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1975-05-10 - Orange Coast Pilot
• • -· • -1- D i nae-a-Line Ora•ge Coast , EDITION Bar aai1as Toda11 -\:~ voL:68,NO. 130,3SECTIONS,34 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY; CA LI FORN I~ SATU RDAY, MAY 10, 1975 TEI-< CENTS ' LA Opinioµ ._~ays Gays . Can Be Police LOS ANGELES CAP>-The ci· ty attorney's office said Friday that homqsexuuls are legally ac· ceptable ror employment as pollceoUicer:s. The far-reaching opinioo, sub- mitted. to the city 's Civil Service Commission , said ''mere homb.exuallty, standjng alone, does not justify disqualiflcalloo.." from tbe Los Angeles Police Department . Tb' opinion by Clly Alty. Burt Pines came one day alter the Le-gisluture approved a bill Jegall~ing all private sext.aal acts between consenting adults. The bJ'-11 wa1 au{hored by As - semblyman Willie ·L. Brown Jr. of San Francisco. ~ol Angeles Police Ch ier Edward M. Davis said the opi- nion could not be fully interpret- ed until Gov. Ed~mund G. Brown Jr. signs the bill into law or vetoes it. '"I'h.1.11 bilJ will d~rtminalize sodomy and oral copulation in private," Davis said in a state- ment. ''T·bese act! are now felonies. As Jong as those laws re- main in effect, people who violate them' as a way of life ob· viouslr can't serve as police of- ficers and probably as teachers." A P,qlice spokesman said Davis woul<f have no further comment on f.:be opinion "until he knows whether or not Gov. Brown is go-called homosexual bill of rights ing lo save the people of passed by the Legislature, but California from the necessity of Aast. City Atty. John B. Rice said determining the rights of lhi.s was not taken into account in homOtiexuiils to sensitive public the opinion. employment." Rice said private sexual · The city attorney's opinion was ./ behavior , including homosex- based on the 1973 Americaw--ualilY. should be studied on a Psychiatric Association decision case-by-case review rather than which removed homosexuality by an ''all-inclusive st,mdard." from its classification of mental The opinion said, "It is also our disorders. view that it would be extremely The opinion re(~rred lo the so-difficult to develop a legally s~s- ll er aces c,,,,,, t ~I Lt111· ... Coverup 'Eyed' fu Nudity Flap By WILLIAM SCHR EIBER OtTIM D•llr Pilot St.ff Depending on which Orange County government legal expert you listen to, nudity on county beaches may or may not be cov- ered by law. Assistant Distri ct Attorney · )1ichael Capizzi says the same ordinance that bans topless and bottoinless d ancing in beer bars can be applied'to nudes on county beaches. ~ But Deputy County Counsel Wal\ Webster· says he thinks the county h as a lmo,st no legal authority ..J. .arresj. Pttt.5 0JJ.S wit.hout:c10l1Jes on a beach or in • . county park. A spokesman for the shenff's departm ent said so 'far no ar- rests have been made on county beaches for nudity, though some complaints have been received. The county Owns a relatively small percentage or public beaches . They include Aliso Beach, Niguel Beach and Dana Cove Beach in the south and the Santa Ana River mouth and a mile of Sunset Beach in the north. -Sheriff's deputies have recent- ly arrested young people bathing nude in the old San J uan Hot Spr- ings along' Ortega Highway but the charges that wiU be filed are !or t r espassing on Posted county prdperty. In a letter lo county Environ- mental Management Agency Director H.G. "George" Osborne dated April 22, Capizzi rendered the opinion that the county could hall beach nudity with the exist- ing code section g.overning, ··u11law!ul ·Exposure of Private Pails and Female Breasts." Capizzi told a reporter one part of that section applies to a pro- tilbilion on any kind of genital or breast exposure, ''whil e participating in any live act, de· mOnslratlon or exhibition in any public place o~n '{o the publi~. "A ·beach or park is just as much a public place as a beer bar," Capizzi said , noting that the California Supreme Court up· Quints Born SUCRE, Bolivia (AP)-Teresa Marano, the wife of a cane cut- ter, gave birth Thursday night to quintuplets, but one died within a few hours, a loc al hospital bulletin reported Friday. Two other girls are in serious condi- tion, th~ hospital said, but two boys ~ have shown "good pro- a:ress.'' held the county ordinance in a 1..•ase two year s ago involving nude dancers. Capizzi said it is his opinion that Sherirf·s officers can go· onto a county beach and arrest any (See NUDITY, PageA2> Army Tes~ Cruel -Solqn WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. William V . Rath said Friday that Army crowd- control experi ments using hard rubber balls fired at high velocity have Jeft some 500 test animals killed or maimed. Calling the experiments "unnecessarily cruel and barbaric,'' Roth said they involved firing of hard rub- ber projectiles al the heads and bodies of monkeys, ba- boons and pigs. The Delaware Republican Said the ex- periments have been going on since 1972 a t the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, in conj\Ulc- tion with the Law Enforce· menl A·ssislance Ad - ministration, an arm of the Justice Department. - Utility Hit By Explosion In Berkeley BERKELEY (UP!) -An ex- plosion late Friday night went off behind an office building of Pacific Gas & E lectric Co., a target of terroris t bombings in rcecenl months. No one was injured. The blast gouged an eight-square-foot sec· lion of the building's rear wall 1 and sent shards of glass onto the paVement , PG&E spokesman Deacon Anderson said. "There was a lot or glass all bver the place," he said. "1be concussion was such that there were windows popping across the street." A PG&E substation was bombed twice· in San Jose in re- cent months . A group calling itself the New World Liberation Front Claimed respon!ibility for lbeblasts. Duty in Raw ,, Victim Chases Robbers BERKELEY (UPJ) -A massage parloremploye didn't let the fact that he was nude stop him from chaaing lhree11rmed robbers down the street. l?olfce said Friday that. tbe men_force~1lh!?9.ma!e .1 8n4 tllre!O. f'\melF,emplo,jes of'thd:Xanaau· masuge 1 P.arlor IA> strip ano then lOOk $800. , 1 One vtctl111, R~ N. Greene, 33, noticed that • 1 bandit dropped a pistol and grabbed It. He pulled the '·trigger twice bull\ failed IOdlsebarge. : ·The ~obben tool< o« down aatreel, and Greene - 1 still unclothed -folloWed He again pulled the tri1t· I 1er, and Ibis tlme1t discharged But the robbers were nothlt, and made good their escape. Hearing Turnout Sparse By ll ILA R Y KA\'E Ol tlll O•Uy Pitol SI.Ill Poor attendance by the public and by coastal conservation rom- miss ioners marked the Cirs t public hearing Friday in Orange County on the pre lig-iinary coastal plan. The Huntington Beach hearing was attended by about 75 citizens and only 17 s peakers addressed the commission. Only four re- gional commissioners and no state commissioners showed up at the joint slate-regional. session. CRelatedColumn,C3). Half the &P«U'~rs olfered.~IW port for lhe-.P.teli~p~all!l the other halCT3&ibasted both the commissions and the proposed plan. The document was drawn up by the state commission staff with input from regional com- missions, and a final version will t>e presented' lo the state legislature in December. Included in the plan are recom· mendations for protecting land within 1,000 yards of the coastline ·and a)ternatives for implement- ing those palicies. Mayor Norma Gibbs of Hunl-· ington Beach called the plan too narrow, saying, "Environmentll:I protection· is a high priority in coastal development but not an exclusive one.'' Mrs. Gibbs, who stressed that economic. social and political is- sues must be dealt with, also critized the current structure of the coastal commissions. Calling the currenl'setup "inef- fective'', the mayor said she sup- ports a propos al by the California League of Cities. Thal proposal would establish broad planning criteria and environmental stan- dards that would be incorporated into local planning processes1 Lym ab Faulkner, a Corona del Mar resident and member of the ,. O.llr Pilel P~o .,, ......... R. '11111111 SOMETHING TO HOLD: FLOWEllS, A HUSBAND AND HOPE Do Thanh Van (left), Be Due Viet Look To Futu.re. • 'Can't Ask More' . Viet Refugee Gives Thanks By ART HUR R. VINSEL Ol Iii. 0.llr Piiot 5'.lfl Do Thanh Van, fi ve monti .. : pregnant, held onto three things in he r tent Thursday -an old wine carafe 'containing a bouquet. of wild oats and mustard blossoms, her husband, and her hope. Plane Crash She and Be Due Viet, each 24, live in Tent 38 of Area 4 i'n Camp Talegat off San Mateo Road at Ca'mp Pendleton. just south or the San Clemente city limits. · . . They share it with a handful or· lhe 18,000 other refugees housed there, awa~ling an uncertain future. The floor of the tent is trampled wild oats. At night dampness c reeps down upon them and it is cold. Newport J-l a rbor-Costa Me$a "We are strangers in a strange Board of Realtors, called the Cl • p "[ laqd," she says, adding that she plan "a r oma ntic guidebook" Qlln,S l O t, wonders if the Vi etnamese would and said it is ·'destructive of our do the s ame for Americans, were free enterprise, open market l situations reversed . sysletp." Rich R e a tor "We a •e hc•c ... s he "Those who authored the plan murmured. "We are being cared should be treated as any other in-for. We cannot ask for more." · d I ~ ti GORJl.tAN <A P l -Wealthy re· She made those remarks wh·en effectives an rep ac .. " promp Y w ·11 · •1 G I d nd by a new group competent to put altar 1 iam i• ay ~ an bea some<>ne tried to apologize for together an enforceable plan," h1is fldigdhtdir:istrhuctor akvc ren anti,-refugee remarks made by Faulkner said. oun ea m 1 e wrec age 0 a certain American politicians and Jules Kerker, ,a V.:estminster .light:ptane in the mountains west ordinary American citizens, wor- resident, said his ort.ly complaint of Gorman, ':ad Civil Air Patrol r;ed about strangers. with the plan Is that it is SO years spoTkesman Sal · . lh · "No; no .... " s he said to the too late. He said that local con· here were no surVlvors, e apology. ''YoudonOtknowus." trol is not sufficient and asked ~pokesmansaid Friday. Do Thanh Van frequently th kid The twin-engine Cess na has flashes a radt'anl sm1·1c. commissioners to "put es s · · · · Wedn d onhelter-skelterdevelopment." been mtSsmg since es ay She is obviously deeply when Garl and, 38. and Gary d Another stipporler, of the com-Oord igan, 32, left Van Nuys ~rateful for a han ful ol coat missioners and their plan was tlangers brought by a radio 1 Christine Agur, 75, of Seal Beach. Afrporton a test flight. newsman. In the frantic process ·She told commissioners to ''think Garland , a cousin of Los of providing clothing for the sud- of the children and the unborn Ange~es Times J>Ublisher Otis denly homeless Southeast who will want an unpolluted Chandler. recet;1tly bought the Asians. authorities forgot about coastline... plane from actor George Ken-clothes hangers. She said she could remember nedy. The newsman also produces a when the .coastline was open Cause of the crash was not im-bottle of bath oil his wile sent from Santa Barbara toS.n Diego mediately known. The men were along, a nd Do Thanh Van's grin and added that now, ''mucb of .reportedly lestlng the short shows that unexpect«l.ly, a few takeoff and lai:tdlng capabilities drops of Heaven have fallen on <See HEARING, PaceA2) atremotedirlf1elds. her humble home on the weedy · Friends said Garl~ bought hillside. ,. . W. M ~ the plane because_ lts shor:t Vlt\-3,nd Vill..boive been bere.10 ome n a ., •. -g·f1i~a11~::,~~· .. P.t•· . ; . ~ · · . LOS /\NGELE '. ~P-• ~--~ ~iiiift"~~ -. _We•• been told we have II' tr I~ -·~ • ...,;• 1 • w11llor a •ocortty c\earanci!, bUt es m• -~ WO ··~dS. ·1 .. -·~'lllllio Ea A CAtP-pllrol J11a¥ sP.Xi<d the lSe< REFUC<EES, Page A2) mii~"l!~ "l•< e aat;-4the~f')lll_ . area Friday, pr le'iel t o,'ail&)!t:A:li' atructlaD at tour • F u t as cafkld 1o Crash Kllf s 3 planti near Baker \he 1v~~ ~ , ~ , ., In briJlbUy~ed 1 • ~ .. ,~ ASA,~~ D S)re.· \/\P)-A bus women marebed'f . ~)~ carrylnt p pl1S from Mt. Shasta, Angels Church to.. son of'lhe CaUf. High School <'ashed down quarter• of th•• m lateRarJ")' Chandler, publisher of a mountainside in southern Water and ..Power which would the Times,· and of William May Oreeon on Friday, and thrC(l oc· have control over lhc proposed Garland, one-tJme head ol the cupants were killed. Seventeen planl.ll. U.S. Olympic Commlltee. other occupants were illJured. ... -! l ·-{ tainable pre-employment stan- dard which permits direct in· quiry into the exclusively private consensual sexual conduct of ap· plicants. "While the iss ue is not free from doubt, and while there are no cases s~cifically dealing with police officer candidates, we believe that the California courts, are moving in the direction or CSeeGAYS, Page A2) a s Harbour Heists Probed By TER RY S. COVILLE Ot Ule 0.11~ PH°' Stott An unemployed Huntington Beach plumbe r was arrested late Friday arternoon and booked into the city jail on 37 counts of armed robbery, kidnap, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and auto theft. His wife also was taken into custody. A West Orange County judge set bail at $150 ,000 for Robert Alder, 28, of 19102 Huntington Av e. Police believe Alder was in- volved in at least four armed rob- beries inside plush Huntington Harbour homes about one year ago. Investigation al,so was Conti - nuing into other cases. His wife , Sbirl~y. 36 . 'A'iis booked on suspicion of armed robbery, conspiracy to commit armed robbery. possession of heroin . and being under the in- fl uence of drugs. Neither suspect resisted ar· rest. Their arrest fmished more than a week of investigation sparked by an anonymous tip thr.ough the Daily Pilot's Secret Witness program. Nine detecti ves from lhe narcotics and robbery details of the Hun tington Beach Police Department were armed with a sear~h \Yarranl signed by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Patrick McCray. But before they could arrest Alder in his home. he slip1>ed away lo a nearby store on Beach Boulevard called Oasis Waterbeds, authorities said. Five detectives went inside the store about 5 :45 p .m . and arrest- ed him While he was on the 'telephone. l\1eanwhile. four other undercover officers arrested his wife at the home. Police said they found a half- ounce of heroin and a police riot· 12-g auge s hotgun . loaded and with a round in the chamber, in the bedroom. investigators plan to make a more thorough search or the house for s tol en property, other weapons or more drugs, police said . Investigators said they believe Alder has been involved in several armed robberies, the best known of which was the May 3, 1974 . escapade at the Hunt- ington Harbour home of Henry Krueger . 16352 MaruffaCircle. In that one. two masked ban· dils entered the Krueger home, (SttSUSPECTS. Page AZ) Co ns t .. YO Following early morning low· clouds the sun should come out. warming beaches to the mid·60s and inland valleys lo th e mid-70s . The overnight low should range from so toss. I NSIJ)E 'f.'oo'}l \t . ' A MliPlited congregation lau9h1 ot Pastor Robert Jacobs' tea.ting, a familiar /eolur~ of two-way exchonge1 M encourage1 at Mera Bible Chapel in Cotto Meta. Storv. pltolo1, Al. lnd .. x t.a.ultt" Cl•I& ,.. __ •• ....... ti ..._ .... --.. -... ... M_ "' ... klMftl~ .... ---.. -.. ...,..,,....,. •• -.... _,_ .. "'"' .. ··:- A2 DAILY PILOT Saturday, May 10, 1975 l Lea.,es 1Val11 . -" ........ . . . ' . , ' Fro•PageAl SUSPECTS NABBED • •• Truce Panel GAYS • tt , • boldl;lf tbal oo otberwl ~• qudnoi 1!1Plicaot1hould not bo dllqaoHW 1olel1 be:oa-ba or ... bo'!Dd him aod his wile, shouted ob1cenltle1 at them, then . aeal'dled tho bo111<1 !or Jewell and tub. One bandit forced an elderly couple to drive him oll the Island ID their oar. The oouplf l~ter told police they dropped him ott on Huntington Avenue, about three houaes from Alde r 's home. Interns Back Sirike ill LA LOS ANGELES (APJ,-ll'a a ~•bow~o"" In th~ w\JdUl atrlk• by interns and re1ldent1 al Martin Luther Kini l!olpllal. · Dismantled •he ""'"''·' Ill Private · toll· .... ua1 .... ~al &DI' nature, unle!l lt ts medically re· . ' coaoit.ed a1 symptomatic of a The robbert' plans went awry wMn Jira. K.Neger escaped and calle d police. P a trol• carsv swarmed over the Huntington Harbour island, but both bandits escaped. Police said the alleged heroi n found jn Alder's home would ~ worth about' $900 to $1,000 In street s ales. The strikers voted late Friday to remain on strike after meeting with count·y officials for four hours. SAIGON . (A P l -Poli sh and Hungarian delegates to the International Commission of Control and Supervision have lert Saigon, thus completing the dismantling of the watchdog agency creat ed by the Paris peace agreement of J anuary1973. A ssoci at e d Pr ess correspondents George Esper • and Peter Arnett· were at the airport with r evolution ary governme nt officials for the departure or 'the delegation ·Thursday. But the AP dispatch of ·the event was not r eceived in New York until e arly today. Communica t ions between Saigon and New York have been erratic ·with di s patch e s ~transmitted via Hanoi. The A P's :direct New York-Saigon line has : been oat since April JO. Fro•PageAI NUDITY ... nude bather \14ilh or without a prior complaint Crom a nother citizen. Under other laws and • or- dinances, orricers with a com- plaint can exer cise control over such things as public nudity that are caus in g a d isturbance , Capizzi said. We bs t er, wh o s e rves a s counsel to the coWlty Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission, said be thinks Ca pizzi1s in- terpretation is "stretching things just a little bit too far." "If there is any desire on the part of the Board of Supervisors to limit this, I would strongly re- commend. they adopt a new or- dinance dealing specifically wilh such nudity,'' We bster said. "My belief is that the county currently has no applicat'lle or- dinance and the s ection cited by the DA covers only s uch things as public exhibitions and shows -. withnudity." ' Webster said a bout the only way it could be applied is , "if the nudity were taking place at a rock concert or some other or· ganized gathering at the beach.•• Meanwhile, Larry Leaman, ·the man in charge of the county Harbors, Be aches and Parks. . ·Department, is in somewhat or a : quandry over what to do if the : JJudes start appearing in force. • "The DA' has told US ·in this let- : ~er that _ the cur~ent ~w-on the :• .books might. be applicable in this • .• case, ''Leaman said._ • "At this point, I am undecided ' about what we will do if the pro- blem arises," he added. "I am aware of some complaints but to my knowledge, there has been no &eneral request to begin tough enforcf'ment. ''But if nudity prevail s, we'll have to think or something.'' FroMPageAI HEARING • • • that is cove r ed with urban spraw1.•• Criticism of the plan a1so came from the construction unions, who blamed the commissioners for unemployment. Bill Floyd, an operating engineer with Local 12, called the coastal commis~ions "a hoax." "It used to t tlke three months to get a construction project started. Now, it takes between. 12 and 16 months," said F1oyd, who wore a hard hat. A second hearing in Orange County will be held next Friday afternoon a nd evening at the community center jn San Clemente. ! ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed Pr••l•nt •net Pwtitl,,..... Jack R. Curley Vke Prn l•n1 •nd ~M••! M.1,..,,,., Thomas Keevlt liiclnor Thomas A . M urphine _.,.,,"9 Ellloor ' Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall An ,,1.,.1..-. ... 0!119 E<lllOO'• Offices GM.ti Mtf•: lJ0.,.,,,,•1 INy!olr~ Ntw-1 IN.o<1'.1Ul ~-1 -"41•cl ~&t..:1', 111toi.....,. .. s._1 H,...lll'fliM &...:i.• l ltlS ~-1' ao.Mv .. CI S..0-<• \ll lltf: J}:r91 u,..., "°" 11 ~n o iqo ,.,_,., Telephone (714) M2--4321 Cl~ssltled Adver,tlslnta '42·5'71 ~•V•• .. ,-0011<1 511-6310 ,,.....s. .. c ........... 49S·06l0 ,.,..., Nofti.0.1""' c'"'"'" c-uiei 540-12:20 C.11yrloi.t, tt tJ Orin .. Co11t l'Ybll11>1,.. ~!IJ. NOM••flo< .. ,. lllU"•llkona, .-ll lOfl•I ..,•lltr or, •cl•••ll••'"'"" M ••'"' m t1 ot ••1,.oduC•d ••llMul optCl •I perm1~,1on ol C"f11rlti.1 awner. Seconcl ,,.,. Pfll•Gf .,.10 II COii• M•'·· ~1t~nl•,MKrlP1._,ll,t••l4'•U.00-1>1y; '"rMll 1-<!.llOlftOlllNW, mh1IHY -·~ ~.oo lllllflll'llJ. The POlish aircraft that look the. delegations out was the first commercial airliner to land at Saigon since the takeover .. d isqualifying medical or l psychiatric condition." In other Indochina developments: -A Hanoi broadcast today • charged that Thailand and th(\ United States had made a ''crooked a rrangement'' that allowed the United States to take away 100 or 130 mWtary planes flown to T!J,ailand by fleeing South Vietnamlse officers. The Thai government agreed to return the others to Saigon. -In Bangkok, Thai Delense Minister Pramarn Adlrekaam accused the Saigon regime of playing ''political lames'' aimed at disrupting good Thal-U.S. relations. "We can't let ourselves fall into their traps. They want us to break our good relations with America so that Thailand cannot find a loyal friend when we need help," he said. -Radio Phnom Pe nh said Cambodi·a ''was too bus y rebuilding a n ew a nd clean society 11 and didn't want outside inte rfere nce, but said that foreigners may be allowed to return in the future. - -In Washington, U.S. officials expressed concern that the pro-Communist Pathet Lao are trying to ta~e over the coaliUon govemmentofLaos. -In Seoul, the South Korean Foreign Ministry said it instructed its embassy in Vientiane to urgenUy evacuate 79 Korean nationals and to m ake plans to re move other staff members because of the deteriorating siiuation in Laos. * * * FroMPageAI REFUGEES ... We don't know when it will be Cinished," says Van, whO studied English and costume design at the University of Saigon and is awaiting word on a F\llbrigbt Scholarship. Her hu s band, Viet, bad rmished on,e year of a 24-month training course for the Viel· 1 namese Foreign Service and ha at least a fair chance of ajobwitb the British BTOjldcas.!iPB,. Com· pany. . , The young couple fled Saig~ with help from her .unlventty _ .. theater arts instructor, Duane ... ~ Hauch, who borrowed a U.S. Em· • bassy car and had Van pose as his wire or girlfriend to gel through s ecurity checkpoints They made two trips, with .Van's husband and a second Viet nam~se concealed in the trunk on one run to Tan Son Nhut Airport and twQ more men on a second run through the checkpoints. Birth certificates carried by the group had been erased, re- t y ped on th e same style type writer a nd photocopied twice over to cover the Corgery on the originals that reduced their ages by seve ral years. Ha uch e xplained that only close relatives and children un- der 17 were authorized to board a C-130 cargo transport plane for Cl ark AFB in the Phillipines, then Guam and on to the Orange Coast. ''If I had known lying was 1<>- ing to be so easy, I would have taken out 10 more," declared Prof. Hauch, who has since re· tui-ned to Santa B11fbara.. · "This is the kind of lying they wanted to see," he added. The ·problems Van and ·viet face today, including expectinc·a child soon, la ck of U.S. spGDSOrs or jobs and the day-to-day dJf. ficulty of personal comfort can all be expected to pass. "It is not easy to wash· the clothes and to take your shower when there is a crowd," says Van. "Cold is the wont problem. The cold and the boredom. We don't have anything to do," says Viet, who is anxious to beain a job here or in England, resume his studies, or otherwise not be idle. '·The babies cry at night it is so cold," adds Va n. I Weather CaHfol'lda I 81"" tlllK ihovld brlftG tlr'OWl'I '**" t. ~'-" C1Hlornl111s wl'lo t1ke to ll'lt ovtooor1 tr111 -·~·' W1rm clliiy'l'lfttMlmld-10S•,.,~ ..... ~ '°"'· . SUQlhtly w•r,,,.r ~Y'f 1r111• ...... 1f1 tf111 ~ lain l rM S, •Ith l'llotli of •t IO 1l. ~ tl"1> -.turn IN>u10 ••"'911 lrom '2to•lrt IN lllfl'I • ....,, ltld. lo " !" tnt tow deHf'h. A fln l·ltl'f' smo, •lert "'" etli.d Ll'rlfmy 111 IW)l"tfl9n10r9119f C.OVMY•"-110..-..... lt•IC• cft-.:1 JO P1<'11 IM!' n>l Ii lofl lw ,,..... lf'tll e11 Jfur• TM •lerl Wll$Ctlle11 Of1 Ill1•11 .,..,__ . . 1 3 DAYS ONLY . SUPBI SALB ON. LA COSTA Right now we're having a terrific sale on La Costa outdoor furniture, made by Thinline. a division of fam0us Brown Jordan. Al l-Aluminum 5-picce sci has 42" round table. 4 chairs wi1h rugged vin yl strapping. tr DIVISION } OFBROWN - JORDAN CLUB CHAIR s5400 OTTOMAN Uf.~ r:·s35 Lists ror &4oo-CHAISE LOUNGE NOW s30900 41~ ..ound e1'1d big fec10"9Ulor 1tll ov11ilobl11, IOCI. This S "'· Dining Group with cast aluminum filigree design feotures'a 32"•54" rectangular glass Uih at $357 top table with_. attractive, upholstered side chairs. Rectangular tempered glass. $18995 Also available In 42" round Table with ' US'r FOii $1'UO GALANTE SEATING GROUP Thi1 Np! 4 pit<• MOfit1g grovp i!lcludn o 6 c~lhicin 6 fool tofa, 2 Club a.;., ond o Codtoil Tobit. W10Vtjit kon f,_. finilhtd in toft ,...,... o,tloul lttclllq EM TtMa .. $3$.15 LIST PRICE $496.00 SALE $29895 PRICE chairs SALE PRICE · · ------------------------~ CASH c&CARey! PATIO TABLE AND CHAIR SET • Alt olumitMn in lush colon by 10•10111 makers . five Yf10f guarantee. !!:'.!.A~ ..... ONLY 51St"- 4f' ........ Jim ......... ot slighllp hlfhtl' pric& 3-l'C. SIT flt" ,... ...... ,..., ....... , .. ONLY Clauic hcn1wooJ ructcr. · Choice of colon. Cine ti.ct anll :;c:11. ''" '9900 BBQ BARGAINS Y<M llO Hoodquomrsl l.owftt prK:ei on 'AlllClA -CHARN.GLO Ma.SMOKER CHAQllOIL -WEllERI . ... . ' SUMMER GAS LOG SALE '29" '39" '49" PIUTTIMI OffDI :i-r.._ PATIOSWINI """"ii.I ., I ,_Net ..... Vlftrl ........ a.-..... --,_ .. Oiotr '109=: CAJ14-CAMY • FOLDING DIRECTOR'S CHAIR by Gold lllodol • HtrdWood Fr1me • Cotors lncludt Nah.lral ol!'ld Wtllte • lettff Kit Av1l1Nlt Fi:w only JI .~ ~ .... -. " . r.· I e· di ] ' J Al D ki in ar de b ko Ir la "I ·M: ye w M m Hl re ju sL in I ., K1 ra SC bu p, M I m F: ra so o• of ht le ec in m cc ac & N• cc le ·~ th nl II• le 8) 81 81 "fi.: 'h I ' ., :• ' • :1 !J I sl :~ •e ,,, • 11 l b I • •1 ·-·~ • •s •b I •• • • I I ort Area Eyed Bresnahan Seeks Land Use Changes '' By GARY GRANVILLE Ot \flt O•lly P'll.t SYitf County Airport Di.rector Robert Bresnahan will propose conver1ion or land use near the Orange County Airport. ~ Bresnahan's pledge or a pro- • posal "within the next six lo eight weeks" for. areas severely im- . pacted by jet noise was made in a 1 Jetler to county supervisors Fri-day. Hil message did not include a description of the property that will~ covered by his program. Jn his letter,· the airport direc· tor &aid the desired land use change can be made after the property is acquired either throueh noise easements or con- demnation. By acquiring either, the county could then change the land's allowable use lo co01ply with stale laws, Bresnahan said. As it is, Orange County Alrport is operating under a noise variance granted on a year-t.o- year basis by the state Depart· ment of Transportation. The variance calls for the Dana Mourning 'Rif:k' Gamble a 'Regular Boy' "He was a regular boy," said Al Kiesselbac h, counselor at Dana Hills High School, "the ~in~ <?f kid who would put a frog 1n his pocket, hop on his bicycle and take arr." This was how Kiesselbach described Frank Richard Garn· ble, Ill , known to his friends and family as ''Rick", The ·Mission Viejo youth die d Wednesday in Mission Com. muni\y Hospital as a result or in· GAM•L£ juries· sustained April 24 . He was struck by an automobile while rid- ing his bicycle in Mission Viejo. Rick was 16, an active._ pop ul ar s tudent at Dana Hills , Kiesselbach said. His interests ranged from playing in the school symphony orchestra to building a scout hut al Camp Pendleton with his father, a Marine Corps master sergeant. "Rick was very <.1(1.ive in the ROTC program," Kiesselbach said. "His dream was to attend rthe-Naval Academ"'"y..,.af'ler Co1fe"ge and to follow in his father's· footsteps as a careerofncer." "Another special interest," said Kiesselbach, "was tutoring younger children at Ric~ard Henry Dana Elementary· School who were having trouble with their reading and ntalb." Rick was born in Hawaii but had lived 14 years in Orange County. He is survived by his parents, Sgt. and Mrs. Frank Gamble, Jr., 26635 Via del Sol in Mission Viejo; by three sisters, Maura Lynn, Catherine and Lisa Anne; and by his grandmothers, Ethel ·Morfelakis of Detroit and Eleanor Witherow of Oceanside. Rosary will be recited Monday al 8 p.m. at St. Kilian's Catholic Church in Mi ssion Vi ejo. A funeral mass will be held Tues- day at 9 a.m ., also at St. Kilian's. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Orange County Council of Boy Scouts or America. Fairgrounds Issue Status Up in Air Of Last 5 Barns By ALAN DIRKIN "Of tM D•ll'I' ~l llM Si.ft Will the five wooden barns re- maining on the Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa, be razed or not? Some may be, some may not. The answer is that if horse owners or barn lessees move all of the horses out or a barn it will be razed. If not, the barn will.be left until a ne w perman~nt equestrian center is tM.Dlt. Meanwhile, safety precautions introduced since the fire Uast month that killed 14 horses will continue .and will be increased, according to Orange County Fair Board member Robert Krone of Newport Beach. Krone, head of the gfounds committee which met with barn lessees r ecently, said he will re- 1.'0mmend at the next meeting of the fair board Thursday that the night watchman hired aner the fire be kept on and that a telephone and a fire a larm syste m be installed in the bJrn area. •The water supply to the barn area has been improved since the fire and all electricity turned orr. t he said. ' · Krone said that everyone agrees the longterm solution to the problem is to tear down the barns and build new ones. But this will take time -at least six months befor& ground can be broken, Krone estimated -and money. The director said that the fair board is trying to secure th'e funds from the state. As for the short term, Krone said that the fair board is offer- ing to let horse owners use land for a portable stall, and adjust the rent, or to continue using the barns. Jf all of the horses are moved out of a barn then that building will be razed. Krone said that he believes some people want to move their horses out and off the fairgrounds, some want to move them out of the barns and put them in portable stalls, and others want to continue using the barns. James Person, counsel to the Fairgrounds Equestrian Safety Organization, a· group formed after the fire, said that most members of this group want the barns kept up because safety has been improved, because open stalls are not a desirable alternative, and because the pre- sent barns will serve as a re· minder on the need for new, per~anent facilities. :conditions Right • :For Diver Influx • I Warm temperatures and clear I ocean waters are bound to bring I scores of divers to Laguna Beach t this weekend . I And, according to Laguna •Beach lifeguard James Stauf- 1 fer, the crush of underwater en- 1 lbwdasts may bring serious pro- 'blems. I The biggest problem, Stauffer I said, is lhat only three lifeguards I -the 1keleton force during the I winter months -will be ort duty. • To off1et potential problems, I Stauffer 11ald that telephones are I being placed at Crescent Bay I ···~--=-.,,...=-==::---, I Deity PRot D.tl•...Y Is G11ora11teed I MondfY"Frid•y: H yO\l dO ~ have I yoor ~ by S•3Q p.tn.. call before I 7 pm. •nd )'QI.Ir copy will bo de- lfvefed. :=;·~""';•Y Ind Su od IY'. II YQll do not ycur COP)' by 9 • m. Sllvr- ..... or II 1.tn. Sund1y. ci.H before 10 tn.. Md your COPY will De dollver.O. Beach, Divers' Cove, St. Ann's Street Beach, Wood's Cove and , Victoria Beach. Each will be marked by ·a sign saying, "Emergency only." Anyone who sees a diver or swimmer in distress may use the phone to contact the three lifeguards, Stuaffer said. May is considered a danger month for divers because many are anxious to get into the water after being away during the winter months, StauffersaJd. Last spring, two divers drowned in Laguna Beach waters. Stauffer noted that a city or- dinance requires that all scuba diven must use a mask~ fins. snorkel, Ufevest and dive with at least one other person. Actor Dies · ' • LOS ANGELES !AP1-Actor Philip Dom, 73 , a handJome de-ep-vol~td l•adln1 man IK ·rums from 1'39 to 1953, died Friday at the Motton Pleture Country llouse·and Hospital. • county to show its good faith in reducing jet aircraft noise by embarking on a 15-point noise abatetnent program. Accompan.ying Bresnahan 's letter to the a,Upervisors was a copy of a letter written to the Department of Transportation by Joseph Surra, president o( the Bluffs Homeowner..s Astoclation. In his letter, Surra complained that the Board of Supervt.son: ._as taken an altitude of ''we are run- ning the show in Orange County and to heck with the state transportation authority." Bresnahan's Jetter to the board notes that Newport Beach homeowners associations are · ''putting more pressure on the state to require tbe Orange Coun· ty Airport to comply with the terms of the variance." "lt is imperative that we de- velop an alternative program that will be acceptable to the state for calendar year 1975," Bresnahan said. "We have done everything that we can do in the way we ny the airplanes to reduce the noise im· pact area," he 'added to justify the land use change proposal. Bres nahan also told the supervisors that an environmen- . tal impact report currently un- der study will include scrutiny of the ereferential runway pro- gram. Surra mentioned in his letter to the state that the preferential runway takeoff program proved to be a noise abatement pro- cedure during an experimental trial. However, he continued, the trial was abandoned "at the mere political whim of one of the supervisors." Rites Slated For Miss Cora Henderson, 82 Funeral services will be held Monday for Miss Cora Hen- derson, 82, who taught English for 35 years at lfuntington Beach High School. Mi ss Hende rson , of 14811 Jackson St., Midway City, died Thursday at Westminster Com- munitY Hospital after a month· long illness . A native of Clearfield, Iowa, Miss Henderson mOv ed to Cafifornia in 1923, the year she began teaching in· Huntington Beach. She rE;tired in 1958 as head of the Englis h department. She was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma sorority and the ?r1idway City Women's Club. She is survived by several nieces and nephews, including Dr. Ray Hende rson Jr., of South Laguna. Visitation will be from JO a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday at Westminster Memorial Park. Funeral services Will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Friends Community Church in Midway City, where Miss Hender'son was a m e mber . Pastor John P.1cNichols will officiate. Burial will be in the Henderson family plot in Lenox, Iowa. H. Wiedmann Services Set Funeral services will be held today at 1:30 p.m. for Laguna Hills reSident Herald Wiedmarin who died Thursday at Sad· dleback Community Hospital. He was 74. A naUve of Greenfield, Ohio. Mr. Wiedmann worked 4.1 years. in Michigan for the Ford Motor Company before retiring as supervisor. He moved to California 10 years ago and lived eight years in Leisure World, where he was active in the Michigan Club. He is survived by his wife, Delia, of the family home, 64H Calle Cadiz; by a son, Lambert. of Michigl'n ; by a brother, Roland, of Ohio; and by three grandchildren. Services will be held al the Sheffer Mortuary chapel in Laguna Beach. Private inter· ment will follow at Inglewood Park Cemetery. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Shrine Crip- pled Children's Fund. Meditation Lecture Set A lecture· lntroducin« Lei.sure World resident.I to traDscenden· tal mtdltation wlll be o(flftd Monday at 2 p~m. in the main Jounce of Clu~tiOUH I. • · A 1pok.eima••lqr (he New :rran&.e•P,d<!n~al Meditation• C.pter In Soutli Laguna said that 125 Leisure World ...,.;dents •I· tended laat rrionth'1 l~ure in the reUrementcommunity. o.u, ,. ... $Ultf ,._ 'Ci1ttMe f'lve' Nickey's a 2-year old collie- cross who loves to shake hands with children. The housebroken male pet is gen· tJe, according to officials at the Huntington Beach Humane Society, and needs a home. Vis it him al 21632 Newland Ave. or call 536-8480. Aged Clinic To Be Mulled Saddleback Valley residel)ls are invited lo contribute to a• Tuesday night discu.9Sion at Sad· dleback Community HQ.Spital on a"new community senior citizens clinic. The 7:30 p.m. meeting is part of a series offered by Saddleback College on health care for the ag· Ing. It will be held in the cafeteria of the hospital, 24451 Via Estrada in Laguna Hills.· Additional information 19 available by calling the public in · formation orfice at the hospital, &17-4500. FT505 GT798 :Z.5" Dlegolld Saturday. M•y 10. 1975 < DAIL V PILOT A,1 ,B11reaucracy Limits Asked By WILLIAM SCHREIBER OftlN D•llf l"ii.tt.c.ff The first steps toward curbing the continued growth of the coun- ty 's committee, commission and ciUzen bqard structure may be taken Tuesday. In a lengthy memo to the coun- ty Board of Supervisors, County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas proposed: -Adoption of four pages of procedures governing creation, operation, reimbursement and dissolution of bo.ards, commit· tees and commi!isions. -Reimbursement of all cur- rently unpaid panel members at a fiat rate of $20 per month to cover mileage and other ex - penses. -Denial of a request by the county Board of Education for county-funded health insurance for its members. -Order maintenance of a cur- rent list or committees, com· missions arid boards and their memberships and preparation of a handbook . Many of the recommendations Thomas made in his memo arc drawn from a . county Citizens Direction Finding Commission CCDFC) report critical of the burgeoning committee, board and commission bureaucracy. The CDFC identified more than 80 existing county panels, many of which have inadequate membership or virtually no func · ti on. Reimbursement of panel mem- bers took up much of Thomas' re· port. He concluded that those panels established under separate or· dinances or authorities -such as the planning commission, airport commission and others -should still be paid at the current rates. FT480W TOP-Of. THE-lJME GT729 ~575 GT&80R 25" Dlaga• REMOn COMTlOt. :wS625 But he said other panels with unpaid membership could be im- proved in quality if a nat ·reim- bursement or $20 per month were provided. Addressing the CDFC concern of proliferation of county panels, Thomas made provisions in his administrative policy proposals for disSolution. He said commissions, boards or committees that have outlived their u sefulness should im· mediately be dissolved. All others, he said, should either be listed as permanent panels or be. given aLfix ed dissolution date. The CDFC report listed 11 panels that should be abolished. Thomas agreed with all but three -Los Coyotes Regional Park Study Committee, UCI -county Medical Center task force and the Water Quality Monitoring Study Team. Firemen Show How It's Done Four West Orange County fire departments will combine forces today to battle their own small towering inferno at the Net 6 training center in Huntington Beach. The public demonstration will be held from 2 p.m . to 4 p.m. al the training center on Gothard Street, south of Talbert Avenue. Huntington Beach fire stations, in honor of Fire Service Recogni· lion Day, will be open to the public from 10 a .m. to 4 p.m .• today, and firemen will be available to answer questions on safety. Fountain Valley fire sta- tions will be open to the public from 1 p.qi. to 4 p.m. ' I 15~ ! XL·100 , ~~~~--·~' ~~l'.i " ET353 5559 GT708 5539 ~,. ............. ~--··---..._ ... ,_ ............ , ,_,,_........,.,,-~ ... .___,.,..........., ..... ~ ........ -...... ......._.._,__ c-.-."""' ,,_... --w. w ........ 0. ...,... __ (hi .... e:----~ I • S1turday, M!Y10, 1875 He Le11r11s-Ht1rd W11y Dismayed owner-driver Phillip Fields of Villa Park found out what happens toplastic- lx>died sports car when it catches fire. It melts. California Highway Patrol officers ,said it was destroyed Thursday when it spun on Newport Freeway near MacArthur 'Boulevard, hit fence and burst into flames . Costa Mesa firemen doused last of names. Fields escaped injury. Laguna Niguel Revise Plan Airing Slmed UC Irvine to Hold Watergate Series Revisions in plans for Laguna Niguel showing a reduction of 2,300 units in five major planning areas will be presented lo the Orange County Planning Com- mission Monday. The commission will meet at 1:30 p.m . in the hearing room of the Engineering Bui lding, 400 Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana . Avco Community Developers, Inc ., developer of Laguna Niguel, w:as reques ted to downzone some of its major plans a year and a halt ago by the county, aecording to Avco pl"J,n· ner Van Stevens. ' Monday's hearing, is the r~t of that effort. Involved are five of the 11 Avco planning areas and 1,700 acres. The areas stretch from the most northerly Avco planning area west of , Crown Valley Parkway near the San Diego Freeway to a mid-point between tbefreeway and ~b,ocean. Parcels on both sides of Crown Valley Parkway are involved. Chnrch Chief Escapes Suit PASADENA <UPI) -A $1 million slander suit was droppedr- Friday against the rounder of the Worldwide Church or God, }lerbert W. Armstrong, 82. who allegedly discussed the sex life of a parishoner in a sermon to 1,300 worshippers in'April, 1974. Attorney Harry Fr-y said he was dropping the Superior Court suit because his client, Buck Taylor, died or a heart attack May 2. The slander suit died with the plaintiff, he said. D11ck So11p Watergate and its place in his- tory will be examined by his· torians and political scie ntists in a lecture series al UC IrVine beginning Monday. The series , free and open to the public, includes discussion of the cycles of war and peace, the con· servative view , the psychohistory of Richard Ntxon, liberalism and Marxism and the misuse of executive allthority. KEITH N EI.SON, UCI as· sociate history professor.will begin the "Historians Look at Watergate" Series Monday al 7 p.m . in the Brandywine Com- mons o f the Middle Earth ·Estancia Band Tops al Mel!t A recent three-day trip to Northern California by the con - cert band al Estancia High School i n Co3la Mesa was highlighted lty a ""command · performance" al the Celifornia Music Educator1~Band and Orchestra Festival. Festival Judges gave the 40- member band a "command- performance'' rating, Which means a unanimous superior rat- ing, according to band director Peter Fornier. " The festival tOok place in Campbell, and bands and or- c he s l r as from No rthern California hig h schools participated. The Costa Mesa group also performed in Livermore and visited San Fran· cisco before returning home. Days are getting warmer on Orange Coast, but it appears to be fowl weather in Laguna Canyon. I>Ucks belonging to Laguna Beach SPCA shelter obviously think so. Besides having their own creek running through grounds, they have nm ot place. Other Jess.fortunate creatures are locked in pemaodcages. · -• ( I, Residence Complex with his 'talk, "Watergate and the Cycle of War and Peare.·• Clarem ont Men's c.ol.Ieee his- tory professor· Harry Jaffa will speak in the Brandywine Com- mons al 7 p.m . Wednesday on "A Conservative Looks at Watergate." lJCI HISTORY professor John Diggins will speak on ''Four Theories in Search of Reality : James Burnham, Soviet Com- munism and the Cold War" and UC Berkeley political science professor Michael Rogin on ''Shrinking Nixon : Psy.chohistory of a Praident'' MaY 17 from 10 a .m. t.o noon in room lOOofHumanitiesHall. UCI assistant histo[-y professor Jon Weiner will t ·a:lk On ''Watergate in Theory : ·Liberalism and Marxism" and· Stanford University history pro· lessor Kart.on Bern.stein on "Ex- ecutive Autllority: GroWth and Misuse of Power" May 17 from 1:30 to 3:30 in room 100 of .Humanities Hall. -. . . 'Super ~ude' Look Created By Gernreic~ NEW YORK CAP) -Rudi Gemreich, whe bared breasts with the topless bathing suit and • then buttocks witb the thong, has now molded those delicate areas of the body with a body suit he calls "s uper nude." "The)r're really second kins," he said Friday during a brier showing o( his new lingerie for ·Lily of France, Inc. "It has · a molded derriere. Even if there's a slight bulge, it will keep you in.'' THE SUITS, sleeveless as well as turtlenecks, in sheer lycra and. opaque and Crepestet at best re- semble leotards or bodystock· ings, only there are two litUe round circles on the bdttocks and two litUe moldings On top for the "breasts. The entire garment is see-through and worn wi\hout brassiereorpanty. "We worked on it for about a year to fel it to the stage where it oow it' Gernreieh said, predict· ing that bodysuits are the clothes of the future. "WE'VE KE ALLY gone out ot the no1taJcic stage, and what's bappei>lo' now is leading to lbe in-between stage of inner wear into outer wear,'' be·Hid The show opened with three mode1a wearing tholfg-style bru and panties in black. and Q.esb color. A male model wore the version for snen. ''1boo.g'' really applies to the bottom, which comes to a narrow "V" over the pubic area and cuts deep Into lbe outtockl to &lve the lmpraaion ot total bareness. . Wbeo the balhinc suit • .,.ion fint appeattd last ye1r, mOlt wearen ~reed the garment was aomewhat uncomfortable •. BVT TB& ''SVPD nude'" is soft ud euy to wear. Gemreicb llMweo! the lull by -llDd ..... der bodytb1·rt'I, Sblrtwaist dNaMOandwraplldrls. One Onb-eolored U-C Wal wore under • two·p lece meclw\lc. 1ult. Only llMt -.e bact, from nect to heel••- lllroqh. Th•·-.......... shown with pants and there wu t no venioa for men. The &armeat com .. in bri&bl redo, ..-. alWly blact, IGft lilac, ud Iba --· Buil~ers, U.S .. at ~dds 1• Gloomy Reports Given at lrvi~ Me~tirig By DOVGLAS FRITZSCHE ot .. o.ur~i.ot"9tt Government controls, chang .. ing eonsumer ~mands and a tricky money market mean the "old guard'' developers of "basic shelter" trart homes can't make it in today's building business, according to Ir-vine Company President Ray Vi atsoo. But expressing optimism after a uniformly gloomy economic re· ..pod. al a _quartedy luncheon or the Residential Research Com- mittee of Southern CaliComia, be said, "11ie world isn't coming to an fnd if the eoastal commission is around for a few more years pr ii we have to write (environmen- tal impact reports) ·for the rest of our careers. '1AT LEAST IT gives someone a job, even if we do have lo waste a lot of energy on it," he told the fU"Sl meeting of the residential development stati~tical research organization held in Orange County. Nonetheless, Watson's talk was laced with d enuneialion of the increasing government role in the development industry. On environmental impact re- ports, he said, ··with I.he amount of reports we have done and the amount we have spent on them. we could have made the city of Irvine 100 percent more beautiful than it is if we had spent the money on the environment.'' HE FURTHER DEFINED the reports as ··an excuse to have long meetings and stop growth with delay.''. Traditional rights of property owners, he said, are being eroded through legislation and court de-. cisions that have "more and more to do with the public good, however ill defined that may be. ' ' Walson told the group, ''The concept of property rights is changing. We can lament about it and call it un-American, but it is changing.'· FUELED BY NO·GROWTH advocates -··or controlled growth as some euphemistically call it" -he said government is Clip this ontireAd FOR SUMMER SAVINGS learning it can control where, when and how land is ~oveloped. C!Ung one case in Which a city 1 lost in it.II attempt.I to stop growth, he said, "Petaluma loll, but it may be a short·term victory for •the houain& industry. ''Government influence ts close to the point where the free market -a fanla1tically effi· cient system -is 'iving way to a commandsyslem, 'heaaid. SIMVl;T ANEOVSLY, con· alllner• are cbanll\>I. be llfld. Buyers of new ;1loSIM bave timaller famllles and manf will never have children, h"e ~aaid. Consequent!~, ibey want a mall er .homes. And th•Y arc more d~'!Jandlns. looking beyond th.e r"'lulmnet>la . o( shelter to esthetJCI and the · kind of community tn which the • home is loealed, he added. Homes Up 21% Orange County home prices have risen 21 .percent the past year, according to the residential Research Committee of Southern California, a statistics-gathering group for t~e real estate, banking and development industries.. The group's quarterly report on residential valu. wu released al a luncheon in Irvine Thursday. The statistics, based on selected sam_ple. hoi:na throughout the county, indicate a 127 percent nse 1n pnce1 since 1960 and a 36 percent rise in two years. Waterbed Complex Busted by Police SAN FR,\.NCISCO CAP) -Un· dercover police raided an ornate, 15-waterbed establishment ''de· dicated to the preservation of fine institutions" and arrested the "executive planning direc· tor'' and six other women. The institution the place was imeant to preserve, Capt. Gerald Shaughnessy said after the raid Thursday night, was a fixture of the ripsnorting Barbary Coast. Only the prices were changed, he said. ARRESTED WERE Kilty Desmond, 29, on counts of pimp· 'ing, pandering and keeping a ·house of ill fame, six girls who were booked on counts of being inmates of a house ~ ill fame, and one man, described al a han- dyman, charged with being a keeper of the.house. ShaughneUy, known on the street as the nemesls cl ladJ.N of the night, alleged that the prices were$50loS300. · HE SAID the place was equipped with electronic beepers to call the women to actioa. S h aug hn essy said M s. Desmond admitted two un- dercover men lo the plate. He said they made deals for $60 each, then called in the reserves waiting outside. The house was known as "Kit· ty'splace." Conte Shop Where Y ~u·re Made to Feel Welcome at ••• HARBOR " LITES • 1r1 ts••••• CANE LAMP~. 2 FOR s29~~ o.,. .......... call[ ... HA lfOMAll. Y ADYaTISID DAILY c.ln. TODAY SHOW Natlonafly Advertised Daily On The rDor LIMI ··LAMP SHADES All Styles Silks & Hardbacks 182'lVz NEWPORT Bl.VD., CDSTA MESA 645-7301 ,,, ................. .... "'"" Of ,._ .. '"' llAI ii. 1 I I I • • I • I • I I I I I I ' II - •• 11• be tlo ... tio ... t.r• ti• all •& ,., clc WI. pi< Th ty .... . .. ... to sh ne I 00 pe Y< pe sti jJll lri ca In• an tu so cu 101 m• (j c, •P ad M\ dit $2 B! ci1 tic th h• n< P\ hi ei' th ' « o( • I I I I I I I ~es: Social Life Pleasant SUNDAY, MAY ll By SYDNEY OMARR UJBI CMarch2l·April19): Lunarenph8siaison eereerf)lqurlQMl. your ablUtylorelatetooneln po&I· Uonof •\alhority. Social act.lvlty now ts pleasant and 'benellelal. TAURUS April 20-May 20): New Moon posi· -tion ~cides with journey of1he mlnd;-Means-you - come uirwtth-1nswers·to-prevtousty p:uzz·ung ques- Uou. A.mathematical equation could change old coacepll. GJl!lllNI (M'ay 21:Junc 20): You're on right track. Keep a1klng questions! Your private detec- Uve work ii due to pay dividends. Money situation affectlh1·partner or mate comes-to head:--_ C~CER .(June 21-JuJy 22): Accent is on new agreement, a more IOlld domestic or marital ar· r ancement: One who seemed miles apart comes close. II~• your own gesture or conciliation. / • 2 4 Saturday. May 10, 1975 0AILVP1LOf A5 Sherman Sets Plant-0-Rama Sherm un Foundation Center wtll hold its third annual Spring Plant-0 · Rama Plant Sate May 17, -; from9a.m .to5 p.m . The center is located in Corona del Mar on the. Pacific Coast Hi ghway one bloc k so uth of MacArthur Blvd. The main entrance is from the parking lot at the re· ar or the property. Wade Robe rts, garden director , reports that a large selection or j'.)lants "·ill be avail able for sale ranging from house plants, tropicals. hang. ing bas kets, cacti and succulent s. li e added that several hundred it e m s h ave been especially 1:ro\1rn (or this e\'Cnt at the Sherman Foundation Nursery in Dana Point. Added attractions at this fund-rais ing fun c-• tion will be a variety or ·· b ooths a nd stations featurin~ crafts, pottery, d e m ons tr a tion s and r efr es hments. Volun- teers and garden person· nel v.·ill be available to orreradvice. Sherm a n Foundation Center is operated by the Sherman Foundation, a non-profit, philantt,ropic a nd educa tio nal or - ganization. The Center consists of a botanical garden open to the publi c seven days a "'eek and a hi s t o ri ca l r esearch library devoted to the stud y or the Pacific Southwest. i.Bc!:<July23·Aug. 22 ): Whatuemedasetback ~It bo0tner8~g In your favor. Employment, health p1cture1 could brighten. Prestige is on upswing. Those who took you (or granted take a second look. VIRGO ~~ug . 23-Sept. 22): Love, change, varie· ty and creat1v1ty Oow together. You feel more alive -vlt1Uty makes strong comeback. You get re- ward, respons'i.bJlity. START VEGETABLE SEEDS INDOORS -To dev~lop transplants (1 ) Sow seeds in a tray filled ~th d a mpe~ed soilless_pl antin~ mix. Set seed t.t.-inch deep in rows 2 inches apart. (2) Water lighUy a nd rnsert tray rn plasl!c bag. Alter germination water to keep soil damp (3) Afte r first leaves a~pear, t.J:ansplant seedlings with leaves t/z-in,ch above soil into small ~ts of peal. (4) Store po~s in plastic covers. Set tray outdoors for.12 hours each day for two week s then set transplants 1n the garden. ' r THE EARL'S ..... -.......... , .. """ COfolD. S~•ic•ThN Start• At Y-Do« LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22 ): Accent on property, security, coming lo terms with one whose ideas seem old-fashioned. You bring import<int dealings to a clim ax. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Emphasis i: on short joui:neys, messages, dealings with ciose neighbors and relatives. New conceots are favort.d . SAGl1:"ARIVS CNov. 22-Dec. 21): Money g:Jt could be g iven or received. Accent is on cash flow personal . pos.s~ssi~ns, payments and collections'. Your feelings, 1ntu1tive intcllect play major roles. CAPRICORN <Dec . 22-Jan. 19): Lunar cycle is high -get goin g on your own. Be versatile, nexible and co~fident. Highlight independence, originality and invent~veness. . · ACQUARIUS fJo.n. 20-Feb. I8J: Much that hap-' JM!D& is apt to be qwet, clandestine. Hospital, in · ~l1tu~lon could be involved. Key now is to separate 1llus1on from actuality. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): Accent is on friends. desi res. rewards rrom professional or career a.ctivitics. Specirically. this day makes you more aware or emotional needs, what you can give and receive. tr Today Is Your Birthday you are a teacher, in- tuitive, sensitive <ind moody. You s tarted something last year and arc •·growing ac · customed" to your situation. You arc determined, rond or luxury items. stubborn about food and money and attractive to opposite sex. · de1ne11te Jssaie Mulch Roses Now For Dry Sumnier Roses are universal using liquid fertilizer or and timeless favorites. a dry form -as they 'This is due to glorious vary with differe nt dis.Plays or bloom in spr· formulations. ing and f a ll -with When it comes to in· flushes of co lor in. sect control, and com - be tween ; variety and batt.ing mildew, rust and richness in color, form plant diseases that may and fragran ce; and attack the rose garden, adaptability to ex -there are diverge nt tremes. A little main· viewpoints on how to pro· tenance in May enables ceed. There is agree· the gardener t o relax ment, though, that quick and look (orward to a action is r equired to as. lazy summe r in sofar as sure the gardener's en· the-rose garden is con· joying the beauty he ex· cerned. peels. Wh ether it is hos- Even though an ex· ing-ofr foliage with water tremely Yo'et winter and or employing plant pro- early spring season is tection chemicals, pro- fr e sh 1n e v e r yone 's .mpt action i s the memory, this is time to by"'·ord. This holds true apply. a m~l~h ~n r ose with 4isease controls. beds tn ant1c1pat1on or a and whether a fungicide long, dry California sum· is ))referred or one re· m er . Mul c hin g con · sorts to organic serves m ois ture a nd material s, immediate he lps control weeds. actioh s hould be ta ken. -N u ,r s e r i c s h a v e Weekend •The nearest flower s how i s at your n eighborhood n ursery. Right now a m uJtitude of shrubs and vines are in bloom. All are easily transplant ed into the garden. •Look for ye llow, white. blue a nd pi nk Margue rites to add great splashes of color to your i._; patio, deck or pe rennial ~ border. •Dy,•a rl Marigolds pro· vide a summer show of color in border plantings -and are ideal for edg· ing purposes. Labor ·Camp Fees Delayed 'speci a 11 y· fo rm u I ated , 'mixtures ·o r organic Garde n Doctor • ·m ateria ls designed ror •Plant Asters. Zinnias, dwarf Dahlia s, Ma rigol sd , Petunias, Periwinkle and other bedding plants from nurse ry (lats. The blooming results will be a summer'S delight. The apparent Jack or clarily in a ne"' San Juan Capist reno ordinance covering farm labor eamp in· spection rces has resulted in a two-week delay of adoption of the law by the city council. Councilmen ordered City Manager Ja mes S. )1ocalis this week to find out if ·the proposed or· dinance "-'OUld assess inspection fees otree a year at $25, or four times a year at a total eost of $100. • T HE ISSUE WAS RAISED BY Councilman Roy Byrnes who said he had been told by one or the city'& two farm labor camp operators that inspec- tions were conducted quarterly. ·However, the ordinance gives the impression that in!peclions are carried out only once a year by health department officials. Labor camp operators now aren't !Ure how much they will be expected to pay. MOCALIS, WHO REITER/\ TED THAT the city had neve~ eUcountcred any health problems with either camp, s aid he would clarify the situation by the next council mel•lin g. The permit recs are being assessed to cover costs incurred by the county lleallh Department in conducting the in spections. I I ' MOTHElt'SDAYM.t.Y 11 SEE A COOKING DEMONSTRATION WITH THE LITTOM MICROWAVE OVEN' SAT .• MAY 10 froMIZ- to4p .... °"IOTH STOHS COSTA MESA ... RTOIO mulching purposes. The Speaks Today mulch should be evenly apP,lied to a depth or two to three inches around t he plants . B e rore spreading, all weeds should be r emoved, and the soil raked li g,htly. ROSES R E Q UIR E ge ne rou s amo unts of water; a regu lar irriga· tion program "'ill help insure ample rolor and good bl oom s. Slo...,·- moving wa ter seeps into the soil -and s hould be allo"'·ed t~ penetrate de· eply. Bas ins a round the base or the plants will aid from a standpoint-of con· serving 'A·ater and cffor1. Many hobbyis ts have d evelope d the ir o wn t heo ri es on reedin g roses, but. basicall y. fre· quenl, s ma ll feed ings rather than larger ap· plications or rose food less often ore r ecom· mended. Always follow the in structions on the label -whethe r you arc The Garden Doctor colum nist for t he Los Angeles Sunday Times Home Magazine, Paul Engler. will speak for the Green Thum be rs at Park Newport Apart· ments. Newport Beach, today at 2 p .m . at the Corree Garden patin in the Spa. · Eng ler will discuss apa rtme nt gardening a nd a nswer ques tions following hi s talk. Tree Plw1ting Costa 1-o1esa Women's Club gardeners con· tinued their reforestation project with a tree plant· in g at Estancia Park 1'hursday. ' Begun in 1961 . the garden section of the club has honored 9 past presi· dents with trees planted al Estancia and Costa Mesa city parks. ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL Corner ot 18th St. & Pacific Coa'st Hwy. Huntington Beach . EVERY SATURDAY ANO SUNOAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. 536-2579 Give her . a 17 Jewel ' Watch. of Eleganee Fashion ed'in a Yellow Go!p Finis&. '.:..' I.air ,$~.95 • " lft • ~ HATFIELD Jewelers \,\G HT£1t S IDE AMU SES In the DAILY PILOT QUILTING BEE & 20 CRAFTS JIWIL COURT -SAT. M.t. Y I 0 Soufh Coast ?tua • Call 642-5678. Put a lew words lo work tor vou. MOTHER'S DAY AT THE Crossroads I I I I I I 495-0401 J Don YOUI SIU •, ·,I SlOllAT 21922 Ca1J1h10 Copl1h'..o ...-L-,,• ., " • .,, •.• , DINNER WILL BE SERVED FROM 4· 9 P .M. I with RELISH TRAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH FAIR I '""" '"'" w ..... SERVED FROM 10-3 P.M. I STUFFED GAME HEN ..................... '5.95 I <--""''~ t H.m t l.:on t ~ t Chic~"' t Oiipprd lftf t C0tned 8'ff HM t Xrirntkd fgg> t Coll. Frit'i t frtnd. To.sl t Muffins t To.-.! t F ruih t Juict1 t Mtiorn t ~i.cJ, t O•Mi>l"'1 IOk SJ ~ 5 0 &CROSS ¥ROADS 18050 BROOKHURST I TOP SIRLOIN ................................. >j;,95 ~ ........... bolofd pol.t~, ......... '-""""- RACK OF BABY LAMB ................... '6. 95 -1r1~. twloN' f'Jl.Jtn, "I LOBSTER THERM IDOR .................. '7.50 C-n lir1,.,••• poloii ' SPKIAl Of 'M DAT ROAST PRIME RIB '7.2 AuJus. Yorkshire Puddir.,,;i, Green Stans. Baked Potato (crt TALlllT • 1 I lk. Se. of S.D. fwtY .) in FOUNTAIN VALLEY •ESRVATIONS 963-6711 Dining & En'lt'rfafn!Wnt Niltfy STRAWBERRY Sl,lBRTCAkE lNCtUD£D MTH Ail't>INNfkS CHILDREN Undtr 12/ $1 .00 less 'NURSERY- FLORIST 2640 H a rbo r Blvd., Co st a Mesa .to Mofher ~ifh love Thoughtful Rower-and -Plant Gifts For Mom GaHHnAHTS W.c:t tr-• l""Jf Coledl°" of ftM 9""""? PHILODl!HDROMS SCHEFFLER.AS HAHS, PALMS !'t1any more. H""9in<l Grffft l'I ..... ------------.DttY ARIAHGEMlHTS • TIUAllUMS Send the FTD PU.HT STANDS• DICORATIYEPOTS • MACRAM . SWEEP SURPRISE D .. -..wed,....,,. .., ...... tfM t'TD woy ~5Gal. Wtlo-lllod FRUIT TREES 10.95 EACH 3 FOR 29.95 Hours: Mon.· Sat. ,_, s ... , .• I Wonderful Gift for a !'t1om who loves indoor gardening. GREEHHOUSE 60" t ... lf"' wlcM 20"d.ep.lwcW.• ,_'t'. ..... frOJI. WWt. ....... fr_ ""'"' ............. u,. CASA BELLA ......... w ....... DICHOHDR.t. SOD S sq. FT. 1.29 HYIRID BERMUDA ~ 5 S~. FT. 1.10 . S OLONS HYIRID llRMUDA $6.91 hshli 546-5525 I 1 ! I I A& Comment Page I Indochina Debacle: How It All Began From Wire Servlees No~ the v~..call Saigon Ho Chi Minh City. a rechnstening that surely symbolizes the begin· ning or a new chapter in. the his- tory of Southeast Asia and of. Ame rican influence on Asian events. An era ended in 194S, and now another is ending. When the dust from decades or war settles, North Vietnam will be in a pos ition to ~tart construct· ing an Indochina empire. North Vietnam probably ranks no~ among the 10 top m~· itary nations. That becomes a solemn ct of Southeast Asian life. The outcome, painful to Am e rica's friends , may have . generated joy among her an· l agonists. but there is unlikely to be e lation in most of the Southeast Asian nations, which are home for 260 million. • IT MAY B E years before capitals have the perspective lo permit intelligent projection. But the s~adow is there even now, hovering over Laos and Cam- bodia. Next-door Thailand, already skittish about a Chinesc- backed guerrilla movement, will have divested he rseU of the once- protect ive American military presence. Six American presidents - i Harry S Truman, Dwight D. 'Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. -Nixon and Gera ld R. Ford - were involved in Indochina. President Franklin D . Roosevelt approved a few arms -deliveries to J.lo Chi Minh , the Vietnam Communis t lead e r whose guerrillas a lso were fight - 'ing the Japanese. But Roosevelt dec ided in 1944 to stay ou~ of the region a nd let British Adm. Louis · ~1ountbatten take command. In 1t1ay 1950 the United States pledged $75 million in anti- 1Communist arms aid to French Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, with as much as $400 million to follow . In August the firs t &hipload of motorized vehicles and a small band of U.S. advisers arrived in Sa igon. . North Vietnam probably ranks now among the 10 top military nations ... ' In those early days of American' involvement, few paiQ much at· tenlion lo the politics of Vietnam. The struggle. th ey argued, was military a nd the promise of freedom, peace a nd a better life could not be fulfilled unti the armed conflict was over. By 1954 the tlpited Stales, anx- ious to prev~~. Southeast Asia from becoming-Communist, was providing almost $3 billion to th e French effort -or about 80 per- cent of total Frenc.h cpsts. But even with the Americans paying the bills , Indochina was too much of a burden for France. When President John F. Ken- nedy took office, there were 685 American military personnel in South Vietnam. When we left, there were 1'6,000 in volved in what he called a "very important struggle.'' In 1961, s tung by the Bay of Pigs fias co and bullied at the Khrushchev summit meeting in Vienna, Kennedy embraced the domino th eor y and accepted Gen. Max:well D. Taylor 's recom· mendation to put several thousand U.S. military advisers alongside Diem's troops in South Vietnam. · From there, U.S. involvement escalated into direct military in - tervention involving nearly 550,000 Am erican troops at the peak or Lyndon Johnson 's efforts to support ...,·hal he called "the pledges of my predecessors in the presidency." WHEN WORLD War II began, a ll Southeast Asia with the si ngl e ex:ception of Thailand was under colonial domination: It knew the humiliation and shared in what benefits might have accrued from foreign rule. It was French Indochina then: British Bjrma and Malaya ; Dutch Indonesia. The Philippines, under U.S. pro- tection since 1898, were anticipat· ing full independen5e. The United St.ates stood for self-d~termination for all, once the J tlpanese invaders were re- pelled. The expectations generat- ed by the promise gained such mighty momentum that, with the war ended, the hopes would not be denied. Nationalist leaders arose ever- ywhere, and in most cases Com- munists latched on to the cause for what they could gain. But while the British ·set in motion an orderly process toward dismantl- ing colonial administrations and invested heavily in quelling an indigenous Communist guerrilla ins urg ency on the Malay pe nins ula, France and the Netherlands were reluctant. Much blood was spilled in the Indonesian archipelago before the Dutch quit and 100 million In· dones ians won their indepen- dence. The French held out. NO SOONER was World War JI over than Charles de Gaulle bad forces on the-way to Vietnam to re-establi sh French authority. By allied agreement, Chiang Kai- shek,s troops had occupied North Vietnam and the British the South , up to the 16th parallel -de- cisions th al sowed seeds of future conflict . The Britis h protect ed-the. French in their re-entry into the South, to the dismay of Viel· namese nationalists. Jn the North, Chiang's forces "''ere in no hurry to budge, and while the French rretted, Ho Chi Minb's Viet Minh were building s trength. Wh en France wouldn't ai;:ree to the sort of association tlo demanded between Paris and his .. Democratic Republic," the Viet Minh went to war. ' Seven years later from a besieged and isolated fortress al Dienbienphu came the French cry ·or r esignation, "C'est fini." the same phra se that the Americans would use 21 years later: ''ll's over.'' Conspicuously oul of character as a supporter of colonial power, the United States sent military advisers "-nd arms aid to the French in Vietnam. Weakened by World War II and the political tumult generated by the cost of Vietnam in blood and wealth, Paris gave up. France was unequal to the new sort of guerrilla war it raced, and the will to continue vanished. At Genev.a, Vietnam was biseeted. Laos was on her ow n. Cambodia already had been freed. Some watchers said then that wispy-bearded Ho was more na- tion a Ii st than Communist, despite hi s history as a Comin- tern agent and founder of the In- dochina Communist party. Some suspected Ho was disillusioned by 1t1oscow and might have built a Titoist-type regime if left to his own devices. Most of Uncle Ho 's own people -he called the m "nephews and nieces'' -seemed to see him as a protective, avuncular leader and nationalist patriot, and probably would have voted fo' him had lhe South adhered to the Geneva agreement and elections been held in 1956. VIET MINll remnants re- mained in the South, s poradically active and dubbed .. Viet Cong ," or Vietnamese Communist, by the regime of President Ngo Dinh Diem, which. although often authoritative and repressive, pro- spered with American help. Diem 's American advisers r e- garded him as an economic mira- ~leworker. By Japuary 1961. with the "Na- tional Liberation Front's" birth announced in Hanoi, the Com- munist-led underground in the South was ready to intensify its struggle. This and rising popular resistance to the S~i gon regime brought an upheavel in Nov· ember 1963 that cost Diem his life and set in motion a political con- fusion that almost made the Viet Cong the vic~ors bl:' default. lt was then the fateful American decision was made to change the U.S. military status from advisory to active combat. It would cost the United States more than 55,000 dead , $150- billion or so in wealth, and cor· rosive political division at home. THE HANOI Politburo. except for Ho, who died in 1969, is made up of the sa me men who fashioned France's defeat. Their average age is 65 . As Communis t-led forces v.•ere administering a final bitter dose of humiliation to the Americans , that same aged Politburo likely viewed it all as only the begin- ning of a· new phase for Viet- namese -and perhaps Asian - Communism . While the Saigon regime reeled into total defeat, the specter or Uncle Ho hung over the scent!. The Viet Cong were preparing for the new order, but Hanoi was calling the shots. Just before he died at 79, he wrote a testament. "No matter what difficulties and hardships may lie ahead, our people are s ure to win total vic- tory,'' it said. ''The United States imperialists will have to pull out." That came true. Probably a fairly long period lies ahead while new political and economic systems are in- stalled in the three Indochina states. Yet Southeast Asians may feel . they can already see outlines of a Communist empire on the strategic Indochina peninsula. ALTHOUGH the United States Tetains enormous influence in the world as a superpower, the American. experience in Southeas~ Asia has been so pain- ful as to 'kuggest ex:treme reluc- tance ever to be similarly in- volved there again. That cun weigh heavily in deliberations or Southeast Asian leaders on ad-' justments that may be required by a new reality. Many observers have ex- pressed the opinion that the Viet- nam conflict· itself stemmed from the tailure of Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to honor their com- mitment to hold elections before 1956, under the terms of the 1954 Geneva agreement on lndochina, which the United States never signed. So last month in South Viet- nam, Saigon government troops a bandoned Jund so quickly the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers had trouble occupying . al l of it. Finally only Saigon and parts or the Mekong Delta to the south of the capital were left. On April 29 the United States ~truck the colors in South Viet- nam and extinkuished the li ght at the end of the ~unnel. On April 30, South Vietnam surrendered to the CommunisUI. USSR Visitors Beware " He'd Punch Bill Walton .In the Knee I By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Golly. it's just one success after another for 29-yr-old John Alioto. First his Father the Mayor buys him his very own shipping line, and now young John is the new chairman of the Pacific Shippers Assn., elected last week in OahU, and where will it end? ... Now that you men- tion it. maybe in court: Dist. Atty. John Jay Ferdon is ask- ing City Atty . Tom Whatzisname to kindly "ex· pedlte" the setting or a trial date on .Ferdon 's recent ac· cusation~. The D.A. seems to think that the Mayor buying a shipping line that is the prin· cipal client of a port whose director and commissioners he appoint& adds up to a con- flict of Interest, which is ridiculous on Ute face of it. ADD INSIDEMS: John Calwell, Burlingame's chJer building io1pector, IJ landing with both feel on one Jaok Hayes for allegedly building an addition to the Hayes' B· Uncame house without (l) a permit, or (2) a foundaUon, the punc.hline (3) being thal Jack Hayu .Is a SAl)I FRAN· CISCO bulldlnc lnsptclcrl \ FILE & FORGET: Dr. Joseph Whitehouse thinks we taxpayers could save money all around if Ex-Pres. Thieu and Ex-Pres. 'Lon Nol moved in with Ex-Pres. Nixon at San Clemente, but suppose they needed a fourth for bridge? (Hey! How about Gen Oswaldo Arellano, who hJ been overthrown as Pres. of Honduras? One chorus ol "Yea We Have No Bananas!" for Oswaldo) ... Chuck Han- cock; settling in at the Te"'!plebar recently : ''There's some kinda patriotic parade going on In Union Square -anybody know what it is ?" Morty Mill'er : '"No. bul I 'll ask Bill Wallon when he comes In." Mel Corvin: ''lt'sa&oodthing W..llon'a head is still on his ahoulders -it's the only ve·getable he h1sn 't eaten yet." Tom Cavin: "Y'know,if he came in r ight now, I'd punth him in the kneecap" ... What did they put in th1t l11t 1martinl? .. I By GORDON F. JOSEWFF MOSCOW -1'he 20 young American tour guides heard the warnings about possible Soviet attempts to trick them with skep· ticism. "Thal stuff is strictly out or novels,'' one of the Russian- speaking Americans remarked three months ago when the sub- ject came up at a U.S. Embassy reception soon after their ar- rival. "This is the era of detente. Why would they do something like that? It really would be stupid.'' Stupid or not, the guides have now learned first hand that de- tente has not slopped the Soviets from atte1npting to compromi:;e visiting Westerners. The U.S. Embassy said such an attempt recently was made against one of the guides who are on a six-month tour of the Soviet Union with a U.S. home technology exhibit. AN EMBASSY spokesman gave no details other than to say the man involved had been sent home for his own proteCtion and a protest had been lodged with the Soviets. U.S. sources said the incident involved a young black in his 20s who had sexual relations with a Soviet woman in Tashkent. He was taken to a Soviet hospital on a pretex:t and interrogated for two days. H~ was ques tioned c losely ·about the personal background of Pat Brow1" U11ruh Prepa.-e Initiative Unicameral System By KEN PATIERSONJR. c;..,1t1I News Slnke SAtRAMENTO -Two very experienced veteran California politicians are preparing an in- itiative for next year's general election ballot that would make a drastic change in the structure or the Legislature that governs the state. There are some very intriguing implications in the initiative that is being launched by former Gov. Edmund "Pat" Brown and state Treasurer Jess Unruh to create a unicameral ·Legislature in · California. Both men are old par· ty Democrats, and both have been beaten by a Republican in races for the governorship. ln fact, the same Republican beat them both. Ronald Reagan unseated incumbent Gov. Pat Brown, and Jess Unruh failed to wiseat incumbent Gov. Ronald 'Reagan. Now these l"'O savvy poUtlcos are going to attempt to qu1UJy for the general ballot an lnltiatJve that will cost at least 21 slate legislator• their jobs. THERE ARE curnonUy 120 . members, while the lnJtiaUve would provide for a single, 99- member house. Thal legislative body would start serving in 1978, with Its members being elected for staggered four ytarterm1. One s tate senator, Arlen Gre1orlo (O·San Mateo), has been a past legislative supporter ' of the one-house concept. He has a bill in this year that would qualify. the proposal for the ballot by legislative action, but Capitol observers give the bill the chance of a s nowball in Cuba. Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy <D -San Francisco) says that "perhaps positive argu- ments could be advanced in f avor of a Unicamei'al Legislature, s uch as cost sav- ings, but any measure would. have to be' an initiative because· the Senate would ne•er let a one- house bill pass.'· Unruh, himself a former as~ sembly speaker, says that he in- tends to find some ''1ooc:l 1overn- ment types '' lo put up the money for the campaign to qualify .the initiative for the ballot. "I TIDNK it's demonstrable that the total savings of a Wl· icameral Legislature wou1d be immense. -$40 million on an on- goin1 annual basis. It would in- creue the visibility of the tn- dlvidual legislators. I think It would sl.ightly increase minority representation and would gre1tly enhance the responsiveness of the Legislature," Unruh con- tinued. Another former Assembly speaker, Bob Moretti, admits th1t be could flnd himself In sup· port of the Id.•• II It was drafted properly. ".I could support either side of .. ' the issue,'' Moretti sald. '"My support will depend on the specific organizational structure of the house. If it has a speak.er type system, I would probably · Aiuppart it. If, however, the house is to be run by eommiltee, I will oppose because of the accompa- nying inefficiencies and 'in- abilities of the committee system to sPecifically develop some con- crete legislative direction," Moretti concluded. Former Assembly Speake r Bob Monagan, when asked about his ideas on the unicameral Legislature, declined comm~nt . IF UNRUH'S figure of $40 million in annual savings is anywhere accurate,· he may find a great deal of public support for the measure. It'& not every day that a former speaker offers to cut loose over 20 state leg1sl1tors, along wtth their salaries, can, staffs and expenses. A spokesman for the treasurer says that ''people today are most retepUve to the idea of saving money." A reasonable penon could hardly .dlsafree with that. With a camp1l1n baaed on economi:ilng the leeial1tlve pro- cess, Unruh and Brown may very well quallry lhe lnJUaUve for the ballot. When It does qualify, we ean expect to see Ute state Senate artn from 1es· often secure poci· lion to strongly oppo1ethe Idea . , the other guides, their training and qualifications and asked, ''Who a re the spies among them?'' the sources said. U.S. officials finally 'located him and won his release. The United States and other Western nations have tried. to play down incidents such as these for fear or rocking \,he de- tenle boat. "We know they go on," one U.S. official in Moscow said. "The other side does, too Cap.. parently referring to Western at• tempts to subvert Russians). It's best not to bring it out in publie." Others, inside and outside the diplomatic community, dis· agree. •11T REALLY gets me mad lo see these things hushed up," one American Foreign Service of· ficer said. "They go on all the time. Peo- ple back home think thing& are all sweetness and light here, and that's one reason why one df these kids got into trouble. You (newsmen) should be writinN more about what really goes on. ,' An American businessman cit· pressed similar view~. "I've got to tell our guys corri· lng here to watch out," the busi- nessman said. ''They don"t believe me. They just can:t s~" anything happening to the after they have been so w ' l treated officially.'' U.S. Embassy security perso'~. nel give all arriving diplomats·a security briefing outlining poss). ble.fitfalls. Similar briefings a'fe hel for nondlplomatic personii_~l such as servants to emba~AY families. ... · Tbey are lold to report all i plcious contacts wltJ\ Soviets warned against n\aklng clo e frlendahlps, no matter how ln'i) cent they might appear. • " ORANGE COAST ~ .. , DAILY PILOT '' " . f 'The comment pagl" nr 1hc Dal: ... Jy Pilot St't'k5 to inform i nd.-: stimulate: rtadtrs by presertjid \ng a 11ariety or commenta.ey on topi cs or in tc re1t and..!" slcntlicance from lnformtdL: obter\·e.rs and spokesmen. .. ,. Rob«TI N, Weed. Publi1htr .r.~ .. 1,, Thoma• PalrMr. 1...,, Commcnl PoJIC l:11i1or •)\ic Saturday, )lay 10, 1975 • I I ' ·' I I I I ... th dz ,., "' "' B AJ B' St :s M G N N A .,, I .~ ~ ' s 5, • • I I I I I • I I l ' . , I . ·1 I I ' I ' I ' I I ' 11 I I I I I I I ' \ ·' I ' 'I • J ,'J HI &lrll and boys . • ~· everyone know what a .....,lal dar. Sunday I•? I lrweu. n • ·Mother'• Day, and nele Len hopes that all or hia I da have "''de piano t.ci·honor . omonherday. ce thlnaa you can do foe Mom! I ou can beeln by aervlll1 htr aklut In bed., Then you can i e over -the household cboret:, vin& Mom a ·~vacation'' from d.rud&ery or.the k.ttchen: 1 1 OU ml1ht even suggest to Dad I ~t all,of you take Mom out lO · fdinner and maybe even to a 1bow I :1<>.celebr~te 6er sp~clal_day. 1 Card.1 and flowers ahd remem- brances are nice, but Mom likes .a little pei'aonal attention. also. Speaking· of Mother'& Da~ c ardi, Uncle Let) would like ~o thank everyone who sent in drawlngs of sp'ecial cards: They ·were all excellent and we Wish we had room to print them all. HONORABLE MENTION thl5 week goes to Sean Kenefick, Barbara Schnackenberg and Anne Cormack, a ll of Huntington Beach; Bill Nance and Peter Snyder of Laguna Niguel ; Lisa Boranian and Din a McKenzie of Mission Viejo; and Mike Secor or Garden Grove. Also to .Mark Meyer of Newport Beach , Donna Newcomb or Corona del Mar, Aaron Ward of Westminster, Joey Lorenzini of Costa Mesa, \ and Kary Bushman and Lisa •Johnson of Laguna Beach. Uncle Len would also like to thank all of the fourth grade stu· dents of Mrs. Sylvester at KetUer School for all or the lovely poems. Space doesn't petmil the printing * PRIZE WINNER * Janice Tomei, 10, of 2048 Goldeneye Place, Coafa Meaa Any child 14 or wtder, can en.ter Unc le Len's Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece or plain, while paper 4'h inches wide and 4 inches .deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it t.o Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa 92626. Entries must be received b.y noon on Thursday for production on the Collowing Saturday. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. of the poems or the listing of all the names and it just wouldn't be fair to list only half of them. ~ This week, boys and girls, Un- cle Len hae_ a v~ry interesting contest. Would you like to take Mom and Dad and a brother or sister to see the Oakland Raiders and Los Angeles Rams play? Not football, bUt baseball. The two team·s will meet in a game May 18, at 1 :30 p.m . at UCI baseball stadium. To win the tickets, all you have to do is draw the best picture of an Anteater, which is the mascot of the Utiiversity of California, Irvine, Anteaters. So get your drawings in to Un· cle Len this week. Until next week, may each and everyone have the very best of everything while helping Mom celebrate Mother's Day . Letters From Ellie (c) lt15Jeaa E. Heywood DeuJ:We, I wu watclllDS: my mMller cat carry her kit·. -. ud I have .... mleo pleJt ap lllelr babies. I wu.-em1llb1Naeaa•llds! Greenland, two geese were said lo be seen, each carrying a gosling in its bill from a cliff to the ground. But even if this did actually happen, the ac- tion is not characteristic of Utls bird. W)'llDT. Dear Wynn,1 ' . Many water bin;Js such as Swans may be seen with their chicks sitting on their backs. But this Ellie Dear Ellie, I read that barnacles attach themselves to tblag1 wltlt a &lue that can never come ofr. ls ·tbis lnle! Martin E . trait is Dot universal among ·Dear Marlin, swans anclhappens only in fairly To fasten itself lo ships and pilings, the barna· warm climates. In the Arctic, cle is able lo manufacture a glue that has very great swans brood their babies under strength and that is at least twice as strong as their wings, and scientists · "epoxy." Actually, scientists have not been able to believe that the back riding in measure. th.e ,exatt strength or barnacle glue, but temperate climates is a sub· they believe that were a barnacle pulled Crom a. stitute for brooding. The parents steel st~c.ture, a layer of the steel would come never help the litUe ones climb away with it. up, but they do sit still until the Naturally, scientists are interested in this babies are safely aboard. Even amazing glue and haVe studied barnacles in domestic chicken babies hop up · laboratori~s . Their f~gs show that the glue is onto their mother's back. But this is not quite the produced in glands which develop at the end of the aame as a mother actuallypic~g up her offspring. larval stage of the bamacl~'s l~e. Until then, the lit· Tbe only bird known lo ~orm this remarka· tie cr~ature was free sw1mmmg, but at the new ble feat is an African resident who lives among stage1tmustselectaplacetospendtherestofils life. water plan ls and who ''walks'' on the lily pads. This Ellie istheJacana. , ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: FEMALE JACANAS have been observed to crouch down by their chicks and open their wings. The babies have been observed to run under the of· fered shelter. Then the mother bird clasps her wings tightly to her sides and walks off, across the lily pads, carrying the young who are visible only because their long legs dangle from beneath the wing feathers.--" What kind of nest does a flamingo build? Fiamingoes fashion their nest from mud, heaping and shaping it into a cone with a shallow indentation on the top for the egg. . QUESTION: Do birds have a highly deVeloped sense of smell? There have been reports of observations of other birdi; carrying their babies. For example, in READERS: Ellie welcomes questions about animals and nature. Send them to ELLIE, c/o the Daily Pi:lot,.P .O. Boi 1560, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626. • ·1 rrrr 11 r ·• r: <T CAN A CATERPILLAR REALLY BECOME A BUT· TEKFLY? Naturally we know that six mice and a pumpkin cannot turn into a splendid coach and bones. This pretty fairy story is downright impossible. Surely then. it muat be downri&ht im· possible for a wormy caterpillar to tum into a beauteous butterfly 11t'ith wings like flowery petals. Ah, but this is another story -a ·.,e·al story of one of nature's ~iracles. ' The world of insects ls full of istounding surpriises, but the inost unbelievable eve~t occurs in the life of a grubby caterpillar. Biologiltl have a special name "fbr t.bla impossible miracle. They · ~811 lt complete metamo11>hosis, trhiC!h in plain laneuage meanS a complete remodeling job. THE LIFE CYCLE of a but- terfly evolves through four very I different staees -atJeut on the 1 ouUlde. It alartl u 11J1 e_gg, with a I buay Inside atory, as cell• divide I and mul\lply. Directed by cer- 1 lain hormone secreUms, they ar· I range· themselves around key I centers that catry inherited I bltteprint pattern.1. St AT THIS POINT, the average butterfly caterpillar e nfolds himself in a crisp, weatherproof chrysalis, usually suspended from under a matching leaf. He seems to be sleeping. But all is not peace and quJet within, where the most fantastic re- modeling job in the entire world of nature is golng on. Inside-the quiet chrysalis, the cells of the caterpillar body bre•k apart and form a SO®Y mishmash of biochemical in"fl'e· dients. Surely any reorganization ls impossible. Not. at all. The egg eel.LI that produced hormones and the blueprint centers still are active. Now they order the con· stnsctlon of other cells and Rr· range them lo build key parts of a verydltrerenl body . a a In most species the adult but· terfly lives only a couple of weeks or so and may eat nothing at all. The only thing on his mind is to mate &o that eggs may be produced for the next generation. Certainly he cannot hope to cope with a chilly winter. However, the eggs or maybe the tough pupa can survive until next summer. Complete metamorphosis made it possible for the butterlly clan to isurvive through the ages. ,.., ,.... ... , .... , ..... Mt .. tM Owwik let 91 ,..,...._IMY •letMClll, ... 11. .. MI .... • "•II•, Olt..~.-·•·,-•tlfll: WHICH JS THE EARTQ'~ HEAVIEST METAL? A pound of aluminum is almost three times larger than a pound of iron. So when we think of weight we must compare it with size·. Jt Is usual to compare the weights of0dlffererit metals with an equal vdlitrtle. of water. This 1ives specific gravity, or relative density. / We m ight guess that lead i& the heaviest of the earth's metals. ~ot so. Its specinc gravity is 11 .3, which means It ts 11 .3 times 'heavier than an equal volume of water. Ttiftf~specific gravity of sold It l~.3 . Of the earth's metallic elements, the heaviest la 01miu_m .. Its specific gravity la 22.48, whiC!h make11 it almost twice as heavy as lead. " Saturday. May 10. 1975 'Andre'- Arrives On Time ROCKPORT, Maine <UPI) - Moat Mainers have a love-hate re~ latlon&hip with summer· people, but it's just pure love for Andre the 11eal. He's Rockport'• maacot and honorary harbormut~ . The 14-year·old Andre valiantly swam 170 miles with a deyll 's hook in his mouth before he ar- rived at his summer place lbia week. He was welcomed by Joe, a tra~ned seagull who competes with his buddy for fish thrown into the harbor by 'local fans, and by his friend Harry Goodridge. "Andre's the real superstar," trainer Goodridge said. "I'm just the straight man.'' ANDREW AS RELEASED into the ocean near Marblehead, Mus. last week after wintering in the New England AUlrium in Boston. He spent cvftay racing sailboats and gearing up for his joufney downeast. Dog's Best Friend Then somewhere on his three- day trip he ~angled with the flS· hhook and steamed into Rockport Harbor with the hook and some line dangling from his mouth . Goodridge extracted it and by Monday a weary Andre was gulp- ing down pounds of his favqrite herring and settling in (or his 15th season as this coastal town's sum· mer star. Leonard Hoisman, 41 , a registered stale insurance agent of Des Plaines, Ill., last week began writing medical and hospital insurance for dogs. Seen here with his dachshund. Louie, in his Canine Shield Insurance Agency office. Leonard said a $35 policy provides up to $250 in yearly ill· ness and accident benefits for dogs.'' GOODRIDGE TOOK Andre as a pup and taught him to jump through hoops and toss basket· balls. Harry, Joe, and Andre have been delighting local folk. and summer people ever since. • I I Mother's Dlt!J Int.his weEik is a special day For mothers only We'll honor them in every way It's Mother's Day we celebrate Why? Be~ause we think she's great The day is Sunday. I can't wait Let's go to lhe lake and don't be late. The whole family will have fun. Especially Mom, out in the sun. ''Andre never forgets.'' Goodridge said. "He's a real in• tellect and learns most of his routines in five or ten minutes." But Andre has a hangup. He lov- es human contact and developed a disconcerting habit of heaving his 240-pound bulk into the boats of local fishermen, waving his flip- pers at them, then choosing a good spot aft to bask in the sun. Don Boulanger, 8, of 10584 Morning Glory Circle, Fountain Valley. lle's taken by truck lo Boston every autumn lo spend sometime in the tank . Although they love him, the fishermen say it's a little hard to work with a ham in the boat . Felines Favored TAMPA, Fla . (API - Margaret Thompson didn't want to choose between her antique furniture and her cats even after one o f the finicky felin es damaged a table made in 1840. ding. ''I told him if you don't build it I "'ill, so he pitched in." The two oC them did all the labor on the home with the cost ol materials coming to $650, Mrs. Thompson says. But she's not finished yet. She plans to add an air conditioner foi:. the hot sum· mer months. Where's Herbie? TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) -Herbie just moved into a neighborhood of lhis city and now he ls missing. But Tampa police should have little trouble identifying Herbie if he is spotted. Herbie is an 8- week·old golden brown pig, the pet of Joe Morris . So she -built the cats a miniature home in her backyard where she can still serve them vanilla ice cream a nd pcirterbouse :steaks. A longtime cat fancier, Mrs. When she drew up plans for a six.foot tall home complete with a littJe porch, beds: carpeting. heater, radio and a painting, her husband Bill, a service station operator, thought she was kid· Thompson says now her pets are protected and so are her anti· ques. "They're so spoiled, J had to give them something just as g~ as they had." world scope (10 ~nl• tor MCh QUedon .. 1wad conwctly) 1 The Pentagon announced that up to 60,000 ·Vi etnamese refugees would be housed (CHOOSE ONE: temporarily, per .. manently) at military bases in California, Florida, and Arkansas. 2 In Portugal. the Communist Party fin· ished (CHOOSE ONE: first, a distant third) 1n recent elections lo choose a constituent assembly. 3 President Ford told a U.S. Chamber of Commerce m~eling that he (CHOOSE ONE: tavored, w~ opposed to) a proposed con· sumer protection agency. 4 Alabama Governor · George Wall.Ice has· said he will seek the· Democratic nomi · nation for tt:ie Presidency in 1976. True or Faf se? t 5 The National Trust of Great a·rita in has •, made a Bicentennial gift to the American people of the medieval manor which housed the ancestors of .. ? .. a·George Washington b·Nelson Rockefeller c-Theodore Roosevelt newsname (10 poinl1 If JOU can MitrttitJ lhil P9f'SOl"l in the nns) I eKpressed concern about growing isota· tionism in the U.S. and a lack of WOf'ld trust in U.S. willingness to ful· till its conimitmenls. I'm a Republican Sena· lor from Arizoni and one·time Presidential candidate. What's my name? matchwori:ls (4 PGlr* for .-ch cornet nwtetb ! ..... impudent •·unwise 2 .... .imprudent b·hast)'. impulsive 3 .... .impetuous C·rude. disrespectful 4 ..... impasse d·something that hinders 5 ..... impediment •·dilemma .'In addition to being a f\mily fun feature, THE. QUIZ Is an in tegral part of the In-classroom news program presented ln Orange Coast area schools ·as a public service by the Daily Pilot. · Aruwers .,... •• tupsl• -) •tow 1111111 • news picture (10 pcMnt1 if JOU 1nsw•r lhi1 quffllon con.ctty) On May 10, 1775, Ethan Allen helped to win the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga with his Vermont soldiers, who were called lhe .• ? .• Boys. sportlight (2 polntl for MCh quntton 1n1w.rN col'l"9Ctl1) I (CHOOSE ONE: Jimmy Connors. John Newcombe) won a million.dollar Las Vegas tennis match. 2 rn a game against the New Vork Vankees, Milwaukee Brewer Hank Aaron tied the career RBI record of Babe ·Ruth. Whal do the letters "RBI" sland for? 3 Will Rodgers ran to a new record in the Boston Mara. thon, which is about .. ~ .. tong. a·440 yards b-10 miles c·26 miles 4 Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ah rejected as too low a $3 million offer to fight (CHOOSE ONE: Rock)' Marciano, Joe Frazier) in flladison Square Garden. 5 The Kentucky Derby horse race is run annually al .. ? .• Downs In Louisville, Kentucky. roundtable FsrnltJ 411cw• (no KON) What would be your famlly's ideal summer vacation this year? YOUlt SCCJM: tl to 100 ,.int. -TOP SCOttE 11 to IO poinll ..£ bC91Mnl. 71 kl IO polntl -Cood. '1 to 70 po#'llll-Felt. .Eveotuolly the •11 hatchq In-I t•l• 1rubby caterpillar, all aet to devour enou1h food to last the I re·1t of hla Jlfe. He munchea, 1 molts and llnally erowo big 1 onou11> for bit next pbQe. This 1 requlru a veey qul<t period, for , 8Dlfteanct>St:vbed concentraUon. WHEN THIS miraculous met.amorphoala ls completed, the same insect bas a Vfll'Y different looklns body. The cbr1aa111· cracks open and a wtnaed adult butterfly 1m . .-1es to dry his wil\l• ln tbe aunny air. (Do you have a question to ASK ANDY? Send it on a post card with your name, aae and corn· plate · add res a to ASK AND'( In ~are d(. this newspaper. Entries open to girls and boys 7 to 17.) • 55.75 •YIC. ............ Mlcontln m1p.mq::1-~·:J1!ft.ld oor-t ~~·c ~Ul P"llBq SURJ·Z !SJOUUoO .<wwtt·T :.tuotJJ.llOdS u1v1unow ... ,() :::111n.L:>ldllMllN I '·' - It ' . • .. I I I \ ' I /' ,.,a DAIL y PILOT Saturday . M ay 10. 1975 . . Mesa ·Bibk Chapel (Foursquare) 'OPer:i Chute:~: . CelebrtUon of C~un.Jon ·in . ,..~how ttnds t ime ... in 1 d~ fEdil~1 •ot~: Thu is another in . o "'11e1 fn which the Daily PiWt offrr• a per1onolized view of , a hou•~ of w0,r1h1p , selected at random in Ua circulation area. The t:hurch covered in Last Monday'; aermon report is today's /ealu~.) By TOM BARLEY 0 111•• OlllJ Plllll S~ ''Yoo know . that ca me straig ht rrom God. And l '1n so fu ll of God's word toduy that J could lake this service of ours into ex· tra Innings. "But I'd better not do that. Whe n I go into extra innings I get into trouble with some members of the congr egati on,.don't I? Say. who wants to go into extra in- nings? A d e lighte d congregation laughs at Pastor Robert Jacobs' te asing but no one t akes him up on his offer. It is a familiar feature of the t wo-v.•ay exchanges h e e ncour ages <.1nd whic h punctuate s e r vices at Mesa Bible Chapel in Costa Mesa. ''NO UND U E ce remoni a l here." J acobs c rins. "This is an open serv ice, and I m(·a n open to people of all faiths and from alt "'alks of li fe. und that is the way it's m eant to be in the house of the Lord.·· Tr appi ngs of the more forma l faiths a re scorned ut the Mesa Bi - bl e Chapel us they are in all houses of v.·orshi p linked to the internationa l Church of the r~oursquare Gospel. • Q ' • ' "THE DEVIL, HF 'S THE ONE l'M AFTER .... " Pastor Robert Jacobs Stirs Up Congregation the Foursquare Cbur<h la DOI Of dominated by her dullea., U llmlled · lo m e mbera or, to C!l"'urr"' ..... meek pulor and the mother' ol lo WOl'Shlpers who have been.ton· 'P 'P 't~ children -a son, 17, two 13· firmed in other raithl. • .>'..ear-old glrls and a son, 1 -LO Uke all other aspect.a of the ·rut," he said . '')(any of these "lhch a class or 24 returdc4 simpl e 11ervices, It i5 an open seilior citizens needed counsell· children. communion with tho bread and wine served to the conereaaUon lng by a competent paycholo1lst Jn their .seats. As the p1stor and that service ls now-.provtded at no cost to the needy." drlnl(s, they drink and PfBY : as A v isiting psychologist pro· the pastor eat.I , they eat and vides that ser.yice for the senior pray. citizens. But Jacobs hlmselt "WE PREACH tolerance a nd could step in lo fill the br:each If charity and love," Jacobs ex· he j.s_ e.v_er: preven._ted from keep· plained. He added that the basic ing his weekly ~ppoin~ent.s . pr inciples of the Foursquare Jacobs r ecognized some Ume f"hurch b~s icallY remain today ago. that psrch~logy could plaf a '"'":'I • · • major role 10 his own counselling what they were when Aimee activit ies. So h e studied at Se,mple McPherson f~ded the Southern Ca lifornia College on a I~~~ Ja!l. l , 19a.c3. .. . "'i, parLtim e basis and four ye ars ,j It I a 11mple creed., he said. later hung his degree on the wall Our church is . d~1cated ~o of his office. world wide evangelism a nd is pledge d to glorify God the Father. to exal\ Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to honor the ministry of the Holy Spirit in all church activity." It seems appropriate that a church which was founded by a womr.n h as always stressed in its 52 years of opera ti on that women should play a t lea st an equal part in ils activities. JACOBS' WIFE, La Deane, is· also a pastor of the church in ad· dition to providing music for its services. Wom en serve as deaco· nesses and on the councils of many F oursq·ua re chapels. ;'We were practicing women's lib long befor e they invented the term," J acobs grinned. "But the n it's only part of the open church concept we've always believed in : we are open to all races, creeds a nd colors and a wom an was our founder." "ITHAS PROYEDlobc aGnd· given asset," he said. "I have just had the i mmense pleasure of restoring t o society a man who was a complete alcoholic before he aod I reached God through the medium of o ur counselling sessions. "He Is now a very happy Chris· tian who has fought and won his fight and 1 am delighted that I was able to use this magniricent tool and God's help to bring him backtous."· Mrs . J acobs is no less busy in t he coun sellin g fiel d . She -1SHE DOES a tremendOua.JoJJ: twith them," J acobs sµld . .1•shi has a way or winning the trust ~ these people and they mt'k~ con sldera bl• progress -under het. care:" Pastors Robert and La Deane J acobs -apd tbe enthutla l.Uc •membership of the · MtMU• Blb)e Chapel are-committed· to' aU sue,._ healing projects' ·whatev~r th~ need Or the denomination of the arructed persons: , "You might aay that that is our; future alm ,"-"Jacobs saJd. '"To dot what we're doing a litUe better and a little more often and to ex· pand our service and availBbility wherever a nd whenever · we can." AND BEYOND THAT? Pastor J acobs b:elieves the fourth of the .foQr themes laid down for Follrsquare guidance b y fo under Aimee Se mple McPherson spt:::aks for itself: ··Jesus Christ the King, coming as Prince of Peace. to a world weary of war a nd strife, of greed, hate and suffering." "And tha t/' J acobs mused, "will get a n amen from everyone in the house ... " Jacobs. s ti ll very much the athlete he "'aS when he played ball with a Philadelphi a Phillies fa rm club. set the lone on a re- cent Sund ay by sporting a li ght blue safari s ui t, v.•hite shoes. red shirt and red ,a nd white tie while leading a dem onstrative con- gregation in the morning service. AND HE NE E DS little en- co u ragement t o br i n g h is trumpe t to church and join his v.•ife . chapel organist La Deane Jacobs. in the earthy Foursqu are mus ic that had the congregation singi ng lustil y on S:.inday. contact with the God they so ob- viously love . "Of course they do . ., Jacobs s<.1 id. "We come here to praise the Lord and you can do that just as "'e ll by standing up and i:e· aching for lli{Tl as you c'an by kneeling do.,.,.·n a nd praying.'' "Women s ure have the edge in cla sps he r hands togethe r ~ Mesa Bible Ch apel," Jacobs ecst asy. ~ quipped. "They ha ve two rest rooms here to the men's one Jacobs agrees that Foursquare '''orsh ipe rs urc probal.Jl y the most demonst rative Lo be found in any house or worship. "Tha t goes for both sides or the podium ," he s aid. "\.\'hen I feel that s pi rit moving me I tell those people out there a nd when they start ye ll ing b<.1ck I knov.• that the Lord has started something mov- ing." Fer vor in Mesa Bible Chapel is at its highest when J acobs casts aside all r est raint and responds to wh::a t he d e scribes as the ··personal prompting or God.'' ·•t 'M READY to rip orf devil s this morning, .. he tells his con- g r e g a t ion to a c hor u s of ··Amen !" "The Dc\'il, he 's the one l 'r.i after. He's the one that lies and whispers in your ear. But I'm not ufraid of hi m because I'm not ufraid of anything this morning.'' THEIR REACTION was a which m akes us pretty unequal.'' complett: transformation from that a few mome nts earlier when Pastor J acobs re buked the m for not working harde r with him' to es tablish the kind or rapport that could link the m a ll with God. "Som ething was missing and I told them so." h·e commented later. "I gave it to them in the on· ly possible way but obviously they un derstood what I meant and agreed that it had to be said . ., Pastor J acobs had ended his lecture by aski ng his worship· ers: "Now, if yo u still love me ,. raise your arm." EVERY ROOM in the spotless- ly clean Mesa Bibl e Chapel -it was builfin 1948 and expanded via a two-story annex in 1963 --is pre- ssed into use by Pastor Jacobs and his workers for a varlet~ of .causes. Am ong them is the noon hour feeding of more than 70 senior citizens who fl ock to the chapel's s pacious dininghall for what is, for many of them, a hot meal they would not otherwise receive during the d ay. J acobs joins his elderly vis- itors as oft en as he can. "This hot luncheon is a vital need and we're delighted that we're here to fill it,'' he said . MANY OF lllS remarks fr'om the dais bring a fer vent "Amen", "Ha ll elujah" or "Yes. brother " from his congrega tion . And many wors hipe rs stand \\'ith both arms outs tretched as ir they are trying lo esta blish physical His comments from the dais and his obvious agitation bri ng the congregation to a h.igh pitch of excit e ment. E veryone stands. Arms are r a ised a nd one woman A FOREST of arms went up in the pretty sanctuary on Orange Avenue. J acobs had forged a new bond with h is flock and they cemented it by cel~brating J-Ioly Communion together. "BUT ~E FOUND while we were feeding the elderly tha t there were othe r needs we could ORANGE AVENUE SANCTUARY 'A PRETTY PLACE' . ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY ' HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1 ST CHURCH Of REUGIOUS SCIENCE HARBOR 740 W . Wilson, Costa Mesa S48·4704 OF NEWPORT BEACH • \CHRISTIAN CHURCH DOH E. llGLER D°" £. lllkf-. Paskir CARL GEMTRY CHURCHES !11•...,~ Cf\wch, Ul'lhclo....QtolR"41!j10US$1;-. L.,., l .. Mewp..t ..... ARST CHRISTIAN PASTOR MIHISTElt Of MUSIC SUHDAY SHVICI ...i SUHOAY 5CHOOL-IO:l0 A.M. · J. CDhc.iple•I -SUNDAY SERYICIS-"LOVE! SO BROAD! SO DEEi'! SO FREE!" J40t ....,... .. s-.1.-.. CHURCH llAHCHES Of Tl* MOTHH CHURCH C-.ClltkMel Main & Adams Streets I 0:50 A.M. Spe:clal Spe:aUr THl FIRST CHURCH Of CHl.IST, SCltNTIST l•Y. AIMrt ........ ISc.F. MiNshr t:JO lt..M. Huntington Beach Rt•.LD.K__,. IH 105TOM. MASSACHUSETTS w.. J 1wor.wp Bollie Scl'IOOl I M0tf'1n<,1 6:00 l'.M. Spc-c:lllf Speali"' LITTLE THEATER-CORONA DEL "'AR HIG~SCHOOL 11:451..M. WOIS~•I> Rt•. L D. ICOMIJD 1101 EAST BLUFF OR .. NEWPORT BEACl-I " ,:00 & I O:lO A.M. "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" FOR '°'N !NSPIR ... llON"'-. hllESSA(;E-Ol ... L M&«ir4 "Mothers-l•titiftg Worship "''"'"!«'• Pl>ON! -~!.eo Trying To 6:00 P.M. COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MA\'11. 1975 Turn Over N..,.i.e<Y C•• 111~ II 111 -vioft Ptt·S<.l<O<>I -l(,~.,et1-E-nl11Y-C~•IO Clt1_ ' HEWPOn H.UIOR A New ~ CHUI CH Of RB.JGfous SCl&ICI Life" Y.tti Gr_,, ...... 7:00 P·"" Costa M•sa -Ftrst Clliwch of Christ, Sc:Jflltlst Sermon-Meditation-fiealing &t•.GtMI. ,._, Offoce 5311·1!>99 CAPISTRANO VALLFf BAPTIST CHUROI 1110 MtMI V..,-dt Dr .. Cotta Mno SUNDAY SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. 64S-S78 I O'ill °"""'"'" 536-9580 l20l2 Dtl ObllpORd., S.. ...._ Copis ... _ 5-cMy Sc.ltoof -t:.15 A...M.. "1 IHOW' MY IMOWM"' s----. .........,, . ...,.~ s.-sw, Worslllp Sw•k:-a:oo & 11 :00 A.M. 7:151'.M. C~lltSff,.k•-11 :00.U.... ln.S.-C • .iom- ~ liWt Schoot-9:10...,.... Cliristt. TroWaillg-6 p.1t1. R ..... l-.2150MtMY_.Dr. ·" ' .. 541 Cente r SI., Costa M es a .... ...... WH!lt_.,Pr.,..........:4S P-"" lf•UwcJfon l•ach -First C'-'c.h of Cllri1t, SciHti1f '·r 'I 646-1032 Paslor William DavenpQrt '"'101 ....... ~•.._• ••1·1•40-·24 H~ Cti.rc.• & s..ffy Sc.........._t:lO & 11 A...M. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE R ..... •--t21Mal.St. Plymouth Congregational Church Cllld Cwe TMsdliy.. t:lO to 11 :JO A.M. OF LAGUNA IEACH hr IHdflMJ IOOM St.dry XIOll2 l~C..,_ R(I Ill El TOIO Rd. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Hl"'V Ciwt>..i. 0 0 -M1n .. 1 ... lJ62 lroed St., """'wt IMc•-642-2740 ....,...,. . n. h1fonnat Group of Chridl• Scte.tlsts Jill GIK!'IWG. ""'.i">t M1,..ttao" lllll 5TUDY-t:OO .u.l-& 7:00P.M. OF MEWPORT BEACH u.i•tnlty HhJll Sclltoal 4771 C•..-•Dr .. 1-211-211 SUHDAY SlllVK:E-' & 11 A.M. W'OISHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL-I 0:00 A.M. SUH DAY 2~1 Chll 0"•"-N~ Be.c"-6-11·1,,3 S-., Sc9tool-t:OO A.M. .Jr. ca.re• & Y ... °Gfo.,..s-' A.M. °"" ''TAUGHT AT MOTHERS KNEE .. Ot < f<-011llll•N1111.Pa•t!lf CW-Cllt s.,....kt -I O:lO A..M... hi. 22l Dr. JoM A. u..ct.11 s...19y Sc..-.-t:l D A.M.. Wonllip I 0:10 A.M. & 7:00 P .M• Wtd. S..-.kt-1 P.M.-IJll.101 W .... •\d•Y ,...,.,. S.W.lc• 7:30 P.M. L.,... l•och-First Clllrc.• of Chri1t, Sc;...+ir;t Hunti~"jrrOrt l~ach 615 HMJll Dri•t CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE CWc. .. & 5-doy Sc ..... -I 0:00 A.M. 60t 1 IMI SI. -53'95150 FIRST SOUTHERN IAl'TIST CHURCH R ..... R--114 ............. Pe1l«'1 Cle1s ':JO•--.. Mt.§t..._ s.r.fct I 0:10 o.M. LAGUNA BEACH WonWpStf'""l'lce&JwNra.cJi ll:OO ...... 650 W. H-'"" Mrwf. Costo Me.o.. C.atoniio Upto Hlglttl -FWsl Ct.di of ~11, Sclttltllt "20/20 Sl'llllTUAL VlSIOH .. NEIGHIORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL 642-,111 c-CroWlll Vlfley rnw., & Cllblto.M Dri•• lff St. A•'1 Pt.Ct .. Sl11t1ry'I• • Ct.well & 5-dey Sclleal -I ~O A.M. 17 Re•. P999J' lasMft, MWM"° SUHOA Y SCHOCW..-9:45 A..M. J ... M.ltynot• , ....... WOISHIP SllVICES-11:00 I.Jot. & 6:00 , ..... R...., R--27762 FcriMs Rd., s.itt l Pl.AYER MIOU4G-WIDHfSDAY IYEHIMG 7 P.M. Mission Ylt'ja -Christimt Sckftc• Society Ti'• 9: 15 -MIM-Str•ict HURSllY PIOVIDED PA5TOR--l:IV. JOE HlfMH c ......... a-.. .,,. Schod, 25,52 Cordlltr• Dr. SER VIC ES: I 0:00 CUii. & 6:00 P .M. ~}~ .......,.c..._ Chwc:ll & S.IMl•y Scltooi, -I 0:00 J..M. INTERE~TIMG FUHDAMENTAL 10 A.M.-5-Hy WOMhip """"" RHltl -S.._,IJY c..ter, Mliirt-.d1 .t L• Pa lllLE TEACHING Chwch Sclloot & ........, . H•wr;c:: leac.llt-First Chwch of Christ, Sclntlst HARBOR TRIMITY COAST lllLE CHURCH lOlY•Udo.M•~•acllt MA,_CO FORSTER JR. HIGH SC1-10Ct_ '"THI MAME Of MARY" BAPTIST CHURCH Clilrcll & s..dmy Sclloot-9:00 & I O:lO A.M. OE"l P BISPO j AVIClN, 8"N ...l.IANCAPISTRANO S..... lty Po1tor ·~·--. ll15Yi.Udo . 493.1949 494-1841 830-0407 494-8061 COf'fltf" of Folnltw .Id 19'1"' Ctuld ••Proo.o1<1ecll~-1l»1 1.3(IA W FOf Stvd¥ r,,,... c-1• S111Ho•, '•••or l'hCNlt' 7 I 4·556-7717 H••ri;: leaclt-S•c.Ofld Ct.rch of Chrl1t, Sclt'ftflst SIRVICES SUHDA Y 100 Pee.Wk Y&.wDr .. C-4.tMw Newport Unity WOliHW'l :JO I 11:00 AM. I-Al ICHOOl 9:41 A.Jol , Clllwcll & 5-11_,. Sc .... -I 0:00 A.M. w~'"'' 7:00 P.M. R ..... R ... -JHO-ac...tHWy.l ...... M.-cl1•tl ' Re•. S....Rk ..... Mittl1ffr O'Jr'vPort-Mcsa Christian C enter IOYS IRIGADL 1'10HHR GIRLS S• C'"-"'•· First c...-c• of Ctwt1t, Sci...tltl Dt•otlOMI S..-.kt -I 0 A.M. llllE STUDIES lJ 16 A•...W. cHf P1 e1Ni:Nlt Sunday School !or all ages-9.00 a.m. Clilrcllt & s..cNy Sc~I 0:00 A..M. -.c .. 1 lttt-.d lr"TMt • ....., ..... It~• Svflday E•..., W•ict-6:00 , .M. R ..... l-217Del-A••· Offict -646-5 111 DtAL-A.f'l:AYEI '4l-7757 148 TWENTY-SECOND STREET CO~TA MESA. C ALIFORNIA '32627 CEt-ITRAL BIBLE CHURCH Wed.l• ..... Tt•t~•tcetkp 1,.._.u C-..Clln SHEPHIEllD OF THE HILLS SUNDAY SetVlCES 23rd St. al OrD119e. Co•la MoMl-64S.SOSO UNITED CHURCH Of CHRIST 1:30 & 11:00 ..... Mot••MJWonMp P•tter. 1-.. M. leaptw . .;_i ll are cordiillly in\•itM l.o a ti end the church ,., .. _ .... __ Yo.tllP ...... -FrHM ..... s"rv iC'es and enjoy the privileges of the __,_ •• A.M. M .... WartMp -10:)0&.M.-s-dlly$cheol 9 ..-, Jt .. ading Rooms . C•141r_,. ,_.,W ....... & Cllln:lli Sc._. ·'Holy w-· n n-"" 2:9-151 s..d9y ....... w.......,-6:10,.... ClllN c-f,.•,1•111 AT ALL SU:YtclS De•WS ................. llr.6-0.W--rr.y.,;M...._,w .... .., 1:to,.... ............ c~491-MIJ ~ I 1:30 & 11:00 ...... S•d-r ScMol . . ................ Attend Church This Sunday "45&& c Y-& AcMI Clri-ldoo-Clas .. 1 6:00;... :=-w....,,. . .I .................. I ' • f 'l . . ' 1 I ' - ' ' I I ~ s of Ch •• Su Te he son 0 Am. last leaf !SOt I y I I 1 ' 1 Acad~my To Host Program Two B nal B 'rith youth groups, Shachar BBG· &.fld David Ben Gurion AZA . will IMtall their new otrlcers May 17, in I.he multi- purpose room of I srael Academy's headquarters in the old Irvine School on Sand Canyon -~venue. Ceremonies will start at 6:00 p.m., followed by dancing -..and-a-fellowship hour to 11 :30 MOTHER'.$ DAY GUEST Terry Meeuwaen C1mburn Miss America Special Guest At Lake Hills Dr. Harold F . Leestma, pastor or Lake Hills Community Church, invites the public to hear a special Mother's Day message Sunday, as honorary member Terry Meeuwsen Camburn gives her living witness in word and song. Miss Meeuwsen, actress and singer, holds the title Miss America 1973 and formerly sang with the new Christy Minstrels. Her songs will be selected from her first gospel album, "He Touched Me," about to be re- leased. The chancel choir, directed by ministet of music Dr. Warren C. Marsh, will sing Brahms' "How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place." Two children 's '.Choi rs will perform under direction or Mary Bieg~l, presenting "I Am A Child of God," "Dearest Mother, I Love You," and "It Pays to Remember." Gene Robinson at the organ will play "Three Chorales'' by Brahms, ''Trumpet Voluntary'' by Stanley, and "Fanrare''·by Whitlock. SeJ'!lces are held at El Toro High School gymnasium, Toledo Way at Ridge Route, at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Nursery care is provided at both hours. IS()th Anniversary . . O!lDEL~~. """'' ,,_;(UPll -The " Atntrican Tract.-Society, which · last ~ear prinfed oVer 30 million leaflets and tracts, marks its 150th anniversary this year. Assuming o(C-ices tn the BBG will be Dawn Baron, president: Dana Roberts. vice president; Dawn Bloc k, membership viC'e president ; Mina Fenton, sec retary ; Rawn Thorp, treasurer; and Amy Chopenn historian. · ' AZA officers will be David Shaw, president; Steve Horowitz, vice president; David Wid.zor, membership vice presi- dent; Jeff Safire, secretary, and Scott Lazarus, treasurer. v Beth David To Conduct Confirmation Thursday al 8:15 p.m., 11 yo.ungsters will be confirmed ·in the faith or Israel at Temple Beth David or Orange County, 6100 Hefley St., Westminster. · Taking place in the group ceremony, marking completion of religious sc'hool curriculum at end of the ).Oth grade, will be Michael Laham, Robin Grove, Ben Marcovitcb, John Gillerman, Lisa Powell, Leslie Compton, Marlon Feiger, Debra Cohen, Andrea Gettman, Terty Banick, and Pamela Salka. Officiating at the service, which was compiled by the stu- dents, will be Rabbi Stephen J . Einstein, Cantor Harry Newman and the temple choir. A recep- tibn, hosted by the parents of the confirmands, will follow. Rummage Sale Set By St. ~drew's Women's Fellowship of St. An· drew's Presbyterian Church, ;15th Street and St. Andrew's Road, Newport Beach, will con- duct its annual Spring Rummage Sale, May 15-16, 9:30 a.m. to :S p.rn. lnC'luded in a wide assOrtment of items will be clothing and housewares. All proceeds wiU go to support or missions. -< ' ·,. ., :i,~ To Speak Tuesday Geith A. Plimmer of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, London, England, will speak on "The . Healing of Moral Weakness" Tuesday at 8 p.m. at 3100 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Methodists Set Special Presentation Members or three youth fellowships will lead the con- gregation of First United Methodist Church of Huntington Beach in a special Mother's Day presentation at 9: 15 and 10:30 a.m., Sunday. Included in the special music will be several o'riginal folk hymns written and sung by youih members. The Youth Choir, un· der direction of Debbie Morales, will also sing. Arrangements for this service were made by a yOuth C'ommittee under the chairmanship of Nobu Hara. youth director. Today at noon, the annual Mother·Daughter Luncheon will be held in Fellowship Hall, 2721 17th St., Huntington Beach. Theme for the evening will be "Bridal Remembrances" and will f eature modeling of a number of bridal gowns original- ly worn by members or the women's organization. Arrangements for the luncheon and program were made under the chairmans hip of Mrs. Robert Kirksey. More than 200 are ex- ·pected to attend ttie affair. S1turday. May tO, 1975 Carl Jung Movie In Laguna Niguel Wednesday and Thursday at 9 a .rn ., a prize· winning movie, based on I.he 1 aulobiography of Carl Jung, wlU be shown at liibepberd of tbe Hills, Ua.1~ Cburcb of Cbrtat, 30121 Niguel Rd .• Laguna Niguel. In the moVJe, Carl Jung is seen speaking and displaying his art and symbols. Forty·five young people from Christian Heritage College in San Diego, will be at Calvary Baptist Church, 8281 Garfield Ave., Huntington Beach, to present a Mother's Day concert on Sunday at 11 a.m. An, old fashioned family picnic will be held May 18, beginning at GOOD , in Eastbluff Park, by Temple Bat Yabm of Newport Beach. Games, raC'es, candy ·hunt and other activities are being coordiQ,_ated by lhe senior youth group or the temple. "The concerns of the divorced person today," the second part of a two part workshop on, "Divorce An Opportunity FQr A New Beginning," will be'held r!{onday, at St. Paul's Eplseopal Cburch,' 1221 Wass, Tustin, beginning at 8:00 p.m. Robert w. Renouf, Jeanette .Batchelor and Marlene Beatty, conselors of the !'fuman Relations Institute, Inc., Tustin, will conduct the session. Fellowship • Meeting Set The Women's Fellowship of Neighborhood Congregational Church, Laguna Beach, will hold its monthly meeting in Bridge Hall Tuesday, at l :OOp.m. The program will feature baritone, Alfred Stuart, present· ing songs with violin obligato by Mrs. Glen Turner. Also, Mrs .. Stuart Hart will give a "show and tell'' talk on her Chris tmas ceramics, done on tile. A r egular business meeting will follow the program. Ladies of the Fellowship will preside at. a tea following the meeting. Temple Holds Bar Mitzvah The consecration of Howard Ekstein, s on or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ekstein of Fountain Valley, .,. on the eve of his Bar Mitzvah. wi ll take place at Israel Academy's Sab.bath eve service Friday. \ Rabbi Robert Jeremiah Bergman will officiate, starting at 8:15 p.m . at Academy head- quarters in the old Irvine School on Sand Canyon A venue. The Bar Mitzvah will be solem- nized as a part of the Saturday morning service, starting at 9:30 a .m., followed by the weekly Torah class .. ucc Slates Weekend Activities For the fourth year, Shepherd of the Hills, United Church of Christ (Congresational) will be holding its traditional all-church family weekend at Pilgrim Pines; located in Oak Glen in the San Bernardino Mountains, above Redlands. The program begins today with lunch and concludes with a Mother's Day turkey dinner with au the trimmings. Diane Pike, widow o( Bishop James Pike and Arlene Lorrance will provide a program, "Creat- ing Your Own Reality". Also on the agenda will be the Faith Ex- ploration Task Force of Southern California Conference, United Church of Chi:ist. CIDLDREN WlLL participate in various activities or hiking, games and crafts and the entire group will share in folk dancing this evening. Sunday worship will take the form or small communion circles sharing bread and wine on the mountainside. . Those members not going to Pilgrim Pines may attend services at 30121 Niguel Road led by Jim Nartin at 10 a .m . Mother's Day morning. Theme Selected WASHINGTON <CPI> Roman Catholi l'S v.·iil mark \Vorld Communications Day Mciy 11 under the the me "The l\.1ass l\ledia and ReconC'iliation.'' OAtLVPILOT A9 Appointed Dr . Jonah C. Kli e wer, director of mu sic ministry at St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach, has been named assistant professor of voice and choral music foe the 1975-76 school year at Tabor College • Hillsboro, K an . Scholarships Five 's cholars hi ps in th e amount of $300 each have been awarded by Grace l,utheran Church, Huntington Beach. to high school seniors who elect to attend California Lutheran College next fall. The Lutheran Student Commit- ment Av>ards \\.'ent to: J eff Berg, ')1indy l\.IcG eorge, arid Brian Schlosser of Marina High School: John Ca ldwell Jr., Fountain Valley High School ; and Eric Johnsen, Huntington Beach High School. r;:::::::=:===::;- How does Christian Science heol? Listen to lirslhand ex- periences. This week's program. DtSCOUll4CHD7 THERE'S A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUHHEL" 6:l0a.M.-Kfl-640--U. 1:45ci.l!L- KMPC-710-U 7:15a. .... -KOCM·FM- 103.l l--HI Mciy 11, lt75 ·I TR,UTH • " · HEf:ILS --- I ORANGE .COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY . ~'>I ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH • I A Cordial Welcome from PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES I LUTHERAN CHURCH THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU OFTHI of the Coostol Areas 3209 Via Udo, Newport Beoch RESURRECTION Costa Mt!sa Hunlington Beach Christ United Presbyterian Church SUNDAY 7:JDAM:::tchcti..J,t . I PAUL HAL'fOISOH FIRST UNITED FIRST UNITED NEWPORT HARBOR ·-METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 20112M....,&•l~ ...... t•llltlogl•hoclt . t&ll...., •IW'lst&Mor-.g le•.DOM6dE.l ........ Pmtw .....,... ............ LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:00 a.a 19th St. & HarbOr 81\.'d. 272117th$t. 536-3537 s.m.,, WcinWp: t:lO A.M. Cllwcli Scllool: t:30 A.M. t:OO AM Cli.rcll Seltool I......., t & 111 7tl Dever Dr. WonWp SerrlcH S..-.k..-9:15 & IO:lO Offkr. 20112 M ..... st. ~t41-4f40 TUESDAY I 0:00 AM HolJ &ch.-lst, ._..., 541·l6l I C&1lcw.cir..y Ser•lce t:JO & 11 :00 A.M.. Nuri.et)' C.•• A~ ~orn•nv SerYke wltll LAYIHCi OH Of HANDS N.wportleocli Cllwc .. 5c•aol t:lOA.M. Clllwdi Sc~a Ill t:l 5 Church of the Co•enanl I 0:45 AM ........ Preyer,.._..... ..,.,. J. lef'9. Pcistw' I O:JO ci.M. EARl W. tSSEll, 0 0. 2150 '°" wlew IMll. Costa Mew . " Lffw9ccil 5~ice WIDHISDAY 5:]0 Clwch $ci.ol, CiNchl 4, 5 .. 6 Early Costa Mesa Nor!h Huntington Beach-North lrwce A. Kwrie, Pcntcir ..,1:00 PM Prcryw Gltd ProlM. Worship 8:00 a.m. t :OO & I O:JO •·"'-MESA VERDE COMMUNITY UNITED s-MJW ...... &C....USc•aal 1:30 Ir I 0:00 A.M. Tltt lrf. JoM P. AllMyll, lect•-PltoM 475-0210 Christian C'-ch Sch~ METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH ,.._ 557-3340 Education 9 :15 a.m. M~H Yer<M l Beker S!. 6662 Heil Ave . 842-4461 Community. Presbyleri·•n Church ~·~110 Festive 9812 Hamitton WonWp Ir Ct.re.ti Scllool WwMJ t & IO:lO ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Worship 10:30 a.m. Huntington leach t:lO lt..M. CJ.rc• School 415 hnst A•-·~· leech Nursery C.r• Av1il•ble 9:00 Ir 10:-lO A.M. a .......... J.T_.tnHy 2043 Ora• Ave., Costa Mesa WELCOME 962-5005 CHRIST CHURCH I••· ........ 0. H,.,,.-In-• ......._. L Cllwti"' BY THE SEA HEWl'ORT CENTER t :OO· I 0:00 •·"'·-Chrl11ici" ldw:cstiOR Hcivr Sundays 8:00 & 10:00 Church School -9: 15 Newport Beach 1'0:15 ci.M.-Wo.-stdp 11:15o.M.--fetlciW~ipH_. 1400 W. Balboa Blvd. UNITED METHODIST ra..r. 494-7555 MW.Wffl Sft"9kn-WM. 7:00 P.M. 673-3805 1601 Marguerile Ave. fr.Hwwtl Mott C•IMlflll, Yk•-PlloM 541·2217 ' Gloria Del Lutheran Church Rev. Robert S. Shepard. Jr. Corona del Mar St. Mark Presbyterian Church ' ~ D-Point WonWp & Ca.di ScJi.GI WW"llrip & S.ndciy Sc hod . 1 IO:OOA.M • c__,. Jr•• art• & I rAlwff Drf••· CoroH del MClf' ST. ANDREWS 33501 StonelMUDr. t:lO lt..M. • ..... Joa.a.1 .... ...... w--. ..... McO.OW. , ..... Donald P. lftson. Pastor W"'*Y,,.Scllocil "'-r. 644-0745 w_....,&C.....U5ch11I 9 .... I 0::10 A."4. EPISCOPAL MISSION ' f.11:45 P"-:644-1141 ' Worshlp-8:30 & 11:00 VISTA YHDI SCHOOL 4920 Mic' .............. . . ..... , , Wonlolp Service & 5'lndcrJ Scloool-10:00 A.M. ..;....:.•· S..nday School -9:45 OUR LADY Of MOUNT CARMEL / r--This Sunday Worship in ........, ........ 5SZ-175l ' . ··' CATHOLIC CHURCH . 111--4161 . 493°3414 493-4073 1441 w .................. ...,.. .. .c. \ L/St.Jf 11dn·n1s Tre;;/ntf c ri an Cli u rc/1 It••· nt-s O,,.,_., Pastor 671·3775 SU .... SCHIDUU . ' Saint Michael And All Angels Episcopal Churth CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH SATUIDA Y IYMMG MA.55-5:00 P.M, 600 St. Andrews Road •Newport Beach 3233 Pacific View Driv.,, CorOftCI dtl Mer Missouri Synod SUHDAY MASSIS-.. 10.12 I 5 P.M. Dr. C .. cirlit1 H. Dift'ftl'field. Pint« S.ndciy Sltl"'t'k":... 1:00 & t :lO LM. 760 VktoriG st,. Cost. Mt>sa COHfl5SIOH5-l:l0.4:30 Scilwdcly ' Cllwclt Schoel & ~ -f!lO •·"" L...._. Y. T-. P....,_541°5404 ' T111tsd.p -7:00 ..-. WitdRe'*P-9::10 .,,.., w...-. S ... •lctt: 1:1S111 A.M. Snct.J Sc"-1 •:30 A.M. "9.25 PER HOUR" "' 1 ........... ltCMJitn Dnh. IKhr ~644--046] Aduftllble0..f:30A.M. c..,...._ 11, ..... , 1ct.oo1-i41-6166 Shir Ha-Ma'alot Or. Chwle-s H. Di.t Hfhkl. Preochiflg - I ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Harbor Reform Temple Services 8 A.M., 9:30 A.M. and 11 A.M. ,----Rabbi Bernerd P. King 1236-. Sf .. I ...... • hock PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ·" 'ID AIC LIME OF HELP--645-2222 IJnt ... offln,_..1 2917 Mfffl Y ... Dr., Coster Mf;sa. c.lf. Sabbath Services ANDREW C. AN0£RSON. P ... oo-JAMES R. NELSON. A .. ltl..,I Religious School ' S.ltcS.J Sc._. tilO .... 8:00 A,M. -Holy Communion meetini al TEMPLE ISAIAH 9:30 A.M,.-Family SeMce & Church School M......,W_8'00 .... 11,00...., Cl-lRIST CHURCH Y T"lE SEA · tine• OI Pe«ie lulhertn Sc>Pw:IOI • COH51 .. ATIVE t (Nursery care} "''. s1.v.n s.ttM'lwlld, """""*' 1400 W, S.lb!M Blvd., N_.i S.tcl> 1·1:00 A.M. -Morning Worship (hursery c.are) Olla Pl'lolW: 5'"°51, SC:llOOI ,..._ 54~2 -It... . Fc..r informalton: Call 675-7230' , Sabbath S'"ices 17:00 P.M. -Festival Evensong & Sermon "if·'rJ ~j EYOry Friday at 8:15 P.M . . "' "' ... I EPISCOPAL YOUNG CHURCHMEN COMMUNITY CHURCH IY THI IAY TEMPLE BAT YAHM ~ HwMr C•rlstf• ctwclt of M:tr::: le.cit 240 I ir.i.. A.wit., Hit_,wt ocll I James C. Caley, Past0(-.962-7512 Res.: 536-4061 Meeting each Sunday in /\. (A•loo"l'll .-W & 5l7·11JS 646-7511 I L.W. n..tr.-J459 Vie Udo. ......... a..ctt I.bbl MILYIH D. SILYllMAH llU9IOUSSCHOOL ,.o. ... ~51,r-.c .. t1• .. . I 0:00 lt..M. , ~~n S.W.•tll S...-ricn JridGy 1:00 ,..... . HEW ErlSCOf'AL MIS510t4 Dr.w•-L,.._,, • ..,. ltlfltlCMt• Schoo!l-5-chiy ISRAB. ACADfMY .... ,.,. , ......... 641-7610 I ·Cols sl ~ ..... • ..... c-oH A.,.,., '-!"'""' t :30 ci.lft. lei I Z P·"" UNIVERSITY SYNAGOGUE . =~·· ..... H..W.w Sch 1 11 ... ~ 1\ (.'.'elc bratlon or i,lfe . IJ .. JU•4'1-17H ' 4:11-6:1 , .... S.utcNy-M•y 11 ........ .._ __ S..M.Y.-CUOYALUYI SOUTH c'OUT fw ,..,....._ lwt.wllow c.a 644-1 t9t MOTHER'S DAY RECESS CHURCH OF CHRIST . P.O. lei• 251, C:O..... del Mw tJ625 Prhlciy-M.y 16 I Seyenth·Day AdYentist Church Mf.'iT At...,_.""" ee,. CW. t :lO •·•·-Yldor ~ .. l :tl ,..__. CCl•ltN .. WlltlLlh I 111 .... -..tt .. c....w.. 21) TUllMA,.1t .. c.ftMl'M TIMPLE SHARON ~y-t:.JO .. ,... II! 1111&•1 . SUNDAY 91BLE Cl..ASSES 10 A,M, . .~~ hr MH'lw .. --ld••tl k....._ ........... J .... ..,..,...._,._, ...... ,,, MO"NIHGM)ll;Sl-fPS(RVICI 11 A..M. ""~ ........................ ---ISRArif. ' EVEHI~ 8EAYICE 6 fl M, ' ~· • , ... _..., ........ o.c. lHUA&OAY llllEO.ASS!St.*IP.M, ' ' 611 W..t Ila:••;, CMh MeM 64'-ISSZ ~\ ~hSohool .............................. 9:30a.m. lv ....... 11 lo,Molo_. ' .....,,...,._ ............. lohrt Jltf'ittttlcdl •• ,,..... D.-...... noW~hlp ••. ,. ...................... 11 ;ooa.m. 530.7706 For lof...-11• c .. 968-0776 535-4166 , I S«r•ictt ""-1:1sc,. w. t:11 ... I .. 147J6SeMIC••.,..Ave.. ....... Y9f Mttet1no·WednndlY ................... 7.300.m. ........... C...M.U. . .. . . -. . . . ' ) • I A f 0 DAILY PILOT Saturday. May 10. 1975 ANIMAlogi<~i.r ........ Commissary . Customers Rise Up . . Student, 20,_ ·, WinS $1,000 I -W ASl:llNGTON !UPI) -Since an- nouncing it wanted to end taxpayer sub· sidies for military commissaries in January. the Pentagon has been assailed by angry service families alm~l as shrill as. the antiwar proteSlers or a few years ago. , The Pentagon rought its way out or the comer this week , saying that commissary patrons still save 10 percent to 12 percent over commercial supermarket prices even after the subsidies are ended. 1\ llOUSE ARMED services subcom · mittee held h-earings on the Pentagon's commissary Proposal . P.1any members have said they are flooded with mail from servicemen and their wives who believe their empJoyer gives them short shrifi now that the war is over. When Defense Secret.ary James R. Schlesinger appeared before the committee two months ago to defend the ent1re•$104 bllllon defense bill, he got more questions about commissaries than any other sub· ject .. ARMY BRIG. GEN. Emmett W .. Bowers. who heads a study group looking into t he commissary, question, told the hearing the average saving to cQmmissary customers now was 20 to 23 percent com· pared to commercial supermarkets.· The commissaries sold about Chaise Lounge Cover Two ·piece terry 1n solid colors. Elasticiied tor snug lit AU Place To Shop! • Beach UMBRELLA Douau HIBACHI With WOOD SHAFT Vinyl in floral or mtJlti- . stripe designs with 6 ribs. Protect yourself from harmful sun rays .. ~ru~~ SPECIAL .~~~~·SPECIAL Flashcubes -12 GUARANTEED W FLASHES! . -~ , PAK OF 3 CUBES frMJ ~~ ~ .--~...-::! r~ Windex WINDOW CLEANER Dozens al Uses! CARNATION THE Spreadables SANDWICH SPREADS Ric•, hst1 t1.,Jt111 llaHrs will cr1111y •r1ssi 11. 7Yz OZ. lOx 17'' Size with adjustable grill. 6.88 CHARCOAL Briquets I Chef's Delight Gourmet & rest· 1 1 g atJranl qua lity~ 10 LB. BAG • Modess FEMININE NAPKINS 1.44 DENMAN Brushes by S£KINE "Tangle& Curl " Handbag size styl ing brush . 2.99 WISK HEAVY LYSOL TOILET DUTY LAUNDRY DmRGENT 32 oz. _r ·t ['j 80Wl <IWllll LIQUID DISINFECTANT -240Z. biUion worth of &oods last year, and the eover11ment is spending about $264 million to cover the payroll of27,000 employeli. Beginning this October, prices will be ·raised until in October, 1976,. the com· mlssary custo~er is paying enough money to cover all those salaries.· That means prices will rise about 10 percent, leaving the commissary customer still saving 10 to 12percent, Bowers said. CONGRESS CAN overturn the Pen-. tagon's plan if it chooses. Service families claim they were pro- mised the' commissary benefits as part of their pay and that if lhf Y are reduced, th e net result is a pay cut. iiiiii~~ A pa rtia tl y deaf a!uden\ at Golden West Colleae bu won u Sl .000, two-d::,~ scholarship from &ix& Cal ifornia Edison for career development. Mark Apodaca, 20, Tor· ranee, has been on the de· an'a list three times alnce he ;enrollt!d 'at the !lunt- ington Beach compus ln the falJ of 1972. He plans to transfer next fall to ~ -st .. te-Northrl-d-ge for ~a business admlnistra~ion major.· Efferdent KITTY QUEEN · • DENTURE CLEANSER Extra Stren1th! 96 TABLETS CAT FOOD Kidney" or Heart for your Queen! 6 DZ. 1.57 _.:.J~.- ~~~~ t~ ANACIN fast relief from tense, nervous headach~s! 2DO's fBJ ' Tube SOCKS "G olden Classic·• de· 1 19 lu~e athle tic crew socks tor men. • Tube SOCKS • "Gildea Cla ssic" 29 sporty pro style for 1 \ men. • Tube SOCKS "Golden Classi c'' athletic 89C socks for boys . , PEDS "Trims" Sport SOCKS Ankle hi, cushioned lined aac for ladies. Tennis SOCKS "Golden Classic" de· 1 49 luxe sweal·proof 101 men. • PEOS SCENUD LADIES' SPORT SOCKS 21 00 Cool and absorb: : ent . • U l'tllCES PREVAIL, SUND.\Y, MAY 1 t llllU TUESDAY, MAY 11 INSTANT Nestea lemon flavored tea! The summer relresher! -4-oz. 5'1~~~ SPECIAL PRO Stralghflrlm D( Tufted ~!1 for ADULTS Rose· Mi lksKIN CARE CREAM Rich, thick blend ol moisturizers! 18 oz. 1.39 ' Geritol'F9RTIFIED TONIC OF HIGH POTENCY 100 TABLETS Breck SHAMPOO-IN HAIR COLOR ~] L t' 'd ...,,.._ Lon g lasting color with ~,..,. •• -. r ~:r; 1 49 ~-·· · PfOlein I formula. • ~ '--. . -~~· ~*1 . • llOUNTAIN YAW'f'AM~.~fll;.!l'lw~.·w••••-••• .... •c;!:~H """""· :Wnklff ,._. • 2 ... .. :.~.,~ t!-S,.f 1t1'1 & ..... & TOltO-l4J72 lecllfllW .... ~ ( • 1 ' ' ' r ' ~ .. , ' l ' ' ' I I • I 1 J I 1 ' 1 1 ' f ' • \ t I I 1 ' I ' t I I ( ' 1 ' 1 t I 1 l I I •• I j ' l I l I ;. J ~ 1 l .. ' I' I I ' j i. ' -:. •] ~ . ,;. Ir ' ~· i i •1 • I I ,, .. .I - ' r I Saturday, May 10, 1975 A.r~a ·~oduct Res•ts Detroit Temptation . ' ·I I D.ETROI\r (AP>..llrbose· <I_, rtgbt·lield 1eau at ~ St..Uum are awlujlf tem 1 ~-'!.')DY l(eyer1 bu Uie rooitl•• """""t len lletaer 11 reslatlmr the urge to awing tor holne; runs. M anaaer Ralph Houk: would like to aee +Meyer rattle tho8e seats with homers lhis. bueb'1.l 1ea1on. But be is. afraid of trying to penujlde t.bei leR·banded hitter to pull th& ball more tor fear or Adninghia· smooth batting style.· So Houk· laleavlnghim.along. Meyerisa craduate ol. Mater De! lllgh School and alons with 1bJs paren~ 11 a reaideut ot El Toro. Meanwhile, Meyer's tatb· er Tom and special Ti(ers bitting instructor Wayne Blackburn both caught. a flaw in his stance, and Meyer boPes their tips will help. The peculiar combination ot advice and no advice may be working. 'Ibunday Meyer ripped a dou· ble, a aingle and a home run in a 3·fo1 -4 performance ·lb..lll raised -tiis-baftfng average from .219 to .250. ''He'a never had a nlcht like that here," Houk 1ald, beaming. ••He's hit an &mazing amount of balls with a:ood power towards the 11econd b••eman," he. said. "It he would puU the ball just a little he'd be hitting them in the seats. I'm trying not lo Cool with him too much, but J'rit thlnklnc about It. ·~1 kind of hope it'll come naturally. If you tell him to be a pull hitter. maybe you'll ruin hls~wing.", Meyer bas quick wrists and pulls the ball tr he gets the right pitches. Howevef, he prefers to just hit the ball wherever he can. ''t · don't consclously think about pulling it," the blond Californian said. "I just think about hitting it. . · "You have to fight the urge · to hit home runs. Ir you go up there and say I have to hit a home run to right field it might affect your swing." Meyer said his rather is in Lown ror the current home stand. Art'er Danny went O· tor·4 against MilwaukM-a rew dayt ago, he asked bis dad ror advice. .. He tried to act disinLerest· ed," Meyer Saidtsmillng. "He said, 'l didn't ieally pay any attention to you, but ir you open your hi&>$ up a little you'll hit.' It worked.'' He said Blackburn, in town brieny to work with Tigers hit· ters, concurred. Meyer said his rather quit playing sandlot baseball only last year. DAIL 'y PILOT , 8 ,f " DANNY MEYER I ~ i Schmidt's i t Raps ·Pace ! MVtoTitle I ' By HOWARD L. HANDY Of~ Dally 1"119e Mitt It was Dave Schmidt day at Dana Hills High School Friday bul the host Dolfihins weren't do-ing any celebrating. Schmi_t;il, the s.turdily-built catcher for coach Harry Hilke's Mission Viejo High baseball team, provided the ~er as the Oiablos captur'ed the Soutb'Coast League championship with a 7.3 victory over ttie Doiphins. , Schmidt muscled two homers and a single to drive in five runs with a perfect day •Ube Pl•lf. His round-trippers were or tape.measure vatj.ety. The first came in the second in· ning and cleared the left field fence with plenty or room to spare. This one was belted high and carried in the jel·S\feam that was blowing toward left some 20 to 30 feet beyond the 360-fOOt mark. After he drove ~11 ~.pair pf~ with a line drive single in the third, he w as walked in the fifth and then unloaded his longest blast or the day in the seventh with Greg Perry on'"base. The blow carried over the center field rence and measured - 400feet. The vi~torY gave Mission Viejo the outtightr championship with aD 11·4 record. Coach Dennis ~esPor's Dolphins also gained a CJ F playqrr berth by finishing second, one game behind the l)tablos. El Toro lost to :~ Univ~ai\61• ,s iring se&rtcf'\>Jice · to the Dolphuls alone. ~ · Friday's showdown opened as a match between curve-balling Tom Plachek of'Mission and:last year's Orange League Player·· .(SeeDIABWS, Pa1eBZ) Prep Ties 9.0 Mark WINTER PARK, Fla. (APl- Higb acbool sensation HOuston McTear eqll'lled the world re- .cord· in the lOQ-yard dash Friday with a 9.(t second clocking in a preliminary heat of the· state Class AA championship meet. All three timekeepers had ' McTe"ar at. 9.0. The wind gauge ( showed a readil)g of two miles • per hour, well under the allowa· • ble4.47 mph. 1 The time by the ts.year-old " Baker High School junior shat- : tered the national high school re-. cord or 9.2 seconds which he and • Mike Roberson of Winter Park ", High.School set in separate quail· fying meets last weekend. And it ' tied the world mark or 9.0 set by ~·Ivory Crockett lest year at Knox-. ville, TeM. -Wise Red Sox ~Too ' DlllY l"li.t ....... .._ ~ ... , .. COSTA. MESA'S GUY KRIKORIAN FIRE;S TO FIRST. ADDITIONAL PHOTO, B-2. Mustangs Share Crown By ED BURGART ot-.o.lly l"l._SUH A baseball team which featured Only two returning let- < term en is co-champion of the · Century League. Costa Mesa's Mustangs, who were given almost no chance to win their league, notched their eighth straight victory Friday af. ternoon, defeating the visiting Tustin High Tillers-the team they began their streak against-12-2. And coupled with Corona del Mar's 3·0 upset over El Modena's Vanguards, the Mdstangs and Vanguards wind up with 104 re· cords. But Costa Mesa will be re- cognized as the· league's No. 1 ClF representative due to its 8-7 and 1.0 wins over El Modena. So, ror the first time since 1968, Costa Mesa advances to the CIF playoffs which begin next Fri- day. Costa Mesa showed Friday that it is for real. The Mustangs exploded for six r\mS and fi ve hits in the decisive third inning when they sent 11 men to the plate. They also got excellent pitching from Tim Crocker , played strong defense and were very aggressive on the bases, coming up with five steals. Bernhardt's shot over the left field fence came after Mark Richardson had led ofr with a double and Rudy Phelps was aboard on an error. Seconds after Bernhardt's blast. first baseman Gary Baume hit a towering fly that the .strong wind carri~ over the right center-field fence. And when catcher Stan McCoy blasted a two-run single up the middle to score the inning's final two runs, th e Mustangs were on top,8·1 Bernhardt, Baume and McCoy (See MESA, PageBZ) Nelson One Ahead In Houston Tourney DALLAS (AP> -Larry Nelson, a little-known sophomore on the pro golf tour who didn't take up the game until he was 21, shot a six·under-par 6S in op· pressive, muggy beat Friday and took the second.round lead in the $175,000 Byron Nelson Golf ClasSic. ' ' s.tond-ro...,.d l•..O•r' ln tr. 111~.000 Byron ,...,'°"Goll Cl1ulc: Urry Ne!J.on TomWM!.On BobE.Smltl'I Bruc:eCr•mplOl'I O..l<;A: Nevil RodP'WIH11'1 .I.ck E~il'IQ BobDicbOl'I S.nCreo'ISMW AorP_,. The slightly built Nelson, a balding 27·year-old Vietnam veteran, put together a 36-hole total of 1~. eight under par for two trips over the 6,957-yarcf Preston Trail Golf Club course. Nelson, whose fifth-place finish in Houston last week matched his career best, opened up a one· stroke advantage over Tom Walson and Bob E Smith, tied at 135. Watson, who shared the lead in this tournament a year ago before making double boge~ on the 68th hole, one-putted six times in a row, on his way to a course record·matching 63, eight under par for Angels· Burleson's Hitting Paces 4-1 Victory Rick Wi se overpowered California with a three·hilter Fri· day nig ht and Rick Burleson lashed two doubles and a single as the Boston Red Sox posted their sixth consecutive victory, a 4·1 triumph over the Angels at Anaheim Stadium. Wise, improving his record to 3·2, permitted singles to Tommy Harper in the first inning and Joe A-.eb81ate Alt C0."''1 e1t KMl"C l1Ml. Mar 10 Bo.ion •t C:11itornia AA.Jr 11 Boston"' C•lllornl" M.Jr 13 Nt .., Yori<"' C1lltorni~ 1:1~11.m. 12;SSp.m, 7 .2S p.m. Lahoud in the seventh, and a leadoff homer by Mickey Rivers in the ninth. He struck out seven and' walked three. Wise has now pitched 49 in .. nings this season, matching the entire total of his injury-plagued 1974 season, when ,he was ham· pered by a broken finger and re· curring shoulder miseries. Burleson doubled and scored a run in the third, singled in the fifth and doubled home Boston's final run in the seventh to lead Boston's seven·hit attack against loser Andy Hassler, 3·3 . The loss was the seventh in nine games fo{ the Angels. Boston pecked away at Hassler and scored single runs in the second, third, fifth and seventh in· Dings. · Fred Lynn's one-out single, a walk to Rico Petrocelli and a hit batsman, Dwight Evans, loaded the bases for Boston in the second and Bob Montgomery got the first run home with a sacrifice ny to center. Burleson's double. an infield out and Jim Rice's sacrifice fly made it 2·0 in the third before a walk to Juan Beniguez and sue·· cessive singles by Burleson and Carl Yastrzemski upped the Red Sox advantage to 3·0 in the fifth._ CALIFOllNIA ••rllrlli •OS TON •ll>rflrbl '2 I 0 s 1 3 1 ' 0 1 1 3 0 0 I ' 1 I 0 3 0 I 0 1 000 J 0 0 1 3 (I 0 0 o o o a MNenle~. rf Rl119r~, cf Hlrl>ff,dl'I Uhoucl, 11 0o<:l'lte, 111 O\lolk. 3b Alll•ll•, c SuoUkl~. c RemJ .21l BSmill'l,SS Meoll.u Hii!.l<!r, p Tot11s ' O O o Beniquer. u ' 1 1 1 8urleM>rl, ~$ 'O 1 O Yrtrrrn;kl, lll ' 0 1 0 Rlc•,Ol'I 3 000 LrlVl,Cf 1 o o o "-l•oc•!li, ~ 2 O 0 O E~•n$,rl 1 O O O Ml>tQmry, c J O O O Gtillin. 111 200&Wise.p 1 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 JO 1 l 1 Tot•I~ 011 010 100-t 000 000 001 -1 E -Remy. DP -C•lifornla2. LDB -~ton 7, C.tllorni• '· 1B -B'l•i•~on 2. HR -River~(!). SB -H••Pff. SF -Montgomerr, Ric;e. II" H JI Ell •B SO Wl~fW,J.21 9 3 I I 2 1 Hai.sl...-U.,J..Jl • 1 ' 3 S ' H8P -by Hassler Ev•ns. T-1: 11. A -n ,41 1 . Burleson is a rormer Warren High (Downey J star, who spent a great deal of the past winter working out at Orange Coast College. The loss dropped the Angels below the .500 mark (14-15 ) and put them three games behind the fronl·runniog Oakland A's in Lhe American League West Division battle. The victory by Boston put it just one game back of Milwaukee in the Eastern race. Boston now is 13·9. ' Celts Rally·: For 103-99 Triumph BOSTON -Dave Cowens and Don Nelson sparked a furiotis fourth-period rally as the Boston Celtics defeated the Washington Bullets, 103-99, Friday night to remain alive in deCense of their National Basketball Association championship. Cowens scored 11 points while saddled with five fouls and Nelson eight as the Celtics out· duelled the Bullet.S down to the wire. The sixth game of the best· of.seven Eastern Conference final series moves to Landover, Md .. Sunday afternoon with Washington holding a 3-2 lead. A'.:'lee" Defealed TORRANCE -Sergio Zanatta scored one goal and assisted on the other leading the Vancouver Whitecaps to a 3-0 s hutout of the Los Angeles Aztecs in a North American Soccer League game Friday night al El Camino College. UCLA in FlnaJs WS ANGELES -Unbeaten University of California at Santa . Barbara whipped Yale and de· fending champion UCLA defeat· ed Ohio State in the semifinals of the NCAA volleyball cham - pionships Friday night at UCLA~ Santa Barbara ran its season rec:ord to 32·0, defeating the eastern champion Yale team.in three straight sets, 15·6, 15·4, 15·6. UCLA needed four sets to bectt Ohio State, 15·1, 15-11. 8-15 ah,I 15-10. The fin als are tonight. : Nastase Ad t•a11ees ;,.. . Roberson won"t compete until if today in the Clas& AA competi- f .J. tion. . .I e MeTear, now on Ute doorstep to Tustin, the league's last place team with a 2·12· record\.. never had a chance when sflyrlstop Steve Bernhardt blasted a three· run homer in the thi.rd. """~" ....... -Mlli.r 61rller 6t.•S--1l4 77-43-llS 61·'9-US ... 10-136 ...... -136 J().6t-1J1 ,,-43-111 J~7-1JJ •1·11)-137 6f.61-l:J7 61·10-137 6'-M-137 ........,.,37 .,..._,31 Marshall Battered MUN ICH , Germany -Top- seeded Guillermo Vilas of Argen· tina apd No . 2 seed I lie Nastase of Romania advanced Friday into the semifinals o( the Bavarian International Tennis Tourna· i cracking ~he : magical nine second bamer in the sport, had proclaimed last month after re- aching 9.3 seconds that bis goal • in the sport was just toreaeh9.0. • "I am a little arr aid that I may •1 bum myself out at the pace I'm . going," said McTear. He runs •two hours a day in hopes of quali- • fying for the 1976 Olympie& in Montreal. Tllltltl 111 CM .. IM .. 1111 ••rlllll •••'*" Pl~,~ • o 1 Q Krikorian, 211 l 1 O 0 "Comln.,p 2 O O O Y...n,tti I 0 0 0 . lfl1c.wr•, U 2 0 0 0 RICMn, JI:> • 1, 1 0 Rl"5, cl 2 1 1 o Mulrren, JI:> o O o o ·~~i't:~-c ~ ~ : ~ ::c::-:.·~ : : : g £r1CllJ.on, JI:> S 0 0 0 8'fftl'Nlrdl, SS ' l l l Ol'"•• . .-P 1 0 0 0 8"tM,1b l 'l 2 ' l.oc:klNfl, lb 2 O o' 0 0.Wllde,Cf l I 0 (I IC•"",c I 0 0 0 8: Phel115, If 1 1 0 0 Tllf«d,rf 2 O 1 D Klftm.,.,tl 2 1 0 1 McCIAkltl",lf I O O O McC.Oy,c S 0 1 l Wl'IQtlt,H O O O O .Cto<l<ltl",O 2 0 0 0 Tol•ls 26 t 6 1 Stullkk,pti 1 o 1 0 T$11 2• 12 10 10 SC-•'l'tMI- Baker, a small town in 'Florida's Panhandle, doesn't even bl\U a running tr8ck. He practices by running on the ~ :chool's football field. ~~"-y ••• 010 100 0-2 6 • xi.JlOa-n 10 ,0 O.rlft COOdr _ ... _ Fr"""' eon,,., MlocMc:Unckiitl Miii•~,...., Olll'-rltull For""1 Feller JlkNrdCr.wtord AlltnMU~ .lol'lnlly MUMf" TornmyMron Jim SI---· 8udAUIYI o. .. Sloc:klon EedMP9•C• Jothwr._n · .._,,lei.,,., ......,,,,_ Jkfl 0.nl TomEv-LonHlnllt.e ......... .U.Ntyt(rH:IN Mlk•W)'nn Hll i. I r'WI n 54•,,.INlnrk JUS-l:JI n ... -1:ie 6f.419-1JI ... ,0-131 11 ... -1. .... ._,. 11 .. J-1JI 71"'6-lll ... 10-1JI 11 ... _,,. 69-10-139 11 ... -1.19 69-70-1:)9 ... ,,_,,. 11M9-119 ... 11-Ut' ... 71-11' 69-70-13' ... ,,_,,. n .. 1-1n .,..,,_,'° ...n-1• 71).70-1..0 11....-1-10 ... ,,_,'° ... n -1.0 "'"' -Laver Tumbles in Five Sets ' . DALLAS (AP) -Scramblinc ·om Borg, undaunted by two ·tenUally ruinous -1ettiaeks, bed Corona del Mar's Rod ver in a cUmactic ftf'lh set to 1·6, 3·6, 5·7, 7-6, 6-2 in a arathon World Championship Tennis semtrinal Frld•Y, nlJht. Laver, at ~ nearly twice. the eofthe Swedish teenager, wu ble to hold serve in three es In the 'final set. He brol<e 's 1erve twice early in the but ~ S;wed• -, .lbeJll)Ol 'iaineo to tue.thi m....,b, ,Julld foul' --~· ' ' minutes, Laver, who.has won every ma: jor tmnls championship in his ii· lustrioas career, bow has tried and failed five Umes to win the . WCTtftle. 1•1 ·am a UtUe relieved we can quit talking about .It.•• said Laver. ''I've had fiVe dlancea oliCI hive«n.Joy.a it hnmenoely. t don't think I will lr)I it again next year." · Laver criliclted the line calling lnthematcb. "Jl la reilly 'rrustrall!tl wheJi )'Oli bll 10 ioocl abOld k .. C9lled ' ( out. Maybe I am just· old and ll'UJllPY," be said. Laver played hi.I belt set of the mateb In the 1econd aet, wblsU· ins pauing &hot.a 1and mixln1 pin· point dr0p1 to neutralize Borg's acraMbUnc quickneu. Laver won five o1~1ls cames to close out .the ~, breakln& Borg'& serve three inore Um es· after breaktn11 him three Um ea lit the first set. . ' fd 'tbe other semifinal match, Ar.tbur Ashe rose out of the dold/l!MI ol Ill• II.tat aet and went on to whip A~allan John Ales-..-.~M, f..1, f.S, M. • Dodgers Fall, 11-3 PITTSBURGH (AP)-Dave Parker drove in six runs with a double, triple and homer and keyed two late rallies as the Pit· tsburgh Pirates battered Los Angeles relier ace Mike Marshall for nine runs in the seventh and· eighth innings and beat the Dodgers, 11·3, Friday night. Parker delivered a two-run lri· ~~~~~~~~~~~~, Dodgers · Slale Al4 .. -••KA•CO-I Mly lOLOSAnvel•' It Plthllurgl'I MIJ 11 LOlA~llS•I PlllMlllrQl'I Mil n LOS Anoe le'., Sl. I.OU fl 11:101.m. IO:J01.m •. 5:2Sp.m. pie that capped a four-run rallY" in the seventh inning and put Pit· llburgh on top 6·3. Then, he blast· Yed hia third home run of the season with two runners aboard in a five· run eig'hth. Loa Angeles starter Burt Hooton, making his fi.nt start since joining the Dodgers in a. trade with the Cblcqo Cubs, held a 3-2 lead when be left ror a pinch biUer after six innings. Pinch .hitter Bob Roberuon· opent4f the seventh lnnln8 u.- Hult acalnst Marshall with a single. Pinch runner Larry· Demery m9ved to second on a sacrifice and scored the tying run on a .single by Richie Hebner. Demery was ca lled safe on a headlong dive across the plate, a . call protested by Dodgers catcher Joe Ferguson. · Al Oliver then doubled Hebner home with the go-ahead run. Richie Zisk walked and one out later Parker tripled. LOSANOIL£S l"ITTS•U•GM ••r•tM ••r•rlll '0 1 I Sl-U.1'1 S 1 I I '0 20 HHMr.lb 51 11 JOOO AOll.,.r,cl Sll2 ~130Stw9111,111 •100 ,111Zl11t.lf JJJl '000 OP••ll:ltl",rf 5136 ~ 0 , ' ~lllfl,( 2 0 1 0 'l10T ... rM.ll 1000 I • 0 O Klr"O't(l,,llfl 1 0 I 0 •o•o ,.......,u 0000 0000 ~Cl'l,$1 tOOO 1000 CIUi,o 2 000 11'.oOtrhn, ptl 1 0 I 0 0.tNry, Pl' 0 1 0 0 Ul tJ GlllSll,O 10 0 0 To\911 3' 11 1J II LOJAnot'°" 000 012 ODO-s· ..itttb11r911 000 011 ,,.~ 11 I! -C:.y 2.i T•,,.,ts. OP -U.. """'"'I. Pl!· ,.,..... J, t.ol -Lo."~"' 1, Plttw1ur0111. ~e -0. P•rltef"1 A;Ouw, t, °"'"J.21-cnwtotd. 0. P•rllw. Hit -o. P•rt:w tu. $ -HDoton ................. 11. • -'"'"•••••so • • t t 1 ' Mlnfwlll ft., >ti t , ' ' , 0 lllfltw,WI 1 1 S I I 2 °'""' 'l,100 01 S.ve -Gha•tl f)I, M'f.P -9y MlttMll ~ti.tl),f -Jt kA -U11, ment. . Vilas moved ahead with a' 6·2, 7·5 quarterfinal victory over Harold Elschebroich of W,e¥_ ·Germany, while Nastase be'!t' Hans-Juergen Pohmmm, another West German'. 6-4. J-6. TV.Sports 10 a.m. (9) -WOMEN 'S PRO TENNIS -Billy Jean King meets Chris Evert in the 1 singles final at San Fran· ~ cisco. (13) -AUTO RACING·· -Highlights of last weekend's action at · Ascot Park in Gardena. 11 a.m. (9) -WOMEN'S ' PRO TENNIS -Billie Jean . King and Chris Evert meet ' Rosie Casals and Virginia · Wade. 11 :15a.m. -BASEBAU..'-~· Schedul ed : The Texas Rangers meet the Tigers in Detroit. 1~:30 p.m. (7) -GOLF -, Third round pla.y'in the Byron .. Nelson Golf Cla1a:ic. • ~ Sp.m. (7) -WIDEWOllJn,._ OF SPORTS -Tbe lndy DI",' time trials. ,(Jao prot...ionaL,, lrM:k from J!il Paso. • ,._, . I \' •• E ,U DAILY PILOT S•huday. May 10. 10'7S Sizzling 47.4 440 Theriot Sparks Tars to Crown By ROGER CARISON Of._ D•ilf NIM IUillt Newport Harbor High's Brian Theriot came lbroug}) with the best performance of his llfe Fri· day night in the Sunset League tr.,ack and field fJnals at Westminster High-and for the Sailors it couldn't have come at a better time. Theriot tripled-racing to a 9.9 century, 22.l 220 and an outstand· ing 47.4 in the 440 -a league r e- cord. tl0---1. llOy (IE) 1:S4,2 2. CIMU IN) 115'.4 ), ._NlrlCll tM) 1:5'.I 4. OOrltNlldl (LI t1si..l S, GIKllOll (F) l :)I.). MIM>-1. $el'l\ll IL) 4: 1$.• t. M(Qwvltll fEl.•116.6 ). c;.i...,, U. l •: lt.O 4. SUll(H6'1d tLI •:l:U S. f'•I"' IM),:1S.O. 2-rn1 .. -1. WM ft.J t :11.o 2. Mtc:..-11 un ,:11.ll.~L~"' (LI ':)1.0LMllllr IWl':4SS. W•icu. IE) 1:.S.6. llOHH-1. euu .. r (\.Al 1•.• :t. OIStetllW. CN) 15.1 l. BlftQMm llA) 1),J 4, H.-i (Wm) IJr.) Jr. PoMll !El IS.,. )lOLH-1. SJ\,ow IM) ,..12. BlllQNm CU) »t'.21. Hl.nl-IN) )t.6 4. H~n IEI »t'.IS. MDM1 IF) ~·'·'· .io .-.i..,.-1. LOI Al•mllos '10 2. LD«• 4J.I l. Edison&l.l,, Ne-.POM4'.15. ~n ... ..i.L Ml .. rel•1-1. Newport J: 11.6 (~. W.ISI, Fol..,, TllilrloO 1. Edbon J: 1t.l l. Lot. Alemltw >:ll.l'· Mtirln.11 l :l ,.6 5. Lo.r&J:».l. H..1-1. eon ... u tNl -· 2. o..r.. rw1 M i. n-n1on (F) M •. fl.OU (1111.) ... , s. <tllll $d'IO!m>er CLAI, O.vl1 CEl ... 1. U -1. LIO<W1'11 CW) J1·11\'I L 5a.nford rEI 11-1\lo l. Bl"9'1•m (LA) 20--t4. WfOll'f'llll'I CFI 20-t S. Ollllltn IL Al »1 ..... PV-1. S-IEI ll-61. 811hop CL} 1).41. Bootrt IE I 11-0 4. H.,...,..11 IE) 11 .. S. Blf'9 (.M) ,, ... SP-1. 1C1,1rr&1ch (NI 6$·1~ 1. TMVln IMI 14-6\'I l. Kl-r IWml ~,,., 4. RH!$!\ IEI &~ 5. R•~h1n..,I (f)49-I~. TJ-1. AMir11111r.un IF) 4).l:W. 2-Lemwird fWI .ft·t Vr l. ~tlei.Oll IMJ •1-tYI 4. Ekn. .... 11 twml 41-4'4 s. Hlrci..11 (El M).I. Fln.111 5Corlr1g : 1. Newport 671. Edi-611'1 3. LD«• :tl4. LOI Al•mllos H'll S. aNrln.1U6. ~ t.in V•lley 111. Weslern 111. MS1,,.n1w 7. o .. r•ll: 1. N•wport 1s1n :l. Edi~ 1z11J J: Los ~105101/3. • .IUMIO" VA"SITV Hunsaker • Sharp;VP" Wins Title By ED BURGAllT Ol .. D& .. , ........ Brian Hunsaker pi¢ on another • 1peet,cular 1bow, but. the VIiia J'ark ·Hlab Spartan* had more depth than the Co-• del Mar sea K1n11 could b~e· n;lday n11bt at TwlUo H11b. AJ a re1ult, Uie Spartans ran away with the Century Leapo vanlly track and field \IU~. com- piling m · points, 33 more .than the seCond place Sea Klna:s . The Spartans weren't quite as lucky. in the junior varsity divillon; though, flniahlnl second to Estancia which had 119 Points. El ·Modena won the frosh·SOPh U- Ue. VIiia Pa{k picked Ul'hUl'\)erous thlrdl, fourths andfifths and waa able to overcome Keith Schim- mel'• failure to place In the pale vault. To top it off he anchored the winning relay team to a 3:18.6-moving the 440 yards in 47 .2. And the Sailors of coach Bob Hailey needed every bit of those efforts, plus the blue ribOOn finishes of Dave Kurrasch in the shot (65-11h), and K. C. Connell in the high jump (a league record 6·6 effort), to slave off the de- termined bid of Edison 's Chargers-loaded with Tom Lloy, Colin McConnell and a horde of talent in the field events. 1~1. Ot-drkk lM) 10.l' 2. Getltfl twnll 10.)1 l.IUnc» {El 10,, ~. wtlltb't (LI 10.S S.·8r11111Wr IWlt0.5. nG--1. Ot-drlcll: (Ml 21.s 1. G111en1 tF) 11.' l. 81..-ier fW) (1nllr1 rKI •ubje<l lolllmrelfl<twl. 4«>---1. B.tirter (LAI 52.0" 2. LAon.lrd IE) S.Z.1 l. Olckey !NI 52.3~. cno.te tFI 53.0S. Fl'd!lll\9 tLI BRIAN PHELPS OF COSTA MESA SLIDES IN SAFELY ATSl!CONO. Schimmel, who leads the na- tion this year with a 16·3 clearance, didn't vault until the bar was at 14-6, a hetghthefailed to clear: But his touted team- mate, Tim Vahlstrom; won the competition with a leap of lS-6. Vahlatrom baa gone l&-1. Lloy and Loara1s Ralph Serna', who doubled in the mile and 2- rnile, were close seconds to Theriot it\-thc individual depart- ment. The Edison senior took com· 'nt.and with 400 yards left of the '80 and won going away ih a race .tltat saw Newport's Kurk Clarke ~Uy to finish second. : ··Minutes later Lloy was up against Theriot in the latter's -specialty-the 440-and Lloy. came through with an excellent ~8 .1 to take second from · Newport's Vin Mulroy (48.9). · -Despite the solid performances .Of 'the Sailors, however, Edison -was still only 31'2 points behind "with the final mile relay looming. Newport was favored to win il. .. - but a dqppped baton or some other disaster wa:s a possible fac- tor. . Edison and Newport battled .though the first three laps even- and Theriot and .Lloy were hooked up in the last lap dead even after two steps. The Sailors senior took the lead, extending it to four yards before Lloy made his move with a furlong lo go. But he couldn't cUt the gap to less than two yards, VA"SITY ' 100-1. Tllilrlo! (N ) '·' ?. M1,1lrov CNl10.2). Hints (El 10.2 1,ubletl lo l11m re~lewl '·cant.II IEI 10.l _j,Cft\jdy ft.A) 10.1. VO-I. Tl\llrlol (N) n .t :t. Nhws !El n .2 l . Mulroy !NI 22.S '· Hum•nn INI 2U 5. Jenll;lm CU ..... .U0--1. Ti.rlol (Nl 41.l" 2. l.loV CEI a .1 3. Mulroy (N) 4 ., ~. Al'll1lrom ILAI d.l S. JenklM (LISO.•. 53_7, ' --1. Dlcllel' INl 2:01.t•2.GMtl• 1Ml2:01.51 Hui'°" IL) 1;01.14. Ft1nch•ll (Fl J;Cl'Z.I S. s..notrs tFl2:1M.I. Mlltl-1. NolMI CFl 4:'6.S 2. &o...nt IEI ':Sl.11 JolwiMson IEI 4;4!.JA. Fink (LI •:U.l S. ~rwnl ILl4:4S., •• IJllHH-1. 0"90'11 IEJ IS.t• 2. P,!rlCll CHI 16.' 1 R"'"""1 CM) 16.4 (Sublett IO lllm revlor#I '- VII" IL.Al 16.,S. Chublll IMl 16.S. J30LH-I. P•lrlCk !NI 40.S t. DuQOen IE) 41.l 1 V•le5 (LAI ~I.I•. Owbilt (M) 41.1 S. PutrnM IEI 41.l. ' olM> ffi•1-t. Lo.r• '4.t• 2. aNr1NI .U..3 l. Loi As..m!IOI 4S.:S 4. EC150ft 45.4 S. FOl.nt9in V•I ...... ..... Ml .. .-.1•1-t. Newport lo.rtlt'f'. er...,,.., W•n:I, Dkkll'l l :Js.1· 1. LMr• l :3LO :a. FounUln V•lltiyl:3'.14. Ectl-.. l :Jl,15. ,.._rl!Wll:!l.I. PV-1. SCIWIU ILAJ 12_. J. Sdlacl!; !NI IJ.41 l. RH..et tFVJ 12..0 4. Uu.r• (HH) 11-6 S. Weber (NI,,_.. Titr1t.lth1e lln111eorll'IO; 1. Edltan 41 2-Ntiwpof1 D 3. JNrln,, )1°"' 4. LOI Al.mllol JO S. Founl.aln V•lle1 .nci Lo¥• 11 7. WHtern 14 I. Wltlllfllnsler "· Tenl•Uveo.,.r•ll ICOf'lftll: I. EdllOl'l IS:l. ~wport ~Fount1lnV•ll1y 11. FAOSH·ioO .. H lotl--1. Fogti1 (L A) 10,2" 2. Corum IN} 10.2 3. NldlOIS IE) Of' Lewter ILi 10.J lsubftd to IH""'I S. PrathrloW Ct.Al 10.l,. . 120-1. Oeloss CLA) 2J.4 2. L..wter IL) ?J,4 3. BrMT'lfl CMJ 2l.t 4. Ger•rdl IWml 14.0 s. eor...n INl2•.0. 6'!0-1. Chrl$1-IE> SJ.0 2. t»IOllS fLAI Sl.O l. ICUllQllV'lllll\ IL) SJ.2 4. Ventllk (NJ !>4.05. H1,1I~ !El!.4.0. n MO-I. Chrlslenwt1 IE) 2:01 .5° 2. v1r .. s CWml 1:03.JJ. ClimQblll ILAI 2:03.44. \lent Uk INJ 2:05.5 5.Ard~ CE1 2:07.4. Mlle-I. Qwlstensen IE) 4:3't.3 2. EM!lcotl IMJ 4:'2.0 l. Artlnl ... IE) 4:14.:S -4. Hfo',..,.,.,.l (Fl ,,,1.,5.st.1,. fWm >•: .... •. 2·n\llti-1. Arcinleo.a lEI 10:09.S 2. Pl.i CM) 10:11.) l. SCM'•llnr· IFI 1o:i1o·L ·,._.iten5 twl 10:1,,JS. s.rmlento (F).10:14.1 . • 120HH-I. LIK.kl' (LA) IS.I 2. Jolwl t'Wml 16.1 J. NewbOld (L) 16.7 lsllbject to t ll!nll 4. 0...0,.., CWml 1'.I 5. c..rr ILi t•.•· JJDLH-1. OeWIOll CN l 41 .12. JDron CWmJ G .1 l. DudireV IWml •1.l 4. Norred IL.Al ''·' J. Ll'tk., (l.A),1.1.. 6'IO rel•Y-1. lM ~ ..... 2. Westml"'5ter • ~.<1 l. WHt ... n~.sa. N•wiiort•S.IS. Edi-... 4. Mll9 rel•y-1. lo. Alem1101J;Jo1 . .-2.. ,..wciort 3:34.S J.. WeS!mlnsler J ;ll.I 4.. Edi-);».' S. a.-•l:41.9. l'ln.1fscorl"'l!: 1. EdlllOrl 6Jlfll. wutrnl"'5terJ1 :t. l.MAl•mllos 4S 4, NeWP0'1 Heil'borJ95. Wtitttm 1, 6.Mlrln.t 117. lOllr• 14\'tl. Fount.l11V•lle't4.. Fl•nl over•H 'torlng: 1. Edl•on 16 }. ~llmlnlll'r 13 3. Los Alemilos, • c»noM• le"llA r•tord. CdM; Eagles Win Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings came up with three runs in the first inning and Gregg Miller . made them stand up with a nifty two-hitter as th e Sea Kings i;topped El Modena, 3·0, in Cen- tury League baseball action. ·And Estancia finished the cam- paign with a third place finish, slopping ho st Santa Ana, 7·6, with a two-run outburst in the seve nth capped by Brad Sherwood's game-winning single scoring Kevin Langdale. Corona del Mar's major weapons in the first inning were rbi singles from Gary Guisness. and Crai~ MacLennan, plus an El Modena miscue. The Joss drops El Modena into a tie with Costa Mesa for the league cham- pionship . E5tMl<l.I 171 c..r... .. 1 Wr IJI •llrlllll •llrllM Flemln;, P l 0 O O 0 , "°"'"'°"· u 1 1 I O R~.D I 0 0 0 Fr•nktln,tl 2 0 0 0 Gf'lttin, p 0 0 0 0 G<eei.,., II l I , 0 UITTon, rt • 1 0 0 Tuc:lt1r, lb 2 I O O Ronq1.1lllo,Ss J 2 I I Wll>HS,C 2~0 I 1 ROblsn, lt>, 21:1 I 1 0 0 J . .JolV!Wn, pll 1 O O O l.af9Hle.C l 2 2 I MLINn,2b l 0 0 0 ~.tf J 0 2 2 Murpl'ly.lti 2 0 1 0 sr.,.1ew.1b • o 1 o K•nt0t,rt 2 o o o C:.....en,2tl • 0 2 2Mlller,p 1 O o o 'Nlndlor II 2 0 1 0 8ehritr11, pl\ t 0 o o V•litire, 3b 2 o O. 0. Tot.II• 20 J 4 '2 Toi.is )0 1 t 6 Et!MKI• .......... .. -. c.or-••Mer ' .. en 010 2--1 ' :a lCl'ZOQJ0-411> ' . . GOO 000 0-0 2 1 :ICD ODD x-J 4 1 DIABLOS .•. (Continued From Page 81) of-the-year, Rick H~ of the Dolphins. Neither was around at the end. Plaebek gave up only two hits in five·plus innings. but wildness caused his-departure. He walked the first three batters in the sixth and'Dave Taylor was summoned from the bullpen. · With only two days rest, he struck out the first batter, forced in a run with a walk and whiffed another. Hallsted then singled in two more and that was the end of the Dolphins offense for the day as they were limited to three basehits .. In the third inning, Ute Diabl'os put together a string of five straight hits by Jim Greeley, Jim Clouse, Perry, Schmidt and his broth'er Eric Schmidt. Dave Cooper also held a safety in the frame .. MlulMVlete 01 •lllrllW Grttle-f. rt 4 I 1 0 Clou111, lb J I 1 0 P9rrv.ct • z 2· 1 D. Sc.hmkn, c J 3 3 5 E. SCIH'Ndt, IW 0 I 0 RltMnt'°",llJ 0 0 0 E ,ll 3 0 2 I ,2t> • 0 0 0 k k,p 2 0 1 0 c;.rner,pf'I I 0 0 0 Tay1or,p O 0 0 0 Tot.fl JI 1 12 1 O.UHlllsU) ••rll91 )etters, If • 0 0 0 Br-lnQ,11 2 0 0 0 8enlwklllr,rl .I 1 0 0 V~lls.c 2 1 t O ir-ier,cf-D l 1 o o Mon'l-.tl • 0 0 0 SlrMlon, lb l 0 D 0 ...~tt,tb z 0 1 1 ""°"9t1,lb 2 0 0 0 ~111""'-P"<' 2 0 1 2 ToUI' 20 J ,J J sc"'•ltTIMlftflf ' .. 014ll002-1 IZ 0 'OIXI om o-i J 1 M/uloftVle)O ·oe .... HlU1 MESA. •• Continued From Page B-1 were clearly the batting stars, each contributing three rbi. Crocker survived a second in· ning homer by Bob Dove and permitted the Tillers only six hits. He also had excellent con- trol, Walking three while striking outfive. · Tustin, meanwhile, used three pitchers-Kevin Combs, Jerry Draper and Rick Partridge-and only the latter was effective at containing Jim Hagey's Mustangs. It was a satisfying win for Hagey whose only .two returning lettermen were Bernhardt and pitcher Brian Costelloe. FACTORY Demo SALE! Baseball Standings .. .. , .. .. " ·. . . " • .. .. .. .. . . .. .. • .. .. • TOYOTA UAMPLE: ;75TOYOTA ~ ~. 4 _.a."'"'"· •hlJ• Wiii"""' (1'£313091 ) • VOLVO '74 YOLVO 142 Auto .. air. •••reo. rallye w~~ GT .. -"'II .. ~.1400136) 55888· • USED CAR SPECIALS '7l DATSUM 610 .Qla Auto.,•· "'99 .. (84>QVJ1 AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division w L Pct.GB Milwaukee 15 9. .625 Boston 13 9 .. 625 Detroit 12 10 Baltimore 10 ·14 Cleveland JO 14 New York 10 16 West Dlvbloo Oakland 16 ll Texas 15 12 Ang: els 14 15 Kansas City 14 14 Minnesota 11 11 Chicago 11 16 FrlMl''• k«ft Ml-ti S, &•ltlmore l cr.1wg.o2.c1e ... 1endo , Te••sl. O.!roll 1 Mllw ... 11 .. 1. K&nwsCU11 Boston•. C..tltornl• 1 O..tllld4, New York 3 .545 .417 .417 .384 .583 .556 .483 .500 .500 ,4(11 1 2 5 5 6 1 3 2\0 2\0 5 ·-r··o.-,,,.._.1. IGolU 24 &t 8eltlrrarw ('TorTU).I) Te .. , IH<lndS2·11 •I Oll1'611 !°*'""'"NI New Yori! tN...nter 2-41 at o.t""'9 (HOllbNl'I ... Olla., (Wood 1 .. 1 •I Cle.,.t.'11 IHliedt.Ol MllWMlll" (8robtrg (·JI et IC-Ot1 C9rl• ... 8oslofl (T!MtJ.JI "1 ~flfonll& (Ttftlftl Ml ......,. ... _ Teu1et0to·o11 Ml~l41•18&111MeN ldo"'11M .-1 Oilc•toet O.veL.....:11 . Mll-llM•I IC•-10tf llotlOll et C&UfOn>I• New Y"'k el Olll~ NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division w L Pct.GB Chicago 17 8 .680 Pittsburgh 13 JO .565 3 Philadelphia 13 12 .520 • New York 10 13 .435 6 St. Louis .10 14 • ~417 6'-h: Montreal 9 13 .409. 6\0 West Divlsloa. Dodgers 19. 11 .633 Cincinnati 17 13 .567 2 San Francisco 14 14 .500 4 Atlanta 15 16 .484 4\0 San Diego 14 15 .483 ... Houston 10 22 .313 10 . · • .. .. . • • ... .. • •• .•. • .. .. •• • 52888 '70 EL C'AMIMO ""'O ....... , AM fMllO, •00111 IN!l. ,.._, .. 5 1888 DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA VOLVO • '67 CADILLAC ·--·"""'·"'-· lrldot'telr. 1-olMAe. (.OllVYJ ' s41 sa .... 1966 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA 646 ·93 03 . . \r• ••r .-.P nr•, R,,rl 1 \hr•p O p .. n ~ 0 '1'(' 'I ....... ~ l'-:i.-1, Orp.:irln• "'Op•" ',nlurdo ~' 'I,..,., I pm W[ MA kl O'l'lA\l.A\ Dlll"EAIE\ • • . . Varsity Fiftl1 Huntington Claims Froshrsoph Title By DAVE ROMANO Of .. bratty "'• ..... Only fifth place finishers In dual meet competition, Hunt~ ington Beach Hlgb's frosb-soph team recorded five rll"Sts Friday night to capt\lre the team tiUe at the Empire League track finals al El Modena High. Mlke Gifford, Bill Harrell, Scott Ledbetter, Martin Murphy and the Ollers' mile relay team all took firsts as Huntington chalked up 6911.1: total points to 58 for second place Foothill. "I knew this was going to hap- Mater Dei Spikers . Finish 2nd SANTA FE SPRINGS-Mater Dei Hi&h School did well in the distance races but fell short in the battle for team honors1 as Pius X High School of Downey captured the Angelus League track and field ~a·mpiooships at St. Paul High h<;_l'j! Friday night. Ken Sam of Pius X was a big thorn in the side of the Maler Dei Monarchs, winning the 100, 220, 440 and 330 hurdles. Joe Dowling led a three-man Mater Dei finish in the 880 with a 1:59.3 clocking with Alan Barry second and Bil St. Jolm third. VAaSITY 100---1. SM!! CP>Cl ID.0 2. Y•llMI IS) 10.0S. Ne1!·11 fPXJ 10.14. F•l&n (MDI 10-4. 220-1. s.m 1 .. x1n..22. &n1u1s.en1 1 .. x> n..2 :a. V•Uln ($) ll.J ol. McKHn !MDI U.5 Jr. FWICI'« tMDl24.2. · 44G-I. 5em IPXJ 50.:S 2. Mtic.M <MDI J0.11. •.awnt c .. x> $1.> .. ,,., ... w.o1 51.6 s. llrry tMDISJ.t. llG-1. OOwllnp IMO) 1:9'.3 2. Barry CMDJ 2:00.Jl. SI. JO!m !MDI 2:01.1. MIM>-1. St. John CMOI 4:11.5 IMfft reurd) 2. Dowllno NDI 4:21.5 3. Fernando CP~) 4:1.U ... O'~r• IMDl4::M.t . 2·Mlle-I. St. JOfln IMO) t :21.0 2. Ellenlw fM)' ,:21.SJ. OO•rl"'l! NDJ 9:25.J. UONN-1. Ntt1-IP)()1$.22.LWllll-(MOl 15.S J. 8qvetl ISl 15.t 4. S. Wllll•rftS (MDI t6.I. S30 LH-1, Sim (PX> 39.6 2. O'JNl!ey IDI •.O 3. Nelson CPXJ40.1 .• ....0 lt•l•1-1. Plu1 X 14.S 2. MlllM' Dtil 4U J.. Servile 45.6. Mlle R•l•y-1. Meler Del 3:31.02. PIUSX ):JS.7 S.S...vltel:».,. HJ-I. Ato,I• (8A) '"° '· Tl9 ~ ue•~ CPXI ll!ld ~lney IMO) S-104. IUlutmM ICMlft~ lMD>MS. s1 ......... IMOl ln~ .... llll•ls.L u -1. er°"'""'d 1 .. x1 21·6'1• 2.. 11.non lF>XI :Z0.111.Hllson IPXI »IOYo. P\1-1, Wo>t9'11 IMO) 12-6 :l. Rillomow (PX} 114. :lSoflt(PXl12.0. SP-I. SUllUrd (SP) 62•10 2. ~(SA) ... S3. c.bf1I CPX) S2·1 '·Simi (.M0))1·1. Fl.-1 llCotH: 1. Plus X IS\IJ :l. INlllr Dll 1'5/'S. Sttvltl 1011 L St. P1ul 16 5. 8hhopNNt 11116. St. ""_,,._ . • SO,.HOMO"a l00---1. McGowan , .. , 10.s 2.. sr-(P) 10..S S. (.orMl8110.J4.CMi.. IMI 10.6. 210-t. Stlew rPI 2•.o 2. P•WdM (SA) M.I s. C...O (8)24.14.CMM IMI 2,.1, .--1. ihwlct.n (SA) U .0 2. Boftlll'ld (II) kaJ. OlbMn ts .. ) !>4.J. .._,, HMlll' ISAI 2:05.6 2. Loi* CSAI 2:°'-1 I. DIN 1812:0l. I. MU•"I. C:.bl,..r +8) •:JS,, :t. GIOl•n., CMJ •:'3.0J. Mlrll,..1 ISPI •:Sl.t . pen all year.'' said HunUDgt.on Beach coach Carter Lewie aft.er the meet. "Our varsity was ao bad that l bad most of my frosh· sopb kids up there all year. that's why we finished low in dual meet competition.'' The Oilers' varsity finished fifth in the meet with 19. points while Saddleback won tt with 74Jf.a with Katella second with 61 \0 total points . Gifford wont he fr05b-soph mile for the Oilers with a 4:33.6 and Harrell took the 880 with a time of 2:02.1. Ledbetter ran 10.4 to win the 100 and Martin Murphy had a 51.8 to take the 440. ln varsity actiQ.D, Huntington Beach had four seconds. Robert Angel was runnerup in the mile and two-mile. Bill McQuown was second in the 880 and Jim Schae- dle second in the tw~mile. VA"SITY ~,_ (S) 10.0 2-IE..,.. 11<91 10.1 3. Oirl.,,_ tsl 10,1 L HUI lie.I \O.J S. Diii.MM lK•l. 220-t. Ev•ns Utl1) "·' 2, Ow'ISl'NJI (f,) u.o 3. °"'--lit&) U.14. c.erlOI ISi :tJ.4 S. OlcklnOft ICI. u>-1. CM* tsl 50.7 2. Df<""-CCI 51.3 2. 8&yffd lOI Sl.34. Curtis IC) SI.SS. Fltilb CSI. '80-1. I("""""' ISi 1:50.1 2. Mc~ INI 2:00.21. ....._,.,.n IFI 2:01.54. Niunrt tel 2:01.6 5....,.......(1(•1. Mlle-1. 1!11111 1"1 4:15,, 2. N1t1t1CHl4:22.S l. Vlll• lSl4;IO.J4. P•ge CFl4:U.,!.1Crfi91ir IHI. 2·Mllll-1. SOll~ry IF) 9:1'·' 2. ,\ngtll 1HI •::rr,1 I. VIII• Ill ';U.4 4.. Ot1'1ch I,) 9:4.0. S. 0.hl llCe). t20H11-1, P91enon ISi ll.I 2-T""*' (Cl 14..tS. Tl"fl'lholm (0) 15.l •. Sl•m IK•I 1us.w .. {Cl. J:IOLH-1. TurMf' CCI :M.1 2. Fllldl. ISi J9.l l. Trltllllolm IOI n .s L App0non ISi «1.0 s. Kl"' IKel. •..0 A•l•1-t . s.ckll•llec" U .J 2-ic.tel"' CJ.• l. C.,,...M U.> .t, Of9nOf .... S. KetW!My'. MIM>, Rel•'J'-I. K•tell• ):21.7 2. ·~11 ):V .2 I. C.,....M J:U .t '· Ot'MQll l:Zl.15. H..,t. Lrqlon8Dac.ft. · H.1-1. ArmSl..-O IK•l ... 2 2. P.,""'10n ~) 6-2 3. Sthl,llU (Cl 6-0 .. DIU11151/:101. HIUS (I(•) S.10. • .. U -1. HUI t~) 11-t i/' • Flekt5 CS> 11·7\o'I J, w.,. IC) 21...ev, L Perm• (K•) 21-0 S. Allme tlC•l '°:v-1. Tu,_ ICI lM 1. Scl'IMdl• t11l 1 .. S. AmMfl CKel 11 .. ,.K•mPO tOI 11 ... SP-1. JKkJ.Oll ($) 1'-0'h 2. ,.._.(Cl 51·1 J. DIF<!o"l"l'SI llC•I 50-3\o'l L 8euglwNn (1<9l ...... \.\ J, L'(fWI CHI .-.0. OT-1. BWVll,.,.1'1 (ICel 1.0-0 :l. Cole ICI 1•71 51\IPP'rd I K•I 14J·t 4. HoblD (Sl 143-Z S. lltow•ltUk CSl 1J1_., T .1-1. V•~•rd lCI •24'4 2. Amntrono IK•l.0.il. H ... r ll"l •1•111 &. T-U IFI -.,v.s. swm tK•l•7. T-"'°'": 1. Sadaieblc .. 14¥.t. llfAt.lll.•1v~ 1.c.,,.,_ Joi•. Foolillll 145. H~lnkln IMcf\ 1•.: Clr&l'llf tl~.l(•nMd1ll.Afl&MlmO. f'"OSM-loOl'H 100-1. Udbeller INI 10.•; 2. c;.ltow.'J' IOI 10.4; 3. 81irt (H) 10.S; '· MUllg•n (0110.S; S. JollMOl'I IKl'I. %20-1. M1111Qt!ll 10) 2).1: 2. Rodrlp1 11'1 U.7; 3. eun IHl Jl.7; '· Robbin• tK•l U.I; s. Gettow.,. (0). ~40--l. MUrpl!'J' (M) SI.I ; I . S-.-fMJ S2.0; 1. Sl"'"-1 (Fl U .S; 4. Woods IKDI Sl.': S. 8' .. !HI. --1. M&r"'ll IHI 2:02.1.i :t. Sut1'19"1..0 tFI 2:02.4; I. Plnodo IOI 2:0S.11; 4. St~lt (Fl 2:0l.6; s. Kerr ICI. Mlle-1. Gifford CHI 4:SS.6; 2. Tobertl' IFI •:a.o; 3. T .. Ool'dllll lOl •:Jt.J; ... W.., IF) •:•I.I; S. T'-r"""nt ISi. T-111-1. ToOerl1 (F) tO:O:l.I: 2-T ...... dllll COi 10;4M.4; 1. C.1.,-..0 (H) IO;Ot .. ; 4.. Glflot'd IHI 10:09.•: 5.0'Uutl\lln IS). · UOHN -1. S.rn.1rdlno ICI 1,,2; :t. ~ IKel 16.4; J. Ptment.11 (A) 11.7; 4. 0.lgl'lton (Kl'I U.l;S.Morrh lSI. J30LH-I. Robbins 15140.5; 2. D:wlow ... (Fl '°.ii 1 ar~ (H),I,,; •• eenwdnotCIS. VorJ: CK•). · ~ ,.t•y-t. Of'&nOe 4S.J; 2. Mla'l(lrlatsl 8"'cll: u.s; 1 Ke-.ly ,,_,; '· FODWll -.o; s. s... -·· Mlle .... •1-1. M ..... UftOtOll 8Ndl f8Dro. ~"' .. '• Sl9wDll• alld Mw"ot11t 1:3'.4; 2-Foothill J;lt.I; :a. K.11*!1& I~,, •• : '· Or""91 J:'3.1; s. ~-Flnll &~otlng-1, H""'lll'ICMn IMdl ~; 2. FootlliH SO; l. Oranoo 45\o'I ; l . Kl'llMCl't JJ; s. s.d• clleb«" 10: '-K•l•ll• ti; 1. Cyprwu ''' I. """""''"'· Vahlstrom 's top mark was no more impressive than the three top clockings turned in by Hunsaker, the durable, blond- haired senior. Hunsaker, who specializes in the mile and two mile, ran a blaz- ing 1:56.0ln the 880, a4:17.71n the' mile, and a 9~ 16.4 ln thet~mile. V&•SITY IG0-1. Mortin (VP)'10,, t. Grlfflttl rvfll 10.51. .. ll&nl.,rMI CIA} 10.S 4. ~ IEsll 1L6 S. JclMn <E.91110 .. 6.Petu CCMl\0.1. ' m--1. SIMltter <SA) :tJ:,,,2,H_.,. ICAMln.•:t. M•1M& '""''' 2J.J •• Maortln IVPI u .:a s. IN•' •n llE1tll•.O.._,..._IEMIM.1. '4t-1. H-..it ICdMl".SI.~ l'SAl,..11. Fl.._r (\/Pl S0.1 4, W&llea lM"ll 50.7 S. MoNQll IE.Ml 91),1.._ Mcl'&rm-(\1,.1 JI.I. --1. Moteot CSAI 1:15.• 2. Nll'IMllDr (CdM) 1:5'.0 S. ~ tCd.MI 1:50.1 L ~I• (CclMI l:S't,6 S. • .,,.., ICdM) a:OO 6. H• .. lh (\Ill) 2:01.1. Mlle-I. MW!Hker ICdMI •:11.12. l(oi&r ICMI 4:to:o l. Hellenblck ITutl 4:21.3 •. sim.rs CVP) 4:21. t S. Sslrll\Olf (\IP) •:ll.)6. O.y IQIMI 4:1$..6. "'° Rel•w-1. E11eit1cl• u .t 2. tH(ll'IOll• u.• 1 \/Ill• ... ,. U .S •· Twstln ,S.s s. El MOdlon.t lncJ llmt ). • Mlle ~··1-1. $&111• An& J:2'.1 2. MtgnOll• ):11.5 3. \/Ill• ........ ):21.71•· c:or-dill"""' l :J1.7 s. EstMtl&J:).I.),. Tvtllll l :U.4. • t·Mlle-1. Hunwk"' (Cc1Ml •:t6.• 2. s.r.,.1er (\IP) t :1'-' J. 0.1 ICdM) t ;V <(,Al"' IVPI ';>l.t S. Mon11 CEMI t 1M.l•. $p'h11'1 C\/Pl,:a.7. 120HH-I. F•lke ICM) 1S.2 2. O'lllri.o fT\11) 15.2 J. .,_Cs.Al IS.t•. V•l*1 ISAI IS.tJr.S.Mlliliii (\l .. l ll.06. Ti.orN& IElll 16.S. DDL.H -1. St.l<.lffff ls.A > JI.I :t..FelU COO '9.4 :a. Rfoy !Pl lt,1 '-Mc:Gctwflfl (QIMI CA S. ~ IT1i1:tl.0.66.0'1Bri.n (Ti..) •t.L • N.1-1. C-r fEsll M\'> 2-...,...._ IOdMJ MY! :a. WWII ICMI '°"' •· Gl'•V IVPI 6-0 S.. Brl"( 1£Ml ..... J.,dl"' (E1t16-0. LJ-1, ..,._11 IEUI l1·10'h :t. &ell &ell f\'P) ,21-t\lo 1. G&I ..... IVP) 11 .. \1 4. Nrlllle lCdM) 11·2 S. MM'llll l\IPJ 21-0111 '· Relnk• <T1a)JM. T.1-1. Werner IEMI '4-1\'I 2. ~ CVP} 4 ·11l. ,._• ICclMl 424L .... (Mft IVPi ~l_.l'IS.. B&nlett l~tll •1·26. ~ N,.1 .. 7. s,.-1.11-.i.,. IGMI U.S\'l:l. W•H can,,., 'J. LOfll ITvtl S1-4 •· COi• <M"IJ »11 Jr. Ft.l' (SA} jQ-.16. Gr-(E$ll JG.S. DIKlll-1. Ellellblrg ICM) tQ.10 :t. Holcl9fl !CM) 151• I. ICei..111 IT.11511JS.6VzL Bel...., (VP} ISMS. Greenwood (CIJMI 1•1-0 6. '9r•lt. (SA) UM. . P\1-1. V•hl\trom (Pl 15-& 2. J. Skner C\IPI IM 1 AllthOl'IV (Tu•l 13414. Clrlllo CCdMl l:MS • .>ol\n $k1M>r C\l .. l IM•. lennl' (SA) 12-6. Te.,., StorDs: \llU• Perk 126, Cor-dlll INr,J, 5ent1 Ml M, COSt• MllWI 41, EslMKI& SJV., TUllln 40,~IL•JO, El Modon.t 11Vr, .IUlllO" VA"SITI' 1._1, ~rtln IE•tl 10.6 1. Funk IVPI 10.7 :t. ReYMkh O'lllSI 10.t 4. S.an (QIM) 10.' (\/Pl S.. .lvlll'n CE st I 11.06. TroUlnger11,:t. Zl0-1. lklr~ll IEM) 24,1 2-Fl#lk IVP) 2A.J l. Re}'l!Olds (Tut.I t,,, 4. eooth (Mio) 2 '· 9it•m ICdMI Z4.6 s. H•enev ISAl 24.I .. e.otl\ 1.M911 , .... -+ID-I. (.onfer IEstl u.o :l. ic.11t1o1ll (CdM) s:a. '· l. Rl .. l\Oll'9 tVPI 5',, 4. W1141\1 W.Vl Sl.I 5. Gf'Ht' CCdMl 5'.16. H .. ,..,. ISAfSol.S. IM0--1. Fo• l\/Pl 2:03.12. SuUl¥en IEMl2:0t.2J.. HDH_, ICdMI 2:°'.2 4. TOITllln fCMI l :Ot.SS. c..rr (Tllf,)2:05.J .6. C.w•n"9h (CM)2:01.6. MIM>-1. AOlel' (\/Pl•:».• l . Mouu CEMJ 4:"1.1 l. ODt#I (c:GMI 4:14.2 4. Tomlln CC.Ml 4:4'..J 5. 'Htllelld CCdMl 4:,1.14. FllllWr fV,.J 4;5'.l. .Mo 1tet•w-1. EsUflcl• ,S.4 L \1111& P9rll •s.t 3. Tustin ... t •. Cor°""' d4:1 Miir ""' S. Metnoil• 41.6 ... s.m ....... u.2. Ml .. "el4lw-1. \IUI• P•rk ):)7.0 2. c.aron& •• MM J:2t.O :a. Est.encl& ):Jt.6 4, ,.._gnol .. J:Cl.5 S.. TUllltlJ:41.I'. ~I• An& J ;d .I. UOHH-1. 0.KI\ IPI 16.12.1Nrenz (SA) 16.SJ. Not'tl 1E111 16.t •.Hemmer (T115) t7.l s. "ubel ICdMI 11.S6. FOllQ lSA) ILi. »OL.11 -1. Ill CEMI •t.6 !. INr-CSA.I •t.I L l"rye (Elli 41.1 '· l.Oft\11 (VPI G .4 S. Fh.,...N (Tut).U.76. K•nyon (EtO 3U.S. ' T•&m SCortt: Ellancl• 11•. VIit• Plirll ... El ""°°""" 11, C«on. •1 ""''SS. TUllln 51, 5""1• ~ •1, Cott.I MllM 27, .,._gnolle I<(, .. "OSH·loO .. H t00-1. Wllll•IM ISAl 10.S 1. ~ (EM) 10 .• 3. SlllUon IT1,1sJ 10.7 '·Ole• (Tut) 10.7 S. 5-nWlck tV .. I 10.76. RH5 (EMl 10.J. Z20--1. W&llDfl IEll) J1. I 2. 01M O'us) 23.l J. (ule1 IElll 2J.S 4. Wllll•ms (SAi 23.J S.. HorOUrom IEMIZ•.06.Moj•rro!SAIU.6. 4"°-1. W•llefS IEsU S0.7 1. Oloco IS.Al $2.J !. ICI~ IEM) 52.6 •· O.Feo (CM! 51.0 S. Gow• rou (COM; 5.J.7.6. SMckeUord {CMI 5'.2. --1. Klt111iland IEMI 1:5'.J 1. "-CElll 2:03.t .>. SMtlleltord «:Ml 2:04.4 -4. BrlQomlln · (VP) 1:°'·' 5. C•rponter !CMI l:OS.t 6. Cfprl"'° O'wl2:Ql.4. Milli-I. T'*"P_. (CMI 6177.52-YOU1'19 CCMI •:a.SJ. Mtt<•lt CE1114:2',1 •. c.rrlllo !SA) •:2t.6 S.Ol.IW (C(IM) 4:J9.16. M..rtltl C\IPl•:.U.2. 2·Mlle-t. Mtl(llt U!tU ':42.J ·L T~ fCMI t :SS.1 J. OV.rl\ott tCMJ ,,,..,.._ ltoler ICMI 10:05.0 S. Yownt ICMI 10:11..S .... "'-11 CEMI lO:lS.t. tJOHH-1. Fl_. fP) 1•.t 2. Si.rtl lest) 16.S J. Wll-IEMI 1,,t L ~toor lT115) 1J.6 S.. T~ ITlnl\l .. ._S..rl lSAl 11.1. DOLH-1. Flsa; C\IJtl •1.1 !. s..t9011 mtll 41.1 s. Gorr•tt (CdMI 41 .7 4. M(LMIQNll\ CSA) •1.9 S. GM"" ITlnl•Lt•. MD9M IE&liO.J. • 4"° "•i.y-1, Twstlfl 4S. I t. Sm'lt& AM '1.1 I. El MNIM 4S. I •· llMonoll• '6.J s. aae. MtM .....,. .. c:er-lltllNr•.i . Mlle bl•'J'-1. Slwll• Afll J:U.' t. en..ci. J::M.0 J. Twtln l :U.1 •• CO.I.I MtM l :Jl.J S.. c.r.....•1 Mllr );;11.46. IEI MDCllM):40,,. Te•m SCO!'H: El MlldfM 103, Tllltln tlO ~" ti• 11, °""',,,,... 1s. s.n1. A,."' \/Ill• P•rk 41, 0or-ct.11NrH,~onoll•l'-2-mll•81. EblMr 18 1 10:1,.I :t. PM.rkll ISi 'ICl:tl.J.J. ... re1CBI10:21.1 ... Pl~ (M) IO:Jl'.I. 12DHN-1. LOWM"'°h !SP) 1,.12. Folll ISPl 17.IJ. l..op9118111.,J. Foster lMI fl.S. »out-1. Foss 'ISPf 41 .7 2. L.opn (8) a.•), MMe Mm (SPI 4),l. • 4..0 ... 1&1-1, 81Sft0p A""'I 46.4 2. St. Peul (1.S S. 5"1"1111•41.l- Mlle .-.ley-1. St. AnltMN!l' S:J9.'2-Bllflalt ...... t Uni Stop s El T .oro J :olOA), SI. ,....,1 S:•1.5 •• H.1-1. Ffll (S .. ) S.10 2. 0oyt9 (S) HS. 0.... (M) US. Mo'10<I IM) S-4. U -1. UWMIOIJI\ IS .. ) lf.11\11 t. lullW (P) 1f.OVt J. F111t11IH ISi lMl'I. • SP-t. F111111tes 1s1 g...i~ t. an <Ml a~ s. WllCl'l'Mlll (S .. ) 4.WYI'. l'llt•SMMAM 100-1. V•1•u•1& Q .. 110.tl.~ CPI tO.S ), WIUMM ft) 10.J. no-1. V&i.tu:6IDI• (Sft)U.tl.WMW-Cl'llLI 1 MHtlflD 1,.114,I. '4t-1, V&i.tu....iD rs,.) Wl.Sfftttl <SAISUS. UCl'ol• ,., u.s __ , . ..,...,,. ($ .. , 1:11.01 • ..,..,,.. (M)1:1t.ll. Ge+•r l'SAI 1: 1~.ss. A1 ... ,..c CM>t : ""· Mile-I •• .,., (M) •:IJ.I 1. Cr\11 CS .. ! StlO.S I. ,....,.., ce1 t :4M.6L a.t11et1 CM> s:aos.. &rMIDlll• CMIJ1-.1 • ,._111-t . ldd'f' (M) 10:1•.0 1. 8r~ !Ml IO:D.11. Diet .. !Ml 11:00.0. i'IHH -1. Oldefl f .. I 10.0 1. MllCl'itll U"I JO.• J. Oon&lllDS ,, .. , I0.1 • »:M.H-1. G.f(le (Ml 14.0 1. P9c. (Ill ... , S. SNrl:• ( .. ) ..... uo~w -1. P11tt X •.12. St.M~•.11.St. Pfillfll.r. Mlle .-.1..,--1. SI. P•wl );•S.O 2. ll'lllS )(a:~" St.Alll'hml1 I : lt.14. AY!lff Doi ):Jl.I. M.1-1. Dendurand llPI S-101. C:0...... 1$1'1 U ).~(SI M. . U -t, Wini.mt fPI If.'"" t. Uftrl (Miii tw I.. Olttl'l 1,.lt > , .. I vt. PY-I. Ol• ... l (SPI 1Hll. lllelT'lltNM tslelld c.rrell (1 .. 1..._ • •P-1 .... ttern CS .. I JO.fv.1. "w.fl V) &1~ :a.1Ce1"""' csi-1..i ... ,In.II Kerlt11: 1. $4, "9..il ,. ... 1. ~JC J1 2.. Mllttr 0.1 ~s 4, •· ~"*"' u. ltf'fltl ""' "' """'"""'1•. . . . University ·did it agiiln to El Toro High, stopping the Chargers for the second Ume in two days! This time It was 6-5 at El Toro u the Cbarfera fell Into third place In the final Soutll Coast League baseball atandlngs- se.;oualy dama1ln1 any hoJ>et for aCIF2·A playoff spot. Unlvenlty.1cor..S four times in the fint lnnlnl wlµi the.bi& hit a double by Dave Scroggins. El Toro had trip! .. from Gail'· Key, Gabby Grijalva and Kevin Urquhart-llut It wasn't •llOUllh. Sao Clemente flnilhed out Ibo campat1n wlJ,.b a 7"" victory over U.,una Beach on the loser's· d.Jamond. · Jeu GonzaJ11 doubled in 8pair roe San Clemente and 111•1• Jeff Demmore added three a1n11es. lfark .Hertle wa1 8·for_. for Laiuua, locludlng a triple. . . s..a-.•m ...,... .... ,t4f ••r ·11M' ••rflM' Dffttmore.Jt> s o i o eo..m..,n ' o 2 • .I.Nol-·" > 1 2 o Cltlnpl•.p.rt• o o o --.u 1 0 1 0 5-'fMO,cl I 1 1 l ,..,..,( J 1 2 2 •lflll,111> ' 1 J 0 '-"'-If S 1 0 t Allilft,..a 4 It D I ~.. 1 Q • 0 Kt.._ c. ' 0 0 0 -.....ws,1111 1 t • o Ator.,,-.:.. i o 1 • HOn•trl,a I 0 D I HtrtH,~ 4 1 2 0 Geflules,lt t 0 1 2 Mc~1tl , •• t • P."-IMft,lt 1 0 0 0 ......_. t I 1 t CJwiiNm. « A 1 I I .....,__ If S e I e ~.-2 ' I 1 a........... 1 1 I 0 • TIUtl St 112 1 Tit&tt JI 4 tf J ' "k _ __,,...._ • • • 00t mn 1-1 11 1 OOO'cm 0...... 11 J • '1~~UI , llf .... U) • .. ,.... . .. ,.Ill ,,,..,...,,._ 4 I 2 OMlllW1 ~ 2 .. 0 0 Gll!Mm,Jb J t 2 OODNMI-.( 4 f 1 0 W.llldl,a J J I lr:li:' J 2 2 I ~It 4 0 2 1 ,rl 4 O I I SU"flll't',(f • 1 I 2 .. -..,a J I I I ·~.( J 0 I 10.0rl._1 .. 1.cl4 0. 1 I --1• J -. o oe-:,. 2 • • o • .· M11 1 1 Oikl.-t'f JtOO 1-,• 1000 '"'·• • 0 0 11.A-..n-.... t • • • I T"61t I06,4T.Wt UjJI s.cw.., ........ --~~; ao:n.._.. 1 1 ·-:~..., I c • • • • ' Area Net ci -. ~•1nnna1-ies CoH~ge ~"J-TH(JJ/ ~ETHOI> ~ -101 FIT YOUR CWBS TO YOUR SWING Th• rules or aoNliria qu.Jtt1 1puiflc about tbe type or equipment we mYlt u•. For inatance, the width or the lfOO"et In lron clubs m1y not exceed .OlS or an i.nch. · H.owever, in one •rta of club-matins, the rules do allow .some lee.way. The race or the clubhtad rMY be turned in to a hook position or tumed out to be a .Ucci position (sec ill ustra1 io n #1). Golren who con1iltently hook or slice should buy clubs tMt are turned either la or out a dea.rce or so 10 counteract their problem. • Slfurdly. Mey10, 1975 DAii. Y PILOT •. ' Girls' Sports Vista Of'-C:.U•t C11SI 011 t!I CAmlM C.Ul s..teM•lllc:• 200 ,,....., ll:•lay-1. Gr~ C09)l. Tl,,...: 2:0l.4. 200 Frta-1, Wood·Taytor ISi 2. ~-(0) J. Fri9dmen IE). Time: 1:1'.5. 100 Ind. MeCl.-1. Smllll 101 2. l.1tw!nt 10) J. Hanch IEI. Tl""': I: 11.0 • You will hardly notice a wooden clubface that is turned In er out one dearee. However. this sli1ht alteration in the club's direction of racing can account for a variation in direction or about 20 feet or more on a normal.tee ahot (see illustration #2). • 50 Blocll-1. L-.U 10) 2. 'f'OUllQblood (Oil. 91~11•rd CE). Tlma: ll.1. so B•••ll-1. NlcllollOR (0) 'l. tttncll CEIJ.Pt9' !El. Time: 31.2. 50FrH-l.C..ro (012.St111bs IE)l, J .... ra1 lE). Time: 21.S. Checking Golf For Coast Area E"911c:ill IU..) 14\lllS..taAM s ....... Sc:hw..-11 IE) Oii Wtlltti.y 6-0, dlt ~rton l..0, def WllklftSOn Ml, dtll _ .. _ PnllUps CEI WOft 6-3,6·1,6.0, •1, Heaton IE ) w>tlt 1-1; -n •2. 6-2. .. 2. . Mergol (El won6-4, 7•5,6-1,6-1. ....... 51WIYl·Gwlnup ~E l Spill with c11r .. Wl1!IHS 1·1: 10!1 2-6; del llhll· l»vl! .. 1,l>-1. .Por11 .. Ntlw•!\ (El splll 6·2, 34: -.ii.-3,6-1. Qf .... 1~1Cl•I (411!1,.,...... si..,1 •• f'orbl5 (Cl dll. Hanson M ; O.f. Rlwr••I: d.-1. Jtftt.Oll lo-1; Otl, Re«! ... ~(()-6-0,6-1 ,6-C, .. 1. ScllOli. (CJ IMI 1-6, 2-6; won .. \,~ ... TNlmll lCl won b'f' dlt..,11, •J, lolt "'·-"'°· DeliOIH · Wrlghl·Thom•S IC I dtll. Win• &nkly i.-2, t-4; dlt. Ktmp·,..,klns .. i. .... Allebof1t--&.ldlktol (Cl won Ml, M ; -'-'·'"°' OCC Thir.d In Skiing Orange Coast College 's ski tea 111 finished third in the final· 12-t e am Southern Ca l ifornia ln · t er collegiate Ski As- sociation s tandings. San Diego State won the men's title with UCLA fini shing second. Then came occ. use, UC Santa Barbara, Loyola, UC Riverside, Occidental and UC San Diego. OCC was fourth in the final women's division standings. Members of the men's team includec;I Larry Ab- blitl, John Barton, Chris Kotzar, Frank Lawrie, George Sils bee, Chris Street, Kirk Stricker, Pal Russell and team captain Mark Strain. Women's team mem· bers included Laura Johnson, Kathy Gillies, Kathy Koch and Diane MacDonald. Cycle Win To Curoso Huntington Beach's Mike Curoso took the. lead with a lap to go and w e nt on ·to win the scratch main event at Friday night's motorcy· cle racing a t the Orange County Fairgrounds. A crowd of 9,623 viewed the action. Curoso finished ahead of Garde n Grove's Bill Cody, Van Nuys' Mike Bast and Dubb Ferrell of Pasadena. In the five-l ap han· dicap main event. Dean York of Ventura took an early lead and breezed to the victory a h ead of Steve Bast and R edondo Beach's Steve Nutter. Arroyo Tops . BB Gymnasts EL MONTE - Huntington Beach High's Oilers, without their No. 1 tumbl er, Jan et Weaver, fell to host Ar· royo High Friday after· noon , 135.56·113.4 in the first round of the CI F playofrs . Randy Weaver won the parallel bars and he and Robert Trachtenberg went 2·3 in the all-round. HuM ... kll C111.41 l1J5.5'l&r,..,. Long ~se-1. LIYLll IA) •.u t. Wee...., IHB) t .1 l. Ole) Herron (Al 41111 Trechl1nt11rg IM81 t .GS. Frw 1nrclse-1. Herron IAl •·• 2. Wte"'r IHB) l .•l. Os1r1ndi!r (#1.) 7.t . P!Hnmll ...,,..-1, U vln CAI 1.12. Bullrem (A I •.s l . Ste• IA I 5.ts. H19h blr-1. L.evln (Al I .Cl 2. 2. Sawdl• {A.I'·' l . Tt11chlet'lberO tHBI •.1s. Parallel blfl-1. We•-IHBJ 7.IS 2.Stitl (Al 7.GJl. L.evln (#1.l•.t. Rings-I. ConYOy (Al 7.SS2. T_,... '-'ll.ISJ. Ro'(bil1 CAI •.~. A.ll•roll'ftd-1. LilYln (A) 7.DI 2. _,.,..r tHBI lo.4S J, Tr.Cllfel\blfg (H815.•1. Anteaters Sizzle FRESNO-UC 3:14.2h:1runningrourth. Irvine's track a nd field An~ the distan ce team set four school re-medley quartet of ~rout cords at Friday's annual (41.3 quarter), Shj.rley West Coast Relays, here. (1 :54 .8 half), J ohn Kon· Mike Sabatino pole ingh C2 :S9.8 1320) 4.1-nd vaulted 16·4 for one re· Steve Scott (4:08.5 mi.le) cord in placing fourth had a record-sh~t!-el"!ng while teammate Robert timeof9 :S0.9in f1n1shing fr.,lne Coa•t bracke t, Spud Jordan was the g r oss .winner Art Daugherty is the with 162 while Bud leader after 36 holes ot Flaherty .o f Newport the men's club cham· Beach captured the net pionship at Irvine Coast crown with 141. Country Club with a 142 S • Hf"-score. a• .. uaft au Bill Donovan and Bob In a two low balls of Hogaboom a.re tied for foursome compet1ti'on second place in the 54.-. for the women's club at hole event that concludes San Juan Hills Country Sunday with 147. . · Club, two teams tied for . first place at 129. El Niguel Darie Hoffman, Pat . Jn a better b11:ll or Hill, Doris Davis a nd foursome ,:ompetition at Louise Sedoff were on El Niguel Country Club, one tea.m. o.n . the other the winning team posted were Vic Phillips, Adele ascoreof60. Hansen, Jane Jones' and On the squad were Art Barbara Cary. Hodges, Bob Reece, Ted Another t ie resulted Wood and Doug Ferry. for second at 130 net. On In settond place at 62 one squad were Dottie were Arty Bauman, Tom R<!bbins, Jayne Miller, Maxwell Al Blair and Abee Chambers a•d Bet- Harold Chrtstensen. ty Lindsey. On the other Two teams Ued at 63 we re Dot Fogarty, Chris including Willma Lynn, Behm, Fran Garroutte Harrison Carrick:, Bill and Pat Meacham. Young and J ohn Quinn on one. On the other were Jack Ifversen, George Garber , Ed Strong and Hank Webber. In a mixed tw060ID e competition Sunday, scored on a partner's better ball basis, Marvin Jobpson and Lorraine Impey fm.isbed with a 67 for fU"St place. /lfna Verde Jn a two low balls of foursome tournament at Mesa Ve rde Country Club, two team s tied for first place with 128. On one s quad were Shirley Kinder, Dorothy J ordan, Phyllis L easure and Jean Hally. On tbe other were Shirley Cal l ag h a,i, E l oise Greschner, Kay Farley and Kelly Adams . In at 135 were J oan Cha mberlain , Mary ·Ratekin, May Donkin and Nlcbi Uemats u. Dick Lassen .of Costa Mesa was the winner in the 50-55 age bracket or the annual seniors golf to ur nament at .Mesa Verde Countiy Club· re- cently with a· ·36~hole gross score or 159. In n et act ion , P a l Healey of Ne wport Beach was the winner with a 140. /lfi•rio• Viejo Two t eams tied for first in a better ball or threesome tournament at Mission Viejo Country Club recently. On one team at 64 were Cece Co ury , Helen Marmaud· a nd Joan Smith. On the other were Clara Hammond, Jan Schude l and Bernice Griffin. Fran Riste, Virginia Bransby and Sally Zogg finished with 66. Jn at 67 were Anita Smith, Ke lly Gardens and Maureen Younkin. Clara Hanimond was lhe pot of gold winner. J91h Hole Members of the PAGA. golf association of Hunt· ingt.on Beach will have an opportunity to qualify ror the U.S. ope n at R ancho California on May 19·20. 'the PAGA has scheduled a pro-am and pro event on the preced· ing Monday and Tuesday for members to help them get acquainted with the course. Advance entries must be made by calling 96().2359. with non .. members also invited to participate. Deadline is Frid11:y, May 9. Goto went 16·0. second. Sprin ter Ru ssell The Anteaters'.440 re-. Royston wiped out the lay unit was fifth in 42.1 100.yard record with a and included David clock in g of 9 .6 in Williams, Pat D'Addea, Al Wells of Santa Ana captured the low gross award in the 56·59. age group with 148 while Jerry Stew11rt was the net victor with 140. Jn the 60 ·and-over· Approximately 60 player s hav e b een turned away from PAGA tour naments bec ause the:Y didn't sign up in ad· vance this year. finishing sixth. Cheadle and Royston. And the mile and dis· Other standouts for tance medl ey relay UCJ lncluded GlcnG quartets also set r~: Klein in th e shot C<lrds. put (third in 52·61'->) and Jim Mitchell In the long The m ile foursome or jump (fourth in 23·0~). Terry Fink (49.0), James Shirley (48.8), Richard Grout (48 .3) and Bill Cheadle (48.1) clooked . UCI competes this evening in tbe Riverside Relays. I STYMIED AT $18-23,000 PER YEAR? We are looking for YOUTHFUL, determined, confident, success-oriented Individuals. We offer exceptional opportunity, Independence, training, salary plus commission. .... Very .high income, pote.itial in financial . sefVices to doctors and professlonafs. ·- PHYSICIAHS PUHHIHG Sl!llYICI COIPOIATIOM 1•1J1 '11 w1a• '111417$7-17~3 T ................ , .... . ' .. )0 Fly-I. Wood·Taylor ISi 2. Palmer 101 J, M<.OontlO iO). Time; 30,1, Dl¥11'Q-I. DIM'n CE) 2, Arrnwono tol J. OCllan IEI. Polnll! ISS.75. 100 f ly-1, WOOCl ·Tlytor ($) 2-L•vlne COi J. Palmer 10). Time : l:O'I.•. IQD Free-I. C•rO IOl 2. Staubs CE) 2.8'...ca tSJ. Tl..,.; l :OS.O. 100 Ba ell -I . Smllll COi 2. 'f'ountbloocl CO) 3, 81ancl\flrd IEI, Tllf'e: 1:01.0, «IO Frn-1. l llll IOI 2. Means IE) J. ~IEl.TlrM :•:S7.S. IDG Bre•it-1. Heftch 1£1 2. Nldlol'°" (01 :II. J1w1ll IE I. Ti,,.: 1:11. .. 2DG FIH Re~-1. Or111941 C.o.st.. Tlrrw:l:».._ .... ,.a, \1111 .. "'lr lftl (4il S111 Cl1rrw11W 20CI Mflcll•'f' R•l•'f'-1. un1 .... r~1,. TIIM: J;09.I . lOG Fr11-1, Ol0<how~kl CUl t. Frffdrfl4oft tsl 3. Hin~ (Ul. TlrN: 2:05.L tGO Ind, Med.-1. O'Gorman IS) 1. Simon CUITlm11: 2:Js.e. ~Free-I . McMlch•el CS) 2. Ble!r IUI 3. Rolol IUJ. T ime: 11 .G. 100 FIW-L Rell'Mltke (SI 2. Me,..rs CS)l. Romalo fUI. Time : 1:09.•. Diving-I. R•llllel (U) 1. Sc led CUJ l. 'WIDntllO'Y'll'Y cs>. Poifttl: s•. s•. 1w ,., .. -1. f'r11oman !SJ 2. Blalr (U) l . Romtlo (U). Time : 59.2. soo Fret-I. OIO(ftOWlkl (U) 2. .'ioftbnll O'Gormaft (SI l . Uhm•n (Ul. Tlmr: 5:1•.4. 100 Back-1. Slmoft CUI 2. ,,.,.,v-ers tSl l . H.,.'°" CU). Time: 1:11.i.. 1oosre1l1-1. Reinecke fSI 1. Rose CU l J. Uhmon CUI. Time: 1:19.G . Baseball Standing VARSITY • •• Wesimin1ttr 1111 O:Ml G-S a • Foun11inV111ey 012 022 .,,_, ' I B1lter1es : Westmlnl11r- Hern11nOe1 1nd 81u1r; Fouon telo v1111w -Will11ms IS), Bos-II encl Roberts . ..00 Frtt R1l1'f'-\. Sin (l11TRnle. Tlrrw : •:Ool.S, CENTURY LEAGUE J-;...11r vart.n1 U'iMl~w ' U..1 .. nlly HJI Utl Sil"Cll,..t1\I GS 100 MedllW R•l•y-1. Un!wrt.ity.· CoSteMe\I Time: l:lll.S. EIMoOen;a 10 • ' l"riUy'1k •rll Mls.s.lon Vlelo 1. 01n1 H1ll~J Uni,,..rlity •·El Toro 5 S...Clementt 7, Liii""' Be1ch • l!M,.UtE LEAGUE W c T •• Home run\: FV-Boswen (2·r~ homer). JUHIDR VARSITY ' .. 100 Free-1. JamKOn CUI 1. Clptor Ell.an<•I ., I • (Ull .Grlltln lSI. Tl..-..: l:Ql .7. Ml9110lll 8 " 2 11C1teU1 IJ 1 0 WKtmin\1er 000 001 G-1 l l 100 1fKl.,....d.-l.RoWrts lUl2.Si'.>-Sent1An1 1 1 J Foothill . . ' . . ' 1 Fountein Veney 000 010 K-1 r o ca 15lJ. RODllrl-IS). Time: 1:11.G. Viii" Pl<k f> I ' Kennedy 5 Betteries : Weslm1n'1e•-Mulleni.,,· SCI FrM-1. ClplDI' IU) 1. Ja•newn Coron• dl!I Mir s " S A.n11\e1m ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' • • • S'' ll), P1m1nO Rene S. FV-Mullenolnd. " sencroer. tUl 3. Scr1199s ts I. Time: JO.•. Tu\lln 2 12 ~Fly-I. RobtrlS CU) 2. SO see (5) J. Frldil'f''! S.C1r•! Key CUI. T ime: ll.7. CoSteMeU 11, Tin11n2 • Huonllnglon IHICll Seddltback .,.,..,. ,. YAllSITY '" IO ~wl)Of'I Hertoor 101 ooo ,_; ~ : • Olw111101-1. Bernes (U) 2. Soi• ISi l. Coronedll Marl, El~neG lll'tnum tU). Po1nU: 20.•. Esltnel• 1. Silnll A,.. 6 5(1 S.ck-1. 11Ct st1n fU 11. MMTlsori MaQillOlll 5, VIUI P1r-0 (II IMingsl (SI J. Scr119'11S (SI. Time : :JI.I . SOUTH COAST LEAGUE SCI 8r11u -1. McF1rl1nd IU) 2. tl'IMI) ,,..._,IS) J. Prle1t (S). T1me!..O.l . w L GB lGCI Free R111y-I. Unl~er1ily. Mis\lonVielo • II Tln.:2:0J.1. oanaHlll\ 10 El Toro t • ' ' ' ' (VIJfeSS 3 11 0 ll'rl.t1r''k-• .:;11eu11, Cyp,.s.s. o Stdd•eci.c:k def Foothill by forfeit Mtlllll•r'1G1m1 Or..,_ ill Huntlnoton £1e1c11 GA•DENGROYELEAGUE tr:l111I) H\ln1, BIKll ••1 100 c -IJ • I 811teries: NH-L•••e ..,0 He,os;· HS-Croft •nd Burrows . Homt l'!,IM: NH-Fttnsttl. JUNIO!l VARSIT'I' k •rt lly l11nint• . ' . Jllft~r Var•ily s.n Cl•mtnle " ~Ii• \"1U1y (ISi (11) Newport Unl~rslty lo • • • s Boise c;i-andl w • , L • ' ' ' • Gii NeWPOl1 Hertoor 011 )O(I o-s IS l l'lunl. B11c" 201 GlS ~-9 23 G Herber t.aOUN £1eKh 3 " a Pacillc• 1 B11ter ie~: l"ewporl : Cu.J M and· 1 H111m.r; Hunt. Beien: Sc""''""''•nd I Sillley. HRS: Bonw!i"ll IHI. Qwnc.e 2 !HI. IGCI M1dtl'f' R1l1y-I. Founl1in Velley. Tlmt: 1:01.2. 100 FrH -1. LeValley (FJ 2. t:t, Hu;l'll! IFI l . P9dlgo (N). Tlmr: l:D~.t. 100 Ind. Med.-1. Oonov1n CF) 1. !. Hl.M;lhe! CF I l . Slocklllm IN). Time: 1:11.l . ~Free-I . Tom IN) 1. L1pol CF) J. Garbtr CNI. Time: :n.1. Volleyball Results SCI Fly-I. Ool'\0¥~111 CF! 1. Neil:lell !NI i. Rodgln If'). Tlme: 10.2. Verslly Olwln9 -l. s. Huollt5 'Fl 2. LaQUN BIKll ""'·El Toro ll-3, John!IOll (N l l. M ltchllt IFI. IM, 11·1S, lj,.9. SG Beck-I. Stoc ~llem CNl 2. Unlver~U y atf. Dilnl Hiii\ 11-IS, LaV&llll'f' tFll, Lipol IF). Ti~: )l>.1, IS.U, IH, )6-12. JO 8r••l l-I , H1n!on tNI 2. Sin Clemente ~f. Miu ion Viejo Camaven CF ) l . ColU!\S IN), Time: lj,.7,IS.7,ls.fl. 37.6. Newport H11rtior de!. Mater Del l'OO Frtt R•l•y-1. Fo,,.nt1ln Valle'f', f.U. IS.l, IS.11, lH. TI~: !:SI.I. Rl ..... n kle Poly d<!I COUI Mol!lol 154, JUHIO• VARSITY \j,.5, ).15. IS.3. l!I T.,... 127 I 150) Dllll Hiiis Coron. <XI Mar def La Oulntl IS.S, 100 Medley ~·lay-I. oa .... Hiii!. IS.Ill, lS.11. Tirrw: l :t1.•. LIQUlll Beech def S..n Clemente !DO Frtt-1. Stro•l1 IEI 2. Jamti 111-IS, IS.I. lS.11.9·15.11·16. IDl l. McCall CE I. Time: 1 :117.6. Est111cia d<!f R1ncho Al1mitos !l-5, 100 Ind. Medl•y-1. Crelg (0) 1. 1S...,9·1S, 1(1.U, lS-•. GordOn IE I l . Smltll IDL Time: I: lS.O. Ju .. iOI Vilrsltr ~ FrM-1. Adam! 101 2. Welson. Rive•si"" Poty del Cost• Mo!st 1S.9,. !(')) 3. Mumcy tEI. Time: )1.J, 15-1 1. lO Fly-I, Slfokl!, !El 1. DrltWelow (O)J. Telcoll (Ol. Time ~ Jl.I>. 01¥ing-I. Gorden IEI 2. Prlc1 {El l. Hlrl\11 IOI. Polnti : •6.lo. ~ ll•tk-1, Smllh (DI 2. H.,..Uey WIT Scores W.ri.Tum T1M l1 kor11 ~I• 25, Boston 19 INll-29, Hewell 21 PlttSllUfgh 17, Clevel•n<l 16 LAQUll.I ~ach def. E t lon:i 1>1, 1S.1G. Dane Hilts <k'f. Unlll'tr!ll'f' 1s.n, 17·1S. Mission Viejo d<!I. San Clemente 1·15, 1S·l1, IS.I. Cotoo• doll Mir dtf La Ou!nle lS-3, 1)·3. uoun• 6tach di!! S.n Clemente 1S.S, 1S.S. Est1nc!1 det Rancflo Alamitos TS.IQ, IS.11. WARM UP SUIT. FAMOUS llAND JACKET, Sim, X •••II, •••II. ••Iii•, lar11. X lar1e: Fill lnrt• •JI•• ii,,er. Sias• 17· l11·1i,,~r ,1c•1t : 1last1c 1r111• t•• •ack 11 t~e jacket PANT: Elastic waist •111; •J· l11·1i"tr rtar ''cket. Sli• ta· ••r•• lik1 ••ality slacks wit• stltc•e• ••r•1111t cr1as'1. Hf· l11z1,,1rs1t 11kles. ASSOITID COLOl5 RIG.29.00 !MIU MOTHERS DAY ONLY 1999 115 PALOS.YODIS ILYe. llDOllOO IUCll (21JJ 11.MJS1 ""ADAMS MUWTlHTOl ltACM (tl)) Sft·1UI '(714) 9~SSJ R1nclloAl1mllos 'ii.lntl-LOS Aml~ ' ' • L10ulnt1 s C..rdenGro.,. • 1 ' " ll'rldey•, k or11 Rtnc:lloAl1mll01J, i;.roen Grovel Bollol Gr•nde I . LOS AmlllQS G Slnti191>6, Loi Qulnll S FREEW#t.YLEAGUE 1,..1 ... n w Fullertori ' • •• VARSITY · r II e Mi~lan Viejo 311 ?3' l-14 ,. o Vniwfllty G1G JJO G--6 111 t Blneries-M'ol : Di vis 1rl'd Oii~ Unl....,rsily: KnlQht•nd Slncl'oer. • ttome run$: Univer$1tr-Ecc.IH&Olll. J11111wva,.1u r • • • M•s~lonV 1e,o 100 001 0-1 5 l Un•"""™•• 000 131 .,,_. u l Troy LIMlb<il Slnta""" V&ll1y _,, " " • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • • 8oellmer ilnd ,t.nore•s. #l shcrafl MG ~ Ecclel.1°"". wwenne SunnyHlllS Buen.& Ptrl J Frl ... y'1Sc.,.e• SAYalttyS. u H1br1 l Savlfll!ll0,Lowell7 f'ulltrton 11, Bue111 Pe•• 2 Troy I, SuNl'I' Hiiis 1 " " JV Baseball Edi-11 1111 W11tml1Hlff ' ' • • Edli.on -Pt1r01lers, rf 1-1·2..0: ICel· ly, 1b2·2·2·2; Cooper, :U.l ..0.0; Innes. l ).1·1-0J Nichols, 11 4·1·1·1; s.l<Ni.rt J.11.l·l; Slro~IM 2b 3411-9; "!"!~~: II 2·14"0; Ourllam. ri (; HeyK, pll 1.(1.1..0: Wllllrd, pl! 141.0; Wero, pl! 1..0-1 ·2; C•rr, pll 1.o.ll·G; Gu't'fr, pro 1--0-CMI; Wtl!s. p 1..0.G·O. r' II • Ed•~ 001 001 G-l 9' 2 E~\oin(iil 301 001 K_. I 2 Grl-n end Mendlnn111. Ufl'mOn MldHertere. J w11i..,V1rstty . ' . £disori '15 1110 G-n ll 2 E.Slil..,Cll '11 00J G-IG 111 1 Winn end V1nOew1e\, Carri¥> and "''· VARSITY ••• El Ton:i 81(101 100 0-21 :n 1 O.na Hlll1 110 '00 114 2 1 B•Uerle\-EI Toro-urour.art Ill, R1nn~5 dnd C1rr; 01n11 Hlll!- Curren '"a Hlcl m1n. JUl'OOll VARSITY r ft" e E! Toro 6.62 l U l -1'1 :DO Dana Hiiis Q.11 220 G-H 1) S Sc:ertbr ln,.l!\91 .... '" .. i • 2-4 ID ,__, ' 1 6atterie~-EI Toro: Re"'1htf .ci 1 Coonnolty Ill and Welle!; 01n1 HllK: • S.y,.,Bro1h-n11naD1y. Bonded & Licensed Con1ractor #260201 ·. BUY: .. NOW· AND: SAVE~· ·.· SWIMBEFOR~ JUNE I ::i ... ... Dl¥int loard IM:MIM WMtli AU r•: •• •• .. CALL HOW FOR A BETTER FASTER JOB AT LOWER COST (7141 586-4562 FltEE ESTIMA~7 DAYS A WEEK $3,800.00 to SI 0,000.00 + CUSTOM 9UAUTY POOLS . . ' " • . : .. .. •• . :· ~ ... " :1. •t: "· •• ....... .......... ..-.............. ··-.,...,..... .. __ ::: ,.,,.,..,._ .... _--,,,_...,,,_,....,,,,-i,. ___ ........... ,..... '• ....... .., .... _ ....... ........... 'd .. _ ... .,......, ..... !: ................. -..... '· . ........ ·-lot\ . ' -· ... . ....... --l: 3530 DURFEE A VE. l!ICO RIVERA, 'CALIF. " . ....... • • . . ' . ... DAJLV P1LOT S11ut'day. May 10, 1015 NEW YORK STOCK E~CHANGE Week's and Year's High, Low, Close I ,.... \t .lt:!l • J, • ; \ • DAILY PILOT .. • Bf DAILY PILOT Saturdt y. May 10, 1975 Tonight's TV Highlights NBC (4) 9:00 -"The Bridge .at Rema gen. j i A d esperate race to capture a German bridge before it is.destroyed by .1he Nazis is the focus of this 1969. war movie wilh George Segal, Ben Gazzara,· Robert Vaughn, Bradford Dillman and E. G. Marshall. · ' KTTV (11) 11 :00 -"The Ca ine Mutiny." Humphrey Bogart at his best in the m emorable role of Captain Queeg, with Van Johnson, Fred MacMurray, Jose }.i'errer and Robert Francis in other featured assignment.S in !his 1954 m.ovie. . ABC (7) 11 :30 -"Cleopatra." The 1963 mov ie blockbuster with Elizabeth Taylor in the title role, Richard Burton as Anthony and Rex Harrison as Julius Caesar. .; TV DAILY LOG ' ' Saturday Evening . I ~ CIJ o m £•"•""'' Mnlt: (90) ... , Bottler It llMd" (dr•) '52-M•rilyn Monrot, 0 <!HI IIl>CIH!l I " ' f ' m H!EllAW ISICHAFF ·4't01~=:~~~•,C *;Als~:.:;• CeldfitJ Tttlb CiMM 1 ~ ~!22w.w , · lCET Auc1iM '7S Cool'd. Mltilll Sllper SMw l hrtitr w ,,,._. l.Mpact f'rlrr1.s .,.. h;::"' uo~ i!lHll"' .. ,,.. IRJ (j)) o.ldMn • Ctllt Davis SM9' lttfW c., Sloctf" c.•w c.-. s.m.u, MltMel t:oo o tm rn oo Ml" T1'tf ..,, · film f11tln . SflOll' (Rl v.a•~· • o @oo®Jm 111c SatwUJ U\11 ... If till ;._ Mowit: (C} (21hifJ "flit lfW&t It . : Uefwi1J llllliq llHll(ft" (R) (dni) '69--Gtor11 St-, : ffi Alltric.H OutdtorsN1 Iii, Ben Gw1r11, Robert V111thn. I ill .. n..,-SMw -0 ca @ I CI! CD UC S.ablrd•J , . • ( (j)J lillr lidllrd: TIM Rlctf Mflil: (C) (Zllr) ''IOdlllln l Alt1· • • CtJHa flew aldri&" P1rt I (dr1) '7 1-Jllichiel : • 'S4-G1ty Cooptr, eurt l111t1sler. 0 TllrM P•t&Ptfb to Adwature Cmilti C G;ttl OC~,,('nts ''LM A UTTli, STEAL A LOT" ~ROBERT CONRAD DON STROUD · (X)NNA MIUS ~ R08VN MILLAN D'"l<l LUTHER ADl.ER o. "Ine E)€' AA Amelicon lnl(>ino',O"lo\ ke~ -·Also- WOODYALLEH ''T A~NTDH:u~~NEr Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. Co By BOB THOMAS LOS ANG~APJ _. Columbia Pictures joined the hall -century club recently with a birth- day celebration on ABC's Wide World of Entertain- ment. \ It has become something or a ritual, these televised salutes to movie companies reaching their 50tbyear. Within the past year or ~o. such companies as Disney, MGM , United Artists and Warner Brothers have discovered they have' reached the mid-century mark. , The result: a t elevision special loaded wiU:t stars and nost algia, plus a large plug for the upcom- ing--product. COLUMBIA UNWRAPPED its repleniShed bankroll for a studio .PU1Y complete with klieg lights and Chasen's chili. , Among those who came to the birthday celebra- tion were movie queens from Mae West to Barbra Streisand and box-office winners from John Huston to Charles Bronson. And Frank Ca1;>ra. He was Columbia's link to its glorious past. Resplendent in a shocking-pink jacket, the 77-year-old director seemed fit enough to start a new movie tomorrow. "This might be something for you," he confided to a reporter at the long bar outside the film -stage party. "Do you reali~e that Columbia has won nine best-picture Oscars? Considering how Columbia was a small studio for so long, that's quite a re- cord." INDEED IT IS. And Capra contributed the first two -"It Happened One Night" in 1934 and "You Can't Take It with You" in 1938. The others: ''All The Kings Men" (1949), "'From Here to Eternity'' (1953), ''On The Waterfront" (1954), "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (1957), "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962), ''A Man for All Seasons" (1966) and "Oliver" (1968). Only one other studio has won nine -MGM, which was a major company from its beginning. The birthday party wouldn't have been so gala if it had been given last year (whi ch it should have been; records show that Columbia had been in- corporated Jan. IO, 1921 ). Columbia was then undergoing rough times, none of its offerings clicking with the world's au- diences. . That has changed in the last few weeks. Colum- bia has managed to come.up with three diverse win· ners: "Shampoo" for the swingin1 crowd, "Tom- my" for the rock lovers and "Funny Lady" for all ages. . AND THE COMPANY hu hi&b hopes !or iUI ruture product. There were two other Unks to Columbia's past at the pa:rty: producen Robert Cohn and Bruce Cohn Curtis. They are the son and grand1on of Jack Cohn, who founded the company wt th hls btother, Harry, and Joseph Brandt. ' · The real beginnW,1u1 of Columbia go back to the eirly 19208, when the Cohns and Brandt formed the CBC Sales Corporation and sent Harry out to cautornia to make pictures. He set up shop on Beachwood Drive, amid a ramshackle collection of studios known as Poverty Row. Harry taught the other shoestrlna: producers a few tricks, using such economi~ a& painting botll sides of scenery backdroPS sp they served a double purpose. , THE HUSTLING F1LM men aba ndoned tbe CBC name for Columbia because the trade kept re- ferring to the young company as Corned Beet and Cabbage. As Columbia, the company smelled no better until the advent of Capra, whose astounding touch reached the Depression milUons. Among the Capra contributions: "Lady for a Day,'' ''lt Happened One Night,'' ''Mr. Deeds Goes to Town," "Lost Horizon," "Mr. Smith Goes td' Washington," and "You Can't Take It With You .'' Robards In 'Men' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jason Robards will port.Tay Ben Bradlee, ex- ecutive e ditor of the Washington Post, in the film version of the Water2ate book, "All The President's Men." - Robert Redford has already been cast to play reporter Bob Woodward, with Dus tin Hoffman ·costarring as partner Carl Bernstein. The film will start Sbootiqg in Washington, D. C., on May 12, with Alan J . Pakula "The" Sterile Cuckoo, "Klute" as director. IAll,liAIN ...ic:El! lttHALF HOUR I : ,5'0 O llfri.: (C) °'Vllfl Cflll" (id'/) Ja:rston, J1nel Su1m1n, ~ ••ttr world m mmm 1c. P•lltt I li9 CIJICIJ CDAIC'i Wldt fI)lCET Al.ldiru1 '75 Continu'\:'liiiiiiii~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~·••r----------_:__----------1 tl1d tf SjMl'tl ED P1t111la Filll i I ~mill 9:30 8 iw rn oo Jib Knhart Sba• ~ -:S11o'.&'.:.' o':~''..u.":'· =if.vid C1rr1dlne "DEATH RACE 2000" Plus WAY·OUT SCIENCE FICTION H 1•1 It 11 J 1 I Motil: {90) "C111tuie frt111 tfle riltlllllll ( ) llltk l.tpo~~ {llor) '54-llichard Gt MIN: "TM C1iM: Mw.,"' CUl$011, Jufle Ad1ms. (dr1) '5'-Humpllrl')' ilof:1Jt. i ""° 111111 $411K -• f1lttl ftr T"'-'J rn w..w" ~ Swdl (I)llll•lftMC-10:00 lftl(j)(j)C.rll ·luraett SllM Qj Mlilr Lupi latbal t ilnh • r.d., it A(ul ClllNll r i5!.-~ ·~=::M~ "" I Ill\ @Ill .... """" ""'" Litlt blClb ~ Hilr:lic.tct MIN: (C) (Ziii) -C.U.w.n" Liu '""" Shw l {sci-Ii) '61-Robtrt OU¥1!L, llt'.30 fB Qaiz TI111/Mili kit I I""'""""" 11""8 111 0 (j)lljjlll) .... I ....... M.ic G"n.ty Clull TtlttNll 75 Mooty Tilt Miiiie rlWjed: Pt1Nlb tbll Is the Mister of Ctrtmoriies ror c.w.tlJ Clff a... rtlia leltllloll wlllclt contitttlts I Tint st..,.. throu111 6PM, Suncby (Ma, 11). 4'tO o m m .... I '""' """' I • ..... . "" "" -· rnmID MMdi (R) Ml'tie: "'Th C.ile -llhrtiilr" , ~~ ( 11) ·~-Humphrey Bo111t. 1 Rl•pide ltllfti I TffJ l S.S.1 AllJIO atm fifllt ., t1tt w"t m s. .. -r , c..,.., "" KN 7lli) an ICU ._ '15 ill DOERS LAST CHANCE Uttll Ruails * FINALHOURTOWIN1 l:30 JA"cijj._...,.. 1tper1 t<CETTHA~KSYOUALL 11.l """ Cullft11a f.D Km AuctiH 75 Last hour to (j) OtlltJ ,... OU... l'llUI m1kt bids. C1ll (213) 663·8421. ~Hlluict m~bW~~ . Tilt risknu1 11:15{])11Mt: (C) "'T1lll HIPllJ ftel· C.r & T1adr: i {corn) '58-Debf>it Rl!)'l)Dkls. TMM RMs:n Wtlltfl'1 Litt St.rin ,_,, OtMr Pttplt, 0tMr PllclS [j)) Weel: it ltnirw D11M111 KIN ll:lO 8 F1ttuleus 52! {C) "The 111111 tr 1ew1-.: ltr Diian tllt C.m" (dr1) '70-Gtor(e Ken· Sl•lllJ' l c..,..,. fledx. Di1ne 81\er. £rwtt--Us Aqtln ~Iii ®I .... TM 1.n-""'"'! 'Vllltre el lht Gilnb" M•i.. S Mtvit: {Cl (2111") '"f1lt INril: IC) "ClttpW1" (dni) ... """{SU~) '72-Vinct Ed· '63-Eliribtth Taylof, 'lurds. Clluck Connors. i Mine: "4211111 Sltfft" (mus) 19 Ci.)) @t.) Lawmc. Well · CA·•~ Wrutlinr ttl1ta A Tfrllt Mtrie: (C) "ll'tMt1 f11111 M111'" (})Jill.,. Du• Sltft (sci· Ii) 'Sl-Mhur f rlfll. ~ (l),..,,, ljJ @ Mevle: (C) "T1h Htr, Di's ti hp!Cintllttoumr Mill" Jcom)'6J-Jma S1rw1rt. Mtclll ta ([)) Sdmct Fldio• The1111 Dt . .llum lnw1.i.. HHr 12:00 D ®)Ifft et T111qtrt 7:30 WM W..W If Alllllllls IZ·lO s B• o. , O·•• @(j) lit' ....... Dell . llC4. ~":'°'" ltepllntJ 1 The W1t111 F111uly l.1111 Clu(I; 1:00 m All·Ni11tt SMw: "Tht H)'PllOlic Slltf Ere," "For bl1ncl," "Tiit Jud1• t N11111 Tllat Tulle Steps Our• Wild Kl•Pe111 1:20 0 At 0111 Wrtli , •• I (3) H111k aornpse• SllN @I TllrHlt1 flt111111 Soble 11 Til•pe l:ZS 0 Mowlt: •nw. y;" to Ml4niPt" lClT AuctlM 75 Cont'd. ~) '6J-Sophi1 Lorel'I. Police 5!1Jto• 2:40 11 Mtrie: "lri111stont" ('#a) '49· &:00 Q};I (])lt)All ii tilt Ft11lly (II) Rod Cameron, Adri1n Booth. KOCE Television S:ot LawlMttHl'Jk CCI S:JI UwforOle'IOsfCI <11:11 Uwlortll•'Jh ICI J:M lloolt .. al IC) IPBS I l :JO F1tnolA11hlm11 tCI Cl(OC£1 1 :10 t11!1 r11,11 lo11,11 A11 lm11io11 Ffttl¥11 !Cl IPBSI 4:ll ~"llld E11vlr .. m•1tl ICI S:• "'-••lld EflYlrMlmflll l :JI ll"ICMll; (Cl !PSS\ l :a 111 hrtorm,1ft(o ,JI Woll Tr• !Cl !PBS! •:• Sti«lll: IC) CP8SI t :• A Pt.ico For Ho Sl«W lCI lPeSl • Hudson in Movie LOS ANGELES (A P) -Rock Hudson.returns to the big screen during his vacation from thetelevisiori' zeries "McMillan and Wire.'' ( Hudson will star in "Embryo" as a doctor \\'ho conducts ''an unorthodox medical experiment.'' Also in the cast: Diane Ladd, nominated (or an Oscar for her supporting role in "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore," and fashion model Barbara Car- rera •. 3rd Annual Southern California MOBILE HOME . SHOW ·MAY 10·18 • ANAHEIM STADIUM Adm: Adults $2. Kids 10.16, $1 . Under 10, Free. Hours: ' Saturdays, 12 noon lo 9:30 p.m. Sundays, 12 noon to '7:30 p .. m. Monday 'thru Friday, 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. I "The W&.st'.s Onlr Show E1'clusivety DesignfKI l<Jr Manufactured Hou1ln9." ,.,,_ ... . . ...... WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS To111aNG llFEIUIO CALL THlADl fOI SH0WnMIS mAHClNlMA '""" "SKY JACKED" (PG) ANAHEN•IY~ co.TNIJU.n "THI TIPFOID WIVES'" !:!J/'tl/lfi. Sunday brunch is always some· lhing special at the Sheraton Newport Beach. and our Mothers· Day celebration is no ex· ception. Toast Mom with champagne while you enjoy a spectacular buffet spread in the lus h, Garden Gour! atrium . Choose fro'tn exciting entrees, tempting desserts, salads. . hors d'oeuvres and then of course, the bubbly. Champagne brunch $4.25 ($3.75 without) Kids $2.00. 11 :00 to 2:30. .~/ut&' If Mom feels like something a liltlB more continental, a spec~I Mothers' Cay dinner menu has been prepared in Senor Valdez. the Sheraton's exquisite gourmet restaurant. Entrees include Breast ol Cepon Chausseur. Roast Leg ol Spring Lamb and Prime Rib. Just tor Mom, all entrees this Sunday are half price for kids, so brln9 the family. Sel'lor Valdez will be serving dinner 1rom noon to 8 p.m. Entrees from $4.95 to$ 7.25. ®S!Hatoo Newport tm:h 4545 MacArthur Boulevard.Just South of Orange County Airp<>rt In Newport Beach [714) 833-0570. IAlllA STlllSAHD JAMES CAAH '"RIHHY LADY'" IPGI "MUIDH OH THE OlllKT IXPIESS" + "THE GoAMILD'" "TOMMY" "CHINATOWN'' "CONSERVATION'' 101 "'fOUI MUSKETHIS" "M.A.S.H." "'""'~""' """"" "lllMCAIHATIOM OF PETlll ·I , PIOUD'" -.......0 .<'F .. Ill HOU5I"', ''CAl'OHE" llJ "LAUGHING POLICEMAN'' ACADEMY AWAIO WIMr8, INGRID BERGMAN Best Actress •• , ~~ .... 1MOWM t.tl)M. -,... ,,, M:ll SAT~Mlll. l:l .. J:»k-1 ...... 10.ll ............... _,1.n•Uf ~omnn ''MUllll IN 111 OlllNT DPllSS"" BARGAIN Q .0 30 SEN!OR CITIZENS $1.50AT All TIMES SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES SA.N D!EGO F'lf'f, AT BRI STOL SO.COAST PLAZA U "'THI lllMCARNA TIOH OF PITEll·P'IOUD" Mt.Jiii 7,1...,11 ... ,.... l.,..wt-l!MoNM!M ( ClllElllAWD THREE ,~:att:Oi ) RoanT 2Zl'~1· . R:fl>roi.D W~ 'l'M:R ''THI~·.· t :40 WJS-•.U.t:4t "FA111. Y MODllH MIWI" 7:10. s.t 2:J0.7:11 I "THE CLONES" (R) Eves. from 7 Cont. SUnday From 2 l'l.US Gene Hockman The Conversation the Centerfold Girls " A _nc:AN~WITCMMOUMTAIM . V .._..... TMI l'OOM & N•111 TOO" .......... loblty • lloM" .. Lett :A•ric• H.ro'" "CA10HI" ., ;I' 1 P .. c.-•• ·-....1es.2tot'" --· ENTERTAINMENT Truman Story Due on Film • • , LOS ANGEi.ES (AP) -Paramount Pictures has announced plans to fil_m "Ji.!irryj S. Truman" for release IV!~t year as part or the nation 's bicentennial celebration. The film wJll 5tart shootine in Octobert _re- Porls Paramount, Wnich bought the rights to daught er Margaret Truman Daniel's bio- graphy two years ago, So far no star, director or writer has been signed. ' ' , • 0 141-10~. Jioal ~· T lllDOll ell wJ R If you - ... ; .. n. I' ' ' I· •• •• •• ... ... ... ... .. " .. I .. ... I ,. -• won'i score s ·date,· '}towe dayi: Hodg coal Si ~ I inthi Cour pie E andt 1 year: com< J featu year: thoo< t ing ~ I . l featu t.aln, Plea; I ville; class I Agal whe1 G ( I . <,. • 0 • .. ~ r r • ~- " " J 4 !~-----------------------~ Our youn1eet trlvladdlct, Bhwa Laydea, lqlleaed out a victory OD last Salurday'I card with 'lol1o point&, while three top contenders -, ... Doap, Maa FralOJ' and top.ranked llobbl·Jeaa .$lie at -were hot on 1111Melawith10 apiece. · . ,. • The abow poalUon wu divided three ways, amooi Olaaa llehl, Cbrla Trtla and Tracy Godfre7, au with Dine polnla. . Remember lo notify lbe trivia editor In advance ii you must alt out one cootest, otherwlae your acore "' .... ... ... ... .... '" . •1Jl'\'t .... 1JIV. .... .. .. .. . .,. .... .... ... ... ... ... •• • •• • ~won't.be advanced. Advance notice will get you a score commensurate with your average. Since the tiebreaker has been of little value to '.date, it's being discontinued u of today. Retained, jiowever, ls the two-point bonus question, which to- day is number six. Good luck. 1. NAME THE Instrument played by Eddie Hodges in ''The Music Man ." 2. Who were the two stars of the TV series Love on a Rooftop? ·· Shirley's 'Kisser' Now a Director LOS ANGELES CAP> -The meeting took place in the hallway of the Walt Disney Studios -Jerome Courtland, film producer on the lot, a nd Shirley Tem- ple Black, member of the Disney board or directors and U.S. ambassadortoGhana. The reunion was warm and sentimental: Just30 years ago he gave Shirley her first screen kiss in a comedy called ''KissaodTell." J erome Courtland al 49 retains his clean- featured handsomeness, but it has been severaJ years since he worked as an actor. He was one or · tho6e rare performers who saw a career slump com· 1 ing and did something about it. 1 • NoW Disney, has released CourtJand's first feature as a producer, ••Dcape from Witch Moun- tain," with Eddie Albert, Ray Milland and Donald I Pleasance. He was born Courtland Jourolmon Jr. in Knox- ville, Tenn., and was discovered for films in the classic way: while visiting a movie set in Hollywood. He was 17 when be was cast in "Together Again," with Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer, and18 when he gave Shirleythefap1ous kiss. ( PEOPLE )FIOATURES People In lhe DAILY PILOT 3. ln the film ''Hatarl, ''what wu Red Buttons' nickname? · 4. What vocal l1'0UP made the novelty song "Beep, Beep'' 1 bi& hit? 5. WHO PLAYED Baby Snooks' daddy on radio? ' 8. Name the fellow who lives next door to Dagwood Burn1tead. ' 7. In .. Mutiny on the Bounty,'' what was the precious c1r10 carried on the abip! 8 .. Brad Barker wu the voice of what famous dog on radio? ... I. ALSO IN THE radio line, name Jack Webb's first partoer on the radio version of DragneL 10. Two loo9evlty Ups from a famous athlete were: "A void fried foods that angry up the blood " and "Don't look back; something might be gaining on you." Name the athl,te. · La1t Week'1.b:lwen l . •dog (LltUe Sheba) 2. CONTROL.ANDKAOS (Get Smart) 3. Teddy's (Lord Pllllhbottom) 4. Finlay Currie (Quo VadlB) s. Throckmorton (Great Gildersleeve) 6. Donald Pleasance (Great Escape) 7. Jerome C9urtland ln "Kiss and· Tell" (Shirley Temple kiss) 8. "Orange Colored Sk y" ("alikazam" line) 9. Steve Dunne (Sam Spade) 10. The Bonjour Tristess Brassiere Factory· (Bells Are Ringing) · Tiebreaker -Velms and Graciell a (West Side Story girls) Send your answers to TRIVIA, c /o the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa 9262.6. AU entries must be in the m8:il by Monday to qualify. · "REDFORD'S PERFORMANCE MAY. BE THE BEST DF HIS CAREER. THE RlM IS SUPER!" ..••.. __ ---· .. --. _:-rt.flflfJMstDrT.U.1.L --¥111Cl•T CA~r. •.r.fllltS "flAMBOYANT ••• EMINENTLY SATISFYIN&." 0-NCNAIDSClllUll. llMl MAW1M "VISUAL POORY." -A«'llflff1llSTt•.1 r.m1 Rallu . ......, Saturd!y, May 10, 1975 DAILY PILOT 8 7 E11tertal11111e1it Briefs ~; Wayne's Son Joins McCrea LOS ANGELES (AP) -Another famoua name 1n western rum a la johllng Joel McCrea in hla return to fl Ima after a 13-year absence. Patrick Wayne, aon ol John Wayne, bas been cut in ''Muatanr Countey" as a wrancle.r who fails to capture a wUd 1talllon. Robert FuUer IJ_u already been a1slgned aa hla partner. The Universal film begins shooting May 20 at. Banff, Alla., Canada. * * * LOS ANGELES (AP) -Barbara Bain and Martin Landau, wbo fll'llt achieved televlaion fame in "Mission: Impossible," will be exploring outer space in a series called "Space: 1999." The Brltlah-baaed Independent Televialon Corp. is diatributin1 the new series to local stations and reports selUog 73 channels in the first 40 days or saJes. ''Space:· 1999." ls billed ·as the first TV series l .T.C. baa aimed speciftcally at the American market, employine American stars, directors and writers. ACMllMY 14Will Al ll""C ,a19tMSnN l"l.A.oC DOESmlM flRE CPGl AllYMOllE Co-HH Al Yifjo "ALOHA. IOllY & .aSF' SE: M€l JI. F HILAllOUS JACI LIMMON (PG) .+.HNI IAHC:IOl'J t CllllMACENTH ...._., .. ~ IOIM-(IOITll 979-4141 HIJ"TIMGTOM CINEMA tiA(M •T "1Jl.-'U-4 J.960I 847-601 PlllSJoi.Wayno "IRANNIGAH'' HAlllOR TWIM _,,, ... _ 41-C57l 646-326 PlnAIP«•· ~Hecm "'Jltl SC.UfCIOW" The series, which cost a network style $250,0oo ·a segment, will begin in 101 countries next Sep· tember, I.T.C. reports. * * * LOS ANpELES <AP) -A new look for "The Tonlgbt Show StarringJohllny Carson.'• NBC art director John Shrum has created four· new backdrops -desert, seaside, downtown Hollywood and a view from the Hollywood hills. Carson's desk and the couch for guests have been redesigned to appear as one piece. Behind are · whisky barrels planted with corn, tomatoes a nd strawberries. * * * . LOS ANGELES CAP> -The cancellations and renewals continue fiowing from the television networks. Latest to be picked up for another season la"Emergency!'' · NBC has announced the series, made by Jack Webb's Mark VII company with cooperation of the Los Angeles County Fire Department, will return for ita fifth season next fall~ .;:;:' ,::., "BUSTING" ~· ·-- Freebie and 'the Bean (R) ~Cl~,~~ ~•-Ull'!U 979-4141 ·WE'VE · GOT IT ALL-TOGETHER c • • ~ ,. ;:i ' .. ... -I t" • • • ,,- • " • ) ~ TV WEEK. a regular feature of the Sunday Daily Pilot, offers a weekly sunwnary of future programs on Orange County's new educational station -KOCE Channel 50. I lour-by-hour listings of what's doing on Sein Diego's channels 6, 8 and 1, I 0 and Scalta Barbara's Channel 3 appear in TV WEEK on Sunday and in the Daily Pilot's daily television listings ~TV LOG • Altogether, Daily Pilot readers now the • receive most complete newspaper listings of television available-Total Television. tare Every Sunday in .TV Week DAILY PILOT ~very Day in Dai~y TV Log . ' • !· OAILVPILOT Salurd• , Ma 10 1975 _•_,,vo:::a :=LlccC,-,,N,,.,OT"'l""'CE __ ,,'T oxp °'"er Hi po ff' IJIC'l'ITIOUSeU•INISS \ MAMI ITATIMINT 1"9 to4'°""'"'9 PH-• are -""O ........ ~·-: CA1t01,.E KIEHNE AND AS· fOCIATQ, tf" .rllll ""'" f"Olli'l\fill v.o • .,, ca"'°' C...ote Ela1M Kl•MI, tlU IEllllo ........ f"~t111 v,u,..,, CA n toe . IC•rlft Elaln• Gaalllm1111, :Klll ,c.~~:'. 't:u~~~1~:!~1 "Ill''· rngt ... StrHI. Huntl"910fl S.KI\, CA Sololl. Fli·ghts Drawing. Fire ..... • T11l1 '11"11)'411-1 Is. (Ofldvcted by • ..-•I ~rtMf'l,hlp. C:11rol• E. kith,.. 'Tfll~ •l• .. m1111 ••s 111.0 wl\11 1111! COvnly Clerk 91 Or •n~ County Of'! Apfll ''· lt7S. SACRAMENTO CAP) W1>t1J'd lose hi• $90 per -A Democ r atic as· diem p·ayirtebl1 coverina sembly'man has reacted Friday tJ?roUS"h Sunday, angrily to . Republican KapUottaa1d. · criticism of his bill al· ~ "That would mean a lowing legislators to take net savings to the stale of P UBLIC NOTICE s tate-paid plane trips at least,$30 -it we figure ---------~i home for the weekend. a plane round-,trip would ~1a1T1ous aus1Ness A 5 5 e ·m b I y m a n cost $'60 -for each of the NAMll! STATEMENT .Ti..1011ow1119 personlsdolng11us1-Lawrence Kapiloff, n 60 or so Southern MU•5: • San Diego lawmaker. California legislators in· Co5~~s!~.r .... ~~; 2025 ,..,.,.... Pl., elected in an upset vie-volved,~' he adaed. .. AMNll e. ~tts, Jr., 2011 IN.,., tory in 1972, said com· ~ .• C01i.Mew.cA.t2•21 t d b Paul • Ttl;, • ....,,1_, 1s conauct•d by., 111-men s ma e Y •~l*l•I. Haerle. the GOP stale Allrecl £1115 ~rs Jr. • · h · ted to 'This ~i.\ement w•s till'd will'• lht c a.J.rman; amoun Countv c•trt 01 0••11g.e Counly Of' "po. litical garbage." .IMrcn 14, 1915. F4t:IO "Pi>tillu.t Oranoe COll\i O•ilY PllOI,. . HA.ERLE SAID in a J.iwn 19, tt,...oMllw J,.1a, 1911 1~:'S: statement : ,,_------~-"'-;! "While the rest of us IALft-IHGllOM are tightening our belts. ,.,...AL HOME f · ona del Mar 573 _9450 Kapilof is proposing an incredulous ripoff of tax- payers in legislation that would proVide free shut-Costa Mesa 646~24 24 llUllO.t.DWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa 642-9150 McCOIMICK MOlTUAlY Laguna Beach 494-941 5 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 PACIFIC VIEW MIMOllAL PAIK Cemetery Mortuary Chapel: tle service for legislators all over the state. "Including the state- ·teased cars, gasoline and telephone credit cards, it is costing California tax- payers over $30 million a year t o keep the Legislature operating.'' PRESENTLY, MANY Northern California legislators u s e their state gasoline carm to drive home weekend-;, Kapiloff said. He added only two Southern. California legislators usually take the time to drive home. P VBLIC NOTICE 3500 Pacific l/iew Drive Newpcrt Beacti, Calilornia 644-2700 KAPILOFF snap· ped back i n a n in: lerview: "That kind oC stupid and thoughUess, unresearched thinking is why the Republican par- ty is in so m uch trouble today and why they ap-- parent I y ca n 't get qualified peoj>le to lead.~---------< • • "UFA.MILT COLONIAL FUHllAL HOME 780 1 Balsa Ave. Westm inster 893-3525 SMITHS' MOlTU.4.lY 627 Main St. them." Kapiloff said his bill, before the As sembly Ways and Means Com- mittee, was a 32-page, $30-million public financ· ing measure affecting statewide and legislative elections. IF HAERLE checked the legislative rules and lhe slate Constitution, he would have found any Jimi He ndrixs' Film Rainbow IJridge s-loy.May llllo Jp.a.&6p.a. LIHSAed. Sponsored by Laguna Beach High School Tidleh .t lex Office 'Z-& .,. Huntington Beach 536-6539 legislator: fl_ying home 11..---------./11 QUILTING BEE & 20 CRAFTS JEWEL COURT-SAT; MAY 10 5outh Coast 'Plaza MOTHER'S DAY TENNIS IDEAS Grli ' 2895 ~ • '· WILSON NIAii •. ~ u,-. .lllty u 1111 lllAS10 ....... l;W009J • 1 .... 1) -.. ~ • -. *String any of 011r racluls wJ"1 " Spalding oil impregflllitil .,,,-.. • IHUW 12,00 THIU llOTll"'S.DAY Oll~Y , ·' '. •5•, .. ·SHOES· BITA-llATCK POLYEST!I CIJJTOH ADIDU llllll JEAN KING l~-~~'l ' '-. ·~A" ~ ...... . . .. ..,. 1315 SUPll V11LLET CAllYU ' 915 Mi\STER CHARGE• Bi\NKAMEBICl\RD • IAYl\Wi\Y 115 PALOS YEROES BLYO. IEIONDO BEACH (213) 371·1551 1919 ADAMS HUNllNCTON lllCH (213) 512-2121 (714) 113-4555 PUBLIC NOTICE • O•D1MANCE NQ. JJ.H AN OltOINAM(I: O~ TMI: CfTY COUNCIL Off TNI. CITY O~ COSTA MESA, CALl~OlllNIA, CMANOING TMll ZONING IN TNE GINllllAL A•EA 01" SUllTl:ENTM ST•._ET, Nl:WPOltT AND SUPl:ltl Olll AVENUES, l"ltOM Ml ANO a TOC1- CP. ." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA DOES HEAEBY" «>'lOAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, All· tn.I pot11oft of thl 'follo#ll'IQ OHcrlbtd re•I oroptrty 1S "'""" plKecl •1'14 lntlr.dtd 111 i.. Ct-' .C:PZ-.towll: Orilnge Couroty e1n\10f' Pwtel Numb•r1 111·071-DJ, 111.011,ot. 11 7·071-10, 117-071-11, 117·0l7·01, 111.(112-02, 117-082-e.3, ilfld 1 '7.(112-41. •' l'\JBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 1 PICTITIOUl•UllNl:ll li"- NAMatTATIMINT Tiit ,_.._..,.. Pilnol'I II dltl .. bW- -.ell . CLANCY" AlSOCIATES,l\S1• ="°"Aw., Hunllqten ~CA. ·~ H. OitVrlH, ts7ll 01.i Ore.,~ .. .en, Co\..,..,, "''' Mislhiils II' tOIMllKtflll .-,.·ah In-·~· ''" ~M.OitYrl""" T111t ...._t _, fli.d "'41'\ ... CllilMy 09rtl"tif CW-. COtMtw "'-" ..... . ..Ji: • tt ,_.... ~ CM1t Id:, Mef .. 11,k.lt, 1'7S . Mt>7S P\JBLIC NOTICE m So c A a " b< in w •1 cl bl m Ui Ui fE Cl A y; m E m d• cl h• tt. ., .l> Jt • ] •I ' I " ' .. • I ' j I .. , , . I I ·• ' t' l! ., " •\ ., ,.g ·N _q '"I ·-II ... ·ti u ' :Offkial,s Urge Work At College RECOGNITION COMES TO ESTANCl~DlliEcTOR , TWQ STUDENTS Honored are (from 18ft).Scott Ander•on, p,ter Fournier 1.Steven Wall .3 Estancia Musicians Win Hono~s Coast Policeman 'Channel 7 Villain' Two music students and the music director at Eslancia I-Ugh School in Costa Mesa have re· ceived honor s from th e American Youth Symphony Chorus (AYSC). Peler Fournier, instrumental music director, has been appoint- ed to the board of directors of AYSC, and Steven Wall and Scott Anderson both received scholarships. THE AYSC IS a non-profit or- ganization which conducts trips ·throughout the world each sum- mer With young Am erican musi- cians. Fourni.er, a Fountain Valley resident, was appointed to the board because or his "outstand- ing citizenship and de dicated work with youth," according to a spokesman .. He is one or three Californians chosen lo serve on the national board. ~ .,. .... FOURNIE R , WHO receivea music degrees rrom the University or the Pacific and USC, is vice pres ident for festiva·ls A o,r the Southern California Band and Orchestra Association. He is the trombonist in the West Coast Brass Quintel, a member or the California Music Educators Association and a life member of Phi Mu Alpha. Wall, a tuba player, and An· derson, a percussionist, were chosen to be members or an honor band that will tour Europe Utis summer with the AYSC. THE ZS·DAY :rOUR will take the musicians to England, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Wall and Anderson, both &eniors, were selected on the basis of auditions and recom- mendations. o.lttf't ... ~ DISTORTION CHARGE Sgt. PhD ONver , . " Library Unit Sets Meeting The newly formed Friends of the Irvine Public · Library will meet at 7:30 p .m . Thursday in suite 200 or Jrvine Town Center, 4201 Campus Drive. Author Leland Cooley will talk about his autobiography, "Hey Mister,Are You Anybody?'' The group bas been ·formed to aid the new library-.on S8ndburg Way which -will open in Sep- tember .. Further information may be obtained by calling Jay Martin clt.833-2801. Occupation Study Funds Receive OK Directors of the Capistrano-Laguna Regional Occupational -·Program (ROP> have give9 unanimous .approval lo a $616,189 preliminary budget for fiscalis7S-76. The proposed spending program is about 4,4 percent greater < ,tiJ'11 lhe "28,333 that will be spent this year to mail1tain the voca-~ tionaf training program. THE PROGRAM·SERVES IUGH school students and adults living within the Capistrano and Laguna Beach Unified Sc~l . districts. ~ · The preliminary budget is subject to approval by the govern· ing boards or the two dJstrict.s. The Capistrano district, ~au:;e •,··of ta size, will pick up about 76 percent of the cost. Laguna will -assume the remainder. Hector NaYarrette: program director, told ROP board mem· bers that more staff and new facilities are needed to keep pace -With enrollment expected during the upcoming year. ~,.,s HE SAID ROP HM A CURRENT enrollment of 650 students. r •¢he budget is designed to absorb additional enrollment of 250 to .... :i aoo students, Navarrette said. . 1~,..,.. New positions proposed in the budget are a coordinator of slu· dent services, full-time secretary, account clerk, clerk-typist and iidditional Instructional aides. Navarretl~ •Ill<> proposed that $60,000 be spent for a building , • to houe courses ln diesel engine, refrigeration end air condl· Uoner repair. He alao requested $15,000 for a facility to house •, "IP!cultural prorroma. I' f l•~ San Juan Tribute ~· ,, .A formal · resolution paying thl'lfletl respect•• to deceased ,.g.,.. luan School Principal 1 ~Ambuehl was adopted by Ute San Juan Capistrano City ~:thlaweek. .. ~l:fuebl, who died Sunday at ·AIMii age of 16, was ~ited for his ~unity service and for mak· 1ft1 a "mOre laitine ·1mprrssion tb.a 1ny other educator" in the old San Juan School District . A copy of the unanimous re· solution will be sent to lbe &-u.r- vivors of the educator who re· tired ln 1972 after aervlng u erin- cipal or tbe elemenfuy-echoOI for 3()years, Ambuehl was burled Wedft ... day alternobll followlnl oerrica al San JUan 'a· COmmUrtily Presbyterian Church. By KATHY CLANCY Otttw O.l!y Pllotswt Sgt. Phil Oliver, a jolly 1-lunt· ington Beach policeman, doesn't consider himself a villain. But he claims a Channel 7 news crew made him look like one after he gave them RQlice cita· tions a week ago. ''THEY M .A DE Huntington Beach po lice a nd me in particular, look like real boobs." he said. And Olive r said ne""·s coverage of the incident has made him an NAME in the NEWS overnight celebrity in a way he never expected. The JO.year-old sergeant was on duly recently at the Rainbow Disposal Comp'any in Huntington Beach cliecking for possible picket violations by striking trash collectors. HE SPOTTED THE news crew filming the picketers from the center of the street as the trash collectors "became extrem ely animated, .clenching their fists yelling war whoops." • He said th ey also started punching out the side glass on trash trucks for the benefit of news cameras. But Oliver claimed that was n't the problem -because a few words with union leaders could have settled that issue. The· problem started when he repeatedly asked the news ·cameraman aod reporters to move from .the center of the .street. "THEY SAID THEY didn't have to -they were exercising their righls to free speech, free pres& and free assembly," Oliver explained. t "But I told them they didn' have the right to stand in the mid die of the .street," he said. . . After three warnings he star.t ed to write tickets for standing in the roadway, as they filmed and taped the incident. • ''They kept talking about being in t be land of Orange County Gestapo," he said, "They said they hadn 'l seen anything like this since Selma, Ala." Oi.IVER SAID THE .news ac- count of the incident was ''de libe'rately distorted to make al Huntington Beach police look . I grossly unfair." ' For example, he claimed, the crew filmed a catering truck double-parked , then showed it dispensing food under the eyes 0 r the police. What they didn 't show, he.said was a police officet asking the truck to move, which it did before selling anything. • . "They just spliced two pieces togethe r,'' he said. OLIVER SAJO THE Police Of ficers Association plans to ask for a television apology and re . . bultal time. t Channe l 7 officials weren' available for comment about the incident. O li ve r said the poilce switchboard was flooded witlt calls al both the S aDd 6 o'clock newscasts -so beavily the switchboard Y.' as jammed. .. AT FIRST THEY were run ning about half and half," he said, "but later they were more on Ute police side.'' . Oliver hlin1elf mlssecl the TV news report. , "By lhe time I'd eottl!n In, tb• watch commander beetled an ex planatiQ~ of w~y I was haroPiac the press,' 1 he grinned. "l WBJ busy writing my repoct." • Stale community college of· ricials are anxious for Sad· dleback ColJege to proceed with construction on the Mission Viejo carqpus a~ quickly as possibJe. Supt. Robert Lombardi and buainess manager Roy Barletta have informed college trustees that colleges which delay too long in expendiOg matching funds provided by state BOUrces could see those funds go back into lhe governor's budget for me at other institutions. THE STATE HAS approved funds lo pay fOr 50.8 percent of the costs of the new $3.3 million gymnasium, the $5 .6 million performing urls center, and a 1$750,000 road linking the upper and lower campuses. Saddleba:ck's construction plans have been delayed by ris· ing construction costs which forced redesign of the gym, changes in architectural rirms, and other ptoblems. AJthough the reasons for the delays have been explained to state officials, Barletta reported that Saddleback h as been urged to proceed as quickly as possible so the funds the college is count. ing on will actually be there when needed. O.UyJl't*Sutl,._ RIGHT ON BUTTON -Mrs. Margaret Lyons was wearing right button at right time in bicentennial contest. She's with children David, 11 , Diana, 9, and Mar)', 7. A CAMPUS consisting largely of temporary buildings Sad· dleback College now has two permanent facilities. the Math· Science Building and the library. A third building, the central plant, v.•ill be completed this summer. Valley Woman Wins Bicentennial Cash Saddleback recently opened six lighted tennis courts, all open to the public use. and is con· structing four indoor handball and racquetball cOurts. Margaret Lyons didn't have one -she had five blue bicenten·- nial buttons when the Fountain Valley Bicentennial Committee visited her. . _. •·1 bought one fo r each member of the family," she explained. HER EFFORTS WON A $25 savings bond, the first prize awarded in a new monthly bicent-:nnial contest. Guru D etained The home at 1128l Twinspan Ave .. FQuntain Valley, was tagged al a r ecent committee dart"throwing contest. NEW DELI-II, India (AP)- Guru Majaraj Ji, caught up in a family conflict that e rupted whil e he was in the United States, was barred Friday from leaving India. A judge ordered the 17· year-old Indian religious leader to remain in the country until a contempt of court suit brought by his eldest brother is settled. Each month a committee member tosses a dart at the map of the city, then visits the home tagged. If the resid.:nts ou·n one ot the blue and white buttons, they "''in a $25 sa\'ings bond. P UBLIC l'OTICE NoTtCE Oil' OISSOLUTION 011' l'A•TNE•SNll' P\lbllc notice Is ,..,•bY a;...., Owl AL.AN 0 . OICKSEN. er.d WALTER R. AST JR., f'.efelolor• doing buslreu un- tier the UcUt~ firm neme elld style of CYLINDER H£ADS WEST, •I Sllo&st we111<11. Clly of Fullerton, County of Or-. !".late ot C•lltorni•. did on Ille Ut cNyof Mey, 197S, by mutue+ wn~L dissolve l"I seld perlners "lp •nd termir.ate t"elr r11etlo11s as l)llrtners therein. Said ti..slness In l"e 1u1 ... re wm be c-..C.t..S by ALA.ND. OI CKSEN,~ a ~e pr1;1prleto<. wllo .,.111 pay..,,,, di~ cllerQI! ell UebUlties and debh of the firm Mid <Keiv• all mor.les payetile to ttae firm. Further notlc• ls heretly Q!..en Iha! T""'O previous tosses failed to turn up a winner. MRS. LYONS PLANS TO SPLIT her winnings fi,·e ways, ""ilh her husband. Jerome, and children , Diana. 9. ~lary , 7, and David , 11. Buttons may be purchased for Slat city hall, the Chamber of Commerce, the police department, library and from chamber members . PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE -STATEMENT OF AaANDOHM.ENT •-tJ'4H •·•1422 OF USE OF FICTITIOUS SUl'E•tO• COU•TOll'THE Sllf"E•to• COU llT OF THE •USINE$S MAME STAT a OP'CALll'O•NIA FOR Tiiie 1011ow1na·'p1trson1 hew •ti.on-TMECOUNT'l'O ,.OllANGE STATE OP' CALIFORNIA F.011 donoed the ~ot the l ktlllo10 bu!.1ness ....A.UU. THI: COUNTT OF OR ANOE _, NOTICE •• NEA•ING OF No, A·IUM R. & L. £NTERPRl!".ES. 9U West l'IETITION P'Oll l'ROaAT E OF WILL NOTICE OF NEARING OF PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL 19t" Stre•t, Coste Mase, C..litornie ANO FOii LETTERS TESTAMEN . ANO fOll LETT ERS TESTAMEM· t7617 TAllY T,,_ Fictitious Bus!MSS Na.re re-Eitate ol EZAA FOSTER WOLFE TARY ' E~t•te c>f l-I ELENA. WOOD lerr..s to abO-was 1Ued in Or.....,. Oec1e!oed SPOWE R!"., also kno"'n "~HELENA. W. C:0...11tyonS.ptembe< 11 , 1973. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN u .. 1 SPOWER!"., also ~nown oJ'i HELENA Robert Orville Lano, 9U ~I 19th GOLOI E M. WOLFE "as lll•d lle<ein. SPOWERS, Dece.Jsed . !".!•Ht. Cost• Mew, Calil0tnia9:1627 !Million !or Pr~te of Will and IOI' lei· NOT ICE 15 HEREBY GIV EN tti..11 Gt0tl• Joy Lel'IO, 91' Wes! t91h Street. ters Te"amentery, r1lerence to wf\ich VIVIA.N SPOWERS HOFFMAN h<1s Col.ta Mas.a, C.Utornia 92627 Is meite !or 1 ... r111er P•rUtulars, •lld lileO t>ere1n I pelotoon !er Prebllle Cl Geo•Qe Patrick ROQl!•still Jr .• 191Sl !Nil the time Ind pl1Ke ct tieerlng Ille MU and for Le tters fes tementll''I'. ,... Marilla StrH I. C"atsworlh, CAlllornl• 1o1rre Nii been set lcr May 11, 1915. at le<et'IC:e to whi<h is m~e to' !ucthl!r '1311 t :)I) e.m., In Ille courtroom ot Oei»rl- Glorl• L-ROQl!r~. 1985lMa•llla ment No. 3 ot i1ld COi><\, •I 100 O v1c parocutars, .and th.at tlle l1m1" .ind plac.e of he•••no the \eme ,.., tioeen "'" ror !hf under1IQ11ed .,.111 not be reSQOnSlblt . st<Hl.Chats-r11•,C•lllcrni&91l\1 (enter Orl¥t Wtsl. Ir. \lie City ol San11 Mar 11. 1•ns. •I 9;JO d,m .• in the from t11is deY on l0t eny Ob!lgalloni In-Tiiis ti..slness •i.s condwcted tiy • Aon•. Celilornie. cur .. d by W ... L TEA A. A.ST JA. In "Is ~ .... r11 partner1hlp. OetedMay6, 1915 <O\irtroom cl D!oe•1menl No J ol s.o•d cc ... rl, el 100 C•wo<; Cenler O•o we ~I. +n _,,,.meor In t" I nemeol ,.,. firm. Rotiert 0 . LlllO WILLIAM E. SIJOHH, tllle Cilyol 'Wnt.i ..,.,., C1lllornie. D•l•d el H ... ntlr.Qton 8e1c". TlliS stetement was flied .,.;u. Uw CounlrCltrk Datfll -y6. 1975 Colilorrri•. 11111 s111 d•r 01 May. 191}. County Clerk of Or•no;ie County an May •AYMQNOKITZllOW WILLIAM E. St JOHN, "l•n 0 . Oick~n 6, 1t7S tll S. a-JIW$1 SL a)IJ TMOMASG. HARMAN -.......,...,., C.Mf. t1M4 County Cler• Ill EDMAN. 0 ... Lt.SSL Atter•y el Uw P\lblit.Md o.-er.ae Coast Dally Pikll, ~yMr:E 11e111 ... i!EUKME.JIAN, WOOOS & OVER ll'ln9Hcll ....... ar• MiiyMl.11.Jl .J1.1t1S II.JO.JS ~I~ Oret>Qe (NII Dailr Plktl. W. Ckeen a1n. • •OO "-'I ....... Kii, CA. t1'46 ~ 10. 11, 11, 1tlS 169t).7S lAftt a.Kii. Clht. tolOJ P\IOllSllild Or1nge CNS! Dally Pi!OC S Pl.BLI(.' ~OTICE l""torM,...foo'; Enc11tor May 10. )975 16"1-I P UBLIC NOTICE P\lbllShed Or.tnae Co,ost Delly Pilot. -- PUBLIC NOTICE ll'lt..'TITIOUSaUSINESS y ID. 11, U, 1975 \'8'J.1S NAMl!STATEMl:MT SLl'·J51" Thi followi"' prrSOl'IS are doi ... bu!.!· SUl'E•IOll COURTOll'TKE P UBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS aUSl .. ESS _, .. , STATIEOll'c.AU.ORNIA FOR NAM•STATl!MEMT tilLGRE.N .l:..l!JUOR & DELI THIE COUNTY 0 11' D•ANGE Tiie foUowlna person Is Going bu!.!· •·•1•21 STORE. JSO E. 17th St., Coslel Slll'ERIOR COURT OF THE MM•i< MIM1.C.lll.9:1io27 .... A-ata LIGHT CONSTRUCTION John Y. Allfl Aswici•les. tnc .• a NOTICE •• M•A•ING OF STATE Oii' CALIFORNIA FOR MAINTENANCE. 117SS O.k Tree Celllornle corporetlon, SJO\ W. P'ETITIOM FOii l'RO•ATE OF WILL THE COUNTY OF OR ... NGE Len1, lrvl,,., C.tlf. '2"4 8arb9tle Aw •• sant• A .... Cltlt, ~ AND P'Oft LETTIERI TESTAMEN• No. A-ll64it MarUyn Tyrn LIGlll Soh<l. 1nss This bulll'IHS 1$ tonductld by a ccr· TARY NOTICE •• HEAlllNG OF 0.11 Trn LIM, Irvine. Cell I. 92144' l)Orlllon. Est•I• " GLEN N N. HI LE, P:!':TITION FOR PROBATE Of< Wt LL · This ti..slntss Ll conducted lly an· In· John 'I', #Jlf'IAssocl11•s.1nc. O.t••)e'd. ANO FOR LETTERS TESTAMEN· OL.,lckMI. By:JonnY.A"n NOHCE IS HEREBY CIVEN tl\ill TAllY Merilyn TyrH Ll9'1l Sont1 This stetem1nl w•s lllld with Ille €ONA K. HILE ~as filed hereln•t>eli· Eu11e of MIC11AEL A. PAWLOFF, Thlt uatement we$ flt1d wltll thl C-.IY Clerk of Or11nge Cowntyan April lion for PrObolteol Wot( •nd fcrluuanu Oet••"d COlanly Cterkof Or1n09 CountyonAprll of Lei!••~ Tesl1men11ry to ~tie t>el•· NOTICE IS HEREBY (.,IVEN t ... I 'H, 191S. JOHN A Mc CORMA(I( "as J Ued 12, 1'1S. ._ 11-r. reler•n<t lo w~lCh Is made tor ,_, PubilstMd Or ... Co.st Dally Pilol. lur1111e• p.ortlc,,.l1r1, 111d 1h•t the lime here•n .i petition tor Prot>.i1e of Wiil •r><I Pllbtl!.hld Orenoe CoeSI 01lly PllO!, er>d pllK• ot MarlnQ Ille s•Tne II.ks....., !or Liii••• Test;1men!irv. rate renc:e ta ~ll2l,1ndMily3. 10, 11, 1t7S 1...U.1S Aprll1',1ndMllY l110.11,lt7S Wl).7S set for M•Y 21. "''·at 9:30 e .m .• 1111111e -'"tll "meo. lor lurlhe' p1rtlcule•~. PUBLIC NOTICE cou<l•oom of O.p.a<tme111 No. lot wid -Illa! ,,.. II""' eno:I place ol ,,.,,r!no Pt:BLIC SOTICE court. at IOOC1vlc Center OriveW.SI, In !Ille WI""' llili tieen ~t tor MIY 21. 191~. In.City of S-.nt• An.I, Ca1ilornle. 11 9cl0 e .m .. in 1111 courtroom ol P'ICTITIOUf •USINIESS 0.ted Mly I, 1915 D!i»rlmenl No. 3 ol 11id t our!, e t ICID FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMIESTAT•MaNT WILLIAM E. SIJOKN, Ciwic C.11ter O•!ve We SI. i11 t11C Olyof NAME STATEMENT Thi lollowlna pef10f1 Is doing bllsi· C:-trCLerlr. Sent• AA•. C•llfornl•. Tiiie 1o11ow1,., "ri.ons a .. dOlng 11u51. UllNES, SCH AG, JOHNSON, 0.ted ,..,.., •. 197$ ..s5es: WILLIAM E. St JOHN, nesses: WEST COAST PACIFIC SALES K•NMIO'l'ACAllLSON, 0 & D LEA.SING, ll'llK Airport SYSTEMS.14111 Coest Hi9fl.,...,, Dll'll ay: EJtNllST J. SCMAG, J •• Co..,..ty Clerk L-Or., CO•I• Me••. CA 926Mo taSMIKAl'UMllr a1 ..... JAMES A. Ml LUR & Le.,.rence 0 . Deli. 1'i'1 Slerre C. J'ol.nt. c.111oriit• mn ... ,. MENRYM. LUP'PI n'f(ll'I Rd., trvlr.e, CA 92~ Georll Glf"ry Hetiti 2'0 VII AMQl'e, ,..,..., ---~. C.lliwlff•t1WJ UIS..$tlri .... St.atol c.11nn 8. D!U, 2'1112 Oe•oa!na Aw .• s.t10t1Ml'lte. c.11torrt1•tt•n Tit;,,,.,._ LMA"9Slel,Cllil. M;~''"" Vie Jo. CA 92111) Tllii bo.lslness Is con$K1ed "'., 11'1>-.....,,.y1tw: ,..llllen<lr Atto<Mys...,.; Exetwtor This t1 ... 1i11e11 h cond,,.t ll'd by a dlrlduel. Pulll~ Or111Qt CNsl O.lly Piiot, Publhlll!'d Or1n111 Cw11 Dail~ Piiot. aener11 i>e•tne•Shlp. ~GerryHeblQ ,,.y 10. 11. 17, 1915 11'111·1S Mly 10. 11, 11. 1975 11191·15 L.0 .0.tl TNs lleltml!lll •II tiled wlttt 1111 - Tiiis 1te1ement we• fltl'd with Ille CO..f'lty Clt111 ol Ore11ae co ... nty an ,,.Y l'OTICE Pl: Ill.IC '.':OTICE County Clerk ol Oren;e Co11n1yonAprll s. ltl5. P UBLIC u , 191S. ...... .JIM~ """' P\lbl(Wted Or•nQI! Co1SI Daily Piiot, STATEMENT 0 11' A8ANDONMEMT Pubt1Shed Oren0t Co•st Dally Pllo( Mey 10, 11, 1'0 ll, 197S 1"4·1S OF tfSE OF ~Apr, 19. 26, end Mey l, 10, 1'1} l:n&.IS PUBLIC NOTICE l"ICTITIOUS •USINESS l"ICTIT10U$ 8USIN ES!i.NAME NAME STATEMENT The toUowlng per.,.,,,• ~.tvc.o ati.ln· PUBLIC NOTICE T,.. fonowlna perlOns ere Ooi11Qhu•I· ~IM u"' ol Ille litlitiou~ bu"""'" •tCTITIOUS aUSIN l!S.S natsu: neme, t ... Ll)'ORNIA. EMPLOYERS NAME STATEME NT CLAUOE WRI GHT • . ,. RECISTER, 11 3301 S..i V•ew, Coron.a P'ICTITIOUS •uslNESS TlM loUo..lng perwn• •r• dolf19 IJusl. <;IXIATE$. 1'"41 Ehlen Wey. f!>!;Un. dt1Mer,CA9262S NAME STATEMENT MISM: C.Ut, ' Tiiie following IM'IOn Is CIOi"9 bu$1 T. JONES, LTO .• 2101 W. t:o.sl Oel.ldt Wrloht, 14'41 Ehlen Way, ThelkUll01is b111 I""'' n•""' •~I erred neun: MIQllwey, Newport 0.•ch. CA 926'0 Tusu,:., ca111. to eboW .. , flied in Counly an Now· A•T'S PAINT SHOP, 1'10 """'-, llell W. Brar.son, 1212 Lew SL. S.11 John P . Atll'IO•, Ptlo Nyes Pl., ...... , •• 1974. COit• Mew, C.Uto•r.I• ~.C.llt.'2109 L...-lleech. Ce ll I. '26SI 111 J•mes WilHem 5mlt", ll01 So!• Florlfft(.e o: BrenMMt, Ult i.-st., This 11<1slP1111 Is conducted by • View. Co•-dll Mar, CA 926ll "'1uro Ftb91•. '4S3 Dlnby AW.,~ s.. OieQo, c ent. 92109 """r•I p.11rt•MIP. • Ill Rotl9rt C. 8ruml!eld.1'01 Pe(tl; t. Fi S.Wl1195. Cltlforl'lle TMs buslMts '' nndveled by.,,,... Tiiis llo.lll•ss Is condi.Kled by., In-JafVIP.Alt..,.. view :tK., lrwlne, CA 926'-I ........ . dl'l\°"611. ~ StlW.....il Wit fl'"' wl~ l.M Tl\IS busillHI .... ~ CondtKlfd by e Al>Nf'o F{,bel• e.riw. 8f111son r Clef'll of Ore11oe Ceunty on 91Mrel perlnersl\lp. lllll $!.IMmll'll wes flied wit" tl>I TNt Sllte-nl win tiled """" 1hl ...,nltt, l•JS. Robtft C. arumtleld COunty Clerk ., Or lllQll County eri Mlly °"""'' Cll•ll ol Or•n91 County on Mlly ...... This s1e11menl .. , 111..:t -...;th IN ""'S.. •m• Plllllhl'IMI OrlllOt (Mii Diiiy Piiat, Ctlo.onlr Clerk ol 0r1...-Cour.tyonA,prW -"""'at..IM Mly l, 10, U , 1915 "'91·7J 1.1•1s. .. -""91 1~ Or_,~ Coest Dally"'°" ._, P'llWltl'IM OrMiat Clest Oalty •u.t. tMy Kl.17,1•.ll,1 1S Mfl.1S Pul:lllShed Or-anQ!' Coa11 Dally Pllof:. MIT'11.U,24.11,1t 1S t6a-7$ PUBLIC NOTICE Acwll M. and MIY 3. 10, 11, 1'1S 1-.1s ....:.... . . . PUBUCNOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ·-·-,ICTl1'10US •UllNISS r t:BLIC l'OTICE . •ICTrTI04JI aUSIMESS P'ICTITIOUI aUllNIE55 NAMEITATIMENT MAMa STATaMENT NAMIE STATaMIMT The ltflowlrw, P'l'fMlnl ••• llolngbu!,I. P'ICTITIOUS •USINUS Thi 1o11ow1na "'''°" b OOin; MJ. Thll loltowll'IO "''°"'are dOlneMI· -.. : NAME STATIMINT -••1: fW Mff: REI0°S ll'URNllU'-IE VILLAGC. Thi lollO•int per'°" II OOing lllN- CONCOU'-S CAR SALON, !ti P.O. ft a L. ENTERPRISES, 914 '#Ml .. Mitt-Ill Pk•J., Ml11oloftViejo, lllU a' 8olrl4t. l1l11M l1lend, Cell!,.,.,.,; !ti '"" s1 ... 1. CoU• Mf!\I, C.llfOroW• CA.""' At.LCLEAfll POOL SERVICE,Wn *\>r Colllf'I•. &elllee l\IM\d, C1lll. ""'· OtlWI" L, Yok ... , 111,1 T~w Le--1.11 Cr .• Hwntinqlon 8'11Cf\, CA. -RO!l«t Ol"vlll• Laf\O, •14 Witt 1'1111 0 ., "-11111 V1lley, CA. t270I -Mlrll Al'" •OC1Q1r1. 706\.':i Colllm, ,street. cosi. ,,,,.w. c.111o""'t"'17 .,..,_ s . vo-.11'1. 1111t T~w J-pll L.O ,,_lt r\, .. 21 U~ e..1~111-.C.Ut,92 .. , . Tllll buMn111 It lollduc .. llY • Ct •• "-ttlll VIiie,. CA, '110I Cr.,HwntlnqtOI' fl•Kll. Cell!.~ Tiiis 11u51net' It t llMll(led tot., In· .,....,.1 MrtMrshlp. fNs 11us1 .. 11 11 conduclld .,. Ml l1to Tiiis bu.iP1111 II COnd!Ktld by• .... dlvldl.lll. (i.lorta Joy L•ho. 914 W.11 ltlft~ OL'lldual. Oi•l-1 MINt Allin •octot•I QMtl Mllw, C.lllornla 92"21 'r'IOl'lne Yoken Josefih UIO .....,, ftth tlOMn'll"I J:: IUed Wllh ""' This 1olellfl'll"I Wtl tiled wC!h !ht tills 1lal•t1T19fll Wl l Ill.cl wltll llW Tlllt !.lllfl""lllcwM fjlllll wlttl 9- c,wotYa.t•ofOr tauntylll'IApril CWl\ty C•••' 01 Oren{lll Cou11t1on"""'y CouM' CMrkOI Or....-CountyonAoril (Oumy~ll.ftOr .... Qllntyon;.,,u l«.1'1$, I •. 1'1S. D, 1•1S U.1015 ,_ ~·. , F4111t '4»tU ...... ,..., fl'llblltlltd OfeflQI Co.oil Dally Pilot:. l'Vbllshed Or111911 CIMIU Dally Pltot. lfl'vollM'lld O.anoe COISI Delly PllOll:. ~ ....... Oi'lllOt QMll o.llY "llM,. "'"'1•,2'.•nd""-rl,IO.lttJ 1»1·1 M.lylO.ll,l•.11,1011 l~JI "'-"t .. 1ndMty).,l~,11,1•1s 1..-i.11 ~, ...... Mlyl,,t0,1r.1t11 ,.,JS \\ , .. , I I Q tiAn. V PILOT $11u1diy. May 10.197& • • IOOMER by Wm. F. lrown and Mtl Cauon If "11/S .w .r~e ~- 51Wfiaol Of Al.COllOUG -....~ UvteK>E.5 MIT 30o MILLIOll ~ 1.M ~! TUMILEWEEDS Hllll I AM, TM& ONl.V 'ltVMAN IN'!DWNJ~Nt MVSllJ' ltf HIS WlllN .Ii SllOUl.P N · c Ne Ml!!! . . I.~ d N'= .. =KISSE:S ! :i't.~... .. 'IO? A PLCl<ER! .•.. µJ ,__--'--..:....--.1 ~ .. FUMKY WIMK~RBEAM ENJQ<,> lHE rnYJ UFE AT NEW KNOBBc.> KNOLL. CONDOMINIU~ ! FIGMEMTS • ... ' - MAM CY NOT OIJLc,> DO <XlU ENJ()l,) LE 15URE 5UBURBAN . LIVIN& ···BUT YOU AL.J;() ~ <XlUR OWN PR1\Jl';fE WJe>! by Tom K. Ryan by Tom Batiuck I~ CASE THE 5ECJJRnt.> GUARD 15N'T A~NO AJHEN t,\'.)(J NEED Hiii\ ! by Dale Hale by Ernie BushmiUer EVERYBODY LOOKS SO UNHAPPY THESE DI.VS-· IT'S VERY DEPRESSINC7 COULD l BUY SOME OF Tl-!AT CANNED LAUGHTER • • • rve HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT? ................. __ PEAMUTS DOOLEY'S WORLD I I I I I GEE -I HOf'I: l~~ MOUSE RUSHMORE AG.\IN T!»ll6MT I: v I· • MOOM MULLIMS AMIMAL CRACKERS C l.,. .. _,_•·•·--"""' -·-- . . • by G.toreJe Lt_. 1-rs >.i.i APM .. SIVlll "fAP• "1'l<A.,. HAS NO APH951Ve!! ! vou use · 11' ONL--Y OM S.,.ICl<Y, PBOPi..d; -by Ferd JahnSOll ® '"::;::=-Mo''INS f I iHOU<OHT)eU KNEW HOW iOSWIM! NOT SINCE THEY'RE UP-GRADING iHE INSTRUCTORS.- by Rodger Bollen 0 • THE GIRLS TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE by Charles M. Schulz ,.-,~--.....,...--; UNIT ED Feature Syndicale Veslet"day'!Punle Solvtod: ACROSS 1 LaugM 6Motherol Ishmael 1 I Apply slilc:t.es 14 M ••••• Slue Go~ 15Alpha and ~·South Pac111c islaOO group 55 Yount01 animal 56 Neb1a$ka city 58 In e.1.istence 60Storage con1a1ner: 2 ••••• , • WOldS 16Mr.Gershwm 63Watkl'IOisily: ! A 17 Under legal Informal age 66 Mineral 18 Gymrias1s sut!l.1. 20 E.1.l\aus15 67 "Odyssey~ .. 22 Frtll'ICh enchantress for nc1ng 41 Champagne peasant 6SFer~ld 12Transgres-Tony dance 69 Early Ta tar s1on · 44 Make love to 2JRu1al deily people 1JUse lo no 47 Swayed 25 Mislays lOSwitir.ess avail 48 Was 1n 26Resided 71 Design 19 Ciow·s cry sesSion 29 ···,ands or 21Unsound 50Namely:2 buts DOWN 23Preletab!y words 30 Where 24 Make • ····: 5 t Cremona Clagary is 1 Meal Grimace violrrmaker 32 Asian 2 Fat1ma"s 26 Goddess of 52Roman carnivore husband discord goddesses ~ B111er anac:k 3P,rl of India 27 Thermo or 53Delinite J9 Pub he . 4 Fruit of the photo ar1icle d1sg1ac:e oak" ending 55 Jeweler's unit 42 ffUpass1ve 5 Healing :JOT ree 57 Bow·shaped 43 Mo1e eas11y llu1ds 31 Do penanr.e lhings bruised &Associate 330u1ar edge 59 North 45 Slip kl"Nlt familiarly 35 Spanish 11ver American 46 Moral . 7 Galhered up 36 Sludy ol Indians angufal'I &Semisolid images 61 Tiii 49 Nan Adv. substance 37 ••••• 62 Exist Coun. 9 ···Khan metabolism 64 Boy"s SOUS.. 10Resounded 38Choose nic~name president 11 MeShwork 40Son of Hera 65 Before WHAT HAPPENCq .JOE ' 'f01I WE~E REAU.~ S~OKING ... JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH x; C.4N'T IMAGINE WMV VC1A£ MOTJ.E'~ ~ENT 'YOtA TO ?CMOOL. TOO-'Y. 1('0~E.CZ1' --IT'S DICI TRACY I/. J I ,_,, . ... ... . . ~ATIA1'1:>AY .' ' ·1 I WONDER? AH! I/ERA AND SPAAKlE AU.DIO's CAAi THEY M05T BE LEA\/ING TOWN AND SICWE" llY TD S/l<f ClODDllYE, .. 010 '10.J MISS A llJltN? NO, l ALWA'IS WfAll THIS ~'°"'FENCE AROUND Ml LEG ~ by Harold Le Doux I WAXr TO~ A P!RSON~TO·PER50N CALL TO 5MlTTY OWEH5 AT THE KATY&IRD ewe IN ATL.AHTA, GEOR.GIA! by Mell IT If? T...-T E.XPl.AIN5 MEit GIAl!.TY LOOK ... by Chester Gould ' DEMMIS THE MEMACE ' • ,_ 'llE's R1611T, VDU K>OJ. ltlr &YPlY KIO IH 1111s 1 NEIGll~ <XW)'l!IJST A~·.• i '1 ' ' I -· i l ' al> an USI ml by COi lhi ye la• be, Ca COi COi jec Ca lin ow los th• COi ha la• lin ag; Le by aro COi ter ag, ly , "'a tel in1 ·ch, en: of wh wh po· lei '"" ... th1 . inl joi or fol COi ca. wt ~ co; ch :'.J ~ 1 ' I !... I PICK OF Punch -I 1J1 -....!.--· /. . , / ~ lj +.N ?UNCH \,, ,,,.,. "Yo ur e xtr a live minul1!S in bed in the morning really meons o lot to you doesn't it?" Ho11si11n Bloe .r Coastal Plan Gripes Shift • Dy THOMAS D. ELIAS For two years, most or the public complaining about the coastal regulatory commissions set up by oposition 20 in 1972 has come from conser va* onists who reel the new agencies have not been gh enough. ln isolated instances -us u.ally involving power mpany expansion projects like the San Onofre fn uclear g_cnerating station SOUTHERN t.or. San J?icgo G us & Elec-CALIFORNIA 1tr1c Co s Encina power ~ C S plant-bi g industries or F 0 U \tevelopers ha vc objected tocomm1ss1on decisions. NOW, HOWEVER, THE ACCU.MULATED anger of l'On struction and real estate interests - usUally expressed in private grousing until recently -seems about to descend upon the coastal com- missions. There wasn't much point to large.scale protests by property owner s and their allies be£ore. Until the commissions came up with a pretimioary version of the plan they'll submit to the Legislature later this year. developers couldn't know just what they faced. But now the preliminary ,plan is out and public bearings on it are about to begin in Southern Cali!ornia, wher e the commissions have acted most confused and bureaucratic and where most or their controversial decisions have been centered. Property owners have already voiced some ob- jections in hea rings held along the Northern California coast. The "vagueness" of the pre- liminary plan and doubts over whether property owners would be compensated adequately for losses caused by new restrictions on building we re the major concerns in lhoseinitial hearings. IN SOUTHEllN CALIFORNIA, HOWEVER, controversy is likely to focus on another area -pro· bably the most vital in the entire issue or coastal land-use management. That area is the pre- liminary plan's recommendation !or a permanent agency to regulate the coast. By rejecting the possibility or the final Legislature.approved plan being enfor ced entirely by local governments, the commissions in effect are calling for self-perpetuation. - "Local implementation of the coastal plan could not adequately protect , .. statewide in- terests without some kind of effective coordinating agency,'' the preliminary plan contends. That argument is hardly likely to·be universal- ly accepted, since il assures continuation o( the "added layer or government" which real estate in- terests and local governments fought so hard dur- ing the 1972 campaign. • THEY LOST THAT ONE, BUT the climate has •changed somewhat since then . The 1913·74 oil . embargo has removed conservation from the area of "motherhood and apple pie" election rhetoric where it once was . Even in those days, however, the interests which later combined to fight Propoaition 20 were powerful enough in Sacramento to defeat repeated ·legislative erforts al passage of laws similar to the one the voters eventually okayed. Those same interests will be at work again soon, arter a twO-year hiatus . They'll lnake themselves heard first in this month's public hear· · ings and later in the stale Capitol. And the coastal development interests will be joined by others from inland areas, who are (earful of the spate of statewide land·use proposals that followed Proposition 20. MUCH OF THE EFFORT AGAINST land-use controls will be orchestrated by a new organization called Concerned Ci~izens for Property Rights, which boasts more than 1,000 individual and cor- 1)9rate members . Its avowed aim is to allow "peo-Plt to do what they wish with their property," ac- cording to its founder, Richard Bradford, a former chamber of commerce executive. Already t he coast commissions have. indi~~ted wareness of the building storm of oppGS1t1on. ey've compromised their proposal for eventual ublic ownership of a strip or land all along the alifomia coast. Now they're simply calling for blic access to a corridor pf land "as near con· uous as possible" along the shore. They a lso recommend t hat ''prim ary im· ementation" or the eventual plan be done by local overnments , with a state coastal agency to ~rvise overall planning and hear appeals of ocnl decisions. That's a major retreat from the rmil powers enjoyed by the present com· : ·rsions. ·occ Schedules -' ndian Lectures \ \ ln a salute lo America 's Bicentennial. ange Coast College is presenUng a three- ' pa)'t evenin& lec\ure series titled "Indians: A ::Jnjtorical Persi>e ctivc. ·· --\ 1 The serle1 is free and meets on consecutive Fl.iday evenin&s from 1:30-9:30 p.m . in th~ col--1~{e's Science ~cturo I. The Series started I, JW"le series concludes with a Cield lrip to the ~..! lndJan Reser\'aUon near Oceanside, May 17. There Lo a I.I lee lorthelrlp. I , • _ PVBLIC NOTICE -... ,.1. IU ... ltolfl CO'"''OP'"I STATI O• CALJl'OINIA JllDlt "(MICOUNTYOllOltANM ... _. NOTICI Ol'NIA'.ltlNO OP NT"ION l'Olt Pl!NAT'll Of' WILL AND Pol LITTlll TllTAMIN• TAlll:Y • .._.. ot A .. LI HQ TON C. SWARTZ. DH .. MCI. NOTICI IS Mlltl lY Oi'IEN INt ALMA SWAltTl/tM fU.o Nr.in•~ tlolt tt1' "'tMlt 4lf Wiii •ltd fw I.al.WI Telttfl'ltnl••y. reltrenc• I• 101NQ1 Is ,...... tor lwnrier H l1killlll••,ANI tl'let IN time ..W ~of tiffrlfl911w- '-' i.en '41 NII" Mey 2,, 1t1J, oM t :IO •.1t1,, In IM towrtroom ol ~l'l'llnl I-lo. I tit I.al#'""''· •t 100 CJ•IC c....ter Ori,,. WeJt, h1 IM Chy of ~A,,., C.Ul0tllle , 0UfllMeyS, lt1S WILLIAM I . St .fONN, CO\ln\y(ler- ALMASWAlltTI IN "llt0•Plllt ., ......... ,,~ C.te Mew, C:.111, tt•J7 11141*-"al Atw .. y I•,., .. ._, l'UOllSlltel OrM!fe Co••I O.Uy Pl~. ~YlD.11. 17, 1t1f lt!k!S PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICI IN'llTINO •tOI NOllu 11 Mrelty11 ... .., 1.,.1 U. ~ ~ Tr""'*-ol Ifie eo.u ~., Co11999 0111rlc.1 ot Of"•ll9• C".olM'Ay, C...llkirnl .. wlll rtce lve M•IH bid!. 141 to ll!OO' •.m ., FrkMy. l!Uy io.1t1s, •I In. Pwrt .... 1"9 0.pt. •I ulG tU10o1 dlftlrltl loC•lllCI •I lllCI "49m1 "-11.e, C.i. •~.-c..u1on11•. •t -Ztik 11 '11n wld bMn will ii. po.11Mlcly 099MC1 -'*' Mlor: , • PAINT IN G O F EVEN·ING COLLl£Ci.E BROCHURE -FALL, lt1S. All bids •re 10 lie In ~COfdif'Ce with -llltllWC.lloftt •• c:.no111on1 ... ·SO.Clflullont ..,lch 11r• -on Ille ""° m.y M ""'O'l•llCI In lhe oftk e of ... _ Pw~lna Agent ol w ld KNIOI itls. tr1cl. E•ch bidder mvst wbmll wlthhl1 bid • celftler'1 c11tc11, c•rllti,o ~lo.. or ~·1 boftcl mldf oey•1>1• s.t1:1t or· dtr Of lhe Co.'1 Community COll•Oi , Oillrlcl to.rd of TrlKIMl In •-I , Ml leu tlMln ""' peJtenl U%1 ot u. ltUf'l'I bid•~• 11u•r•nl•• fh.llt u. bldOer wlll enttr lnlo IN propc1wd COnlrKI H lhe wn. ii ••••dtd lo him. In Ille •~ of lellure to •11ter lnto wcll,µ11'1· lt'kl, 111<1 proc.itfll• Of lhe Check w!U be l~led, or In the t.U.. of • -. lhe Ml wm tnerit0I wt 11 MJ.od .tttto to wld s.c:llOOI distrkl. - f-10 ~' mey wlthdr•w hit bid tore Ptrlod of fo(l1·flve 1451 "-Y$ .titer the dille Ml lor the -111"9 lhete<JI, TN Botrd of Trustee• ,.wrws.tN privilege of t•l•<llng •n1 Miii •ii bioKor 10 w•fwe •n1 lrr•gul•rlUH or ,Jn. l0tmtl1tles In eny Did or In 111e bldcllng, ·-· NORM.AN E. WATSON Seely. Bo•rllllol Tru•ten ()i)ett: Mey XI. 1t1J -11:00e,m. era.: JMy7t lor retillc•tlon Pub11"'9d Or"'91 C.0.•I b •H1 Pilol. M11J, 10, 1915 ISn·I} PUBLIC NOTICE N011C& TOC•EDITOltS SUPlllltlOllt COUltTO•THE •TATI D .. CALI fOlll:N IA P'Olt THI (:OUNTYO,..OltANGll! ..... ..,... E111te ol MARV I(. ICU ENT Z, 0.<••lllCI. NOTICE IS NEReBY GIVEN to the crt<lll°" of IM •tMW• nemfll dK..,.,,.. tll<ll •II per'°"li hawing <.Je lml ~ln51 IM Mid deeedenl er1 requlrltd l<J 1111 tMm, with ,,_ Mc••,••Y wouchen, In the oHlce of Ille ~l••k of U.. MIOW en· UllMc-t,w t<J P<•Mnl them. with the flloCHMf Y "911Cllllrs. to the uncMnlgnea et 11111 etfk 1 Of Nr .i1orn11y,' "°6ERT H. MUClj:ENPAHLER, AllWIW1 el uw. 1'1D Merbor Blvd., SI.Ille 11'. Coll• Me1e, ciolltornl• '1•U. wlllcn 11 -piece of bullnns ol' the ....oef"1.IQNd ln•U mflllfS pert•lnlnQ 10 IMttUU of i.aid detedenl, w ithin lowr mon!M.tter lhe llnt PWOlk•l""ol 11111 ~le•. 0.1.0Aprll lO, ltPS. lt.l!'-1111 OY• E•Kvl<l•of 111e w in ol the•bon nerneadlK--.1. 1tO•ll1tT H. HUCl<llN•ANLf.R ~.,e1uw • l'l'rt ................ S..lte 214 °"'"""""· c.11 ...... 1. tt•1• Tot: 011).-.1111 """"'9y ._ l.uc:¥'1rl• Pllbllsh.a 0,•noe Co.osl'D.lity Piio., MeyJ, 10, 11,24. 1t l$ IS9J.7~ PUBLIC NOTICE SLP·111•1 ,SU .. EltlOllt COUltTO"JHE STA.,E 01' CALI l'ORNIA P'Olt THE COUNTY O"OltAMGE Ne. &•IQ71t HOTICE 0 11' NE<lNG 01" ~ETITION FOR .. ltOaATE Of WILL ANO FOii LETTEltS TESTAMEH· TAltV Estele ol RUTH S. ANOERSON, Oe<••wd. NOT ICE IS HERE BY Gl \I EN Ill.ti MARSHALL H. •NOE A SON, JR .• llfl ll1td rwr1ln • .-1111ot1 104' Pr-I• af Will end lor l1su•nce ol LeUers Te •l•m•nl•rY ID ll>fl peU!loner, re· lfftftC• lo wl'>lcll ll m.de lw ,.,,._, .... 1k MIW S, end lhel IM time .-.cfpl«.e af 11Hrlng ti. 1'"9 M s been Ml tor />My 21, lt1S, 11 t :JO .1.m., In Ille COIJl'1room of DIHrlment No. J af w la COIJl'1, •I 100 Civic C.nt1r OrlYI W.SI, in . the City of litnl• Ane. OUfornl•. O.lflf,,.,.fl, lt1) WILLIAM E. SlJONN. eo...ntr Clerk .... lllNES.KNAG.JONNSON. l<lt:NN IEOY &CAllLSON '-TElllNE.ST J . SCNAG lli21 P11MNV•ler1<i•, Ste. 111 u...,.. Hlll1, c.tlifer11le "'" Tel:511·"°' • Al ...... yltlW: hUtleHr Publ!lhed Or•noe Co.st O.lly Pi~. -""Y1D, 11, II, 191$ 1101·15 PU DLIC NOTICE 141.Jff SUP•ltlOlt COURTO•THE STATE OF CALl•ORNIA ~· .,Hit: COUNTY OFOlltAMGE Ne. A.UM! NOTICE o• HEAltlHG OF •IETITION •O• ••o•ATE o• WILL ANO FO!lt Ll.,TIEltS TllTAMllN• TAltY 1£.11•1• ol Alvert JtlUI 'coi.,;iclrl, DIK .. lllCI. NOTICE IS Hl!RE8Y GIVEN INI ~f'd C.01Klo!I Mot tiled iw.ln • petition for .,..,.1, of wlU end tor lft· l.,.S l•1t.lment1ry rrl••-• IO Ollll'llctl Is medt tor l<H1her pertk uler1, ..a u..t tne time end p!K• of hl•rl119 V. - -bMll Ml tor M•Y I), 1t1s. " t :• •.m., Ill Ille cowrtroe>m 01·o-imtn1 ND. I of selllll court, •t 100 Civil°''"" Ottw w.11, In IM Clly ol SMll• Allll, Gelltonll•. 0.t.cl ""'" '· ltJj WILLIAM E. SI JOHN, County Cltrk .__rd C.leclen.lr1pr..-; P.0. .. •llM ""'""'· C:.llfwfll• ttlll PubllSMd Otenge eo.st D•ll1 Pilot, Mey l, ~. 10,.!!!!.__ 1.0l·lS 1•UBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS •USINllS MAMllS.,ATaMllNT Tilt tollowlna per1en 11 dol"'lt ~I · nttl •I: NEWPORT S10 NEWAA E, t n.A _ Utll St., Newport Beath, c.111om1 ... M••••" Chertent 81y1911, 11M1 BrOOllhlM'll 1•212. HwnUnoton BtK ll, C.•~·.,.... . Titi.. lllutirWSt 11 COfldllc.led by .. lfl" ........ I. Merl•n C. llllyl111 l tlll tUo!Wf'Mfll -I 1111'1111 .. .,. uw c-ity Oerto. ot Or.._ eowity on Mir S..ltfS..· • -PlllllllMd OrM!fe c.. .. OeUy .... ~tel, 11, 14, :tt. 1911 ...n Pt;BLIC SOTICE . ' •• S.turdtiy. May 10, 1975 CAIL Y PILOT C:J aaoas: 4"'~"'•rttff1MM1n~1i("~ .. ~~.,_ ...... .._ __ ~The:;:~B~11:1:es~t~Ml;:=;rke~t~-•~ac~e~o~n;=;;th:e~O~r:a;,n,~e~c;.:.;,,,:=::;:::.:==:::=::=~ .IMiow 'cMcll_... '" :'!1.:::!=n: DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY PILOT --U i--,1or11ooflnti. You Can Sell It , Find It , 642 .. 5678 .-..cti..Mrllooooo1y. ,Trade-It With a want Ad One Cal t Service Fast Credit Approval Rtol f 1tate ••...••. 1 Q00...2999 Announc•ment•. '"'° •. MMBoa1<1ho&rte!!~ · · · · 8000-9099 R..,ol, -••-1<>11 & FOU<ld .•.•.. 5050-5'99 -•• ··r· · · · • · · · · · • -~., Wvk•• & Repairs ·6000-6099 Equipma.,t ..•..... 9000.9099 •1lnls1, ln'le1tment & Employment & Automobiles & other 1 "F•l•no,."'-ia•I • .. •'•' •· ·.·.,·,.· •• sooo. __ 504_9_·Pr,..opora._,.•.lo;.;n;,.;,. ,;,";.;·•· .:.· ..;7..;000..;;:,-.;.1.:,199:..:...•T.:. rco.:.•..;•;:;po.:.'.,.'o.:.•..;M>n;;.;..;,..:.·.;.· .:.· .:.9.:.1 00;;..-9'-'9...;19.:."9., ••••••••••••••••••••••• G-ol 1002• - -••••••••••••••••••••••• Ha ..... For s. tto..1ForScH HOttH:s For StM PARK HUNTING TOH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G-.1 I 002 G ... rat I 002 G._al . I 002 .... a1 I 002 SAVETNOUSAMDS Gorgeous Park l'iutlt· lngton L& M ~r. 2900 sq. ft. formal living and din· ing. Spacio us fa mily room and ga rde n k i t c hen . Priv a t e bou»ekeepers quarters. Sweep ing s ta ir s t o private m aste r a nd childre ns suites. 600 sq. ftr bonus game room. $4000 below our last one. Be rirst lo see It ! Call 963-6767. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SECLUDED ESTATE OWNER WILL HILLSIDE PRIVACY C u s tom qu a lit y, 4 be droo m s , J b a ths , formal dining room, + sep111rate eating area in kitchen . lluge fa mily room with fireplace, cov· ered pal.Jo, prolessiunal- ly h~ndscaped . Priva te corner lot, all for S77 ,500. Cot II FIMAMCE You won't believe this. Sec lu ded ex~c u t ivc estate, n acreol grounds witn H UG E T REES. E normo us s wim m ing poo l . OPEN BEA M CEILlNGS. llardwood noors. 2 huge fireplaces. GIGANTIC RU Mt>u s ROOM WtTH WE'f liAlt Separate formal dining room + 2500 sq. ft. of cha rm . Owner says he will carry his own loan for you. A ra re find. 1''il'St Owner Desperate Owner has bought a ne·.11 home .11.nd 01ust sell thi~ s h ar p ~ bed r uo m , Univers ity Park home. F'a ntast ic view or grttn belt. l\.1anicured yard . Walk to pool and tennis cour ts. t:onvcnic·nt to shopp1n~. ltEDUC ED lO $61,900. 640-6161 HORSE LOVERS szzoo TOTAL DOWN F..:qu estrl a n d e light '. llorse t rails, riding a reas and stables make this a must see! \\'alk to park , lakes and fishing from th1:i immaculate 3 lxtrm with fresh paint and ne w deep pile carpeling, eov· e r e d pat io, p<i nelc d gara ge and dC"corator 1>1.·a llpa pe r. L>on't mlS!> th is al $4 3.~50. C all 847·6010. SUPER SHARP Where else· but Mesa to call gets Olis bargain. 1==========1 84~~~. n ~FUN ro111 ,..,n • VA TERMS !'=~=""""' ~7~1l~~~~~Fji==c=A=S=A=G=RAH=;::::=D=E=.=i ~-I , THE REAL ESTATERS "· appcec '1a••• Call now MAGNIFICENT ;';; ...... ).' ...., "'' I ~·=···=·=,=·-=-"''""!!'!"!'!"!'!"!'!"~ befoce it's toolaw! SURROUNDINGS 1-······-... GLEN MAR OM THE WEDGE Huntington Beach, love· Shoi;-t walk to the surf Jy 3 bedrm, ('overed from "The Wedge". Ex· patio, much upgrading. tra large corner lot. Near Newport leach Open Sol fSun 1-5 2540 Vista Boya "PriCed to sell $43,950. to bike trail. Secluded en· SPA.MISH STYLE try. Sunken parlor. liuge Very unus u<i l, la rge custom home with heavy beam ceilings in <.1rea of beautiful homes. 3 BR (huge m aster ), 2 bath. Living+ fa tnily. Formal dine. Patio. Lou> of room fo r entertaining around pool +.d etached st udio. You will enjoy I.his fully rumpus room with wet air cond itioned 4 br + b a r . Giant ga rde n fam ily rm, 2 yr new up. kitchen. 1-'ormal dining graded home. Tile roof . room . K i n gs master You can walk to shop· suite. ~1 am moth party ping centers. Offered at room. Separate wing to a lo w $60,900. Hurry, fa m ily bed rooms. Ro<fln won 'tlast! fo r boa l & campe r . ·~·-· Owncrmust g~ke ad· .OM UPEERSB. •anlagc. Call"'2·253.5. Ol"IN '•I 9 . ,, ~ fUN ro llf Nl(f r l941 C11mfKtS_H_B 541·8155 ~-THE REAL l ESTATERS 64&-3928, eves &i64.>13 MESA VERDE "Paceseffer" Pride.or ·Own ership, 3 bedroom, 2 balh home with exceptional use o( wood, giving an appeal· ine. $O~Y atm9sphere.. New Kitchen Aid D/W; 2 Large p atios; garage w/custom cabinets and work bench-all this located c lose-not too c lose to park and scbools. Priced $57 ,500. ~::, <:~ <:~';:.. .... ;,,:~~ 180 DEGREE VIEW LA CUESTA HAR~8:T1t!.KrS BY THE SEA $44,500 MO DOWN Circular drive, dynamic YOUR opportunity! 2100 entry to spacious livin g sq. rt. of ocean·cooled room w ith c racklin g g rande ur with No fireplace and brealhtak· DOWN PAY.M~NT . ing view thru wall or Four jumbo bedrooms:· · glll'Ss:· Ente rtain on tCr· Most prestigious & de· race w ith soft ocean sired area . First to call 'breezes a nd a p11noramic h " TR E ME N back g ro und of mood . gets l is · Gourm et k itchen and DOUS BA RGAI N. Ca ll 842·2535. dining. Retire to lux· 01111 111 9 .11s 1u111 1o 1'! ti,.1 . urious master sui te with v i e w . Jf ide ·:l ·Way ~-~~~l~tetnos ~aflue;~t~w~~f~ :{-.. ,1., ;] dream home at bargain l ~========'='-1 price. Call 963·7881. ALL U.S. VETS EASTSIDE COSTA MESA It is you r right to own a CRV is in. OK for \·ct home 1>1.·ith no down pay· purc hase. 3 licdr?<>m. m cn l . S taff o f ex · l 'h ba ths, h ard1>1.•ood vetera ns to assist you. fl oors. Call now 646·7171. Call World Heal Es tate, Of'1Nm9 •1 1~1 u,.,1,1 .,, .. ,. l)ranj;c County's only GeMrol THE REAL ESTATE RS I Veteran Kcal Es late S pec 1a l1st. 1\s k fo r Vc t er atls counselor. 556-7777, Call ctnytime. 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PORTOFINO WITH VIEW ! Popular bonus room pla n ""ith view of Big Canyon golf course a nd ve r y large y ard. 3 brs , plus family room in house plus bonus room with loft and ba th. As king $91,000. CHOICEHOME- CHOICE LOCATION Deli ghtful Deane lwo bedroon1 . l~10 bath plus de n condominium in Bi g Canyon . Exquis itely decorated & la ndscaped. Ma ny custom features. Perfect for a s m all er fa m ily of a ny age_ $128,500. THANKS FOR WAITING BAYFRO~ Of'!N lll<J ·•r s ru111 1os11o·rr• [;::~~~~~~:[ ,sn1• 0r!~~~D!,1;~GS n l~,,.11,.····=·····=: '=' !'!""'!'!""'!'!""'!'!""'"..I boat slip . $198,000. $38,950 THE REAL ESTATE RS Her e is that s plendid J5 bedroom , Dove r Shores wa terfront : wa te r vie w fr om living room, dinin g room, kitchen. 3 Bedrooms, incl. master s uite . 4 Ba ths. 42 Ft. dock ; terraced patjo. An une xpected ,pleasure a l $260,000. OCEAN & JETTY VIEW Spacious fam ily home across from Bi g Corona Beach. 3 bedrooms . guest room . fami ly room. Formal dining, office, workshop J)lus ample parking. $229,000 . For Classified Ad Ken Hartman, Realtor RED WHITE BLUE ACTION 642·576<> 640-1607 Any colo r you choose + Call a new carpet too! The Daily Pilot MO DOWN owner will do this for you AD· VISOR CLOSING COSTS in this 4 bcdrm, <! full 642·5678 ONLY!! bath house on an R·2 lot. I;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~[ 5 BDRM /2 STORY To see this, call Associal· Tree l i n e d s treet . ed South Coast Brokers , Presti ge ap p roach. 1--=-54~5~·84"-'2~•~·'~'~'~'~"'-~'----77~3'1~-~I Is on """' ...,.,_,. loMlg 'ti" _., ""' day It •fl:ly• .... ...,t w n16Q..5'n _, ·--.......... .,.cnoi. .. .... , •• 1:1. ... ....,._.,, ......... 642-5678 M a ss iv e e n t r y. ENO RMOUS PARLOR. Fo rmal banquet room . Gigantic garden kitchen. MAMMOTH RUMPUS ROOM . 5 BONUS B E DROOMS . Closing costs move you in, GI's take advantage. can now 842·2535 . FHAREPO MINI-RANCH $30,950 You have been waiting fo r this huge 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on 1/4 acr e! Check: out the fruit trees, g rape arbor & work shop! New pa int and brand ne w deep pile carpet highlight this beauty. Low low down payment . Offered for a !!!~~-I limited time-HURRY? $5 1 500 847·6010. • Ql'f1o1 Ju Y ·•r~1ur-.iro~1N1ff ' OPEN SUN.1·5PM 3 B e droom eleg ant home. 3124 Yucon Ave , nr South Coast Plaza. [!lli!li1*H:tl CALL NOW Top 01 The World 152 7315 4 Bdrm., 2lh Ba Dream • • home. Custom docornl- OONALD M. BIRD ed. Well planned fa mily At1•ti•""· •-h .. s home l --"'===~~~1 OPEN SUH. A.HOME!! $33,900 This· Newport Vista J bedroom home has a n apple pie kitchen and ex:· pensive li ving room with massive custom s tone rirepl ace. It's on a n estate sized yard with ocean breezes & minutes to beach. Ca ll 546-2313. HARDWOOD FLOORS. 3 Bedrm, 2 ba, gas bllns , new cpl. Big fenced yard. D>at gate. Gra b it quick !! $34,500 ·~~ -ANYTIME 2907 Ebbtidt, CdM Happiness Is This charming 3 bdrm .. J bath home in Irvine Tcr· race. Sparkling pool in secluded garden setting. OPEN SAT /SUH I ·5 19l2Allwa UPPERIAY LIVING AT ONLY $39,900 3 Big bedrooms. 3 baths. Discover this pleaslilnt way of li ving . Call 546·2313. Ol'fN Ill Q . u·s fl)N fO"' Nr(I • LOWDOWN 1~~~~~~~~~~J Assume i 'I VA loan at ORI G . BLU FFS "G" only $.250. per month. Owne r transl. Supe r Plan, 4BR, 3ba. OPEN sharp, 4 bedroom home. Sun 1·5 : 21M Vlsta En· located on beaut. t rel'I t rad e, Bluf ra. N.B. lined street. ~veryll'llng 1~184~.ooo_._A~R_l._6'4_·1_452_--i n e w ! Only $37 ,000. NB WTttFrtT. Condo 2br, Si milar homes scllin1 for $43,000. C•ll World Re•I Iba, al p, pool Twnu:. E1la\e 156·777 7. As k ownr. 64&-3281/6'75-6M2 tbout 3021 Westbrook. • SCARCE "HANOVER" PLAN Attra c tiv e ly landscap e d for minimum c are and t as t e fully d ec or a t e d 1-s l or y 3 b e droom townhouse on tree-lined greenbe lt. Spect ac ular fire place and ope n bea m ceiling. $57,900. SPANISH OCEAMFR0"1' ESTATE Prime priva l e roa d location . 5 Bedrooms, 5 balhs, room for 9 cars, spa , b a llroo m··size fa m ily roo m . Crashin g wa ves be low. $695,000. CAMEO SHORES Approximate l y 1f.J a cre w ith magnifi cent gardens . Large pool & waterfa ll. 3 be drooms , dining room, fa mily roo m , lar ge living room . Elegan ce . priva cy & 3 pri vate beaches. $12li .500 A BUY AT THE 8EACH! Warm cha rm of redwood in two bedroom pane le d be a c h ho m e . Bright built-in kitchen. corner lot , dbl . g arage & extra p a rk i n g. $57,950! FORMER MODEi. HOME Now be tter tha n model. Beautiful Rutgers plan in Universit y Park. Nexl to poo l & te nnis. 3 bedrooms . den . a nd dini n g room . $68 .500 inc ludes the l'1nd ! ONE OF THE TWELVE Thal is right ! Onl y twelve F OU R BEDROOM . 2'h bath P o rtofino models built in l·Ja rbor Vi ew Homes. Priced for today 's market al $&1,500 -fee. , iMvESTORS -CHECK THIS ONE! Start building equity a nd t aki ng depreciation a dvantages with this choice Corona d el Mar duplex with g uest quarte rs over the ga r age. Don't let this g et away!$93.000. SHAKES & SHINGLES OH THE BAY Bi g bedrooms -little bedrooms. Dining room . library, buller 's pan· try, la undry r oom. patio, dock, porches, lanai. Sufficient bat hrooms ·~ 52 ' or PRIM.E FEE F RON· TAG E lor $225 ,000. NEWPORT llACH 644-1766 LA .. •EACH • 494,o749, 'A COLDWaI: iiAMillt CO.' . . . • .... 4 UAu .. ( l-'1~0 r Salurday, May 10, 1975 M1•n ~S. , ....... , ~ S. H1•H ,_,. S. •••••••.•••.••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• , ••• •••II!,••······ ... •••••••• l1•1tl · · 1Hf.••r~ 1002 ••••el · IHJ ...................... ~ ........ ,, .... , ......... , ................... . EAST BL U 1"1" I Pr'ett~ 1 Ll40ble prlv01•rard,st.to1l.lot, lllYlllUdoSMd OpMoSelf$1M 1·5 ~hu~BB'1,3ba'1,.,...._ Waterfront 4 BR. s ba., rumpus rm. ;::ei·a'!:d~~~ Pier & Float, sandy beach, $295,000 Coll now 1 BKR. .... ma 'spacious 4 BR., family rm., din. rm. On52ft. Private patio. $179,000. 351 Via Lido Soud Open Sat. 1·5 Beaut. 6 BR. home, sandy beach, mirrort!d walls, beamed ceil. Priv. coureyard. shore mooring. $'l95,000 WA.YEl~OMT LOTS 40x90 ft. $250 ,000 40X90 It. $285 ,000 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR : li '""~" d. [),. "• ~ ri7"J 011'!1 . H..-Vlew-OPIP:I DAILY 1·5 1133 Port Selllou.c'DeNB Stop in an.y al'lemooo.. 3 BR or 2 & dtn. 2 Baths. Form~l-dlning, FpJc. Vp- Btaded crpts & custom drps. Pa.tio. Owner 's movinaout ol area. 646·3928,ev~ Lachenmyer Ht•.tlt<'r :Lll.GUHA . Lii.MD MARK Ten commercial-rtntals HIGH ONll.HILL EASTBLlJFF ! • Huge in cbol<e Sou\h .I.<""1•· UNRESTRICTED :~;a~~~ '111!,P~t~i::~ ~::~ev1r:· s~i:1u~:: 5.,...... I 002 G10erol · 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VIEW Pretty paper & panel'&. month. Highway fron· Spiral staircase. V<t.ull View from top deck. Call tage. Submit all olfen to ce1 inas. uge maste ·--· · """9"~ ·1· H _, BKR "'~~ "'ui anxious ow·n~Call :1~~;;;:;;;;;;~~~;;;;1 673·8550. suite. Country kitche~1 Ol'fN ,11 9 • 1r·s ~UN ,0 If r• Wet ba r . Low main· llGCAMYOMCC ~-~-~ tenan ce landscap· -~ ina.Pool·jacuui. A rea •Pre•1eW Showincj• ~ · r' ·::: THE REAL ESTATERS dream at only 546,500. DOVER•EMD UMIT i~'\::.:.~_...;,i;) Call &l2-253S Lg. Masler Suite + con-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;1 -· --' 1i .,,.;,,.0 .. "'" ~;~~::~:fE~·m~ .t~:~;~:.~, ,., .•• --, ••• 0..: .. :· Sat. 12·6 or by appt. Z1 Dl d J 3 z Br -Rue Grand Ducal, NB. x p x, / · -..,500! Oc eanfront duplex Owner, Ex. terms. $l7S 0001 6"4·6349 • . 5tM~ol~;;.,;;;;,;;I 0;0;2~;;;;;;~~~~~1 CALL 675-7060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE Lovely family home in macnab / Irvine ~'..~~fr~\,~~~'.~ realty . CALL 556-8800 lalbaa lay "'°I'· Realtan FIHER HOMES FROM $6 7 ,500 TO $775,000 IRU.THTA.KIMG HOME & VIEW. Dover Shores atrium home. Vaulted ceiling -all view to bay -moun· ta ins -pool. Iv an Wells 4 bedroom + family room . $168,500. Barbara Aune 642·8235. (A2!) COP'( CA.T. DESERTED llAHCH 11EACR SJl,950 Rambling !our bedroom r a nch house. Bike to beach. Spacious living and d ining. Gourmet kitch e n . Separate ma s t er, g uest a nd childrens quarters. Ex· tra special grounds. As· s ume $31.000 VA Jo.an or 10•;;, down. Call lo see it .today. 963·6767. ()PfN rll 'I • 11 5JUN10/lf NICI' . ,, .; ~ . ~ .. ,.,,_,~, THE REAL ESTJITERS ~ ------' '* * ·*·* * ·* f(eritage Collectioii , OCEANFRONT .Sl'ICTAC~ -2.~tory home with mal)lificent •low llHdl. 3 Large bedrms with room for 4. Oversiied family room and living rm. Modern kitchen and dining. All less than 3 years old. First time orrered at $199,000. Choice Balboa location. Col 540.1 ISi POOL TIME IS JUST AROUHD THI c~ -and we have the perfect home · for year 'round ent~rtaining. :t BeGroom, 2 bat.h , en·closed patio lwk•t • 9"•••a-.erJ. Offered at $45,500. ·c• 540.1151. BREAD AMD . BUTTER UMIT 1101 2 .IEOIOOM. C01TAGIS -with attached garages and tree shaded fenced yards. Eastside, Coota Mesa. Full price $17,0,000CllS40.llll. ' .WHAT WILL YOUR KIDS · DO THIS SUMMIR7 Don't sweat It, · -whent.you can have this 3 bedroom hoine with PQ<>l, clubhouse·and plenty ·or room to piay. o-wll 1114p -·· Call us for details at 540.1151. MEWPQ.~T • BEACH DWI.IX .,... sharp, 2 Bedtoom home + 1 Bedroom apartment over garage . .Int J blocks to· be11eh. Priced only $81,250. Good terms. Hurry, won 't last! Cll 546-5110 ASSUMABLE LOAM PAYMEHTS OHL'( SZ49. per month in, eluding taxes for this sharp 3 bedroom, 2 bath Costa Mesa home. You'll love the massive brick fireplace, huge kitchen,. separate dinette area, cov- ered patio and large rear yard studded with fruit trees. Hew on the MDrilet. Priced only $37 ,000. Cll 546-5110. ~OOM TO RAMBLE OYEll 2$00 sq.ft. of family home. 4 Bedrooms; 3 baths, den, dining area and large rumpus room, complete with cathedral ceilin gs and wet bar. One of a kind Mesa Verde best area. Large secluded lot. Don't miss it, c•ll 546-5180 ERITAGE REALTORS Try to ''copy'' the construction in this sunshiny 6 bedroom indoor /out· door estate or the lush , unusual , over 2-acres, of gardens & horse cor- rals or the outstanding VIEW over· looking Bay, mountains & pool from every window. "'CANNOT '' be dupli cated at this low price of $379,000 . Lois Miller642·8235. (A22) PA.RTY POOi. HOME G-ral 1002 CpUHTRT ESTA.TE A.REA. Charmmg 3 bedroom~ family room home w /3·car gijfage. High vaulted ceiling -4 sliding glass doors lead· ing to private patios -lg. corner lot. $67,500. OPEN SAT. 1·5 P .M. 2402 BAYFARM PL., SANTA ANA. HEIGHTS. (A23) "OHE-OF-A-lllHD" U.YROMT. Beautiful Spanish doors lead into in· rier ·courtyard w /lavish decor or glass, brick & Wood. Outstanding Bay{ront VIEW! 5 bedrooms, family room . 4'h baths,· pier & slip + fee lot! Asking $475,000. Appl. only. Vee Stinson 642 -8235. (A24) "WHA. T'S IM A. HOUSE?" A special pl ace to hang your hat , rooms galore for this·n·that! (3 bedrooms, separate dining room, Jg. rumpus room, pool & brook!) $112,500. Jack Custer642·8235. (A25) Custom built beauty. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Back Bay location on large lot. 4 bdrms, 2 liled ofldo g ~ bath s. outdoor patio • a -nl. roo m plus oveorsized dou· bl e g ara ge, l 5x35 p . I · · ,. _..:i... · .. dofL.cl · h secluded pool far sum· rime ocat1on 11ear en I o, WJt mer etiteM.aining, & Joi\>" li southerJy exposure for SW) ... athing & mainte"Rance yard. T · sunset views. 4 Bdrms 5 Baths Mfic for $65,950. 646-7711. formar dining ruffipus rO:,m opening OpelllnEves. ·.on s.andv bea'ch. pier & float. Fully ·furni shed . :pric_e reduced to $295,000. . . . ' ' . . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.l 1 R"J'~'d' Or'" r>J B t>l'J t:.161 "MOTHER" Do you wan~ a big77xZ14 GeMr;al IOOZ Ge•ral 1002 {vegetable patch) + 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• bedrm, ram rm, l~li bath, pool on R ·4 lot ~ Pull do~·n payment out of your (cookie jar). Then Call ! ® herbe rt hawk ins RE.Ill TORS 646 J'.255 OLDER COUPLE PERFECT MEEDS> for owne r /occupant. z Large back yard for l;lrand New Beach garden. Newer 2 bdrm Duplexes. with 3 BR, z house with fireplace &. Ba Unils each. Ample lovely kitchen in lovely garage & parltidg wil.h Califor ni a Homes. lst owner depreciation. Owner transferred. Musl $8.S.,000. ea. Call 644·7211 sell now! Call 646-7711.1-Accgececcnc.l _____ _ Open Eves. 5EE THIS RANCHETTE IN HEE HAW VALLEY, VISTA. 4 BR HOME. . ' • •Yltll ,_.Cl BF.ST BUY. 4 B!l1 3 ba., den, wet bar, pool, W91'ktbop, iud's'«ll!i, fee: 189,300 OLD Co.<IMA II& MAii CORNER.'LOCAT!ON. 2 DR. +guest cotta1e, dbl. lot, fee. MljS\ see. Asking ' $92,500 OPfl4 SAT /SUH. 1·1 lll H.UCISIUS CAMIC) SHORIS,·COllOMA DB. MAR ESTATE SALE. 3 BR. suites, 4~ ba .. 2 frplcs .• huge lot, gardens, pool.$250,000 OPfl4 SUH. 1-5 461 5 CAMDEN U.S11LUl'I' FOREVER VIEW. 4 BR.+ FR, 3 ba., 2 , frplc:s.,gam:erm.,3,000sq.Cl. Only SIOS.000 115 CAHYOH • FAIRWAY VIEW. 4 BR, 4 ba., den. ·billiard rm», pool, 3 frplcs., bar: '3411,750 · v' 1 IALIOA lsu.HD BA YFRONT. 4-BR, 4 ha. Ideal family home. $249,500 OPIH SAT~ 1·5 544 SO. IA YROMT COINIPANY REALTORS 2865° E. C-tHwy., C-dtl Mar "S ...... R ... _looHewpor+Horbot- Sioce l.944"- 673-4400 GeMral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • .:4"4tt#S~~ REALTORs' VISIT THESE EASTBLUFF Lovely family home, 5 bedrwms, family room 3nd a VIEW too!·-r~ieW wall coverings & carpet. Choice loca- tion with charming brick patio. Call us to see this beauty. $94,500. 2807 Ccnsia, hstbluff, te NEWiy REMODELED Sal/541ft 1.5 this 3 bedroor;i> home. The all NEW kitchen has everything 'bulttin incldg NEW formica counter tops ~nd ash cabinets. NEW bath. NEW used brick fireplace. NEW carpets. Call us to see this NEW LISTING. Only $4i,500 . J79E.191ttSt.C-Mna S..1·5 WALK . TO BEACH and all that stait\ed glass! Custom built DUPLEX South of Highway. Upper un· it super new! Lots of shake-shingles &: stained glass. 3 Bedrms, 2'h bath, large deck. Lower remodeled. Shake it on over and see! ! $119,500. 509Goldon."Od,CdM Sal/Su• 1·5 - CALL-644-7270 28::Z8. E: Coast Highway, Corona del Mar PROPERTY MANAGEMENT "" -!IOI llWlllCi 11'11<~•· MOMD , FOi LIV.~ METWOb ll'f UI 118' JM 11'1". llU. llf llAH ••f'l'lAU 11 1.-••HOii G:1Mral 1002 G•••• 1002 ' . ~ ' ' ' -' , IJMDA ISU-MIW-'UIX~ , Flne~t cu~ti>I!! constru~ijOG In thla 1uperbJ 5 BR Jioi\ie"on tb8 &IY H&F pool, pier /allp, bUlfard rrri,;a~una i.SY. •baths. Rich Appt's. $3ll5,000. 76LINDA ISLE DR. SAT/SUN 1·5 ' .. HUHT-TOH llAC:H..-$19,100 Immaculate inside &out! l ·Slol')»4 BR ranch w /FR & formal ·dining. lb Suburbia Pk. Air-con\I workshop, Great patio w /brh!k BBQ. <luiet street. 10101 THESEUS S~'l'/SUN l · .. 115 CYH. "lllWIYIUl"-YllW NEW fantastic 4 BR model w /bonu rm. 2-Story entry hall, lge DR1 ~et bar Luxury cptng. Rm for pool. $1"",500 .. 2RUECHAMONIX · SAT/SUNl· COR())IA DIL MAit LUXURY DUPLE , Pride of ownersfilp in qual·blt 2-story. 3 BR, den, ·2 baths, frpl in ea. Suhdeck. Between hwy & ocean. Quiet. 5lil AVOCADO SUN l ·S LUSK HARIOll VIEW HIUS Fantastic ocean & sunset view from sharpest 3 BR LaJolla model.· Perfection thruout. Yard is a picture. COSTA. MISA-$]4,950. Great buy! 3 BR & FR near Harbor' Blvd . Ideal ~~cation f~r future income. I IA Y ISi.AHO HOMI FOR LIASI l .~In best location on charming island. j Long water view. Furnished ·4 BR l home w /dock for lge boat. $2,000 mo. DCLUSIVE llG CAHYOH -$87,500 • Beautiful view lot ·on golf course. Build your dre~m home nqw ! Ca!l us . . l GOLF COURSE LOT-$5],500 Choice leVe l site. 106' Front on ~ fairway El Niguel Country Club. : Outstanding view of fairway, trees & clubhouse. Best C.C. buy in Orange County. ' 2111 s .. J ....... Hll1RO<ld HEWPORT CEHTEll. H.I. 644-49 I 0 I Go•rot·· IOOZ.5iMrOI· IOOZ . ., ...... ~·············· ....................... . ~~~ Bav/ront.JJ.ome & Pwr 4 Bedroo_m, 4 Bath: & Goll""f ~· New custom 2 story home on Balboa Peninsula with 2 fireplaces, wetbai' and beautiful built·ins. Lots of glass providing a fantastic panoramic view• of Newport Bay. Fee land. $279,000. , I OPEN HOUSE THIS WllllCIHD. 1200 EAST IALIOA l&.VD., 61s.e120 I -. ________ ......:.... __ . -~ -5.....i 1002'G.....i 1002' ........................ ·············11:·········· OCEAH ILYD. -PIHIHSUU. .POINT • • Owner built, 2924 sq. Cl. ·luxury home ; , step down LR, 2 BR & den; 3 ba. + , billiard rm. Marble firs., dining rm. & J entry ; extensive use Qf wood paneling; high ceilings. Call for app't. ILUFF HA.UTT. -Walker & lee (714) 724:1123. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l-'-'==="-----1 DAVIDSON REALTY f ,, With s pe ctacular VIEW from upper & lower patios. 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, p aneled family room & separate dining area. S268,500. Bob Owens 642·8235 . (A26) FIRST -UST-MOST!! FIRST time ofrered! BEST location on small , qui et park! MOST value for your money ! 3 bedrooms , family room, dining room -ONLY $69,900! Laszlo Shark any 644-6200. (A27) IHYEST MOW -CdM! Lovely home + exceptiohal 2 BEDROOM APT. Warm Philippine mahogany wood paneling -used brick fireplace -beamed ceilin gs - 2 lg. patios. So. of Hwy. $98,750. Har- riet Perry 642-8235. (A28) "SUPER SHA.RP TIIUROH IM HA.RIOR VIEW HILLS" Deli g htfully upgraded 3 bedroom family room hof!le on Jg. elevated'. secluded lot w /vtew. $115,000. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200. (A29l -- THE VIEW OF A LIFETIME! Perfect family home overlooking the Bay & Ocean. This forever value consists of 4 bedrooms, 2~ baths, formal dining room, lg. family room, fantastic workshop & beautiful yard for the kids! $195,000. Clint Moses 642·8235. (NII>) IRYIHE TERRACI W /STYLll High beamed ceilings dramatize this split-level home w /3 bedrooms convertible den , Cami1y room & Island kitchen. Short escrow! OPEN SAT. l ·S P .M. 711 K-TIIANGA. (A31 ) 642.aJJI 644-6200 to1 o.w.. Ori. ... MecAttlM .. ..,_. __ _. • • -. , Real !stale G•Mral 1002 CeMNI ' IOOZ ••••••..•.•...••....... --======~ .••••..••.••••••••••••• Th• Last af R-t Land MAHSIOHS wilttlll a real brick- ... , ... Ca a:..ttr w/Ofte wl•CMC• Oftly! We are just ·commencing construction and almost sold out -but excellent selection is still availa~le. Delivery scheduled for 197>19'16 school year. Buy now and have the opportuni"ty to choose colors and customize. Facin g Costa Mesa Golf Course -adjoining City Park and over 6000 sq.ft. lots, these homes have : T RADITIONAL DESIGNS -Large 2 Story 4 & 5 Bedrooms (or 6 BR's) and 41'.i baths from 3375 sq.ft. to 3675 sq.ft . 3 Car Garages -Fireplaces ete. '" from $84,950 to· $88,500 (above prices e frective through May 19, 1975) Sales men on premises on weekends or call day or evening • ~ •..•••••••••..•.•...••••..•.... , •• 546-4580 Buccola Company during business hours S40-8833 (Adams Ave. Costa Mesa, then south on Mesa Verde East, then right on Golf Course Rd. to Tanager Drive and Development. Sioce 1947 . I FOURPUX SOU HD ',f1(J, IN l..C"!,T r1 .... "f 045·/575 $72,500 IHTERESTIHG? ll ' !\ll' ... 1 ,, · R. ' r. I 673· 9060 4 comfortable s ize Need a quick sale on these bread & butter un· its that are olten!d at 1972 prices. Seller must sell to buy more! Take advantage of 1he 3 bdrm owner unit + 2·2 bdnns and l bdrm. Buy now and shelter your income for 1975. Hurry! 847.0010. oPfN II! Q . ti S fUN fO !lfN•Cl' tx:lrms, 2 baU'\S, bu.ilt·in · kitchen, fireplace, heavy G....-.1 t002 Gwr.. I s hake roor, covered•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• patio. & offering GI & j) FHA terms at lhe price Back B v· or $3>.950. Call if rou·,. ay leW interested ! 963·5671 or C U ST 0 M B U I LT 556·7035. <s pe cia l fini s h e d woodwork). 4 Bedrm family room, l ca; 1ar~1e. See to ap. prec1ate. $74 ,500. -Walker & lee Real !slate Classified Ads 6'2·5678 CLASSJFJEDwlllselllt. O R.or°rono-!he 6 Kr • .,,bl.d ,,--..... --..:..,.--.. ""°!'di bik>o-IO moli• 6 Jlmp!• ..... ds.. p,;,., ,..,,.,,, ot eoch 111 1t1 111'111 of 1ql>Ol'91. ,, 1F!E1·RIB1 I I AHTICD I I I I I I' I I YITSEH I I I I I' I ~--'-"""'-./ I T U 0 L £ C I "Now, Mn. SmUh," .~Id 1--1"'*'"'1'"' °"'1,.....,1......,1~' -I the Dlstrrct Al1Cthey, "tell ~. ~.~.~~.~-~-~-the fury why you &hot your I~ -~T-u~J~c"''-N-K __ 1 hu1bend with a bow •nd 1--,.--,,--,-..-..,,.-1 arrow.ff '"I didn't w•nt -· . I I I I I' . -!he chlld .. n wh;1. they were &leeplng," s ~ r ERGHEE I "'~l~I ~I -1-.~I -o ,..,, .... '""''" ......, _ . . . . b, Wli:t.!;, .,,,. ""'ti/lo -.:! . Y°"' ......... """ No. ' below. ..... _ .... _ • Pt!NT NUM8Etf0 I' \(llft5 " I' I' I' r I' I' I' ·r I e; ...... l.£ ilir111 • 1111111 SCIAMLITS '-"'• 1 .. 0: A41111 , . VAHODOWH LIKE JI. MODa HU.RIEAC:H Finest beach area. Truly executive neighborhood. Gorgeous landscaping. Elegant entry way. 1''ully upgraded interior. Gour-m e t kitc h en . i'"'o rmal dine . Family sized bedroorrv;, tS'x.40' covered. dance pavilion. Huge mas ter s uite--no down buys this!! Take advantage, call 84:·2535. OPfN II[ 9• II l '!JN PO If N'("I I ~THE REAL . ~ ESTATERS , Hll.RIOR VllW SBR, lwo.atory w/formal dlnlna:, 3 car''"". on \;rd. acre lol. Th.is ls easily one of Newport Beach"s nnest values, and it wUI sell qulc.kly·aL • reaaona· bit $95,000. Cf.L .... -CSELECT T'PROPE;RTIES OPEN DAILVl·Sp 3626 CA T"AMARAN HarborView,CdM OWNER "MUSI"' ' and can give immed. cup •. BBR, fam rm, rm, pool & jaawl & r e a t s h a P (Marguerite Ave. LoK Dr .. turn Jen and IO end of eul-de-sac.) . 675-5511 Cale of~ 2SJ$ E. Coast Iwy Corona del Mar. l'RIC:E SU.SHED $44,900. Two-Story, near p posed marina site. Lo beach, walk to ping. Gourmet. kiL lara:e fiim.Uy room. fireplace. Owner a ious. Call 812·7788. . . kEY · ' P.EALT°"~ SUPER E~STSIDI S4900°1UYS Brlaht IURft¥ klteb la ra:tt dinlnt: are f ireplace. Just 14 down and i\I )'OW"'I. ter burry and e 6'6-11'11. . I OffNl1t"9•1P'sfVHIOlt , • ' ' \ . . ... ' , . . . . ~;;,.;i...,,...~~~ .. ~ ..._~ •• ':!~-... ,..:~::'!.':!.~ ...... , . . Salurdly.M!)'10,1175 DAILV~ILOT , °i'§; 1 ~ ... , ~.!.!!'!.: •...... lf,ol !_!!.'!!... tN2'. ••••••••~~•··~.11. •••••••~~ ••••• ; ... I!!~::~•.~~ ...... ~ -··-··"'''"!!!f _,. __ ~~"'-_ ~··.!.._-~·· .... ,.. tw;c ••••• 10d2'e,..,e1 · fl02 • --,~~~..-.--•.•••••••••••••••••• ,... ••••••••••• • ••••••••••• , •.•••• v-.......... ,, 1 111 , •' HOMI+ ..... . . ( • · this attraetiv• Eastside f1.,t,..tf' 644-1133 home bu• lfte lot In ~ back wt0lnordforsor6 l'f!altv ANYTIME b°~.~~'.Prie«1a<on· ••• ~ . auMs SATWDAY SPICLU , II ·=-~;~ LIASESI llUISI LIAS~! Pill p1r,ti9a . -, 712•1 0 Wicle selection. ~anging in price from ...o. OUAM.s1...... '••ACM . $;175 to $750Monlbly. P.ALM SPRINGS ~ HOUSEWAMTED Wl!AT'S, SO UMlt;IUI _,ilOU1' U141(j)UE7 Fran Scott won the Unique HOJD'!" lis\ing contest! Her prize: $125. ,caSb and $125. to her favorite charity, The Florence Crittenden Home. Con· gratulations to-both! ... Last week'.-. sales meeting hosted decorator ;Barbara Bu,cbanan and staff, discuss· ing decorating techniques and costs ..• very enlightening for all ... Later this month, the 2nd annual Unique Homes Invitational Tennis Tourpament ...• over 28 entries already .. (only clients. sales staff and Unique friends can enter!) .... Also, Unique is breaking the sex barrier with a coed ~oft ball team in the Newport Beach City .League .... And on a civic note, the phones of Uniqu,e offices will be availa- .ble to urge a YES vote on the SchoOI Tax election, May 27. Unique knows the small tax increase ($1.2.50 a year average) is an excellent investment in community stability. • HOUSES .FOR UIS . ! • z llDllOOM •• :mdt~e"'bueyDr.,Lag.Bch ' 494-7$31 $54,500 • Sat. j.5 ·25051ris'\Yay, LaglllU!.l!Hdt ·-• • 41M(l!i31 $17,500 Sat.1:& 1 117 E. 23rd St. Costa Mesa . ,6'5-171!5 •vso Su.o. l·S · 0 ' •d'l Seaward, Conlll&clel:Mar i RY 613-3550 $67',500 ,. " SAi'.&.Sun.l·S '• ' . :"*"81l'Lid0,ParkDr.,NWJ>tBcli '., , · • . · · , ~3261$U7,000 Sal/SUnbyappt, •• · +.•. · ~'lUM8.lab,ai,Cor0nade1Mar' -* ...,.411rectory.,.,_'%'~::s4 .. y•'J0 111•11 •2 ·-..ut111e1oc._• , --•.UW•~••••· ~• .. tl11ntJ_e1Mwttere;ill~DAILYPILbT :: .. ~'675;~ . ·sat/Sunl-5 ,..,. ... ~ .... ._....,..._ ..... ,... ... M"fdtoMst .. 11 , ......... , •• ~l(......,.,..., ••. ,...,.w't..,..,.;.~. · ~ "ZIR&FAM•~erDIH "'°''1' ·"·-. · ,, .. ' 'I --~·T:·· ,,. . I· ·' • ·2330J:>qrtCarlisle,Npt.:~ach .. ·~·RoxburY,(CameoShrs~CdM ... · 5 IR & FAM RM lir'DP'I • • f!W7525 Sat/Sunl·S · 644·1766' '$129.500 . Sun.2·S ••327VfaLidoSoud,Lido{sle,NB , .f76F~w1>r ,,Ea$tside, C.M. . •1935 Sabrina (Irv. Terr.) CdM 675!0123 <970,000 · Sat. 1·5 , J 61S:~tl · ·· Swt1·5 · 644-1766 $187 ,500 Sat/Sunl·5 210ViaCorsclva(Lidols)NB ,3R4e Dea~\lille, Bjg,C~yon NB ~5 Som~i;~et tWst~llff) NB • 673·7300 $139,500 Sat. 2·5 ' 8#6056 ' $119,500 Sun 1·5 ' .644-l'fli6 ' • · Sat'/Son 1·5 ••7TLinda Isle (Linda Is ) NB -~ll-Cliff-Dr., Newport'Beach~-. -aao.Y-ist.a,,Madera-(Bluffs}N,B. 64Q.<1050 _$310,000 Sat.1·5 -. "7S-3000 · • '$il!l.1·5 · ~-'644-1766 '117,500 · ·Sat/Sun 1·5 *920Dahlia,CostaMesa - ·1831!2¥•Pl~ale,HlUlt. Bcb. ~ 711K-Thanea (Irv Terr) Cct¥. 97~3lL<Jw$70's Sat/Sunl-5 752-1921_> , Sat/liunl·S -·&42·8235 . ·s·at.1·5 1m1Cy.pre~ee°(UnPkHrv 330-Mornmg CanyonRd(Sbrclf~). at02 Bayfarm·PI., S.A. Heights 552·7fl00 $11,500· Sat.1·5 675-7225 $100,000 . Sat/Suol·5 644-6200 $67,500 · Sat.1·5 "2327.T'ustin,NewportBeach . · , '646-3255 Sat 1·5 l ••llOOM 4 IEDROQM •1411 Mariners Dr, Westcliff NB 1521E. Ocean (BalP~JNB ••544So.Bayfcont,Balboalsl 615-55),l · Sat 1-5 .6'73;3663 $124,0QO' Sat/SuhJ.2.4 673-4400 / Sati5i1'11·5 *l.337 Galaxy, DoverShores , NB 4l.3ilil.lJ!8y St., Ea~tside, CM · • 8512 Sable, Huntington Beach 642-5200 $249,500 Sat 1-5' 6':l;li27·3 $49,500 Sat/Sun:ll·5 646·8811 $53,000 Sat 12·4 • ••76 Linda Isle Dr. Linda Is NB 124381"1'..aHermosa, Laguna Be!ICh , 1i5 Camphor, E /Blu!f. N.J~. 644·4910$395,000 OpenSat/Sunl-5 . 494-9473 . -. Sat/Siin 12-4 644·1156 ' Sat 12·5 2645Bamboo, Eastbluff,NB . ' 11S9Noria, LagunaBeac,i , .f 3732 Scottsdale, The Colony Irv 645-0303 ' Sun 1-5 494.9473 1 •. SUn. 2·5 551·3879 $51,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 11 Linda Isle Newport Beach '735Balboa, Laguna Beach. · 2'Rue Chal!lonix (BigCYJJ) N.B. 752·1920 Sat/Sun 1·5 494·(1>173 ' . Sat/Sun 11-4 644-4910$139,500 OpenSat/SuDl-5 1839 Port Tiffin (HVHomesJ NB a>!IO BerylLn, Harl!orlilndsNB 111 ViaDijon (Lidolsle)N.B. 642-~35 $94,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 ' 646-9564 $55,800 Sat/SuDl·S 675-7542 • -·Sun.1·5 '<213-Vla'Dljon, Lido Isle, NB · 2675J3i'Y$hore, Newport Beach ;.-..... &16-3255 ... , .. -.. , .•. _ .... ...5at/Sunl,:i .. _ ........ _641l,6J.6l.. • .Sl3S,000 •. Sat/S.uJ:l 2:.6 41039thStreet, Newport.Bea® • 2908 Broad St., Newport Beach • 673·:i&63 ,.-$79,950 Sat. l•S 640-6161\ SatLSun l·S 223 Narcissus, Coronadel Mar 21171 Port Bristol, Newport Bch . 67~-4400 Sat/Sim 1·5 · 640-6161 $83;950. Satll-4 4615 Camden <CameoShrsJ CdM . 21041 Shepherd, ,Huntington Bch 673-4400 · . .Sun.1·5 536-9660, $51,990 Sat/Sun 't-5 •1420Kings Rd. CUflHaven, NB •2108Vista~redotBlu!fs)NB 642,.5200 $1;!2,500 Sat.1·5 675-617_5.; 6J(.05~ • ':. ~t/Sun 1·5 .1400KingsJ\d,· CHffHayen,;NB l,921 'lle~~ita Ln, N'pt .,~a~h · -.,, ·. 612·5200 $79,500 $at l·S .642·8235 . '. Sat.1·5; Sun. 2·5 : 9:162 Westcliff. Century Shrs liB . :*'IOilll D<)lphin. Teer. Ir~'fec, CdM ~, 968-4456 . $43.900 · • "Sat 1-5 . , 61§:61!99 $179.500 • Sat/Sun 1·5 '•I932Altura Orv. Ter.fCdM · · " 675-5930 , ·:Sat/SWl"1·5, • '-4 IR ·f. FA"4 RM or DEH , • 1724 Minorca. Mesa Verde. CM 20282 De.ervale, DeaneGarden HS li46-325S $1i7 ,500 Sat~ 14 '968.4456 ·$66.000 Sa11·5 17§71-Iron Bark <Yn. Park) Irv. ' •413 Cdbrillo, Corona de! Mar · 675·3000 ' " Sun. l·S 6'(~'2222 . . Sat. l ·S • · 133 Shorecliff Rd. Shorclfs CdM · . 5841.Sierra Cielo, Irvine . · 642-82.'!S $138,500 Sat. 2:6 P~-' . 113.1.9075 $75,000 Sun. 1·5 . 215itan.ary, Mesa Verde, CM ··1 U & FAM' RM or Dlll ' , 546-4).41 $77 ,500 Sunl·S ~)!OS Via.San R.amo, I>idolsle, NB · 20131 MiC!Iand Ln., Hunt. Bch. . ES.0\23, $1"9,500 Sat. l·S 963'3409-$71,500 J;ly:Appt. · 21692 Hilarla, LaCliesta, RB ' 1840J ~)ville St. (Meadows) FV · 968-'1456 $61,500 sat/Sun 1·5 968·28'78 Sat/Sun 1.s ••4500 Roxbury, CameoShores NB J.lZl_Main St, Huntington Beach 67S.SS11 . Sun 1·5 536·8\'21 $79,500 Open Daily · 17571.HfckocyTr.eeLa, Un Pa<klnr 2762 Tern Cir IMesa Verde) CM 642•5200 $63,900 · Satl-5 ·~0,0874 $74,900 Sat/Sun l ·S JV6,5,l\11Jia~a, j')'lesa V~. CM •1508D6ver Dr. (Westc1iff) NB .. 6 ·IEDROOM ·••351 ViaLidoSoud,Lid!>IsNB 675-ti!Gf '$295;000 . . . . Sat. 1·5 6 U & FAM RM or DEH • 3626Catainaran, HVu His, NB 675·5511 Sat/Sun 1·5 51 Montecito. Spyglass. CdM · 675·6000 S17~.500 Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS •.FOR SALE - 45 Univ Dr \NI'. Baek Bay> N8' 548·7223 ·~0,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 . ' • l BEDROOM · 31216 W. Nine Dr. Laguna Niguel '493.7421 Sat/Sun 1·5 *17887'Haws Lane, HB . 848-0549 $34,000 Saf/'Sun 10·7" ' 84tl Benjamin Dr., Hll'lt,.)kti. '· 847-4273· $33,000 · . S11t/Sun l U & FAM RM or DEH 456 Vista Trucha .$luffs) N.B. • 64Q.556lJ $79,500 Sat/Sun 5 • 4 iEDllOOM ;456VistaTrucha (Bluffs)N.B. 644·1452 $84,900 Sun 1·5 112 Georgetown Ln. Monticello CM 979.2599 · Sat/Sun 9-4 :30 •. "'~~5 $7~~ Sat(Suni-5 642-7674 $87,000 Sat/Sun.1·5 ie!iwfe::d,S~oi:ecliffs, NB •1412LincolnLa, Westcliff;NB DUPLEXES FOR SALE ·,. ~jJ • . , ." '.• Sun 1-5 642-5200 $122,500 Sat/Sun l ·S-. 2"JlllDROOM EACH ;• 191Je'.P.i~bri,llge;~pt. Beach 2907 Ebbtide, Corona de! Mar 507.()71'.!, Camation, CdM --11'1!!-2fi2-'. ' • Sun. l ·S ·' 675~30 Sun. ' 642-8235 •$88,750 · Sat. 1·5· "f,2269 9Qrnell Dr. (CQIJ'Pk) CM · , 10101 Theseus (Sub Pk.) H.B. , :;o1':l!lth St, Newport Island , .. 642-4236 $44,950 Sat. 2-5, Sun 11-3 · . -644-49l0 $59,500 Open Sat/Sun l :S ; 1·998·1676 $97;500 <I Sunl·5 •1227 Outrigger Dr. (JWlll'CdM" ' · · •21.0llL~ure Ln, Park Pl,HB · 106 Sonora, l'J.ewport Beach · 640·8819 $127,500 . Sat!Sunl.2-5 '>111111-'456 $89,500 • Sat/Sun 1-5 1673'3663 ,,135,000 SUg 1·5 322:6 Colorado Place, Mesa Ver CM ~-. ** 1.Z® E. Bal boa Bl Bal Pen NB · J30-130'h 43rd St., Newport 1ieaeh ~1911 $49,500 . Sat/Sua.10-5 . 0tl7Sc8J.20 ' Sat & Sun 552i~ . -Sat. 1·5 4733 Cortland, Dr. <Jameo HIJids• 2284'Cornell Dr.CollegeP81lk, CM 403 38th St. (.Np~ ls) N.B. -. 673,,'1177 $8!,§i!o Sat/l!lm ;S, ,.~l~:s:;.1,950 . Sat!·S •• 675-4600 ·$93.SOO ·· Sat.1·5 -1"1791SLoi; Pra.-.St, foUnt V'1 ' 8C~ ~,Ln (Big Cyn)~M "'' 608 J\caq1a, old CdM, CdM , 968-5296 . 5511;$11() • • ~&SWI 1• • ~s,:;v~: · · . Sa~/&Ql 1-S' ' 67~~,500 sun 1·5 3228Colorado'J?~l'S'!. ~~9i".-i '$lilisGlflateaTer~T~ · · -426'4l!61'£" acia,.OidCdM,CM 5i6-l91} :_$49,..,... , ·""''-'.i,..; .~·940-0020 .• ~ Sat/Sun l.S 117 $74 ,500 Sun 1-S 2512 Bowdom Pl., C0\!!'8e~i, ., .~ilt ·M,adellile pr, \funt. Bch. • , . · ,-. . 549-4241 • $64,~ ~ , 10-5 . ,-¥2-1920 ·. • Sat/SWll.S · . , l II .& 2 II •~31Bowdiiiil, Coll~eP?kjQ . li-2901£b5tide, Corona del Mar • 509 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar 637-5076 $64,800 Sat/Sun.1'5 ' • s'is,3000 ' ' Sat. l·5 . 644-7270 ·$119 500 Sat/Sun 1·5 .2'1~N~au Rd. (Coll.:. attCM ',' ~b D.~ltlJ;t, Costa M"'la . ~;1 . .' l.07 26th St., Ne~port Beach 557,~77 ~.9,50 . , Daily 1-.5 546·2:!1? Sat & ;)llJl \_-S 673-2493 • $115 000 Sat/Sun. 2·5 3246~ York, Meia)ierde C.M~ . *;*8~ Via L~ Soud1 Lido li'NB _. • ' , ' , I 9'19"'78. $45 900 Sat/SuD1'5 , .·67~16!., 5,000 Sat/Sun f~ . ' 1 llDROOMS EACH • •17•7l'itealrn,'Mesa Venle, CM ~-Reddin£1.Mesa Woods, CM ·-• • , j!ll6 Fernleaf CorOQlldel Mar . 549-11855 . $66,500 Satl-5 •· 6119·865,5 -.900 Satl.S '• 675.3000 ;' ' Dailyl-5 .1~ !raurel '(r~e Ln., I•irlne ~·eH!f.Dr. NewPQrt Heights . ' I · ' • f • Use.your Palm Sprinp condo or house as down payment on beautiful An· tigua Way, 5 bedroom, S bath executive home with paaoramlc view. •r uuaH ~ liiilPlaa P1 .~ti•a · · . 7S2·t920 MOO;~LSJ. NIWl'O«f NAC W .ATERFROMI' P.RIV .ATE DoeK SI 32,000 Price jusl_sub6t.antia11y reduced ror quick sale on this 4 bed room, 3 bath J home with jacuui pool. 'Room for large boat. By , "ppointmenl ooly. ,•·P,'9QuaH l ~IPlac• Pl ...ti-. '• · Dp7S2·1920 MOO QUAlt. Sf. NIWfOl:f _llACH EASTSIDE RA:MCH -FUbL-115 ACRE FOR- MER FARM. Ranch house has pure country kitchen, separate guest, Dutch doors, swinging Thro it all Unique sold almost $2. Million in April and sold a house a day in May. 'lbat:s ~hat makes Unique unique! ' ) U~IVUI: lif)Ml:S sash windows, antique ON TOI" OF THE AEAl ESTATE MARKET WtTH THE. fixtures. Storage barn. NICEST PEOPLE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES Xlnt location. A GIVE-A· WAY AT $32. 7 S 0 . CORONA DEL MAR. 6JS.8G!l9. Hurry-Call·64.5-0303. !~~~ .. ~·~IA~Vl!~RO~·~· ~-~-!~· ~CAl.~L ~us~~~ LIMCOLM LAME New listing! Outdoor en· thusias ts LOOK AT . THIS} Paddl.e tennis court, extra large pool, __ cover:ed pi_ng pe>ng ar.e~ ... Vegetable farm area. All this + 4 bed.room pro· fessionally decorated home. 1412 Lincoln Lane Wes lcliff. Nwpt. Beach Open Sat/Sun 1-5 PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 67S· .. 5D i 117 Galaxy Dov•r Shores Open Hou,. Sat I ·5 ~Your own private health s pa in this beautiful 'home . Custo m 5 bedroom, 41h ba. Sep. in- door jacuzzi and steam bath. Fee Jand-..newly redecorate~v.e right . in~ tB!\hRETT . ~RE.iii.TV- * OPEN HOUSES * .Elegant 2 bdrm. home. profess. landscaping. 712 Malabar. Op:en Sat. & Sun. 1·5. $891500 . Gorgeous 4 bdrm., dining rm. & ramilY rm. + pool. 2901 Ebblide. Open Sat. 1·5. I , Harbor View Hills· -ocean view. 3 Bdrms. & family ·rm., dining rm. Ol)e'n Sat. 1·5. 944 Sandcastle. · ·· High above CdM; 3 bdrms., 2~ b;! .. -family rm .• + bonus rm. with bath. Open Sal. ~-5 -2207 Port Harwick Only stePs to ocean. New duplex;. 3 · bdrms .. 2 baths & frplc. each unit. '206 Fernleaf. Open daily ·l -5 Beautiful 2 bdrm. home.+ guest suite. Great view. 2712 Cli(f Drive. Open Sun. 1·5 · Spectacular condo, neai: poal .~ jacuzzi. 3 Bdr.ms. &';JPniqg'rpl. 17671 Iron Bar~. Univ. Pr.. lrvine;S~n. );5 .................................................................... LOW IHTBIEST VA LOAM This lovely 4 year old home near South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa may be purchased subject to existing low interest rate loan. Pick fresh fruit from your own orchard. Recline in your beautiful private patio. Don't miss this 3 bdrm 2 bath ramily room home for only $59.950. DECOltATOR'S DELIGHT OML Y $15,500 ,-. Bonus room is more than ample for regulation pool · table. 2 large bdrms with 21» baths. All of this plus being a decorator's delight. Low down payment will buy~this Jar out home. .,.. , .. • W .. TE WA Tiii. VIEW • $76,950 Gorgeous oceanview condo. Custom decorating thruout. This 2 bdrm 2 bath condo has formal dining t room. Walk to beach, restaurants, shopping. What a lovely way to live. FOUMTAIM VALLEY'S IEST $47.950 Large 4 bdrm family room home with · oxersized enclosed patio. Largest lot in tract. Space for boat or trailer. See our new listing. FHA·VA TERMS OM.Y $41,950 ' '~ I f · ~0896 ts5 500. Sat/Sun. 1-5 :;--vedllll3!; .. $195,0001" '· Sat, l~S , , i • I; FAM 'RM or DEH EACH , lllViaDJjon q,ldo~sle)N.B. ' ; . . ·q~alatinoTRCl<1Dslrv · ' . · .S}OAvoca.do,CoropadelMilr -" •· 675-7542 l , • Sun.1:S • . ' . $1U,500 ' Sat. i·5 64!--4910; I. .,. . .:sat.1·5 9(4."8ndcastl&, CoDJ>a'del Mat; ' .. · .\ •1153'..ReefvJew, SPYllMe, <:cDI -" ' , . ~$[~ " ' • 1 s'at.1·5 · ' 67S:'2:15 . $114,950 '; Sa~ l\S 4 IR 'r. 'z u . This lovely family home has 4 bdrJlls 2 baths, large ., , added on family room on quiet dead end stteet. This, bas got to be the best buy in Costa Mesa. • 1 %/W'Pt liuw1cl< qNHms)N.B. , •3111• Key Bay (liVHIDa) ~ ,• , l!A 4tst St. Newport, ""•ch · ' · s,3fioo ' · · Sat.1'.S ~ · ' Slit nl-5 " 644-7211 $t3,500 :7. Slit.10.5 az~l!o Sycamore,SantaAna • -, ii~ITree'Rd.,JlliCll B~ .. • .619PoppyAve.,Coronade!M~,n-, • ' $40,l:it.o 4111·'5° " .. 4itt1:~ . •ms . -' Sllt/SUDl·S 644·1766 $85.900 Sal1~-J·~ i ~~Lane,Jll/SideC.M. ' , ~--ysldeDt.,?!!'mlta>'NB . · · •'t4l4 $44 ,90li '7 s.t/SUnl-S·" : bJilllO , .,.,&mlMR·1"-. 4 IR & l 11 · • ~,.. 19th St Costallt9a · ' f!.~'tharles Pl,BrbrYuHiiiS 304 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Pen ... • 844~0 $47 ;~ _., bl·5 ., G '8,2,600 > Sat!31nl-S 673·0508 $109,997 Sat/Sun11·5 I !lllOl<:iiilll'E'a4tblillf,N.1!1 '· ,.. ~mann,HVJllla,CdJI • . , ; .. " 1144·12'10 '.'84;500 • ~/Slllllt-5 . ' Sl.05~ 'Sunl·5 TOW'MHOUSE FOR SALE · ' ....,.. Oxford coneae Park, CM · ·' ~o Ordll4. old. CdM . 4 IEDllOOM • r-~ • •Sunl~' ~: --· Sunl-5 • •MlJLllq18Da, COllta Mesa ...__ : *2352BunkerHill,CostaMcsa, •234', ' Sat&DP 1-5 545-0587 $36,500 , , Sat~ lQ.f .' 29'IO 1'.~c1uiM'•~ltlk~ JINc~t/SUnI.-5 • . Pla~ftH\I ·c:-; 11.J.CAnytime .... ' llll-l.EYB. ~· 5 + POOL This lovely family home shows like a model. Fron\• its formal dinlng room to its huge family room with cozy fireplace, to its'professionally landscape<I yard with large heated & filtered pool, this home is a winner at only $66 ,950. ' Call 545-9493. ' ·, • ., " • • • + • ... • .. • .. ' REilT.ORS ·. 671-5$11 OPEN HOUSES BUY A Gift Far Mllher C4MIQ S~ORIS: ~Roxbury Rd.: An ocean view, secluded patios, private beach, private parking area for camper, boat, etc .. plus a delightful three bedroom, family room home. Open Sunday 1to5 P .M. H'Al\IOR VIEW HILLS : 362 6 Catamaran. Give the family a treat. Enjoy summer vacation at home -large pool, jacuzzi, putting green, spacious patios & play areas. Six (6) bedrooms, family room. You own the land. Open Sat & Sun I to 5 P.M. SHORICLIFFS: 320 Seaward: .Ooe of a kind custom built, split level, three bedroom & family room, beam ceilings. interestirlg & ·different. Open Sunday I to 5 P.M. · WISTCLIFF ARU.: 14U Mariners Dr.: Moderately priced at $66,500 for the big family -five (5) bedrooms, swimming pool. Close to schools. library & shopping. Open Sat. 1 to 5 P.M. U.STSIDE COST A MESA: 476 Flower St.: Just off Irvine Ave . -close to .schools, library, & Westclifl shopping. Two ' bedroom plus paneled den ; almost a 4·car garage -hobby shop plus room to park camper. boat, etc. $49.SOO. Open Sunday I to 5 P.M. ·EXCl.USIVIS: Balboa Island (Little Island). Unu~ual ~.bedroom ON TIJE BAY with private pier, or can re-convert to a duplex. $250,000 Bluffs Condominium: Beautifully e~~orated, air conditioned, four oeor'oom, easy living, great location. $89,000. Corona del Mar: Interesting two bedroom with a loft (bedrooms) for the kids , on a Jot & one.half ready for a large second unit. Just $75,500. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS .Z515 E..C ... t ttw,. C.....clol M_. 675-5511 -· 1002 :-· 1002 ••••f#••················ •.••.••••••.•.......... AH INVITATION TO GRACIOUS LIVING ·Pre.s tige Dover Shores home ; 4 bdrms. + study : warm family rm. & formal dilling. Front entry ·patio with pool. Spectacular view. $184 ,500. Held "Open Today 1·5. 1626 Galaxy. . .. 1 .i41sT .L1sno ..:.aiiffs cC>NDo SUper'sharp Carmelita model'.& just 18. moo. new! f' Bdrms.;'3 f,ul.t'batjls, storage gator~. Flat.top blm-. range. Transferred Owner must. ·~ea ye! $82,900 C.F. COLESWORtHY 640-0020 EASTILUFF CENTER G••NI 1002 G-ol IOOZ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HUG HOMES, IMC. WES TC Liff' New lstg. Nr. school s, parks & shpg. Buy o( the year. 3 BR. cutie, lg. corner lot w/pool. You'll love it! $74,500 LINDA ISU New lstg. Stunning !·sty., 4 BR. home on lagoon. Beam ceilings, fam. rm. w/Wet bar; pier &Slip. $235,000 Y.J'UH CotCIO 3BR, 2'h ba., frplc.; 4 yrs. old; Clean & priced to sell at $54,500 CORONA DB. MAR Mansion at the bch., cust. detailed 4 BR + Cam. rm.: lge. lot ; some vi ew : callto see. 567 S• Nicolas Dri ... s.lle I 02 ~ C..tor • 640:4050 . ._,.. 1001 .... ,,. 1002, .... ·-·····--···-············--....... t •I ·' " ' . ' • .. ' **·SUPER BUY** ·DUPLEX 4 & 3 2 JHl'S_Hew ()PIN SAT. & SUH. 11·5 3041.l .. 11IMl...._,i1• 1 .. 1 .. - I • ' • 'f ' .. --. .... ' ' HEY MOM!! Clfellrate Mltiier's ' .. DaJ wltll tlll p1rc•• if • of tllese li1mes! ·" ******* • SPACIOUSMESs " .Lo'ts of Room for elljoylng life In ~ immaculately exquisitely decoratied & landscaped family home. Owner transferred & anxious to sell his 4· BR, 3 Ba , Fam·rm ·home located at SPYGLASS HILL. $16',900. . ""'* . ' CITY UGffiS VIEW You see not only theillghts of Newport Beach but Fa•hion. Island too, when you live In this lovely 5 BR, 3 Ba, Fam·rm home w /2 Frplcs. Located'in HARBOR VIEW Ill. $129,950. *** CONVENIENCES NEARBY This lovely 5 BR, 4 Ba, Fain.rm home with a 2 BR Rental Unit is ~ar all Shopping & the Beach. Located 1 at 404 Iris, in OLD CORONA DEL MAR, it's a beauty. Divorce forces a sale at $122,500. Open Sun.1·5 *** TQIS NEW HOME ~EEDS ~YOU! ,. Ail easy.care '4 · BR, 2 Ba, Fam·rm home with many upgrades and a view tool, needs a fa.mily like yours to make it perfect. Find it in HARBOR VIEW III. Priced at $79,500. ...... CAREFREE LMHG A super BLUFF Condominium that is highly upgraded, has a 3 BR, 2'h Ba & a Fam .... rm too. Provides solid comfort for the most discriminating buyer. Stop by 532 Cancha, Sun. 1·5. Price just reduced to $76,500. .. .. WE HAVE RENTALS TOO! A 2 BR, 1 Ba Duplex on a lovely tree lined Street in Old Corona del Mar, Won 't last! Better hurry. $300. mo. ... ' R.E. PEOPLE WARTED We have 4 openings left in our Corona del Mar Sales Office. Ask about our new compensation plan. 673-7601 G1•r.. 1ooz·•wra1 1002 . ................... , .....•..........•...•.. ~·· ' Open ..J.lou.6e:J · BALBOA iSLAHO 202 EMHALD -SUM. 1-5 Gorgeous 3 bdrm., 2 bath home featuring lovely mstr. bdrm .• with garden terrace + lovely front patio. Beautiful condition Th ruout. Xlnt rocation on quiet street, near bay. ·Oflered at $132,500 212 AGATE-SAT. & SUK. 1·5 Immaculate 4 bdrrii. home with lamily rm .. lro11t patio & lge. living rm. with lrplc . + 2 bdrm. apt. Offered at $139,500 210 PU.RL-sAT. & Sl,IM. l•S J ust s teps to )>.e;ach from this charming 3 bdrm. 2·story home, with cozy den & 'private side patio + l·bdrm. apt. with beamed cell's., & guest rm. & bath. Good vf.lue at $1351000 ' ' 304 ONYX -SUNDAY l·S Older 4 bdrm. home in convenient .location, nr. bay & village; a great buy at $62,500 201 HO. 14Yl'ROHT - SAT. & SUH. 1·5 The quiet end or the island, is the setting !or this lge. 3 bdrm. home, offering fabulous views thruout, with 2 frplcs. & set on an extra Jge . lot + 2-bdrm. home in rear with bay·view. Offered at $249,000 WILLIAM WINTllf REAL WAtt nt••···· ........ 671-3331 associated 1' ~ " ' • • . .. l•H Pw'n 11 1o'o1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oc•• c_.,.. View Slloudllh EVENING CANYON RD ,Contemp multi level f BO, ~ ~ Uving Rm . Family Rm 3 Frpla. + secluded Cbildr6na play area. $169,000. 644·11.96 Days 675 -4865 Evening s Broker 213-558·0500 Anytime. I He•t to R11q11in9 Str·eelft~ ne•'r Hew;o.+'1 Upper lay. 345 u.1 ..... 11y iir. (Juatoft Irvine Ave) 548·7223 WOClDj. , 11/tll/I ... ' 1 , .. MOVE'IN NOW ROMAM HOi.IDA't SPICW. This 1BR ~ Family • room home with aunken bath-tub&: atrium entty- will delight )'Olli every fancy. CALL TODAY, 842-9371 -Waiki" 1; let: Ht:al l·,falt! ' ..... ~ •••• ••• j<'I ., II• I ,,, ,~ ·-;Hu . ;w /1 ~ B·I •ul bib I Chi u, at• •• -. Pri Bet fro 1 .. in\i pol "I Loi de• ~ ar< ' B' CO< . blt ........, I (I. "'' Ce! (2. ... po. hot FI\ Tr 48 Ch Bf 531 BE .... ~?; blo Sc GI 96l lo• ' "' t m• ho ml I Jt »• lie Im lot ae Tl ye Al N1 Ki b t •• w; di fl. ta .. OP O' B, do I• SI ... ,,., •• .. , ,_ y It ,, h R I b, • " i a , .. t. d ., • > 1 ,, • I •• .... " • 1: " u -- s t t t I • " . • v c " ' " I h ' t" I ' I I >' '" -' • \ Saturday, May 10. 1975 C.4.ILVPll:.OT C7 ........... U.. ..._i J _ ... Mo ~-...... H . ~···················· ....... s. ~ ..... ,,. Ho.M1For S. ""'21L: .... ._.. 104 "lne •••••••••••i(,''' .,. ••••••••••• ,.,,,,,,,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••'· ••••••••••••.··~···•••••• ••••r•, ,, ••••••••• ,,, •••••, ,, , 44 L ••· • leec.la . I 04I ._. leedl I 041 L ••• 1 M'9-I I OIZ Newport leedl I 069 ~:.~~ ........ 1~:.~.5!! ....... ~.~~ ...... . New port INCll. I 0 6'Nowporl loodl I 06' tlo ....... loocli I 069 M ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ., SIL 11 ••• to 11ip rtciate A de· $61.000. -Sharp, newer 2BR, 2ba, L 0 0 ,!<ING FOR A PROMOMTOIY ................................................ . ..................... . " llghltuf 11 ard~n sur· ~am ceLUngs , new crpls, drps, Ocean ~JlMEE~ Tc Ft AM !kl IAY HOMES round1 Lhla 3 bdrm. 2 View. Zb + · dua om di · Luxury waterfront b11lh • ramllyrm. bo~e I 1 111 po~ eru~m. n· homes p~lced from in Tur\lorock Uke new• 179 "OO D n rm, re VIRJ r!"· $210,600. M waterf'ronl$. Lota of ext~u. 168 900 ·• • -uplex, O(:eanslde of hwy. equally spack>wi r1m1ly 807 Ba yside Drive , lncludin1i1 the land, . • Fireplaces, near stairs to beach. Xlnt ~~· . .J.0.rner lot wtview. Newport Beach. bi3·3900 ~ICUTIYIHOME RAISOR'S area. -· ~ '" rQOL & ru. y y ARD I N T E R 1 O R llEWrORTSHOIES O ~sJGNER 'S llOME. Jw:t listed! 3 BR. plWI ,,asoo SQ FT. "' lu•"'Y. REALTO~'S Stf,100. -Fantastic coastal views. .)tu1e lot, CUit.om pool "oR 2b f I E -,.w t rountaln "jacuzzi. ~ • a, rp c. ·Zto add more rms. -Stip. play yard + solid 452.1 Cumpua Dr., Irvine ~ den. Move-in coocUt1on ! free·form pool & jacuzzi, l..oweilt priced in arc111, 38R, 2ba, lovely tam rm, only $47,500 wet bar, intercom, 2 C YWOOD •••TY brick p11lld + flreplt. Ga . C'lmpu11 Valley Shop Ctr B·B·Q. Elegant Mll1ter1--C_A_L'-L'-l'-l'-).l'-".:.60.:.0:__1 CALL MARY IROWH. 494-9704 l'laco Ro9ly !rplc~. Selling price In· A R-- clude8 mttny de<.'Orator 1 ___ •_S:....:4::8_·::1::29::0::._• __ 1 1uit.e + 3 Ira bdrnu, 2w TU bth. Prof decor. 908·«56 RTLIROCK DIA.HI CiilDEMS New listin1. 4 Bdrma., L ....... ach 1041 C family rm .• dining rm.,?••••••••••••••••••••••• hoo11e from 2 models ! ! ! b Wood "' Unique emotion• a. sysetting,wlth HAHDYM.A.H 2 r11dwood patlo:s; atrJuma. Rom11n bath, fabulous location ttcrOAs . SPECIAL gttrden kit . 3 or frompiii"k &pool.$68,950 Unl.que co n~e mporary ~ri~ed t,,~11.o~ DAVID D. CAJtLSOM ~e;.1gYio'01~.xiEAR~g~ RAPIDLY REALTOR I JJ.9293 VERDE STONE, STUC· APPRECl.ATIMG University Park, 4 Br, 3 CO, ETC. Located on UeautUulduplexSblock · Ba, $6,000 down, by spaclou1, poolslze I b h Bull .. ' grounds <OVER ll,000 rom eac . <l.lng is owner. 551 ·2843alt Spm. SQ. f'T. ), in fmer Cily of leu lhan 1 yr new. Supc investment with gre;j MS.500. Pricl.'d for Quick Laguna section. Unlque4 potential.968·44:i6 Sale, by owner. 10% BDRM. & FAM . RM. MOST Down. J BR, Fa!ll·rm, floor plan, serviced by 3 • EAUnFUL lndry rm, cent. aJr, no-BATHS. Entry foyer has •• wax floors, shg crpts. D E L P I S 0 Tl LE HoMeOftthebloc.k'' cu11t. drps & concrete. FLOORS 4' opens to Lots or new caq>el. prof·. Lush lo·maint. lndscpg. SEP A RATE WING decorated. Sharpest pool Comm. Park &Pool. 4101 WITH 27 FT. UV. RM ., I around w /cool dec klna & Glenwood St. (Green· CENTER FIREPLACE I Bar ·B ·Q . Front tree).Ml·2100 OF PALOS VERDES courtyard. 4 bcdrm, 2'h STONE, SET lN GLASS blh.968·4456 SP A_NJS l-1 '(I RGIN · WALLS. Ultra modern --~~=-----I Irvine .. Highly U.P · kitchen with CERAMI C HEWPORTWE$T graded 3BR, 2ba, den, TILE. ALL BUILT·IN SPECIALS ram rm, A/C. 500.990. By RANG E , o v EN, S'fEPSTOBEACll owner. (7 14 )551·6118 D I s JI W S It R (1.) 48R·One Story, cor· TOWNHOUSE· $31,900. 2 DISPOSAL, ETC & I · h · opens to large fam. rm. ncr ot wit trailer ac· BR, 2 Ba. 2 Story. Air with OPEN BB i\M cess. cond. Like new. 6'4·4887. CEILINGS OF Rl=:SAWN l2. l 3BR·Two Story , 2\oii:ba, form! din, 11/F Owner. Heaut upgrd'd &; WOOD This spacious pool, trailer or mobile lndscpd , S&S Home. h o m e N E B D S home access. 4Br+Bonus rm. $72,500. CARPETING, l'AIN- Both 111re beautiful 552·1978 /554!-1707 . TING, YARD WORK ·& SO?i.1E GENERAL beachAroperties UNIVERS ITY PRK CLEAN UP It's an out· 962·~1 Ait8J5·02ll . d' Pager No.50GX Plush, pvt. rustic l yr. stan 1ng buy for ---~-----1 old home. 3 br, study, $64,900 FULL PRICE FJVE MIN. TO BEACH· country kitch, f11:m. rm., HURRYONTHISONE1 Logu..a leach I 041 items. $98,)()(). DONO R~ALTV tNC.831·9411 •••·~··••••••••••••••••Mission Vie jo 1067 EMERALD BAY. Wood & ••••••••••••••••••••••• itlass, view .~ BR, 4 ba., SWlM POOL&LUXURY form. din. rm., wet bilr, OWNER selling 48drms d~n, 2 frpl , &uper delu,xe (or 3 & den) on lg. corn. kit. 3 Garages, patJ.o, lot. w/boat/cmpr area. walk to beach & tenrus. Lae pool w /jacuzzi & $250,000. pool sweep. Walled·in OCEAN SlD1E llw~ .. privacy w/view. 'fake Deluxe 3 8R, 2 V, ha., din. over 1"/o VA $35,500 loun . rr:n ·• den, 2 frpl.~et bar. Full price only iJ>9,900. view. Owner finance. (Take 2nd) ~1·5050 $159.SOO LAGUNA NIGUEL : OWMERS charming 4 BR, 21h ba., huge !iv.; spacious din., SACRIFICE country kitchen, den; 2 Lake view. prof. de· trpl., pool. $74.500 corator'& home. Large&t XTRA, 2 BR, 2 ba., North ''Islander'' model. 5BR end, frpl; walk to beach. 21.i!abil, ram rm. formal Owner finance. $58,500 dining, massive 2·slory DELIGHTFUL Condo: 3 entry, load11 of gla!ls and BR, 2'h ba-.. den, din . private e·n cl o se d rm ., 2 fr p I .. pool, grounds, Lake Forest. clubhouse . $64.500 Owners anxious. Price EMER.<\LD BAY, coast $&1.900. \'i"ew ; 4 BR, 3 ba., den; TOLLE REAL'fORS owner finance. Sl85,000 •• 586-~ •• PEG ALLEN _ . REALTOR 494·7578 B\_' OWNER Panorami c 1095N .Coast.Uguna view . 4 br, fam rm w/frpl . Cul -de·sac. W/W cpts, lndscpg. Central A/Cond'g. Bllns, CO\"d. patio. 1960 sq. n. 1 'h'i0 assum. FHA loan. Priced in low $62,000. 58&54'.E3 COtlDO Al'TS. \Ve have l .• ~ & 3 bdrm. oc ean view c on - dominiums, in3di(Cerent loc ations . Pets OK. Priced from $36,500 to $65.900. For information, call : Trees & roses nestle thls 2600 brick paUo. Atrium, MISSION REALTY 48d, 2ba. [p & panlg. quiet cul·de-~ac 1 blk . lo 9855 CstJlwy,Laguna .Jl"i'.::Zf'G~ Clean·Bargain ot $42 500. pool. Land 1.nc 565.SOO. Ph 49•0731 ""--nn~ BKR. 968 ·3301 : E~es . Open Sat )Sun. 1·5, 17642 ___ o_n_e __ ~----1 """""-' "' 536-7036 Laurel Tree Ln. ~-0896 . .t90·2eoo ~::;!~!_ ______ ,.:::=.:::...:.:.::::.:::::.=:..::::::_IExcept1ona I S, Laguna i====='-'==------1 BY OWNER. SEVILLE Popular Arruza model. 2BR & den. f'am. rmlkil. Sharp1 Upgradt.>d. Pror. landscape d for low mainl , 7'"k assumable VA . $51,900. 830-BZ*I B EAUTIFUL l arg e PRIVATE PARTY would value. 2 BD, adult, own AHUMK ·sp1clous home, over 3000 like to purchase from your own. $32.000/with OF HEAVEN sq. ft. 4 BR, den &formal owner, plan 3 house in $7,500. down. Owner will It's all here! Out.standing .. ···-··· .. :· AMERICAN "· '·.HOME.: BAYFROHT 2 Custl)m liOmet BALBOA PENINSULA Excellent location on the Bay & only 14 bl~k to the Ocean. l!:ach home has 4 bdrms, 4 baths & Galle ry. 2 fireplH.Ce!I , wetbar, ultra modern kitchen & private pier. Fee la nd. See 11l 1200 E11sl Balboa 81\'d .• or call 675·8120 for more de· tails. BAYCREST by owner, 4 BR, D/R, f /R, 31h Ba . Jva,n We ll s custo m . $103,000. Below market! Pr:incipah1 onJy .1146--1513 BEST BUY in Harbor View Homes. Located on hill, overlook· ing Fashion Island on beautiful cul-de .sac s t re et . Beautiful Portirino model, 2 story, 4 bedrooms, 2 (pies. wet bar. large lot b<lcking up to pr1valc field. CustOm patio & brick BBQ area for entertainment. You own the land. Listed at only $94 1~. Others in area selling !or .,.·ell O\'er $100,000. Won't last. Call World Real Est.ate 556·7777 Charminq Newport Heights, 4 bdrms ., 2 up, 2 down: 21h baths, lge. kilehen with bllns. & hdwd. cabinets; lge. ram ily rm., brick rrplc.; dbl. door entry, slate floor. Shake roof. $78,000 Pool dln·rm, Jge b<IC'il:yard, Turtlerock.833·2956 .carry bal. 81ft"k Arch ocean view, walk to blockwall rence, near Ba y Real E state . beach,oncblocktoshop- Schools. Asl!lumc 8V4C'k BY OWNER Turtlerock 1_4_99_·_22_7_7_. ______ 1 pin~ center, yet secluded GI. As king $7 1,500. Broad"tnoor, Plan 4C. & private : on large, 983·3409 or 631.i-4010 <Ask 5841 Sierra Cicio, Open lnd scpd. lot. Asking for Dennis RbyanJ llousc. Sun 1·5 Spec-$74,500 tacular 4 BR. 21h Ba, L 0 0 K ! t'or mal Din·rm. Rec Bl!\ · OPEN SAT /SUN 12·5 rm, lge patio, prof de· ~fi©t:Pll ti::. Better t hen new.only g corated & landscaped. ID©& :Gt? ·., 11r At 1uu •• • ····· ..... Tree-hidden, in Newport GRAMADASIOMOD. Jf eights; 4 bdrms., 311: {Off Marguerite Pkwy.) ba., bltn. kilchen ; lge. 4BR , 2~ba, bonus rm. diningrm.&familyrm.; w/wet bar, A!C. beaut. unu s u~I shell stone dec "d. $82,500. Terms frplc .; intercom all avail. rooms. Courtyard entry 494.751.3 494-1001 w1thlovelypool.i77.900 mos old. 4 Bdrm, ~l/:z Ba ?i.1any xtras $75,000. MEW DUPLEX-VIEW 408-2800 house. Many extras! l 833.9075 (Owner has in. "of Oc~an. 2BR, 2ba ea. OELIGl-ITFUL 1 bedroom mi.from beach. actlve R. E.lic.) B!tn k1tch,_ trash com· & den OYO apt. AdulU 20412AllportLane p tr, frplc s. $135,000. I A r v·ct LOOK PROPERTIES 'farms on y. cross rom i or 846·3336 LagwMI leach 1048 · Hugo's. block to shop· ---==-==---1••••••••••••••••••••••• MIGUEL SHORES ping a nd beach. Owner HUGE LOT EMERALD B h y ; .. Oceans ide Spanish finan~e~(;~a~zKy J bdrmhomeincxccllent Sacrifice by owner. Mod . custm bit 3BR. Realtor 494·8611 Hurtt.inaton .Beach loca· Charming 2 DD. ,2 BA. 21h ba, great kitch, huge i..o=='----"'-'-'-=1 tlon on 50x200 lot. Perfect Prl are1. '85,'°°. firm. Jiv rm, den w/frplc, din & SEABREEZE 875N.CoastHwy. CALL e •••·24 1-1 -M--'-IS.:.S'--10'--M=Vc.IEJ-""O-I IP.~ GOLi' COURSE Estate. 11-4 open house 26972 Escondido, Mission Viejo. '. ' . . '. . "' . . . N~•r N~•p•r 1 P••• 0111 ... CUSTOM JACUZZI + Pool. Big Canyon 's best S value. Elegant 1 story, 3 Br, 3 Ba, immaculate, highly upgraded . $135,000. VALLEY REAL TY PRESENTS PREFERRED HOMES i.HMOUMCEMEMTI • \/alley Realty has beendesignatcdaslhe exc lusiv e Orange Co unt y representative or l>refcrr~d Ho mes, a nationwide n etwork of hundreds o f brokers all coordina ting the ir errort!' to make YOURJOB OF'l lOUSESELLING ANDH'OUSE HUNTING Ei\Sl ER. Your. home listed thru Valley Realty appears in a high quality photo listing book in hltndreds of o ffices a ll over the U.S. If you have to move from Oran ge County we can s how you actual listin gs for sale everywhere in the country. Call 3nd ask for the c urrent issue of o ur photo lis ting book. AM ESTATE! This h illside property has three separate yards -one is a glorious patio and patio cover area with views or the Harbor Area, one is a la rge private garden area with masonry walls, and one has a s parkling pool in the center of it. Gracious four be droom 2400' home in exceptional condition located in COM 's bes t new area. 1653 Reefview Circle $134.950. Open tod"y 1·5 p .m . OCEAN VIEW Ocean and exceptional canyon view ·from this super sharp two bedroom and den hom e in lovely Shorecliffs. What a home ror the s mall family ! Two patio areas for outdoor entertaining. 330 Morning Canyon. $106,000 Open to· day 1·5 p .m . DOLL HOUSE Adorable two bedroom, "Old Corona11 doll house. Beamed ceilings, fireplace, new carpeting and a great patio area with patio cover and terraced garden area. 420 Poins ettia. $62,500. Open today l ·Sp.m. CHARM PLUS Englis h country kitche n farm house with quaintness that simply captivates you fr om t h e mome nt you see it. Sensa- tion al brick patios, french doors, balconies a nd corner windows. T hree bedrooms and a sleeping loft for a little o n e. complete with the wor ld 's s mallest brass bed. On Wate rfront in Corona de! Mar. $1.2.5,000. C:all 6 75-7225 CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OF VALUE VALLEY REALTY A BERG ENTERPRISES CO. OPEN Sat. Sun. l·~. lSOB Dover Ur., Westcfiff. 4b, 2 ba, fam. rm., .PoOL $87 ,000. Owner. 642·7674 By Ownt r Nice lrg I Br, house, new carpet. 1 blk to bc.h. SS3 .900. Terms o,)tn. 556·8181 Wouldn 't you love to have a guest house with your J'h yr. young, m.intcond llarbor View 3 BR llome! Co mm. pool & rec. area .• OPEN 1·5SATONLY t829 Port Taggart Pl (o(f Ford Road) Newport· Irvine Rltrs 17742 lrvine Blvd. 1'ustln 838·8586 1076 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llEW, CUSTOM ?i.1ED1TERRANEM' Outstan din g vie w . Prestigious area. 3 Br, 2 Ba . \ge fam rm & kitch, formal din. area. Quality appliances & floor rover· i n~. Landscaping Ii sprinklers. G.W. PAULIN CONST 492·1222, San Clemente $1US,000. 325 E. Cordo,,,a, corner E11peranta CANT AMAR l•antastic vi ew of San Cle me n te & ocean. Spanish S lUCCO W/tile roof. 1956 sq. ft. 3 br. den & tam. rm. w/~·etbar. Su nken li v. rm., lg. din. rm. Picture book kitch. w/all bltns . 3 car gar. Brand ilew ! Under $90,000. Cont.act owner. K71·7483. COASTLINE VIEW, new, 2600' cust.om home. Ft:e land. $98,500675-4472 San Jun Capistrano I 071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEAR ?itarina, JuxuriollS S BR, 2800 sq. ft. home. Jmm e d . occupancy. $79,900. By owner. 34031" Calle Acordarse, Days, eves & wknds. 496-800 Santa Ana 1080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NORTHTUSMN Secluded, country estate. Established neighborhood. Quality built. 2200 sq. ft. 3 Bedroom .. $64,000. 544-4.738 5·9 l'fl.1. * OPEii HOUSE * .Saturday I to 4 Fantastic ror LgefamHy 3213 So. Sycamore. Sand Point Home--4 Br, 3ba, f'R + lrg Bonus Rm. • Agnt. MO-Im Mobile Homes For Sole-1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tor a cardening buff. All 494-7075 fam r ms. Security., ten· for only $32,500. Call us lo · "t & pl s100 ooo •··b see at 897·032 1. XLMT IEACH COMDO ~~t ~II orrers. ' . ...,.. . & OCEAHYIEW \ \LLE' HE \LI'' Puul W (;1 v rnlu·h.l 6.A ,,ot '>49-ij'>O'> Howport Beodl I 069 Newport loodl I 069 GREElll.EAF ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••··~·· SStar Ad ult Community •• .. one bloCk to beach. 494.7513 49 ... 100 I' Close to beach and shop· Pool an~ rec. room·Some 875 N. Coast llwy ping. Custom built older , · · · ocean view. $37,950. PH: -------~--1 home with unique styl-~: , 1 : 499 ·4551/ 494·8086 or 2Br. Deck. Lower Studio. 1l~;d.sc!'pre~r!~iqo:af~t\yY 493·8812 1184 La Mirada. can for Ll uGO 9 decorated. Many plllS A Rt HG f NTflH"HSt'> <.,{) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~:=~~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17SO Whiltier Ave, CM Hewportleach 1069..........., ~Nice duplex, Npt Isl. l BYOWMER has available a 20x.S3 LIDO ISLE BR 1h b Lancer, $15 ,000 is in , l a. ea. $93,500 Massive stone & heavy be.autifu l condition & SPYGL •SS YIEW YI• NICE Marshall Rily 675·4600 shake ranch home on the ~ ~ ·1 l must be seen to be ap- HYH PRICES . Cha m·ng3br 2b3 1~1 most beaut1 u, lush r 1 • , ... • Harbor Highlands $55,800. gree n corner in B IG preciatcd. Call between MR.EXECUTIVE ., Appl.4 4'3661 re a tu re s Including This cou Id be w ha lJ c...._::.R::E=A:.:L::E::S:.T:.:A=T::E.=--2Br. Den, View Deck beautiful wood and used 4 Br , 3 ba, din r1n, !am immed. occupancy . Owner. 3 Br, 2 ba, frplc. CANYON-Wisteria cov· 9·6pm rm. billiards rm, wet $79,500. Owner/Agent. Xlnl cond. Mariners ered arbor gardens lead 646-7965 you 're looking for . SPARMUMG 1164La~1irada brick. Almost new Park Place. Call for Appnt. 49"·3661 bar. 3 car gar. Ocean &. I ~·7~3~·64~8~9~~~~~~~ 1cs:· e~h~oo=l.=V~a~e~a~n~l.:64:"'6·~9564:::''-I lo •talned & leaded •I••• 1----'-------Va lley view. $125,000.1 ~ Estate S.ale·New dbl mob Callnow,494·3.160 Owner,540·1346 BLUFFS-Condo enlry. 4 Bdrm, 4 Ba-hm ,loc in exclusive Near Mile Sq. Park. 4 3 Bdrms ., 2 bath King size bdrms, 3 full Emerald Bay home ! b al h s . 0 v er s i z c d archilect designed, pro- se.Para le family room fessionally decorated; with fi replace. Formal open beamed ceilings in dining. Totaling 2.500 sq. livini & dining rms. Sun· St. $74,950. Call for de· ny view deck: poolsized t ails. Its super nice. yard. Approved plans for S68·33?l. expansion. $137,500 PRIYATEAREA - Ench3nting, year old 4 bdrm. garden home. , . Enter thru an arched col· onade. Decorator de· -~~=====--1 si~ned interior; beamed •$2 ,000 TAX CREDIT· I __ _<:O~w~n~e~r~/~A~g~en~l'._ __ 1·.:.-:;;:;c:-;-;c;:;~:;;:;;:;--'.>RIG. BLUFFS ''6" Plan T w o h u g c s lone Ba I b 0 a Bay are a. Sweeten~thepurchaseof l-CATA.LIMA.VIEW. w /view of h1gh·rise -$79,500-fireplace s -Beamed 518 ,000. 7141842.2370 or this sparkling new home. • L Dupl lights or Newport Center. 2 Story-3Br-t lhRa ceilings-huge Roman 213i 295.5245. Unobstructable coast LOCJ1MaH1111 1050 uxury ex 4 Br, 3 Ba . Needs de· .BEAUTIFUL VIEW lub & indoor jacuz~i in line vil!iw + city lights. 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reduced $2000 corating. Make offer. Lots of Extras masterbedroom suite. '67 r·1eetwood. 40xl2'. Br,2ba. $74,500. SADDLEBACK VIEW!! 646·4848&.645-4860 Must sell. Open Sat & $79 ,500 Own tBrkr Lovely stone edged pool Quiet Eastside C~\ Trlr .. TRILEVBLBEAUTY· Immac. 3 br, 2 ba, in - 0 -'-'--1-.. -'-~"----I Sun 1-5. 2108 Vi s ta M4·4746or642·0590 &.waterrallbesidelattice Park.$4750.642·9464. Xlnt. vi ew. 3 br, 2 ba, Laguna Terr. By owner/ c•Oll ro JC Laredo. Owner/Agent. & shake covered lanais. ----'------- frplc, garden patio. Brkr. Many extras, as· Large, new 4 rm, 2 675-6775or644-0575. NEWPORT BEACH Including gas BBQ & Ne wport Beach, water Designed for pc r£e ct sume 7% loan, $43,900. bath & dining rm . HOUSE $lZ,SOO Firepit. Intercom-air "iew, 2 BR. Adil Pk, mother·i n·law qlrs. 837·1234 Custombltwoodins ide& LIDO ISLE cond. l-lo:.pj.l.al,,.degerm· private beach. 496·0266 $67,500. out, rock trplcs. 4 car un· p •R ·~E We ha ve two 2 bdrm ing systenf'. The finest or675·4054 *NINE COM?i.1ERCIAL derground garage & "' #U1 houses in Newport decorator wall cover-1-'--'-'-="------- Units. can't duplicate to-LagunaMllJIMI 1052 worklihops .. $189,500 . OF EXCLUSIVES l-l eights near 1-loa g ings, dr<1pcrics & in-BY OWNER Levittit.xtiO, day. Call for lnCQme de· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 494·7915 or 494-0615, Dave Spacious, Chcrmlng Hospital for only 10'"/o tcriors thruout . Ap-5 Star Adult Park. San tails. $179,500. Doherty, Owner/Agent. 6 Efdrms .. den & study; down an~ $32,500 each. pruised al $245.000 will 1..:'~"='~"cC~a~po-.:::.·~49J.:::.c8537:=:_ __ sandy beach. $375,000 Owner will carry second s acrifice for $189,500. A ... AHEIM t FA.MT ASTIC 4 Bdrms. & ram. rm.. but insists on selling both Open everyday. 644·9400. 24 x 60 2 BR. 2 Ba. Den + bgtwa A.._ POOL HOME pier&.slip.$249,500 sincethey'rconthcsamc -BR r ,..._ 1 l no·g Canyon 4 & am Wet·bar. Beaulful upr· with patio of£ master 3 Bdrms., dining rm. & 0 • G ·.,0 ••• lot : OPEN SAT & SUN, Il)' Owner, assume 7i..!i:%, 3 BR, 2 Ba, Townhouse, decorated t hru·out. Jncld. Boo!Ccase, new Shag, $33,000. 847·4273, 8477 Benjamin Dr . ceilings in living rm. & dining rm., m.<itr. bdrm. suite, family rm. Swim· ming pool with jacuzzi. Beautifully landscaped for minimum main- ten11nce. Close to tenni s courts & beach. $82,500 !rplcs. Owner bought $152,500 Ua c cgan <ll>P s. · I-'--'--""'---'-'-REAL ESTATE bdrm. dining room & 2 fam . rm. 45 Ft. lot., IQ 11 l rr .• tor e-t "" Bcsi. ~~~fli~~1~':i1~· 898-4100 . . 13505.CoostHwy. another & motivated lo 5 8drms .. fam.rm.,45ft. Plac• ~001~~0 $l 79 •500 · Agt HU ... TIMGTOH • 1...,.1,.. 1044 494-8536 sell.Call833-3548 lot.SlJ9,500 Prap•rti•• , · ::::._____ BEACH _ .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lf!.fl l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I SPARUMG J Bdrms., 21f.i ba., 54 ft. 1s2-1920 DO ... 'T WAIT 20x4s 1973, Beuulirul 2 , ''"-~EALTORS ~o~dS/~~T2 ba .Sl07,500 i•ooouAillt.Hi wl'OlltaiAc.-TILL SUMMER BR. 2 Ba , s pace rent SDKtacul .. Yiew!! llOSN.Coo1•H wy.,loguna FIRST 0 FFERING. a•y YllW MO\'C in now!!! Canyon Estate lo purchase lhat perlect $82.SO p/mo. Sl4,990. You"'li .:.see the serenity or ..._4-ll77 . Delightful 3 BR. stud y, 0 57':' 1 ~ 1 summer rental duplex Call l-Jarlcnc 898·4169 l reen hills and the beau· ... Y: HEEDS bright & cheery Garden ver o s ........ acu ar Curved d ri \IC . SI a le only 1,7 block from super I . h •~ C · f•srs••• h ~.soo · waterfront, huge master foyer, double door entry. beach. Li\'C in or renl HUHTIMGTOH ty or twinkllna 1g ts Oc:filQr "' anyon vtews. "' jlllU,,ti; ome .......... -bdrm & marble frp\c. central kitchen, family out. NOW REDUCt;l>TO BEACH from this 4 bdrm. Turtle Courl yrd entry. pool. Walk to tennis courts, &tijoytheGoOc:IUfe Priced t o 1ell fast . roo m , den, secluded ONLY $93 ,500 . Call Rock Hilla home. lt's Spa, 3 BD pis seperate lara;e pool and ocean Call 49)..1513 Hurry! Call83J-3S48 master with balcony, 8 644.7211 Agent Double-wide Mobile. 3 beautiful thruout, with guest hse. One yr. new. from this two story, 3 SPARUMG fl. fireplace, prestige 1..::.:.:...:.::c:..:;..:::::____ BR, 2 Ba, raised porch. 1 t e p . u p entry , l'teduced to $105 ,000. , bedroom, 2 bath home ON El Niguel Golf Course, 31/2 YR. MEW area. Lowest priced tri· LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT $9000. DKl946-7. wa llpapers, panellng Arch Bay Real Eltate with dining room plus 3 BR Condo. on Fairway. REALTORS DUPLEX level in Newport. Take 327 Via LidoSoud MOBIJ,.E PROPERTIES and a garden bath. They ~;•~99~·~227~7~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j family room. Located in Upgraded t.hn.1-0UL Pri ------~ advantage. Call 645-0303. OPEN SAT. 1·5 • 6l8·95Sl • even Included fruit tree!l nice private community. pty. 493·7421 -..ir.L-ID. -0 .-1S·L-E .._ Steps·to leach Premium 5 Udrm. 4~'.lba, Mobile Home. 12 x r.o cx- 1n the pro!c1slonal $69500 Ex ce\lcnt3br,2ba. near·ncw,cxtras galorc, pando2Br,lV.Ba,$8000. landscapln1. $99,2.M lncl. Upper 3 Arch lay ARCHITECTURAL *WE KMOW * BRIGHT &.LIGIIT! owner's unit with 2 br, 2 pier & dock . Best value Big trees, Santa Ana theland. NEW 3 bdrm., 21,ii ba. MASTERPIEeE LACiUMAMICiUIEL Desia:ned for Kids & b11 . rental, booked tor on Lid o Baytront . Adult Park . Days home reaturinl lge. This new 3 bedroom "* tEST * Parties. Summer. s11:-i,ooo Open $270,000. 543.4053 beamed ceiling living home with exteMiveuse OPENl-IOUSE12:3C).5;3(l 4 BR or 3 BR/Den, Big llousebyappt. J3 'tt. gh R lt l-'-"'-='------ rm With Wet •-r Brklsl I M y · , •t n IO am ca 9 •crea-for .... 1200 · .,.. · · of wood and g ass, A 10&11 sunny patio. !Vii -.. s. ~ ~ ~ .- ' ' v,51.N nrea off kitchen. 2 breathta king view!J of 2358 \Las ColinasCL Easy te rms. By appt. T 1 # ~· >'rplc»; front & rear d ~ ~'"<% alALTY patios. Call Ull fo r ad· ocean and night lights, i!l NORTHVI EW·Due to e·i ~6~7~5~-7~54~2~~~;;';?,~ l -~==-'J*~''I·~·~=·=-" . 55 •• 7500 dress. Offered•tS98.500 truly a rare fi nd for the ath in fa mily this al most ~ 673.2493 "?!~~~~·~~~~~~1 owner that demands new 3BR, 2 full ba home 4•: WILLIAMWINTOM quality . See thJ , canbeyoursforlessthan BUYYOURBEACH ~1 Rtal lltMe dramatic home today! $60,000. Occupifld onJy .4 & spend the summer on 3 BR . 2V. Ba, Adult Condo . ~ LocatlPI Loctlff<Mtt Balboa Island beautifully decorated. tenants pay for your lux-cor 'd. Lovely p11tio & I t..:AL"tCR'.l ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3336 Via Lido 675·012J A v 0 c A D ·o LA N D - Sl,790 /Ac . Rancho , C:1. Newport Beach I 069Mtwport leodl I 069 80°/o seller flnanttd, 8'7o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Int. Tight S forces sale. Owner. 7t4 /67&5734 Apartments for sale 1300 ........................ . , Uttl•en1ty P.W 229 Marine Ave. .$lS9,900 mo'a, Nicely hhcpd. and the sand. Let the winter Nr. w11ter. Beaut'ly dC'· ~ _L Sharp' 2 bdrm., 2 both ... 675-3331 * 196SSo. Com1ll~wy. You mustl!leethis one. ury. Duplex 2 br up & pool. Garage W/Opl!iner.' macnab / Irvine :/.-townhouse·: e nd unlt ,1~~~~~~~~~~1 LaaunaBeach down , it pac. d!!:ck, 552 -8080 ; or Eves & I I r backing major 1reen·I'. 494..o749 LARGE 24'x16' game fabulous view. $14~.000. Wknds ,645·4751 rea t11 , BARGAIN price for fast ~t belt. Upa:raded thruou\. OrluSA.T.1·5 1·~~~~~~~~~~1 room, dbl s7.. master Is terrif ic buy for 1 ---=~--"----I ~ sale. Beaut. condo com-"' ~ k 1 S " N t Beteh -ean SECLUDBD 3 br, 2 ba, I 112 ·,. -led s 'W On mlr e , tt! 31501 snwJflllrlfDr• SU\te,2 baths.i...OCatedin ewpor "'" ' fatn r m , open beams, pex. URI'""•'"" 8 .tt.· wl Ask for Lorraine So. Lal(una. Wood &: prestieious area, new •P·1.1:.:"'"=t.:.. C:.:•:.:l.cl 6'-7"-~'---'-'---frplc . lge wooded lot . Dy 3 FAIRWAY VIEW apts. Projected '7S in· ~.~ PmlTRlALTY . gla1a -hideaway , 2 pllance i, low mairit. HARBORVIEWHOMF.S owner.$$7,S00.2'30Holly b~::in~;!f.rfa~Oo:!: __ _:1:::1:::2:.·~7..:000=---I bdrm1.,2ba,oceanview, ldlc~. Over 2JJOO sq n. MONACO 2 +den. Ter·. Ln. Sat &: Sun 11·4. HOMES garages. For sale or 2 car 1ar., u.p !St l\ve.. $59. · rlfie view, pool & tennis 1..o645::..;·l:.:4.c96c.·------I IY IULOH HODGES trade down. 7o/., T.D. By YA.1~1 d rlghtonSce'nlc,$54.500 MONARCH BAY.SUper, near. $8 7.900. OPEN ILUFFSVIEW own('r Mr. 8 ., 400 .N. ti ~~~A~ter~:; .~:rpl!i~ Z50S lrlt Woy Hot Dualex cu1tom 3BRM2ba ~me ~~r1'1~~~N ' 2330 Port Spacious Cu3tomiied Individual design s & noor plans. 4 :7~~~i!4 Fullerton. (714} ,1 fr convert. den: tip top 2 Bdrm,.,' 2mba~home .• c Io s e . In • ht!; v 11 Y w/ocean & t. v1ew1. Capri Realty 644 ·7525 Condominium 3DR.3 Ba and 5 bedrooms -complete except condition! F.A. heat: beaut.vew, •"""' wooded . loaded Decorat.ed & Ids~ to VlewofBay 412Plata for drapery. Immediate occupancy! LAG . Bch oceanfront 11~ eentrPI air ; lovely REA~~~AGl:.~;Sl l w/shingles. 2 Bdrm., I ferfectlon .A k~ny Beat Buy in Newpof1t $72,000 Owner67S·3400 Inspect a113 -representative at #1 apts . $189.000. ~ctn. carpet.ti & dra~. Con· ba. plus t bdrm., t ba. eat u re 1 . s n g Shores 8Y Own«-Se · BURNING TR EE ROAD. SAT. & Finan.Ok. OwnJ,311.03:2.1 crit.• driveway&: paUo Storybook charmer. $123,000. l n1 Bllow Mkt . at BLKlo Beach-fum2Br.2 stab. Prlc~ toiell! Superb family hm. Top of $85,000 Laguna Hl9* Rtty •. $47,500. 328 Proapcct. lla, own land. $SB.500 or SUN.1-5 P .M · {A20) leoclli Pr,•fMl•tr ,I J SO \ " MOlGAM UALn World, 3 BD , 2 BA. faml· 1..,~~~~~~~~~1~4~9~6>:·4!0~4~0~~1~3~0.~5~i0~5~0 Open Sat /Sun. C•ll l11e opllolll. '601 Balboa •••••••••••••-,.•·••• " r · l l Z 4222 ly rm. frp\c, blllns. w/w.1· 962·6964or$34.alll0 Blvd. OPEN HOUSE 4-6 J.-12 4-6H11 OPIM MMAY • • areat fncd yd. Under-OPEN HO.USE. Sat/Sun, z DD. 2 BA . Den, at.rtum, Dally.84.6·2983.0wner. '°~·°""':" ~M.Ar~~ . MOl HH'S:OA.Y n.~nar,4 BR.Farnllr 1ro11nd sprlnklet'1, vu by owner. ()ceanvlew 3 patios, r.tt.vlew; nr. BLUFFSU·Plan,SBr,2"il . d A•ftC>-•-ltl"e '~Y ;~·1~~v~~~1~,l~•~n~U~y~lnda~~·:P":··~won~~·~c~qJul~L~°""'"'~~~M~UST~~B~r~.~·~e~a~,~1117~.ooo~.~t~7~00~~be~a~t~h~,~·~··~·~·~to~poo~l,~t~••~·~Ba~,~ll~k~•~·~·~w~·~W~a~lk~•iho~paj,N~e~w~po~rt~lt~la~n~Du~p~l~e•~·~2~::~~~~"'~"~""~'~~""'~"~·~"""~"'~""~"""~~~~===-1==-,,,;'jj;;~·1~m~~~n~t"""~Re~al~·..,~== , • S.Sl.a87t m.,ve. Reduced SEl,000. ~q_ft / Lse /Opt. OK. ct. part furn. a1kln1 le 1chl1. 1'4 Int. av\. Br ea. Ntiwly rmdl'd. 213·5i98·l32ll _ a1useou.dale "8,900. •1519. 49t-M'M · • 1&4,SOO. Owner493-5'2S-SSS,000. 494·1.S95/640-ll'6. Owner. $1'7,500. l·--1878 -. . ,. .. . . . I ... c I •• • ' ... ,. 'tr• """9""° 3 · DAILY PILOT · Saturda .MavlO, 1975 111 111•fw 11•141 HIHlll.....,'1t14 • ~ ...... pl1•14 C11d1 &if& I r "SIM •••••••• •~••••••••••••••••• ... • : •-•••••••••••••••• .... ••••••••••••-••••~·· .. ---••••••••••••••••• U.hw•rtatd 341& ••-••••~••••• Meta JIM ,_l111•Pr1p1,._. t4V'j IK•••'r•pwtr 2000 Lehfw.-.. 2HO . Pr•l•Y..._ 3Jl4 L .• • __ '_._ }.!41 ••••••••••••••1H•••••••tt.tl1 .... ..,.. J740 •••••••t•• .. , .. ,,,,,..;, ' ~zoz -.. • •--..____.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·•••••••;::;;;•••••••• ··~•••••••••••••••••••• •••.•••••••••••••••••••• ,. ,,,,,,.,,,_.,.,,,.,.,,,,,,,.. 2 BR, 2 Ba , ..-...u new. Off .......... • n....--TRIPLEX ne•r Sout.h Prom on Lory BIY·By ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••• ... ,. N t Lo I.he flOM $42 •·"'"-....-....._...-eo l Pl 1 Nt.r. lnl • • FRP"' B.EAOTJFUL homt, a Br, a Bdrm ocean w 1325 ......... mo. ex 1 ' 2 Br. Ad-. no pet,, S '.TRADE-OFFER as azaon arge .. -.:-Owner. M . rnaldownor Ii~~ --=--mt -paneled den, frplc . Utlla Pd, So. 1A1una'. beach In Hunt._Bch Wlm.Y . d1hwbr1, 1b11 cpt,, 2 Adjct Office Bldp . 3000 ner loc. 2-2 Bdrms., f-1 t.rado eqwty for 1mall ProleulonalServtce-HiJhly upsnded, many S 1 8 0 9 2 nd Ave . *'6·1W hecilti•t ~ closed iaraie, trptc. & 6000 n w/park·· Ideal bdrm. Frples, 1111 • bit· house in Newport area. •LANDLOIDS• extras, Aovely .yard. No . (213)287-6708 HUNTINGTON HAllBOR 727 Yvt ktowllm•ct. BBQ. Ou 6: Wiler pd. Io r b u s i n es s · pro· ins' <'a r pe ts, dra pei, Slli,OOO. PrinciPlls only, H o • • f I • 4 • r 1 • fff, Aaent, St8-13ll lmmac 4 br, .deo, J bu, Beil ch Blvd at Yorktown Pool fes11ional or lnv~ment laundry room:s, a:aralJes. 21l/27i·9966(V"writ.e, Box 64Z·tt00 • . OCEANFRONT Laauna boalaUp, •-nn., pool . .,_ 516·0411 . • • MANCHAAPTS r Good rental area. XJnt 64S Beverly 111111, Ca LL i. • -3240 Ro I c d s br 2 bi\ ""' _,., -I nc 0 m e · Tr ad ~ o r condition. Xlnt invest· 90213. Californ.ia'1L&ra:~ cewsfsJp.. )'I e on °· • ' lse. 21S·4S1·8971 STUDIOS & I II.a 771 ScoLL Place, CM ' Newport. Beach area pro· 1n ent o pportunity at •Rental Service'• r-t•••••••••••••••••••••• 2000aq. ft B&r,(rpJ,Sec. 842~ perly . Cou.-tcsy Brkrs. $52 9SO · Sp•cloua &Br, 2Story, 1uard. $795 mo. l.se. 4 BR, 2 BA, 2 car aar•ae. •Full kitchen '?.111> 7f>2·1910 or (213 J DAVIDD.Cill.SOH HIWPOITIL\CH Fam. Rm, Pvt DR, Im-Adpltsonl)'.714-499-2771 IJvin& rm, dlnlftl rm, 3 •Heated pool _ 4 6<1·0981 •eo1tor 83)..9293 CORNER LOT$00,000 COl"OIMl'Chi M. 3222 mac. Lo maint yard. 2 ml L NI--* 3252 s wt mm in g pool s & •Laundry 'icalltJes " .,,, • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• to btacb. $650 per mo ... •• .,...... clubhouae. End unit, •Freeulllite& :ommercial -.. --•· ..... -1 Rub ••••••••••••••••••••••• d 1 N Cit •Free llnenis , 1600 COSTAMISA H.V. HILLSJbr.+ fam -·v••••-· >'·,BR\. f•mlly· room, 8 ult aecton. r. y •TV'-m"ld oerv.avuil roperty 2b lge tio&.yd Hall, Costa Mesu . °' " ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7.4 x GROSS 4 Unit lot $29,.500 rm, a, pa · · 3 BR. 2 BA, UW. rm. Ai ls. fireplace, fenced, ltn· $325/mo. Owner 751_1163. •Bar-B-Qutt B -'YFRO...,... . AGENT 646-325.s $49:'i. mo.ls:e . 644•2877 " fdcd. yd. $3()0 mo. lat &. maculate. "1'(1. per mo. &. 919•1510 • •Phone service .-, " 1 SPYGLASS: fantasti last. Wknda or aft . lst&laat.1-499-2544. ~lmiletoocean Orfi ce building, Spec-5 Separate hou.-res on 'h · 4 Br FJR.6'4-692 5:30PM$36·2789 UPGRADED Bradford tucular view. executive acre R-4. Near 1-larbor Laguna Beach.-2 Lots view, • , 2 Br, 1~ ba, renced )'d. Pl'3br l ~ba 2cargar. MEN. small beach hotel. orfi c e s. lteduced . Shopping Center. $92.!iOO a~jacent to 1184 La ~r.644•6106 .. S BR, tam rm, vaulted Gardener. $300 mo. J>Mtroll~dare.a'.Clbhae.& Rooms,$22.SOWeek.Aplt $650,000. -oWwin'erh/b'roekrerm"~~c"S9•." !M>rdada.,,s114~ .. ~a. Call SHARP, 2 br, 2 ba ~!il . 2 yrs old. $38.S . Leas,.213·7BZ·CM69 pool prlv 'Jgs . $21 5. SlOO.mo.5-36-1056 llLL GRUMDY --..-~ or et1u s 4 ·.:JUU Conser'viltive cpl. o1 .-rbara. 963-8738 MluJo. Ylefo 3267 556.06S5 NO INCREASE in sum· Realtor 675-6161 Bay Stree t, C .M .-~ milt~rewoman.See:" 3Br, l~ ba Twtrlse .••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 B l \i!B dbl ar pool me rrent.Reautlbrfurn 6 UNITS Ac re. Apprvd/11 units. Dahha. $21$. 615-3300 CI u bhs e /pool . S.300 S ~r, Condo, cpts, dtp6, pa~io. si:i.er l iucud'. apt& $165 & $11S. Spanish ~EWPOlt 'r B E AC H Present incorp e $280. 4S3MorningCanyonRd~ 1st/last. $7S cleaning. air, pool & gar. $28$. Kids Ok, no pets. $225. style bldg, pvt encl gar, CASA VlcyQRfA 1 &2Br. Unfura/f\irn fr. $188.50 •a•/Wlr. pd. Adulta·No.Pets Soc. 1ate Pool, Rec. Rm:, Elevator 525 Vlctorla,642-8970 MIDITIRRAllUH VILLAGE l Bedroom 1 Bedroom & Den -2 B.edrwnu 2 Bedroom Townhse 2400 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (7141 ~7-802U ocean \'iew, approx. blk 0 11 huge "parcel-room Price $52 • .SOO. Prin only. Pvt. house, 2 patios, 2 C'"' '8'2·4921 . Avail now. 581-~79aft 6. 645-3147 or 54~ pool. sauna, Jndry, adlL'I. Park...uke tu lloag llosp1t11I. 2 lots. ro.-up to 17 units. Ex-545-73610.-549-3!25. f 1 2 br 2 ba m 17301 Keelson Ln. 1 blk Surroua••r 100 1., N "Ui ·d co II · · "me gar., rp , • ,n Fir lac 4Bednn2balh SI ·. ewpo,L \ .·, ~ ce ent 1nC'ome inpri d s hw &hr /range , ep e. Mewportleoeh 3269 W, of BcaC'hoff ater. OELUXEl.2"3 Apts loL"i directly in lnick lo Jocati(\n. l~atlnt!r.)hip \i. GoH C"e Lot SS3.500 cpl/drps. Beach key. home. Crpt1. drps, bJtns, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Towwhouse 842.7848 : Pvt Patlos-Htd Pool \\l cstminstt:r :\ve. 4 lots, quidating-Submit all Choice level .site. 106' $400per mo. 673-7099 DW, beaut. landscapln11. LUXUIY COHDO UftfunJlllted 3525 1--'=="--------Nr. Shop'g-Ad.ltsOnly over 27 ,000 sq. rt. St. to offers~ Front on fairw11y El As lr.forBevorJoe,$350. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newportleoch 3769 arff I '.II_.. St.+ 3 houses&gar. apt. • • • " Niguel c .C. Outstanding SPACIOUS duplex 3 br. mo. 963-4567963-1786 on water, 2 br,Zba, view, DELUXE 3 Br condo. Nr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M n .. .,...,. 1 d . t . n • S \L "S OPE NI NGS bl $37 frpl, boat slip, pool, UP Bd 2 Ba 1777SantaAnaAve CM mme 1a c 1nco 1 c . 1 .,.. 1 -vu of fairway, trees&. ba, tns~nr.water 5. BEAUTIFULLaCuesLa 4 jacuzzi, hobbyshop. So. Coast Phu:a. See., $29.95WK .l r, .' · ~~P~~ ~~~· 1 ta~ :~il~C:i ~n~suµ::i~ 0f'i~U:~ :0~ ~lubhouse. Best C.C. buy Call owner 554-2561 eve Br, 2 Ba, close t.o school price reduced ! Mr. clubhouse, pool, pvt lake. &. OaC'h. Color TV, m~td fll gr Apt 113 &16-5$42 inOrange County 2 BR I BA ~"el &beach.$4.50.962-2734 lle ad , 673-7022 eve, 979-0493 ser v, pool. TH.E ~tESA, 'LET US center? Terms. O"·ner. f{ealtor/Associate Wesley H. Taylor Co: , . "C .... sunny 415 N. Newport Bl. NB. 434 N. Newport Bl vd. • • • • R ~---64•4910 terrace. Wash/Dryhkup. For the Sophisticate 629·9661 days. Agent. Rent or Lea8e-Bca ul.646 ·:.::~..,.ooa=='------I 'P•MPEI YOU for i nfor mation call e~ ..-Walk to heh. &stores. N1 s 2 B ., Ba d ' clean Townhouse 3 Dr. 2 -Have it your w111y in thi& A.CT9UICK! 545-84 24 Associated Children or pels. $295. • earnew · r,,. ' en, BRAND new Newport Ba·. pool, Central air, STEPS TO BEACH 2 br, well -located Lown. This sharp office prop. South Coast Brokers. Mobile ho,,../ i300 673·7335 Countr)' k1tehen, cpts, Terrace COJ\do. 3 Br, 2Y.i $295.Laguna l:lills . May & June, also Sum· house-fora~y. will go fast at $35,0001;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TrlrPrki drps, 2 i:ar gar. $3S<l Ba. $350. mo. Adults, no 846·7S82. mer615·83'15 .2balhs On ed ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE Shoreclifr Rd, pvt 551·6773 art 11 AM. pets. 675-SSOO, Bkr, no •3 bedrooms, • ~~~. ~i~~ia &·Pf:~cn · OH THE Vi.king Mobile •tome, re-beach access, lge yard. 3Br 2ba Fam"/Ol.n rm, fee. n.-1 u-L-3600 $110 /MOONBEACH :~~~,s~i~:pii~~ecarpet3 tia,CoStaMcsa. sale, adult park, ocean $650,842·202667s.4869 btt'n• F'p nr bch lo DELUXE do 3 br 3 -....,.eae1 nTW"n llach,yearly.utilpd. PE ""l""SULA vu Shown by appl. . • • . • con • ~·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kil+ ba.673_12'11 •Sunny patio CHECK THIS! " n 49.,:9693 2 BR +den, garage. Edge main. )'d. 1 child ok. $385. ha, cpts, drps. 188.J s~r · MEW DUPLEX ~ •Garden settina w/pool 1800 sq . ft. P rof. bldg . on Spacious 3 Story 9 Unit M ol gully. Nr. beach. $120. 962·2270. Pvt pty. $47S. B&t-6435 Deluxe split·level . 1300 CLEAN, 1 Br, steps to •Jo~ull garage w/atorage 72.5'x112 · C-1 lot, Vi c-r\p a rt m c nl Complex 10 x 44 NB Adult PK. lOx 631-1014 ;673-7245 NEW deiu•e 2 s tory PRIME 0 'ew r 2 bd /I fid Bay & Och. Adults, no Yoursforju.st$225. toria & P lacentia. C.r.1. with views or Newpoft's .,0 Enc porch pool bay ,. ceanv1 • sq t, rm .. w 0 -en, pets. Yrly. $195. 673-0072 TlfEVENOOME Only $65.000. Owner "'•ll Bay & Beach. Features beach · DeAn~ Ba'ysid~ So. Of Hwy. Immaculate 2 home, close to beach, 4 Newport Crest 3 br; 2'i2 t~plc. plus h crptg, home· & 673 _ 2164 1845 Anahehn MS-8628 carry lSt. ;i t 9'f.. 11.D. include : Pool, Elevator, V'll · 300 E Coast Br /Frpl /Bltns / Patio br & lge fam rm, frplc, ba. Up11raded deluxe in-like s to rage, wa lk ·ln°1 c=-o~~-----~- ,J o JI N s ON . n k r . Plenty of Parking, Easy H 1 ai e . 330 NB · Adults $300675-1762 cpU, drps. $395. Call 10-6, terior . 2 'h car gar. c losets, bath & guest San Clemente 3776 Hacienda DeMHtl &16-8362, 2121 Placenti a Leasabilily and Xlnt Tax wy. p. · 963-4581 w /ele c . dr. Tennis, bath, bltn gas range & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 160 W . WU'°"' C.M. Ave .. Costa Mesa. Shelter. Priced to sell at Mountoin, Desert, ""'01ta Mesa 3224 sauna, pool. $495. lease ·oven, patio det'k, 2 car Ocean vu. walk to Bch. B~AUTIFUL S350.000. For immediate Re1or+ 24001-•••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR near beach 5178· 968·4254 enclosed ga rage w1laun-Ope'n J-5 S at.' 161 w G'aoUNOS ·Condominiums for sale 1700 ........................ TAX Sl·IELTEI! 4-plcio:es &. lri·plexes by the beach. 2 hr & twnhse. Compl p kg. Brand nu_ 846·1323 r es ponse. call : Mike •••••••••••••••••••••••!PRIVAC Y l hr, appl, Fenced'3br~nJI di:yroom.Payonlyelec· 1ttariposa .499·Zl77. ADULTS-N0PETS !tlarzicola at 835-0211 and Perfect /or weekend & child, pet. garage $145. kids. Agt. Fee. LUXURY CONDO tr1c. Adults. So. or Coost1 ..c-~-------10 minutes to ocean. Lee leave message for 561.X. vaca tion! Comp. furn. 1 CLEAN! 2 Br, stv, child. 4 Br, 15532 Eliot Cr. nr. Newport Crest 2 br, 2¥2 Hwy, 5 blks rrom beach. A~nt1 I Br $175. Gas &. Waler BR condo in Palm Desert fncd, $18.5 . . Golden West Coll. $320. ba. den . 2'h car gar., $425. 435 Goldenrod , Unfunlii!Md .,i,• Sttte Co untry Club a-a. Pool $185. 2' BR, appl, child, S3l -t'""aflJ&.wknds. frpl, wetbai-. Priv. Ten· Corona de! Mar. (714 ) ••••••••••••••••••••••• incl. Draperies, carpet.£, " r d ....., nis. Walk to beach. 6759337 . bo 11--• 3806 gas he11.t, gas stoYe, air ..,., & jacuzJ.i; lovely green-nc · ga.-age. . -· lol a s unu conditioning, swimming .-r'IJO~e1Ctte 4 belt. Walk lo stores, golf S~90. 2 BR, stv, child, pet, SPACIOUS 4 IR $395 /mo. 645 -8672 Newport Hghts. 2Br. •:••••••~•••••••••••••• pool , rec. room, washers 2soJ '""b1 .. l1 o.-; ... S..ke'20. & ente rtainment. Only singles. . Tri-level, open beams, LIKE NEW, lovely Bluffs beam ceil. gar. patio, no Little 1.sl. Bayfmt. new re & dryers. !1 ... ~~-~,.,. ... ~h~·~·~',..~u~·~-~·~·~"~i ~$2~'~6~,7~50~. E~•:'Y~te~r~ms~~~i bFURN~S1 HED . .singl5"'18•0 1 cathedral ceil, w/family unit ; 3 BR., ram. rm. To pets, $200. 64S-1682ar 5. ar unit, 3 level. Bayv"'· 21;;;::;:;;;;: Call Eves. BkrSS9·1986 r. uti • garage, · &dining rms. Avail5/1S. right par;ty, $450 Moolh. Br. frplc. Autogaropnr $20,950 F'ull pri ce. 2 _ . Fec/Bkr Low $425 mo. w/gnlnr, Broker 644.1133 A.,..._eftt1Furnilhtod i420mo.213 /816-2723. .,. bedrm. 2 bath. bltns, SIX 2 BR Units,_Eastside, Priced to sell ! Beaut. 2 HOMEFl..eERS $400 'thout Yrl • ••• ~ range & oveil ovcrsi.zcd $1200 . mo. income . Br.2ba.overlooking Big •642·9900• lse.An'e0~6.w~7_J003. Y BLUFFS kib:,';j;,~•••• i7o6 lalboaPenJnlUlla 3807-~ ' 2 STORY close t s. pi e nt y o f Prine. only. $118,000. Bear Lake. Lgc. deck & TOWNHOUSE 4 hr. 2'h ••••••••••••••••••••••.; ••••••••••••••••••••••• s torage, .,~A heat, air 54S·2748 many e xtras. S42,900, 3 BR, 2ba, FR. lar~ yd, For Lease Lrg 4 BR Exec. ha Canyon Vu , pool, $ZOO /mo. til 711. 1 hr, ulil. BA vt-~RONT. Yrly lge dlx c.ondilioning, your selec-TOP LAGUNA UNITS CallJack.Bkr.l-866-7513 Cpts /drps , blLns , nr home w / pool&. spa. schls.$525.494-3973 pd. 213.846 _9115 wkdays. 2 br, 2 ba. pool. 2 carj lion of carpets & drps. l 'he'" 5 ocean view .11 . . 8 ., 6 chool /shops. $375 mo. $495 /mo inc l. pool . 1 parkg. ~lip a va il. Fan· P t I lh l ... W1 trade_ cqwty 1n 1g Ph .. 832_7151_ -'~e~r~v~c~·~-~84~2~·~587::::4~----I w EST . Newport· River Sum me~ re ntal ava1 . , ... ,,·, ,.,·.w ••~. 6l7J--•• aymen s ess ~n ren · apartments &4shops are u., ... ..._, """° {fa ll Dan or Ke n a1 1 block from the beach. Bear cabin for newer car1__:.:::.=:..c::cc_ ____ , R Ave, 3 Br, 2 Ba. bllns, BAYFRONT, 2 bedroom, _.::B~k~r ________ 1 PIHICREEIC • 839-8321 Agl. The rents arc low. With or ? 497-2796eves. COLLEGE PARK 3 br, 2 4 IED OOM refri g, ds hwhr, lndry, yr· garage. fireptace, patio. UYIS UP Outofsl.t. ba,frpl,pool .SJ60mo. TWOBATJ-L5 ly lse. $395. <2131445-6666 Corn e r prop e rty 3Bdrms.,2 hathupper. -SALE BY O WNER aggressive management c•s•-• $37500 arts m wkn"-&16-7825 N ' S375 1\1onth,yearly TO rTS HA.ME h · l ·I I Property 2600 -"' ·OOJOt • P • """ · downstairs in dupll!x. o Principals only. Lovcl) t i s prop e r Y wi Conversation pit dock, but bcauUCul vie"' Marshall Rl ty 675-4600 Over 500 tall trtts and lBR' Condo. newl y dec'd gcne r1.1 t e a generous ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 Ga ls OK . Will rent this Agt. 968-4456 NEWPORT TERR. 3 _br. Io s t re a m s w it h new c rpts & <irp6. 1-lunt cash return. Owner Anx-Retiring to Arkansas7 clean 2 bedrm to .....-orking 2YJ ba, Master suite, over Nor~lt Ba)'.front. Corona def Mar 3822 waterfalls create a re· in g ton Co ntin e n t a i o u s C a I l One BR home, 2 yrs old gal s who a r e !10n · Twnhse . 3 lir, I Vz Ba, bltns, fa m rm .. lndry .. Fully ru~nash~ i~clud· ••••••••••••••••••••••• !axing setfina: ror your Townhouse. Gd fin;_a000nc REALONOMIC."S Co rp., in beaut iful Oz.ark. A.-k. s mokers. $100 ea. lsl and Bltns. Recreation Facil. patio, gar., oceanview on Aing .w 1 3b'i e r ,. . b ryet '.I Shar p i!br. pool. walk bch, spaC'ious new I-or 2. 6756700 <•< --I d 545 •••• I l 'd ~· ts k /pool S37S vai a e as su -ren u t · d lts..,0 -1s b d t e t • 1ng a vai l. Days: &12· -· $11.000 .....,.,,,,..,, asl + ep. .......,, Isl, as "" ep . ......, acre par w . J !4th "th C'arpr . a u .,.... . e room a par m n . Eves : 546·13&1 546·3Ui0. mo. 644-7357 now. to une . WI $25(1. ig;)-H974/K33·1653. From Sl95. Furniture 4 UNITS 14 DELUXE 2 BR, 1 Ba Santa Ana possible extension. StlO available. Small pet.s Lor;:r,. Vu-Lo Pric:~ I OO/o DOWN U"'ITS lleights. 55>:!7850338. mo. Refs. LEASE 4 br, 2 ba, cpts, Bluffs Bayview 2100 SQ. ft. per week. Call&W-1742. HEW DUPLEX OK . Adults only. or rice 0 n l I-pi·cturc "" drps, frplc , dshwhr, $375. 3 Br, 2'h Ba, $600644-0634 8olbo p ' I ... 3707 Deluxe s plit-level : 1300 open 9:00 lo 6:00. 23QO · ct!a ron ...... • Plus room for 3 more. 14 Deluxe units for the Av a i I . J u n e 1s t . or 535-1268 a en n a ,. 0 rt. 2 bdrm w/loft-den, Fairvie w Rd .. CostJ. wind~ws of~Balbo": Bay 11 Eastside Costa Mt>Sa. wi se investor. 4-2 brand Nice 3BR , den. 2 fireplace 1213)691-5804 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M~a . Phone s.45·2300 •.. Catalina. F ;intastic ZBf Jn c Jud es a J bdrm l O-l br~Units. Secured by home. Reasonable re.nt J UNE 1st. Exec. J br. 21'2 BA.LBOA Yearly 5180. 2 frpl c, plush crptg. bome-. · w!cozy frplc; .. decora~ed l>wner 's home. encio,ed w·•il• .. Pri·mc to permanent .-espon1s-Fireplace, 3 BR, 2 BA, ba. pool. fp, dee. SJ58. Br. utils pd, No kids or like s torage. &wa lk -in with a flair. Secur1l) "' " 1 h bi I lo 64 .... 1 d ' closets, bath guest Las Veg a s location. hie peop e w ~care. new paint, lns,c06e 646-0147 ; 2-J"t'IU p e t s. 410 l ar 1n g, & 00 B 0 _ ls , bld g. As king $65 ,000. u:nQuail l Sparkl1'n g pool. Good References, Avail. Ma)' shopping & schools. $310. . 547-1155 bath, bltn g:.is range CON 3 r , 2 ._, ep , BKR 833 1200 k f Be J H ll--'Co Rltn O\'en. patio cle<>k. 2 car drps. bltns, rrplc. patio. ·· · -Plac• ~ s pCndable 97a loan. 20. 492 · 2591 ~·&~~r1786VOr oe, Hn .. ...,i al ... tanc:J. SUMJ\1ERRENT,\L enclosedga.-age w/laun-Adlll:l.$325.642-llSS 'fOWNllOUSE· $31.900. 2 Prapwti-' · Horn,e away from horyie. VACANT 2 Br $160. Huge · · OI sever Allractive Clean l l~r dry room. Pay only elec· llR, 2 Ba. 2 Story, Air 7$2-1920 . · Anxious owner asking 3 Br $235 .. kids, pels. ,NEW 5 BR Landmark, ing hOllSes for lease in Apt. Sips 4 or 5. 1 blk to tric. Adults. So. of Coast 2 BEDROOM $175. mo. cond. JJikencw.fi-14 -4887 14000UAtlff.NIW..O.T•IA<H ?nly $212,000: Delu~e un· Agt. Fee.979·84:Xl Fam·rm , Frplc, good thebeautifulllluffs. ocean or Bay. $139 i>er llwy, 5 blks from beach. Adults, no pets. its -barg ain pric ed 1 Joc.~10.lease.847-0824 * 4 Br., 3 ba., poolside; week . 1128 W. Balboa S425. 435 Goldenrod., ____ 64'-2--11984'-~---TRIPLEX TRI.DE BY OWNER, 4 BR, 1 '¥~ Ba , Uin -rm , 11 2 ·Georgetown Ln. Cos ta l\lesa (Monticello) Open Will trade equity in ,,S at & S un. 9 -4:30. BcaC'h triplex priced at • 979.2599 only $73,900 for fixer up- Take ad vantage. Call 3 BR, 2 BA, frpl, yard, endunit .Likenew.Bare-Blvd. C orona dcl Mar .1· now (714 ) 752-1700. bllns. $345. less $50. al· 4 BR. l~ BA, close to lyused. $595/Mo. 1-'0..:.:"---·----t714 )675·9337 , INVESTMENT Iow a n e e for minor beach. Freshpainl,cpts, • 3 BR, fam. rm., 2200 CoronadelMcr 3722 DIVISION garden• ma int. 2445 ''C'' drps, gardener. $385. sq. rt. Bay & Lights view. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 211\r .Ba . Yr old Dplx. . 2 Ir, 2 la • ...,. THEREALE'STATERS Or an g e Ave . 968-4680 Newcarp.,vinyl&paint. View . Lrg Bach,2blks to So·of·J-lw y. Lovely crpts. ....,.... 7 4 7Ul r 1 D /\V · 5375 Super-Comrortable-Re-' Estate-675-788/64 -INIM 3244 3Patios .$6SO /P.1o. ocean. No pets, Adults. rp c, , gar. . Quiet.AvailJunelst.. Exch .. ne 2800 I' BR, 2 Ba. lge yard, $325. • Elegant 2 & fam. rm .1 ~$200~~-~L~'=·~· U~li~l.~••~5~·~'1~7~4~--l c'=•=•=••=-~64=0-~°'=99=A=gl=·--·I Enclos ed Garages ~ •••?••••••••••••••••••• On front row ··Gold ..::.::.:::::_ ______ , per house or units. Duplexes/ • .... ~~~!.'.~'~ ....... !~~~I' i~I!:! l DANA POINT Prop ... ti-. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. Close to fvry &. OCC. Coast··, water view. The CoitoMeso 3724 Corne r l o~. 2Br, Iba, Gas &. Water Paid. Mo to Bluffs, Condo, Back Bay 675-6641 . IEHTALS finestat$150/Mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stove, refr1g,shag.frp!C'. i\lorentals$200lo$210 View,R-Plan.Exchange •BR I Ba $3IO •''urn.•Br'·den.eariy .LOWR•TES gar. $285 mo .. Ulll pd. ChildrenWtkcMM r ·1.so Lol inBigCa ' ·········· r .. "" No p e t s. 67 3·4 274 / Eld A 8332480 orun1 r -COLLEGEPARX 28R,2Ba ..•..... :.$32.5 area: greenbelt \'iew ; •$8.60Night&Up 640-4859. . 2324 en ve • ~o;i6s:P·P . 644 · 0634 or 3 BR, 2 BA, rplc, r /o, 3 BR,~ Ba8. · ... $385-= cul de sac Joe. $.575/Mo •Studio & 1 BRApt.s SPARKLING new spac. 2 DU PL EXES 757-1920 JO new beaul. duplexes 1400 OUAllST. NIW..O.f llACM Fabulous ocean views 9 IO •cRE l-'R0!\1$68,950,$m50Dn I "' 1 Westbay Income lfomes Back fla y acreage with 3 34121Coas ll-lwy,D.P. houses a nd room for · refrig., crtps, drps, dble 3BR, Vz a......... •Olhersrrom$38Sr.fo. •Waler Beds Br, $215. Patio, crpts, Recsl &tote gar., Blue Haven pool, 4 BR, 2'1:1 ba. · ....... $45(1 RIHG 640.5560 •TV & MaidServAvail Costo Mesa 3824 drps, beaut. &arden . Wanted 2900 $395. month. RAISOR'S BLUFFS TOWNHS. 4 BR, •Phone Serv, Htdpool ••••••••••••••••••••••• Im med. occupancy. 496·3'431 more. O"'·ner will carry finanC'ing, Low down. DesiC)ller's ~· $75,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roy Mee.die •Childr.an&PetSeci.ion 1 YRNEWTRIPLEX Adults, no pets. 52'1 W. Le ase or Lease Option, Realtor 1810 Newport REALTORS Canyon vu. pool, schls, ,.:$5, off weeks renl wind 3 bed, 2 ba. bltns, laun-Wilson, 645-9614 Newport Beach, l BR e~ Nr. bch. stores, hwy J .Quail l 565.000. By owner 20l Place · Respons ible mature cou-Costa MesaS48-TI2S 2!,IJ BA ; $525. 494-3973· 2376 Newport Blvd, CM dry facil. No Lease! $26f>. 1 -."'--~------ ple, no C'hildren. would 4.523 Campus Dr., Irvine LIDO ISLE. 4 Br, 3 Ba, -;;;;;;548;;-~';;'55;;;;o~r~645-;;~3967~~1 675-6488 or 640-416! OAKRIDGE VILLA like 3 B.-. 2 Ba , home in Campus Valley Shop Ctr. Avail. June I. Abnual • -"-'--''-"''--'-"-"'.'---I 3 ' 8 .R., 2 BA, bit.ins, g oo d C'ond. CdM o r 2 BR,cpt,patio,fncd.yd., CA~L82l-8600 lease.$650.675-0123. 1 Br furn Sl6S. Loll:! of •ShadyEfm~dlns* ~l$:ete~=~~~i1~· Laguna S ch area. Have gar. No children, l pet p W ik Pool, crpt & drps, lndry, refere nces. 673-7073 OK . $195. 2015 Wallace *RENTALS* 180 DEG. VIEW bltns. ool . • a to adults. 177 E. 22nd St. LARGE Ground Fir. 1 br "C". 546-7506 UNIV. PARK Back Bay•· Irvine Hi.Lis Shopping. l/:i mi. beach, Near Beach. 642-3645 I "' 931W.19th St. 548-0492 Garden apt. Poo, rec . • • 3 8R 2BA dbl r d 2BR,2Ba ...... $325/375 Beaut. new 4000 sq f.t •"r!IEVICTORIAN" room.$115.11018thSt. •••••••••••••• •••••• • • , • ·gar, nc · BR 2'" B 5450 h d h b 3 b 7u 'I $127950 H Fu 1-~ 'id OK . t 3 "·'2 a ........ illsi e ome.4 r, a, d cd b 13 Y r. Old 2 .•ty ~,Pi"''· n1 s· • ouses rn-yd ., chi , qu1e 2 BR 2 Ba ramrm 54'" f •-rm pool 'G .... _ Newly ecorat , 2· r REDECORATED 2 'r ,, ..... " c .. o S6E · • ·· ,(.;J am -re c s, · * ShodyElftlmcwns• di pls d • · ·Newport Beach. Gros!J Adj. golf course ••••••••••••••••••,.•••• s treet. $325· ""°-ffl ve. WALNUT SQUARE Roman tub, 3 frplcs, 2 w;gar · A ls, c · rps, a pt . M i . lo Beach •income $13 ,000. p /y r. 2 Separate Bldgs. Xlnt GeMrol 3102 E 'd 3 1 BR bit 2 BR,2Ba ...•.. $285/295 wet bprs, vltd wood Pool,crpl&drps,lndry, fncd Yd w/patio, water S200 /mo.Adults/Nopets. ·•As king $125.000. Prin-cond. Desirable Costa•••••:•••••••••••••••••_ kaistl~~!;:',1 d:r ga'r ~ TURTLEROCK ceilg. Entertainer's de-~~~1:Be!!1.~-~ St. pd . Ca ll belwn l -5 1..:645:.:::·~8254='-----'-'--cipals only . P.tll Ron or r.1 esa loc. All 2 DH., l 'h WALK to ~ach 1 br house carport. Lrg fncd yrd. 2 BR, 2 ba, den .. $400/425 light. Lge kit w/Yiew, .:.:.::::::..:::::.:::;c:;:..:::: __ , 636-41 20 . PJ'S Tom 528-1010 ba .Avg.1,000sq.fl.each $115., ut1J pd. Also .San Close to shop·g & bus GREENTREE sel( clng oven, compac-Funa. lachelor & I Ir. 667 '.l "Victona ... $190 MESADELM1\RA ..:.='--'-"--"-'-----I Wesley M. Taylor Co. C l e ~e nle $135., kids. line. 5375. 545,8689 or 2 Br., Iba, famnn .. $315 tor, dshwhr, serv. porch, E ti 11 i 2 BR g rd n apt rrplc 3 Br. 21.h Ba, new decor. lncame Property 2000 Realtors 644-4910 Hunbnglon Beach $135., 546.8692 3Br;·2.Ba, F /R ....•. $350 J car gar. $1200. mo. xcep Ofta Y n ce. dshwhra pv~ patio'&c poo1' $250. 2 Br, 2 Ba. $200. 998 ••••••••••••••••••••••• kids , pets. La guna Beach • 3 BJl. 2\-il Ba ..... ~·. $390 645-7102 Cl Ml I 0 Mewport II.. Nr. JrVine J'ftd Area . i El Camino 546-00L 'Ocean Front. NB. l·louse • 2BR HOUSE + duplex, $160., util pd. Balboa 12 BR. 1 BA, bllns, fenced ~-· · · k 00 "G l&Du I B "/S"d C 'I ss1•~ $165 !kl a'" A~ d. I & t . 3Brduplex,frpic,paUo+ • baby o · $2 ·mo. ALLutlJ,paid.Lgelbr . .,. ar ap p ex. y r. 1 e .• ~. ,.,.,.,, .• wa o w ...,r. e.~· yar gar .. e ec wa er 7 2841 s 65 p · bi•-· f · 645 7 72 1 2 Du f'L EX~ II t F 979 8430 'd 11-lge covered deck, b!ln HOLID•y-••a M · 1 · at10. ~~.reng. own e r . · • .. .., on o ee. -pa1 . 673-.,, eves. . k' h Cl •• h "" ..--Adults, no pets. 2013 nights1wknds. w/good incomeS74.900. YISleN 1tc en. ose to ui::ac , DELUXE Spacious l Br. NEW BREEDAPTS Charle. 548.1517;~19 -=====::...---! • T RIPLEX w/3 BR , ·corona dt'I Mer 3122 3 BR, 2 ba, bltns, cpt.s. No Furniture avail. Yrly. turn apt. Pool. Ample l·BR w /lo!t $230. Applns, 1-=====--====--== PRIME 4-PLEX l'l~ba + rireplc. Assume ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets. $250. 1933 Anaheim •IALTY ~. 675-6775 or 644.-<1575 par,king. Adults, no pets. util rurn. Encl garage. •2 BR, 1 Ba, Mesa Verde. " $83.750 V1\.loanof7';0 LUXURY Beach home-5 Ave.646·3160 S52a.75_00 .r--1.-AH 3210 1965PomonaAve .. CM Pool, jac u aai. 393 Adults, gar, avail. $185 . .. * FIX E R UPP ER·(8l BR, J BA. Mo lo Mo ok . ~ I p HamlltOn. 645-4411 eves, No pets. 833-8974 ·,,CO\'in g ton 4-ple x . 2 nR h o u ses, a ll 219Golde nrod.675-0146. Avail. 6/1. sharp 4 BR, ALMOSTtogoodtorenl! ••••••••••••••••••••••• T al ool Perfect location. SIOOO . Gd c '' ,...... bltns, quiet cul-de-sac. 2 br, 2 ha + ram rm. COUPLES, 2 hr, child, • rop c • 642-1960days. 2 BR 1 · 9 gt l . h nd bl w1garages. · . · ....... C 1 M 3124 $325.557.7648 1 Br. cpts, drps, b1tn·~. , a .sn s Y unit, " plus cas spc a e on • 30 UN ITS, C.M. Great Os a eia Overlook 'g, pool & park. pet, yard, gar. $175. patio. All utiliUes paid. $115 . 2 BR, single sty, shag cpta, drps, dwtir, 'S8400 down pa yment. . . r ••••••••••••••••••••••• -<: Bkr "''"'" 1176 POOL 2 b 2 ba appi ·1 N • d . I I I . •·•rns $900 per month. 1n vestml w/1ncome o CLEAN 1 l>r -•tage off IMMAC. 3 b_ r, 2 ba, bltns. -mo, .-.· • r, • • 548-1168 beam ce1 .. c.,..,, rps. patio, beam eel, rp. .,, S78.000. H Bl •'~v vi ore. & ulil rm. Wtr. & GREAT F -1 Twn .. -kids,pet,bbq,$225. 2049 ··c·• Wa llace , gar. Adults. $!10. 2&50 ll u rry , c a ll (7 14 ) Yc::i gcrf{e<ilty 556·6171 arbor v · ~ P • d · pd No k'ds amiy •Jl:le. $165. 2 BR, kids, pet, 1 BR, prefer middle age 646-8883 Elden•·K".S31-312S 752-1700. $200. mo. 1\ll uUI incl. No gar en g. · 1 · in Univ, Prk. Pools & yatd. · or retired, no .child/pets. ;O;~i;iii;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;o;;;.,.r.-l:C:"::'::::,'""...:."::':"'=:-- INVESTfl1ENT $2000. TGxRebote pets . ~dulls only . .Rltr, ::;.gi25 215 Broad.way, parks. 4 hr, 21h ba. $395 FAMILIES, 3 Br, 2 ba. S!f>S.642·5848 llY1Nl/NEWPOll/COStAMiS1 28R, 2BA. Fireplace, " DIVISION 9 Ht9 lch Triplexes W:l-0522 mo, Bkr. 552·1T1& frple, kids, pet, yard , . • priv8tP. pauo·$195.mo:lst THE REAL t:sTATf~RS 1'u•I btt I ·2·&38r-Patio Hew.....,. leach' '3169 BRAND NEW EASI'SlDE COLLEGE Prk.4br, ram. &arage, 1' .. ee/Bkr. $120 to $160. 1 BR apt & & 1st plus ~ C/B. t41 2 "' ..-. ' ALPINE CHALET Open HOMIFINDIRS trailers. AdulLi; only. 132 Ford Rd. 673-5100 A~PLEX all J br, 2 ba. n 2002 H...tinqtGfJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• · rm, frm l. dining. ~ w 'W'lson 645~ , So. Coast Pluza ,·$9.800. Open do '1ly I S I ive onLidolsle beameddlcehili~!e· buill,-in mo. Lae. Avl. June. •642·9900• -"-~·=1==''-"-""'---I , •• -. Lrg 1 Br. Duplex, quiet, . annual 1nC'o me. Asking • ' ~ ' oven, a w ..... ,er, Pay 551-5773 BACHELOR, $120., util cul-de·•ac. CL01e,.to 950 I>· onJ Bk 519 6779 only$4SOmo.i Dr.2 Ba, yard, k gara ge. $250 ELEGANT 2 BR. 2 Ba p•>'d. Empl'd adult only. · $84, , r1n. y. r. • f213)793-6"27rollect. monthly, Realtor UNIVERSITYPA'.RK T h Co p stores. Mature adWt1. :1'74-06ol ,evessi.1·S975 • & own ouse,-m · re· 646·8212 alter 4pm & $115/mo.646-SISa. 1 . . NWP1 1-ig h ls 3 br.hom~ 3 B r , 1900 8q . rt ., 2 833-3821. Condo for lease. 3 br, 2 dee. Adult hvin.8, am. ~t wknds . ... .:rwo-s unit apt bldg Just f2l l br a pls. Uruque int. ba lC'onic~. oceanfront. O P lat 3226 bll, sunken llv rm, frpl, o.k. Nr. 11th &: Tusun.,1-::.:::=:::... ______ I NEW Eas lside Fourplex, i• f~m~~tj~:ors~~~ep~l~; 1 ::~O .... wnr646-S60221 00 ~~739 mo. Barbara ,:• .. B•••••~••••N••••:.·:~::· ~~1:~':0~b~e:&; ::~mo,-493·5S44 or ~:~~St~s.Bn'!z,. walk to DISTINCTIVE ::~~d~I~~ ~~f.· ~:: center. 1st yr wriU?-orr . ..un nl'I" • .,. r, 2 Ba. r . ...uni. 1rdner. lnc'd. Im med. 642·TIM • 2 a.tit Sorry no petaorchlldre:n. s i4M. 536-2579 : 592-5010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• House-1 Unfurftit;tled New cp\1, ~rrpl , bllDs. occ'py, S425. ownr. Tustin 3 BR, 2 Ba, lge 2 2 .. dro--. Agt 646 • 3255 or Evu. PALM S PRINGS R·l ••••••••••••••••••••••• $32:5.499-2986agl. 552-0664 W ·TlS.S car 1•r. 1 Yr. lease. at NicelBrdplx.Quiet.Sep. , 1 h...... (142-"22%$. • • Huntington Heach, Cslm Large Lot near West G.werat 3202 -._ v~ 1234 : $425. mo. 968.s389 by gar. Empl 9dlta over locllelor Bit.!) Apt. Inc.+ Lar~~ Racquet ClubRoad. ~··•••••••••••••••••••• a,.. -r TURTLEROCK 2 sty,°' W ........ ...3298 30,nopets.~102.l Frr.$1,5 5160 EASTSIDE, Clean .. Owne r 4 B H, $30 ,00\ $5.7~. S86-7175 <'DM 3 br. 2 ba, slv, frpl, •••••••••••••••-•••••• br, 3 b•, 3 car car. LI· " C Ba 1 "'IGH , LIGI .IRA ilJ)t •• matur• lldult only. • ·.down, 536·2&1 -kids. pct. Exeeutive living io l.bls 2 bonus rm. AvL 7/L ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEAT! lean che or. " -· • 1511' Call; 642 .eez.s ' c 1 LOT K t 11 story home wilh bonus 5r37-4480 TASTEFUL 3 br twnhse. Ea.sta1de. UtJls. pd. No T'""' .. IS COURTS 1-'---'-"'--'-'----SAN CLEMENTE ioo· · 00 8 e a. FTN VL .... · Carerree 2 hr, room, 3 br. 2 ba. cov. w/2 car automatic aar., pet.s or children. Sl65. '""" } BR $170. Carport, clean, "Four fireplace uni\$ tor Sell or ex c h~~Jor 2 ha. child, l'ltl, rrplc, P•Uo. cpts,drps, rreshly Greentree 2 Br. Fam .. Lse. $299. 879-2680 675·291S •Ele1ant Roe. Pav)lion cpt&. drps, stv. 6: l"flrii.· ' • the price ot three Huge Orange Co. res1 or pool, xtras. painted. See to apprec/ Rm . frpl. blt.ns, qua I. ~=-==------•BillJard Tables . 731 W 18th Sl. 173-'"" maater bednm, ~an. comm'I. Can add cash. HUN'J'.. 8 Cll 3 br, 2 ha, $395 mo Ask for Bev or crpts. & drpl. Next to 4 BR. 2 Ba. convenient $90 Bachelor, UtU lnC'l. •Pool,Jacuzzi,Sauna ' ~ ~1111 & 101( course views, 644·0878 lrpl, kuls, pet. $25(1_ Joe ·913:4567 or•111S Pool " $ acre Park. We1tmlnsler loc. $325. relrig. hot plate, l Adult Adult.I only No pets IMMAC, u• .. ...., ,, near be•ch. BKR. (714) l'ORT•fl"'• LAC .HILLSS280.3Br.2 • 833-8808. mo.Aft.6.2~ female. 862-mt aak for MILLCltHK -•"' .. 1.492.4121 "' ""'" ba, kids, pet, sinales, NEW 3 br. 21>1 Condo. 2 BobM.or&f.6..HJl. 5 r:·•u• •••HO 2 br, 2 ba. 2 sty. LAGUNA pool,AJC,gar. caraar,tenn.cru.pooJ. UNIVERSITY Prt . c~··-51 ... __, Beam Ce\1 ·1~ ~ ~' MISSION VIEJO $250. 2 $350. 632-34231963-2368 Twnbou~e. 3 br, 2~ bl, ......,....., , 3425 0.. PoW l726 (Newport ....-wy So. to slllrc.ase, unJ.que "•ihe Jutesl draw Jn the Invites you to ins~ct Br. kids . pet ,. pool, w&lktoadultpool.Wtr.& ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba ker offramp. Turn C!D. blln1; ff'M O, Wet\ ... a Daily Pilot lh1elr J)ltnoraml le .. v, ew i aragc. Fee/Bier. UKB NEW 4 br, 2 ba, ctues pd. $375 mo. Call HuntJngton Beach 3 br, 2 BR. S2SO riJtht al. l•L•lsnal). dbl. elet. C•r. ' ,. Cla11lfled Ad. Phone :e!:Jrur L'.aes~~~a:~ HOMIFIMDERS beaut .. loc1Uoo. $i3SO mo owner: D1y1, "4-.324•, 1¥1: h•, a•r•ge. nr. bch. Utlls. pd. 4H-Ol9S or . (7141 549-1302 Adults, no~· 19,.! • :642::·:~:78=. =· ====lJsgKga~·~ .. ~-9388~~-~~~1=~·~6~4~2~-9~90~0~•~.;;;;;·gll62~"~85~9~o~r~968--00l9~~:::=l:•:•:es:·:$$2:=·':w====:1Ch~i~idre~•~·JA~IS.~a36-~~-~J;~-~1~1'2======E:=:= Mapolla. saeo. 43rd St. N.B. Praprrrtirrs Duplex. l Blk to Beach J 1400 ouA?l5s~.-~r~~0., aiAcH Br, 2 Ha , & 2 Br, I Ba.1~=========1 Rentol1 547.9937 x. n " .. ., .. -. . .......... ,. • ' ... ~· .. ... ... . .. . " -• •• ~·---··. . .. ·~ ' d ,• .,. I! 'd .P. C1 p ~ " ·: • '. ~ 2 N . r, B 2 I 'B p Jo -~ "': H bl J~ ~ La c SI 4 At SI C'. Ea 8J Sll ,YI 64 • u1 er Al 2B A• .. 1 I P1 til or Ml QI . p'I E' ..B LO •• QI A- 17 .. " 1 I De ... 2 J ·di "' Dl bl $l .Ho ••• '" • •' ·"' .... i • • " nr 1 • -~lfl~ .,.,( ... .. ·-1 .....!! 31 ,,. :~ .. Af& I I I U.ls w. llllfww. · • ..... ,................. •••• I ......... U..tw.. ·1 ~2 I 1kt1 Uwfwa. ••••••••••••••••••• • \ 'I" ~..... 1124 H •••••••••••••••••••··~ rt••1 ·~··••••••.J~,···~ ....... ·-··············· ....... le.ch 3140 ........... .... Jl6t ... ..,.... ..... ™' )JJ;BR a ba lower M •••••••••••••••·•••••••• ••••••'•••••••·••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••·••• ··1 • ell ·----~ ... -... --...... ~ ... --......... , ....... _ ......... , •f\'1roe 1re1. J'rplc, &lir., ClfEZOROAPTS ------~~ d1tlWbr. Pr,1v1cy for SXUAUula · adWta.&tl..018 1,2&3 BR. Priv. 1.ar .. pool ; w111 s her, dryer ~I: J br. Mtu .Verde Closetobeac.h.536-0336 ' aru. PSS. Frplc, J)<Atio,l --~=====-1 dbl ••r11e, etc. Very Lo•e At lstU. SEA FOR YOURSELF! .,e .. r1_v_a_l_e._s._·_e._<0_1_•_, __ 1 1 & 2 Br uv111i1. t\im & un· cut• 1 br:, redee:. pvt tu~n . APPLE AM'S. A .. Exceptionally spacfous apartments pitio, R&IR, adulta over wuque Idea In ot<iult apt •Walk to the Beach . . S..... llvlna. 6700 Wa.nw:r Ave E II l , ltfa luaf11Rrv'1•1• . lawl• ........ 4300 Saturdly,May10, 197S ONLY P$l.OT £'9 ....... '1' di lfOO ••······················ . ••••-.... •••••-•••• • il'IM..,,. l..W 4450 P1n1•ll• IJIDPencnd1 · iJH * • • .. • .................................................................... . THI!! EXCITING PALM MISAAPTS. MINUTl:lSTONPT BCii Bach, 1"2 BR. lrom$16$. Adult., NoPeu lS61MosaDr. (S Blki .Eaat of Newport Blvd.) ~6-9800 ...... a.. ~~.· 17252 ,..._.2 THECOLOHY. ........~litedl 30RETAILSl-IOPS Yot1 WW ffte ......,. of Prime re111ooable apace 2.,.... tick ... tott.e avallable large & amall. UCI llVIHE Old -:orld charm with ·c El.EllfTY t'rench window», gables I ASll•U GA.ME ~ trees . Adjacent l o "UNO y MY F.estlval of Art s "' A • A 18 Grounds. l&l l :30atUCI 5808ROADWAY JJapp'f /J;,tluJa'I an J CJS.'-'·'-"-':"C:S48~·=2'07"" ___ 111untlngton Beac h'. • xce en r ecreationfac11ities · ''THE GABLES" 847-61.Mr. No lease. Sorry •Beautifully landscaped va . 2 br/l"' ba/W/l(aragc. no children or pets. ·•Private patios ROOMS $20. wk up wUh OAKLAND RAIDERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOSANGELESRAMS l.AGUNA BEACll J ofove 1}o ~JJ ·-4000 Adlll/Cpll/drpe /bltns, I •Fireplaces and Dishwashers kitchen $30. wk up 1pt, in 11 seven inning preview 49 4. 7915 . t'nc:dyd W/1)4llo631.J.4120 & 2 Br. Och apt.s. $150 & .. 1 &2 Bedroom S48-9755orW--3967. ()(Super Bowl Ten. ·~~~~~~~~~ '2439 "D"Orainae ... $195 up, a dMlti;, no p ets. Ad I 1----------1 Please call 6'2·5678, extl- 536-7031&536·0492 • U ts O nly -No Pets Pvt ent /K . prlv CM J33loclalm)'()UJ'lickets. TOPLOCATION ~c•IMfllh/ L.Ost&Fo•d 5300 2 BR,·~. $1~. Adults. 1 eil unfurn, Sl55. Adults, •From $180 :!:./wk & "$60/mo. up. (North County toll free MES A VERDE PH'SOffflA1/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 245$ "Irv lne, Apt A. no pets. 1 mi. bch. 911 -'-'~59"'54'-'-'o"''"-356-0058'-'-='----I number i11 :>40·123).; DRIVE PLAZA Lo't &: FcM.d FOUND: Fem. Toy Cock- 5'8-7476 Georgia St. SJ6-23.M • POOL & kit. pri vo•, • • • • I t ff A l •••••,,•••••••••••••••••• a -poo, 6 mos, lO l yr. Al l U loll port-•~....._ • p0•'r·'.,·onr•e·oTroow01~~y?,!lrPYe '-·t ~--d 5300 Blk I bt •··t 2 Br Duplex 1 hUd •• •w AnllD....-• Female. $125. Newport ON THE s~ACHsi~Mo .......... ..ua ~ • w s m. w ··Cuva 1 ' c ' no SPACIOUS 2 & 3 bdrm W-~:~c--' · 646 o ~ ~ atmos•here. ••••••••••••••••••••••• s tripe, Blue rhinestone 1 pell, Washer/dryer . C . d · -m on area. · 147or6"2-M40 May 15 th June IS. .. LOST G II y · n B h , bltna, w /W Crp(, encl ~Pl.~. h1l rcn OK. 17391 -1525 Mesa Verde Dr.~-: ray & 8lk Aust. co : 1c. uni. e • na tio, dbl carport.· . A Keelson, J blk .. W. of Hohl,, Motels 41 OD Female only t.o 5br. 3 br. Costa &lesa. MS--4123 Shep/Sitter mix, male. 536·3187 W11torage new paint Beach Bl. otl Slater. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~°s.me6 w /same. K¥ren Vic. 11th & Coast Hwy,1------. ----· . $2l5.ll68·0848 · _84-::2--038~•'------I CA.SA del SOL Ocean&&yView 51 I 2800 Sq.Ft. basement HB. 536-.a385 & 892·1267. LOST : while Ge.rman 1 -Close to park . but lots ol complex of clubroom. of. $100 Rew;:ird. Shepherd. 1 mos o~d 2 Bil duplex l200 m 3 Generou~ Bdrms, 2 Ba, 2166 I l~t. H.I. privaey. 3 Bdrms., 2 G..-oges for a..t 4350 fices & storage rms. Adj ~'-'--~'-----I female. Last seen 1n Newly d~<U'attd · c1Q· ~!lken Liv-rm, Be_amed _,6z.,6651 baths plus swimming ••••••••••••-••••••••• to Marina on Coast Hwy. Lost : Poodle Mix. Sml Tustin. 6'4·9400 vt pMUo e 1 ' , i Ceil , Frplc, & full encl. " pool STORAGE garage tor 642-4644 gray curly Fem .. SUg.ar" • ',·n1anl ok'. nNco·!_'!!".~.ge388. ~blgarage.~-3724 Just •/2 MI Froml"acific C -tHwy B•y&BeachRJty 1----------Vic : Harbor /Baker. Lost: Blk.9mosoldmale, _..,. rent. 1959 Maple Ave, No. SMALi~ shop avail. loc. in Reward. 644·849.ldays. Lab w / wht. patch on. BaySt.548-20ro NEW 2 BR APTS .. den, ~-•w="••"'-'"':w~,..,,.,..._,.,..,,,.,.; ---~6.c75~·~3000=----l -'~·~C=o=•=ta:.::Mcce='=''------I the ~fall at rnE FAC· -"-'-'-°'-''-'-"-'-""-'="--I c besl. "Ace', CM/SA 2 BR, 2\o'a BA Stucho apt 2 ~2 ba, bllns, frpl, lg. yd , G wst Hoewe 4150 DBL. GARAGE for rent. TORY. $100. mo. 42530th, LOST : Siamese male cal. Hgts. Reward. 557·5801 Bltnl, D/W, cptg & drps · ; V7 ~'-fro1m be5ach~_OpeSu n M.wport leach 3869 Newport leach 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CM, Storage oply. $35. NB. 673-9606 ,M1,ed ·d,o1r1k coVl~r wH/drkt. or 548·1634 art 2pm. Patio. $265 mo. 768 or ins pec •on at. n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PVT. Rm. avail. Small permo.540-7562 a 0 ar .. ic. un · p al 5350 Joann. Agt.838-8ajl l? ~ M . 6 p M . 7 l 5 OCEAN FRONT new 2 Lic'd. ambulatory Guest ------~---1 Corona def Mer gli,'o"un. do. ~,",'1"1s'l.963-e c8064a'!'P· .~.!•••••••••••••• ==-"===::.:..--1 ~1lh~ms. Call collect: p 'RK .,EWPORT Bit, 2 DA, ga r, yrly llome in CM . 642.9278 WANTED: Double Prime loc. 1000 Sq It. . " ..PREGNANT? MESA VERDE area. 213·964·0881 ""' n lease. $450 mo. No pets. garage,inCostaMesa Hwy at Goldenrod, Park· •·--R -4200 · $450 o S7J.J048 LOST: Opsl Ring, Mar-Caring 'con[ide nlictl tfomcatmQJ:lphere2&3 BEACHarea,·i.2 &JBr. APART~S 642·3'143 ~•re 673-7415 1ng. · wner ·It 11 l 1 L d . 1. & r 1 brd1xapl8.S46·l034 ••••••••••••••••••••••·•----------! r10 o e . a 1es eounse 1ng re erra.. new & nea r new. Bltns, 'Oft the bav o N T H E w A 'f E R ON the" water. Sunny 2 br, SIN?LE Garage f~r rent. • Share Shop-split ex-Loung e -5 / 1 , Lg e Abortion, a doption " JSR Zba nr. Baker and some frplcs. $165·$400. Luxury apart men{ l.iving Ove rlook ' g. Newport 2 ba, dishes incl. $550. 919 ~osta Mesa, U). 644-1230 pcnses. space, time. I Reward! 541·2.345. keeping. Fairview. $200. (7 14) • • * * overlooking the water. bay. IJg. ~xelusive l br, Bayside Dr, apt G-J. Ext.SS,979·1802 have oak antiques, t~OUND : Male Irish Sct-l--A_P_C_A_R_E_5"_7_2"'_>_ 962·5789or(213)949-5474 1-IUNTINGTON llarbour Enjoy i750,000 health p1:1tio & pool. Boat slip 673-8414 So'ng le Car Gara•• for _&1_2_-1_81!_9_. ______ _, ter, Vie . Wils on & lovely 2 Br townhouse. s.pa, 7 swimmi.ng pools, 7 uvail. $350 mo. incl«is. $25 HB p 3000• c 1 0 · Oel Jtepublic CM.646·1957 Large 2 Br. Cpts /drps. I Pool, tennis courts. No tighte.d tennis courts, utils. Nil pell;, :;JG.1484 or LARGE 1 Hr furn. apt. ~~nl . h 75; 920. eggy M ·Ch ce~~vae~,,. PROILEMS? c b i I d 0 K , N r fee. Agent, 846-1311 plus m iles or bil·yclc 536-860".:J Ua l ~ony . ocean view. renc ' 2·1 cl~~.' Kitcu;c f~c~. c A1i'. F 0 UN D ; Labrador 0 N E W A y HE L p Shopa/5~~~~70 mo. 2 DR, t'/A heat. encl. gar .. tr al Is , put ting, s hur. Channelfront spae. J br. Avail July only. 494-1055 Office Re-11t al 4400 part. 492-99180wncr Hetriever Yn~ male. 24 hr H~~~~:.S.8800 ----'-~'-"'"----I dshwhr, nr bcuch. $235. n.ebor ard, croquet. Junior upper duplex. Adlts . No d~y~, 497 -'.!764 eves & ••••••••••••••••••••••• _..... • SO black, white on chest •$I 00 OFF• 411 14th St. 53&·0869 ; I s rp, $229.50 monthly; pets. Yrly $350.675·2751 w n s. 150 I W !cliff.Dr 1-striol Refttal 4 Ol_M_;_.,_;_on_v_. ss_i_-1_933 ___ , SPTRlTUALREADER 962-6989 ; 536·42.SO also I and 2-bedroom es • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Open 10 AM to IOP~f CASAGRANDAAPTS l ----'---'-=-'-----1 plans and 2-slory wwn Oc 1. t 2 ,. Secbld AT OCEAN. Sleeps 6 & It Newport f'inaneial.Clr NEW "UILDINGS a t FOUND : Jris h Setter, Ad . II t h "'I · ean ron -ur. g. View deck 119-Mth St L • Offi Spac .. male.Atlanta&Newland -vu;;e o!\a llJa tens. Luxury Living ZB r. I Vi ba, Near School & o u s cs · r.. e ctr 1 c Yrly. i3!:15. 640·6752 or NB 675_09z2 1~179 · f'OSllHJ . U r O.C. Airport. 2400 to !!000 l.i 8 53&-0I60 312 N. El CamiJ)o Real 1 &2'Bedrooms park. $225 on a mo. kitchens. private patios 673-6099 . · Callon Site Manager sq fl . ample parking.1--·-·---·-----SanClemente;Forappt. Rec. room & Pool mo. basis. Ph: 842-6965. or balconies, carpeting, , . Vacation Re-ntals 4250 17 141642·31 11 ext246 SO ~t E UN I TS FOR F o u N D : s m . s • k . Call 492·9034 492-91.36 979-1911 draperies. Sul.llerranean LXY. TWNHSE. Nr. Hoag -·•••••••••••••••••••• SALB ~T 1oc;,, OOWN. Fe m:.il e dog, mostly 400 Merrimac Way, C~1 2 Br• Gas Pd .. Very Clean, parking with elevators. J br, 2 ba. fam . rm. 2 14. h ad .__..._1 Koll rlrvine Center. Ca ll Dachshund wht. nea col· Shy Young Bachelor Quiet. }.'amity, no pets, Optional m:iid service. frpls. £285. 2 br. 1 •,~ ba. rrow f' --.,. Dan Curtis. (7 14)979-9205 lar. Vic. 16th & Irvine wanU; lo meet athletic ADULTJ BR,frplc,pool. From$175842-16.52. Just north of l''ashion $240 . Quiel adult s . ,St unn i n g view. c lub Cftt ,645_3999 youngfemale.64.5-842-1 $180. mo. 1975 Pomona.1 -~---------I Island al Jamboree and 642-1276 privgs. sleeps 6. summer ./,.. ~ MISSION VIEJO 1 ,;;:;:;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1::~;.v~~~~~~= CM C II .. "''"""' DELUXE J br, l 'h ba. S J ---resv.,$85wknd ;$125wk· .:/c....-~ "SAVEAMERICA" ' a .,.LOYV was her/d,yer incl. ~·K. an oaquin Hills Road. San Cle mente 3876 I GI · 5 3 6 ./-Han_dy to S<in Diego JoWy. XCMO R d " St · 860 ~ Telephone t714)644-1000 y. oraa, 64 · 1 7 or ./r ... -200 lo 2000 sq .ft . Ca ll LOST ''Duke" Tiny 3 10• at.ion East.side. comp. redec. 2 _630:::;:·~7.c27_S~·~'°="~De=l~•~w~a~re';--;l-~'"~'~r~e~o~l~al~;~nr~o~r~m~a~t~;o~o~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 337 -3958 , ./fvt11 .-1111c-owner 831·1400 Yorkshire Terrier. 1 yr 6:30 10-llam. Mon-Fri. Bdrm., $195. Pool. Adults l"r•'•ne 3844 Spacious 2 BD. walk le ./ ,,,,. .. -.-. -'--"-"-'"-'--'--'-'-----I C~LL646-l&47 Heh. Xlnt loc. Open I-.: 2 Br, Oceanfront. Wlcly .,..._, _w1c, -Cosl a i\les a -Santa Ana old, Blonde & silky hair Tra•el 5450i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sat. 161 \". ,,,.,.,·1~,a $425. Summer Lea se /......,..,..ii-. on head. black s addle on ••••••••••••••••••••••• . , ·• ,. ....., M-1; 120011320/1716 sq ft. d $18S•2br dupld Eastside Will sub-lel spacious I Br. 499.2217. $3200. i\lid June 'til Mid Of W h k' 220 bo y, Weight 2 lbs. Wanted ~ One or two ;yard-respcouple,nopcts Apt. at $190. Renegotia- 38 sw·ckpdt . 714 /595-6697 . p<A~~:64:~~:7~~~ Owner griefstricken. riders toSanFran.Leav. 642·2516or646·2612 ble in Sept. at $125. Patio, South La9una 86 n s onl y. 2l3/798·2812 S ubstantial Reward ! I ing early Sat. Jupe 7. . . Pool, Tennis . 551-5420 aft ••••••••••••••••••••••• 55' rER Cl'\ Fr 2 UNITS. 1200 sq. n . M·I. Call G73·4290 Share gas 1 wa>·· 67J.426fi · L.r•e&Im c IBR NEW PALM DESERT ...... • ma · · 6pm 1v1r;w·! Seeing: is believ· 1617 WESTCLlFt"-ND w /frnl office. lge rear Upper quiet 4·plex, shagl -~--------1 · llO B M Condo. Tennis. Wknd. 3 ,\GT.-· rn~ door . 220 3-Phase. Unil 6 ts d bit r · L-o Beoch 3848 •ng. 2 · 2 A, ature da}'s, 2 nites, $100. 2 Br, ~--crp 1 rps, ns, re ng. -,.--· adults. no pets, elevator & 16. 62!:1 Terminal Way, Adult.a, no pels. $160. ••••••••••••••••••••••• h 11 2 Ba. 714 -493·6273 W •TERFRO~ c M 0 LOST/FOUNDAPET? 960-ZCJOO Adoption, Low Cost. Spay /Nt.'Uter Info: e\'es Sailboat leaving on long s low island hopping round-the:world voyage needs one or l\1.1> female crew m e mbers. The Phoenix Society PO Box 4518 lrvine, Calif. 92664 . to Be . & pool. Security. --~-------1 "' "' osta esa. ays, 540-6338or549-3S24 Coastline vu : Blk to main * 2 WEEKS FREE J i 755' Cst. 1-lwy. Soulh ON TllE BE,\CH $l40 MO Ne wport Beoch 540-5710. Eves,646-0081. 2 BR,2Ba,bltns'.balcony. bch, LMO-2 BR, 2 BA. Move in w /depos it.s Li.lguna. ~la y 1 15 to June 15. Exccutiveoffices Lo s i•: J>arl German Adults onl)'. $225. mo. t"/i', Unfurn. Adults only l BR $190 2 Bit t"cm<ilconlly toshr.31Jr. $150·$350~tonth *'COSTA.MESA • Shepherd. Male. Gray 642·3693 s.aoo. incl. gardener. 5230 Rerri~. Security, 14.~um•1•ts ,Furnished39 home w/s ame. Karen Viewofboats&water 131,)0 sq rt,.·1750 ~q ft .. predominant color. Vic : 494 ·7795. eves. p I J · u or n urn1shed 00 ,.,5_5161 private offices 10 over oo · a c uzz1, n ee. BILL GRUNDY • · · Bushard/Hamiltoo, HB. 1 BR unfurn. Util. pald. Ocean front 2 BR in Bidg w/exercisc rn1 .. 1·_·_·_·_·_··-·-·-·-·-·-··-·-·-·-··-·-·-·• ----------lleallur 675.6161 h0cna,.,~ a'·~a".,r1 _ door. Larger lleward. 968·3781. ~-•I. a, PreL miadle age o' " be ·r I Id Jedi Bmards. Color TV. Vls;m)-ri€i''. f'iilii!§7' Rentals lo shore 4300 • • . -aut1uol\ Lerra -'T ••••••••••••••••••••••• NI HI 79"'711 0STSI lb o!IOft lired.$145:.Nochildren n ea n Villa, frplce . S140up stc1r~-officescpts atress \)" ~ ·UJ • : m mae s aggy orpet.s.642-5848 massive beam ee.ilings, lrv incAve ali\1e:.a llQTIK~CWCOMCt,T! MALESISO.+utils.Furn, drps air bath. 17301 do g . Grayish brown ••••••••••••••••••••••• I d d · d 545-4855 ADClllll•LSID£UVINC pool, te nn . nr. UC I Day lleachBlll.B.84l -2834 DcLuxe Wa.rehoose/shop w /flea collar. Hunt· JobWonted. MATURE Adults. Lg. ea e win ows. l'ar 1..,c·---i ~ .. u .. n.occ1•HP 833 -3030 De nnis, e ve s pace . Ai rport Ind: ington Harbour area. Male 7025 qUiel 2 br. upr. New port. pri. bch. m any WESTCL1°FY2 Br, 11: Ha •Bochelots 559·4689 •CD~1 Deluxe CXfices• Com~~ex. lJOO sq. ft .~ Reward. Call 846·1666 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• -paint, bltns. displ, ref rig. trees. S485 · ID?· on yrs. townhouse. Adults only. •I BR , 2 BR t'ull service/ample prkg mo. Kirk, 540-249!:1 !W6-7073 art 5pm. LOCKSMITH · Locksmith E~ .. a:ar. ~1 no pelt;. lease. No children or No pets. 1728 Bedford Ln, Need 1 Male. Over 21, the WBLTON BLDG. R··•ol W--•-• 4600 Institute, seeks position. SJ,,7~548-0059 ' . pets.494 -279t. S285.mo.543·7533 •2 BR& Den mature. de}>endable. 28SSECstflwy675-e:IOO sn• s ~ Lost! White male rabbit. 213·591-6953 Morns. -· Frofn $175-$485 clean. to share apt. nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vic. Victoria & Harborl--"-'-'--'-'~-'-'----- LdOVELbYltl br &,~· CP\s1. ~~~.~!'!!., .... ~~.~~ '* U PARISIEHHE Meso V.rde Eait & Adami o CC. 5 4 5 · J 8 7 9 or "How S Yite It Is" •J C h.r is ti a n L.e d Y. 2 Blvd. 517 /75 Please can ob Wonted, rps, ns, pa 10, poo , 2 Br. unrurn. AH electric. 540 _1800 . 5-i5-7914.CM . t:xccutive Suite 2200 sq daughters+ catwantold S.15·47 10 Fe~ 705c> qul~t. 0 ver 50 only. BRANO NEW APJS t~irei:rlace. Hcalt"<l puol. \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j Roommate. male or rem! fl. Deluxe office area· un fEunky hSoAuse.Cohcl lap, CA1, FOUND M. . C ti. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ava.al. aft6/10.$150mo. Adults.S210. Newport 1-larbor. with as t · a e ves, : 1 181 0 ie Pra c ti ca l Nurse- 1762 H. Kenwood Place, 979-1$8 needed immed, to shr. 4 additional I400 sq ftadJ·a-645·12l8. 1 ~ n:i a 1.e Pu PP ~ · Complete charge. Live- 646-4098. ' Countrysid. e --UR house nr the beach, .., d 1 D1rd1e /. l\f1ddlecoff St s. out. $4 hr. Mon .• ~,·.on- Ll'v1'n9 20432 Sant<i Ana Ave I ~ : w yng a u •-"· rg ( k • Coa t ll 4 · · · "" · ly 548 6556 -Across from gol f course rS -, llB 12 d 1.. L '.·cnt . ...,rpts. rJti, amp e Business/ln•nt J HB 846 597,1846 I""• " HEWl'OitT .t.P.t.RTMEHTS 1 Bdrm, Adull.s. No pets $125 mo. to mo. 2450 Newport Blvd Mr&Mrs Mullen. Mgrs 642-7678 '[I ' yrd. Pets welcome . ree par in~. s wy fi11anc~ · · Spoc.ious I & 2 I r " l,':r~ Please call Jeff or Don-at Newport BL &124644 ••••••••••••••••••••••• F ~ ~ N D :poodA r r i c rt Pract. Nurse·Companioo Funs & U funt MESA VEADE na, 960-2627, NEWPORT BEACH Business m1n 1ature e, ma e. Ori ver . Ho us e work . With.it• ch .. "plll•;•• 2Bdrms., 1i2 bath condo CORONADEL~tAR ·Luxurious, Pvt . Ent. & J Offices rccept., rest Opportunity 5005 ~!!t784•5nd Orange C.P.I . Mornings.556-9707 m A IC 'music deluxe ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ......,. Pri•crt• bolcowie-s with pool. $33.S Mo. 2 Br Townhouse. frplc, Bath . maid serv. no r · · . . • . . • . Help Wonted 7100 STEPS TO BEA.CH I from S<IBQ . ~Br fro~$205. smokers, 548-7197 S225 Mo. B1ok~r675 6700. PRINT SHOP FOUND . Small black cat ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loach of light 2BR 1 ba. WintcrS235 Pool, tennis, conllnentul Lette.rpress/oJfset in very recenlly spayed. . '"CCou~•~ • HEW PORT CREST breakfast. Some occin & Room_mate wanted. J . Br , Newport. lieac.:h. lux ext..>c .• f' u I le r lon I Placentia Ne wport Heights 646-0117 "' "'"'"' 2Br.Unfurn.Apart.Cpts, •Pool&Jacuzzi . C t 1. . . Se. t 2 Ba , C dM . Clea n , ofc .. suite. Shr w/com-area. t.tUSTSEEtoap· Exper. Auditor/Accoun-dt'pl, laundry facilities. •Billiards & clubhouse 2 HR , 2 Ila condo $525 a ~ ina vie.ws . para e mature adult only. Eves. pat1ble party. IHS-!nOO . ·• l 870.4564 r LOST : Blue Maltese tom tant needed to perform Tena.nu co-0p vegetable •Sand Volleyball WE HAVE ram1\y section. Close to 675-4697 1 ~--~-~----1 prec ia e . 0 kitten with white feet & field audits & take a.rd d I •Open Beam Ceilings SUMMER RENTALS s hopping & fine beach.1----· ------SEVERAL Suites 500 524·6773. nose. 536·6674 charge of gen'l ledger f160 Z.°i.~7u ts, no pets. •Spac. ~·alk-in Closets -644-2611. ME LLOW Resp. person to sq.rt. thru 1150 sq .rt.. IOUTlnl•E duties of local Newport ----------1 shr. 2 br duplex in Ct.I . locate d adjacent to ..-Ladies gold watch BehRealEstatedevelop· associated QUIETRmlAT Ea5tside2Br CIA VILLAGE b k & Distinctive~ Price incl. y · c d 1•1 All S92.50 + ~2 utils. Dan mar 1 n a . an 1c orona e .. ar ment co. Some travel. STONEYBROOK 642.1236 restaurant on Coast Hwy all inventory & fixtures . 675·2346 Shirts 1 e eve posit ion BRn..: fQS-AFA L TCRS i ,1]• ..,., 6•1L~c~ •'' l~h On Cul·d·Sac. l Block 25211 Stockport Drive d A'----------1 t N t Bl Ample "Cupidlorcessale" Apts in a Gar en. 1 a e wpor · w /emphas is on PXper. · l'~~~~~~~~"""~l limited number ol FRPLC, Huge pool. Nr. rr~parking.642-4644 $16,500 Found,ProstheticDevicc, St art in g i a 1 •· d So Csl Plza OCC UCI Gir..... arm, complete, 5-6-75 'pacious 2 br. 2 br & en · · ·• · · • ~ $12,000-$14 ,000 deriPnding ' 125mo 5465511 PROFESS'LCLASSA 120 ''T ,. A NB near Santa Ana River ..-unils are now avail. Lge · · -us •n ve., · · on the indiv. Send re-Bldg, 2790 Harbor Blvd, REALTORS 642 4623 Jetty. l\1ay be claimed by to Ralph's Shopping Laguna Hills Cen~er. Patio, adults, 17141581-61 JO STEPS to beach, lge 2 br, smlpetO.K.-$200 ----------1 frplc, garage. Yearl y . 645-4166 & 645-3858 73 664-0 ~-~~--~=o1 Laguna Hi~ 3852 $300. mo. 6 · · · floorplans . MALE-F ema l e 25 .30 . d ood · -1 22 sume toClassifiedadno-500 Bellfl Bl d C .M. Air con .. w owne r unt1 5· ·75 at 0 Pil p 0 ower v ' w/good job. CdM apt. panel walls, drapes,1----------1 State B e ach office. 418,c/o ally ot, · · D-. Point l82 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WESTCLIFF-Adult. lge 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• L/4.GUMA MIGUEL bd . bale., pool. St80·$200. (~f~)g5~-~ $140. mo. 67J.JQ3l eve or carpet . elec .. music. •Business Owners. trade phone 5 :J6·305l or Box 1560. Costa Mesa,C<l ~ wknds janitol', parking. M.R. what you have for what "536~·~00~3~1~-------l-•_2626 __ ::--:-=:-=:-:"":--2 BR hilltop, view, cpts APARTMENTS l700A Bedford64ti·ti075 ·drps, patio, laundry . •l &2 Bedroom * FURNlSHED l BR , , Stever. ~lgr . 557-0136 or you want. 752-0740. -•c; YCLBIK May-Aug. $400 mo.: * 2 SHARE w/other tcma lc. 646-8396 -LOST : Elkhound. gry/blk .,.. A SS9·0186 or 49J-ttm DUPLEX New, very lg . · br, 2 ba, bltns. no pets. $250 mo. & up. 838·4949 •Gas Range •Dishwasher •Ca ble TV & Water Pd. •Un(urnished •La rge Pool 2Bdrm.Unfurn. •Patio Ocean View. $210mo. •Sundeek 714 -673-5503 Renl from : $200to $250 _ H ... hojl .. ......, 384 Call: 405-SJOO $ZZS. Spacious 2•hr, view. BR s plit-level s mall P~k. Newport 2 br. 2 ba. -~--------1\'ending face, male w/flea collar. Must ave al least 1 yrs patio,gar.malure,qui cl home$400 mo.:•JBR& ~ic e l .Y Furn. SlSO . ••Des k Space, O.C. CAMDYROUTE Vt c. l\.te s a V e rde exper . preferably ~·=d~"="='~-•~•=•~·lcc9~7,c2 ____ 1 dining Bluffs home $500,_&1_0_-534 __ 2______ Airport area. Compati-Excellent route of cundy ~.r ~ a . C "~ .. An s . to w I computerized 1 .bleparty. lteas.83.1-8100 & snacks available in Sa tan Kids p et, systems. Must be capa- ADULTS. no pct.s. Olx 2 br. 2 b:.i . patio, pool , bbq,, 2034 2 Sanla Ana Ave, Santa Ana HghL~. mo. HAL PIHCHIM. Rllr. ~27 £.Coast Hwy. 67S'4392 Mature Woman wishes to s hare your home or apart. Prefer CdM or NB. 552-7484 . Santo .4.na 3880 Santo Ano 3880 Santo A•• 3810 your area. Ideal way lo 549-1045 ble ol working without NORTH COSI'A MESA 1----------1 s upervision. Will alBO be Mediea l /Dental s uite. suppl.e m e nt sala~y or FOUND : 1,~ Shepherd req'd to perform payroll 950sqftavail.lstnoor pension . Locati_or,is . mi x. mature. Vic . functions aftertrairting. Installations & Tra1n1ng Atb;:itross & Adams Please phone, 540-9945. 300 /1100 sq ft.gen'I ofc furnishe d . Financing CM,.962-5695 . ext73forappt. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mewport leacft 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••···· $1 00 IQllJS •••••• • ••• ••••••••••••• space . Ample p!'kg. Mr. available. Can be ex -1-~--------1 ..::::.:.:::.:.::.-'":!:.'.'---- 0'Keefe, 833·2900 panded lo full time in· F 0 U N D : German Apt Mgr, 14 Units, Some ..::...:.:;:.::::.:.c==~---lcome. For information S h ep h erd , male, maint. Speak Span: " Ouaranteed no rent increase in 1975 OHIU.CH Bachelor from $200 2 Br, 1&2 Ba from S'l15 3 Br, 2 Ba, view, $475 11 •Wlnteratthebeach ia beautiful •Views of ocean, Cata· lina & Palos Verde:i ~ .•Larae prlvatedecks • • •24 Hr Security •Heated Pools-Saunas • Alsicned covered 1 1 P411rking ·~ 1 •Additional free parking . It.Maid 1ervlce avall. _• ~mtture avaJI. ' ' Open M·F 104 .,,.: Sat 10..s. Sun 12-S "" Closed Wed.. "" ~'· t.funtlt .. "" Pac c . ~II\\ '111 Ocean Ave ·<110531-1487 WATERFRONT VIEWSIN NIYtPORT. StT1ttno -n and an eteolnt e1tctttno wav to live. ChOOSt lort<J, blY 'W\,.cJOWS, SkYllQntl, flt• ptaces. Your own prtvtt• DltlO or DllCOnY. A h1enCIY :m1111on-0011ar rec: centet. Ttnnts coum. too. ~urv aourt rent.is from· so monthfY. Promontorv or. west Jult north Of J1mb0rle .on Padffc:~-=~ ~-~· 'Jne liylnO ....._.. •. "LUXURY BAYFRONT'' Unobstructed panoramic view. 1300 Sq. ft.. 2 BR, 2 Ba, dbl gar, 1dWta, no pelt . Boal t!li p avtll. $475. yrty. 2J3.J9th St. ''C". 875-0236 or87U163' ONE FOR THE MONEY (ONE HECK OF ·AN. APARTMENT FOR JUST $21 5.) TWO FOR THE SHOW (A REAL SHOW-STOPPER -PERFECT FOR ROOMMATES) . . The Jonothan -t-.d bedr-. &two~ THREE Get ready to see Apple~s •uper deliciou• Jonathon pio n-a rOCJIJy spaciou• two bedroom, two both model that gi"'1• you o il you could ell8r a dt for. And more. Woll -to-wa ll shag carpeting. Ta ilored d.-apM. Private patio . Formal enffy. Separate dining oreo. Bu ilt:in kitchen wlth contin uoully-tleaning oven and range, di•nwa•her ond dispoial. Heated pqol. Joc11Ui . Sauna >. Volleyball . Billia,d>. Card a nd party room. Etc., etc . •I MO. FREER ENT• ph. 714-879·1284 blk/wht. Vic. H.B. High P.0.Box 1064 , Nwpl Bch. 1-2·3 Rm . offices from Sehl. 842-6478 aft. 2:30 $135 per mo. NearlRVINE· ~arkvi e w wkdays. airport. Sect'y. serv. on Center. Reta1l.stw;>p, ~·-==-'------- pre mises. Noleasereq. sq. ft; Brand new. A ~a1I. ound : Large Blk Cat. 833·322391'ilnoon ror 1mmed. occpcy. Shorl hair. Green eyes. 83S·2840Alternoon 552-9728 Vic ~ Trabuco Rd/Via --""""""'-'"-":'..-':::'."--1-:---:----:---:--::---:::--1 Victoria. Mission Viejo. PRlVATE office, 140 W. Naborhood Beer Bar. 830·7611. Wilson, Apt M-1, Costa Costa l\1esa location. 8y1---------- Mesa. $175 . mo. Owner. For info. 897·9575 OUND : Small brown puppy on Newport 81\•d NEW plush office bldg. 2 14.HTl9UE SHOP in C.M. 642-3855 751-6174 to 6 rm s uites. Con-Beach Location. XJnt in- l eren ce rm , xe rox ventory. Low Cost Lease. copier. Nr. QC Airport Other problems compel 833·3640 Sale. Full J1ricc Sl6,800. Wl'ile Ad #321, D:.iily OFFICES,ACEH& Pilot. P .0 .Box 15GO . Westc lift Drive. 450 sq. Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 ft_.. private bathroom, lusiness W..ted 5010 air, elc. $175. per mo. CallGeneHill.642-0200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Need s mall bus iness. Beer tavern, earthworm HALF DO'Z84 farm or fast·lood operli· Luxurious o[fices, tull tion. 992·2681, 902-0259 service, parking, Mutual M rt T t Bldg.,QIM.Only$120 D.!~1''· NI 5035 Mk for Larry Miller ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOANS up to 80% I st TD L.-1120/o **** L. I . Murphy, Jr. 15051 EcCeisto. lr•hw You are the winner of 2 free tickets toUM:l: UCI IRYIHE CELEIRITY IA5EIAUGAME SUNDAY,MAY18 all :30 al UCt IA)SANGELESRAMS "· OAKLAND RAIDERS in a seven Inning preview of Super Bowl Ten. ASSEMBLERS Growing Cr)'ogen1c equipment mfg co. needs assemblers, Apply at. Cryodynamics, Inc. a s ubsidiary of Royal In- dustries, 2001 E . Deere Ave. Santa Ana. 556-4121 Attractive girl to model 1 arternoon a week. Must. have a nice figure &. be sophisticated. Great pay, Strictly for fun . Privacy & discretion assured. W rite. describing yourself . Write ad #386. Daily Pilot, P. 0 . Box 1560, Costq, ?oles a 92626 AVON GETMOlf OUTOFUR! Become the ~ut.y ex- pert in your ten'ft.ory: .,, , WESTCLIFF across fr; . .:1 'll•n•fedby Coco 't.2Bl\,2Ba.Frplc, '' 'Wilµ1m W1ltenCo patio, crplS, drps, 'f'/A Well, what are you waiting f or. r:::=::::;:=~::;=::::i Gel gone. To Apple . .......... "' .... ~""'"t-i:--... A'OOiloblti fumished I .. .....! COMP'.t..NV l oci TD i- REALTORS · Lowestrales OrangcCo. Please !=all 642·S678, exl 333 to claim YoW' Uckets. <North Count.)' toll free number is 540-1220.) Meet new -people tellfna;: quality producta.'No sell- ing esper. neceu. call 540-7041 Days. -·-heal, 1ar, walk to shops. "'1 HIAI OCIAH $2'0. Adult&. 186S Irv;ne. ;o ' J & 3 IDIMS "'2'0039 ~Staatiful 1tudlo apu.l-"=='-----b-b-I 11 r:J;lc• bltn• d'•-L11rae 2 BR, l~ t!.1..:. n, ·uheri, 2 car ian.fe. Bltns. Encl car. Mr~-.... ,(I decks, From $375. Hoep. Adult.. Sljt5. mo. J,l ' 64!-0598 1 5 -Sotty, N ;~: IAJITA AU f i $ a•1•1e ""N.=~1 ~~~·~1J·~a~ r,1 l'tlone (714) M7.J9'21 t:: $~·---.... \ • SINCt: 1944 Sattt.r Mtg. Co. •••• 671·4400 642·2171 545-0611 Lost F s ed 1 y ·~~~~~ ....... ~~~·Serving HArbor area. 24 : cm amoy · r BABYSITTER~ lO i : o ld . Vi c : Nr. Spr· 1 2 .,O~u QRANGECO. AIRPORT years hn g d: 1~i:; r ne r · ~;:be:r woru~a!\~: 'RestbldgooBitth ill TD HunUngton Beach ewar · Pia,..,...•P..m.po1.(or · 600/900/tSOOaq. n. $5000. S7S. mo .• 10% int. P'ind what you want in mature, t'ffP. woean,. Rlaht Really Xlnt eqty. 64!·Ull3 Daily Pi.lot. Clantnecll. 871,JMJflUf, M -~ ' ' •••u•19 .G-S""'-HouHclt..,log PtilntlOCJ/l'OptNg Plllloa loofl"9 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• llaby11H1"' c...,.-. . 0 ... .-1.., •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l .ovlng cnre, fn cd Yd }litt's Car~ntry·64Z·617i OresfmllikiJliinThc K~epAmericaCLEAN flANDYMAN-Homes & Busy Bachelori/career Pror Pilnltr, honest Patlo11helter1dellaned& REPAIRS, 111 type•, H r I d u y I w k Doors ·Shelving-Repairs European Manner. We Friendly Gardeners. No Apt a:. Conaclentioua glrlS' lel'a keep lt clean! work, re•.s. Jnt/ext.. free built. Addit/remdl/ re· Reos. Free till. Uc, aak NifhLS /wknds OK. Refs Patio covers·Formica. furnlith everythlng.Dc· Jobtool1e/amlM.l·002'7. Craf\sman.~. Sunshine ,Clea nln& est . Refs. '!i48·21$9, hiatedwork.644·7598 tor Wa ll. 830·5010 556-0347 Jeannie Refs. slgfo~::h~~~i.$~ay Ex Pert J ap• n e 1 e "Tl!JNGS" by Moose. Strvlcet94·6415. 6"2·3913 fttettff/Repoir anytime . · BABYSIITEH M AS1' t: fl Craft mans by appt. only Gardener, Complete yd. Gen woodwork, repa.ins, HOUSECLEANING Is our ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROOFSCHltCKED I Capable and mature Specialty. Remodeling, Services. Ne•t & RoJia. plumbing, etc. 64.2·5813. Business. Call Janice's ~1· L11· Sdl ~ 0 R : $~ l~ PATCH, PLASTERING nepatred &Replaced 673·1&1.9 tint.sh work, refs. Free El•ctrical b~le. NB, CdM area. Free sr .. 1 R al 0 ... Raggedy Anns. 675-65!3 p~a:r 979 ::few. Velio All Types. Free Ea· Direct t""act~Service ----------!est. Guarwork499·Jl0$ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eat.M~0694 A-.uhpl. ent · ·~moye tlOUSECL'" ... 'l"G · · · tJmatea. CINl540-8825 LicenseC»J.S&t86 W ill ba bysit your pre ELECTRICIAN Sml spat, conc:ttte, toll. • .IOolW" , ... " W II u-.. ...i.. PH·54!).2981 school my CM home Finish Carpentry . · GRASSCO. Gradings tor driveways, By reliable couple. Good • • P«J>tra.. ...... a• ,..._..,.. 1'1,;;i;~~·~~~;;-- M·F. Fenced yard, reus Remodel -Repair Jobs. ma Int/· repairs. 22 MOW & EDGE lot clearin1. rill 1and. By Rates. Refs. 548·627l BCyaFrloRrmebtkrol·ns ... true .•• ""49 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IS•w1-/A...,...._, rte 979 ·•-vo·nce Lenholf ·-&475 yrs ex p. lie 233108· FREEEST6467528 h -'"" -•>"-'~'-· '-'~·-=:..__---~------,-------548·5203 . • 7 o~r or contract . LMdscaplng JUST PLUMllMGo? ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• NANCY BARNES Typing Service. Rea rates by the page o hour. 64Q·5885ora48·8l CorpetServlu~ ---~---1 ------Japanese Complete :Sl· 338· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fa1tServ ReaaRates Alt.eratlons in .my home. ••••••••••••••••••••••• war....,..IHJ G11rd e ning Service. Haullnft ROTOTILUNG$25 1st Class Ext/Int paint, J ustOneC-QllTo· also hem11, i1ppen etc. •••••••••••,•••••••••••• p 1 .. . .. C "'1' • paperhanging, airless JUSTPLUMBlNO. Reo.sr-.111tes 968·1178HB JOHN'S Carpet & UphOI· •GARDENING• "n t 1 n & I u t · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Landscap1ng·SodSo.les. spray.25yrsexp979·52!:M 1 --~· --------stery. Ori shampoo (soil ting /Cleanup. Free &t. Hau II n., yd cleanup Free est. Master charge * 842-4111 * Top Soll '.t.rd.n•··J. Deg-... -Mo.w /fo~d&e/MaJ.nt 6423102 •• ' D / 96CJ.2l70To P ROF Pa•· "ng Et "" '" ... "" E ""-"" . mc;ivlng , any art1a. Rella-ays eves m . . nu x er· '.R. OTIS Plumblna ••••••••••••••••••••••• •~all· color br1""'_,...., •· ~ree •t. 548·~ bl I ..... , lor/lnl Loe Ins ~.. " ""' ., ....... .., ... .,. •EXPERT Japanese e owrates ~1 c d · eed · -• · · rl" Waterhtrs,allaizes,dia· •TopSoil•Compost• lOminutebleachforyour Complete Mai nt yd 0 d . 5 . ' · ' ustom esign, s or Est.838·7394 po•ala, •to!f.aacs, re· •Mul,ch•Redwood• white carp~ts, Save cleanups, lawn renOvat· ar en1ng erv1ce. Fl"ee LIGHTHAUUNG sod lawns, sprink lers.1--~~~-'-----1 • BOOKKEEPING. b I Estimate.646·3370 CHAl"SAW-YARD Ford Landscape. Uc & Qualll.)'PuinLing.Jntt J.<:xt. pairs, rem eling a nd C•llS86-0030 money. Y sav ng ~ ~X· ine. pruning/trimming. '" I · N r-• Quarterly Tax Reports tra trips. Clean hving 6464676. WORK . s.sb-0347 insured. 962-7817. Low cost . Free ~t. Also rep ping. ew .._..,,true· Trtt S ervlc• &P/L.CallM5-004l room, dining rm & hall MELX!CACNMlKE'S M sma\ljobs548·9496. Lion. 24 llrs. Il e & bond ••••••••••••••••••••••• --~------1 Sl5. An>' rm $7.~. couch •ROTOTIUJNG• awn Jeanups GENERAL HAULING asonry . 642·6263 • •· & Pruning REASONABLE ••••••••••••••••••••••• SONSHINE Paperhang· Tree RemovaJ. limb1na: ~ C nt $10,chair$5.15ynsexpia Well done. Large or Apa"rtments •&4G·S848• WILLIAM S •. Sons Ing. Jnt·Ext. Painting. MARV'SPLUMBING Shrub clearlna:. Gen'I arpe er what counts, not melhod, Small Plot. 751·5250 Mike , & Commercial M • 5 0 n r Y • ~8 r 1 ck / Free Eat. 548.9865 •846·9807• clean·up. 546·6403. •••••• ••• •• ••••••••••• I do work myself, Gd. SAVE & Profit. Custo refs. 531.0101 sos·s GARDENING Free est C&llS48·2049 Equip. Rental. Remove BI 0 ck /Stone. Ca 11 NO JOB TOO SMALL Tree removal. thin, top. remod. repair, add·on Clean Ups &Newl..awns Mow: Edge, Weed: Hedge. ~~~~r~tg's ~~i~~~w~o~i!·. _58_t._7_829 _______ .1 QUALITY PAINTING Ford's 'free Service. Uc insulation. Free est. & Carpet. & Upholstery Ph: 646·2156 Sprinkler r epair le • Professional will paint tmodel & R.,alr & Insur. 962·7817. Desi&ns . 645-3439. C leaning. Steam & Le r ·J~· lot clearing, fill.~and. y Firep laces·Planter5· you r home & do it right. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1------------=~~-~---I S hampoo. Jo~ree est. Yard Maint. Cleanups, E..~oa9•7•55me&sage or ·hour or colt'tract . Brick /Concrete·Patios, lnt/Ext.Reas rates,rcCs Qualltyhomelmp.Llc.2S Upholst•ry "'6 7811 H 1· T w~....o-.......,. 751·0338.· Block walls·BBQ P1"ts. •• liMODB.IMG .,.. · au 1ng, rees, ...,...,, 497·3169 yrs exp. Free est. Falr ••••••••••••••••••••• . C C ---&.... Reason. Bob. 645-0798 Irish Gardener li1'oving ·Hauling-Clean· Refs. Est. 646-0464 price. We care. Ken eves Rcup hols tery. abov e Homes-Commercial· enMftt/ o~ L . . t d C I ud Palnti-AllT~ •· k d 64 0 R average quaUty below •1 Industrial. Walls·Palios· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quality/Maint/Ldsepa awn main enance an up. 2 o legc st cnts. Brick·Block·Stone .,.., "'·w n s 2·177 • ay . • · Ca bi nets. etc. Free LEONITE CONCRETE sod,. sprklrs, soil cond, clean ups. 979"8334 Exp , R e a s on ab I e Walls or Patios Free est 67!i-~im days 675·9184 . averai(e price. 536·2362 1 E~timates:GeneralCon· STA!\IPINc_;, Cc:ib · cleanup. 642·3331 /Ge:neralS•rvices 6"0·l749 Qua.lityWorkSS7·6563 WALLCOVERINGS tractor, Lie. 1'14880. Ca ll bl es tone, brick, tale , 646·4908. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Houa•cleanlng MovilMI 'Jni;tall ed/Removed IF YOU Window Cle"""'9 evenings 53-l· 7433 patios. etc. 640-4349. . . . ••• •••• •• •••. •••••••••• ••• .;;;r. • ••• •••••••• ••• J .E. Swenson 536·6901 Cleanups. Treework Carpenter /pa1ntE:(': minor ,, have a service to offer or • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••• •• goodstosell,placcanad NEED Your Window• i n t he Daily Pilot Wash1Jd '! Call Brad or MINOR HOME REPAIR BloCk·Slumpstone Walls· Gardening /Min or repairs, shinglinuatio General Housekeeping OUT & AB9lIT?? . Plumbing-carpentry Patio SJ a bs ·l'ri ves· lndscp'g. 10 yrs in area. encl. Privacy rences, etc. Excellent · Per Uay Local /Statew1de Moving Painting/Repair·J:i yr:i. work guar. take advan· tagc or my exp. 536-7056. Class!Cled Section Bruce at 642·8853 or Ceramic. 540-5560 Planters. 645·8720 64&·2693 Larry 645·9532/M0-7858 Call Celia 548-2049 7 da, free est. 521·2071 Phone 642·5678. 645·0361 . Reas· Free est . ' HelpWonttd 7100HtlpW...ttd 7100 HolpWant:ed 7IO~Ho!pWonttd 7100 HelpWoaltd 7100 HolpW-d 7.100 Help Wanted 71 O~Htlp W'"ltd 71 q Htlp Wonttd 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOOKKEEPER At leas t twp 'years experience in process ing accounts pa:yable, working knowledge of payroll and maintaining bank accounts. Must possess good office skills and growth potent ial. Permanent position with good salary. Company paid life, hospital and medical benefits. Apply At The DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street, Costa Mesa !Ask For Per.....i Offlce l Help Wanted 7100 Holp Wonted 7100 ,... ...............•..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1------1 . Beaut1c1a n w /some BUTCHER Jollo\\•ing. ~1anicurist for 'new Mission HiUs shop. 581·7780. Sal Commensurate With Experience Apply To: (rjle-a_u_ll_c_ia-n-.-,,,.-c-c-,-,-.,-.1-.1 Skinny Hoven RHt Newport. Costa I\.les a 501 No Broolchurst area. 548·1311. Anaheim 776·8020 ---------1 J ob Site Will Be : )teautician to take over 25254 La Paz Rd c lientele. Also, Bcauli· LagunaHills ci.an 's As sista nt ,l~~~~~~~~~~I (Manicur e, Shampoo, etc.) C.M. a rea. Sal + CARPENT~R. M1_1st be comm. 548·6144 very experienced tn new -'-=-'--------1 marine fabrication. Frf, 'Beauty Operator 981W.18th,C.M. w /following to rent space J.n top NB salon. Ask for C~SHIER, ~ull or part Jim 644-7321 time. Apply 1n person, 9·5 ' . PM . COSTA MESA CAR ---------1 WASH. 2059 1-larbor Boys & Girls ,_B_1,_d_.c_M_. ____ 1 •t l 0to14yearsofage .. Dai· CASHIER for eves & . Jy Pilot delivery routes wknds. O.C. Airport Gift may be available in your Shop. Apply Mon pm or area. Earn profit for de· Tues am Jiveries & cash, trips or1-.---------l merchandise for selling C?I stu.dents , p/t sis, de· new subscriptions. For hv. E\es/Sat. Car, ph~ne information please call nee. Mr Lyons846·5455 642·4321 . From San «:ook for Italian Deli over Clemente-San J uan 18 some experience Capistrano a_re~, c~ll is514 Beach Blvd. I-18. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Denta l Ass t Ortho Chairside Approx. 4 days wk. Ort!IO Exp. req. Start S3·S4 hr depending on exp. No smoking. Age 20 to 30. 642·2626 Domestic/Couple, live-in, req'd for large Newport Bch home, Duties will in· elude cooking, housekpng, chauffeur· ing. Ute gardening, win· dow washing etc. Must be English speaking & have x lnt local refs. Salary , Reply to Classified ad no. 417 c/o Daily Pilot. P. 0 . Box 1560. Costa !\1esa, Ca 92626 ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE Prominent Newport Clothing Store Wishes To Hire A Maintenance Man Of High Quality. The Hou rs Would Be 8:30-3 :30 Monday Through Friday & 8 :30-12 :30 o n Saturday. Additional Hours Available , If Qualified . Slarlin9 Wa9e is Sl Per Hour Reply To Classified Ad No. 420 C!O Daily Pilot P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 Prototype wi r er H~lpWanttd 7100HefpWoftted 7100 w/strong background in ••••••••••••••·••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• reading schematics & . Mature l ady to do wiring from same. Ex· 1-lou s ekeeper; rclircd housecleaning. Apply in per. in soldering. point to lady, to share & man~ge person. 31755 Cst. Hwy. point wiring, harnessing beaut. horne for working South Laguna. or electronic assemblies mother·& school age son, 1 ----~----- & PC boar<ts. ~n exchange £or free liY· Mecha.nic . Auto; Exper'd, NH Research 1ng costs. No cleaning. benefits, $1100 per mo. 1510 So. Lyon St 675·6116 Mission Viejo. 830·1795 PRODUCTION TYPIST IBM SELECTRIC II Experienced accurate Typists needed immediately. 70 \vpm (must) Part Time Opening' Day & Evening Shi Ft Excellent Working Conditions Apply in Person Orange Coast Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St., Costo M1>1a Ask for Paul Ward A11 Equal Opportunity Emplo:yer ------ TRAINEES, Females SECURm 18·80. New Window Tint· ) GUA.RD ing Company ih H.B. has Retired security guard to openings in Promotions. worK'-pJ time for boat Installations, &. Sales manul, moving to new Dept. Personality & de· location n~ar o .c . sire to work, more im· Airport. Must have own portant t han experience. uniform & trafllip. Apply Apply Mon·Sat, 9.5 at in person al guard ahack, 1 -;;16;t~S;A~J~a~b;a;m;a~,~H;.;B;.;;;;;; Westsoll Corp. I• 1638 Placentia. CM TYPISTS 1~~~~~~~1 PUBLICATIONS Service Sta. Attend, full TYPISTS or p/t . Brown's SheU, 900 (2nd Shift ) E.CoastH~y,NB Will p e r form .lYpist. !----~~----• duties for all draft & Service Station Atten· repro typing performed dant, exper'd, Upy & in technical publicationa eves. Full & p/time. App· dept. Also, reqs exper. on ly Shell Station, 17th & Lexitron ' & Redacto r Irvine, N.8 . power machines. Poai-1 STE~o c• cnK II tions req prevtous ex.per. " ~ as a repro typist. Apply · · I in atteridance office at a t '. Inters tate E l ec· Hftp Woftted 7100 Hftp W11111t.d 7100 high school. Must be ac· tronics Corp., 708 E. Ver- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• curate, type 45 WPM and mont Ave, An-.helm. ---------IREALESTATE take dictation at 90 ASubsidiaryOf NURSING Mak e extra money. WPM . A·T·O, Inc . RN's, LVN's NA's Opening for 6 part or full .A:THLETIC EQUIP. Equal Oppor. E mploy time, licensed real estate MAN m /f salespeople. Call for in· I ~~~~~~~~~~ terview. for high school .i: 646·3928,eves 673·4577 Knowledge of equipment WAITRESSES! Experienced acute care & supplies u~ed in sports. S-'-'i l~-MOTEL MAID,p/time. hospital only. P ;Lime , 2 yrs exp. in maintainin& ,...... ,,....._ Electronics Assembler. Apply Costa Mesa Inn, On-Call lor all shifts. &: h'<l n dling athletic ~~ptl yAat J08ct2 W. 17th9St. Santa Ana · 835·1616 Min . 2 yrs. experience. INHALATION 3205 Harbor Bl, CM Contact Mrs. Jensen, equipment. .....n a na. ween am Must solder. know col· THERAPYTECH Costa Mesa Memorial Apply Capistrano tollam.&2pmto4pm. orcode. Newport Beach Min. 2 yrs cXper. or Nb~~t~~~~!af~~t.:r;~~;: Ho s pital, 301 Victoria,l•---------1 Unified ~choo~ District, WAlTRESS-over 2 1. firm. As k for Gary. schooli ng. Salary com· ingdeli,21orover.Tak· C.M.64.2·2734.EOE RECEPTIONIST/ 261~6 V1etor1a Blvd ., part time. Call 962·7212 _64_5·_99~10~------I mensurate w/trainlng & ing a pplications Mon PBX Cap1i;tran0Beach. btwn3&5PM. EXECl!TIVE s~retary, eHxpe.r1t· Co,,~t2a2c734t Mr. thru Fri, betwn 3&5pm, Nurses Aides, all shifts. An opening for an in· SummerPosltiOM WontCo-~u•-s J C · t am1 on, "'"· ext 3416 Via Aporto, Lido Convalescent Hospital, dividual to operate small """"'-an uan ap1s rano 3 8 7 . Cost a Me s ~ S42·0593. switchboard Must have Earn $2400·Summer Pro· Small elec. cement mix-w/exciting, expanding Memorial Hos pital. l -V_l_ll_ag~•~·-N_.B_. _____ 1----------ood 1 h · & gram for College Stu· er on tripod or atand. firm . 5900· mo. 493·1154 EOE. New Spa in Hunt. Bch Pensioner to live on Horse front ~~rf%e °:;pe~~~ce. d e nts w ho are hard Re as . 549.O120 o r Exp. Burglar Alarm needs attractive girls . Ranc h. Small salary. For appt. contact, workers & can leave 545·730i. service ma n. Apply 228 lNSURANCE Girl, front No ex per. nee. will train. 714·338·1011 or244·2218 c a r 0 I y n Berke I e y, _C_a_l~i(~•-r_na_· a_._S4_t_·_3380 __ . __ 11-W-H_O_W_A_N_T_S_TO_W_O_RK __ , Forest Ave, L.B. · office . Part/(ull ·time. g:ri f~r r~~:rtv:~.~~~ Person 21-40 , trn for 644fv~Q FINANCIAL Supervisor <Houseclean· DR IVE ACAB! EX.SECRETARY CallMonday,&w-1752 or 962 .3934 betw n mgmt. $150 wk guarn. ing bus) full time.own CHOOSE your hour!!, Col Pr.r •tr Le•a· INSURANCEGROUP trans. 556·6296 after work for yourself, be Excellent opportunity IOam·IOpm · .1• • Equal Oppor. Employer PM " · d. ood 846·5455 5 · your own boss. Men or for Suarp in iv. wig lRVINE PERSOt'JNEl NUR,SE .. Part t ime for ~~~~~~~-:::~.1 ;;~~~~~~~;1 Wo men. Can be :sllghUy s h & typing s kil l s GP ff C.OSt M Plumber, Repair , full Surgical Secy, part time, haridi capped. Neat· w /rapidly ex panding SER.VICES&-AGENCY.. Calls~l·~~;i. a esa. time.5yrsminimumex· Santa l\.na. Good ap· Clea n Appearan ce. financial organization 488 E . l?th (At Irvine) per . Ref. r equired . RN·CCU pearance & skills. Exp'd. Vets., retired. Age 25 to soon tobe locatedinO.C. Suite224 Costa Mesa NURSING 536·1452 only. $4/hrly . Sen d 5 1 . area . Ex per in real r Nights, full or p/time. typewritten Resume W/ 7o. upp ement your In· estale development, Cal 6,2-1470 RH 1 S-LVH'S Production Worker. top Di fferential pay. Xlnt ref's: come. Drive a cab 6 hrs legal or mortgage bank·~ If you want personal burner. delivery driver . benerits. Contact Mrs. Writeadno402,Daily or more 8 day. Apply in. ing pre£'d. Xlnt pay & J, HERIERTU.t.I I satisfaction & total in· (2) openings. Call Cindy, Jensen, 642·2734, Costa Pilot, P.O. Box 1560 r:~; .. r:~~0St~, ~~ 495·0630 and M1ss1on Vie· jo-EI Toro area, call 581·6310. benefits. ~ volvemen t irl patient 6<12·2256 . Memorial Hospital, 301 Costa Mesa.Ca921626 COOKS& CallJ>ersonnel JEWELLERS care, joi n our pro·l----------1 Vi ctoria,C.M.EOE. --::--:-:~--;-::---1 cM'.'.::'e~s•~·:__ ___ · ___ _ COUMTER 21 3/869·0512 Now interviewing for fessional staff. Position~ Project Switchbocrd 0pr . w 0 man f 0 r 1i 1 ht PERSOMHB. Equal Oppor. Employer new store opening South open for 1·3, 3·11 full & Coor dinator 12·8:30 Tue~ thru , Fri. housework. 3 timea P /time, f/time, days or Coas t Plaza. Ass t . p /lime. Sa l, co m , for real estate develop· p ,!l:M~irector · d Da~sSat. Mtsc.genlofc wet.'!kly. 40 yrs or over. nights. Apply In person, FOOD SERVICE Mana!ier. Sales help in me ns urate w /exper . ment co. Secretarial & syc .. 1atr1c exper. e· duties. for ne"". car auto Refs.642.9217 Equal Oppor. Employer 2.5pm. Tues lhruSat f"/tlme day help Mon fine Jewelry, China, Va cations, holidays & construction bookkeep· sired. Day shift Monthru agency. Apply 1n person,---------- &OAT BUILDERS lhru Fri . P /tim c Sterling & Crystal. In wellpay benefits. Appl) ing background pref'd. f''ri . Apply Garfield Jim Siemon! lmports.VachtSales&Servieeon Westsail Corp. needs a CARL'S JR. weekends. person only, 10 to 12 Mon thru Fri9·3, Should be familiar Conv . Hospita l, 7781 1301Quail,St.,N.B. the Ba y. Needs exper. Boat Electrician w/min l 19512 Beach 81, l-IB Apply Mc.Donald's Noon. 32 Fas hion Square, ROY ALE w /processing construe· <Jarfield Ave, Hunt Bch. SERVICE MANAGER, yrs marine ~lectrical ex· COOKS 700 W. Cst Hwy, N.B. Santa Ana Conval•acent ..a.......Jtal tion dlsbursemenL'i. ren.1_84_7_·96_7_1_. ------I TEACHERS SHIPS PAIN'rER AND per. (inclu ing A/C & Exper. onl y ror busy cor-·-.,.. tal receipts & related re· An appreciation 'fo r the CARPENTER. Xlnt op· 'DIC work ). Must have GENERAL CLERICAL JUNIOR SALESM£ 1030 W. Warner, S.A. t t bl" · SALESLADY value of education is the porlunlty ror t"e ri"ght I , XJ fee shop. i\1'ust know egg C 115466450 por s o pu tc agencies 11 own too s "' transp. nl Engineering Ofc. Nwpt. a · I d s M a t u r e . Re t a i I ·•tlro·bute we look for in men. 646·0551 ,\N D broiler work . ----------! & en ers. ubmit re· .. co.benefits&future.Ap· Bch.675·6110 Age 1015 Earn $20$40 •· I · tl rugstore. Includes eves our Summer employ -1 ~-"-CC.'-'-=~---- ply in p'erson to; Benefits. Apply in person · · . · NlJRSE sume ""' sa ary reqwre· & k d 8 0688 • * • • 'J\.1'on thru Fri, betwn 2 & per week getting new LVM-LPT ment to : Classified ad w n s. 46· ment program. To re· .-1.~ W•stsail ~. • 2278 N Bl d customersfortheDAILY no 419 c/o Daily Pilot "A quest interview appt. DonK-· 638pl . M .. pm, ewport v ' Gen'ILabol .. s PILOT after school and Days & e \'CS, fu ll & • • '~a les .x:cretary for busy . p I 216Calltr~ l acentia, CM .Askroroffice. /t . St ff / t" l P. 0 . Box 1560, Costa YachtBrokerageon the write, ersonne -•.-• ~~~~~~~~~~11 ;;;;;;;:;=:::;::;:-:;;;';;;~-: ..... t Tme Asseftlll/PkcrS Saturdays. You must be P .1me. a pa ien Mesa, Ca 92626 Bay. Exper., skilled, ap· Man ager, 1380 S . Son ClftMnf• •---------•ICOSM ETIC CLERK, ex· Tempo Temporary Help out of school by 3:00 p.m . ratio .superb. Xlnt sal & 1. 1 p Anaheim Blvd, Suite 12'7, You are lhe winner of 2 BOAT FlkERGLASS MOLDERS Wanted-Kxperienced Gitkoat•rs T-h·Up& Molders Wepaytopwages Excellent co. benefits including <.'O. paid health ins &Ufe ins tor our employees. perienced . Exclusive 17802SkyPark,Irvine and be able to work at benefits. Seaside, Longl •---------•I P icants on Y lease/. Anaheim,Ca92815. C )I l •• 't 3d.ys per week. No Bch, 21S /591·870l Phone M r . Tay lor, 1 ----~-----1 rree tickets tot.he drug store. Must have,,·~~~·~-~~~~~! PURCHASING 646·0551 UCllRVIMI ability to completely1: deliveries or ~Jlecting. The fastest draw in Lhe ' CELEBRITY manage co•metic dept. GIRL FRIDAY T."nsporlal oon pro· Wesl. , .a Daily Pilot BUYER TRAINEE SEAMSTRESS TelephoMSalet l'SEl'LLG'"E Laguna Sunset Drug, 944 v!ded. Call 6'4·6236 . Classified Ad . 642·5678. Part· Time Work .... ~ _.. Glenneyre,L.B.494·6585 F /time.Bookkeepingex· Equal Opportunity Exp . Single Needle SUN DAY.MAVIS per. pref'd. Some typing. E mployer MOW IS THE TIME With one or more years Operators & Pressers. avail. ftlOrnllM)I, of• at 1:30 at UCI Counter Waitress/Cold Appl y in per s on,1-L-.-0-A-L-S~E~C-R~~-A-R-Y-I for job seekentocheck exper . buying mis · Apply at C<Jr Jo Manu. ternoons or even-LOSANGELESRAMS Sandwich maker com· Customweavc Ca rpets. "' "'' h D 11 p ·i H 1 1 . . Co. 684 W. 17lh St. CM. vs 0 . i e a y 1 ot e p eel aneous ttems, 1.e. I H ...., · bination. ver 21. Mon 18480 Pacific St, f'oun· Corporateexpenence. Wanted classificadon. I! fasteners, shipping sup.1_64_5_·68_2_0_. ------I ftCJS. OU,., WGpS . Q,\KLANDRAIDERS thru Fri, 8:30am·2pm. tainValley Newport Center . the job you want is not plies . m a nuracture d & commlaslona. ina seveninn1ngpreview S2.45 per hr. The Butret 640·0800. h . h 'd s d SEAMSTRESS orSuper Bow\Ten. Restaurant, Taj !\f.ahal GIRL Friday, fantastic l----~-'-----1 t ere you m1g t cops1 er parts etc. en resume to Sail makers. exper. rcq. For details call Please call &&2·5678, ext bldg, lower l evel , p /t job, 4 hrs day. l.ive.in M a id, youn g, wor,.rlherla.nng aydou,.rn stehrc,;Jcoebs PBe. O.hBoCx 23~ .. ~ewport Top pay, Ullman Sai ls. 540·0301 333 toclnimyourtickets. L • '1·11 586 •119 PR /Sales exp. helpful. maybe Spanish, H.oom & ac , u "~· Attn: 675·6970 a una 1 s. ..,, · bo d ) lj~W~a~n~le~d~· c~•~tfe;o~~~. ~P~ho~n~o~P~u~•~c~h~a~sl~n~~Dl~re~ct~o~r.~fl:J~~~~~~=~I (North County toll free ,_,E,.,.':."-''""~':::·004~5:.;. ____ l-o'-'.c-'-."A"lr"po-"-il"-.-'-833-~3640-'-"-1--•-r_. P~"-'·-•_99_·_1Z1_1. __ 1 642.5678 ·J Los A.rtCJeles Times number is 54().1220.> Dentol Chai,.idc ror GIRL THURSDAY MAIDS Secretary 1375 Sunflower, ___ •_•_•_• __ _ Perioofc. F/time. Prefer Want a bright, witty, self Colonial Motel. 1967 g TAR GA ... E-.>•1r.w. Experienced. Work C M. Mffc.hanclise ..• exper.inallaur"ery,En· auilicient, orderly laWc NewportBlvd .CM ~ ·~ .&"-'1' Irvine Area. Salc1 / • • F=~~---•141 CLAYll.POLLAN--~~=--t Mkt 'f Back.round ••••••••••••••••••••••• PACIFICABY thu1iaatic, goo d tostayldayahead. c · 1 ---------~'1.•~ personallty. Xlnt oppor. management, bookkeep-M.AI D WANTED, par t ~ r-°""" ......,c..w. ~ hclpfu . Xlnt Co. Bnlts. . _..... ... , 1005 KIPPER YACHTS GoOd 181 & benefits. Ing, A/R & A /P. c.en·1 re· lime. Call Mesa Motel, To 6.~;:;,"~;:.,:; ::""5-dov. Send resume incl. Salary TELEPHONE Answering ••••••••••••••••••••••• Phone 10· l lam only, cords. lite sectttarial In 1_"'8 __ ·968 __ , _______ 1 reodwonllrOttftPO"dlr>gto.....,... req. to Ad #307, Dally Serv. PBX Operator. Ex· 1900 ENGLISH Jlall.lrec · 928 W.17thStrcet Tustlnarta.544·5337. beautifulllunt.llt1.rbour. Marketing 1~~=""°"' ,1 ~ PUotP.O.Box1560,Costa p 'd.t>knly.MushlbeaCble1to1 ·501id oak. 4 brass coat Costa Mesa ----~-----1 Call Mr. Reynolds for Ir ,,.,..._ 12t.._ •20._. Meaa,CA92626 wor any rs. • : hon1er1, beveled mirror 7 .14/645--5570 "DENTAL ASSIT. 2 yr~ appl.846·0011. FILM ~= ll~-~~ SECRETARY·EXEC 495·0340 w/bench 1el!lt storage, • .• .... ~~~~~~~~~J exp. fo'ull or part time. ADVERTISI..... '11 1''• ·~~ Newport Beach firm xlnl cond, J17Sorbestof· _ Good X ·Rays, in1 . Ground Floor ()pportuni· p RTTtME t:::;::, ~2:::' :1~ TELLER fer 9fl0.2627 '• loot Rtpal,,.n benefits. 64!i-26S2. ty! Face lirt without sur· A / m ... _ .. ~ ,, .,.... J,,..._ "'~ "°'"..Jo.a engased in real estate Level headed. exper'd &I''--·----·-----Kery demo. or SwediAh FULLTlME !t'~C 1~~.. !:f::-~::!:"' ~:11 1!f1 appraisal & property cheerful teller needed. COLLECTORS PLATES, •·Must bave waterfront DentalReceptionisltoas· Cosmeti('Sale.&U..3.S4T. Wm . Fawcett Ad•.· o.1w1 :~.r-·· :J~ :.;!:;-o..-..•~ ... _i",jjil mamt.Xlnttyplng&SH Contact Mra. Croxon, Ltd. td . Wedgwood, ': boatyard ex.per. Need sist in rront ore. or C.M.l----------1 Newport Beach ft BUI i.w.JO •.t~ OJ QI 13 ~ ~·-~;,,,;11'4 skills req'd, Ute bkkpg. 644.·1461 '69.'?0, '71, &ston Tea ' 1 ·•killed wo,.aers w/clean dental otc . For Appl call, Ho r s c Trainer 1 ex· Fawcett SporU Pl'oduc· UoNCU "°""""""'"" •• ..,._ ,,,_ CN'fllCOlnl Christian environment. Imperial S&L "a·--. Party. Peanuts. Norman ,. d Bl "' · eo t u rr · ........... c~IV#f" 1'"" ~... /)vno·--lllC 11 ·~ • recor . ac-...es a 642·8814. pc r len ce d . Mr1n or onao eraewuque ... .,r· ~"'i'' 1t ,.,.. *llto'"' ,,~~'"" : Send re:sume ol qual. &: S50NewportCtrDrNB Rockwell, Walt Disney. ' · Yard,673·6834. Woman . Engll ~h & t o •n Ac c t . Exec. ,..17 :1 ~-;.. :~~-V.~..;.....~i,;; -'alary 're:q. to Resume, Equal Oppor.Employer P/P.831·24!'19 ~· Dental Auist.t · Western . Salary & w /stronr E1<ec. contactt ..: 1 "'-••t• "°""'-P. 0 . Box 511, ~lboa, 'r... a.y o.tt.11 SMp Chalrilde. £xpr, req. Found. 714·3;l8·101l or in Orange Cty. Keep your ~~ ri':=..... :;>~~ Ca, 92661 NOTICE ORJENTALCAJ\PETS Needs "'Exp'd. Ste:1men, 540·7617. Cost.a Mesa. 2'4·2218 pre.sent Job. FlaJit the fir.::....., ll~ II ~:... how Dally Piiot Clui· Studtnl returns f.rom ~!. .... 8ulftr1, Upholstery &:l -'.::..=c:.:====-·1-----h.iahb1cotttoofllvine&:add1 I;:;" j:;t=:,,.. :;:::;:... lrled ada displ~ their A.t i• with ca.rpett from r>"CheckOutPeople.Apply DENT.AL ousekeeper/Pa.rt Time s11a y your J)ratn ,." gn.. wo..·-You don't need a gun to meisages with l• .. •ibillty Afgh•n.lstan. ~de Ritt· "''""·In person. 8·S PM, Sharp,exper'dortralnee for two adults: Near income. Even pl. time, J:~ ~,,,... UC::;:.. "dr1w fast" v.•hen you andimpact?Ou.r'";'ds,we lion. Very reuoriable .Ji·.:c o sTA M~SA CAR rorbusyNewportCt.rore. Nwpt Blvd• Santa youreceiveaaalary + ,.,..... ~ .. _ place11n 1d intheDa.ily areproudtosay,reaJJy prices .8'6-3629. _ WASH,· 20S8 Harbor s • '-h 1 d I Isobel. C1ll 646 ·8304 eom.mla1iou. .,.,..._... ®.011.o1•1e ()""-,,,, Pilot Want Ads ! C11ll now ~ -ec 'I • c • r ut ea. get re1 ults. Pbo'ne Have soinethina to -ur -Bllld,CI(. Musttype. -wkndsorall6pmwkdy1. PH: 714 .. J:MllH °"' ...._ ....,, -6'2·5678. "'2·5878. c1a .. 10odadldoltj!Oil. '1' , • • ' • I • ' ' . -. . . -' -.-----.,. .... r r • ... .,._ ........ _,_ -·-· ...... ~ ... "'•* .. ···-··--- I I (1. I ~ • I ' J ~ '' " - • I • • I .. s I I M l I • " • ... ,.I •• , . ., .,, • " '" .1' ~ -- 11 • -• I • ... ...,. .. 21• 100 lie ...... ~ .;;._ .......... ,,...... ..r.::. . wlo""'""' IMO •• •• s... 1011 .... ... '°'' ........ . IOIO l.·~~~r.!Sllur~~~~~~;:'~;;;;;;~'.=:j;;~DA~•i-~YiPILO~~Tw':;i'i , .............. •••••••••••••• ... •••••• ~······••••••• .. ••••••• ........................ ,........... •••••••• I' 11~~::.ttf11 O:U·~-=~U.• i!l(~~l'!:.,•;rl=: <~EAL/ Gani• 'sa1e. ~d~11~fi1: 1;'::1:~ 11=f11~ Ml;=~" 'joa1 -=•II 7"~zo """"~""'""""" .£WI.JS· JEwtL.ttY . ' ......_, " •dor1-.1e. ••• •Muff",1•11 . Couche•. Compl taok, bri41•~ &Sl"ATi& .JSWELRY, ••• , ................... ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• 'ISLANDER Bet.em). A8T OllJ8C?l...,~!f.· BBACH aniB· ~·•·-116U31T .t ~c.!:~"PlaW. brudl•,Ote.~H-. , ART OBJllCTS, A~ SSCASHSSFOI ShineonThNSum-Sips s. 'l'I. X1tt coof. PH' 0fJ!l_.,.~1!!!· ... .,...... ,·"'-·,;~.~Call • , • .• !!!2,_1~.-...-Dr., HB. TraU/ftar•· ,_-~.Pin·' TtQUa, nNE PUa.N.\ Good uaed twn/rdrilJ ' E x p e r L Y a e h t $4900. Pvt ply~ .. • 1-.• .-va m · ~....., --.• r uc: CV!."• rte PHONE FOR IN· Fru1/1t.ova. Jt6.07G8. Retlnl1hln1. Wu·Waab. BBOC UR& al\era •~fCI.. . , ', ...... 9(.. .i i .. _~t lo co ... r_1_ 14 °hand1. PO ' 6. BROCHU~E &: Bottom Cleanlat Pree &uee•da ZO. 6 KP 0 /&. •Mii ' 'tl.allaell lta~·-.1 ••••••• .. •••M••••••••• atd,.~: Exotic plant.I, Wuter~/,E1&H•h. $JOO. 161-iaJD 'WANTED : Addre110· Bid-Reas. Prlcel69N5. Loaded! Mu.at Setl·a..t IS\olt" I u -.-,,"'"._.. JT"J'EHS· 1 C•ltto asc;._. Ru11, chain, Ml·b.2t'. O'IPb Any make. mdl., . Offer. PH: 840-1783. ~• Ste.rJl ... ·VJ•l •. Cl ra,.. AU Campi te.ltate Jmale1 ttc. 319', Barbadal Pl, ~ mill:Can. Wlllridethem Cooil.CUh.SM-2384 Boat Palntin&, re· f«ll.~ • neW~1 3Mtlr1 '•enrnti C.M. F1a1hyQutr,Jlatt,1')'1'f, OI' drive them. ''WILD nnlshJng, lnclllding TIS Sell .U00: Write ~tilt. "50. Ml llid. . . -..... , l baa abowa.. EQll'. ddet BILL"C&ll 1'11~--Doftalioel1-car ~ w/ and Masts. A1llo com· * • * * Ad tits oa1t .. ~iat. Box RAR£ SlaperUco IDl'.hr Ru•MAGE SALE, S.: only. SBOO. ..... baby Item•. Need car to plete varnish svs . .tree Jot.~ C • .., -•i d l :OCM.SLJnbNO>uroh, •••• baby to DR L··1 ·~· 7712r-·· 1HO. Oita eta, CA Wf'esa a ttens. '106 Av.oea o, aof.3 Oranie A.'19. ea.ta ....... lld ... '°'5 · ea -·.-. ,.._,...., •• W ' ........ 1030 CtlM. l'll•?llO . M11a. ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOP CASH DOU.AR '1$l-M"C. or $&1-0&M. Boat Cleanlq Wnt:e•alu 1AMTJQUBS:....., al •••••••••:.;;.;.,., •• , •••• ST. BER-NARD Fem. il •. ~-EVERYTHINGMultOol PAID FOR YOUR OLDOIUl:HTALRUGS& CallJobn You are the winner of I clocks nldprt,....t Ptntas:, 1potmatic Lovable, Brwn/Wbt. •I lATlaALS AllatreasooalMpricet . .JBWELRY, WA~!& TAPESTRY NEEDED. l'lS..f9331romSPl(on. lreeticketatothe eatel for decorato F l · 4 I S 0 M .II , 6 f;tedt7ard. 986-!8"15 Anllque t'U~ture. Db· !HB-$118 ART OB.JECl'S. GOLD PVT PTYS ONLY. UCI llYM 1 el s F3 4/U5MM lena hes Ski Equip. -SILVER SERVICE. 044-$326 BOATCARE.elaodooka, eu••~ teml, e. II 4Ut m .$r4 . RHICITT94S Tre'e.c id' pots. 'Enauab ~'Y 1070 PINE FORN' • AN· clean le palnL Free ML --•' ..,.... Bluffs, SU.mt. Mov 963-4'12i LadJea Jumptoa Saddle.••••••••••••••••••••••• TIQUES 845-22!00 Melle.. Callat&-43lleves. IASllALLG .... • .,.. S T&SUN M O& w .. ~ . i..lteMozlo IOll 5'zlclay,-ll lq Mutt: Sacrifice lrlah 9h 1011 IM~f Kl t Ood A . ay 1 ll. ,_n I lill' POLAR PAPER ••••••••••••••••••••••• loah. MariM t at l ::Joatlt,.! ..... .,i ~onkJtTB:1nch, Ena:.••••••••••••••••••••••• 'hom~ e~kea":ldto a 1 ~5M 1::~ T~rrace, TOP CASH l>OLLAR CU1TER S0'1 GIBSON E-5 175-D ......... 90~0 LOS ANGELES~ ~ ."~ a e,etr. PEKSIANS, Rea. Blue . 548•'Jui . , PAID FOR YOUR Sla1dard S5\o\"'. full wttb Grover tUDel'1I and••••••••••••••••••••••• vs. AIJUQue, aolld oak dlnina s moke & Blue. Show BIG 5 lam.Uy sale. 9--SSal. JEWELRY, WA'l'CH.ES, 'power, z"' J•UI old. case $100. 4 · lO'' PUNT WOOd Skilt I'. $50. OAKLAND RAIDERS tJbfe. Uatii 4 w/leaf. qu111t)'.615·8'58 P'(M&o000jf~me,fe'1'. Antiques,furniture,to)'S. ART OllJECI'S, GOLD, Made 1, Weatern Emlnaace guitar UorMVoltDCl!ltie.DJ inasevenlnningp1e•iewr" '300.i11'.z50I 'PERSIAN Kl_._.S t 1payed, •ml Collie, Lot.I ot misc. + ~ SILVER SERVICE, Germiny. $8,000. Cal1 apeeter1 "$50. 549·21N Wincb,'h"Wiklcat&Cal ofSUperBowlTen. I .... ...,.. or 19S-1MT greatoldatuff •. OIEAPI PINE FURN Ii AN· 810-4584ot5Z4.mJ. aft.5pm . Head. $150. 1~" Jabsco Please call 6GSJ78. ut. 1800 .Kimbm,11 ora:an' iUld sai e . Top quality CF Are· 1883 'ortKlmberly, N.B. TIQUES. ~ Pwnp, taQ. ~ m to claim your tickets atool.Veeyornate.Noedl 1stered-Also Persian Mized Terrier, Male, -CUSTOM Carpe1t FENDER Guitar with N rth Co toll lree .rtlJ,,n$11$/off.fM5.Q52 it.Pd service. $100and up. R~. Approa 2Yn, sboll, GARAGE SALE Fum. 4 Jilolher1 Day Special. Installer. Youra/Mlne. case $125. Excellent coo· NEW KITE SAILBOAT ~u~ber is ~b.) ;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;::-;:;;;:--;::;;:;=1.!P~bo!ne'!!:BS2~;'-2970'!!!!:_· ___ 1 raata1Lic w/c)llldren. mlac. Sat. oaly. 10 to 14 K • Gold Rt n &•, Reaa. 22yr1 eap. All dition. 868-00at SAlLS. $65. Westport * * * • . S'#l'NOlNp llfa .Juke~ Persian Kil\4m: CFA reg ~511. 4PM. IW POrt Taaart w/precious atones. Save types 841-IMT . Marine• 8's.tS20 I« your DOI=• room. lo 1 _51.;~ • KJTl'ENS So ~" 1 Pl, NB. 50tol°"'.U0-1S7$. · Sacriflf\e ·Tama Cla11le H G M . For s a 11. Two ma.a Oneeftbec( ca.Are· pqua .• , -·~ .me.._..eo, . 1Wtar, Rosewood. xtnt25 P ray arlne sailbolit. Game •bo.W' at C9&Jtc:1p.ra Jll!m. Xlnt CaU5*9985 wk1.Boalra1ned.. llC>i Charleston SL CM, M11e1l111a• IOIO CAIPITl ..... AIMS tooe.S25Q.960-3JM ea&lne. Very cleaa &. priaeworth$425.Vllllaell cond. w/ll•colleetlohlol I040 612..SSS Ml.y 10, 8-4, JllaY..U ,J0-2. •••••••••••·~··•••••••• TopQual MlJJ:Seeonda 1ood runa1n1. S450 .. Im-$350 Bst off 82&-Nn 'll recorda. Al80 MVeral !>!!:••••••••••-••••••·PREE to Sood home 4 Ineapen1ive. iifsc. Alms Voeat.onlc IV. UiedCarpeta-AnySbe 'l"~~~~~ W/ cue. MS-TM:I. :days89i-3073~. Plnba11 M•cb\nea. lh 'Id •• 1 bla· .... Items. Amp. Xlnt cond. $300. · -HIAPtl"' •-.-&.p 9040 ..!(~·!!!'"!!•:!..!!!::!'•6!.J"~-.. ~~~·•!!!__j •PIT·W"'91 "• mon ° • am.,. """ Shure SpeakAta, 2·&", "" · Cal1498-(llQ.I -.. owtr SABOT XI t ·--••uoe. .,.._ tNM >-~ mixed breed pu!F:y ~G a•e S le I ' C•67•7162 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · n '"vuu.. · Sbli(.T,u, Llasa-Apso · ..,... ar ·,. · • rom 1·10", born In ea~. $130 .,. All · met iDcl. Lido Ant.Sci. Walnut Bedroom Pug OJµbu bua tJ • Chihuahua, .\Iii errter. Preclou1 Antiques to ea After·? call.55'1~ 2432 S ContelloAcconllan. • llUST SELL!• :\wp n Set llatchln& 3 , 'POO<li d 1J • on!•' bulr:J AU shots. Very fOOd witb clothing. Sat. Only l0-3. · · ..........-..at Full key/bd, med weight. 18' Boi&on Whaler, 6SHP lllan · 615·2636.. ' • w/v.anltJ mirror l:X cOck:· o! e, ...-ioO chlld.-en. 54&-32.811 after 2018 Leeward Ln . sUliFBOA.RD, "12 Baas e1ec a~an Student mod. $150 Mercury. Trailer. "1' MORGAN Out·llllaad. 8 p.r1n..amattresa,6Red Mlxedp puj,p~:~·stud ~tmtSu'n or anytime BaycrestNB. D_yno-.Full foree 6'1", ~!we:•Wj~~~~t!,.0 -~ Vf9.3838. Li&hta . FINE S.KI immac. loadedw/gea~• Velv,t be;d1pread, Incl . service most breeda. 2525 . . SAT. Only 12·5PM, 232 1 $40. 5.56-'1831 ~ Offtct hrwlhlre & BOAT! $t400 or best of· ready to cruise. New.sq Good abape. SJ50 W.17thatFatrview.SA. Beagle,male,1¥.ayn.Ah Robin Hood Pl , CM. HB-7963. .....,..... 1015 fer. custom tealt interi9r • ..,..~9. Openeves53l-fi027. shots. To good home on· Rock'i· Horse, baby bed Carpet 11, X l.5' IQld hi· M.EMBERSlil.P-Irvine ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Ml·52Mor646-5620 Long Beach Marina, ly.5'8·8840 w/adj. aides, Coeco bi· lo. Clean, goodc:ond.°~1:1'1 Coa1tCount.ryClub. ADDRESSOGRAPH 16'GLASSPAR,wn5HP gancway 7• alip 146• G .... Rtfrirftn -S47·9141Mon·Frt. Co Mod 900 i Ir Sacrifice! Daya . '-flllilc~ 1010 Jl'r d bl plel chr. _Philco Console, '151·5162 mp.sys tem. .1 Evarude.Nolr .~5. 64.2·S82l ; art. 6 1cwlmda: ••••••••••••• ... •••••••• AKC (TI4)63'7·6485 w~s.A. M~~b:rpuleagle~ ~P· Span. wood bdrm. Mahogany dinina: set &. Coast Firewood Supply printer, mod. 6380 plate Pri pty. 846.~ (aboard> 213·.5M<ISO 3'" Gaa Ranae. 1 year Iden Retrievers. AKC. fatber? Xlnt Mother's China cabinet, moving, $1S.Co58rd1.de1122llvered. ~;p~·~.rsS.i~nts. & ALGLA.S Pa~ker :!S' -~~--~condl!!on. !!.,c3~7a4m69p.iom. 645.&&38 p~ygin~..Q8'12 t ft Sun. Tools, toys, sac.$1S0.538-11'58. . w/lO 'h Beam Cruiser ~lps/ 90.,0 -·----------i·----------·I clothea,everYtibinggoes!------...._in n.d ma••~..-~-=-Like.New; Desk, file powe red by 210 HP -~ FREE-Miaed Puppies 7 Sa F Ci -· · R di t . d R C & "' uo:: .....,,....,.....,,.. b t b • ~~ler Manne' V •. All •••••••••••••••••••-•• MOVING Sle,:!SCU ft UTE Purebred.Collie&: ~old.OnlY:>.leh!~all 17800 nta e r.r.-econ ione .. sprinc &:: frame. Good ca .lne s, oo.eaae, '":""I• .... SLIPSAvailable std•· b ~ • s 1 1 de We'• t : Germ. Sbep. mix. 3 wU. S.CS·2135. ST SELL! 2 Desks, ~!~rC~apd~~ew :,~O:: cond. s.so. Call 6f0..le5. chain. B3l·0986 ~~::1~~:.~~~: Newport Beacb iacthOUe lhfrilf. w/lce old. $15.646-QIOaft.SPM ~ IOSO 'Bed s , Re r r I g , Ready to n)'t ICNBU" Must sell $ montb aid Sacrifice: Hermes·lO B)'owner. $9695.&44..fiOII 20".8()' Power mater. Lit new. Vajue YR. Old Blac• Lab .• •••• ' ... ••'••••••••••••••• AQu•riums. Paintings, R.C. Engine. $225. firm. mattress dblc bed Elec typewriter. Xlnt, 18'-&0'Sall , $1$0. only $S95. Plti_1 .. Pf ants. Etc. 820~ 54.5-0930 5.'JS.S7S3anYume. · •till under warr. Cost 30• ELCO t /s, exp. Orig. 67.J.&.53or668505 Gtberfurnlture.111-3212 Retribred ever, edfemBe., cbaulimlulp. GreatSavingscntJaed Orchid, CdM. Sat• SUD. . · $U5ioeU $2S058l..a!Z2 Beauty. Reblten.p.,Xlnt ""TUG . 1 ~ ,_Spa)' · • · Furn,Appll&Misc. 1115-{;8'13 Newport Beach Albletlc lJte new baby itema: Cond. Come &tSeel Pvt. llOO~n It .0--.DI". NORGE Reflif,' Xlnt. Loves children. $100. Wilson'a BarplnNook Club Membership for Stroll car bed, amo IBM Se 1 e ctr I c Pty.l'l~az38 Pavilion. $2,500. Alt. COD4. Saerlfieeat$1.00. 552·9147 545 W .19tbSt. C.M. ARAG E SA.LE: 220 Sale $1'oo CallM0-5563.. wi e~ 3868. T7pewriter, 15" e!lr· 7PM 581--8417 551--0087afl6PJ4 Abalbne, Balboa Island. . ' s n1. all966-riage, malnt. contract. SEARAYSRVUI0,235HP , . . SPEEDQUEENHvyJilu. "s!:oied. ~ ~~.--i: ~~!te~'sm· ;::k.~e~~ ·~~t. 10-6. TV, couch, BJ!:cS~~-=~T=·~:: **I BUY** Xlntcond.$28$.~1-909 J /0.$3,~5075 N!E~:~~~ ~n::= tr •lee, dryer. Never goodhome.6t<Hlll88 'Xtra firm. $190. (Worth · 812-925'7 Good used fw-niture &. WANTED 6"·2181 been used. 815-1'116 $475) Queen $11'0, In: MOVING , SALE: Port. . Ii 1 will Sell IBM Selectric typewriter 16 ' O/B, Mhp Evhuu:le. K W h ••o MAldoN. Sbclbnaulertler .. PFuUPl11 · eludes dellv. Usuall)' TV , xlnl. $20. Baby MUSTSEI;-Lt ModiL 5pc. ::y:~es, or . 549·850S Sacrifice, must sell. Call loah.Sld Sped& 90IO enmore at er -• ra e, a • Y "home. 835·2263. Items, other misc. 17418 Thomasville bdrm. set. M•STUS ··-n-..a Mf..5061 Kenmore 'flee Dryer 135, weaned, all shots. AKC Santa Marla St F v Chaise lounge coif tl>J. "" • -"""' Peta IOl7 -"C:..:='------:-:::1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nor1e Gas Dl'\Yer $'1$. reg 'd ; S~25 . Male or KJNOSIZE mattress and 847.9525 · · · desk, pain~.igs, Opai 64.6-1616.133-9621 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 24' SEARAY, 188 H 14' F/G w/40 hp elec. Guar/DelM&-86'12 Female.644·'18115 1 box spring. Like new. ring, misc. items. Make prSUNDAY83!Ml874 JAPANESE Kol fish, all Mere. Cruiser, Convl. Mere· trlr, xtras. Clean. G.E. w .. uni•-···-heavy Fem. lrlsb 'letter, 1 ..... '95.&14·1142 2 FAMILY Gar. Sale. offer!!493·52!18 , siies, 500 to $15. Pr/pl)', Top, 25 Watt Radio. le S750.Pr/pty545-8000 ·~ 1 • Paintiugs, furn. & misc. MATIRESS C. Mesa 545-8000 Box, Slove, Head, Can-duly washer, good cond. AKC, likes chldn, &other: items. So. of Adams off E.AITti WORMS Vas com pl 'y equip. 14' Gluspar G·3 ski boat,. ~ . .fmScenario,HB. d!:>gs.Aft4pm,64U12S'l. ModelFwiwlhlre Brookhurst. 20681 FOR.l'HEGARDEN *MADNESS• FEMALECOCKA.TEEL Hrstnengine.592·:nl5 50hp,A,1oond.Gearin- 1970 R.C.A. Whirlpool * POODLE11UPPIES . ' SALi ' Suburbia Ln, HB. From9 10001or$<.96 .. LL SIZES &CAGE. $40. 14' FIBERGLASS ~~;, $650. After6p.m. Iro1t-free Refrigt:;rator, 1 T~acup Choe. Male, May~ & 10 Fri &Sa\_.10 lo$. WormCas~$!Lug *A * 673-0252. Boat. S120. orolfer. lleu.ft.S90.551-6138 Puppy.Tin)'Toycokn!. am-'5 pm.. Redman EAK Din. tbl, ehr, 17382.Goihard.UB PrlcecltoMift! Muscovy , quackleas 592·1421 JETboat,45SOklaffomet alc:-lts IOZO Alt. 5, 811·1516. We1tlake Mayflower, Roaewd /Glass cof.f. tbls, 833.9625 &&16-8686 duckling. $3. Chinchilla bull, '73. Low hrs, $3'150.. .,. 1.~ 3050 Pullman St. S::OSta Contemp bdr set •••• eagel2Q.Ph:546-.S. 2K'Baja8oat.Osl. .s3-5765:693-400lt _, •••••••••~••••••••••••• Cocker·POO, F, '10 •-· Mesa (Nwpt Frwy, sou.th · · ' p-....1ckl &...-Xlnt cond. $12,950 ,.....__ 1 Sa ·n ._ bunll:bds, lamps, desk, ........ "" •1 t'x6' Steel Box Trailer, • 0 1090 UsedBikes/PaN.$15/up . ..,,,..,.;.co. cntl:je_ •. on Baker to Pullman., Redwd. picnic tbl, 419Seaw.-dload Good condition. $75. PJ_.1. ,,,_. PvlPty.541).Q4()i lS'SKlBoatf&:Runa.bmt, B•Y /lell/trade. 2188 54&-6636 weatoo Pullman) others. Sat/Sun, 1046 CoroMcllll Mm-5IO-'l371 ••••••••••••••• .. ••••••• rly equip'd w/ trlr, 5S Newport Bl. CM, Pb: I L of HAMMONDOrganSptDet '12 Maraude r. F.B. tw. HP ,0 /8, ligbt.s, ci>lh-642-1910 ST.· BER.NARD Puppies, 1 P e. custom dinette, Madison P • aguna. You. are the winner 2 Membership for sale, Moving Sacrifice 165. Cr\lises 28mi, slps6. pass, speedo-.r, <ov· , '50 " UP. AKC. $haw Spanish style, wroughl 494·1235 eve. free tickets totbe Irvine Coast Country B~totr. ' 112,500. Call 61H9:1>. er. $600. ** 545--:l:llS. llCYCLE SHACK. male & female~ IMP. iron base, $80.837·2864. HU .... , H • ., • ...,,.,R UCI llVM. Club. $800 + transfer ree. 6"15·3468 or673-0510 Qu rt 2'1" G/W Uree-U0-1.594 4fK.1.Z34 1"111 wvv CILBllTY PH 7909 30' ELCO t /a, exp. Orig. 1oatt. Storoge-'°" ~'.'. . ~· ' . Diaette., ocitagonal , ... __._, • Ill :64&-· FIELD'S Warehouse Beauty.Rebltengs.Xlnt~··•••••••••••••••••••• t ail'"! Peureot lO·spd •SlliyT~• Butcher •b k on white ,......,..... 1 * IASllALLGAME n.. .... od UOI ~ .. -I I GI II --R...a-CARPET, drapes, tie· Sale . 400 Pianos &. Cond. Come &See! E""•'· Boat Stora1e-dafly-• ......... , nc . ht · 4lemo gucc_.-.-SUNDAY~·vtB ~ Pt -s-• .... up klck-*•-4 reflec· .AKC I 7·2121 ;J3;!oua: tron n ,11&n· backs, shearlil, ruu11 . Orgaas. new & used Y·•• .,,_, weekly monthly · •-. u' mi•::r;-,-1o'stock. · .. paddedm,atching Set.MaylO,IOAM atl:30atUCI Be th · I s . t G d o-. 24 ._1 .... ~,~··. Baker~Coeta Mesa ~oodle Pups,·6, 9 --ks "a·-. •100. 83.1-3418 to 'PM,,._ Lot LOS ANGELES RAMS au · angmg amps, P 1 0 e 5 ' • r • n s' For Sale or Trade; JO ' ~unty· iu-. aunc"""!& .,.,.... r .. .,.., en ..... • • • • ..,. Cirescreen 644·1487 Players. Going out ror Pwr & Sail Chinese Junk ramp .. Newport Dunes, .(between 'Fairview & $10. 3108 Donnybrook King SI Bed, S$S Incl. new H. H. IOARDW.AIJC OAKLAN~sitAtDERS TREE 5.t..1 I! business. ~entfopt to XI l Cond Lge living. 1131 Baek Bay.644-0510 Brl lo!) ... ,, 4130 Lane CM ~ buy. Kawai, St1enway, n · head etc s · .,.... " . · King Sz piUowt Bunk: Bd Medlt. Furniture, like in a seven inning preview 15 Gal. $l5. 24,, Box .,5_ Baldwin, Chickering, spuce, galley, , . Tr•1p1rtaffolc •-------zrrrtv1 FrameSl0'.516-7561 new. Bar.!!, ha.ndcrart.ed olSuperBow!Ten. •• y b K'mball Wur $5.SOQ. 2l3·747-0115 Daya,•••••••••••••••••••·•-ilWRUWl&---~ ~ 1 tables recl•·n~ chairs & Please call &&2,,5618, ext Grower. 642-4-403 ama a, 1 • " 213·761-2390 Eves. CDl .. ln Salo/ · --c::•c=----==•c .• ·.,.-::IM:ust sell-home full o • "'"' ti etc.• • A COHW'Hlf:MT at09!NQ • •WWC GUIOf fOft THE QAl. ON '"' 00. furniture! Top quality, in rouehes. Sat/8u,p.. 21202 333 to claim your cketa. Mink Coat & S\91e. &tate FIELD'S (714)638·2'770 20· SKIPJ ACK-Cru.ise RIM 9110 alat cond. Call anytime, Strathmoor HB. 862·3'109 (North rounty toll free Sale. Autumn. Hazto. Sz 12072 Brookhurst. GG. Ski Flsh-225 UP Che~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 544-M2'7. The Bluffs, 455 Vista dumber sMO·lZ!O.) 14 /16. Both $1600. Must . w 1bMCoutdrive.6.5Gal. '89 VW Camper. Flslly , * • • * beaold. Call 6'1$4539. Used.Howard Spinet < by Hardly used. Taod. Trlr., equipt. Self eontained. Complete furnillhl,ngs an· Roma.NB. 6'4-17'16. MUst. . ,, Ba Id w i ft ) Modern , SIS radio &r: more. Sac, $2'100. 1035 w. Wilson. Uquet, etc. 0peD ibae Sell. Everythlnl from '!:In sar,t~t~ 040, 16 1 QtKeefe & Merrit Stove cherry flnlsh, exceUent CM Aft4 .... 12·5, Sat May ·l.Otb, 12t2 Soup to Nulal Sat/Sun. Sl~ ·=.alb manua · $75. Kini Sz. Bedroom condition,. with bench f1150. PP· 644-48'12. • · Rutlud Dr, AptS, NB Movlna furniture & many · · . Set $225. Call 548-G861 $600. 541-8100 11' Nylox Runabout W/35 ,_,_Ad lo W--'• W.W Ypdern dl ue Ht with other Items, all like new. Craftsman Routerw/cue tl1t6' Port. "Greenbouee. lfll SOHM ER Parlor HP Evearude. !:lee. 9110' exteuion ~=af. 4 chalni. Ref $75. 962-0510. & atta~menta $45. ~e lO'xl.Z' Alum. ~·Bev. Grand, Maboeany, Xlnt. sButa_:!:_ reUmob~~ ooWntll'otrlrl. •••••L•L•••H•••l•••••••,·•-Cl!I Sze 60.11671. ..... 330 perf~ -·--Rya Area rug, 8x9 , Pd Glau door Cabin door" ___,, Bestotf 494-J.ZSS uuwC I .... · BE e mets, wo • .::..;="=~:..-=.;;";.:..'~='--IS•t, Sun. 11-lpm. 1350 $250/bstofr.M,5-4749. 6'.S-6456. I • \..VUU. er. . S700.54&-3180 super Magnum sl.ze., i ' ' . ~ ... :'"- I J.' 1 • ,. ' t' i· .. Jifly~t Couch a: Lovmeat, rustic H1mpablre Cr, N~. . ~. Spaat'-tG ... 1094 , $40. Bell RT sitt11 3/8. 1 fioral print. Hettulon. Danlah couch, chair, Twn. Chest Bed. Pecan. Moving., can t take••••••••••••••••••••••• STEAL llEJ 29 ~·~15f: $35. Clean, hardly used.. .P:..lrf=..;;cond="'°""~':..·c.SIM~-'-'"-1 wOme~'s & gNirl'• .. ~~ !~5rl, YW.t~'!i=e~rn .. pl ceramic hobby. ,Molda:&, XTRA Lei. Del Mar faai•~:r$$/co:'u'ii."c~bi.D.s +·,_644_·1_7_42 _____ _ -. aigner uresaes. ew 1-...; 1-g. uni -· ~· · clues, barrel, amxer, w tlult $IO. Calyplo IV · 1; Span. Oak Tbls {group), polisher. Toya. Other .. ,, .. ~"---. slip, the works! 548-1388. re,., $25. Other gear •. Gd. part.I $3000. VI diesel. Nr '12 HONDA 350, Gold glass &op co1'(eetbl Com · eoodles. 0 Gall&e ,n&lllVMd. 2 g d 65 new Cummings, 17oHP .. w/blk. trim. Gold metal mode end table,....:.. Fine rail, all new. ·caet $450 .. Mlac.tllMIMI qon • 664· lO S4000 or both 16000. nake fairing. Xlnt. oond. Furni'ture (J.H.Biggar) MOVING OU'l'.SALE : Sell for 5200. 548·6920. · W..+ed 10:'~ LikenewScubatank,rei. 6'5--2069 . $650. Call afl. 5PH Paid 1689 New Sell $250 Sat. & S\ln, May 10 & U. Mr. Lee. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• pack SllO Spear gun ...... 0 1965. Good• -"493"'--<802"-"'----,,' . ' · 16SZ9CabelleroDr .. H.B. · · · 25 r~. wens, 1· ___ .r...-Ph. 831·1927. PORT. sewing .mach. & CRAFT Artists Attn: Sl'l. Belt SS. 546--2016 Cond. $3500. Must Sell;; '66 Triumph. 2CJUU(.;. Tiger Furniture Sale ? Both EASTSLUFF, Sat. only! attach. 3 yrs old. Stereo Qup,I. crafts '."f&nted for SCUBA,allequipmentfor Moving.6'l:J.S2!18. Cub.Gd. cond.S20Q.Call mod.&ultramod.stylcs. 21,00 Aralla. N.B. Virtue console, xlnt cont! immed. consignment to complete diving. Brand , C Tl.a .__,_ 848·1480wkd.ysaft.5. 2 I •--Ii •·bl Dinette, Kneehole Desk, '96-176S gallery w/gd. sale9 ex· ed ,,,. •nulL 18 SO. OAS P1h.c-e,1 ----~~---SC> as, coc;i;;ui. ""' e, Juicer Mirror, Cahill . posure.Call:l96-59'1'5 new, m ' ..... we.., Boattrlr.80HPVOlvoI/ '74YAHAMAl8>MX. ~rur;n chatr, l~unge Wedd'• D zlO ~ New Ba byline Maple Peter, 499·1601 or eng. All or seperate. Pvt Ply Xlnt C»Dd chalr, dine~te set , ing ress,s · bunkbeds w/pad board. WANT TO BUY! 8'15·8900 518-6365 · 640-8265. • etagere,,qbeen s1 1~m 1 Famll)'. Antq. Clocks, $85. Twin bed, $25. New Hydraulic noor Jack, re· TV Radio ~""-=------1---...:.=='---~~l ~a~u~t. = nuf. HI-Fi Equip,1Aqtwium, ha~ster cage, $10. aaonable. Aa~ fer Larry. HIFl.stft... I09I JXlt~~ ''14 YAHAMA '500 Street fl ld F V 11 Much More .. Sat/Sun 962 5116. 968-4971an.5.3Gsxn ••••••••••••••••••••••• 998-02'll S21-638l bike, Beaut. cond. ~u&t ter e • . . or ca 9·5. 220l2 Balboa Circle. CURTl"llATHIS Hill sell. 673:4437 531·6'138. Hunt. Bch. .,. Stereo with record 1918CHRISerartZl'Ba)' 72Datona500'J:rlumpb. pta~r MultipteL Two Launch. locl'ds. cov. & 1,700miles.Ukenew. speatf:rs in beautiful etc. 1st $350. Lakes this l\000 6'13-2551 , ~biaet."5.11&-l?G wknd.5M-5465 '71 RICKMAN Meti&le, Decor~tor furn. arm.oire, Antq. Furnitui'e, Bric·a· a~l . wblt.e .11?5 · Bral!.NewVent4 A·Hood, Decor:1tor .rbainl $fd. ea. Set/Sun. 3808 Blrcb.. Coffee table 125., lamp ll mi eut of Bristol a Ml IMi McArtb"ur) i-.;;::;=="'-----i Jlod:dan walnut bdr.m &el MOVING SALE 615~ E.aaenlas $15 ea. Saturday 10.S I' Blue Cy...-a $8. 78S Summit. Lag. Bch. 645-0n(I ' . . Preview Suf>erbqwl 101 mlral 25" cular' eomole 21• Trojan. reoond new lmmac cond. · TV.Xlatcond.p.50.Alts en.&· Xlot cood. 483-7259 'l51·86S7 · SPM Ms-o&52. . allp C20 Oceanside -, '13 TS SUZUKI 400, like e:C 3340, 4 Qin!. Simel 26 ' OWENS Cabin new. Street lega1, Iomi. $ync. Stereo Tape Deck. Cruller. $1,995. 10' beam. $795. 673-8475 S I XI d T 9 lo 4. Ant.q. Furn.• 7318 8 ' O a{ nt con • Ford truck t.irea, Misc. gold/be ge. Bst ofter. Goodies! 2323 Elden. /~,'16.u 'f3...tl. 546-3538. CM :(t31) WATOt RAMS ANQ RAIDERS IN AcnON AT UC: IRVINE Uaed. •fPl'OX S hrs. 4, 10" 675-03009to9 tapes 1nel'd. Best ofr. '11 YAMAHA 175. good Eves . 5$7-7311; 8·4, loah. Soll 9060 cond. $350. or best orrer. 545-1131.. •••••••••••••-•••••••• Must sell 1213)592·2943 ·· "1 , ' · \ 4_0_r_a_w_e_r_c_h_es_t_ .. _he_•_d_& l-C.;::b"'1"oa""'c"'a"b-i-n-et_&_M_i_s_c~.~ ·-....,,_,..,r 9090 ' u(cker.Jw.t• M'•k• \.'ls~ .. foot board, ~d. mat· ·Other GoOdiei! Sat 10 t 6-1.f _... iw~,.boo1..-. ~·p.'J•tktl I•.. treai,s $"100•P~~~11 • !.!!'.\" 1 .. 2728' Harbor View Dr. 1:3!) ~·Su~-' 18! j Philco 19 " Color TV. Xlnl cond. $195 or-bit. offer. 538-2389. '13NEWPORT27S.lnb~. Du cu ti 4::i0, Des mo/ Splnn.,150 Genni , Jib, Scrambler. Street/Dirt. VHF, llinled masL, man)' Low miles 5495575-(8(1 xtras. 89'1-62:n r.., .offT .offT • i1rrr 0'""'11.-a11.il ·tlo.ed •h""ll e:ono. · ....... r. '"" CdM ,,,,...;._ lll""-T-•jttllb"' 1" S.plJ Mbr f MM•. lounger$3S. Delk&.cbair1..c--·--------1 NO .oh.. Pt,,u; -citioo.<-$40.61$·7131· CleanlngOut.tSUndayOn· U C I' Basitboll -Stadium RCA Color TV. $70. Ad· B.S.A. Goldslar 500 ,c.c. mtral9"portabie$40 580 LIDO 14 No. 61, wttrlr .. Engine by liunter. -.hi!• •·IOI phalli:, Ill•. or J•1• lyl J Lind tJed·Pool _ tl't8TA."1'·X1Z 1u1a ~ :::U::'::.'~rocl:S:~!!: Dinette; • chn • leaf, tablei:Jndle bed-n · ==---11&:'9~~ ..... Smdtt.•.W..m~ torm!fd.t:Pe:-~·· petliaber-old sc1les1• . , 1h._.,.,12uamt .. h1la...-Md• rw _..,......for moe -· plctll!'e , fraJnea, much ANli ¥,. f 7:30 p.m.·~ W H U( CM · ·Blue 1alls, new rudder & 837-4338 aflcr5pm. . am on, cover. $1,050. 6"15-5118 .ts&M...... EXPERIENCED Sail 1972Suzuk l90CC,gd .....i.a.--. h 5 ted cond. $250 • ..,...r-"". , , v .. c t alesman wan . 586·9065 .._ -... ""' ---,_. -IT ft Seu'o--• _., 2.500 51.,.,. Vllta, <Iii. Prllit•• Patl•t'R •••.• , •·••,lta.1~ .... ,. All•• cu n.. •• 11 ~--.dl .... ,!Me!!!?·~-~rt~Be~·~ .. ~--,..-11 ..... Ohta' ... '',., ...... ~ ..... _.,, PUil. $150. -~ ~ n.t --" .... ,"JM. ... ; N•• ud._DlmL. .. • tet/8cbnaiilvs.&M-M?S:_ M_I Sat only Beds • ·• _. i ,..._ •• , ,.... ,.._ oa• a..-aau.. N.. , • • 1 • 'Of\t ._.sue,._.= Y•k. JC,JY, 1•11. Prla~ ••all 59 , ....,: IOll kln1 Is bunt, m 1c. ·rAM•~---,._., ......_~ hU.d •••••••••••• ..... -•••• furniture , plant&· , .... ._..,...u ... -.w ....,...,,. · _.. J.. :Zver7thln1 Goes! ·10'J11s•n:a~.:-r•LM W,..• &••• •••tartt Cr••t• PUIUCAUCT1vn ...-1·m1towa.CM ! • dliM wWl&lll•~ .....UM~...,,_Nn MANYITJ:llSOl!'fJNI: • '. --=::,"~'i:,M~ l'T.."~~:0' ... ,,.. ESTATE JEWELRY, 11a;~10 tlll Sold. Illa, .e..'l 'Dilllt .. aa Welll 1• Rewt 1 P'ffl1 Q9tU n.tt ART 01JJEC1'S, A.N· ltem1. 8201 StfrUna Ave b·1!Lo .... ...., Yon. N.Y. 10111. l"f .. l cro.llill .... 11.00 11QUES, J'JNI ~ 1.at Lt1a St) H.,,i beb. 1 ~· rnllCHAlllE. ADDRlmS, ZtP, s-+ . • .• 1 .... 11.15 S'1'Co PHONE FOR lH· M1'-oe+t.i ' n-!!,!'UI ITYLI l'f\JM~EIL " ...... pilltllili* .. ' ... : .. n.IO ·~ • • BROCHURE i..::~="--~~--1 1t~ .. "".~PftEl:PA'M1;1l!rfof)'Ollr '1ft•CrocllilJ...,. !.,.ll.tO • . • Mammoth Qanp Sale, ~._.,..., .. rrM, ... ~er.tMt ..... .itato 2IOO •r LaDdlorddlJpmiil&otln· ::,-.s;r.""'~~~~ ~":.a·::ft: ·PaUo Sa~~l 11pr-. aofa, ventor7. Sat.Sun. See ·-1''""•LCJO,,...,..,;;u""'· · .-. .. ,.11 .. dlleµt, ""'' -",dabo, Olme ·A·Llne. 231 1.0 .lrM~..i.Don.s.nltlt P.-I .... : •..•. 11.• --vue---..tOn· A~•do Cij.· I ,.,." ... + ·~rT Book,... c AM•A~... ....... -125 G d ==='-''-"'-"----.... -.-.... =... ...... ,....._.,. ...... • ly, t,1!,\8-· ren Herteo ICMO !~-.. -.... _ ..... -.fl.......... Cli>a, .... ' ••••••••• ii r•1.-111taMa.wtiii8o* \···••• --....Qlllallilllifl .......... ,T•---·•n-t• •••••·•·•••••••• · ~ .. ._.,...,_.,.~,... ...• ~ au"··,.••t-:.--,-SADPLE -I _ _, ___ ....... Dr.KB.Odd;•-WESTERN• YU ' • ea llN •Ml--l'JG• ,ff ' ' ,, ( r : Nay 19 CrawfOrd Hall . m·---..... ...liii .. .__... .. ............ U C'I C~l e b r.lt y BastbalGome ..... ....-.-~ •••••••• .. •••••.......... Mr. White. Mariner1 ---~----- G1•r.. tolO Yacbta MT250Hondal97'-inxlnt ••••••••••••--•••••• 615-13BS eond . Mall::e offer., 12' Fl.bet•~ .BMt •IS Prind.l'e 18' Catam.aran.1-64S-53?9-~-' -----HP Motor, Ute -Ideal for bar ai. lakea: Xlnt eood wttrtr I: xtras. 1973 Bui taco 200, extras. $1'150. Anyt.lme5S'7·5526. Books at $650; $S50 fmn.. P50. sao-zsaz 17' VENTURE 2 ,n. old Call S73·2S6J . . 3 KW Onan. Reld:1 toGol w/lrlr Ii aHP 0 /8. Xlnt. Motor Homes. Gu. lllOO/Oller. p,300 ......... Ev•. Salo /R..,I 9160 G4 3ZO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 ' ''XI"' La1una HOBIE~·· 9 ~old •. col· · TON OPEN ao•D d• eo· I ored sai11, eqwpt trailer. 66 1 . " • Uteauar at, as s, 548.1719 · Chev)' chasalt rnnt.. 21'. . an)' bid over Jl50 accept· P/S, p f8, 3?000 ml, 60 ed by L11una Cit)' 22' Herreshoff American gal. gas, SO 1al. ,-wt~.· TreuW"er ·at Cit.1 Hall E.a11e , gaff rtcged with comp. 1elf•cOn.tain•d~ before May 29.,197.5. teak option at ~eaters Xlnt. 13.~. Pvt. Pt.r. • 4N·ll24. . COit/reduced. •1112 · 549.2709 Din.by, oars, .0... Bay Don'ldroptheball... FAMILY RICNT~&!i>o, lllhin&I 1bore boat, a job with a l<?w·eosl Dai· '1S, is~ ~Jair,,a-. crM ttoo.orr. 119 Golderu:od, ~ Pilot ClaaaU\ed. Phone cntrl,"lte.reo, a:.cln uW. !=dJl 1'!"'°141. 6'2-5678. ' dual tanka, 5$J.l7L I • • • ' I •• • ; ., • • . • '" \ ' '• . ( - ' -, ... ' • • Sii .,. J • •• • , • ' • • .,.J • ~· +em's ttow'V.ou can use · ·, ,1V. CQNf•llRNNNT,''•.• 11P1.c:9t · .~ • !Our Fall)OUS'Dlme·A·t:lne~ . . ··fti ·•r ~a· ~ : TO.I lt"tiOU ..:!~ ....... -----· .. ~ . ' '·~ ,......,_ ' ·•.· . . s Yl'ILOT ........... , ............. Offtoea. ............... "'a............... ·· ·DIME A. LINES .... E . .am ...... :~~ ·~--l>holPdaallDOMd. · - -" ~ .. v:::::_·:::::1ftli*Sidv ...... . --';tict.ll-.MUllbeptk:edwflhnotl.... I • caet• =···'=•••••'••••••••• ..... .:;'l Onrm. " _.,.~ I t I •, ' -' .. 1t1Jtn1 0 ..;-, .. J!-.-••• 17171 ...... .,r , : v, • :. ; .' ~~~AC* V , -·~~,M., L,-,~ ruSE'i>~!.rnber, rouah •00 BOY'S 20" Slingr1y bikes Tu RD y If ch 0 011 P,OOL.. ta •• "7' iH ROPE 100 n.. $10. La ~ I • • ., I ... t'lii1~~._,,6',8',lO $20. L•dies 26" RO)'~ turalture'': Formica ..._,.._f ·· ,"'")"J;~ s~rSlO 2si i vti* SA.ND&Raaddrllltra,[ADJUSTAB~.JlUd~r: &IG'HT ~new A'."Jtec: .'50c'*1 ... h. I • '· I x • Union • ·~ blk<> 1.!5. ..... ubles $8. Cttal .. sz. ' . . ""' . . : .... DIME-A-•·1NES . ' Dulo,)lcowa w1a,a . Pie-191; aoJj, lliil ··~ *' UOlverallY M·llA, ~ "'" I ~·.11.eacb. 2 x 12, 8': 20 Both ~lkes 1i1 exceUent Ad>usla'bJe desks '$8, fDIN~~ 'ffl'exl11re• Ill '.~':t(p r :•c:$ 2: ::~~ "l"I. hanl aDd tram• lOt-tf. 'tfer a~a 1Un1tr -~, eb. l\lllar apeakers. • 1 $1~13 --~· 2 x 6, 10,-~ condlt,ioo .. 1p w. 20lh St. 64Ml13" , Rough aawn, -.aew $12 Ma&niti•r 72 li lect 'i" -'--. Dlctrtc 4"P '•l ~ )·Held•r• ~or 'JS.00 ·1101 eacta,91!>-1114.. "" ,• . $1·$3 eachj•' x •·8 tio Costa Mesa. &t2·S487 , sheet. S48W ,.; t • 1.i .., r c rw t5 -ud $10. ·Water bill New ctr.ww.•,mW'ntr (qr · eich. 4 -x.12 16' ~.Pain AtAN'S 26'' Cruiser bike _, , lrti..,,110. ColemaD ~ ....... ,_.., nat Mint>.•~ eaute! S2 SS hli.d91n'' 110. EirlY META-L. blfD'IPer, hlt,etl sprfl.)' aun "'qt. $5. Gas LADIES 26" 3 speed bic1· $25. Girl 's St.inar8y bike U.UMINUM PIU.o ~r!! ~o. ,f>lcnle \able and.a OMtY &•II•. 1DKrtwdiod 'tOc·ll. _Ford vu cario dook a Ill. Chltdrens wood'~ IMCe $2.5. Built· in gas 'cle $20. 557·7'133 iis. 548-8&t5. artet $ with 2 poeta a• x 15" io .~cbes~,llO. Sear'•· Jla-Tiki ntc:kl•ctl, ~c. Sea ~ck.,. Leet iprlnl over-._.. wttb two ••Ill at· •Nftge oven and nooa . . _ . goqd con.~llloa 115. s a,w _ • n4 table ll~. 1 • ahel~ lc-50c. s piece'bo1 I ~ llO· pr. Oak. ar;m~ tacbed, $1. Glrl;I summer m. Gaa wall heater " RALEl~~ 10 speed b!ke zl>OORS'l'.8 x:f.8'5 each. 67W37S . '1. ShDYJll, raket SOc El~· _.. ""-...._,,. ~•eo\Jt uniform 11.so. let• awl•el e"lr *1.J, ~·•'se4to101 2Scto wa,x-:1?5. E leclric n~ $20. Girls 3 speed bike Maple TV 21. with re-IU. T' ..... _ ... :.trie4us .$1. Jacka >$C _.ct, . .,..... Co&lum• Jewelry Sc-$1. Ml-lTZS ,. SL Pink clluelle apNld tdf,eti-Scfl'bber $5. 154 $10 ._ Croquet set $4. mot.•·$10~548-1981 --'-wASl:IE~toP.~at~aaa.·~._.m_&ll Liltle SfM :: Ac11otttl-.--~Ol.Wi.ot[dc:.blaa... '--·11.~1White round over,_ Qr•nie' Ave CM Musical bells soe Bad· more$2l. . Kale.hen ·•lOol tt:.i 'New • . ·dfaioo no,.er pattemSCHOOC--desk-$1 e-'ae~ =-ftr1ttt sutt ~c11e' 11~: .~-.8107.~. . ~!ngU: ;:': ~ es:i~51:. ~ ~=~tn!i~(d ctru, EXCELLENT •li'ft·r~ .:=~s~:'fi~~:fe~27=" '~IMrs •leletktf ::eika'!':i.~=~~ Ml-ll7S. -.' m-0&11 ." .. ' .. I . W.(1.NUT end tabl~ women'sclolh.ing:lOe.$5. s,p,,relires$3each.Back dryer $25 . lCenmOre , tllittit ,~,~··--.., Fryia& pan SS. GrlddMOLD_,wood ,de1ll:.~ 2 ,\6fERYfA·RE broiler· speakers $25. Solid Ma-Books 25c Stapler 50c w1'Ddow $10. Side win· waa11er $20. rM~rrls VW 8'111 rear door, fiC.. 63 W .. •: ~rm eif s.... Sl. ipaper back• l"""'. oonabMTY, 1 ~·~· rotltte-rie, 115. (ireen. [ pie bookcase $20. Iron leg Christrqas tree lights Sl. dows $$.. 548-8845 alters · Mhior carburt!tor $15. \bru, '$7 •. a1lini $25 .. Pl"ftc.'-I•• leer4 & Frori\ Talbert take W~ ~ Jlt. z:i:aki ~ .n)ion rui. Cfoot bJ I foot ~table $3. Overnight Christmas outdoor lights NEW I , ~a.fie$ scu:: .\.a.:r $25, ~.8'2·8171 111Ht M1"1u le.ea" north to __lOIM El El~. recor~ p~ a1er .t~. 10 lnchJil, .,, lt1te1 r p~m.~~ic Ba se Sl.~Ot ~ri~m~a~~=e c: tangul:r ~:'~~~'r ..!~c~ wa~~~ter'b."2~~ METAL storaa~ shed, 7 x I •• esm Fou.tain Valle.)'. :gc:=~~~4!t·~.~~ ~~r. r-:·.T.1.1.::·~ Y unny se . . . 4"x\.:i "waU lOfeetklng -10 f'l 125 Wheel barrow , ~ ·'-_, -~ ilasses $S. Small vanity and cusht0ns !or picnic $l2.50each. ~ew steel re-SORFBOARD, I'm. Wet ·$.1:: Tools' $l eac . !l'hree JACUZZI type 11\.•ss.l&e. Po&aro.kl eam~~fe. 't,lld Work*lfd m11a , table 1:nd stool $12.50. table SS . Fireplace tangular tubin& 1 .. x 1 $Wl top $6. Electric J shelves·joi•ed for1>1in-, • 1 -fortub*2.t.Glut'9~ c:ue t~O. Ca~1" onl)'. lSe ~o jQc. lla·4.11t"1 . Metal bard cage stand $1. screen $2. Show case $15. Ir.-" x 'I.I'' II l2 ft long motQr $S. Penn&.)' ed'gtt tersvan$f M8·3078 aurwras .. TO " •1•11 • .complele, ··~. ~a.: !' Sal~t .tn'SuMat. I - V.:ork bench-~10. Ceramic Bread boards $4. Lamps s7 .SO each~ New 'steel ,$3.50. Portable plaYJ>tn · Wiii.ii Junior aet &oU clwbl ud 1 • ' " t,.pi>I ktt, 14 pieces $6. Axe Sl . Hammock~ .. Barbe-square tube 3" x 120 15. Paper~unO books ANTIQUE dlnner COl\I .... sc•&U ·ms ' baf $15., Mlseellaoeous -l'ORD•enpne,• _.. lAPP'ERS an4 S,attler ~1.Tools25c·$3. Tool box que SS. Trioivel iron~· thick St 7~ per fl 'in. 2llll'each.•7'963 $20.· Bowling ball, baj uurl. .&win flos $S each '*· ~ .. Fotdt1 .... .llO.M =~s1)er,_ti,ullt-.1!',. wM lraY"$3 .. Bronze gate Clock 50c Iron .7Sc CLip... . · h · ariC1 shoes $12 Antique ·sc;J.lAM·L'E m2112 '. 1 •pe,di '20.Ne}J .• '1417· . , one. wot-kla1 CC\ft: vlil\'es $1.so'-~. Rachel board 25c Presto c_ooker temauooal 4 w eel lock· -·s swi.n~set, ..-ood lru.nk $22. Old· shOe last Before -"el.a in -• · ' PLYWOOD -1.. a.-u fitUon, szs. Call*-i04 h s4 A l d d h out hubs $15 each New diU $ •' ., Cf{DOME side''pinea ~.. cam)l'l:'r·•·-· · , wrenc $5.Jgal.s prayer · s sor e . is es King and Queen-Honda con on 15. ew6'fl.8 $25. Statues .of Buddha Invest -Dulcet -~ Da'bun etc. neve, r.:,.., l' kln1 •.. ~'3'j wlde, 48'' ro~ER SS. S,llde 'pn> ·$3.$0. Cushman drive IOc-Sl. Utensil s Sc -25c t $2S S ddl b l~chx30inchhollowcch ~and Spanlsh $6$10 $20 Junket -Renege • ,,_.' hl1h paneled ina1.a.-See Je<t $10 G 5 ... di"ains, wheel , tire and Toas ter ~4 . W ooden 5 ,•0•m plet•' waith •11 , ~h•.~· dOo'r~ $5. Frostea ·glaSs PiCtures $10, $1s,' $25: TO DISTURB IZS:'Old Revere n)odel "8 __. ' ..,..,, · or · ••~ ._. NtlehSlS.Scoutitems: hangers 25 c Record "'U, s hower door "'a·nd Brass buckles $350 "Now, Mrs. Smith," OfJl(moviecaJnera ·Si!G. at·tmWat~.,CM :~. Clothet 6-·~.Peacoat ~iret1tarter kit, belt, rire pl.a ye r SS . H _an gi ng bS2'o"ea'c'h• 'v•w"'riolto •,.k ~ hardware$5 .. MQ-'13'11 EJ\glish wrttng bo:is: ·e : s ~Id the n Isl r 1 c t · ,AJ~minum cnitf!hea $$, llf.oo83 ' 1 • $J.:5! Dishes, serves l ·S2$. Shield 10 't b d lamps $3 Bowling ball · a ion A·L old c \I Atl •i 11 h · 1939 WOl'lds F~lr table WE s T J,N,G H o., s E Kitchen Items 5 ·$5. 1 , -mer1 a ge . p . tires$15each 548-7196 DtN'ETrE et ... ::.. -·-" ""'' g ·ad lac $10. omey •. e t e JUfY li~hter-. Glell• Mil'-relri1erator, cros~s-lop 's"""o Ab~!>'..f1•11$..:,.3 •~1•L hooks, all $5. Mineral and ca se S2 . last1c · -s -.--uu.t.N Englishbrasspitcher$3 why, you s hot your ---~ ... _.., IUD sPecimens t oe each. nO'lt'er2ceach.Malching HAVILAN.D''di s hes, ext~n,lon ,table _12:5. 4 .RonSon blen·der -sio: husbandwithabowand 78s$S~ach.Veryearly ·rreeaer ·mJ Coucb bed 1 · q ·um, ga Camping pots ,griddle drapes and spread $3. Ice Ransom-'M ars el Iles chall"S $10 eac~ .Qwlt.ed HOckey skates $4 . Brass ariow." "I didn't wanL l!'OQ's wall mirror s:as. SIT eaih N4-T68"7 ir Do ,P) .. Blaek and W~ JV Zic.SQc 2583 Santa Ana, cream fret:ier $2. Camp Sl-$7. 646-5607 floral ;e<tspread, double wall 'dis h Sl. Corning TO DISTURB the St~ depth mik~ !-2.IS answer· phone' an\ u.o.4~.at3lafter~' "' • ~-i!.fesa.548-6801 cots _S4. Wu~dow fan $2. $8 .50 .. PO;r Portabl~ Ware9cupcorteepolSB. children while they ~M1llbutu,na~aqi:b8 W9eil ~f"' • ' 19153Che¥)'pai;1S-ra 1 diatC.- ' Folding chairs Sl--.-----~wn F---E-N-C-1-N G,......w....i..Le ·-t~pewnt.er. Royal $17.50. as• $2 $4, $8 -$lO GO we:r:.e.__sLeeQ\ng." inch $$. Small 1b0Hne 1 • • 17 Reven•"! chtolii'e nu parts: $2-$25. 5 watt lounge$2.Stepladder$S. glavania:ed s· x 36' $22. ~lllilVe.ry gOOCI Ciiidi-\.412 Pri~ceto~. CostM i ~~ad~mlc&:meter. ad:. ~~-E_IJ, ~!!..___P e~~heeLis.:.JL.eathc.JllO. g_utlar a mplirier $20. Jloses $2·$5. Stove hood 64&-5607 • _lion642-48S9 MeJ&~·S94l . ROLL bar top step sido JUStable $20 1·2·S 5"·1&17 , rebuill\l'antftlisSioGwith Draftin11: board $25. Film $2. Grass shears $2. Push 2.1, 1 CHEVY h . p , u. $.22.50. 4·11-15 b)ocks$18. MOdeleiS C' & *' (tiilit"?',000 'allies $!:5. e<J;ilor $15 . Light bar lawn mower $10. Nails HdARLEQUIN·lype Cana· rim: 15 ea h 2.\4rocr:;. ICE flOlc: $15. Dishwasher Armstrong TruTrac rac· ~~!fans,._;ecpl"~a~te1'?~ R~~D p.la1e~ i12. L. ,Kraft P.O..Box l53S StO .. Print dryer $5. and screws IOc·SOc Work i an R o m a n c e $5 .; • 'd .x ·o ~ 'llafr dryer $20. Bike inis some tread Jett, ex· -Ob··,• -.,., .... ·-_.,, -Lag,ttfta..,Beach, t26S2 Ford car radio SIS. Beer gk>ves .sz.J Drawer pulls paperbacks 20c each. mag:..0.o2M r. si eptpes $8. Triulilph seat SlO. cetlent for recapping $20. S2S. lson 23, Poll •ar, ZENM11TV $15 .. 5"·7881 before w8dnaday. keg:'$10. 2 murrlers SS-$10. lOc Spnnkle~s Sl. Shower M2·6678 . $15. Books SOe Ckllhcs 2Se·$2. Brand new ,,00 x 19' new ' $25. Cox lee dees · · w.ia:dows $2-SlO. Door for heads zsc Hinges lOc ·SOc SAT-Sunday 231 Avocado BAITERY l2v Delco 36 1705 Labrador, CM. otr Motocf06s tire and rear .0495-:0515.820& S3 each. POWER mower $25. riRESSEi 1$15: 2 chaJl'!I shd1ng glass doors ~· Rolling door hangers 1~ St. eosu Mesa. in rear. full cbarce $7. Set ol Q Baker, westol Harbor. . wheel $25. Used 300 x UI Veco '5" $10. Fox 36X $5. 5'4·'186'1 · · ,SlOJ·Dlnette $15. Frames. Wall hea~er $20. Spare. Small rans 50c·$1 . MfUI Tum east off Fairview Ch~y SS hw~el eovers, N . front tire .and· wheel Super llgre 15, 110. Veco Alt U . it $25. Brick •nd· bOards Ure on rim 7:10-15 SS-bo·xes JScTools SOc -$5. vici,rfityOrNewportBlvd. like new $8. 1, ... size SCK.W.1 !II To~o.nado good shape $lS. 535 29 new. SlO. Tick oft .,,n;;A ;c. ~ive~ )' ~t Wl·l617 or·'152·7232 J'f~.ffic signal $25. Che,·y; Kwik-set door knobs $!. Typewriter portable $12. 64S-2'16S after lOam. · be~ crwser. girl ~ $20. Fu I lerlon New pot-t limen $1 eacb. &t~ · k' l in$~S' I lahr Ext.165. r-au1alor $25. Lumber8' Bathroom hardware 25c p · · . 4 Jeff Beck·Mahav1shnu Beach 548-liso. r SalaodSun spea era, eac · -'-, . ~ 8" m St .SO rt. 6" x 6" El eel ri ca I s'u p plies Lower lawn !'lower $15.13 SPEED 26" boy's bike ,tickets, Shrine, balcony, · · , ~·t . 860-1916· Q.EAR plastic. base for 80c ft. 4" x 4" 25c rt. 2 x 6 1oc-s1_ Soldering gun Sf. s:;.~~5 h ar:1:~~fy 1 ~::ii'fe sis .. Baby car sl?at· $5. M~Y 30, ev_e. $10 e,ach. a TRACK tape deck $25: ~~1J1;..1 ~00~· 1 ~!TEAK diDing cha~rs $5 cofree table :12•• ·hi 2Sc ft . 2 x ~·. ~c rt. 2 x. 1~. Sabre ~aw Sl5. Plumbing lamps $5. Black vinyl bar Baby pac~back carrier ·~ools 65 piece wrench ~-e935 ". ~a • m~ no /, b · Mcb. 1.arce bulleli~ "k JS"long,.,.willf hold wood JOc fl. 1,l 2 ply hi· s,upphes lOc -SJ . 3021 S25 p t bl B/W TV $5. 2 met8f b~y bike set: open en~. ,box type , amps, ·~5 eac · boai-d$S 4 t doll ·oraJau\opol'tny•ltngth p_ressure hose with fit-BabbSt.Cosla?i.1esa 515· Mo~p~e ecOlot-TV seats S2. eacb .~.P.icnic ~ Surt~oar<I , 6'10" NlocEWk screen door key .'l'Te!!!,s 4r~CkM4!!!: 0Wilsonlop bje bed frr:.t:r $25 • or width, Sts. Color.'I.V. t1pgs 25c rt. Station •. . . · . • canopy $10. 2 uteia)'er ctf'"'n ~· Unldyne Ill s $2. 3 x 3 vent pane • .........,.,, '""' .-v. un c r ncl · p_acltaril Bell Cortsole $5. Wa.Kon pad $3. Ford 6v CARVED wood king size needs repair $25 . cusblOns St eac},'.-POna--dynami.e microphone, 4 window. SS each. 6 .x S •'i'IH '14 .. W.ebuit J'actcet ·~.-~e' ·ct;iYer 581-3516. • generator. heavy duty wate rbed frame ~15 . Co uc.h es $15 ·$20 . p:ouy iz. Fu).l·.Si&e pifti }>1¥& $25. Schaller Bow· steel window $10. H_eavy fitsSto8yearsSB.-2slep 125. •. leradlo/stereo1.=::..:::::::.. _____ _ $5. Nautical compass Speaker 50c Travel iron ~1at~hing chairjl $10-$25. pan,-table $1.50 '".eaCh. Wow, yoy YO) fool~! duty dolly,' wheel set boat ,ladder $:4 . MercurY $25cil~CaSCllre;: ~· 1Ctock f(ootSofa1$2S".·Fibef&las." a Queen siie water bed 50c Playtex ourser 50c ~t orr_n rocked,$10-$:. Woodie& eJl.en$ion ladder for elM!tric IU(tar s:zs: $10. Large table $Oc 2 outbOard oil, formula 50, ~ts · n .eye e •· dOC houle $20. Solid oak me$2S.10yearsofold Hanging lamp $1 . Table S S205"c'"hesgle an dN~ e SI0.'*33'.-2tt&· ,•: • Scott.-673·'131-·anytime electric pans, both $10. 9cans,$it.'44-0SIM. · ·' mission table*l:!s. Pit'-~yboy maiazines soc lamp Sl. Pole lamp $1.. I· · l SlO. ighls . Complete record player sURFllO•RD be f I tuie frame .$2. 1163-4601 •acb. 2282 Canyon J>r. El~ric .can opener $1. tables $10. Headboards PURSEs.S4.Plant holden KEN M 0 RE ~I eclr~ c SS-C~plete single bed, DECORATIVE ~oldf~c 114", e.utixn :.m~ut!:t_ a!_ter9 a.in. Q.\a'Mesa Cahirs Sl each. Hot p"Pdle $5. Stack washer and $1. Plaques 25c·$2. vases drye(~S20. Portable dis· pla~t1e matt-ress $20. -~ $25. Framed pam. CUilom " ~r-b bed . --. , • _. ~='-='-----1 Sl Curtain rods Sl each. dryer $20 for both. Elec· 75e O'ried flower ar-hwasher S20. Rotary Trailer lounge &: table tiri&• 7$1().$2:5. ~ $15. tboanl ~ta "(Uri -~ MUSTANG 81· drivers ~'fSUN & Toyota parts: o;apes SI each. Clot.hes tric washer & d_ryert, rangemenls 2Sc·$8. Pat power mower $20. Older $25. PKT proceuor $25. •Stamp m•ebine'i~ $10 oun~ :U en skie, door complete $10. 'f.'}#w radios $20. Tires IOc·SOc Baby ~a r bed some need ~epa1r SJO holders 7Sc Driftwood gas en1ine $20. Old time ~A mlmeograph silk each.fi7S.USS . _ ~ta;lassu~d~, 982·3'36.. •• ~ a~OO ~heels SA·Sl5 ' new. Sl.50. Sunday only 2027 each. Rerr1ger alors ~shell arrangements. g•s stove szo . Small screen type $2S. Large BABY in' fl: -T 1 box eetltftt ODdltion '~·· -· • 'b , En gi n ~ .block $2~. pa Io m a Dr . n e a'r SI~~· some need re-25c·$4. Homemade jams butane. stove for camper reel to reel recorder $5. spriligswmc,.ciiiJ:sn nre :!. 'to i:,reciate' m: Pl'1!~t:d'0's34 sh Y ~ Transm1ss1ons $25 . Rtfar 20th/Irvine pap 1r. orta~I«: stereo $20. and jellies $0c-$2. All new or!t'}rader $20. 642·5666. 548-0096 engine $5 Mr •Coffee a tee skates-Brooks C U: ....... ~..., ' ee · ~:complete $2.5. Seats ortable h.1-f1 SlO. Car-and ~hand made. 1oam. 1s1,;10ranee .. Costa Mesa ' · · · -. • • b ' · ~ c:=-:=,:·-::::::·,,.--,-..,.-,-~- .$25. Disc brakes includ· BROWN tweed sofa bed rousel projector, needs 1975 Balearic Dr Costa . ELECTRIC ••II healer Skate~ $5. New tire di-W .ite ladies fi.ture L , . . ,. i_Jti strut. disc, pads, $25. Bed frame SlO. Gold .. ·ork $10. White sheets Mesa . 9 PLAN'l:'.ER dividers & $8. ,.Electric heater ,$S. and, Jack $20\ WalnUt skai:.,.aile I, $1. Rid~I ~EE Ffrd .~htu& 14 4=Mllipers $25. Alternators c.Jub chair ~-Webfr $1.50 each. Throw rugs corner d1vjl!~ ~O each. Ta r p , s to . New twin bed fr•me $25t eo~tnnation • ,wbil'e rims , $ eac ,, Call 1¢5. Starters $25. Djs· ketJJ~ BBQ wit~ cover $2: Bathroom sink ~-OOUBLE water bed with l -., Lt t o ~m a t. i c Jnstamali'c 126 complete C·heat of d~awers .t25l ·ladiesi:-Q•ure.s~~ates, sbe 9'2·3431). · •' tr i but ors $2 o . Sla". X-long twin D)al-Bathroom elec tric rrame and pad, no leaks trans~ISSl~},~S:Seach.2 $9.2blackb~r.stools2for HiB:h cbalr $S. 833.32J8 4• 't0· ~~ddel /1111'-r star TELEVISION, 19 in-oti . Carburelprs $25 . Poof's lre_ss. new. $25. X-long heaters CfO. Wall gas $20. Girl's 3 speed bike TR·Stronbet1· 1t,rbs S2S $25. lr:on frY pans $1-$5. 2 lr.vme. ' •\"' wb le. .1cur skating RCA blaek •and while including 'glass and trim twin bunk1e, new $15. furnace $20. Pingpong ta-$10. Lots of interesting each. Dalsu~ hub caps box cameras $J each. w ET s u J.T p i'JVif o 1(:':':: ..-~u~l~lad~s. good piclure Pi:"rfect 1oa'. ,!?~. Trun~ 'lids $IS. <;:orvette_ski raek wi~ ~le SlO., 8 ft. ~luorescent ~s fOf' sum.mer read-S2S set. 4 lug mag wheels 119·34thSt. Nb. 675--0922 beavertall, uke l'few'iO. ,a t_... '"'· ~t - 1~1•1~ chllds room. 'm-. M~·rlQI:. •Windshield and rear key lock S18. Deluxe hi· hght $5. Bowling ball $5. 1ng 2-25c Zenith B & W $20 each. Falcon front . . Kin size water bed mat· .~re ,_,..foa y, e~ce ent 8 foot . .b 4 fOot ; aC)c _glass $l().i20. Bumpers chai r $15. Antenna $10. ftay~y ~ags 25c each. TVSlO-Handmadewood seat $25. B1:1s ~ear seal OLI? .medlca!'e cabinet,~ $15. Stereo r ........... c?:edit-:n. F.ootba~l andclear~lasa4=om illa- il.S. Grill s10. /.Fenders 833-2848 Desert ai r lamp ss. 2 lamp $10. Double site $20. Porcel~1n sinks $4.50 refinished pine $16 .. Cut player$20.'.811:-5Te2 ... ~'r""" ;.t!·u iddel -"t;'-Ug -t1e tion black fr~e must $20. Steering wl}eels $5. electric brooms $5 each. Tyco Pro Racing set with each .. 3' x 2 Va' SS com· PI u g tobacco t1.ns . -,. . aboel, 1'9187,,Hll .e•io a'ppte~ ate.' szs:or ~ring gear $12. Wheel ELECTRIC healer $4 . Vacuum cleaner $5. Dis· ca.rs $2S. Cai; AM radio merc1~I refrigerator $25. -$6. 75 -$14 .50; Tea la!'s LARGE•metal Gl,fice delk $30, worn .. twtce, n~ ~· best ~fer. ca't after 9 eiovers $2.,Mirrors $2·$25. Floor lamp $3. Metal_ h~s lOc each'. Bolster w 1.~h r.1/e a k er $10. 8'!arding ladder $8. OB ~.25. Old paper advertiS-and, eh air $25. Small Track ab_qe.., Ad1dJls ,,8'.m. 142:7107_. , • t)aSh instruments $2·$IO. she!ves ~.TV s~nd and ptllows $2. Ironing board ffousety>ld items $1·$5. propellers $10 each. 1 bp m_g rans 1.1.75-$3.l~. Jee armlels sot.I $7.,M2-tl76 tract shoes, size 8, cost , , r ' Is $.5-$lO. Gas tanks aenal $5. Electric fan $5. $3. Clock radio as.,. C,lock 20" hom·e cooling ran, mow~ m9'0r $5. Small cream chair $25. Picture . . .. ~. SIS. oner~· now 15, SG:\JBA t•nkf. twtn 505 • . Ma·i · whe'els for MS:-7131. S2·$3. ~r top carrjft ss. never Qec1 SlO, Ga.;:ranl electnc meter SS. Small frame tray $4.25. C~am ~Odollu bills, new, \Ill· ... c1s ot~·tf7S: Qn·ate $0, Tzi'llke ftew . panese pic~u,p& near REFRIGERATOR 231 Avocado,' CM . Lwn ta)itle..diatpond nee-anchor·•· Boat stove $25. can $17.SO.,Old glass c~-ctrculatect •70 .9' tkem, ~.,.Sl'ookh-.nt. aod $25 each. 1a1fo6t paddle •.w·s:L\. &=isaor jacks S8. 19 .• 1V excellent ~: 66-141$ die, wood case~. Dejur· GoC-art type steering dy conta1!1er, la.nt!rn $S.5t eacbo.-.eash only. Kdam.•. Hu•t-in1tc:>~ boardonl)' s10. ~-1038. floor mata, like new lion tz' K' beds ead . Reflex-electrie eye mov-w¥e:l .Sl0. 4·8 n. nuores-SS.75. Antique picture 5*-9707'· e..m.: . -. earpetS20set.Tapt?deck S8 'IV/Ste mg t n~r$lO GJRL'~ 26" .bike $19.9$., ie camera wilh·c_ase It centtubesSleach.Btape: fr~°?es .1.10,.ss.s,o .. LARGE DOG HO E "ITCH.EN 1 bl $ .PONTI~C '4Sb.aillJ 389 St.S. Melric nuts·and bolts &&i.l051 reo 5 a · Spanish eu1l~r '24-ts~ fl Im . ,$1 o . s po o-d m player. 2. a~akers s;!S. Childs antiq'!8 cbinadis· feet wide 1 feet ~,. ~ T eonle a.,u,•~ rorpplete $15 C)'Un°"'. , 5'-ioc Head lighls and , Sm~ll accord1an $18Jl6. knieboafd szs. Lots of Faleoa air e<NUlltioner ·hes $S.75. 6 aurfboard : . • -a.1.-, apere.. r _ 'C'.!":'."' >I' scaltoPed ed11n1 Sl. -liiht ,bulb5 5c;-99c other AUSTIN Healey parts: 120 bass Accordi.an ~corn. for 'de~-$25. TriPower •Pontlac 120. Otikl's zic zag MW· feethigh~7..50."CT~ ~!t:::1~el6·~•00:;,<~-3"' butt altmJp atone $3. un and Toyota parts IOCM, 100-6, MK·I : Side $24.95: 500-22 long nfle t10J1 soc each.-'.Wb1te par;ts '$5-12$~ 64 Ford in g ma e ~ 1 n e, SWIVEL roeklac chair 0 - 0 orpac 2, ::M::!:'.·1::039~.===---szs. Phone ror ap-windOws SIO. Top frame& cart~dge~ ~.95. SO.a& carpeti"J 10' lC 20' •. 5( AM /FM.$2():'64&·6885 ' m'anual /etectr1c l.f.50. S· p i c e b r 0.. w a =~~le SJ.O, 1: USI~~ f"" tment to see. 613·1784 SlO. Su carbs Sl0-$15. Top &pea.al cart.P,dgea .a .25. g'aUon'Clrum $5~' ugle SS. _ . Lawn chairs SS.SO. 390 naupahyde worn,1 szs, · · • DMl.Y'P.l(Of:1 frames $IO. 100-4 doors 20-SOH-D reCll)I Oll SOI: Woven ·piCnlC a kel!S'Z. COl!~H;• tjed .$25 each. .Grana~a Wa)'_, CM: 1 ~· Malcbinl ot'toman ~,ft El G HT ~ n e.,; Alt ec -· CJIEVY parts:. Radiator ~· Bell housing $25. qt. P~a,yhouse-Een~ ~ad plowder s ia $19..'116 1~2 C~in.ton, .Garden IO lrv1.ne/Un1vers1ly 111· sturdy df&nl chain, i",p. \Jnivinitf M·lZA, l2 in· "'f4ST t'\. e · Powergllde trans Drive shafts $10. Gas & ~ mags :K)C each. 144 ~la Mesa SL ... Sa~;&u'!.· Gqwe.5.qe,-207\... tersection. 548-7379 ho.fttered 111 I gteen' ch pl(U'l!IPeaten." ~ . • USUl,T:\ ~n.:iu~a~fr:i~ee~ $8~ Lanks $1S. In~ake and ex -Cec il Pl. Costa Mesa , 1n Costa Me s·~ o!J Ei.ECTJij:C dryer $25. SCHWINN girl's bike 125, naugb•hyde,, 1ood, SB .m.-.1916 . .._,! ,.. ·' saVltl' ,-.; jlistons SS each. St8rter ~aus.t gm~n~ld~ $20. ROYAL. Copenhagen ~!~e;!& or'lrv~e OI' •Rotar1 ·power mower Bird Cages $f. Bamboo each.813-0168 1 ~s;tt.vEL!cla refrifefat.oc Dl~~T l J.!O. Alternator SIO. 4 bar· ss~h':ome XSl·s:i. H~~~:, Christmas plates,. 1911 Ir: . • ' [ ~· G,ap en,a:ine 3 Vt. hp table $25. Framed mir; BEDROOll furnlLure, .•. ~<Automo'blle sterfo ..,-:. .... I ock $25. 327 pistons $6 . machme .S20. 25 x ;?5 power mower $3.50~ Pde ~\112 ,W. ~CM .646·5348 SlS . P1cn1c tal)le and bookcase headboai-d izs. cordi, $35. A1,1t60t.atie _, 441-1671nt.,l22 ch. Reconditioned rods REAL amber ·necklace fum~ce filters. 4 for SI. ,lamp '$.1. New han•ging · f . benches $25. Bentwood N'ight,slAnd $7.,.Dreuer raid~4,·add 8 ttacll:\ear' ·-;;;;;;;~~;;;~~;;, i carb. $6. 283 short core $20. 642_ 5896 1972 ~ each. c,1,gareU~ LARG E lawn calcherfpr $25., P\lsh mower $5. 700 ror i1~-~arved bencH blonde. lwhf bed set with caiset\e pla er, alao~re-. Mr 11i\t c-. ; set. New set .020 ovet $25 . Ladies Schwinn Ban.)O ~· Wond~r J;Ione shade lamp $10. Hanging Sea_s electnc ~ven with chai.r $20. Over~lulft;d and mtnw $25. DoUble st4!dD tp. Skill variable • ~: • .;, 11 tQJJs S?S . Reeondi· bike. sirtgle speed $25. $5. Boy\!! le girls 6?' amber ball lamp, ne~· g~,t.ll Ir: J;>roil er,. 0!! Chair S25.•1930a·40s bed -et $20. ·Bookcase a~ f•¥'i'r.1ibl• drill 1!,.... ' nt'd 327 he ad s $25 VW rear bUmpei $8-: vw c.lothes, excellent eond.1-SIO. White and-g9ld night (boaJ1i st~~I $2Sbt!J h•l)d ~1?-&gs $}·$.S. 35 )'.?". headboard SlO Gold At. ·ea&nt \eoa\pn:lfor. 1 ..... · a...;.;.-w..,,f! I •~h. Pil pans $5 each. 14" x 6" mags $8 each. lion 2:5c·$3. X-3 trike $10. st an d •.-t5. La Rt p..s I~ ee, a e.d. collect.ion ialt & pel?per carfft app'roxl 0 rna,teiy I~~~-~ ~~"!-: ""1 'l'alve covers $4 pair. Child's bike_ carrier $3. 552·94CM $3.·$3.50: New loilet.S:eat 'Yi_ ' good con Ilion shakers and flgunn~ ·1CX1i $15, ,White coffee :~. P'ola1· ~ (. ·.. · .. '.1'· 1 ;. \ j rank shaft cores s10. 8.SS x 15 ,J 1re $5. Old· WATER bed mattress & $2.50. Basketball hoop & ••• 83IH4l9 Sl·SlO. Old Qoof: lai;ops table.SS. W)ilte end tallle iera lCfw-r :i. '\ 7 57 Chevy hu b. caps $5. Royal typewriter. as is liner SIS. Heater $25. "4." plywood back board w'•sbt n 1 tn a chine, ~ ~ord trdck , tires, an(llamp ts. 673-SMo!~· , ". •l~ fit:~ t _, amero hood hinges SIO SS. Roll of IO Sweda cash Pedestal and frame~ with supports $10. 2 twin w.-e•'J::hou•e aood ~ :1mb ~ e•ch. ,_, d t.a ec.or · .Jifllh .. • "' 1 4"· Rearit:rum s wilhnew regfsterlapes.$il.64&-3680 Betori! t ·JOpm Sat Sun. maUresse $10 each._~ eoadi $Z5 sa1:s.i 1 c pu ! $20. Okld ..,,RCULARrug, bh1e 1 Md ~)t.·a.. ec~,.......e ~rale shoes $15 pr. Air IH6-l460 . • ·: kitchen 'chalrs $2 .5 . ans $4-$1..-.. Celluloi green ,SlS, Ty~wli\efl ~ _,..,~-,· ' • ~--ti '")- !l'Ondition compressor ~~TER heater 2.0 . g~I. each. Ronson blender $:5. ~LE, bed ·125. Girl'• brushes, mir:ror, con· ~add.115. Ga'.llarao.J . , 1 • ' 1 ~10. Chevy r im s SJ SlO.Rugs.!"ood' x .6 2FENCf.NG. 3 fl. high Porta~le.,rnixerS3.3~~ ...._.$Ul.Wasber•l25. t.ainen *2·$7. Sal. M. ~ . ~, i aprf""r sweeper~. ~;" ~ach .. 0300Yer•pistons ss s11rface Onental desl_gn redwood, approx. 120 ft. llghl ilJxt~rea $3.501 Dryer:~. stereo cabiMt Z!23 Eide~, Apt,. '61, CM ~ ,1 , P'Jlld.rtc--waffk! lroe".$5. ~· ' , ' ~ach. Art carr converter 12$. Maple .easy chairs 30c,. per' ft . B 1w. TV Ropet r·nee stov1 \• SPe~r encloaunlS parellelw1lhN,_port ' 1 i... ~ P A C l Tf',I V\.'E ,Electrl~ ff1 P.•• $5. ._,. • . .iif8 . Pontiac parts : 120.Paperbackbooks~ workl.needssWitch$20!-lf•les,.new SS. Fil~ .• euiL.COUch$10.~ ACK JC '~ D~RGE el~~ T1P1J.~~r.""1tore-•u~ ~ ~adiator $20. starter s10. 220 'h Agate, Balboa Hudson pump sprayer twin sheets L50c eaCh. 1 SlO. "'reuchl iron cbairl ~rame~S~OC p~~id 5hi,";. .iW'=9~'1'k T~ 0~~ el \Jpe $10. Clock radio \ · ~ewovertieadcam6 cfl. l&laftd SS. <:amper ta1:He SlO. S~ower c urtain Z$c '4.•l!lcb t Lamp $J1 belt$'7:61,:2833• 1 G,S .. ·l'l'tl t· ""I '*~· i10.'8amboo'1ota • ~ad with cam 525. Lin· QUEEN s ·i 'It d Sears cooker-fryer near Pillow SOC3~hovels, ncJ \'a)IOMU:r SJ, UHF con· -·. ··'l\SHER G g · wblle B11)y scale $1. Baby For01111i1i•M i.koln~parts : New V.·ater beds ds1; :ui e new 110 . 2 hiia'a1ng handlesSOc Retri1,r~ •vertAlfSS.~lamps:'a • · •warttpe;,ediy'2an 'ILtQUer ss.,ai,:nder • AcrtOM · mp SIO. Grill for 59. $8. ble :~!ice rOr r;ss:· lamps, black and while ~nd trash truck sz. Sta-•ea ci,. • S.weeper · $2 .5'. J;ILONDE double dresser, Hoover v uum u ri~ Bar $25; R.::lliit.n1• baby Cll rd parts : 1940 hood Other cutlery Sl'. Ad: m~tal $2 each. La~11e tKlfl wagon matlt'5~i12.".a::-tl:P"!.•ow-•,Costa a, draw~rs $25. se~g SIO ~hrm.8.\,; M:ritokl ear·seat SlS . Ele,:t-tlt .A _~ ..... ~PILOT 4 . 1940 dash Sl$. J9.12 justable draw rod& SIL 8 sU1tcase $2.·Snow chains 171:'5 P~1'f,en'9·.J~· If; · 1ca~to keep y~ teW· Circle, Norlb C.'M . ~om popper~· Table "'Mi ... n · "~ar hubs and drums ft. wide white curtains 12., Large lamp shade, Un1veni\ .P,a~~otf4 lllO:if 11 ~ .. Bit~ ·parts .int~ org1niteltS15. 551-0ltt •mpSS.842-5884, l .. ilh brake• $IS. 1932 $3.2lieredaquacurtains beige50c&t2·9235 21" cot.QR"TY~7' l_5c ·t3 W.a1hin1 Hi1hchaln $5eich.1U:n ELECTR'C I I ~ ~ r•or~~: feR:3fat~sr. :l~ SJ. 2 n. plaster Cber:u~ PACHINKO game 11s. e 1w TV I *.~ '~ ~ '&i.Cb~e. Round .<Ho-~e':'.fo!il~ihn~::~ -Electrk ..,toa:feJt~:-:'. .. 1f ')w.i ....... ,.. · tim 5 $3 each Rims with statue . $2. &44-0780. 2906 -ZeniUi stereo sp,eaters cleaner ff.. 20t3' F 1 ..iU'U.ble .SU· Ctotliln1. .,.... I Se ~"" MIPM ttep t•ble ... Boa 1 -, ., · • , ires S.Seach. 83&-JOOS Alla VI.Sta Dr. Eastbluf( with amp. $12-Reverb CM . 6484291 ' ..t .,.. J 1-, '.liH°', li1ta 'i.Oc·ll. Htth r.:v;1,.:~ndr·'ou=-~Chri1t.ma1 decorat~ D I A M Q '" tit~ r 8 l( r M 'A P A r I 8 ,, ., 74 Van VAN seats: Chevy, ampl,ifier $U. before1:30 ANTIQUE Eu' "'~t~': ~'t;'t'L $1. N:;' r.·•1.., expaiids.lol4&,. '3;0uldoor·w~cker ~ . MI r A ) o M' I ' a 1 1. •·U' c 's s'D'A :j ff ' ~i~:~.s,. 48 x ,.120$8., almost nevi. exceUent pm sat..Sun. 646·1460 ing ch.alrs•..:,.nr:;:._ '.-wo ,Liff Jc ..!!'•g,_..! 10lds) 'to' IS 'tm:M:t fer · u, .... ·$11tte!?:'!!'hl$JS:zscT"C 1 ' •·• A 1 c a e·M a11 & c N r • A co r ~ n ique sa Jn condition with bells $25 • ' • o1 ~ ,.--: ' ,_. • • """'" TV~ --~· $ZS. ' lli~ • ' ...,...., DI ·-• ' • .. ... • each. Ford •.an seat $10. s~~~t<.~~~={ i/'1-.,. PO;ouiaru':cer~ ~kt ~B\1tto~:at~Su:.•:& stretdl1ald,0P,9Q-to4~· ·J4'f'el:~1 De·ll!. ~ : a~ A f' c,t o' o"'u ~'A N 1 01B,• o· fi!!JAL.woodbarreuw;·• 545.2929 $10,\fplker~.,c1r.~ ••• szo . ~V.rj~r 111,:.#:'i\i,eo.uMesa ~~~.u~°tt!'b;-=: t:=r.~~:= , .LLccK11Dikort.aAA~o\1·11cr f.l!!:t's~~·~.~ . .::·PIPE. plastic s10. M.G4&-57SB r:=•i•n la.~p ,~ sOi:,t. 10~ 'cbal.i-ll$. bitilo.JSear's Be~;~ .panaud4iMffi'Jco. 1.t.O·lf'I llA.1'&'.",P•DL~a ·oar · Galvanized $25.$45·2929 f'l'v. 'ZJ''·$!5~'GE portal!W-::.. ~ Sim''I Besttlratrcondi• and waltiftl hariMI --~~ 81.vd;-Ne • • 1 ~~I PL AC C-A' I.' a• LA p FOOT artificial pott~ ELECTRONIC code st.ereo)'deluxe model a ¥PROLSTERED. e-11.111.! ~ szs.1kautter .table 11.50 ~ 206 RADOWW C. • 41 ,· A· • --palm $20. Ladlea desk SS. teyer$l8.S45-2929 S~all 'r:otary l'•wn -SZ0.4 x6rua:$7.MI-,.._ S'.:.l*'°CbnyradialOr Dr.C.0....Met• .ar,t 1Ji-S8JINOH:8U-.....I~ ., .. ,~ Oatx .... !IOAA ~•La• ~.Rofta-:ay bed $20. La~. mower wjlh au enpPe l'IUPLE drHICj •llllt '1ail _ !lShll, 1otf b•a& HO nitfW~' -,.,..aWattrrwa-.'.~ 8 ~.U·~ ... N I 0~0,.1 UP &.•a L-K SC.111 Life print .,.,. KINC mallre91 S20 King SIS. All ilemt ~t good. g~od condl(lon t).~ •:$S.·$1t. Golf cal't• ... ~••i•r •, .. Q:Ner-lllllriONtor .c A·Jt.,. L ·& ~ I &. :i. N r•li a To 0 'f, 767 boJt1prine1$20. Kine bed :;eO W. H•mittda arter Matchlni mi ror Miit. .a,U,r$10. Golf blill• -do 'r.J~-· u ..._ ........ .f7l:llll t 1 ~ '-c. t ' . , , .. frame 110. Quilt-covered lOpm. ,, . . r -· llt·!Se Rate $1. PuU ~ ..--n _ . ---:-_ • r" LC• L I X-1 1-Q.D o t T lt>Y S 24 blcyele. k In I headboard . 2·20 girls bilJ,H .$10 l1wa mo9'tr 110. lMI laodac pe lteOt.t m. 2 ~luDieten ·:;· A".• a I L • S , i s,eed $15 . .540-0466 SlO.Chest wilh 3 draw~ A R T ,, u.. p p I t e 1 : each. 297 Rott ~ 'j •• b ••a A 1p 1 n • MMlll · • , ..;,:::= .... a..11 , r •, A r o T .L & r ;. , ORCELAIN' lau.ndr> &: 2 doors open to shelves W!J,ercolo~r Se e1eh. Cella Mesa .• whldt .. tel• $15. Swim COUCff $10 ... l"fbOuw i~idiiet "*'!~ r I A 'f. a,.&rc .,.. 'fc.,o NT• a r,. a ai"k with atand ~12 , $2$. WOoa table and 1 4 ~fB~~ic n:~\:S'TEREOeablnet,aoXi ~'!:..b~Ma•1dul1tl2.Dnuera110.-Bid 1Viludl94,-.I -iJUi..-~·1.A'YA•MADA01._1r · Qikl'• work.benchwiti chairs s:zs. E•SY chair, 30c . ch. ood r • 21 lnclvd•.-i•liealle --.i-K: ..._.111. ~ 110-•.Rertt•••tor• tu.111 r1.eelf P.~. 11118't••• ! '. \'iM .: Elec:tdc gultai lar&e an_d comtf)rtablt aJI eal ·t $Q t':rn;i enclosura, iillldlhrH· Irie ~wter ~ Clottiea Uc Bikes $1 .alf'A Qa•nnet. !'\. ... "' l A o ~L L 1 ' 1 L a, r • D ' ' 111. Ctitkt'• 6-cbotd .iec $10. Vacuum, Kenmore, -:1 .11,,• 20~.:tf. ·a I> ~n 1lyle uUqM t'llllih ;?: r Ro• 'e..X 12 S .' •ctl. Lamt11 tL Tooll ""teoa . '9: ~~ .. :!!'!"'9 ....___~ , orian as. G•m-.tanktypc$10.6'8·0134 ~queel"· neVJ .. ~.""..,.s ,·.. . \llmOJlll llft.:11.:; i10c-$S.Julcerl25>Gult.11EN-s'd,_,1u11S,~ \;n;;;;'"'•--3 •Ill. Paoter& 1>c·A ... MAN'S 27" Vista 101pced Ma1Un1. bOard pebbl nvt. " nt.ot ,oPiJ ' ~. Plllow1 $1 .. TabWo ~. ll!te new -_.. < • "• ~ryt2l0c;fi bike $25. Ladlu :ta" :lll<eacll. Plaln'woodpl~· ;1;~~.:!~t.~.p =-• .tf:'.:'a;,:; !!~J: PlacOfttla, ~ ·ac1•1tts,_..',.x ,' • -~.'~ .. !!.._'!Cai~ .a·. 27 Thln·llne Schwinn siDClt quet. U x J2 " tle1r plne ~ .ii • r ' ia:a ~Sil.iun + ' ' SJO eadt. Sl1 .. 11X11'... t ' ..,... . 'i'1ii ....-. -<MllS ' tl'Ud bike 125 . •Botb ·allc·~ 1'!0<lal1lc ·~ • , • ' TV pl1y1• •••d $25 ...--·•"fll'!t ' ' ., ,_ _;;. w • ~ ~ke• 1n,~~etllen1 lii;idi: pla/ill~" u .u1 alter T~~ILEll P•TU".!i"' 'i~· 4XI ClOOf! v icuum 't1'aner a..i ly.-: " ---._,. .,.,. -~'"" 00., • ( • "'{ e $2, UCl\l.~w .2'lthSl. c:.ila JO..m'.JIO ~ · ;\1~l•, •llriN• idtd'Wbeels • ud spoN, """' part& tank type sa.10 n •...i 1 ble Ill · .....n• .. .,:p,.--~ -1<MZ,>487 · ·llollboOlltmtd · •-.... llreol:IS.""81.Nlllll •' $11...._JIA •! ·a..llOs ·-, o11e11:.......Ja '"1 ....... -_11 .. "1 ... , . ................. .. ...... . • • -' \ I • '· . . .. • . \ ' . . -. ' . .. 11 • • -:M • • 1 11 • d I • ( T1 .. 20 t • 5 22 p $ "' • 1 5 Al .. I '& f 1 Al .. .. • • n • • .. 'S: c • b •• z • • •• .. ' 0 ' I t 4 .. I ~ ..... '=•••" .. • ••:••••••••,•••••••••••• ••f ••••••••••••·~··•••• -•••••••••••••••••••• ••••• :.•::.!.;: ........ •••••:••••••••••••••••• ur y, 0 ay ~ , 1 7 OAILYPILOTI~ ~~O!!:I., fl•O J,...kl 9560-. WooMd 9590 1.,ortod ........... -....... l..,arfod Sat da M O 9 5· C WLaiidil~M-~::.:rlL .• :..mxu~, : ... ,;;E0RPAT-OP·~~CA R ...... ~ ,. ...... ,7t2 ".. . .•. 97i• 1111, .. -~ --~ m1 ........... , ...... _.. ....... ••• "... ....... .•••• rto.t as·, many .w .. ~ll !\ I ~ " r;i •, . ' ""Q~ RS •• it.•"f•••·············· ......•......•••..•••..•••••.•.•• , •....•••••••...••••..•...•••.•••••• ··········~-··········· ······-····-.. •••••• ...__ • • Ovv EtEC'l'ION FOREIGN, 00111m1c OR.QI.I COUNTY'S ... • , • ' J-9732 More ... -9740 9,742 ~ • " ., !41¥1 & U$liD .. . , or .CLASSl_gr. . , \ OLDIST OIAMG• ""~ Ho~ '14 doupe,. a m/rm. •••••• ••••• •••••••••••• ••••• •• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••-'•• Z&' llnlorop'w/ rOof·otr, Prl0<& .. lrt1L • · Uyauro:.rl1,,crac!lean & HEWEST&L.U..ST 4 5000 ml'• '2SOO' '73J-HMJ ~I MIDGET Xlnt. cond. 2'eO fr._..~ :lil,000 $l7ll .. ·:··· 1 let U1fltlt. =-· r• ' : .... • JMllEDlATE Cal s.i&-oMe · · An all black beauty with 300 SL Ro..dltr. lmmac. Lo ml., Call; Abby W'· ml • .,_,,._..., , . . ~. • ·• IAUH .~ • . D£LIVERY 1s.ooo orlalnal mlles. Classic. Lo. ml'1. $1900. JohnM4·192A t , C uii'• Y-. 71 Datsun (~:SSW,:) ,4 ~eo.ta~l!~rbor m. Salel·Servlc0.LeulnK" . AU M~~~LI&:~ 1974 Hodda Civic,8,QOO ml. ~lU trade. * 615·78M • '71 MG Midget Newt~~ ""' ...., •peed,4•tr1dio. . 2500 RQYC.,..,er, Mc. bick Mlftl'l'Molol i' :o::•,i••eover1>1m\> Ml%2IOSL new l<>P. new IDOM"1, M.!':-1':,:t'."' <1••ill t••i;:,· · J\Olll'lloyc~ _/IMW ,.. ..... l/i"a 1 1 or~Z.(2014 c--.,,000 ml. Good .••"'.d. · JtlGSNCYJfarc>R '411'L UUIO lluyJ .. C... Cotta:!~11th~ la .. ~... AutomaOc,aircoodltion· $2000.830·S94Saf\ 3 . 30 . JtQI •ll...,.•ta MTTZU .._._...._ In .&:towner! 2 MG Mid"el, am/fm. • .,.,.,. .• _ TOYOTA · 120w. Wam" _.,,.. 9731 ,.,,,_.11 • 1011 ·.~!1~,v(.S . .f.. W. Datt.. 9720 al So M I •••••••••••••••••••••••. m 11•.t.aw•T tape .deck, ski r1i1ck, id..-_,J .-' 1 "'"'lrhd , •••••••..-••.,.••••••••• SanlaAna · a~72132 M"'"' ... A • WMM*WUO cond . Mu st Se fl !~ 1966 Harber c M 646 9301 ••••••,.••••,••••••••••• . . · ~ IJ 1 .. 2040 • 49Mt4t $2250 /orr. 673-9987 : . 1'70 11l1nd•r. 24'. Roo . . . . .. G1Mral 9701 WILL BUYYOUR Now· ............ ,....,.. ... ,...,. alr, 1ene~alor, bitch ••••••••••••••••••••••• DATSUN. TOYCYrA '72 MG Midgel. Am /1"'s . dee1t, J'AC 1tt_.., a trac EUROPEBVC R OR VOLKSWAGEN Mnda 9731 tape deck. ski racjt ~ & C&UetUt . .tlp; n.lave.r·, A PAI D ·FOR OR·MO'f. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Good cond. Must se I tue) •, ~:;::::z;m;r,:::, ISOURBU3INE$ W ILL PAiY TOl> B d N •74 •1JMAZDA $2250orofrer.67J..9987."'', Ca) •3'71orM:s"4L47. ~ European car for over· ALLEN !U.tl.h.t.A'J MGI 97H .,.,, .v ............... E:i~~ Buy, Lea ... Rent any D(lLLAR. CAIL KENT ran ew Pl= < • 1-.,, " h co·-........................ . ~' seaa ·deUverv, Factorv •'1"1"""._.. MAZOAS 1600cc,4s ,radio& 66MIZ.250 t ~ price. Free travel plan· '74 Datsun 'Pickup. Cstm eater (95ti88T) Dir. _..., '67 MG• ""T. :..;.-T .... 1, N'f'tt ;170 ~··-· n ing . E·URAUTO, w hl•, paint, Jnterior. Many more to choose Sunroor,leatberlnterior ...-••••••••••••••••••••••• t•40!~~·' ti7S·4350, Udo Village, S1000T.O.P .Call898·1981 from. Need reliable par· &au rb' .Be:atorter 67S-21?t 20' Teardrop, telf Con· '•31·20AO • 495.-4949 , N.B. aft6.· '69FIAT ••BMTEI ty t.o make small mon· talntd. Xl.Dt. ·c.ooo. Lo. · r.-w•Y ...... _.1 . , , 8505~•---$1115 thly'.paymenls. Call Cr. '66 ROAD ST ~R. nW ]Ill -100 .___ -9707 -,_. >lg• at••1 0873 paint, British raci_A'-' Ni.mt . '~' _,.•fr' J.~~Z . ~;;·~:.:;;·~;:·::;;:·~~; !0 DWAJA~GOUNN510 '~tl99 ' LESS $500 _ 12 M·~,d;n~weng;ne--o !(;'.;',~;i';","Jn'h""" ~~- 22· .!J'R.&Vt:L Trli. com-$1711 oond. Like new. Low mil~.Am /fl'mmulUplex »4fl MMlti..-nt,Altl'W.t.'f' .g.: pletely, •elr-cont. sips 4. ·v 8 • a u to.,;.~ "t 'i c mileage. $.3750. Please '69 Fl/t.T CASH 'REBATE radio w/tape deck. Mag te!NOMN.tO ?.~! ............. !?J..;. $1500.t •l890 . tran1mission, power callart6:30,963-5002. ~~Pr~'"d~o.t~~~=stii:nn'.. 850Splder ~._'!1sS006, lugg. rack & A/C. 131;3~~,:J1.~4t ~ -o-G~-~ Arls~at,Slpt.2&hitcb. ~tee.-1n1, air condition-'13...S .lOOLS Luxus 4 dr, I.DI. (956LGC) <"8A.FT> FROM Xl nt Cond. Pvt. Ptlil,' S595. ·s Jeep tires •ne. (668186>. Dir. Many Met. Silver. AM /FM $l4B8 $1499 Muallltrt.afMlrlcl '73 fi.tazdaRX2,4dr.Fac-Mercedes Benz M8·0763 :'." U .I x 15, 4 ply, Sl.O ~. more , to . ~hoose from. stereo. Lo ml. Wan"ty. 4 tory Warranty $1795. E fl C ~' ·::.-:~.·=~~:~ =rhi •pd.Air......... CfJ ..... l,,,.;& '73 FIAT I Your Price Only 645-4166 xecu ve er oJ;3~~:0Gi!1e4 ·~· ~J..er.Ylc1 I 9 • 4 ' 0 · 0 ~tL~.~~~'. Call Cr. Mgr. ~~~.~~~ •••• !?.~! WIL UUW 8~!~;!er, $2 6 g 5 1~~3~~~~~s.S\:y ~r~:: .450 SE Vi nyl bucket seats ,"~~· . ....., ts 000 I I I $252 80 mo Speed trans mission •• .. •••••••••1•••••••••• . PERFECTION TOYOTA $2799 owner. ' oca m · • • radio and heal••, ,nr.~,.. ' R 73 CHEVY Xlnt cond. 2612 Mesa Dr. "' ....,.rt Auto t pai.1 &r:Paintina: '67 Austin-Hea ley (BackBay).5'18·5703 wheels.etc. 1180LWA). ',', , •RJ:ASONABLE• · 1/4 Ta.:t MKSOOO w/overdrlve'. 19.06 Horbor, C.M. 646-9303 '69 FIAT · Air, power windows, 2995 · • IHW211 -Riebanl : ·V. ~·~·::~i;,,ni:.i: i c :.~~~:;:··--$3500. '!l.DATSUM 124 s1:1, Coupe StaJ:.n. ~a o_ n Merced .. -9740 AM l>'M stereo, low '6S.'°CH£V.Y -2B3.'.ll60, 2 l rans mi ssion, powe• , ~ 'le"--( Jl49) • •••••••••:;0••W•••-:•••••• m i l e•. 36 D)O nth Rever•e"' t'5 " Rims &. • 69VW ... ~so .. ...,. $1699 " open endleaae. Tlre•.,n 11:,1:1Aa.Zf27 a.1.eering. Tuc·A·Way lltl ·•• With. camper shell, 4 I NC L U DING ALL ~ "'IV gate. (6917RJ. Dir. Need Call.496-1139 •peed, ,r adio & heater THlS: Purcltmlng AatosforS• ., .;eUable partytomake lMW ~, 9712 <P»SHOH).Dlr. ManY, '71FIAT ECO N OMICAL. TopQt241f •••• .. •••••••••••••••••• "'.'~I g'~n~hltt pay. ·~••,t•••••••••••••••••• more to choose from, 1245portC~• POWER FUL SILKY UHclM~ G._.,.rol . , 'SUJ !,'17en087. 3 a '· rtr: at • .,,7·4 l ';.V' ~... 'Nmeaedk tellab11e1 partytblto 34521D6N9Jt) SEMNGOIONTEH R11ohT3ARY c-~ •••••••••"'••••••••••••• .,.. ·, . . A ,......,.._ e sm a mon y w yr. _.,_... ~-.•·o"'SI' S''""'S ' ,74 DATSUNP.U. --t:LO.Sl..OU'.L paymenta. Call Cr. Mgr. so.,ooo m ite facto r1 U_ MdCwt4•, 1nv _. ~: ~...,,... ~ •·v·a.ss at847;0873 -warranty -heater ...:: . -- Many to oehoose from. RUNS~OQDl26000R ~ $' '73 FIAT reClining Naugahyde j M'-L "'-'-\ Need telll.ble party to BEsT'OFf'ER. .... "'65 * 5301• 128SLCoupe BUCKET SEATS with ...,on • ..,,.. malr:e a mall monthly IMMmlATI * • • • (AC0029) me m or y r r on t 111.vvb payment.a. Call Cr. Mgr. 1967 D!Jdge ~ T wt 81/1' D.ILl-Y . Reliable Party to make $2799 Passenger seat -5 .,.._.. atMl -0873. custom camper. 3 gas ,.. smaU pymnts, '11 Datsun RADIAL PLV TIRES• Uu\ks. 30 gal water tank. GOOO SELICTION wagOn; 29Z·DLX 510 4 POWER DISC brakes .. :.: ..,.,.. _, .. ,_... Pmrtl_, Good s hape. $190Q. •COMlcllriRg• spd,847·6029 Dlr.askfor '69FIAT ru t t car1peti n·g _ ~.,.... N 1 •tMO $15,000 cost; buy.back 110,354 ; Depree:. '$4646 ; Int. "'55. + Tax & Uc. SZ14; Sec. deposit ; Ser. #029714. Offer E1qlilH 5·12-75 llEAT THE PRICE INCREASE 9529 493·0154. *" ~-·'-* Jefry Hasson. 124 ~ ·TACHOMETER -eon-'13280 4 DR SEDAN. ••••••••••••••••••••• ... ' ,....,.__, * * * * IZA ) -• · d LOADED' •u•op• , 32 Ford PU Bod ,,.~ 73CHEVYcustomC20.~ Elimina te the lniddle --e -rear .wm ow de-, $79SO . .:~ • Jim Sl-mlOlnS . . y ''· T,V-8.clean.BlueBook ·man.'Least!direct.from $1499 £ogger-Electricclock ..,_.......... ... cond. Late model i:~ord price $2550. South (past ' authorized dealer! -TINTED -GLASS -I orfs !'\Inni ng gear. $199S or Car Lea.sing, 300 West · 13, 240Z, lo mi, 3'M, White ,73 FIAT l:.OCKING FUEL CAP We a re pleased to a n· mp "'=u.· best orfer. 836·05IS -r ext. Red int. A/C, Mags, s'm ood 1 · nounce the resale of one 1714183•9300 ~oa!iil" Hwy , N'."8 . 'fhere must be a reason Xlnt Cond . PP. $4,550. 124Splcler -h_:I ·Alw s~erlng of the t rul y great ..-· E DSEL '58"·2 Dr. llardtop, 64S-211!2, after S,'673-826'J· , we ·are #1 in ~ales, #1 In 547 ·7171 days 499.374!) (818.JMA) w ,.. .. · so muci.-more automobiles of our time. IZ 131623-5000· Won· on T.V. Mint eond. ·• 56TRU.CK.:%Ton . service, #1 i11selection. nite. $3999 ~u~q -~::Usmt: n~en!i~~ Owned, driVen, & ob· Must ·&eel 615-7101 or viouslypam peredbyone '13 280C, ;tir. am /{m ..... 048 • S2Sll • C • ' •MW. " '72 D"-TSUN 510, 2 dr R 3 Station Wagon. te dJ •· Mak I •841·67'7S* • r•v1er11 seda~,, A/T, radio, 5100 01'ckM'1llerMotors 1Ser.SIZ4W158I64> of Orang.e Coun ty's s reo,ra ao;o. eo-~'-d;;,::'-:--;-:---:---:::::-11-..:__::.."'.~~~--1 ~l.18 V.'. l·Sl Strt.•ct . largest new car dealers. fer . Art. 6 pm, 640--8081 Ca Uac Limousine '!'8· 1'ETR01T DeiS.e.t V·671 Santa /\n:.i H:i5·3l11' m1, orig. owner , like ---This rem a rkable l913 '61 "~,ru11 -·p ~ew motor &. .radJal 'traCtor, and 2(.' High bri\nd new. $Zill(): Art. 6, WE CAN GI VE YOU M ea Be 450 SLC ~ 70.0pel GT, nu Ures,·''•,· lo mi., $1550/oCr, t . •• 979·161 4 971M41ti:: 1972 Rallye. Yellow·bla~ Air, extra iMtrwneiiM',.!' radio, h eater, Pvi''I: brakes, steel radlalj: Very clean. $1895. Ori~. owner. 494·9684 eves. _ '10 Opel Kadetl Station-•-' Wagon. Radio, heate1'\N new tires & brakes.»• . plus miles per gall~;.._ . $925 b'73-2Jba ....................... '71 PEUGEOT 504 ""' 4 DOOR SEDAN ·" Sun roof , a utom atft!: transmission, radio~ heater , r adial tire&'. Looks and runs like new. (939ELH) ., .. ~ $1995 tires. 11.600. 75l-81J2. Cube Trailer. Priced tor o· . .· & 557·9499 ALL T HE c!r:e i:5 now ~display. · $3~~· =13'1 • -54FordYJctorio immed. sale. $S.OOO . · '721J.1 DATSUN PKUP Factory Authoriied C-1.£-l+T Please call 894.-3321 for · r · 581·849) Fiberalass shell, A/C, Sales, Service, L~asing, You Need & St ill Save further: details. •73 Mercedes Bent 280 c. ·~=~ ;.~.r·.:~~r:t~;:,M$~~: '721/t ,DATSl.iN PKUP e·· -. . gd. cond. Asking$2,IOO, &OverseasDehvery Yo~oney 2 1 ,000 mi. F ull y 4ililfNIJ 81D--l l32 fi~erglass ·shell, Arc: M1ke~·4977 I 12!~~-~:;:er BEACH Buying .a ca with a ~~~~~~-~~take ·.~ Recreatlewal gd. cond.,As~n,g S2,1QO. MUS"rSELL! 1970 Oat.sun! S SS 3 status symbol on the .'.'..'.~~~~~:'.'.:...--1'"'-""'o.ll!...;;...i."--~ 9530 !'.ti,ke963-4977. . . 2000 . 5 s pd llrdtp I antaAna 7-21 Z hood? Ours is under '14280C Coupe.Fully one.he 97~~' .• !.~:.·~:••••••••••·•·· Von' ' ~570 :i~·.a~:ts·;2~~:~.aus Honda 9727 MAZO A the hood. BMW! equipped. Air. Xlntcond. ••••••••••••••••••••~~ *vw nuNEuuccv... .., w -....................... & $9850.••~7· '73 Porsche· 1 :: l·Sealer.Gd.rond.$37~ ··•••••••••••••••"••••••• '1 1 IM ZOOZ's '12 240Z S tick . Im · ,, • ·~Mercedesl90Ddiesel. 91 IT '• . ~-8174 ACL.5 P.M, 'TJ !·TON Chevy Selel't 4 speed, ma.gs, stereo. (;!: maculale. $4200. 4 Dr. Xlnt interior. Needs. GrCJG ._..-... --~----~-1 VJ:an : Xlnt: cond. JJOOO toohoose). -lftilc;rge. lll311£ACll llVI. paint job lo be sharpr Beautiful black in &out:: DUNE BuQ:&Y-w·/s uper .mi ., ~om pl.e.t ely s~lr -, 72 ._, 74 Call 4M·Z1!!0 tltfTIMC.TON BEACH $1250. 557 -8450. . side, A l\'l /Fl'ot 8-trar'k · ~porL.;b ody,~\;tlue . 40 contained. Art . 5Pl'of, d' Try the st~reo radio1 air, .S.s~j'' Horse + eqg .. SJ ,100 or S40-SllS · BMW BAVARIA'S '69 Dats un Sta. Wgn. Ca ll 1ree;torcoll et;t,1•• '74 Maree~~.; siiec. allof Whc,ls, 1ic be$.tofr:545-3788 , . · '°"~iomatica & 4 s~s. {\uto. trans., lug rack, &save 1t~'..(' Ultin1Qte 450SL-(736HZR )S9995. '·· 4 tthe"et Drifts 9550 tif. ·DOdge !~ 28.1. X'l nt :(tJO chooi;e). orig. cond . 11195. 645-1 513 1"0' '0'3· 842-6666 'n •-, Driving lv\bchine J·1·m Slemons:· :-. . · cond. Panu11ng, ca'rpet, r.--• 972 ·'' .. · \. .. 4 •• W ... H.£·.·E·l·.·-DRl·.·~·v··ES···· ~:a~tbr83kl.S", r~~~ engl.-$925. '' •7p.•74 .7:.~~r: ......... ~ .•... ~ . Imports ····:.~-. ! • ~ 30CS&cs··s SAV1'~ SPACt..: WHEN '84 VW Bus.Crpt'd,.•·p•d. . A From Pvt Collcctioo O,,_ FACTORY . 8'3·9300 . I_;-'' .,., Already a classic & hard 1967 Jo~errariGTC "¥" MOVI NG by ·wrapping ~ .Clean inside 4 out . to rintl' (4 t0choose) Ser ll9!lll INVOICE. dishes and other fragile •72 Porsche9 1 IT ···;:? ••o 684 · • · 1 -~ F'enan· a·rs items 111 wash. clotn's, J Allolbody · Ser #8311 OM ALL ...,.. 3 ' • "'DCRUISH ' · '72 bo gill · M' Vou get moce'>paqe in 131 2040 49• •949 WI'" · , AafG1 Wanted · 95'0 11.• ·1-am .r ru aura HEW the garage and closeis1by ·, .:S..,,.,.:_,.;-• HEW&USED An all black beauty WMt" 5,speed, m<tgs & Am/ll"Wf ster o! ·· ·.fa: "'! ·l · ' , &. · '.. :nii towels and ott er Hnolrn;. ll4tJM..,~-'""!'w•T ST •'TI-.... :..,, .. ...,. . .. .. '" '.,, ·ser#PAZl.5721 s·e1 11·ng idle ,,ems· ""th a • ..,... """' ••••••••••••••••••••••• t rri m3cCond.' ... C! ·Wlt.$0NS i,-t-.·r··.,.,i:MEED: •'. • · Shownbyappt.only. Da ilyPilot·Cl.1ssiriedAd. '66-250SE . P /q-P /B. "75 HO""D • Catt 64•-567' Suncoor. AM-FM. 8 trok. i-~=====~1 foChoosefrolM USED CA.RS! 979·7241wkdys 1"1111 A 16·18 mpg. Very good 6S 230SL. Xlnt cond. air, Example · . TOP DOLL"AR FOR S.ales.Servic('.Leasing Fiat 9725 SEDANS CLASSIFlEDwillsellit. cond. Asking $3850/Best AM /FM . auto. Priced to ., 97z· GOOD '71. '!2 ~~ '7J· ··' r: .JC:s<: 1 ·········· ............. ,. 0 u r c h 0 i c Cl 0 [ l-o::l::.l•::'::.'::"':.:'c."'::644:.:.:.aft=·c.:3pm-,:::.:__1-se-"ll-'$5'-7-'50--55~2--'1723=-· --1 1141J ~~~......, .. :~: 6 cyJ., 3 s~ed, air. w;i.rn ~~~~ii' ~~ Y' ' '70 124 Spider. X.lnt cond . accessories plus tax &: Chevrolet 9920 CMYJ"Olet 9920 CMvrolet 9920 131·2040 • 49§..494,; hubs, radio, heater, & ex· T llEODORE ~-!... ..._... Super Car ! S1695. license. Order yours 1 ··,·~·;,.~·~·;·~··;•~·~·;··~·;·;··~·~·;··~··;·~·~·;•·~·~·~·;••;•;·~·;"~'~·;••;·~·~·;·~·;·;··~·~·;•;••;·~·~·;"~·~·;··~·;•;•;;;;-::;·;-~·~·-:;•;•;0;•;·~· tra clean. ('66F1JLJ ROllMS FORD '· ........_ · 1 ____ 84_2-_85_7_t.___ today. I ~ .$4177 .:. 2Q60 llarbor81vd. "4~2 ~~••WAY 72FiatWagon,autO. IT'S HERE I _. COSTA MESA '31-2040 ,_ 495-4'49 ,cad;als, R/11.$1,950 ' · .. • LA;,.; 1 642-.00IQ . _ ,,,._,,_•"'" 831-0!>lli U.UIO TOP DOLLAR ·74 BMW Tll, Perrect SELL idle items wilh a YOT shape, 13,000 mi's. Call Daily P1lol ClasstfJed ad. Sell idle items 642-5678 Cl , A PAID . 1 ~"'=· •-"'°l!025::::·-""-----l-"'"'::.::'·56:::::'":__---i-----'-"--"'--' ~let's d~ ,,.. ..... .,i.tM.b4'-9JOJ • IMMEDIATELY llohm • · 9720 DCllsiln , 9 720 D-9720 fun t d " FOR AiL •••••••• •• • •••••••••• •• •••• ••• •• • • • • ••• ••••••• •••• •• •• • • ... ••••••••••• new-• o· nve ·•74 ·scoU!". fOREIGH c:AR~ ' small ca• •. i · <. ·• . CALL OR COME lt:I-I 1 wheel dnve. Au omaUc 1 , •• ~TO SU US tra-nSrhlsslon,· 1>ow11;r steering, air <:ondit1on· l~g. (913ij:~\ : "'. !'\LWF [lf\T !i'iFlH\T5 . $4788 .. ; . t'':~ ltemu· . . ' ' _.M _ mG W:Coilt "'"'.Ill. ' w ', .. ' ': .... ~ 940_5, ~ t'OYOlA ' " .,. •• _ . ~~ • ·· ; WEBUY · 1966 Horfi:pr. t;.M. •46-9303 , i , · :.. , .. . IMPORTS ·· ,e:,.~DR · · ~, o{ Dollar "rOr ~A ny c rew ...... ......_,drive, -~J. 1~ ~ l'pod.._"'-......;.S · · ~ spe~ tr,m;mlss1~; • ~ r ·Al"llllV • •. a<.ooo ·mlle1:~11•l4~"J, ' .' M_• ,. .... t Jsoo. i.:.)lust "ae11 · lqti: , f-( • "'-AiM"' a;iedi1i1tely ,'Necd.i:1;U.abl t 200J:S. Manchester party. .to '"'8ake .Jimall Anaheim-163&6CIQ9 monthly ,-Jn\Y_pM!nls. Qi.II ' ' , , Cr. l'of.gr. at.847-0:J73. • '" Oronte"Comlty.',. . , JEEP '68 ·CJ 5 283 . ·1rf:t1i9heitS,luy~ • ~ IMporis , O'Drivc, Extras. $2,300. r.. ~ .. ~ I · ,.837·S862i.ift.5PM BIH cixeyTo a ' ( ··Gall Roger ot 11 t~4 JNT 'L Scout II, 4x4, 847-855.l ! A JC,. ru II pwr. ·54~5!1o. l --"--~'---=·=· ~-~1 !Pvt . Pty. 640·Q365 !eves/wk~ds .. , • , t'a G·M C l '•'.JINM,Y·:' i Sierra. 350 VS', AUto., . PStPB. AYJFM, many tit.er options . t.oo um e rou s lo 1.§16. ' " .. ::---< .•• . .. .'I; .. • ' ' · .... _...:·~ -. .. ·-• ... • . - " ' .. Now there's an elegant small car, '~-and we 've got 111 ll's"the dressy • new fun-too.drive Monza Towne : Coupe with formal vlnyl root and ' l,arge opera windows standard! .... So comfor1abl.e, too, with deep , , bUcket seats up hoot and cut-pU• .. carpeting all through . Come In and Ml this al•gant new way to go '· piac .. todayt ,, ··- ·- ~ •I .. '• ' " . . .. ~~ . . ' -· ·~t l4 DAILY PILOT Saturday. May 10, 197S . ' ' ' .. . . . . . ............ ' . "/' .. .... ., ....... , " .. .,. . . ' ·. "' .......... -........... ,...... ................. ~ .. ,...... ~ •• ,...... .......11.e.i . ...................................................................... ··········~··········· ,. ............ ~·········· ······················-~·.'~r~ ...... ~-'!'::~·.'.~ ....... ~~·.·~~~ ........ ~.~~!~ ...... .' .... !!~~ Toyoto t76s !~!:::r.!' .. ~ .... !'!!' !~:::~ .. .' .... !?!! !~:~ ............ !?!.~ .~~ .....••... !!!.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~•c•~••••••••••!?.5.~ ~~.~~-~~••••••••••!?.~~ ~~!~~-~?~~ ....... !?~~ SPECIAL Save SZ00.'68Toyota. 4 Or. REPAIRS.S8VICI ·~:nX.'fru1~~.1ot?~~:~ SPECIAL CAD'ILLAC '14 PORSCllL 914. xlnt '68 911 , perfect rond. Has *1 DEALER IN U.S.A. Needs eng work.'f;.'i.50 or f~i~.G~ nearest offer. &M-TSOZ. VOLVO SAl.£I cortd 5!;600 e verything. $4.~. Call besl ofr. 960·13'14 ~ W.nl ••• C 11 lassiriedAds ,,,.,_5678 RO CE Factory Dern(ld & Ex-aut o , air, x.lnl cond. . $500 675•8838 Super •look, All model11 . 581 ·7.iw"f\. 5. 530·6925· 827·0.\09:__ _ ~ ~~~YEil TOYOTA SALE! 1970 Toyota Mark 11 , 2 dr, id!t~:::t~~YN BU~~9~41 1~~o~=tf:' Beat price in'Cre.ase . ___ n ___ a 642·567 ~ ROUS· Y c<.'utive C<iirti. Good Ust-.od 846-2674 .-68 VW, recently reblt, nu Priced \o Sell. Overseas 1:Wl. lhlrilt. 'l'oyota Selectipn tires, tape de<:k , !Tiakeof· '99-VW Buv. Under !M>,000 Delivery Speclali!i~ Porsche 975Dro-·ho •75 COSTA MllA "'LL rRICED '70, 4 Whl drive. Land f<r 675 9678 · A bl """ t • • .... -, ~-'""' ""yo SEU · · , m1. n·avy ue ..-au y . .,eoJ\ (flDU' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••··~· C.:rulse r St. Wagon. $2700. Air <.'ond. ~7U7<Mi. CLOSED SUf\IDA'i'I Will take ol~er trade. '72 vw I 9 7 5 !~.~~~~•••••••••••!!.~~ el*'· eGI\ LemiA T~~;:: ...... !?!~ Low ~'!i~s~1•~•~0• & ·~:~:~~.~~~!~!~: VOLVO PORSCHE 12r0Yor... ~ TOYOTA '13TRIUMPHSta· 13000 fi!IC:Jiul ·1ovw Bug.xln•oond.••· """"'""CM.'""" W>th ca :~~.~~<·ampo.. ,,.. ""''" CM "' YJOJ m;, auto, 1or600'i~ U.S. ~ ; ~ buUt en&.~IJ:,;. ORAMG£COUMTY '75 eaclUac: Coupe de VIiie lo'ully tiquipped, cruifti control, leather lnwrWr, Ser. IJ42S29t. $198.\. 914 (IJ3U5 i)). Dir. 1'1any 645-4746 =:;;;~ = . VOLVO rnore to choose rrom . '71 MA K II Vollc1w09en. 9770 Jl4tJ ............,..,•nw•Y '69 VW Bug, orig. l owner EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO · Jim Slemons Jmports 833.!.'1300 Need reliable party to R ••••••••••••••••t•••••• MtSStOM ¥tUO car. New tires & battery. Larges t. Volvo Dealer $5995 n1 a kc ~inall monthly WAGON '67 VW BUG rebl 1Jla2040 • 49$..4949 $t395.64S·l.St3 in Oral}ieCounly! pay n1cnts. Call er. l\f~r • t. lSOOcc VN.t.-YP...W.t.IUIT BUY L1"'&£E · al 8~7.0873_ eng. trans, new paint&: ..-·73 vw * or ~ -------Automatic transmission, bra k es . Nds so und Classic '56 Ghia. Bad Gd.'l'rttnsportation , DIRECT ·9 Coupe DeVille. very ~ r:i~~w~nd hea ter . ~~~~~mSs~-1:6al~-~si:a,~t~ ~;~~·J~reanJ~e. $.125 Appt.tosee.614-5207 ~v-~1· tta+~r.11~· ·~··· C~1i':iu1~1~::SS.$00 .mo. AM /FM. mag wheels. & m0fe1 (Slk If 1870A) M.t.HY TO CHOOSE FROM! HAL GREENE PORSCHE & AUDI 605 Fruway crt firt.stOM ll•d. -~ ... 17141543-4972 12131 868-3233 Ol"EH EVENINGS Reliable purty to make $1788 Jim. '74 Convert , Am /l''kn T •] T • small pymnts, ·1oToyota '68 Bug, reblt 1600 e ng. stereo. Sun Dug. Only SOO _ '6.5 CAO. Cpe DeV11le, Co rolla, ;iuto. clt:an, lo BUY J UN K V W Radial tires. mag whls, made. lmmac.963-2428. 202.5 S Manchester-good cond. $750. Ott' best ini. 1988K .l!:K ) 1:1ot7 . .5029 8'1\eQI\ l 1111,_; 1 t:ogioes/Cars . 979-0935 xi. cond. SIOOO. 00·9151 Anaheim ?50-20ll orrer. S40-1893 1U UUW 18 to l Oa m or alt !ipm) '67 &letle. NICE? Di r. a s k ro r .l~rry ~ Dan. VWParts&·work,engine, $985 '70CO&WI: 11"""" ,;~· TOYOTA · "ans, head>, cases. 640·5326g.u am '71 VOLVO DEVlu.E • • *"' '71 SQUA REBACK, A/C, Use d, r ebuilt or ex-Vinyl top, t.apestry in-~ sunroof, lo mi. AM /i''M . changed. Tune-Ups SW. 69 VW Bug. Good Cond. & terior, full JX)Wer, fac· 'i'hl· l.i.~lt'.-.l L1 1-.~1\' Ill \Ill' \\'t·;-.t .1 l)ail~' l'llul C Ja,.,,.,1 11 t:d ,\il (.';,il l 19"6Hmbc:i•:CM .b4b~303 Xlnt . cond . $2,tOO . Parts,oll&valveadju'st-C l ean . Am /f'rn . Nu 1800 COUPE toryatr conditioning,till 833·0697 menl.Steve,556-9306. 'J'ires,$1275 545-614t 4 speed transmission, steering wheel, AM l •'M ·~d~~:b~:t ~=· !i.~ 1970 .vw, ma,~s. •un/fm '&I VW BUG , new Paiiit , 'Stl vw, recent cng, \ires, ov e rd rive , A ~I / I-' M stereoAc·'·Letc. Super clean. mi 51300 962.3584 r;.id1 0 , nu tires, well tires, & mags. $1050. top-:ifaint. Classic! Make radio. (9330DW) l9Z3 J · · · cared for . SlJOO. &15-034t 548-9897 offer. Eves. 645-:HRI $4388 S2l95 .~"!.:~ .. ~:.v: ....... !!.~~/!~.~~ .. ~:.-: ....... !!.o;~t~·~~·.~:.": ....... !!~~ !~':.~:.": ....... !!~~ !~~·.~:.": ....... !~~~ ~"!:::.~:.": ....... !~~ ~.~:.": ....... !~.~~ ·~·J>M lemiA tzt'imj X • VOLVO CudUlac c pe 19(11. Full . • ·ON '74 ROTARY PICKUP (53409XJ Used lo m1 IMMEDIATE $2577 DELIVERY y 5199Do¥M s75~HTH 52~17 1.,u D<•Ct "'"' ,., 6 he 1 t~ lt!l !Oliol ..., om1 •'><I •a• & 11c & a'' <••<"r•"9 ~n••ll•H lo< OMy '48 lf<:I~ Df1!11tr«1 pay""'"' l>"•<e 138•6 ~2 Ann.,at Pe•cenf•IJ" Aarn 11 16'!1. '68 YOLKS BUG s577 $100DH. $40~. 5!>17 1u111>t1<:• p!u• ••• a !•< ''o ~ 101oJ """ pn11 •ncl ,., a I•< & ti! <:MTY!"O C"••lle• lot ""ly 12 ..,,. 0..1"'ttHI payfN1<11 P"ee ~12 ..,.,n\JolP9fcen1aoeR.ienJ1-. '72 DATSUN 1200 Coe 4 spd R & H { 776346J $1277 1 1211 lull Pt'•ce ph;1 la• 6 1.c '~' 15 !Olal,..., pmr •"C• 1~~ & ltC a. 111 Cl•'Y•"ll c~arQe• ror <>nly JO""'' Oe!&r•&d P'"""'"I pncAI $17~1 !.o jlnnull Pil•C11'llag111'1611121 13"· '72 FORD PIH1'0 4 spd., R & H (713MIM ) s977 t I $100DN. $37!'J . 51177t...i•Pf>C<IPlw•t••I Hc I J /911<!1ollf<:l pml "'"I l••l lK: 6 ell Cll•'Y'"'OI c"llr'ge• kw on!w 30 _,, ~tHI Pe\'fl'91'1 l)nCll I 1336 JO .t.nl>Ull P••c,,n!-R11e 21 13"JI, . '70 TOYOTA Mark ll Coupe (611 .._ :~J $1177 l l llT l.,ll t><1teplu1 !1•l hC ·~~'il~IOllll'f'O ptnf Incl ta.& ht & •II C<Orty•nQ Ol•arge• 1or onl~ 24 rroa. Ot!l!fr«I PIY'"8rtl i.<>e• 5 1~•1 80 Annu11 Percen111l" R11e 21 """ '70 FIAT" 124 . Coupe Air, 4 spd . R & H. (351BTMJ $1077 $100 ON. $srwi. 1 1011 ""' 0<1c• l>lu• I•• a i.e. l:i0.•5 IQltl...., pm1 incl.'*' a 11c a .. 1 c:ertYl"O c ... •i.e• tor onfy 24 _._ o.t.ritd ~,,. pnee 11409 80 ..,n,,.,•I Pe<cen1ag.e ~I 21118"4 '68TOYOTA DELUXE 4DOOR (WXM706) S4 T7fu111)t>09plUS !••l hc IJ082!<l!allf<:I pml Incl tu <C. a 111 <:MTY!"O """'~' I<>< on11 12 fh)lo OtlettlNl Pll'fNn! llflt • 5!Mll.44 . ..,,,....,11 P•rc•n,.11• A•I• 22 3!" , '72 MAZDA RX2 Cpe. 4 spd .. A & H (664GMU ) $1177 $100-t47~:. 51177 full Price Qlul IP I i.e. $4?.13 101111 n'O, pml incl 1&.o I , lie. & tll ~ CMrQie.o lo< only 30 rros. o.i ... rtHI ~Y"'*'°' priOe; 11112.IO . ..,nnual P.,unt-Rllle 21 73%.. '68 FIAT 4 DR. {XIE6601 s477 1966 HnrbM, c M. 646 9:,t!J pk g. Low m1, beauurut gold, f.1 ake off. 493-1245 '117 Volvo, 144-S, 4 sp slick. . Great eng, paiot & uphl. 1975 Cad1ll.ac CdV, only Michelin-X steel rad 4 2000 m1 . Loa d ed! whl discs xtras-r &' h Firemis( ppint. Special $1 200. p,.'t P, .556-1857 roof. Listed' $10,300-will eves & wknds. 75'!-6272 sell for $8195., 237 MI O . M·f',8to5. Pll : 9 -5, 6~5-182 2 ; 1'~\·es/W knds b'73-8969. Autos, Used . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• '63 <.:ad . CdV. Runs f1ue. G....,.al 9901 White /red lea~~er inl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt:t1res $350. &t2·75S2 · '64 Buick Riviera $450 t969' Cadillac $1250 or 1972 '70Toy. Corolla $12:;0 Buick Sky Lark $2100 '66Chev. Caprice $550 675-0303 '67 VW Bug $7751-'."--------- '64 Caddie, blue $400 '64 Caddie grn $400 Camaro 9917 '73 Dodge Coronet $1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PH : 548-'Tl64 Luz ----------1'70 Camaro SS. ps, pb, AMC 9905 am/fm factory air. aulo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Run s g r eat . $2000 71 .t.Ml.t.SS.t.DOR 675-87!11 4 Door Sede 1968 Camaro, very clean. $1418 · 4 spd. Mags. New rear V 8 , a u tom at i c tires. $1100. 546-9774 t ran~miss!o n, "pc;i~e r ·74 CA MARO , Air., ~leering, air cond1t1on-AM /i''M s tereo, many ing. (611DIM ). Dir. more extras. XJnt cond ." Many more t.o choose inside & out. Must sell from. N~ed rehable par-this w eek : $3900 /o(- ly to ma ke small mon-fer /take o ver lease. thly payments. Call Cr. 675_8624 e venings & Mgr. at 847-0873. weekends . '71 GREMllH hev.olel 9920 Factory air conditioning, ••••••••••••••••••••-• automatic transmission, COMHB.1 power s teering, radio CHEVR~ ~ and heate r, etc. Weekend _.., Special. <TINCEN) SALES & SER.VICE .· $1S95 2828H.W••& • COSTAMESA - o1 ___ 5_4_,_.1_2,oo __ '68 lfl.1PALA, 2~ H'f , 1..,,,c,.1.1;!41i!~· ~,;· '."IJ.:,• ;,'~'';,;;,;,;,;:;,;,..:,;~ 327 vs, white, air cond .. a r-good running, solid car. Buick 9910 Pvt. party. 644-4188 after • •••••••••••••••••••••• S:30p.m . "i3 ~egalA ~r~rwn~tan l-,-.,-3~M-o_n_l_e_Carl __ o_. _Ru_n_> an au. ir ;;:.::i-· /&.) g•eat, crunched lendc•. P /b, Am radio & htr. Fa e. whl s. $329 5 . Newbrakesand shocks. !163-2624. Pri. Ply. aft 6 $24.50 673-8833 wkda)'S. 72 CHEVY t973 Centurion. convert. p/w, p/s, am/Cm ste reo, HovaCoupe $1688 cruise control, mags, v 8 , a u t 0 ma ti c new radials. A cream lra ns mi ssio~n , powe r pu(f! $3500 firm. Call steering. (416EIG J. Dir. berore 6pm MS-1139 or l\1any more to choose l l cw.,...,kn~dcsc58_•_·1_7c32_ . .,...,.,...,-_,.1 from. Need reliable par- '63 Riviera, loaded, good ty lo make small mon · cond. $450. JIL-008, r .P. thly payments. Call Cr,. 497-1226 . Mg r. at847-0873 $100 DH. $3~~. '62 SKYLARK P/S, A/C, '63 Chev. Impala. Good xlnt. cond. $400. or besl e n g . .e o d Y r ·a .• r . 5477f\lll priu1>1ua11•&l•c 5306:?to1lll<n:i pm1.inc11 .. 1 nc. offer.9S3·l72faft.5PM Suspension needs minor & 1111 canvu·>g """'119 .. lot on1y 12 "°"-°"""'e<I PllY""'"' l)nt• 11 1~===:..:.=.=..c.=:.;::_. I work . $37 5. best. offej·. 5Yl!l.44 . ..,nnual P9fcen1~e f111e 22.Jl'li. Cadillac. 991 S '-"'67:.:3.c·84.c54"------l""••••••••••••••••""•••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••tJ••••••••••••••••••••••• r bl 74 Chevy Luv Truck, uc "Dune Buggy Special Purchase" '72 CHEVY PICKUP LUV 4 speed radio heater (02126WJ 5_13,77 s1oo·DowM $56 14MOMTH l 1ll l hJll l>t•Cll Plu• 11• & lie $S614 lottl ...., """ •<>Cl II•. IK; a all carrying C~lflJ"• lor onl)o XI lf<:IS-0..1 .... , .. P•Y""'"' -111113 20 Annu11 Peri:ent-RM• 2113' :ii al'AU ,• •Use your rebore loword your 'aQ...,n poyment 11 you wont. free SO OOO·mi!e. 3·y<JO• ong•n• wOrronf)I Ask for , a"'!l'h ·~·· :: ,.,, . . • --' -_ ... lie-.. N1IJ.WAH(fl I '72 V.W. DUHE BUGGY Fun canvas top , side curtains. chrome wheels w1lh off road tires" (509FBO) '70 V.W. DUHE BUGGY Ca nvas top, chrome wheels. The right toy. '7098NPJ ' ·59J·7 72 COUPE De Vilie, fully w/shcll. Must Sell ! $2995, equip'd. Gold w /whitc Ca ll 6-9pm 5J6..li638 loP", Xlot Cond. $3,.SOO. 64 Impala, good cond . Pvt. Pty. Days; 646-8150, Must Sell t $350orbestof- Evea: 640·1567 rer. S36-t78o aft.3pm !lave some thing you want '65 BEL AIR, xlnt mech. to sell? Classified ads do & body. Sacrifite-Best 1t well. OCfer ! 499-2976. ' Flot 9725 Flot 9725 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11011111 BUY or LEASE • I from the FIAT man! I THE BIAllD ID 1975 FIATS are HERE! • I I • • L l I • ....... u.... . ...... u.... • •••••·························: ....,.UM ............ u.... •~--u...i ·-u ~ ·---___._... ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••~•••••••--. _...... •--. Nw .;Mlurday.May10, 1975 OAILVPILOT (;JS -.--... .--. •tzo ....... 99•2 --.:.... •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, • ,.....,.-. tt40 Mercwy tfl oe..a~lle ttl5 Pfr•""' t960 Alltos, UHCI ....... UNd ......_ UM4 . •7~ M t c' I ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '!••••••••••••••~·••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••' one Ir o w/alr.' '68 C/S WAGON P /S • u Sal -••-' r-~ 9965 9965 ....... 996~ Good cond. Take over 8$ H"RDTOP Convt. P/B Air r"-· 'ireat' 88 .. ercury. A,l cond. ..•-~ice -.ec ~ leue or buy. 962"670 or Auto. $2,800.Super. $4?a.'e.u.e327 .u-· Low "11. P /b, P/1, aJ OLDSMOllU ATLAS ••••••••~•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••·••••••••••••~ dtSl3a 648·404$ ~n~3 Auto • t1200. •MCTIUCKS •73 flR£BIRO '::cc~~ J:m~·~~: '4SCh '7tTT 71Ford~1m1UVg.1uto12 . HOMD.ACAIS ClwvtMr.Jl'lww-uttt auto, am /fm radio. ••Y:l27.newporta. . •P .4apd,loinJ all T Lonrl>Od osooom1 '168M p u.i _ .... __._ Oppeo0aily4&io.·u110 FORMULA400 . be = cond. Best orrer or opt Incl. lmmac. emitin o~ner Good ccDd aoOo 1 :re. 10 au Waion . •~ ~r..,.,.. M 13.000 mt. S3700 or ·~t e . 548·8t96. lea th int. 178$0. Ph: or wlil Conaldflr' tr ad~ :.i ~wer. Clean. $$6.5 .,.. __ 2MO Hltboi' Blvd. 2929 Harbor Blvd., 4 a peed transmission, olkle(. 960·2192 eves or .1_ 5S6·1440/751 ·7678Dona 847 •770 • • .:.u.t1Mes1· 590-t&tO "'--taM"a AM FM , _w~nds=·------'63 Chevy Impala .S/S · · • ., _,,,. I stereo, air con-1- JlURt well, $300. Cali C0&91r 9933 1961 FORD RANCHERO Mul*-t 1 9952 '64 Old1. Orie. owner. 546-1934 ditlonlng, power steer· '72 Gran Vill e, air. power, '"Tony 646·0971646-1737 ••••••••••••••••~•••••• $3.$0or Best offer. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mint cond. Trlrbitch. ing, (318HOY> TR,rJYilc ftr~Jf~r' vinyl ha rdtop. i>rivatc ,. MONTE CARLO, lake 7~M~:M7 . tp /S, ~/B, • $48-8215 * '69 MUSJIUP ~-••IG418D. 71 rLYMOUTH $3388 Example: party. Sl,700. 6U·5&\1 over le as e/li ale. Cls d Ownr,gd.'c:~.0-~~'1973LTDWagon,6pua., Cou Al N1ll Finest 01,da built-Custo.$I=--(fj. Ll.IDiA• ar..dMe-wl975 Thunderbird 9970 end, no obll,t'· "I'll puy ~·8 144 ' low ml. AM /FM stereo pe . 1 r crond1Uooin1, Toronado 73. Green, M.11 Grand Prix ••••••••••••••••••••••• tr1n1ter lee. Lo. Ml. Cull Ai C Elec wd• 53500 auto.mat c lrl.llllrniu1on, wplte landau root. FUii V 8 , a u tom al i e • UUt. PQ.Wer. 644'8211 bcC. 5 Dodf* 9935 673·46'2 radio, heater. power powr. Nu tires. Clean! transmission, power ~ CNASO II ~6581'4"175 '73 T-Bird, loaded. Asking 640-5788 aft.$. ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• steering. <YSEBlf) '8000 coat/will sell for ~teerin1, air eondillon· ~ VOLVO , " $4.500. 556.()421 72 DODGE '71 LTD, Radial tires, $1588 SUOO. 956·7813. 1n1. (577897) Dir. Many DOWN P.IO. !---~-'-=-'--- CHERRY '7° Chevelle A/C, all powoer, tilt Slore to .choose from. 1966Hu1hor CM.M69JO) Immediate Delivery ·s:;, 69,000 mi. llas OlOSl 1Ml,OOO oria. nu, ComP ChOl'CJl'r whee J, 1 0 ad e d, (fjeGJl ltmiA• 'Wet 9957 Need reliable party to · 48 S4979 1 11 . power. air, sleaLbe.lt:;, in lreblt ·beauty ! $1400 Sl988 Swefltheart. 1 Owner. ••••••••••••••••••••••• make sm1ll monthly '67GT0400 · mos. u pnce beautiful s ha ...... , closest 673·3'.!35 Automatic transmission Must See! S1900/ make '12 Pinto. Air, XJnt cond.. payments. Call Cr. Mgr. mags p/s good cond. 1 n c 1 · ·r &;.. · $ 6 8 04 to$.9SO. 499.2377 po·wer s teering, air con'. otrer.833·9305Pvt Ply Like new int. 518$0. at847·0873. $700orofft:r.962·140'1 deferred pmt. price 1----------r?2 LUY w/ahell & cut'µt!l · dltioninii (219F,QS). Dir. . . VOLVO 645·9120 ask for Jam.le. iocl. 1'&1~ & illl carrying Yega 9974 1n1. AM /FM, new J,irt!s . Many more to choose 73 .LTD, 10 Pus Wagon, 197C Plymouth 00$ter, ex· '73 Pontiac Grand AM, chargei; on approved ••••••••••••••••••••••• .S536u~so"'to cll!un. St.s~o . from . Need reliable par· Air, P /B, P /S, Jug rack, . 1966 Horhor C_M. 646 9303 '72 RUNABOUT, Super cellent condition, loaded. burgundy. • dr .• sport credit. A.P .R . 18.24'7.. ~ ty to make s mall Mon· 24,000 ml. l Ownr. Super Economical, 2000ce Take over payments. whls. A/C, PJS, P /B, .. * • • '&SXI bod thly paymenls. Call Cr . clean.675·6200or67.5-3008 '72 Mustang•Mach I . eQgine,tspd,delu.eln· 548-!M43. stereo. $37$0. 644-6900 Reliable party 10 make nt Y & in cc; gd. M&r. &• 847 .0873. eves. Many power items + ex. terior & new Ura. $1800. Kim . 5 ma 11 P y m n 18 , • 7 2 trans. NQ reasonable or-1> tras. Auto.· A~ cond. 496-0675 '6 7 BARR AC U DA 1 ,--------~-I ferrelused.4W.2976 ~...._.._,... *'73 GRAN ·TORINO, $3100 546·9903 INw-....""" 9960 Fa'stback, A /C, P IS , 1948Sedan,4dr,$300 V~ga4,7t394907JFAl/!C) 4.,~~ •60 NOVA . rW\Sgreilt. • * • • · P/S, P /B, A/T, A/C, xlnt · · ::~:::"::":•••••••••••••• Arr, .bucket seats. Orig. or best offer. ~1k_ rOr j erry ·~,;~: Good mileage. $000. Reliil1 bl c party to make cond. $2695581·4255 8 'i'~as~a u: ta b~tg 2 + .72 DUSTER Auto, 6 cyl owner . $795 . 642.9368 645·5855 '68 FB, rcbll auto trans, Dir. · 64$-6394 sma I pymnt.s, '68 Dodge c · re . eng nu Jo m1 nice car $1751) FAMILY TRIP CAR, •73 •'71 Firebird Esprit. P/s, R /1-1. runs great. • • • ... --:-:c-c'.--'-"-=.:...----J Monaco, clean, runs UAColtl 9945 cbonndk~50· n1 •1 •,..1re~:..,.fd . 648-5879 · ' · Plym Wogon 9 rw• Loaded . MUST SELL (714i968·4G28. WSP414. .............. '74NOVA2Dr,V8,P/S,R good 847 ·6029 ask for ·•• or. ·-· · • r-11 .. this wknd ! $2450/ofr. & fl. 2()0()0 +mi. Xlnt. JerrYHasson Dir •••.;••C•0•••••••••••••••• ,66 M t 2:89V8 '71 ROADRUNNER 340, air & power. Enremely $48-8140. '69Pontiac'f empest350.3 ,74 GT WGt'J .. i\.M /Fl\t. C9nd . $3,200. G7J.S98l • • .i:. .. • 4, NTINENI'AL us ang • auto, red, very clean, headeN!i, tie an. Moderately low spd lrans. Top cond.! stereo. Cust. inl, pvt.ply _ 4 Dr, loaded, suni::oor, P/S, RNH, clean, only' 2 Arr. mags, many xtras. miles. $2795. Days, $950. 979·1612/SJ0.7843 alt $2,COO. or best. 492-85!ci '74 NOVA Cpe, Yellow. " Pri. Ply. 838.a683 owners. $750. 49'1'·2071. $1750. 646-3093aft. 'I p.m. 532-6558or Eves,'494-7633 Want Ads -Call 642-5678. 6. aft6 Loaded, A·l cond. 13,000 72 Dart, Lo. ltf1. T1ppT08p Autos New 9100 A.tot, New 9IOO •~ u 0w 9100 •-u 0w 9IOO •~-u-w tlOO •~-H mt. $.12$0. 751~. Cond. Red. P /S, / ' -. " --. " ---. ""' ~· •w 9100 4-tos, Hew 9800 · Be lo'' . •·•·••••·••••·••••••••• ··••··••••••·•··•••··•• •••••••••••..•.•••••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••.••••••••••• ConffMRfol 9910 5 er. 4.96-l208 ••••••••••••,.••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 DAR'f . A(f, Radio. '7f MARK IV, full power, 24,000 m i. 548·7482 or air, AM /Fl\1 s lereo 646-2022 w/deck. Cruise control.le.,~, ~D=o=.-.-.-C-.--,--d Imm.ac. lles l offer res woo 545·1026 · Wgn. 9 p~ss. top rack, c°"."" full pwr/a1r. XJnt cond. 9932 $199S. 892·3572. ··:1"4"'c·······:·tt······ Ford 9940 · orvee······················· Slin~ f'ord 1973 Galaxie 500. Ex· . ec cond. "3 /c p/s, clean. BEAUTIF yellow, 642·7~7or642-8680. R/H, auto trans, P /S . · 7600 act . miles. (907 ·70 LTD Squire Wgn . 10 MMP) $7495. pass. Loaded. Lo miles. J ·im SI s1.100. 546-8612 emons1~------ .fm. '69 LTD Brougham. Full ports power, stereo, air. 833-9300 Sh"p! $I090 or best of· fer. P .P. 496 ·1866. Only ~t Miracle Mazda $500 Cash. Rebate On Any New '75 Rotary Mazda Sedan, Wagon or Hardtop! There's never been a better time to buy.Mazda. You "ll get a hmmmdinger of a deal from us -and $500 cash back when you buy any new 1974 or 1975 rotary'"9ngine car. And. you can use your rebate toward the down payment if you want.-Come in for a test drive. One tough engine. One 'tough car. One ' hmmJndlnger of a deal. Good thru Mayf11. 1975. • SALES & SERVICE 1·· in Southern Calif." in THE ATIO WE ARE PROUD OF OUR OUTSTANDING RECORD WITH THIS OUTSTANDING CAR! Before YOU' buy COMPARE OUR SAVINGS AND INSPECT OUR COMPLETE HONDA SERVICE FACILITIES NEW 1975 HONDA Civic 1 { ILESPER GALLO • ' .. .. ' - . . ' . ! I : I : I I : ~ 1 ·j I . ' . ~ I ~I . ' ' 1 I l . " I. I " ' t. I ~ . I ' ' I 1, I I -. • ' PE . ' ' . • . ' WILSON FORD JUST BOUGHT THE ENTl'RE INVENTORY OF A MAJOR Los' ANGELES DEALER -MANY Of THE~ UNIT.S WILL BE '1 .•• t 1.,.• t'~·..,' +t'·) · SOLD BELOW FA_ . Y DEALa llYOICEI · -.. OPEN DAILY OPEN DAILY 9 a.m 'td I 0 p.m. 11o1cLuDEs MEW c•Rs. MEW raucKs. iliMOHSTRi'TORs. uSED eoi as. usED.TRUCKS _AHO R.ECRIATIOtW. vEH1cus q 0 n 1 \_~j I il ;:' ti1 B:~~D '75 MAVERICK 2 DOOR SEDAM · WlLSOM FORD'S PRICE 250 6 cylinder engine for ecofiomy, radio. healer. front bumpei guards. (5K91L13841 7) -llAND NEW '75 ELITE 2 DOOR HARDTOP V-1, auto. trans., l)Owef' steering, pgwer (disc) bfakes. radio, wtiltewall tli'es, vinvt'roof, tinted $ gla$5, rear bllmper guards. Serial 'SG21Hl620'l1' _ WILSON FORD'S PRICE ' ~~0 '75 LTD WAGON cr=r· \It, ftclory air Olftdiliolllng. pcJM'tiftt'l'Jro, ""*"' (clilcl lll'Mft. jOIM'WllidowS. pGfllltl' ~ idt.dlMlf ~ orQip. l!Nttr "'"'i1tW1H lirts, t•ilndld rtflgt lutl In, li;lt gt-1111 ~ ""9d, C~lrol. r«realion llblt, dut! ltcin; rNr wit. I~ rtn, trliltr klWlrt ptg., rte. 5.JMAl"" , .. 519 :=4° 'ZS .FORD OJstom 500· :=-· COURIER & SHELL :=4''75 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 4 Door Pillard HCll dlop Door Pillared H.T. 351 V-8, power steering, (disc) bl'akes. bumper gua rd s. (5J53H1 43160) ''69 DATSUN WAGON 4 speed, radio. heater. (ZWM189l Sl'tCIAL RNANCING A'l.tJU.11..l 51088' '74 PINTO 2 DOOR 4 speed. rad10. Jieater'. License 449KRK SPEC:llJ. RHAHCIMG A'I AIUILE '74 MUSTANG II 2+2 2300 cc 4 c:yt, auto. trans.. radio, heater. [724KGBJ SPICW.FINANCIHG AYAILAIU '70 MAVERICK 6 cylinder, auto. trans .. radio, heater. (YPE7f4J Sl'ICW. ANAHCING A'l.uu.al '73 Pl Y. Duster Economical stick shift, power steering, radio, heater. License No. ~59JPL 5"CW. FIHANONG AVAll.llll . '71 MERC. Marqul1 ........... V-8, auto. trans., factory air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, AM /FM radio, landau top. L ie. 812JOY SIKIAL FINANCING AVAtWLE '73 CHATEAU WAGON 12 passenger. V-8, auto. trans., power steering. power brakes, radio, heater. License No. 372HOO SNCIAl FINANCING AVAIWU '73 INTERN. SCOUT . 4 wheel drive, V·B, auto. trans .. air conditioning, power steering, hardtop. License No. 453HNS SPECIAL FINANCING AVAIL.I.Ill '72 CHEVY 4 WHL. DR. Yi Ton Pickup. VB. auto. !rans .. air conditioning. power steering, radio, heater, License No. F37327 SPECIAL FINANCING A'IAIUILI '57 FORD V2 TON PICKUP VB. "auto. trans. radio. heater. ul1 hty bed. #H4590B SPECIAL FINANCING AYAILUU '72 COURIER Ford pickup, 4 cyl., 4 speed, low miles. A real gas saver. licenS(f No. 12457T SPKIAL FINANCING AVAIWll $ J:T:l 52988 '2188 .. 4 cyl., Ford's No. 1 economy car. Front & rear tkn:nper guards. Llc .. - SR10Y132963. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY On a '7.C Ford F-100 Pickup. Lie. No. T206S7. . COMPLETE FOR ONLY * SUPlll IPICIAL * ALL NEW 1975 FORD CAMP.ER VAN SUPER SPECIAL ·PRICE · '66 JEEP WAGOHEER 4 W.D. Economical 6 cylinder engine. (RUH319) SPICl.U. FfMAHCIHG AYAIL.AU 70 FORD VAN l/4 TOH ECOHOUHE Auto. trans .. make perfect surfer van. '(941BOE) Sf'lCIAL flHANCIH4 A_yAJLAu '13 FORD BUBBLE TOP Ccmpet' VM, auto. trans. Brand new WlldWood van converaion, sink. icebolc, dinette, carpet, etc. License 00332P UKIAl f-AVAIUIUI f ' COMPLETE WILDWOOD CAMPER CONVERSION Sink, ic'ebox, Pll')eling, car- peting, rur. dinette. IE048HW6311ll 70 GAL 500 2 DOOR vs. auto. trans .. power steering, radio, heater, super clean . #829FTE . SNCIAL FIMUtclNI AYAUIU '71 FORD LTD VS. auto. trans .. factory air. vinyl roof, power steering. (964EAH ) SPICW. flMAMCIH6 A'IAl.AILI '72 FORD Wagon Loaded inclocling factOry air COl)ditioning, plus au !he extras. #160087 5PICIAl ANtJDG AVAUIU '70 SEDAM DE VIW VB. auto. trans .. full powerc factory air cond .. stereo. vinyl top. (237APP) SPICl.AL AMAHCIMG A 'I A&J.U '72 PONT. Bonneville V-8, auto. trans., factory airccn:Htionlng, power steering, power brak~s. power windows, stereo radio. #676FLV 9"CIALfiwcM'av~ '70 THUHDERllRD , Auto. trans .. power sta.ing, power bfakn, radio. heater. License 20980H SPICIAI. "'6AMCM AYAUIU '71 MUSTANG . V-8, auto. trans., power steering. License No. 579KXV '73 BUICK CEHTURIAM 2 dr. H.T. vs. auto. trans., factory air cond .. power , steering. vinyl roof. Just like new. (494GGYJ SPICW. FIU.MCR:'• A'IAlµU '74 RANCHERO V·8: au10. t r ans .. -factory air conditioning, power steering, low miles. License No. 406250 Sf'lCl.t.L flH.t.NCIM& A.YA.LUU '65 SCOUT 4 WHL DRIVE 3 speed. wagon. (NVW269J SNCIAI. PIWICWG AYAIUILI '74 FORD 3/4 TOH PICKUP ·Auto . .trans., power steering R&H. J.Jst like new. (640 14W) ' srlCIAL FIHANCIMCI AVA.I.AU '73 DODGE SURFER VAN Aulo. lrMs., radio, heciler, carpetng, paneling +extras. Ucense 90127N SltKW. flNMCltO AVAILAIU '73 RANCHERO & SHELL v.a, auto. trans., air concitioning, power Sleefing, radio, hel1er Just like new. License No. 0538sW DICW PINtMCINI AVAIUIU J ·~· • • ... f