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1975-06-24 - Orange Coast Pilot
.. ue Ted Kennedy. Version Of Dro~ing .IJpheld • • • • ·Newport Cops Throttle 'Deep Throat' Irvine Crash Driver ·of Van · -Fftcing Charges· . By ARTH UR R. VINSEL Oftlle0.11., f'lle45'Mf Manslaughter charges will be sought against the driver of a day camp mini·bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday, leaving one little boy dead, a second blinded, and the driver herself and nine other children injured. Police said today they will pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District At- torney's Office in about a week, seeking a complaint against the driver. Carolyn A. Conners, 23, a 21h· year einploye of Rough Riders --. 'Code' Fla:im Slwt Parlors ::LAS VEGAS (UPI> -Two inassage parlors, which police term fronts for prostitution ac· trvities, were closed by the Las Vegas Fire Department on grounds of building and safety code violations. _ Sultan's Palace and the Velvet. Touch were closed Monday. The Vegas Club Bath House on South Main Street was shuttered Fri· day. Mayor William Briare said 100 building and fire code violations were filed against the Bath House and some 20 violations each were listed against the &Jllan's Palace and the Velvet Touch. • ·::ca:·· We atller ' Mostly cloudy through Wednesday but partly sun- ny in the afternoon with alightly cooler tem- peratures. Highs 65-68 at the beaches and 68·72 over jnland areas. INSIDE TODA. Y WUMIHI who made u ea/t· 111 to Thailand tell o/ miw .otrociHu in Cambodia, ,,_r/ormed chlt/IJI .ogoJnlt former .orm11 men. StOfl/, PooeA4. •••• A1t M Al lt-2 . ,, .... .... " ll At A4 A4 Vay Camp in Fountllin Valley, is under care at Tustin Community Hospital, in fair condition with multiple injuries. Miss Conners, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights; was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by James E. Bartley, 45, of Diamond Bar. Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were flung out rear doors and windows of the shat- tered van, flopping to the pave- ment like r ag dolls. "It was real strange," said one of the first policemen to reach the tceoe: "There was no crying, but mostly silence, everybody shocked and not moving." Little John Henry Ramming, 6, of 3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, Jay beneath a rear wheel of the massive dual trailer rig, killed instantly. "We can't figure out how he got there, unless he was thrown through a window and slid across the pavement nght under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- vestigators he bad no chance to avoid the collision, an account supported by several eyewit· nesses, according to written re- ports. He said be was rolling· at 45 to 50 miles per hour, well within the 55 mile-per.hour posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which unW Monday afternoon had no stop signs -when Miss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign headed north on Jeffrey Road. "I saw her look to her right and then she just pulled out in front of (SeeCOLUSION, P .. eA2) Re~ords Kept On Sex Lives WASHINGTON CAP) -i In- ternal Revenue Sertice docu- ments on Miami area taxpayers included in some cases informa. Uon on their sex lives and drink· ing activities, an IRS report says. Release of the report prompted the chairman of a House subcom· mittee today to tell a member ol . the IRS a 1taff he ll ••a candidate for contempt of eonareu." In the report, turned oye.r to c.:rafo!.:" OD Monday, lRS a aald tbat tbey reviewed SN document.I on debriefinaa of lnlormantl ln the M.iaml pro-s ram, called Operation Leprechaun, conducted ln 1972 by IRS Special Aleftt John T. Haniaon. • ' Waiting for Jaws This was the line for matinee Monday at Edwards Cinema at Adams A venue and Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa . The movie was "Jaws," based on the best sell- ing novel about a shark that-terrorizes a · seaside resort. Similar lines have ap- O.ily Pl lot Staff Plloto peared outside the theater since "J aws" began scr eening last Frida_y .• rivalin~ crowds of moviegoers that showed up at same theater more than a year ago wh en "The "Exorcis t," another frightening film, was playing. Ted Kennedy S tory Upheld On Drowiiing NEW YORK (UPI> -Sen. Edward M . Kennedy (D-Mass.), told "the absolute truth" about the 1969 Chappaquiddick auto ac- cld en t in which Mary Jo Kopechne was killed, the Na- tional Enquirer reports. The news paper s aid that Charles R. McQuiston, "a former top U.S. intelligence expert," used a psychological stress evaluator, or "truth detector," to scan statements Kennedy made in a nationally televised state· ment July 25, 1969, a week after' the accident. "I'm ~horoughly convinced Kennedy told the truth about Chappaquiddick. There's no doubt about it," McQuistoo told · the Enquirer. Mias Kopechne was killed when Kennedy's car, ln which she was riding, went oil a bridge on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in- to a Udal pond. McQul.aton said the PSE would 1bow unusual levels of Jllychololical stress if Kennedy told an untruth. He sai~ he found no 1ucb WlUIU~l levelt when Ken· nedy denied he w H under the ln· nuence of alcohol at the time of the accident, "that he was In- volved in a romance with Miss Kopechne, and when he asJerted • <See T~D, Page A.%) 1' I Mob Figure Slated To Testify on CIA WASHINGTON (AP> -Using a back s tairway, underworld figure John Rosselli arrived to- day to testify before a closed m eeting-of the Senate In- telligence Committee about his role n alleged Central In- telligence Agency plot to kill Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. "He's camera-shy.'' said a committee s pokes m a n , acknowledging that Rosselli 's back-door entrance was to avoid photographers. According to his attorney, Roselli, 70, intends to cooperate with the committee and will not lnvoke his privilege against self· P romoters Charged LOS ANGELES (UPI> - Promoters of the phony three- wheeled Dale economy car, in· cludlnJ creator Jerry Dean 'Michaels -also known as G. Ellzabelb Carmichael -were chareed in a civil suit Monday witb false ad vertislng and fraudulent business practices. The Superior Court suit was filed jointly by the state attorney general'• office and the Los Angeles clly attorney's office said the Uni\ed Stat.es Marketing Jnstltute, Inc. incrimination or bargain for im- munity. · A for mer lieutenant of Chica&o rackets chief Sa m Giancana, • Rosselli has b een named in published reports as one of those involved in a 1960 plot to kill Castro. Giancana, also named in the plot, was murdered last week in an apparent gangland slaying. Robert A. Maheu, a former aide to billionaire Howard Hughes and allegedly the liaison between the CIA and Rosselli and Giancana, invoked the Fifth Amendment privilege against self ·incrimination when he ap- peared before the e<>mmittee. _ Maheu' is expected to be grant- ed a 1imited form of immunity in return for his testimony. Rosselli, a former member of the AJ Capone gang, has been questioned many times by police and government. investigators during bis 70 ye ars . His responsiveness to these dif · ferent inqotrfes bas varied. ln the 1920s, law enforcement of- ficials wanted to uk him about the sbooUna death of the key wit- ness in a case ln which Rosselli stood accused ot selling morphine. But be jumped. bail and disappeared . Two years ago, h~ declined to answer questions from staff (See CIA, Pa(e,A2) . Pussycat Theater Raided Newport Beach vice officers paid another visit to the new· adult theater on the Balboa Peninsula Monday and seized two films which are the old stan- dards of the X·rated movie in- dustry. Alleging that "Deep Throat" and "The Devil in Miss Jones" are obscene, officers took prints of the films in the latest of many raids at the Balboa Pussycat Theater. · Vice officer Robert Gatewood as said that he viewed the films last Saturday, a day after they opened al the controvers ial theater, and decided that he had probable cause for seizure of the reels, The latest raids give police a perfect r ecord ·for visits to the theater which opened last month. So far. every film shown since the theater began offering hard- core sex films has sparked a police raid. * * * U.S. Court Powe r s Cut By Justice~ WASHINGTON <UPI) -Rul- ing 5 to 4 in a Buena Park obscenity case, the Supreme Court today further restricted the power of federal courts to in- terfere in state criminal matters. The dissenters said the de· cision, involving seizure of the film "Deep Throat" by Buena Park police, "ousts the federal courts.from their historic role as the; 'primary reliances' for vin· dicating con s titut ional freedoms."· The court in a major 1971 de· cision ruled that when a state criminal proceeding is pending, federal courts may take up.con- stitutional complaints only in the most unusual circumstances. Last term it was held that when a state criminal prosecu- tion is threatened but not actual- ly pending at. the time the federal complaint is filed, federal courts may go ahead with the case. In the California case today, Justice Byron R. White watered down the later decision by hold- ing that federal courts must con- tinue to abstain if a s tate criminal charge is filed "before any proceedines of substance oa · the merits have taken place lo the federal court." Justice Potte r Stewart, speak· ing for the dissenters, said there )s a lot of "mystery" to the ma- jority opinion. "What are 'proceedings of sut>. stance on the me rits'?" be asked . "Today's opinion virtually in- structs slate officials to answer federal complaints with state in- <See nLM; Pa•e tU> • A I OAIL v PtlOT s ' ·~~·r.41 COLLISION 'AF ·Knew .of 'Flaw' • ProxnUre Criticizes C5 Disaster . .. ... .. me. l pw1ed to the left and put on the brake•, and tried to get away · trom her, butltjuatdJdn'tdoany 1ood,., be Hid. · WASHINGTON (AP) -As problems and who did OOtrung to aiant cargo planes "ls a lenithy. long ago as 1971, the Air Fotte correct them must share the complicated procedure" that . knew that. each ot Its giant cs responsibility for tbe era.sh and does not always assure the door' &ransports contained the safely the deaths of those kiiled." J>rox. wtll remalD locked and clCIHd huard that AB blamed for the mi.re said. . durta1 nl&ht. crash that killed 155 persons dur-The Air Force declined Im· .. The Inform aUon in my ing las t April's orphan airlift mediate comment on Proxmire's possession leads me to conclude from Saigon, Sen. William Prox-charge but said a statement that the Air Forte has covered up mire <D-Wis.). said today. would be issued today. a safety haiard in all cs aircraft •"Those persons who were Proxmire said that opening and that this hazard may very aware of their defects and the ~ closing the rear ramp ol the well have caused or contributed to the Saigon eras, .. Proxmire said, ANobleAet ·Prince Averts an Ereful LONDON (UPI) -Prince Charles knew there would be moments like this. There , right before the future king's eyes was ac- tress Susan Hampshire in a dress that left n~thing to the imagination. He mustered all the royal courage at his com- mand. . "My father told me if I ever met a lady in a dress lik~ yours, I must l~k her straight in the eyes," Pn~ce Charles told Miss Hampshire Monday night, adding: :'Otherwis~. someone might take a photograph of me m what might appear to be a compromising at- titude." The blonde actress helped the prince out of his dilemma by cupping her bands over the most exposed extremities. He laughed. . • It happened at a reception at the Theater Royal, across the way from the royal family's suburban cas- tle. E a sti ng U p Green e r y Navy Grabbing Up Isle's Wild Goats SAN DIEGO.(U PI) - Thousands of wild goats are be- ing rounded up or trapped and s hipped to the mainland in a Navy campaign to r estore the ecology and protect native plant .species on San Clemente Island. More than 6,500 have been re- moved from the 21-mile-lorig island, and the 2 ,000 to 3,000 re- maining have been driven lo lbe southern third of the island, an area of deep ravines and moun- tain peaks. .. This s urn•mer we wlll in- tensify our effort to round up the goats by creating 10 additional water traps and six new herding traps," Jan K~ Larson, a wildlife biologist advis ing the Navy on the project, said. : The goats and· deer have re-. duced eight endemic plants on the. island to near extinction, and eight other plant species were believed extinct. 'fhe latter Suicid e EndS Murder T rial extinct. The tatter calei?ory in- category included Island Oaks, Catalina Cherries and Catalina Ironwood trees. Wa ter tra ps make use of a· hog· wire corral with r amps leading to the top of the fence from the outside. Goats walk up the ramps · and jump into the corral to get · water, but they do not jump out. Another mode of capture is to drive the goats iiito a fence line which leads to a corral. Larson recruits volunteers from San Diego State University for the• drives. When captured, the goats are moved by barge from the island to Long Beach for sale by Torn Beene, a Kerman, Calif. livestock dealer who has a Navy 'contract to manage the goat roundup. Larson said an estimated 200 feral pjgs and 60 to 70 black· · tailed· mule deer also would be removed. The deer population approached 300 a year ago, and last fall the state Fish and Game Department authorized a special hunt on the isl and. Presumably, the goals were in· troduced to the island by Spanish :explorers or ·early whalers. There· were an esU.mated 30,000 of the animals on the island when the Navy took possession of it in 1934. NORWALK (AP ) -The suicide of a major witness has prompted a mistrial in the case of Deborah Joy Kantaeng, ac- cused of murderin g a man s he says raj>ed her . ·· Larson said 3,000 of the goals were captured during the past year, but even though the winter was wet the · vegetation did not improve subsfantially. Superior Court Judge Beach Vasey declared the mistrial Mon- day after three days of jury selection. He r escheduled the trial for July 23, when jurors will be chosen from a new panel. Miss K a ntaeng 's fa ther, Robert Boyd of Bellflower, was found dead or a drug and alcohol overdose las t Tuesday. He was at the scene or the killing of DannY. Charles Allen of Santa Ana Oct. 3 and was considered an important witness in the cas P. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Wffd .,,.., ... ,,, •"4 ""'"''.,,., Jack R. Curl•V "'" ~Ml•nt .,,. Otntf<tl WMOtr Thomas Keevll l!.Ollor Thomas A. Murphlne M<!MQl"t llOllOt s Charles H. Loos Richard P, N,)11 • Attl•l•nl M.9,..0l"Q llclltor• Offices c.otl• Mt ... )JO w .. 1 Acly Strut ...._I .. .Cfl: U Jl N•Wl)Ofl 8-.lt..,O ~ .. ~II. l tl6oi.o-y" \lrwt H""llr>QIClfl ..,_Mii' 118'i &-... 11 ~lo•rtl ~ltWO Y-41 .. 1 1~101 u ,.., ~ •t'9n 01 ... ,.r-•f Te.._.M (714) 642-4121 CIHslfltd AdvtrtlJlftl 642-5671 ~~VelloNe .. Olll<• Sl1·6J10 ,., .... ,._,.._,.. 4ts.O..l0 ,,.,,. _.... o. ..... ~.~ .... ~1120 Cetrtlt llt, 1'1J Oren9' C"'' l"WOlltftlria """"""" .......... __ , ...... ,et~ ... ,., ... "'titer It 11•1rHM,,,...U ... ,.,,. m•'I' '" rt,fMllCel wflflOOll 114"<111 llltMl•tllft OI ~·''"''-'· ll!K .... CIO I ,.., ... !Ni. •I C..JU _._, (eflf~ftl4t lllt«fl"'*''Yt.-•lef U GD-lllf; .,., _,, .. 00 ,.,....W,; mlfll•r w.tlN l-t U 00 _,,,..,, , ) "Until the goals are totally gone, I don't think we will notice much improvem ent," he said. E'ro• P llfle Al F ILM .•. dictments." Buena Park police, pursuant to four separ ate warrants, seized four copies of "Deep Throat" in 1973 at the Pussycat Theater. When theater owner Vincent Miranda and Walnut Properties went to Cederal court to get the obscenity law declared un- coDJtitutlonal, they had not been named ln any state criminal pro- c e e dings but two theater employes bad been, White noted, and tbe complainants "had a substantial stake ln the state pro- ceedings." Tbe day after the tederal com- plaint WH (lied, Miranda and his company were charaed alon1 with the employea. Therefore, White sald, tho three-jud1e court erred in •ot.na ahead with a decision, which wa1 that the law was unconatltu· tJonal. TED ••• he made "repeated efforts to 1ave her by dlv1q1 lntolhe atrona and murky current." "Tbere't no way he can hide the st:rn1 in bl• voice ii he makes an untrue 1taument. And l know Kennedy WU teW.ni t.b.e truth about Cbappaqulddld: -the absolua..t.rutb," McQ\U.ton said. Most of the victims of the April 4 cras h shortly a!ter takeof! Crom Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airbase were children. Proxmire asked the General Accounting Office to investigate the cargo door situation and "de· termine who is responsible for the defects and when they Clrst became known to the Air Force and Lockheed and estimate the cost of correcting them.'' Lockheed Corp. manufactured the plane. Although the Air Force first hinted that sabotage may have been responsible, an official re- port later blamed the accident on the opening of the rear ramp caused by the unlocking of several locks on the cargo door in flight. The ramp and pressure door blew out of the plane. struck the luselage and cut important con- trol cables, the Air Force report said. The fleet o( CSs bas been operating unde r restrictions since the crash. · Proxmire said he was told of the alleged design deficiency by Donald Whitt, who in 1971 as an employe for a private California cons ultin g firm wrote the technical m anual for"the correct procedure o"n opening the massive CS cargo doors. . "The Air Force expressed to us at the time that this was probably the most troublesome area they had in the maintenanc~ and operation of the CS," Whitt said in a May 9 letter to Proxmire. "The door sequence is quite lengthy and complicated and if one of the sequence steps is over- looked, the doors have been known to drop, ripping out hydraulic systems and control cables, thus g rounding the aircraft for months while new doors and systems are installed, rigged and checked," Wblttsaid. He said the possibility or human error in opening and clos- ing the doors is "horrendous.'·' F ro•Page AI ... CIA ••• members or the Senate Watergate committee about his dealings with Maheu. Rosselli based his refusal on the ground or national security, although his attorney had stated in 1971 t hat Rosselli worked with Maheu in a CIA plot to kill Castro. Because the panel was probing Hughes' campaign donations~e staf! de- cided not to pursue Rosselli 's in· volvement. But his attorney, Leslie Scherr, says Rosselli now is ready to talk to the Senate intelligence com- mittee about the CIA plot. Back in the 1930s, as a member of the Capone gang, Rosselli plied up 16 arrests !or possession of a loaded weapon. Over the years, Rosselli reputedly has made a living in a number or ii· legal fashions, although he·lists his occupations as insurance and public relations and is described as a dapper , soft-spoken gentleman. Collegian Slain SAN FRANCISCO CAP) Jose Gonzalez, 20, a student at City College, has been found shot to death sprawled face down in his locked automobile, police say. Homicide inspector Frank McCoy said Gonzalez, whose body was discovered Monday by a passerby, last was seen alive on Sunday attending Mus at a church. Mi team Negotiate? DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania <AP) -Zairean revolutionaries holding two Americans and a )hatch woman ho1ta1e lfor more than a month have expreaaed willln1ne11 to negotiate for their sale re- turn. a well-informed source 1ay& . The off er ~ ne&otlate waa containect In leUen written by the three stu- dent. and received by the American and Dutth am- baaaadort to Tanzania late Jut week, the 1ource aald. Carri• Jane Hunter ol Atherton, Calif., Kenneth Stephen Smltb of Garden ·Grove, 1nd Emilie Ber1man of Tbe Net.berland1 were kJdnpaed May 19 lrom a re- mote anJmaJ retearch 1ta· Uon ln weetem Tan~anla. l UfllTt__.. Costlg 'Sgstena' Beneath a cool exterior (left ), engineer Keith Taft, 41, of Sunnyvale wears a mini-computer (right) he built at a cost of $50 ,000 hoping to beat the dealer at the blackjack . tables. T aft s pent 2,000 hours studying the game, then hit the cas inos. He won $1 ,200 on his first venture .. t~en lost $4 ,400 before hanging it up. Judge Takes Tour Of. Nudist Beach TRURO, Mass. (AP> -The skinny-dippers were missing, but the beaches they favor were in plain view under a hot sun for touring U.S. District Court Judge Frank H. Freedman, court of· ficials, attorneys and others. The official visit was made Monday in connection with a suit seeking to overturn new regula- tions by the National Park Service banning nude bathing by anyone older than 10 at the Cape Cod National Seashore. (Related ·· story, Page A·l2> A hearing o-.he suit, brought by nine persons and filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of ~ssachusetts, is scheduled Wednesday. Two nud e b athers, Mark Warner, 54, or Sherman Oaks, Calif., and Evelyn Dixon, of Wellfieet, are to appear before a U .S . magistrate In South Wellfleet Wednesday on charges of violatine the seashore regula· Uons. They were the first lo be chareed after rangers banded out several w arnlngs. Conviction could mean six months ln jail and a $500 fine. Pl.ant I DSpecte d DETROIT <U PI) -The in- spection of a Chrysler Corp. as- sembly plant by a team of manufacturing specialists from Volkswagenwerk A.G. hu Cueled speculation the German auto maker may soon 'begin produc· tion at the Detroit plant. Tt\e judge's 30-tnile tour in four-wheel·drive vehicles in- cluded the center or Truro, parts of Wellfleet, and 15 miles of beach along the Atlantic Ocean. Among the beaches viewed was Head of the Meadow Beach, which bas been suggested as a designated nude-bathing beach. The touring party encountered about ·200 bathers. all properly attired under clear , sunny skies. The park service has cracked down on nude bathing, cltlng tramc, crowds of voyeurs and destruction of the sand dunes. UFO Seen In Oregon 0PENDLETON, Ore. <UPI> -An unidehUfied flying object was reported seen in the Pendleton area. Mrs. Mar y Ann Blanche t. who ll ves 10 miles south of he1·e, told state polic e Monday a ·bright colored orange ob- . ject followed her car home. A state trooper went to the ranch and confirmed seeing an orange object in the sky. He said it moved ·about but transmitted no noise. Clty of Irvin• otftdab, who · have prevloualy been •• for 1ucb codU,11, placedaopllp1 at the J efttey Road cl'Ollln8 ~Bar· ranca Road, 1tlu1 a flalhlnt cau· Uon Upt, wltbin a lew hoUtl. Moton.ta who cam& upon tho ecerie and con1trucUGa worker• lo tbe undeveloped area of tomato fielda and orqe tJ"OV9I immediately stop~ to offer what help they cowd when the accident occurred. "I tried to help tbedriye:re>f tbe van," Hid Fernie .M. Miranda, of Santa Ana1 • '. • .and then 1 pulled the little kid's bead out lrom under the truck wheels." Miranda, riding with a friend, 1ald be aaw smoke boil from.the brakes of tbe sldddinl truck ahead well before tbe ~ve coW.lon, noting it veerid to tbe left. Other witnesses heard the tbunderlnl craeb b ut aaw nothing of the impact. The children, aged 8to10 years old, were taken to both Santa Ana·Tustin Community Hospital and Tuetin Community Hospital after first aid at the scene. The Ramming boy was pro- nounced dead at the scene by a young doctor baaed at nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station who was summoned to the nearby scene to help. Three victims including Miu Conner remained under care to- day at Tustin Community Hospital, one child the son o( a Santa Ana police officer. • Three others are at Santa Ana· Tustin Community Hospital, in- cluding Mark Hilgeman. 6, of 4331 Winlersweet Way, Irvine, whose brother was not as badly hurt. ' H<>Spital officials confirm that Mark sufCered a severe con· cussion and is blind as a result, but that it is too early to tell if it will be permanent. California Highway Patrol or- fi c e rs inspected both· the destroyed van and the heavily damaged Sully-Miller Contract· ing Company gravel truck Mon· day for any mechanical defects. School buses are routinely in- speet._ed by CHP officers, who are always responsible for in· vesUgating any 411tecident involv· ing a school even if it is not on a state highway. Costa Meta Police Lt. Reean noted today, however, that the Rough Riders Day Camp vehicle, one o( several it operates, does not qualify as a school bus. "If it isn't yellow, it isn't a school bus. This one is just a privately owned van with a name on the side," be said. Children riding in the van were en r oute to a Roue h Riders out· door recreation f aclllty near San· tiato Park at the base of the San· ta Ana Mountains. Parents with children enrolled at the day camp immediately flooded the police department with calls when they learned or the tragedy over the radio. Names or victims were not re· leased until their parents had been notified individually. A-test Delayed PAHUTE MESA, Nev. {UPI) -Underground detonation o! a megaton-class nuclear bomb was postponed today for 24 hours because or 30·rnlle·an:hour de· sert winds. The explosion, code named "Camembert," was to be the third nuclear test in less than two months and the second ln a week. IT'S ALWAYS WHAT IT SEAMS I . 'There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. · The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot·melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks. Include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing, and If the secondary backing has any. tendancy to work loose from the primary backing, there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also. operating temperature of the iron is critical, and If the iron. is too hot or too cold. there Is a distinct probablllty of a weak seam. Cleaning • poses the ultimate test to this type of seam, and we have been called Innumerable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink . At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock In thise stitches. Sawing also penetrates both secondary and. primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer, but our f lne ln&tallatlons have been .... a mlJof factor In our growth through fifteen years In Costa Mesa. DEN'S :.iiiitillitioii : · cu1tom draperies UC. NO. 2>04n 1663. ftlAC~TIA AVENUE • COSTA MUA, CALI,, 92627 • PHONE 6-46-~131 -6.C6·2355 • ~~··_--\. ., It Starts Here Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is shown in Festival of Arts . dressing rooms in · makeup phase of preparation for Pageant of the Masters depiction of ''The Wounded Clown," a n oil painting by Georges Roualt. 8\S \'?@QJJ [[ ~®[[WO©® The column appears daily except Saturdays and Mondays. ·B e tte r B reathers ·. DEA~ PAT: Regarding the recent item m your column about the Emphysema Club, I'd like to tell your r eaders that our official name is the Lung Association, 1717 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706 (phone: 835-LUNG). · Our club has been changed to the Better Breathe rs' Club. I'm also enclosing information about SCAMP Camp, a unique camp for asthmatic children between · the ages of 10 a nd 14. R.H., Santa Ana Thanks for the update, and the new information about SCAMP Camp. Interested readers may inquire about these and other services by contacting the Lung Association. · Cookie Ctutle DEAR PAT: This is not a pro- blem you usually tackle, but lt's very importan t to me.· My daughter will be 6 years old in August , and her birthday wish is that I make a "cookie castle," similar to those published in -magazines during the Christmas ·season. I have no idea how to go about building such a thing for her, but I'd like lo find out -with plenty of lime to spare for study before I begin to construct it. Can you find a cookie castle plan for me? K .H .. Newport Beach Pay Hikes Granted to 2 Colleges A six percent salary increase plus a one percent fringe benefit boost have been granted instruc- t.ors at Orange Coast and Golden West colleges. The increase, which will also apply to the support personnel, was awarded by trustees of the Coast Community College Dis· trict, the governing body for the· college& and KOCE-TV. The increase will go to all of the 4,000 fulltime and parttime employes of the district except the college presidents and high salaried district administrators who will receive three percent. Other administrators will get a four percent boost. Alf told, the salary and fringe benefit improvem ents will cost the district $1,441,000. Ralph Lewis, spokesm an for the OCC faculty in the salary. negotiations, said of the district ·s· offer, ··w e will accept it but please know that we do not agree with it." · The instr uctors and the support personnel had asked for a 12 per -. cent salary increase, arguing that 12 percent was r equired to meet increases in the cost of liv- ing. Board me mbers said that the six percent hi.Jee will keep district salaries among the state's highest. It was also stressed that instructors due for incremental incr eases wi JI r eceive those boosts in addition to the basic raise. Board president George Rodda J r. said of the six percent offer, "Our role is to r epresent com- munities that are not as well off financially as .they would like to be and it is our responsibility not to overburde n those com- munities." . • ... ,,,_ ,,._ Tuelday. June 24, 1975 DAIL V PILOT A:J Doctors' Strike Forecast A new· doctors strike that would virtually halt he<b eare in CalilomJa ls llkely to occur ll the Lestalature passes a acaJed·down venton of a bill aimed al changin1 malpractice laws, the president of the Orange County Medical Association said Monday. Saytn1 that doetors are "very upset and turaous '' over the "emasculated" blll, Dr. Philip McFarland predicted a doctor 's strike much more widespread than the anestbealologists' walkout that pa r alyzed surgical operations in the county last • month. · Co.ntending that the present version of the malpractice bUl would not provide enough prolec· lion for doctors, he sald, "Unless they change this. there may be· another slowdown including doc· t ors o th er than a n es~ tbeslologists.'' "This time it would be the vasl bulk of the medical profession " he said. ' Dr. McFarland believes the bill passed by the Assembly would not give doctors enough fin ancial protection agains t higher malpractice insurance rates or claims of malpractice filed by patients. The bill by Assembly m an Barry Keene (D·Eureka ) was modified in the jucliciary com- mittee. The changes re moved a mvlsion to limit awards to SW· litnlS to $1,500 a month. Also re· moved was a section requiring binding arbitration In disputes between patients and doctors and a provision to substitute periodic payments for lump sum awards. The bill beading for the Sena\e, said Dr. McFarland, "will not br· ing down costs for doctors' p a· tients." The doctors, he said, wanl binding arbitration, limits on awards, a two-year statute of limitations on malpractice cases, periodic payments of awards from a court-administered trust fund. Dr. McFarland said another m eetin g of th e California Medical Association will be called in the near future lo d is· cuss the malpractice situation. "The physicians' good faith in the Legislature, as demonstrated. by their return to full-time pa· tient care on June 1, has been severely damaged by the action of the membe rs of tbe As· sembly," he said. Positioning Cast Cast Poser Tom Anderson (right) helps cast members ta ke P.roper positi~ to tum three dimensional flesh and blood into a two dimensional oil painting. From left they are Mark Brown of Laguna Beach, Nichols a nd Dick Stanton of Corona del Mar. Dracula Turns On 70's Young People SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -The blood·quaffing ghoul Dracula may turn out to be the patron s aint of th e 70's, says a Transylvania-born English pro- fessor who teaches university courses in the monster classics. "I'm not som e kind of a creep," said Leonard Wolf. whose latest book, "The Annotat- ed,, Dracula," is a scholarly delv· ing into the monster classic.· "I'm dealing with Dracula as a symbol." Still, observed the grizzle· bearded teacher with the pierc- ing eyes, "There is still a tenden· cy to connect me with my sub- ject." The 52-year-old Wolf conducts courses al San Francisco State on the horror tale and monsters. Both, he said, are e nthusiastical- ly attended by students of both ·· sexes . Wolf admitted he gets lots of raised eyebrows when people learn he's from Transylvania, a region of Romania which movies have made synonymous with blood-hung ry va mpires and monsters given lo popping out of their gra ves at the slightest whim. "I had the same birthplace when 1 wrote a book about Israel," said Wolf, "and nobody made anything of it then." · Besides, th e professor hastened to add, "I'm utterly in- different to the drinking of human blood, myself. I'm not at all interested in the occult, but I am interested in symbol.". And Dracula, h e said, represents m any of the signifi- cant changes taking place in the American culture. "The emerging interest of young people in the occult and in monster films got my head stir· ring," he said. ·'H o rror film s provide glimpses of religion-like ex- perience. I s uspect youngsters who do not have powerful church experiences get near-church from the films." Foremost, he said, is the Dracula tale and its message to youth. Dracula stays young so lone as he drinks blood, Wolf said, contending that the Bram Stoker story mirrors the preoc- cupation with violence and sex- ual confusion. Stoker, he said, was a Vic- torian who couldn't handle sex- u ality and transferred his fantasies to the vampire. In the pursuit of information on his specialty, said Wolf, he came across a real, live vampire who used to get bis kicks drinking the blood of friends and lovers. ' Fi11ished Prod11ct "The Wounded Clown" as the public will see it was one of 1:he subje~ts unveiled for the press Monday night at Irvm e Bowl m Laguna Beach. The F estival and P ageant will run from July 11 through Aug. 24. Slaying Rule d LOS ANGELES (UPI) -,\ 28-year-old woman. who killed a man who tried to rape he r mother, was r eleased after authorities ruled the s luying was "excusable homicide." . F r ef'd .!\1 ond ay was 1 rene . 'Justifiable' Davidson, arrested Sunday night following the death of Raymond Charles, 35. Charles was s tabbed and hit O\'Cl' the head with a shovel short· ly before midnight after he at- tacked Mrs. Davidson's 60-year- old mother in her home. 11FREE11 SERVICES .VARY AT S&l's Los Angeles-A recent California sur- vey has shown that "free" services vary greatly among savings and loan associa- tions. Whereas all associations answering required minimum balances for a free sale deposit box, many put restrictions on other "free" services such as money orders and travelers checks. . The survey also reveaJed that some associations offer twice as many free A truly grand cookie casUe plan was publlsbed in t he .December 1974 issue ol McCall's magazine. Request that your library provide a copy ol . this magazlne for you. Yoa'll need five packages of cookies,. many gumdrops and various other caa· dies, plus much patience, io con- struct this edirlce. 'I'd Rather Die' Move your money lo where "free" services are really free. If you're not enjoying Free Notary Service. Series "E" Savings Bond Redemption, Note & Trust Deed Collections, Money Orders (40 per month ). Copying. Traveler's Checks (no limit), Retirement Plan for the Self Employed a nd many more. it's time you moved your m oney. R efugees Vow to Return A ll A board! DEAR PAT: My son ordered $18.65 worth of HO gauge model railroad cars last July from Sal Marino Co. in New Y<>rk. My let· ters of inquiry resulted only in a form letter indicating that the cars are back-ordered. G.S., Huntington Beach Th1I mast be the longest back order problem on ree«d. but your IOD't rallro1d can On1Uy. )lave been •hipped. · By Assoelated Press "Even if they kill me, I will ac· cept lt rather than r emain in the United States," says Do Van Ty, one of the Vietnamese r efugees who have asked to go back to their homeland. Ty is one or 292 refugees at Camp Pendleton awaiting pro- c es sing back t o Vietnam. Another 100 refugees who want to go home are at two other refugee camps in the United States and wUl come here for their return processing. Ty, 22, a former South Viet· n amese Navy yeoman, said Monday, ''I h ad no in\ention or T .b Se ed going to the UnJted Stat.es, but rl e8 parat aft.er ( WH aboard the ship, ( W8S . told we were beaded for Subic PORT MORESBY. Papua New , Bay ln the Pbillppines and would Guinea <U PI) -PoUceused tear · not.be returnine to Vietnam." sa• today to break up a tribal Ty's pare nt.I, brothers and sis- baUJ• amoTii more than 500 war-ten remain In Vletnom. · non flj.htlna with bows, arrows Do Van Hung, 26, hos a wire anc1 spears on the banks ot the and four cblldreo in Vietnam. He • Qdmbu River. in the highlands was a former province combat • ot.PQUa New Guinea. police omcer end had arrested , many Viet Cong guerrillas in the line of duty. Despite the p ossibility of reprisals against him, he wants to go back home .. "Vietnam is my country, my native land where my family has lived for many generations," Hung said. "I bad no intention of leaving and now I want only to return. I will accept any kind or reprisal, even if I h ave to die." Nguyen Van Thanh, 29, served in the Vietnamese Air Force for nine years and jumped on a plane al Tan Son Nbut air base in Saigon when shells were drop- ping near him. The plane went to Thailand. "I am very confident that the new r egime will consider my situation because I bad no desire to leave my country, lt was just an accident," Thanh said. "But althoulh I have no thoughts of possible reprisals, I will accept a nything that wlll happen to me. Any\hin1 will be bttter than 1penc1lng the rest of my life without my tamily." To AVCO Sa vings. In addition to a host of Free services (including a Safe Deposit Box with a minimum balance of only $1.000), we'll counsel you a s to the savings plans that give you the h ighest interest with ma ximum flexlbllity and safety. Not for us. And we'll help you move your money without sacrlflcing a penny's worth of interest. All you ha•• to do ls aak. :S310BRJSTOLST .. OPPOSITE THI: SOUTH COAST PLAZA. M0·7591. EDWARD MARIS. MGR • ·01d.Doc Moves On ~ TRAVELIN' MAN: What ·: would you think of a pharmacist ~ who, having established himself :; in rural Texas, uproots his busi- , ness. shifts it to the Orange .~ Coast. quits business, works in ~ half a dozen other drug s tores .. • and then abruptly leaves for :.; :Florida? ;; On the surf ace of the record, you might suspect this is a rather ~ footloose, shiftless sort c1 fellow; .; a chronic drifter wbo is unable to put down any solid roots. ~ Thus is the record of Luther F. ':' ••noc" Mallow, one of our coas tline's original men of pharmacy. Only the surface of his business record, however , would make him appear as a rolling stone gathering no moss. TAKE THE TIME, for exam· ple, when Doc Mallow uprooted his Texas drug store and shipped it pills and potions out here to set up business in Laguna Beach. He arrived in the Art Colony in 192' and wasn't really drifting when you consider he st ayed around for 51 years. In those days, there were few physicians this side of Santa Ana and not even one drug store in San Clemente. As a youngster re- siding in the Spanish Village, I was as susceptible to chicken. pox and hacking coughs as any kid. So for the folks, it was a trip off to consult with Doc Mallow. '"He saved your life more than onoe," they advised me in later years when we would spot the tall, lean Texan striding down a Laguna street, always beneath and Stetson-type hat and pro- ceeded down the sidewalk by the world's largest cigar which he usually clamped in his mouth so i t jutted upwards like a signal of defiance . DOC MALLOW BECAME et coastal civic leader in addition to knowing more than most about curing the aches a nd pains of the human body. He helped organize the Laguna Lawn Bowling As- sociation, the Festival of Arts and became Laguna mayor in 1937. He dabbled in money too; serving som e four decades as a director of Laguna Federal Sav- ings & Loan. After Doc Mallow sold out his own drug store, he continued as a pharmacist working for others. We both worked for the same druggist once, a man of Scot des- cent. I was the soda jerk while Doc handled the pills and ills behind the back counter. Clearly. the owner watched pennies; He was a lways instruct· ing m e to skimp down the size of ice cream scoops in malts and only fill the coffee cups of area businessme n two·thirds. Doc. however, always had things his own way. I'LL NEVER FORGET the first time he popped behind the soda fountain counter, grabbed a malted milk can and proceeded to pile 14 scoops of ice cream into it, .along with seven squirts of chocolate syrup. I watched this with bulging eyes. Doc noticed my amazement and : so, in. a loud aside, explained: ·'Thisone. son, is for ME." So now, at age 86, Luther F : Mallow is abandoning the good life here along the Orange Coast and will seek the s un elsewhere in Florida. I wish Doc all the best. You sure hope the guy Will be able to settle d own som e day. ' Tuesct.y,June 24, 1875 Ca · diiul Atrocities Deported SURIN, Thailand CAP> -Cambodians who escaped recently to Thal land report that mass executions have taken place in Cambodia since the Khmer Rouge vic- tory more than l wo months ago. The refugees say most victims wero men of lbe former Cambodian army. They apparenUy were killed lo eliminate elements 'thought to be potentially hostile to the ne w rulers o! Cambodia, THE VICTIMS, their hands tied beblnd their backs. acre.med and begged to be sbot as the Khmer Rouae pounded them to death. The cof'pses were buried near the v illage of Phnom P.rooi1 nlne miles west. o! lhe provincial capital, the two men said. They saJd they watched tbe killings from separate hiding places tn the Jun1le. • A.Dotber refugee said he bad been a pollceman i n the northwestern province ol Oddor Mean Chey. Ke said be and 16 other Police and military intelligence men wero r<>unded up at the provincial headquarters during the second week or May, stripped to their underwear and taken toward a plt s urrounded by Kbmer Rouee aoldiers. came Crom the steel wire will\ which he wa1bound. A former diflomat who escaped with u mt!mbers o bia family ttpol"\ed that on May 31 a Khmer Rouge olflclal stopped him about 30 n;ille• .~rom the Thal border and told him: You are lucky. Three days ugo we received in· strucllons not to kill any rnore people or the old government." \he sources said. • Two former soldiers said they saw Khmer Rouge soldiers beat about 40 of- ficers and enlisted men to death with shovels and clubs in the ·northwestern province of Siem Reap at the end of April. Another former soldier Crom the area said he saw about 40 trailers with about 10 corpses piled into each belng towed down a road. Two days later, after the Khmer Rouge bad left, the soldier said he discovered arms and legs and other parts ol bodies sticking out ol shallow , graves neartbe vWageof Phan Rong. TREY WER E BEATEN with shovels and bamboo clubs during their death march to the maSl5 grave, the man said. But he re1>0rted lb at he asked his captors for water and when they gave it to him managed to escape into the jungle as the Khmer Rouge fired after him. He ex· hibited scaTs on bis wrist which he said Meanwhile in Bangkok, Thui border pollce exchanged shotti ut. dawn today with a 40·m a n Cambodian patrol that crossed into Thailand, provinciul of· Ciclals said. U.S. Secrc.ltary oJ State Henry A. Kissinger said there &so had been "r ather firm reports" or clashes between Cam bodie andVletnam. Can't Vote Mrs. Gandhi Gets Okay to Continue NEW DELHI, India <AP) -A Supreme Court justice ruled to- day that Prime Minister Indira Gandhi can continue to head the Indian government until the full court decides her appeal of a con- viction for iU egal practices in her 1971 campaign for Parliament. But the 57-year -old Mrs .· Gandhi suUered a significant J political set - back when Justice V.R . Krishna Iyer barred her from voting in Parliament. He ruled that she could only participate in parlia m en - MRS. GANDHI t ary debate a s head of the government. The ruling meant that the prime minister. who along with her cabinet colleagues mus t belong to parliament, would not be a full-fled ged member of the federal legis lature. It marked the first time in 28 year s of independence that any restrictions bad been impos~ on an Indian prime minister and was expected to spur opposition demands for her resignation dur- ing the processing of her appeal, which is expected to take at least two months. • NEVE RTHELESS. Mrs. Gandhi won a quick vote of con- fidence from senior cabinet col- leagues and Dev Kanta Borooah, president of the r uling Congress party. They issued a statem ent saying that Justice Iyer , despite the restructions imposed, had \'indicat ed Mrs . Gandhi's original deci~ion, after her June 12 conviction, to re main in office. However, Socialist leader Madhu Limaye said: '·Any at- tempt to hang onto the high office c·an only harm the country's in- ter est and, in the long run. com- pletely shatte r her image.·· Mrs. Gandhi, maintaining the outward calm s he has exhibited since the guilty verdict, was cheerful as she received several hundred women supporters shortly 'after learning of Jyer's ruling. Man Squirts Acid At 6 Young ~iris SEAFORD, N .Y. (AP) · Sulphuric acid attacks on six teen-aged girls have triggered an intensive police search for a man with a n acid-filled water pistol who reportedly giggles after each assault. Working with the g irls' Groom Admits Shoving Wife . In Car's Path NEW ORLEANS <UPI> - Claudius James Giesick has been sentenced to 21 years in prison for manslaughter by a judge who called his honeymoon murder "the most cold-blooded ki lling that I've s een.·· Gies ick. who admitted shoving his bride into tbe path of a speed- ing car so he could collect her life insurance. was allowed to plead guilty lo a reduced charge because he testified against his partner in the crime, thedriverof the death car. But District Court Judge Rudolph Becker 11 I said after the plea-bargaining Giesick could expect ''no more breaks." The 21-year sentence was the max· imum under stale law. ''This is the most cold-blooded killing that I've seen in my entire practice of law.·' Becker saicl. description or the acid-splasher's two·tone brown getaway car, police said Monday that they have checked out about 150 leads in the past few days. The attacks have occurred over the i ast month along a 20- mile st retch of the Sunrise Highway that includes the towns of Massapequa, Wantagh and West Babylon, police said. Police said the latest victim. St ephanie Krodman, 16, of Massapequa, was attacked Fri· day night as s he sat in a car dr;ven by her sister, Debbie, 19. She s aid a man drove up a longside, squirted her right arm with acid and then sped off giggl- mg along the Sunrise Highway. None of the v ictims have been · seriously burned. Police described the possible :,uspect as a white male. about 25 to 30 years old, about 6 feet and weighing 200 pounds. Doily Pilot Deti•ery Is Gwaronteed Monday·Fnday: If you do not have vour paper by 5 30 p m . call before 7 p m and your copy will be de- lrvered Saturday and Sunday. If you do not receive your copy by 9 a.m. Satur- day. 0< 8 a m. Sunday, can before 10 a m and your co py will be dehvered. Clrceilllti .. Tel.,h•u Most Orange County Areas 642-4121 Northwest Huntington Beach. and Westminster .•..•.•. 540.1220 San Clemente. Capistrano Beach. San Juan Cap1str<>no. Dana Point. South Laguna. Laguna Niguel • . •.•• 4tM6lO UPIT....._.. Puhlis lae r Dead Eugene C. Pulliam, 86, died Monday in Phoenix follow- in g s trok e. He wa s publisher of India n apolis Star, Indianapolis News, Muncie Eve ning Press and S tar, Vincennes Sun - Commercial in Indiana and Phoenix Gazette and Arizona Republic. Ven ezuelan Farmer Kille d b y Wasp s C I UDJ\D BOLIVAR, Venezuela CU Pl> A 58-year-old Carmer was stung to death by a swarm of wasps on the outskirts of this city on the banks of the Orinoco R i\•cr. authorities re- ported. Members or his family said Monday that Bruno Bonaccini Bartolina stumbled into a nest of wasps which stung him repeated- ly. He died before he could be given medical attention. • ·Sadat in Buddle Isi-ael Softening ' War Conditions By Tbe Associated PresH Israel has agreed to soften some of its key conditions (or a new Sinai agreem ent with E gypt following Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's talks with Presi- d ent Ford in Wasb jngton, diplomatic sources said today,. Egyptian President An}Var Sadat was reported in an "ex· tremely important" meeting in Alexandria with his inner cabinet to decide whether to formally commit E gypt to seek a new agreement under U.S. auspices. Sadat met with U.S. Ambassador Hermann Eilts on Monday to dis· cuss what is poss ible in light of the Rabin-Ford talks two weeks ago. SOURCES IN Jerusalem said I sr ael would now agree t o withdraw from the western s lopes of the strategic Milla and Gidi passes in the Sinai while still retaining the eastern rises as a defense buffer against Egypt. Israel would retwTI the Abu Rudeis oil fields in southern Sinai and would give Egypt a land cor· ridor to the fields rather than make them an isolated Egyptian enclave reachable only from the sea, as proposed in March. the sources said. The Israelis captured the Sinai peninsula in the 1967 Six Day War. The Egyptians recaptured part of the west bank or the Suez Canal in the October 1973 war and Israel subsequently agreed to pull b;>ck along the length of the canal. IN ANOTH ER CHANGE from eonditions presented through Secretary of State Henry Kiss· inger during his unsuccessful peace shutlle last March, Israel has abandoned hope for a pact covering at leas t five years, the sourcees said. Is r ael would not settle for a three-year agreement as a last resort. they said. Jn r eturn, Is rae l continues to insist that Egypt renounce the use of military force against lsrael. c ut down its diplomatic activity against the JeWish state -such as the Arab trade boycott and hostile propaganda -and s uspend efforts lo isolate Israel internationally . the informants said. Rebate Set By Chrysler DETROIT <AP) - Chrysler Corp. announced plans today for a new cash rebate program on most or its cars and trucks, apply· ing $200 to j300 discounts until the encf of November. The rebates will be of- fered beginning al the end of this month. Chrysler of- ficials confirmed details of the program early today. It was not known whether other compa n ies would match the move. The e arlier rebate pro- gra m initiated by Chrysler, this one will have· several strings attached. Dealers must pay $100 of lhe rebate. Tornado Hits Colorado Severe Thunderstorms in Western Texas T~perat•re• Hi.II uw Pep. q1 tr• ., trl' 'I) ~ "4 7f '11 14 83 71 82 n "' 63 89 68 9$ 7l 'l 1.3 SO· " 10 .. 14 " lt7 .. n •• 76 IS 68 .. "' " 1l A ll " •7 12 •S .. 70 17 .. IOl 10 af .. ., ~ •• 10 ,. » ... 70 • .. .0 Ja st 11 ,. ., ., '° 7l c.a1 .... 1. ( t s-, • ...., 'l'l d n 1 . . DANCING UNDER THE STARS Featuring Jack Shoop and His Orchestra Hits of the Nostalgic 40's · Sat urday, J une 28 and Sunday, June 29 Antique Bottle and Collectables S~ow "· ·, ''"•tl\ ... ,0,,.1, Witll.tl~lllY .. ,.ttM'dftv tn .• ~ ..... 1...,11 .... l 'lft>ctl\Y Jldy7 111. ..... s .. no. 9:10 b<lft •• , .. Acfos• the atrc~t fro m South Coa•t Plaza at Bear and SunOower., ElsenJaou,er Oaotee T\Jlldty,June24, 1975 DAIL y PILOT As I ' --/' Ex-treasurer Ivy Baker Priest Dead SANTA MONICA (UPI) -Ivy Baker Priest, a for mer telephone operator in a Utah mining town .who wus named Treasur~r of the United States during the Eisenhower administration, djed lute Monday night of cancer at age 69. ~ bedside when abe dled, a bolpltal spokeswoman said. Mre. Priest, a tireless Republican political worker since the mid·1930s, won election as Callfomla's Treuurer in 1965. She served with lbe Ronald Reagan adminialraUon until she declined lo run for a third term in 1974 bee a use of 1ll health.. ·Rl1'er Traged9 Man Drowns Despite Aid AUBURN <UPI> - A eonUnued to grasp my 1tummer·tlme frolic in leg while he was under the 1wlrUng American water." River ended in tragedy As Rowley s ought to forDeonis·M.O'Neill,20, keep the young rban's whose foot wedge d bead above water, others between underwater trled for ball an hour to boulders. He drowned as free the foot, but the cur- 100 persons watched rent thwarted their ef· helplessly. torts. O 'NEILL, OF .---------- Sacramento, s houted for Dr. H. Michael Shack Optometry Announces the opening of his office for the general practice of Optometry with emphasis in the field of contact Lenses. in The Laguna ProlessJoual Bldg., HS La(UDI Ave., Lagwia Beach, CA By APPolntment Only Telephone (714) 494·3008 124 hr. A~wcring 1~rvtc~J .·Mrs. Priest, who Jed the '1young Turk'• movement that helped win the 1952 GOP nomina- tion for Gen . Dwight Eisenhower, put her signature on $62.8 billion as treasurer from 1953 to 1960. She was the second woman named Treasurer , a posi- tion traditionally reserved for women in recent years. HER FAMILY was at her ,Assembly OKs ~ajorityof Free Toikts Her first acUve Republican work came ln childhood. Her mother, Clara Baker, who was known as "Mrs. Republican" in Bipgham, Utah, sent her 10-year· old daughter to baby-sit and perform errands for Republican voters at election time. Ivy Baker took extension courses from the University of Utah after high school unW her father, a miner, became ill. She then took a job as a telephone operator, and taught evening classes in American history and citizenship. She married Roy Priest, a wholesale furniture de· aler, in 1935. CANCER CLAIMS LIFE Ivy Baker Priest, 89 X-rated. Film 'help. His swimming compaOions ancr Highway Patrolman Frank Rowley tried desperately to free him. They held his head above water in the raging cur- rent Sunday, but the river became swifter SACRAMENTO (AP) Gasoline stations, the aters, hotels and other private facilities used by the public would have to have a majority of nonpay toilets in their bathrooms under a bill sentlothe Senate. Assemblym an Alfred Siegler CD-Vallejo > .• a uthor ed the measure tha t won a 49-3 As- sembly vote Monday. He said Secretary of Stale March Fong Eu asked him lo carry the bill. Siegler told his colleagues a Jaw authored by Mrs. Eu when she was an assemblywoman was limited to such public facilities as airports. "If you have two bathrooms in a gas station, a majority of two is two," Siegle r toJd a reporter later. Siegler s aid he wanted to eliminate all pay toilets but ac- cepted the majority amendment to gain enough votes for passage of his bill. Jt is AB 2134 . THROUGHOUT THE late 1930s and '40s Mrs. Priest served in a variety of positions with the Republican party in the West. She also was a leader in the moevement that resulted in the first minimum wage law for women in Utah. Mrs. Priest was in charge of the 1952 GOP convention's women's division. Backing the Eisenhower candidacy, she said at ttte time, ''Women are going to the polls this year because, first of all, t hey want peace, and second, they want a change for the better.'' Her first husband, Roy Priest.. died in 1959, and in 1961 she mar- ried Beverly Hills r eal estate man Sidney Stevens. When she ran for state treasurer in 1966, however, she had her name legally changed back to Ivy Baker Priest, as the name under which voters knew her from her term as U.S. Treasurer. _C' Employes Not • Arrest-proof SACRAMENTO (AP> -The California Senate has rejected legislation to protect employes or X·rated cinemas. . The 17-17 vote came Monday after an opponent said it would add to the state•s reputation as the "porno capital of the world." It needed 21 "aye" votes to pass the 40·seat upper house. "I frankly think that the state of California has a reputation that is rotten enough," said Sen. H.L. Richardson (R-Arcadia). Introduced by Sen. Milton Marks (R-San Francisco), the measure would put ticket takers, · popcorn sellers , ushers, and janitors in the same classifica- tion as projectionists, who are already protected from prosecu- tion under provisions barring the exhibition of obscene matter. Managers could still be prosecut· ed, however. The Senate agreed to re· consider the measure iater. It is SB 128. PUBLIC NOTICE and swifter. "He held on to me as long es he could and then he ju.st let. go," the of· ficer said of O'Neill. "He Nabers:Cadilac 2600 Haflbor Blvd., Costa Mesa S40-9100 •to,ooo 1or-..1y 5167.51 al)lonth •. · Whether you·<ieed $5,CXXl or $10,00) gel it I rom the ~op le who lend millions. Commercial Credit. Monthly payment based on o $10,<XX> HomeOwner loon, fo r 120 months, ot on annual percentage role o f 16%. Total payment $20,101.20. A loon of $5,CXXl and over must be secure·d by a co mbination of real and personal property. Commercial Creclt Corporation IC\ HomeOwner l oons .<S:SJ 870East17th Street • Phone: 645-8700 Credit Lil• In111rancc Available to Jmctblt Borrown1 at Croun Rftf~ .,.,..stwardGJlo <illo~l M ~ino PALM 8P .. INOS, toot Anoltlet WES"TWARO HO HOTEU ' Olal FrM Aa Allow FM Cuflent a.-Rain. Glornar Explorer Set to Snatch Sub LONG BEACH <UPI) -The CIA spy abip Glomar E"plorer, its cover long since blown, will head back to sea July 4 in an attempt to recover the remainder of a sunken Russian submarine, the Los Angeles City News Service reported today. · ( ) CNS quoted informed State sourc~s. as saying pre- TM loerd. of Dir.ct°" of i..,.e leech c-ty W*r Dhtrlct ha rescMcWed tt. ... for Its ,......,. 1Meti19- lffecff•• """ I • "7 5, ... IMrd w• ....t .. 4:30 P.M. .... tlnt ... IWMT...-, of NCia ....... TIMM r ..... -·•"'9• •• c ......... ~ lteM . I• Hile District loerd 1 ... et 306 n lrd Street, L..-p1M1 le11e9'. CeJlfoniia. Al -•ti .. • ere op.. to the ...... CHeCK OUR "LaUDDRY LIST" OF FRee seRVICes • ano cLean UP!. '--~~~~~~~-parat1ons now are · under way to get the ship ready for the second attempt. The information came from a Long Beach Harbor De~artment of- ficial who asked not to be named, CNS said. Man Bla1dgeoned OAKLAND (AP) -William H. Cook, a Pied· mont travel agent, was found bludgeone~ to .de~th in his pajamas in his fas~ionab_le Montclair District split· level home here, police said. Homicide Sgt. Lewis Mace said officers forced entry to the redwood home Monday after Cook's secretary called to say he had failed to appear at his office and didn't answer her calls. SLA CoMrt Fltte SACRAMENTO <AP) -:---An 18-y e ar-o ld Oakland woman who pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct as a spectator at the Little·Remiro trial is now !aced with a $200 fine. Diane L. Dally was accused of screaming .. Kill! Kill!" when defendant Russell Little slugged prosecution witness Christopher Thompson on April 29. Airport Nobe Sult LOS ANGELES (AP> -A group of airport: urea homeowners who decided to fight City Hall ~as finally won an eight-year ba~Ue over the noise ·created by jet takeoffs and landings. A Superior Court jQry awarded 20 Westchester residents a $751,300 verdict Monday, ruling that the use of two north runways at Los Angeles lnlerna· Uonal Airport had damaged property values. . The verdict includes a total of $31,350 to be dis· tributed among six oC the property owners who will· keep their homes, and an additional $719,s:;o to ~uy 14 other houses that the owners say are unmhab1la· ble because of the noise. THE SYMBOLS OF SATISFACTION ADD ••• Tt>e ed•an11911 ol l&asll'>Q lfom a ,,.... ur Otal•r. 8 SUITIACT •.• 1n. ~lies of comino uo ""'" a b i g oown peymenl. ®MULTIPLY ••• The adv•nlaQH of our .. 1.cu119. ma1•1•1n1no A d•M>O•iroo ol your v•t11elta f()ryou. 8 DIVIH ••• leu oown 10 lnereue WOl\Jl'>Q ~Q11a1 0 1QUALS •.• t he reuons why rou 1 1101110 1e a s • '"' CONNt:llEASE wayl CONNELlEASE JIHH.,._lhd. C ... •M•M 546-1200 . FREE ORGAN CONCERT Thurs •• June 26 • 7:30 P ~M. Beaut If ul music by ORVILLE R. FOSTER ............. .., ........ trist wlto wll ... tMcW.. here 111 CoroM dlt ~ IM1 ...... Don't min thla outst<lidlng tvtnt · HAMMOND ORGAN StUDIOS . 2154 E. Coast hwy. Coroner Del Mer, Cal. 644-8930 Mr. ,._. wll c...-. •....., dme .... for ....... -2 .... MU1w-IM4Jl•Mea..._JO •NO P.N. C• fer Info_.. ,......, ...... I FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $1000 MIN. BAL. NEWI SAVINGS/ STATEMENT PRESDGE CARD NOMl.N.IAL • NEW! TELE·MATIC TELEPHONE TRANSFER SERVICE $5000 MIN. BAL FREE MONEY ORDERS $1000MIN, BAL. Theae attracdve, free c•eto•er eel'Vicee-and •ore-are available at all Firet Federal Saving• offlcea. They can •ave yo• dollua, •a•• vo• d•e, or provide very advaatageo.ie ta•·deferred aavia9e plans. We invite yo• to siop by a Firat Federal Savings office aoon. And cleanup! Plus The Highest Interest Allowable On Insured Savings! Certificate Accounts: ($1000 min.) Six years 7% 3 (8.063 annual yield), four years 7~% (7.793 annual yield). 30 months 6~% (6.98% annual yield). one year 6 ~3 (6.723 annual yield), three months FREE NOTARY SERVICE NO MIN.BAL. 5%% (5.923 annual yield). Passbook Accounts (no mJnimum baJanoe) 5~ % (5.393 annual yield). A substantial interest forfeiture ls required for early withdrawal of fixed·rate, fixed-term certlflcate accounts. Accounts insured to $40,000 by an agency of the federal Government. *Check cashing not to exceed level of cleared funds In savings account. Memoor FSLIC. First Federal Savings 8t Loan ANoclaUon of Santa Monka • flnt Federal Savings of Santa Monica . Costa Mesa Office Baker Ne.er Harbor M(Mllll.i rsuc. nut~ SAVtHG$ &.. LOr\N ASSOCIAllON Of SANTA MONICA. . Dc\ILl' Pl'40T EDITORIAL P . .\.GE Accusations Confuse .. The~ dialogue that followed the transfer of 22 district att rney investigators to the shertfrs depart- ment last w ek d.id little to clarify the issues involved. Irked t at the board of supervisors approved the transfer, District Attorney Cecil Hicks charged that the move was inspired by a political conspiracy de· dicated to cmascuJating his office. Hicks refused to identify members of what .he called a shadow government or which of the five sUpervisors are subject to the alleged conspiracy's machinations. ConsequentJy, particularly in light of the boar~ 's Wlanimous vote, the DA's words sounded more hke th~c of a man who had lost a ~litic~l baWe than a public servant whose office was beingvtolated. Lost in the s witch of assignments -and in Hicks' accusations -is the question of whether or not the public is better served by having the investi~ators as· signed lo Sheriff Brad Gales. The public would have been bett.er served had the djslricl attorney really told us bow Jaw enforcement would be weakened by the change. · More importantly, if sinister fore~~ reall~ are working out thC£e, let's hear some spec1f1c details. If unyone should know, he s houJd be the man. Expensive Generosity The pie-in-the-s ky philosophy that has driven New York City lo the brink of bankruptcy apparently could rai~e havoc with other governmental economies-including Orange County's. ti~ment benefit obligations for county empl9yes in the coming year. Citron told the board. The projected 20 to 30 percent lncreaae in retire· ment fund demands is the result of the new voaue for retJrement at an earUn-age, plus the fact that PeQPle now are living longer after retirement As New York discovered so painfully, this com· bination can be dynamite wbeo combined with over· generous pension plans established in earlier years. It may someUmes be expedient for 1overnment to lure employes with promises of generous retirement plans. But unfortunately it's the taxpayers who have to pay the piper, And their resources are dr-alnlng rapidly. ' Coast Bus Welcome The Orange County Transit District has taken a much-needed step toward giving its coastal service some continuity-a single route from Seal Beach to San Clemente via Pacific Coast Highway. And if some objections voiced by the municipal bus line 'in Laguna Beach can be worked out, the transit district buses will provide hourly service to all major coast communities starting July 4. The Southern California Rapid Transit coastal service has been so unpredictable it almost became useless to coastal commuters. . It is just as well that Orange County's own bus line provide the service ~inc~ ~he coastal. strip is rapidly proving one ~f ~e d1stnct s ~st service areas in terms of commwuty interest and nders. As one example of the value of the coast to the This was revealed last· week when county Tax Collector-Treas urer Robert Citron tossed some alarming s tatistics in the direction of the Board of Supervisors. It may take an additional $1 .6 million to meet re· · OCTD system, district officials point to 'rec~nt statistics s howing that more Orange Coast sen.1or citizens have taken advantage of the free bus ride program (for which the ·county reimburse.s the OCTD) than those in the rest of the county combined. "FRANKLY, SI~, 1 ~OM'T THINK A MALPRA(TICE SUIT Will SOLVE YOUR ffl,OSLEftt' Nixonian Press Fear Lives in Washington WA SHINGTON -Richar<! Nixon has been stripped of his presidential powers and has been r etired in disgrace to San Clemente. But Nixonism still stalks the halls of government. The deposed President created an atmosphere. which is best described not by a Nixon critic ·but by a loyal. lon..gtime aide and admirer, William Safire. . The conservative Safire has 'always found much to praise in · Nixon. But by Safire's ac· count, Nixon came lo the White House flawed by a •·pri m al hatred" of the press that was deeply rooted in the real and fan --· cied grievances he had endured during a quarter century -Under · its scrutiny. _ "The press is the enemy" - that was the constant wat<')lword in the Nixon White House. Under \press criticis m , repo~ ~~fire, Nixon ··seeth e d inside. He · .. took everything critical as a ·personal blast at him; when he read a byline, the writer came to life in his mind, grinning evilly at h. " i 1m. ONCE NIX ON had the power of the presidency at last in his hands, he employed it in a multi· pie offensive that sought to crip- ple those ele ments of the press he 'saw as hostile. He personally directe<! the campaign to in- timidate. malign and discredit the pres s, according to Satire. The press became an enemy to be hated and beaten. ' : In a m e mo lo H. R. Haldeman. ~resident N~xon s et the ~one of .his press policy. "The basic need 'is not P. R . but P. O .. " he declared. "That is. not Public Relations but Presidential Of. Jensive." · Spiro the Terrible was selected t o be the s pear thrower. He )>egan the a ssa ult with his (JACK ANDERSON) celebrated Des Moines speech of November, 1969, accusing the media of an incestuous leftwing bias. But Vice President Agnew pr·ovided only the voice; the words were w r itten by Nixon's favorite speech writer, Patrick Bucha nan. Moreover, the speech was personally approved line by line by the President who, here and there, added -s phrase to toughen it up. And the follow-up attacks '-by Agnew on specific newsmej\ and newspapers also were ordered by Nixon. THE POISON that Nixon spread against the press, un· fortunately. didn't disappear with him behind the gates or San ·Clemente. It has seeped into the -system, this poison we call Nix- onism, which undermines press # investigations. Men in power, and men seek· ing power, do not relish having their cozy relationships exposed, their sources of money bared and • their blunders brought to light. There ar e no press secr etaries to brief those who search after con- cealed facts, no hucksters to · package the suppressed details in attractive press kits. We have never known a government of. ficial to call a press conference to confess his wrong-doing, nor a government agency to issue a press release citipg its mistakes. On the contrary, the Nixooites who remain in government ob· struct investi~tive r eporters . Doors are closed; files are locked ; phones are sl;lmmed back into r eceivers. ~n this fails, more severe metfiods are used . Reporter s are harassed with subpoenas, contempt cila-,. lions, court fines, judicial gag or-•' ders and actual jailings. The last thing the Nixonites want to see are stories about of· ficial misconducts. For they know that exposu~e can bring an end to power. The wise Thomas .'.Crime By Computer • r\ chilling and entertaining cast of characters including fakes , forgers. s windJers. em- bezzlers , con m en, and a new breed of crime careerist: the white collar thief, exert their evil talents between the covers or an informal casebook and compen- dium of novel crime capers - The E lectroplc Criminals by Ro bert Farr (McGraw-Hill, '$8.95 ). ( One of the world's leading ex- -prts in the field of computer Jra ud and industrial espionage, the author details Ponzi schemes, technically sophistical· ed Mp-oUs, International heists 11nd a host of modernistic hoaxes and frauds .. Such nefarious ac· tivities. he notes, are a sign of our times . "More and more people freely admit. indeed positively boast, that they are not loyal to society.and do not intend to serve its interests. Such people are potentJaJ suporcrlmin Is •• A FORMER sclt.'ncc writer for CBS and Scrtpps·Howard new s papers and former chairman of the lndustnol Es· pionage AuM1menl and Preven- Uon Conf ercnce for Management , ( THE BOOKMAN ) Centre, Europe, Farr analyzes highly sophisticated global con games unimpeded by an impo- tent Interpol and abetted by ad• vanced computer syst ems, sate llite communications, ul· traphotogra ph copying technl· ques, and astounding bugging de· vices. The Eledronlc Crtmla•I• shows computers programmed to rob one another, stocks swindled by means of a bedside telephone, the Bank of England vulner able to illegal entry, and how a computer can be "kld· naped" and held for ran,&om. From hi g hly professional 1111e ves,swindlers , hijackers, and kidnapers to seemingly rHpectable amateurs -often disguised as leglUmate bu~I· nessmen -the modem while rol· Jar crimlnaJ is revealed as a formidable threat to the public, the business community, and na· Oons through.out the world. VICTOR DE KEYSERUNG Dear Gloomy Gus Gay Cops? Why not? Then · flirting ~our way out of a traffic ticket wouldn't be limited to women. B.H. GMMr c;.,. <-••ll an ~ttM Illy ,....._ .. • ... MUuarllr Nttect tM .,.._ .... -~_..-. hM yew .... ,..,. .. G-...JGG,O.llrf'ti.t. Strong V.S. Link Vital The China Connection WASHINGTON -Jn the wake of the Vietnam debacle it is more important than e ver that the United Stales c-ontinue to im· prove its relalionshii> with Com· munist China. But a big question is whether President Ford can make progress in this direction when he visits Peking later this year. A strong Sino-American link is vital to the United States for s everal re· \ ·c STANLEY ) _ KARNOW _ that they are annoying Peking. For the moment the Chinese are content lo see the defense treaty between the United Slates ·and Japan rem ain in vigor, since it is a bulwatk against Soviet penetration of Japan. Her e again, though, the Chinese can be asons. In the first pl ace, the Chinese ~an · play a k ey ~ o 1: e i n · expected to tolerate Japa n 's ·close relationship with the Onit· ed Slates only as Jong as they ·. r consider the Slno-Americun linW res training Kim It Sung, to be improvint. · . During his trip to China in 1972, Pl'esident Nixon sidestepped Chinese demands that the United States recognize that Taiwan is an integral part of China. It is doubtful, howevt>r, that Presi· dent Ford can again skirt. the is- sue. BUT IF Mr. Ford agrees to confirm P e k i n g 's claim to Taiwan, he will insist that the Chinese pledge not to use force to conquer lbe island. It is onl y ~m that condition, as I understand 1t, that he would consider renounc- ing the American commitment lo d~end Taiwan. Jefferson had their number 175 years ago. Al the end of his first term, be wrote the most effective guardian of truth was freedom of • the press. "It is, therefore, the,· first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their ac· tions." ·the North Korean dic- tator, who has OF LATE, the Nixonites have been treating news as govern· ment property. Literally. The cops are called in; the leaker of the e mbarrassing truth i s purs ued as a criminal; the newsm an who reports it is cast as the receiver of stolen goods. -SIMILARLY, the "Chinese can offer a cert~in g.uarantee of stability in Southeast Asia and especially in Vie tnam, where they regard it to be in their in· terest to preve nt a wholesale takeover by the North Viet- namese. · The Chinese say that they can- not fulfill that condition, since the Taiwan question is an in- terna l matter in which the United States has no right to interfere. · But they s ubtly indicate that they. are prepared to accept"a formula that s pells out the same terms in Take the Federal Reserve Board. This agency plays a cen· tral role in our daily lives-tum· ing our credit off and on, raising or lowering the interest rates we pay, inflating our currency at will, bailing out mismanaged banks -all with the public's funds and authority. Yet the in· side details of its operations are kept as hidden from us as though the Fed were localed in the Kremlin. Not Jong ago, a Fed employe showed Con s um er Reports magazi.Jfe a li'Sl, compiled by the Fed, of comparative interest rates charged to consumers by the nation's barlks. A persever· ing person could get the sartie in· formation by calling on each bank. Having it published, however, is easier on consumers and harde r on overcharging banks. Well, the thought of a public document reaching the public drove Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur Burns into a dudgeon. Testy Arthur called in the FBI to bunt down the traf· ficlcers in bis interest rate list. JUDGES and prosecutors in a dozen states are harassing r e- porters who break crime and cor· ruption stories. Subpoenaed and dragged before grand 1·uries, they must either revea their sources or face jail sentences for contempt. T~ey consistently choose jail. For they know that once reporters begin betraying sources, the sources will cease to come forward, and invesitg"aUve reporting will die out. Who will lose lf these attacks continue? Not so much the re· porters as the citiuna at large. Actually. Uf e would be tnfinJtely easier for the rePorten if, ln· stead of dig1ln1 tor the news that the sovernment coven up, they merely publish the offidaJ re· leases. It's the dllum •bo JOH. Nixonism it robbllli them o1 their riaht to know what their government is doing. Sen. Lowell Welcker. R·Corul., ntd it ln a nutshell: "With minor exceptJonl, retearch stlOWI that every major scandal in publfc of. nee over lbe pasl 20 yell{'S was uncovered by the preu • • • 'The free now of news . • • 11 the beat 1uarantee that IJObod)' 1tealt America." \ been hinting that he would, like the North Vietnamese, r.eunify the entire country under his aegis. But in this j nstance as well , THE CHINESE have indicat· they want to ~e reassured that ed, both to Kim and to the United . they can achieve a tighter bond States, that they have no inten· with the United States, which lion of encouraging another war would work ta1:itl.,y with them in in Korea. But they are likely lo denying inroads into the region lo stick with this position only as the Russians. long a s they believe that their When President Ford visits bond with the United Stales is Peking, therefore; what can he durable. hold out to the Chinese that will The altitude of China also is lead them to believe that their re- s ignific ant in the crucial tie lationship with the United States between.. the U~ted Statet ~ is moving ahead? · Japan .. For the JaJ>ilnese, 'flCh<>: ., ., The big issue that separ ates are going lo ~~come ihcreasqig~y the United . States and. Peking is reliant on Chma fe>r trade and 011, the question of Taiwan, the may tend lo draw ;tway Cfi)m the' island stronghold of the Chinese United States if they ·pei:ceive Nationalists. esoteric language. · 1f my information is accurate, Pl'esident Ford plans to go to China in December. So Secretary of State Kissinger has between now and then to work out a satisfactory formula . . If such a formula cannot be in-· vented, Mr. FQ.l:IWnay have to be content m erely to see the Great. Wall -which, incidentally, he has already seen. But an excursion of that kind may not be enough to keep alive the new equilibrium in Asia~ which could be tilted unless the United Slates and China move from their present flirtation lo :.i more solid bond. Profits in Art Misdirected A man I kno w bought a painting for $2,500, and a dozen years later sold it for ~.000. There are two things wrong with this. In the first, and most im· portant, place, the painter should receive a royalty, or a percentage of the profits, each time a work of his change s .hands at a higher price. The only peo- ple who make money out of art are the already-rich collec· tors, who use it as a trading com- modity. . . Secondly, the government tax. that is paid on the profit ol such sales should be earmarked for the arts, and put into a fund Cor subsidizing other painters, com· posets, acting companies, and so forth. IT IS an ancl~nt cllche that the (SYDNEY HARRIS) arts cannot pay for themselves. But they can, if a llowed to; for genuine works of art are about the only things in the world that inevitably appreciate with lime. In depressions and monetary crises. rare paintings, precious manuscripts, and objets d 'art become the moat valuable possessions in any estate. The arts are not permitted to pay for lhemselve$, because none of this appreciation is r e· turned to the sources from which they sprang. ~gents take a bite, collectors reap huge rewards, the government dig& ita claws in· to the fat, and there ii liUJe Jeft over for the creator , much less for the state of the( art itself. High artistic cr~aUon is unique among all human enterprise in that th~longcr It persists, the more it becomes worth. Shakespeare sold his plays to managers for p erhaps ~100 apiece; tod11y a n o rtginol manuscript -nay. even one paee -or a Shalcespearean play would be absolutely priceless. You could name your own figure. OF COURSE the art.I could pay !for themHlves, and JDOl"'C, 1r this st eady appreciation were transl a led into royalti• raked olf the &.op and built lnto a naUonaJ fund tor encouraitn1 artistic en· deavor. The art.I •hould not have to bea ror overnment gubli.dy or priv.te phllanlhropy, when they produce, over lhcdecad • tens of millions of dollar of taoiJble, wealth where nolhlna existed before. Ironically, the arts are state'.. subsidized in countlies s uch as Russia, where little worth creat· ing is permitted by the govern· ment , and wher e, due t o repression and censorship, scarcely any art worthy of im· mortality has been produced in the ha lf-century s ince the Revolution. But in countries suc h as ours, where expression in the arts is uninhibited, we have made a commercial carnival out of it, ac· tually penalizing anyone who is foolish enough to lry to make a ~rious career in the field, and rewa rding only the agents, lawyers, functi onari es and bureaucrats who collect the lax· ' es. Something's rotten, and it isn't in the state of Denmark. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Wud. Publl1hn Thoma• Ktevll, l!:dllor Borboro Kr~bich, Editorlot Pogt Editor The editorial paac of the Dally Pilot auks to inform and stimulate readers by prtffntln1 on this pa1e dlvtrse commentary on topics ot lnttrest by syndicat- fd columnlsU and cartoonlsta by providlnt a Corum for readers' vtfwa end by presenUna this newspaper·• opinlon1 4'nd Ideas on t'urrtnt toplc1 The edllorial Qplnlona oftht 011Jy Pilot appear only In the ectltori•I column at tho lop ol the page. Oplnlona ox. pressed by the columntJu and cartoonlsla and letter Writera are their own and no endorsement o1 their views by the Daily Piiot should w Inferred. Tuesday, June 24. 1975 ~-.....------------~ ', Po'fftfcal Noi.es ·HoW Are ¥011r BJ 0 .C. HUSTINGS • Of .. D9,~,. ........ Here's how your legl1lator1 have been voting in Sacramento: BUDGET: Both of Orange County's \ ~enators, James Whet. more CR-Buena Park) ?nd Dennis Carpenter (ft-Newport Beach) v~ ed to accept the legislative conference report on the proposed Sll.6 billion state budget tor flscal 1975-76. · The measure, SB 199 by Sen . Anthony :Seilenson (D·Beverly Hills), passed the Senate 32·5. It is the same bill Jater held up In the As· sembly when five dissi· ~ent Democrats refused to vote. Assemblyman Richard Robinson CD· Santa Ana) was one of the five. Assemblyman Paul Carpenter CD-Garden vrove) voted for the budget bill. All of Orange County's Republican as - semblymen -Robert Badham of Newport Beach, John Briggs of fullert~n._ ftobert J)urke Deatlu Elsewlwre r. •• J • . ol HunUniton Beach lllnd Bruce Nestaode of Anaheim -voted a1atnat the meas\ll'e. *** BANK AND CORP. TAXES: A proposed eGn· atttutlonal amendment to require a maJorit)' vote instead of a two- t b Ir d 1 vote for the Le1ialature to pus biUa railing taxes oD bank.I, corporation• and ID· 1urance companies bu won approval in tbe /ta· sembly, with Oranae County Democrat. Paul Carpenter 8.!ld Rl~.bard Republlcaa 'Neatande, Robinson voting for at. voted for It All of Orange County's R e p u b 11 c a n A a . GOP assemblymen vot-semblymen Badham, ed .against the proposal, Brigp, aad Barke voted which, if approved by the qainat the meaau.re. Senate, will go before , * • * . voters in a statewide llALPllACl'ICE: By a election. $7 .. vote, Ute ~uembly * * * approved a m.-..rac:Uee HOUSING: AB lx blllthatwouldputllmlta would create a state on lawyers' (ee•, live Housing Finance Agency laymen a majority GD the to make constructlo~ board of medical ex· loans for housing. It was aminera and increase sent to the governor on a state scrutiny of ln- 68·9 vote by the As· surance companies~ It ls sembly. ABl of the second 1pedal Democrats Carpen~ session. Its author la M- and Robinson, along with 1emblyman Barry Amherst Grad MaPk Iglesias., 1200 ·Pembroke Lane, Newport Beach; bas graduated from Amhent Oakmont High School in Anaheim .. '!!!!d!y.June2A, 1975 l'...e(b-D&reka). Ora•1• County Demoerate Carpenter Md......._backedtbe ........ lo * Oranc• •couaty llepubUcan1 Brtaa aad Burke. But Ora•s• County a.pablican Ne1tande op. .P9Md. Newport Jleadl'a BaAam dlclo't vote. ••• l'llOG: The ANembly Ml 9'Ne4 to JesialaUon tlalt •oald •tabliah • .. .....,, .. •mot •leDCY in tbe 1ls·couat1 South c.o.M Air Basba. Tbe bill by AAemblyman Jerry l,.ewil (R·Hlgbland) palled 52.17. Democrat Carpenter ol Garden Grove was the .i1 Or,nae County as-semblyman supporting tbe m,euure. DemocrJt Robinson voted aeainat it, as di.d Orange County Republicans Badham, Bri-e11 and Burke. Republican Nestande missed the vote. ••• CONSVMEaS: The Senate baa passed 21-4. PUBLIC NOTICE .......,. IUN••C:OU•TOl'n.t STAH Ofl CAu ..... IA ...,_ nta COUtfTY Oft MMMe ......... llOT1C8 OI' MU•t ... 0, .. affTIOM .... ,._.T8 Ofl WI'-" AMO flOtt t..ITTil .. T .. TAMe•TA•Y l1lele ef OOH S. 0010, .1• .. and •ent to the AIHmbly ~ II H ........ OIVIN '* SB ··~ wbleh wouJd re-l.J. HeW'IH, ''·Ml .... ....-.a,.,11. IUlllOft lelenel Mwporl lleedt 6M-6070 quire all commod.lllea =:_..'"':;'9,:.::C:-.·~ told ln Crocery stores _."' twt1wr ,..,..1",1w,, llld ... , P\JBUC N011CE PUBUC NO'ftCE with automated cheek· :::.i-=.-::•J:;-:.'~':s~:= su,.,.,O::'JnonMI · ;~.~ .. ~~~!;~. OU t • y. t em I t 0 be a.m •• "' .. <*H'I-of 0.'*"'"'nt ITAT• OP CA&,lf'C)•NIA lllO• _... Ho. :a .. Hid '°""'· ··1 7tO CM< atamped With the retail .... lehe&ctc.aurt, et 100 Clv\c °"*' TMeCOUMTYOffO•A...-c:emtr Orlw W.11, lft Ille CllyeUeftl.e _. O C t , Oriw Wini, '" the '1ty of S#lla Ana, Me. A,..... Me, (.ellfefftle. P~·C•. ranae oun y s c..lltwftle. NOTIC• OP ""•••NO OP Oeted.NM10,lt1S Senator James Whet· ~J-'1,tt7S. NTITtoN N• ... OMH Ol'WILL . WILLIAMa .SUOttM, WU.1,fAMe.suo""· ANO(•TT•HTHTAMelffdY Gtunt'tO.rk more CR-Buena Patk) ~yeter11 111tat• ., CHARLES "· eROWN, ICKANo..axweu.& Svoted at1ala1tDtbe bill. :r.::.~:_,...,r.> o.c....-. . DOVe4 &ao ......... ._ en. 0 r en n l ..... ~--••--'....... HOTICI! IS HERl!BY GIVEN.,_ 11te.c:.w.-MM. • ----. /IN •A ONO eitOWN r.a$ filed ...... a ._.. ...... c:.ltf, tne1 Carpenter (ft.Newport P::'111•u.Ct1M.tuet · 01tt11eftterf"nlMtaofW11t•NS••n..et· .......,._:,,........, Be b) l _ _...th _._ ........ ilr. .-.u.a1 II tin T~. ref.,ef1Ce•wtl6ch ......... 0rMte C.O.st ~ PllOt. ac m ·~ e VVM:'. "'*'"'" ~ ..... (OHi Oelty Pl .. h """' ,., fvt111er .-1kwlarl. and ,,._ .... u, ..... ""'' 1, lt1S ~7S And the Senate defeat-JuM!4,ts,eNSJ111y 1 ~1s "*""' tim. Md 111.u of '-'lfto.,. ed on a lS·lt ballot. SB 775, which would have permitted opticians to of· · fer services and pro- duct. at a discount. It allO would have allowed them to advertise the furnis hing of .. n op· tometrist's services. Wbetmore voted for it. Carpenter voted against it. ••• ENVIRONMENT: 'lbe Senate rejected on a 21-4 vote Governor Brown's plan to create a new environmental pro- tection agency. Both Carpenter and Whet· more voted with the ma· jority. THINGS ARE BETTER . . AT ••. WESTCLIFF PLAZA I 7 .. & llVIME AVE.-fM MIWPOIT IUCH SAN DIEGO CAP) - Funeral services for Roscoe E. "Pappy" Hazard, contractor and . pioneer Californian who died Frid ay at 94, were h e ld her e today . Hazard's firm built much of the San Diego Freeway network. NEWMAN CAP ) Franklin A. Patchett, who claimed he built the first school bus in the United States, died Sun· day. Patchett, 95, de· veloped a .wood e n P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS eUSINES5 NAMI! STATEMENT TM followl119 person Is doil'IO bl.Isl· MSSas: M L C CONCEPTS, 60I JMh St., Newtior1 8ee<h, CA. '266> . Ml<hael L.IWrttllCe Cwglle, 60l 3Mh St .. Newpot1 Beach, CA. '2663 This business Is <011du<led by M If!. dlvlmia1. Michael L. C.rgile First at Bullock's. Gabardine Levi's® in Dacron: uAmerica's first polyester" This statement was fltfll with Ille Coullty Clerk of Of'a11ge County on JI.WW 12, 1975. ~S1 PUbllshed Ora11ge Coast Deily Piiot, J.-17,14,anclJuly 1,1, 197S 224>75 passenger compartment PUBLIC NOftCE • with open sides over a 1------------i Model T chassis to carry P~~~"i.~!:~:.':::S about 20 c hildren lo TMto11ow111911er-uredolna1MJ. school during the bitter -.:iu...-a..uaoc.ATeS.•~ Winter of 1913·1914. , 11Nca,,....._, ... d1.CA. ..... JoM Hwrilofl S<lllell'Mr, IM Vlt liNc.e, NewPort .. Kii. CA. fMM C •. T•-le't LAriellet'e, 224 vi. TMACK Ut ltlle<•, NewtlO't 8 .. <11, CA. 92660 CHARLES WIL(IAM THACKER, • Tiiis IMtslMSI 11 'ollClu<le«I tty• ate 71 of Costa Mesa, ca . Pauect -Y teMrel llW1Mrtlllp. • June 22, 197S. Survived by 1\11 wife, Jotwl H. Sdllelmw ROH Thacker; d•uollteo, Nalley Tiiis statemeftt w•s flied wl11'1 Ole ~Ith alld .Betty Wlttl•ms; sister, Couftt'l'ClerltofOrengeCoufttyonJww Mabel Rat1l•ll; flllHll gralldchlldren; It, 1'7S. ....,, 5611. Maurice Elem; dHr friend, Edfta Publlshed Orallge Coau Dally Piiot, TNOt'. C/11pel ,.,.,Ices and llller· rnelll will be Wednesda y at l :OO PM. J11M24,alldJuly 1,1, lS, tt7S 2312-75 Wtstmlnster Memorial P1rk Monuary Mid Cemetery, Wtstml11ster, CA. WHITTAK•llt PUBLIC NOftCE MILDRED MAE WHITTAKER,resl· PICTITIOUSeUSINESS Cltnl ol Hu11t1119to11 BHch. c... pas,,.O NAMI STATIEMaNT lllH'I' June 22, 1'7S. Survived by her TM fOllowlllQ per.-ere dolllO busl· husband, John 8row11; three MSSIS: dtuQhlers, Oorollly 8row11, JQMphlne RETIREMENT INNS LIMITED, JlordMlo aftd Elinor Howe; I-SOM, 2970 HarbOr &Ivel., S~I• 211, 'Cost.I ~119 Brown and Perce 8rOW1; sl11· MeM CA. tUU tMn 9r1nd<hlldren and twenly·flw uwrell<e w. Mlellend, Ge11eral great~rend<hlldrtll. Fun.,al •rv'c:" Parlft.,, 11os Jamal<• Rd., Costa will be lwld Thursday, J wne 26et 10.30 Mew CA..'2U. AM, "-ek Famlly COIOlll•I Funtr•I Thi; bllslllHS Is <ond\Kttd by -.Mmll· HDMe lnW.Umlnsi.r, Ca. tclpat1nenlltp. PUGHE L.1wre11<eW.Mldl1nd LEONA MA E PUGHE of lrvlnt. C.. This st.etefneftt was fli.d with the O.te Of dHlh J1111e 1l, 1'7S. Survlwd by Col#lty Cl•r1t of OrMQe Cou11ly on June twr hUsbefld, Gle11n W. Pull!lw; '°"· 19 1t7S. "-r•ld H•lvenon of Corona, ca.; • ......, GeuQ!lter, Sl\aron M<Nemera of Uls Pullllllltd Or.-ige CoHI Den, Pl tot Alamitos; s.eve11 grand<hlldren; ltlfM JllMt4,andJuly 1,1, tS, lt75 231M-7l brothers, Hugi\ Troll\ of Nor1hrldge, Byron Troth of L.111Casi.r and Elton PUBLIC NOTICE Trot/\ of Ol'fl'llpla, WHllllliJ(Oll; i-s1 .. e.rs, Myra Scnaeps ol LeQun• Hiiis, c.e. ~ Oarlce HarrlSOll of Coral Glt*s, ,l(TITIOUS eUSINESS Florida. Services will be held at 11:00 NAME STATEMENT AM Tllurt.Oay, Pacific View Chapel. Ir>-Tiie fotl-1119 persofts en dolilQ Ml· ferment, P1clflc View Memorial Parfl;, nenH: Newport Beach, Ca . Pacific View I. MANUFACTURER$ FACTORY Mortuery dlre<.tors. In lleu of l'-r\o OUTLETS, Newport memorial rontrlbullons mey be m..1' !. MFO, Newporl, 1804 ~ 1othe Amerl<1n Ca11ur Society. Btvo .. Cosla Mes•, CA. 92627 ' HASHE Penny W. Myers, 10 Rue GrlM RODER TA HA SHE, resident of Ou<al, Newport Beacll,CA.91660 CA>sta Mesa, Ce. Date ol death June 22, lllOOre c. Myers, 10 Rue Grall( 197S. Survived by lier 11Usbl11d, William Oucal, Newport Beach. CA. 91660 c. HHlle; son, J1mu w. H•She of Sidney Welner, tO• East Saddle Costa Mew; da119llter, P•ullne M. Slier River Ro•d, Saddle River, New Jerwp of Co$ta Mew; brother, Wllllam E. 010• Holbrook ol NOf'lh Carot111a; lls~rs. Tftls business Is condu<tt<f by • at.e11<ttoay ol Costa Mesa •nd Bonni• oenera1 partner111lp. Miiier of Tenn.; sl• 9ranOclllldre11. lsicloreC. Myers wvlcu will be lleld Wednesc»y 1:00 Tlus statement was filed .tth U. PM, Bell Broadway Cllepel. Offklant, County Clerk ol Ort119e Cownty Oii Ma't Brue:• K1Krle. l11terment, HerllO+" Rest 2'1, 197~ Memorlel Park. Dell 8rotdwo F.att Mol'111¥Y dire< ton. PllbllShed Orange Coast O•llY Pll04. ::::=========::;1June3, 10, 17,24, lt7S 1•7S tALn.HRGHOH RIHUALHOMI Co<ona del Mar 873·9-450 Costa Mesa 646·2424 llUHOADWAY MORfUAU 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa 642·9150 McCOIMICI MOITUAIY Laguna Beach '494-9415 San Juan Capistrano 495·1778 PACl'1C VllW MIMOllAL PAH Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3!500 Pacific View Drive Newpe>rt Beech. CallfOf'nla 644-2 700 NH FAMILY Cot.OMIAL PUM•AL HOMI 7801 Bold A~ Wettm1n1ter 893·352& SMITHS' MOITUAU 627 Main St. ,._,.ntlngton Beach 6"6639 PUBLIC NO'ftCE Pl CTITtOUI evat•aa NAMelTAftM8NT Tiie .......... ~rMft·-........... iw:~~I! INOUIHIES, YU W. 11'11 M., Wtl ,..,, CM .. .,. .. , OIMMnM -: ... ,_II,.,.,.,...., a~· C.11*'11tle11, 111 w. tNI '4 .. ,.. p.1, CMta Meta, CAlllt.nli• ftlt1. Thi• ""'"""' ,, 'eNlue'".,. -· 1'°"M.sr1•wo•.c _,lltOPl•TIH G«•l.Ot•.,,..,......,. Thi• ..... ,,.,., _.. tr9" _.. Qlwnly Cletk of Of ..... CMIMY• 11, ms. Pub411MCI Ounge COHI Deity P'I JU1111'4.e11C1J111., 1,1, 1!, 1•1• un.1 ,· Cla5sics with the new comfort stretch that really count from Levi's~ for Me. Easy jacket with front placket, back yoke, two pockets and a tie belt. Pants witti w•b..nd ~ing and ~ip !root. In texturized, wrinkfe ~esistant, Dacron* polyester you can machine • wash and dry. Hues of rust, navy, powder blue, sandalwood. Jacket: S,M,L, '35 Pants: 6·16, 818 Put together with a shirt of polyester ~pd co~ton in a tiny floral and fauna print. Sandalwoo<l. Sizes 8-16, 814 Town and Travel Country Clothes *Du Pont registered tndemark Shop Sunday, 12:00 noon till 5 p.m. Bullock's South Coast Plaza, San Diego Freeway at Bri~. Costa Mesa, Phooe ''6-0611 •• • . .. , • tl 1$ DAI~ Y PILOT TU!!d!y,June 24, 1178 • 'B11sby's Girls' to Meet, There' II be a lot of old times to talk over Friday ni~hl when the girU. ai!t?l together at Sebastian's West Dinn~r Playhouse. The "girls" are all quite matul'e now, but that "as how they were known when they all performed for Busby Berke ley, the master choreographer of the late Twenties and early Thirties. About 20 of them will be at the San Clemente dinner theater Friday for a special performance of "No, No. Nanette" which features another member of the Berkeley ulumnae, Mae Madison. .. J won 'l say how many years it's been since I danced professionally," Miss Madison remarks. ' Let 's Jus t say one of my last moUo~ pictures was 'Gold Diggers of 1935. •" OF HER DAYS in the Berkeley fold, she re- rails ... Buzz was the very best in the business. Those musical production numbers he invented were super s pectacular. For the more complicated one!> \.\ e rehearsed for a month, and then took six \H.~eks to get tl on film." Miss Madison, who has Jong since retired from show businc:ss and settled down in Costa Mesa, was coaxed back onto the stage by Ernie Verre, presi· dent of Sebastian's West, who convinced her she . was the only person who could do the Ruby Keeler role 10 "Nanelte." Among those who agreed was Ruby Keele~ •-IMmeMll- SHAM'°° ~ P\llt e &AC& MIC-- WT DnAIL • The lerrif ying motion picture from the. lfrrifying No. 1 best ~r. MWS i·-~·~ ~"l~J • ::!•'-:t ·-.. t :· •. , ·-,•,::': .. ·· ', _\:f:\:" ~.., )~ : .. :: :·.:~-·;:-.: ~ ...... :v: :~ ,·', .. "tj~ ... :. ::•, -.. ·: ... ,, : \. ·;.:.; .· . .. •, . : .. ·,· ()pef\Motl lflN Fri. 9:30 p tn.. s.v&in/hol 17:30 Mon. thn.I Fr. lo 7 pm -II 25 THE CITY SHOf'PING CENTRE ORANGE •532-6721 "'-'CITY CENTRE: CINEMA~ ... S.A. FAWY (MANC HHTER EX.I G.G. FAWY (CITY DA. EX.I . "TI41 u. .. THAT T1MI FOi.OT" ,,.., ~-FACTO&- . .. SUPER YIXIHS" IX) .. "YIXIHS" Ill ~ "SHARK'S TIUSUllE". ~. "WlSTWOILD" IPGI Intermission Tom Titus I herself, who caught the show early in its run and plans to be back for the Berkeley Girls night on Fri· day. The special performance al.lio is open to tho pubUc. * -CALLBOARD -The Irvine Community Theater, which Just closed its 1974-75 season lut weekend, will aet the 1975-76 season off the ground early .•. auditions will be held next Monday for the dramatic thriller, ·"The Bad Seed," which will in· augurate the new season on Aue. 15 .•. a cast or lour women, six men and one very talented girl who can look 8 years old on st.age will be sought at the tryouts at 7:30 p.pl. in the Children's Theater Guild l'ehearsal ball, 1240-M Logan St., Costa Mesa .•• Reddy to Be Hostess LOS .ANGELES CAP) -Singer Helen Reddy takes over as permanent hostess of NBC's Friday. night music fest, "The Midnight Special," start- ing July 18. · The Australian.born recording star was hostess when the show fin1t started on Feb. 3, 1973, and has appeared on five other occasions. '"fhl Midnight Special" follows the "Tonight Show" with rock and other pop music. • --·OODY f' ALLEN 11 DIANE ~KEATON ( I ~WVE i and DEA1H" '."ll11Jthe•.,eno1es leave It lay for thepleaswe .of thoie whose faste It lsei Judi1h Cri1t, N~W ~ORK MAGAZINE 709 E. lal>oa IL•67l-4048 OPEN DAILY ATHOOM Like To Hear More About the TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION TECHNIQUE? Th. land TlrN F...t ., "la ~ ..... -· HlAKotlTtl'lt WEEKE NDER Get• It ALL together Friday• In th• H!lllQ!l•ll As Taught By MAHARISHI MAH ESH YOGI ·FREE Introductory Lecture 8 p.m. HUNTINGTON BIACH . WID-DAY, .IU• 25 MURDY PARK, HALL A, GOLDEN WEST & NORMA NIWPORI BIACH WEDIESDAY fr THmDAY, IUll 25, 26 MARINERS SCHOOLAUDITOIUUM e IRVINE &MARINERS ,or Information Call 135-3777 or 642-4741 . .) LOS ANGELES CAP) -Producers Richard L I D 0 ~·-··'" ...... ' ' t I I \0 -.UWll9 I• .. P-"r .. twtal .ti gou. MCc&.Ull .. ...a 1.1C1 IUHOueMI' Zanuck an d D av l d :-:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-a;1 Brown have been ai,..S11 to another live-year con· traet with Universal Pie· tura while two yea.rs re- mained of their oriain&I five.year d~al. . "LAND THAT TIME FORGOT" Their Zanuclc·Brown Productions h as made such .films as "Th~ Suaarl and Express/ "The Elger Sanction'' and"Jaws." "SPAa ODYSSEY" (PG) IAllAA STlllSAND JAMES CA.AH . "fUHHY UDY" IP'G) "lll'UIHOF THI PNC PA.MTtB• IPGJ "llETUIM OF THE • PINK PANTHll• & 'U MAMS" IPGI "W.W.&THE DIXIE DANCBIMGS'" IPGJ ·"TAU THE MONIY & IUN" INI "REINCARNATION OF PETER PROUD" (R) . "LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE" (PG) ....... UHC'nOM'" llJ ''IUG'" IPGI THE NEW THE TElltfn.C MOTI• PIClllE FIOM TN£ TElllml MO. 1 IEST SEUEJ JAMISCAAH t. "ROUERBAU" W.......,, .W, 2, E1cllinltt ... .,. ... ..,.,.. Hewpwtkecll PAUL HIWMAH ill "THE DROWNING POOL" w.-..y . .-.zs . ..__Twlll ..__ .. Wifto11 . ~ "JAWS0 NOW PLAYING EdwW.C.._ H--....tAdmns ''THE WIMD AHD THE LION .. w ... .., • .-.zs c-..ctt1tw ........... , 644-0760 Hl'SIACX PITH SB.LBS AS IHSNCTOI CLOUS1AU HOWPLAYIHG HUHTIHGTOH CINEMA IUCIUt~t 47-9608 847·60 1 11LEPKE11 ,,., 'THE NOT s~ LOJESiffiY_ OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' CHARLES BRONSON IH BREAKaur 2114 .. "WIS'T"' '"W.W.6 Tiie Dlale O.C .... " 2114 .. "CIHTll". "\AW A llsoum" CIMIMAWEST "'""""""""''°'"" .. "' -Uf ... Cltll• nz.44n £ CIHIMA WEST Wf\f-ftl A160lMOIWlll WUI-UNIV nz.4493 JACIC NICHOLSON • MARIA SCHNllDH "The ... ~· STOL CIHlMA mlfout ... c,,.,_ IO.C41611 ......... ..... 40-7444 Pt.US IUIT llYMOl.DS 11W. W.". Bargairi aQ I0 2:30 Senior Citizens 1. 50 at all time SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES SAN DIEGO FWY. AT BRISTOL "FLOSSIE11 IXJ SO.COAST PWAI Mo OtteU....llA~ 1 & t:H-W,_ l:JM:H·1:1~1t:lt "TOISO" l :JI s.tts-l:\J.1:4 ...... FREE PARKING SO.COAST PLAZA I CllEMAID Tiii& :A ''THE EIGER SANCTION" 8:40 • SAT./SUN. • 4:30-8:40 ''LEPKE•' 6:45·10:45 SAT./SUN. 2:45-6:45-10:45 Woody..._ .. LOVE AHD DIATH" IP'GI 6:45-1: I S.9:45 Sat /S.• 2: I S.1:45-5: IS 6:45-1: I S.t:45 F PARKING Jwstf MS. .. ~ "Mrmmtm" 7-9: 15 Sat ;s.-z:l M :4S.7:00.9: 15 11FUNNY LADY11 WMl111day, .hM 25 MtwportCiMma Mtwport leach ~Hec-.itl "FRENCH CONNEOION II'' w.......,,.-.2s lri..._.c-.. ._.,..,.tMecA...., c:~rn~wecas• SIMSUllOUHD "EARTHQUAKE" w~.J..25 c-..wttt We I I t11-4GeWttiW..i OHY CURTIS UPKE' Jeck Hicllob .. eM w.,.,...k.tty ill ••FORTUNE" w....,,Jttly Z H.-.Twlll H.tlot .tA6-s WALT DISNEY 'S "BAMBI'• W.-..Y,JwM25 c-..c ...... H..w•A4-s 644-0760 AUO Ml MS '"°W 1unu.-..nH1111 .oft 7:Jt ......... WffTllOOC C-AI w.--•• -tJMOI J'D Clinics · Orotvtled By.Liberated Women • 4 • ... ANYONE ilHSTID IY OFACIK AJlDlt,4,.IU VHS 0. TMI ~'ION llACM PO&ICi • ..-J, '4>1 IMT•flll... WITM AM OMCll .. lHI COtt9UCT Of' 'MS Ml' P\IAll COtfTACTI J.. U • -DI-U M .NEED HELP? • Coll ALCOHOL HELPLINE • • •• • • #o • Cyclists Ruin Art Treasure ·HYPNOSIS Lear~ To Co1itrol Your Habits Lose Wei'ght • Stop Smoking • Relieve Insomnia • Gain Self-Confidence • Relieve T ens ion .• Improve your Memory and Concentration . I July Self Hypnosis Oasses Now Being formed . I TU!!day.June24, 1975 DAIL V PILOT A I It Is not a simple task for a patient to reoch and maintain "lean weight" for life. First the patient must have on honest desire to cure his • problem: .. then accept professional guidance from trained Medical Doctors. • llndora's unique 10-week treatment and training program will teach patients how to reach and maintain their "lean weight" for Ille. A safe and practical plan, with proper nuttitionol d iet. and continual emotional support. New audio and sub·liminal visual aids are used to motivate the patient. The entire program is under the strict supervision of Medical Doctors. special- ists In Borlatrlc Medicine. l 1ndofo 01nlC$ oie owned ond odmin1srered t>v Mechcol Doctots tho! resmct their practice lo Banotrics. ,A.U. 01nic Petsomel Ofe licensed bV the Store of Co11iomio. Coll for information Monday thru Fr1doy 8 A.M. to 6 P. M. Lindora~ MEDICAL CLINIC NEWPORT BEACH 645-3740 COSTA MESA 557.-1893 Pace Professional Meso Verde Bldg. Professional Bldg. Son Bemordlno • E. long Beach • Mi$Slon Hills Howthome • Orange • Newport Beach Gorden Gfove • Long Beach • Pasadena Nabers Cadillac is having its June Sale. 835-3830 San Cle m e nte Hypno sis Center Lo Hobfo •Woodland Hills • Sherman Ooks West Covino· Fullerton• Riverside· Santa Monica Cosio Mesa • Pomona • Cenitos • Hollywood 24 hours a dcry- + LCOHOLISM CO UNCI OF ORANGE COUNTY 655 Camino De Los Mares, ..;: Suite 126 • Mrtltol Pl~u Arr.,., SL from SIU> Clt'nwntt' G~ral tlO<SplUll Wells Fargo rewards seri6us savers: 53 interest, plus no checking charge with a $2,000 passbook savings balance . · Anybody who's able to maintain a passl:x>Ok savings balance of two thousand dollars or more these days deserves a reward. And that's exactly what we're offering. The Wells Fargo Reward. Sign up and you save two ways. As a serious saver with an average balance of $2,000 in your Wells Fargo 53 passbook savings account, you can sign up for the Wells Fargo Reward: a checking account'with no monthly service charge and no minimum checking account balance required . Safe Deposit Box, Personalized Checks. · You'll also receive a free safe deposit box -$6 value. Availability may vary from office to office. Plus unlimited personalized checks at no charge. The conveniena!.of one-stop banking .. You'll also enjoy the convenience of handling your savings and checking with a single bank that has over 300 offices throughout California. At Wells Fargo, you can easily transfer money between checking and savings and even have your quarterly savings interest conveniently deposited to your checking account. Added reward: 53 interest on passbook savings. Sinc.e Wells Fargo is the only one of California's five largest banks paying five per cent interest on passbook savings, you get the added reward of maximum bank interest on your savings. , The Wells Fargo Reward. If you've earned it, you can claim it now at Wells Fargo Bank. Come in and sign up today. coata Mesa Office: 450 East 17th St., 92627; Fo~ntaln Valley Offle-e: 16025 Brookhurst St., 92708 - P HONE 493-3332. J ACK ANDERSON REVEALS In the DAILY PILOT t • • <\f '• ··=· -__ .,_ .... Tiwes4ari119 SysteHU Data Seminar At Sheraton ' An all day no·ch.arge educational seminar on romputer data communications and timesharing tor business will be held in the Bra&ilia Room of the Sheraton llotel in Newport Beach Wednesday, from 8:30a.m . tosp.m. THE SEMINAR speakers will describe timesharioe data communication services and equipment. Topics in the morning will include modems, acoustjc couplers, leased und dial up lines, multiplexors, message switching, and data concentration. A s pecial .tutorial session on timesharing systems covering rentaJ, lease, purchase, software, and decision factors will be presented by Basic Timesharing, Inc. or Sunnyvale, California . Basic Times haring, Inc. is a manufacturer or interactive timesharing systems ror business. The company's computer ap.plica tions includ e automatic ticketing, escrow process ing , manurac. luring inventory , dealer inventory, and accounting and payroll. INFORMATION ON the seminar is available • from Bob Melsheimer ot Moxon Electronics at 556-6500. NOILEMS wlltl MAMAGEMEHT 1HfORMATIOH7 Ace I ..... F--.kll o.t.Pr-.cllMiM S1s*-.,,.._.._..-..-... t.Mot.U. = I ••MC°"''...-s JI .....U.-CI .. 9'1M4DS Glenn D. Hargis c~, • ..,. IH .._..,. l.a-d Dri•it tkw,...n 9-cll. CA '2660 17141671-5156--.---7JIMC..171411,l-27J5 Let me be your (}ir/ '2-riJa'I 1·ooay and c\'l•ry day Experl Sccrctar} l.t-ltcr.'i •• llcsu1nl·s Re1K1rts .•. Notary Copy Sc r\'icc 17160rangeAve. Costa Mesa. Cali!. 646-5727 55,000 . for only 5t2t.59 a month. S&L Goi119 Vp American Savings and Loan Association has begun construction of its regional office building in Huntington Beach, locat'ed at the corner of Edinger Avenue and Parkside Lane. The two-story, 17,200 square foot building is valtied at $1.5 million. Designed by Robert Borders and built by Ernest W. Hahn, Inc., the building is expected to be completed in mid-December. GM's Murphy Assails ' Government Controls Special to the Dally Pilot ANAHEIM -Proposals for na- tional economic planning carry an im· plit'alion or inevitable regimentation that would "strike directly at the very foundation of free enterprise," chairman Thomas A. Murphy or General Motors declared Monday. This type of economic planning is rooted in a distant democracy, he said, and "in a reluctance toleavede· cision-making in the hands of the peo· pie. in an unwillingness to let the public choose in a free market the kinds or products it wants and needs.'' SPEAKING AT a luncheon at ttic 56th annual International Convention of the National Association or Accoun- tants at the Convention Center, f'l.1urphy told or the growing threat to business and the free-ente rprise system posed bY "the unrelenting in- crease of government control and re- gulation." He noted that the accounting pro- fession has felt the pressure ol gov· e rnmental intrusion, with many long-standing accounting principles and practices coming wider question. ''Impatient agencies of government are unleashing a nood of arbitrary and ill-considered proposals for new regulations and new methods or tin an· cial reporting.'' he said. "NONE OF THE proposals will add much to the public's understanding or the status or their investments. All of them, however, would seem to add more cost , and some -like those that would make proprietary and internal information available to competitors -would damage rree competition. Passbook Savings Hit 5o/c From Wire Services Bank of America, the largest savings institu- tion in Calitornia and the nation, has announced. that it is increasing the in- terest paid to passbook savers to S percent an- nuallyeftectiveJuly I . This is an increaseof 1h percent over the present rate. Security Pacific Na· tional, Bank of California, and United California Bank also an· nounced they will pay five percent interest on passbook savings ac- counts starting July l . • R~IJTotal ' Half of Cats Involved Dl!:TROIT (UPI) -The brand now Cadlllac Md Juat rounded a curve at 25 mUee an hour when an air ba( -a device destaned to save lives -~ out of Ute steerinl wheel and exploded ln i.btilrtvu's face. He Wu •lone and was able to brint lhe CJr to a aate atop. But the force ol. the lnllatin& air ba1 Jett bl.m wllh a puffed Up, some scratches and a sur-~ look. Air bacs are supposed to ~ate only in accidents. WJTWN A MONTH of that incident on a sub- urban Dayton, Ohio street, General Mot~ra issued a recall notice tor 2,005 or the expenaive 1974· and "191S.model Cadillacs eqwpped with the safety de- 'Vice to make sure it doesn't happen again. Tb~ f,roblem was easily fixed -simply change the routl. n1 of one electrical wire that had caused a short circuit. It's still too early to know how mariy ot the Cadillac owners who paid $225 and $300 tor the safe- ty option will have them repai~ed. It pas.t ex- perience is any indication, most will want to ~ix the detect and not be surprised by accidentally inflat- ing air bags. From 1966 when the Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act wa~ written, through March of this year, domestic and foreign auto makers have recalled 47,734,828 cars, trucks, buses, camper~., trailers and other assorted wheeled vehicles. That s about halt the cars sold in the nine-year period. ONLY A SMALL NUMBER ot the recalled vehicles actually had sa!et:Y detects and many of those have never even been checked by dealers, much less repaired. 'The number may be a~ high as two-thirds, according to one government report. . In its report to the Senate Commerce Commit- tee, the General Accouhting Office said that in 298 recall campaigns involving more than 19 million vehicles, only 33.8 percent, or about 6.5 million, were even brought into dealerships tor inspection. "One reason appears to be a lack of tear, like 'It can't happen to me.' on the part of car owners," one industry otticial explained. "They don't feel the danger is great enough to bother taking the extra time to have their cars checked.'' ~ Another reason may be the law itself. I auto companies don 'l agree they have safety-relat de- fects, they won't pay to repair the problem or even notity owners. THE GOVERNMENT HAS gone to couit several times trying to force a company. mainly GM, to notify owners of what it considered safety- related defects. But even if the government did win in court, the most that would hp.ppen is the noti fica- tion letter, not a recall. W helher you need $5,CXX> or $10,(()() get it from lhe peo ple who lend millions. Commercial Credir. Mon1hly poymenr based on o $5,0CXJ HomeOwner loon, fa( t:l.J months, ot on a nnual percen1oge role of 16%. Total payment $7,295.40. A loon of $5,CXXl and over must be secured by a combinorion o f real and personal property. Pomona S&L Sets June 30 Opening Over The Counter HASDU11"'9s .. '. '. COmrnercial Credit Corporation IC\ HomeOwner l oons ~ • 370 East 17th Street • P hone: 6~5-8700 (:ndlt Life lnliu.rau~e. Avail Ible to 'El\r;cib1~ Bor...-.i al Croup JbifM Pomona First Federal Savings and Loan As - sociation will open its newest branch office in Irvine June 30. an· nounced Willi am F. Montgomery, pres i - dent. The lrvine office i6 the association's 16th branch in Southern CaliJomia, Nabers Cadillac: South Coast headquarters for Seville SALES ar<i LEASING and its second in Orange County. Since 1972, PFF has maintai'lled a· branch office in Yorba Lind a. A two-week open house will celebrate the Irvine opening, located in the Park View Shopping Center al University J)rive and Michelson. The office will be open from 9 t o 4, Monday through and from 9 to 5:30on Fridays. · The new tacilily will be managed by Marion Hamm , an assis(ant secretary or PFI-~ and a tormer as·sista nt manager of the head of- fice in Pomona. PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME S,ATEMENT TM following peri.on IS Going ~;. M'los••: ELVSTROM -USA , 7lB FD•Mt A.,.,., Ugun• Beach. CA 9l~Sl P1.tr Fr1g1 s 1 Lar sen, l! Aval\pari<ut>l>, CGPenhal)en, Oetl<narO.. ~==========='-·! Ttu• bu•iness 1s CDn<lucted b,. ao 1n--"'"'"""'· 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540·9100 Per Frigast La""" This ••a1ement was !ned W>1h tho; Court\,. Cieri< 01 Or•n9e CDuf\1y Of1 Moy -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 129, 1915" : Al.291 Publl•hHI Qr~nge CD"'' Daily PlfD\, HOW TO REDUCE YOUR INCOME TAX LEGALLY! If you are nol pres1:nll~· covered by a pension or retirement fund where you "'ork,you 1:1111 nn\V save up to15'• of your annual earned Income (or 51.500. \vl1l!:l1ever is less) in a Mutual S0vini.;s Individual Jletiren1cnl Accou11! (IHJ\).f rcc of FcdcrAI Income I~ until you n :lire.Jnh:rcst ean1c<l on your n:lirc1nE!lll plan is also tax-deferred. 'fhis plun is f!ilSY lo undf!rsland.du1:s uol requiro n lot or money, is fully insuruU.11nd t:.111 he adju!.111'1to1neel individual needs. "\'ou \Vill s:tvl? n1on: n1onf!\' ... i!;irn n1uru i11l1!n:sl. .. ta!..c no risk ... pny 1r~ss tax \vl1h ,; t-.lulu;d Su\'ings !HA 1.1ccount. .. If ynu arn self-tJmployr.d.)1t111 :1r1~ •:lii.:L!Jlu rur a11 llR·lO ar.cot:inl (Keogh Plnn),and c:111 suve up lo J ~,~.(urS7.aOO.\\·hic:hevcr is less) from your 11el can1in~s 1~11ch y1~ar. f rt!t~ of Fmlcral income lax until !JOU relil\-!.lnlf:n.~sl +?am1~l 011 thi s rt~lirc111e11I plun Is Riso true-deferred. Slart \'our retin!1n1!ul plnn loch1yl For full deta!l ~.r.u11lacl any Mutual Savin1-:soffi r:e. ~ r . ' ~ ' iii THC BIG M MUTUAL SAVINGS ----Clpilarnt·SstOemente &10 CAmtf10 de Eilrella/493-5651 """"'"" .... ~I Eas1 c..;n.t ~/615·5(110 --17942 M~ Stree!/i.33·8300 ....... 71t1& No11'1~/547-97•1 ~unel, 10, 11. l•. 19/S ~JS P UBLIC /\:OTICF. • •1•0• NOTICI: TOCREDl,ORS SUPllUOll COU llT OF THE STATt: O• CALIFOA Nt.I. F'OR T~•COUNTYOFORANGE NO. A·IMGJ Etllll of LLOYD NARANJO, Oec••-· NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN to I ... creollors of 1111 ,_.,. n1m..o ,..edef\1 "'81111119rwn11111~1119 ciaimi -inst ,.,. Yid CIKl'denl ••• rf'Qulrt'd to li!e nwm, with !hi Mces...-y vou<her<;, ln I,.. ofti(.e OI Ult Cllr-OI IM -..... lllleclc-t, or ID pr1wnt ll1•m. w;u. the IW(. .. ..,-y wuchers, to Ille unae. ~!!lf'le(I at the ol'Hce ol P1111 H . W1tytf, •30fl PKlllC 81...,., Sull• No, l02, H...,ting!Dn Plrll, GllltDrnl1 totS5, whldl is the P'Ktl ol tw.lliln111 of I~ un<Mni<,lned !n •II m1tter1 pel"\1lnln9 ID IM H Ule ol said dKedeflt, wUhln tour monlns alter -first puDtlc1llo11 ol \Iii• notk•. Dllled~Y 2, 1•1s FIOEl ll. NARANJO E•1t u10< of tlleWhl of \/14 aDOwe n•med aec.oent l'.1.ULN.WllY't: loM l'Klll< etM., NI. JOl ~ ...... 1'1trll., Gllil•rnlil ......,...,.,..,,••cu11r • PllDllUlld O••n..,. Co1tsl Dallr Pilol, JUMlll, 11, 2•.•flCI Jutr I, 1•1S 21'1·1S • PUBLIC NOTICE SUl"•lllOA COUllT OF CALlf'OANlll COUNTY O• OR.ANGii CAS• NUMSl!AA• ..... OAOEA TO•HOWCAU•t: FOR CHANGf. 01" NAMI! In the M4U1r ol tr.t AppllcMlon Of ADELE M.ARCETTE. RUBINSTEIN For0'1"91of N•""· AOElE MAACIETTE RUBINS,EIN , •kl AOELE MAACIETTE 8ERl(E "'' lli..d 1 peti. lloll If! U111 covrt for 1n 0toer lllowi"ll petltl«MI' toC1•11191 hlilhlr _ , ...... AOELf. MAACETTE A.UltNSTEINlo ADl!t..ll!MARCETTE 8ERKE. II I• flerebl' onMrld 11\.t!I 411 perooru. -rested In • .,. INIU•• 1fo'ftillcl 19- """" IJefOt"e tt>11 c.urt In Ot~nt No. J II 1Clll 0¥1C Cl'flt•r Drlw 'Mil, \lftM An1. Glttfornl1, Oii Jul• 1t, 1t1s. 11 to o'doc:ll. .a.m., •I'll 111.11'1 lfld ,,,..., II.-CIUM. II lfll' tlWy l'lil,..,-,. Mid 119tlllen fol" tMlllQI OI n1f1'1f .,._...not OllOf'a'll..S. II •• fvrt""r onk....:I l~•I • COPJ ol mls•der to .now'"'"' t>e publljo/lecl If! Tfle Otll'I" Coolll 01llr Piiot, • MWSPIPI' 11 .. ,,.,.1 clrcul•UIM', lll•lllrlLtl'lrM In 11'111 <-IY 11 ltlflt -'I• WNll. for I-(Ol'IMCllll ... -•kl p!'!Of to tfttct.¥ ol1111d Maring. Dt"'9J-11, lt/J "'-MUILDA ll:tt:N J\IOOl If "'-$ujNt" lor c-1 NM.l..MILY ........ , ....... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;, ..... ~°''" ; ...,.,. .. .c._ c.ui.nw1.,.... . ' " '. T.t1 f1Ml~•1 ....,,.._fw:fl9Ht,._r f'VblltfM!d Or.,, .. ce.11 0.llf ...... , -"-d.!t,1 .. J111.,1.1J, 1t1• nr.tJ MUTUAL FUNDS / • Enl)ln OFF V>~o .\~ ~-Vo OU 2S.O ~-~'" Oii 11.l l lli-I'> OU U.5 •'"-II) Off 1.5 11'·-11.~ 011 '·" ···-1 °'' 9.5 2'1'>-'·'• Oii 9.1 11""-1•, on 1.t 1 -\oOlfl.• 5'h-.,., °'' l .l ,,,_ '-'• Off 1.0 3 -'" Oii 1.1 J·~-•,:. Off 1.1 a~-~, OU 7.l .. • I • • • • It • • i tbe ~I !:;.••ICed& bu been named brwb mu.,... ol toclaUoia:,s.;~~.~· l'ecleral 8av111p ... Lua .u. ""-She w11 prevl~ br~ maaa,er fw tu auocla· --.'1 Aroaclia oftlee. Mn. DennlCedt waa enrolled lo. tbe ~·· manaae· ment tratnln1 pro1ram la the ftnt, woman to be named amanqer. She and her hu1band Uvem Tuatin. * D~na Polnt resident . Doqlaa F. haa been appointed executive vice pne dent of 8pedra-sutpeor,.nu.., a developer of ribbon cabte lnterconnec. t1oa 1y1tem1. DlllNIHDT * Carol 8oatJa baa been named new buain•• develop:-ment repreaentaUve tor Cauell Qd a.am. Co•••ttlai laterlon, Inc. in Newport Beach. She Uva in Newport Beach. · * Paul J. SJaaplro, formerly director of field marketing for Electronic Memorie5 and Mapetlcs baa JolJJed GeMrai AatomaUoa, Inc. in Anaheim aa naUonai aaleamanager. He resides in Newport Beach. • Dea Volgne has been elected a member of the board of direct.ors of the Orange County Ute Underwriters Aasocla-tion. . . He bas been brokerage manager tor Maawdactaren Ufe luaraace Company in Santa Ana for alx years. Voigne, his wife and three daugh~ers live in Kluion Viejo. * Huntington Beach resident Jack W. 8Wlwell has been appointed vice preai· dent of quality and reliability aasurailce tor Douglas Aircraft Company division· of Mcl>omaell Doa1lu. He bas been director of manuf actur- ing for the DC-10 program for the past seven years. YOIONa • John Mavro• bas been named senior assistant manager. for the new Soutla Coalt Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa, accord- ing to hotel manager Kim Chappell. Mavros was formerly with the siater hotel of the Western InternaUonal Hotels, the Century Plaza in Los Angeles. He lives in Santa Ana with bis wife and two children. · • Burton F. Parker bas been named manager of the new Huntington Beach office of Great Westen SavlD•a alld Lou Alloclatloa which opened this mornlna at 18141 Beach Boulevard . Parker, an 11-year financial ex· ecutive was most recenUy home office manager and director of communica· tions for another savings and. loan as- sociation in Orange County. * Marlon Hamm, asslstant secretary of Pomona Flrat Federal Sa.ta .. ud Loan Aasoclatloa, hU' been named branch manager of the asaociatloo'a new lrvlne office which will open 9000. . * Corona del Mar resident Roa aid W. Robrer bas been ap- pointed regional vice president of Glendale Federal Savings and Loan Assoeiatloo. He is branch manager of the firm's Newport Beach of· fice. * Daalel C. Butler bas been promoted to regional con· troll er, southwestern region, for the B•lllleu Ceaten Dlvllloa of Kaller Aetna. The Costa Mesa man was formerly senior audit.or with Arthur Adnersen and Co. • Joan T. Caraey bas been named manager of the escrow department of Wells Fargo Bank's Newport Center office. She waa previously senior escrow officer and mana1er at the bank's Santa Ana ottlce. , .. MARKET HIGHLIGHTS tNYSElndex ASE Index Dow-Jones Ind S&P 500 Stocks INDEXES 49.9' 91.44 864.83 93.62 up up up up 0.55 0.36 9.39 1.01 N._, l'orft JS New YOf'll cu PU -Th•· tiot191111nt 1191, ltlO#I A c.-11 .,e sNI. ws the 1to<U that lllYI Oll~mot} ti MOIT ACT\YI ltoacl and losl ~ "::' ~:: ~otlt ~ H•W VOIUC =VJt -Tiii II ,,.... ~ ~tly. 1.C111 tr 111 ti Ntw "ftf'l( "-' onci perclfl1"' ell$ trt= ~ EK...._ nll1y. Clllf1renc1 betWffn Tiii pre M c M• Olel • ptk• olld tlll current c no '1r •· Erj'" .... ·. ttt.-~ •+ ·~ UNaltl 11 Co ' ... l:O!.SOO iJ ~ 1 Conti M~ 1\1\+ "" !Jp UA . .. .•. ·m·m :. ·~ 2 serldtr A 10\4!+ H'I ~p IU ~ •• It • "" 3 o..c ""' 4 ' + Uil 14H . 11 • • .. , • + 1 ' Am AlrllMs e'A + l ~ I YI lie Jiwr •••• , .. , 1 '-+ e . S TtlffYM a 1Jtht9-l A1n TelU1I •••• 15$,2'1 ~ + li1'lt Ufl Inc \.Ii+ 'Iii! , • ,... ... , Mt1 •••• 'lJ:I 11Vt -: ~'::'~ n~! l~ I.lit ;2J ~r :::::::.~!1, ~ t ~ t Savlr1B ~II •tit+ -OP 1U , •Dll .. • • lat + ~ 10 COl'llll"Oft Br 2~ + Y, U., 11.1 II • • • • • • tlM• V., + l\lo 11 Mtrt M uo le + 14' up 11·• 11•1-on ..... U " 2 + Yt 12 Oll•llln .aoi H lh + Wa I.!!' 1 .$ ~al Min • . • • 1111.IOO Jl'o + ~ 11 p.,., ..... ~ 14'111 + ,..... I.Iii 11•1 Gift T11 •1 . • •.• lot,eoo ~ + ~ M Lah VII l!ICI 1\4+ Yt ~ 11.1 URoJll I ~1,. •:t+ "' UP 10..1-------------;~ ~lwc11 'iv.! 1~ ~ ff:t A•f'rfraH n ~,e:rl~ al~! 2~ u; ',:t 10 Mo•t At-llHt 30 511111«0 -~ + ~ ..., , .. I Olryslef' wt LOH•~"-. \Ii I ~ N•W ~:.!U'-11 -""" to ~· 2 C C I ~.£ lf:-~ I ~ till. Oii A~ -· ~ ~Y .. ;;n 5"'= =t 1 ~ IM •• :. , °I: +°t s i.~:tit C6 ,J."!_-"'"Jr .J Mttull 011 •• •• • .u: ... t .. ; LFl ~;; S\o\-\l'J Off U a· 'tt :::: fl t 16o I TIC:OAYt ._ ~ -" -Off I '1 ._ wts .. •• ._ + ~· t • ·~ .. Off i.-1 ••••••• • tOllMt . 1_.-" Off 1·1 tr •••• , + " ;T~~ .;: 11~ ""°' t.i ~ :::: !!-12! ~ !. : 5 =·ii a~~ l m il C.11 .... • .. ii.111 '"' •..•.• ;: i:~J::.Cath J"=tt ~ tj Maritt-I T,..Mfl ;: =IPMlt I~ t.!~ "' Oft ta NY$1 M.UHT TH"° ,. ArftClll .•• t -\It °" s.• ..... , ,....., " ............. tlO toot "" ................ ,. -"""'" • • . • . . • • • • . • llJ -..................... ,..,, Monday'• Cloalq Prices ~c:Jtr.i~~ ..... F!... .. ~ If 'ff ll!;I§ .~ l =="' .. ·1 • ... ,, uY .it.~1 I & •I·~-'1 .• ·; .J ·== ~ ' ,1 ft .... , ~ ,j I :Ii:~ !:1#.ls I 1" • a" ... lft ,, ' + "' '" . tf a ,J" ... N • t Ml ... ' ,1 i!!u"+ .~ c -· ,,. ' ,, : a ~ ;. :: j ,.a 1\ 1• ~ ' 1, ... Al J $ ,,_ ::: ti 1 •• • "' ~ ._ AUil , t i 10'4-tt All .5' 1 1\ + Al= ."12 S fi~+ ~ Ale. Ui 10 _. 'h+ Yf ~'f-1.t\ 1l ~ te.'~ t::f. :f: f '&I 'cit+~ .~ s ,,\Qi+\(e I. .. 1 +14 Alt! , C22 + AHsnf 3 . .. 26 st'h+ tt M\Allf'I. 1J 111• lW!+ \o'l Nn Alrllnti .. 2'7 114 + t Arn .. • • •• 52 ·~ \It ""Ni I. ti~ Al'n Cl\. t 51 + "" Am .... 7 IC~.~ I I f:IOI 6 1» 31V.-M\9 .. C 2 -A 1.21 6 C 18\11 ••• en I\<\ I ttt 27.._ Mi A I 1 1 c ••. A~ll 11.fl ti 11 2Y~+ • Aml:Nal vi1 . • n $+ ... =11c.-., •o ,ft ~· "" ~ IJ,)4. t 1 11~+"" A ~.JOU S -Mi A ' I~ .. alOO ti I 4 •••• 2t ~+" u: '·~· .,, 17\ta+ ~ AOft ftl. 6 ·• 11!+ \lo A Git Df 1 .. Ct .-+ 14 AmHolst~.7 • 1 .. 1$1/Hlt Nfl Him. 2t tO\t 4"1+ ._ A ~": I "' 3 111 +4 ,.,,. . b '" »*-" ~lft'flltm •• 12 ~ ••• A MHIKI .12 .1 2t "'+ 'A A tolclrD S 1C7 S\.'t ,. , ~m Mof;c .. 1ao Jo-v. Atr1NG~2 1 11 SS~ • u AMS.. II It +VI Amlftf 21 1•• u~ Ii Am,. '' 13 -'MI Am 4'6 .. S 5314 ... Am 1.u u 4SO ,,,._ ''" Am r t.A01 7 12 a\.'J+ Yo Amm.. .. • EIV. AMT .40 10 Int + Yo AmT llf 4 •• 24' ""• 14 Ai'f-'A t... . . U 4J\'t ••• M_TilfU.74 .. ' ~ •.• ..... w1tr .'4 s u '*--y, Amusr .101D s 2 4-YO ••. AMltlll In 1 I 41 18 + 14 AMF 111Uc1• 211 I~\<\ I.MM IC 1 I tc 1--* AM" 111< .17 32 1a1 16 -¥t Ampco .40 ' 2 m1o ... A"'MX CD 6 ts 6 + Yt """" 1°'11 • 12 il\lo-v. Amsi.t .40 2 21 21f\ ••. Ast.,.,, .ts . . 1 .c> -2.\li Amstr p ·" • • s 7~ v. Atnst.O l .60 ' 29 62,,._ v. Amtel Ill .32 S 73 ev, + Vo An~n<M .40 S .50I 17'4 +IV. AnehHc 1.20 9 32 lCWo+ W Anoellc• .12 • 41 7'1H ~ Ansul Cb 4 S 48 20 ... ~cheC .SO 7 38 12'4+ 14 "'1<.o OU 41 .. 64 11¥io+ 'l't MIKO Corp .. lit l._ ••• APL CD 1.20 1 .. 2514+1,_ APp1C' 1,,°' •• 2 3ti ~ a 'i•• 121 +I r .. ·-'· I •7 1._ At'-1.T. .3' 91 11\h ~ Al'tllrO -be 1' 100 211'+ lo\ i Erllp .. 1 2*-"' 41 'Js ~ '1 Jl 1l~.~ lat.Ull 'l 16 ~-"' 1.10 • 12 27'MI+ "" ltltOv .. 30 2._ ... Al'nWdo Cp 7 I S1h-W ~0 1 • .0. c 241 211h+ ~ Arm pf 2.10 •• 1• 21'111+ '111 Arms Ck ... 2C 119 2''111 + !Yo ArmC l'f ~ . . 120 4Slh-I t'-~~-RUOb 10 t 11.\li + V• ..,_ptnl S 6 1l + 1/t Al'Vtll .... 21 106 s... .. . ASA ~ M .. 3'3 C2Yt-l\ Aalrct 1Yt c 1$4 17 ... + Yt "811111011 IY> S 107 23 + 14 AaQfyO t.40 12· so Jt.\li-4\ =:, ... 7 ' 20~+ Yt 2 JS I ... Mleo • ii . . IS ) ••• Ml~ 1\o\ 1 II 1"9-Yt All !ff n 'IS 102\.'t-¥1 Altc .. r C7Y, ••• Atltc .. 61¥1 + "' Atlltll • • I t72Yt-I Mies Cllr:.. '7S 2" + 14 ATO lllt • S IS 7" + Yt ~ Dlt .1 n 144 SI + ~ AUwmt I• s It 4¥1 + -AlllU Cler, .. 1U ~+ ,_ Avtl ~wtl .. c I ••• Awcoc "'·· H "\<\ ••• ""'"' •• 11 ,, j -1Yt AYll lnc.fP t1 "' ••• A~IM ... S 1 ._+"" Avtllll'f ':!' H ,& .. 'Ml+ " 11«0G ·~ '1 21Yt+ - liWll .a t ~H +1'• .M H Sf\!+ \lo 11TJ fi s!v.!1~ "E • 4 IN+"" ~ .... m j"-"" I, 7 \la ••• 4\o\JI \o\+l\o\ UC S t -· Iii lllC '" Yt+ --!$ .. 14 4 • "' .. i 10h-"' I .. ~· ff:~:= hi -\lo '· . 14-"' ~. 1t ,ff 17\1,;-14 llC . 2 tt 10 .... Hit ,JO J m 27"'+ VI .tO 1' * SS~+tYt L .1t2' 2M 4'Y,-~ uo ' tt 11~-Yo lllltl1191 .:n 11 ' 23'h + \4 ... , ~.n n uo 23 -v. tee~. .to IS 16 37... • • IKtonO ..0 zq 149 3.4 ... + ... Ar .ft • 101 12'/\+ 4' In§ 4 411 2•~-Yt co" , J '1 19~-v. I, S 1 IS 'I! ,ao. 1i 23 av.+ .,. I 1.~11 31 11V.+ \4i It t . 9 IS ... • 1. I 4S 3*V• + \lo )II 0 •• ' 57 + ...... 1 •• 130 ll•"'" ... ;u.ao .. 11 s1~+ J\ ! .. ''° 4111»-1 :• •• • l\llo ... • • 161 ,..,_Vi t " IS 4'111 ... t 10 11 4V. ••• t•. 327 3~+ \lo .... 2) ~7 5'\'a ••• AO 22 MO 34~ + ._ 322A 3 41">+"' 1.10 5 6 14 - 1 ,4010 .. 13Vi+ \l 11 .... S) ttY>+ • "~·i " 2'41 ... .. 3'S 30"4 +,1 7 I 1t + "' • 12 u v.-\lo ;,,, a s2 mu v. Ill 7 10 l:iti+ Yt J,4 • ' 2411\ ... ""' ·fi • 450 7Yo+ -•• • 12 •Vt-" ~\1 317 .. ._ .... "' .. 14 Olll<+l\lo I "t. t 204 12 ... I H 18'A+. ""'~ 1' f :3~· .: ~ 1. J AO 11:-\ii !f; '! ii stt=·i4 1 lo'I+ y, ~tt ,. ," ·1: a.1 ,. + .. .... Cl 2c ..... Yo lrW~ii J ~!~ '"1.l' 'i ·n ,."'. -. .,.,. .as 1\\-~ 1C • I 1'i.-" UOti IO H 'I\•"' ,,,. • t.t "" + "' .u .. 1 1"' ... . nu 11 IO -"' ... 2' •1 104 + 2Yt --c c-CMl .. ,, J"-\lo C. .tt 4 I ,.,. ... 1M •• If\ .. , Wfl 1 S1 c•+ \lo fll~ ~. lO ·~-... t,N 1 I l•Yo+ Yo .IOI It SU t•\o\+ llll \ \;:~,\ m arr ~ • • "Jj,"'·1! t.,t4: j I -~ -~ 1. s..:: .. I~ •• ~ ... 1.10 .... •!t :\ .~ . n: •. ~ r. ,. •• ., 'ta: ... :~\!-: 1i ~t •• ., # .. .& .. ,.,.... • ··""'. ... • ... . ,:.e .. 1111 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Year'• lflth·Lowa Appear Every Satunlay • Tu!!d!y.~ M , 1m PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Pt<TlnGUI IUll•UI ptcftnoul Mt .. ••P ..WITAftMellT , ~t'"*lewt•IM PtCT1110UIMfl...... lllNMlfAftMllMT ,_ ......... ,_,_,_,_... • --IT&'l'8•W'f ... hAftM&"!.,......_ ,_ ... .....,_. .-.-.. i. Mi"I -'• .. .... , . -. ................. .,.. ........ ,................ .. . .,. .....,S Mnt WOfllKli. 1••¥t. ~ -•i -..: -CUSTOM C9tAPf ~IOH91Y, • i.-...-uM9.,C.C.n11 ilMdl,c:aMf.tMSI Tal"L& CtlOWlf IA'-IS.•• ._ •M·•UCIC INV•tTM, .. Tl, ..... AHllVe , N••lll•rl .. a<h• ~_!.__ .... ..__. ........ Of...,.. hllel'I ,. W... ...._ .. tt g e.a..CA..._ 1N_flll~ ... ,CA.... ~'*° =---..-C....:=i:=----'----.c..et .... t . • _. ........ 6111 ....... ......!!!!... .... ,~· -~ S. Clfl MCllllff, 903· Utl'I """'• i=:z: '94rkle Mii ,._..Y, 1 ..... tt I ct .... CA.tlM6 ...,,_, ""' ~lff<fl,Glll*llla...0 == .. * lllf'M'll8". • W... .. ec:h,c.ttt,tMSI • De* A. .... t•t le.~ ~~ .. t1M2 .... IM;-TlllUMl,..._IH..-.Cletl-.,eOi• ,..,.......,. .. ., .. c"•"O" ™• """" 1• '•~•M'r • Drtw.,......,c.CA..... ......,CA. It~•"•""'~· · ~-=·=----~lie" • ... ::==: .. CIMIKtH-,e ..... -=-~--1.-i.etMftMl\I Tlllt t:=~':.tflled wttft IN .,.... i. _...,_ .. •-. ._.,. 1'* ............. ••fl• wl• • --.rtL..91.-, ~ ·!iiklleh o-twClffllefOtenee~•en.Nne IMMefAk...,l<lewr..,.c:.MINltw ~°"' .. °''""COuiM'I•~ 1'1t1 •ta...e -• fllM ..... ,... :...-:·_.. fli. wllft ttw 1t.l"S. ~ l~c• of M elcOflellc .,...,... • ,..... f: Cltrtuf Dr-.. c:.lllCY•,.. CIMlly CtWtl elf °'*'Ill C:.Vntyon JIN Ot-11'9t CoHt Delly PO.t. = llcet1 ... ) ._ .._.........._ ~ <Weiltl CM.It o.ltw ,...._ ,..... ..... ._ J!:;';~MdJvlY 1,e, 1t1S 1M>JS "W 'OftS.te ... r .i-~1.M.en1tJuty1,e,"1S IU"11 ,... .... Or ... CeutDIHf... °" . CH t0.11 Piiot u"o'-•K,J.MICNel J1Ntt.11 .... _. • .,,;·1•JS •• ~ ~ .... :, • :tJS Yu1a.1i PtJBUC NOTICE "*llMd °'M91 CNJt Dilly"~ PUBLIC NO'l1CE • · ' ' ,,_,.,ms U>il-1J. PU8LIC NOTICll P1JBLIC NOTICE . .,... NOTICSTOC.IOtfCMll IUl"Hlotl COUH OP TM9 -s&.~Jttft • ....,.c:~:·~~:DIT091S l"ICTITIOUS aUllNllSS STATI CM' CAl.lflO•NIA flOll PICTtTtOUI IUllN-• tuN•IO• COU91T Off THI PUBLIC NOftCE SLl".J... NAMISTATIM .. " . TMICOUNTYOPO•ANOJ. • •• :~:::ITATIM•NT ITATIOPCAUl"091NIAPO• NOTICITOC••DtTotl$ TMtol!OWfneper-.-,.-....... Etcit•ef M~O~ .. l!INllltO. Tiie ........ .,. .... ~ '"ICOUNTYOP091ANOC SUN•iottCOU•TOPTMI -: OtcM. "'ft65i. • ... A.uni STATIOl"CALlflOltfUAflOa laACH CARPET CLUNING. NOT~lSHl•••YGIV&N.. ~f!Flt/A.&.»ACKTON ..,.,.. • ....... •u'Tw J. ANDERSON TMICOUNTYOl"otlAN4M '1111 jllffctl • .,,...,Sult• No ... """'" ~ef UleeMwe...-cl---UTAT,s. 0000.ltMr ......... OK I •• ...._&•ta ...... tNcll. CA. ....... llll..-S N vt"" ,1 .. ,.......... ..._,.,. leec:tl. Celtt.(llletMee N0nCa IS HE911itY GIVEN to Ell1te of MA.VAN S. FOSTER, T-y I!. a.niett, 14151 '-"'*' .. Mid ....,.. -rMllfM .. 1111 .._........Lite 111-enu ~ QtMI_. ef U. Mow M!Mcl 0.<11..i. 511..~~-.CA.'264.t "'"°"· _.111111e M<elo_., _..,.., 111 • VwlMlll cw~etloll, '* Qllel .,._ 111 ~ ...,.,1,,. cl-'"" ._.ins NOTICE IS HE Rl!IY GIVEN.... 9'ollef1 L • ....,,.,_..., 1*2 w. s.t-.. eflk• .... CleR .. .. .... .. "'"'· 5"11• 1oe. Newport llff<ll, ... ..w clk ... nl •re reqYirecl IO fl credl!Ot'S of Ille •bo'le MmtO ~ .... Oefdlft ~ ..... CA . ....., ..... Ctllfen!I•...... w-....... N<H.Wry 'lov<lltt'S, -~ ~1 I I I _... Thi• llMISIMU Is ,..,4\lctecl ..... U .. co.1,otlOlll"-tl:IWM,_..... Tl'll•INNMsslslle-,~-· -..:. ...... -,---. •• , ... --,._ -jle<llOftS 1\1'1 fl9 ( I ,,.. -Ml -· ftlC.-Y -Mrl, IO "'9\lftcllf...... -=:-. ... -., -..,,_ --R '" n _..... _ ..... ~-•·---,.,. ...... ._, ... _ tlle '6IO c!KeOtftt.,.. reQ\ll,.., IO file 911'Wll~lp. tCOlloffkoof ---M. Pr.,. .... is9ID ... :!!' ..._. : t111Mc_.,ortopreM111thefn.wl"' 1---------------------~.;....,l lNtn, wlltllN N<-ry-"'"' In Tom .. rftOU WllSIW I ~lOOO lM~ ..,.. .c_.,~llef't lotM tlle offk e ol IN clorlt of Ille...,,.._ Tiiis IC.lemeflt WI\. fllecl ...... VIO ,. l'ld •• -•• ' _..,...,. In-Cofl!Plf\Y 81 .... LIWOffkeof'9A91N&S,SCHAG C "ruWenllch' i.•:.m oil. Two carefree weeks into the bolida). u11ec1c-1,ortopruff1tt11em ... tt111w Co\lfttyeterllofOr~eo-ty•.MW ~~·..::·~,~:.=:, ·~.,!CIWMIVfll. ~~.KENNEDY a. CARLSOH llKHwY YOVCN"· '°Ille uno.rslQftod "· l'7S. ..-illl"I to 1111 estele of MIO.._ ~--Eowltles 13$21 Pueo de Velencl•. Ste. 201 -----------------------1 .. 1111 uw Otflu of EU.IS & MOR· Pl.olllNd o.--C-St "-'"' ":::!!'. ~ wlU\ln four months .... , .. first Tiii$ fllecl wltll tllt eoUn.., ......,.. Hiiis, CIHfornl• mS3, ~I RISOH, 17400 Broo1t11un1. Fo4M\tlln J-U,Oftd JYi-.;t,t,l•,lf1S "'.....:',s llUllllatlolloftllltnoOce. C*lt of Orengo ~1., on: Mly 211. lfllP'eeeofovMftftSoflhe~ v111e.,,C.llf . .t1lc11 ls111ep1.ualbvll-• ~ -Detec1Meyt.1'1s. · 1915. 1n.a11N1teopertelnlft0totlleei&llO '*5 of Ille vndffSlgned In 111 mettert 1-------------1 tEerl ~ Mid ~"9fte. wll"ln four mont,. .i .-Ulftlng to Ille H iii• of wlcl oece-PUBUC NOTICE lliOcvtoroftMWlll PvbllSMO OrM91 Co;ist o.11, Piiot, ~~..-iketl0flofthl111Gtko. dtfll. wltllll\ fovr monllls .tier UIO first ~ .Jw..a, 10 17 t• 1t1S 20» Mey27. lt7S llUllllcatlolloltlllsnotlte. -----.-.. --.------1-._!4.!hfflACl9la.,.D9IMffteGICS ' ' ' l$ . M.nlle'llH AM.·r-Jr NOTtCEOJ"MA9tSHAL'SSALE PUBLIC NOTICE Beach N11ditv • Dalec1Mly21, tt7S. ..__ .. "_ • "EQcvtcwot'tl\eWlll • • 0 u A y L £ p Lu MB I N.G High Court Nixes Ruling HOWAROM. FOSTER ..::.~•::.,:: .. :~~~.~..:ua. :::.~"""· P UBLIC NOTICE oft11 .. oove111meOdecedent CORPORATION, Plalntlff, '15 .. AOmlnlSlrlloroltlleEstll• .... A•U1'4 1A•N•S,SCMA0.1JOHNSON, RICHARD P. ARCHBOLD, Otftll• ol tllO ebove nemeo OecedlnC In Ille S..,perlor Court of Ille MMe of ~ ~ C.IN. "'" -------..,.-._..,_.._ "-1 telNNaOY & CARLSON .. • Cllftt. No. 7 .... Judgment Nit: Allril 14, 8LLIS l.M0911t1SON Cellfornli, In eno for tM Covntyof Los A:..::~ ... .,. . "-1".J... ~'!,~.!,!T-t. SCt4-'0 ... .J1R. _, 1'7S I I•••-" 1,_lroetltwsl ""91.. Publlltlecl Ot-enge Co.ul Delly Piiot NOTICI TO ca•OITOU -· ,,.._ .. VIMM , le. -B't vlrtve of en eucvt on -on POUNTAINVALLl.Y.CALIF. s. , E • SUl"lllt'"-COU•TOflTifE ...... H ..... Cllttenll•tt.65) Jvne). ms. by the Muncl~I COvrt,of Tel: t'2•t41t In Ille M•ttor o 11\e state of Jvne10, 11. 24.lnclJuly 1, 197S 21S9-1 STAT• OPCA' ll"09INI'" -· T .. : _,..... L..~fl ..... 1...,.. Covnty JuOlclal Dl5tl'kt, · FRANCIS E. HARRIS. Dt«HMCI. "' .. ~ ..,.... "' .. ,.... Altertleyafer MmllllMrlter NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE .. lllat o-CE TM• COUNTY0fl091ANM ...._.,.._ aMClllw C:-.ty ol Orange, State ol Clllfornle, PvbllSlled Or•nQe C.O.SI D•llY Piiot. 1119 unde""9MG •Ill sou •I 11'1•• PUBLIC N •• .... A.-,,ss • P\I041tflff ~lftge Coe st Dallv Piiot, 1.-on • h.O-t entered In '•"°' of J-I0.17,24,•ndJul't1,197S 21U.7S ..... to Ille lllghest eno ltOsl blclaw, 1------------EW.te ol LOIS I. VERNANO, .U J-3.I0,11,24,1'75 20»-1 QUAYLE PLUMB I HG IUOIKI to contlrmellon of wlO Superior SL"·1Slt$ LOIS 11H;Ne VE.-NANO, De<.Mlecl. CORPORATION, a Cellfornla (orp., ff. c.ourtMor•ft4trtlle30tllclayotJvno. NOTICl.TOC91aDITOltS NOTICEISHEREIYGIVl!NtotN Pt18LICN011CE Jvclgment creOltor ancl 1111lnst WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to rule on the constitutionality of an ordinance outlawing nudity on beaches and in other public places in Santa Barbara County, Calif. The court Monday dis· missed an appeal from a California appellate court decision upholding the ordinance against a challenge broug ht by Gisela Ellis and Ernest Sturm. THE TWO WERE fined $25 each for violat- ing the ordinances by ly- ing nude on a secluded PUBLIC NOTICE 1t1S, •l the offlc• of AYL.ANCE a. su .. •111091C:OUltTO .. THE «NclilOrsofllle~MIMcl-...it RICHARD P. ARCHBOLD, -Judg. b e a Ch De a r Sa 0 t a 1-------------WHITMORE. •01 E. Yorba Uftdlt STATIEO,.CAL.,091•UA P091 1NI •I"'°-M'llfltt ci.lme....... SLl"·1SIM mtnt deb(or, SllC>wing ll nel bllanc:e of B b · F b Nnet Blvd •• ~nlle,C.lil.t2670,<:owityo4 THECOUNTYOPO•ANOI. 1111 Mid clececllM IA requt,_....... NOTICETOC•aDITOlts $1,MS.Ma<tu•llyOveonHlclJudgmlnt ar ara ID e ruary NOTICE TO C91EOITOllS l.MAl\glle5. St•teOf C.lifor'nle. •lltlle "'· A-UJH """"-will\"'° N<HUry _...,..,"' IUN911091COU91TOPTHE on Ille di~ of Ille lss ... nc• of said ... 1974. SU"l.•1o•COU9ITOPT.MIE rlgtlt, title Mid Interest of w1c1 cit-ESllle of GLENN H . HILE. llleolfkeoftMC!fftteltM..,..._ STAT•OflCAUfl091NIAl'Olt ecvtlon,IMvelevledvponalltharlglll, R ti th STATEOflCALIPO•HIA ll'091 cotwcl, In encl to ell.,,. cert.in rNI OecNs.d. tltled~.Ol'IOPBsenllNrn,llhlt• ntaCOUNTYOP'-091ANOE lillt Ind lnterul of wld Juclgmenldeb-epresen ng e COU· TMICOUN'TYOPOllANOIE prot19r1y sltvate in tlle Covnty of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo Ille ~-llOrS.tol"e1111•liw+<lcl ... :A4Mta tor In tM property In Ille Covnty or pie, lawyers from the Ho.A.alts orene•. St•t• cf c1111orn11. crecs11orso1111eabovo n11Mddecedenl .. ,..,. Liii! Office Of WtLUAM v. Est.teofAGNl!S MILLERO.ASE, Orango,St1toofca111ornla,oosc.rlo.d American CiviJ Liberties Es111eot WALTER G. c. WINKLER, pertkutwlv w scrlbeO •s 1o1i.ws. 10 111a1 all person., 11ev1n; clelms ~!Mt SCHMIOT,WSMM19"14 0r •• S..3DO, ~. 0$lollows: · OecNsecl. wit: !lit WIO dKedefll ere r'°ulred to file HitWPOtt lo~ll, CellfWl\le ..... lit· NOTICE IS H~REIY GIVEN to t11e Lot 11, Block 3, Tree I 900 In tht Oty Union Foundation of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ille 1n of l/~ of the wut tlalf of IN them, witll 111e nouswry vouc11ers.1n ton•• for SKwity Patine .... ..._. creditonof llleMow namectcllc-• ofSlnetemente,•lsolcnownasmSln S th C 1 · f 0 n i a creOllon of the above l\lmed de<ecletlt -1tl ~ot IOtl, In Blocks, P1gu 17 & 11 Ille office of Ille clerk ol Ille aoove en-Blfllt. Kl RTL.ANO ANO PM:KAAO. lfwll ell por10l\S MYll\ll cl alms 1;a1ns1 Dimes. Sen Clemente, CA. OU ern a l r tlMt 111 pet"sons !laving cl1lms ~f 0r.,._eoun1y,Clllf. 11lltd<ovrt.or1oprewnllllem.willllllt '2iWllslllre81'1d.,St9.600,Les""'""-1he Mk1 ~flt ere reqvlrtcl 10 Ill• NOTICE ISHEAEBYGIVENINlton 3 r g U ed that the Or· Ille salO CIKedenl 11re reqvlrtcl IO ti.. • ,,_. C*nmol\IV known as: OU nteessary vouc11trs. to Ille vnOerslgneO C1 I1f Orn 11 fOO t7. I ttor ne 'fS Uwrn. wll" tllO _,...ry voudwrs In Fr!4Nv. Jvlv '1. 191$. 11 10:00 o'clock dinance violates the First !hem, ,.;111 Ille net esS.ry voucller'S. In E\IAM. Yortla Lind•, ea111. 111 the uw Ofllc• 01 8ARNES. SCH AG. lor PltlO H. Vwlllftcl. wtllch Is IN lllacO tlW offk• of t11e cterll of llle eoo... ._ >.IA. •t M1rsha1·s office, CourUiouM. d Ille off1ceof tM clerk of lllt lboW-Termsofsai.c11lllnl1wfulrnoneyot JOHNSON, KENNEDY ~CARLSON. of bl.IA-s of the Ulldffa'11Mc1 II\ Ill llUeclc-1,oftoprH1ftll110m.wlllllllO 3111'3 Crown V•ll•Y Parkw1y, 01:'1 of Amen ment guarantee 1111ee1coun,ortoprewntt11em,wlt11tne .,. Uftltecl States on conflNNlliJOI\ o1 H2S MacAr111 ... r e1vo .• Bo• 178'. -tterspertalnlnttol"eest.i.oflllcl llKeswtY-llers,lotlltlH!dttsignecS u11vn• Nigvel. Cqunty of Orll\9f, of freedom Of expression. nKessM't VOVC:hers. lo Ille vnOH'SIOntd Hie, or pa rt c nll 1nO b•l1nte Newport Buell. Calllornl1~t43. Wlllcll ......... wllllll\ fovr mont"5.,... .. at tlle L•w Olflco of JAMES A. SUie of C.liforn1.i, I will sell •t pvblic •I Ille o4flce of TllOmu L. Lord. ZtiZl evtdencedby notesecuredbyMor1ga;9 is Ille pl<K• of Duslneu of tlw un-llntpubllutlolloftlllsMtlce. SOiMIESIHG. nS1 Cove Sir .... Suite .uc11on to the lllOllHI blOder, tor <.ash ,..YO de Ve1tnc1a, No. 213, L-.-or Trust Deed on Ille property so \Old. oersl;neo in 1111 mane rs pertalnlft9 to . DllH-'-*• 1t7S t«>. HOwport Beecll, C•llfornla, wllk.11 In .._.vi money of tM Unlttcl State5. •II AN INDIVID UAL Hiiis, Celltornl• 92•Sl. wlllcll Is IN Tet1oerun10Umovnt t>IO lo be deposit· Ille .slate of said oec-nl. wltllln tour S£CU911TY PACIFIC Is Ille place of t>vslness of Ille un-1lle ,,.,..., tllle encl lnleresl of Midi~ "may WI.Sh to J'Ol.O Others piece of buslnHS of Ille unOtrslgnoO In eel with bid. mont'" 1llet lhe llrsl puDllcallon of tllls ' NATIOHAL BANK and oenignocl In all ~·ra perlall\lng to mtnl Oitt14or In Ille 1boW llHcrlllecl~ 111 mailers pertllnlng to Ille H l•I• of Blclsoroffers to be ln-ltlngll\dwlll notice. PETEH. VERHA .. D tho ntlteof selcl oeceOent, wllllin ,_ pwty1 or so mucll Iller.of H may be Who are Sim iJ ar ly Un-Slid Otctdenl. wllllln four montl'IS MIM be reul'led •I the aforewlO oftlc.o It DaltO Mo 17. 197S. Co-E..cutorsof Ille Wiii mont"5 efter the tint pvbllutloll Of this llK-V lo s•llsf't s.10 exe<vlloft, 1 thed • d be h' 111enrsiou1>1lc1tlonotlll1snolke. en., llme •flOf' tlle first pvOClcatiJOI\ EDNAK.HILE ofltlolbo'lenemeO~ no41ce. llritll1<cruedlntffest..-ocosts. C 0 On a OU e aC ~.0Mayt3.197S twreolenclbeforeOlleofw... Ell.eculrixollM!Wlll Wlu.tAMV.SCHMIDT Oettc1Mly27,lt1S. DeledJunoU,1915. in Order to express a MYRAH.WINl(LER OetedtlllJ24tllclayofJune,1'1S. ofllle1bOvtnameoOecedent .. S-~~.S ...... \ H.H.Ael,m1n Olvi5lon:SovlbOrangeeouMy g. l'f St le aSSOCl·at EH(Ulri•olllltWlll Ell11bolV.O'Grldv .. llNl!S,SCHAG,JOHNSOH, ....... ...-.Cl .......... nMI E11eculoroftMWlll DON E.RHEA, l Ven l e y . oftlle above n1meo decedefll Admlnlstr1trl• of KEHN EOY & CARLSON Tel: ......U oftlle 100...e l\lmeO Oectcltnt Matsll•I. Orange Covnty ed with freedom, lack of THOMASL.LOllD tMEst•toofs.tldOecedenl BY: ERNEST J .SCHAG.JA. Kl•TLANDANOl"ACtCA91D, JAMHA.SCHMl•StNO ByMelNR.Hauer,Oeputy prudery' openness and mat Pa .... Valetlcla No. 213 91DaE91T'N. WHITM091tE 4SUMac:Ar1hw llvo .• 8H 1716 ............ Sta... ns1 DewStreets.ita ,.. HOltMAN E. RUDOL"H lack Of hypocn·sy," they U.-Hllls. Cllltwnl1t2'U A...,,.y~i.w NtwlllOrlkKll,C.lllornlatt..i LA.._....,Clt...,..••f7 Ne"'"'1 .. ecll,C.llfernl• '111""ff'sAnerM, TOI:,,,.,,.,.,,.. ...... YNMLiMea1.-. Pll:t7t-tt00 Tot:.....-1 Pli:m-tr• t13A.....W.Granacla contended. MW•f lw .. ecwtrlw ,.._....._, Cllff. 92411 AllOf'M.,s fer r .. cwtrlw .......,.twC.-auc-...s ........ yferaMC!llW S.O.-•, Cl CA. t2'72 1 h · b. · h PubllslleO Orange CoHI Ddoly PllOt, PUblllhed OrinQe Cont Delly Piiot. PuDllSMd Or•nge CoHI Dally Phol. Pvtllllhtcl ~lf\99 Colst f>tlly PllOt, PvtJllSlled Ofll\09 C.O.st Dally PilOI. Pubjlslled OrMge Coast 01lly Piiot, A aw pro 1 it mg s ue J YM 10. 11, u , •net July 1. 1975 21'2-7.S J-u. u , 311, 1t1s usHs June J, 10, 11. 2•. 197S 104HS .,._ 10, 11. 24, •nO July 1, 1t7S nco-75 .i-l. 10. 11.1•. tt1s 20lHS .,_ 11. "·and Ju1y 1. 1975 220t-1s expression, even in '~-----------'--------------'--------~---....:....---~---~-----~----------..;._--'--~----~--- s parsely populated Warning In Rape Case Eyed ·areas, "is manifestly overboard and therefore SACRAMENTO CUPl) -T he .Assembly bas passed legislation de· signed to remove some of the controversy sur: rounding jury instruc- tions in rape cases. Presently in sex of~ fense trials, judges warn jurors to use extta cau· tion in weighing the testimony of a woman or other vict im because· rape is easily charged and difficult to defend against. THE ASSEMBLY sent to the Senate Monday one bill which would eliminate that cau- tionary instruction, and anoth er meas ure to replace it with a mgre general jury warning in all criminal cases where there is no corroborating witness. The general warning would ask juries to use .. care and caution" in trials where the word oC one witness was pitted ·against the word of a nother and no other substantial evidence was available. • THE BILL (AB1595) was authored by As· semblym an Ken Meade, <D·Berkeley), and passed on a 43·2S vote. Meade said the current warning in rape cases is ••sexist" and "offensive towomen." THE RELATED bill (A8194) to eliminate the special cautionary in· struction in trials of sex offenses was carried by Assemblyman Alister McAli s ter, (D -San .Joae). lt was approved ma 47·16 vote. • void on its I ace," they argued. "A STATE might valiOly dwpaa.e certain beaches as reserved for nudity and exclude nudi· ty from all other beaches," they con· tinued. "But the ordinance in the present case carries no such restrictions ... It is applicable to the most isolated of beaches with no homes in the vicinity. a nd in which a ll of the su nb at h ers are themselves nude, pro· vided only that the beach is '9pentotbepublic.'" THE ACLU lawyers continued, "It can hardly be argued that there is a compelling state interest to protect the public from being offended by nudity on a beach when such beach is secluded and the nude persons may be ob- served only at a distance and then with some dif. ficulty." StU:Ck Up Parasailor INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. (UPI) -Ginger Stantopietro wa s parasailin g over Lake Tahoe when she ran into a tree. She was harnessed in a parachute and was being towed in the air behind a boat. It was bringing her to shore when its motor conked out. She drifted over tbe s h ore and became entangled in the tree. Firemen brought a snorkel and extricated her from her perch 30 leetbi b . Allllllinurn Bats, ' Grips Assail~d WASRJNGTON (AP) -The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says it voted to begin enfottement •cUon •8ainst a group of manulac- t.uren ol alumhlum bats and a bat grip which has ca11eed .e deaUl and two major injuries. · Tbe eoinall1loa uid about five million "Bat· ter'• Pride'' 1n.-for aluminum softball and buebaU bats lt•ve been &Old or distributed since ltll. . Ia a _. ..... ol iftlta.ncH. the agency srud, a de· fecttve ..... allowed the pip and bat U> separate Wtleit ·--8t. ball. Bataili Tm• TO'M'te, the irtp manufacturer, dd • ......... IDed number of aluminum bat maaiullld...,. wta lace enforcement proceed!DJ• I«.....,.,...., to correct the pn>blem, the ~-· ... ~ You have better things to do than drive. Rest. Read the paper. Write a letter. Plan for· the day's meetings. Analyze the stock market. Forget about the problems at work. Get home refreshed and relaxed. (rr.I!Ti :H1d8J) Now you can. '-14 '(• • -i · . """· ~. ") . . Park-N-Ride Express is here. And it works just like the name says. Drive in to a Park-N-Ride Express parking lot. Park your car free. Or have someone drop you off. The Park-N-Ride Express bus will take you to work in air-conditioned comfort, while you get a headstart on the day's work. And, at the end of the day, you'll get off again where your car is parked. Rested. Relaxed. Looking forward to the evening. Please send me schedules and information on: D Park-N·Ride Express commuter service. D New routes serving my area: _____ _ D General Orange CountyTramit information. Addrea.__ _______ cuy ______ zty.p __ _ t IM•ll tbll ~ to Om,;. County 'Tt .... DMnet. f2IOO N0111t Mein Streilt. S.... A.Ill, Callla1• m .) ~--------------------------------------------------------- , I I From San Clemente, Mission Viejo, Fuller- ton, Anaheim, and many other Orange County commwlities, Park-N-Ride Express buses take you to work at Orange County's major indus- trial complexes and business centers. And Park-N-Ride Express makes connections with bus routes contintiing on to Los Angeles and Long Beach. Doesn't It make a lot of se~e? Tomorrow, as you're sitting in jammed traf- fic wondering what you're doing there, think about using Park-N-Ride Express. For.commuters who have more important things to do than drive. l'or ialonnatlon crall: · &•7-3311 ....... ,. -....... • Students Drawn Out by Arrt BJ ALUSON D2EU .. -.0.11, ........... .1.eane ~neuiano doesn't believeJnllmlts. · •'Tbere are too many in this physical life already., .. She doesn't. define people by du'onological age or pigeonhole ueatlvity by labels such us • • beelnner .' · To describe her in any one facet of her varied life would be lddeacriblng her at all. I She is, to be sure, an artist. Jeane has beeq exposed to vl1ua1 art, mu1lc and dance since ln· fancy. . And, she is the mother of nlne children, ''But that has not been the limitation some think." Jeane is a teacher, or medita- tion and ~rt, but stryS she grow• !rom experience with students as they find their own creative ex- pression. Her classes are WlStructured BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,._.,,., .. a., 1ns Jean Anguiano paints in all media, is a teacher of meditation and art, and plans to illustrate some books · with her photographer husband. STUDENTS' WORKS . . PHOTOGRAPH.ED BY MELE ANGUIANO , but fruitful. Som in Granada. Spain, she Is the dauahter of a Scot artist, Gordon Coutts, and,. a Czechoslovakian singer musi- cian. She was introduced to the arts .. aa soon a& I could hold a pencil." She learned dance, music and painting Crom her parents and other artists as they travelled ex· tensively. They livedinAustralia and Mexico, a distinct influence on her paJnting. ORPHANED Orphaned in her mid-teens, and left with a younger sister to rear, s he became self-sufficient. Studies at the College of the Desert, Palm Desert; the University of California, Riverside, the University of Redlands and Otis Art Institute added to her knowledge of the arts. She .has taught almost con- tinuously since her teens and bolds teaching credentials in art and arts and crafts for adults. Before moving to the Orp.nge Coast Crom Palm Springs a year _,... ... -- ago, 1be prod~ed an· hour·long art program for a local at.at.ion • Currently, 1be teache• ·art therapy to proreulonala at Fairview State Hospital, in- structs claaaes in art for the special educatlon program at Orange Coast College and bas Pri.vate students as well. INDIVIDUALS , Her classes for the retarded . 'Sponsored by OCC are ta•..acht in two programs at Fairview. "I apfroach each one as an in· cllvidua , as I would any stu· dent, .. she said. "Muai.c, dancing and visual art can be very helpful when used as a learning experience, as therapy and analysis. All are self-expression when allowed to be nonstructured, spontaneous and free. "I encourage spontaneity or selt-expreasion and try to change patterns. Change the pattern in a visual expresaion and you will change the thought patterns of the mind." What she strives for in her wort with tbe cilenta ls balance and unity. .. U a penon is out ol balanee in hi6 visual expre11lon, worldnc all oC b11 colors to one 1lde ot the paper. bl1 thoughts and emotions are off ·balance as well," she ex- plained. "Tbe drawing that goes orf In ell direction.a, with ragged edges, circJet and other structures ln- comp lete. tell me that their thoughts are scattered as well." BECOMING AWARE Along with unity and balance, she strives to help each student develop self-confidence, com- munica'tlon skills and selt- ~aion. . • I want them to become aware oC the world around them, of their own feelings and emotions and bow to ex-press and control them." Working with crayons, chalk, colored pens, pencil and watercolor. she begins by getting each one to put something from himself on paper. Breakt hroughs often come hard and might seem small to the outside observer. An example she offered was of a young man who was fearful, timid, withdrawn and spoke in barely audible tones. "We tried everything al first, but he was terrified to even put a mark on t he paper. We would put the crayon his hand, hold it there, and he wouldn't touch the paper. "Finally. we tried him at the chalkboard. After three attempts over several weeks, he drew a cir- cle on the board a litUe largerthan an egg. "He had changed a pattern or thought from not working to working. After that, he drew a circle the size or a pea on paper, Another success!'' she said. "We hugged him, told him how great it was and made much ado about it. For the first time he clapped and laughed out loud. "From then on he did it on his own.'' TEACHER CAR ES Love, attention and genuine concern ate important ingre· dients, she added. Another young man, terribl}• overweight and a troublemaker who wasn't much liked on the wards, was another suceess story. "He began with only one move- ment. We'd put the crayon in his hand and he'd just move it up and down over and over. "There were temper tantrums and other childish behavior." So; Jeane and her aide en- couraged him to try all the media on paper and 'the chalkboard, praising .bis efforts. Gllttling him this way, the teacher sOon found bis work revealing more struc· ture. "He was beginning to think in an organized way." At he became more self! confident, bls behavior cbaneed aa well. He was taken off all medications. He dlJJplayed a sense of resPonsibility, even helped ot-hers. · J.lia ward "family" saw J.he dif-. ference. His self-image grew and he began to lose weight and th,i.nk of himself as a person who could accompliah worthwhile things. "He was being appreciated, and no longer needed the antics of a child just to get attention. We were using the art class as a rein· forcement of bis positive behavior." MAKING ORDElt Another student, who would draw lines radiating out but never complete a structure soon created windows with panes. "But over this structured think· ing be overlaid bis emotional ex· pression in watercolor, malting order out of the chaos. "At ti mes strength of colors means an emotional high or low or aggre~siveness on a spiritual, mental or physical level, not dis· turbance. "The severely retarded person must be praised for bis scribbles as much as his pictorial images. It must not be forgotten that HE sees meaningful design and shapes even though they are hid- den to us." She compared t he work to that of teaching language. First one word, then two, then three are mastered. Then , ·YOU are equipped t.o make a sentence, to communicate a need. NEW EXPERIENC~ Her studies over the years range from creative writing to ~arapsychology and metaphysics, from nutrition and yoga to aikido and Oriental danc- ing. With her husband Mele Anguiano, a photographer, she plans some illustrated books. Jeane's paintings, in all media, range Crom the highly repres.en- tational to the abstract and 1m· pressionistic. One three-year project was a series of mural-sized works in oil based on lines from the Lord's Prayer. "They express a re- ligious feeling without religious symbols," she explained. "l like to have people of all ages in my classes. Chronological age is a limit. Who you are, your inner person, has nothing to do with age. "It is important to learn as much as you can in li!e and do as much as you can with what you learn. Too many people are locked in dark rooms. VISTA OPENS "I like to help them open the windows and the doors and see a new vista. Art is therapeutic, she believes. "Within 30 minutes with anyone, I can see where they are, how they are feeling, and begin to work with them. "I'm concerned about people who reach 40, at the half-way point in their lives, and just give up believing the brainwashing th~t they're 'over t he hill.' "There's no need to be. You simply have to decide it you'v"e been taking care of yourself. If not. it's the time to start. "Even with nine children, I always keep in mind that I am a person, too. And, l must have other interests.' That's why I'm always trying new things. "There are so many t.}lings to learn." She likes to work with young people. "They are so open and ques- tioning and interested, challeng- ing but not threatening. All of us should be this way. "Aging is in the mind. If you think you're o1d, you'll soon be old. If you think young ..• " Illustrations show progress made in six months by a client who is mentally retarded and psychotic. Creative energy is chaotic in :_ .• ~111....-....;;....,1 .... ....,,.,.o;cr,'-..~ photo, far left, ~ • l ·becomes more organized in upper photo . and organized in lower one. Dane Checks Anleri'ca BYJOOUION .... Dlllt, ........ • On &be plus aide for America: Thfl llf estyle is -'er1 the weather more aUrac:tlve, the people IDCln rriendly. · I - Taurus . Fresh Start Due .. Tonight's TV llighligh~ NBC <·U 8:30 -'-The secret Nlaht Caller.'' Robert Ried alters bia clean-cut tmqe from "The Defenders" and "The Bredy Bunch'• when he plays an obscene Rhone caller in this 1V movie with Hope l.anlle and Michael ComtanUne. On the plus aide IOI' Denmark: Craftamen are better trained, aodalized medicine is more equitable. 11emmlng Dahlerup, a 23-year~ld bank ·trainee from Holte, a aubu.rb of Copenhagen, was .,...illl the c1llferences between bis homeland andtheU.S. WBDNB8DAY. JtJNi• .Ase· (7) 8 :30 -"The Missing Are . •T SYDNEY OMAD Deadly. u A rat infected with an incurable- vlnal capable of killing 100 million people He la in La1u.no Beach. working at MiBSion Bankona•rantfromtheAmerican·&and1navian FOUDdaUon, which probably wlu keep him in the U.S. until the fall of 1916. ARIES <Ma.rcb 21-in three weeks is taken from a laboratory Aprll 19): Avoid baallll by a disturbed teenager in this TV movie actions on impulse. Aa· with Ed Nelson and Leonard Nimoy. Dablerup sald be would like to stay here permanenUy but the only possible ways for him aert yoursett but leave 11 .......... .., ........ imiilliiliiiiiillillilK:mli .. =:lta1-5J room for intelligent con- • would be either to join the U.S. Army or marry an American citizen. He applied to come as a trainee because his curiosity about the U. S. was piqued during a week·long visit to his uncle, Niels Dahlerup of Laguna, in 1968. Dablerup, the son ol a physician, chose bank- ing as a career by happenstance. He joined the Danis h Air Force at the age ol 18 and went into • pilot training. That did not work out, so be served the rest of his year-long commitment in the military police. "By that time, I didn't know what I wanted to do," he said. ''Then when I was walking in Copenhagen, I saw a sign for trainees in a bank." He applied and spent three years as an ap- prentice, at the salary ol $150 per month, before coming lo Mission Bank. Here, he is working in all departments so be can learn every aspect or American banking. Inside opuations between Danish and American banks are not much different, Dahlerup said, "but on the floor, yes. Hardly anyone here carries cash. And I've never seen so many checks in my life." Many Danes pay their bills by a transfer of funds from their account to various companies' accounts right at the bank, Dahlerup explained. cessions. You may be asked to complete over· time assignment. TAuaus <April 20- May 20): You may be frustrated. Reason is that you want to skip de- tails. Key is to be ready for fresh start and to be aware. of basic issues. Make no commitments. GElllNI (May 21-June 20):Trustbu.ncb.Follow through on first im· pressions. Learn by teaching; share knowledge. CANCER (June 21· July 22): Lie low -do plenty of listening. Forces tend to be scat· tered. Remember diet re- solutions. There are pre- ssures but you can handle them. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): He said there are no American-style credit bureaus in Denmark and that banks don't give out such extensive information there about their aecount holders. ' . "The rate of interest is much higher in Den- mark. A car loan is a bout 30 percent,•' be a~. Id.so,. autos are much more expensive than in the U.S . .A Volvo will cost,besaidaround$12,000. Flemming Dahlerup, a young trainee from Denmark, is learning every aspect of the banking business .. Settle down to a semblance of routine. Forces are chopped, scattered -and people around y~ are confused. VIRGO (Aug. 23-5ept. 22) : Perceive realities. Avoid self-deception. Ac· cent is on emotional responses. Someone IDIY tell you one thing -alld Dahlerup bas just bought himseU a car, so he hopes to be able to see e_little more of the area and get to know more peo~e. ·He enjoys going to cl~sical concerts, would like to attend college classes and is a regular blood donor. Also, the young banker enjoys traveling and hopes to visit New York, Las Vegas and Niagara Falls. He already has seen much of Europe, North Africa and the Canary Islands, and has been to Hawaii. • If he does return to Copenhagen, he probabJ.y will work for 3n American bank where the "of- fice language is English." do something entirely different. · · LIBRA (Se~ 23-0ct.' 22): Be kind to loved ones, including family members. Quick ,ch~nges occur. Home, security may be affect· ed. One in position ol authority turns to you for But if he really had a choice, he'd live in Hawaii -paradise to a Dane used to ni_ne months of cold and r ain every year. advice. Child-proof Bottle Needed SCORPIO (Oct. 23· Nov. 21): Hold off on short trips. You may have to retrace steps. Key is to wait, to get facts organized, to ast DEAR ANN l.ANDERS: My husband works for bis father and uncle. The uncle owns the house we all live in. It bu 21 rooms, is very old, and not my idea or an ideal place to live. My husband and I and our two young children, ages 4 and 6, have a s mall 1tpartment that consists of five rooms. There are other relatives in this house-grand parents and another sister and her family. andoutoftheolheraparl· gesl? -CAN'T SLEEP ments and they often do. l NIGHTS. never saw such a family of pill-takers. Worse yet, D E AR C AN' T they all leave their pills SLEEP : G o to a out on the kitchen tab1e, drugs tore and buy b e d s t a n d s a n d several "child-proof" sinkboards. It worries pill containers. Give me sick ti.at my children them to your pill-Popping w i 11 one d a y he 1 p relatives and show them themselves. . how they work. Ask the'm to please transfer their I.have asked all the re-pills into these con· lat1.ves. to please keep tainers -so you can get their pills .lo~ked up but a night's sleep. they say at isn't conve- nient -that they must keep the pills in sight or The problem is this: they will forget to take Almost everyone leaves them. · DEAR ANN LANDERS : l 'm no gynecologist but I am amazed that there are still people around in this. bis door open . My We can't a rrord to children can wander in · move. What do you sug-. day and age who don't understand the basic facts of life. · questions in diplomatic OJ manner. (Ann Landers~ SAGl'ITARWS (Nov. · 22·Dee. 21): Protect valuables. Don't live ap I refer to the woman something for nothing. who was thinking or hav· f . . . • Organize priorities. ing her left ovary re-· moment o concepti<>t.· Money pressure ls evi· moved (if you approved) 1 supJiose now, wtl'en dent. If. yo~ bold tlgbt, so that she could be sure that dodo r eads this, she you can avo1d loss. of producing a baby girl. wm write and ask you if CAPRICORN (Dec. I have no college .it.isaHrightto have her 22-Jan. 19): Som~ fmd degree and I 'm no~. susband's left testicle'YOUr. person~hty a particularly well read,:'\,~u~off. I hope she atleast threat. ~nvy . is very but I am amazed to dis-has the good sense to mu c b 1 n P •cl u re. cover that a person who write lo you fir st . -~e!l~her s~~rm by ex- Jives in the latter part of MRS. M . , P A·R K bib1tmg ab1llt.Y to laugh the 20th century and can RIDGE, ILL. atyourownfo1bles. . AQUARIUS (Jan. read and write does not DEAR MRS. M.: That 20-Feb. l8): Something know that th.e male. makes two of us. Thanks is being hidden, but cat sperm d eter~ines the .r9r writing. will be let out of bag. sex of the child at the Clandestine meeting Requiem for Caring cou.Jd be on agenda. Key is discretion; don't re· v.eal all you know. PISCES (Feb. 19· March 20): Friends bat- Ue each other. Don't get caught in middle. Show feelings without becom· ing inextricably in· volved. By ERMA BOMBECX I had a dream the other night that every volunteer in this country,· disillu sioned with the lack of compassion, had set sail for another coun· try. As I stood smiling on the pier, I shouted. ••Good-bye. creamed chick e n . Good-bye, phone committees. So All they had to do was to long, Disease-of -the put their tongue firffily Month. No more saving against the roof of their old egg cartons. No more mouth and make an O getting out the vote. Au sound. Nnnnnnnooooooo. revoir; playground duty, N n n n n n n n n n • bake sales and three· noooooooooo. Nnoo No! hourmeetings." No! It would certainly As the boat got smaller· have spared them a lot of and they could no longer grief. Oh well, who needs hear my shouts, I reflect· them!" ed, .. Serves them righL The hospital was quiet A bunch of yes people. as I passed it. Rooms doned. dark and would remain· that ~ay. So were the museums that had been built and stocked by volunteers with the art treasures of our times. I fought in my sleep to regain a glimpse of the ship or volunteers just If today ls your blrth· • day you are introspec· tive, spiritual, able to express feelings as writer or performer. one more time. It was tor-========::;, be my 18$t glimpse of civilization ... as we were meant to be. Wh•t does Mobil Oil know about r•ll estate? were void or books, P UBLIC NOTICE . . . • flowers and voices. The FICTITIOUS•UllNHS ~~ -children's wing held no The health agencies had a sign in the window, "CU RES FOR CANCER, MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, BIRTH DEFECTS, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, EMPHYSEMA, SICKLE CE LL ANEMIA, KIDNEY DISORDERS, HEART DISEASES, ETC. HAVE BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO LACKOFINTEREST." r-======~#~I . NAME STATEMENT -.. E...11 ~--l--. fl clowns .•. no laughter. n.e 1o1io.1119 sieri.on is OOlng buSI· i "9 ,.._ ..,.......,.._ The reception desk was ~s~~DERAL MORTGAGE ·t LocaffoMill vacant. sERv1cE, 2s.s2 s.tnto or., Million • Hwl~ ..... The Home for the Aged VltjO, CA. m 7s -..· li k b Th 111-.n .c .• ,._, 25'S2 ~ ' PRESCRIPTIONS was e a tom . e er .. ,_.;"'°" v .. 10. CA. tms . ' blind listened for a voice TII~ lluMMSs 1• <•ndv<Mll "'Y ~ • •<111,...~• ~ that never came. The in-,,.. ..... ,. ·w" ,., .. ,_,,..... R-.nK.erenntn ,,_,.,.. firm were imprisoned by This sutement was rneo ..,,,, 1"° wheels on a chair that The schools were strangely quiet with no field trips, no volunteer aides on the playground or in the .class- rooms ... as were the col- leges where scholarships and financial support were no more. The Oowers on church See the 17-minuts film "Let the und Tell u.." Community Cablevisfon subscribers watch Olannel 3 tonight, 7:30 County Oef1I of Oren99 Cc>unly on J.-• • n 1m ~ never moved. Foo<l grew ' .. ~, ... , 0 ,..,, c ... • ':?,' f .:~I " cold on trays that would altars withered and died. fr====-=~--==-===-==~t=========~ C hild ren in day Piiot, Ju1t• t7, 2•. end Ju1y 1, • . ,,...___,..,.. ·i never reach the mouths 1m nu.1 ......,.. ......,. w aumu of the hungry. ....... 1uo" tu-•ua .. , .. ,0 .. 11 All the socia) agencies • PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~~:~., had closed their doors, NOT1c•Toc••o1ro•• PUBLIC NOTICE unable to implement ~PaRtoRcou•ro'T"a , -----------!their programs of scout-srAT• OP CAl.f'°."'" ..,. ... TMacouNTYo,0111'"'" •v• ing. r ecreation, drug ...... .ant SUP•••O•cou•TO,TH• l l Bi s· t B' £st .. •of 8En"f' IUHl!Ull\AN,all.t STATaO,CALIPO•NIAl'Olt con ro , g l S ers, 1g M . ELIZABETH 1<11snLMAN, TM•couNTYo,o••Noa Brothers, YW, YM, the ~~EISHIEA•8Y GIVENIOllW NOT l(t "O·:~ ••• NO 0, retarded, the crippled, UH!Wt of ........ "°"'"~ PITITION f'O• ,.llt08AH cw WIU. the lonely and the aban- 111.t ... ~ NYlttt Clelme ........ MfD&.an•HTatTAM•NTA•Y tM Yid ~t .,. required to fll• Ellole of BLANCHE EPLEY, olto nurseries lifted their arms but there was no one to hold them in love. Alcoholics cried out in despair, but no one answered and the poor had no r ecourse for health care or legal aid .. But the saddest part of the journey was the sym- phony hall which was ..., "'"" ... MUiwrr ... uci..o. In l nown H BLANCHE L . El'LEY,'"----------------------1 ._eftl« .... Clllttl.tlle....__ e1.ANCH£ 1.U(INOA EPLEY, encl ., ... uwt,., .. ..,...._.,.,.....,_.llltfll ftrmtrly •nown H 9UINCHE L. _....,., _i.n, .. tllll ¥i~IM PAltl(S, 0.<NMCI. 414 .. tiMU « t111 et•iiey. DONAl.O HOTICI IS HlltllY GIVEN tll9t A *"'RTIN, AftwMy et L,tw, l'1e ARLENE ttOSE HARTMAN he fli.d ...,..,. .. .,,.,. ..... lt4, c.e. .... lltNln. Mtllloft fOr ,., ...... Wiii .. CllWa Mo ..... wflkfl I• tN ,._. ef fW Utt.h ,...,_._.,, l"Cf9rwo lo ~.. .. • ....... !ft ... """' Mlkll ........ .., t~llff ....,,la.Ur&, .... ,.. .......................... tNttfletl,,...,.._..,,..,.,. ~ ........ ,._ ~ ... """"'.,.. .,...,,. ...... _...,Jutyt.im.oc ...... ,..,. ......... ..-ic... t JOo.11'1., ifl lM ~· ~ o.tiail'-tt.''" INM Nt. J of Mid <OIH1. .. ND OY1c LOU .. ka.IL.MAN C>neer 0t1._.w"''• lft tllt Otyf/I~ 1-.<.W • 1111 Wiii Mt. Ctfffonllo, .... ....,. Oatec1 ~"·ms. Mmlf_...,. Wll.L.IAMl ... IOMM, ta111M.D &, MCOiftf tM Collflly Citf'k ~.n..-t"fllNUA.UHIN ........ ~ ..... " ... .,.....y,.... ..... -...... ~.-,.. .... , ......... N J O'Mt...,., w.......-. c:..w. t1t1r ~-·..... ...... ...... ; .......... , ptq IN 4f ~ OthC Oelty Pilot "*1~ ~ ..... Coo•t Dolly Piiot, ......... ..-.. ....... "7J JMl-7 .MM 14, ll, ..... Jutr I, ltJS U»7S Add Life to Your l'Ur Garments FUR ·STORAGE ._,_, ...... Oft ...,..,., ............ , Rntyint ,.,... ,...,, a wnrr Balboa Fur Factory 4 gnnallon• o/ Ftrw .E\lr Mortll.fa.chlf'fng 301 Pelm It.. le8'01 , .... ,. ..... ,_ '9frl I " 9fse oflilgi!,,,,.'lli ~ Soup, Salad, Seafood Dinner A cup of Potage St. Ce1main, made dally in our kit~hen. Crisp spinach salad with chopped bacon, hard boiled egg, swecr.J~r dres int:. Crepes St. Jacques: Sca!lops, :fhrimp, ~nd sliced ~-5 mushrooms m • sherry sauce :7 wi<h sruyere cheese. • C..ktall• 8 Wiiia COSTA MESA SCMi6 Coast Pku -~=-=: ... ...... ...1121 IANMMl~ICAltD • .AMlltlCAN DP~HI • MUTH CHAHI • ,. TV DAILY LOG Tuesday Eveniiig JUNE 24 1:118 (J) D QI 8U?H!> News ~(Qj{J)),.... &CE.__ a••wat . """"' , .. ., ......... ..... , ..... Qi .... ltlpe latMI Cianls ws.. S.. Dileo Pldm.. ... c....., . ...,,,,... l:JtQI ........... . ..., ..... @(l)t r., .... ,..... C9CD...,.aCllaice •r,_.n. a....-.t...t dtllle .... 1• !.!. aw mm,._ : ... .,.~ ...... Tlllll er:'r 1 ,rnces ..... .,u.t 11.Mlllf Tia Fii ~~ ........ ())) ..... ...... TllNI ...... curaMI vinls lbat tan klU 100 mil- llOll people in thttt ...U, Ills .... ..U. f1C111 • ~ bp an tlllO- tlcuffJ distllfl>ed tffllletl who di&· • appars, uusin1 a city to p1nlc •s -• alld mort people deYelop symptoms of the d~eue. m...,. Criffll .., (J]l Mtwit: (C) (tO) "Mvnl11 Owu llt!IMd" (dr•) '71 -John for· sythe, Barbt11 Barn. Ricllard KOey, Joseph CamP'nella . m (wtllMc al ~pllollf t:oo D @ CD Cl) Hftail F1tt~ ''Ho" lo Sleal A Masterpiece~ (R) Mc- Gurctt mrts an inmti1aben when irrtpl1etable a.rt works lllJSltrious· I)' vanish llOlll a m~llona11e's pri· vale coll«tlon despite th1tt fail· ~f• electronic Jecllfily systems. 00 TN Ullt«:Ulllts Q)Tlle leWO.S fl) f!) ~ C.'"'1 !:300"-m Alu With: A CtMrulltn Witt! My,.ff (R) aJIA Tlem 10:00 D @m cas NtwS s,eclal MMr. Rooney Goes to Dlnntr• C8S Hem writtr·Productr Andrtw A. ROOflcy takes his palate 1nd a fit111 ""' lo some of Mltrica's typical and atypical resb1Kants. obJefvinc 1n his own specill way how Amtric.lns eat whtn they ut out, where theJ 10 and why. '~ion~(' !y P~lce B~~°:! amt Don Meredith star as detee- tivu Calabrese and Jamison, •ho lnvutieate r'90fts of bomb th1uls and txlor1.ion. Mallers 11e comph· eattd when tlle ~ppily R1arried Cal1b11se finds he is talhna in love. emm""" @ PttryM&MI 0 (~ 001 m ED Maren Wei- .., llL][ "Feedbacl" !R) ~y Wit· li&111s, an up-1nd-com1111 bo.ler, flftds ovt IMI he is an el)lleptic 1114 mllSt &Ne up bis rill& arm. Her· belt Jefferson Jr. Ht11ry Bcdrna11 Hd "°'1Nn Alden fuesf. ... Clll (I) (I) .... """ 00 ~·~ . I SM llifC9 """ C..fmMa .-.-. ..,. d4 ..,.. .. he's - -... ,........ Is d4 a.-.r to Ille lllllrtlca te.11(1 ,.... -s. w Ills 10:·-1· ................. .,..... .. ..., llilciMlnf. alld -._ ~ tlli& liltl Ull(ft In tllt W,. of ... hlik'I Ski• I ... n.w.. L~ '-!.CU cf AA~~~ . F ... c.M c:ni1t c..-"*" Prattl hides t11t 11:00 D O m m Nns ftc:t 11111 lit is 1 stultllet, llld (() 9 Q) (j) Nns causes Offlctr Milloy 111d Reed lo lat et CIMck tit U1fS11t In crossfire wMn he can· • Set .._ not cammunic.lle. • TN Uity sai.. It llMit: (Zllt) "Sal tf ,,...,_. Mlsain: l11poulbl1 • .. (mys) '39 -Boris K.lrlott, .... ~ BasW Ralhbofle, Bell Lucosi. Lionel , (j) Mf. Ludy Alwi!!i_ • The llnllcMbtes ~"" ... Wat : '~ .... Heiltll ca tI>> CI> m "-DaJS c~ CIJ> v-ldlfy " Su ht liOc·Makina of lhl President" (Rl Tiie PresldtMial eampalan ol 11:30 D @@())'tlS late Mtwie: 1956 .,Cits Ille Cuft11lncl\am house· (C} "Seal Wdief" (d11) '71-Rafer hold: Ridlie is IO< Adlai SIMllson Jollnson, Cesar Romero. and his lathe< likes Ike. 0 @ (i) Qi a;) .lellHJ Canttt I...,.* a.ice Biellda Vac:c110, and cotlSUmtr ad· ......, 1'n f,U, *lie David Horowitz euut.. D SlllW • Iris a-. UC--' ................ ftdMI Ci) Maorie: "lt4 lllftt birt" D a.. • ,,.. ,... (Ml) '39 -John Wayne. ,...... i...,.. Pncnru 0 (~Ci)) Cil W'• W.W Myse kff "Tiit SuicHle Club" (R} l:lO u ~Cl> Cl> 11•A•rN ~RI ttawt· 0 11a11e: ..,rtjed ......,18 .. eyt Ills ~ ellt«atlon Willi f11nk (sci-ti) ·~ -Donna M1rten, Haf Bums wflicll cnxa the lltltl to dtn Roarke. pllCC ... ... ...... 111.st, .. collfllilla 11• .. .,alttn lllllil a 12:t0 n Mtwit: • .,.. Malt's w ...... COllft·•ltial tall M ClllWIMlf. (d11) 'SS-Marie Wi11o:W, P1tritk Uc~cl .ft.~-== =.: ·.,.. SeWlel" (dral '65 C..... (R) (*') '75 -llobtrt . -Fruer Macintosh, Rid M11kovlc,. Reed. tto,. Lane•. Ro1H11 Mltboft, m w S1111t Midlltl Const•llChM. s,lwia Sidney, 1:00 B~' DalM Giftos. Mellt Golollko. A • ....,..,, rapectld fllllily 11111 """' fn>m Cl) Qj Ci) Nm • ~ to ...... ob:IM 1:45 ..... : "s.lltll Su ....... ;(a"W> CD m MC 1_. (com) 'SJ -Virelnia M1yo. "' ..... (C) ltO>.,.. ..... 2.110tDAIWUPt SM: "'""' l Alt .....,.. (R) (dra) '74 -Ed o......., .. "AMldel Slllp" ....... leolllrd """°'· Cilof&• O'Hllllol k~ Gary Motp11, Mar· J:JO R Mtwlt: (C) '1Mtl RMI" (d11) )orlt ~ Kathlen QuiM111, Jose ·~ -Slew Codlr111, Carole Furtr. A rel, lnflctM wltll 111 In· Mall1tw1, W1rrtn Slwt11s. Wednesday DAYTIME MOVIES 1 ...................... (11!7') '51 _......., ... ,..,,o...- 0'1>el. Cl)._ ..... <••) '41-Enol ~-a.ridall. 12* m.,.. .... tam t .. (INs) 'SI -ll'Merlcl CrwfM, l .. .... 1.w ....... .................. (ll!Jt) '47- iil U.. •~ KOCE Television (50) PUBLIC NOTICE PtJBLIC N011CB .fUNIY WNCEllEAM ~ ' ! • • ~ '-r , - . ,,,. • ..,, .... .,.. AM r, I ASK M'fSEtJ;CAPAJ!.E OF INFUSIN& MV GENIUS · IN10 'THESE aJMMIESf! ~ ............... ~.._.¥.-~;:;;m~E:iilaa...J~..::::::::::::::..-l • NANCY .. WOW-I MUST GET ONE -WHERE CAN I euv tT? TODAY'S CIOSSIOID PUZZLE AcitOSS !O WNStltf'1 t htilto: s-. m-.U I ~him St KM 10 Owning much 52' Hopi com• money munlty 14 ~ dwtllnot 15 RlftlO'n IOIP 66 Pr111- 18 Not employ9d eo "Bus Stop .. 17 D!Mg(Mable author 19 Comptehen· 61 flowlf parts: siw~ 2word1 20 UIMftoan-M Tap-notch o1hlr c:halt ltNlte 2f R..,._ &5 Cream of the 23 Oeneflf Cf09 tnclnation 66 ,,. to 28 CMlr 1011tc• Include %7 SIMtf 17 Coal .eunlts 30 Tended 81 Lowd to 34 Fitend1 t•cen • 35 Formll 69 Betsy -: . ptactletl Amtrictn 37 TumlftQ point p1ttlot 38 N1tdlt: comb. fonn 35Su~ 41 SnNkV per· ton: SllftO 42 Grtnt f)tfmlttlon 43 Flltttd fOf .. =:. ·~ Mnll 47 Rtdttmed from cap. eMcy DOWN 1 Dllptftoe 2 WlndOw dMtlofl 3 Mtnlftbtut: ~ •E...-. s lottd l .HtOWMll 7 U.ary coltcdon Ynt•dl'f'• Puult Solwd: I ~ l I A I I I I l I I I , A 1 1 f ( s ( I 1 . "If" 'I ii L u II ( I A j t c s 10 u ;1s -~Ill ( 1 'ii ii •( " rl& '• < r t II 0 0 • 51E r -T UT £ D 0 '1•-n I 'f l t t •-~ .. I II ~ t. A T 1 • llUt. II l 0 I c u ;1 SIE Ill s £ AT " 0 :r [ T ll IU E 0 S A I 0 I Common 33 Old·hat . contnetlon 36 Kind of WIVt 9 GIYt b1elt 39 Bicycle !)•ft 10 A ctr-40 Mlde ike new Thelma -44 CMI Wtr 11 Golden Calf • n1v11 vtuel 12 M yttery • 46 Pitets of llvt wrher'a ploy eo•I 13 Sht owns it 48 Dozed 18 Acquire by 49 Foreftthef labof 52 TUlh's 22 Spur plftMr 24 Kind of S3 Pf9l>Olltlon 8lcotMll 54 Mild oath 25 luao,tntors 56 Pttfomtl6oM 27 Gems 57 Htwtiln bird 21 Cut gem's • 58 Otd 0tym. IUt'tec. pie .,,. 21 INCrufMnt !I Sllf* i.nt 31 Lib IQuid 412 Pose 32 Y/"'9-•Y &3 French MatOn • by Elai11m•••r PEANUTS ' JUDGE PARKER ~GINl! ... T. T. PACE-TEU.IH6 'IOU ME'S ft LOVE WITH M!! ANO HE CAA PROeAeLY ' ---.,, ... ,~ 1MAAY RL IN TME WORLD! Llllll_., MISS PEACH c· l l i .. DICK TRACY ..L i!.Ll ~ DOOUnWO'ID GOIDO MOOM~S ......... -. .. ·-- ANIMAL CRACKERS --rr"lP.-.~,.....-~.., by tt..olcl Le Doux ~ y~ THAT suPPER MTE WITH T.T. SHOUl.O 8E VERY INTERESTING! DO )OU THINK HE'll PROPOSE TONIGHT? by Mel bf Cllester&.W IYf Nf'/ SISTER 15 A LAOV BARBER. RUNS A ONE·CHAJA SHOP._, Tl 11 t1 • .-!f,1'71 • l.·2'1 by Ferd JClmMMI ff J;ItJ I "I just loved Europe-you never know what you•re eat.i• so yOCI can't couet calories. .. .. i ., ' UPI Ttlf911olo THE ANGELS' RUDY MEOLI JUMPS OVER ROY SMALLEY. Ang els Fall in 13 Ryan Not Ready ·For Start Tonight Nolan R ya n 00·6) will not pitch fo r the C alifomia Angels tonight as originc.1 1Jy cxpcctt'd . The Daily Pilot learned today from the Angels that Ryc.1n is still s uffering from a groin injury. Dick Lc.1nge ( 1-U of Newport Beach will replace Ryc.1n. making his first start this year. Lange A 11geb S late All G•m.-s CM\ ICMPC '1101 lul'W! 2• K•nsn Clly al C.•llfornl• Junt> 2S K•nws Ci.,.•t C•llforflte J une 26 Kanws C11y •t C.•hf0Tn1a 7 ?~o m. 7 ?So.m. ] 2jp m. will be opposed by Kansas City's Nelson Briles <4 ·3J. Game lim e is 7:30 al An aheim Stadium. Monday nig ht, Bill Singer, the Angels righl·ha ndcr who has en- dured his problems of late -like surrendering 13 runs and 11 hits in his last two starts which have covered only three and two-third innings -r estricted the Texas Rangers to one hit over 11 scin- tillating innings. But he was not around at the finish when the f exans seraped up an unearned run in the 13th and scratched out I! l ·O victory. "J've been doing !>Ome things r.'rong rec~nlly.' · Singer said to 10 one's amazem ent. ''This out- ng at leas t relieves some of the }ressure .'' Astonishingly, Singer revealed h at be incurred a muscle spasm n his back in the second inning md that by the fifth '"it was kill- ng me." It was also killing the langers. "It seems like I a lways pitch >etter when I don't feel 100 per- ~enl." I s E1npire (:runililing? HO USTON (APJ -The Hous ton Chronicle said ·today that crushing debts have caused Roy Horheinz to lose control of hisAstrodomain e mpire. ''Ford Credit Corp., General Electric Credit Corp .. and HNC Realty, holding mortgage notes for $38 million, have been as- signed authority lo run the enter - t a inm e n t co mpl ex." the copyright story said. After his two wobbly outings, Singer took a unique course to try <ind change his los in g ways. "For the last three days I've been re· ading old scrapbooks with m y wife," he revealed. "'Only about my good gam es. I wanted to put myself in the right frame of mind." TEXAS CALIFOltMIA Tov•r cf C.ubbevelb Har9rove If Burrou9Mrf Spene.er lb Gl'1ewdn HArr<1hJb Smillley SS ~dber9c Har94np Umbarver p •b r .. bi • 0 I 1 j 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 • 0 I 0 . j 0 0 0 • 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ab r II bi Remy lb I> O 2 0 Collons If s o 2 O Rtwrsct • O O 0 SIM>ton rf 5 0 0 0 Chalk Jb , 0 0 0 O R•m1rezu JOO O LleMSph 1 0 0 0 H•rperdh 5 O l O Doherty 1b 3 0 1 0 El. Rodrl9uer t S O I O MeohU S010 S1n9itr o 0 O O O Kirkwood p 0 0 0 0 Totals '2 I J 1 Totals ~• o 9 o Rangers 000 000 000 000 1 1 California 000 000 000 000 0 0 E-Slnger, O. Ramirez. DP Tu.as 1, C.lllornod 1. LOB-Teus 7. C.alllornla 11. 28 Spencer, C.ollins. SB-C.olllns 2, River,, Harper. S Doherty. IP H R ER BB SO Har9Aft 11' , "'I O o S • Umberger CW,•·3) I'> I 0 0 0 I Singer 1 1 1 0 0 4 l Kirllwood (L. 2-3) 2 2 1 0 0 3 HBP -by Singer CSundber9I. T -3 33. A 27,182. Winililedon "'-ti's s1ng1es "lrstRound WIMBLEOON, Engl•nd CAPI -Rewlls on tile All-En9land tenn•s chAmo1onsr11~ includecl. Sherwood Stn•u1 beat Karl Meller, Germany, 6-2,M ,7·S. P•ul Kronll, Au"r•li•, be•t Hans Polvnann, Germanv. 3-6. 1-4.6-1. 6-3. 6-2. Jun K-1muum1, J•pan, beal Erok van Dlllt'1'1, ~8.l-4, 9·7. 7·S. Arthur Ashe defHIN Bob He...11. Sou1h Alrlc•, 7-S, l-4, 6-2, 6-•. Charlie 0-ns t>e•t Bernard MiQnot, Belgium, 6-3.7-5,M . S-y ~yer but Alvin C.•rdlner, Australia, 6-l, 6-1, 6-0. Jlmmv C.onnors bHt John Lloyd, Britain, 6-2, 6-3,6-1. Onny P•run, New 2e•land, bNI Neale Fr~ser. Austr•lla,6·3, 6·2, 9.1. Bjorn Bor9, Sweden, beat Jorve Andrews, Vtneruel•, 6-2, 6-•, 6-4. Brian Gottfried beat Richard Lewis, Brit.In, f>.3, .. 1 ... 1. Vll•v Amrllr•J. lndle, beat O.rry Phllllps- Moo<e, Aintr•lla, 7·S, 6·3, 6·•. Bernie Mitton, South Alric•. beat lv1111 Molina, Colomb!•, 6-3, t.-4, •·•. C¥10s Kirm1yr, Brarll, beat Jelro VelatcO, Colomb!•. 6-0, 6-1,6·2. Ray Autfels. Austr•lle, beat VIies Gerul•lt•s. u ........ 2. u. 6-1. Jilfl Austin bHI John Pelsh, Br1tAln. •-6, 6-•, ).6, 7·S, 6-2. MilleEsteplMat Oou9Cr•wford, .. 2,M ,9 ... Ale• Metrevell, Sov•et Union, IMAI An•nd Amritr•i. lndi•. 6·•. 6 1, 6·2. O>arln P•wrell, !.Mtlurce. P.A., bffl Wood'( 8Jqchef, 6-3, 7-5, 6·3. Mark Cox, Britain, !Mal ICW> T1t1ec, Rom.no•, .. 1 ... 1,1-S. Gu<tlermo \/Mas. ArgentlM, IM•I J•ff Sl~son. New Zea!Mld, 7·S, 6-•, ._.. Wome11's Slflllet "lrstlt-4 Marlin• Navralltova, Czecchoslovakla, be•t Wench• Turnbull. Austral!•. 6·1. H . Helen Gourl•Y, Austr•ll•. IJINI Jo~ .. ume, Britain, 7.s, ...... Rowrnary C.HIS, S.n FrMKIKO, bHI Ga•I 0..nfruu, Fr•nc•, •·2, 24,6-1. .. 2~1s Evert be41t Cl\rls O'Nelll, Au\tr•ll•, 6-0. BUFFALO (AP) -In 1980. at lbe age of 24. Bobby Scaolon woo lbe New York State litbtweiabt boxi.na crown. Monday, at tbe 8.Je al 39, the oo~promJslng boxer who was unbeaten ln bl.a first 32 bouts, died in a fire in his $'TS-a-month hotel room in nearby Lackawanna. Fire officials said Scanlon ba~ apparenUy been smoking in bed. The fire, they said, was confined to bt1 fourth-floor l'oom .nd C•\4Hd au estimated $5,000 clama1e. Ortlclala said be died oC smote lnhaJaUon. After he won the ltate UUe, Scanlon, who wa1 ranked u hlgh as seventh nationa111, was told by doctors to give up the ring. He had problems wltb double vision caused by a damaged nerve ln one eye, they said. . "I asked one doctor, •What happens it I keep on fighting'?'• U.S. Open Title Hard to· Believe .. \ I Won~-Graham MEDINAH, 111. (AP) -His talk _. the soft drawl of a Southern gentleman -is plain' and straightforward. He likes to fish.and shoot pool. He wears a faded sports shirt he's had for a year, one that his wife, Patsy, keeps rinsing out. • "I dido 't want to tell myself I was playing'in the U.S. Open because the pressure would start mount- ing. "Right now it is hard for me to get in my mind I won the U.S. Open. I can't imagine it. I don't feel like a U.S. Open champion. He's jus t plain ol' Lou Graham, the new U.S. Open golf ~ham pion. In an unfiappable manner that marked him a s one of the steadiest performers in this year's unsteady 75tb Open, the 37-year-old Tennessean shot a par 71 over the testy Medinah Course Monday to win an IS.bole playoff from John Mahaffey. Mahaffey. 27, was never ahead and trailed by as many as three strokes in fashioning a 73. In de- feat, Mahaffey could barely con- tain the anguish he felt after finishing second for the seventh time in the past 1112 years. For Graham, it was only the third victory in 11 years of plug- ging on the tour, and those two were in minor tournaments - t he 1967 Minnesota Classic and _ lhcl972L&M. But this time around, the taste o f victory was there, a nd Graham knew it. The key, he said, was his putt on lhe 205·yard eighth for par. He was in the fringe 75 feet away and left himself a tricky eight-footer. ~ .. It lipped the hole then came in the right door. and that was it -I figured l was on my way." And on the 18th when his two· iron went into the trees he said he heard a TV man say if the ball hadn't hit a spectator it would have gone out of bounds. "[ then said to myself: 'This golf tournament belongs to Lou Graham'." Later, a USGA of- ficial who was there said the ball did not hit a s pect ator. By then it didn't matter . . Graham admitted that be kept telling himself some strange things as he trudged through the playoff. ' "I told m yself I was just playing a game of golf," he said. t - "Before I went out there, I told myself: 'John isn't going to give you anything. You have to take it. You have lo go out and shoot the flags down.' On the 15th was the first time I left a putt short. I had the speed of the greens pret- ty well, and John didn't." Mahaffey concurred "I threw it away on the greens. No birdies. I didn't putt,'' said Mahaffey, the 1970 National Collegiate Athletic Association champ from Houston who was in his first playoff. "The greens were slower than I a nticipated. I s hould have c.·hanged putte rs. I couldn't get the ball to the hole. I was only past it five times, and each lime it had a chance to go in but dido 't. "But l learned a lot out ther e. I have confidence in my swing. I'm youn g. Who knows, I may win the PGA.'' Golf 's mos t coveted c ham- pionship, in a ddition to adding bundles through testimonials and commercials, was worth $40,000 to boost Graham's winnings for the year to $86,071. Mahaffey's $20,000 check ran his earnings to $121 ,665 for sixth place on the list. Mahaffey, who used 37 putts, • bogeyed the second hole by three- p u tti n g a nd los t a stroke. Graham overs hot the third for a bogey as bis opponent parred to draw even. Then Graham birdied the next t~o holes with eight and six foot putts and Mahaffey never caught up. Leading by two strokes with a 35 on the first nine, Graham gained another by pitching to three feet from the cup to birdie the loth. He made several great saves for pars, especially when he was treed and ha<J to play safe on the 13th and then dropped a 12-footer. On BOth Birtladag Former heavyweight boxing champion J ack Dempsey gets a kiss from his wife Deanna today on his 80th birth- day. Dempsey won the title by defeating Jess Willard in Toledo back in 1919. • ID Scanlon uJd then. "The doct91' said, 'You'll wind up punchy.' That did it. I may not know what my future is, but I don't wut to be a boxing bum. l'mU. I can do something else." Scan lon, once nicknamed ''CboJr Boy" for his baby.faced cood looks, quit the ring !or only a year, however . When he left, he had a record of 34 wins, five losses and a draw. He returned to the ring in 1962 Blaze and fought 13 more bouts, win· ninJ only six of them. His last fight w as a 10-round decision over Luis Molina in San Jose in 1966. • ·scanlon 's mother, Helen Ashburn, uid her son eventually suffered a m ental breakdown and was id and out ot ps)'Chialric centers. In 1970, he was accused or punching a priest who refused to give him $20. LOU GRAHAM G ESTURES JOYFULLY AFTER U.S. OPEN WJN. Sports in Brief White Inks Pact To Play Baseball LOS ANGELES -The Los ' Angeles Dodgers announced Monday they have signed Myron White of Santa Ana Valley High School. While. 17, was the Dodgers' second-round choice in the June free agent draft. He will report to the club's Bellingham, Wash., club in the Northwest League Thursday, a spokesman for the Dodgers said. Terms of the con- tract were not disclosed. White, 5-10, 180, played center field and hit over .300 in a.U four years at Santa Ana. French Win PARTS -Francois fretled France into the Davis Cu pean Zone B tennis final by edging Corrado Baraz Italy 6·2, 4·6, 6·3, 3·6, 6-3 i he de- ciding fifth match of the semifinal.· Lindl.eg Fifth PEBBLE BEACH-Brian Lindley of Cos ta Mesa's Mesa Verde Country Club, fired a 74 to tie for fifth place in the California ama.~t:ur golf championships ~ler the first day of play in the 64th annual event here Monday. Dick.Runkle, a 47-year-0ld Los An geles la wyer making his 19th try for a title after finishing second three times, held a one- stroke lead with a par 72. B0011er Arrested · NEW YORK -Tom Hoover, former pro basketball player, was among nine persons arrest- ed Monday in what federal of- ficials said was a crackdown on a $.500,000 he roin ring that centered its activities a round one of. Harlem's best known night spots, ·Small's Pa radise Bar&Grill. Hoover played in both the American and National Basket- ball Associations. U.S. Alty. Pa ul Curran saru the conspiracy extended from 1968 to 1973 and involved large sums of cash to provicte.__heroin for sale in the melropolitahf ew York area. Wisz in Tounaeg COLUMB US, Ohio-J erry Wisz of UC Irvine has been added to the field for the NCAA Division 1 golf championships that begin here today with an East-West match before s tart of the 72·hole tournament Wednesday. Rau Duels Griffin; Dodgers Trail by 3 HOUSTON (AP) -Bob • Watson's three·run homer in the second inning capped a six·run Houston upris ing, and the Astros held off a sevenlh·inning Los Angeles rally to defeat the Dodge rs S late Allpme1onKABClno). 'June 2A LosAnvetu •t Houston S:lOp m. JUM 1S Los Anveles •t Houston S:lC o.m. Jllllle 26 Los AnQelts Al San FunclS<o I o.m. Dodgers 6-5 Monday night. The loss dropped the Dodgers three games be hind division leader Cincinnati. Watson's 10th homer of the year scored Roger Metzger and Cesar Cedeno in front or him. Each had prece ded Watson with run·scoring singles. • Doug Rader ope ned the inning with a walk and later scored on a throwing error by Los Angeles second baseman Davey Lopes. Tb~ Dodgers scored single runs m the second and fifth in- nings on an RBI single by Tom P acior ek and a double·play g rounder by Steve Garvey. They added three runs in the seventh o~ a walk lo Lopes, a run·scoring s ing~ by Ron Cey and Joe Ferguson's two-run single. Burt Hooton, who was 6-0 in nig ht ga m es this season . a bsorbed the loss, evenjng his re- cord at6·6. With the triumph, the Astros defeated the Dodgers for only the second time in l"O meetings this season. The empir e includes the Houston Astros baseball team, a group ·of hotels a nd a 40·year lease on the Astrodome. A 20- year lease on the Astroworld ~musem ents park was obtained last month by Six Flags. Cooke's Newest Bargain: Dionne Granger, with bis clutch relief e!f ort.s in the final 2% innings notched his fifth save of the year.' Doug Rau, 6-6, opposes Tom Griffin, 3·7, in tonight's game. LO.ANCeLIES •• r II bl loClft lb 3 1 0 0 ~clortll If s I 1 o Marshall p o o o o .. OUSTON e•P"" .. 1 1 0 4 1 1 I 2 1 1 1 3 I 1 I 3 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 a 1 o o 4 0 1 0 3 1 , 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 The Chronicle said the lenders have n a m e d Hofheinz, T .H . Neyland, who has been president of A trodomain Corp ., and Sidney L. Shlenker, who has been Astrodomain vice president, to run the operation. "For the Cirst. time. Hof'heinz or lhe Horheini family, does not have majority control." the Chronicle story said. "Neyland ond Shlenkcr must be rcspons1· ble lo the le nders· wishes," Cbron.iclesourc •Hy. Tber wa. no comment from Holbelnz and other Astrodomnin olllda&.. LOS ANGELES (AP) -When Jack Kent Cooke wants scoring he goes all out. A week ago on Monday he signed up Kareem AbduJ.Jabbar for his Lakel's of the National Basketball Associa- tion. That cost him $2.5 million. This Monday he signed up Marce l Dionne for his Los Angeles Kings of the Natlonal Hockey League. Tbat C011t him $1.5 million. Overall, this could m an a lot of scoring ot his Forum al a cost of 9' million. JabbJtr four times h ad been an all-leaiue bask etball player. Both newcom ers arc centers, Jabbar in busketball, Dionne in hockey. · Dionne bad been an alJ.sta r wilh the Detroit Red Wings but didn't continue his mulll·year contract, which made him fair game for the other teams. Los Angeles and Cooke came up with the winning otter, fl,5 mlllloo. The i m preserio said only that both Jabbar and Dionne hod signed five.year contracts with his clubs. The K ings cave up Da n Maloney, who scored 27 goals hast 1eason, and defentema n Terry Harper plus a 1'19second· round draft choice tog~ Dionne. Although the Detroit star played put. his contract tut )'e•r and was free to ai1n with a team or his choice for 1975-76, there re· malned the q uealion of com- J>ent•tlng the Detroit club. So the trlldewas arran19d. Jn addition to Dionne, tbo Kinp got the contract of de- f mHman Bart Cralllley. Dionne d•puted thole who said he wu a alayer oriented to of. leme. "I broke records as an ot · feasJve bocke)' player.'' he said; "bat l oaa be~ome a complete hoeke, 'player. I Uk• the di.I· clpUne that coaob Bob Pulford demands." The comment on the contract wae m ade at noon in a tneeUng between Dionne and Cook. There was no doubt t.be two would come to terms. Cooke already bad put Maloney, a tou1h forward, and Harper on the line. The second· round draft. choice could be no solid factor. Cooke wanted a scorer. His Kines reached th• Stanley Cup playoffs the past two yean and went down tn the first round. As a Canadian, he was avtdly support- ing hi• transplanted team. Dionne wa given the title or Red Wlnfs cltptain last year. Wynnct 3 1 1 o o.r .. ,, lb s 1 , 0 C.yJll ", , 1 F'•rvuson rf i O 2 2 Yt ... H 4 000 AutrtM< I\ ·.s ' Cl 2 1 o. ...... u, 0000 ~-0 000 Leo._ o•:o ~p ,. 0 McMW ....... 0 ••• ,..,...,.. 1 •• 0 LHll t t IO --IO 6 6 f .. s . 4 I[~'-Ct*St OP .. ......_on t. U)8 W• All .... , •• HO\litCHI s. H -.. tlonll. a-o.. "*rt1.Hlt ,WatMl't <IOl.St-Q1Mno1. IP .. a •It 11 IO HMilen CL,W l ) ' • • a • ,.,,...._ • 10011 Mlnlwtll t 0 0 0 1 • 0.. AOC1ert1 <W,•·•I 61 • 1 s ) 7 t J , Nleltre 0 2 0 0 O t c;r_,., t\oa 0 0 O 1 o S.V.-Vr•noer U). WP-o.. AOO.rts. T-21 .. A-12,•t2. -----... .Op~n Oeean Ban P adJlecraft Race Slated P addlecrattc r s wlll s cholarships to UC have un opportunity to Irvine and Cal Stato display their skm ln an <Loni Beach>. open ocean race from Entrants wtll dopart Long Beach to Newport from Morine Park and B e ach on Saturday, poss tht-ougb the Long. Augus t 16 with several Beach Marina. They Will outstanding prbes being conlin\Jc through the ofteredto wtnners. breakwater and into The event, first of its open ocean, h e ading 1Und in this are11, will be down the coalt toward sponsored by Arendsen Huntington Beach. Associat es or Lido At the halfway point, Village in N e wport the paddlers will surl Beach. . . through the brea kers, The race w.ill or1grnate check in with the race at Marine Park Beach ·committee and rest tor a a cross from M a rine minimum ot lS·minutes. Stadium in Long Beach They will then paddle and will proceed down through the surf and con. the coast past H untinglon tinue down the coast to. Beach to the Newport Newport Beacp . The. Harbor. overall distance is ap- T'*lday, June 24, 1975 D~L Y PILOT 83 Sam.mer Play Pfingst .Hits 26 I 3 Area Nines Down Rivals Tom Pfingst scored 26 points to Jead M . S. and, C. lo a 93·62 victory over La Fonda In the Cotta Mesa Ope n s ummer Huntington Beach, University and Estancia hlgha scored summer league baseball wins Monday night. . Huntington Beach came up wlth live runs in "' the seventh inning to de- feat Newport Harbor, 6·1, while Univer sit y edged Fountain Valley, 6-4, in Harbor Are at gam es pl aye d a t TwWinklePark. In Harbor Area games at Davis Field, Est311cia defeated Costa Mesa, 3-1, and La Quinta shut out Corona del Mar , 5-0. Huntington Be ach and Newport were tied, 1-1, going into the seventh, but Perry Harbin's bad- hop ground ball brought two Huntington Beach runne r s home. Jeff CM .. Mtt•tll •• r 2 t 3 I ) 0 , 0 , 0 1 0 3 0 J 0 ' 0 , 0 2 0 II 1 k•n •r 1 ....... , " r" baaketbaU league Mon- o o day nii ht at Estancia g g High. 1 1 ln a companion ga m(', g g Thirsty ls le def eatcd g g Garrett, 74·70 with lour o a pf ayers scoring in double ~ g figures. Jeff McHugh hJt 2 1 18, BIH Avery 15, Jon r " • 000 tOO 2-i 9 I Butchort 14 a nd Rony Rodriguez 12. 100 000 0 ' 2 ' Hattrup LeadsMV Dick Zembal was high Point m an for t he game for the losers with 19 with t eamm ate J im McCJoskey hitting 18. Tlllra.ar 1a1e oo 8uCllOl'1 Ho!Oeew•nclt M(HU911 PIOQell AoOrlgue1 Muq.,., 5->o All9ry Tot1ls 19 It Jif tit 7 0 ' " 3 0 0 • • 1 s " 3 0 3 • 0 s 0 3 3 0 0 2 6 3 ., 31 • 21 • If .) 0 IS 74 G•trett (701 19 It • pf . '"' C.Adtlman • 3 1 11 A. Adel men 1 4 ~ 18 F Adelman o O o O Z.mri.1 7 s 2 1• lt .wilJ be a t est or proxlmately20miles. ~trength , e ndurance, Allpaddlecraftmust.be. ability and speed wtth inspected by the race. t he winner in the. water committee and must. approximately eight to meet required salety- 10 hours. standards. Pad d I e c r a rt e n · For further info1:ma- t hustasts are incren'sing lion and entry blanks, in numbers as bicyclers call (714) 640-8073 . Vt Sunset League Tri-~hanaps 1 A ve ryt and K e vin Muga vero followed with rbi singles, and Scott Lundstrom scored on a passed ball. John Hattrup stole the ball and scored the tying goal in regulation then hlt on a pair or fi eld goal attempts in overtime to lead Mission Viejo High to a 59-58 victory in the Orange summer basket- ba ll league Monday ni ght over Villa Park. In other games, Costa Mesa defeated Orange, 53-37 ; Redlands held on to defe at U niversity, 35·31; and Servile defeat- Ftfftn<ln 0 0 O 0 H•vclen o o 1 o o. McCIOshr 1 o o 2 J . McCloskey 9 0 7 111 McLean 1 O o 1 Totals 29 12 11 10 Hallllme: G..-rett, 41·40. are on land. Proposed a wards in- clude an all-expense paid ·Woolard vacation to Montreal for the 1976 Olympic Games and another to the Island Paces FV of Eleuthera in the Bahamas. Alternate a wards are two -,ye ar. c r e w i n g Rick Woolard hurled a three-bitter and Vince Bienek had a two-run double Sunday night to Coach Jim Thompson's Edison Charger s tied for the league golf · title with Marina and Los Alamitos. Kneeling (from left ) -Rick Van Dyke, Dave Broka w, Greg Frederick, Jim Peterson. St and- ing -Ed Howard, Todd Zirbel, David DeHuff, Thompson. Los Alamitos Entries University came up with three runs in the fourth inning to defeat Fountain Valley. H11ntl119t1111 a .. c11, 10 a• r St-n,dh s o II rltl 1 0 Aud, cl 4 O Sutton, SS 1 2 1 0 2 0 Colem1n, l b • 1 , 0 Kirce, r1 4 1 0 0 Lyons, rf O 0 0 0 H.lrbin. II 4 1 1 1 Lundstrom, lb 4 I 2 1 •NTltlfS tJOlt TU ESOAY ,.rtl ~Ht I p.m. FrM B•rs <C.rdo11) Aov•l Intent <H•rtl 119 Averyt, lb J O ' 1 0 0 ed FoothiJl, 63-33 . Steve Sawyer held the hot hand for Mission Vie· jo in the earty going, scoring 23 points. The Diablos had a 26·point final quarter with Hat· trup missing a fi eld goal attempt with 10 seconds M.S. & C. (t JI PllngSI Nov•I\ Ammen Allm1n ~ldm<tn Alper Coloen T~ls :6 'l ~ ~ • 0 , 8 II 0 3 I• I 1 l J 10 1 1 ?I , 0 2 4 j s 4 u 40 ll 18 9l U Fond• <UI~ ft II pf lit No~s Schuma<:her O.rton Conkey Prk• S.k .. Tot.is •. 1 4 11 1 0 2 ) • 3 s " s 0 1 10 s 0 ) 10 I 2 1 • 21 6 11 ~I A rr lead Fountain Valley to a rea.1. e8.JD8 5-2 Am e r.ican L egion '2 &HCI• first r•ce U EuctH ""· 1111 Miu FIHt Mi:>«! (Lipham I Klpty Bru.d <W•lker I 122 119 117 111 119 119 117 Aov•l !"Ire Aooet IH••ll Co Men Too ID••v•r l Sufi Dot Deck <Brooks) 112 Northrup, lb 0 o 0 119 Mu:91vero. < • 0 Wrogllt,p 0 l 0 1 0 to play, then stealing the ~--------- rebound from a Vill a Park player to score the Battered Fountain ·Valle y Hi gh and Golden West and Orange Coast colleges suffered summer league water polo losses Mon- day night. baseball wm over Loara. Loara had a 2-1 lead going into the seventh in- ning at Fountain Valley High, but Woolard's single tied the game and Bienek 's double s ent Fountain Valley ahead by two. an•ttllra<es P•lr Of Dice <Adair I Step And Gotle (My le SI t<lltST ltACE 3SO yuos.? veer Miu Fllcke Reb (Treasure I Old malo.ns. Purse $1900 c 111m1ng P<kU 7500 l!IGHTH ltACE -3.SO varels. 3 year St•ro•n CW•l'lll Go Miss El5l• <W•lker I Oldi9's Prl<M (Hlrll Miu V•n N•llY• !Mvlnl LOOkS Like II (TrH s11re I Erin Kelley <Cru~rl Aattle'N Snep <C•r C101al MIWI' Bertel <Cell I Mr. 8. Ber IW•tson I Thrt• Polity\ (Adal r) • olds & up . Cl•lmlng. Purn $1900 122 cl•lml119prit• $1600 119 County Fathom (Cruger) 119 Mid Poise <Richards) 119 l"rlsco Flash ITrHsure > 119 Berle<> Rocket IW•lker> 11' 'Olvlelencl's Bu <Bertreml 127 V•nGleu (Adair I 119 Sleepy Charge (Lipham) 122 122 119 119 119 172 119 119 122 NINTH RACE 400 yards. 3 YHr Senclle1, p 0 0 Oleh. c111m1119, Purse uooo <•••ming To111~ 34 • 11<1<•'3500. Ntwp0'1 Harbor (I) Mr.SpffdCounl IH•rtl Y•kllV Yeo <Brool!sl Abo\19 The Door <Ger It) Verquenui (Cltrluel Plev HouM (Cre•t•r) No S.O S0f\9s (Alchuelsl Tiny Pllllllps CAO•lr I Clll<k•moor !Llpll•ml Fleet 'N SPHd'f (Ward) CiKh A Quin <MyleSI .lb r 121 c. Sm11n,ct ? o 112 P•lmer, SS I 0 112 !Uinen, c J O 122 Scllw•lbe, If 3 0 111 Cluk,p J O 112 Wiikinson, lb 2 o 112 Soss,pn o 121 P.Smlth,l b 0 122 Meuev. pl\ o 112 Barr, rl 1 Huber, 2b 0 Totals 20 I 0 13 " 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 7 J 0 s rbt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I tying mar ker. MIUloOI Vl•Je (stl It II pf tp Z099 Aa.tn~ S.wyer Co• Hellrup Kennedy McOon•ld Genslchen I 0 0 1 0 7 1 7 9 s 4 23 7 1 I • s 4 2 " 0. 0 2 0 I 3 0 S 3 1 I l Totals 11 17 11 $9 Snr. by Quarters Fountain Valley sur- rendered a fourth period goal to Westminster and Woolard also pitched s trongly, striking out eight while going nine in- nings. SI!'. COHO ltACE 870 yards. 3 veer olds & up. Cl••mlng, Purse $1900 c1elml119price$1600 Bud's Lodi (Wud I Sucitr Dupe (Ht rl I 118 119 119 Los Al Results S<or• llY l1111l119s VIiia Pk r ft •• MV Hunt Boch Newpol'1 Harbor 001 000 S-6 13 0 000 010 0-1 3 0 18 10 9 .19 3-58 16 6 1 26 4-S9 COS1a Mue Ull tt It pf tp 1 I I 1S lost, 5-4, in' Costa Mesa "•""t1111v!~., <:> Jeague action at Orange .Swenson' ?b s 1 " rbl Bettle Tank IAlcllero) I TOI) Side (Call) Fll'lt Sting (Walker i Khe l• Pro CLlpl\•ml ColdLlgM !MylUI Scooper Spor1 (Aelal r l 122 MONDAY, JUNE U , 1t7S 119 Clt•r, Tr~k irut ' 0 Coast College . ~\:'::. j,<1 ~ ~ At Cypress College, z.1uner,pr o 1 119 ,lltST ltACE -lSO yu ds. 1 year 11'1 olds. Cllimlng. Purse S2200. 119 Wlnllen Otpth (Hartl , o. 1 I 0 0 Cal Poly Pomona d efeat-rk~~· lb ~ ~ e d Golde n West , 6·3, ~~i:'., ~ ~ 1 2 0 0 AIMIElit lble Terdv Rocket <Lipham I S.wrers Bar (Brooks I SCIMCIY S.ven CWuo I ~e AsAI !Clerlssel 4 20 3.00 l 70 8.10 , 80 11 80 119 Lulln Joktr <Myles I 119 You Bet Sl>UCI <Cruger I I 0 while the Cy press A Eow¥os,c J o 1 t 0 1 119-Tome -18.1' 122 Also A•n -Mr. Bar C•lch, Fast BrHker, I'm• Sure Thing, Bleck Cyn Swingi119 Slim, Limits Hy It. Scotti.•, B•r End t eam bombed Orange V•11M1111•·" .. ! 0 5 • Tot•ls -Coast. 10·2, in Cypress Sctnlly 1 .... 1 .. s r " • 0 0 • 4 THI ltD ltACIE -lSO yards 3 ye;ir olds & up. Clelmlng. P11rui2sooc1a1m- College league action. to.• 1ot ooo 000-1 > 3 ~~1f:1=.1 1tt Oll'ftt SuOdef1 (Llpl\am I 119 Screkl\e<I -Sergeant NMI, Prl1t•t• ~· Ron Lape led Fountain Follnt•inV•ll•Y '00 000 3111-s • 1 -52 Eucta J·WI01ke11 Depth & J. L.ullnAllff, 1NhU47.60. LuckyShllOll IC.Ill 119 NII• FllVlll CTreu ure l 119 Valley with two goals while Mike Bramon and J lm Davidson added one Fish Report Sir 8111\d (ACl•lrl 119 FrMwey Rocket <Clerosse) 112 A-Strip (Welker) 122 Minic Nott Miu <H••ll 117 • SECOND ltACE -3SO v•rds. J year Olds. Clelmlng. Purse $2000. 1 LlllleAbow IClerlssel 4lpiece. Doug Fabian had two goals for Golden West: while Rod Hormel added one. Cory Ward and Mike Swenson each had a goal for Orange Coast. Nl'.W"<>ltT (Art's LAIMlintl -3'I a.nglen : 17 bals, 1 blue b1ss, 126 mtek9rtl, 1 h1llb11t, 20 rock cod. (0.wy•a Loctt•l -13 •nglen: 98 bess, 1 v•ll-1•11, 300 rock cod, 1 hlllbut. 20 macurel. tJOUltTH ltACI! -400 yards. 3 year olds & up. FllllH •ncl mares c llimlno, Pvrw ~. Clalmlng price $10,000 Olellt 's c;.m IRlchuos I 111 Miu Aewarel Bu <Trnsure I 11• Tr .. t Mt F•lr <Brook SI 11• 25 00 9.40 1.40 Win-LAd (Cardoza l 4.10 3.l>O Mr. TOI) Clllcks <Bertr•m I l .40 Time -18.10 Also A•n -Sea Bar Cullt, Say a Prar,er, Honky lonk Man, Orvllle Mer Oii, Miss Rum Sam , Ho-·s ~ nv Boy, Sportaboul DANA WHA•fl -115 •nglars: 40S ben, • bolllto, I IWlllbut, 1 vellO-Mail. 37 rock cod, I meckerel, 29 whlte sea beu. Lucky P•I ear (Mylul 118 Color Me Pl11k (Ari) II~ Tris Deck (Llpl\•m > 122 Fll'TH ltACE 3SO yard$. 2 YH• Scretcne o -1<1ssema11, P•ul Scarfell, Desert Trtesur• ' olds. Allowence. Purso UIOO Tuc:sonJet <Hull 112 THlltO RACE -JSO yards. 1 year Rustlers Win, 99-96 Oti Ver A•n (Aelelr) Ledy Jet Jr. <C•ll I Rosv Joyous ICrHQtr) FlreN' Ice <Clerissel SaYMMhGlll (Mylt\) Four ScOOP1 (Llpl\•m I SunShlM <W•l!.onl 122 oldm•ldens. PurseSl900. 119 CherQer Go Ber (Car dote I 119 9.40 5.00 7 IO 1n Mhs Me Honey (Adair I S.l>O 2.80 WHITTIER -Linn second remaining in re- Wilson hit the first lour gulatioo. play to sen~ the points in overtime and ·game into overtime. the Golden West College High scorer for GWC Rus tlers bas ketball was s ophomore Scott team went on to post a Clark with 28. LOoll Over Jord•n (Dryer I 122 Limit's ReQard (Treuure) 2.40 119 Time -11.29 112 .t.lso Ran -Dream lot, J et ~red, 119 Donl1n, Kruklln K•thy, Tu-mesier, 0.ll's Lilll• Doll, Honeydew Go SIXTH RACE -400 yards. 3 yedr Olcl'S. Allow•nce. PurH $3000 Mvn.metuu. <Trt u urtl 119 117 Sc••1<11ed -Cl\ervt to Luck, Miu OoUble E-. B•rt>ary Bay, Fest Bee Esope Artist (H•rtl Gol!Nn'1 Loulon <Dreyer) AetlKY Boone CW•l'll) 117 tJOUltTH ltACE -S.9 yards. 3 veer :~ olds & up. St.arlers Allowance. Purse 99-96 victory over Long 0o-.. w .. 1 '"' ft ft pl IP Htlr Apptlrtnl (Llpl\•m I : :: ~dequ.le <Cardoia I Beach City College Mon-Sc11i11.ci • a J 11 Liar's Dice IAdalrl SNlkeMOown <Pet110) day night in the Rio Hon-~::':°n 1~ ! ·: ~ do summer league here. wi1son 95 1 21 " Terry Gin IW•lsonl !Un Ke n <CardoHI 11, 4.40 3.20 2.40 CH El J•y CS.rt ram I 4.10 7.li() 117 Pl~ine Pete <Hartl 1.80 Fletcher 1 11 SEVENTH ltACE 400 v••d~ 3 · Time -27.90 Long Beach hit a pair ~1~ 2~ ~. ,~ ~ .,..., olds & up, Allowance. Purse U OOO. The Calllornla's Finest Repybllcen AuemblV Club. Also R•n -S•ndy V.tnn•h. Co- meonnoss, Bold Torn.ao Of free thrOWS With One Halltlme:GolelenWH t,5f.41. No scratclles FACTORY Demo SALE! • TOYOTA HAMPLE: •75 TOYOTA. COROLLA. 4 ~ rlidlO, llMI« IOt81 '75 VOLVO 242 A>r, eu10 11W10. oower slH rlno 196441 s5999 11 Yel•HL.tfAt~ .. ,... .. s ...... • 4 WHEEL DRIVES '74 LAMDCIUISll Her~ 4 all94HI. war11 lluDI t1ldiO ......, IJS'4.1'01 '72 LAHDGIUllll ~ s ..... """ 1111111 • .., ~ I~) 1 4199 14899 Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division W L Pct. GB Boston 37 27 .578 New York 38 29 .567 1h Milwaukee 34 32 .515 4 Baltimore 30 35 .462 71h Detroit 26 :r7 .413 lO'h Cleveland 26 39 .400 11 lh West Division 43 26 .623 38 31 .551 5 34 34 .500 81Ai 34 37 .479 10 31 34 .477 10 28 38 .424 131h Oakland Kansas City Texas Angels Minnesota Chicago MeM•Y'IO- CJewl111d 11, Boston J HfW Yo'1l 6, Bllllmon 1 MllwlMlltffl, O.troll' Tu•• 1, C:.llfoml• 0, 13 Innings 0.kland 5, Mlnnt IOte I · Only gtmes 1clled11ltd T 9N y 'a 0• 11'14111 Ottrolt (B•r• 2·3 end L•Grow ._.I •I Mlhq ukte 1Trawrs2.0anel Slaton 5·1 ) 2 ...._ York (H11nt., 1°'41 •t BeltlmoA (Torru 7~ ..... 14'141CK•rn1-21118os1on u ... t·SI T•UI l"'rry .. 101 •t GlllU90 IOll"n 1.61 KaNH City (lrl ... 4·3) •l C..llfwllll <Lanvt M l MIMHot• (0.Clt•t 1-1 l et Ollltlancl (SlltllrU•I) WM""41ay'a GlfMI Clntillnel •I to.ton Ht..,YOflt 11 Baltlmoro Dlltoll •l Mllw•ukff Ttuut c;t11ca90 KAIMH City II C:.lltornl• Ml-tOtl It Olltltl'1\d NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct. GB Pittsburgh 39 25 .609 Philadelphia 37 31 .544 4 Chi cago 34 33 .507 6'h New Yor k 32 32 .500 7 St. Louis 32 33 .492 71h Montreal 28 34 .452 10 Wes t Division Cin cinna ti 43 27 Dodgers 41 ·31 Sao Francisco 33 36 San Diego 32 :n Atlanta 29 40 Houst.on 26 47 M•M•Y'IO•me St Lot1ls t·4, N•w York 0-0 On<lllMll I , AUanl• 4 Ptlllldelptll• •· Pltlsbllrgh 5 Ollcaoo 6, Montrtal O HoustOll •.LOI An991es $ .614 .569 3 .478 91h .464 IO'h .420 13~ .356 18\h S.n Diego 7, Stltl flr•nclsco 6 T.Oy'tO•IMI Ollca go C8onham t-5) at MontrNI <Aenko2•5l Plttsb11r9h <A•11 U 1·4 and Klson 1·21 •1 Phlllldllpflla (Un<Mrwood7·San<IOlrtsttnlonMl1 • Clhc1nna11 IOorcv 1·41 •I At111111tNl•kro7-SI St. Louis (Curll• 4.j) •I New Yorll (KOOll!l•n S.SI L.ot A1199l11 (A111 '"'I •t H-ton (Griffin H I s.n Fr•nc11co (Barr 6·7 •net Wllll11mt \.2 or 8rlllley0-01 •t San 01190 lJOMSMlndSlrom Ml 2 w.-. ••• , .• o- c.lnclnll•tl II Atlenta Pl ttsbur9" al ,." 11Mlt11)11 la Ollc•to •I Montrtal SI. LOlotltat H•w Yottt LU AftOelH al HOll~lon '911 'r•"'lt(e ti Sa11 OleOO DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA VOLVO I 966 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA 646-9303 \r1 .. 1rr Prwt, l l"<fy \hnp Op"r-', Ol1W\ 1• _,.,. .. '' .. , •• , fl··r·w •~·"' t)p,•n ~.,furcinw' 9 n"" .' r""" W( MU( OVU1'>tA\ OHIVfRtf<i - ' Zip's Son <Harn 7 40 • 00 3.00 •.10 l 40 J.40 Sir Ouel Bruktr IL•pl\•m I Time 10.34 Also R.an -Eel Onno, Miss P•11mer, OMO.cit., Wlk•u Bar Go, EasyA<tS Hoscr•ICMS SIXTH ltACE 3SO yard\. l yHr Olds. Altow•nce. Pun• U SOO. too°" 11 rus11re 1 6 •O 2 IO 1.l>O V•llt y Supersl•r (Ortyt r I 2.IO HO' TlleAmbH sedor <Hartl 360 Tlm9 -17.79 Also Aen -Sure Flttl, Jusl Jom O.ndy, Gln9er 'N J•cHI, Think Gold, Pl•y Susette. Bl•<k Thou9nt, Mr, Capri 0.<k Scr•1<hed Morning Aller, Alcto Ber, AbeliclleO $S EHCI• 7-Ed Ou & I-Vallo ~"1tr,tNldS41 SEVENTH RACE -3SO yard\ J year olds & up. Cl•ss1t1ed Allowance. Purse S..000. Above Rebellion IAdalrl ·uo J.80 2.80 6.80 3 80 . 2 80 Gold Copy (Palliol Liiii• Tiny Go IWa1son I Tll'M 17.88 AllO Ren Smok'N G•I. L••<O B"d 2. Jel Set Tllru, Oupllcale Won, Onvln' Man NOKretcnes. EIGHTH RACE -lSO yards. 3 year olds. Claiming Purn UOOO. Speeoy SI• <Adair I 9.20 • "° J "° OuusOlolce CC•lll l 70 4 20 V.n's Ster <Cneger I 3 60 Also Re n Timco, Plenty Fast, Mr. Zing, Ous1y Line Bars, Me Fire, Top -Jo, Aollong Nole Scr•lcned De l Opal Poise, New Polley Noor Win " l!aact• 1-SPMdY Sia & f>.OtlicH Chek•. ,.1• noe.so. NINTH llACI! -3)0 v•rels. l yeu olds & up. Cl•lmlnQ Purse $2100. Sir Nomad (PtQe I 17.00 98Q, 500 OeepTonto CCrtagerl 10.40 UO ~e1111llln Valley (41 Smith, cf Holmes,31> CiawtMd,Jb Heximer, 11>-p Empting.< Bo•old,11-lb FIUhugn, lb Fry,p Laub, II C. Slckm•n, If t...ayman,c-p Pr.lit. lb PICllli., 2111 L..ng, u Mllu ,ss Enos. rf AOCerlson, rt Tol.als •• r 3 I 2 0 1 0 1 I I 0 2 ' 1 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 I D 0 0 0 I 21 4 U11lvenJty (6) Murray, ss Gome•, lb JoMson,lb Bexter,c Tilles,rl Mull, 2b Morin, cf Calub,11 O'Oonnell,p S!Mln, p · Tol•ls a• r 7 1 7 0 3 0 3 0 7 I J 0 , 1 1 I 0 0 0 1 19 6 Scort by lnnin9s Foun. Valley University II rbl , 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 Syer\ Duse rt Miiier Spink Yo1>n9 Wills Stollh•m Kno• Oman Klloy Tot•ls 0 I 1 I ) 0 7 " • 0 0 • 1 1 1 J ' 0 2 2 I 0 0 2 ' 0 2 l ! ~ { 1~ 2• ~ tl ~ Scffe lly Oua1'1ers Cos1•Mew • 14 ?O 0r•f>9e • , • Ual'ftrslly U U Snllt" Green Porler H.allMO, IN. Cl ymoncl' To1a1s •• It "' 7 2 I 1 1 I , , 0 , 0 4 I 0 l tJ s 9 11 rbi Score •1 Ou•rt•rs Un1ve.,Jty II 1 S ~ ~ RtOl•nos 10 8 • 0 I 0 0 1 0 PUBLIC NOTICE ~ g ___ N_O_T_l_C_l!_T_O_C_lt_E_O_l_T_O_R_S_--f 1 t SUll'ERIOltCOURTOFTHE O O UATEOF CALllJORHIAFOR 0 0 THE COUNTY Ol<OltAHOE J l Ho.A·U.U Estele of MA RIE LARSE N r " e ANDERSON, OeCHWd. 300 010~ 1 • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to lhe 003 30x-6 3 l c..Ollors ol th9 •boYe named dKt'dent Esleftcia Ill 11\411 •II persons hevlng claims ll<)ainst .ab r II rbl the "lo O.etdent er• required 10 file Grt .n, cl Griff ill, p Fltml119, If AonqulllO, SS Vellere, lb Oonnelly, 1b Windor,C P.ayne,rl 81111M•,pll D<elSler. lb TeUO.,pl\ Tol•ls J I 1 0 tr.m, wllh IM Mctssery vouchers, In O ' l tne olllce of IM c l•rk ot lht •bow en 4 4 0 I 0 UUt<I c~t. or to present them. with the • : 1 O nte""'Y vouci>ers, lo lhe unoeo1gnl'd 4 o ~ ~ et SlU Hol11 St\'r Ave11u•. S.tnl• o 0 0 81rl:Wlre, C.lllornia 93111, which Is Ille o o o plKt of l><lslneu ot the undersigned In 1 o o o ell mellers pert•lnlng to Int' Ht•I• of 1 O O o wld clfudenl, wllhln four montlls ell...- 1 o o o ui. first publluton oflhls notice. 30 l 9 2 0.1..:1 Mey >O, 1975 eoren.tdelM.lr (O) HENNING LARSEN O.Jo11nson,u Hill, lb Grttlty,c .. \i911fl. rt AIWrn, lb J Jol\nson, < f JOhMton,p Mlller,p Smiley, 2b Totals a• r 11 ri.i ANDERSON l 0 0 0 NOAMANKJAEA 7 0 0 0 ANDERSON 1 o o o CoE•tc11torsoftlltW111 3 O o o ot lht ebove n•med dec.aent l 0 I 0 ,ATltlCI< J. ll'l!RRIETT ~ g g ~ ML.ASH,HUCK LE&~HRETT 3 0 0 0 Attomeys •t Law 2 0 0 0 S. tMlll1ttr Awe RV. 71 O I O S...u a.rNr•, CA. '3111 S<tr• ltr l1111llltl T•le-"-: (IOS) fM·JUt heavy duty shocks & alignment Regularly S47.85 save Top G•ln Boy (Willktr ) 10.20 COM Time 11.01 t..e Quint• r " e Attomeys tw C•·•aecuten ooo ooo o-o t l Pllbllwo Orente Coest Otily Piiot. soo ooo ic -s s J Jun•H,ancl July 1,1;1s, 197S 1)17-lS A ISO R. n Or. w Pl. y. Mc on Feu, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiji Cherglng Cn•rlle, F•y's J Bov Two, Sneaky Teaky, Niie Train, Hlgll Tloei No scratches. WITH COUPON SS fUCI• 10-Slr Hom.ct A 1-DHp Tellto, paid $JM. SO. SIVIN ADVANTAOU OUI ,AOll on111 that yours 1 COMPLITI OlAN•I COUNTT COYHA•I '"'''"""' Let--..... S• C ........ Mlllle• Yi.j•. ,_ ,.. .. , ...... &.. ... ............ L.A .... 2 MONTH TO MONTH llNTAL IAStl 3 NO DIPOSIT l19UlllD ON APHOYID Cllllt 4 ONLY $17 10 PH MONTH TOTAL COST '""..._.,...., 5 NIW COMPACT UNIT SIR 11 v. • 4 • 1M • 6 YOICI MUSA•I PA•lts AUO AH AYAILAILI 7 pUll PHI lllAINTINANCI O!?ANGf COU~1 \ ll"OIO TH l 1-'HO~f Sf nv1n ·~· l714t 115-3305 .. 41t 10. tAtrtt.::: IAMTA MIA -L..... MltWaa VMfe, ,..._....,.., .... ,._... ... ,... r=._ f l ,_ tall .. ... .... uu Where's the best place to buy your new CAPRI? •7.000 for 0td:r $t39.03 a month. Whether you need $5,CXX> or $10,000 get it kom the people who lend million~. Commercial Credit. Monthly payment b ased on a VrCXX> HomeOwner loon, ror 84 months, ot on annual percentage rote 0£ 163. Total payment $11,678.52 A. loon of $5,<XX> ond over must be secur~d by o combination of reol and personal property. Comn..ml Credi corpontloet IC\ Homeowner loon~· .CW 870 East 17th Street • Phone: 645-8700 ~It tit• tuuraaoeAftli.Me to .U,IW. llo"o...n .. a......._ HEAVY DUTY SHOCKS & ALIGNMENT call for an appointment ,,,., wete 1he otherg.iys Re\OWIQ Charge. Mosler Ooge 8onkAmenccro. Amencon Express Cooe lfooche. 0.NtrS Club COSTA MESA ·zo49 HA-alOl ILYD. 646-4421 -oas: M ••• I.Fl ................. .., .......... ~ •,... I ........ n. DAll.Y rtLQT ... mHI • .... ty,_ ....... ... c.....ct lawilaaW,. -, t ....... MOlic:e: All reaa estateaJ~ed in lhis newapaper is s ut>- Ject to the Federal Fair Housing Acl oC 198 which makes it illegal t •dvertase "any pre· ference, limitation. or discrimation based on race, color, religion, sex, or national ongm, or a intention to make any such preference, lim1la· t.lon, or discriminatJon ... This news paper will not knowingly accept any advertis ing for r e al estate which 1s m viola lloo of the law. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• A~Slllid~ RE4lTORs" *CAMEO SHORES* 4 Spacious ~ in 2 separate wings, 3· ba 's, mass1ve formal dine room, is land kitchen w/bJtns & BBQ. King size pool & patio area. 3 Private beat:hcs. FABULOUS OCEAN .VIEW. .Ht~hly upgraded. CALL NOW .......... . Appl. only. Presented by our resident specialis ts, Shirley and Marshall Ri ch.· $189,500. CALL-644-7270 2828 E. Coo~t Htghwoy, Corona del M ar IUI IOlal\ 1oe "'""" U O<•lf PROP£ M E Wl Ut "''"' tO• t•r. 1111. IN l•Uf u,,ucr ,. 1• ••110. &e.eral 1002 GftMral 1002 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spirol Staircase IEACH GIANT '\ B~AINS!!! REDUCED $10,000 ; Lusk home in Harbor View Hills. Beautiful gardens, view, 4 BR, den or family rm . Now only il25,000 REDUCED SS,500; Eastbluff home with M ft. ~ame rm._, view;2 frplcs .• 4 .BR, 3 Ba. ·Now only $99,500. REDUCED $150,000; oceanfront in Irvine Cove; prestigious home, private beach, 4 BR, maid's, 7 baths; 7,400sq. ft. or luxury. Call for appt. The Above motivated sellers · Invite offers !! HARBOR , COMPANY REALTORS 2165 E. Coast t\wy .• Coro.a .. Mw . • "SellilHJ Red &fate ill H.wport H...._ · SiKe 1944•• IXCLUSIVI LINDA ISU -Ptl ,000 The ONLY brand NEW home on market oo thls p~stigious island. TruJy luxurious tbruout I S Bdrms. Cam rm, billiard rm, 51,il baths, central vac. poot/jacuzz.t/sauna, 3-car gar. 76 LINDA ISLE DR. Open Wed. 1.5 2111 S• J ....... s Road NEWPORT CEHTH, N.I. 644--4910 1002GaMral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DOVH SHORES Sandy beach is the setting for new. custom colonial home w /5 BR, ram. rm., formal din., air cond. $295,000 LINDA. 1SU Vi ew from lagoon to Bayshores. Beaut. decorated, smaller ~ BR & den ; boat slip. $255,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 3·11 t\(ly\1d• o,,,,. N B t;,/S 6161 • Bdrms., formal dininM rm. home; upgraded in many respects. LQcated onJy a pitch & a putt from the gol! course. $67 ,500 • SEASHORE DUPLEX No better time than right now to purchase a very s plendid income property, just a few steps from our best beach. 4 Large bdrms., 2 baths, huge living rm. & view, plus 2 bdrm. apt., also with huge living rm. Enclosed garages. ~.500 BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 ..·.itJ, e l_(JA~T .. IVJ'Y LUl<l(lr'\Jf',. (Jt t.. ~, .. r-l I G.....-1002 G....... 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .ASSUME 71120/o LOAM This Bay crest 4 BR .• family home can. be yotlrs for a $35,000 equity purchase, moethly paymtg-. of only $391 PITI. Completely, profess. decorated. Full price $73,900 ASSUME $31 .000 c i g a n ti c s Pa nis h POOL + IOHUS $275 MONTHLY Ma n s ion w i th huge Sandpointe's finest 3 mas ter bedrm suite + ASSUME i:.e p a r a te pare nts.' 38 400 -.ears old! Ornate bnck 1 673-4400 in terraced yard-tile en-retreat, formal dmmg, 5 Elegant 2650 sq. ft. S & S try into soanng ceilings bdrms. Assume existing Catalina. Formal entrv '(i.etteral I OOi GeMf'GI I 002 d I h t ' 71 i <"/c, loan. 1''ull price •J Saunns h1Pn""u sk· ilchce~nrpwc1.lh. $72,SOO. CALL962-7788 t.o unique step down liv· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••:•••••••••••• =·.:;;;:~·;l;.! ~.Mi;···~!.~! ( nmmN-Ml\HTIN l1r] A large artist studio with ORCHARD RE AL TORS " mg room & formal din· room for dining room! ~ KEY · ing. S p acious garden Mammoth master and VS P.E AL TORS IC kitchen. F'1est.a s1z.e par· spacious bdrms. Only ty room with swi.kcn con· lo i l e t. A ma ss i v e 644 7662 CORO~"' DEl M "'R Beautiful s-pr awlin g • "~ A I breezeway which could . h f . lllili!!i!!!l!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $5100 down! Or assume1•--------• versat1on area. Pn vale 7'4'7c and $275 mo. pays FA.MIL l UVIHG g ues t s uite. Sweeping all. Seller bouRht new! swim m iln g P 0 0 I , stairs to secluded master Brin2 an offer. 847·6010. clubhouse, play area & ch1ldrens swtes. 400 I be closed in for about grounds wit r.wl trees SlOO. which would make and rose gardens sur· GNeral I 002 GeMral I 002 fine atrium or indoor round th is lovely 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I tropical garden. Patio ~~~i~~· ~~ h~C:::~ 4 IDRM-$41.000 SURFSIDE f ijj'.fjitl §i£~£;?j£~ ~~f~~;i~f ~:~,~~~f.: 12X30. Qwnlard 642·2991 own trellised garden for Spacious 4 bdrm, 2 bath HIDEAWAY continued Wednesday-·1 h t 1 cool evenings. too. A fam1 Y omeonqwe cu · Steps to the pounding 1---------•1 screened·in family room d e-sac s treet. Extra s urf ! Cozy rust ic for the pooltable, and for large family room, de-ch armer. Ci r e u I a r SPYGLASS RIDGE Dad and the Klds the luxe bwlt-in k.Jtcheo, big stairway to loft. Sunfilled -only S36,000. tbony pool set in lu:.h landscaping. This 1:. your ON THE FAIRWAY Hi g hly upg r aded 4 garage has a rear 8·Coot double car garage & ga ll ey k i t c h e n. It's been a while since a home has bedroom, J bath single door leading onto ah I!"· c lose to St. J ohn's Handcrafted wood panel-FHA UPC> O MCPEERSB chance.Call96J..67b7. $35, 950 Ol'ffl 1119 •ol~I•I\/10141 r; " b l eve l h o m e. Thi s me nse concrete patio. Catholic C hurc h & ing. Bay window look out een offered on the fairway of the SANDPIPER MODEL Doublegateaccesstothe school. 646·7711. Open on t h e s himmering A ba~~~:~~~ ry ! •3"-l•C•a•mpus--N•B-54•9•-1•6•5•5 [e: ll~&m1 Me Sa V e rde CO Un l r y C 1 u b 's has been c us tom de· rear yard too. Owners Eves. Pacifi c. ·Owner anxious. Champions hip Golf Course. This 4 co ratcd aod pro-anx1ousat$49,000. -Low, low pnce. Hurry. Beach cottage priced _ ----··-11·~ F 1 d " · d Mag nificent patio and ID • UGI . mg.Call842·2535. orma mmg, courtyar entry and viewin g 4 eck. 3 Car Place • . OP1N 111 r;·11S1LJ1notJ1N1<I' bedroom, sing le story is Unique! fessionally landscaped. , IQ .1 ~-. Cal.I for. a private show· below market! Secluded ·but near schools, shop· ping! Available for a limited time. Don't wait! J ust $1950 total down and low monthly buys this spacious 4 bedroom. For quick appt. Dial 847·6010. "CAPE COD .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS HJG 1 sc 00 ment1on t he fairway at your footstep. neitt to Spyglass Hill. 752•1920 . . ,~ • 1 N•wport Harbor almo~t 3,000 sq. ft. of l.iving; not to garage. Ideally local;Cd Prap.rties [la::li~~·11·~11 • H L-only a Now vacant ! Asking $139,500. Sll9,000. YOU OWN .. THE 1•00 ou•nn Nlw ..o•t HacH OCE.a.u VIEW "".. . .~.1 ~,4 . Charming 2 story Cdpc Cod oil exclusive secl ud ed hide away s tr eet. W armth o f crackling fireplace felt from entry lo formal din· mg. Large l1 vini;.: room. 4 big bedrooms plus den. Patio has fcel1n,:: of few blol·ks away from LAND. Open Daily 1·5; ~" l_~·~.-~··;'·bl·-~-~-~-~·~--~-~~!· this preferred Basts1de UNIQUE HOMES, Redtors-546-5990 3S600cean Birch,CdM. TUSTIN Two homes on l'h lots ; 2..:: ho me. B1i: 2 story, 3 2850 Mesa Verde Dr., Costa Mesa bd 2 b •'--+ I bedroom + formal din· • ....... family rm.; vacant & re· 640 6161 13,21 Bro-:~st rms., aui.::. ge. IESTOF GREENIROOK 4 BEDROOM Ol'tN 1119•" \ fUN ll•• •'•"I' l•lfilitd j mg, breakfast nook and 4 br, B '• ba, har wood ady for occupancy; 2 immense family room. Ge.rot I 002 GeMral · I 002 firs., frplc . Quiet streets, bdrm., 1 balh, frplc., F~aturescarpet.s,drapes ••••••~•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr . all Schools. Lg. l eased al$350permonth. and bllns. Beautifully!•--------· poolsize corner lot. $l3S,OOO $56,900 done ms irle & out. Ready . IA.CHELOR PAD Across from corn fields! 673.3663 to move into. Offered al o Th B Priced a l o nly$40,000. 642·2253.Evcs This lovely 2 year youn~ home newly listed. Huge family room & too many upgrades to mention. 4 large bedrooms & <>. baths. Immaculate con· OCEANFRONT 1 scl'lus1on -Ju:.l S7,75l. .. claim:." and you're m Triplex. Best Locat1on,1 Call646·7lil. By Owner. Principals Nrl• ,, ,. ·' 1., 11 •• $07,500. Cal1540.1151 n e av · 1 ~~:~~~~~ 1p~~;1~~'::. Wm. SANDON, Bkr Beautiful new 2stof..t munity pools, te nnis1---------• ____ 5_3_4·_820_1 ___ 1 4 Dr. 4 Ba & Gallery ' courts and lots of green associated onl~•;:~:~~;7167 . [ ~ li~ftll1---------2 fireplaces, wetbar area. Assumable loan. Deluxe kitchen Perfect for single or cou· Pier for yacht to~· pie. $21,500. Call now to ~HERITAGE REALTORS SPLASH! Swim while the gardener d oe,s th e w o rk . 2 Bedroom. 2 bath, lovely Condo . Only $19,950. Agent 839·8321. ·JUST LISTm _ dition. Take advantage or owne11s tra nsfer. Call M5·9491. . BRO>< ER~ REA l TORS 10]', "A 6o•b, o b 11 Jbb l NEWPORT GOLF COURSE HEll!!..HTS Spanish Hacienda ESTATE w 3 Br. formal dining, .scp POLYNESIAN Yep, $43,950 is the full ram rm w/ frplc. Assume price. 3 Bedrooms, 7'k-VA loan of$J4,800. PARADISE 2 STORY You may select. l'he see,540·1151. finishing touches. 675-8120 DON1 WAIT!! 1 ----- 1 •• Ilg CorOM leach Only 5 years old, better B u , I d i n g s i t e - tha n new! Large master uns urpassed view of bedroom s wte with Sun· b ke n tub & walk-in closet, beach. jelly, har or. -'·--------- ~ .~.-HERITAGE REALTORS be a m e d c e i 11 n cs, Condo Penthouse Tropical atmosphere in CHARMER , · fireplace. It r eally is 2 nr close to beach. ~outh sea 1:.land scllm~. . EAS.TSIDE BEACH S,HORTAGE Priced for immediate,.._ ________ _ plus 2 other nice-sized 1 $ 1• bedrooms. 1''ormal dm· sa e! 77•500· COLLEGEPA.RJ( sharp, see it, you will be Great i:.tartcr ho m e. De~1 rable beach area of 3 BR-POOL FIXaUPPO in g, I a r ge country Big bedrooms, best floor kitche n & family r oom . plan with large family qwck. Call 646-7171. s29,5oo. Form a I entry. !luge wood walls are a comfort ~lad. But you OOtter be flurry, won 't las t at c u s tom home i:.1tcs. BEACH If warm rich stained fiOMING OHN Jrt9 ·11~11i,,;or111 r• • Villa Pacific bedrooms . includes 20' $29,900 l b kt the 8 y N• OW ALL built aro und a room, 3 big bedrooms, 2 beautiful atrium! Lots of baths, large covered · Sev •r· 1 2&3 BR uru-l . ·1n • o ays w it us. lu . ~ th" c a I ~t marble baths. Fa mily family sized living room wood walls inside and out lo gel a good rate of mler • mabter s uite. z lleal Class·1c enlrance•olarge oldyodu, come hac oSol ... ' • -THE REAL ESTATE RS pa tio are a. Minimum pa t io & huge, cheery yard work PLUS as-kitche n . Walk to all .. '{.'· ~.. is popu ar rommuru y, r0<1m. Massive encloscct · h · · f h Ch ... : l d .,."' ooo wal art1st1c use o s ul· and hardwood stained est ! oose uus cu · e· · pracc::;startal...xi. recreation 11r par ty & d h h b f C "'LL 96a4405 lers woo t roug out. floors. Get the canning s a. c es ~ are a or ~ -room. Stone fireplace. Formal dining room is jars r eady too: apncot, children, bake Lo beacb- s umable FHA loan, 7'Y'.i ~~~~~~~~~schools. elementary thru + 11:1'k, S284. PITI a CHEAP. CHEAP OCC. Priced only $44,000 month. ONLY SSti,500. with a ssumable 8'h% ILUFFS CONDO SalcsoeooleNeeded Freshly painted in &out. conveniently served by oran ge, le mon, n ee· landscap~d 4 Bedrm + Super s harp Carmchla e e e Fully s prinklered lawns. large gourmet kitchen. La rine, plum a nd rig airy family room home. Call That's not the birds you loan. Just listed, won't 546-6161 hear; its the call of a last, call us now !! model & just 18 mos . Exterior lighting. Steps 22' Slepc.lown family en· trees g r ace thes e An upgraded model at new ; corner lot. 4 to golf course. Only l ertain m e nt center. spacious g rounds. A dou-$58,950. ~ bdrms .. 3 full baths; minutes to the beach. Stairs sweep lo elegant ble wide gate from the al· ~ price reduced; $79,900 Seller anxious. Call to· master swte & children·s I e y I e a d s to t h e . , , pav842·2535. qua rters. Take over strawbe rry patch and · . C. F. ColesworthlY •-.--------•! 01~"''11 '1 • '"V'' '~"-'' 7 1 2•,~ loan. No new loan · 1i ,. ·· playing fie ld for the kids. • · · r:~:;::o': 0 v ~~~: [ ® lti!ltl !co®.~~ ~:"."':'~·;, ·. ' ~=~E?i.:::!·~;r::::•, . "ABAHDOHED" COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE. INC. SUNSHINE! in orangeCowlty E & l...,..OME Price? only $35.ooo.. ARTIST CHALET Keys m offll·c HOM "'-"=~~~~~~~~I CALL ror an appoint·:,---------•! 542 900 & crispy clean. B1i.: two Easti:.idc C.:.M. :nm. 2ba ...: ment. • ® herbert hawk ins REALTORS 646 · 32SS story. 4 big bedroom:., WORLD home, dbl ~ar + um I .Quail ~ Secluded dnvetowooded dJning room, 2000 sq. Ct., REAL ESTA.TE. apt. A:.:.umc 7, 2·;, VA IE.A.CH RETREAT . LOWEST PRICE grounds. Ent.er a world 4 times be tter than new Spec1allsts 10 govern· loan. Sm all down-Owner Plac• . in I lg Canyon of glass and suns hine. from tip to toe. Lots ot ment f1 nancedhomes! will carry 2nd TD. Must $26.500 Prop1trlies Beautifully landscaped, Sp a c i ous go urm et lus h r o lling yards & 556-7777 mytime scll ·r'ull pntc i 50,900. Hu ge 4 b edroom + 752•1920 view, Dover, 2 bedrooms garden kitchen serves greenery. Walk toSoulh <.:AL L PRES TI GE Olympicszpool.Minutes 14000UAllSt.N1w..ou11acH & den. Owner anxious. truly unique indoor- Coast Shopp1n~ in Costa 1.ioMES lli''ALTORS to beach , hideaway---------k. $ outdoorliving anddininlt M e s a . 0 w n c r Sell idle items 642-5678 , 's45~6646 · mas ter, gourmet kitchen 4 + FAMILY As mg 119·500· areas. Unusua l staircase transferred. $55,!150. Call ---overlooks patio. F'ix & Next to ...... to hidden artists suite now 546-2313. Gnerol I 002 G.-ral I 002 Save, s acrifice! Hurry! p RJ( & and childrens quarters. ONNl•19 ·"~'."'"'" ,, FORESTE.OLSON POOL. A Private s tudio. Beautiful [~ .. : llVAUil .............................................. ~~R~e~a~lt~o~rs~·~64~5~·0303~~~1 ~~~~ca;I.~G'!;;d~ ~~J 1---------·1 g~\E:;~h~~:7~~~~ ~~~~; .·~· ---··-·~~ 5 IDR POOL now reduced to only OPfNllt9 ·•1u11N1011N11• TEH:~tA=.ME '48.~.Call644-1211 A~~~~! (1116111 TWOFOROHE 2 2-Bdrm. homes. New ' paint & carpets. Reduced to$42.500 CA.LL 67S-7060 GOV'T OWMB> 3 BR, 2 baths. $31,500 $1500 Down. $675 Costs & impounds, S27SPITI CA.LL 556-1800 loltoo l.y Prop _ ....... SJt.900 MODOWM llYN Fine Irvlne loc•t.ioo. Big f.am1ly of 6 want.a out! Wllt sell NO DOWN PAYMENT t.o qualified veteran. Needs some tender care. ""lly air co.ndatloned. Catbedr•l ceJUnt Uvlni room. Huge Jlrepaa ce. All tiled garden kltcb n. Laric muter 1ulte. MJrrottd wardrobe. Large p•t.ao. FuJly aprink.Jerod yard. Tue advant.a.&o • Call 752-1700 today. O#frJ 111 0 • I ' (1 N ~ > llf /lit( f ' [~llJtl The raateat d'-" kl the Wett. • .a Oaib' Pilot Clu11fled Ad . .Ptione IW:l-le1'1. ____ _ .. ORAMA.TIC DE.AUYILLE Decor a t e d in s oft g reen s. ~ bedrooms, office, 3 baths and magnificent master swte. Protected patio and lush gardens. Solarium, air conditioning. Private, elegant Bi~ Canyon. Ni ght and day views. $187,500. 75' LIDO FAONTAGE Spacious . 5 bedroom home w,ith din- ing room, office, separate cffildrer0 wing a nd family room. Large secluded patio in center of this out· standing family home. $169,500. . NEWPORT CONDOMINIUM Sharp three bedroom, three bath condo n ear Hoag Hospita l. Full price just $49,900 terms. • ' BEST INCOME UNIT I UY 4 units .on Peninsula. This has to be Newport's best buy ! $99. 750. ROM CQLDWEU. IAHkst w i th p r i d e . A ho m e o .f ~ x · traordinary character & dignity. 120 Feet of waterfront. 5 Bedrooms. 4ll.a Baths. Dining room. Den. Pool. Uoaba s ti e d ly delu xe spa with separate men & women's quarters. Jacuzzi. Steam. Sauna. $650,000, (fee). MIWPOIT IUCH 64 4-17•6 A COLOWBJ. IA.MICH CO. 1jjassive 5 bedroom, 2400 We have an excellent va· -= =- s q. ft., two story. Quiet cant R·l lot in west c ul de sac. Step down liv· 1---------N e w p o r t. 8 e a c h . ing room. Formal dining SP •CIOUS Truthfully a very rare CUSTOM JA.CUlll Big Canyon 's best $ v:ilue. Elegant 1 story, 3 hr, 3 Ba, immaculate, highly upgraded. Pool. Sl3S,OOO room. Sunshme kitchen. A find. Call us for more in· Fiesta room INCLUDES SMAl I FR formation. Priced to sell POOL TABLE! Secluded HOME at only $39,500. Call m as l c r s u i t e ! h a s 673·8550. personal~ed Ci replace. COROt4A oi·1N' 11r9 .·,,s1t·1.io11ni rr Walk-in closets. Laundry DEL MAR r~ LI ~rd~~~~n~ti~~~;!; ~~:i'1!~r ~0~~r:!~a'J '1'·f lwrdll:. i t d r l $ 3 baths, pool , covered -=========- PAUL W. BRUMFIELD & ASSOC. 549-8505 soc a e or 00 Y 1 .OO lanai, close t.o beach. mo. Full price j us t $59,500. Best buy in tract. Priced to sell quickly at Don 't delay. Call 752-1700 ~~9 ~'~~l,~~3=~'' ~ilifjil ll --' THE REAL ESTA!_ERS ) SPANISH TILE 2 Story. 1926 vinLage-· • auper livable borne on 6SX168 R 2 zoned lot. 4 wrge bedrooms. formal dining room, fireplace + aeparate rumpus rm alongside the sparkling J>OOI. t\111 price $52,500. ~3 -ANYTIME. OpoDaly 1·5 105 Srooctw.y, CM CO"E S EE!! Large de· tached rumpus room w/blllh &t fplc. Plus 3 bedroom11, completely refurbi1hed, age wardrobe cloeeta, Uv rm. dining area, t.op-arade shaa crpts " cirpl. Boat or trailer 111.e on alley. Good flnanctn• avail. c ... .., ..... 646·3928,cv~ Lach en n1 yer Jlt·.d•t1f $©\\JU 1"\-LG £2rS., Thof Intriguing Word Gome wifh o Chudle lolilool lty ClAY a. 'OHAN----- 0 lleotrO"Q8 let1e11 of the foul ICIOMbi.d -ds .,.. low 10 form four iJmple -ds II POCNAY r I I I· H 0 C L 0 I i L I I r I 0 AS N Y 11 L I r I I RY TUPI I I' r I f • PtlNT NUMlftfO I' lftflt$ . i UNKMMlll fOl!I ANSWfl • · So meny bu,lrnrsw. l\ave folded l41tely I don't know If our tovntr\I it in • r9Ceulon or en-;--· 6 '' I 0 c_,, ..... ,... dluc••· q-td lt1 1.111110 •~ rlla m 1-.119 WOfd you d ... eloP ltMI 11-0 No :I b•low· r I' I' r I' I' 1· r I I I I I I I I I 1 SCl.AMLETS A.Mwtn In ClauiflccrtiOft 1010 bargain 3 Bdrm house on cu uoo a comme rcial lot..How '"6"500 d ocs $23,500 sound ? CALL NOW, 556·2660 ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS t;::SELECT . tPROPERTIES ~~~~~~~ Sell things fast with Daily H-!l''e ~omething .to sell? Pilot Want Ads. Class1f1ed ads do 1l well. Getteral I uu~ GeMral I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab I Irvine realty TURTLEROCIC-VIEW The popular 5 bedroom "President" Pl an 80. Enjoyable lg. kitchen - brkfst. ar ea w comfortable family room & fireplace. View night li ghts of U.C.I. & s urrounding cities. Walter King 642-8235. (G70) NEWLY RB>UCED. Lovely 4 bedroom. 3 bath home at the top or Spyglass Hills. Beautiful views ~f hills4 city & ocean. Now $179,500 incl. land. J eanne Newman 642-8235. CG71 > · BEAUTIFUL 3 BR TURTLEROCK HOME! ~uperb condition -air cond. -ONLY ~.950! with land ! Las7Jo Sharkany 644·6200. (G72) LOTS OF LOVE . has gone into this lovely, beautifuJly decorated 4 bedroom home amidst spacious p a rk-like grounds. Exceptionally priced at $129,500. Betty Kerr 644-6200. (G73) MEW LISTIMG -COROMA DEL MAR.· Cozy cottage w firep1ace + ne w plumbing & kitchen. On R·2 Lot!! ~,500. Barbara Aune 642-8235 .. (G74) DOVUSHOUS - 116' Fii IAYRONT. Pier & sUp for Jg. yacht. 5500 sq.n . luxury home -for sale or exchange .... .. comm. income. $l50,000. Appt. only. mrs. Fay 642-8235. <G75) 641.aJJI 644-6200 ... .,..., Oflff 11'4 MatAtt,_;. ....,.,.. BNcll, c.ttfomle nttl I tfl•M...... thu HflorS. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ;................. H .. "..,. S. H•1it.., ~ ., HMIH,.,. ~ ~ .. '" '-~ Tuelday; June 2.t 1m e1a1ri11 1002 C.... ...... 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••-•••• ... • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••\•••••••••••••••• __ _....,""'""-..;;..;;;...;.•;...;,;;--. ________ ..::;::::..:..:;.:::,:=.:..,....;.imaL .......... •••••••••••• ....... ••• ••••••••••••• te Mn• I 024· 11-Ylee • 1044 Mew,ort h9Clll I 06 ~ •odl I 069 ~u/ · Ht•n Ur•fl'••-id CORONA d ol MA.R· ll>arklina a bedmom, l 'h baths. Be1i.nlw'• hack at '69,500. • 675-1111 Cc.MofHewpo.i R8ALTOAS 2Sts E. Coast Hwy. ....................... -....--. .• ... :-.t-. ,....... ' .... --llASTSIDI M0¥£1M ..OW ··~··•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -. -••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ •••••--••••• EleaaoL 3 BR and ram Ownt:r u trcmeJy en•· :!"~" :l dP-f", ~ Br, 3 ••··~·i;•••;;:;.,;;•••• c.,l•tr.o leeclll lJ 11 • .._. JJ40 rm .• Qtulity buUt. lou.s, will lease/ leue· R · .; e Rr• ce ·· Uv. WESTCLlff 4...-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .. ••••••-• Cour1)'ard enlrance, trg. opUon/ or uawne FHA m, am. m. Otn. Rm. ··· near the ocean. Good OCEAN view new 3 br • Bdrm, pool, uicely yardw/manyrrutl1":1 10.n watb •mall down. f:1~;i00 ssa-nos & JUSt ll•sted!! l!ix ahel~rs, apprccaa-condo, 2~ ba. Puol. ten c r .PL 'd and drp"d. OnJy $2,6$0, down. $360. mo 4 BR. den, N.E. -1 Uon. $110,000. "uv. nlJ et, clubhouse. $400. Children and pee.a 0.1(. aide. LIKE Beautiful 3 BR, 3 Ba, oversized living * cau arterlS pm,493·3:>41 ~ f;'.' mo. Located in room , family room , FORM AL SUHSITllACH COf"OHdelM.r 3222 w.u .. 5'6·Z31S. TRAWIERRIE DINl~G ROOM W /FIREPLACE, ~~!·c~~~$~e~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2·38R Super oleo!· Nr. Love thl• ho me ; s luxurious kitchen. C\lstom decorated 12.5•16806140\SL H.V. Homes• Br. 2 & + Ocean. $275. list/Ian Ddrms. or make one 8 thru · F. R. Specl. vieww/pool Re rs, Sleady entp. playroom; formal dlnin~ -out. Spaciously manicured yard. "lennia eta avail. $SSO. Babies OK, No pets. 540•3666 " family -room. too! A Ideal for entertaining. mo. lae. 644·2877 singles. 536«14 5..C0·3666 135 ...... Slt"I 1u ao••• s1, .. , family home in one ot • SHOW All!.r. HOUSE · , FOR p i ul Co.•dM.••,Callf0tnlo 92626 I rvine's NIC£S't ~ ~ EXCl.USIVE Shoreclltf artc ar peoplO. 2 STOIY A SLEEPER , VUJ1&ges $69 soo SOUTH COAST INVESTMENT Rd. 3 br, 2 ba, pvt. access Clo. 3 br, l~ ba, D/W. FOIMALDIMI 3 BDRM, lam rm, quiet H.ea..,oa leach •040 . • REALTY INC. to beaches. Beaut. yd., elec. kit.ch. Cpl & dips. locaUon n epr South ....................... RAISOR'S 549-4112 646-6710 714/146-1371 ~:~:4tt~e. s595.S42·2026or e'!ic:t:r:!~15$3~~n~r:~ Corona del Mar Cotto Meacio. Califotnio 92626 POOL SJ2,SOO Coast Plaza. Comer lot, HUR FREEWA. Y REALTORS - - 842 1~ Wjndlng pathway to trte Ir . back ard. $48. & WHhR ...... Mall lncCMM Property 2-000 5 Dr, View, pool & Lennis.•--·------- c!ustered 2 story eot.ry. CALL N 4523 Campus Dr., Irvine LOC)WHI Hiiis I 050 Newport leach I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $600 mo. will consider lr¥1H 3244 :formal dining room. OW 3 Bedrm, 2 bath, up-Campus Valley Shop Ctr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••1•••5•f •••••••••••• TWO-S unit. apt bldg just. mo. to mo. S.4·7783. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gourmet patio t."cb•n 752 l graded carpets & tile. ~ ooo & BLUFF mpl t. d f al Cl ••.u "' ·7 15 Gas bltns, dJ•hwasher, CA.LLlll-8600 •53• · A <..'<> e ~ orll e. ose Ch *RENTALS* I NC1..UDES REFRJQ. '~!!'!11!~~!;..~!!!!.J .. •---------6BR,NewlyPainted. l o maJor &hoppin g oice area 3 Br, 2 Ba E R AT 0 It ! 0 i ant 00 fireplace, 2 car garage. 968-6546 Immac. 38r, Dt:n, Beaut center. 1st yr write-off. house. Pvt pat.lo, garage. UNIV. PARK . HCluded mast.er suite NAlD M.llltD Pool size yard. VA6% as-TURTLEAOCK decor & lndscp'g. $84,500. $l4M. 536.2579 : 592.5010 Beaut. decorated. Pvt 2 BR, 1 ba ..•.•.....• $31S Walk-in closet. EXTRA An•cl• .. •·•"lt•r• s umable loan. $4•,950. A JEWa _ LogMna Hlguel I 052 Owner 640-8023 2915 laundry rm, all bltns. 3 BR, Vh ba ..... $:1151425 L JN EN s TORA GE Bkr536·8836. in a beautiful setting; ex-••••••••••••••••••••••• Catalpa St. . DELUXE 4-f'LEX Adults, no pels. 675-2051 3 BR. 2 Ba ........... $425 Oversized sewing & laun: ILUE HA.Va. qws1te 3 bdrm., family HARBOR VIEW HOMES G a rd e n Grove . TURTLEROCK dry room. WASHER & f'OOL -rm,. Predsident home; 3 BR, Monaco model, Fireplaces, pool, 1·1,2·2, Co1taMHo 3224 3 BRC.0.2LLbaE.G .. E .. P.A .• R.;,.S42S DRYER INCLUDED•. 3 B d pro ess. ecorated; lge. I 1 3 bedrooms e n cl •• n e room, 2 baths covered patio for enter· xlra c ean. By owner. . , . ••••••••••••••••••••• 4 BR. ram. rm.+ bonwr ~l~~~il ~'r'&~k~\: hardwood floors. dbl~ ml taining, or just enjoying $69,SOO. Fee. 644-2774 ~~~a;::~.~~~ :J!rJ~~ MESA. VHDE rm., v,2 ba .......•• $S4U ball court included In as· ::ira ge' quiet street, the VIEW. A best buy at OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun payment. Call 833-3544. 4 BR, 2 BA. Immaculate. 3 BR. den. 2 ha .••.•• UOO soclation. Anxious seller •500• Real Estate $U8,500 including land. 10-5, By Owner. 4 BR, 3 Sparli ng Investment Fenced yd. $350. 557-3138 ...-... says SUBMIT ON YOUR Roy McCcrcle bf NM!VAY Ask for Lorraine .Ua, 3 Car Gar, Land Corp. Avail July 15. (Col. Pk.)3 ~ $32,500. Prime Irvine CostaMesa548-7729 OM.DISl'LAYHW · REA.LTOttS Walnul St.645-J.nO 3 & (2) ·i ·s-Fum'd. and rm.Shown byapptonly. VISleN TERMS! Full price Reoftorl810Mewport IRVIHEHOMES, ~ Included. $87,500. 247 •BALBOATRIPLEX (l ) br,2 ba,lrgfamrm&din area . Ca ll t oe.la>:. Sharp 3 bdrm. Carpets,. 552-7000 EMJOYUFE booked Cor Summer . s375 permo.642·9731 llUl.TY 7~.f!~~··ll HVNTON•MC'I,. • HODOWHTOVETS Drapes, Wtr.sofl.,Cov'd Formerly Pettit.Really GREAT corner location ! Jn your very own brand Agent.673·5410 3 Br, 2 ba, exceptionally 552-7500 I ..... ·-: I Up to $70,000. CaU: Bill encro. patio. Recently ---------·I for the t ennis player. new rebuilt 3 BR., 2 bath * DELUXE 7 UNITS. 1 lrg duplex. Downtown REHTA.LS ~ :l11iJa:!!il1I or s·t eve, A g ls . ra~~~:aep1~g°wt~~:.~l~~ OWHERSMUSTGO Spacious 3BH, formal WATERl.<~RONTHOME, blktoocean.(2)3BR,(5> C.M. Newly decor. 2 2 BR,2 Ba .. $300/3S0/360 ~.k>< .... ·.: ... :;~.~.·JiQljJt I 546-8640/548·9871 968·4456 Let us show you their lov-diEn ~ ocnh. vuGood .. $89,SOOf dPelc~k~/ FLOOA·lr +$llo4a9d500s or 2B R. In good cond. poFrplcd'sb.l Dgishwlashedr, dis-3 BR 2 BA S~ · · -=-==-=•a•z~. BY OWNER· ely 4 bdrm., 2 bath home n1oy t e U e ing. n Y • · Yeager Realty, 556·6171 5• ar , aun area B ., · ···· ··• CHARMER C II 493 2 Uest terms! & lrg yd. No pets. Lease. 4 .r. 2~ Ba, bonus .. $525 MESA VERDE withatrium,formaldin· a • 513 34BR Fu 'shed THE BLUFFS PERSONIFIED ing, family room. new OPEN DAILY 1-5 Lillie Balboa Is land $375 mo. Call Robb, . · nu ~~~f.ra:o~sR?$~~~ot 4 Bdrm . Separ ate paiotandlush carpeling.4 BED~<?O~. 2 BATH. 51736th5trfft Duplex,view ofF.astbay. wkdys540·8833. SUMMERRENTALS Spacious 3 bdrm, 3 bath 979·5819 Master. Boat or trailer Every thing 's included, large hv1n~ rm'. lrg. f~m CA.LL 6 75-7060 607w5·lno~~ w i 11 finance. $185. 2 BR, kids, pet. RAISQR'S • end UGil lhal ·provides 1----------I p a d . I'' H A A S . even lhe land, for the rm w/wet bar, Jacuzzi m •-tboa Bay Pr 00"' 3 BR f f I k"d plenty of privacy plus a SU MABLE Cl • f d -op ' am rm, rp c. 1 s REALTORS VIEW across th e LASTOFITS ! can a1 priceor $6G.SOO your own ront yar' Realtors POOL3br,kids&pet 1 . sparkling, at last years _. clos.e to Dana Point 2 FOUR PL.EXES 4 OR, 2 ba, kids &pet usc1ous g reenbelt lo the KIND prices. 968-4456 Manna. S!J2,500. Fu RN 2 b r .. b a Back Bay. Transferred STOI' WRITING BOND HEALTY INC. Costa Mesa Nr. S. Coast , Q • owner m ust.sell. 646-7711. NEWPORT 27812 Forbes Road VIEW HOMES Plaza. 4-3 Br, 4·2 Br, all 2 chld/pet Open Eves DUPLEX REHT CHECKS VISleN Laguna Niguel. 831-9411 •OCEAN Ba. forced air, bltns, 1''ee, Bkr. 4523 Campus Dr., Irvine Campus Valley Shop Ctr. CALL l~l-8600 - . . 4 Big bedrooms up+ 3 East lo afford t his 3 aULTY •NEWPORTJIARBOR shake roof, 1 or both. HOMEFIHOERS Turtle Rock 3 Br. 2 Ba. big bedrooms down. ln bdrm. 2 bath, added.on 552_7500 *WE KNOW * •B A c K B .\ y 1''rom $82 ,950 ea. In come •642-9900* crpts, drps, trash com· family rm . Large lot. 9 Sl9 oo Bk 060 t d h h ver y good condition LAGUNA MIGUEL $165,000. up to 4000 sq rt. ,4 . r . 774· l or pac or s was er, wet • throug h-out wi[h new Ready for your personal * BEST* For sell or lel!Se, or op-524.5975 3 BR, 2 BA, els. to schools, b a r • C l o s e l • . wood sbangle exterior. _t_o_u_c_h_. C_a_l_l_968-4456_____ SEA TERRAC E 3BR lion. Terms to swt. Local nr. Wilson & Placentia. schools.shopping, park & :------------Ten yards to sunbathing DIL L-a leach I 048 t rades OK. Seal lch Estate Sale $325. 642-62 14 pool. Avail lmmed. No UNIVERSITY LINGER -,-· 2'12ba + ram rm. Most Main st sto !S 4 1 g pets. S425. 833-3-147 beach & water. Oonl tell HOLD UP ••••••.••••••••••••••••• popular 206 Plan. Xlnt ARTHOFER REALTY ume ten.ants.r'ken~ ~~e S260. 3 br, newly decor'd . ...:.._ _______ _ PA.RI< anyone at $12D,OOO. Just for GI or FHA buyers on OCEAN VIEW home for entertaining 645 -6177 low: Asking Price is Not! Patio. Ad.ults. LG. 3 BR, 2'r.i ba + bonus SPA.RIU.ER c~~~~~~I~;VN ro&c N,,,.· lhJs majestic & authentic 2 Decks & 2 frplc 's are and family living. Well But for a Future Buy this 642·8017 rm & frpl. Umv. Prk, or. Must be experienced to ! span i 8 h Hac ienda . on)Y part of the charm or · planned yard with hu~e San Clemente I 076 is HOT! For info call A·l MESA Verde 3 br, 2 ba, ~ec. Ctr·~ S4 7 5 lse . be believed. A 3+ Fam. •1Jllil'}i lJI Ghstening white stucco, this tastefully decorated covered patio. Close tu ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rea}tY 2l~/<133·0403 522 immed. occupancy. 552·0055547-1().14 ~~~~tsw;~~re~tf:~J~t~~ J::.·•_J!.:J Jitl'J!;it ~:~~err~ng ~tti~;~~f:gs', t~:e~1b:~!·~~~ryp~~~:: ~:;i~1~ie~~~s1:~.calaonulj R3 BUILDING E . 2nd St, Long Bch 546·<&')5 BEAUT. new 2 br, 2'fz ba, lh t bed · . ----··-··-~,,n 500 L ..._.._ ..... Rlt LOT . Rancho San J oaquin e mas er room, air elegant front veranda. ......,, · a9una "''r""' rs. 8 u NITS 4 BR, l~ + \-2 ba tn-level. Twnhome. Over looks ~~~~gh& r:r ~::ii 1~1~ PRESTIGE A.REA ~~~~~· :~~~:~ ~i~~~~ 496-4040 830.5050 ME:l~~oe:o~H i~o:>o.sqmf~ .. ~15_~~r~; golf crse & lake.~ lse. Bright, cheery and col· $69,500 walls, hardwood noors, Mission Viejo 1067 · Call 644-7211 North Costa Mesa, prime 545-4289 552·00551547·7044 orful. Over 2000sq. ft. for Walk to Country Club fireplace. Completely re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• in v e s l m e n t. A 11 2 . 2Br. 2ba, Condo. Ava.al J u· only$63,500.Call64M211 fromthis5bdrm,3 bath paintedinside&vacant. MODELS ~bedroom . H 'z bat.h ,3 Bit, l ~ ba, College ly 12. Pool/Park. S275 home beautifully up-Everybody in the family MowforSal~ s studio apts. Annual an· Park, $340. ~5-3147 or mo To inquire Ph· graded with atrium en-bring guns-the till won·i 540-3666 .e ~ come $18,720. Priced ror 545·4289 833•0018 · try. Gracious living for be full Ion~ at only ns &olcer Slrert at Pacesetter's ~ immediate sale. Owner . your lar ge family, don't S35,000. 897_0321. Co•to M••o. Cotifornio 92626 will a ssist with financ· Fount • V II 3234 Willows . Avail July 1st. m iss thi s bea ut y. · ----R h d M b"l H ing. Call 545-8424, As· ain a ey S320 mo. 3Br. 2ba, coun-----------1 545-9491. View · 4 BR. JBaths anc WOQ o 1 e omes soc1atcd South Coast ••••••••••••••••••••••• try kilch, Clean. No pets. Riviera coas tline loc ; • 1 n Lake 1!.-.--t For Sal~ 1100 Brokers. CONDO. 3 BR, 211'2 BA. 552-3157 &552·8870. /JD.NIGEL GAILEY & ASSOCIATES wood exter. Palos Verdes ~ ••••••••••••••••••••,••• Lge bonus rm. Encl gar., --------- 4BDRMS +POOL stone. Lg. hv rm, beams. 7 More units with up-24x60 In 5 Star Juan Capo Loh for sale 2200 pool. tennis & play-LOCJUftG leach 3248 $41,500 . ----------1 f 1 plch.;hopenBsllO ~at'h10 & graded 1 c arpets, oven· Prk.2b~ba.493-3897 ••••••••••••••••••••••• g round. $325/mo . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Walker-& Lee Heal Estate Great family home of· BYOWNER2yr.old 3 br, at se. ln lute + range, root landscap· Acre fo sale 1200 FOR sale • $47,500. Lol 536-1602 OCEANFRONT Laguna fers spacious bdrms, 2 -----.:._-==--2 ba. Beaut. cond. lndry area w/wshr & ing, sprinklers & rear •••••~~~•••~••••••••••• 25x90,R-2w/olderbome. --.-RoyaleCondo.3br,2ba. b ths n la built · · lhruout. 191s Alsuna in d r Y e r . Fa m r m yard re n c in ~ r ro m . 20lh St .• Newport Peni.n. 2 Bf'.l. 2 BA. Bran~ New. 2000 sq. rt . Bar, frpl, Sec. &ab ' Jep l~Uc Fans CaUforala-Pcraclse L Q T $4 w/beams. Only SQl,950 $44,950. 8'.o l"inancing SACRIFICE 4.481\c flat hi Call Ted Tressen, lPS, Swim pool, tennis, all guard. S795 mo. Lse. ter~;e a~niy $4l ,~ Be au ti f u l array or F~r u:~t;t. rt~ct~ee 3·~~ Mission Really 494-CY731 available. Call sales of· desert, Lucerne Valley. 639-6700 644-5147 adult. $290 mo. 646-9532 Adults only. •H4.499.2771 C II "'"'' flowers, plants & trees. 642 32 fice $4200. Schwartz Realtor. H·-£: •---&. -a 963·567lor;)i)Q-7035. Move in condition. Entry . 16 PORTA.RNA .7 I 4·581-24 .. 4 <714) 499.300.5 R~ Estate ..,.,nCJ'Oft ~ 3240 SMALL house, Laguna • · h.alJ,.fbedrooms +fami· •SUPERVALUE! • .. (714)640-11Z7 Wanted 2900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Canyon. No children. Jyroom , brick fireplace, Condo 3+ Den, l'h m1 .. LAGUNA ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br~ndnew$70,000ho~eZ $175.mo.Ph.:497·1155 . wood cabinets. built-Ins. bch. Like nu cond. Love· invites you to ins pect Newport leach I 069 1500 ACRES IRVIME COVE m1 from Bolsa Chica A sacrifice at $45,950! ly patio $40 500 0 their panoramic view ....................... R . bl State Beach. $495. mo. Lcf4Jufta Niguef 3252 bkr. 962·3786." . ' . wner ~wldbing si~e,s,overl09k· PROMOH'TORY FREE & CLEAR woeusldpo1rkse1locbuypedr1.sr;?cnt Formal lifving & di/ning B••E•A•••••••••••••••••••• ang eaut t u L. a.g.una B •y HOMES " rm. spac. am.rm w wel 1 UT. Northview 3BR. 540· I 720 "' from owner. Home or lot. bd b T ARBELL DUTCHHA.VEH Beach. Also finished Luxury w a t erfront . TRADE-SELL Pleasec'a ll 831-1400. ~ar.l rm, alhd_n,up-2,2 ba,. fam. rm .. S4~0 A _ POOL • homes. liKR 49<1·9388. h omes priced from st:urs 4 bdrm, 2 balh, 3 lease inc. pool privil s lalboa Peniasula I 007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2955 Harbor llYd., 3 Bedrm, 2 ba, nice c pts, • BEAUTIFUL-Woods $211,300. 55·. waterfr?nls. Beautiful t ree covered R~tals ~~~1;:r96~.~5~f1 ~~~o~ _4_9_5_:l_ls_·4 _____ _ ONTHEPOIMT C.M. separate la Wldry, 36xUS Cove Duplex. Ocean· 607 Bays ide Uri ve, h1lls&meadows,spnn~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• 751·6461 Spacious 2 Br, H~ Ba.. Nr. Channel 4 br, 3 ba. ---------Blue Haven pool w/lots view, frpk. $91,500.1001 NewporlBeach.673·3900 with g r e a t acc ess. H Fu 'shed home. Frplc, sunroom. home has 2400 sq. rt. + By Owner/ A'gt. ~SUME decking. Prof. landscap· So. Coast Hwy. AHCII B •YfRONT P er f e c l r or s ma 11 •• ~!~! ... ':'!'••••••••••• Avail. Now-4 BR. 2 BA, Coastal & Mtn views. 2\-2 car gar. Only 10 yrs. VA or ne w GI. No down 3 ing. Many extraa. Sub· BAY R. E., 499.2277 A acre a gc & recr eal1on $375 per mo. Ask for S365. old & $127,000 value . Br. $37 ,950. 546-7739 ; mit terms. Sunset Real ---2 Cus tom Jlomcs s ub·division. 8 hrs from General 3 l 02 Keith, Bkr. 968-1317. 640·1644 or548·2873 OWNER MUST SELL . .645-9733. Estate, 963·8991, eves: * EXCEPTIONAL value. O.C .. 4 hrs from Las ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAKE OFFER! Shown 557-8623. 3000 fl. charmer on 3 lots fx~;l~e~~ 1~~:,~so~~~e Vega s, io magnif1c1enl Surfer's ~ream, H.D .• 1 br Super ~ bedrm, 2 ba + VI EW HOME, CuJ·d·Sac, by appt. 2146 Miramar MEWL Y PA.IH'TED <ca n be legal duplex). Bay & only 'h block to the southern Utah. Several S140., kuts, pets ok. Or den. C:rpls , drps, R/O, 3 Bdrms · 2 ba. 2 car gar. Dr. 673.4224 Eves. & 3 Br, 2 Ba, dbl gar. new SPRAWLING 1 STORY-5 Guest house, huge pool, developme nts nearby. c.osta Mesa 2 br $135., $350. mo. 963-4569 ask for Cl u bh s e & Pool. A Wknds. carpts , assume H ".1<'/" bedrm ranch! NO DOWN beautiful ocean vrews. ~~{:~ s~ac: h~::1teh~as: Close to Cedar City, s ingles~ peLls oBek. /\hlso2 Bev or Joe Bargain al $385/Mo! Ph : ----------1 FHA, $34,000. $203 mo. PAYM ENT TO VETS!! Priced to sell at $139,500 NavaJO Lake. Brians ocean view ag. ac . · N .. d (714) 645-7104 days. (714> l mmac. Duplex, N'pl. Owner/Agt.549-2646. Or,assume$27,700,71/•"k 499·2277Arch8ay R.E. Gallery, 2 rarcplaccs. Head ski resort. Ask1ng1 br, kids & pebok. Walk ew c ai;pedl. rapes_& 831·0409eves. Jsland$93.500 VA loan ... $293 mo. pays kwclthbar, &ultra modern S400 . p c r acre-w1111 to water, Balboa, l br pDaWint.~4365?e rm, 2 963ba w~ · Marshall Rily 675-4ti00 A.IANDOMED all! Chefs kitchen, all SPARKLING 1 c en pnvate pier. d1v1d c. trade ror inc. S135 .. singles ok. Agl. · • : mo. ·4...,., ewport Beach 3269 gas, huge form dine rm, 3 Bdrm .. 2 baU1 Emeralc.11 1-~ee Ian!!. Sec al 1200 prop .. T.U. ·s or sell with Fee. 979·8430. ~v or Joe ••••••••••••••••••••••• Corona del Mer I 022 $28 500 k · b · r I H h hi Eas t llalboc1 Olvd., or , crac hng n ck pc, de· ay ome. Arc tect de· call 675.8120 for more de-I! r c a L t c rm s. H 1 c k Corona del Mer 3122 3 13 e ct r m , l 12 b a . U1fplex . Xtra Lge 3 BR. + GUEST HOUSE ep pile carpels, don·t be sig ned ; professionally tails. Ald~ellc, HI Lr, 547-6469 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wal>hr/dryer/refrig. in· I.< rplc, DIV(. 1 ~l~ to ~sl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Charming houses on wide lot So. of hwy, CdM. Beaut. gardens. $91,SOO. Owner, 673·4 lW Beach Retreat J ust two blocks from the ocean·s s urf! Newly de· coral ed . Thick pil e carpet s , drapes, used brick fireplace, king muster suite, large game room. walk·in closets in all beet rooms. $92,000 bkr. 540·1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor llYd., C.M. \\I .I .I·., 1:1 \I I\ : .. ·. ' 5 ~.~ ASSUM. Decor .• wallpr. 3 br, a ba, Dig, apeclal bit an ram. rm w/trpl. Must tee ill $U,900. Under U.\ price _Ownr. 54f-l00& Unbelievable value at afraid lo submit YOUR decorated. Open beam _ -J . . cld Vacant $300 per beach an So. Cahf. \'r ly ~ .. 8•5001 VACANT· RENT _o_r_fe_r_!_B_k_r_96_2·_55_1_1 ___ 1 ceilings in living & dinin!,{ .._.EWPORT SHORES Business Property 1400 Ch1oa Cove 3 Br, 2 Ba, OC mo: Ask for ·Keith· Dk lease. $390. mo. 870-920.1 -rms~ Sunny view deck. " ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vu. $425 mo. Wnlr lse • r,, ________ _ THEN BUY! Preferred ---------1 Pools ized yard. Ap· Large 2·slory 4 Bil. 3 PRIME OFFICE Ownr. 544·6130/673-7838 968·13l7 EXECUTIVE HOME Mesa location. 1'"reshly baths; 2 s undecks, patio. b b d C I painted board & batten MUST MOVE proved plans for ex.· Walk to beach, tennis, BUILDING LOCJUfta Beach 3148 4 r, 2 a. cpl, rps, rp · exter ior. DETACHED pansion. $lJ7,500 etc. Needs TLC, priced One Million SS ••••••••••••••••••••••• MICE HOUSES lg. Country kitch, atl. GUEST COTTAGE + TURMERA.SSOC. rightatStil,950.Call $172,000-pastyrancome LAGUNA Hilltop View 3&48drms,2baths. dbl. gar . rncd . y et . garden ! Winding drive 1105 N. Cst Hwy, Laguna CAYWOOD REALTY' 1.<:x1·ell ent tax sheller home, wood & ~lass . July fireplaces , big yards. ::c;.~:: ~ ... ~sec· Y · s595 · leads l o w hite picket 494· 1177 * 548•1290 * Great Newport Location 27 to Aug. JO . $650. No fee 846-1311 fence & swaying palms Ted llube rt&Assoc. 494·3278 TOBIN RBALTY 3 BR. 2 BA, den. Tennis. entry. Beamed ceiling HARBOR VicwHomc 4br. 675·8500 pool , 2 blks to bch. Ii ving r oom . Comfy 2'h b y ·tras ----Newport Beach 3169 . 8 . Reing Summer or yrlv k.t h I lud I · 1 • a . man x •Cemetery Lots/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 r, l Hn . covered pattO .· •· 1 c en nc es re n g. ....EEDS f•ST s•• £ pnced to sell by owner. Crypts 1500 L "R h 1. D drive thru uur 19142 541MH23. Loads of storage & shop " "' "'..so · I l•',, rg l v , uge 1v rm.' in , ,., · ---------space. Awesome 85' x Walk to tennis courts. ~rm. on.y. i88.500. cc:••••••••••••••••••••••• r m, kit. Swim'g pool. Ca~p Cr. HU: $265. Westcliff-P«>°' 160' lot ! Quaint & large pool and ocean F~m . 64-1-4374 after l>E & to' Grave LolS, 335 Qwet strect.$300/moan· 960·3389or 968-6726. 3Br,2ba.Charming curiously refreshing. See ~~~~~~~~~~! from this two·story, 3 p . Bayv rew Te rr. sect . c~s gardener. '.-?upleor 2 Newly decorated 3 Br. 1V2 Farm kitchen, S56S mo .• lo believe. Talce advan· _ bedroom, 2 bath home "The Bluffs" Townhouse. Pac1f1 c View. 494·8285 s ingles. No c.:•ldren or Ba, Twnhse. encl.· palio, 645·0785 or64S.9556. tage·Call fast. 752-1700. z IR TOWNHOUSE with dining room, plus 3 BR, 2 BA. By Owner. eves. pels. 642-9959 bike to bch. Avail 7/1, OPfN 1119.,, H UN roac NICC' family room. Located in see Wknd s & E ve· EAST BLU FF Condo Will sell all terms. Up-· s · c · I $255 lse. Children Singles . • nice private community. 644•7814 ommerc1a OK. ALSO lrre 4 Br, 2 Ba. newly decor d. 4 br, 3 ba. -' THF. REAL , ESTATERS I --_J MISAWOODS SPECIAL FHA.·¥A1BMS 4 bdrma & bonus room . This tastetuJly decorated home Is Jusl across Crom propoled park. Short dlll tanu to South Coast Piasa and Irvine In· duslrial Cent.er. HiahJY upgraded Lhruout. Bonus room Iara enough ror pool table. Offered at already v A appt alsed price or only $64,900. 5'5·~1 ~ Walkr.r 1; I r.r. Real fstate graded crpts. & drps. ~ 500 · · Pron.rty 1600 " S O POOL. Owner anxious. ..,.,, ,..-House. Unfurnished house avail. 8/1, $325. Lse /o~t. Price SS • ••• • • • • • • • • • ••••• •••••• • ••••••• •• • •••••••••••• 968·6215 673-4246 $36,500. 1963So.CoastHwy. COMM EHCIAL pro~rty Getteral 3202 W_F_R_T--.3-B-d-r-.-2-b-a-.-3-0. Laguna Beach Newport store & offaces. ••••••••••••••••••••••• VILLA PACIJ:o'ICA Rita1 Estate b)'MdfAY WATlaAtOMT PA.lADISI We have 2 wa~r·front lisUn.11 on rn a1n channel Cor saU or power boala. Enjoy cleunce It com· for,, HURRY " CALL 842•9371 YOUUUIT ITUllSYOU We blVo a 3 bedroom home Jual for you on a cu.l·d•·sac. bute lot.Close lO park. Lg. camper ac cet1, _with double door t:nlr)I. &42·tm l 494-0749 7 un11.S Priced n ght. Call FREE 1-~REE 2 Condos . 2 &3 BRs dock. D gar. Npl. Isl. lse. T e d T r e s s e n , Call 968-229'1 ssso. 968·44561675·0102 (7 14 )63!).6700 or&U-5117 •Professional Service• ... .,_ ..... ------•LANDLORDS•* SErK& rlND1 v ....... .,.... 5,000 i-· E ET-Suit. for H 0 "' e f i "de rs 191 r, church. lodge. health or· Types of Hat.~ ..A-Olan offer1 • tr9ditlonal gamzatlon, executive of· 642-9900 3 bedroom, 3 bath, rices. 14 ease. opt.ion, sale. California ·s Larges!. ocean view home Easlside Costa Mesa. •Rental Service!• REAL ESTATE <>00 r .1. '"'''Y" '>I .\•j,l <.J \' I "> \•J (' } It, s YL v AN HAL PIMCHIM H.BCH $140. l br, med A.I.A. Designed wood & for $89,500 REALTOR H.BCH$170, lbr.singles h ...,,._ 2727 E. Coast Hwy. L'URN Npt 8 h · · glass, eavy .,.,..ms, s~n--.. . ~----.. . . c mint ken tub, Cplc, white ~ ~ 675-4392 farm, 2 hr, kids. Fee. water vu. $97,500 LIDO ISLE C0ttf domliniurns BkrHOM.EFtHDERS I o..JI or H e 1700 9 WHITE WA.TE:R Va "'ce ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 642· 900* Lovel y 3 · br, 2 ba . ... vlew & xlnt. location Fire p I acc. $ 8 2 M. NORTH LAGUNA! Castaway cotta~e. Lag. enhance this handsome 4 Owner/ Agent. Spacious. new two and Beach. 2 br, k1rts, pets, bdrm., 2i,.a ha., 2-sto 673·6'189 three bedroom units. singles. Also 1 br, $140., home. L>ecks. beams & _..._,.,.....,....._~..._,.111111111..., Ocean v iew~. 1''r om kids, pets, 11.8 Has all, 3 open stairway gives it a ----$54,500. 675·7225. l>r, $185 .• kids, pets, very sp11clous. outdoor Harbor Vlew Home. 4 Br, Costa M e~a. Or 2 br, feeling. See it today at 2 Ba Montego. Nr. park Newport Beach, $20$., • • ' ' W•' ·' I $109,500 all i;cbools & pool. Well singles, ramlhcs. Agt. HOMlllHC Elegant North Laguna home, 200 Cl. lo tbe ocean. Klnil·Sit.e pool ft jacuu1 + 2 deluxe in· come unlt a. Z · REALTOR, 494•t 1 lundscaped. 833 1861 for Fee. 979-8430 appt. $81 ,500 By Ownr. \\I.LE' BF\1 .1'' JUST REDUCB> Bayfronl 3 bdrm., 2 baU\!l, own you.r own apt. Marty extral>.I OW.N.£R WANTS ACTION ! l!}. ~·· LIDO REALTY 1 \77 \1.1 I .. 1 .. '\I\ * 673 -7300 * lolto• ,.......... 3207 ... fi t .,l, t J.i .. ' "1J.1~1 "it .... ~ l J ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hu .. T ICH VIEW 2 UR dehghtful home on " luxurious Penln. Point. 3 Br, 2 Ba, front&rear $400/Yrly 645-6822/\f.'t. patios. Plush C'arpet & drapo s. Qui c k • pol;l!esslon l Like New. Tho Cu test draw 1n the No Quo.llfyln{l. saG-8821 ~lest . r·I .da ~d1.ly p:~lnoct or Eves. 968 4190. "'.ass 1 e G.S. THOMAS RLTRS 64l·5678_. ----- ,, T<"AY K FRENCHCO I fRESl> t: 0 ti E T V F: A S 0 U T JI \\ •: S V 0 ~1 LCNABRUTNAIONIFIORK V C 11 ·1 NE SF.HE A 0 0 R ESS \\ S A (T v P E ~IR o e r N E r c L T R E R H 0 R 0 0 E K F. I, H R A U 0 J E c; P. C l,E MRFH ATSTPSMNOTI T· N I N HFAONF.XOI O OR ONAS AVCE ILH SO ROM NEET ~S~ I I H O l, I EO RWN I R UCK llllW S A C' l l l' N L 0 A E A 8 N R H \" fol 0 ti S N ti 0 I L N r. I N M A T S E P 0 S T U C R II I N 0 I A 0 T R F. N C R M N l! H ECPRU~SSA~E C H APABO 0 M 8 0 t. ·I \' I A S C H U L l. 0 1' T S • F.n1<w much lariier ··s..a 6. F'ind .. puul1t11 w11h nHr ,., di'('rn"fhf'' fltt ~Anti In 111 •ll·MW atrit11 nl 24 pall'f bMlcltt• To nnler vulumtoo l. II and 0 I. Mnd $1 fnuaeh, mak1111 C'h~lt" pt,y•hlr 111 "S..lt 6 f111d" 111 UH llf th•~ ntw•C-P" Mt.,... ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 3 BR, a Bil. Frplc1 rootn for e• rnpor, boat Z&MJrvlne.~ 2 STORY 3 br, 2\.\ t>.. con do. 1-"'tpl, bltns, pool. $358 mo. Lse. 8S4-1416 IRVlNE TERR Pvt. home for Lse. l /2 bllc. to bay. 3 br, 2 ba, dbl. ear., yd. & l'lltio. tilS·3354 <.:HEERY Hbr. View Home. 3 br, 2 ba, bllns, :.elt-cJn'g. oven, fncd. yd, all. dbl. l(ur. Comm. pool. $550 mo. ti4().1289 Eves. 4 SR. 3 H..i . 3 Car Garage, 2 blks to o<:can. Comm. Pool & Tennis Cts. $595. mo. 645·3370 aft. S Sc.Clemente 3276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PLUSH 2 br, 2 ba new Condo Great Occanv1ew & local. $450. ELEGANT 3 br, 2 ba. Beaut hills view. Xlnt. neighborhood~- AA Realtors l!J2 21 Santa Ano 3280 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $155. 1 BR. pet, ulll pd ~135.1 br, ::.love. sangll's 2 BR. kids, pet. gara~e Fee. Brokl'r HOMEFIHDERS •642-9900• ---------- Westminster 3298 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp, 4 UH, 2 BA. fplc, bltns. S295. per mo. Call 892·2127 " Condominiums Unfurnished 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Monticello Townchouse J lidrm. 2BA. Carpet~. drapes S265. 792-71»1 Townhouse Unfurnished 3525 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. air cond Townhouse. Attached gar, wshr/dry. El Toro. $275. ~Hl!l'J Apartmenta Fwnished ••••••••••••••••••••••• Corona del Mar 3722 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 1 Ba, frpl. patio. S. or .hwy. Avail July lS, $295. !">47-0993/ 4!16·1981. -----· Costa Mesa 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOW RATES .. Studio & 1 BRApts .,,.Water Hcd!> •TV & Maid Serv Avail .,,. Phone Serv. I ltd pool .,,.Children Section 2376 Newport Blvd, CM 518·9i55 or645·3007 Schools and Instruction This variety of fine schools could introduce ~ you to a new tomorrow F or rurtht'r inform:it1on rei:ard1ni:: ptutemt'nl c-f adverllsin)i? an thl' Daily Pilot Srhoob un!I l nslruction IJir('l'to~y CALL 642-5678, EXT. 325 LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE. Recjisteor How For Summer Proqram 1525 Santa Ana An., Costa Mesa Call 645-4381 Full & h alf day programs Picnics /Overnight Campouls 1:3each Exc ursions, Field Tnps ft Swimming Lessons Available Open 6:30 AM-6 PM Individual .r\ltcnlion. Experienced Teachers. Planne d Prog ram lncluding math & r ead111g rcacl1ncss. 0:1rls & crafts, music, scie nce. stor y time. !'.>Ot:1<Jl studies & t'rcallVl' ph.111: HOLIDAY PLAZA · DELUXE Spacious 1 n r Apartunents ""'*-"-Apa! hwftts lJftfwft. f u I A 1· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• urn apl. c-00 • mp e Balboa P~ 3807 C t M parking. Adults, no pets. ••••••• •••••••••••••••• os a esa 1965 Pomona Ave CM BR b •••• ••• •• •• •••••••••••• _ ·• • 2 nr. each & bay. re-Off B•a"-Path ---------•I decorated, lndry, prkg. .. •-=n l BP unfurn Sl65 .. 1 Br Adul~s •. I.ease $300 mo. 1. 2 & 3 Br. Adults no • Agt ti73 6210 pets, dshwhrs, shag cpls, !urn $185. Lots of bllns · · closed ~arage, frplc, Pool. Walk to shopping. Corona det Mar 3822 BBQ. Ga::. & water pd. '2 Mi . beach. 931 W. 19th ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pool St. 548·t>492 HEW DUPLEX LA MAH CHA APTS ·--------Deluxe split-level ; 1300 778ScotlPlacc.CM .Bache lor apt. Single sq fl, 2 bdrm w/loft-den. 642-5(17:1 working lady only. No frplc, plush crptg, home· ---- -. ---pels. ti46·3tl71 like s tor age, walk-in 2 HR. 21·:. BJ\ Studio apt. · ---closets bath & guest Bltns, D/W, cpt~&drps. UTIL pd. Qwel, pnvale bath. bitn gas ranf!te & Patio. S265 mo. 768 baC'h apt. l employed oven, patio dc<:k, 2 car _:!_o~n~~~~~I adlt only. No pets . Sl50. enclosed garage w/laun· 2_ 1 BR LOFT OHLY 1 mo. 645·i·H8 or 548·82.51 dry room. Pay only elec- tric. Adu1ts. So. of Coast 1-2 BR W /LOFT ~160·Maturc Adult. Part. Hwy, s bl ks from beach. Pvl Patio. frµI , 1 yr lse furn. Clean, Ir{! 1 br. $425. 435 Goldenrod, Ava1lahle Junclsl Pool, u t d P cl · No c; or o n a d e L Mar HAYLOFT APTS • children/ pets. ~·Z738 (714 )675·9337 283 Avocado, CM Dana Point 3726 Cllaice area. Pnv. 2 Br. 2 645-0143 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ha, all bltns. Pvt laundry --- 2 HH. $250. rm, pvt. patio. garage Hear Completion UTILS. PO N c w I y d ecorated . CEDAR WOODS 496-0195 &960-1142 Adults, no pets. 675·2051 ---------Huntingtoa leach 3740 NR. HEACH 2 br, 2 ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• deck. frpl. bltns. gar. NO INCREASE m sum-S350/month to month mer rent. lit!aut 1 br furn 6i5·0929 apts $165 & $175. Spanhh -~Lyle bldg, pvt encl gar, Costa Mua 3824 pool, sauna, lndry, adlts ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17301 Kecbon Ln. 1 blk New 2Br over encl gar. W. of Beach off Slater. Eastside. Bllns, cpls. ~2·i848 drps, adulls/nopcts.S260 329 University Dr. near Back Hay. l br, 2 br & den. f'rnm Sl85 Eastside. 548 H3i or 646·11!;..I CASA VICTOHIA l .2 & 3Br. Unturn/1-'urn fr. Sl69.5U gas/wtr. pd. Adults.No Pets Sec. gate Pool, Rec. Rm. Elevator 525 Vt<"lona, 6'12·8970 • FREE ORGAN CONCERT n.n .. ,,_,_ ....,,:30, .M. Beauhlul '"'*c bV OIYILLI I. POSTIR ...,_MAnoMAUY IMOWM AITIST ..... ~ .... ..... ...... c ..... .. 'MlrtWt-r. • DOM'TMISS THIS OUTSTAMOtH• I YINTI Mr. Foster will conduct a group class here for six weeks -2 hour sessions beginning Monday, J une 30 at 7:00 P .M. Cau for info and registration. HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIOS 1854 L c-tt Hwy .. C:.... .. Mw 644-8930 TENNIS DAY CAMP .For Juniors $7 5 . 2 Weeks. Private Club. Top Teaching Professionals. Transportation available. 545-5893 Sylvia Elman will conduct a series of 6 Hatha Yoga lessons for ladies only -every Monday from 11 a.m to 12 noon July 7 to August 11 at the ORANGE YMCA COAST 2300 University Drive (near the Back Bay) Newport Beach S19n up at the ··y " or ull 642·9990. Special offer below. Presentation of this coupon will entitle you to one free lesson OR S2 off the price of the lesson series. Name ______________ _ Address, _____________ ~ City __________ Zip ____ _ i l r TEENAGERS! (11-17 COED) TRAVELING CANOE CAMP On De LOWER COLOUDO llYER .·DAY. 7 NIGHTS l . • 1aa JULY OR AUGUST r Ii' l....-.otl0111 An Ullllhd •Frietldse.ip •C9'••"91 •c-.wa •Fishing .s.-.. g *Wlw.rweuMY....,. * Setf-Dlscovwy CALL 646-5274 . REAL ESTA TE??? HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO GIVE IT A TRY NOW "THE· THOMAS SYSTIM'" presents a pre-licensing program for you to take to pass the state license examination. s599s TOTAL COST TO YOU l11<kldlftCJ oil tu t boolts & ..,,... ... STA.RT YOUR CAREH TODAY!!! Coll Mon.-Frl. 8:30 a.in. to 5:30 p.m. CALL FOR RESStVA.TIOMS LIMITED SEA TING AV All.AILE 752-7300 VALLEY REAL TY A. HltG EMTBl .... SI CO. Announcing MeodoWlartc Farms 2nd Annual Horse Mastership Oinics ... In Jumping & Dressage. Our accredited instructor for the 2nd year is C.arol Mason. JUMPING July 23 thru 28, ~ 21 tin 26 August 18 ..... 22 DRESSAGE .klly 7 thru II & Mgud 4 tin I Each Course Only $60 Witt. own horse $40 For more information & registration Call 846-9340 Days 846-8576 Eves ~JAPAN KARATE FED. JJI Mo. M•wg: lt9d. M.1.S..lte #S,_. .. , . DGys Tel. ·642·0326 Mites 642·8387 ~ ........... , , .... MO CONTRACTS NO GIMMl~KS $24 PER MONTH Special rates to families. college students & groups. FREE TRIAL LISSOM * Kcrate-Shfto Ryt1 SWo Kan •Allddo .. ..._....._ * Judo * H .. ddo PREMIER STUDIOS *Yoga . Now Offering A Cass· in TINY TOT BODY AWARENESS For Children Ages 3-5 Years Old Let your child develop a sense or body awareness. Let he or she find out what their body can do. We Are Offering: Classes In Women's Exercls•. Beginning To Advanced Gymnastics For Girts Call 968-9537 After I PM HALECREST CLUJ SWIMMING LESSONS All Levels Ages 3 Yrs & Up 10 lessons-$12.00 (non-members} Each lesson V2 Hour Jr. & Sr. Lifesaving offered REGISTER HOW FOR Sessions 1 & 2. June 30th thru July 11t h And July 14th thru July 25th Registration: June 25th & 26th 5 PM-7 PM Swim Director-Janet Kd.,...Cummins Coll 963·5l20 ar 557-7234 WEEKLY RATES mo. 673·Gt>4t ·2 ~ NEW 2 b P r . --------~ A 1 d"· It . r. 5.; ~· Apartments Unfum. ApartMents UnfurR. Apa! lllMnh Unfurn. Apa lii•llh UwfurA. A.part ' t Fu .sh d Apartments Furnished Executive S..itn 7 2 7 Yorktown llvd Ueach Blvd al Yorktown 536-0411 Eastside Twnhouse u s. no l><'L'i. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• men s me e Luxurious l600 sq. fl. Wil~.~:m ;-642· lfl03 --Huntington Beach 3840 Irvine 3844 Newport leach 3869 Newport leach 3869 •• ~.~~!!'.'"!'.'~~.??~~ .. ~[.~!'!!'.'!'!~.?!~~ STUDIOS & I Bits •Full Kitchen •Heated Pool •Laundry Fac11.il1es •Free Ut1hl1es, •Free Linens •TV & Maid serv.avail •Bar·B·Quc •Phone Serv1re •I M1le toocean S280 Per month 3 Br. lower, en('I. pullo., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••·~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eastside Spacious <'rpts. drps. Nr. occ BIKE TO BEACH LOVELY 2 br Condo .;:>-c:Jel~ MESA VMDI J Br Ouplex·S215 Mo. S220. After 6. ~7 0350 .... E•R SH~l .... r-. w/Lerr. $32S mo, incl's · 645·8964 &646-4848 " ~ ...,....,. "-wtr .• rec. fac's. 1.sl & las 2 Bdrms., 11,.; bath condo ------NEW BREED APTS. Dea ulaful new 2 BR req"d . + $lOO damag with pool. $335Mo. Sunny & cheery 2 BR .• 1 Lrg bac·h. wiloft, pool, i.tud10 apts. 1''rplcs, dep. & $25. cleanup foe. STIPSTOIUCH ba. upper apt. Freshly j acuz.£1. t•ncl gar. ul11':. bllns, dishwashers, 2 car Avail 6/30. 2 BR. l ba, wll,$285 C~i-~~=~· r~~1';.f"sz%3~~: fi~·~1ft~,~~ ~~'1~05· :llJJ f::~~~6.~~f:eck~. From . 552-0138/213·330·39~ NEWPORT CRIST Callaft6 PM S59-1986 --------------LGCJUftaleach 3848 2BR,2 Bacoodo$525 *Tropical Pooi• •NEW TRIPLEXES• ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE HAVE ~SIDE 2 Br, l'l:z Ba, 2 .Ur. cpts. dfJlCI. bltns, 1.2,& 3 BR. $195 .. $295 .. OCEANFRONT Deluxe 2 Refrigerator. Security. SUMMER RENTALS live BIG! Adults only., no pets. s piral !>lairca::.~. real $375. Pal1os, F/P. br, 2 ba, bllns. adults on ~'71~ ;a:~z~ii ::C· rB~~ Encl gar .• P»~io , ~u trµl c,reln)o!,pat1 a::.& U~ntingtonSt.539-6779 ly.497-3262/213-799-6707 f L~ leach 3748 crpts. drps & pamt. $225 water pd 548.11&! ----Billiards. Color TV. rom $165 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. 548·7~2or644·0878. -----2 BR. l BA. dshwshr, Drop a pebble into the JRVINE AT MESA DR. Oak wood orrers the Apl. 2 .Bd, a ccess lO pra . . Costa Mesa's f'incst 1'°' W /W cpl. drps, pattos or Ocean from your Apt 545·485.5 finest in country club liv associated BR C'> t "<· "~ ~ · ,p<, .lie a ch 6 mo l ea~e. NEWPORT Hts 1. br, cpts, Only kind in the area. balconies. Encl. ~ar. Y2 Lease Luxury security.• 3 B 2 b bl.le to b h. Ing at a price you can ur· Ava11able7/l5.497 Ul72. drpsl-, gae~··J:upeot/~~j Quie l -garden lakt!-arlult ~001 r1rom owcean. ~~Bope1t:5· Matu~e adult.s.'31755 Cst'. No. pet~'/c bi~dren Y~ly LXY Twnbse. nr Hoag. 2 rord. There's Sl million • -pv • qw . . ltvang. Lgc l,Z.3. Ur. 1.2 -mo. arner cx sa Hwy 499·283.5 . b 2 b t' $2•0 . I 1 . OCEANFRONT s tudio, pd. Avail. July 1st. $225. Ba . ww <:rpls, drps, Chica. 4662 Milo, apt. A. · · _W·Newport.642·1603 r, a , pa 10. .. . an recreation ac1 1lies. year. round, $195. Great 646-5601afler5 pm. patio" bltns. some wood _!t~·5847 Newport leach 3869 llG CANYON EAST ~~~:.,6adlts, 642-05961 :~~~6uLJ¥~~~~J~:; • locauon.536·0321 AVAIL 7/1. 2 br, 212 ba, burning Crpl. Ue aut. L BR. Unfurn. $165. Bltns, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spacious 3 Br. apart. on ---------1 activities director who Newport leoch 3769 frpl, gar. Cpts, drps, landscpd , heated pool & crpt.s, drps. No Pets. PARK HEWPOlT golf course. 2 car gar S• ca...... 3876 plans .parties, BBQ's, 1' .' ...,. "1 , ' ' • ", Vi~~l'.8tb·,· ClCITlllC llEW COllCErl ! AOUlT LAKESIDE LIVlllC Uo!All l'f TS ACCI" ID •Boch•lon • 1 BR , 2 BR •2 BR & Den From S 175 -$485 Mesa V.rde Eost & Adam, 540 -1800 THE EXCJTING PALM MESA APTS. MINUTESTONP1' BCH. Bach, 1&2 BR. rrom$165 . Adults, No Pets 1561 Mesa Dr. (5 Blks EastofNewi>or~ Blvd.) · "'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• D /W. S260 mo. 772 A Allractiv,e renl. •Cal1847~1 • APARTMIHTS w/auto door opener, air ••••••••••••••••••••••• trips & more! F'reeSun· Bd 8 JoannSl.544·5100 Mart1nlqueApts. -Bachelorl or2 cond., Crpl, wet bu, dbl 2 BR, 2 ba, bltna, 2 car day brunch. Rooms 4000 ~i9·:~~~~o1:~r11V~·~ai~ 1777SanlaAnaAve,CM 2 HH , c pls, drps, new Bedroomsand self -c l eaning oven. gara1e .. Golf course P lus beautiful s1n~les, ••••••••••••••••••••• ser \', rv.ol. 'fHE MESA. Larp 2 h<*'oont M.l{r Apt 113 &16·5542 paint, near fwy & m~Jor Townhouses Wuher/dryer connec· view. $235. & $250. l &2 b e d room a pts, , •• 546·9860 415 N .... Newport Bl , NB, Upper, ran11e. no fK'lS •• ---~... . shopping. S175. No pets. Fr $229.500pen 9G Uon . Etc, Etc, Elc! 494 ·2339 furnlshcd&unfunusheu. R<?OMS $~0. wk up with fi4fHl68 l Child OK. Sl75. 787 W. s3i5. 3 Br, 2 na. patio, St5-0760or847.oo70. Dally 644·0500 Rents from $165. Pnces kitchen $30. wk up. apt. Wilson, II D Ph: 75 14f78.'i. gar ·near new, no pets. LARGE 2 br "looa·o·. enc. Spa-Pools·Tenn1s • .,.... ..... ,_,.119ed vary by locuuon. Models 548-9755 or 64S-3967 · W f lj 1 u .. ------642 1603 " A r f' h u-...a.-.1.&.......1 JtO open 10to1 Sorry no ""L~ aler ront. l r, "°• TOP LOC DI Lg 2 b - - ---g3r, patio & fncd. lnfant cross rom u ion $195 Bache lor w/ pr1v. or .,...._..._ . ~ S.......r Re1thh 4200 s21s. J'" b.i twn~~e Bltn~: 1 Bk garden apts, frpl. OK & no pets. s100 per ~~:~~.:~;~ftc!t' :![~.,"~rw.Npduato0~de orcO~k~ood :·;1·F..~·c•H••T•·0~·0•M•·ES·~ S~ ~--rpts, <!rps, pauo. gar. Dt W . Jlvt pul1os. Nr. mo. Warner & Beach ,7 , r19 • ec. . er ...,,. "'"n Bach apt, year lease. 3810 pool, rec. rm .. adults. Irvine Ind. urea. $175 area. 847-4440Avl. July l 141 644-1900 :;;:.,J7~ person o nly . ~ .... " Garden rN SUNSET BEACH. Ctuuiel Pl. St65 mo. Ulll Sm . pet OK. uso. mo 557 2841 -LAROE 2 br 1 ba ~. LrVENearTheBeacti! . I{)>< ~'!r~._ . Apartments ~-~~3 (714) 840·1648/ pd. EvcR fi.15 71UI 548-~ Lar1Ze i Ur. 2 &, bltn mo. Sep. J~undcy, pvt Casa .. Set 2 DR Duplex, sWldeck, nr. A;.-;.;... 2 BR, 2 .BA. Sunken lJv. ran~e & oven. DW. $235. patJo. Closed garage. Nr. Beautiful Adlllt Apt.a ~l~l~~nsN gn,~.ei!;ir S)'~lny'. CORONA DEL MAR Mee1o~rv~:C" •w:!~"b~tn~, c'Y-2-B.~ ~ U.....,M.cf rm •• frpl, bllru, pat.io, 6"6·34!1ior~l73 Hu~tln~lon6_Harbour. frOM$180 675·0115 v -2 Br TownbouM, lrplc, At 18th &beacb.$22S.':kiy:'....., ••••••••••••••••••••••• A/C, ~a r. Adlts. $225. EASTSIDE 3 br duplex, 846 lllJ' 84 f93S. Agt. 21661 Brookhunl, HB --------~ from '3'75. J 8l'from$205. 845-0SSO • 3 BDRM, 2t>., frplc, ~t ...... , ......... 1807 ~9R22S cpt , drps. enc. gar $250. ~ofee. 962-665] l BR Condo In Lux. Pool, tennls, continental ......___ .;..._ __ blktobuch.$2SO.wtcly. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~2 nn Iba Mesa Verde 642 1291uft.6PM wkd.Yll. 2 UR.APT. Rrnt$1GO. C.ts Bayfront AduJt Bld1t. on breakfast. Someooun ~ IF YOU * LIKE NEW, xtra Ira PLU H Large.2 8r,2 8a $185 'Aduits, no pels: OK. Wall Lo Wall Cpt. PENTHOUSE 1 br. Peninsula. Pool, many CatAJlnavlewa.¶te have u scrv1cetoolfcror 38R 2~ba w/all the '"' lht" meln btly Poot HJ;) 89'74 Done Point 3126 Garal(e. 523-1632 ~eanv lew, pool. $175 + xtras. $2?5 mo. 548·9005 family secuon. CIOM lo $(oodt1 to sell, pl1t1CC un ucl b,ltns. & DOCK pnv•1 Security BldJ!.2 perk•n8 -••••••••••••••••••••••• utd.s.Yrly.64.S-9'62 y J 3 ... 2 ea lBlkt h Id & floe boach In the Dally Pilot avuil.$295.wk • · $450 he Ask t 2 BR l 8 k Bay 24~ OCF:ANVll<:W Classified ads sell bi11 ear y, or, ' 0 1 opp n.-' Claa11fied Section . . . JACOIS ltlALTY i,•=· 9800 or. 67~54~ lrvi'::! a1:.i. Cali for 2 br for qual'd. people 1tenl.'f, amull itenw or an.> Have .amel~ito 1 1 1 1 1? r~~J~~ 7~· Avail. 544·2'U. Pbone642·~78 8715-4WJ70 ~ve•_ __ appt.!Sl·l891or~-326!. ~5 ... 391.Mt.GPM __ itcm.Justl·tlll&&Z-5678. Clasallioda<iJdO twc . · · • v IN SIX WEBCS PREPARE FOR. STAT! EXAM UCl!MSIM• Pl•AaAnoM PO~ • Real E1tC1t1 Soleamen & Btaktn . • Employment Anlstonce for GraduGtts With .. leodlnca 8 ..... • Day And Eveting <losses •Salta Senittlvity Training I I $69 ~FW COURSE WIMITllltM 548-1192 EDMOND F. JACXSON Real Estate Education Since 1964 · ACADEMY llAL 15TATI CONTlllACTIMG Ir IMSURANCI SCHOOLS GI-Master Charge & B of A UCI SUMMER SAILING PROGRAM Learn To Sail Classes Open To The Public . Children &.Adults The p rogram will be under the d i rec ti o n of UCI 's Sailing Coor d'inator , Carl R ein hart, a veter a n sailing instructor for 12 year s & coach of the 1973 U.S. College All-Stars Sailing Team. $2 O f o r e a c h e I e me n ta r y o r intermediate class and $40 fo r each ~dva n ced c lass, inc l u din g in surance. For further information on class Please Call 833-5346 PllYATE & GROUP ORGAN LESSONS Organ Workshops Clinics & Seminar Thomas, Conn, Yahama & Gulbransen {)(gans ~ ~··-r~'7-b..;: •• -... "r: ~~-·_,.. ·-~OUPON 1W b." 1·, ;; 4 FREE ~; ~1 ORGAN LESSONS ~~ 1' )' } Only those sincerely 1 ~ ···~;;;·~:~;~'" ~ f 1839 Newport llvd., ·~ · 1'"~·; Costa M. esa~ ~ 1 ... ~ . ' ~~~·Jr~"'·". CALL 642-2851 FOR IHFORMATIOM P .... Mewport Studio /\pt. July l lo Sept. 1 .. 230 mo. 644-2223 • • CAllN CAllN CAllN untvwattr of C•Ufomla, lntn9C~ ~ Ml"BON a..NAMAAA'S SUMMERTENNIS CAMP -C.,,,,, I -June H ·~ 12 -ewnp II-July 1$·~20 -Came> Ill -July 27 • Auguet 9 -Ctlrllp IV -August t O • Allgullt 23 SPECIAL AOUL T CAMPS -camp A -August 23 • 27 -came> e -Augll9t 28·Sec>t.1 POWC~~;t~~t 6uw * * * * * * * * * !H ii : ii !!t!I. !Ill ........................... •••• SESSION I tAug. ~-1') SESSION II (Aug. 1 HA) SESSION Ill (Aug. IS.20 I r..-..... •••••••••aa a ............. ___ ,, ... _.,_ CUW-MAU ~ .. ----·-Offa Pl>oM 11141 ~ YOU'R E NOT TOO LATE FOR COLLEGE Your maturity and experience may contribute to speedy com· pletion of an individualized B.A. degree through t he University Without Walls program at John· ston College, an accredited lib· eral ~ts cluster college of the University of "Redlands. Write or call: .D. Marie Stockman UNIVERSITY Wl1ij0UT WA~LS J~TON. CdLLEGE · University of Redlands Redlands, California 92373 • (714) 793-2121 • • • SUNSHINE DAY CAMP Ages4 thru 12 Free Transportation Swimming Lessons/Bowling, Roller Skating /Miniature Golf, Horseback Ridin g/Beac h Trip s, Cookouts I Field Trips & Arts & Crafts. For Further Information Please Call 646-8765 Newport Air Associates Flight School & Flying Oub LEARN TO FLY 5595 ......... ,. ....... * FAA APPROVED * c ......... ,. 35 Hours flight time in Cessna 1 so·a with 20 , hours dual Instruction. Oub membership. Free du,s. Individual instruction, tailored to YOUR abfllty. 20 AIRCRAFT AVAii.AiLE AT LOWEST RATES IM ~COUNTY U.. to fly MW --..ct IMIYe fm! * Specltil I.ates for c-rclal or ........... s .... For COMpl~ Detals Cal HOW . 979-1155 1971 I Airport Wfl'I SOllth M•xtto.._T ...... ...._ o....,. c..ey Airport • BEGINNING BRIDGE INSTRUCTIONS (Beach Area) Daytime & Evlftings My Home Or Yaws (6 Lessons ••• $35) · Intermediate & Supervised ·or Recreational ~roup Teaching Also Offered Call Phyllis H. Patrick Days 547-8385 r--........ Ens & Weekend$ 642-5129 + ,,rl>1iiNfl · at the • ORANG..,...vMc· A COA~il with famous Olympic diving coach JACK ROTH Available to all youth through high school ages Daily 9 a.m. t o 12 noon TEN LESSONS IN A SERIES A few of Mr. Roth's students include Micki King, Mike Finneran, Luis Nino de Rivera, and Rick Early, Sign-ups on a 1st -come 1 st·serve basis. Call 642-9990 for further information. The "Y" is located at 2300 University • Drive in Newport Beach • By bringing in this ad, you may have your choice of a free swim or first diving lesson. Got' A Problem? Would A Good Job . . . Help? Career Train NQW For: Seer .. .., bccpl•et looldl11per Jr. Acca..t..t Tnbt-S.-0 Spedtll an.a.up c...... b"f _or I• .... a.111 556-8890 \!7# Irvine College ~ .of Business 1700 East Garry Avenue Santa Ana. California 92705 (Newport Freeway at Oyer Road) Orange County's most progressive and innovative Career Center. ' . RUGCRAFljRS Offers Classes In Making Rugs And Wall.HClftCJiftCJS . . Course is 3 two hour lessons co~pleted in one week. MornillCJS I 0-12 EveniftCJS 7-9 . USE OUR TUFTING TOOLS FREE c ·ost Includes: ·Three Lessons •••••••••• $ 6.00 Instruction Book • • • . • . . • 2.00 Proiect Materials • • • • • • • • 14.95 Total Cost Of Course ••.• $22.95 For details & demonstration visit our shop or phone 546-6340 Co MISSIOM VIEJO Handy to Sao Diego Fwy. 200 to 2000 sq.ft. Call owner 831-1400 2500' M-1 CM/17th & Pl acen ti a . '220 pwr/prkg/exhst air. 12' ft. 646-1252/644·2228' ' OAILV PILOT •• IJM ....................... PRSGNANT! Carini coofJde._t.lal coun1elio1 le referral. Abortion, adopUon • keopin". APCARE Sff-2511 Dri~klbg problem? Call Alcohol HelpUno 24 hnt a day8JS.3830 SPIRITUAL READER Open 10AMto10P ll. Ad vice on all matters. 312N. £lCaminoReal San Clemente, For appt. Call:492·9034 492·9136 PROBLEMS? WE CARE • ONE WAYHELP CENTER 24 hr H ot Line645-8800 Travel 5450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SEE EUROPE BY CAR • Purchal>e any Buropeau Ca r for delive ry in Europe & let us plan your individual lour. From lake·off to homti-landiog, you'll be in the haJlds of experll>. Al so lease & ren· lal cars . EURAUT00 Lido Villa ge, N .IL 673·4550 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Schools Ir Instruction 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Art Lessons: Paint, draw, cerami cs, c ra ft s . Adults/Children. 645·9557 TENNIS DAY CAMP l''or J uniors. 2 Weeks. Private Club. Top Teaching Professionals. Transp ava il. $75. 545-5893 University of So. Calif. certified tutor will tutor' a ll grade levels & most acad e mic areas. 645·9721. Percussion (drums & etc; Lessor1s by Doug Fulford BA in music. 833-3944 Learn gymnastics: Girls over 5, pro coach, ind att Scats Acad. 897-7750 Guitar & Voice, Contem· .porary Folk, $5 pet lesson. Hank, 536-1503. Jobs Wanted, 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCELLENT TYPING in my home Call Pat 675-4177 Male Nurse Available Private duty, 14 yrs exp. References. 675-6641 Help Wanted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSEMBLERS Min 6 mo's exper. pref'd in PC assembly. harness connector, solder as· sembly. Color code. not req'd. Xlnl co. benefits include l wks vac. after & mo's, 11 paid holidaysl group ins. starts day o hire & many more. Docume.rtor (Div Addressograph/ M ulligraph) 2921 S. Daimler, SA 71~/ 546-3.551 Equal Oppor. Employer AVON THERE'S A WORLD WAITING FOR YOU- . .. ~•J•oAILYPILOT Tueldey JuMH 1975 -.... _ . ~ . . -• • t .... it .Pl~e it Re,.;;oael It ••• • rAdd rt .•. Build H ... Oiaper lt...Hammer It ..• Carpet ·SER-VICE DIREC"A I o-Rv.-1 PRoo'u•m·ibt ILta''n'dp!;pe" :t ··=r11e lt ... irim lt .•• Sew,1t ... !· • "t C t It Wi "t Hoe ·t Clean 't Move ... -... It Alter It Learn t.. ... ~ • 1 ••• emen ... ire 1 ••• 1 •• • 1 ... Hau 1 it... Add It. .. Plant ... ·•• : ut ... P.ress it...Paint it... Nail it...Plaster lt ... Fl x it... 0 , • -... M••iii , .. --~ --··. /l -.Lo. ._, -•• ot.Ac·cOU11t'-t c_,....r . ,, cwwc.,.. ': _ -.. -o.of.'0,1 .. ;; •••••1" --H~ P...._/Peperi..a ,.., .. r ·~ .......... ;;:-................. .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .,-.•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••~e'r••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• PATCH PROJl'ESSJONAl ' Accnl 'g & &okkeesaJng Custom <;u.~nlr')'. !:>UM MER 1)AY CAMPS •GENIE OPEN&RS• TOKYO TOM GENERALHA\11.JNG Prof 'P ulo\cr, honut vi~§ ~ EtlsTU<;CO PROPERTY :.w Yrs . li:xp in Rc:1 l''ram 1n.:orfin1sh. Re-are bukl 1 Grat.lea K-8. Sum m er Speelal s. Weedy! Care ol every. •REASONA.Bt.t:• work, roia&. lnVcxt, Cnt<t J t 893 1439 • MANAO£MENT tor.ant/ l.:onslrut>lio111 mudult AddltJ1)n~!*4159 $l5wk,loc.allactlviUt..-s. installed 4' Guar. Cold thioa tor you. 642·1939 CALL'48-5848 ut. Refs . 5"8·2759, Freees · ·--·-....-- ttet u t I. 5-47 ostrn or C t S 1 -Mon thru f'rl, Uto4. Xtrit Coast El(lc. Ml-G75 & C.M. 642·3913 -...-a..1 ..... _. •r• ,._ Movitl0 haulln1 Clean·Ul)S ----------1'"-""'JI GolO 8227 -r - -hrs. avual. Central Bible 581 _1122. 1'ree Trim min", Cleanun, • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---••••••••••• •••••••••••• Ch h 645 5050 " ...-e.xp. A-1 work. Free ests. .....••MG? .Add-A-Room carp1.•l & Upholstery urc · · · IG.....U.9 Haulioa. Sprinklers. Students. 847·21218 'lll'Wallp1perHa.n1:1ni:• JUST PLU ..... 3% ofG.roa Apt. • Commercial 15 yrs. Experience • • ••• •• • • • • ••• • •• •••••• CI e .i o' o '. S le"' m & COftfroc.tor • ~··••• • ••• • • ••••••••••• Pre• esi. 565-29113. M 0 VI NG b au 11 o g 1b>':.oR:1be:ol~~~~ FastJ~~~~oe J!~:T~tes n1L•:1•van~ishybo1ngyour ShJmpuo ... ·rce est . •••••••••••••••••••••••rcuultty/Malnt/Ldtcpc Japanese Complete l ' n-1• bl' JUST PLUMBlNG Zlnk DeveJopment 0 f · F"' H • k & ~~-od le I It .......... I garage c can up. "~ J& e 131 T"•tln Ave own 1·011ln1t•lor. ree est. 646 7Hl I • . t.erwac ~· » , s pr l'b, &O '"vuu, Garde a Ing Serv ce. last service 963-MSa •TOP QUALITY • 642 . 4 111 * - l.1('prof ronsult.ant.Call , • t. & Add/R«lmod c leanu p. 642·3331/ Plantlng/c uttina / · PAINTING• TusUn ·M'l.(1111> w.bt.~2olJti John s <.: a rpe No.Bl-114321 646·4901t J:le.anup. Free ea&. Ha..ecte..&.g Interior&Exterior L.R.OTlSPtumblng Roof'- -. - -Uphoblcry, On shumpoo 673-0041 549·2170 {64.2·3102. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call Lee 830-7278 ht II sizes dis ,..,. labysitt•ng <soil retardan t s). J apa ne se Ex~ert HOUSECLEANlNGuour ----------i Wuter rs, a • · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dc~re..ast.•ri. & all (.'Ol~r Dreu11takln9 t:a!ld sca p e. F.r cc ChMralSenlces Business. Call Janice's •THEH.ANGMD .. ~~~:~~·r!~~S:1f::·a~dREPAlfRS . AtlllitY(V~t LJAl:J\'SIT MY llOMI': bra~htncrs & 10 nun ••••••••••••••••••••••• E11ttmatcs & Designs.••••••••••••••••••••••• Ragged A n.s S75'6M3 D.ScbwartzSr.S58·l~ repiping. New CoMtruc· Reas, ree es · c. l"OST1\ M 1-:sA AHl':A hlNH'h ll!r )oi.ir whale Oresi.muk111~ in tho Euro· Specializ~d in J?aUo COV· General MaJnt&remodcl Y n · U 24 Hrs. lie & bond 830·5020 anytime. • :-.!>l tilHH • t.1rp~l1>. :SuVt.· 111011~y hy 1>ea11 M~nnor. June ers,·fencang, fish pond. Comm/income/residence *HOUSECL&ANlNG• lnl /Ext. J<'ree Est. l Utt on. ~· • S.t\ Ill.I! nh' xlra traps. spec1u l •'REE swim s uit Any other General Yard Mac Neill• 640-6292 By reliable couple Apt. $79. We do Acoustic. 642·6263 S.wlttg/Att ... w lusiaess Ser•ice Cll'tln hvma: room, duung w/any $50. pants suit . work. 979-7731 a fl3, Gd rates/refs.548-6271 G rel{, 960·2766/ P ete RV 'S PLUMBING ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,••••••••••••••••••••••• r111 & h1tll $15. Any rm Desa~ncd & madeJustfor 642 0895 aft 6. HANDYMAN-l:fom~s & 536 1913 MA •G46·9807• We lit & adjwst your pa& .. ' l'rnll!i.i.1011;tlTyp111;!· $7 511, l'ouch ~10, chair$5. you by <:orday l:o'ashioos. Apts. Coo sc1ent10us LandscapilltCJ · NOJOBTOOSMALL tern. You sew it. Pao.ti Hl•.t1>U1l<ilJle&Etr1c1l'nl 15 yr.;, (.'ll.P. is what Byapptonly.SSG-4232 iC le anups, Tree~ork, Craftsman.~. •••••••••••••••••••••••Reasonable. Prof. P aint· _.:...:....::.....:....:...:..------1 too! Patternfittlni.&ad· l'h 5·l!I-~ counti.. not method. l do Ga rd ~nin g , .Minor ROTOTILLINGW ing. Int-Ext. Also apts. Repair,re pipe,water justingsvs.646-0485. ---work m~ sdl G<i. refs. Electrical Lndscp g. lOyrs tn area. Glass Laodscapmg·Sod Sales Beach urea. 751·0684/ beaters. Service lines. • N \Nl'\' HARNES 53 1·0101 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-2693. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free est. Master charge 636-5706 • Honest work. 642-9315 !Top Sod !IYIJllll.! Servan·. !teas. ELECTRIC IAN. Sml MIK E'SGARDENING Windows, windshields, Days/eves 960·2170 •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• .. Ntl•:-hy th~· pa~(' or Cement/Cone"'~ Jobs/maint/repaars. ·22 • mirrors, etc. Standard & QUALITY P ainting at a Plumbing -Rooting $6.00 *TopSoll•Composttr -..our t.iu 51!g511r S..IX :.!Wl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• y r s c x p. Ji c 233108 . Quality Yard Mamt. custom. Mobile service. Ford's Landscape r eason ab I e p rice. per drain or $11.50 per hr. •Mulch• Redwood• • -L1WNl'l E CONCIU:n; 548 ·5203. _N B. t:dM, CM *548--0930 THE G L ASS MAN , Sod/Lawns/Sprinklers 644·6510 Lowest537·2211. CallSB&aJJO s T \ M P J N G Co h --G Uc/Ins ured. 962-7817 C•rpenter ' · · ' · · T L> I J» 1 l C&J GAROENIN 898-2350 PAPERIJANGLNG Plumbing Repair, leaky"" S I ••••••••••••••••••••••• blt•:.louc, brick, tile. c~Y a 1 ~d1 t y b 1 0 11 <.:ompleteandneal Mo•in9 Professional, reas. l-'ree pipes, reasonable, draini •ree •" c.••••••••••~• put1os.ctc.&l0-434!!, assittl'C 0 uy,sc ''leanups,freeest. • M 35829 9687910 ••••••••••• ~ \ \.' t-: & l'roltL. Cu1>Lorn -----ur rent sOml•lh1n~ '"' WINDOW TINTING •••••••••••••••••••. •••• Est. aft. SP • 67 · cleared $9.90. · I U ...: .. d tt. #. dd · 96~Ml531 or8.i7-1070 i H 1 , iee Remova , m .... ,. • rl•11\11t1 . fl'1Ja1r, a -on. Patios, Dnvl!ways, Con-Stops heat, glare, fading Mo v n g • au I n g' Patios Shrub clearing. BotoWl> 111 ... ul.1t11111. Fn-e est. & ··r .. lc work. 'fra"lor USE THE G d Fr t R "A" Ao71 Cleanup 2 College Stu ~ TIME ~ ~ ~ Japanese ar ener. eees. eas............. · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• NOW IS THE ing.642·2624 . _ Dl.:l>t~us 015 J.U!l -work l''ree e:.t. ~-_8832_·_· · DAILY PILOT Co m p 1 e l e Main t. · dents· Exp. & R eas. s h d rs deck · ( · b e k rs lo check 1~;:.:::...;,_ ______ _ --'L Haulin9 640·1749.. u_ns ~ e. cove , s. or JO s e e Ford·s Tree Service ~~·mod1:l l<m. ,\dd !'at1~s Collegl' Students i.eeking .. FAST <:lea~up, .r'r ec est.•••••••••••••••••••••••; f1rerang,benchcs,wood, the Dally Pilol Help E e ·encedCrew (. a IH n l'I .... l Jr I orts· w 0 r k C o n c· r c l e -RESULT.. 979·36 __ • llAULING• ·Moving/Hauling. Student brk, cond. Quality. ~'air Wanted classif1callon. If . xp ra ed 962> 7 Sit C.'. 11 .r.a .f l''. \tr I.cl'. UnH?ways, patios. Exp. SERVICE UOB'SGARDENlNG EFFJCI ENT&FAST w/lar ge truck. Reas. price.Creativedesagns. the job you want ls not Lac/Insur · • ~5 .~:>ll-J a(" k 5 -HI. 0-133 · Ron DIRECTORY Clean Ups & New Lawns •• 556.0347 •• Barry. 548·9723 &839·5779 Remodeling l~e/smjobs. there.you migh.t cons!der Window Cl•••g 55i li515 lier 7: 30 or ufl 5. 646·2056 , , Ken, eves 642-1770. Hay. off enng you_r services ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1 AST1': H l'raltsmans For RewH ------·· . · 1 h days 675-9184. We care. w1lh a n ad ln the Job • .:-;pcnall.'-. Hcmodelrng, The t.i1>t1.·st cl raw jn llw Ser•lce Call Have something you want SELL idle itfms)~J Ada Wanted category. Phone Resadeftce/C-. I 1ru:.h "ork, rds. Free Wl'st. .. a Oaaly Pilot Find what you want in to sell"! Classified ads do Dally P ilot<: assa 1 . SELL idle items with a 642 . 5678 Free est. 640-8073 "'~t (.;ua r work .a!J<J.:u os. Cla1>1>1ficd Ad. &12-SmK 642-56 71 •xt. 322 Dally Ptlol Classiheds. it well. 642-5678. 642·5678. Daily Pilot Classific..'<I Ad. ~ - H.-, W ant~d 71 00 Help Wanted 7 I 00 Help W aated 7100 Help Wanted 7100 tWp W•tfll 7100.Help Wanted · 7100 Help Wanted 7100 twp Wanted 7100 ~-:-;~~••••••••••~~.·.~ ............ ·····················1······················· ..•............•.......•••..•.........•....... -······················ ............................................. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... D . .u.~· ran& Ji \ B \ ~ I r T 1-: I{ N r. L1mlbcr~h ~thl. tor Sum ,mt•r.:; lll·Ol ltJ :\l.1rt:1e _ tfatn..,1tll·r fl''tl> person lo ·'-·art• tor 2 l;.i1.b 111 my C:'.<1 'rnml'. Own Lrans. Mon· ·Fri. tt :rn.3::m tH5·U6Uli hlwn I & i l'.\I ... Barmaid Wanted C: ,1 II 51X·!f.~l~I JUNIOR SALESMEN i•---------·l·----------isummer J obs: Part lime. oro.... --.. -*MAIDS 1t Person 21·40, Lrn for Call Tucker & Assoc for PR ENTS Full lime. Apply in mgmt. $l50 wk guarn. RN SECRETARY appl., 968-2474 (6 pm·9 TheM01tl~=-pers·on 8A.M.ToJP.M. Coll. pref. Mr. Levi pm) .a.uy1nu1 W 848 1004 EMERGENCY If you can take Gregj.l A" ,. La~una llills HilLou · P /Lime l1·7:30shift.Xlnt s horthand at 100·120 l•TheWnt J\NCS ] ~-Hi. Earn $20·$-10 1>c1.· week 25205 La Paz lld. t b t 55 75 SUPERVISOR '"' Lanuoa u :115 benefits & working con· wpm, ype e ween · P/ti Through 31 years getting new s ubscribers to the DAILY ,___ " .-u PHYSICAL ds. EOE. Contact. Donna wpm & are lookin~ for a Telephone room. me Dorothy Emerson's J>ILOT after school and Saturdays. MAID WANTEU THERAPIST Roache, RN , Costa Mesa challenge, then send us hrs w/definite advance· AntlquesSbowsbave lr\l tJSt be out of SC'hool b.v 3 :00 PM. t\o Parttime •Call (Registered) Me morial Hospit a l, your resume ~en ~dop p orN. ·cieno!'ca& attained excellence, Mesa Motel* 646-9681 P /lime. Excellent salary l~~642~·~27~3~4~.~~~~~~~I Classifi ed /\d no362 laonwi e corp. 1 due to the quality and d cJiYC'rics or co ll l'Cti n g . _____ k. ds EOE C/o Daily Pilot x lnt w orkin g al · diversityoftheshows• · J" • } d JI t . l'rl h · & & wor m g con · 4 • p o Bo 1560 mosphere. Exper pref'd. Deal • Tran~portation urrns1e. un mt-~on Marine Mee a n1 c Call J ack Wilder, RPT, .. x 8098 91Antiques ers. Bcac:h· Founla in VC:Jllcy 4.1reas, Call paUlter experienced on· 642.2734• Costa Mesa SALES CLERK Costa Mesa, Ca 92G26 For intervw call833. . WED. J UNE25lbthna BEAUTICIANS 8'17·43fl0 ly. Electra cal refrig. Memorial Hosp1tal. Grog Shop. Must be over ~~~~~~~~~ Teleph Solicitor 29th. SantaMoolca N " in ten iewinj! tor· background helpful. Full ~~~~~-~~~~ 21. p/time wknds & e ves. ·---------~ Sha· rp female for phone Civic Auditorium. Main 0 · J:qual Opporlunat~ ~,mplo.H·1· tame. Boat Specialist,-=----Please apply Tues & &PicoBlvd.Dailylto NewporterlmSalon 645·W01. PLUMBER NEEDED Thurs9·llam,Personnel Secretaries work,4 Hrs moms &Sat. lOPM.SUNNoooto6PM. _<."all · til t utitil or$.10·~ H •lp Want .. d 7100 Help Wanted 7100 -.'1-A-SSEUSE. full or parl 2 loJa~tsa~~~rr. ~~~tw ~c~~~:H~:, ~:fb, ~0~~~~~~:1::25 hr + Bicycles 1020 •lkaUl\ Otx·ratur• ... "' t ame. (.;all lor appt. -------ff h 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J-:xtlu:.n l' 1>.111111. E:xpcr'<t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Typi•sts Temporary o ice e P GIRLS.GIRLS .631·1184 Plumber/RiNWr Sales Clerks I 1 CO .... SUMERA.111-s ~ll HIJ l•l 5:>~·31!33C OOK n·q ui r cd i m· -.r-wanted.Typiog reqpus "" _.._ -- -rnl·d1atcl y. Newporl Ea:-.y fun job, day or MEO. RECPT.Nee<led.2 F/llme.5 Yrmrn ex1>t!r. Wc ha veaspankin~new *Didaphone answer phone.~ wks. Newest,BestBuy Beauty Operators Bea<"h restaurant. Ex· mghl. No exp nee., we ~irl ofc-G. l'. Exp. pref'd. Refs r eq 'cl . SJG_._14_52___ Jr. Market opening in *Policy Typist Good pay & ptsnt wkg Is Now Here I \V lolluwaog, l>l'ach area. pencnccd only, 645:.8-144 train you. You mw.t lake Call: 631-1332 PUBLIC RELATIONS Huntington Bch. in Mid· *t.4CICJ Card I & II conds. HB. Start June The Super Le Mans \1.tflic 1> Wag & Beaut) bclwN.•n 10 &S people & he <1l ll•ast 18. • --Need 4 personable in· July. Looking for really 30/75. 213-592-2865. By Centurion. Salon, 5 IH :1 111;, ~bk Jor ---Apµly JO} alt. or eve. Models-.Foshions telli"ent people for up lo sharp full time & part *Repro Corona diel Mar Bikes K:m ·n Cooks WCMted 2112 llarbor. Co::.ta Mesa. Semi Nude 6 we~ks Public Kelations time help. H you have I *Statistical Ticket Takers & Con· 3323 E. Coast Hwy. • -HreJk l.t:.l, cl111ncr, ex--. Le"1l1mate profcssiona.11 ProJ·ect lo introduce new had grocery or liquor •Technical cession Clerks. Min age CaU67S.7666 I Handy m :i n tor ma an-"' sales experience, we 17. $1 .70-$2.15. Apply lo ()Crll:ncc w i:ooc op· , photo session for fabnc Bank Service Lo San would like theopportuni· Mr. Gale. Saddleback VOLKSCYCLE 10 spd, Boys & Girls po rl unit)· ,\pply rn ten an cc· Full 11 me, man u l a cl u r c r . 3 Juan Capistrano area. d d" Bookkeeper Va lley Pla·'a c a·ne ma bou "ht new for $110. Jc•rs i>tl Jolly Ro ... er Lagun..a Lado Apls. 31755 1 ty to meet you an as· .. ,., l <Jt0Myl•:.ir1>ota••e.l>ai· 1 · • · '-: <.: 11 I B r'c m alcs & 2 mac Salary.NoSeUmg.Work cussthep06s1bilily ofa 23684 El Toro Hd , El Hardly used. Flrst$80 J~i P iiot dcltvcrt routes lk:.lau~anl. .400 S. Ci.t st. wy. '· · models needed. $35/l hr. 9 lo 3 : 30. Call Mrs. future with our com· Asst Bkkpr Toro. aft lpm daily. can have. it. 645-7542 s.-8 n wy he avallabll•in)our llW}. Lag. Bch. HANDYMAN, full time. (.;all 1:133 -0258, ask for Milobina,496-720'..!. pany. Please call (714) bt/F. EOE. PM. (AlldaySun.) o.1 r('a. Earn prot1l tor 1le· COUMTl!R GIRL "Y1llini.: to. work odd hrs. ~uzan nc Jo r appoint··---------523.3030 for an appoint-Account Clk ''\l'rlC!> & c.1:::.h, tnps or p f f not w'll Expc r, 10 operating ffi!jnl._________ ment. Transcriber Two girts Schwinn bikes, fJ . r re. cxpcr, I I . p r --R.E s~· ES ECY e r eg one "snaed. merchand1:-c l~>r selh!'g t F II & p /t1me h.eavy equip .. re. mar-.... IGHT •UDITOR • ~ We h ave a complete CARDIOLOGYS on • err- ncw :-uhsrrillt1ons. 1' or r :p 11 • , ~ -•• ned & a round JO yrs. old. "" . """ HELP! SALES, Fashion Career. pac kage or employee Medical Transcriber 644·0795 - jbformat1un please call openani.:.. 2 -> 17 Eastbluff 552·551 l. Exper d NCR. Please ap· Need 3 Women, Sales lo benefits. We pay lop F /time days for expand· want to buy 26" bike. _.42.432 1. F·rom San Or , N R .l nlcrvw1> --- . --. -plyTues&Thurs9-llam, We are closing out the MgmL. slart1n~ immed. wages .. All off!ce & 10• ing depl. . single speed. 968 ,.293. ~l cm. e ntl' Sao Juan 8am-2pm___ _ llouseket•pcr. l1ve-111,I Personnel O~pl, Ba.lboa Ha rbor View Homes Big SSS, 963·2ti52 or dustrial sk ills are Hoag Hospital 642 _ 8912 (:api~I r ·l no area calt D 1 µ mature woman for full Bay Club, 1221 W. <.:oasl T r act and have more 840-7959 __ needed. Personnel Dept. IOlS 495-00:lU ~ncl ~11ss11;n Vic· Cll \'Crr.~ r"~o,.;;·~1~;,: "t'har~e. 3 Adult home (2 Hwy, N .B. leads than WC can han· 301 Newport Al , NB Cats .!;.. 11 P ime. ,ar) c · Work in ••> 2 Mature ------------dl Salesc lerk mornangs .l"-.1-:1 Toro art'a, ca ' of LA Tames to C~t . 1'H '"'·clle~ .... l.a·". 1~:.h. ''all NOW HIRING e. . k Be h Apply In Person -••••••••••••••••••••••• -16310 N II •1 l"'v J • ... .,~ ..... FOR JNTERVIEW some office wor ·. •ac VOLT Typ1"sl/Asst .. Rec.eption, isl Be a u t • pure bred 'f" • I .trea. ' u l"O el"l, "'u~l b ·l w n ·I ) m & 13 m SI.al" 4020 C pus 11.qualOµpor I-.mployer : han• depend. (·ar.j 49';0162 I P • Full/Partti~. CALL673-7601 ioners. am . needed rorf1rmmlrvme. Himalayan kittens ---• !:1.--m 1752_._ ------ -.--B a r t -n de rs • ~ -Dr. NB. 556-29'..!2 Te3~4p8oCrary Servo .•ces ~hould.be k~owledgeable (marked like Siamese, .---------•1 Housckec p l!r/Cook. W · "' ~ SALESGIRL 0 ampus ra ve 111 engan~ermg ~report longhaired like Persian) Dent a I A 1> ... l. 0 rt ho. Sn ,1, r .1. tor 1 adull a 1 t r e s s e s • ~~ 546-4741 prep~rallon t~l?mg. Xlnt Born 4/JO. 552.9346 BOAT BUILDERS Cha1r!'1d c, approx. 4 i,11 v~ ~~ 1~:.·ve. :\'lust lik~ Hostesses• Cashier-· n Needed for I <Across from working cond1t1ons & fr. ':tl·annl'" an the follow· Start$~ S l hr. depending --· 1 -• • Equal Oppor. Employer Sharon, 833-9088 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W 1•:-t ~a1 l Corµ. has days wk. Orthoexp. req. pets 1'73 l:IX7!l Bus Boy-Chef's as-~lor It~~~t?v~.s:Joy~: OCAirport> i nge bene fits. Call DOCJS 1040 >nA t'.Utt·gone~ oncxp.No 1>mokmj:!,agc llousekccpcr. Lave in. sistant-Kitchenhelp. ~OU orolder,p/lime. . DOG OBEDIENCE Hand Laminaton 20 30.1)..12·2GW ~lu'>l 1lnvc .. cook & li.:t. Must be 21. Mo exp. Call for Interview Waitress wanted. Exper. CLASS to Start Wed. Gelcoat Touchup -h11u1>ekeepin~. Some lgt. nee. Will train ~ ~ 540-3333 Over 21. Must have Refs. J uae 25. 7 : 30 p . m. •rup "a ~P-.. '\lnl lll . DENTAL . nur.an).!cx11.Salaryflex1-THELOGIHM .in Real5.ta1e Equa!Oppor.Employer SECRETARY t:armels Restaurant,628 Newport Bcb·lrvioe ""-~,1~t1t.~ '•l{"I work10!! Cha1rsaclc i:l~~t. 1-.xper hk.x:101:1111. 17925 M •th ESGIRL . No. est. Hwy. Laguna area.546-4928 •1': ~ .. n ~ prd d C:..\t. 5-I0-761i -ac.-r ur. SAL . expcr. IO Bch. __ __, . ...._.._ ____ _ t-<md..... 1 'lcJ,.l' ,tpply 10 ---lloust·kN•pt·r. Cook l'X lnine. Call 549-9444 stereo car sales a nd re· Immediate opening for . • AMERICAN Pit Bull Pup- thc gJt<.· ).!uanl~l Uehvcr~·ml•no\r2~pcr~ per'cl for mar. t·ouplc. or557-5080forappt.e~~~~~~~~~ cords &lapes.Musthave experienced Secrctary Wj\lTR~SS Exp.1'ood& pies w/papers. 549.9437 WestsailCorp. I> lt:J1'lyrnurnLAf1mes Livt-an. J'vt rm/ba. __ ---~--·----------cas hfe r s exper. also. w/~ood slatisticul typing Cocktail. orAft.7,523·1473 2i;,~1d.:urm11:k.t".~f 11l-l1v lo NB homes & 1;.i2:11,oti PBXAnswerinnSer• TE •642-1020.i\sk forJon. · skills. Must be able to 549·~ . - int!>t: duLtt•:-, $~50 mo .. .., 1 REALESTA k /· .1 pie AKC No rw egian Boat Repairmen t..:1~ ,1xoo lloust•Kel'pcr/Cook. Im :!· Attn & eve:-. Wknc s in-SECRETARY SALESMAN Wanted for wor w severa pco . ' WAITRESS over 21, purl Elkhound male l 'h yrs ~usl hJvt• wall'rlronl --an I ll PriC'sl lkctorv. cluded.E01:.:.5'10·l962 DowncySavings Unifor m (.;o mp~n y. relal~~elllonumbe~s ~ lime. H.B. C'11l aft. 3 .646·30l4o~968-2'.!64 ' •. I N I DISPATCHER bet 8 .. -& Loan , 645-4123. 1001 W. Unit. H. be. walling to learn ~sc o p.m. 962·72 12or 968·0365 ._-.;...t .' J rt cx•v•r. ee1 ll3/43l·072L wn ·t>. h t I ~"'" ·' "'" . 17th St CM time s arc crmina s. *SHkvTerrien• • ~l worker w goocl n .. Graveyard Stull. Apply ~~ PIX Has opening m Orange · ·' · Typ1o~65. $100 -S250 weekly, st~· AKC • 557 . 2821 ~~~~: 1;~~1~~~~·(·:. Jlu -al an pe;~rL.ow CAB IRVINE PERSONNEL· RECEPTIONIST Co. for s harp indlv. SALES (.;all 9.am-noon fang envelopes, l hr da•· .--------- -Opcnini:.r m Orange u>. w/ good typang & s h. SHARP GALS! 644-3389 ly. Rus h s tamped self ad· Part Australian Shepherd Busboys/R.. .... ...;rts JXli 1-;. llilh • CO!>ta Mesa ~ERVICES&AGENCY for sharp indav. w/ PHX Must ha vc real estate or Interested in a Fashion THE IRVINE CO. d r es s e d en v e ! o Pe & Shepherd puppy. 9 ~ ,.,.O PllO:"JEt:ALLS AuoL'.I7th(/\t lrv1nc1 exper. L'rontofcappear loanbackground. Mer chand1"1n•• career . ~CtrD McGannon&Assocaatcs, weeks 7516957 Waitress/Bartenders 1 1 1.1':1\..'\E !:>~~ 224 Costa ~esa r Contact Mr. Wade M t h les xper 550 Mew.,_, r 305 s. State College Blvd · · ' /\µplv l ·lpm wk<lysonl~. - -& plca~anl phone voice .For Further Info us ave sa · e .. · Mewporta.och Anaheim,Ca.92806 <0P) 3maleminaturepoodles8 .KeUy :. ~teJk Jlousc. 209 **DISTIUUUTOH. w':r Call 642-1470 ~~c~~l~: <.:~\~~c~~~·nef 714/96~351 ~~!\1.~fi{~;?n:S:~~ns EqualOppor. Employer weeks old. 2 black·l l 'alm, Balboa.t.7.'i-57'i-l. ed. m<1lurc. lnlcrcstc an ~~ 213/""1 -5713 EqualOppor.Employer THE LOOK WHO WANTSTOWORK? white.557-2679 -carninguploSHOOpermo ov • DRIVEACABI ---------1 p 1t Call G3H·61Z.l J.\:'l:ITons part & rull Downey Sa•ilMJS -644-6500 SECRETMtT CHOOSE your hours, Free to You 1045 CLEHIC,\L BU St NESS OFC POSITIONS PayrollClen I •.r; roll t•"<p(.·r prcl "ct Cvod .i t·counuog back· I!' ou111I. F, l1 me clay .... Insurance Cleril Medicare cxpcr. n.-q"tl l''1 time da; "· Clerk Rec~ptionist J>t 11 me duys. every 'll'CCkt'ncl & 1 lohdays tor c..·a.rd1olo~y I.>cpt Ward Seetttary )> t11n1• <lay-; 1-:·H 1"qwr r 1·q d W >1\1; JIOSPl1 \L l't'l'!>Olllll'I Ucµl :1111 '\cwport 81. NB I.J I l 645-8600 . -;. -time-. t•\t' wrk. 6 to &Lamt Real Est a te, licensed Hardworking with sound work for yourselt', be ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOCTORS ASSIST. IOP:\f, i\11111 lhru Fn. 1:o:qual Oppor. Employer salespeople. Why not SALESWOMAN shorthand, filing, typing your own !Joss. Men or Five Beautiful kittens. 1 Young lafly 'I~ 2XJ to a'>· 1111. <Jrca Appl): 1 IOl S . work in ltre hot.lest area Appointments furn, days sk i 11 s . IBM Ex cc . Women. Can be slightly wilh tail, 1 without tell. a :-1-.l 111 Health Spa. No Grand. Ste• II, ~anta ---Huntington Bcach/Foun· & e.ves. Some sales e~p. Typewriter, Newport handicapped. Neat· with bobtails. Mom is cxp.11•q w1.•lr:.a111.Apply AnJ. 83fi 1026 lllwn. Lain Valley. Call Phil desired, but wtll tram. Center Ofrice. lmmed. Clean Appearance. Ma nx.898·1547 a"' .ill or\'\\'. 2'J30 W ~::ioA:\1 &J 3UPM PERSONNEL McNamcc at Village Must" have car. G.G., opening. i650. Send re· Vets., retired. Age 2S lo Co·a-.1 llw) , ;\c wporl - ---Real Estate96J.4561 H.B., C.M .. N.B. 7522 .aume to Ad. 451, Daily 70. Supplement your in· Decomp ooodsed,_~~.~se Bcalh. _ _ ___ • -Park Ave, G.G.897-1093 Pilot, p .O.Box 1560, come. Drive a cab 6 hrs manure, t •cn.uuer. KITCHEN lfELPJm SECRETARY Recept/GenTypest Costa Mesa,ca.92626 ormoreaday.Applyin Call711-G .. 7 ~ Days.1~h"\~~;.11~unc1.·. Answer phones, ·handle person, Yellow Cab Co., Shepb;td·Hound mix, 1 ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS We h11 v1· Ion~ term as· 1>ll.!llmCJ1ls m ailahle tor Jll'111Jll' w a man or fi mo s 1•,111•r 1111 I'(' llo.ffd.; & T11111 h I ll peopk ""' m111 ol ~} r .. l'\pcr. MO FEE TOP PAY \\ l'"lc1 n Tt•mporary Sl•rvtl'\"S 6~5 S. Euchd :O,u ilc 22 An:iheim Lcathl•r craftsman for LaS(una lirh Leather shop, The V1lla~e Tan- nery. 4!1..t·21 M l.14 uor Clt·rl-. E\IJl'rlencc prclcrred I'll 1533 · personn e l , bud get SALES-WOMEN SECTY/BKKPR, part 186 E. 16th St., Costa yr . old. Copper color. Should h:ive good typing ~~:~~~s~:~~~~r ~~t~ ED Lime. 15-20 hrs wk. Apply Mesa. Playful needacblldren" Skll ls .,nd a minimum of CAREER Ml~D in person, Victoria Sta· di . yard. s4°6-«90eves. 0 million$ corp. Start $450 We sell a un1que ad tion R estaurant, 9UO Merchan M lwo years experience in mo. for 40 hr work wk service which is l(eared Dove Si. N.B. 752·0240 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 SPOILED kittens, 1 Pc r s o n ° e I · Li g ht w/room for raises & ad· to s ma II businesses. . .Aftffque1 1005 yellow male, 1 calico. shorthand prefe't"red. Re· va n cem e nt ! For in· Work your own hours & Service Station Allen ·••••••••••••••••••••••• Aner S,548·68'76 qui r es all chani;c of t e rvw, call 645·7241 territory. Our complet.e d ant, exper'd: Day & Heavy antique brass '----------- status input lo payroll. betwn9-11 :30am. training program & eves.Full"p/time.App. balance scales over.100Sheepdog. AKC To gd. --Maintain personnelf1les. generous comm., bonus Jy ~hell Station, 17th & yrs old ·with orig home. 5 yrs. female. Li, e-111 "ou pl~. Al I handle insurance claims Receptionist-Veterinary & wkly draw should ena-Irvme, N.B. stamped br weights, ex-8'2·31091t675-10t. household duties for 1 and screen applicants for Asst-Ofc Mgr. Must be 1.1dv. <.;dM. SaJ. open. o ur other positions. personable 4' neat ap· ble 8 ~~pa:~ii~rs:"m~ Service Sla. Attendants ~6~1[ J: 7 re :specimen Adorable ttlale k:iU... 10 Xlnl rl'fs rcq'd. Reply to: Perform c len cal tune-pear. 40-45 hni per wk . earn .a ea · expel''d. Neat. clean, de· • Wks, long haired. Boie P O. Box 278, Corona dcl lions for perso~n el c .M. Re ply lo Classified working 8 four hr. day. pend. Boyd's Arco 490 E. 7, HALL TREE w/orlf. trained. 837-5718Evea. ClERICAL __ M;,r. Ca 92625 · manaj?er. Good fnnge ad no. 258, c/o Daily J( you're 8 <PRO) type 17th, CM mirrors, $1'.75.6bent~ All alone adorable quiet .., 1 1··""'.1't,\l,l·.·s I" to"". part benefits. Salary com· Pilbt P . O . Box 1560 s"'.les person & are seek· SH •RP GUYS! chairs & misc. 67~7 mate kitten6wkatnlned <'1ly o!Hunt.u c 1 .-... n fr,/ Live In wa nted. Career mens urate with ex· Costa'Mesu Ca .. 1 .- Nuw h.ts openm~:-. for: ta me or 1 ull tame. sales & «1>l w 8 ) r uld son nee<ls rler1ence. Send resume ' Ing An oppor. worthy 0 fnlercsted in a Fashion ~mite•• IOI 0 gr/wht, ln1 hre73-eMI ,.Cl•rk Typbts 11 11 n ~ 11 I(• o; po-. it ions. long term, perm. help or a pJlly at: Receptionist for doctors YOW" tl'!'!ele~slea~~; MerchandisinJt career. ••••••••••••••••••••••• YNG. Female Slbtrlan .. c1erts Typists Sr Choo:-c \our uwn hr!' w,t·htl<I t-;.1rc, hou:wkcep· ore. Must type 50 wpm. ,-6 Must have sales exper. Kenmore washer & gas Hus ky. Nds. fence " ~Clert&St4tftOS llil.JAlabumJ.ll B. 111~& Ille l'ookanl{inthat DICEQN 21·30yrsold.642·4532 6ll·04549mt P"' Joull 4' p/time positions dryer. $75. each . love &CG-4, 80 • \tu.,t h. Jf u r<.'!'l•clt:nt..... GAL FRIDAY nr<l.-r 01 preference. ·---:::-::~--·~·~·~O-~~Z~1~0~~3e~m~/~w~lla~~-~j 4lvail. Call forlrttervw. Friflidelre washer $$0. ---· -------\tust bc congeniaJ, con!'I THELOOK 546-8672 ·BEAUT. Wbt. cat, a LlH:mplo>l'<ilOclJ}~. .\lutun•. plcJ">tmt. attrnr t·wntaou:< & depend3blc. RN CCU 644 6500 female. Haa ebotJ " Coos::.·~~ ~;~·,~~ •;,~; ~!'.:;w;~f.~~: ;;" "'''SG ""''Mon·>'>• fl[CJRONICS Niahts. lu;I or p/tim•. Reliat~.C';.IJ~.!.mec1 sh· . ~ R . . ~~!~;~ ~ ~1/i," :::: &~ti Owner..-,. Center Sh1 t~p ,,.fo.2(,66 __ -------Differential pay. Xlnt for exec.' ofcs. Must type ci1fr~1~~0ptica~~~~= After8,S36·3388 SALEFUL ltASSET c (' f.T i\ ,\1 anpowN1-.------------------•I INC benefits. Contact Mrs. 75+ wpm w/good cor-C ,... ('d. 882 FT Wbt p • •• LOAN Bu I estro rl, 642·2734, compositlon.A)h 0 • ..,.xper. pre 14 CU. • · en· MeJe 1~ Yrs.1rMadty&o Ji2l Jlw~~~Yl~lvd,HB G•n'ILabot.,, PROCESSOR la522Von~rman Cos t a M e morial b:r:iul, but not 'recfd. Produc t.too Pl, NB ncre.st 2 dr. retrt11/rtr. ev.rybody.-.ste1 Tm. •ss-1---I rvln"'. '"'A ""'1RA JI It I "01 Vlctorl"' XI t ''""l arow 642·5446 Gd. cond. $70. 659-4005 an -------------7J4 /K42 7751 -"' ···• r-•.,.-nowncy SavinJts , ...... """""' osp a , ~ .. , n oppor. w _, • s Frft 2 KJu.. • -T1•mpoTcmporary HeJp &Loun 833000 C.M.EOI-;. tngco. STATISTICAL Typis t/ &wk.told.Box~ :01 11tuchmt~. J' ~ sis. de 171102 Sky Purk. Irvine Has imme!l1:1l1• opening Send Ro11umec/o Rocpt. for bwsy Newport Phllco Frost f'"ee, 2S cu. "2.QM! 11•. t:ves/Sul Utr, phont: Call ~t0-445.5 in Or;1n~t· ('o forcxper'd An equal RN Days only-Mon·Fl"l. Personnel Department Ctr. Cf'/\ Flrm. tlecenl n. 2 yn old. Coppert.one, ---------- "°"·Mr 1,yon'l IWB-100. •---------Loan f'roccsi.or. SavmJ:s' opportunity employer Must have Surgery " P. 0 .1Jox4630 exp. w/CPA firm pre· $225. 549-MlG. Daya. Goraeout ton1 baited kl\-, ; ~. lunch chnn~r-.-c-x c lAIU·:AD lnThc ft Loan back1:round Reco very rm. ex p . Newporl8cec'1.0l~ ferrcd. Coll: 644-824• for You don't need• a un lo ten.. ~ White-1 On)I: p 'd , hra 12 x. Blue ARMY Call:J4'J2!Y.i9 pre-~~ntJt·tMr.'wade Sellin" anyth1~ with• feno's. O~tpallent Don 't give up lh hip! interview. "draw (aat" when you 543.Q5 . •• • ~lph111, J3SS \.1a Lldo, ihk lol' 100 _ 71 .. 196l-llS I Daily 1'1lot Cl11i-1>1f1cd Ad ~ 'Jz~ r Y 14~i~ H · R · "List • 1t 1h ctassilled. CJassified Ads sell b 8 place an ad Int.hoc ,?•Uy Sell thinas rut wkb l>ellt N fl as a sample matter ••. __:__!!.r · Ship to 3horo re uhs! item., 11m,11 1t m1 or P ilot Want Ads! a now Pilot Want Adi. , -~----~--•. ,-~ Have ~omt'lh1n~ to sell? t:qual Oppor Employer Just call fi.42 5tmt. Wanl ad r esults 642-5fl18 &42·5678 any item. 64.2·M'18. 642·5678. '4:11 Lt.Jlt· ll~m:i. 642·5611 l'l1t11'>1f1cd ads do it ~di. - " ... ---~---' " -... ........ 1010Mi -H UI • ' ' ....................... "-•••• IOIO .... tct ,.... IDIO tlh,Poww f040 rsb tl60 ~Dnr1rW ~~N 1175 11 or:.:::,a;~:n..Y:::i ····w·AMiiD ......... SCWilETS ..... ~;;·;k·,~j~·c-;·;::·;;;i: .... T.0··,··0·T··A··SAl.E········· ;:,;;.···············;;;;; ....._,.,.,W~UM4 . ~=OT ·4~ WUaoo11 Bar.rain Nook T()P CASH DOLLAR Uaed S hl"I. Twin. 11 ....................... ••••••••• .............. ••••••••••--•-••• ... •••••••-•on•• ~ w. 19th SI.. C.M. p A I D r 0 R \' 0 u R ANSWERS ~I~~· '14•000 Farm , 70 Aud1100 LS. xlnt coad. .. 9742 '"I ttll Sol•\ Love.cal HJoh JEWELRY WAreHES Cal\Op c 1 · NIW 74 ,Mm! • dr, • apd, ale, Im " •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• •• , ................... . quaht.y.S.aut,never ART OBJECl'S, GOLD s ~d/--Puri~"= 'lOC'1Mi1Ccrntle STIUAVALAili" lllchelln•,lt'M53S 'M MO llldltt. Good CADILLAC ~-~~LI used. Movlns988-8822 ~·~~~E: SEltVICE. ACCORDIO~ 1967. With 1'~1.y bridle. . plm ~.-ey t70f coad. Good UNI. Netde ---ltlNGSlZEBed ~t.w/dbl. 'l'IQU&S ~f:OO" AN · So maul bualn~u 11 Nd.tpalnt.orlwlllpaiftt.. HU•I STOCI OF ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_lot.$150.-.tsia ~~-'°ri.~~C •MCTIUCU dresaus " mirr. Xlnt. . hav~ lo ded lately I ~\~:lB~.lo Xlot. (113> 71'1 'A BVGEYESPRITE '73 MIDGET 11000 ml. HOMDACAIS eoocl 1740 Ofan&o Ave., M .6.TIRESS don t know JI our '41rorL ... MOWt EXCELLENT CON· Ntw pal.at, abal1) c:ooll. u.i••..,OW. CM.~·1168 A co untry as In a loeh,5911 t060 , -[. DITlON $1,IOO.W·tmaft.IPM 2ae>Harboi"8'vd..· M i ACCORDION. ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ,...... -... vu. ... • m--o v ng: 8 ' slereo. _........ •1 -*MADNESS* r ecession .. or an ejflll IJDU• •6'.5·8138• ,.~·-.... a IUA•• Noritake chioa, free•c:r, *"'LL SIZES • ERICSON 1 Yf. old. ~ IMW t712 •••••••••••••o•••••••• "70CuUauSupreme.2Dr, refrig A Iota more. All in A * Full Forse. Knee board. Beautifully furn. " ~ TOYOTA ....................... 'UOpel Ral~K.edelt. HT, VT, AC, 49,300 mL xlntcond.545-4757 PricedtoMovel eu Gd c d (ldl ) rtned.49'·3503 I OUM••c--"S ' "11 CAD J'leetwood Xlftt. $1115. ll3-3410« ....... • OU • ne . _.., ' "'75 .. -B ... I II .... ·-1 CORNER bdrm group 833·9625&646-8686 6'0·0356 Sal.... 1966 Hatbof, C.ft\. ••6t30j OGIST v _.,,.. rousaam, 0 ·m •• ..... -_. ____ • ----- W/tbl 2 small soC XJ I BU 1 • SILVER Herreshoff American '6 ECONO Pick hnclte t7IO ~t.>-~~ Mlle olr. '63 Oleta fantastic eoacl. co1ad. '548·8248 as. nl ' * * Y * * 4 LlNE SOHP E I 2 i V 7 I 1' -u~P· ••••••••••••••••••••••• "". _. Lo mi: ~ rubb•t• 0 Evlnrudc. w/\rlr. $1 ,495. ag e, 2 1l. WLW, 2S ft. ery c ean, ow •uuca&e. .. •1 • / d .,.., .... _ --i--------1 ood used furniture " Schwinn Tandem bike overall. Built by Nowak $1200. 848·2022or548·7482 '73 u. Porte.be • .ur. Ap-..,...__...... • -za•-•1_r_c_o_n_. ----'~--Un que dining set, heavy appllunces, or 1 will Sell s9s. Maple console stereo & WiUiarns. 1141S46-7172; • Salea·Servlce-LNatna pear. aroup. atn/fm -..-..--.. •-r 9917 SpanlshtUedt.able6'x3'6 for You. 035, Blue u • ""'""h ~~. Art s PM & Wknda 56 Jl'ord 'l4 Ton. Fteet Ro\C~ &..-radio. $6000. 6'5-S673 alt••••••••••••••••••••• .. beaul carved chairs • 0 """"' °""'Id bed Off dU •· •....... 5 COM.-• ••••••••••••••••••••• .. J b • MA.STIRS AUCTION 673·7003 aft. 5PM 714/675·2644. • ea · roa res. Rolls oyce BMW • ~ '1! RUNABOtn' Auto. r:~t c~rr~a~.letcsehatsm,lrb,.Wor. 646.a6&6Ir131-9625 wht spoke rim.a. $700. . 234 E.17tbSt. ... 1-c• t116 CHIVIOUT A/C, xlot. cood. Orig. likenew~6'13-6217 • OrSUNDAYG-0974 Cstm!i:sR-;~10R~~o5re SC~~atna$62.1oo~. °::kf~dg 847-2458. Colla Mesa ~ f.4H ....... ~~ .... .-........ 2SALl21!!SHfsSER~E owner. $1,950·01fer. ~ mA uw $5,000.991·3184Anaheim. '64 Dodge paneled truck · ~DOlfiUIU.S.A. COST.t.A~"!"cl. _s:J&._324_8 ____ _ 2 BLUE Match'g. liv. rm. w lt h or w I o color w/wlndows . Slant 6 cyl £A>n cbrs, 1 maple end tbl, 1 GOING FISHIMG7 coordi nuted hand · Challenger 32' Sloop, s w/sUck shlf\. $700. Pb: ~ IOY 546-IZOO '72 RUNABOUT Air, De'4f ldtcb tbl. 847·9441all.6 I 'S WORM FARM knotted fringe. mos, fully equipt. alp 6, 963-1915 art. 4pm. CARVIR Ures. ,1,986. Open Daily7Amto6Pm Bazy Direct fromManuf. dehlx cruz. $44,000 PP. V &'ST a ~y IOIJ.S-ROYCE '75 STATION WAGON 673-7Ui0 ~EE:JSIZE brass bed Nite crawlers, Meal Tremen~o9us8 Savinpll 832-1092"556-7463 •• 9570 SANTA ANA t~•·f?!':!~. xlnt. cond. Has stereo, ,73 p· to Sq . W Lo 95. ak desk $40. New Worms, African Night '* *.,. . 181 •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ODITA--radio" tape deck, lugg. " "' wre ag. Charm-Clo LPG barbe-Crawlers & Red Worms. . . 20' GAFF RIG Cabin 1966 Ford Ecooohne Van. 838·8171 Mt·"" rack, A/C, Company car. mas. Mag whls. $270G. que. Con sole s tereo. 17362 Gotbard. HB. Goll membership, lrvme Sloop. Strip planked Utility tool boxes" lad· ~uu.A~~IMCHMll QOllDSUNGATS driven only by the Pres. eves.645-7108. Si J v er teac art. 6 ' cau sc7.5141 Coast Country Club, Mahog. hull. Needs Keel derrack. $600. 557-9100. 752·7~ bt.wn. 8 &5. Moo. ,,,....,... 99,, grandfather clock $275. Newport Beach, $700. wk. & rudder. U you like ,75 BMW2002 S.-9760 thru Fra. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675·3267 644·1013 or 494·1231. wooden boats, make oC· '71 Chevy Van 20. PH Ton. 4 Spd ••••••••••••••••••••••• fer. 642·4178 3SO eng, paneled & cpt'd, Call 642·1475 S .A. "'I Garage Sale 1055 SPECl"'' 11 , dual exh s t. mags. ______ ___,, AA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.. Mlsceu .. .,. Summe~ Fun. ;6 Snipe, $2695/bstotrer.548·7402. Cllpri 9715 DIMO '74 MALIBU Classic, full} loaded. Xlnt. cond. $3,650. ATLAS 536--0997 Eves. WE 'VE GOT EVERY· ArtlflclalGress W..ted 1011 Gd. sails, trlr met $500. ....................... Chrvsler/~Hlh THING! sos Marguerite, OnJ $ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 962·8302. Alltot W•ted t590 · c 1 1 · $"'LE Open Oaily &sun. 'til l G CdM T d J y 3.,5 Sq Yd ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 apr s l~er, mint A '74 Monte Carlo, Landau, PM 673.7459 ° ay-uly 1. C•ll673-81/.2 SSCA.SHSSFO~ 33'COAST RHODF.SNo. WEPAYTOPDOILAR cond.$2100.Pnpty. PticecUrom $3790. Xlnt condition. Good used furn/refngs 32. 2 sets of saHs. Will ac-FOR TOP USED CARS •6'4·8107 * $ 4190 Call 645·7313 2929c~:{a~!~vd., Coming Saturday! Frzrs/sloves. 546-0768. cept best, reas. offer. FOREIGN DOMESTIC '73 V6 4 d Dec Li 546· 1934 . GIANTCHURCHSALE NIC~ Old 3 drawer Chi na Wanted, used ofCset Aft.S,675·o924 orCL~ICS Gold~2J~·m1,:~tsclJ. (#Merl) '!/1 CHEVROLET Im·•--------- \o benefit adopted Viel· ?.abr'~et, Vm~.1 couch, pre:sses -running or Sol Cat 18', full race. box IC your .car as extra clean 640.5734 aft. s PM leach........ pal a •Door hardtop. '68 PLY. 4Dr .. air, namesefamlly.8to4at (ti1oaT1~~ ~on~pS:· not.. Wi'll pay cash. on trailer, better than seeusfarst. Dat 9720 at848Mac~~ur Ooodrunning,cleancar. clean.$800. Newport-Mesa Church 8 : ;. 0 • 524·6773 (10-2pm) n e w . 7 7 4 • 6 so o IA.UER IUICK IUll .uu. Vin)') Interior, landau • 548·7482or646-2022 * • Parkmg Lot. 148 22nd St. 673-2734 or 640-8139 ----------• d 2925 H bor Bl d ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Jamboree. N.B. W t t b 26., b'k ys,556-3725after5. ar v . . WILLBUYYOUR 752•0900 top, power windows. CM. Many lurge items. allofdoublecargarage an ° uy 1 e, Costa Mesa 979·2500 powe r door locks; Appliances, Art, Etc. in Costa Mesa. $l5 single speed. 968-4293 or NEW fiberglass sailboat DATSUN, TOYOTA AM /FM stereo, dark 1973 PLYMOUTH FURYlll HARDTOP month. 642_8865 642·8912 Retail $550. Sacrifice TOP DOLLAR OR VOLKSWAGEN '10 SAAB 99. Xlnt condi· brown with tan interior. SUPER SALE! Color TV, Offi L. u.-• $325.675·3267·673·5295 p•ID PAID FOR OR NOT. tion.$1300 $l&8S (4"7DBA) JohnJoo stereo, anlique Jaw Naugahyde sofa, Bdrm ce "'"''~ • . ' ~ w ILL p A y Top •••494.0147*** Lin books: ~.lee. typewriter, set, 8• round rug, patio EqillplHtlt 8085 ydney Sabot $200. Call IMMIDIATB. y DOLLAR. CALL K t~ 9765 ~~ bo coim~e~u:z plants, cane lamps. hard table w/umbrella chiJds ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673·1548 evenings or Sat. ALLEN, 54().0i42 -r-·• ar r • · cover best seJlers, Much Magnus organ and other IBM Mode l "D,. Ex· morning. FOR ALL •••••••••••• .... ••••••• _540-__ 5630 ______ _ 4 door equipped with 360 cid, 2 bbl, V--8, engine. and torquerJile t ransmission. Factory air conditionin g . AM/ F?d radio, tilt steer- ing wheel. Brown finisb wilh Oyster beige vinyl roof. 50,100 miles. Fullt reconditioned. more! 1301 'h W. Bay items. 842.8068• ecuti ve. r econditioned, lo..L. SI' .. / FOREIGN CARS '74 260Z. Auto, am/fm, TQJQJlf> '64 Chevy Impala. 3271 Ave. N.B. 675·9046 & Doric type. $550. SeJec· Dllll'nll•k 1P!t CALLORCOMEIM AC, mags, 18,000 mi. IW P /s, P/b, A/C, good 675-5991. Complete rattan living tries & Standards from oc s 9070 TOSHUS $5,850. 863JRE. 586· -l...-c1New74s cond.$400.~. room set $100. Good $295. Beacl\ Stationers, '•••••••••••••••••••••• art. 6· OMLY Io LEFT Jewelry 8070 black and white TV $30. 4 556-2922 LIPS Newport Beach •71 .. ~oz. Low rru·, new "'I·-14 ~ '63 CORVAIR Very cln. ••••••••••••••••••••••• poster double bed, com· Sail or Power .,.. A --$300 or best offer. W .A. lll....ITED plete s3o. 15• boat & 4 DRAW ER Letter file, lg. 673-5253 645-8506 trans, new tires. $41.00. at 347.5230 "" trai ler $l00.557.3747 ore. dei.k. Both :;teel. Call644·4759. TREMENDOUS TOP CASH DOLLAR 6731159 SAVINGS c--..t.a 9930 p A 1 D F 0 R y 0 u R days. · Transportation• , :. '71 Datsun 510. Mechanic E 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• E I h $ Ownr. A/cond, am/fm xamp e J EWELRY, WATCHES, ~OUSE full of xlnt brown ~c sv c rs d 15~35, :;_y c:••••••••5•1••.-r•••<!• llOO W.CNstHwy.IU. tape. Price mid blue bk. '75COROLLA '73 "Town c~. True $2195 ART OBJECTS. GOLD, carpeting & Re-bond c rs $12/24, es s, g ~rs. ~ .. 642 9405 675.4921 4speed, radio, beater. luxury1 Every extra. Inquireto; SILVER SERVICE, pad. $395. Must s~ll stls/dks. exc dks. Rent ?120 ._ • (4818) Take over lease-30 mos. BusinessOffice FINE FURN & AN· 963-7261 · Pierce-867 W. 19th, CM'.•••••••••••••••••••••• FLAWLESS •74 260Z, $2999 at $137.65 or will sell for OrMCJeeo.t TlQUES.645-22QO 645-7411 CAB HIGH Cmpr. shell, WE BUY loaded, Under14,000mi. $4,995.636-0072Aft5 PM DailyP'ilot GRAND OPENING SALE lbv:~: h~~~s\fgoo~e:c; Store, Restaurant, nowindo;;~· ~ -· 75H S42afler7pm <d L · ·• '69 Continental Mark IU. 330W. Bay St.CM Jewelry wholesale & re· trans fer fee. Call673-6675 lar 8095 · IMPORTS Flat '725 Mall f.mi6 Onl.Y 35,000 mi. Fully •69 VALIANT Air, p/c n Top Dolla r For Any ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · · P/B 4 dr Xlnt cond. ta.·1 to public. Indian ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9'L' DREAMER Camper, ~ Ulll. eqwpt Sliver Xlntcond .,.. jewelry, Heishe, coral & Refrigerator,sidebyside, FISHER 4x8 Sale, Coin· fully selC-cont, 6' refrig. Make or Model. ORANGECCMMTY'S " TOYOTA 1 Owner. $2950. Call $l,S75.ortr.adef~van0l' parts. Costume jewelry, froslfree $150. Moving· o642p._2P1~1 tbl. Best ofter. $2800. 531·9561 JIM p "'..._.OS ..... EW.ST • 1 ••'--lls:r 548·5518or645-0649. sm. pkup. 642.3945 1000 of necklaces lo Other misc. items. 1815 .IQ "" " s; ·-~ • choose from. St.art your Clif f Dr, N.B Call 8' Majorway Cabover. IMMEDIATE 1~66Horbor.C.M.646·9303 19704DOOR Continenf.al. '74 GOLDDUSTERAir. own business, whls 548-7391. TY, Radio, Sink, stove, icebox, very MAZDA DELIVERY '7 CORONA Mkll .loml Fully loaded, lmm,ac. P/S P /B Auto folcl prices , min 2 doz. . Hifi, Stereo 8098 clean! $850. 642-9618 2001 S Manchester All Models &Colors lM/FM Stereo 'Rads' cood. 43,000 orig. ~lies. dwn • rear ;eat. Iiilmae. J ewel Street, .. 2, Co_mple,te, set of Tame ••••••••••••••••••••••• A h . . 636 ~ o· k M ·11 Mo . . Brand new radial tares. d. G Id Coas c--· 17941 Magnolia Av!!., Lafe ... Foods of the TEAC 7010 GSL Tape 10' ~abover Camper na eam -vuuu IC I er tors Auto.Xlnt.cood.831-1537 $2400. Will help finance. ~f.s21s o t ~·· l'ountain Valley World •new ?'I volumes. Deck, auto reverse, w/smk._ stove, oven and O r-.ge eo-ty•s r:J/l .. 'i95il '71 LANDCRUISER 36M Call 49l--0863. Cost $240, qwck sale $85 forehead, 10" reel. b~tane icebox. Comple~e Highest$ IUyer ,,. .. //liil.. mi., AM/ FM, Warn n....... 9935 67 Plymouth Baracuda MJscellaneous 8080 673·6217 673-0622 with bounce aways, lie .120 W. Warner hubs. Gd . ......A $3 """"· :-=:. ................. v..a. auto. p/s, nms wetL· • down and bumper ex-Oft Imports "..a..... ,.,.,., ,,.A .. 1372 • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • • • • EN N I S C 1 u b Me m. 752 0476 art 6 ~· Complete s tereo sys : tensions. $550 or offer. lillMaxeyT:J:ota at So.Main · lt74D=Monaco •-----·------Rototiller, make orrer. bership for sale. Home: c 34AC b ·11 "~laM s l A cc.7 2132 op p-Al-9965 Hams ter cages, Sun· 673 1347 w k (G 'l ) am/fm nasellc tap .. a n O,VUI:> esa CallRogeror ill an a na ~ · . Vollaw.... 9770 BESTOr R.548-9574 --c beam blender, 73 Vega, 544.7211 or 81 deck & recorder. Turnta· H' 1970 SIERRA Cmpr. 847-8555 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ford 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 45,000 mi. Bestoffcr.As· ble&sland.557-21679 1· k Sip 6 A·l 1973 flAT 1•••11~-e-VICE w Jae s . s. • · FREE APPRAISAL ...-A .--••••••••••••••••••••••• sorted brl c-a -brac & loats & Marine cond. $925. 646--3458 We buy used cars & 124 Sport Coupe Exchange It Rebuilds '68 FALCON, 6 eyJ, 4 dr, chi Ids Pogo stick . Norge Refrig, gd cond, EctUipment N El D d 8' trucks. Call GROTH MintCond 646-8202 B~OOKLYNBUGCO. Jowmileage.$800 ... rnvl""'lr: 546·8017 968·5446· $100, BanjoS50.newPen· ••••••••••••••••••••••• e w ora 0 . Estimates 548·9141 •S48·7482or~3022• G 90 I Camper, gas/elee relng. CHEVROLET for a free FOR THE BEST NO CASH NEEDED ClassifiedAds 6425678 ny's Vacuum $65 , tneral 0 Queen bed, beaut. cond. appraisal. VW Repairs. Engines, '72 Country Squire --------·--545·3788 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hyd. jacks, tie downs: GROTH CHEVROLET D~ALANYWHE!!E Transmissions Rebuilt Wa gon, 10 pass., full For on Ad In Wonen's Wortd c• Sue 642·5678, Ext. 330 .,,. •• 9134 a.11 "" 11T"" .... 11f~ Overall Fashion 9,..,. 11od 1'1t1brold•r ovfrall• In twlll, dl'Dlm. chloo: J UMP lato ruhloa lo aleek ooe piece 1borl.I or o•er1111a. >'lnl1b will\ tie or kit. Pat• J'fllrWI 8e•"b•l'Mllldrtfnial• tCIMl U03: ltaneter, prloled I od hi •·•·c a~ ... ~ Mml' ,,auem. Blan 10, 12, 14, JS •. ,.r ll • r.,,. u "'"' 8t&tto •'"-hbf'lo 10 .... ,. tos•lh•r or Send si.oo for Ne.Ii pitfm. eapjlralt lr with ll'IDIJI DDd Add .,. foe ueb pattern f« tklrt•. Mt.rvtlou1 In ll)'1on. nnt•clH• mall and 8-111 • 1•rt ol11d Putero tu•: • d ""1~1 Mluo' Alli'• a. 10. JI, H, u . 11111dllna. ""' to A ce is. RIH u (bUI~ 30 J&ek•t Brooll•. lot. the Dall.)' PU°', J!t. yda ... IDObl t..ii.r " Needleereft Dftt .. &ox 113, 0!'il)nd tl.00 fOf' ett'h pallt1'1'1. Old Chel1ea 8tellon, New. Add ~ ttnu f« e.c:h p!itlem York, N. Y. 10011. Print fOf nt1t•clau mill H4 a~lal Nemt, AddrHI, Zip, Plllf!l'ft handlln1· otllenrlH third· Num*· • ~ ... 0.llYl'f'1 wW l•lle llll'ff 81vt doller1t Crull' •"ttll• Of' rnott. $end to Mu\111 beeutlM thl"'•· &llWI for N-Menln. 44a, 111t Dally Piiot, tf75Nfl't'dlttral\c.t&Joal NtU11 Dept m Wett lllJI IMeil81Driatedill!IWt .... ,,. lie .. New Yor't., N.Y. UIOH. ,.,.,,, "Wi!f\y Pll\y Qui.JU S100 Pt111t NAME ADDR&S.5. ZIP, ~I RI tCl'OdMt •••. 11..00 lll?P! and i;1'VL& l'fUMftER. Sew+ I Boot ........ SU:S ONIC FRf;E PATl'SRN°'1wt N_,l«POl•l aodl ... •••• .$1.00 dlok-t '° Hl'd , .. - , .... ,.,. ,,... Crochet 8ocll ••• .$1.00 tern lnaldt NEW 8PRINO· N•""11 ~Ml IDdl .. , .ll 00 ft lJ M M g R PATT~ RN lnalallt CrotlMt 8oClk .... II• CATA.LOO, t•11t1-1lleltn, JMt.allt lhtrerM Boe , .IUO rrw pellAlnl """*' ..-Tk ._ .... •••Y Book .... tuo ~ ~ + KNn lools •llll Comp1et•Oll\1oo1t ...... suo 11aa1ttlM1ttpau-oi ...... a1 • c,tll_Jlft•,A~-.asm .. si ~ 1NlaM h&llloll ed .. , SI 00 U n•M A '11111111 .. • • .. -lMllM S.WlllC Boall •••• Si.• IDc*ofttQll!ltatl ........ W M11-m Qlilill IOdt 12 .... .. U QWllll few Today n ...... ff' Boole ol IUUfy llup ..... M;°, ., U:t us. sell your boat, any $975. Call art. 5, 645·9504. 18211 Beach Blvd. 'THINK tB1 or Exchanged. Tune-ups, power lug rack $28()() size; for fast results call Huntington Beach momu muffiers, brake jobs etc. orbestoffe~.l44-0tst . TO BUY ANY NEW Mesa Boat Center, Motorcicles/ 847-6087 549·3331 ;j · Reasonable. Work Guar. . PONTIAC IN STOCKI 646·0539 Scoo ers 9150 SELLIMr-YOUR C "'R? ~ Steve556·9306. '73 Torino Wa~on. ~erf. "Example: ••••••••••••••••••••••• w A I 00 cond, new radials, tmted lrmtd Mew 1975 Put TheSpar~leBack '74 Honda XL350, like TOP PRICES PAID gals. free gas with this '69 Square back. Rebll glass.$2700.645-2116 Grand Prfx E~~ert polishing ~ de· new. $850. For Imports ad & purchase of any eng . ..Jind trans. $1500. (165875) la1hng on your fiber-cau 673-5305 Paid fororNot new FIAT afteiTEipm. 673-661.2 For Sale 1972 Ford LTD NO $14175 glass boat. Le~ us clean & D L 1 1~ "HEU" Wagon, xlnt cond. $2500 CASH paint your engines & Husky 250 CR 173. An ex-ean ew' Fiberglass Dune Buggy. Ph: 979·4222or586--4889. bilge. In the water or out. cellent bike! Great cond. 1966Harbor .. M. FRIEDLANDER Street legal. Xlnt cond. DOWN edi t D li MO. Call Mesa Boal Center, $800. Suzuki 400. Desert 646-9303 l3750 Beach Blvd $1500. Ph: 962-5767 '68 LTD · Imm a e e very ask for Paul 646-0.S39 · d v r t Westnuns' ter · XJnt. cond. $650. 48 mos. $4979 full price · · equippe · ery as · TOP CASH! '69Squareback,newtires, • 497.2004 incl. T&L. $6804 Boats, Maintenance/ Lowered frame, looks For clean used cars & 537-6124 Jo ml. Xlnt condition. defe rred pmt. price Service f020 brand new· $650. 646-<WJO t r u c k s I H o w a rd . $1450. 675·9332 Utteolll 9945 incl. T&L & all carrying ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 Yamaha 250 Enduro. Chevrolet, Dove & Quail '74 128 Fiat 4 dr. sedan. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••.charges on approved Good cond., dirt or Streets, nr. MacArthur. mos . old. 494·7846 or Volvo '772 Lincoln Cont'l '65, 4dr, aU ·credit. A.P.R. 16.24~ street. $400 or bstoCr. Aft Jamboree and Bristol, 492'3717· •••••••••••••••••••••• elec. Lo mi's. Xlnt cood. 6 PM 546·3286. Newport Beach. 833·0555. Hottda 9727 SPECIAL Bargaia. 642·9188 I Buy ••••••• ••• • •••••••••••• Maverick 9947 '74 HONDA 750, Wind· 11974 HONDA Civic car. VOLVO SALEI ••••••••••••••••••••••• jammer 1''air'g. lmmac. JUNK CARS!! Low miles. $2200. • , . Electrical· Woodworking DAVE ROSS PONTIAC /~80 H All 8011 b l •0 L1.nta """"'c Plumbing.Jnstallation & Repair. Inbd Eng re· pair. Fire system insll/· maint. Scorpio Marin 548-9704. cond. 5000 mi. Gold Coast 847·7~3 492·1610 • Beat price increase. 71 Mavenck, 302 VS! 3 Serv. 551·6275 Su r stock AU mode spd. Excellent running .;,..._ ________ _ Boats, Morine Have a Junk ~?ai:.1~~9 71 Honda 600 sedan. 48 Prf:ed to ~IJ. Oversea condition. AM, tape deck '72 PONTIAC Grand yme EctUip1Mnt 9030 'il Yamaha 360 Enduro. Top $$ pa . MPG. Invested$1200Will Delivery Specialists $1275.898-1547 4~oor hardlOJ?. L1g.l\t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stree t/lrail, 1700 mi. 24hrs. sac. $850. 645.6081 or fj--, . . l. · ·; ... M ,950 beag~, fully_ equipped 1n- B•""nttt TrimT ....... ~ clean ~525. 499-2943. • . ..J. I r+-..11 646-4742 after5PM 'Hiii ll1ni I ercwy eluding splat front seats, ... n mn ,....,,os, mpo .:-u • Ulll. UllMJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• tilt wheel, AMFM stereo, 36". Orig carton. $225 TRICK HUSKY 4 SO . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ '73 CP WAG, loaded. Must landau roof. All this for ___ c_al_l 673·6966 EXTRAS ! $1000. General '701 Mtreedts lea 9740 :~: VOLVO wholesale now. day $2495 (876FBS> Johnson * 646-7528 * •••••••••••"••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 549·8681/evelW.6-4732 & Son Lincoln Mercu-MAS'f & Ri gging for 20' . . ., boat. Aluminum in gd. '73 HONDA 450. Xlnt. LA_~BORGHIN [ ·. 1• '70 MERCEDES 1966 Horbor C.M. 6•6 9303 '73 MERCURY Montego 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.M. cond. Dacron sails in cond .$800. · · Statio n wagon. 9 _54_0·_563_-_o ______ ,. xlnl. eond. Trlr. in gd. 675-47&1 ANNOUNCING 600 ORAMGICOUM'TY passeng_e r, lan &!id '66 GTO. Clean, xlnt ~07'_\~jg Xtra fittings . ·72 NORTON 9000mi, $800 .AUTO CLASSICS Low mileage, buy or VOLVO tebr~wn ~·t~~~~ng· mechanical cood. $700ol' or oCCer .. Ask for Steve: LTB . lease. (001529) EXCLUSIVELYVOLVO nor, aar "'VU!W •• • offer.873-9485 6 3582 · JI SI-IOI-Largest Volvo Dealer automatic transmission. FIBERGLASS 54 • Orange ounty's m etnb inOrangeCounlyl Drivesllkealuxurycar, '89FB350.Allfac.extra.s. Materials &Supphes '75 Kawasaki 400. All Ac· -newest. most modern Imports BUY or LEA.5E hauls like a wagm. Only minL $1,500. offer. Pvt. At Low Prices! cessories. UOOmi's. Paid ·authorized dealer! DIRECT 35,~0 m i les. $3395 Pty.55.2-8340 Boat repair, boat build· $1600. Sell $1000. Deluxe · ·SPECIALIZING IN 133·9300 ~~~6GJn~~1;0:r::c':ar~ ,69 Cat. New eng, case ing, boat design. model. 968·5650 Sales . Service 2621 Harbor Blvd., C.M. AM/FM. $1225 or trade CRYSTALJNERCORP. , Leasing r XI t o ,. 16~PlacenliaAve.CM 72 HONDA 5004. Xlnt. THE NEW OVIR 100 5'0·5630 or van. n c n..._ 548·~2 548·5623 cond. 5 spd. Sissy Bar .• 1D75LAMBORGijlNI NIW lrUSB> X. _64.2_·_0l_l_5·------ $92S. 546-4479 . I CIDES 2025 ~· Manchester l~i~I M~7~ M~1;l!'1n V• 9974 WANTED: Centerboard . . URRACO M I m 750.-2011 Am/. Fm ·ster~. 35,·.::·1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• for Kite. Cull 673·4266 TWO 1974 Suiuk~ l~s NOW ON DISPLAY • OM DISPLAY ""' ouo evenings Less than 300 m1., like H of• rt A.toSt UHd ml. $297'. Dys 644-6440; 1971 Hatchback, xln& · new.$495.ea.67J.9345 k' 0 dersOn CMISei~OWI ...................... Eva 493·52Z6 MPG. loah, Power 9040 MotorHolMS. ThTea Nmegw rEs~a's 'U£~RACUETDHESORIZDEALD ER Well ''' Mmt-9952 64().164~1:0s4&.2873 ••••••••••••••••••••••.• S•/R-t '160 ~ c. -.,, ..... 686Z Manchester, •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Boats needed, hst & store ••••••••••••••••••••••• ARRIVING N Buena Park '69 RIVIERA '65 MUSTANG w/"72 mt.r. 1.911 Vega, 4 spd, ~{ ol• w/us al no cost. We l\ave Rent: '74 Shasta 20' Mini, .Open Mon·Sat. 9 lo 6 25 · LOADED. MAKE V8 P/S le bnltea. $:iSO. ler. Orea~ gas mileage bu Yer s ' BC Y 8 • Cab & roof air. stereo : CloaedSun. Onthe5s2a!~An~Fwy. OFF£R orbeatorrer.8&7·2* 586-1404 714/848·l304. tape. Sips 7, sep shwr. AUTOCLASSICS,LTD. S48·8881 --------• 5S'CHRISCRAFT 5S4-4828eves. .l0591 .B~chler Rh:er., M.8 . '75 280 Sedan. Im·c......u•-9915 ST'&-.. G .._,,.EKil.._ c Fountain Valley, ca. mac. Beiae W/ mabog. -c J1to~ .rw.~ ... Twin . alaplUar Trollera, Trav.. 9170 1141557~ int. Stereo. & Sunroof. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~=-4-1.:....----er CLAY a. PCJLLA f1ushde~~~oryacht ....................... • 7~4/9q·831ll U OOO under new car '72 E l Dorado convert.. ~ =.=:•,::=: ~ SJeepslOl1'eakdeckl Travel trailer 24' Boles .. prlce. Prlv. Part.y. l oaded . Must sell To~~forw..t.....,, OMLY $75,000 ~:~oi~~o~cd, like A.,. ROIMO t705 714/993·1400. wholesale .:,:;32 Day ;-'.,..Z*.;:t::~·'°~ Willard Y&cht...~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 Mercedes Ben1 >lint 549·968l/eve iv.. >•-"~ 3336VlaLido673-2780 A..tosforSole "'HaRa1m-cond.Air ~ond,FM/AM.. 711LOOCOMVY.T. J~~ il~ ~~ ••••• •••••••••••••••••• " ~ power Windows $5500 · •c->H,.... .. T• 21' Fbgl1 Cabin Cruiser. •-&.1 / l · All wl\ite u t.,rtd l.at.ber i= ~~.... :!::'-~ps 4. Xlnt lis hin" & -'ci".•,!~cs 9520 D... lrm. Call btwnS"Spm., In\. Cleanest In N.B. ,...,_ J~...,_. •'-• ti b t $3~0 .. $"'LE 979-8992· OWned by re.t1nd G.M. av..... Ja n.. .. ,.,. ata na oa . ~ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Iii '"'°" 1,,.,, J:'-P.,~Y •• • .. ~~35_ 4·5350 or night CLASSIC MGC·GT l""""'. l 1960 190SL. Mecb'ly. xtat. De ale r. ov in I to :u,..., !?~ n =..,,., _, A4>... -Priced from Moving for qulclc sale.. Europe.~815-&4 't'-~_..., ,...,._ owner, xlnt. cond. $6799 ~o 800 r 5411714 kt. It~ :ll:' ~~~... ~ '13 CARAVELLE, 15~' • 645.... -· arm. • '71 .El Dorado, Bli ~· isr..-~,. ~r""" MC n bowrider. UHP M re ... __._ R (17502) 216 Q10ft Car m\llUellf 't~.~ :t~.... Va=-::., 1M.." Like new·xtrH. $HOO wr::.~ He. 9540 IHCh ••• uta . '42.cmz . M;: ... .__.. Fir-A c .. 5 c•38 "vva It~ -.~'-'-•..,' :~ flll=.l.~~"'I ur. ... ·on • •••••••• • • •••n•••••••• 848 Dove '70 Cad DeVllle, 1ood fi~ ~• ;;:" i 1 M:":. .......... -· Cabin Cr"IAer n.uens '1' J ensen·Htaly. Must al M abocArthNurO Fo!' Clastlfied Ad 51\ape. $1500. . ll~ ~i-C~ J,:-: -N .. , 41\ vwu.... t' ~II Conv. Rdalr. 7800 &Jam rot, · • ACTION C.U.....-r §....,_ ,.~ .. _, ew ~ni. w t n . .,,,.., ml. AM /FM/8 track. Ex. 752·0900 Call a · ,,......., u~ .,._.. 1:1n~.,,,...,...-. offer.008-1730 c:ond. $Ult Under War-Da_ilyPUot Kave1omethlalJ0Uwant l:~nt::., it?;; ,_. 26' cabin cruilll'r .s. ranty. $1850 &ta.kc ove1 Try • Dally Piiot AD·VlSOR ~'":1~r1c~c!i'f ~:. uW.: ... !5 le':' :.l':. Reblt cng .. New pa t Is payments. 83S-t941 ·al\, Classlned Ad to~, sell 6'2·~ IU-6e'T8.. '°'o-e '°'•'"""' ~1 1 elec. $2.500 or olr. 675-1005 6pm or rcn\,lomet.hing. \S>' \&' I l \ SAN FRANCISCO Alioto's motion for a new (AP) -The 9th U.S. trial and granted a judg- Court of Appeals has ment to Cowles Com· J'Uled that San Francisco · municaUons, though tbe Jlrfayor Joseph Alioto jury failed to arrive at a should get a new trial in verdict on whether his $12.5 million libel suit malicewasinvolved. against the publishers of "The judgment mu.st Look Magazlne. be reversed and the case It reversed Monday a remanded for a new trial Feb. 2, 1973 ruling by U.S. on the sole issue of actual .District Court Judge malice,"saidtbecourt. Russell E . Smith of Mis· :;outa, Mont. SMITH RULED there was insufficient evidence S M I TH DEN I ED to prove malice in the By Bil Keane . . . "Mommy, does Goldilocks belong in 'The Three Pigs' or 'The Three Bears'?" THE FIRST trial ended with a bung jury on May 15, 1970. A second trial ended Oct. 27, 1972 with only three of the 12 jurors believing the magazine acted with ma lice. although agreeing the article was false in some respects and had de- famed the mayor. The appeals court not- ed the FBI and California law enforcement authorities had been una- ble to corroborate an aJ. leged meeting between Alioto and several un· derworld rigures at the Nut Tree Restaurant, as claimed in the Look arti- cle. They also were una- ble to corroborate other alleged relationships between Alioto and or- ganized crime. No Ban on Aerosols WAS HINGTON <UPI ) -The Cons umer Product Safety Com- mission has decided against banning or restricting use of aerosol sprays, despite claims they pose a potential hazard Lo personal health and the al· mospbere, officials say. five comm1ss1oners in a series of votes last week concluded the valve design issue was the major action they will take. Commission officials confirmed that report. Instead. officials said Monday, the commission will order the aerosol in - dus try to come up with a plan to make valves on the cans safer to prevent them from being ~prayed in the wrong direction. TH E COMMISSION has before it several petitions -one under study for as long as two years -asking for action against aerosol sprays for re- asons ranging from risks to the user's lungs to possible decay of the earth's protective ozone layer from the p'ro- pellant gases used. One petition, from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, sought a general warning against aerosol products for health reasons. The group contended that the three bilLion cans of such products sold in the Unit· ed Stales every year pose problems by spewing fine amounts of chemicals into the air, especially in confined spaces such as bathrooms. 'Officially, the commission s aid Monday. it had not reached a final de· cision on the petitions and hoped to 1oon, perhaps by the end of this week. THE NATURAL RESOU RCES Defense Council asked for a total ban on aerosol products col\tatning fluorocarbon gases, principally Freon, because of the possibility that the ozone layer is being depleted by them. BUT A NEWSLETTER, the Product Safely Letter, reported the A government task force recently reported that the ozone problem is a subject for real concern, adding that a thinning of the layer could cause in· creases in ultraviolet radiation from the sun and more cases of skin cancer. Ruling Hit Drive-iii Decision JACKSONVILLE. F1a. CUPI> -The councilman who introduced the ordinance banning nudie films on drive-in screens visi- ble from public places said he would "pray" for the U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted Monday to make the law unconstitutional. ''I'm disappointed ," said City Coun- cilman J oe Carlucci, who sponsored the or- dinance which was struck down by a vote of 6·3 Monday. "Filth seems to prevail," he said. CARLUCCI, WHO SPONSORED the or- dinance which w as passed by the City Council in January 1972 by a 17·2 vote, said it was not designed ''lo legislate morality" but to rid neighborhoods where drive-in theaters are ex- hibiting such film s of a public nuisance. About 2,000 r esidents of the Arlington area of Jacksonville s igned a petition asking the mayor to do s omething about the University Drive-in, where liUle children could watch ·'R" and "X''-rated movies Crom their bedroom windows, according lo the petition. PERRY REA VIS, DISTRICT manageT of Eastern Federation Corp., which operates 11 movie theaters in Jacksonville, Orlando, Gainesville and Tallahassee, including the University Drive-in, said he was ''very well pleased" with the court's decision. "We did feel all along that the ordinance of the city of Jacksonville went a little behond normal bounds of protecting the innocent.," .Reavis said. "From a personal standpoint, I just do not believe in censorship. And, in ef- fect. that's what this was." REA VIS SAID THE T HEATER would. continue to operate about 15 quartz lights located around the perimeter of the drive-in grounds, which serve to block the view of person5 trying to look at the screen from out- side the theater. . "We will continue to operate as a good neighbor in the community," he sald, " .•. so tbal if we do have a movie t.bat anyone in the rommunJty does object to they don't have to Newport Student Speake r --Shelly Wa g ner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Trainer , 4570 Park Newport, Newport Beach, was the student speaker at th e Colorado's Women's College com men cement. Ms. Wagner, who was editor of the school newspaper, the Graphic, is pursuing a career in journalis m. She has been accepted to the Radcliffe Publishing Course at Radcliffe College. She wa s al s o a member of the student legislature for two years. Ms. Wagne r was pre- sented with a class service award by the senior class and an out- standi,ng service award by the student legislature. l25 Coast Graduates Get D e gree Twenty.five Orange Coast area residents were recently awarded degrees from West Coast University In Los Angeles. Receiving master of science degrees were: (OIU Mew -Juk A. Ft«* .,., L.trryH. Aenoer; Foullt•ln Valley Mlch,.1 Borl•. O ~Mls.loflftttof\1 P•ul O. Sf'IMWll'land Emesl~OOf, HuntlflOIOft 9'Kh -Oniel l'ranc.o, C:.rl La111erm•11. Victor Mtn.~11, Aonalf 0.11-and c;.r eld l'loer; lrvl1111 -Aollert F, 0.111\eM, ,,_._. Al 1..tvlne. 0 10 S '-Ill, RolMlrl J. MHi.r *'4S JefMo6 A RI pity , I?-be off ended by a~cidentaJly looking at the "' 1ereen.'' 1..a9UN NIOlltl S1a11lord Stor.-,. Et Toro Johll GotMrd, Jr WnlmlMltr l'r~rlO Ctr"-'1. ; · The ordinance said it was illegal for drive· Jn &Maters to 1flow movie scenes o( "bare but- todll, bare female breasts or bare pubic areas it tbeM can be vJewed from public places." Reulv1119 D•clltlor ol U ltllO deO,_,-·~· CIMYMtta ErnttlJOt\tl\Oll,J r , t<lauMt<lncn t lld l'tHMotMr. ~ kKll Jtrokl Holtmen MCSSltPl\eft P '-Hr, end, H1111t1119te11 ltull -Al\lllOll't L--------..;_------------~ Pomele ' •• "psychotic with paranoid tenden· clea." AFTER JNTEllVJ E WING Ruppert three times. as recenUy as Sunday, Mechanick said it was his opinion Ruppert was not faking the mental problems. "Even a well-trained ·psychiatrist could not simulate th.is," he testified. · Mechaqlck said Ruppert has been paranoid for 10 years but. because he believed be was the target of a conspiracy, be did not tell anyone of the Qlental illness. · ' "The nature of bis illness was such that everyone was sus· pect," said the psychiatrist. Get set for summer driving with the General nre of your choice ... VALUE PRICED! 80 FOR· The General Jet-Ai r Ill V•hae size 6.50· 13 tubeless blackwall. plus $1 .77 Federal Excise Tax per tire. V•lue Size Price F.E.T. Size Price F.E.T. Get set for holiday driving ... Buy 4 for the 4th! The General Jet·Air Ill features strong four-ply construction, long mileage Duragen,_, Tread Rubber, and famous twin-tread design. A great tire for vacation trips, or around-town driving. 6.50-13 4 for $63"'80 $1.77 5.60· 15 4 for $ 75.80 $1.79 Charge it at General We also honor • Master Charge • BankAmericard 7.00-13 C78·14 E78-14 F78-14 G78-14 H78-14 4 for $75.80 $2.00 F78·15 4 for$ 87.80 $2.45 4 for$ 79.80 $2.04 G78-15 4 for $ 95.80 $2.60 4 for$ 83.80 $2.27 H78·15 4 for $103.80 $2.83 4 for $91.80 $2.40 l 78-15" 4 for $131.80 $3.11 4 for $ 95.80 $2.56 •Available in 4 for $103.80 $2.77 whitewall only. Whitewalls $2 to$4 more per tire. SAVE! SAVE! $tt·to$17 Fantastic Price! $ 95 SIHI 115$1113, 2 1HSR14 6 15591'115 $ 95 Tuba IHI bleckwall. F111model101 Plusa183 Sul'l>Hm. Auch. Toyota, 7 or •1 94 Poreche 8fld m0<et F E.T. ll1.e 115Sfll15 TllbalH• bltckwall. Fell models ol MG, Poncha. Sul> Trrum1>t1 •r!d more• Off Regul ar Low Price Per Tire Depending On Size llne 15511'112 • tUllUJ St1H IHSl'IU 6 TvbaleMblackwall. 1158,.14 Plua " 48 or " 48 Tu1>e1e111>11ckwall F.E T. Fill models of Audi Fits models of: Datsun, Fiat, Honda and morel Ooe•. Trrumoh. Toyo•• a11<1morel The General Sprint.Jet llH 1781 .. 14 Tubel"s l>leckwall. Ft11 modola of: MerceoH, Peugo1, Toyota and morel $2695 Plua f183 or '1 70, F.E.T, Join the Jet Set with General's Sprint.Jet Radial . Available in most import sizes, and designed to meet the special requicements of foreign made passenger cars. A deep, five-rib tread gives long mileage. while hundreds of traction sipes add positive traction on wet or dry pavements. llH llUIUS $3395 Tubaltll l>IKkWlll Ftta m0del1 ol. Cllroul'. ,,.u112.:M Jagu11, Triumph, F.E.T. Pot.cha 11\d motel R,\IN CllLCK Should 1>1Jr '"Pflly °' "°"~ lies or ftnes Ml ~on during 1hls event. v.oe will honor 11nv ordm plead now for future dellwfy at 1he ad\:ertls4od price. ,,,, ......... .. ""'ti '"' SIM• c...,.i ""t """ fl • ............. • ... ,,,,.,, ..• ·~· GwiM"fll Don Swedlund Inc. ...... A4-I ........ 2855 Harbor llYd. Costa Mesa ) - COAST <iENERAl TIRE PhoM 540-5710 646-5033 - \ ,, ' By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. Dallfl"t ....... Tbe Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach has succeeded in poinr what every mother of every 9-year-old boy knows is im- ,POSsible -gotten the bundle ol s nips, snails and puppy dog tails to stand stm, very still. Just how that and other small miracles are accomplished was revealed Monday in a sneak pre- Bart New ~J>llege Official Dr. Ednrd A. Hart Monday night MIS h~ ffll "'8Ssistant to Saddle~~ Collefe Superinten-dent R Lo111bardi, but not before .,,.stees lopped $1,500 off his profOSed salary. The new ad m inistratt>r, formerly with Chabot Communi- ty College in Northern California will assist Dr. Lom-bardi with the college's Ion~· range planning. He will be paid $33,000 a year. . Hart's employment appeared ·to be in doubt until trustees set- tled their dlff erences about his n.lary in executive session. Earlier, Trustee Donna Berry asked that the position, though previously approved by board action, be stricken because of the salary recommended by Lom· bardi. Mrs. Berry cited the need to shave the district's budget by another $165,000 and suggested this was JI. good place to start, ac· cording to a spokesman for the college. Her motion to dispense with Lombardi's auietant was de- adlocked by a J-3 vote. A subse- qaent motion to hire him was siJnilarly deadlocked. His salary settled in executive session, the board reconvened to .a public meeting and hired Hart on a 4-2 vote. Mrs. Berry and board Chairman Robert Bartholomew voted against the measure. Scheduled to assume his new ~ition July 1, Hart will be as- signed several specific projects, among them the drafting of the college district's five and 10.year educational plans. He will also be responsible for the planning of the Saddleback district'• future Tustin-Irvine campus, uPdating personnel files and policies, assisting architects with the planning of new facilities, and t~ development or occupation~l and vocational pro- arams. Hart aerved lo several ad-ministr all ve capacities at (See BAaT, Page A.%) Senate Okays $3 .8 Million For Bay Buy SACRAMENTO -The state Senate unanimously approved a b111 Monday giving the state Department of Flsh and Game $3.8 million to acquire about 700 acr~s of Upper Newport Bay wetlands for a wildlife preserve. The measure, SB 388 authored by Sen. Dennis Carpenter (R- Newport Beach), now goes to the Assembly for action. Under the Carpenter bill, the $3.8· mlllion purchase price wUl come from the $4.5 million aetUe- ment the state recehed for dama1e1 caused by the 1988 San. ta Barbara oil spill. · Carpenter aald his bill ls part Of tbe plan to aetlle a lenithY dls- ]Klte between Oran1• County and \be Irvine Company over ownership and development oC Upper Newport Ba.y. The plan wu arrived at several months a10 followlne ne90Uations apearbeaded by Ute etate Depart- meot. ol Filh and Game. view of the 1975 Paceant of the .Masters for members of the news media. More than 300 members ol the press and broadcastinf media were allowed back•tage and into the makeup and wardrobe section ... as models for the famous "liv-• ing pietu~" were readied. The pageant is a depiction ol famous art \Vo_rks using real peo· pie as the subjects of the art. The life-size presentations are dis- ORANGE COUNTY, CAL IFORNIA played with background mu.sic and informative narration on the staae of the Itvine Bowl Am- phitheater. This year the pageant and the Festival of Arts run from July 11 through Aug. 24. Mark Armstrong, 9, of Costa Mesa is a figure in the im- pressionistic painting "Raetihi" by Peter Mcintyre. Faces dabbed with makeup, wearing slilf painted costumes, Mark and two other models are fitted into the baci(ground set for the paint- ing. There under special light.in& de1l1ned to make the three dimensional set and figures look Oat, be and the.other models will hold, remain frozen in place their for a minute and a half performaoce before 2,600 persons nightly attending the Paiean~ · <See PAGEANT, hleA2} BoyDe_ad, One Blind In Irvine BJ ARTHUR R . VINSEL • OUlle~llf~l ... SUH TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1975 T•••Y'•O .. iq N.Y.Steeka :rEN CENTS. Dally Pilot Pfloto by RldM11'd.KMlll« Manslaughter charges will be sought against the driver of a day camp mini-bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday, leaving ooe little boy dead, a second blinded, and the driver b~seU and nine other children injured. HE'S A PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is part of an oil painting in this summer's Pageant of the Masters to be presented in Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Addi- tional pictures on Page A3 show how it's done. Police sai4 today they will pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District At· torney's Office in about a week, seekinf a complaint against the ..... c.o&ya . Conners, 23, a 2~ year empl ye of Rouch Riders pay Camp 4n founblin V"'1ley, is ander ca~ at Tustin c.o.n.mwtity Hospital, in fair condition with multiple injuries. Judge Takes ·Tour Of Nudist Beach.·.·. Miss Conners, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by James E . Bartley, 45 , of Diamond Bar. TRURO, Mass. (AP> -The skinny·dippers were missing, but the beaches they favor were in plain view under a hot sun for touring U.S. District Court Judge Frank H. Freedman, court of- ficials, attorneys and others. O.Uy l'flot ..,._..-·.Helt~ GOOD BYE, DOC -Jesse Riddle, 92-year-old former Laguna Beach mayor (standing) says goodby to bjs younger friend, also a former Laguna Beach mayor, Luther F. "Doc" Mallow, 87, who is moving away. Farewell party was hosted by Mallow's friends at the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club. Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were fiung out rear doors and windows ol the shat- tered van, flopping to the pave- ment like rag dolls. "ll was real strange," said one of the first policemen to reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mos tly silence, everybody shocked and not moving." The official visit was made Monday in connection with a suit seeking to overturn new regula- tions by th e National Park Laguna Board Studies Hiring ·Administrator Be'S Movin' On LitUe John Henry Ramming, 6, of 3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, lay beneath a rear wheel or the massive dual trailer rig, killed instantly. Laguna Beach school trustees will set the w heels in motion tonight for hiring a new assistant superintendent of instruction to replace Dr. Robert Reeves who resigned last week. 'Doc' Mmlow Leaves Laguna "We can't figure out how he got there, unless he was thrown through a window and slid across the pavem~nt right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. His ever-present cigar held at a jaunty angle, Lagunan Luther F ... Doc" Mallow, 86, said farewell M<>nday to friends, cronies and a town he's known for more than half a century. Doc MaJlow allowed as how the hoopla for him down at the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club "almost makes the tears come to my eyes." "Doc, the first time I saw you, you were smoking a cigar and by golly, it was at that same angle. r bet if you were to line up end to end all the cigars you've smoked in Laguna Beach why they'd stretch to Los Angeles, maybe back," club member Carl Waterbury 1a1d as well-wishers surrounded Mallow. Mallow thought 'about it, then suggested the "end to end" part wun 't right. • '1 think slde to side is closer,'' he said as the blue smoke from his While Owl swirled past the brim of biahat. The .day was Qne of re- miniscences and good natured jokes between the lawn boYilers. "The first time I came here, I Meany to Attack WASHINGTON CAP) -AFL- ClO President Georse Meany to- day characteri1ecl the Ford ad- miniatration '• economic p,.,.. cram as "• callCK.m cti9relard" tor the milllona ol ...employed. Meany complained tlalt. a.pke pronouncements by Admlnlstra· Uon economiat.a about the end ol the rece11lon, "the human re- cettion of unemployment .. will lut t.hrou1h the remainder ot the decM• unlea1 •t.rona action ii taken. saw Doc and I said to this fella standing by me, "Who's tbat old duffer over there?' Well, he told me, 'That old duffer will beat • your pants off any day or the week'," ·James Cavitt, club member said. Mallow came to Laguna Beach in 1924 when the population of the artist colony was about 450 and he opened the town's second drug store. . Doc Mallow recalled he didn't have the money to pay the freight for shipment of his belongings from Tex as to Southern Callfomia. He said be went to work selling bot dogs and by the time bis goods had arrived at the Irvine station, be bad the money for the $1685 bill. <See •ooc•, Page AZ> Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- vestigators he bad no chance to avoid the collision, an account supported, by several eyewit- nesses, according to written re- ports. He said he was rolling at 45 to 50 miles per hour, well within the 55 mile.per.hour posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which until · Monday afternoon bad no stop signs -when lliss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign beaded north on Jeffrey Road. "I saw her look to her right and then she just pulled out in front of me. I pulled to the lef\ and put on the brakes, and tried to get away (See COLLISION, Pa•e A%) The school board will meet at 7:30 p.m . in the Education Center, 550 Blumont St. Reeves announced his resigna- tion Friday. He starts work next Tuesday as superintendent of the Poway Unified School District in north San Diego County. He has been with the Laguna Beach dis- trict for seven years. Supt. Robert Sanchis will re- commend the board solicit ap- plications for the position. Top ap,plicants then ·would be in- terviewed by a·' committee and a recommendation made to the board. Also scheduled for tonight's meeting is a review of programs at the district's five schools as part of the board's overall study of the 5.3 million dollar budget. for fi5cal 1976. Co~ SllareholdBn Told of llo/D Jump B DOUGl.M nrrDCB£ tbe compny•a JOO.year history. Talking . to stockholder~, y °' ..... .,........ hrmiDI i9C9JIM iouled $1.7.8 W~ praised the company S mlllion compared to tbe $14.4 ·~~y "to take advantage of Despite t.be widely reported re-millloa reported ror tbe l9'73-74 rapidly sbil\ing martet demand al estate and construction in· fl.scat year. duriaa a period in wbich tlae na- duatl')' alu•T tbe past year, Even that level ol Income, l10ft and the real estate~~. the Irvine Y today to&d WaUoD .. Id did not make'-Q>the menl indwstry· are expenenclDI *'' b7t"ea UrDinlS we.... amoual tbe ComfMY ,_.ill &a· ecooomic dtmcull1es. ,, upllpereeat,...._,..,.... •• ila ,......._~·•·be TM compa117. wbidl Conlrob At the aaaual 8'ockhalden' aaid a~ =" 1 ... the •.OIO·aere lnt.e &wh, mu'~ID N....-.:t Blada. Com· low U.. com,.., to .. ._. owm 1'7111& ll ..-C•Gfu.elaed paaJ reslit•et Ra.ymon• unllllU1readytobecleveloped. inOne.seC~.Aalmll._.. Wataoa aald 1roH revenues Dlvtdenda on the 1.4 million otf for development, the com· climbed 21 per~ent o~ the put privately held sbarea In tbe com-pany retrenches part ot tbe eam- year from tee.a million to tr7.I pany were lncreHed for the i.nealnlnvestmeetproperty. million. etpth conaecutlw year to n La.It year the company spent Acri cultural operation• cents up from •lastyear. <See llEPOllT Pa1eA.2) bfoulht in the larcett ioc.ome 1'_ 1 , ' Service banning nude bathing by anyone older than 10 at the Cape Cod National Seashore. (Relatecl story, Pag~ A-12) A hearing on the suit, brought by nine persons and filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, is scheduled Wednesday. Tw'o nude bathers, Mark Warner, 54, of Sherman Oaks, Calif., and Evelyn Dixon, of Wellfleet, are to appear before a U.S . magi!itrate in South Wellfleet Wednesday on charges of violating the seashore regula· lions. They were the first to be charged after rangers handed out several warnings . Conviction could mean six months in jail and a $500 fine. The judge's 30-mile tour in four·wheel-drive vehicles in - cluded the center of Truro, parts of Wellfleet, and 15 miles of beach along the Atlantic Ocean. Among the beaches viewed was Head of the Meadow Beach, which has been suggested as a desigl)ated nude-bathing beach. The· touring party encountered about 200 bathers, all properly attired under clear, sunny skies. The park service has cracked down on nude bathing, citing traffic, crowds of voyeurs and destruction of the sand dune~. A-test Delayed PAHUTE MESA. Nev. <UPI> -Underground detonation of a ·megaton-class nuclear bomb was postponed today for 24 hours'. We a tller Mostly clolfdy through Wednesday but partly sun- ny in the afternoon with slig htly cooler tem· peratures. Highs 65-68 at the beaches and 68:72 over inland areas. I NSl8ETOa.4Y Wilnes1e1 who m«Mk U safe- ly to 'Thailand ttU of trJOSS atrocitie1 tn Cambodia, ~rformed cltiefl11 .~ former armjl mn. SIOfl. Pog.A4. •• M ,., .... ·~ SAN FRANCISCO AUoto'smoUontoranew <AP) -The 9th U.S. trial and granted a judg· Court of Appeals has ment to Cowles Com· l"Uled that San Francisco ·munJcaUons, tbol4gb the Mayor Joseph Alioto jury failed to arrive at a should get a nt!w trial in verdict on whether ,Jlis $12.S million libel suit malice was involved. ,against the publishers or "The judgment must Look Magazine. be reveried and the case It reversed Monday a remanded for a new trial Feb. 2, 1973 ruling by U.S. on the sole issue of actual J)istrict Court Judge malice,"saidtbecourt. Russell E . Smith of Mis· $0Ula, Moot. SMrrH RULED there was insufficient evidence SM I TH DEN I ED to prove malice in the THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane I• "Mommy, does Goldilocks belong in 'The Three Pigs' or 'The Three Bears'?" THE FIRST trial ended with a bung jury on May 15, 1970. A second trial ended Oct. 27. 1972 with only three of the 12 jurors believing the magazine acted with malice, although agreeing the article was false in some respects and h ad de· famed them ayor. The appeals court not· ed the FBI and California law enforcemeu,t authorities had been una· ble to corroborate an al· leged meeting between Alioto and several un· derworld figures at the Nut Tree Restaurant, as claimed in the Look arti· cle. They also were una- ble to corroborate other alleged r elations hips between Alioto and' or· ganized crime. N o Ban on Aerosols WASHING TON CU PI ) -The Cons umer Product Safely Com· mjssion bas decided against banning or restricting use of aerosol sprays, despite claims they pose a potential hazard to personal health and the at- mosphere. officials say. five comm 1ss1oners ii} a series of votes last week concluded the valve design issue was the major action they will take. Commission officials confirmed that report. Instead, officia ls said Monday, the commission will order the aerosol in· duslry to come up with a plan to make valves on the c;.i ns safer to prevent them from being ~prayed in the wrong direction. T HE COl\tMISSION has before it several petitions one under study for as Jong as two years -asking for action against aerosol s prays for re· asons ranging from risks to the user's lungs to possible decay or the earth's protective ozone layer from the pro- pellant gases used. One petition. from the Center for Science "in the Public Interest, sought a general warning against aerosol products for hea lth reasons. The group contended that the three billion cans of such products sold in the Unit- ed States every year pose problems by spewing Cine amounts of chemicals into the air. especially in confined s paces such as bathrooms. , Officially, the commission said Monday, it had not reached a final de· cision on the petitions and hoped lo eoon, perhaps by the end of this week. T H E NAT UR AL RESOU RCES Defense Council asked for a total ban on aerosol products corttaining fluorocarbon gases, principally Freon, because of the possibility that the ozone layer is being depleted by them. B UT A NEWSLETTE R, the Pr<Sduct Safety Letter , reported the A government task force recently reported that the ozone problem is a subject for real concern, adding that a thinning of the layer could cause in- creases in ultraviolet radiation from the sun and more cases of skin cancer. Ruling H it Drive-i11 Decision JACKSONVILLE, F1a. CU PI> -The councilman who introduced the ordinance banning nudie films on drive-in screens visi- ble from public pla~es said he would "pray" for the U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted Monday to make the law unconstitutional. ''I'm disappointed," said City Coun· cilman Joe Carlucci, who sponsored the or· dinance which was struck down by a vole of 6-3 Monday. "Filth seem s to prevail," he said. CARLUCCI, WHO SPONSORED the or· dinance which was passed by the City Council in J a nuary 1972 by a 17·2 vote, said it was not designed "to le~i:;late morality'' but to rid neighborhoods where drive-in theaters are ex· hi biting such films of a µubLic nuisance. About 2,000 residents of the Arlington area of Jacksonville signed a petition asking the mayor lo do som ething about the University Drive-in, where little children could watch ·'R " and '·X"·rated movies Crom their bedroom windows, accordjng to the petition. PERR Y REAVIS, DISfRICT manager of Eastern Federation Corp., whkh operates 11 movie theaters in Jacksonville, Orlando, Gainesville and Tallahassee, including the University Drive-in, said he was "very well pleased" with the court's decision. "We did feel a lJ along that the ordinance of the city of Jacksonville went a little behond normal bounds of protecting the innocent," Re avis said. ·'From a personal standpoint, l just do not believe in censorship. And, in ef. feet, that's what this was." R EAVIS SAID THE THEATER would continue to operate about 15 quartz lights located around the perimeter of the drive-in srounds, which serve to block the view of persons trying to look at the screen from out· side the theater. . "We will contmue to operate as a good neighbor an the community," be said," ... so that if we do have a movie that anyone in the ~munUy does object to they don't have to I ~: be offended by a<!cidentally looking at the . : .creen." ·"'> • The ordinance said it was UlegaJ for drive· lri U...ten to show movie scenes of "bare but· ..,.._,bare fem al br a ts or bare pubic areus l! thf!le can be viewed from public places." Newport Stude nt Speake r Shelly Wa g ner , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Trainer . 4570 Park N ew p o r l , N e w po r l Beach, was the student speak e r al th e Colorado's Women's College commencement. Ms. Wagner , who was editor of th e school newspaper, the Graphic, is pursuing a career in journalism. She has been accepted to the Radcliffe Pu blishing Cours e at Radcliffe College. She wa s al so a member of the student legislature for two years. Ms. Wagne r was pre- sented wit h a cl a ss service award by the senior class and an out· standV\g service award by the s tud ent legislature. ~25 Coast Graduates Get D e gree Twenty.five Orange Coast area r esidents were recently awarded degrees from West Coast University io Los Angeles. Receiving master of science degrees were: Cost• Mew -Jtck A. Frtftle •nd Larry H. Aenoer ; ic.utlltln V•ll•y MIChMI Bor•l D 0.-is.Jotwtllllfl, Pt11I 0. $t!Mln0n•nd EMKI Woodroof, HunClnQton e .. ch -0..,10 Fr...co, <:Ari LAnttrm•n. Vl,tor Men.ty.wl, AoNltO O•Unotnd Ger•ld P'lper. Irvine -Roberl '" O.nll.tm, ,,.,4'f Al U"1M, OIC:lt s I.in, Aoben J . Mil .... a<ICSJ#nffA RIPIO, ~N10~1 St•nl0f'05t«~ . l!!IToro JoMGol~rO,Jr 'WeslmoMttr r rtoeflO C.r!wln lltt•1v1no llt<ll•IOt •I \C1t1Ke die11'"" -, •. Goshi MeM Erno! .klnn'IOll, Jr, KIWKl<lndttnO l'rt4MO\ll(lt ~ e .. cll JtfOIO Hol1"'4111 MCISttptwnP L .. r;•nd, Huntington l••<ll -Ant11ony L., ____ ,... __ ..;.. ____________ _. Ponull•. •• // "psychotic with paranoidtenden· des." AFTER INT,iiftVIEWI NG Ruppert three times, as recently as Sunday, Mechanick said it was bit opinion Ruppert was not taking the mental prOblems. ''Even a well-trained ·psychiatrist could not simulate this," he testified. · Mechal)ick said Ruppert has .been paranoid for 10 years but. l:>ecause he believed he was the target of a conspiracy, he did not tell anyone of the rpental illness. · · "The nature of his illness was such that everyone was sus4 pect," said the psychiatrist. Get set for summer driving with the General Tire of your choice .•• VALUE PRICED! 80 FOR· The Genera l J et-Air R III V•lue size 6.50-13 tubeless blackwall. plus$1.77 • Federal Excise Tax per tire. Value Size Price F.E.T. Size Price F.E.T. . Get set for holiday driving ... Buy 4 for the 4th! The General Jet·Air Ill features strong four-ply construction, long mileage Duragen~ Tread Rubber, and famous twin-tread design. A great tire for vacation trips, or around-town driving. 6.50-13 4 for $63.80 $1.77 5.60·15 4 for $75.80 $1.79 Charge it at General We also honor • Master Charge • BankAmericard 7.00-13 C78-14 E78-14 F78-14 G78-14 H78-14 4 for$ 75.80 $2.00 F78·15 4 for$ 87.80 $2.45 4 for $ 79.80 $2.04 G78·15 4 for$ 95.80 $2.60 4 for$ 83.80 $2.27 H78·15 4 for $103.80 $2.83 4 for$ 91.80 $2.40 L78·t5· 4 for $131.80 $3.11 4 for $ 95.80 $2.56 •Available in 4 for $103.80 $2.77 whitewall only. Whitewalls $2 to$4 more per lire. SAVE! SAVE! $tt·to $17 Fantastic Price! $ .95 SllH llSS .. 13, 2 1US,.14 a 155S,.15 $ 95 , Tu1>e1e11 blackwall. ms models ot Plus it 83 Sunbeam, AuO•. Toyo11, 70, '1.94 Pofsche 1n0 more• F E.T. Tul>elHt l>lackw1ll. Sia 1'58"115 $2895 Off Regular Low Pri ce Per Tire Depending On Size Ftll models ot MG, PIF.UES.r..'2 04 Porsch•. Saab. 11_ 1158,.12 • Triumoh anci mo••' 14U fUJ 1111,,-H·,-15"'!'51111s ..... 1-a·.--------- T11bel•u bl1Ckwall. 1659,.14 $2695 Plu• "·'8 or 11 48 Tul>elH& blac:kwoll FE T. F111 model• oJ Aud• 0 Pl 1 u 1 1 1 .s 7 1 0 e3 Fits models of: Datsun. Fiat. Honda and morel Qpot, Trtumoh, Toyota lnO mofel F.E.T, The General Sprint-Jet Join the Jet Set with General's Sprint.Jet Radial. Available in most import sizes, and designed to meet the special requir.ements of foreign made passenger cars. A deep, five-rib tread gives long mileage. white hundreds of traction sipes add positive traction on wet or dry pavements. SIH 1751Rl4 Tubeleas l>lackwall. Flis models ot. Mtr<lOdH, Peugol, Tovote encl more• 111•11u,.1s $3395 lllO.l•u 1>11ckw11f Fiia models ot Curoen. Plus 12.34 J1ou1s. Triumpll. F.E T, Pof&ehe Incl tn<>fel H \I:'\ 0 II CK. Shr>uld our ~111>1>1~ ol M>nw siLes or lines run i.l'w>n during this f\.'l'll4. V.'t' v.ill honor any ordtn piked now rcw future drflvfty &t tht' ad>.-enised price, ,,,, .... ····-tf '4..,• r SIMt c..i•..-. ,.< ... ...... .-.... 111 f11Jllp••1 IU c. ....... · Don Swedlund Inc. .................. 2855 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa COAST riNERAl TIRE PhoM 540-5710 646-5033 -------• ~neror lat~ you11 own Generals ·• _____ .__. ) . - It \ ,, I I! ' ---.... ..., ~· :vol. 68, NO. 17S, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1975 Tetlay'a a .. .._ N.Y.Sieeka ·TEN CENTS !B~w Ari Pageant WDrks It~ ders . By JACK CHAPPELL 0t-.D.111r,.. ... suet Tbe Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach has succeeded in doJng what every mother of $'ery 9-year·old boy knows is im- ;possible -gotten the bundle of s nips, snails and puppy doc tails .to stand still, very sWl. Just how that and other small miracles are accomplished was rnealed Monday in a sneak pre- view of the 1975 Pageant of the Masters fot members of the news media. More than 300 members of the prea1 and broadcasting media were allowm backs~e and into the makeup and wardrObe section ... as models for lbefamoua "liv· • ingpictu~" were readied. The pageant is a depiction of famous art works using real peo· pie as the subjects of the art. The life.size presentations are dis- played with background music and lnformaUve narration on the stage of the Irvine Bowl Am- phitheater. This year the pageant and the Festival of Arts run from July 11 through Aug. 24. Mark Armstrong, 9, or Costa Mesa is a figure in the im- pressionistic painting "Raetihi" by Peter Mcintyre. Faces dabbed with makeup, wearing still painted costumes, Mark and two other models are fitted into the bacicground set for the paint- ing. There under special lighlillg designed to make the three dimensional set and figures look fiat, be and the.other models will hold, remain frozen in place their for a minute and a-half performance before 2,600 persons ni&btly attending the Paaeant. <See PAGEANT, Pate A2) :Driver . iD FBtal Van . . 6iraslt Faee~r Charges Hart New a ollege Official Dr. ~4lw11d A. Hart Monday night WH h~#'8SSistant to Saddle~ Collele Superinten· dent R rt Lombardi, but not before tiustees lopped $1,500 off his proped salary. The new ad minis tratOr, formerly with Chabot Communi-• ty College in Northern California will assist Dr. Lom- bardi with the college's lon~- range planning. He will be paid $33,000 a year. . Hart's employment appeared ·to be in doubt until trustees set- tled their differences about his salary in executive session. Earlier, Trustee Donna Berry asked that· the position, though previously approved by board action, be stricken because of the salary recommended by Lom- bardi. Mrs. Berry cited the need to shave the district's budget by another $165,000 and suggested this was J good place to start, ac· <'Ording to a spokesman for the college. Her motion to dispense with Lombardi's uai9tant was de- ad.IMlced by a 1-3 vote. A subse· q.eat motion to hire him was similarly deadlO<'ked. His salary settled in executive session, the board reconvened to .a public meeting and hired Hart on a 4·2 vote. Mrs. Berry and board Chairman Robert Bartholomew voted against the measure. &!beduled to assume his new position July l, Hart will be as- signed several specific projects, among them the drafting of the college district's five and 10-year educational plans. He wlll also be responsible for the planning of the Saddleback district '1 fut ure Tustin· Irvine campua, updating personnel files and policies, assisting architects with the planning of new f acililies, and the development of occUJ)atJon~ and vocational pro- arams. Hart served in several ad- mlnis tr alive capacities at. (See HAllT, Pap AZ> Senate Okays $3.8 Million For Bay Buy SACRAMENTO -The state Senat-e unanimously approved a bill Monday giving the state Department of Fish and Game $3.8 m11lion to acquire about 700 acr~s of Upper Newport Bay wetlands for a wildlife preserve. The measure, SB 388 authored by Sen. Dennis Carpenter <R- Newport Beach), now goes to the Assembly for action. Under tbe Carpenter bill, the $3.8· mlUlon purchase price wm come from the $4.5 million settle· ment the stale received for damages caused by the 1989 San· ta Barbara oil 1pill. · Carpenter said hl1 bill is part Of tbe plan to settle a lengthy dls· pute between Oran1• CCJunty and \he l rvine Company over ownenhlp and development. oC Upper Newport Bay. 1be plan was arrived at several months •10 followlna neaotiatlons spearheaded by the state Depart- ment ol Fi.lb and Game. ~lly Pllet ....... -· J•<ll ~ GOOD BYE, DOC -Jesse Riddle, 92-year-old former Laguna Beach mayor (standing ) says goodby to his younger friend, also a former Laguna Beach mayor, Luther F . "Doc" Mallow, 87, who is moving away. Farewell party was hosted by Mallow's friends at the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club. Be'S MoVin' On 'Doc' McilWw Leaves Laguna His ever-present cigar held at a jaunty angle, Lagunan Luther F . "Doc" Mallow, 86, said farewell Monday to friends, cronies and a town he's known for more than half a century. Doc Mallow allowed as how the hoopla for him down al the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club "almost makes the tears come to my eyes.'' "Doc, the first time I saw you, you were smoking a cigar and by golly. it was at that same angle. I bet if y-0u were to line up end lo end all the cigars you've smoked in Laguna Beach why they'd stretch to Los Angeles, maybe back," c l ub member Carl Waterbury tald as well-wishers surrounded Mallow. saw Doc and I said to this feUa standing by me, 'Who's that old duffer over there?' Well, he told me, 'That old duffer will beat • your pants off any day of the week'," ·James Cavitt, club member said. Mallow came to Laguna Beach in 1924 when the population of the artist colony was about 450 and be opened the town's second drug store. . Doc Mallow recalled he didn't have the money to pay tbe freight for shipment of his belongings from Tex as to Souther,1} California. He said be went to work selling hot dogs and by the time his goods bad arrived al the Irvine station, be had the money for the $685 bill. <See 'DOC', Page A%) Boy Dead, One Blind In Irvine By ARTHUR R. VINSEL • OUM Dallr rlleta..tf Manslaughter charges will be sought against the driver of a day camp mini· bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday, leaving one little boy dead, a second blinded, and the driver h~self and nine other children injured. Police said today they will pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District At- torney's Office in about a week, seeking a complaint against tbe ...... Carolyn ,\>. Conners, 23, a 2~ year empldye or Rouah Riders l)ay Camp in Foamtain V~ley, is under care at TusUn Community llospital, in fair condition with multiple injuries. Miss Conners, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by J a m es E . Bartley, 45, of Diamond Bar. BarUey was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were nung out rear doors and windows oC the shat- tered van, flopping to the pave- ment like rag dolls. "It was real strange," said one or the first policemen lo reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mos tly si lence, everybody shocked and not moving." LitUe John Henry Ramming, 6, of 3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, lay beneath a r ear wheel of the massive dual trailer rig, killed instanUy. "We can't figure out how he got there, unless he was thrown through a window and slid across the pavem~nt right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- vestigators he had no chance lo avoid the collision, an account supported, by several eyewit- nesses, according to written re- ports. He said he was rolling at 45 to 50 miles per hour, well within the 55 mile-per.hour posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which until Monday afternoon bad no stop signs -when Mis s Conner stopped her van for a stop sign Headed north on J effrey Road. "J saw her look to her right and then she just pulled out in front or me. I pulled to the left and put on the brakes, and tried to get away (See COLLISION, Page A.2) Dally Pilot Pllote by ltl<Mrd ICoelller HE'S A PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is part of an oil paintlng in this summer 's Pageant of the Masters to be presented in Laguna's Irvine Bowl. A~di tional pictures on Page A3 show how it's done. Judge Takes Tour Of Nudist -Beach ·· TRURO, Mass. (AP) -The skinny-dippers were missing, but the beaches they favor were in plain view under a hot sun for touring U.S. Dis trict Court Judge Frank R. Freedman, court of- ficials, attorneys and others. The official visit was made Monday in connection with a suit seeking to overturn new regula· tions by the National Park Laguna&ard Stiulies Hiring ·Administrator Laguna Beach school trustees will set the wheels in motion tonight for hiring a new assistant superintendent of instruction to replace Dr. Robert Reeves who r esigned last week. The school board will meet at 7:30 p .m. in the Education Center, 550 BlumontSt. Reeves announced his resigna- tion Friday. Re starts work next Tuesday as superintendent or the Poway Unified School District in north San Diego County. He has been with the Laguna Beach dis- trict for seven years. Supt. Robert Sanchis will re- commend the board solicit ap- plications tor the position. Top applicants the n ·would be in- terviewed by a committee and a recommendation made to the board. Also scheduled for tonight's meeting is a review of programs at the district's five schools as part of the board's overall study of the S.3 million dollu budget for fiscal 1976. Service banning nude bathing by anyone older than JO at the Cape Cod National Seashore. (Related story, PageA-12) A hearing on the suit, brought by nine persons and filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, is scheduled Wednesday. Two nude bathers, Ma rk Warner, 54, of Sherman Oaks, Calif.. and Evelyn Dixon. of WeUfleet, are to appear before a U .S . m agilit rate in South Wellfleet Wednesday on charges of violating the seashore regula- lions. They were the first to be charged after rangers handed out several warnings . Conviction could mean s ix months in jail and a $.500 fine. The judge's 30-mile tour in fo ur·wheel-drive vehicles in- cluded the center or Truro, parts of Wellfleet , and 15 miles or beach along the Atlantic Ocean. Among the beaches viewed was Head of the Meadow Beach, which has been suggested as a designated nude·bathing beach. The touring party encountered about 200 bathers, all properly attired under clear, sunny skies. The park service has cracked down on nude bathing, citing traffic, crowds of voyeurs and destruction of the sand dunes. A-test D elayed PAHUTE MESA. 'Nev. <UPI> -Underground detonation of a ·megaton-class nuclear bomb was postponed today for 24 hours. ~:a:·· Weatller Mallow thought 'about it, then suggested the .. end to end" part wasn't right. ·"l think side to side is ctoser," he said as the blue smoke from his White Owl swirled past the brim of bis hat. The .day was one of Te- miniacences and food natured jokes between the lawn bowlers. lnhi.e Earnings Climb MosUy clolfdy through Wednesday but partly sun- ny in the afternoon with slightly cooler tem· peratures. Highs 65-68 at tile beaches and 68·72 over inland areas. "The first lime I came here, I Me any to Attack WASHINGTON (AP) -AFL- CIO President Georse Meany to- day characterized the Ford ed- ministration 's economic prv- aram as "• callOUI di9relarcl" for the mlWona of unemployed. Meany complained Uaat, delpke pronouncement.I by AdmlnitU'a· lion economists about the end ol the recession, "the human re- ce11ion of unemployment" will lut tbrot11h the remainder of tbe deude unleas 1tron1 1ctlon ls taken. Company Shareholders Told of llo/t> Jump By DOUGLAS F1U'l'ISCll£ CM ........... ... Despite tbe widely reported re- al estate and eonstniction in· dusll')' 1lump over the past year, the Irvine Com,.ny today told 1lllrnhid .... Ml umlngs were up 11 percent tr* a.&y..r. At Ute annual 9*ockholden' ..,....,,... Newport Beach, eo .. pany resident Raymond Watson aeid aroas revenues climbed 2e percent over the past yHr from $69.8 mUllon to '87.1 million. A1rlcultural operations brouthl Jn the largest income 11' I the ~pany'1 too.year tmtory. Farmhi1 ineome totaled $17.8 mUUon compared to lbe $14.4 million reported fot" the lfTS.7' fiscal year. Even that level of income, Wit.son 1ald, did not mab up the alDOWlll Ule compaa, '919 iD Wt-••JU ,.,...... .. JU•, be said, a~ Q" • low the COIDP9Q to ....... uot1l it ls ready to bl developed. Dividends on tbe 8.t mllllon privately beld 1hara in the com- pany were Increased for the eilbth conaecuUve year to 12 cent., up from et last year. Talkinc to stockholders, Wat.Ion praised the company's ability "to take advantage of rapidly sbiflin• manet demand duriq a period in wb6ch tM na- tion and the real estate develop. menl indwttry· are QPel"lendq" ttGDOIDle cllltlculti8 •. , Tiie ffmp&Q. wbidt Coaan>ls the •.-..acre I...._ Ra8dl, -...111111U-c•fl .. lal1Cl lnOnnceCo q. 8111• ott f « development. the com- pany tttrencbes part ol tJle Ml'll· inft ln lnvestmelM Pl'Cl*1.J. Lut year the compaQ)' spent <Bee aBPOllT, hs•Al) IN8DtE TODAY Wmwu.1 who mode it safe- 111 CO 'f'laailanc:I tell of moss <itrocUiu in C4mbodia, perfOt'Waff c1aiefl11 .OQG&ut /Of"lftn' •rm11 men. Storr, a,..;,tf. ...... ::: •1 a --~ .... ( ~· i ) L/SC Child Center ,,...P.,,eAJ ~COLLISION from ber' but it Just dktla'l do~ IOCJd," beaald. Hotly Debated . City oC lrvbie offldaJ11 Wbo have pJ'moualy been aaked for such cont.roll, placed stop a...,. at the Jeffrey Road croe:;s~ Bar· ranca Road, plus a fl HU• tionllaht. within a fowhours. Hospital Service Pushed By F8EDE&ICK SOIODIEHL Of .... DAllV~ ...... BJ aVDI NIEDZID.8ICI ot .. 0.11,,...., ... ·Backers or a day care center at &addleback College skirmished for more lban an hour wilb resi- dents complaining about higher taxes Monday night before t.rusteel reached a compromise on lbe controversial proposal. have been •mall, thOHP"Jtestinl the e$tabli1bment ol the $165,000 · center for pre.school children said taxes for special purposes have a tendency to mount. Motorists who came upon the tcene and conatruc&Joo W«ken ln the undeveloped area of tomato flelda and oranre SNV• lmmec:llately stopped to offer what help they couJd when the accident occurred. Tbe clty of L•IUll• Beach ls belns a1ked to partldpate in a South Coaat emerfency medical care program that &0me local olficials a11ert wm not benefit the city. The board, by a 4·2 vote, agreed to search through its budget ror fu:ods to operate the center rather than imposing a 1.5-cent addi- tiooal tax levy. Higher taxes were the main is- sue .or the emotionally charged session, attended by an overflow crowd of a bout so persons. Th~ugh the increase would F,..• P-.e AJ 'DOC' •.. Mallow went right on making ·money. He was among the foun-· ders or Laguna Federal Savings and Loan and until the first of the year was chairman ottbe board. Mallow was on the City Council from 1934 to 1938 and was mayor the last two years of the term. A painting or that old council bangs in the city hall and it shows ~allow, cigar fuming away, sit- tinll? at the bead of the council. The Mallow tenure prompted Vice .Mayor Phyllis Sweeney to as k ir be bad any advice for today's council. .. There's a lot of things I can tell you but I don't think any of it would sound too good," Mallow said. "The council has been a little erroneous the last few years. "A~~thlng you can do to pacify the c1tuens would be appreciat- ed," he added. Members of the Lawn Bowling Club hailed Mallow as the grandfather of the organization. He and several other sup- porters which included Municipal Judge C.C. Cravath started the club in 1930. In 1931 the first green opened. Judge Cravath was said to have sentenced able-bodied law violators to several days of pick cmd shovel work on the greens. Later stone masons who chanced afoul of the law were apt to find themselves working on the stone wall which s upports the number two green, Cavitt recalled. . Until two years ago, Mallow bowled on the greens, an activity he credited for extending the lives of himself and others. Ted Kennedy Story Upheld . On Drowning NEW YORK CUPI) -Sen. FA:lward M. Kennedy (D·Mass.), told "the absolute trutb0 about the 1969 Chappaquiddick auto ac- cident in whi c h Mary J o Kopechne was killed the Na- tional Enquirer repo~. The n ews paper said that Charles R. McQuiston, "a former top U.S. intelligence expert," used a p s ychological stress evaluator, or "truth detector," to scan statements Kennedy made in a nationally televised state- ment July 25, 1969, a week after the accident. "I'm thoroughly convinced Kennedy told the truth about Chappaquiddick. There's no doubt about it," McQuiston told the Enquirer. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed ,...,.Hlent •nd Pu4111_, .Jack R. Curley \!lo""-! .... ,.,., c;e,,.. .. Ml- Thom as Keevll Editor Thomas A. Murphine M.,,.9l1>Q Editor USC Charles H l oos Richard P. Nall A\\l\l•nl M•.,.01119 Editor~ Laguna Beach Office lllN~•tSl-1 1oUlll119 Addrtn : P.O. 8o• "6, m u OtNr Oftlc.et C..M litlleM J>O W." a., \"9 .. ...._, 9Hcll. J))l He._, ......... ., Munff ..... eHC" lllH llt•~ ewo...,4 ..... M<lll V•llO JUOI LA ... ,,._ •• iM o~ t ,_., Te..,..•M (714) '42~1 Clnllta.. Advfr11sint MN671 ~ ... <II All De.-.r1rMnt1: But their feellng was aummed up by Tustin ·resident Pat Hart wbo commented, "Anytime YoU can do it by staying in your budget, it's tine as long as you don't raise our taxes ... That was the solution Trustee Patrick Backus bad in mind as be won support for bJa mot.iontotake funds for the day care center out of the district's operating budiet rather than levying a penniuive override. · However, Supt. Robert Lom· bardi and dissenting trustees James Marshall and Norrisa Brandt offered little hope that the money could actually be ap- propriated in view ot the fact that the district's budget had already beeo slashed by nearly $1 million. "I just don't thb,)k there is this kind of money available," said Dr. Lombardi who pointed. out that the college's departmental budgets had been pared to the limit and it was unlikely division chairmen would surrender any of their funds for the program. But Backus countered by say- ing,. "Something bas to suffer if you're going to h ave something else." After the meeting he declared his intent to shave other appropriations even further to support the center. The trustee further pointed out that if the college manages to rund the center out of its own budget it woufd retain complete conU:o1 overthefacility. · As the proposal was presented the day care center was to hav~ been operated by the county Department of Education in a cooperative venture with the col· lege. The county schools office would h ave· levied the tax in- crease in behalf of Saddleback College. While day care center backers stressed the need to provide stu- dent mothers with a place to drop off their children, their opponents argued that it ¥£as the college's duty to provide education and not' babysitting services. · Private nursery schools and parent co-ops were suggested as alternatives but Dean of Students Jack Swartzbaugh pointed out that local nursery schools are saturated and have waiting lists. Saddlehack To Hire New Cage Coad. Trustees of the Saddleback Col~ege District rebounded from t~e1r earlier position Monday rught and agreed to hire a basket- ball coach for the Gauchos after all. ,UOard members , who bounced th~ idea of a coach earlier this rnont_h, voted 6-0 to create the full·time position in a surprise turnabout. The item was brought back on the agenda by Trustee Donna Berry who initially helped defeat the proposal. Mrs. Berry said she ~ad received new information to JUStif y the hiring of a coach. Although the nature of that in· for~ation was never disclosed publicly, ·a spokesman for the college said physical education department st aff members had put together a comprehensive package for the board. The coach, when hired, will fill the vacancy left by Roy Stevens who resigned coaching duties in May to return to full-time teaching. His salary will be based on the college's wage schedule for in- struc~ors plus a 10 percent coaching bonus. Cyclist Slams Into Window, Badly Injured A 22-year-old Westminster man was described in critical condition today after be drove his motorcycle through an eight by 10.foot plate Jlu1 window. Police said Russell Leroy Ellie, 22, ot 14881 Sten gal St., appeared to have a severed jugular vein and cartoUd artery when olncers found him lying about 15 feet in· aide a store . .................... DIAGRAM TRACES MONDAY'S FATAL CRASH IN IRVINE Vl!n Lett Stop on Jeffrey; Truck Waa on Barranca A Noble Act Prince.Averts an Ereful LONDON (UPI) -Prince Charles knew there would be moments like this. There, right before the future king's eyes was ac- tres.s Sus.an J:lampshire in a dress that left nothing to the 1magmabon. He mustered all the royal courage at his com-mand. . "My father told me if I ever met a lady in a dress lik~ yours, I must look her straight in the eyes " Pl'~ce Charles told Miss Hampshire Monday night adding: ' :·otherwis~, someone might take a photograph of f!le m what might appear to be a compromising at-titude." . The blonde actress helped the prince out of his dilemma by cupping her hands over the most exposed extremities. He laughed. It happened at a reception at the Theater Royal across the way from the royal family's suburban cas: tle. Fro•PageAI PAGEANT ••• Mark said he found holding still wasn't all that hard but that his leg -set at ,an u'nnatural angle to match the leg of the sub- ject in the painting -gets tired. Standing still, not blinking and s tage fright are only some of the traditional perils facing model- entertainers of the pageant. A story making the rounds tells of the year a pigeon alighted on a woman modeling as a nude statue. To her credit, the model held still while the bird surveyed the makeup room's handicraft .... The volunteer models· for the works are selected from hun- dreds of people who each spring audition for parts. They are photographed and their measurements taken by the pageant st arr. Later the models ar~ ~alched with the subjects in pamtmgs. This year there are two com- plete casts of 162 persons, Direc- tor Don Williamson said. Many more volunteers work backstale or below stage in costuming, makeup and headdressing. The two casts usually alternate every week. This year there will be 28 pre- sentations including 41 works. The works include paintings statues, and objects of art. ' This is the 40th Pageant of the Masters, originally started in 1933 to draw art buyers to Laguna Beach and promote the parent Festival of Arts, the summer art exhibition by Laguna Artists. Group Asked ToEyeCUSD Budget Cuts Capistrano Unified School Dis· trict trustees were urged Monday night to form a joint committee to study budget cuts that would ~reate money to pay for salary increases. Board members generally seemed to favor tbe idea, but a defmite decision on the matter is not expected until after next Tuesday. That will be the first day of work for Dr. J erome Thornsley, the district's new superinten- dent. The school board and the dis· trict's employes have been· wrangling over demands for salary increases of up to 20 per- cent for several months. Several teachers picketed a board meet- ing June 16 to impress their de- mands on trustees. The request for a joint commit- t~e was made by Tony Leon, pre-· s1dent or the Capistrano Unified Educator~ Association, a group representing the majority of the district's teachers. He said the committee should be made up of employe represen- tatives, school principals; and district administrators, includ- ing Thornsley. Board members indicated the committee could review various budget cuts proposed by its employe groups. ''I tried to help tbedrlveroftho van," said Fernle M. Miranda, of Santa Ana, " .•. and then I pulled the little kid'• head out lrom under the truck wbeela." Miranda, riding with a friend, said be saw smoke boll from the brake• of the 'skldc:Ung truck ahead well before the explosive colliBion, noting it veered to lbe left. Other witnesses beard the thundering crash but saw nothing of the impact .. The children, aged 6to10 years· old, were taken to both Santa Ana·TusUn Community Hospital and Tustin Community Hospital after first aid at the scene. The Ramming boy was pro- nounced dead at the scene by a young doctor based at nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station who was summoned to the nearby scene to help. Three victims including Mias Conner remained under care to- day at Tustin Community Hospital, one child the son of a Santa Ana police officer. Three others are al Santa Ana· Tustin Community Hospital, in· chld.ing Mark Hilgeman, 6, of 4331 Wlntersweet Way, Irvine, whose brother was.not as badly hurt. Hospital officials confirm that Mark suff~red a severe con· cussion and is blind as a result, but that it is too early to tell if it will be permanent. California Highway Patrol of. !icers inspected both the destroyed van a nd the heavily damaied Sully-Miller Contract· ing Company gravel tru«* Mon- day for any mechanical defects. School buses are routinely in- spected by CHP officers, who are always responsible for ln- vestig.ating any accident involv- ing a school even if it is not on a state highway. Costa Mesa Police Lt. Regan noted today, however, that the Rough Riders Day Camp vehicle, one of several it operates, does not qualify as a school bus. "If it isn't yellow, it isn't a school bus. This one is just a privately owned van with a name on the side," he said. Children riding in the van were en route to a Rough Riders out- door recreation facility near San- tiago Park at the base of the San- ta Ana Mountains. Parents with children enrolled at the day camp immediately flooded the police department with calls when they learned of the tragedy over the radio. Names of victims were not r e- leased until their parents had been notified individually. Lippizans Killed UlNTAH, Utah <UPI} -A truck carrying famous Royal Lippizan -stallions crashed and burned Monday near the mouth · of Weber Canyon. killing the driver and several horses. The Utah Highway Patrol said the truck, one of two carrying the world famous stallions to a fair in Boise, Idaho, r olled over and burned after coming out or the canyon. Tbe propos.al, backed by aides to Thomas Rlley, county fifth dlltrlct. 1uperv1aor, calls tor the city to pay $11250 per month toward tbe cosi of contractlng for an emergency-only a111 - bulance at South Coast Coln- munity Hospital. The county would pay a similar share. The ambulance would be manned by two persons with basic emergency medical train· ing. It would be dispatcb4'd to emergencies ih Laguna Bead!, South Laguna, Laguna Nipel and a portion ol Dana Point. Amoulance crew members would provide basic emergency treatment on the scene. They would transport only crtUcally ill or injured persons to the hospital. AU others would be transported to the hospital by back up ambulances stationed in the Saddleback Valley 10 miles away. The proposed contractor is Hospital Ambulance ,which cur- rently provides ambulance service in Laguna Beach. Ambulance company officials propose to transfer their Laguna Beach-based ambulance to South Coast Hospital if the emergency service is approved by the city and county. ''But if it's based at the hospital, it will increase the time for the ambulance to get lo Laguna Beach," said Coun· cilman Jon Brand, a member or a study committee that has been working on the proposal. There is also the problem or less than critically injured persons being forced to wait for an out of city ambulance to transport them to the hospital Brand said. ' He said efforts are being made to improve the proposed coverage with ambulance com- pany officials. Fire Chief Charles Kuhn bas raised other concerns in a memorandum to City Manager Al Theal. He pointed out that city firemen now respond to all emergency calls within the city and provide the same level of e mergency care· as would be provided by the ambulance at- tendants. . Kuhn also objects to a sugges- tion that the city would handle dispatching · of the emergency ambulance and the proJj<)sed 50·50 cost split with the county "The City of Laguna Bea~h ~II not receive any benefit at all from this proposal ••• This proposal seems to be aimed at helping the south county area at our expense,'• Kuhn concluded. . Anne Christian, a Riley aide said s he will continue to work t~ develop a program that is ac- ceptable to both tbe city and county. She said she would like a pro- gram adopted soon because summer, with it's attendant in- crease in emergency calls is here. . · ' Any service funded by the ci· ty and county, she said, would be replaced in September 1976 when the county places a full- ti me paramedic team in the south coast region. It has been an annual event ex- cept for the war years of 1942 through 1944. The pageant has been sold out every year for the l~l 15 years although returned tickets are sometime& available at the box office before show time each night. IT'S ALWAYS WHAT .IT SEAMS More than 100,000 persons are ~pected to see the pageant dur- mg its run this year. An estimat- ed 250,00 wiU visit the Festival of Arts. Fre•PageAJ REPORT ••• $11 million in construcUon costs adding to ita Investments thr~ apartment complexes, a high. rise office building, a shopping center and about 200,000 square feet or industrial buildings which are leased to firms. A majority Of Irvine Company 11tock, 53.4 percent, is held by the non·proflt James Irvine Founda- lloo, which distributes a portion ot lu earnings to charitable or- Janlzallona. Under the mandate of a federal tax reform law, the fou.ndalioo ts t.ryinr to HU its stock to Mobil 00. The aale ls beJn1 blocked by court suits contendina that the JU a share price ls toofow. p.._p-AJ "Th~re is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almos t every skilled profession sees this. . The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot·melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks. include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing, and if the secondary backing has any tendency to work loose from the primary backing, there is nothing to hold the ~arpet together. Also, operating temperature of the Iron is critical, and If the iron 1s too hot or t?o cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. Cleaning ~ses the ultimate test to this type of seam, and we have been called innumerable times to repair someone else's. seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock In thise stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and primary backings. I N~turally, sewing takes longer, but our fine Installations have been a meJor factor an our growth through fifteen years In Costa Mesa. DEN'S T•._...M49Ht66 ., ... ~-.... • 4tJ.06.JI t-nrlt llt. tOS Or•., .. c;..a,1 ,._,.._,,., They saJd witneues told them Elu. Jeft a nearby bar at Spr· ingdale Street and Warner Avrnue, about2 a.m .. Jumpedon~ to h1a cycle, then drove across the parking lot into tbe window. He was taken to HunUngton Jn- teroommunlty Hospital, then tnnsrerred to Oran1e County MedicaJ Center. HART .••. : iiisiB11at1aii: ·custolfl drapsriss '-"' ,.. ..... -.....-............. "'. M•IHt ., ff~enU.01!14flll M ttlft M•f N r•,..~HI •It,... "411Kl•t _.'"'"''•" of ~ .... ,.. SK...-"•It ........ ....., •I C."11 Mt .. , c:..1...., ... ....,..,._..,u,,,., Q.•-1111; ..,_ .. M.•-""'" .,..,_,,-..x_ .......... ..... ,. Police said be bad .. severe ln· Juries," lnc1udln1 f aCff and neck JaceraUons • Chabot. most recently u special 1111lltant to tbe 1upertntendent. Amons ha accornpllatuneatt at Ch1bot waa the eltabl••bmmt ol a '1 mtlUon computer fadlity, Saddleback olficlats said. . . • • : UC. NO. 2304n 1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA. CALI,. 92627 • PHON! 6A6·4831 -646·235' ' > • DAIL. y Pit.OT A J I " 0 a11l:11f lo1t T uesday's Clo aing Prices NEW . . YORK', STOCK Ye~'~ wp.Low1 AppUr £yery Saturday EXCHANGE f Offers · Settlement By SYLVIA PORTEB (FlntltJoSniesJ • Case History: ln p~paraUon tor his "annual aprioe a ale.·~ Mr. M. placed ear(y orders wilb a carpet mill to take )ldnntage of then cu.rrentlowpric:es. a As Ume wore on, though, It became apparent that de· r.:, veries from lhe mill were not meeting the spedlied contract schedule. Tbe 'mill claimed production dilllculUes, but Mr. M . suspected the real rcuon was that market price~ on carpet yardoao had gone up since he pJ aced bis or. d.er, and that the mill was giving pref erencc to .orders pluced later at JUgberpriccs. Money's Worth An' impartial arbitrator, tamillu wlth both the :manufacturing and retail ends of the carpel industry, was selected by mutual agreement. After heanng both sides. the arbitrator directed the mill to Cul/ell its contract with the re- tailer to its maximum ability, effective at once. Mr. M. had "profitable s pring sale. Case History: The s hop of a New England dealer in ear] Jy American antiques was burglanzed while he was on vacatlon.-The dealer was comparatively cal m about the ' loss. however : he was insured. But the insurance company contested his claim, arguing lhc dealer had overestimated the value oflhe antiques. BOTH PARTI ES FELT their case would fare better if submitted to arbitration and judged by experienced ap· praisers r ather than in a court. Three experts on "Early Amen cana" were selected from the Amencan Arbitration Assn. 's panel or arbitrators. Aller much work~ the three arbitrators made their estimates ~eparateJy -and thell' estimates were within a rew dollars of each other on every piece. The award was short of the dealer's claim but above the estimate of the insurer. Case History: A farmers' cooperative had shipped crates of chickens to market via a railroad along with special reed -in expectation that when the birds reached their destination, they would have laid $617 worth or eggs. But the railroad seni the chickens in one direction, the feed in another . To keep the birds alive, they were fed ordm~ry feed grains. Egg production dropped and the cooperative ended up with a Joss of $127.57. THE ONLY QUESTION was whether the railroad bad been notified to keep chickens and feed together. A!ter re- ceivmg bnefs from both sides, the arbitrator decided m favor of the cooperative and the raiJroad was directed to pay the co-op for the lost egg output Next year, the Amencan Arbitration Association, a non-profit organization. will mark its 50th year or providtng a broad range of voluntary dispute settlemen~ se~vices to a cross-section of the Amencan pubhc. Of special interest to busmess is the AAA's Commercial Arbitration TribunaJ, which resolves business disputes. Commercial arbitration has risen spectacularly over the last decade to an all-time high In 1974 alone, more than 3,600 busmess disputes were submitted to the AAA for settle- ment. During the first three months of 1975, about 1,000 cases were referred to the Commercial Tnbunal as against 815 cases in the same 1974 penod. THE R EASONS FOR the growth are basic. The coun· t ry's Judicial system is overwhelmed by lawsuits of all kinds and -as Robert Coulson. president or the AAA, says -"with this mcrease m litigation, greater interest in re· solving disagreements through voluntary arbitration also has occurred." Arbitration is much less costly than lengthy court pro- ceedings and the parties involved ma busmess dispute also have the 'advantage of selecting an arbitrator who is an ex· pert in their fi eld. . . . It's quicker: settlement of business disputes m court may sometimes t ake several months, or even years -a vital point both to ''Mom 'n Pop" stores and to mnJor cor- porallons It can be crucial for a company not to have its funds tied up for long periods. Speed is of prime importance m settJing conflicts m businesses (building construction and garment m anufactunng, for instance) where delayed set- tlements wouJd interfere with the work of subcontractors and where performance of contract terms must be ac- complished before a change of season, 1! great losses are to be avoided. FINALLY THE GENERAL privacy of arbitration pro- ceedmgs is an' asset m preventing a firm •s credit standing from bemg endangered and 1ls reputation damaged by the publicmng or even the most invahd complaint. . 7 Pere e11t Fiel1I Calif o~a Field (:rop Earnings Dip Receipts from California field crops will decline to slightly under $2 billion in 1975, a 7 percent decrease from last year's record $2 2 'billion Cigure, r eports Bank of America .. The state's cotton crop will be smaller and pnces for cot- ton, sugar. and most feed a~d food grains will be lower m 1975, according to Bof A economists. T e le fil e SOME G.47 million acres of field crops wiJl be planted this year, virtually unchanged from 1974, they say. Calilomia cotton plantings, however. will be reduced 24 percent due to price weakness resulting from the current worldwide textile recession. Ri ce plantings will be some 15 000 acres below last year's total. whiJe wheat planUngs show tbe largest increase, 198,000 acres. Producers 0£ sugarbeets are expected to plant 88,000 acres more than last year, and feed grain plantings will total some l , 766,000 acres. up about 9 percent from 1974, BorA projects. Na w VO•K • CV,.1) -ef11ow11111 ,,. JN'lai Oii "" w York 1-.Cll. •llCMnOI M ... Soi.• Net P•E Irie•) ,._ Olg, -AA-~~~::': 2J: ~ .... : = AcmtCJlf .~. " •+ ~ .AdfnDr .It • 2J '"• ""' Ad••"' .• } . . ,,. ·p· ~ ANml M llll 1' 11 l'a+ ';II AUl''9'"'1 ,, ,, -""' t:"1f~r ·t\ 11 ,~as ~ + • 4ti :·~~ l; ·1 , 'mI·"'-·~ Al ... !I l"'IJ 1 + Ii\ Alri-rd .20olt SI 1 +1'4 Alrcoh1< .tO • U6 t + .,.. A J lndultr• $ '3 2 V. AUOM 1.20 14 JI ..... • •• .Alo Ou t. lt 1 2 I) + l't Ala,. pf l .ll •. d!O 'J ... AIMii• 1"01 II 1• I -* Allllnl'lll! ,to 7 e t V.+ .,._ Al llertoC " 19 l' 1 + \14 AIMrlWI .~ t 14 U \li + Yt AlttnAI .0 1 SIO 2.3~+ ~ Ale. std 4 4 114 11"'-'-Al'on Lb .207 117 2114-II) Al,••n .1'«1 1 "42 JI/• ••• AlllOll MIQt • • 3J 3V.-:-. Allff~ 200 10 l7 10 + \lo AliQLlld I.to J 60 ~+ "- A1l9 Llldf.I 3 • 13 M + ~ Allll Pw St 10 9t 1""-.... A.llenOrp 40 t 13 I -V. Allld Cll I IO I 293 SV. + Ill Al!dMM .S4 I 2 IJV.+ "' A lltcSProcl I 5 21 131/t-Vo .A 11.clSI 1.50 I 2S1 37~+ "-.Alld Suomkl • • 7• 2V•-Yt Allll Cha .2' 6 IOI 10111 ... AllrQl'll.A S. 7 x 17 11/• • • Alptoa Pl 12 S 4 It + 'I• Alcoe I 34 10 737 4''h ••• AmalgSug 3 2 14 SW.+ VII AM.AX I 7S 10 US SSV.+ '\CO AMAXpl S°"' • , 19 IJ3Y11+ 1'11 Ambac .60 • 125 12'i\ + V. Arn<Of'd 2g 1 9 4\4--\Ill Amffac: I 2 S 11 10\li+ Vo Atnerpf 2 60 I ll~• +Iv. AmHH 30ll 4 19t 2014-~ A Hss pf l.... SJ Sl\IJ-1 Am.AlrFI 44 12 t.S 19~ '9 Am AlrllMl •• '10 1~ ~ Am Bate 40 • xl6 131;. •• .ABrand 168 I 86 ~. ~ Am Brest IO 10 206 2'1/• .. 'Ml Am Bldg .36 1 • 101;. , •• A can 2 20. 6 106 31V. • A Can pf I~ • • 3 221111 P "' Al'llCe" MIO .. 13 21111• , ... A Cllllln 1 20 I> It. 11 'I\ AmCyan 11'2 I 2ll 21Vt-'I\ AMD1tl . 121168 3 I V•-V• ADIUTel n ll 122 vv.+ v. Am Duel \/SI • • 10 .... • • A0ul pf ..... 36 12~ lit AmE•cPw 2 10 172 2CWo-Yt .AFamlly 24 9 69 llM>+ Yo ~ ~~M~9lg ~ 2! J~ ~ .AGenk I l2 • •1 t~ \h A Gn Ins .a 6 •t 12.v. •.• A Gn pl I 80 • 73 11~ I/• AmHOlJI 70 • 111 ISVt , • Am Hom .98 29 '" 42Vll+ ~ A Homct pf 2 • I 190\lt + J.\li AmHosp lO 2S 5t'J l3 • "' Am lnveslm • 2' 3'.t.-V. A Medici 12 7 31 ~+ Vt A Mctdlcorp s us ~~ Ill Am Motors 321> ~ .. Ill .\rnNG 2 549 1 107 JS~ II• Am Seating 17 15 ~•I• AmSl'llp8 7k 30 34 14 -Vt Am Slnd 80 5 t1S 12lil.-V. AmSlclpf 4¥4 • Sl't. ••• AmSltrll .2112 11' 7'•+ Yo Am Sir 2 40 1 11 311/J • AmT&T l 4010 1'43 SI + ~ AmT&T pl 4 •• ane s5•.4 • ATTpfAJ,M •• a l7 4'V•+~• ATTllfB l 74 •• Jl8 4W.+ ~ AmWalr ,64 S & 9\h+ \lo AWlr pf I 43 . 12000 IS"+ ~ .Ameron 90 S 11 11\.'t-\4 AmesSI 100 5 32 S + "• .AmelOK In I 8 68 17/f-1/e AMF In 1 24 1S ll9 20V.+ ~ Aml•c Inc I 3 '9 16~+ Yo AMP Inc 37 32 620 36 ••• Ampco 40 • 11 II~+ ~ .Ampea Cp • 143 •Vo+ 110 Amrep Corp S lS >V•-ll\ Amlt•r 2 40 2 19 21 + Vt Aslarpl 2 t.s • • • " + I .Amstr pl 68 4 7'• •• Amsttd 3 Ml ' 47 '1to+ •to Amlel In 32 4 82 8 -'I• Anacnd• 60 s 2o7 17.Y. • V. AnCllH' 1 20 9 94 21 + 1/o AnclerClay I 8 8S 34'/• + 1"4 Al\Qellc.a 12 9 129 7'11 + -\Ii Ansul Co •• S 40 20 • APiClleC 50 I X.'2 12114 +' ~. Apco Ool 41 • SI 12 + 'lo ~o Corp • lOI 3"4-.,,, .\PL Cp 1.20 1 109 2& + 'lit APLllfC I 06 • • 11 20''1 + V. APPPJI 7.40 • 120 69<-.+1111 Aoollod lli'll . • 1S l V•-1111 Alf A $v t ... 16 3'I 14V. + "' Arc•l•N J6 8 '" II~+ Yo Arc/VO 159 11 247 31'-+ "" Arctic Entp • • 23 2'11o ••• Arl11u Inc • • 19 3 + Vt Ari' PS t 36 1 313 1"/.+ Vo Arie Bst ,t2b , S S'\14 • Arltl.AG 1.10 S 90 2'~-'Ml Arlt11 Rn Ov 67 2~ + Yt Armllda Cp 1 1' 5'14 + •1, Armc:o I 60a 4 231 21"-,_.. Arm pf 1 10 • • 28 2'I + '11 Arms Ck eo 24 314 211 -~ .Ar-tRubblO 30 11~ ••• AroC«pln I 5 • S 12~ • . Ar•ln Indus 20 1SO SV. -1111 ASA Lid AO .. 01 « + lh Asarco I 111 s 306 11~ + \12 Asl'llnOll llh S 207 23\1• + 'lo AtOryG 1.40 t2 64 29~ + "' As Sp(g I ~ 1 4 2)'1> + \\ Allllone 40 3 95 11111 + 1111 All'o M • tSb • 29 3 ••• ~::~.r1EI l~ ~ 2~ ~:v. ! 3 \4 Alllllc'l:211t l3 "60 t04\h+2 AAcll pf 3111. .. 1210 41Vt + V. AIRC pl 2.80 .. 60 •t~ + 1"' AllRCllprll .. S 1111/o+l 'llo AllH Corp • 1391 4 + V. ATO Inc 20 S 0 IY.+ 14 Aul Oat IOb l2 71 Sl.Y. + "' Automt Inds s S9 ...... Yo Avco Corp •• 214 • + V. Avco Cp WIS • • I I • . AvcoCorp r>f • • 1S "" + ~ Avery Pr jO 27 31 30"'1 + \.'I Avis lncorp 11 204 I + Yo AvneUnc .~ s 3CM t V.-"' Avnet pf 2Y> •• 2 4) +l Avnetln pl I • 2 llV.+31'11 AvonPr l . .tt 25 "40S 41\h+ '.lo ArtecOG .20 11 100 22-+ i\ ---·-8.0&Wll 80 9 ... 2 U V.+ V> 8Kl'loG 20b ti ... ..... • v. 8•k9f' In 2010 112 ~+ ~ 8•k•r011 '1 2J aos .ss + 1v. Baldwln '8 6 I 7 10" + 'l't BallCMP 60 9 tS 19"'-14 BllllGts I.ff 1 311 21.Y.-IV. BMIC.1 I S.C 9 13 llYt --Bllneleg Inc 2t HS lt\lt + "' Bangor Pn .. 2t Jt\-"' BllngrP pfC • • S tOV.-~ Bnl< 'NY ,,20 S 21 lltfl + ~ 8anll .... • • "" u -Vt BanllTrviU S 12S 3t + t BarbOll 1 60 .. 12 27Y> + 14 Bllfd CR .20 17 SS 11 -V. Baalclnc .0 3 14 •~-14 lllltt Ml 20 3 157 21Vll + "' 8aUKhL 60 17 '03 37V.+1V'I Bll•ttr L 19 JS 2"7 4• h V. BayStG 1 10 7 39 18 + V• B•yulCCg 24 • 2 4\'t BterinQs .:n II 2S 23'< '•• e .. 1 Fd• .72 IC 29' 23\to + '.\11 Beckmn SO IS 31 37 \lo-+ ·~ a.c1ono .~ 20 307 34\'• + ~. ~Mr .10 6 1M lll• + ~ Beker In ?I S 404 14'4 + .,, &elcoPt lOb J u1 1''h-~. 8eldcln 1 20 s 3 14•,·-Vo lleldQH JOg t 1 8 91;. , • &ell liwl 14 1 llS 17V. + •t. eemli Co tg 4 7 IS • Bendix I 80 • 23 37V.-11> Btndlll r.".. 3 S71/) + V> Ben Cp 7S 4 2SS !Oh -V'I .. ~, 21;') •• 1110 u v. lh Befl(#I SV. • • t 931'> +I a.ne pf 4 30 • • 7 SO'lll -'I\ 8o1 6S 1 II I 2?.\11 +-\>lo Compute r Sales U p BtnCoof 4\tt •• 110 .. ~.-.... BenStdM111 • 1 3Vt .•• a.,.a .11b ' >2'1 2~ . IMrltel' Pllo &I '1 • • ~1 But Prodcl 10 32 n~-v. Btll\Stftl 2• c -409 3S~-\\ 11111 Jlnd ... 23 90 60\4 t ~ Bltck&D ~3t 34' :UV.-'I> BlalrJM 32 u 2' 4~ + V. 8 IS&LG 1.10 S 11 UV.+ V• 81ockHA ,40 10 44 I 1311• + 1111 81uelell AO t 219 lO\lt + l tloflllle Br l<I • • IO 2 ~• Yt eoe:\: eo t toss l t¥o + "" 110011 ' l \lt 7 t I ""' + V1 NATIONALLY, farmers 11orc1t11 1.30 • "' 23114 -'• ~ I.JS I 20.4 111/J + V. had indicated their intention 8011 e~\ ·~ ~ 7~ 2~~-·v. to plant 122 million seres of eo.teo1u1 .. rno ae +t\lo Teleflle Co mpaler P roducts, Inc. of Irvlne re-: ported gross soles or $7~,313 for the second quarlerofflscal , '75 which anded March 31. This is on increase, of 174 percent over $211,076 fOr the same period a year ago. and nearly 10 percent ovtt .sal~ of $673,953 for the first quarter. Tbe lncreu~ was ool enouah to keep paco with rls· lni coell, bowover, producing the Onl unprofitable quarter a.Lncel972. . 1be l.nflat1on1ry econotnY1 hl1ber Interest expense ana tncr~a•ed product develop· ment costs drove expenses nearly 13 percent over the rant quarter totals to produce a net loss of $3,807 for lhe qu.art(!t. The etx-month totals 1Ull show 1 net profit of '9,312., however . feed grain as of March. Com t:i'(. ';~ ., sU ·~~ :: plantings are predicted to tlr',,,; ~ 11~ ~~ :: .... : ttz reach 75 million acres na· er!""''~ .. o '2th-111o ld . d 3 t ., ,,.., ' • 207 11~-~ tionw e, own percen erowv 11 1 111 1• + \, from a· rcnr ago. Sorghum t~~ ; -; :~: ~ a"reage is expected lo reach BtGrup 1 20 9 21 w-. ~. " 8rr1 Shn> 20 1 1S IYt+ ... 19 million, an increase or 6 BtFenl• 20 "112» ·~· 1, percent over 1974. Oat !\.:::i;:::g Z "l m:: ~~ acreage should rcmaln about =•~ ;o 1!: ~14 ! ~ the aame., 18 million. while ffnc1'e .~ f! i~·.~ barley pion Un as are expected ·'°.. , .. ,_ \4 to increa&e 12 percent to an rJJ:: '{ ~: 1~\4 + ~~ estimated 10 million attaS. ii':I i4 J If::; ~ ·1· .. 1~14 + .... Provided planUnp rouow 1 l: 1~ ~ u~: ~ Indicated lntenlloos and ,. . H " '1\\ .. normal weatheT prevails. the· '"911\ ~ l~ 1~ ;:: bank predict~ U.S. feed·8falD '*' cao ._.. ,.--,,,. _ "' productlon will reach • re-c..N1 c. .-a • 10 1•~ ... cord 2 to 230· mUllon tons ln w:Jit"I i J ~t'; ~ l'llWC. The pHv1ou• record was ut fl1Mnc •• 6! >\'!+ \\ .,., PUU t.si 1 t• 16141+ \\ a mtlllon tons, ael ln lrll, 1oftan '°' 11 us 1oh "' lb l d .., llr .. • l'-• ~ and breaking a recor "}·*~•ti. fie! r: ~Id puab lbil year's sraJ.n •c .~ t• ~ • ~ .Pri~ wcll below 197•levcls. 1 " 1.10 • n t Yt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ p,f (tdl) Ooet <"9 N (fldil OoM o0. P·l llGl UG11t (jig. p.£ (lldl) CloM ~ N (..., O.W (hQ 111u c I' • ~r " -" S 1 ,. o~ + \41 ~~.-. I J ii+ .... MclC" At• 1 » 2w1 ••• "'M .-.. "" 12 .. , s~ "" ~w ,,. ~ .• ., D\4 .. ~ Old.Ii .,.. 14 OlliQLpf l ··';? ...... I? .......... t;" ~L.elWI .n 1 'Jlt,(,-111 "'•'fMl' .IJ1' ... s~-... .., ..•• IA~• \ii 1'9 l"I' •& • i.. ••• QuQLpl 2.7 ... 70211'°1+ "' ..... , Ulllt lt •LN uo • 11 1~+ \'4 Plriwl'·"• > IJ ™'"-... si-I ,, nu ca1.10 1 41 .. .i. Oymotn.* 1 1 u~+ ¥ $ l11<l • 1 • ""'~' .eo • 2 ·~-~ ~~~120lt12 n Slh v. PfCIClfll 1 1 t~"'!t" 11'9 Oll•f • '" ... --41 ·-ff 2-••• , ,... ... ,,,_... c ... 4 256 '""• ~ -.si .. »4J J1 + • It ·~... 11•-* I"-.... s t 1 ~ I sntrn .90 IJ '~ 11-.+ -~ r •n ., .. JI + ~ ""'aoflJ.IO ·+ •s nv. ... ...,., ... u1 m 10'.'a+ --~ ~ • ..:'. ) • "' f~.J,; ·'fl ·.~ ~IMJI t ,; sv. + ·-$}1~'·-f" frl =:,~ =-t~r.;uo • Pi t~-·y; = Tn:c~ ',i If,...: s;;ol.;ii; 1 't1 ff _·;.: fOP&. UO I ttl .~ • • llt"'"' ,,.;, ts m ~-" ,U 1J 14 ti*-• Mtl' SMe 1' H7 t•v. + 114' ~OE t SI t 1'411 ~ J W ,,. °'f .. , .. " 1J;. "' ~8:."' 1 • ii • -"' ....,_, 1 t I :•l1!"' MMllC• • 'Cl ua 11\11+ -. 1~11:50 .. 104 .r· m!ftO"' : m n,... ! • r:c,;n,: s!l ft-.~ ~:~\llt'hJ s!J,~~=1\1 ;·H·'°-.'° l It!".·~ ~~··_...,10~.s· .9f *·~-.·~ 1i'1cp1·~: i. ~..,!.'.,.. :-di~. Ui~i~~ Girt( 11' J\Q .. dO a ... C:0 I • 11 ~+ Ill .40-22 \At+ ._. ..,..,_..,.. -~l ...... "' Potlrl pf SVt , ·~ .s) -1 Gfl ,10 tt K ,. ... -"' ~,Oft .$Jill .. I II • "' <llHiiM •• l! t' n -~ T .JOtO 1'2 t1_,_2 ,.,.,1u.y '° • 1~ 1~-"" Poll" s.-..; ... ~ Joi . +1\4 ~ • .. ,., ... + ... ~~~l·o'fet.•: '0~ *' t .-;ru~t ii 'Yu~=~ ~·.~: ,:~ l!t:: ~t:U~ ta: m~t t? ~::~%·; ~ ~:: ,_,V•l:!!_T·T~ 1-~+. ~w.rA&. t' Ml ••. ~.,, ... ' i +t HM)!Cketl'.AOIC .. , '""-" MtWOl .•>•tOtoO 11~ ... P'rMlllld .. I ,~ .... TettlcsLIO I 10 :m·" N0•.'2" ffl ~ .... IEG&O .Ull I t V.t"" HyWOITll .14 4 " '*-'-' ~t.lOtJ 12 ""'-"' l'roct&~zu m" ... Tel<ect N•I .• • ... '41 ICk.i! ' iW•IYf Elect A~-•• 11 --"' --·-M 0 M 1 t .. , .. ,. "-~-"".JO • .. ,_. ... Tolley In .60. .. "' ••• WTrl. IS 42 ...... 111< E OSUOOlt <IO 11\l'J+ \I) 1~1nc11,ao 4 *IS...__ Mlt1'9tn .101 '11 11'-' •.. P'rolerl l.A 2 ID Jl ... +2 T•Hev pf I .• CJ I +\lo S 1. t2 ... t 5111) • \lo I~ ,,,,._ 11 U 2 • / _. 1119 flfA 6 •• 110. ~ :t Mttl,t • St •• ti'<! 1"1'11+ Hit ,. s A Inc • • 12 c~ • . • T..,._E 9' It 101 U .•• 'prei l •• ., :a.sv.-"' £1~ '* .. .. s-.-.. nd pfJ\I) • • ' as--l~UO •• 1110 ))'Yo-~ ~ c.i 1.20 I 20S ·~· -Ttftdy~rp II ll01 .. ~ + 11111 I (Orji· 1 ., !~ ... Eloln ~II 11 " 't"'-• " I Piiate .. .. ·-. .. Meil In .10 •• '20 17V, •• • PSl!&;o 1.n • Sl4 ,,~ ~ T~ .lO • ISO 14' + .. O 09 1.U > j ir ... llrlllr Ind lt ,. ... , • IMN i-1. 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' 11"-+ •• R•pclAm .SO 1 2S Sh •• Tlwn&elt 1222 SI ctl4-IV• Chm NY 2 .. ' )13 «>~+ " F•itC•M IO IS '01 S7h-H\o nlerl•ke 2• l 47 311'1 • • MonPw I IO • 110 17"" + \. ltayDSIO 1Vt • 7 2S • i. Tl>Ofl'lln ,40Q 12 ,. ,...,_ v. Ches C I IOe 4 • l4 + ~ F0trclnd 30 I 137 I "+ "' 18M Cor~ 11 104 211Yt-1\lt MonfS I IOi S. 221/• + \.\ Reydlnll ~ 10 S92 2114 • lt. ThomJW .SO 10 10 7"4 + V. CllesPd 1 3' 2l 141 •l'h-2 F0trmtF • .0 I ll 11'--V. lntFlav . 31 114 31"+ Vt MonyM JSb 10 6o 1 • • R•Yllleoft 1 14 lJI ~ -1t. TllrlllyO ~ 11 • SVo ••• Chessle, 10 1 1<14 ,, ..... l.G F•nslwl ,~ s 10 ..... + v. lntH•rll 1 1 5 24'3 28 • • • Moor M 1 '° • 23A 1a11J + 11111 RCA Corp 1 16 lOIO 20'' -Vo TICMpatn ' !I 214 1S~ + 'I• Chi E Ill .U S • 14\.\+ 14 Far WJI Fcl • 51 W1 + VI lnlHold S2b . 8 II"'+ "' MotoJP UO 1S l11 70 + ~ RCA cv pl 4 • 9 S4 , .. TldeMar 70 t 202 40 + 1~ ClllMllwCp . 31 "'° ... Ferah Mfg •• cS •:W.-V. ln11MlnCh 2S 381 41'1•-V. Motr•IC.llll7 119 2S~+~RCApf3Yt •• IJOJ'l'h ... Tigtrltl 30b11 S.S. t3V.+llo Cl'llMllCp pf • S t<R4-\Ill Feclelers (p •• 204 mo+ ~ Intl Mining II 14 9~ • • MOrM El Pr. 27 3h • qRHdng Co.. I• 3 -l/o lme Inc 2 11 lM 53V)+H~ Cll Pneum 2 I ,. 291/H v. r<eoerelCo l 10 .. 11 + .,.. tntM11ll 1.34 6 .,, ~ .. "" MonSl'I ISb I ,.. ,,,.~ • .,., qRUd9 lp( •• 2 ~ Vo TlmH M. 50 10 112 II + v. Cho<kFul Sii •• 20 ~Vo Fff MOQul I ' •l t4 •• lntNcl< l.4Qa 1 242 27'-+ ,._ Mlge Tr Am 10 n.-V• qRtlldO 2pl •• I ~'lo Tlml<n 1 IOe ' 3S 34'41+ Ya CNIS Cr•fl •• 12t ~ .... FdNllM( IO • t3'1 11Yo • • • Intl P•rr 2 I "" 51Yo+ "' Mot1Nor • 9 2SI 1114 + ..., RHCl&~t .l.S I 373 1• + "' TI Sliman RI •• ., 12Yo + '-ClvlsCr llol •. I 121111 ••• Fed PoJI 11/J 4 •" 2S'Vt+ 'Ao tntRec: .ltd 7 4' S ... + ~ Mo4-I• 7013 314 49.\,-V. ftedman Ind 1U ~+ I'll Todd S/'llp'Jd .. 1' 5"" + Vo Cllron'lll ,)0 • 11 1l • FdPpf8 1.20 •• • 17 + V> Int T&, TI S2 7 717 14 + Ito Mt Fuel I 20 IS 119 31-.+ V• R"'e .7q 12 it 13~+ V. ToleclO Et 7 t ca ttVt + '• Oltomlpl s.. I.,~ • .,., FodSIGl"l 30 1 ll •V.+ .... I T&i'ZH4 ., I""" ••• MIStTeltS2' II 19''•+ v. Reed Tooll2 2" 21~. 'o T-.cp .~1' >09 10"4.+to,i,, Olfyll ... Cp .. .SSS 1oi.-v. FodOSl 11• 11 lll ••VII • • I TT •• .,,, •• II .......... MunlOtd )6 s 13 Ho+ Vi RM.es 1 IO 6 IS :IO';o+ ~ Tr-Co .. 1S .. 21\41+ .... °"7" ... wt .. .. '" •.• FerroCorp I •• 40 2414• l\41 I T& pfJ 4 •• s 4'1At-"' ~IOI S2 79 IS.\4+ ~ Relchold 60 3 101 nv.+ \• TrMs.m .S9 ts •tS 9\.41-YO C Mlge .. sa 2V..-Yo Flbr.Wd .O •• lS 1114-14 I T&T pO( 4., 46 '3\IJ ••• MilrPCol 20 6 21 14l41+ V. RelStore .60 7 1 6\.'o+ 'lo Tmsln I o.t> •• •'9 20 • lit Cl Rnlty In . 20 3._ • • Fld FlnclCp ' 12 31/J ... I TT pfN 2V• .. 9S 29'h+ Vo Murph()I 60 4 157 21'9+ 111\ Rel Elec: 90 • S9 1~+ I\ Transco ,IO 13 ... 9~ .. . Cin Btll l,60 7 • 4 2C>4lt • FldUBc 2 40 6 t lO , • I T& T PIO S • 4 S2 + 11\ ""'°'"Y Oii t S 11 1'¥a + 1111 ftelElec f.1 3 •• 2 ~+ ~ TrnKLln 4$ S SS & .. . Cln <Hs 1 ... 9 80 ... ,.._. .... FitldcrMI 1 St 2S 11.\4+ \lo lntrpac 1 20 7 :u """'• 'Ml M.utOm t n .. 19 IS.,.,+ \Ii l'ttlElpl 60 •• 20 29VH v. Tronol\F 20 s s 6~ + .... ClnG pt 9 lO • Z40 100111+ I Filtrol(p 60 s 26 10'14 + VII lnwrpecpf s . 1 57"4+ 'VI Myers L '° 12 10. .-• + V. RelGrp ,20/'I •• 3 ~-111 Trenun 1 s. 11 •7 31 -l l'l Cln GE pf 4 •• ISO ~ •• : Flnc:IFed Sit .s :M 1114-1/• lntput>I Or I • '° 11 +I'll< -H-RtlG pt 2 20 •• 21 12'h+ ~ TrMWY '40 • llS 11 .... ~ ClnMll• l.40 1 210 22'1/r-'"' Flrslne tlO I us 19'141 + ~ lnl•I er . IOb 10 320 ""+ "" Nabltc:O 13013 1SI 37~+ 2'1to RelG pf 1 60 •• 12 ,.,.. • • Trans w A.Ir •• '73 •v.. v. CITFln 220 9 Ill»¥-+ Vo F1tOler\Sk •lll9 IS -'I• lntstPwl4010 I• ISllll+ -Nalc.o Cll 6024 U llVl+llh AepubHcCp S tSI 12~'111 TransWApf . 11 Utit+ Ila CIT pr1 51/J I • + 'h FS1 Clllc .'IO t 21' 24 + Vo lnJI Und 14 4 11 4i.-Vo Nerco Sc 60 I 11 12\.'o • 14 RepFonS 10 6 13 IC)-1.o+IVe TnlWFI 08b t IU 12~+ 1'4 Citicorp ... IS A114 31h+ ~ FS118u 1 10" " •sv. + ,.... I-• Beet 4 :no ll'A + "• NaSl'lll.lC 60 1 46 1Ht •• A•l>Moe Inv .. • ,.. • • trtvl~ t OI 12 311 2711) .. v. Clt.Serv 2 40 I 376 ....,+ th Fsl Miu 36 3 J12S.J 1'+.-V. lo-El I 30 ,., 42 131/e-'A Ne\Alrln SO 7 167 12~-V. RepS1f1 .a. 3 21? 31~ "° Trevl~ p1 t .. 11 JS\.\-"<a Cltans Ml9 •• IS 2 -"' FSNllos 1 M 7 .. 29~+ v. IOW•llG 1 5' • '4 " -y. H.llAvn )9tl. .., 13Vo-l RauvOll 1210 "' ,..,, •• 0 TRE Cc> SI.. •s 10 ..... ClunSo 4Sb 16 ~ \IJ FstNS Bnc 2 • 2 22\.\+ v. lowePL 114 • S9 21 Nlltl c.n Sl ~ '° 10.V.-1111 Ret•llCrdl2 10 11 22 + '• TrtCcnl 1Sb ..... "VJ + ~. O ly Inv "IS 114 t\lo+ Vo FsP•C!> 1 J2 1 111 11111-'IJ 1-•PS I S2 7 70 11 · • Nt en pf l\IJ •• l 2tii.+ V• Rtw;oOS 40 16 ~ 3J + Tl TrlCll pl 2V1 , 2 31 V •••• City Inv wls •• JI I + 1-1& FsPMll 410 •• 22 J llKO HOipfll 10 111 S~+ \It NOlmsh ,21,. It SI + l · RavrtC .2SD S 3'l l~I Tn So Mlgt •• 11 3V•-Ve Chy Inv pf 2 •• ., '914 • • • FslURIE 96 10 3 10 • • ITE IMP 12 l 230 19"-+ llJ NI CltyL 90 .. S I -V. Revlon 1 20 20 10l 76\\ • • Tfengle .to. 3 JS 11~~ •• Clly Storts .. 2 114 ••• FslVBk 3'b t ll8 51111+ v. ltetc Corprtn •• J93 1'"'+ ~ Nt0.lrt 2.S1 S 27 40 + 111 Rexllem .20 5 31 ~'I• Tri• Pac 4012 39 11Vll+ ~ Clerk EI 60 I 112 30¥ti+ 11/.o FsWllC I ,, 2& 27 201'1-~ IU lnll IS 4 )2S 12"-+ \ill NtlOISU 1 20 s IOI tSV.-\lo Rexnrd l 12 s 99 21~ :\9 TfinltylllCI 1 • 104 21~ + ~ Clark 011 SO • <43 111/u ~ FlscllM 1 10 10 50 3JV•-'11 IU Intl Cp A .. 14 llV.-"'° HOist pl 2V. •• 1 3' -'I• Run pf 21/2 •• I 391'1+ 1111 TrptUM 20 19 110 23~+ "1t CLC Am 14 4 54 5 .... -V. Fl"'-r F .AO 1 10 14~• l'I• -J J-NtlFuelGs l 1 JllO 23 •• Re •n pl 2 36 •• 9 30~ + '\It TRW In 1 20 • 147 7S'h+ :V.. ClvClll 2 60ll 11 ,. ....... + 1111 FISllerSc 20 10 26 12 • James F .. ' 21 11~ "' NI Gyp I OS I 20I 12\'o-~ Rev Ind 2 .. I S39 57~. ~ TRW D4. 4\IJ • • s 61 + Vl Cl•v Ell.Al. 121 21V.+ 'lo FIMIEnt 24 J7 215 h 'h+ .,.. JenlHn 10 s 11 14.V. • Natl Homes . 51 J;.'o ... Reyln pl 2V. •• 116 ... ~2 .. 11... --u U - ClevEI pf 12 •• 110 llOY:r-'h Fleming 70 I 20 13 • JtOFnd ISb • 49:1 9V.+ V. Hal lndu 2S 3 1>4 &'lo+ 'Ito ReyndAMI I c 110 2J +1-llo UALlnc .0. • ... 10'i\-''9 C1evEpl7.S6 .. 160 IS • FlaVan . lOb 6 116 12'.4 + 'I• Jeff Pilol 12 1S SO 36¥r-V• H.lllndpf 6o .. 1 9'11. • • ReyMtpl4V• & S4 + ~ UAL Ill.A 40.. 2 2~ + 1~ qClev & Pill rSO 14~ ,._ Fllnlkol I 16 9 102 20 • J CP pf 13.SO •• 130 I~+ ~ Net lpf8 IV, U 12~+ V• ReynSec 40 10 5' I • . U.,,o 1 to. 4 26 22~-'4 CloroxCo .S2 U 13S 1~ ••• Fllnlk pUV, •. llSO SI ~ '11 J CnPp" U .• 1190 14 ~I NtMtd Cart2' '62 17~+ 14 Rl,llerdsn I 4 24 IOVo+ <o UGI (411 32 1 • 6 llli> ... Cluell P 30. 147 1 ••• Fllnlkp12V• .• 3 27 + ~ JCnPpt 7 .... 110 70 • • NePrs llOa 6 13 ~+l Ricl\Mer ... 11 3l4 m.+ ~ UMClnclMI • 65 U1-V. CluellP pf I .• I 10'4 ••• Fl• E Coesl I S 19V. ••• Jer CPLr.t 4 . 1200 31 •2~ NII Semk on :t9 7'1 411/J-2 RCllmllCI 10 I 115 IJ + 1 o UMET Trst •• 20 21.io-... CMI In'/ Cp • 12 11'1• • Fl• Gas 'IQ S '1 131/'J •• Jewel C 20 • 66 23~+1Yo N•I Serv .7' I 319 10 -Yt Rl~Tx t.20 S 1 13'11.-•,o Unarco SO 3 8 9h ••• CHA Fon.tel •• 29t ~ ....... FlePwr I ts • 107 2S'4+ v. Jewetcor In 113 22 ~\Ill NI Sl•nd tO s ,, 14 •• R r '" 60 • 93 14h+ ~o UnlNV I ISi> ' 1 o v. ... CHAPI 110 •• :M 11"'4-V. FlePwL1 461 404 26~-Yo JlmWallerllO IM 41 -lh NISlarcll ,I011 SS 4SV.+1V. RI r.•flO •• 32 9\lo ••• UnBncp.14 • 210 I~+.,._ CNA )n Sib •• 1117 lllli+ 'I• FlaStttl l'h l S 2JV. • J tmWpf I .0.. 19 44¥--\.'» Nat 5112'12• 4 t S6 31¥1+ \lo Rite Ad .1619 319 12¥< • • Un C.mp 1 II •O '1'ft+ ~ CNA L•wln • 24 Ill• • Fluor Cp 40 23' ll1031 44V. + ~'o J H•nln ,.I> . . 13 16~ '4 Nell TH Co.. 14 01-Yo Rlvl•n• .90 11 27 21'141-'lo UnC.rb 2.40 1 S06 61~ -V. Coutst Gu • .0. 9~ \'< FluorCppf 3 1118 101 + •>,:. JH•nllf W.b. 31 ~ '14 Neloms l 20 4 190 31V'1 •• Rob$haw .70 11 2l llVI+ 14 Un Com 1,33 9 11 Uh+ v. CstSGpf 1 " • " 1w.-Yo FMCE: 92 1 19' 11'14 + 'I> JoMMv I 20 9 1334 22V. .. v. NCR Cp 12 10 659 31h + .... Robf'tsn I 30 " 41 llV•+.fV• Union Co~p 11 tl 6t.-'"" CslSGpf' u . 20 19'h--'I• FMC 2•1. • 7 301h ~ y, JoM&J IOe :M 294 911/11 ••• NePIUNI ·'° 9 10 IH1 •• Robins 20 12 380 121'1• Yo Un Elec 1 21 ' 201 13\.'o-Yo CocaCol 2 lO 21 1JJ ""'-+ "'4 Food ar 20 • 11 4\4 • Jmn Cn lO 14 81 """' • • Nev Pw 1 SO • 17 19~-lli RocllG I 18o 1 40 17:\0o+ ~ UnEI pf2 n .. t 2S'4-•t. Coca Boll 40 :t2 '43 1.\4 • • • FooteCB 80 1 lOS l lh • JO<IL.ogn 40 14 20 12~• + '4 NvP pf 11 SO •• 2500 22\4 + Yo Roell Tel 16 ti 11 1314-'•• Un El pf 3\1 , • 110 33'h-~. Col ow Bk 34 11 33 ll\'t+ ~ FordMo 2 40 21 490 3H~ + I'> J0<gns I SOQ 3 10 2.V.+ Vt NevP1)fl.14 •• ZS,0 1111. + >,.. Roekowr St 14 78 tO'h-11• Un El pl 4~>.. 160 41\4 + ~ • Coleco lndu • 12& 3 -'4 For Mete 98 S SI 131111 Vo Joslen11nc 1 • 4 23 •• Nevl'pf 1 Ml·-J790 IW. + \4 Rockwllln 2 1 1Sll tll/.-'la UnEI pf 1 44 .. z.ac> "' •• Cot<)llle 68 19 S06 lll'.-v. FrM pf 180 • • 23~ •• ~ JotMlg I '° IS 103 11 +l NEngEI 111 1 192 ""• •.• Rock pf •'" •• 9 Sii _, Un Elec pl. • 1 11 +2 ColgP pf31'2 • 110 4S'I•-.\lo FtOBrn 62b • 24 14~-v. Justice Mtg .. II 3'i'I ••• NEGIE I 28 1 11 UV.-V. RohmH I 2117 13' 12 + 'Ito Un Fldellly 11 4l 4V. ••• Colf&Aok •OSI •14 9V. + II• ForlHWO 41 13 471 2S + \lo -1( K-NEQT T 2.3' 11 40 ,.y,_ 'A Ro/Ir Ind ,40 • lllS9 10\ll •• UnOCel 1 91 • 232 Q"'4 •·• Colltns Food 16 71 3~ V. FostrWI I 10 9 313 31>4 + ~. IC•lsrAI I 20 S 214 29'111+2¥. twwNlll .40 t l6 12'9-Vo Rollonsln .301S 108 21 \lt+ V. UnOICpf 2'11 • 3S S1V• +I Col P~nn 4016 80 31'1•-V. Fo~boro Ml 1S 89 31~-J',) IC•IAI pl 4~ 1 SO +J~o Nwmnl 1 .0 6 2S4 221/'J+lV. 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" 10 ••• Kaller In .2010 33 7~ ••• NA Mtg 6Sb • 70 • • •• SIJoeMrl WI • JI 33 + v. UnRelng .. s '" 11~+-111t C.OmwEd wt •• ti 9'1/. + V. Gtmlnlln 1a .. 2 12'141+ 14 Kellogg .10 19 t 12 19th ... NAmPll 1 20 10 20S 23:V. + H~ SIJoLIP 1.12 12 t2 ta'ilr--'I< USF(def2.4I II 90 3S + 14 C.ornl:d Bwt.. 1t t ¥•+ Yo GnAml 24b • • .st tO,._ + Yo ICalwoocLIO II 2' 9¥. ... NCnAlr .10t> 5 <13 2~-~ Stl.SenF 2\12 • 19 ,..,..__ 'It SF S 17 1 ..,.. , .. ComwOll "' •• 27'1 ICAlo • • GnAOll .IOQ 9 • NV. •• Kenrnll t 40 6 16 ~'lo NoCnAlrl WI .. S 1 ••• 'StP•ul S 96 •• U3 ICM•i-14 U o t.i.D •• a ..... + "" CwOllpt I 72.. 14 20¥0+ ~ GenATr '·'° 7 ,,.. Jll/o+ h Kennecon 2 9 795 39-\'t + V• ,._slUll 02 7 6'1 9:V.-Yo SIRtgls t "'° s 1S2 21\IJ ••• ~~:9:: ll 11~ ll~ ~ Z::i'"~~ 1 ·~ m m: ! ·~ ~:J~~ 1~ • s ·~ fo~ ! ~ ~:.~ll'c~1: :1 2~ ~~:;!. ~ ~9"11&~ '1 : ~ ~~~ +. ~ ~-~ ?~ ~ ll ~~ t~~ l: ~~~IN f::: ~ !:• ~ ~· CompulrScl21 '4 S\o •• GenC•bl 12 6 160 11 + ..... 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GT E t 10 13 9112 2St/H If• LaneBry 72 1 S. 10¥.-111 NwsllnplC S 9 102 +I ScottFetzr 1 10 192 IH~ ~ 'lit Ul•llPL 2 3' 9 IOI 2l!A-y 4 CnllCp pU\tt., 4 "'"'+ \4 GTE pf 21/J • l 32 + •11 LearSle9 28 1 23'1 81/o ••• Nw Mii Sib 9 54 ll'h+ ""' ScoltFor .. 8 20 13'1>+ ~a UV Indus lg 3 1194 224• ~ C Cpot8 211J.. 13 ~+ 1/.o G Tire 1.IOg S 79 141/. • l-HrS pt 211• • I 27~ ••• NwSll 2 40• I 19 .JJ • • ScollP•p "8 I 296 16 -+ ~ UVlndpl 5y, • JC4 S411l1•2'141 ci11i1Cp 2.20 1 •203 40 -+ 110 Genesco Inc •. Isa 4~-'"' L.easw'l .600 IO 9 2S + 1'1 Nr1n Co 1 10 • 12 ,,V. + v. Scotlys I 10 12 19 9'1a • Yt -v v-Ct P ~b 1•9 *f'I "· ,.~ I p ,. 2S •• 39'.lo 1¥11 L.aec11 H .SO 7 24 ltWt+ 1i'I NorlonSI 40111144 21 +I ScovollMlg I 12 91 14 +-I'> y I 20 t• •707 tS''· ""'-c1:1\111 'Rttv :: 'lO ;\'<+.'°: (i;n~:c .;;;; .. ltt 4'\li=Yt Lee~• .60 4 :Ml 12¥1+1\4 NrtSlpflM>. llS '-'~+l'h Scovot pl2VJ .. 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Ol'IE pl 101' •• ~120 103'4-v. 51\ellTr f>Sb 4 2 27-~ Wllgrttn I 11 .. l21/o+ IQ Cowles c so 7 1 1..-. ••• GordonJ :n ' s ll -"' LIOyEfl .to lO 350 1~+ .... Ol'IPw of " •• r100 112~ •• v. 51\ellerG S6 s 120 8\lo-'la W•lkrH '40 10 27 ~ Cox 8'd 40 12 '9 ~Vo Gollldln 1.20 7 Ut 26 + 111\ LlncNll I 60 13 1'1 l4 • -V. OKC Co IO 4 4S 12 • ~ ''' 51\ellrpt I 40 •• S 14' • ••• 8u SS 9 10 ?H'll+ -CPC Int 2 14 10 x1..0 43"°+ 1't GollldPf 1.1.S ., 19 1e'h • • U ncNll f' J •• 14 61 + 1 Okl•GE I ~ 12 190 74'1> + lo Stoellrpf I 3) • S 16~· + V. W•::M ' llO s 16 ~ \lo CreNt 1 600 4 ca 41\lt + V. Gr.ceW t .O 6 20S 21~+ 'Ml LlnNFd 74 •• • I~ Vt OIOaNG I 60 9 '° 74"1" \11 SMllerG plJ • I lJ + h :•IM•~; 12 24 12100 24~ cree111 Fl ,fc 11 t3 <4'h+ V. 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I PICTtTIOUSIUllNIU. e11tOA08 tit TM a IAt.a 01' "lMIOllOWlftlWIMt•N..,.._.•. llAMalTATtlMlNT NMl\ltTATeMINT NAM•ITATIMINT ~·-'· NAM•ITATIM&NT ••..-ecHv••AO•I ,..... ,.. ....... -.,..._delllelMI• ,..........._..,.... .• ,. ... 111e11. TM ....... ,_. !*toA ,, Oolne- .............. .-W .... W•4illnelllal-. ••tJ MTTIWORKI UOW•w ,,,...-..... : .,. -•: -•: --:~04tATitlC ClONSULTATION T•=~~J..iic-_. '"'*'-OINf.WSf' ' TRIP\.&CltOWNSALRI 6'ti• lllllAll·NICK INVHTMl!NTS, CUITOMCllA~T MA~N=~.ic~ MIDI"""' OttOUlt. , .. , ...... , ........... ._ ........ _,,.__ _ _._........... ,.... ... 01"'9ff Petch, fiO w.w, .......... 114191119"QI CA·--11tlt ..... lM,INIM.CA.WM4 ..... Ave""'· tWPOr • ...,... .,. ~ ... --·--··••· ---•--.. ecl\.c:allftJUI • :,. au.a-.,..,.__. .. mw.11111""81\IM Gtllf9nllet1MO · • -.Vltvarcl, l11ltt UI. H11Atl119ton ....,..., •• ,,....... .. 1tll tlaMlk .....-,;.,kl• Alln ~., uo waw ..._.=~~·~ ---. l"rwJtm.CA.· .. 1tt cert Mel"'"· JOJ Uth $trMt, 8Ncf\, c:atlf • .,,., .... -.-.... at the ,ramllU, ..,.,. a...-... 11. CAiif tt'JI •• • DeW. A 11..:.. .... .. cow-.~....,. M. Nldltla. IJM2 ...... -~ lttcl" (ellfomla ·~ . JKkW.~,M.D., MM!lewll ' ~II I I ' ............. a. '~. ' ln!M CA.tMM Tllllllw.IMUlltoMllCl~lllYlfll"' hyclll•trlc C.111111tetl1H1 ~le•• IMINtWl'Oft•I .... "C"6 "D'' I IMI• -· ... o .... ilCt-.. y. Drl ..... AMMllftCeCA..... ,....!Miii I eaMu<tM....; 411,,...., 0r-.. ''* .. a<h tlovl•YM. Sllli. CllltMtN,cellter'ftlt ~"=::'o':".l.'!'\(11 . lllh_,_,sceMll<te4"1•llmlt• ._.. ... ~.:C1.eltft..,., ::.."': C...iMCl"t" . M..._lllttel\8Ncll,Cellt ... ~ ' """'-' .. 6lldl '"""'*'-Ult_. Tlllt ... ""*"' -• fllfO Wlltl .,_ -~I. 8rtdy p. · , 'nllt •te•Mtf\t wn fllt<I wll'h tht TNs llldl-• 11 <OllOIJcted 11¥'"""" _... i. -.irl"f IO .,. o..-1-oi-ty Ott• 11 Or Mitt Covtotr 9" JCMt TM• ... --t -• fllecl wltll ,,. lfWtt'41.M. Nkllol• ~Y Otrk Of onnet Go11ntr °" J-lll<orpertt.ed •st<l•tkHI ottier 111111 • _...., Al<O'IOlk .. .,., ... ~ e. •a. itts. " -.. ...... ,.,_.,., __ ........ ,._ .. _ ™• ......_"' wH fli.. with tht 11, 1ns. ~i,. . ltwfl\ct Of a" tlCeftOilC ... _... .....a__.. ........ " .,.. _ _.._,.._,_.. o.ti•Ort110tCOUnty011J-, ~N S-1 H. Albert, M.O. il<itflM (of llet"M6) for I"-~ ll'lllllltlltd Or9ftlil C:Mlt O.llr lll'ttot, J. "71. ........_. la, 1t1S. fllltlll.entcl Or•llOlt Cot•t D•llY POot. T1'11 llt.._t -· flled Wiit! IN .......... .--,J'f't 11, 2A. e1'CI Jyly t,t, 1t1S U..1S OMlnty Clerk of Or11119t CollntyOll Mey ... ~ .. Oii Seit ... , .,_ 11, t .. •lld JIM '· •• 1t1S mt.u ll"llllllttlM °'"'91 Coe•t O.UY ....... • lt,tt1S. ICAROLIK,J .Mkll .. I . ~IO,t1,M,anltJ111y1,1975 .. 110..~S ~:-:-.:~::.~::,~lly12'i::s ,.._ Mllt911td Ortll9t eoest 0et1v 1111ot. PUBLIC NOTICE Pl!WlWO Orenw Cot1t 0.lly Pitot. J-2'4, 1915 UM.7S. "'°"' 10. 17, 14,•"° July 1, 1t7S 11•1.s -----.-.,_------ PUBLIC N011CE NC)TICSTOCHDITOltS IUPea10ttcouaTOPTMI SLP.1'1M STAT• OP CA&.Jf'OaNIA "'°" I lt.lt•7SI" ' MOTIC• TO CalDfTOllS ,.C'flTIOUl8UllNalS . Tttea>UNTYOPORAMAA' • ,.n1T1ou1aUS1N•SS IUP•••o•COURTOPTM• SLlt·7S211 NAM« S1'AT•M .. NT ..... ..,... ~'W7'. NAM5 ITATaMaNT ITAT• OPCALt,rollMIAflOR NOTIC• TO c1teo1TOltS The foll-i119 "rSOll• tr• Ool"8 bull· Estel• Oii MYRON $.Git E£N8£1tG, -TM_ ~lowl"' paf-•r• doillQ Ml· TMI COUNTY Ofl oaANOa SUP•••o•coulllTOPTMll MU! ----.... M."·· ... A'**1U STATllOPCALl~ltNIAR>lt BEACH CARPET CLEANING, ....... Md. lllftP.l.BfAI. $..fQtJ(TON MOalLE • ' H TM•COUNTYOl'ORANOC 17171 8tecll &Ivel., Svltt "'°·•,Hunt· NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVENtotM .E$TATES, llo0 Quill Slt..t. S411• lOI. Estett of RUTH S. A OERSON .... A.as71t lngt011 e.teh, CA. • trMl*S ef the .-.... "'"'" ~ Nitwport Btac;i,. Celltornl• t26'0 ~· Estate of MARVAN $. FOSTER, Tommy E. 8ari1ttt, 141S1 LylldOll :: :~~::~:,~~':a-:::: NalloNI Life IMur~ eom..iv, .~~-;::.::.:~::.~~EH to DICHMd. $1.,G«clttlGrow,CA.t2t43 1tw1n Wllll tllt llKHMrv -""" 1n • VtrlnOf>I c0<poral10t1, 1100 O&iilll lhllt •II persons llevl"O clelms ... IM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tl'te RCIOer1 L. P'IMlllQtr, 12162 W, $et· h offtc of IN I r1I f Ille---· Strttt, Suite lot, Ntw~rt 8Hth, tllt Nl4l dtctdt"t art r~uired to Ill crtdltOB of "" above named decedent ford, Gtrcltf\ Gltw, CA. t2"3 • c • 0 --.,.. C:.lifornla 926'0 tlltm Witt\ tilt "' 1 .... , a11-r•-s "'•ulng claims -..inst Thlt buslneH Is COf\dU<Hd by • Ullld~,or'tOPf'Ht"tthem,wlththl ThlsbuslMUltbelng<Ofldudedt>r• ..!.le ..... "'"i.esMrfythvo« rs. ,.. ,.., -· ·-• --"9CtU.ry vouc11tr1, to the ullder~ tht ""' • v. t ... c rk o • alloW tht said decede"t are required to 111• QeMrel partnerlhlp. JC tllt offk•.Pf Jo&8Pfl M. FreWlct, J.550 c~8t .. ~tL __ 1 LI...-lltltd court, or to prese"t them, Wltll thtm, wltll the McuMr'I' voU<IWn, In . Tom lkrnelt .... -,.. M<tnary-lltrs w tnt PVBLIC NOftCE PVBLJC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI 8USINHS • NAM• STAT•MINT TM fo41owlllQ ptl'IOllS ere doing bllSf. neaas: (1) 81ZAftRE STORES; UI BIZARRE LADY; (II IRITT AS- $0elATE$; (4) TQTALl.Y BIZARRE; (SI SIMPLY BllARRE; (6) BRITT, SPECTRUM, -BroadW•Y· No. 202. L...-... h, CA. t26J1 KenMtll Albert AckerrNn. 445 CWINM, U91H1a Be.Ch, CA. ft4SI Jemts Robert Hostetter, 401 S2nd $1., Newport Bet<h, CA. 92660 Joyc,e Burr Hostetter, 410 a:!nd st., NltwDOrt lta<h. CA. 92660 . This tlllsiMss Is co"d11cted by a genertl pertntnhlp. Ktl'Wltll'I Ackerm•n "Well, I'm off. Two carefree weeks into the holida) ; crunc~!:• . . . the office of the clerk of the abovt en· This stei.ment was filed With the Wllslll,. 8l'td., Suite tooo, Los""91tles, h1sur~•ConlH11Y • u tltl .... court, or to pre--nt lllem, ...... th IM Collnty Clerk of Oranoe county°" June c:.tlf. tocno, whkll Is the J>lte• of bu51· Wllllam E , Ctv•n8U9ft ~ '"'Nsol.e~ omct of 8ARN,ES, SCHAG --.., l9 975 ,... ol tM unclef'119"ed In ell metters ' 'Sllpervltor · ~ "• KE:NNEDY &. CAlll.LSON Ttlls ste'ltftle"t wu filed with 11111 Qounty Clel'll of Orange COllnty on June ntetsserr vouchers. to Ill• underslO"'d • 1 • pwltlnln, lo the esttte Of Mid dtce· Rea.I Eattt; Eollltles ' 23521 Pas.o dt V•l•"c11, Ste. 207 at tJw I.aw Ottlct of ELLIS & MOR· ....._ dlllt, wltllln four months efter u. fll'lt This stawment fifed wltl\ tile Cotintv U911f\11 Hiiis, C.llfornla t2'S3, wtlldll RISON, 11•00 Brookh11rst. Fount•ln P'\lbllshtd Or•noe CoHI o\lly f'llot, PlltllleetlOf\of tllls110tlct. Cler-of Ort119t County on: ,,,., ll, the pl.ct of bllslneuot Ille 11noers Valley. Cell!. which Is the pl.ct Of bUsl· J-i.. and July 1, I, U, 1975 2346-75 Dlted Mart, ltlS. 1975. ,I" all l'lllltttfl pert•i"lllO to Ult estet• 12, 1t7$, .. 1'4475' • Publllhed Orange C~st Daily Piiot, J--11,24,•l'ldJulr 1,8, 197S 2.U7-IS ness of the un1Mrsl1111ed In all matteu earl Grffflbtrg .,..,., seld dltcedtf).t, within four mo..thl afte pertelnlng to the estate ot said oece-PUBLIC N011CE Encutor-ottheWlll Pul>llslled Orenoe Coast D•llr Pilot, tlwflr1t1111btkat1ot101thlsnotlct. Otnt, within four monthS afl•r tilt fir$\ l-----~,,,,.,,.,.,..------t Of tllt allow llefned clecedtt>t Juntl, 10, 11, 24, 191S r 20»]$ • O.teclMay 27, 1975. . Beael1 N11ditv PUBLIC NOTICE • ~~':~flt~i:;;~~ice. NOTICE o:T:tE 01" HAL '°' ............ Oates . ..~~c::~ .. ~~r1~Jr. ~Tic:~'L"":R:?~'~S:';£,.·G High Court Nixes Ruling HOWAADM.FOSTER PltO .. UtTYATPatVATESALE ::.-::lre•lw41. PUBLIC NOTICE ortt1ubovt"11neddetedent CORPORATION, PlainllH, vs .. AdmlnistratorottlleEstate Ne.A~1.. .... ........ Celff tlllt IAltNllS,SCHAG,JOHNSON, RICHARD P . ARCHBOLD, Oefen· of theabOvenemed decedent In the Superior court of the sc. of Tfl• Ct'tl>-.nte' KllNN•ov •CARLSON · " dint. Mo. 7"6.Juoomentd•tt: Aprll 14, eu1s•MORRISON C:.llfor"ia, I" •ncl for lht County of Los A..W...yterEucwtw • SL .... 71.. Bvl!RNEST J ,S(tff\_G.,IR. tt7S 11••roe11J111rtt Angeles. e Publlshed Orenge coast Dally PllOt NOTICE TO calDITOltl mtl ,.,.. .. ValHCll, Ste. 207 av virtue of an uecution Issued on FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CALIF. I" th• Matter of th• Estate of Jlll\810, 11,24,•ndJuty 1, t97S 21st.1' su .. aa1oacollaTOl'Tif• ~ .... --~· Cellterlll•tHU J-3. t97S, by the Munclpal Court, of Tt4:"2·l4tl FRANCISE.HAARIS. DecHWd. 1-------------STATaOIJCALll"OaNIAl'Oa • -· ~ SoutllOHnoe County Judicial District, Attonwtsfw Mmhilttrator NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN thet TitECOUNTYOl'ORANOlf' Attlnltytlerl!aec11tor Coullty of Or•noe, State of C.lllomiil, Published Orange CoHt Dally Pilot, the llftdtnlgned will Hit et private PUBLIC NOTICE Ne.A.a7U · 1 PvbllShed Or1111ge Coast Dally Pll¢, UllOll a IUOoment entered In favor of Jur1e 10, 17, 24, ilnd July I, 197S 216S-7S sele, to the lllghfft aftc1 best bklcler, 1------------Esl•t• of LOIS I. VERNANO, like J-a. I0, 11,14, 197S 2033-1 O U A y L .E p L U M 8 I N G subject to conflrmatlOf\ of sald~lor SL .. ·7SltS LOIS IRENE VERNANO, 0.CNSed. CORPORATION, a Callfornia torp.,as. Court on or efter the 30th day ol J-. NOTICE TO CREOITOltS NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN to tllt PUBLIC NOTICE J11dg1ne"t creditor and against .PUBLIC NOTICE WASHINGTON (AP) -The U .S. Supreme Court has declined to rule on the constitutionality of an ordinance outlawing nudity on beaches and in other public places in Santa Barbara County, Calif. The court Monday dis· missed an appeal from a California appellate court decision upholding the ordinance against a challenge brought by Gisela Ellis and Ernest Sturm. THE TWO WERE rmed $25 each for violat- ing the ordinances by ly- ing nude on a secluded Warning In Rape Case Eyed SACRAMENTO CUP!) -The Assembly h as passed legis lation de· signed to remove some of the controversy sur-' rounding jury instruc- tions in rape cases. Presently in sex of- fense trials, judges warn jurors to use extra cau· lion in weighing tbe testimony of a woman or other victim becaus e· rape is easily charged and difficult to defend against. THE 'ASSEMBLY sent to the Senate Monday one bill which would eliminate that cau- ti9nary instruction, and another measure to r eplace it with a mQre general jury warning in all criminal cases where there is no corroborating witness. The general warning would ask juries to use "care and caution" in trials where the word of one witness was pitted against the word of another and no other substantial evidence was available. . THE BILL (AB1595 ) was authored by As· semblyman Ken Meade, (D-Berkeley), and passed on a 43-25 vote. Meade said the current warning in rape cases is "sexist" and "offensive to women." THE RELATED bill (A.Bl94) to eliminate the s pecial cautionary in- struction in trials of sex offenses was carried by Assemblyman Alister M c Alistei:. CD-San Jose). It was approved on a 47-16 vote. • 1915, at the offl<e of RY LANCE & SUPERIOR COURT 01' THE Creditors of tile •lllove Nllntd decedeflt ' RICHARD P. ARCH BOLO, es ludO• ' be a Ch near Santa WHITMORE, •Ot E . Yorw Linde STATEOl'CALIFORNIAl'OR ~ell Pff-S MVlllO Cl81rnsaoiii"St SL .. ·71t.. Mtf'lldebtOf', Showing a n11t balance of B b · F b 861'°9 Blvd., Pl.ce1>t1a, Calif. 92670, Courityof THE COUNTY 01' OR ANGIE Ille Mid dt(ecltfll •rt requl...S to flle NOTICE TO CltEDITORS $1,145.14 actu•llr due on said j~t ar ara In e ruary NOTICETOCREDITORS LosARQelH,SlilteofC•llfornla,•lltlle Ne.A·&37H tlltm,wlthlMMCtSHrrvoucllen,i" SUPEltlOlltCOURTOFTHE onthedeleoflhe iss11anceof saldex· 1974. SUPERIORCOURTOFTHE right, lltle ilnd Interest of said elf>. Estate of GLENN N. HILE. thtOfflceofthecltrkofthtebowet1· STATEOl'CALll'ORNfAFOR ecutlon,lllavettvleduponalltlleright, Representing the colt-STATE OF CALI FOR NIA FOR teaW<I, In and to all the'cer1llln ,..1 Deceased. tltltd c;ourt, or to present them, wlthUle THE COUNTY Of' ORANGE title anci Interest of sa id Judgment deb- THE COUNTY OF ORANGE property situate In the County ol NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the nKftWlrY 'VOUClltrs, to the undef'sl0"9d Ne.A-ll41J tor i" the property In the County of ple, lawyers from the No. A-U:ru Or•noe, State c I Ca llfornl a , creditors of the above nemcd deeedent •t the uw Office of WILLIAM v. Estate of AGNES MILLEA CHASE, OrMge, Sttte ot Callfor.nla, described .AJn · C' · 1 Lib rti Estate of WALTER G. C. WINKLER, pertlculilrly dHcribed as follows, to Illa.I illl peri.ons having Cl ill ms ~insl SOIMIDT, 366 San Miguel Or., Sle.300, O.ceaMd. es follows: encan lVl e es OecHHd. wit: !!If Wld deceaent •re rJQlllted to file Newport Beech, Celllorn{e ~.at-NOTICE IS HEREBY Gt VEN to the Lol 11, Btockl, Tract9001nllltCity Union Foundation or NOTICEIS HEAEBY GIVENtoUle 1/3of3/StllSoftheWestll.tlfofthe thetn,wlththenecesseryvouchtn,ln '°'"'"'°'Security Pacific Helionel Credilorsoflhe•bovenemeddecedent ofSenClerne"te,al50k/lownas t11San SOU the r n Calif Orn i a creditors of the a l>Ove named dKe<lent --1h Y,oflot 3, in Block S, Pages 17 & 11 the Office of the clerk of lht •bove en-hnk. kl RTL.ANO ANO PACKARD, tMt all persons having clelms ageinst Olmas, Sen Clemente. CA. t~t all per50ns having claims ~Inst Oranve Counly, Celi!. titltdcourt, or to presentthem, with tllf '26Wi1Shir• 81vd.,Ste.600, LosAllgelts, the wld de<edenl are required to flle NOTIC~ IS HEAE8Y GI VEN tllalon argued that the Or· Ille Mid o.udent are required to Illa • ~e commonly kriown 'as: 4341 M<tssery vouchers, to th• underslgneo Cal ilo r" I•. 90017, • tto.rneys them.' with the necessa.-v vouclltrs, In Fridlv. Julv 11. 1975. at 10:00 o'clock dinance violates the First them, with Ille necess.iry vou<ller$, In Eunk•. Yorba Lind•, ca111. at tht uw Office of BARNES, SCHAG, tor Pitt• H. Verl\illld, whlcll ls u. piece the office of the clerk ol the at>ove en· ,..M. at Mershal's office, COur1house, Amendment guarantee the office of the clerk of the at>ove eJI-Terms of sale cash Jr lewful money of JOHNSON, KENNEDY ~CARLSON, o1 llUSlriess o( the undersloried in •II tltledcourt,of toprew"tthem, with the 30143 Crown Va lier Parkway, O ty of tllleclcour1, or to present them, with the the United States on conflrmetton of 4S2S MacArthur 8 lvd.. Box 1716, mettors pertel11irig to the esttleof Mid necesuirv voucher&, to the unclersiO"'d Uoune Nlguel, C9unty of Orange. of freedom of expression. nec11~ry vouchers, to the undersigned sale, or part cuh •nd b•l•nu Newpor1 BHch, Californla'926bl, which decedent, wltlll" four "'°"'llS attar Ille at 111e Lew oince of JAMES A. stat• of C•llfornia, I will sell at public al lhe olflc• of Thomas L. L«d. 23521 evldenctdbyriotesecuredby Mort~ Is the place of business of the un· lirstpubllcatlonotthlsriotl,t. SCHMI ESING, 1151 Oo-ve street. Suite euctlon to the highest bidder, for cash ~ Paseo de V•lencia, No. 213, Luguna °' Trust Oetd on the property 50 sold. dersigned in all matters pertaining 10 • Otttd June 3. 1975 1«1, Newpcin Be.ch, Californla, which I" lewful money of the United States, all AN IND I VI U UAL Hills, Celiforni• 926Sl, which is the Ten percent ohmount bid to be deposit· the estate ofsaid decedent, within lour SECURITY PACIFIC Is the place qf ouslness of the un· the right, 1111• •nd In le rest of said iudQ· "may WI.Sh to J'ot'n Others place Of business of the undersigned In eel with bid. monthSilfter Ille li~t publication of this ' NATIONAL BANK and de"lgned in ell matters pertllnlng to ment dtbtOf' In tl'teabOve descrfbedPfO- all matters pertalnlno to the estate Of Bids or offers to be In writing and wlll notice. PETE H. VERNANO tlle estilte of word oe(edent, within four Pf"tr1 or so much thereof as m.iy be who are similarly un-said decedent, within tour monthS after be received at the aforesaid offk• at Dated May 27. 197S. Co-ExecutOf'Sof the Wiii monthSefter the first publlcatklnof this necessary to sallsfy said uecutlon, l thed • d b h' the first 1>Ubllcallon of this notl<.e. eny time after the first P\lbll<atlOn E ONA K. HILE of the ebow Mmed decedent notice. with .ccrued Interest and costs. C 0 On a nu e eaC ~tdMay 13, 1975 hereohndbeforedate of sate. Executrlxolll>e Will WILUAMV.$CHMIOT O.tedMer27. 1915. OilltedJune 11, 197S. in Order to express a MYRAH.WINKLER Daledtbls2'1h<Wyo1Junt,197S. oftheabovenamedd1teedent MS-~Dr.Ste.JOI · . H.H.Rels~n Olvlslon:SouthOrangeCounty gl.Ven 11'f e style aSSOCt'at ExecutrlxoftlleWlll ElluibetV.O'Gradv taAltMES,SCHAG,JOHNSON, ......,.lta<ll,C.llter11lat26'1 Ex-cutoroftheWlll DONE.RHEA, • of the abOve named decedent Administratrix of KENNEDY & CARLSON T .. : 6'Mom2 of the.above named decedent Manh•I, Orange County ed With freedom, lack Of THOMASL.LORD the Estateofsaiddececlent BY: ERNEST J.SCHAG,JR. KIRTl:ANOANO .. ACKARD, JAMIE$A.SCHMIEllNG 8yMelbaA. Hauer, Deputy prudery' openness a nd 21511 Pasft• ValHcl• No. 213 RotlERT N. WHITMORE UU~Artl'lur Blvd., ... t7.. .. ................. Ste.Ml 11S1 DeveStNet~lte14t NORMAN E. RUDOLPH lack Of hypocn. sy,,, they U!lllM Hiiis, California tl'53 AtterMr .. t-taw Newport .. ace., Cellfor"la t2"3 1.M ...... 1. C.llfentletlt17 Ne~ .. acll, Cellfer"la Plaintiff's AttorMY Tel: 1110 Sll·)J60 .. , E. Ytrba LIMI 81vd. Pit: 97 .. 9900 Ttl: ~1 f'tl: ~180 1U Avenkla Grauda Contended. Attemey for executrix PlacHtla, Calif. 92'70 Attorneys for Executrix ~ tw C.-EQ<Wtors Attoriityter E11t<utor S-C:lemtnte C:. CA. t2'12 A law Prohl. b1't1'ng such Published Or•nge Coast Dail~ Pllol, PubliSlled Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Published Otanoe Cout Daily Pilot, PllbllShed Or•noe Coesl Daily Piiot, PubtlShed Orenge Coast Daily Pilot. PubllShed Orenge Cont Daily PllOI, June to, 17, 24, and July I, 197S 211>HS June24, 25, lO. 1975 2357-75 June 3, 10, 17, 24, 197S . 2042-lS JlllW 10. 17. 24, end Julr 1, 1975 l1Q3.7S June3, tO, 17, 24, 1t7S 2032.7s June l7, 24, and July 1, t97S 2208-75 expression, even in ·-------------'-----------------------------'-------------------------'-------------- s parsely .populated, ·areas, "is manifestly overboard and therefore void on its face," they argued. "A STATE might validly designate certain beaches as reserved for nudity and exclude nudi· ty from a ll other beaches," they con· tinued. · •·But the ordinance in the present case carries no such restrictions .. .It is applicable to the most isolated of beaches with no homes in the vicinity, and in which all of the sun bather s are themselves nude, pro- vided only that the beach is '5>pen to the public.'" THE ACLU l awyers continued, "It can hardly be argued that there is a compelling state interest to protect the public-from being offended by nudity on a beach when such beach is secluded and the nude persons may be ob- served only at a distance and then with some dif- ficulty.•• StZf:Ck Up Parasailor INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. <UPI) -Ginger Stantopi e tro was parasailing over Lake Tahoe when she ran into a tree. She was harnessed in a parachute and was being towed in the air behind a boat. It was bringing her to shore when its motor conked out. She drifted over the shore and became entangled in the tree. Firemen brought a snorkel and extricated her from her perch 30 l:el big;.,~~~ ' ::3;? r Cammuling be1:mnes · a relaxing pastini.e ~.·after· July ··4Jh. You have better things to do than drive. Rest. Read the paper. Write a letter. Plan for- the day's meetings. Analyze the stock market. Forget about the problems at work. Get home refreshed and relaxed. (ri.I!Ii :H1CllJJ Now you can. Park-N-Ride Express is here. And it works just like the name says. From San Clemente, Mission Viejo, Fuller- ton, Anaheim, and many other Orange County communities, Park-N-Ride Express buses take you to work at Orange County's major indus- trial complexes and business centers. And Park-N-Ride Express makes connections with bus routes continuing on to Les Angeles and Long Beach. ·Doesn't it make a lot of sense? Tomorrow, as you're sitting in jammed traf • fie wondering what you're doing there, think about using Park-N-Ride Express. For commuters who have more important things to do than drive. AlurninUlll Bats, Grips Assailed Drive in to a Park-N-Ride Express parking lot. Park your car free. Or have someone drop you off. The Park-N-Ride Express bus will take you to work in air-conditioned comfort, while you get a headstart on the day's work. And, at the end of the day, you'll get off again where your car is parked. Rested. Relaxed. Looking forward to the evening. r---------------------------------~--------------------.. DP I WANT TO GET TllERE. Please send me schedules and information on: For information call: · Toll& .. , call the operator and aak for: 547.-3311 ZENITH 7-330 WASHJNGTON CAP> -The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says it voted to begin entocument actlOft against a group of manufac· wren ot aluminum bats and a bat gtip which has ca.uaed one death aod two major injuries. Tbe commluioo said about five million "Bat-ter'• Pride'' friPI for aluminum softball and baMbaU bats have been aold or distributed since 1M8. In a number of instances, the agency said, a de· f ed.lve deaigis aJlowed the arlP and bat to separate when IWU'D.8 at a b•ll. Eaton YaJe and Towne. tbe grip manufacturer, and an undetermined number of alumin·um bat manufacturers will face enfQC"eement proceedlnas Tor all.,-edl)t f allln1 to correct the problem, the eoaunillloo 1alcl. 0 Park~N-Ride Express commuter service. 0 New routes serving my area: _____ _ 0 General Orange County Transit information. r ,. ··VOL. 68, NO. 175, 2 SEet:IONS, 2~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA TUESDA)', J UNE 2A, 1975 TEN CENTS ' . CUSD Protests Castille School 'Rent' _, Capistrano Unified School Dts· trict truatees have accepted un- der protest a demand from Oranee County that they begin payinr $500 per month rent for ming the CastllJe Parle site in Miasien Viejo. · 'Jbe six·acre slte now houses portable claaarooms ol Castille Elementary School. The district has been paying one dollar a year to use the parcel. Residents ad.joinint the. park site and school protested to the Mission Viejo Municipal Ad· visoryCowicU CMAC)inhearings several months ago that tbe school was unsigbUy and noisy and that they wanted their park developed. The MAC recommended that ~otmly supervisors require the portj\bles to be removed by 1977 and that in the meantime. the district pay rent on the property to be used for County Service Area Nine park 'needs. -The board made a resolution to that effect March 28. Since then, the Orange County Counsel's Of- flee bu determined that allow- ing the school district to use the park slte is an illegal (ifl of public funds. If the district r ef mes to sign a lease for the rent by July 15, representatives of the <»'ange County Real Property Services Department are urging that a notice to vacate be issued. Monday night the Mission Vie-• :BriVer in Fatal Van . ' Crash Faces Charges El Toro MAC. Studied By JAN WOR111 CH t11e O.lly ,.. ... s.... The E l Toro Homeowner s Association decided Monday to pursue a municipal advisory council and organized three com- mittees to study the legal forma- (.i9n process. WHUam Monoson, president of the association, said after a meettne with county represen- tatives and about 30 homeowners it appears the group is "goinf tun steam ahead.'' The municipal advisory coun- . cil CMAC) is an elected panel for non-city areas s.uch as El Toro which ~dvises the county Board of Supervisors on local concerns. So fill'. the 'Gilly other MAC in Orance ~ is in Mission Vie- jo. Pormation of the Miallon Vie· jo M'AC w_. a utboriH4 by supervisors last sutDIDei'. Mem· bers were elected iR November. Committees formed will study recommendations for boundaries of a MAC, public relations with the com munity on the MAC, and effort.s to obtain the required signatures on petitions endorsing the council formation. Monoson said he believes a MAC wou ld give El Toro spokesmen a greater ear at the county level. Since the community of 15,000 is unincorporated, all major de· cis,ons regarding its parks and recreation, traffic, roads, health and safety and land planning are made by the supervisors in Santa Ana. "We'll be willing to assist them in any way if they decide to go that route," said Scott Ferguson, assistant to •Htb Dis trict Supervisor Thomas Riley. "It will be entirely up to them. ·At this point, we don't want to get involved in any endorsements." About one·third-of El Toro's 6,000 homes are in Lake Forest, a planned community developed by Occidental Land, Inc. The r~st, according to Monoson, tun1 ttie risk of ~com· ing a slum through uncontrolled d.e v e 1 op men t and over- commercialization, unless the local community gets some clout lo voicing its concerns to de- <See ADVISOR Y t Pase A!) 1 Board Hires 'Architect . ·For School · The first steps were taken Monday toward b uilding a new · SS,125,000 high school for South Laeuo• Hill• when trustees of the Saddleback Valley Uni'fied School Dlatrict hired an architect todntp the campus. Porter-Jensen Architects of San Clemente will 1tudy avall1- b&e 1ltn for the 1chOOI and deaiin a campua to house about 2,200 · ttudents. District offlclal1 estimate the third hilh school wW be needed by 1m. The first phase will ac- commodate 1,200 1tuc,tents; with the rest of the umpua built u needed. . In other board ac:Uon, Georfe ~I• of Irvine wu hired to detlp a $200,000 addiUon to Esperanu School, tho di1trlct'1 • trainable mentally retarded facWty ln Mi11lon Vlejo~ o.itr " ... Slaff p,... Boy Dead, One Blind In Irvine By ARTHUR R. VINSEL . OftMDall't~lletsc.tff Manslau~hler charges will be sought agamst the driyerof a day camp mini -bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday, leaving one little boy dead, a second blinded, and the driver herself and nine other ·children injured. Police said today they will pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Oranee County District At- torney's Office in about a week, seeking a complaint against the driver. Carolyn A. Conners, 23, a 2'h· year employe of R~h Riders Day Camp in Fountain Valley, is onder care at Tu.U. C-4"nmw\ity JlolpKal, bl falr COQIUUm wilt\ ~n.· .I • _, Milf Conners, ~ ~ Mesa Drive, santa An• lfellllU, w.as pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the t ruek driven by ·James E . Bartley, 45, of Diamond Bar. THIS IS NEW STOP FOR 8ARRA.NCA ROAD TRAFFIC Sign on Strfft Painted Over Truck Skid Merk• Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were flung out rear doors and windows of the shat· tered van, flopping to the pave· ment like rag ~olls. Saddlehack Hiring H8.rt-With Pay Cut · ''It was real strange," said one of the first policemen to reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mostly silence, everybody shocked and not moving." Little John Henry Ramming, 6, of 3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, lay beneath a rear wheel of the (See COLLISION, P age AZ> Dr, Edward A. Hart Monday night was hired as assistant to Saddleback College Superinten- dent Robert Lombard!. but not before trustees lopped $1,500 off his proposed salary. The new adminis trator, formerly with Chabot Communi- ty College in Northern California will assist Dr. Lom· bardi with the colleJe's long- range plan ning. He will be paid $33,000 a year. Hart's employment appeared to be in doubt until trustees set-tled their· differences about his salary in executive session. Earlier, Trustee Donna Berry asked Ural the positioo, thOUSh previously approved b~ board act\on, be stricken because of the salary recommended ·by Lom- barili. Mrs. Berry cited the need to shave the district's budcet by another $165,000 and suggested this was a good place to start, ac- Cording .to a spokesman for the college. . Her motion to dispense with IA>mbardi 's assistant was de- adlocked by a ·~3· vote: A·subse- quent motion to . hire him was similarly deadlocked. His salary settled in executive session, the board reconvened to a public meeting and .hired Hart on a 4-2 vote. Mrs. Berry and board Chairman Robert Bartholomew voted against the measure. Scheduled to assume his new position July 1, Hart·will be as- signed several specific projects, among them the drafting of the . coneee district's"five and 10-year educational plans. Heo-will also be re:5P00sible for the planning· of the Saddleback dlstrict's future Tustin-Irvine campus, updatinf personnel mes and policies, assisting architects with tbe planning of new f•ciliUes, and the development of occupational and vocational pro- grams. Hart s'erved in several ad-ministrative capacit ies at Chabot, most recently as special . <See HART, PageAZ) New Student Leader Named Kathleen Eddy, a 21-year-old liberal arts studept from El Toro, is the new student body president atSaddleback College. Miss Eddy and ·the other stu- dent officers were elected June 12 and have already assumed their offices. · Otherofficers are: Miss Antta Mignogna, 19, Mis- • sion Viejo, vice president; Nick Fistonich, 21, El Toro, budget commjssioner and treasurer ; Janine Coate, 19, Irvine, publicity commissioner; Peggy Terrell, 23, Irvine, student affairs com- missioner; Craig Baumbusch,24, San Juan Capistrano, academic affair·s commissioner, and Valerie J . Moylan, 20, El Toro, press secr~tary . Sadtl1e1Hte1c "••lefl TeaehersAwarded6.3% Teacher pay raises averactng 6.3 percent were approved Mon~ day night by Saddleback Valley Unified School Dl1trict tnaat.s. The salary boosts mean that a teacher wltb a bacbel«',. delree can earn a top pay acale of $19,8Z7. up from the old top scale of $19,300. In1tructou wltb •aatera decrees may a•t up to_,.,. an· nually and doctorate dearee holden, SZO,S59. Bue pay for teachers ln the district WH increued 4.5' eer· cent. Tbis mun1 bale. teaCber pay lncreaae1 from •.tu to ' $19,316. accepted tbineir 1 8.67 petrcentraise. The pay Increases are the re· To ma ta n mos procrams suit of a m eet·and-confer and provide a salary raise of 4.54 pactase developed in negotia-pe:rcent, several cuts had to be uoos between teacher represen· made, inclUdln1 10 percent slices tatlves and tbe adm.tnistraUon. out of th• di1trlct music and Bll I M ec b am . te acber athlellcproframs . representative to the board, ln addition, the. rat.lo of stu· ack.nowled1ed t~ teacben "are dents to teacher wlll be upped by t II b 'tb thla one, meanine that 18 fewer new not to a Y •PPY wa .... ache-will be hired ltd.I 1um-packa1• or tbe compn>mlses we w: • • badtomake." · · mer to accommodate new But in 1aeral, thenegoUaUons growth than woul~ have bffn proce11 was quiet and com· Deeffd~ythl1year 1stanclardl. munlcative, compared toJaM.-aY• 1!W Olftftct yearwben teachers ~~91 · --lliil tine• the' ctlltrt« 11 10 0n alrlke and neftl' farliaD:J _.llM:aaas,._A2> I . I jo MAC endorsed this course of action alter a presentation by Gene Dias of County Rea l Property Services. But Capistrano Unified trustees, who bad already tabled the issue al a previous meeting, were pot happy with the demand. They included in their motion a provision that would allow them to take with them $5,000 worth of landscaping recently installed oa the site when they leave. Dias maintained tbat woold be illegal. He said the rental value or the site is actually $1,000 per month but the d~trict. would be given $500 per month credit because of their improvements to the site. The matter comes bef'bre coun· ty supervisors July 1. O,UVPC1et~i.,~......_ HE'S A PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is part of an oil painting in this summer's Pageant of 'the Masters to be presented in Laguna's Irvine BewJ. Addi· tional pictures on Page A3 show how it's done, . Ar.t Revealed Pageant, Shows HOUJ It's Done By J ACK CHAPPELL Of ltl4I Dailr ~1i.c SCaH The.Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach has succeeded in doing what ever y mother of every 9-year-old boy knows is im· possible -gotten the bundle of sl)ips, snails and puppy dog tails t6 stand still, very still. Just bow that and other small miracles are accomplished was revealed Monday in a sneak pre· view of the 1975 Pageant of the Masters for members of the news media. . · More than 300 m embers of the press ·and broadcasting media were allowed ba<!kstage and into the makeup and wardrobe section ... as models for the famous "liv· ingpictures" were readied. The pageant is a depiction or famous art works using real peo- ple as the subjects of the art. The life-size presentations .are dis· played with background music and informative narration on the stage of the Irvine Bowl Am- phitheater. This year the pageant and the Festival of Arts run from July 11 through Aug. 24. Mark Armstrong, 9, of Costa Mesa is a figure in the im· pressionistic painting '· Raetihi" by Peter M clntyre.· Faces d~bbed with makeup, wearing stiff painted costumes, Mar.k aad two other models are fitted into the background set for the paint- in~ere under special lighting designed to make the three dimensional set and figures look fiat, be and the other models will hold, remain frozen in place their for a minute and a half performance before 2,600 persons nightly attending the Pageant. CRASH Klus 3 MARINES TOKYO ,(UPI > -Three U.S. Marines were kllled today when their CH46A helicopter bit a con~ veyor cable and crashed into a dam construction site in D<>l'tMm O.kinawa. U.S. aulboritles witbbeld the names of tlle men until relative.a f are notified. Mark said ~ found holding still wasn't all that hard, but that his leg -set at an UltWllural angle to ru at ch the leg of the sub- ject in the painting ----:gets tired. Standing still, not blinking and stage fright are only some of the traditional perils facing model· entertainers of the pageant. A story making the rounds tells of the year a pigeon alighted on a woman modeling as a hude statue. To her credit, the model ·held still while the bird surveyed the makeup room's handicraft. , The volunteer models for the works are selected from hun- dreds of people who each spring audition for parts. They are photographed and th e ir measurements taken by the pageant staff. Later the models are matched with the subjects in paintings. This year there are two com· plete casts of 162 persons, Direc· tor Don Williamson said. Many more volunteers work backstate or below stage in costuming, makeup and headdressing. The {See PAGEANT, Page AZ) 1t'eat1Mr . Mostly cloudy through Wed.Desday but partly sun- ny in the afternoon with slightly cool-er tem-. peratures. Highs 65-68 at the beaches and 68·72 over inland areas. INSIDE T ODAY WUMHl!'I who mdde it aa.fe- ly to Thailand till of mau .atrocitiu ha Combodio, ~ormcd chif!'flfl ,QOOinst former .arm11 men. Story, ~A4. .... MY-~ A) _........ .,. ~-b~~1.~ ....... ..... .. .... .. .. .. ............ ... ~ ~· :~ 1 • ·-. l UPITe...,._.. Costly 'Sflste111' Beneath a cool exterior Cleft), engineer Keith Taft, 41, of Sunnyvale wears a mini-computer (right) he built at a cost of $50,000 hoping to beat the dealer at the bla ckjack tables. Taft spent 2,000 hours studying the game, then hit the casinos. He won $1,200 on his first venture -- then los t $4,400 before hanging it up. Fre•PogeAl PAGEANT ••• , two casts usually alternate every week. This year there will be 28 pre· sentations including 41 works. The works include paintings, •tatues. and objects of art. This is the 40th Pageant of the Masters , originally started in l933todraw art buyers to Laguna Beach and promote the parent Festival of Arts, the summer art exhibition by Laguna Artists. It has been an annuaJ event ex- eept for the war years of 1942 through 1944. The pageant has been sold out every year for the last 15 years although returned tickets are sometimes available at the box office before show time each night. More than 100,000 persons are expected to see the pageant dur- ing its run this year. An estimat- ed 250,00 will visit the Festivtl of Arts. Fro•PageAl TEACHERS still growing, no teachers will have to be laid off, district of- ficials said. Other cuts include: -A 25 percent decrease in the trave l and conference budget. -A r eduction of $50,000 in custodial services. -Elimination of the ad- ministrative intern program for a savings of $32,000. -Reduction of the district's contingency fund to $500,000. Fre•PageAI HART ... assistant to the superintendent. Among his accomplishments at Chabot was the establishment ol a $1 million computer facility, Saddleback ofCicials said. ORANGE COAST sa DAILY PILOT Tiie Or-C:O.•I 0.lly PllOI, "'4111w!tlell11 <°"'" -• ................. "°"°""""'I>'( llleOt-eo. .. PuClllll\1"9 Co"'1'eny ~elo "'°""' a'9 ,.,...._ Monday IMOVOll FrlCS.y tor Colte ltlleM. ,...-1 Beecn. Hwnll"91011 .. «111"-· .. In Valle y. lr•lfte, !>eddlet>eO Valley • ..., 1A9UN Bee<ll..S.11111 Coe\I A .i~ ......,.., 9Cltl-h PvOll-hhmla~ -~~ Tiie ptlncl,,.1 pu1>11tlll"9 plenl IS et JOO WUI 6'1y Slreet, C<Kla Meu, C.lllornla '1•1'. 15 Esper~a Stmkms Win ' Sport M~dals Fifteen s tudents from Esperanza School in Mission Vie- jo brought home 14 medals in- cluding five firs ts, from the Special Olympics at UCLA Sun- day. The three -day eve nt, sponsored by the Kennedy Foun- dation, is an ath.letic contest for the mentally retarded . Esperanza is the Saddleback Valley's trainable mentally r e- tarded facility. The Saddleback Valley stu- dents, ranging in age from 13 to 51, placed in swimming, diving, track and field and bowling events. "They thought it was just fan· tastic," said Becky Henizen, one o( three chaperones for the trip. "They really were trying hard to win, and they were also good losers.'' All medal winners wore their trophies to school Monday, Miss Henizen said. Medal winners included: -Diving: Kim Knoll, 19, second place. -Swimming : Judy Vanausdoll, 15, first in the 25- yard backstroke and 25-yard but- terfly; Gordon Donaho, 16, second in backs troke; Monica • Nichols, 15, first in butterfly and second in breaststroke; Randy Marshall, 16, s econd in butterfly and Barbara Corzine, 51, first in 25-yard freestyle and first in backstroke. -Track and field: Theresa Gray, 15, second in the pen· tathlon; Teri Burk, 15, second in the 220-yard dash; Pam Cole, 21, second in high jump Carla Aten, 19, second in softba ll throw. --Bowling: Troy Tegland, 13, second. Other participat\ts included Linda Vanausdoll, 20; Peggy .Honk, 14; Kathy Ramey, 18; and Kelly Corcoran, 18. The Saddleback Valley sut· dents joined about 2,500 partici- pants in the annual event. They stayed at UCLA and were enter- tained with a parade and rock concert as well as the sports, events. LONDON <UPI> -Prtnce Charles knew there would be moments like this. There. riCht before the future king's eyes. was ac- tress Su~an Hampshire in a dress that left nothin& to the imagination. He mustered all the royal courage at his com- mand. "My lather told me if~ ever met a lady ln a dresa like yours, I must look ner straight in the eyes." , Prince Charles told Miss Hampshire Monday night, adding: "Otherwise, someone might take a photograph of me in what might appear to be a compromising at- titude. n The blonde actress helped the prince out of his dilemma by cupping her hands over the most exposed extremities. He laughed. It happened at a reception at the Theater Royal, across the way from the royal family's suburban Cai· Ue. Fre•P-.Al COLLISION massive dual trailer rig, killed instantly. "We can't figure out how he got there, unless he was thrown • through a window and slid across ~ the pavement right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- vestigators be had no chance to · avoid the ·collision, an account supported by several eyewit- nesses, according to written re- ports. He said he was rolling at 45 to SO miles per hour, well within the SS mile-per.hour posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which until Monday afternoon had no stop s igns -when Miss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign headed north on Jeffrey Road. ""' "I saw her look to her right 3hd • then she just pulled out in front of me. I pulled to the left and put on the brakes•nd tried to get away from her, but it.just didn't do any good," he said. City of Irvine officials, who 1• have previously been asked for ~ such controls, placed stop signs at the Jeffrey Road crossing of Bar- r anca Road, plus a flashing cau- tion light, within a few hours.. ( Motoris ts who came upon the scene and construction workers in the undeveloped area of tomato fields and orange groves immediately stopped to offer what help they could when the· accident occurred. "I tried to help the driver of the van," said Fernie M. Miranda, of Santa Ana, " ... and then I pulled the little kid's head out from under the truck wheels." Miranda, riding with a friend, s aid he s aw s moke boil from the brakes or the s kidding truck ahead well before the explosive collision, noting it veered to the left. Other witnesses heard the thundering crash but saw nothing of the impact. The children, agea 6to10 years old, were taken to both Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital and Tustin Community Hospital after first aid at the scene. .· Group Asked ToEyeCUSD Budget Cuts Job Suitches In SaddklJack District Told Trustees of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District announced two new top-level job changes Monday night, ap- parently continuing their cam- paign to streamline district ad- ministration. John Cooper will be switched from coordinator of research and development to assist.ant to the superintendent, and Gil Moreno, formerly assistant to Robert Matthew, assistant superinten- dent of business services, was named business manager. Both changes will be effective July 1, with salaries to be de-' termined later from recommen- dations of Superintendent Richar~ Welte, trustees said. As coordinator, Cooper had been paid $23,005. He worked with developers to try to make enr ollment projections, and most recently coordinated a wide-ranging community pro- gram to help decide new school boundaries. Moreno, who had been earning -$24,336 as Matthew's assistant, will take over Matthew's job u.n· der a new title since Matthew re- signed two weeks ago. Both Moreno and Cooper came to the Saddleback district from the Tustin Union High School District, one of three entities absorbed in unification three yeanago. "I hope this put to rest any fears that we're conducting a purge," Trustees Dennis Smith said following the appointments. 'Code'F~ Shut Parlnrs · LAS VEGAS <UPI> -Two massage parlocs, which police term fronts for prostitution ac- tivities, were closed by the Las Vegas Fire Department on grounds of building and safety code violations. Sultan's Palace and the Velvet Touch were c losed Monday. The .Vegas Club Bath House'on South Main Street was shuttered Fri- day. Mayor William Briare said 100 building and fire code violations we re filed agains t the Bath House and some 20 violations each were listed against the Sultan's Palace and the Velvet Touch. Hotly Debated By &tJDI NIEDllDAKI. ... DMl ......... Baeten of a day care ~ter at Saddleback Colle1e *inn11hed for more than an hour with resl· dents complainlna about biaher taxes Monday night before trustees reached a c:omp0>mlse on the controversial proposal. The board, by a 4·2 vote, •creed to search through-its budaet tor funds to operate the ceni,r rather than imposing a l.~t addi- tional tax levy. Higher taxes were the main is- sue of the emotionally charged session, attended by an overflow crowd of about 50 persons. Though the increase would have been small, those protesting the establishment of the $165.ooo center for pre-school children said taxes for special ptirposes have a tendency to mount. But their feeling was summed up by Tustin resident Pat Hart who commented, "Anytime you can do it by staying in your budget, it's fine as long as you don'traiseourtaxes." That was the solution Trustee Patrick Backus had in mind as.he won support for his motion to take funds for the day care center out of the district's operating budget rather than levying a permissive override. · However, Supt. Robert Lom· bardi and dissenting trustees James Marshall and Norrisa Brandt offered little hope that the money could actually be ap- propriated in view of the fact that the district's budget had already been slashed bynearly$lmillion. "I just don't think.there is this kind of money available," said Dr. Lombardi who pointed out that the college's departmental budgets had been pared to the Limit and it was unlikely division chairmen would surrender any of their funds for the program. · Saddleback To Hire New Cage Coach Trustees of the Saddleback College District rebounded from their earlier position Monday night and agree~ to hire a basket- ball coach for tne Gauchos ~er all. Board members, who bounced the idea of a coach earlier this month, voted 6-0 to create the full-Ume position in a surprise turnabout. The item was brought back on the agenda by Trustee Donna Berry who initially helped defeat the proposal. Mrs. Berry said she had received new information to justify the hiring of a coach. Although the natur~ of that in- formation w'as never disclosed publicly, a spokes man· for the college said physical education department s taff members., had put together a comprehensive package for the board. The coach, when hired, will fill the vacancy left by Roy Stevens who resigned coaching duties in May to return to full-time teaching. His salary will be based on the college's wage schedule for in- structors pl us a 10 percent coaching bonus. Jut Baeku. count.eel by HY· iq, "'°'°etblng bu to IUlfer if you'n 1oln1 to have something elH . ., After Ute meeting he· declared his lntent'to shave other apprqpriatlons even turther to 1upport tbe center. • The trustee further po&nt.cS otat thattfthecolle1eman1gestofund the cenw out ol lta-own budtet. it would retain complete control overtbefacllity. As the proposal was presented, the day care center was to have been operated by the county Department of Educatioc in a cooperative venture with the col- lege. The county schools office would have levied the tax In- crease in behalf of SaddJeback College. # While day care center backers stressed the need to provide stu- dent mothers with a place to drop off their childl:en, their opponents argued that it was the college's duty to provide education and not' babysitting services. Private nursery schools and parent co-ops were suggested as alternatives but Dean of Students Jack Swartzbaugh pointed out that local nursery schools are saturated and have waiting lists. FroiilP~Al ADVISORY clsion-makers. In general, the outlines of the MAC would follow the lines of County Service Area Six. However, Monoson notes that some parts of the community, s uch as Sadd,leback Valley Plaza, are islands not ~longing to the service area and thus not paying the •&·cent per $100 as- sessed valuation annual service area tax. The service area would finance the MAC, as in Mission Viejo, where County Service Area Nlne provided the MAC's first year budget of $12,000. "It's hard to weigh what a MAC would cost for County Service Area Six," said Dan Miller of the county service area coordinator's office. "If they want to be very austere, with a bare office and no chairs, it's their decision. If they want to go Car a plush office with all the trimmings, they can do that too." he said the initial cost of form· inc a MAC comes from the elec- tion to select council members. That would cost the service area about 50 cents per registered (toter, he said, or somewhere around $21000. To form a MAC, community leaders must get signatures from 10 percent of the registered voters asking that the supervisors consider authoriz- ing the MAC formation. If supervisors approve. an election is called to elect the panel. Student Arrested PARIS (UPI) -Customs of- ficials at Orly Airport today ar- rested an American student, Gary Peterson, 25, of Carpin- teria, and said he was bringing 38. 75 pounds of hashish into France bidden in three s\lltcases with false bottoms. Capistrano Unified School Dis- trict trustees were urged Monday night to Corm a joint committee to study budget cuts that would create money to pay for saJary increases. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT rr SEAMS Board mem hers generally seemed to favor the idea, but a defmite decision on the matter is not expected until after next Tuesday. That will be the first day of. work for Dr. Jerome 1bornsley, the district's new superinten - dent. 'There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. .. Robert N. Weed ............ • ..., 1'111111- Jack R. Curley Vke Prn l<lenl -CieMf'el IN_. Thom as Keevll Edllor Thomas A. Murpttlne llM11eQl1M1 Editer Vandals Cause '$30,000 Loss To Big Crane The school board and the dis· t rict 's employes h ave been wrangling over demands for salary increases of up to 20 per- cent for several mont.M. Several teachers picketed a board meet- ing June 16 to impress their de· mands on trustees . The request for a joint commit- tee was made by Tony Leon, pre- sident of the Capistrano Unified Educators Association, a group representing the majority of the distrlct'1 teachers. He said the committee should be made up of employerepresen- tatives, · school principals, and district adminiltraton, includ- The vast majority. of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which Is several times faster than hand sewing. Dray.'backs. include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing, and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing, there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also, operating temperature of the Iron Is critical, and If the iron is too hot or too cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. Cleaning poses the ultimate test to this type of seam, and we have been called innumerable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we hand S&N our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in thise stltct-tes. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and prl!"ary backings. ) Naturally, sewing takes tongt?r, but our fine Installations have been a major factor In our growth through fifteen years in Costa Mesa. Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall Aatohl'""I llM,..91119 Edtort S.cldlelNck Valley Office '3101 U li'u Aoed el $.ell~ Fr_.., Other Offius t .. 1eMe .. • HO W.II .. ,SlfHf ... .-i .. ec11 »>>"•_...,..._ """"',,.,.... ...... 17111 ,_ ... llol\llf-41 U..,.. ...... llM~Street . TelepMM '714) 642..-n, e&assHt.d AdverUtlnt MM67t ~· Velley-Olltu S&14J10 , ...... s...ti.-... 49S·0630 c.tttrl ... t, ltrt °'"" .. Can t ~.-.1...i~ ~ .... _. __ ,,_, ........... .. _l .. , ~ ..... ,. ... _ ....... , __ , .. ... .,.-.u •• 11 ...... -'''" jlef...i., ..... ""'"""-'· le<~ ................ et C:..l.e Mne, ~ •. -....c, ......... ,"', ...... ,._..,.,.; •~M ... ,,....,;,...llM't_lllM_u.• _..,. Vandals caused an estimated $30,000 damage to a 46-too crane being used in freeway construc- tion in Costa Mesa, It was dis- covered Monday. The bil n1 with a capability of 82 tonl Uft:in,g power was used to U~rally tear ltaelf apart, accord- lna to lnvati•atora. Douclu A. Rldaeway ol the Novo Constructloft Company, Chino, called police when workmen dlscovertd the malldoua mischief. Tbe huce cr1oe'1 boom w11 elevated to a 90-degree an1le and lta cable tben attached to cne or two 1eparate cabs which can be Ottapied by lta openeon. -~( ing Tbomsley. . Board memben lndlcat.ed the committee could review various . budfet cut1 propo1ed by Its employe aroups. Mooey eenerat· ed by the cull would be reallocat- ed lo the bud1et f« aa1ao creaaa and frlo1e beaelt' provecnentt .. DEN'S ~.&a.\JllOO~· : iiiiiililatioii: ·custom draperies UC. NO. 230422 166' ~C!NTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6-46-.. 831 -6~6-235' . Admlnlstraton say abou seoo,ooo C!Ould tM C\& from th9' budtet lot" ••l•ry improv'llDIDt,.~ while tile Capi1traeo Unified' · FederatJon of Teachers, repreHJ'lUnl 1bout SO iDlb'UC· tors. ca.iln• more than sa mHUon l . could be found . ~~~-------------:-----~~...;.------------------------------.....1 f / l VOL. 68, NQ. 175, 2 SECTIONS, 24' PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1975 TEN CENTS . Group (J ails ~or Cheaper I1·vine Hollies ·~ Plana by a group of Irvine reai" dents to launch a non, government attack on the lack of moderately priced homes in the dty probably can work. says the Irvine Company lawyer who is doing their legal work. Attorney D~vid Carrigu said that. deapi\e the lack ot legal pre- cedents, the goals or making housing in Irvine availeble to moderate income families - those earning from '$8,800 to $15,000 a ·year -probably can be D!et. The group caUs itaelf Moyo, an lndiaµi word meanm. "the flrat village.!' · Tbe group will attempt to re- gulate the resale price ol homes built under a new moderate-price mandate of the Irvine City Coun· cil. The council, in the zoning for the new Village of Woodbrid1e, determined that 10 ~ent ol the homes must be in the price rang a ot moderate-income fa mill es. While the Irvine Company says it can buUd homes in that price range, past attempts have result· ed in dramatically escalated prices when the homes are re- sold. The group plans to control the rate of appreciation on homes ac· co.rdln1 to a yet-tQ·De- determined formula, said Manha Polizzi, an organizer of Moyo. The moderate priced homes, she said, will be lacki~ in many of the amenities customary of houses in lbe city. Enclosed gara1es. dishwashers, garbage disposals, fireplaces and similar attract.ions will not be part ol .the homes, she said. Driver in Fatal Van Crash Faces Charges .... Budget Battle Resumes The Irvine City Council will at· tempt to balance the city"s 1975·76 budget tonight after ad· ding $44,000 to the document. The meeting will be held at city hall, 4201 Campus Drive, at 7:30 p .m. In discussions to date, council members have eyed the capital improvements portion of the budget as the area to be cut. City Manager William Woollelt has suggested that a special session may be needed later this • w~k to get the budget in final shape before the end ol the fiscal yearJune36, So far, changes to the budget have centered on reinstating community service programs de· leted from the city manager's re- commendation&. They included a fre ~ summer bus 1ervice, Supervised playgrounds, youth services and others totaling $44,000. Administrative Services Direc· tor James · Harrington has re- commended other potential budget additions which could raise the total another $64,358 if approved by the council. The additions would include a city charter election, a special census, ·continued c.ity participa· tion in a federal jobs program, enforcement costs for the city's new noise ordinance and main· tenance for police station landscaping. To balance the budget, said Harrin~o,n, cuts will have to be made in other a reas or additiooal revenues sought. Additional re· venues are unlikely, he said. Senate O kays $3.8 Millio n F o r Bay Buy SACRAMENTO -The state Senate unanimously approved a bill Monday giving the state Department of Fish and Game $3.8 million to acquire about 700 acres o( Upper Newport Bay wetlands for a wildlife preserve. The measure, SB 388 authored by Sen. Dellis Carpenter (R- ~ewport Beach), now goes to the Assembly !or action. Under the Carpenter bill, tbe $3.8 million purchase price will come from the $4.5 miWon settle- . ment the state received (or damages caused by the 1989 San· ta Barbara oilsplll. .,...,,.. ..... ~ THIS IS NEW STOP FOR BARRANCA ROAD TRAFFIC Sign on Strfft P.,nted Over Truck Skid Marks ' Boy Dead, One Blind In Irvine By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Offlte O•llY PllMSUff Manslaughter charges will be sought against the driver of a day camp mini-bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday. leaving one little boy dead, a second blinded, and the driver herself and nine other children injured. Police said today they will pre· sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District At- torney 's Office in about a week, seeking a complaint against the driver . Carolyn A . Connen, 2:,\, a 2 1h· year employe of Rouch Riden Day Camp in Fountain Yalley. is under cm at Tustin CommUnlty Hospital, in fair coadition with multiple injuries. Miss Conners. of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by James E . Bartley, 4 5, of Diamond Bar. . Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were flung out rear doors and windows of the shat- tered van, flopping to the pave· ment like rag dolls. "It was real strange," said one of the first policemen to reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mostly silence, everybody shocked and not moving." Little John Henry Ramming, 6, of ·3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, lay beneath a rear wheel of the 11 % Gain Reported By Irvine .Company • massive dual trailer rig, killed inBtantly. rapidly shifting .market demand during .a period in which the na· tion and the real estate develop- ment industry are experienc.ing economic difffoulties." By DOUGLAS FRITZSCHE Of .. 0.11, ...... SUft Despite the widely reported re- al estate and construction in· dustry slump over the past year, the Irvine Company today told shareholders net earnings were up 11 percent from last year. At the annual stockholders' meeting in Newport Beach, Com· pany President Raymond Watson said gross revenues climbed 26 percent over the past year from $69.8 million to $87.8 million. Agricultural operations brought in the largest income in the company's 100-year history. Farming income totaled $17.8 million compared to the $14.4 million rep0rted for the 1973-74 fiscal year. Even that l~el of income, Watson said, did not make up the amount the company .,.ya in tax· es on its farmland. However, be said, agricultural operations al· low the company to bold the land ~til it is ready to be developed. The company, which Controls the 80,000-acre Irvine Ranch, owns about 17 percent of the land in Orange County. As land is sold off for development, the com· · pany retrenches part of the earn- ings in investment property. Last year the company spent. $41 million in construction costs, adding to its investments three apartment complexes, a bigh- rise office building, a shopping center and about 200,000 square feet of industrial buildings which are leased to firms . A majority of Irvine Company stock, 53.4 percent, is held by the non-profit James Irvine Founda- tion, which distributes a portion or its earnings to charitable or· ganizatlons. (See REPORT, Page AZ) "We can't figure out how be got there, unless he was thrown through a window and slid across the pavement right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- vestigators he bad no chaqce to avoid the collision, an account supported by several eyewit- nesses, according to written re- ports. He s aid l\e was rolling at 45 to 50 miles per hour, well within the SS mile.per.hour posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which until Monday afternoon had no stop signs -when Miss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign headed north on J effrey Road. "I saw her look to her right and then she just pulled out in front of me. I pulled to the left and put on the brakes, and tried to get away <See COLLISION, Page AZ) * * * f ....,fne Crash Vir t i •s The Moyo group, she aaid, is aiming its effort at •'upwardly mobile" families. preferably those working in the Irvine In· duatrial Complex. Monday night, the group met to discuss bow the non-profit cor· poration would screen families to see who is eligible for the homes. The criteria were not finally de· term.med, Mrs. Polizzi said. Moyo memb~rs include Coun· cil men Ro be rt Wes t and Gabrielle Pryor, Mrs. Polizzi, en- vironmentalist Wesley Marx. Rev. Ron Allison andothers. Some members of the group. Mrs. Poliui said, already have been challenged by some resi- dents. Most of the opposition, she said, centers on fears of sub- sidized housing. The group, she said, will use.no <See HOUSING, Page AZ> - -Diity ~ ...... .., ltk:M,. ll.-..r HE'S A PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is part of an oil painting in this suqimer•s Pageant of the Masters to be presented in U.guna 's Irvine Bowl. Addi- tio~al pictures on Page AJ show how it's done. Art Revealed P ageanJ, Shows How I t's Done By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. 0.11, ..... 5'aft The Pageant of the Masters in · Laguna Beach has succeeded in doing what every mother of every 9-year-old boy knows is im· possible -gotten the bundle of snips, snails and puppy dog tails . to stand still, very still. Just how that and other small miracles are accomplished was revealed Monday in a sneak pre· view of the 1975 Pageant of the Masters for members of the news media. "\, , More than 300 m embers of the press and broadcasting media were allowed backstage and into the makeup and wi,mlrobesection ... as models forthe faml>us "liv-• ing pictures" were readied. The pageant is a depiction of famous art works using real peo- ple as the subjects of the art._ The life-size presentations are dis- played with background music and informative narration on the stage of the Irvine Bowl Am- phitheater. This year the pageant and the Festival of Arts run from July 11 through Aug. 24 . Mark Armstrong, 9, of Costa Mesa is a figure in the im· pressionistic painting "Raetihi" by Peter Mcintyre. Faces dabbed with makeup. wearing stiff painted costumes, Mark and ·two other models are fitted into the· background set for the paint- ing. There under special lighting designed to make the three dimensional set and figures look Oat, he and the other models will hold, remain frozen in place their for a minute and a half performance before 2 ,600 persons n ightly attending the Pageant. Mark said he found holding still wasn't all that bard, but that his leg -set at an unnatural angle to ma tch the leg of the sub- ject in the painting -gets tired. Standing still, not blinking and stage fright· are only some of the traditional perils facing model· entertainers of: the pageant. A story making the rounds tells of the year a pigeon alighted on a woman modeling as a nude statue. To -her credit, the model · held still while the bird surveyed the makeup room's handicraft. The volunteer models for the works are selected from hun- dreds of people who each spring (See PAGEANT. Pa•e AZ} Or::;c;L~' W e a a-.. Carpenter satd his bill is part of the plan to ae!tle a lengthy dis- l>Ute between Orange County and the Irvine Company over pvmenrup and development of Upper Newport Bay. The plan was arrived at several months aao following neaotlatlons searbeaded by the state Depart- ment of Fish and Game. Dividends on the 8.4 million privately held shares In the com· pany were increased for the eJghth consecutive year to 72 cents, up from 61 lastyear. Talkinf to etockbolders, Watson praised the company's ability .. to take advantage of RiderS • m Van ·Listed Mostly cloudy through Wednesday but partly sun- ny in the afternoon with slightly cooler tem- peratures. Highs 65-68 at the beaches and 68·72 over inland areas. INSIDE T ODAY Deloge il;1 Fresno FRESNO (UPI> -A gopher or 90me otber 1mall ulmal pro- b9bly caused the break In a canal bank Monday tbat -.nt mllllona . ol 1a1tona of water cuc9dlni Into 4 nsidentlal area• on Fresno'• northwHt 1ldet noodlnc 1tneta and yards aDO In tome ~IHI aeepill1 lnto homea, ctnclala 1ald • today. • Here ii a com~lete listing of passenien in the ill-fated Rough Rlden Day Camp van when it was ltt\lck by a truck Monday en route to a summer day outing. Canlya C...n, 23, ol 1561 ll.a Drive. Sant~ Ana Heitbll, TOKYO (UP]) -'lhree U.S. in fair condttioft at Tult1n Com- Martnea were killed t0d91 wbm manl~ Hospital with fracturee tbelr CHt6A heUCOIJW bit a con· andfhel'nuuriee. . veyor cable and cralbed Into a ~ w•, 10• of Santa Ana, a CRASH KllLS 3 MARINES dam conatnaction slte In northern .... Okinawa. ~ Ana POllcemm's ~ -u.s auebortUu wltbbeld the ·fair conclltlon at t.be Tutm nam~ ol th• men untll relatlvek • :e::.'!i=~ iD4 ar,.noWled. rem.e, T, d l~ San- dalwood Irvine; iii fair concfi .. tion there with mulUple injuries. Mark Rll••••n, 6, ol Gil Win· tersweet. Way, lrvtne, listed in talr condition at Santa Ana· Tustin Cooniiunity Hospital with a severe concu11ion reeulting ln bllndnas. DavN Giibert, t, ol 4i50 W. Car· rla•• Drive, Santa Ana, In fair l'OOCllUon at the Santa Ana·Tullln l.aJHj. ,... c ...... 10, ol 31.JO Rae. DriW. IDta Ania allo 1.D fair C!Cmdltloa there. leoU •.tuer.. 10, of 11063 Whtie.wood Way, Irvine; John Hilgeman. 10, of 4331 Win - tersweet Way Irvine; Chris Can· tella, &, of 31'20 Rene Drive.Sanla Ana and An&ela and auisUne Kimmel, each 9, of 1001 W. Stevens Ave., Santa Ana, were treated and released. Jolla ll•••l•I· 6, of 4801 Park view Lane. Irvine, wu dead at UM acene and was taken to S.ddleback Claapel Mortuary where bis lather made ldentlllca- tioft. Senlcet for tbe boy wen pend- lnr thla mornlnr at Sbelfe.r Lasuna Beach .Mortuary. Witnesses who mode it IG/e· ly to Thailand t4U of mciu atrocitiu in Cambodia, ~rformN clat.flw .OQCdut former .cirmr men. Storv, ~A4. •. . ... . MV..~ Al ........... A• ~· Al ........... ... CS...-.. aMa =c...y Al °""*" u ., .. o--• u ,... "" .... ........ ,., = .... C h 1dr I • M W A ... U ,.._. A .. ,, TIAI ~ U ::.::t. : = I: =-"*"" ~ --.. \ Al QA!\.. Yen.OT l' ... P.1AJ COU~ISION ,.,. ...... l*Jelt ... , .. ., ~,.'beHl.d. City of Irvine olftdals, wbo have prevlo\llly been asked for . aucb coatrols, placed stopalpa at. tbe Jeffrey Road cl"CNlng ol Bar- r anca Rolld, pl\&I a Rasbing cau- Ucm ligbt, wlt&J.n a few houri. Motorists who came u.pon the acene and coustrucUoo workers in tb• undeveloped area of tomato ftelda and oranie lfOV• immediately atopped to otter what help they could when the accident occurred. ••t ~ad to help the driver ot the "•n, • aald Fernie M. Miranda, ol Santa Ana, ". • .and then I pulled the litU• kid'• head out from under the truck wbeell." Miranda, r1dlD1 wlth a friend, said be 1aw 1moke boil from the brake• of the aktddlna truck ahead well before the exploelve collisiOOt ooUng it veered to th• left. Other wltneuea beard the· thundering crash but saw not.bins of tb• impact. The children, •led 11to10 ye an old, were taken to both Santa Ana·TuaUn Community' Holpital and Tustin Community H01pital after firat ald at the 1cene. ~ The Rammlnf boy wu pro- DOUnced dead a the 1cene by a YOUDI doctor baaed at nearby El Toro Marine Corpt Air StaUon :who wa1 aummoned to the :nearby acene to help. : Three vtctlm1 lncludinl Misa ·Conner remained under care to- ·day at. Tuatln Community .lfoapltal, one child the aon of a :Santa Ana police officer. : Three othera are at Santa Ana· :Tuatin Community HOlpital, in· ·cludin1 Mark HU1eman, 8, ot · Saddleback :To Hire New ·Cage. _Coach : .Truatees of the Saddleback Collete District rebounded from their earlier po11tion Monday meht and a1reed to hire a basket- ball coach for the Gauchoe alter all. Board members, who bounced the Idea of a coach earlier thia month, voted 6·0 to create the full-time poaiUon in a surprise· turnabout. The item was brouebt back on the acenda by Truateo Donna Berry who Initially helped defeat the proposal. M ra. Berry 1aid abe had ncelved uew lnlonnatlon to justify the birini of a coach. Althou1h U\e nature ol that in- formation WH never cliaclOled publicly, a spokesman for the college said physical education department. staff members had put together a comprehensive packaee for the board. .. The coach, when hired, w\U fill the vacancy tert ~ Roy Stevena who resigned coB'lhlng duties in May to return to\full-time teaching. ·. " .. His salary will be baaed on the college's wage schedule for in· structori plus a 10 percent coaching bonu~. Uganda Chief Sends letter By United Pre11 lateraaUoaal Two British army olficers 1ent to U1anda lo appeal fOl' the llfe of a British lecturer returned to London today carryina a sealed letter for Queen Ell1abetb from Uaandan President ldi Amin. There was no indication what the letter contained. Am.in Mon- day 1et a July 4 execution date for Dennia Hilla, 61, deaplte .- personal appeal for clemency from t.he queen. ' OltANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. WMd .......... -"""'_ J-ell R. CurltY \llCt ............ -o.-.. M.- ThomH KHvll .. ,,., ThOmH A. Murphlne tMNtlllt l•IM Charles H. Loo!. Rl(h•rd P. Nall A•tlil•nl _,,. .. .,. E .. tor6 Te .. P"•M 014) .. 2-4121 Clasalfled Advert111ft9 64J.M71 SMlll ...... VelleJ ~Office .., ... ,no f~tfll .... 0.INM 4t .... . c 1" ....... llCAI .... ",. ......... DIAGRAM TRACI!& MONDAY'S PATAL CRASH IN tRVINE V•n Left Stop on "9ffrey; Truak W~1 on Barrencti .Q.11 Wtntersweet Way, 'trvlne, whMe brother w11 not u badly hurt. Holpttal offtctala conllrm that Mark auff ered a aevere con• cuaion and 11 blind u a reault, but that lt la too early to telf 1f 1t wm be permanent. Callforila Hi&hway Patrol of. tlcera ln1pected both tt\P destroyed van and the heavlly dama1ed Sully·Mlller Contract· tne Company 1ravel truck Mon- day for any mechanical defect.a. School buees are routinely in· 1pected by CHP offlcen, who are alway1 reaponalble for in· ve1U1atln1 any accident 11\volv· inl a acbool even if it la not on a atate hlabway. COila Mesa Police Lt. Re1an noted today, however, that the Rough Riders Day Camp vehicle, one of several it operata, doa not qualify as a school bus. "If it isn't yellow, it isn't a school bus. Thia oRe la just. a privately owned van with a name on the side," he said. Children riding in the van were en route to a Rough Riders out· door recreation facility near San· tia10 Park at the base of the San· ta Ana Mountains. Parents with children enrolled at the day camp immediately flooded the Police department with calls when they learned of the tragedy over the radio. Names o·f victims were not re· leued until their parenta bad been notified individually. A Noble !let . Prince Averts an Eyeful LONDON (UPI> -Prince Charles knew there would be moments like this. There, right before the future king's eyes. was ac· tress Susan Hampshire in a dress that left nothing to the imaiination. He mustered all the royal courage at his com- mand. "'My father told me if I ever met a lady in a dress like yours, I must look her straight in the eyes," · Prince Charles told Miss Hampshire Monday night, adding: "Otherwise, someone might take a photograph of me ln what might appear to be a compromising at· titude." The blonde actress helped the prince out of his dilemma by cupping her banda over the most exposed · extremities. He laughed. It happened at a reception at the Theater. Royal, across the way from the royal family's suburban cas· tle. Ted Ke1U1edy ~A GEANT.. • Story Upheld audition for parts. They are Q D phot~graphed and the ir JI rolVlliiJ.g waslJrement1 taken by the j9:igeant staff. Later t.he models NEW YORK CUPI> -Sen. are matched with the subjects in Edward M. Kennedy CD·Maas.), painttn1s. . . told "t.he absolute truth" about Thi• year there arJl~o com· .. ~· 1989 Chappaquiddick auto ac· . · c1dent in w bi ch Mary Jo plete casla .ot.162 perao~. Diroc-· Kopechne was kllled the Na- tor Don Wllhamaon said. Many tional Enquirer report.i. more volunteera work backltale The new1paper said that or below stage in coetumlnf, Charles R. McQuJston, "a former makeup and headdreuin1. The t u s · t tr .. two cute usually alternate every op · · 10 e igence expert, k used a p1ycholo1ical stress wee • eva.luator, or "truth detector,'' to This year there will be 28 pre-scan 1tatement1 KeMedy made sentations including 41 works. in a nationally televised 1tate- The works include paintln11, ment July 25, 1969, a week after 1taatues, and objecta of art. · the accident. Thll ls the 40th Paaeanl of the 'Tm thorouahly convinced Mastera, orlfinally started in Kennedy told the truth about 1933todraw art buyers toLaeuna Chappaquiddick. There's no Beach and promote the parent doubt about it," McQui1ton told Ffftival of Arte, the summer art the Enquirer. • exhibition by La1una Artlatl. Miss Kopechne was killed It hu been an annual event ex-when Kennedy'• car. in which cept. for the war years of 19'2 1he wae riding, went off a brid1e throu1h 19'4. The paaeant hat P" Martha'• Vineyard, Mu1., in- been sold out every year for t.he to a tidal pond. Jut 15 years althouah returned McQui1ton said the PSE would tickets are sometlmea available I how u nu 1ua1 1 eve la of at the box office before ahow Ume peycholoaical 1tre11 it Kennedy each nl&ht. told an untruth. He eaid he found More than 100,000 persona are no such unusual le vela wben Ken· expected to aee t.he paaeant dur-nedy denied he waa under the in· ln1 lte run thla year. An eatlmat-· • nuence of alcohol at the time or ed 250 oo will vi1it the Festival of the accident. that he waa in· Arta ' volved in a romance with Mlaa · Kopechne, and when he uaerted Suicide Ends Murder Trial NORWALK CAP> -The suicide of a major wttn .. bu prompted a mlstrtaJ in the case of Deborah Joy Kantaeng, ac· CUHd of murderin1 a man •be aaya ra~ her. 9upertor Court Juds• n.ach Vuey declared the mtatrtal llOD- day after three daya of Jury Mleetion. He reacbeduled the trial for Ju\f n, wbm juron will be cboffn from a new pane.I • he made ''repeated effort. to save her by diving into the strong .and murky current." 'Code' Flmm ' . Shut Parwrs LAS VEGAS CUPI) -Two massage parlors, which police term front.a for pro1tlt.utlon ac· :Uvtt.lea, were cl0ted b)' the La• Vesaa Fire Department on iround1 of bulldina ~ aafety code vlo1atlon1. Sultan'• Palace and the Velvet Touch were cloaed Monday. Th• Veaas Club Bath ffouae on South Main Street was sbuttettc'I Fri-· 11111 Kantaen1'1 hther, day. . Robert Boyd of Belll1ower, was Ma)'OI' WllU am Briare 1akt 100' foand dead of a dru• Ind alcoboi buUdln1 and flre code vialtdon" 0¥_... JHt T\l•day. Hewu at were filed a1atn1t the Bath the sane of the ldllin1 ol Danny . RoaM and· 90me IO viollllioM as.rt• Allan of Santa Ana Oct. 3 each were llated ~alut tbe Md WM tomldertd an lmpottant SuJUn '• Palace and UM Velvet witneaa la th• cue. . · Touch. ' Bart New €ollfJ8e Official Dr. Edward A. Hart Monday niatbt waa hired as uslstant to Saddleback ·Collete SUperinten· den' Robert Lombardi, bui DOt befon truateea lopped $1,IOO off h1a PfOPOled 1alary. The new administrator, formerly with Chabot Communi- ty Colle1e in' Northern CaUtornl• wm Hlllt P-f • I.om· bardt wtt\i the coll••• • Ions· range planntni. He will be pald $33,000 a year. Hart'• employment appeared to bo ln doubt until t.Nltees set.- tied their dltterencea about hla salary ln executive sesaion. Earlier, Trustee Donna Berry aaked t.hat the position, thoush prevloualy approved by board action, be stricken because of the salary recommended by Lom- bardi. Mra. Berry cited the need to shave t.he di1trict'1 bud1et by another tlSS,000 and 1ua1 .. tect this wa1 a &ood place to atart, ac-cording to a 1pokeaman for the college. Her motion to dispense wit.h Lombardi's auistant was de- adlocked by a 3.3 vote. A su~e quent motion to hire him wu similarly deadlocked. H11 aalary aettled in execuUve session, the board reconvened to. a public meeting and hired Hart on a 4·2 vote. Mrs. Berry and board C ha irman Roberi Bartholomew voted against the meaaure. Scheduled to aaaumo his new P01ltion July 11 Hart will be as- st111ed several apecillc projecta, amon1 them the draftinl of the colleae d11trict ·a five and 10-year educational plans. He will also be responsible for the plannine of the Saddleback district'• future Tu1tJn·Irvlne campu11 updating personnel files and policies, aaaistlne archltecta with the plannina of new faclUtlea, and the development of occupational and vocational pro· 1ram1. Hart 1erved in several ad· mlnhtratl ve capacities at Chabot, moat recently u 1peclal aaasi1tant to the 1upertntendent. Amone bra accompllahmenla at Chabot was the estabU1hment of a S1 mllllon computer facility, Saddleback official• .•aid. New Student Leader Named Kat.hleen Eddy, a 2l·year-old liberal arts atudent from El Toro, t1 the new student body president atSaddleback Collese. Mill Eddy and the other stu· dent officers were elected June 12 and have already ae1umed their offices. Other officers are: Miss Anita Mlf!nogna, 19, Mis- sion Viejo, vice preaident; Nick Fistonlch, 21, El Toro, budget commis1loner and treasurer; Janine Coate, 19, lrvlne, pubUclty commissioner; Peggy Terrell, 23, · Irvine, student affairs com- milaloner; Crala Baumbusch, 24 , San Juan Capistrano, academic affairs commissioner, a nd Valerie J . Moylan, 20, El Toro, pres• secretary. A-test Delayed P.AHUTE MESA, Nev. (UPI) - Underground detonation of a megaton-class nuclear bomb waa postponed today for 24 'hours. SaddlefJaelc C'ollep! Chltd Center Hotly Debated ll)' au DJ NIBDJ:l-..i °' .. ner._,. ........ Baektrt of• day eare C*l~r at Saddleback College slrlrmiabed tor more than an hour with resi- dente oomplaininl about hllber taxes Monday nlaht be~ore trustees reached p. compromtae on the controveralal propoaal. The board, by a C-2 vote, all'ffCI to search tbrouab it.a budaet fc)r funda to operate the center rat.her than lmposln& a 1.5-cent addi· Uonaltaxlevy, Hl1ber taxea were the maln 11-sue of the emotionally charaed ... ,ion, attended by an overflow crowdofabouUOpersons . Though the increase would have been small, those protesting the establishment of the $165,000 cehter for pre·1chool children said t.axe1 for specjal purpo1n have a tendency to mowit. But their reellnc was summed up by Tustin resident Pat Hart who commented, "Anytime you can do it by 1tayln1 ln your bud!et. it's fine as lOl'g as you don traiaeourtaxe1." That w11 the soluUon Trustee Patrick Backu1 had ln mind as he won support for bis motion to take funds for the day care center out of the district's operating budget rather than levying a permissive override. · _ Howehr, Supt. Robert Lom· bardi and~ diaaentint lruateea James Marshall and Norriaa Brandt offered little hope that t.he money could actually be ap· propriated tn view or the fact that the district 11 bud1et had already been 1laahed by nearly $1 milllon. •·1 just don't think there 11 thla kind of moner avallable." aald Dr. Lombard who pointed out that the college'• Clepartmental budeeta had been pared to the limit and it wae unlikely division chairmen.would 1urrender any ol their tunda for the prorram. But Backus countered by aay- lnf, "Somethln1 has to suffer If Changes OK'd In Bar Panel SACRAMENTO (UPI> Leeislatlon placin1 1lx non- attorneya on the 1overnin1 board of the state bar haa overwhelm- lncly palled the A11embty With a majority of aaaembly'a attorney. members voti n g for the meaaure. Supported by Gov. Edmund G. Brown J~ .• the measure <AB&80> by Auembl y man Howard Berman CD· Beverly Hilla), an at- torney, w111ent to the Senate on a 58-9 vote. Ei1hteen of the Al· eembly'a 28 attorney-membora voted ••aye." Tbe legislation would increase memberahlp of the lS·member board of 1overnor1 of the bar to 21 with the addition or the six public non-lawyer members and also would open board meelinea to the public except in dis· clpllnary proceedings. Fro•PageAJ REPORT ••. Under the mandate or a federal tax reform law, t.he fowidatJon is trying to sell Its stock lo Mobil Oil. Tl\e sale i1 beinJ blocked by court 1uit1 contendm1 that the $24 a a hare price ts too low. you're •oin1 to liave tomtW.ng elH. '' After the mHUn1 be declared bla lntent to abave Other approprlatlona even f\Utber to 1upport the center. · The trustee further politted out thaUftb• coll••• manq•totund the center out of Jt.a own budfetl it would retalft compt• control -over the f •clllty. Al th• proposal wu .......-ec1, ·the day care cent.er w• to have btten operated by the county Department of EdUC?aUon 1n a cooperative venture with the col· 1 .. e. The eoanty scboola otttce • would have levled t.be tax in·· ereaae in behalf of Saddleback College. . While day care center backer• stressed the need to provide ~U· dent mothera with a place to drop off theJr children, Usetroppon.nts arsued t.hat it waa the col.::fie'• duty to provide education not babysitting services. Private nursery schools and parent co-ops _were suggested as alternatives but Dean of Studenta Jack Swartsbauah Pointed out that local nursery 1chools are saturated and have waitlna lista. Zaire ans Negotiate? DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania CAP) -Zairean revolutlonariea boldlna two Apiericana and a Dutch woman hostage for more than a month have exprea&ed willingness to ne1otlate for thtlr Hf e re- turn, ·a well-Informed sourcesay1. . · The off er to nesoUate waa contained In letters written by the three atu· dente and received by tho American and--Outch am· bassadors to Tanzania late Jut week, the source said. Carrie Jane Hunter of Atherton, Callt:, Kenneth Stephen Smith of Garden Grove, and Emilie Ber1man of The Netherland• wero kidnpaed May 19 from a re- mote animal reaearcb rta- Uon in western Tan1an1a. • F;..•P..,.41 HOUSING ••• aovernment aublidlea. Rat.her, It will seek contributions from several areaai lncludinl the Irvine tndu1trta Complex. · That area, 1he aaid, haa a shortage of workera who can af- ford to live nearby. '11\at reaulu. she said, in employea commuUn1 .lon1 distances, 1taylne long enough to be trained, then seek· int Jobi nearer home. AddlUorrally, 1he 1aid, at th• rate of appreciation ol hoult1 in Irvine, many reaident1 who bouaht. home• five to ten yeara ago could not. now afford to buy into the city. She alao pointed out that lack of a netrby labor pool may dia· couraae 1ome flrm1 from re· locatina ln the Irvine lnduatrial developments, cutting down that potential tax base ~ throwing more of a load on homeowners. IT'S ALWAYS WHAT IT SEAMS 'There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which la aeveral times taster than hand sewing. Drawbacks. Include the fact that the tape la attached to the SECONDARY backing, and If the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the'prlmary backing, there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also, operating temperature of the Iron is crltlcel, and If the Iron la too hot or too cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak aeam. Cleanlng poses the uttlmate test to this type of aeam, and we have been called Innumerable times to repair someone eiae·a Hams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to ahrlnk. At Alden ·s we hand sew our seams with a oroaa 01 baseball atltch. Then we lateK the seem to permanently lock in thise stitch••· Sewing alao penetrates both secondary and primary backings . Naturally, 1ewing takes longer, but our fine in1t1llation1 have been a major factor In our growth through fifteen years In Coate ~sa. DEN'S : iiiitiJlitiiin: · cu•tom d_r•p•ri•• UC. NO. 2>04?2 1661 '1.ACINTIA .AVINUI • COSTA MUA, CALIP'. ~2627 • PHONI 64'6·4131 -6Af-2U5 " ' ' 1 .. VOL. 68, NO. 17S, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES • ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TUESDAY, JUNE 2.C, 1975 . T~aY'•O•hC N.Y~INeeka T EN CENTS , S~hool Unification Vote May Be Off By TERRY COVDLE OUllleO.llyflfi.t-... There may nol be a Nov. 4 elec- tion on school unification in Fountain Valley, a spokesman for the Orange County Counsel's office announced today. Deputy County Counsel Frank Fekete said he is recom· ~ending that County Superinten· dent Robert Peterson not call the Nov. 4 election. Driver May Be Charged By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot-.0.11, ,. .......... Manslaughter charges will be sought against the driver of a day camp mini-bus that collided with· e giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday, leaving one little boy dead, a second blinded, and the driver herself and nine other children injured. Police said today they will pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District At- torney's Office in about a week, seeking a complaint against the driver. Carolyn A. Conners, 23, a 2112- year employe or Rough Riders Day Camp in Fountain Valley, is under care at Tustin Community Hospital, in fair condition with multiple injuries . Miss Conners, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by James E . Bartley, 45, of Diamond Bar. Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were flung out rear doors and windows of Ute shat· •terect van, flopping to the pavt- meat like rag dolls. •· n was real strange," said one or the lirst policemen to reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mostly s ilence, everybody shocked and not moving." Little John Henry Ramming, 6, of 3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, lay beneath a rear wheel of the massive dual trailer rig, killed instantly. "We can't figure out how he got there, unless he was thrown through a window and slid across the pavement right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly s haken, told in· vesligators he had no chance to avoid the collision. an account s upported by several eyewit- nesses, according to written re- ports. He said he was rolling at 45 to 50 miles per hou~, well within the 55 mile per hou'r posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which until Monday afternoon bad no stop signs -when Miss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign headed north on Jeffrey Road. "1 saw her look to her right and then she just pulled out in front of me. I pulled to the left and put on the brakes, and tried to get away <See COLLISION, Page A2) * * * Passengers On Day Camp Van listed Here is a complete listing of passengers in the ill-fated Rough Riders Day Camp van when it was struck by a truck Monday en route to a summer day outing. Carolya Conners, 23, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, in fair condition at Tustin Com- munity Hospital with fractures and other injuries. Jon Wel11. 10, of Santa Ana, a Santa Ana policeman's son, in fair condlUon at the Tustin hospital with fractured ribs and poa1ible internal injuries. 8oblD Perrine, 7, oC 17391 San· dalwood Irvine, in fair cond( ... Uon there with mult.lple injuries. Mark _,u,emaa. 6, ol '331 Wln· unweet Way, Irvine, listed ln fa_lr condition at Santa Ana· Tustin Community Holplt.al with a severe concuulon resulting ln bllndne11. David Gilbert, 9, of 450 W. Car· rla«e Drive, Sant.a Ana. In fair condlUon at the Santa Ana·1\lsl.ln facility. J ack CHteHa, 10, ot 3120 Rene Drive, Santa Ana, also In fair ~ond.iUon there. Stolt Miiier, 10, of 18062 <SM PASSENGERS, Pa•e A.2> •. • Fekete sald la hls legal opinion the state Board of Education's April 10 resolution, asking !or u Fountain Valley unification elec· tion, does not meet the require· ments of the California Educa- tion Code. Ris decision centers on the state's allowing Huntington Beach residents of the Fountain Valley School District to vote on tbe unification proposal. The petitions which spurred the unification campaign call for the creation of a new, unified school system, based strictly on the boundaries of the city of Fountain Valley. But part of the Fountain Valley (elementary) School district cov· ers a portion of Huntington Beach known as "the strip." Some strip residents wanted to be part of the new unified school system, or at least have a say in its creation, so the state gave them a vole. But Fekete contends the educa- tion code allows only two types of votes for this kind of an election -either limiting it to just resi· dents of the proposed new dis- trict, or expundi!lg it to all the r e- sidents of all the surrounding· school systems which would be directly affected. ' Fekete said allowing just a por- tion of Fountain Valley 's neighborts to vote violates the education code. He said letters explaining the county counsel's opinion have been sent to the state department of education, as well as local school districts. · Fekete said the state board could amend its April 10 elect.ion, eliminating a strip vote, then the • election could be called by the county superintendent. But the election must be callta by Aug. 21, and the state board has only two meetings ~clieduled, July 10 and 11, and Fekete said he was informed the Fountain Valley unification item is not on the state's agenda. "As I understand it, Friday Is the deadline !or putting items on <See VOTE, Page A%) g e Rowlamls to .Trim Budget ~ ..... ~.., It!<..,.. l(Mfll« HE'S A PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is part of an oil painting in this summer's Pageant of the Masters to be presented in Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Addi · tional pictures on Page A3 show how it's done. lluntington Board Mulls Budget Plan Trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School Dis- trict will get their first look tonight al a $38 million budget proposed for fi scal 1915-76. The district's expenditures for the coming year are about $3.2 million in excess of the predicted revenue, according to Owen Miller, acting assistant superin· tendent for business. The difference will be made up by reserve funds and money which was not spent in this year's budget. Miller explained. . School board members will meet at 7:30 p.m . in the cafeteria at Marina High, 15871 Springdale St .. Huntington Beach. The budget propos~ includes a possible 10-cent drop in the tax rate and a smaller reserve fund than district administrators would like. Miller said the 10-cent reduc- tion in the tax rate is possible because trustees can eliminate a permi$sive override allowed.for construction at Huntington Beach High. The work done there brought the school up to state earthquake safety requirements. The district's current tax rate is $2.60 per $100 of assessed valuation. The proposed new tax rate would be about $2.49. Miller said the reduction would knock about $15 off the tax bill of the owner of a $60,000 home. The reduction in reserve funds -from $7.8 million at the start of 1974·75 to about $2.5 million for 1975-76 -signals impending finam!tal disaster in the district's future, according to district of- ficials. Because revenue has not kept pace with expenditures each year, the district has to take money out of its reserves to keep operating .. At the current pace, Miller pre· dieted the district could remain solvent about one more year past <See FISCAL, Page A2) Edinger Widening Project Starting A is.week street widening and improvement project 1s un- derway on Edinger A venue in Huntington Beach from Gothard Streetto Beach Boulevard. Traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction during the widening and installation of center medians and culvert. • For Less Serri~e By KATHY CLANCY Of tlle O. lly Pl i.t SUH The Huntington Beach City Council backed away from rais- ing weekend beach parking to $2 a day Monday night, opting in- stead to trim next year's $34 million budget by another ~.ooo. But first, some council mem· bers criticized City Ad· ministrator Dave Rowlands for Rosselli D escribes CIA Role WASHINGTON (AP ) -Slip- ping in and out by a back st airway, underworld figure John Rosselli gave the Senate In· telligence Committee "a great deal of detail" today about his role in an alleged Central In· telll1ence Aaency ,plot to kill Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. "He's camera shy," said a committee spokes man, acknowledging that Rosselli 's back-door entrance and de- parture were to avoid reporters and photogra phers. Rosselli "gave us a great deal of detail," committee chairman Frank Church CD-Idaho), told re- porters after nearly three hours of closed·door testimony. But he said Rosselli 's account did not differ much from alre ady published reports of the plot. Church said Rosselli had not provided the committee with n ames of any other non - govemment persons involved in the alleged plot for fear it might endanger their lives. A former lieutenant of Chicago rackets chief Sam Giancana, Rosselli, 70, has been named in. published reports as one of those involved in a 1960 plot to kill Castro. Giancana. also named in the plot, was murdered last week in an apparent gangland slaying. Robert A. Maheu, a former aide to billionaire Howard Hughes and allegedly the liaison between the CIA and Rosselli and Giancana, invoked the Fifth Amendment privilege ·against self-incrimination when he ap- peared before the committee . Maheu is expected to be grant- ed a limited form of immunity in return for his testimony. Meanwhile, White House of- ficials deny they are delaying de· livery of key documents for the committee's investigation. Church said Monday that de- lays in receiving the material • have forced postponement of ap- pearances of high officials from the Kennedy and Johnson ad- ministrations before his panel. Without the documents, "It's quite useless for us to bring these witnesses before the committee -all of them are essential, all of them have to ·be very carefullr questioned .'' Trash Pickup Costs Up Trash colJeetlon will coet more next year but plckups will be fewer, Huntington Beach City Council members learned Mon- day night. City officials told t.bem that un- der a tent.aUve afl"eement With Rainbow Dllposal Company. monthly lee.a .,m rise to '1·92 per household next year and Ollce-a· week rather· than twice·~week service. The city now pays $1.825 per month for twlce·a·week pickup ut eachbome. . The new live-year trash ~- tract also calls !or a fee hike or 15 cents ln 1976 and 15 cents in 1977, then renegotiation of fees for the final two years. City officials ••id the fee hike repraents the amount or money Rainbow had to pay workers un· der a new contr aet agreement re- adttd an~ tbta apri.na's rubbish hauler strike. CHy Adm lnhtrator Dave Rowlands utd the once-weekly sttVJce will start July 14. · • CouncU members voted S to O to have tbe city attorney drati a formal aareement. Bu~ litst ;· I Councilma• Coen questioned a five-year as opposed to a three· year contract. Rainbow officials said they need five years in order lo ar- range financtna for capital im· provementa. Rowlods said the fee wm cost the city ~.ooo aod the extra ts ceata over the next two years will add '90,000 a year. Homeowners do not pay for t.r'1sh collection, although the Ci- ty Council conalde~ lmposina a S2 mOllthly char1e lut week and plun to take lt up again ln AU1ust. what they called his "wishy washy" comments and budget suggestions. Mayor Norma Gibbs alone tried to defend him. The comm en ts followed Rowlands' reversal of an earlier recommendation to hike the parking fee. He said he bad discussed the matter with state beach officials, who said they don't plan to raise their weekend fees from $1 to $2 as yet. In addition , two con- cessionaires told the council the hikes would hurt their business and wouldn't bring in the $80,000 the council planned on anyway. Jack Clapp , one con - cessionaire, said , ''We feel the ci- ty is in colnpetition just like we are as concessionaires." He said with the state's $1 <See Bl!DGET, Page AZ) Animal Hassle Huntington Orthrs Study A new Huntington Beach animal control study was or· dered Monday night by Coun- cilman Henry Duke, who said he was tired of controversy sur· rounding the matter. Council members voted 5 to 0 in favor or the study. Duke asked the staff to com- -pare the f eaaibUtty ol service provided by CaJifomia Animal Control, which still has two years left on its contract with-the city. Duke wants the present city service compared lo Orange County Servic.e. He also asked the staff to check out all allegations or wrongdo- ·ing by CAC, as well as the chances of contract cancellation. "I am tired of animals and I am tjred of CAC and I am tired of the whole damn thing," Duke said. He said he'd like to be able .. to forget the w'hole thitlJr far a year- so we can proceed wifh atbet im- portant business.'' AQd. u added ".U..~e are viOlia'Uoh Cbi 'c~CJ · "1e can terminate ttie whole contract." Reckless .Driving Suspect Injured A high-speed police chase ended at 8:30 p.m . Monday when the fleeing suspect drove off the dead end of Slater Avenue in Hun- tington Beach and flew 100 feet through the air. · Police said Jon Herbe rt Ted Kennedy Story Upheld On Drowning NEW YORK (UPI) -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy CD-Mass.), told "the absolute truth" about the 1969 Chappaquiddick auto ac· c id en t in w hi c h Mal' y Jo Kopechne was killed, the Na· tional Enquirer reports. The newspaper said that Charles R. McQuiston, "a former top U.S. Jntelllgence expert," used · a psychological s tress evaluator, or "truth detectoF," to scan statements Kennedy made in a nationally televised stale· ment July 25, 1969, a week after the accident. "I'm t horoughly convinced Kennedy told the truth about Chappaquiddick. There's no doubt about it," McQuiston told the Enquirer . Miss Kopechne was killed when Kennedy's car, in which she was riding, went ol! a bridge on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in· to a tidal pond. McQuiston said the PSE would show unusual levels of psychological stress it Kennedy told an untruth. He said )\e found no such unusual levels when Ken- <See TED, Pase A2) Ford Seuion Set WASHINGTON (AP) -Pres!· dent Ford will bold a news con- ference at 2 p.m. PM' Wednes· day but will not UH the ottuloft to offlcially decl.re hlt can- didacy for election in 1171, HYI White House pre11 MCftt.U'1 Rao Nessen. U will be carried ll•e by ABC. CBS and NBC televWon and radio networks. McLellan, 51, or 14326 Pine St., Westminster was pulled from the wreckage bleeding and apparent· ly unconscious. He also gave police a Carson address. He was treated at Huntington Intercommunity Hospital and Orange County Medical Center, then released to the county jail, police said. Officers booked him on charges of drunken driving, reckless driv· ing and possession of an open con- tainer of alcohol, police said. The pursuit started at Beach Boulevard and Speer Avenue, police said, when officers spotted McLellan allegedly driving er- ratically. When police tried to stop him, he allgedly sped away, Jeadingof'- ficers on a three· minute chase at speeds of up to 100 miles an hour. officers said. McLellan allegedly failed to stop at the dead end of Slater Avenue and Grabum Street, sailed through the air where the paved road ends, and landed about 100 feet down a dirt road ex- tension, police said. Weatller Mostly cloudy through Wednesday but partly sun- ny in the afternoon with slightly cooler tern· peratures. Highs 65·68 nt ' lhe beaches and 68· 72 over inland areas. INSIDE TODA~ WiCMSHI tOho mode u .at~ lg to Thailtmd t1U o/ mo.ti .atrociti~,. In Combod•o.' pnformtd claiefltt .QfGfM~ former .orm11 men. Stcrrv. ~A4. Al OAlL v PILOT "'~ COEDS ION from ber. but It J"9tdida'tdo at lood:' henJd. City or Irvine officlala. who have previous.ly been asked for such controls, placed stop signs at Uw JefCrcy Road crossing of Bar· ranca Road, plui.s a n.ashlna cau· tionUebt. within a few hours. MotoriaU; wbo cume upon the scene and con1tructloo workers in the undeveloped area ot tomato fields and oranfe groves jmmediately stopped to offer what help they could when the accident occurred. "1 tried to help the driver of the van.'' said f'ernie M. Miranda, of Santa Ana. ". . .and then I pulled the little kid's bead out from under the truck wheels." Miranda, riding with a friend, said he saw smoke boil from the brakes of the skidding truck ahead well before the explosive collision, noting it veered to the ten. Other witnesses heard the· thundering cra sh but saw nothing of the impact. The children, ageci 6to10 years old, were taken to both Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital and Tustin Community Hospital after first aid at the scene. The Ramming boy was pro- nounced dead at the scene by a young doctor based at nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station who was summoned to the nearby scene to help. Three victims including Miss Conner remained under care to- day at Tustin Community Hospital, one child the son of a Santa Ana police officer. Three others are at Santa Ana- Tustin Community H0spital, in· duding Mark Hilgeman, 6, of · * * ·* Fro•PageAI PASSENGERS Whitewood Way, Irvine; J'ohn Hilgeman, 10, of 4331 Win- tersweet Way, Irvine; Chris Can- tella, 9, of 3120 Rene Drive, Santa Ana and Angela and Christine Kimmel, each 9, of 1001 W. Stevens Ave .• Santa Ana, were treated and released. John Ramming, 6, of 4801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, was dead at the scene and was taken to Saddleback Chapel Mortuary where his father made identifica- tion. Services for the boy were pend· ing this morning at Sheff er Laguna Beach Mortuary. FroMPageAI FISCAL ••• 1975-76. Under state law a school district can not adopt deficit spending procedures. · "The state bas to do something.'' Miller said, looking for more state equalization of funding. "About 75 percent of the districts are worse off than we are." The financial troubles were heightened by the school board's decision to use some of the re· serve money to help build the new Ocean View High School. This year, the district took $3 million out of reserves for the Ocean View campus and another $700,000 is scheduled to be re-. moved from reserves in 1975-76. Tonight 's session also represents a chance for the public to view the budget. A final budget must be adopted by Aug. 7, according to Miller. 3 Electrocuted CHICAGO (AP) -Three persons, including two children. were electrocuted in two separate incidents early today when they fell on the electrified third rail or Chicago Transit Authority tracks. police said. ORANGE COAST MtF DAILY PILOT Robert N. We~ Prh l ... ,.I •fWI Pt.11141.,,.,r Jack R. Curley VICAI ~•>IOl114 •nd GeMU I Mot-r Thomu Keevll llidilOf" Thomas A. Murtlhlne Nlt ... 01"9 E:fltor Ch•rfH H. Loos Richard P. Nall ""'"•"' ~MOllWI llicllton Terry Co1r:ille Wttl 0.9ft09 '*"'4Y Editor Hunllit•ton 9H<tl Offlte 11ttl ....... lllt .. •d llM 111"'1 A<ltlHl ; P .0, llo• 1'!0. nMf Telepllone (714) '42-4321 Classified A~rt111"9 M2·S671 '"°"' -ll>Or""t" (lluMy ~li.t S40·1210 (OltY•l•lll, I .,) Or-.. (~HI .. 11.lltlll ... ~nY No,,. .. ""''-" lllu>lr•tlefl" M!Nf'i.I lftOll•' Or •••trll•t~ftl\ ll•rtlll ~•I' M fOPfffllCt • •It-I •119<1•1 ,_,,ft1Ul4"! OI c.4ffl ltM_,. S.<Of\4 '.... ..-14" .... ., c.t,. ....... · c.111er-.t~'ltil'-'lirf'"''•P•l-'lllr; 9'1'1M11'4M-INr;-ra11~UM , ,_...,, t'° ' a TOM MCAI '1 · Diiiy, "'""' ,.__ M9j1 DIAGRAM TRACES MONDAY'S FATAL CRASH IN IRVINE Van Left Stop on Jeffrey; Truck Waa on Barranca 4331 Wintersweet Way, 'Irvine. whose brother was not as badly hurt. Hospital officials confirm that Mark suffered a severe con· cussion and is blind as a result. but that it Is too early to tell if it will be permanent. California Highway Patrol of· ficers inspected both the destroyed van and the heavily damaged Sully-Miller Contract·. ing Company gravel truck Mon· day for any mechanical defects. School buses are routinely in· spected by CHP officers, who are always responsible for in· vestigating any accident involv· ing a school even if it is not on a state highway. Costa Mesa Police Lt. Regan noted today, however, that the Rough Riders Day Camp vehicle, one of several it operates, does not qualify as a school bus. "If it isn't yellow, it isn't a school bus. This one is just a privately owned van with a name on the side," he said. Children riding in the van were en route to a Rough Riders out· door recreation facility near San- tiago Park at the base of the San· ta Ana Mountains. Parents with children enrolled at the day camp immediately flooded the police department with calls when they learned of the tragedy over the radio. Names of victims were not re- leased until their parents had been notified individually. A Noble Act Prince Averts an Eyeful LONDON (UPI> -Prince Charles knew there would be moments like this. There, right before the future king's eyes, was ac· tress Susan Hampshire in a dress that left nothing to the imagination. He mustered all the royal courage at his com· mand. ' ''My father told me if I ever met a lady in a dress like yours, I must look her straight in the . eyes," · Prince Charles told Miss Hampshire Monday night. adding: "Otherwise, someone might take a photograph of me in what might appear to be a compromising at· titude." The blonde actress helped th~ prince out of his dilemma by cupping her hands over the most exposed extremities. He laughed. It happened at a reception at the Theater Royal, across the way from the royal family's suburban cas- tle. Cyclist Slams Into Window, Badly Injured A 22-year-old Westminster man was described in critical condition today after he drove his motorcycle through an eight by lO·foot plat~ ~lass window. • Police said Russell Leroy Ellis, 22, of 14861 Stengal St.. appeared to have a severed jugular vein and cartotid artery when officers found him lying about 15 feet in· side a stor~. They said ·witnesses told them Ellis left a nearby bar at Spr· ingdale Street and Warne r Avenue, about 2 a.m ., jumped on· lo his cycle. then drove across the parking lot into the window. He was taken to HWltington In· tercommunity Hospital, then transferred to Orange County Medical Center. Police said he had "severe in· juries.'' iacluding face and neck lacerations. 'Code' Flaws Slwt Parlors LAS VEGAS <UPI ) -Two massage parlors. which police term fronts for prostitution ac· tivities, were closed by the Las Vecas Fire Department on grounds of buHdlng and safety code violations. Sultan's Palace and the Velvet Touch were closed Monday. The Ve1as Club Bath House on South Main Street was shuttered Fri· day. Fathers and Sons Play Basketball Huntlniton Beacb fathers and their sons are belne sought for thi• weekend'• third .nnual Father·Son Basketball Touma· Zaire ans Negotiate? DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (AP) -Zairean revolutionaries holding two Americans and a Dutch worn an hostage for more than a month have expressed willingness to negotiate for their safe re- turn, a well-informed source says. The offer to negotiate was contained in letters written by the three stu- dents and received by the American and Dutch am- bassadors to Tanzania late last week, the source said. Carrie Jane Hunter of Atherton, Calit., Kenneth Stephen Smith of Garden Grove, and Emilie Bergman of The Netherlands wer·e kidnpaed May 19 from a re- mote animal research sta· lion in western Tanzania. Malpractice Bill Advances SACRAMENTO <UPI) -A measure restricting the statute of limitation in medical malprac· Uce cases passed the Senate Monday on a bare majority 21·12 vote and was sent to the Al· sembly. . The bill (SB661) by Sen. Alfred Song (D·Monterey Park), would lower from four to three years the general time span in which a malpractice claim rnust be Ciled. And it puts additional strict Umltatlons on what are usually referred to as special cases. Song said the long statute of limitations is "singly the biggest factor" cited by in1urance com· panie1 when they JuaUfy ln· c~ases in malpractice premium rates. Gals' Softball Set The HunUnston Beach Recrea· Parade Leaders Tapped Television actreu Cnrolyn De Vore and radio disc jockey Charlie Vao Dyke will be grand marshals of thla year's Hunt- tn.ion Beach July •th Parade. . Tbe 71at annual event baa been named California's first official state bicentennial parade. It is expected to draw a crowd of 350,000 to 400,000 spectators, ac- cording to Huntington Beach Jaycees, who are co-sponsortnar it with the c1ty. Miss De Vore, an lrvtne resi· dent, has been modeling since age 11. She tour~d Vietnam with the USO and has appeared on more than 160 televiajon shows. Van Dyke, morning disc jockey and program director for KHJ radio, is a native of Dallas and worked at s tations there, in San Francisco and Chicago. THEY'LL SHARE PARADE MARSHAL DUTIES JULY 4 Actreaa Carolyn De Vore, DJ Charlle V•n Dyke 11 % Gain Reported· . By Irvine Company Fro•PageAJ BUDGET ... parking lots nearby, most be3ch goers would bypass city lots. And he compared the situation to his business. "It's like if we took the sam e method and charged $1 for a hamburger when someone across the street charges 50 cents.'' Then Councilman Henry Duke angrily exploded with "I'm about ready to go over the budget again anyway because we have been getting wishy washy comments all along." Councilman Al Coen said the city staff ''should have anticipat· ed" the situation before making its recommendation last week. Duke then suggested cutting the extra $80,000 from Rowlands' administrative budget. But Rowlands defended himself, saying, "I think we had an overall good budget under dif· ficult circumstances. "It was not wishy washy," he continued. "I think overall you got some pretty good answers." But he said in light of the con· cessionaires' comments and the state's refuslJl to raise beach fees now, he recommends against it. "Now the city administration is saying maybe they were off or wrong," Duke continued. "I am getting sick and tired of lthem maybe being wrong." At his suggestion the council voted 5·0 to dump the beach park· ing fee increase and left it up to Rowlands to find a way to trim the extra $80,000 from the budget. Harriett Wieder and Don Shipley were absent. The council told Rowlands he could not trim out uny "people services " or children 's pro·· grams. Council members also gave first reading to an ordinance in· creasing water fees by 22 per- cent, but put ort giving final ap- proval to a gas station landscap- ing ordinance until m o re members are oresent. Animal License Tags Being Sold New license tags for Hunt· ington Beach dogs and cats are now being sold at California Animal Control, 8521 Edison Way. Tags will be sold through August without penalty. Dogs must have a valid rabies certificate in order to be licensed. The fee is $10 for each un-neutered animal and $5 for those spayed or neutered. Despite the widely reported re· al estate and construction in· dustry slump over the past year. the Irvine Company today told shareholders net earnings were up 11 percent from last year. At the annual stockholders' meeting in Newport Beach, Com· pany President Raymond Watson said gross revenues climbed 26 percent over the past year Crom $69.8 million to $87.8 million. Agricultural operations brought in the largest income in the company's 100-year history. Farming income totaled $17.8 million compared to the $14.4 million reported for the 1973·74 fiscal year. Even that level of income, Watson said, did not make up the amount the company pays in tax· es on its farmland. However, he said, agricultural operations al· low the company t o hold the land until it is ready to be developed. Dividends on the 8.4 million ptivately held s hares in the com· pany were increased for the eighth consecutive year to 72 cents, up Crom 69 lastyeat. Talking to stockholders . Watson praised the company's ability "to lake advantage of rapidly shifting market demand during a period in which the na· Uon and the real estate develop· ment industry are experiencing economic difficulties." The company, which Controls the 80,000·acre Irvine Ranch, owns about 17 per cent of the land in Orange County. As land is sold off for development, the com· pany retrenches part of the earn· ings in investment property. Last yea r the company spent $41 million in construction costs, adding to its investments three From Page AJ VOTE ... the state agenda. so we sent our letter today, and we told them it was coming," Fekete said. He said the Jetter does not re· commend an action but merely outlines the county counsel's opi· nion that an election cannot be called under the terms provided byt~state. Feket e said his office had studied the is sue for several weeks, but took no earlier action because it was thought the state would amend its previous action. apartment complexes, u high- 1ise office building, a shopping center and about 200.000 square feet of ind'1strial buildings which are leased to firms. A majority of Irvine Company stock, 53.4 percent. is held by the non.profit James Irvine Founda· tion, which distribu~ a portion of its earnings to charitable or· ganizations. · Under the mandate of a federal tax reform law, the foWldation is trying to sell its stock to Mobil Oil. The sale is being blocked by court suits contending that the $24 a share price is too low. Firemen Win Golden Medal The Huntington Beach Fire Department swim team won a gold med al in water polo last. week at the California State Firemen 's Olymp.ics a t UC Irvine. In addition. team members came home with five gold medals, three silver and three bronze. Fireman Duane Olson also won the pentathlon trophy for out- standing swimming, as well as gold medals in water polo, 200- yard and 100-y ard Cree-style swimming, and three silver medals · in individual medley, medley relay and free-style medley. Fro• Page A J TED •.. nedy denied he was under the in· nuence of alcohol at the time o( the accident, that he was in· volved in a romance with Miss Kopechne, and when he asserted he made "repeated efforts to save her by diving into the strong and murky current." .. There's no way he can hide the stress in his voice if he makes an untrue statement. And I know Kennedy was telling the truth about Chappaquiddick -the absolute truth," McQuistonsaid. A-test Delayed PAHUTE MESA. Nev. (UPI) -Underground detonation of a megaton-class nuclear bomb was postponed today for 24 'hours " . IT'S ALWAYS WHAT IT ·SEAMS There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled professio n sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks. inc lude the fact that the tape Is • attached to the SECONDARY backing, and if the secondary backing nas any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing, there is nothing to hold the ~arpet together. Also, operating temperature of t'1e iron is critical, and If the iron is too hot or too cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. Cleaning ~oses the ultimate test to this type of seam, and we have been called - innumerable times to repair someone else's seams which · have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex (he seam to permanently lock in this.a stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and pri~ary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer, but our fine ln~tallations have been a maior factor In our growth through fifteen years In Costa Mesa. DEN'S ment. . Applicattou for tbe event must be ln by 5 p.m. Tb\ll"lday. The tournament will be held Friday and Saturday at MariAa Htth School. The 1nlry fee ts f2, Quet· Ucma may b4t refei'nld to Jay Love al 538-548.e. " : iiiiiiJlatlon: ·custom drapsriss UC. NO. 230422 1663 PlACl!NTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA .. CAllfl. 92627 • PHONE 646-~838 -6'6·23.55 Uon and Parka Department II ot- tert ng a new Hounwlvea' Softball LC!a1ue Thul'lday mom· In1a at Edlaon Community center. Those lnlerated abould attend Ulla week'• t :ao a.m. re- fi•tratton and practice came. I . 'lbeeoetuS4.50. '-----------------------------------------------------------~------~ 6 ' 1 7 l I ~' 7 \ I I I I I• , I Today's a .. ~----· N.Y. St•eti• :::: • ; 1 yo~ 68; NO. 175, 2 SECTIONS, 2-4 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TUESDA V, JUNE 2A, 1975 N TEN CENT:$ 1 , Safety I I Workers' Salaries ·unresolved ·~ I • By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. 0.llYll'l ... teMf Newport. Beach councilmen settled wltb one group of em1>Joyes and granted raises to departn:aent heads ldonday but division is still strong over pay+ and benefits for public safety employes. . And 1n the case of wage and . benefit de mands by police, fire and marine safety personnel, C!OUDcllmen agreed to aeod their necotlators . back for one more round of "good faith neaoti•· tions. Jn a meetinf marlred by a jammed chambers ftlled with public safety workers and tbe1r wives, Mayor Donald Mclnnls at t.be Out.ht threatened to clear the room ii the group continued to applaud speakers. ldclnnis rapped the gavel re· peateclly and loudly to halt ap. pl au 1 e • p r l m a r ii y fr o·m policemen and their wives, who bad gatbered to show s~port for requests for w•1e and pension lmprovementa. As the salary· issue now stands, the city's general employes have accepted a 7.5 percent increase, ending their negotiations. Department heada have agreed to a six-percent bike in ._. but the public safety matter ls far from solution. Police personnel seek either a 10.S percent increase in wages with no change in benefits, or a '7.5 percent increase with major :improve ments in pensions. Lawyer Stephen Silver, representing both the fire person· nel and police omcers, stressed that the police pension proposal would mark the first change in more than 20 years. The suggest- ed plan would be identical to that offered to highway patrolmen at the stale level. City costs would run more than $300,000 if the re- quest is gr anted. Fireme n also seek m ajor boosts over a city-proposed 7.5 percent. Firemen, however , are asking for an 11.8 percent figure to compensate for increased liv- ing costs. They also are adamant about the addition of an extra man to each engine company. Sliver and others speaking ia support of the firefighter• stressed that the current system of assigning three men to one engine makes for added hazards. on major blazes because the man wielding the nozzle often must enter blazing areas alone . In addressing the council for:- (See SALARIES, Page .U) ·nriver ·in Fatal Van Crash Faces Charges. • O.ltyPI ........ ..,~...._ • HE'S A PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is . part ,of an oil painting in this summer's Pageant of the Masters to be presented in Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Addi- tional pictures on Page A3 show how it's done. H ·ome Bill· Vetoed; F Ord SeeksNewOne WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Ford announced personally this afternoon his veto of a $1.2 billion housing bill but coupled it with an announcement that he wants an extra $9.75 billion made avail able for government purchase of home mortgages. "This action will immediately make more money available to home buyers," Ford told re- porters during a brie f ap- pearance in the While House'J)re- ss cente-r. The President also called on Congress to "move as rapidly as possible" to enact a mortgage payment relief loan program de- signed to ward off foreclosures agains t properties being purchased by recession victims. The vetoed meas'llre also a1med at he lping those who face foreclosure. The President said he was re· leasing immediately $2 billion in mortgage purchase a uthority available to the Government National Mortgage Association. In addition, he asked Congress to extend the GNMA program for an extra year, to July 1, 1976, and to pump an additional $7.75 billion into it. Sponsors said the m~asure would facilitate financing of con· struction o( 400,000 homes and authorize government payments of up to $250 a month for two years to prevent families affect- ed by the recession from losing homes through foreclosure. .DOW RECORDS ANOTHER ,..GAIN NEW YORK (UPI> -The stock market, encouraged car sales appeared to be on the upsw· ing and relieved the Federal Reserve Board hasn't changed policy, pushed higher t4day in heavy trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Boy Dead, ' "One Blind In Irvine By ARTHUR R. VINSEL °' .. .,. .. , ...... ~ ldanslaugbter charges will be sought against the driver of a day camp mini-bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday, leaving one little boy dead. a second blinded, and the driver hersell and nine other children injured. . . Police said today they will pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District At- torney's Office in about a week, seeking a complaint against the driver.. . Cantl,a A. Caeaen, 23, a 2~ year em•loye ot ftuagh Riders Day Camp in Fountain Valley, is under care at Tustin Community ffolpital, in f aJr condition with multiple injuries. Miss Conners, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Sabta Ana Heights, was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by James E . Bartle y, 45, of Diamond Bar. Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were flung out rear dOOl'S and windows ol the shat- tered van, flopping to the pave- ment like rag dolls. "It was real strange," said one of the first polic~men to reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mostly s ilence, everybody shocked and not moving." LitUe John Henry Ramming, 6, eC 3801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, lay beneath a rear wheel of the massive dual trailer rig, .killed instantly. "We can't figure out how he got there, unless be was thrown through a window and s lid across the pavement right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- vestigators be had no chance to avoid the ·c9lllsion, an account s upported by several eyewit· nes11es, according to written re-ports. . He said he was rolling at 45 to 50 miles per hour, well within the SS mile· per. hour posted speed limit. . Bartley said be was eastbound m Barranca Road -which until ldonday afternoon had no stop signs -when Miss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign headed north on Jeffrey Road. • D•llY Ptlet Slaff PMte THIS IS NEW STOP FOR BARRANCA ROAD TRAFFIC Sign o n Street Painted Over Truck Skid Marks 11 % Gain Reported By Irvine Company By DOUGLAS FRITZSCHE Ofllle~lly Pli.tSi.lf Despite the widely reported re- al estate and construction in· dustry slump over the past year. the Irvine Company today told shareholder s net earnings were • up 11 percent from last year. At the annual stockholders• meeting in Newport Beach, Com- pany President Raymond Watson said gross revenues climbed 26 per cent over the past year from $69.8 million to $87.8 million. Agricultural operations brought in the largest income in the company's 100-year history. Farming incom e totaled $17.8 million compared to the $14.4 million reported for the 1973-74 fiscal year. until it is ready to be developed. Dividends on the 8.4 million privately held shares in the com· 4" pany were increased for the eighth consecutive year to 72 cents, up from 69 lastyear. Talking t o stockholder s. Walson pra ised the company's ability "to t ake advantage of rapidly shifti ng market demand during a period in which the no- tion and the real estate develop- ment industry are experiencing economic difficulties." The company, which Controls the 80,000-acre Irvine Ranch, owns about 17 percent of the land <See REPORT, PageA2) ·I.. 'X Classics' Senate Okays $3.8 Millio n F o r Bay Buy The Dow Jones industriat ·average, a 37 -point winner th~ p~st three sessions, added •.23 "I aaw her look to her right and then she just pulled out in front oC me. I pulled to the left and put on declines, 3·1. the brakes, and tried to get. away points to 869.06. Advances led <Tables, All). Even that level of income, Watson said, did not make up the amount the company pays in tax- es on its farmland. However, he said, agricultural operations al· low the c6mpany to hold the land Co nfiscated At Pwsycat SACRAMENTO -The state Senate unanimously approved a bill Monday giving tbe state Department of Fish and Game $3.8 million to acquire aboUt. 700 acres of Upper Newport Bay wetlands for a wildlife preserve. The measure, SB 368 authored by Sen. Dennis Carpenter <R- Newport Beach), now goes to the Assembly for action. Under the Carpenter bill, the $.1.8 million purchase price will come from the $4.5 mlllion settle· ment the stale received for da mages caused by the 1968 San· to Barbara oil spill. Carpenter said his bill is part ol tho plan to set.Uc a lencthY dis· pute between Orange County and the Irvine Company over ownership. and development ol Upper Newport Bay. The plan was arrived at .ever al months aio following ne10Uallons •pearheadcd by lh• 1ut Depart- ment <?' Fl•h and Game. (See COLLISION, PageA2) * * * Irvine Crash Vi~ti•s Riders Here is a complete Uslint ol passengers in the ill-lated Routh Riders Day Camp van wben it was struck by a truck Monday en route to a summer day outing. Caroly• Conen, 23, ol 1561 Mesa Drive, S.anta Ana Htilbta. in fair coodlUoa at Tuatin Com· munity Hoepltal wit.Ii fractW'el and other iajurlu. lea Wela, 10, of Santa Ana. a Santa Ana policeman's '°"• tn fa1r condition at the Tuatln hospital with fractured ribs and posalble lntemal lnJurtea. .... ·~·· 7. <!i 17311 San- • m Van Listed dalwood Irvine,· in fair condf.. Whitewood Way, lrvine; John Uon therewith multiple injuries. Hilaeman, 10, of 4331 Win-teniweet Way, Irvine; Chris Can-Mark ffU,emaa, 6, ol 4331 Win-tella, 9, of 3120 Re ne Drive, Santa tersweet Way, Jrvine, listed in Ana and Angela and Christine fair. condltlbn al Santa Ana· Kimmel, each 9, of 1001 w. Tustin Community Hoepital with Stevens Ave., Santa Ana, were a aevere conCU91ion resulting in treated and released. · blindneu. Job Sammla1, 6. oC "801 O.vld GUMrt. t . ot .sow. Car· Park view Lane. Irvine, was dead ri Dri S t An ln fair at t.be •cene and was taken to •I• ve, an a a, Saddleback Chapel MOl'luary CCIDdWoll at the Santa Ana· Tustin w .. -re ... ,_ father made ldentillca· tadlity. ... nu Jeck Caatella, 10, ol 3130 Rene . U<&;rvlcea for the boy were pend-=t~:e~na, allO ln fair l•S this m ornin1 at Sheffer 8ceU Miller. 10. of ·18082 Lq\lna Stach Mortuary. • Newport Beach vice offic'~rs paid another visit lo the new adult theater on the Balboa Penfnsula Monday and seized two films which are the old stan- dards of the X-rated movie· in- dustry,.. Alleging that "Deep Throat'' and "The Devil in Miss Jones,, are obscene, officers took prints of the films in the latest of many raids at l~e Balboa Pussycat Theater. Vi ce officer Robert Gatewood as said that he viewed the films last Saturday, a day· after they opened at the controve rsial theater, and decided that be bad probable caose lqr seizure ol the reels. The latest raids give police a perfect record for vbils to tho tbeatet' which opened last month~ So far, every film shown since the theater began offering hard- core sex fllms has sparked a pollcerald • l •t, ___ _ Newport Budget Studied A preliminary budget for the City of Newport Beach calling for expenditures of $19,786,650 won approval by city councilmen Monday. Councilmen once again pored over a "laundry list'' of budget additions and cut ont! paramedic van from the tally, leaving a new pro~ram with one full squad of firefighters trained in on-the- scene medical treatment of vic- tims. Initial projections were for two such units, but councilmen agreed to bold ore until lat.er in · the fiscal year and. atndy the performance of the single crew. then decide on costs for a second squad. ProposaJs for $50,000 in im· provements to the Lido Isle bridge also remained in the budget, assuring concerned isle residents that bicycle lanes would be added to the span dur- ing coming months. The initial budget sum of about $18.9 million called for no change in the city's existing tax rate of $1.18 per $100 of assessed valua· tion, but at Monday's discussions City Manager Robert Wynn lamented the drain on reserve accounts and budget holdover cash. Councilmen also have yet to settle with public safe ty employes, and new wage-benefit offers could send the budget. higher. The city tax r ate will be fixed late in the summer after the county assessor furnishes exact amounts on .the value of taxable propert y in the city. Meanwhile, the councll still has the option of changing the preliminary budget. Ford Session Set WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi· dent Ford will hold a news con- ference at 2 p.m . PDT Wednes· day but will not use the occasion to officially declare his can- didacy tor election in 1976, says White House press secretary Ron Nessen. It will be carried live by ABC. CBS and NBC television and radio networks. Or~--;a :·· 1'eat ller Mostly cloudy through Wednesday but. partly sun· ny in the a!lernoon with s lightly cool e r tem - peratures. Highs 6S·68 at the beaches and 68-72 over inland areas. INSIDE T ODAY Wttn<11e1 who mode U safe- ly to thaikmd teU of man .atrocitiu in Cambodia, ~r/ormed chieflll .agc:Unst former .army men. ·stoTJI, P.•A4. ( I .141 DAii, Y PILOT .N A tborouab staff study oo pro- pc>Sala to replace a clly-operated animal control department witb a private one was ordered Mon- day by Newport Beach city coun- cllmen. Intrl&ued with the possibility of increased service and savincs of as much as '62,000, the council beard proposal& by California Animal Control and a competing idea from a former city officer Fro•P-.AJ SALARIES ••• both groups, Silver emphasized the loss or morale and the high turnover rate a ssociated with as- serted pay scales near or below the average in a survey of an· county jurisdictions. . Marine safe t y spokesm en t>tressed that their prime concern w as the city negotiators' refusal to grant a $50 monthly bonus to six permanent pers onnel qualified to serve on a depart- Jllent dive team. Deemed a form of hazardous duty, the dive function benefits the city by providing a service which otherwise would be done tmder an expensive contract, a a;pokesman said. School Board Mulls Budget Tab Tonight Newport-Mesa school trustees IU"e expected to adopt a $42.1 IJJlillion preliminary budget for fiscal 1975-76 when they meet tonight. The document includes $25,000 to be held in reserve for legal fees should the current stalemate in salary negotiations with district employes continue. School officials will continue to r evise the budget through next m onth when, by state law, a publication budget must be adopted. The district 's final budget for the coming year will be adopted during the first week inAugust. . Tonight's school board meet- ing is scheduled for 7:30 at Costa Mesa City Hall. 2 Mayaguez Strikes Told WASHINGTON (AP> - American warplanes conducted two bombing raids over the Cam- bodian mainla nd during the armed assault to recover the crew of the freighter Mayaguez in the. Gulf of Tha iland last month, the Pentagon said. The air strikes were aimed at Ream Airfield a nd Kompong Som, a naval facility, the Pen- tagon told the House Armed Services Comm ittee Monday in response to a resolution or in· quiry introduced by Re p. Micha~l J. Harrington (0- Mass.), and 37 other House mem- bers. The bombing continued after the Mayaguez crew was released by the Cambodians to ensure the safe withdrawa l of Marines which had been sent onto Koh Tang, an island off the Cambo- d ian coast, to recover the ship . and crew, the Pentagon said. ORANGE COAST H DAILY PILOT =:t.~~~:>::.·:.~~~i=:::~~= C.0.\11'111111">>"9 Comoony ~-•t• tOU'°"" ••• publl~ Mond~V tnrouqn Frldey tor O..te ~'II N~wPO<t be<Kll, Hunll!IQ!on BH~ll,,oun t•in V•llt Y Ir 1i111n•. ~•6dltbtck V•H.-y •l\d ._...,.,,,. w.cn,S.Outh Coot. A \inQI• '<'11'""°' .o.uon "publ"twd Selwrd.,.,.,,., ~ ... 1 .. Dr•hC•~I publl,,,.,tnq plenl h et JOO W..>t B•Y 5llttt, C.0.1• Mew, c;e1uornl• '2U.. Robert N . Weed Prn1oon1 •ncl Pwll41~ Jack R. Curley v.,. Pr"''°""'.,,., c.._., ...... ,..... Thomas K eevlt Editor Thomas A. Murpnlne Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall • Au hte111 ~N9l119 ••1ers NewPort Buch Office ,,,, .... _, ............ M.illl"OAIMn•'; -0 9o1 llJS.tl~ • Other Offices C-ta W W .UO W.>I ... Sl•"1 ~e...:11.11 .. c_,....~,..,. H11,.1tftCllO« !Motll I '91\ 9t«ll ........... f ~lelM<ll Yello lS10t l.o "'°' fle<ld ' el S-Do-"'"'"'_,, C..yrltllt, "" ~·-(eHI ~llMltlll ... ~ .... -~"""''"~~ .. ,.. ... ., •• •f••rt• .. -•. ,.., •• ,. 1110 .. t•-•ocl11Uf WlllllVI fMCl•I perfftlU ...... ~, ......... ,. 14><~ <lfO "-'IOt rrf 4ot CAltl• ..... c;en.-. Mlllt(r..-...,t•rMlr U.•-111w: ..., _,.,.IMllClll't; ,,.,.,""'*"''-'-~ lllotlllllt'. ' now launching a private effort. No decision emeried from. Monday's dJscusslon, other than a request for a thorough analysis of the proposals by City Manager ' Robert Wynn. One conc ern with the Californla Animal Control pro- posal focused on the distance which citizens would have to travel to retrieve pets from a pro- posed new private s heller in Fountain Valley. The other private entity, known as Newport Animal Con- trol, would effect a smaller sav- ings, $17,000, along with boosts in license fees and a new levy. for cats. But former city animal control officer Edward Motley would operate out of the sheller cur· renUy used by the city at the of. fices of a Corona del Mar veterinarian. In each case. much or the in- come to the contracting firms would come from license fees, fines and forfeitures. A full analysis on t he pro- posals, said Wynn, would be re· ady for the council in three weeks. # In the m eantime, city legal aides will determine.b_ow many city codes would r~ formal changes if the service were switched. New Miss Newport Newport Harbor High School coed Debbie Van Cleve <left) gets crown as ne w Miss Newport Beach from outgoing titleholde r Cindy Erger. Miss Van Cleve, who will serve as Miss Newport Beach for the com - ~ ing year, was crowned at ceremonies dur-ing Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- m erce's annua l Commodore's Ball last Fliday. Kennedy Story Upheld Fre• P.,,e Al REPORT ••• Senator's Version of Chappaquiddick Backed NEW YORK (UPI) -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy <D-Mass.), told "the a bsolute truth" about the 1969 Chappaquiddick auto ac· cident in which Mary Jo Kopechne w as killed, the Na· tional Enquirer reports. The n e w s p aper said tha t Charles R. McQuiston, "a former t op U.S. intelligence expert," used a psychological stress evaluator, or "truth detector," to scan statements Kennedy made in a nationally t elevised state· ment July 25, 1969, a week after the accident. "I'm thoroughly convinced Kennedy told the truth about Chappaquiddick. There's no E'ro• Page Al doubt about it," McQuiston told the E nquirer. Miss Kopechne was killed when Kenn edy's car, in which she was riding, went o(( a bridge on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in- to a t.idal pond. McQuiston said the PSE would s how unusual level s o f psychologica l stress if Kennedy told an untruth. He said he found no such unus ual levels wh en Ken· nedy denied he was under the in· fluence of alcohol at the time of the accident, that he was in- volved in a romance with Mi ss Kopechne, a nd when he asserted he made "repeated efforts to save her by oiving in'to the strong and murky current." ·'There's no way he can hide the stress in his voice if he makes an untrue statement. And I know Kennedy was telling the truth about Chappaquiddick -the absolute truth," M cQuiston said. Newport Gets I New Carrier For Insurance in Orange County. As land is sold off for development, the com- pany retrenches part of the earn· ings in investment property. Last year the company spent $41 million in con15tnaction costs, adding to its investments three apartment complexes, a hlgb- rlse office building, a shopping ·center and about 200,000 square !eet of industrial buildings which are leased to firms. A majority of Irvine Company stock, 53.4 percent, is held by the non-profit James Irvine Founda- tion, which distributes a portion of its earnings to charitable or- ganizations. · Under the mandate ot a federal tax reform law, the foundation is trying to sell its stock to Mobil Oil. The sale is being blocked by court suits contendi.ng that the $24 a share price is too low. Ballots Res DI ts Ballot• lncUcating whether 'Oran11 Count)''• emp&o)W want to ltrllr• or to ruwno eootuct nqotl1Uon1 won't be ~tect·by cert.tned publlc accOWttanta until July 1. But a memorandum Issued by county Penonnel Dtnctor Bert Scott today mak• it clear. more than dollar• stand between 1et- ile1Mnt of wa1e-frtnce beoellt l•· 1U• tba' divide tbe county and tbe 0ranae County Employes Al· social.loft (OCEA>. Scott'• me.no wa, sent to coun· ty admlnist.raUve pel'llClllnel as OCEA ·a 9,000 memben pondered their two ballot choices: -iteaumpUon of negotiations. -Prepare !or strike action. Accordina to OCEA Executive Director John Sawyer, a vote to prepare for a strike does not neceuarlly mean the auocia- tioo's 9,000 members will walk oil their Jobs. Sawyer said lt ls more likely that a deadline wUI be let and an attempt be made to settle exilt· ing differences before a strike would occur. He termed such an event un- likely. Those sentiments were shared by Scott who, nonetheless,. ad- ml tted the county won•t be cauaht unprepared should the employes elect to leave their jobs. · In addition to alm01t three per- cent in salary and frinie benefit &ainl that separate the county and OCEA, Scott's memo Hated nine non-salary issues that separate the ne1otlators. Foremost among them is a re- quest t>y OCEA for an a1ency shop. Should the county accept the requested provision employes who are not members of OCEA would be required to pay through a payroll deduction a service charge. The .county is also intisting that certain management rights be reserved tq the county, a claU1e aimed at providing ad- ministrators with more direct control over employes. Abo at iHue la a so-called zip- per clause which would confine all employer·employe relations to the neaotiation proceq. Scott pointed out in his memorandum that the county's wa1e·fringe benefit oiler totaling 8.9 percent would result in more take home pay for the employes than is indicated by the proposed 4.4 percent salary increase. COLLISION CHARGE • • • The City of Newp0rt Beach found a new ins urance carrier Monday a nd broke tradition by. agreeing to a liability policy call- ing for a $1,000 deductible pro- gram. Faced with a n expiration de-adine or Thursday on the sbort- Changes OK'd In Bar Panel That's because the fringe benefit off er· would reduce the amounts deducted from employes' paychecks for retire- ment benefits and health in· surance. from her, but it just didn't do any good," he said. City of Irvine officials, who have previously been asked for s uch controls, placed stop signs al the Jeffrey Road crossing of Bar- ranca Road , plus a fl ashing cau- tion light, within a few hours. Motorists who came upon the scene and construction workers in the undeveloped area of tomato fields and orange groves immediately s topped lo offer what help they could when the accident occurred. "l lried to help the driver of the van," said Fernie M. Miranda. of Santa Ana, ". . .and then I pulled the little kid's head out from under the truck wheels." Miranda, riding with a friend, said he saw smoke. boil from the brakes of the s kidding truck a head well before the explosive collision, noting it veered to the left. Other witnesses heard the· thundering cras h but saw nothing of the impact. The children, age<i 6 to JO years . old, were t ake n to both Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital and Tustin Community Hospital after first aid at the scene. The Ramming boy was pro- nounced dead at the scene by a young doctor based at nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station who was s ummoned to the nearby scene to he lp. Three victims includin~ Miss ~ i Conner remained under care lo- d a y at Tus tin Community Hospital, one c hild the son or a Santa Ana police officer. Three others are at Santa Ana- Tustin Community Hospital. in· eluding Mark Hilgeman, 6, of 4331 Wi ntersweet Way, Irvine, whose brother was not as badly hu rt. Hospital officials confirm that Mark suffered a severe con· cussion and is blind as a resull, but that it is too early to tell if it will be permanent. California Highway Patrol of· f icer s inspected both the destroyed van a nd the heavily damaged Sully-MilJer Contract· ing Company gravel truck Mon- day for any mechanical defects. School buses a re routinely in· spected by CHP officers, who.are always responsible for in- vestigating a ny accident involv· .i.QB a school even if it is not on a sfate highway. · · Costa Mesa Police Lt. Regan noted today, h9wever, that the Rough Riders Day Camp vehicle, one of sev.eral it operates, does not qualify as a school bus. "If it isn 't yellow, it isn't a school bus. This one is just a privately owned van with a name on the s ide," he said. Children riding in the van were en route to a Rough Riders out- .door recreation faci lity near San- tiago Park at the base or the San-. la Ana Mountains. ILTO .. O MCAS t TO • OerfY ,. ......... , DIAGRAM TRAC!I MONDAY'S FATAL CRASH IN UMNE Van Left Slop on Jeffrey; Truck W•• on Barranca • • lived old liability coverage, councilmen Monday agreed to sign with the Star Ins urance Company at an a nnual premium of $198,000. . The latest contract a mount is a shade cheaper than that sought by the Imperial Insurance Com- pany, which backed out of a con- tract ratifi ed only a few months ago at a price or $208,000. That firm deCided that the claims against the city would make it impossible lo continue the cov- erage. Under the new plan, the city would pay out an estimated $'26,000 a year in the deductible clause. Cons ultants addressing the council Monday suggested that one alternative to the soaring clJ'st s of premiums would be more outside contracts and an in- house campaign to minimize claims. SACRAMENTO (UPI) Legislation placing six non- attomeys on the governing board of the state bar has overwhelm- ingly passed the Assembly with a majority of assembly's attomey- m em bers voting for the measure. Supported by Gov. FAmund 0 . Brown Jr., the measure <AB590> by Assemblyman Howard Berman CD-Beverly Hilla), an at- torney, was sent to the Senate on a 58·9 vote. Eighteen ol the As· sembly's 28 attorney-members voted "aye." The legislation would increue membership of the 15·member board of governors of the bar to 21 with the addition of the six public non-lawyer members and also would open board meetings. t o the public except in dis- ciplinary proceedings. The personnel director also said that in the last five years Orange County has increased salaries and frin1e benefits more than California's 10 largest coun. ties. And, he noted, while neighbor- ing Los Angeles County setUed its salary negotiations at a higher rate of increase than pro- posed by Orange County, over the lut five years Orange Coun- ty's average annual increase has exceeded ·1hat of Los Angeles County. A-test Delayed PAHUTE MESA, Nev. (UPI) -Under1round detonation of a meeaton-clan nuclear bomb was postponed today for 24 ·hours .• IT'S ALWAYS .WHAT IT SEAMS • ·There is· a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. • The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. Drawbacks. Include the fact that the tape Is attached to the SECONDARY backing, and If the secondary becking has any tendancy to work loose from the pri mary backing, there is nothing to hold the ~arpet together. Also, operating temperature of the iron Is critical, and If the iron is too hot or too cold. there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. Cleaning poses the ultimate test to this type of seam, and we have been called innumerable times to repair someone else's seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we band sew our seams with a cro&s or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock In thise stitches. Sewing also penetrates both secondary and primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer. but our fine Installations have been a major factor in our growth through fitteen years In Costa Mesa. ·DEN'S : iiistillation:. cu•tom .,,.,,,; ••. UC. NO ll0422 1663 PlAC!NTiA AVENUE • COSTA M!SA, CAL". 92627 • PHONE 6.C6·4838 -646·23.S.S I• • ' I I • (. A II DAil y PtLOT Pt1BUC NOTICE PICTtftOUtlUllNUI HTtC• 01' IMT••TtOlt ft 1eAM•ITATHlllN'I: , PtmTIOUllUttNall l'ICTiTIO .. laUltHIU PICTITIOUSIUllNlll. INeAea IN TMI IALI DP ,,_ ......... 1'1.-•reellftl..i•, ...... ITATl ... NT NAMllTATll .. NT tlllll• ,,....=:,~~-. .. ALGD"OUCHVHMH .....,, ...... : ' waw . ,,. .......... ..,.._.,..._.. ..::.~..,.._.,.. ........ ""'..~ .................. ltll0i"9 .... l ,. .......... yc.c."': ...::~~~··. .Ll!llN ...... : .......... cec IMVISTMIMTI. ,..OISToMCAAn MASONRY,d "YcMIATttlC COMIU&.TATtOM · ~la._ .. --·~· Piii• ciiHW• htc:ll u• W1111e, ~:::..:w"...:"C.::.'· 11'a~,1""-,CA,tlltM 80111 Avenue, Newport BHCll, MIOICA~ Of'OUlt, ,., .... .Ch ............ , .... llY.,_ ...... ~ ... ~~H msl. ....,_ u. ----,.. •• ...... ,... ....... m W.tlll"""'1 Sin c:aalf0ttll•t2660 ....... ,~I Sult• .... HlllltlllflOll ............. .,...... ..... ~ ,.Ir.a, Ann ~.y , .......... I llMC-C'.A·... l'rtMttc:o,c:A.· .. m Cati Mclnlff, SOI Hth Str .. t. ...._c.t"·'11~7 0 ._ ......... ~-.... ~ ~tHc~C.Ut.ms1'. ' oe':.A. ec!" .... ;111 ... _....;..,,.. .._,.M,HICMtl,11Nt"°'*'"4. ~• .. ch,C.llfotfti.ttMO 1, JeckW.~M. ·• • ....._, • I I I toAd t~ 11 "" - _ _, 1"'6N.c:A.-....... · n.l1MAMUl1c>0n0u<ttdllYWI "°" P5yclll•trlc Ce111u1 t1tlOA ... dlc•I ........ "llYO."C"l."O'' . IH IN•""' •• II< ... " •• Driw.ANllall'llC.CA.tMM ,,. ............ OOMuc...,tWM~ dlvlciu.t. . • Gr--. 14* !Mecll eou1r,~w~ CIM\tMtM,C411fo'l'lai ...-.i~:l::'~·tcll -~=llcaMUc'94••"""' .,._,. .... M*l«loll •"'9r tMn • Cerl M<t11tH . tht Ml. HllMI,..._ 8"Cll, C.I • ·-~ '° MICtl 1,._tloft • .._. -'nlll l'-'t-t -.a filed wltll Ult ...._ ,_.,._ ' • Tiii$ tiCale!Mllt w .. flted. wlttl TlllAllMlllMH IHOlldlKtecl l)yM-........ It ._,y .... t. tN °"*"" CD\IMvO.tt\,OfOfe119t(o4'flty011JllM 'his ~·:;;rfllod 'Wllll Ult l~.M.Nldlolt CoufttyClerkofOl'tn99ClluntyonJ-~~ Mae<l•tlon Otfle>r '!*' • !""'tf (II AICWifc .. ,,., ... 1 ~ -It ms. C....y Qwk .. Oter191 C*illtY Oii _,__ TN• ..... me"' ... flied .... .. tt ,..,.. • ..... ,....._...,.,., •~•of en alcotiot c ._llW... ,_.. CluMY~ofOr.....-cwntyenJUlle · • • . ...--- ...,_, H. Albert, M.O. • lleoftM (Of l!Uf\tH) fol' tNM ~ "'*'"*' OtMI (Oest O.Uy .-tiot. -. ms. · ...... la, "7S. Puflll)Md o/M191t CMJl Oelly PllOI. 0::.~ :':"J,;: =.;"! ~ •tolloWI: ..... Oft s.io •-,,_ p. 2A • .,,.. Juf: t, •·ms m1.1s ,......., 0r-. C...t o.IJ'I P\19t.. NltltMll 0ran9e ~•t oa...; Pli.t ~ 11.2A,MC1 Jul~ 1, a, tm n.ws "'·ms.. KAROt.tK,J .Mld\Mt lllM1'.l1.U.-'J161'1 1•"11 •• J~s ... ,, M....a.1u1yt 1. ms u12•is PUBUC NO'flCE "°"' NMlttiM 0r....-coast o.11v Piiot. PUBLIC NOTICE . ' ~~~2A~:C.llGJu~.':n°:11y2:!.~ i-:~:.;;.:..:..,.::..· 1;.:...,;,,:5 _____ _:m.;,:.:_,_,75:;,·11-----;.:-:;.,_;;:;:;----JttJBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE !~C::.~~::~!'::~' MOTICI TO ClllOITOU The fOltowlng persons trt dOlne bu.I· SU,.llllO•C:OUttTOflTMI S&.fl•7J1tt • n .(l>.Ht16 MtaasCllt llZARRE STORH; <f) P'ICTITIOUSeUSINH$ STATIOflCAl.,lflOlllHIAflOa P.ICTlTIOUSeUSINESI MOTICITOCRIOITOltS SL ... 1S2tl NAMIUTATUHNT . TMIC:OU:T:=·--· • NAMUTAHMINT .~~~~s:::::f.'1--:~==· ~~AVe~: ~:,~~~A'~ly~~u:t MOTICaTOCR•OtTORS TMfOll-lnop0r50nurodal119tMI· E;staleofMVAOH$.OlllEENelE.ltG, 1llef~lowlt19per-$UOclOll\gbusl· TMICOUNTYOfOaANGa ($)SIMPLY BIZARRE; C.) 8RITT, SUf'rllltOlllClOUlllTOP'THE lltU: • Ot Md ~-~· • ... ,,..,_ SlltECTlllUM. SIO ar .. dwey, *· *- STATS Off CAt.ll'ORNIA fOlt BEACH CARPET CLEANING, ~ICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN to#lt f~f.JBl~t...:SJ'tlCKtON MOelLI! El~·· °' RU'.rH s. ANDERSON U.-.. ICll, CA. mst TMI C:OUNTYOf'OlllANH 17171 .. ec:ll Blvd., Sult• No ••• H1111t• cndllortof llll aoove named~ .l!UATES, tlOO~ll Strfft,Sul• '°" ~-. ICtMetll Albert Ackorma11, 4U ..... ..,,,. ~Ol\TommBHCyh,ECA8.•rnett 1•1s1 L-"'°'•II persons ti.vlnt cl•I'"' .... 1\14 ~,.~I ..... ,.ca.~ ... '°~'".-•ct2• ~y NOTICE IS HERE6Y OlVEN to CYPfJ'9-U, LAtuneR ..... rtBeHt<0$111 •• c,A,,.rm • .!', ....... Elt•t• of MARV AN s. FOSTER, • . • .. .,_, .... MIO .......... recavlroct to ,,.. .... -.. .. • .. -·-· •recllton of the •tlo"8 llll"Nld ~ ...... -....... Dtce.Md. St.,Gwde11Grow,CA.t2'43 • llwfn, with lhe MCHMry _..,..,In • Vet"mont corporation, tlOO °'6111 ~ ... • lltf'-Mlll"9 cl•l"11l -O-lnS St.,Hewport .. a<I\, CA. 92660 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to IN "41bert I,.. P.nslnoer. 12162 W, W.. U. offlC. Of tl\e c:lertl of the...,_._ Strfft. Sul to lot, Newport BH<h, the Uid deciedtnt ere required to f11 Joyce lklrr Holtetter, 41032nd st., c..altor$ of tht atlovt n.11med dtctdtftl fwcl. Gerdon Grov., CA. 92"3 Cellloml• '2..0 ......_ ....... tflt nKesWr" ouchtrs I Hewport Btacl\ CA t2.660 thet .. lpersonsl\evlng clelmseo.inst This business Is conducted by• llUed<ourt,onopresentthem,wlthtN Thl1blnlnenlsbel119colld\lcted1>ya ...... .,....... • v ' Tlll1 ll11slness 1i c:onoui ted DV • Ille SAld decedent ere required to lilt Qlfttr•I ~tnel"Shlp. Mc:•-~Y VOYCller&, to tile"~ c:or.,...uon IN offk• of tM clerk of tl\e ~ ttMr•l s-rtnvSlllp. T-B•r tt tt tM office of JoMptl M. Frodrfcs, 3550 " • Neti-I Ufe· tilled cOllrt,orto pr•Mflt ttwm, wl "--th Ackerm•• 1---------------------~-._,I them, with Ille neceuuy vouctwN, In . -.. ,,. 11tc:eueryvouc:t1en littlleundorS ...... • .. · u. ottlc:• of t11e clerk of the amw .,... Tiii• statem.nt wu flied wltb tl'lt Wilshire Blvd .• ~t• tOOO, Los Angtlel, 111111rance COfTl!MlnY · • Tllls , .. iement wH flied with the "Well, I'm Off. Two Carefree Weeks into the holida) · tltledcourt,ortopres.ntthetn,wlttlthe c-ityCterkofOrMgeCountyonJ""' CAIH.•OCllO,wlllchlstheplaceofbush WllllMIE.Ce1tMe119h ~~;<>!f~of8"RN.ES.$GMAG CountyGlerkofOr•noeCou(ltyon.lune Crunc .. I." . . . It 1t1• -of tl\e uncltrsl~ In •II"*"'"' ' ·supervisor • • " l'fEDY .. CARLSON ,. tt7S .. 'I nec:.swry vouc:htn, to Ille undenlgnecl ' ~ llWUlnf119 to U1e tslAltt of slid dece· RHI Estt}t Eaultles UU1 PHto de Vele~le, Ste. 107 •• • 1'44714 et the Law Office of ELLIS I. MOR-........ 1 .... ~ 0 ..., Coast D 11 ~Pl.... dint. within four montllS efter IN first Tiiis stet.menl lied wltl\ thf eoi.tnty YQUlle Hiiis, Celffornl• 926531 Wll_lchl • ... ..... , ... ~pre--c-•st D"'I" Piiot, RISON, 11400 8rookhurst, "-ltaln .. ...., .....,, ren.,. • Y ""' I C'• k f O C t llltol«tOft>usi~sQfU\tunGWSI ~ •-,.,..... -., • J-~· ~~J I t I IS tt7S -~1s pullflcellonotthlsnoc ce. ..r o •tftile oun Y on: Mly al, . J·~11,2•,e....,Jutw t,8, 197S 2247-7.s PVBUCNO'ftCE PUBLIC NOTICE Beael1 N11ditv Vellty, C:.111. wtllcll Is tllt piece Of busl-""• ..... u 'I' • • • -Oiled Mly t, tt7S. • t97S. ,In •II ma«ers pertelnlno to the H141te --~ "" • MSs ot Ille undof'slgntcl In all m.lttrs Eerl Greenberg N4Mt Mid dKeeltnl, witllln fc>ur montl'IS ette PUBLIC NOTICE ::•;::i.:~o!i~ ~::,~~~ ::,~:.. ~~ PUBUC NOTICE Emutor ot t11e ~'deadent Ju:~·~~7 ~~~s coa•t Da11y~1, 111t ~= =~~;t~c;;;• thlt notice. ----''--------• High Court Nixes Ruling ~==~2'r.':,~~ice. ·--.. -0-T_t_C_IE_O...,:'"'•"",.,.,,.",.,.&._IE_O_f'_· ___ IE_A_L-IJ05 • ..:~==-i:-cs . ' . . . lS • -~:~J:~1.=r.f1"·Jr. -~nc.:~ .. L~R~HLA~·~s:~ ... ·o HOWARDM.FOSTER NOf'IRTYATPRtYATIESA&.I! ::.w,:::1naiw. PUBLIC NOTICE oftllubovenamedcloctcltnt COR PORATION, Plalntflf, v1o .• AdmlnlstretoroftlHtEltatt No.A·Ut.. LMAlllletff,C.llf .... ta :~~~~~C:c"tit:~"!, RICHARO P. ARCHBOLO, Defen• ELLIS :!!~:R'r"so' :imed dKecMnt In tlle Superior Court of lht Slat• of Ttt: 121$>-.Utl . S&.f'·7QM av ERNEST J. SCtji'.G.)R. ':::':·No. 7 616. J~ment d•t•: APrll 14, '""' Clllfomla, In and for tlle County of lAs A""11ty w IEuclltor 11•&"'9llll11nt . MOTICITOCRrOtTOltS Ultll'l-•Vale11< .. Ste 1t7 Byvlrtueofenuecutlonlssueclon P'OUNTAIN VALLEY. CALIF. Angeles. Plibllshtd Or•noe Coast Dally Piiot, SUflEttlOlll COURT Of' THI! ~ HUis Cellten11e' tu» June 3, 1975, by Ille Munc1.,.1 Court, of Ttl: "2.JA1I · In tllt M•tter of lht Estalt of J-to, 17,24,allCIJuly 1, 197S 2159-7 STAT., Of',.., I-RMI .. -• Ttt; Ml_,...' ,._.~ .. Ora...,. Count" Judicial District, .. ~•-• FRANCIS'E.HARRIS.Otcta5ed. • _.,....., .. ~.. .....,u, .• .,. • Att-ystor -stretw NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ttwit TitlE<OUMTYOllOlllANK ,A11tniey1fwl!Hu1tor. COUnty of Orange, St•tt of Cillllornia, PuC>UsHW Orenge Coast Oally Piiot, the "'*"'lontd Wiii Hll •t private. PUBLIC NOTICE .... A.u7A I ~1>1111\ed Orenge c .. s t Dally Pllol, -• ludament entered In favor of Junt 10, 17, 24, encl July 1, 1975 216S-7S sete, to the lll(llltst ..id best l>iddff, '------------Emile of· LOIS I. VERl'fANO, .ac.a ~31 10, l7, 24, 1975 20Jl.7 O U A y L E p L U M 8 I N G $UbJKt toconflrmetlonof said Superior Sl.P·7SttS LOIS IRENE VERNANO, De~. CORPORATION, a Gelifo<nla corp., as. Court on or •Iler the lOUI day Of J-. NOTICE TC>CREOIT~RS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEl'f to the PUBLIC NO'nCE Judgment creditor od egalnst WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . Supreme Court has declined to rule on the constitutionality of an ordinance outlawing nudity on beaches and in other public places in Santa Barbara County, Calif. The court Monday dis- missed an appeal from a California appellate court decision upholding the ordinance against a challenge brought by Gisela Ellis and Ernest Sturm. THE TWO WERE fined $25 each for violat- ing the ordinances by ly- ing nude on a secluded I ·warning In Rape Case Eyed SACRAMENTO (UPl) -The Assembly ha s passed legislation de- .signed to remove some of the controversy sur: rounding jury instruc- tions in rape cases . Presently in sex of- fense trials, judges warn jurors to use extra cau- tion in weighing the testimony of a woman or other victim because· r ape is easily charged. and difficult to defend against. THE.ASSEMBLY sent to the Senate Monday one bill which would eliminate that cau- tionary instruction, and a n other measure to r eplace it with a mQCe general jury warning in all criminal cases where -there is no .corroborating witness. The general warning would ask juries to use .. care and caution" in trials where the word of one witness was pitted ·against the word of another and no other substantial evidence was available_ THE BILL (AB1595} was auth ored by As- s emblyman Ken Meade. (0-Berke l ey), and passed on a 43-25 vote. Meade said the current warning jn rape cases is .. sexist" and "offensive to women.'' THE RELATED bill (AB194) to eliminate the special cautionary in- struction in trials of sex offenses was carried by Assemblyman Alister McAlister, (D-San .Jose). It was approved on a47-16 vote .. P UBLIC NOTICE t97S, •t 1he olllc:e of RYLANCE & SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Creditors of tht •bove named cltcedeftt . RICHARD P. ARCH BOLO, «> ludO-' be a Ch n ea T Sant a 1-------------WHITMORE, 601 E . Yorba Lln<IA STATE OFCAPFORNIA FOR tMt ell P"SQf\S l\evlng Cl .. ms _.inst $Lf'·JS1M n.nt debtor, showing a net balaoic• of B b · F b a'7... Blvd., Pt.centle, Cellf. t2670. County of THE COUNTY OF ORANGE tht said docedollt are required to file NOTICE TOCREOITORS .1,l.U.M ectu•llY due on said jU09ment ar ar a lD e ruary NOTICE TO CREDITORS LoS Anotl•!, Slate of C•llfClfnlt, all tllt No. A·U 10J tNm, with lhe necessary vouchtrs, In SUf'ERIOR COURT OF THE on Ult date of tl\e Issuance of said ex• 1974. SUf'EllllORC:OURTOFTHE rl9'1t, tltle~rlCI Interest of said ct. Estate o f GLENN N. HILE. llltoffletoftlltclerkof.the.OOW.,.._ STATEOFCALIFORNIAFOR teutlon,l1Htvtle11leduponalltherlglll, Representing the COii-STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CHsed, In alld to •II lllt cert.in rul Deceased. titled court, or to preMntl.hem, w!tt11t1e THE COUNTY OF ORANGE title and lntert5t ofsald judgment deb-., THECOUHTYOFORAl'fGE property ~tuatt In tllt County of NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVENtothe MCtsl¥'f')IOUChtrs,tot11eunde""9ne<1 No.A-1$413 1or In the property In the County ot pie, lawyers from the Ho. A·l:J2tS Orange, .State c: f Ca I lfornl a , creditors of the atlov• mimed cle<edenl at tllt Law Office of WILLIAM v. Est.le of AGNES MILLER CHASE, Or11n9e, St•te of Calilornla, descrl~ American Civil Liberties Est•te of WALTER G. C. WINKLER, Pllttlcul•r1Y described AS follows, to ttiat 1111 petsons having claims against SOtMtDT,366SAn Mlguet Or., Ste.300, De«ei.ed. ufotlOws : · Decea5ecl. wit: ~ H id Oectldent are r,0ulrtcl to Ille Newport Beach, California 92660, at· NO"tlCE IS HERESY dtVEN to tlle Lot 11, Btoc:k l , Tract 900 In U1e City Union Found at ion of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tht 113 of 3/511\s of the west t>alf of tM them, with 111e necessary vouci.rs, In tor1111y for Security P•c:lflc Natl-• creollors ot the •bov• na111ec1 decedent of Sa• Clemente, etso known as 111 San South er n Ca Ji f orni a <rtclitors of tlle above named cle<ect.nt .-111 V>of tot3, In Block S, Ptgts 11 & 18 the office of 11\e clerk of the allow.,.., Bank. KIRTLAND ANO PACKARD, 1Nt All persons Mving dillims a;aln51 Olmas,SAnCltmente, CA. that all PffSOns havinv claims against OrMOt'°"nty,Callf. tlttedcourl,orto present 11\em,withthe 626WllShireBtvd.,Ste,600,LosAngetes, tM said decedent ere r~uired 10 flit NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVENtl'lalDll argu ed th at the or-the seid decedent are required to file • more commonly known -s: .&Mt necessary vouc11trs, 10 tl\e undersigned C• 1 If or n I•. 900 I 7 •. • ttorno Y• tMm, wltl\ tl\e necessary voucllers, In Frldn. Jutv 11. J91S. at 10:00 o'ctocl( dinance violates the First ttwm, wltll tlle necessary vouchers, In Eurtlle, vorbll LlrlCla, c:..111. at the Law Office of BARNES. SCHAG, iw "-t• H. Vtrn•llcl, wtilch Is the p!Ate the Office of Ille cterk of the ebc>W en-f<.M. et Marshal s office, C:Ourthou5e1 Ille Office of the clerk of Ill• above M · Terms of sale cul\ In lewful money of JOHNSON, KENNEOV ~CARLSON, Of buslllHS of Ille undersigned In .•II tlUeo court, of to presenttllem, wltlllllll 30143 Crown Valley P•rkway, Oty of Amendment guarantee lilted court, or to presentthem, with the the United Statu on confirm.lion of 4S2S Mac Artllur B t vd.. Box 1784, mlttef'S l)Wtalnlno to tlle estete Of sekl nec:esserv voucfltrs, IA> tlle undersigned Laguna Niguel, Cqunty of Or&n99, of freedom of expression. nec .. sary voucl'ltrs, to the unoetslgned sale, or pa rt casll •nd be lance Newport Buell, Catlfornta't2663, which dtc:edent, witl\ln fOUf' morrth$ atter tne at the Law 0 111ce of ' J AMES A. State Of CAtllornla, I will sell at public: at Ille office of Tllomas L. Lord. 2lS2J evldtnced by l'.)Ole secur~ by Mort~ is Ille place of business of Ille un· first publh:atlon ofthls notice. SCHMt ESt NG, 1151 Oove Street, Suite .uc:tlon to 1ht hl9t1est bidder, l<>r casll Paseo de Valencia. No. 213. Luguna or Trust Oetd on tlle property so sold. dersignecl in all matters pertaining 10 Olted June3, 1t 15 uo, Newport Beacll, California, wlllch I~ l•wful money of th.e UnlledS,f!es, all AN INDIVIDUAL Hiiis, California 926S3, whlcll ls Ille Tenpercentohmountbldtobtdeposlt-tlle.stateot saiddecedenl.wlllllnfour · SECURITVPACIFIC Is llle place of buslnen of the un· tllerlQllt,titltalld lnterestotsa;GJudQ-"may wish to J. oin others plec;e of business of the un<lerslgnea In edwltl\ bid. months alter Ille tirst publication of tll•s ~ NATIONAL BANK and c1trslQtlecl In all matte.,s pertalnfllCJ to ment debtor In Ille above described pro>- alt matters pertalnin9 to tlle estate Of Bids or offers to bt In writing and wlll nolice. PETE H. VE RNAN D Ille estete of said oecedent. within tour ptrty1 or so much ll'ltreof as may be WhO are Similarly: un-said <IKtclent, within lour month$ after bt received at the afortwlcl off let at Oated May 27, 197S. CO·Extcutors of Ille Will ..-th$ •fttr tl\e firs! publlcatlonOf this ne<essery to satisfy said execution, clothed on a 'nude beach t lhe first publlcetlonof lllls notice. .,..y time •fttr Ille first pllbllc•tlon EDNA K. HI LE ~ Of the etiove named decedent notice. wltllacuued lnterestand costs. ~ea May 13, 197S lleroof andbtforedattof sale. Executrlxolllle Wiii Wfl.UAMV.SCHMIOT Oetecl~y27, 1975. O.teOJune It, 197S. in Order to express a MYRAH. WINKLER O.ttdlhls24thdayof June, 1975. ofll\eabov1t named decedent J6'5•MlfMIOr.St~.)OO . . 11.H. Rtlsm•n OMslon: SoutllOranveO>untV given }if e sty le aSSOCiat-Exec:utrlx otthe WI II Elizabet V. ()'Grady BARNES, SCH AG , JOHNSON, ......... ICll, CAllfw•la.,... E11ec:utor olthe Wiii DON Ii. RH' EA, of Ille ebove named clececlerrt Admlnlstratrl11of KENNEDY & CARLSON Ttt: ....an olthe M>olle namedclececlent Marsl\at, Oran99 County ed With freedom, lack Of THOMAS L. LORD tht Estateofseldcltcecle!>t BY: ERNEST J . SCHAG, JR. ltllllT&.ANOANO PACKARD. JAMES A. SCffMIESING By Melba R. H•uer, Depul'/ pnidery, openness and WltPaseodeValtnciaNo.213 R09ERTN.WNITMORE 4SUMacArtllur8Lll0.,8H17• Wwtltlllnllff.St•.... ttSt O.veStreetS411tt140 NORMANE.RUOOLPH l.AtuM Hiiis, C:.lifornl<i 92'S3 AltorMy .. t·law l'ft•port Beacll, California '2"3 IAs Afltltlet, C.llfel'Rla M17 He"'1*1 a .. cll, C•lllornia Plallltiff's AtfMMY lack of hypocrisy," they Tet: aw st1·"6f .,, E. ven. L.lllfA a1w. I'll: t7t-tt00 Tel: u....st ,.: Ul-t7eo naA.-.INOraMd• contended. Attwftty forHeculriK Placetltia, C.llf. ti•71 Atterneys lor Eatculrla AnenMys for Ce•Extc:11ten Alt«My for EHc:utor S..0-lllt, C. CA, tJ•n A law Probl.b&"tt"ng SUCh Plibli~ed Orange Coast Oaity Pilot, Publlslltd Oren99 Co•st D•lly Pitot, Published Oranye Coast Daily Pilot, Plit>llstwtd Oranc;ie CoHt Dally Pttot. PubllShed Oran9e Coast Dally Pilot, PullllMled Oranve Coast Oally Piiot, J~ 10. 11, 24. and July 1. 1975 2t62·7S June24, u , JO, 1975 2351.JS JuMl. 10. 17. 24, 1975 . 2042-75 June to, 11,24, and July 1, 1t·1s 21~7S June3, 10, 11, 24, 1ns 203NS June t7, 24, alld July 1. 1975 22Ql.7S expression, even in '--------------'--------------~------------~...!-------------...:,_--'-;.;._..;..._.:.-______ ~'---'-'-'-'----'-'------.. spar s e ly populatedj ·areas, "is manifestly overboard and therefore void on its face,'' they argued. "A STATE might validly designate certain beaches as reserved for nudity and exclude nudi· ty from a 11 other be'aches, •' they con· tinued . ·"But the ordinance in the present case 'carries no such restrictions .•. It is applicable to the most isolated of beaches with no homes in the vicinity, and in which all of the sunbat h e r s are themselves nude, pro- vided only that the beach is '9pen to the public.'" THE ACLU lawyers continued, "It can hardly be argued that there is a cQmpelling state interest to protect the public from being offended by nudity on a beach when such beach is secluded and the nude persons may be ob- served only at a distance and then with some dif. ficulty.'' ~ ''· ·~''""''"""' .:..,.~.t'~ ~ Stu:ek Up Parasailor INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. (UPI) -Ginge~ Stantopietro was parasailing over Lake Tahoe when she ran into a tree. She was harnesseJin a parachute and was being towed in the air behind a boat. It was bringing her to shore when its motor conked out. She drifted over the shore and became entangled in the tree. Firemen brou ght ~ snorkel and extricated her from her perch 30 feet high. ...-·~ Cammuling becames a . relaxing pastime ·.after iJWy ·4th. You have better things to do than drive. R est. Read the paper. Write a letter. Plan for· the day's meetings. Analyze the stock market. Forget about the problems at work. Get home refreshed and relaxed. (twli :H1C11) Now you can. Park-N-Ride Expre ss •..;j,. -I· -""'·, l!!::f .ol -r-1 . is here. And it works just like the name says.' From San Clemente, Mission Viejo,.Fuller- ton, Anaheim, and many other. Orange County communities, Park-N-Ride Express buses take you to work at Orange County's major indus- trial complexes and business centers. And Park-N-Ride Express makes connections with bus routes contintiing on to Los Angeles and Long Beach. Doesn't it mak€ a lot of .sense? Tomorrow, as you're sitting in jammed traf- fic wondering what y9u're doing there, think about using Park-N-Ride Express. For commuters who have more important things to do than drive. Aluniinlllll Bats, Grips Assailed Drive in to a Park-N -Ride Express parking lot. Park your car free. Or have someone drop you off. The Park-N-Ride Express bus will take you to work in air~conditioned comfort, while you get a headstart on the day's work. And, at the end of the day, you'll get off again where your car is parked. Rested. Relaxed. Looking forward to the evening. r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·---···-----------. DP I WAllT TO GET THERE. Please se11d me schedules and information on: For information call: 547-3311 Toll ..... , call th• operator and uktor= ZENITH 7-3311 . ~ WASHINGTON CAP) -The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says it voted to begin enforcement action against a group of m anufac- turers of aluminum bats and a bat grip which has caused one death and two major injuries. The commission said about five million "Bat- ter's Pride'' grips for aluminum softball and baseball bats have been sold or distributed since 1968. In o num oor of lnstan.ces, the agency said, a de- f ect.1 v~ design allowed the ariP and bat to separate when .swung at a ball. Eaton Yale and Towne., the grip manufacturer, and an undet.ermlned numbeT of aluminum bat manufacturers w iU face enforcement proc:eedinfs toe-aJle1edly fallin1 t4 correct the ptoblam, the commJulOG laid. 0 Park·N·RidJ Express commuter service. 0 New routes serving my area: _____ _ 0 General Orange County Transit information. I Address City Zip J • (Mlil th.18 C'OQJ)On to OrMOt CO\ll'tJ Ttanelt 0Wtrtet. t200 Nonh Main Str..c. S&nl& ~. c.utornil 92102.) : ·--------------------------------------------------·-···-· ' • I 1 1 l I ~· I I i ( ) I ·; I ' ' J ~ I I I ! ~I .... ~ 1 \ J Tetla,,.8 a .. 1 .. N.Y. Steelut ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 24; 197S c TEN CENTS Driver in Fatal. Vall O.lly l'li.t PMte 9y ltl<MN K_..I« BoyDe8d,· One Blind In Irvine By ARTHUR R. VINSEL . OftlMO•llyPlletStl" Mans laughter e!harges will be sought against the driv~r of a day camp mini-bus that collided with a giant truck and trailer rig in Irvine Monday. leaving one little boy dead, a second blinded and the driver herself and nine ~ther children injured. Police ~aid today they will-pre- sent details of the tragic crash to the Orange County District Al· tomey's Office in about a wee k seeking a complaint against th~ driver. HE'S f.. PAINTING -Jan Nichols of Newport Beach is part of an oil painting in this summer's Pageant of the ~asters. to be presented in Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Addi- tional pictures on Page A3 show how it's done. Carolyn A. Conners, 23, a 2'h· year employe of Rough Riders Day Camp in Fountain VaUey, is under care at Tustin Community Hospital, in fair condition with multiple injuries. Miss Colfbers, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was pinned in the cab when her van was struck by the truck driven by James E . Bartley, 45 of Art Revealed Diamond Bar. ' Bartley was uninjured, while Miss Conners was trapped inside and children were flung out rear doors and windows of the shat- tered van, flopping to the pave- ment like rag dolls. Pageant Shows How It's Done By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. Delly ...... MM( The Pageant ol the Masters in Laguna Beach has succeeded in doinf what every mother of every 9--year-old bey lalows is im· ~ble-.-...-~ot •nipi, sllllila Md PbPPY dot taill to stand still, very still. Just how that and other small miracles are accomplished was revealed Monday in a sneak pre- view of the 1975 Pageant of the Masters for members of the news media. More than 300 members of the press a nd broadcasting media were allowed backstage and into the makeup and wardrobesection • . . as models for the famous "liv·' ing pictures'' were readied. The pageant is a depiction of famous art works using real peo- ple as the subjects of the art. The life-size presentations are dis· played with background music and informative narration on the s tage of the Irvine Bowl Am- phitheater. This year the pageant and the Festival of Arts run from July 11 through Aug. 24 . Mark Armstrong, 9, of Costa Mesa is a figure in the im- pressionistic painting "Raetihi" b y Peter Mcintyre. Faces dabbed with makeup, wearing ~tiff painted costumes, Mark and two other models are fitted into 'Ute background set for the paint- ing. There under special lighting d esigned to make the three dimensional set and figures look flat, he and the other models will hold, remain frozen in place their for a minute and a half performance before 2 ,600 persons nightly attending the Pageant. . • .~ark said. he I~ holding ..,. . Weadler Mostly tloudy through Wednesday' but partly sun· ny in the afternoon with slightly cooler tem- i>;erature~. Highs 65-68 at the beaches and 88·12 over inland areas. INSIDE TODA~ WUn•"n who made it IO}e- ly ta Thatlond t•U o/ mou .otrocitiu fn Cambodia, per/orMld chf•flll .again•t former .arm11 men. StOf'll, P.ogeA4. ··-· = ................... '"' At.......... M .,.,, 0r-..c:..y "' °"*' . aa ,...._ aw O_d,. aa """9W AU a..-..-c.. ., !£:: .... """""'"'"'.. .. ....... ··" ...... ..,.,. .. == :::: ~ ,...~ ., ........... . . ..... ... still wasn't all that hard, but that his leg -set at an unnatural angle to match the lei al the sub- ject in the P•inting -eeta tired. 5*••= •Wl ••• u ... ancJ stag~fd tare onb'_.jl.lhe tractitiaDal perila lacm. model-eatert.laeni of tlle papant. A story mat inf the rounds tells of the year a pigeon alighted on a woman modelinc as a nude statue. To her credit, the model held still while the bird surveyed the makeup room's handicraft. . The volunteer models tor the works are selected Crom hun- dreds of people who each spring audition for parts. They are <See PAGEANT. PateA2) "It was real s trange," said one of the first policemen to reach the scene. "There was no crying, but mostly silenc:e. everybody shocked and not moving." LitUe John Henry 'Ramming, 6, of 3801 Parlcview. Lane, Irvine, Jay beneath a rear wheel of the massive dual trailer rig, killed instantly. "We can't figure out how he got there, unless he was thrown through a window and slid across the pavement right under the truck," Traffic Lt. John Regan said today. Bartley, visibly shaken, told in- <See COLLISION, Page A2) Kennedy Airport ... Crash Toll Said At Least 40 From Wire Services NEW YORK T An Eastern Airlines 727 jet with 122 persons aboard crashed this afternoon in the Jamaica Bay area while coming in for a landing at Ken- nedy International Airport, police said. First reports said at least40were killed. Tbe plane, flight 66 from New Orleans, faltered and went down a half.mile short of the J'Wlway, at Rockaway and New York boulevards. The fire department said it was fighting a fire in the wreckage. Traffic in the area ol the crash was halted, and police ctirected emergency equipment to l.ake a roundabout way to the scene. Fire department rescue units were summoned from Manhat- tan, Queens and Brooklyn. Police on the scene called for row boats and body bags. There were rain showers at Kennedy at the time of the crash with scattered clouds at 3,000 feet. "The plane just dove into the ground," said a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman. "There are bodies all over the street," one police report said. The area where the plane came down reportedly was mos tly open, with few homes or business establishments. But it landed in rush-hour traffic. (See CRASH, Page A%) Jtf()rtg,.e Relief Home Bill Vetoed; .. FordSeeksNewOne WASHINGTON (AP). -fresi- dent Ford •nnounced pereonaUy this afternoon his veto of a $1.2 billion housing bill but coupled it with an announcement that be wants an extra $9. 7S billion made available for 1overnment purchase ol bome mortaa1es. "Thia actJon wlll lmmediately make mol'e raoney available to home buyers,'' Ford told re· porters durJnt • brteC ap· pearance ln 1be Wlilte lloule pre- ss center. The President allo called on Con1re11 to .. move al rapidly as pouJble" to enact a mortcace ~yment relief Joan procram de· s&,ned to werd ott fonclolures aaaln1t tropertles beln1 purdtaHd 1 rM...aon Yid!ma. ·) \ t The vetoed measure also aimed at helping those who face foreclosure. The President said he was re· leasing immediately $2 biJlion in mortgage purchase authority available to tbe Government National Mortgage Associatioo . In addition, he asked Congress to extend the GNMA program for an ~tra year, to Jub' l , 1976, and to pump an additional $7.75 billion into lt. Sponsors .pld the me,sure would f acllltate financing of con· 1trucUon of 400,000 homes and authorlie aovernment payments of up lo $250 a month for two years to prevent families art~ ed by the rece$Slon from loslng homes throuab foredolure. "' . • O•lly I'll"' S&atf Pt114e THIS IS NEW STOP FOR BARRANCA ROAD TRAFFIC Sign on Street Painted Over Truck Skid Marks Van Passengers . In Crash Listed Here is a complete listing of pa~engers in the ill-fated Rough Riders Day Camp van when it was struck by a truck Monday en route to a summer day outing. Carolyn Conners, 23, of 1561 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, in ·fair condition at Tustin Com- munity Hospital with fractures and other injuries. Jon Weiss, 10, of Santa Ana, a Santa Ana policeman's son, in fair condition at the 1'ustin hospital with fractured ribs and possible internal injuries. Robin Perrine, 7, of 17391 San- dalwood, Irvine, in fair condi·· lion there with multiple injuries, Mark Hilgeman, 6, or 4331 Win- tersweet Way, Irvine, listed in fair. condition at Santa Ana- Tustin Community Hospital with a severe concussion resulting in blindness. David Gilbert, 9, of 450 W. Car- riage Drive, Santa Ana, in fair condition at the Santa Ana-Tustin facility. Jack Cantella, 10, of 3120 Rene Drive, Santa Ana, also in fair condition there. Scott M lller, 10; of 18062 Whitewood Way, Irvine; John Hilgeman, 10, of 4331 Win- tersweet Way, Irvine; Chris Can- tella, 9, of 3120 Rene Drive, Santa Ana and Angela and Christine Kimmel, each 9, of 1001 W. Stevens Ave., Santa Ana, were treated and released. John Ramming, 6, of 4801 Parkview Lane, Irvine, was dead at the scene and was taken to Saddleback Chapel Mortuary where his father made identifica· lion . Services for the boy were pend- ing this morning at Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary . DOW RECORDS ANOTHER GAIN NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock market , encouraged car sales appeared to be on the upsw· ing and relieved .the Federal Reserve Board hasn't changed policy, pushed hi gher today in heavy trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones indus trial average, a 37 -point winner the past three sessions, added 4.23 points to 869.06. . Advances led declines, 3·1. (Tables, All). Waiting lorlaees Suspect Seized In Mesa A convicted Costa Mesa dope dealer who assertedJy vowed he would never go back to jail without • 'taJcing a couple of cops with me" was dragged from a hidi~g place in the a ttic of hi$ family home Monday, kicking and struggling. Victor C. Forsythe, 26, of ~ Molokai Drive, was arrested and booked on a bench warrant is- sued by Orange County Superiol" Court Jud~e Everett Dickey. He is charged in the warrant carrying $50.000 bail with sales of marijuana and probation viola· lion. Forsythe was also booked on charges of resisting arrest after he had to be dragged out of the at· tic by two Costa Mesa narcotics detectives and his probation of- ficer. , Detectives David Brooks and James Watson said they accom- panied the probatiQO oEficer to Forsytbe's residence during af- ternoon hours to pick him up on the arrest warrant. The probation officer had told police the suspect had vowed !"ever return to jail without .. tak·. ing a couple of cops with me" whea.releaaed from a Tecent. 120-db sentence. Mus.ic emanating from tho locked house reportedJy stopped when they knocked, foUowed by sounds of movement, then silence. Detectives Brooks and Watson said Forsythe's mother drove up at that point and willingly ad- mitted them to the Mesa Verde area residence to search for her son . One of them noticed the attic door was ajar and fresh bits of plaster were scattered below it, so he stood on a file cabinet to take a look in the loft, finding Forsythe. Demands to surrend er were re· portedly ignored and the cor · nered suspect was dragged out forcibly and subdued after al- legedly trying to kick Detective Watson in the head as he stood up through the attic door. Fors ythe was arrested several years ago when police made a massive crackdown on suspected drug dealers supplying users on the nearby Estancia High School campus. He was arrested again when he allegedly tried lo run down two narcotics detectives in front of the Molokai Drive home as they arrived to question him. Thls wos the line !or matinee Monday at Edwards Cinema at Adams Avenue and Hatbok' Boulevard in Costa Mesa. The movie was "Jaws.'' based on the best sell- inf novel about a shark that terrorizes a seaside r esort. Similar lines have ap- peared outside the ·theater since .. Jaws,. began screening last Frida)'. rivaling crowds of moviegoers that showed up at same theater more than a year aio when "The Exorcist," another frighten.ini film. · was playing. , I A I DAU, y PILOT c PAGEANT ••• pbotoir a pb o d. and the Ir m eaaureme11ts taken by tbe pafeant staf1. Later the models '..e matched with the subjects in paintings. This.year t.here are lwo com- plete caaUI of 162 persons, Direc- tor Don Williamson said. Many more volunteers work backstate or below stage in costuming. makeup and headdnssing. The two casts usually alternate eyery week. ·• This year there wUl be 28 pre- tsentations including 41 works. The works include paintings, statues, and objects of art. This is the 40th Pageant of the Masters, originalltt started in 1933 to draw art buyers to Lagulfa Beach and promote the pa.rent Festival of Arts, the summer art exhibition by Laguna Artists. '• tTO l\l'OAO • •MCA• O•llY Pllet MIWI Ml~ . It has been an annual event sac!-,.. cept for the war years of l~ th.rough 1944. The pageant ha~. been sold out every year for the last 15 years although returned. tickets are sometimes available DIAGRAM TRACES MONDAY'S FATAL CRASH IN IRVINE Ven Left Stop on Jeffrey; Truck W11 on Barranca at the box office before sbow time each night. More than 100,000 persons are ~xpected to see the pageant dur- 1ng its run this year. An estimat- ed 250,00 will visit the Festival.of Arts. Man Trapped In Three-car Mesa Crash A spectacular t hree-car col· lision Monday night at a Costa Mesa intersection l eft one passenger trapped for 30 minutes in a · sports car, pinned by his broken ankle, until firemen freed him. Charles D. Pinkley, 22, of 2739 W. Keller Drive, Santa Ana, was taken to nearby Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and then t ransferred to Orange County Medical Center. Robert L . Casburn, 21, of 277 Rose Lane, Costa Mesa. was treated at the same hospital and released, '+'hile the other two drivers in the collision at Vic- toria Street and Thurin Avenue were slightly hurt but said they would see their own doctors. They were identified as Gerald P . Kahan, 23, of 2029 Laurie Lane. Costa Mesa, and Juan J. Vill afan a. 29, of 1101 W. MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana. Investigators said firemen literally had to tear the sports car apart with heavy rescue equipment they carry to ex· tricate Pinkley from the Fro•PageAJ COLLISION CHARGE • • • vestigators he had no chance to avoid the collision, an account suppor ted by several eyewit· nesses, according to written re- ports. He said he was rolling at 45 to 50 miles per hour, well within the 55 mile· per hour posted speed limit. Bartley said he was eastbound on Barranca Road -which until Monday afternoon had no stop s igns -when Miss Conner stopped her van for a stop sign beaded north on :Jeffrey Road. "I saw her look lo her right and then she just pulled out in front of me. I pulled to the left and put on the brakes, and tried to get away from her, but it just didn't do any good," he said. ·City of Irvine officials, who have previously been asked for such controls, placed stop signs at the Jeffrey Road crossing of Bar- ranca Road, plus a flashing cau- tion light, within a few hours. Motorists who came upon the scene and construction workers in the undeveloped area of tomato fields and orange groves. immediately stopped t<> offer what help they could when the accident occurred. "I tried to help the driver of the van," said Fernie M. Miranda. of· Santa Ana, •· .•. and then I pulled the little kid's head out from under the truck wheels ." Miranda, riding with a friend, said he saw smoke boil from the brakes of the skidding truck ahead well before the explosive collision, noting-it veered to the left. Other witnesses heard . the· thundering crash but saw nothing of the impac~. The children, age<i 6 to 10 years old, were taken to both Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital and Tustin Community Hospital after first aid at the scene. The Ramming boy was pro- nounced dead at the scene by a young doctor based at nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station who was s ummoned to the nearby scene to help. Three victims includin~ Miss Conner remained under care to- day at Tus tin Community Hospital, one child the son of a Santa Ana police officer. Three others are at Santa Ana· Tustin Com nwnity Hospital, in· cluding Marr \llilgeman, 6, of 4331 Wintersweet Way, Irvine, whose brother was not as badly hurt. Hospital otricials confirm that Mark suffered a severe con· cussion and is blind as a result, but that it is too early to tell if it will be perma nent. California Highway Patrol of· fi cers i ns pect e d both the destroyed van and the heavily damaged Sully-Miller Contract· ing Company gravel truck Mon· day for any mechanical defects. School buses are routinely in· • By Irvine Co. ByDOVGLA.SFRrrzscH& • Of-0.lty"I ....... Despite the wldelY. reported re-. at estate and construction in· dustry slump over the past year, the Irvine Company today told shareholders net earnings were up 11 percent from last year. At the annual stockholders' meetin1 tn Newport Beach, Colli· pany Preside nt Raymond Watson said gross revenues climbed 26 percent over the past year trom $69.8 million to $87.8 million. Agrlc ult u r al ope'rations brought in the largest income in the company's lOO·year history. Farming income totaled $17.8 million compared to the $14.4 million reported for the 1973-74 fiscal year. · Even that level of income, Watson said, did not make up the amount the company pays in tax· es on its farm land. However, he said, agricultural operations al- low the company to bold the land until it ls ready to be developed. Dividends on the 8.4 million privately held shares Jn the com- pany were increased for the eighth consecutive year to 72 cents, up from 69 last year. Talking to stockholders, Wataon ~ralaed the company'• ability ' to take ad\'anta1e of rapidly 1hiftln1 market demandi durinl a period In which the na- tJon and the real estate develop· m~t Industry are eXl)el'lencint economic dlfftcullles. •• The company, which Controls the 80,000-acre Irvine Ranch, own1 about 17 percent ot the land in Orange County. A.a land ls sold otf for development, the com. pany retrenches part ot the earn· ings In investment property. Laat year the company spent $'1 million ln con1truction CC)lta, adding to its invntmentl three apartment eomplexes. a bigh- rise office buUdint, a shoppfng ·center and about 200,000 square feet of industrial bulldln1s which are leased to firms. A majority of Irvine Company stock, 53.4 percent, ts held by the ·non·profit James Irvine Founda- tion. which distributes a portion of lts earnings to charitable or- ganizations. Under the mandate of a federal tax reform law, the foundation ls trying to sell its stock to Mobil Oil. The sale is being blocked by court suits contending that the $34 a share price is too low. Heavy Equipment Vehicle -Damaged Vandals caused an estimated $30,000 damage to a 46-ton crane being used in freeway construc- tion in Costa Mesa, jt was dis- covered Monday. The big rig with a capability of 82 tons lifting power was used to literally tear itself apart, accord· ing to investigators. · Douglas A. Ridgeway of the Novo Construction. Company, 'X ClaAsics' Confiscated Chino, called police when workm en dis covered the malicious mischief. The huge crane's boom was elevated lo a 00-degree angle and its cable then attached' to one of two separate cabs which can be occupied by its operators. The vand als activated the winch, causing the boom and ca- ble to tear the second cab right of! the huge machine, then they poured sand into a container of hydraulic oil. TONIO BT Nl!WPORT·llBSA SCHOOL BOARD -lleaulU' QJeelbll. Costa r.tesa City Coundl cham .. ben..&.!:JC>J1.m . "·.1·nE CAVE DWELLERS"·- South COa1t RepertAJl1' Theater. t.broQlh Sun. I p.m. UCI LECTURES - .. Amert can Folk Medlchle," Room 15' Sodal Selmce1 Lab, 1 p .m ... Fabric Deal1n wlth Dye•.'' Room sos CdM High 8ehool1 1 p.m . I WEDNEBPA Y, .JUNEU COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD -Ref\llar meetina, 1370 Adam~. 8 p.m. UCI LltCTURES - "Conaorvatlon Gardenlnf, 41Room 105 Social Scilftces Lab. ••11ana1ement Development for Women,•• Room HO' Social Sciences Lab. ''Pamily Afoot in the West,'' R0orn 178 Humanities Uall.All7p.m. Ted Kennedy Story Upheld °"' Drou:ning NEW YORK <UPI> -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), told "the absolute truth" about the 1969 Chappaquiddick auto ac- cident in which Mary Jo Kopechne was killed, the Na- tional Enquirer reports. The newspaper said that Charles R. McQuiston, "a former top U.S. intelllgence expert,'' used a psychological stress evaluator, or "truth detector," to scan statements Kennedy made in a nationally televised state~ ment July 25, 1969, a week after the accident. "I'm thoroughly convinced Kennedy told the truth about Chappaquiddick. There's no doubt about it," McQuiston told the Enquirer. Miss Kopechne was killed when Kennedy's car. in which . she was fiding, went oft a bridge .on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in- to a tidal pond. McQuiston said the PSE would show unusual levels of psychological stress if Kennedy told an untruth. spected by CHP officers, who are -' p a.Jways responsible for in· dt lJSSYCal vestigating any accident inv~lv· .. · wreckag~. · ANoble ·Aet Front Page Al CRASH ... . 2Mayaguez Bombing Strikes Told WASHINGTON (AP) American warplanes conducted two bombing raids over the Cam- bodian mainland during the armed assault to recover the crew of the freighter M ayaguez in the Gulf of Thailand last month, the Pentagon said. The air strikes were aimed at Ream Airfield and Kompong Som, a naval facility,. the Pen-. tagon told the House Armed Services Committee Monday in response to a resolution of in- q uiry introduced by R ep. Michael J. Harrington (O - M.ass.), a nd 37 other House mem- bers. The bombing continued after the Mayaguez crew was released by the Cambodians to ensure the safe withdrawal of Marines which had been sent onto Koh Tang, an island off the Cam~ dian coast, to recover the ship and crew, the Pentagon said. , ORANGE COAST c DAILY PILOT Robert N. Weed ... ~Iden! end Pvblhl-.~ Jack R. Curl~y Vl<e Pre.ldl"I •nd Gen"'" Moo-f Thomas Keevll Editor Thomas A. Murphine M.IM9l"O Editor Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall .A~tlSl•f\I ~MQl"O Ed< to" Costa Mesa Office UO -" 8•y itrut ~lllf'OAC!fr•UI P,0 . lie• IW.0,~ Tetepttorw <714> M2 ... J21 Claulfled Advertising 642·5671 Cofy,"11111, 1tl1 ~_.. .. CH•I P11~ll•lllf't ,_.,_.,, ..... ,...., ,...,i.., 111 ... t••ll-. .Oll••••l "'•II•• or •d•trllH-nh 11•••111 may IHI ,.pr1H111ce• wltll011l ll'K••I 1N•mlu'911 of c.Wyrltllt-r. "°<_..II 'Ill• lfOlll ... NII el ~I• M•••, c;.i.._,111•. lllW<ritll""" lrt'".,''°' u.oo-111y: 9'i' ,,..W .,,OIJ-llltf l ll'Will•'Ydnlf.MllOM U 0t ""''"'"'' ,, . ing a school even if it is not on a A fire dis patcher in .the· state higbway. ·· borough of Queens said the plane Costa Mesa Police ·u. Regan went down at 1:09 p.m. PDT. noted today, however, that the ··we must have taken the crash Rough Riders Day Camp vehicle, for t hunder. There was a storm one of several it operates, does under way," said a U.S. Post Of· not qualify as a school bus. fice employe at Kennedy Airport. · · "If it isn't yellow, it ~n't a "There are some buildings school bus. This one is Just a between us and where it went privately owned van with a name down . so we can't see anything." on the side," he said. • According to FAA spokesman Children riding in the van were Dennis Feldman, the aircraft· en route lo a Rough Riders out· wa s ·making an apparently doorrecreationfacilltynearSan· normal approach to runway 22 --tiago Park at the base of the San- left at the airport when "accord· ta Ana Mountains. 6 ing to the tower it suddenly dove Parents with chirdren enrolled - into the ground." at the. day camp immediately Weather in the area at the time flooded the poliJ:e department included showers and haze, but with calls when they learned of visibility was listed ag five miles. .the-tragedy over the radio. There were scattered clouds .at Names of victims were not re- 3,000 feet and broken clouds at leased until their parents had 6,000 feet. been notified individually. °''" """,...",.. ~ 0000 BYE, DOC -Jesse Riddle, 92-year-old former Laguna Beach mayor <standing> says toodby to hia younger friend. also a former Laguna Beach mayor, Luther F . "Doc" Mallow1 87, who ls movlnl away. Farewell party was hostco by Mallow's friends at the Laguna Beach La\vn Bowlin& Club. Newport Beach vice officers paid another visit to the new adult theater on the Balboa Peninsula Mond ay and seized two films which are the old stan- dards of the X·rated movie in- dustry. Alleging that "Deep Throat" and "The Devil in Miss Jone:;" are obscene, offi cers took prints of the films in the latest of many raids at the Balboa Pussycat Theater. Vice officer Robert Gatewood as said that he viewed the films last Saturday, a day after they opened at the controversial theater, and decided that he had probable cause for seizure of the reels. · The latest raids give police a: perfect record for visits to the theater which opened last month. So far, every film shown since lhe theater began offering hard· core sex films has sparked a police raid. Prince Averts an Eyeful LONDON (UPI) -Prince Charles knew there would be moments like this .. There, right before the future king's eyes, was ac· tress Susan Hampshire in a dress that left nothing to the imagination. . He mustered all the royal courage at his com- mand. "My father told me if I ever met a lady in a dress like yours, I must look her straight in the eyes.'' Prince Charles told Miss Hampshire Monday night, adding : "Otherwise, someone might take a photograph of me in what might appear to be a compromising at- titude." The blonde actress helped the prince out of his dile;nma by cupping her hands over the most·exposed extTemities. He laughed. It happened at a reception at the Theater Royal, • across the way from the royal family's suburban cas- tle. IT'S AL WAYS WHAT IT SEAMS I . "There is a tendency to take shortcuts these days. Almost every skilled profession sees this. The vast majority of carpet layers use the hot-melt tape which is several times faster than hand sewing. DrawbackS; include the fact that the tape is attached to the SECONDARY backing, and if the secondary backing has any tendancy to work loose from the primary backing, there is nothing to hold the carpet together. Also, operating temperature of the iron is critlcal, and If the irQn is too hot or too cold, there is a distinct probability of a weak seam. Cleaning poses the ultimate test to this type of seam, and we have been called innumerable times to repair someone else's · seams which have come apart through the tendency of wet carpet to shrink. At Alden's we hand sew our seams with a cross or baseball stitch. Then we latex the seam to permanently lock in thise stitches. Sewing also penetrates b'oth secondary and primary backings. Naturally, sewing takes longer. but our fine Installations have been a major factor in our growth through fifteen years In Costa ~esa . DEN'S : iiiiti11itiiin: ·cu•totn dr•psri•• 16'3 ,LAC!NTIA AVfNUE • COSTA ME5A, CALIF. 92621 • PHONE 646-4131 -6.C6·2355 • / ,.., l f ) 1