----------------------------------'"'
' T
. )
' ~··· ,• ..... 1
\ ,
Today's <:losing
N.~ •. StOt.!ks
VOL. 68,~Q.'56, 2 SEET.fONS, 22 :PAGES
' -I
'tights Cut From Federal Fund L~t
: The Huntington Beach City
Council turned out the lights
:Monday night on a proposed
:$100,000 street lighting·projeeL in-
:tended for the neighborhood sur-
:round~ng Oak View School. ~ .
: It was the .. only significant
:cri.an,ge rn&de during a four-hour
1pubhc tiearing on how to spend
S2.4. million. in federal funds for
.com!"unity development.
* * * .Schools .
Ask .Fund
Fo .. r .Pool
• The Huntington Beach Union
High School District would like to
build a $242,000 s wimming pool
~·ith city money for handicapped residet;its. _
Dr. Richard Allimari, director
of specially funded programs for
the high schools, made a pitch for
the pool to 1-luntington Beach city
councilmen Monday night.
He asked them to consider the
swimming pool project as one
area for spending some of the
$2.4 million in federal funds for
community development.
The council agreed to consider
th~ request, though no formal
commitment was made. In its
list of approved projects, the city
has included $105,000 for han-
dicap programs.
Altimarl said today if the city
builds the pool. the hi gh school
district will provide the land and
staff it. T~e complex would be
built next to the district's newly
planned .2.000-student campus on
Golden 9w'est Street .
Plans call for construction of a
competition Olympic size pool
for normal high school and public
'use, as well as an adJ..acent pool.
. 40·feet by 25 yards. specially de·
signed for physically add mental-
ly haqdicappeCI residents. ·
The-handicapped pool would
have' an average· depth or four
feet and would be equipped with
ramps and special equipment for
the handicapped.
Altimari said there is no such
public recreation facility for the
handicapped in the surrounding
five.city area.
He said the two pools are de·
signed next to each other so non-
haadicapped pe rscins can join
their handicapped brothers and
sisters, rather than cutting them
off from society.
f-le said the pools would be open
daily from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m ..
and arrangements could be
·made for week~nd use. He said
the high school district would
neE.'d use of the pools about 30 per-
fSee POOL, Page A!i
Stall planners had ~ginally
suggested spen(ling $205,000 on
the street lights, but that amount
Was sliced il,.l half following the
p)a'.nhing commission's hearing
Council members cut the rest
out Monday. criticizing the street
lightin$ as a pro)e,ct that doesn't
really do anything ' for poor pe6.
Instead, they 9rdered tbe start
to consider construction of a1 per:mianent community center
for•the Oak View area,(8.tld JjOSsi-
ble acquisition of a park site in
aoother poverty pockef known as
Councilmen Jerry Matney and
Henry Duke were especially
critical or the lack of proPoSed-
valid projects for the Oak View
• Al Jimihez. long -time ·residenl of San Juan Qtpistrano.
is prepared to maintain the mission corhrnunity's
version of the law during its colorlul March celebration,
Fiesta de las Golondrinas. that includes the annual re-
turn of the swallows. Parade highlighting the event is
March 22 .
Roof Work OK'd
For Newland House
Norma Gibbs.
lier proposal was met v.•ith ob·
jection from 1-l e nry Duke and
Mayor Al Coen.
.. I'm ready to put the roof on ...
Tax Increase
Eyed Tonight
An $8,000 patch,.job on the roor
or the old Newland house was
authorized Monday night by the
Huntington Beach City Council.
~er considerable debate. "'"l:' Librarian Walter Johnson was
ordered to prod ace· a repart ·for
the next council meeting outlin-
ing the full cost of reconstructing
the turn-or-the-century home.
.,., we'rt-"'going to sa\te this
Ouk<' saiQ, "but let's take a way a
street improvement to pay for it. ..
(S<'e NEWLAND. Page A21
A discussion or the Fountain
Valley School District's proposed
67·cent tax increase election will
be held at 8 o'clock tonight at
Courreges School. '
. Fred Voss. president or the
·Fountain Valley School Board.
Rnd Frank Bryant. chairman of
the citizens committee woi"king
toward passage of the •tax
measure, will make a presenta·
lion and ans"'er questions. 1 The prOgram is sponsored by
the Greenbrook Homeowners As-
sociation, and questions may be
Pirected to 962-8115 . The school is
located at 18313 S<1nta Ca rlotta
Cambodian -. ,; ftnil Cited .
President Ford to1d the·House
. today that if it does not quick-
, Jy approve his $222 1million
~ambodian military r~llest
SOQO ••the io'V&rnrpent (Ol'Ces
will be forced. within Wpeks.,
·to' -Surrender to the in -
. sur11entf'
. E'ord sajd in a letie~ to
S}Maker Carl Albert, r~aij lo
the lull Hous e. that without
· the acfdltional military aid \tie
· Cambp11,ian army will run out
or ammunltton tn less 1han .a
month. !Related story, A4)
••An lndepf:nde~t Cam·
bodla," the Prosident said,.
"caMot surviye Unless the
Cof\gress acts very soon to
pi'ovlde supplemental
mtlltacy 'and economic as·
;Gistorical landmark', which we DOW PLlTUIUif.rn.:
have to rebuild board by board, ~~riiriA;i..a u
I'd like to know exactly what will FOR 2 ND· n "Y be done with it," said Coun-Un.
cilman Jerry Matney. .,, City Administrator Dave NEW YORK Cl/trll -Stock
Rowlands indicated the house prices plunged along .a broad
will be a historical land{n8rk and front today on -the ~New York
may serve as a museum. He also Stock Exchange in response to
said the estimated cost of re· profit taking and.ne'g8tive news. · Trading was fairl-t' i.c;t.ive. habilitation is about $40,000, but A Federal Tracftt' Commission that may be lowered.
W · · ruling against Xetox prompted " e can't reno-v.ate it j ust more sellintl; as the Dow Jones in-with volunteE;!rs. It will never get donE"." Johnson added. dustrial average, a· 12.83-point
"1£ \Ve are at a ll serious about losers fdonday , fell 17.76t0719.18
our bicentennial rth~ hOUse ts 3· alLhe cl~se. The Dow·hacJ'tisen 133
major re a·ture '9f bic,(!:n\ennial ~~~~"isete~"-~~v~nCes': 6'l0 1.
celebration plans) then l!~.like to·· demOristralil'lg, tht breadth·otthe unrreeze our revenue Sharing
funds for it," said CouhCilWoman _s_li_d_e_. ----~-~----
~d Motown areas.
"Some of the C1reas that have
been in this community the
longest have been neglected the
longest," fumed Matney ... I'd
like to rind out what those people
feel ate the highest priorities."
"We keep studying and we
never get anything done," added
Duke. ''They are saying in
Motown 'Help save the children.
Give us an empty lot and let us
play baseball. Give us a place orr
the stret"ts ·. '' "Let's do something for the
people -n!)t street lights,·· said
Councilw.oman Norma Gibbs, as
the eourtcil voted unanimously to
strike the lights.
Less than an hour of the rour-
hour session was actually used
by the public. The r est of the time
\\1ais consumed by council debate,
staff explanations and council
questions ..
During t,b e public portion
several speakers risked for funds
to build a swimming pool and
other recreation facilities for
physically and mentally han-
di~apped residents.
After the l<"'eb. 4 commission
(See LIGHTING, Page A2)
Flap Resolved
Council OKs Library Ceremony
The city council agreL'Ci Mon -
day to spend $5,000 for dedication
of the Huntington Beach central
library, after the library board
refused to spend book fund
money on the ceremony.
Councilmen voted 6-0 <Harriett
Wieder abstained J to find the
Q'lODeY somewhere in the city
Da1e Wickersham. president
of the library board, told the
council his board could not
morally support ta)cing (unds in-
tended for the purchase of books
to u&e for a grand opening.
Men Jailed
In Robbery
Two men police allege were
about to bold up an all-night
marjteJ:., w~re arrested by o!-
fi,cers ~ndtY ~eJling. outside
the 11.unt1ngton Beach store.
One of the pair a1so was arrest-
ed on suspicion of kidnap and as-
sault. PolJce claim he stole a
woman's car; forced her to ride
around with . him at gunpoint.
then gave up the idea and freed
her and her-car.
\\'arren Grady Taylor. 22, or
5692 _Marshall Drive, and Howard
George .Adams, 21. or 16321
Hollyw00<4Lane, bolh of Hunt-
ington Belich, ..remained in city
jail today. They were arrested on
suspicion of armed robbery and
suspicion of conspiracy to com·
mit armed robbery, police said.
Adams also face'S kidnap and
assault charges after he alleged-
ly tried to steal a car to drive to
the holdup scene, police said.
orrtters said the caper started
at 9: IS p.m . when Adams al-
legedly took the car or Kitty Lee
Kirby, 5652 Mangrum Drive. at
gunpoint from a parkil1g lot in
1-luntington Center.
Police said Adams assertedly
forced Mrs. Kirby to ride around
the shopping center parking area
with him for a few minutes,
before he apparently changed his
mind about the car theft. Police
said he struck Mrs . Kirby in the
head. bruising her, ~hen fled,
lea\'ing her ahd the car behind.
About ten minutes later, of·
ficers were called to the Stop N
Go market at Bdlsa Chica Street
and Edinger A veuue after a
nearby gas s\alion attendant re-
ported a pair•of suSpicious look·
ing men-outside.
When police arrived. they al·
legedly found Adams and Ta)rlor,
armed with a handgun and car-
rying panty hose, which police
claim they planned to use as
holdup masks.
The pair's car was found tv."o
blocks away. police said .
In a motion approved l\1onday
night, just prior lo the council
session, the library board said :
.. Although we feel the cost of the
dedication is moderate, we move
to cancel any costs that would
come from the book fund.
eliminate memorial plaques and
luncheon for dignitaries. and
Cancel printing for the memorial
The board suggested money
for th e dedication ceremony
should come from the public in-
formation office. but City Ad-
ministrator Dave Rowlands in-
D11lly Piiot Staff PhOIO
Snfe111 Firsl -
Vi¥ian Borns, a recreation
supervisor for the city or
Huntington Beach, is the
first city employe to spend
20 years on the job without
an accident. Mayor Al Coen
has presented her with. a
watch and a plaque and has
ch'allenged., <>lher city
workers to match her re·
Teen Cyclist
Dies as Bike
Rams Into Cliff
A Huntington Beach teenager
y,:as killed Monda y afternoon
when the speeding motorcycle he
was driving careened out of con.
trol on Ortega Highway and
smashed into a roadside clifC.
The California lligh,vay Patrol
spokesman s aid today l\.1ichael
Da le Li'lnders, 19, of 5041 ~lcFad·
den Ave ., was dead on arrival at
!\lission Community llospital
'vith massive head and internal
injuries. Investigators said he
v.'as not wearing a helmet.
The CHP spokesman said Lan·
dcrs was iwestbound on the nar·
row mountain highway and was
n1oving at -..n unsafe rate of speed.
lie apparently came into the
curve about 14 miles up the
highway ftom San Juan
Capistrano, went out of control
;utd rammed into the cliff . ..
Oka School Needs
Swap Meet Items
d1catcd lhc>re are no extra
n1onies there.
Last week, the council had
authorized the use of $7 ,500 from
the book rund for the dedication.
Councilman Henry Duke com-
mended the board for "having
the guts lo say it," but Mrs.
Wieder attacked the board for .
trying to make the council "feel
like heels.''
But her council males over-
rode her objection and okayed
the lesser expenditure of $5,000
for the dedication.
Drill Ban
Set Aside
9th U.S. Court of Appeals today
set aside a lower court ruling
which prevented four major oil
rnpanies-from-'bMilding a new
oiJ ·drilling platform in the Santa
Barbara channel. site of a dis-
astrous 1969 well blowout and oil
But the court said the oil firms
should not be allowed to build the
platform until 1the case can be ~
heard again b)'. U.S . District
Court, to which it was ·returned
for furthe r proceedings.
The lower court, in the ruling
vacat_ed by the 9th Circuit Court.
held that an ·order by the
secretary of the Interior denying
the firms permission for a plat·
form was within his authority
and not arbitrary. capricious or
an abuse of discretion.
ft dismissed a comP.:laint by the
Union Oil Co. of California, Gulf
Oil Corp., Mobil Oil Corp. and
Texaco. Inc.
The appellate court said that
the trial court decided without
explanation that suspending
pet-mission to install the plat-
form did not deprive the firms or
property rights under their
leases. It added that it was uncer-
tain as to the bas is for this con-
The court said that because or
thie insufficient nature of the
secretary's explanation for the
suspension and the district
court's lack of justification for its
ruling , the case was remanded. or:::;a :n~,
\\'t•a1h .. r
\'ariablE.' high clouds but
mostly sunny through Wed·
nesda y, according to the
"'eather service. Cooler at the
beaches but warm inland.
1 li ghs rron1 the lower 60s to
th e upper 70s inland .
Overnight lo ws 42 to 52.
Nikolai Bulganin, tM pre·
rnier of the Soviet Union from
1955 to 1958 , died today after a ·
long iUness . The 79-year-old
premier was 'otten upslaged
by color/ul Nikita Khriuhclloo ·
in S"lviet politics. See story
and picture Page A<f,
.. ,..,, ., , ... .. ..
It was midnight. Feb. 18,
when June Scott pulled her
car onto S a nta J,auretta
): Street in the Greenbrook area 1 of Fountain Valley . ~ J-fer neighborhood was dark
G and quiet, except for one
young man strolling down the
,._; sidewalk, as she parked in
front or her home.
d As she got out. the young
~ stranger asked, ·'What street I :::1a1n~~~;.~~~~~~;da;~fy~~~
' Scott's purse, grabbed the straps and tugged.
She began to scream and f held tight to the purse.
;~ The stranger shoved her in-
w: to the street, still yankipg al
the purse and dragged· her 20
··feet along the street, without
saying a word, until she final· ' ~ ly let go, exhausted.
He da shed to hi s car.
parked a half block away, and
hopped in.
She chased him down the
street. but he got the car
started and drove straight
toward her, headlights out.
Sleepy neighbors, who had
come lo tbe:r doors at the
sound of· Mrs. Scott's shouts,
told Police i t was a miracle
she wasn't hit by the car. A
last minute leap to the side
saved her.
The midnight bandit got.
away with her purse, $460 in
cash <intended for the pay-
ment of property taxes), and
more than $700 in jewelry.
Police investigators think
somebody in the Greenbrook
neighborhood might know
who the stranger was. It isn't
likely he was walking the
street waiting for someyne to
return home, they say.
The Daily Pilot Secf.et ·Wit-
. ness will offer a cash reward
to anyone who can identify
the stran'get who attacked
Mrs. Scott, snatched her
purse, and tried to rWJ her
down with his car while mak-
Secret Wllnes
U.S. District Judge Warren~ ... ··
Ferguson has placed tw1> Hunt·
ington Beach, men, office~ in a
Long Beach firm speeialldng in
petroleum storage maintenance,
on four years probation following
the death of an employe.
\ Fe rguson placed the company, tJ Crosby and Overston Inc. on pro-ff bation nlong with J .R. Dent,·
f company president, and John
"' Saenz, vice president, following ~· their no contest pleas to violatiog l~ federal safety laws.
ing his escape. 'l'he government said the de-
lf you know anything about fendants violated the safely laws
this case, phone the Secret ' in the death of J ess Martinez on
Witness at 642-0700, or write Aug. 8, 1973.
to : Daily Pilot, Secret Wit· lnvestigators alleged the
ness, P .O. 790, Huntington 1 l'mploye died w~en his air co1n-
Beach, Ca. (92648). pressor failed while he was "'·ork-
Com pl et e secrecy is I:·'. ing in a storage tank at Douglas guaranteed. There will be no • Oil Refinery tank in Paramount.
involvement of the informant Government prosecutors said
with police authorities".' If you the firm failed 1to s upply an ade-
wish to remain anonymous lo ,1 quate air con1prcssor and t1id not
the Secret Witness as wen . al· have another e mploye on hand 'f tach a simple s ix ·digit cod e, \Vilh rescue equipment.
combining letters <Jnd num-~
be rs (~BC J, to your in -f~
formation. F N bb d The suspect is described as 001• a e
a male Caucasian, about
5'10" or 5'11" tall, wei ghs. ~.· In $} 00,000 about 170 pounds , has ~
shoulder length, s and•Y· 1 colored hair with a four·inch ,
full beard ~nrl moustar>hP -Cocam· e Bust Witnesses described his car :
as a gray or lightcolored
older model, possibly a 1966
Ford Fairlane 500, and it
might have an off-white roof-
top. Police said there m,ay be
a dented right rear fender. f
and Ule license plate carried I
lhe number 20 or 80 in it. .
Mrs. Scott's purse was
large and made of dark blue $.
denim. Three expensive rings ·
were among the n1issing I'\'
jewelry. They were described • :
-A five-karat topaz .
-A cluster of 10 small
-A diamond surrounded by
eight small sapphires in a
figure eight shape.
Newport Beach police an-
nounced a task'force arrest loday
or four South Coas t residents on
charges of selling cocaine with
an alleged street value of
The arrests, made over the
weekend and kept under wraps in
an attempt to arrest additional
suspects, took place at 24001
Avenida de la C<.1rlotta, Laguna
Rehiring Demanded
In custody in lieu of $10.000 bail
e ach are Anthony Albert
l\1artino, 27, 33741 Olinda St., Apt.
A, Dana Point; Jack Lee St. Den-
nis, 27, 24830 La Paz St.. Apt. C.,
Dana Point: Louie Vincent Pete-
que, 31471 Galano Way, San Juan
Capistrano, whose age was not ·
available and Patricia Margaret
Rummel. 18, 24852 Galano Way,
also in San Juan Capistrano.
Detectives in Newport said
that major help in the several
months or investigation came
from federal agents, along with
detectives from Laguna Beach,
Huntington Beach, and San
Armed Indians Vow . .
To 'Keep' Facility
Rifle-carrying Indians patrolled
the roof or an electronics plant on
the Navajo reservation today,
vowing to keep control of the
facility until Navajo employes
dismissed last week are rehired.
Thirty Indians, five of them
womeq, peacefully took over the
Fairchild Corp. plant: Monday
morning. The group held two
security guards for a while but
released them ''in a show of good
The Indians, angered by the
dismissal last week of 140 Nava-
jos at the electronics components
plant, said they had enough food
and water to last for a month and
swore they would not leave until
their demands were met.
Mercer Curtis, the plant's
manager, said the facility was
forced to fire the 140 employes,
most of them women, because of
the recession.
The plant, owned by the Nava-
jo tribe and leased to Fairchild.
employed up to 1,000 Navajos.
but half or them have been laid
otfsinceJan. 1.
Larry Anderson, spokesman
for the Jndians and a member or
the American Indian Movement,
said lhe Indians would meet to·
Robef't N. Weed
l>rnl•t1I •I'd ""Oii-•
Thomas Keevil
Thomas A. Mur'J)hine
"""'-Ql"9 EOil!IO
Charles.H. L<>M Richard P. Nall •~.ist ... 1 .......... E..•0<~
Terrv Coville Wftt 0.Mlef c-r ~w
day with Wilbur Atcitty, an of-
ficial or the Navajo Tribal Coun-
cil, to present a formal list of de-
"We have tried to gel in touch
~h plant officials, but have had
no luck," Anderson said.
··we feel an investigation
would bring out the grave health
care conditions which exist (at
the hospital),'' Anderson said.
Anderson said the Indians are
also concerned about industrial
developmeni on the Navajo r e-
s ervation . Two huge power
plants are located near the elec-
tronics plant, and two con·
glomerates plan to build large
coal gasification plants near
Shiprock. The coal to operate the
plants comes from a large strip-
n1inc field in the area.
I·'our armed m en kept \Vatch
from the roof or the plant 1\1onda y
ni ght, while officers from the
,Navajo tribal police kept watch
outside the plant's gates.
Tribal police chief Roland
Dart. who ordf'red 300 employC'S
to turn back Monday when they
r eported for work , said no at-
tempt would be made to remove-
the Indians by force. Anderson
also said his group wanted no
Oil Funding
Suit Filed
s tockhold e r of Phillip s
Petroleum Co. chargerl in a
federal court c lass·action suit
that the oil firm concealed from
investors and regulatory ogen·
cies more than St .4 million in il -
legal political contributions since
1964 .
Marvin Gilbar, a retired Santa
Barbara optometrist, Monday al·
leged that contributions were
made fron1 a s ecret fund con-
cealed from company auditors
and the Internal Re venue
POOL ...
cent or the time and the rest
would be open for the public.
The tomplex proposal includes
a pool deokri area. fencing and a
one meter and three meter div·
Ing board.
Monday night, AIUmari asked
the clly for lnllial funding of
$14 ,900 for architec..-tural fees and
the initial design of the pool .
A total or 18 ounces of the ex-
pensive narcotic was allegedly
purchased during a series of con-
tacts. Last Friday's arrests
! came soon after an alleged final
purchase of cocaine by agents ..
That sale, police said, was the
largest of the transactions and in·
valved 14 ounces of cocaine.
Police said they are still look·
ing for one suspect who is still at
1'ro1t1 Page A I
Rowlands pref err~ not to use
revenue sharing runds, but final·
ly Councilman Don Shipley made
the motion and the council voted
6·1 to take the $8.000 from re-
venue sharing.
Duke opposed it and received
vocal support from Mayor Coen ·
for his position, but the mayor
cast a ·•yes'' vote anyway.
3 Watergate
Pardons Seen
As Possible
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. <UPll -
.John Dean , who served a fraction
of his one· to four-year term tor
Watergate crimes, says it is con-
ceivable former top White House
confidants John Mitchell, H. R.
11aldeman and John Ehrlichman
could get out of going to prison at
··1 could see-President Ford
p ardonin g l-laldeman ,
Ehrlir hman and Mitchell,"' Dea n
said l\1ondav while here to ad-
dress 1.200 persons at the
f\1a ssarhuse l.ts Institute of
The fo rmer White House
counsel, who testified for the gov·
ernment and spent four monihs "in
prison for his role in the
\Vatergate cover-up, predicted
there was ''minimal chance" the
former White House aid~ .. will
succeed in keeping themselves
out of prison.''
Mitchell. Ha.ldeman and
Ehrllchman were sentented Jo"ri·
day to 2'h lo 8 yean each in
prison for partlcipaUng in the
Th~ appeals may take two
yearo. Deanpredlct~n-ol!he
three men will win a new trial or
a reversal of the verdict.
• ~ .
' ' ' • •
I l .. • I , '. , .. '' '-' .. , ....... • , •
,...,m.,,..._~-,,-"'M--.-~e-. t....,1 ...,1·c;;;r~N ;,, . Pl~~ Big
c:ml.BdJ£W ' . ••mP<Olllt <M1vlt~ellliol ~ ,, ._.;,l,·.;.l . .,;< ~ ~ :; . ..w.J.JJ ? -tdeWero! tl)jl.F'uJleri(ill' """· p· eiluer
• A Jari,li o1 public hearings, Mr!'1id'd~f;J'0~0i/ii':,'-re~~;,, t • sc~edu)ed by the Orange d u h ~
pounly Sanltt,Uon Dlslrlcts ona ons, s • UBS reeeived• $50 In' ·Race for new indusl.Mat waste dis· from the Huntington BeaCb Com· pany. as well as $1SO from the charge requirements, has firm's manager. FosterSho also been canceled.
Th received SS7 from Jan Kelch, a e list of 10 public meet-FountainValley'escrowof{icer. ings wlU have to be revised, wilbnewda,tesset,according Mrs. Matheis' husband,
toaspokesmanforthesanita· Charles, also gave her a $760
tion districts in Fountain loan. · Valley. MacAllister listed an $800
Dlrectoc:s or the districts donation from district teachers. d ·d d h $80 from Shenkman, $5Q from his ec1 e t e new require-own father-in-law and $344 from men~ need further study and himself among contributions.
some revision by the staff, so The other five candidates filed they won't be ready for hear. ings until after the directors' standard campaign disclosure
March 12 board meeting. forms, stating they have not re·
The requirements concern ceived or spent moretllan$500 on
industrial waste discharges their campaigns. Those forms do
into the public sewage not require any listing of con·
system. tributions or expenses.
New ,School
; ·~-. .
From Page Al . . ,
. Namf' M_J!~l~d ·
hearing, the slafft.dld tak'e
$105,000 from street hghting and. BV Trilste'es·.
designate il !or. a halidicapped JJ. ?, . .
pool in the list of first Year pro-HUntini{on Beach Uniont.High
jects. School~ J;>istrict trustees are ex,-
/\ few speaker·s, addressing pec'te,4 to decide tonighl
themselves to the·issue df hous-wh,etbe .to, name a new 2,000·
ing ass'istance, urged th&cily iiot •tude'!t ~Jlmpus Bo!~~ Chica'.
to accept rent subsidy programs · • O~e~n View or Pac1f1c Coast
from the Federal Housin~ and High&chool._, .. .
Urban Develoj>ment <HUD) de· The 7:30 p.Q1 . qfeet1ng will be
partnienli . at Edi~on Hl'gh School, 21400
But the council voted to sup· Magnolia St. . •
port st•ff proJ>4sals for rent sub-A committee -or paren,ts, stu·
sidies, although the,city does not dents cµtd truste~s, chaired by
yet know how ·much money it Trustee ~elen Dl~te,. sugges.ted
might receive from HUD for that the three names, l1st1ng the r1rst
program. i two as lop prefer~n.ces. _
· The $2.4 million which has been The new $8 m1lh~n campus 1s
allocated over a three-year expected to open 1n September
period is (or community develop-1976 at Golden West. 5':reet and
med\. The first year's allotment War'!e1'.' Ave.nue. It w1ll 1nclude a
is $460,000, for which rline $6 million high s~hool core. sup·
specific projects were approved pl,emented with modular
. Monday. classrooms. . The new campus 1s planned to
help relieve overcrowding at the 5 5 New Buses dislricl ·s •.ther live schools.
Fo:s; County'.s
TJ?aµsit Eyed
The Orange County Transit
District will advertise for bids in
the coming months for purcha~e
of another SS buses tha1. will eo in·
to service in mid-1976. <Related
Story P•geA3)
Transit directors authorized
the start or the bid procedure,
which will involve sel'king prices
from the country's thrCf major
bus manufacturers , F'lexible
Company, GMC and American
J\.totors General.
The actual bid procedure "'·on't
begin until the district is notified
it will receive t\VO·thirds of the
funds from the federal Urban
~-ta ss Tran s it Authority
The district wants to buy the
s ame kind of 36-passengcr
coaches it bought last year.
This year, 44 new buses are due
to go into service, expanding the
district's Oeet of full·Sit:ed buses
to 147.
OCTD spokeswoman Mary
Evelyn Bryde n said the bqses
lhat will roll this year cost about
560,000 each. compa red to $50,000
each for the ones bought a year
ago. ·
The SS coaches that will go into
service next spring could cost as
~uch as 570,000, she said, mean-
ing the total cos t of next year's
neet addition mig ht approach $4
Block Parenl
Plap, Readied
Parents at Newland School in
Huntington Beach plan to start a
0block parent program;" de-
signed to give troubled children a
friend away frdm home.
They will hold an infortbatfon
meeting at 7: 30 Wednesday night
at the school. 8787 Dolphin St.,
and a Huntington Beach police
officer is expected to explain the
Under the program. police-
approved parent volunteers
place a block parent sign in a
''lindow, and children in need of
medical aid, or those who are lost
or frightened may go to that
home for help.
Pair Raped
In Hospital
CHICAGO <UPll -A young
woman and a teen-age compa·
nion were raped in a hospital
waiting room by a man armed
with a gun, police said.
Police said Monday the 22·
· year-old woman and 15-year-old
girl were slaying overnight al
Presbyterian.st. Luke's llospital
to be near a seriously ill relative
when the incident occurred.
The gunman entered the wait-
ing room. \VOke the victims and
robbed and raped them, police
Richard Plum has spent $622,
, the .most money $0 far, among
contendertl' Jn flve w~l Orange
County school board races. ·
Mea.i\while Ada Clegg . u
Westminst e r s chool board i11 -
cumbent. bas collected $9'.l<>. the
most a mong lht' five districts ,
but has spent nothing so far .
Accordirig t6 c ampaign dis·
closure form s filed ·with the
Orange County Registrar of
Vot e r s, Ocw 'cy \Vile s. a
WesllJlinstt-r School Board can•
didate, has the second bl!st-
rinanced campaign, with $880.
Both he and l\1rs. Clegg received
S800 donations from \.Vt>sl-minster
teache rs .
Major ~ampu1~n C'Onlributions
by district show :
-Fountain Valley, Jncumbenl
Karen Ackley has collected $320,
including $2 30 rrom a garagl!
sale, and has s pent SlOO, lncum-
bC'nt 1:'red Vos s collected $500.
i>l'imarily throug h a fund -raiser
at the lluntin g t o n Ue uch
Pl ayhouse. ;,ind has spent $270.
Jl\unl l'Olil•Ct ed $8G6 rrom s mall
-Jtuntinglon IJeach City :
Brian Garla nd has almost S850 in
donations, including $300 fron1
teachers. and he had spent $390 :
Norma Vander Molen has col-
lected S4SO and s pent $336.
-Ocean View : Charles
Osterlund has received· $110 and
SpeQt $19.
--Seal Beach, Solace Jackson
raised $540 and spent $127. in·
eluding $76 for a cocktail party.
-Westminster: Wiles spent
$131 on s upplies.
The other 21 candidates filed
stand a rd disclos ure forms sa.v·
ing they had s pent or collected
no more than SSOO. The standard
form does not require any listing
or contributors or expensC's.
Plan Cluef
To Resign
County Post?
Informed s ources s aid today
that Orange County Planning
Commission Chairman Roy
Knauft will resign his post within
the next few days to become a •
part-time field aide to Rep.
Charles Wiggins (R·F\Jllerton).
Knauft. who\\' as Third District
Supervisor Ralph Diedrich's ap.
pointmenl to the commission in
C'arl y 1973 , ha s served as
chairman since January of 1974.
During bis term on the five.
man pan£'!. thC' retired Yorbu
l .inda busin ess l·xecutive has
been knoY.:n as a moderate in bis
position on gro"''th and develop..
Diedrich reportedly has not de·
cided between three persons he is
considering naming as Knauft's
Girls' Softball
Signups Slated
I"ina l r egistra tion for l\·1iss
Softball of Huntington Be<tch will
be held from I I a .m. to l p.m .
Saturday at 11.lurd y Pa rk .
.G!rls 8 to 18 years of age are
ehg1ble. They should bring birth
certificates and a SIO registration
fee lo the s ig n-ups and should b1~·
accomp a nied by a parc>nl or ...
What's My Line?
You won't be fed any lines at
Alden's. We are more interested in
developing loyal customers than
making a last sale.
None of our salespeople will bother
you if you just want to browse. but
will be pleased to assist you if you
wish, with truthful answers to your
When we discuss carpet lines. we
would have to "modestly" admit that
we have the largest selection in the
Customweave. Evans-Black
Monticello. Lees. Walters, etc.
. .. ,,.
.... --SMCI 1917
I 663 Placentia Ave.
MOUi$; ...... '11n 1111n.. t to 1':30 -Pll. 9 ID 9 -SAT. t:JO lo 5
Ora~ge ~oast
• \ ED I T•I 0 N •
'Foday~• .c1 .. 1ac
. N.Y. Steeb
Newport {}oUltcil B.alks at Sign Law
Newport Beach city coun-
cilmen balked at a controversial
new slen ordinance Monday and
ordered the document back to the
drawing bo11rds tor changes that
coWd take months.
The proposed code has i1rawn
fire from merchants because or
its limitations on the number and
size of signs.
Mayor Donald Mcinnis led the
.1.ssault on the proposed code. He
said wording in many secttona ls
Joose. vague and "lmpoeslble to
The mayor insisted on a totaJ
recoding of the drat\ of the or·
dinance, along with preparation
ol an alternate code suggested by
the Newpart Harbor Chamber of
Commerce. His fellow coun-
cilmen agreed unanimously.
"Whal we really neod ii a joint ••tf this ordinance is enacted
effort by all segments Ol the com· 1 the way we have it here, I'll pre-
ft'!unlty ao that we can W'Ql;'k the diet that these halls will be fiHe(I
ordinance out.•• Mclnn.lsaald. every two weeks wt th people who
Termln1hlm1elfthe1'chlefnlt-are confused and need in--
picker" lq the study of the pro-terpretation," he added.
posed ordlnanc~. Mcinnis cited The council action was a blow
ptf>mi,sslvt wordl_ng and some to city staff member.s who pre·
provlaio'ns he said would en-pared the proposed code. It
courage ••game-playing" by already had survived one test
merchants. before the planning commission.
Mcinnis stressed that no time
limit should be set by the council
for the'. changes.
Instead, an attempt '¥\'ill be
made to unify the community, he
said, so that the proposed
changes could be achieved in
"We have to get the communi-
ty to pull in the same direction,
not in different ones," ?.ilclnl\is
lie and fellow councilmen
agreed that initial coun.cil orders
ror a new sign code could have
created an overkill situation
.. The fault li es right here."
r.1clnnis said, ulluding to the
possibility that the orders were
not speci£ic enough.
W ,orilan Saves Tenant
Mesa Victim Pulled From Blaze
One woman tenant of a ·tiny
CQSta Mesa apartment COJ11plex
who heard her neighbor moaning
and attacked her blazing home
with .a s mall garden hose was
credited today with saving' the
victim's life.
The victim, Doris F. Presseler,
62, of 130 E . 20th St .. still suffered
severe facial burns before being
rescued by hei: neighbor Mrs.
Albert Ewen, and firemen
Mrs. Presseler was struck
sq uar e in the race by a
blowtorch-like blast of names in
Drill Ban
Set Aside
the 1:30 a .m. fire, .when she
heard a noise and opened her
closed bedroom door lo in-
"She really got it," said Bat·
talion Chief Robert P.fcClelland,
"Second and third degree burns
on the face and hands. Her lips
were already blistered and peel·
ing. ··
1-Je said Mrs . Ewen. a resident
or Apartment I two doors down -
from ltfrs. Pres seler's Apt. 3.
saved the 62-year-old "''om an·s
life by her quick action.
A woman living in Apt. 2. in1 -
mediately adjacent, called in an
alarm at 1:32 a .m ., a<:l'ording to
Chief McClelland but he did not
know her nan1 e.
He added that raging fl ames
"''ere only four feet from the vie·
tim when l\frs. Ev.:en drclgged thl'
garden hose and thrust the nozzle
tinguish the $2,800 fire.
Shock and the severity of
second :i nd third degree burns
o\·er 10 percent or her body-in
addition lo heat and smoke in-
ha l·ation-had inst antly in -
Candidates Meet
In Two Fornms
Trustee candidates for the Newport-Mesa Unified
School District and Coast Community Col lege District will
appear in public forums Wednesday.
·Hopefuls Profiled
In Newport-Mesa
91.h U.S. Court ot Appeals today
set aside a lower court ruling
which prevented four major oil
companies from buildil\g a new
oil drilling plaUorm in the Santa
J!a.i;!iilr• channol1,~i, .. "'•* dis-
astrous 1969 well Dlo~ and WI
i)>ill. .
But the court s;aid the oil firms
should not be allowed to build the ..
'At 7 :30 a.m . in the NeW)X>rt.er Inn's Carousel Room all the
cand1dates will appear for a town meeting which starts with
a $2 .50 continental breakfast. All are welcome and no re-
ser vations are needed.
Later,' at 8 p.m., trustee candidates will appear al
another public session at Costa Mesa's Lindbergh School.
Thatevent isopen"tothe--publlc as well . No admission will be
lmne Lawsuit
Three of seven seats on the
Newport-Mesa Unified School
District's governing board will
be on the block l\f arch 4.
Candidates for seats in Trustee
Areas 1, 3 and 6 will be on the
Voters throughout the school
district cast ballots in the elec.
lion, but candidates must live in
the trustee area they hope to
fepresent. Trustee areas were
set up when the unified district
·was formed in the 1960s in order
to insure balanced geographical
'tepresentation on the board.
The school district serves
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.
Following are brief profiles
and some of the views of can-
didates seeking the TrusteeArea
l (northwest Costa Mesa> seal.
Similar p rofiles of candidates in
the other trustee areas on the
ballot this year will appear in
.subsequent editions.
Kissinge r Trip
• CAIRO <A'"'ri -U.S. Secretary
of Stal£' Henry A . Kissinger is ex ·
peeled to arrive ut the Egyptian
town or Aswan March 7 at the
start of a t"'o·"·eek period or
shuttle diplomacy aimed at r('·
aching a second st<.1ge Arab·
Israeli disengagen1ent agree·
menl. the semiofficial daily Al
Abram said today. There \Vas no
immediate comment on the re·
port in Washington.
End Cited
President Ford told the llousr
today that if it does not quick-
ly· approve his~ S.222 million
Camboditln military request
soon "the government forces
will be forced, within \Vftks,
to s urrender to the In·
Ford said In a letttn" to
Spellker Carl Albert, read to
ttie full J:Jouse, that without
the additional military aid the
Cambodian army will run out
of ammunition in less than a
month. <Related story.j\4)
''A n lndepende.nt .Cam -
bodlo," the Pr.Side"( .skid,
"can'not survive' unless the
Congress acts very soon to
provide supplementa l
military and econonllc as-
Mallard Drive, Costa Mesa, is a
physicist with a BS in physics
rrom Michigan Technological
Institute and g raduate work at
UCLA and USC. Carr. 40, has
lived in Cosla Mesa tor stven
years and has eight children.
WHAT DO YOU believe is the
most crucial probl~m confront.I
i ng the
Newport -
Mesa Sch ool
district at this
time, a 'nd
what are
some or your
for solving"the
the budget cAtt•
platform until the case can be
heard again by U.S. District
Court, -to which it Was returned
for further proceedings;.
' The lower court, -in the ruling
vacated by the 9th Circuit Court,
he ld that an order by the
secretary of the Interior denying
the firms permission for a plat-
form was within his authority
and not arbitraiy, capricious or
an abuse of discretion:
It dismissed a com~aint by the
Union Oil Co. of CalifOmta, Gull
Oii Corp .• Mobil Oil Corp. and
Texaco, Inc.
The appellate court said that
the trial court deeided without
IS..OIL, Page AZ )
. FOR 2ND D'.4:Y
crisis and the declining enroll· ·
ment are the biggest problems
facing the district. However, the
basic reason wtry the situation is
so crucial is the lack of com= NEW YORK (UPI) -Stock
.munication between the school prices plunged along a broad
district and the community. front today on the New York
When the school board held the Stock Exchange in response to
tax override election, they ex·· profit taking and negative news .
peeled it to automatically suc· Trading was fairly active.
ceed. One mistake they made · A Federal Trade Commission
was sllowing a film to communi· ruling Against Xerox prompted
ty groups that showed whal a more selling as the Dow Jones in-
''good job" the district was do-dustrial average, a 12.&1-point
ing. losers Monda)'. fell 17.76to719.t8
Instead, they s hould have at theclose.Tbe0owhadrisenl33
showed the public what the loss pointssinceJan. l. .
would be to the community if the Declines !ed advances. 6 to 1,
tax override tailed. d~monstrat1ng the breadth of the
<See NEWPORT-MESA, Page A.2) _s_h_d_e. _________ _
Pretrial Ruling
'Long Way Off
OfWte D•lly Pllol 51~11
Two days of courtroom argu-
ments ended late Monday with
Orange County Superior Court
Judge Claude M . Owens admit-
ting he is a long way from his
pretrial rulings in the stock con·
trol lawsuit fil ed by Irvine
heiress Joan Irvine Smith.
However, a restraining order
that prohibits signing of an al -
leged $110 million deal between
the James Irvine Foundation and
Mobil Oil Corporation will re-
main in effect until Judge Owens
issues his rulings .
He has been asked by Los
Angeles attorney Michael Tigar
for Mrs. Smith and two lawyers
for th e California attorney
General's office to issue a pre·
liminary injunction that will
freeze the Mobil deal until trial of
the issue.
Judge Owens has been asked
by found ation attorney J.toward
Privett to rule that Mrs . Smith.
does not have the legal standing
to block the sale and that the al·
torney general's office has failed
to prove a case justifying in ·
junctive action.
Judge Owens. obviously in a
dilemma late l\tonday over a
case that has no real precederit in
Cal ifornia l aw, repeatedly
sought the opinions or lawyers for
both sides as he wrestled with the
issue or the injunction that he has
not yet signed.
<See LAWSU IT, Page A2 l
Four Nabbed
In $100,000
Cocaine Bust
Newport Beach police an-
nounced a task force arrest today
or rour South Coast residents on
charges or selling cocaine with
<tn a lleged street value or
Dover Shorn <:Hit Area
The arrests. 1n ade over the
weekend and kept under wraps in
an attempt to arrest additional
suspect s. took place at 24001
Avenida de la Carlotta. Laguna
Ii ills.
Jn custody in lieu of $10.000 bet ii
eac h 3re Anthony Albert
1"1artino, 27, 33741 Olinda Sl., Apt.
A, Dana Point; Jack Lee St. Den-
nis. 27. 24830 La Paz St., Apt. C ..
Dana Point: Louie Vincent Pele·
que, 31471 Galano Way, San Juan
Capistrano. \\'hose age was not
Slippage Report Sought
Contractors, critfts and city
building officials offered a tull
airing to city councilmen Mon-
day On the slatus of the earth slip·
paee problem In Ule expensive
Newport Beach comm.Unity or
Dover Shores.
And councilmen react'ed:to the
problem involving five vacant
houses on Polaris Drive wtth or·
ders that they receive re&U)ar re-
port!: on the-pt'ogreas of restora·
tion of the once-expensive homes
affected by settlement assertedly
caused by poor compact.ign of nu
Besides the order for the re·
gular report.a, 'the council also
stressed that, before the houses
are reaC>td. deed& shOuld contain
1tatemenlJI lull" ad\111ln1 new
owners of whet ha1 taken Place.
At P.1onda~"s study session, the month red-tagged the ftve house:-. availabl e and Patricia Margaret
council hear.cl strong predictions because restoration work was as-Rummel, 18, 24852 Galano \Vuy .
of future problems in th~ area sertedly being done without city alsoinSanJuanCapistrano.
from the leader of the Dover permits. Detectives in Newport said
Shores C~mmunity'Associatioo, City Manager Robert Wynn ex -that major he lp in the several
And ~saociation leader Patrick '. plained that, until last year, lhe months or investigation came
Cadlgan Insists he ts an ex,,pert houses were the property of the from federal agents, along with
on the problem. He us~ to own ITVtrle Company. That firm detectives from Laguna Beach.
one of the five houses. , purchased the five cracking tluntington Beach a nd San
, Cadigan asserted that the houses several years ago after Clemente. '
"h.111 b unsound!' and thU>data ownersnegotl•tedasellingprice. A total or 18 ounces ot the ex· a~cwnulated ,i11_.hl•JK!i<\llt1es A'tild~ ··ull'" · . ~-.. ~ 11-11<!' wdallqodly over years of b·aTtles,¥, : PY/lief>'' ::.,,:iii ~~!,. ~af . ~J~'>· i\iirtliuedlllllillt ""?i•<>f•on-
of the house '~ I .~, "' "'' ~~r 1~ ...._,. • ltCaf"ol)ano'Ti'lday') arrests
hon••·•; • . • ' ' • • wlio h~dre °"'I'• Ill of ""Ir 'c-'.ne 800ll after an-allq:ed !in•1
Cadlsan hr Isled th.I ~olds ~ 1~ ·~~."~.<·· ·'b!~1:1 P\l\'<h~ or 1<4>calne by 11B•nts.
which have 'd,e\•t5beneath & "' Wt"1 in.,J .. ·~ 11J.9t. sa\e. Potice ' Id.-w•. the ~lpbsshould,~(111 1& akelhe, th~slla 11 lh > Id : I estoflhe~a '1.M·"'"1in·
houses 1tru~fllY l:.la Y · • ~ ' v ved out\: s o eocai~ •
Tbe lnte1t'lm'1 Ille~ also 10 oc conQ'a -..Och oli aid h are sti)l 1<ook · ll'tJ>•prlmejlO~mal , build'· pl Ir • rob! 'IP J ~· ... , , .1'\IOI( 1111 o!.
lne offlcl11'•-w ' , .. ·"i • ·• ·•· · i J:. .... .• ,
t'ilpacitatcd l\11·s . Presseler.
Spokes mt'n at tht• Orange
County Medical Center Burn
Unit said today they v.·crl" listi ng
the victim as being in stable con-
dition for the present timt' follo\V·
ing her admittance. ·
f'iren1en , ho\l.'ever, con1ment-
('d th;,al the potential eff('ct s or
lung damage fron1 the sc>aring
heat would have to be evaluute<l
in days ahead.
Investigators also said 'p.1rs.
Presseler occupied her tiny east
<See SAVED, PageA2J
Mrs. Valerie
Dies at 76
Valerie Timken \Vhitney of
Ne\l.·port Beach. a cultural leader
whose Timken-Sturgis Founda·
lion gave millions of dollars to
health research and other work.
died l\1onday at her _Lido Isle
home. She \\.'as 16.
lier grandfather, German im-
migrant ij:enry Timken, founded
the Timken Roller Bearing Com-
pany, now the Timken Company
of Canton, Ohio .
The Timken family acquired
large land holdings in Southern
California after Timken moved
to Escondido in 1890.
Mrs. Whitney. who has lived in
Newport Beach for 15 years, also
maintained a Pasadena re-
sidence. She was t"·icedivorced.
She is survived by her son.
\Villiam Timken Sturgis. a
rancher. or Gardnerville. Nev.
l\frs. \\'hitnev was a benefac-
tress or the Ney,•port Harbor Art
Museum and Hoag Memorial
Hospital. but the Scripps Clinic
and Research Foundation in La
Jolla received much or the gifts
channeled through the Timken-
Slurgis Foundation, a family
spokesman said today.
She donated $3 million for the
Timken-Sturgis Laboratory
enabling the clinic to undertake
basic research.
P.trs. Whitney also contributed
to the C ultural Center for the
Arts in Canton. Scripps lnstitu·
tion of Oceanography, Planned
Parenthood and the University or
Nevad<i School of Medicine and
other schools throughout the
l\temoria l ser\•ices are planned
al 2:30 Thursday in St. James
Episcopal Church in Newport
Beach rollowing private entomb·
ment \Vednesday at Greenwood
P.1au.soleum in San Diego.
Variable high clouds but
mostly sunny through Wed-
nesday, according to the
weather s c>rvice . Cooler at the
beaches but \varm inland.
ll ighs from tht• lo"·er 60s to
the upper 70s inl a nd .
O\' ·n1ghi IO\\'S 42 to 52.
I :'\SI DI·: 'l'ODA ,.
.l\'1kola1 Bulganin. the pre-
mier of lhe Soviet U.nwn from
1955 to 1958. dit'd todoy after a
long illness. The 79-year-old
premier was oJten upstaged
by colorful Nikda Khrushchev ·
in Sovi8t politics. See stonJ
.and picture Page Af.
IM¥1ttl A11
awt ... l FIMlo~h f,11
MttiloMINol""' f,4
Or••c.-tv "' ..... ll•l """1' ..... "'" JrMrflet\
Ttlf¥! ....
-·~ .. --~ -Al .. 11 ., ... •• .. .,.
• 1 , • f'ro•P•11eM • ~
·NEWPORT-MESA CANDIDAnlS ••• · .... ' -
r' '"~~or41V to ' /..veX! l'ye l'"1.jct\ve ln G.Jl'l ·Seoula 1afld ;Tana1.;'llrl••"Coet~ Ides.a, ls an taken, more people (tel ftle dlf. · ""'11• !nlif fO!l!Acl IWth ·a l•ce· iottorney who tps lived ia Qo41a
trltt •hould t)ghten Its belt, nu!Qber of <'omm!lnlt Yciililll #"'*fo1-,1lx year1:. H'e .ti~
betause everyone else bas to'. parllculorl1 joillor bl ~I Chllclren. He•reeeived an under,·, ·P~ebelievethedistrictshouJd e.a:echildren. graduate degree in econoniics
l~.ri.d of some of the rrtlls. from Stanford University and as
One. thing \hat would help the DONALD SMALLWOOD 1981 LLB from USC.
communJcatJon proble~ would ~ornat Drive, Cos~a Mesa. is the WHAT DO l'OlJ believe is the
be to have the-new parent ad-district one incumbenl T4e 46· t · 1 bl.,m confront vi.sol')' cowiclls give regular re. , ye..--old attorney has Jived in !1105 cr~cha pr! ~
Porta-'ILboaot.Jneetillgl • ..J\Jso _Colta.M:-for 20 years 8114' has 1 " g • ' ..._, .,
•••h ••h901 has a newsl~tter four thll41'eD. Smallwood dld UD· ~ • w P 0: t j
whose editor I'm sure would be dergraduate work at Wayne . esa SC' 0 c.>
hpppy to print items of school Univenity and Cal Stale Long ~strict at th1ds
boardnews. Beach and received his LLB tihmet, an
fromSoutbwe I U . ·1 w a are s ern n1vers1 y. some of your . WHY DO YOU believe you are
qualified to serve as a tru.itee?
I feel I'm in a pasition to
evaluate educationat proarams
in terms of what industry re.
quires. I know the direction in
which the industry is going and
what type of education back·
ground is necessary.
WHAT DO-YOU believe is the suggestions
most crucial protilern confront· for solving the
i n. g ' t b e ~ ~·11 problem?
primary pro. To••1•10
Newport· 1~ T h e Mesa school -
Newport City Councll Orders MonHortng ol Rep•lra on Dover Shores Home•
Also, I will have children in dis-
trict schools for the next 18 years,
which is quite a vested interest in
OJe goings on. Also, I am serving
on two parent advisory councils.
district at this
time, and
what are
some ot your
for solving the
problem? .
blem in the district is obviously
finances. But since decisions are
now being made concerning that.
problem, and I am still only a
candidate. I will instead discuss
a problem in the district that I
"'Ould like to haYe a chance lo
work on.
Rehiring Demanded f'ro1n Page A I
CI.WFS .•.
. Sandpiper Drive, Costa Mesa, is
. a teacher in Ocean View School
District in Huntingt.qn Beach.
Mrs. Sandeen, 33, has lived in
Costa Mesa 10 years and has two
children. She received a masters
degree in sp'ecial educa,tion at
Cal State Long Beach.
WHAT DO YOU believe is the
most crucial problem confront-· n g the -·
kewport-/~esa school
district at this
The worst
problem lac-SMALi.WOOD
ing this district, and all other dis·
tricts in the state, is lhe Serrano
decision. The problem is im·
plementing the decision without
resulting in a complete loss of
local control.
, At the present, we must find
ways and means of continuing
programs and other supports
services that make Newport-
. M-:sa a superior district.
This involves reordering
priorities, deferment of non-
essential services and an im·
aginative and bold approach to
increasing average daily ·atten-
dance through adult education, time, and
what are some of your 1' suggestions
for solving the ·
'* summer school and other com-
munity educational programs.
Ifeel the de·
licit in the UHDEEN
budget is the major problem. l
, , would want to encourage
generating tas much state fund-
.. Ing as pos,sible. For ex3mple,
"funds from sources such as Early
Childhood Education, com·
pensatory education and pro-
,grams such as RISE, or Reform
in Secondary Education. ·
I am. definitely against cutting
costs Jn maintenance of the
plant-because of the age of the
buildings-and against cutting
instructional materials. Those
" cuts would adversely affect the
,. instructional program.
t• So far, the solutions that have
n come from the community have 0 beengood.
t: I'm also happy to see the new
cooperation with the junior col·
lege <Orange Coast College) and
would also encOuragt! coopera-
tion with the junlor higtis, such as
with cross age tutoring.
I would iike to see the schools 1 •• used· by as many agencies as
1. possible, such as the recreation
department. and would favor
leasing out classrooms for pre·
scboOI education. That would re-
duce the district's costs.
Another problem I see is that
the communicatio,n between the
board and the community is not
WHY DO YOU believe you are
qualified to serve as a trustee?
I feel I'm qualified because my
children have always attended
~e Newpatl-Mesa schools. They
have already gone through
elementary school, are now in
junior high and one will be in
high school next year. That gives
me the total range.
Currently, I am going through.
the early childhood education
program at UCl and I'm very in·
terested in children,
Because I am an educator it
gives me a special interest. Also,
l)lave been active jn professional
educational associations at the
local, state and national levels.
I feel I understand the educa-
tional process because I am a
teacher and, because I am active
in professional organizations, I
understand the administrative
Robert N. Weed
P•HldLt"I •M P,,1!11-
Jack R, Curler
vice Prn10e"' •..O i;.,..,.1 ,..,._
ThOmas Keevll
Thomas A. Murptllne
M.l ... Oi ... EO""'
Charles H. Loos Richard P . Nall
A~MU•"! M.9MOll'9 E"IOf•
Oft Ices °" .. llM'\at "°-" 8'1l ., ..... ~. Nor'"'llf'r1 tl*oKll ' »llNf'_., BOll"'v••<I ~ .. '°'"· 11111 G-''" Sir_.! H""1iflOtOll S.~11· llllS 0.Kl'I iiclllltv,,,<I ""°9"oK• V•ti.r. tsto1 u "-' •o.i ••Un o-.,o ,,, _ _,
T•lephone (714) '42-4321
Clnsltltd ACl'lt'rtlslng M2-S67t
SM!dl.O.• .., .. i..~ ..... °''"" S11-6S10
ftOlfl Sl!i.C*-•
4tWUO ,.,_ *"'" °" ..... l;owflt• ~lift 54 ... tUI •
' '
It also means a continual effort
to influence legislative action in
a, constructive way, so as to im-
p'rove educational quality al all
levels throughout the stale,
rather than the reduction or the
1<,>eal district to a uniform level of
We need to retain our awar e·
ness that the sole purpose is to
educate children. The child and
the teacher are the two most im-
pOrtant elements in carrying out
this purpose.
WHY .()() YOU believe you are
qualified to serve as a trustee?
I reel I am qualified because of
my experience on the board. I
was formerly president or the
board and 1 am now serving as
viCe president and clerk.
Because of my background as
an attorney, I have an ability to
deal effectively with legislators.
community leaders and
teachers. I have a high regard for
the community and for the
children that reside here and I·
want to see us retain locil al·
tributes that make us a suc·
cessful and worthwhile district.
Planners OK
White Front
Montgomery Ward was given
permission from the Costa Mesa
Planning Commission Monday
night to remodel the former
White Front store on Bristol
Street into.a department store.
The commissioners also ap-
proved a Pl.anned signing pro-
gram, for the store, which allo\1/s
variatipns from specifics or the
sign ordinance so long as the
overall effect complies \vith the
The commission d enied the
firm's request to use the 65-foot
pyl.on sign on the property at
Bristol Street, hut did allow
larger lettering for a wall sign on
the freeway side of the store. The
ordinance provides for 20-inch
lettering. The staff recom-
mended allowing 66-inch letter-• 1ng and the commission agreed.
Montgomery Ward 1s expected
to open the full-line department
store in lhe fall.
E'ro•n Page A I
OIL ...
explanation that suspending
permission to install the plat-
form did not deprive the firms of
property rights under their
leases. It added that it was uncer-
tain as to the basis for this con-
The court said that because of
t.he insufficient nature of the
secretary's explanation for the
suspension and the district
court's lack of justification for its
ruling. the case was remanded.
TJie case stems from a sus·
s>f!Mion of drilllng and construe·
tlon orde,red by Interior
Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton
efter a January 1969 weU blowout
res~lti.~g in an oil spilJ . It killed
birds and fish, damaged beaches
and seafront properties and
restricted fishing and recreation.
TJle appeals .court directed the
lower court to determine if the
sec'retary ~·as l•klng property
rights from the oil firms. It said
'he sh!>uld be allowe<l to offer an
amended statement of grounds
on which he based the sus ....
Thal crucial issue is what I re-
fer to as '"basic education..'' I
probably would be considered
conservative when it comes to
"'hat I feel a school should offer
The sch®~ ~houJd offer a ve~
strong readi g program 10
English and lite ature and also a
very strong basi math program.
I think 1f we e our children
these firm amentaJs then all
the equired to survive will
be very accessible to them.
J think the school board and the
professional educators s ubmit·
ting proposals to the board
should reevaluate the basic
education approach.
To speak briefly on finances, I
feel we have to make severe cuts.
Hard decisions have to be made.
We can't afford to put it off.
WHY DO YOU believe you are
qualified to serve as a trustee?
I believe I'm qualified beeause
I am a parent and I am con-
cerned about the education of my
children and all lhe children in
the community.
I come from a family where
both parents were educators-
mv mother was an elementary
school teacher and my father
was a university professor. I
believe the strength of our
schools determines the strength
of our society.
As an attorney, I'm used to de-(
aling with and analyzing pro--
blems. I am used to confroota·
lions and crisis situations and 1
believe we're dealirlg with a
crisis now.
And, I'm runnipg for office
because I've been upset with ac-
tions that the school board has
taken lately. One example is
when the board offered a sub-
stantial raise to the superinten·
dent before having negotiations
with the salaried employes.
E'roni Page Al
His decision appears to be at
least three weeks away. Lawyers
for both sides ""'ill be adding writ-
ten briefs and arguments to the
voluminous file on the judge's
bench until at least March 7.
Tigar again argued for Mrs.
Smith Monday that the $110
n1illion price offered by Mobil for
the foundation's 4,590,000 shares
of Irvine Company stock-they
represent 54 .5 percent of the is·
sued hold1ngs -amount.S to a
"ridiculously low" figure of $24 a
Tigar and two deputy at-
torneys gener<tl pointed out to
.Judge Owens that valuation of
$35.65 a share had been made on
the Irvine Company stock in a
1973 appraisal made for the In·
ternal Revenue Service.
Tigar again urged Judge
Owens to clamp a 90-day injunc-
tion plus an immediately follow-
. ing trial dale on the foundation-
Mobil deal.
And he predicted there would
be no shortage of buyers for the
Irvine Company stock' despite
statements to the contrary made
by Privett. ·
"Since this siory hit the local
papers al least one buyer has
emerged and the government of
Kuwait \vas interested but had
the door s hut in its face," Tigar
Privett failed to respond to
Tigar's charge that the founda -
tion had failed to produce draft
copies of what Privett said was
the "tenative agreement" re-
ached bet\veen Mobil and the
Irvine Foundation.
,Judge 0\\'ens has refused to or·
dcr that the paper work be ad·
milted into evidence al this stage
of the litigation over the protests
of Tigar and deputy attorneys
general Lawrence Tapper and
Yeoryios Appall as.
Tapper warned Judge Owens
that 1f Che foundation is upheld in
its argument that it can dispose or
Irvine Company stock without
challenge, then $14 billion in trust
funds throughout CaJi(ornia is in
Joh Age Upheld
U.S. Supreme Court upheld Mon-
day the federal governm.ent•s re·
quir~mqnt that cjvil servants re·
tire at ag~ 70 without n?113rd lo
individual fitness.
Armed Indians Vow
To 'Keep' Facility
Rifle-carrying Indians patrolled
the roof of an e lectronics plant on
the Navajo reservation today,
vowing to keep control of the
facility until Navajo employes
dismissed last week are rehired.
Thirty Indians. five of them
women. peacefully took over the
Fairchild Coi·p . plant Monday
morning. 'fhe group held two
security guards for a while but
released them "in a show of good
The Indians. angered by the
dismissal last week of 140 Nava-
jos at the electronics component~
plant. s aid they had enough food
and water to last for a month and
s"·ore they would not leave until
Waste Meet
Called Off
A series of public hearings,
scheduled by the Orange
County Sanitation Districts
for new industrial waste dis·
charge requirements. has
been canceled.
The list Of 10 public meet-
ings will have lo be revised.
with new doles set, according
to a spokesman for the sanita-
tion districts in f.·ounta in
Valley .
Directors of the districts
decided the ne'v require-
ments need further study and
some revision by the staff. so
they v.•on 't be ready for hear-
ings until after the directors'
i\'larch 12 board meeting.
The requirements concern
indus trial waste discharges
into the public se wage
Board Meeting
Set for Tonight
Trustees of the Newport-Mesa
Unified School District will hold
o regular meeting tonight, and
not Wcdn~sday as previously re-
ported, in the Costa Mesa City
Council chambers opposite the
Orange County Fairgrounds. The
meeting will begin at 7:30.
The board is expected to dis-
cuss anew the budget, a project-
ed $2.L million dericil and the
question of whether to call a tax:
override election to make up the
lhcir demands \\'ere ml't.
l\l ercer Curtis, the plant's
manager, said the facility was
forced to fire the 140 employes.
most of them wo1nell':'because or
the recession.
The plant. owned by the Nava-
jo tribe and lcused to Fairchild.
employed up to 1,000 Navajos,
but half or then1 have bel'n laid
off since Jun. I .
Larry Anderson, spokesman
for the Indians and a men1ber of
lht• An1 erican Indian Movement.
said the Indians would meet to-
day "'ith Wilbur Atcitty, an of·
ficial of the NaYajo Tribal Coun-
cil. to present a formal List of de-
"\Ve have tried to gel in touch
\Vith pl;.int officials, but have ~ad
no luck,·· Anderson said.
''\\'e fel•I an investigation
would bring out the grave he;;1 lth
carf' conditions v .. ·hich exist (at
thl' hospital J, .. 1\ndC'rson s:.iid.
:\nd erson s;_1id the Indians are
also concernl•d about industrial
development on the Navajo re·
servation. Two huge po"·cr
plants are located near the elec·
tronics plant, nnd two con·
~lom('rates plan to build l<1rgt·
coal gasification plants near
Shiprock . The coal to operate thl'
plants comes from a large strip-
mine fiC'ld in the area.
f'our armed n1C'n kC'pt "'alch
from the r·oor of the plant l\1onda y
night. Y.'hile oCficers from the
N;_1vajo triba l pOlice kept "'atch
outsidl· the plant's gates.
'friba\ police chief llol:Jnd
Dart. ,,·ho ordC'red 300 employes
to turn back J\otonday "'hen they
reported for work. said no ~t
tf'mpl ,..,ould be made to remo,·p
the Indians by force. Anderson
;_dso said his group wanted no
\ iolcnct•.
f'rom Page A I
s ide apartment alone, although
s he reportedly has parents living
in the Orange Coast area.
They said the (ire originated in
the living room, possibly due to a
cigarette accidentally dropped
into a chair before the victim re-
tired for the ni ght.
The blaze was the second
severe onp to occur in only t"·o
days, following another apart-
ment fire at 435 Fair Drive early
Sunday morning.
and to resell the houses.
Daniel Arthofer, representing
the contractors. pledged close
cooperation with the city starr
and soils engineers brought in to
make corrective suggestions.
Robert Fowler, assstant dircc:.
tor of the city's building depart·
ment "'ould be watching the pro·
lie explained that the source of
the settlC'ment problem is a deep
layer of fill dirt \Vhich cons\itutes
thefronthalfofcachhouse pad ..
The fill has settled slo\vly over
the years, v.•hile the bedrol'k rt•·
mained intact.
"That affected the basic struc-
tural integrity of the houses and
the cracking ~as been steady,
gradual and qui.le severe in some
instan~s." he explained.
One or the first ,Ttleasures
which will be used to stabilize the
dirt \\'ill probably be the installa·
lion of underground drains to dry
out the soil and slo\v the mo\le·
"1'h(' ren1aintlt•r of lht! tcclllli-
.ques \Viii be dl'lt•rm ined .;1fter city
soil experts ;.111d the contractor's
s taff finish their studies.'' f<'o"'ier
t•xpl<iincd .
Until then, he said, the red tags
ordering a halt to work will re-
main on the job.
Others from the <'Ommunity
stressed \o councilmen the need
ror interim improvements to the
houses, particularly painting,
lands"aping and remov3J of
other unsi!!htly clements which
have developed on the lots.
Fov.·ler and Arthofer em-
phasized that the full accord on
the restoration tl'chniques v.'ill be
reachl'd in a matter of a fe"'
\veeks, and then the work could
continue to completion.
Collins Gets
Naval Pact
The U.S. Navy has a"·arded a
S2.3 million contract to a
Newport Beach firm. the Collins
Radio Group of Rockwell In·
Rep . AndrC'w J. liinshaw
(R·Newport Beach>. in announc-
ing the contract, said it calls for
production of a ne\v communica-
tions technique deYeloped by
Collins engineers in the past year.
The technique allows contact
between airplanes and sub·
"This is a breakthrough and
"'ill probably lead to additional
contra('ts later this year for the
firm," llinshaw ~uid.
What's My Line?
You won 't be fed any lines at
Alden's. We are more interested in
developing loyal customers than
making a fast sale.
None of our salespeop~ will bother
you if you just want to browse. but
will be pleased to assist you if you
wish. wilh truthful answers to your
When we discuss carpet lines. we
would have to "modestly" admit that
we have the largest selection in the
Customweave. Evans-Black
Monticello. Lees. Walters. etc.
' .. -HAllOl:AllA
SIMCI ltl7
•DR/ /ES
1663 Placentia Ave.
HOURS:Moa. Tin T1lws., f lo S':JO-AU, f le f-SAT., f:JO lo S
,. ' • ••
'f1aetl E?'~ Fridt1f1
Consuniers Say
· 1
Rebates a Must
11.Y !Jailed J'roe11 lalern1Uoaal
••The Ollly way the auto
malten are IO\l>J lo start t"""'nc Pfofllo again lo lo aeu 'cicld cars ~t &ood prlcea," ••Y·• Ellen Russell of RocbeJter,N.Y.
Her abort statement put
Detroit OD notice that an
ban.est price cut, not JU1t an
exten1fon or c:ash rebates,
which end Prlday, is what it
'Will take to g~t her lo buy a new car.
Ch1rie1 Goodman or
Rocb~l<!r doesn't think rc-
balmahould be extended.
••ALL THE rebates in the
world won't get me to buy the
junk Detroit is putting out
these days," Goodman says.
.. The cars should cost about
$500 Jess because that's au
they're worth."
Justin Camerlengo or
Bergenfield, N.J., adml'-' he
was tempted by the rebates,
but didn't buy a new car .
because he's just finished
paying off a 1972 model. Like
many others contacted by
UPI, he felt the rebates were
••Bas.ically, there's no dJf.
$6 Million
' Center in
A S6 million community
shopping center is under con·
struct1on near the C1v1c
Center and Huntington Beach
High School in Huntington
Beach, by the Huntington
Beach Company, according
to Stan Youn~. vice president
of eng1neer1ng and opera-
Young said Seachff Village
will provide a community
shoppl.llg center that will tn·
elude convenience and
spec ialt y s hoppin g,
restaurants and a compJete
f111anc1al (acilaty.
The 135,000 square foot
complex, to be known as
Seacliff Village Shopping
Center, is sched uled to open
_tn November, 1975,.accon:bng
to H Scott McCartney, pro-
Jecl manager, Grubb&. Elhs
Co. 's Newport Beach Office,
exclusive leasang agents
McCartney said the shop-
ping center 1s designed to in·
elude a 30,000 square foot food
market; 12,000 square foot
drug store; 7,000 square foot
restaurant, 4,000 square foot
rast food outlet, a 6,000
square fo ot bank, a 9,200
square foot savings and loan
asso~iation branch . plus
67,000 square reel of othetire·
t::ul outlets.
[treoce betWeen a rebate and
a slicker price cut J.n thelooa
run,'' be said. ''But that
check, say for $400 would take
care of the first few c,.-pay.
Most Americans sur,veyed
by UPI said large pdce cuts
on all models would be belter
than simply eontinuina: the re·
bates on selected-mostly
small-models. • EVEN DEALERS said they
felt the rebates. started by
Chrysler and picked up by
General Motors, Ford and
American Motors, have ac·
complished what they set out
to do and something else is
.. What the rebate has done
has got the people out look-
ing," says John Crabbe, a San
Francisco new car salesman.
"It baa stimulated the busi-
ness and bas ta.ken people out
of neutral.
''It really bas been a
tremendous shot in the arm,"
he says. ''But what we really
need now is a tax break, like
an income lax rebate, to get
money back into people's
hands so it will get circulating
Sometime this week, the
auto makers are expected to
begin outlining their plans for
the days after the rebates
end. Many dealers are fearful
of the early days In March
"It'll be total destruction,"
says Bernie Solomon,
manafer of Bayside Cbrys er-Plymouth in
Queens, N.Y. ''But, then, I ex-
pect the guys in Detroit will
make some kind of extension
or the rebate, whether by dis-
counting the sticker price or
actually keeping the rebate 1n
Mesa Firm
Gets Bid •
A $172.592.50 government
contract has been awarded to
lnternat1onal Circuit
Technology Corp. of Costa
Mesa, by the Derense Supply
Agency's Defense Electronies
Supply Center. Dayton, Ohio.
A fixed -price, supply-type
award. the contract calls ror
manufacture of 3,275 d1gita
microc1rcu1ts al the firm's
plant in Costa Mesa.
The Defense Ele<:tronics
Supply Center procures,
manages and supplies com-
mon electronic parts used by
the armed services and
various other government
NYSE Index
ASE Index
Down-Jones Ind
S&P 500 Stocks
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ODt.-rC ,10 I S s ... -"°' !o!MW tfld .. ~ 7 S ,_,,. , •• eo .. re,. 110 1 1• ,. • " Hebert c ,., 10 s ••'• Dow Cll 1 ta 11 U• .. _.,._, Holmer 11 s XI 12"\lo • \It
OP, ll'l(f' I 4 -I'll HOff Slt<ln , r 4h-\'t
DrallO I to 7 1• J2 •• , HOI lnn5 Jl 1 416 1-.-\ti
Ortttrtr I .0 '1W ''"'""-'"" Hoity SU(lt t ! 110 11~-~ fil 11'1' l :IO ., •26 •4 ~114 Mom•l•kt t l' IS' • 1'41-N
Utr Pl 1 • •• •t~-.J ....,.,,,..1 I 40 I 111 2 1.to-t'6
••l l.•t ,, •t 11°.,-"" "°"""r 1 >I • 1• 14°/J-YI
rt\ , \Ob t 15 !" + IJi H6r"I ..... C:11 $ l l~\-'°" ~ t ta I 115 1 "'-""7 YI l'lo\ol!IAfl .ti I 14 •"o ....
OUkO l!llll,JO • r"° 17 •• HO~ICI> 10 • 191 IS'•-1't Ouoke of I XI •• JM)(! lj ~ lnll )lo S j(I 1-..
Ovlo;tpf1tQ , t>G 1 -I >taudllt .ICN • 13 1~1 -ll\ Ou~I' or .>,i, I ... .., • HOl.ldl pf 1\<t I Jl•l\-1 011nl~.O •6 11 llJ tJ•;l-1\AJ ~II M ,tO I T 1 .. -°"
[)ucl1.,, Cp ) ll-.-\'I Hal.lll"I OIO • ts $\.I-YI
0..."'1nl l V.b t1 •1A tlh-1"' Hl.,,.flfl( 1 I }/j 1•~-"° OU~pf'""· 1 ~ .,.._Qlll._. 1\ l1 -IV.
CMW111. 1 n , 10! '~"'-" Het.1•"ot 2V1o 11 l' -"' ~Utt Pl J • 11; 11 -tvr -.1.P I M 11 ,.. J._.-ft\
!;>\11111.111' I \'(I • 1100 ,,,.,_ V, HO\INIGI IO I! to.t ll -" OyPrlQ 1n ta ' 11 I '\-'-HONG pf l ''t 10 )S -Vt
-l •-Haw•rOJ )0 • )01 ''"°-!Ito lq!P I CMQ S ll 11 --., Hewl'l'lt C.11 I J 11 lJ -YI
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Year'• High·Lo .. Appear Ev..,. Sotarday
~ .... .. ....
ll--l llodt.l ca. °" ...: !"*I a. 09,
HllQheST .~ tt 1:r. •l'r\-t MktlSf 1,10 • S lS + "'° H--lflc: 6 •tll-'V'J .WC.rodot .to • ~ 11\fo-\o't ~"10t ,J•ll I 12t.r.-l.llo ,tlA!cr-JI 1 J 11 -W. Hllt"3ft G d t •S It -\-'I MilkGftt IM I •$ ,_,.. I'
HuyekCu .o 13 l 1rv.-.,. 55' 1• • ,,, 14'*-\lo Hydrorrrt I' 4 11 6\lo .tld 1 11 1'h-"'
-11-RI' It l)V.--W. ICN Pharf!'l ,I I" ) -Vt l!WbUt1.2t I 41 1>'4-1'
lcW.o p 1.. 1• 11~-1 :!:" ... 1 111 ,,._""
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IOS Alt ,lib J 1 t 1114.-~ Mlmt Al .. ) ~ loo+-loll
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lllTOOIW ,jO\I t 11\/':i+ \lo ,.....OS.MO t !4 9fo+ "'°
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INA Cll 110 7 1t$ JIVI-~ MObilOt ),.0 4 •ll •I --
INA In" I""•• lt lloi. + 14 MohKO I 111 6 40 111.1.-YI Ill("-C•p • 2J 41'1-~ Molwrwll DI tl I~ 14' 111((11"1(" tjd . I t Mohwll. litb I 'I t H -~ lndllll'IG.i• 1 I 1 14V. •• Molll(r9 •G S •1 14*"-111)
11'1dPwl I '110 71 1t -V. MO!yCpt 111). 1 JO -~
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lf\lllS-111 l<W • .., JS -loll """"'9S I IG.I JO 120..-U.
lnmol\t '° J •4 • -V1 MonrM llb I •S •''lo-1.
lnMICO C 10 S UJ I "'-MI •O 4 12S •21\-1\o
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18M C•p • 11 1111 1G1V1-• .... MortHor • 1 "6 ll.,.,_ "'
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tn0 .. 1r1f 1.10 • S00 J~ -,._ Ml fwcl Sup IJ IDS lO -'lo
lnlttQIO ._.b 11 ..... • MISITotl l Sf 4 7'I 19\.lt-Yo
ltlMlnC l 11 5 l87 36 _,.,... Munford :Mo S 28 •-\.\ l"ll Minl119 S Ill 9l'o-~ """""d pl 40 I~ S'A-111
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Intl P•per 1 I SSS ·~-.... Moxpft(lt ~ • II 1• ...... tntRtt! 11<1 • 1 •>n Murry or. I • 11 15"• .. .,._
1111. Tl.f, l1 • ,,,, 1/h-1 M1.otOm I J2 I rs-\o't
o "t.:t-1 • • 7 44'1"1 Mrtr\ L t.O 10 10 • tTT 1•0,.,. I>·~~.~"• --HH -
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Jamn F t.e q XI 11 ' .. -~. NI Stattd ~ • I) ll~-01;
J•nltt" llJ 4 1 11 "-NIStarcr. IO 1o li .:PoO-'I• J1pFno ISD 1•1 ll lo-•• N•I Sii 2'1'1• ' •Jl 11~ t .,. JeflPt!OI "'IJ 1($ ]1'/o-'• N•ll Tea Co JS 511) J CnPpl t l6 I to IS .. l 'n N•loms I 10 J ,,. 42-v. Jer CPLpl • 1110 lll'h-I NCR Cp n ' •'8 7l -....
.Jt-l c 1 10 a 11 22•.-v. Ntll'lune .a a -. t14 .. .,.
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.inn.con pt l • 2S~ • ::i,. N'YSEG 2 10 • JI 21:W.
..IOJILOQn 40 • 24 • .,.. Nl::t l 1• S 1~1 10 -'" Jorons 1 SOQ J • 11""' • H•• l .O 19'l 1'.'to -+ "• .Jo!,t-\ .90 1 ll , • .,._ 'Al Nl-O 13b 11 12V•-,,.
JyMl91r..,111l1 •l'i<•I Nl..lndus1 I• tll l~tMI
Jui.h(O Mt(I 11 1 Ji,;, NL l Crp .0 1 JOI 11 -'" -K --NorlolkW) S • « ~---'lo;,
""'"'Al I JO J loO tt't.-'h NOfl"C,, 1% J S '''IJ '"IA.I pf •~o 1 •I Nl)t"r!I 1.11 S II ll\'o t 0.'t
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'"CPL! 1 20 I 61 23'•-'"' NoCflAlrl wl 10 I -•-,, KCPL pf •• ' ' zSll s1•11 NoestlJ• 1 01 ' SJ> I -.. KCSoin '.>DO 4 4 ,,.,,_ ~\ NDC.t>IGI t.8 8 12 10'._-.._
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K•tr lndu\I J ., 3o,._ •t. NOl,,PS I l6 I "' 141'»-....
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IC.•u!l.Sr 1• •ll '""' NaStPw 1 1M " 111 10"'-"'' it.uf8p! to,,., l 1' Nrt~I •Sd I ti 4•.:,
Ka-cl< • .O ' l 10 NOfttlrp I 6.11 S •10 71'~-'l'O ic.vse•R i.o '' • 12>:to-'I\ Nw11.A1r1 •s s 2s2 tS'•-,,.
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""""'u 1.•o s l 24'Ai-14 """'"•t>f • 10 •• ll s1 ............. 'h ICerKoll 2 60 J ~Jll J7 -..., HwSUflptC > • l l't'h-2""'
IC.y Ulll I 7' 10 I~ 1St'O-t/, Nw MU lib 1 JI 11
ICeu McG t 15 ~· •• -1~ NwPI cl 400 1 21 U'llt-111 IC•-W IO • 100 lSV.-'-NwSU J .-o., I 1'1 •IV•-V. IC.M:ldol'Pl'!10 1 :U -'¥. NrlflC0110 S 12 ?•Vt
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K L M AOfl . l ,,,..,_'lo NVF Co ?Oii 1 11 !ltV.-,...
Kfllohl A 1' 10 71> 11"4-Vi ----4 0--~'"9 Co s " l'IO. • °"" llld .., J 14 t•lt-\lo ic:ae~p11i., 2 16 _.,. O.kllePr" • 1~ t -VJ IC:DPPtr 2 AO S 1'7 ,,,,.._, Occld P 7Sb 3 !Mt 14 .... -V)
KQWoer pl t r140 ol'l011 •1 Octodpt pl 4 ti 4140l-l \I) ir;r•llco I '1117 11 3'1''•-.._ OccPtpl J 60 S.. •S--lV. l(r~ 12 11 1011 211o:o-:i.;; O<:cP1pt 1 '~ z JI -v.
K•Df!'hltr &o 4 1 1011.-v. !lr.:" Crp 1 ' 18'1 11'4-¥. K•O<)ef" 11' • 134 ~-1°"1 pl I 111 I .JD -'lo
Ky!Or In '° • ' •. ,.. Ed l Mo I •llS 1s•1.-,,..
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Lo:1rS1.t9 "ll S 141 S''o-V. Olln Cp I :ro 1 11 11,,.._ ~ Lo:_.,. 60o;r S 11 1•01>-'• O/on-r•ft 1 • 15 IS • ,
LH<h&N .lb• II 1~-.... Om•or-ln SO• 11 '°" .
l.H.OM 6CI J 11 10'1•-'"' 0rngeCo 1J 6 • •V:i-0,. Llhl P!C IO ~ 4 11'"-'\lo Or Rckl 1 ltl I 10 10'4-..., Lth V.11 Ind 7 11 IS•I•+ 1·16 Oii\ El 2 M 5 11 11 -V. LI"'"" Silt> 11( 10~--\:, OulbdM 110 8 130 1•:W.-....
Ltrvwr Cp 4 IS •llil-11• OuUtlCD 10 ' • ff1 -+ ....
Lu1"• In 11 9 ' 11°'\ f" v, OvrSllPf'I IS l 11 •lo<.-V. Lev FO Cap 11 to'!\-.... ~rfrn IO • a?• 1.2 -V.
Le" Inc rs. 1 11 -i.., o...e .. cF II l \ lO'I l6 •
Le"I Sirs 41 • 31 llV.-~ Owenlll 1 n 1 •l l1'h-H·'o L.t~•ll Furn 1 291 ,"""_ ~. O...~IU pf. • I 131'>-"" LFE Corpn S 10 l 0....,llpf 4:i.;. • I 11 +I
l 0 f 1"' 1 •O ,.,.,,_ ~. Odoroln ltO 1 2 4°1:.-v. Llbay McNr • sa ,,,__ lot --• , __
LIDr1yCp '6 S 7l 10'• ......... P•tAlfl 110 11 !)""-1Ji
Lobert' Lon • II ,,,.,_ "" Pacws 1 • 1 u o 11:i..-,,..
LoDert,Lpl 1 ~'"•-"-P;JCLl9 168 I •O 11"-Lloo My2'11 't JS 71""-,... P1cPelrl JS 9 '' It""-,,.. Llll~Ell I 10 28 SJ6 11'!.-'"-P1tPwr I 110 ~ 1 tJ ll -'h
Ll...:;HU I 60 10 tU 21.,._Pilo ~ T& TI ZO 9 71 1S\li •
LIN'.Ntl lffJ .. I'° -ir. Palne-bb . 113 • -.,.,
L.lnNFd 1.1, s l•>A.-0.. Palnet>f I lO ~ 12 -""" LIOr'lel Cl)t"O 5 12 1.\\--"' P11m er. 2S • •Cl l""--.....
Lltton.lfl 2'hl llJ s•-"" P•mld• ltK I 1 ll s:v.-'"' Lllln C1f pt 2 1S 16-\111+ .... P•n ... m Alr 1419 ,11, -"-1.lllOf'll" ptA 1 ,_.,., P1""'4rwtlt2 I ?01 31'-.-'.11
UKkhffd 3
• lSI S'}t-:i. Papercll 60 ' 11 I V>-·~
l..oewCO I 10 171 17:1ii.---I P1"9<1S .. 6 II !Ot o-Vo
l.om"Si=i l6 • '*--"" P•r•Hn 112 S I 16°1o .. 'I. l..oMtoe 14b 5 •2 1S"'4--v. P•rkrP """' • 10 1•v,~ ..., Lnd!Wfl .'Gd • 10 ..,._,. Pat.ca llK I l /S ti -""
I.Mii $ 1110 I ' 111 ll'h---~ ~"t'L nw lO I 6 till'• • LoMSG 1 60 1 20 Jl'4--'\Ii. Pt•D(,l IMD 9 l!O 13'"-"" Lon<JfLI I '6 1 11l 14.,.._ 111 Pinn Can1r 181 1~-\lo LIL pl N 1J Jltol14'1o-V. .,_,.....,. 1I•11 l11J S1 1t.-'1o
Lii.. Pl I Slilo I "'t.-1:0. Ptn .. o •• 2• ' 11 S"'--.... l.M1 lnvrtitr • 71 1~ Penn Fruit t l 'h
Lont0r9 M 16 JI s. -J Pa Ca oU"9 t lo<IV.-v. 1..0rM Carp I 110 i -'Al PennP(. I to I> 111 "~•-'Ii U.Land 1 u • , .. ,,..... p PL pl I "° lqD •• ... 1
L•P-.<llt 20 S S•2 lO'li-1 PPL ol 6 SQ zSO ~I • ''>
LouG•5 1 " 10 2S 20 -•t. Penw1t 1 l6 140 20 ~ -V. L-n~tn l J 1'9 11"1o• •1. ~nnwpj '"' 1 JS'• • L T\I Corp I m 12,,._"" ""WI pl 1 l!O e 10•,,-~. LfVCorpA , ,, l&'Wl•V. Penn101110 5 330 1q1,-,,-~
LTVCpSpf 16 SI'• Pen1.,.lpl8 . I l'I LU!Jt"JOIC~ 11 1110 .U'J..-1.,., Penllpl l J] I 2s•.-~.
Lu<:l<yS 4 ?SJ 1CPlo--'\II PeOPI 0• :l'O q 1 S•o-'o
Ludl-1. ' XI tO'Ao-+ ...... F'TopC;l1tl 6 6! JJ,,_~ '• L.uk,,Slll.0 • 11 26'h-~ Pe~•Colf014 )Ill SI -l'• LykttY J0o I , ... 11 -\Ii Pe•ko.,EI 21 J6 Ul 2C\'o--"'
Ly•e pl l 'h 11 131,.._ "'" Pel tnc 1 40 6 lii 21'.'>-1'4 Lyn<l'ISY 40 I 13100 ,,._,.. Vo Pet lrK pl 1 S 11\!o-~
--M M--Peltr P! fO !8 I> 9', MKAnF 60 J J 7'4 Pl'l•lt SI Ml 18 lS 48 "2-'11
Mec0of>U1 12 J 11/1 "'-troln. •4 I 91 14
MK•e ,JO 1 J 4'.11-•Ji Petri pl I JI S 2't •
M.ioe.mlll 2S l ti •'Ao-\'t Pet.IC l 11b S 11 ... -\II McM pf I 20 1 ll Pf•~• 16'4111 •10 J2\oo-2'-'
M.a<y I tO • 41 11 -"'° PMlp 0210 i /I JJll\-~ Mey plA •01, 1'6 41 • Pnt!~EI I .. I J~ 111'•-\It MAd Fd \jb •S 1'4-o. Ph11Elpf '1'17 1120 U M..-J SQ1.1arll-• 1 S'I•-°" PhUEtpl ..... 1uO 12
M.1t,1lcCn n 11 )6 •V·-'h Prtl1E1pf ]lo, •• 1IJO IJ
Ma.gl\a1fo• 12 s-"' ~t El pl I t!OO as l
M41U•ryCo I • • ll\lo • , , lit!EI pf 4 60 • 130 •JV. • 'I•
M.411-H ••IS 116 lJ + ,_ Phlls.itl 1 J.l 1 S JO • lt ~r .. ~ 11 ..,...__ 1,'J PNUf,MD 80 I• sq6 ''''• -~ MaflHnl n, 2JI ,...__,,.,. PllllllK Ind ·' 11 ..•
MAPCO 10 IS ,.S lJ~ 1'-. Pti~I Ind pl I S I'"• v.
MM•ll1"n M ~ fl •v.-'I'll PflU'°"t I ..0 I 31 t •l .... -:i,..
Mar Oil 1 10 • 111 :U......_"' PllUVt-1 "°" 2S 1 ,,,._ Marcorln( I s li4 11•,1,-.,., Pl(k,..ck 11>1 6 '8 \J -l• ~tor pl t , S ,.1'1-f PlotdNG I 2• S S8 11'4-~ #IMromn .40 11 211 t~ . Pieri lmprl 10 3 l~-'I>
Ma'Mld I IO • 110 Ut.-\It PUIU!o"y I .. 9 ~· •q -~' MMlof\1. .'4 T• IC. 211,1o-1°" PlonNG I to • 10• 22°'J-·~
M<trlef' I .O ti JI •tot.-1 Pll,..'f B 60 I 201 I t\1-loo
M.41rfty .t.O t 1t '2\.1-1\lil PllFo.-9 IOQ 11 1 1•''0 • '•
M.11rq11 !oOd 4 • ..,._"" Pl1111on IOo 1 111 ""'-"•
M.M1ott l~l ll lM 10 -1111 l'lu• "'"' 4 ll't 1• -ttr,
M.4'r1t1F 1,1• I 111 ~"' Pl.., ltevcn 1 1• l -'• NI.Ari M l )0 • s. is-.. v. Ptrttioy 11 • 1 1 ·-.-~. Md Cup St 6 Ji ,.,,,_\Co Pl.SHY •1D S ,l 11' 1
M•t.ctlCP J1 11 "3 ~+ •,'f PN8MI IOt> • ?o t •o M.i>!oOnlt• S' 16 •41 2'0'-V1 Pol•,old .32 ,, •l•IS 11 • J, 4'WSW"f JOb 4 10 tS -VJ IPo<tdtritt• S. 71! 111 -''O Ms~lfl 40b 11 \i'h-''t ~ T f'°9 S I) 11\o-<.
M' I"'" 1..0 •• •SI !119-V. Porl< Ire 19 ' IJ 1!'• .lo
W>MU• 1.JJd ~ 11~ '• Por!C.E 1 5' I ~ 16~•-'• ~lluE ''" 1 10 lil.lt• .,... Pollalc • .O • 11 1~"'-·-'• M•r OS 1 60 1 11 .,.,,._. ~ Pol i£1P tit 8 111 !Uo -"
Ma'f'JW SO t 10 50.11 • PolEI pt S"' llOO SS -,._ ~Y'\O I ;11)41 IS (\ ll -~ ""4E1 pt 4'1> ~•O •1',,
MIP.11.t 10b J l I~-+ V. PotE1pf },4• l l1 -1'•
MC A lfl( t • 100 ~ tt PPGlnd I 10 S U~ t t '"-~.
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MGM2\'lb' 1)0 IOl>to-11'!1 "-~·''. »j I"-" Metrarn .so I JS ' .. Rll\CO tn ·". ..... \II
MGIC If! .10 I .,., 11'-" VJ *•P'd ~m 1 I IO IW.-~
SJ\N LEANDRO CAP! -lnt•rna·
llonal Harvester's heavy-duty truck
manufacturing plant here will be shut
down fully by lhe end of June putUng
all 1,200 emptoyes oul or work, or.·
ficlals have r~P_orted. .
Airline Layoffs
HOUSTON, tex. CAPI Texas In ·
temational Airlines says "1ncreasin1
flnanclal lo..'\Ses"' incurred In a nearly
'three-month old strike has caused the
nrm to lay off 100 of1ts400 employes.
r .
• -
All DAILY1'1~0T Tuotdoy,Fobrue.y2!1, 1815 ,
Jeth .tlaa,.-..a.,, .Pr.oCl•fo
Fine 'Tartuffe~. at SCR
. The ••• nd tln'le at0und-at South Colilt ·~b .. notalwoYBbotnoverwhetmlllab:suc-
CiolfM. •• .wltnoas the 1 .. 1 tban ausplclous.reprlaes
ot-ller landmari< .,....sueuons such aa •:Tbe Glass
ll(enagerle'' and"'The'BlrthdayParty~·
liut10day, with Its loth 8J!nlyers"13' producllon
o( •'T&rtutfe" -U.eshow that started It all for SC~ a·
, c1tea4e ago.--.lhe,.(loota :Mil!'@· !'OIDP.!"!Y. ~as effe<;:
tlveb:,shattere<l Its "secood producU011 l!nx" Wllb ~
• / llrst rate, fr...Wheelinf reatagtna of tbat classic
· •lloHerecomedy. ,
. There is, to be ab."\ll'ate, little basis f9r com·
pari**>n between the current show, beautifully
' '"TAnuPPI,. ' .
• ~ b'f Moli.,.., tr~ OV ltldllrd v.1tlSIW. OirK ted ~ :~ aor.a ....... 11.1r•, ~Mf'y .....:1 llatCJno llr&IAn Tlaotly, eo&tvmH t llt~lle V1110tr Hotll, ""'.itlly Ln Holb\', Pf9-)~ lly S0..111
CiMlt hputwy lUHO.Y• tl'lrollQlll S4nl•n MI o'clock atld Sund•Y,
·.lftlt'llOOM'-1 s o'clotll I t Ute T,lllrd Step ll\Mltt, 1t21 Newiport Bh•d,J
CO.le /MM, "-serv1t1on1M"'1363. • ' . THllCAST
T...,.,... ............................................ HlllL.-ndol!Jr. Or'OOlt ............ , ........... -· . , ..... , ........... Jotln·O.vld K•ll•r
Elrnlre .................................................. MlmlSmlth ~t· .................................................. OOft luche
0.11'111 •••••.••.• : ................................... JohtlEllingtoo
Y•I"' ••• , .. , , •. , ................................... St•"" P•ltitrlOfl Mlri-........................................... Sft.lronO'•blrM ~,..,,_lie ..• , ....•..............•.••.•. , ...••.. Leslle Jon.t$
Oofl ... , ............................................... 0.meM'M&U Mofl5'-Lor•• ••.................................... R•gl1111kl Rook Pt'~ . f. ......................... , .... , ... , .......... StitW Oena1.1t ~MailiA,Hfvilf!lllfl.dllUll'fi •.•• , .•.•••••.•.• , •• KlmB;1\Ut1!i..
Joll Sl'>tnniln, LelH• TilY!Otl DtMIS LGftg, Steven WI-• .l•ke G&ri:li·
'!"·S.•Gt"•r,Mc1rv1nc1 •
Tom ~ilu$
. ~ --~... r--.-·
nobleman with fiery decllcaUon and ,belligerent
b!llllfeadedness. Mimi Smith aa bis Wife la excellent
as she subtly manipulates the manipulator in· the
play'ssbowcasescene. ,
Two members of the 1965 production, playing
different roles this time around, areparticularly-lm·
pressive'. Don Tuche functlonS strongly as Keller's
brt>ther, the voice of reason, while Leslie Jones com-
mands the stage in her two scenes is Keller's equally
taken-in mother, wielding an oversize !an as a
formidable weapon.
Demene Hall is marVelously funny •as the but·
tinski maid who repeatedly turns-up Keller's
tolerance burner. Steve Patterson afld Sharon Crab-
tree lend tine support as the young lovers, sharing a
prolonged kiss that may well be a threatrical record,
as might also be Miss Crabti-ee's extended ex·
pressio~ of shock in onememorablesequence.
EASILY THE funniest performance of the night,
however, is delive,red by John Ellington as Keller's
........... Mil
111'1 ...... -
TlcUtl• 15.00 lv•nlng1 .
$3.50 MatlnMI . tP.50 IOI'
S..,!orC!tlnnl/Studentl at
Mlti-.) Avail~ 11Mr
Af'T !kMOl'I Tkk91 holdert
.,. 1111.0.
"HAROLD .. -~~il.UDI"---
, I '<<>-"1t •
"Am""1CHHIP Qf
. . .OA SHOW TIMls
directed with an eye for·subUe slapstick by Robert
Bonaventura, and the outrageously funny com-
media dell 'arte Chinese fire drill of 1965, which
lean~ heavily on the impro~ational ability and
physical energy of a young, h,ard-driving cast.
impulsive, tantrum-throwing son who is not to be f:jiiiii
trusted with a sword. Reginald Rook is a cackling, I
Scrooge-style bailiff while Steve DeNaut makes a
nice impression as the prince who eventually saves
the day.
•'TARTUFFE,'' CIRCA 1915 contains enough
elements of the pioneer production -the rip-roaring
ribaldry and fleet footed movement -to regale its
audiences_, while at the same time·charming them
with its lampooning of the heavily mannered style of
Moliere's courtly prose. Bonaventura misses nary a
triCk with a cast enormously adep'.t at ensemble
stagemanship, iogistically prohibitive 10 seasons
The entire production is an exciting and laugh-
filled extravaganza calculated for pure entertain-
ment, and Bonaventura's extended curtain call t11-
sures the company of its just re.ward on the ap-
plause meter. The "bravos" bestowed uPon the cast
might also be intended for the entire SCR organiza-
tion on the celebration of itsloth anniversary.
"Tartuffe" is indeed a celebration, a robust,
ribald romp capping a decade of superlative theater
from South Coast Repertory. It continues Tuesdays
through Sundays for five more weeks at the Third
StepTheater, 1827 NewportBlvd., Costa Mesa. The battle lines are drawn with the opeoin2
snatch of dialogue m.tbeSCR production in thestrug-,--------------------j
gle of f~mily and servants to prevent their duped
patriarch from selling them down the river to a re-
ligious hypocrite with a Svengali-like effect on the
mast.er of the house. It would not be too difficult to ap·
ply Moliere's lesson to contemporary events.
The cast, straight down the line, is superb, with
Hal Landon, Jr. deserving the deepest bow for his
robust perfOrmance,iti the title role. Landon neatly
telegraphs his ulterior motives at the height of his
fervent ·ecclesiastic zeal and pursues his primary
mission (the seduction of the master's wife) with
T.....,, f!!nwy 25 to~,._.,. 21.
Official practice.'
Watch the Indy cars work up to racing speeds. $2 ·
gener.al admission, kil'.ls under 12 FREE. {Special
garage passes good thru March 9 are available for s 1 O.J
tf' M. ~arslt &· Qualification runs for the coveted. e pos1 ion. S -general 'admission. kids under 12
FREE. Overnight infield camping $5 per vehicle. plus
general admission.· ·
~M!tfll Z. Two exciting 100 mile Indy car races .. ~ pnze money. General admission $6, {Kids un-
der12 FREE), Victory Circle 115. . .
Sel!y. f!!rCI! t . THE CALIFORNIA 500 Come early! 7
am.. oa8s open. 8 a.m. norH;top entertainment spec-
tacuJat. 11 a.m. race starts.! Reserved seats are S1 2. S1 5. $20; and $30. Victory .Circle seats are S55. Infield
ge~al admission is $ 7, Juniors SS. Kids free ..
Get YoU' tickets now at ali Tickelron outlets -includ-
ing Sears. Broadway, and Ward·~ Or Wallichs Music Ci-
ty,andLiberty agencies. Or et the Speedway Box Oflice;
just off th~ San · Bernardino Freeway, 40 minutes from
Qowntown l-OS Angeles. (714) 984-2255. 3901 East G st.. ontarto. Calif. 91 764. -.
•.. , .......
If Mel lrOOk• CPGI ,
J:H, &:41, t:ll .
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1:11, J,Jl;l.-41 ,,.I. .....
''Wl•~I•• M•c~l•e" -"II••-.,t
1:81, .,.,, i :l5.
7:41, "''
Tt4f \llM
GOURM!T c ... M 1:11. 1:41 • •
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• Our team tells you everything you
want to know· about your t11am
in the Wedne1day In th•
8:45 P.M.
13M13M :JAN\ES
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