HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-29 - Orange Coast Pilot• -• • v I • , I • I Wonaan's •ody Found DAILY PILOT In L " • Cumpuig11 Funds County Getting Hinshaw Cash • By GARY GRANVILLE Of .... ~llyPllO!:SUl'I Orange County government has begun recovering some of the taxpayers money allegedly spent on Rep. Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 congressional campaign. Implied in the recovery of $5,693 from 27 county employes. either through payments or agreements to pay. is their ad· mission they worked on Hinshaw's successful campaign on county time. lt:owever, according to Deputy County Counsel Terry Andrus, the employes' voluntary settle- ~ents do not meaq they admit personal negligence or unlawful conduct in connection with the al - leged illegal electioneering. What the 27 county workers ,paid or agreed to pay were various amounts auditors said represented the extent of their Participation in the campaign. ,Specifically, at the conclusion ql a six-week audit ordered by the Board of Supervisors the e,mployes were charged ror what \he auditors said were wages and gas mileage paid them \\.'hilc lbey actually worked on the cam- paign. Left unpaid at the 5 p:m. April 24 settlement deadline imposed by the supervisors was an addi· tional $7 ,046 the auditors say an additional 32 county employes Owe as the result of their Hinshaw campaign activities. ' Included among the unsettled accounts are those owed by four. as sessor's office officials· who. ·~ong with five others, were in-, cted Dec . 5 by the county .' _rand Jury. · · ',The nine men were charged ih the 33-count indictment with be· i'Rg part of a conspiracy that con- fi\ucted a portion of Hinshaw's 1 ~mpaign at taxpayets' expense. ;it was a month after the indict- ment was returned that the ifUpervisors ordered the audit to ~omanWith ;Pistol Held ' An Oakland woman was ar- rested Monday at Orange County ~rport after she allegedly tried ~board a flight to San Francisco ~With a .38 caliber derringer pistol· ""f'D her possession. · •.J.. Orange County Sheriff's of· _fJcers jailed Gloria Charlotte ''f1.elson, 24, on charges of car.ry-,$ic a concealed weapc>n after be· Ing called to the airport by 1¥Curlty officers who searched ~~defendant's luggage. 1 Deputies added charges or »°111es1lon of eontrolled sub-~atancei after a county Jail search ~legedly produced a quantity of "-8ngerous drugs for which the , ,itfnd•ot bad no prescription. determine.how much, if any, tax: money was expended on lUnshaw's behalf. After ciJnductlng more than 90 interviews, the auditors con· eluded 59. employes accounted for at l~ast $13,153 in improper expenditures. At th-e same time, the auditors conceded they could not trace the losses atlri buted to persons who refuse to cooperate in their in- vestigation, including all but one or the indictees. or the $5,693 the 27 eritployes have either paid or agreed to pay, slightly less than $1,500 in cash was received by the April 24 deadline. The balance was settled by agreements that permit the county to deduct $50 a month from· future paychecks or to de- duct appropriate amounts from vacation or sick leave earned; but-not yet paid. In the meantime, County Counsel Adrian Kuyper bas been (See HINSHAW, Page A2) Woman's Body FoundinOC Drain Ditch What authorities believe was a 12-hour immersion in a partly filled drainage ditch is hamper- ing Orange County Sheriff's of· ficers today in their bid to identify the body of a woman found Mon· day: in the Laguna Hills area. ;;Iler. hands were in the water from the time she entered the ditch to the time We found her,'' an investigator said. "It's prov· ing pretty difficult to get a set of prints we can work.from.'' Meanwhile coroner's officers began toxicological tests on the body's organs with a view to de· termine the exact cause of death. Officers in both divisions believe that the •partly clad woman, aged about 30 to 35. drowned in the drainage ditch at Moulton Parkway and La Canada Road where she was found late Monday by a county road department employe. "Her lungs were full of water,•• an investigator said. ''There were no friarks on her body and no ~vidence of foul play but the tests· will determine if drugs or any other factor played any part in her death." Officers s"id they are also working on the theory that the woman, of Latin extraction, was an illegal immigrant. "Her clothing suggests that," an investigator said. "One of our first contacts will be Mexican aulhorities to see if they can help us with the prints we hope to take ~rom her today." J Hills Ditch ·~· -~······ * * * 10' * * * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 29, 1975 VOL 61, NO. 1\t, 2 SECTIONS, 14 PAGES escue Copters .1~ In Mass '~ Airlifts SAIGON (AP) -U,li. llelirop- ters swooped down on. Saigon .. rooftops and the Tan Son Nhut airport today and began evacuat- ing most of the remaining 800 to 900 Americans. Some of the Americans fought off South Viet- namese desperately trying to flee before Communist-led forces takeover. America's JO -year involve· ment in the Indochina war was ending in wild and tragic scenes, with U.S. Marines and civilians MARINES BEAT·BAOK PANICKY s. VIETS, Page A3 HOW FORD ORDERED EVACUATION, Page A4 using pistol and rifle butts to smash the fingers of Vietnamese trying to claw their way over the 10-foot wall of the U.S. Embassy. At the airport, angry Viel· namese guards fired at busloads of evacuees and shouted, "We want to go, too ." U.S. fighter-bombers flew air cover high over the city for the evacuation. The Pentagon said 81 helicop- ters and more than 800 Marines were used to ferry evacuees to aircraft carriers in the South China Sea. Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger said more than 4,500 Americans and Vietnamese had been evacuated six hours .after the operation began. Vice President Nguyen Van Huyen renewed calls for a cease· fire but denied tonight that the <See EVACUATE, Page A2) Ora age c. •• , _ UPI Ttl""'°'• U.S. MARINE IN BATTLE GEAR HOLDS BACK THRONG SEEKING EVACUATION Bew-Tota Were Among Solllll·YlelnlllM .. -1111 Setgon•E8cllpe Zotle Weadler War Refugees A1·rive Uy ALAN DIRKJN Of tfM D.llly Piiot St-'1 The first wave o( an estimated 20,000 war refugees, bound for Camp Pendleton, began arriving at El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta- tion today to face a new and un· certain future ·in the United States. The Orst plane carrying 380 passengers ~ an Overseas Na- tional Airlines DClO~-touched down at 10 a.m. Meanwhile, two giant·Cl41 transports also l:inded at Norton Air Force Base carry· ing another 121 South Vietnamese evacuees. The majority or tho arrivals at Norton were women and chlli:lrcn, mostly dependents of U.S. citizens. They will be bused to Camp Pendleton as will all ar· »! ri\'als at El Toro today. (Related stories, pictures Page A3 .) The evacuees were to undergo "minimal"' processing by·Immi4 gration, Customs and public health officials at ' El Toro -· Orange County's chief health of· ficer has banned all but official contacts with the refugees. The second fiight at El Toro, carrying 70 people in a CHI .was scheduled to land at 12:2Sp.m. Some reports said five aircraft were due ib at El Toro today from U .S. bases in the Pacific, where the refugees underwent in· itlal processing, but other ac- counts said nine aircraft bearing a total of 700 evacuees were on their way. "We would 'like to get them to Camp Pendleton and settled as ~ soon as possible.'' said Maj. Sally Pritchett, press officer at El Toro. "They have been in the air for a long time." Maj, Pritchett s aid sbe did not know whether' any of the eva~uees would be rejected in the processing at El Toro. "I hope we don't reject a single soul,'" she said. --· . She said thatthe Dights-part of the biggest civilian airflift lrom a war zone in U.S. history- will continue to arrive at El Toro until "at least'' May 3. Officials at El Toro were work· ing with sketchy information to- day. They did not know how many of the evacuees would be American or bow many Viel· namesc. <See REFUGEES, l"•l• A2l ~ Mostly sunny through Wednesday but some patchy early morning fog, Lows tonight 45 to SS. Warmer days with beach highs of 62 ris ing to 74 in- land. ' INSIDETODAV Yacht skippers carried ofi trophyies today for winningef· forts in 28th Newport to Ensenada yacht race. Complete rundown and photos, Page BB. Index •• ., •• •• ... •t-1 ••• • •• .... •• •• .. .. I AZ DAILYPILOT s Tundiy.Aprll 29. 1975 I • Rick and Lisa Together Agabl Keesee Given 20-year Tenn In Conspiracy SAN DI EGO CAP) -Bobby ..Joe Keesee of lluntington Beach -war hero dercctor and cabinet maker -has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring to kidnap murdered diplomat John. Putterson. U.S. Distri c t Court Judge Leland C. Nielsen issued the sen· tence Monday a £t e r federal pro- secutors argued for a life term and Keesee's attorney called for a sentence no longer than ·IO years. Keesee, 41. pleaded guilty to conspiring to kidnap Patteson. but denied having anything lo do "'ilh hi s death. The 31-year-old diplomat was -found slain near the American consul ate at 1-lermosillo, ~1exico -last July. Keesee "'as accused of writin~ ~ letter to the consulate de rnanding $250,000 for Patterson's life. He W8S last seen alive in a car with his apparent kidnaper, who remains unknown . Before being sentenct d. the stocky de fende nt from Hunt· ington Be ach ,' said he was sorry he'd gotten involved in the affair. "I got involved in something I realize now was wrong,'' he said. Keesee, who won the Bronze Star in Korea as a teenager, de· fected twice from the United Slates -once to Cuba and again .to North Vietnam. He once claimed to \li'ork for the Central Intelligence Agency, but the CIA denied ever hearing of him . . lie went absent without Jeave from the Army at Ft. Huachuca. Ariz .. in 1962, fl ying a rented p lane to Cuba. only to be r e- t urned and sent to prison. The North Vietnamese held him prisoner also. until the American POWs were released in 1973. Safety Ordered WASHINGTO N !UPI) -The National '.J'r.ans portation Snfety Board Sunday soid an Eastern Air Lines DC9 m ado on emergen- <'Y landing at Minn eapolis last December be cause u change in the l<Jnd ing gear mechanism re· commended b y the manu/a c· turers eight years earlJer had not been carried out. The NTSB called for the l"edcral Avialion Agency to order airlines to comp- ly \~oilh the Dougie~ AJrcraft Co. order of Oct. 9, 1966. ORANGE COAST ~ DAILY PILOT 1 .... 0•~"9" ( .... ,1 0•11 • 1'1!01. '" '" ....... "11 "'"' e"'"" '"" "' ,., "" •o. '1 11ue1 '""'d ••Y 11• °'"""'' (<'•"I l>u~h~""'~ (OMDen,. !l< ~'"Al• <<ld,~n.. o• • "''"""""' """""~· !~1011 .. ~ • .. 11., '"' (~'"' "•~. N•,..l!O't llttc~. 1-iwnllr.,tlon ''-K" ~­M'" V~ll•v. """'· ~nD<l!o~~" V•"•·• .• ~,, • 1.•'l'>"~ l.ltatn,~w!ll t oa•I. " ""'I'" «"'"°'•'' •<,lof,Qn ·~ p11!)1,.tlfC1 ~o1t11•<1"'' •"<I ~""'!I"'' 11.,. "'""'OU' ""O'""'"Q Ploiril "al JW wt•I lfoy St/'fft, C~tlt ~ .... (•i<lornl~ •lolt, Robert N. Wt't(I .,, ...... n, • ..., """''""'' Thomao; A. M urphlne """"'"'''"' tDoldo Charles H LOO<; R•(hard P. Nall oll•Oltlt'll IN"•Q ~1!11•1"'' OfllCt!l C" .. M tU lJll l"'o•IRaf~!·r1! ~-t Iott <" UJI """'ICl't lotw.,.•f •<I l,t lNM kttl'I, l lk l';lonnpf•t ~l•t•I """Unit\.,. lkotc~ •t••~ "'""~ 8ovlf•••• ~It .. <• 11.11., 11101 I.a .... ,._ •tr.." QIOqD r '""'"' Telephone (714} ~2·4321 Cl•!lsified Advertising 642·$611 1lotOOIHlot<• \'ftlolr Ntw-. Ol!t<f 111-6)10 ,rol'llUll(lt""'M• 491.ffJO Ff-,..,Ill Or..,tt~nlJ tom,...,.,11••• 540.i220 C.eci••ltlll, ltt• O••ntt CO•U P11~11,111nt '°"'P•~f. Na M "' '"°' '°" 1i1,._.,.1~l, "''°' 11+ 1'11•11~• O! •O•t lt+t~"'tllll ... ,.,,. "''' Dt ••~•D<'l• .. ~O .. 11no .. 1 >pt(lt l l\ft<fll> .. f l> et "''"'"""''"'""'· '°''"" ~l••f •o•t.oqo Pt•ll .• , CO•I• Mt••. C..l•torlllt.&..=1 · ........ ,19,,J, .. _,,1,; 1'1maUtA GQ .,,,.,u,,.,,eto1111tll.,.•'3GG -!fl!... ' For 28-year-old Rick Peterson of Min- neapolis, the· long vigil on the evacua- tion of Vietnam has ended. He has been trying for months to get his wife, Kim, and children Lisa, 3, and John, 4, out of Saigon. They all arrived safely on 1 flight from San Francisco Monday. And Rick gets cheek- t o -cheek with daughter Lisa after the safe arrlval. UPI Telephoto Replace Strikers Rtibbish Haulers Hired Off Streets By KATll\' Cl,1\NCY Oltht 0•11¥ Pil01 Sl ... l Permanent replacements were being hired today for about 400 striking rubbish haulers in Hunt· ington Beach. Fount<J.in Valley. Laguna Beach and nine other Orange Cou nty cities. .. \Ve ha\·e had numerous call s and "'e arc just \\'ailing for them to come and file applications," said Sam Taormina, spokesman for the Orange County Disposal Association. The haulers walked off their jobs ~1onday in a pay dispute against the six firm s represented by the association. They a re responsible for 80 percent or the county's trash. Taormina said the six com- panies do hav~ some trucks out working today. "We are going as much as we can to as many places as we can," he commented. "It's hard to cover the whole area with only ske1£:ton cre"·s ." But Gene Raasch , a Teamsters Union negotiator for the trash truck dri\'ers and helpers, said he doubts the firms will "find enough people" to replace ever· :vone on strike. "That's one or the hardest jobs there is," he added. Raasch said he is willing to re- open negotiations with the fii;m s but Taormina said no talks are planned. The new e mployes are being paid under terms of a contract the strik ing r ubbis h haulers turned do"'"· Taormina said. It offered e m ployes a 33 per- cent boost in pay und benefits· over t he next three years. Drivers had been paid $3.28 an hour and helpers SJ .08. Raasch, \\.'ho s aid. ''Y-o u can't buy unylhing with that," seld workers "'anted a 52 percent boost, 72 cents un ~our the first yeu r and 50 cents each or the next two years instead. "They are responsi ble for a Girl, 14, Tells Rape Attempt A 14·year-old San Clemente girl was Sl'X ually molested Mon- day e\.·ening behind the snack shop at the clty.ow n1..'CI Bonita Ca· nyon baseball field by a short heuvy man wit h long red hair and a mustache, San Clemente Police reported. According to Detective Sgt. Ardon S11undcrs. tho girl was ,~·atking home from u friend 's house \\.·hen th e mun upproached, lhre<.1te ncd her with a pockel knifl.'. clr:1ggcd her behind the s nut·k .shop and attempted lo r:1pe hL•r. l 'hc incident occurred about Sp.in . Th<' un injured girl described Lhc nl tnC'kcr LIS 25 to 30 years old , fiv~ fCl'l nine inches tall. 200 PQund s, \\.'tlh red coll ar-lcn'-rth holr . .:i bushy ri:'d mui;tae:he and long red sideburns. A police ~t.·arch of the 11re.1 failed to pro- Uucc <Jny !'>USpccts . · From Page AJ HINSHAW. • • Instructed by the supervisors to !UC Hinshaw ror the $13,153 and to file a claim against the bond· Ing company that indemnified the count y against loss while he '4.'as osscssor. Now lhut the cmploycs have s<'ttlcd SS,693 on thei r own, that nmount is likely to bo deducted from the coun ly claim a1aln1t the Republican con1rc11 m an from r-,'ep ort Ren ch since it is no longer 0"•1ng. piece of equipment worth $48,000 to $50.000," Raasch said, noting that is the cost of a garbage truck. But Stan Tkaczyk, general manager of Rainbow Disposal Compa'ny in Huntington Beach, added, "There are plenty of peo. pie willing to "'ork for what we offered." He said striking w6rkers, will- ing to cross their own picket lines. may report back to work. Otherwise if the firms find enough new workers, they will no longer have a job. However. he said, they qiuld be placed on a "preferentia.Thir· ing list," to be reemployed as soon as an opening occurs. Both Taormina and Tkaczyk reported periodic harassment of trash collection trucks trying to complete their roun48. One group of strikers tried to block a truck enterinJ{ the Mc Donnel Douglas .Plant in Hunt- ington Beach Monday afternoon, and others have followed trucks through neighborhoods but there have been no major incidents, according to police and company officials. Canyon Blaze Fatal to One; Probe Slated Orange County fire officials said today one person died in a cabin fire in an isolated area of Trabuco Canyon early today. Identification of the victim and other information related to the fatal fire will not be available un- til later today, according to a dis· patche r at county fire head· quurters ln Orange. The blaze In the Trabuco Co· nyon area east of Holy Jim Canyon was reported shortly before 2 u.m., the di!p8tcher suld. lie noted that early reports in· dlcatcd a two-s tory cabin was destroyed In the early morning fire, probably before fire fighters traveling on primitive roads ar- rived al the scene. School Record Bid SACRAMENTO <UPI) - Le1l1l1tlon permitting atudenl.s 18 ye1r1 old or older to see their public school records paned the Assembly Monday on a 64 -0 vote and was senl to the Senate. Panel OKs Pot 'Fine' SACRAMENTO <UPI) -A bill reducing the criminal m a r ij uana penalties and substituUng u maximum $100 fine for posses s i o n of amall amountli of the weed was appro .. ·td today by the As· sembly Ways and Means Committee. The S c nale ·p a111c d measure <SB9.5l by Sen. Geor1:e Moscone <D·San Francisco), was approved on an 11·8 vote with little. discussion In the heavily Demot'rattc committee ond sent to the fUJI As- ~embly ~·here aupPQrters forecast approval. The bill , similar to an Ore1on law. would repeal poatlblo felony 11nctJont a1"'9st marijuana users. ' F,..• r.,,e /&I EVACUATE government reached any agree· ment with the Viet Cont. He said a eovernment delegation mcl lwice during the day with a Viet Cone delegation at Tun Son Nhut but the Viet Cone group said it was not quallfl('d to make political decis ions'. Huyen said one demand of the Viel Cong -the removal of all Americans -was already beipg met and that the demands for abolishment of the Saigon gov· emmenL and the army were be--- ing considered. President Ford ordered the airlift an er President Duong Van Minh made a radio speerh order· ln1 all Americans assigned lo the U.S. defense attache's office out of Uie country within 24 hours. At the same time. South Viet- namest> air force men began a mass fli g ht from their homeland. The Thai Foreign l\1inistry said 74 planes ca rried about 2.000 Vietnamese lo Utapao Ai r Base in southern Thai la nd . Civilian officials or\the South Vi etnamese governmenl were also reported fl eeing as rumors spread that the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese would soon march into the city. As the Americans pulled out. South Vi etna m ese polite and soldiers looted buildings they had occupied. They carried out refri ge rators, furniture, air 'con· ditioners and other household goods. Besides the South Vietnamese pl anes which fl ew to Thailand . a DC6B that had been used by high- ranking South Vietnamese or- ficiJIS landed at Clark Air Base in 1he Philippines with 130 persons 01board. includi ng air force men and a handful of "'omen a nti childrL•n. "'hil e n1ost Americans "'erC' pulling out, a few rem ained behind. Among them "'ere some news men and mi ssionaries. "We have talked about this for years." said ~l ax EdisC'r, 28, of Turpin, Okla., who works with the l\.1ennonite Central Commit- tee. ··we co uld never come up with a definite answer. Now we realize that having talked of love to our Vietnamese people, and told them not to yield to fear or ignorance, "'e cannot leave them ·in this hour of need. So u·e are staying." Among others remaining with Ediser are J ames Klassen, from Kansas, and Luke Matin, from Pennsylvania, both l\1ennonites. and Claudia Kric h a nd her .,. husband Keith Brinton of the American Friends Service Com- mittee. REFUGEES The refugees will be bused 25 miles lo Camp P endleton in San Diego County where Navy, Marine and civilian workers were strivi.ng lo prepare for the evacuees. The giant Marine base is one or thr~ bases in the United States handling the Indochina refugees. Each base will care for up to 20,000 refugees for 00 days or more, the Pentagon has an· nounced. "Marine and Na\fy personnel are busy gathering things like baby cribs, m edical supplies and food," said Lt. Col. Art. Brill, publl'C. affairs officer at Pendleton. ''You can i magine the logistics. We are making ar- rangements for medical ex- aminations as part of the recep· tlon. Tbere ore dietary con- siderations, setting up mess halls, making arrangements for laundry, getting women volun · teeni to help with the children." Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SAIGON (UPI ) -The nighl was eerie with rlare light aa hundr~ds of Vietnumese gathered outside the U.S. embassy begging Ame ricans to help them flee their country. "Please take my children," cried a young woman as she C'lulched an Ame1ican holding an e mbussy radio. "They are balt-Amerlc.11n.and the Viet Cong will kill them.'' MAlllNE GUAllDS IN FULL battle gear and embas.sy -offit'iala lit civlllan garb ttood within the_aates of the white concrete fortre1s-llke building. They listened to the Vietnamese pleas with harried but 1adlooks. The Americans were leaving. but they couldn't take lhe thousands with the m who wanted to get out. "I worked for the Americans 17 years," said a Chinese man. ''Why are they leaving me? I'm their friend.'' DOZENS OF ABANDONED CARS lined the broad .-bouleva'rd outside the embassy aS their owners sought r e- fuge within. • Most of the peopl,e were Vietnamese who worked for Americans or had half-American children, but many were from wealthy or well·to-do f;Jmilics. · "l have 1old," said a well·dressed young !'"a~ Lo an American. ''If you help me get out of Vietnam, I 11 give you $200,000... . l 'he wealthy bribed, the poor pleaded and oth~rs stood with bowed heads hoping the Americans would show mercy and take them out. LARGf. Cll-53 JOLLY GREEN giant helicopters set- tled on the roof or the embassy with loud roars. Red flares i.lnd smoke of smoke grenades thrown lo mark landing a reas for the helicopters made the night look like something from a horror movie. The lucky Vietnamese employes inside the embassy compound joined their American employers in boarding helicopters. Late in the e vening some Vietna mese gave up and began leaving the embassy area. SOME LEFT JN DEFEAT, some hunting other places "'here there '11.'erc 1\mericans, still clinging to the faint hope that they, too. might go. But most stayed outside the embassy begging the American guards to let them in. "Please help me ~ Please help me!·· -The cries will echo for years. Reluctance Shown Towards Refugees The pending arrival of some 20,000 Vietnamese refugees in the Orange-San Diego Cou nt y area has sparked instant reac- tion -most of it unfavorable - from slate and local officials. Worries about high state un- employment aroused the concern of Gov. Edmund G. Bro"'" Jr. Brown criticized as "'haphazard'' federal plans to r elocate the thousands of homeless war re· fugees in California. A state spokeman has reported that Brown Is balking at a re- quest by the federal government that he make available $100,000 to set up temporary facilities Lo aid the refugees in the state. Mario Obledo. head of the state's health and welfare agen· cy, said the governor wanted more information on the refugee situation before releasing any state money for them. Rep. Clair Burgene r of Oceanside, whose district in· cludes the Camp Pendleton area y.·here the refugees are lo be housed. said, "l ... hope that "'hat I have been told Is true - that the selection of Pendleton will not result In San Diego Coun- ty being a permanent home for more refugees than would normally be the case. "I hope the federal govern- ment will do ell in Its power to prevent any additional financial burden bein g pl aced on San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton.'' From San Clemente, Ma yo r Tony DiGiovanni said he was "worried about the state or hea·tth these people are in .·· Orange County Health Office; Dr. John R. Philp, expressing the same concern. ordered that in - coming refugees v.·ould have to be confined to military installa- tions. • Military spokesmen continued to maintain that th e refugees are in good health. Dick Bro'll.·n, chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. said the refugee operation is "certainly not a California responsibility ... and certainly not a San Diego County responsibility. "If called upon to provide service and facilities, we will Im· mediately respond," he said. "but we'd hope the federal gov- ernment would r eimburse us for any and all costs." Gov. Brown's remarks over the past week of speculation about the pending arrival of re-fug~es in California have cen· tered uround the same theme - adding to California's already large unemployment rolls. Californi a, s aid the Governor Monday, "cannot afford more unemployment." He added that the Ford ad - ministration has failed to respond to urgent requests by Brown administration officials for more information on the re· fu gee influx. Brown said that, while the re- fugees are a serious problem . Ca lifornia's unemployment rate -nearing 10 percent -is equal- ly serious. A WORD TO THE WISE- • There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept. One advantage Is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than samples. Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only Off-goods, so that the customer only gets to see old pa.tterns, or carpets the mills couldn't sell to regular outlets. Also, thr.s type o f operation generally feels that experience Is un1mpartant, and consequently the salespeople know little or nothing. about the products. Finally, most will farm out ·the lnstallat1ons to the lowest bidder, guaranteeing a poor installation. (.Many of these installers are contracting illegally without a state license. . At A tden·s we maintain a happy medium. We carry 8 large 1nven~ory. and the largest sample selectlon around. we have e~per1enced salespeople, and our Installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state licensed contractor. DEN'S I : liisiillitiiin: ·custom drapsriss UC. NO. 2l04n 1663 'LACENTIA AVENUE • CCOSIA MESi'., CALIF. 92627 • /,HONE 6"6~138 -646-235' 4, ] j ' ni in m S1 lh lu In Ii li w p, ru th M th lo UI a1 Ir C; h; bJ ri' er le P< 1 A l . th . fU ., '. a1 ···co th "' th m la T• p Pl D. " tti w st Cl w ~ ' D a1 pi "i Cl P• S1 st VI ot w n1 ,, In I" p L ;, • • p b C• d ~ Si II ' h' I I I i • I ·' ' I I I t ' ~I r " . ' ' , . ,_. .. · j . ' ..;._ .. . ' ' . S. Viets Beaten Back at E"m"'' DAILY PILOT A3 assy '* '* * Marines Erect 'A City' By United Pres1 International Marines worked through the night at Camp Pendleton throw· ing up a tent city less than five miles south of Richard Nixon's San Clemente estate to house thousands of Vietnamese re· fugees scheduleO to begin arriv· ing today, to the worry of local of· ficials who wilnt them quaran· tined. · An estimated 20,000 refugees were headed for Camp Pendleton, one of three such re· fugee centers in the nation and the largest u .S. Marine base. ' • -~-J. ·- .·£<:-/"' 'jJ Civilians Battled At Wall SAIGON (AP) -Vielnam..., desperate to get out of Saigon ahead of the Communists clawed their way today over the 10-foot wall around the U.S. Embassy despite the barbed wire •toP it. , American Marines and armed American civilians used pistol and rifle butts to smash the '"fingers of Vietnamese trying to Climb over ltle embassy gate: The Marines in their battle gear pushed all the people they could reach off the wall, but the mass of people was so great that scores got over. Marines worked hurriedly Monday afternoon and through the night to prepare three areas for the refugees -quonset huts and barracks at Camp Talega and Camp Onofre, an infantry training center, and tents at Camp Christianitos. . CAMP PENDLETON MARINES BEGIN TO SET UP 'TENT CITY' To HOUSE 20,000 REFUGEES FROM INDOCHINJ>. u.,T...,.... Flrat lncremen1, i:~nl!lll About 700 People, Sc-to Fly Into El T-, .Th•n. On to Pendleton Some jumped and landed oh the barbed wire, cutting themselves in countless places. A middle-aged man and a woman were lying on the wire, bleed.in'g in numerous places. While the Vietnamese fought the embassy guards and each other, U.S. Marine helicopters were lifting more than 50 evacuees from the roof "of the Embassy building to carry them to U.S. Navy ships wailing off the coast. Marine engineers hoped to have 90 big squad tents erected by the time the firs.t refugees ar- rived. It might be necessary to erect "a city" of as many as 700 tents in the days to come, said the • post information officer, Lt. Col . t Arthur Brill. ''Everybod·y is working around ' the clock to get ready for the re· . fugees." Brill said. "You can im· •· agine the logistics. We're looking '. around for cols, blankets, cribs "· for children." Gangs of Marines labored through the night pitching tents as truckloads of cots piled up on -the site, and work began on a mess hall , laundry facilities and latrines. The refugees will land al El Toro and travel 22 miles by bus to Pendleton, where the acting public health director, Dr. Donald Ramras, said he did not see the refugees as a health threat "if they are retained within Camp Pendleton" and stay only a short time. He voiced concern that volunteer relief workers at the refugee camp may pick up and spread diseases outside. EPA Awards Grant to UCI Smog Program The UC Irvine School of Engineering has received a $50,000 grant from lhe Environ· mental Protection Agency for the training of air resource engineers able to tackle the causes and cures of air pollution. The one-year grant will allow 10 graduate studenls to complete the master's program in air re· source engineering during the coming school year. The program deals with the generation and control of air pollution as well as with its social, political and economic aspects. Dr. Scott Samuelson, director of the program, said the present number of air pollution control engineers graduated is far short of supplying the demands of in· dustry, consulting firms and gov· ernment. Bottle Barter Empties Not Negotiable JACKSO!'jVILLE, F1a. (UPI) -An unidentified female motorist has learned that Jacl;tsonville bridge tolls are not payable with soda pop bottles. The woman didn't have the .money to pay a 25· cent toll on the Mathews Bridge last week and signed an ''insufficient fWlds" slip, promising to pay the quarter within 24 hours. A few days later, a package arrived at the post of· fice, addressed to the Mathews Bridge with a note to deliver it to Jacksonville Transportation Authority Boiird Chairman Wesley Paxon. When the woman was contacted the next day about the quarter, she told bridge manager Richard Landis of the package, containing three soda pop bot· ties, \vhich was to be given to Paxon for payment of the toll. After being told by Landis the authority doesn't barter for its tolls, she finally mailed in a quarter and demanded the return of her bottles. Not only did she lose the quarter toll and 10 cents to mail it, she also was stuck for postage charges of 81 cents on the pop bottles. State Warns Against Clams And Mollusks SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Mollusk lovers are being warned by state health officials to refrain from eating fresh mussels and certain parts of clams taken from the California coast between May·l and.Oct. I. The Department of Health said Monday beaches would be pasted with signs wami.ng people not to take msusels except for bait and advising clammers to cut out the dark parts1and to wash the white meat well before cooking. Officials said the annual warn· ing is necessary because warm· iing Pacific Ocean water fosters growth of poisonous microscopic organisms called dinoflagellates. Mussels and cfams feed on the creatures, producing a toXin that can befataltohumans. Oysters also could be dangerous during the quarantine period but are controlled by com- mercial harvesters. Across the street,. soldiers, police and teen-age youths were stripping and stealing the scores of abandoned embasSy cars. They were calmly picking door locks and rigging the ignition wires so they could get them started. American newsmen who had been taken to Tan Son Nbut airwrt earlier in buses could not. be evacuated from there because Vietnamese guards would not let the buses into the air base. The buses returned to the em· bassy, and the newsmen climbed over the wall themselves, beat- ing off Vietnamese who tried. to cling to them. Meanwhile, thousands of Viet· namese weie stripping the apart· ment buildings in which the flee· ing Americans lived. Soldiers, police and civilians joined in collecting , household goods, bathroom fixtures, books, furniture and food. Children threw small items out of the windows on the upper floors. San Clemente Mayor Tony DiGiovanni said he was "worried about the slate of health these people are in," and assumes "they will be restricted to the camp, at least for a quarantine period." DiGiovanni joined Orange and San Diego County officials, and state officials in Sacramento, in voicing concern over the impact of the refugees , hopes that they will be distributed throughout the nation and demands that the federal government reimburse local governments for any ex· Carpel}ter's Panel On Disorder Dies TV Watchers! This is your bed. pense involved. 1z {::{ i:? SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A state legislative committee, whose predecessors investigated Nazis, Communists and "sub· versive'' Japanese-Americans, submitted its final 354-page re· port Monday. 48 S. Viet Babies Set Down on Coast Anoth·er 48 Vietnamese war or· phans arrived Monday night at Los Alamitos Naval Air Station in what may be one of the last airlifts of ba bi es,to this country. Commander Bill Aylward said another baby lift or orphans is ex· peeled at about 11 :30p.m. today, but he said the flight cannot be confirmed until later. All 48 children arriving Mon· day night were in good health, and none were hoSpitalized, he said. babies are expected' to be evacuated from Vietnam. He said more flights may come from Guam or the Philippines, although he did not know how children are being held there for transport to new homes in the United States. Monday's flight was lhe J"ourt.h since Saturday, most of the other 190 orphans already have been transported on to adoption cen- ters throughout the country. Aylward e xplained Tan Son 1 Nhut Airport near Saigon now 1 has been closed, so no more Four children still are being treated al area hospitals for minor illnesses. I I i ' I ·' I I ' I I '"""' ........... VOLUNTEER ACCOMPANIES VIETNAM ORPHAN At Loe Alli""!"-; 41 C~lldreft Lllnd on U.S. loU It made no recommendations for legislation. And with that, "Sen. Dennis Carpenter, CR-Newport Beach), chairman of the Senate Subcom· mittee on Civil Disorder, declared the four·member panel officially out of business. Carpenter, a former FBI agent who chaired .the subcommittee since 1971, when it went out of the business of investigating "un· American '' activities, dis· charged the three-member staff and shut down the office April 1. He noted that eight of the panel's last 12 bills were killed by the Assembly Criminal Justice Committee ·and "with such a bad batting average in the Assembly, the subcommittee just can't ~ jUstified." "I just didn't feel that going in· lo a lot of legislative suggestions would be fruitful," he said of the group's final report, which chief· ly was a discussion of prison violence. One bill resulted from the com- mittee's operation this year and it would make it a capital crime for one prison convict to· kill another. The subcommittee's roots re· ached back to 1943 when the Legislature established a joint "fact-finding coinmittee on un- A me ri can activities in California." At the time it in· vestigated Californians for possi· ble membership in the Com· munist and Nazi parties and pro· bed what it called. "Jap&t\eSe subversive -.ttivities'' at California relocation camps for persons of Japanese ancestry. BrownOkays Newsgirl Bill SACRAMENTO (AP) -Girls must be treated like boys when it comes to sellln& newapapen or acting as messengers, 1 new law says. Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. sicned a blll Monday repealihl a law that bars girls under 18 from selling newspapers on the street, and another that limited the employment of messen•er airls. Both bllls were-by As · semblyman Robert B1dham (R· Newport Beach). They were AB 2561nd257. • ·FLOOR MODELS AND RECONDITIONED TRADE-INS SAVE UP TO $200 Many Ilk• new-all guarantaed- your chance now to own the famous. original Adjust·A·B•d at clearance eale prices! It'• the ultimate experience In com- fort for watching TV In bed, reeding, elmply easing away lhe day's ten- elons. With 1,000 posture-p•rfect po1ltlon1, you support your neck, back, thighs, leg•. With slmple el•c· trlc controls you adjuat your be_d to the contours moet reetful lo you. When you ·iower the bed to flat po1I- lion for sleeping, you sleep on the world's finest mattress and box eprings. · Adjust-A-Beds ere available In all bed sizes from twin to king and cul· tom slz.es-pluathe "His 'N Her" Dual Adju1t·A·Bed, with separate controls to adjust his or her position lnde· pendently. But hurry! It's first come, first served during this sale. BANK CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 2 YEAR TEAMS AVAILABLE TV BED'" ADJUST-A-BED® LOS ANGELES (MAIN SHOWROOM). 3271 W01hlre 91',d., t1e1 r VerM11nt, SIS·1•97 0 S.F. VALLEY, ENCINO 17070 Vcntu11 Blvd .. near Balbo&.986·3800 l... W. LOS ANGIELE.S, 11625 Wil· 1hlr• Blvd~ near S O F1•1wny. •78•4009 Cl LONG IEACH, 3928 "ttlllf\11¢ Ave , ne<'r Car~on •26·9469 0 OlllANGE, •11 Main St . near F11hlon Sq1.1111e, (71•) 639·•t•'l 0 TORRANCE, 3875 Picific Co1st Hwy., ne11 H.,.,lhorne, 373·8•41 LI CO A ONA ~IL MAlll: 3137 E. P11t1l•C Co a at Hwy .. 171•) 673·56SS $TORE HOURS: MONDAY THAU SATURDAY, 9:30 TO 5:30. MAIN SHOWROOM OflE'N 9:00 TO 5:30 '}!• , A-1 OAILYPILOT TueSday. Apn1 "9. 1975 • • DoD' Ford Ordered Evaeuat1on flus~ein Lands in 'Smoke' From Wire Services -A Boeing 707 piloted ·by Jordan's Ktng llusseln developed a smoking engine after landing at Andrews ·Air Force Base and ,fire engines went lo the scene. . But no £ire developed a nd llussein de barked to be met by Secretary 0£ State Henry A. Kiss· Inger and other o£ficials lo begin a private visit to Washington. A base spokesman said that the trouble Crom a rupture d (~_P_EO_P_LE~) hydraulic line d eve!opid after the Jordanian ;.1irliner landed and hydraulic £luid leaked to an ~ngine. • Rep. Wilbu r D. Mills, tD- Ark.), former !louse Ways and Means Committee chairman, has told aides and some friends in Arkansas that he will return to ll.'Ork 1\1ay 5. • f if· .... • .L.,...:. ' Since late February, l\lills has been a patient at the PaJm Beach Institute at West Palm Beach, F1a., where he has been undergo· ing treatment for alcoholis m. AMER ICAN COPTER CREWMAN HELPS EVACUEES ATOP .SAIGON BUILDING Americans end Foreign· Nationals Aown Out to Waiting Navy Shipe Before checking into the s.195-a-day private. Florida clinic. ~1ills was treated for about t"'·o months at Bethesda J\ld. Naval Hospital for alcoholis m. His drinking problem came to light in late 1974 with news reports of his involvement 1,11ith stripper Fanne Foxe. • President Ford will fly to Norfolk, Va .• Saturday f0r the commissioning ·or the U.S.S. Nimitz, the Navy's second n uclear-power.ed . aircraft car- rier. Jewish Guard Held In Embassy Attack While }louse press secretary Ron Nessen also announced that the Pres ident will fly by .helicopter Friday to Winchester, Va. to participa:tc in the crown- .ing of his daughte r Susan, 17, as queen of the annual Shenandoah ApplC Blossom Festival. • R. Sargent Shriver. the Ken-· nedy in-law who was the 1972 Democratic vice-presidential nominee, says some significant high-level politic al s upport ""\lo'Ould be e.xtremely persuasi\•e'''jn corivinctng him to seek the presidency next year. B.ut · $h'river.. s aid in :tn in· tervicw ·that, 'except £or ~ stale· ment ·of Possible support from Chicago .Ma yor Rich ard J. Daley,. •·1. haven 't had any parade or . officials corning in ·here and telephoning me to say. ·why don 't you consider run- ning.,.. ·. Shriver said he ·gets five or 10 Jetters ·a day ·asking hirn lo run, that some friends and. law as- sociates think -he ·should run and that a lot of people who worked f or him whe n be '.ran the Peace Corps and· the antipOverty pro· g ram would be willing toheJp. • -Princess Anne popped into a south Australian hotel for a royal counter lunch and was toasted in bee r by the drinkers at the bar. ··Good on you. Anne", drinkers at Port Lincoln's Boston Hotel called out,' "Come and ·have a beer '"·ith us". Instead ,. Princess Anne and Capt Mark"Pblllips went.to their buffet style. tunch and chatted with local dig nitaries. • llou~cwi{c Anne llill, who gets the shakes climbing two feet up a stepladder, tried to conquer her fear of he ights by jumping out of a plane at 2,500 fe et. "I don't know if lhe parachute drop has cured my fear of heights ... but it m essed up my hairdo,·· said lhe 37·year-old mother or two after landing-safe· Jy al Peterborough, England. .JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) -A South African security guard took 21 persons. hostage in the Israeli consulate, killed three persons and wounded 37, then surrendered early today after a 21 -hour siege, authorities said. David Protter, a 26 -year-0ld Jew who fought for Israel in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. said he had a grievance against the Israeli government. He s aid he wanted to be flown to Israel to talk to Premier Yitzhak Rabin. FIR ST POUCE reports said six terrorists had taken over the fifth-floor consulate Monday. Of. ficials said they did not correct the report unW after Protter sur- rendered because he threatened U"IT ........ A•grvE.....,.~t•r Former CIA chief Richard . Helms denied the agency was involved in assassina· tion of foreign officials Tuesday, and cursed CBS reporter Danie l Schorr for news reports aboilt CIA probe. to kill all the hostages if it became known he wa·s acting alone. Armed with three revolvers, two submachine guns and some hand grenades, Protter hid in- side the consulate before dawn Monday . He launched his takeover by telling each staff member arriving for work that he was conducting a security ex- ercise and locking him up. When his Israeli superior. security officer Giora Raviv, ob- jected, Protter shot a nd killed him, authorities said. One of the other men killed was a South African employe, Edwin Malpo. The -third victim, whose body was found in the consulate, was not identified. CONSUL·GENER AL Arieh Bustan said that when he arrived at 9:50 a .m ., Prolter asked him to accomp~ny him to the vault for the security exercise. There he saw a guard lying on the floor . and Protter trained a revolver and light machine gun o n the con- sul, telling him he ~as a hostage. CommerciaJ Attache Michael Ram s aid Protter wired the building with 165 pounds of ex- plosives tied to an electronic de- tonator. He added to his hostages by capturing children of con- sulate .s ta£f who arrived after al· tending morning movie shows . The police first learned that something was going on when Protter opened fire on lunchtime crowds in the street below and wounded more than 30 persons~ The police rushed forces to the building, took over the floor s above and below the consulate. NON-WELCOME MATJS'OUT SEATTLE, Wash. IUPI) -A resolution welcoming Viet- namese refugees to this city failed Monday in a 7 -1 vote by the city council. Heavy Flooding in South Rai14 Winds Worry Western Stockmen Temp era t11r<!>I H ltlt L•• At~uerqu~ .. " AUM'lta " .. eos1on " ~ Bt_,,svl!I" " " 8ulta!o ,. " Ch1Ca9Q .. .. C1nc;1nnat1 " " ·c ...... , • ..., •• ., Dalla\ " .. oe""e• " .. Ott rot I ., " Honollllti .. " K.nu,C..t -,, " U 'V'91S " " IMl-i ., " MilwMl•n ., " Ml,_"PO'll\ .. " '*"'°'"' .... ' " " HtwYor• .. •• 0. I iollafM ( I I 'f " •• ....... " " PatmSPff"'I\ " " Pl'lli.dflpl'll• .. .. ""'-"'• ., " ......... .. .. POl'tland, Or~. " ,. .. ~ " " 5'c.r•mento ,, " si • ......,i, n " Slit La•• Citt .. " !oM\Ft-1\Co .. " Seaui. " .. w.S111ng1on •• .. C alifo r nia .... ... ·" "' ~ ... lQ £1\fWlltf•, lllfl'lt win .,. '" UIA ' mid-* to lew 1°' •!Oflt I~ <MM. )ft Ille 1Ck In lnleftd Y•li.r•. In,,.-'°' In .. lhtrnllllftt•ln,•ncl In the 70S '""*"In • tl'ltdlher1,, Ovtrflltfll IOwS wlU ,.,. .. trom tM m!IMOJ to mld-5Cb al Ille &N<"" 10 I,_ ll'I~ 10 mld·.o! IP! Ille tnaun- l1lns. v.s.S-••rv T""""9•UOll'rtll tJ.u"""'° ID bttl9f ,.,.left• of !fie Sol.tin tOday, ltoodlno -wl....,.,Md In m."y t ta!H MCI t.1-.•"'fl''I adwllOffl\ ... ,. II-In Ult w,,1, --~ ...Al•~SHOW rnllfOWtn ~ .~~ ""Ith llDDCli"'tl WOtllCI QfOw IOCl•r ~•¥r r11ni o.,tr ll>e Mhli~~PP• A!Yer Clrlin•qt bl~i n l;ul week brOUCJhl llDOCllnq ., l•r not"th •• Him· nit.Al, Mo .• anCI Cairo. Ill., """ I~ I°""' M1i~ouri .,,., llood•nq "heklw Hermann, Mo. • At Minot, N.D .. (•I r 0U IC1•I• ,,.,,,.,. e11, Mo•n •v•<u•Tiny 111 .. 111 1n<J t ldittlr 11¥1"'1! in 1r.e f!OD<I Pl"'" Ol lho! \-lien Sourll Alff•. T~ ate A. In llM f>Ol'll\-1! J>Ofllon ol Intl )l~l<t, ... cf'lwt'd more th•n tour '""''" ot ''"" Sin(I s.t1.rO•r Ind had ha•G r.!M • MO<lclar nf9hl, N1l1ona1 G""'t!IYl'll!n ~':";~~~~,~~~ .. '~~:~~~·= ....... Coastal Weath er !iotne l•l• lllQl'll •f'ICI ••fl• n·or11.ll(j loo,J 9' low <lov<I• 01Pler•lw <lfff nlQll'll' -wnnr 4'r• triro"9f1 w.d• ...-.. LIQhl wa riab11 winds nl(lh! •nd rnorn•"'J lllMlrs. HIQlll toO•r .Sta n. Coa•i.1 11m"ra1iire1 •••Ill ,.,.. bet-n l2-lO. Inland llrt11Mr a11,or•cf, w!ll ••"91 &Ill-41 M'CI 16. Tfll wat., ltm> Ptl'allolr1 will bl $1, Sun, M-. Tides " " 2 South Viet Embassy Aides Steal Check WASHINGTON (UPI) -Two South Vietnamese Em bassy of· ficials stole and cashed a $250,000 embassy check before disap- pearing, the Washington Post r e- ported today. 1 THE POST SAID a n FBI spokesman told it the two un- named officials cashed the blank c heck . s igned by embassy superiors, on April 18 at the Madison National Bank in Washington, which is in the same building as the embassy's over· seas procurement office. The FBI was unable to confirm the Post report this morning. T he story said the officials, who. worked in the procurement office, made out the check to themselves for $250,000 ancrgot the money mostly in $20 bills they put into an atlache case. The check was signed in ad· vance, the newspaper said, by embassy £i n ancial officials because one of the required signer s was to be out of town and the other t hought the check was to be made for about $140 to purchas e news paper subscrip· lions . Unwed Moms Off ered Cash For Offspring WASHINGTON (AP) ~ A panel of newsmen have ouUined to a Senate subcommittee' the operations of baby sellers that in· eludes lawyers offering up to $10,000 for infants t.o unwed mothers receiving pregnancy counseling . The testimony came in the first of two days of hearings by the Senate children and youth sub- committee which is probing in· dependent placement or infants by doctors and lawyers. Maury Z. Levy, editorial direc- tor of ''Philadelphia Magazine," s aid one of his staff members who did volunteer work at a local pregnancy testing and counsel- ing clinic told him that some lawyers were o£ten seen outside the clinic's offices aild that they .. had approached a number of young women who'd gone in for pregnancy courweling, trying lo persuade them lo keep their babies until term, then to give them up for adoption. Book Thrown At Prisoners CHICAGO <UPI> -The o wner of a ''Weird JI a r o I d ' s A d u I t Rookstore," who pleaded guilty lo s elling an obscene ma1a1lne and wu.s ordered) as punishment to deliver 3,000 smut-free books to the Cook County Jail, says he has cho&en May 1 - "Law Day" -to cjellver the firs t installment of 1,000 books. Bookstore owner Harold Rubin said Monday be picked the books hlmiel! and they included such subjects as pollllcs and constltullonal law as well as some mysteries. Rubin, 35, pleaded guilty March 11 to sellina an ob~ scene maga1ine. Last A.ct in U.S. Vietnam Tragedy By .RICllAllD JI. GROWALD Ul"I .. Iller 11:9110!' WASHINGTON -Secretary of Stale . H<:nry A. Kissinger chewed and swallowed a piece or candy, picked up a black telephone and asked to be connected to President Ford . The President, seated ln the second-floor family quarters or the White House, Uatened a moment, then sµoke. NEWS ANALYSIS Fourteen years a£ter American troo1>1 went into ln· dochina by presidential or- der, Foret ordered the evacuation or Americans remaining in Vietnam. It was shortly ufterll p.m. ~tonday . KISSINGER, SEATED AT IUS desk in his corner officC of the White House west wing office area, picked up the telephone again and called Secretary of Defen se James R. Schlesin ger. The President's will was done. The last act of what Ford has called America 's Vietnam tragedy began about 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Cabinet ~oom where the President was meeting economic and energy advisers . Ford had been expecting word from Sa igon that Communist mi litary pressure on the South Vietnamese capital was ending the time left for evacuating the remaining 940 Americans plus far larger numbei-s of South Vietnamese. He was seated al the cabinet table, flanked by Commerce Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton and federal energy administrator Frank Zarb. when Lt. Gen. Brent A. Scowcroft slipped into the room with a piece of folded paper. Scowcroft. Ford's deputy National Security Affairs ad"'.i ser, a slim and quiet spoken military intellectual, keeps the President informed hour by hour. Ford unfolded the piece or paper. THE WH ITE llOUSE HAD JUST received details of the North Vietnamese heavy artillery assault on Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport. Ford nodded, refolded the paper and wound up the meeting in which Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller 1:1nd 12 other aides were advising him on whether to reimpose oil import fees. At 7: 10 p.m. Ford strode from the Cabinet Room, across the hall and into the Roosevelt Roo m wh ere his National Security Council was assembling. Kissinger was there. Scowcron, too . Others included Schlesinger, Gen. George Brown, chairman of the Joint Chie£s of Staff and CIA Director William Colby. Ford asked: had the time come for the final evacuation'! Fifty-five minutes later, Ford emerged from the Roosevelt Room, talked with Kissinger and walked to his second·noor living quarters to eat with his wife. . . Ki ssinger's wire Nancy, in a full -length e vening gown , arnved to take her husband to the theater . Kissinger shook hi s head. She noticed he was nibbling candy. a sure sign of Kissinger under stress. In the White House s ituation room. the most top-secret space in America , Scowcrofl 's aides ~athered in the latest data Crom Saigon and charted and mapped it. Kiss inger pi cked up a phone and talked to ambassador Graham l\1artin in Saigon: Ford had said he would not orde r the final evacuation until the di plomat signaled the lime had come to leave. "'WE SHOULD GO WJTl:I Option 4,'' Martin told Kissinger. Option 4 on the President's list of action choices called for a final helicopter evacuation. similar to that carried out earlier in Phnom Penh. Ford's Chier of Starr. Donald Rumsfeld, his deputy, Richard Cheney, and John Marsh, head of congressional relations for Ford. gathered in the west wing along with press Secretary Ron Nessen and his deputy, Bill Greener. Then came Kiss inger's 11 p.m . call to Ford and .the Pres ident's decision. The rain had stopped by now. ; " .. . ' I Ford, his dec is ion made, Strode into the "''est wing, through , ,. his Oval Office, down the tan·carpeled stairs iind into the situa-.1• tion room . I-le and Kissinger were briefed on the jun1p by U.S. ,, , Marines and helicopters from offshore carril'rS into Saigo!' for the big pickup. Ford neither s mih .. ><l nor £ro\lo'Ded . lie thanked the bricfers and, walking back to hi s living quarters , was hailed by a re- porter. "Working late?" "With good reason ," l<"ord repli ed, walking on . Marsh and his assistant. Max Friedersdorf, telephoned con- gressional leaders with news of Ford 's ev acuation order until l a.m. then they joined Greener in devourin~ three large pizzas retched by assistant press secretary Larry ~1 . Speakes. AT l:l lS DESK. KISSINGER kept in conl;u.'t "'ilh Schlesin ger, who munched a hamburger in the Pentagon command post. listening to the communications traffic, the calm. flat voices crackling half a world away. He heard Adm . Noel Gayler. Com- mander in Chief in the Pacific, tell Gen. Homer Smith in Saigon, ''the situation is getting out of hand." Kissinge r kept eating candy until 2:05 a .m. when, taking Nancy's arm, he le ft to get some sleep before joining Ford in a morning meeting with Jordan's King Hussein. In the Firs t Family's living quarters. ~~ord was ke pt informed 0 the evacuation by periodic telephone calls . Lights burned in the White flouse the ni ghl throuJ(h. · · . School Program ., House OK's Nickel Hot Lunch Subsidy ! I WASHINGTON (UPI) __:The •louse voted Monday to subsidize the hot lunch ol every U.S. scllool pupil by a nickel, cxterid the free lunch program lo chlldren of the unemployed and raise the eu.a:1~ ble income· for reduced·prlce:a ( IN SHORT J: lunches. • The House approved the measure 33S to 59 and 1ent It to the Senate. 1be bill •lao extends several school; mttaJ ·programs beyond this ye&r and expands the hot lunch coverq:e to intlude an eslintated 12 niilllon elementary arid secondary students. core melt down," said Df.i Theodore Taylor, or the lntema-1 ti on ill Research and Technology f Corp. : i I 'A' Pla11t 1'llt eat WASHINGTON (UPI I -An in· dependent atudy of nuclear power plant safety baa found t.bat DENVER (UPI) -Bombo exJ ploc:led iri' front or the home of " ~!ltral ln~elllgence Agency ofi f1c 1al and in the stairwell.of .. ~ow~town bank Monday, Jnjur 1.ng six persons. Police said toda;, they did not know 1£ the exi plosions were the work of ter-i rorists or '"justsome crackPot.'' J I a determined band of terrorists D9My PMot Dtli•ery equipped with the pi'Oper equip· Monaar-F~!":~ not f\8'¥9 ment and know·h01' could )Qlf fWIOef' by $;3o p.m.. can~ sabotage a power reactqr and 7. P·'"· and your copy win be cs. cause are at Jou ol llfe. · 1 ...... ec1 Slilu~ay and Sundar: If "'°"' oo noc "We found that by 1etlin1 very 'ecetYf rour cooy by a a.m. ~ detail~ knowltda:e of pie way d.ty, °' • a.m. Sunctar. call belor• 10 the plant wu ltid out, much of •·"" •nd vour coov •10 b9 d91iY91'9d. that · knowledto beina pu blic c ... _,,,, "•• be r ,__ M t"'· r~.. ·' cause o we requirements of 08 yr •nve ..,yy~ly ..,,... •U-4111 the Freedom ol lnformallon Act. Nott~! Huntington 8MCh Utat a •omblnaUon ol hl•h •.•. 1f'ICI W91tminst•t .•...... &4..1111 .. ., -San Clom•nte. Caplatrano Oeecl'I ploslves, fi res, wire cutters and S111Joan C1pit1rano. · so on could causo events that [ D.tna Polni, Soutn Laoune. Id be I. I I _. LllQuna Nlguel . ,. , , •• 491-NJI "ou ve ry 1kf' v to en ... to a ,·, '--~r--'----'-..;;,.;;.:~:;,i.! M 0 SA1 Calif• ly en lei:iS bil ls• Th Spea! 1'Yan rent 1 to th~ c tees · betw semb dif£e1 bill. Cut ing {' pub Ii tees comr budg· Pip SA Stan< IS J>O to bu tl.'rm. conn, pipe I I Fir Este1 incl 1 f ac ii link el onshc 6 ml wouU mile! dard Air LO Boar• h as pass: AngE' until noisC Th1 Mon< a pp rt pact SSTs Bal L(}. trial secor. trial 1 jury! lessll Ar for Si been rne ur juror days deud chari In mear cuse• coup a u th .servi $10.0; j:hild ·( .J I ~ ' Major Bill Open Meet Endorsed SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Culi(ornlu Assembly unanimous- ly endorses u plan to make all legisla tive he.a rings on major bills open to the public. T he measure by As se mbly Speaker Leo McCurthy, CD·San Francisco), would extend cur- rent open meeting requirements to the ad hoc conference commit- ( __ si_at_e _) tees which work out wrrerences between the Senate and As - sembly when the two houses pass different versions or the same bill. Currently, meetings of stand- ing committees are open Lo the public, but confer ence commit- tees a re closed, except for the committee formed on the slate budget. Pipeline Poaapollftl SAN · f'RANCI SCO CAP) Standard Oi l or California says it is postponing indefinjtely plans Lo bu.ild a $160 million deepwaler terminal near Morro Bay and a connecting 240-mile crude oil pipeline. First planned in 1972, the EsterO Bay project would have included orrshorc mooring racilities ror supcrt<.1nkers. linked by a 21ft -milc pipeline lo onshore tanks capable or storing 6 million gallons . A pipe line would have carried crude oil 240 miles rrom storage tanks to Stan- dard's rerinery in ItiChmond. Alrpori Ban8 SST• LOS ANGELES CAP J -The Board of Airport Commissioners ha s bann ed s upersonic p assenger air crart from Los Angeles International Airport until the planes meet rt.'tleral noise abatement regulations. The commissioners also vott.od Monday lo r equire the filing of a ppropriate environmental irn- pacl r eports for the operation of SSTs. Ba...,•elUllfl lffblrial LOS ANGELES (APl -A mis- trial has been declared in the second half of the "babyselling" trial of Ronald Silverton after the jury said it was deadlocked hope- lessly. A new trial will begin June 17 for Silverton. 42. "'ho has already been convicted on two mi sde- meanor charges in the c<.1se. 1'he jurors said Monday that after 13 days of de li be ration they. were d eadlock ed on the 10 other charges . In six fe lony and four misde- meanor counts, Silverton was ac- cused of exploiting childless coupl es by running an un- authorized adoption referral service that c harged us much as $10 ,000 to the parents adopting a .child.,- ' . ' . . Madame K y, wife or onc- ~ti m e South Vie tnamese Pre1nier Nguyen Cao Ky , a rrived at T11avis Air Force Base Monday night as a re- f u gee from her besieged l1omeland. She was among 211 passengers from Guam. Her hus band was not on the plane. PE Cl888 Exemption Supported SAC RAMENTO (U PI) -A Senate-passed bill eliminating mandatory physical education C'lasscs ia the last two years or high school has won approval rrom the Assembly. - The m easure by Sen. Arlen Gregorio, {D·San Mateo), was passed Monday on a 48-17 vote alld returned to the Senate for concurrence in amendments. OPPONENTS or the bill eon- tended it wou1d weaken physical training for young people but suilporters argued that students ure "getting s hort-changed" because P.E . classes place em- phasis on the natural athletes and the uncoordinated are ig - nored. Ass£'mblyman ~1ik e An - tonovich. <R-G lendale). said th£' meas ure "is a method or weaken· ing physical education in our schools. Don 't throw the baby out wi th the dirty water.'' But Assemblym a n John Knox . (0 -Ri chmond >.said only a small pa rt or P . E . c lass lime is spent in actual physic al training. "Stu- dents spend ·most of their time taking off a nd putting on thei r clothes." he said. UNDER CURRENT law stu- dents in g r ades 7 through 12 arc r equired to attend phys ical educ ation classes if they are enrolled rulltime and are not ill or injured. CQncert Arrests Blasted LOS ANGELES <UPI> -The a ngered general manager or the Sports Arena Monday accused Police Chie r Ed Davis of harass- m ent during a fi ve-night pt!rformance by English rock group "Pink Floyd" terming the mass arrests or 511 young people "appalling." Jim Hardy complained.that an overwh elming deployment of police ofricers ·'beggars any kind- or common sense, logic or justification. It 's a meter-maid philosophy.·· CHIEF DAVIS termed the con- cert p erformance a ''dope festival." "They can talk about the Forum 11.nd Riverside and Woodstock -let the rest or this· country go to hell , but I don 'l ttiink Los Angeles should do it," Davis said. .. I-lardy said he was ''appalled by the irresponsi ble statements" made by Davis. J~e wondered ··how he can justify the deployment of hun- dreds of offi cers to hassle this .event.'' There were 30~ arrests made outside the arena and 209 inside, most:ly for possession or mari- juana, police said. "If they ever made that kind of sweep of the park at a football game. they'd have to arrest 50,000 people." Hardy said. POLICE RECORDS revealed 364 persons "'ere arrested for possession of marij uana, and the rest for various charges rangiit g rrom ticket scalping and sex perversion to assault. I-lardy described the 80,000 fans who attended the rive ni ghts as "the best a udience we've ever had." He said there we re no fi ghts and no damage to the building. ROBE RT 1111.l'URN,. rock music critic for the Los Angeles Times. said the audience was "even more orderly than the con- duct at hundreds of other rock shows in Southern California. "The difference last week at the Sports Arena was not the au- dience behavior but in police priority ." Hardy said •·it was absolutely appalling that kids driving lo the Sports Arena would be pulled over for an.Y reasonandsearched." -. Prison Set For Pmhers SACRAMENTO (UPI) Le~islation rCQuiring mandatory prison sentences for persons convicted of unlawfully selling, rurnishin g or a dminis te ring drugs to minors passed the As- sembly Monday. In a 63-0 vote, the measure by Assemblyman Daniel Boatwright CD-Concord), was sent to the Senate. raised white letter • . Stomper Slzo So!ePtlco lrOIJc ·'" P11ce ~,Q.1J $27 ~:1., 870-U I.Ci _I [10-"'1 ,_ 110 14 ., C-<-O 1-1 $33 .. G70'<>t -{;0{1 I~ ,. c,;.1()•"1 .. "' ' - fOU MH>•lJ/IA S!Z( lll?lS l70 t4 170 ;.1 G ,0 14 G 10·15 Gb0·,4, GbO 1!> pk,~ fedE!-rol ( •C1<e-!O• ot S:? 47 lo $3 14 ond re!reodottlt' hO<:Y'•tn • Wide. low 60 or 70 series proli!a for grea!er slob1lity • 13old raised vvhi!e leners p1ovlde per- lormonce styling • Polyester COfd body gives slreng!h and o smooth, qu1el ride • Two t1b ergloss bel l~ ror 1m p1oved ,,;•')!1.euno o nd troc1101 ONE WEEK ONLY CUSTOM WHEELS $22 " OlJ'Chene o1 Storroer OI l?ocfcl I P. tittts Slres~3 •!.i:0.14w0 7:, B FG d ' h , , ·were the other guys B. F. Goodrieh Store COSTA ~ESA . 2049 HAllOI ~VD. 646-4421 SANTA AMA 200 SO. MAIN ST • _547·71111 AMA HEIM 524 W. LU4C91.H ' 774-11171 Tuesdily Ap111 29 l'l75 DAILY PILOT A.> Drunk Driritlfl Jury Acquits ~~~ tioA F&;CO Assemblyman ~ ........... ·- LOW COM AUTO SACRAMEN10 <UPI > -A Municipal Court jury Monday acquitted A ss·embl y m a n Mike Cullen CD-Long Beach). of a drunk en dri ving tharge following a week· long trial. "l want to cry," said the 47 -yea r -old lawmaker after the jury returned its verdict. ··1 spent virtually every waking moment outside or working hou rs think- ing about the evidence.'' The case went lo the jury last Friday. Cullen was arrested whil e driving h is th1t youn rn.y not! 1 COMPLnt OUN•t cou1t1n COYt•••• ....... :a...-a..111, S.C ...... ,M ..... YJele, 0.. hlllt, -.. 11 -L4Att ........ _efL.A-... 2 MONTH TO MOMTM llNTAL IASIS 3 NO DIPOSrT U9UlUD ON AmGYIO CllDn 4 ONLY $17.'0 Pll MONTH TOTAL COST h11lll•trff ,...., 5 NIW COMrAc;T UNIT SIZE ll 1/o r 4 .. V1I 6 YOICI MISSAGI PAGIU ALSO All AYAILAILI 1 FULL Fifi MAINTINAMCI ORANGECOUNTV RADl01ELEPHONE SIRVICf •~r 17t41135·Jl05 .. IO. u.KT.I. ,., s'AMTA A"" 1..-L--· Mlt ... _,., 0.... hlflf, 1M C-Im ..... , C• ... 1'-. l"I T-...... .... •••·>21) ·STIMULATES young minds. INSURANCE Cadillac during the night of Jan. 23, straddling two lanes, according l o police o££icers ltobcrt Da vi s and R ich ard Willianl . They said Cullen {ailed a roadsidl' aobriety test. Authorities said hi s blood·alcohol level wus .09 percent. Under state law, a driver is pre· sumed to be drunk y.•hen his alcohol J(.·vel reaches .10 perce nt. Married persons over twenty.five Twenty-one year old single males Nineteen year old single males '84 * annuafty '146* annually s154·• annually (!vii 1 • ..,. ~·~·•011l1) Cullen and his wife testified they had gone out lo dinner, he had only fi ve and one-half drinks over a five-hour period. BOB PALEY and Associates Inc. Phone: South Ononge County 642·6500 North 0r.,.. County 546-3205 Free Safe Deposit Box with account of $1000 at most offices Plus all the important free financial services. • Free American Express Travelers Cheques e Free American Express Money Orders • Free Notary Service • Fr ee Trust Deed and Note Collection • Free Check-A-Month Plans • Free Save-by-Mail Serv ice for all (We pay lhe customary costs of these services 1or you ) ""'¥(!"" •• J., Hl;H(ST INTEIEST WtlM ll[W i411,DOO OISIJUMC[ • 'OMPOIJllOlCI DlllY 7 .75% 8.06% 6"UllS • $1000 011 -IE 7.50% 7.79% 4"E•RS • $10000!!-E 6 .75% -6.98% 2h.,.E&"S • $10000!'-f 6.50% -6.72% l "f&ll• $10000!!-IE 5.75% = 5.92% _ _:90=0•"!J_•_S_•OOO_ORlllOIH' 5.25% 5.39% llEGVL&>l &CCOVNT P&IC ~-O&" •N TO O&.,.-OUT 10~~ 1 ~· , .· "·'1' ~'1'~•""!rt"~· .,, '• 1t:l'Jl!li•'' .nll~I " I• - \ GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS ASSETS OVER $4'h BILLION • STRENGTH THAT'S BEEN GA OWING SINCE 1187 80 Fashion l1land, Newport Cenler • Santa Ana • Buena Park • Laguna Hlll1 0 placaatthe same time. Long distance puts you in business anywhere, without taking you out of"your office. Even a coast-tcx:oast crisis can be handled quickly and economically. The next time you nc'Cd to be in two places at the same time, remember how you can get there. AG 'D i\ILY PILOT "'"E DITORli\L P i\G E The New ITDIDigrants The numbers seem to be uncertain, ranging fl'om ···a millio n I unlikely) lo a few hundred lhousand (proba· blc) but the influx of South Vietnamese refu gees to thC United States is under way. We have cx1>crienced m any such waves of immi· g ration fol lowing political upheavals in other parts of the world-from the lfitler period, later from the Iron Curtain countries and more recently from Cuba. Unfortuna tely, none has coincided with the sort of ' economic recession and unemployment that we now 1 are experiencing. And no'ne has been generated by as ' controversial a situation as our involvement in Viet· nam. Some oppositiori to these refugees seems inevila· ble, There arc those \vho say it is o ur moral responsi bililj' to protect those South Vietnamese v.•h'bse fu ture \Yould be enda ngered by their past association '"ith U.S. agencies should they remain at home. There arc those who feel we already have done all ,\·e can to attempt to rescue their country, even though th e effort failed. There a re those who fear, because of racial a nd <:ultural differences, bringing the m here is pe rhaps no kindness. But the fact is that some already are here,, and more wi ll be coming. Most are people who have Suf· fercd g reatly and look forward to a breath of peace and freedom . The \V<.1r, and our participation, was not their fault. Lt•t us put bitterness aside and look on those \vho come with kindness. Tax Help for Seniors Senior citizens living · on modest in comes arc among the harde st hit b:y steadily risin g property ta:x- cs. The pli ght of older persons \vh o huve devoted much of a lifetime to acquiring hom es for their retirement years was recognized. by Californlu with pussnge of the Senior Citizens Property 'fax Assista nce Pro· gr a m. It provides for the refund of a portion of property taxes paid by individuals 62 years of age 01· older who occupy their own homes. To qualify, they must have ' been residents prior· to J an. 1 and have a total ' household income of not more than $10,000 for the year . 'l'he filing pericxl for this year's claims opens May 16 and closes Sept. 2. Application forms will be m ailed directly to 310,000 citizens who filed for assistance last year. Persons filing for the first ' time m ay obtain forms frurn the Franchise Tax Board. 28 Civic Center P laza, Santa Ana , or cull 558-4·540 for dct;.iilcd in~t rul'tions. There h;.ive been some changes in the procedu1:e of computing income this year, mostly lo the benefit of t.hoscclig ible. Olde r persons who occupy their own homes \vOuld be \VCll a dvised to look into the possibility Of 3 S· sistance from this program. Thanks, But No Thanks! Oh \Vhat a glorious feeling of imrr:iunity it would give! Imagine having a license tab that would exempt you from parking tickets handed out by cit y and coun- ty police. That's what state Sen. Georg~ ~osc.on c of San Francisco \vants to offer as a privilege to all Californi a ne\vsm en. Th<.1nks, sen ator, but your bill is a bit much. \Ve'll struggle <.1long feeding parking meters like everyone else . Questions "M'( FATHER'S NAME IS l<EN NU>Y JOHNSON NIXON l<ILROY." < 'Slap' at _Reagan? Cocaine .Soaks Up That Excess Money ' Witlwut Rocky Veers from Right BEVERLY HILLS -"I 'd rathe r have two P<1.cemakers than one Mercedes." a woman was overheard to say the other day while having dinner in a r estaurant that charges only s lightly less than $5 a string bean. While the rest of Ame rica worries and wonders how it will make it to the next paycheck. the problem here is how to spe nd it and spend it so everybod y can see you 're spending it. After you've bought the art de· co house with the classical re· vival pill ari by the front door. where the Rolls-Royce Silver cloud and the . M e rced es sports car are parked -the second for qui ck r uns t o the grocery store -what do you spend your money on ? At Mr . Guy's you can a chi eve the muc h-sought-after rich. casual look. by paying $32.50 for a blue denim work shirt. Females can s pend $l 75 £or a pair o£ imported French jeans that com e pre -patc hed or em- broidered with fl owers in the crotch. If you're a S3 million-a-year roc k star -and that means you 're not a very big one -or a record company vice president or a sharp Beverly Hills lax lawyer or a hot producer of records or films. that also means you're still ·1eft with a Jot of money th at you have to s pend. It has come home to you that you can buy anything and do anything , and ydu'vegot to do it. How do you solve your pro· blem ? \·ou get into cocaine. ''THE STATUS symbol is how large yo ur s t ash is and how casua lly you're willing to part with it,;, says one music industry person. ··1 know guys who take out the li ttle bottle and. when tRey pass it around , they'll say. 'Go easy on that. man. It's got to last me to next payday." And I know ladies -you know those kinds of chicks you used to see at Acapulco in bikinis with the little gold c hain around the waist and the sma ll silver-wroug ht fish on the neck -well. you see those ladies now in $1 ,000 worth of blue j eans, the same amount of or more in Jndian or turquoise j ewelry . But this time they have a little spoon hanging from the neck a nd $2 ,000 wo rth of cocaine ·Dear Gloomy G us Brown jusL signed the bill. s11ying the NOx device is no good. I was just given the title to my car from the bank and in orde r to get the title transrerrcd through Sacramento I have to have a NOx device lnstaJled- because t 's the law. Does t.hjs m ake sense? B.A. OMltl• .. ,._.., ., ...... "'"' ... ,........ ............ _ .. ,,.. ... .. .......... _ ... , ........... ,.. ............... ...., ..... ( VON HOFFMAN ) in their purse.·· It's s aid that the prices on tiny antique European gold and silver spoons have gone out of sight. -The sam e mus t be true for miniature inla id or enilmeled boxes in wbich to carry the pre· cious stuff. Precious is the word for it. '-The going price runs anywhere from $65 to $150 a gram," says another music t ype, "depending on how many limes it's been stepped on and the relia bility of the source.'' To s tep on it means to cut it, and it is frequently cut y.·ith imported Ita lian baby powder, quinine or procaine - for the while market. Speed is more in favor in the black com · munity. Since coke is a rather swift drug itself. the effect of mixing it with uppers must be more than a little racey-spacey. THE BEST and cheapest co· caine is doctor-prescribed. The . word is that some doctors have · been prescribing it for an im· .aginary epidem ic of piles. That has given rise to a certain number of scatological jokes here, but as one observer of this newest example of conspicuous consumption says, "Prescription cocaine is only for real rich guys. That kind of doctor.will only deal with somebody who's)l:ot more to lose than himself. I'(S a Beverly Hills trip." Everybod y else has to buy from a dealer . Who tbe big de· alers a re is a n unsettled ques· tion . Som.e people say iL 's American Indians who, at long last, have found their own racket to latch on to. "Crap." says a lawyer who claim s to be in .a pos i· tion to know a bout such things. You get the us ual talk about the Mafia and drugs, but that's hard to run down. There's a portion of this community whic h i s perpetually s mitten w it h gangster love so it's next to im· possible to separate the real hoods. of which there is a suffj . ciency. from the imaginary ones. ' Al.SO in dispute is how large or small a segment or this part or the entertainment business is in the cocaine cu lture -they.say in Nashville they don 't e ven smoke pot -or whether the record com· panies really do routinely use coke as payola to get their re· leases radio air play. There·s no doubt. however, that the drug is respected as a medium of ex· change. One of our best·known rock stars Is supposed to have an en· tir e goldfish bowl of it, worth an estimated quatter of a million dollars. in his ela borate house and. two bodyg ua rds armed with machine guns lo guard It all. "It holds its value better than art In a recession, and iJ you get part or your legal fees in It , you don"t pay taxe.s on the profits,'' expl ained a music man who stop~ coking and has gone back tobooie~ '"l knew this ' sturr wasn't os harmless as they ii;ay when I saw a friend or mine In the business, o SSOO·a·week snorter , use up a box of Kleenex a d ay. And the guy doesn't know it, He really think!! he's had the same cold for two .yea.n .•• ~. Answers Questions to l\1/iiclz I Can 't Find Any Good Answers . Why does J apan have a crack train that averages 106 m1les an ho ur, Y.1hile the U.S . has nothing remotely like it in speed, com- fo rt, or dependability? •l ow d id t h e nic knam t! "Hoosier .. come to be attached to natives of India na'.'? (I've heard two or t hree far.fetched, but no satisfactory. explanations of its origin.) f.lo w come 50,000 more young \\'omen (20·24) than young men <.innually get U .S, passports to leave the country for foreign climes? "'hy aren 't the ice-cream manufactur~rs (like other food makers) compelled by law to list (SY DNEY HARRIS) all the chemicals and artificial substances that are put into their product ? Where do a ll the billions of filtered butts go? Js n·t .. c rowded " the wrong y.·ord for our population pattern , "''hen 75 pe rcent of our citizens live on less tha n· two percent of the Jand ? flow can we deem ourselves a prosperous nation \vhen the n1 e· dian of liquid assets or a ll families in the u .s. is only ssoo·! (One serious illness and it·s gone in a week.) \Vhy do most people fee.I com · pelled to sa y ... Of course, I'm not prejudiced ·' just b.ero r e they lilunch into a dem ... nstration of the reverse ? Although our literacy rate is over 95 percent. are we truly a literate people \\'hen we still have more blacks mith shops than we do bookstores '..' If it \vas a serpent that induced Eve lo bite into the forbidden fruit, "''hy does Jesus command 'us to be •·as wise as serpents •·? llo\v can p giant utilities com· pany•pay addition al dividends to its common stock ovmers and then find.Jt •;necessary .. lo ask for a seven percent in crl'l.JSe in rates from the public? \\lhy do police cars sti ll stop more young motorists \\'ilh long hair than old 1notoriS'lS '''ilh no hair. when they're both driving the same wa y:• If all vodka is substan1 i;.1lly tht.~ same <no a ging process), why do so many cons umers spend more for so·called ·premium" brand names? \Vhy hasn't the English langua- ge, in ull these hundreds of )'ears or change, rectified its m<XS t com· mon oind irrita ting omission - the lack of a com pound pronoun meaning .. his or h~rs "'!" l·IO\V can anyone believe in a spiritual le nder y.·ho collects tx· pensive cars and is d rivtn around in a Rolls ·Roycc? \\';\Sf.IIJ\'G1'0i\" -\"itt.' Prt.•s i· [ J dent Nt.'lson Ro('kt.•ft.·1ll'1 .. s thoi(·c · EVANS NOV AK iiS his Il l'\\" poli(:y i.ld \·i~l'r of ;.1n · • oulspukt.·n lih t.·r1~l Rt·publit'i.111 "·------------'· f r om Ca li forni:.i who mi.lkl's Ronald Rt>agan scl:' fl'tl J"t•l'lt.•t·t ~ both polarizatio,n :.tnd i1H:re;1 si11g confusion in the uppcr rt•:1 thc~ llf the Republican parl'y. John G. Veneman, ,,·idt·I~ eslt.'E'mCd <JS t:nder Set·retary of l·ft•alth . Edut'atlon and \Yelfart· ~llE\V ) throughout Rirhard :\!. Ni xo n 's first term , h.as be e n fl1i ll ·,f n o unced as th e new ··counselor'' to the Vi ce Pres id e nt . .. Tha t 's a sla p in the face to the Gov - ernor . a gleeful Reagan ins ider informed us . His hope: the unpleasant ·news, reaching Reagan in Lon- don, will be another nudge toward challenging Mr. Ford for the pre· sidential nominatioit. 1\T 1-\ :\[l :\11\l t.;1'1, p1ck111 ~ \·cnl-'m;Jn co n f il'mt·d th;.1t ltockeft>ll t•r has abandont•d con · t"ili:.ilion of lht.· Rcpublic<Jn right ilnll is rt.•tu r ning to his hon1t• in tht.• p;.n·ty 's li be1·al "·ing. Thul is pol:..i ri zation. The confus ion urist.'s fro1n the t·ontr;Jst \\'ith tht• I'rt•sidt.'llt ·~ l'fforts at \\'a rmer l"l" ];1tion s \\'ilh Rcag:.in, to the point: of in\'iting the fi l'agans for un in- litn<.tlt• f;nn il~ !l1l-;.il .\lurt•u,·er. !hut ·•sJtJp i n thl· f:.il·l··· l'OOl t.·~ \\hill' lll•:igu n :-il•t·in s 1no\ ing, lhnugh \\ith in· f1nitt.· t·;.1ut11111 , to\\' a rd ;.i prcsidl•n- ti:..il th:Jllt.•nj.!t'. \\'hilt.• thl' \\.hilt· I/oust.' h~1d yl't to t:1kt.· t he fi1·st prl'p;.triltOl'Y StL'P lO\\'ard lhl' I97(i e:..itnpai gn . lll·ag an·s politi cal u µt.·rat i \"l'S a ss l•1nhlt.·d in \\":..ishin g:ton Just \\·cc:k for hours of po lilil·al l;1 lk. ,\t.·tuallv. \1l.'ll t.'tn:.iu ·s st'll'l'lion ts dest.·ribt.'d bv Rol'kl·ft.•llt.•r in· :-;idt.•rs ;1.s llt•\'Oid of polilil'al sig:nifit·:..i nt.·l'. 'rhL• \"ict.• l'rt.•sidt·nt 111.'t'(lt.•tl son1t.·bod\' '''ho kllu\\·s his \1·;.1y <.irountl both.Cil pilol llil l <.1ntl t ill' bl11·e;111l'l'tley a11d 1111 · dt·rsl<JJH!s lht.• iss ut.·s. \\'ho c-oultl rilJ l/l:Jl blJI l.il'llt.'I. than J at·k \·enl'1n;1n ·! ··'rhis ,,·us nut a po lilit·:..il :..ippointrnt.'nl." a Rol'kl•ft.•llt.•r spukt•s man told us in :.di bt.•rioUSlll'SS. ill.T \'•:.°"f-:1'11\:'\ is :.t politi('ian to hi s fi11g t.•rtips \\·ho, of l'Ourst·. \\ill bt.· iltl\·isin g llol·kl•fellt•r on politil'S as \\·t.·11 <JS health c:a1·c ll•g 1s l;.11ion . ,\t·t·ordingly, his political bal'k ground takt.•s on siitni fit·antt· A s u youn g s ta l t' ,.\s · St.'lnbly man. \i"t•ut·m:.in ,·igorous· ly supportcll Ci u\·. Rockefeller :..ig::.iinst Sl'n. f{;.1 1·1·y Gold\\·atl'r in the bloody California presiden· tiul primary of J!lG·l. ,\ft cr serv· ing a s Go,·. Rt·:J gan's li bt.•riJl Rt•publit.·un h uil's hirt in Lhl· ll'gislatu1'l'. \0 t'llt•1na n t-;.111\t' !11 llfo:\r 111 \\'ushington -1n ut.·h lo Ht•;.1g<J11 ·:-; vubllt.· dis p1t.·:.i surt.·. 'J'h:.il p1·odut·t•d lranst.·unlint.•nlal f t•udinµ a I.Hiii ! \\ l' lf a rt· is~lll'S. llt.•lurnin ~ lo C;.il1fol'ni:.i in l!J7J. \"t·nl•man ,,·:.is Lhc only pron1 i· lll'lll Ut.•pl1blitun to uppos t· Re:.i gan ·s unsllt.'tt·ssful l"l'fl'l"t'll · dum lo limit st:.1lt· sr~ .. ·nllin):! and l>llblit•ly n;.ii lt·d the (;o,·t•1·11or for t.•xag~t.'l':.tting ho\\-n1ul·h ht.' h:.itl .saved on ,,.l•lfa rl'. ltt•:.1ga11 , in turn. did not disguiSl' hostility to ,.l.nt.•m<.111 ·s Ull SUCl't'SSfu l 1974 bid for li eutl:'na_ut go\'ernor. Br tht•n, tht• Rl•agan-\'(•fl(•ln:Jn t.•n1nity h:.id transt.·l'ndt•ll id t•o logy and rt" ilt'ht.•d u highly pt!rson:.i l lt•\·t.·I. CO!\'.TF::'\T IOSS by tht.· \:it·l· Prt•s ide nt 's ililil'S that tht·S(' politit-:.1 1 fat·l s \\"t.'rl' not t'Ull · s idl't'(•tl is of a pit.'l"l' ,1·it h llot·kc fellc r·s o\\"ll claiins I hat his rll lings in tht• St'natt.· filibustt.•r dl·b~1te on Rult• 22. \\·hit·h so in· furi:.i tt·d t•onst.•r\'ati\'t' St-n:.ilors. 1\·t'1·c proct.•dura l in origi n ,,·ithout pulitic:..il rt•lc,·:.11H:t•. 111 lruth. holh Rult' 22 a11d \:l'nt•1n:111 dluslr;ilc thl' l'lld of Rot•kt.·ft.'llt.•1··s 1no:;l l't.'l.'C'nl t•uu rtsh ip of the rig.ht Cl·li 1n:.i xell by his 1973 pilgri1nai.:t.• tu South Ca rolin a tu dis t'll~S fo reign polil·y \\"ith St•n . Stro111 Thurrnontl ). .'\'or dot.'s Ro<:k t•fell cr 's Ill'\\' t•ourst.• S l'l'Hl cuordin:.ill•d \\"il h the Prt.•s ident, .,,·ho \\·ould ha,·t· rulcll di((erently on Ruic 22 and prefers not tu offe1ld ltcaga11 . Lobbying by Compute~ WASHINGTON -The delicate art or influe ncing legislation - popularly known as lobbying. named for the Capitol lobbies where the backstage persuasion often occurs -has moved a great dist a nce from the days whe n professional pleade r s· prowled the Capitol corridors twisting legislative arms. Today, the Chamber of Com. merce uses a computer to keep track or the me m bers or Congress who may need a little gentle p e r s uas ion . The infernal in s trum e nt identifies not on l y t h e l egis lators who may re- quire som e quiet pressure but the busi· nessman back home who can be5t apply it. This scientific system is now being brought to bear upon con· sumer legislation. With a great whining or lltUe wheels. the elec· tronic mastermind Is helping the Chamber to deploy its forces most e rfectively to kill the Consumer Protection Agency bill. THE CHAMBER'S chief !Ob· bylst, Hilton qhls. has d•· veloped computetlied files which list members of Congress and th e home-s t a te businessmen who have the most Influence over them. "What I 'd like you to do," he wrote privately to corporate ex· ecuUves whose names went into tbe computer, "Is lndJcate those If' (JACK AN DERSON ) Senators and R epresentatives with whom your company has a constituent rela tionship ... That will permit m e to signal the right people when special need aMses for assistance with a specific legislator .•• Th e n the b ig names are brought in from the home states to make the personal contacts. They a re guided unerringly to the right doors by the clicking, whirring machine in the Cham- ber's headquarters. WE HAVE NOW cracked the secret code of the Chamber"s master computer, which sorts the wheat fro m the c haff on Capitol ff.ill not by name but by number. To the computer. for ex· a mple. Senate De m oc ratic ·leader Mike Ma nsfield i!I "50605" and Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott i!I "50851 ." Carl Albert, who presides over the House. is "HOOSS." . The system works th.is way: Suppose the Chamber wanled to put the squeeze on pro· consumer Sen. Mark }fatlield , R.-Ore. The computer operator would punch up HaUleld's code, "S045J ." The machine would 4pil out the names of all Chamber members who own buslnes!es In Oreron a nd who miaht be enlitt· ed lo join in pressuring Ha tfield. THE COMPUT ER would a utom1Ucally addre-9?.Ubs or envelopes to lhe1e key bual· nessmen. Clerks would insert specially prepared Chambei i'n· structions, calling upon the bu~­ neumen to make personal phor1e calls and write letten to Ht· field. The ones with the most · · fluence upon Hatfield would h·auled to Was h ington for personal visits. The Chamber even encourages corporate executives to enlist their employes in the pressure ~ .. mpaign to defeat the consumer bills that would protect the employes . Hilton Davis assured us there was nothing sinister about the Chamber 's computerized lobby· tng, although he conceded the computer's codes and records were ··confidential.·· ORA NGE COAST DAILY PILOT k.Ot)<Tf ;\'. l\l~f'd. Publi11hv t Th01'"1! K Ctui/. Editor Oci rbora Krribich. Editorial Pagt> Editor The l"dilorial page of the 03ily Pilot se"ks lo in(orm a nd stimulate reader~ by presenting• on this page diverse commentary 1 on lopiCS Of inlerest by ll)1ldicBl· 1 t.od rolumnl!1ts and cartoonists by Pf'l)\'iding a forum for read~n· views and by presenting thls 1 ne"A·ispaper's opinions und ideaA1 on currmt lc>pica. Thi.! editorial opi ni ons or the Dail)" PllOl uppear t only In the editorl:tl column at the 1 top of !he pa.l'. Opinions ~.x·' pres!IOO b:V the columnists and\! cartoonists and letter writer& "r~I their own .:ind no endonement 0( lheir ,.ltw!I by the UaUy PSlot &hould be inferred. • Tuesday, April .29c19J,~ - l ' i l l I • I ' l l ' ' I I I I I I I •fl 19i rn I ( ye o• lej dil M. th' an de T~ Ml M! raj re. 1.J i : eo W\ I . l la• I th; l I gr ·-At SU SU Stl pe ~ ioi • . .£ st1 fe· tal ki wi ha w; E! re1 Se u., w, ·~ pe .., i " pr " El k'' I. •in ch le El tie la1 bj w " b> ! •'' '" YI !00 CU5! Will• ~0· . Ip pa ti ff, ~as• "'"' o( ~ Uie l io1 Prli ,fod ,, A th•• ,. nr :llhe ,!pr ,1Jd·I ,l#dg ~b< , .... , .,tJlyf '"'" id :tie l '""' "1 f lupe I ,- \~· I I I I I • .i..• • ' ~ I • ... )'I¥ , .. ' ' • + • . ' . ... ·" .. . .. - j 1 l l j I • I I I t • I l I • • I I I I i 13 Defeats Feminists Falter On Equal Rights By SARI\ FRITZ WASHINGTON (UPI> -The feminist drlve for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, once considered a safe bet in 1975. haS foundered Wlder the growing weight of conservative political foes, religious fundamentalists and fears or the Un-known. Flus hed with contidence whe n the year began ERA sup· porters have seen victory in only one stitte -North D8kota -and · defeat in 13 others. leaving (,-----------~) the amendment stalled rour short or the 38 stuted NEWS ANALYSIS required to make 11 part or _ the Constitution. Jn the stales where ERA was r ej ected this year, proponents say their troubles were compounded by their ov.·n tactica l fuilurcs and 11 string or brokcD promises by legislators who previously indicated s up1>0rt. THE AMENDMENT, WlllCll WOULD abolish any law that discriminates on the basis or sex, was "passed by Congress in March, 1972, und quickly approved by 22 stale legis latures before the year was .out. Eight more states voted to r<1tiry in'l973, and another three last Year. Florida rejected it Friday for the rourth consecutive year , despite personal lobbying by Betty Ford and Gov. Reubin Askew . The goal of ratification in 1975 is clearly beyond reach, for on ly Missouri and Illinois arc still debating it this year. Most ERA backers are confident they can win berore their March, 1979, deadline, when the amendment must be raliried or face automatic death. But thei r losses this year have prompted , reappraisal of the forces building against them. : The OP.position has come primarily from "Stop ERA," a· j : loosely knit group of housewives organized by Phyllis Schlafly, a • . conservative Republican from Alton, Ill. They contend ERA J ·. would remove certain protections women enjoy under existing 1 )aw, and that most women don't want to lose them . "STOP ERA" llAS G~NED STRENGTH in many stales through alliances with ultraconservative church and political groups, including the John Birch Society. But state Rep. Hannah ·-Atkins of Oklahoma. where ERA lost this year . says right win~ support is only the ··surface reason" for opponents' in creasing success. "The deeper reason, and I feel this was invol ved in every state, was you have strong conservative elements with a large percentage of rund amentalisls who trave emphasized vague vis· \ ions or what might happen,'' she said. J "It was an emotionally waged campaign which succeeded in .JS striking al the basic psychological insecurities of males <ind females. The male who wants to 'Keep women in their place,' cer- tain types of females who feel secure only if they have certain kinds of protection both from alimony and the labor force, women with the insecure feelirig they were going to be driven out or the home and to work ." Some ERA backers charge tha t polilicalconservalives who v.•anl to field a presidential candidate in 1976 are exploiting the ERA issue to help widen their voter base. "TllE RIGllT WING IS COALESCING ... <ind it h<is round fertil e ground among a constituency of both men and women that seems to be insecure about women's roles." said Mary Brooks of the League of Women Voters. Fredi Wechsler, who is ERA coordinator ror the National Women's Political Caucus, said conserva tives have used ERA a s an "organizing issue," particularly lo develop mailing lists or :., people who might support a conservative presidential candidate. ''Those lists are going to be worth a lot !)f money,'' she S?id. The influence of conservative religious bodies was detected 1 ... primarily in Western states" where ERA met defeat this year. ERA coordinator Kate Butler blamed the Mormon church for killing the amendment in Nevada, Arizona and Utah. The Roman Catholic Church evidently worked against ERA ·in the Middle West. J>roponents ch<irged that parochial school c hildren in Illinois. for example, were assigned to write a nli·ERA letters lo stale legislators. TlllS KIND OF OPPOSITION HAS forced a review of pro· ERA strategy, whieh this year allowed Mrs. Schlafly and her al· lies to pre-empt the feminists' traditional protest tactics they had largely abandoned in fa vor of slick lobbying efforts . ERA s upporters formed coalitions of women's groups lo lob· by in each target s tate. They pooled their funds. hired Washington consultants and r elied primarily on professional lob· '' byists to speak for them in slate capita ls. Sex on Agenda .. , Medics Brought Up to Date '" YOSEMITE (AP) -More than too doctors and their wives dis· ~ussed sexua l problems and watched e~plicit sex films in <• ~o·day conrerence designed to 'tielp them better r elate to their patients. . Homoscxuulity. ve neral dis· ease and birth control were ilJllong thC topics on the ~gend;.1 D( the conference sponsored ~Y Lhe California l\.1cdical Assoc1a· !ion a nd ca ll e d, ··sexual ~lems in Medical Practice .roday." , .. A RECURRENT 111EME em· phasized by lecturers rrom .the .. University of California and iJ.lher universities was the need .·,l{>r mode rn dOctors to shed .,•Jd·fa&bioned · myths and value ~ 1lt,ldgments a bout sex if they are »be of real use lo their patients. 1 .. "You can be a very effective ·~thysician without having your twn sexual hangups resolved,·· '"*"id Prof. Mina M . Robbins, of ·fJe Sacraritento Slate University um1ing school. •'YOU DON'T HAVE to feel r'l&Jper·comtortable with your own I .. I I : ANIMAlogic1$., 11th"" 11 ·y~ • sexuality lo help your patients.·· she said. "All you need is to give therh permission for their ow n trip: and to offer a listening c<ir . ·· l\.1any of lht! doctors said trai n· ing in sex matters was long over· due. Only the youngest said they had studied human sex uality in medical school. .2 .P~ur Acid On 'Masseuse' Who Was Man FORT LAUDERDALE, Fl u. (UPI) -When she turned out lo be a he at a massage parlor, two men beat and kic ke d th'c masseur-masseuse and poured acid on hifn, police reported. Police said the victim. Michael ·Gable, 20, who had been arrested -recently for impersonating a 'woman . may be blinded permanently. THEY SAID WHEN Steven Russell, 21, and Louis Ferone, 21 , figured out that the attendant at the "Pleasure P a lace" massage parlor was male, they stripped .him or his feminine clothing and tied him up. Investigators said they kicked him and punched him and then began.pouring bottles of fiuids on him, The bottles they1ound on a shell al the massage parlor "\n. eluded an unlabeled bottle which was tound to contain a dangerous caustic cleanlng fluid. GABLE WAS hqspilallzed in 1eriou1 condition for treatme nt of extensive fac e and shoulder bums. Police were called to the scene by emptoycs of an adult book store adjoining the mas5a gc ~tor, who said they scufned WJULlbe. a11allant.s when they ran out of the parlor. ~ ' Tuesday Ap11129 1 97~ DAILY PILOT ii i Consumers lnsec11re Coping Now, They Worry About Future T .. rmCHt Watergate figure James W . McCord Jr. has his prison term r e duced to four months by Judge John J . Sirica. Originally, he was to serve one to five year s. Laetrile Products Barred by Judge LO S ANGELES (A P ) ·-A rederal court judge here has permanently enjoined General Research Laboratories from dis· tributing two products contain· ing th e <.•ontroversial drug Laetrile. U.S . Di s trict Court Judge Malcolm Lucas prohibited the company from shipping products named Aprikern and Seventeen anyY"h~re in the United States. NEW YORK (AP J - Americans say they are manag. ing lo cope with innation and re· cession, but a r e pessimistic about the future and believe they do not have control over their economic well-being, according to a new 1urvey or consumer at· Uwdes. The survey, ·released today, wu conducted by Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc., for General Mills Inc ., and covered a -sample of 1,247 ramilies. The pollsters conducted 2,194 in· terviews in the lasl lwo months of 1974 and the first week of 1975· . THE FINDINGS showed Americans ar e trying lo cut back' -Particularly in the area of electricity use -and, in some cases, are changing their defini· tions of necessities and luxuries. . Among the highlights of the re- port: -Eighty-three perce nt of ., those interviewed said their families were doin'g very or fair- . ly well persor_ially. -Sixty-two pe rcent said they had the same or a better stan· dardof living than a )'.Car ago. -FIFTY ·FOUR percent said they argued about money. -Fifty-six percent said they were insecure about their long· range economic future and 52 percent reported they believe the c ountry i s heading fo r a depression. -Sixty.five percent said inn1:1. lion was having a very or fairly serious impact on their ramilies. The pollste rs said their s urvey showed that the economi c crunch is having the most serious effect on families who ordinarily would be burdened with financial pro· blems, including those who are at either extreme of the age scale; have incomes unde r $10,000 an· nually; or have children under 18 living al home. PEOPLE GENERALLY are more optimistic about their own 'APHRODISIAC' G4USES BURPS ILFORD, England (AP) -Sex shop owner John McGill has been fined $720 for sell ing a purported aphrodisiac that produced burps instead of passions. Customers complained about the reduced priced··potion, cost- ing $1.20. Chemical analysis re· vealed the potion consisted of caffeine, citric acid and bicarbonate of soda. ·•11 was about as stimulating as a cup or coffee,'' said the analyst. McGill was prosecuted for trade law violations. . family st a tus than they are about that of thC nation. While only 17 percent of those interviewed re· ported that their families were doing badly, 79 pe rcent said the country was doing badly. Forty-six pe r cent of those sur· vcyed said they thought they could work' 'out the ir own economic proble ms: 45 percent said ttleir well·being was in· terdependent with that of the na· ·lion ; 9 percent said they were nol sure about wha t would happen. The lack of self-sufficiency was mor e severe among those who said their standard of living is worse than il was a year ago. Fifty-eight percent or this group r eported their future was in· dependent with that of the coun- t ry. THE SUR;vEY SHOWED lhal Americans may be abandoning the idea of an automatic yearly increase in the ir standard or liv· ing. Forty-five percent we r e described as resigned to the fact that next year may not be better financiall y. The pollsters said the resigned group included mainly "those in· dividuals who have .had to face the realities of a declining stan· dard of Jiving, low income, racial barriers and old age.'' The SS percent described a s hopeful are generally parents of young children. CPAIRCFFERS1HE ONLY2DAILY 1()5 ER Hello Los Angeles. Now you ca.n fly wit h Canadian Pacific Air on one of our beautiful orange jets to a refreshing new kind of place. Vancouver. Canada. A glorious city surrounded by towerin g eve rgreen s and snow-tipped mountains. Where you can sail and fish. shop and sightsee . And we can take you there. Morning or early even ing. Any day ol the week. While we treat you to a taste of service that's earne d us a beautiful reputat ion Throughou t Canada and the skies beyond. So call you r trave l agen t. Or CP Ai r. And discover why we're more than just another airline. Pick an Orange to Vancouver. Choose between two convenient nonstops each day from Los Angel es. 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Vancouiter-Victorla Vacation. For iu.st $70 each plus airlare, you can spend 3 days and 2 nights in a first class Vancouver hotel (double occupancy). And en joy four diflerent entertainment leatures. ITMSTV3275. FMf I IFULORANGE JEIS SERVING 5 eotmNEN1S. . . . CPAir Canadian Pacific b ., I , A• DAILY PILOT Tuesday. Aprll 29. 1975 Short Flight Ai .. r Fares Up WASHINGTON CAP) -The cost or coach-class air rares will rise on short domestic nights and decline on long domestic tri ps while all first·class fares climbed today as the r esult of a Civil Aeronautics Board dcci1ion. TllE CllANGES IN COACH rares will range up to an increase or $4 on very short flights to a decrease of $11 on transcontinental trips. First-Class rares will increase about $4 to SS on most flights and up to $9on middle·distanceftights. Th~chan ges will appl y only to flights within the 48 contiguous slates. International fli ghts and fl ights to Havo'aii or Alaska c::ome under different CAB procedures and are not affected by the ruling. THE CAB RULED IN EARLY 1974 that the pre· sent system or computing air fares is unjust and dis· criminatory because the far es did not accurately reflect the actu al cost per mile incurred by the airlines. Capo ~ank Gets· Stock Sale OK Joseph P . ri1un ger, president of the Ca pistrano National Bank. in organization, announced the Comptroller of the Currency in Washington, O.C. has approved the sale or $1,500,000 worth of stock (or the proposed new bank in San Juan Capistrano. Munger s aid the offering circular will be issued immediately describing the details of the 150,000 shares of common stock. Plans are set ror the new bank to open for busi· ness in late June at a temporary location at the cor- nerof Altpaz and De l Obis po Road,Alipaz Plaza. Westcliff Hair Designers Present: FREE SEIRIMG SHAMf"OO lfltrodilcloty -~ •Ith STYLE CUT u ... -,,._...c _ _.., ...... I with this Adi WESTCLIFF HAIR DESIGNS WESTCLIFF PLAZA 646-9925 Belly Bt111bles San Francisco belly dancer Emira, who is aJso editor of Habibi, the only belly dancing newspaper in the U.S., exhibits some. baubles, ba ngles a nd beads available through the paper. An import retailer has created a special ''Belly Section" in the paper to fill the demand for belly gear. Strikes Decline For Three Months WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Labor Depart· ment says the number of strikes during the first three months or 1975 was the smallest for any first quarter in eight years. The statistics showed that the number or workers involved in strikes during the same period aJsoreached an eight year low. But the strikes which did occur durini a period of highest unemployment levels since the 1940s last- ed longer. the depa.rtmentsaid. The average duration of a work stoppage in 197S's first quarter was 14.7 days, compared to 8.7 days in the same pe riod last year. • Ask for Amfac's Home Equity Loan. You simply borrow against the increased value of your house and what you've already invested in it. No points. No prepayment penalty. (You pay only for the time you use the money.) .. And it's fast. We can lend you from $2,000 to $25,000. What you do with it is up to you. Co111e see us. nfac THRIFT & LOAN Costa Meaa, 270East17th St., 92627 Fullerton, 624 N. Harbor Blvd., 92632 Senta.An•, 1020 N. Broadway, 92701 645-3153 871 -5333 835-3221 Racers Scoot· By Radar Across the U.S. ·at 82 MPH-Average Speed REDONDo BE.\CH (UPI) - Drivert In ·one of the world's moat unusua l auto races breathed a aigh of relief today. 1b~y got away w~th It again. You can't buy a ticket to aee lbe Cannonball Baker Sea-to· Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Duh. In fact, unleu you're an entrant, you can't rlhd-out the 11.art1n1 lime. The fut thing the racers need ls an audience. FOR THE FOURnl year, the clandestine speedsters, driving 20 vehicles, held a transcontinen- tal road race from New York Ci· ty to Southern California on public highways, hitting speeds up to 140 miles per hour. They de- fied time, distance, weather, the highway patrols or dozens or states and police radars to thumb their noses at the .55-mile·per- hour speed limit. Nobody was hurt and nobody went to jail but some got speeding tickets. The winners drove a Ferrari, an ltaliari sports car that costs more than many homes, but the second pla~e team whipped in right behind them in a Chevrolet pickup truck. RiCk Cline and Jack May or Gainesville, Fla .• rolled up at the finish line -the Portormo Inn here -Friday morning, 35 hours and 53 minutes after leaving the Red Ball Garage in New York Ci- ty, one minute faster than the previoWI record. TREY AVERAGED 82 miles an hour across the nation. Each team is free to choose its own route. Like most other competitors. Cline and May used citizens band radios to tune in the network that alerts truck drivers lo the loca- tions of highway patrolmen, and devices that signal the presence of waves from a police radar. They were stopped in Ohio however and had to pay a $250 ~N HIGH GEAR) fine for doing 98 m.p.h. In the rain. Second place went to Jack McCoy and Gary John.Ion, of Modesto, with J ohnson's·wife Polly as navigator, drivinl' a 1973 Chevrolet pickup truck with a 454 cubic inch V8 engine. Their •COUt·tO·Coast time was only two hours behind the $15,000 Ferrari. The places are determined on elapsed time. The racers left New York ot Intervals, since a mass start would probably end the contest east of New Jersey. Ra'cers straggling across the na· lion Friday included drivers of a motorhome and a 1951 Studebaker. THIRD PLACE went to a Dodge with a 50.gallon gas tank stuffed in the trunk driven by Steve ''Yogi" Behr of New Yo.rk City and Brock Yates, column1~t for Car & Driver Magazine, who organized the race in 1970 to de- monstrate that fast driving on public roads is not necessarily dangerous. Chrysler's After Your Tax Rebate DETROIT (UPI> -Chrysler Corp. has launched a new cash rebate program that will try to entice car buyers into using their Federal Income Tai rebate checks for down payments on small cars that will get them another $200. Chrysler, the originator of the cash rebate scheme that helped pull auto makers out of their worst post-war sales slump in January, will offer the $200 rebates on its Dodge Dart, Plymouth Dmter and .valiant models starting Thursday. The new program will cover Chrysler's Tradesman Van and will run through May 31. THE NO. 3 AUTO MAKER began outlining the program to its dealers this week. Spokesmen for the other three auto companies, .who reluctantly joined Chrysler in the original rebate game, said they have no plans to begin offering cash rebates again. Chrysle r's advertising will hit hard on the theme: "Good news for you from Congress. Good news for you from Chrysler." Pictures will show checks from the Internal Revenue Service along with the Chrysler rebate checks. Income tax rebate checks or up to $200 will be mailed by the Internal Revenue.Services to all taxpayers· in May. Other auto makers are reluctant to begin the cash payments again because of the high costs -an estimated $150 million in January and February for lhe four auto companies. Over The Counter HASD U1tlooj1 MUTUAL FUNDS ,.... Yorll -Fol· foiJllllll! II o 1111 of bid ~ osllea .,.,. Cft Oft M11!110I Fllfllb; OS .,olod by tht NASO Inc. , L G I Ullo Ft.ode dc:»lr I yea.rt how mont fact. aeen mosL Ing I type' F d<•P< man1 ~ the < serie. tom~ sales l scoo~ Onlh F in th· ma ct electJ domi ·tiona. T were volve ton -R mak< T ton's (!Offill A else'! pany ducti· and t Adle1 elcct1 E could in a r petiti Gern; 1i FTC Adle1 -r wasc ca in yone offict hie el ing cl fj sold ! Andi as hit ,, .Triur field. s ly, w But ti anott perm I; tureri P1 Ac A1 an a< latio1 fices Ao Roge joint thon~ Roge Jlillsl Th· G« ~ .... ~· en•" ••u; ••• clUte• p•ite ; ~) '" . ~ ~! . " ' " "' , "' 1G Ko 11 (I ,, l t "0 U K• '"" 16 DI U Eo II HI "0 '"" . " . " " "' . " "' ' .. . " ... II Ut " H 1t JO; " .. " .. ""' 1• c;· " w ll Ce '' 01 ~.u •• '" ... .,. ... ,_ 'M '" "' ~. '" • " . , ' Litton Brightens Gets FTC to Change Mind By MILTON MOSKOWITZ lt s tough to get bureaucrat.& to own up to a mistake But Litton Jndustr1 es has finally succeeded 1n persuading lhu Feder:.&I Trade Comm1ss1on (FTC) that 1t s not trying to destroy competition 1n lhe typewnter business It took onl y six year:s -and who know$ bow much time and money 1n legal work., In fact the entire case seemed ludicrous to most people with o PU!\ 1ng knowledge or the typewnter ma rket Money Tree Far from el1m1n at1.ng compet1t1on, Litt.on was trying desperately to salvage what httle compet1t1on ther e is In the manufacture and saleoftypewnters NOT TllAT LITl'ON JS ANY hero It s an archetype of the conglomerate cor]X>rat1on having grown by a long scnes of mindless acqws1t1ons Litton acqwred so many companies during the 10 years beg1nn1ng 1n 1958 that its sules leaprrogged from $83 m1lhon to $1 s bllhon Litton bought its way rnto typewnters 1n 1965 when 1t scooped up Royal McBee, maker or the Royal typewnters On the face or 1t the move seemed to make sense Royal has been the leading seller of office typcwntcrs in the U S but 1ls supremacy was based on the manual m achine It was clear by 1965 that the future belonged to the electn c typewnter And the electnc typcwnler market was dominated by the company that pioneered it -lntcrna t1onal Bustn:!ss Machines (IBM) To be sure Royal made electnc t ypewnters but they were no match for the 18Ms Litton companies had been 1n volved 1n soph1st1cated electrontc systems and so the Lit ton Royal marriage was deemed to be a natural It would make a machine that couJd challenge IBM THE TROUBLE WAS, IT couldn t Royal under Lit ton's wing floundered Its eleclnc machines were chokers compared to IBM s At Litton you solved everything by buying someone else s expertise In 1967 1l bought a Bnt1sh type wnter com pany lmpenal and ll eventually moved all of its U S pro du('t1on to the English plant And 1n 1969 it reached out again and bought a German typewnter manufacturer Tnumph Adler That was a key acqws1t1on because the Tnumph electric typewrite r was consider ed a good mactune But here s where the FTC stepped 1n and told Litton 1l couldn l do that By acqwr1ng Tnumph Adler said th e FTC 1n a formal complaint Litton was sharply restr1 ct1ng com pet1t1on It asked that Litton be forced to divest itself or the German company The case dragged through ma ny proceedings with the FrC st1ck1ng to its guns Litton had to get rid of Tnumph Adler The FTC has now reversed itself It told Litton that 1t was okay to keep the German company And how did Litton gain that perm1ss1on'1 Easy It demonstrated what ever yone 1n the business knows that IBM 1s still mopping up the office typewnter market that SCM ts dom1nat1ng the porta ble electric market -and that Royal Litton Tnumph 1s be ing clobbered OF THE 1 MILLION TYPEWRITERS expected to be sold he re this year more than 75 percent will be elecln c And IBM s s h<tre of the electn c market has been estimated as high as 80 percent Indeed Litton argued th at 1( 1t was forced to give up Tnumph 1t would ha\e tQ abandon the entire typewnter field And how would that help compet1t1on '1 So the FTC finally s aw the light Litton 1s doing so poor ly why punish 1l some more'1 Let 11 keep Tnumph Adler But the FTC did 1ns1ston onJ?-prov1so -Litton cant acqwre another typewriter company for 10 years unless 1l gets perm1ss1on from the FTC In 10 years there may be no other lypewnter manutac turers left lo acquire Public Relations, Ad Firms on Coast 1300 Quail Street A public relations firm and an advert1s1ng and public re lat.ions fi rm ha ve opened or fices 1n Newport Be.ach A newly formed company Rogers Cowan and Kopp 1s a 10Jnt venture between An thony F Kopp Associates and Rogers and Cowan of Be\erly J-liUs New York and London The PR firm 1s located at J J Parkinson Company, the opened offices earher this month at 4019 Westerly' Place The full service ad vert1s1ng and public relations agency ta kes over the opera lions and clients of Total Commun1cal1ons Inc a sub s1d1ary of AJ Industn es Inc Los Angeles f.11i11t•r"' flllfl f ,11st•rs Nnw Yo~ UP -Tiie lol uwi»g }I "'°w' '"" il<K~\ Illa nave (;II >ed no .,,d Di! tile mo~\ l>"ifd on Ptteen\ o <llenge 011 11\e New York St<K k li•<llallO(! Net <iod llt'•cen!age t ll<iogr s a e 11>1! d l!erer>te l>elw~en TM pr~v ou' c <>!>no prke "nd tile "' e~I c <>!> no pr ce GAINERS. 1 Arctic En!p 7 .. UP 711 1Neptu~ '0 1l 2 • U1> SJ 3Cll •C•a 1 4 o Up182 4 Utd nn~ O ~(. >o Up lhl )AMedcorp ~ > Upl>8 • Pa 9a\ 98 1J 1'-< UP 1; I 1 Len Val nd I Uo 11 I I Pu t~n F n 1 Up ll 9 S.uave Sr>oe 7 \JJ,1 I lOKA Sqpl• t>l t> Ull IO~ 11 c111~0 so u 1 .up oq ll TllOmJW ~o • _. Ull 10 . 1lC.n ,C<8p1 t i Up 9~ U KA blip! •I •o Up ~ \t•11• \ 11rl ... J .'i fl11st 1••·ti1·•• NEW YORK IUP I ael ""' •lock~ I 1111eot Oil S1ock E•t.llan!ll! Monday AmT&Tw ~ Comw 11'1 O I MOl\&w~ Ot• SO~thf'•n Co Bo J.e C.a~cd• Am Tel& Tel Am Med corp Po II O d Te epromp!er Te•llt O Corp Alco" Am flam di! Gu I 0 I Ea.rman ct co p S•I•• S•B SOO ~~i m 181 000 111 100 110 000 16S 100 16S 100 1•1100 111 JOO 170 •OO 11~ 100 '"" ~oo \Ol 900 ..... "Tiie 1S "'°'' l heNew Yo II 11 .... ... 10 • ... lq • ~ ,, (6 • .. • ' . . ~~o I • ,. "" ... '" . '"'. "~ • " -. • -11. 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INSHORT ) SOMS llup In the DAI LY PILOT • A 10 DAILY PILOT Tuesday, Aprll 29. 1975 Brow, Lash Protect Eye \\'h ~1t the nll·pori dcs1gnC!rs nre fi~d1ng out '25 years too lall', I'm told, is that three non· flyi ng L'itl zt·ns show up at the tt•rminals for each incorning 01· outgoing plane passenger. One youngste r and two grownups. must usual· ly. This is ~l money murkct hotter than <'urni v:ils. :.ind the mcrchaiidiscrs · arc s ad- cJenl'd Uy the \ack of !'ihop space. · ('01\Slll l·:R the \va,·t· l('ngths or four \'01c·c.:i. t-;1eh singing au octa\'t' ~1part Tho.sc of thL• ~oµranu on the G not(· a bovt• the I rcble c lt•f u1·t• 1.4 ft't'l in lcnb'l.h. Those of the t·ont1·a l!o, 2.8 feet. or the tenor. 5.6 feet. And bass, l 1.1 feet. Got that? LIMERICK Recently report ed here the \Vish .to hold an an· nual limeri<:k contest. fvla· ble !\I. Sturgis of Boise, Ida., cntC'red the folluv.•- ing ··1 !is gift \\·;1s IJrassil'res and he trusted ll is S\\"L't:1ht·u rt \\"OU l<l not be disgustl:'d But ~i!as~ and al;J("k : She gave thcn1 righ t IJar k . Suying. "L prL·fcr l'ash, l 'm fl:.il bustL·d .' ··Oh , !\l ~tbl'I , you ras(·:il you. Q . "\\'lllCll kil ls the morl' people, lightn- ing or torn<idocs? ·· /\. Lightning. 0\'C'r the years. Tornadoes do in :i bout half as n1any citizens, but rack up a lot more property damage. f\O\\' 1\BOUT that eyebrow. It serves to kl'ep the da ndruff off the eyelash." And the l'ycl:.i :-;h Sl'l"\"L's to keep the dandruff out of the C'YL'. Su pt·i·b planning. \1·hat'! \'I Si()~ '1";1kl' t•;1r tlri\"l'l"S U\'l'f the a gi' or 60. D o .1 ou t·onsidt• ~-s ~1 Ill l' a d a ngel' on the highv;ays "! ·r oo bro;ul a 11uery. no? Still . the Vis ion Con1- 111 iltt•(' oft he :\JTIL"l'il·an Optometrists Associa- llon c·onll'nds four out of five such citizens arc ri ~ky un roads. Because of poor eyesight. Nuts! E verybody's ris ky on the roads. llOW 00 YOU account £or the racl that many men but fC\\.' \vomen have been im· postL·rs·.• 1\C;1\I~ 1\J\I ,\S KF.O ho1v rnany people Bil- l\. I hl' K 1cl k i I ll·t I .. ·\rid hu11· old he \\':J S \\'hen P<.tl c";:u·rl·t t shot h in1. Hilly died at age 22. l-li s· 1or1:111s ~;.iy hL· gunned do .... ·n 21 people, total. \\"oultl like to in1ply it fi gure(.) out to be one vie· tirn fnr L';.tt'h .1·t·ar of hi s lifl.' after his first b1rthda.\'. but it dilin 't \\·01·k that \vay . There \\"l'l"e Sl'\·e ra l e;irly yl'ars there \\'hen he didn't kil l :tn ~'llUd y. ,\ddress 111oil to l~. !vi. Boyd, P.O. Bax 156-0, Custa J\/e.sa 92626 Copyright J9i5 L. /';.,,Boyd ORANGE COUNTY County Eases Canyon Area Zoning Laws SANTA ANA -Properly ·owners along scenic Live Oak Ca· nyon Road near Orange County's O'Neill Regional Park will be spared certain zoning require· menls if they decide to build tiomes.. ~ Orange County. supervisors have decided lhal curbs, gutters and sidewalks along the winding, heavily wooded road would be uns ightly since the route is de· signaled as a scenic highway. The suggestion that Live Oak Canyon be spared such concrete amenities or civilization was made by H. G . ''G eorge'' Osborne, the county's Environ- me ntal Management Agency Chief. Osborne said since tt)e road is designated on county maps as a secondary arterial highway, Ian· downers must post for s uch street improvements if they de. cided to built adjacent to the. road. Eeonomy, Weather Cited C•ll 842·5&71. Airport Turnover · Down for February Put • few -rd• to work tor you. lnth• DAllY PllOI Does Li11Clota think Losing Weight lly WILLIAM SCHRElllER 0t 1119 0•11, .. Ile! SU.ft SANTA ANA -Two kinds of climate. economic ·and natural, combined lo make February a bad month ror flight operations al Orange County Alrwrt. A«ording to the latest airport report, total passenger turnove r during the m onth wus about 103,000 -12 percent less than the 117,000 figure recorded in February of last year. Ron Chaniller, assistant· airport director, blamed the tro ubl ed economy and February's bad weather . "'AS FAR AS commercial service goes, we are in an economic situation where people are pulling back on recreational travel by air," Chandler said. "In "terms of the general a via· lion decline, I think that the in· clement weather we've had has kept most of the planes on the ground,'' he added. The influx and outgo of s mall planes was down by more than 4,000 during February compared to a year ago. Chandler said it is the general aviation that makes the county jetport the second busiest in th e nation behind Chicago's O'Hare. THE SLOW MONTH. also showed up in cargo carrying and the numbe r of cars that parked in the airport's crowded' lots. During February, a total of 107.4 tons of cargo came in or de- parted the airport, compared to nearly 120 tons during the same month in 1974. A total of 20,200 cars used the parking lots, compared to 21,000 a year ago. February's dismal statistics combined wi th declines in January made 1975 one or the slowest·starting years to dale at the airport. · THROUGH. FEllRUARV, there has been a 10 percent· decline from 233,709 to 210,000 ln the number of passengers. enplaning and deplaning at the county airport. Total cargo tonriage over the ri rst \wo months declined by 9.3 percent over the same period last year a nd the total number of vehicles in parking lots dipped by 5.6 percent. Overall incr eases were r e- corded in the total number of flight operations, up 9.S percent. Youth Facing Adult Trial In Slaying SANTA AN A -A youth booked on murder charges last March 1 after a man was knifed to death during a fracas outside a Buena Park drive-in restaurant bas been ordered to face trial as an adult in Orange County Superior Court. is easy? · It Is not o 5Jmple lo51< for o patient lo reach and maintain "lean weight" for life. First the potlenl must have on honeSt desire to cure his problem ... then accept professional guldon<?e from trained Medical Doctors. _ Llndoro's unique 10-week 1reotment and training program will teach polients how to reach and maintain their "lean weight" for Ille. A safe and practical pfon, with praper nutrltlonol diet, and continual emotional support. New audio and sub-llminot visual olds are used to motivate the patient. Th8 entire prqgrqm ls under the strict supeivlslon of M""ec:llcol Doctors, special· lsls In Borlotrtc Medicine. Undofa Clln!ci are owned and o<Jmlnbtoted b'/ Medical Doctor1 thol 1eslrlcl ll'leit proc!lce to Barlalrlcs. ALL Clinic Personnel are licensed by the Slole ol Colllornla. COii for Information Monday thru F~day 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Undora~ MEDICAL CUNIC NEWPORT BEACH 645-3740 COSTA MESA 557-1893 Judge Everett W. Dickey o·r· dered Christopher Daniel Smith,_ 17, of Anaheim, to face trial June 16 and pretrial a ct ion May 9 after Pace Professional Mesa Verde juvenile court action against the Bldg. Professional Bldg. defendant was abandoned. Son Bernardino • E. long Beach· Mission Hills Smith is accused of inflicting Hawthorne· Orange· Newpoct Beach fatal knife wounds on Michael Garden Grove• long Beach• Posodena Jshmael Blanco, 18, of Anaheim, la Hobfo. WoodkJnd HUii •Sherman oats during a fight that erupted out· WcKt Covino • Fullerton· Riverstde • Santa Monlea . side a Jack-in-the-Box ouUet iit cOsta Mesa. Pomona. centtos. Hi;>ilywood BuenaP!::'.a:rk~·:.._~~~~~~~.l.~...:::::::::::::::======================:::'.:...~ Probatio11 Giue11 Guard Guilty in Kidnap THINGS ARE BETTE AT. • • SANTA ANA A Newport Beach Blackmon, who worked as a securi -• ;" .. .r' A '; ;" r· I , ,.,-,r ..!/ /:/ _ . ,"' ,.,. _,.. ,-/ ;, I.,"_/,,/' '/~'' f /•·. '/~ security guard accused on arrest of ty guard for a Lido Peninsula apart· . • /_,,.. /' , / ,. _ • ,,.:. / ~~?0::;"~e~~0 ~r~~~i~~·t~~: ':e~~ ::~~~~~·~h~\t.!~ ~:;;~ ?!\~: r!~~~e~ . ~-> _, ~-:/// )" -.";/;.-//;·'/f/,l,"''/I L "jt th~~~~~~ti~:~nty Superior Court ~~~~s area and threatened to rape /"•WES1':€1iWF ~ ~ 17,;; ' probation arter being found guilty of Beach area, drove them to the Dover • , . ,.of" ... ./ f / ·"'. r / ,/ ./ ,.it / / /.? / /~~- JudgeRobertP.Kneelanddeclinedto ..> _ /", _. .,, ..-. , '/','/-"•J .... .._" ~FJ , .f ,-----.....------impose what could have been a slate Both girls fled from the car a nd , ,/ .. ,r . ;' .>'/'" ~ > ,. /' l)l" IJL,IC SOTICE prison term or up lo 14 years in senlen-gave police a description that led to ' ,,. , . " Y ' / 1 ,.' / ,?' · ; ( /'.?;;;. Other Deaths -,-,.-,-E,..ENTO F-.-,-.-,-.-.,-M-,-,-,-1 cin g tran sient Andrew JeroJTl_e Blackmon·s arrest. Judge Kneeland 17th aftd lrYine' .. ·in·Newpo .. rt.'_Jle.a~~ .. ~T/ ~ " OF usE oF Blackmon, 32, a recent a rrival in this ordered him lo undergo psychiatric / , 7 7 r""· F1cr 1nous eus1Ness NAME area from Mississippi. treatment during his probation te rm. i -' ,,. ""-· ~· '" ::::;;J·~~·::::i .::"~::;.i::::.:::::;~WH.,.,,.......,Y-=-=oo~T-=-HE---,-,,ll=--AL__:_IAN------,:.,_:___:_:_:_:_:_:~~~·,,.,,,,,,· ~"""""'--,.,,,,,,,-~-'·~-~--~ SAN ~RANCJSCO SMA RT !.ET. 4?• South Coast • r Hoqh-...iy, l<l~una lleil~l'I, C.olilorn1.o (AP)-Funera l services <11&~• •re ~ndin• for Si<lney '"' '"'"""' """"'" •~ ,.. DRINK MUCH WINE? .--b fe.,ed lo at>ove ""'5 llled In Or<ln9I!. so M . Ehrman, 101, a eoun1yonNowernt1er1~.1t1J. U . . £ C f "[ · Ou•llydn l Kun1a r, 2'i1? Alie n1vers1ty o at orn1a L•o;urw.L~gyna8ea<n,caliF0•1'111192'1>S1 ,.. •. rcgent for 22 years "'ho i<:"s""" Kumar, 7912 A11a ugun.a, 1 died Saturday. Eh!'tnan Laqu.wSea(ll ,Ca1•torn1<191bS1 : In order lo help digest their spaghetti! : v.·as a civic and bus iness 1 """u''""~'"''"~<o1><1uttedbv~in-1 It's the same in Orange Counrv. 1 l('adcr herl'. "'"'dudl l(,"'·"n" K'"'"'' 1 To Improve your spaghetti .•• visit Orange I tr.•~ ,,~1"""""' wa~ '""" w11n '"" 1 County's complete wine merchant. WHO ELSE? 1 1 Dt-ofh NfJfiC.-fl'S c.o.um.c:1e•notOr.on!l"Cou"1vonApr11 I -----~~----I l\f, 1~1~. : p MON [ I CH•RLE s "'•URET'HL~:MUELLER, luM••.,~U••mQ"C0•"1 Dd•!:~'1·1 SEQUOIA WINE CELLARS 642-9414 I -ave~. re~ooent 01 Co!.\• Mew. Oat~ of Av+ 11 lS, lt.1~. '""' M 6 yb, 19/) 129>1~ I 1 .,.11,., •prU l!;, 1t1i. Survived oy nis --L: l_O ,!' _w_. _c ,!' ~ 5_l jt ~ 6_ H_W_A .! : _N_E,! !~!~_!I~!~'!. J wttr H•1t1r1; i.on\o, Paul o4 HIMlhnQIOl'I !Jl:Bf,JC ~OTICf-: -Bracl'I and Lawrence 01 Ulit •, Mitlllg•n; t>tot""'· Hat" L. Mutll1ro1 -------- lo• A11grlrs; Si\\rr. Mr,, William FICtttlOUS8USINESS P l•mb•t k 4Marlonl of Ar_Hnolon NAME ST•TEMENT Heo9n1s. it1inols: ttwN vr.,.;io;l'llldr..,. Tl'I~ ,0,,0 ... ,,,,1 P<"•~on~ arr <IOingbu~I, Mr. Mu.II•• w•s a w1es fl>{li.wer wltn "l">~"" 'll'>e Llndbt!Q Hr•! Trra11"'11Co, for live Cl>M QU .. l IT y CONST RUCTION, ~r•rs. M rmotlal wirvltrs w ill br Mid "' SI. Andrews Prnoy\rri•n Church, toaaSt. Andrews PIKe, Nrwpor'l Srac:ll, CA. on Tuesday, Aptil 29 .,,, 1:00 PM. In hey ol flowers pit•~ malle conlrlbu· !tons to Tne Amt"''"" Ca"<.r• Soc!rtv, Arr•ngrmr~n Cy Tne Nrphtne Society ' will! bun.al •l ~••· CAAWFOAD 1811(11:.~~•'l•~l!n Cot .. Founla.n Valley, Cahl '!<IOI! F. D.iv•d Cnu•cn, 18110 Evergreen C••t ., Founlain Vallt 1.(a111. ~?108 1,,,~ C M<>o•e. lblJO ""t"!',~P'l"9 Of . wn1!!"'" CA, ~060J Tn" nu\"'~'' ·~ <O•Hlu"(;1I lly ,, ·~ "' t" I ')"' I nt-"t' •IJ 1 o .... ,d Cou•cn F '1ANK ('1AWFORD, rrsld<!ll! ... • ,,.,,...., C•. Odtr ot oeat11,1o.p<1111, 191}, lr" • ~!"'' n'""' "'"" ''"·d "'''" !r.t !.4t<v •crs "'' PllMl•l"l{I. Pacil•t Vorw Cou"!• Cit:•~ 01 "''""\!~ ((lunly on Apfll Mrrnof!•I P••k MorlYdfY. Newporl 11• !~I), F•ZMI Sr•cll. MILLIER Pull,,,l'll!d Or•nqr Co•~t Daily Pltol, ROSS MILLER, <t-!O•"""'t ol UVUn• ~nl 11 , 19, and M•Y6. 13, 191S 14Jl-7S s..ac:n. o.,. 01 oe•t" -'P<•I 11. "'s. · 1,1_.111_1c _,.,.1Tici;: Services •re pending, Pac d ie view ·" - Memorii l Par• Mor1UArv, Ntwpol'"t -----------1 Be1cll. • FtCTl'llOUS 8USt MESS NAMEST•TEMEMT IALTZ-IERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mai 673-9450 Coo;t;:i Me<i.1 646-7'1('4 I IELL IROADW AT MOlllTUARY 11 0 Broadway. Cosla Mesa 642-9150 MeCORMICJ( • MORTUARY Lagun.:i Beach 494·941 5 San J11an Cao1strano 495-, 776 rAC IFIC VIEW MEMORl.l.L rARK Cerr-eierv Mo rtuary Chapel 3 5CXl Pac1l1c View Drive Newoort Beach, Ca1dorn1a 644·2700 PllK FA.Mill COLONIAL FUHlltAL HOMI 1ao1 Boisa Avc:. WC'ShTitn~l or 893-3&25 . SMITHS' MOlllTUARY 627 Main SI H1.1n11n91on 8 8ac1i ~6-6539 'lnl! l0How1ng prof .....,~ a re doi"!I buSI· rle~\"~' !.MARf SET. •i• Soull'I Coast H"'"'"av, Laguna 6ea<.l'I, (;\!llomia ••Jo;1 M~ll••" lrad1no Company, 111. e>•p•lfll!N(I, •7• !,outn C<1~~1 H1gnwav, L<>'I'""' & at n, Callto•n•a~1~~! '"' llu'"'~'~ ·~ (f;<l(IU(lt O l!y " <Or· """'"°" M<1d< .. ~ fr,}d•nQ corn1Mnw, lnto•PO<•ll'd 111" ~t.oh•m1•nl ""'' !•led w1!1'1 lht< Cou1>tv C1er1r.ot Or&l\91! CoYnlT oo April 10, 191!>. THE EARL'S I\ ....... "'"' .... All COlfO, Stf'•lce Tiine ..... AtY-Ooor I 495-0401) 00 rt TOUtllll, • ' ITOll •f 21t22 c • ..w-e.,1 ....... " . .. " ...... '··· FABULOUS 80 acres in the fabulous Golden Triangle between Lake Perris, Lake Elsinore and Lake Mathe ws. Mostly level l and . Fabulously p riced at only $600 per ac re. Terms, Call 642-3652 -Broker. FABULOUS \ Promise her anything, htt t give her SM~e If you want help CO<nPoSing a suitable greellng or have any Questions, call 642-5678. A friendly Daily Pilot ad-viser will be glad to help yoo, · And, if you like. you can charge your Mother's Day ad. Your credit is gooq with · us, or you may u·se your Master Charge or BankAme ricard. M••l 1o 0..IV Pt•O! Oa•.,!.OO....ninent BQ, 1"60,C.0.t•M.wl1626. ,Or call 642-5678 DAILY PILOT ) WECIAL~EW ~HOWIN{j BY CADILLAC We lake greal pride 1n presenling 1he most exciting Cadillac since Eldorado made 1ls debut -the all new eleaant Seville. Although ii is sized for efficiency any where in the world, Seville is richly appointed In !he Cadillac tradition. . Seville Is powered by a n electronically ruel·lnjeeled. _engine and its host of standa~d equi~ment includes a reclining passenger seat with two·way power adjust men!, a T!ll & Telescope ~leering wheel and a fuel monilor system.!Power controls !or the front seats are· mounted on !he armrest consoles. See Seville, the new American with inlemallonal elflclency, in our showroom now. · ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM APRIL 26 to MAY l Nabers Cadillac Sales Leaolng & Service 2600 H•rbor Bl.Yd. Coot11111 ... 540·9100 ' ' 1 ~ ' • I I '· ' j • • ' 1 I I I• .1 . ' r ·~ wa Be: :Wl1 I ~f. mil " I1 ... ~· II o/t .... be ope -rti ~ "'" w .. pr> job le@ Ne· ,. ntc )'a !iii '" ·' ~ JS . $ ~ ~ IS• titi tbl ~~ tbe ti!'• m• DI• ,. ' • ' r ' I I ~ a "" ... btl wl .rfl .. ~ AD ~h; hO cb ·1 ' • • • Involvement Widens You • ' ' ,, I . Combining the biological symbol for I woman, the mathematical sign for equality and the do.ve, the /WY 1975 emblem illustrates the determination to help women -half of the world's po{JLllation -to participate on every level in solving the world's problems. " -Job Offers On Trial • By LOUISE SWEENEY • Orktl•Sc'9Jla'MM!ltll'lervk• No orie ever called Edward ·Bennett Williams pretty when he was arguing a case. Or Melvin Eelli either. But trial lawyer Jill '.Wine Volner hears it au the time. It is one or the hazards or being a Jreen-eyed blonde with a face lii:e a Botticelli paintlng and a nvnd like a bear trap. Jt was that combination that resulted in so much publicity fqr her as an a s sistant W1ttergate prosecutor. frlow Mrs. Volner, like the rest or}the lawyers on the Watergate special prosecutor's force, will be packing it all in when the· operation closes down. T(ME FOR CHAN.GE She is judiciously weighing what to do with her life post- W.e.tergale .. •·1 have been ap- proached for some nonlegal jobs," she admits (one, as TV legal correspondent for ABC News), "'I've been with the govern· ntent six-and-a-half years, and J'8 like to try doing some civil Ji ligation, some defense work." · -iThen, too, there is the n1:,vsteriou s magazine piece she js wriUng on commission: "It's $ch more likely to be about 'W'Omen than about Watergate," j~all she will say. Jill Volner seems to be disprov· tQg Frei.id's theory that anatomy is""""destiny, but she has bad some t,finges along the way: noting tbat only 5 percent or the students a+, law school were women, and Jlier discovering that she was the first woman lawyer in the en- tire history or the Justice Depart· 1"f'tent 's Organized Crime Division. .t'J always assumed that the governme nt was an equal·· ' opportunity employer,•• ~be says dryly. SOCIETY'S PRESSURES While ·Mrs. Volner believes there is no basic difference between men 's and women's abilities in the courtroom, she feels that society's pressures to some extent shape the behavior of women lawyers. (It is a minor point, but she wouldn't wear a pantsuit while trying a case.) More significantly, she says, "If I were to act like a man in a courtroom, the jury wouldn't ac- cept me -yelling and shouting (as some of the lawyers in the Watergate case did) are not ac- ceptable in women. "It's more effective for me to be quiet and ask questions than it is for me to get in a fight with a witness." Watergate trial experts sug- gest that ·the prosecution purposely used Mrs. Volner as a stalking horse to draw out the bullying, belligerent side o~ de· Cendant Robert Mardian. But witnesses also remember the ring of cold steel as she thrust and parried and finally won the admissions the prosecution needed in cross examination of· E . Howard Hunt's ex·lawyer, William Bittmari. JUDGES' ASSESSMENT Speaking of that side, United State$ District Court Judge Damon Keith, a Michigan judge before whOm she tried her first case, said of her: "'She's an excellent lawyer who knows bow to go for the jugular vein. She has the indefinable in- stinct of a Joe Louis .... She .knows when and.how to goror the .knockout.•• The Watergate judge. U.S. Dis- trict Court Judge John J. Silica, By JO OLSON OfUltOtl+, P'IMllM.llf With a Jus t a few weeks lett beror e the Internati onal Women 's Year conference in MexicQ City (June 19·JuJy 2), more and more activities are taking place throughout the Unit· ed States in preparation for ..the l'atherinlt .. But Me~ico City will not• be the end or the celebraUon, ac· cording lo Dr. Ruth Bacon, direc~ tor or the U.S. CenterforJWY. A U.S. postage stamp com- memorating JWY will be issued in late summer or fall for first· class letter mail. Design and ·date and place of issue will be an- nounced later. A national advisory com- mission has been formed, with Jill Ruckelshaus as its chairperson. She is direct.or or or- ganizational relations for the Na- tional Center for Voluntary Ac· tion in Washington, D. C. Two Ca.llrornia women serve oO this commission .. They are Helen Copley,· chairman and chief executive officer of Copley Newspapers. and Gilda Bojor- quez Gjurich, president of Los Amigos Construction Co. On the IWY calendar, which lists special focus groups alphabetically, April has been "Doers" month saluting volun- tary associations and volunteer efforts, and May is education month. June will focus on farm· ing. PLAN OF ACTION As a prelude lo the conference, representatives of 23 nations met at the United Nations the first two weeks in March to decide on a Plan of Action to be presented in Mexico City. Points stressed in the report were that "the starting point for women differs from country to gave his assessment: "I think she's a very fine lawyer, who conducted herself with dignity. She has lots of poise, is polite on all court rul- ings whether they're favorable or unravorable. Trial work is very dif(icult. . . • I admire the way she handled herself; she was calm, efficient, always well pre- pared.'' "There's DO substitute ror pre• paration -knowing the facts, knowing what each witness is go. :ing to say, knowing the rules of evidence," says Mrs. Volner, ad- ding that sincerity js equally im-· port~nl. · country because their posiUoni and problems differ : there is more to s olving the problems of women than merely eliminating discrimination -~tlltudes and . cultural pressures rmU5l be re· cognized and dealt with." Also, ''women should ask themselves if they are being ex· eluded or if they are excluding themselves from active participation M their societies; more research is greatly needed to accurately establish needs of women." Foundation Library, 2012 Massachu s etts Ave. NW. Washington, D. C. 20036.' The University of Maryland is encouraging worn en of all ages lo attend summer sessions as "a good way to get started back In school." Fifty womeip from Nebraska history will b~ named lo a state Women's Hall of Fame, whi ch is being formed in connection with IWY. Details are available rrom Frank M-arsh, State Ttea!Jurer, Capitol Building, Lincoln, Ne. 68059. Finally, 1'those in control of the media s.hould be made more aware of the conditions and NEW JOURNAL . needs of women.'' The University or Chicago will "The need to improve ,the con · begin publishing a new journal ditions or· women wbo work-to devoted to research on women. insure equal pay. to provide ade· Tilled ''Signs: Journal of Women quate protection, to establish in Culture and Society," it will be child care systems-proved to be issued quarterly and will be in· a problem common to many or· ternational and interdisciplinary the countries," said Mary inscopeandcharacter. Virginia Busby, a staff member Anyone interested may write at the U.S. Center for IWY who ~ Carolyn. Vogt, the University or attended the meeting. · • Chicago Press, 5801 Ellis Ave .• -' Chicago, Ill. 60637. VARIED NATIONS The Coalition of Labor Union Among nations participating Women has resolved to "refuse were Australia, Belgium, Brazil , · to hold meetings and conve ntions France, German Democratic in states whlch have not yet Republic, India, Jordan, ralifiedtheEqualRightsAmend· Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, ment." Sweden, Tunisia and Cuba. A women's seminar for rail or Also, from ar.ound the United 1975 has been planned by the States, various projects and American Society or LandScapc events of interest to the public Architects. The society also has have come out of IWY. established a steering committee The National Institute on for women in landscape architec· Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's ture to help improve education study on women has shown that and counseling for women in this "women are increasingly found field. to be victims or what used to be Information may be obtainl.'CI considered the primary 'male' ii-from Darwin a Ne al, 2511 Q St. lnessof alcoholis m .'' NW, Washington, D. C. 20016. · A packet of information has The Center or Co ncern is plan- been prepared by the Business ning mailings on variou s and Professional Women's Foun-women's iss ues, s uch as the dalion t.o answe r the many ques-ERA, the relationship of Catholic lions it has been receiving on Women to NOW and fears both IWY. This is available at the men and women have.about the women's movement. Information is available rrom the Center. 3700 13th St. NE, Washington, O. C. 20017. SLIDE SHOW A 30-minute slide show on the South Dakota Indian woman has been prepared by that state·s Commission on the Status or Women. Heading the task force is Eunice Larabee, a member or the Sioux tribe. Lona Crandall, chairperson for IWY, Lincoln Hills, RR3, Sioux Falls, S. D. 57101, will answer questions. Les Fe mm e s Publishing, tdirected by Ruth Kramer, is seeking manuscripts for books which will combine the efforts or women in publishing, world· wide. The company is located. u( 231 Adrian Rd., Millbrae, Calif. 94030. Two fact sheets: "Inclusion ot Homemakers in National Measures of Producijon and In· come" and "Social Security Cov· crage for Homemakers," have been prepared by the Clear- inghouse on Women 's Issues, 1346 Connecticut Ave. NW, No, 9'24 , Washington, D.C.20036. Finally, the Forest Service of th e U. S. Department of Agriculture, Upper Darby, Pa., is planning several programs for women during the year, includ· ing career counseling. Anyone wishing ·information may contact Alice Buonato, FWPC, USDA Forest Service, 6816 Markel St., Upper Darby, Pa .. 19082. N'ewsletters from the U. S. Center for IWY, listing many more such projects, may be ob- tained by writing to 1630Crescent Pl., NW, Washington, D. c. 20009, BEA ANDEFISDN, Editor Someone who s hould know says. "She's ve ry competent ; she has no m annerisms -oh, yes, s he do es c h e w gum s ometimes -s h e's ve ry straightforward, a very nice human being; she keeps a cool exterior." That is her husband, Ian David Volner, speaking. She talks about him: "He's a partner in a communications law firm ; he"s very s uccessful, am· bilious, self-confident.•• She adds, speaking of the re- cognition she has received in the trial limelight, that it might be a problem "for a less strong, leS!> secure man'' than her husband. Tund.lf,Allfil?t, lt1S Jill Volner's demure courtroom manner is deceptive. A much publicized member of the Watergate prosecuting team, Mrs. Volner knows "how to go for the knockout" when closing in on a trial witness, her colleagues say. Now she is pondering her next career move. She bridles al a questi on and answers : "Whal mar ri age is creamy, really ? We have a good relations hip, we respect each other:• · At the height 0£ the Watergate trial Illinois·born Jill Volner pre· pared a complete Thanksgiving dinner for 16 people. "She's a terrific cook,'• says a good friend, Justice Department lawyer Diane Dorfman. who also describes her a s "an opal freak. She's crazy about opals; she's in- telli~ent. vivacious, a consistent person, who doesn't decide any· thing in a snap." l\1rs. Volner s ays "I find it restful after a tough day at the of- fice to do something creative that doesn't require a lot or thinking. l guess I have a lot of energy." She also loves to ski, travel, do needlepoint (but not in public : "A professional woman has to giye the impression or not being frivolous''), play the piano, .. dabble with the guitar," and re- ad, preferably Tolstoi and Stein~ beck. "£ look forward to the day when any woman can s ucceed in a profession. just like any m.:n," eve n ''the mediocre ones.'' i Was Courtesy Crippled? • I Ann Landers I !J:>EAR ANN LANDERS: I work af a nurse's aid in a hospital. To- ~fY it happened for the ump· ~!Ith time so I'm writing to you iJ1i the hope you will give my com· D&alnt lhe visibility it deserves. -~re are these people's beads the ones who park ln spaces ed lortlle handicapped? On llJY way to work this moninl I •-thl• bodly rrippled woman bein& pushed in a wbeeldtair • whole block In a terrible . rf!nstorm . • "The poor thing wa1 sotking: wet aod lhe man whow11s puahingber cb.11ir had an awful time trying to hold an umbrella 1nd mana1e the cbair at the same time. "People who are lucky enouch to • .. be able to walk on two legs should be willing to park a block or two away and stay out ol spaces re- .served fortbe handlcapped. Tell 'em, off, Annie. Thanks in advance.-llADINMICffiGAN DEAJI MAD IN MICK: 1'91 od· dreulms •7Hlt to ne17 Pe1••11 __ .. -...... ,,,._117 ......... wut llfe-bell&:• lfYOU-'t~onlM_ot_., ~ .... w , .. ree1Uyoabo<11o be P••hed J• a chair la a r1ta1torm becaate some able-bMllfd boc took the parking • .,.ce raerved for you? I laope Y•'U remember lbll letter the nut lime )'M see • lip _.at uy1 ••1te1erwed for &lie Ha•· ,•• dicapped. •• DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm taughl to respect my elde rs but re-. ccntly you made a mistake. l apGlog ize for correcting you, but you told a lady that nobody should' have to work seven days a week because ''Lincoln freed the alaves." You ire only partly right . Abraham Lincoln's Emanclpa· Uon ProclamaUon of 1863 stated. ''All persons held as slaves wtlhln any State, or desi11nat.ed part of a State" rebelline agalnst the Union "s hall be then, then-• .. ceforward, a.nd forever free. . 11'1i1 did NOT rree the slaves in the stat6 or Mi119uri, Ktntucky~ Weat Vir&inle, Maryland and Delaware, nor did it rree the .slaves in the slave territori es. rt was the 13th Am endrnent to the Constitution passed in 1865 that freed.ALL the slaves. I'm not blaming youforthe mis· lake. Most people are under lhc same raise impression. I just hitp· pen to have a very smart history teacher. I'll sign mysell -B·lO, L.H.S. ("76) DEAR L.11.S.: Cheers to you and your very 1m1rt hlatory teacher. I think he (or she) has ~?' 1't~:o'! ."t~~~n~.,~a~;M~~~ A.L.C.11 .S. ("36) DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have an answer to ''Better Fed and Not So Lon ely.'' She forgot to mention the 20 years during which she was "too tired, too busy or not in t he mood." Some women kill a m an's love and desire and they don't want any part of him until they discover that another woman does. Suddenly there's a great re· vi val or interest. As a man who has walked in those moccasins, I can tell her The Other Woman dldn1 st(!al my arrectlons. My wire lost the m und The Other Wom an round them. Ju15t i;ignmc -J.IAPPY AT LAST DEAR HAPPY: Your story Is one I've beard hundredlol times. But th e one I'v e h e ard THOUSANDS or times is from the wire whose husband is too tired. loo busy or noL in the mood. Too bad there's no way to reshufRe t.be dttk oo evrrybody rould be hop- P1• Even if drinking Is the um•.• thin g in y ou~ crowd , it needn 't crowd you out. Learn the fuels from Ann Landers'sbooklet, ··Booze and You -ForTeenagers Only.'· Send so cents ln coin and a long, self-addressed, stamped Cn· velope to Aon Landers. P.O. Box. HOO, El1in,IU.60120. • I I I Price Isn't Right .~ AT WIT'S EN D ..._ __ .., By EBMA BOMBECK '.'Hey, television is pultlng togeU1er a slx- milhon-dollar woman to go with the six-million- dollar man,'' I said to my husband. "If she does windows and floors , it's a rcul bargain," he said. , ' "What kind of a chauvinist crack is that'!·· "No crack. I just meant six million doll a rs is • rather conservative figure. Face it. I built you rrom s~ratch. Th~ ~ay after our wedding you fell apart hke a telev1s1on set the duy after warranty runs out.'' .. Are you sµggesting you have put six rnillion dollars into me?'' "All I know is we we re married in August. In September, you had your tonsils out, a kidney in- fection, and a case or the mumJ>$. '' '·What control did I have over the mumps ?'' "Why didn't you get them when you were a little kid like everyone else?" ''Because we were poor!'' . ''In October, it was your feet. You had bu· ruons and corns r e moved and an operation on your s ma ll t oe. I'll never know how you got doy,·n the aisle ~·· "I was pushed !" l said bitterly. "ln November. yq_ur teeth began to de- teriorate, foll owed by (hat mysterious rash on your chest ." & "Are you finis ht.-d ?" ..> "I have j ust begWl. In December, it wa s an iron deficiency and back problems. The rest of that first yeu.r runs together, but I know your eyes went in the spring, and yo u g rated you r thumb with the green pepper, und you had a plantar wart removed from your foot before the year was up." "The way 1 look at it," 1 said , "i~ yo u bu.ill yourself a Cirst-c lass machine, l run on black cof- rec and peanut butter. 'A·hich is less than four (.·ents a mile, do not overheat in the sum1ncr. start easily in the w!nter, haven'l 5tarted )-ISing a lot of oi l yet, have ample trunk space. a fairly t:ood paint job, take you where you want to go, get you there on time. have withstood the wear und tear of children, don't take up a lot or park~ ing space , and am still attractive e nough to trade." -· He didn't say anything for a minute, then he patted me on my trunk, smiled and said, "Fur gel It! Even with inflation, the most I could·get for You on a trade would be lour million." P.arenthood' s . c ·linic ·Open Art Put Up For Bidding 1.-ake Fores t Art ,..\ssociation ,,·ill s ponsor its annual art display and auction Saturday. 1\Iay 3. at the community beach and tennis club. Lithographs, ptints a nd o il p<.lintin gs by m aster <:i nd local artists ,,·ill be auc- tioned by Joe Grodzen of the Laguna J-lills Callery. Part of th~ proceeds is designated for the Albert Sitton Hom(' .. .\rranging the . display a r e Vivian Aun1ond I l eft l <.1nd. :'\larilyn P<:t ga no. Taurus May Change Plan ' By S\'DNEYOM1\RR \\'EDNESD1\Y, APRJL30 1\RIES (J\1.irch 21-1\pril 19 ): Emphasis on c;.i reer, 41 m bition. prestige, relationships \vith professional s uperiors. TAURUS 11\pril 20-May 20 ): Good Moon· as pect no\v co i~ci d es with journeys , languages. long-di stance communications . Some plans will be revised. GEMI NI (~l ay 21 -Junc20): Concern v•ith hidden matte rs could dominate. You di s- cover '-''hO controls budget. You find wh erl! best buy can be obtained. Ci\1".CE~ ~June 21-July 22 ): Emphasis is on your ab1hty to be patient persistent and confidenl in the f<ice of delays. Home en· v1ronment improves. l~EO (July 23 ·Aug. 22 ): L0\.11-key a p· p~oi.u.•h no"' is r:n.ost con.structive policy. Wor k. hc:.lllh. a tn ltty to pi ck: and choose-· these are emphasized. VIRGO (Aug. 23 ·Sept. 221 : Good tunar a spcc_t coincides now Y>'ilh chance for creative c hange,. s pecial relations hip. greatc>r understanding of young person . LIBR,\ (Sl'pt. 23 ·0ct. 22): Finish rathe r ~han be_gi!l :. round out assignment or pro- • •JCCl. This IS involve ment time. for you. SCORPIO (Oct 2J·Nov. 21 i : Short tnp is featured. Relative ""ll h ideas challenges your independence. Take a stand ; put foot dow n. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-0 ec. 211: l\.foney: _valu ables. possessio ns. payments and :.ib1ht.v to coll ect "'hat is due-these arp emphasized. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an. 19/; Take in · itia tive. Lead the v.·ay. 1-tighlight indepen- dence of thought, action. Be versatjle and display humor. · A9UARIUS (Jan. ·20-Feb. 181 : Look behind scenes for illumination. What ap- pears o n s urface could be dece ptive planned or otherwi se. ' PISCES CF'c b. 19·1\larch 20): 1-Tiendship coul~ bcc~~e much more -relations hips are 1ntens 1f1ed. If you ure not serious. turn in l·oyr chips DIV<JRCE ~~--,, Only $70 · ; ..;:c.;::-.::... '''"' "'"'' '"' ; PRESCRIPTIONS WlrHOUT AN ArTOANE'I' I Cllf .... ~l o.tfftrtll Lfl .. rtflll,..,...""""" ~~~~,~~ BBB ..... ~ ... Juniors Share Honors T\~·o Orange Coast clubs s har e d th e s potlight al the 19lh an- nual convention of the Orange Di s tri c t . California F ede ration of \\'omen's Clubs , Junior l\.1cmbership. Friday and Saturday in the LeBaron llotcl, Buena Park. The Huntington Beach J unior Women ·s Club re· ceived four a wards and o ne of its m e mbers, J aney Koch; was named Citizen-of-the-year. The Junior Ebcll Club of Irvine also won four awards. a nd one of its n:iembers. Chery l Burne, was named outsta nding .Junior ettc coordinator. The club also received the fe~eralion perpetual trophy. Also '*•inni ng a wards were the Junior Ebcll Club of Ne"'po rt Beach, three; l.ag un a Be ach Junior Wo me n 's Club, three ; Cos ta M esa Juniors, two ; Ra ncho Viejo Juniors, three; San Clemente Juniors, t"A:o. and Seal Bl'aC'h Juniors. l \Ao'O. By ALLISON DE ERR Of 1i. D•llr Pilol Sl•lf '"One o f th e bas ic purposes o f Planned Parenthood is to help human beings lo express their sexuality in a responsible manner. "Wh at better way to do this than to provide this ser vice where people Jive." said Ina Bliss, ex· ecutiv e direc tor ·of Planned Pare nthood of Orange County. The agency found that many pati·e nts wer e traveling to the main clinic in Orange from as far. away as Laguna, Irvine. Costa Ml'sa a nd Huntington Be ach. Es peciull y £or those with financial problems, she said, it didn 't make sense to mak e them travel so far for aid. To meet the demand for services. the agency opened a second out- reach clinic in The Ce nter -.<\ Peopl e Place. 132 E . 18th Street. Costa ~Jesa. Current hours are 4.7 p .m . Mondays by ap- pointment. m ade by call- ing 547-0884. According to Outreach Nurse Specialist Carrie Griffith, who with Dr. Sonja Elliott ope rates the Costa Mesa clinic, response has been so great that hours may be expanded. Planned Pare nlhoOO is a non-profit organization that provides a · wide MRS. CARLSON MRS. E MM ERSO N OUARANT£ED ~·-·=:_::.~.:·==-==~·-·_, : ~ / sUN51lNE el£p'oocygs -H4UOlill ........ ~''. 446 E. 17 ST ., SUITE K COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92li27 range o f se rvic es through its main clinic in Orange-VD tests, pre· gnancy tests, birth con- tro l inform a tion and counseling. Al !he center and the Stanton Com munity llospital. contraception counseling is provided. · ''\Ve take a medical history, give a physical examination in cl uding pelvic and breast check for canc('l' and the pa- tient is instructed in self~ examination o f the breast. "Also provided a re full blood count. minima l urinalysis and venereal disease testing when ap- propriate, .. Mrs. Bliss said. Contraception clinics are open to a 11 young p eople and fees are based on a sliding scale determined by income. Nurse Griffith , who ha s b ee n with the Planned Parenthood or- ganization 11 yea.rs, two in Orange County, said that the educational pro- gram orre r ed a l other sites will b~ added to the Costa Mesa clinic as the progra m gets more Golden Da te Remembered established. · ··The educational por· lion covers pregnancy and the various forms of birth control, effective- ness and ris ks ," s he said. Further information is available at the m ain clinic, 704 N . Glassel! Street, Orange, 639-3023 . l\lr. :.i nd '.\!rs . C. Ii. r\rambel. 1-tuntington Beach, \Vere honored on the ir fiftieth \\"Cd · ding ~1n nivc l'S'1 1"}. \\·ith an afternoon buffL·L hostec~ by the ir son ancl daug;hter-in-la,v, I\'l r . a nd J\·Irs. D_<1Le 1\l'c.in1lx•I, I\'lissio11 ViL•j 11 ...... "'\ru1nbel, a nat1 \·u Californian. <.i ncl his \\"if"-~ ,,·ere 1n<1rri l'd in Vl'nturu. 1·hcir (.fa ug htt•r: 1\'l<J r\·cll.e l•'a rna 1n , ,\rtadia , and fuu1· grund c htll.lren ,1,·ere un1ong the guests. Coast Couples Say Vows Carlson-Welch ·Wes tminster High School graduates, Anna Louise Welch and Chuck' Ca rl so n, both or ·weslminster , we re mar- ried in the Los Angeles Latter-day Saints Tem· pie. attended Orange Coast l\.fission Viejo a nd the,\. Pa m ~·t ingus, Barbara and Golden \Vest col-B. Hidalgos, El 1'oro. Pica rd, Amy and An- leges. Honor attendants "·ere drew Lansdo"•nc, Paul Their attendunts "·ere Debbie Hood and 1\lark Deyde n . Steve n and Leslie J ohns ton,l\.I aryJo Lingenfe lte r . James Dimmick, and l\.1o schog ianis, K aren Othe r s v.1e rc Nancy J\I i k e a nd David Schultz, Jana lea Engen, \Vcstler, J a n Bi llings, Roebuc k. 1-lich ael Ch ris t c nsen ·-;:========;;::=:;;------------Dan a a nd Kevin~ S " ~ ~"·.. .J pang I er, Clark Somers ~ ._-,_.,.., '\'''«J+ ~ Their parents are the James Welches and the John Carlsons. and Robert Costa. Av '!C~CJ't'.• <>.>.0 0 ..... Q -Emmerson-Ward ""'-~" ,.~ .. , .. .,..,..,, .,. ~ .. Judge Calvin Schmidt CJ~&~ .,_CJ.,.,."'c.~ Films. Th••ler Dance Television Attenda nts were l\.lrs. f\.1i chae l J enkins, Mrs . William Barrett, Alma Solomon, Peggy and J ohn Carl son , J a nel Secrist , Vi cki Krizan, .M a rc H o ule , Steve .Spoonemore, Dav e Loy,·r y, Vi nce Paretti and Jim Goode nberger. performed a wedding -1-~-~ ~-""',,.ft#..)' ceremo n y for Cindy ·:·(~"")_ ~ ...... ""' Wa r d and l\.1 a rk Em· ~ iC"il.,.~ .•• :"'"il. ,,.;_.. in t he m erson inh lhNe garden ~ ./'.,.r;-,,,.J..~ .. ~-llJ_.,1 ,,1 ;if{I}~ court at t c ewporter 'i: ., .... .,.CJ.,. .~ ~-..,,o _ _ • __ !!, • __ 1 Inn. ':::::::::::::::======!._ ___ _::=:=:=::::::::::::.., They are the daughter r and son of the Ed ward Wards. Corona del Mar and th e Randy Em· m e rsons , l\Iarin a dcl Rey. The bride is a graduate of Hom estead Hi g h School. Cupertino and is · St. Mark Presbyteri an a senior al California Church. Newport Beach State University , Long was the setting for the ·Beach. The bridegr oom is a junior at Brigham Young Unive r s it y and the ne wlywed s will m ake their home in Provo. · Spangler-Somers· double ring ceremony H er hu s band is a linkin g S u ndru Ann graduate of Santa f\na Somers and Thomas E . Hig h School <ind earned Spangler. aBS a t UC lrvine. Their parents ure Mr. They were attended by and Mrs. Clark Somers, 1\1rs. R ulph E , Rollins Newport Beach and the, and Steven Emmerson. Charles Spanglers , Hidalgo-Dimmick ; Corona d el Mar. Offj. l\.1i ssion Vi e jo 1"1i gh ciants were the Rev. School graduates, Terrill JamesG. Kirk of New Ann Dimmi ck a nd York City and Williarri A. Ronald James Hidalgo McQuoid. we r e married in St . ThebrideearnedaBA Nichola s Catholic in English at California ·Church, Laguna Hills. St a te U ni ve rs ity al , Their pa rents a re the F\Jlle rton. Her husband Willis ,.1 . Dimmicks of ,.,. ....,., .... • .... Gnnitl 0,.""'8"· You ··" It! HaH TOM? Co1u ol ond dre11y pon11, dre•1•1. co- ordinote1, top1 ' pont1ui 11, beoch cover•ups ond robes. See th• firtest Mlection of women's fo1h ions in the •ntire or•o. During our Grond Opening we'r• soving you 200/o 1tor•wido. 6 7 3 2 3 4 5 ~:,.~•ow•,\':'.::::O.:=-,.. 'j . . ~--~::~:'.. .. ~;i;~.· ,:_!:~::_,·',. • ~0 1 vr1ACf. SEt:VICfS 0' CAL•' ----~ _.,.. - •' ... -~ - • -. . • . . • •. . ?- • t , I ' '• • • # ~ 7 ~ . . -··. \' '.:; . -. ' ·l ' ~ t • IOOMER by Wrrt. F. and Mel Casson TUMBLEWEEDS -r 1\ .. -. .. 1 ~·l..;,..../-Q ... l Alll'T ~.~OtH YOO~ t.AioV'(tli' ~ 'ii MY l.4Wl'tl1 flM 7 by.Tom K. Ryan i COARSE t Ii~ HAffA WAl'f\.L. • t:ASTE:ft. ; t i ., I_.. 'l !; . . . f ~~KY ~~KERBEA~ ~,,i--o..__ ____ _, by Tom Batiuck ~ I .--,---.;...., _____ .., •, 1 SORllY, BUT IT'S TOO LATE IF <.l'.lll OOWT CHANGE 1 LAY THAT CARO QI.I ME, ~· TO MRKE ANY CHANGES ON 1\tlIT 5CHEOUL.E ,I'M 60IN6 BROTHER 11• f. NEXT YEAR'S SCHEOU1£!'• 10 RIP<,IO(JR PUl6 OUT J . ! J OF 1ltE WAU. J by Dale Hale • • "' h•• ·- NANCY by &nie Bushmiller 1---------,---..j OH, DON'T MY MOTHER SAYS THAT AUNT FRITZI 6AWLED LET THAT A60UT MY ROOM, TOO ME OUT 10DAY---5HE BOTHER r-:=-irr--, SAYS MY ROOM L.OOKS YOU LIKE A PIC7 PEN PEANUTS ® l>OOLEY'S WORLD MY DAD'S Rf.ACH£D l 1IC AG!! WHE.J;.'E •I~ RE"ALIZLS HOW SIUYITIS TO IM>l'!<Y ABOUT G"'T1NG OLIJfR DR. SMOCK HMM. :t. s ee 'fM6Y' HAP 1""0 c1..ose POWN "f'HA1"" 816 ASPIAIN MINe' IN U,..AH L c:&IDDY UP, PROF. BURRD f F,ASTEOR ! ANIMAL CRACKERS ., __ . ' by Charles M. Schuh ----., ~------~ .. TODAY'S CRDSSWDRD PUZZLE UNITED Feature Syndicate Yes1erday"sPuzile Solved: ACROSS 47Piltsburgh to am 1 Deeply so Cut of meat absorbed 51 Pester 5 Barber s 52.Spoil on the accessory tree: 3 10 Second -year words s1ude 56S1ber1an 14 Moun1ain plain state 60 Over again 15Forsake 61Goodname 16 Illness 64 Ho1ace --·-: 17 Non-U.S. bacne1or: 2 educa1or words 19Cuticle 20 Single, long slep 21 Stocking 1uns 23 Ado1ed 26Born 27 At11rm anew ... :30Frankness 34 Leners .. 35 Keep away · 37 Nationality : suttix :-38 Wei sticky , ea1th : 390u1of -.. • 65 Irregularly OOIChed 66 Son ol Setn 61 Concludes 68Sad 694Unc.onwnon 10 Mak e 36 Punch: Slang uohappy 39 Pronoun 11 Arch 40 Gave sheltet 12 Ca1ty sound to 13 Encloses 44 More 11imble 16 Ob1ect 01 46Sutloca1es in DOWN worship water I Sugar 22 AppOl'\IOOCd 46 SPf1ng pr0duc1s 24 Hero" lestiva1 2 Ral . -··:A 25 Most 49 Tnis: Spanish noise sagacious 52Brave 3 Calherinc 27 Canc.el a 53 Son of Judah --··:Queen penally 54 Serve . 4 Exc11cs 26 Ball!e 55 T err1tor1al; greatly 29 Mass. pi1g1in1 Abb~. . 5 Garment part Jot-11 · ---· 57 Tropical fruit 6 S.indleaCler 31 Pt0nce1 plow 58 Poverty- -·-Lewis maker s111cken ; MJ!e anlfll.11 32 Noted 59 Noon ending e Egg·shaped Canad1:1n 62 Edgar Allan 9 Actsol sell· phys1c1ao , mor\1l1cahon 33 Takes hve 63 Alt SO: Abbr. JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH lltAI \'OLA ~T L&AR:N TO DEAL. NOT WITH 'HE FANTM'I', l!lU1' ONLY Wm< 1'HE l!!Al.ITY IN YOO~ LIFE ! ~ :J j l :i : :J DICK TRACY Call me Ishmael. t C~~lt MY7El.F" 10 !IE AN HONEST, WELL· AOJl.iSTfD KIO 11/ITH /---- LOT? OF FltlEND? AND W<~ANDIN(; ~N OTHEll!:: PAltENT5. WOrf.05, THElte I~ NO [ t ~ llfALITY '" ~ M~1.IFE ... ~ ' ..,...,.._ ...... ...,,. .. ¥-~' by Chester Gould FOR HER OWN SAFETY! YOU MEARO WHAT CHIEF BRANDON SAID. THE ~ER'S A MANIArC:;,• .... • Tuesctay.Apul :i'9 1975 by Rodger Bradfield NOW H< ~J..'ll $ AeOtlf NOT 6En1..i ' QL[ll:.f.! by GeorcJe Lemont A" ASP1R1...a MINe!.' Cit>~.,<-'""-"·'·"'"'" .. ..._ .... _ ......... •· ~fa~c~ ynu h<ipJ'ly f11r the ~lay nc1wc1"i, Jocsn'I it"!" 0 , .. .. . •·lL .. ~,_. DAILY PILOT BRUCE BOCHTE I Will Retaliate :._Boehle KANSAS CITY (AP) -The California Angels' Bruce Boehle s ays he 'l l retaliate agains t Oakland, if he gets a t·hance, following a bea ning by A's pit~her Jim Todd. ··1 won't go out of my way t o start something," Boehle said as the Angels prepared to open a three-game series here. "But if J get a chance to retaliate. I will. There's no doubt in my mind that he threw that pitch intentionally, that he was trying to hurt me." Boehle , who leads the Angels AagebSlate All ~m•sOft ICMPC (110) ~r.1qCi!hlorn•.i JI Kan~.:IS C•lf ~ 1So '" /'.fjf, JOC61tlornoJ.i1 Kdn~d~ (0!1 .li.15P "'· I-My ICal11Clfno.J <l!JO;..Jn>.:>>(1ly ! 2S p,,... with 14 runs batted in. had driven in four runs in a doubleheader Sunday before he was hit on the cheekbone by Todd in the sixth in ning of the second game. Manager Dick \Vil Iiams charged at Todd from the dugout and both benches emptied. There were severul scuffles but no one was ·hurt. Wil liams said l\.1onday he does not regret his action, which could result in a fine or suspension. The supervisor of American League umpire::;. Dick Butler, said from hi s office in Boston that league president Lee MacPhail ~·ouldn't decide on a course of ac· tion until today. ''My only regret is that ~·e have to leave tov.'n today." \Villiam s said Monday ... After what happened Sunday we'd pro· bably fill the park 'if wc were playing in Anaheim." Williams' charge to the mound apparently s trengthened team spirit on the Angels . Boehle said he and his teammates· respect for t heir manager wa s strengthened by \Villi<Jms ' role in t he incident. •·He's been talking about us all being in it together." Boehle said. "and there can be no doubt now that he means it. It's a good feeling to know that your manager is v.'ilh you to that ex· tent.'' Andy Hassler. 1·2, pitches for the Angels tonight against Paul Splittorff. 2·1, Boehle said he was sure he had been thro.,1;n at because of Todd's control. .. He hadn 't been wild before that, but al l of a sudden he moves . me back "'ith one pitch, shakes • of£ hi s catcher and hits me in the head with the next pitch. ' "It was a cheap shot by a third-r rate pitcher who was brought in f to mop up in a game that was out , or hand." I iO'Brien f ;NBA Boss , NEW YORK (AP) -The Na· tional Basketball Association has , returned to the political ranks to , pick a new commiss ioner, former Democratic national committee chairman Lawrence ' F. O'Brien. O'Brien, who also served as 'Postmaster General under Presi-. dent Lyndon Johnson, has been ' elected unanimously to replace •retiring commissioner Walter '. Kennedy. The Associated Press ,l earned Mon day. The annou n cement or O'Brie n's selection is expected , to be made by the league Wednes-(d ay, ( Jn SpringriclCI, Ma ss,, where he C was elected president of the Basketball I-tall of Fame, Ken- nedy refused to comment l\lon-! day night on O'Brien's appoinl- 1men1. I O'Brien, 57, is a native or Spr- :.ingfteld. Mass., and has been ac- ! fure in Democratic politics and eJectJoa c1aipaigns most of his · e. He dtncted John F. Ken· nedy'1 Sen1te campaigns in 1952 aOd 1• ud his 1960 president! al ef1mp1tfn, 1 f~er which he l bec1me Democratic National ;Committee cb1irm•n. t 1From 1861 to 1965, he ""<•s 'pe~J•I a11tst 1nt for con · arenlona l reJ1Uon1 to Prcsi· clenll Xeitnedy and Jolullon, then •erved for t hree years a s ~aster General. • • • • II Tuesday. April 29. 1975 ·We Were Lucky • To Win It-Mota LOS ANGELES (AP> -Mun· ny Mota was talking about luck Monday night. "That 's what it was -just luck ," said Los Angeles' No. 1 pinch hitter after hi s eighth· inning pinch single capped a three-run rally and provided the Dodgers with a 4·3 victory over At lanta. The victory was the Dodgers' fifth straight and improved their lead in the National League \\.'est to l lh games. . The Braves were "'ell on their v.1ay to snapping the Dodgers' win s treak and takin~ over first nings when Atl<,1-nta pitcher Tom House, in relief of knuckleballer Phil Niekro, encountered dif· ficulty. counte red difficulty. ·one·out walks to LCe Lacy and Jimmy Wynn, fol lowed by a scratch double by Steve Garvey. his second two·base hit of the game, scored Lacy to gel the Dodgers within one. Mota then batted for Willie Crawford and sent a scr atl'h single off the g love of second bas~man .M a rty Perez. Wynn ~ ~ ~ L.OSANGELES ... , h Iii • 0 0 0 l I 0 0 3 I 1 0 • ' l 1 3 0 0 0 I 0 1 l 0000 ...... u U1C1lb Wynn t i V.rv-e, lb Ct•wlOtdll M .Mol•pti Cruz II '""" 'l'e•9"• c Aueroacri 11 Oownlng p Fergu~r1 • 0 1 0 • 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ATLANTA · •• r h bl Glorrll , • I 1 O M.Ptre1111 •0 1 0 Ew•n1lb 2 O O I WilU•rns lb • I 2 0 B.l•errl • 1 1 O l11rncl l 0 1 I o.1e1c 3010 ~stonpti 1oot ll1itn~1~1 2 0 0 0 P.N•ekrOp 3001 1-iOu!.l p 0000 ,,,..,.,,."" 1 000 TOl•I• 31 • 8 4 Tol•t1 ll l I l All•nla 010 010 000-3 LO!i Angeles 000 001 OJI ..... OP-A1lo1n\1 1, lo~ An~1e11. LOll-llanta •, Lo~Ange1e1 •. 28-V••~r~ : .. SF HE~~n~it BB SO P,NiekfO 1 I> I I 1 2 Houi.e ll.1·11 1 ~ l J 2 Rl'IOdl!n s•1·1312 Downing "' I O O o 6•ewer !W. l·Ot 1 0 O 0 ? ' T-2,lS.A-31,0~1. Costly .Jump and Gar\ley came home with the lying and winning runs. . "We were lucky,·· Mota said or the two scratch hits, "but we'll win any way we cun. Anyway. ufter all our injuries it's about time we had a llttl-e luck go our way." Wynn, back in the line·up for the first time in i\ \Yeck after suf· Dodger" S lat" All ... mesN ltABC Intl Apr.1'1 Allolnl~ ~I LO\. AllQe"'~ 1'.1S p.n>. Al>', :IOAIUtnt<I al LO~ Angt"I•~ 1.1> p.ttl, Miy 15.111D••godlL11~An11t1le• 1.?Spoo. fering a sore arm against the .Braves ·in Atlanta., helped the Dodger attack with tWosin!':les. "'My arm-still hurts but I want to play," sa\d Wynri, who played left field. Since the rash of injuries began wi lh Bi ll Russell 's broken bone in his left hand on April 12 in HoUston. the Dodgers have won 12 of16games. "I've said all along we're a good team and the way the guys on the bench have come through just shows you why.'' Wynn S<tid. Dave Lopes, the Dodgers' second baseman, played center field and shortstop, performing at the latter position for the first time. He turned over a critical double play in the top of the ninth which helped Jim Brewer earn his first victory since June 8. The forgotten man in the Fred Patek , Kansas City short stop , jumps .over Chicago's Brian Do\vning and the base to mi ss a forceout a nd double play Monday ni ght. He got the ru.n· ner at first but missed second. It did11't make any d1f· fe rence as Kansas City \von the 1\meric<.1n League baseball till. 7-5. Budget Slashed L4 Prep Sports in Trouble LOS ANGELES <UPI) -The sent level and eliminate others. second largest school district in But a school could not use money the nation will cut its spending from· the academic area for fo r extra·curricular academic athletics or from the athletic and athletic programs by 50 per-area for academics. cent next year, if a preliminary She s uggested that many budget approved Monday is schools would opt to eliminate so- finally accepted. called minor sports such as gym· The city school board balanced nasties, cross country and swim- its proposed $3.04-billion budget ming so they could retain pro- by giving tentative approval to grams in the more popular more than $41 million worth of football, basketball and baseball cuts ·and slashes t hat will programs. which often produce eliminate some programs and re· revenue for student activities. duce the scope ot others. • The proposed cuts in extra cur- One of the cuts would allocate ricular activities Would Save the each school just one halt of the district a total or only ssat,000. money it received this year for The preliminary budget in· extra-curricular activities -eludes the elim ination o( more both athletic and academic. than 1,300 teaching, staff and ad- A spokesman said school of-\ ministrative p ositions . A ficials would have to· cut the spokesman said this will not budget for both academic pro-t~r ea t e n l he jobs or any grams such as journalism, de-employes with tenure, • · bate and bands and tor after Some of t he preliminary cuts school athletics. She said a will be restored it district resi- school might decide to continue dents approve three lax override all of the programs at a reduced measures totaling 83 cents in level or continue some at the pre· local elections next month. bull pen hus uppeal'ed in seven games this season and has p-1· lowed only one run ln 91h innings. Rookie Rick R hoden started and Al Downing followed him with two scoreless innings. But the Dodgers trailed 3·1. Atlanta had scored twice in the second inning on successive singles by Earl Williams, Dusty Baker and Mik e Lum and a run· scoring grounder by Niekro. The Braves got another in the fifth "'hen Ralph Garr singled and e\•entually scored on a sacrifice fly by Darrell Evans. Niekro held the Dodgers bitless for three innings and gaVe up on· ly two hits through five. But in the sixth Garvey, who l~ads the National League-in hits with 34, singled home Ivan DeJesus. Oldfield's Next Goal: 80 Feet NEW YORK (AP) -Colorful Brian Oldfield, holder ot the longest com petitive shot put throw in history, isn't always serious when he talks. But when he speaks or hurling the iron ball an incredible 80 (eet, he isn't kid· ding. The muscular Oldfield, uliliz· ing a new discus-type approach, heaved the shot 72 feel, 61h inches at an Internation al Track As· sociation meet in San Ftancisco on April 4. Although no one ever had tossed it farther. it was not recognized as a world record because pro perfor mances do not receive such recognition. But it did not deter Oldfield's deterritination to better the mark, "I think I will throw over 80 feet with it the discus style," he said confidently Monday. The new approach, as opposed to the conventional "O'Brien" style named after former wi>rld record holder Parry O'Brien, has been questioned a s illegal. But the 6-foot·S, 270·poWld Oldfield said, "There·s nothing illegal about it as long as [ stay in the seven-foot circle and keep the shot under my chin before releas· ingit. "'The problem is staying in the seven-fool circle. If the circle was eight feCt, there'd be no pro· blem. "I 'm revolutionizing the sport by spinning in discus style. I take a turn a nd a half in the circle before I throw," he continued. ''Throwin g is a matter of leverage and directional pull. My speed has to be matched by my energy on t he toss. "'It is like serving in tennis or hitting a golf ball. I make my pivot off the left foot and come out throwing straight up. It is more difficult to learn than the conventional way for most shot putters because all shot putters are not discus throwers." Oldfield, however. also is a dis· cus thrower. The 29·year-old Oldfield said he switched to the unconven- tional s h ot put approach, because "after throwing t he shot the same way for 15 years,' it got ]boring." . Actually. t he method is not new. John McGrath, a s hot put- ter and discus thrower al Oc· cidental College during the 1960s introduced it. But Oldfield said, "He was told he couldn't stay in the circle. The coaches made him quit it." Oldfield, however, has no coach and never did. "So I don't have people badgering me with that stuff, putting a psych on my head," he said. ..... Oldfield said 'he firs t ex- perimented with th'e method 'in 1968 in a National AAU meet al Sacramento. "l got in the circle, and I tell down," he said with a laugh. - After becoming accustomed to it, he said, the discus style now gives him more momentum at the point of release. "I've got a Jot of spin in my body style," he explained . Asked the difference between his throw and the conventional form, Oldfield replied, ;'Mine goes farther.'' \ '\ ' AN EASY OUNK FOR KENTUCKY 'S ARTIS GILMORE. The Colonels Topped St. Louis, 123·103, In ABA Playoff Action. .Joys of Fishing $21.25PerPound: Don't Call It Fun ff I had two fis h that cost me S21 .25 per pound, frostbite (almost) and were the cause of my drinking habits to be tem- porarily accelerated, I wouldn 't eat them, I'd have them bronzed and hung over my bed. That way I'd see them cver:v day and they might serve to dis· suade me from e ver again going out for the good time of trout fh;· bing. So goes a recommendation for roast area printer Pauf W;ird, a mild·mannercd , middJc.aged GLEHNWHITE WHITE WASH man who did his thing over the weekend . His thing amounted to driving ha lf the night to §el to the Bishop area, some 250 m iles distant. From there he, his son and another friend and son motored Ward's camper into the Lake Crowley area. · - They arrived, set up the camper and shortly were treated lo one of Mother Nature's spec- taculars. It began to snow. Ward got more neryous as the snow got deeper. But his pal ex- horted him to s tay on (or the fis- hing opener, which was only a moon away. So the next morning they.rolled out, ready to be fishing by 6 o'clock. That's 6 a.m . By t hen snow was piled everywhere and accordingly it was cold. Very cold. The rest of the fishing expedi· tion braved the rrigid tern· peratures. Ward was smarter. He stayed inside the cam per and put together a warming mixture that was 10 parts bourbon and 1 part Coke. "I never thou~ht I 'd see the day when I 'd be drinkJng at breakfast. I rarely drink as it is, but it was just too cold," Ward says. . Having consumed all hJs magic potion by 6:30 and probably hav- ing his good sense dulled by the cold, he wandered out of lhe camper and over to the lake. By then it had warmed up lo around 5 degrees above zero bul the wind bl ov.•ing off the lake in· dicatcd it would not tx_. getting much hotter. Nor wou ld the fi shing. Ward and hi s s on caught one rish c.ipiece. They did not catch pneumonia. By 9:30 they abandoned ship, did what rnos t fo lks would do un - der similar eircumstances:1wcnl out and bought breakfast and then did some river fishing in <J lo"·er. warmer area. They didn 't add to the ir fis h harvest. But they got back home in one piece, showing four pounds of fish for a journey which added up to $85 in expensj'.!s for Ward. But then, you aren't supposed to figure how much it cost. You're supposed to remember the fun yon had. NCAA Threat Hanging Over Spartans EAST LANSING, Mich: (AP) -Michigan State football coach Dennis Stolz says a report that one or his p layers bought clothes with an alumni booster's credit card is "very unfair." . Ot her MSU officials have declined lo talk about the matter, which is under investigation by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. MSU P r esident Clifton Wharton has clamped a lid of silence on t he recruiting probe, and NCAA officials will not com-ment. · On the practice field, Stolz put the Spartans gridders through more spring drills on Monday, and said next year's team will be a good one. But clearly the threat of NCAA action hangs heavy in the air. . Foolish Pleas11re ·Derby-Favorite LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -W. Sophom ore defensive back Joe Hunt of Toledo, Ohio; alle1edly used the credit card of Lansing attorney T. Michael Doyle to buy clothes at an East Lansing men's store. Stolz brqke Wharton's gag Of• der long e noup lo say the story was "very unfair," buthe:would not elaborate. E. "Smiley" Adams tucked his tongue firmly in his cheek Mon· day, then said Foolish Pleasure is the horse to beat in the IOlst Kentucky Derby because of his consistency. "l mean he's just too honei;t, too consistent," the 39-year-old natiVe of Versailles, Ky., said as he watched his own Derby horse. Master Derby, walk under the shedrow. Certain!)-, ,. .. oolish Pl easur<!'s 10 victories In JI carCC'r starts Is ' • consistency, but Master Derby comes closer to matching it than any other candidate for Derby laurels this year. In 19 races, he has failed to finish in the flrst three only twice and in one of those he was moved up from fourth to th1rd on a dis· quaUficution. In addition, he now has WQn five in a tow, including the Louisiana Derby Trial, the Louisiana Derby and the Blue Crass Stakes. producer or eight of the last 13 Derby1 winners. ~ Adams.sent Mastel-Derby out for a 1"4-mlle galloP Mood1y, then qulppe<l , "I just thought)hat wu a nice dls~ance." The Derby SatUTday is at the same distance. Foolis h Pleasure, la.i;t year's undefeated juvenile chamr,ion, &U!fered the only dereatofh a lire In t he March 29 Flofida Derby, where he returned to the barn with lnjure<J.feet. ' His recovery in the next three weeks before his victory in the Wood Memorial was no miracle, trainer LeRoy Jolley said. • "When a hone ls really rlt and really healthy, be c&n recover quickly, It's Just like a Joekey who 1ets hurt and they HY he'll .be laid up three months and he's blck at the track In two weeks," Jolley said. Comlnf from behind. Foollsh Pleuure Won the Wood by a head in the last two strides, PL'lsin1 the pace·leillng Bombay Duck Just at the wfre. Bombay Duck had only one bad race last year in 10 starts. , , The NCAA has been lnvestlgat· Ing MSU'1 football Proc<am for · several m onths. Itrcportedly bas i11ued a long series or allegations and directed MSU lo reply by June2. · It was reported that Hunt bought clothes at Marty's, a clot.bing store across from the MSY campus. Manager BiU Busch said Hunt came tn wear- ing blue jeans and ~hi almost $200 worth or new clothing. .. ' • ! ! ' ' t ) ( l • ' I ' I ,, I .. ; ' ' ' . . ' .. ~ .. ua May Get Se1·na Area Prep Track .Whi z Narrows Field to 3 I Golf UC Irvine is still in the running tv because t hr Owh~ didn't use htlmets J~nd Loara lllgh Jong distance sensa· with naps. as required by Mission UOI! Ralph Ser nu , says UCl Anleuters Conference rulew. ass1sto.nl coach I;-en Mille~. The game wlll be replayed If It Serna hui; sh ced the field lo three has any bearing on &he division !!'land· , schools -Oregon, UCL.A and UC I. lie ings. rccen~ly flew to Oregon und 'A'Ol'kcd, Saddlcbal'k Is headed for the con· out w1,th Steve Prefontaine, one of tho fert!pce playoffs despite the facL it has . wo.rld s better long d!stancc; runners. a loslng record as the sec:und place Serna ran a lifetime best of 4:07 .0 team In the Southern Division. The recently at Arc_adia and ha~ been un. Gauchos will probably face Cltrul!I der 9 minutes 1n the two-mile. Those <Northern Division leader) Jn the close to the scene say Serna is a ci nch i;ingJe.game elimination opener May 6. -----.., _..__,__ CRAIG SHEFF to go to Oregon, bul Mill cr hasn'l gi\•Cn up. UC I c hunccllor Dan Aldrich and some of his administrative staff will nleeL with athletic director Ray 'l'hornton and assist ant AO Rod Shermun nt.'xt week to try and find u solution to the uthleti c dcpurtment 's saggin g financial situ<ttion. Plaudits to Ray Shackleford and his Golden West golf team for winning the Southern California Conference ti· tie with an 11 ·1 record. UC J's <tnnual celebrity baseball game wi ll be held Sunday, Ma y J8this year and will feature mem bers or the Los Ang e les Rams against the Oakland Raide rs . Vista Members of the Mt..-sa Verde Count ry Club have reached an agreement with Japan Goll Com- pany and will purchase the club and all of Its re· lated facilities reports John Berger, presjdent of lhe me n's club. Negotiations we r e completed recently and an agreement or. purcha se price and terms acceptable lo both parties was r eached. Members have been given a choice of remain· ing lifetime members at no additional f ees or becoming equity mem. bers by purchasing stock in the ne w corporation. J:. limited number or • new equity memberships will be available with a max imum membership or 500. Aundre. llolmes, a two·year star rumtlng back at Saddlebaek College arter . perfor1n Ing at Mission Viejo lligh, will play for Cal Poly Cl,omona > next fa ll . llo lmes was at Drake University last year, but did not see action. • 'rhe following ntghl ·al Crawford Hall, the Rams face the Raiders in El Niguel basketball. Both events will help raise funds Tom Peden and guest ' ' . . .. . . ..., -.. ~ . ' . Tuesday. April 29. 1975 DAILY PILOT Title Meet Pirates Host Loop Spikers ~ i Orange Coast College has ne ver won a truck nnd fi eld li\J jj, but coach Jim Melllwain's Pirates could end those years of frustration this week. DCC hosts the annual South Coast Confe rence meet Wed nesday and S1Jturday and be<.· a use of that rules an even choice lo 'A'in the title . -ulong with P.1t. San Antonio and Fullerton colleges. Mt. SAC is co'nsidercd a slight favorite since it had a 5·0 dual meet re· cord, defeating OCC by four poi nts and 1-~ullcrton by five. Orange Coast was a six-poi nt loser to Fullerton. Wcdne~da y ·s 1>reli ms begin at 2:30 with. £ield events, the first race gel· ting undt.•r way a t 3. Saturday's fi n:.i ls start al 1:30 wi th the initi al run· ning event set for 2 :30. ..,. 1112.0); Jii~tlln-Jlm B•own t10CNI : Jtrr~ Allllou~• Cllt·•I; Melo~ \lt.l-fl : Tom$f11r1t11ll (t1l-.SI. f_,.SooltllC..UM.lrkl • 100-Co•nell ISO Me,a l f16: Wln•te•d IF11ller1011) •.1; 0...,...1 (0CCl, Ubo¥111 (Ml. !>AC l,.I, 110-corn111 ISO M•~al 11.•, CN1me1 IOCCI. L1bovll1 l""I. SACI 21 S;HOU\lon CMl.!>ACl21.•. UO-Di1¥1~ lMt, SACJ, Cornell ISO MIW) .~.O; Pl•ry (!>0 Me•al .. ,; Dee ~on IS•nt41 An 411 , Hyo~ !Fulle<!Gtl) •~··· 151(1-Per<y 1!>0 Me~411 l;i J.I: E•b ISO Me~I 1;,S.O; Gt41ve\ (Sconl• An•I 1.~i .I ; Pof\<• IC•rnlo~L EngllY> (Cerrit~) l;iS.t . Mllt -Cend•]a\ (FuUertonl •·l•.O: S.Wveora tFull~rtonl •: ''· 1; Ol•-"9 COCCI •:t6.i; EnQliill tCerrlto..1. Ru\I IS.nta An•I '' 16.I. l·mile--0•~•1n9 IOCC) 1t·t1.l; C.1no•1a1 tf'1111er 1on1 t•:1•.1. S•4lve<1r11 IFullertonl 1•:?•.•: WU· U..uer (S.nt•Ana) 14 :)().•. 120HH-Ha!I I Mt. SAC I t6.1; °""n\ IMI. !>AC I u .•; !>le"'"'' CM•. SAC! 14.S; Feo111 (Fulle rl onl, Plant IFullerlon l \~.I. ••OH1--o ... ens IMI. SAC) S•.7! St'"'''' ,(Ml . SAC I SS.S; Aoam\ «>cc), er119<1 1occ;1 ''·'· uo reldy--Orange C.o•SI, Fulletlon, Mt. San Antonio 42.1; !>an Dieoo Mew 62.i. 5.ant ~ An11 •1.B, Mile re1a,y San Die90 Me~a J:lO.J; Ml. San Anlon io J:?1.J: Fullerton 3.?l.&; Or11nge c;o.~1. Cerrito~ J;l6.0. HJ -Pi'lmer (Fullert on! 6·11'•: Po""'u ICerritos). Geddes CSD ...Vs.al &.-; O..nger IOCC). 5en11 IOCC!6•6. LJ-Glove• !Ml . SAC) 23-9; ~n COCCl 23·6\I>; Bl•nd (Ml . SAC l2MI"•; R11~it~a IOCCJ ll·O. T J-Scou tMt. SAC) •1-9~•: MilK !Ml. SACJ 41·1: Autl<k41 tOCCI -·,,;llliinO CM!, !>AC I 66·1'111 . PV-Fren<.h (Ml. SACI IS-0; W!,fUI CF11ller1onl 1 .. ; Scr"911Y !Ml. 5ACJ. C.rcil (Ml. SAC J U-0. Construction of a new wing ror Orange Coast's boathouse in Newport Beach begin s this week_ 'fhe tab is $58.850 and it will take six months to build . lt will house shells and sailing gear. for UCl 's a thletic scholarship pro-Burt Rutman of Quail gram. Lake Country Club. won Tickets a r e $2 per person. per low net honors in the an- event. They're now on sale at the ·nual member-guest Crawford Hall ticket offi ce. tournament a t El Niguel ORANGE COAST'S JOHN OLSWANG. ··1 think \\'c ha \•e as good a s hot at "'inning lhe title as fo~ull e rton or t.1t . SAC,'' say s fw1clllw<ain . ··11aving the meet on our track will h<.·lp us ...• SP-Mor~tli (f'ullertonl Sl-0~; Al....,iln CS.nt• An al 51 -S; Ft¥1klin IOC.C.I S0-1'n; Pa;oton CSO oYl!li-1) j,(1-1\. Saddleback 's recent baseball protest ha s bee n uph e ld : a game with Citrus has been officially declared no contest. Citrus won the game, 10·2, but the! Gauchos prolested Among the Rams expected to .Co u n try C l ub la s t play are J a m es 1-farris, J-luntington w ee ke n d w i th c.1 Beach ·s Isiah Robertson, El '[pro's 63-60-123 score. Bill Nelson, Lawrence McCutcheon Two teams li ed for and Fred Dryer. The Raidei-s lineup second pl.a ce including "'ill include Fred Biletnikoff. Phil Sam Freed with John Villapiano, Dan Connors and J ohn Sheehan or Lomas Santa Vella. Fe CC (64·62 -126 ) and Steve Bowers with Larry Dana Hills Falls Rustlers, Brennan of Lakeside Country Club (64 .. 2-126 ). To LB Wilso~ 3-2 ~~~wc~~!c in gross action, John Richardson and partner G r e g K e ll y of Los Angeles Country Club fired a 71·74-14S for top honors . Long Bcaeh Wilson 1-ligh School 's Bruins scored three runs on as many base hits lo defeat Dana 1-lill s ll igh. 3-2. J\.1onday afternoon in OJ long-delayed consolation Tom l\1ongc scored lhe go-ahead run after rc- a c hin g ba se on a fielder's choice after Brad I-l ester walked. lie scored on an error. "'omen 's softball and \'ol leyba ll te ams will travel to Orange Coast College \V cdnesday for a pair of important con· ference outings with a 3:30 s tarting li me for both e"cnts. M ission Viejo £inal game or the Tustin ·baseball tournament on Jelle•\, tt 041n41 Hllh UI Brownin11. ~~ .. ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ' . • • Coat:h Judi Garman·s Golden West Rus tlers softba ll team will tangle with Johnnie Brooks' OCC P irates with first pl ace al stake. They opened the new quarters at Mi ssion Vie- jo Country Club recently witb a huge turnout and things are back to normal this week according to lf!'O Roger Belanger. the loser's fi eld. Bena~o0er,r1 • • Rick 1-la llstcd , the ""°'"""'·'' liol1111"il\,t Dana Hills pitcher , held Fo ... ier,u the· Bruins to three base !>ir•non, 10 1-ie\!er,?o • • • • , ' · The e nlarg e d clubhouse and men's locker room in addition to the new wom e n 's c lubhouse faciliti es. were opened over the weekend. • • hits while s triking out six. Mo<19",lll Th H•lt\led, p ' ' ' . • • • • ' . ' ' and wa lking five. e -101111, " ' Store by lnnin9~ On the volleyball " e tourt, Jan 1-lilgendorf's J 1 OCC A team and Lou ' ' walks plus three costly errors proved hi s undo· LRWnwn ing. O.nilttll!\ ' 010 OOt 1 l 010 010 0-1 Ann 'J'e1·h cgge n 's Don Fowler belted a solo home run in the E second inning to tic the n gagen1e 11t game and in the fi rth, Ru stlers arc ti ed for first place with Santa Moniea. 1'he two s chools are also In a stag day tourna- ment, George Roberts. Oscar l\ummer , Dale Pyle and Bill O'Connor finished with a 293 fo r top honors . Dana Hills went in front ' For Go olagong with another marker . tied fo r second place in t h e AA s tandin gs in volleyball. Smith Out OAKLAND -Golden State rookie g uard Phil Smith .wi ll n ot play against Chi cago in Wt..'<1- nesday's second game of the National Basketball Associ a t ion West ern Conference fin a l s because of an eye injury. a team spokesman said Monday. Smith s urr ered a scratched cornea of the left eye Sunday night in 1the Warriors' 107·89 vic- tory over the Bulls here. LONDON -Evonne Goolagong , th e Australian tennis star. became engaged Mon · d ay t o Britis h bus i· nessman Roger Cawley. Goolagong, 23, won the \Vimbledon wome n 's sin gles title in 1971 and is gene r ally regarded as one of the most popular players in \\'Or ld Lennis. The engagement "'as annou nced by Cawley's fam ily which lives in Ca n te rbur y. Th e romance began when the c ouple m e t <it Wimble d o n in 1970. C;J \vley is 25. Wyatt MVP For E stancia S t eve Wya tt was named most valuable at Estancia •tigh's sports awards banquet honor- ing lh~ swim teams J\.1on- day night. Specia l awa rd win· ners: V40r•lt• C.pt111n: Clay S1even~; Mo~• v111 ..... Ille : Ste~c WyaH; MoSI lm1><0......,· Craig Webs1e• , Fro111-Sop11 Captain : Jer r• Wyan ; Mos! \iall>i!· Ole: l"r11t• Cook; Mosl lmPfO""°: Jon s.-~~ Second place went to Harry McConnell, Pa ul Runge. Peter Piett and Dale Ha hn with 294 . Henry Call, Bob Sisk, George McElroy and Steve Wagner finished third with 303 and Max. and Ja c k Garden s teamed with Bill Kniefel for fourth at 330. /ff~ado..,lark Bulldozers have taken over a t Meadowlark Country Club in Hunt- ington Beach in a r e· novating job that is ex· peeled to be completed within a month. FACTORY Demo SALE! Baseball Standings A~I ERICAN 1.E/\GUE East Division W I .• Pct. GB Detroit 9 5 .643 Milwaukee 8 7 .533 1112 ' NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct. GB Chicago 11 4 .733 New York 8 6 .571 211:? ' • TOYOTA EXAMPLE: TOYOTA MX 13 4 DOOR ,.,.,,o..,•t•c Do.,er "'~""""' '" oord•l<-0~•"9 "'t.11 ••d10 •~•• l>ur.;i1~••1, ~• il'oiill¥<0""" 1111~·· 53273 • VOLVO .... Price lncreo••· 5'1per llhc• ... _ .. , pric•d to .... °'"'""' Deti•ery s;.clllNsh. SAVE • USED CAR SPECIALS '67 VOLVO 4 DOOR ,\\11QtnllhC A~ •ad<-0 \IW[ 1111 s1377 'H TOYOTA COR°"A f'l f , Aulo..,•toe '" tono. AM ,..,..,.. !YRlllll•I s1377 '73 FIREl lRD FORMULA 40 0 • -I" Ctl"'I IKi*'t' ""'"'''II I tir..,e1 .,.., .. ,...,. (Jl.t!OY+ s3377 , Baltimore 7 7 .500 2 Ne"' York 8 9 .471 21~.! Boston 7 8 .467 21 :i Cleveland 5 8 .385 311!!. West Division Kansas City 11 7 .611 Oakland 12 8 .600 Angels 10 8 .5~ t Texas 7 9 .438 3 Ch icago 7 l l .389 <1 l\.tinn esota 6 10 .375 4 Mond•Y'I Ga"'" Detro1\ S. 811ltlmcre l New York b, Cttveiano I K1n1.1'i City 1, Cl'IJtaao S Only 1111mes ~theduled YOCllf'I Giii'! .. De!•O•I (LOl!tl'I l-0) .. , Ualtimotl (Gr!m1J1y (I.I) C1tvel11nO IH<)Qd 0·01 a1 Ne"' York CGur410-01 c..1;1ornil IH.$\!er 2·1l •t ICIM.Ja~ City ISplll-torlt 1-?) 011•11110 (Ailbolt J.01 al M1MeSOI .. !Goll> ().J~ Cho<•llO fO<.lttn 1·21 41! Te~as !Jf!n~lm.111 0n1v 11ame' KhtOt1110 W1dnlHl4'•"1 G41"'" Ott•o•t 11 M11 ... aukee Ct1ve111no•t Bo~tGl'I Blllllmote at Ne"' Yo•• (;.ll1lornia•I K•nW\C1ty Qa~l.and 411 Minnt\.O!a ClllteOQ41!Te•l1 Pittsburgh 8 6 .571 21h St. Louis 6 9 .400 5 Philadelphia 6 10 .375 511:t J\.1ontreal 5 9 .357 Sin West Division Dodgers 13 8 .619 Atlanta 12 10 .545 I 1h San Diego 10 9 .526 2 Cin cinnati 11 10 .524 2 San Fruncisco 9 10 .474 3 Jlouston 7 15 .318 Glh Monll•Y 'I Game$ Hl>IHlon •. San Ole!IO 1 Los Angel•••· Anania J Only gemeli Kheduled "''l'•O..mes Ne"' York 15e•ver 2·2 •1Chl(aQCJ1Uurr1$1·01 Mentr111 181•!• O·aJ at Phl1aoe1p111a !LOnbo•o 1-1) Ht>uslon IRkh11rO 1-11 41! !tan 011!9" \Ft.,i\letien 1·1! . 11,n41nt11 (Ca pr .t 1·11 •t LO $ Ano•te~ 4Me\~r\ml1h l·Ol Clntlnnat l (G11!leH J•ll a\ $.Jn Frilr'lti~to CF•lt-1·\J W1dtoe1day•1 O..mes New York •I Ch!CeQO Clnc;innati 11 S.n Fr1nciKO SI. LOl.ll\41! PllUll11ro11 HOl.l'i!on 1\ !Min Olt<JO .t.1111111••1 LosAn'lflt" Onh 91me'i 'KllildulHI DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA VOLVO 1966 HARBOR Bl VD ., COST A MESA 646 -9 303 ).-, ••<r·Pcir1,·Bady \hop O p1•n '• D"t' ".,,.,.i. Part' Dt>par11tW"1tl Op,.n 'laturci ov' 9 "'" ; p '" W E M At(f O VER St: AS OELIV{-Rlf\ I •. El Toro Hosting The Pir<.itcs :.ire h.>d by di s t anet· s tar J oh n Ols\\'ang and s printer Paul Desmet. Ols"'ang. the s tale J C D1Kus-Kell~ IFulle•lon) 154-111>; Brown (Fullerton) t••·•: !>lantey IS 41nl• Ana l 1 •2·5"~·: Morelli 4Fullerton l 142·S. JaYel ln--Glo~er IMI. SAC ) 19S.Q1,.; CoOll !Fullerton! 192-•; Brown COCCI taa ... ; Allhou-.e CO(() 18'>·9 Volleyball c·ross country champion , B f . t will be r<.ivor ed in the ene I mite <Ind two-mile. 1-1e·s run 4:14 .5 and 14 :17.3 Athletics For Girls The United S t ates Olympic volleyba ll team will m eet Pepperdinc Unive rsity in a be nt!fit match a l E l Toro High School Wednesday even· .ing at 7:30 with proceeds . going to the Trojans tean1 and for lhe :.idvan- Volleyball At UCI A volleyball exhibition between the USA na· tional team and t he Southern California All- stars will be held at 7:30 r~riday ni g ht at UC Irvine's Crawford Hall . F o rm e r O l ympic player s Danny l1 al- l e r son. Dun ca n Mc1'~arland , Miles Pabst Kirk Kilgour a nd Doug Beacl feature a USA team t hat wil l have strong opposition in the All-stars, composed of top players from the ·win s ton Volley ball League. Tickets are priced al $4 and $2.50 while UCl students r eceive a dollar discount with their iden· tirication cards. Tickets can be purchased at Crawford Hall and the ASUCI ticket offi ce with proceeds goin g to the Olympi c Development Program. Now $5.99 Clan MacG regor® quarts ... it 011ly tastes expensive • ' cement of Olympic volleyball. Tom Reud . voll eyball coach al E l Toro ;;i nd a me mber of the U. S. team until June "'hen the national AA U ·tourna - ment is compl eted. is in charge or the benefit game. l\.1any of the members or the u. s. team have moved into the area to be ne<.ir practice facilities. The team works out six days a "'·eek and is pre- paring for the zone championshi ps to de- t ermine a qualifying team for the Montreal Olympic Games. The zone m eet will be. held a t UC Irvine in AugusL ar'ld \\•ill in clude the U.S .. Cub:.i , l·faili, Canad<.1 and Mexico. Mem bers or the U. S. team in .addition to Rc<1d are Dunean McFarland, Dan PattersQn, Byron Shcwm an , Doug Beal. Dave Schakel . Kirk Kilgour. "-1 ike Cote, J ohn Zajec. Miles Pabst, Mike No rmand a nd Tim Bonynge. The le<1m "'ill also play an exhibition at UCI on tvta y 2 <.1 ge1 in s t the \Vin s ton Le ague t\tl · stars. this season. the latter a school record. Desmet has bests of9.8 (100 ) and 21.5 (220) and has been consistent all season long. With Bruce Girasole a lso running the sprints C9.9, 21.9). the Bues hc.tvc a solid 1-2 punch. · Other t op individuals for OCC inc·lude hurdlers Steve Adams a nd Dennis Braga, long a nd triple jumpers Dan Spain and Greg Ruzicka. high jum- pers t.1ike Sena and J oe Denger, shot putter Skip Franklin . ha lf-miler Howard Kee ley and javelin throwe r s Jim Brown and Jerry Althouse. Ot•Pl9' C.411il Enlrl•s UIO -Paul Oe~mel \9,BJ; Brute G"awre !9.9); Chrl• Marlin !10 01 ; c11r10 lo~1i 110.11,-210 De~mc:t ,11,SI. Girawle (7!.9J; M11r11n (21.1); TO!<tJ (12.SJ ; •411-no entrlei; 880-How11rO Keel•y (t :S1>.ll; Tim Rud• ll:Sl .91 ; Mlle -John Ot~ ... an g l•:l•.,I; Mike AuUin <• JS,IJ; Ste•e Shaulro (•,JJ.?J; J-mll<!-Ol~W""!I !14:11.JJ ; Duane Wallmlre !14:lb.0); Perry li•rmil•t• 111:26.SI ; Jell Jone5 OS:49,0l ; John leveo11uon 116:03.0>, t20HH-Ste~• Ad11ms OS .21 ; ,flcb Ahlll• 11•.11 ; 40,01H-Denn1s Brao)il ISS 9): AOamli ISS,9J ; 440 relay--<11.1. Miter•lay-J:2•.o. "4J-M!lte Sena (6-6); Joe Denger l•-61; LJ-Oan Spai n Ul·61o); Greg Aurlc k41 {2J-OI; Marlin 121-ll ; TJ-Ru11<1ta t•6-6'12 J; Sp•in (.i -1 1~1 . Pli -Je•• MOye Ol·I>); Ken Pll1Ulp$ 111-ll; Merk Sweeney 117.01; Kerm R1m;i 111·&1; Sob Allen 02-01, !>P $!<IQ Frenklln (j,(l./>1,i; Oil.C u\· Al"" ~I! 1140-2'"1, f'••nkl 1n ltJ1.ll; Glen Me•ll~ (tJ/.4~,1. Rick Rll"'ley W0MEN 'SS0f"T9ALL Golden WIS! Ill , A11uirre, 30 Sm111le•.tl Kyler, !ti Cooe>er • ~• L,.'1<1...,,,< Cru\e.rl Burl1-.on, rl Nkhol\, p C•!<Jeron, p RoD"'\.Ofl, II M.Jul, It Wilham•. 2D Kre1n~•mp, ltl lo!.ol~ a:~~rbl1 • 1 0 0 4 1 J I ' , , . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' . . ' . ' i1 e · 1 • • • ' ' ' ' • ' ' • 5tOrlDJ lnni119' !>an1aMnn1<• Go1oen west ' .. 1110000 j J 2 200 OU •-I 8 2 Or1nge Coa\1 LJ I .. ' ' ' , ' Aflll'!l,JD e..anw.tt ,...,,~,.lb Con~H,c OonalO\.Ofl. \S wott.p eur~hart, rl ll•icn, 1D LtllleJonn, 11 Tola!~ ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' , ' ' . h , Score Dy In,.;.,,, . "" ' . ' ' . ' ' . , ' ' ' • • ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . l'ullenon 000 012 0-3 s 0ra~coas1 aoo ooo 0-1 6 4 WOME N'S VOLLE 'f BALL AA Division C.OIOen We'I Oet San1" Monica 1·1), 1)·11, \S-9. Oran114! Coast Oel Glendale IS·?, 16'1•. Pl•yer of 11"m' -leri Smilh. A Oivislo" San1a Monica de! G<>IOen We~t IS-•, l}-4, ._ Or•noe Coa11 del C.tenOate 7-lS, nS-J, I~•. · Plawers ol gdme -Karen Diet•el, LindW• Cor1cn. E n g lish Soccer Mono•v•s A1sulh Ticket s for \V ed - nesday's matoh at E l Boys Volleyba ll Toro High are currently I Home Tea ms Lhled Firsll Enqlisl'ILe•9ue DIY!ilOll 1 Touenl'lam •. L<'ed\ 1 -~!Ham t, Ar-.enalO Oiw1sionJ Blac~l>l>rnO. Wre•ham 0, tie Port V•le t, erighlon o Division~ available for Sl 25 ut the HIGHSCHOOLVOLLEY•ALL " . liAASITY school. On the night of L• Quinta oef e11.ont1a 1s·s. 1~11. Sou11'1POr1 3, Lincoln? the ga mes. they will sell l}·l. JUNIOR VAASITY for SI. 75 per person. E111nc1•<1el L1au1n1a1s.11, 1s.1. S<ettllh Le•111e Oivlston 2 A10ion Rove•~ 1, S11rUn9 Albion • I AIR CALIFORNIA ANNOUNCES DIRECT DAILY FLIGHTS .FROM ORANGE COUNTY! ·rake off for Tahoe the easy way ... v.ith Air California. For just $32.00. a convenient, comfortable Electra Jet Ries you direct. Weekdays or week- ends, fron1 nea rby Orange County Air· port. Special discount s for families and groups of ten or more. Only v.ith Air California •.. the airline rhat con· sistently earns the best on·time record in the business. One call to Ea sy Inf or· mation arranges eveiything from Right reservations to complete vacation packages. with tickets wa iting at a nearby travel agent. Easy enough? Air Californ ia to Lake Tahoe ... we"re e\\si.i to take! Call Ea sy Informatio n in Oral'lge County.(714)5404550: Downei.1 (2 13} 924·3313: Laguna. (714 ) 494·?595; Lo11 Angeles, (213) 627-5401 AIR CALIFORNIA We're easy to take. • ' ' •. • •, • 1'f DAILY PILOT Tu~sday. AprH 29. 1975 .-~~~~~~~~~~~~r~-::-::::~·-~~~- FountainValleytoMeet Phils ruBuc NOTICE Pt: nuc NOTICf: i--~~~·~~~·I~~~~~~~ HOTICI TOClllOITOllll P:ICTITIOUllUllNISI MOTICI. TOC•l!CUTO•I P:ICTITIOWllUIUollSI IUl'llUOllCOUITOl'TMI! .. AMIS1'&TIMIMT IUl'llUOJI COUllJ O .. THI! MAMI STA Tl Ml MT ITATI 0.CALl,..OllNIA l'Oll '"' '-lowlllll "'"-1 •reaoit>Q llltM· ITATI OP: CALll'Olll NI& lllOll TM lollO•lnt si-r~ I• lllotng IMMJ. Pl:DI.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Redlands in Grid Tiff Want TH•COU .. T'tOIJOlllANOf: "'1ot•11 TKICOUNTV O,OllAllllOE 11n11~· ...... '2tt1 FASHION WMCIL, ~·s ,O(f )I ......... Jt)I e111Y.0A)I OtST., J1t0J \ffl(O\h1n E~l•loof BEllNICI M, OUMTON, ... ,.._,011bo<lhlSIMl1 COlllor...i•~ lh lllt 01 C~UI A, Ml!Ll'!NOAEZ. 1..IM HIMll"'llOll .. .C.h,(•1,•lW lk• 8fANICf. MAE CAllPENTeilll ~Of•I Tr10h•9 (ompi1ny, In• 0. llYO ! .i'1MfW!P1lrl<kl!lr y1nt,Jl«tlY• .. OUllSTON, ..... BEllNIC£ MA E torl)Ol'll•O, • c.1\101111• C-l)Ol'lollan, .::0T1c£ •S Helllf8Y 0 1veN IO ..... 1;14111~ ... Nl'llllnolOl'I h•tll, C.I.~ OURS TON, 0.t•• .. 1111. • IJ4 !t41utll Coou lil,oll•l f, U.OUftt lc1t0l10r1 OI .,.. •tloOVI ,..n ... o UIK.Mlolfll Tllb DI.Ill ... , 11 (onclu.CIH b'I' JI\ Ill• Redlands lUgh's Terriers, terrors or the Citr us Belt Leag-ue rootball scene for the pm;;l two decades, will make a return to lhe Orange Coast area this fall after a long absence . Fouritain Valley's Barons will host the Terriers in the first week or the season. And if that's not enough for coach Bruce F;ckford's crew to bone up on prior to SWtSel League play, the Barons will trek to Long Beach Wil son the following week. It's an interesting contrast to Foun- tain Valley's nemesis, Edison .~dison ' ROGER . CARLSON • • • ~ ·meets Bolsa Grande and Orange in 'non-leag,µe play. • Other 4-A orange Coast area grid ;schedules prior lQ league play are as ·rollo~'s : · Newport Harbor-At Servile, Corona del Mar. Marina-At E s tan cia, l luntington Beach. "lfl unti n gton Beach-Warren, at Marina. ..!Maler Dei-At Corona del Mar, La Mirada, Lakewood. LB Wils on. .. 1'h e area's three Century League (I-A ) teams : !Corona del M lir -Mater Dei, at Newport Harbor. "Co s t a Mesa-At Foothill, Mission Viejo. "Esta ncia-M a r i n a . ::it R a ncho A1amitos . 'The South Coast League's s ix en· t11es. too, are set with a couple of in· ter e s tin g clas h e s. !\1ission \1iejo m eets Cantwell and Lagun a Bcac:h t e s t s B loomingt,on in a couple or £irst·CVC'r l'Onfrontations . T he s chec.luJC': Dana Hill s -Los Amigos, at Esperanza, Brea. at Can yon. El ~oro -Brea . Gahr , at Esperan za, a t El Dorado. Laguna B each -B loomington, a t Rim of the World, Canyo n . at Brea. Mission Vie jo-Sadd·le back, at Costa Mes a . E l Dorado, Cantwell. San C l e m e nte-E s peranza, al Cypress, at R edondo, Valencia. U ni ver s it y -At Tus tin. a t Los Amigos. at Valenc ia . Esper anza. U n iversity llig h 's Trojans, inciden· tally, will play their home gam es at T u s t in Hig h this year . And times are tough al E stancia where quarterback Larry Hall is a NOT1 c e IS 11EAEllY GIVEN to'"' llotfl,C1U1ornl1t11~ lhtl •II "'"'°"' n1~ln9 <1•1-~11\1 .. vi~!. :1.ullo..1 OI .... ID<IV• n•meO OK.o.t\1 Tlllt -~ ..... ,, <IMI011t11d by. cor· IM uld Ov<•O.nl ••• lotqMllfO 10 Ill~ Jot ,,.,.,II do ubtful P3rticpant. He broke his lcR All 1n.1 •II _ _.1 ll•vlnt ~11m1 ~'"I DCIO"•llon. ll1eni, •l•n l!'lt ,...(u~•••v •Oll(ll•••" 111 Tlllt •1.Wmenl .. ,, 11114 wltfl ""' iD twoplaceSiD8SkJing 3Ccident. en 11"' Uld ..,_,10.nt ''' lt-qMlflCI '°II~ MA ORAS TllAOINO COM· '"' Oll•<t 01 1..,. <lf<I< 01 '"" lliOvl "'' C-tyCl11kol Or1ng1 CounlyonAprU * * l"'m. •ltll "" .. ,.llol•Y --·· In PANY. INC:. 1111.a COll•l,o• lo llflMnl 1n1m, .. 101 !"' 1•. ltJS. 1't . '"' otnc1 of tnt> t11r1< 01 '"" ...._ ,.... n.11 111••m1nt ••• tllrd wllll 11141 ~U6 Ed ison H i e h soccer star Don t1U1G c-1,or to1rt...,1 t11...,,w1111tt1t Co11ntvc11•kot 0 1on911 C:011n1yonA11•ll ~~~;"~'1:0uc;~:;· 1:1 1~1111~~E1"ti PuOtlllltlo or1n119 co." 01uv P1101. d II CIF I. ....(l\~l•Y VO\Kl\9••, to ll!• undtf•IQMod 10. lt1), '"•W, •••• WILSHIR E QL\/D, Sui IE AIM"lltt,lncl Moy,, IJ, )0. lt7J Ull•I) Schroeder '4'DS name A · lrs t PHILADELPHIA -"' •>0 J1nd s1r111, P.o. Bo• 11s!i, ia.1111 "°'· !l-•t.1TA MONtt•. C•L i~OR"(IA,l-------·----- tcam . but the official n ews has yet to Paul Owens, persoMel ,.. .. _1 U.•<11.c.111101n1••1..o.wnich P\lbliwo C\l•nll" Cot't O•llv "'101 · ~ ... h,cn I• 1ne pli <1-01 Pi.•1nc., 01 0 CE f bod I , 1• ow pl..:• or tun111••• ti • tt>t""' ...,,..Ut!i,22,19,;ina ~v•."'~ 1m11 1,UBl .. I C N Tl 4 COme OUt 0 the governing y. t S d f r e (' t 0 r 0 ( t h e Olli!OMO 111 Ill n>tlllrt °"rtllnlflll IO 1fM111na1nliJ!lttl HI olll tll~l ll•\ j>Oor\dln·,,--------·------)jke w ater polc>--t.he results are re· h 'I d 1 h · P h i II" 111t 111111,,1110 o.c101nt. w11h111._ 1.-.gto 1"-111"11 01 1~•1101c1ofn1. wun•n1 p 1 a e p ta 1es. lll0nlll•1lt1r\"9llr11p11bllc1\lonottnl• Pl' Bl.IC !"\01'1CE lour n'1111tll••!t•• U\e tlr11 Pll~lC .. llon SLll'-JUJI Jeased so Jute most have forgotten all waited todt"ly to see if not ice. a11n11not1c1. suP1.1111011:cou•TOl'tH1. bo t It b b II Horm1n Ho .. 1rd Oi.ruan -,.,.. 0.\ld.l.prllll , 197~ STATE D, CALll'O•NIA l'Otlt a u . controversial ase a E•IClllOl'Ol lhlWlllOI ,IC'TITIOUS•USINt:SS EOWAM ()lt,MEl CNORl:l 1Hl.COUHT'fO,.O•AHG• Schr o e d er's tea mmate, K el ly s lugger Dick Allen is 1,..1c.ov1n.n1edo1cldent HAMasTATEMEHT 1Exe:cuTo R011""v'11LL N•.A-tliM Dunne, writes on his t e am's behalf in claimed by another .ND· 11u11:w1n,1>1u11:w1T:ra11:1.Mtlli TM •ouow;no u.••0•"1••00!nt~-. 011111 11Kho .. ,...nwo0o>c~oon1 NOTICED,. H•A11:11>1G o,. ll'l:T1T10N h QIURdltrMl ,..,.,., OIA'ALliSO. SMAW POii: L'lliOIATll 01' WILL AND !'Olli nominating Dave McLei~b as coac of tional League leam. · ... o ... 11ns ELM HOMES. •oottc;.1,1i.ld,Hun· uww1Ls"••• •Lvo .. su1Trt011 Lene11:s TEITAM l!:NT.1.11,. the y e ar. The Atlanta Braves, ...... ,..., .. Mt1,CAt1... U"flan&.1c11,c1111ornr1•,•~• u.NTAMOHICA,CALlf"OMNIA~ E''''' 01 c OAOA YOOE!it. T1t ;ll11)'1J-ttlt 1,·P11lllp 11 , MCN l n\11, lOOIJ Ttl;lll.lllll...... 0.Cll..O .. Whe the r they a ctually have a coach who acquir ed Allen in AllOl'ftf•SIGr E•tCll\Gr GlrlltlO, HunUnoton 81K ll, C.IHOlnl• Alltn11yl0t'E•E.CUTOA NOTICE IS hf AE6V Gt VEN t""I of the year in soccer in not known-the off.season , put him ..... bl•i.11to v1•11oe c:°'" 0 •• 1, Piiot, 12!>11 P\ibl11.11111 or111ge c .... , o.11w Piiot, AOaEAT L. YODER"'' ri11e1 ,..,,1n • I. t 's doubtful , • AO<•l I 11 J? t9 1t1J 12s.i.11 J. O.te Slmb•o. 100ltG1r11110,kun· "'1f"ll n, rt,1110MI••· •.l. '''' lolJJ•IS 11etltlon tor P•obel• OI win .,..... '"' ,,.. On W a j Ver S 011 er the . ' . . ' •. 11"'911111 BeKll, Co11tornitt2111 1---c---------c---·1-e ol Lellt'~ Te•llmtnlMY to !Ill But Dunne and his mates are right. w eekend and the Phils T111, bvs111111 11 coN1u<1te1 by •; P U BLIC NOTICE Pluti-r, ,,,,,,11ce to .. 111c11 11 m.u. M CL e ish turnclt in a spectacular ef-I I d Pl"BLIC l'\'.OTICE um11e0p.artMr~1110. tor tur111er P1•tlc1111·~. •""' t...,1 u. immediately ca me l---------------·I Si,...aP11111pH .McN1r.H tlmtM10p11oe;~of "•••1ntt111w"""°' fort, coaching the varsity to the CO· their one·time rookie of Thi$ ~i.11,.,.,.1 w•• 11~e1 ..tt11 '"' ,-1cT1t1oui•us1"1:ss 11Mnwi1or Miv1l,1t/5,1tt:JOa.m.1n c hampio n s hip with Saddleback High FICTITIOUS •US.IHl:SS Co11n1y Cler-OI Or1n111 Covnly on folAME STATE MENT ""'(CIO,lf\rooni OI O..P1 n m1n1 NO. l DI the year. folAME 'TATE.Ml:folT M1rc1111, 1t1s. Tiit loll-Ing P1•$<1n 1, Oolr>t tlllil· ,.id <011rl. 11 100 Civic C•nl•• 0<1¥1t in the Empire·Sunset Leagu e and tak· That doesn't m ean the T~ 10•11w1n11peri.0ns••• OOi!'llDusi· Nu11 "'"o': w 111 In 111 , c 111 01 s1n11 Ana, l·ng the C h argers lo lbe C IF semifinals Ph'l l' t All b t ·t ""~•••; P\>tM l1111c1 Or•n;e ca.11 o.uw PllOI, CAAFTLINE coNsrRUcT10 N c.nto'r111,. I 1es ge e n . u I PEYTON ENTERPRISES, Ut1 Apf'Ul,1S,JJ,1',191$ lll1·1S COMP.I.NV, JJ/9 0 •1n90 AYI., c~-. OllldAprtll~.191~. before los ing lo eventua l champion is indicati,•e that the C.0,"1>twv .. L1t1HW&.1e11,caui.11u1 ...... -..c11.•J6J1 • wiLLIAMt.st.10MN • S B b . th . R1YfllOnO Prlc• P1,1on, 1JS My~tk PUBLIC NOTIC~ , •• · ,,,,_ -anta ar ara ill e rain. Braves are 1'nterested in ~ K•-lh P. ro...,n111!, .... 1 . ._ co11n1v Cl••~ · W1 y, U911N1 Sttcn, Ctflt,"16$1 l--------------jAW.,Co,11 M<lll, Cll.12621 , AD.UitS,•IAL.SOllllAl.YIEHHE The j unio r varsity was undefeated some kind of d eal for the ·J•m11 w11111m P1v1011. 1••21 Thi' bM~in••• 11 <oocJu<t~ci b• .,, in· lUUS.••• ......... and the frosh.soph took Second In Wlmtlll!don Ln ... H11nlln91o.n S.ath, NOTICE o.·.··~'.'.,',', e ·s. SALE ' first baseman, according , cilv 0011. ~ P.O. to• u , l eague W''th a 12-1 m ark , Q Colil.l"l'4t>O ' p o , '' 0 Coo"°'"· t~7S, 1t ll:OO A,M..CON· Kenno1n P. Fr'llbnnlll> Sff1 ...... <1UI0,11i1tHIO to wens . cnar '' 191n ey on, 6 " olll• ,llltnltnl w•• r.ieci ... m tki• , .... , ... , •• ,.~,, I h . f h I . I "t ' on AC! c °"" oe1 M.t• C.111 TINfNTAL CO NVEYAN CE ... -... . Al t !S Or a SC 00 10 On Y I S "flQ 1 '• 0' • · CORPORAT ION a ~ OlllY appolnleci CountyCl•<kot01 c1n9e Coun1,onApr1I Alltl",..fllM<,.tlllllflt• <econd year of soccer competition. ~olon-1• Roll nais , ,., c 1 Tru\lff unoer and Pur,ua~t 10 0riui.1 01 •. 19is. Publllhe'd 0•1n11• Co.1•1 o.11y Pilot, ., ...,, """ !.Ira Stewart •wlor, 1 oa5 • f"•1'11 A""H:r9,:JO,ani1 M11 vs.1t1~ H1•·1' * * * . 11 .. y., lagun1 Btll h. C111or 9"l6!o1 hu\I rt<o•.:l~d Ao,1g11•I 'l. 19/t. a5 In-Pl.obll~hod Orange coa~I D.tlty Piiot, "' All·s t ar a ttractions will come in a LOUISVILLE. Ky. Thi> 13,.,, .. ,.~~ 1 ~ cuudo,1<ted tiv" '•'"0",,',,·,,11,"',,·,,'",.,-,,~,'.',",',·,,~.,,".',",.· Apr11 1 !i,1i,2t,1ni1M•v6,1~1s 1JA1,1s ------------- ll""''"11><11tn<!r>nio. " " "' l'l."l\l,I(.' :\O'l'IC"f•: bundle this year with the Orange T h e Kentutky Colon e ls, J .. me\W.Poy1on co11n1v At cGrlll;'r ot or1nae Coin>•Y. Pt: BI.I C' ~01.IC t: County football , ba s ketball and \\:ith Artis Gilmore scor· C..n .1>ar1n~• ~1.•,1,•,•,,c,a:1.',",','o"•·w,'o"H'•'o'H',~,' ----·--------- th Sh · · II d Tlli' >l•len>enl •I~ llll!d wllll '"' .. ., '-" ~ .1 --------------~-1 FICTITtOUSIUSINESS baseball games, plus e r 1ne ing29 poin ts . ro e over c0.,,,1,cie11o.o1or.,noe eo .. n1,onAprU EllDDERFORC•SH IP•Y•b1e1111ni.e H•MESTATEMENT North-South football game, a ll t a king ·the Spirits of S t . Louis 11, 191). ~1 u.1e 111 ldwtu1 n>o111y of 11w Unl1ee1 HOTICE IHYITIHG ••os The ro11owlnt Pi<•1o01>• a•e ooh'llbutti· F4:rto!J S1111~J oJl tM l<>u\11 Iron• entr.inc1 to ••o•TeMHO.t7t ,..._,,.,; place within six w eeks. 123· 103 l\1onday nig ht to P11bli"11d Or.tnoe c .. $1 Dally PllOt, ll>e Oki County Co11rlllo11M1 Ill rlQllt, U· NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEN tl'lal The FLOWER p LACE, .91) Th Sh ine game at Pasade na's in the Eastern Di vision Aprll1t,29,1no~w•. 13, 1915 1.:.11 11e 1110 lnttr•it convefed •o and llO\lr w..1111 Pl'-~•b will ti.I. •K•l~ldtr\l llw w •• ,...,, 11unUnQton B••(h, Ciol. t1M1 e r f w 1-------------1 lleld OT 11 lonOt!f ~aid 0..ICI ol Tr..i.t !n Clly of Colt• Mel.A, IO wit: Tiie Cit) Fr•nlo. .... Cort , 6101 No. •01 Rose Bowl is July 26-two weeks a ter playoff c hampion ship 1t11 property !lt11atec1 In ,,1e1 Count v eouncu, P.O. Bo• 1100, 01 1111 Otv 01 w.,Afl,, Hllnti1l9!on aeocll, c11. 92611 the O range County g rid a ttractio n . a ·four games to one. P U B L IC NOTICt: -s•11eoe!>(ritled •~: c.i.Mew, eau1orn11, anor11e1or11n. A0t<o Poium1>1. 9}0 ,.._ urri1:1e1 f h It' be th Th C I I 'II t LOt,,ot TrdCI No.1:M7 •s PH !NP "°"4' Of 11:00 •.m. on f"rldly, MIY 16, St. Ntl. ll~. W.Holl~wooa.Cil.1IOC»t Change rom t e pas t . S e n e e 0 One S WI mee reco'<k<I in Book 10, ~Ill lJ, Mh· 1t1S. 81d$ win bl p11bUc 1y optAIO ~ Tiii> tlu•ille'~ i i t onOulled by a c u stom of the Orange County body to the y,·i uner of the In· HOTICE TOCR lDtTo•~ ceu..._,.,s ~P\. in 111e 0111ce ot ow •Nd •loo.td 11 11 :00 •.m., or ts !iOOll ttt>erlll1>1•t•oe••h•1>. SUPEllilOllCOURT O,-T"E Co .. nly AecorOt r ol !o i iCI 0<11n9C1 llltt-.11" O• P•lcUc1ble Oii f"rld.ly, Frin~A .(.ore play it in August . di an a · Denver seri es STATtf Ol'C•LIFOlliMIA FOR C011n1y. Ml• ''· 111s, In 1111 eo..ncu cn.mt>t•~. Tn•• ~iat"""""' wa' r.ieci Mth 1 ,,.. Orange County's cage c lassic at which Indiana lead s 3·2. T"Ecou"TYOFORANGE tne ,,,tt, aoorcs~ aNI otl'K>• corn-c11v Hill,'' F•lr D,.v ... ~11 ,.....w. C.O..ntyCle,~otor.n;eco .. nlyan•P••i Orange Coast is bl e o r une -Dan l ssel hit or28 E \t .. 1e 0 , L• \/A ,J CHA 11. pro~rtye1to~cro1><'Cl "bove li purpw1.o MAINTENAlll CE OF TAAFF1C fill u• 'II d f J 14 f ~d N•.A·lltU n-<lt'•~n~1;0,., •I •ny, ol 1"'1 •e11 C1lllornl1, tor tile turnl•hlnt ol J•,ltlS. and the baseba ll game will probably Louie Dampier ad 17 MORE HOUSE. o.ecea!,t,n 10 t>e: ~, Y,,eu w.1,.,n s1 .... 1. c.o.1c1 S1GH•LS. Pub!IV•<i<I oianoe coa\t Da•lY Piiot, 'be th d l a ·g ht ea I' er I h C I 0 I NOTICE is. HEAEU v c.1 VEN to rnc w w, Ciolilo•ni• Aoo111on11 \eh ot IM •p1cillclllOA!. All'•! lt,ll'l<I M.ly&, u, 10• 111~ n t•is e sam e a e. or · nt r 1 · a S C 0 n e S .,,0,10,. or 111e ibOv• n"mt'O de<l'<len! '"" .,,,<M,,;11neo Tri.~1~ e1.~1airw. m1y Dt oci11lned ill t111 oll lce ot uw * * * pulver ized the Spirits' llld! 111 oe••on\ hdv•no ci~on» aQ<J•n~• lltly 1o1110101y ror dny "'""'eel""~~ ot Purd•••lnv •vent 11 11 f"•lr Drl~.1-----lf you y,·e re t h.i use· 64 d ( St L -f II ll\t'\i •OOectClenl l•e •eq11lre<1 ta l<1e U...\!tttl ...,Cl•~~·dnd Ol""'"''"n"Of1 Cosl.l.MtS..,C.Ulornl•.BldS-Obe PL:l\l.IC X01'1Ct: · Wa C ng S · t' ense · · OUIS e •twn•. w•!I! IM nece•sary vouc ~ro;,, '" U.:>•!ln•t•on, ,, anv. sha,.·n ho.••em. rtlurflld to tllt •ltenllon of Ille C)IY ba se.b ~ll v icto ry over UCLA on apart early in t he fourth 1..., o!l •t• 01 th' Cle•k ot uie .. oo .. ~ en-s.;i,ci ,~1c .. ,u bC' made, b .. 1 wH1>a111 Cl••~. In• ~e•11e1 envelope, idfntil•e<1 te!ev1s1on that was former Cos ta M esa period, d espite a n out· t•H.a '°""·or 10 Prto~n1 !hem . w•lh 111e <ov~nJn1 o• .. drtanty, t •P••s. °' om-on 1111 ou1side wi111 111e Bio 111m H h t D L · 0 I M<t\~&ryvo1Kner~,to tne 11nd1r•l1l"ed ph~'CI. 11g.o.,1ong ••ttt, oo•••"SiOtl, or N11mblr1nt1 tlll'Optnh>tO•lt. lg S ~r l!nn1s C any cat c hing fo r . s tanding performance a1 lhe law oukes or DE MARCO, ('nc .. mto•inces, 10 Plf tri.e remalni1111 E1c11blclU11111oecUy11crilfldrve'y the B ruins . by Marvin Barnes, who BARGE R, OER•L a. Pl ERNO, si.o pr,ncip,;i1 sum ot 1r.li noteC\I 1.K"'ed iltm •t Ml tor111In11111Pt!Clffcauon1. h f M d • NEWPO RT CENT ER OR., STE, 900. l>'IModDeeC!otTruSl,lo-wlt:Jl.!i}l.'16, An,1nt1•ll1•Ceptfontlo lr.tt.Ptelllci0· A not er ormer es an 01ng \\'Cl pitched in 35 points. NEWPORT BEACH , CAL IFORNIA -..itn in!tfP!>I !he•eon, a~ P•O•ided Ill ,1_ ml/II bt Clllrly tlaled ln the t>ld, these days is Bill Va lentine-the <nb&O ... 11i<11 h 111(' pt11ce ot tluslne>s ot ,..id note!~l. ac1vante~. ti a11w, un0er !Ind t1Uur1to 1e1 torlh any Item In t!'ll! Mus tangs' g rid r eceiver . 1-lcv.•a s at An· 4. s ... pended t~ \l~rtltned in Ill ma1t1rt Pt'r1 ... in· I~ term~ ol said Dt:eo or Trust, let•, !lfll(.lfk1UOA\ .... 11 be groulllls '"' ,,. ll'lg lo ln•eSlale ol Wld oeceOt nl, w•thln (hil•g.es and e~Pl'f!Slt ol Ille Tru•lft' )tcHonOl lht tllO. n apolis Pre p la s t fall and is s e t (or the '""' mon1n~ aner tne llrs• ciu1>lltatlon .in1101 trie: trush ~·e11eo 1>y :.aio Oct>.:I E1<llbldWll w11or111111e 1u11n¥ne~ Naval Academy . LIN COLN' Neb. • :a;.·~noli<<!. OI Trus1. 1nd f1$ldenc•t OI Ill pe•>On• .... . Area Calendar W1d1111d1y I Apr. Jll) Ba1oeblll -U11lver•1ty 11! Dint h!llt, Mls.oon v .. jo 11 Sin c11,....nttr, LiOQU"I Bl'tc:n I! El To•o 1111 II l :Ul, UC Irvine 11 LO\'Oll, LA BlploSI l l 5outnern Calllotnla College !bo\11•1 J ~. TelVlll-Olnl Hill • II Unlvt•'lfh . 5oln Clemente i1 Mission VltjO, El Toro ii LI~ 0.1tn !ill II l 'ISI, Co1t1 Mts• l~nn 1• Clul> 11 Sollllle<" C.lllorn11 CollfQf (1 p,m. I, Soutll Coasl C:on- •erence t011rney 11 Fulle•lo" Colh•llt· Trtc:l-W.stmonSler 1l EOI""". Mlrina i i Fo"" la<tl Vaney, Nt' .. Pl'l•1 Ha•i.>r at W('!o!e<"n, fil ll ;,1 l IS!, Soi.1n Co.'i•I Con•e•tnCt' llf~llln> II 0rtfl91! CW~ICollt'ge {)~ "1 I One·game s u s pension s i..,'-ecl.l.prll 11, 197S n. blneflcl••Y 11ndlr Slid DHd"' Pl•llts lnte•tS\eO In Ille P•Opot<il .. . ROll ERT 0 . OOIJS.ON, Tr .. n lllr1lotor1 1x1cut10 anO <M· princiPtl•. In t1se c• <Orporatoon•. in-g i\'en four U niversity of E•tot111oro1111ew.11 11-.a 10 tM undenlgnM • -111 ... <llld1 111e n•mes al tne Pretlotnt, N e b r a s k a foot b a 11 of tne ~DoYe namoeo Cl«l'<k'nl. DIKIM•llon OI Dlt1u1111nd Oemlfldlor 15-~r1\1r,, Tre&!ou•••. 1nd Ml•wver. b OE MARCO, 1.1.lliGEll, IEll:AL & S.lt,1A01 •rlt11nN0Uc1ol O.laulllnd ThtClly CouncilolllltCi!wOI Co,1.a p layers have een Up-PllERNO Elect ion to Sell. Tiii un01rslgnltCll Mrt1•l1'1<,,.,~\lle rl9llt!o re1tt1any or h e ld by the National UONE Wfl'O illlTCEHTl:lliOll.!>TE.fllll cau-11id Notlc1o!Oef1111tMIOEl..:-1111t>to5. Coll•gi· ate Athletic As· Nl!WPOAT &fACH, c" tiue 1ion 10 s.1110 bl recorded rn 1.1w eoum., o.1ec1 : Apr111•. i•1 s. '-wlltnllll',tllpr-rlyl,localfd. PlltMlSlllCI Cringe Co1•t Dally Pila!. sociation Council. Tit: 111,,..,...,,, o..1ee1 : .1.pr;111. 1,15. •orH», 1•1s 1~1&.n The s u s pen sions, ...... , ... IEXll!"C.UTOR CONT INENTAL Pllblllllld Oranve COl~I Oalty Pilol, CONVEYAN CE handed down earlier this Apri12J,2'1,lncl llo\ly 6,1J,HI) 1~/S CORPORATION year, involve i nfractions . -----A1wkl'T•uS1H s.u,.11:11:io11:cou11TOFT"E d t t d . 1973 d 1974 --------·I liyJan>esc;..,.,,d STATl:OFCAl.IFOllNIAl'Oll e ec e 1n an · P U BLIC NOTICE A"'"'°'11ed,J.un.ature II f THECOUHTYOFOll:Ai!GE The four. a trans ers 1_____ s Ps •n11 N•.A-uist P U Hi.iC NOTICE ----·-·--~.~--- FICTtT tOUS BUSINESS NAME STATl!MENT The 1011ow1n11 per1o011• ere OOIAf but• IW~~IS : MOTOA~POATS WEEl(lV. :root OW.II Strttt, Newoo•t l!e11cll, CA. '2 .. l Action Pul>llYl~•s Int., a C1Ul0<nla Corpor1!!0", '009 Quail Slrecl Newport 6'!1tn, CA. 92643 Tiii~ b .. ~1 nes1 I~ 'ond11t teO bV •(Of OO•&UOll. Actoor1 Pub••sner ~, Inc. Grace L . .John>on, Pre,. Tni~ stoJlement w•• lol<td wi!n OW' (Ol.lnl, Cle'k ol O'dno;ie co .. 111, on Ap" 21, 191). .. ~ PulJ!•~tCI Or11nqe (Oil>! Otlly PllOl •or11 n ,aN1M1y&,1l.20.t9 1i 11111 . l'l.'fil .. IC :'\OTIC:I•: l'ICTITIOUS IUSJ N(SS NAME STATEMENT Tflt IOllowino pe•10n ·~ tlOlfl!l lko" ""'~ ••; to Nebras ka' a r e de· NOTICE T"oCc"°"•0•0•"•'•·.,.···--I Pul>li~ecl 0 ••n91 Coa~t OtllfPilol, NOTICE Ol'HEA•INGOF "ETITJOfol r . b kf' Id starter SUPEllOlli cou•TOFTHE ~·-"-"-·_1'· ""°May •• 1•11 ll8'J-IS l'Oll PlllO&ATE OF WILL .. NO l"OA e ns 1ve ac 1e !>Tlt.TEOFCALIFOllfoll.l.FOA ll:TTEll:STIESTAMENT.1.llY J i m B u r r ow • TMt.couNTYOFOAA"GE Pl-RI.IC !\""OTICF. -E11111"' OLCOTT o . VAIL. 11u rt b k V. F Nt.A·l2•21 1 --~== OlCOT TOUOLEY\1.1.ll ,0..ce•ted. qua e r ac 1nce er· E~la\l" of HAZ EL o. 0Al(ER. ak.a ''CTtT10Us •USIMl:SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'""' r.agamo, f ormerly of H •l E L fl LA NCHE BAKER , NAMESTATEMl:MT MAAY ANN EICHHOR N""' ••lt'CI ·NO RETIREMENT PLAN? l~FlEUR 'S CAA PERY & HOM E FURNISlit NG SERVICE. 911 We~ Wil!.Ofl Streel. Co•\11 M•s1, CI U!ornl• "'" K11llryn l1Fleur, tSl Wist Will.On Slfeet. Colla,.....,.. C1l•larnl1 91•17 Tl!" lko>1ne•• ·~ <011011c11<1by.,.1n CllviOUtl. STARTYOUR OWN! Mow save up to S1500 per year-tax dcfe1TCd -with Imperial Savings new lndrw'.dual Retirement Plan. I! you re nol already covered by an employer re tiremeni pla n, lmperfal airers you rho new .. Individual Rehre · ment. Plan ~a you can save fo r your future security N o1•1 eve-ry yeJr, you can set as1d~ 51500 (o r up to 1 5~0 at your income. whtchP.ver is lesr) 1n this Ja>'.-defe1 ~cd ptan Thal means the principal AND ' ;: / lmPERIAL :_i_J sAv1noa . the 1n 1eres f are not taxed unli! funds are withdrawn (And you may begin drawing on your fund 01 £Jge 59 Yz.) At Imperial ~our money earns 1h e h1ghes1 taX·defcr rcd 1ntc1est possible And your runds are sale -insured up io 540,000 by an agE-ncy of lhc lederal govr?rnmen1 See !he savings counselors at l!nper1a! about this ne\'I la.<·delerred Individual Ret1remen1 Plan lmperiul 1ealty helps you p!a l'l for !he future Over 70 offices throughout California. =-=- Check the While Pages cl your telephone book for the Imperial o tlice n1are1t you. ·-----··"-" . A w .. Oll v {'\W>j~I) ~YOS•C1•Rv or C~f " 3 e•ll"J'• ll'lll.•11 IMl>(ll•#l ccor(! .. Al oON or ...... t n•c• 0""' C' IC• ltlS SBA KEY'S World's Greatest Pizza'·• wtD, Al'lll 30, 7:30 Shakev's Piua I UOO koch ll•d. Hto1tlog!Oft .. oc:h 962-5511 SBAIBT'S PRESENTS ALL-PRO ISIAH ROBERTSON L.A. RAM LINEBACKER IN PERSON Showing Pro-Football HIGHLIGHTS 2 BIG NIGHTS THURS., MIY 1, 7:30 Shakey's Pizza 2214 Newport ll•d. Costa Mesa 646·0201 IE SURE TO SIGH UP FOR A FREE TRIP TO HIS FOOTBALL CAMP TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH HIGHT e e e e e e e ADDED BONUS e e e e e e BRING THIS COUPON IN FOR S 1.00 OFF OH ANY FAMILY PIZZA APRIL 30 or MAY I • ur1•1s MAY J , lt7J l LA'S B · nning High de O< (ea ... ci T~ loll owing pen.on 11 dolno b;nJ. lllrtln .. petollon !or Proba!c of Will •nil a • • NOTI c E I!> HE i:;: EDY Gl\/EN lo Ille nt5115: '°' liWilACI or ltlltrs Tt!ot1ment1rw IO tens ive t ac kle Dean cre<l<IO•~OI Ille above natl>eOd!!tedenl WESTERN WIAE ANO ALLOYS, !ht pellllOlle•. rttlertonce 10 •lllcll I• G issler and defens ive 1nilt du f>ll•~on• ll<>v•nQ c•~1ms "lldln•I ''"" 8•11111 Clttle, 1111ntln11tan llol!1c11, mtde tor •u•ti.r p1rt ltul11•'· an0 1rw1 1(11tnryn la Fleur Tiii\ s1111emc111 WI\ l•l~CI ... I .. '"" tounty Cler~ al o,~1191 Count, onAp .. 1 2•, "l!i. Ill(' ~•iCI ~ceeltl'll a•t requirl!d lo Ille CA. '2"46 11>e 11...,. ano plltt' ol lle1•1nq Ille wmo e nd Ray Phillips. A ll lt~tl>, .. ;,,,II>(! nQCt>•••• vauc'11!rs. in AOfltld Bruee Mo~s. Jl6l2 Brant• llei been Ml lor ,.,..., lJ. 191S, at 9:JO r 0 u r w i 11 m i s s the !l'lo! .. u .. e of 1ne tl~rk "'' the oJbove l'A· Cittle, Hunllnolon B••<h, CA. <nM& 1.m., In , ... (Ollrlroom ol Depar1mon• h l<lll!d co11<t, or lo prew nl llllm . .,.;111 !hi! Thll bu!olnt'~ h conducted bW 1n 111-No . .l ol stld °C011rl, io! 100 Civic C.en1er Hus kers' Sept. 13 ome ""cossary ~OllCl!er•, lo 1hR 11ndcrS!onee1 CllvlOU111 , Orin Wl\I, Jn .... City ol Sanlil Ana. F•J!St P11l>!l!olled OroJn<,J~ Cll<l•I O&lly Polol April 2'1, 1nd May~. 1), 10, 191 ~ l~U·I~ --·------ 0 p C R e r a g a j Q S t J I tne Ot l!ce ot lier a ttorney, ROntllOMO~t Clllfornl1. • 5 t t MtlAUGhllN ANO tflVIN, t.O!.SolJlll Tlli~ st1teme11t WI\ t iled Will! IN! OltldAprll?S, ltl5. SLP·IS1l1 L 0 U i S I a n a a e Ol •ve Suolc 1110, Los A111;1Clt\, C.9001•, County Cl1rkol Orange County on April WIL LIAM IE. SIJOHH, HOllCE TOC AIEDITOllS Pl"l\J,JC 1'U'fl('I·: U ni v erSity, .. ~icn l~ tnt plilCI Of l>u"ne~~ ol tlle un-24, 1915. County Cler-SUPERIOR COURT OF THI! B u 'row and Gissle r <ler~IQntCI In iOtl malle•s Pt•l•lnlnq 10 F4JISI l:AHEST .... JT Nl:Y STATE OF CALI ,OllHIA FOA 1111! e~li011' ol ..ala leteelant, wlHlin IOllr P11bliWO Oranoe Coast Oaily Pilot, "'"'""'T II Law T" f. COUNTY 01" 011:.1.HGE traveled with the team to ITIOl"lll•.ill~• 111e !!•it pi.bUcatoonot 111is AorH 29,1NI ,,,.., 6, ll, 10, 191s 14,..15 ""'"'" siwt .. StrHI No. •-uoto the 1973 Orange Bowl ,..,~!~ee11.pri 11s,191s. PUBLIC NOTICE · ~'~~~';;~1!"1111 "°11 eoEu'c:1~1c:'T.0~1wE -0noW..~ ~.0E~.Jv!:~ game. while Ferragamo GERALOIN E CAW0Y, A""'••lw: ... llllllleT E. BOUOINOT, •no e. E. BOUOINOI . and Phillips were with E ·~cutri• ol the E"•!e FICTITIOUS 9USIHES$ PubllMleO Orin"' Cat st 01lly Pilot, 0ri:(elWCI. ol Ille ilb0¥e n1"""0 Ott~nt. NAME STATEMEHT April t'I, JO. ll'IO MOW S, 1915 HlJ-IS NOTICE IS. HER EBY GIVEN ta tl>e t h e tea m for the 1974 MCLAUG HLIN AHO lllVIN Tne loUowino person ;, OOll'llJ ~-tred1 lo•\OI Ille •ll<lvt ntlnt!CI O..c-n• S uga r Bo\l.•I. •11°'"''''' U• ,...\~a•: PU f\LIC NOTICF. tl\ll 111 oe•wn• llaving c11alms -•n•t h f d th _,....Oll ... s.tt.1111 OtVE MASTERS ENTERPRISES. lflt SliO Ol!cNl>ent ltt rtQuor.O lo Ille • T e OUr ffi a e e L41A1191ll1,(A.-1I & B·GEE IN THE SEA, IOS E. Slanlord:1-~NO=ocOCc,~OO•c•cOc,c,c0cCCHC•=·o,c0NcG~-l!'ll!m, •ith !flt MClli~·i•Y vouc""''-on trips while being ineligi-Ttl : Oil) q5.11s\ SI., 5.anl1 An•. C1111o•l\la9!101 NOTICE IS HERE BV GI VEN'""' a the of I kt of tl>e Clerk ol tllt lbOW en- 1 b of .1.U°'ntys '" "••u•l•I• Robert Gisi. Gee, llOS E. Stanloro ~·bllt Mir I no .. in bl lltlO In COJllL>AC· llUeCI tOl.lrt, or lo Plt!>tnt tnem, •ii~'"" hie to Pay ecause .... bl,··-oo .. ,,.,_.,,o,;i0 ••• .• , ••• , ·-c ,,, · -,0, --·~·••~''""·to 11101111<1ers1 ... r v -.... ..__ "., _.. • ...... , ii Otfl11" tllWI wltll lhl propoild pt.tn !Gr un1t1c1· '""~ their transfer status, Apr1111,29,1noM1y6,ll,1tlS 1o1J17:· _Tr.is buMness is <onctue1ee1 lif.,.111-!Ion a1 1~ Seil Biicn SctK>t<i Dlst•lc•. 11 1111 L.•• orri(e 01 w11111m v. which is contrary t o , -------------~e11vloua1. onMonaiv, Mly 111, 1915. 11 l;JOp.m.ln Scnmlot, 366 S.n Mio;iuer or .. Sle. JOO, f th ! • Rober\ G. Gee IN Audllorlum ot tlle J.H, McGaugll In-Ne•POr1 8e1c11, C1litorn11 92b&O, whit II NCAA rules. None 0 e P U B L I C NOTICE Tiiis slate....,nt .. as llltd with 1t1e i.rmeolit• School, !:.eil Bea~n Blvd. & h 1111 1Jlace 01 buslnri~ "' tflt un (our participated i n the Colln11 Cltrk ot Ot•ft!l'I County on April Botti •~nue, Seti St'tch, C•lllOrn•a. Ol!r>lirne<I in au m11u1r• 1><1•l1inlno to 1-------------!, 197~ the ttllte 01 \aod Clet~d~nt , •itllln '°"' games' but they SW.led 'S • · OlltOllll\16lnC11yot Aor11,ttlS. NOTICI: 0~ TlliUSTe E S.1.1.E F•IS1' R.0. h•lln>ln, ()cpi.ly monlll• Iller lt>e fi,.I P\ltllitellonol tnh u p and were o n the • L .. 11 Ho.211.1• PubUS11tOOran91Co.1no•il•Pi1ot, Oring.eCpunty 110t lce. s idelines with the team. SAOOLEBTA~K~~~~i~c., IS <klly •pr Ha. IS, :n, 19. 191S 11•1-IS S11perlnt1noen1 01 Scllonl~ 0.teO :b~~,R~9~~LIA S BOUD INOT E'fgllt 011 Argentine h eavyweight P e dro Lov· e ll h as called off h is scheduled May 14 bout with Larry Middleton al t he Anaheim Con vention Center because or a stomach ulcer. Origin ally, Lovell was to fi g ht Middleton o n April 26, but the Arge n . tine s uffered a knuckJc injury during workouts Lovell is now sidelined indefinitely. Moses Sold CHICAGO -The N ew York h-tets announced Mond ay they had sold catcher J e rry Moses to t he San Diego Padres for a n uns pecified amount of cas h and will recal l rig ht-handed pitch er Hank Web b Crom Tidewat e r today. Pareat l~ured PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia Flyers ' goalie Bernie Parent missed Monday's p r ac· tice with a pinched nerve in his back and may be unable to play tonight in the team 's National Hockey League Stanley Cup semifinals opener against the New York Islanders. Baseball Mlrl .. '111) 0.0lllo, >-1·1·1; i(lllf, Jb 4400• hlllVlf, <I S·l•l•I; Ntlltnlll, rt M-1·0; 0.¥1&. !I 1·1·1-0; Gr•M11;1, 10 .$.t·l-0 Fi.lien, lll J·f•t •l. Wllktr, o l•l•l..0; '"••ol•., 3.1.J.1; '°f· 11111.1-1-1. k.n'1 llfllllfl ' .. W.\ltnl"''tr :llG Gll G-S 11 I INfl llO OlO 001 11-111 If 1 _, O O 0 O 'h I 11 O Put>llsl'llO Or•ntt Coa $1 Oiill y P,101, EoO<"Oo•oOO•oWOOOoO .......,.ne r11U1eun et .. e 0 OW"!I PUBLJC NOTICE Apr!l2',1ndM1y6,!J,1'11S 1411·15 " jej,<rlbed Ol!ld ol huU WILL SELL AT 1---'----'-------PUBLI( AUCTION TO TH E h IGl-IEST Bl ODER FOR CASH !p1y.tl>lt1 111 llmt' FICTITIOUS 9USt"ESS. '11 !.Aft In l1wl11t money ol ll)e. Unlttd NAMESTATeM_EMT . St.Jleil au rign1, 11111 anCI inlet~• Con· The lollo ••n<J pe1son ·~ dOl"'J bY>o · veyea lo 1no now lleld by !I 11ricler YICI ~S> ~': 01ed ol Tr11 sl Ill 1111 property !I I PRE-TTY HOMES 'N THINGS. he•einallt' Cle5ctlbl0: 12) Giana Let, 410 lino !>l•eet, NewpOrl TAU STOR : ROBERT N. 6eacll,Co1ltornl11'12..0 RICH.I.AD S ANO SUZ•NNE R. OianePettr~n .2U4 E.Ocean 9twl., l,L'"l\l.IC XOTI Ct-; ilD<>ve n1meo Clr<eC1en1 WILLIAM\/'. SCHMIOT -.s.~ Mlt111I Or., !>II JOG ------·-·------' N••oort 11111c~. C•hlo•11ia tll.IO Ttl:......UIZ Allomlyto• E•ttulor P!Jtlll!llffl Or1n91 (Ol li! Olllt PllOI, April it, 11nd Mlly '· IJ, 20, 19/S Ut•-1) HOTICEOI' PUILICAUCTION NOTICE IS11EAE8V GIVE N!ll<llon Mly 1, 1911, 1t I O'CIO<.-A.M., al t"' II• Olll<t• of 81rlm1n, 8•11111 & hoJlper, Sullt IQIS, 11111 Ctnl11ry Park EoJst .. LO~ Afllllltl, C•lllornl ~. 111 cit I~ rlqhl, II· RI C.HAROS hu~b.!ndanc:lwo!e Nol•l>Of1Stat ll,C.:illlornl•9'1>W f'UBl.IC N()Tl('F. e ENE f: ICI AR y : LE NORE E. . Tllo\ busines~ Is coneluclecl by an In-11~-~ ~·;:•11,,:' IO~l~~l~:'~...:~!!:.' 1------------- T.l.NRERG. I •IOow Oiwldllll, 1"'GPlflywUI blioldl1 tubllcauctlon: HOTIC:E TO CREOITOllS _ • .!f.t_coroed Marcr.2&.lt lt 1slns!r.No. Oli0"1Pel~r$0n wl !ht I , All T1cll11lc•I Eq11lom1n1 SU .. E.llilOllCOUll:TOFTME llMl'linlJOOk II IOI page 10ollol0ftldll Tiii~ ,, .. ,~~nl .. as flll!d !II 0. 'DIC! j Ill t I I Se urn ST ATEOl"CALIFORMIAl"Oll Attor<h In tllt! olll<I of the Retoroer OI C.O...n!1 (lerll;ol Or;;.nge Count, on Apf ll AQ~~~'menl, n,,,:ult~er N~:tmi!.r 1:. TME. COUNTV OF OlllAHGE ::>rtn!Jt Co11nly ; 11!d deeo of trust 10, I~/~ ,..1111 1910, tl""'n tly Wet I co1S1 MeOl1. Inc. to Ht . A·IJUI :IHcrlbet Ille lollowl~o;i P•-rly: , p "lldlo 1ntern11 lon11, Inc . Est11t1 of MAY E. AAIO, Dece•'>t'd. PllACEL I' Publl~ O•anQI! Co•st Oii•IY •IOI, 2 Ail equlllf'llne"I C~•llfll~ •nil n. NOTICE: IS. HEAEllY GIVEN IO!he Lo\l inTrK INo.708J,lntlW!Cityot AP"'illS,2!,2'9,•noMaye,t9IS l:J::l<l.IS 1,.;,, ot aviry IYll ind 1111ur1 cr1<11t.,~ot l~ll>Ove n•...,.d •eden1 l'W•porl BeK ll, ., sllown on• -Pre-.mi11o11vrr acQulrld l>y We'I Coet I""! an P1•1oOns 11avon9 tl•lms aoii•n•I O'OI!~ 111 Book 211, P•9t~ )I 10 ll P U BLIC NOTICE Medi•, Inc. 1no IO(•IM or !n~{llltcl 111 t"" ~•io OeceOent 11 e requ ir&d lo Ille !nclu\•ve ol Ml1'C•ll1ntoous. Ma~, re-!I'll! prtm•H\ ol A•CllO StlflOfl KORJ, lfltm, wUr. ll'tt 111ces~a•y VOIKl>i!rs, In orlbofOr..,.90 Co1111ty, Ci hlorrn•. Sllilt 11]1. Ont1 Clly eoi.t•wtrd we", 11'11! olhte OI 1111 clert. of Ille &Do~ en- PAACEl J: MOTICIE O, !>HEll:IP,.'S SALE Or1noe. C1ll!Prnl1121111. 11111.'0 tO<lrl,or lo prewnt l .... m . ..,111 1111 An •Prurlen1n1 non·t'it(luslve Burkt COncrettr Atcetsorlt l, inc:., S.IO pulJt/c t <>tUon will IM!' lo Ille netnS..r1vo11tlW!rs,loll>t 11~•i.l(llltd l\tmen1 tor ln9, trl S ind IQrt\S Pll<llllltf, W!S. Hin a ComPilnY, ltll No. h'9hfH bl6dlr tor c1s11, p1y1blt .ti Ille II !llt Dlt!te OI nl' at!Ol'neys, OI CKEA lllrOUQ..,,..t Lot 2J in T'ICI /Oil, I'S per 2WJ117, 0tfaft41nt tlmtOI Mii In l1wt11I tn-y olllle Ufll\. ANO OtCk;ER, Attorne,s 11 la•, lllO ~ •tco•dtrd In Root. 214, page~ 3'1-ll By vtr1 .... .n llOICUtlOll ll!.l.lld Feb. Id Stites. S1!d Siie .. 111 be made Soulll Bever If Orl ~e. Lo~ Anvel•• .. Mosctlllf!et:!ll\ MIPS, •1coro1 DI Or•l'llf 11, lt1Sll\' Illa SllPl1"10f Cout1, eo..m,Of wllllOl.l1 rit•u•Mi inO •lll!Ollt warriOll· C.lllGrnl1 'tOCllS, whl<ll I• Ille ola<e DI ~nty, C.htornll. °'""""• !d.91e ot C.lllornlt, upon • ly lllll'll"le• or rtrp•es111t1t1on ot illly 1111 .. ~~ OI Ille -r•!t t1ed In au mat· .-l VISI• MtOlfl, N1 .. po rt Beacll. I~ '""''° In ,._ OI 9UAKe kl~. •ltlllr titprt~\Of lmpUtd. ..., oert1lt11no to ''-t'tl•ltr ol Mid Ot· C&lllornli Q)N(.ll:E.TE ACCESSOJltES IHC.., Slid s1!1 Is lleld 1>11r1u•nl UI tflf <lotftl, wll~ln lout mo111ns •ltl!I' lhe "Ill • 5trtr1t •C10,e1s or <onvnon dtr· I~ cr•nor •nd ... 1ni1 HAH a rlohh gr1ntee1 A11<1l1 tnte•n•tt-1, 11r11 pu1>llc•llo11 01 tlll\ nauc1, \IOtl•tlon 11 snc .. n1DO~e. no...,,,..,..,.,., COMPANY •• Juotnienl <Mblor ~· Inc. unoe• 1n11 c1rt1ln doclllT>eM 1n-Oltl!dAprll 18, 1'11S. •S Q•Wn •~.lo ltt comt ltttnfS\"' tor· lftl • ntt bll•ntl ol M ,202.J1 k 111111y llllltCll "S.Curlty Atr11ment," t•oc1.rt11d AoblrtJonn M!ltd "' rK!nt>~I. 1 • 10 Ol!ld of .,.Oii Mid ludttnenl on th• d•"' QI llll' b'f' w.11 Coat I M.l.dl•, Int, on or llCGMI E••c1110,011r.1w111 The be'ntt t •a•y 11nc:ltrr 5" llw•r1ce of stld ••et11llon, 1 ha"1! Na,...mblr 16, 1110. ot theabow111amedoecldtr1I Tru"· by •fl\.On ot . b•••th or llllt1111t ll'Yltd UOOO'I ... tlll' rlQlll, !Ult •nd In-Q..llld: Aprllll, .. ,s, OICKIJl AHO OICKelli •II !he obUt11!onl llc11r1d llll'rlD'f, 1,,...1 ot I.Aid ludtn'!enl <Mblor In 1111 011 .... , Bt•llner Attlnlty1.i l..lw htr1totor1 111c11t10_ •no OIU,...red i: ......,,., lt1 lflt Count, ot Ortn91, Stilt llHI 11•s..t11 """Y Ori wt Ille llncltf5f9"ed 1 wrilltn Ot<!•rll elf C:.Utw11l1, dftcrllletl 11fOllows! MlliTMAN •llAUN a HA&,llf.11: MIAllM'ltl, C.111.,111• toOlS lof ~fllllt Ind OlmtnO 1°' Sil!~. llld LOI 6 Tr Kl .. ,. In 111t Cl!' ol 1•C1M11rf P1rll 1E111, 1111111015 T•h lt1il SlJ·t1M M lltrnnotle1olb•1~cr.•rw:o11:Kll\'" lr¥I,.., c'ollnly 01 Orl lltll, Still 01 1.MA ..... 1,etll~l• .... 7 Allw!'11ty11w•••c111 ... :~~:: 1~":,,~:~:::::i:b~!Q:I~ ~ C.lllorftl•. PutlilltlfO Or•r.91 COISI O•lty Piiot, Pl.obllSl!tO OtlnQll C0.8il Diiiy Piiot tlle•ilft~r 1111 11ndo<tltneo <...,~·'<lld "'"**"' Is tommonly ~ H AorU 29, ltlS 150l-I~ Aprll 29. •nd M• __ '' -·-'."--'-'-"-'-"--'""-'' nc>ll<e otbrit<ll1ne1 01 e1ect1ontobl! 1111 McG•w Aw•11 u•, l•vln1 - Al<ordtdJ111111ry ll. ltl~.tl l<ulr.No. C:..llfofl\ll. J•t'BLIC l\:OTI<'•: l'l"l\l.IC :\"01'1C E 1$9~ In l>OOI< , U1J. o191 '"· ol wlo Of. T001!11tr •fth 1111 •nd 1lfl(IUl1r 1111 '--------c c~=~==~°"'="''°'= c.~-----fk.111 Rt c<>•O,, liniment,. l'lt tldltltntnh -II>-i 1.11'1: AN OACCIOENT ANO HEALTH - S..IO w re .. u. IJC m.w,., but wlll!Ol.ll ~" l!Mreunlo ~'°"'1"' Of 111 SYNOPllSOFTHt:ANNUALSTATEMENT OF conn.int or warrdnty e•P'O\l Of Im. MyW(W ..... ltlnlnQ. MENLOUNIOHLlft:.tHSUllAHCE COM .. •NY ptlta, 'tro.l.fOl"Q 11111, Po~l<llSlon,ot.,.. NC)TIC& IS HEREBY GIVEN!hll.°" MM Nl'l'lll 11tll A-, Plloe11h, Ari-"°'' t11mtw1nt1\ lop1y lllt',1ri'l1lnlnoor111> ....,.,w. Mly 71• 1''5· •I IO,OO Y1arE"°"Otc1,.,.rJ1,1tl4 ,1p11 wmo1i11eno11t~l"<ll•tdbyW11d o'c••c-A,M. •l M1 ln Lobby, Dffd OI T1,.,I ... 1111 lnl~rest H 111 ule C.Wrlllo11w, 100 Civic Cl'lk c..tt ... ""'-orovltlld' .ov111c11 u .,.Y """4' 0r1111 w...e, 01, 01 So1111 A""' Collnl• lhl 1 ... ms ot ~10 1>11<1 01 r,,,,.;, !Ml, MOr.l.flOt, Mtt..,i;.111om11, 1.iu1411 Clllt9" atlCf 1._llOnHt OI thl Tn11i.t .. l>Ullotle -·-............. ......-, lllllof ltltbw.16<rMttod llW tlld Deffol .., """'Ill l..tlll -.eT of llW Llfll ... fnn.t. s...._ellth<lrtfM .. lltt.....ilftl-.etf So.Ill! Nit wltl .. Miii on T..,.._T, .. IO J-.mt'" lll'l'flltor Ill "" ...... Mly 11, 1•7J .t 11 ~00 •.m. 11 Ille Qllltt deKri... (111' .... ly, tr• l"UCtl.......,,. . Tot1t ldn\lllecl •~W.1 1 tPlqol,Llne tll o1 T .0. 5'1r'lkl (llnfflly, Ban-01 •""". llK"wry .. MCI.,., Midi• Nnlri<I To.orr, OiMi City lllwd. WH•. 1<\ollltorl, wttll aotcrl!IH lft..,... ....i w11 1110.0r.,....c.11t1H"111.. ~ O.t.: Apr II 14, ltJS 0.&Mt.t ~14 All•, C.llttrflll, ""'11 $.ld<fltbl<-Wttl, 111(. U, 1911. ••uldTr111111, elll:AOOATES, fly T,O.SEll:VICICOMPANV. S .. riff·~r .tOtfl' c-1,e10r.l.l'll'l. tit"'""• 8f R11th IE. 8,own , ly 1.. H•rt, °''°"'' Au,'15t<rtlorv ,_..........,.. ......... A......, PvOlllhtd N1woo,1 hlfllOt NIM '""',.._.,,,,, Prtt.• tOlllblfltdwlll! I ... Or•-Cootte .,.....Cilllfoeii ... ._ Ol!ly Pllol. Aot'U 1J, it, lllCI Mly 4 ,_...;;..a,;_,. c:-.1 o'.1,Y ~tol. ttlS • 1•1' •11",IMllMtrO,IJ,tfl'i • 1'°'1S I Tot111i1billtll• IP09ti, Line 111 CMlll•I li!fl!i .'tfl IPtoe :I, Lint 'fA I Plld In Mid (IW!lrlbi.11111 IWPIVI IP• .l, Lint 1tAl LINllillflld lllt~UI fPltti.l.lfltllll lrw:.f'llM COrc1111sel l11 C1pll1I'"' Svrp1111011r1nv '''' '"'°'J. Ll11t JO; 1tn m1n11,. "''' IA\Uf'tn(l 111 P'O.CI ! Ntilon1f!OI' ' 11 ,011.~! ~,._.,, U00,000 f·) 111,1•~ l ,l}!i,12j 1110111 IS, LlfltJJ, CPI. II C.Hfornl1 81111nt1t P191 (1..111121,C.Ol,•1 • ,_.j,,1~1 ...,. ,..,Illy (tr111, 11111 lht llbOvt d<tml l ff Ill •ttorll11nc• .,.1111 tht ~nnMll $tllemt11I tor IM ~•r ended Dtllmlltr 31. 1•1•, mtO• lo tlW 111wr1ntt Coni• m1»1-relf lhtStot1ol C1tUorn1,,.1111,,,,.n1 tc 1~w. JOf\11$, ltOUIMlo,1, f'rnlOOnt Hurm N. Kono, "1:,.t••Y Al • . Jlttt bfl'61fd Or111 .. C.0.U 0.lly r:'IOI, ~U )I; ,,,lll,111d INf I, 1, ltlJ 1~. ' • I " .. " ' " I T • ,, ' " " " ' • • , . • -' ,? ' • -~. Tonight's TV Highlights KHJ (9 ) 7 :30 -'"April in Paris ... Dori s Day and Ra y Bolger head up the cast for this musica l comedy from 1953 with Claude Dauphin. ~BC ~'1,;. 8,:,30 -111'hcy 011ly Com e Out al Night. _ Jack W.1..11·(.)c n J>l ays a \•ct.ernn . cop ~Batlgc No. l . I .. AJ:>O.J in . ves t1g ... t1u g the robl>cry-m urdl'rs or elder ~· Jy \\'ome n . ABC (7 ) 8:30 -'"Returning Home." The Oscar-winning movie "The Best ':'ears of ~ur Li'-".es" provided the inspira- tion for this TV film about three r eturning World War II veterans and the prOblems if, they encounter in adjusting to civilian life. TV DAILY LOG Tuesday Evening D NEW SERIES PREVUE! ·* BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES-TOPS TONITE! D!Qi [j)>iDlllMC ,....., APRIL 29 hit: (C) (90) "i9t.llil( Hfflt" (d11) '7S-Dabnty Colmiln, Tom ':00 II 0 Ci) l)Ql '2,m .. 111 1--Stlt1d., hillltS R. Milltr. Whitney 1Dri1'00co1Z.1(a, :{1) Blale, Jo.n Goodfellow, SlleHJ liCk· 00 ..... ~. Uurle W1ll11s. B<lseil on "The lftlllide Best Ytll'5 of Ou1 lives," rhe story PtrtrW11 flM~r \tits of 1 mett1n1 betwetn three Maria Terna 1eturn1n1 WOfld War JI weter1ns- I. · Stat T1tl 1n Aini)' Ser1e1nl, 1n Air forte C1~ Eltdric C.PlftJ t11n, 1nd 1 N1Y)' Machinist's M1te- l.O, & Frltticl1 · 1nd looks 1t the p1oble1As each en· 6:30 I Mttr li11lll9 Sllow counteis in ~iustini to the peoptt ..., Crttl~ ind the Ii-In they lelt. lh-'llllt m Phyllis Diller, Jack IZCii')!°"""1 Chtic• *Cassidy, & Jimmy Trlftl fll• Walker-Tonight! 1.1111t -.r• m Mtl'I ''i'"• Show 7:00 0 D ~ oo .... m ••. CD lktrs ' ED [V111i111 •t Sf•plloJI)'. lftilq'JM 9:001J@(VCi)H1•1 ll Fiwt·O Miii 11111111 "Bomb. Bomb. Who's Got th• { TMll " ~MqllelKH eombf' (R) Holts thie1tenin1 the I Wlwt'1 11fJ IJM1 lite ot the eh1irm1n ol the St1te I lm LllCJ Stn•le C1imt Commlt1ee · bri~ll TM fll S1e-;e McG11ret1 11110 the inl'tsl•i•· Cl) I S,,. hon. William Winitom 1uest5. U MtrjH P1thlblda i The Olltttldllbltl n..111 v...., Slllrl ti All¥llltllrt Y(Jj Wit~ lllHttiftt SitultiH CotledJ (,· ~= = 9:J01== 1~1Mlliff "De11s~ 7:10 ... Tl'llllltl M••I U Ht111 ®19fil IWlywMd S11u111 lO:OD @ C1J (() l1t11 br J11 e1 lM "I.ifJa• St'4e " •d Min's Run" (RJ Jmiu Wal· ut'I MMe. Dul It/ 111tS11 IS com ptrolltr Uo)'d Te Tll tM Tnilfl Ktllner's wife, who is ill'IOl\ltd ill his Mlllilll S Mnlt: (C) cn1) intricate schctn1 to cower 1 multi· I Iii Paril" (com) ·~-Dolls m~lion-dollar embtizltment from DtY Rty Bo11u Clludl Daupllin 1 Sin ff1nc:lsco lnwstmHt finn. l,llwltchll ' . Q QJ (i)!lil ctJPtllct St111 ~ "C.pflfn HOO\" {R) This dr1m1, ._la11 Ovldeorsm1• ~;~s~l~m~~·~ ~~r:.~' 1! ~~~ AltlU WtrW linut worki111 after losin1 his hand Llttll ll11al1 In a bomb f)plosion. stars David 1:00 tlli (})Ci) liMd Timti (R) Art·• Birney, Kim Darby and Rithlld 1st I. J. sets a chance to pick up E11n. some rn<mey b, p1in!in1 I nude! "m, N N1w1 p!lflrli!, but his p1ren1s have mi1·1 l"lw 1ivin1s about tht pr~jei:t. Rudied· 113 fl))(]) a> Marcu1 Welb' u!ed from April I. .D. "Dirk Fury" P1rt I (R) D1. 0 ~ (J) IHI tD M1111-12 "D1n1 Sttvtn Kiley beco!lles tmotion1t1y Hall" Women's t1lr hill !ht l.01 An· involv1d wilh a kidney ti.nspllnt 11les prtell'ld whtn very f1mlnint ptlll!!lt who subwqueMly is at· Oflictr D1n1 Hall Clo Mn Pllu1l 11C1!1d by her u -borhitnd. llons pan!1 alllf 1 billy club and lilt h1111a joins ht1 m1sculln1 CO·workell. A Cit.I C... las Ettltllu tln1ar111il file In hu shirt poc~t! er... Acttl i nd llpstick In htr sock, Dint mus! TIWll Hiii prwe her 1bilit!u 11 lul!-lltd11td lp:JO *"HJ .. Mttlltufl cop to htr 1n!11onis1ic pt1r5. Tb is · IE lhws tpi:IOlll is a pilot project fof a pen. Alfrd Mitchcltk sibll new Hrlts. 10:4~ Nm 8 Mtwll: IC) (rllrl "Th• "1" 11:00 ~Om CD"...,.., (sd·li) '51-Drvid Htdison, Yinetnt! IJi@ @ Price, P1t1kl1 Onns. ~ti QteucM ~WIN Wild West 1 6 Sil l~U IS (f)1rnmH1p,, D•r1 T111lMty$Mtl 11 Illa SkklY'' (Ii) Wbilt foniie M...-.: l•PMSilllt is 1W1y, his 11~ntlul t irllritnd ~-Trutll " Co!IMqlMnctl cidl$ to IHI 1h1 lt1111wort~l~u ol 11) T• T.il tlll TlllUI Richit, .tlo'1 bttn dele11t1d by flit UlttlltNbles ronzit to ~HP tabs an her. lllttrf8Ct lllh Sidn flt• 11:30 (f) CIS Utt lllowlt: I Dlllti'1 Ciiek• ( G W1flttd: Dtlll "AIM All·Sbr W111t1ln1 (Cl ••: Tiie Midtln "'r Mevll: (Cl (2hr) '11.1. l lu11" (dra) '73-Ricllard Wldm1rt (mus) '60-£1vls Pr11lt)", Ju!lel I lll 0 1 (J) il'ijJ m Johntlf Clr&111 Prowu, Robert lv111. (UuiWtif I ~~:.t11::1=~= 'ntlv•l 1 G d~i:;jd' SPECIAL ~11111 L.111111111 Prt1r1t111 * "HAS MARRIAGE l:IO 1ntl:pi m7[! ~~~·:~ !~~.~~:r HAO IT?" flcu 1n uh1u1tln1 41 h&Jrs In lh1 ian Cannon Hosts OP1rttln1 room, ind, amid th• wilt· 19 (I)) rn WW. Wlrl4 S,.. • cr1c~1 t l\d th• strlou1 r11llty, th"I l ''Ri1 llurll11 H1d nr• t11m somt!h!n1 n1w 1bollt 11th l!I Mftll~ IC) "E\llffltlllll lllt the oth1r-11pecl1lly 'lffltn llltj. Fr1nkl rritti• (c»m) '56-llltu•Hn O'Hut. Burns trln lo mt~I pttce •Ith bl1 ~n. U-tormentoti. I , .. , fir Ktt1t11 119(J)i11 m1111C T•t1l1r 12:00 .... : "Nldttdu~ Sct....-lili'lli: (CJ llO)"Tlllf OtlJ Cl.. m ) '37-.lohn h rJYf!IOfl. o.t et lllPf" attn lKk Wuden 1s1 MIM: "Mr lllhr OMI'" hwnt!11tor John St. .lolln. l1d11) com) "•2-RONllnd RlllMM, Jtnll No. 1 In Ille Lo1 Anlltln Politi lltlr. l rl1n Atltrnt, Jtft Donntll, D1pittm1nt. A u rltt of robbery· lt.30 ti-• -mu1d111 of 1ld1r11 women In 1h11 1:00 l'RtT""'""' Wilthlfl Ol11rlct of lOt Anlt!tt 11 l:•I ii .. : (C) •MHt Mt Afttt Ille ln-mtlptld by tbt mrr1n d1\tc· (mus) '51-Btttr Grtb!e, !iv• •ho IH~mbltl tldl ~" Ii~• Rory C.llloun, [ddit Albert. 1 J!IUw 1111ul1, Jltet by Jltct. ~n-2:00 ~ llllw: ........ Ill tM Iii PfltHtll lorm 1nd • IOIMlion i' • "Ttlt ~' ' .. fltchtd, Ch1~ts Ynl1M1, Timi ...,.. O'C<Hlncr. Joe M1nt1HI tnd M1d1· l:>D II If .. : "WlflllllHtlr" (ft') kin• ThortO~·Sh1!W90d •Ito 11u. •SO-W1rd Bond, Bin »hnson. Wednesdilt:J DAYTIME MOVJES 9:JO @ """"" Aqtls Min Wl•11" (rom) '39-Clry Crt"'· Rill H11· ""'"· IG:OD ft "ltltfll ft Rill" fdu) ·~9 - ffi11d Todd. B~llJ D11kt. i1::t0 m "Fmdlhr~ (ldTJ ·51 -sn.1111 Wifttttt, Joel ~11, Du L111e1J• ••• 12:00 •.,,... Mr su1• (llnl '50 -.iolMI Gallitld, Mld11ffM l'fellt, lu llltr Adltl. J:OO II-..,_, .. (wttJ ·•e -Rod ~ '911 SIOf111. A (C) "ht1t Mmlttnt" (dr1) '62 -Troy Don1h1Jt, Suzltlfll Pltslltttl, An1l1 DiOlnson. 2:JO (I) (t) '1111 ,..,... T11p" Concl. (CJ "Thi LiM1 Art rm" (1dv) '69 -em Travers, 'llrt lnla MtMtnna. J:OO 0 ftl "It SUttM With A Klu" (eoml ·sg -Glet!• rOfd, Dtbb1t Rtyncldt. tw1 C1bor. lfQI (C) "lllltN.r' (dr11 '11-Merle Obtfon, Robert w~. IH (i'I fC) "'Ttll ~altf' (d1t) '50"-Rolrtrt Taylof, (Nubeth TIJI« • l:JO (})CCI "f"N lM • ...,.. (10l'l'I) •if -ltirl Oouslas. Milzi Ctyncw . 'fJ (C) "All M• 11 -...w !di•) '57 -Ci? "Mii. Dtbor•h KMr, ltlWrd, Dt•ni"f. KOCE T elevision 11~1t SC.MOOL OISTrtlCT Nl!WI lCI (l(OCEI lf;ll JJl!t:LINOOOOO CCI tCTWl 11:1t THIS 11 MY I-ANO lCI llCOCEI 1:1t COMMUNITY O ~ LIVING - THINGS ICI l :Jf TIMI TOOllAW CCI 1:'5 MA'Ttl ll'"ACTOrtV 4CI l :lt ILl!CTrtlC COM~AMY jCI ICTWI '1:11 CAllllAICOLI NOAS CCI fP6SI :l:lt PUY 111100• WITH TM• 11111'1.ltTSICI l ;a MAKINO TNINOS OJIOW CCI fPTl-1 • • " . • \' . . • I'. \ . . Tuesoav. Aprll 29, 1975 OA!LVPILOT -~ 'Roar of the Greasepaint' MusicaI ·Set for GWC For Kent Johnson, one good Anthony Ne wl ey. Lesll e Bricusse musical usually deserves another. Ten yeur11 ugo Jotm.son unveiled a landmark production or ' 'Stop the World, 1 Want to Get Off '' al the short-liv ed Anaheim Playhouse. The rollow ing ~eason he reslaged the show al the old l,aguna ' Playhouse. then rollowed it.in 1967 with another musical by the same crelttors, .. The Roar of the Gre llsepalnt, the Smell or the Crowd." All were eminently successful. Intermission Tom Titus La~Bain In Space Series LOS AN GELf~S CAP) -Barbara Bain and Murtin L:1nd;.1u, who fi rst _!iChieved television fan1 e·· in '"Mission: lmJ5(>sslble '' will be exploring outer ttpucc in a serles call~ "Space : 1999." The ltrltish-bast.'<l Independent Television Corp. is distributing the new series lo local ., .stations and reports selling 73 channels in the first 40 days or sales. ··space: 1999'' is billed as Lhe first TV seri es ITC has aimed specifically al th e Am c r icu n market , e mploy ing 1\mcri c un s lu rs. di rectors a nd writers. " This ye;.1r J ohnson ls back with the same two musiculs on di ff~re nt stuses. He demonstrated he'd lost none of his feel for ··stop the World " with a splendid production al Westminster in January, and he'll put ··n oar of the Greasepaint" on the bourds at Golden West College next month. Marci.a Lemmon, Gale Ong, Vale rie P a rk , Maryanne Schum an, Cheryl Waide, Leigh We bster , Wendy Chase, Debby Porter. Char Fischer , Marty Petredis, Sue Wilder', Sue Rudjslll. Meg Sh ey, Ca rol Duva ll . l'(eg J-lod gctts. De bbie l\1 cyer s a nd-1 Kathleen Wood. 'r""~~~:;;:~~~~'~;;;;=w-~~~~~~==;;;;~··;:~~· The producti on. dubOC>d the most a mbitious yet II AHOY WARHO(S · mounted on the st age or the G WC Com m unity ~ Tll F. GOLDEN West show , presented as the college's fir st joint venture with the Huntington Beach Playhouse, will s potlight the st a r of J ohn son 's mo.s t recent "Stop the World," Car l Nelson, in one of the two major roles. Nelson again will play a part Anthony Newl ey wrote for l:limself, that or the commoner Cock)' in this British version of th e gume or life, with the .iccenl on class dif- ferences. ' Theater. opens l\t ay 8 for three weekends <l nd 12 cu· .i@ performanc(·S. Tickcl.s :.ire now on sale in the col-~ lege bookstore. QRP.ISSEY TWO OTllt:R attractions will be presented by Golden West College this weekend -a Mexican theater group on F'riday and a one.woman show on British.noveli sl Virginia Woolf on Saturday. cco.O. ·" ~'°"' roc:11.11111ittl1A11 .llndv Warhols x f rank~nsr~i Frtday the El Teatro Campesino troupe , pioneers in barrio theater, >A•ill present "I~a Carpa de las R<1squal·his" <Tent of th~ Underdog) in .the college pavilion a l 8 o'clock. The perform ance is ~'~~~··'-'0'"''-"!.;:"" s ponsored by the college's Mexican-Americun slu• ~ .G1ne-Hac:lu,u1n 'THE CONVERSATION'" Sharing the s how's top honors as lhe pseudo· sophistic<Jted Sir, the epitome of the English upper classes. will be Maurice All ard, who should be in grc;,1l voice for t he occasion. Allard is a vocal - -teacher and conductor of the University Chorus al UC Irvine <ind founded the Irvine Master Chorale, which he conduct ed from 1968 to 1972. dent movement to rui.se money ror scholarships. •lii!C , Sat ~rd~y·s Virgini u \Vool f progra m, al 8 Pocific: Coo,t"Hiwo, At st+. Sl·ll thin cs f;1St ,1 .. ilh O;ii ly o clock 1n Forum 2 on the J-Iuntin gton Beach cum-l'ilot \\'anl Ads. pus , will s1>0tlight Sara DeWitt in an evening of !';:H~-~·~...,~~g•g·~·~,·~~·~"~·='~"~'~iR,,iiiiiiiiiiji3~~zli-~·;:-Miss Woolf 's thoughts and perceptions on women as ;1 expressed in her novels, diaries <ind essays. The s how is entitled .. A Room or Jler Own.·· und is di rected by Murjorie Smith of Cal State Los I • Barbara W e be r . a s inge r -dancer· choreographer from the University of Washington, will play the number three role of the "kid," a street urchin who steals quite a few scenes. Another solo slot will be filled by David J ones. a musician who plays three instruments in the Golden West stage band. CO MPLETING TllE "Greasepaint" cast in chorus roles wi ll be Lista Delanna, Billie Taylor. Jan Grady, Paul l]r;..idy , Rosali e Friedman, Anit a 11ansen. Kerry Lyall , Lori Ebrec hl.· L<.iura F inley , Angeles. WHILE ON T llE subje<-·t of Golden \Vest Coll ege, congratulations <ire in order for GWC theater arts instructor Robin Huber. who recently won two first place awards in theater scenery de- sign in a national competition. lluber look fi rst in the overall and graduate stu- ~J1rlo 673-8350 ,.,, ... G-Iowa.di "WOMAN UNDU THE IMnUEllCE" dent categories in the United States Institute for ACADEMYAWARD T he att'r Techno logy's 1975 confe rence at the graduate student uwa rd in 1972. This year's honors came for hi s single unit set lilAR: r,_.,c•AIR•\N.,EY for three one·ucl plays -"Trevor."' ··Muzeeka "' -.•••• , .. and "'BotticClli " -designed so that with li ghting Prime Time Rule Upheld by Court Anaheim Convention Center. I-le a lso won the 1 WINNER changes it could be used in all three plays . The N ~~~;s 'A' ere presented at G1o~J~d~e~n-W_:e~Sl~•~n-=D~e~c~e~m~b~e~•~"J'===~[\(~~·~J~:~I ~( ·~-~~J~I'~~~ NEW YORK (AP) -The modified prime-lime rule aimed a l encouraging more diversified television programming between the peak viewing hours of 7 to 11 p.m . has been upheld by the U.S. Ap- peals Court here. Guthrie Film Set LOS ANGELES CAP) -Folk singer Wood y :3 P.M. tSJ SADOLE BAC K PLA;i!A O 'd OU&O ... u "'"" '° >00" • ' "''' l:H-l:t t-lt:M ACADIMY AWAID WIMl>lfW lfST ACTO• Alt C AIHlT ' .. The rule and its modifications had been under challenge in the Second Circuit by Hollywood pro- ducers. Guthrie is the subject of ......... _~ J-·c--.. 1 ..... -."~' b io g r a p h i c a I f i I m , ---· • .,, .. -* ·e"'::~:~~ ~;~1ur ... c .. •1~•1.';'~~-...... ~- ~. THE THREE.JUDGE panel ruled that the Federal Communications Commission was al the public's mer cy for game shows and the like, but nevertheless, s hould "encourage competitive fare ." "Bound for Glory," to be h;;;;;;;;'~··~·~''"~':;;;;;;;:;;;;;'-T'-00::::=========~ F<>lW"TAIN VAL.LEY t produced fo r Unite d Artists . Producers Robert F. Blumofe and Harold Le ventha l h ave :.in - •O<>'w....,.l'••I.,_-,,. '" ,..... ... .__.t·-- ... l OHA, I Oltl I llOSl" l"'"I 1:11-"Ji S...1._ J:t .. l :l .. t .11 •.• CO...-t' •. "llT THf_ f;,000.,....1-1" !=•• ~,-•• -..,.~ •• FOL»ITAIN VAL.LEV t .. ,,.,._,..,,._.. . .. -.... ··I"'--,_ ,.,._.. '"ATlOKG U \I LO•l"I .... ! oll•t .f l \ol r-l.IM.._t ll .C0 ... 1'. The modifications generally applied t o children's and public affairs shows and documen- taries, all programs that the court said previously •·fell by the wayside during prime li me.·· nounced the film will~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ start in July with loca-~ lion s i n Texa s a nd Oklahoma and in the Pacific Northwest . AT THE SAME time Monday, the court ruled that the FCC's ban on movie reruns during prime time was "arbitrary and capricious." "So Jong as the FCC permits movies never seen on a TV network lo be played in clear access time, il musl alsO permit movies which have been shown on network to be played in that lime," the judges ruled. They are searching for an a c tor or rn us ic personality lo portray the late Guthrie, whose ballads sprang from hi s Oklahom a background. 2NO.,ADULT HIT •.. AtolDY WAP.HOt:S CULA "°--·· ~· IHDS TUISDA Y A 0 rct.···Ti?.T 1 'Y' "1141 LAST AMlllCAH'' "AT LON& LA.ST LOYI" • IGI " . "11 HillOW HOUSE" . Ocie<> Mon 1r..u F" 6 30 D"' • Sa< 1Suft /+-!~ 12 30 Mon INU Fl• 10 r D"' _,, 2~ .... I.A. '"'" IMANCHllT1:fll l>CJ o.o. •fllWY I~~ Dfll. l>C J . -:S'fW'llOID WIVIS" .. CALIFOIHl.t. SPLIT'* IAlllA STREISAND JAMISCAAN "FUNNY LADY,. IPGI "MUIDEI ON THI OlllNT IEIPllESS'" + ,.THIE GAMILH" '"LEMMY'' "FIVE EASY P'IECES .. IRI "STEl'FORD WIVES" IRI "CALIFORNIA SPLIT" "'fOUI MUSKnEHS" "M.A.S.H." SI .2S 'TIL SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES tAl4 DIECO fwY. AT &RISTOL SO.COAST· AUDI:::= NOMIN•TIONS~ PLAZAI A-....... ;& ... ,.. • _.,_. nrmn ACTillll $46.fJl I WO•TI ,,1 ..... 11 "'' 1:1 .. J:lt•l:tl .. ;l!:IS SO.COAST P~,n "FOUR MUSllETEIRS" '. ,.,.,_,_ 1:1 .. ,., .... .. JUGGHHAUT'' -1'41 ... ..s-,,..,.,,.__ RoB.lll' Rm roan ,,.~~~~-................ ::-~~~~-.... "5CMIH ... OM A MAllllAM" ... -·,11J.t:llW,...ll:~M:J6-t:'I ---- .. ' • I ' ' "'Gl.tflm'S" ..... i.. Mill ALOHA,IOllT '•ost~ LAST AMEllCAN HEIO ~ .,. ' . Man ......... n...n.1:15~ Fri .. ""~ -7:00 ,..... ....,. 7:4 <hlWNn 6 thno n-=ou' O.iW..., l.lft4eo-6frffl ,_.,.,, •l l-51 ~1) l~76 ........... I ,.,;:::... )JI Ill I W• cover the weterfront In the DAILY PILOT ., I ' l ~ I ~ , I ~ l • • • • • r t l ~ I ~ ; l l • l ) . • ' • •• • i t } { j ' . . -. . ~ .. 11 Merit A 1vard PUBLICNOTICE • c0Aifli'Ni"11ao10NAL OCCUl"ATIONAI. PllOGllAM ; .... ti<.• l•,,tlllll ... , PRESIDENT'S TROPHY -Capt. Fred Sny d er present s the President of the. U.S. Trophy for best corrected tin1c to Dennis Burnett of South Shore Sailin g Club. skipper of the r e- peut \\:inner 11 ampshirc Rose. British Boater Tops • Skippers Pack Away Ensenada Hardware IJy Al~1'1UN LOCK1\l\E \. O•lly P110180•1t"g Eoilor Dennis Burnett or South Shore S;.iiling Club. Nc...,·po rt Beu('h , \\'On the President of the United States trophy for till' second straight )'C':1r in thL• :.'8th .\"l'\\')Xlrl to Ensc nada ~ J(·ht rac·c. The yo ung British boat builder ;,nd su il o r "';1s s ailin l!' 1-l a mps hire Rose. a 25 -foot fiber glass hull he bought and re- fi nished himselr. T he Pre ~idt·nt uf the C.S. trophy i.s for the best corrected time in the performance han· dicap r acing flee t , larJ::es t di vi:-.ion in the rat•t• 11:.nnps hirt• Rust: \I <.1s ._. CI OJ SS Gentry. ;\NOTllER REPEAT winne r was Vic Stem . president or the Ocean Racing Catama ran As - s ociati on . who v.•on his own trophy for the best hundieap Lime 1n the 15-boat multi-hull class. Ca rrying off most of the ha rdY.'arc from the co lorful trophy presentation were Bill \Vh ite &Jnd Bill Pasquini. co- 0\1:ners and skippers of the 62- fool sloop ~agtim(' from Long Beach Yacht C!ub. They won th(' NC'wport Ocean Sailing A:;sociation trophy fo r the first yacht to finis h, the Porter Sinclair t rophy for the first single hull yacht to fini sh, t he Lahaina Yacht Club trophy for the first P~IRF yacht to finish and the U.S. Secretary of State trophy for the winne r in PJiRFClass A. TlfE WINNER OF the Presi- dent of ,,_1 cxico trophy for the bes t corr ected time in the ocean r ac· ing di vision was Giant Killer, a Santa Cruz 27 sloop skippered by ~1 eJvin Wil ls Jr .• Coronado Yacht Club. The Santa Cruz 27 is a new high performa nce boat des igned and built by Bill Lee. the former Costa Mesa Sea Scout f:.im ous for hi s controversial ultralight dis· placement boats. A n ot h er Sant a C ru z 27 . \'ivacious 11 owned and sailed by Bill von KleinSmid of Balboa Yach t Clu b won t he U.S. Coast Guard trophy for the best cor- re cted time in the Midget Ocean Racing Fleet . ·rhe trophy presentation was marred by news that l<.,o r ce Seven a 32-foot s loop owned and s kippe re d by Ted Zellmer o f Cubrillo Beach Yacht Club went on the rocks al Point Miguel just north of Enscnada on the return lrip home. There were no reports of inju ries. ENSENADA MAYOR Jorge Moreno Bonet told the trophy presentation c rowd that this year 's race was one of the most s uccessful in the history of the event. There were no arrests or dis turbances or other inrrac- tions. The orderliness of the race was attributed to its removal from the Cinco de Ma yo holiday. _Tim Nugent. presid ent of NOS~\. :.ilso t·omplimcnted the s kippe rs and crews for the ir good behavior in EnsenadtL Trophy winners in all of the classes were: PRESIDENT OF Mexico trophy <IOR-C) l . Giant Killer. Mel,vin Wills Jr. CORYC . 2. Chinook, Scott Schock, BYC 3. Long Ranger. Daniel Brown. SDYC 4. Skookum, Mike Busch, SDYC 5. Commotion, Marshall Beck, BYC. Secretary of Foreign Relation.s trophy llOR-B > l . Broom Hilda. Guido Mortarotti. CYC 2. Crisis. Charles Hope, SDYC 3. Bullet, Barto and Lombardi, LIYC 4. Tinsley Light, Henry Grandin Jr .. St. F\'C 5. Anona II , Fred U ichtfuss. PMYC. Secretary of the Mexican Navy trophy (IOR-A) I. Olinka, Tony Bill. CYC 2. Swifts ure, Nick F'razee , SDYC 3. Vcode tta. DeFever and Cabin, SDYC 4. Deception . David Meginnty, CYC 5. Blue Streak. Gary Myer s. NHYC. JEFF DEAVER trophy lCCA> l. Emily Ann, J oseph Clay. CYC 2. Intermezzo. Jack Bibb.BYC 3. Hidalgo, Rod Lippold, NHYC 4. White flies Hit Cormty RIVERSIDE !UPI ) -Woolly y,•hiteflies are devouring fruit from ba<"ky.ard citrus in Los Angeles. San Di ego and Orange Countie s. according to a UC Ri \1e rside stie ntisl, W. Robert Bo\l•en, s1.iid th.at whe n whitefly colonies include more than 100 insects , a honey- like excr etion drips on fruit, causing a black fungus to de- velop. making the fruit un - marketable. He said lar\'al \\'asps o.1re con· suming the w hitefli es too slowly to keep up with the expanding v.•hitefly population. Valley YMCA Reveals Jobs The Saddll'back Va lley Yr.IC1\ has announced t\\·o summer job openings : bus driver /g ro.up leader. for \l.•hich iippli c:1nls mus t be 2 1 or o ld l'r . a nd t·ounselor, for those at least 18 ;\fter May t raining sel:lsions. successful applic ants will y,•ork six \\'eeks. from July 21 to 1\ug. 29. in the Y's day camp progr~1m , said Jan l\1arker, day camp director_ Additiona l in fo rmatio n is available by calling the Y in El Toro, 830-9622 . Ah sante, Lou Comyns, SDYC 5. 1Ar gonaut, Weiss and Johns, BCYC. President of NOSA trophy (Catamarans) 1. Imi Loa, Vic Stern. SBYC 2. Malama, Jack Swart. OCC 3. Lipari, Robert Hanel, CBYC. Trimaran Association trophy (first trimaran to finish) Sagit- tarius. Ralph Morris, PVYC .. The Serena trophy <first schooner to finish ) Kelpie, Joe Minney, CYC. PRESIDENT Of>' The U.S., trophy (PllRF·G ) 1. ~iamps hirc Rose, 2. \'entarics. :\fart in Green, LS F 3 _ lntrins i r , Edmund; F'rench. \Vl'C 4. Albatross, Edwin' Pounder. SBYC 5. Trim, Dennis· Olsen. llUC\'C. , U.S. Secretary of State trophy· I P~I R 1'"-,\ J 1. Ragtime2. Kclpie 3.' Rrushfirt•. Gene Trt-ple. SDYC 4. 1\nitra. Fred Preiss. Pl\tYC 5 .. Ni rvanu. Car,·e r and Knig ht. sssc. Secretary of C".S. Navy trophy, {P llRF ·C ! I . Spec ulation. l~obert .Au s tin. I.SF 2. Prin1era. Reuben Vo lln1cr. PVYC 3. Puff, Da"id Stone, BC\'C 4. Damn Yankee. l\1ary Jane s,~·ctl . SG\'C. 5. Trinket. Robert Critchlo"·· SSA. GO\'ERNOR OF Baja California trophy <PHRF-0 ) 1 .. l\t ystic. Bill Strohm, CBYC2. lm- petuous. Carl Coe. N"\'CI .. B 3. Serena, i\lcx \'an Dyke. LBYC 4. ·l\1arilyn , Lt·s (;rant , VYC 5. ,\Jicia .1-lenry Butler, OYC. · Governor of California trophy !Pf'IR F ·F ) l . Plover . David Smith . CORYC 2. Syn Sys, ,J·l o "'ard Stt•ven s . V'i'C 3 . Solnus hka . Keit h Dins moor. BYC. 4. Rl<.tck Jack. Isaacs a nd Ja c k s o n . I .r~'i'C 5. S und a . Graham Gibbons. BYC. l\layo1· of Newpo rt Be a Ch trophy (Pl-IRF-E ) I. Lucky Star. Brad OO\\'ncy. VYC 2. Vixen , 1\1.B. Cox J r .• l,AY C 3. K<.1rma , Carl llanson. SG YC 4. Sundance, Jack !\l ayer. C B'i'C 5. S<.1bra Ill , Elliott Birnber g. Sl\'1 YC. MAYOR OF Ensenada trophy IPHRF-8 ) 1. Rebel Maid, David F o l som . S DYC 2. Pacifica. Stanley Willis, SBYC 3. l\tagic, Steve Mu lho lle n . ABYC 4 . Va lie nte, Terry Lingenrelder. SDYC 5. Aikane, Arthur Beland BWCC . ' . U.S. Coas t Guard trophy IMORF·A ) 1. Vivacious Ii, 2. So Long IV, Gary Swenson, AnaYC 3. Golden Rush, Haskell Grubbs, SSSC 1. Saltshaker, Bob Boyes. AnaYC 5. ldyllweis, Jack Weis, AnaYC. The Emigh Family trophy t MORF·B ) 1. Maia, Joe Marino, S ByRC 2. Outrageous. Earl Smith, C IYC 3. Banders natch, Paul Toly, AnaYC 4. Cannon, Scott Lenox, AnaYC S. Wet Willie, Tim Dexter, AnaYC. NOSA trophy (MORA ) 1. Groovin, Sac hs and Baker , SMYC 2 . Solitaire, Allan Di a m o nd , SMYC 3. Salsa , Graham Coates, DPYC. TV Airing 'Best Years' THE BO~IBARDIER. who had no training or education that would Pair Get Scholarship Melissa A. Edmondson 18081 Yosemite Circle, Fountain v a til!ly I and Erit K . Luchu., 24341 LMs Neran.)as Drive, Laguna Niguel, h ave been numed to four-year NaUonal Merit dent currieulum committee. Lucha, ti senior ut Dunu Hills High School, plans to s tudy pre.medicine. scholars hips. • Edmondson , a s e n t0:r at Los Alamitos High School, plaiis to study social ecology in college next fall. She ls a member of her school's Honor Society, the Opinion EdJtor of the school paper and a me m ber of the stu· Lucha is u three-year hl&h sehool graduate who Is vice prea.ident of lhe California Schularshlp FL'<leratlon. The Natlonul Meri t scholarship helps stude nts throughout their enUre college career. The corparution ulso gives yearly awards ol $1 ,000. ''Jimmy Stewart is loolcing really old flteff days •• .'' UCI Lectures For May Told The following lectures are sch eduled in May by the UC Irvine Extension services and a re open to the public. TMUllSOA Y, MAY 1 ·•c;en•lk 81sls ol O.velopment," 0..nill L. Wu lff , Pll.O,. prol•s>Ot" OI B!<KNmls\ry •1111 .llWKllta dliln ol Blol1>gy , P•rt ot lt(!Ur• se•l•s ''Hum1n O.vt1oom1"1.·· 1·f:4S p.m.'. S.Cill'ttl Llttur• Hill!. !t!l'Qle lid· m111ion II 111«e 111rmiu. $6.SO. "PllolO!lr•lll>Y of WOIT'l<ln." Mario C'111,Jl i. conl rlb"tor 10 Pl•yt><ly · Mlq111,,._ Pl•I ol lee lure w.i~ "P""loo••P"••s on Pr.otoo••P"w'. Pi n II," 7-10 p.m., Rm . 100, Socl•I Scitnc•I Hall. Sln9l1 edml1slon lf 1'1Kt Cl<lfmlU, U.7S, SATUllOAY,MAY) ··oo.n-voursell Milrrl•9' Counwl· •"9(' Mtrclf Ll lSwen. M.A., -In-of P1ovcl'loloo¥. Ct l Polv . .,,~­:say l>'"OQ•lm, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. d '°'I Aoom , Alrporltr Inn·, 117 00 Ma<;Arlllur 81¥11,. l•vil'tt . f"••: \lS, 1r .. dUCllSllll'l(ft. ··c1111\glno 6eh•v1or,'' How1rll Wilson, presiden t, Ad ml"lstr•l!vt Rtwarcll A1s<Ki11e1. ll'IC. A _..,,,.Y -.eml~r. t :JO e.m ..... :lO p.m .. Gold Room, Mfs• Common5, f"ft : WO, In. cludel lun'"• p1rk lng end t11ss IT\lttrl•I. "M1no91!mtnl Ot>j1ctl ve $," Gllfl· 1ner W. ICl ilUI, Pll.O .. m•neglflg dlr..:tor of tllt lnslftute lor Advanc<ld Pl,.,.,,if\!I. A -.Oily seml,,.r. t:JO a.m ..... :)O p.m., Rm. 111, Hutn1nillK H•IL Ftt: MO, lncludtl luncr. •nd 1N•kl119 MONDo\T,MA'YS "ln,..sUnQ In EQUl!les 111•0\IQl'I Ille (on'll)lt•lli•1 ol t~ N1tlon '1 St<Kk ,..,.,k•t," VirQlnlo M. B•lt. proltSM>r, Gr1du1te !t<l'IOOl o! Busln•s1, c..1 State lo"9 Beier., cons11n1n1 to !M'Nll 8usir>ess AdmifliSl••tlon •nO Dept.rt· rntnt of Hum1n Rtsou•c•i. Por1 OI ltc lu1• serl•s, "Vour lflveilmenl jt,,lltU .. 0ni TOOi,, A COm1MrlS«1 ot C""rent lnvellmtnt OP9D•tunUl11,·• 1-\0 p.m .. l!m , IOI, Phyl l(l l Scleoncel BldQ. Sln9lt ldmliSIOn U lp.ICI Ptrmll \, II. TUESOAY,MAY• "De¥elopm•nlal Me crionLsm,.·• M••ian A. Goldsmltll. Pll .O .. I SllS-!•"• prof•SMI', °'""'°""''"''' lflCI C..11 Biology, School of BIOIOQltill · "Nu11l~ Mtnageme"• 01 1r.t Patlenl wltn P11n." A Oflf.c:lllY program, t 1.m.-•:lO p,m., Ant,,.lm ~"'°'l•I Hoiplt11, 1111 W. l• Pelml Ave., AMMlm, Ft•: i 21.so. THUll50AY,MAYI '"Coun1elin11 Employes," Ho•••d Wll\on, preslll•nl, Allmlfllst•1llve Rew.ir(r. A1M1Ci1tt1, Inc. A -·<l<IY wmlnt•. t :JO 1.m.·•:lO o.m., Cll.ilOfl Room. Hotld<ly !Mn Hol•I, 31JI 8rl1tot S.., Costa Mes•. Fe•: MO. lnchldt1 1 ... cr., 1MrMlnQ 1nd ,1111 mtttrl11. '""·I) "TP\e Concept ol EQui¥•1en.ce -Tiie Pllo1ogr1pn •l Mtlilpf>or," Jol'ln 0. Upton , •\Socia le professor tnd clllirlT'lll'I ol Ille Phologr 1(1111 OePIO<I~ men!, O""l'IQO! CO•il Colle'llf 1nd v1"1-1no prol•ssor ol Ari, C•• St•t• Fulltrlotl. Plrl ol ltCIU<<I strlt\. "PholOQflprie <l Ol't PllOIOQr1p riv , Plr1 llir," 7-10 p,m .. Am. 100, !i<Klal Sclenc:f\ H•tl, SJnQI• 111mluion ;1 s.p;ot• JMtm lu. $S.7S. TMU .. SOAY ANO .. lllDAY, MAY I AMOt "H-Dlr•cl Rt lPOllSe M.tr11•11no C.n Prod!.ltt Prot lls ifl 111<1 Cur rem Economic Crunch," Gltnn L. An. dlrlOll, publlCiltions m1n•o••, UC [;t;l•ntlon lrwln1 1nd Raymond J. Con1ldlM. pr1ild<lnl, Olrl(I Mar-el lnQ Ciullo! !tovt,..rn C1Ulo•nl•. A I-dly pro9•1m, "West Co•U Co"· tertnCf on Di rte I M••kellng," Tllu•s-dlV, 9:00 •.m .. 11 noon •1111 1:10-S:CIO p.m.: Fr!<l<lv. 10:00 •.m.·1:00 p.m,, Newpor11• Inn, Newport Be1cri. Fff: Moj, P'• person ; C'30 ""'person '°' S or mor• lrom tri. s•m• company I In-· eludes <1•1' materi1ls •r>d luncri on Mlyl. PltlOAT ANO SAYUJIDAY, MAY t o\NDll "A•flli"9 Ol•onoil) •nd Prntrli>-_ lion, Part 11:• EIP\na Aeid, Ph.D., dlr•Clor. Ea1mpl1•w Center lot Reld-lnQ lm;!ruction ; 1C1Junc:1 pr~uor Ed11C1llonal PsY<tlologw, Ufllve•llt' of u11ri. A 1-d•y pro9••m, Frldly, 7·10p.m .. S.turdfy , t1.m,_.. p.m. Rm 1Gf, PllyllC11 S<ltntlS Bldg. F .. ; \l7, t>rlt19own 1ec, l11ncll. ' Radiology Students Take Wins Holly Green and Marcella Romano of Huntington . Beach and Robert McLaughlin or Costa Mesa have won awards in a statewide contest sponsored by the California Society of Radiologic Technologists. The three winners are students in r adiologic technology at Orange Coast College. Miss Gree n won a second place in the essay division with ''Radio- graphing the Small Child,'' while McLaughlin placed fourth with his essay, "Intern a l Carotid Angio- graphy." Miss Romano won a third place project award for her exttibll, ''Radiation Protection.'' Outriggl/r Club Sets NOflC:E LS ~tllEBY GIVl!M t~ lttW. Go-..rtlln{I lofrCI OI I ... Collt111M 11-0lOMI 0<.(\llMlllOfl.t~ PtW-ol Or¥91 (o\lfllY1 C:•lllOrl'll•, wUI tK•Lw llHl.i D* llf to 11;00 A.M • .,.._. ;fol Mf'f. ltlS, •I tM oltlW-Ml~ CMllllN ll•t..,..1 OCCllCl~'-1 Pr6-0r•lfl, lot•l•d •I t OOJ H•r~Ot 60\ll•~•rd, u...11dlflll •·c". S11ll•• 11 • n. co•t• M•W. c;:,u1orn11. <n•:t, 11 '!"'!(" 1ln>1 ••Id Did• wlll ... PllOlitlY gpoMll .iH1 •1110 lot: Tiii P\lf(~M.vt !"'° tu moblt• unltl to tit 11.-d •• "'"IQOtll\, All Cild• 1'io to tMi In ecccrdfnt• win~ (0110it1om, 1n,t•ll(tloni •rod ~111(1• 11on, wril'" IH' now 0<1 Ill• ll'l 111tolllt• ol tn11 CO•"tl"w R"u1on•• O''u1>9tlonlll PIOi'""" l~O~ 1-iO<bOf lfoultv.ttd, BullUlf\9 "C", SuUt • II .. 1:1, CO.I& Mis'•· C1t•tO<nl1~1•l•. No blfftt "''IY wUri11r1w hi• bid for• pott10CI OI I illl'•n 11 SI d• v• e/11• 1hl 0.1'11 "'''°'Ille Ol)&fllMQ Uuirtol, llll Ol;ivtrnlng Bolrd ot CMtUI,.. R•glon.ll Cktup;illOMI l'rootll'' rt ~·...,~ trtt •IQIH to •11Jt(t •n1 or Ill bid!.. fnc:I "Ill Of:;lO• .. •llY "t(eQl 11'19 lqwej,I u._11 , •"II 10 ... ~Iv• <11\Y l<11<1n111ttv 0t 11-regu1ar1h '"any IHO t•ltlv•d. 0.ttd,,,,.•Cri 11,191), .. COASTLINE liEG IONA(. OCCP ATIQNjt,,L PROGRAM Qt Or.tn~ COulltW,C•lll«nl• ev:Jlnlt\G.WtU "'''~Ill!! $uot1lnlffl4ri . P\lbdlfted Ortn9' Cot•I Deltw "'lot April aJ,111. lt7S tall•ll- PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT Of AIANDOMMINT OF USE 0 .. .. l(TITIO\J§ 8\JSINl!l5 NAMI! T~ IOllOW!nQ per~ r.1-.. el)M. aon..n 11,:., u~~ ot 1ri11 1tcf'!t •O"t bU~llM!•t """"''. MAORP,S, l!•.AO INO COMPANV 311 Md<Ul~ A~10n1ur. 8.tlt>o.a iiltnll c11lto•nl11~1b62 Tt~ fl(Utlou' Buo!r>eSI N1me ro ,,, ... o IO 11t>l!Y<r ,.,u !lied In Or.inwe Coufl\VOl'I J<in. 1,, 1 ~1~. OuH1y~n l Kuruar, 291 1 All• l'1Quo<1. la~un<1 ~~1ocri, Ctl•lu•n••91651 l(fl>flll<l KUlllJf, 2911 Altll t.aQ\1111 L.JUU•1'1 fk.t( II, C<1l •torn1• 91o~I Tllls bllsll'IC''~ .. o~ co11ducltdllyan ln-Q1w1<1u111, ll••~fm.J l<.umar Tlli~ ~t.it~m<rflt wa' !lied ..,;1ri Ille C.O..n• v Clt<k OI Or <lf'IQ• Co11nty Ofl .l..prll 10, 1915. ••n Pul)ll;J\('d O••nve Coin 0.11, PilOt Ap•1115, J1, 19,.ind Ml,,, 1t'IS 12'M·/~ ---------·---- J•L'lll.IC i"\OTICE Tou2 FICTITIOUS 8\J51Nt:55 NAME STATEMENT lflt' 10110 ... 1no P••"°'1' 1r1 lloh1911u>1 ne•~•~· IN l ERIOR 01:.!il GNEA'!i GUILD · NEWPORT BEAC H, 200 Ntwpcn t Cen1 .. r o•;~e. Nawporl 8til'"· C•hto1n1~~lM>O 1n1 .. 1101 De si 91'1 Educationa l 511,,.,.,,, 1nc.11 c1ntornl1 corpor1llon, ,20C) Ntwl>O'l Cefller Drlv10 NlwJJl>f1 ,e.a<ll. CaHlo• n1 a 92660. llll~ t>u~iflttl ft cOllOIK11d by. Cllf· j)Of~tiOfl. INTERIOR DESIGN EOUCAl IONAL $ER VI CE::>, tNC. 6ond!d H, Cc:ih•n ,,.._ 1•.11ement I"'' Hl•d wl!n lllt Counl y c.1er1>. of Or.ioo• Coul\ly <;1n Mdr<ll l>, 1915. ... 1111 Publo•l1eU Orafl~ COfll Oall, Pl1<>1, A.Pf!I 8, I~. '(2, 1•, 191~ Uj(f.1~ ---·---PIJBLIC NOTICE SL .. ·11111 NOTICE 1"0CA'l!OITORS !iUl"ElllOlt COU"T 0 .. TM• STATE: 0" CALI "OltNIA l'Olt THI! COUNTYOPOllANGll. N•.A4J21S £\late of BELLE H. HEFt.INGEA ~tilWd. NOTICE IS MEREBY GI VENto1ne creditors of trw ilbow• 'l<imtd dN;-n1 ltwl illl persons 111vl119 <llll'l'lf, 191in•I ti.. 111d oececttnl ar1 requlrH kl Ille lflfffl, wilri IM ntc•sU•• vo11tr.r1 1n Irle ofli'' of 1rie cl<lrM of Ille fllo\lt ·,,. 1111<10 tO\lrt, or lo presenl tflem , wUPI 1ric, ne<el•••Y wo....:11<1r1. to 111• ul'IOlrSIQl'llld II IM Llw Oll lC1 Of ICINOEL ANO ANOE AS?N, 1010 N, 8roldw1w. SMll~ Ana. Cah!Olfl la 92902, wr.1(11 b \"" Pll(lf of busln•ss ol Ille unrt<1ri19ntd In •II mailers ptr!1lnino lo ti.. •slllf' ol wld d<l(edent. w!thl11 tour montll\11te• Ille llr$1 P11bllc1tlon 01 1111' notk•. 0.tedAprll 11. 197~. BENF.HEFLINGE" ' e ~•,utor ot 1111 win ol Ille .tl:low• namedd.c:ed<l<!t ICINOELAND ANDI RION 1010 NO<lll 9tf.tdWa, SMUl AM, CIUlfrlll• T .. : SJl.7n7 A""""ylor£a1cutw Pl>Dllshfd Or<in91 Co1st DlllT Piiot, APt'll tt, """ Mly •• 11, 21:1, ,.,s 1}\J.1~ PC RI.IC l'\OTICE NOTICE TOCltl!OITOllS SUPE ltlOA COi.i llT OF THI! STATE OF (At.I "011HIA f'Olt TM E COUNTY OF OllANGE NI. o\·lllM , · E•l.>le ot CY NTHIA A. CASMI RI:. Oece1!4d. NOTICE 15 HEAE BV GIVE"' lot"" t•edllor~ ol ll>e •t><lVe n11med df(tde<\I \1'111 .>II P'!••Ons r>.>ving (lillmf '91llns1 Ille Will Oe(edent 11re reoul•ed to !•le tMm. •Un Ille fl<l(essary vo11t~•. In Ille ollice ol 1ne Cler k ol Ille •Do¥1! ~ tilled tourt, '"to pre•ent I hem, wl\11 '"" rwtess;ir y woucMr•, to 1111 undel"ll!lf"<ed S.C:ienc11. UC lr¥11'tt. P1 r1 ot 1..:1u1e ''""'· .. l'luml n Oev•lopm1nt,'' l .'9:~! p,m., Am . 104. Pl\y \1(111 Sc!tnc:t1 Bldg. !tlnQlt 1dmh1lon if ""!'' Pt•l'l'flU. S4.5'0. "N•eds As11s1mant lfld Program Ev1tu11Uot1," Lesll• J, Be•k•i, M.!i. Rtse••<h COl'ISUltlnl Ind Ml"'lllf+ .....,1 AudllO•, U!t Ge"er•l ACC-11111(1 Oflkl , ltld H ... , P, H11t•v. dlrtclor s1111 '"II LO(ll <;ov•rflm•ni Ae1•1•cll P•oor.i m, Tiit Urb111 lflstlt11t•. W•sr.iflgton, o.c.. A two. O.y semin•r tor l<K111 gove•nmerot, f"•ld1y, • •·"'··~ p,m., Skyroom Gflnd Ho1e1. H1>tet Way ; :>11ur0ty, 9 •.m.·S o.m .. 1101•1 Room, Gffnd H01e1. Hole! W11. ""•llelm. Fee: $90 lnt1 UO.s m•ttrill$ •nd two l11ncnre,._ C Wi h •I lH E OFFICE OF lie r 11t10tney, So\TUADo\Y,MAY 11 ar as OOMBROW & MclCE NNA, ~ M.tm "Mll•im11lnQ MllrkellnQ Etlec live Sire-et, :>uite llSO, Union Ban~ T-. WEON•SDAY,MAY1 ··1n¥e1t191tlng E11lr1·!tensory P<lrltQllO"' l(lrll•fl PllOIDQ•ilP'IWlnd Iha Aur1." TlllllT\I M0$1, Pri.o .. •e-St••cll PSY(hOloo lsl. UCLA N1u•OC>\Ytr.l1t•lt tflslltute. Pan of IKtur• "'"''' "Trit Worlds Wl1ri1 .. Us," 7-t:•! p.m .. Rm . 100, Soc.lilt S<l•no:t\ Hilll. !tlno11 edml111on II ""'''permits, ,S, . t'IH1,•• Rot>erl J . Emmons. M.B.A Ot11nqe, C•lilorn111 ... nicll is 1nre ·11l1Ke J,0., Ol••ClOr, Food M1rke tln9 T h ol bu•lne•\ ot tile under•i9r>ecl In ,,11 M,,,.....,,,..."'· Scr.oo• 01 euslMu All· e Ba Ibo a Outrigger m.1t1ers i:oer1 .. 1n1n11 to tilt es11I• o1 •J•d m1"1s1r111on, use, A ofl•·0•1 Canoe Club has re· uec~•kmt,wimln lou••"°"''"';a11e1th~ wmln.ir, •:JO .i.m.-•:JO p,m Rm. 111, '' I Soc.Ill ~lfl'ICtS Lib. F•t : $.40, I~ furbished lWO Of itS An l"~IPUl!I t111lOflOllhhnGI te, "-·' > ' •I ...,.-Odled April II, 19/S, "l'IC in P•• no. foot outriggers, a nd now CLEMENT INECA!iMIRE "A11ch1t1on s11rr Rilrtc:ll !i.tnc:h1t1v needs some cash to pay oo1o1eRow -Field Tri~:· P•I Qul,..n, C0tpor1\e for the repaJ·rs . E•tC,.l•ll OI tllt: Es\111• lOOlOQltll V'rt(IO•, Lion Coufll•• ol tne at>o•e n~nied llfUO.n• S-1••1. tn(. Plrl ol l1c1ur1 H•IH. The club will hold car OOMBROW&McKE NNA "Anlm1ls ... Nwi,..91,,.tnt, e1Jl.ks. was hes 1.n two Costa . •&1torfltws11t• .. E...,_nvtrtd !tlM'(les 1nd HUIT\ln I~ SOOSMllnS1r .. 1 ··eoufl\.111"9 1M 1n11rvl1w1no;i Sl!llls !MCI." t e.m.-12 noon, meet •t s.11<1 Mesa locations May 3. .. s..;1111!4 "'"'o" l•n• Tow•• lfllNHeait11Car•lr>dust•,,"~d Ctmp Tl!rt11re, Liofl Counlry s.fMI, ~•1'191'.CA.tJ••• Wilson, P1'•1ld11'11. Admlfllll••llYI llOO MO<.llton P1rMw•Y . L1oun1 Huts, The boys' division will Tel: U ttl 1Jl·11•1 A1M1•c11 "''<Kl11e1, inc . A -.o.v Ind cir _1, to !ti••• Raner.. !tino1<1 scrub autos. lrucks and Anwnevs ,., £a1cut•I• IM"O!I'""'· ''lO 1.m.-':lO p.m., Red ildn'll1sloft If '191C• C1<1rmlls, ». PllbllShed Or1n11e (Ollil D1Hy Piiot, Room. 11ot1d1w Inn, l7l1 w. ~n , "Ma ll)ril(llce Law 10, Nurses:· vans for $1 al Brady's AprH11, 1t.11ndM•Y6. 1J, 1t1s uu.1s j!,,ve.,0t•"9e·"";MO,lncl\ldl1d1u ......_ __ v1·11age Sh II St t • m.1,,.111,111ncri1r>dptrkln9. Dlvld l . Johnson. •t1orne1, ,, ....... s e a ton, ,,., Autiti.rt. lltOfMY, lfld Jo """' 1045 El c . D . -UOIW\IOll, ISSlslanl l)fOft\SOr of Nu•s· amlnO MVe , "TN C.Ol'on••• c1re un it " ....,.,,, ,•no. c..1 St•t• L<» Anotl•s. "-.a.a~ T he girls' division will J-Bromit y, R,N .• 8.S., Oflke ol' OrO!l~tm, ~ a.m.·• p,m., Rm. IU, be doing the sam e thing Conll n11ln9 N11rs l"Q Educ11lon, Pfl'f\1CllSu1nc:11fllllQ.F11:$JS. c.111or .. 11 co•lfOe o1 1o11111c1ne, uc at Campus Shell Station, trvlf'tt. Pan ol l•(lu•e II.its, "T~ MONOAV,MAYlt 120 W B H•..-1 ltld Clrclllllory !tyilfm." 1·10 "Ur>det"il•ndlflQ lnw11rnenl A1al l . aker. p.m .. '"''""''" Le (t11re H1 11 IE sl•t•. o1r1ct ind Sy n111cot111 For further informa· Mtd!(fl $u•Of 11 Bldg, !tlngte .o.' O•fl•r111 lp Emplla1 111 no Op mi111on11 'P"' JMrmlls, is. portlll'llllts tor Prof II and 1or Eoss In tlon, <'a ll club vice presi-'"' 1t•11 En111 Cvc11," Robtfl L d C h !tP••'· vl<•·P•t1id1n1 , Income ent uck Berry at - PUBLIC NOTIC~ Cllllt•ni• ""'len1I W•l•r 0...1i1y Cffll,.I ...... Slfl1a "~· ll•llofl P111MIC Nolle• .... l•Jt-l tl Nl"OES "'o. CA f11M71 68ll lndl11n1 Aven<li! s..111 1 • Rl.,,rside, CA t1i.o. C1 106toi·9l)O By JAl'SllARBUTI NEW YORK IAPl - ABC toni ght is air ing "Returning llome," a 1'V remake of "The Rest "I' cars of Our Lives," the fine 19·16 movie. a bout the rt.•t u rn o r thr ee scrvi<"t'm l)n to civili a n Jlfe after \Vorld Wur II, fChannel 7, 8 ::iO p.m .l . a nd a n inf u ntr •• serge ant. parts originai- ly played by Dana An - drews a nd the l ate F'rederic March. Fans of the movie no douht will have a fi eld day pi cking out the major and minor changes m<.1de for ABC's shO'-''. a series pilot familiar lines o r the mov- ie as it truces their re · turn from the war to the small town in which they nil live. ProP••ll•1 Olv l1lon, Wl!.lt1 n 646-6294. MOt"f!fl<MI Coroor1Uon. P1rtol 1tt111re prepare him for civilian ·wt11u1 Did th• S1r111,,. Go?" M l l·r II d d Htd911'11r.. Pl!.O., •dlunt1 p1011nor 'fhe sho\11 defini te!\' is v.·orth v.·utching. 1f Oni)' for the s uperb. naturul performan ce of ;in a mate ur actor, J am es fl . Miller. whom ABC suysis a form e r Marine who lost both arms in com bat in. Vietnam. HE PLJ\ VS a Nuvy. enlisted man whose urms were shot off In u Pacific sea battle . And he's ju!it as brilllunt In the role as Its original oc- cupant. l.f nrold Russell . a double amputee frorn World War JI . TOm S·eJleck and Dabney Coleman a lso are ex· cellent as they recreate the roles or a returning Air Cori>s bombardier TWO NOT ·IN·TllE· orig inal big gies I spotted. both in volving tht: born bartlic r. <A•crc: -The addition of a blnck former Air Corps pllot ;1s a friend who, us .ti civili an. encounters · nn u g l y ins tan ce or s mallto~·n bigotry .• -The transformation of the bombardier's blatantly unfaithful , pur· tying wife to a possibly unra ithful wife who now is a hard·v.·orking. a1n · bilious secretary a nd ~pends much time a l work with her boss. . Other alteratio ns huvc. bccrl made. but the 00- m i n u t e pr og ram generally follows .the J e, oun ersaroun un· lftdp.1st-4lr•c1or.P•(lflt M111 ... s1a- til force d to take a $32-a· llofl, 0111on B11c11 ; P•11 1111nt, \y k I k , WHlffn Soc:l•IY of Nel11••11$lS. Pitt TJIEY MEET on a homeward-bound fli ght, the n share a cab from the a irporl to their respective homes, pass- ing ct saloon o~·n cd by the sailor 's uncle. They promise to meet h ~rc sometime and cvenlual- lv do. " ce c er s job at a o111clur• series ... Th• L1v11111 Marl"" drugs tore in which he AewurttJ 01 c1111orn11 ... Tiii d r M•n•9f!-nl lmp<1r1tl ve," 1·t :30 wprke be or e the war. p.m., Rm. 1st. P11,t1c 11 sc1enc:•1 8111!1 Slngl• admission II 1Ptcf Th:1t 's the basic s itua-.-rm10, ,J, tion for the three t:eiu~ _ I l'i g v c t c ran s . \r'fi d . "Nllf'll"4 C•r• of Ill• P•tltfll w1111 VJ',.,.,,.., W h ' 'l P11n," Mlr90 MtCelltry, ".N., M.S., '-"'-S 0 WCrCn COn\Ullfnl In N ur~l ng, •llll'lor OI The !;;1 il o r . whose ·'h a nd s '' n ow ar c fo rtun ate t o see the originul movie s hould <A'atch this one to sec how things tur n out. artilll'lal claws. worries TllE PROGRAM lacks '-''hether his fiancce still the fine character shad- love!; him, despite his ings of "T he Oes t Years condition. She docs. but ·o f Our Lives " -though both her pnrents and his not bec:ause of its actors are visib l y unca!;y -and Its built-in com· because of hi s urtificial merclal breaks oc - urms. casionally make it seem The infantry sergeant. abbrevinted to a fuuJt. "'ho ha s a wife and But a ll things con- children. Is perhaps the "idered . ··Returning best off. being rehired by ~lomc .. is a J::ood efrort the batlk for which h~ for TV. It 'd make a '-''Orked before the war w c I co m e s er t e !i . <.ind made a vire prcsi· particularly If J a mes fl. dt:n~ at $12,000 annually. • 1t1iller continued in il .• • I• ·~ ' ~-· 11ri•1. "'1'011• lnv•1tm• nl Alllrr>eU.,.s T01111, A ComptrlMM'I of C11rrent 1nv111rnent Oop.ort\ll'lllles," l·IOp.m., Am. 104, Pflyslc11 S<ltncls 8ld9. !ilnQI• ldm lsSIOfl ll IP'Cf JM'f'tnits. Sf. TUISOAT,MAV1J COLLEGE GIVES$$$ .. Growll'I ; Postn1111 Otv<llOP· '"'"'·" NOtllf Gr111Qtr, Pl!.0., If<'.· tur••. 0.Cll•tmtflt of OtWIO!)<'l'l<lfllll Mid Ct11 Blolot,, S<l'toOI ot BloloQ!(ll Sc11nces. P1rt ol l•Ctu•• ltrltt "Hum1n Ot-..IOPmfnl," 7·t:•S p.m Rm. 1(1.{, f'lltS ICl l !t(ltnc1s u111<i 0 SlnQl<I admltt.lon II ll)K• "''"'"' ..... 'flFFJj\;, Oh io (APJ - lft·idclber g Coll ege is llr- fl•ring c:a ~h honuses to uttract scholurs. WIONISOAY,MAYH O u ts l.11nd l n g h iJ(h "Ml•ll'll """m""•" ot.c1111orn11," school e1 rurlu>11cs \VIII be Wt"t W M•ra, I .A., Ot'IO OU•ll ' e ••lltt.l'1net1.cturtstttti,''Tht offered a one-tin1 c $1,000 tlvllll M•rlnf A<llOllf(ll Of, Check for •>[le nd1'ng lhC C..llfof"llll ... Thf MIM .. rntnt Im. .. ptr111¥1," 1·•:10 p.m .. •m. 1i.e,I college, 11 s pokesm an an- Pll'f\k.•1 k''"''' Blot. Si"'llt "' nounccd. ~1 e mber• ol the lftililon 11 toOKI Jll n't'lllt, ,S, 11 b o ard of tr u s t ees "FITl....tff, A s11111,," Petric-ll•v plcd 0ed Sl25.000 lo lu11d M<Glt'll'llS, fltlCI dlrt<ttf 1f Slfftford I:'> <Mo.or l'fl"'''' P1c1111,, 0tJ111•·t the T rus tee Academic mtnt 01 Pt1c11111r,1 St1nto1d Scholarslio·p. · Ut'llwr,ltw $.C.MOI of Med clM. ~rt of 11c1 ur1 s1rl••· ""n'"''". . "Hcidelbe r " Is quite MIN ....... ftl, [1111(1, £rillt f191rld '> $Jlotlt• 11nc1 Hwn•n 1,...1(1:• J·•=•S ca~cr to tit tract to its p,m,. $1f1rl C1mp Tfllltrt, Lion ~ rrl'Shn1n n 'C)QSS cnch fall Cd11fll•1 5•1trl, 1100 Mo11llofl Par-w•w. 1.1011N H11••· Sino••" n1or c young ml•n a nd ml1alon,ll~tJl!!mll5,•t. 'A·omen \Vh O h U\'C dlS• "M"f0(1nt1a1 lfllarcUOl'I IH••rt Al· 1>lni•ed hig h ocadt.!nlic 1.c-1:· G1r11a H. w1110fl1t, M.o.. h . l'trtor1tc1""'11r!t1,"ThtHt1111nd uc 1evcmcnt In hif(h crrtut11or1 \vs11m," 1.10 •·"'·· 1'Chool ," Pr esl<le nt Frt1llmtn lt<l11ft Htll , Mldltll s.u,.. u • ..,.. lint'• •dtm..-.. 11 Lesli e l<'ishel J r . s aid. ~IJr9Nl'lll1,U. , ' R •• 1 I • ; j c • H .. .. c $ • p c $1 ~ II L I F ,, D " ol " c •• E - BE VE II< ., I --I J 0 1 2V ho 2" '° " hu '~ ha la1 vie a< A~ I -\\'a ~ r \ ' • ' ( I I . ' , : ' • ~ r . ' ... ' . : . .. \ . ' • t , , ' " . 'I .... Tuesda . A rll 29. 1975 DAILY PILOT flff · RtOI fatale ........ 1000.2999 The Bluest Mlrketplace on the Oninp Coast fmploymen! & R1nlal1 .......... 3000-4699 8uaJnt11, lnvt1tmtnt & financial •....•.... 5000-SQ49 Announct~l1, ·Ptr1onol1, DAILY PflOI CLASSIFIED ADS "'-•tlon ...... 7000.7199 Mtrchond; ........ 8000-8099 la1t & found ...... 5050.5499 5"Nic11 & Rtpalrs 6000·6099 Boots & Marine Equipment ......•. 900()..9099' Automobiles & other Tronsportatk>n , .•. 9100..9999 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G-ral IOO~G-ral 1002· G-1002 G-al 1002 G-"' 1002 G-al 1002 G-al 1002 G-al IOOZ .---------1 ····. ....... ................. .. . . . ............ . ............................................ . ···········~··········· .............................................. ······.····••·········•·• HRORS: Act.erlhers "'""'dcltecklholracls dally """ .._. tr• ran 1-c11-,.. TIM DAILY PILOT .. _, EASTBLUFF -"LUSK" Uoblllty far ltlt llNI 1 .. cornet ln1trtioft only. New !isti.n ~ ! Large 5 bdrm .. family 1·n1 . v.·1th lr1>lc. --; formal dining rm. - kitchen with room to dine ... All a fam ily could a:;k for! Offered at . ~Ji .000. ( [U~~IN-M/\~TIN IH[J' ~-REALTORS-~- Holtn1 for SIN ············~·········· io-ral 1002 ........................ WATERFRONT TRADE 644-7662 CORONA DEL MAR Owne r of m.aJtniCicent CilftM'rol I 002 Gltlffal I 002 $255,000. Linda I s le •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• waterfront home with private dock. Will ex· change with owner ol $70·S1SO,OOO home in Newp_ort. Costa Mesa, llunt1ngton Ueach or Laguna Ucach IMQuall l liiiilPlac• llPlr1 ap-wtl•• · ., 7S2-1920 l•OO OUAI~ ST, HlWl"OllT llACH INVESTOR'S DREAM!! DU PL.EX 4 BR & 3 HR. 2 years 'new. Steps to heart of resort arca ~block rrom ocean & bay. R·2 in C-l Zone. llclow Market at $109,997 . Glftlfta 8isw1nn1He Rooltar 673-0508 BAYFRONT STEPS TO OCEAN rwo homes on l'h Jots, in We s t N~wport . Xlnt cond .. View. 2 Bdrms .. 1 ba. & 2 bdrm.<i ., f1.1mily rm .• 2 baths. Ideal for home & income. $135,000 ti73-3663 642·2'l53 Eves associated Bll Ql(f"S llfll L TOllS l ul W 8olh"' 61 )66' NEWPORT llEACH 332 Catalina CAPE COO beautifully de<'., 5 BH, 3 BA·brick 1rplc-ncw unique master bdrm suite + many ex · tras. $89,500! CALL 675-7060 OPEN Sot;s.., 1-5 6702 Matil)'n Dr., 1-lB 3 UR + bonus rm, 3 baths . Move in cond. $S9.~J50. CALL55M800 Balboa lay Prop. BALBOA PENlf'SUl.A R•altors 4 Ur. 4 Ba &Galh:ry I ~=:i;~~:;::::;:;;~ 2.t'ireplaccs I~ Wet bar Ultra modern kitchen IT'S DIFFEUNT Private 11icr G o r g e o u s b i g i-~ee land. s;!l!i,000 DUPL~X -hidden away 1200 E. Balboa Blvd. on s ecluded Newport 675·Ml20 Isle. 1900 Sq.ft. up and -.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;! ISOO s q .ft. down. Near beaches & boals & Park. liq CCll'lyon luy Lovely to see, dclighUul COSTA MESA 2 STORY $47,000. Near proposed marina site. Bike to beach, walk Lo .shopping. Gourmet kitchen , large family r oom . Natu ral wood burning brick rir!"place. Call 962-77K8 to inspect. • KE:Y 'RE:ALTOP.Sh MULTl.UVEL 2 STY+ pool presligc commwtity. Im- pressive covered entry. Sunk e n ves tibu l e . t.tassive step up livi ng room with stone hearth. 12'xl2' formal banquet room. Cheery ga.rdcn kitchen overlooks huge family r oom . t.tAGNlFICENT BASE1'.1ENT wilh huge s ton e fir ep l <icc . Dramatic staiN1.1y le:it.ls to enormous double doors of kings master suite. Separate landing lead s to separate childrens wing. This is a t.1UST SEE. Call now S42-2S35. Ol>IN!UQ •/IS I LJNIOflf l/1~1' • THE REAU ESTllTERS I Beautilul Dover model, tooccuov. Call _ vacant. Musl stdl! 2 PETE BARRETT '. •$19.950• Bedr oom & den. $119.500. -REA' 'JY-Large 2 bedrm, 2 ba or lease$700.mo.· '-w /f e nced patio on \\il.,Sl.1.Y N TAYLOR CO. }{l ,1\J ."J'(Jl{S '-.J JJ\t' J!J•Jf; LINDA ISLE -HEW -LUXURIOUS J>crfccl des ign. J:o:Jcgant carpeting & drape s , expens ive w a ll pape r s, abundant use or Italian marble, pool & jacuzzi. 5 Bf{, formal DR, Jg:e rec. rm, Fll&3 gar. Picr&slip +more. 2111 San Joacpn Hills Road NEWPORT &EACH. H.8. 644-4910 ~~~~ .......... !?.~~!~~~!'! .......... !?.~~ BUY A PIECE OF THE HILL _ 17.000 sq . ft .. of Sp~1gl ass liill! 1'hc view from it a nd the ho1nc on it! 'l'hc vic\v is s pectacular. the home is 1 hcdrooms, ncarl_v ne\\' and the Ja l is 17.00U sq. ft . '!'he ,, .. hol e enchilada 1s yours for 212.000! Bueno! . UNIQUE HOMES, Realtors 2443 E. Cst Hwy, Corona del Mar General I002G ......... 1002 ....................... ····-··················· LIDO ISLE 815 Via Lido Saud Pric• R•duc•d' Wutcrfront 4 ll£t ., 5 ba., rumpus rm. Pie r & fl oat. sa ndy beach. $295 ,000 DOVER SHORES Sandy beach is the setting ror ne\v, <·ustorn colonial home \\' /5 BR . fa n1 . r1n ., formal din ., air c::ond. ::;295,000. LINDA ISLE ·neautifully decor. 3 HR. & de n, on lagoon . llamp & s lip. $255 ,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•dr Dr•v• N B 675 6161 Gftteral IOOZ GtMral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PALM SPRIHCiS FOR DOVER SHORES -- rl"4Ule Sllfid ~ REAi.TORs' PRICE REDUCTION!! {J cautiru!J y d c('o r atccl llARBOR VIEW llOME. Montcgo mode l. 4 Bedroon1s. din·ing r oon1 + fqmily l'OOm . \V ~1rm fi replace. On a beautiful la ndscaper! c·o rnc r lot . ShO\VS like a n1odel. $77..500. .. CALL-644-7270 2828. E. Coast Highway, Co1ona del Mor PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 110~::1101 MOM[S FOR UVINC NCTWORK \IWl!f' WI (.I• •11' 10W I W•. 1111, 01 r..11f llO(•Ull .l!fl'l.111 l!f l•I 1.1 110• Owner of elegant 4750 sq ft Dover S hores home with panoramic view will a ccept equity in Palm Springs house Qr condo a s down payment. 1-'ix· eruppcrs OK. JUST LISTED HARIORVIEW HILLS ESTATE llard to find lush home al 1002'GeMral 1002 IMQuail'~ liiiilPlac• . Prapwti••. 7S2-1920 1400 Qi.IAll ''· HlWl'OflT llACH 2 + BONUS ROOM OHL Y $35,500 . Owner builder has made this home better than a model. a decorator's de· li ght. ~luge bonus room for entertaining. 2 Largt: bdrms with 21;~ buths. t~a r out condo. Low dowfl on lovely large lot. "''ith ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20x40 ft. pool. 4 Spacious I•---•'!"•••!"!!•-......... __ ... bedrooms, Rreat family oflJ, l?c ~ room with fireplace and • { wet bar, separate dinin~ 4';1. ron room overlooking the bc aut1ru1 pool a nd jacuzzi. Citru.-; trt.oes and a great vegetable garden in addition 'make this your ve ry own estate in Corona del Mar for under $100,000. Appl. a must. 673·8550. on1i roi •1-" ~ 11110 10 ~1 '''' • J>rimc location near end of Lido. \\'ilh southerly exposure for s un bathing & s un set vie \\'S. 4 Bdrms. 5 Baths. rormal dining, run11>us room opening on sandy beach, pier & floC:it. Fully fµrni shcd. l,ric e reduced to ~~5.ooo. [ ®1 liliH\t~l!!.1 ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•dt· Drov•· NB t>7'> 6161 1002 Gn.ral 1002 Executives SUPERB will buy this beauty. Cal VALFHARepos in Orange County Keys in offic<! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VILLA. PACIRC TEHHIS IEACH Country Club Atta' Well planned 3 bedrm. formal dining + breakfast area. Separate utility room + 1.4 bath. Large garage +storage . La rge yard~lce out- le ts , covered patio. Room for pool. Wrought iron entry gates, foun· tain! Only $72,000. Open daily 1·5, 1765 Bahama Lane, r.tesa Verde. ~ FORMER MODEL ,.., . .,,1. 1·asteful~~~ted :ind 1111 hi ndscaped 4 br. hume. ; View of Big Canyon golt c ou rs e a nd t•ushion i--======-- ls land . Secluded o ut-1•--------- door entertaining area with Oriental garden. View deck. Gas fueled fi r e pit . Res idence features living room with high beamed ceilings. Huge master suite plus :J family bedrooms. Pric(' reduced lo $189,500. Call 673-8550 for appt. to in· spect. . Dl'IN II( 9 . ,, I Ir.JN rae1 r,,, ,. EASY LIVING Throw away the law n mower, be autiful 2 bed r oom , 2 bath Townhouse. Lots of liv- ing space + clubhouse and pool. Offered al a low $27 ,500. With a s- sumable }o'ilA loan. Call 540·1 151 --HERITAGE WORLD REAL ESTATE Specialis ts in govern· menl linancedhomcs! 556-7777 call a nytime POOL HOME $36,950 Spacious 3 txlrm ~·ith lots of v.·ood paneling & dccor:itor Willlpaper !luge heated & fil tere<l pool wi\h plenty of y1.1 ro BAYCREST AREA space left over. ~l a> $73,500 purcha~e subject to low 4 Bdrm family home de-interest G I luan. &lti·7711. corated in tastl'fu l OpenEvcs. autumn colors. Huije ~~-secluded masler su1tc I I formal dining. AH in im _J~~· ~)j~· ~~;·1·1 __ m aoulalc oo nd;lion.'4L Take subjeet to exislinll V1\ loan . ti·IG-7711. Oper. Eves. $44,950 l~argest Villa Pacific . Formal• c nlry lo enormous l1v1 nij and formal dining. Bricll: rireplacc. Scpar;1tcfami- ly room. Den ~·ith wet liar and g uest bath. S"'·ccping stairs tu two glgantic master suites e1.1ch with a pr\\'ate bath. Best pool location~ Two tennis courts. No new loan costs assume }o'llA loan. Owner mus t sell, Call !:163-6767. ,..,.,..,....,,..1 642-5200 675 ·4060: beautifully landscaped ~'.""~S~!!!!!~!!!!~,.:I grounds w/pool, st.-curity r~· !! gates & much more. $215. : : , ·. ·1: NEWPORT per mo. pays il all int•ldg Hi115ide &tate laxes, ins. & maint fces .1 ~""""""""""""""""""""""""~1 !~~;: @ herbert hawk.ins RE Al TOA'> 646 31S5 THE REiil ESTllTERS ' • REAi.TORS TEHAHTS WILL BUY IT f'OR YOU! - NOTICE •~•u •11V •1/\011f.'' ,, .• 1 • · ified at.ls display their · how Daily 1>1Jot. Class-[®. i · mes~agcs v.•1th legibility ' . ' · .,. :;~::::::;;;;,:;1 and 1mp;11.:t '!Our alls. ~·e I ~-==== Plu5 Pool Call Dan a t 839-8321 for appttosee.Agt. l·---------1 ALLURIHCi $119,500 H P Mugniricent 4 BR inc. orse roperty hide·uway mslr. s~i.te: One beautiful acre and pvt. bath, scp._ maids 2~ year old 2-WO sq.ft. _qrtrs, formal. din. rm. home. With 4 bt.'Clrooms. w/gourmet k1tch . hl:'ge 2 •12 baths.den, family fam r_m -overlooking room, dre am kitchen, pa_rk ·l ~ke gr?unds, cnt_er· vaulted ceilings, and t:t1ner s patio. sparkling huge fireplace in living pool & therapy bath. room. 4 St:all barn ~·ith DIAL 640-6600 hay and lark rooms. 2 large corrals, cul-dC·sac, view of rolling hills. trees and orange grove. ASKING $129,500? ! 546-4 41. ~~ . berrte m ....... ..... BALB01\ ISLAND !Lil· ·r••iiiii._ .... ._ __ ._.,., lie Js l;1;ntl l: Unusual 5 BR ON TflE BAY with private pier : or can be ~~----1 re-conve rted lO a duplex. ')!"' ..... : Sell ' , / l'oyftll'f ls"''· too.,_ credit It ptd with us. Yw COii t""9t fOUI' od. Or, pu'! It on ywr Mottff Chorp trf lcdiAmtrk111d. ,,.. belt plot• to buf ., ..... tMOl'onp C..tf It tM w, ,.,_ • $2.50.000. 675-5511 COLE of NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast H.wy Corona del Mar CAMEO SHORES 3 Br, 2\.i Ba. 2 frplc, pool, view. $250,000. DOVER SHORES S Br. 3112 bn , D/R. 2frplc, pool. view, $219.500. IRVIHE 4 Ur + bonu.'I. 2'h ha, frplc, lge yard. $58,500. COM,.ANV H f:Al.TORS S!Kt:t : 1!144 673-4400 HEWLISTIHG 2 (urnished & rented un· its on full lot, good street. Balboa lslnnd. FUIJ price $6S,000. LA CUESTA BY THE SEA NO DOWN YOUR opportunity!! 2100 sq . fl. of ocean- cooled grandeur with NO DOWN PAYJ\.t EN 'f . fo'our jumbo bedrooms. Most prestigious & de- .sired area. }o":irst to call gets this ·rnEMEN - DOUS BARGAIN. Call 842·2535. Ql~N Uj Q• 11S I LJN1011!,...,' 1 •'• [ ~!lildiifl 1/2 Acre C2 Located o n Newpo-rt Blvd. near City Hall. 81h% Financing availa· ble. Commercial build- ing and land just $59,950. ~~;~ • 645-5849 $23,500 EACH E.t.STSIDE COSTA MESA. two bedroom homes, on large 60'xl 27' lot with oversized garages & al· Icy access. Excellent condition in&idc. needs paint outs ide. Call ErriieCleveland Phone 548-3404 v MESA VERDE 2 STORY OHLY-564,000 You 'll love this Exec style Pacesetter home co mp lete wilh 4 bedrooms. 3 b<1.ths, den & formal dining. Fantastic lattice work p<1.tio C(lver. Best value in il.11 of <.:11s1a ~iesa. Don't miss 1L '.~ Call 546·5880 ~ .. HERITAGE . • REALTORS SORROWFUL SELLERS This couple never C\'en slept in the m aster suite! They just added. in · stalled & paneled & WITHAT1UUM Elegarit, impressiv l wonder home wilh spec· tacular all glass garden kit c he n . m assiv i: fireplace, beamed ccil· in gs, a nd s hutt ers throughout. 1\vailable with only 10"/., down. :: Bdrm. 2 baths and only $49,950 SUPER EASTSIDE $4,900 IUYS IT Bright s unny kitchen, large dining area . firepla ce. Jus t listed $4,900 down & it's yours. plumbed , and now·thcy Bett e r h urr• Cal l m~st move. Elcgant4BR 646·7171 . tr1level w /brand ne w 0,1 .,1r,·i ·"i 1 u•.-,~1 1r. ,, pool & jacuzzi, paneled [ office. built-in stereo, ® brick B -8 -Q , dlx . . d ' wale r soft e ne r , an . mur h. more. Their mis· L..:.- THE REiil ESTllTERS forl u ne is your o p·---------• portunity at $76.00C Coll•~Pft w/a ssuma bl e 7'!. loan. POOL HOME·lovcly 3 CALL NOW 556--2660 bedroom. 2 buth comer C:,SELECT hom e. Complete "'ith T'PROPERTIES beautiful pool and access -''--'-'-''------!for boat. or trailer. Just recentl y redecorated. ---------•I T rans fer forces sale. Priced r ight at only '..I ••.. ' :·:t •>6:> HERITAGE . • REALTORS ---- This comfortable duplex will cost Y.ou very JitUe because your tenants will pay the bulk of the bills. Offered at $46,900. • i.lrC proud Lo s1.1y, l'l·ally l la \'csomcthin~yuu want i:ct res ult s. Pho n e to sl'll '!ClassiricdatJs llu lack lay Area A'§~~i &1 :!·5671!. JI well. 6>1 2-5ti78. 1002GtMral 1002 Newport Beach. Custom h o m e -in beaut i ful Gftteral homes area. 3 Bedrms, 2 b Id. h •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3845 Camp111 NB S49·165S VETERANS Free list of h omes already appraised by VA in Orang e Co unty . Ava i labl e to any Veteran. Call World Real Estate, 5Sti-7m anytime. Veterans Re al Estate Specialist. 1972 PRICES HEW PORT HEIGHTS Just $43,950. Quality plus charm . New carpet. Roof. Be amed ccilin~ and pan t!led wal ls . Recognize a hol one. Call 646·7171 . ()!~11 r11Q •ll ,l('.">1I " 1 [;9111!'Hil SELL idle item.<> ~·i th a Daily l'ilot Classified Ad. a ·s. form a 1ne. t'a''Y beam ceilings. frplc. shake roof + detached studio room . &16-3928,C\'CS 646-4543 Lachenmyer Realtor ALL U.S. VETS It is your right to own a home with no down pay· me nt . Staff or ex - veterans to assist you. Call World Real Estate, Orange County's 11nly Vete ran Real !::s late Specialist. Ask fo r Vet e r ans (:ounselor. 556· 7777. Ca 11 nnyti me. >id you miss the boat? On l\l a rina Proper t y a l Newport Bch. or Hunt· ington i-larbour, l\1an· dalay Bay is your last chance. 3 Br, Waterfronl Townhouse ~·ith doc k $75 .000 by owner . _805_ .. _sJ.4023 ___ _ G...,.al 1002 Gttteral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab I Irvine realty STYLE, SECURITY & VALUE; ·3 bedroom Occilnfront condominium in Ba lboa. JJc rfecl for those \\rho require full or parl-time occupancy , .... /full -lin1e security. Pricccl to sell al $82,500. Clint Moses 642-8235. CY62) DISTINCTION & SOPHISTICATION. Rare IJlufrs ho n1c! I .. uxurious 3 bedroom-gorgeous greenbelt view, . $76,500 . Owners boug ht another - musl sell ,' Barbara Aune 6-12-8235. CY63) GREAT STARTER HOME. Super s harp 2 bedroom I·lunlington Beach condominium -\valking di stance to schools & shopping. Recreation facilities -pool & tennis court. ONLY $25.000. Gnil Foo r 6'1'1 ·6200. I Y64 I UZ-UJS 901 Clo'IClf °'"'• ' 6444200 1664 Mm.\tlllllr "VANDERBILT" PARK HOME One of University IJark·s rarest and n1o s t 1>opu lar pl ~1n s. A ve ry s pacious 4 bedroom and f<.i mily room home \\1 ith 3 bath s. Beautifully located c,1 a park with a view. $79,500. PENINSULA INCOME UNITS 4 Units for only S99.7SO . Probably the best buy o n the 1n a rkct in income property. A SPACIOUS ESTATE IH Corona de! l\'lar with access to pri va t e beaches. C h ee rful 3 bedroom h o n1 e o\·c rl ooks pool. \\'atcrfall & beautiful gardens and only $129,500. CHARMING CORONA DEL MAR Family home. 45 ' lot. room for unil over garage. 3 bedroorn , 2 hath , cozy firep lace. Bri ght modern kitchen. pri vale patio. Rcatl.v ror occupancy. $85,000. SOUTH LAGUNA VIEW ESTATE Beautiful coas tline vie\\'S. Custon1 quality. St . Charles kitche n . 4 l>edrooms , 4 baths including guest hou se . Offered far be lO\V replacement cos l. $249 ,500. OC EAH FRONT LOT One of the few vacant lots on Easl Ocean l·'ront. 30 root frontage, 80 feet dee1>. l)riccd lo sell ~ll Sl00,000. THAT'S RIGHT ..• $162.500 buys this ·1 bedroom .~ bath vic'v home in IJo,·c r S hores. l'ropc rly has e \'l'r)·thing. $pace . Lo<:at1on . Con1f ort . Cleanliness. Low upkeep. t>ool. Bar Roo m. Family Roo1n . Dining Roorn . A special place. A special orfer. 2-4-6-1 Walch these uni ls appreciate. · 4 Corona dcl l\<lar duple xes r ang1ng from S8 1,SOO to S84.500. Buy one. two. three or all four. Q\v11er will trade for farm la nd. ,I I • . ' •• ., .. • \ 810 DAILY PILOT Tuesday. April 29, 1975 Haan For S• How1e1 Fors-. WI For StN ...... for'* COftclo1nlnlums ftCOIM '"°':'!? .• !~~~ '' H •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• for•• 1100••••••••••••• HDHlff For S-. Holaffs For r..a-ones For.:...._ -'' •---t.. IA't --...._..__ ... .._. 104 tt.tl-'onlHdl 1040l11 •M..__,. 1012 Newport---••••••••••••••••••••••• ou1YM"'KM r~t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --. ....... ........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• M ... ~ --G .. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• E•c e pt l oo•I S ou'1h UulT•I ···••r CorOllCl•IMcr 1022 01l0Me1C1 1014 f ..e t ... .r IJT• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• FaAMCISCA.M *WI ICNOW * FIMr Oceu; Laauo a v•lut:, 2 DD. $ Apll • 4. ShoPll, 1 blocW ' REDUCED! Customized Uni versity Park Condo. Secluded end unit on <1Wt.'t cul-de-s a c s tre e t . Th is 3 bedroom home has a re- modeled kitchen w/nc w ltppliances. New water he ate r , rresh pai nt. (iarwge door opener. You own the l ~nd. SSS, 750. CaU 640-6161 ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE , INC. Gl..+&..-n......._ IAMVACAKTl FOUMTA.IM LA.GUMA...ull DUPLIXIS adult. Own your own. rromt.hebeach.'nliltor• .--, I NEEONEWOWNER! * IUT * Cu1tom 4. Bdrm + D $!12,000/with $7500. down. ner loc1tlon bu U2ft. Oii ~;e buec~~v!f!iJr; ~~~ ONLY 5 LEn I HAVE 3 BR&2 RA roo1-v.... ON EL NIGUEL Colr Bdrm.exl.•lnt.cedal'•id· Own e r w I 11 c a rr Y Coast llwy. Annual 1rosj rr I CANBEBOUGHT L&48Rmodel w/patlo, C ou rie . rom11.ntl c ing. Panoramic v iew. balance at&'n'"ki Drokcr incom<.! $17,184 on low ~e~~,i>r11vi';!;. ~~~e~~ with easy lerms! l ! kitchen, huge loamily & Sp&nlsh·Slylc 3 BDRM $225,000. 499-2277 . r i:nts. As king $42 ,SU~ rum bJln u live bedroom 3 II Co•tti,._ I a m well localed In u l»"lck fplt , 1Sx36 pool + CONDO on fairwuy wilt\ ~uutiful & new 3 Udrm down. Owner Anxiou~, hom e w"'ilh rive buth11, p r e s l I tr: i o u a j acuzzi. Fast PQ68eSSlon, Ml. .,re11 nor y view. Walk up & 1 down. ClOIM! to 0 l V 0 R C E S E T • 1'ake 11dvantagc of thtl li \•e car xaraxe imd the H t t R I ne ig hborhood. I can assume lo'HA. 6'4·~ only lo t ennis club. ~.950. everything. XJnt view. TLEM ENT .,~O RC ES excell ent opportunity to ex o unn llllCJ make your famil y h11p. $313. per mo. l&J,000. Bkr $17S,000. SALE B•autll"' 2 SlO'Y make money. largest lot in the area. SI " II /\ 1 ~· ••tt w~ E ~1 w r eoM, •e .. r py -c 11 my ae n _ . ..., su r E R CUSTOM 3 -to ••rnrg Span1'1h Condu.2 BR.t1~ R"'LO~es Private OOacfJCS, privulc Me --...&• 1~ ._. .a n y t i m e . s c o T 1 DOR p i 3 Bdrm z a.th _. ~ .street.s. and a sm1C1hing w,_. • 1 ..........---r· REAL TV, SJ6..753.1. M, 2 bath home in r me • Ba, Pool, Clubhouse. Gas lroken 675-6700 patiO area ror all farnlly $40. 950.-$44,950 lrviM 104 priv11.te area. Octun & waterfront own yow-own Bar·B-Ques, green bclt l ~::.:=o.::--"---- actiViLies. s172,ooo. •••••••••••••••••••••• Mt. vlews. DecoralOO & •Pt. Lrg_ deck w/ spec· and Chlldrens' 1,laY· 2200 S C Lot 345 U I -1'.. Dr ldscpd to pcrfoction. tacuhtr vtew. · d v 1 $28 SOO h for sole uper · ~ " •..-. -·r · FOUR PL.EX IXCITIH~ Many fine features. A:;k· Senior adul\S·$lll,500. groun -a uti k : ••••••••••••••••••••••• In this very choice area ~J ustofflrvineAve ) iniSt2',000. und m o r e . Ali 1n1 WO LOTS lot.Al l04 /200, or COM lh'ere is no finer 548 7223 S72.500 3 Br, .f'am Rm, 2 st.o SZ7 500 A $~umabl e " I t d' h Lo•·=o u...:...a lllly. • · · '. , Choice locatitm, llunt• Jot than thi1>. A lovely Take advantage of these r ee s a n ing ome -·· "....,.... $18 900 loan bl 7 N ln· b z d p f f o t landsc · 13A5050 •t• •040 • . ln.iton Be•C . one l ar~e two tx>droom home unlt.s at 1973 prices! $7500 ro · r n aptng -,. -teresl. Address ~l B bwilncss P,otessional ot with formal dining, a year gross income pro-Plu s h ca rpe ting Mci'~u dd e n . Wes~ ol offlc~s. 'st t ,OOO. intch. large rusli(•(amily room, vid es excellent t ax draper ies &: fen cing Harb?r. Ol vd . Cull TERMS. Write : KAN· a i.:ruci9us livi ng room s helter . Three bedroom Univ. Park. $54,990. LIDO 3 hr, 2 bu. frpl, 839-2332 By owner. Prln· PAK. 1993 Kihci f\(I., and <i n out standing patio unit for owner. Two 2 552.9300 Bkr. lmmed . Occ'py. $79.500. cipals only, please. Kihui, Maui, ~Iuwuii ot a ll C<?m e with t h i s bedroom units . One l Ownr/Agt.673-0489 "" 528 >P EN SAT./SlJN .: 3lli8:: ma g n 1 fi ce nt corne r. bedroom unit. Can't rind phon~ 1808 ) 81"'1 Nine St, S. J.aguna. :.!Hit $122.~ EAS1'SID E-Near Back another bargain like this. RllKho BA YFROHT ~xes/ t B Uy Reduced to Sl5,500. J,b : C ARM PLUS! Uay. 3 B~. 2 DA. frplc. i''ur a ppt. to see ca ll SuJ~ · UNt11aM 1800 l'ro mo n .ory a y · 642-8885 HKR. Our os t exci:ptional for mal d tn. newly de· Agent847-60 10. Townhouses from$S3, 2 Customlfomt.>s ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner. Minl.maldownor ----·------\ listing, A fanla.sllc CO Uii· corale~ thru-oot. He<.iul. Ol~N u19•11s''-""1061 N"f' Select from 2 Br, 2 Br + !JAL BOA P ~INSULA TR 1 PLEX-•,ur n 'd ( 1) lr<.ide ~quity fur snl a,11 try kitche n with all lhc 1_ndscp g. $47,000. Owner. 11 ...... ,..... den or 3 Br. Jo'Tplcs, s un Eacellent location on the 38 R, 2ba. (2 ) 2en, 2ba , house 1n N~~ urea, CopistranO Beoch I 018 authentic details oind old 645-4737. ; . , · m, f~~:ll'~I decks. pat ios. All qualit Bay & only lt2 block to the mid· Ba I bou . Jt e nted $119.000. Prtntip~s only. ••••••••••••••••••••••• b,,·,,k P•l•'os off most ~ 1 .~~ fe<itures. 14 Lap:o Norl Obcdeun. E ach ho0m•hha,&4 Summer / Winter. Below 213/278-9966orwr1tc, Bo.~ 38r, 2ba. By Owner. No roo~s gi ve Uiis three ~~:},~,.,,,,,] ~ j cCulver & Universit PANORAM IC OCEAN , rm s, 4 . at s replacement at $119,500. S45, Be verly Jlills, Co1 G.l.34a56ViuVcrdc.Cll. bedroom home a very llueHa•enPool Dr.)(714 )752-7373 V U_, s pacio us , hi · Galle ry, 2 fireplaces, COAST PROPERTIES, 90'll3. 493-8117 3 Be droo m . 2 ba th, By Owne r, 3Br, 1112ba ce1hngs, 4BR, fam rm .. w:etbar, ultr~ mod~rn 673-SCIO -------t:urope a n feeli ng. An hardwOOd floon;, crtps, l 0 w n h 0 u s e, w I w Tired of Renting? forma l din rm. MUST kitchen & pnvate pier. leal Eslate !:~~~!8.~~!.~ ... !~.~~ ~~~~~:;ew~~[~·sc:.~!111~~ dlJ).s. dble garage. Lge bookcases. laun rm, dew Then see this little 2 BR.. B E S 0 L D N OW , , Fee land. See al 1200 llKCMM Properly 2000 hcll..ge 2100 brass bed is a highl~g ht. patio. $38,SOO. plush shag. Many xtras. 2 BA., charmer:. It shows VA CANT ....... , $86.500 Ea1s117 B8al!?:?af Bl vd ., dor ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••·•••••••••• CDM's most c harming • • • • Assume 71f.t'i'o or 90'k pride ·o r owne r ship, EnioyltleGoodLife ca. 6 5· lo;v or more e-UNITS! · 4 Br, dining. fa mily rm, st rcel. Sl2S ,OOO! 2 BR Older Hon.. con v . ava il. $33 ,000. Situated on q~~t 1 cul -de-Coll 493--251] tails. FOUIS & FIVES TIADE Corwr C.l lot pool. 2 fr pl(·s. N \A cond. MUST SELL! on R-2 Zoned lot. 50K 140, 847-4273. .sac ~treet wi .. ,. ot.;; .or w , . . IIVhome. Portifino. 1·ax shelte red, property In Anaheim a. U..CM HEWPORTIEACH ~~~i~1~t.llarbor lligh The owner of this cxccp-$J0,000. Best or terms. t rees s urrounding 1t. By 0 ner, Ocean View, 2 ~.ooo. fee. Shown by apprec. in good ureas. Value I I OM. Clear. · 11 · h -Roy Mee.de DISTIESSS.A.LE $4G.soo. Br , 2 'h Ba , Condo . appt " .. ·786ti 536·2579 ·5~l-:;cuo ,\gt II e --' SPAHLING liona Y gracious omc 111 $75,000 493-9446 afl. 5 & ·"'" · .:.. ------·-For CJ m1yon or REA L t-:STi\TE Irvine Terrace must sell . Realtor 1110 Newport REDUCED $3,00D RAISQR'S wknds . Santa AH 1010 52000 Tcuc •....&..-"-oc ea• 't' lew lot, 833-3.548 You should see the pol.en-Costa Mesu 548-7729 Owner must sell this R.-n' ----------\ . , . h' r ·-·-REALTORS .......................... 9 Htg Bch 'l'riplexes 714-541-2479 lla 1n l 1s our ............ oom magnificent single level • CUSTOM 2400 sq. ft. D 1 v o R c E s ET . · b .11 Lol.sof ti .---------•I home . Lovely pool, deep home, & has slashed the home .. •.UR. huge ra m TLEMENT f'Ol.\GE'S Just...,.u1'0 H·on•;ngtoopa 05 ! ........................................... ..... lot and s mashing patio BY Owner. Dis is da price accordingly! Just 4523Campus Dr-., Irvine rm d1n1n g rm 2'hb o;v '"' R~oll area with most rooms place! Complete new blocks from the beach in Campus Valley Shop Clr. • . · a , SALE Beautiful 2 story . Open Daily.l-5,539-b'779 nn Exclusive Listing SPYGLASS Popular 5 Bdrm New Bedford Plan. Supe r n e i g h b o r s. Owner transfe rred. Priced to s ell at $164,900. 673·7601 AllyHme EXCITIMG VIEW Very lov ely & large 4 Bdrm home. wilh large fa mil y r m & frpl c, beautiful pool &enclosed lanai. T he 180 degree v ie w or Catalina & gorgeous sunsets is one of the bcsl. $129.000. .,., BAY ANO BEACH B?B-3000 ••o• • c~••• ~~· '""""• <»• -·~ C:U.SSIFlfD HOURS Advertisers m ay place their ads by telephone 8:00a.m. to5:30 p.m. Monday lhru l"riday . . 8 l? noon Salur~ay • COSTA ME.<;AOF FJCE 3.10 W. Ray 642-5678 NEWPORT BEACll 3333Nev.•port Blvd. &12-5678 HUNTINGTON REACll J7875Acach Blvd. 540-1220 LAGUNA BEACH 1186 Glenneyre Laguna Beach ~94 -941i6 SADDLERACK 2520 1 La P:.1. Ho<JIL. Laguna Hills 581-6~ NO RTllCOUNTY dial free S40·1220 CU.SSIFlfD DEADLIMES Deadline for C'OP.Y & kills is ~;:10 11.m. th e day before publication. ex- ctpl. for Sunday & l\lon-day t-:d ilion s when ,deadline is Saturday, 12 ,..,.... CLASSIFIED REGULATIONS ERHORS: i\ti\·ertisers should ch('Ck their ads doily & rcJlOrt errors im mt'd ia l c ly . T l-II-: DAILY P ILOT assumes linbility fQI" lhc fi r:<t 1n- rorrect inscr1ion only. CANC F.LLATlflNS When kilhni,: an ad be sure to mi1ke a record or lhC' K l l.L N Uflt U l';B given you hy yoor ad taker :.is reC'l'ipt of your cancellation. Th is kill number must be pre?>Cn· ted by the 11d\•ertiscr in case or a dispute. CANCELLATl <>N O R COHH l<:CT ION (IF NEW AD B E F'O R I-~ RUNNlNG: Every effort is made h> kill or rorrcet " new 1u-I U11tl hss IM'en ordered. but v.-e can~ jfuaran- t~ to do so until the nd h101 a ppc11 red in the pwper. OIMl':·A-1.INlo; AOS. 1hcse nds 11r e strh:tly cash in advllnC'e by mail or at 11ny on e or ou r of· flees. NO phone Of'de rs . De;1dl i ne : 3 p .m . Frida y, C011t11 Mella of· lfice &i J.Z noon at ;111 br~h offittii. 1'JI E DAll.Y PI L OT reserves the rliiht to classify. edit , l!il nlOr or 'refuse •n1 gfl vt'r · ti&ement, !ind to rh•n.cc 1~ nitn le reJulatlons iwtthoot prior nolict'. CLASSIFIED MAIUMG ADDRESS P.O. Roir l lWIO, Costa Me:ta ..... looking onto ,·t. n~u"cd kit., ba, copper plumb'g, 1 · · · h c 'LL 93• "600 cor . lot-view ! ~,500. Spanish Condo. 2 BR. i 1r. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ,,. ... pre s 1g1ous n e 1g · "" -BOND'S Ba , Pool.Clubhouse.Gas 48 UNITS to $92,500.Hurry. crpts, used brick frplc. borhood , this qua lity Gallery or Jlomes Rar ·b-que., green belt 675·7225. wood paneling,etc,elc.3 b ui lt home o rfers 4 83 1.9411 and Childrens ' play. $450,000 br. huge lot. Come see spacious bdrms, formal CulwerdoleCustom Hoon1F....llhod ...................... - 379 E . 19th St, c.~l . di ni n g , huge f a mil y T~e n eig hbo rhood 's ~10D ~L hmc or Olympic g round . Value $28,500 MUST SELL $47,500. 673-1658 room , shake roor. & all rr1e!ldly, the home h~s a Celeb. 4br, ram. 2ba, pvl and m o r e . As k i ng Extre m ely motivated General 310Z ----------1 on ovc,,,.,,. lot. ~ & feeling or warmth It • a $27 ,500. i\ssumable seller . All 2 bedroom un· ••••••••••••••••••••••• <•o L •• 0 0 '"" fS' ... ,, .. .0<UI \.\LI .J<:\· HE_\IJ'' ~ ~~ . . , . · .. comm or Niguel Shores, $ 8 ooo 1 ' · llEAUTit,ULMesaVerde compare this home<it on-4_ bdrm .. 2 12 bal_h _de-alllox's.W.CoastP· .1. I · oan Ill 7'.,, in-its. New carpct.s. paint IBRhouse LagunaBcach home. 1 blk. from Golf I «• ooo c 11-i3 "? 51gned for ca.'>y hv•n". aci ic teresl. Address 3941 B and disposals. Recentl y $1 5:>. Als o bachelo rs: 550y ~70.35 . a "" .:,., l or You'll enj·oy the neacb"y1 .~R~E=, 83=1~·2=600=-----I Mc Jo"'adden Ave. West of Course, J br., was 4 hr., . upgraded . Spendable is NC!wporl $140., Balboa A BERG ENTERPRISES CO 4 BR DUPLEX with 3 BR. 2 Ba Rental. So. of Bayside Dr. wilh be autiful natural wood lextures. Only I year ne w. Call. 644-7211 Agent · Harb o r Blvd . C all now superhuge fam.rm. -4-ac~e pa rk ,thepool and Mewportlitoch I069 .,"" 33 8 Own p . 12.7% on $100,000down. $140., Huntington Beach w/flagstone frpl. + frml. tennis courts. VA or FHA ••••••••••••••••••••••• o.N-2 2-Y er . rin· Fantastic value. Will sell $115 .. util pd. Agl. f'ee. liv. rm. w /rrpl. 2 extra , financing for the price of cipals only, please. on 9% financing. Earns 979-8430 lg. side yrds. for cam-~ $55.950"': PR.~MYOHHTOMEORSY 2 STORY $6440 per month gross. 'H_e_w-......,---.-.-odl---3-1_6_9 pers & boats. New crpts, \-~======--! "" Pr incipa ls only p_lease-,_.. • L u xur y wat e rfront $20,950 F ull price, 2 call today 1714)752·1700. ••••••••••••••••••••••• drps. & fir. cover ing>. b d 2 b th bit L' L'dol I •SSUME71/-1JI hom e s pri ced from e rm , a • ns. INVESTMENT 1veon 1 s e, New roof & paint. As· ""° ~~10 S2 ' range & oven, overslr.ed DIVISION I $450 28 2 Ba V.51.N 10,600. 55 waterfronts. on y mo. r , , s um e thi s 7'",~, loa n, LO•., close t > ple nty of 3 93 ••-II t """" 607 Bayside Drive , • THEREALESTATERS 121 )7 . ......,,co ec · $48 ,900. Wo rld Real 5199 MO 1'1ALTY NewportBeach.67J-3900 storuge. FA heat, air Estate. 556-7777 • 552_7500 conditioning, your selee-Ocean Front. NB. House PAYSAU. 1..,..,.. ......................... ~~~1 MEWPORTSHORES lion of carpets & drps. &Garapt&Ouplex. By Immaculat e 21h yearsl· J ust listed ! J BR . plus Payments less than rent. o w n e r . 6 4 5·· 7 7 2 I Nr . So. Coast Pla za .••••••••••••••••••••••• young 3 bdrm with un-TURTLE ROCK den. Move-in condition! Call Dan or Ken at nights/wknds. 3D ll ,2BA. Ai r co nd . BY OWNER 4 br. J ha, belie vable financing! HIUS Lowest priced in area. S:t9-8321Agl. "'pie. Bit-ins. lloomy oceanvu. walk lo bch. SI99 monthly pays total Sharp. Sha rp, Sharp ! only $47,500 Mob'I H 6 Uolts t Sell I . e •ywooD ····n For .. s.01..... 1100 IRE 'D & IUTTER ki tchen. Ass umable GI. Xlnt. buy ; at $59 ,500 . payme n · er eav1ng Former model home. 4 .-. ~ "" Costa Mesa I 024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dana Point 1026 1 & DEN . ga rdener, co m m . p ool. Unique situation in beaut. area. $3.SO. 640-1155 Winter Rental. lBr. $175 mo, walk to beach Avail lil June 30th. 894-3523. S41.900.Byapp't.Owner. 496-4122 are a a nd is a nxious. Bdrm , f a m i ly rm , •548-1290• ••••••••••••••••••••••• J/•AcreR-3 963-2l87 ·----\Take advantage! 1'~or gorgeous view. Asking ,72 VIKING Mobil e Xlnt Costa Mesa loca· 3 Br , 1900 sq .ft ., 2 ----------le Toro I 032 appt. call 847-6010. price $98.900 including 1 Bdrm Doll House on Home. Must sell 2A'x60' lion. Older units with an-ba lconies, oceanfront. INV ESTORS!! ••••••••••••;•••••••••• 01'fNll:~·H\•UN 1o~r r.U • Jand. private isla nd. Ex cond . coach on site at a "fo'ive nual inc ome $11 .520. s,750 . m o . Barbara it~:~:e +Ga~1~ete~ldfi 7~ e;~~l. aC::~r~ulc~~~h I~ .. ··.:1j~'l!' .. r•1 PE1;~:.=TY _!~:~,6~;..,~•~·~·-·_o_w_n_•_'_'_A_g_t_, ~aat~~~~~~~:.00:~:~~ ::k1~;r;l~~q~~~f;k 1-963_-_67_39 ______ _ Avocado, Ct\.I. 645-5714 g ar. fr /pie. El Toro ~--~~.! .. !! BLUFFS VIEW for quick sale at $19,950! sale : Cali S4S·8424 As-Hou1e1 U11fwnishecl 586-3991 UNIVE RSITY PARK 3 Call Mr. Martin after sociated South Coast ••••••••••••••••••••••• Greenbrook, S hr, 3 ba, -""-'~~------I BR,. 2 ~'2 Ba . gr eenbelt Spacious Customized S:30 PM at 979-9126 or,~"~'°~·~·~'~'~·------ram rm, bonus rm. pool. Foufttain V-•a-.. 1034 31DRMS+ J o e . Frpl c, t i l e d Condominium3BR,3Ba b 8 & 5 PM t " d -• v1·ewol8ay •12Plota etwn a 6DELUXEUNITS Cus t. rps, crpl. By ••••••••••••••••••••••• FAM. ROOM court yard w/fountain, 557-9792 . owner, Low 1o·s.97~-:ll7J $37,950 upg rade d thru -out. _:S7~2~.000~-~0~wne~~'~67~5-~3400':'()0lJ C::.:..:.:.::; _______ l 2 Blocks from ocean in ~I ES,\ Verde 4 hr. 21/2 ha. den, usd. brk. frpl. DIR. lg. yd , SGO's. Ownr 557-5070 Spacious bdrrns,2deluxe lmm e d . occupa n cy . liARBOR VU HMS-Z Sty 51x24 2 BR. 2 ea. Service Hunt. Bch. Trade in your baths . plu> prolesslonal· $57,500. 893·1313 or porch + xtras $12 750 homeorincomeunits. ly added fa mily room ......-.-or -ext. Ba. DELUXE ....... 500 96 1m 2 m_ 109 ed3. poss. 897-::ti.13 or ,..,., 'th beam c ·1· ' 302 """"' RIGHTRLTY 979-8533 wi e i ing s.1...::=. ____ _: ___ 1841PortMargate,NB - ... 0986 ... 5800 PALERMO. 4 Bdi'm, 3 .• ' . CallBob01'cki-·•n - Ultra modern built-in D Z kitchen. plus fi replacl', . llG CA.MYOH I BR IO x 45'. Beaulirul all 8 UNITS A A Zl.IHG Real Estate patio, & all on large lot. 'Laguna leach I 048 adult Costa Mesa park, NEWPORT DISPLAY 'On l y $3 7 ,950. Cal l••••••••••••••••••••••• Bright,cheery3br,3ba. rental sp. $55. mo. Ne w $216,000 This lovely Mesa Verde 3 by A\CVAY 963-5671or556-7035 BY OWNER. Completely ~a~~i + s m . pool. crpts & drps. Lots o r Eight extra sharp units. b d - .. ·· remodeled 3 Br. 2 Ba. 1 · · closet s p ace, na tura l p · N e r oom a nd ra mil )' A WELL home on Bluebird Ca -3 br, J ba, 3 car garage r 1 m e e w po r l r oom ho me , b uilt-i p HOME nyon. Beam ed ceilings, $124 ,500. papelling. Full price peninsula location. Sum-s t e r c 0 h i r i , LAMMED $4500.645-5836 m e r -winte r rentals . AM /F M.Huge cul de sac Madam, can you cook in · frplc, wood & stained Owne r wants installment lot. J apa nese garden and this country kitchen! 4.,_~-=~---'----glass v.·indows, Z&decks & A.critaC)lt for sale 1200 sale. Possible 11~ loan. gr eenhouse. waterfall BR. on lrg lot; trailer ac-1 • patio. Open Sal Sun 1 t"'I·---------••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner will finance . t ropi c al plants , fruil cess. Insta ntly appealing 4 0-952 Bluebird Canyon DOH'T WAIT AV 0 C AD 0 LAND -Gross over $27,000 yr. All tre es. room for pool. ra mily rm. 968-4456 QUIET CULDESAC r. 497-ISlS TILL SUMMER $!,790/Ac. Rancho, Ca. completely furnished ooe fo r m e r model home .' --~-------1 . 80(Yo sell er financed, ll'Z, bedroom units. llurry-0 ·11 h l f Near Westminster Mall, IRVIHE COVE to purchase that perfect Int. Tight S forces sale. II tod (714) 7S2 GHeral l20Z ........................ FREE •J>_rofessional Service• •LANDLORDS• HoMeflnders 642-9900 Culifornia's Largest •Rental Service!• " f'RE~ RENTAL book in ofri ce . Example, Z Bdrm house, 1 bath, garage, fenced yard , childreq fin e. IST and last mo. rent at $200. HACIENDA REAL ESTATE 18548 loodl ll•d. H.1. 963-1116 ~·ner '11~ c P 1nancc Huntington Beach 1040 walk to a ll schools. love-Magnificent 3 BR home. s ummer rental duplex Owner. 714 167s-5734 . ca ay. · -1700. at low interest. Just ••••••••••••••••••••••• Elegant decor. Family only i.i block from super 1 N V E S T M E N T EL TORO supe' 3 Be. • .17 ~• C")l "'"23t3 ly 4 br l~ ba, white brick DIVISION • ......... .. .....,.. · rm w/ wet bar, gourmet beach. Live in or rent SAN Juan Capistrano l b k'd t r d 0t·1 •i 1019 -1r~1 v1,•od "" -frplc, newly painted in-THEREALESTATERS a, 1 s,pe' nc ,gar. [ ~ t e rior , p r id e or kitchen, sep. dining rm. out.NOWREDUCEDTO acreestatesites.view or G. GROVE. Families 3 ~.· ...... : •.. ·. ownership. FHA or VA lovely garden w/ pool. ONLY $93,SOO . Call valley&hills.$25,000per •NEW LISTING• Br ,kids,pet,fncd,gar. . ~ _ -terms available. sw.soo. Ocean views . $3.50,000. 644 -7211 Agent ac. Bkr, SJl-1300 16 Units. CostaMna.. HUNT BCH Privacy! a ReaJEstate lfflJfiIRij lMEIJifiltJ 11!~~~~~~.S~u'na OCEAHVIEW •twcetdi Welton&Co.675-b'900 :~gl;s ha, s tv, frpl c, THIS IS IT! by NtC/AY 962·4471(r.t:)546 ·8103 494-1177 DUPLEX $98,500 for sale 1300 Large Triplex. Dana Pt. MI SSION VIF.JO. Pool , a COLLEGE PARK. lrg ----"C.:.-""-'~--1 4 br + 2 br pr ime. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean View. 2 2-Br, lba. br.child,pet,gar. kitch w/frplc & 8 -8-Q. FOR YOU THIS s pac ious fa mily 646-4848 or645-4860 BARGAIN price for fast 13-Br.2ba.All apts rent, STANTON. Wow! 4 Br, Freshly painted 4BR & SUIURllA PARK home is the "biggest buy s ale. Beaut. condo com-ed. $85,000. For Sal e by rumpus, frplc, kids, pct, lflia~m"'"'•mr..~$4~>~.fsooi"; . ..:;-.:w YOURANF?••ILY S IR TRILEVEL in the little village of 01P5EN1 ",008US0E0 Sat/S0un plcx. 112 units, rented as owner. Principals Only. T"u"'s'TY !N """" Laguna". Well designed · • . ver r, apls. Projected '75 in-496·7234. I S2SO. 4 Br, 3 ba1 CALL NOW This 3BR home 1s near $65,900 2 story 4 Bit & den (or 5 WestcilfL 4 br, 2 ba, ram come approx. SJ00,000. ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j sl v, kids , pet, rn cd. 752 .7315 our bea u tiful beac h , This muchdesiredmodel BR). Offered for only rm. pool. $87,00l Ownr. Giant pool,jacuui,gym, • 1-'ee/llkr completely up-gr aded becomes available only $63,900. 642-7674 gara ges. For sale or $60,000 EACH HOMEFIMDERS DONALD M. BIRD t hroug h-ou t . Priced to once -in -a while'. Offers _M:;::i>~>~i~on'.'.'..R~l~lyc___•~M:::.-·0~7~3:lll •~•~•=•~•=•~•~•-•_•_•_•_•-;,-.-.-.-.-.-trade down. 7'iC> T.0 . By Only 2 yea rs old in best • 642-9900• ,. 111 1 sell. HURRY & CALL all or the realurcs most owner. Mr. B .. ~ N. rental area of Balboa 1--------'---- ---''0"01"'· "0 10'\ 842-937 1 wanted in a home, in-1£gh on a hill . Ocean & Meat 2 STORY Acacia , f'ullerton. (714 ) Pe ninsula. 2 separate Laguna llills-EI Toro Mesa Verde. J Br. 2ba. 41R POOL HOME ·eluding : breakfast nook, Canyon views. Court yd. Balboa Peninsula Point 879-9744 bldgs, each w/ 2 lxtrms, S275 per mo. J Br. 2 Ba, r n , 2 Blocks fr o m OMLYSlS,000!!' forma l dining room, entry, pool &Jacuzzi. 3 home--4 bedrooms, 3 -'--'-'"-'"-------ram i ly rm -d o ubl e fncd yard.A/C.Kids ok. school, 2 I luge scparute This home is in beautiful large family room, ver y BD + scp. guest house. l baths, and huge family MEW 19 UMIT enclosed garage. I w I 552-9367 eves . Brick Frplcs.Jleautifull y tree linednbrhood-One of private master suite and yr . new. Priced to sell, room. Open beam ccil-•COSTA MESA• some bay view. 1 w/ la nd scapcd.$49,500.Ph: a kind. VA As m. loan indoor la undry room. $108 .000 . Br o k e r . ings.Slorageforboat or •FULLYOCCUPIED ocean view.ldealfortwo CoronadelMcr 3222 546-191 l. 8~"k inls. $273. per mo. And we havcn"t e ve n '499-2277. camper. See it now ai.on-•GROSS S48,11Kl families to own. Mu.st be ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-'--·----tlU RRY. CALL84Z-9371 described -neighborhood ...::=:..:=.::..------1 ly $87,SOO. Call540-1151. •PRICE $380,000 sold togethcrat$120,000. TOP LOCAT ION & beaut. 1\fcsa Verde. ComJ'ortabl~· a nd locat ion! Bette O cea n V ie w Corne r . •DOWN 15~ duplex on oceanside of J UH, 1;1,, ba, 2 fplc, dbl hurry and phone 54&-Z313 Artisti c home for 1 or 2. Prin. only 64S·6177 Bayside Dr. 3 blks. from j!a r . Xl nl Joe. Hy owner. 3 1/2 ILOCKS for details. Glorious putio, privacy. ..:..:.:::c.:::::;:.__:._:o::::.'.:'. Big Corona Och, l yr. old S.·19,900 Firm. Prine onl} to Sandy leach! o<'''"' n1q ·11!.1uN roM :-. .• ; $72.SOO. Owner 494-3381•1 ~ .................. ~~~ .................. COll&mercial 4-levcl w /view. 3 br. $.'i(ltl .540-2043 aft 5 P.M. 2 BR. huge fot., room for ['.~ .. _:::,.:• apt. I Property 1600 DE , mo, a v ni l May 6. 2 br $IOI! units~ or Jla rdcnl Nice -~--------I Big Canyon-By Owner•••••••••••••••••••••••* LUXE UNITS, 1 blk. mo. a vail June 6. Call · ASSUM E VA LOAN ILt tle home & money Beaut. Custom Home on COM Prime · Cst . Hwy to ocean. ~2) JBR. 557·6543 from 8 Lo s ot i\.ffo_;S,\VEROl-:Jlri.:Utt, maker .Ca ll anytime. t he most Fa ntas t ic frntg.3000 sq.ft .AAAte· (5)28R.Gd.cond 551·5S'16 /S45-Q!l82evcs. 2ba. 2 fp lcs, cov·d pa tio SCOTI REALTY Corne r Lot in Big· Ca-nant on ~el lsc. +.1200 • (4) 2BR tlOMES with lr.11; cor . lol. nr. t~vcr 516•7511 -4 8 4 Ba 1 1 sq.ft.Ava1l.forreta1J /of· enclosed garages. on Vt nyon . r , · s ory 1· XI t · t t I t R f ything. Try $.5.~. loas ........................................... ~ featuri n g s tained & ices. n 1nves men acre o . m. or more sum e. Owner. 545-59'.?5 _ -STORYBOOK leaded glass windows . $160,000. 675 -6900 Yeager Really, 556-6171 1-1.V. 1-llLLS 3 br + ran1 rm , 2 ba, lge patio & yd, $495. mo. lse. 644-2877 COLLEGE PARK FIXER UPPER Two m a'8ive s ton BAYFR,,.._.. Calif. Classic priced un-Real Estate Turre t, 16 ' ceil ings, fi r epla c e s . Lov e ly """' C.~-0 A'\"'tr.. .( f)-C ~C.& A ssumit 51/.c0/o Loan der market. All terms. 4 by u...arA• stained glass. hand made arbored covered garden Olflce building, spec-O\!:J ).. '"U ~,.. -~ \;, (,/" V Bcaul'ly upgrt1d~l 38H. Bd rm. 1'14 bath, waler ~wn.Y adobe,skylite.4bdrms.• w /ma ny trees. 1-leavy tacu.lar view, executive Thof lnfrigu1'ng Word Gome with o Chuckle Zba .famrm.li \•rm,fpl c. s o ft e n e r . curpe ts . ba.loft.$135,000. sh ake lanai beside a o ffi ces .· R e duc e d . 1,.1,,,..,,c~;"!..!'·~·~o~u~·~·?;;::::::::::::-Prof'ly redec'd lhr11ou1 dra pes. patio. fireplace. A LARGE FAMILY d lllSO 000 inc r cmCMJ or both halhs C I stone e dge pool, ga '11L·L 0 11.,.,,,oftQ<e le'I••• ol t+.e a l 9G8·XJ71 ISMEEDEO VIEWFO-•. BBQ . & r i re pit . In -GRllCtY lou• w: ...... i.tet1 """d' be· LrH. chee rful kitch (rl' -BE DROO -•-R-~-7 low 1 1 i.. m ·•'d ) e n I 1· o 6 MS p\ua a High on a hill-this ex-t ercom , a /c, indoo .....,._... 6 5-6161 10 0''" °"' """' ...,.d, c... . c · pa io, n pool o n this love ly l'Ul ·de-sac. i'i1ust see tr, • Lacuesta home. La,ge cept iona l \l iew home jaclutzi in master bdr c-..1--1···-,· o,.o,• o, 1 I' I i1ppr. Uy owner, M!J.500. overlooking the city and su te, gorgepu.s custom ------... 540·00!17 · family rm with rireplc coa s tlin e o r Laguna Inte r io r . Mu!ilt Se e . forsale 1700 -------downstairs. Pt.US rec. Beach; lrg view llv rm $194,500. 644-9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ASSU !lr1E7'; VA ,. rm . CALL US NOW ! w/ massive stonefrplc. 3 TAX SHELTER j i', M E S A \Y OO OS. 11)' Sl8,t50 gsg.4456 Irg Bdrms w / extra lrg BAYCREST by owner, 4·plexes & lri-pleJCes by11-_P:....:('-"N_T.:....:lc......J. Owner. J BR, 28J\. Calh. 4 BEDROOM HONEY! SITIIMG PRETTY view master s uite . ,\ BR, DIR. F/R. 3\.li Ba the beach. 2 br &t wnhse. I 1• j J ccil. F r pl c. Atrium. Cash to 7~~VAluan.Pay· INA very wellbuilthomc.See' Iv a n We ll & c ua tom.~CCo~m~p~l~p;k;g~.~B~•~a~od;~n:•:·1 CJ·D·J=-~~·J I B t k't h 1 · ment $228 . total per PRETIYSETTlur-. today!al$77,500. $103 000' Below market ' 846-1323 C~~~r~te1 ~r~·~~:-1)f~;~: month. Jo;xtra deep lot. A mo!l t delightrui'"';:tio ...,,,...,."" Pri~cip~ls 0~. 64&1513 R E G G 0 I ".r Some ~1ar•1 have no-f11ult Lots of trees . Ne11r home ; offer'1' abundant : 111~....::m..; OPIH EV&IMGS ' I I I I divorce law11'rid 'nO·f1vl1 eu1o old. 52500 below market We s t m rn s I l' r Ma I I. .r r ecd 0 m , P ,1v 8 c y ~~~~ Very lg lux adult condo VIJlace Gardens is now inlv1anc•. Now 1hoy-'r• con1fd~ vi1lue. 3437 Santa Claro H r ry to d • ' A • t LNlllKJ,WU17 W d d · ( r Ci r. 557.SOO. S40-0143 ~-78S I . ay . gen IJ~~~~~·~.-~~~·~~~··~·'~n~-bd~c::C:.';;:t~'1:~::~.I~~~ •19·21100 ~~~~~:v~~~o!!:i~:~ TC~;>.day11 e:::in:i l~lljl.-..::S....;.l~H.:,.;O;....;B~Y--'1 °1 1~ l'IO-au 1 -P11'1"!~~; MOVE RIGHT IM' • Me,ed•'th G--•c·· • 3 lion. 968-4456 L 9:00 so come and see the s I I I' J I 0 < I • • .,, ' • .u u .... «¥) I 050 llwfft View bell buy In Orange Cowl· 1,,:-':~1~!· "'~~":"'~ 4:.:d Lurce1 4 llR1 .d2 Ra hom1l' Bdrm. 2 ~'2 Ba, no wax By Owner $68,SIXt. 4 BR, :l ••••••••••••••••••••••• Front row 3 bedroom and ty. At S\9,950., for " you d .. lllosi "'"'\!I'll No. 3 below. on qu et cu · e·~ac, pro · Cloor11. I "e ram. r m, fl /\. 970l Calth-. s O•. SADDLE BACK VI EW!! I II N L"" beautll 12 ·~-2 bath I d pd kl "' ..... , am y. ew .. .,, Pla.n, u '-"-"'m, A 1.11..-1 NV"'1~1'1 U Ill!~~;, rN n sc · auto. !j;prn rs . w/frpl. for mal din. rm, Ph: 968-6451 lmm•c. 3 br, 2 ba, in war m eitcll lng decor . with bltns, gu heat & -"';;:;:;;;'~"'~l~t:;s~o~u~"~l~' ;;:::;:;;;;;=c!=;:=~~=:!:::;:::! patio wlrcdwood lath, 2400 s q .fl. Gas BBQ l~aguna Terr. By owner/ $89.500. A/C, you can'tgowroog. ii sh11ke roof, lob of xtras. mt1ny xtra:i & 7'/i. V1\. Ct<•~s iri cd Ad:> ~ell biJ.i Drkr. M:iny extras. as. HALPIMC .. MRltr. See Jerry at tlM W. Sth ::_""21~2'~'c'.~1;1;•2',:'~N~~~:.,0~,:~•-•_t_"_"~'.J_L.l.J_L.1.J By owner. i4lt .~OO . $68 ,750. Owner Agent Ite ms, !!MOii ltt ms or sume 7$ loan, $43,SIOO. 2'12'1£.Coastflwy. St., Sanla Ana or call - 557·8191or979-TAU 96d·8388 . any Item . 642-.5678. 837.J.2.:M 11»-Wl. ' SCUMLETS •wwt .. e ... oHlc"'-JlOIO r " 675-4392 I I • ' I J ' ' 3 I s s I 2 •• Et s ' --' . ' ... f J Ll ' ' ' I I 3 I ' , St ( I ( • ' ,, • JI' I I ' 2 ' ! E H •• • I f F ' I J F t ( I I ! B I ' s ' • I ... , .. . . . '. "-etU-•d · . •. ' . Tullday Apnf 29 1975 OAIL y PILOT B I I ::~~·-················ ~:.~~~~ ~!.~~~ . . M111t1 FurNWd .. & ..... u..... .. ..... u ...... -JZJ4 ••·•• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttuut ....... leedt 1240 Mew,...+ leech 126' Ow PoW 1726 Costa M•sa 3124 , IAAfNanllow-•ftls U...._ Ape twwMs FwNllMd a...tt1111 to.._.. 4100 VACANT 2 Br $175 3 B ••••••••••••••••••·••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co1t0Me1a 1124 ••••••••••••••••••••••·• orUltfwwitllecl l tOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• $236, Sin1le1, fa~llitar S~acloRus SBr, 2Story. NEWPORT Tt;RR 3 b BR. $250, Bach. $100. NEW BREEOAP'TS ••••Off••••,••••••·,•=•••• Mewportl.aclli 316~ ~··,••••••••••••••••••• LK . new 4 br housetoahr. Ast. F..ee. 979-8.&30 ' am.. m, Pvt DR, Im· ' r, Utils. pd . 496·019S or 1 BR w/loft $230. Applns, e .... -••••••••••••••••••••••• M>U il.l'l~ in lfB, \ blk1 ~ch. No -"="-'===· "----! mac. Lo maint yard, 2 ml 2-,, b• • m 111at. I U te, 960-1142 util furn . .Encl garawe. l & 2 Ur. Adults no pct.ii. PARK NEWPORT !h.~!!!~!91 . (JUXY,J. s mokers or pets. Bach's., •3 BR, 2 ~ Ba condo. lo be1ch. $4$0 per mo. bllnl., him rm .. tndry., Pool i'acui'li 393 d s hwhr5, s hag Clolls, ... , •• T~ "'""'IW.._,.1,1' I f I •••11102 F.R., f .. 1. p•Uo,' -•. 2 _91S1·0779&538-8091. Ruby. PMlio, lllr., occanviewon ............. leodli 3740 Ham•·t'ton ••< ... ,· .... ., 'closed •art1ge, frplc, .,. ..., ...,....,~ 1 _,. • ma eor ema e. ~· -~ ~ nachelor '"'' aouu P..UISIDI: t11111t , car 1ar. $3.S(), 833·Ul.S3 ~ 15 acre paark w/pool. $375 ••••••••••••••••••••••• : ' BBQ. Gas & willer pd. Bedrooms ••d i \M•u "1•• ""c1..,11:1 MAT URE Lady to share 2 -~~~-~-"=--l WANTED: Nlceram.IJy mo.644·7357 Low -•y &t2·l960days. Pool -· .,. .. _... car · f home ..... --. ;·ownhous~ •Bochelor' Ult , Surrside Condo. ME:oOftoVERDEBEAU'l'Y e orour .38R, , RA11S $220.LGt:3Dr,OCCare111. LAMAMCHA.APTS 1'~r .$22t.SO()pen 9.6 •18R,'26R ~/s~me . nr Be<1c h, 4 Br , J Ba, den, form111 2 . BA , w/crpt.a & drJ»i. Bl.Ufo FS C::ondu. $3¥1. mo. bee.ti•• Wies n e w I y d cc 0 r at cd. 778 Scott Place CM Daily •'2 BR & Den Shop g, .iar. rec. tuc. dinlna rm, bllnll. Beaut. Nice yard1 for summer 2446 ·V1sta ll oga r . 644•4847 642~3' l. 3549 landiceped, luae pool. fun ! $295. mo. 003·4567 or 644-7035 or673·0140 727 YoektO'Wtl ••'-Spa.Pools·'r(+nni:s Fr°"' s 175 I eas. rent. SJ& ~· 8 h DI d tY kt Acrosio from t'ushion -· • Avail. Im med. $550. -..·1786 A11k for Bev or S..t A eac v a or own A.DULT l BR, frµlc . pool. CASA VICl'ORI,\ Island at Jamhor ... -.: Un M••oVe,de Eo•t & Adoms Lg . 3 OR on ho~e Pf'Ol»Cr· 675·5999 or 67J.42ll. Joe. a H 3210 536-0411 $180 mo. 1975 Pomona, l & 28r. Unfum/Jo'urn fr. 5.,,0 J o<iquin tlilhi Uoud. 540 -1800 ty. Share w /fem. I chUd ••••••••••••••••••••••• STUDIOS & I Ill CM . Call 645·4111 $169.~ ga11 /Wlr. pd. OK. 54.6·4802 uft6prn 38R. 2BA. Bll·ins. fo'rplc. VACANT 2 Br, bike t Fireplace.' 3 llH. 2 BA •Full kitchen Ad ul lll ·No PeUi Sec. gate 17 I 4l 6 44-l tOO AJt cond. Nr. Sc>. Coast bet1ch & 3 Br, $240. crtps, drp11. ll./O, patio; •Het1tedpool E·SIOE 2 hr dupl("X nr. Pool. Hee . Rm .. Llcv;itor Plaza. $325, Av11.i1 May Slngleli. families. 'Agt. $285. mo. Ask for Bev or •Laundrytuc!Utles OCC. Pvt . patio & SlSVictoria,642-8970 10.963·2187 • 1' .. ee.9'19·8430 Joe.963·4567963-171t6 •Freeulilities garage. Hers. $190. Sh M •Free linens S52·8343 Sharp2bedrm,2~.Mon-arp, 3 br, 2 ba, c~__, ewLrg4.. .fTV&r:maidserv.avail ticello Townhouse. Jw;t drps, bltns, renced yard, Near So. Coa.sl Plaza •B0&r·B·Que 5175, 2 BR, beam ccil., pa.Jnted. Xlnt cond. va. 2 car gar. S2!JS. mo. Ask $450mo 5S6·6Z9:i •Phone service cpts, drps. 2043 •. ., ... cant. Avail now. SUS. per for Bev or Joe96J.4567or $I'°. 2 BR, k"•ds . -I. •1 mile to ocean Wallace , 646·8883 , no mo.54ti·~ 963·1786 ..... ~ pels. $195. 2 BR., k.ids, pet, NO increase in summer·l ~~~--------1 Deluxe 2 Br, 1 Bu. Cpt.s. VACANT Kids & Pets OK, fncd. rent. Beaut. 1 br rurn Z BR, 2\r.I BA Studio •Pl. drps, .encl. gar. Adlts. 4 br. 2 bil, 2 car gar. Gd. E·Z Living! 1 Br, appl., apts Sl6S & $175 Spanish Bltns. D/W. cptg. & drps. $250. SSS-7280• 556-6171 area · S3 JS. Dave; pet. bbq, grdnr, $170. Style bldg, pvt encl gar .. Patio. $265 mo. 7tiH ' 963-7881 fo'URNISHLO bach $130. pool, Sil un a, lndry, adlUi. Joann. Agt. IJ38.Dl MESA VERDE 3 br, 2 ba Util. pd. FeetBkr 17301 Keelson Ln. l blk IRYINl/NIWrORf/(OSJA MfSA !am. rm, D/W, bltns: 3 BR, 2 BA. Util, rm. & lg. HOMEFIMDIRS W. or Beach off Slater. 1 :..4~";";:;;";;::"'\ da. $340 mo. 675-846l aft last. Wk nd s or aft. . r.v, .~~I l !ned. yd., 2980 Jacaran· (dcd. yd. $300 mo. lSl & Jlt 642-9900• 842-7848 r,r\·-\r _:•~P~M'..... _____ -J:-'-:''°:::-P"M::'S36""-·"27"1"1'---I WnlMl•shr 3291 Ladies 2 ....._ • ra;. ii;; ... 3 BR f. m lied ••••••••••••••••••••••• R....t r___ -,_.., """' ,.., N E A R n e w 3 b r · ' a rm, vau J Br,"1 V:t Ba, bl•··.crp"·. 2 Next to 'betl Bach., \ ·?,: Z. ~ A:· townhouse, (pts, drps; Cf;l 1I . 2 yr~ old. $385 . u.., .., ~~~ _ ~.:... dbl gar. $295. 54,s..4763 Barbara. 963-6739 car gar, patio. lge renced I &2 Br r ro m $145 . ~ yd, Nr. Och & Douglas. Ja c u zzis & Tennis . .., _______ ,, MESA del MAR 3br 2 ba 3 Br, Executive Home, La $300. 842·462682&9470 846-1323 count ry kitch, b1tns: Cuesta area. Nr. Bch, COltdoMini.._ encl. patio, nr. ull schls. 968·4456 or 640.1644 Ultfunlished ·NEW S375. S45·6740or642·8181 IM MACULATE 4 bdrm, 2 Monticello ·rwnhse, beaut. 3 Br, 2 Ba ,.O/W, Gar , pool, Pref. adults, ba, cpts. d rp:;, bit-ins, $290. H.t:D CPT & RL TRS·Arlene, 893·13.51 -"n-'o~pe~IS-'.-'$285=-'·-'"6-=028=~' ~--f Br , l 1h b a T w h s e . Clubhse /pool. $300 Isl /last. $75 cleaning. 842-4921 . 3 BR, 2 Ba. lge yard, $325. mo. Close to Cwy & OCC. 675·6041 2 BR Condo, l 'r.i ba, nr. Ht. 3425 Harbour. Washer/Dryer. DISTINCTIVE ••••••••••••••••••••••• No pels. $225 mo. 897·421C 21e~ 2 lath Huntington Beach 3 br,1 -'o-'r-'84-'6~·-'88~90'-'------I I le*°°"9 ~~il~:~o~~f.es;"7~b. FURl'P. L~. I br. Sl35 + lachelar ulil. l blk. from beach.· Fro $195 2 BR. 2 Ba. brand new. pool, no l'hildren or pets. ...IGHT,.UGHTED $2ZS. mo. Next lo lhe.,~960='~·=27~•=•'--------I " beoch '" lluni. Bch' TENNIS COURTS 846-l323 BEACH single, orr street •Elegant Rec. Pavilion p a rking . SllO. mo . •Billiil rdTablt!!i MEDITERllAMEAM VILLAGE I &'ii room l Bedroom & Den 2 Bedrooms 2 Bedroom 1'ownhsc 2400 1-larbor Blvd . Costa Mesu t71<1 I S.S7·H02U Hacif'ftda DeMna 160W.W M-.C.M. B i-::A UTI FlJL GROUNDS 10 minutes to ot:ean.·Lij 1 & 2 Br. 1 Br $1·75. 2 B $205. With patio 5210. Ga & Water inc. Draperies carpets, gas heat. ga stove, air conditioning, s wimming pool, rec room, washers &dryers. Dana Point 3826 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SINGLES, 2 Br, litV, rncd, '"'-'324 Mesa Verde Villas. 28R Garage <1vail. After 5, · Sa •Pool. Jacuzl.l., · una Spectacular while water Studio type. Sunny 536·0862or55l·ISS9 Adults only No pets oceanfront view. 2 Br, 2 kids. pet, $1.90. •••••••••••••••••••••• S18:5· 2 BR , stv, child, pct, garage. REALLY! 3 Br. 2 ba, special features, kids, pet, Call now ! PAI.NT & SAVE 2 br. appl, chld, pct, SI65. Jo'ee/Bkr . HOMEFIMDERS •642-9900• REHTALS 2 BR, 1 Ba ....•..... s:.n 2 BR, 2 Ba ....... .. 3 BR. 2 Ba ...... $31i.5·$47 38R.2~ Ba ........ . 4 BR, 2~ ba ......... $1 patio,· 11ookup ror CB_,, was he r /drye r . Cpts, PARTLYfur~.bach.$135. MILL Ilsa\ Ba. Crpts, drps, stove, drps. $250. 675·2904 aft. mo. In cl. ut1l. Near heh , 555 PAUL.ARIMO refrig, dshwhr, lndry . 5pm 536·0321or962·3&33 (Newport Frwy So. to $275 lease. 837·5370. Bake r offramp. 'furn Foulttain Valley 3834 rowllhouse 2 Br·· $135. Sharp ~ Nr right at 1st signal J. ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• Unfurnished 3525 stores & min. to beach. 17141 549 1302 ••••• ••••• •••••••••••••i;;N~o~r~·=·~· ::"='~r .~67:"'-!Hi7";:00=;:-. :::-: I ·======·====I 2BLOCKSTOBEACH fMEN. small beach hotel . J Br. 3 Ba, dshwo/, frplc, Rooms. $22.SOweek . Apts 2 BEDROOM $175. mo . PARK PACIAC ADULT LIVING •CDr.t Deluxe Offices • Full service/ample prkg the WELTON BLDG. 2855 E ~st Hwy b'75--6900 RAISOR'S REALTORS 2 car gar. 317 22nd St., SIOO 536 7006 Adults. no pets. Hunt. Bch. 1714)536·8295 ·mo. · 642·8!ti4 $200. Mo. Clean 2 BR 4523Campus Dr.,lrvine or (213J598·1232 ADULTgardenapts.lBr, STUNNING L". 1 b r I ldnofnlm$185 2 ldrlR fnlm $205 Furn/Unr mod.els ii Vail ••••••••••••••••••••••• 345 sq. ft. offi<.>e spa<.-e. I 0250 La Hacienda San C lelM"llte 3876 Arrowhead aea..ty! l!a neled & crpt 'd. 220 w/crpls &. single gar .. no Campus Valley Shop Ctr. I $145 1035 12th St "' fenced ya r d . NO C.4.LL8l).860_0 Duplexe1Uftfwni 3600 poo . · ·Gar den apt. Pool. rec N Ey ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stu nning vie w. c lub hnealrt.dock space.2701 F'OUNTAI VALL BEACH FRONT . C" I H N" 5411 3641 SMOKERS l'LEASE !l -------~'--'--1••••••••••••••••••••••• 536·7447 or 846-2S8l, ask room .$175.71018lhSt. 645·5849 * RENTALS * MEW DUPL£X for Bo nnie. 8 3378 pr1vgs, sleeps ti. Summer uas wy, u . · 76 -PENTllOUSt: resv., $8S wknd: SL25 wk-o .~r-'64-'ti~'-.:;78:.:3-'3'-. ----- • UNIV. PARK Deluxe split-level; 1300 Newport leoc.h 3769 SPACIOUS new 3BH. 2 .2 BR, 2 ea _ .... , $325/425 sq fl, 2 bdrm w/loft·den, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba, frplc. drps. $365. mo, 3 eR.,2'h ea ........ $4SO f~pl c. plush crptg, hom_e· Balboa Bay Club Studio 343 E. 18th St. C.M. 4 BR, 2Va Ba ......... $4 like storage, walk·1n Apt. Beaut. view. 4th 2 Br E·Side, bltns, nu crpt, yd, 2 ba. F/A heat. szso. Call 645·0852 WALNUTSQUARE closets, bath & guest floor. new bldg. Sub· 2 BR. 2 Ba .......... bath, bllf"! gas range & lease on mo.·month TURTL.EROCK oven. patio deck, 2 car basis, $550. 55& 7106 2 BR, 2 ba, den ...... enclosed garage w/laun· 'DI' 2 8 ••= dry room. Payonlyelec·Yrly. lBH .. apt. Older Fountain Volt-. 3234 ·· a, · · · · · · · · ......, "'"'"' GREENTRt:E tric. Adults. So. or Coast woman only. So Bay ••••••••••••••••••••••• Executive living in this 2 story home with bonus room, 3 br, 2 ba, cov . 2 Br., 1 ba, ram rm ., $315 Hwy, 5 blks from beach. Vi ew. $175 . inc. util. 3Br,2 8a,F/R ...... $350 S4 25. 435 Golden rod, 673·3.549 · Corona del Mar. (714)1 _::.:..:=:c:._ _____ _ 675·9337 . DUPLEX· I BEDROOM. MOVE-IN IOMUS New 2 br & den, 2 ba, ly. Gloria, 645·3167 or -STOR~Oll. frpl, all bllns, pvt. sun· 337·39S8 2 Ir, 2 la • ......_ .....+ilt4Jlon le«.h 3840 deck overlook 'g. beach.1---------1 ...,....... •••••• •••• ••••••••••••• Sold f •~ 000 W"•ll rent W •M~ Super-Comfortable · or.....,, · .,. •~ Quit>t. CHEZ OROAP'I'S for $500 per mu. to IEACH HOUSE EnclosedGaragcs 8234Atlanta qua lified party. 259 May 5·12. Co mpletely Gas & Water Paid. Mo to 1,2&3 BR. Priv. gar_, Avenida Lobeiro, l714) equ ipped. Jo~amily of OFFICE SPAC~ 514 & 800 Sq. fol. avail. Sl85 .-$245 . p/mo. Prime Newport/Mesa area. 'rhe Eye & I, 645·9056 -----Mo rentals $200 to SZIO pool , was he r. dryer. -4~92~·~7~436"'-'o~r~684:::·~5883::-:___ __ 1 ~r~ou~r~-~96S~-~·=29~3~----I Closelobeach.536·0336 -BE1\UT. 2 rm ofrit·e, Children Welconw Large 2 Bd. 2 Ba, on Golf Rentals to shcre 4300 Newport City llall area. 2324 Elden Ave 833·2480 Ladies 2 ~ Course, oc \'U. 2 car ••••••••••••••••••••••• $200. mo. 675·6800 Wood sy, I BR apt . ~ Retttfree garage, priv. enlra!'ce, Roommate Wanted male -- w/carport + garden Nexl to beach. Rach., decks. $235. Le~e. Eves or female, 4 Br. house "How Suite-It ls .. ~ ~ patio, cpls,drps, freshly • painted. See to apprcc/ '·· $395.mo. Ask for Bev or 1 1f.t B l~OC KS TO Vlsl.N 2 BR. Crpts, Drps, & BEACH. Jnquire673-Z187 stove, married couple. . aULTY $190.mo.C.M.642·3120 ~ are a. Stove & refrig., 1&2 br from $145. &weekends494·2339. walk to bc h. Ask for Executi.,.e Suite 2200 sq pvt. entrance. $l80 mo. Jacuz z i s & tennis. Steve OC' J eff. 960-2S27, rt. Deluxe office area .on l ncld's all util's. 642.52701 _..,._-_1_32_3 ______ 1 .4.~errts Furnished llB Newport Jlarbor. with or968.4950. or Unfurnishtd 37001-'=--------I additional 1400.sq fl adja· -"~"-'="------!DOWNTOWN , all ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• LGE s Br holL'iC in llunl. cent. Crpts. drps. ample J oe, 963·4567 or 96.1-1786 LARGE, 3 D 552-7500 •-t-ots ~~-•-• Uofwltish<d i r. rumpus r m. I ---.=:=-=-c==----1-r-...-..-••••••• •• •• •••••••••••• 3 ba, 2 car garage, bltns. SPARKLI NG 1 YR NEW·2BR, 2ba, shag views, deluxe 2&3 Br. 2 . Heh . M alur(', male or free pa.rk.ing. Coast llwy c rpt'd , lovely kitch car gar., all B/I. New.· • . Cc male21 to30.$11JO.mo. atNewportBL6'12·4&1-1 W/b\tn R I O. disposal & From $275 mo. Open n e lst & last. Util pd. John ••••••••••••••••••••••• • comm. pool. Kids ok . No ELEGANCE fee. $285. mo. tst Pioneer C Irv. ondo. J hr. 2 ba. -'R~e-'a~lt~Y--~"'~'~--142 __ 1 ___ 1 sunken liv rm. frpl. rr ml. • G-r.I 3802 hou0.·e S"t & Sun 1·5. 120 ~ MEWPORTB .. CH lalbaap .... 3707 D/W, pvt patio. scp ·• or Nancy968·4233 '""" HI a ••••••••••••••••••••••• .1 M 14th St. Tobin Heally. I _:::_::_::"'-'-"""-'=:___--1 3 Offices, rccept .. rest ••••••••••••••••••••••• enclosed gar. Ava1 . ay 846 1311 •• 6 •938 •m, A/C, m""i". deluxe 2Bd, carpets, drapes, fncd 1. $230. mo. Call 642·5270 -=~·=-=-=o~r=~=~="----1 ' -' 3 BR. 2 lla, bltns, 2 car gar, pool . $360 mo. 632·3423 or 962-2311 din rm, pools & Lennis. Club tees & grdner. in· c'd. S425. Owner. Charm ing, unique loc. $175. 640·6540. -"'-"~~-------EX. lge 2 hr. 2 ha. dlx ---Cl t h bus b poolside apt nr bch. Adil. ose o s ops, .'• ay lalboa Island 3806 SPARKLING new spae. 2 sorry no pets. $lti5. 552·0664 /552·77S5 IALIOAIMM yd. garage. Orange Ave. or968-4950 BIG' $225 Mo. Hrokcrt:.'75-6700. & ocean. 105 Main St. Br , $210-$215. Patio, • 645·8740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 536.8362 . . Super 4 bedrm, 2 bath, 38RApt.Spacious.LrgL c r pts , drps , bdeaut . crtps, drps, bllns, look· LOIJllftaleach 3248 V u 2 er, d s h w s r, roomw/bar.Canberurn gar den. Imme · oc· BEACH area, 1. 2, 3 Br ing for a nice family to ••••••••••••••••••••••• wshr/dryr , els to oce<1n. 0 r u n furn . cal J cupancy. Adults, no pets. apL-.. new & near new. care tor our home, S350. PJnoramic ocean view By wk or mo. till 6/13. 213/795·6400 8am·6pm 5'.nW. Wilson,64S.96l4 Bllns. S165 to $-100. No from $165 mo. Call Joe or Bev, (rom high above Laguna 675·8531 wkdys. LOVELY 2 & 3 br, spac. fee. Oakwood offer s the A CONVCNIENT SHOPPING ANO SEWINC GUIDE fOfl THE 963·4567963·1786 Beach. Both roomy & · ,., h Tobin finest in country club liv· GAL ON THC GO. convenient, with <1ccess LARGE 2 Br, 2 Ba Lil June Little Isl. Bayfmt. new re· rooms. cpl, ruce 1 c ' Pro........_~. ing at a price you can ar- .,: 3"'1lr Condo, 2 Ba, 2 car to large decks from 4 of 7th. No pets. 675·5800. ar unit, 3 level. Bayvw. 2 brick s nackbar. balcony. ';6'fJI"""' ford . There's $t million garage. clbhse, all facil., the 7 rooms and un· Bkr, no fee. Br, frplc. Auto gar opnr. Xlnt. l~atio~, reas. rent. · 1 in recreation facilities. a For an Ad in Wonen's World (213 )360·3119 : if no obstructed views Crom 6 $420 mo. 213/876-Z723. 351 Victoria, Apt. 3· ME.4.R OCEAN ruu time activities direc· Call Su• 642-56 78, Ext. 330 answer 1714 )831-0645 rooms. 2Y-.z battLs. Ren Coroea del Mer 1722 _64_6_·4_25_2 _______ 1 2 & 3 IDRMS tor who plans parties, S.585 r mo Cal'l 549-4464 •••••••••• ••••••••••••• ia.oa P"9insula 3807 -8 Q, . _.... & 2 Br, l 'h Bil . Condo. ~bl or ssr.S4S8. · SPACIOUS 1 br rum. apt. ••••••••••_••••••••••••• Clean-ltedec 2Br, t'~/R. Beautirul s tudio apts. F~ee ~~n~~y'brunc~.ore! encl gar. Pools. Patio. for ,,·ogle gentlemao. LG . 3 Br. (up~r Duplex). A d u I l s o v c r 3 5 . Fr p I cs. b 1 tns. di S· Miguel 3252 •· G d Sl40 h h 2 Plus beautiful sin••les, Slater & Euclid. $250. •--· Walk to bch/stores. -u. Gar. xtras. Panoramic as /water P . . was crs, car garage. "' ......---S d k ,, $275 1&2 be droom apts, 645·3147 or 545-4289. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,mo. incl. util. Yearly. view of ocean & Z7' from ~8·2407. un cc s. rom · furnished & unfurnished. ADULT COMMUNITY. 2 673·607leves b eac h . Yrly . only. OAKRIOGEVILLA l-'536::=-~25=7~9:___------I Oakwood Garden Apts HuntifH)tonleoch 3240 Br&Oen,28a$375.Club $.190 /mo., incl, util. 37()4. b . OCi-'ANVIEW $260 mo offers an exclusive "No ••••••••••••••••••••••• House. Swim pool. Call Costa Mesa 3724 Seashore. NB. 673-6142, 3 ll.R., 2 BA. !tins, ' -· · Rent Raise Guarantee". 4 Bdrm.-2ba.Fencedyd. 1oam·5pm.499·4509 •••••••••••••••••••••••eves. o r 673-6578 . children welcoml'. $225. Grealforsinglecoracou· "Id OK ls 858W.Cenler.645-1197 p ie. Steps to jacuzzi . We guarantee that your buill·ins, nu drps, patio, ( .1 SlOWEEK&UP Chi ren ,nope ·. --vollye bal l & beach. rent willnotberalsL>dfor $375 mo. 846-8291. 4 (i~:l·ace: n:.~n~e~.o~:: •$8.60 Night & Up $330·2Br, 2ba Split Iv!. 2 $180. Ne'>"', I UR unfurn. 6J6·630tl ONE FULL YEAH. & you Fir eplace. 4 Bedrm 2 bath maculate. SJ.SO. per mo. •Studio & I BR Apts car gar, balcony/porch. pool, adults . no pets. 1919 . still have the flexibility h C I •-bit lsl&lasl .l ·499-2S44. •Water Beds Ava il May 15 y r l)'. Wallace645·3356 CONDO I br. encl patio. of month to month OC· ome. rp!l,UJ""' ns. •TV&MaidServAvail 6421531 cpts. drps. wshrtdry, cupancy. Rents from DW, beaut landscaping. Mission Viejo ]267 •PhoneServ,Htdpool · l BR, all util pd. S\75. 9691 Adams. $175 . $160.Prices varyby loca- Ask (or Bev or Joo, $350. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Children & Pet Section Capistrano leach 3818 Adults, no peLi;. 646-3622 645·7418 lion . Models open 10 to 7. mo.963·4S6700J.178G 28R . bltns frplc co •$5.offweeksrentw/ad ••••••••••••••••••••••• or751 ·1069 Sorry . no pet s ,air. · • v. 2376N rt Bl d CM ----L-ale ach 3841 children. F'.r eplace. Super n•·ce patio. fed yard. $JOO. mo. ewpo v · DUPLEX 3 Br, 2 Ba . ...,..., 548·9755or~3967 d bit r.tesa Verde Villas. 2D ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• home, 3 bedrm. l 'h ba. Calleves,58&.-.u crpts, rps. ns, nr . 0 k ood dr bl Ow beach.$260.642·1155 Sludiotype.Sunnypat10. Lagu n a C harm . 28r. a W crpts, ps. 1.nS, • JI o o k u p f o r Choice Location. Pvt. G d lge patio, '3Js, mo. Ask Hewportleadt 3269 l Br ruro $165. Lots of CoronadelMcr 3822 was her /dryer. Cpts, porch w/View. No pets. a.r en for Bev or Joe 963·45ti7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bllns. Pool. Walk to ••••••••••••••••••••••• drps. szso. 675·2904 aft. $250yrly.499-3488 Apartments 963-1786 Tow nhouse 2 br, 21f.t ba, Shopping. ~mi . beach. :;pacious 3 br, 2 ba . 5pm 3869 _,..le.ell' W 9\h SI ... 0492 M•wpart l e ach BEAUTI FUL La Cues'.' pool, bllns, wash /dry, 931 .1 ........ Beautiful cond. $350. mo · h nd I · l·~~~~~~~~~~1~~£.!~~~-==_:::=1Large 2 BR. 2 Ba Back ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16!. a rv1ne B 2 B I lo h I gar. No pets. 67$-9188 Agent. 644·7662 ,,_ 8 r, a, c ose sc oo 1 -'='-'-~-----:;--I Bay View, Pool. ..-rplc. WESTCLIFF 2 Br, lni a 645-0550 & beach. $450. 962·Z734 RH 1' ~ f) Ill'\\' l'\ (.'~·port I* Sllacly El• Gm•!"'* z BR. frpl . bltns. dis· S250. 2455 Irvine. inquire townhouse. Adults onJy. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Sellin a nything with a T .. :rr:iel' co11do . J Rr,2' ~ Pool, crpt & drp8, lridry, hwasher, s undeck. pool. apt. A 548-747G No pets. 1728 Bedford Ln, • Dail: Pilot Classified Ad R;1. S:l.'iO. 1110 . 1\<lults, 1u1 adullS. 177 E. 22nd St. ~dullS. no pets. $24S yrly. $285. mo. 541.7533 -; (Sil':!".'.". is a si mple matter ... 11l'I~. 1375·SKOO, Hkr, no NearBeach.642·3645 673·1418Eves/Wknds. 120ALBERTPUCE ft•t•. -"--Deluxe2br,lba,adults, LIVENearTheBeach! just call 642·5678. Fwll. lechnar & I Ir. Sharp 2br, pool, walk bch. no pets. $185. Call : Casa .. Sol ' ' $E"K & FINlf Type1of'Ma•lu Exceptlo•ally nice. carprt. adults/no pelS. 530.3572 833·9781 Beautiful AdultApt.s s, 211 O Me wport II., $250.833·8974/833-1653. From $180 CORONA DEL MAR 2 er Townhouse, frplc. Sporty Stripes! SSTA R OBSE RR YSHPSA P S DUS P AC H SPES R US I DYDA CM. 382 •Shody EIM G.•111* 21661 Brookhurst. lfB lll --''---------IC01la Mesa Pool, crpl & drps. lndry, 962 6653 L90 """' 2 Ir'• Bltns , W /W, drapes. pool, adlts. no pets. $190. 642·9520 adults. 177 t:. 22nd St. • · Near Beach. 642·3645 from $260. 1 Br from $205. ~tri p" It '""•rtly In hl11 f11. Pool, tennis, continental •Qrll•• t'11lur f11111til111•l l•u1, b & Knit JRCkl't nr ~ .. ~1 ln i:nrtf'I' • E R N B 08E8SALGNUSBE T H °CGTGAJ,S PFY88GAOCLSB '0 1 YYL .T I ET R UAFTOBTSP R C PR PRT C TONEARARTOR A L f, ~ A Y Y L B TT R A T 0 S A 0 S TB8TC8TTAYOTTPSBBUG t POlQJ}UETGP I LSAA l RON J:R G P LEV I TLLNGE l l • El'EGBticcLC •Tropic .. Poat• 1 Br, cptsf drps, bltns. patio. Gas &c water paid. Sl80. mo. 548-U68 IEACH reakfast. Some ocean !tltdi <p•~111 kll1t1ln1tl or : •2 BR , 1 Ba. Mesa Verde. STEPS TO Catalina views. Separate ~11'11111111 1111<11t J 111·n 1uttr U1l'1·. Ad Its ·1 1175 2 BR.1 ba, wint.erS235 family section. (.'lose to 111 .. 1 or blw · 11n11 ""11 .. "'" u • gar• avai · · HIWPORT CUST ld,,111 rnr >11>nr1 .. 11Jo·n, l'11tte111 Nopets.833·8974eve shoppi.ng &. fine beach. ;~13: l'lli .. ~ 3i; 1: ln•·t. 2 OR. 2 Ba condo$S2S 644-2611 . Sefld tl.00 for t•t:h pattttn. CONDO 3 Br, 2 Ba, cpl<>. WI HAVI Add 2S' for t111·h patttrn for drps, bllns, (rplc, patio. SU MMER RENTAl..S first·tl•11~ rna11 •llti •Pt"Cl•I El Toro at Jer onimo. handlin11 . ~f'nd In Alltt; Adlls. $325. 642·11.SS NEW LUXURY AOL T Umoli:a, 1os, 1ht1 Dall)' Pilot. rtHECIEEI( "THE VICTORJAN" Nttdl~r1ft Dtpl • Dell 163, 8AC H E~OR Apl. $144 . UVE5 UP APTS. 1&2 Dr. pool, rec. Old Chtlsta St•tlon, Ntw mo, Office Space, $250. Newly decorated, 2 br rm. 25092 t,atthing.1 Sl. Vorll . N V. 10011. Prtn1 mo. 140 W. Wilson , Apt. TO ITS MAME w/gar. Adlts, cpts, drps. 586-8460 ~!:~,.~ddrrP, 7.1p, Paui:m M·l,CM 0 \•er 500 lull trt'es and rncd yd w/patio. water_1::======='--'-'--I MESAGARDENA.PTS S•"ci dollar'! Crt•tt 10 stream~ ~·Ith pd. Call betwn l ·SzBR d 1 bl"-frpl Lu d ed ,, hP•11til11llhin11•.~forNe• 1 Br spacious, 8 unit hld1. w at e rr a I ls create o 636·4120 • e uxe, ... ..,, c, xury e('OJ"a\ ap..... 1t75 Nf'f'dlttr•I\ C.ttiott DC E \'" V g P 8 A • D l VP I: U ke new. Garage, $165. relaxinJi! setting ror 667 "B"Vlctoria ... Sl90 67 1 b51·~"'lo70oceanorblllyS300. z&3 Br. crpta, drps, util Jde1111n11ptl11tedinPcte .... 'fY M H I E x A 1 t L 8 P. A C A I F Adlts/no pets. 2220 Elden your spacious new l~r .... paid. Bltns. lawldry. re(. New ! NH\~ t"lf\y Qullf3 s1.oo IV f D · Ave.MS-7151 2·.bcdroom BPJlrtmf,'nL 2 BR garden apl, frplc, room, gym, sauna 4r Ne•!RIPf'Croehflt .... si.oo R D 8 P A C 8 D V N. T ll .0 P S 11-::.:.:::.::.::..:.:=-----I f'rom Sl95. Furniturt' dshwhr. pvt pati"o a.~. On_ Canal. 28r, 28a. tear, d I I Sit• .. Kn 1 "°°" ........ •1.zs . ~ 1 /d pool. A u ls on y, ""Tl N~lt1poln1 Roolt ........ ll.oo llllfftldllllMl -....... ·~......... 1 8R, •dult.s only. $125. ·aviilabl e. Small"':pi"tS Nr. Irvine Ind Area. 1 inc l slo~e cptt rp!L pets. 2881 Bristol St, nowttCrochtteoot •.. 11.00 ......._ .,, .,...., ... .....,..,. • lie ..-... ,... _. mo. ulll pd .. 532 Center OK. Adults only. Of rice b• b y ok . 1200. m o . Dock avail. 1325 mo. on _Cos;:::~•=•~M~e~s~•=-----I llalrpin Crothft Book •••• 11,00 - _ .... lloo11litt.•.,....i .. ~•3075 • 9 00 I 6 00 230!1 .. 7.21141 , l11e.675·4866ev/Wkncb. 1n~t•n1Croch"9ooll ..• 11.00 .l'O-111-'--"'-"--'--------I open . : OR : . .,.. STOMEYIROOll 1n1l•nl M•cr•me Andi , .11 .00 BATrL'I POLICl ..... t•uirview d .• f'ost<J -~ I I M "-" ,, -•0~0• .. o TIV& ~!",!!.!A0'1'.• .. Y C8 :~:g:c'l'~l:S ~, Nice 1 BR. 1ood crpta &: r.teiia. Phone 545.23'00. 1-2 RR duplex $215. mo. "LUXbUHV 0 00• I\ Y1'~ll.ONT1" Apts in a Garden. A c':n.Pl~"r.'1fi W .. ::. :11:00 · riNciNG iPACi:' ..,. v&1u · ., paiat..$15$/mo. New ly decorated, C/D, Uno lll ruct. panoram c li m ite d numbe r of ComplflteAF1th•M•t• ·St.OD TOMORR Wt UI.... • J oftes Realty 673.8210. The f•SICS.l dr,•w In lhc pvt pa Lio, encl. garaae. view. 1300 Sq. I\.. 2 8Rn, 2 1tpaclOU1' 2 br, 2 br & den 12 l'rlte AFl h•na 1\2 , ..... 50" h '° " lnfanl pl ay urea. No Ila, dbl @•r. adWll1 O unil.l are now avail. l...g no.ottofltQuilts t1 .•..•.•. w En)ny 1t1ueh \1rpr "Seek • Find" p1111ln •h ""'' t:t--•·ide·, comp. T'edec. 1 Wei t.. . .a Dai,ly Pilot l 8 •l sU p at ail MuHUm Qull1 Booltt2 .... 90' di.c-ritt p.r pent! In en •ll·M• •.rittol24·P9ft boftlilttt. _._ d p peL8 $411·2020 Pl.: s. o • • Ooor plans. 1~Qldlta torTod•1'3 •••••• 'llT Tootd" vnlum .. 1. U Md DI.""" t i for.-h, rnalrln1chKb • 2 BR (SJ..,); pool. Cta111lfied A • hone ' $175 . yrly. 283-191.h Sl. 500 Bellflower Olvd, ~of1tJiff7 A.up •••••• w JM11Y•bl1 to "S..11 • f'ind" In"!-o< 11ti1 n..,.s-=P"::.:_· __ J:::"=d=11l="=·~C~a=ll=8*==1M=T·=::J:84:':·'"=T=3.======IL ________ L "_:C:_":_· ::_":_:':;·0236=· =or=ll75-<l==l=ll3:::!==do:<2;;1;3~1':;;07;;·;;-;::::==LJ~ • Sew in an Hoar! 8 OSP. MAIX \'AllT -'""hh• "''· 111• u1• ~"lr1,· •hl11u•l"r 111 ml11u1 .. •! ln Ct'll'll'. no-lrnn 1·nttnn hl<·n•I~. 11·,. lo!• .. 1 r .. r \u1m~. r•''"rr ~n,1 •ll"l'!'lt!~ l'rlnt,.•I 1•,.11 .. o·u ~·~i:I: Ml~~··•' >\ll,.• '· II• !;, 1 I, 1", ~'J" 11 tho.I~\ ~l/ l•>k":I 11, rds, 6f!.tuch t11brlr, St>n<J SI 00 r~ t<~Ch p~ttern. AM ~ l'tFIU rnr .. 11eh (lllllf'tl\ f« fir11l~l:>li!I rn111L and s11«tal hartd linit : Olherwi5f" lh1rd· rlNll dtlivcrry w111 tllll' thtt-e Wflff•ormoft St<ndtoM•n•" M•rl•n. 442. lht' D•1ly Pilot, P11lern Dtpl., 232 Well 1811\ ~, Ntw York . N.Y. 10011. Print NAME:. ADDRESS, ZIP, SIZE •I'd STYLE NUMBER. ONt: t•ttt:I': PATTF.RNO(yOllr rhonlf'f' tt>aend for.entff'M prtl• lttn ln,id!! NEW SPltll'IQ~ SU MMER PATTgRN CATAl..Oq. lOOstyll!ll,all •lna. ft&t P•Uern coupon. St!MI TX nnw. SY.W + KNIT 8oolr •Ith baiilc.ttlaue peuem •.• , •• Jt.11 fni;;ta• h&l'Uon Boe*, , , •• I I.It IMt•M&ewl111 Boole •••• 11.• • •' Tuesday. Aprll 29. 197!. ....,........ 71"8 • •••••••••••••••••••••• PT M11n11er wan.Led. Worki na man Ir; wife, no experience necea1ary. ·Hu1b1nd must know m1lntenance" Ac repairv. 24 unlta lo llunt. Beach.. Ap t + ext.raa. (213)433-MZfi Schools and Instruction . This variety of fine schools could introduce you to a new tomorrow For rurther information reg:irdin~ plnccmcnt or .ad\'Crllsing in the Daily Pilot Schools and lnstruclion Directory C.ALL 642-56 78, EXT. 325 JAPAN. KARATE FED. 325 Ho. Newport llvcl. II.I . S..ile #5. DowMlal" Days Tel. 642-0326 Hites 642-8387 · IA.crou ,.._ ..._. HolplW) HO CONTRACTS HO GIMMICKS $24 PER ·MONTH Special r ates to families, coll ege stude nts & groups . FREE TRIAL WSOll * Kcrat.-Shito Ryu Shoto Kan * Aikido * MeclitatiOf! ;Judo •H...,ido LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE •Yoga Register How For Sunwnrr Program 1525 Sc:nta Ana A•e., Costa Mesa Call 645-4381 A~s 2 1/'2-7 Full & half day programs P icnics/Ovcrnigftl Ca1npouts Beach Excursions /Field 'l'ri1>s * Swimming Lessons A'lailable Open 6:30 AM -6 PM Individual Att'e nlion. Experienced Teac h ers . Planne d l'rogra1n - Jn.cludi11g ni.ath & r eading readiness, arts & crafts, music, science, story time, social studies & creati ve plan. Office Rental 4400 Office Rental 4400 ............................................... WESTCLIFF BLDG. NEWPORT BEACH ,, ., ,.,,, ,,. , .... ·"~ ... , .... ~Nl<C~ ~~..,-w ../u .. ,..., ,/, ......... ~ ../...,..._ .. ./1.cy _ ........ ./....,..,.."'" Can M1 How<1 1d 6 4 5 -6101 NEW OFC. Amid attrac- ti ve surround'gs in Hunt-: ington Exec. Prk. !or sublease. Easy prk'g. J anitorial Serv & utils. incl'd. S90, mo. 847·2531 or 213-592-5921 eves WANTE D· Desk .space. Central Costa Mesa or S. Sa nta Ana. $50 mo. 556·2791. YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL. 40H- Mlllic hftcla:c..tillfs LetlOll5 Pf•• Wottcbook Ooly SIO Child"" Ages 4-11 Coll T odoy 642-1844 For Registration & I nformotion . 109 East 18th Street Costa Mesa -92627 FLORENCE SMALES STUDIO or CHAJIM, MODELING' AGENCY -o ..,.26 Y..-',bpcriHCe- timcs have changed ••• have you ? •Mod<>l1n9 po111"""''1ut11lme • PHOTOGFIA.PH!C A.OS •~4SHl0N StiOW$1PROOUCTfONS • CHA.llM & PEllSONA.Lll'I' ~~'fL~:n't.~:..".:e. watdrobe a "'°'"'"°""· ha.,•lvhng • ma~o "°. !l'OOO'llllg • !·;~r<) • VO•te . Oo<:l>on -SOC•iill ;r.ces •COUASESFO>l: 1 ..... 0 • "'°"'~n <>I •II ~,!, .. a.. • c:h!l<l<en,. co~•oes • •lECTUf'ESON CURRENT Inn.on lo cn..,m by ippc. . • PHO fOGRAPHIC Co.MSC •nNOOUI WHY- Ou• !I"" .. o,~ '" all ~ ot rni:>Oel>ng, (IO>ng o•er l!i!l ll.llOWS a season, plul pno!0'1'0.0h•C worl<, con••n!oona. h06~"11· eic. • TUITION PA.Y .. ENT P1..ANS A.llA.ILABLC CALL US FOR CONVENTION HOSTESSES -ol Con...,ntoot18u•eau MOST WOMEN'S CHARITY SHOWS IM ORAMGl COUMTY ARE MOORED IY OUI PROffSSIOMALS 835-4414 2310 H. Tt1llin ........ IJo•ll'lat l1ASf ... -ci..elo T-A•o.I 879-1000 I t•s S-y Crtsf Dr., FuUft'fCHI 1•.,_-11. ----~· Approved By The Call!. Dept. of Education 4 ONE HOUR SESSIONS s200 PER aASS For children, youth & ad ults. Lea rn ba sic chords . & strums. Instrument provided. YAMAHA Music School 642-1844 REAL ESTATE??? HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO GIVE IT A TRY NOW "THE THOMAS SYSTEM" presents a pre·licensing program for you to lake to pass !he state license examination. s599s TOTAL COST 'TO YOU START YOUR CAREER TODAY!!! Call Mon.·Frl. 8:00 A.M. lo 6:00 P.M. CALL FOR RESERVATIOllS LIMITED SEATlllG AVAii.AiLE 752-7300 VALLEY REAL TY A IERG EHTHl"KISE CO. Got A Problem? Would A Good Job Help? Career Train MQW For: S.Cret.-, . Recopllonl1t -Hptr Jr. Acc-..t Typlst-5- Sptclal lno....U, c- Day .°' E•""'9 Claues 556-8890 .\!N Irvine College ~ of Business t 700 East Garry Avenue Sanla Ana. Catdorni.!192705 'Newo9r: FreewJy at Oyer Roadl Orange County's most progressive an.:i ~nnovative C.ireE:r Center. ' . RUG CRAFTERS Offers Classes In Speed Tuftin9 CreatiYe Wall HGllCJllMJS.& Ru9s YOll-llt a I 7"12 1'" tr-d f .. 1try. CIMMKe fro• 14 clfftnont pott-L Coene il J two-how clou.u M OM •Mil. Mot .. l I0-12 Total Cost For Course Ford-s& demonstration vis1t our shop or phon• 546-6340 AUDITC.._ Req's accurate fl1uro aplitude w /knowled40 iue of calculator, abllllY to compoae Jett.en. lito typin1. Will train bria.bt person w/mln I )Ir bus. expcr. Xlnl worlling con• da & co. benefits. Phono 644·4380 or appJy 500 Newport Center Dr. Suite WO. N.B. AotoM-c Immediate opening in Buick a1ency. SteadY' job. Co. benefit&. Paid vac111tion . Retirement. benefits. Pleasant work· ing conditions. Apply in person only. See Servi co Mgr .. TERRY BUICK STH &: WALNUT H.B. 53S-6588 AVON GETMCIRE OUTOFUFE! Become the beauty ex· pert in your territory. M~t new people selling quality products. No sell· ing ex pe r. nece;s. Call 540-7041 Days. Babysitter. 5 Rites in my holT!e, 1 child. llunt. Bch. Call 000-3721. BABYSITTER. my home, Tues &: Wed. 2·10 p.m. Newport Beach. 673-8799 BANKING SECR~Y Newport Bea opening for exper'd nk sec·y. Should be [a . iar w/ loan document at ion, have customer contact.. exper. T)lpe 60 w.p.m. 4r sb. Apply in person lOs:i N. Main, SA Or Call 8.1.S-2006 To discuss qualifications So. Calif. Isl llatl--Equal Oppor . Employer BEAUTICIANS W !FOLL. Now inter viewing fo r new NEWPORTER INN SALON. Call 714-540-8582 or644·0661 l-~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~1~~~~;;;~~;;i~~~~~~~~~~1Beautician w/rollowing. lllll•••••••••••••••••I Space avail. Newport, Costa Mesa a r ea. SPRING TENNIS SCHOOL ~EWPORT BEACH- G,._s of 4 Sluclenls Pft' Class 6 Week Sessions -SI I Per Person Men-Women -Children 2 Tennis Professionals Pri•ate Lessons Special 6 191' $45 ~ Complete Temis Pro Shop Call Today 645-2910 0< SSl-6955 Oakwood Garden Racquet Club 110 lrYitl• AY•., t .. wport leoclt • MEN • WOMEN Dear Parents, S41H31L HOSPITAL TRAINING We are a cooperative nurs ery school with parent participation. Trai n for a meaningful career that co u ld o il er prestige, security and excellent earnings. A.-ric•• coH..-of Par•-dic•I Arts & S cle•c•• offers t raining in these positions. • o,.ratlt19 RaoM T•eMiclOft • R11piratory Tlwrapy Tc-cllfticla• • W..-cl Cl .... • Hllr'si"CJ At.Mst9h • E-rcpncr w.clcCll TecWc:I• Accredited by the Accrediting Co mmission of the National Association .of Trade and Technical Schools APPROVED FOR VETERAll TRAIMlllG An Eligible Institution under the Federally Insured Student Loan Program CAU 17141 S47.0305 Our school is offering mornin g & afternoon sessions. Sessions for 3 year olds 2 mornings a week on Tuesday & Thursdays from 9 AM - 11:30. Curriculum for4 &5 yea r olds on Atonday, Wednesday & Fridays. Activities inc lude: Field trips , arts & crafts, Scie nce. We have a com plet e m us ic department & preparatio n for kinde rga r t en r eadiness for 4 &5 year olds . Sincerely, Sunshine Coll fa< info 540-1183 ar546-7639 IEAUTY Ol'llS Hairdressers where are You ? We know you'reout there somewhere! We ha ve 3 openings only for hairdressers wffol low· ing, who can enjoy class surroundi ngs & take prid e in where they work & who they work with. Interviews Wed, Thurs & F r i by appt. o nly. 979-7952. Many benefits. Boys &Girls 10 to 14 years oi age. Dai· Jy Pilot d~l ivery routes may be available in yout" area. Earn profit ror de· liveries & cash, trips or merchandise for selling new subscriptions. For information please call 642-4321 . From San C lemen te-San J uan Capistrano area, call 495--0630 and Mission Vie· jo-EI Toro area, call 581-6310. Equa l Oppor. Employer AMERICAN COLLEGE Sunshine Community n°•t ca""'ntec • • OFrAIAMEDICAL .. TS Boat Moch•nic A.Ho sc1EHcE~ Nursery School · eoat Repairman ''°OH., ....... .., Must ha•e waterfront Sonto Ai.a 9270• 2850 Fair•iew Rel., Costa MHG boatyard ex per. Need !'~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!skilled workers wfclean .1 \. record. Bl ackic's Boat Business Rental 4450 Rewtalt Wanted 4600 li.rsiness • Lost & Found · 5300 Lost & Found 530 Yard, 673·6834 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opportunity 5005 •••••e.••••••a•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Job WOl!ted., 2 Working Males w /2 •••.•••••••••••••••••••• FOUNDcat.grcy PersianLOST ·. S ma l l m a l e Male 7025 IOOKIC9ER TOP LOCATION small dogs need 2 BR PRINT SHOP rc,..Je on Crown Vall ey Siamese, 4/17 Balboa Is. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Bt!a ch a rea. MESA VERDE House in Newport area Letterpr ess/offset in Pkwy. Between Seven R d 673_4164675-7085 Experienced Class 1 304-0 hours pfwk. Send DRIVEPLAZA by June 15. Yrly up to F ul lerto n /Placentia Seas & Sea Isl a nd . ewar · driverneeds work.LocaJ resume toAd.335,Daily ror store or office. Ample $250. mo. 675-5807 aft. 6 area. MUST SEE lo ap-499·1461. Lost: Springer Spaniel. or I i n e. Tea ms ter. ~~~:M!:~~C~~~&O , parking. Town&country pm preciale. 870-4564 or FOUND: Yngthinfemale 4~os. Brn/Wht. No I.D. ~-=~1~67~7~·------l~-=~~='--C..-""="'--a1~s:~~~eVerdeDr. E. NEEDED: cozy one-524·5773· Germ. Shep. lite brn. Vi c: S an Cle me n te . Complete yard work, IOOKICEBllMG Costa Mesa. 54S-4lZl bedroo~ apartment near IOUTIQUE Vic. Lake Foresl 581-4308 Rewa rd. Please call anytime, own trans. 26J6 CLERK -==-=='--'"'-~~-I beach 1n Newpor t by Distinctive! Price incl. 492-7188 Eldon F-1 Crear). Newport Beach insur. co . •CoronadelMar• May I. Prerer Balboa all invcntory&rfixtures. FOUND: At Warner Ave. Lo 1. 8 ell Hound Pup· JobW_.. needs person w/bkkpng Small Patio Store/Of· Peninsula . Responsible "Ct.apidforcessale'' & Newhope St. FV. s · ~s~ d lk u. exper.to handlecash re- rice. $100.497-1215 young woman reporter. $16,500 mixed Shep. blk t gr"ay PY· Vic. C M. B /w hwtale 70150 ceipts. Abilit y to operate --~-------! 581-6310 days; 675--GEM-w/one blue eye. Female. bhrnj whRt st>ordt.s-..., CJ.hl287oker ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 key adder by touch • ~ c a1n. ew• . "' · Manuscr ipts t.>dited and Sal to $475. Good co. ----------•·•••••••••••••••••••••• •-..i.....trlal R~ 4500 nites. 120-FTustinAve., N.B. rewritten. Humane fees. benef•• C U ~-N al COMM 'L-PROFESS'L -~ REALTORS 642-4623 "·"· a m..i::t. e • '---------1 •--~ /I nt/ FOUN D ·. Adult c at. Lundquist,963--4717. 63384•• ...... R ...... 4450 ,. •••••• ••••••••••••••••• -•• •• Pl'l'SOftals 515111 ---~-~-----1-=~· =~~·~-----cl llassbA orfiBcel blddg, 27( '°t THE COLONY 5000 ft. W 12000n. yd. 1000 FilMlltC• Recently had s urgery. •••••••••••••••••••••• N u r s e /c ompanion , BookkeeperlhruT.B. a r or v • a ft. W. / Park. 1000 ft. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mort=•· Trwt Vie. CdM Pale Beige, P REGNANT? Adams). C.M. Elev., 30RETAILSHOPS W/l200yd 900<l wi•~ D 5035 673·l976 C mature exp. xlni rers . Good telepboneexper. t A c I j It Prime reasonable space · · ......., 1 S l-''-'--"'-"-------1 arln g confide ntla Available for long or Girl ofc.Sendresumeto: 1 : e e c .k,I an or, available large &small. yd.Allorpart64().0ll0or Opportt.ltr 5005 •••••••••••••••••••••••Found ·. Adorable •-to'e counseling & re£erral short term c··-. Con· Cla,.1'!1'ed adno.411,e /o music, par ng. sec. 675-1121 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..;>\........ Ab 1· d · ~ patrol. M. R. Stever, Old world <"harm with . Alfli LOANS up to BO°' like Terrier. Male. Sml k o~ ion, a option valescing patient Any Daily Pilot, P. 0 . Box mgr . 55 7-0136 or French windows, gables MISSION VIEJO 1 ate /0 B I k • V I c : E 1 1 _ee~p~on~g~·~~~==~_jl:;;•h~i~ft~o~r;;r;e~li~e~!.L960-__ 2939 ___ 1 ~,2; Cosla Mesa, Ca 646-8396 & tr ees. Adjacent to 1-landytoSanDief,oFwy, VENDING l1tTDLa-ll/J°/o Toro/Muirlaods Ave. APCARES47--2S6.1 •~L.-w~• - F e s l i v a I or Ar l s 2-• TD• --·~ ~34 r 6 ~ _...._ 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Grounds. 200 to 2000 sq. t, Call We can teach you how to 11'1111 _.. ._....,.,. a t · M & F 7075 i• 55•PERS9FT S80BROADWAY owner 831-1400 , increase your income LowestratesOrangeCo. FOUND: Uluc Parakeet, PROILEMS? ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUSi .... ••s ' 1617 W ESTCLIFJo~-NB LAGUNA BEACH ' with vl!ndin g machines, Sattler Mt1J. Co. . ON E W A y JI EL .._. AGT. 541--5032 *COSTA MESA* ruH or part-time. Vend· 642·2171 "'"0011 Vic .. Ada ms & Beach c •'NTER Hospital and Retail Exp'd IS IOOMIMG! I d ~ Blvd C M 536-21.50 "' Phnrmacist Tech desires 494•7915 • 1300 sq, t. A-1 con . ing correc, cigarettes, Serving Harbor area 24 · · • 24hrHolLine64S-8800 position. Days preferred. We Need Good Help WATEltFIONT ll0·220pwr.Vacanl candy & drinks . We years FOUND. near ocean. c 11 9325 AndOrrerTwWages, Newport leedt "* 17SO sq. ft. 2/0ffices &: fu rnish locations &l ~;;;;~;;;i;-;j---1 SPIRITUA L REArf'ER 1 __ a_<_·_l_s. _____ 1 Exeeutiveoffices reslrms. 12601.<JRanAv financing. Call today rorl b•1•ce•cal1/ Huntington Beac h, Opcn lOAMtolOPM ......, W..ted 7100 •M ...... 1 ......_, $150-$350Monlh Prl ... Loc.lltloa "* 2500 sq. fl. & S,000 sq. details & get st.art.ed on P~1/ BJack , male, Atghan Adviceon all matters. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... Ltlboe•s Viewofboata&water '"* trlal/c-1 f\.readyfornccup the road to rmancial in· Lost&Fo.imld dog. Well manner ed. 312N.E ICaminoReal •AsH .. lcn llLL GRUNDY O!!lce Ibid•. 1300·7800•-N_a_tt_r_es_s_R_lt~y_. __ m.. __ 71 dependence. 714-819-1284 ••••••••••••••••••••••• eats lying down. S36-2Ml San Clemente, For appl. Accountant Sl2K a ,-•l.e•""••/F• c•a Realtor 67U161 sq.ft P lacentia Ave, Npt Rttdelt Wo.:twd 4600 •IAMBURGERSTANO 1 __. M ti 5200 LOST: Lhas,a A~. pup Call 492-9034 492-9136 Machinist& lo$15K •M•cgcrs •-lMO.FREERENT • Bth.645·3323 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Located a l 710 N ~ O ces py s mos. Boris. Male T-ol 5450 BanquetDirector S12K ... · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 73 • •· Encr /Optical $18K 1·2·3 Rm. offices fro SMALLshopavail.loc.ln Furn or p11rllyfumpallo Glassel! I n Orange. I will not be respon.,lble ~ verdgray. 346'70 •••••••••••••••••••••••-eontraclaAdmin toS16K '"Sl3S p er mo. Nea the M1111l at THE •~Ac-apt or studio. Qu.iet. For Priced for quick sale. for any debL'i exctpt my1 --•-w_a_r _. _____ -1 l=:UROPE BVCAR Dlctaph Typist to$600 Ex per. "Trainees All 9Shlfts Men & Women ::f.e11~J!'~.=q, ~~8~!73~~ mo.~».h. ::;~~~~~~~4Mwoman. Up :A:n;::· STORE. ow'h~!~[t~~ihews ~~. ~f~i:c~n~~~T~ nu~~oL~~,~~::-;n)I IRVINE PERSONNEL ==k0!: l--C-O_H_O_N_A_D_E_'L_M_A_R_l---W-A-llTID----I Newport Beach, Old Lost& Fo.d 5300 :•6;h. liD. Reward·, :=eu:s0'd:1~v~~-';:.~~e:; s~s~rh~~:v~y· M~=r;~!:WS ----------1 Store or dlx. ornces·pace, IUCH HOUSI fashioned store ptrf. for ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 65· price. l"rce travel plan· Suite224 CoAU. Mesa Cost• Mesa Sl40 up s.tore-offioos cp approx. 900-11!00·2700 sq. May s .12. Completely couple. $40,000. com-LOSTl •~OUNDA PE"r? l.ost: Small silver Poodle n in g . £U R A UTO , c .. 642~1470 I~~~~~~~~~ drps: air ba th. 1730 n.~ Sq. Ft. equipped. Family or plete, Owner. 675-7283 or 960-2900. Adoptlon, Low .,.ed plaid collar. Vi 673-4"0, Lido Village, _______ _ BucbBI H.B.&a-XM CaJIAr1 at67$-7080 four.968·4293 494.&253 CostSpay/Neutcrlnlo. Balboa .673-~7 N.8 . ~~ Oasslflcd Ads ' . ,, -· , I , Ad, ••• CU1 '" t•I •• ••• Cc •• .. .: Lo1 It Ni "" ... ••• SA1 ~e! ... 0.: .Nol Re 81 .. , E x1 Ca GJ mi <.:us c. Ba Un Mt cxl -. -Hot •••• - :1 ~ BVj ""' nei an by. Ee - Nil in I Th• J ao thi cc 21 AP! 1. Bl~ --. c Sia us N.I Cool .. , _I Co1 Ori Hil, on ! 9h inlc Cra1 · oul ~~J 714 Art oil r iel lari Va' See 3:JI) Me !or Eq DE/ We '" tic• Sor hel ,,., not q ui ... P/I I S\ Fl ' ... ... ... ... • Add lt...Build il...Diaper1t ... Hammer It. .. Carpet !l...Cement it... Wire it... Hoe i t...Clean it-1,..M ove tt ... Press it ... P aint it ... Nai l it ... Plaster i t ... Fl-x it ..• I SERVICE DIRECTORY A.W.•-•-c...,.o1er C-/C-..lo GanlH!"'l G...,.ol Sonicff HOUfocieooillg luesday.Apn129 1975 DAILY Pu.OT BI :1 Plumb it ... P atch it ... .-1pe 11 ... ~emoae 1 11..., Roof it .•• Landscape it ... T ile it ... Trim it ... Sew it •.• H aul it ... Add it ... P lant it ... Alter it ... Lea r n i t ... •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUST. l\t:MOl .. Addi· FlnlahCarpentry •.•.................... ..••.••................ .............•...•..... ~······················ Pohlti"f/P1p st Mg Patios ,.._.inqo ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pro f P 3:i nter, honest Sun.shade, covers, decks, MARV'SPLUMBJ.N.G lions , d ecorative ti x· Remodel-Re~r. l erior woodwrk., con· Vince 1 .• enhoff Block·Slumps:tone Wallll· BOB'S GA KOENING Patio S l abs ·Or1v e~ Clean Up,&NewL.awn.-i Planters. fWS.8720 1 ___ 1'h ~646-2056 ''TllJNGS '' by Mc>ose. Gen woodwork, repairs, Rlumbl ng, etc. 6'2·5613. Exp. dep . housekeeper de· sire~ i;t e 3dy work . 96i·2 l 92 Debbie -own work, rcas. Int/ext Cree fire ring, benches, wood. • 646-9807 • est. ltefs . 548.2759, brk, cone. Quality. Fair NOJOBTOOSM.ALL 642·3913 price. Creative designs crete. Co mpetilivu r;ite. 846-7017 /84 6-~3'13 Gen. Conlr. l~i c. 27~ ti. · c ~---... trans. od 1 / · •-1tt s arpentry-642·6179 ~ Keep Am erica CLl':AN fo'1be rglass Uoat Repair.1.::.:::.::0,. _______ I Rem e l ng lge sm Jo,,,. Roofo'- Doors-Shelving-Repairi ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'riendly Gardeners. No 20' & unde r. A lso Fire p la ces -Plante rs R .L . S I NO R. S tale Ken, eve. 642·1770. Ray: ••••• ;~~••••••••••••••• Patio covers-Formica. Dres.$n'l•kintln 1be job too Jge/sml ~1 ·6021. flberglasl'i tanks & fen· Uri l' k /Cn ne .· J•at ios , lic1insrd, Ext~r!or. Pay days. 675·9184. We.Care. RE p A 1 RS , all t y pes, a.....,alttillCJ Jl.efs. European Manner. We ders . Hull buffing & wax· Block walls-DUQ pits . monthly. 979-3335. '8oshr/R--'-" Jt eas. Free est. li e. ask -r !urnishevt:rythln&.Dt· Mexican G~rdeni ng. lng.Terry642·1047. II r E 6-"-""~ .,, •r-f W lt 830 5020 •••••••••••••••••••••••MASTER Cr a ftmani aigncdroryou.Corday Comm.&LgAptsMalru. es. st.M.,....., J''AI NTING /Rep3i r.3.••••••••••••••••••••••• or . a· · LovlnM t.•ur c, rned yd. Specialty. Remodeling Fash ion,.~ Cleanupa/Pruni.ng. Free Gloss L.chc•pillCJ y r s . work mans b i I PATCll PLASTERING 1..:a~n~y~l~•m:::;e~. ------ Hr I d a Y I wk · fin ish work, ms. Fr~ byappt.only n t.548-20>!9. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• guar'd, ta ke ad11anlage Al l Types. Free Es -ROOFSCHECKED ! -=~~:=~~K . ltcrs. est. Guar work 400.3105 IYectrk.. Window Glass-MJ.rrors ROTOT 1LL1 NG $Z 5. of my exp. 536-7i.r;6 ti mates. Call S401i825 Hepa ired & Replaced Ex P c r·t J a P .111.n es e lnst<&llqi·Fast.Service Landscaping, Sod Sales. •TOP QUAU'l'Y• .......w-Direct Factory Service ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gardener. Cornplete yd. F'or Do·s-unlCall Wayne F' M Ch • ., L' c~ ~~ C_... ., __ . ...... ree Est aster g lnlero·or&Exterlor ••••••••••••••••••••••• u~ense ~is'"""" ..... 1sSerwlce -P'"'9"• .-,.-.,.Jee ELECTRI C I AN. Sm l Service$. Neal,.& Relia· Custom Crafts 673-710S • . H 296 •••••••••••••••••••••····••••••••••••••••••••••jobs. ma.Int/ repairs. 22 ble:NB,CdMateit.fo'r ... "H-..1· Da y o r e ves, Tom CallLee ~7278e.\ L.r<.OTISPlumbing P :549-l NANCYBARNES J Ol-I N'S Car p et & y r s exp. li e 2331011 . Est.64S·0694 -NMJ 960-2 170 Waterhtrs,all sizes,dis-TiW . Typing Service. Keas Upholstery. Drishampoo 548-5203 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LocktMitlt •Wallpaper Hanging • po~als , s toppa ~cs, re-.!••••••••••••••••••••• rates by the PBKC or 0tso il r e t a rd ants). -GllASSCO. MOVING , h.11ul ing, ••••••••••••••••••••••• liy Formerln.structor pa1 ~s .• r emodeling and CERAMIC T ILE. New & hour. G40-58H5or S.t.tl-26SI e~reasers & all color G•delli119 l\.10W & EDGE garage cleanup. Reliable Dead boll & Loclc Sets in· Carl Rebko ·646-2M9 r~p1p1.n g . New Construe· Re model. fo~ree est. Sml • brighteners & 10 minute ••••••••••••••••••••••• F'REE EST. 646-7528 fast service. 963--6452 stalled , keyed alike, slid· 1st Class Exl/lnt paint~l~i:.,~0~"626~· ~'~i-"~'·'··-1-'°;;;;;&;;;;;bo;;oi'>d-\if.jo~bs~w~e~l~c~o~m~e\.~""=-·""'=~·-c _. bleach for your white ye.RD C • ., ...... .,. ----. ing doors made secure. e rhan•·ng ao·rles · 7' -ir-0 .. er ~-.... , car pets, Save money by ,.. . .._..... Cleanup s, T r eework llaul.1ng. yd clca nu.p, r p pap .r-1 • Top Soil 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.11ving me extra trips. Comp Mo@Jnt 64.5-0309 Gard e n in g / l\.t in 0 r moving, any area. Reha· ic OlS88. h: 54.>-0541. _ spray.~ yrs exp97!J.S294 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAVE &: J'rolit. Ct.iSlOn Cleanlivingroom,dining Flowers /Maint/Ldscpg lndscp'g, 10 yrs in area. ble,low rates.5.56-0347. MotOftr"Y llOHILPAI}.;'TING II••• •••rt1 remod, rcpa.il r, ;idd-on, rm & hall Sl.5. Any rm sod sprklrs liOil cond 646-2693 CLE ANUP /LIGHT••••••••••••••••••••••• Int-Ext. Res. & Apt. e411lp•entf insul ation. •'n."" est. & $7.SO, couc.h $10, chair IS. ~ ' Clea n~p. HAULING $IOperl<rad. w I LLI AM s & ~on s R eas. Free Est. Bel ~ Designs. 645-3439. 15 yrs exp 1s what counts, 642.3J3lt646-490IJ 0 E P E N D A B L E , · . Ma s 0 n r y. Br 1 c k / •Top Soll•Compost• •Mulch•Redwood• Call S86·G930 Trtt Serwice -"-"'-=""-=-'="---I not method. I do work Complete Sen-. Apls, re-.. • 645·4767 ** B 1 0 c k / S t on c . Ca 11 area. 751"0684 ~ ·' .No J ob l O'o Lge/S ml. my sel(.Gd.ref~.5.11-0101 COmplLa°wnServicc . .s id 'l., co m'!1'J. Rcas.LIGll T ll AULING , 58 1·7829 H01tse&Apt.Trim r~.ot Jtough rraming/ri nis h. Comm/Reas/C.1eanups, llunt. Bch, Fount. Vall. M 0 V 1 N G ..=c:..::=:_ ______ I Call S•S-Sl 47 l •.:......!! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bob C un n in g h a m . STEAM CLEANING Free est. 548_61421&t2_7289 area. Free est.842-7201 . • MoYlllNJ ----------< 616·3156. ATSHAMPOOPR1C$5 REASONABLE RATES. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • :::::::.-:::_ ______ I 616-7811 * S46-68tJ. •GARDENING* J a p anese Com pl e t (' 645·6386 OUT & ABOUT?? QUALITY PAINTING Tree Trimming, Topping. Pruning, Re mo va ls. Low Rutes. Dan. 540---0460 • Exp. 'd ColJe uc Student G d · S · 'd . P rofessiona l will paint "' Mow/Ed!:e/Mainl ·ar e n1n g e r v1ce. Local/Statew1 e Mov1ng your house&doitright. <:arpe ntcr , odd jobs . C•rnent/CCNtCl'e'te FreeEsl. 548-0000 PI a nti n l:l f C u_t . Housecleaniftl) 7 da,freeest,521·2071 lnt -Exl. Reasonabl1 General flomc Jmprov~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ting/Cleanup fo ree t::st. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rates. Refs . 497.3169 menl 645-8368 CUSTO!\.t Cement Work Com pl e t e Ma 1 nt, y d 64.Z·3102 * HOUSECLEANING• Movi.ng /llauling. Student. Patios. Reasonable cleanups. lawn renoval--by reliable couple. Good Lge truck, Reas. Barry P ROF. Painting & Paper· Custom Re modeling & • · · · · "~" 9723 & ... •"98 . Free Est 642·Ml1 1ng , prun1 ng1tr1mm1ng. rates, refs. 548-6271 ..,._. ......,..,, hanging. Ext./lnt. Lie. Cabinets Kitchens, &l --""-~""-'-''-"-"--1 646-4676. Gnerol Serwices MOVI.....,.? Ins. i-·ree Est. 638-7394 Baths also. Unique & LEON ITB CONCRETE .::..::::..::::.:.::_ ______ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Expe rienced young ~ Unusual Work Welcome. ST A M PI NG , Co b · • ROTOTIIJ.JNG• HA ND YMAN-Homes & women will clean your Mbr. 8 .B.8ureau.20yrs. blestone. brick. tile . Well done . Large or Apts. Conscientious .borne. Refs. 642·9552 or exp. 962 ·1961 Patios, elc. 6'().<l:W9 Small Plot. 751·52:i0 Mike Crartsman. 645-&558. &i2·852fl OU R RATES will Please SELL idle items wilh a You . Free est. 1 yrs, exp. Dai Iv P ilot Classified Ad. 548-71 47 642·5678. For ClaMir~ Ad ACTIO!"i C.11 /I. DAILY l'tlOT ......... MJ.1671 USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT'" SERVICE DIRECTORY ForRo""t Serwice Calf 642-5678 ext. 322 • u-• w d 0 He! Wanffd 7100 licyclu 80211 Help WCHtt•d 7100 Help'W•..ted 7100 Help WClllted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 twlp Wonted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 ntr1p ont• 710 P ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 . . · RECEPTlONIST, must GITANE IO spd, like new. FOLDER wanted for LA UNDRY WORKER Medical Assistant for GP. be reliable, handle mem· Secretary SECRETARY WAITRESS S.150. 646-7312 aft. 5, o[' CA.SHIER/ l a undry . CdM . Part Matureperson.0...cr 40. back office 1n Laguna bership, & be able 10 llyland Laboralories has Newport Bch CPA fir m CAS .. ER &l5-2975 1 CLERK t ime, 30 hr wk. Exp'd 642·5861 Bea c h. Ex pe r . o nl) meet people. 642.999(1 immediate openings and seeking pe rson ror l Cameras& m ature woman pre r. Le-gal Secnt.-y l-''94';:;.9~7~2~1~. ;;~;;:;;;;:;-lj ~O~'i;'n;•;•i;iiC~oi;ai:isti;;YMi;iii;C;iAi.;;;,I interviews are presently ~~[e~i~1stor!.te~:. ~ H~~~S 494·5005· 9 t o 3pm. Newporl l MedicalSecre+cry being conducted lo fill ofc procedures. Prefer PA.RT· TIME GIRL FRIDAY needed.pt. Center. Call 640-8222 Mature, exper'd. front REUBEN1§ the foll owing positions; detail-minded. conscien-IUSIOY RICOH Singlex TLS body MHdExfra$$ time ror Const. firm in ·---------•I ofc, rcq'd by plastic sur· tious worker who can DISHWASl-ER wtfollowing lenses ; Pen· Equi....... 1030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Capistrano Sch. Must be geon in Newport Ctr. Bl LINGUAL adapt to a wide variety of & MEAT CUTTERS tax 50mm fl1acro, Ricoh W 0 r k i n your ow n <accurate typist & gd. MAIO H.esume to Classified ac How twillllJ • special projects. Must be . ·For Butcher Shop 1 J 5 m m & L en t a r neighborhood at one ol ir· Call r l no. 399, c /o Daily Pilot. SECRETARY resp .. well gr oomed , Sal commensurate 80-200m m zoom.960-Z'177 -·· •tores on a p/time w igures. or app : HOST•••~ . I . . h . -baso·s. Mi'n. 20 •-a wk ... _4_93_·_2_14_1 _______ 1 P. 0 , Box 1560, Costa -~ a rt1 e u ate, attract1ve. wit expenence '"" ·-Light HouHkeepiftlJ Mesa, Ca 92626 & IUSIOYS Req uires shorthand at 80 Xlnt work i ng conds. Apply To: TOPCON Supe r D w. avail. Starting at $2.2S GROOMER Fule..T.,. w.p.m. and typing at 70 Conge nial atmosphere . "i....yHC1Yet1RestJ 50 mm fl .8, 25mm '3.5, per hr. Drop in to your Must be proficient in all MEDICAL Fmt. ofc. Pt. Apply3-5PMDaily w.p.m. Reply to : Classified ad 501No.Brookhurst 200 mm f 5.6 , cases , neighborhood store for b ed v •··-h · time, under 35. Exp. pre 251 E. C-Hwy no. 412, c/o Daily Pilot, Anaheim 776-""""' fil ters. focusing screens a n appl'·calion or com~ re s. ery .....,.y s op. Apply Personnel Office p o B C ·-Pic·A·Pet. 10069 Adams ferred. 642-4950 . · ox lS&O osta J ob Sile Will Be and other a ccess. $353 or- by. Bl d II t B h 962 8000 2PM·4PM , Mon lhru f'ri Mewport leocll GENERAL Mesa, Ca 92626 25254 La Paz Rd tr ade for Leicaflex ac-t 7.021-~ llvd v , un c . . E 10 Empl • ·-THEIRO~WAY rt1 gr trne. no layorrs . qua ppor oyer Laguna Hills cess.837 -6722 Suite 215, T111tin Housekeeper , live-in. Top •--L. Eslab accts . 22-46. $160 + SECRETARY SECRETARY /AGCY 35 •tM >t onolla u •mato·c p' 714 /838-s.565 sal. Good English. Refs. Newport--... gua r . 1'1 r . Lyon s, ---------•I Occidental Lile has an , .. STOP..frr4.GO N.B. 675-3770. Equal Oppor. Employer 846-5<155. RESEARCH immed. opening for a Wail.res;; Wanted. cxper. w 1 flash & case. 560. Xln(; 'RllETS ""'~"""~,;,,,."""""",;,,,.~"!li~=~;~~;;-:::;;;:;~;;;1 Sec'y w/sh ability & a in food & cocktail. Apply cond. 6-10·1762. M. Housewives: Earn an ex· = Need S85 ·SIIO wkly? F lt ROBl""S ....... 'S Requires shorthand at 80 2 E I Oppor Employer h M J & r I led ... ....,... w.p.m. and oypo·ng al~ pleasant personality to in person between ·5pm. c~ 8035 qua · tra $5 to $6 per our a e em a e .,..·an · $22.5 +. llouse of Fuller, · ""' of lh · t ~ o ~· F II & · A 1 work in one e ru ces 630 B Newpon. .... r r. ••••••••••••••••••·••••• teaching hobby classes u p ita.me .. PP Y ~tr. Richards.846--5455 ~ w.p.m. locations in N.B. 8;31).5, NB .6-10-0322 . C •SHIEll with Tri-Che m Liquid Kentucky Fr1edChickl'n , Mn.-,·, Please """tactl..O=..o.oo.c=:....----1 ~ R••s F h' 1-'-..a Excell ent benefits and 0 ·~ · "'"'' Nights. Mustbe exper'd Emb r oid e ry . Call 2929E.CoastHwy.CdM HU~ as ton -···o,k•'ng e n vironment. Ev el)'n Ha m i lton . WAITRESSES 9793488or963-2.".0> LVNORR:.'l -6445600 E 0 E WAITERS in restaurant. Apply ~·~t ..::::.:..:·==:...::=-=~·;_ __ , MANICURIST At least I Ir you're looking for a GRILL COOi( Apply in person or call: I~"'~· =~·..::·c::.·:.:;:·;_ __ TheNewporterlrm,1111 Housewives· Need extra yrs. ex p. Must know c h a ll e ng e . Firs t SECRETARY 0 I Full&:P/time J.mbolee Rd NB Wed J 1· t hod & ·11· DONNA LEVERE'IT : pp. or £XPER'D OHLY • · · cash ? Sel l Shakl ee u 1e temet w1 ing Healthcare has a posi· S LES s HI~! A Lt\ Y A..t'l KITTE.i~S Regst'd Seal Points. ' Champ Sired. 675--0168 Dogs 1040 thru Sat berore 12 noon 1 1 cd ·i A 1714 1 •••~ext .......,. Legal ecrelarles tra· 831.1.~. Mr. Hartford · p/time. We train you. to earn scu ptur na1 s. tion for you. F/time 3-ll. ,,....,.......,., UJ• ( - IDe1'-J in·g. in a busy Jaw o c. 267420soPrkwy,l\I. V. •PET WORLD• COCKTAIL Waitresses 545-8929a!LApm. 67~~91~ orh 213·545-4808 P /ti me 11·7. ~r~ ~ ..,.... HYLAND TY Pe, f i I e' an s . 21t..o30 Yrs. Exp. pref. As or at Y f·orinlervw.c " SHOESAUS telephone. Some college WAITR ESSES Shih·T zu. Llaso-Apso, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apply in person between IMHALATIOH MANICURIST MPaornkthL~~ol-~~~~-~' LABORATORIES desirable. Hrs. 8 lo 5. P /timc-. No exp nee. Westie, Cocker, Pyg, 1 & '4 PM •~ Newport (Ladies Sho.11 .... "". mo to start. Call ·. 21·25. •••1"8 Chihuahua. tiny poodl'es, · -THEl'PYTECH Frrime.NewPOrt,Costa F lagsho·p Rd. Newport ' • 1 dA ~ ~ 81 d NB -3300 Hyan venue 675-7979btwn.4-6Pa.tfor doxie , p i l bulls, ~~vc::o·:c.:~·;_ _____ I Min. 2 yrs ex per. or ~M::.::e~•a:..::a~rc~a~.--~548=~·1~3~11:1-~B~c~ac~h~.;_------1 SECURITY AGT Costa Mesa. Calif. 92626 inter \·ie"'. WHO WANTS TO WORK? cock a poo. porn. 100 ConstrucLabonrs schooling. Salary com-MASSA.GETECH NURSING DRJVEACAB! Mixe d puppies. Stu.cl Start immed/$3.50 hr. mensuratCe w/Lrairut.nMg & Young lady (l8-2S) for R""'S-LV""'S ExperienceRequired An Equal Opportunity Ser\·ice Sta. Attendant. CHOOSE your hours. service mostbreeds.252.5 115 Harbor Island Rd, exp er. ont ac r . 1 · · r 11 · .. ...,. " For All positions Arfirm:ltive Action f rtime. exper'd. Bonus work ror yourself, be W. 17th at 1-'airview. SA, N.B. Apply8am-4 :30pm Hamilton, 642-ZT:W ext ~gitim ale u time posi-If you want ..,.rsonal J:;;;;;;~E~m;p~l;o~y;er;;;;;;J ror s mog, brake or lamp your own boss. l'r1en or, ~O~pe=n~e_v~es~S3~L~-fHa-"c..c·--3 8 7 • Cos la M es a lion. No exper. nee. We sat1·s raet1·on & 'tot-al ,·n· E II I "--~ls & N & ,_ ..ad to school e ar n xce en oo:uo:::i1 licenses. 1 eat appear Women. Can be slightly G-.. -n R~-.,.. Cook, P /time. Convales· Me morial llospital. . ' . · · LiberalDiscounts handwriting. Apply h d ' d Ne at ~-~-whdeyou leam Apply in volvement 1n patient an 1eappe • · AKC 1714 ~ ... -. . c~e=n=t~H~o~s~p~ii.~1.~"':l.---l~E~000E00."""""""""""""""""""""~I person any aft~moon or care. joi n our pro-SICRETAIY morns, 2590 Nev.-port Bl, Clea n Appe 3 ranc e.1..c=:....--~~--·-~-• Call 642-0593 eve. 2112 Harbor Blvd, fessional staff. Positions Apply Personnel Office 1 ..:C~.~~1~·--------1 Vets., retired. Age Z5 to AKC ~1 ini. Poodle puJ>' open for 7·3, 3-11 full & 10:30-12 :30 Mon·1"'ri PERSONNEL I . . Count e r lle lp, n e w JUNIOR s11rSME..i Costa Mesa . p /tim e. Sa l. co m · No.2Fashion lsland,NB Service Station Allen-70. Supp ement your 1n-pies. Beaut. Apricot&:: Orange J"I' .... Laguna llll n E IOp r danl, exper"d. Day & come.Driveacab 6 hrs C h a mpag ne. Shots .. -· Ago lO·IS. Earn S2<J."'A" Masseuse-slrght. w.; lm. men s ur a t e w /expe r . qua po CLERK I · u •11s M II lnte-·o·ewo·ng ~ E I M/F e"-. Full &piti·-·. Apn-or more a day. App Y 1n, ~67~S~·8~7~88=-. _____ _ "" a • •• Gd pa y Phy s ca l Vacations. holidays &: mpoyer '"'" . ..,,. .. 1 _ lh · M 8 & per week getting new · 1 100""""""""""""""""""""""""""!1 ly Shell Sta••rro 17th & person, Yellow Cab Co., on e prem1ses, ay ,.,..,tomer s rortheDAILY The r a py . 645·0860 or wellpay benefits. App Yi: .. _., E St C 9 from 1-5 pm. •,or more "'<&.> 675 0258 Mon thru Fri 9-3. Major Orange County Irvine, N. B. 186 · l6th ·• osla information call 642·7971 . Pl.LOT after school and ..:.:~·-==·------ROY ALE SALESGIRL. land development co. is 1~==~;;;::-~;::::;:;;l~'~'e~s~a~.-------Saturda ys. You must be Fabrics. Exp. Necc. CalJ seeking a per sonnel Ser\·ice Sta. Attendant, Cra neSalesman,exper'd, outofschoolby3:00p.m. MASSEUR COftwoleJclftlfHospital Henry(714)6"64040. clerk. The quaJ ified ap-p /ti me. Exper 'd only. W~ma n O\•e: .30· own POODLECLJ PPJ.N G • , Our business is picking and be able to work al 1030\V.Wamer.S.A. l-';;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 plicant wi ll ha\•e 1·3 Avail eves & .,..·knd.s. transp. ~'l Da}s. 5 Day LowRotes·P·•.Party .' 'Jd k N,. Prestigious pvt club in -Call "'•D"•= "'k to st:irt J\.1ust h:lve ., Adorable llealt hy Blk /\Yhl Puppies. Have shots. SIO. 673-4391, ~ up & we need an exper'd leas ays per wee · " · ' ___ .:::.::::.:-:.::..:.:=---1 >·ears pe rsonnel exper . N e a t a pp ea r . & . . . · ' d I. · -11-u·ng t erviewi n g q ual1fied1. SALES detail obol•lv to handle Call8474\58.L . Crane S. lesman. Ca ll e 1ver1es or .. v ..... • w/e•posure in employ· handwriting. Apply 2590 . . k ' ___ cc.c.c _ _c.c __ _ t. · masseur ror fuU or p /t ORGAH TEA.CHER " h I ,. 714 1994·1331 . 8405 E . Tr a n s porta ion pro-· ment, compensalion & Newport Blvd.CM t e c n 1 ca wo r • Wei mara ner. Male 6 mos. ·d d c 11 ,. ... .,.,..,., position. Extensive re-Beg o·nne r s thru Ad · MEH&W~ t phone No Artesia,BuenaPark. vi e · a_..._..,., & r 'd M ~ benefits. Good clerical cusome rs, · old . AK C . Gcn tlq Equal Oppo rtunity sume1. fde ' reqR ·1 "", l vanced. Exper'd onl y. For a Governme nt skills a re a necessity. SHOE SALES Phone c. a_ lls P lea.se. w /•h.oldren. 51251 ... t or·, E I er be 1 c · e p Y o 847·8536. d bs.d h ll h C I G h " ....,. ,., DELIVERY . mp oy Classified ad no. 410 c/o l;;;;~;:;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I spoosore tax su 1 Y Typing 60 w.p.m./Sh or Exper'd childrens s oe cac 1 1es rap 1ci;, 847 6660 • SUNDAY ONLY o Bo program dictaphone. This is an ex-fitt er w /ort ho p e dic 3212.a P a sco Adelanto, 1..e:::c·::o:::.· _____ _ LAI TECH Daily P ilot. P. · x EXC.EPTIONAL rt ·t II I I I N S S J C . t orDAILYPILOTto car-1560 c l M c p • & cellenl oppo un1 y. he pu . oevesor un . an .uan ap1s rano. FREE to good home . Production work. Elec· • os a esa , a * aC•OIJlll'S EARNINGS -• riers . Requires use or d 9-26 .. ..t..1-you qualify seuu com· Reply to Classified ad no. Fema le , Pt. Husky. Pret• large Station Wagon or tro-opt~csK~ l~rs.IAc · "" T~E~~:t'1"5 Lewis FinancialService plete res ume. including 397,c/oDailyPilot.P.O. Young man 1:·19J'rs f~ t y & m e llow. Ca ll Van . Contact Harry vance . ineics, n ·Try a Dail y Pilot 3:)()£.17thSt-Suite210 saJary hislory&require-Box1560,Costa.Mesa,Ca ractor y wor ·. ays 497.2655. 1231 V1 c tor1a St, CM Classified Ad to buy, sell IMMEDIATELY ! Costa Mesa. 64.2-6753 ments to : 9262G. Sat. 10·7. 645-2702 1..:.:..:.='-'------- Seeley or JamesSl· P,!~ts. "::::'..:"..:'~6S~·~E=..c0..:E~·----i :o~'~r~e~n~t~s~o~m~•=t~h;~"~•..:· ---I 17802 Sky Park. Irvine I""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I Mercltattdise Golden Retrievers. AKC. 330 West Bay · \.ARI a -Tempo Temporary Help LEPHO"E S \L ES Cfassiflec1Ad41l TE •• ,. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 Cha mpions. 645-6438 Mesa .Telephone642·4321 Help Wanted 7100HelpWanted 7100 Ca\1540-44SS SALESPEOPLE c /oD.Jl..Plof Se ll Or ange Coa s t ·~ or 673·7469 · forappointm e~. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'I Exper'd.Full&p/\ime. P.O.l';;1560 favorite news paper. Antiques 80051..:::..:::_:..:.;:::_ ____ _ Equal Oppor. mp oyer PIX..... • SerY Apply In Person Good earnings. Big com •••••••••••••••••••••••Eng. Sprgr Span, Ger. DENTAL ASSISTANT-MAMAGEMEHT sw...., Tues. April29thru Costa M•sa. 9Z6Z6 m issions. Choose t h£ CORONET Shep. Both male+ AKC: Well exp'd chairside as· ~~r~~· J:;~di:i~~ Frid a Y Ma Y 5 th · Equal Oppor. Employer 'hours :!r'OU prcferto .,..•ork· Roy:l l Doulton English 2 mos. 646-0142&640-6211 lOam-lpm 9:30am to l pmor 5:30ptr Bone Ch•'na. No longe•• art s . st. for r estorative prac-Se 'o s M1'nded7 EOE. 540-1962 THE STAIRCASE to 8:30pm. call l\tr. Le< "i-""-'"-------- tice, Newport Beach. rl U . SouthCoastPlaz.a a t 646-4100 b e twecr av~il in.U.S. 77 Elegant IRISH SETTER. AKC. Some front office skills IP h 0 n e S 0 1 i c i tor & \Lst floor entrance to SECRETARY 9:30:l m :lnd lpm. pc s .. !\lint cond. Worth male. 6 mo's, $.SO. to gd he lplu I. Neat in a p· 1 Delivery· 2·9pm. Sat. BuJlocksl Equal Oppor. Employer $650. Sac SSOO. &44.fl822. hm. 536·I855or SJ&8528 pearance & mature. Do L k" Fo A Career? I thruThurs.S2perhr.$41---------·lu you c:a n take Gregg ... __., 8010 I lh 00 Ing r , . in one mo. No pressure SALES s ho,Lhond a t 100 -120 Telephone Solicitors -tT"' a.eel Coll'e Pups for sale AKC not. apply un ess ese re-1 •••••••• ••• •••••••••••• 1 • quireme nts are met . .li..ls-0211·163Y SECRETARY wpm, type bet.wecn55-7S P 1t ime .,..·o r k avai · champ bloodhne. Call 646-7419. :.::=-:c:.:.c..:c:.:c._c.... ____ I Xlnt future w/sailboat wpm & are looking !or a ~t ornings. artemoons 0 1 WILL BUY Re.fngs, Ap-556-3837or 54f,.252S. • Then Call r ick-up & delivery dri\·er manuf. for selr mot.lval-challenge, then send us evening hours. \Ve pay pllances. ff;unrung or not.1-"""'""::.:::.::::::=::.-- Dlftt• Recept. for n e w e:lr agency. ed. independent worker your resume "·ages & commissions 548·0433 &675-5258. FrtttoYou 8045 p /t. Pegboard. 963-4581 Cleaning work alw. ~lust w /I yr secretarial ex per. Classifil?d ad no 362 Call fo r deta~l~. s..10.0.101 _ 11 ot poin t Micro· W a\' c • •• •• •• ••• ••••••••••••• STOP N Go MARKETS be n ea t & r e liable. Type 65 w.p .m. Die· c loDailyPilot l;-<>:> Angeles.rimes, 137: Oven. Ne w S248, Wa s Labrador RetrieverAKC, DISHWASl*R Stead y job. Apply in taphone & filing. No sh. ~. 0 . Bo." 1500 Sunflower t\\C, C~t $349.95. 646-44.21. 8 . F . reg. Also dog house. t.ov. P /lime. Ex per. Bvcs. person only· Call Ann Smith. 642·6862. i..,.,c~·oll~~·•00M00e00•00•00•00C00•~9"626~"""" Telephon e Ans. Ex per. Goodrich Store. es people. 839·6581. Surf & Sirloin TERIY IUICk s~-T-.. L r-Pref 'd not nee. Eves. . d bl fl rr k't•--.. " 5930W.CoastHwyNB ASSISTANT MANAGERS STH&WALHUT -s, I prr. ~ da s &.wknds.540-lTI7 MAYTAG Pon.able Dis-A ora e u y ,...,...,, •• H..I. SlWSll MEW OfRCI ~ E C R E T AR V f or Y hwasher, top loader. gd "'eeks old, weaned & box. FIBERGLASS lutP ... n.. NewportBeachlal rm TELLER c o n d . Make orre r . trained -2 yeUow & 2 Gu.._. P ltime work, I/time pro· Jobl•O,....Co. Good typing slCills P ..... TiMt 962-95.51 black with calico spots. " We Offer A. Startiftc) Salary fits orrered by Beeline Is what we have to offer some general sec~arial To 'work 5 hrs daily al RE FRIG. TF l dr ~. 2 dr' ~•'..:'..:·1=34_s_e_v_e_•..:o~r_w_•~•""=·-o, t for No Cal th Fashions in-borne sales expreq"d.CallW-3107,9 M -,. pera ors · · · Of O.ver $650 Pl'I' Mon + dept. No investm. node· cnergeiic.articulatepeo-Hunt. Bch oCfiee .. ust TF $15, Washer $60, all rrish Setter , l yr. male, ri:~L ~~~:d .YWae::~ liv .. or collccl. Useotcar pie . G uaranteed hrly ~t~o~•~·--------have good appearan~ ~ xlnt. cond.549-8500 xlnt watch dog &pet. All b • I &phonenec.963-7470. w age + comm .• + l)'.Pe ~O w.p.m . a · s bots.645-2231 open . frin ge enc s. Wo pay for our employees ma or 11 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 bonuses allows our be:stl·---............. --1 Ri \•ers1de. (1}686-fi060, x Electric dryer F'rigidaire Write or contacl: Orrlon S4 I' ~ 1 · · · · H l Al ' medical, hospltoli1ation, II~ lnsurClftce,. I I I" 'LEST .. -reps to earn over per SECURITY loo or interview in un · sso. white, excel cond. Samo;,.·ed neutered maJe. Mfg. Corp. 82189 pine t _ ,..,15 hr .. nationwide. Exper. GUARD 8th. Laguna Hllls.S81·8lZ7 sbo\s. m agnificent dog. Ave, Sacramento, Ca. wacations, profit SltariftCJ & we ':'y a,;: M • y.,. Office prer'd. but will train ir Ret ired security guard lo Equal Oppor. Employer Loving home. &l2·33&1. your training. too. The hours are Oft9 H you h a\•e good phone k /time for boa\ . Re!rig , 110\d 565. good !~'.""'-. so the work 11 hard. but tk opportWtities' of Un1'que Homes 'voice & are a hard wor p moving to new Tow Truck Dnver. must cond. 224 13th St .. Apl B. Personality plus charrn ... f th. Ii tdtd. worker. Student& &/or manuf.1 0 C be exper. Top pay+ fr t-18 536-3692 Cute mixed M small puf' •-. -MAT'S are tremendous or caner~~ has2opeoln&sfOC'sharp hou se w Ive $ & local on near · · inge benerlt.s . Apply a Smart,hsbrkn.847'623C ' ~ NEW real estate salespersons. moonlighters find this a n Airport. Must have own G & W T owing:. 100( G.E. Wasber&GasDryerl-'"""'-''-"·:'..::C::::.:::::.:=:_ /.. J ·WITH CallJackle.546-5800. Ideal job. uniform & tran.sp. Apply Irvine A''e .• Newpor $150 , llvsL Gold Spd. 4 Yr. old m ale .. Westic'". 11;/ '1lll? PIMM:llJ..1091 ln pe1'$0nall(uardshack, Bch. Qu een W a s her $95 . purebred . free to gd TIM E-LIFE Wnhoilc;-., Guar/Del.546-8672. home . No c h lldrc o . ~. ~ • • REAL ESTATE LJBRARJ&'i.,lNC: J638Placenlia,c."!M WAITRESS, full Lime, 545-8701 -..,.~ G Make extra money, ..... ~;,;~~;;;~~~"!\°"!~~~~~~~"""~ 21 + , exp. for gourmet 17 C u Cl Frigidaire!-==.;..::""'------- ' Opc:!nina: Cor 6 part time. ~ Rest . Afl. 3 pm. 640-8120 rrostfree re rrig. Xlnt F R E E P UPP I ES . licen sed rt'al eslat t' SECllTAIY •Secy's-S.+•• cond. Call 557·1875. longhair mix. 5 Wks. a •1rttt11fl:ll , .sale$people. Call Corin· Req·.sextremd.ycap.able $700·S800 100%FeePaid Fem. 2 m ale. 548-213& \ tervlew. person to handle wide Type 70, sh 100 fo'or Classirlcd Ad llcyct.1 1020 aft . s "' : 1 646-3928,e.vt-s67:H.$71 variety of otc duties ror Reil Estate. Le&a1. ACTION •••••••••••••••••••••••l..:::..::c:_ ______ _ 0..,ttwn.ltr'ltol,..~'9lltl • • rapidly irowlna boat U& RelodersA,lcncy Cs ll 11 Used 8 ike1 /Pa.rt.s . SlSfup. Adorable Bea&Je. Male.. ,_ .... ,._Wt~rloul • • • • manuf. Pacific Trawler 4020SlrchSl.Ste l04 Daily Pilot Ou y /!ell /trade . 2488 Trained . l 'n )'f"I. Pet OOMMllnftf ... .-yNy • 1723 s. Ritchey, s .A. Newport Be.ach 1 833-jl90 ,\O-VISOR Nc .,..·porL 81.·C)t, Ph : watc hdog . ll r ~en l. l1i.i!ii#H1il •• • 558·8122. c.n fw app a t:aaet &.1t-5bl8 64~791 0 s.1s-1~~:. ~-----· ____ ._-_:} -·=='----'··· - I TV, Rodlo, . Molorcyclu/ ""'°' W•hcl ·9590 A .... 1. lmportod ........ ,.,....... ""'°'• Utod ..... ~ •• HIA. SteNO IOtl Scoohn 9150 ••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• •••• • •• •• •• • ••••••••••• ••••••• ••• •• ••••••••••• ••••• • • •• •••••• · '8 ,f4 DAILY PILOT Tuesday. April 29. 1975 ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOP CASH! Merc .. i lea 9740 Toyota 9765 Chevtol.t ' ,920 Seldom used, s ear ' 1971 Husky •oo & 197 4 For eleitn used cars & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;••t;[i.:'1~~···~·••••••• ••••:•••••••••••••••••• .... t. Yoo 1045 MltctHoiot-IOI Mlactll_ .. , •••••••••.••••••••.•.•. ••··•··••······•······ i-••····················· 8080 'FREE Biack & While Kit .. io"..__.._..__.._.._.,.I SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS bltck./whlle9"TVwi Yamaha 175 Enduro. tru cks! Howa rd How 73 ·air, mags, '65Chevylmpala.Alr,V8. tem. g. wks e>ad, J Pur~ bVK:k lrlUen. Short & tun h&lr. 645-6921. Darlln1 kilttiM, 6 weeks old. weaned & housebroken. Huntington Beach 846-1677. ''9utd oors'' fema le. white, friendly Gcrmun Shep w /papers to home w ith lo t s o f room . S31-t547. ........ 8050 ·~····················· *Sofa, matching Lov· es'eat. High qii~l i t y , n&ver u sed, moving. Fashion Boutique -"-°'- 11822==----1333 E. 17th St. Kingsize mattress and 00x springs. extra fi rm, Costa Mesa like new, cost $WO. Sac. 1800. 557·5692 MATTRESSES: •. Queen, Full&TwinSets ~· Pric~d to Move Now l 833.9625 & 646-8686 9 1"t V e I v e-t. S o f a M w/Matching Lovcseat. Very nice. Teak tables. )amps, B /W TV & P.lanter. 642-2000. :Moving Sale! Magnavox P hono & stereo. 9 PC' din· ii\g rm set. M1:1ny olher liems. Call foc uppt aft 7pm , 646· 1312 or 494-5581 SIMMONS fi rm Calif. king. 3 yrs new. Xlnt 'cond. $150/offer. 586·3384 or (213)348·299:l Great Savings on Used Furn, Appli &Misc. : Wilson's Bargain Nook .. S45W.19thSt.C.M. Large round Oak Table, pedestal base, $125. Oak McKaskey cash register, Qr iginal plate w /date 1921, $150. Tiffany lamps, ~.ea. 675·438Saft. 4 DREXEL ESPERANTO 4in, rm. set, ladder back ··~tirs. Xlnt cond. 644·1161 aft. 5 wkdys. Roun(I Maple Dining Rm. Table, 4 males chairs. Xlnt Cond. $60. 968·3782 Rattan Crib, good cont:!.. ·~$25, Car seal, almost new. $10. 557-8445 King St bed, new, com. plete. Still packaged . Xtra firm. $190. {Worth $4 75) Queen $170, in· •eludes d eli v. Us ually home. 835·2263. 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l¥Joving! 40yrs accumula· ·'tion : pool tbl, bus eqpt, ~antiques, open house 2051 '-N'pt.Blvd., CM. st.2·6109, hrs: 9AM ·12PM. ESTATE SALE! Sac fine antiq 's & Comte mp. furn. Wed . ONLY 9-3. No junk, cash only. 1754 W. "'lk!acon , Anaheim, (Nr. "'Euclid & Ball Rd ) A.Q.H.A. Buckskin 16 yrs 19.ld, tack & tack room. r.&all avail. 675-3220. Jtwelry 8070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. WANTED 'J'OP CASH DOLLAR lfAID FOR YOUR ,,;IEWELRY, WATCHES. .;ART OBJECTS, GOLD, ,..'SILVER SERV ICE . ''FINE FURN & AN · '"'TlQUES. 645-2200 INSTANT CASH for Old 'Gold, Silver, J ewelry, _ ·Coins, Dental Gold, Wed· · ding Bands , Watches, ,etc. Any cond. Top , Prices. Free appraisals. ,BenUeys Antiquary. 220 _,,.E.17th St. CM. 645-6585. ;'Mitcell•tOUI 8080 . -····················· LiJe Membership. Coto de <Caza. for Sa le. $600/bst ofr. Reply P.O. Box 278. Corona del Mar. 92625. ·..flCA Color TV $85. RoL. •t!P wr Mow er $40 . ·1....aecliner, Rkr, vib, btr Vl .$50.897·2916 CUSTOM C arpet Jnslaller. Yours/Mine. Reas. 22yrs exp. All • 'types.846-1547 ~-'J'OP UP Panasonic T V. ~..Du a l cycle. crys ta l ' 'neckl ace Tourq. pendant ".necklace. Coral Bracelet. .. .i·& 2 rings. Reas. 673-2010 Nw tires & mags, front _D70·14, back F ID-14, bS:t u·oft. 893-7006 eves, ,,~.,.o=="-"'-~~---1 .kt hand tooled west.em '( flehind International House of Pancake1J END OF THE MONTH SALE!! FANTASTIC BARGAINS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS UPTO 75°/o OFF NAME BRANDS IR..-lar Stock Mdt~I PANTS, BLOUSES, SHORTS, TOPS, PANT SUITS, DRESSES $2, $ 4, $5 & $1() 1 ndoor -I n('pt - l;or;.:t· -no.vi sh - HllJl>G I-: :oi o n1e :;L;1 l l'S 11 ;1\'l' no·l:11 il l 1l 1vc11·1·c ,J:.t\1'S lllltl HO 1':11111. :Jiii() jn,.111•:itH'C' r\ow thl'_,··re eo11 s 1d er 1n ~ nO•fau lt UHJOG!'.: purtnl'r,s. AM /Jo"'M and automaU Xlnt Cond. $475 cu or of· Chevrolet. Dove & Quail • am/fm isterec>, vinyl 1111 Gd. cond. $350. Call a la rm . Beaut,lrul ter.962·3728 Streeta, nr. MacArthur. Purcll•l119 top, lua. rack, top run· 847·2417 cabinet, matching Shtnd 1----------·1 J amboree and Bristol, Top 9'r llf nlng cond. $2!:!00. MS-4802 l-"~='------1 only $8S. 642·6840 I A.to Service & Newport 8e11ch. 833·05SS. UMd M• ~ 73 Triumph Stug, 10000 Contl.....tal 9930 loota&Morlnt Eqol ........ ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Part& 9400 Cont.ct ml·, Navy, Z tops, auto, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Awto1, lrnported air, stereo tu~.1:147·8277 . '72 MARK IV . AutoRepu.lr &J•o.inting ••••••••••••••••••••••• U1•dCorMlm1!Jii day s . 752 ·039U 2Door. Yll -. uutomut1c •REASONABLE • I ,. eves/wknds. tr un ~m 1s1t1,.on, .Power 548·3211 -Rlchard General 9701 MlsslonVlcjo steer1n6(,__.wh'lte stdcw;dl G 01----------1 · '71 Toyota Mark II. Xlnt tires, tilt wht.'CI, 11lr con· ....-al 90I • . ..1.-f Sale ••••••••••••••••••••••• hmlftlVlo• _ do'tionln". AM /f'M •••••••••••••••••••••••AllTVI or '74 LOTUS EUROPA -.......-.. ·. ga¥mi.Slickshlft.Sl350 ~ TAX ADVANTAGt: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Metallic Blue. 8 1'rack. :ISJOt ..,.u, ... "-ttW9W _8JS_._•_2s_2_e_•_e_s_6_7s. __ ._._132_· __ 1 ~~e:~oC r1~(!~e~~01:~~doal~ Donateyourboat RK"ational 3700mi.,lakeoverlse.or .11._..v..JiO eJt•tT•O t>9 Land Cruiser, 4 wo, power brakes, heater .. *I BUY* Boy Scouts MM Vehicl•1 9530 buy.499·2791 1 ---0-V~!.R_l_OO ___ I xlnl eond. $11100 645·1144 (862EAR ) Good d f ·t & loah, Mal•t•••c•/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Atfa Rwo •705 day&, 673-4984 cve!I. $4989 . r -use. ~ ~ r 5-rvlc• f020 DUNE BUGGY 1600 CC •••••••••••••••••••••,• MEW & USED T""•-" ,767 GUSTAFSON upp utnces or wt se 9r ••••••••• •••••••••••••• re bit eng, nu trans. Best •!fa~ R-M!RCIDES • _,,... LINCOLN MERCURY you · "" ••••.-..•••••••-.,••••••••• 16800 Beach Bl vd., MASTERS AUCTION BOAT C:".'RE -~lean-pai_nt offer 586·7237 Donn. luy or Lease OM DISPLAY '73 SPITFIRE_. umL[m_. 842 8844 646·8686 &83J..9625 ~~:e~:t\'::i·a~~~ft11r. 4 Wheel Dri•es 9550 ., Aulho~~ House of-......,,· Tonneau cover. top run· l~.ll. · aft 6 or Sunday 839--0974. ••• ••• •• •• ••••••••••••• Sales & Service A u·r~10RiZ"tD-ning cond. 52850. 548·48112 '73 M /\ R.K IV WANTED S~i~e PO~ ;~ru :Uamcm:ri 4 WHEEL DRIVES ·~-:~r~~~'r:11 M E~E~a~~~~~~:ER !!'!'~~:r.!' .... ~.!??.~ ~~~g ~~~~;, ~~~l6~~~ TOP CASll DOLLAR l!efinish!ng. Wax-W~s.h . 'Jamboree 85°2°3~•72P5arOk I BUY VW Engin /Curs. '73 Mark IV._ A real PAID FOR YOUR Free Bid ·Reas. Price. MEW&USED 848·0ove 752--0900 979·093S (8 to t ·m. or ''C r cu nl J•urr ·•. J EWELRY, WATCHES, 645·928S Newport.Beach On theSanta AnaF'wy. arter5pm.)Ottn Absol utc ly\flawlcss ART OBJECTS, GOLD loah Power 9040 3 LAHDCRUISER IMW 9712 '73280 4 DR SEDAN. cond! Metallic bronze w/ SILVER SERVICE • '70Bug.New clutch,brks .. · •••••••••••·•·••••••••••• ST•TIOH ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOADED!-SHARP.' tan vinyl top. Lo mi. F INE FURN & AN · , A . orig. paint. Comp!. rebll lb>'mo: C ·TIQUES 645_2200 20.CABIN Crsr.Xlnt.run· WAGOii4S •74 BAVARIA $7950. •8.lJ.81'.M eng. $l450ormakeofrer. Every extra._.,,,,. an · n1ng eond. $1,500. Call CLOSE OUT Must sell. 675.28(M_ fin . $6675 if desired. Pvt •FIREWOOD SALE• a(t.5,213·943-619-1 toChoowfrolll •We are pleased lo an-1------..,---1 Ply. 552 -7000 days or Org. E uc. del $75 <.'Ord .• 74 Sabr~craft 2.'>" & trlr Example : SAVES SS . ~~u~~e-ethf rr:i'~le' :::~~ 73 VW Xlnt mec~t1rUcal -636·0072 eves. SAJ .\6 co~d . 581•1~ fly bridge: &. fl. cover. 10 1972 * SlO i * automobiles of our time. co"o~f:;~~~ake Coast Firewood.Supply hrs, on JOT /Chev OMC. 6 cyl., 3 speed, air, warn IMMEDIATE Owned, driven. & Ob· __________ 1Corvette •72 .""•T · •'or d PU hubs,radio,heater,&ex· DELIVERY · 1 VW p · ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED: Used Water softeners, have reblt. & n ew unils. C heap! 639-5988 • • 1 FOL v1ousy pa mpertX1.byone art s, eng ines, .,8 Vcttc Co n ""''· w/•hell. ful 'y ~pd. for tra c ean. l466 > GOOD SELICTION f o c · h .... u ·.. • " " 541 ,7 o rang e ounty s tra.nsms, c.au:>, cases. H"rdtop, 4· spd , um/fn\, comrort & heavy haul. ., * Con1i.nng *-largest new car dealers. Used or re bit. Sleve, µ~w e r-windows, & 963·7722eves/wknd.s. •Lealing• This remarkable 1973 aa6·9306. brake s 536-4709 & 24. sk· . k Open Mod 1 •. 1\1,_ .. · LA••~ 1 Eliminate the middle Mercedes Benz 450 SLC 72 vw "•d"n, yellow,, ~536~. ~-~"='"=-----:-:-:-:-Junk Cars. Will ride them lpJac -e · •Ut\llL UUW man. Lease direct.. from Coupe is now on display, "' .. ,. or drive them. "WILD Twin Volvos . Rddio, bait authorized dealer ! Please call 894·3321 for am/£m, air, 31?·000 mi. Cougar 9933 BILL" Ca\17 51-1483. tank. fast. $9500 terms. TOYO.TA _ further details. $195(1. 558·8860 days, ••••••••••••••••••••••• F un Zone Boa t Co . There must be a reason,l;;-;;;~;;-;;:;:::;:;--;,:;;::·1 c:>59~~·544-0~"-.':ev~e~s~.------l '71 XR7. Xlnt cond. Low EARTH WORMS \:~B~a=l~bo-•:·~·~7~3-·0040 __ ·-:;::;;;l :...~"~ .. ~H~~~b~o~··~.c~.M~.~6~4~6~,9~3~03~I we are #1 in sales, #1 In 73300SEL Mercedes, fully ,73 VW Super Beetle mi. Be low Bluebook. FOR THE GARDEN 9060 r;ervice, #1 in selection. loaded w /sunroof, take Am /Fm s tereo, clean: $2200. Eves & weekend$ 1000for$4.9S Boats. Sail 73CJ5 Jeep, 17,000mi. over paymts. 842·7461 494 2339 Worm Castings$2Lug ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cre~ier.BMW 581·2967 eves. Ask for $2150. 675·2531 o r1 .ccc.· __ . _____ _ 17362Goth"'d.HB 22' 1-lerreshoff American $3500.Pvt.Pt.y. Ted 675·4900 MUSfSELL' Ford 9940 ... . 548·Z180 2(18 \V. IStSu·cct ·~-""~' --------1 -::~~·::::-:==:::~· -1 ----------Eagle gaff rigged with ----------1 ~ r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'wo unique Swedish leak option at dealers Trucks 9560 Suntu i\na tta.;.:u 7t ;734SOSE, lieigesun-roof, REPAIRS-SERVICE '72TORINl)SptCpe. Very phones. Base has dialing costfreduccd. 546·7172 ••••••••••••••••••••••• & & Immaculate condition. EXCHANGE neul. Ma" whls. Gd Cond. h . d I ' .• ' '"'" & REBUILDS 5 L':' & k d mel' an1sm an a so . S 11 ~·5579. Sl79 . .,,ves w n s serves as l'Ul·ofr. Retails Rhodes 19· Must .C · PICKUPS BROOKLYN BUG CO. 64.6·5~1 ; wkdays545·4123 for $?Seath,will sellboth Spotless . Al l sa.1l s, GOODSELECTION · · · M d B Estimates 548·9141 for $65. 642·6840 motor. trlr, xtras incl. ORANGE COUHTY:S erce .es enz . s11001bst. 673-""2. HEW & USS> OLDEST · • Executive Car DINETTE table w /G • Prices s tart at ....... . <ha ;rs 2 loavcs ext.ods HOBI E CAT 16 W/lrlr. $1777 ~ 280 Sedan to 72": $45. coNcRETE Racin~ equip. Xlnt. \,,II. mixer, XLNT. COND. eond. Emergency, must '71 Datson (257SSW) 4 Salcs·Sel-vireteasing $187.31 lllO. $75 FIRM. 3 Barstools, sell. 998·2022 speed, AM radio. I t $12 so h l) · 'L ' RoyC.,....,lnc. Air, power windows , x n · · eac • Hob~e 12', new. Never .,,... ,,,,,;, Rolls'ltoyce BMW AM /FM s tereo, low 548·7800. been in water. $550 or • tUf' UllW 234 E.17thSt. miles, 36 mo Open End POLAR PAPER make offer. 67J..~7l ~ Costa Mesa 546-4444 Lease. ~ TOYOTA CUTTl-~R Want to Buy· Lido 14 in gd Capri 9715 sio.920, co•t. buy-ba<k Standard 35 \l'J'', ful l cond w /tr lr & extraS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17420 D 0 .,<_ 1 t power, 211~ years old. Cull Call (714 ) 624·9522. 1906 Horbor, CM 64b.9JOJ '71 CAPRI 4 pd R&H . ep. """"""'' n , 870·4564or524·6773. ·. ·S • • $3243.24 + tax & lie, '63 Wagon. Eng. just rblt. f VW Bus Dunc Buggy, bul not running. Needs ne wly reblt 1500 cng. paint. $150/bst. 546·3321. Also, can be used asl -'-=--------- rlatbed truck. $750 or Lincaln 9945 bestofr. 646·3117. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Silver Edition 'GS BUG Ne~ eng & trans. with cranberry corduroy 3000 mt . l e ft on inte rior. Immaculate. gua r antee $1100/ofr. Loaded with all Xtras. 645-9151 Stereo, a ll power, cruise control. e tc. Assume I yr 62 VW Bug, sunroof, $325. lease or buy for $6.250 Firm. ..Under Book" 548·783'1 640·4797 or 646·4750 ------Col . 26, MKII , re"dy to PICKUP,3/4T.$100. sharp, 1 owner. $1350. $195., Sec. deposit Ser. 69A 1· A . ""' . " 681 Victoria.CM (213)448·4584, eve 114005 ' us in men can,,,..,m1 BeigeLincolnConlincntal 1-li ·Rise twin beds, Span. cruise. Very clean. $8900. ----------I 846·5039 · per gal. Needs minor 2 door. 1966, 22,000 actual wrought iron swag lamp 213/697-6289 1973 Ford Courier work but runs good. l<'irst mi. Mint cond. $1,000. No & light fixture, rustic • Xlntcond.Makeoffer. '74 CAPRI V·6, 4 spd. OfferExpires $280cash.645-4929AM trudc.494 ·1759. wrought iron s helves. Boats, Slips/ 496.8705 br ow n, p erf. cond. 4-30.75 ----- 549.4227. Docks 9070 Loaded. $4000. 673·9163 VW engiRe. newly rebuilt •74 CONTINENTAL ---------->••••••••••••••••••••••• '69EICamino.Goodcond. a.ft6. BEAT lJSOCC.$250. 4 Dr. loaded, s unroof, Miscellaneous SLIPS Available 4 speed, camper shell, THE PRICE Call 546·8543. Pri. Pty. 838·8683 W d 8081 Newport Beach il800 aft 6 831.2396 Datsun 9720 .+e 20'-60' Power · · ' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• INCREASE Vol•o · 9772 Ma•erick 9947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18'·60'Sail Vans 9570 WILLBUYYOUR ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS CASH SSFOlt 673·5253 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n0RATVSOUNLKS' TOWAYGOTEAN Jim Slemons SPECIAL. 1970·Auto trans. P/S, Good usedfurn/refrigs 1 OWNER. '69 Cbev Van, radio. New tires & .l''rzrs/stoves.546-0768. M~~~NG & 1-0 boat, nr. A·l cond., 6 cyl. 37,000. WPA,IDL LFOPRAOYR TNOOTP. lmporis VOLVO SALE! shocks. Elec. ign. XJnl. , Pavilion. $2,500. Aft. mi ., 1-'ull crpt. $2000. cond . KJ1·2960 A T T E N r l 0 N 7PM 581-8477 firm! 548-2020 ' DOLLAR. CALL KENT 833-9300 Bea t price incr ease. CR A f?T SM EN, n ew WANTED' ALLEN. 540·0442 Super stock, All models '70 Maverick green. auto. handcraft center to open * · * Ford 73, 1 !on Cbaleau. , 66·250SE. P IS. P /B. Priced to Sell. Overseas Runs beaut. Orig owner. soon, need items of top Stip in N.B. for my 29' Va. R/H, air, otuto, P/S 74 610 WGN, Yellow, Sunroof. AM·FM/8 track Delivery Specialists $1300,675·7285 qualitywith re-cyclingor Sailboat.548·8763 20K mi •. PP. $3975. a uto, A /C, AM /FM tape. 17-18 mpg. $4250, -~·-9952 nostalgic feeling. Co, B. Top Dollar Paid foi 30.40., 833·2681 stereo. Mint cond. 28000 best offer. 6444644 eves. ftft,.ll lemi.a .~~~!~!i.•••••••••••••• 18471 ll.tt, Langley, Suite Sl ip Newport Bch Area ......... _, w-~-• 9590 m;, 644 ·4'63Jock6T.l"27S MG 9742 c~i-· 73 Mach I. Lastofthe 1-"', FV, 963·5052, 10·12 -.v ...._ aft . 7PM · ·l~ Call collect 213-247-3395 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• :~_v: .. ~ Originals. Loaded. daily. or213·931·2217 WEPAYTOPDOILAR '71 240Z. Xlnt cond, 40 miles per gallon. '73 ··'f· VOLVO $3950 842·4626 Boala,S-ed& FORTOPUSEDCARS SSM,Mags,Green.$3500. M ~ Mid.get •. New l966 Horhor er., 6469JOJ· '74 MUSTANG II, fou r Musical Ski r-90IO FOREIGN, DOMESTIC Call493·i803. Mt ch e It n t 1 r cs . ·· -· · l •• lrum..... 808] or CLASSICS 714-683·2637 P.M. 's. OR •HGE cou..rrv cyl .. radial tires, radio, ••••••••••••••••••••••• II . I '72 DATSUN 1200 Iy A "" deco r •ro••p, "reat •••••••••••••••••••••••'~---------I your .car is extra c ean . , on MG8 9744 VOLVO o -o 1• see us first. 16000 m 1, a m/fm, mag mileuge. $2,895 or reas. 1~91fuP~~~~~;gSoprrke~Pl~ SPECIAL·. IAUER BUICK wbls. like new. $2195. •••••••••••••••••~••••• EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO, .o:o'~'~'~"~"~'~7~-6~7::22c_ __ _ Sunburst fi nish. xlnt. 2925 H bo Bl d 494·1595 63 MGB i:toads~er, $1650, LargestVolvoDealer 1-ThisWeekOnly . .ar r v · 53,0000r1g. Mi. New top inOrangeCoonty! 69 Mustang VS. auto .. p/s, pfb, mag whls. xlnt cond. bst. ofr. 673·7079 _<_o_n_d_._960_._·2_7_7_7 ____ 1 Mere. Engines at whsle Costa Mesa 979·2500 Ferrari 9723 & tires. Gray & red. BUY or LEASE Prices·Ski Boats. TOP D""', •R ••••••••••••••••••••••• l<'lawless cond. 642-4052 DlRt:CT Flamenco guitar made in ~ f "be PiscesMmine '67 FERRARI 33() GTC. aft.5 "d ~J.i~~it~~E~F.i~l·T~.~ .. ~~~po~·~:~6~;~.~:~3~z~o~o~~I IM~i€i!..TELY ~::;,~":"lean, $1::~ ~!'::~~;;~;;;~~·;!?~.! N:rt!%~, Ii~it~~~ff~. ~li: FOREIGHC •Rs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautirul inte r. New 2025 S. Manchester o..:::.:.."-'"-'-------Office Furnihre & ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" •-CALL OR COME IN ORAHGECOUHTT'S brakes, clut<h & tires. Anaheim 750-2011 1965MUSTANG.STICK E .. ipnten+ 8085 FM·8 track stereo, bra, NEW BRAKF..5$350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cmnpers,S•/ TOSEEUS MEWEST&LARGEST complete rcblt.eng.Xlnl '74 Volvo Wgn, low mi. •646·2691• Exe svl ch rs $15/35, secy Reftt 9120 IMM EDIATE cond . $3700 or Offer. Like new, AC. stereo, 22 1----.------ chrs $6/24, dks, dft slls. ••••••••••••••••••••••• DELIVERY 675·2804 mi . pe r gal. $4975. Oldsmobile 9955 Pierce. 867 W 19lh. CM . Ca mper Shell w/ boot, AIIModels&Colors 494_40510r 549.J8.13. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645·74 1 t. completely finished. G' Dick Miller MoforS '69 9l1E Porsche. Beige. Sales and Service El G ha 140 bed. $300. 546·8543. ~omru Orig. own. ~. (714 ) Auto1, Used OLDSMOBILE ec. e 729·5821. Carls bad, CA. ••••••••••••••••••••••• GMC TRUCKS mulli·color doplicating '69 For d Gypsy Van J OO W Co.I .._.. NJ. machine-makt-s 1'empo Ca mper . Bubble top. 1 · st .... ,. Roll1 Roye• 9756 HONDA CARS s tencils. $200. 1 Year Fully equi p. Self cont'd. ~~~~~2~·~94~0~5~ .. _ _, 120W. \Vurncr •••••••••••••••••••••••General 9901 UniversityOlck Jll'w. l..omi 's.ti75·4238 -at$o.i\llun ••••••••••••••••••••••• Thermo-Faxl3MCol • WE BUY Sant:iAna 5:li·:o!l:J:! .., 1 '69 Datsun S/W. runs gd, 2850 l·larbor Blvd. Copy machine "the Mobile Homes 9140 • ch rm r ims, $800 . CostaM<!'sa 540·9640 Secretarv" ~100. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTS Honda 9727 ROLLS LaLcMans Hurst 4 spd, T d l I d d , • G t L k 60' 2 E ••••••••••••••••••••••• JR{ DEALER rear spkr. $600. 751·8450 74 orona o. x nt, oa e ' , 963·4567. rea a es. · xpan· Top Dollar For Any .nodown,takeoverpymt. do rooms. Moving·Musl MakeorModel. IN Cadillac 9915 642·4532 92X30" "L" Desk $250. sell ! 64G·66SOor642.f)l79. ·JIM PA""OS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chr $100. 3 S;de chrs $70 .... ROYCE u $ A. Pinto ea, Credenza $75,8' Conf. Motorcycles/ MAZDA • • • CADILLAC ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tbl. $125, 5chrs $50 ea. Scooters 9150 ROY CA RVER Over 70 to choose from. '74 RUNABOlITSlk. R& Swl chr $70. 2·dt: legal ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2001S.Manchester ROL.LS·ROYCE From $1995. GMAC H,2500 mi. case $40, 5' Sofa $200, a· BRAND NEW An<1heim 6J6.0000 234 E11,117ct1SlrHt Financin •&Leas.in . 817·2024 ~:; .. ~c;1c1p~~~iG~f· NeverRunllondaXL350 SELL US YOUR CAR! 103 Co•l•M••• S4M444 ......... Coclllac Plymouth 9960 i n Red Linc f'rame. , We pay top price! -• ..__ ... .._ -••••••••••••••••••••••• P.t1 8087 Mikuni & many Xtras. . •.. -----,--11 --s2200. ID no. 642. MUST IE CLEAN OYER FACTORY Saab 9760 c....-MO - Wh ecl s m ith {7 ! 4 ) "Will take anything in INVOICE •••••••••••••••••••••••":>========""I Go'ffw~~"f·~~O~~r~! &19·0150. trade, watches, r ings, 1'73 CdV. F"ull pwr, A/C, Chry1lftf'/9h-..u.. TV'setc., --. 1 S r•·•-·• 57:99. Pet Palace. Foun· '73 Hdnda 500. 4 in 1 ex· 2000HARBORBLVD. ON ALL v1ny top, tereo tape, Open Daily & Sun. 'Lil 10 lain Valley.847-7688. ha ust. Fairings. Many 545-1.500 · leath int., tilt whl, dr PM Pi..ot & Orgm. 8090 XLras. 135·60B2eves. COSTA MESA HEW 1 ..., or Leme $4Ioc950k.,64ra:8004ials, XlntCond. 2929c~::a~!~vd., Authoriud . . . ;~;~·~~;;;-g·:=;~~~:~ 12Suzuki 7SOCC,5500mi. Or-.eC Ir'& ••75 HO""DA Sales&Servire C....-o 9917 546·1934 Cust. scat Red. $995. HIC)IM1t$.,... " l---------Movinl~L5;~~icc, ,s~s.·,88. 60 days, SS9·S4<10 onl.,ail• SEDANS 1-.ch lrnpcwll ;;;;;;•;,··~•••••d•;;• '72 Plymouth Roadrun· • llU M T~ MacArthur and • g .con · · ner. Clean, lo mi 's. $1600. G75·34ti8or673·0570 uey Your c h o Ice of Jamboree <?r best offer. Must sell. Call 847·0824 . '74 Kaw;·1saki 400S.1. 1700 Call Rogeror ill act·essories plus tax &. 848·Dove 752-0900·1 ~64~6-~0~34~9~------li.::o'i~..::oc:..:c__ .. O,:i Wu r 1 i l i c r Spin ct . ml, xlnt cond. $995/bSt 847-8555 license. Ord('r yours N rt Be h 'I· Pontiac 9965 r.tahognny. with music. today. ewpo ac Che•rolef 9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp!Call847-6."i8•t ofr.Call 345·5995· FREEAPPRAJSAL. Toyota 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1948 Vi ntage Pontiac . UPRI G~IT player piano, '69 SUZUK I SOcc. xlnt W1 e bkuy Cusc11d G<Rar0sTH& ••••••••••••••••••••••• COMHB.L Silver streak, Torpedo. cond , 6020 orig. miles. r ue s . a CHEuROLET Orig. cond, bl ack Jaq. Good cond. llolls incl. CHEVROLET I ( ' $895.536·8775 $85.962·2221 -or a ree SPECIAL SAI.ES&SERVICE New tlres /eng. & Lruns. appraisal. llZI H..._. .. cl Straight 8, runs perrcct, Gulbranson Organ, like ,1970 SU~UKl socc. Xlnl GRlOT821HIBCHaEVchBIRO•LdET kauesa•t'ihla 9735 TOYOTA SALE! COSTAMC'C."• showroom cond. See lo Cond w11llrade $125 e ~· app r eciate. $2300, 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATLAS · u ;J eaddle, cosl $300. sell --·150 842.6554 675-8'44 •• new. $900 ' ' H 1· m-no h, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 46 642 Jl<» un m•--"' 5 °1200 494·6129. Fashl·on Bout1"que . 552-0591aft6pm . 847·6'l87 549-3331 '69. Auto sUck. AM/FM Factory Demos " Ex---..CC.:..:..=:.:...--1·..::..;...:.:;:.;,;_ ____ _ Sp..tl G 09 •71 ·H d XL 100 Dirt Stereo. Tape. Reblt.eng. eculiveCars.GoodUscd '74 Ca maro LT. A /C, '72PontlacGrunVllJe,air n•~ SEEBURGJuk•box -.... I 4 . on a · SELLIHGYOURC•R? 11275.C•Il67"-•. T t •0 1 U AM F M ,.........,.. " ' .. ., bok 0 Good ~nd ~){V\ "" .r .. •o-1 oyo a.::JG ec on I ste.reo, r ally condit.io n inn, power, rra$4.50. Qu1drapong game, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''' '"" • .,.....,, LL PllCID hi d I ~ s. t.t l yr 0 l·d $1 5 o o . 333 E. 17th 'St. Scoba Equip S165. •72 cu. Afterfi pm, ~1·3938. TOP,,P0rRllmC~AID Mnda 9~38 A w sd e uxe tnttt . Xlnt vinyl top. Private party, ( )'528 ""'78 alum rcgulator,aUUSO, --••··~··•••••••••••••••• TOS&L con · 13975. Days $2,0IJ9.642·58Sl • .... 71• ·>n .. HOW ISTHETIME p .. ·dfor..-Not l 645-3400 ext 70, Randy, .&.t: used7tlmes.962·5056 for job Se<lkers Lo check .1 Late Model 1973 Mazda eJ A1n:1 Nnes642·10:S1. '68 1'erri p<llll. OK Condi ·' ~wo N e w Infr a -red Costa Mesa TV Rcrdi th e Da lly rt1ot llc lp D••L•wis~ Wago~. a m /fm stereo. fQI\ UUIO lion. Sell $250. Call l;Heaters. S800 v11I. 70,000 'Miff.SL--8098 W»nled classificallon. If 1966 16<4a6r.~<!.M. $2200,673·1195 ~·· .•• '71 Vega Wagon. 4cy l, D4'1·6ti5Saft.Gpm. BTU· Sacrifice. 644·4635 •••••••••::;::: •••••••• the Job you want Is nQl ...,..... 1973 Mazda St a. Wgn ·. TOYOTA Xlnlc~dti~~~ Vega 9974 AM. llelthsd International Two n ew extension there.you mlghtcons!de,r Wanted: S mall Station RX3, 52250. Uy orig. . . • ••••••••••••••••••••••• FR.EE tlll dirt, U· haul H08H o' Pancolt•s) speaker s, snlid wood of.fer1ng you.r se.rvaccs Wagon. $500 Cash. 2988 owner. 15,000 local ml. 1966 ~o,bor. CM. 646·930~ '71 El Camino, A/C, PIS, •74 Vega Wagon GT. Al.r away. Fla11tane, cover cabinets, both for $25. W1!~t:dn c:~;'ry~f,~~~ Royal Palm J>r. Apt. c. Xlnt cond. 2612 Mella Dr. P/8, $1500. M&o7170 aft. s cond., lugg. rack. xlnt lh24' l50. S49-2013aft.4 ~ 642-6840 642•5678 Costa Mtsa (Back Bay) . .548-S703. Want ad rl!sult.s 6'2·5678 pm cond., $2390. 540-°'85. t 'I I v -, ~ lJ • ti ft c 0 a ,, ll - 1 I< L r• d D G 0 . " L p n " p 1' " 17 ] I n F i; " T l s c c ( a p t s . ' ' • • t r ~ t • < t ( I ; I I ~ ., ' I c ~ ' ' 17 '• . ' . ' Laguna/South Coast Today's Closing N.Y.Stoeks VOL. 68, NO. 119, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 TEN CENTS Vietnam.Refugee Relocation Criticized The pending arrival or some 20,000 Vietnometie refugees in -the Orange.San Diego County area has sparked instant reac· lion -most of. it unfavorable - from state and local officials. Worries about high stale un· employment aroused the concern of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. nrown criticized as "haphazard" federal plans to relocate the thousands of honielcss war re· * * * fugees ln California. A state spokeman has reported that Brown is balking at a re· quest by the f'ederal government that he mate available $100,000 to set up temporary facilities to aid the refugees in the slate. Mario Obledo, he ad of the state's health and welfare agen· cy, said the governor wanted more information on the refugee situation before releasing any· * * * • irst Workers Recruited Laguna Trash Collection 'On' Trash collection was expected to return to normal today in Laguna Beach despite a strike by refuse truck drivers and helpers. Stan Scholl, city public works director, s aid the Laguna Beach Disposal Company owned by Great Western Reclamation, one oC the companies being struck by members of the Teamsters Union , had hired non·union personnel to operate trucks. Scholl said homeowners need not take any special measures v.'ilh tras h, and that normal pickup would be made. Trash collection was delayed Monday until non-union drivers were hired. The trucks rolled about 3 p.m. for their residential routes despite a picket line of three teamsters drivers. ''Everything was peaceful, there were no problems," Scholl said. Scholl said trash not collected J\.1onday is to have been picked up today. The city of Laguna Beach con- ll:acts with the privately-owned disposal company for trash col· lection. The city bill is $14,000 a month. The communities or Sa n Clemente, Capistrano Beach, San ;Juan Capistrano, Dana Point. Laguna Niguel, South (See TRASH, Pogo AZ) Clemente Council Eyes Union ·Flap By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ot 11'1• D.IUW PiWI Staff An afternoon meeting in which members of the San Clemente Public Safety Employes Associa· tion (FSEA) were lo decide whether to sue the city to force recognition of the Teamsters Union as their negotiator in salary matters was abruptly can· celled Monday. :P.feanwhiie, San Clemente city councilmen met in executive (closed) session tor exactly two and a halt hours Monday night, presumably to discuss labor rel a· tions matters. Members ot lhe PSEA were scheduled to meet at4 p.m. Mon· Bank Burglary Lawsuit Trial ,ury Selected Jury selection began today in an Orange County Superior Court trial in which plaintirrs seek nearly $50 million in damages to holders of sarety deposit boxes that were burglarized in a raid on a Laguna Niguel bank. Judge Claude M. Owens will be on the bench for the first or two trials-three class actions filed On behalf of 60 depositors who lost cash, coins, jewels and 'Securities on March 25, 1972. More than 450 sarety deposit boxes al the United California Bank's Monarch Bay branch 'were looted on that date by "burglars who silenced alarms and blasted a hole in the roof dur· 'big a weekend operation that was described by lawmen as "a mira· ~le or organization and timing." • ·J\1 ost of the loot taken from the b link has been recovered by the FBI. The burglars Involved in the break·in are currently serving long terl'J\S in a federal prisoo. Named as defendants in both 'sets of lawsuits are the bank, the Oreo Alarm Company, the Laguna Niguel Corporation and rrr1ftY 1ndivlduals officeri,; and employes or all three firms. '!be trial before Judge Owens accounts for about 99 percent of the $50 million sought in damages and 60 of the 66 plain· ttffs . attorney 'Arthur Hews ex· plained today. • :. The· second trial for the re• maining six plainllffg who seek the bal11ncc. of the damages hu 'been •cheduled !or Feb. 2, 1976. I day lo decide whether lo launch a court light against the city's re· fusal to recognize the Teamsters as the association's bargaining agent. The association voled April 10 to contract with the un- ion for such representation. But negotiations on salary in· creases ranging from six to 13 percent depending on rank and a shopping list of fringe benefits haven't gotten off the ground. On Aprii 18, City Manager Ken· neth Carr refused lo conduct negotiations with the Teamsters representative who appeared al a negotiation session to represent the officers. Carr invoked a resolution re· cently reaffirmed by the city council that prohibits officers from forming. joining and af· filiating with labor unions. Mayor Anthony DiGiovanni last week refused to allow a Teamsters representative to make a full presentation lo the Ci· ty council. DiGiovanni gave the representative three minutes to speak ....... the maximum allowed during the verbal communica· lions portion of the agenda -but would not grant additional time and threatened to have the representative forcibly removed from the room if he continued lo speak. The association board responded lo the action by agree· (See FLAP, PageA2) Girl, 14, Tells Rape Attempt A 14-year-old San Clemente girl was sexually molested Mon· day evening behind the snack shop at the city-owned Bonita Ca· nyon baseb.-11 field by a short heavy man with long red hair and a mustache, San Clemente Police reported. According lo Detective Sgt .. Ardon Saunders, the girl was walking home from a friend's house when the man approached. threatened her with a pocket knife. dragged her behind lhe snack shop and attempted to rape her. Tho lncJdent occurred aboul5p.m. The unirijured girl described · the attaCker aa 25 to 30 )'ears old, five feel nine fnches tall, 200 1>0unds, with red collar.length hair, a bushy red mustache and long red sideburns. A police search of the area· fa.J.lod to pro- duce any 1u1pect1. state mOney for them. Rep . Clair Burge ner of Oceanside, whose district in· eludes the Camp Pendleton area where the refugees are to be housed, said, ''I ... hope that what I have been told is true - that the selection of Pendleton will not res ult in San Diego Coun· ty being a permanent home for more refugees tban would normally be the case. * * * .. • ' - • I .., hope the federal govern· ment will do all in its power to prevent any additional financial burden be ing placed on. San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton.•• From San Clemente, Mayor Tony DiGiovanni said he was "worried about the stale of health these people are in.'' Orange County Health Officer Dr. John R. Philp, expressing the * * * ees same concern, ordered U1al in· coming refugees would have lo be confined lo military installa· lions. Military spokesmen continued to maintain that the refugees are m·good health. . Dick Brown , chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, s aid the r efu gee operation is "certainly not a Clilifornia respo_nsibility ••• and * * * - ....... , certainly not a San Diego County respons ibility. . "IC called upon to provide service and facilities, we will im- mediately respond," he said, "but we'd hope the rederal gov· ernment would reimburse us tor any and all costs." Go\•. Bro\\•n's 'remarks over the past week or spcculatiori about the pending arrival of re .. (See REACT, Pagei\2) * * * • 1ve ' i Evacuees Land At El Toro By ALAN DIRKIN 01 lh~ Dailr Pilot St.iilf The (irst wave of an estimated 20,000 war· refugees, bound fol" Camp Pendleton, began arriving at El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta· tion today to race a new and un· certain future in the United States. The first plane carrying 380 passengers -an Overseas Na- tion al Airlines DClO -touched do\\'n at 10 a.m. Meanwhile, two giant Cl41 transports also landed at Norton Air Force Base carry- ing another 121 South Vietnamese evacuees. The majority or the arrivals at Norton were wome n and chi ldren, mostly dependents of U.S. citizens. They will be bused to Camp Pendleton as will all ar· • rivals at El Toro today. <Related stories, pictures Page A3.) The evacuees were to undergo •'minimal" processing by· Immi- gration, Customs and public health OCC!cials at El Toro - Orange CoUnty's chier health of· fi cer has banned all but offi cial contacts with the refugees. The second flight at El Toro, carrying 70 people in a C141 was scheduled. to land at 12 :25 p.m . Some reports said five aircraft were due in at El Toro today from U.S. bases in the Pacific. where the rerugees underwent in- itial processing, but other ac- counts said nin e aircraft bearing a total of 700 evacuees were on their way. "\Ve would like to gel them to Camp Pendleton and settled as soon as possible," said Maj . Sally Pritchett, press oCficer at El Toro. ''They have been in the air for a long time." VIETNAMESE REFUGEE ARRIVED IN STYLE AT EL TORO WITH HER PARASOL IN HANO First Jet Carrying.Saigon Escapees Touched Down In Orange County at ~o a.m. l\1aj . Pritchett said she did not kno\v wheth er any of the evacuees would be rejected in the processing at El Toro. "I hope we don't rejec_l a single soul," she said. • She said that the fli ghts -part oC the biggest civilian airflift from a war zone in U.S. hi story - \Vill continue to arrive al El Toro until "al least" May 3. I Wild Saigon Scramble U.S. Emcuees Have to Fig/it Way Out SAIGON (AP) -U.S. helicop. ters swooped down on Saigo n rooftops and the Tan Son Nhut airport today and began evacual· ing most of the remaining 800 to 900 Americans. Some of the Americans fought off South Viet· namese desperately trying to flee before Communist·led forces ta keover. America's JO-year involve· menl in the Indochina war was endin g in wild and tragic scenes, with U.S. Marines and civilians using pistol and rifle butts to smash the ringe rs of Vietnamese trying to claw their way over the IO·foot wall of the U.S. Embassy. At the airport, angry Viet· namese guards fired at busloads of evacuees and shouted, "We want lo go, too.'' * * * * * * Full House Laguna Pilot Tells .of Tension HONG KONG (AP> -/\ pilot from Laguna Beach had 15 South Vietnamese, including a colonel, force their way aboard his Air America C46 at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport today. The pilot was identified as Stephen Sadler of Laguna Beach. Sadler said the colonel tried lo rtm his jeep into the plane whila it V!BS taxiing on tl!.e~ runway. ••1 finally decided to let him in lhe plane because there was no othert way the plane could lake off. I disarmed him as soon as he .came aboard," he said. Sadler said the 14 others forced their way into tbe plane before .. • •• the engines were started. "They just sat there and refused to move," he said. Sadler declined lo reveal the names of the Vietnamese but said the colonel li sted his occupll· tlon as ''a defected colonel.'' Sadler said South Vietnamese soldier s fired on the plane as it took off from the Saigon airport but il was not hit. A Hong Kong government spokesman said there were 22 pa1sengers aboard the plane. He said some or them were without valid travel documenLs and were being processed immigration ot· llctts. U.S. fi ghlcr·bombers new air cover hi gh over the city for the evacuation. The Pentagon said 81 helicop· le rs and more than 800 l\tarines MARINES BEAT BACK PANICKY .S. VIETS, Page AJ HOW FORD OROERED EVACUATION, Page A4 were used to ferry evacuees to aircraft carriers in the South China Sea. Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger said more than 4,500 Americans and Vietnamese had been evacuated six hours artcr the operation began. Vice President Nguyen Van Huyen renewed calls for a cease· fire but d enied tonight that the government reached a ny agree- ment with the Viel Cong. lie said a government d elegation met twice during the day with a Viet Cong delegation al Tan Son Nhut but the Viel Cong group said it was not qu a lified to m o.kc political decisions. -Huyen said one demand or the Viet Cong -the remov<1l or 1111· Americans -"'as ialready being met and that the demands for abolishment or the Saigon gov- ernment ;and the army were be· <See EVACUATE, Page AZ> , Officials at El Toro were \\'Or k· ing with skel('hy information to· day. They did not know how many of the evacuees would be American or how many Viel· namese. (See REFUGEES, PagcA2) Or:•·:Q~a•t Weatller a.tostly s unny through We dnes da y but s ome patchy early morning fog. Lows tonight 45 to 55. Warmer days with beach highs of 62 rising to 74 in· Jand. li"SIDE TODAY Yacllt skippers carried off trophies today for winning et· Joris in 28 th Newport . t o En senada yacht race. Complele rundown and photos, Page 88. Jnd .. x AIY-S.r•ltt ....... Er1N9om-.uc ~.M.9or• Gilliltr" I C11ultiM At "'""L.a'*rl 81 -..iM •I M<.11,..1 F11M1 All ,..lleMINif- AS Or ..... C..."IW ... .. •• •• ... '-'" Cr•H,...rd DNl~ Holle•• t:d1tor111 P•oe t:nt•"•lnm•"' "l"•MI "°"'"°'" '""'""l••IOll . ,.,. ~· •l SyM1 ll'tf'Wr • , stoort• ... AIO S*llMllAltl A' T•MYillefl • • , Tll.-19f1. Al·• Wt•l'-r It _,.N•ws " •••• •• •••• .... .. .. •• .. • At OAILVPILOT L /SC -Medical • Teaching Reduced UC RcgL1nts <."'h~1irman \\rilliam Frenl'h Snlith has approved a scaled-dov.•n univers ity.wide n1 edical teaching plan that ratifi es most development plans for the UC Irvine-California College of l\1 edicinc. Since there is no regents 1neet· ing in April. Sn1ith's action c'ar - ries the "'eight of upproval of the full bou rd. according to UC spokCS \Voman Sarah l\lolla. Th<.' act ion 1\1 onday put the board's st :1m p of upproval on a proposed medical school capital spending ~ plan sent Friday to Gov. Edmund G . Br0\\11 Jr. by t;C PreSide'nt Ch arles Hitch. Univcrsilv·\\'ide. the plan calls for a~ reduc.cd rate of ,grov.1h · of t'nroltn1ent ..i t the five medical tt.>:.irhin g cun1pu scs. Ry 1981, 111edl<:al enrolln1l'nls <1rl' to totul 12,400 , a fi l!ure 461 rey.•er than pre\'ious projections. This year there :ire 9,686 medic<il stude nt s in tht• university syste n1 . Despite th e cut bu<:k s tud_enl und expc nditurc gro\\1h projec- tions. liCl 's medit•ul school plans c:.ime throug h v irtu:.tlly un- stathcd. PJans have been snarled for months in a morass or le gislative <1nd university appro,·3Js. \\ail- ing for regent action to break the logjam. The plan calls for building a 200-bed on-campus hOspital. con- structiorl of a basic sciences teaching building on the campus ;ind acquisition :.ind rcno\•ationof ·Orunge Counts f\l edical Center, .as initially proposed. . UCl's medical teaching plan has bee n attuckcd by State Legislative Analyst 1\. ,\Jan Post. ""ho has told legislators the school should be s hut dO\\'fl as a state cconomr move. Taking s harp exception to Post 's assault, flilc:h's plan sug- gesJ s that if cutbacks must be made, they should be made at th e UC Da vis medical school. Woman's&dy Found in Area Drain Ditch \\'hat authorities believe was a 12·hour immersion in a partly filled drainage ditch is hamper· ing Orange County Sheriff's of. ficers today in their bid to identify the body or a \\'O"rnan found Mon· duy in lhe Laguna Hills area. "Her hands \\'ere 1n the water from the time she entered the ditch to the time we found her,'' an investigator said. "It's prov· in g pretty difficult lo gel a set or prints v.;e can y.·ork from .. , f\1eanY.'hilc coroner's officers bl>gan toxicological tests on the bcx:ly 's organs \\'ilh a view to de· termine the exact cause of death. Officers in both di'"·isions believe that the partly clad '"oman. aged about 30 to 35. dro\\'ned in the drainage ditch at r.toulton Park .... ·ay and La Canada Road "'here she \\'as found late !\1onday by a county road department employe_ ·'Her lungs were full of water," an investigator said. ''There "'ere no murks on her body and no evide nce of foul play but the tests '"ill determine if drugs or any other factor played any part in her death.'' Officers said they arc also working on the theory that the woman, of Latin-extraction, \\'as .,,n ill egal immigrant. "lier clothing suggests that," an investigator said. '"One of our first contacts Y.'ill be Mexican authorities to sec if they can help us with the prints \\'C hope lo take rrom her today." O RANGE COAST t i~ DAILY PILOT , .... °'~"!loe lo•" D•· Ir Pl IOI, wltn ........ I• ....... D•"tfl 1"t Nf •"·l"tn." llVOH-<I by !..,.O,_,,,..,. CO<l>I 1-ubl'"''"q (Om1"'"• S..1>M•I• !'111!<""'"'~ l>ub"""''" Mon<UY !h•o~q" f .. a ... '"' (O'I~ ~••. N11..--1S.•cn,11uM•o>Q!on °""""•a...,. ''"" V'1ltT. ""'"~• S•<l<ll~N<k V•ll~• ~"° Loquna 8'i.a<h1!t<lutn (o••I A """'" ,..,.,,....,, e<h11on "publ,.l\o<I S•tur<l•Y~ ""O ~""""" lh~ Pl''""""' pubh>h•no 1>l•nl 1~ •I lOO ""''' lloy !oh eol, Co•t• M•w. l•lolo•n• .. '11•1~. Robert N. Weed "'~""""l •"'3 Publ'"'°'' J ack R. Currey Vo<t P'"'"""' •ncl G4"•••• M.:o,.,.qoort ' Thomas Keevil (<l1to• Thomas A. Murphinc ,,,,. .. ,, ... q £0•10< Cha r les H . l oos Ric hard P. Nall "'"'t•nt ~"'''"" EO>lo<\ Yguna Beach Oftlce 11a.c; .. .....,,,,.s1 .. c1 ~lhflQ AOCI••" P 0 Bo• .... •l•~I Other OlticH '°'"Mt•• no l'W••• 8'>• \1 .. ~ ... _, .. M,, J lU N• .. -1ila ..... •M0 """"l>Qlon&•••" 11111 ~...:n8o<fl••••O M OCllfl).O(k Vall•V 11101 I"1>~1 l>O)..,i •I Mft Di.to 1'1(~••1 TtlephOM 1714) M2-'IJ21 Classlfled Advertising M2·S671 Laquna Beach All Departments: · T•••ohone '19"·9466 ~1om S.n {""""I~ 495·0630 C11p1••on1, 1•11 °''""' Cot <I Puo+,.n1n11 {;Offtll•"1 No~..-, •lo• .. •. llhntr•I•""'· ""'to"'' moll ~r or •O••"+'""'""" n•rein "'•• I" rc11r<111u t t11 ,..,1no111 ,,_<o.,I o~'""'''o" 01 (ttllT'•~•owntr. J•<O"d ''"'' llO\l~'I" P•l<I "' (<l>I• M•••, ("!1lor"'"· $11llu •IPI""' "''"""'' U.COfflOll!ni,; 111 -11 M.00 ll'IOllllllJ, 11'111•1...., 11r11•11t1111n1 U 00 '"'°'"'"'· Tunday. April 29, 197S ON SlR\¥.l UNF AD\ •o Tl IMS HRS lOCll MO. 395 ,. , .. \ .. D•ily Plkol St•ll Pllolo LAGUNA TRACH PICKUP CONTI NUES DESPITE STRIKE From Le ft Eddie Ortega, Paul Garrison, Sal Ortega TRASH ... Laguna and Erne.raid Bay c<_>n- tract "'ith non-union companies and no alteration in trash collec- tion s er\'iCe is ex Reeled there. .Coastal Plan Public Meet Set Wednesday The striking \\•Orkcrs currently receive SJ .28 an hour and \Ve re asking for S4.90 un hour, a 52 per · cent increase over thrct• years. In all six firms including Great \\"estern R('c la mation \\'ere in~ vol,·ed in the county. 'fhe firms' association. Orunge County Dis- posal Assot'iution, offered the men $.1 .15 an hour by 1977, an of- fer refu sed by the union mem- bership. The California Coastal Zo'ne Conservation Commission's plan for preserving and enhancing the public resources of the coast will be discussed and explained dur- ing a public meeting at 7:30 p.m. \Vednesday at Laguna Beach Ci- ty Hall. f'roM Page A l REACT ... The coasta l plan under dicusssion includes the entire state coastline. Representing the co mmi ss ion will be f\lel Ca rpenter, Bob Joseph and David Smith of the regional com· mission covering Orange and Los Angeles Counties. fu g,ees in Calirornja have cen- tered around the same theme - adding to California's already large unemployment roll s. The pl an calls for keeping un- developed stretches o[ the coast open to the public and preserving its natural condition. California. said the Governor l\Iondav ··cannot afford more unen1pi~y ment . '' He added that the Ford ad- m in ist rat ion ha s fu iled t o respond to urgent requests by Brown administration officials for more information on the re- fugee influx. It s pel ls out commi ssion policies on matters from public recreation to coastal energy plants. The 300-page document will be the subject of public hear. ings beginning in May, R e m oval R ej ecte d SAN FRA NC ISCO (AP> -A judge has denied a request to is· sue a court orde r remov in g l\layor Joseph L. r\lioto from of- rice because of confl ict or in - terest. The plan does not address "·ays in "'hich its recommenda- tions may be implemented or paid for a lthou gh state officia ls have indicated s uggestions on how the proposals will be errect- ed may come from the hearings. Suggestions for funding range from levies on orr-shore oil pro- duction , s tatewide bond issues and taxes on hotel rooms and real estate transactions. Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SAIGON lU PI)-Thcnighl waseeriewith flare light as hundreds of Vi etnamese gathered outside the U.S. embassy begging Am eri cans to help the m flee their country . '"Plf'ase ttikc my children,'' cried a young \\'Oman as she clutchl'd an /\ml'1icun holding un embassy r<.1dio. "They arc half-A m c ric.;in and the Viet Cong will kill them.'' 1'1ARINE GUARDS IN FUl.L battle gcur and embassy offi cial s in civili an garb stood within the gates of the white concrete fortress-like building. They lis tened to the Vi etnamese pleas with harried but sad looks. The Americans were leavin g, but they couldn 't lake the thousands Y.'ith them y.•ho"'antcd to getoul. "J worked for the Ameri cans 17 years," said a Chinese man. "Wh y arc.they leaving nlc'! I'm their friend," DOZENS OF' l\BANOOf'o!ED CARS lined the broad boulevard outside the embassy as their O\\l !lCrs sought re- fu ge \\lithin . ~los t of th e peop\t• \\'Crl' Vietnamese who worked for J\meric<tns or had ha lf-Ameri can children. but many y.•cre from wea lthy or well-to-do fumili es. ""l h ~1v c .[l'.Oi d," said a \\lell-dresse~ young ~a~ to an American. "Ir you help me get out of Vietnam, 111 give you $200. 000. " The_,,,•calthy bribed , the poo r pleaded and others sl?OO \\'ith bowed heads hoping the 1\mericuns would show mercy :.ind take the m out. LARGF. Cll·53 JOLl.\' GREEN p;iant helicopters set· tied on the roof or the embassy with loud roars. Red fl a res and smoke of s moke grenades thrown to mark landing arcas ror the heli copters made the nig ht look like som ething rrom n horror movi e. The luckv Vietnamese c mploycs in sid e the embassy compound jt)ined tht.•ir American employers in hoarding helicopters . Late In the C\'Cn111~ so1ne Vietnamese g11vc up and begun lcnving the e mbassy :1rca. SOME: l.F:FT· IN Of:Fr•:1\T, some hunting other places whl'rc Lhcrc were J\ meric:1n~. still clinging l.Q the faint hope lhal they. too. inighl go. , But mnst s layc1I out s1d l' the l.!mbassy begging lh(' A1ncr\ca11 g uards to let th(•n1 in . ··Please he lp m c ~ Ple11sc help me~" T.hc cries "'ill echo ror years. l ( • Canapalgn Funds County Getting Hinshaw Cash Orange County government has begun recoverinl: SOmeofthe taxpayers money allegedly spent on Rep. Andrew Hinshaw 's 1972 congressionul campuign. Jn1p lied in the rt.·covery o[ $5,693 from 27 county cmployes, e ither through payments or agreements to pay, is their ad· mis s ion th ey worked on ltinshaw 's successful campuign on county tim e. Ho"'e\'t•r. uccording to Deputy County Counsel Terry Andrus, the employcs' voluntary settle· nlents do not mean they admit personal neg ligence or unla\\1(ul l'Onduct in ronnection \\'ilh the al- leged illegul electioneering. What the 27 county \\/Orkers paid or agreed lo pay were various amounts auditors said represented the extent of their participation in lhe campaign. Spccifil'ally, at the conclusion of a s ix -"·cek audil ordered by the Dourd or Supervisors the employes \\'ere charged for Y.'hat the auditors said were wages and gaS mileage paid them while they actually \\'Orked on the cam- paign. ' Left unpaid at the 5 p.m. April 24 settlement deadline imposed by the supervisors was an addi- tional $7,046 the auditors say an additional 32 county employes O\\'e a s th e res ult of their Hinshaw campaign activities. Included among the unsettled accounts are those owed by four assessor 's orrice officials· who, along with five others, were in- dicted Dec. 5 by the county Grand Jury. · The nine men \\'ere charged in the 33-count indictment with be- ing part of a conspiracy that con- ducted a portion of Hinshaw's campaign at taxpayers' expense. It was a month after the indict· ment was r eturned that the determine how much, if any, tax money \\las ex pended on llinshaw·s behalf. After conducting more than 90 interviews, the auditors con- . eluded 59 employes accounted ror at least $13,153 in improper expenditures. f'roM Page A l REFUGEES The rerugees will be bused 25 miles lo Camp Pendleton in San Diego County where Navy, l\larinc and civilian workers \\'ere striving to prepare for lhe ' evacuees. The giant f\f arine base is one or three bases in the United States handling the Indochina refugees. Each base will care for up to 20,000 refugees for 00 days or more, the Penta gon has an- nounced. ""Marine and Navy personnel are busy gathering things like baby cribs, medical supplies and rood." said Lt. Col. Art Brill, public affair s officer at Pendleton. ''You can imagine th e logistics. We are making ar- rangements for medical ex· aminations as part or the recep- tion. There are dietary con· ~ideration s, s elling up m ess hall s, making a rrangements for laundry, getting women volun- teers to help with the children.·· Colone l Brill s aid a 00-tent cit y has been set up at Pendleton in the northern part or the base. At the same lime, the auditors conceded they could not truce the losses attributed to persons who refuse to cooperate in their in- ''<'Stigation. Including all but one of the indictces. Of the $5,693 the 27 employes have either paid or agreed to pay, slightly less than $1,500 in cash was received by lheAprll 24 deadline. The balance was settled . by agreement§.. that pern1it the county to deduct $50 a month frotn future paychecks or to de- duct appropriate amounts from vacation or sick leave earned : but not yet paid. In the tn ean timc, County Counsel Adrian KuyPl'r has been supervisors ordered the audit to instructed by the supervisors to sue Hinshaw for the $13,153 and to file a clain1 against the bond- ing company that indemnified the county against loss while he "'as assessor. No"' that the employes huve settled S5,693 on their O\l.'11 , that amount is likely to be deducted from thl' county claim against the Republic::in congressman from Ne\\'port Beuch since it is no longer O\\'ing. f'roM Page A l EVACUATE ing considered. President Ford ordered the airlift after Pres ident Duong Van Minh made a radio speech order- ing all Americans ussigned to the U.S. defense· attache's office out of the country within 24 hours. At the same lime, South Viet - namese air force men began a mass night from their homeland. The Thai Foreign Ministry said 74 planes carried about 2,000 Vietnamese to Utapao Air Base in southern Thailand. Civilian orriciuls of the South \'ietnamese go''ernment were also reported fl eeing as rumors spread that the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese would soon march into the city. As the Americans pulled out, South Vietnamese police and soldiers looted buildings they had occupied. They carried out rerrigerators , furniture, air con- ditioners and other household goods. Besides the South Vietnamese planes which flew to Thailand, a DC6B that had been used by high- ranking South Vi etnamese of· ricials landed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines with 130 persons aboard, inc luding air force men and u handful of y.·omen and children. While most Americans were pulling out. a rew remained behind. Among them were some ne\\•s men and missionaries. "'\\'e have talked about this for years," s aid f\1ax Ediser, 28, of Turpin, Ok la., who works \\lith the ~1cnnonitc Central Commit- tee. "\\'e could never come up \\'ith a derinite answer. Now \\'C realize that having talked of love to our Vietnamese people, and told them not to yil'ld lo reur or ig:norance. \\IC cannot leave them in this hour of need. So we are staying." Among others remaining \\•ith Edis er arc James Klassen, from Kansus. ,t:tnd Luke Ma1in , from Pennsylvania, both Mennonites, and Claudia Krich and her husband Keith Brinton of the American Friends Service Com· mittee. F rea Pflfle Al FLAP ... tn1 .to hold 1 aeneral . mtm· berahlp meeting at which a decl· alonon a lawsuit would he mode. Accordini.: to one ui;soclutlun board member, lhc 1net•ting wits cancelled due to the "press or business." He said it hns not been reschcdulc<L Ri chard Ca.s tle, the Teamsters rcprescntutlve to the association, couh.I r.ot be reached for com- ment today, nor could Rus1;tcll Rice, association president. Folloy:ing' their n1cetiug l\1on- duy night, city counciln1cn ud· journCd the executive session to 9:30 -p.m. \Vednesduy night tu continue labor deliberations. It is scheduled to follo'v a joint mel'l· ing \\lith the city's various con1- 1nissions. City Clerk l\1ax Berg said the council would hold the late even· ing meeting on an "if needed " basis. Ir the council fel'ls th u s ession is not \\'arrantt-d. it will :idjourn \\•ithout going into C'X- ccuti\'e session, Berg explained. Joint Meet Scheduled by San Clemente An ll·ilem agenda, including a suggestion for a second re- development agency that would build a tourist hotel, will face the San Clemente City Council and the city's various commissions and a joint m eeting Wedncsduy night. The joint meeting will begin al 6:30 p.m. \\'ith s uppe r at 6 ::10 p .m. ut the San Clemente Tt1unicipal Golf Cour se Clubhouse. The business portion or the meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. Joining city councilmen will be members 0£ the planning C0/11 - mission, parks a nd recreatio11 con1mission, traffic and parkini,: commission and architectural review board. City councilmen recently dis- cussed the possibility of creating- a second r edevelopment project to move the city 's \Vaste trcul- ment plant and maintenance yard on Ave nida Pit·o and replace i"t with a resort hotel. The city now has planning under "'ay ror redevelopment of the bo\\'I area near the entr ance to the city pier. Bowl redevelopment also is expected to be di scussed at \\lcd- nesday's mecting. Other topics on the agenda in- clude synchronizution of trarfic signals along El Camino Real. a city recreation program, amend- ments to the zoning ordinance, a sign ordinance. enforcement or architectura l review bourd de· cisions and expansion or the board to seven members. Program Set By Hyp1Wtist The senior class or Laguna Beach High School will present hypnotist George Sharp at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the school auditorium. . The show is a class fund - raising activity to derer the cost of the senior class outing and the class gift to the school. Tickets are $2.50 for adults and $1 for children when purch<oscd at the door. They are $1 .50 ror students ir bought in advance from the school <.1ctivi ty office and $2 ir purchased at the door. The hypnotist will explain hyp· n'otic techniques and d e· monstrate effects o[ extra sensory perception. A WORD TO THE WISE- • There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than samples. Many disadvantages are evident -most operatiorfs of this type buy only Off-goods, so that the customer only gets to see old patterns, or carpets the mills couldn't sell to regular outlets. Also. this type of operation generally feels that experience is unimportant. and conseQuentry the sa lespeople know little or nothing about the products. Finally, most will farm out ·the installations to the lowest bidder. guaranteeing a poor installation. (Many of these installers are contracting illegally without a state license. . At Alden's we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large inventory, and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced sa lespeople. and our installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state licensed contractor. *• ..... carpe DEN'S :iiisiiil~tian:·custom draperies UC. NO. 2-10422 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355 I ' t f I l . I I pl C• LI ~ A b1 <I t L OJ 1 ] ~ h T d o: ti I• p p c •I d c, \I \1 I• • b 1 " ' I I • Polls Shoac It 'Eco-ignorance: Threat to U.S.? By SYLVIA PORTER Qut!sl1on 'Grassland 1s a country 1n which there 1s very little govern1n cnl ownersh1poffarms and businesses People m uy train ror jobs ~nd start businesses as best they can The governml'nt does not usually control pnces and wages What ty1>e of e<'onomlc systern docs Grassland have ' Money's Worth Ans we r · O nly 25 vercent of students in 13 000 JUn1or high -school systems confronted with this statement by testers for the Joint Economic Council on Education recognized Grassland s as a' cap1tahst1c " system The ma1or1ly opted for 'communistic ' 'soc1ahstic." '"cooperative" -or don tknow Question A vcrugc corporate prot1ts take about 25 cent s outofeach sules dollar Trucorfalse., . Answer The average US c1t1 zcn thinks corporate pro r1ts a mount lo 28 cents out or every sales dollar and even stockholders think after tax corporate profits average 2.3 't:l'nts on the sales,Pollar, according to etn Op1n1on Research Corp 1)()11 The actual figures range between 3 cents and 5 cents out of a full dollar Question All the nation's 60,0006oc1al studies teachers, who are those most likely to teach economics must have an extensive formal tra1n1ng 1neconom1cs Yes or no" Ans wer Only half of the 60,000 ha ve had any form al 11u1n1ng10 econom1cs al all -much Jesscxtcns1ve education The baste cause of our econom1c 1lhteracy can be traced to the-bcg1nn1ng of the educat1onalsystem 1n the U S AMONG lllGH RANKING CORPORATION executives 11\0ur land the feeling is growing that Am ericans really hate -or at least have a deep seated hostibtyloward -Amencan business But why? Is 1l because Amen can business 1s so 1ndlf ferent to the basic needs or Amencan citizens, so callou s a bout decent pr1 or1t1es the like'> Or 1s 1l because there 1s s uch widespread m1s underslanding and lack of awareness of how our economic system functions -how 1t creates Jobs trains workers, tnes to meet ballooning needs tn the areas of hous 1ng, energy, education etc ? On the s ide of the economic illiteracy explanation is Thomas E 0 I-I a ra, chairman of the board of the Nat1onalAs- soc1at1un of In vestment Clubs and thief spokesman for thous ands or sm all groups or 1nd 1v1dual investors fr om coast lo to 1st ro help revive the investment cluh moveme nt -whi ch 1s c h1nb1ng slowly b.1ck after an understandable decllnedur1n g the prolonged s lum1> 1n stock pnces -O'Hara has enhsted a blue nbbon volunteer committee lo help combat ignorance of how our system works Among its members New York Stoc k Exchange cha1rmanJamesJ Needham , The National Assoc1at1on of h-1 anufacturers' E Douglas Kenna RCA Corporation s Robert W Sarnoff a nd Champion Jnterna t1onal s Karl R IJcndctscn THE llEART O•~ "CAMPAIGN 1976'' (1tsoff1c1al name) v. 111 be the d1 str1but1on or m1lhons of pocket size pamphlets 1.-'ach dealing with a frequently misunderstood as pect of our economy by the corporations 1n their ordinary ma1hngs to s lot'k holders customers and employcs 0 lli.!ri.I s IS a well meaning approach -but the fun damcntal question remains Is the public hostility a refl ec lion of 1lhteracy or of 1ncreas1n g public distrust of publicized business pra1.:t1ces? Con sider. for instance, how the image of business 1n Ameri ca has continued to shp 1n r ecent years -underlined by f1nd1ngs of s1m ila.r Lou Harns polls 1n 1966 1971 and 1973 A full 92 P,ercent ofthepublic felt 1n 1966that business was developing new products for research By 1973, the propor ti on was down to 69 percent, dsep1te years of vast work A ma1or1ty or 75 perecent of the public felt 1n 1966 that business was br1ng1ng better quality products to the market By 1973 a m1nor1ly of only 42 percent felt it was doing its primary task we ll -J\ SCANT ONE OUT OF FOUR Americans felt 1n 1966 that business leadership was helping to rebwld the c1t1es By 1973 th:.it had declined to an even more puny 16 percent Et'onom1 c 1ll1teracy 1n Am eri ca 1s a fu ndamental th reat t o t he sur' 1va l of ourcup1tahst1 c system Of that I have Jong btcn convinced But pocket size pamphlets will hardly make a dent 1n the distrust The host1ht y ts based on actual deeds 1s much mo1 c deep seated than could be explained by ig no1 ancc alone General Teleplwne Offers New Service Special to the Daily Pdot SANTA MONICA -In com phance with a Public Utilities Comm1 ss1on order, Measured Local Service (MLS) will become t'ffect1ve May 1 for General Telephone Co s Los Angeles metropohlan a rea business customers, 1t was J nnoun ced b y Leonard Licata VICC pres ident Of operations Gen e r a l Te le phon e's metropolitan servin g area Jn eludes the 213 a rea code, plus e xchanges 1n Pomona , El1wanda , O ntario, Telephone Divesture Rejected SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - The 9th US Court or Appeals ha s rule d that Genera l Telephone and Electnc Co does not h ave to divest itself of firms wh1ch make most of the equipment used by lt.s telephone operating com- panies It also ruled that the com- pany would not have to sell c ertain t e l e ph o n e s ub s1dlarles which had been or dered dis posed by o lower ('OU rt But the a ppellate court sent the case back to the US Di s tri<'l Court In Hawaii to de- termine whether GTE v1olnt· ed federal antitrust laws The suit was brought 1n 1967 by Jnternutional Telephone &. Telegraph Corp against GTE and Hawaiian Telephone Co whloh GTE had bought In iay. Westminster and l~untington Beach THE NEW OFFERING ap phes only to local serV1ce In div1dual local calls will not be 1tem1zed on the customer 's monthly phone bill However, multi m essage unit and long distance calls will be billed and li sted as usual Business m easured local service costs $7 65 per line per month, with an allowance of !kl units or conversation per hne Presently, nat rate bus1 ness service cost s $12 60 per month 1n the Los Angeles metropolitan area A unit equals ftve minutes or any portion of five minutes A cal l excee ding flve minutes up to a maximum of 10 minutes equals two units~' Usage 1s not c umulative Each call 1s independently meas ured E very urut over the allowance costs 5 cents Under MLS, the customer s monthly phone bill denotes the total number of uruts over the allowance as well as the total cost MLS ALLOWS customers with multiple lines 80 uruts times the number of hnes billed against the m aster btll· ing number The utility individually con tactcd approximately 11 000 business custom e rs Involved to explain personally how MLS would directly affect them The company also ad· vlscd all business customers of MLS through letters, bill in1erts and news releaKes "Mts reflects more closely the amount of a business customer s local phone usage and elves the customer more control over the cost of his or her phone bill,·· L1cataaaid. • • • Tueld1y Apr ll 29 1975 DAILY PILOT A 9 Tuesday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Nl!W YORI( IUPll follo<r1!110 'ar• ""(.•\ '"' 11'11' m. Vork S1oc:k ••Cllot• \If •I ""' S!tl•' ri11 I' E 010\1 CIO\I (nQ -··-Al>batlL I'' II 31 l t'I 4 ~, ACf lnd 2 Ml I 7S )a 1'" At""ICI~ SO 6 U •lo!. AOmDI lllD I 1 ''• ~ ~1 AOE•lk SID ,, t o. MlmlMIUI I l , AOOfloljr J,Otl ?~ I-I;. t~ AQvlnv 160 SI t • ... A.11..,LI I Of I JSJ 20~-I ... .... l111 Ll pf 1 2 JS~1-°'' """"Of' 20 It 11 ' '/'"" lncp • 's 2..,, A I Prd Mk! II J~ 10\.1-1+~ Al•cotn.c .96 s 1• u "' " J IMl;\11\ ~ 1 '4-\~ A~•Oll• I JO U 1) U\.-~, All 0..l I II I 1' '1'1.o -W AltP 111 ' '' 1.lO •I .,,._1 1 All'lkl lfllll U S~ '' 4 '• AIC..1lnl Ml • I i. • """"toe 14 o r ?I 1t • , • Ali..rn11 .o • ~ 1'••-~. lllt Ml"I IO I "*' 11.,.,, ~. ••co Ster 4 ' •6 10 -\o A!C"" 1..b J•JS !lit 211'11 Al•••" lltb f 11 S -\1 All\Oll Ml~ tj I J \1-, llU~t;1Cll •kl 2 110 9 , :l.o llUQLua I IO J •l ,l \.o-\o 1111,.. Luar11 ) 1s•. ~. AllQ P<rl S1 I 91 I~ A!lt llGIP •O S 21 ~'• •mo e n 1 ao 1 109 11>1. i . Ana~ .. ,.. , ll ll\ ~. Allht<IProa I ~ ]I lJ.,,-• AlllMSI 1 SO 6 •J 21 -\, AllO !>upmk1 18 J\o AUil Ch• 1~ I J 9. A!lrg!!tll ~ I I o 111p11.1 Pl n s o lO•. lllCOI lt.410 231 •)• I. ·~'jS"ll l ' u •2 •-II.lo AMA I J~ 9 JlO •91( AMAllPl 11• ! llij I Am1;1;tr SO ~ JJ 11 -~ A•nco•O J• I 12 •I· v. Amer11~110 S 1 11 ••'A AllHel 30Q 3 JlJ 15"' > AH\s pl l 1 10l •l o-I" •m•rFl••ll JS 15 ""'"lrhlll!l ll 16S I(•-'• Am Blk 20 11 l•o • ~, A8r•n<l2 bl 1 131 JJ\,-, AAB•tll IO I •I I~ -... Am Btd9 31> I ~ f lo " C.n J 20• ~ l06 181•- " C.n pl I '' I J ii t AmCi!fl Mii It I to lo ACh•nlJ It II 11 , AmCyan I /"! I JJO 11'"--l . AD \tTel Sl n 1>1t lS -(o AmD .. al V~I 11 l• ADul pl M• 1 11 •-'lio AmElcPw 1 I "8 11 o, ~. AFamll~ 14 S '1 1 -0 A Fl11S~i J0 11 J 4\o, " Fin pl I ' r HlO 11 .. r 1, A Gt>tlO 6Sb '' 23 -~. AGenS.C 1 ll 6 IS~o AGnlni 14 S 1/S 10 o "Gnpl1 80 ~ 10 , .. l , •ml-Ioli! 10 S 41 IJ •-1'11 Am HOm 182• 116 JS\. ' AmHO\p JD 11 U J )bl. ~. Am lnve~1n1 I 3 o + ~. A MedlCI 11 I lSJ b -t A MeO•CGrO S SS1 S~o-•t Am Molo•i 11 2S1 S'-•-• llmNC.$1~ 1 11 l SI•• ~, •m Se•t1n11 JI l 7 •m5.n1PB II> I~ 40 11 Am Stnd llD S US U\o • l o AmSIOpl •\ I SI"--~. A•nSle• I 18 11 st 8 Am Sto•e\ l 4 f J6 •--'• A"T&l l •O 9 ,64 48 '' "m l&T pl • 81 S2 » Al l p1A lb4 9 41 • ATlp!0] I• 11 •3 ' AmN~tt ~· l B • AWtr pr I 110 11 ;, AW!r pl I •l 1100 !p, An1eron 'OD 4 14 1•~· ~, Ame~St !Ob 4 l 41•-lo Amele~ln l J 29 15.,-\, AM F In I l• 11 112 11 •-lie Aml.c: Inc 1 1 11 11'1-.-~. •MP Inc JI Jl ._104 J I 4 ~, AmPCD 40 3 i8 9 o Am~o Cp S JI> 4 10 .... ........ llo r 1 ,..,.,. ~1 ~I 1.;. c-I'll C.t D Co 1 10 I> tl •l , -1.. E11•t•n Air 11 ~) ,.,._ "" '• ::io'"' • ·• "•••••" • • ·•1 :»"1-"' -,,, . ·' ~ C..tt l • M $ 2 ,.,. Vo £1\IVUI l'h I I• 11~•-'It C.r t••o~ s 1210 Ml -~, E1.ii< 1 Ml1• 11tl -~ -1..,, C.•DIF<I 10t'I 2 }~o-lo Elt!>Cp l to • .. 1Sl')-llt C1•0PL I Ml 6 M U \• F.thll11M 42 II ·~ JS.\lo 14 C1rP IA l t i 10 J'""; 1, Et lld J k JO 10 lOt 141'-'I> Cir T~c 1 l>O ' 'J.tl j1'• , Et ll.11 NC 2110 l IS to C••r ~t C llll II 1 .... 1,, EdUll, I .. I 24 ll • l'O C•"C 1>ll 1Hl29 EG ~G ll1 •111 1311t -.... C..•ft.n •lll 1 11-.. , EIKl Al.OC 11 lJ ,,,, C.rlH•I .. IO n h 11 •• ~. EDS Cp 10b 11 lltll 10 -"" C..t 1><.,11l l ~:JI<•\• l o E19<1Memo .. ,.,.._.,., C..t lW•I •OIO 6l •>•-~ EIKMempl I 6\'o • lo C..~t,4C.~ 92 Jl l 11, " El11Jn N•U 12 2 '"°' + V. C<1lllC~ IOoJ t It\ ti'• EUalr Ind 12 '3 t -V. Clltrlr t.lti lS ~06 U h .... £IP11C I Ill J 144 U \'ll C a '> 1 •6 U 430 •8'> Eltr1C~ I .0 5 1) 2S'lt t /o C. u l> P••l I tl J2\t.O -" EfMr I IS 19 )611 12~ /> C.CI CO•P '' II Emr,A r .. ,. '6 ~-l it ~f!i~: ~ .'J .: ~~1' 1. ~~ir~n~ ; ~ 1~= r: C.!1n,p14 ., 1 ·~·~· \.'o EMILlltbll U J~+V. C."<o ln~•ll 1( •i. £mpD1 I 21 t I 11~-Vo c..n1.,. IJ 11 11 e'--Emlllr• F111 1• ll u 111 • "'-CllnHUO I II I 6 is... Ernp1t1 G•' s ns 10 ' 'It C•n lllL I Ml 1 11 I S~-~ E1191t10 60a S Ill 1'~•-Vo Gtfllll p!l \o i )l)Q 2b -\o En11l16F ,JJ • 20 •""-V. c .. 11 PS 1 20 t :18 U E11tt.11l11 l 20 6 I 1•;,, • "" C...nl..•E 1 Je I 2• 1s-. 0 EnvlrOIKn U 4S l'l -llt Cl\MP.,. I 1-4 i 31 11 1 o EQ..C...$ I Ml I> l 11~-'le C.nlSW 1 lb I 1lil 1)1..o t I • Equlll..I 99D I ll """' ~ On11!.<i1 60 ~ 19ti lllo E1m•r1' I ol(I S IO 16""-l'O CenlT<fl 1 11 9 /8 11 1• EiQulrt Sl l II ovi--I'• O.nl,,1c• DI 10 )II 11 -1\• E•ttrlln )Q I U ''!$-\to c.e .. oc110 I 10 !), El"•ICIJO s ":Wl'I c.nn 10 I>() n ID•·-~-Et,.ylpl 1 '41 JS 461'<. >,(, Ce\\fl.IA r 1 S JI 1•1• E~1n\ Prod 43 •1>-V. C/l.'n\j)l"ll I It 1'J 16 ,-lo E~ Call 0 1 6 Jl ll~ "'° 0.+!I pf I 20 1/) 11 ;.. "• E•clSr 1 ... 0 UV. 0.IUJ>IS 110000 2 IEK~onl \lollltl1'1~~w Cl\mpSP 60 9 201 10 o -· •-Cn <~Co t.!11 ' 6S Jl~o F•Derge •o I 11111 6'4 , >o. Ch••C.0 U)I> l SI l? t F•lrC..m IO II 151 '1'h-"- Chdt!t N't 1 S 16 J• \. F•lrclnd XI It •2 •'-• 't. °'~'F"<l i.o u ! .,, F1lrmtF I>() 1 It 9 !t--V• CllO'A'M 1 20 304 )J\• Ftl\t•ll 6r 16 l, 'o Cf\~MtQ llJD u~ ' , 11 F•n$ll tl •O S S 9 •+ 'I• Cllel,t.J •Oa 1? S\o <1 F1r Wst Fc l 1•S S.(o °'*n>!r I 10 281 Jfl 1 -'' Flrilh Miii J I S"'° c nmNY"J ge !DJ lb\•-.,, Feoek!r• Cp lN s -1, CIMI> CI 80• ~ ' Jll'• + \I"• F.OerllCo I 8 I) U '!J-I• Cht H'O I J6 JJ ~l oOI,;,. • > Ftd M<lollul I 9 lb t• h Ch~s1 t J 10 6 ]69 JS , ~~ FdNllMI .. I ._ IS-I• (II E 111 6S S l IOI -"' F•d P•p 1'1'1 • !1 21tV.-:t.t Ou MllW Cp 1 31 ., __ ... FdPir.s I 20 ,, II>~-"' 8:1~1~~nf~ 8 ~: ~~\,-~=Ds,n1 'ff 1: 2J~ jz;: ~ CllGC~F~I l k S l ,.._ \o FtnoCorp l I JI JIV•-'llo Cllr • Cr.JI! •11 S F1b+"ebrO I>() • J9 10>.t (hr •Ct (.pl J JO .,J Fid FlnclCp 1 II 3 ..... (l\r 'Ct Bpi ~ 1J n , FlelOCrMI I JI l8 11»1 Cn•om• 10 6S 101, ~' Fllt1olCp .0 S ' IO I<-V, Chr<>ml pt S 1 s;>1 1, F nclFIKI Sk • '' t -"° C"t'f\(~r (p 521 10 It F rSIM I 10 I UJ 11 Oiry•l~r wt 1q 11;i-'• FttCl\fr l Sk It 2IO lOV.-"' C t MIQt 10 11, Fst Ch e "ll I •S ""-V. Cl Re1llr In b l , F\tl6c:1 I 10 IJ 39 ..0...,_ ;, On Bell I t.!1 I ~ 19~0 F$1 MISl 2• J '" 16"'4-'-C fl G•• If>' e 11 15 FlMBo\IM 1 ll ll'il+ \lo CnG pl 9 30 r lO 9111 F\P•CPllJ It 61 16~~~ C 11 G E1>I • 1SO ,, , 11 F\PMtt•!O I 2l l '- C1nM I• I .W 1 11~•, FllUAIE f{t 10 S 9\(,-n CI T F n l JO I 11) 3\ 11, Fi•V8• Jl b I 70 SW-Vo Cit corp 118 U 381 JS -\1 ~:~~~ l r~ ~g :! ~~~•-: Cl!Srv 141111 5 14& 38\o F iher F •O 1o 17J lllo-"'" C \1~n,Mtg 11 1 o C llnSo lClb 1'9 l F1P1erSc 20 10 191 tl • IO Cly In~ '6 6 1&1> b , • FleetEfll 2• l3 "I UV.-~ (:11~ In~ pl 1 2S 15 o-It Flem!ng 10 I ll IJ Clark E I Ml 8 tt 31 1• t• F l•'o'•n OSb S 40 10'/t--V. Clar~ O I !IQ Sb 13 1 I, Fllntll.ot I I• 7 2J 1-""-""' c 1..c •m l•' I •• FHnlM Pl •fl 114 SI -l'r (l~CllJMla ll 11 96 ... -l o Flffltk plJ I• I 26 -\lo C1e vEI J •8 I 80 1S ~'• Fl•E C011ll I S 21'11t-'h Clt~EI I' 11 llt.!1 108\ -I• Fii Gl5 (IQ • JS 11V.--I< (levEp 1 5~ i !SO 16 ~ FllPwr 1 ts It 6l 19 Cloro•Co S1 ll SlS \D•o-t,1 F11Pwl.. I 3' 6 111 JO I•• lo Cl\~H p lO 41 I , Fl•SIHI IV1 J II 23'-t ~'It C1ue11P pl! 2 'I • Fli.mr Cp '° '' 1'16 1'V.-.,,, CM! In• CP 296 ~8 f FluorCpp! 3 I /It -2 CNA F n•tl 101 4 ~;::E 'f 1'J. 11~ ~1•= t CNA pl 1 10 JO 9 ( Foodl'•r 20 I 2S 4''11 ~~: t' .. ~911 ;~ 1? ' 1; ForoMo2 •0 f JI• 3S¥.-'lo CoastSt C.is 3 2;1 7\ , ~fh:,~•,u,, • ",, ]~~ ~ C\!SGpl 1 19 J 13 •-, O tSGpt I 81 q u >,-, ForlHwd •8 IJ 87 1J • t.oo:aCol J lO ?4 uo 11 0 ~. FO$terWlll I 1 •SI 26 -J C.OC:iBoll •O If 160 1>,-l. Fo•boro f>ll 12 lSS 31~1 ColOwBll. JI> 1 e 8""-loo F••<lM M '°IS 700 26\IJ--I Coleco lnOu ?S 21"-0 FreptM 1 .0 S 1S 21'1o-1 619 JI> t Fruehuf I IO 9 1• lit,,._ ..... ~:?tl~k1:~ 8 6 !-F,,qu• 1nou11 91 ~Vo Coll n\ ~oocr 111 11 41,, ---0 G-AmrePCo•P J •1 1 Amo.1a• 1 40 1 •9 30 Amllrl)I "8 B M • Amilt<I ) 00 It 4) ltl o Amttl In JI • I) b • • Anacn<I I JO S ltS lb•o-;• AncnHc I 20 I ll \9<1 ' ,,._ Col Penn t O IS l•O )$ I ::;ibl• ln0\I • ti S • ~, ColDllSt I JS 9 l 17 -, :;Ac Corp 1 3' I"' Coll l~usJ J 95 ll••-• :;AF Cp S2 S 110 IOt,•-._ An<ler Clay I S II l•lo \o AnQel<I n 6 •l s . ~ Anw1 Co • ' •I 111 \ A111<1\eC !IQ It 11 , ... Apeo O I •I • f>O 10 • ApKo Corp '' J , APL Corp I 1 JS 111~~ lo AllPI eo MQ '' 2 • AllA Sv !04 1l ll )I o->o A•<al1J>i l6 I 41 ' o, \o A<cll•O 2Sog 1' 381 Jb > !~. Attl c Entp 8'1 J \• Ar ~td< tnc; 1'1 J • 'I N il PS I l6 6 •U I ll -o Ark S.lt .. 'II S o-~. Ar kl..•G I 10 1 19 JS .-\o •rm.cl• Cp S 3 ~'II •rrnco I '°' ~ 90S 301'< Arm P' 2 10 2 Jlh--v, Armurpl 4'14 170 411-ltt Ar rm c• t? 2l 301 2.-ft •rmC pl 3'11o 1110 •S -V, •rm1t AuDb S 21 11-.. •roeorpt" 1 s 2 12'4 •rvl,..11\d lit II ll 6\1•-V. ASAI.Id I 40 111 11 1>+ 'lo Aitrco I h • 14 11"-ft AWll..0111 1"> 4 15'6 ~~ 'lio A1Dr1G I 40 11 IS 79"°-'!lo AS Sprg I •O 6 II 19/o-"'° Allllont "° J 12J 1"-..... Atko M ISO 6 II J \11--,_ AllClyEI '"' 6 1f 16 -Vt AllRk hl J \IJ 10 151 ~1"'-ARcll p!J'l(o 1100 •Sit--II> •1Rc pf J IO 41 Sl'llo-"' •11Rcflprl J 101• _.,,_ All11 Corp JS 2"" + .... ATO Inc 20 S :» 1 ""'Oat !Ob 2• 91 Sl'llt-1 ""'°"'' 11\Ch ' 4J • • v. AV<:o Corp J9 •"-'II "Y<:O(l)Wl l 15111.__116 AvcoCo.-p pl 1 I~ •wryPr 3112• ll :lSV.--Yo Avis lncorp 12 .. l 'ht 14 AYtMllnc J' 3 '6 6\l'o "VIMIOl21> I 3J -l lJ AvonP1 1 .. 22 n:u '3V.-"' A.ltKOG 10 11 ltl 14V.t "'° -··-B..,~W I IO 6 bq 11 ... -""' s.c... 100 llO • -""' S.k•r In 10 I .. 1 ... -l'll B1k1rOI •111•111 '3~• :t.,, Bi id D 4Ga • ~ I -:t.,, B111Corp Ml I 11 11"'--'II B111c;.1 1 .. • till " • ..-e111c..1 I :U I I 1~ ,_ 61M111 Inc J) 73 )5',(o-11• B1noor P11 •l • J. • '" l!i•1111rP plC 'I 11"' • It llnk"NV2JO S If ~l/o B1nk V• U S If 11""-It B1nkTru1t J 16 )~ :»V.-.,, B1rb0h AOO SJ 2•""' + ~, B•rO CA 20 17 }I ll>'!olo Blrnltl Mtg I J"-l!i11ltll'K 60 • 19 li):lo(. S.1lnpt J\IJ 110 1'1 /o + '4 S.IH Ml 20 2 16S Jl'llt-1 811esM pl 1 !IQ Jft'llt-1 lo BauK llL .0 ll 211 11'14-1 Bl•t•r L It 'I 21' 41'Mi +I lo B115tG 1 IO 65 1~ + "" Be••lngs JJll 1• 2Pilo ~ V. Be•t Fdl n 11 •si 1•~-•/\ Be<:km" !IQ 13 •JO J2\lo-\II Be<:tonD 40 21 lOS 31> -\11 6"chAr 10 5 l ! lllh--'II &.l<•r In 21 • 691 ?2\lt--1\11 Belcopt !Sb J o 1'"--"' Bel0.n 1 205 3 1'~~ .. &.IOOH XIII I 19 S~ Ben "Hwl 14 1 ll 16...,._ "' &omliColo• 'l S'M 1 BellOIK Ito 1 .. ll _..._ BllMll• pl J I S2V.--V. Ben Cp f .JS • 132 1ft'llt ... , r. ' )Q 2 411 e.n s crM111 10 3.._~ a.....,.a 10. • 100 J'I(,-Vo Barll.ty Pl'lo JJ 31/t-Ve Bell PrOOc.I 11 21 IV.-~ Betl\Sll•I 21 J 195 Jl'h-~ 8111 JllMI .. II 14 _,,,,, BIKl!.60 •OJI 2JO Jlo,\-Vo &11lrJn11 12 21 •14 ''" 8111SLQ I 10 S 1 U,,.._ V. 810Cll.HR oO 10 101 12-.-~ 8 IU118'll 10 I 211 21~t lo llobtll• Br11,1 If 2 BCIOll"ll 10 1 ..., 24 -"'° 6olMC•1 !IQ 6 "'3 1"4--Vo &ooll.Mo l \11 I> l 10 +lo Boni•" 1 lQ • , .. 1~-'h Bor11 W 1 JS 1 lO 1''11-V• Borm•nli t" S 6 JV, 8o1f Ed, '' 1 106 11,,.._ "-Bol!Epl IM ISO 11~1 I> llolUi pl I 11 117 lOV.-\• 8r111111 100 • M l l;\;o-Vo B,!11'5 I '°9 lJ SS '-I ••11 My I 60 IS 111 ~-l'llt Br Ii My pl 2 10 .oft-~ Brlt~t ~Ml 3 t? 10 t Vo Brei<.,., GI I 1 13 16V.-Vo BrUnGt. 1 12 6 11 IS\li BrOWll Com 2 l f--VI lrGNp I .0 I 21 1...-.-"" ltflSfl.rp:tO• I 1 ..... .,....,rli :tO • 190 ~ "" lt11ntwk .0 I JS. ll~ "" 9r\1Sf! w .o s n '"" IT~ too 11 ~·Vo Bu<.yru1 E 1 1• 210 ,....,_ Vo 8..ikl Co ID 10 •I It'!. lkldOCo pt 5 ISO "" lllCI J! 11 l \.11 + Vo "° 2 ·~· ...... 8uf 111 1011 '11 -\lo lu10V1W 10 J 1>1 1vt-Vo lkH'lll,rH 1 '1 10 1t + Vo 8urtk•~R ~ I 31 6 -Vo ~11R Pl 111'1 II IJ\lt o"" ... rllllCI I 10 12 61 """ lllf"I No 110-I JJ1 Jl1il-"-8\lf"IM pt JS 10 /.,._ '-" lurl'ldv 1• • s.. JS llurrtfl• ~ ~'!!_.. '4 -~ Cebvl CAO L II JY, + \It C.oot t p n 1 11 11..,.__ v. ~''"d ' 2~ • C.wrt we 1 23 ,.,,,._ '" Clllf l'"i ... llC • I 3 V. C.IPUll lJ.? 1 ) It • C1l1tw.n N< t JI .,O\o-l'o c.tmerDfl II• 11 1 -• ''"'"1.. 11()61r u ?t 1 •• '• Cemo SIJ,11 31 ,,,_,~ CMIP.IL IJd 6 >' 1) o-41 C..11•! R t 10 f 6 1illll-~. c.o cui.~c.u 22• •1 •~ 1 l;llpMoold J4 U I t JJ ~-I• (MIMfll l"V It 2\IO t "° • CQl!pl il'16U 1 JO\. ,, GAFpl120 II U\11-'-ColUn pl t .. 1' Sl -\ ::..m SM I •II ' S 21...,._ \lo C '. '' I I G.llmblpt I~ I l ! DI C.as 2 06 ·-• Gtm591 I 00 I 10~-Vo ~:i·tu~~2S 11i s~!:-~. GfflM tl SJ JI 110 ll'llo-111 CQIS 0.. 1 ~ l 1l1 11 , g:~~,~~ ~I: SJ ~~:. g:=I~ 9 ~~ ,t•: G•r lotk U 6 12 11:\io-.,.. Comtl EI 'OD 11 JO I •l -I Gls Sw< l 21l I> It 114 CmE 111 1 10 J 3q G11ewa1 In J J-.. CQmSlw I'° 1 l• 4• l o GCA Corp I ,..,,_ '-" CmwEOllO 9 J•~ 1• 1-10 Gl!m1fl1 C•11 23 f CwEdpt 1 81 12 21 Gem nlln la S lJ-'II ComEO pr 1 '1 , GftAml ,,ti JI 9.\lo-"- C.,.E!IP! 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NI Cn pl !Yo J Z2 -I "10.mt.h H JS " .,_, NI CllyL "ll I\ 6'1t--Nt0.lr1 2 tJ 5 IJ 36\lo+ l'r NUOl\U 110 S 111 IS 1"1fFue1G1 2 • 70 20'.t.-\1:1 "'ti Gyp 1 05 1 61 12\.\--YI. N1U tlom•t 16 l'> NII l..Ou 25 J 54 6 + 'II N•l lpfB II'< 6 U ,-,t % HatM1g Fnd lt 1 .... NU S.mkonJJ lW :?Zin+ I• NII Se<Y 12 6 •1 .......... 'lo Nt Slllld 90 S 9 l'°"'+ V. NISl••Ch IO 4 7 ?9~ .. ~ 'h N•t Slt 2 h a S 16.l '41o+tlh Nall ft • Co 10. 1 N•toms t JO • 2S1 4 NCR Cp 12 I 116 1'V.-'.to ""Pf""'" •O 11 "IS IJ.11. Notv Pw 1 !IQ S l) ,..,.._ ~ NvPpl 11 !IQ J'40 J IV. NEnQEt 1 II 6 II 16V.-V. N£G$E 1 21 I S ll'N NE9T T 2 3' 9 SI 2J lff•tl.ltl "° I "' 10'fl-V. Nwmnt I 60 6 1M 32~1"'­MVSEG J JO 6 6' 20'lo-'Ao NY"JEpl180 tlSG 11 Nl'lg/llAo 1 II 6 1'3 104-n Nlil.Mpl l 00 lJO l3 NllM~ J 90 lMI 36\IJ ~L~n0u,?: s ,~: ~i::: tt Nl..TCrp 00 6 116 l~V. fltorlolll.W1 S • Ill """"t W "IO<lfl(I) l\lo J s 1,_ "" "°''!' 1 12 • s ,._ ~ NA Co.II 10 11 40 .ll'.t.-l l'o NA Miii 6SO ' 1 .. ·-1M N"'"Ph I 70 1 11 II -~ NOV.Ir 10tl t l9 2~0-\lo NOO>Alrl W'\ "611 I -Vo "*'1UI 1 01 6 609 I I•-V• NoC.nlGI .. 1 1 tOloto NO IU C.il\2 7 It 21\lo ~11~W11 : I ,~ R -"' NoNIGI J 10 • 3~ 6lV. + J:i,i. NoNVpl 5 IO >110 11 NONGIM I .. JIOO '11'r NOSIPw 1 lo& I •l Z2 • V. NOSPpf J .0 Jl!IO <Ill -II. NoSPp/4111 rlO .u ta .HOSl"ol • 10 1~ tllo'l-V. N<>SI Pw pl 1 110 n -2 NMl'lgfl 2S0 1 16 4 t-'II ~~~r,,1 ~ J 3~ ~:~ i,; Nw81n 1 .0 t SI l9 "-'h NEr9 Cl 4(111 S M JO'll(o-\I• Nwtl I" 1 J1l l 111 lOV. t '-" NwSI 111(1 w~ 24 1'~ Nwll iflpl S 1 90 -Y,, N•lllpf 4 10 lJ 61'1'1 • !h NwillnpfC S 3 90'1»--\IJ N• MU .$1tl 6 Sl I.,,_-~ Nr1n Co I 10 6 2• 26i'tl NOr1onSI 40 9 .... 1•~ ~ "'-Nr1SI Pl 1 14 Mo ll\l'o + I"' N..ce>rCp 28 J 6 11>"11 NVF Co JOk J 2SO lOfo t >4 -<> D--Olk Ind •OJ f I -V. ::lii-1ltPr 14 I IS 11"-\t V• Otclo P 5()1;1 J u1 u11o -~ :Xcldl'lpl• • ....,.+"' :)c(f>11)1 J Ml 2l .. ,,..__!'I :Jc:cl'lpl 2 I& lJ 2• -I V. ::>goen Crp 1 4 I J 111'1 :lodn pl I I I J 7' -I• ::in10 eo 1 Mt 9 1 .. 1•v. :)hE pf 10 16 1110 100 -'lo :JftPw pt u 190 101 01(,C Cp IO • JI 11\li Olcl1GE I •O t ll 11!,'o + "'- :Jl<l•NC. 1 .0 I U 21 .... :::111n Cp 1 20 6 13' ll'N Ot1nkr11t I S 62 19"-"' nm11rkln !IQ 4 ll la.....--""' Onel(laL 16 > • I o ()peh k6 M I 6 • 10 ,_ , &"r.'f101 ~ 1: J:~ l~llo= ... ; °'"El 1 JO S "6 JOV.-~, Out!ldM l 10 11 111 JO Ovlle!Co I \ 4 J 11 '"< OvrShph 15 ' 2~ 10~+ \lo Overfrn 80 6 II 1J11-'h OwenCF 8i Jl S8 39 ,_ ~. Owenlll I 12 1 60 J~L,,-V> Od onlln Ml J S Ill --··-P.J(A I~ I 10 IS 12.,_-P•<Gll\ 811 6 1~1 Ut 1-lo PacLtQ168 1 6l 16 • ... Pi(Pelrl iO t '' 20•~ PacPwr 1 t.11 8 f ' !6l..-, Pc T&T I JO I 16 ll>o+ o Pc T&T plo 1Jt.!1 70 >-3 Palnew 101>11 •2 S>0 t Vt Pa1ne~l 1 l0 I 1J •+ , P~lm Sh J S ' 1 l~• P•mo1 Inc n uo f •-/o P1nAm Ar •ll l4o -~• P•ntl.lndle 2 6 66 JI -1, l>apercn l>O i Jt ~ Plt9'0\ ~I I 100 IJ\1'-~ P•rkHn I 11 • lS 20 ·-~. P1rker Pen 11 Jq U , P•sco inc 10 218 Jt • Pt•OC.I 04b 12 •S 19 Penn Cenlr BJ I'• PeMt y I 16 1• 261 St >-Vt PennOI• l • S 6 6 • P• CrlpU .. 2 Sl + \, PennPl. I IO 6 9~ 18 P Pl.. DI I 10 1JO 8' PPLpf 800 1100 llt ti\> PPLpl8 40 1100 11 P•P&l..pr! 1•011 -1 ~ P PLpl •OO 1SO ,3 PPl..Dl•SO l~ •I \-1 Pen•ll 1 )6 I 106 7s:o,. •, Pen11wpl 2 • 2 40"--\o P!lwl pt ! t.!1 S JO>t '" 0,. Penn101 1 JO 6 3'1 I'\•~ • Pwn1lpl 1 lJ 2 J I •-\, Peopl Or 20 11 l • PeOl>~,61 6 39 37 -\") Ptos•CO I •o 11 11 6JO,-~ fltrio;lnEI 18 J1 II> 26'~-'• P,,1 Inc I •O • 21 20"-°'"" Pe! Inc pf I l •l i-0,. Po!llftcp! IO J IJ -"' Pl!!er P1 eo lJ JJ 11 -~. Petrie St 110 23 tl 6Jt/i-l"\ Petro1ne •• I 61 16.>to-l\ P,,tr1C 1 llD 21 1•'•-\'II PHnr '"" 17 ~qs JJt,,-"-Pl\etp 0 2 JO I 182 J I -~. Phll•EI I 6' I JBI IJ -lo f'tM JEtp! t t ISO IJ Pl'IE• pl 1 IS i410 64 Pl'IEJ pl I IO 110 6J~-''o Pn1IS..!l I olO I l ?JI,,~ V. PltlUpMO '°II 5~ S4\.:.-1'o i>lllUlpi !fld 11 ••1 •• Phil lnll pl I 1 ..... Pl'lllf'tl I Ml I :t91 t S -I o Phtl\11-1 .0. 11 2 • Pi<•...ck Int 1 I 16 -""' Pl.UNG I JI 4 1' I]•-Ill Pie<I 1mprt u 16 •\.o-"' Ptlltbry I.Ill 10 Sb SJ~• .. l't Pl-re I XI I •O 20\,-I• PSl"'1 8 14 I 2t2 IS .. -~. PlfFo.-g IOQ lJ 1 16\."i 1 o PltUton toll 10 9Jt J9 + to Pin• Hul 11 Ill 2,J,:,-1 Plll'l RIUCh I Jl ]"1-\, Pt1yboy U I J 3'1 I• ''""! 00 • lt1' 16(1, II PN8M lOb 10 J4 ·~•-o Pol•ro!O 12 li JJ!t 21\1 '• Pollclero1a S 19 ~ 10 PClcit T 60Q I I~ UI•-I• PV+'iC In( IQ t I 1• Por!GE I SI I 6S 1Sllt-Po1t1t< I •O 1 l t Jt Pot EIP116 I ti 11 PotEI pf ~I> 1lfl(I !11.o Pot1;1pr•11 110 •l +I • '• PlllElp! • Oo1 1200 )7 ,- PolEIPl l •' Ill '•• 0.. PPGlncr 1 10 fl> 21f• Pr1MlnO 31 I 3 10• Pr~m pl 'tO 12 ll Pf«t l Ci1 l J, ~°" f J'•• "" PrOCIR•l JO S J 1\.o o Prot11 11 •0 2 1s '9 •1 p S A lrte. 10 ll ) I II !'\l~COll XI 1 n o u ·-PSEl.G I 12 I 1~ u •, l PSEOpl I .W 1S(IO U\.lo PSeap1 .. 11 .tK •o -1 I <,.Ji. 1 ... j> l l'"llft {• :.f f J PSfGpl I •O • ISO ltO -lo PSfGol I 10 t lOO 61 , PSf pl 11 lS 1200 106 \ Pus 1no, Sit ' l • l2'• 1. PS!ndpl lOI •20 11 , PS NH~I ~• 6 61 IS PSNMa I 2• I S• II • PuOllcker \ I I? I ,_ P\;eOIOI J(la I 11 l • PrloRC Olh J l • \o f'uQ1SP 116 6 20 2• ~-'' Pufmen 1 10 f Sf '''' \. Pllrt•CP II 1 tt 1!\ .. -0,. Pll•lt•" F'n ll 2 , P\<roi.tof t 10 10 21~· -1 -<>O-°""kO•t IO f !Jt U <..-~ 0...k0.lpl J I •t -~ 0...kSOI .. 11 IJI I/(~ 11 0.-t<>r lk 5 \~o t I Out~lor pt 1 ? 1•' \• -··-R•l\IOfl 90 1) 112 ll R•l\\00• UIS 16~ •11. • R•IKO In .0 49 J I ) • L, R•PCIAm SO I 41 6 Rip a pl J \, I 1•1, 114,11\IO I ~> ' II l) .. _ \'" ll•yd lnll .;o I> tf n • • R•yl,_, I II lll! ••lo~ • llCA Corp I 11 Ji&( U '• ll(Acv p!• "~1 ~-<11le.0"11 Co 3J J oll•.Oo 11>1 1• ~··, <;llef!IQ 1pl JJ l l+ • 11~..i•Bt JS I 111 JI • lltO'""' Oltl Ml l RIKI l••lb f U ' lfftd Tool t l 3' ,l .. Rtt""l l lO b 1 11 .~ Rtlcl\Okl Ml • ?~ 13 ~ RtlSto•t It/I I I t •• ~ lie! EleC '° 6 JI II , lltlElet pt J 7 •• =::Gc.;r2 ;g 2~ 1~'°"•- A11G pl J Ml 14 13 •-RIPllbl c Cp S 190 1 , RepFlnS IO 6 3 10 • RtpStl 1 Mli l 1q2 l1 , ll11>rvD!I 11 9 u.o 10 Rel• 1c ro1 1 a 1• 18" • At.coos lJ 16 SS J1 , '• =::i!.C 11 ~ I ~ 'J~ 6:\:-r. Re•harn JO S 25 3,~ , Rt•nrd 1176 2f 19 -• R1J11pl 1 t •1 31 •! Rer 1ncr 7 ae 1 1110 u •. Rtrlfl l)I J , 8 S& RtrncrMel I 1 J86 2001 RtyM!pl t ' ll SI Rt rM pl 2._ l '.161 ll~ynSec !IQ 10 1• 111, II Ctl.ltO\n 1 • 1• 10 , -R tllMer f>' 11 Ull 71 , , Rc11mno llO b S6 10 •-'• llleQHX 1 20 S II 1)••-, R oGr In Ml ~ 18 11 :1l'i" .. r~ ~ 16 2~ 1~1 ,-): 111 ...... "ll11 10 !9 , c. lloOll!.>w 10 I~ 00 Ill•-\• llot>ri.n I )Q 6 JJ IS\,. \. llob n\ Jt.oll JIJ ll -'o 11oc11G t 1411 It u n \.-, Roell Ttl .14 I 108S 10 -\, lloc~owr 44 10 JO I , Roc ~•llln 2 It 101 l'I•• Rock 01 •\• 1 SJ -I =~~~· 1 1 li ,~ ,! H • \) Ro11r t11d .0 b 10 i .-, Rou nSln JO 13 JIO 18 -• RoMDn ltQ If 18 I•• t \o Roper( 1.1?1 l S II llo~r" 90 IJ 112 2l •• \o Aol•r10 t O. IS Hit 31 •~I Roy1!CG f>' 11 21 n Ro,ID I Mb J bl J~•.­Ro,1 I !Sb f ll 1 o ATE Cp 1611 ~ '•• Rubtomd llt2b 12 19 •, llutk~r C JO e 1 ~8 18 Ru"l"ll 16 lb 1'1 111 Rvder S~5t f 7iJ s•, _,,_ S.b..eRS69 J~I .,.,,._ S.l11ArO lnO 22 19 ~·~-\,. S.l1wy I IO U J l9 •111 S.llA Corpln I 6l ,,,._ 1 StJoMrl 110 r 111 s~ ,._ 3~• StJol..IP I 12 10 llt ~ • + '• Stl..S...F 1 t ~ 81 2P·-H• StP•<1! S 9' 1S 10>, Slllt ll \I •O ~ •llt 28 -t:.·~~; l~ ~ ~; \~·:-.: S...Oer "•Mi 61 SI>. t :.'l ~~'i: ' 1!! ~!·: . SFeln 1>• so lJ 1•.-\• S.Felnll lO ID 81 24'4 ~~?B~'h1: 1~ '~j 1l , + Si•EI P IOI S 1' 61•+ So1Yf1A I J.4 I 10'r .. ~o ~:1:B ~~~ 22 !J ~ • SvOnOr ISO 9 :lO S !..I•"" tnous lG SI J ' SCA Se•~•le S 1/S 1 , -'!ocllteler (.p 1' 8 O(o-• '!octotr!llj Ill 2~ 318 S8 o-1 • St111 !z 61 1' JJ• 201, '• S.ClllumD t.!1 JI Jll 81 -I SCM Cp so ' 134 11"i-~, SCOAlnO t.!1 ' I I <• !"ttol Lid 6'' 18] 16 ••I • Sco11Fet1r 1 r .. 13~•-\, S.Coll For 61 It J 11 o S.CottP•p 61 f S11 16 o-1 ><••r~ l 10 11 J6 av.-v. S.C.ov tM!11112 20 lJ ,.-~, S<.ov!I p!J' 5 32\•-1-• S.Cu<1<1erD V 9 S t S.Cud pl 'Sil 11 I , + I• StlCICLn 1 20 66 JI\>-o Se•Cl)fll< JO t JI 16<•• '• Sot!•W Air SI< 10 JJ '\ -s.e111••m eo 1J 16 29to ~, !.f111r••t 8 • s ~ \1 Soe•IPow n 1 U 10 Sea•IGO '6 lit 311 1J'•->o Soe••• I IOI 1q •lit lt3 ~. S..•l••ln L n 81 I • SEDCO 1l 10 101 JO ,-~ Stlr•lteC 10 S •S M• I 1, Soer•Gmll 60 0 •I R l >111k1sp JI I I 1> >lloijlfll 10 • ll ~ \, ~11012..i s 206 '3 -.l(, :.hell Tr 6Sb • I 26'1\ t Vo >rwn1rG Mo • 16 1 ~. ~llrpf 1 JS I 14V.-lo '>hlr'o\111110 • 21 '31•-\• S.e<r•Pc 91 1 " fV-Vo S•IJ'l•ICo '!IQ ' 19' 16\lo-'!olo SIQn•ICopl I S U>,(,-~ SIQCol)l 2.JO II Ji l•-1""' SignodeCp I IZ IS l l'"' SlmPrc" 12 10 JI It,,.__ llo s1 ...... 1c .. 10 11 11ov.-\lo Slmpl'1t lJ ,, 191 li'h SlnQl•Co "° 259 13,(o-~ Slng1rpt l /"I 1~ JJ 1.-:V. Sli•OQCD .0 10 JI> 2\V. t •1 S1<1tly0 120" 3 5-1 -~ S.11 Corpn 11 9 9 -~. S111llnCp 2• 51 25i 10 -"" SmllhAO tO 9 8 lo-\o Sm!lhlnl 1' II 106 JI -'O Smlt"kllne l lJ 3S S1'"'-;, Smuc••r 80 10 I IS~ lo Soll 611 Ml • 10 l\oo 5on11t1 llltl J3 ,... • ,, Sol!yCp Oot!l ll S:M lO'lli ~ /1 >ooLm• 1b 1 9 31 t ;;, 50SCnli 1-4 S 6 l\lo 5 C1rEI 1 •I I , .. U V.+ 'II 5C.rEpl 2V. I 18\lo >oJ Ind I Sit It l IJ.,.._ ,,._ SouthOo•n J 1J l!Wo-V. SC1w11p11eo 11 11 -1 S...ll Bk 10 1 2111 11 -'• SoflilPS IM 4 J ltV.+ '"' 5Ct1fd11>1• 1111 South(o 1 .W 1 K11:1910J.-l,i,, 5ol11GE 121 It 1 U-'4 5oNRt1 l ltS I HlO •1'111--~ 5NETel2lol 9 e JO'>+ .... SNETlrU~ ,,oso~ -'"' 5ol'M:• 2 24 I .. .,... • 'I'> SCI R•U 2 n Ill 100 u io s.o11t11111 !IO n 6 • \ .. SoR1ll pf l JS ~~>• I'> SoUflGll.01 12.Sio•V. Soutllllld 4014 JI 2•fo-V, 5oWitFr 10 S t 6'".-'• SwForpf 1 V. I 1•~ t 'to Sowli!PS 90 I 6l 10\'ll--\lo 5'>1rlon 24 ' !I l\lo • I• ~r1vHul I I IJ I"'+ , ~rry!oll>I J l lJ 5o 111rwl .16 , , 361 '°"'"""" "' s.t19ue El I IU ~-lo S9f1111MI IS I I S 10 Soiu•rD 1 to 12 6l """' + "' Squlllb lo& II> 116 J.Jl'r-"" ~:=:r~ i 1: 1m :~ ~ S1BP1l11t J21f 1• 4J fJ Std OU C11 2 4 Sll 2•""-\io i lO Dlllnd 1 It .... :Jl'IJo-'• ~tOllDn l J6 IS 10. .O'h-14 Sldl"oor 1 •2 J4 11~ v. Sid PrSU to 3 ' 11> StdPrUd~ I 6 8 + • 511"°'• '2 l 20 l '\lo--i. SlanWkt ff I II 11 11-"'- St ... r•y 6(1 I n I" S1•rrell 1 S s 1S1t-V. S1Mu1u• '" l 1S ,..,.__ l'I S1MUSc 4ftl 411 11.t~ \lo 511Ul1t!f J 111 i JIJ tl"-l"'-Sltrt hl .. t I 6._. lit Sttr1Dr1 10 IS •21 JO'h-'-5t1rnd11 It t !IQ U11o Slfv•nt ICI S Jl'I 1'\11 t llo Ste•Wn I 91 1 t ll\lt-llo SIOklyV I 10 $ I,, 16\lo-"• 5._Cln .0 l 1 11 • 'lo SI-Wb lb I JI <66'"-1"1 Stor1r Brd 1 I IS 16 " • ,,.. Strldlltll 10 I 21 ttt StuoeW I JJ I• l1 :JO -10/i SIUO.W pl S 2 56 -1 SIUW pl'•"° • 23 -1o 5oo1.,. S'-6 IJ 1 .... S..D l'r09" 1 S ll.21 I]._ 1f .ucr~llC .20 I S'lo\t-\o SUI\ Cllm .0 t 11 -o """ 0 11 loOb '3 2"lo\t-.. loinOUpt 211> ISO lJ'-5'/nbll m I t S1 11\11-\• !EtlrM eo • ll ltV.-"' "'" lltl 1l 32 11 '1o o ""' D•I 1.~10 11nl'l•1 .... !ou!MrGn 21111 t (\, S119rl(.Ojlf l It 11 ~ .. ~VII 90 I t 14 -\~ MCA Inc. LOS ANGEi.ES !AP l -MCA Inc ;i huge cnte1talnme.nt <:.onglorncratc lh.1t includes Un1 vc1 :1 111 Studios rind MCJ\ Reco1 ds 1 eport.L'<l l\1onday 1t hiid record c.1rn1ngs during the first th1 ee months this )Car • A JO DAIL V PILOT Tuesday. April 29, 1975 Brow, Lash Protect Eye \\lhat the airport des ign('rS a rc finding out 25 years too late. J'n1 told . is thal thvee non· nying citize ns show up at the terminals (or each incoming or oulgoing plane passenger. One youngs ter and l\\'O gro\vnups , must us ual· ly. 1'his is 11 n1oney market hotter than carnivals . and the merchandisers are sutl· dene d by the lack of shop s pat'l'. · CONSIDE R the \\'ave lcnb'1.hs of rour voices, e ach sing ing an ocluvc apart. Those or the soprano on the G note :1bove lite treble clef are 1.1 feet in length. Those of the {'Olltl'alto. 2.8 reel. Of the leno1'. 5.G f(•et . And !Jass. lLl feet. Got that ? LIMERICK R ecentl y r eported he re the wish to hold un all· nual limei;ck contest. Ma: hie ~1 . Sturgis of Boise, Ida., ent e red the follow- ing : •·JJi s gift \\'a:i brassieres and he trusted Il is S\\'l•clheart ,,·ould not be disgusted But .:d:.is! and alllek '. •. , She gave them right bac:k ... Sa ying, 'I prefer c:ash, I 'm flat bustt:d.' " Oh, 1\1 a bcl. .rou rascal you. Q . "\\'llICll ki lls the more people, lightn· ing o r tornadoes ?" A. Li ghtning. Over the years. Tornadoes do in about h<df :is 111any t•itizens, but r <'.Jck up a lot n1orc property dam<1 gc. NO\V 1\BOliT that eyebro\v. It serves to keep the da ndruff off the eyelash: And the 'l'yelash serves to kCl'P the dandruff out of the eye. Superb planning, ~'hHt°! \l lSION Takl' ear drivers OV('I' the age of 60. Do you <·ons idc r s::im<.• ;1 danger on the highways'! ·roo broad a c1u e ry . no '.' Still. tht.• Vis ion Com· n1ittee of the ;\111<.•ri oan Optometrists Associa· lion contend s four oi'1t of fi\·e such citizens are risky on r oads . Because of poor eyesight. Nuts'. E verybody 's risky on the r oads . HO\V DO \'Oli :.lt'Count for lite fact that many n1en bllt fev.' \\'Olll('ll have been im- postt.'rs 't J\G,\IN ;\l\1 1\S KED ho\\' many people Bil· ly the Kid killed. ,\nd how old he v.·as when Pat G<irrelt shot h im . Billy died at age 22. Hi s- to rians s ay he gu nned dO\\'n 21 people. total. \\."ould Hkc to imply it figured out to be one vie· tin1 for each yc<ir of his life arter his first hirlhd:.iy. but it didn't v.·ork that \\'ay. There \\'Cre s evera l early yl:'urs there \vhen he didn't kill cin~·body. Address niail tu L. AJ . Boyd, P .O. Box J56(J, Custa Al esa 9Z626 Copyright 1975 L. llf. Boyd • ORANGE COUNTY County Eases Canyon Area Zoning Laws SANTA ANA -Property owners along scenic Live Oak Ca· nyon Road near Orange County's O'Neill Regional Park will be spared certain zoning require- ments if they decide to build homes. Orange County s upervisors have decided that curbs, gutters and sidewalks along the winding, heavily wooded road Would be unsig htly since the route is de· signated as a scenic highway. Economy, Weather Cited Airport Turnover Down'for February By WILLIAM SCHREIBE R Ol IM 0.H"t PU-. IWff SANTA AN A -Two kinds of climate, economic and natural, combined to make February a bad month for flight operations at Orange County Airport •. According to the latest airport report, total passeiiger turnover during the month was about 103,000 -12 percent less lhan the 117,000 figure r ecor ded in February of last year. Ron Chandler. assistant airport director, blamed the troubled economy and February's bad weather . ''AS FAR AS commercial service goes, we are in an eeonomic situation where people are pulling back on recreational travel by air," Chandler said. • '"In terms ot the general a via· tion deC1ine, I think that.the in· clement weather we 've had has kept mpsl o( the planes on the ground ," he added. The influx and outgo or small planes was down by more than 4,000 during February com pared to a year ago. Chandler said it is the general aviation that makes the county jetport the second busiest in the nation behind Chicago's O'Hare. THE SLOW MONTH also showed up in cargo carrying a nd the number of cars that parked in the airport's crowded lots. com b ined with declines in January made 1975 one of the s1owest-a:tart.ing years to·date at the airport. · THROUGH 'EBRUARY, there h as been a 10 percent' decline from 233, 700 to 210,000 in the number o f passengers. enplaning-a nd depl.Wng at the county airport. 1 Total cargo tonn·age over the first two months declined by 9.3'. percent over the same period last year and the total number ot vehicles in 'parking lots dipped by 5.6 percent. Overall increases w er e r e- corded in the total number or flight operations, up 9.5 percent. Youth Facing Adult Trial In Slaying • SANTA ANA -A youth booked on murder charges last March 1 after a man was knifed to death during a fracas outside a Buena Park dr.i ve-i n restaurant has been ordered to face trial as an adult in Orange County Superior Court. Cell 842·5871. Put I llW llf!Ordl to work lor you. ' ' In the DAILY PllOI - tt Is not a simple talk tor a patient to reac h and maintain "lean weight" for life. First the patient must hove on honest desire to cure his problem .. , then accept professional guidance from trained Medico! ·Doctors. · llndora's unique 10-week treatment and trOining program will teach patients how to reach and maintain their "lean weight" for Ille. A sole and practical pkln, with proper nulrltlonol d iet, and continual emotional support. New audio and sub·limlnal visual o lds are used to motlvote the patient. Th9 entire program Is under the strict supervision of Medical Doctors, special· lsts In Borlatrlc Medicine. l lndofa OlnlC$ ore owned and odminl~ered bv Medical Ooc!Of'$ that restrict their pracl!ce 10 BarlO!rlC$. ALL O lnic Personnel a1e licensed by the State ot Colllomla. COii lor Information Mond,oy lhru F~doy 8 AM. to 6 P. M. Lindora~ MEDICAL CLINIC NEWPORT BEACH 645-3740 COSTA MESA 557-1893 The suggestion that Llve Oak Canyon be spared such concrete amenities of civilization was made by H . G . ''George'' Osborne, the county's Environ- mental Management Agency Chief. During February, a total of 107.4 tons of cargo came in or de- pa rted the airport, compared to nearly,J.·20 tons during the same mo,nttfin 1974. Judge Everett W. Dickey or- dered Christopher Daniel Smith •. 17, of Anaheim, to face trial June 16 and pretrial action May 9 after Pace Professional Mesa Verde j uvenile court action against the Bldg. Professional Bldg. ·defendant w as a bandoned. San Bernardino· E. long Beach · MisMon Hills Smith is accused of inflicting Hawthorne. Orange • Newport aeoch fatal knife wounds on Michael Garden Grove· Long Beoch • Pmadena Os borne said since the road is designat~d on county ffiaps as a secondary arterial highway, lan- downers must post for such street improvements if they de- c ided to built adjacent to the. road. A tot al of 20,200 cars used the parking lots, compared to 21,000 a year ago. Ishmael Blanco, 18, of Anaheim, La Habra . Woodland Hills • Sherman Ooks during a fig ht that erupted out-West Covina. Fullerton. Riverside· Santa Monica . side a Jack-in-the-Box outlet iil Costa Me5Q. Pomona. Cerritos. Hollywood February's dismal s tatistics Buena~P~a:r:k~-~~~~~~~~l..~...:::::::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:====:::'.:...~ Guard Guilty in Kidnap SANTA ANA -A Newport Beach security guard accused on arrest of kidnaping two local girls, ages 14 and 15, has bee n placed on three years probation after being found guilty of the allegations. Orange County Superior Court Blackmon, who worked as a securi- ty guard for a Lido Peninsula apart - ment house a t the time of the offense, picked up the two girls in the Laguna Beach area, drove them to the Dover Shores area and threatened to rape them. Judge Robert P . Kneeland declined to . impose what could have been a state Both girls fled from the car a nd I '< THINGS.ARE. BETTE ' i~·-• • Pl.BLJC NOTICE prison term o r up to 14 years in senten-gave police a description that led to Other Deaths ----Icing trans ie nt Andrew J erom e Blackmon's arrest. Judge Kneeland sT..,TEMENTOF"'e"'NDONMENT Blackmon, 32, a recent arrival in this ordered him to undergo psychiatric OF USE OF F1cT1nous Bus1Ness NII.ME area from Mississippi. treatment during his probation term. __; SAN FRANC J SCO ~~~~:bw=~:;H~v~o~o~;,~H~E~1~1~A~L~l:A=-=N~s~~3;3;~~~~~~~~~~~!::::=:~:;!~~.::!;~!:~:!~:f::::!~:::~:~:::::~:~L Hogn.,a~. Laguna Beach, Cd!ilornia -(AP)-Funeral services 9?~>1 are pending tor Sidney ,.;;;:. ~;'~:!;~; !:;·;.~:: ~·;;:.,::; DRINK so MUCH WINE? M . Ehrman, 101, a (<lun!von Novemllerlb,1~73, U . ., £ C J"f · Du 5 ny ~nt "'"'""'· 1912 All;i n1vers1 Y O a I orn1a Lagu<1<1,Li!gu.-...6<'dc11,ca1itcrn•a911>>1 r •, regent ror 22 year s "'hO "'"nnd l{um"" 7~11 Alla Laguna . • . ! died Saturday . Ehrman Lagun<1 f.~a,n,ca1i1c'"'"'q2i.01 · 1 In order to help digest their spagheH1! 1 v.ras a civie and business Tni,bu51ne~>wa~con<1uc1~<1by;inin· : //'s the same in Orange County. : leader h·ere. '11 ,.,11"a1i<:ro>nna 1<.u'fla• 1 To improve your spaghetti ••• visit Orange 1 -~~-~~~----j Tn.~ ,1~1~-n~n1 w,is 1i1~d With '"" 1 County's complete wine merchant. WHO ELSE? 1 Deaf h Nof ices ec.unh c1 .... cl Orange coun1yonAp"t 1 1 -----~~----1 ia.111s. t . "M 0 " c 1 CH..,RLE S M"'UR'°,.'i!-~:MUELLER. PuOl •,ne!l O«•n!frCoa~!Odl!yF~t1.: SEQUOIA WINE CELLARS 642·9414 1 .. .eoe l>l, residenl 01 Cm.la /IAH.i, Date ol Apfll 0. t<.1'1.ao<l Mav1>. 1~75 ll'J.).1) I death 11.11ri1 is. 1tl}. s..nr;-by l'lis -------._ ! l_O~ _w..: _c 2~5_T _!I~~ H_W_!,! .: -"-E.!f .!.!~~~~!~~j wlte H1ffiet: ""'»·Paul ol Hunti~on .Pl: l\J,IC i\OTICE -· . Beacl'I and Law•enc e 0 1 uuca. MlChigan; brottwr, Har"' L . .......,.llfrOI los Angeles; slsler, Mrs. Wiii iam Plambeck IM•rionl of Ar,lln11!on HeigllU, Illinois: tl'lree g1ar>lkl\!10ren. Mr. M!,ieller was awl~_,,_, with Tl'lf LindOerg Heil T•eali"!I Cu. !or live yeit<5. Memori•I ~rviC9$ will be held 411 SI, Afldrews Pre..rivte•ia.n Cl'lurcn. .OO St. Andrews Pl•e, N~ Bfl<><l'I, C... on TueWity, April 2'J at 1:00 PM. In l•N of l!o•e•s 111eMe make contrlbu-1ions •o Tiie American cancer Society. Arra~menh by The~""" Society will> boor,.! at ita. CRAWFORD FAii.Ni( CAAWFORO, residen t ol Irvine, Ci. Oate or ONlh A.Ori! 211, 1~1~. Se•vice• are l>'fnding, Pac;o!ic Vie• Memorial Par• MOrtuilry, Newport FICT ITIOU S BUSINESS N .. ME ST ... TEME NT Tiie 10110 .... ng per~on~ ;ire doing IN!ol, ""~'a" C&M QUALi TV CON~T RUCTION, -,81!(1 Evergr een C.r ., Foun1ain 11a11ev. c.ai.1 q110ti f D<IV•d (nurcn, l BIHl Evergroon Cir< .. Foun\a•n \/alley, Calit. '12108 Rav C. 1'.IOore, 1~130 "'in•tt~i"9 Or .. Wl\o\lo~r. CA. ~Ot.Q4 Tn,, bu,•n~'' ·~ co11duc1ed by ii gen~ral p~11nt•ill•P. F, Da vodCllurch 1111> ~i.\1emen1 "''" toled .,..;11> ,hli C.Ouniv Cll;r~ ol Oran(;o Couflly on Apr.i II, l~IS. -~ F4~l MILL.ER Pull"~"cd OranQe Co.JM 0a11 y Filo!, ROSS M!Lt.E A, res iOfnt of t.~a ~••I 12, lq,and Mayb, 1J. l~IS 1•ll·15 Beach. e.:acl'I. O•t• ot Oeatl'I ,t.prit 111. 1~1s. • l'l'l\l,IC •,· .01.ICI•', ~rvlce• are pendin<;1, Pacific lliew . ; " Memorial Par-Mo<'tuary, Nfwl'(lrl ------------I Beach. ~ FICTITIOUSBUSI NESS IALn-IERGEROM FUMERAL HOME Corona del M ar 673-94 50 Cosla Mcsd 646-2424 IELLIROADWAY MORTUARY Nll.ME STll.T EMENT T f>e 1ollowo ng po:!r$0n~ are <IQlng blr.J. !lei• .. •: '>MA RT SET, •1• South Coa~t H•11nway. L.1guna Be;ich, C<1!i!ornia 9?~SI Mdd•d~ Trading Comp.any, In• cor<>Of<•l eO, •14 !j,gutl'I Coa\t tt<ghway, Ld<lllf\d Bt:dcll, Galolorno d Q1b.l 1 1 •"~ llu~•ne"~ t~ ton<lut tl!d by .a tO<· 1»r.,1oon, M<>d•a~Trdd<ng c.om11any, lncorl>Qr a!ed · Promise her anything, h11t give her s~~e This M other·s Day send Mom a greeting all the world can share. Express your love in a Dail y Pilot Mother's Day greeting. It's easy. Write yoµr message to fit the printed border below. Bring it to any Daily Pilot office prior to noon May 8. Or. you may mail a clipping of the border with your message and payment to Box 1560. C.Osta Mesa, CA. 92626. The minimum charge is $8. 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa 6 42·9 !50 T~•~ ~talemenl ... ar toled wol~ ,.._. C,Ounh Cler-ot O•ange CounlyonApril !0, 1915. '~"·' Pu1:i11~11.e11 oriingl' c oai• oauyF:?:c~~ 111~~:~;;;z==e~-~-~~-~-~-~=~.......-~i~-ii·~· ~ii~~ Mc:CORMICIC - MORTUARY Laguna Beach 49 4-9415 San Juan Ca pistrano 495-1776 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARIC Cen'le1crv Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacihc Vi ew Onve Newoorl Beach. Gahforn1a 644-2700 PIEkfAMILY COLO,..IAL FUMIR.AL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893--3525 'SMfTHS' MO•TUA•Y 627 Main St. Huntington Beech 53&-6539 j All••' 1.1, 11, 19, and May 6, 1'11S 1'1'11·7S JI ii' El~E·s ,.,_...., Nlf.t. T ... A•C~. s ....... ic:eli-. ...... At y_. Door I 495-0401) IO rf TOYll•l• '' ""' llO!ll Af 21t22 c-• e.,,,.,.... ,.:; ' ....... ~.,.,., FABULOUS 80 acres i n the f abulous Golden Triang le b etween Lake Perris, L ake Elsinore and Lake Mathews. M o stly l eve l land . Fabulously priced at only $600 per acre . Terms. Call 642-3652 -Broker. FABULOUS ,\ If you want help composing a suilable greeting or have any questions. call 642-5678. A frie ndly Daily Pilot ad-viser will be glad to help you. · And , ii you like. you ca n charge your Mother's Day ad. Your credit is good with · us. or you may use your Master Charge or BankAmerica rd. M .. llO (>••I~ P«OI 0.u>l>e<! 0.0 ....... 111 ~ 1!ieO,Cot!•MeM0~~6 . ,Orcall 642·5678 DAILY PILOT I WECIALP~IEiy ~HOWINQ BY CADILLAC We take great pride in presenting the most exciting Cadillac since Eldorado made its debut-th e all ne w ele9ant Seville. Although it is sized fo r efficiency any where In the world, Seville is richly appointed in the Cadillac tradition. Seville is powered by an electronically fuel·injected. engine and Its host of standa~d equii:iment includes a reclining passenger seat with two·way power adjust ment, a Tilt & Telescope ~teering wheel and a fuel monitor sYS1em.IPower conlrols tor the.front seals are mounted on the a rmrest consoles. See Seville, the new American with lnl.emational efficiency, in our showroom now. .. THE CONCISE CADILLAC ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM APRIL 26 to MAY I Nab8rs Cadillac Sales Leasln1 •Senti« 2600 Harbor Bl~, Cotta Mn• 540·9100 ' ' 7 I I I I I ( ) < Saddleback EDITION VOL. 68, NO; 119, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I Tod ay's C losin g N.Y~S toeks TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 TEN CENTS Vietnam Refugee Relocation Criticized 'I'hc pending arrival of some 20,000 Vietnamese r efugees i,n the Orange-Sao Diego County , area has sparked inst ant reac, tion -most of it unfavorable - from state a nd local offi cials. Worries about high state Un· employment aroused the concern of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Bl'own criticized as ''haph azard '· rcdcral pla ns to rcloculc the thousands of homelets war re- ·* * * fugees in California. 1 . A state s pokeman has reported that Brown is ba lking at a re· quest by the Ceder al government that he make available $100,000 lo set up tem porary facilities to aid the r efu gees in the state. Mario Oblcdo. head of the state's health a nd welfare agen- cy, said the governor wanted more in fo r mation qn the rerugce sit uo:.ilion berorc releasing any * * * •• irst Lagu11a Hills Woman's Body ' Found in Ditch Wh at authorities believe was a 12-hour immersion in a partly fi lled drainage ditch is hamper- ing Orange County Sheriff's of- fi cers today in thci r bid to identify the body of a woman found Mon - day in the L;aguna Hills area. "Her hands were 1n the \\'atcr from the ti me she entered the ditch lo the lime we found her," un investigator saic!. "lt"s prov· jng pretty difficult to get a set of prints we c an work from." Meanwhile coroner 's offi cers began toxi cological t ests on the body's organs with a view to de- termine the exact cause or death. Officers in both divisions b e lieve that the p a rtly clad -woman, aged a bout 3t' to 35, drown ed in the drainage ditch o:.it Moulto n P a r kw ay and L a Canada Road where s he was found late Monday by a county road department employe. .. Her lungs welje full or water." an investigator s a id. "'T here \\'ere no marks on her body and no evidence of fou l play but t he tests will determine if drugs or any other factor played any part inherdeath .'' Officers said they are a lso working on the theory that the woma n, of Latin extraction, was an illegal immigraht. "Her clothing suggests that.'' an investigator said. "One of our first contacts will be Mexican 'authorities to see if they can help us-wittithe prints we hope lo t ake from her today." Laguna Hills Site For School Backed By JAN WORTH Of Ull Diil¥ PilM ~I Staff m em bers of the Sad· dleback Valley Unified School Di strict r ecommended .Monday that the district.'s third hi'gh school be built in Laguna llills a nd that no hi gh school boun- daries be changed until then. No t rustee decision was reached. Wh ile most parents ;.1ttending the hearing s up por ted the Laguna Hills site recomrnenda- tion. they d isagreed on oth e r points, saying to leave the pre- sent boundaries u nchanged will mean seriou5 overcrowding al Mission Viejo High School. T he representative or only one community group, the South Laguna Hills Homeowners As· sociation, supported building the next high school a t the district 's alternative site in north Mission Viejo. · J e rry King of South Laguna llills said hi s group, which co l· leeted 1.000 signa tures on peti- tions opposing busing any stu- dents to El Toro lhgh or Los Alisos Jn termcdiate Schools, is not convinced gro\\•th \Vi ii occur as projected on the Lagun a I-tills side of the San Di ego Freeway. Trustees received the recom· mendations with little comment, and said they proba bly wi ll try to issue a decision on the pending boundra ry issue at their May 6 meeting. The hearing was the first f ormal public discussion of the boundary issues be rore the boa rct or trustees. But school-level a nd committee-level meetings to Woman With P istol Held An Oa kl and woman was ar- r ested Monday a t Orange County Airport after. she allegedly tried to board a flight to San Francisco with a .38 calibe r derringer pistol in her possession. Orange County Sherirf's or. flccrs jailed G loria Chnrlottc Nelson, 24, on c harges of carry· ing a concealed wea~n after be- ing called to t h(' airport by security officers who searched the defendunt 's lu ggage. Deputies a dded charges of possession ot controlled sub- s tances alter a county jail search allegedly produced a qunnUty of dar:ngerous drugs for which lhe defendant had no prcscrtptJon. t • I st udy boundary options have been in process for more than six months. Two immediate issues are at stake : where to build the next hig h school and how to draw boundaries for the district 's third intermediate school set to open (See SCHOOL, P age A2) Viejo Council _ Urges County Hold Tax line The Municipal AdvisorY Coun· cil (MAC> recommended Monday ni ght that the coun ty draw a tight rein on its purse strings and not order any tax rate increase for Mission Vi ejo during the next fis· cal year. If. t he r ecom m endat ion is a d o pte d by t h e Board of Supe rvjsors that will mean that A-fission Viejo homeowners wou ld continue payi ng 41 cents per $100 or assessed valuation to maintain County Service Arca 9. Ith.id .been originally proposed to raise the tax rate to its legal max imum of 46.2 cents lo main· tain Mission Viejo's currEnt level of public ser vices. Howe ver, that suggestion was qui ckly squelched by a three· mem be r counci l m ajority which argued that the council had an obli gation to hold the line on s pen ding d uring times o( economic adversity. The inc r ease would h ave meant a S3 increase in the tax bill of an average Mission Vi ejo homeowner. Service Area 9 taxes account for about 3 percent of the total tax bill. It was pointed out by Bob Johnston. a chair man of the MAC budget and fina nce committee, however, that a survey of Mis· sion Viejo residents disclosed Il l-· I.le s upport for even thal small a tax hike. Out of 34 persons intervie"·ed at random 16 fa,vored holding the tax rate, 10 advocated a cut, and 8 fa vor ed a tax Increase. Johnston turther pointed out that four out of fi ve homeowner as- sociations advocated either .hold- ing the tax r ate a~ its present (!!ff BUDGET, Page AZ) ) state money for t hem. R e p . C l air Bu·r gen e r of Oceanside, whose diStrict in· eludes the Camp Pendleton area where the refugees ~re to be housed, s aid, "'f .•. hope that what I h ave been told is true - that the selection of Pendleton will not result in San Diego Coun - ty being a permanent home for more refugees t ha n would normally be t he case. * * * ..I hope the federal govern· ment will do all in tls power to prevent any additional financial burden being p la ced on San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton .'' From· San Clemente, Mayor Tony Di Giovanni said he was ··worri ed a bo ut the s tate or health these people are in." Orange Co unty Health Officer Or~ John R. Philp , expressing the * *' * same concern,· ordered that in· coming r efugees would have to be conrined to military installa· lions. Military spokesmen continued to maintain that the refugee~ are in good health. Di ck Brown , chairman of the San Diego County Boa rd of Supe rvisors, said the refugee operation is "certainly not a California responsibility .•. and * * * certainly not a San Diego County responsibility. · ··1r called upon to provide ser vice and facilities, we will im· mediately respond," he said, "but we'd hope the rcderal gov· crnment would reimburse us for uny and all costs." Gov. Bro"'·n's remarks over the past \veck of speculation about the pendinl-( arrival or re· <See REACT, Pa~cA2) _ * * * • • ees lVIIl .. tf "" ,., ·-~ I• F ·r- ' 'W~~' ' . - -· j VI ETNAMESE REFUGEE ARRIVED IN .STYLE AT EL TORO WITH HER PARASOL IN HAND First Jet Carrying Saigon Escapees Touched Down In Orange County at 10 a.m_ Wild Saigon Scramble U.S. Evacuees Have to Fight Way Out SAIGON (AP) -U.S. helicop- ters swooped down on Saigon rooftops and the Ta n Son Nhut ain>0rt today and began evacuat· ing most of the re maining 800 to 900 Americans. Some of t he Americans fought off South Viet - namese d esper ately trying to nee before Communist -led forces takeover. America's 30-year involve· ment in the Indochina war was ending in wild and t ragic scenes, with U.S. l\1 arines and civili ans using pistol a nd rine butts to smash the fin gers of Vietna mese trying to claw their way over the 10-foot wall of the U.S. Embassy. At the airport, angry Viet· na mese guar ds fired al busloads of evacuees and shouted, "We want to go, too.'' Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SAIGON (UPI) -The night was eerie with n arc light as hundreds of Vi etnamese gathered outside the U.S. embassy begging Americans to help them flee their country. "'P lease t a ke my children," cried a young wom an as she clutched an Ameri can holding an embassy r adio. "They ar e hall·Am erican und the Viet Cong wi ll kill the m." MARINE GU AR~tlN FULL battle gear and embassy orrtcials in civili an garb stood within the gates of the white concrete fortress-like building. They listened to the Vietnamese pleas with ha rried but sad looks. The Am eri cans were leaving, but they couldn't lake the thousands with them "'ho wanted to get out. ··1 worked for the Americans 19 yt?:Pt s. •1 aald u Chinese m an. ''Why ar e they leavinl me? J-'nJthefrfrit/IP," <See VIETNAMESE; .... AZ( • • ! 1~ ' U.S. fi ghter -bom bers flew air cover high over the city for the evacuation. The Pentagon said 81 heli cop- ters a nd more than 800 l\-1arines MARINES BEAT BACK PANICKY .s . VIETS, Page A3 HOW FORD ORDERED EVACUATION , Page A4 were used lo ferry e\'acuees to aircrart carriers in the South Chi na Sea. Dcrensc Secretary James R. Schlesinge r said more than 4.500 Americans and Vietnamese had been evacuated six hours after the operation began . Vice President Ng uyen Van Huyen renewed calls for a cease· fire but deni ed tonight that the government reached any agree· ment with the Viet Cong. He said a government delegation met twice duri ng the day with a Viel Cong delegation a.t Tan Son Nhut but the Viel Cong group said it was not qua li fi ed to make political decisions. Hu yen said one demand or the Viel Cong -the removnl of all Americans -was already being met and that the demands for abolishment of the Saigon gov- ernment end t he a rmy were be· <See EVACU ATE, Pose A2) Evacuees Land At El Toro By RUDI NIE DZIELSKI Ol tlleO.llr PilllStall A DClO named ''Freedom'' carr ied the fi rst contingent or Vi etna mese w ar refu gees to Or ange County today and a new life in America. The Overseas Nationa l Airways jetline r touched down at. El Toro ~1arine Corps Air Station at 10 a .m . and began discharging 380 persons who m ade the flight .ac ross the Pacifi c. All looked healthy as they dis· embarked. Most we re depen- dents of U.S. citizens. Some were U.S. Embassy employes. The first pe rson to leave the plane was a pretty Vietnamese woman w ear ing a short .pink dress and mod sunglasses and carrying a cosm etics case. She was followed by other Viet- namese wearing Western clothes and som e \vearing Vietnamese pajam a suits. There were children. too, car· rying stuffed anim als and other toys, but their faces were unemo- tional, perhaps a result of tired~ ness. They flashed1 no smiles as they filed past cameramen. Meanwhile. two Military Airlift Comma nd planes la nded at Norton Air Force Base. They dis~ char ged 121 passengers and th e!e people, too, wil l be taken to Ca mp Pendleton, though offi cials said they would spend the ni ght in m akeshift facilities at Norton . A total of nine aircraft were due at El Toro today carryin g a total of700passengers. · Al El Toro, Wil liam O'ltara. fli ght captain, said he picked the passengers up in Honolulu where they had been on stopover and that the four-hour and 45·minute fli ght was '·very uneventrul and very smooth." . The refugees had been taken to Honolulu from Guam. The plane was immedi ately refuled and O'Ha ra said he would fly to Honolulu within ha lf an hour to pick up another load. St e wa rdess 1\1 arja Leen a Vaisanen. a Finn . said that there were a few Vietnamese who spoke good Eng lis h a nd they helped ou t in communicating \\•ith other passengers and there \\'Cre no co mmunication problems. She said that there were no pro· blems whatsover and most peo- (Sce REFUGEES, Page i\2 ) OraL·-·~ a:··' We atller Mostly sunny through We dn es d ay l>u t some patchy early m orning fog . Lows t onig ht 45 lo 55. \Var mer days \\'ilh beach highs of 62 rising to 74 in- land. INSID E TODA'\' Yacht skippers carried ojf trophies today for whining ef· forts in 28t h Newport t o En.renad a yaclii race. Com plete ·rundown and plwtos, Page BS . At Y-S.r•kt ....ifl't lnde~ :H .. .. Er""° .. '"M<• L..M. .. ,. C.lllwlll• Ofl1t.ltlM "' .,., ""'"' tro11 ... r4 ONtllMotk " IEdllWlll ~-.. &"'"""•"-"' ,._. --·~· ..... I ,I •• 114·• ••• ., .. •• I •(\.! DAILYP!LOT SB Medical· Teaching Reduced UC HcgC'nts Chairman \Yllll um French ::i milh has approved a stal ed·do"'n univcrs it y·wide rnecli t•al t e<ie hing pl a n that rat1f1 rs 1nosl d evelopment pluns fo·r the UC lr,•ine·Cu li(ornia Co llegl:'or ~'1('d ici ne . Sint~e thl•re is no regents meet • ing in 1\pr1I. Smith 's uction car· ries lht• "'('ight or approval of the full boar d . ;.iccordinl! to UC spokes"·oman Sarah ~lolla . The action ~l onday put tbe board's stamp of approval on a proposed mediC'n l school capital spcndin~ plan senl l-T id ay to (;o\' Edinuncl G. Bro\\'fl Jr. by l 'C Prt•stdtnl Charles 1-Ut ch. L'n1 vcrsit,·-111cl C', \ht• plan calls f()r a rt·duL".ccl r ~1 t e of growth of <·nrolln1c·nt ;1t tht~ five 'medical tt.'a<'hing (':t 111 pu st•s. By 1981, niedlc:il t'nrolln1t·nts are to tot~! 12.~00 . ~1 figure 461 fe"'er than pr(•vi ous projections. This year there :.ire 9,686 medical students JR the university system. Des pite the C'Ul b:.ick student and expenditure growth projec- l ion s, UCl 's lll edi cal school plans 1·am e through \•irtually un· Sl'jlhcd. Plans h:t\'c been s narled for months in a mor ass of legislative ..ind uni\•crs ity :.ipprovals. ''':.iit - 1n g for regent action to brc..i k the logJ:im . The plan c;.ills for building a 200-bed on-cam pus hospital. con- ~truct ion of ;.i basic sciences teaching building on the campus ;i nd acqui sition and renov:.ition of Orange County 1\1 cdical Center, a s initially proposed. . UCI's medical teaching plan has been attac ked by State Legislative Analyst A. Alan Post, who has told legislators the :school should be shut down as a state economy move. Taking s h;.irp exception to Post 's assault , J·litch 's pl an sug- gests that if cutbacks must be made, they s hould be made at the UC Da\'is medical sehool. Unl ess 3 better affiliation agreement ('an be made for universit~· use of the Sacra mento County l\·Jedical Center, Hitch said. UC Davis' med sc hool s hould be closed or Jts ~nrollment be cut by up to 40 percent . Hitch's plan suggests some cuts be made at UC I. llowever. med student class size is to grow ·to 96 as planned. ltl edical interns and residents are to be reduced from 620 to 588, acco'"ding to 1-litch 's recomme ndations. Goin g ahead '''ith plans to de· velop UCI, Hitch said, '"is essen- tial in ac co mpli s h in g th e .a cade mic obj ectives of the California Co ll ege of 1\-fedicine at Irvine and provides medical care in the midst of a rapidly develop- ing area of Orange County." C:anyon Blaze Fatal to One; Probe Slated Orange County fire offic ials said today one person died in a ('abln fi re in an isolated area of 1'rabul'O Canyon ea rly today. fdentifi calion of the victim and other information related to the fatal fire \\'ill not be available un· til l<1tcr today, aecortl.ing to a dis- patcher at county fire head· {j lla rters in Orungc. The blu zc in the Trabuco Ca · nyon ;_irc·a cas t of Jl oly Jim Canyon "'as r(·ported shortly before 2 i.l.rn ., the dispatche r ::.a id . lie noted that early reports in· <heated a t\\'O·Story c<.ibin was destroyed in the earl y morning fire, probably b'cfore fire ri ghters traveling on primitive roads ar- r1l'ed ;,it the sct·nt·. ORANGE COAST ~II DAILY PILOT In• 0•~"<1' (:~~•t O•H~ Pllnl ... 1n .,..,,,,., ,~, ...... "''"GI"""""'• <>r•"·'' publo\....., ~· '"'" °'""'"" to~ ,I ..,.t!1 l>•nq Comp•"• ~"0•'"'' ~"''"''" ••• ~"~""'"d ............. '"'""Q" ! ''""' ... ("'I• ,.,..__., ''""P<HI 6••(n, Hunlln<>'"" """""".,..,.. '"'"' 11.110 ,, ••••!>•. ~~uo•~b~<• \loll••""(! L~"""" l><'•~h '>ou•h Co•'' • •~ol• "'"'"""! ro•lont1 •I ""'~''"'"a S••o•a ... 1 •nd -,.,....,,, •• ,,.... P""'-•P~• 11Ubh\l"na 01•"' " "' .i,O w.-,1 li•r '11'0</I , CO)I• Mc'~ (,,lo!O••!'" ~ol• Robe rt N. W!!r•cJ P••l•O•n• """ l'ubl""''' J.:i c.11. R Curl!'.'y .... "''"''"""'•"II c,.,..., ............... . l ho ma\ A. Murph1rie -n•q•nq (l!•l(W Charles H Loos Richard P, N.tll "''"l•n! _.,_Q•"'4tL11<10t1 01her OlfiCl!S l61•• ff'n, .. no """''""'~ ... ... "' .. ,.., .. l!•· .... JI!\ ..... ,.,., ....... ·~•(! ''""'"'Q1Dn "' .,h ''•' • , ...... ..., .... .,,.q L•Q""" llnoth, 11.,y~ ""'!•" )lt+ct Tl!ll!pf'lone (7141 M1·4:111 Cli115Sllltd Adver11s\ng 642-S611 ~"lll9t••• lloll•rN•""'I Olh<I }11-6J10 ''""''""LI•""'"'" 49 ~·0630 <:1111,•!o"'· 1111> o,~ .. ,,~ e ... ,, Publhl'llno '"'"""~'' Nl!M•~ ""''" ·••1111to11""'--1tl••I M•U~I or •dwllll\•"l•nl\ ll••~lfl ITUf ,.,.. ,~,1tod11tttl Wllll0\11 \(10•••1 , ... m ........ OI , ....... , .. ,_ ....... :i.(9fld t I.\, 11'9\I~ p ao<S •1 (. ... 1. M~I•, c.111.,.n!•. S11"4c"llll.,. !t'f~•"-u .oo -.,., , &., -•I ..... 00 ....... tl>lr, ltllltl•1'~•Ml"""ll 00 ,,_ ... 1,, t Tu1td1y,AprH 29, 1975 ~~ Cotapcdga Funds Health County Getting Panel OK.8 Pot 'Fine' SACRAMENTO CUP!) -A bill r educi11 g the crimi n a l m ur ij ua n ~• µl'nalt il'S und suUbt1tut1ng <A n1uximun1 $100 fine ror p ossl's :s i o n of s nlall un1 ounts or the \\'Ced \Vu s 41pprovcd toduy IJy the Al:i· scmbly W'uys und Means Committee. Center Proposed Hinshaw Cash Saddlc b<1ck College trustees received a l'Cport. Monday pro~ posing a student health center on the Mission Viejo campus and s o id they \\•ill study it. UPIT .......... Al a b a m a Gov . George \Vall acc, s pe aking in \V as hin g t o n M-o nda y. blamed '·so-called doves" in the U.S . as responsible for the C'omm uni!il takeover in Southeast As ia. Wall ace's wife, Cornelia, is at left . Fro• Page Al SCHOOL .•• next fall. While the district has tried to use the "neighborhood school" a nd "feeder school" concept where possible. J ohn Cooper. dis· trict coordinator of research and development. s aid it is impossi· ble for all stude nts "'ithin "'alk· ing dist ance of a school to be ac- commodated. ··\\lh y can ·1 \\"e just let them all "'alk ?'~ Cooper said, ··Because if \\'e did, "·e 'd have maybe twice as many stu de nts at some schools as they C'Ou ld hold.'' The alternatives as outlined by Cooper ar e busing students to schools v.•ith more room or hous· ing them in portable buildings at the closest schools. .. It costs money to bus them and it costs money to build portab l es," Coope r s aid. '"Generally it is che<.ipcr lo bus kids. But the fi gures <.ire not that far apart. And you have to look al the philosophical questions or cost v. educational and emo· tional benefits." The s t off r ecommendation "'ould change th e intermediate school boundari es beginning next year and keep them the same un· t il the p roject e d fourth in · tcrmediale school opens in 1980. It also '''ould retain ,.\egean Hills as part or th e !'otission Viejo l-ligh School proposed for north l\.1ission Vi ejo. One presentation made at the hearing \\"as by Robert Seibert. a n engineer living in Laguna 1-lills, who had challenged the dis· trict's bounda ry study and volun· t.ee red to put a ll the fact ors throu g h a com pute ri zed analysis. His r esults indicated that in terms of 13 criteria from cost and fa cilities adequacy to subjective items such as student loyalties and community unity, the dis· tric.t "'ould do best to locate. the next schoo l i n north l\ofission Viejo. Girl, 14, Tells Rape Attempt 1\ 14-y ear-old San Clemente girl "'as s cxu<J1ly mol estl.'<l Mon· day c"cning behind the snack s hop at the city-owned Bonita Ca· nyon baseba ll field by a short heavy man "'ith long red hair ;.ind a mustache, San Clemente Police reported. According to Detecti ve Sgt. Ardon Saunders, the girl was walking home from a fri end's house when the m on approached. threatened h e r with a pocket knife, dragged her behind the snack shop a nd attempted to r<ipe her. The incident occurrcc.l it bout 5 p. m . 1'hc uninjured gi rl descMbcd the attuckcr us 25 lo 30 years old , five feet nine inches tall, 200 pounds. with red collar·length hair, a bushy red mui;lache and long red s ideburns . 8)' GARY GRANVILLE OfllMO<ill• '•*"'-" Ornnge County government has begun recovering some of the t.:J.xpay ers money aJJeg~y spent on Rep. Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 congressional campalgn. Implied jn the recovery or $5,693 from 27 County employes, <'ilher through payments or ugreement.5 to pay. is their ad· mis s i o n th ey v.·orked on llinsha\\1's successful campaign on count y tim e. 1-lo"•evcr, according to Deputy f'ro• Page AJ ..... EVACUATE ing considered. Pres ident Ford ordered the airlift a fter President Duong Van ~linh made a radio speech order- ing a ll Americans assigned to the U.S. defense alt ache's office out of the country "'ithin 24 hours. ,\t the same time. South Viet- namese air forC'e men began a mass flight from their homeland. The Thai Foreig n Ministry said 74 planes carried about 2,000 \"ietnamese to Utapao Air Base in southern Thailand. Ci \'ili an offieials of the South \"ietnamese go\•ernment "'ere also reported fleeing as rumors spread that the \'iet Cong and 1'orth Vi etnamese v.·ould soon march into the city. As the Americans pulled out, South Vietnamese police and soldiers looted buildings they had occupied. The y carried out refrigerators. furniture, air con· ditioners and other household goods. Besides the South \'ietnamese pl anes \\'hich flev• to Thailand, a DC6B that had been used by high· ranking South \'ietnamese of- ficials landed al Clark Air J!ase in the Philippines with 130 persons a board. including air for ce men and a handful of \\"Omen and children, \\fhile most Americans were pulling out, a fe w remained behind. Among them were some ne"·smen and missionaries. ··v..1e have talked about this for J'ears." said Max Ediser, 28, of Turpin , Okl a., who v.·orks with the !\f ennonite Central Commit· tee. "\\'e could never come up ""ith a definil'e a nswer. Now v.·e reali ze that having talked of love to our Vietnamese people, and told th e m not to yield to fear or ignorance, we cannot leave them in this hour of need. So we are staying." Among others remaining with Ediser are James Klassen, from Kansas, and Luke Marin, from Pennsylvania, both Mennonites, and Claudia Krich a nd he r husband Ke ith Brinton of the American Friends Service Com· mitlee. Fro•PageAJ REFUGEES pie s lept, but there was concern about a pregnant passenger, but she did not go into labor. She said that most of lhe passengers were dependents of U .$. citizens .and oth~rs were cmploycs of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The stewardess said that most of the passengers were unemo· tional except for one woman who "'·as worried about getting along in the U.S. and cried a little. The stewardess said that as they sighted the U.S. mainland· the Vi etnamese became "very curious" and looked out the win· dows bul there didn't seem to be any em otion. Fro• Page Al REACT ••• fug..ees in California have cen~ tered around the same theme - adding to Cali(ornia's already large unemployment rolls. Ct.ilifornia. said the Governor Monday, "cannot afford P"Ore unemployment.•· l·lc a<ldcd that the Ford ad· mi nis tration has faile d to 1·cspond to urgent requests by Brown administration officials for more information on the re· fu gce influx. Fro•Pa~AJ VIETNAMESE PLEAS ••• DOZENS OF ABl\NDO?'!!ED CARS lin ed the broad boulevard outside the embussy ns their own ers soughl re· fugc within . l\.1ost of lhe people were Vietnamese who worked for .. ~mericans or had hal(·Amcricun children, but many were Crom "'ea I thy or W<'ll·to-do families. "I have gold ," said a well·drcsscd young man to an Am eri C'a n. ''If you h(•]p me get out of Vietnam, I'll give you $200,000 ." The wc<ilthy brlbC'd, the poor plended and others stood with bowed heads hoping the Am ericans would s how mercy and take them out. ' ' ( County Counsel 1'crry Andl'US, the em1)!oycs' voluntary settle· menls do not m cun they udmlt persona l negli gence or unln"·ful conduct ln connection v.•ith the al- leged illegal electlOnt'<'rlng°:. Whal the 27 eounty \\'Orkcrs paid or agreed to pay '"•e re various amounts a uditors suid represented the extent of their participat ion in the campuign. Specifically. at the conclusion of a six-week uudil ordered by the Board o f Supervil;ors the en1ployes were t·harged ror "'hat the auditors said \\'ere y.·ugcs :i nd gas mileage puid thcn1 "'hllc they actually \VOJ'k('d on the can1- paign. · Lt'ft' unpui d at the 5 p.n1 . Apri l 24 settle me nt deadline impQsed by the s uper vi sors \\'as an addi· tional $7.~6 the auditors say un additional 32 county employes owe as the result o f their Hinshaw campaign activities. Included among the unsettled accounts are thos e o"•ed by four ;.isscssor's office offieiuls· \vho, along with ri ve others. were in· dieted De<:. 5 by the county Grand Jury. Thl' nine ml'n were charged in the 33-counl indictment with be· ing part of a conspiracy that con- ducted a portion of Hinshaw's campaign at taxpayers' expense. BUDGET ..• level or even diminishing it. There are indications that the council 's fi scal conservatism may r equi r e some cut s in services. It has been re com· mended that if cuts in the pro· posed $525,907 budget must be made, they be in the area of ad- ministrative services, street sweeping, landscape and slope maintenance, and street lighting. Richard Kell y, special distri ct coordinator "'ilh the county ad- ministrative office, told the ~fAC panel that the county's auditor had "found " another $.50,000 in the budget which will minimize the immediate impact of m ain· taining the 41-cent tax rate. But unless the taxes are raised in the future he predicted Mis· sion Viejo would "lose ground'' at tbe rate of $50,000 a year and be in a poor position to develop park land the ft.1i ssion Viejo Com· pany intends to dedicate in the future. While Chairman Richard Lowcock and councilmen Cal Neve a nd Kathleen Kelly voled to hold tb e line on the tax rate. Councilme n John Noble and Jeanne Gagnebin were adamanl· Jy opposed lo it. It was the position of the MAC minority that A1ission Viejo resi· dents a re willing to pay a little more to live in a well-maintained community and that a slight tax increase now would forestall larger "catchup" rate hikes in the future. Noble said th e council is "foolish. for the sake or $3, to hold down the tax rate and four years down the road be in trou· bl e."' Howeve r, Neve summed up the majority position by saying that even though the MAC was only dealing with pe nnies, a few tax pennies here and there add up. "We need to keep the residents he re to pay the t axes." added Neve, s uggesting that increases in the tax bill might cause J\.tis· sion Viejo residents to look for other places to live. 'fhe Se nul c -pnsse d 1neusure <SD95 l hy Sen. Gt.'orgc ~1os co ne (0-Sun l-'tunt•isco), wus a~proved on un 11-8 vote with little discussion in the heavily Democratic committee and sent to the full As· ~cmbly where supporters .forecast approv n I. The bill, sim ilu r to an Oregon la"', would repeal possible felony sanctions a gainst tni.il'ijuana users. Viejo High's Jazz Ensemble Sets Concert The jazz t•nsembl<' of lhe Mis· sion Viejo 1-ligh School band and \\'i ll present its third annual con· l'ert at 7:30 p.m . Thursday in the !\lission \1iejo 11 igh Sc·hool gyn1 . 1\rrangeml'nts by John Prince, Steve Speigl. Dic k Gro"e lind Kim Richmond are on the pro· gram by the 28-membcr group directed by Terry Ne\\'man. Soloists for the eoncert will in· elude Rob Jenkins on alto sax, flute, and tenor sax; James Harris on piano ; 1\-like Koptyra on trumpet ; and Ken Uc ll on trombone. The Jazz Ensemble "·as rated superior at the Orange Coa st Ja zz Fe s ti,·a \ and th e South\\·estcrn Jazz Festi\'.al. MAC Gi·ven Wood Podium By Studenls The ~1ission Viejo ~lunicipal Advisory Council <MAC), never lacking for a political platform, nO\'I has a podium loo. Students from Si lverado I-U gh School built it from \vooddonatcd by shop teacher Art Thomas. The podium was formally turne d o\·er to the council Monda y ni ght. Cou ncil President Richard l.o\\·cock accepted the wooden podium in behalf of the three· man, two-woman panel and pre· dieted it \l.'ould contribute to the betterment of the community. ''There's going lo be lots of fi st pounding a nd lots of issues di s· cussed on tha t podium," he as· sured Sil ver ado Principal Bailey Dougherty. Buffet and Ballet Set in Laguna Hills The Aegean 1-lills V..'omen's Club offers ballet with its buffet Saturday al 11 :30 a.m. at the Laguna Hills 1-lillon , according to Bobbye 1''Joyd , chairman. tn addition to excerpts from "Les Sylphdes," tap and jazz numbers arc also on the pro- gram, s he said. Tickets and in· formation are available by call- ing Mrs. Floyd, 837-3645. T he .two-year cornmunity col· lei:e, serving San Clemente, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Mission Viejo, Tus tin, Laguna 1-lills, Dana Point, El T oro and Laguna Niguel, is the only communif.y t·ollegc in the county not offering health services to its students. William Kelly. associate dean or counseling and stude nt arrairs. told trustees the only bona fide nurse on campus is the school's chief mainte na nce man who .served ns a nurse in the service. Kelly's proposal, endorsed and jointly prepurcd by the Associat· t·d Stud ent Body, would cost $3 per quurter for a ll students at· tending classes at the main CPm· pus. The health program would have an annual budget of $63,000 and would be self-supporting <:tfler an initial $12,000 remodel· ing of lhc ··c " building on cam~ pus. Kelly said. I-le propo!ied that the district {•ither loan the health service program the $12,000 remodeling l'OSt or pay the salary of a full · time nurse :.it a cost of about St7.000. Kelly s aid the ASB was un- animous in supporting the pro- gram and that in his 0\\11 random poll or about 200 s tudents, the rl'·. suits \\'ere six or seven to one .favoring it. ' In addition to a full-time nurse. the clinic would be staffed with· u nurse and part·timephys ician. It would treat cuts and bruises , flu and colds, prescriptions, lab referrals , health counseling and emergency treatment. It would a lso pro \'ide phys icals fo r ;ithletes. Kell y proposed that such a tenter be ope n from 8 a.m. to8:30 p.m . l\londay through 1'hursday and 8 a .m . to 4 p.m . Friday. Shoplifting Councilman Quits Post Brea Counci lm a n Don Symmes, convicted or shoplifting by municipal c ourt last "·eek, an· nounccd his resignation at !\Ion· day's city council meeting. Symmes, in a brief statement following a council exceutivc session, s:.iid he niay become a candidate in the next election "if the citizens "·ant me to run again." Symmes said his resignation "·as not a n admission of guilt. He claims he is innocent of the shoplifting charge and is con· sidering appealing the decision. lie w;.is <'onvict"-d of stealing a '''Om an's coat al t1\e J .C. Penney store in Fullerton just before Christmas. The City Council \\'ill either call a special election in Nov · e mber or :ippoi nt someone to replace Symmes \\'ho served a little more th an one year o! his four-ye ar term. School Record Bid SACRAMENTO <UPI) - Legislation permitting students 16 years old or older to see their public school recorm passed the Assembly Monday on a 64.-0 vote and was sent to the Senate. A WORD TO THE WISE- There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather lhan samples. Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only Off-goods, so that the customer only gets to see old patterns, or carpets the mills couldn't sell to regular outlets. Also, this type . of o peration generally feels that experience is unimportant. and consequently the salespeople know little or nothing about 'the products. Finally, most will farm out the installations to the lowest bidder.guaranteeing a j.)Oor installation. (Many of these installers are contracting illegally without a state license. At Alden·s we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large inventory, and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced salespeople. and our installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state licensed contractor. '"~DEN'S • •••••••••••••••• -installation· custom draperies UC. NO. 230422 ' 1663 PlACENT>A AVENUE COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6'6·'838 -6'6·23SS ' • • • 1 • I v F ., n " r. c ir r (, • I • • ' • • I I ( I I I I I ' I I • ' I ; .. .T oday 's Clos ing N.Y . Sto cks VOL. 68, NO. 119 , 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 TEN CENTS. Regents Okay Medical School Plan UC Regents Chairman Willi am French Smith has approved a scaled -down univc rs ily·wide m edic al t eaching pla n th1:1t ratifies most development plans for t he UC Irvine-California College of Medicine. Since there is no regents rn cct- ing in April, Smith's action cur- ries the weight of approval of the full bourd, <.1ccordlng to UC spokeswoman Su rah Molla. The a ction Mondily put the board's s tomp of approval on a 1iroposed m edical school capital spending plan sent Friday to· Gov . E dmund G. Brown Jr. by UC President Charles Hitch. Uni versity-wide, the plan calls for a reduced rate of growth of enrollment <it the five medical teaching carr1puses. By 198 1, medical enrollme nts are to total 12,400, a fi gure. 461 fewer than • irst \ Ca~pai911 Funds County Getting Hinshaw Cash By GAR Y GR ANVILLE 01 1~• D•lly Piiot 51.tl Orange County government has begun recovering some or the taxpayers money allegedly spent on Rep. Andrew Hinshaw's 1972 congressiona l campaib'"· Implied in the recover y of $.5.693 rrom 27 county cmployes, t!ilhe r t hroug h payments or ;tgr eements to pay, is their ad- mission t h ey wor ked on Hinshaw's successful campaign on county time. However, according lo Deputy County Counsel Terry Andrus; the employes ' voluntary settl'c· ments do not mean they admit personal negligence or unlawful conduct in connection with the al- leged il legal electioneering. What the 27 county workers paid or agreed to pay were various amounts auditors said' r epresented the extent of their participation in the campaign. SpeciCically, cit the conclusion or a six-week audit ordered by the Board of Supervisors the employes were charged for what the auditors said were wages and gas mileage paid them while they actually worked on the cam- paign. . Le(t unpaid at the 5 p.m. April 24 settlement deadline imposed by the supervisor s was an addi- tional $7 ,046 the auditors say an additional 32 county employes owe as the r esult o( their Hinshaw campaign activities. Included among the unsettled accounts are t hose owed by tour assessor's office officials · who, along with five others, were in- dicted Dec. 5 by t he county Grand J ury. · The nine men were charged in the 33-count indictment with be- ing part o( a cons piracy that con· dueled a portion of Hinshaw's campaign at taxpayers' expense. At the same lime, the auditors conceded ~hey could not trace the losses attributed to persons who refuse to cooperate in their in- vestigation, in cluding all but one of the indictees. Of the $5,693 t he 27 employcs have either paid or agreed lo pay, slightly less than $1,500 in (See HINSHAW• Page A2) Female Body Found In OC Drain Ditch Whal authorities beli eve was a 12-hour immersion in a partly fi lled drainage ditch is hamper- ing Orange County Sheri(£'s of- ficers today in their bid toidenti(y t he body or a worn an found 1r1on- day in the Laguna Hills area. ''Her h ands were in the water from the time she entered the ditch to the time we round her,'' Woman With Pistol Held An Oakland woman was ar· r ested Monday at Orange County Airport after she a llegedly tried t o board a flight lo San Francisco with a .38 caliber derringer pistol' jn her possession. O ra nge County Sheriff's or. ficers jailed G loria Charlotte Nelson, 24, on char ges of carry· ing a concealed weapon after be- ing called to t he airport by security officers who searched the defendant's luggage. an investigator s aid. "It's prov· ing pretty d ifficult to get a set or prints we can work from .'' Meanwhile coroner's otCicers began toxicological tests on the body's organs with a view to de- termine the exact cause or death. Officers in both divis ions believe t h at the partly cla d \voman, aged a bout 30 lo 35, drowned in the drainage ditch at Moulton Parkway a nd L a Canada Road where s he was. found late Monday by a county road department cmploye. "'lier lungs were full of water." an inves tiga tor s aid. "T her e \Vere no marks on her txxly and no evidence 0£ foul play but the t ests will determine i( drugs or any other ractor pl ayed any part in he r death.'' Office rs said they are also working on the theory that the woman, of Latin extraction, was an illegal immigrant. "Her clothing s uggests that," an investigator said. "One of our first contact s will be Mexican ·authorities to see if they can help us with the prints we hope lo take from her today ... previous projections. This year there are 9,686 m edical students in the unive rs ity system. Despite the cut back student and expenditure growth projec· lions, UCI's medical school plans came through virtually un- scathed. Plans have been snarled for months in a morass of legislati ve and university approvals, wail- ing £or regent action to break the logjam. The plan Calls £or building a 200-bed on-campus hospital, con- str uction of a basic sciences teaching building on the ca mpus and acquisition and renovation or Orange County Medical Center, as initially proposed. . UCI 's medical t eaching plan has been attacked by State Legisla tive An a lys,t A. Alan Post, who has l<?ld legislators the ees school should be s hut down as a state economy m ove. Takin g s ha rp excepiion to Post's assault, Hitch's plan sug- gests that it cutbacks must be made, they shou ld be made at the UC Davis medical school. Unless a better a(filiation agreement can be made ror university use of the Sacramento County Medical Center, llitch said, UC D<1.vis' med school should be closed or .. f ....... .. rt' --., .. ' VIETNAMESE REFUGEE ARRIVED IN .STYLE AT EL TORO WITH HER PARASOL IN HAND First Jet Carrying Saigon Escapees Touched Down In Orange County at 10 a.m. Wild Saigon Scramble V.S. Evacuees Have to Fight Way Out SAIGON CAP ) -U.S. heli cop· ters swooped down on Saigon rooftops and the Tan Son Nhut airport today and began evacuat- ing most or the remaining 800 to 900 Americans. Some or t he Americans £ought off South Vi et· namese desperately t rying to nee before Communist-led forces takeove r . America 's 30-y ear involve- * * ' • ment in the Indochina war was ending in wild and tragic scenes, with U.S. ~1arin es and civilians using pi stol and rifl e butts to smash the fin gers of Vietnamese trying to claw their way over the 10-fool wall of the U.S. Embassy. At the airport, angry Viet· namese gua rds £ired at busloads of evacuees and shouted, "\Ve ''"ant to go, too.,. * * * U.S. fi ghter -bombers new air cover high over the city for the evacuation. The Pentagon said 81 helicop· lers and more than 800 Marines MARINES BEAT BACK PANICKY S . VIETS, Page A3 HOW FORD ORDERED EVACUATION, Page A4 Deputies added charges of possession of controll ed sub· s tances after a county jail search a llegedly produced a quantity of d angerous drugs for which the d e£endant had no prescription. State Aid Asked ,,·ere used to fer ry evacuees to ai rcraft carriers in the South China Sea. Burglar .Cuts Hand in Theft A thief who broke iillo an Irvine home Monday got. $950 in jewelry but lost a lot or blood ap· parently through cutting his hand while fo rcing e ntry .. Police reported thul many pools of blood were left on the carpet in the home or 1-larold .Brehm. 53. bra nch manager or a rtnance company, ul 4021 $4.?ton Road. . A thief al so broke into a .1'eighbor's home al 4031 Seto~ Road Monday -the home of J ames Thompson, a quality con· trol superviaor -and toot $7. \ ( Refugee Bid Unpopular The pending arrival or some 20,000 Viet namese refugees in the Orange-San Diego County area has sparked instant rcac- tioo -most or it unJavorable - froin s tate ..ind local officials. \Vorrles about high state un- cmploy1ncnt aroused the concern or Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Brown criticized as "haphazard" federal plans to relocate the thousands or homeless war re- fugees in California. A state s pokeman has reported thnt Brown is ba lking at a re· quest by the rederal government that he make available $100,000 to set up temporary facilities to aid the refugees in the state. Mario Obledo. head of the state's health and welfare agen- cy. said the governor wanted more in£ormntion on the refugee situation before releas ing a ny state money for the m. R e p . C lair Burge n e r o f oceanside, whose district in- cludes the Camp Pendleton Brea where the refugees are to ~ housed. said , "l ... hope thal what t have been told ls true - that the 11election of P endleton will.not result in SonDiego Coon· ty bein& a permanent home for more r e fugees. than. would normally be the case. ' ) "l hope the federal govern- ment will do all in Its power to prevent any additional financial burden being placed on San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton.'' From San Clemente, Mayor Tony DiGiovanni said he was "worried a bout the s late of health these people a re in.'' Oran1e County Health Officer Dr. John R. Philp, expressing the same concern, order4!d that in · coming refugees would have lo be coofined to m ilitary inslall•· ~on1-. · MiDtary SPokesmen continued • <See REACT,··~· A2) Defense Secretary .J ames R. Schlesinger said m ore than 4,500 Americans and Vietnamese had been evacuated six hours after the operation began. Vice President Nguyen Van Huyen renewed calls for a cease- tire but denied tonight that the governme nt reached any agree- m ent with the Viet Cong. l ie said a gove rnment clelegation met twice during the day with a Viet Cong deleg<t tion at Tan Son Nhut but the Viet Cong group suid it was n ot qualified t o m ake: political Decisions . Huye n said one demand of the Viet Cong -the removal or all Americans -WB!; already being met and that the demands for abollAhment ot the Saigon gov .. · emment and the aimy we re be· <See EVACUATE, Page AZ) its enrollment be cut by up lo 40 percent . Hitch's pla n suggests some cuts be made at UCL l-lowever, med stude nt class size is to grow to 96 as planned. l\1 edica1 interns and residents are to be reduced rrom 620 to 588, according lo l litch "s r(.•com mend;1tions. Going ahead \\•ith plans to de- velop UC I, 1-lit ch s aid, "is cssen- CSce 1't ED1CAL. Page A2l • Evacuees ......_., Land At El Toro By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Oll111 D•ily Pilo1St~ll A DClO na m ed ''Freedom•• carried the first co ingenl or Viet na mese 'v a r r e •ees to Orange Co n a new life in Ame ~ The Oversea s Nat ional Airvlays jetliner touched dO'-"'fl at El Toro Marine Cor ps Air Station at 10 a.m. and began di scharging 380 pe r!lons who made the flight across the Pacific. All looked healthy as they dis· embarked. Most were depen· dents of U.S. citizens. Some were U.S. Embassy employe·s. The first person to leave the plane was a pretty Vi etnamese wom a n wearing a short pink dress and mod s unglasses and, carrying a cos m etics case. She was followed by other Vi et- namese wearing Western clothes pnd some \vearing Vi etnamese pajama s uits. There were children, too, car· rying stuffed animals and other toys, but t heir fa ces were uncmo: tional, perhaps a result of tired· ness. They flashed no smiles as they Ciled past cam er amen. Meanwhile, two Military Airlift Command planes la nded at Norton Air Force Base. They dis· charged 121 passengers and these people, too, "''ill be taken to Camp Pendleton, though officials said they would s pend the ni ght in makeshift facilities at Norton. A total of nine aircraft were due at El Toro today carrying a total of 700 passengers. At El Toro. Wi lliam O'lla r a. fli ght capta in , s aid he picked the passengers up in Honolulu where they had been on stopover and that the four-hour and 45-minute fli ght "'as "ver y uneventful and very smooth ." . The refu gees had been taken to Honolulu from Gu am. The plane 'vas imme diately r efuled and O'Hara said he would fly to Honolulu within half an hour to pick up anothe r load. Stewa rdess fl1 arja Leena Vaisanen, a Finn, said that there \\'ere a few Vi e tna mese who spoke good Engli sh a nd they helped out in communicating with other passengers a nd there were no communication problems. She said tha t there were no pro· blems whatsove r and most peo- CSee REFUGEES, Page 1\2) Or:•·:-~:••t Weatller ·Mostl y s unny through \Ve dnes da y but s ome patchy early morning fog. Lows toni g ht 45 to 55. Warmer days \vith beach hichs of 62 ris ing to 74 in- land . I NSIDE TODA. Y Yacht skippers carried off trophies today /or winning e/· forts in 28th Newport to Ensenada yacht race. Comp l el e ru ndown a nd photos, Page BB . l11dex AJ A""UftMr1 •• MOM~ IU MwhNI 1"11l'ICI\ AlO ,...,._..1Nt.w1 •• ., •• •• Al ~...-C.1111ty .. ,. .... ,4 ~· eJ IW1¥i• Per1•r ., Sf!IM1• ,.,, s..c.11,.,.,..-. A• TMwl...,. • ., TIINlirn ,, ... , ....... , . et W.rMMtw9 ., 1 1·1 •• • •• ... ... ., ., .. ... 1 ,42 DAILVPILOT Tuesd1y. April 29, 197!1 Foll Doose Laguna Pilot Tells of Temion HONG KONG (AP) -A pilot from Laguna Beach had 15 South Vit>lnamese, including u colonel. force their way aboard his Air r\ml'rica C4fi ut S<.iison's Tan Son · Nhut airport toduy. 'rhe pilot was identified as Stephen Sadler of Laguna Beach. Sadler said the colonel tried to r:im his jeep into the plane while it wus ta)(iing on the runway. "I firially decided to l~t him in the· plane because there was no other \\'ay the pla ne could take off. I disarmed him as soon tis he c:ume ubourd ," he said. Sadler said the 14 others forced thei r \\":iY in to the plane before the engines wer e started. 11They just s at the re and refused to move," he said . Sadler dc<.'lin'•d to reveal the , names of the Vietnarnesc but s01id the <.'olonc l listed hi s occupil· lion as .. u defected colonel ." Sadler said South Vietnamese· soldiers fired on the pl ane as it took off fronl the Saigon airport but it was not hit. A }long Kong government spokes man said there were 22 passengers aboa r d the plane. lie ' said some of the m v.·ere without valid travel documents and were being processed immigration or- fi cers. Repl,.~ Strikers Rubbish· Haulers I Hired Off Streets By KATHY CLANCY 01 Ill• D.111, Pilot S.~I Permanent replacements \\'ere being hired today for about 400 striking rubbish haulers in Hunt· ington Bca<.'h . Founl3in Valley. Laguna Beach and nine othe r Orangt.' County cities. "\\'e have had numerous calls and \\'e are .iust \\'ailing for them to come and fil e applications," said Sam Taormina. spokesma n for the Orange County Disposal Asso<.'iation. The haulers walked off their Funeral Set For Rancher From Tustin Funeral ser\'ices v..·ill be held for Cecil V. Chambers, 69. of 14891 \'orba St .. Tustin. long- time Orange County r ancher. Thursday a l 1 p.m. at Waxerly Church in Santa Ana. The Rev. R alph B. Pease \\'ill officiate. !ltr. Chambers was bom in 1906 in Umpire. Ark. He died l\1onday at the Tustin Community Hospital. He is sur\'ived by his V.'idow, Verle; oqe so n. Jotm B. Cham- bers; one d aughter. Nancy Ann Lindley, both or Santa Ana ; three sisters, l\lrs. Gladys Finley. Mrs. Mozell Parker and Mrs. Lurine · All ee a ll of La Habra; l\\'O brother s. \'ictor Chambers of Whittier and Paul Chambers of Yuc ca Vall e y ; and lwo grandchildren. Private burial will follow the servi<.'e at Fairhaven J\.temorial Park in Santa Ana. Services Set For Dr. Boyce Services for Dr. \Villiam T. Boyce. 90, a leader in the Califor.nia community coll ege movement and the first president of Fullerton College. \\i ll be held Sunday at 2 p, m . at the Clare- mont Presbyterian Church, 1111 N . J\.1ou ntain Ave. Dr. Boyce died Apri l 22 in Cl;:1remont ,,·hei:e he had been living for th e last 11 years. fi e is survived by t"·osons, Dr. R. Dudl ey Boyce of Huntington Beach. presid ent of Golden West College, and Dr. \\'ilJiam O. Boyce of E sco ndido ; tw o dau ghters. i\.l r s. \Villiam .Rinehart of C<:1 nog a Park and -i\lrs. J . Peter Be r covitz or Buckh annon. \V .Va .. and 13 grandchildren. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N Wc·~·d P•, l•Ornl •"1 """'"'" • J ~~ k R Curll'y V<1• ""'"'""' t "O C...nf!tl M..•"''3"' rnom''" Keev•t I 0"0' Tnoma'.t A. Murph1rn: """"""Q'"~ ~a.,..,. Char le'.t H. loo" Aithard P. Nall A••"l•nl """"'1•"9 I tl>l()I\ Ollite\ C'.4\lo Mt \t l )>J w.,, ll•1 '>"•ti Nt ,.-1 8'0<" Ill; ... .,_, -•••.I'd l•IN"*fl•oc" !"•·G••-,.,!.ottl ''""hl!QI"" ll'~l" 11111 ft~•tft ~·•••ti Soia<ll~l»tt YollO> 1\l~! l• p,., Ra,od .. ri..onD"'QOl•r• .. •r Telephone C114) 642·4321 Cla1\lfied Advertising 642·S618 loft«l!•ill.-:1 V•ll•,NtJ 0"•l~ Jl1 ·6J10 t tam i•~ t1t<1.-111~ 49J·06JO Coo,r11111 . ltl> O••At• Cn••• "~llllh.,ln~ (-HI\,, No ...... &!Or It:•, tlt"•l•ll IWI .. H ll6' 101 M.11111 or tO•tllltt..,..nO II•••!" ,..., IHr l ~P•OO<Kt0 w lllli;i..-1 >P'ftlt! 11•<1"11•11111 Ot ((>ll,rf9111 a•,,.,, ~~<o .. o c1.11 "°'''" .. 10 .1• Cn l• Mt•"· t..1•16' <!!I. SllOK<IPl-l?f , .. ,_ U.00 -1'1!'; ..., ,...,I ~.00"'9fllnir; utlt•lttf °'"',..'~ ll.00 _.,, ... I. ' r jobs l\tonday in a pay dispute · against the six £irn1s represented by the assoc iation. They arc responsible for 80 percent of the county's trash. Taormina said the six com- panies do ha.ve some trucks out \lo'Orking today. _ .. \\1e are going as much as "'e can to as many places as "'e can," he commented. "It's hard lo cover the whole area with only skeleton crews." But Gene Raasch, a Teamsters Union negotiator for the trash truck drivers and· helpers, said be doubts the firms will "find enough people" to replace ever· yoneon strike. "'That's one of the hardest jobs there is," he added. · Raasch said he is willing lo re· open negotia tions '•lith the firms but Taormina said no talks are planned. The new employes are being paid under term s of a contract the strik ing rubbish haulers turned do"'n, T aormina said. It offered employes a 33 per- cent boost in pay and benefi ts· O\'erthe next three years. Drivers had been paid $3.28 an hour and helpers $3.08. Raasch, \lo•ho said , "'You can't buy anything with that," said v..·orkers wanted a 52 percent boost, 72 cent s a n ~our the first year and 50 cents each of the next t"'oyears instead. · .. They are respcinsible for a piece of equ.ipment "'orth $48,000 to S.50,000,'' Raasch said. noting that is the cost of a garbage tru<.'k . But Stan Tkaczyk, general manager or Rainbow Disposal Company in Huntington Beach, added. "There are pl enty or peo- ple willing to work for what we orrered." He said striking Y.'Orkers. will · ing to cross their own picket Jines. may report back to work. Otherwise if the rirms f ind enough new workers, they will no longer have a job. Hov•ever . he s aid, they could be placed on a "preferential hir- ing list." to be reemployed as soon as an opening occurs. · BQ~h T aormin a and Tkaczyk reported periodic harassment or trash collection trucks trying to complete their rounds. One group" of s trikers tried to block a t r uck entering the J\fcDonnel Dou_g las plant Ln Hunt· ington Beach Monday afternoon. <.1nd others h ave foll o\\·ed trucks through neighborhoods but there have been no m aja r incidents . .ic.·cording to police <.ind company. offieials . l!ra• Page Al REACT ... to m aintain th<it the refugees are in good health. Uick Brown·, chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors , said the refugee operation is "certainly not a Calirornia responsibility ... a nd certainly not a San Diego County res ponsibility. .. I( c<i ll ed upon to pro vide service and facilities, we will im· mediately respond," he said. .. bu t we'd hope the federal gov· crnm ent would reimburse us for <.1ny and a ll costs." Gov. Brown 's re marks O\'Cr the past week of speculation about the pending arrival or re- fugees in California have cen· tered around the same theme - adding to California's already Jargt? unemployrpenl rolls. Californi a, said lhe Governor J\fonday, ·"cannot afford more unemploym ent.•· He udded that the Ford ad- mini s tratio n h as fa il ed to respond to urgent rrquei;t$ by Brown administration offlcinls for more lnrormation on the re- fugee influx. Gas Tax Approved WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Jlouse Ways and Mean.~ Commit· t.ee Monday approved a 1asollno t ax increase st(lrtlng at three cents a gallon and rising to 23 cenL• Ir Ame ricans don'l reduce gasoline consumption. 1st ARRIVAL AT EL TORO Vuthi Vu. 21 , of Saigon l!ra• Page Al REFUGEES pie slept. but there was concern about a pregnant passenger , but .she did not go into labor. She said that most of the passengers were dependents or u .s. citizens and others were e mployes of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The stewardess said that most of the passengers \\'ere unemo· tional except for one \lo'Oman who was "'orried about getting along in the U.S. a nd cried a little. The ste\\'ardess said that as they sighted the U.S. mainland the Vietnamese became .. very curious " and looked out the win- dows but there d idn ·1 seem to be any emotion. T h e r e were n'o contac t s bel\lo'een newsmen and Vie t- namese at El Toro -Orange County's chief health officer has banned all but offici3.I contacts withthe refu gees. · l\taj. Sally Prit chett, El Toro press officer, said that the flights -part of the biggest civilia n airlift from a \\'at zone in U.S. his· tory -\\•ill continue toarrive un ti l .. at least '' l\.Iay3. l!ra• Page Al MEDICAL. •• ti al in accomplishing the academic objectives of th e California College of Medicine at Irvine and provides medical care in the mids t or a rapid.Jy develop- ing area of Orange County.·• The on-campus hospital has been approved by a county plan· ning group a nd is designed to provide m e dical and emergency services to t he Jrvine·COrona del Mar area. Hitch termed the scaled-down university plans "a holding ae· lion that funds immediate and urgent items." Plans call for university.wide expenditure of $55.2 million for construc tion in t he 1975-76 budget. or that total, 54 .1 million is to come from the 1972 health sciences bond issue and SI .1 million from the state general fund. The cutbarks. he said. were necessary due to the need for ex· pensive seism ic safety renova- "tions a t many UC medical facilities. high construction costs and the gener al level or the state economy. The proposal, he said, would be ''full y adequate to meet California's needs," provide d more m oney is provided when the state economic picture im· proves. Canyon Blaze Fatal to One; Probe Slated • Or ange County fire offi cials said today one person died in a cabin fire in a n isolated area of Trabuco Canyon early tod ay. Jdentirtcation or the victim and other inform a tion related lo the ratal fire will not be available un· til la ter today. a ccording to a dis- patcher at county fire head· quarters in Orange. The blaze in the Trabuco Ca · nyon a rea east or Holy J im Canyo n was Teported s hortl y before 2 a .m ., tho d1spatchcr suid. l~e noted tha t early reports in· dlcated a two-story cabin "'as destroyed In the early morning fire, probably be fore fire fighters traveling on primitive roads ar· rl\•cd at the scene. ' f'ro• Page Al HINSHAW. • • cash w·as received by the April 2" deadline. The balance \''us sctth.•d : by agree m ents that pern1il the count y to deduct $50 a month from future Paychecks or to de- duct appropriate umounts fro1n vacation or sick leuve e<.irncd: but not yet puid. In th e n1 e;.1ntimc, <.:ounly Counsel Adrian Kuyper has been SQpervisors ordered the audit to instructed by the supervisol's to sui;! 1-lins haw for the $13,153 and to rue a claim uguinst the bond· ing con1pany that indemnified the county against loss while he was assessor. Now that the e mployes have settled $5,693 on their own, thut a mount is likely to be deducted from the county cluim against the Republicun congressman from Ne\\•port Beach since it is no longer o\ving. It was a month a rter the indict· 1nenl was rt.•turncd that the detcrmftilc ho\v much. i( uny, lax money was (·xpended o n llinshav.:'s behalf. Arter conducting more than 90 interviews, Lh e a uditors con- c luded 59 employes accounted for at least $13.153 in improper expenditures. Keesee Given 20-year Tenn In Conspiracy SAN DIEGO (AP) -Bobby Joe Keesee of Huntington Beach .-war he ro defector and cabinet maker -has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring to kidnap murdered diplomat John Patterson . U .S . Dis t rict Court Judge Leland C. Nielsen issued the sen- tence Monday after federal pro· seculars ar gued for a life term and Keesee·s attorney called ror a sentence no longer than 10 years. Keesee, 41, pleaded guilty to cons piring to kidnap Patteson, but denied having anything to do with his death. The 31-year-old diplomat was ·found slain near the American consulate at Hermosillo, ?\.1exico last July. Keesee was accused or writin2 a le tter t o the consulate de manding $250,000 for Patterson's life. He was last seen alive in a car with his apparent kidnaper. who rem ains unknown. Be fore being sentenced, the stocky d efe nde nt from Hunt· ington Beac h, said he was sorry he'd gotten involved in the affair. "I got involved in something 1 realize now was wrong,'' he s aid. Keesee, who won the Bronze Star in Korea as a teenager, de· fected twice from the United Slates -once to Cuba and again .to North Vietnam. He once claimed to work for the Central Intelligence Agency, but th e CIA denied ever hearing o(him. He went absent without leave from the Army at Ft. Huachuca, Ariz .. in 1962, flying a rented plane to Cuba, only to be re- turr.ed and sent to prison. The North Vi etna mese held him prisone r a lso, until the American POWs were released in 1973. Allon Unyielding. PARTS (AP) -Israeli Foreign J\1 inist c r Yiga l Allon again re- jected Arab demuntls for the re - turn or all territory occupied by Israel during the 1967 \lo'ar, but he did not s pecify just what ter- 1itory hi s government wi ll not give up . Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SA IGON <UPl J -The night was eerie with fl a re light as ·hundreds of Vi etnamese gathered outside the U.S . embassy begging Americans to help then1 flee their country. .. Plense toik e rn y childre n," cried a young woma n as she clutched an Americun holding an e mbassy radio. ''They are half ·American and the Viet Cong will kill them.'' . MARINE GUARDS IN FULL battle gear and embassy officials in c ivilian garb stood within the gates of the white concrete rortress·like building. They listened to the Vietnamese picas with harried but' sad looks. . The Americans "''ere leaving, but they couldn't t ake the thousands with them who wanted to get out. .. 1 worked for the Americans 17 years," said a Chinese man. ···why are they leaving me? I'm their frie nd," DOZENS 01-, ABANOOf'!ED CARS lined the broad boulevard outside the embassy us their owners sought re· fuge "'ithi1\. Most of the people were Vietnamese who worlted ror An1erirans or hud half-Am erit.•an t•hildren. but muny were from \\'culthy o r well -to-do ramili('S. "'l have gold ." said a well -dressed young man to an American. "lr you help me get out or Vietna m, I'll give you $200,000. ,, The weallhy bribed, the poor pleaded and others stood with bowed heads hoping the Americans would show m ercy and lake Lhe nl out . LARGE Cll-53 JOLLV GREEN giant helicopters set· tied on the roof or thecmb.ussy with loud roars . Red flares and smoke or s moke grenades thrown to mark la ndin g a r e;.as for the he licopters made the night look like something fron1 <.1 horror mo\'ie . T he lucky Vietnamese e mployes inside the embassy compound joined their American employers in boarding helicopters. Late in the evening son1e Victnumcse i;:a,•e up and began leaving the embassy area. SO ME LEFT IN DEFEAT. some hunting other places \\'here there wert.• Ameri cans. still clinging to the faint hope that they, too, might go. But m ost stayed outside the embassy begging the American gua rds to lt?t them in. ''Please he lp me! Please help me!'' The cries will echo for years. Bank Burglary Lawsuit Trial Jury Selected Jury selection began tod ay in an Orange Co unty Superior Court trial in which plaintifrs seek nearly $50 million in da mages to holde rs or s afety deposit boxes that were burgla rized in a raid on a Laguna Niguel bank. Judge Claude M. Owens will be on the bench for the first or two trials-three class actions fil ed on beha lf of 60 depositors who lost cash.· coins , je wels and securities on March 25, 1972. l\1ore tha n 450 safety deposit boxes al the United C;;ilifornia Dank 's Monarch Bay bran<:h were looted on that d 11.te by burglar s who s ilenced a larms and blaste d a hole in the roof dur- ing a weekend o peration that "·as described by lawm en as "a mira- cle of organization and liming.·· j\·1ost or the loot taken from the bank has been recovered by the FBI. The burglars invol \•ed in the break-in urc currently serving long terms in a federal prison . Named as d efendants in both sets of la\\'Suits arc. the bank, the Oreo Alarm Company, the Lagunu Nig uel Corporation and many individuals ·offi cers und employ es of a ll three firms. The trial before Judge Owens accounts for about 99 percent of the $50 mill io n soug ht in damages and 60 of the 66 pl ain· tiffs. attorney 'Arthur l lcws ex· plained today. The second tri a l for the re· maining s ix plaintiffs who seek the balance of the damages has been scheduled for Feb. 2, 1976 . l!ra• Page AJ · EVACUATE ing cons ide red. President F o rd ordered the ;_iirlift after President Duong Van l\1inh m ade a radio speech order· in g all Amcricuns assigned lo the U.S. defense uttaehe's office out of the country within24 hours. Al the same time, South Viel· namese air for ce men began u mass flight from their homeland. The T hai Foreign Ministry said 74 planes carried about 2,000 Vietnamese to Utapao Air Ba~c in southe rn ThailandP Civilian officials of the South Vietnamese government were also reported fleeing as rumors s pread that the Viel Cong and North Vietnamese would soon march into the c ity. As the Am ericans pulled out, .. South Vietnamese police and soldi ers looted buildings they had occupied. They carried out refrige r a tors. furniture, air con· ditioncrs and other household goods. Besides the South Vi etnamese planes whi<.'h new to Thailand, a DC6B that had been used by high· ranking Sout h Vietna mese of· fi cials la nded at Clark Air Base in th e P h ilippines with 130 persons ;;iboard, including air force men und a handf ul of women and children. Whil e most Americans were pulling out, a few remained behind. Among them were some newsmen a nd missionaries. School Record Bid SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Legislation permitting students 16 years old or older to see their public school records passed the Assembly Monday on a 64-0 vote and was sent to the Senate. A WORD TO THE WISE- • There is a tendancy tor many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than samples. Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only Off'iJoodS, so that the customer only gets to see old pattern s, or carpets the mills couldn 't sell to regular outlets. Also . this type of o peration generally fee ls . that experience is unimpcrtant . and consequently the salespeople know little or nothing about the products. Finally, most will farm out ·the installations to the lowest bidder.guaranteeing a poor installation. {Many of these install ers are contracting illegally wit hout a state hcense. At A tden·s we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large inventory. and the largest. sample selection around. we have experienced salespeople. and our installers were trairied by us. Finally. we are a state licensed contractor. ~DEN'S : iiisia1iation: "custom draperies UC. NO. ?l0-422 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA. CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6•6·•838 -6•6·2355 j • ' • .. • I I I I i I !1 ' Huntington Beach Fountain Valley EDITION VOL. 68 , N0 .. 119, 2 SECTIO NS, 24 PAGES I - ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Today's Closing N.Y. Stoeks TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 TEN CENTS Last Allleric.ans Evacuated • Ill Saigon 1 SAIGON (AP) -U.S. hclicop- l t!rs swooped down on Saigon roortops and the Tan Son Nhut ~irport today and begun evucuat· 1ng 1nost or the remaining 800 to 900 Americans. Some of the Americans fought Off South Viet· namesc desperately trying to nee before Communist-led forces takeover. America·s 30 -year involve- ment in the Indochina war was . _. ending in wijd and tragic scenes, with U.S...,»arines and civilians using pistol and rifle butts to smash the fingers of Vietnamese trying to claw their way over the 10-foot-wall of the U.S. Embassy. At the airport, angry Viet- namese guards fired at busloads of evacuees and shouted, "We "'ant to go, too." U.S. fighter-bombers flew air cover high over the city for the -:..? '* tr evacuation. Th e Pentagon said 81 helicop- ters and more than 800 Marines MARINES BEAT BACK PANICKY S. VIETS, Page A3 .-- HOW FORD ORDERED EVACUATION, Page A4 were used to ferry evacuees to • uircraft carriers in the South ·China Seti:. Two Marines were killed today when their copter fe)'I into the South China Sea. Two were killed Monday'iri a'rocket at- tack nt.>ar Saigon. Defense Secretary James R. Sch lesinger said more than 4,500 Americans and Vietnamese had been evacuated six hours after the operation began. Vice President Nguyen Van lluyen renewed calls for a cease- ..,!o.._, & .../'-,,. ...... ...... ...... • irst ees • Hinshaw Funding Repaid By GARY GRANVILLE 01111• D1Ur Piiot Si.ti Orange County government has begun recovering some of the taxpayers money all egedly spent ()n Rep. Andrew 1-finshaw's 1972 congressional campaign. Implied in the recovery of $5,693 from 27 county employes, either throug h payments or a greements to pay, is their ad· mi ss ion th ey worked on Hinshaw·s successful campaign on county time. However, according to Deputy County Counsel ~erry Andrus, the employes' voluntary settle· m ents do not m ean they admit personal negligence or unlawful conduct in connection with the al- leged illegal electioneering. What the 27 county workers paid or agreed to pay were various amounts auditors said represented the extent of their participation in the campaign. Specifically, al the conclusion of a six-week audit ordered by the Board of Su pervisors the employes were charged for what the auditors said were wages and gas mileage paid them while they actually worked on the cam- paign. Left unpaid al the 5 p.m. April 24 settlement deadline imposed by the s upervisors \vas an addi- tional $7 ,046 the auditors say an 'additional 32 county employes owe a s t he result o r their Hinshaw campaign activities. Included among the unsettled accounts are those owed by four assessor's or£icc officials · who, along with five others, were in · dieted Dec. 5 by the county Grand Jury. · The nine in en were charged in the 33-count indictment with be- lng part of a conspiracy that con· ducted a portion or Hinshaw's campaign at taxpayers' expense. At the same time, the auditors conceded they could not trace the losses attributed to persons who refuse to cooperate in their in - vestigation. including all but one ()fthe indiclccs. or the $5,693 the 27 employcs have either paid or agreed to pay, slightly less than $1 ,500 in cash was received by the April 24 deadline. Or:·~:a :··· We•tloer 1iloslly s unny through Wednesday but some patchy early morning fog . Lows tonight 45 to 55 . Warmer days with beach highs of 62 rising to 74 in· land. INSIDE TODAY Yacht 1kippers carried off irophies today for winning ef- t orts ~n 28th Newport lo Ensenada 11acht race. Complete rundown and photos, Page BB . • • .. 'I ,... ·"• .-~ .• .. ~-· - O.Ur l"llet PMM BW R~cMl'll k--1~ VIETNAMESE REFUGEE ARRIVED IN .STYLE AT EL TORO WITH HER PARASOL IN HANO First Jet Carrying.Saigon Escapees Touched Down In Orange County at 10 a.m. Calm Advised In W. wunty Trash Strike Residents of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley were urged to be patient during the trash haulers' strike. · Huntington Beach officia ls urgE:d residents to use "common sense" and lry not to let trash becom e str ewn about their neighborhoods . They s ug gested us ing only ti ghtly closed containers on the streets. keeping other rubbish in· side until service is ru lly restored. Fountain Valley homeowners were told pickups .would be de· layed only about a day. They were asked to keep trash in cans and to place extra rubbish in plastic bags. Stan Tkaczyk. general manager of Rainbow Disposal Company, which serves both cities, said he has hired about 20 replacements ror the 65 striking workers and expects to hire more within a few days. Some trucks were operating today, and he · also is selling up a special train- ing program. . Residents also may use any or the county's landfill sites. One Is south of Irvine in Coyote Canyon off Bonita Canyon Road and another Is on Santiago Canyon Road about a ha1' mile \Vest oC (See CALM, Page A!) Rubbish Haulers Hired Off Streets By KATHY CLANCY Olt111 D.lltf PilM Miff Permanent replacements were being hired today for about 400 striking rubbish haulers in Hunt- ington Beach, Fountain Valley, Laguna Beach and nine other Orange County cities. · "We have had numerous calls and we are just waitin~ for them to come and file applications," said Sam Taormina. spokesman for the Orange County DispoSal Association . The haulers walked off their jobs Monday in a pay dispute againsl the six firms represented by the association. They are responsible for 80 percent or the county's trash. Taormina said the six com- panies do have some trucks out working today. · "We are going as much as we can to as many places as we can," he commented. "It's hard to cover the whole area with only skeleton crew,s," , But Gene Raasch, a Teamsters Union negotiator for:" the trash truck drivers and· hclpers, said he doubts the tirms will "find enough people" to replace ever- yone on strike. · "Thal'• one of the hardest Job l there is,'' he added. . · Raasch sald be is willing lo re- open negoUations with tbe I.inns but Taormina said no talks are planned. The new employes are being paid under terms of a contracl the striking rubbish haulers turned down, Taormina said. It offered employes a 33 per· cent boost in pay and benefits· over the next three years. Drivers had been paid $3.28 an hour and helpers $3 .08. Raasch, who said , ''You c.an't buy anything with that.'' s aid workers wanted a 52 percent boost, 72 cents .a n ~our the firs t year and 50 cents each of the next two years instead. "'They are responsible for a pitte of equipm ent worth '$48.000 to $5(),000," Raasch said, noting that is the cost of a garbage truck. But Stan Tkaczyk, general manager of Rainbow Disposal Company in l~untington Beach, added, ''There are plenty of peo- ple willing to work for what we offered." He said striking workers, \\•ill- ing lo cross their own picket lines, may report back to work. Otherwise If th e tirms find enough new workers, they will no• · Jonser have a job. However, he said, they could 00 J?laced on a "preferential hir· ~l.Lsl," lo b~ reemployed as 1 lpe9 u ~ open1n& occurs. ( • • ' ' fi re but denied tonight that the government reached any agree- ment with the Viel Cong. lie said a government delegation met twice during the day with a Viet Cong delegation at Tan Son Nhut but the Vi et Cong groUp said iL was not qua liried to mukc political decisions. l~uyen said one demand or the Viet Cong -the removal or a ll Americans -was already being -~( * ~ Evacuees Land At El Toro By RUDI NI E DZIELSKI Of llM 0.1tflJ PtlotSYI! A DClO numed "Freedom" carried the first contingent or Vietnamese war refugees to Orange County today and a new life in America . T h e Overseas Nation a l Airways jetliner touched down ut El Toro Marine Corps Air Station al 10 a.m . and began discharging 380 persons who made the flighL across the Paci£ic. All looked healthy as they di s· embarked. MosL were depen- dents of U.S. citizens. Some "·ere · U.S. Emhass y employcs. The first person lo leave the plane was a pretty Vietnamese woman wearing a short pink dress and mod sunglasses and carrying a cosmetics case. She \vas fo llowed by other Viet- namese wearing Western clothes and some wearing Vietnamese pajama suits. There were children, too, car- ·rying stuffed animals and other toys, but their faces were unemo· tional. perhaps a result of tired· ness. They flashed no smiles as they filed past cameramen. Meanwhile. l\\'O Military Airlift Command planes landed at Norton Air Force Base. They dis- charged 121 passengers and these people. too, will be taken to Camp Pendleton, though officials said they would spend the night in makeshift fa cilities at Norton. A total of nine aircraft were due al El Toro today carrying a total of700 passengers. At El Toro, William O'Hara, night captain, said he picked the passengers up in 1-lonolulu where they had been on stopover and that the four-hour and 45·minutc fli ght was "very uneventful and very s mooth.'' The refugees had been taken to Honolulu from Guam. The plane was immediately rcfuled and O'Hara said he would' rly to Honolulu within half un hour lo pick up another load. Stewardess Marja Leena Vaisanen, a Finn, said that there were a few Vietnamesewhospoke good English and they helped out in communicating with other passengers and there were no communication problems. She said that there were no pro~ blems whatsover and most peo- ple slept, but there was concern about a pregnant passenger, but she did not go into labor. She said t hat most of the passengers were dependents of U.S. citizens and othefs were cmploycs or the U.S. Embassy in Saigon . The s tewardess said that most of the passengers were unemo- tional except for one woman who was worried about getting aJong in the U.S. a nd cried alitUe. The stewardess said that as they sighted the U.S. mainland the Vietoamese became "very curious" and looked out the win- dows but there didn't seem lo be . any emotion. 'f he r e '\\'ere no contacts belweert news men and Viet· namese at El Toro -Orange County's c hi ef health ofri ccr has banned all but official contacts ~'ilhthe refugees. . ·Maj. Sally Pritchett, El Toro ·press officer, said that the flights -part. of tho biggest civilian nJrli!tfrom a war zone in U.S. his- tory -will continue to arrive unlil "at least" May 3. met a nd that th·e demands ror abolishment or the Saigon gov· ernmcnt and the army were be· ing consider ed. Presid e nt Fo rd orde red the airlift after President Duong Van l\linh made a radio speech order· ing all Amcricun s assigned to the U.S. de fc•n se attache's office out of the country ""ilhin 24 hours. <See E \'1\CUATE, PageA.2) ·:\· f.: * • O~ily Pilol Slit! Pli.i. 1st ARRIVAL AT EL TORO Vuthi Vu , 21, of Saigon Keesee Given 20-year Term In Conspiracy ' SAN DIEGO (AP) -Bobby Joe Keesee of Huntington Beach .-war hero defector and cabinet maker -has been sentenced lo 20 years in prison for conspiring to kJdnap murdered diplomat John Patterson. U.S. District Court Judge Leland C. Nielsen issued the sen- tence Monday after federal pro- secutors argued for a life term and Keesee's attorney called for a sentence no longer than 10 years. Keesee. 41, pleaded gui lty to conspiring to kidnap Patteson, but denied having anything to do with his death. The 31-year-old diplomat was ·found slain near the American t'onsulate at Hermosillo, Mexico las~July. f\eesee was accused of writing a letter to the consulate de manding $250,000 for Patterson's life. He was last seen alive in a car with his apparent kidnuper, .. who remains unknown. Before being sentenced: the stocky de£endent from Jlunt· ington Beach. said he was sorry he'd gotten involved in the arr air. "l got involved in something I realize now was wrong,•• he said. Keesee, who won lhe Bronze Star in Korea as a teenager, de· fected twice from the United States -once to Cuba and again .to North Vietnam. He once claimed to work for the Central Intelligence Agency, but the CIA denied ever hearin& or him. He went a bsenl without· leave from lhe Army at Ft. Huachucp, Ariz., in 1962, flying a rented plane to Cuba, only to be' re- turned and sent to erlsQn. 7he North Vietnamese held him prisoner a lso, until lhe American POWs were released in 1973. I ' ') "' • A2 DAILY PILOT H /F Tuesd1y, Aprll 29. 1976 Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SAIGON (U P t ) -'fhe night wa s eerie '"ith flare light as ·hundreds or Vi etnamese gathered outside the U.S. embassy begging Amcricu ns to help them flee their country. ,; Pleas£' take my children," cried a youn g woman as she clutched an American holding an embassy radio. "'fhey are half-American and the Viet Cong will kill them." J\olARJNE GUARDS IN FULL battl e gear and e mbassy officials in civilian garb stood \\•ilhln the gates of the white concrete fortress-like building. They listened to the Vietnamese picas wilh harried but sad looks. _ The Americans were leaving, but they couldn 't take the thousands \\'ith them \\1ho'A·antf.'d to get out. "I worked for the Americans 17 years.'' said a Chinese m an. "\Vhy are they leaving me? I 'm their friend ," DOZENS OF ABANDONED CARS lined the broad boulevard outside the en1bassy as their O'A'ners soug ht r e- fuge Yo'ilhin . Most of the people "'l'rc Vietnamese \\'ho worked for A.me1ica ns or had hair-American children, but many were from "'ealthy or well-to-do families. "I have gold," said a \vell ·drcssed young man~to an America.~. ''lf you help me get out or Vietnam, l '.11 gi,·c yo~ $200 ,000. . . Th e wealthy bribed, the poor pleaded and others stood with bo'A·ed he ads hoping the Americans would show mercy and take them out. LARGE CH-53 JOLLY GREEN giant helicopters set- tled on the roof of the embassy with loud roars. Red flares and smoke of smoke grenades thrown to mark landin g areas for the helicopters made the ni ght look lik e something rrom,a horror movie. The lucky Vietnamese employes inside the embassy compound joined their American employers !n boarding helicopters. Late in the evening some Vie tnamese gave up and began leaving th e embassy area. SOME LEFT IN DEFEAT, some hunting other places where there were Americans. still clingin g to the faint hope that they, too. might go. But most stayed outside the embassy begging the American guards to let them in . "Please help me ~ Please help me!" The cries will echo for years. Laguna Pilot Tells Of Panic in Saigon HONG KONG (AP) -A pilot from Laguna Beach had 15 South Vietn amese, including a colonel. force their way aboard his Ai r America C46 at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut ai rport today. The pilot was identified as Stephen Sadler of Laguna Beach. Sadler s aid the colonel tried to ram his jeep into the plane while it was taxiing on the runway. "J finally decided to Jet him in the plane oecause there was no (}ther wuy the plane could take off. I di sarmed him as soon as he came aboard," he said. Free Blood Testing Set For V alkyites "His Hands··. a Christian Service Organization of Hol y Spi,ril Church, Fountain Valley, wil l begin a free blood pressure testing service on May 1. Offered as a community service in cooperation with the Orange County Heart Ass'n, volunteers will be taking blood pressures every other Thursday from 7-8 p.m. at the Holy Family Mission Chapel, 17101 Ward St., Fountain Valley. Everyone. 15 years and older, is urged to take advantage of this service as often as they wish. Participants will receive a copy of their blood pressure reading and brochures about blood pre· ssure. Persons needing transporta - tion , m<1y make arrangements by calling 968 -2 111 , Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a .m. until noon. ORANGE COAST ~11 DAILY PILOT '"" Ot.1"11(' Cool'' 0.01lw P1lo• "'''" ""!<" 11 t"""• bl""11 !"" N~ .... l't I "· " OYbl•V"'<I !Pl '"" °''"""" Co.I>! Pulllh"•"Q Comp•"• \tl><t• •!<• f<l•!OCll" "'~ ""°'"~" Mo""'' '"'""Q" ,.,,,., .... C.O.•• -W, N•WPorl bf ... !\, HynlonQI"" fl<•<hlfp"" la>n V•ll•Y, lrwpnt, !ooddlcb•ct V•ll•W •n<I l..ltu"• e.. ..... \.Oul" C~•>t t< ""'I''" •rtiO">ll "'It Ion h p.<bll•"•d 'M! .. td•y\ M>U .,,,,.,,,." f .... prln<•P•l publ.,honq 1>>~"! < ~I ~ wP>! U.• S••t<!!, Co\la Mo••. C•l•ll''"'" Ohl~ Robe r! N Wf'r•d ... ,,.,,.,.,, .. "" ~"0'""'' Jack R. Curley V •(• P,e>•<ltM •n<I (,<-""•'-""Qt' Thomas Ket>v•I E!Mo• Thom1t s A. Murph •~ ......... 0'"9 [d,la< Charles H. loo~ Ric.nard P. Nall A '"''•"t M.o,,_O•"'I ld<IOI• Terry Coville ...... \1 Ot ... _. C."""!Y Elh!"' Huntin91on Geach Ottlcii! lfl/l l\<>a<1' (leM .. V•td """'""O ""°"'"" P 0. DP• no,•1~ Other Offices UllVll• lk.K,,, llllt~Y•f SltHI c.o.,. -·· lJa Wt\! "'' :,. ... , ... WOOi! l'I••<" jll)N•"lll>'t f!ov•••A•<I !o.ool~t.o<• V•l•~v 1\1~1 Lt P•• "-•I""" 0•~00 I'""""' Tel•phone (7 14) M2·4l21 Classllled Advertising 642·5•71 From -II• Ot••O" cou~1, '°''"''u"'''~\ .$40·1220 CopytlQl'll, If>) O<•"C!" Co••• PMb"•'l!1>q C.....,.,.f. NQ ""w\ '"''"'' o•lu•t••I><""· ~(!•!OI' ,11 lfl•\Hr or ,.,.,.,.,.arftenl• l'lf'"" ll'l•T ~~ r•Jl••""c•ll •UMul ii,.,1,1 ~'"""ion et c~•IOl'll-ntr. • S.c1"4I cl••• "''..,. "''" •! con• M•~•. c...in-1•.Su~··~-11,c ....... u _ot1_1111,: b'r ""'" M.00 ..,...1r.1,, mott1.,, IM~1"fl""'1 ,, 00 1Mftlftl1. Sadler said the 14 others forced their "'aY into the pl ane before the engines \\·e re started. "They j ust sat there and refused to move." he said. Sadler declined to reveal the names of the Vi etnamese but said the colonel listed his occupa· lion as ''a defect ed colnnel.'' Sadler said South Vietnamese soldiers fired on the plane as lt took off from the Saigon airport but it wa s not hit. A Hon g Kon g government spok esman said there were 22 passengers a board the plane. J-fe said some of them \\:ere wi thout.. valid travel documents and were being processed immigration of· ficers. • Fro• Page Al EVACUATE At the same time, South Viet· namese air force men began a mass flight from their homeland. The Thai Foreign Ministry said 74 planes carried about 2,000 Vietnamese to Utapao Air Ba se in southe rn Thailand. Civ ili<1n officials of the South Vietna mese government were a lso reported fleeing as rumors spread that the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese would soon march into the city. As the Americans pulled out, South Vietnamese police and soldiers looted buildings they had occupied. They carried out refrigerators. furnitur{', ai r con· ditioners and other household goods. Besides the South Vietnamese planes wh ich fl ew to Thailand, a DC6B th<1L had been used by high- ranking South Vietna mese of· fi cials landed <1l Clark Air Base in the Philippines with 130 persons <1boa rd, includi ng ai r fo rce m e n and a handful of women and child ren. \.\1hil c most Americans v.·ere pulling out. a fe w re mained behind. Am ong them were some· newsmen and missionaries. Fro• Page AJ CALM ••• Irvine Park . In addition. City J\.13nager ~ave Row l~nds s aid at Monday's r1 1y counc il m eeting errange- 1ni:nts may be made later to a l· lo" residents to carry trash to the county's transfer station on Gothard Street in lluntington Beach. He said if the strike continues past this week. the city will have to make some firm plans for handling the situation. "If the garbage situation gets ~c~~e we wil.1 do something about 11. Councilman Don Shipley said. ··Ri ght now It's a labor s ituation and we can't settle it tonight." The council did dirttt the city attorney lo see how the strike and the interruption or Aervi«s could aff<'ct the city's contract with .Rainbow. ,4 • Town Lot Rickand·I..isa Together Again Price Tag Cut Eyed City planners suggested a com· promise Monday night that could cut $617,000 out of the cost of a proposed assessment district in lhe 1-luntington Beach Town Lots. The current $2 million prlce tag has raised tonsiderable op- position to the district, including the area's largest land holder, the Huntington Beach Company, whic h has 40 percent of the in· val ved property. But members of the city coun· cil refused to make a dC<'ision on the compromise during Mon· day's study session and indicated thE'y might not go a long with it. Ma yor Norma Gibbs balked al the key (actor in (he compromise -elimination of underground utilit y lines. _ -·1 f eel very badly about e liminating under ground utilities." s he observed. "I would think people would want to do that. This is an important facelifting for the city." Planning Director Dick Harlow admitted that if the po"'·E'r and telephone lines are not placed underground "'·hen other work is done by the assessment district, he doubts they would ever be put underground. The cost of laying those utility lines underground would be a bout $415,000. according to the planning department. The other major project which planners suggested eliminating involves the improvement of Golden West and 17th streets, and Orange and Palm avenues, into arterial highways. Those four streets also mark' the boundaries of the proposed: 36-block, 60-acre assessment dis· trict . 1t1rs. Gibbs said she felt the ci· ty ought to take care of the arterial highways.-but repeated her opposition to cutting the un· derground utilities out or the as- sessment district. · Elimination of the highway \\'Ork would s have about $202,000 from the $2 million price tag, which _ might not be enough to curtail the opposition. Ed Selich. the city's chief ad· vance planner, warned the coun· cil that even if the assessment district is formed the city must hurdle a major obstacle in the form of the state coastal con· servation commission. He told councilmen the r e· gional coastal commission sup· ports the Town Lot plan, but the state staff still does not. "The city will have to sell the state on this concept (lhe assess- ment dis trict and parking courts ). The state does not want lot.by-lot development. It wants to eliminate duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes,'' Selich said. The purpose of the assessment district is to fix streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, improve utility service, and place cul·de- s acs on som e streets thereby cr eating additional parking spaces. A public hearing on the pro- posed district will be held al the city council's May 19 meeting. If the owners of more than SO per· cent of the property are opposed, it will take at least five of the seven council members to form the district. Assessment District Costs Tol.d If 1-luntington Beach forms a To"·n Lot assessm e nt district, il could cost the city from $82,000 to Sll8,000, according to the plan· nin g department. The city owns a total of 15 lols in the proposed district. all but one of which make up the senior citizens complex at 17th Street and Orange A venue. Members of the city council wondered Monday night where the mOney would come from. They were told by City Ad· ministralor Dave Row lands it could be raised by selling some city lots in other parts of the Town Lots, outside the district: from state gas lax revenues : or from a variety ot other financing methods. But while private property owners could pay their sh•re of the di strict costs over a period of time up lo 20 yean, the city would have lo pay its full share within 30 days or the formation of such an assessment district. Rowlands indicated that de· cision. how to pay its share, could be m ade during budget study se!llSions prlor to. the May 19 public hearing on the assessment di strict. Russians Accused TOKYO (AP) -China called on lhe people of the newly an· ncxed lndlan state of Sikkim to· day to fight for Independence and accused the Soviet Union of beinc the "behind-the-scenes boss of Indian expansionism.'' • Marine Corps Identifies Tiro Victims WASHINGTON tUPll -The Marine Corps announced today lhe names of two l\tarines killed in an artillery and rocket attack on Saigon airport Monday. The two were the fourth and' fifth American ser vicemen killed in Vietnam since the cease-fire agreement J an:27, 1973. The dead were : -Cpl. Charles McMahon Jr .. Woburn. Mass. -Lance Cpl. Darwin L. Judge, Marshalltown, Iowa. The pair were among the 120 Marines assigned to the security guard detachme nt at the U.S. embassy in Saigon. They were killed less tha n 12 hours before the final e vac uation of Americans began. The last Ame rican killed was Army Capt. Richard M. Rees, 32, of Kent, Ohio, who was attempt- ing on Dec. 14, 1973, to retrieve the body of an American killed during the war. Rees landed unarmed in a helicopter when a Vietnam am- bush squad opened fire. He raised his hands, but others aboard the chopper said he was killed on the spot. · Wallpaper Battle Lost TURLOCK (APJ -Joyce :Hooper has lost her batUe to keep ibrightly colored wallpaper on the 1 sides of her desk a nd the wall behind it. Dr. Carl Gatlin, president of i-Stanis laus Stale College here, an· nounced Monday that Mrs. Hooper and other speech depart· ment employes who helped bang jf.he wallpaper must "restore the :wall a nd desk lo their original ~late." · Thal means ''institutional beige,'' as Mrs. Hooper, a .secretary, explained it in defend· ·'!lg her effort to brighten the of. !rice. , . Gatlin gave her until May 5 to 'either remove the wallpaper and repaint the wall herself or he'll have it done and charge it 1againsl Mrs. I-looper's pay. - For 28·year-old Rick Peterson of Min· neapoll1, the· long vlgll on the evacua· tion or Vietnam hal ended. He ha• been trying tor months to get .his wife, Kim, and children Ll1a, 3, and John, 4, out of Saigon. They all arrived safely on a fllght from .San Francl1co Monday. And Rick gets cheek· to·cheek with daughter Lisa after the sale arrlv.al. UPJ.Telepholo • Reluctance Shown Towards Refugees The pending arrival or some 20,000 Vietnamese re£ugees in ,the Orange-San Diego County area has sparked instant reac· lion -mos t of it unfavorabl e - from state and local officials . Worries about high state un- employment aroused the concern of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Brown criticized as "h1:tphazard " federal plans to relocate the thousands of homeless war re· fu gees in California. A slate spokeman has reported that Brown is balking at a re· quest by the fede ral government that he make available $100,000 to set up temporary facilities to aid the refugees in the state. Mario Obledo, head of the slate's health and welfare agen· cy, said the governor wanted more information on the refug ee situation before releasing any &tale money for the m. Rep. Clair Burgene r of Oceanside, whose district in - cludes the Camp Pendleton area where the refugees are to be housed, said, "I ... hope that what I have been told is true - that the selection of Pendleton will not result in San Diego Coun· ty being a permanent home for more refugees than wo'-uld normally be the case. "I hope the federal govern- ment will do all in its pawcr to prevent any additional financial burden being placed on San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton.'' From San Clemente, Mayor Tony DiGiovanni said he was "worried about the state of health these peopl e are in ." · Orange County Health Officer Dr. J ohn R. Philp, expressing the same concern. ordered that in- coming refugees would have to Climbers Hunted STEVENSON, Wash. (UPI) - A helicopter and a tracking dog were called up today in the search for two more college stu - dents dead in an a valanche on Mt. St. Helens. Rescue teams a t the 6,500-foot level of the peak re- covered the bodies of three Uni versity of Puget Sound stu- dents MondaY.. be confined to military installa· lions. Military spokesmen continued to maintain that the refugees are in good health. Dick Brown, chairman of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, s aid . the refugee operation is "certainly not a California responsibility ... and certainly not a Sa.n Diego County responsibility. "1£ called upon to provide service and facilities. \\'e will im· mediately respond," he said, "but we'd hope the federal gov· E'rnment would reimburse us for any and all costs.·· Gov. Brown's remarks over the past week of speculation about the pending arMval or r e· fug_ees in Californla have cen· tered around the same theme - addi_ng to California's already large unemployment rolls. California. said the Governor l\tonday. "cannot afford more unemployment." He added that the Ford ad· minis tration has failed t o respand to urgent requests by Brown administration officials for more information on the re· fugee influx. Services Set For Dr. Boyce Services for Dr. William ·r. Boyce, 90, a leader in the California community college movement and the first president of Fulle rton College, will be held Su nd ay at 2 p.m . at the Clare· mont Presbyterian Church, llll N. ltt ountain Ave. Dr. Boyce died April 22 in Claremont where he had been living for the last 11 years. I-le is survived by two sons, Dr. R. Dudley Boyce of Huntington Beach, president of Golden West Col lege, and Dr. William D. Boyce of Escondido; two daug'hte r s, Mr's. William Rinehart of Canoga Park and Mrs. J , Peter Bercovitz of Buckhannon. W.Va .. and 13 grandchildren. A WORD TO THE WISE- There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than sa mptes. Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only Off-goods. so Iha! the customer only gels to see old patterns, or carpets the milts couldn't sel l to regular outlels. Also. thi s type of operation generally feels that experience is unimpartant, and consequently the salespeople know little or nothing about th e products. Finally, most will farm out the installalions to the lowest bidder.guaranteeing a paor installation. (Many of th ese installers are contracting illegally without a state license. . At Alden·s we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large inventory. and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced salespeople, and our installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state licensed contractor. DEN'S *•••••• carpe :installation: ·custom drapsriss 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CAUF. 92627 UC. NO. 110411 PHONE 646·A838 -6"6·2355 ' . , ) I . ' Today's Clo.sing N.Y.Stoeks VOL. 68, NO. 119, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 N TEN CENTS Last A1nericans Evacuated in Saigon SAIGON lAP) -U.S. helicop· tc:,rs swooped down on Saigon rooftops and the Tan Son Nhut airport today and began evacuat· ing most or the remaining 800 to 900 Americans. Some of the Americwls fought off South Viel· namese desperately trying to flee before Communist-led forces takeover. America·s JO -year involve· ment in the Jndochina war wus ·.~-.. ~( * t!ndjog in wild and tragic scenes, with U.S. Marines and civilians usjDg pistol an!;! rifle butts to smash the lingers or Vietnamese trying to claw their way over the IO -foot wall of the U.S. EmbasSy. At lbe airport, angry Vi et· namesc guards fired at busloads of evacuees and shouted, "We want to go, too." U.S. fighler·bombcrs new air cover hi gh over the city for the ;;: * * evacuation. The Pentagon said 81 helicop- t.ers and more than fMlO Marines MARINES BEAT BACK PANICKY s. VIETS, Page A3 HOW FORD ORDERED EVACUATION, Page A4 v.oere used lo ferry evacuees to aircr<1ft carriers in the Sputh ·China Sea . 1'wo Marines were killed today when their copter fell into the South China Sea. Two \Vere ki ll ed Monday in a rocket al· tack near Saigon, Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger said more than 6,400 America ns and Vietnamese had been evacuated six hours after the operation began. Vice P resident Nguyen Van Huyen renewed calls for a cease- fire but denied tonight that the government reached any og i-ec· ment with the Viet Cong. He said a government delegation met twice during the day with a Viet Cong de(egation at Tan Son Nhut but th e Viet Cong group said it wa s not qualified t o m&.1kc political decisions . Huyen said one dem&.1nd or th e Viet Cong -the removal of all Americans -\11as alrcctdy being .. "-,, -1-t" .,/'-,, ...... .... .... irst ees • Hinshaw Inquiry Urged By GARY GRANVILLE 011 ... D•lry PllOISIMI A South Carolina legislator has called for a slate attorney general's investigation into the $6,000 payment by Spartanburg County to Rep. Andrew Hinshaw (R-Newport Beach). The slate attorney's inquiry in- t o the cons ultant Jee payment to Hinshaw in 1973 would parallel a similar investigation now being conducted by Spartanburg Coun- ty Attorney Roy Smith. lt was legis lator David Hawkins of South Carolina who asked for the state investigation of the fee paid tu Hinshaw while he was a congressman. Hawkins said the transaction .was •'county to county yet the Ulajority of money went to in- .ie.&ividuals.". His reference was t the purchase by Spartanburg Co for $2,045 of a comAlff. . .,;·~~11" praisal system from Ora County. Last month, it was revealed that Hinshaw was paid $6,000 purportedly for consulting services shortly after the system was delivered to Spartanburg. Earlier, records show Hinshaw received $432 in consulting fees and expenses and county As· scssor Jack Vallerga was paid S7l4 also for travel expenses and consulting services. When the payments \Ver e made public las t month, Spartan· burg Assessor Leroy l\.1arlowe said county officials were not certain what they had received for the $6,000 payment to Hinshaw. However , Marlowe 's pre· decessor as asses sor John Eberl, defended the payment to Hinshaw as a sound investment on the South Carolina cou nty's part. A few months 41.fter the pa y· ment to llinshaw, Ebert left his $22.500 a year assessor's post and opened a consulting service in Spartanburg. Today. Marlowe s aid. "'Spartanburg has not closed its eyes to the situation, I can assure you that much ." Marlowe went on to say that his county's Board of Assess- ment Control had turned the mflt· ter over to Smith shortly after the (See INQUIRY, Page AZ> Or:~: a~··' WeatllM!r Mostly sunny through Wednesday but some patchy early morning fog. Lows tonight 45 to 55. · Warmer days with beach highs of 62 rising to 74 in· land. INSIDE TOD/\ Y Yacht skippers carried of/ trophtts today /or winning el· /ortt in %8th Newport to Ensenada yacht race·. Complet e rundown and photos, Page BB. Index .. " •• .. .. ,. .,., •• , ... , ""' " ., •• •• ... ... __ . , I ,~ . r .,.._ ....... Evacuees Land At El Toro By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 Ill• D•llY Pilot SI.rt A DClO named "Freedom" carried the first contingent of Vietnctmese war refu gees to Orange County today and a new life in Am erica . T h e Over se a s Nationa l Airways jetliner touched down al El Toro Marine Corps Air Station at 10 a.m. and began discharging 380 persons \\'ho made the fli ght t across the Pacific. All looked healthy as they dis- emb'arked. Most were depen· dents of U.S. citizens. Some were U.S. Embassy employes. T he first person lo leave the· pl;:ine was a pretty Vietnamese "'Oman \\'earing_ a short pink dress and mod sunglasses and carrying a cosmetics case. She was followed by other Viel· namese wearing Western clothes and some wearing Vietnamese pajama suits . There were children, too, car· rying stuffed a nimals and other J toys, but their faces were unemo- _'i tional, perhaps a result of tired- ness. They flashed no smiles as they fil ed past cameramen. Meanwhile, two Military Airlift Comma nd pl.anes landed at Norton Air Force Base. They dis. c harged 121 passengers and these people, too, will be taken to Camp Pendleton. though offi cials said they would spend the night in -makeshift facilities at Norton. · A total of nine aircraft were due at El Toro today carrying a total 1 • of700pa ssengers. At El Toro, William O'l-lara, flight captain, said he picked the passengers up in Jionol ulu where t.hey had been on stopover and that the four-hour and 45-minute flight was "very uneventful and very smooth.'' VIETNAMESE REFUGEE ARRIVED IN .STYLE AT EL TORO WITH HER PARASOL IN HAND First Jet Carrying Saigon Escapees Touched Down In Orange County at 10 a.m. The refu gees had been taken to Honolulu from Guam. The plane was imm ediately refuled and O'Hara said he would fly to lionolulu within half an hour to pick up another load. Woman.Held · In Computer Program Theft Newport Beach d e tectives traveled to a Laguna Niguel firm Monday and arrested a free- lance computer services techni- cian on charges of grand theft of a master computer program worth $60 .000 lo its original owner. Detective Mike Hietala said he and several other officers made the arrest of. Cath y Lynne· McArthy, 22, of' Lakewood on a warrant setting bail al $5,000. Hietala said the all egations in· volve the theft of a master pro-- gram from a Newport Beach firm which performed the same computer services thut the ar~ restee did. \ ' The large master pack of com- puter programs could be used again and again for diverse clients, Hietala said, and it was al the offi ces or one of the woman's clients that the arrest ~·as made. The investigator s aid that the muster program tape was al· (egedly stolen when the woman worked tor lnteraclive Com· · puter, a fir m located in the airport area of Newport Beach • "The data was copyri&hled and because or that, the FBI has been called in and their agents planned interviews today wllh the arrestee,'' Hietala said. I Coast Teachers May Be Out Jobs ByHILA.RYKAYE Since the n, however, all but 0ttll•D•ll1P11otsttt1 nine applied for. and received, The fate of 33 employes of the teaching credentials that they Newport-Mesa Unifi ed School were previously eligible for but District will be decided tonight hadnotappliedfor. when trustees meet privately to Nicoll said there are enough decide how many. if ;iny, will be funds to retain all 33, but that fired . some may have to be reassigned The closed. executive session to teaching duties because or the ·11 t th b . . r lh budgetcrisis.1£trustees decideto WI cornea e eginningo e £irethenine.itwillbebasedonthc · regular 7:30 p .m . board meeting fact that they could not be re· at the Cost a Mesa City Coun cil chambers. assigned, Nicoll s aid. Prior to lhe beginning or the If the trustees keep all 33, those meeting, teachers are planning a without teaching credentials will picket to protest the dismissal of remain in their current positions anyofthe33. and som e of the others may be According to Supt. John Nicbll, moved iyto the classrooms. all but nine of the 33 nurses, Thedistrict'steacherorganiza· psychologists, counselors and lions have protested. _tbC dis- music teachers will definitely be missals from the start, and a re-employed next year. picket is sched uled to take place · just prior to the board meeting. Nine employes do not ~sess l\.1aya Decker, head or the teaching credentials in addition Newport·Mesa Feder ation of to.their specialized credentials.' Teachers that is sponsoring the however. and they are the ones protest. said that anything less whomaybeoutofajobnextyear than keeping all 33 support • if trustees decide to go that route, personnel is unacceptable. Nicoll sald. . . ~ ·~ ... , 1 h • -• · As a result of -lhe dlstf(Q's 'ftJIO on ton g t s ag~uua 1s U: re· budgel·C u ttlng e/rort• ,' aa 1 ·7'Po!l'\.l>Y Nicoll eon cc~nlng several employas recel~ed . notices ~t~-faeeisoftr~nsportat1on. month telling fbem Lhey may be • Nicoll will m ake a recommen· dis missed. Tbe33 support person-, datlon on whether. high school stu· nel were sinlled ou\-because,. at , dedts should continue to be busec;I that time. none hi4 teaching r to•hool , . ~redentlals. . 1 f,ttTEACHERS,PageA2) ) Jr. ' ' • f Stewardess Marja Leena Vaisanen. a Finn, said that there were a fe w Vietnamese who spoke good English and they helped out in communicating with other passengers and there were no communication problems. She said that there were no pro- blems whatsover and most peo- ple slept, but there was concern about a pregnant passenger:, but she did not go into labor. She said that most of the passengers were depende nts of U.S. citizens and others were employes of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. T he stewardess said that most of the passengers were unemo· tional except for one woman who (See REFUGEES, Page A2l Woman With Pistol Held An Oakland woman was ar· rested Monday at Orange County ·Airport after she allegedly tried to board a fli ght to San FTancisco with a .38 caliber derringer pistol' in her possession. Orange County Sheriff's o(. £icers jailed G loria Charlotte Nelson, 24 , on charges of carry- ing a concealed weapon after be- in& Called to t he airport by security officers who searched the defendant's luggage. Deputies added charges oC possession of controlled sub· stances anct a county Jail search allegedly produced & quantity of dangerous drugs for which the defendant had no prcscrtption. met and that the demands for aboli shment or the Saigon gov• ernment and the army Y.'erc be· ing considered. Presid ent Ford ordered the airlift after President Duong Van r.1inh made a r adio speech order- ing all Americans assigned to the U.S. defense attache's office ou~ of the country within Z.1 hours. <See EVACUATE, Page A2J ./',, 0-,,, ... ~ ...... .... . •• D11UrP0015Wfl,...... FIRST ARRIVAL AT EL TORO Vuthl Vu, 21 , of Saigon Newport Eyes Plan On Bridge Newport Be ach city coun- cilmen have received a preview o f a Coas t Hig h way Bridge replacement presentation which will have its first public exposure Wednesday morning at the Mar- riott Hotel. Ar chitect \Villiam Fi cker, \\'ho several weeks ago accepted the chairmanship of the Bridge Ac· tion Group CBat-'76 ), showed co uncilm'en a series of colored overlay drawings or several a lternative designs for a six-lane span which is propos ed Lo replace the old one along Pacific Coast Highway. And later Monday evening, the advisory group's pteference for a span rising 20 feet from the bay won un animous s upport from the council. · "'"icker said that his commit- tee, which will make the first or several community presenla· lions Wednesday at 7:30a.m., en- dorsed the 20-foot height because of its compromise approach. l·lc added th at the committee also· preferred plans for an al· grade replacement of the present intersection of the highway with Dover Drive. Other plans called for an intersection and ramps rising above the grade level. The advsisory group's initial presentation will be the subject of a regular breakfast town meet- ing sponsored by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Ficker has said that many such presentations arc planned in an effort to win strong community support for the 20 -foot com- promise height. Early in June the samepresco· t ation -bolstered by community· support, orricials hope, -will be made to officia ls of the Calirornla Department of Transportation. The hearings al the state level are the first of more than a dozen s eparate a pprovals neede d before a new span is c:omplcl<!ly approved and funds·auocated. • CStt BRIDGE, Page AZ> • 1;:.2 DAILY PILOT N Tuesday. Aprit 29, 1975 Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SAIGON <UPI ) -The night was eerie \vith fl are light as -hundreds or Vi ('tna mcsc gathered outside the U.S. embassy begging A1n ericans tohel1> them flee their country. . "Pleas(' take my children," cried a young wom an as she clutched an American holding an embassy radio. "They are b1;1IC-Am crican and the Viel Cong will kill them.'' • 1'1ARINE GUARDS IN FULL battle gear and embassy offi('i als in civilian garb stood within the gates of the whit ~ <!o nc rcte f ortrcss·li ke building. They listened to the Vi etnamese pleas \Yith harried but sad looks. The Aml'rieans were lea,•ing, but they couldn 't take the thousand s with them "'ho wanted toi;et out. ·· 1 "'orkcd fo r the Americans 17 years." sa id a Chinese man. ''\\'hy a rc they leaving n1c? I'm their Criend." DOZF.N S OF ABANOOl':ED CARS lin ed the broud boulevard outside the embassy as their O'>''ner s sought r e- fuge within. l\Iost or the people "·ere \1ictnamesc "'hO v.•orked for Ameri cans or had haJf-Ameri can children, but m any were from "·ealthy or \\"ell-to-do families. ··1 have gold ." said a \\'ell·dressed young man to ari' 1\meri e>1n . •·Jr you help me ge t out of Vietnam , I 'll gi ve you , S200.0Q!I. ,, ' ' • ']"he \\"calthy bribed, the poor pleaded and others stood 'vith bowed heads hoping the Americans would show mercy and take them out. LARGE C'll·53 JOLLV GREEN giant helicopters set- tled on thl' roof of the embassy \\'ilh loud roars. Red flares a nd smoke or smok e grenades thro,\·n to m ark landing ure as for the helicopters made the ni ght look like something from a horror movie. The lucky Vie tnamese employes inside. the e mbassy ~ompound joined their American employers in boarding helicopters. Late in the evenin g some \'ictnames£' ga\·(· up c.1 nd began leaving the embassy area. SOME LEFT IN DEFEAT. some hunting other places where there were Americans, still cli nging to the fai nt hope that they, too, might go. But most s tayed outside the ~mbassy begging the American guards to let them in. "Please help me! Please ht•lp ml''·· The cries will echo for y~rs. Laguna Pilot Tells Of Panic in Saigon "A defected colonel" and 14 other South Vietnamese forced their way aboard an Air America C-46 being fl own to Hong Kon~ from Saigon's Tan Son Nhul airport today by Stephen Sadler of Laguna Beach. The colonel, s aid Sadler, tried to ram a jeep into the plane as it taxied down the runway. .. l finally decided to let him in the plane because there was no other way· the plane could take orr. I disarmed him as he came .aboard," Sadler said of the Viet- namese who described himself as "a defected colonel." Sadler said 14 others forced their way into the plane before the engines "'ere s tarted. "They just se1 t there and refused to move.'' he said. Sadl er s aid South Vi etnamese soldiers fired :.it the pl ane as it tleparted, but that the pl<i.ne "'as 11ot hit. In Laguna Be ach. Sadl e r 's \\"ife, Jo.i nne . descri bed Saigon as "j ust lik e a home town." The Sadler family lived in Saigon for 10 years, ending \vith ~1rs. Sadler 's return to the Unit- ed States la s t Septembe r .. becaus e Y.'e knew something y,•as ubout to happen." Recalling the family e x- periences in war-torn South Vi et- nam in a brief interview this mornin g, s he s aid, "Sai gon became just like home. Our ;youngest child was born there in 1967 -wc lived through the Tet in 1968." Mrs. Sadler s aid she had been a school teacher for Am erican dependents in Saigon. When she and her children left in Scplcmbcf, s he said, "\\'Chad to leave everything. Eve rything we have is in the house or on the docks." She talked to her husband Sun- ORANGE COAST .. DAILY PILOT "Tfle °'"""" (<>•\, D•i11 Pilo!, woll>•hlc n !\tDm• IOt!Oll IM ,._.,,.Pt~\.'' p"bhl.'Wd by 1""0<••.,. C.0..•I P"bll,,.•nq (G""P~"•. \oi:o••!O ""''"''" •• ~ p,ibl•-Mo•OC!•• '"'"""" ''"'•• ,.,.. Co•!• """M. "••Po<, tl~och . .,.,.,,,llQlon &••<h/~o"" i.1" 11•11~•. '""""· ~·nn •~b•<" II•""• ~"" l •Q ..... fko •th/\io .. !h (O••I A ""'''" '""'"""I t-<!11•""' !> OlllJl•\h•O ~31 "' d•,' ~..., ~~II••' 1"" 0'">l•P,,I L>Ub!""'"" P'•AI "•• )l(I """" ll<>y i!>lte<il,la>I• ~ •• , (al•IO•tl•• •)~1~. Robert N. Weed P•t'"'""' •f'ICI F-.,~,,...,., T homa~ Kccv!l f <l•!O• Charles H, Loos R chard P. Nall A•>h1•tl, """"•0•"11(11•!"'> T•lepf'lone (7141 M2-4J21 Classified Adverllsing MZ-5671 Cep,<IO~l. '''' 0 1•1>0" C0.0\1 P"Dt+\~ln9 ~~. ND '"••>IDl'if\. !!111\l<•I-•, ~0110<••! 'maUt • o• •llVtf!I,,_ .. " i.-.1 .. '"•' IH ottr••hl(t<I wllno .. 1 "'""•' ptrmh~·~" 01 ~°"'rltl\IOwMr. l t tllllll c•••.t ""'°"" 11•10 •' '"' .. "'' '"· ClltltOf"fllt, k llKr1pll001 Irr ,..,''"' U.OlllftOlllf!O,. er ......... liO m0.,,111¥, .... 11 .. ,. Ot>,l"•,_ Woo -1111,. ' day.Ac said. and "he said ever- l Jiilifrfig V.'as pretty calm.•· Sadler. s he s aid , fJ c\v the Ca m- bodia airlift before that country fell to Communis t control and sin"e has rtov.'n m edical suppl y drops over Ca mbodia. REFUGEES ~·as v.•orried about getting al ong 1n the U.S. and cried a tittle. The stewardess s aid that us they sighted the U.S. mainland the Vietnamese became "\'ery curious'' and looked out the win - dows but there didn't seem to be any emotion. There w e re no conta ct s between n ews men and Vi et- namese at El Toro -Orange County's chief health officer has banned all but official contacts \vith the refugees. -i\laj. Sally Pritchett, El Toro press orficer. said that the fli ghts -part of the biggest civilian airlift from a war zone in U.S. hi s- tory-will continue toarrive until "at least" May 3. The pregna nt woma n was t aken to a hospital. There were some Americans among the passengers and it ap- peared that the Vietnamese were their wive s a·nd children . Another s tewardess, Roberta Francis, s aid s he didn '.l believe the refugees would spend much time at Pe ndleton because they arc dependents or Ameri cans and will have addresses in the U.S. The second fli ght due to land al El Toro today. carrying 100 to 300 persons, was sche duled to arri ve at 2 p.m . F1ig'hts continued to arrive at Norton in San Bernardino Cou n- ty, By noon today five giant Ct4 l Starlifter transports from dis- placed persons camp on Gua m had arrived and disc harged a total or 300 passengers. They also appeared lo be Am e ri can (.'ilizens \\·ith thei r Vietnamese dependents. 'fhcy ap1>ea rcd 1n good condition . Contrary lo e<J rl icr rcpo11s that they wou ld spend the night ;1l J\"o rton, it appea red th ;:it they '''Ould be bu sed the 00 mil es to Pendleton toda)'. .,17 ~. Fro• Page A I EVACUATE At the same time, South Viel· namese air rorce men began a m ass fli ght from their homeland. The Thui Fore ign ~1i nistry snid 74 pl a nes carried about 2,000 Vl('tnamcse to Utapao Air Base in southern Thailand. Civili a n offi cials or the Sou th Vietnamese gove rnment were also reported flecin ~ as rumors spread th al the Viet ConR and North Vietna mese would soon march lnto the cit r . As the. Am cri<:(tns pulled out, Sou~h 'Vietna m e se police and sold1er.s looted buildings they had occupied, T ht'y c nrrl ~d out refrigerators, furniture air con- ditioners nnd other h 1 ouschold 11oods. '· Medical Tea~ Reduced UC Regents Chttirman Williarn French Smith has. approved a scaled·down univers ity-wide medical teaching plan that r a.tifies most development plans for the UC Irvine-California College of Medicine. Since there is no regents meet- ing in April, Smith's· action car· Mes the weight of approval or the Cull board. according to UC spokes1,1,'oman Sarah ?t1olla. The uction Monday put the board's stamp or approval on a propo~ed medical school capital spending plan sent . Friday to· Gov . Edmund .G . Brown Jr. by UC President Charles Hitch. University-wide, lhC plan calls ror a reduced rate or growth or enrollment at the rive medical teaching campuses. By 1981. • medica l enrollments are to total 12.400. a fii ure 461 (ewei: than previous projections. This year there arc 9,686 medical students \.n the university system. Despite the cut back s tudent :ind expenditure growth projec- tions. UCI 's medical school plans t.·anl(' through virtually un · SC<.lthcd. Plans have been snarled for months in a morass of legislative and univers ity approvals. wait· ing tor regent action to break the logjam. The plan calls for building a 200-bed on-campus hospital, con- struction of a basic sciences teaching building on the campus and acquisition and renovation of Orange County Medical Center, as initially proposed. · ~ • UCI 's medical teaching plan has been attacked by State Legislative Analyst A. Alan Post, ,,·ho has told legislators the school should be shut down as a state economy move. Taking s h arp exception to Post 's assault, Hitch's plan sug- gests that if cutbacks must be . made. they should be made at the UC Davis medical school. Unless a better affiliation agreement can be made for university use Of the Sacramento County Medical Center. Hitch said, UC Davis' med school should be closed or its enrollment be cut by up to 40 percent. Hitch·s plan suggests some cuts be made at UCI. However, med student class size is to grow to 96 as planned. Medical interns and residents are to be reduced from 620 to 588, according to J-Utch's recommendations. Going a head with plans to de· velop ucr, Hitch said, "is essen- t i a I in accomplishing the a c ademic objectives .of the California College of Medicine at Irvine and provides medical care in the midst of a rapidly develop- ing a rea of Orange County." The on ·campus . hospital has been approved by a county plan- ning group and is designed to provide medical and emergency services lo the Irvine-Corona del J\·lar area. J-litch termed the scaJed-down university plans "a holding ac- tion that funds immediate and urgent ite ms ." BRIDGE ... Ficker s aid that the 20-.foot level would have the least impact on the area and would not only accommodate power boats in the 40·to·SO foot class, but would also have the least impact on the land area surrounding it. One of the more vexing pro- bl ems or most or the alternate de· s igns be ing (.'onsidered is the im- pact on Coast Highway lraffiC during the construction process. Fil·kcr said th at current think- in g holds that half the new bridge "·ou\d be built al a time. thus al- lowing trafCic to us e new lanes as they are completed. Thus fa r, formal opposition to the committee and city endorse- ment of the 20-foot height has not surfaced. The height or the new span spa\l.rned lengthy controversy "'hen the matter was studied in· itially several years ago. "\Ve're hoping that everyone '''iii approach the new bridge pl ans these days with a true spi rit or compromise. It'll be the only wuy to convince the state and Fed eral agencies that the <·ommunlty truly needs th is Im· portant project," Ficker~aid. INQUIRY ... pa yment became public and that Smith has refu sed to comment on .the county's investigation. Frank Ly les. a private at· torney who Is chairman or the Board or AssessmentControl said last month he could not recall isign\ng the check made p1y1ble to Hinshaw in 1973 or understand- ing thnt the payment was to a U.S. congressman for consulting recs related lo the purchase rrom Orance Count)'. Ba~ and Lisa Togethe~ Again ' Surfer Wins City Praise, No Deci.swn A Corona del Mar High school student who has led the cam- paign for broader surflng rules on a Harbor Area strand won heavy praise from city coun- cilmen Monday but not a final de· cision. Warren Jessup appealed lo ·councih:nen to set aside the 200,: feet o( water next to the east jetty on Corona del Mar Slate Beach for surfers only. Reinforcing his proposal with petitions a nd multi-colored charts,. J essup suggested that alternative would work and that it still could leave most of the beach open to other recreational uses. And councilmen, who in past years have heard surfer de- mands which were much more strident, were strongly im· pressed. "In all the years I've been on the council and heard one surfing group after another, I must say that you have made the best pre- sentation of all ," said Coun- cilman Howard Rogers. Bui instead of taking an action approving or denyin& the pro- posal, the council decided to re· fer the bid to the marine depart· ment for a recommendation. Currently, lifeguards impose a rule which during the summer months Calls for closure of the area to board surfers al 10 a .m. Sometimes the deadline is stretched, d epending on condi- .t ions at the beach. with lifeguards still reserving the right to hall the surfers. The council promised to make a final decision on the surfers' bid at its meeting in two weeks. Safety Ordered WASHINGTON. (UPI) -The National Transportation Safety Board Sunday said an Eastern Air Lines DC9. made an emergen- cy landing at Minneapolis last December because a change in the landing gear ,nechanism re- commended by the manufac- turers eight years earlier had not been carried out. The NTSB called tor the Federal Aviation Agency to order airlines lo comp- ly with the Douglas Aircraft. Co. order o( Oct. 9, 1966 . For 28-year·old Rick Peter s on or M i n· neapolls, the· 1ong vlgll on the evacua· tlon ol Vietnam haa ended. He ha• been trying for months to get his wife, Kim, and children Llsa1 3, and John, 4, out of Saigon. They all arrived safely on a flight from .San Francisco Monday. And Rick gets cheek· to ·cheek with daughter Lisa after the safe arrival. UPI Telephoto Reluctance Shown Towards Refugees The pending arrival of some 20,QOO Vietnamese rerugees in the Orange-San Diego County area has sparked instant reac- tion -most of it unfavorable - from state and local orricials. Worries about high state un- employment aroused the concern of Gov. Edmund G. Bi-own Jr. Brown criticized a s "haphazard" federal plans to relocate the thousands or homeless war re- fugees in California. A state spokeman has reported that Brown is balking at ~ re- quest by the federal government that he make available $100,000 to set up temporary facilities to aid tile refugees in the state. Mario Obledo, head of the state's health and welfare agen- cy, said the governor wanted more inrormation on the refugee liitualion before releasing any ~late money tor them. Rep. Clair Burgener or Oceanside, whose district in- cludes the Camp Pendleton area where the refuge~s are to be housed, said, "I .•. hope that what I have been told is true - ·that the selection of Pendleton will not result in San Diego Coun- ty being a permanent home for more refugees than would normally be the case. "I hope the federal govern- ment will do all in its power to prevent any additional financial burden being placed on. San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton.'' From San Clemente, Mayor Tony DIGiovanni said he was ''worried about the state or health these people are in.'' · Orange County HeaJth Officer Dr. John R. Philp, expressing the same concern, ordered that in- coming refugees would have to J:>e confined to military installa- tions. Military spokesmen continued to maintain that the refugees are in_¥~ health. Dick Brown, chairman or the San Die go County Board of Supervisors, said the rcrugcc operation is ·•certainly not ~• California responsibility ... i'.Jnd certainly not a San Diego Count y responsibility. • "If t.•alled upon to provide service and facilities, we will im· mt.>diutely respond," ·he said, "'but "'e 'd hope the rederal gov- ernment would reimburse us for any and all costs ." Gov. Brown's remarks over the past week of speculation about the pending -arrival of re· rug,_ees in Calirornia have cen· tered around the same theme - udding to California's already largC unemployment rolls. California. s aid the Governor 1\-tonday, ··cannot afford more unemployment." ·· He added that the Ford ad· minis tration hi.is failed to respond to urgent requests by Bro¥.'n administration officials for more in rormation on the re· fugeeinflux. f'roMPageAI TEACHERS 'Also, the sutfe rintendent will discuss the special busing to elementary schools near hazardous intersections. When trustees s lashed $100,000 from next year's transportation budget , the special busing was: eliminated. This year, the district spent about $33,000 busing stu- dents to Adams , Balearic, Bear Street, College Park, 1-larper and Killybrooke schools because they arc near dangerous intersections. Nicoll said he will make a re-' commendation to the board con- cerning whether this special bu);. ing should be reinstated, but decHned lo comment on what that recommendation will be prior tO the meeting. · Parents from the Del Cerro and Greenbrook housing tracts near Bear Street School are expected ~.o attend the meeting tonight and irequesl that the busing be re· i instated to protect their children. About 100 parents from the two tracts met last week when notified by the school that the bus- ing 'A'OUld not be ofrcred next fall. At that time, they decided to lodge a formal protest with the district. according to Eloise Simmons, a resident of the Del Cerro tract. A WORD TO THE WISE- There is a tendancy for many carpet stores to use st rictly a warehouse concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rather than samples. · Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only Off-goods. so lhat the customer only gets lo see old patterns. or carpets the mills couldn 't sell to regular outlets. Also. this type of operation generally feels that experience is unimportant. and conseQuently the salespeople know little or nothing about the products. Finally, most will farm out ·the installations to ttle lowest bidder.guaranteeing a peer installation. (Many of these installers are contracting illegally without a state license. At Alden's we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large Inventory, and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced salespeople. and our installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state lice"nsed contractor. DEN'S :iiisiallation: ·custom drapsries *•••••• carpe UC. NO. 2)11422 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6'6·•838 -6•6·2355 , I , • I ' ' • ' ( TuMday Aptll 29, 1975 N OAtl YPILOT Al Polls Shore It 'Eco-ignorance' Tuesday's Clo8iog Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Thredt to U.S.? By SYLVIA PORTER Question : ''Grassland is a country 1n which there Is very little governm.entownershlporrarms and businesses. People may train for JOb s and start businesses as best they can The government does not usually control pnces and waaes." What typt:! of econorruc sy!ilem does Grassland have? Ans wer : Only 25 percent of students in 13 ,000 junior high school ~ystems confronted with this s tatement by testers Money's Worth for the J oi nt Economic Council on Education recognized Grassland's as a ''capitalistic '' system The majority opted for .. commun1sti<•," ·socialistic" "cooperative" -or don'lknow " Question A vcrage corporate pi-or1ts take about 25 cents out or each sales dollar True or false' Answer . The average U S c1t1zen thlnks corPorate pro· f1ls amount lo 28 cents out of every sales dollar and e ven stockholders think after-tax corporate profits average 23 cents on the sales doll ar, according to an Opinion Research ~Corp poll The actual figures range between 3 cents and 5 <:entsoutor a full dollar. Question· All the nation's 60,000 social studies teachers , who are those most likely to teach economtcs, must have an extens1veformal trauung1n economics. Yes or no? Answe r · Only hair of the 60.000 have had any formal I raining tn economics at all -much less extensive education ·rhe basic cause or our economic 1lhteracy can be tr.aced t~ lhe beg1nn1ngof the educational _system 1n th e U S AMONG lllGll·RANKING CORPORATION executives in our land, the feeling 1s growing that Am en cans really hale -oral least ha ve a deep seated hostility toward -Amen can business But why ? Is 1l because American business 1s so 1nd1f· rerent to the basic need s of Amencan c1t1 zens, so callous about decent prior1t1 es, the like' Or 1s tl because there is s uch widespread misunderstanding and lack of awareness of how our economic system functions -how 1t ereales 1obs, trains workers, tries to meet balloorung needs 1n the areas or hous. ing,energy,education,etc.? . On the side of the economic illiteracy explanation is Thom as E . 0' Hara, chairman of the board of the N at1onal As- soc1at1on or Investment Clubs and chief spokesman for thousands of small groups of 1nd1v1dual investors from coast to coast 1'o help revive the investment club movement -which 1s cli mbing s lowly back after an understandable decline dunng 'the prolonged slump 1n stock pnces -O'Hara has enhsted a blue-ribbon volunteer committee to help combat ignorance nf how our system works Am ong its members: New York Stock Exchange chairman James J . Needham, The National Assoc1at1on of Manufacturers' E . Douglas Kenna, RCA Corporation's Robert W. Sarnorf and Champion lnterna· t1onal's Karl R Bendetsen TllE HEARTOF"CAMPAIGN 1976'' (1ls off1c1al name) will be the d1str1but1on of m!lhons or pocket-size pamphlets. each dea hng with a frequently misunderstood aspect or our economy, by the corporations 1n their ordinary mailings to stockholders, customers and employes. O'Hara's is a well-meaning approach -but the fun. damenlal question remains: Js the public hostility a renec· t1on of illiteracy or or1ncrcas1ng public distrust or publicized business practices? Consider, for insta nce, how the image of business in Amen ca has conl1 nued to shp 1n recent years -underlined by f1nd1ngs of similar Lou Harns polls 1n 1966, 1971and1973. A full 92 percent of the public fell 1n 1966 that business was developmg new products £or research. By 1973, the propor. ti on was down t069 percent, dsep1teyears of vast work. A maJonty or 75 perecent of the pubhc felt 10 1966 that business was br1ng1ng bctterquahty products to the market. By 1973 , a m1nor1ty of only 42 percent felt 1t was doing its primary task well . -A SCANT ONE OUT OF FOUR A1ner1 cans felt 1n 1966 that bus in ess leadership was helping to rebwld the c1t1es. By 1973. th at had declined to an even more puny 16 percent Econom 1c illiteracy 1n Amen ca 1s a fundame ntal threat to thesur\ 1val of our cap1tahst1c system Of that, 1 have long been convinced Dul pocket size pamphlets will hardly make a dent 1n the distrust The hostility 1s based on actual deeds, 1s much more deep seated than could be explained by ig-norance alone MARKET HIGHLIGHTS INDEXES NYSE Index ASE Index Do\v Jo1lc:s Ind S&P 500 St ocks New York IVPI ) -1Ple IOllOwot>Q ll~t ~how~ I"" •loc~• !fllll Pl<tv• ~lne<I ,..,,.1 -10\I l h• m~I tMUl(I "" Pff'""I ol c!Wno;,e on I,.. Nt w York Stoc• E•cl\;Tn~ Net •nd p1rc11nte!" c11an~• 11re 1M dillfflMe Dtlwftn h• pr•wlous Cto\•1111 prk t •10d Ille curr•nl elo!.•11!1 prkt GAIHlllS 1 C!lrlsCr Bpi 1l + 1:v, Up IS6 'l 5'oJl l..•CI 1>4 1~'•'" II• VP 132 .3V"IT•I ""'' 916 ... 116 Up 12J • Chro~C• Cpt 10 • 2 Up 11 I • s Sone•ta Intl 7'i.+ '• Up 100 6 HCAMt 50d 14>\o • 1'• Up 9 J • 1 Arctic Enlp l .. '• Up •I I Tri• Pl( 40 10~~ .. io Up •I '•vs R••llV 3 .. v. Up •1 •O BUCIOI Ind SI J \, • ~. Vp I l 11 Cel)OtGID L 3"•+ \la Up IJ 12 Nos::r1 •GI IJ • J Up 7 ' 13Cllll A11Y 1 + V. VP 6 1 45 41 83 66 803 04 85.61 off off off off 0 36 0.52 G 96 0 59 1\'t>to \'fJrk 15 '""#' ,, ... , ., .. f\IEW YORK MIJW ~tot~~ Slotlo. E•th• Am Tl.T wh Pc>l1rald VS St"I Kemecon Cp lnU Mrol CPI COr'n•lln Oil Sol.lttoern Co Avon P1o&t Roc!Wrd Mr A J RoyflClldli Mc:l..11111'1 S11 Mfl1wtt DI S.C E•tlm11n KOii Mc:Ooll•lds Rllcllt'lllr Tl (VPll -Tl>e U de&t on '"" New l.l•S<l•V "" 1~11 '°° 11S, 151 •oo 11S 000 11S 'IOO J 121 900 UJ 100 123 JOO 122 000 Ul JOO 11t 000 116 IOO ..... ., IOl,SOO ~" York "" _, ... -,, -·~ _, -"• "' '• U F1Derge 40 6'•• ls UP 64 1j NoNI Gs 3 10 6l'o .. l"-Up 6 J ~----------------16 -"tl•s Corp ?I•'" ''" Ve> 6 J 11RTECpl6 l\••loVP 6 l 19GTl,.lpl !:JO 1S '"l o Up 6 1 It W1rn~pl lh ll'o• I Up St 20 C•PMIQ Inv 2'• t \lo VP St 1..0~EllllS • """'On MIQ 1 o-,, Oii •J e 2 ""'"' 1&T wl '•-'o 011 419 l Tennec Awt '•-'• Oii 111 4 w.ifll,Wk 0 1 11 o -~, OU 1•,2 J C1tJnSo 300 l ~> Oii 14 3 • At-Belt •4 S' •-\, Oii 11 I 1 MalyCll> .o0 II>..-1h 0 11 111 I CNA L•wofl I 'o Otl 111 •I.Ml lnveslr 1 -\, 0 11 11 I IONOCnAotl wt 1 '• Oii 111 11 L•PI V•I lr1(1 1''1-• Oil 100 1? B•<lll IOD I -" Oii 9 4 1J 9tn Sid Mto;r l "'-~. Oii 9 4 A111eri('"a11 IOM"*' A .. 11v .. E•t1h R.,c•~ s.,.1 •• Co•11 Olilmp ttlll'lll M ••ler Brl Ptrln.I Corp Con~I 0 6G Eutll CMm Mlcfl Suger Mauston 0 11 l•rr11 cntm ., . '"" 71,200 ...... 46 100 •• 100 •1,o!OO 40,100 Jt,600 '"" ''·'°° lt,IQO ,_ "~ .. ~ '" "' "' , .. • "" " .... + " + " -'"' + fl " U Mor,_. El Pr l~'>-\<o DU t 1 IS WlllwWI 0$11 1\lt-'4 0 11 9 I ~----------------1• Sl•le•Mlo 2 12 -I Off •, 1 ,, ~(kt 30 3.-.-" Ot! Mnrkt>f Trt>11d " e 1F1•rl' JO '"'-.,.. Is MYIS MAllllltlT 'TRIMO • 11 s.G1 (Ofj>oln •i..-"9 g:"" U 10 S..rde• •~•o s:i;.-v. • s ::..:==~l\~,~ ... ~r-\'~o~r-k-.~~--1 .• ~r SnlP1' \'oltt•r Ulfo~ . .......... ~~'--:,J ............ • 1112'.1 IM • " • • • • '" •JO • • • 111' ID U,J.t0,000 11,150000 1•.123,110 :~~= AMl~ MAllllMlf TllENO TlllfflyM6Nle! 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Gone.lb! 72 • lll 11 • v. GnCgr 1 20 1 I 13',;,....v. Gen CIM " • 31 11 -\II Gn O.ttloCI ' 1 41'\o • i:oon 0.,.Mm 1 SSO 71~ v. Gn El..: I 60 1S SU 4'1;o.+ Va Gnfood I o10 t llS 221i't-"" G>onGro ffD '' .o ,,.,.__""' (lo;AMoll 40 I Jl 711'o-\II Gen Ins Ir 2Ji. 1 5t \014--Ill GonMMJ0 \2 a l~+v. GonMIU I 20 12 3Q2 42._ llo Gol!Mol 60b 14 1" .u -... ~,,,,, 3\11 • l 47V.--1W. GonMolpfS •• f '1 ->lo Gen Portllld 111 ~ .. .,.. G P1.1DV 1 61 6 1\J 13'1>-Vo GnSIQMI 76 13 111 :V\Oo-2"' Gn SIMI lfld ' •2 •Ill • GT E 11010 S13 20'h+ V. GTFl•pf 1'4 1100 1J:W.+ -14 GTIFlpl 1 :JO dOO IS • +'• G Tlr1 I 100 4 61 ll'io-V. Glnesco Inc 15 lOJ l'4 Gen5l•r I 10 t 1 11V.--'4 Gen1.1l10P 64 2• 17 37'-:0•IV. GI Pee IOG IS 56' 4H'o• lli GiiPwpf 1.IO i22G 6.V4-o;, Glrber PO 1 t 11 16\'t-""° Ge11,.0I I SO 12 1)( 16.1 • Gil1Jl>f I 20 5 IW.-'"' GF Bus 31 4 7 S'Ao GllllMPCm 1 9 40 12\.lt-VI Glt>r Flnl Sk 5 29 ,,...._ :i.' GiddLw 20b l 11 1 -"'° Gill Miii S1 ( • 1~ ,_. GUlell• 1SO 11 1$.1 JI -V. c;,.;-lncor t 1.s 714-lo. Gl611ton Wk 21 7"'°+ V. GfoD,11 Mir 12 216 U -ft GIOC. Vr1 t 4 J1 13'4 .. 'II GolCIW1! Fcl • 21 IOV.--V. Gocldrlc 1 12 • • 11,,.,_ v. Goodyr 1 10 t 210 11\ol! .. Vo GordonJ )l 1 21 l•V.-'4 Gouldln 1 20 1 n 2•~ t ~ Gouldpl 1 3S » ,,,.. + "- Gr•c•W 1 60 6 341 "21 -'lo Grencl V IO 10 S 15 -1i'I Gr•n .. 1 1 so l ' ,.,,._ ... ~·nl WT 61 41'ot V. Gr:IP'1&~ J 1~ ~~ t: GILJi.0.p 1 20 9 21 U -"'-GIN lrl 10d 13 12 nv. .. 'II GtNNelo, 1 IO 4 It JI GIWsF1n 4• 1 21• U V,_ "' GIWIV 2 '211 1 42 ?8',._ ~ Grn GI• 1 OI I 21 1~ •;. GrJtld 1 04• • Jell 1 IV.--.... Gr11flnd wl 19 l'it. Grolier Inc 4• 11>-V. Gr~m•n 60 • 2S 16~ , &Hr(I J 100 9 4 9" Gulrd Ml911 41 21-"'-Gulll..llt 'Ml 6 JO I GutlMl;ai RI 1 2V1 Gulf 011' 10 4 i2l 11"1o-~. GuURC SOii J 390 11~1->.:. GllR plA 20 a 2s•,.-11o11 GllRpB I 30 t 21\ll -\lo Gl.ll!:>tV I 12 111 11 G !".Upl S OI 1:l0 ~ Gull 1.W' 1• S :J41 M\:o • Gull&Wi Wi 61 •lli 'GllWs pl J'i'o J 60 -1 Gl.illon lflCIU 1 36 3'h-Vo -H H- MKkWJ .. n 2 11\lt + V• M1UFB ~U 11 11 .... -1/o Meltf"rt 111<1 S I 13 , Helllbtn 1 J2'21 111 ISS't-"- M•mP• 1 20 J l6 \J'' . M.,,..tnelld 1 4 4>, • =1im_:1: J~ 2~t:.: ~: H•fll!.Cp ... • 29 9h + \I, H-• 1 IS 13 2 41\lt He•trt 110 • ., 21V,-.... H•tdftl Fd21 I '"'" l/o i'l1r111t91 IO s 19 39 -l ~o Hill'tilhS 2210 10 H to• ~. Hetrli C 1 20 92 10l...-•• Herseo IQ 5 J1 ,,'-+ ~. HlrtSM~ 60 7 .l9 8~t H1rt•N• 10 10 21 U'it -'lo 1"11ftr, 1-.. 31 II~•-\•• Klw•f:I I .. I l2 11loo• Ir> He'J'IS Allll 6 t ...... HIHlllfll l J l~~-\'lo MCAMI SOii I &I ,. ... • l+M H9t• Inc It I •1 13""-l• HIUeMl'lll 14 " II~+ t. Hllll'M ... ' •l .... Htln1 M t-211• 1•• S014-\• Hl .. 111 Clll"t 5 11 3""-\~ Hllltrl11t 14 10 ?'ll , ..... + ~. HllmtPr .60 :JO 111'11-\/I .... llTl&P lO • .so 2''h-Vt HlmlspC.D .. 1 IV! ... ....... Ill.lab •• '1 ,,, .._,Cult'I ,IO 17 1IO 7th-'"' '"""""" ID 11 6S lt\/•-\lo '""l\ton 40 1 1111 24V.-\o Hllln pl! .0 •• 4• 211'>-.... Hlulllln I.ID 16 ltltl 43\o'J-\II HlwHI P ,!011 1SO ttft+ I" MIClhVDll En I 60 ,,,,_'II H!lltntir .. t i 21\11 -V. Hiiton Mii l • 1MI 21 -'4 .MMW ffld1,11 • I l l. l1o11M1 C 10 11 • ">OVt l-loltntr t.I i I~ 12 • \'> Hoff Elec:1n 12 S -\' 11111 lfll'll JS 10 .uJ 121'11-.._ 14olld ... lkl ' , lt V:i+ "" Mall,S.UO )e 2 13• 2t"4-4 HD""'14i1 1 1• JU ... \lo+ I\ l'tOl\f"l'll140 . 260 21-\lo-,,., ""°°""' 1 ,. J J 11\.\-l\ t'lllrltorl '" J ' " 2\ft + loll ~UAI •II t :JO 1•\lo t V. MOIOllCP .1011 I'" 10\0-t't Hittl Intl •• 1 t1 t'--\lo ~-.. 5 11 ,.,._ Vo M0\1111 "'2V. f I 2JVI ", ~Olllll'!M .0 JJ 11\.lo-\f\ ~fl'lb 100 11 111 I , .._,,!'IC 1 • ,.. 1•1'1-"" -f ui... ' » -... Hovi" 2V. • 2 2t'4-\4 "°""I.. 1 lot 1 19) 21111o .. " HouNt<k 10 10 294 )l\O •• ' Year'• HiNl1-Low1t Appr.ar Eve ry Saturday ,,,.,,~ ""' ' I \!Jo °""' (1111 Hilwo••dJ 10 IJ , .. II"'-', Mawml Cp I 6 II lf\1 -'" Mu1>ur11 1 .0 I Jt Ill,' Vo HUCIA 160e ~ • 1)-..._ °" H 8oy8 i1011 I H>,. • Hl>Ql>HH .o0 11 ) I~• ~ Hr.tOl'll\T SO II lft llV.-114 Mum.nt lllC • ll •v.-~ HUfl!C!l14 U 2l 1 ~ • l ) HUllDn <;. 'J 1 JJ~ UJ.. H...,.c~CD • .o I~ St II -1, H'fdron1f 1• 4 I I 6~ + \• _.,_ ICH PNrm :Ml J • ld-P \96 I 21 16'M +"' IC1HIB11SIC 1 I » U Va-~ i...1e1.• •\.Ii 1 '!,,;,='"' :~~11°~1~ 11: Sllo-\• 111c.n1n t :JO 4 1.0 llh -~. IHC.n plA6 • r lOO "'"" .. v. lllC.I\ Ill JV. • 21 11 • ... -1 111-•1'10• 10020 -~ IHlQGIW .SO IS t l•V.-l..o lmp41rooi Cp S 114 l~o Vo INA "'llO I 11\ lll'o-V. INAlnwl St I 16>.:. lfleo"lt 00 2S 4\lt-l . lntCln<: 6111 11 t lo..-l• ln(llllflG4S 1 t 18 > • I• lndMpl l 76 110 •l -I IMPwl.. 1 Q t U II .)-V. lnclPLfl' •'1• 10 11'.'>t l'h lnc1H411 2011 11 1J -~ l ... ~tO Ool •ti 61 S-•-~. lnq Rn(I 2 '9 ll !Or> 16~!-l~t lllQR Pl 2 35 21 411\:,-~, lnl(on l t01 S I 31 1" \f, lnld$U 1 "°" S :.160 ll ... Vo Inmont .oO 4 21> •'lo-~" tntHco c 10 ~ •S 1 • • lnwic-1 16 16 l4 ~-v, 1n1-it1.1nf lftv l l 2'1)-yt 111"oan 11 • s 6'4-v. lnttrco 1 " I 61 3S'h t-V. lntll'<Ofl0W S 1S lie •nurltk• l• l 44 )l"'-1 IBM Corm 16 7711021!.-•A' 1111F1ew 31 21~ 3JV.-II> lntH•rw 1 I 5 lllO 2••t. + V:i lntMolCI Ski S II , 111MlnC 111 S 1•SO 41\'o-1~o J~:~~i11'3? } {: ,~~.: ~ lfllN.ck I 40e 1 J<l91:o 21V, t-'"-lnll P•per J I 101 •t:i.:. , , lntR1cl . Ud • 12 4'1t , Int Tl.Tl SJ• •SO JO -'I> >T&~IH4 2 411.:. •• I TT 1 ••1> • 2'9 llV.+ V:i I Tl. ofJ 4 •• 2 40 -V, IT&T p11C4 27 •O'l•t It• I TT plN 1\1• •1 11 -v, IT&fp105 1 49\lt->,, lntrpec I 20 • 1t 11.,._-'-• lfllpUOI Gr I S 29 16 \1, .._ ~ lnlll Br OSll I ll ' -'o lnlllPw 1 40 t ~ 1l'f•,. Vo Inst Vnd 2• J 14 ' • low• Bel IOI l 81 II'•-~. low• El 1 JO 11 JS 10,, • 1-llG1 ~I l'f IS\,,.'• IOWIPL 1"' I 11 1•\•• 1 tow•PS 1 Sl 1 11 11~.-~. lpCoJ HOSPlll t JJ ·~•+ \/o lTE Imp n I 2S 1q•1,-'• 1111~ Corprtn 4S 10\'0 • IV Intl IS 4 98 1H1-°" IU lnll CpA • l 30'1> • \Vlntlpl'I'•. I ll'h •• ___, J- J•mH F 61 I I 10"° • J.nttan 10 • ' 11\lo + v. J•pFnd 15b 2h 10 + V. .wtlPlllJI loO ll 91 lll't+ '/o "' ~13 so.. 110 102\1• JCn 1112 •• rlO '3 -1 J .. C Lof I . 1SO 61 -2 Jl:'wel C I 10 I 21>4 1•'i•-V.. J'welcor In l 6 3'1> • J lmW111! 110 I JS! l•\11 •• JtrnWpl I .0 •• 15 31\'o-!~ JH.inln Slll • 14 IS\,, •• JHlnlv 'HID ll Ill•-~. JohnMv 1 20 I 90 21h -•11 Jolwl&J M;a 11 2J<I 89~· ... ,.. 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I 2 16 18'/o-\'o K~ W 10 S 16 1••,. ., IC l-llf220 , • 40\l:i •• Klmb(;I 1 .0 I 192 JO\/')-~ Klng\0!°> 40 I 35 l'ft+ o,i, K1tsc:PI C 'Kl I •S ll -.... K L M Air! J 13 -~ KnlgPll R S4 14 41 21 -1,i; Koell•lnQ co 1 11 '"• KOllPlf 140 6 I& Jl -\0 KOP!l>lr pf 4 • 1110 SO + l \o'J KOtKorp In 12 3!/•-\, Kr1UcoJ I 92 ll Jl!> •O,,.-,,.. ICtHQll 24 11 St.• 26~0 • \lo Kra.fll1rMI 11 2 10'•-\, KrOIJ .. I 3' • 3' 21\o-0,:, Ky-ln40 4 J 6 -~• -•L-l.ltGIS 1 St. I 11 1:."-V. l..lmsns.n lg ? lS 14 -h uneB•w n 1 11 111 , L.e•r!".l""OI 21 5 100 6\o-V. Le•rS pl'l'"' !I 2)~1 + Vo l..e1swy llOo 10 21 ?S't•-.,.. uecHl.N .sll • a ~,,,,_ •,. l..N5<>r\ll .0 ] I 10~~-•,. Lehi P1C 10 6 4 11 \u• '• Lin \Ill Ind I 42 I'll-.,. Lei! \lei pf 1 14 .. t} LeP!mn 57D SS II -~ u ..... r Cp 11 21 J"'I-~l U flCI• In 72 10 Sl 19\,-:\(, ::::r.:: J~·· 1l 1t'a: ~= Lew• Slri 41 I 4l ?J -'o Lev1tr Furn 11 65 l\•-\0 LFE Corpn 6 ] 4'o-\o l..O FCo 80 1 62 16'to-"9 LDF pl•~ 1 53 "+ ~'> L<Dllr Mt NI 6 11 S l..•brl•CP 40 ~ lCi 9l..-~' 1..ot>erly LOii I l ' • • L•Derlf L pt • 2 s~. . LlgQ Mt 2'" t 74 29~+ ~. LlllJEU 1 1027 !Ml~+ YI L1nc:Ntl I 60 t 61 2'\Ao-l'I 1..llKNll rl 3 S 51'h-V. 1..lnNFCI 1, 2 1~+ V. L'-1 Corp t 2 1"' Llltototn 2V.I &S ~ l..lllfl cw Of' s 1•'1a--v. I.Ml 110 ... ur to 2 -\lo L.ockllMcl • 9S 1 '4-'4 LolwC. 1 20 • 76 1.,,._ \lo 1..omio1F1 » JS S'1' LmMe 1 •so s •S IS...-"" l..ndlwn :tCllt S I l:w. ~Slndl • 61 UY> • 1..-SG 1 60 6 1!2 UC.--"" L.onolll..l IV. 6 90 1-"'>--"" LIL Ill N 11 l'IO 1(11 l.orleDro ... 2t 15 .,,,. + ti. l..Ofel ~p' JS ~ .... Lal.Ind 112; 1 '" 11v.-1 .... UoP4<11c 10 t 111 "Vr-V. ~llM • I l'H't-loll '--l•ln ,40 I 32 11"' .. :i;. lTV Gorp J 611 II -"'° 1.. TV coro A • 2 2l'h-v. LTVC.JJ)f 151 1J'Mo+1\.\ ......... 'i::i 1• -.. .. \.\ Lutk~S 11 111 t:IW.-Vt L!,lcllow 1 10 •I t • W!lnSU 1 tO S 11 21 -V. LYllltY SOb I 6• I~ 'h LYlll pl 2V. :rt »tM-1"' Ltnc:llSW~~~ •• MM:AnF 60 S 11 7-1"' """<OofllCI S 17 2'11 , INCllt ]O • JO ,_ "' llol.ecmlll 1s • 71 ,,._VI llol.ecr 110 I S1 21~'h IA<:r DIA 4W. JlO 4'\I< li\ild "Fd 15«1 • "6 Ill. ...... ~ 5c1.,.,. 14 s ¥eoitCtl 12 2S Ill 41'1>--Vo ~Yllll 14 11'1-Vo IMA•ryCo 1 10 119 l i 'lo + Ill ""'""''n 1 n 3 l~ loll ~.' ll 11,,.._"' MM Mn I 12 1 1., 154-V. MAPCO JO 15 U »Vo-i,. "*-rOlt'IOfl M S M t-v.-"' ,,,., Oii I IO 1 1• l5 • °" ""-tcorlrte I I Ill """• Ito IMfCIN' 111 2 5 y:i;. .. 'h Mlrtml' 40 1J I.loll IJ._ \o'J IMrMld I Ill 6 SJ 11-V. MerlonL ... 15 so D'lll--Vt "4orllfl I .0 21 2J ll'h-V. "''"l 60 11 J ---\lo Mlol'Clt ,,. s 16 .... • .. Mel'lot\ 2\'lk ti 117 16\.11 ••• ""'""" 1.t( 11 s ,.,._ ... llqrf "' I lll J 1'3 lW.-"' 11'111 Cl.ID S4 • It U ll,-:i;. MucoC11 nH m ~ .. 11o1. Me~I• Sot .JI ,.,, u -1\l>o ...._,FOi 4 11 IW . MtC.llln ,•. 11 14\lo-'h Mt lillw oQll , 10 10'.'ll ,.. M Mllv 2lb 1 20 tow. Moltul 1• 10 12 ,.,._ .... lrMr OS 1 60 11 121 JAt-.... MIV'frO!I 92 6 t0 ie , , , 5iil7:JE 4 1i ;:: ~ "elnc:tll .. S7 •• Mt .. S ·llj-" Mc rwy Cll •1 11 I'\--\"I Mc 1.20 11t ,.. -¥1 ""~ldC.JCI tWt Jl,.._.\lo Mc: 0 . ..i. S IGi \Mio-W. '*' 12011 16 1J\lo . HI .56 10 •14 11Vto+ "- 110 l)JOt-14 McKee A le l 11JJ ....,_ "' Mc:U~ 72 101 IJ~I~ MCLIN 1 60 • 1111 II -,. McNeil AO J wt--14 "'"" I·" ' ·~ IS~ --· .... llA "". ,.,....1 .. • 11 11f'o • MSI c.r.. • 10 I +\'o • ..... ~· ~ I \hdl.1 a-l~ Mel .,_ 41 1/ " IJ'io-Ill ¥ootlo1CO 4.1 M 1ft--Vt °"'" ilolr 10 IS l S2 , ~ell 1 40264"14 •'"" ...., .. 1111 10 • " IO'M-"' ..... ,111..r "° • m 1M-1 .......,,.. O' JJ ..U 21Two-~ ""'wDI •10 111 lolQ ,__ "' lolfft_,. I 20 11 1J fl , .. M G M 1 6 11111 I~+ loll ..,,.,,_ so t ll 10\'o • MllElll I.... z'I> 6' + 'Iii Ml-llillt S.to .. llCI :QYJ + .... MGIC lfl .10 .. IJVt-I'll Mlcll04 I 10 7 1 \IV. • MlciiS.T I IO S t 1~f. 'h Microdot 60 S 45 12-"6 Mkt•w• SI • 11 11111 , MlckOl\I I (M 1 II 11 ... t Ill MldSoV J_:U. 6 * 12'1o-v. WdMI I Old .. 3't l \o'J t-V. Midi .... lit , s 1'3 11 -'" MllolLO 1,11 I I• ~t-\It Wlwtr .. IUl -lto MMl.M I JS 2l •IO 51~ V. MIMPI.. I 5' I t 1'1'11 • \It Mir,. Al ... 1 l 11"6 • MllSl'IEG 21 6 I• t,.._ ~ Mll lRw 1 20 ' 11 111'111+ loo WPec;pll SIS -Ill MOPrlC I 60 • 6 l1!J.o 11 lolo PbS ""' • 11 10 .. \'lo llllG>blle Morn U W.-v. Mot:lltDI l Ml 4 •1'0 J9'.1.-Y. "'°"*<• 1.19» " lll't-~ Mofwwl DI I Ito 3''-14 Morlw• RO I 1 ' 11111 Molr<rD .oO • .. """-J~ lololwClll 21/t ) ll -I'll> Monercllf 1 • 13 ll'AI-~ Moriogrem • 31 l ltt MofwooA " II 111 •!h-.. MOl\Nn 2 60 J •st """°" v, Mont pl 2¥< " ,.,,._ ... lrolonl0-10I I 1) ll _.,., MonPw 1 eo 1 u n,,._ .,. Mon9$1 IOe •47 21 -\lo Mol!yM Ulb 10 )2 ~ , , Mooi' MI 40 5 lU '3'4-1 Mor~P I IO 14 1• 6.1...,_1 .... loloo'r,KA M S 1' Ullo .. V. MIN'M El Pr 2' 2\'t-V. M«i.511 100 • 106> .... • Mio-tr Am 22 l+'o + \'lo Mot!Nor • • 11 h\lo-"" ::ir,:•,•1 ~l! lM fllZ: li llllltStT•l 1 S2 t 2' II • V. Mullf .... d " ' '' ....... lilllufll"' 1 °' '' l2 ltlio • MutDGil I 20 • t lllOi + ""° i111111tP11D I 60 4 l IJ 11 "'" .... lllllurry Oto ~ ' 24 ll'.11 , Mu!Onl I Jl 24 1•111-'h ,,..,.,. I.. .0 6 10 6111-"" __.. ·-Neb1Ko2 :ao 12 111 lS.W.-1 'h Nelco Cll .011 121 ~-•.1. Al••co Sc: '° t SS 9'ilo-""' NeilM>IC .o I 20J 11111-11,o NetAlrln SO 1 JI 12V.-"" NelAwn 390 16 11'1o-II• Nell <An SJ I S9 1,,,._ 'J. t.11 Cn pl' 1V. J 22 -I .. OWnSh 21 JS ..,. ~-1 NI CllJI.. 90 • 11 6f o--'l'o NIDtlrt 2 S2 S 1l llo!J. .. 'lo NUOllll I 20 5 111 U HUF1,11IGs 2 6 20 20'4-I'> 901 GWD I OS 1 •1 12,..._ V. IUllH-. 16 Jl'o. IUI ln(I" 2S ) $( • + ,_. IMI IOfll lV. • • 12\1.i .. \lo N•IMIO Ftod 1t l~ •. NII 5.en!lcon21 ltlfl5 321'>+ V. Net S.rw 71 • •7 l \'o-\lo Nt stMMI 90 s t 11"' + "" Nist.re fl IO 4 1 l'H'.o . "' Net !".II 2\lt• 5 l&J ..i•J. .. 1\.\ H•ll T111Co 106 1 Netcih.1 1 20 ' 2SI 41 • NCR C11 11 I 116 1'14-~ """"""" 4011 7S l):llo MewPw 1SO S 13 16~--NwPptllSO 1...0JlV. NE1141EI I 11 6 71 161,._ V. NEGsE 1 21 1 5 11\11 NEoTT 236. 51 n ...... M ii 40 I 96 I~ \It Nwmnl 1 liO 6 111 22--1111 NYSEG 1 10 6 " 10',..._"" N=llO 11~ 11 Ml 1 11 6 lU 1014-""' I'll 13.0 zlO)l •• N11Mpl 3 90 1.0 J6V. , •• ., Sh l:lO 2• 13V.--v. NL '1o01.111 I S 211 lS\lr-V. NI.. T Crp loll 6 116 1•'11>-,_. Norll>l•W'S • lll ...... ._ ~ NorlflCp l'/o 3 S 14\lo-1.11 ,..,. .. , , 12 6 s I.,._ lli HA eo.1 IO \I 40 :Jl""-1'1> NA Ml9 •so 4 I"' .,,._. ''" NAmPll 1 20 7 11 II -'4 HCMlr 100 • )9 21'9-V. NOCnAlrl 1111 40 I -\~ HoHIVI 1 02 • M1t I V.-\... NoO'llGS 61 7 I 1Mlo • No111Ges1 1 1t 21v. • HllG-spf I to 1 Z2 • NelnPS1:J4 I 21 U _,.. NoNIGs J 10 • lS& 6.1V.•W• NONGpl S IO 1110 11 MoNGpf I.. 1100 t'.Z'A • NoSIPwll4 I •1 ?2 .. 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JS 3~-\~ Relln•CI I 12 6 29 \9 -'• R••npl J•1. k1 JI +1\o R1y ln<1Jl8 11110 Slit-\, R•ylr1 pt J\, , a ~ -7 Re ,n<1M•I 1 J 281> 10•o-I''• R11MIDl 4\1 • 13 ~t -" R1yM of 21<o I Jb\o A•yn!.I< SO 10 2• !11• ', R•cl\ard\n I 4 11 IO>,.·· \o R!c ~Mer 6'I 11 113) 21 \o Renmn<1 llO 6 .S• 10'• '• R•~H• I 10 S 11 11.1, , R10Grln.O ~ 1111 '• R10Gt pl IO I 91, '• Rile .a.10 16 16 2~8 101 I '• R1v111"4 90 11 10 19'• '• ROD.,,,•• JO n 60 1n. '• RObthn 1 lO 6 ?I 15'•. '• Raoln~ 24' 12 21) 13 -\, Roc:hG I 21q 6 11 l l~•-\o Rocfl Te• 16 8 lOllS 10 -~. Roc:kO•• •4 10 10 I\.-• • Roc:-wllln 1 6 IOI 19••-I/. Roel pt ·~· • 1 SJ -I ::.:..~','Ii 1 ~ .: ;~~: .. ,,. Ron<' 1'1o0 40 " 20 1i..-Vo Rolhn!.ln JO 11 310 11 -\'O flOfl1.0n 211G 19 18 ''" + Vo R-rc' 20 IS 11 V'> • Ror•t A 'Kl11 111 1J \o+ 1/o Rowno olOiill 1S Ill> JI \•+ 1 Roy.ice "'11 21 12• ,_ ~ RoJylO I MD J 61 lS .. -\• RoJ••I l ISO 9 ll l 1o • RTE Cp ll>ll s •l•t-1. AuDOrncl 36 16 12 19'1..-~. Roc~erC 20 8 111 \11,o-l o Ru .. Tog 16 lb 19 10 -\• R1aer S1s1 9 183 s~ . _,,_ 5.illu'll! R SI> 9 2 11 t l o 5.l!iiatd Ind 11 19 2<\-•,'o S..te"''1 1101• 339 41'• 5.iQi CGrpln / 6l 6\o-1, !ilJoMrl 21(! I 111 SS'1.-l <lt !".IJOLlP I 1110 i. 910 f. ~. S~U-F1\.-, 5 81 2ll,,-I,., StP•ul S W. 1S 10\• SIReo" I tO 6 ~Ill 211 -V, S.0111r1!C 1•9 ~ \6 4h -Vo S..nDG~110 1 tilll °"'-~~ !.an<ll"A~\O 1>1 S~•-\J 5.inq E!e 10 6 !~ \J'.1,,-'• SllnF ln llO 1 11>1> 16'·-'• :>Ftln pt 50 11 I••-'• S..Felntl JO 10 81 2•~· , "'!Wei .o !O 102 12 r •, Sl>u BF RIE o ll l SavE1 P 101 S I• ~··, '• S..vElAll-1 •• 1 10'1 '" ~. Sl>v A Stop 11 2'• • 51>vlnB M<Pl21 38 ~ '• $"'°'10r I~ t JO S -'• s.i~on Indus 10 SI J ' :>CASe•v•<e 5 11~ 2 •-'• S.C:Plilelar Cp 14 ~ •I•-'0 ~::r.~~'1 : ~! ~;: ~~~=·~ !".<:PllumO Mill 131 82 -I SCM Cp Ml • tl • ll"-~. 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J Sol -lli Skll Corpn I( 9 9 -"" Skyllr1C. 24 SJ 2SS 20 -'Ito Sml!MO Ml t 114-"'° Smlthlnl 1• 11 '°' 21 -'II SmUri•U,.. 113 JS 52"'--V. Smucll1r 10 10 1 1s,,.,_ .... $01• Bas 1iO • 10 I'll • Sonos111 lnU 21 1>,:, + \lo !ionyCp (MD ll SJ.( 10'/o'" Vo Soo Lino l D 7 9 JI .. Vo sos ens 34 s • 1•1o SC•rEI 141 I 1 .. l•'l'l t-'lo ~rEplJV. I~ SoJ Incl 1 S6 6 1 lllli-i.. 5outlldown 3 11 l~-'Ill sawn pt 1 IO 1l 18 -1 Sots! Bl IO 7 210 H -V. Soe•5t"'5 11o. • 1 6'1o .. .,,. SC.IEd I ... ' I I 11 SO....lllCoJ 1 Ml 1111119 10\6-V. SolnGE 2 21 6 1 :UV.... \'lo S.ONR11 I 65 I 100 41\.lt-.... ~i>tET•l2 .. 9 1 301/l•V. ~~~11f!4i: 1 i•:o ~-; ~ So R.111 2 12 10 100 :llfo , SoR•llpl Ml • 13 6 .. °" !ioRell pt l 25 Sol .... • Vt SoUnGs I .0 7 I li't. + "9 .5ou1lllnd 40 14 37 24'4-.,., S.OWslFr 20 S 9 •l'o-V. S..Forl)f 1\l:i I 16f'o+ Yo 5.owttPS to I u 1o>.-w. 5>plltlOll 1• ' 51 7loio. "" S,alrryH1,11 I I I) IYo+ \lo S.-ryMpl J l J2 • S,. Rind .1•11 ,., ~­ jpreQUI El I 11• ~ 1'!t Sllt"CIMI 75 11 S 10 $4\MlrO I 10 17 6J 17:W. + Ill 5.QulOO M 16 116 ll\lo-~ Stel1yNll9 1 6 361 12 -I SldBr•nds 116 10ll .. l'o-"'II SIBP1lnt ll 29 1• 41\lt SIO 011 Clll 1 • SJI 24'4-V. Sid Olllnd, .... JI'.¥.-¥o s1011on I l6 IS \(M '°.,.,_ v. StCIPoor I •2 3.4 Uh-Vo Sid PrSll •o 3 1 1V. !Id Pl'WCI M I 6 I • \!.. l ...... 11 Sl l 20 "'°-VJ SlenWks "' I 11 11,,._ V. St#lt11r .114 1 12 J\'o Sl•r,..11 I 5 5 1!11'1-V. SIMvtU411 1v 2 15 J:i.-V. !".IMllS< Al'O .. 111.\t l'lo St1utter 2 JO • 212 61~1\'lo Slln:fll .. t 1 6\-"" St•t1Drl 10 1s •15 JOVt-lli Stwmcln 12 • Ml llt'I • !llw.ns 10 ~ 31' 1'"6 + .,.. • ... w,. 1 ,, I • :U'h-'Ill Slokly\I 1 10 s 11' 1'V.-..... $1-Cln 60 J 2 II + \9 St-W1110 I Jl 4'V.-I..., st-r Brei I I lS 16\4+""' MrldlR:ll JO 1 1J '"° . 51Yd9W I S2 16 lJ :II -1111 St ... Wpl S •• 2 S6 -1 StuW pt 1.40 4 21 -~ s..e ... si-' 11 1v. Sult PrOO<I I j 1111 !JV.-"' S..C. ,. l I C , XI 1 ,.,,.,._ .,._ Cl'tm.0 1 611 -1'1 Oii MIO• 6.1 ~-1pt JV. ISO ll!~ .. ern I t SI 11~ '4 trl'lll IO • 3 I 19\olt-'lo 11' 40 ll " 11"'. Ill II 1,..010 7 l~t-1 1/1 SUptrCn 10 13 ' 4111 •• """'a.c°" 3 1• lt\9-.,.. ~Yol .tol, •14 -\4. MC~lnc. .....,, "'' r t \r.J\! Cbe 0.0. <wtroM 2SO IT S S'lt •• Swllf\k .d S ti SYI t ~ !ybron J2 I I .. 11,,..,_I" •11•1\PI 2 «I J l7 -I S1•t•Ot1 Dor1 49 1 s..-"' _,,_ T11!8c~ .0 I 14 11V.--flKIJ!t N•I 20 J'4 T•lllY In .60 S Sj .... T1ll•y pf 1 , I t l'o t~E ,,. I 6JS 11ft ,, f.rod~ ~ 10 JIO • -\9 fe""""°C .ttl • 11 •Vo-'4 T ochn<.Olor s J 1 rec:nttlcon '' 71 U'lil • ~ f111tron• 20 I I 11 »-,,._ T&ltcor 2S S 4 4\11 + \'lo Jo1 .. yrw lk I 11 12\to-""' T•l•Promp •• sn 6 , Tel1lC COrp •• 11S ,,,,_. \la T~o 1 .0 5 9to 211"-\'O "flNvlK Awl • 1.0 ,.._ V.. ToHIKDf5Yr •• 11 n _.,.. Tnorfftt 40 J 191 151" • '!. TollltCO 2• S 101' 2'"'°•"' T••Cllsh 'IQ II S U.,._ \'lo TtllETt I 10 I •1 30"> f•GlTr I J1 • 41 ?toi.. .. 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CP 1 11 s:v,-\I. Vnow•r C11 1 • 101 2•V.-l~o Vr11v•L••l l t 21 lJ~,-~, un ... soh tO 1 10'18 11~, , , "'t°"I\ 96" l-11 ,,,,__ ~ V$ IFE JO i 9• ll\• U\ltltFd "' 10 ••• .. 'I• VSMCp I 711 J 9 ll'o US.M pl 1' > • >10 1Slo .. I• USMpt110 I ;11>-V> Vtlfl Intl 110 100 1>4~.-"-V~•hPL 2 l6 B llO ?S\4o-Vo VII ln(lu~ 19 J II ?1 -~. --vv- \llflen 10 9 17 9"'-'• \1"9rl I n11 • 1 24\'•-'"' venao co 13 l~-Ir. \len•celn 1010 1 o .. v. \1Hle1,1r 4'b 10 11.\(o • , \let.co Oll'PI 1( 211 29 -(!,, \IF CO<"plfl 1 10 JI 2S ... -'- \II.com In! 10 61 IV.-v. \llctorCC so 10 JI s~-v. \I• EIK 1 11 • 31 • 10+-e-V. \lot,..(IO Inc: IS 22 6'.11-"" \ISi Corp Ml S 2 11 • \f1,1lcr1M 1 IO 6 5 Jl~-'h --w W-- W•cfl Cp I• I 21 16\'o-.... WKt>Ow A•I 16 l \o W•l!l•e-er+ I 11 109 l l>N-~ W•lllr1' 14010 II 31--~ii W•ll S..s SS 10 1 2ll'll • 'h W•llMl,lr 60 4 11 l \'lo-V. W•llo\lorl 12 II 1100 17"'-\'9 W•no I.. Oolll 10 JS7 12 -''• W•rd FOodi 12 12 1\1<1-~ Werr\lleO IO • 6 I V. W•rMpl lV> I 11fo+I WernCm 40 • SO 14 -v. W•Cmpl 1'• I 29 -V> W•1nrco Ml 1 l 11/o-1, W•rl.lm u" 2?9 Jl + 1 Wlmr!".120 I 21 111/o .. "'-W•sllGs t 88 b 8 IS~-'I• Wotf\NIJ 80 4 10 11 ~• • WINI pl 11<> 4 ?7•_,.-I• Wist! !".II 1• • 10 u-..-'• W•lPIWl }2 1 1111"--'• Wast• ""'It I ll 1 -v, W•l•nJ o D 1 ~ •4 2s:o;,+ ~ • W•yl'll! G ..40 IS 12 l'-• WfllflVfl Inc I 3 Siio "Ntr1ptll6c I> lS:Vo+" W.•lher •O I> 111• 6\o-V. W.DllO.I Cp 9 311 l\io-v, W.!IMCL 60 4 }I I + '• W.lsMlo.1 .0 I • 11lli-'I:. "WflOUI Cp ,· 11 1~• • , 'Neils Fo 96 34 11 -\-. WFM!Je Ulb 15 4~i + V.. """KoFn '° r 1 11 ••• W.sclr I IO 1 J 21""'-• WPf'Ppl 41/J 110 •1~-16 Wt I Pt Pep 1 6 1311 31'4-v, W~TnAr <IOI! • ll 7\'t-Vo W\Benc 1 IO ' IS3 Jl\\-1 ~lrnCo N""' ' 118 1•\'lo Wst P•e !I'd ~ 11 '"'•-'• westPl,ID IO 5 ,. 11\io-'• wvn1on 1 to s2 101 u -~. WeSIUn pt I> I 51'1• • • West~ El 91 •O 316 14'1,o -lo W~hac 1 40 $ 1>1 29'--4 '"r•Plil IO 11 S9l JI + \• -"lo "° 9 .a 1•'1:. WlllP!". 10tl 1 Ill 19\, + "-wtl•lllOOI IO•B 141 2Slo .. \, Wfllt C0n IO 6 361 ll\11 • , WPll!Cpl(l, • 3J 1" \' wtllMot 1()11 • 49 11 ,.-'. Wll•tl•k• Cp 9 IS. 3\•-'• Wickes Cp I 9 Sl l l'o-\o WlellOICl1 21 I I> Jlo Willl•mS .0 I )91 )J + ~ Wtil Cl>s wls II 4S -I WlnnDll 1 12 u •I 36\11-•; WIMebllJO , 151 S\o-'• Wo~EIP 1 t2 10 I T 14J..1" \o Wo\Elpll90 .1190 ff • WliEI pl l\o ,. 1SO 8tV.-11.o Wi stPS131 I 22 U -~~ Wllco c 1 10 6 21 2J\. + ~. WOh•WI Q~ 11 ! .... -\• WDmltoJ St! 1 16 11\io-~l WobdsCp 41 S SI U I.. , WOQ!wfl120 11 21• 16\•-'• Wool of 1-20 ., S 21'o f. •n WDrld Alrw 6 IS s~,-i. Wl"IPIY 140e11 I .511,-~. Wurltttr Co , ? •'lo-'\ Wyly C.,rp 16 J\o-'• _,., __ x~ro• Cp 1 11 flOI 111~. • •• XI•• In< 201 J It •I. • V•l~l lt1o0u1 S ·~ IC • _ VnvStl)r .0 S 20 !Pio • '• Z1l1CGr!l 7• I IS ll'.•1 1, Z•le(ppl IO l 14 • ,. l•1><1•• .0 l 62 ,.~. • Zt,,. CoJrp U 4t ,..,._ '• l •nlll\AICI I jd t i I•~•-'• l.1.1rn 11\d 1111 110 t~•-~. LOS ANGELES (AP) -MCA In<. a huge entertainm~nl conglomerate that Includes Un iv ersal Studios and MCA Records, reported Monday it had record earnings during the first tti rc~ months ttt is year. • ,, ~(1!::1~0~D~A~IL~V~P~IL~O~T;;;::;:;;::;;:;;:;;;T~u;es~d:ay~.A~p~rl~129:::;.1~9~7S ,iJ' .................. ... Brow, Lash Protect Eye \Vh;:i t the airport d<'signC'rS are finding out 25 years· too late. I'm told , is that three non- flying citize ns s how up at the terminals for each incoming or outgoing plane passenger. One youngster and l\\'O grownups, must usual· Jy. This is a m oney m arket hotter tha n carnivals, and the merchand isers are sad-. dened by the lack of shop spal'C. . CO NS ID ER the \\'ave lengths of four voices, each s in ging an octave apart. Those of th(' soprano on the G note ubovc the treble clef arc 1.4 feel in Jenb'th. Those of the C:"Ont ralto, 2.8 ·feet. Of the 11~nor . 5.6 fe et . ~\nd .buss. 11 .l fi..•(•L Got tha t? LIM ERICK , Recent ly r e po r te d here the \(fish to hold an un· nual limerick contt•st. l\·I <•·' blc t\L St ur gis of Bois(', Id a., ·entl'rcd the foll ow- ing: "llis gift \\'as brassil.'rcs and he trusted . • • llis S\\'ecthc•1rt \\"Ould not be disgusted ... But a las'. and alack! ... She gave them ri ght back ... s~1 y ing. ·1 prefer cash, I'm fl at busted.' " Oh , l\1 •1 bt.•I, you rascal you. Q. "\\'lllClt kills the more peoplt.'. lightn· lng or tornadoes '?'' A. Lightni ng. 0\"l'r the ye;,,irs. ·rornacl oc.•s do in about h:ilf ••s 111any ('itizen s. but rack up u lot more property dJn1agc. J\0\V ABO L T lh;it C'yt•brO\\'. It sc1·,·cs to keep the dandruff uff the eyelash: And the eyelash serves to keep the dandruff out. of the eye. Supe rb planning. \\'hat: VISION ORANGE COUNTY County Eases Canyon Area Zoning Laws SA NT A AN A -Property owners along scenic Live Oak Ca- nyon Road near Orange Coul')ty's O'Neill Regional Park' will be spared certain zoning require- ments if they decide to build homes . Ora nge County supervisors have decided that curbs, gutters and sidewalks along the winding, heavily wooded road would be uns ightly since the route is de- signated as a scenic highway. The suggestion that Live Oak Canyon be spared such concrete amenities of c ivili zation was made by H . G . ''George•• Osborne, the county's Environ- mental Ma nagement Agency Chief. Econo~y, Weather Cited Call 142·5871. Airport Turnover Put a few word• to work for you. lnth• DAI LY PILOT ~ Down for February By WILLIAM SCHREIBER OfllleOallrl'IMltMafl SANTA ANA -Two kinchl of climate, economic and natural, combineif to make February a bad month for flight operations at Orange County Airport. According to the latest airwrt report, tOtal passenger tuinover during the month was about 103,000 -12 percent less than the 117,000 figure recorded in February of last year • Ron Chandle r , a ssis tant airport dire ctor, blamed the troubled e conomy a nd February's bad wellther. ''AS FAR AS commer cial service goes, we are in an economic situation where people are pulling back on recreational travel by air,'' Chandler said. "In terms of the gene ral avia· tion decline, I think that the in-· clement weather· we've had has kept most of the planes on the ground,'' he added . The influx and outgo of small planes was down by mote than 4,000 during February compared to a year ago. Chandler said it is the general aviation that makes the county jetport the second busiest in th·e nation behind Chicago's O'Hare. THE SLOW MONTH al so showed up in cargo carrying and the number or cars that parked in the airpart's crowded lots. · During February, a total of ·107.4 tons of cargo came in or de· parted the airport, compared to nearly 120 tons during the same month in 1974. A total of 20,200 cars used the parking lots, compared to 21,000 a year ago. combi.ned with declines Jn JAnuary made 1975 one or the slowest-starting years to date at the airport. · THROUGU FEBRUARY., there has been a 10 percent decline from 233,700 to 210,000 in the number of passengers. enplaning and deplaning at the county airport. Total cargo tonn·age over the first two months declined by 9.3 percent Over the same period last year and the total number of vehicles in 'parking lots dipped by S.6 percent. Overall inc re ases were re- corded in the total number or flight operations', up 9.S percent. Youth Facing Adult Trial· In Slaying SANTA AN A -A youth booked on murder charges last March 1 after a man was knifed to death during a fracas outside a Buena Paf k drive-in restaurant has been ordered to face trial as an adult in Orange County Superior Court. · It Is not a simple ·task for a pollen! to reoch and maintain "lean weight'' for llfe. First the paHent mull have an honest desire to cure his problem ... then accept profes$1onol guidance from trained Medical Doctors. .' Llndora's unique 10-week treatment and trOlning program win.teach patients how to reach and maintain their "lean weight" for Ille. A safe and practical pion, with proper nutritlonol diet, and continual emotional support. New audio and sub·llminol .VISLtOI a ids ore used lo motivate the patient. Th9 entire progr.am ls under the strict Supervision of Medico! Doctors, speclot- lsti in Borlotrlc Medicine. Lird:>ro Olnlcs ore Owned ond odmlnls!E!f9d bv Medical Doctofs !hot restrict their practice to Borl0l1lc1. All O!nlc Per10Me! ore licensed by the Stole of Collloinla. COii for Information Monday thru Friday 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. .-Lindora~ MEDICAL CLINIC NEWPORT BEACH 645-3740 COSTA MESA 557-1893 Judge Everett W. Dickey oi"· dered Christopher Daniel Smith,_ 17, of Anaheim, to face trial June 16 and pretrial ·action May 9.after Pace Professional Mesa Verde juvenile court action against the Bldg. Protesslonol Bldg. ·defendant was abandoned. San lemordlno. E. long Beoch • Mm!on Hllll Smith is ·accused of inflicting Hawthome • Orange • Newport Beoch fatal knife wounds on Michi.el Garden Grove • long leach • PalOdena Ishmael Blanco, 18, of Anaheim, la Habra. Woodland Httb . Sherman Oaks ' during a fight that erupted out-WestCCMna. Fullerton. Rivef'51de •Santo Moniea . side a Jack-in·the·Box outlet iD COsta Mesa. Pomona. cerr1tos. Hollywood ·rake car d rivers ovt'r the age of <iO. Do you eo nsider same u danger on th(' high\\'ays? Too broad a query, no? Still , the Vision Co m- n1ittee of the Amcr ll'an Optometrists Assoc ia- tion co ntend s fou r out of fi ve sue h citizens are rh;ky on roads. BeC'ause of poor eyesight. l\'uts'. Everybody· s risky on the rouds. 110\V DO \'0 [.; account fo r the f<.ic t that m~1 n y n 1en but f(·\~' \\'Otlll'tl ha,·e b{'en im· posters'! Osborne said since the road is de:signated on county ffiaps as a secondary arteria l highwa·y, lan- downers must post for such street improvements if they de- cided to built adjacent to the. road. February's dis mal statistics BuenaP;...:ar~k:·~-------...L-__:::::============================:::::._~ Probt1tiot1 Giueta 1\G1\IN /\i\J ,\SKF:DhO\V n1any people Bil - 1.v the Kid kill ed . And ho\\' Old he n·as v:hen Pat G:irrctt shot him . Billy died at <i ge 22. llis· to riu ns s ay he gunned dO\\·n 21 people, total. \Vou ld like to imply it fi gured out ·to be one vi('- tlm for each year of his Hfe after his fi rst birthday, f.>ut it didn't \\·ork that \\'ay. There \\·ere st·vcral early yct1rs there \vhen he didn't ki ll :.inybody. Guard Guilty in Kidnap • Address mail lo l .. ill. Boyd. P .O. Box 1560, Costa J\'/esa 92626 Copyrigh t 1975 L. fl l. Boyd ,, ..... ~ Other , __________ _ Pl'BLIC l\:O'flCE -------=---c~ STATEMENT OF A8ANOONM ENT OF USE OF F ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SANTA ANA -A Newport Beach security guard a ccused on arrest of kidnaping two local girls, ages 14 and 15, has been placed on three years probation after being found guilty of the allegations. Orange County Supe ri or Court Judge Robert P. Kn eeland declined to impose what could have been a state prison term or up to 14 years in senten- cing trans ie nt Andrew Jerome Blackmon, 32, a recent arrival in this area from Mississippi. Blackmon, who worked as a securi· ty guard for a Lido Peninsula apart· ment house at the time of the offense, picked up the two girls in the Laguna Beach area, drove them to the Dover Shores area and threatened to rape ·them . Both girls fled from the car and gave police a description that led to Blackmon's arrest. Judge Kneeland ordered him to undergo psychiathc treatment during his probation term. D t L.-Tn..-!ollow1n9 per~on) ""~e ilb<>n· ea f&:J OO<>f'd Int' "~eol tl>e !1(1•1•0u~~jne~s 0 ..., ....... : WHY D THE llALIAN S AN FRANCISCO ~MAR"l 5ET. 4?4 Sou111 Co.is! · H«1n'"ilV, l i!1<;1unil lle<1tn, C.i1Hotn1a (A P) -Funeral services ""' are pending for Sidney '"' ';""' 0 "' 8 """"' ••~ ... DRINK MUCH WINE? lerr~d lo ilt>c>'e wa~ folt<d in Or.inge s 0 M. Ehrman, 101, a co11nt1onNovem~r 1~.1913, U · "[ f C ]'[ · Du ~nvdnl O:uri1ar, ;<112 All• n1vers1 Y o a I orrua ugut1i1,Layunil~i1cll.C..i1o1orn1a9?b)1 r •. • THiNGS ABElJElt'fE . . . I regent for 22 years "v.•ho O:rtsnn" O:""'"'. 1~12 Altil l.:iquna, I I d ied Saturday. Ehrman L.l<i""a b~,,.,,,c,,1.10"''"~?b>1 , In order to help digest their spaghetti! : Yi<ts a ci vie and busin ess ln.~o""" ... ~' •a~(onou(te11 1J1iln.n-I Ir's the same in Oran,qe County. I leader h'ere. "'~'0""1 .._,,,,,na1':un"'r 1 To improve your spaghetti ... visit Orange 1 --==--~~~~---j ,"'" ~1•1~-... ... ,,1 "'"~ "1ed "'''" ,..,. 1 County·a complele wine merchant. WHO ELSE? 1 Death No•ice# co .. ~tvc1er~o10•i1ngeC:oun1v on Ai."1 I 1 ---~=c'-'="~·=='--"10. 1'<1~. I 'II O llf l : CHAR LESMAURET~:MU E LLER, PY!>l t<t>NI O"'"(l••C:Od~,Dd•IVr-~:11.: SEQUOIA WINE CELLARS 642·9414 I ~ 6J, re..ioent of casi. """-· O.te °' AP•" 1~.12, 1~ ... 1111 Mc.,~. !~I~ 11</}./~ t . .. all> ... pril 2S, 191S. Sunol""'° by,.,, _____ ,,t..: J_0_2 _w_. _c ~ ~ ~T _H ~: H_W_A .! _• -"-E!!.!~ ~!.!~~'!J wlle Harriel;i,ons,Paulol'HunUng\on !)l"f~J,IC 1'\0'flCJ·: · 8e•t fl •na Lawrence 01 Vilc a, WECIALPJtEVIEW ~HOWIN{j Mictwiµ.n ; 1Jro1ner. H.otry LMuellero1 Los "n{le les; sister, Mrs. Winl•m P1amoeck !M•r lonl of "•}lngton Heights. Illinois: ll>ree Q•-*"llOrrm. M r. M .. euer .... s 11 W!Hengi_,-with Tile Lindt>er{I He•I Tre•lll't!ICo. tor li"e ye•rs. Memorial se"'kes •ill be l'leld ill St. Afldre .. s Pr~e-rian Church, 600 SI. "nd•ews Pl Kt, fklWJIOl"I Bit.ocn, Ca.on TueW•v, ... pril 29•12:00PM. In lit" cl llo,,.ers ple•se m.llle contrib1 .. l oons lo Tile "merk..., c..ncer Sod et1. Arr•ngemen\s by The Neplune Sociel'f w o\I> bur!•I al ~ii . Cll ... WFORO Fl\ ... NI( CRAWFORD, resiotnt ot !rwlne, C:•. Oil!e o! de"ll> A.prll 28, 1915. St!<11(e~ a•e pendinc;i, P.oc:ll lC View Memo•i•! P•r-M<>r•u•ry, Ne.,,.l)Ort tleit<h. IALTI·IERGEROM FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673·9450 l'IC Tl l10 US 8US1111E§§ NAM E STATEMENT , ~e-IOllOW• ng f.N"•">On \ ... ~ dO•<\!I D~\•. ...... ~,,,. (.8.M QUhll rv CONST l\UCTION, •ano E -.~r<J•~~n c.,r ,, Fountil+n v~11~1. Cilhl ~111;8 I· 0,\~•d (hurcn, IG/10 E•~rgreen (itt , Fo .. n1;"n V,illeY, ca1,1, ~llOll 1< .. y C Mnor ~. 1b1J0 Vln•l~'P"'"' D• wn.n,••.t l>..~Ow• 1 ... , 1!v»n~'' " t ondut to •!I l>r " •j!en~• d I ""' !"~' >rt 11> ! r;.i .. ,.ncnu•;h ln•~ ""'""" n! Wd';. !o l~!l ,.,•n •I • to'"''' (.lo·•• ~• or .. nq•· (Out\1v on "°'", 11, l'•I\ 1 ne to11ow• ng i>tr~on' d r ~ (101 "9 bu>• I'll.'~~"' SMAR T SE T. •14 Soutn (.0,1~1 !ilonwily, L6<JUnd BCil(h, (.di.lo""~ 'n6l1 Promise her anythi11g, but give her SM~e This Mother's Day sen(j Mom a greeting all the world can share. Express your love in a Daily Pilot Mother's Day greeting. BY CADILLAC ' .. .. Costa Mesa 646-2424 IELLIROADWAY MORTUARY ' Mild'il\ 1rilOing Compil""· In• toroord!"d, 424 So .. 1n C.Oa'I li•9fl"'~Y, l <t<lll"" Bt,i( ~. C:dlitorno d ~2bS 1 Thi\ bu~·ness 1s co11<111l1t !l by ci to• pord1ron. M<1dt.>> Ttd!l•nn . Comt)4ony,ln(orr>0•11l~(I 1nl'> ~!~!enlPn! Wd" !OINI W>I" It•~ (au,.11 C!er~ o! O«>no;i•l Counh vn hprpj IG, 191\. It's easy. Write your message to fit the printed border below. Bring it to any Daily Pilot office prior to noon May 8. Or, you may mail a clipping of the border with your message and payment to Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626. The minimum charge is SS. We take great pride in presenting the most exciting Cadillac since Eldorado made its debut -the all new e1eQant Seville. Although it is sized for efficiency any where in the world , Seville is richly appointed in the Cadillac tradition. " reclining passenger seat with two-way power adjust ment, a Tilt & Telescope ~leering wh eel and a fuel monitor sYStemJPowercontrols for the.front seats are. J mounted on th0 armrest consoles. 11 0 Broadway. Cost~ Mesa 6 42-9 150 McCORMICK MORTUARY Laguna Beach 494·941 5 San J uan Cap1s!rano 495·1776 PACIFIC ¥1EW MEMORIM.L P'ARK Ceme tery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Orivo Newoo11 Beach, Cahfornla 644·2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Wes1m1nster 8 93<JS25 "SMITHS' MORTUARY 627 Main SI. Hunti ngton Beach 636-6539 F4?11l Puh"'he!I Or.~n(lt co~,1 0,,,1., P•I(>!, h pf!I !~,I'/, 1~ ... na M<1Yb, IQ /~ 1}91 /~ ii THE EARL'S r\-.Ht•flM!lo All COt10. Stt•it• Ti-St-1• AtY011rDoor . . . I 495-o•o 1 J l IO IT 'OUl,IL' "l•">' .JYOll AT 2192Z C..tit0 C:•pi1tr ... ..... 0-,,1 . .., .. ~ ... ,l'I., FABULOUS 80 ac re s in t he fa bulous Go ld en Triang le betw een Lake Perris, Lake Elsinore and L ake Mathews. Mo s tly l ev e l l a n d . Fa bulously priced at only $600 per acre. Terms. Cal l 642·3652 -Broker. FABULOUS t~~ r II you want help composing a suitable greeting or have any Questions. call 642-5678. A friendly Dally Pilot ad·viser will be glad lo help yau. · And. if you like, you can charge your Mother's Day ad. Your credit Is good with ' us. or you may use your Master Charge or BankAmericard. M.,l l(o O•·'~ p,l(il cia... .. -.,o.p.r11n11..i 11>1>• I*· <»tit M•"' I H;111 , .Orcall 642'5678 DAILY PILOT • • Sevil le is powered by an electronically fu el-injected. engine and i~s host of slanda ~d equiJ:!ment incl udes a See Seville. the new American with international elficiency, in our showroom now. ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM APRIL26 to MAY! Nabers cadillac S•les Le11lns & Service 2600 lhrbot Bt.wf. Cost~ Met• 54011100 " { • .. •' . " 1 '1 l I I '• I ., Ii , I ! I • i Orange· ~oast ' EDITION VOL. 68, NO. 119, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAL IFORNIA ' • Today's Closl .. g N.Y.Stocks TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1975 c TEN CENTS • Last Alllericans vacuated • ID Saigon SAIGON <AP> -U.S. helicop· ters swooped down on Saigon rooftops and the Tan Son Nhut airport today and began evacuat- ing most or the remaining 800 to IMJO Americans. Some of the f\mericans fought off South Viet- 1Ja mese desperately trying lo rlee before Communist-led forces \akeover1 America's lo-year involve- cnent in the Indochina war was ending in wild and tragic scenes, with U.S. Maripes and civilian·s using pistol and rifle butts to sma~h the fingers of Vietnamese trying to claw their way over the 10-foot wall of the U.S. Embassy. Al the airport, angry Viet- namese guards fired at busloads of evacuees and shouted, "We want to go, too.'' U.S. fighter.bombers new air cover high over the city Cor the Q-~ ~ evacuation. The Pentagon sa\d 81 elicop· ters and more than EIX:fMarines MARINES BEAT BACK PANICKY s. VIE'(S, Page A3 HOW FORD ORDERED EVACUATION, Page A4 were used to terry evacuees to aircraft carriers in the South ~ :..'r '~ ·China Sea. 'fwo Marines werl' killed today when their copter fell into the South China Sea. Two \\'ere killed Monday in a rocket aL- taCk near Saigon. Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger said more than 6,400 Americans and Vietnamese had been evacuated si x hours after the operation began. Vi ce President Nguyen Van Huycn renewed calls for a cease- ..-·..,. ··'::-.._A, ~ ~ ~ • .. • irst ees • Hinshaw Inquiry .Urged By GARV GRANVILLE ot .... o.u, ...... ..,, A South Carolina legislator has ~a iled (or a s tate attorney general 's investigation into the ifi,000 payment by Spartanburg County to Rep. Andrew Hinshaw (R·Newport Beach). The state attorney's inquiry in· :o the consultant fee payment to Hinshaw in 1973 would parallel a 'imilar investigation now being ~onducted by Spartanburg Coun· ~y Attorney Roy Smith. lt was legislator David flawkins or South Carolina who lSked Cor the state inveStigation >r the Cee paid to Hinshaw while lC was a congressman. Hawkins said the transaction ,vas ••county to county yet the 1J1ajority of money went. to in· iividuals. '' His refe'rence was to the ~urchase by Spartanburg County tor $2,045 or a computerized ap. praisal system Crom Orange County. Last month, it was revealed !hat Hinshaw was paid $6,000 ftUrportedly for consu lting Jer vices s hortly after the system was delivered to Spartanburg. Earlier, records show Hinshaw 7eceived $432 in consulting fees l nd expenses and county As- ;essor J ack Vallerga was paid r'714 also for travel expenses and (See INQUIRY, PageA2) 'Lions Park' Hangs Fire By council action, the Costa Mesa City Park has been re- named Lions Park in honor of fund.raising activities that have henefitted the park by the Costa Mesa·Newport flarbor Lions Club. But the name change has not been pul into errect yet. City Manager Fred Sorsabal gave an explanation for the delay at a study session with the couricil Monday night. He said that the club wanted lbe park to be '·'Costa Mesa· Ni!wport Harbor Lions Club Pa?k," and Sorsabal said that he was (ighting that. '~r:•::'4 :••• 1"eatller Mostly sunny through Wednesday but some patchy early morning rog. Lows tonight 45 to SS. Warmer days with beach highs of 62 rising to 74 in · land . INSIDE: TOD/\ t' Yacht skipper• carried o/f trophitl loda11 /or winning ef· forts in 2Blh Newport to £n1enada vacht race. Complete tundown. and pholos, Page 83. ' Index • .... ,.; I \ . ' • -~ ... < '#''""""*~.-·, - O.Ur l"lltl P"811 Br RltMnl Koehler VIETNAMESE REFUGEE ARRIVED IN .STYLE AT EL TORO WITH HER PAR/\SOL IN HAND First Jet Carrying .Saigon Escapees Touched Down In Orange County at 10 a.m. Officicildom Has Concern Over Arrival The pending arrival of some 20.000 Vietnamese refugees in the Orange-San Diego County area has sparked instant reac· lion -most of it uRfavorable - from state and local officials. Worries about high state un· employment aroused the concern of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Brown criticized as "haphazard" federal plans to relocate the thousands of homeless war re- rugees in CaliCornia. A state spokeman has reported that Brown is balking at a· re· quest by the Ccderal government that he make available $100,000 to set up temporary facilities to aid the refugees in the state. Mario Obledo. head or the state's health and welCare agen· cy, said the governor wanted more information on the refugee situation before releasing any tttate money for them. R ep . Clair Burgener or Oceans ide. whose district in· eludes the Camp Pendleton areq where the tefugees are to be housed. said, "I ... hope that what I have been told is true - that the selection of Pendleton will not result In San Diego Coon· ty being a permanent home for more reCu gees than would normally be the case. <See REACJ. Pale AZ> "' • Coast Teachers May Be Out Jobs By HILARY KAYE • Oflhe Dilily Pilell.SQll The fate or 33 employes or the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will be decided tonight when trustees meet privately to decide how many, ir any, will be fired. The closed, executive session . will come at the beginning or tht:. regular 7:30 p.m. board meeting at the Costa. Mesa City Council chainbers. · Prior to the beginning of the meeting. teachers are planning a picket to protest the dismissal or any ofthe33. According to Supt. John Nicoll, all but nine of the 33 nurses, psychologists, counselors and music teachers will definitely be re·employed next year. Nine employes ·do not possess teaching credentials in addition to their specialized credentials, however, a nd they are the ones who may be out of a job next year if trustees decide to go that route, Nicoll said. As a result or the district's budget·c uttlng e fforts . 33 employes received notices last month telling them they may be dismissed. The 33 s upport person· · nel were Singled out because, al that time, none had teaching credentials. ·~ Since then. hO\\"e\'er. all but nine applied for . and received. teaching crede ntials thal they were previous ly eligible for but had not applied for. Nicoll said there are enough funds to retain all 33, but that some may have to be reassigned "to teaching d~ties because of the budget crisis. If trustees decide to fire the nine, it will be based on the fu el that they could not be re- assigned, Nicoll s aid. Ir the trustc'e s keep all 33. lhose wi thout teaching credentials will remain in their current pos itions and some or the others may be n1oved into the classrooms. The district's teacher organiza- tions have protested. the dis· missals from the start. and a picket is scheduled to take place just prior to the board meeting. Maya Decker, head of the Newport·Mesa Federation of Teachers that is sponsoring the protest, said that anything less than keeping all 33 ·support persOnn el ls unacceptable. Also on tonight's agenda is a re· port by Nicoll concerning several facets of transportation. Nicoll wlll make a recommen- dation on whether highscbool stu· dents should continue to be bused to school. <See TEACHERS, Pa1ei\2) rlre but deni ~d tonight th11t the government reached any agree- ment with the Viel Cong. lie said a government d elegath>n m el twice during the day with a Viet Cong delegation at Tan Son Nhut but the Viet Cong group said it· \li'as not qualiried to ,make political decisions . · Jiuyen said one demand or the Viet Cong -the removal or all Evacuees Land At El Toro By RUDI NIEDZIEl.'iKI Of!M IMilr l"llotSUltt A DCIO named ''Freedom'' carried the firsl contingent or Vietnamese war refugees to Orange County today and a new life in Ame rica. The Overseas National Air\\·ays jetliner touched down at El 1'oro Marine Corps Air Station at IO a.m. and began discharging 380 persons who made the flight across the Pacific. All looked healthy as they dis· embarked. Mosl were depen4 dents or U.S. citizens. Some were U.S. Embassy employes. The rirst person to leave the plane was a pretty Vietnamese woman we aring a short pink dress and mod sunglasses and carrying a cosmetics case. She was follo1A·ed by other Viet· namese wearing Western c"lothes ~nd some "'e:.iring Vietnamese pajama suits. There were children, loo, car- 'rying stufCed animals and othe r toys, but their races were unerilo· · tional, perhaps a result of tired· ness. T hey flashed no smiles as they filed past cameramen. Meanwhile, two Military Airlift Command p la nes landed at Norton Air Force Base. They dis· charged 121 passengers and these people, too, will be taken to Camp Pendleton, though officials said they would s pend the night in makeshift r acili ties al Norton. A total of nine aircraft were due at El Toro today carrying a tota l of700passengers. Al El Toro, William O'Hara, flight captai n, said he picked the passengers up in Honolulu where they had been on stopover and that the four-hour "'and 45-minute flight \\'as ""ery uneventful and \'cry smooth.·· The refugees t}ad been taken to Honolulu from Guam. The plane was immediately rcfuled and O'Hara said he would fl y lo Honolulu within half an hour to pick up another load. Stewardess Marja Leena Vaisanen, a Finn, said that there were a few Vietnamese who spoke good English and they helped out in communicatin g with other passengers and there were no communication problems. She said that tbere were no pro- blems whatsover and most peo· pie slept, but there ""·as concern about a pregnant passenger , but she did not go into labor. She said that most or the passengers v.•erc dependents or U.S. citizens and others were employes of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The stewardess said that most of the passengers were unemo- tional except for one woman who CSee REFUGEES, Page A2) Woman With Pistol Held An Oakland woman Wets ar· rested Monday at Orange Cpunty Airport arter she allegedly tried to board a flight to San Francisco with a .38 caliber derringer pislo~ • in her possess ion. Orange County Sheriff's of4 ficers jailed G loria Charlotte Nelson, 24, on charges of carry. ing a concealed weapQn after be· ing called to the airport by security ofricers who searched the derendant 's luggage. Deputies added charges of possession of controlled sub· ·stances arter a county jail search allegedly produced a quantity of dangerous drugs ror which the. de£endunt had no prescrlptlon. Am ericans -was already being met and that the demands ror abolishment of the Saigon gov· · ernment and the army were be· ing considered. Pres ident Ford ordered the airlift arter President Duong Van Minh made a radio speech order4 ing all Ame ricans assigned to the U.S. defense attache's office out of the country within 24 hours. • . ~·· ~· -tr D•llY PllotSt.ll Pflol• FIRST ARRIVAL AT EL TORO Vuthi Vu, 21 , of Saigon Mesa Eyes Park Fire Station Bid Costa Mesa's city staff will study the possibility of building a new downto1t1.'n fire station on a comer of the city park. The · s uggestion to consider building the fire st01tion there came from Cou n cil \voman Norn1a Hertzog Monday night after City Manager Fred Sorsabal had asked for the coun· cil to authorize another $1001000 in land costs for the fire station. Sorsabal said that the cost or Jand for the fire s tation -it will replace the one on Rochester Street -will be about $200,000 and the cost or constructing the fa ci lity about $230 ,000. · The question came up in a study session with the starr on how lo budget federal revenue-sharing funds for 1975-76. Counci l woman lle rtzog acknowledged that he r suggcs· lion might bring reaction against a loss of open space, but added, "I think 99 percent of the com· munity would say that you can do without the open space and save $200,000." The fire station would take 25.000 to 28,000 square feet in the JO·acre park, according to F'irP, CSeeSTt\TION, PageA2) MESAPOUCE OFFER TOURS The Costa Mesa Police Department will open its doors Thursda)'. as part of the National Law Day celebration . Tours of the facility will be ca.nducted from noon to 8 p.m. and will include in- spection of a police helicopter, patrol car and trarfic motorcycle. Police said that home security de· vices a lso will be dis· played, I I I I • \ I !A 2 DAIL V PILOT, c TuHC11y, A.prll 20. 1~75 ' ' ' Viets Beg U.S. Guards for Help SAIGON (U PI) -The ni ght was eerie with Cl are light ~s ·hundreds of Vietnamese gathered outside th e U.S. embassy begging Ameri cans to help them fl ee their country. "Please take mv children," cried ;1 young v.'omun us she clutched a n American holding an embassy radio. "'They .. are half-American u.nd the Viet Cong "'ill kill them." , MA RINE GVARDS·IN FULL battle gear and e mbassy officia ls in civilian garb stood within the gutes or the white concrete Cortress-like building. They listened to the Vietnamese pleas with ha rried but sad looks. The Americans were leaving, but they couldn 't t ake the thousands v.·ith them ""ho wanted to get out. •· J u•ork ed for the Amelie ans 17 years," said a Chinese man. "\\1hy ure they leaving me? I'm th eir friend," DOZENS OF ABANDONED CARS lined the broad boule\'ard outside the embassy as their ov.·ncr s sought r e· fuge within. l\1ost of the people were Vietnamese v.•ho \\'Orked for Americans or had half.Am eri can child ren. but many were from wealthy or "'ell·to-do familieg. "I have gold ," said a \vell·dressed young man to a n American. "lJ you help me get o.ut of Vietnam . I 'II gi ve you S200' 000. " The \\•ealthy bribed, the poor pleaded a nd others stood with bowed heads hoping the Americans would show mercy ·and t ake them out. LAR GE Cll·S3 JOLLY GREEN giant heli copters set· tied on the roof of the embassy ,,·ith loud roars. Red fl ares and s moke of s moke grenades t hrown Lo mark la nding areas for the heli cc:iptcrs made the ni ght look like something from a horror movie. T he lucky Vietnamese employes inside the em bassy eo:mpouild joined their American employers in boarding helicopters . Late in the evening some Vietnamese gave up and began leaving the embassy area. SOME LEFT IN DE FEAT, some hunting other places where there we re Americans , sti ll clinging to the fai nt hope that they, too, might go. ' ,, But most stayed out.side the embassy begging t he American guards to let them in . "Please help me! Please help me'·· The cries will echo for years. Pendleton Marines Prepare for Viets By J ACK CHAPPELL Otlf1t C1llf ~I ... Ital! Camp Pendleton l\1 arines r e· adied a 12·Quonset hut city in the t hills behind San Clemente today for the first wave of what is ex· peeled to be 20,000 Vietnamese r efugees. 1 Swarms or Marines, customs officials and state department. personnel converged on the Chris· Fro• Page Al TEACHERS Also, the superintendent ¥.'ill d iscuss the speciu l busing to e l e m e n tary s c h ool s n e a r hazardous intersections. When trustees slashed $100 ,000 from next year's transportation budget , the special busing was eliminated. This year, the district spent about $33,000 busing stu· dents to /\da ms , Baleari c, Bear Street, College Park. Harper and Killybrooke schools because they are near dangerous intersections. Nicoll s aid he will make a re· commendat ion to the board con- cerning whether this special bus· ing should be reinstated, but declined to comment on what that recommendation will be prior to the meeting. Parents from the Del Cerro and Greenbrook housing tracts near .Bear Street School are expected to attend the meeting tonight and r equest that the busing be re· instated to protect their children. About 100 parents from the two tracts m et las t wee k when notified by the school that the bus· ing would not be offered next fall . At that time, they decided to lodge a formal protest with the district, according to Eloise Simmons, a r esident of the Del Cerro tract. ORANGE COAST c DAILY PILOT t ianitos reserve training area . where quonset huts awaited new tenants £rom,Vietna m. Officia ls today said that chaos surrounding the evacuution of the Vietnamese prevented them f r om gi v i n g an a cc urate estimate as to the exact numbers or fl ights or refuge~s that were expected to a rrive. James Megellas, d e put y civili an coordinator or the Age n- cy for Inte rnational Develop· ment, said they expected approx· imately 780 lo arrive al Cump Pendleton a fter being flown Cron1 Guam on civilian and military aircraft to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Megell as suid it was his un· derstanding that the first mass or refugees to arrive in the United States would be quartered at the s prawling Marine base. After Camp Pendleton has re· ceived the maximum number it can take. refugees will be sent to other milita r y bases in the con· t inental Un ited States. The first a r ri vals arc expected to be Vi etnamese dependents of Americans who had been v.·ork· ing in Vi etnam at the time of the e\·acuation. The Cirst planeload or 380 wh ith disembarked at El Toro was said to be about one third children v.·ith a large number of pregna nt Vietn amese wome n. Immigration authorities said the Vietnamese would be ke pt at Camp Pendleton until "suitable arrangements had been made for the m in the ci\•ilian con1munity." Other off ic ials said those Viet- na m ese who h ave sponsors, persons or agencies who have in- dicated a desire to keep them, "'·ill be moved ou t rapidly from the Marine base. Megellas sa id those refugees '''ilhout sponsors "could be here for weeks or months until ar· rangements are m ade." The Vietnamese are expected to be kept under close securi ty. ,, ••\- 1 TON IGHT NEWPO RT·MESA SCHOOL HOA RD -Regular meeting, Costa td csa City Council Cha n\· bers. 7:30 p.m . U CI LE C T U RE -''The Ame rica n West ." Room .251 llumanities H<1ll. 7 p.m. 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3<1 COAS T CO MMUNITY COLLEGE BOA RD -Regular meeting, 1370 Ad ams, Bp.m. "ALCOHOLI SM, AN ADDIC· TIV E DISEASE" -Dr. Robert SC'hmitz lect urer, Ralei gh Hills llospital . 1507 E . 16th St ., Ne \\'port Beach , 6:15 p.m . ln· form at ion: 645·5707. UC I L ECTU RES -"The Hearl and Circulatory Sys tem," Frt•shman Lect ure Hall , Medical Surge II Bld g. "The Worlds \\lilhin Us." Room 101 Physical Scient-es Bldg, "Li ving Marine Resourc:es of Califo rnia,., Room 158 Ph vs ical Science s Bldg. Poetry \\1riting Workshop, Room 248 l-lum anities Ha ll. Al l 7 p.m. Fro• Page Al REFUGEES was worried about getting along in the U.S. and cried a little. The stewardess said that as they sighted the U.S. m ainland the Vietnamese became "very curious" and looked out the win· do1o1.•s but there didn't see m to be a ny emotion. T he r e were n o contacts between n ewsme n and Vi et - namese al El Toro -Orange Co unty 's chief health officer has banned a ll but official contacts '''ilh the refugees. · l\tuj. Sall y Pritchett, El Toro press offi cer , s aid t hat the flights -part of the biggest civilian 01 irlifl from a wa r zone in U.S. his· tory -"·ill continue toarriveuntil "al leas t" May 3. The pregnant woman was taken to a hospital. There were some Americans ·among the passengers and it ap· pea red that the Vietnamese were t heir wives a nd c hildr en . ,\nother s tewardess. Rober ta Francis, said she didn't beli eve the rerugees would spend much time at Pendleton because they are de pe ndents of Americans and will h ave addresses in the U.S. . The second flight due to land at El Toro toda y. carrying 100 to 300 persons, was scheduled to arrive at 2 p.m. Flights conti nued to arrive al Norton in Sa n Bernardino Coun- ty, By noon today five giant Cl41 Starlirter t ransports from dis- placed persons camp on Guam had arrived a nd discharged a total or 300 passengers . They also a ppea red t o b e Ame rican ('itizens \\'ith their Vietnamese dependents. They appeared in good condition. Contrary to earlier reports that they ¥.'OUld spend the nig ht at !'>orton. it appeared that they \\'OUld be bused tlie 00 miles to 11cndleton today. Fro• Page Al INQUIRY. •• consulting services. Wh e n the paym e nt s we r e made publi c last month. Spartan· burg Assessor Leroy Marlowe :;ai d county officials were not certain what they had received for the $6 ,00 0 payment to l·linsha\v. 1-I O\'I CVCr . f\;t a rlO"\\'C's pre· dec cssor ns assessor John Ebert, de fe nd e d t h e pay m e nt to l·linsha\v as a sound investment on the South Carolina county's part. 1\ (C\\' months a rter the pay• ment to 11inshaw, Elx-rt left his S22.500 a year assessor 's post and opened a consulti ng service in Spartanburg. Medical Teaching Plan Wins Okay • • Robert N, Weed P•~•l~"I •!Id ""D!l .... r Jack R. Curley V •t• PfHUH~1 •NI 0.ft~ff! Mt ...... Thomas Keevil l O<!O< Thomas A. Murphinc Moo ... ~'~t lil •IOI' Char les H Loo.-. Richard P. NaU .. "'''•"1 M.1 ... 11-..., f.d<111f\ COst.1 Mesa Office J)O w. .... , 511"' ,,.,.,,,,,. """'"" ~.o lo•'*· t 1tM Other Offi(tl fW•-1 .... n Ulll«•llOl"l 8°"'f "INI l.•ctu ... fk..:n, llkO_,,..\l•MI .. _u...,1"" .... ~, 1111' ..... n 9c>LM•MI ~ .. lloOt ~Vlll•,: 1UO!U ... ,_.. 1IS.n 0••90 F•H*•l Telepftont f1141 Mt-4321 Cfa11lfftd Adverti1in1642·S671 Ct1Pr flt lll, l t 1J Or1"t t (O•ll Puhll•nl"f c-\N "Y• NI N•I 11<1rltt, lll110l1•t>llll•, 11111011•1 '"•tiff I< 1ll11ttU•1,,.1ni. '"''!" ••i.1 tit r lpfOIU(l ll •111\0UI '"'Il l p•1ml1•10n DI ~yrr1Mo•11<•. , 9fflll4 <1•11 Mli.tf JMlll •I (11~1 Mii i , C.111-11, $1tbKr1.i"" brU.trllf lo).00 ...... 011 r I .., ,...111~.oo mo111llfrJ mllltMy ant•...i•-u .oo "' ' ... ( UC Regents Cha irman Will i<1 m French Smith has approved a s caled·down university -wide med ical t e achin g pla n t ha t ratifi es most development pluns for the UC Irvl ne·Cu lifornia Coll ege of l\1 edicine. Si nce there is no regents meet· ing ln April. Sm ith 's action cur- ries lhe weighl of approval of the fu ll board, according to UC s pokeswoma n Sarah Molla. The action Monday put the board'.s· sta mp of approval on a ·proposed medical school ca pital spending plan aent Friday to· Gov. Edmund G . Brown J r . by UC Presid ent Charle& Hitch. University-wide, the plan calls for a reduced r ate of growth or enrollment at the five medic al teachini campuses . By ·1981, medical enr91lmenls a re to tolul 12,400, a fi gure 461 £ewer Lh an previoull project ions. This yeBr there ar e 9,686 medi cal student.a in the universit y system. · Despite the cut back student l •ind expend iture growth projec· tions, UCI's medical·scllool plans came t hroug h virtuall y un· scath ed . Plans have been snarled for rn onths in a morass of legislati ve :ind university approvals , wait· ing for regent action to break the logj am. The plan culls for building a 200-bed on·cnmpus hospital, con· s tr uction or a basic sciences teaching building on the campus and acquisition and renovation or Orange Co unty Medical Center , us lnltla lly proposed. , UCl 's medi cal teaching plan htt s bee n a tlac.ked by Stale Legislative An alyst A. Alan Post,· "'ho h a ~ told legislators the school should be s hut down es t1 state economy move. . Taking s harp exception to Post 's ussault, Hitch's plan sug· gests that if cutbacks must be made. they should be made li t the UC Davis medical s~hool. < Thur She Blows Thousancls or gallons of \\'Ut ('r ac~u mul at · l'<.I ut t h e c orner of Bear St reet a nd P.a ula rino 1\\"t.•nue in Costo.1 l\les u I\'lond a ~· afll'l' ~ road g1·<.1tle r cliJ)pe{) the top off ~· fi re h\·<l l'ant a r o und 3:30 p.ll"l. CtlSl a l\l t.•s ;1 Cuunt.y \\'att'I' .Dis tr ict Cl'C\\·s \\'Orked u nt il 11:30 p.nl . pumping the \\'atcr out of lhe int t·rs(•i.-t io n . Tht• \\·at.e r . \\'hic h reached huh·heighl un a LJ'i.1 \'l'l lrut l\, pre\·t.·11 lt1d t 1f · for t :-; t o shut of f ~· branch lilll' and 11 n1ai11 ,,·at.t.·r Jinl' h;1d to be clust·t.1. O.llr 1"1111 ~l'I01t1 •1 llllcll1r• KMlll1r Rood lmprovernents \\'hat con s titut es a n improve m e nt m e <in s different things t o differ ent people . A s h eered·off fire h ydrunt ul Rc<.1r Street und Paula1ino Ave n ue in Costa Mesa I\1on· cJ uy for med un instant lake and an ins.tant c ha.lle ngc to t his gathering o f youngsters --: ccrta1.nly .a n · improve· ment in their eyes over the grading proJect Jt r eplaced . Froa Page Al OFFICIAL REACTION. • • .. I hope the ·rederal govern · ment will do all in its pov.·er to prevent any additional fin a ncial burden bei ng placed on San Diego County or communities surrounding Camp Pendleton." From San Cle mente, Mayor Tony DiG iovanni said " he was "worried a bout the state or health these people arc in.'' Orange Co unty Health Officer Dr. John R. Philp. expressing the same concern, ordered that in· coming refugees wo uld have to he confined to military install a· lions . Mili'tary spokesmen continued to m aintain that the refugees are in good health. Dick Brown, chnirman of the San Diego County Board o f Supervisor s , snid the 1·efugcc ope ra tion is "certainly not a California responsibility ... and certainly not a San Diego Cou nty responsibilit y. Fro• Page Al STATION .•. Chief John 1\1 arsha ll . Sorsaba l thut he \\•as ·'violent!~· opposed" to the idea and Keith Var'l llolt . head of the depurtment or le isure services , said it would mean ··raping the parks again.·· The fire station v.·ould be on tht• southeast corner ot the park across from the library. Councilwoman Hertzog, who has campaigned for a day care <.'enter to be built on top of the proposed fire station, said that an <.1dvantuge or putti nR the fi re stu· tion in on a pa r k corner would be that the day care center also "''ould be next to the park. The st afr was instructed to study the fe asibility of putting u ~econdary use on t op of the fire s tation a nd also to study whether this dual use. if feasible, should be a day care center. Councilman .Dom Raciti has pus hed ror a com· ·munity center to be built and the cit y also has faced demands for a JieW library downtown. The staff will report back al a study session May 27. Sorsabal a lso told the council that about $368 ,000 in federal re· venue·sharing m oney must still be budgeted ror fiscal 197S·76. . The council and staff will com · pare notes on ho\v to spend the n1oney at tht' !\lay 27 session . MesaSt~nts Give Concerts A series of instrumental con· certs by music students in the Ne\'-·port·l\1esa Uniried School District will be held duri ng the coming wee ks, beginning with u l'oncert at 7: 30 p. m . Wednesday in the Costa 1\-l csa lligh School gym- nasiu rn . Paularino Sc hool Principal Bill .Knight , will serve a s master of ceremonies for the free concert. \\•hich will fe ature the elementary honor band, the middle school honor band and the youth or· chestra in the Costa Mesa high school zone. 1'Uturc concerts arc set for !\fay 5 ut EstanC'ia High, May 7 at Ensign Middle Sc hool and May 14 <.it Co rona del Mar lligh. A WORD TO THE WISE- L There is a tendancy for many ca rpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept. One advantage is seeing carpeting in rolls rat her than samples. Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only Off.goods. so that the customer only gets to see old patterns. or carpets the mills couldn 't se ll to regular outlets. Also. this type of operation generally feels that experience is unimportant. and consequently the salespeople know little or .nothing abo ut the products. Finally. most wilt farm out ·the instal lations· to the lowest bidder.guaranteeing a poor installation. (Many of these installers are contracting illegally without a state license. At Alden's we maintain a happy medium. We carry a large inventory, and the largest sample selection around. We have experienced salespeople, and our installers were trained by us. Finally, we are a state licensed contractor . _..DEN'S : iiisiiliitian: "cust,om draperies *•····· carpe UC. NO. 2.10422 166l PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSIA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -646·23S5 i • I I \ I I I I I \ I I I 1 'I "/ ' • ,• -DAILV P ILOT Tu11d1y, A.ptll 29. 1975 ': FV Gridders. to Meet Phils Pl: Bl.IC i-:OTICE PUBLIC NOTICE .-------.--~~-·--- ·-~~~--.-=-=,,,,,,,,-~.1-~~~~~~~~~ fllO'flC• TOClllOITOltl • P•C11t1ou1au1u11u IU,.1•10• COUllTOflTHI HAMI ITATIMlfllT llllOT1C• TOC1teo1T01ts STAT& Of' CALI POllHIA l'Olt l"' lol .. wlflO "''°"" M• doll'IQ 11&1\;. IU .. 1111011 COUllT OP THI PUBLIC NOTI CE 1----~·---· l'l:RLIC SOTJCE ,ICTITIOUS•USIMEQ N&MtE S'l'&TlMI HT ~·Redlanm Next Season Wa~t :~ Redlands lli&h'• Terriers, tfirrors doubllul partJqNl.Jlt. He broke bi1 lea All TH I COU .. TY 0" OllANGI: nt14 ilt~ STATIOP C•LI l'OllHIA l'Olt Hrt.AIJ•tl Fl'SHION WHE El, 14S Fo•tU TH£COUNT'fOPOllANOf_ E"•14 qi l!.I ANICE M, OUIUTON. Avtn1M1,61IDOil l,ll,.C11Ctlll O<'l'll•'fttol1 "'•·A·•H)O ·-· flElll NIC e MA E C.AA PfNTER M1a•1i T1•C1inlj Comp.e11w, In• £\\~11 Ol CIUJL A. Mf LENOA f Z, DUli'$10N, •M• BlAHl(f MAe to<DOt•••d,. C..illornl a c:R•-.tkwl, 0.<••-· OU ASTON, DltNlM!. 4f4 \oulll C.1\1 lllt llw.•y, Ll•llo\I N()llCE I~ HERl!9Y GI ll EN lo '"" r+OTtC.E IS 11~IJI E•Y GIVl!N lo tr. 11~11. c;,1ltornl1tl•U t•ICIJ\a•• ot t .... "'bavt ftil•nfCI l)t(-n1 :1tOiUW' ol 1111 .,..,.,,. ""'111otCI OK-.fe11l 11'11\ ~,..,1 11 (OfldloltltO Oy • l0t• llWI ••! P9•10fll ll•~•f'lt (lt •n1$ ~·11•1 1iwo11111>11•..,, 111Y11111 ti•\,... •n•t -•II.,,. H'lf ••IO <k>c•CN111 .,,, •ta,,.l•t<I TG mr 17" W•O Otc.Otnl 1r~ '""'l•oNI IO hit MA OIJIAS Till ADI NG COM· !Mm, woll'I Ille,,..~'''''' VOUC'*'•·•.111 11\oe"'· •lllt II• ,..Cll\il<r YOUthftl, In PA~INC. 11'9 ollite &I tnt ''"'' 01 tM Ml.O'o' tn· '"' lollOWlnt !Ml.On tl CIOl"ll °"'I IM\\i11; BR'f•OAX DIST , 11'!01 VIC•l•Of'I Ull>t, H""'U"lllqn Btl~ll, C.11. 't1-.lo.ffh P1t•I(~ l•Yl l'll, 21902 11<1~1· •~ u .... Humln11ton 91•<11, c.1. t'I ... T"" 111111"'''" cvnovtt•ll ~ ""'" Ol•htuill. Of the Citrus Belt Leaaue rootball intwoplactainaakiln&accident. en scene for the put two decades, wJll · * * * make a return to the Orange Coa11t Edison lli&h soccer s tar Don ,,. Ollie• ol Ill• tllfll ul tl'I• ....... ,... Tl'll1 l ltl•mtl'll .... 11110 •ltll lhl l•t!t(ICOMll,or ,., .. ~\•RI, ........ wU11 1 ... JOI BtYtnt l hl\ Hi1l1.,...nl WI\ !Uttl .. 1111 I ... c:oun1, Cl••• ot Or•n11• C.Ownlyon Ap"I 1•. "''· .,-"Ca this fall after a long absence. Schroeder was ruimed All-CJF firt:t Fountain Valley'a Barons will host team, but lhe ot/iclal news baa yet to tbe Terriers in \he first week of lhe come out of the 1overnin1 body. It's ,aeaaon. And ii that'$ not enouah for like water polo-the re1ult.s are re· eoach Bruce Pickford's crew to bone leased so late most ha\le forgotten all up on prior Lo Sunset League play, the eibout it. :Barons will trek to Long Beach Wilson · Schroeder's t eammat~. Kelly tbe follow ln1 week. Dunne, writes on his team's behalf ln It's an internlin.g contrast to Foun· nominating Dave McLelsh ••coach of J.a1n Valley'snemc$iit, Edison. Edi~n the year. ~ Whether thi!ly actually have a coach '~ ----..... o f the year in aoccer in not known-~ .lt's d o ubUul. • . ROGER Bul Dunne and his males are rlghl. McLeish turned in a spectacular ef. l' fort, coaching the varsity to the co· 'f ARLSON· championship with Saddleback HiKh !;·',·.'.. . in lhe Emp lre·Sunset League and lak· ing the Chargers to the CIF semifinals ·~ -_ _ before losing to eventual champion • ---~... Santa Barbara in the rain. f~eets' Bolsa Grande .. a nd Orange in The junior varsity was undefeated fJion·leagu e play. and the frosh-sopb took second in I ther 4-A Orange Co1111l areu grid league with al2·J mark . .. ·All this for a school in only its edules prior to league p lay are as s econd year of socce r competition . 1 fellows: '* * * Newport Harbor-At Servile, All·s tar attractio n s will come in a ona del Mar. • bundle this year with the Oran ge arina-At Estancia, 1-luntington County football, basketball and ch. baseball games, plus the Shrin e untington Beach-Warren, at Norll;i ·South football game, all tat<tng rina. place within six weeks. ater Dei-At Coron a del Mar, La -The Shrine game at Pasadena 's rada, Lakewood, LB Wilson. Rose Bowl is July 26-two weeks after h e area's three Century League the O r ange County grid attraction, a A> teams: c h a n ge from the pas t . It's been the orona d el Mar-Maler Dei, at custom or the Orange County body to wporl llarbor. play it in Augus t . osta Mesa -At Foothill, Mission Orange Co unty 's c a ge classic at jo. Orange C oas t is billed for June 14- s t a n cia-Marina, at lla n c ho and the bas eball game will probably mitos. be the s am e date. or a night e~rlier. h e South Coas t Lea gue's six en· * * * s, too, are s e t with a couple of in· If you w e re w a tching USC's 6·4 esting clashes . l't1ission Viejo m eet s b a.seba I I v ictory over UCLA o n ntwell a n d Lag una Beac h t est s television that was former Costa Mesa mington in a c o uple of fi rs t -eve r t{igh s tar Dennis Delany catching fo r. fronlalions. 'fhcschcdulc : the Bru ins . ana llills -Los Amigos . at Anothe r forme r Mes an doing wet' peranza, Brea, at Canyon. these d ays i s B ill V a le ntin e -the '"El Toro-Brea , G a hr , at l't1us tangs'gridre c e ive r .f-le was atAn· Eiperan za, at El Dorado. napolis Prep las t f a ll and i s s et for the f.aguna Beac h -Bloomington, at NavalAcude n1 y . Rim of the World, Can yon, at Brea. H.'l iss io n Vie jo-Saddleback, at COsta Mes a , El Dorado, Cantwell. jSan Cleme nte-Esperanza. at CTPress, at Redondo, Valencia. tUnive rsity -At Tustin, al Los Afiligos, at Vale n cia. Esperanza. '\Jniversity 1-0.gh's Trojan s , inciden· tally, w ill ploy their home gam es at Tustin High th.is year. I r nd t i m e s are tough at E s tancia e r e quarte rback Larry liall is a Area Calendar We ..... , ... , IA ..... •1 a-o..u-un1,,.,~11y •• o.ne HH1~. M1,,;0t0 vi.Jo •• s.n c1em1,,1e, Lq...,. ee1d1 .,, El Tn•o lilt! •I J:1S), UC l r~lne •• LO'fQlil. LA B1P1i~t I! ~1\1111 C.llfarnl1 CGUeoe !DO!lla! 3). Tt""l'-O.n1 Hill•11 Unl .... r~ty, s.ri Cltmenle .. Ml"ian Vie Jo. El TorG •• UIQUN &e..:l'I 'illl ill 3:1S), Co•I• Me•• Te1111I' Club ill Saull1f'r n c.111 ... 1111 Co11eoe n p.m. ), Soulll Col" Con i..rsnc• ,,,..,,.Y •• Fut!l'rlon Coll __ Tri1Ck-Wt•1<nln~1 .. r ill EOl\Ofl, Marin.Jill ~o~ I01in V111,,, NewPott l"<n•b<I• •t W<'ll1..-n, !di! d1 l . 1~). !toull'I Coa" Contcrton•• P<~l•n1$ at O<an\11! eo.i~1 Con~ tJp,m.1 PLAN? •• ST4 RI YOUR OWN! Mow-upto S1500 pcr,._-t.u deferred -with llnpcrlal Snlngs ncw lndW.dual Retirement Plan. !! you're not already covered by on emplo yer retirement plan. Imperial olfers you !he new .. Individual Retire- •• m e nt Plan " s o you can Save fo r your ·:future security No1v every year, yo u can set a side S1 500 (or up to 15°/o of yo ur income. whichP.ver 1s less) in this tax·delerred plan Thal meaos the principal AND Im PERIA\. SAVlnGB 1he 1n1eres t are no ! taxed unlil tunds are w ilhdra\vn (And yo u rnay begin drawing on your fund at oge 59V2 .) At Imperial your money earns the higl1es1 tax-d e ferred 1ntcres1 possib le. And yout fund s a re safe-insured up 10 540,000 by an agcncy ol rhe feder al government See !he savings c o u nselors at lmpcr1ol abou t this nevv lax·deferred Indiv idual AeJirement P lan lrnperial really h e lps you p lan for Jhe futu re Oftr70 offices throughout Callfomia. Check Iha While Pages of your telephone book lor the Impe rial otllca neere11 you. ·sBAEET'S · ·World's Greatest Pizza r•. Wll .. APlll 31, 1'30 Shakev's Pim 19100 kocih ll•d. , H•ll•vtoo .._. 962·5511 SHAKBT'S PRESENTS ALL·l'RO ISIAH ROBERTSON L.A. RAM LIMEIACKER IM l'ERSOM Showinq Pro-Football HIGHLIGHTS 2 816 NIGHTS T"UIS., MAI 1. 7:311 Shakey's Piua 2214 Howport ll•d. Costa Meta 646·0201 BE SORE TO SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIP TO HIS FO'OTBALL CAMP TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH NIGHT tltledCO Ufl, 01 10 •••Mn\ 1110111, wltlllht (.avnly Cl••~ ot o ..... 118 Cou111,vn A11tll ntt••• .. Y vo..thV• •·IQ '"~ ""Cltt••lQOl:O 'Wt., ... ,"°"""''~. :o ,,,. ...... ,,"""° 10, 1'1$. ~I lht Lt .. 01 rtee OI c .. ,. RLElo 0 PHILADELPlllA -., ,)0 JlllO ''"'•'·P.O. tlo• 1Ui, ,.4U1! SH•W.l•U WIL$~1REOL'W D SUITE Paul Owe~. personnel Nt•-1 IM Mn, c..111ornla •1..0 . .....i<.11 P~bJ•INO O••"~ co.,t o auy Poot, -\ANlA MOt11c •. CALI• OQNIA ''l\)il Pul>lhlltd Or•n9e Co•lt 0111-PnCH, Ap.Ult,tni:f M41 Y•. 1), 10, ltli 1'11·1) ·-II ,,,. pl M l ol Dv1l111s1 or llM ...,.. Mtrll 1,, l.1. 19,ilnc:I MIY •. ltli 1$)S iOo!OJ, ... ntt11 l~ l"" 11l•t• 01 1111'""''\ 01 d i r e (: l 0 r 0 f t h e O.fl.iQn80 11'1 tU n111\e<1 pet ltllllllCJ IO --t,,_ Ml'lllt t>llJft'O in •II 11•~1 1••> i>t•l~•n• Pl0 8LIC NOTICE PhlJ d I h i Pb.II' tN ttl•ltOl\tl0 9f~ ... ,.1,Wl1111nlour 0 !f19IG!ll8f'l1l•Gl ~••a1U~•~n1,.,,1h,.\ol--------------B e p lit l 1es·, l'tlCH!tlli fllftU•ll•1•t1M11llctllOl!otml• Pl"6l.I C J\. TIC E lo..r m0t0lh\i11\Ct 1110 '")I PllbO<•l•l>rl SLP-,1111 Waited today tO 8te if nollC4-1-----·-: -----l)llf•l)no!:<t. SUPllltlOlt(OUltTO'TMll l I I b b II No•1111nHo .. ••ODt.1f,t1t1 •iii-O.ttctA1111111,1t1<1 . con rover• a 5'Se a . EM•<ul ... CH tll1 Wll!ol 'ICTlflOl.ISIUSO•ISS E.Ow•RO P M i;L~'l0Rll $TATIO,.CALl'0•NIAl'OR I D • k All • TMlfCOUNT'l'O,OltAMGE s ugaer 1c en 1.s 1,,..ocw ......... 0CN1.uttn1 N&••STAT•M•NT txEcu10Ra1t,,.,w•LL l'ol•.A·UH• c laimed by a n other Na-"1.111:w1n,Hu1tw1t1& 1111M11t t 11e10110 .. 1"9 111.--11r•1te11110MI·. G• ll'4•11<1~t"'" .. d"'"<.oc<11 HOT1c11 o,. Mlf:A1ttNGo, "•T1T10N UD»ftlfMt .. 1 ,....,.,; U4A1tLeso.SMAW l'O• ""O•ATlf: OP WILL ANO fOtll lion al League te am. P.O ... •lllS ' ELM HOMl!S, 1oot1 G••li81d.11 ..... 1 ... WILIHIRE ...... o., SUITE40I Llnlfll$ TESTAMENTA•Y The Atlanta Braves ....... ~ .. il(ll,CA•tM4 l!110IGt181•<11,C.lllo•nl1•1~·· IAN TAMOHI CA,C ALIFOllNIA ~l E11•1• of C:O RDA YODER T1I: 1114161J-f0Jt 1.-P'il lll p H. Mt Nfm••• IOOlt T .. : (IUI Ul-4464 Ol(lfi..cl. who a<:qulred Allen in "'llOl'Nr\!O<E•e<utor c;,11lt1d.H ..... tln11tonBtil<ll,Ctlllorfll1 Alllrntrl ... EllECUTOM NOTICE!') HEREQY GIVEN '""t tbe Off ·Season, pu( him ""'bt•>heO V••n9f Coil,, D••I~ Polo•, ..,,,.. . k . P\lbilW\90 O••r>oe CO•st Pill~ Pilot. R06ERT L. VODER I'll~ Uled l'le~11'1 . ,. AMiii 15 111• 1fl$ 1!$<1-T$ 1. 0.lf 51mb•O, 100tl G1rlillld, I.Ill• ...,,,un,1'.ilflllMlr•. IJ. l•IS 1432·1~ .. ,,,. __ ·-· p, ... ,. Of Wiii '"" lor ·~ on waivers over the · ' · • _ tlftQt011811e11,c.u1orn11t1..., •--------·-------< -- Weekend and the Phlls lhl' bu,lne•• h COfldu<l•CI by ., ·-e GI L•ltt•• Te5!i1m11111t, tat ... P t.:B l.IC SOTI CE UmllltdPiltlMr•lllp. PUBLIC fltiOTICE ""tit'-" rete•encil 1o -..Iller, h ..._ immediately cla imed l--------------I SIOft•OPl'lillpH,McN•rnt• ,.., .,.,,,,., Pil•lltul1•s. '"° ,,,., '""' the'. r Ohe·ll' me rookie Of Tiii• Slillt,.,.n\ was llltO will! tttl llmt •na pt..:e 01 hei1rl11Q tl'le 1.111-.., ""• 'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS •1(.TITIOUS 8USIHEIS t.t~ M!t lor Mil' ll, \t)S, fl t :l01.m •n the Year. N•M£ STAYl:M ENT County Cf•rk ol Orll'lll• Courrty on NAME STATEMEHT_ ' ,,,. <OM•t•oom OI Depar!m•nl No, l ol That doe sn't mean the lht l11Uuwino l)O'f!oOt\' ••t doi"ll llM•I· !.'wr(h JI, 191s. 1"41111 Tht IGllo .. l1'19 l)e•~Clfl •• °""'IQ ....... !.illd (0..•I •I )00 C••lt Ctnte• D•ivt Pltill. II • ""'~"~· Pl.lbil!.llltdOri1na-C01•t 0111vPooi, ne";~:AFTLINE CON\TRUCTtOp.; "!'.',',.c."',",·,,,e cuv 01 S•n11 An .. , 1e5 g e t A e n , but ll PEV10N ENTE!!PRISE\, un AQlll l,U,tt,1•.1•1~ IUl-1, ...... '"" . is indicative that the C.o•nt+..wv .. L...iun•ee..:.11.c11n.ntJ1 COMPANY, 1119 0••1111• A•t., C.C...t• o.11.a ,.,or11 1,,n1s. R1ymono Proce Pe~IOll, 7'J M-,>lk PUBLIC NOTICE MIM, C•l.tl•11 WtLLlAM E. SI JOMM, Br.aves are interested in w,,, La11.,,,. Beile r,. C••ll. ,1,51 l-------------j K•""''" P. Fro11e,,.u~.1l190t•noe eo"'"" cie•k some kind o f deal for the J•m•• w111 1a ..., P•r ton, 1•''' Avt.,coi.•• ...Ws•,C•1· 9h ?l A04llAs.•1AL\ON&llTIENNE Wlmb!edOll Lii., Hunllnvlor> Bllltll, NOTICE OF TltUS TE !I 'S SALE Thi• llus1nil~I i•·cnno:lu<t<•O ti~ an ,,,_ 1416.S\ilrit ... A••. firs t baseman, a c cording c.ia.01w~ N•. TF·tJJ 01wl6u•1. P.o.acu 21 - to Owe n s , Cnl •l•• R1oen PtYIGll • .W.ll o.. ()fl Mily 16, 1'1/j, •• 11 :00 A.M., CON.-K•nnttll P, F•oDenou• s.. •• ~. C1lilt r11•• tHIO •inoron Ao .• CO•Drl• Of'! Ma•. C•lll, T!N E Nf AL CO N VEY ANC E T~ll lltt•m'fll W.Ji r.1e11 .. 111'1 tl>O T••,!•IMl·:MU '2j,Jl ' .CORPORA Tl ON 1~ Ouly~ illlpOlnlt<I County Cit•-~ Or;;ngt Co,,nl yOtO Ail•" AtwMYl llr' Ptlltl-r S.r1 Sle .. ar! Taylor, U11 COAlt l·rllitff ""114!' "'O pur•u.inl la De«IOI q, \~IS. PuO!l,,,,fll Oranllf' Cult Dilulr Po1ot. Hw• .l•ll""ilBfoi1Cll,Ci1lJ!.'2t)I front •K ... Oed •u11u~t JJ. IQ1', •• 1... ,...,.,, AQf1l 1',l0.1no Nwi yS,ltJS UU·J' LOU ISVILLE, K y . 1.,1, Oul•RUJ> ·~ t onouel<·a 1>~ a ;tr. NG. 17!.n, in book 11111, PllQt uo, Pu1>111'>t<I Or1n11e Co.i•t Dilly Polo\, ----·--------- c .,.,,.,..,11 oartner•lllP. Oil Olli<tdl Rtto•lll 1n the Oll i<• .,. the """11 IS,11• l'I· •llll M•Y '· 1~1 ~ llO-ll I' I .11 I .I C !'\OTIC I'. T h e K e ntucky o lo nc ls , Ja"'f'• w P~yton eounir Aeca .. 1er 01 O••n11• c.o..nir, with Artis G ilmore s cor· G<!n. Pd r\ner '>t•l't OI C•IHOtnld, WILL SELL AT P t:Bl .IC ~OTICF: -----------111 .. Mill~11 ... n! W.J~ 11111!1 .... u .. ll'le PUBLIC AUCTIO N TO HI Gt-JESr ing 29 poiOlS, rolJe d OVer C<>Mnly Cl~r~ otOr.inQ<' CO\lnlyonAptil BIOOEIJI FOR CASH !PIV8ble Oii time •the S pirits or St. Louis 11,19/i. .,. loOllt in l•wlul moMy of"" U•ute(I NOTICEIMVITING81DS FICTITIOUS llUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ,tlMl Sla111I ill Ille'°"'" Hont e111r11n<e to a 1DITlMMO.t1• 123·103 Monday night l O Pvbllll>IO 0t11'191 '<:u11 Dill~ PUO!, 11"" Oki Cou,,1r co ... •l!'>Oull 111 rlgl'll,11-NOTI CE IS HERESY GIVEN th<lt win the Easter n D i vision .t.pril 22, 1t,•ndMfy6, t3. 1911 u »-JS ti.. .,..., ;,,,.,,es• <onv•vto 10 •nd -..,,1.,. Pl'-M11 .. 111 r.e ••ct!Ytllb'l'mt l he IOl!Ow• ng per ,,o,,. ••t CIOlng l>usi • noin ••. 1HE FLOWER PLACE, 69 12 W•rne<, Hunli,,111on Beltll, C1I. t'lMI F••nk A. Core, 6•01 Ho. 401 w""'"· +..untln9!on Bei th, Cili. '2M7 Rocco P•lumbo. tSO N. l.Arrioet Sl. No. lit, w. Holty..,oocl. Cal.~ T11ls llu~•ne\• ll canout teo II-;i Ql!lletil p,ir\ne•\nop. I l'>t lO by ii u,noer •<tiO ~eo ol TrUil ln CUy ol CAii.iii ...Ww. to ...,11: Tiit C.\y P ayoff championship ,,. Pto .. r1, llluatM in w10 CcM>nty c:our.c.u, P.O. 6o• 1200, ot tM City 01 . four games to one. PUBLIC NOTICE an11 ~tat•11t,c•1t1eo .,., CotlfMfu . c1111ornl•.on ortit•or eo•e • The Colone ls WI.II m ecl 1--------------1 Lot'· ot Tra<t No. 2:;a1 as Pl'• INIP ,_, 01 11 :00 1.m. 0t0 F•IO•r. Mily 16, •ecorlle<I '" Boeit 10, P•ftl l3, Ml•· ltlS. 8101 will DI! publlclr O(lefMd Mid the Wiuner O( the }n • NOTICE TOCRf.DITOR5 <ell""~"' M1p•, In Ille olllte 01 \I'll! •NCI •I-11 11:00. 1.m., °' OIS "°"" dl·an "·Denve r ser1·es SU .. EIJllORCOUAT O,.lNE Co,,nly Reco1oer ol l•IO Oran!!" '""t•ller ill P•OOChCil bll on Fr!ddy, .. STATll 0,. CALIFOltNIA FOlil Counh . MilY 16, 1t1s, In IM counc il CIWtl'IOe•l. which India na leads 3·2 . THECOUNTYOFOAAHGE lhf' st•ff'1 .iOO•e•s and otf>Qr tom-O h Hall, 11 Ftlr Ddwe, Co~t· Mew, F°••n-A.Core Tho~ '1•tement w.i• flied ... th 1"'- C.o•mtr C!~r~ at Or1ngto Caunly l>r1 A,i:>ro1 2•. 19/S. Dan lssel h•·l lor 28 and N1.A-12•1• .. _ Oi!S•Q .... llGn. ,, •n~. c.t tr.e •eill C1litornl1, tor lh• l urnlsl'llnD ol Ell il lf o f L A llA NCH• H, P•GPN!yOescril>t.Oabave••lltJ•t)Ot"1ed MAINTENANCE OF TRA FF IC (..ouie Dampier added 17 MOREHOUSE, oicea}CO IQ~; '81 west Wilsen s1 .... e1, Costa SIGNALS. a S th C C 0 J 0 fl e J S PllOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEN lo Ille IN:lo00.C1lilo•nl.o A!lcl(ll°""'I H IS ol !he speclllcilliOM ,.,lU• Pu111;,111<1 Otd"o<" Co1•t Dally PilOI, Apr I! H, Ind May•• IJ.10, 1911 Ull-1~ c•t <l•tc.rs ot tlltl abowe ndP>l('<I llilte<len! ftie unO~·~•\ln'o Ttus1 e<' <lrl<.ld•ms ""' t>t Obl1lneo 11 tM olllt• ol ,,,.. pulverized the Spirits ' in.it ail l>O'•\on~ 11awong clil•ml> aga1n•1 "'1 V 1oatM!•h for .iny •nu.r •ectr.,~• 01 Purclltilno A11en1 •I 11 f illr Pri•e. def.ens e . St. Louis fell "* •a•o oe<tac:nl ••e re11ulte<1 to tue I"<' s1•ee1 .... ~"'' •11(1 01r>G• CO!l•mon eosi. Mew. C1ll1Grnl•. Bld,1hDMl<ln. ll>em, w•ln l'>e At<e•sd•W "0""'1\e'~ "' °"''Qndtoon, '' ""Y. s11nwn tk,,eon. r1t,.,neo to lht attel'ltlon ol 1111 Cllr Pl' Ill.I C l'\01'1CE apart e arly in the fo urth 1r.e o11,,., "' the ti~•• ot 1ne aDowe en· ~"J w1~ w•ll tit' m•oe, bu! ,..,u.,,u1 Cte•k, In ii leai .. o enwe10111. l<1entitie<1 1---- per iod, despite an out· 1111eoco..rt, O• 1011rcwn1 tl'lem, "''1n1ne <c ... nanl o• w~•rdrHr, e•11•e•• or om-on the out sloe wit11 lhe BIO Hem '•CTITIOUS BUSINESS "'1CfUOlt r woucll~t\, tc tne """""lll'WO pUe<I, reQilr<l•"Q \olle, POS"1Uion, or Num~r OlnO Ille Openln9 Oflt. NAMES TA TEM6NT S t anding p e rformance at lhe Li w Olllte~ ot DE MARCO, entumbr•nces, ia 11.ir tlle remalnil'IQ Ei1thblOu.a11 specUyei1<ll1nOe"9ry ll'ltlollowi,,Q peri.ons•r•OGlnQbu!.i• by Marvin Barn e s, who llARC.ER, DE RAL & Pt ERNO, HO ~·ntiua1 sum 111 111e note !•) -.ecure<1 !!em•• i.e11ortl'I in Ille $pttlllci1llons. ntss •s: NEWPORT CE:N f EA DA .• STE. 900, by w1a Oet<I ol Trust, ta . ..,,,. \l,S!oJ 26, Any ...0 111 ••<eplions lo ll>e i.pe<UiCOI• MOTOASPOATS WEEKLY, 700" pitched in 35 points. NEWPORT BEACH . (ALI FOANIA w•!h inlt• .... !heffOll, ·~ P•Ovhied Ill loris must Dt cl .. •rly ,1.1t0 In 11'1e DIO, °"'1oil SlrHI. N'"'POft Bt•<l'I, CA.91163 '20llO, '"'"•<h is IN pl,.ce al llM-'r>e•OI W•O note!•), ilO••nces, 11 any,,_.. '-ncf fM lurt 10 M!l IG•th ilny Hem ln trw t.clion P110lilollt•S Inc., ilC.Jlltorlll• 1ncur•<f•,.si411ed in ill matte••i>e<t.Jln· tt'le te•ms CH 1110 Deeo ol T•w l, tff•, ~llc11I°"' Sl'lilll Dt G•OMllOStot re· Corpor11io", 200~ Quill I :Olrtel, 4S ... pellded onq ta the e~tdte a! W>l<I tle1.eOen1. wo!hin <h••11t• •nd 1.'•l>O'n•e• ol lht Tr.,.1"'1 ;ttlim1ot tM OiO. He .. POtl 6ei1<11, CA. •1MoJ t""'' months .itter Ille flf•t 11ullllcall0t0 ....a ot the l<u•h C•talfC tlr WiO Offd Eich biO i hilll ~I fort II Ille tull l'lan'le• Thi• ~onf's~ is co110u<ltO by ii <or· LINCOLN, Neb. !tsncti<t, orTr~~t. ilnO resl01nt •s ot all pe r~on~ iln<I PD•••ion. Onc·g am e s uspensions v.•.edAprll 1e. 191S Tiii 111n111clilr't u...aer l•IO o....i ot p.orlle-. l11te•1stf'O in 1ne 11•opow1 ., Ac11on Pylltl~hers, tnc . ROGERl O ooasoti, '"HI 111t11otor1 e•1c11ttd 1no •· ~inc;pe1s. In case ol corp0r11ions. 111-G•1te L. John1o<>n, Pres. given fo ur Univers ity of E•f'<,,1or111111ew 111 llvt...O 1o 1118 un.o.r'IDned ii -1ttton elude lh• n1mes GI !h• p,,,;.-n1, Th•s ~'""""""\ w•~ 11110 ,..,,,.tr... Ne br a s k a f 0 0 t b a 11 o• lllt .. l>OY' namdf'<IOf'C.vden!. Dltc1erill1Dnof Otl•ult 1no °' .... """" 1Sotc'4ttaf'j', Tr•••urer, •nOM.11.,.,llfr. ea.u .. ,, Cl•r• o!O•an11e CGUn\yonApril h b DE MA fl.CO, SAAGER, 8EllAL & S.l•,•nclil wrltl•n Nlllctol Otl ... 11.ncl Tiii Ci ty Counc:il ot 1'1t CU , o! Co<td 11, HIS. player s ave e e n up· P1ERNO Elt clion 10 se11. Tl'l1 un.aers1one<1 """wrtHr .... s tr.e •i11ht1orelec1•nv0t ""*1 h e J d b y the Na lio n a l SMIHEWl"ORT CENTER 011 . STE. toO CilMMoO wlO Nollet ot O.l1ult 1N1 Elec-illl lllcb. Pullll-'"'>to OranQf' Coa" 01U r Piiot, II hi · A NEW,.ORT SEACM,CAtl6MI !Ion lo Sall lo 111 rtCO•deO In u,. c-itr O.IHI: AprU2•, 191}. .ADrll:>9,1NI Mly6, 13,20, 191S !Sll·I} C o e giate Al et1c S· wl>trethtrt1lpro1Mrly l,loci1\ed. Pul>ll5""0 Or•noe Co1.i O••IY Pil111.1----·-- s ociatio n C o uncil. r.i, 1114)"44!111 ~1eo. A1>r11 u ,191s. Apr1129, ,.,s u1a.1s I 1~l'l~l.IC N 'OTICE Th l' s u s pen s ions . A ....... ., ....... CUTOR CO NTINENT"'L -- PvllllSl'lilO 0 •1noe Co1u D•lly Pilot, CONVEVANCE PUBLIC J'liiOTICE h anded dov.·n earlier this "'P•H?:l,H,ilfld.Mil¥6, l l, 1'JS t<IJ>ll CDRPOA ... TI ON Vl'3r, invo l\'e inJ rac lions a1ui0Tru~ee 'ICTITIOU§ SUSI NES~ .. AME ITATEMEHT . --------------1 B'J•mes Gi •i•O IU,.ERIORCOURTOP'TNE d e t ecte d ·i n 1973and1974. l'"'Bl.I C ··oTICE Aulllotlreo sl~ture STATEO,.CALIFDllNl,\l'Oll l hf tc110 .. 1n11 l>f!•!.Pn Ii 00!"'1! """· neu ••; The four, all trans fers ... I" s,.s~1•11 T"E coi:,NT:.:~s~RANGE to Nebras ka . are d e · NOT!CiiTOCAEOITORS l'Ullli~htOO•ano;ieCo•slO•!l,PilO\, NOTICEOFKE •• RINGO,.PliTITION l1FL EUR'S OR,.,PEAY '-HOME FURNISHING SERVICE, •Sl We<! Wiison Stre<t1. Co,ta Mei1, C.l!lornia '26l1 rensive backf ield s tarte r SUPERIORCOURTOFTHE ~r~9._a!!!.~6. 1915 1389·1) FO• .. ltOSATE OP' WILL AHO l'OA ST ATE OP' CALI FORNI,\ FOR LETTERS TESTAMENT ARY J i m B u r r 0 w • TNECOUNTYOFORANGE Pl'l\I.I C ~OTICF. E•l•I• OI OLCOTT 0. VAIL. •k• Quarterback Vince F e r · No. A·12•2• 1 --~==~ OLCOTT DUOLE:Y VAI L, De<t•M!O. Killl'lr yn Lil Fleur. t S2 W1•t Wi lson Street, Cost• Me~a. C•lllo•ni•91~11 Tl'll' to..srne~s i~ tonOuc\fd by ilf'I In· Oi•iOUill. (\lille ot 11AZEL B. BAK ER. i l<a ,ICT1T10Us•USIMES5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN t,,.! ragamo, •formerl y of ••AZ('L BL A N CHE UAKEA, NAMESTATEMllNT MARY ANN EICH .. DRN llilS tiled LA's B a nning High, d e· °"'~"~fl. ll>e fpt lowll'IQ S>S•son Is OOll'IQ Mi-M•el11 il>O'l ilicm 10• Proo~t1orwu1 1M Killll•vn La f!•u• NOTICE IS HE 1' EO'r C.I \/EN lo !"" ""~•1s: lor l!.SllOlnc:e al Letters Te!l1menlil•¥ to fen S j Ve l 3 Ck I e De an <•enilo•l at lhe .tbowe nan>~<! oec..oe111 WESTERN WI AE ANP "'LLOVS, the Pl'llllo"''. r,lerente 10 whlth ;, Gissl e r and d e f e nsive th.JI di! 1><:•~0 .. ~ 1'1avin11 Cl•+n1S a91lnsl 11632 B•1nt1 Circle, Huntington &ilCh, rNOt •or lurUier P••licui.rs. ,,.., th.it · 11 · II 1t>e ~diO <lett!lent ire •tQYlrtO to file CA.'2W. \he time •nO 11l~e ol 1181rinQ 1111 w""' This Slil•menl wa• llleO ""'"" Ille County Cle•k ol O•an9e Cou111v onApr;1 l,, 19/S, F"UUt Plollll!.118<1 Orin9e (Of~! Dally PllO!. .o\i>rll H ,lnd Milr 6, ll, 10, 191S IS1>JS end Ray Pht 1ps . A lh<>n•. with ll>e ""cts•••Y 1tOUCl'lers, Ill AOllillO B•UC• Mo,,, 216l2 Brltllil Ill~ Ileen"' for MIY 13, 191S, •I •;30 r 0 u r w i 11 m i s s th e tr.e (l!tl<e ot tne cltrl< OI ll>e •b::lve e11· Ore le, HMfllll>QIOtl 8.!•th, CA. t'l""' •.m., In Ill• courtroom ot De(lilf1mt:nl Hus k e r s ' S e pt. 13 h o m e t•ll'-"'<our 1,01 1011r,1.ent ll\em,withtl'le Tiiis bu~l"e's is col'IClut te.a b~ •11 ;,,.. NG, l pt ,.,lo tovrt, •t 100 cl~i< Center ""feSlil•Y ~ou<P>c•s. lG Ille unoer~loned Oi1tl0!,ti1I. D•iwe Wllst, In lhe City of S"''" An.1, 0 pen er ag a in S t '" l he Gtllte 01 her &llGrn•y, Ron.JldMOlS Cllllornla, 1------------- L 0 u i s i an a stale McLAUGHLIN AND IAlllN,60i)Soulll Tlli~ ll<ttemenl ••$ lll•d •llh lht Dilte<1Aprl1ts, 191S. SLP·ISlll l'l: Bl.IC 1\0TICI·: Olowe Suolc. 1110, Las An<Jl!l~s. C. '!0014, County (lt•k of O•Olll!Jtl Countvon Apt It WILLIAM E. SI JOHN, NOTICE TO CREDI TORS Univers ity. ...n.tn •S 1ne plate 01 tlu•lnes\OI Ille un-14, 1•1s. County Clt•k SUPERIOR COURT 0,. THE Burrow and Gissle r der•loneO In au mane•• perlalnlno to ,.4J1i1 ERNIESTW ... fTfllllEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR It... eslate ol \OliO cleCf'denl, w(lllin fOIJl' Pl.ll>llW G Or•n11t COilsl 01llr f>;!Ql, Ahlln>t, ill \..lw TNE COUNTY DF ORANGE traveled with t h e team to n-111\ ane• 1he t••st pu1>Uca11ono1 tl'li• April H, 1ndM01Y •. 1), 10, 1•1t !41'-7J Qllswt115.pr1111 s 1re1t No. A·llO'O t h e 1973 Orang e Bowl n(>loC~. . L.HA ...... t.,C.lft.r!tl1 tl014 E•til t• GI E DWARD ELI AS D~teOApr<l 18, l'IS, PUBLIC NOTICE Ttl: UUIUJ.1114 BOUDI NOT , al!.P -nGwn a• EOWA RO game. while F e rragamo GERALDINE CAW BY. . ........... ,,.,., ... Htl•M• E. BOUDI NOT, 1nO e . E. 60UD!liQ1 , and P hillip s were with E.•e<ut••• nt 11>1! Es1a11 P'ICTITIOUS austNESs Pu1>11wo or1noe Co.es1 oa11y P1101, Oece••t<I. h (l l ll'lf' illl!Ye n01meO detlKlllnt. NAME STATEMENT AprU tt, JO, ilnll Milly S, 197i 1511-IS NOTICE IS HE AE BY GI \IE N to lllr the team for l e 1974 MtLAUGNLI N ANDIR YI N Tl'tt 10110 .. lno "''~ 11 C!Oil'lg bull-t•tOll<lt'$ of It... •t>ove n•meO OKt<lenl Sugar Bowl. "11or.,.y111 \..lw l'lt•\as: PUBLIC NOTI CE t,,.1 •II l>O'•SOn• 111~111g tl•lms -ln.i The r o u r m a d e the ... $elltltOHvtS11111191111 DIVE MAST ERS ENT ERPRISES tho> M•d oeced.tn\ 1•e rtoulre<l l(l f)lt Lo1A"91 .. $, CA. 'IOOH lo B·GEE IN THE SEA. l!rtlS E. !ilOlnlo.O NOTICE OF f'UaLIC HEARING \!>em, with lrit ncce•s.ory vouche•i, in trips w h ile bei n g ineligi· Ttl: C11l) .. i·ll51 St .. S..nl•Anil, CalllG•nl1'12101 NOTICE IS HEAEBV GI VEN ll'llo\ .. t!W o!ll<• ot the <le•~ of th• illlO"'f en· hie (o play be caUSe Of Allor neys lo• f •eC~tri.. Aot>trl Gi~t. 0..f', ~S E. Slfn!Ot'O ""Ollc l'leilr!ng wl!f be /'leld 111 <CH'l/lillC· llUtd tourt, Of tOP•elf'nl llH!m, wlln '"'° Publhl'leO Oranve C~SI D<tily PllOI, SI., S.ntil A11a, C•Ulorn,. 91101 lion wl\ll tl'lt prGP<>Sed i:>l•n for ...,111(a-no!c•"''' vnuttl('••, !a 1ne u11Cle'11Ql'led their trans fer s tatus, "'11•11 lJ,J9.fl'ldM#lv ~,13, 1915 1'34'.7~ _T111s 11Ms!ness h co11c1,,c110 by•n in· ll0t0of ,,,. Se•• Be•cl'I Schoai Ohlrict, at •n• L•"" 011 1ce 01 w1111am v . which i s contrary to "'"o"•L 0t1MGM•~.Ma ~1ll. 1915,,.11 ,30,, . ...,,in Xhm!OI. 3lo6 S.n Mi9ue1 o ... s1e. 300, r ---------------< Aabert G. ~e !ht Auclil.orlum 011118 J.H. M<G.luqh !n-Newpor1 Beach, C•!1lornl1 9lW.O, ,.hlch NCAA rule s . None O the PUBLIC NOTICE Thi' statement was 111...i .,,ith the "'""ltdl•I• ScllOG•, 5111 a .. •<h 6lYd. & i• 111e 111•ce ot llu llnto•' 01 '"' ..,.. four partic ipate d in the •--------------1 Coun1 vc1er~olD•.,nQe CountyonAprn eoru Avtll11t, 51.,1 Beach. Cilil(l•nl•. de•l •9nco in •!I m•l!t•• Pt•l•lnino 10 • ed 1· 4, 1q1s. Oa•eo It'll\ 161,. oar pt All••t, 1915_ '"" Hl•te of seio oete<1en1, wltllln tour games' but the y swt NOTICll: o .. T RUSTIEE'S SALE "'211• R.D. Hlllm1n. Depuly motltl'I• ""'It... llf~I p~llll<•tlon Oil !his up· and were on the • L01nNo.2l1·l• Publ!Wo Or•n~Coast O•lty P1101, 0,.,,,~countv nollce. sidelines \Vi th the te am' SADOLE:~~KH~~~:·,~c .• ts Ouly I·-'-''-"-'-"-'--'-'-·'-'-·-''-"-~·'-"· --"~~1:1' PuOli\~~':~~;~~e~~:;(·~'::':~' PilOI, Dilted ~~~~·R~·~sl l AS BOUDI NO T E'lglat Oft Argentin e h eavy "'·eight P e dro Lov· e ll has c alled off h is sch edule d May 14 bout with Larry Middle ton a t the Anaheim Con v ention C e nte r bec ause o f a s t omac h ulc er. Orig inally , Love ll w as to f ight Middleton o n April 26, but the Argen · tine s uffe r e d a knuc kle injury during workouts Lov ell is n o w s ide line d indefinitel y . Mo•e•Sol4 Cl-llC AGO -'J'h e N ew York Mets ann o unced Monday t h ey had s o ld catcher Jerry Moses to the San Diego Padres for an uns pecified amount of cas h and· will rec a l l right-handed pitc h e r Hank Webb rrom Tidewatertoday. Pare11t lttJW'ftf PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia Flyers' goalie B e rni e Parent m issed Monday's prac - tice wilh a pinched nerve in his back a nd may be unable to play t onight In the team 's Nation a l Hockey League Stanley Cup semifina ls open er again st t he New York Islanders. Ba8eball apoc>111tt O Truute "nder lhe IOllGWlnQ PUBLIC NOTICE Apt/I Jt, ilNI Ma~ 6. !J, It IS 1,12_15 E•e,ulo• o! t~e Wiii ol :lot•trllled ck'90 al trust WILL SELL AT 1--::._::_:.::;:.:.:c.:_:_;:_:;.:;.__ ill><>•• n•med dete<1tnl PU6LICAUCT!ON TO TH E HIGHEST WILLIAMV.SCNMIDT "oo'" •D' "'" ''"""" ,,_ mm•o" '"'""' l'l:BLIC 1'0TIC E -""M''""o• .. "• '" .>t s.ole 111 IOIWlu! mone¥ ol tM UnUe<I NAME STATEMENT • --------------Ne .. f'Orl 8ei1<~. Cililornli t JMO S&Oltes) 111 tiglll, lollo anO inle<f''1 con-tne to110.,•n9 l>tf•On I\ Oolno llll!oi· NOTICE OF PU•LIC AUCTION T8li ""4.-221 ...eyed to 11llcl now llelO 0¥ II u""'r W •O l'll'"S a~~ NOTIC E tS HEREBY GI VE N fl'l.11 Oil Aller,,., !Of' E letutot Peed of Tru 51 111 tl'le pto11ettV !1) PAETTV HOMES 'N TH INGS PullllJl'leCI Oti n°" Co~st Oilly Pilot, lll!tf'lnal1cr Oe\ctll>td : (2) Gian• l lf', •ID J2n0 S!1eet, N••l>Ptl M#l¥ ), ltfS. ill• o'cloc• A.M., at Hwi law Apr II 29,i llcl "lty ~' ll, 10, 19/S Ul•·1S t R U S T OR : R 0 B ~ RT N. ~•<h, C81llo•nl• 91Mt0 ofllces OI 1!11rtma11, 8r1~n A. HlllP<"r. RICHAAOS AN O SUZANN E R. 0i•neP'""""·1!1•E.O<eM'31 ~0 .. sun1 tO!i.tl80Cen1ury P~rk Ea,1,,Los l------- RICHAROS hulboand ilfld wife Ne"'l><M't Bfo•cll, C<tlit11rnl• 91M.D AnQe!es, C1lllotnla, Ill ol 1111! ••ghl, Ii· )J l " 81.IC '."\OTIC E ····••<I ARY : LENORE E, l l'lfs l>uS•llf'•S is <Otld1K ICO by an ift· tit ll'ICI lntt ttll ol Wf'st Co•" Meai1. > -------------l11t. 111 1t1e1 10 IM ronowing °'"''btel 1· T.>.NBEAG. a widGW dividuil. Pf-rlywlll~l'llOllPUDllCiluction: HOTl'E TOCllEDITOllS Aeto•oe0 M•r(l'll6.19l4 il~inur.NG. Ola...,Pet~r!.Pn I . All T•<llnl<•I Equipment SUPERIORCOUllTOP'TNE Po90t"1n l><>Ok 11101 Pill!e IOtJ ol OllJ,111 l.,;, •l~tcment "'"' lo!Cd wllh 11".f dtolc•lt>tO In Iha! certain S..curlly STATE O,.CALl~ORNI• FOR Recoro~ In !l>e oU!CO of !he R1cOroo. of County Cltr~ ot Ora11gc Coun!yon Apr.I Aoreement, e•eculeO Na vembOr 1•, THlf COUNTY O' OllANGE ~.•noe Coun1y; ••IG deeO of 1'"'' 10, ltll FUJII 1910,Qlven lly w .. st Co••I MeOiil, In(, to No . .A.·1214• .... sc.riti.s Ille lollow1n11 property : Audio lnle•n•UOn•I, ll'lc. Estaltot MA Y E. RAIO, Dt<e•"!O PARCEL I: Pub!l\lleO Orange CiH•I Dilly Piiot, 1. All equlpm,,.,n! cllatlels illlcl Ii•· NOTICE IS HERESY GIVE N la IM LOl l lnT•<t<INo.708J,intlllCilycf Ap,.IB,l1.2t,11'1c1Moor6,l9IS lll'I·)~ tu•e' 01 ewe ry lrP• •nO n<tlu•e t •tOITll••pt tfltill>O•en1me00eot..oen1 NoowPofl 61!•<1•. •~ sl'lown ""1 """Pre· .. hft.otvtr OICQ uired llY West Co.Isl tNI ill! t>e•"Cln• haw1no t!t !m\ ag.on•I OtOeO In Book 114, paoe• J-1 lo JI P U 8LIC SOTICt; Medi•. 1nc . anO IOCillllO or lns\Olllt<I ln It... \•IO deteO.nl i re required 1o lile l11<lu~1ve o! Mlsc•Usneous Ma P>, rf• '-------tllf prt ml!.e• of R•Olo s1,.t1on KORJ '""""·with tll8 neceSS<t•Y •ouchlrl, In orMol D••noe County, CillofGrm... 1· s..a1 UJI, One City Boul&wtrO 1o•11ist, t,_. oitl<t ol !llt cle•• ol the •llO•e en· PAR(: EL J: NOTICl 0, SME 111 ,.,,,, SALl Orln(ll, C1Ufornl01 91661. U!!e<! tnurl, or IG pteHnl thl!m, with tne An ilPl'U•lfll ilnl non·••clu,.iwe 8 ' < ' .,,, '' ,_ •• ,, oullllt i ucUon ,.H! 1>e tG \ht ntCe•Sl•y•o1Khtrs,to1l'lt unoer'l'1"fCI ea•emont Tor ln11. es' anO QO•••• "' 1 one•"• " '''" '· ·~·· -ll'l•oughoul Loi 13 In T•att IOI), a• per P1911'tlfl, "'·HI" I. Comp1ny, t1 •I No, lllqhesl bldckr IOt Cils,,, 111,t l>le Oii Ille ill the O/lll<e ol hi\ Olllo•nevs, Ol(l(ER ""11> •e<Groeo ;,, Boo• l l4, llAOll ]4-37 U«IU, DlflflMnt timeol Slit 111 ••wful money Ol tM Unit· ANO OICK ER, Alto• ... ys •• "'""'· 1190 Miscell1111ous M•O•,rt<O•d1olOti1-.. , .. 1n11tof1n•••CUll011 ls,uNFeb. 11<1 Siii••· S•iO ,.1, Wiii be m.IOe !toutn B•we•I• 01ive, LOS Angele•. County, Cil!olornlil. ...,.. 11, lt)Sfly tn. SllCl'trlOt Cour1, C-10t without •tcours' ""O wllllOUI .. .,.,.,.. C.lllo•nl• .oll)S, -..Men Is ll'le (11.>te GI ... ''''' M•'"'· N••oort Seacl'I. OtlftQI, Slilll ot C•lllornl•, upon • ly, g1.11r1ntef' or '"Ptf'sent1tion ot '"' """""'' o! IM unOt•1lQneO In all t>'lo11· -,_, • Od !" 11 .. or ot BURKE -ll'ICl,llllltr e~prl•lOr lmplltd. I&.,. IMf1il1nlng ta lite tsl•lt 1)1 -MIO Ot· C.litornlf -911 f • C ' >" ' ' "HI., stie~I iOOress or ccmmon t!oe· COMCIJIETIE ACCESSO IES, IN . ill S.ld ,.,, 1$ llelCI PU•tUll'll lo tllf (tOtnl, w thin tout mon "' I llr l'le l.,..._I crldllor inO IQillnst HAN & rights 11•1nteo Alilllo lnternlllOfWll, tlr u p.ublic1t!on OI lhll llGllce. sl11nallon Is •hown aoowe , nG •illr11nty COMPANV ,1 i\HSQmllll .QID!or .,_. Inc. ufMHr 111•1 ctr" In doc"'"""' .,,. O.lf'G Aprll JI, 191$, Is tl••n •• lo 111 <ompleltntu °' ctw• ...., 1 ""' 11 • 1 11 llllttl ••s.turll'I' Alltttmenl.'' •••~ult<! Robert John Meacl rte\nt5$l •• ""' 1 IMI tllll!'>C• o • ' «IHI ' E I oil WI Tiie l>e.:.ellt ilry "l'ICler "'JO OMO at tlueon Mid JlllldQmtfll Ol'l 1111 dill8 ol I"" b'I'-•· CO." MtOl1, Inc:. on or •llOMI •ICU ar lie II Tru\t by reil.:... ot t br••<ll or Oelilull Is-<• ot 1110 .. aecuUon. I I'll,,. NG"9mllt• 11, 1910. Oflhti1bo•t ft1~00fl:"*"I In the 01111,etlGn' 'f(Uflll tl'Mr•bY, 11 .. lltd UCIDl'I ... tM rl11~t. tllll ""' lfl. PlteO; AprU 2J. ,.,~. DIDI 11:11 ANO OICKl.R etGl91'I ••ec,,.l90 111.a dttllllrld !G l!trftt CH Mid l\HSQmtl'll debt°' In tl'le OUvt·~~lllltt ~'::.:~:.~~'' Drlv• !l'le un0••1111ned • ••11111'1 D1c11r1llon Pl'OOl<'lr 1" ll'M County ot Or•nQll, SIM• t...A-H. c..ntor1111 tools ct Del•ult ilnd Oemtnd tor Sale. Goel o1 Cillllorl'lla, descrllltO as fotlowl: UlllTMAN, SRAU HI. HALPlfll Ttl: IUSI lil·tlOO wrl•1en notic e ot O•e•Cl'I •nc:I ol llecllon Loi 6, Ttttl 4636 I" IM OIY QI 1• Cl>fllll'Y "•rk IEilU, S.ilte l~i AtlWNrl 1., E••<ultr lo <iuse lhl unoe,1IOl'lf'O lo i.tll wlO Irvin•. Counlr ot O•lno-, Stile ol LMA•le1,C41UfonolatlM1 Pul>l lll>tdOr•n111Co•ll 01ll,Pilot, Pt'OllO't!y lo \811•1• \il lO OllU11&lion.\ ""° Cilllfo•111•· P\ll>ll'11t-O Or•r.91 COfst Ol!!y Pil(ll, Apr•l lt I ncl Milly •• u . 211. 191} lflO.I} ttW1relltet 1n. unde•JlgneO 1.•ui.eo'w10 Property I' tommOl'llr ~-"~ AP<U1', 1'7i _ l!Ql.75 ---_ rootite ol t1re1(h 1no Ol ••ilCllon 10 11!! ,,,, M<GilW Av ........... lr"I"•· ReCotdeO Jil'IUI'" !l, l'llS IS l~lr. NO. C.llfo•111•· Pt; 81,JC :-\OTI C I·: I' l " I\ I.IC XOTIC f: 159• 1n boo~ lll12. pagt 101, olMIO OI· taoetMr ...,1111111 •no slngul.tr tM l---------------~.==~===---------•icial R<'COfO\. ltl'ltlnilnlJ, h•••OllimenlJ lnO Ip. LI ,E AHDACCIDENT ANO H IE ,.,l TH S.!G ••*• will l>Q 111.idc. but wUllaMI purltn•nc:t$ lllt•t unto ii.111111111111 "' 111 SYHO,.\l\OF THE AHHIJ"l ~TAT e MENT OF (GYen8nl Gr w1rran1y, fkpre1• Of Im-ln~~~C~~~~~~y Gl llENrn.t0t1 MENLOUHlOHlll'E INSURANCE COMPANY plled, •f'Q•r'dlllq 1111 ... P<Hl-elllon, or en· atl• Hlrlll IJlh ·-· P .... n11, l•UOflil fSOIS '"'"'btill'Kt$, lo P•Y ll'le •f'mlllllnall!'l~ ~clrlt'tdly, MilY ll, ltli, •I 10;00 Y•ilr l!ll4til 0.<tmlltr ll, 1tft tlp.11,....,,Gf l ... nole,~)st(uredO.,'!Ai(t D t ltt l A,M. II Mil " Li bby, Offc1 ot Trusr wllll illlt •••',.. ;,, wld Cou•llMKIH, 100 Civic Clwlc Ct11ter ~ P<°O"ht.cl' H••nct t ii..,, uN1ff Pr\"' W.\I, Cl lr DI S.11t1 Anf, C4rlll'ltr the t•rnu. Of W1c1 Offo ~ Trui.i t..s, tAOfe,,..,$11ltOI C.lllorl'llil, I wut •Ii <l'IMOft &114 t10l<IM$ QI 1119 Tt....tft ~""""'/( tolleli.il to f,_.tll..,..1~, MOO! lllttf\lllltr•1!9d Dy 111ci ONO of lor <"11 111 l•wlul moMy of Ille l.lnlllcl fr1"1 \Nt<11. •II 1a.rlal'll , Utlt aN i"'trnlol \ilfd Mii wit! • 11110-Oii T~y. Wid j .... ltlfnt cltlltor I• I .. .._.. ""'' ,,, 1•1s ,, 1 ••to •·""· ,, 1..,. o111c, -.cr1~ IM'e.rtt"lr,., w """'" tl>tl'IOI ot T ,0 , S.rwl<• Cof'ftN"'f· ._,_ of M llllY ... l'IKHM•Y .. M'll"' ......... AIT'llfk • T•wtr, O!'>t Clly ••vd. WHI, .c:lolllell, -.ll'I M;(r .... o l11tffwl lrlMI 511111 1 110,0t~. C1lltorl'll1. uosn. Dot••: Apr fl ,,, lt1S Ollld .t "'"I• Af\f, C..llforfll'-' ""11 S.O!lleH<to Will, tnc. 11, ltli. 'Tot01l 016milltG OllHIS IP191! l . L•,.. lt l Tot•l lli1l>llltl1t fPet'f ), LIM16) O.plt1lp1ld\Sfl 1• IP1~a'.llMiiAl : Paid 111""°'tontrlllul•d1urpt~ tP ... J,LIM1•AI •Ul\all(lrlllCl ,U•tlUI ,' ,,. ... l ,Llnettl!ll ,tncr•1W IOtCr•1ltl In Ca11U1I 11111 5l#ph11Clurl119 HIJ !P•01J...Llne.»1 ;,,, rn1nu11?111 1nW•illl<• I" Fore•: N,'.honwioe ·- (.) llt,1•5 tlll ,"1• 1t.6:U Merill• (101 e • e • • e • ADDED IOMUS • • • • • • • °'""" ,.,...,, '"" ., ..., , .._,,.,.,, tl S.1•1·1: H4""'•"· rt 1+1-0 "WldTru,I••. 9tll.A00ATes. av T.O. s•t11VICE COMPANY. Shttlff.(MOf'>tt 9911'11 C0¥1'1t'l'of 0r..-...Clllflflml• !PIO!! 1), l lne 1,, Co!, II C..l!lotfllil •u•IMll PIO!! ),IJ)," 1Llllf2f,(ol,11 J.•$1,10 W.. l'Wlr•OY c1rllfy ttlfl llw •br!11tt 11..,.., ''"Jn oKca•O•nc• "'''" •l'le An-$Mttmtl'll I., tl'>il Jiii •ftlfto Diio~ JI !ti•. mflfe IQ !ht !~ur•11<1 Ccrm mk.i-r Ol llM Stilll Of C•UIOl'llla.-~nt lo l~w IRIMG THIS COUPOM IM FOR S 1.00 OFF OM "'"'"" , . ..,., o .. M.,., "»·•• FUllOll, lb lof·1·1, W1lktr( • 1•1·1-0 AMY FAMILY PIZZA· Al'RIL 30 or MAY I '""'".~if:l;:::'~""· 11-------------1..UPl..lll..H,;_M_ ... ••.•~·-'~'-7~1-----------.,..-.JI w.11mr11t1'"' •. 110 on o-'s 1~ ~ Mlrlllfl • O.lO 001 11-10 It l I A lly tllutll •·••own, •r l. Hen,°"""' Ail'! Sttrel1rr ,...,,._.......,. '-... ·, ,/!;}:--· Pl.ibll~i'd NtwPO fl H1rbor HIWI Prns (emlllMCl•hll \IM Or•'* c..11 ~.::••-.... ~ . _,_ 0.hy Pl191, Aprlt ?I, 1t, ..-!cl Mity !, PW! 0...,.. ~t "!9'1Y ..,..,, 1t1s • • 1.,.,.._ ..,u.-,...,..,y..,1t1tJs 1..0.11 I .i•ll11 $. Rou\-. ~.,1oant Norm N. ICOllO, ~,..~,~ • • .. 111n • Pllb!IWOO•t l'IOll. C:1•it 011ty Ph<ll, APl'll 11. ".>0.•nd Wiy 1.1. 1911 1.o4·1S • • ' .Tue$day.~prU 29. 1975 DAILYPI LOT Bil .. ua May Get Serna Area Pirates Host Title Meet , Prep Track Whiz NtuTOW1 Field to 3 Golf UC Irvine is still in the running to ~ Loara Hi gh long distance sensa· Uon Ralph Serna, suys UCI Anteaters atllstant coach Len Mlller. because tbe Owls dlda•t1 use helmets wltll n • .,., •s reqlilred by .Mluioa Conference rules. Vista Loop Spikers .. Serna ha& sliced the rield to three schools-Oregon, UCLA and UCI. He recenUy £1ew to Oregon and worked out with Steve Pre rontaine, one of the .world's better long distance runners _ Tbe same will be replayed If iL bas any be aria& on lbe division stand- ings. Members of the Mesa Verde Country Club have reached an agree ment with Japan Golf Com- pany and will purchase the club and all or its re- lated facilities reports John Berger, president ofthemen'sclub. ~ r Orange Coast co11-e (111-0): hivtlll\-Jlfll lrOWI\ UOMI : "'llo JffryAlt!IOo.IM C1 ... •l1 Mll0t,(16Wl; hllll never won a track t°"' w11c1111 011.s1 ., · Serna ran a lifetime best of 4:07.0 recently ut Arcadia and has been un- der 9 minutes in the two-mile. Those close to the scene say Serna is a cinch Saddleback Is headed for the con· rereace playoffs despite the fact It ha• a loslng record aa the second place te•m ln ,the Southern Division. The Gauchos wlll prob•bly face Citrus <Nortbern Division leader) In the single.game elimination opener May &,. • UCI chancellor Dun Aldrich and som e 6( his administrative stall will meet "1lth a thletic-director Ray Thornton and assistant AD Rod Sherman ne xt week to try and find a solution to the athletic department's sagging fina ncia l situation. to go to Oregon, but Miller hasn't gi vt'n Plaudlls to Ray Shackleford and his Golden West goll te•m for wiDJllng the Southern Callfoml• Conference ti- tle wilb •n 11·1 r ec:ord. up. , Aundre HOimes, a two-year star running back at Saddleback College after performing at Mission Viejo ·tngh, will play for Cal Poly (Pomona ) next fall. Holmes was at Drake University last year, but did not see action. . UCI's annual celebrity baseball gam e will be he.Id Sunday, May 18 lhiS year and will fea ture members of the Los Ange le s Rams against 'the Oakland Raiders. The following night ·at Crawford Hall. the Ra m s face the Raiders in· bas ketball. Construction or a new wing for Orange Coast 's boathouse in Newport Beach begins. this week. The tab is $58,850 and it will lake six months to build. It will house s hells and sailing gear. Both events will help raise funds for UCJ 's athle tic scholarship pro- gram. Tickets are $2 per person, per event. They 're now on sale at the Crawford Hall ticket office. Saddlebaak's r ecent baseball protest ha s bee n uph eld: a game with Citrus has been officially declared no contest. Citrus won lhe game, 10-2, but the Gauchos protested Among the Rams expected to play are James Harris, Huntington Beach's Isiah Robertson, E l Toro'S Bill Ne lson , Lawrence Mccutcheon and Fred Drye r. The Raiders lineup will include Fred Biletnikoff; Phil Villapiano, Dan Connors and J otm Vella. Dana Hills Falls Rustlers, To LB Wilso~ 3-2 '?.~fw.~~~. Long Beach Wilson Hig h School 's Bruins scored three runs on as many base hits lo deCeat Dana Hills Hig h, 3-2. J\1onday afternoon in a long-delayed consolation Tom Monge scored the go·ahead run after re· ac hin g base on a fielder's c ho i ce after Brad Heste r walked. He scored on an error. women 's softball and volleyball teams will travel to Orange Coast College Wednesday for a pair of important con- ference o utings with a 3:30 starting t ime for both events. ' '" 1 o Coach Judi Garman·s final game' of the Tustin Dau H i~·~ (t i r 'baseball tournament on JeHtrs,n 2 o the loser 's field. :;=;:ii.';,· ~ g g g Golde n West Rus tlers o o softball team will tang le ~ 1 with J o hnnie Brooks ' o o OCC Pirat es with first Rick H a ll s ted, the -.. ;_,,., ,' ' Vt1>9tloS, C 0 Dana Hills pitche r, held Fow11r,c1 l 1 the Bruins to three base str1tton. 111 l, ' He~\l!r,111 0 hits while strikinC out six Mo1WJ1.Jt1 l 1 g g place at stake. ' ' J 1 On th e volleyball and walking five. The . ~!~~~-P 1! ~ walks plus three costly S<•r111,1nnin11s ' ' . e rrors proved his undo-LBWH_. 010 001 1-1 l 1 ing. oa ... H,11.. 010 010 0-1 l l Don F owler be lted a solo home run in the E second i(!ning to tie the ngagement game and in the filth, D~na Hills w e nt in front =For Goolagong with another marker. Smith Out OAKLAND -Golden State rookie guard Phil Smith . will not p l a y against Chicago in Wed· nesday's second game or the National Bas ketball A ssociatio n W estern C onfer e n ce final s because of a n eye injury, a team spokesman said !11onday. Smith s uff e r e d a scratched cornea of the left eye Sunday night in tthe Warriors' 107-89 vic- tory over the Bulls here. LONDON -Evonne Goo l agong, the Austra lian tennis star , became engaged Mon- day lo British bus i- nessman Roger Cawley. Goolagong, 23. won the Wimbl edon women 's singles title in 1971 a nd is generally regarded as one of the most popular players in world tennis. The engagem ent was announced by Cawley's family w hich lives in Canterb u ry . Th e romance began whe n the co upl e me t at Wimbledo n in 1970. Ca'A'ley is 25. court, J a n Hilgendorl's OCC A team and Lou Ann 1'e rh egge n 's Rustlers are t ied for fi rst place with Santa Monica. The two schools a re also tied for second place in the AA. standings in ·volleyball. Wyatt MVP For Estancia S t eve Wyatt w as named most valuable at E st ancia High 's sports awards banquet honor- ing the s wim team s Mon- day night. Special award win- ners: lltr11tw Ctptal11: C!ilf Slevtni.: Mo11 vaio,... bit: SI••• Wfttl; Mo$! Improved: CralgW.bst•r. . Frlslt-5">11 C..p11tn: Jerrw Wyatt; Most v.,1,.... ble: Tr1ty CGOll; Moi.1 Improved: Jon s.~ti FACTORY Negotia-t fon s were completed recently and an agree ment on ~urchase price and terms acceptable to both parties was reac hed. Members have been given a choice o r remain- ing lifetime-members al no additional fees or becoming equity mem- bers by purchasin g s tock in the new corporation. A limited number of new equity membe rships will be available with a maximum m e mbership of 500. EINigu..I ORANGE COAST'S JOHN OLSWANG. and field title, but coach Jim Mclllwain's Pirates could eod those yean of 1oo-Tc!:r'::n'~&'~re, •.6: frustration this week. w 1MtNc1 1F1Ml•r1onl •.1: 0.-1 OCc h t th al tOCC).lAbo'lll1fM1.SAC)•.1. OS s e annu 220-corn•ll ISO M•1•I 21.41• South Coast Conference 0. ...... 1 1occ1. .... o.v11-. 1M1. 5AC t W d d , ,...... 21.Si Hou1ton IMI . SACl 11.6. m ee • e nes uy~ 4t11:-0t1r1_1 1M,1. s,-,cl, Ctmtll 1$0 &.turday and-because ot •wl ... o; Pt••i cso u.1111 .... 1; O•••on (S tn1• An•>. Hyde that rules an even choice 1F111i.n.n1''·'-· t I th ' ·11 -,--~fTf 1$0 ... 1 1 :~.1 · ~" O W n e .I e, 1l ong 1so Mrsal 1:ss.o: Gr1v11 ct.int• with Mt. San Antonio and An•I 1:11.11 Pon<• IC•rrllo~I. Full II Eroollth tc.,-rllos) !;SS.I. e rton co eges. o1o11 .. -<elllMll•• (F111 ... ion1 4:14.o: Mt. SAC is considered SNftllr1 IFu11erMN11 ai14.t;011-nt IOCCI 4:14.S; E119llsll IC.rrlla>). a slight favorite s ince it Ru1t<Stt111M114:14.1. h d 5 0 d I t l·mlte-Ol1wen1 IOCCI 14:11.l; a a • ua mee re· C•nd•J•• IF 1111er1011 1 1•:1•.1; cord, de feating OCC by s.. ..... 1F111i.r1on> 14:16.•; w11~ rour points and Fullerton tt;~~:,i"'u::.1~~i'i•.11 0-S by fl·ve Ora nge Coast 1Mt. SAC> t•.4· St•w••t !Mt. SAc1 ' 1•.s; F1ol• ll'11ll1rton l. Pl•nl was a six-point loser to ·1F1111tr1011111.1. Full.rt ••OIH-Ow•n• CM!. SAC) 54,71 on. . 's1 .... 1rt IMI . SAC) SS.S; AO•mi. W.ednesday's prel1ms tocc>, eroee cocc1s5.t. .begin 8t 2 :JO With field 4«1,.i.~-()rfn~COfll, F\Mlerlon, Ml. StftAnlOtllo 42.1; S... Dl-eoMlw events, the fir8l race get-.,.s:Stnt•An.•2.1. t. d Miit ••••w -S•n Dl•QO Mr1tJ:20.2; 1ng un e r w ay al 3. Mt, Si n Antonio l :J1.l; l'uUfrton Saturday's fina ls start at :1:22.1;0tl!I09C:0.11.c•rrllosJ::i..o. HJ -Pelm•r IF11ll•rlonl 6·1\'•: 1 :30 with the initial run-Powell teorrlt051. Gtiddes cs o Mlwt ru. g t tr 2 30 ... ;o.n..,.rlOCCl.S..nt (OCC)M. n even Se or : . , LJ-G111~1r (Mt. s•c1 ll.J; ~Jn "I think we have as tocc12:M•n;e1111dcM1.s.a.c12wv.; Rurlcta CO(:Cl 2l-O. , good a shot at winning TJ-!.<on c1111tt . SACJ ''·t:W.; Mli.t the 11·11e •s F ullerton or IMt , s.-.c1 ,,_,i Ru11ct• cocc i i:I -~;Blind (Mt. SACI '6·2'!lo. Mt , SAC , ' ' says PV-Fr•nc:ll CMt. SACI li-O: Wtltti M Ill . IFfl.llttlOnl 1 -6; Str111111w lMI . SAC!, c wa in. "}laving the G.r tlatMt.SAc11,..o. meet on our track will SP-Mor•nl CFull•rtonl Sl·O~: Al-n IS.llt. An1l Jl·S; Frtnklln help us. II IOCC) S0·1't.I: Pttloll (50 MeW) The Pirates are led by so.Ji;(Ui--K•lls cF11U•r ton1 1w.111,: dis tan ce s t ar John Brown lFult•rlon l 146-•; Stanl•r Tom Peden and guest Burt Rutman or Quail Lake Country Club, won low net honors in the an· nual memb e r-guest tournament at El Niguel .Country Club l ast weekend with .a 63-60-123 score. Two teams tied for second place · including Sam Freed with John Sheehan of Lomas Santa Fe CC (64-62-126 ) and Steve Bowers with Larry Brennan or Lakeside Country C lub (64-62-126). El T H t • Ols wang and s printer ~i!1:i.'rti..~~•'1!s.1 •1 ·S"'; Morell i Oro Os Ing Paul Desmet. J•wellit-Glov.r CMt. SAC I 1ts.OV.; 0 Cool CFulltrtonJ 1t2-4; Brown tOCCl lswan g, the state J C 1 ... ;.a.1U10vSe 1occ1 1"·'· cross country champion, V II ball B {•twill be favored in the o ey ene 1 i::,~· :,n1~.~w~~il~4 ~;:~ ln g ross action , J ohn Richardson and partner Greg K e ll y or Los Angeles Country Club fired a 71 -74-145 for top honors. The United Stales Olympic volleyball team will m eet Peppe rdine University in a benefit match at El Toro High School Wednesday even- ing at 7 :30 wiih proceeds going to the Trojans team a nd for the advan- ceme nt o r O lympic volleyball. Tom Read . Volleyball coach at El Toro and a member or th e · U. S. team until June when the national AAU 'tourna- ment is complete(!, is in charge or the benefit Mission Viejo gam e . ri,tany of the m e mbers They opened the new V II b II or the U. S. team, have quarters at Mission Vie-0 ey 8 ·moved into the a r e a to be jo Country Club recently. near practice facilities. with a huge turnout and At UCJ The team works out six things a re back to normal days a week and is pre- lhis week according to p a rin g for the zon e _..oRoger Belanger A volleyball exhibition ,...-· between the USA n a-championships lo de- . ' Th-e en 1 a r g e d tional team a nd the termine a qualifying clubhouse and men 's Southern California All-team for the Montreal locker room in addition stars will be held at 7 :30 Olympie Games. to the new wom e n 's :t~riday night at UC The zone meet will be c lubhouse facilities, lrvine'sCrawfordHaJL he ld at ~C Irvine in were opened over the August a rld will include weekend. Form er Olympic the U.S ., Cuba . Haiti. players Danny Put-CflnadaandMexico. In a stag day louma-l e r s on , D u n can Members of the U. S. Oment, C:.,.eorge RobeDrtsl • Mc1'"arland, Miles Pabst: team in addition lo Read sear .,.!Jmmer, a e JG k K .l d Do are Duncan McFarland, Pyle and Bill O 'Connor r 1 gour an ug finished with a 293 fortop Beael feature a USA Dan Patterson, Byron teem that will have Shewma n, Doug Beal, honors. t ·t· · th Dave Schake l, K1.rk Second place w ent to s rong oppos1 1on in e Harry McConnell, Paul ·All-stars, composed or Kilgour, Mike Cote , John Runge, Peter Piett and top players from the Zajec, Miles Pabst , Mike Dale Hahn with 294 . 'Winston Voll e yball Norm and and Tim He nry Call, Bob Sisk, League. Bonynge . The team will also play George McElroy and Tickets ar e priced at an exhibition at UC( on Steve Wagne r finished $4 and $2.SO while UCI M ay 2 again st th e this season, the latter a school record. Desmet has bests or9.8 (100) and 21 .5 (220) and has been co'nsiste nl all season long. With Bruce Girasole also running the sprints (9.9, 21.9), the Bucs ha ve a solid 1-2 punch. Othe r lop individuals for OCC include hurdlers Steve Adams and Denn.is Braga, long and triple jumpers Dan Spain and Greg Ruzicka, high jum- pers Mike Sena a nd Joe Denger, shot putter Skip Franklin , half-mile r Howard Keeley and javelin throwers Jim Brown and Jer ry Althouse . Or .... c.tsl l11lr5" , 100-Paul 0.1m11 !9.l l; .8tuc:e GlrtlOI• (9.91; Cllris Martin 110.Dl: Carlo Tosti (10.1); 220-~snll!I 121.SI; Glrtso\f Ul.9); Martin (22.U; T°'U 122.SI : ..O-no •11trt.s; l9G-How1rd 1tt•1tw tl:Sf.1); Tim Rl.oy f1:51.t l; Mlle -John 01\WfllGI 1~:1'.S); Mike Au1ttn 14:3S.llf· Sll Ylt Sh111!ro C•:Jl.21 : l·mile-() S..,.lllJ 1u,u.,l; 011tn. Wt11m1 ~ (14:36.0I; PtrryV•rmll...-• 115:26.51 ; Jell~ cu,,t.01: John '•.,.t>t11g11 l16:0J.Ol; 120HH -Sltvl Adtm~ (1S.21 ; Boll Alllk• 06.11 ; 4401H -O.nnli. 81'-ot 155,t) ; AcUims us.•1; •'60 r•lay--.n.1; M ill reltw-3:21.0. · Athletics For Girls WOMIEN'SSOf'TIAlL 0.1M11 W•1t Ill "9uirre, lb Sm•lley,ct Krier, 10 ~.,s Llnitwy,c er .. ~.rf 8urli$Ol'I, rl Nlcl'lllli, p Ctl~O!l.O Robl"son. II Mlul,11 Willl-,2'11 Krelnk1mp, 2D To1e11o ., ~ ~ ~ 4 1 0 0 • 2 J 1 l 1 l " <I 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 l 0 0 0 I 0 I o 0 • ' ' ' I 0 0 0 2 l 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 31 • • • • k•••VllNll ... ' .. Sanl•Monic• 111 000 O 3 J 2 Golden We" '200 015 .... • 1 o....,.c...1ci1 .. ' Angel,2b a.1ttv.cf Minis, ab ~II.<: --H Woll,p fh.or11,..rt,r1 nrlcfl, lb LiftlelOlln, It Totill$ ' ' , . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' " ' Stffl_., l1111i~ .... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . . F\lli.rlon 000 012 0-l $ I Or1119e '°'~' 200 000 o-z •• WOMl!N°S VOl.l.1! Y•ALl. AA Oiwlsi.ti · Gotden West 0.1 S.nlt MonQ1•1S.. 15-U,15·9. · Oft"'OO C011t ~f Gltndal• l&·U. • P1t.,.ro.fo•m• -Teri Smith. . ' ADlwltl.. . S.111• Monit• Oel GolcM n W•1t I 15-•. . !. Or~ Coast dt l Gl•nlNI• 1·1! p5-]0 IM. Ptt'(eri. al e-rne -Karet1 Oletret. Lll'ICIWy Corkll. English Socce third with 303 and Max and Jack Garde n s students receive a dollar Wins ton Lea.cue Al l--....,·stt•wns discount with their iden-stars. '"_'_"..,'""1n1> HJ-Mlk• s.t:n• f6.6); Joe Denger 16•1; LJ-Dan Spain (23·6\I,); GrlQ RuJ ICkf (2341 ; ,....rlln C21·7J ; TJ-Rufltkt 146-6~1 ; Spal11 £•1·1V,); P\1-.Nss Moye 111 .. 1; Ken Phillll)S c11,l1; Mlrk s-•111• 112-01: ll:erm RI..,. 111 .. 1: Bob A1te11 11241; SP-Slllp Frtnklln (S0.7V,l; Olsi:i.n.-Alar1 ~u 11'60-1'hl; Franklin lll1·1l; C:.l•n Meig' Ul7·•'hl; Rick RIMltf teamed with Bill Kniefel tification cards'. Tickets Tickets for Wed -E•~~.~1· for fourth a t 33o. can be purchased al nesday's m atch at El Boys Voll,:.yball ::1!~~'::.~·ALr~~:o ltle•do.,,larl.: Crawford Ha ll and the Toro High are currently Y 01.1skftl Bulldozers have taken ASUCI ticket office with availa ble fo r $1.25 at the HIGHscH~~~~~LEYU.LL_ ~~i::;n1?a~~i~To,t1e over at Meadowlark proceeds going to the school. On the night or L• 0u1nt• c1e1E"•ncl• 1s.s, 1s.n. ,SOutllf:lortl.~l::!:'o':'2' Country Club in Hunt-Olympic Development the games, they will sell 1~·2. JuN•01tll.a.1tsiYv k..W='1 .. ington Beach in a re-Program. for $1 .75 per pe~n . E1tan<1a11e1u ou1n1a 1S-11, 1s.,. Albloftllo.,.rs 1.s11ru<19 AnMon.f novating job that is ex· 1-------,------lir-----=~--~-~~~========~""=~;;,;;~:;;;;;;;,,., peeled to be completed within a month. ,..,, ... Demo Baseball Standings Now $5.99 Clan Mac.Cregor8 quarts •f SALE! • TOYOTA EXAMPLE: TOYOTA MX 13 4 DOOR Aulom •ltt oo we• ••e o .. n9 .,. cono1toon11•19 1'.Y. ,..,..,, ••~• ~"""'""~ •t '"'"'°"""'"'. \18!>4J 53273 • •• VOLVO AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct. GB Detroit 9 5 .643 Milwaukee 8 7 .533 l 'h Baltimore 7 7 .500 2 New York 8 9 .471 2'h Boston 7 8 .467 2'h Cleveland 5 8 .385 Jin West Division Kansas City 11 7 .611 Oakland 12 8 .600 Angels 1 O 8 .556 1 Texas 7 9 .438 3 Chicago 7 11 .389. 4 Minnesota 6 10 .375 4 MolldlT'' (;f"* 0.1•o4t S, 8111tlm0<1t l NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pel. GB Chicago 11 4 . 733 New York 8 6 .571 21;,i Pittsburgh 8 6 .571 21h St. Louis 6 9 .400 5 Philadelphia 6 JO .375 51,(,i Montreal 5 9 .357 5112 West Division Dodgers 13 8 .619 Atlanta 12 10 .545 t•h San Diego 10 9 .526 2 Cincinnati 1 t 10 .524 2 San Francisco 9 JO .474 3 Houston 7 JS .318 6V:i Melldl¥'1Gtrnet. ... it only tastes expensive AIR CALIFORNIA ANNOUNCES DIRECT 'DAILY FLIGHTS FROM ,._ IHI Pric• lt1cr••••· S.-r Ne"" York 6, C••~•l•nd 1 KlnM~Cily 1. Chlc•qoS Ol'llvgame\sc~duied Hou~lon •.San Diego I LOS A"'Otl•s •,AU•nta l Onlt Of .... S SCl'ltOultd ORANGE COUNTY! Take off for Tahoe the easy way ... IN!th Air Califomla. For JU$1 $32.00, a convenient, comfortable Electra Jet flies you direct. Weekdays or waek· ends. from nearby Orange County AJr· port. Special dlsCounts for famllle1 and groups of ten or more. Onty \lootlh Air Callfomla ... the airline that con- sistently earns the best on-time record In the business. One call to Easy lnfor· matlon arra nges everything from flight reservations to complete vacation packages, with tickets wo ttl ng at a nearby trawl agent. Easy enough? AJr California to UM Tahoe ... Wlil'r• easy to take! ' -.Cit, .. _.,., ,,.ic-4 to ..._ " 0.f"'ff•s ott1 .. ..., s;.c1a1m. ... SAVE ' '° • " USED CAR 1 .-~ '" SPECIALS " '67 VOLVO 4 DOOR .,., AulO'Mhl;,AMr6!1>(1 lVWt l11, "I ,,-5 1377 ·'' '69 TOYOTA COROHA "' H.T. Auto ... 1111;, '" cono, AM <10.0 •• jTRJtlll ) "" 5 1377 .. , '7J FIRlllRD J .. PORMULA400 " 4 ..-i. aiir cond • D0"'1t' ''"f''"O I ....... 1111, ........ 1311tJ0•1 ,. 13J77 ., . . ' • ;;.( , ... ,., 0•- ~trol1 (Lollch J•Ol ti Btllill'IOl"t CGrlrm.!e'I' 11·1! Cle•e••na IHOOd0.01 at New Yori! IGurt 0.01 Catllornlt tt'il\Sler l ·ll ti K.lnwos City 15Plll· IOrlf 1·11 Ot~l1nd !AbbOtt 2·01 ti Mlnne!Ol1t tGoll•0·1l Cl'llCt9Q (0$1 .. n 1-1) at Ttit•l 4Jtflll14'1l1·11 0nl'f9•messchtOul•d • W.1111• .... f 'a Gt'"" Detron 11 Mltw•u•n Cleffllnd 11 ~Ion Bllltl~e at Ne ... Yor~ c.t!l rornl1 •t K•nwi. C•t~ 0.~ltndtl illltlnM"°I• Clllc.90a1 Ttitl!t ' '"•r'1Gtmft l>lflw York t5'e1ver 1·2 ,111 CfllU<JO !Burrll 1·0) MOntr111 IBt1lr 0.2l at p11;1-1p11" (Lo11bot9 1·11 Hou~lon 4111u11rd l·I) ti San 01~ (F•eh1etien l·ll ...II.n it CC•pr a t -2) Ill LO I Anget•i. lMesier•mit11 ').I)) C!ntlnnaH tG1,1llelt 2·\I al Sin F14n(i)(fl IFtlt-1·11 •• ,,..,,.,., Glfl'lt1, ~Vork II Clllt•OO Clnc:1nn11l 1t San Frant1~0 SI. LOiiis ti Pllli.tiur911 Houiton 11 Sftl OltOO AllMlll •t Lfl Anv-lto\ Onlf !Mf'\el K ... dll1t'd I - . Call Ea sy lnformotlon Jn Orange Counl)I, (7l4) 5f04550: DoioN\I 1213) 924·3313; Laguna, tn4/ 494·7595; Los Angeles, (213) 621-5401 AIR CALIFORNIA We're easy to take ,,