HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-31 - Orange Coast Pilot7 -. --_,,. I ad l;hell Disnaissol '_...... ~ . ! • -' -·--... _.J -· .... -.. --· Rude ,Aw~kening: Winslow Homer's ·w .ife Haln1ners 'Whittling Boy' Coast Husband Painting Stolen DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 31, 1975 VOL 61, NO. ?12, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES l'allerga Charges JUdge l\rU~li~g Dismissal Plea By GARY GRANVILLE Of lht O.i11ly Piiot St.all VENTURA -Superior Court Judge Robert L. Shaw agreed to- day to take de fense motions to dismiss five criminal charges Woman Raped In Laguna At Knif epoint A 23-year-old Laguna Beach Woman walkin g along South Coast Highway early today was grabbed by a man and raped in a passageway between two build- ings. It was the third rape in Laguna Beach in the past eight days. Police said it is doubtful the inci· dents are related. The woman told poli~e she was walking in the 600 block of the highway about 1 a.m. when a man fell in step With ber. She said he made some suggestive remarks, then forced her lnto a breezeway between two build· ings and ra~d her. The victltn said the man threatened her wlth a knife. She was una ble to describ e it, ))owever. Police were called about 45 minutes after the incident. A jearch of the are~ faUed to locate a suspect. The woman describt.>d the man • a maJe cauc .. ~an. 28 to.JO ~ears old. muscular sh<>ulders. Jong brown hair and a mustache. against Orange County Assessor . Jack Vallerga under submission. Simultaneous ly, Judge Shaw denied a defense move to dismiss two counts of grand theft against Valle r ga. . By agreeing to lake the five counts, including a conflict of in- terest charge, under submission, the judge le ft a door open for de- fense attorney Richard Murphy to ask for dis missal al a later time in Vallcrga's trial. Murphy argued that Vallerga could not be accused of a conflict of interes t in the 1973 sale of a county-owned computerized ap- praisal system lo Spartanburg County, S.C. · The defense lawyer pointed out that the $2,045 pricetag put on the system was placed there by the county board of s upervisors in a 1970 resolution. Consequently , h e continued, Vallerga did not negotiate the contract or its terms. Likewise, Murphy said, money paid to bis client for consulting services connected with the sale were ·not intended to be paid to Orange County. Assistant District Attorney Michael Capizzi opposed the mo- tion and told Judge Sh&'f that Vallerga knew at the time or the tr;msaction that be personally stood to profit from it. The series ,of defense •om came after l.be prosecu~ rest· ed it's case against the ~year· old assessor late Wednesday. Prosecutor Capizzi wound up his case after t hree days or testimony in which he called four (See VALLERGA. Page A%} Art Missing $100,(XJO Paintirrg Stolen MALDEN, Mass. CAP) .:._A Winslow Homer paint· ing valued at about $100,000 has been stolen from the MaRJen Public f.ib;ary, police said today. Authorities said that tbe painting was taken dur- ing the past 24 hours, but declined to say how or when the theft was discovered. The pointing, titled "The Whittlinf Boy;' was purchased in 1912 for $21000, acconlm• to Asst. Librarian Dorothy L. Rothe. It was completed by Homer in 1873 and is signed by the artist, she said. Homer. an American artist, died in 1910. Tbe painting shows a young boy sitting on a log whittling against a leafy green background. The boy wears a shirt with a vest,· hl~h boots and a wide· . br1111mE!d hat. ( toe ' an ax uts r e • , __ Weekday Loafi119 Most of us have to work on Wednesday a(. t ernoons. Even sunny Wednesday after- noons. Even s unny Wednesday afternoons when there's a good wind blowing through Newport Harbor. These lucky sailors whip around Lido Isle in their Hobies, Lasers a nd Kites -proba bl y happy that most of us have to work on breezy, sunny Wednes- day afternoons. Woman Jailed; Ban on Aerosol Hit Husband S · D nd d With Hammer 'Prays em':l e A 52-year·o ld Hunting ton Beach housewife was booked into city jail today on charges of as- sault with a d eadly weapon after her hus band woke up and found her beating him on the head with a hammer. The hus band told police he didn't know why s he was hilling him with the ha mmer. They hadn't had any, arguments, be s aid. · He suffered about four blows lo the head, police reported, and was taken lo Orange County Medical Center for examination. The couple's sons restrained the woman until officers arrived, police said . The incident occurred about S:30 .a.m . in a housing tract in northeast Huntington Beach , · ~lice said. Bartender's 'Body Found in Wilds RIVERSIDE CUPI) -The. ooqy of a man found in the An· drees hills near Palm Springs earlier this week has been iden· tifled as t h o l of Herbert Campbell, 45, o.n unemployed Palm Springs bartender. The <'oroner's office i;aid Campbell was apparently overcome by heal while hikin g in tem· peTatures ooar 110 degrees. r WASHI NGTON (UPI ) -An environmental gr oup, citing new evidence o f damage to the earth's protective ozone lay~r. asked the Food a nd Drug Ad· Ad May Win Circus Trip Place your c l assifi ed ad in the Daily Pilot and be eligible to win one of 20 pairs o f tickets to the Ringling Brothers and. Barnum and Bailey Circus opening in Anaheim Fri- day. All you n eed to do to be eligible lo win is call 642-5678 to place your ad ol' bring your ad to any Daily Pilot office between fti- day and Tuesday. The names of 20 Daily Pilot advertisers will be drawn on Wednesday and winners will receive two lickela worth $13.SO for weekday performances of the circus in Anaheim Con· vcntion Center. If you have items you want to convert to cash, advertise the m and win tickets to the clrcua. • ''·· m inistr ation today to ban aerosol s prays with fluorocarbon pro- pellants. Tb e Natural R esources Defense CounciJ said balloon measurements taken last month by the National Oceanic and Al· m ospheric Administration and the Natio na l Center for Al· mospheric Research provide the first conclu s i ve proof that fluorocarbon gases arc destroy· ing the ozone layer . Previous tests. the group said, went onl y about 19 kilometers , above the earth, roughly the beginning of the ozone layer which filters out the sun 's harmful ultraviolet rays. The; ef- fects beyond that point we re largely speculative, said Ruby Compton. a lawyer for the group. The ne w tes ts reach ed 26 kilometers and showed the sun was breaki ng down th e fluorocarbons with increasing in - . tensity as the probe moved up~ ward, she said. When the fluorocarbons are broken down, chlorine atoms are released and destroy the ozone. A depletion or the ozone layer tn.ald lead to increases in skin cancer. The petition. in which the states of New York,· Michigan and Oregon joined, seeks a ban o n aerosol productR with nuorocorbon gases under the FDA 's jurisdiction -foods, <See OZONE. Pa~eAZ> Industry Needs It --Simon WAS II (NG T 0 N I ,\ P I Declaring that the mit1on·s in- dustry has grown ru~ty and needs help, the Ford :.icJmrn1slrJ· lion asked Congr ess tocJ.1) to cul taxes for corpor<.1l ion ~ and stockholders by nearly $11 hilliun over a six-year pcrio<i. ''This is not a prugr:1m for big business. It is a program tv benefit all savers ... Treasury Secretary Will iam E. Simon :-.aid in prcsl'nlmg the tax plan to lhl• House W;iys and Means Commit lee. Simon :ilso urged Congress lo help develop a program to en- courage nt•w savings b y all Americans by offering special tax incenli\•es, and urged that the 1974 Individual Retirement Ac- counts legis lation be broadened. But the major part of the pro- gram outlined by Simon was arc- d u ct ion in corp oralc• und stockholder taxes. by a phasNl - out elimination of what 1; rt'· garde d as a doublr t<.1 ~ u u dividends. Al present. corporations pay laxes on their profits blfon• any (See TAX CUT, Pa~c A 2> Or:~:tJ7 ~••t Weatlaer L:itc night throul?h mid- morning l ow clouds be co minl? s unny und "armer Friday. Highs in the mid· 70s at the beaches rising lo the .n id·8'r.. in- land. Lo"s tonight in the mid·60S. INS IDE TODAY A Son Antonio. Te:ros. nurse. brutally stabbed and left /or dead four days on a river bank. died today at a liospitol A suspect in the murder hos been captured. St>" atory A4. At Y-Sff•kt £r-~lltclt L.M ... ?d c.11 .... . CNullld c..mlu Crou.oef11 0.atllMetl<H Ult_..1,. .... llMNl-1 ,,_. ,..,tMllKWf ...... ~ Index Al 1 .... mlul.,. CS Cl &MlLAlllMrt. CJ '" MniH C$ AS ~l~uftll\ C• o•-10 f!Ul1!4ftal Htw• .t.4 (4 Or ..... C:.vnly Alf•11 C4 ..._, Cl·l All s.trt\ O M Al St~ Mllrll"' CH CS Ttlnhi.t\ Cl cw Tl!Ntw• c' All Wlfa4'-H A4 Ct_..."''"' AA I • • ) J ·A f DAil Y PILOT s SAN n 1E1..n (,\1'1 Two great wh111..• :,h,1rks h.1ve bc~n harpoone d within a week tn Southern Culifornta waters. but a manne biologist discounts the • belief by some or a change in beh"v1011 or the ginnt Sl'lt kiUers. Another rese~rcher says he c~m find no ocean changes which would encourage the great white shark to be scl'll more often 'by man. "Everybody thal S(.'es one (a , gteat wbltc one> now is going to stab it and call up the papers and :;o forth," said Dr. Richard Rosenblatt. curator of marine .. . . Thur9day. July 31 . 1975 vcrtebrateb at ScriplJ5 ln:s1lullon C>f Oceanography. "It's just nQ way that coin· c1dentally with everybody in- terested in s harks that they come marching in,'' he added in an m· terview Wedne:tday. He said renewed interest in great whites apparently has been stimulated by recent movies about sharks, induding ''Jaws" and "Shark's Treasure." A 1,400-pound. 12-foot-8 inch ereat white was harpooned off the coast of Santa Catalina Island lust week. and a fishing boat bagged a 10-foot great white in The S1ei11gi11g N11ns Ute same eeneral area Of\ Sun- day Also last week, a scuba diver said he was half swallowed and then spit up with only minor ln- juries by a ishatk near Santa Barbara. "Before the current shark craze, swordflshermen or others would simply say, 'Hey, look at that fin over there.' Wilh the new interest , they 're bringing them in,·• said Rosenblatt. Brian Hawthorne, owner of the Heather B, said his crew bageed the 12-footer just a few hours after the captain finished the ' ~ \" UPI Trl~pllolo Humberto Cardinal Med eiros. archbis hop of Boston. enjoys a s wing ride with the Sister!> o f St. J oseph from the Brighton section of Bos ton during a visit to an amusem e nt park. T he cardinal hosted over 50 nuns on an outing to the park. '--. -was Patty ·Hearst From Page A l VALLERGA· In Pennsylvania? PITTSBURGH <UPI> -The couple bore "f aci a l re - semblances" to Patty Hearst and Wi lliam Harris s o t oday in Washington the FBI laboratory is trying to get fingerprints off chicken bones found in a bag the two left behind. FBI agent Gary Boutewell s aid the couple resembling Miss Hecirst and Harris, a member of the radical Sy mbi~ Libera- t10n Army, were seen Tuesday at a post office in Shippingport, P:i., northwest of Pittsburgh. "We have no idea wtrether it was them or not.·· he s aid. Bo utwell ~a id a sack of houst?hol d trash dropJ>('d by the couple wus round inside the post ofrice b ui ldi n g a nd wa s forwarded to the FBI laboratory in Washington for examination and checks for fingerprints. The special a gent said the bag contained chicken bones and other "picnic ill-ms ." / "Chances lo find fingerprints on the chicken bones are one in the million.·· Boutwell said. Shipping port Police Chief Ben Morken said a man came into the post office Tut•sday to purchase ORANGE COAST I •D' '1 QI t•l I .l , ... Of.tnt)t' '"" t 0.•h r ... ' #lh wf'M "''t(lfn bt' .,._,Ow ... W \. r, -u. ,. t 11011 ,,._,, hY , ... n"~Ot •'-' Pt.1111 n.n.., '--omo•n• ~"'• ;t .-.1• •t 1 ... ,.. ,, .. t••" •Vh'l ~l"ld•~ t~rouat<I '"' ,,,, '' •I":'~ N; 1 Ntt'#~I 8•Mh t'iwn•o"•'°"' "'•"I ..,.,, t.ii•n 'l•llry t r v1ftf" '"''hJl ... .a.' V•ll•1 At\ t I ..i'JV' • 0"•' P'I '\o1.1tn (f'I~ '' .A t1fVllf• '""'J f'f' ti , '1•hnn p.,(lhVtt-d !.Atwrdit¥\ •nd "-"''J"" ttw l•f fl\t 1t'WI f)wntn"1"0 r'I' tnl I' Al J..i(I VV\ .t h°'f ,trt• t, (..o\t• Mt •• (•tot 1rn1• '1'1t>. Robert N W!f'd P'*''°''" .,,d Putlh""'r Thomns l(Pe vil fGlft>r Ttioma'> A M urptilni! M,u~•Q1nq fOHCH" Charle!. H LOO\ Richard P. Nall A"' \tMtt M4 T'\AOl"Q ~or• Offices (o\tA M r-,. 1 .o .,.,.. t O..v\t•Ht ,..,.,.,,.,,, A•A "' l)iM •C-'t lKk#Hllll..,- l.•O'-'N 8' "' h t ,.,, '""''°"" Y' fl ~U,.•t , • ..,.._,,,,l'I,,,., ''*." ''"" ...... "' ~...,,,.""'d W<iOl+OA<• V•ll"V 1 , \I At'At'tlHd •• ._,.,, U·•~ • t#-t WAY TtltphOM (7141 642~Jl1 Clesslf1~ Advtrt1s1n9 M2·5'71 \•4 •r • \o , -.,. .... ult,'-S81-6J10 ... 49S·06JO l raY"l!'f•t J ll·"• ~~~·'•\ s.co 1'20 I I • f'I '\ fll "J • ' 10• ilrf I . ·~···I t. ' c t4 M ..... t -' t • tit• '•It N t• t'I r \i .,,,,_,,.,...., r,," -1)' "'" ir1e1u•\'• , I t•r, df"i\h"*'..,,_ ~ """''"'• ' • ' an eight-cent st amp and kept glancing at a circular showing the pictures of Miss Hearst and Harri~. · Morken quoted Postmas ter William Burris as saying, "A lady came in, dressed in a white blouse and black shorts. She seemed to be on the nervous side."' · . The chief s aid Burris over- heard the woman tell her compa- nion, '"Come oo, we've got to get out here.'' The couple then left. Morken quoted Burris as say- ing the couple "had facial re- semblances lo Miss Hearst ant.I Harris ." Police issued an all-points · bulletin and roadblocks were set up in the area However, the cou- pll' were nol sig hted. Last s pnng. a federal grand jury in Harrisburg, Pa .. began Cln investigation of the Hearst case, but nothing came or it. However , the FBI believes Harris dnd some companions in· habited a farmhou se in northeastern Pennsylvania for a time last summer, but no proof was established that Miss Hearst was there. Car Kills Boy Afte r Visit To Disneyland A vacation day at Disneyland ended in death Wednesday for a 15-year-otd Canadian boy who was struck by a car as he left the amusement park. Robert R. Cumberland or British Columbia was killed in· stantly Wednesday morning as he l eft the Disneyland parking lot and attempted to cross Katella A venue near the Anaheim Con· vention Center, a police spokesman said. The youth had spent all day Tuesday al the park and was walking to a nearby hotel where he and his parents were staying, the spokesman said. The acci- dent took place shortly after 1 am. "He just ran across the street Jn the middle of th<' block and the tlriver o! the car couldn't avmd him in tlrne.'' the spoke!>man added. No charges were !iled aga1n.st tbe drl ver. l Peron Talks Of Quitting BUENOS AIRES. Argentina <AP> -President Isabel Peron hun;t into tears during her first ca~inet meetinat in lwo weeks :ind threatened to resil{Jl but her mantslNs talked her out o! quit- ting, the independent ot>ws agen· cv Notirias Argentinas saJd to- day. Mr!;. Peron , 44, h aJJ been r~­ coverine !rom a lingering nu. ' novel "Jaws," on which the mov- ie is based. He sald crewmen h'41 spotted great whites before ~ brouCht this one 1n "beca\de we thought some people m.lpt be ln· terested." "We have no idea how many great whites are slghted each year," satd Jim Squire, a biologist wlth the National Marine Fisheries Service here. "Most go unreported." George Park e r , who har· pooned the lO·Cooter, said he thought that unus ually warm currents were · brin&ing th~ From Page A l T A X CUT ••. dividends are paid to stockholders, and then stockholders face additional tax liability on the dividends they re- ceive. Prior to making the propo:sals to Congress, Simon sketched the outlines to newsmen. Simon proposed that the double taxation be eliminated by two ac- tions -rtrst. giving corporations a tax deduction equal to about 50 percent of the dividends they pay. and secondly, through a tax credit to stockholders. Stockholders would be able to claim a tax credit equal lo about half the dividends they receive. Th e total savings to stockholders, based on current levels of tax payments, would be about $6.3 billion a year. The direct savings to corpora- tions from the dividends deduc· tion would be about $7.5 billion, Simon Said . He proposed phasing in the stockholder credit over a five- ' year period from 1978 to 1982 at a rate of about $1 .25 billion in sav- ings for stockholders each year. The stockholder cr edit, however, would not apply to tax-exempt or foreign stockholders under the Administration proposal. The dividend deduction for cor- porations would be phased in over a s ix -year period, beginning in 1977 with a net reduction in corporate taxes or about $2.5 billion the first year, increasing at a rate of about $1 billion a year. Simon said the double taxation of dividends, "is inherently ine- quitable" since other kinds of in- come are taxed only once. He said most of the nation's major trading partners already have acted to eliotina te or reduce the double tax. ee our s399 · or less BARGAIN TAB E CENTRAi.LY LOCATED AT HAlt&OR ANO NfWPORT BOULEVARDS IN DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA maneaten; clo~cr to sFc. But ·Squire dlapule <l. this theol'y:. Squire ~ld of(s~ore w•tMs ~c runn1n8 about three degrees rolder than norJnal, and said there is no e~ldence that the sharks are beh~ving di!fcrenUy .. Howe ve r, Squire and Rosenblatt both Qc>ncedc that lit· Ue is known or the habits or sharks , lhe great whale in particulttr. "Face It. You couldn't very easily taa one of them and then throw hlm b ack and wail for a commercial fisherman to recap· S p!I Case . ture him again for a folloW\J p ~tudy.' '. Rosenblatt s3.1d. He s aid great whites have large. triangular teeth which •·work back and forth and down ... aod they make a really beautifully rlean in~ion." Rosenblatt said a shark attack. on swimmers is extremely un· li kl:!ly. . • ··I hope people really think alx>ut bow many pe<>Pl•iotGthe beach eacli summer~ o08e o! them are bitten by RlarkS," ho said. ''There are more ..peo;ple killt.'<l bv bee stings." · Pumpkin Film Given to ·Hiss From Wire Services WASHINGTON Copit!s of the "Pumpkin Papers" microfilm that became key evidence in the Alger Hiss trial have been given to Hiss' attorneys and two history researchers. the Justin! Dc'part- menl announccd today. A department spokesman said copies of the film were dl•livcred to the attorneys in the office of U.S. ~tlorney Paul J . Curran in New York as a r esult of a suit of filed by Hiss under lhc Freet.lorn of lnform:ll1on Act. Attorney "General Eddward ll. Levi agreed last month to relcasl! the film which Whittaker Cham- bers. confessed former Com- munist agent, said was left for him by Hiss inside a pumpkin in the late 1930s. The existence or the ''Pumpkin Papers" was m ade public by then Rep. Richard M. Nixon and later used in Hiss' trials. Hiss, a State Department of· No Chal,lenge To A luminnm ·Price Hikes ficial in the Roosevelt ad- ministraliorl. was convict~ of perjury in 1950. Hiss :;erved 3'1'1 years in prison, was disbarred, and now works for a printing firm in New York. He insists that he was innocent of the charges. Chambers butlressed his ac· cus ations by producing the microfilm hidden in a hollowed· out pumpkin on his Maryland farm. He claimed the film showed State Department docu· ments Hiss had given him. Photographic prints fr:om two rolls of the film were introduced as evidence at the triaJ, but the contents of the other three have never been disclosed until today. The department was providing· the Hiss group with the original film, a set of dupli~ates, and prints from a ll the portions which could be printed. I FromPqeA OZONE •••. <lrugs and cosm etics. The same group l ast month lost on a similar petition to the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a ban on household products under that agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC s aid it preferred lo wait for further research before acting. An inter-governmental task force earlier !~!s ~ear called the threat of ·ozone destruction a matter for Serio.us-cO(l9em, but suggested waiting until a Na-· tional A~apemy of Sciences' !>tudy on the matter is completed befote' the gover·nmebt takes coordinated.action. · The N RDC said the FDA has authority to "ban the use or over 90 percent of these products sold in the United States, :llld we believe it s hould exercise this power." 3 Thugs Roh Two Marines DRASTIC REDUCTIONS· ~~ OI MOii DEPARTMENT STORE J816 PfCWPORT BOULEVARD Daity 9:30~.m.'-6 p.m. CtoMd Sundays • M.4J()C PAllC COHVfNtE'Nt\ Y AT O'JI' ltlAt IN™NCI -IHD °' MAONO\JA I OIEDIT ~ , I Tiie eoluma appean dally except Saturday• aad Mondays. ot G problem? Tllen writ~ Pat Duntr. Pat unll cut r1>d tape. get tl1e n ar1swers artd ac- tion tpu need to solve inequities in government and businos. Mail v our questions to Pat Dunn 1At Your Sert>ice. 0 ra11ge Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Include your telepltone number. Tftl•bO .... I • Thur9day, Ju!y 31 , 1975 DAIL V PILOT A3 Bertoli110 Impassive · Assessor Aide Found Guilty ·. · A ssesso r 's aide J a m es Bertolino of Mission Viejo was found guilty late Wednesday after a three-hour deliberation by an Orange County Superior Court jury. Bertolino, 52, or 24116 Via Madrugada, showed no emotion as the jury returned its guilty verdict on the multiple con- spiracy allegatlfos-to commit grand theft, to (ile false claims and to violate government codes. Judge Walter Smith will sen- tence Bertolino Aug. 29 to what could be a state prison term of one to 10 years and UP. lo a $10,000 fine. Hinshaw was county assessor. Hinshaw and County Assessor J ack Vallerga have also been or- dered to faee trial on charges contained in a second Grand Jury indictment. Vallf~rga is currently being tried in Ve ntura County on con- ruct O( interest charges flled jn connection with the sale of fod computerized appraisal syste'm to Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Hinshaw will go on trial Aug. 18 on br ibery charges. He and Vallerga will be tried together in September on the charges already faced by nine assessor's employes. DEAR PAT: At a recent luncheon party near the Orange County Airport, I overheard two gentlemen discussing a new ten- nis club opening in the Irvin~ In· dustri~ Co111p~ Betng an. avid player-, t was c urious and listened closely. They mentioned that the club was going to be in- doors a nd was to begin operation in Sept~mber. I've tried to find out tJtore informalioo about this facllity, but have bad no luck. Can you~beckitoutforme? .. 'THIS IS AN ORANGE,' SAYS LAGUNA HIGH STUDENT-TEACHER ELISA TYNER Helptng Newcomers Adjust to a Confusing New Language at Early Age The silver·haired defendant became the sixth of nine indicted assessor's employes convicted on allegations stemming from criminal offenses committed while Congr essman Andrew rt has been s uccessfully al- leged to date against six of those employes that they helped lo defraud the county oC at least $10,000 when they ·worked on Hinshaw's Congressional cam- paign"in 1972. · L. U ..• Newport Beach Rafters Indoor Tennis Club fits your description. Scheduled to open in mid-September, this printe membership facWty will be located at tbe corner of Bristol and RedtUJI in Costa Mesa. The club will operate Its five teJl.ftis· courts and four racket ball courts 24 Jtoun a day. Phone 549·2052 for fur1her Information. Rating lflo~r• DEAR PAT: Our family is pre- paring to m ake a long distance move due to m y husband's job transfer. I've contacted several moving companies but don't know which one to choose. Are any guidelines available? L.J ., Newport Beach An analysis of co_mplainls re· reived by the Interstate Com-. m er c e Co m m 'is s ion w as published recently in "A Shop- per's Gulde to Choosing a Mov- er." It compares the ratio or complalnts for the 25 largest moving companies. The booklet Is available for $1 from Co n s umer News In c ., Washington, DC 20045. Better Late. •• DE/f R PA 't : Last !all I •purchased two William Berry jackets from Liberty House of • San Francisco, for Christmas • gi!t.S. One was not the right si~e. and I returned it for a larger size. 'Or for a refund if the requested size was not available. I've heard nothing since. My letters remain unanswered, and it's going to be Christmas again before too long. S.V., Capistrano Beach IJberty House bas issued a bet· ter-late-tban·never r efund, to you. lt'•Yoa,.. DEAR PAT: Can I keep any merchandise that is sent to me without my consent, or must I mail it back at my own expense? G. B., San Clemente There are only two kinds or merchandise that can be sent legally through the malls without tbe person's consent or agree- ment to receive the goods -free samples, which are clearly and conaplcaously marked as such, aJHI merchandise mailed by a charitable organization soliciting contributions. The merchandise in tbe above two cases can be · considered as gifts to do with what you will, according to . Capitol News Service. In all other instances, lt ls illegal to selld mercbandise to anyone un- Jeu lte bas previously requested It. If you receive unordered ~ merchandise, you may keep it; :. yoa do net have to pay for it. No .·bill le1ally ~an be sent to you for ~ tile uuelieltod Jller~baodise. .: Violation Jbowld K ftPOl1ed to ~ the Pedexal 1'rade Cooimlsslon ~ er 1our local post otnce. • . . Students Helping Viet Kids By FREDE RICK SCHOEMEllL Ot IM D~lly Pilot St.It In one corner or the preschool grounds, a group of young Viel· namese children squeaJed with delight as a teenage magician displayed his talents. Nearby, other children al the Camp Pendleton refugee center took turns petting a rabbit. A third group s tumbled awkwardly -but proudly -over a new phrase: •'Good morning.'' Leading the young Vietnamese children in the activities were several Laguna Beach High School stude nts who have volun· leered their Friday mornings to help the newcomers make the transition to American life. The students are enrolled in the CAVE (Creative and Voca - tional Education) program at the high school. CAVE is an· alternative program for students who don't want to be a part of the traditional Jti g b s c h oo l framework. The students -15 in all -plan . to work with the Vietnamese pre· schoolers through the summer and into tbe fall. They m ay re- ceive credit for doing so. Laguna Beach students ap· parently are the only high school students assisting with preschool instruction at the r efu gee en· campments. The preschoolers are between J and 6 years old. For that re· ason, the high school student· instructors have had to make in- struction entertaining as well as educational. J ackson Harvey's magic show and the rabbit provided the en· Lertainment during a recent visit to the refugee center. The students also devised a game with tennis baUs to help the children learn lo count and · brought along bananas, oranges and lem ons to help the pre· schoolers learn the names of fruits. British Executive Kidnaped Again BUENOS ACRES CUP[) -A British executive, kidnaped t wo years ago and released on pay. ment of $2 million in r ansom, to- da:v was abducted for the second time in a fi erce gunbatlle in whi~h his two bodyguards and chauffeur were wounded. The kidnaping of financier Charles A. Lockwood came in a new wave of violence that hit Argentina Wed· nesday and early today. [Soll se~king Truth ~:Of :cFather' s Death • . ; NORF.OLK. Va. <AP>-The .•.son of a retired Marine colonel ~killed himself after claiming }le was drueged by the Central !lqtelligence Agency was here m.esctay on the second leg of a ~P aimed at otablishing the ~th about bis !a~ei::s death. , .James R . Chriateueo Jr., 31, a :San Francilc6 atockJ>l'Oke~, con- ;ferred with Ger\4ral District ~ Jud1e wunam L. Shapero. &bo r e pre se nt e d the :amstenaena in a 1986 damage J9111t •1amst the CIA. ~ Colonel Christensen -was \,be " 'aband of Edith Chrlatenseo, ·-~ A Vla Serena, Leisure . World La1una Hilla. She bas •Nici ;Le beUevcd the clntt was ' admlnlltced to her bulband by : the CIA \o tff bow be wdlld react when cll8orieat.ed. I 8baJ*O dropped ~ '800,000 ••t after be aaid be wu con-._. ~ ettff IM>ertJMnt ,, and CIA o!ficials that ·h_e_j~oul~ not win it, and that to pur.;ue 1t wooJd blow the cover o( secret agents operating overseas. Followjng Tuesday's meetin~, Christensen said that because of tbe temper of the times Shapero probably did all that could have been expected in the case. . . "The CIA had not been das· credited at that time in any ... way to the degree that is has oeen since," he said. . "I could never really fault. him. , " C h ristensen~ s · of Shapero. "He did a lot ot . " Because of recent. pu city· concerning all~ged d.NgliQffl by t.be C1A Christensen sald hb was hopeful' now that a !'ew1 &\lit against lhe agency nuah sue· ceed. • I JamH R. Christensen Sr. shot. himself in the head Jan. 2G, J96$, elaht. days after returnlng to his . Viretnla Beach borne Crom a Job ~ew wfth the CIA • Thal loss was incurred, it is aJ. leged, wh_en the defendants ':Vere paid by the county for overtime, vacations and mileage actually contributed to the Hinshaw elec- tion effor t. Smpwrecked Crew Happy SAN DIEGO <AP> -Rescuers said it took some convinci ng to get a group of 28 crewmen of a- beached fishing boat lo leave their island refuge. "We found quite a few of them on the beach, eating abalone and lobster. In fact, we were told lo go away," said J ay Faber, skip· per or the rescue boat. ~ . The survivors, brought here safely Wednesday, were off the 85-fool charter boat, Chubasco, which ran aground Monday on Guadalupe Island, 270 miles south of San Diego. SHIRLEY HISCOCK TEACHES VIETNAMESE CHILDREN ABOUT AMERICAN NUMBERS A Creative Alternattve for Laguna Beach High School Students Dick Gardner of La Mirada said he and fellow slranded fis- hermen pul up a sign on the.., beach that read : "The Chubasco Cantina. Happy Hour All Day. House Specially: Chubasco on the Rocks." Trial Slated In Slaying of Stepdaughter • A woman accused of inflicting multiple and fatal injuries on her 3-year-old stepdaughter has been ordered to face trial Sept. 29 in Orange County Superior Court. Murder charges were filed against Madelyn King, 22, ol La Habra. June 20 when Charlotte Ann King, 3, ·died in a local hospitaJ of injuries allegedly in· meted 24 hours earlier. Judge Kenneth Williams set Sept. 29 as the trial date. Mrs . King will face pretrial action Sept. 12 and is held in county j ail with bail set at $250,000. Arresting officers said doctors told them the child 's injuries ap- peared to be the result of a heavy beating with c hoking or strangl- ing fu rther fa ctors in her death. They quoted Mrs . King as telling them: "I don't know if I choked her today or not." Sisters Give Money A.uny, Hospit,aJ,ized BREWER, Maine CAP) -Two middle-age sisters tried Joo burn their house and then spent the day handing out hundreds of dolJ ars from the ir elderly mother's savings account to strangers because it was "bad and evil," police said. Brewer de tective Cpl. Urban Dyer said the women, whom he did not name, were tater com- mitted to tbe Bangor Mental Health Instltute. Oyer said the two women and a l2·year-old s on tried unsuc- cessruIJy to burn down their house about 7 a.m. Wednesday. ·Later, the sis ters withdrew $9,000 from a joint savings ac· count held with their 83-year-old mother , he said. Dyer Hid they bought a truck (OJ' about $6,000 a nd then passed out lhe remainder oC the cash at two restaurants, a clothing st.ore, and sever al service stations. A T u~edo Sofa 8. T u~edo l ovMPOI C. Roi Arm Solo O. Roll Arm Lovesed SALE! rrsAFACT! THESE CUSTOM<:RAFTED UPHOLSTERED DESIGNS BY DREXEL ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS. If you're about to purchase livinq room f~tl'e, this may be the opportunity ~·ve waited for . Raely hove such e•quis.ite Ckesel'"upholstered styles been offefed ot prices so low. Ror~ hove such distinctive cuslom-ta'lored. mettculously ' aofted styles been ovoiloble in o colledion such ~ this. Both sofas ond kMlseots boost the e•· cellent worbnorlship you've come to~ from Drexel ord the soft, deep. comfort for you lotol rebohon. Avoiloble in on uciting ronqe of fux. \IY fabrics, too. What supnling value! See them today. YOll Favorite Designer \WI Be Happy To A&alat You. H.J.GARRETT fllRNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS cl •,,.,, Thuit. l r11. t•o. ?21 S HA RBOR BLVD. COST,t. MESA. CALIF. \ • A4 DAIL y PILOT Drops Out UPIT.....,.._ Bestselling author Lady An · tonia Fraser and playwright Harold Pinter have dropped out of sight since being linked in divorce case filed by Pinter's wife, actress Vi· vien Merchant in London. Lady Antonia is married to Sir Hugh Fraser, member of Parliament, Nurse Dies In Savage Stabbing SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP> - .\ nurse who wus ~tabbed 10 tunes and then dumped nude mto a sun-dre nched J'avinc near here died today in a San Antonw hospital. Authorities said Peggy ~1oran, 27. <hed at 6:30 a .m. Sht' was taken to Methodist Hospital in critical condition Wednesdav after s he was found by police in the ravine. Officials said she had be<.'n left there four days earlier and hJd bt•cn bleeding profu~cly "SHF. WAS SO weak all she could do was move her eyelids and faintly ~ay · Ht'lp me. help me: ·· said A P. J<1ores. one of the f1r~t polic·emen to reach ht·r The <lark-hu1n•d divorcee was abducted as she left her nursing job al .\udic Murphy Veter<ms •Administration llo~p1tal, lasl Saturday. police said. Hospitul authorities said she h ad suffered a collapsed lung. ex- ' po s u r c. dt'hydr<.1tion and • pneumonia in Jdd1tion to the loss of tv.o-thirds lo three-fourths of her blood. Poliet' identified u man held in the <.·u se ;.:is Dont1ld G. Franklin, 23, of San Antonio and said they expected to file a formal com- plaint today. They said he was releas<.'d last year after serving a four·ycat• pl'ison term for rape, and ;.already was in custody on charges of raping and killing a youn~ woman here Nov. 13. 1974, •md r;.ipln~ another San Antonio girl l<tsl Dec 30. BLOODY TRO{)SERS were soakm)<? in his kitchen sink and Mr~. Moran·~ partially burned billfold, purse and checkbook were found nearby, detectives said ,\rtcr the nurse was found ali vc . her parents visitl!d at lhc ho~pilal. "SllF. HELD OUT her hand to \JS whel) we went into her room. We kissed her <.inti she smiled. She knew who wc wi-re." Mrs. William Cn1wford, her mother, ~aid. Thur!d!y,Ju!y3', 1t7'5 House Rejects Ford Oil Proposal· WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Congress bas said "no" for the second time to Presi- <lent Ford's proposal to gradually lift oil price controls. tlon ln the House, alttt passing the ~oate on a vole of 67 to 19 late Wednes· day. sent controls could ex(>lre Aug. 31, or acceptance In some form of his phase. they could be extended. out of controls. Some economists say explratlon could "THE PRESIDENT reels ~lrongty• raise retail gasoline prices as much as 10 that sdJilional delayis.of ;mY vanety c.un The action creates an impasse which -unless It is quickly resolved -could result in the controls expiring all al once Aug. 31, causing immediate and sharp rises in gasoline and other pelroleum prices. IN THE OIL price control issue the or 12 cents a gallon and have an inna-only deepen this nataon s vulnerability House voted 228·189 Wednesday nltht lo tionary impact throughout the economy, (to foreign oil>.'' Zar~ wrote Rep, reject Ford's plan lo gradually romove slnce fuel costs are an ele ment in the Clarence Brown <R·Ohio), 8 leading the controls over a 39-month period end· prices of ma'!Y _products. Others say Ford s,upporlcr in the debate. ing November, 1978. The Senate voted the effects would be less severe. In late action today, theHousevoted303 Meanwhile, a bill making oil com· panies responsible for oil spill cleanups llnd requiring new gwdelines for federal offshore oil and gas leasing awaits ac- S0-44 in favor of Ford's plan. But a rejec-Ford has said _and Federal Energy to 117 to extend cu~rent price controls on lion by only one branch or Co11gress is Administrator Frank Zarb repeated it domestic oil for·s1x ~ontha. The White enough to kill bis proposal. Wednesday -the President wiU veto House said it Ford will veto lt and Jet • 1 prices seek their own level. 'tJeav~s two -~ib~li_li_es_. _= _Tb_e_p_r_e-___ an_y_ex_t_e_n.s_1o_n_w_i_lh_ou_t_a_c_o_n_g_r_ess_1_on_a ___ _ . A-bomb Control By Israel Told BOSTON CUPI) -American analy:;ts believe "Israel has tnore than 10 nuclear weapons," The Boston Globe r eported Lo· day. "The analysts also believe that Israel has the means or deliver· ing such weapons hundreds of miles from its territory by plane and missile and is working lo ex- tend the reach of its delivery systems," the Globe said in a copyrighted story. REPORT~lr WfLtlAM Beecher, writing from Washington, said the conclu- sions, "closely held within the American national security com· munity, '' were discovered during interviews in Washington, Cairo, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. It is said, "Israel appears de- termined to move ahead, while it enjoys a t echnological advan· tage, ~ hopes or developing re- gional nuclear deterrence." .. It is believed that Israel de· cided after the Octdber 1973 war to build nuclear bombs and warh~ads and enhance its de· livery capability," the Globe said. "Top Israeli planners r e- portedly concluded, for the first time, that the Mideast balance of power could shift over the long run to the Arab stales." "The difficult decision to 'go nuclear,' it is understood, was based on the notion that Arab oil money would procure not only first-rate conventional military capabillty for the states aligned ""against. I srael. but nuclear weapons <!S well," the article said. AMONG RE(\SONS for de- veloping the we<1 pons, the article Hef's Hm Off Market CHICAGO (UPI> -Bun· ny Czar Hugh Hefner sent word to his Chicago head· quarters Wednesday to cool it -his 74-room Chicago mansion is not for sale. But l.he "Big Bunny" - Hefner·s $6.35 million private DC9 jet - . is, a Hefner spokesman said. The magnate or Playboy magazine has ordered a cost-slas hing program \\ithin his domain and his senior vice president, Vic· tor Lownes, said in Chicago Tuesday that meant Hefner was getlinf! rid of the "Big Bunny" and one or his two mansions, the $2 million pleasure dome a t 1340 N. State _Slreet in Chicago. said, was "to put the Arab states and the Soviet Union on notice that if some future all-out war threatens the survival of Israel, it would be prepared to employ nuclear weapons against the cities or the attackers, much us the Biblical story of Samson br· inging down the temple on the heads of his tormenters." The Globe quoted one "ex- perienced western diplomat" as commenting: ••Since the October War, much has been written here about the pressing need to re· instate the deterrent image or the Israeli defense forces. They beli<.!ved that the image gave them six years of no-war. If you're looking for an instant de- terrent image, it gets you talking , about nuclear weapons pretty quickly." Mental Cases Given I.SD --Air Force UPI Ttl ... llolo WASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Force says it financed at least five LSD experiment pro· grams involving civilians, in· eluding one where the drug was given to disturbed children. Not Looking Good In a report on drug research re· leased Wednesday, the Air Force said the programs took place between lt58'and 1972 at civilian . universities and research in- stitutes and used about 100 civilian volunleers. AN AIR FORCE spokesman said tests were conducted al Baylor University in Texas , the University of Minnesota, New York University, Duke Universi· ty in North Carolina and the University of Missouri. The tests were "to investigate possible uses of the drugs in treating severe psychiatric djs. orders and to investigate human behavior patterns inherent in use oC these drugs,'' he said. Only volunteers were used and in the case of psychiatric pa- tients, permission was received from legal guardians, the Air Force said. No such programs are under way now. In its Thursday editions, the Washington Post reported that one r esearcher involved in the University of Minnesota project said she had never seen a consent form for any of the psychiatric patients involved in the studies there while she was employed between 1965 and 1966. ''EVEN IF THEY were signed they would seem to have been meaningless in some of the cases.'' Mary Ray, now of Edgewater , Md., told the Post. Iowa Agriculture Secretary Robert Lounsberry (left> peels back silk on ear of corn in field of farmer Jim Siebert (right) near Des Moines. High temperatures and lack of rain have resulted in smaJl, unevenly-filled-out ears in several states. Pay .llike Vote Congressmen OK Own Raise WASHINGTON (UP[) -Vic'e President Nelson Rockefeller , speaker Carl Albert, and Chi ef Justice Warren Burger, each making $62.500 a yc<1r, are going to get a pay raise under a bill rushed through Congress and sent to the While House. Also in line for more money are the $60,000-a -year members of the Cabinet and the Supreme Court and the 535 senators and congressmen struggling along on $il2,500. FORMER PRESIDENT Nix· on's pension, tied to the salary or cabinet members, also will go up. President Ford's $200,000 an- nual salary is not affected. Ford, who strongly endorsed the bill, is certain to sign it - which means bigger paychecks beginning Oct. l for all federal government high-level officers. whose salaries have been frozen sincel969. empioyes. The increases are de· signed to keep government pay on a level with salaries in the pri vale sector. Ford has several options. He can do nothing and lhe 8.6 per- cent increds~ t akes effect. Or he· can. as expected. recommend a smaller increase -probably 5 percent -which either the House or Senate can reject, automatically putting into effect the 8.6 percent raise. If the increase is 8.6 percent. Rockefeller, Albert, and Burger would each get a raise of $5,375, and senators and congressmen an increase of $3,655. THE BILL WAS strongly backed by Senate and House GOP and Democratic leaders, with exception or Hous e Republican Leader John Rhodes, who said it did not "add lo the dignity" of the House to act as it did. Popular Indian Arrested NEW DELHI,. India (AP) ~ The Maharani of J _aipur, .who hati spent her life in beJeweled palaces has been arrested 0 11 'Jharge~ of violating lndi~'s -'\foreign exchange and smugglmg laws, the government said today. An official announcement r ead to Parliament of which the 56· year-old Mararani, Gayatri ( JN SHORT ~ Devi, has l,>een a membe~ for : decade, said she was tak~ int< custody Wednesday and im prisoned in New Delhi's Tiha1 jail. The Maharani, who once had 3 reputation as one or the world's most beautiful women, j oined more than a dozen other mem bers of Parliament imprisone<I since Prime Minister Indira Garr- dhi's proclamation last month ol a national emergency. Taiwan Craft TAIPEI CUPI) -A domestlc airliner carrying 76 persoos in· eluding three Ame1icans crashed at Taipei International Airport today on the pilot's second at• tempt to land in a blindin~ rainstorm. Airport officials said at least '£1' persons died and 48 were injured in the crash. N. Ireland \'folftlr~ BELFAST. Northern Ireland CUPI1 -Five Men including three members of the Irish Republic's best known dancd band were kille d today and another seriously injured in the ambush of the musical group 011 its way home from a concert ill Northern Ireland. The band, the Miamis, had fi~tshed a show in Banbridge, 20 miles southwest or Belfast, a nd had left the concert in a s mall bus headed for the border when tho group ran into a shooting and bomb ambush near the town of Newry, 30 miles southwest o£ ~lfast. Airline Lawndt NEW YORK CAP) -Lawyct F. Lee Bailey has filed a $U billion class action suit against Eastern Air Ii n es chargin~ negligence •in the cr ash last month that killed 114 persons1 The crash was the worst single plane disaster in the nation's bis• torv. In filing the action Wednesday in U.S. District Court i n Brooklyn, Bailey and attome)I Aaron Broder called it the largest damage suit ever filed a~ the result of a plane crash. Northwest Florida. Wet Moving with unusual swift- ness, the Senate attached the pay increase to a routine bill Tuesday night. The House happily accept- ed it Wednesday. The Senate vote was 58·29 and the House margin a ruzor-thin 214-213. Solon Hits Marine Brass Retire Move "'bucluerQu~ Allanla 8dkeot1e10 B•vn4r0. 6cKlon 6rownsvlttc 8ull.tlo e111caoo C1ntlnnatl C1tvtlan0 o.ttas Dtn•tr Dt\MOlllM Dttroot Honolulu lndli•MPollS Kanta• <:ttv. u .. ve11•n l,.oulS•ll~ Mlanll Milw.-Uktl' Mt,_.,po11\ N-Orte•rt'• Ne•York Hef'tll Plaltf! ()l!tM10tNC1t1 OmtN .... tm$CWllMIS ""ladttclflla "'-1111 Piii~ ~!..cl. ()<'9. AaCM<!CllY ,_,. s.c, 6""""• ,.. I.WI\ ~ttc..tltoC1tr ""',,_,.co *" .. 'TNrmff W""1,,.... H191\ L.,_ Pct % 60 II() (,41 'I) ~ ~ &• .01 8" 11 '>J 7S 81 61 81 1• 'I() 10 &1 6J 93 7S AS S. 'IS 1S '10 ., Al 14 '10 •• •• n "' 1~ •• ,1 86 7' .OS ,, ., ., ,, 17 1$ ,,. II 70 .. ~ 170 • n .. 1~ • t03 71 '° " t OJ .. ., .. .. j6 ., u .. ,,, 'Cl ... ., n .1• ~ Sol .21 61 » 11 g 104 ,. .. .,, c .. , ...... n... Little, 1111! OchlO<kanH, .. Sit. Mark\ and 1111!' Aue Illa Rive,..-• at or rwar llOOO \laQt today and MH all• 11t<led lo rlw t-I• tour IMI owr their banh lhrou9h Saturday. hotaled Y>owt•s. some tallll'tQ at the rate of lovr •n<lll!s an toour, atso tut pe rts of sowlhwnt Geor9la ano Ntw•OfUt toutllern Alabama, adOlno 10 the [. l\ta"Y dralna9e Into northwest Flor Ida riven .. Harve•llng ot W.shinolon stat11t'\ IMQHI wheal <rop ever <arne lO a Niil W.CIMM!ay as llt.o•v reins ~ lllal portion of lhe st11te. Rene-a rain\ also !tit W-cinttday nloM In mud bo99ed Utah, Where r•lns trloqtrtd mud ond ro<ll Jll<Ms l unclay and wN an II-loot -i1 ol wat•r ~n<adln9 0ow11 11\e Vlroln RI,,..'" Zion Nallc>ftal P•r~. L.l.ll. Two 0tr50ll• -re killed In Illa Vi.ti ---\"'f'7 storm• Tuesday. c ...... 1t'eaiJaer TMU•IOlllY St<Ond l\IOfl •. 00 P. m. 4 I St<ond to. 11. SP 11·")· 1 A ••to•Y t<tnt llltill •: lh.m, ) t f'l....... t:•1•·"'· , .. ~llltill S·Np m. SI ~ 1ow n · sa """ o.t 5'lft rlws6!04 '""" Mlt 7:JJ,..m. MMll '1lils lt1la-.m,, Mb 1!'9 lllJ'\, THE LEGISLATION would give higb-level officials an in- crease ide ntical to the one scheduled for civil service 2-nation Accord . TEHRAN, Iran (AP> -Iran and West Germ any signed a $620 million agr eement today for .im- plementation or scores or in· dus~al, agricultural and dairy projects. The two countries also agreed to review postponed talks for construction of a 175 million barrel oil refinery project in the Persian Gulf. S4.ILORS SONGS NOT APPRECIATED COLOMBO, Sri Lanka <UPI> -The captain or 8 government· owned freighter has bffn fired and 18 cadet seamen auspended for 1ln1in5f obscene songs at a party held for government of· ficl1J1 ln North Korea. A govtrnment spokesman said the son1s were scuniJous. He said lhe parly was held aboard the merchant ship Lanka Kalyant while anchored ol1 Lhe coast of North Korea. WASHINGTON <UPI> -An angry Rep. Sam Stratton <D· N. Y.}, scored the Navy Depart· ment Wednesday ror granting Gen. Earl E. Anderson, assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, a valuable 40 percent dis· ability rating upon retirement even though Anderson voluntari- ly retired. Stratton said the Navy's action was tantamount to a policy or re· quiring an omcer "lo be qualified· for the job he wants lo leave,. otherwise we owe him money." THE NAVY action meant that 40 percent of Anderson's base re- tirement pay -$36,000 a year for a four-i>tar aeneral -would be free or income taxes and he could deduct from the rest of his taxes up to $5,200 a ye er. Anderson became con- troversial when he and ~ng Commandant Robert E . Cushman Jr.,· violated usual practice by OP4"11Y campairnlng lo have Ander'°n auc~ ·hlrn. Anderson waa 1 pused over In favor of Gen. Louia H. WUaon, whose appointment WH an· nou9ced April 22. On June 12, An~. wbo de· cided lo reur• lo advance of Wtlson taking office on J~ 1. toot a pr•·retJrement pbttlc1l which dlsclosed an ancln• pee· ' , loris condition, an allment of th• heart which can be a precursor ol more serious problems. Joseph T . Mccullen Jr., assi& lant Navy Secretary, told thfl subcommittee that the law aJ, lows the Navy lo makesuchjudll! ments, but Stratton and otheri countered that the pul"pOR ot tbf law was to aid those who wer4 forced to retire because of a dUJI ability. STRATTON SAID the Navy'f action violated the spirit of th• guidelines that Congress wrol4 for the military when lt was dls covered that one general retlre4 on 70 percent dJsabWty ahol1Jj after qualifying tor fii.gbt pay. s s g d y Sl.8 Million Airline Employes Win 'Fraud' Suite REDWOOD CITY (AP> -A jury awarded $1.8 m illion Wed · nesduy lo two Unilt.>d Airlines employes who we re p .. ;d $SOO le a ch tor a s uggestion which 1, I 'Boosters' I 1Have Reason ! For Crowing VISTA (AP) -T he celebrated case a gainst Richard Ferguson's roosters has been dismissed. Ferguson ha d b een charged with letting his two roosters and t~o peac.ocks dis tur b the peace with their predawn screeching and cackling. A widely publicized t rial in Vis · ta Municipal Court ended with the jury deadlocked 10-2 in f:J vor of acquittal. A second t rial was sl'l for Sept. 2. but the two neighbors who had brought Fergu son into court withdrew their complaint last I'' ri d a Y • U A ' s a 1 de L og u n McKeclmie s tiid. 15.7 Aeres brought the airline 250,000 extra passengers in 1974. T h ~ Sa n M a teo County ~perior Cout't jury deliberated six d ays be fore a warding $1,844.243 to J am es U sec, 35, a pe1:son11el representative, a nd Kris J agga, 45. an industrial l'ngin~er, who ::11leged rrau~ ll nd bad f a1th by the 1tlrlinc. THE S UIT said Lisee andJagga suggested in 1971 that United ex· p and th e e mploye discount system to include e mployes of other air lines, a nd the men were promised 10 percent of the r esult· ing profits during a r cpresen· tativc year. The jury foun'd that the sugges· lion w<ts adopted and increased passenger volume by 250,000 in 1974. The jury con cluded the men were e ntitled to $368,049 under the 10 p e r cen t pla n, a nd it a warded $1,476, 194 in punitive damages. The pl a intiCfs cl a ime d the a irline made $25 million to $30 million as the result of their suggestion. but the airline s aid it lost S2 million . • Dbrovery Professor Martin Perl of Stanford Line ar Accelerator Center announced discovery of "U" particle. Produced in pairs, one positive a nd o ne n egative , e a c h ha s mass of two billion electron volts, or twice that of pro· ton, nudcus of hydrogen bomb. 3 Die in Crash SANTA CRUZ (AP> -An in· Cant and two adults died and 14 other persons were injured in a three·car collision which police say m ay be this city's bloodiest trafCic accident ever. ThufSday. July 31 , 1975 OAILYPILOT AS 'Rape'-/tlurder Case Witness Changes Story NORWALK CA P> -Prosecut· ing a ttorneyis in the murder trial o( Debor a h J oy Kantaeng say they will Introduce tape record· ings to dlispute the testimony or their own witness. Prosecutor Denis Petty said the r ecordings would be played fo r the j ury t oday to verify earlier state m ents ~Y Kerry Axt, 23, whom Petty said had "flip· flop ped back a Qd fo 1·t h tind changed he r s tory ~omplelely." Mrs. Ka nlaeng is charged with the shotgun s laying of D<1 nny Al· lcn, 21. oC Santa Ana on Oct. 3, 1974. She told police that Allen had kidnape d a nd raped her the da y before. Miss Axt -as a prosecution witness --h as testified th<1t it was not Mrs. Kantaeng but the defendant's Cat he r , Robert Boyd 45, who fired the s hots that killed Allen. She said s he h ad earlier told authorities that M rs. Kantaeng had done it because s he feared Boyd would try to harm her if she did not. MISS AXT was visiting the Long Bea c h duplex apartment where Mrs . Ka ntaeng li ved when 'the s hooting occurred. While on the witness stand. she offered dif- fering accou11ts of where she was in the ap artme nt. Petty said. "In her earlier ~tatemen~ he said s he w as in the kitchen when the shot was fi red," he said. "Now s he's saying she was standing in the doorway and watched t he who le thing." Miss Ax t ha d testified that Royd killed Allen when he came to the t.loor of the apa rtment, then tried lo convince his daughter that she had done it. She said Boyd pressured Miss Axt and othe rs to te ll authorities Mrs. Kantaeng was the murderer . Invalid ~ate Shot; Wife Tries Suicide OAK LAND <UPI > -Police say they won't press murde r charges against a woman who gavt! in to her invalid husband's pleas lo kill him , then kept his body hidden under s heets in his bed for two months . The wom an , Mrs. Lois P hillips, 68, tried to ta ke her own liCc by shooting herselC in the head when s he feared her act would be discovered by vis iting relatives. But she was reported in good condition Wednesday at Highl and Hospital. Police Sgt. Lew Mace said Mrs. PhilUps, who turned the same small-caliber gun on herself that she used to s hoot her ~us band. o~ 32 years, t'OUld only be cha rged with aid ing and abet· lmg a swc1de. . BUT HE SAID the AJa~eda County district attorney did not th.ink he could get a conviction. Mace said notes fou nd in the Phillips' a partment. as well as -191:s: Phillips' statement, indicated her 67-year-old husband, Wilham,. had .begged repeatedly with her to end his misery. . An mv~lid f~r more than 12 years, s uffering from painful spmal delen or allon, he had been virtua lly unable to move for the last ~ive years. The couple had been living on Mrs. Phillips' pension as a depa rtment store clerk. Iranian Buys Lloyd Estate ''Hasn't anyone told her about the B.EVERL Y Ill LLS CUPI> -The new owner of the lavish estate built by silent film comedian Harold Uoyd Is Nasroll ah Afshani, 60, a retired Iranian im· porter. Trus tees of the estate voted Tuesday to accept Atshani 's bid of $1 .6 million for the estate one oC the most luxurious of Hollywood's golden age'. . For his money, Afshani gets 15.7 acres of grounds m Coldwate r Canyon. one of the most expens ive dis· lricts in the Los Angeles area and a 44 room mansion. l_t has formal gardens, s tables, tennis courts. a nine hole golf course, three Oly mpic size swimming pools, a c:rnoe course and a waterfa ll. J le also gets a $675.000 bill for back taxes and mortgage paym ents . and an annual property lax bill of more th an $47,000. Reagan to Nix Fung•"! .. SACRAMENTO (A P ) -Rona ld Reagan may tum down federal campaign funds if he runs for president. an officia l of the "Citizens Cor Reagan" presidentia l committee says. Lyn Nofziger . o nce an aide to P resident Richard M. Nixon, said R e a gan is philosophically opposed to public fi nancing of campaigns and would avoid it ir possible. Nofziger also said he believes there will be "an e xplosion of s upport" for Reagan when he formally entt?r s the ca mpa ign for the Republican presidential nomination later this year. Vnion to Aid Showdoaen CHICAGO (A P J The AFL·CIO says it will m ount a massive multiunion effort to help the farm workers union in its showdown campaign with the T eam s te r s Un ion fo r the right t o rep resent Califorr1ia field han<Js. The Unitc<J F3rm Worke rs union, an AFL·CIO a f· f'ili atc led by C.:ei,ar Chavez, faces its g reatest t'hallenge this fall when it l3kes on the independe nt T eam s te r s. t h e nation's lar gest unio n . in California"s firsl ·Cn'r union representa tion elec· ·lions for farm workers. Broaen WarnJS Bunnesse• LOS ANGELES CU PI ) -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. warned business leaders Wednesd ay that they will h ave lo provide jobs for millions of unemployed Americans "ifthcy wanl to m aintain the viability of their enterprises '· · And the governor of the nation's largest s late in· tlicatcd tha t he is ready to use all t he powers al h is disposal to pus h privule business to hire mot'c peo- ple. "Everyone who is of an age where they can work ought to have the opportunity to have a mean· ingful job," Brown ins isted. "and that will require a major readjus tment in our country. If business does not create the j obs. then business will have to be taxed to put people to work in the public jobs .'' Chavez Otarge• Denied MOORPARK <U PI> -Egg City, one of the na.' l ion's largest c hic ken ranches. today de nied charges by Carm union leader Cesar Chavez that it was using scor es of Vietna m ese refugees as "strikebreaker s'' against a wildcat strike. The r anch . which has more tha n 400 workers . employs 14 Vie tna mese, not the 50 the United F a rm Workers charged in a news conference Wednesday, the spokesman s aid. Cro••"°"' Wound• Hor•e SAN DIEGO (AP>-A 20-year-old-man has been sentenced to 90 days in jaJl for shooting a horse with a CT08sbow. Superior Court Judge Douglas Woodworth also ordered ps y chothe rapy for Warner Cook oC San Diego and ordered him to pay $104 in restitution for treatment o( the animal's wounds. Police said Cook s hot the horse a total of five limes on Ma rc h 12 a nd April 3 in El Cajon. Mercede ~ Wo'rt I 1i11lc ranhcr •~•y. M> we have 10 do I l111le morr. Come and t.ec ui.. S-DM. Fwy. et AnrJ• ~YleJo 5o Of S.lft C"'""'I 714)11M741tn•l•ts-111t Cadillac Seville Lease or buy FOR EARLIEST 0£ll\1£RY: ~epx ~;,o;fvc1. ~-.~~1 fabulous It begins hundreds • at Bullock's? sale • s~ttn"7ear tornorro"7 at 8:00 a.tn.. vvith of bathing beauty goodies (s\Vitn suits and cover-ups). Co111e on in! 33¥3% The savings are great, To-wn and Travel Sportsvvear Early shoppers use South Entrance to 40%.'' CJ Shop Monday thru Friday, 10 am to 9 :l 0 pm; Saturday. IO am to 6 pm I Bullock's Sooth Coast Plu:a, San Diego freeway at Bristol, Costa Mesa, 5S6-06t1 Shop Sundt1y, 12:00 noon ro S:OO pm I ' , . . Sears "2554 19.5 Cu. Ft. Freezer H 1';:11 la r 8 l.'J•J. 'l'J All lrostless. Power Mi ser s wit ch . ''Jet Stream·· freezing . Grille-type shelves. !"ihorl SIN•\ t• Print T-~hirt~ St>ar,.. Pri<0 •' 399 'oH·lt' Pri11ti-.. 1.•>•> I .on:;: ~It'•'',. '\' 1011 Tri <·ol F;,,..h ion Bra,.. H1·;.:11lar2 s5 ~I for <:UT 60o/o to 62%! Men' Lightweight Casuals "er.-. S 14 .99 to 8 15.99 Men's sizes. Girl'• Perma-Pr~t(!) FaHhion Dresl"les . iul' 3 lo 6 X 3 s7 !'\i~t'll 7 to 3 s9 for 12 ror Easy care polyester and cotton fabric [Sears] RA"S• R0tll1CK ~l"D 00. --c "ZDIT C A1'D ~ ••o• """"" • -•c• 0 00000 0000 ~ .... f l.(91 ---.,,,,,._. ..... .;.........-__ .......... . ...... PAIR PRICE SAVE ~.1<>! Aulomatie \Vasher ~~~';·~ 5249 slvE ·'20! E lt•c:lric Dncr 19.0 Cu. Ft. Refrige rator I I Rt-#(ular $189 S209.4>1) H1·~11lar 8J. 7'>.•>•> All frosttess. 12.5 cu. ft. refrigerator, 6.5 c u. ft . freezer $419 SAVE s20! --~ ;, i1506 6.0 Cu. Ft. Compact Chest Freezer R1·~11far $2 1 'J.CJIJ Thinwall insulation 6.0 cu. ft. size. Slid- ing basket. ~SAVE .30%! Value-Fit® S hort Sh eers He.,u la r I <Jc· r-An k 1 e or knee highs in sand- stone and toast. ""Julie tte" Nightwear Scooped neckline and little puffed sleeves. In prints. P, S, M. L sizes. H.-~ular 86 '1 ini P J"io.. 4 47 89 Lonf! Cown ___ _ _6.67 SAVE 27"! J\'l en ,s T-Shirts or Briefs Pki?. of 3 299 Absorbent'cot- t on and po - lyester under- we ar. Sizes small thru X- large. Silk Sewing Thread R.-,:11l11r 3:ic e>11ch 100 yard spool. All colors. except black, bone or white. 8~,, SAVE '60! Kenmore Microwave Oven H1·!!11t11r 8:~1)1J.4JtJ 3 3 9 97 Automatic d efrost cycle. 600 watts of cooking power. ... . . Priced to Go In 3 Hours 9::30 A.M. to l2:30 P.M. Travel Bags for Men or Women • ear!4 Price• Suit or dress bags with full length zippers. Holds dresses or suits. I A II Patterns in Stoc k 20o/o OFF Color Print Film ,'«; f J f; 4 f o/o Oil :~! Out<toor 1-'loodligltt,; 84c Seers 126-12 expo· sures 66l' ~ocluk 110-1 2 t·~ro· 1n1r.-,. __ _ 99<' ff•·~ul~r 12.9') t'erlt 3 for 4 97 SEARS HAS .3 CREDIT PLANS 1 . Seclrs Re11o!vin9 2 . Sears Essy Cl1C1rge Ac~nl Payment Plan \11k .\l.uul Tlwm .... Tht'r4' '" Ou.-To Suil 3. Sea1s ~Odern111ng C red Pl ctr1 our ~N-cl111 ' r " 3 " s " • ! Hf'µu lar 8 1:!•>.•J•J $379 4.6 cu. ft. freezer.12 4 cu. ft. refrigerator. lcemaker •Hookup To Water Supply Available. Extra ~ Built-in Dishwash er -{ . \\a .. :::>t l9.<>:> } 39ss·· Power Miser switch. Four automatic cy- cles. :->:!:\41.1J.) l'11rtahl1· '111d1·I. "7 HI 11 *~.i I·." ra For Lolur Perma-Prest0 Yardage • i ' ' . , j . ~ ; ' l 1 ' I I \, r H1·;_!11lar H•Jc· \ d: ' 1-C;nl. Bloo1ning }"'uc h i a 1-(jt. PJastic Food <..:onta.incrs ·• St•ar~ f'ric·c· 711 l'&.iz. or :l:! Ideal for sto r i n~ and freezing foods. ........ ..) ,4'AVE ~1 1 .• 9-ln. Gtl11 Edgu Dledoj ,. , u •• , .. ,ar l M ttZ.19 "MH' . .1• $2. ll), Ele••trl(' Ed11er lU utlf'" ' .. I 185715 J.3.J t'IU .. 1" 1 ,I • i ' • • • . • 'I . . . , .. , #,. -r I : I N9240 i llt'jtUlllr "tre tch Stitch Zi g-Zag IS7°>.'>3 ( '.uhirwt 5988 H1·1otu lur S l60 $}30 Sews str aight, zig-zag. blind hemming. 2 stretch stitches and more. llt·ad Onh· Hm To.ta, 1,; .. 1all1·d· \\ ii 11 i II :.! I lluur ..... I 11 .. tallation E'<tra I . . -- '"I' wo s latrt· I"' Gas Water H t·ater 8997 "Flame-W1th-A-Bra1n · m atches fuel input to water use. 30-gal. size. *33331. S 129.99, 40 gal. *33341 __ IJl).IJ7 , C \ )_, ' Temptingly-Priced Panty Ho e do .. and nude hee l. In pair.. C t s . · Re info r ce d to e 3 99 s a n d stone an d fur toast. r~ ., nd . lSA J!'E .!J(J'· Vacuum Cleaner Bag He;!ular 8 1.1'' Pl.~. of f. Fits most all makes of vacuum cleaners . • 22 Long Rifle Ammunition no~ of :;o 69c J 4i...' ,,.,, ... ,-, ,,__ ~ . .). Cani~lt•r \' ae \\' ith Po\\ t•rmak® Hq!ular ~ l l 1.99 A t t achment s f or o t her dus ting and cleaning stor e on hood. Cassette T a p e R ecorde r Sc·ar,. l.o"M Price Record a nd play back your favor- ite music. Batte- nes not included 2188 fl '1' .39% to 76% 011 1 Pr.! Children·~ Assorted Sock 8 "t'rr l'lr lo n;;,. l'r. 5 .. r •• $1 Choose anklets. knee socks or crew socks. Medium and large. Infants' Childrens Dept. 1000-·Watt* Blow Drver Sc»tr>< l'rir1· . 1297 ~Manufacturer's rated wattage hSenrt' Firearm nmf .\mmunilion Poli"~·· • All guns including BB and Pellet guns sold only 10 residents of slate where p urchase 1s made. (Proof o f residence req u 1 red.) Ammunition m ay be ordered o r picked up outaide of the state 1n which you r e11de. No deliveries will be made o ut11de of the store. All sales sub1ecl 10 applicable Federal.State and Local laws .'-t.4 VE .1 1 o/o! S.-1 J. B .58%! .r ....... 1.• 'ltl .. 1.' ' (:onrrete Mix :->-Lb. Pool Acid Hc-1?11lor 9l~. I <J 144 ., At All MAJOR LO.S ANGELES Thursday,July31, 1975 U ... IL 'V PILOT 1• I This Ad Effective Friday, Aug. 1 and Saturday, Aug. 2 Only \itl \bout Seur~ CtmH·11it·11t C1·t·tHI Pltau~ ~411 OS Portable COLOR TV ~t·u1· .. Lo~ Pri1·1· 19-inch diagonal mea- sure picture Detent tun- i ng means UHF stations cl1ck-1n l i k e VHF sta- tions 'l11j11r \pplio111·1· .. \l .. o .\\;iilal1lt> ut ~t·ar .. ~anta \n:.1 a111I \II \pplia11n · a 11tl ( alalo;! ~,,,,., ... , Blac k and White TV St•ar~ P ri1 ·c· 9-in. diagonal mea- sure p icture. Up- front controls. UHF deten t tuning. 6999 Simulated Television Reception on Scre~n SHEET BONANZA 25% OFF B.-;..:11la r l 0ri1·1· .. .. , .. ' ··• :.l~-;: «· / ~: Printed. percale sheets ~, TT in twin. full. queen ,,.. / / or king sizes. ~ %,~ •. I ,.. -!;... ~ .-11i r " Sa• r h . ~ .,"\'.,-•• I :;~ ~ ... • •• 20o/o ()FF He:,!ulur l'ri <'•"'~ Ev<'r\' \l indo" S hadt• in Sto<'k J."'l uort-l'i<"cn l 2-Lt. Fixlurt' H1°J?11lar 2 3 97 ~:~I .C>l.J '.4VE .1.3% Planter Mix l ~.~·''· 4i...' fJ "L ' ..::-r ,,_ I~ I. Tra.-h Can '>') (' I ·>--''''· H1·;!11l11r I 0 97 !'$17.1)11 ~up1'rfi m• l.u"" 11 mttl lli1·h6n<fru Forni PJay/Rec·ord Stereo S)·stc 1n l<1·;::11lar ~I 1>•1.11:; Bullt-1n 8-trac k tape player and 16999 recorder . AM/FM stereo radio and more Slide Hult· Ca I<" 11 la l or S H /~ ~ 10! ;-':t> Bi non d a r !-' H1·_:!11l;11· 3997 ~1 ·1.111> ,:~2..41" 7 ,;1.'"i 'l•t. Hftttu•ular• ) 7.'17 ·"··" f.,' ... , """ ·'2 (;11/.! Interior or Exterior Paint ) 01 H CllOICE 2 99 ~ 1.9c1 (,u l. l n lt·rior l"H I Oii:> (;ur. ~:l.1)1J c;al. E,lt•rio r ':!00 t:; _____ :!.4>1> (;oL SUtt.•fll ,...... ... ••• W.ctC>lltw .. ............. U.H C•tft••-"""· I_. IL" a.flrttllitt tt-. •1•• • .. _,, ..... ,.. .. _ .. ..,._~ kt•-"'' -·-"-'-_.....__ .... ..... "' ... -• n..11•-... .... ......... ~ ..... Sl ct•-~-W '··--~· 1U,._, __ ,..._. ancl o ·RANGE COUNTY SEARS Stores II.US, aOllUCK AN1> CO. ALL STORES OPEN 10 a .m. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Friday • Saturday 9:30 a .m. to 9 p.m . • Sunday 12 noon to S p .m. The foll owing stores ope n SATURDAY til 6 pm. -ALHAMBRA , CARSON, COVINA, El MONTE, LONG BEACH, SANTA MONICA , VERMON T I ' ,,. DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Hot Springs Cooled The San Juan Hot Springs area in Ronald W. Casper s Regional Park a long Ortega Highway mus t remain closed to the public and heavily patrolled until its ultimate f alc is decided, th~ Orange County Board of Supcrvison; concluded lhis week. The oncc-famOlL'\ r esort was closed off in May, following r eports of n•pt-alcd cnmc proble ms in the <Jrt·a. indud1ng lcwu behavior and drug violations. Now a s tudy Ol'dered by the supervisors indicates il probably never can Ul' re-opened as a resort, oocausc of new fire rcgululions and the need for ~ewer and water connedions. Al best, it could become a day-use picnic area. In fact, the same state law that forced the r esort out of bus iness 40 years ugo would deter any would-be C?Oncessionnairc from trying lo r e-open the springs. That law n•quires swimmin!,{ pools to be filtered and c hlorinutt..•<.1 for hc;_1lth reasons. And that seems to wipe out uny tho ug ht of developing a European-style mineral spa a t San Juan. Still , we C'an 't help thinking that modern science ought to be abl<' to devise a way lo restore use of this unusua l resource. Airport Dream Orange County supervisors are proceeding with a pie in t he s ky solution to the county's a irport prob- lems as though it is a rationaJ answer to pressures on Orange County Airport. F ormal talks with Riverside County s upervisors over a proposed international airport at Rancho California IH'Ur Tcmeculn are due soon. But in fact , :.n airport or the scope envisioned for Rancho California would cost at least $150 million - for openers. One way or another. the taxpayers would have to foot tha t bill and bills to fo llow. Jt would take several years to move the hundreds or millions of cubic yards of earth needed to level the s ite and it would be al least a decade before the facili- ty would be ready for use. Ther e would also be massive probl1tms with s ur- face access to t he .airport -particularly from Orange Countv. . Supervisors would do well not to confine their OP· Uons to a proposa l with so many obvious drawbacks. Consumers Need Facts An enormous number of older citizens, a11d a great m any younger ones as well. find it n cct•!:>sary to wear eyeglasses. And, as with other health necessities, the cost of eyegl asses goes up and up. Many people, ;_1~ruid even lo ask the price of prescription glasses., u~c1dc lo ~ake a chance with the c heap, non-prcscnpllon vanety. · In fact, there is a wide price ra nge for ~ood eyeglasses. But archaic rules on advertising keep this information out of reach of the average consumer. Whe n the s tate Legislature reconvenes next week, it will be asked to reconsider a measure (AB1477) whic h would permit a dve rtis ing or eyeglass prices. The bill fell seven votes short of ap· prov a l on the eve of the current r ecess. Orange County's board decided it was :.i good time to mo\fe ahead a fte r receiving a very preliminary feasibility report Crom the airport department. They g lossed over major deficiencies in the pro· posal in a n apparent effort lo make it attract ive. There is little revenue lo be gained for news pape rs from eyeglass advertising, but there is a great deal to be gained for the citize n who too often pays needlessly high prices for goods or services whe n there is no option to make a price comparison. The legis lators should r econsider and pass AB1477. 'Good grief, man! That kind of linkup would be inflationary!' A New Approach to 'Full Employment' When our nation recover ed from 1.he Rig Depression of the 111irties we never did return lo "full employment." F'or a decade it was assumed that ::it least 2 percent or our population was "un cmployabl~" But then came World Wor Il during which we lc<.1rncd lh~l nlmo~t ('\C'r· ~lJody was t ' a p a b I e o f pe rform i n ~ ~ome work 1C he r ea lly wanted lo. In the years _since, we lfare payments. un- c mp lo y m c n t p :J y. ( 0 (I U !>la mps an.d an ::issortml'nl of frderal and st::ite progra ms d e· signed lo help poor people have ten<lcd lo e ncourage loafing. no" n the r oad are limitless op- portunities. but wc can 't get Lhere in a rocking c hair. UNEMPLOY1'1 ENT pa~ in many ~lates -tax free -pays better th;rn many JObs. Michigan State Prof Charles Killingsworth predicts that our nation will soon change its defini- t ion of "full employ ment": that we will accept a Jobless rate or 7 P1nH·lr ( PAUL HARVEY) percent lo 8 p ercent a s ·•normal." To some of us it is in<'oncc1va- ble that we should continue to s upport 8.9 percent unemployed when newspapers are publishing p.ige after page or unfilled jobs. l a m told, however, that in most states a n applicant for un- employment pay can refuse any job offer that ·s not lo his liking. Another law lhe government h as enacted which discourages full employm ent is the "guaran- teed minimum wage." Some jobs, s uch as bellboys, used lo pay n o sa lary al all. But t here were a lways plenty of belJboys w illing to work only for tips. So there were always plenty of bellboys. TODAY the hotel is required lo pay every e mploye the minimum hourly wage. The refor e , most hotels undcrstafr lh'cmsclves with bellboys a nd waitresses and paying guests receive l ess service. nellboys and waHresscs who could and would be working for tips a re on unemployment pay instead. Normally, an inequity like this ~/) .. :·~-5 ,,. ---r,;. ~ ._ . .::' .. I: ·,--i__, ·:.-: ,_;~. ~~T[ •• • ; ~. I "Ii ""C,o/•· '" • 1: ~ '• ', .'. '.' •",, '• • • I / • • • • • ' 1 • '' •'' 11, •........ ~ . . : ''J .... • • • # I I' " .. ,·'' ' .. 1,·1~ 1 ' : I . • . ' -··.,,',· •''".~ '"So we·,, to be neighbou. then ... Dear Gloomy Gus How wonde rful that our Congressmen voted. over- whelmingly, (ot their own month's v acation. We'd better not gel s uch gran- diose ide as though, or we won't earn enough to pay their salaries. G.J . Gloomy Gu~ comm•nts ••• \ubml~d tit rHd•H •nd do not n•<•SS•"'' r•llKI the Ylf'w~ ot the "•W\P~~'· Sf'nd your pet Ptt>t lo Gloomy Gu~. O•llY Pt IOI. will rester, come lo a head a nd heal. Prof. Killingsworth remem - bers that American Uxpayers, willing to s upport a jobless 2 per- cent in the Forties, learned to ac- cept 3 percent unemployed in the Fifties, then 4 percent in the Six- ties. During our n a tion's most pro- sperous ever er a of the early 1970s, when we were riding the crest or unprecedented prosperi- ty. we still supported 5 percent nonworke rs. Now some economists say we should cons ide r 6 percent "un- employable.·· So, says Prof. Kill- ingsworth, "can 7 percent or 8 percent be rar behind? .. Killingswo rth sees our great growth indu stries softening: computers, educatio~ cars and wa r. HOWEVE R , bis pessimistic evaluation of our prospects does not take into cons ideration the immense potential in a wide spectrum of new e nergy-related industries. Nor ha ve we begun lo count the offspring or lhe recent marriage between medicine and engineer· ing. Electrophysiology has the potential to redo the healing arts. Such excitin g new horizons are ahead unless the road between here a nd there gets clogged with rocking chairs. Episode fro111 o Jo111es Bond Movie CIA's Magic Mail Tricks WASHl NGTO:'\ -In tC'slimony slu mped ··~l'1:rt•t " on every page, CIA chief William Colby has described how the CIA used Lo monitor I he mails. Not only did he reveal details th :ll w ere ldt o ut o f th e Rockefeller report. but he admitted fur the fi rst time th a l the CI A had vio l a ted lhc l::iw. "It is m y un- de rstanding.'' he conressed , "that it is il - legal lo open the mail , firs t c lass mail -that the only 'j ustification might be during wa r under certain special legal authority.·· HERE ARE the highlights of his secret testimony befor e a House subcommittee chaired by Rep. Charles Wilson, 0 .-Calif. -Colby dis closed that the CIA is able to r e::id mail without open - ing it. A secret chcmic:11. whose n am e w t• can not reveal ror security rt>::ison:;, enables agents to decipher the w riting inside sealed envelopes. Colby swore, howcv<.'r, that the CIA has used this magic. sec-through chemical o nl y overs eas. l l was un - necess ary to use it in the Un ited Stales. a pparently, as long as the postal authorilil's cooperated with the CIA. -The Rockefeller r eport men· tioncd that the CIA had opened mail in Honolulu, New Orleans, New York City and San Fran- cisco. But Colby testified that the CIA, in addition, had opened mail in Mi ami during the April 24·28, 1961, period. Apparently, this ha<l something lo do with the ClA's Bay of Pigs invc.1:;ion of Cuba a few days earlier on April 17, 1961. -The CIA also opened the mail of certain "CIA employes and foreign nationals who were the (JACK ANDERSON) subject on inquiril•s." Their mail was al:>o rhct·kr<l to find out who was correspondin~ with them. ··The:,c mail opt•n1ng:-. ;.ind l'O\'l'r:-. allow('() us lo stJy aht•iJd of the ('ummunist stale of tht• :.irt in chemic<.11 t•en s vrs h 1p and per milted us to dC\'ISt' :-.ystcm:. to safclv comm unil·atc \\1th our <conl.actsl 111 Commum::.t iJrc:.is." explained Colby. -TllE C IA CONCENTRATED on monitoring the mail frum the Soviet t;nion and m ;.iinlanll China. But mail was :.ilso e>.· iJmined from North Vietnam. Cuba and othe r <,;om mun isl coun- tries. Most or these countries ap- parently use t he Soviet postal system to route t heir mall ;.i broad. -The biggest mail-opening operation was centered in New York City. This W;.tS wh<.1t Colby l'alle~ ··the East Co:.ist ProJett. ' ·-The CIA gaVl' a Nl'w York postal clerk "a SSOO Chn!>lmas Qonus totalling S3.000 for Ciw .Yl'ar s," confl•sscd Colby, for "transporting the mail bags ti> th~ area whert• CIA officers ~~4-_ HISTORICAL . · NOTES July 31 On Ju ly 31, 1975, Lord Shelburne. a member of Parlia- ment said in open debate that "l am surprised th at the Americans at Lexington under the command o f, it wo uld seem, no body, manife~ted a decisive superiority in every point oC military judg- ment.'' handled the mail." Paying off the clerk," Colby deadpanned, "was <in improper act by the agency ... lie refused to idt>otify the clerk. However, we can identify him ::is Peter F . McAuley. He told our :issociale. Jack Cloherty: "IL w<1s m y job to help them -the postal service :.issigned me.'' ("l)lby was asked whether pasl presicknt:. knew that the CIA had heen tampt•ring with the mails. ·· t don ·t lhink we can say any J>rcs1dl·nl individually knew,'' :.aid the CIA <'hief. HAD Al'iY alt9rney gener al been advised of lh~ illegal opera-• lion? ··only <John> Mitchell, is our impression,"' r eplied Colby. T he a ppearance or the CIA director on Capitol Hill was like ;m episode from a J ames Bond movie. Before Colby entered the hc:iring room. a team of elec- tronic experts swept the pre- mises with sophisticated detec- tion equipment to make s ure there wer e no hidden mil<•·· T hen Colby took u- sl:ind. But in the nl':-. :.igent sat in fronl of < looking briefcase l hn testimony. The 1Jri1 • may have gue-;sr or di n ary. I mysterious g monitored the and around th This was a rr s ure the rcH • bugge<l h~ eavesdropp('r. After Colby ll CIA agent accomti. .< who t yped up the 1 11!:-. Page a fte r page, the con- fiscated all the carbc •I· l y look the typev itself. lie car<'fu' them in a s uck I Secret Trash.·· With his little bag agent departed under s py headquarters in Virginia. Photo Experiments Shed New Light on Light WASHJNC.TO;'ll -If they needed an)!, the aerosol can con- troversy 1s the convincing proof for m any that the ecologists a re screwballs bent on wrecking tho economy even as they c laim to ~ave the environm ent. The idea that the gas from your underarm cle<>doranl 1s shreddjng the <•l· mospheric cover protecting us from ultraviolet radiation r eally sounds off the w a 11. Tha l 's a sensible.' re action from pe-oplc brou~ht up lo look upon nature as the e n e m y. In school w e 'rt' taug ht abo ut h o w t.h c h C r 0 I C pioneer s h a ck e d, whacked, cul . ~t as h~d 3od d ro \•e thei r way through a Wiiderness lo "tamt' .. n conti· nf'Tll. Anything you have to lame, lo paC'ify, to bnn1 under control has to M very touah and very im· pervlou.1. We t.hlnk we hove an advenory relaUonshJp with the bkllphere. To u1 Mother Nature 11 • rouah old broad who belches huTT1ca nes: and Man becomes lheConquerorollbeWUdctrncu. ' J ohn N. Ott's work m akes· him think oth e rwise. A developer or the techniques of t1 me-lap~e pho tography -those motion pictures th a l show a plant growing from a seed to m aturity in five minues -Mr. Ott has sp('nt the better part o( a lifetime experim enting with th<? various kinds of radiation . visible and in- visible, that p e netrate our g::iseous envelope to touch all liv- ing things. IT WAS while photographing the birth anct g r owth or a pumpkin for Wa ll Dis ney that gometh1ng happened which got Mr. Ott thinking. fll' stumbled onlo the ract that pumpkin vines grown under one kind or light vroduced only boy nowers, and vin es grown under another klnd or li ght produc~d only g irl nowers. Othe r ex periments wtth ultraviolet and infrared light perm ill~ Mr. Ott to establish a Unk between light and reproduc· tlon in animals. He wns able to s how, for instance. thal you can contr ol l he gender or baby chinchilla!" in a similar manner. H~ has also been able to ma.Jee 3 connection be tween the quality oC liiht and bew llh. The l4lill oC ( VON HOFFMAN ) Mr. Otl's experimental rats fell off after living 12 hours a day for six months under pink fluores- cent 1llumination. The rats in his control group. living under condi- tions of normal sunlight, kept their fin e. long, u gly, ratty tails. Jn anothe r study he and his as- sociates concluded that the six- year m olars of several groups or children who had been kept in school rooms with below norma l ultraviolel light showed a higher incidence or tooth decay than those whose classrooms were Ht by a full.r a nge light source. JOSOBSERVAnONSarestill o long w ay from being con· elusive. so ther e's no need to m¥rch on the school board and demand they ch ange the light bulbs, yet . Neverthelcu bis ex· perimenu do s uggest that Ught may aflect u1 in many ways we've never lma11.Qed. Mr. Otl even has evidence lt can In· nuence behavlor, at least amon1 laboratory rodents. Hi1 mircoscopic time-lapse photog raphy suggests that the kind, powe r, duration and pat- terning of light m ay also affect the cell life of both arumals and veget::iblcs. Of course, when he uses the word light he's referring lo more than \he energy we can see. He means all r adiation. not just that in the visible spectrum. To make the point. h e d escribes how you can take a night-blooming plant and put it in a dark closet, or one where the light is kept on. and it will not dis· turb the plant's biological clock or circadian rhythm. The plant will continue lo bloom when 1l is niJ.?ht ouuide a n<t go to sleep in the daytime. T he same thing Wlll happen if you put it in a cememl cellar: but lake it down to the bottom of a coal mine and the poor thing goes completely lo pieces. OU hy pothesizes from thl.8 l.hat lhe plant·~ cycle is con- trolled by minuscul~ or "trace .. radbtlon from the sun which can ~netrale closets ond ~Liars but not~ reetof earth and r~k. "Ufe on urth," be writes (in "HeaJlh and Lltht," lhe Devin· Adair Company, Old Greenwich, Conn., 1.973 ), "hu evolved under tbe balance of short wavcteoath ultraviolet comparable lo the very low ll•vcls v ( general back- ground radiatio n a nd much h igher intens ities o r long wavelen gth ultraviolet compara- ble l~ lh<it of visible outdoor natural sunlight.·' Whether or not this s pecifi c formulation is corrtcl . life has indisputably arisen with ccrt:fin radiation givens, so that If we change them il sta nds to r eason we risk chang- ing ourselves. and not necessari- ly in ways that will please us. EVEN WITHOUT aerosol cans, we've been changing the radiation environment , which It is reasonable to suppose we've adapct'd t o hy natural selection over the last few million years . We llvt> under g lH~ much of the lime. and Ott tell os that even unlinted glass filters out a high percentage or ultraviolet. ln addition to what we may be de priving ourselves or, we should olso look ut the radial.ton dosages we're ad m l n l1teri ng l o ourselves. Ott's Hal or low·le\-el radiation sour~• whoee etf«'ts aren't completely lndentood m- cludc TV sets. mlcrow&Y~ oven!\ and long-distance rommunica lion ~ r e lay lowers, police, weather and airport rada~ systPms, all tbe ordinary atomic stuff. electron micrescopes, cer- tain classes or computers, eleC'· lrostalic air fillers and so on and l>O forth. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Hnl><'rl N. Wrrd, Puh11shcr Th11m11.~ Krr111l, f:rlttor IJorboro l\re1h1ch. l::d1tortal />OIJI! l::d1tor Tiw cdilorial pa~e of th,• Dolly Pilot seeks to 1nfnrm and t.lJmulate readers lJy pres.One on lhrs 1>3~c <Jiver&e <'Omtn_.ry on top1C11 of interest by ~at­ ed rolumni111.S afld urtoonllb, by prov1din1t o forum ror rtadcra' vie-w1; i1nd by presenlinf this n('wspaper's opinions and ldeu on current toplrs. The ed]toria& opinions or lhc Daily Pltot appcu only In thl' rditorial column at the top (If thr paj!<' Oplnie'ln~ ex- pressed by the columnJstA and C'artoonisu and lt-llfr wrttft"I arr their own and ho tl\~nt oe thf'lt vlf'wfl by the Dally Pilot. whould be inrcrrcd Thursday , July 31, 1975 I Thursday, July 31, 1975 CAIL V PILOT A 9 Young Abalone 'Crop' Growing Near .Laguna Fiesta Scuttled By Brown Laguna Book Now on Sale . The second ed1l1on of .. Only in Laguna.'· a pictonal look at life !l1 the Art Colony, debuted this week at local bookstores. Laguna Bl'al'h photo JOUrniihst. The text \.\ .i:-. \.\ 11ttt•n by Michal'! M 1..· Fmhll-11. u forml'·r Newsweek corr<'!.pondenL und local a uthor Tht> !.E'('Ond edition includt.>s llt'"' (1 ont and rear covers, ~ rcprodud1on of a rare map o! LJguna Beach and a tribute to lhl• !Jte Eiler Larsen, the Laguna Beach "Greeter. Nearly 14,000 young abalones are settling into new hom es in coastal w ater s o(C Lagun a Beach. Game project lo rebuild the once-rich abalone population along the southern Ora n ge Coast. the abalon e, m ay be taken Crom the reserve area. ''Lasunagrins" by cartoonist PhiJ lnterlandi, photographs of coast a l and inland Laguna SACRAMENTO (UPI > Beach, and r are pictures of the The a balones were plan~ed by scub1t-diving m a rine biologists this week as part of a state Department of Fish and The biologis ts hope that the protected status . T H E M A R I N E will allow the young ab:; moJlusks were planted in to grow and spawn. three separate areas . withfo the Heisler Park E cological Reserve. No marine life, including -G ov. Edmund G . early days from the collections o& Brown Jr. scuttled ad· Laguna F ederal Savings and the Community His torical Socie· ministration plans for a ty a rc drawn together in the 64· "When On t• walks lh<' cliffs of Laguna Ileach cit swms~ :And looks lo lhe ocNm. he almo:.L feels as if he is on hand at The Creation as the wind culd the water and the firl' comt' together to form the earth and shape il in· to a home for li ft.•," writes McFadd~n in the 111lnxJuction lo the book. ; •II over • California r News from QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi .. .,... , •• ~ ..... -> ... 8' .. ,. · "60 per cent oC me is crazy about you, 30 per cent of me is afraid or you, and 10 per cent is undecided." L./tl. Boyd How Snakes Are Charmed Client a sks how an rndian snake cha rmer can charm a cobra by playing a flute in light of the widely known fact that said snake is deaf. Pretty tricky. A s n ake like that will strike at the nearest warm or moving object. And it will only strike a prescribed distance in proportion to the length of its body, dep<.>nding on the con- tainer it's n sing out of. To make the sna ke s it up and look around, the charmer taps on the ground to Sl'nd vibrations. To make the snake weave and bob. the charmer himself weaves and bobs, now a little closer and now a little f a rther a\\ ay. Jf the charroer were to make the mistake or J!t•tling loo clost'. the s nake would strike lhl' ('nd of the flute. That's wh;.it the flute is for. To protect the charmer's hands and fal'C. ABUSED WORDS The three most <1 bused words in retail advertise- menl'>. according to a Bet- t er Business Bureau official, are ··selling elsewhere for." BETWEEN 1087 and 1700 in England. any m an condemned to death there could save his life by proving he could read the first verse of the5lst Psalm, I'm told. THAT BIG CIT\' witb the cleanest a ir in this country is said to be San Antonio. Surprised to hear it. Thought San Diego or Seattle merited that distinction. . MOTHER GOOSE Q. "Was there e\'er a real Mothe r Goose?"' , A. Indeed. Born in 1665, Elizabeth Foster grew up lo marry Isaac Goose in 1693 at Boston. She wrote a lot of songs to sing to her grandchildren. Her son-in-law Thomas F1eet published them in 1716. She died in 1757 al age 92. CONSIDER yourself a Seasoned Citizen too, if you remem ber when the feed mills put out their livestock grub in dress pr-in l bags. Around 1940, it w as. as I recall. A lot of girls walked around in smocks made out of those feed sacks. Address mail to L.M. Boyd, P.O. Box 1500. Costa Mesa 92626. Tax Deductible 'Giveauny' Hit . WASHINGTON (UP() -Sen. James McClure <R·lda.) says he will in· troduce a bill to prevent . members of Congress from giving away free copies. or the Congre'9ional Record - then claiminl( the dona- Uon as a lax deduction. McClure's comments lollowed news reports of • ruling by the Internal . Revenue Service that such a practice is not ii· legal. The ruling was is· sued at the r equest of an unnamed m e mber of Congress, who checked into the legality of such a move. McClure said if writing off don a tion s of Congressional Rec ord copies as a charitable de- duction is not illegal, it "should be." WANTE DIAMONDS• GEMSTONES Jewel\ by 10\eph' '' \eo1ch1nq fo1 d ia"'ondl and gemstones lrom private indlvlduals and estates. Ct11eful examination and evaluation by our experts. Highest prices paid. Call S40-9066 10-9 daily. Satur· day 1<>-6. Sunday closed, ask for Mr Dennis Foltz or Mr.Joseph. ,.iewels by loseph ..... ,_ ...... • ~ ·-•"'"'• M.,.. .,._.... AFTER S PAWNING, abalone larvae will be carried by ocean cur - rents to areas outside the reserve where they will grow to adult size. Mexican fiesta for state page book. It sells for $2.95 plus tAi»Ol!iii is rounded up _____.) each day employes d urin g work tax. hours because be did not The book was designed and want lo celebrate a creat ed by J ohn f1ardy. o t In the Hardy House Publishing Com· foreign nation's indepen-pany, and Marlin S. Roberts, a The first ~d1tiu11 of Only in Laguna. rele::ised m August 1972. sold out in five months. DAILY PILOT It will probably be several years, however, before s po rt and com· mercial fisherm en will be able to take abalone. It will take at least two vears for the ini tial g r o up to spawn and another l wo years for the second gen e r ation to establish itself outside the reserve. FUNDS FOR THE $5,000 project were pro- vide d by t he Orange Co un ty Board o f Supervisor s from fis h and game fines collected in the county . The a balone we r e raised at a hatchery ln Cayucos and shipped by truck to Orange County . dence, 1l was reportt..'<I ---------- here. Instead, Brown sup- ported plans to crealc an Internation al Ethnic Day celebration 'to be held on the em ployes' own time Saturday, Sepl. 20. The Sacramento Union reported Wed n esd ay that the Mexican festival was proposed by Julian Camacho, deputy direc- FIAT Sales/Service Mission Viejo Imports SOn D•eQO Fwy ot Avery, '. '. .. tor of the Department of ----------1 Gener al Services. He wanted to commemorate the inde p e nde nce.,. of Mexico b y g r a nting employes two hours off to attend the fiesta on Tuesday, Sept. 16. ... I ' I z I ----~· ----- FOR THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH: WALLPAPER DECOR INTERIORS I 5°/o OFF SALE On our complete selection of wallpaper, draperies, carpet. floorinq, upholstery, fumiture, liqhtinq and accessories. \'bit 011r ,\'p"-D~1dg11 S111dfo 28892 Marquerite Pkwy. ISan Dieqo Fwy. at Avery Pkwy.I Mission Vie jo 495-0202 Monday thru Saturday 830-0400 AMERICAN SAVINGS PROTECTS YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS ~; ~ * You can now authorize the U.S. Treasu ry to d eposit your monthly Social Security checks directly into your American Savi ngs account. *Assures safe delivery of your check. *No worry ab.out delays or having your checl< fo st, stolen or forged. *Even when you are away from home, your check will automatically be deposited to your account. * No need to make a special trip or stand in line to deposit or cash you r check. *There are no delays in receiving your check even if you change your address. *Your funds are easily accessible should yo u need them AND yo u earn highest interest with insured safety. * Si gn up now. Bring your next Social Security check with you to any of our convenient offices, and we wlll be happy to assist you. Or call any American Savings office for further details. *Complete flexibility for your financial planning with INSURED savings. ANNUAL YIELD* ANNUAL RATE 8.06~ PAID ON 73/4o/o 7 • 79!'~ PAID ON 7Y2 °/o 6-10 Y£"RS StOOO OR MORE. NEW HIGHER INTEREST. • Y(ARS on MORE S 10oo OR MORE 6.980*)/~ P.l"ID 63l/ 01 ~~~i"~o°n~eMRO~EER~IOOOOR /( /'"'\ ON 74 I O fOR MORE CONllENIENC( 6 720~ 61V: OYc 1 Y("R OR MOR( $1000 OR P.l"ID ON 2 0 MORE Sllll St~ORTER TERM • *~ /'"'\ FOR EllEN MORE CONllENIENCC. 5.92!~ PAID ON 53/4 % 5.39°/o PAID ON 5 Y4 °/o J MONTHS $!>00 OR MORE O.t.v IN -DAY OUT PASS8001(. $!> MINIMUM NO PENALTIES EASY AllAILABILITY! •Interest compounded daily earns indicated annual yield wt.en maintained tor one year . .. Federal Regulations require a substantial 1nlerest penalty for early withdrawal. * Call DAILY for highest rates on * accounts of $100,000 or more. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • TRAVELERS CHECKS· MONEY ORDERS • TRUST DEED AND NOTE COLLECTION CHECKING ACCOUNTS THROUGH MAJOR STATEWIDE BANK CHECK-A-MONTH PLANS • SAVE·BY-MAIL SERVICE NOTARY SERVICES • INTEROFFICE TRANSACTION SERVICE TRANSMATIC-SERVICE • SAVINGS COUNSELING SERVICE INSURANCE TO $580,000 • Ask for details * TAX-DEFERRED RETIREMENT PLANS: ll!L,·EMPLOYED RETIA!Ml!NT ACCOUNT. You can aet asidt up to 15% ($7500 ma1umum) of your annual Income. INDIVIDUAL RETIRIMIHT ACCOUNT. If you are not covered In 1 retirement plan you can aet ulde up to 15'% ($1500 maximum) of your annual Income. Aak for detalla at any American Savings office . 0 Aff ili ate: F11 s1 Charier Financial Corporation OFFICES OPEN SATURDAYS 10 am to 2 pm Garden Grove 12141 Garden Grove Blvd al Harbor Blvd. 534-8690 . Buena Park 8231 La Palma Ave across from Buena Park Center 522-2801 Huntington Beach Costa Mesa 7830 Edinger Ave at Huntington Genier . 842-9311 625 Sunflower Ave. a l South Coast Plaza 979-9800 Convenient offices serving Southern 1nd Northern California. including: l I ·~['\l\I ( · If o'.\/'h<("ll' .' I l ~ "~ ,, l I ., ... Al.SO IN! S4N trlANI ;.AN ~-"•T~O R£0'1.0QO L• : AN El~NO •l;i\\ll 1 I 11·\ I ' • • M l(" h \I \ ''I ,\ I ' r t-, Vf ... •,' •.,l("N l<f 1'fH •I I\•• ... '\Qtl '""'' f, :r·1 LA I • r •A .,AP • 11;10 !'Av r •v v.; ILT,. "1:;.'lt: , cu .,"~" ,~ ·"~ "·' c' l ... •,• 1,r 11 ·,~\\M;) S4~4 I' ~'\Oq.J ·- A J 0 DAIL y PILOT Thursday, July 31 , 1975 UCI Researchers· Study Indian Dr-.igs , UNIDENTIFIED OBJECTS IDENTIFIED & EVALUATED By DOUGIAS FRITZSCHE OlllM O•llY Pilot Stall Americans m l:ly have something lo learn about control of drug abuse from another society which has made regula r use or a drug since before U\e lime of Christ, according to a team of UC Irvine an- thropologis ts . The Quet·hua Indians m the Andean highlands in southern Peru have been chewing coca leaves as a •·work-re lated drug" for thousands of years, says Duane Metzge r , leader of the three-member team. Metzger and fellow researchers Christine Von Glascoe and Aquiles Palomino have received a two- year $115,000 grant from the National Institute of History Featured Drug Abuse to study the cultural setting and social control orthe use of coca leaves. METZGER COMPARES THE coca leaf chew- ing to Americl:ln ba11eball players chewing tobacco. The drug, while less powerful than cocaine that is derived Crom the same plant, diminishes appetite, fatigue and thirst and reduces discomfort caused by cold and high a ltitude. The "work-r elated drug,'' s ays Metzger, allows the Indians to lead pbysically arduous lives in the intemperate hi~h Andean climate. THE COCA . LEAVES, SAYS Metzger. are a sacred plant to the Quechua, who use it for divina- tion and in religious ceremonies in addition to chew· ing it. But the research is a imed al how the society pre- vents excessive use of the drug rather than the UC I. c . al already well researc hed pharmacology of the t erythroxylon coca alkaloid. a ogu e "As far. a s we know, the drug is not used ex- cesstvely," s ays Metzger. ''That is, there are no re- ports that the drug has bad social or psychological N A • 1 hi consequences." 0 W Val a e While the pharmacology of the coca plant has been studied extensively since the turn of the cen· Slices of California history from the 17-miJlion- year-old fossil of the tooth of a 110-foot-long shark lo photos of UC Irvine today form the theme for il- lustrations in the campus' 1975-76 catalogue of course offerings. tury, says Metzger. "people have ne ver talked to the Indians abouthowtheyusecoca themselves." THE TWO· YEAR STUDY will go into how the children are indocrinated in use of the plant during their early teens , how the Indians view the drug as a part of their culture, and other circumst ances s ur· rounding use of the drug. The drawings._ woodcuts and engravings include a map of the "Isle of California" as viewed by 17th century cartographers.· The map s hows California from the lip of Baja to tbe San Francisco Bay as a -------------------1 large island. ILLUSTRATIONS ALSO include early Indian scenes, mission building and other bits of history through the current bicentennial year and UCI's 10th anniversary. The catalogue lis ts courses and requirements for degrees in 34 fields of study. Degree programs available to part-time students through the Ex- tended Univer sity also are listed. THE CATALOGUE IS available for $1.50 at the ca mpus admissions office, for $1.70 at the Universi- ty Book Store in Irvine Town Center and for $1 .85 by .. mail order . To obtain catalogues by mail, make checks paya- ble to the Regents of the University of California and write to the Office of the Cashier, University of California, Irvine. Awards Presented. To lJCI Ernployes Two UC Irvine employes have received a !otal o( four awards of merit from the Council for the Ad· vancement and Support of Education. Dia M. Dorsey of Irvine, executive director of the UCI alumni association and Kathy Jones of Laguna Beach, campus publications manager , received the awards. Dors ey was recognized for excellence in program management. Jones received awards for in - novative poste rs , letterheads •rnd publications de al- ing with s tudent relations. Mesan Joins Dimes Board Ora nge Co<1s t College health instructor George Mattias. of Costa Mesa , has bee n elected lo the executive boa rd of the Orange County Chapter of the Nallnn a l Founda- tion of the March of Dimes. Mattias, of 2891 Palau Place, bas participated in the past in March of Dimes Walkat hon pro- grams and sa ys he is particularly concerned with birth defects, the campaign 's chie f pre· ventive project. FREE SWIMMIMG llOHUCnotfS GI~ IY ClltlW9D IMS111UC:TOU WITH W$M.IRSAY-CBITIHCATIS CNfh .... SciftlCe AdMHes STATIUC-14112 l\OWAID$ ST. WIST-TU SUMMER CLEARANCE! Girls· Oresses-4-14 Values to 130.00 . _ ........................ Now I 0.88 Gins· Sportswear Coordinates-4-14 Values to 14.00 ............................ Now6.88 Boys' Leisure Jackets-4-1 2 Values to 27.00 . . . . . . . . . ... _ ........... Now I 0.88 Boys' Pants Values to 12.50 ..... _. __ •... _ ....... _ ..... Now 5.88 Boys' Shirts-4-14 Values to 7.50 ............ . Summer Pajamas Boys· & Girls· .......... . CHI LORENS ........... Nowl .88 ................. 2.88 For the Infant and Toddler. Dresse s - S uits -Blankets. Values to $22.00. How 788 LUMBCRYARD PLAZA • 3&4 ~EST AVENUE • LAGUNA BEACH Stopworr about your Social Security check. • Now it can be deposited into your Avco Savings Account automatically. The Social Security Administra tion and the Treasury Department have established a new program for Direct Deposit of Social Security Checks. The p rogram is voluntary: you d o n 't have to sign up. But w e think you should - jmmediatelyl f irst. y ou '11 never have to worry about losmg your check again. Next. y our check can't be stolen from y ou o r fro m your mailbox. M ost 1mpo rtant, your check begins to earn interest from the very moment it is deposited. And finally, y our check gets d eposited even if you are out of tow n, on vacation or unable to come in fo r any r eason. In addition. the new Direct Deposit program will eliminate a g r eat deal o f government expense. And that's good for everyone. All yo u have to do is b ring your n ext Social Security Check to the New A ccounts Department at any Avco Savings office. We'll explain everything and help you fi ll out the necessary form, too. No w y ou can stop worrying, autom atically. 3310 BRISTOL ST.# OPPOSITE THE SOUTH COAST PLAZA. 540-7591. EDWAJID MARIS. MGR. 1 ' Metiger sl&Ys tbat adverse ph.Y.slcal effects frQDl use of the drug have not been reported. However, he adds, the life expectancy of the Quechua is about 40 years, due to several factors including diet and the strenu()us environment. For Palomino, the study will be a trip home. A native of Peru, be was raised in Cuico, a city about 25 miles from the main research site in Calca, a tiny town at an altitude of about 11,000 feet above sea level. ~ IJTWEEH I .I A.M. Ir 2 P.M.' ' SA TURD.A Y. AUG. 2 MARRIOTT HOTEL 900 NEWPORT C84TH DI.. H.I. Col. RoMr:tt .... '& AsMClates A.cttOMen & AppralMn of Smt Fnmtcfsco Palomino will spend two years in Peru, while Metzger and Von Glascoe will spend one year there. WlH be preH11t to HalHfe. ld.,.tlfy. ........ any obfects you bring lft. OPEN AUG. I Church of Religious Science THRIFT COTT AGE 224 M• St.. IWIRtll• 1HcJa I 0°/o OFF with this ad Fill. & SAT. AUG. I & Z C....Dow. Ffl: Only SJ 00 HICK'S MEN'S STORE . . . AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE ' . J STARTS FRIDJlY, AUGUST 1st I I ' I ; 1 A FINE·SELECTION .QF 9UALITY CLOTHING REDUCED TO PRIC~S THAT MEAN GREAT SAVINGS SUITS ......,, i {: GROUP OF SUITS -REqJ!a to 125.00 .............................. HOW 94.75 ~-.' GROUP OF SUITS -Regula to 135.00 ....... -...................... HOW 99.75 GROUP OF SUITS -Rec}Jla to 165.00 .............................. HOW 139.75 CALVERT SUITS -Regula to 235.00 •....•................. HOW 169.75 to I 99.75 SPORT COATS GROUP OF SPORT COATS -Regula to 79.r:JJ ••.................... HOW 39.75 to 59.75 GROUP OF SPORT COATS -Regula to 85.00 •....•..•............. HOW 44.75 to 64.75 GROUP OF SPORT COATS -Regula to 100.001 •••• ~· •••••••••••••••••••••••• HOW 79.95 SLACKS KNIT SLACKS -Regula to 27.95 ............................ HOW 14.85 to 19.15 SHOES Fl~SHEIM SHOES -Regula 29.95 •••••.•••••.••..••.••...••..•.•....... NOW 23.15 R~*IM SHOES -Regula 34.95 • , •••••••••..•••.•••••••......••.•.... HOW 27.85 FlORStEIM SHOES -Regula 41.95 ••••••••••••.•..••••••••......••....• , NOW 33.85 ' . . ~: . • ~·-.~·* ~ LEISURE SUITS 1 GROUP OF LEISURE SUITS -Regula 79.r:JJ ............................ HOW 49.75 "" ~~ GROUP OF LBSURE SUITS -Regula 60.00 to 80.00 .•.............. , .... HOW 3 I .85 ~'. " . . ;!l~~"~'lttrkl.<"''.~""'\:.~~ ~~•;, .,, ?It'~~ DRES·S SHIRTS AA.RO# SHORT SLEEVE KNITS -Requolr I0.00 ••• : •..•••••••...•....•••••••• HOW 5.IS RESIUO LONG SLEEVE SHRTS -Regub-15.00 •.••.......•.•••.•••..•••••••. HOW 7.85 I • SPORT SHIRTS HANG TEN KNITS -R~ 10.r:JJ to .15.00 ...••••.•.•••••••••••••••• NOW 5.11 9M1 7.IS - GROUP OF S.S. KNIT SHRTS -Regula to I 5.00 •••......••.•••••••••.•••••••• MOW ·7 .IS GROUP OF L.S. SHIRTS -RE9Jla to 18.00 •••••.•••..••••••••••••••••• , •.••. 'MOW 9.15 GROUP OF LS. SHIRTS -Rec]Jlar to 24.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOW 11.11 oo:RSUEOE SHIRT JAO<ErS -Regula 22.95 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOW 13.15 ..J . I • fil~.tir·1~~~~i!Sli li ilCUi1 SWEATER VESTS . . ~ GRQU> OF SLEtVB.ESS ~TER$.-::Reg. to 18.00 ••.. : ••••••••••• MOW 7.15Ir1.15 . • AMPLI frall PAllCIMG • HORMAL.Al.,TERATIOM FUE 841'111 STOCK HOT OM SALE · - ~ec 'S M e .... · s s T o • E s· 346 7 Via ~ (next to Lido Th&at~r) .He.,at ~· · Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 -Fri. till 9 p.m. -Sonday 11 to 4 • • r ,l',1 '· Eiirollmenl Set For UC Irvine Applications ror full enrollment al UC Irvine will be open through Aug. 15. Enrollment is open in all academic areas a nd fin a ncial assistance is available to quallried applicants. f\Jrther inform i.tion may be obtained by calling the admissions office at 833-6703 or writing to Ad missions Office, University of California, Irvine. Financial aid information may be obtained by calling 833:5337. I I Clock Watch Too Slow for ChairmOO E ven ti me speeds up for "Super 0 ." i 1 Orange County Supervisor R alph Diedrich, ~hoee gruU .m ann er and imposing personality have drawn Unit .nickname, Jllade it clear Wednesday he wasn't about to go by the clock in the board hearing room . He said it was four minutes slow. Super visors had cleared the agenda or p?'e• liminary ite ms a nd had only the key matter or the day left lo consider. The problem was the item was set for a "time cer\alin" hearing at 10 a.rp. 'the .meeting room wall clc)cksb0wed9:S5.a.m. , Shuffling papers ltnpatiently, "SOper D'' lurned f:ounty E11dor.ses P.l"n Private Def ender Due? SANTA ANA -A plan to take on private at· tornies as volunleer de- puty public defenders has been endorsed by O r a n g e C ount y s uper visors. Supervisors supported a r equ'e s t b y Public D e f e nder Frank Williams to hire without pay two lawyers who had asked to work in the of- fice for additio nal ex- perience. Supervisors were told 1 t h a t t h e vo l u n leers w o ul d h e lp e a se a crushing load o r cases the defender's offi ce h:ls r eceived in the past few months. IN A RE PORT lo the board, Willia ms s aid his caseload is up nearly 24 percent so rar this year compa red to last year an~ al the present rate of increase, each or ·bis 45 deputies will bav~ t o handle an average of 418 cases this year . " Th e vo lu ntecr i,, WiJUams said he has in mind a re not working al their-practices full time ::md would work for his o ffi ce un der ::.lritl supervision. Williams needed board approval before he could d e putize the la wyers . Though they will gel no salary, the volunteers will be covered by coun- ty employe ins urann· program::.. T ll E P U B L I C Defendt>r ::.atd t o hts knowledge, 1t is the first time unpaid vol unteers have been u::.ed by an> public defender's offi ce. Willi a ms s a id t he l'ou nty at timl's hin!!> private altornics to dt! fe nd people on trial in <• case involving morl' than one J cfendanl n ut, ht> noted, those lawyers an• pa1J. Freeway Offramp Will Be Oosed ANAHEIM The offramp from the ::.outhbound Santa Ana F"reew <iy to 13rookhur::.t Street in Anaheim will be closed for i.e,•cr al months ::.tarting Aug. 4. T he reason , says the Stale De partment or Trans port a tion <CALTRANS ), is that a new freeway overcross ing is being built at n rook hurs t Street. Thursday. Ju ly 31 . 1975 OAIL v PILOT A 11 SUMMER CLEARANCE 30-50o/o OFF ALL FABRICS PATTERNS & NOTIONS -40% O FF Everything Must Go! SALE STARTS TODAY-JULY 31 :u o:~ ;\,.,,port Hh.t. '"'~ fltll'I B1•ud 1 ca""" (111111 (al\ II Jll I h 7:i-:! l.)7 I O-:>::~o y1.11t . to the com m un ic at ions m an who tapes the board liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .......... ~ ........ jp •• ;p;p;;m;;:liiiiiiiiiiiiim-meelings and ordered, "Check the time . I don't believe lh,at,cl9ck is riJbt." . Sure eno(agll the communications man •repotted after telepholl1ng for the time, the clQCk was four minutes off. • "l trus t you'll see that it's fixed," Diedrich said to the sound man a s he gaveled the session back Uito «!!ST· Deaths Elsewhere ARCAC HON. f'r ance (U PI > -American ope ra s ing e r Enzo Bozane. 8~. died Monday night at a hospital here where he w as r ecently admitted for his de · terio r a ling state-of healt h, friends or the family said Wednesday. Bozane was a singer of world renown in opera circles. Death Noti~es LEWTE: 1Cs~--,ontrit>utlons be m•de to IM Arthur w "UFUS CLEVE LANO LEWTER, 181111 Spur ~morlal Fund 01 t~ Sdn SR. r•\lcl•nl Of Weslmln~ter, C•, O.te Ju• n C •p l st r •no Co m m un •I ~ ol duth July 2', 197S. Survived bv his Prut1yterl1n Churcll. Pacific V1tw wlM, M<>ry LH Lewter ; \llrff -·Or. ,,,_,rtu1rydlrector1. Rllfus C. Le"'t~r. J r., Andy<:. Lflwttr, TURNER <I/Id Clayton Lewter, three d<l1'9hlt", HAR 0 L 0 K E N N E T H (Kc n I Mlrgle L. S1mmc>11\, Dorothy L. Davis TURNER, •ve 51, resident ot C°"ta Md M<>ry Ann MCC.lroy , llrot~r. Moa,C•. Oateol deathJune20, 1~7~tn fr...st Lewter, lJ g r•ndCh•idren•nd ' Unive rs ity Hospit•I, L1tlll' Rotk, gre1H1r•nd<hlldren. Service\ will be Arkanw\. Mr. Turner was •n emc>loye ""41 Saturday, Augu>I 1, .iot 1 00 PM, of The Or•n9f Co.st O.ity p;101 lor Fl'11 Mt\Slon 84'pl1s1 Church. S..nt• thlrt.en yeu 1 from the beginning of the Ana, C•. d iret leo Dy Pt l k FMn1ly -~·~r. Hevlng Ileen d1ubled •nd QIOnlttl Funera l HOIN! of W•"""nstt•. relort'CI 10<' tour years. he w.is "'""" in CAI. T"" Daily Pilot Bowling Lu gue •nd !.PEER C.011 lourn•m tnts. winning \r0j)tt1H on ARTHUR W SPEER. •t\1dtf\t ot DOlh. Mr Turner was " me miler ot TM SM Juan C•P.slrano, C• Datt of ~lllh f 'ltcrnal Order ol Eagin . • ~mt>er .JvlY JO, 1'1S Survived Dy his wife, Of The First B•Pltll Churtll of Costa Su 1h, son, J •me\ W . Speer of Mew. Survived Dy his wile, Er~ Lin· AnlM •m, C• , deugllter. Vorglnl• oe Turn..,; moth«r, Theim• Willl•- M111t ol !.<In J u•n C•p11treno; 9'...0-o4 Little RoO , Ark•n1n, son, R1cNird cU11911ten, Mp . MIChlel p1v1s of Lee Turne r ot S1n l• An•, C• .. Downey, Mrs. Mkll1•1 L.c>flg•y of •it<hlldren, Gr•te E sclltl•ri ol .,.... l(li-1. Kaui!j,,~f'•li.;, >41~ Lino. OoWMY, C• .. J•mH 8 . T •0.•11 of TO<'· w.bCI of L•tun• 8eieh' 6n• Mrs. r1nce, P•lr l<i• t:.e1lle T&cllett of L¥1nn• Troller ol Cenyon, Tu n ; Hawtttorne, CA., Erma L. ~Koy of lw9thef\, H.,old S-r ol $allt1 C.rw """mlMler. Ca .; Eltt•belh Tao.en 01 -Charles ~er of S.•nl• Blr\>lr•. C~ll Mew , Lind• ~llory of s.n .>ow, IN. Sc>e~r •n San J uan (a114str-Ca.; seven gr.-.ndch ildr en. Serv1cu -'H •le d1~trlDutor for \1anoard Otl were l'le ld •I Mi iier & Leggett ~" since t'fl9. Cherter member Mortu..-y, llllle R0<k. Ark-. In.. -past prt•1oent SJC Rot•rv C.lub•nd lermenl, MetOOy Cemetery, ne1r Utt~ recipient of Ille P.tul H41r11s Award In Rock. Ja#w of lhtS ytar, w.u OrQdrl!ltr Incl RANKIN "*1tr mem!M!r of Ihle SJC Fire Dept., ARTHUR P. RANKIN, rniden4 ot ... prol<lent of C•pos1rano Buslneu C.osl• Mew , C•. 01le of duth Juty 7', ,...,,., AHOCl•toon, AH t>l•nl S<out 1'1). Survived lly Ill• w ilt Lois; SOM, Muhr ol tlle SJC Ooy scout Tr._, R•ymond of S.n JoH and aon.ld ot elder o f the S J C. Commu nit y Huntington Beacl'I, C1.; d1UQhler1, PrMllYltrl.in Cl'lurch and" mcmller of Mlrlene Hlm,,,elt>erger of Georgia, Nl'lerlc•n legion Po't H t. Memorl1I H•dlne Retmler of Costa Mew, C.,ol MN1tt\ will be lleld Monday, AUQU11 H•wfey of Co1I• MeSI, •nd Fr•mtls; t7 ~Ill a t t .00 P M , Com munit y or•ndc hlldren •nd 7 O•••I· Ptubyter1an Church, J7102 del Obl,. 9r-hildren. Service• will be held ,.,S.n Ju•nC•P••lr•no, C•. Priv•feln.. FrlCS.y. A119ust I, 11:00 AM, "9cilit •rflWM. P•<•llC View Memorl•I ll'lew C"'-pel. Interment, P1tlllc V~w lllettt. N•wport Beach, C•. In heu ol MelT'Ol'ill P•rlo.., Newl)Of'I Bel<l'I, C•. ... H the ,.,,,,ly lug9~sU memorl1I P1c1ht v;.w Mortuary d ire<.lors. 14LTZ·HltGHOM fUMElt4L HOM£ <::orona del Mar 6 73-9450 Costa Mesa 646-2424 I IELL lltOADWAY MOlTU41tY 110 Broadway. CdSta Mesa 642·9150 McCOIMtcK MOltTU.A.IY ~ Laguna Beaeh 494·941 5 San Juan Cap1strdno 4 95·1776 P.A.CIFIC VIEW MfMOltl4L PAltlC Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 'I 3500 Pac1t1c View Drive N ewpart Beach. Calllorn•a 644-2700 SMITMI' MOITUAU 627 Main St HuntinOton Beacb 53M539 .. AL.RIGHT E. KATIE .. LBRIGHT, rntdenl ol San•• An•. ca. 01te of dHlh J uly JO, 197), Surv1ve<1 Dy her hus-. Tom Alllrtghl; 1oon1o, E rneu •nd Boll AllW1ghl of S..nl• An•. C1.: talhe<', Artur K•uc arukl of Hem burg, Germ•ny , mot her, Adolft nt K•ut1eMk1 of Ora~. O .; tlf~. Jurgen K•uczensk t of H11T\~H9, Gern-.oy; "'''"• ll!.t Mowr of 8Mel, Swllar11nd Services will Ill lltld Frt· ~Y. AuQu\I I, 1'7S, 3 00 l!M, Paclfk \lllw'CNlpel fnUl'nment, "11cllk Vlnr ~morl•I P Hk, Ne wport B••t ll. P•llk View Mortuary dtre<too. TM 1...,11y wg~\11 memor1•l conlrtl>U- tlotls lie made to The American C1n<er *'-'Y· LAMB MELVIN W LAMB. Dalt of death Jult It. 1t7s. Ru1oen1 of c011• Mew. C•. O•n•r o f Cost• Mes• E•· ltnnlNl<>rs. Survived Dy I'll!. wile, Bon- Ille Lamb; 10n, Mark W. Lamllof C0\1• Mes.a; two oaughltrl, Vlclr.(e J . Lam4> d Cosl• Mew •nd Oellra L. Lamll of Costa MeH ; sister. Fr1ndt O'Hillor~ t i Te u s : l•tller. Cl•uel L•mll ol Of<lar.oma. lnwrment wlll Ile ;it Tl\· t1omln90 Cemetery In Thllomlngo, Qk1ar.om11. Bell Broldwo MOt1u.rt local dire<. tors. PUBLIC NOTICE STAT EME:HTOl'A•ANOOHMaHT OFUH 01' F ICTITIOUS IUSI N&SS NAMI! The lollOWl"9 PlrSOfts N W at>M>- dot!ed Ille 11\e Of I~ llC11t!Oid 1DV$1~1l n.me: AGAPE APPLICATORS, 2070t 8eeth 81\'d., Spau '"-HunUnQton Be.ch, C.lllo rnia 92Mt 1.N FlctlllcMl1 8u•lness Nenw re. lerrtd 10 at>Ove was flied in Or&'\Qlt 1 (.ounly on o.c..,..,ber 18, t•ll. I Jol'ln K. Mlll'loUSe, 9331 Murllnp Or .. ~-Grow, Clllfoml•92M I E~ard P. Stevens. IS7H Roni,.. vn• Or .. Cl'llno, C1tltom1 91710 This busl~s •U conduct~ lly a gener11 partnership. I John K. MllhOUSe This stetement wu llled with IN Coonly Clerk of Or1n~ County on July 7,1'75. . .. ... PublllMd 0••"91 COll l o.111 Piiot July 10, 17. 14, 31, 197J • 2517,7} Get soQtething EXTRA with your new car. Jl com<'S tre1.: with every new car we sell. Jt's the .. Golden Touch Pro1ram" and I~ includes a rigid in~pect.ion. delicate , adjuslmeftls for lop performance. hand polished. 20 mile road tcsland fi nal approval. You h n expe(l'l a little more frotn Johnson • Son. $2295 A7811 3 fih : • 1U /1J A70/1l ~· 10 ,,, l•t•H '•• 171114 tf78114) 155/13 165/13 ·~ 5.60115 (78114 (S.60113) 178114 6.00/13 F78114 878/13 5.60/1 5 s12aa ht. h&. (t11U ft1 1\c U • BATIIRIES FOREIGN & SPORT Ill WEATHER TRACTION .... CIAI. 8U'ff ••• flitine tf'f tifH• Ill•• elt••U t•et •l•ttr tlfU h •U ,., •rr. •••+ •Ill U t• & ttUtl tot lfu l taft f• \ti«' & lllWlttrt' TN ,.rtfct tHI fflt -...,,. """" .. " AU WIATMI• SML s•OWMASH• UNIROYAL LAREDO 6.50/16 7 .00/lS 7.00/16 7.50/16 l60/1S 8.00/16.5 10-15 8 .75116.5 9.50/16.5 10.00/16.5 l A J 2 DAILY PILOT Thursd•y. July 31 . 197S ivieFicuR\: sAvit\a65~ · · Academic Time Denied 3'10 le.in JS$0C13llOO • * By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tM O.llf 1"11411 Sl•ll The academic senate of the Saddle back Com· mun1ty College District this week was awarded a $650 expense account but college trustees were less sympa thetic to a re- • "STATEMENT SAVINDS " ·PRESTIGE Cud * quest for release time • .. * • • • • • • • * • • • * • • * * * • .. from leaching duties. By unanimous vote the board agreed to Cumish the senate with funds for duplication, conference and cle rical expenses but tabled the other re- quest until next month. THE SENATE is ask· ing trustees to give them 40 percent release time from classroom duties to allow officers time to Labont e. who told trustees that he spent between seven to eight hours a week on senate work. Although me mbership in the organization is voluntary, the establish· ment of senates is re- quired by the California Education Code. ------------.i·--------~ fulfill senate duties. ''TIDS IS ANOTHER 7 LEAGUES ART SHOW AS A. SKCIAL A~CTIOM: 3-0IMEHSIOM HOLOG«Al'HIC EX ... rT ,._ ON.ge A.rt, WcA I lcu Art &F-t•V~Art~ Costa Mne & tkwNa:9• leeCti Art~ So. Calf. c ,., of A.rtish & Artittit•S. llM The 40 percent figure one of those legislative would be applied to only acts t~at mand a t es one teaching salary but something but doesn't several board members provide the funds ,'' expressed their misgiv-· snapped Trus tee Larry ings because it would Taylo~. . cost the district money Basic function of the · · 9-.iddleback academic "WE STILL HA VE to senate i~ lo make recom- hire someone for 40 per-m~~dallo.ns to the ad· cent of that s a lary," mm1s.trat1on and the gov- Trustee Frank Greinke e r n 1 n g . b o a r d on s aid. summing up their aca.dem1c and pro. concerns. fess1onal matters. Trustee Donna Berry said that sena te officers have historically volun· leered their time and that the district was "better off leaving it as such." ''DON'T OVERLOAD yourselves with these (se n a t e) responsibilities." said Mrs. Berry. suggesting t hat sen a te officers budget the a mount of personal time they con- tribute. But outgoing senate Pr eside nt M onte Labonte s aid senate duties have become so overwhelming t hat it takes time away from bo th teac hin g a nd personal life. "IT'S NOT FAIR to the individual or to the col- l lege to take that much time away,·· commented H AH FIOM STitESS T-illto "HEW A.GE MIDIT A. TIOM" KNOB 98FM EYBtY SUHDA. 'Y MOI ..... ROM l :lO to t:OO .ff of iJ .ffut RESTAURANT IN IRVINE\ ~~ Serving breakfast , lunch,J ,"-+ an d dinner 24 hours -J ~~0~ dtdly in our dining roomt ~' Also se rving lunch in uur Cocktail Lounge ! I A M till 2 PM. ENTERTAI NMENT IN OUR LOUNGE Enjoy dancing to the music of "Piccadilly Circ us" Tuesday thru Saturday, 9 PM lo 1:30 AM. In Irvine, Oougl.1~ Sl. Jnd M Jc,11 thu1 Blvc!., .. 1cro .. ., I rom the Or ,mge County Airport. Offer ends Saturday! Frigidaire's Free . Saftngs Bond Offet DOUBLE BONUS Mesa Grad C hri sti n a Po u los, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J ames W. Poulos, Hunt- in gton Beach, has been named to the M uhlen- berg College dean's list for the spring semester. She was one of 368 to be honored for scholastic excellence at the Allen- town, PA .. college. *FREE ICE MAKER 5outh Coast ?taza eai SPORTING GOODS WHITE ~~~ STAG ~~, SPEEDO '~ SWIM SUITS . NEW COLORS in now •DISCONTINUED COLORS GALS 395 GUYS 295 Not All Sizes, Colors BACK PACK MOUNTAIN & RAIN PARKA REG. 43.50 s29so FAMOUS MAKE HIKING BOOT Reg. 59.95 Save 10.00 ,_ (Con' t Mention N ome) 2 TONE WESTERN "UP HILL DOWN HILL" DOWN VESTS REG. 43.95 2995 HURRY I LIMITED QUANTITY WATER SKI VEST SPECIAL VOIT TYPE II Nylon Coast Guard Approved Red and White Nylon Cover~ Unicell Reg. Price 31.50 2495 MIDSUMMER SALr n 'p 'n> B Pen 8Pllit11t f 'un For 51 l 't•ars 24 HR. FISHING PHONE: 547-2545 ·'-Reg. 48.50 Sale 3850 ' ' ShOffer Rod• W ith Butt S~- · 1oon. Loh of Guide• Moke Tho• The Popular Albocorc Rod. BROOKS ALL PURPOSE SHOES For Jogging Reg. 20.50 Volleyball Cross Country 149.5 Field Sports Casual W ear • Blue Nylon Uppers with Suede Trim in Blue and Yellow STARTER GOLF SET SHOT CONTROL I CHAMPIONSHIP BYGOLFCO 2 WOODS SPECIAL SIRONS 5500 LADIES SPECIAL 2wooos52so 5 IRONS FISHING DISCOUNTS ALWAYS- ALL LURES ~. ~~20% ~·-OFF RODS AND REELS At Low ComfMtitlve Prices CntlJ All To p Major Brands: 199 Wilson -Penn -Spold- in DOVE SEASON SEPT. OPENING WINCHESTER ·SHOT SHELL SPECIAL IOX 10% PRICE OFF CASE15% PRICE OFF ' BASEBALL I /' BATTING .;~./!'.. MACHINE FORFUNGO ~--~l OR '\:A:;.., CATCHING PRACTICE /-;-~ ~ SPECIAL ·: _/ r' /\"{ INTRODUCTION (;, I / PRICE .._ ,.,... 2695 J \ WATER \, SPORTS ~r~ .. •The Ultiinote, Connelly _ _,,.,,... ...... ~- • Wohtr Skis. -0. • · Super Inlaid Wooch , •··· · / ,~ .... ""'···· .. -· ~ . . . Pro Corn~tolion l indir19s . _ i 1 j -• • FOAM BOARD ..,..-~!-:· SURFRIDERS -· · -41s REUAL TYPE •All MATTRESS SURF RIDER 219 E. 4th Kl-7-5723 601 S.Euclid 87 1-5988 NEWPORT BEACH Fashion Island 644-2121 CERRITOS #1 ~3 Mall 924-1625 t ' HOUllS Ml<' -M 9.)0tet Sot. 9:30t•6 ( I lt/f6*"1t '"-*vrn tO•-'•••"" ~., 10. -'• •• -w-. ,,,....,_ •• l,,,... 'WITH EITHER FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR Free $25 SeriesE Savings Bond with this Frigidaire 100% Frost-Proof 20.6 cu-ft Refrigerator- Freezer. SAVE s601 WCD FPCl-170T-7 Free $25 Series E Savings Bond with this Frigidaire 100% Frost-Proof 17.0 cu-ft Refrigerator- Freezer. $419!~ Free $25 Series E Savings *FREE ICE MA-KER Bond with this Frigidaire 18-lb capacity Heavy Duty Washer. $469~ *FREE ICE MAKER *FREE ICE MAKER Free from Frigidaire! 'You pay onlv s111111 1nsta11a1oon ctwge A $25 U.S. Series E Savings Bond with any of these popular Frigidaire models. , .. './ By Bil Keane Cult 'Hiding' Daughter, 18 By GEORGE W. CORNELL ., ......... Wfftlf : S"iOsSET, N .Y. -A Lone Island couple, whose *ghter went on a trip but didn't come back · ause of her i~volvement with a religious cult, ve told ot their W\ISUCcessful efforts to get her hOme. .S "We haven't given up." said Howard J acoby, a ~osset, N.Y., civil en(line~r. "But the cell has a iwwerful hold on her, with constant methods of rein- f9tcing their indoctrination. It's a violation of h\Jman dipily. •' Thurldey. July 31, 1975 DAILY PILOT A J :J Ms .. Eu Cr.acks Down SACRAMENTO CUPI) -Secretary of St.ate March Fong Eu says she iis rn- voking the licenses of 15 notaries public and denying renewals or new licenses for 22 others. She said Wednesday the actions were the first in a crackdown, the big- gest in California history, against il- legal activity by persons authorized by the state to notarize signatures as authentic. .. PEOPLE IN TIUS STATE have been and are being seriously damaged by fast-buck notary artists who use a privilege oC lhe slate for personal profit,·' said the secretary of state, who is in charge of regulating the state's 122,034 notaries. One "blatant example," she said, was when a notary public, William Bentley of Los Angeles , allegedly used his notary seal illegally in an ad- vertisement of a bust expansion de- vice appearing in the April issue or Cosmopolitan magazine. It is illeg~I to use the state seal for commercial purposes. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL with this Ad when you purchase a bunkbed and 1 mattress. ~ $299. BUNKBED accessories available (sold separately) • adjustable desk • non·glare study lamp • trundle (may be used for eJ1tra bed or storage) • storage drawer. MC/BA H.U.D.D.L.E. A m0Mn1 tray at the bottom of the oven turn• 'round and 'round, eutomatlcally etokin1 lht f oo4 evenly durln1 the cooklnt cycl1. lt'J the most perfect "'Y of eook-1"-em. Only from Sharp. • NIW AUTOMATIC DEFROIT CYCL!. AUTOMATICALLY TURNS THE FOOD FOR YOU Makes defro1tln1 euier, '"°''uni· .__ ______ _ JUST LIKE A CAROUSEL. form, and feater than ner. (A 3'1b, whol e chicken defrosts In 12 minutes.) DELUXI AOTA"Y "IClP!TIM!A. Tekes the cuu9WOrll out of microwi.1 cookin1. Provides precise detrostint and cookln1 time at SHARP'I IXCITUlfO HaW CA,.OUllL MICAOWAVI OVIN WAMA#TY:• tO YEAR WAR,.AHTY ON MAGNRTRON TUI!. 1 YEAR IN·HOMI HNVICI WA,.RAHTY ON PAR1'9 AND LAIOll'. "full wartanty provisio"..~ avo•labl• upon 1eque·1 your fingertips . ELEGANTLY STYLED. Chrome and walnut grain handsomely highlighted by a black·tinted glass, see-through oven door • $399 SHARP R-7600 OVER 20 YEARS IN ORANGE COUNTY ttt46 llOODtUIST ST. HUMT .... TOH llACH south coast village/across from south coast plaza.1556-7770 968_3329 HOUIS> •AAT 1•1 SHARP t HE AND MRS. JACOBY s aid Wednesday their 1 :':T':";='i: :~ - daughter J :met, a high school graduate this spring, .!;::===============:;::=::=;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:======~~~;;;:;::;::======:;::::::;::::::;:::::==:~~~=:::===~~~~~~~ went on a European trip, planning to get back June I! JG. but instead notified them she joined the Children oCGod in AmlSterdam. Telephone pleas for her to return were unavail- inr, the parents said. They said they decided to make an on-the-spot effort lo get her sent home through Dutch a$thoritie6, since sbe would not reach adult age of Ii until July 18, and sent her brother to Amsterdam l4 arrange it. With an affidavit Crom the parents giving him p0wer of attorney, the son. Mark, 21, accompanied b1 Janet's boyfriend, flew to Amsterdam, made C9'1tact with her. and arranged with the Dutch Alien Police to take her in custody, and send her home, Jacoby said. HOWEVER, WHEN DUTCH officers appeared at the Children oC God center and were told s he was not there at the moment, they merely left a request fqr her lo report to police headquarters, Jacoby re- l~ed. , "That blew it," he said, adding that the rtexl wwd from the daughter was a telephone call saying slle bad been m oved to Antwerp, Belgium, and was allgry al her pJlrents. • On her birthday she celled again, this time f{"joi Zurich, Switzerland, in a more conciliatory mood. . "She was even enthusiastic at the idea of our ~ming to visit her and we were all set to go," Jacoby related. BUT IN A SUBSEQUENT telephone attempt to rtach her·.at the Zurich commune, a member said sbe no longer was there. "Now we don't know where she is,'' he said. He said the daughter planned to enter college ~ fall, but that prospect appears uncertain. now 799 15•sVALUE Adjustable 4·Shelf Bookcase Sturdy steel unit with imaccJV• Medlteruneal\ motif. Walnut·finished, 'double-wall thtlvn ldjust 1t 1 Vt' ln· tervals to aocomodate tall books or display pieces. Contrasting black posts and scroll end 1>1nels. Spece 51viog 30x36x10" site. AMmbles In minutes. 19Al .. sroaE HOUSS: MOM; THIU , ••. ,., z S.AT. 9·6, S~ 10.4 •. Lawn care made easy Have the neatest lawn on the block, and save yourself time and work. These power tools will give your lawn a neat, professional trim in no time at all. A. BLACK & DECKER ELECTRIC LAWN EDGER Double insulated Swing-open blade guard gives easy access for cleaning and blade changing. Large wheels. two handles make for easy, steady operation. 61/4" blade. Model #8214. 34.99 B. KING-0-LAWN EDGER 2 h.p. Briggs & Stratton engine. Steel frame, ball-bearing cutter head. 7Y•" steel, ball-bearing wheels. Fingertip blade depth control. One-year warrantee for homeowner use. Model #206. Reg. 99.99 79.88 C. TOP FLITE MOWER 3 h.p., 4 cycle motor, throttle on handle. 20" high. Model #W0604. Reg. 79.99 68.88 D. MTD MOWER 3Y2 h.p. motor, handle throttle contr~r. adjustable wheels, 22" high. Model #W2504. Reg. 109.99 88.88 Breezy barriers Inside peel bamboo fencing gives your garden pnvacy and yet lets the cool summer breezes blow through. Also creates a charming Oriental ellect. INSIDE PEEL BAMBOO FENCING, o it 15', Reg. 799 5.88 Builders' bastes Plywood is a basic ingredient of most building and do·il ·yoursell pro1ects Use this sanded shop plywood lor cabinets, a playhouse. a tablP too. hundreds or things. 4 fl. x 8 It. x ¥• • SANDED SHOP PLYWOOD. 9.88 The OK corral One of the best w;iys to l<eep the kids and pets corraled and our or harms way -a sturdy wooden gale lhal expands to 4 feel. Easy to mount to any doorway, all hardware Is included. :t44P. EXPANDING WOODEN GATE, Reg. 3 99 2.88 Not available at the Orange and Capistrano stores. Shop Ward & Harrington for all your home improvement needs. We spec~lize in quality merchandise and help- ful sale$people. You'll find everything for inside and outside your name in ten complete departments: lumber, hardware, garden, paint. electricaf, plumbing, paneling, housewares, decor, and building materials. YY?rq LE§t l-!~rr\QQ~Q[l CAPIS~~o • 7107 Gardtn Grove Blvd. 301 So. State College 8980 Cherry f\,~ ~-~Wost K1tel11 1275 Brlatol 3'4162 Doheny Park Rd. 537·9671or893·8523 870·0050 ~·7111 532 ·2506 566·1SOO 498·6788 Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 9, Sat. & Sun. 9 to 6 except: Orange open tll e Mon. thru Sun. Capistrano open Mon. thru Sun. 8 to 6. Prices effective Thursday~ Friday, Saturday and iul'lday . • - A J 4 DAILY PILOT '11iroat' Decision Upheld CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP> -The first federal obscenity conviction in- volving the film "Deep -Throat·' has been upheld by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court's Thursday, July 31, 1975 LOUn ·Co~mercials ilit WASHINGTON (AP> -The Federal Com- munications Commission has warned broadcasters that il is their responsibility to soften objectionable loud commercials instead of making annoyed listeners do it. Despite a policy statement issue~ on the subject 10 years ago, the FCC said it is still receiving com- plaints about too· loud commercials . IT SENT ALL BROADCASTERS a new reminder along with a copy of the 1965 policy statement which told about hundreds of complaints Crom the public. In that statement. the commission said "we re- cognize that loudness -th~ impression created in the listener is to a degree the result of factors beyond the broadcaster 's control and varies as between individual listener$." As an example it said ''a reaction to a particular product or a particular sound effect other than volume." "BUT WE CONCLUDE THATobjectionable loud commercials result in large measure from factors of a technical or partly technical nature which are within the broadcaster's control,.and which are not adcquatcly controlled simply by adhering to our rule in the various broadcast services limiting modulation . . . ·' Bcnaored U.S . Di strict Judge John J . Sirica, who pre- sided over many of the Watergate t.rfals, has been named outstand- ing U.S. trial judg e by 25,00,0-member. AssoCiation of Trial Lawyers of · America. 2· l s plit decision Wed· .-----~~..:___: _________________________________________ _::=:.__--:------------------- nesday held. ··There can be no question but that the material in 'Deep Throa t ' was hard core .... • • ... I l pornography.·· THE DECISION up· held the eight·count con- vict ions of three m en and two corporations which operated the Cinema X Theater in Newport, Ky., prior to a raid by federal agents in 1973. The late Judge Mac Sw inford ga vc lhree- monlh jail sente nces to Stanley Marks, Cincin- n at 1, Guy Weir a n d Harry Mohney, both of Durand, Mich. FINF.S OF $16.000 each wen' imposed on l'ach and o n the .\merican Amusement Co. and the American News Co., both Michigan corpora lions. The eight indictm ents involved int erstate transportation oC eight separate fi lms. mcluding "Deep Throat.'' which were said to be ob!:>cene. lewd. I a~c 1 \'IOUS and filthy. Tiit: C'Ol 'RT rl'Jl'Cted the defrndants · conten· lion that the Jury was not given a propl'r charge by the trial jud ge and challenged the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that local community standards can be used in judgin!! obscenity cases. They 1ns1s!l'd that na- t10nal standards should bc used Thl' <.1ppellatc court d1sagn'l'd "WE CO~C'Ll'DE that the Di strict Judge could properly limit the com· munity standard lo the area encompassed by -the Eastern District of K('ntucky ... the majority opinion hcld The U.S. attorney's of. flee in Covington. Ky., s aid the action was the firs t brought by the federal government after the Su preme Court de· C'ISIOn in June, 1973 al- lowing the use oC local community standards in JUdgm gsuch cases. Andrew De nnis on, al· torney for Marks, said the case will be appealed to the U .S . Suprem e Court. Bikinis Get Okay At Pageanl ATLANT I C CITY , N.J . <L'Pl > For the fir!:>l time in its 54·year h istory, the :vti ss America pageant will al· low contestants lo be photographed in two- piece s wims ui ts th is year but not in the formal competition. Albert A . M arks. chairman of t h e ex- ecutive committee of the pageant. s aid We dncs· 1 dav that bik1111s will not be ·permitted, however. ''WE'RE NOT going into t his whole hog;· Marks said. "We're kind oC backing into it.·· Marks said he sur· veyed seven former con- testants and six said they would like to wear two- piece swims uits during pre-p agea nt photo· graphy sessioq but would prefer not to wear s uch s wims uits during the four days of competiUon. The pageant begins here in convention hall -Sept. 3. "f,ET'S FACE IT a lady and these girls ar e ladies does not like to be on display," Marks s aid. "I don't think you or I would like lo walk down the 143-Coot runway under 400,000 watts un· der those conditions.·' Marks predicted that the new rule would in· crea1e the interest in photographers covering the pageant. ·'I think a lot of photo· graphers are a little too weary of too many set shots, .. Marks said. I Catalina . . , Jantzen Co1e of California Sirena De Weese Molden form BalJ High Tide Knit Dippers And f!'Ony more! One and two-piece Bikinis, tunics. momots, sheaths Misses· 8-18 Bra-sized tops A-DD. bottoms S-M-L-XL Sportswear 70's (78) Body Fashions. 19 .~ . SHOP 9:30~M. TO 9:30 P.M. THROUGH SATURDAY -SUNDAY 11 :00 AM. TO b:OO P.M. 111 NE NPORT (47 FASHION ISLAND) -HUNTINGTON BEACH (7777 EDINGER) -ORANGE (r!OO N. TUSTIN ST. -CERRITOS (500 LOS CERRITOS MALl.4 I t v ~ 'J ~ ... The Smock. Ifs a natural. Square neck. crinkle look smock with front applique, tie back belt. Polyester/cotton. Misses sizes S,M.L. 6.99 Gauze look of polyester/ cotton. Button front with appliques. puckering, mini-pleats. Misses sizes S,M,L. --- For the natural look. Loose fitting with front pockets. Polyester/cotton. Misses sizes S,M,L. Junior Slacks 9.99 High waisted. belted, flare le pants in machine wash polyester. Colors. Sizes 5-15. VALUE Women's knee hi's 44<= Nylon·knee hi's with reinforced toe. sandalfoot Assorted colors. One size fits all. 1 . LOW PRICE 2$:9a Shon sleeve, all cotton polos with front pocket. Assorted col- ors. S. M. L, XL. NEW LOW PRI CE Men's Jeans 6.99 Men's western style denim 1ean with flare leg. W 29-38. L 29-35. GREAT BUY 10.99 Men's pre-washed Wrangler jean with flare leg. W 29-38. L 29-35. Matching jacket also available. SPECIAL PURCHASE Sportswear Fabric sac yd. Assorted sportswear fabric in cottons and blends. 44/45" wide. LOWPRICE . 5/e$iad ~ Large spools of 225 yards. In assorted colors. GREAT BUY Scissors 3.21 Stainless steel scissors with plastic moulded handle. Cuts many fabrics with ease and comfort. LOW PRICE Men's & Boys' Fabric Oxfords 4.99 Cotton uppers, rubber soles. Brown or blue in men's sizes 6 V2 to 11, 12. Boys' sizes 21,~ ·6. ' GREAT BUY Soya' Athletic Shoes '7.88 Boys' athletic shoe with nylon base. split teatner toe cap and counter. Vv'hite leather stripes and eystay. NllV)' and red. Boys' sizes 31fM>. Youths sizes 12'h-3. ......_ PAU: BelCh at Oranoethotl>e •Open weekdays 9:30 to 9:30. Sundays 10 toe. ~·City Of. at Garden 0tow BMS. •Open WMkdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 toe. MMJA AMA: 3900 So. Brtstof-fllo. o f So. Coaat Ptaz.a •Open Deity 9:30 to 9. Sundaya 10 to 8. I . lJ1\ll l I 11.V I 0 I DRAPES SPREADS SLEEPING BAGS Kodacolor Develop & Print Special ~:~10 ~ --=:i J 12 ~~~i_ s2.19 2o ~~L s3.19 Good July 31st thru Aug. 5th, 1975 . ---___ , HOT BUY 5 pc. Bath Sets s·.sls Includes lid and tank covers. tank top mat and contour rug. Machine wash Dacron· polyester 1n assorted colors VALUE Lined Attache 11.99 Vinyl covered attache with file pockel Fully lined In brown or black. 17x1 2x4". SALE Foot Locker 13.99 Reg. 15.99. Wood frame with vinyl covi>ring Drnwholl locks Choice of color., 30x 15x 12· LOW PRICE Gym Bag 3.66 16'' bags in your choice of vinyl or canvas Asc;ortcd colors Heavy duty zipper SUPER PRICE Pedal Exerciser 5.55 Pedal yourself slim. 1" frame-1 steel ena"'el tubing. Vinyl floor mat attached. ! SPECIAL BUY Ladies' Luggage Semi-molded vinyl luggage. Blue, green, tangerine. Beauty Case 7.99 21 " Weekender 9.99 25" Pullman 11 ·.99 27" Pullman 14.99 LOW, LOW PRICE Corsair Typewriter 56.99 Manual typewrit'r tlb 84 characters. 2 color ribbon. Handy student aide. SALE Rockwell CaJcul•tor 16.99 a.., It.II.Hand calculator with memory l.. ..,..,._._._....;._._... per~orms 4 funGtlOns. 8 'I digit readout, 411. key. Disposable battery. ~~~w~~:-+:.4~":.\ VALUE Floor Cushions ~~~ml~a!lil~ 4 ~4'-~ea. Mini Lamps Mini Priced 9.99 What a buy on great lookin· WOOd base lamps that'll accent any spot in your home. cushions. Upholstery fabric coverings. A comfy way to read or watch tv. SPECIAL BUY Wilson's Deluxe Warm-Up Suits GREAT BUY 24 99 Racquetball Racquet • 14.99 ~~2-i~Ji~~~:l~i*. The Eagle by Leach. washable. Zipper front Lightweight with extra and pocket. In blue with strength aluminum frame white striping only. which insures maximum Sizes S to XL. ball control and long life. Sale Prices Effective thru Sat.. Aug. 2. 1975. WA PAii: BelCtl at OnanoethOt'Oe • Open ••= IUO to 9:30. SundaYt 10 toe. ~I: City Dr. at a.den Grow BIYd. •Open ays 10 to 9. Sundays 10 to 6. IAMTA AMA: 3800 So. Bl11tol-No. of 8o. Coett Plaza• Open Dally 9:30 to 9. Sundays 10 to 8. I I , I f • DAILY PILOT 83 Summer Needs Boys' underwear 3/2.59 Cotton T-shirts and briefs. XS-S-M-L. White. 3 T-shirts or 3 briefs per package. LOW PRICE Boys' Knit Shirts 1.77 Machine wash polyester/ cotton. Short sleeve crew neck. Solids and stripes 1n sizes 8-16. VALUE Li'I Boys' Knit Shirts 1.33 Short sleeve crew necks of polyester/cotton. Machine wash. Solids and stripes. 4-7. NEW LOW PRICE NEW LOW PRICE . Boys' Denim Jeans Li'I Boys' Denim Jeans VALUE Men's Athletic Socks 3.99:~r All cotton socks. One size fits alt. Machine washable. White only. The Treasury's Own 3.99 3.22 M achine wash polyester/ cotton. Cdlors. 8-18 regular and slim. 4.44. Husky sizes. Western look in poly- ester/cotton. Machine wash. Colors. 4-7 reg. and slim. 1·4:97fan. Made just for us. Rotary switch. The Treasury's Own 12" 2-speed fan. 18.99 l / 15 horsepower motor. (6902/9708) 14.99 Roll·about stand for 20'' fan. (6905). Sale price effective thru Aug. 2nd . Complete with aluminum blade, rotary switch. l /50 horsepower motor. Low price includes stand. (6900/$122). 119 Anacin Tablets· • 100's 57c Alka·Seltzer Tablets 25's &If" .pl , G1"'r . ]. ; . Ban Roll-On Deodorant Nt. wt. 1 1/2 oz. Treasury Foot Deodorant Nt. wt. 7 oz. ii ._.. PAii: BNch et Orano-thOf'pe • Open nakdaya lk30 to lk30. 8undllYI 10 e. ,J OIAM• City Or •t Glrden Gt'O\'e Blvd.• Open Mill~ 10 '° 8 •• ,_,. 10 to 6.. SANTA AMA: 3900 So. 8ri1t~. of So. ~ Ptau • Open Dally 9:30 to 9. SUndlYI 10 to 8. I 109 Listerine Antiseptic 20 fl. oz. 119 Head & Shoulders Shampoo Net. wt . 7 oz . bottle Wash 'n Ori Towelettes 22's Dl-GEr TABLETS Anti-Gu Antacid 139 Di-Gel Tablets 100's 77c Band-Aid · Plastic Strips so·s ~·I ..,;! ! • .f 59c Treasury Baby Powder Nt. wt. 14 oz. Q-Tips Cotton Swabs 4oa·s :&\. /!!?. t-··. 1 -39 Clairol Final Net Hair Net Nt wt 8 oz USDA CHOICE BEEF CHUCK STEAK b' <b'~ J-Ci 78cLB. Jumbo Size CANTALOUPES Grade A FRESH USDA CHOICE BEEF USDA CHOICE BEEF ROUND . WHOLE BODY Full Cut RUMP FRYERS ROUND STEAK ROAST 49cLB. s1.2aLB'. s1.2aLB. U.S. NO. 1 5 # Cello Bag RUSSETT POTATOES 59c Bag GRADE "A" HOLLY CHICKEN PARTS ggcLB. Extra Lean GROUND ~-~-/~,~ ~ BEEF s1.2sLB. . WE BOUGHT THEM LOWEI ••• Bee. use of un1111M1I v o tum • ,urdl•se• or rnanvfec+urer'1 ~"'Y ~~·~ eltowenc .. , whM they leaf' ••• • •• WE SELL THEM LOWEii IMPERIAL· Soft-Spread :1C ~arine :. •• ~ ..•• ~ ...... .:. .• ~ •• !.~ ............. ; . .;r.,_ . . c PRUNE JUICE •••.••....••...•..•.•..•..•..•••• 40 oz Bottle WELCHADE 53c GRAPE DRINK.' •••.•.••....•..•....••••••••••.••• 46ozCan CAP'N CRUNCH 91 C CEREAL ••••.........•....•..••••...•..•.........•••. 16 oz Box WESSON $4 79 SALAD ~IL•••(!•""'"' ....................... Gat Can . " SKIP9Y Prtlhlum Dfnnw $4 9 9 Nuggets Dry Dog F.ood .............. 2s lb. bag , CUCAMONGA . $3 4 9 HONEY ........... ~ ................................ Slbtln • · SLICED BEEF FRESH I GROUN.D BEEF ~~·!t· . 69x~·~ ·c LB. BRIDGFORD WHITE~ BREAD DOUGH 3-16 oz. LOAVES IN Pl(G. 93c MOREHOUSE 3 gc MUSTARD ........................................... 24ozJar COFFEE-~ . SSC Non Dairy Crtlffler ............................ 11 oz jar MINUTE MAIO 6 oz. can 310' 60C ORANGE JUICE.: ............................ 12 oz. can SWEET THOMPSON 3 SC SEEDLESS GRAPES ............................... Le. TANG . $1 70 Orange Breakfast Drink ............... 21ozjar • • ~-COLA or 79c Hares Root Beer .......... 64 oi No Deposit Bottles · CASCADE $1 15 Dishwasher Detergent. . .so oz box Inc 20c 011 • SCHILLING!$ -• 4 gc CHEESE BREAD.: ..................... , ...••••• 1 oz Box ,MOORE'S 74c ONION RINGS .................................... 16 02 pkg SPRINGFIELD ROUNDWAFFLES, .......................... 12ozPk . FULL RIPE BASKETS 381 00 CHERRY TOMATOES........................ ~ • LARGE MEATY 3L 1 00 NECTARINES.................................... : • RED RIPE 6C WATERMELON ...•.•••••...•....•.......••....•.••••.•••.•. LB. VIVA -Chocolate Chip, Fudge 'N Chips Cookie Jar Assortment BONUS PACK. PAPER TOWELS Decorate(t, Fiesta MARINA BATHROOM PAP~a,· SANTA ANA ,.. $0 ~ Af~I ~ -. T""'1 IAT UI fO I,. IUlll It TO t , ' BUENA PARK I rt• "'°'"'YO. ~ "'llM:H llf'D. • ·~ STOlll NOUlll ... ._. .. t.I TOJ:tl 11 r ORANGE -CffY ONYE SO Ii T OMOP °"°91 ll YO I etrr OllllYI IO • llll(ft, ~ SAT t TO I It TO t GRANADA HILLS ,.., CHA~THAVI. At CHATIWOMtl • ll"* STOlll ..,_,... .,.. '""" ,,. 10 JO • MT 10 1e 7 IUlllOAY •o let · ASSORTED 126 IN ROLL MOTHER.'S ZEST COOKIES BATH SOAP ASST.cc5r.bhs 4~~·69c l ' ' • I • - EndsSttcd• Russian novelist Alexander Solzhenilsyn ended 4-day secluded visit to Norwich UniYersity in Northfield, Vt. Wednesday and returned to New York. He was completing arti- cle on Russian Orthodox Church. .. ''Elegance in Time'' •REPRODUCTIONS• ANTIQUES •CHELSEA CLOCKS• BAROMETERS •WATCH & CLOCK REPAIR (Repeaters & Chron()lj1raph$ A Specialty} $'/44 11! .4c%a6 ~ ~~~ !huf!d!y. July 31 , 19715 DAil V PILOT 8$ '100 Saddlehack Classes Open More than 200 1~ sesaloo summer courses began this week at Saddlebaek Cof lege, mukio1 a record high for summer orter· ings at the Mission VJejo cam. pus. Of these more than 100 remain open ror enrollment and district residents can register for them through the second meeting of class. Among those available are couraes tn administration or J\ISUce, art, biology, business, English , hl s tory, hom e economics and music. Enroll· ment is also still possible in several genera l interest, physical education, recreation, and vocational and hobby classes. Courses are open to all resi · dents or the Saddleback dislrlct who are 18 years of age, high school g raduates, or high school juniors and seniors. There are no tuition fees for California resi· dents who have Jived in the dis· ttict for one year. For information about course openings, contact the college community information office, 831 ·9700 or 495·4950, Ext. 263. I State VD Cases • on the Rise SACRAMENTO (UPI> -Cases or syphilis and gonorrhea among Californians jumped s ubstantial· ly this year and state health officials say unemploy. ment may have something to do with it. Because ot increases in syphilis, ·which has been on the decline nationally for several years, concerned State Health Department officials are re· directing their effort to detect and treat venereal disease. NATIONWIDE. THE REPORTED NUMBER or syphilis cases has steadily declined since 1963, with the exception of a few years when there were small increases. Converse!)!, the number or gonor- rhea cases have increased throughout the country. ·'The increase in the number of cases or syphilis has concerned us during the past several months," said Gunter. "Now we are redirecting our program lo make more people available to tighten controls on lhe syphilis problem. · PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U'SINES5 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICI TOClllOITOaS SUf'llllOll COUllTOF THI STATE 0, CALlrORNIA P'Oll THI COUtcTY ~ OaAHOI! .... A~ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIUTOCaee1fo.t kl,..••oac:ouaTo,flM STAT•MC.UPO•NtAl'o. THIC:OUNTVO,oa ..... l!.iate of <>SAMU NAKAMURA,.... A ..... ..,.. J ~USAMNAKAMUllA, 0.CHWd Ell•le ef ELIN M CAll~$0N. •°' NOTICE IS Ht Mt.BY C.IV[H Coe ltw 0KfftM. trffl\on 01 IM •bOve ,..,,...Cl oeuom1 NOTICE IS Hl!llE•V (;IVlH ..... "'-1 ell l)er.otl\ hevtng tl•tm\ ~n\I ~ .. f1W -,..,.. • .......,. Ille WIO oe<eclent ••• r~u"eo to Ille h\ ell --~ .. ..., tl•irnt ...-i .. fl'I. wllfl the ,..,•\Wry vowentr~. tn Uw wi. 4'1K'*"' •re , ........ IO fife the Olli<• of tM c•r• ot ll>l' _,,. .,.. ttitm. wt"' tM ne<nwty __ ,In 1111.a court,« to prew"c lhern, ""''" ,,... u. 9fflu ef tM < .. fl .. u. - - ne<ttWI y \IOUC.Mr\, te lht llnOt#\1~ lit• (Wf1, Of" te ~·-t ~ wf9' -et the Oll•U of &URTON. C.AULOlrl, --1'-llerl, CoetNUll!dW.,._. THOMSON AHO IH?l~ON . All0<""0 el "'-offl<e ef HOYT etLIHQt, Al· •t Lew, IU• Soulfl P•lnler A.v<!., 2no ..... ., el uw, 2040 Aft. el h SC•'- "-, wt1111lef, C•lltornte 90602, Wfll<ll FO<WUI "'-· CM'tllty Clly, c..tlloml• ls 1~ pl.tee 01 11uslneu ol Ille un "*'• •1<.11 Is tl\e .,. •• ef ~of oer.,Qned 1n fll n1,.1ter ~ perlelnlng to h ..,..,.,..._ In •II Mett•n llllfW~ lht 9'1•1• of HIO oeooent. with!,. tour Inv IO IM Hle\e et NH! -.c...._ ,...,.. ,,_Chs•lltrl~llrstpulll1C•llOt10ftllls ,_ monOI\ •rter Ille lltst ~'°" notice. of this noUte . O•lt<jJUly 11, l.,S 0.ledJlllt», tt7J TO!(ll<O NAKAMURA LOllHIE C. U.ltLSOH AOmlnhtr•trlx 01 ttw [\t•I~ l!xeclllrla .. tlle Wiii 01 the •llo•• n•n><'ll lk'(teltnt of,,.. etlo'ft Mme•~ BUllTON,GAULDIN, NOYT ICUNCIC THOMSOHANDNELSOH A-...yeH.ew Att ... nevuc uw .. A.,., .... JW. tU4 Sev\11 P•lllter A'n. ,.._.. '9.r a.41 fl.., ~Oty, IMllttler,C•llfe"'l1*9J ~•""7 Tel: 12UI 4ff.04e1 ,. .. : ntl) _.U Anon.en'°" Attn1111\1r•trt• -.1-.r l..c..,.• Pllllll"'°'d Or•n~ Co.IU o .. ,1y Pl toe. P\lbll-O..enve Coot O.ltp Alet, July 11, H, 31, .. nO August 1, 191) ,.SUS Jiiiy 14, >l, .,.,, AU9\'5t1, U, tt1S2J61S P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUALBUOOlf RE"°ltf 2tO NeWport Center Dr. ~705 0"'9n Plaza JfEWPOJtT 0 CENTER D.L. GUNTER, CIDEF OF THE department's 150-employe venereal disease unit, said Wednesday there have been "substantial increases" in syphilis reported in the San Francisco Bay area and Fresno. He said the number or cases in Los Angeles is "hold· ing steady.'' NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Tiit lollOwtr>Q Pt'''°" •\ OO•l>Q bu~I Thf lollowltlQ perM>n " OOinQ ~ "tn ., ,...,_...,U. f'lsul Yu ra..i-.. Jto1yl, 1'7l,...,lM..,.,_ •• tt,.I lnlM Unified sc-i Olstrlc1, 0r..,.. C-y, C.llfenil• I. NOTICE OJI ADOPT IOH AND TltAHSMl"AL All action sh•ll lie te~en on IP'lt~ reiion during rt9\fltr °' a110ocwlil'HI SClee••I 1TWOll1\9S ol lhe governldng ll<W•O. Some reasons given for the increases included helter detection methods, more private physician cooperation with the state in reporting cases and the economic situation. (AROEl CO .• l.49C W~st 11th St , n~s.So~0RTS tV. lM• tr1ttn~ 8ou,,.,¥.,d 1 Co.\I• M<>w. CA t1UT Tuston, CA '2"80 To the County Superlnltndenl of~-" Bern•ro How.&rd Sthull, BSJ SPORTS FORE. INC. 10.. '"'""' ~ttr, CoU• Mna, CA .,.,, OoYlevero, Tu\lln, CA 92..0 • TENT AT IV~ ANNUAi. BUDGET REPORT. TNsr•PGf'tls herebyllledtrr ""'9011ernil'IQ ~rd Of lhe S(hoot OISll•<t. Tllh busl,.,.ss h <onduc Ito lly il'I ln· Tiii\ bu\oneu 1, belnn cond<Kl*<I by• dt-.1duttl • Otte ol mttlltlQ JUl\r JS. 1'1S Sign.cl: A. SltlnleyCory. Se<r•lerf b. PUBLICAT ION ANNUAL BUDGET REPORT. T ... Vo'f9•nit1Q tio.rd, l>l•lnv ,.,...Cit°" June JS, 1•1S. such rr••\ron~ • .OOlhons, •ncl cll•"Qet •s It ... ms neunary, penolng publl<•llon. INOll< hr.&rlng, ""° lirwf ~Ion, hefelly '"' lurM I~ rrPOrl. 8~rn4ro St hut I Corpontlon. AUCTION Gunter said it appears that incr~ased un- employment gives persons more time for sexual ac- tivity and increases the chance for the spread of venereal disease. He also said unemployed persons may be using Cree public health clinics for treat· mentor gonorrhea and syphilis. John c;. Mull ins Tho\ \l<1tement w•\ llted with Ille' Tiits Slollemenl ltlP.O w•th lflf County County Clerk ol Or Mo' Counly on Jv1v (.IN~ 01 OranQ<' County on July 11, t97S. u,ms. F-4.H10 F4'1'4 AMERICAN INDIAN JEWELRY As Treasures P\ibll\h<!O Or"nQP (.O.JSI Oo1ily PllOI, Pullll'>hed OronQt Coa\l Oally Pltol, July 31. eno Augu•I '· u. ?1, 1q7l 781•·/S July H , 31,Auoiat 1, u. 197} 2/llrlS Ille Public nHrotlQ on Chis repor\ will be held et At"'"° SM! Jo.tcium lnlH"., '*61 Mlc~l\Ofl Rd., lrvtnt', ~111.,on A119U)l 4, 191S, •I l;JOo"cloc~ P.M. SIQfW!<I . A. Sl•nley Cory, Se< rt Ur y ..... MAY.UO, 'ZUMI ar-----------.11 HOPI J ... .....,. lecla • MICKLACIS & S9UASH ........ _.lilly ._ric• llOSSOM ...,_.,.....,....._.._ OfS ..... Shww/ PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE B·"'4U 1.-.19 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE SUP'EltlOlt COURTOI' THE STATE OF CALI ,OltNIA FOR STATE 01' CALll'ORNIA l'Olt THE COUNTY OF ORANGE THECOUNTYOFORAHGE 1.0 llAOESl'ANOFOISTAICT ....• l'tem~-ICleGf ... U.tll(ltnl" l.AVEllAGl DAILY ATTENDANCE 1'7S.76 Rt ... f\WAOA 19n.14 1'74-1S lf1S.7• hwf Pwrlod Actu"t Actu;ot lk>OQet Elli,.,... KlrtdtrgUtftl ,-,. .......................... '62 111 111 K .. 6,tol G<-s 1 ................................ l,114 4,IOS 4,4~ ft.Ht Sterll•t su .. ,, ...._...Ta qaalM . ~Taµ 111 & C_... Ste+a•UO ........ HE SAID THE INCREASE IN gonorrhea the first five months or 1975 could be partially attribut- ed to an intensified screening program, which de· tected cases that would have otherwise gone un- reported. Statewide, there were 3,543 cases of syphilis re- ported to the unit between Jan. 1 and May 30, compared with 2,966 for the same period in 1974. The number or gonorrhea cases during the period j umped to 46,704 from 38,962. No.A· .... M He.A·t444l NOTICE 0, NEARING OF PETITIOff NOTICE OF HEARING 01' PlTITIOH FOR l'AOBATE OF WILL AHO FOR FOR PROBATE 01' WILL AND FOil LETTE.AS TESTAMCNTAllY LETTERS TESTAMENTARY G<eon 1.1 ............................. 1, 111 1,1n 1,)47 ~12 2.•7' Gr-s "'11 1,IJC 2..ll4 1.41' ~ton*<! AOUlls Sclec Ed & Sum S<.11 •••••••. 464 S.t • SSI .._"SS.SI TOl•I ......................... 1.191 f ,041 t,tU Totelt,t:U IUCB.IT S ....... Yww-& .,......,.µ ... h latt OI WAlOO MANAtOUEZ, E•l.&lr 01 SARAH M. MITCHELL. JR '~<UYO ~cu~ SUMMAllY O' CURlllENT DISTlllCT TAll al'OUlaEMENTS l'Oa 1'1$.7' FU .. DANO PU It POSE S.....•St NOltCl I~ llCRCOY CIVfN '""' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'""' !. T f PHAN I I:. l I.UR l TH A 1. 0 NllTCHEl.L ha\ loleO htrton • Amount of T ~•f'i R~Quired t ,129,403 T•• T•x llNGSS ..... Sh•w/ ...._...Ta; 1111 Stwts•SS MANlllOUEl "'" loteO !Wrt on • Pt.It pelthon for PrOlldle 01 Will •nO lo.,. lion tor Protwte of W1U •"d lor f\w.1nce \uance of Lf'tter~ t estani.~nt~ry lo thf' 01 L•ll••~ T*Sl•mt'nt.iry lo IN.' Prl• Pittohoner refere"ce to ""1uch 1s.,..... ltonu. rtltfe"<" 10 ..,hot h '' m.ld4' '°' fOf tun,..., ,,..,,,culars, •nO llwt ,,..., lllp;;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;;:;;:;:;;;:~:=:~;;;;1r------------I IU<t~r PdrhlUl•r '· •no 111•1 ''""' "no 11,,.,. anO Pl«., ol he•rlng the~ N s General Fund Net c;en.,r•I PvrPO~~ Sut11ect 10TuR••~l.1m11 . . ........... •.m.tOJ R•I• Rat .. l im it c.omwted S.llt7 S.3"1 S.3197 S.3"7 S.llt1 { ~ THE pt.o<e.,. ,...•rinci '"" ,.,.,. ""' ix ... n ~I bffn ~l lor August 12, 1'7S, •t 9.30 IO< August U, 1'1S, at' 30 • m. tn Ilic •.m, on the tourtroom 01 Oe,,..r1"-l>t E .6.RL'S (call 6 .. 2•5678~ coortroom of ~P<lrtment No Jot"''" No. 3 ot ,...10 court, at 700 Cl•'< Ce"lt'r ~••mum C.n~r.tl Purp0w T •~ Riltr ..... .. TOTAL GENEllAL FUND TAX R4TES ..... , 8otKI Interest•'"' Pror>clpal "' ,. covrl, •t 100 (.1v1< Centtr 011~ We~I. Orov., West, In th~ City ot S.W.I• .fln.o, "--· NIAJ-rr--C•lvof S.&nt<1 Ana, C•hlor111d. (.•tolorn•e. P•,,,.....h IEtl. (Ocie !lee. 71101) ............ l,S7•,a10 ~ ANALYSES or OE NE" AL. l'UNO TAXES FltOM, 011 SU SJ( CT TO, S~EC14L TAll llATE lll!lllTS AMI COMO. p t f d 0.ltd July l•. t'IS. Dat .. d July 24, ltlS. M .. RRI01T HOTa sa'"C•nwe"...,' u a ewwor s WILl•AME.s1JoHN, wit.t.•AME.stJoHN, "" ATTCMIUOOI to WO k fOr 0 county Cltr' county CIPrk 900 Mew-rt Cetlfw Dr .. Mew-rt ---L. Calif. o."' __ , ....... , r ·Y u AICHAAOL.McMlCHAN WISE,ICILPATRICIC, 'r-• ·r---... J1t11~c..1t.._ In the Att•neoHAw &CLAYTON.INC. S "'T "'UG 2 2 PM 495 040 l lllllC.mlneC•plsl•.tno Allwners•tuw "" ••"" • 1 • • loHJ ... ,.c.,1scr.&M,C•lif.UOS JOOPlne.ll.,.nue,Sulte404 y :-...a.... at I p loo °'"'1o "-r "'Av.-y Pl.y A"""Mv l•r: Petillo.,.,. L..,. 8uc11, Ce Iii._, Tu Aect lpls, 1q1• IS ................. , ••••• *. ... ..... ~ M nu......_. ..... c .... -Pulln\ned Or.&noii CO•SI O·JllY Po lot, AttOf'fteYJfOf"" P•tltlOft., AclUdl E•~nst. •'1•·1S .. •• .• • • •••• • .... ,_ I .. , lilly: M....., ..... fhiary T..-: Cmla .. c'-dl .~.Y.,, I 64J-l 71l I July 31, """' Augu\11, I. ms ,... H Publ .. P'ltd Or•nge Coast 0.&lty Piiot, I Estimated Th rote•PISon Alwll>al Aeoe_..t on Auounc of Sl~eSc'-1 Bvllding Fund ~~ • 11,450 ,,,,., l _____ :._ _______ .:_ _________ ~l~:::=,=====~:::==~I____________ July JI,""" Au9ust I, 7. 19'S 2$.llr/l unH<uredroll, t~H·l6 , ................... .. "'-------------'--------------. Sut11otel,rt\lricteOb.ll•n" 2,101 ..-----------------~------------------------~~~~--,, Gelling around Orange .County .jllSI g·a1 easier. Riding the bus has never made more sense than it does today. Orange County Transit District will take you more places in Orange County than ever before. There are more buses -all modern, comfortable and airconditioned. More bus routes. Redesigned schedules. New services. Everything is changed and improved. The price, however, is still only 25¢. There are new ideas. Park-N-Ride Express has introduced a series of nine new coi;nmuter routes to get you to and from work in peace and comfort. The cities of Orange and La Habra offer door·to-door Dial-A-Ride motorcoach r··-------------------------~---,------------------·---or1 J I WANT TO GET THERE. f . : I Please 98nd me 9chedules and inf~on on: 1 ii I 0 New rou* serving my area: _____ _ I 0 Park·N·Ride Ex.pr .. c;ommuter 8eTVice. : 0 General Orange County Transit Information. I ... .:=..~ ~ I f ! Nam , . ' I : I City Zip : , Address . , • • • • t (M•ll Ihle ~pon toOi•nqe CO\lnly Tt•n&il Oiltrlc'I, llOO North NM& StrMt. S.nl• ANI, C&Won11t 9a102 I I ·---~-----··-··-·--·-·----·-~--~---------------·--··-·...,, service for 5()q:. Brea begins Dial-A~Ride soon and other Orange County cities will follow. Chances are there've been changes made in your own neighborhood. Right around the corner from where you live or work. Every d~y, riding the bus gets easier artd more enjoyable. The time has come for you to give your bus system a try. You may be surprised. For information call: 547-3311 , . Toll free, call the opemor and uk for: ZENITH 7-3311 plu,,nco~ ..•... , ••.•••••••. , •. . . . . . •• . . • . l'AllT 1·GUCl••L. FUNO BEGINNING IALAHCE. JUL Yt, ms Tol•I CU'rtnl A\iel\ ln<ludl119 R~\trlCltd 8•1cln<f') •••••.•• ., .... •• ...... . uu. Currtnl L••b•llltt~•nO ~lerrto tncomt ......................... . Ntl Begtnnonq B.ll<1r>cr . . . • • • . . . ......... . Adtuslmenh toA<toonh Rtutv~• ......... . Ad11Atment~ 10 Current L1tlO•lll1t\ ••. NETAOJUSTE08EGINNINGBAl..ANCE .. INCOME llCJC>.tAOO Fed., el Income ................... . 11(1) St•te lnGC>me ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l1CIO (;oounty lf\C·orTte • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • •••• ••••• llOOLout ln<om .. lOUI Income Other INn !.ecurl!dTatm!S ...... Sec.vrt<IT•at~ ·••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••• Tot•I LOC•l ln<ome ......................... . TOTAL INCOME ........................... . ll9CID ln<oml119 Tr.,.~l•rs .................. . U ,'32 t,904,IOI tOS.... tJ4,4SI (tf,lS.) tl0,10 • •• (I0,041) . "·™ + . 1J, .. 1 (110,S61) "4,0lt 5'3.sn 716. IOt ;). llS,017 4,04-3.}60 41,600 20,111 101,001 ~1."6 6,l6J. 994 1 ,J.Q,OOS 6, ... S,001 1.74'.tSI IO,taS, ltO 13. 100,?tl 740.u.t 406,357 2. llt,t7J 1,otr3,0S7 1,m,t1s T,m.tts 1,0'7,139 •.m.eGJ • IO,tl7.UZ U,M3,7M U•,7SO TOTAL, NET BEGINNING IAl..ANCIE, INCOMIE & INCOMING T•ANSl'EAS . • .... l0,91S,013 U,H0.737 IS.'97.4)4 E.Xl'IENOITU•IE5 BY OIJECT,OTHE• OUTGO AND AP'l'ROP'RIATIOfll A>lt CONTINOE NCI ES tOOOCerl1l1c•ltd»IM1t\ .................... S,03S.llS 6 ... 1,ll' 2000 Cl•Ull1ed s.tl•""' ............... ••.•••• 1.Jn.JJJ 2,010,316 JOOO Emotoyc. Btntl11\ ................... ~, 610,200 t73,4tl <IOOC> 800~\, Svppl1u, ano l ,OOl,IOS 1,111.-:J 1,o.tt....,. EQulpmtnl lhpl.ic,ment ....... ............. t,011,7"3 t7',S.S4 148, IU ~ Contr<KltO Servoces •nd Ot'-" OD<trall119 e.pe,, • .-.... .... . .............. 611, 175 1,lh.~ t,607,• 6000Sltu, BullCllng,, 8oou encl ~dla, 1n0 Equipment ...................... 1,on • .aa 1.11S,5JO 'f3t,s11 TOTALlXl'ENOITUIUS •......•...•. .••.• t,ISJ,074 U,010,'3S 14,.i•.lle TOOOOl~r CNtoo ln<lucllt111 OebC Serv1ct. Oulooing Tr,,..\ltrs, l11terf11no TrtMJe,.•nO Ot~r Tr.,,tltrs ............................ . /QAPC>•O!>rlttlon tor Contl~n<~s ....... . TOTAL EX~IENDITUlllS, OTHEflt OVTGO AND AP'l'•O~alATIO.. FOR CDHTIHOENCllU INDINCO MUNCE, JUNIE• 91,IS6 NET ENDING 8AUNCI, JUNIE............ 910,10 1,016,'IS TOTAL, EXPENDITUllES,OTHEll OUTGO AHO ENOING IAUHCIE .......... 10 ... S,013 U,00,731 IS, .. 7,4M P'AltT 2. IOND I HTf;REST A .. D aEOEM"ION f"UND IEOINHING IAUHCE, JVLY t TC>lel CU<rtnl Ass.ts . . . . . • .• • .. •• .. • .. •• 1.070,'15 tll.U& NETADJUSTEOIEG.IALAHCE •••••••••• l,070,67S t.Jt,2S. INCOME IV SOU II CE 'lloOO Sttte Income ............................ 3'.11S S1.nl llOOCovnly Income .. ,....................... 2.)02 llOO l.OUI ln<om• Loc•ttncomtOtner 111.tn S.curt<t Tixes ..... • 607,SJB JU.no >17,7lf Looi Income, Sttur~ Roll.................. '31,'22 615,211 ,,.,.., TOTALIHCOME .. , ..• ................... 1,010.675 t,01',tM •OTAL.. NET BEGINHING UUINCE & INCOME ...................... 1.070,,75 2,1?t, .. t EIC.l'ENDITURES IV OBJ I CT &OTHER OUTGO 1000 Other CN190 • In< flldlt111 Debi Service, Outc,io"'o Transltrs, rnterfUftcl Trart\ft'r5enc:JOt11tr TrM1si.rs...... • • . • • • . . . . • . ...... .• •• .. ••• I, ttt.•U ENDING ULANCI, JUNE JO . • •• ......... l,Ot0.•1S 9Jt,1S6 TOTAL, EXP'INOITURl'5,0THEll OUTGO ANO ENDING 8AL.ANCE . •• . . . • • 1,070,475 2.11' ... t T1nt111 H'91t Scllool Dlslrkc, 0r_,. C-y, C.Hfenol• ll'GIHHINO BAU.HCE, JULY t Tole I Current Ass.ets • .. . • . . .. . • ........ . NET AOJUSTl'D IEG. •ALA NCC INCOME IY SOURCE nl.•'1 723.161 l600Sl•lr ln<ome................. ... . • . •• ... 100,411 maoLoc•tlnc.- 1.ocer Inc-Otl\er Ill.in S..CurtdT••n..... . ...................... 111,114 111,"8 Loc•I In<-. Sttureo Roll ... •. ....... ••• 741 ... 1 741_.n TOTAL INCOME ..... ...................... 9'7,"9 ~.•St TOTAL.. NIT B•OtNNCHG MUINCE & INCOME • • .. • . •• . ............. 1,6'9,M t,Ut .... !Xl'EHOITUlllS BY OBJlCT &OTHl'ROUTGO 'OODOtller Ovtoo ·Including Debt Service, Out90!119 T r•n\ltrs. ln'9rfur\d .,,Id Other Tr .. ut•r-s .................... , 1,0ll,JU ti),,.. INDIHGUU.NCl,JUNI'» .............. ...W wt.Stl TOTAL.. l'lCl'EllfDITUlt ES, OTHllt 1,l?t,llS t )7,'20. 2,llUU OUTGO AND •ND ENDING aAUMCE ,,., ·Tustin Unlfltd •.•••• , .. , •• , ........... , .... . u•.2to0 1,.s1,.-uu.•r. Irvine UftllleCI , ....................... , .•• , Seddfe*llV•lley Unit ...................... , S*,On "·''"• 1'7-23 •l"I. 133,411 11 ""' 137 ,oil$ 100.00'11. ,... ~ 11.--.,., k .... DfArld. 0r-.. c-,, Celifltnll• 81GINNINO 8AL.AfllC•, JULY I TotelCwrent Assets •••.. ................... 711,201 "9,'31 C30,'31' NIT"ADJUST•D•EO.•ALANCI' ...... ,... 711,207 IU,t37 IJO,tll INClOMI' 8Y SOUtlCI. ..OOStete •nc-............................ ltl,OCS 1S0,760 e.lOLCK•l lncorr>e L«et lncom.ou.trtllfn S.CwedTeae& ............................ .. ~ 11\Cel\'le, Sec;vrM lloll ................. , T.-rAL INCOMe , ......................... .. TOTAL. ... ,. 8801NNtNO . h2.2e1 112,.c1' m..c1s .... 1•7 t,0'9,611 "U.U,N? 1.111,m 1 .. nu11 UM.671 llAUINC• & INCIOM• • • • . •• ............... 1,tu,222 2,t~,HI 2,)IS,6U l•f'&NDIT\1111($ ev 09Jl.CT &OTHl•OuTOO 1'00tOIMr Ovt .. • lnch~dl"9 ~ Stnolc't, Ovtto1"9 Tr•11slen, ,,..Wld T'r-i.n-Otw TrMs .. n .............. t.t~.215 1,Jtt,t10 t....,.o TOTAL•• "'"Dnu1111 ev oe.J•C'T &O'fN•IU>UTOO ................ 1,ISt,m 1.221.tlt 1"""19 INOINO Mu•cs. JUNI • .. .. ••••• ... .,.,.,., ..... ns.ao.s TOTAL.••i-1.N01Tua1.1,on.ut OUTGO & •NDINO BAL.ANCI. , ..... . • • .,,.,, .... l>fllflect . • . • • . . • . . . • • . . • • ...... . s.tldletlK• ..,., ... """ · .................... . .. Atrf >· 8UIL.0Ut0 l'UND H .. NNl .. UUflCl,JULY1 T-.etCwrtntA.uoell ...... ... .. .. fll'TAOJUITIOe•e.U.LANa ••••.•.• ~~ .. ftC-....................... 10..-- .. 1-1111 Tr#1~1 . , , ...... 11 ... TOTAL. NU HOINNINO MLA~ll. .. .... ..,. t,nt,JM ~ 14B,t1' •.l1' ..... INCOM• 8 Ut~I ... TllA...,.elll ...... 8lCl'INOlfU•IS 8Y Oa.JICT, 1'111Mf , ........... .,... Conth••ed Oii M • 88 DAILY PtlOT Thursday. July 31 . 1975 P BUCNOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ConUnue>d from B·S OTM••OUTOO & A""ltO .. ltlATIC* 9'01t OOfCTINGENCl•S .oaQS-•.~lln,& C.41u1p ,.....«tm.111 lOCIOCOllt•kl<ld S.•vl<n ...a Ot,,.t Opera u,.. E •l>"IM' ....• .cxio S410, 1tu1ldl1>9l. &ooh -M..ila, •no E tivl~•nt 1«l00t1Wr Ovi90 1nc1..01no 0.bl )erv1t•. ou1901119 t , .. n\hW ... lntl'f'ill"d lrM'l•l••••ndOt~r ,,..,,,,,. TOTAL, EIC ... HOITU1tll$ OT'Hll• OUTc;.Q & APl'ltOl'lllA T ION FOii CONTINOIHCI•' I NOINO aALANCI, JUN€ >t Tol•I C11tren1 A>Wh NIT INOING 8ALANCE TOTAL. ()(l'(HOITUJI E '· OTN(lt OUTGO ANO NE l I NOINO Ult.NCI!. ),o.2 •t,l tl •.Ill,~ 4,1.,, IJl • 11>.4') 1.111 .... 4 ..... ~ 4,l1' ,~ 4, "'·~ 4, •~.1 .. 10.>n.°" '· "'·•~ PAltT 4 • SPECIAl ltESEltVE FUNO •EOIHNINO BALANCE, JULY I Total CuHtnt A\••h NET •DJUST EO 8( Ci. at.LANCE INCOME l'IOO lntoml119 Trin'f~r• , , TOTAL. NET aEGINNING llAL.ANCl, INCOM( & INCOMINO TllAHSFEltS EX .. ENOITUllES BY OBJECT, OTHE JI OUTGO & A PPllO .. ltlATIOH FOii COHTINGE HCIES ENDING 8AlANCE, Jl.JNE )0 ••• TOTAi.. EX .. EHOITUAES.OTHER U Y,000 lSt,000 OUTGO ANO E NDI NG eAU.NCIE tst,000 1,000 1,000 IS9 000 IYl,UOO "" 000 PUBLIC NOTICE Of'f•tTffln(- N .. e.Q1N>1ne 8etence llOju>llY\cHlhlOA<t-l•Re<e1••C11e. A.o111•t11~h to Cur t e111 t.l•Ollllln NE T .A0 .JU$H 0 8EGINNINO BALANC E tNCOMI! •t~MOO f-r •I ln<Oll• ltCD)l•I• lnc.ome llOOCOUf\ty IMOI,. llOOLO<al Income Lotal lntomt Ottwr l~nSeturfll l••u °'"''"'~ '••n le>t•l l0<.•l ln<om• l01AL ING0ME ll'l()()ln~om1no ''""~···· TOTAL. NET 8EGINNING l\All\NC(, INCOM E t. INCOMING TRANSFE RS CXPlNOITUltES 8Y08JlCT, OTHllll OU TOO a A"l'ltOl'lllltATION FOR CONTllllGI NCI U 1000C:tft111Ult05•1orlo .. 1000c 1 ... 111edS"'"''''. JOOO Employ" 8' l'lt'll!) 4()()0 Sao••. Supp l•!'•. ond lQulpm.-nl l<•p1,;cemtnl SOOOContr•<ll"<I Servi(.,~ •1"0Cllrttr 0 11tr<111ng PUBLIC NOTICE UUQI Pt•,H.J • q, ... . 60,.,. ........ 1,llt,090 • Jt,'11 n.'21 JI0.'31 S0',09t ... ~.... •.~,.,,.. ... .,. ,,,s., 1,401,11' 1,0Jl,t )I 4,441.01• •l.~.llt 1).210 l.TV 06l 1,1SO 101 ),~1.111 14,l•J.l•I 01,110 7,llJ,017 11.•11.h7 2.134,Slli 2,4'I0,)'9 1 ........ 1 ....... ouse 1.1~.lll "·~" l,410,t'IO l.•~ •S? 1 103 ,., u ,111.s.a.. 21,11q 1,J .. ,41. •I0.0 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NGnCE c.Mral~I Ot1'1tlCl 8'1c;I C.Vnty ~tint•"°"''' Adn•m•~·••len Malnt.,..,.<e • Ol>tf •llQll\ . lrtr1N10•l•I'-" S..ial ...• W•TOTAL, $Ul'l'OltT SlltVl(I: "lt001tAMS ............... .. AUXlllAlt Y PltOOltAMI. Community S.rvl<tt • F.oc! S.t•ICe' F•<llllVACQUl\OIOn M\C!Con\1tuc11on ~tel OTHElllOUTOO Tu11lon . All Olnet Outgo W41ottt.al . . Af'PltOl'ltlATION 1'011 CONTINGINCll!S .. OINEltAl ltESl!ltVI. NET INOING 8AL.ANCl:S.... .. • .. ........ .. GllANO TOTAL, Ul'INOITUltlU ,.0. lfHTltUCTIONAl l'llOOltAMS. SU .. l"OltT U:ltVICI! l'llOGltAMi, AUXILIAltY "lt0GltAM$. OTHE It OUTGO, """110f'RIATION l'OR ' OONTIHGINCIE,, AHO l,lt0.011 ~sn 1.1 ... ~ ,.. ...• l,ta,004 131190 •••• •••• •••• ...... ..• , ..... ..... '1>.000 utt 1,0)1,Sll t.n,TIO t,471.S11 a .cs >1•.1n 641.0S1 •••• •11.ou .... 0.011 NqTICI 011 INTI: NT ION TOa ... AG& IN T"a u.u A.l.Ck~tC al.VElll.AGU I tt-1S m.sn r.~ 11 Meyc..M••" 1,1 ... >en ~-..._•elt1,.llc.Mt.t0- Jl6.t1t ... ftt,NCktliMttbyOlftflth.llht 2Ml.~ lllll•~llN,. ....... , 10 wll •l<-11< .... ,. ..... , .,,. preMIM•, -tlbMI ....... t15' ... ..._." e1.o , CoU• Mtw. C.lltott'lil• l'W"*'t 10 -h 11'tenllOn, Ille ull ,...M.,_ It •l>Pfvlno lo ow 0.put '"'ti( el Al<tllollc Bewr~e Control I., h•W•M• llf •" •lcoholl< t..••t•Ot ll<Mloetwl'-M preml•no follow.. ON Uo'-C •El!A lo WINE IP\11111\ ll'lmnl~I HALl ,Merjorle l & Roy It. P\11111..,..... ~ ..... Ct>a•I O.l!y PflOI Jiiiy ''· 1'7~ 104•H 611,061 t------ PUBLIC NoncE ...... SUl'lltlOlt C.O\lltT Of' THE. STATI 01' CAll l'OltHIA l"Olt THECOUN~YOl'OltAHOE .... A ..... , GENEllAlltliEltVE . • . • 11.?16,014 ?.~•.1'4 10,17U OI Pu011"'4:0 Or•n99 Co.•1 Odllf P.lot. JUiy 31, 1'1) 1H1 /j NOTICI 01' MIAltlNO 01' .. ITITIOH TOllAilllEAll'llOl'ERTY , _____________ _ E•l•le ot FLORE NCE TAYLOP HARR IS CONSERV.A'TOA>HI P PUBLIC NOTICE $Ul'&ltl01t COUllT 01' THE STATf 0' CAl ll'OllNIA fOlt THI COUNTY 011 OtllAHGI. .... A IUtl NOTICl 0 1' SALE 0 , lt l AL l'•Ol'lltTY AT l'llllVATI 'All. '" 1"9 ).Mlltr ol U\e E\ttlt ol JAMl, COWAAOS lllOSS. Oneneo NOTICE IS Hl!'llEBV (ilVEN lhooll UW -r·~ wlll \tll •I Otl.,•I• w la to N 11"9h•'' ano 0 .. 1 olo'"r. \ub1•<• 1o cOllllrmallO" ol Ina Suoerlaf tout1 ., w illltr 1N 1411> 0• y OI ""911>1 IW). •I ltwolfloo• JAME~ L RUBEL JP .• Allwllty •I L•w. 302 Vo• OPOllC> N""'pon &.•< h, O• <1n9r (Uur.IY 'ot.•1• at c.inornl•. ell lhce rlqnt, 1111e. <1'10 '" tar•" or oeooe"' el llm• or CM41P\ . .tnd •II 11\s th)hl tlllt •nd tnler •\I '"''' I~ 9\t•t• ol '•IO Otct~nl ""' <KQulrtO IN -•lion ot lew, or ollw"w'"'· tMn °' In lllC!Clltk>n 10 t"a1 ot ~.,10 d•"t.t..--0 •t lht llm• o4 deetP\, In tond to •II lllo.tl ''' t•ln ital p1operty '""•ll"d In II'< C0\111• ly ol Oranoe, )l•le o l c a1l1orn1<i, .,., Ucul•• ly O...Ctibed H lollow> U>I 14 In e1ock Sll ol (orond dll!l Mil•. a\ PC!< mop rt<orO<HI In Boo~ >. _, 41 •nd 47, Ml'>Ctllin\'<>u) Md1>,, rr<orO> ot Or-County. PARTS STATE SCHOOle UILOING FUND IPUBLICI e EC.IHNINCi BALA NC(, JULY I l •Oo·ll•t • 6000 '>•It•. Oullo1ng•. BOOI.> on<!Mee••.ancs P UBLIC NOTICE h •.708 1-----------.,.,..-- l'ICTITIOU$ 81J511!1ifS 8 ·...U PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HERE BY (ilVCN 1"-'1 OOAOTHV E WILl(E.RSON hot\ l1ltd htreln • ... tlllon TO LEASE REAL PROPERTY. rtl~ert<• 10 wNcn is m..ie IOI" turlfltr par1icu•••s. ~ 1""1 the time ...., Pl.Ct ol he•rl"9 lht Hn~ ~ Men~ 1Gt A119u>t II. "'S. •I• 00 •.m .. In '"-(OUtlroom ot 0.l>trtmenl No 3 o4 Wkl court. •I 100 Clvk C..nier ~·~ We~1. In ,,.,. City 01 Sofnl• A"-. c..llfo<nl .. The •bove Ot\( flO<'O P•OfX'• IY ... mor~ c.ommonly i.nown •• Sl7·1 ltl; J •l mlne, Cot oll• Oel M•f, (t lllo f'nt•. lerm• of ••'• <•~ In l•wful moMy of lhe Unll~d Sl•t•> ~ <onllrmatlon ol >dlt', or part '""'-• llalantt rvto;,nuo 01 mor IO•Qi' .,. lt\1$1 -on "'" prOf)ttl y >O WIO 1 t'l'I perc..-.1 of •mount Ot<I lo be Otpo!o•IN wtthblO Toi•• (urtent '""~" NlTAOJUSTEOBEG.8AL.ANCE , INCOME lloOO l>•••~ Income S$'lCI Loc:•t ln<Of'f\C' TOTAL INCOME . 8'<00 lntorn1t>q Tr an•lcr 5 TOTAL, NET BEGINNING 8ALANCE, INCOME & IN(OIOUH'G TRAHSFUIS E.IC PENOITUllES BY O BJ ECT, OTHER OUTGO & APPAOPJllATIOH FOR CONTINGENCIES 20CIOC!.t"1t1rd S•larif'\ ~limotoyer e~ne111 , .000 ~''~'• ButlO•nQ\ Boo• s .. no Me01•, •no Equ1pme111 TOTAL, E.ICP(NDITUltES. OTHEfl OUTGO, ANO APPROPltlATION FOR CONTINGENCIES E l'COING BALANCE, JUNE JO •. TOTAL, EllPENDITUllES, OTHElt 111) 6•7 •.~•.H• •l 970 11•,)0'1 2 11• ... 1 4 tel.I•• 4,ST1,0 7 4,19',SGO .... 7.314 10,2•1,1>44 6.0'1? ~ s.s~.ooo 804.J1S •.•11.~ OUTGO & E NDING BALANCE. . ... 6,8'17.J1• 10.2117,646 PART •· CAFETEltlA FUHO IACCOUHTl BEGINNING BALANCE.JULY I total Current An eh l"" Curren! L1ot111111n ~I B•q•nn1n9 8 .Jldnte INCOME $100 11400 f"f'dtral ln<om• ~~l•lt Income 8'11l0l0(<11 income TOTAL INCOME . 8"..iQO ln<om1nq l r dn"' •~rs. TOTAL, NET BEGINNING BALANCE. INCOME & INCOMING TJIANSFEllS . EXPENDITUltES 8 '1' 08.11.CT, OTHER OUTGO& APPROPRIATION FOR COlfTINGEHCIES 2000 Cl•>\1!1td Sal•••e> oen:J 8<>0~~ Supp It~\ And (.qu1omtnl llepl•<tnit:nl 5000C:ontraclt0 S~r VICO •tnO Other Opt•••"'o £ •pen\u TOTAL, E>CPENDITU AES, OTHER OUTGO & APPAOPAIAT ION FOR CONTINGENCIES ENDING BALANCE, JUNE JO TOTAL. EICPENOITU AES, OTHElt OUTGO ~ f;NOING BALANCE INSTRUCTIONAL PJIOC.JIAMS C.-•I Eovutoon. Ell'mrnlary !.eu>nd.l r y AO ult Sublotdl Sele<••• Ecluuhon "''"'"'"'"'Y s.tcono•• v •. Sutllotal . . . SUBTOTAL. INSTAUCTIOHAl PllOGlllAM$ SUPPORT SERVICE PROGRAM$ lrtHN<llon•I Suppat1 •n~tru( tt0n4ll AOm1n1\tf4ttlon ................. . l"~tru<t•or>al MtOI<! .......... . X flOOI AOrT11n1\lrdl•On ............... . Svf>lol•I !>P"t''"' Pro1t<1• ti• d~••' JnO Slcilt C.tl"90ro«1l .-•O Pr09r.tm/. f"vo1t C,rr Y1C~\. c;.r...,., SuP90fi 01\l,.tl .ano Counly !>~ttnlend<nS. .Admonoslr.tloon ........... . N>••ntrni.tn<t" .......................... .. (lper•lton\ ........................... . -Trdf\\POl'ldt•Clfl • • • ••••••••••••• ··········• SuCJIOldl . '""""" !.UBTO IAL SUPPORTSERVICE PROO AA M S ······•••••••••••• AUXILIARY f'ROGllAMS; <..ot"nmun•tv Sfrv1<.~\. •••••••••••••••••••••••• f OOO Strvo(t\ Fa<1ltly A( QUI" hon cind Con\IN<I-•••••.• !.ub101 .. 1 ........ . OT HE A OUTGO lu1t1on .All 01rw·r OYIQO Sutilt>lol APPROPRIATION I or; CON TINC.ENCIE~. C.ENCRAL RCSERVE N E'r ENOtNC, 8ALANCCS . 28).S33 to.OS? 18.l.Sll ?tS,S33 G~nM•I f Und 6 08-C,H4 1,$-0,.184 "8,'°J 1,726,231 488,110 •3,MJ SJI.~ •.2!18. t•• 337.S'I? JOl.J&J MS. •SS 1.n1.n o 118.- 4&',lll -01.706 4JI IH 1a...1u ,.,.,n , 2.811,IOl "·'" S6.~ S•2 l'n •S•. IGI Jt.1. 000 &,0 14 8001J •.061 •8 ?llO 11,•S? ~.~·· l )9,HJ JH,OSI l,S33 All Otr.~r Func:h 4(,2)7 4A0,630 S,41 ),"'6 ~.Mo.S'6 I• 93S S,430,Hll 446.~S S,430,4)1 •Jl>,141 GRAND TOTAL, E XPEHOITUJIES FO• INHJIUCTIONAL PROGRAMS, SUPPOll'f SEl'IVICE .. ROGllAMS. AUXILIARY PAOGlllAMS,OTH(lll OUTGO. APPROPRIATION FOllCONTINGEHCIES • UI ~· .. ,, ... 1.000.000 2.000.000 .. 1)8 • 200 S.•u.77) 1,733,473 o,oll,u o l 4 Ill n .eo a.SJJ '8 sn U,4'19 JI>• OTT 442.0'IT 0 0,430 ''°·630 10,000 0 0,6.lO l olal, All I und\ 11.0S..•44 2.)43,JM 'll!,40J 1.17•.lll 48'.110 '3.$-ll SJ I Qj,) '·'~· .,. JJI S'7 JOe.~ &H •SS 1,1'11,•10 04\."') 01,12• 1116.H1 6'77,111 7.IS.,OoO 4,141,Jll s• "'" ., .. ,. S.'M,1¥1 6.SIS.704 347,000 S.SIO.l9J S.871.m ,.14,1•1 3,sn.oe. AHDGENERALRESERV( . IS.'"7.434 P\ibll\~O or .. n9~ Coot Daily Piiot. J uly Jl,197S 1•. 'IOJ,3'7 >O, ~.831 11~ TS P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUALBUDGETAEPOAT l8u09t1 tor 11~ FIK•I Yt•r a...,. ... 1"9 Ju4y I, 1'7S, -(1ut1 ... J""~ JO, 1'761 OCEAN VIEW ELEM ENTARY k -O.strl<t Or•-'°""''· C.lllot1Ha I NOTICE OF ADOPTION ANOTltAN!>MITTAl Jiil ac hon \"dll ~ 1~~tn <,n tn1~ '""°" 011'•"9 t('9Ulor or d ll1"°'•LC'd Wife idl mtel· t"'Q\Of th-qovtrtt•rt9 bOtHO To llV County Su~rtnl•notnl ~• Y N'OI• • TENIATIVE ANNUAL £VCX.E I REPORT. Tl\i,,reoo-1.~rwreby flll'Otl'rl~ QO~frntl"q bo41rO of 1N "' l'!Ool O•)tr•<t. Odl•o1m.-e11noJllftelO. t•1s • 11 PV8LICll 1 ION .ANNUAL RU()(,ET RE POQT. n.., gowrnif>O-r4, ha••"9 ,.,..,.Ot on July 71, 1'7S \u<.rt "v1)1ons, -•llOnS, ,.nd <hanon •~ II OHm\ r.t<uwr1. ~naono putllltdl•on, put,11c he•ttng, •nO I"'•' ~hon, IWrl'Dy rl'· han>the •f'oort TN> l>\>Oh< '"'d' 1nq on"" rr oorl w11t l'.M' llPIO ,u OcP•" Vltw El-ntary Sc.hoot 0 1\tr•ri 8'1.vo Ronm. 1qn Wdtnf'r AV< our, Huntington !k..:ri on Augu$1 •. 1•1>. •I 1 JOO (l()(k P M SiqMd. O•leCoocµn. Cl•r~ 2 GJIAOE SPAN OF Dl~TllllCT FromGt;aOr IC to Gt•• l ,ntcltn•tt 1q1S It l,AVERAGE DAil Y ATT E NDANCE R~v...,ll<' AO/I 1~13 11 1•7•-7S t97S 76 7nd r~ ttOO Ac.1.._1 Ac 1..a1 Bu~I l. ,lomdle I ).I/ ll'16 1400 • ·8 U,000 • 181 •,•)/> '·'°° l.J"' 1Cln4uqorten ....... . Gt.tM\I I> .......... .. <i••~' a .. . J, 101 J,71>& J.700 1,•00 Tola I . I• JI& U, ''° 1•.ooo 14.000 SUMMA JI Y OF CUR RENT DIHRICTTAX ftEOUIREMENTS l'Olt 1t7S.7• FU"'O ANO PUAF'OS( C;nercll rund Com munHv S.r vlt~'> IEO Co~ ~. 108011 """u•I rt OtJV"'' nl CIM~(OUf\I ot Sl•I• S< nool 8ulk11ng F 11"'1 A.t>cx>r1 •Ot\~nt • • • , ....... , • • • • • ....... . 'TOTAL INCLUSIVE .................. , "4el~nf'r•I Pv•PO~S !.<lbt4t< I '<IT•• Rat~ l 1m11 •.• ,,..A•mvm <iene•" Pvroo"' T •a R•lt . • .. ...... • ........... .. M~a""t~ T•• Rdl,. ~n~r.tl Fund Overr•Oe Tai A411f"\. ••••• ••••••••• •• TOT.-LC.ENERAL FUNO l •X RATES ................ . Amounl olToes T.ttR•IP P~ciuore4 Comr>ulfd J,091,652 I Sl/4 120,2" .osoo 1 )O'IO 1,0104 6on4 1n1er~~1 and 734 u11 Pr1nc.1p,.1 P•vmtnh .. ·• ., ANALYSESOFGENERAll'UNOTAXES E XEMPT FROM. O lt SUBJEC. T TO, Sf'( Cl Al TAll llATE LINllU ~tric l .. dba1Mi<t. i:.'~e~!~~l>, 1'74 IS ••·· ·····:::::::::::::·:. s.itllot•l.•""'t1'0 11e1.,,o p1ui lnceme NIU.IE •l)tllM It ... ,,,, 1.-d 0.1 ... , •• J->O. ""· E stlmettd ''"" ttu•ol\ on .,,.M< 111'1'd r1111. 1 '7 ~" $<AltOC4tl, rttttleteO be141n<'"• p1usl11t-• ......... . Atnounl .,.,_,.., !Of e~Olluff aM~ .,.,.,, .. ,, tt1S 1• · • .. · · ... · .... ""' Ma•lmuf'I\ 4111'\00J"i 10 be ~In lM ,.,,._ery o1 <u<,...I -''tr It I \e• fetlUl .. IMnll tor 1'7'°76 to be oer I~ b\' i.vy <lftllw \>KUf"H "n""•' ll~Nym~"r on "«ovnt of St•t~ S<hOOI Bulldtno ~nily FunO s.r~iu ""'°"lionrT>em IS.'l'IS Ill,~,, 1n sn UJ,)17 •.38• ,.,,)OJ ta,m tell l'&•T I CUll!ltAl ~NO ~,. 120.J" "'4 IS Actu•I ,,.,.,. lt/S '' tluefOel ··~HNINO aAUN(E. JUL y I, ms TMI ,..,,..,.,. Aut1• IMh,.,.no ""lrlc.led ~ ........... -. .............. . L.nl' Coif,...t LIHjlllleHM A<l""I •I l.\ , ........ lou•1>mt"t •10.•11 133.~ ... Siil TOTAL [X P[N011URES IOOOOln<r OulOO • U •Yl,IJI U,l>•, 142 IS,?)2.•19 In< IUOtnQ ~bl ~tVltC'. Outoo•"9 T r.in•ttr \. lntt-1 tund T r•n)ffr~ •nd Cltrtt'r Tr611••tr• 1'i(JOAP11'0Clt1dllon tor Conltn90!nt ·~~ . aei.L ()(PENOITURES, OTWElt OUTGO ... 26) U14S ""80S7 1•H t l,?•S 21' Af'PJIOPJI '" TION FOR CONTINGE NCIES I), ns '63 14,llO,.OS I t,21•,014 Nl T ( NOINC. liALAN(E, JUN()() TOT,.l, EllPENDITUAES, OTHER OUTGO AND 1. IJ0,08() .......... EHOING BALANCE U ?)6,0•3 lo.311.0&6 11,716,0U PART t BOND INTEREST ANO REOEMPTJON FUND BEGINNING OALANC E. J ULY I lo1a1 Cu"'"' l'\\~h INCOME B'I' SOURCE 8b00!'.lalt lncomr 8800 Lo<•I 1nc.on'r local 1ncomt 0 1ht r lr.dnSe<urtO lo•H lO<dl lnco,,·~. x rurMl Roll TOTAL INCOMt TOTAL, NET BEGINNING 8ALANCE INCOME & INCOMING TRANSFERS TOTALEICPENOIT\IRES BYOBJECT .. ENDING BAL .. HCE, JUNE >O TOTAL, (ltPENOITURES, OTHEJIOUTOOANO ENDING BALANCE ......... .. SSI OSO 118,J'IS )11 n1 11 S,oS4 l,7l>f>,704 ,. 1, 110 1,706 704 PART J -BUILOI NC. FUND &EC.INNING 8ALANCE. JULY I Totdl Curt rut A'"'" AdtU\t"°'"f'nt~ 10 l\((OUt"h A•c r •v•btt "'E 1AOJUSIC0 e(C.INNI N(i (!ALA NC ( INCOME 9llOO Lo<otl In• om~ l'IOO 1n~orn1no Tri'\\ff'f\ TOTAL. NET BEGINNING llAL.ANCE. INCOME & INCOMING TAANSF( AS (XP(NOITUllES BY OBJECT, OTHER OUTGO & Al'PAOP•tATIOH FOR CONT INC.( NCI(!> 7000 Cl1H>•l·~O ~l•f•P~ ••••••••••••••••••••••·••••••• JOOO E mp1oye• &onet1h lOOO ConlriKl•O S.rv1co andOll\t'r O~rdllnQ [ .-peon\t"~ 6()00 ~It\, 8 ulldonQ\, 6ook> and ~Ooa, <1n4 (qu..,menl 101AL. EX l'E NOi 1 U1' C.S. OTH( ROUT VO II APPROPRlll T ION roR (0NTINC,ENCIES . .. ........... . ENDING BALANCE, J UNE • 1c.1o•Currt"'"'••h • • ............ . l • ... L•.ttl1llt• .. \ •••••••••••••••••••• NET ( NOINC. &Al.AN(£ ................... .. TOTAL, EXPENDITURES, OTHIR OUTGO AND l.)1,8~ '~.SSJ sass HEt ENDI NC. BAUIHCE. .... .......... . Sit.%' "A ltT 4 -~ECIAL ltESE•VE FVNO INCOME .x> Lottt I \ntom~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !'lQO I ncom •no l ,,.n,tt'" ...................... . TOTAL, NET BEGINNING 8ALAHCE, INCOME & INCOMING TJIANSFEltS • .. • ......... . EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT, OTHElt OUTOO & APPROPRIATION FO• CONTINGENCIE$ ?OO'ICla;\llttO >it"r 1,.~ lOOO E m1>IOYtt 6el'lt'l•I~ •• «>CO Suoo1it \ & . , ... , ..................... . EQutpRep . . . • ..................... .. llOOOS.tt'\, eu11dl119s, Book\ ~nd Mto1•, ..,., Eouopment ................. .. TOTAL, E l(PENOITUP ES, OTH(ROUTC.O & l>PPPOPRIA TION FO A C.ONTIN(i(NCIES. TOTAL, EltPENOITUltES,OnlElt OUTGO AND ENDING •••• ..... )l)IU .. ... sn ,s.:i' 1,114 11S 71J.H8 1,114,71) I J0.000 llSl,:1<16 ~· 4,JSO S1,41 I JO ~I.HI 9S•.N 100.000 . l00,000 10,1)')7 U ,106 t00,000 BALANCE • un 100.000 PART\ STATE SGHOOL.BUILOIHC. FUHO lf'U8UCI BEGINNING 8Al...ANCE, JULY I Tol•I (Ul'rent A\~et\ ...................... , INCOME &bOO !.t••~ lnc.omr • , ......................... . M>O Loe.at lncornt-................... . TOTAL INCOME ............... . TOTAL, NET BEGINNING BALA NC( & INCOME ............. .. EXl'ENOITUltES BY OBJECT, OTHER OUTGO & APf'ltO l'RIATIOtc FOR CONTINGENCIES ~ ~lt'S, 8u1IOin9~. Boo~\ dnd Mrdo•, •nO Cquopmpnl ENDING 8ALAHCE, JUNE JO TOTAL, EIC .. (NDITURl.S, OTHER OUTGO ANO 23.211 se.m • 21.811 23,?67 ENDING BALANCE . . • .• • 80,60? 23,171 P AltT •-CAFETElllA FUND IACCOUNTI BEGINNING BALANCE. JULY I l °'"'Cur rent A.\\ttt. Lt\\ Currtnl Ll<'b•l•liU ""' ~gonninQ BAl•nu l\<liU)tme<"h lo 11<cou11h Retelv•ble ................. . A011J\lmenh lo Currtnl l ••011111,.\ • • • . . ............. . NE T ADJUSTED BECi1NNINC. 8 AlANCE .................. . INCOME a too.MOO f~e11,,comt .......................... . l900Lo<•l lnco,.,.e ........................ . TOTAL INCOME ................. . TOTAl..Nl!T BEGINNING Ul...ANCE 6 INCOMIE • • .. .......... . EXl'ENDITU•ES •Y oeJECT, OTH[lt OUTGO. & Al'l'JIOl'lllllTION J.'.Olt CONTtHGe NCI ES ?OOOC••~~oltt4 Sat•r ••\> lOOO Employ•• 8e"<'11h 4()(10Boo-\, Suppho, ~ncl (QUl~nl R~Pl3C.t,,,.nl lOOOConl,.KltO St••l<el .....,01..,., Ope••llno E•l>tf'lltt ........... .......... . TOT.AL, E llf'E NOi TURES, OTHEROUTC.0 & APPROPRIATION l'"OR C.ONTINCiENCll!:S ......................... . ENDING 8ALAN(I:, JUN( JO .................... . TOTAL, EX .. E HOITU•U, OTHElt OVTOO AHO 4S,778 1083 • 11,Jt? s. 911(1 SJ.JOO ..... '"'" s ... , 18,lJ7 11.370 U.9'71 111,666 304,~3 •23,0), m.~ n ,t11 m .1n 1,312 '°7.4SS SS0,667 •••• 11,131 13• ~·· 817,378 I.JI>?.~) l •l,410 )7,'41 •••• H ,4fl I 000,000 1,0)1,441 11. llJ 7.?SO •••• 1,038,?0I S,970 1.0Sl,441 . ... t.8,00? 6.800 1.~ s•,,J2 •••• l,IOO 1,800 1S.0'1 ~··· 7S,Oh7 ??,•70 • ••• 110 om :JOS,000 O S.000 eo.ooo s.ooo JJl,100 t,IOO 47),000 ENOIHG 8Al.AHCE . l60,ll07 4?J.OS• 4d ,t04 ANHUAl aVOGET ltEl"QltTOF l'ltOO•AM EICl'EHOITUlt£S ,.,..,. IN$TltUCTIONA&. ... 00.AMS C..~t •I E ovc:euon ElerT"etller,. ............................ .. !iot< 1.i EouCltlOfl. Elf'f't"llt"'•'Y • • • ....... ··········•••••• SU8TOTAl, 110TltUCTteNA'- 1'110GltAM$ .... • ........... . $Ul'P'OlllHl:ltVICI l'ltOG•AMS ln\lrucll-1 ~"· ln\ltv<loOl'al ,t,omlnlt:••·- IMltv<llOllal M4tdl• ...... I ... •••••• .. St-I '·*·~ 1,741.5'1 t.t14,M •••• , ... II .... To¥1 -411 , ""°' 4'4 .... ut.1 .. MS.Mr .A""'4nt\lrallor> ~· *'''"' Proi.<" •at A aaaa 1 . ..u,a1 • ~rtl •no St Mt CAll..->t'lt el u IC IJOP,.otrem1 .................... . ~IS..rvk.9• •••••••••••••••••••••········· rnr .... HAME nATU;1ENT NOTICE 01' SALE llle 1ollow1119 ~''°"" ••• ~ boN· Ne. 11'-U'1·S1'>t ntU ·~ Motl<t I' lw:nby 9 1_,.n 11\dl ~ un-C,RAZ IAOIO .. GRAZ IADIO, ltl .. dPrll9f'ed wltl, •I 10.01 A.M .. on the 1th Bt«r. Boul~v••O, Sulk UO, Hi.rtllnglon oay ol A~. 1975, tt 1]701 Millon tn Ilea<"· CA. tl647 tht City Of Weitml11~t~r. C.o<Jd.Y of C.. lov•' C.••tl.Olo 111, .. ,., 8H ch Ortl\Ot, Stttt ol C•lllomi•. ~u •t 8oul~v•ro. Sulit 1)0, Hunll~ton pwbll(Ml(llon,tothehl9hesl ~kV lle«h. CA . .,..7 ~. IM loll-Ing dn<rl~ perwna• TM~ ll<tllM u 1\ coMucteo by• llmil· ~rty: 610l °" ofleti 10 tit 1n wr 111no •NI ... 111 ~ tt<cel-.11 th« dfOft,ald olh<" ,.1 .,.y hme •""' t!W! "''' pub't«•llOl'I ~rtof •I'd l>tlorr d.tle Cl ~•le. 0..1"1July'l8, "I) Ollto.Jvly 2t. t'7S. Wl'-l!AM E. St JOHN, (OUf\ly Cler' VIOLET C WO':>':> "°""nl\I"'" .. of:"" C)l.il•OI ...,1ooet<Ocnl ecli>artl'er~lp. "72 OW-.roltl Monte C.arlo, -Ill C.. LOI.II$ Gr•l14ICl10 I II Ho. tH$7U2llt?M4. ltO'-.AHO MA)('WEll ""-Y•IUw JAMES l . ltUBEl, JR. Aft.,M1 411 t..w Thi' '1•1tmtnl w.u 111.0 with lhe Wt rti.erw the ·~hi ID -Oft Ille MU vi. o,.rt• C0u,.1y C•er• ol Oran~ County on July pr09trty. 71, "I). GENE.RAL MOTORS ~UIS AC,CEPT~NCE CORPOJ;AT!ON UIMUTUAl SAVINGS 8UllDING PASAOE.HA, CALI,., tllOI a-...y ,.,., ,..•lli.n.r Nt~ .. •<II. CA '1•.0 Attot'My t ... Admlnlilrollf1X Tel: (110•71 .. 172 P\1011\llt'O Ot•n~ Co.1" O..lly Pilot. F'Vbll O July JI, .. no AUOU>l 7,14,21, UIS JIS2-7S ~ "'"~ Co,t>I 0 .11., Piiot • PIJOllU..4 Ou1191 Coo l 0.illp Polol. Al1wney tor Adm• nh tr.ttrl r Pvbll!oll•O Ordnqe (O<l>I Oo>oly P1lol. Jiiiy ll, 1'7S )8SC).7S ' . Juty31...0.Auou•• t, 7, t91S 28S4 II JUiy 31, •rd Au9u~11, 1'1) zt.ol-H P UBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICI~ 1-----------------------l.--------------------------i~-:::::r-............................................. .&--------------------:;;;;-;:;;;-l CAl,,O•NtACOMMUNITY COUEG~S tu •.celph 1'1~7' ........ ·...... •• 713.40 ANNUAL FINANCIALANOeUDOET ltEPO•T E\llm•leO l~•I CFlllilft<i.i ~ ....... Fl11<.i Ytilt' ••111.ttllt 1t1S.1' . •• .. .............. . J"IY I, l'74,t,,,_,.._,_., "151 ~tedeiroencllturt\/ t B .. o .. uw..,. Fi.ut Y•• a.,IM111t9 .,.,.,,.,, •'1>1' . . • .................. .. July'· UIS.-E .... w...1-•. ""' Dl>trltl k'Cu•tO I•• 1 NOTICE OF ADOPTION AHOTltANSMITTAl. rt<1ulrtmtnl' 1•1>1• • .. · · ···GENERAL FUNO All •<lion \hall be •• ~.,, on lh1$tiopot1 d"''"G rtgUl«or •ut'-11~ '9tt••• rneel· PAllT 1 -INCOME lr19\ of 1ht 90,..rnlno l>OdrO. To the Couhl1 !>~rlntenOenlofScnoots: •·TENTATIVE .ANNU.AL FINANCIAL ANO 8VOGET REPORT. Th1i.rtl'Or11s htrdly lll<HJ by the 9o•ttni119 bo.trOol tht C:O.\t Community C:olltoe 01striel. 0.1• ol mttllllQ Jun~ U , 1'7S 519ned: Nor,.,...n E. WaU.on,Seutt.iry ti PUBLICATION ANNUAL FINANCIAL ANO BUDGET REPORT. The OOV· ~rn1no llo.l•O. l\dvin9 m.cl• on July t. 1'7S, such revi\lortl, a44111ofts. •no <IWnot• ., 11 Oeem J necu\4ry, penOing pul)lic.•tlon, puC>llc. hea rlno •nO final aclOC>hOn, IWrtOy ·~urM 11\s r•oort. Tiie publlc. hHron9 on 1111\ r•OOr1 will br lwld at Olstrkl HtM41u.1rters. IJM> aa.m>An , Cosla Me~•. C• on.Aug•. 1'7Satl.00o'<locll P.M. Sjc;,necf: Nor men E W•I_., S«rtt.ary 2. AVlllAGE DAil Y ATTENOAN(( l . GRAOE S"AN 01'" OISTlllCT .. , .. ,s .t.c1ua1 ,.,1 .. C:oiUI Community Colle~ Dlstro<I, Or~ C.ounty. l'7S.7' Bu~I ll,71• ttlS 1' lte¥e11ue ADA ?nO P~rooo £sllm.ne 23,'62 CURll(NI DISTltlCT TAIC •EOU••U .. (NT l'0• 1t7s-76 PutpeM Vint•••, fund -Toi.ii Requirement) 171 .. • . . • • .. .• .. .... . 12,'11,2'1 Gerttr•• Fund -Gent••• Purj)O)tS Sullje<llo Tn R•l• Limit..... . ......... 11,•s..3'1 <itnerel Fund -Permlulve Owrrldel- Ol>tr•llor>s Community 5drvlcts ...................... . Gtner•I Func:t Ptrmhl••l'~rlde\- C.pl141 Oull•y Gon•l•u'110n Pro)~h .. . . ............. .. TOT .AL . 841141n<e,rnl•IC1td 1-1·14 .:J ... :., .......... . ll'e<t iPI• ''°"' T Un 1n4·1) ••••• ...... ,., .... ... '°'•ll••ll•b"T""'~ ...................... . E""'"""·«t~l lt7•·7S ..................... . S..l4ttl<e, rutr1<1eo6-Jl).U ................... . Estlm.attO llftSKUrtd ta• re<elptJ 1'1 S-'6 ............... ,, ...... .,, Estlm•ltO 10111 •v•lf•bl~ 197S·lt •••. ·•• •••••••••••••••• Budgelfd ~ •oenalturo/ tr..,.sltrs 1'7S·I• .......... , , ......... , 01\lrt<I wcuttO I•• rtquirtment~ 197S·I• ....................... . lla1anu,r~stricttd 7·1·1' ................... . R1:crlpts lrom T •aes 1'74-1S ................. . Tot•• o•ll•lllt t'7•·7S ..................... . E•penM, KIU•I 1'74·7S ..................... . B•••nte. rutri<.ted 6-)0.H ................... . £•11..,•ltO unMCured T•• II.ate l lmtl CO<t'lpulto .111132 .7411 .701 .osoo .010( .0604 6',$11 120.<!06 l,OS0,000 904.654 c.c. (01'1\INCllOll ProJecll U,312 3,00l,74S 3,074,0SI 1, .... 1n 1, 1'7,lllS Ooncri1>1ton 81:GINNIHG et.LANCE "1•1 Clsh In Counly Truwry ............... . Rtvot•lno c .. h Fund .. .. .. .. • . • . ... .. • • .• Ac:<ounb ~e•v•ll•~ • .. .................. . Pret>aHI E 1.e>enl~ .. • • .. • • • .... • • · • .. • -. • • • Tot•ICurrertl A\Mh . .. • • • • .. •. •• .• •• • •• lttl Cu,,en1 ll.tbl•lllu& & Dtterreo 1ncorn~ . .. . .. • ............... .. Nott Beglnnlno 8•l1n<e ................... . AOjvstmtnU. A<covnu Pt<el•ablt .. • .. ............... .. (Ut'rent ll•tillltt.s • • .. • .. .. . ............. . AOJUSTEDNl:T 8EGINNING ULANCE .................... -··· •· .. lll(OM( 1_,,,.I ~rel lt100·M9'11 Vele< an\ E4u<•llOn AC.IS ................... . Etonoml< ()pc)ortunlty AtU ................ .. Employ,...nt I. Tt•lnln9 '-<'' (1230,8131,1325) ..................... .. Hlgr.tr Education Ach .................. .. Vootlonal E4uctllon •nd Retiatillil•llonAch 11•121 .................. . Other (1140,11$6.llM>, 1210,'10,'480) • . ..................... . TOTAL. l'"l:OE ltAl INCOME Ill-I .... .. STATE <MOOI Communll'r Colle~ Appottlonmenll ( .. !Olhru 1"4S) •.••..••••••• B~IMu Inventory •..••••.•••••....•••..••• Hllmt Owne" Proc>trl y T•• Rt lltl . .... ... . ............... . oowr 1'6801 • . .................. . TOTAL STATE INCOME .......... -·······• COUNTY 117001 CommUfllly COll<'9t Tu11ton ................ . E-ll••tlon AIO Olhet T.. • . ............ . Olher 1111111 • . . . .. • . . ................ . TOTAt...COUH'rY INCOME ................. . ~I-I Ol•lrkl T ••n <•1o.er?21 ................... , 5e'ots, Aenl•ls/Con•••CIS, '"lff'Kl llM0-...01.. • .................... . Stlf*lll (Nr99s (M 701 Advlt E~ati. , , , ••••••• , ................ . ~r•11dtnl Slvdie"'' ....................... • Ht•llll .................................... . Tt1e1'1Motl ,.,.., &Mome ................... . Ult Rtgistr•tlon, P•rkl<\g lo Traill< F1M\, tic ........................... . Toi al $1udent Cll•r~s ................... .. MIKell•neou) F uM\ & Olhe• lllllO,ll'IOl ........................... . Tot•I (UIO-."l .. . ..................... . TOTAL, LOCAL INCOME ......... , ................................. . TOTAL INCOME .. , ............ ,..,8'001 ...•...............• NON·INCOME ltECIEIPTS 1'9001 TUITION TRANS FE RS <9,201 Tote! Tull Ion Transit rs ................... . TOTAl INCOMR ( .... I & NOH•INCOMI: llECIEll'TS 1.-1 ........... . I l-------------------------~G;';Eir11tiifi'E It Al l'UNO .. AltT 1, EX .. ENOITUltl:S .. , .. ,s At ludl f l\tdl VrAf 9,147."76 s 000 l,J'1'1J)I 136,021 10,"83, 2'11 2.114 J79 1,841,'1• 1211.117 ••.• 17 /,8JJ,1124 717.SH 17,019 10],/)()'9 •00,711 t.11,'J<ll d 'l,1•8 1.'17US2 1,4ol,7N •.•~.m 1'8,16S 1•1s 10 (urrenl Oudll"l 'h«ll V t:•r 9.•H.J43 H.000 ?.2l\.4A4 '"'·"" 12,Jll,l'lt 3,7(14,'1• 1,S'M,'1• ,. ..... ::a ••• 7SO,oot '1'S, '61 J,JJ•.oc.• to.808,56• 11,316 . ..il "'·"s i.u.c l,'11,50' ·~·r 4•,111 4•.ooo 18,314,llOS TI ,Jl>S,9.11 2.3111 ,Ol.9 .,. .... 30,IH 1,41 t.?ll 1,060.071 47S.n? 20S,f11 154,111 OU. ..... ,. 1,041,808 H .H4 1.110.J~ 3,100,000 ,,,..a t.SOO J, 101,SOO 385.000 ..... I S0,000 if1.1t4 IS0.000 10,000 S'71,1~ U ,JJJ,SSS IS,670,0t> l7,'9S,31S 39.0UOO 411>,3:18 r•101t YEAltACTIVITIE5·ACTUAl CU•1tENT YE.Alt ACTIVITIES· 11\IDGIET IOOOCE RTI FICA TEO SAL.ARIES Ae(IUl•r Sc:l\tOule Other Tot•I l ,•S4,0l2 2.74S,2SS OOOCUISSIFIEO SALARIES 'IOn-inst rvc: t Ion "·"'.m lnstruttlenal Aides to~I lOOOIEMPLOYEE BENEF ITS IOG08001($, SUf'Pll E5, Equll>meft1 tAeolecemt"hl &Oiiier ~•11"11 E •PtnMs Tultloolli.. OIMf ~ (•IOO.~I 5'lppl IH (4Jll0.4100' Equipment Repte«ment (4'001 IOOOCt>NTRACT SE RV ICES ro1e1 llor EC trSOll "-•ctnteot 6000 (.APITAl OVTLAV SHH& lmpro~•me11b 16l001 8ull0if'l9) 1•2001 f.Qulptntnl IWOOI LMM-PlorclWI~ 16SOOI Tot•l 1.0001 70000THeROUTGO TOTAL ExPeNOITURES CIOOG-71001 110<>-NON·EX PENDi TV RE 7S00.0ISBVRSEM ENTS Tuttion T,.,,,,.,s 1noo1 5'uclHll f:lnaf\Cl•l Aid OSOOI Taltl 110001 GRANO TOT Al 11000-70001 TOl•I Nl'I 8aQlnn1119 861.,.<e -tnco""" "'00" •IOOOI ... ToUll E •s»ndlluru ...... . GENEllAL 'UllO .. AllT I Enellno Bel•nce .. .. • .. .. . . . .. .. •. . • .. . , ~h lnC.ounly Tre•iury .................. . Awvol•lng CHh Funes .............. . Aecounl~ Rt<t•vaOI• • . • • .. .. .. . • .• . .. ... • ,...,.Id E. ai>enSt •. ·• . • . • .. ........ .. Gent••• AtMtVU ......................... . Total Current A)~t~ .................... . Ltu Curr•nl Ll•llllllles ................... . HET INOINO IAl.AHCE ................... . TOTAL IJC l'l:HOITUltSI ANO OTHl:R OVT<iO PLUS NICT INOIHO aAL.ANC• llWt + tltoXI .................... • • • .. • $1'1CIAL 1t•H1tV« "ltlD l'ART ~. IHCIOMI aaotNNUtO ...... ct:, JUL.,, ltl•I GtilllnC-tyTr .. wry ....... .. ~oQtCwr,.....A...U .................. . w•C.t'ent ll•bln uu .................... . Htl~9•1Mu •.•.•.........•.....•• MJW~iloC11uen1 UMllitlH ............................ .,.,., Ml~ ... , .... ,,.. ... ~ •.................................. ..,..........,, ,.-H•At. ... •••••••••••••••••••••••,..•··•· ., . Cwrfffll O..retf.,. Elll'tllH 11 ... 1•1 TtUI (0100-79001 2,10,7°' U6,t17 1,1'7,P3 11, .. 7,lll J,00.,631 14,174.4)1 tl,1'7,113 J.00.,UI 1~.174,451 tO,SU,Mt J.~S.llS 14.109,S... 1.108.t.M 103,6q4 2,911,lll s.m.on •.xn.~ W ,'14 •.x..ao *·'" 6,'°3,2S4 •.124,13' s.211.on 1,01,711 ··'"'·337 2,93t,•~ 2,93',tl' eoun I02.••• l,6S6,IS2 110,111 , .. , .. ,., 110.l4S '·~'·°"' 710.771 110,14S l,S47,0.I 1!0,271 7,S1 •• 127 ie ...... '11.)41 l.'M6.t24 J7S.OS7 l,133.JJq H ,274,6'41 ..5104«, lt3,l 4t 1,,JJ,234 U,041,nl .MIO'' 7.S7•.m ,.,,,,,.,, 100.0-• !t74·7S .Atlu;il Fl seal Vur 44,U S,717 :J7.6At.ne l .S9t.'7• ,,tSl,).4J 2S,000 2,7li,•44 '"··" ..... U,3117,)111 ),, ...... l,S,.,,,. U0,071 -.011 ••.151 ue,Jn • 1,1$6 l<UX .. 1.cns 1'4,014 104,007 186,kl 36•.173 IJ,JOS 613,429 71l,'67 '.•?1,'73 900,'71 lSl,777 1 ....... 17,274,1>47 211.oso 711.0SO 1'.121,••• 7S.371 221.0SO 1~.4it 31, .... m 11,11f,M1 1'7HI Curnflt 8u49fl Flscel Ynr ... Sl1,04S 4S,H7,04S 1,t00,000 • ••• U .000 •••• .... llS,000 3,0.0,000 • ••• J,Ooi0.000 Curl'fftt 8u09'JI F h•UI Yter )'3.ttS J1J ... S 117.'0l *·"° .... ll•O t,IGO,OOD 100,000 t,J00.000 •JCl'l!NOITUltl$ AND OfHElt OUTGO CM•> Ot,,., OvlfCI 11000 I lf\lertlllld r,.,,.,.,,. • ..................... .. Tot .. IE Af)tflOllureu'MI OtlWtOutgo •. . . .. .................... . ,,..,,.~ ... 10,Jllfl•lt f'tOOEI CnfllnCovnlyTrusry .. • ............ .. TotelCu,,tnlAOeO .. .... • ............ . l..•U(urn!nl Uell1lllHts ..... . • .• NITINOIN08AL.AHCI!... • ........... . lOTAl IX ... NOITUlt1$, OTHEltOUTOO AHO HIT tNOINO ULANCE .................... . HOINNINO aAUNCI:, J\llY1 .,,_, CAf'£TE.ltlAACC0UNT l'AllT >, INOOMI ()pff•llflt C.i.11 .. • . ....................... . "'"'"'" ~t1¥ilbl• ....................... . 54_. ..................................... . TOI .. C:urrefll A.ath .. • .. .. • , ........... . ui.i. Cu•ffnt l l4 11111es ••••••••• ... , atGINNINO 8AL.ANCE ............. . AOJUSTIONIT alOIHNINO ...u .. c• .......... . ~I.JOI leolOI ~llNOI ,...wvl<eleliH ...................... . TOTAL.N•T HOIHNINO llALANCt 6 INCOME ..................... . IXl'INOITUltlSANO OTNl•OUTOO l'OOOSEltVICIE$ 1.00.1200.noo, .. 10.•"°' ................. . •NOINO CUii.A NCi, .IUN&. ,._., CW\ln IO ...... . Act-Ii Re<tlulllt . . .•••• "-"' . . ................. .. TeWICwrreM.A\Mi\ ..................... .. l.eM(.,,_I l tmll"ln . • • ................. . NIT •NDINOUl.Alf(I!. • ............. . TOTA&. IXl'•NDITU•l5. Onti• OQTOO A•O N&T INOtMOULAMC.I ...... "*4"'" Or..._. tMM O•ty ....... .,., *1, tm i c .. ,, .... O!M••llnt E •P4flU Ct100-7oot I 17,740,l>lJ •.ll2.608 17.0TJ,241 8,0S9,0S3 80l,S19 A,861,sn l,•21,120 '12,se? 2 ,038,J'IO • 404,3'111 •,283,76'4 Jo,401,067 100.0'\, "2.311 431,807 706,367 ••.753 \,746,1'8 37,648,116S l,018,310 .1.078,l?O •.n 1,11s 1,17•,411 1,?7•,411 J?l ""~ J?J,.,~ II 7, '!07 206,°'3 12.7•0,U J •.337 M)I 11,073, 142 I, 1111, llS IOJ,Slt 1,931,63' 3,1>17.120 111, 5111 2 ,0lt,J"O 404,lcit •.JOe.70f J6,4,S.S74 ll04.IW S,'1 •.IOI l,)1>4,111 ?U M 7.l!Ot. IS! '4,JOJ.721 11s.ooe 1,071,310 l,7Sl.3?t 0 ,SS7.041 Cur~11t e uc19e1 F10,c.al ""'' l,SO.,OG 1,SOl>,{IQ ...... ...... ... , IC ..... Ac.lual Currtnt 8UOQfe FIJUI YHrf'ls<el Ye., 30.336 .. ... . . .... . l0.336 17.111 l,12) J,12S u•,Ms It.SH 4,4)7 UM l1,)ll 21.lM ., 1'1,S74 •.•Sr 3,J'ICI 17,l)I 17,7M IT ., ,,,,., no.at 5.000 • ••• ,, ... .., .. .... .,.; l7\,1'9f "1J ,,~ N llWl ......... \uOf«l (out1 ~I 19/), L. JP. Oc>o<•o y, !,1 .. 1~ . .,,..,,,, ~·" •"6 ""'' '"' l•e<IDV '""" O' <1..00 .. ll"llll (~I· C.OUll· 21J,40l ,,~ 1• urr~nt Ud90'l f h<ol v,, .. , •H.36l n.ooo 13\.H' , ....... lll ,l'll 5'18,97' 77<1,614 PS,'81 188,3'1 7S0,000 'J'IS.S01 JJ9,0..t 100,000 axr• 1.500 ,101,500 ,3&1,769 lSS,000 YY'fl( I S0,000 181.1"6 150,000 10,000 S'l?,164 Jll4.5S9 197,3241 ,610,0'J 434,46' ,913,0W, GET ,7'0,611 .JJ7,60I ,073.14? ,178,115 IOJ,S1' ,931,6:U ,621,120 112,S8'! ,0:18,l'IO 404.~ ,308,20f • 49U14 I04,8.t S,4U,aol 1,s..,i u 12.2~1 7,808, ISi 115,00G ,071,3?0 ,Ul,371 S,SS7,64l Currettt 6u"9t1t Ft>C.tl Yt:# , 1(». O'l!J . ~.on •••• &, .... •••IC •••• urr•nt 8\ldQf'C •I ..,~., 1•.su •.0' J,J<IO 11,3>1 21,21M ., UQ,,Cll u oo ....... •••& •••& •••tt UOI t . I PVBLJC NOTKJll! PUBLIC NOTICE t91J.1' --f.DA 1'1).14 n >•·1t "1J.Jt ~ ,,_r!N A<IUll Actwl ~ t•tl!Nt• Kltdtf9''1tn .......................... t,Sl6 1... , 1,MIClt.fl U,MI (;<-•· .......................... 11,171 >1',1.. teAn t=~~ ............................ •.l• 4,0)t •."1«t>IJ )M,t2t 1 ........................... '·"' •.~ ·-OtlinedAOWlh ................... .... 7 )1 • ti ~21 Tol•I ......................... ,.,S» a ,91 U,.lOOTe ... tJ.,U. )UMMAl.V OP cu••INT DIHIUCTTAX •••••IM€1fTI...,. tt1W• Ame..M Tu lllft ~ •'hut c..111.. N.a R~lted F--Pv•llOM (Aner•I Fu-"Ct •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• C-unlty ~tVlCf\ .. •,,, ..• ,. •• ••••.,. • •. AN\u•I Re~y,.,,.nl of !>I.Me Soc'-! 811lldl"9 , • ,. ................. . FunclA-llonmet1I ................. • .. Htt(.e,,_rel P\lrpo-.c T•• Sue>Jt'< I lo T •• Riie Llmll ............. , • • . Mu 1mum Gt,,.,.I Pu•llDM l•• A•lt. .. •••••••••••···· •• Bond lnlt:rnl M'4I Prl~I~ Pomenh C~I• Mtw Elem ......................... ,. "*wpc>rt EltiM· ...... ., ................... . Ntwpon H••bo< H19ll , •••.••...• , ......... . NewpOrt·Mne Unll\td ................... . Jl,JGl,ast n1.m ' olOlt ,100t '1.114 ..... •t.toetC.M. ,,_ ,,1,)12 tn,1M ,..,l12 1,13',MS .12• .0'22 .u~ .ms .6S4t .Of'U , IS)C ""-' ..... , ...... 1 ~ Ac"'''"' of Sl .. e Sc'-I 8uil .. no F""° A,,.,,._..,,. llutrl<ted N l'"'ce. Jlll't 1, 1'14 •••.•••••••••• Tu Ae<ell>tt, ltl4·1S .............. , ........ . Actuel lal>Oflse. 1t1•"1S. .................... . "'·· ... ea "·'· C.M. '·"' "'·°" 711 .... Rotrlcted bAI..,<•, J une JO. 1t1S ...•.•.••••• Esll,.,.led tu reulpU on -"'" roll, tt1~'4 ................................. . ~al, ru trl<led bel•nu 111• '--•••• ""-' budgelM for eapeMlilun -/'Olt tr~r. lt1S.,. ............. , ............. . Mealn"IUM •mounl toti. tnt.redlnlhe MA"!Wllrf of <"''"'' dl\lr let IA•,... QUtremenh 10< 1'1~7' lo ti. ~,...., by N"Y Oft Ille M<llfcd roll ................ .. l lGlMNINO 8AUMCIE, J~Y \ 197' TCll4 .. C"reflt As.Hh '2M' 71.Ul u1.a 1.m l ,21l "..S1' tl,J14 ,,,..a A<l"4f 11,., ... 1S1 1W,J4' "1 ... lt1S.1' llWget tndudlf19 Autrlcltd 8•11tKH • .... ... . . . .. • S.toS,7't •.•, t• 4,)41,9'S &..eu· Cwr,..... Llw lllllu .,.., Otterr.o I Mom• ....................... . ... , 9t9\Ml"9 ...... u .................... . AdjlAllNl'lh lo A<tOVllt' R•<•lffble •.•.•..• Adll.dl,.,.nls to Cllfrent Ll4"!11tltt .... , ....... NET ADJUSTED BEGINNING &ALAN(.£ •• 8.INCOME tloo.MOO F_r .. ltKom• ................... . tllOOSl•te •r.c-.......................... . 1700Colln1J ltl(Otne ••• ,,,. ................... . moo Loe•• ltKome Loc•I Ir.com.°'"'' II .... Se<llfed T•8" ••. , •• 5.Kured T •"' , , .. , .......• , ............... . Totel l.o<•I tr.come , .. , . , ..•.. , ..••.••.....•• lOTAL INCOME •• , •... •·· ................. . l'IOO ln<omint lrotntf••s •.• , ............... . TOTAL, MET llOIMMING, 0.t..AHCE. INClOME 2,419,tei 1.as.m • 41,tOS .,,..., ),SJ:J,AIS 2.)t!, ... J,•1.t7t . .,, .. ·•»•• ,....~ ...... '"""" 1.m .... 1 7.Jn,111 111..JQ 6-Ult l,S".UI S,SS9.- 2l,>oQ.Stl 2'..017 ... 2','12.741 l1.W,set JS,OS1.•.0 lt .... 1.011 22,oot U.,551 .. ,.. .... 1.~1.1 .. "'·"' S.101,'21 U,900 ...... no J1,JOUU >S,J71.J• •t. 116,761 !50,000 & INCOMING T•ANSl'E•S ................ ll,Sf1,J1S 41,tN,• O ,OOJ,90I IXPEMOITU•EI IY 08JICT, OTME• OUTGO a A .. ,..o,.•1ATK* PO• CO"TIMGINCIES 1000 CertllluteCI S.l,,._J •.............•..••• 7UJO Cl•nHleel S.l"l~s .••....•.• , .......... . 3DDO E1n9to"e kneflls ..................... . CIOO Boolu. 5-lle\, ~ 10.ne.• 21.JW.• tt.m,•n •.•1'.111 '·™·'" •.J14.5'S 2.ui.111 J.1'06.ftl ),tSJ,IOt E~pme11t ReP••nmcnt ......... ........... 2,111.2S4 2,11,,112 >,oo.ns ~ Conlre<l~S..•vke' •nd Other CIPt••li"9 E IPtf\$0 , .•. , ....... , • , . l,I07,W2 2,dt,Mt 2,"'2,)'3 6CllO Slltt, Bulldints. 8-1 M'CI Med••. •ncl Eoulpmenl . . . . .. . •. •. .. . . .. . . •• . 1,ns.su 1,1t0.nJ 1.uo.111 TOTAL IX .. UIOITU•IES .................. U ,6t7 .... 1',1J2,'71 a ,Jt2,IOS 1000 Olller 0..IOO • lf1Cludl"9 Dt!IC s.n.te, O.t9Qlno Tr.,.sfers, 1n1erlund Tr-itr' ...., °'"'' Tr..,sters . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .• . 11',U. 1,a1,J1U t,7'tS4 1'0CI ,._._, .. let! lor ,..,,~,,. ...•. ., . 1.M. ... TOTAL UC,.IEMDITU•IES, On.Ellt<WTGO AND A,. ... ~•IA TIOM POtt CDtfTINGINCllEI ,.,S1',M•.JD.141tel-t09' MIE'f IENDIMG IAUMCE, JUNll • . .• .• .. • 2,•t,01' 1~1.1• TOTAL, llX,.UtDITU•IS, O'"E• OUTGO AND UIDING 8ALAMC4 •..••••••• •.J'7,J1$ ... ..,,. .. a.-, .. .. AltT). eottOlllTIE•UT AMO •IOIEllll"IOll '""D 8EGIMMIHG 8AUMCIE. JULY 1 Tot•I Current •t~ll .. .. . . . .. . ... . . .. .. .. • . • 2,901,A,. 2.'24,411 INCOME •• sou•c• MOO Sttl• tn<eme .......................... .. etc>O Loc•I ln<ome Loc•I IMOMf ottwr '"'" s.twed T••S .... .. Lnul Income. se(ured lloll ................. . TOTAL INCOME • , .. , .................... . C. TOTAL.NET 8f OIMNING llALANCE 6 '6,S1 I A1t ,lit 1, .... 0Q , ........ , 2,tll,tSI l,JG,1'1 •INCOME ................................. 4,a'O..AIOJ ,,,..,7" IJC .. IEMDITU•H IY OaJECT & OTME• OUTGO 7QOOOlr.r O..tgo · fn<llldl"4 OMlt Sor"k •. 011190lnv TraMlers, lnlerfund Tr-Ifft -ottwr T reMltr\ .......... , •• .. ... • •• • . • ?,'9S,M 2,1'16,06J ENDING BALANCE. J UHE 30 . .• . . . .. • •• .. • 2,024,411 1,M , ... TOTAL, IX,.IEMOITU•ES, OTHl•OU'TOO AHO ENDING 8ALAMCE • •. .. .... ......... 4,D0,407 4,,..,10t COSTAMaSAILIMEWTA•Y • KMOOl.DtST•ICT ~:-.1~;~~~ !~~,"~-~: ~.~~-"-~··· ....... .. 21 .. 12'1 ., .. ,, INCIOME 8Y SOU •Cll llOO SUletn<otM ........................... . '9,1'1 llOO \..oUI Income \Deel In<-OtMr INn S.<~T••S...... '1,ln L.oc..tl ln<omt, S..l11fed RDll •• , ............. , Jl2,711 TOTAL INCOME ........................... , »•.1'01 TOTAL. NllT 81GIMNlltG ULAllCE a INCIOMIE •..11' aAt'~NOITU•ES 8 Y 08JICT a OTMI• OUTGO '7000 Ollle• Ovteo • Inc 1uc11114 Dttlll Sonri<• Oul9Qlnl Trentlers, lnterlund Tranden -Olr.r Tr1tt•l•rs ....................... . l!NOIMO IAL.ANCE, JUNE• ............. . n ,,.. 3'S,»5 471, IU ,,.,ttl 'fOTAL.. IX .. lllDITU•ll. OTHE• OUTGO AMO IHDIHO aAUMC• • • ... .. •. . . • • . ... • •.G' Ot,"3 NIWf'OllT 8EACM IELEMEllTAlllY SCMOOl.OIST•ICT ... IGIMNING aALANCE, JULY 1 'total Current AU.It . , .• , • · · · ·· •· •· ··•· .. •• • INCOME 8Y SOUllCIE 9'0I Sl•I• llKOll';I« • • .. • • .. • • • • • ·••• • • •••• • •·•• -LOUI Income L0tol tncomt 01r.r tll1n s.t11,... T •••· •.••• l«.tl income, S.<urM Roll ................. . TOTAL INCOME • · · · · · · • .. · • •• •• · · ·• · · ·• • • • 11,ttJ •!,.'40 1t::J,t02 217,:laS M.7'111 IS6,W :ae1,ao 'TOTAL, MIT 1aOINMIMO ULANCI 1'S 113 A IMCOMI .... "· .. • .. · · • · • · · • ·" · • · .. • · · • • • • M ,"8 IEX .. INDITU•IS •• oaJICT AOTN••OVTOO 7000 °'"'' OUlto • ln<lwfl"9 °"' S.r•IU. ()utqo4114 Tr..,tlt,., lnl.rfl/N Tr-fets _O.,,.r Trtnsltrs ••.......•...•••...•..•• aNDING 8ALAHCt!, JUN•• . •• .......... . 211.•u M7.St6 111 ... u .... ;l'OTAL ax,.INDITU•IS. OTMI• OVTOO r AND ENDING IALANCll ... .. .... • .. .... • as,,,, ...... r, NaW~MA•llOlllUNIOll MIOM&CMOOl.OtlT•tCT elOINNIMO Ut.AMCI , JULY, rfot•I Cur•tnlAU•h .. •· · · ....• ............. -. • ..s .Sl2.n.A •MCOMa a Y .OU •CE a.OCI Sl•l• ln<DM• ........ •·• ................ . .. Loc•l ln<emt )\.ocal IM-OtMr 111..-s.twMTUH. ••••• ~· Income. S..t11ted Roll ............... , .• TOTAL INCOMI ...... , .................. . TOTAL, .. IT e•OtNMINO UL.ANCa & IMCOMI . . . . . • . . . . . • .. .. . . • .. • • • . •• • • . • • t.m .... 1.ns.- •••&MDITU•H I Y OIJICT &~ OUT80 ..,_()Iller OUlto • lnttudl"4 OeM OUIOOl"9 Trent+•"· lnlerlllt'id Tr-'en 1 «MSO.r.• Tr'"'''"' ................. ,..... 7ff... 7•1 ... INDINO ULANCI, JUN•• ..••• • ....... SIVW 4G.!N TOTAL EX,.INDITU•ll. 01141• OVfOO AND •MDIMO aA&.ANCI ..... , ........... · 1,m ,WI '.l».:Qt NaWN•TMl&o\UMl•tlOICMOD\.OllT•ICT alOINIOMO 8ALANCI, JUL"Y' 'tttal cu"•"' At .. u . . • .. .. • • • . • • . ......... m .ns ..,_,. '1fc0Mll aY sou•t• lloo $Iott 111<.,.,t • • : · • · • • • • • · "• • • • • • • • • • • • • • llOO LOU I IM.,..t .\.Ktl lncotne Olller IMll lot<l#'M T••I ..... . ~•I '"'-· Jt<wed ••II .......... · ..... · 'JOYAi. tNCOMI ... , ............. " .. " .... • HU10 "'"'" M ,151 IJ7,1'1 1,1ttPI ,,..._.. ,, ....... •.131 t ,2",1Sl ···"·* ,,., ..... '·°'·"" 4,Sl1,tJD ... 2n Jt1,lU '6S,5M llO,Ol't ..... ,,.. ' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NO'nCE Teu•Cw~•·~" ....................... . Leu Ll,..lltlet . . • . • • • • • •• • •••••••.• "" 11101 ... llAL.AllCI • • ............ . TO'f AL. IX'I NOITU •ts. O'ftlll• OUTOO A•O •If a•011t• MLMIU ,-.;a; f· ITATt·~-~·:'Ji.': ""':t,'r, a1•1N1tl1tO UL.AllCI, .1~ Y t To'-1 Cwr~ A•MO . • • . • . • • • • .. • .. .. ... .. .. , INCOMI MOOSUltlM-.......................... .. ~L•UlltlC-•.•...• , ................... . ~~:t.•:r,::oi••···•• · · ··· ............ . llAUlltCI & l•ClOM• ..................... . TOTAL, l•P•NDITU•H,OTMllll OUTOO, ANO A,,.,O .. atllATIOlt PO• CO .. TlltOlltCIU INDtN• uu•c•. ,u ................. . TOTAL.,llt,.INOITUlllH,0°"'1111 • J,:ra ~ ' O\ITM ANO lltO aAUNCI. .... .. .... ••• 1 ' ' , ,.A. T • • CA,ITlllllA l'V8 CACCIMltl'f'J ........ , •• aau.•c1,,u1.•t T ... I Cwrefll At~I• ...... • "••""" • .... .. ~ (vr,..M Ll.ttlllltltt .... , .... ",.,," .... . Nf1 ... IM\lfl0 f•llllU ...... , •• ..... ., • •• ". ltlT •OJVIHO llOt .. •1•• UL.ANCI ............................ . lflCOlllll I ....... ,, ... , ..... ,°"'. . . . ........... .. .... .. S(lfflft( ................................ . .iJOL•O llM .... e ................. .,.. ..... 1Aft.'9t TOTALINCOMI . .•. ................ •••• 1, ... U. T0TAl.,Nl9 8IGIMMIMG . "'"' ·"·"' 11 .... , 1u.n1 .,, ... .J7 ... ...... u .... 1.us,a 1,W.oot 8ALAHCE A IHC.0¥E .... ,.. ............. l,Jtt,"• ,,rll,IG IJ( ... NOITU•IS aY OIJICT. 1,6t?,S>4 OT"I• OVTOO, & A,.,..O,.llttA'ftOlt P'Oit CONTINOIEN(I p ;IODOCl•Ulll-4S..1trlh ..... , ,.,., ........ Gltecio..t , ~ ........ . Eciulpmenl llttpl.Cement, ................. . lllOOC.onlre<I_. S.rvl<u•"" 1u ... 1 Oll'l!Jr Oller •line £ • ..,.,fl ................. . m.• TO'TAL,l•"IENDITU•H.On.la OUTGO a ..... o .. •tATION P'O•CO"Tl-OIMCIEJ.,,!..:"""'••""•• 1,J:'1 ......... !,wt IENOIN• aAUINCt, JUNE• ......... ,. .. • • 16,11' ,,,_... ,,.n .. , .u.w TOTAL, •• ,. ... onu•es OnlP OU TOO .... DING a.u•c•... ...... .. .. . '·*·"· 0 l,4JS,llJ ANNUALeUOGIT•IE...,.TO~ '•~••"l110ttu•u IMIT•UCTIOllAL PltOG•AMI °"'"''' Educ•tlon: .,,.,. f'r1t!O<Mel , ... , .. , . , • , ..•• • ..•.••••. .,. •• •• • ~n1.,., ............................... . ~ .................................... . ~tt ..•...••. , .................... , .••••••••• ~··· ................................ . 5-(lat E:dvcetio..: Pretor,,..1 ................................. . Et+tn1..U•' ............................... . s-....,, ................................ .. Sulltwt•I ................................... . SUaTOT AL, INSTRUCTIONAL l'tlCO~ M.1".-0•f H •YtCa P•OG•AMI tOtn•tCT TOTAUI tnstruc16-I SllPtMlrt: lft1trvc1ion.1 ~.wu .. 1i.ri ............... . IMtruclloMl llllRdle ......................... . SU-I Aeltnlflltlrllioft ............... " •• ••• 5oMtil~ ....................... , ........... . 5-e<lll Prele<u tF.otr•I..., S4olt C..IC9Wk•I Alf Preer-) ....•..•• , .• ,._,So,..,k n ............................. . ~ .. ~,. Olstr1<1 ot>d '-'' Suoerlnl...otnu Mtnlftl$tr.tlon •..•.••••••.. , ~lfrfeeMl'<.t' •••••••• t •• f •••••••••••••••••••• ~"'°"' ................................. . Tr~1.tl.n ............................ .. 5'.Clle\tl ................................... . SOllOTAL, SUP.-ORT 1'5,n• l,Q,M J,$.J0.7'1 4..ll2.m 1.JU.m ..... ..,. J."'·' .. .,...,, l,.U$,S11 SERVICE PROGllAllllS . .•• ................ U, ... SDS AUJCILIA•Y .... 00.Allllll CommunllJ ~rvlctt ....................... . ~S.rvltel ............................... . Ftelltly AtQ11hllloft & C4Wltlf1Klltfl ......... . Subtot•I .................................. .. OTMll•OU~GO Tull ....................................... . AllOI'-' Olllge ............................. . 5'.Cll ... , ................................... . .a.PP•O .. RIATIO .. FOii CONTINGENCIES .• GENEllAL lllE:SflllVE NET EHDIHG BALANCES . , .................. . t,o:Jt.IU ISl,ltl ~ •. m , .... ..ooi m.• ,,..,.,,.. 1.m.~ 2 ..... ,M G•AND TOT AL, EX "I NDITU•H f>Otl tNit•UCTtOMAL ... OG.AlllS, SUH'Otl'T Sl8YICE "80G•AMS, AUXILIA•Y .. lt00.~0TMl8 OUTGO, AP ... O .. •tATIOtl l"O• CIOWTINGIMCllll & Gl•IE•AL•D•••• a .cm ... Pl<Cloll"'9CI ~ ..... Cotti o.ily Plllll. J Vl't JI, 1t1S A"°"'" TNI, All ...... ·~/,. 11 ... •.1•2 ' •.J'•.•1'. '·"···" , .. , ... " ~-21.u~ •• ,, t7,U• ........ 1'1 •• 1 '.150,'1S 2t,t 71,J91 1'1.114 1.0a.2 .. 2.SJ0.1)0 •.m .1n 712,21' t,l1S,tS1 J,t'tJ,'77 1 ...... ,. :l.411,7 .. •u.n1 l .2SS,SJI ,.. ..... sos 1.01' • ..., 1,7".0ft *·"' >.ll' ... m ,OM 4, 11A,11' .... , .. ,, , ........ '·'"·'" •.1n.1~ ft.121,611 J1S~7S PUBLIC NO'nCE PUBLIC NOTICE ""'9VALeU0$1T•IPD•T ~ w .. Pt.ut Te., ........ ""''· tt7t, ... ·~ J-a, m'1 He'll -8 ..... UttMe ..... ~....ct~~. C. ....... t. won ca o• ~"'Ott A•o ~TTAL""' 1e1..., .... ".,. ,..,.., eo\ u.1, ........... _1,.. ......... _._, ... llCIK ... -.tl1'19lol Ola ........... -.., ... Te.,_ c:-t\IJ ~rl ... + ... twt ol so-ft: .. TEHTATlVE ANNUAL a uOGET •EP'ORT. Tlllt r._ •.• ,..,.,,fl ... " .,. .....,..w,,. ....,., .. , ... wltooe4 •wkt. Otte flf '-11"8 J-24, tt1S si.,... O..l/Se<re1«y ti. PUBLICATION "NKUAL IVOGET •£P'OllT. n. ~ ...,,, M•lnt ,..... ., ~ 2•. 1t7S. wc:ll ~. aldlt~ ..... ~' u 11 -'"' '*'"""'· ......... """41Ulllor\, ,....k .............. ,, ............ Mtebf ,.. IWM~r~. T.,. ~le .,..,,no eft tllls ,...., wlll • .,. .. .t F-t• Vallo Hlfll !o<lloel, "'" lu111tr• SlrMl, H-l"flClfl ....... ~ s. lt1S, •• 7:JO•"t lo(ll P,M, $l9Md . Clerl/Se<rwl••f l. G•AOIE ,,. •• 0, 01n•1cr Fr .... Gr ..... Gt .. IJ, tnc.111\1 ... AYl•AG• DAILY ATTllllOAllCIE $UM-•To~cu••IMT D•ST•1cTTAX ••ou•••MIWT'S ...,.,"..,. 17M4 1'1•·1$ Act11oet A<'-1 GtteltJ ... 12 . • ...• It, IOI ,.,_ OtllntfACllllh ... •. 4)4 .,, Tott! .......... 1~.U) .21,'21 ",~,. .... , 21.u• 1H 22 ... FUND AHO l"V•POSE c...-.. ....,,., ............................ .. ~IJS.r•l<U ...................... .. -I .._..,,.,.111 on «<-efM_S<_ 8111 ldlnt , Wld ""'°' ''-"-... . . ............ . TOTAL IM~LVSIVE ....................... . Ntl G.fte••I ""'"° .. . Sutllftl .. Tea lie .. limit. . •.••.........•. Mealmum C..M••I ,...,.,,. .. T•• lt.W .... • ....................... . Go-ti Fund OM"I* TtJ R•tes .. .. .. .. .. , ••...•.•.• ,. •....• TOTAL OEHfltAL F UND TAJC llATE!> ..... . ............... . eontS l11terest ~ ~lro<ljM!t lt1).7' .... -ADA 2nd P••IW Ettlm•te 11 .... ?to 1JS n , ... AmoWtt et Teau T•• ll•W "~'" c .... ""' .. 1e.n1.110 1.-.. 4l4,1.., .e• "·"' A1S,'2A ... 7 .OS..7 ."'1 . .... ,..,_nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ............ ,,•u.2.. .11u AHALnE5 OF CiEHfR.tlL. FUND TAJtU l ll[AllPT FROM, O• SU&JECT tO,SPECIAL TAX AAT C LI MITS A..-1 .... , ...... _.,,..,... CWf'eoell" .. Sl.lllt ....... , $(lil0eil ~ ................ ... C-ltllrllliQMl• ,. .. S.nkn s.1, .......,19" llettrlctH llolMU, JlllJI, ttl4 .............. , ............ , ••...• THReultltt. 1'1•·15 •.......... " ........................ .. ~1,t•tlrl<t..t tie""<• pt11s Int-... . ..................... . AcN91 Eafl*'H. 1'14o1.S •••.................................. llot~rl<l••llo•-•. -1-a..ms ISrnlt'VHIWI ...... u.,..,. ,.,.., ............. ············ .. . E14.,,......IU "Moe ... --"'" ,..., ,.,,.,. ................................ .. SMMM•I, rHlrl<tM ...._.llM In<-..................................... . -...... .... .. .......--, .. ..,,..,., .,_,.,, ,.,.., ...................................... . -··--· ........... 1 .. .. ._, .. &-•ltttk11H ,......_""~ fw tt1~16 .... ~I ... ~~ DD 121.• ... ,... _ ... _.,,....... .......................... CM.tU ~ ... ,,_ .. lt&aA.L""*I> ·~iu: Mtt•••" aau-c.. ""'., \ .s ·T .... CW,....,._.• 11M$ "'·'" "·"' .. ..m .... ltUll .... ..... .... •••• .... •••• IAC ........... lt1ctM -.....w ....................................... '-"'·"" ,........,,. ,,m.• u•1 Cl",_ La.lllllot 'fOTAI., Mlf HOINNIN. UL.AllCI ~ INCOMI ................ · • • ....... ... ... 1,,.t,&U 2,.,.. 1,ura,m ... ~ ... -........................ . ........ .-....... ~ ...................... . , .... $>. ..,..... '·"'·"' i.t..,.. ....... , . J.Wt,M 'mt ... NOITU•H eY 09.JICT & OTM«lll OUfOO '1'11110otlltr <MIO · IMllllfl,.. 0.-~ 0utoo!"9 Trtn)ltU, lnt•rt_,... Tt!Wltfow• ..s otMr Tr.,.,,.,, • .. . • .. .. • •• •. .. •• ••. . • '·"'·"' ''*•94 a NOi NO aAUMCa, JUlll • .. • • ...... ••• 9N,JJI -tia TPTAL. IJl"IMOITU•lt, anti•°"' .. UD INOI"° 9AUIMU • • .. .. ....... ••• Ull,-sJ .. ..... p A• TJ. 9U1 &.Of ... NteO MOtNNtN• BAU.MC•, 'U&. Y 1 TotAI CurAflt AstotH · · • • • • • ...... · · · • •• ·• • I.OM (\ll'f-"1 Ll1t>tllllet ........... •• ••••••••• ~·· ... llW\1111 l•lefltt ..................... . WJ,.t1Nt>ttt6C11rrt11' Ll,..lllloa •••••••••••• ff''1:t~~~-·~ ~~.·~~~.·~~. .. .. .. .. . .. .. l.l't."' SJJ,01 ~· es:~1:r:::~:~·~: ... :·::::::::::::· 1.•11 ~::r.--~~·.~~~~ .......... i.M.1W .. .. &XHMOITU••• .... oe.i•n .. ~MU o-nto A OPaO~alA'I._ ::.-=:rr:-.:.~~!~~ .................. . UJCI -Ci9ftt•tt'" s.t•l<•t ~ OUltt 0.. rotlnt I •IMMS ..... · • • • ellOUl"t, 1•11•1,.t•• ...... , tf'CI Media, •llO lq11~nt • • .. ... . .. .... .. • ~e.21 TOTAL, I XPINDlfUll II, OTWI• OU'TOO A APP•OP•IATION .C:ON'flllOINCIH • .............. .,,...,,., I lfRHNO IAU.MC.I.. JV"I • f' '·"' .. ... ,. ,,,.,.,.......,.., .. • .Al(...tt lllt9c:tf ...... •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,...,18K .. ,~ .. .,.. ~ " .................................. . ..... --RJIU . , ... f AD.ltnftD 1.1n,m =::• ... MU.MU ............... _ ... 1-.... , ..... ,. ..... ..... ...... ............................................ -~'""'' ... ...... ~ ........................... . -a.---........................... . .,.~, ............................... . _L ___ _ --. ... ............ , ... &.all *-c.itr "*' ....... T-1 ....... , .. , ................... , I.IA.I" ~"' 4.1'1.1'1 !>tic ... T••• l#lwt.,,... .... ,,.,. .. c:.i. •• _, _... ... c.i.» .............................. '4,JU ..... _ .. ,.... ...... ~ .......................... ~ ... .. ...,~ ................................. ,, ......... ,,. =~~~~=::-.·········......... . ,... ~ M&.A..c&. """""' A , ===-.:1~~·:::,1c;;············ ......... a,m..,, .... ,. .• J1 OfMlaovt .. aa,P•O. ..... ".,.. C.lt'ftll•lllaft .. (M ... ~ .... ::r:'.Uit~···•··· .. ··:·"""""" .... , 14.UUtl 1'.41Y11 tt,•1.m =~· .... r············-......... ~ .,.., ... ~ .. ,. ,... ·-.. • r . , " ' r f' • .. Thurld.my,July31, 1975 OAJL Y PILOT 8 7 ruauc NOTICE PVBUC N011CE 9rfoeflb . •• • ... • .. .. •• • .. • .. • •• .... ... .. • .. • J ..... .a i .. 21.en >.•1'.est =~',;.,.':: ... ............. .. ,...,,,,,. ,,,.., .. ,, l,"1 •• ,,. ... C.trac'" S.nlc-. ..., oet... °"9••""' ·~ ................................ '""'"· '·'"-•It J..6)t,lll -II••• 1111181,._ -, ............. ..,,, --·~·J.'"'""'"' ................ ,~ .. ,. l,J"... .,,...., TOTAL ••••••tTu•H ................. n .•1,ttf n.m.'Os ,..,.,, .... ,. °' .. ' °"'" -~.,....,,. Ot~ S.r•kt, °"'lltll!ITr..,.,.o, 11'1'9'1~ Tr-te•• #4 Otfllr tt ...... ,. .. •. ....................... 1'°"7"11 ....,...10.J , ....... , 1'0l~letlell Nr CM!t1n9tnc lft TOTAL UlPlllOITUlllS, ontla OU'HO &•O • ,.,...,..,,,"°" •o• COWTINOINCt•l .......................... t4,m,a. _,,....,,.. J't,*.21t 1• .. 110 u1 .. u•ca .. JU"I• CWAflt AUit' ~=::: .~~~~~ ........................ . OeMf•l "9MFn, .NMJO, tt1• ,.., ,.,..,,, ............................... . TttetCwr••"'"'"'' ....................... . NIT l HOtM(i IALAKCE, ••n .... ...... :uu J\lflE •. •• ... •. .. . . .. .. .................... 1,Gt,9$1 S,tcl,)4.J t, .. t,"4 TOTAL, ••,.••OtTu•u. ontl• OUT .. AMO IENOINC ULANCE ........................ n.no.»S •.W ,t SI •t,$1't,1U .. AllT. -•Ott• 11n1un Aao ••DIEll ... 'TIOft FUND lt,,.u tt1•1S ,.,~,. A<l11ll A<IWI Budge! lt.,•111110 aALAltCIE, JULY 1 T9t_. C.wrtM 1.s ..................................... . ltlOl>MI &T sou•c& .. Sl.WllOC ............................... .. .,. LOUI IRC-eme LAIC•I l,..;.,..e 0.Mr 1St,m ..... s.c111'MT•·•~.......................... 40',117 m .... Uul IMOlftf. _.,,.... .... , .. ... ..... ...................... 1.,.1.121 1.n1.m ~OTAL IHCOMI ........ , ................... 2..13D.M 1"21,~I TOTAL. NET liOINNINCi .... LANCE & INCOME .,................................ 4,0ln,ol7t J,Alt7, .. IX,.llMDITUllllS ay OllSCT &OTMI• OUTGO 1000 °'""' OVteo -ln<hldlnt 0111• Sor.,k t , CNIOOI,.. T1~tN,., l'°""rtund Tr1111f•r• ON ~ Tr_,.,, . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .... .. .. . 2.221,117 '-*-™ IMIHNG tAUNCIE, =!l' aiiNM"oiTli'lli&i; ...... ........ ... v •.ut •.ru.1 .. OTMa•OVTMANO a1101•• Ml.AMC&........................ 4.0D9.21t. J"°7."° •a•T•-~"°'"'u•o llGtN•tNO llAUllC•., AA.T 1 Teitet(w~AliM(S ....................... .. IAu cwr....- llallliilUt .. s •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ,~ ... -.....Ct ................................... . Adj~tntlt Cw'°"'I Ll*lltln •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ttlT AOJUHI 0 MOINMIM IAL.AllCI •••••••••••••••••••• INCOME -t..oc•llnc-......................... . flOttn< ..... ... Tr-len ................................... . TCSAL.. lllT IEOIMNIN• IALAMCI, t•CIOMI & INCIOMING TaA•l•IEU ................ .. IEJl,.IENOl1U•I& IY OaJICT, OTMa• OUTGO & • .. ,..OP•tATIOll PO• c:otfTlltOl .. CI U .., Clf\tlllff Stl•tlH ................................... . JllllO E "'tll9'" ...,..,,_. ...... ···························· ..SIMI, a1111411"9t, .............. 21.m 1,M ,n4 ,,.u 12'1.149 a ,2ie 1.ae .. ns .... 1)1) 21.J• ......... J,JU,-0 11t ..... !l.1'64 SJ.U 4,* 1.ou.2 .. 1,1'2,UO 1.•s..m 2.111,.676 '"·· t•.m ••• J 01,211 ,. ... au x •st,211 1.ne ,, .. ....E~ .............................. SS1,HS 1,.,.1,US AO,JOl TOTAL IX,.INOITU•IS, ontl•OUT.O& A,.,.ltOPllATIOtl PO• COWTlllGINClll ..• ... . .. .. •. ............. SS7,HS t.Jlt.,Jlt AU.211 'IMOIMG IAUINCIE, JU•l • TewtC11tr- A.uilt1 ................ , • • • • • • • • •• ...... ••••• 1.-.n4 "'·• :nu .Le" Ll«>llllltt ........................... .'.. 111,2'9 lt,111 :u•11 HIT EHDIN(i ••LANCE .............. ••••• .• •• •••• •• • t,&:Jl,SJS AS1,lll .. .. TOTAL, IEXHMDITU•IES., OTMl•O\ITGOANO NIT INOl"G 8AUNC£ .................... 2.Jt$.41t 1 .... 1.JJO AS?,lll .. All1'4-UCQAL•UllYIE ,UNO 81GtNNlltG IA~tee•,IVLY1 TCCAIC. .. rent A&M1t • • • • • • .. • .. ... .. ••• • .............. t0.7C2 l,.MS,2'7 4,15',liOl LeuC.urr..,I Li..11111H . ........ ......................... u•• •u• ~.1ss ...... 1 .... 1,,. u-• . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . ...... 'Ml.7'2 1,.aos,,.1 •.111.>-e IMCOlllll -L.e<.i IM-•• , . , . • • • •• . . . • . • . • .. . • •• • 11ua • C,01' 1'°,000 ,_ln<oml"I Tr-.stwrs..................... •• •• •••• •• .. ... t,IM, 1st l,716,tal l, IJJ,000 TOTAL, NET I E:GI HHING &I.LANCE, INCOME & INCOMING TllAHVEllS .................. l,111,Q ),IDS,1tl 1,000,>41 IEJl"IEMOITU•aS 8Y OIJIECT, OTMll OUTGO & A'~"•1.n10N ~o• COMTUt4H•Ctal 1ClllO Cltttllled s.i.1tt .. .. , .. .. •. .. .. .•.....•••.•••.•.• nu 21.n> '4.m JlllOEmOIOYO ..,_.lu ................................. , • • aux 4,ASI t, l)S eGDO SIM . l11lltf111~. 9oolls•nd,.,,.flt,•,,. t!Cl~llt . . . • • . .. . . . . .. ... • . • . .. •• .. .... • t,721,tJ:J 1,0SA,Ht 7,100,012 1lllO O.r.• Olltge -Ire!..,.,,. Ottbl wvkt, CilutvDl"I Tr 9M tw ts, '"'"''""" Tr111slff• ~ ~ Tr.,...ftrs .. .•.. .•. ..•••••.•••••••••• •n-a •:1•1t J:aaJI TOTAL. U1,.IHOITU•£~. OT14EA OUTGO A ... ,.llOPAIATIOM ,0 . (lOWTINGlHCIES . ......................... l,nt,6lJ t,-..0 7,254, ... aNOINO 8ALAllC.I, Ntl• •......... . . . . . . . . .. ... .. .. ... .. ...• 1~.m •.11•.M 1.s_.., fOTAI., aXPllfOITU•IEI, OTMI• 01.l'fOO ANO IMOING ULAllCa .. • . . . .. ................ 7.1:'1... S,IDS,191 l ,OCO,>-t ,.,..TI -STATa KNCICM. IVILOllllG PUMO 1"'18&.IC) HOt••tNO aaur.•c•. JUl.Y I Te!tl Cwrr ... 1 Ai.Mt• .. .. ..• .. ... .......... •• .. ........... 1 ... 1.0.1 .... ,, LeUCWNllt Li..11111•1 ................................ . ..... 44.o,tol 1,'71 PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE COtfTllllOlltClll . . . U},U• 110.200 t, lo.J,..0 INDINO aALAMCI, JUMI • ttl,J6J 16',tl I S4,131 TOTAL IX,.lltOITURU , ontl• OUTOO ANO IMDINO UL.Alt(IE .. •>t.t.ll 9'0 111 Utl.•11 ANNUA&. 8UDO .. T •E~T 0,. l'lllOOllAM tlll'ENDITU•U '"~'· INITllUCTlOflAL ,.DO II AMS c;o ...... feluUlloll. $ee-'l ·····". Adult ~ 5pe<!.I Ef.,UI-• Set~,, .•.•.•••• Aclull ......... . ~· ....... . W8TOTAL. INST•UCTIOMAL P•OG•AMS W"PO•T H aVtCE "AOG•AM$ ln•lt\OC llofMI Solppqrl IMlrvtllcHwl A..,,l11lllr"1°" • l"'lnl< tion. I Me<ll• , • ' ~-· .... .... ,,, •• '°" .. ,..,..,.., .. 5-Klel PYo)e<h lF-·· 111\d ~···· C.t~•k•I Aid Prwrem l P\lplt $u••<tl> C.n.r•I $uppor I O•llrl<I 111\d COlln1y Sucie• I nlendeflll Adf'nlftlllf•llon . . • . . . ....•• M9lMe,..n<e .. •.. .. . •.•.•.• 1t,l'l7.rn uq_1'<1 1•.011,)6a •11.9'1 2'.•IJ ,.,, .. ,0 10,0S1,9n 1,4',C I J ..... 11) t.HU81 ~.'11 01 All on .. , ,..,.,," ))•'t. ...... ....... ..~ ... A ittA , .. ~. ', .. " ..... ) " ... Tet•I All ,,.,,d, 11,l'I /fl tl~.l'IO lf,Ofl,l4i 9)'·"' '21,•U W l,410 :o.ose.•n l,'41,111 l,4k,11J l.IU,Mf :.•n,..- C)lleotlOll•. . . • . . • . . • . .• •. . .. • .. •. 1.tlt,J» '''·''' ' 111,no 7 21'.:tlf 4t1 /II 6,111,llO Tr '"'Wl<W l.t IOI\ • " • • • • ••• • • • • .. • ~I ....................... . W8TOTAL, su .. .-o•T Sl.•VICI "'•0011.AMS AUXILIAaV "'aOGaAMS: Cllo>fnunll y ~t VI( •• Foo.I ~vlc,e, • . . . , . J"t<lllly A<q11l"Uon -COMlruttoon .. ~I ••• OTKE•OUTGO ,,,, .... •••• ... , &AAA ,. ... 1.1~ • ..o ll,lll,"8 na ~" l,IU,.m 4W,060 l ,J4',01' 1,1 U,o.A 1. 19~.oo. •.411,104 10,.0.,110 Tuillofl . • • • • .. . ..... ~)1,0 .. l .111,01 J,609, .. / ,.,. )~l.M 4,&31,lt>O S,3&8,40. All Olher Ollteo, . . .. • . ... ....... I . . .... A"f'•O,.IUATIOM FOa 1.118,'r.19 l,115,'l'J9 a>MT1KGEKCIU ... .. . . ... . .. t.OJ,375 . ....... ~. ., .. t,•U,l2S 3,111,al • NET IENDIMG 8ALANCES . . .. G•AND TOTAL, I JC "I M'OITU•U . AP,.•OPlllATIOM FOa C.OllTINGEHCIES 1,&62.130 AHDGEHE•ALllESE•VE A1,SJ'l,1!2 u .m .1n 54.sn,sn Pvbllsl>edOrenoe c ... ~1 D•ll• Ptl01. Jwt1l •.191) JI)!-/ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TOCllEDITOllS SU,.EalO• COU•TOP: THE STATI Of' CALIFO•NIA FO• THI C.OUNTV OF OllAllGE ....... ..,..s Eslele of Lil.A MAY TATE. •I<• Lil.A M. TATE. 0• LILA TlllE. Detu~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tl'tt tredltoo of tt.e eei.ve Nmed *«dent tt.et •" Pt•son• rw••"9 < '''"" ~n~ '"' w k! ct.udenl ••• required to ftlt them, Wltll '"' M<owry vou<r••"· In ll'tt olllu of Ille lier• of "" -"°'" lllltd cot1rt, °'lo 11tt:.er11 lllem. ""'"ow l'otCe~WIY •ovc,,.rs. to the unde~•9"ed 41 lllt ofllte o f ROBEIH L HUM~AEYS, Allorno .. , L.•• ... , Oovu Orlvt, S<1lle ll. NewDOn 8t«rt, C..llfornl• "2660, wh1tlt ll the P4«t ot ~nus of the undtnl9Md In .Ml ,.,,..,. ler) pen•ln1l'l9 lo lht ul•lt ol s.tld dt· Odt,.t. •llhln IOllr month) _.,tt l1't tirsl l>Ublit•llon Ol lltll nolice. 0.led July 10, "H HERMAN RAY TATE C Utulor of Ille Wiii ol t"« .i,.,,,, n<tmcd de<edenl •<>eEllT L. HUM .. tt•EYS AftW•Y"Uw •1 oa .. ror1 .. Sollte J> ... ..,.., a..c:ll, CA. n"' Tel: 11141 MJ.1111 -J fwEH<ort ... P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING llOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVEN "''' ll>t lkwlrd ot EdvUl•on Of l,.e Newpon Mew Unlht d Sc:lloOI 0 ••1,,tl ot O..onrr c~··· (4tlltornt~, ....... r•<••.,. Soe•Wd Did> VO lo 11 00 A M on the ')"' °"' of Avqu>I, 191S •l ll"oe Oll•<t of ''"Cl Sc:lloOI 01\lro<I, IO<•ltd •t 18H Pl«tnlt" Aven~. Co$1• Mt>w, C•tttom1t1 ·•t •f>t(ll time H id btO~ Wiii Dt llOAMttlY ~•ndrt..Slor CL.ASSROOM FURNllURE All bid'.,. lo be In •t<O'O .. n<t .,,,. C:ondlhon), tft\lructton~. •nd ~ll•t­ hons, w hkh •re now ON hht 1n ow offu ~ of lht: Pu•clt•St"9 Aoenl ol w10 5""""'' OISltlCI, llS1 Pl•ctnll• Aven ... C.O>I .. M<r1<1, c.alllo•nia E•<h b1<1<Hor mu\t 'uumil • bid ()'· postt 1n tht form ot tt tertifll'd or <.Sliter 's thtO or a bid t>ond eouotl tu Uw ~rtenl u •, 1 ot tM amount ot •~~ t>ld, madt: pay•blt lo lhe o,.,.., 01 '"" Hewporl·Me•• u ... 11i~d ~<'-' 01>1ric• A Per1ormanct Bo~d may be rtQUtt~d "' lht: dl)(rt1oon ot ll>t 01\lrltl. 11'1 '"" '""'"' ot t•Uure lo tnttr into~,.. cori ''"'· lht proc~s of ,..., '"''" -11 b • lor1tllt:d, or '" <•~ ol " bof\d, ,,.,,, lu1: )Um ,,.,,,,~, '"'" be lo•lt•IKI to ...,,d SclloOI O•Slrict ol 0••"9t Co~"'Y l'OO blO«Mr m•v wllhdr ... his Cid 1.,.-" peroOd ol lorly-ti.t l•SI d•v. otltpf I'"' d.tlt set tor '""~"'"91"' ·~ lt\e Bo•rd ol E01.1<ot•on 01 th• P\lt>lostleo o .. ,,~ C••Sl 0.1ly Pllol. July 11, 14, ll, •nd A119u)l 7, "/) ,.j()./) Nc•port ""'"" Un•lotC: S<"OO> °'''''' t reWf W \ lM r19'1C lo r~w<.t "'''or-111•l --------------l bllO':I, •ncl rol riec.t-')• • .,nty .kt\ot ''< P UBLIC NOTICE k)wif\I bid, end lo.,...,'"'' d"Y '"''°"" dh· ty Of trtt'(Jul•rtty 1n dny btd rt<.e1~ . --------------1 O.ledJutr la. I'/\ llOTICETOC•EDITOAS rlli~PO~~ ME!.lo UNlftlO OP:8ULK T•AHSP:Ell ~CHOOLOtSl RIC.tO• 15.ttt. '1tl41t&U.C..C.) or_.,. C.ounh, c.11...,..,.,. Holl<t I~ ll•rtby 9 h•n to '"' By Dorothy H•r•O Ftshl'< Credllon of werlCI wio. Y•nalft? tnc.. PvtCll•••ng ,.9P,,1 Tr.,,Yer0<, -bvllMU .-eu ·~ Put>lt>ht'CI O•angt: COd'.l OatlT "'IC>I, 13400·1 S•tlco, Sl rt~I. No rt rt Ju4yll,.,ldAugu•ll, 1'7) ?ISi! /$ Holly-. (.ounty el LO\ Aft9elU, SI"'• o4 C•lllornl•, trt.i • bul~ l•M>Sler h •booll to tit m•dt: lo A AA ServKe• IN:., lren•ler", ""°" bvslne.s Id drns Is Ont Conllnenl•I Pt•1• S.,.1~ P UBLIC l"OTICE 00, Et ~ndo. Counlyot LosA"9tle•, 1·"420 Sl•leol C•lllornle NOTICE TO C.11 f. DITOllS Tht MOPtrtv lo be lrln\letred ,, SU,.EltlORCOUllTOFTHE lo<eled •I varlou\ locfltons In Lo• STATEO,.CALIFOAl'llAFOlt A"9t1IO •NI Oral'l(lt Counly, ~1-'e of THE COUNTY OF OAANCiE. Cell1ornl•. He. A·a:JJ3f S•lelor-r1yh<HstrlDedln91HWral EH~lt of Ol>AR(LL OE"H H : a DO•l>OI> of Tr•nsftro•'s lull II~ SCHULZ. Ot<••»d vendlno equlpmtlll •nd •HOUf\IS and ,JOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 the loc•l•d •I 'r••ious Lo\ Ar>9tlU A. :rt:dllors of'"' •bO•t ,,..med dt'<t'Cl<nt Oren~ Countp Aooru~u. Sl•lt ot !Nit all ~r..ons ltdvin9 t •••m• .OO•ln•I C..lllor,.1•. Ir.. wld de<tdtnl 4r• ro11uired to t•t .. Tlw """ lr•n)ffr •Ill tit con_......1. lt'ltm, w•llt Ille ,..,c .. s•ry vouchtt\. '" .., Oft or .,,., ,,... '"" d•t of AVl)USI, ,,. Oii•<• ol "'~(I"~ ot lh• ·-..,,. .,IS, 1110.00A.M .. •I Benll.ol •-•lta, ttlltcJ <our I, o• lo present t,..m, ... 11111v Wl""''•·S•n Vo<tnlt Office ll t l n.ceu•ry vovc""'· lo !ht ulldc•••9"""d Wll'1tlrt 8 1vd., lkve•IJ Hiii$, '°""''of •I Ille olhtt of Mt<hUI J '"rl•ll••l'IO,,, LotAnoele•,Sle1tolC•hlornl4, .. llort•ty .i l•w, 610 HCWPOll I !lol••·•~no .. fllOllWT••n\ ..... , ... CENTER DRIVE, SUIT( HO, bvWNU NlnU4ttdadd<t:UC5-bp NEWPORT 8E .. CH, CALIF '116(,(). Tr.,.sterer 10< Ille lrtree yur~ ••M ~"· wh1<h h Ille pl•tt ol Dus•,.., st of the""' ert. s.m. <11ruone<1 '" •II mallu> 1>'1•1••"'"9 le. Oal9d JUI J 11, lt1i. , ... t:Sl-lc OI w ld dt<e~nl ... ,,,..,, - Sl9"Mby, ,,_.n,•lltt ll!e ltr>I P"blttalionol lh•> Fren,J, Ptllt"""''"' nott<e AnlSlenl Cit M•al Cot1nwl O•led July H, n 1s ARASEAVICES, IH C., MARYE. SCHULZ Tran•lert'lt e .. tulor ol ,,.,, ""'" of ,,.. UNltDI' AMllllCAMT a SA •bo•t Nmt'<IO«tdtN 1311 Wlhlllre .......... MICMAEL J. CHRISTIANSON .. ..n,Hm .. c.u-•"111 AIWMT•t uw IM-Me.-.tUM 6~1tlW.-OATCINTElt D'-IVE Pvtlllst>ed OtlftC)e Co.st D•llY Piiot, llllWPO•T •EACH. C.ALIF tJW!t Jiiiy 31, 191S ~7S •tt•n,.y fer: ,.,.title11e r ...... 1rw11,,. .. ._ .................................... . ... tn W ,S2' •-----------..:---P\1"41\l'ltd Oran9t Coe" O••IY Pilot, Julyll,•NIAu9u>l I. U ,l''. "1Slflol9 IS ,,.,., .. ......,,., .. AC<-1t "-«lva91t ....................... . Mlvt'"-1•19 0.,..,.. L1*1111n ......................... . NIT AOJUSTEO llGINNIM(i aALAltCE , .................. . INCOME ... StotelM-•••••••••••.•.•.•••.•••.•••• -t..oc•l l1><tme .......................... .. TOTAL INCOME ...... , .. • .. • • • ... • · .. · • · · .. ... lnctmlt11 Tr..,ltrt , .................. . TOTAL lllT llOlltNtlle ML.AMC•. lltCOllll a IMCl)Mf ... TaAN&,l•I ................. . IJl ... llOITU•H IY ~•JICT, O'TMI• OUT.O & A""°"atATIOtl l'O• Cl*Tt ... ••CtH -CIMMtie. S.WM ··········•••••••••••••••••••••••••• _IE,,....,.. , ... . ... so.- 11),1(11 Ul.1(11 C'tUl.ttt) ma •••• . ... ...t7' '·'"·'"'' 6J,0'1 1.220.011 ....l'f ~IU .................................... nu J,tte .. , .... ,._,. .. ~ .... ........ . ... 1~ .............................. "'·* ,, .. ..., ,..°"-,Owl .. - lftc!Wifl8 Ot-.. Sorwk:• • ~ TrOfltlff•, """"""" Tr.,.sfff1 oM ~ Treftt!ert .. • .. . . . . .. • • .• .. • . • . • • •• •• • n aa us• TOTAL IX,.IMDITUllU, OT'Hllt OUTGO, AMO • .... ltO .. lllATIOM FO• 00..TING•HCllS ..... ..................... ··-,,fJ1,7'1J .......... """''· Nttl•.................................... ...'" ..,,.,, TOTAL laPl•DtTU•H. ontl• .UTM AN• , ...... .,...,, .. c.a ........................ ,,,....m J.»t..:rn PAlltf 6 -UnflttA ""90 CACCIOVU > ........ .,. IA&.AllCll, '"'-T t -,...,c.-,... AMftt ...................................... . '--•~ ~·-·····················-··········· .............. 1-• ..................... . MIW"'*'"• ill&CWf'lb lllte•lwo• ....................... , ...... "" "'" ... ,twf'IM U*llOH .......... · .. •• •• •• ... · .. • Nt'T AOJUUIO NOINNIMO IAUlNCI ................... . ·== ,., .. ~ ............................ . .. Lec. .. IM-......................... . 1'01AL teemM• ··•·•••••••••••••••••••••·•• 1'n~ MT H•t•lltlle "'"-AllCI a ,__.. ..................... .. ..,. .. t"TV•H •T•llCT, ............. .,., ......... . Clttlfl ... llCIH -~ ........................................... .. ,,....,.. 91Mfttl •••• , •• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• ............... ............. ....._.~·-···················~·········· .. (llfttfM1'" .. h lltt tMO.-a..r-.111t , ...... -............ . ... si ............ . ............ tM ~-···························· T'MAl.ll•H••tTU•&t. .,,... " OUT• a ......... , ... ,.. +Jl4 .. 111.Jfl .. .. U,ttJ .. ,, .... .... ,,.,, 111aa NS,llJ 1tS.11J -.111 41,tlS Sl(.lt) USS ..... • ••• • ••• 1~.$ .. S,000 u•.s" •••• to.J.111 ••• u &OJ, 117 xxu eaa.m Jt,20 , .... II •••• "'·'" PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC N011CE ..... MOTICI TO C•IDITO"' $U,l•toa COUllTO, Tl41 ITATIOl'ULIPD•MIA l'Oa ntl COUNTY OP o•AMGl ......... 1 hl•tt ot G&..AOYS MARGAllET HVOHU ..... 0 1.AOY$ M. HU~IES. ------------DtcNtiM. NOTICI IS HEllEIT CilVEH • 111t ~*'" '"" ...... ..,_, 4'1C~ NI ,,.I ...,..,_ N•I~ cl•I-•nst .. .... ~· .,. reot11lrM .. lllt Nf'I\, ...... "" no<• ... r., _......, In IN-~ ol tlle <ler-ef tllt .... en 11••-t.w 10,,.Mllt l ... m. "'""',. _...,, ....... , .... I .... ~ .. '" HllNHlll & a uHT, A"9rrWJl .. ........ '"' htl ..... ,.," ........ SU.If '"· ~· A .... (ell!Mftl• '"''· -I• .,. "'ec• et ,.,,1_, tf "" ._, .,,..,... tn ell """•'• pen~ It ............. ~""''· .. , ......... -. ... r"" ""' l"oltllC•lleftel lflh -'"· 0. .... Jvlf U, tt1S. AILllN II. ,O•CI Afm111111rattl1t i1114 l•-•f ,,.. .eo .. ,..,,.., .._.oMll ... l .. NllllA8UNT ""'"'9yu t U• ,.., .... P:t11r1ll .,,. .. ,, h llt 121 ._.,Alla, C..llN'111• 0 101 '94: 0141 N1-tal ' .....,.,..,, ,., AMlltthtre\rlt PWllli.tt" Ore"" CM•f Oell't POOi, ,My 11, tit JI, •N AllOOtl 1, .,I} 8'.U-1! PUBLIC N011CE MOTtCI O• LllN SALi ,,.,Ike ,, ... r•tlY , .... " '"'' "" ..... din! ....... C•lll0tnl• ltt<,...elOn Co • llJ7 k1•klle Drlw, C0<-Otl ~r. C.11 ....... •. tUH. •Ill t1ll •I Pl'Mk-· tlotl •I Celllo•nt• llttrHtton c.o .. 1117 Bo,lfe Orlv•. Ceron• f t l Mer, Coll'9nlle '7t1S, et l 00 P M lfl ~ u , ttlS, 1,.. r.tlO•lno de\crlbef .,.f l't ...... lt . 14a llle rt •1.,dll•rv 1'ellM•1. ._ ... '""'°" ~ (" t•• cw. '41cll ... No 00t&S5', """ ,., ·~ ..... " ,.. Solcl ..... h ler wtl•lylfle • llen Ol lllo uMtttlfMCI .., t>Oel .. ., ......... -lllet t4te .,, ···~ rel-ct o.eo r y !r~ ,..,._ I, It , ... ,.,., ,,, of Hwf'tl•llle ~ ••"'1'••1 ' Celt 1this11• of Jllfy, lt1~ C•lllONlot l.etfHtl4W10. ltl1 lo•lele Ori,,. (etOfl• dtl MIH, C.lltorfll1 flt IS P'vtlll~ Oren~ Cout O.lty~ ,,.., )l, 1t1J • ,. • • 88 OAILY PILOT Thursday. July 31. 19715 Life on a Vi.et ·Farm By ARTHUR GALSTON Wtln..tw UOlllH Prfll lllte<MllONI At the North Viel· name se farm cooperative of Yen Duyen, peasant houses are simple and basic. but all are electrified. Nine- ty percent are of brick construction, and a ll have access to decent drinking waler and sanitary facilities. Prior to 1954, only the landlord's house was The 16 nominating work brigades include 11 engaged in plant cultiva- tion. 2 in irrigation. and one each for fi s h produc- tion. pig production and electrical work. J CHA'M'ED AT length with ·the director, Ngo; the vice -director , Khang; and two party functionaries, Qui and Phot. All were in their late thirties or early forties. had been in ~ service 7 to 10 years. and ' I IC a s had been demobilized between 1971 and 1974. • u r pr ised to They impressed me as find t hat every disciplined, dedicated and incorrupt ible civil house h a S a servants. r adio set ••• ' The d i rector em· phasized repeatedly the ~~~ role of new science and made of brick, and all of the peasants lived in mud huts. I WAS SURPRISED to find that every house has a radio set, and except for 62 older members. all technology in the produc· live lif e of the cooperative. He boasted that the rice yield. cur- rently 18.5 metric tons of paddy per acre, has risen threefold s ince 1939, and greatly ex- Arthur Galston is a pro- fessor of biology at Yale University. He recently spent a month in North Viet- nam. ceeds the national norm of about 11 metric tons per acre. This advance, he em- phasized, was due to technical innovations such as use of new, im- proved varieties. ap- pli cation o f much manure, optimal irriga- tion practices, and in- telligent use of insec- ticides. He was proud of the three large elec- trically driven irrigation pumps, the threshing machin e for eac h brigade. the milling machines for rice, the machines to cut feed, and the more than 1,000 beautiful pigs. THE PIGS, obviously the pride of th e cooperative , were something to behold. of the peasants can read ,.-------------------- and write. Before 1954. the re was only one small school a t the primary level; now, over 1,000 pupils are educated in a network of primary and secondary schools at the co-op. A nursery school. staffed by young women trained for 18 months, teaches 600 youngsters how to dress and feed themselves. how to sing and dance, how to play together, and how to cooperate in simple work tasks. In the meantime, their mothers a r e off working in the fields. helping to increase pro- duction. AFTER childbirth, each woman is entitled to three months of paid vacation. during which time s he receives 55· pounds of paddy (rice) and 15 dongs per month (2.8 dongs equal $1 >. After that she returns t0< work. at firs t being as- signed to light duties until her full strength has re- turned. 'A l t f>r chlldbirt~ e iwh U'Onta n i s entitl e d t.o three months of pai d t·a~at iott ... A comprehens ive social welfare scheme takes care of the health and retirement needs of co-op membe rs a nd pro- vides aid for funer;.il ex- penses. The lO ·bed hos pital s hared by Yen Duyen and a contiguous co-op is s taffed by one perma- nent res ident doctor and 10 trained nurses. Pa· tients receive medical care without additional payment. but most buy their own m<>dicines if at all financially able to do so. In case of need, the co-op welfare fund can absorb even that small fee . AGED PEASANTS are generally cared for by their children. but s hould they be childless. they are given food. clothes and housing hy the co-op. \Vhen a person dies, the family is given 50 dongs for burial expenses and funeral ceremony. To run this elabor ate social s tructure. t he peasant s annual ly nominate and elect the members of two bodies. A directorate of seven members i s charged with overall supervision of agricultural produc- tion activity. and a three- mem ber s ection of con--'11'h ~n a penett dies., t M ,_,,. b g i.,na &• dong• for • • r i a I t rol i• rharged with aat~ng the rights ol pe...,ts. Candidates are ...,..mated by their te•p e.ctive work ........... Housed io immaculate brick and concrete pens, their h ealt h is scrupulously guarded from birth to marketing. A veterinarian, an animal husbandman and 15 technicians, aided by three junior technicians from the pig production brigade supervise breed· ing, trimonthly inocula- tions and nutrition. Agricultural wastes are carefully ground, in· oculated with a rapidly growing strain of yeast, and molded into balls that incubate in the warm sun. The resulting product is much higher in protein than;he start· ing agricultural wastes. The pigs weigh a healthy 225 pound s on the average at m arket time. Friday: The Educati<mal System Call 642-5678 . Put a few words to work for ou. Coast Plaza-Costa Mesa, 3333 Bristol St.. All-California Artists Exhibit No\N thru Sun ., Aug. 3 I ASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT$ CEN TER Peclfh: Coa~tHighway-Between Jamboree and Maci11hur Schiel< announces NEW _Weight Control Center If the following sounds like you, plmt call ttie Schick Weight Control Center. O lo1t Mi9h1 f AST on pills J loit Mitht f AST on shots I Lott Mith I f AST on""'''" ditl 1 Lott we11hl f AST on hypnosis ::.J Gllntd M•9hl bKk EVERVTIME FAST WEIGHT LOSS IS ALMOST Al WAYS A OISA,,OINTING FAIL· URE bttauSt you still hew the Sime craving for th 11mt foods 1h11 made you ovt,....ttht in ti!• tir11 ,i.ai. Schick hai 1n 1n1wtr .... • pro111111 th11 dr<rloptd our of the Sime $6 000 000. 111141rch that ltd to the IJ~ou;S<hick Stop Smoking Protrem. Truly d1ff111.11tl CALL HOW 55B·BW =ss Town & Country Ora119r Westminster Malt-Golden State at San Diego After the casting of ~lectoraJ ballota by all members 18 yea~s . or older. those receiving the tua.M•t number of ¥Otn are declared elect- ed. T.be director LI then d9oMD by lbe electorate at laree. which a110 as- tllld apecif i~ rola to each of lbe elected tnem· ben of lbe cllrttt«'8t.e .. Monday thn.. Friday 10-9:30~aturday 10-7 Sunday ~oon to 6 v , , I f; ~ . f, . ( . I 1 Burning . Desire Quenched By LAURIE KASPE R Of Tiit Dally Pilot Sl•ff Some Pl'Ople think Monika Petersen is crazy. "I was making more money doing what I was doing and that was in a more accepted role." she explained. Up until recently, s he was working as a critical care nurse specializing in coronary care. Now. s he is a seasonal firefighter with the California Division of Forestry, with which the county contracts for its fire protection. As s uc h. s he'll specialize in protecting the brush-covered areas which so easily t·atch fire and spre<id raµidly during this hot, dry season. In making the change, she cut hl'r salary in half and tripled her wt•ekly working hours. The jol> is only temporary. It will end whenever the fire season ends, probably :1round Nov- ember 15. After th:.it. s he will go back to nursing and volunteering as a firefighkr 111 P<ilm Desert until she can lake the :.late Civil Service exi.lm which. she hopes, will open the "ay for her to become a full -time. regular Ctrcfightl•r A n d a f l t' r b l' c o m i n g a firefight<•r. shl• hopes to become a paramedic. "It took me three years to become a nurse and I don·t in· lend to give it away."' she said. HOOKE D FOREVER But while al College of the -Desert training lobe a Registered Nurse. she was also in the band and the instructor was director of the volunlt'l'r firefighters in Palm Desert. ''He krnd or l:.ilkcd m e into it and then 1 gol to e njoy it. .. I ~ot hooked forever.·· s he-said. Although she enjoyed and was challenged by her work in San Bernardino Co mmunit y Hospital. she said she just got to the point where s he enjoyed rescue work much more. Probably. s he said, if s he weren't a critical care nurse, this work wouldn't interest her. But em ergency medicine does concern her and, as a nurse in· side a hospital. she couldn't see what was happening outside, at the critical moment after a person was injured. 'Tm the kind of person who wants lo see, wants to know and wants to do it.·' Miss Petersen explained . When a person gels hurl. she believes. they need a person ther e who can not only treat the m but talk to them. make them respond and feel comfortable and important. "'I think that's one thing they oughl to leach doctors and paramedics." she said. NEED MOTHE RING · · 1 think il 's a good place for a woman. Everyone needs a little bit of mothering." She added, "Maybe if I do this 1"11 be able lo retain my need to be needed." She figures the_ seasonal work will help her on the state exam which she must pass lo reach her goal. "That's a long tough haul. She's just getting started real- ly," said K.D. Sigsbee, station captain in the Or an ge head- quarters. Without the background she·s receiving now, he said, passing the tesl would be ''virtually im· BEA ANDERSON, Editor TI111nday, July ll, 197) ..... (I• .J>OJiible." Yet she did more than just pass the{'esfs·for her current job. Up until a few years ago. the department would hire almost anyone who walked in for lhe seasonal work. Now the depleted job market has enabled the CDF to be more sel ecli ve. This year. there were 600 ap- plications for 30 seasonal posi- tions in the st;;i te. Applican ts were screened. given physical fitness tests <Miss Petersen had lo go through this twice within four days because her paper work was lost) and in- terviewed. "She tied for number one on the list." said Sigsbee. F1RSTWOMAN She is the first woman to work as a paid firefighter with CDF in the county. As such, Sigsbee and others al the station felt she was .. newsworthy" but they had to convince her of that. '"I just quietly wanted lo do my own thing .. , s he said. "She's very s harp ,·ery sharp," the captain said. Although she is now assigned to a brush unit, he estimated, as a volunteer s he probably had as much structural fire fighting ex- perience as a ny man who's been al the station a couple of years. Sigsbee considers her nursing experience as another benefit. bul he is t.'Specially pleased with her alt itudt'. "'She"s just not the aver age girl that's trying to beat the system,·· he said. "She wants lo get along. She just wants lo come here and not cause any problems." While introducing her. he said. "I explained you're not here to push the women 's lib thing." She responded quietly. but adamant· ly, bobbing her head in agree- ment. Later she explained. "I just want to show that I can do it. Now if other women want to do it. that ·s fine. I just want lo show that I can ... It is. s he admits ... harder than Hauling hose, at left, was just one of Miss Petersen 's duties at a recent fire . Above, she and John Baranger are ready to go to wdrk. ' I first thought 11''1111lcl h:• ·· But s he hJd thought sht• would be a "'i1n•mJn somcd;.iy When the captain rnforml·d hc·r thl• t1tlc had bcl'n ehangl·d to f1rd1ghlcr. she rcspomkd. · Oh for Cr) mg outloud' You ml'an lhl') Y.on ·t ht• calling me a firl'ma11 .... Shl' s;.11d sh1· t"<>llld s1·p rwthing wrong with hl•1ng l 0 <1lkd " fireman ;rnd. bt•s1<ks. :-.he l1kt•s tradition A:-. a nur..,1·. sht· \\IH"~t·d 1·1µht houn;. fl\"t' d:1\s ii V.t•t•k :"l:ow. she works fi' i.• 2•1 hour d;;iys a week and Ii kes it !>l'! I t•r. "'I get to gel out and SL'l' the lrees and s ml•ll tht' air. l'H'n if 1t 1s polluted. · sht• t''< plainl·d PRIVATE ROO:vl Normally. f1rl'f1ghlt•r:-. arc housed togl'lher 111 twrracks. :\tiss Pl'lcrs en. html'' l'r. has been given a pn' Jlt· hl•<Jroom and bath in tht• t·ook s quartl·1·s. Although slw sard this \\all make it d1fflcull for her to gd to know the people :-.lw :, "orkang Until more water can be supplied, Monika Petersen has chance to rest. Daily Pilot Photos by Richard Koehler "1th. she h<1s no obJcc:tion!> tu the arrangement. "I don't w:int lo make the guys <inymorc uncomfortable than thl'y already arc.·· s he ex _ plained. After four days on the job. Miss Petersen didn "l anticipate hav· ing an y mor<• problems than :inyone else. Sigsbce !>aid thl'rc :;huuld lw no problems bt•t·ause I h c m c 11 a l l h t' s t <I I 1 0 II thoroughly dtSCUSSl'd il bdort· sht' a rn vcd. The onlv difference. she s<1id. is that "onl' s hift doesn't use dir- ty words :Jround me and the other uses all thev can.·· She l.iug hed and murmured that she could probably outdo all oflhcm "if I only half tried ·· Socially. s he is not interested in her fellow firefighters. She <ilready has a boyfriend. a firefighter in Riverside County, and. she said. ·Td like to kCl'P h1m ·· Rut. she added, "Ire's jealous as hell.·· .... .. • ' DAIL'( PILOT Thursda .Jul 31 . 1975 UPI lelf'Pl>OIO Funds Could.Aid Retarded a NEPTUNE, N.J . (UPI> -fhe program that has helped teach Stacey Rizas how to feed herself Is in jeopardy. Stacey is 7 years old but has never been per mitted to attend public school. She is severely re· larded and not considered educa- ble. She h as been e nrolled for two years in a slate-funded education program that has helped leach her to feed herself and how to r e- late better to other children. The prog ram now is in jeopardy because of budget cuts forced by a delay in enacting a new statewide m ethod of financ· ing public educat ion. The center and others like it across the nation wouJd be eligi- bl~ for up_ t_o ~00 per student in fed~under legislation pro- posed by Sen. Harrison Williams Jr. (D-N.J .), and approved by the Senate. Similar leg is l a tion also is before the House. The bill would guarantee a minimum level of educational opportunity for ever y han- dicapped child and would expand opportunities for other children like St acey who a lready are eligi- ble for some form of schooling. Stacey's sc~ool has 60 stu· dents. In addition to teaching. its nine instructors are resporuublc for the total care of the children, many of whom must be fe<l and escorted to the bathroom. "Stacey enjoys school," said her mother , Pat Rizas. "It's good for these c hi ldren to be away from their m others and associat· ed with other children with han· dicaps. "I som etimes feel that because of the lack of s taff it's more of a day care center than an educa· lion al program ,'• Mrs. Rizas said. "Stacey h as become much more socialized with other children, since attending the center," Mrs. Rizas said, •·and now she's totally self-fed." "I have seen progress in the last two years." Mrs. Rizas s aid the additional aid proposed by the Williams bill would help hire 'more teacMrs and provide each C'lassroom with teacher's aides to help feed and care for the children. "lt would b e a great boost," Mrs. Rizas said, ''because our children are constantly being ex- cluded. It's a gross inadequacy." In addition to increasing the amount o f aid available to severely retarded children, the Williams bill also increases the eliJ?ibility for s uch aid to the re- tarded aged 3 to 5 and 18 lo21. iEAUTIFUL LACE CHAMISOLE TOPS -.., 53.99 §UV~V uu~ ~r -~ ~ ___ ...,.. \. -~~ f 9 · --·~~ 1975 MercuryMonarch Students like these with Mrs. Marilyn Farley at the Nonmouth County Day Training Center in New Jersey, could be better trained with federal aid. $4369 79 it1-dOHNSON a SON Weddings ~ and Engagements To ;l\111d d1-.upp01ntml'nt. prospC'ctin· hnd1·-. ;1n· rl'rn1ndt•d t11 h.t\1' thl'll' \\edding ~1on1·-. ''1th black and "hite gloss~· phologr;1ph.., 111 tl11· t >:1il~ Pilot People 1>1·1>.1rt nwnl 11 111' "1•1•k hl•fo11· t lw "t'dd1ng. l'1t•t1111·.., r1·(•1·1q·d :1fl1·r t h..tl trnw ''di n11t he u:-.t•d For engagC'm1•nl ;rnnnunccments 1t i:-. i mpt'rat1\'C~ lh<ll lht' -.tor~. C1bo accom· pan1l'd h~ <l black an<l '' h1lc glos!'ly Pl<" lure. Ill' :-uhm1tlt•d -.1\ \\eek:-or more h<>fnrl· llH' \.H•clrling d~tll' ntht•n\ISt' 1t \'111 1101 lw p11hh:-h1·d To lwlp fill n·q1un·nwni... cm ::,,th \\ t•d ding <.1nd engai?t·m1•nt ~tont''i. form; a1 ,. .1 \'cUlable in all Da1h Pilot ofl1ces F ur- ther que<;t1on-. "tll be. •cn:-.\H•rt•d by Pl•oplt• Department :-.t.1ff memhN~ .it 1>.12 4321. Your Horoscope Owner's in Hot Water Ry ERMA B01'1 BECK have nE:ver had the pro- L et m e t e 11 y 0 u blem of r eplacing your s omething. I thought a ~ot water ~eater. I hope it long time bcrorc I de is somet~mg you never cided to write this col·· have to hve through. If umn. I m ean, this coun-there's anything worse try has enough on its than not having a hot mind what with the price water healer, it's having of oil, the unemployment twoofthem. rate and the scarcity of The list of people who energy. do not want your old one But. .. ho.,.. do vou sa\ \\Ould reach up lo your good.bye to :.tll ;,IJ h<;l dbow. waterhcatN:' First. I approached the Answer: VC'rv :.lowh. outfit who sold us the new ~t ayuc sonic of ~ou on<'. They said there was no market for resale in an old hot water heater. T h e n I call e d the service agcnca•s who said th<'y could find no thera peutic value tn pick- ing it up, let alon(;• fixing il. I called a junk deaJer who said, ''Whal is this, lady? An in vitation to at· tend a hernia?" AT WIT 'S END ing, we may have to put h e r i n th e spa re bedroom." As the weeks wore on, I I consi d e r ed p l antin g I fl owers in it, puttinff four 1 wheels on it and driving I it. s lipcovering it, putting it oo the por ch, or putting it in m y car. locking all the doors, and waiting for someonetosteal it. LINCOLN/MERCURY 2626 Horbor &lvd., Cotto Mo o 540-5630 PUBLIC AUCTION $2,000,000 INVENTORY JEWELRY -ANTIQUES-FURNITURE THE WORLD FAMOUS . DESERT AUCTIOM GALLERY PROUDLY AMMOUHCES THE OPENING OF ITS HEW IRAMCH, EMPIRE GAUEIUES. LTD •• SANT A AHA. •n CC>f\fUnc:1t09n Wit,, OtJ, Ot•flod t"0(' ... "4"0 ~ .,u be ttQf.lld.11•1"1Q $11WtW• Of'Orntrti"ll •~tate\ H t" ~ nnct du'"'O July and A ugust ""'"""'II the consiglW'O Pl°"e<1'r ot ._ rerguior1, OIOlftl>enl a.v-e., ~ acc•alitl"I •nd •·l~nt ~~ \1¥ ... f"Yt'f in °"' rn1ny -' ., 11u .. ,,. ... n.-.e utes ot u .. • ITlOO"''""e t>ee'1 he'O HogNogro tntluc:le Ille IOlfOW11'9 Virgo: Slow Your Pace T he n an incredible phenomenon took place. For26years, my hus band and I have sustained our m a rriage on a 50-50 basis. All of a s udde n. the broken hot waler healer not only assumed a sex. but without bene fit of a hearing, I assumed its custody ... all 100 per- centofit. - Today. it s tands in the garage ... a monument t o man 's over - e n thu s ia s m f o r technology. A lr99"'11Cenl tot•11e•10n "' '""..,.'"' OJOl•ty PO'cet1H1 ~•"'O of enc..,... o. .. ae•. "'e•ssen. RS f'n.4ao&. ~ Royal C.own o.t>v. AoYll V•ent1& Ro•!Wllllal "'II'*' Tillar) l•mo (l>He & shade) a lully , .. teted Wh<>oten Bros We4•• Fwoo -,,,... 11i-e ""' Gelle Steuben T11f1ny R L.i!OJ<! 201111ooue ctoc.u. Fref'CI>. c..n.n, Amenu". 1ncJ 1 ,.,. Bln,o ~ .,it in mint OOl"ld•hOl"t ........,,..,, ot Ote<e( ol lurn1ture entooue....., comt~ary J'renc::h, • "'"9nc:.n Colon .. t. 11>() 1 ••'Y r11te E•IY Amencan lowt>o)' a taroe eollechon ol """'nun ar>el Fr"1Clt "'°"' .. •ig,,.,., Remong1on, K11,1be Oubucar>el T nerel Ruueu elt 7~ '"" of '"''""O sil•fll oner • n.tware .. ,. ''""IC~ tor 6. 1? I 18 • Sl!l<hng .. ,_ tea Mt ...ct. SS trey Georgian cnoco111e Cl'>l tu1 c.Mldy '"",,.. ~tc <Air hne 1rt 1n<;ludo~ 0111 by t9tt1 Cl"'"ltJry n-e~Pr'j such ,s Hetr.ng, ~lle.m,, OIC Contt!mO(;'l 'Y ,,,.,,,~ """" It. Al)C)er1 Wood Jvhat"I R1tt(tf. Ke•"4'. • nvmb~, tJt linfl F"'..,'"" t""C>fm.1!(,ln.'1' aho a.19ned ~cntno1 1r'ld htho~ t>y lt1r1 ~,,,,,,.., ~r:.. .. v l""Jr,...._. Miro. ovet 100 pee.es 1n 111 F RIDAY, AUGUST 1 By SYD!'IJEV01'1ARR A RI E S <M a rch 21· Apnl 191: Accent on what you pay, what you get, who makes a dc!al. what h app e ns behind the scenes, "ho decides when to k t up, when lo apply pressurc. T.\l 'R l 'S <April 20 · May 201. Cycle is high and active. You get going on your O\\n, people who were "hidden" come to surface ancl cncou ra~c your effort!\. GF:'.'UNI ( M av 21-J une 20 ): Whal was moribund is activated. Know il and don 't be surprised. Keep your balance. F riend, normally passive, will show defin ite signs of ag- gression . C ANCER <J une 21· July 22): Friend who acts "noble" may be hidinJ? something. a pparently for your benefit. Your re- lationships become in- tensified. I.EO (J uly 23-Aug. 22>: Check with ex pe rt when it comes to investment procedures. Put finishing touc h es on project. Avoid prem ature starts. VIRGO {Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Avoid excess s peed in traffic. Tendency is to rush. to be overconfident. Be direct without being arrogant. LIBRA CS<.'pl. 23-0ct. ~>: Contra('tual obli ga. t10ns may be u('('ented. Payments come due. You h_a~e ch<1nce lo benefit by n sing abo\'c lhc petty - share and learn. SCO R P IO (Oct. 23· CAPRICO R N <Dec. 22-J an. 19 ): Accent is on action in areas r elated to love, children, c hange. creative drives. You get a nswer s, you provide questions, you cha llenge and remodel. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20· Feb. 18): St u dy Capricorn m essage for some valid hints. Hom e area. familiar grounds or routine could become emotional storm center. ''When arc you going to get rid of her?'' asked my husband. "Her who?" "lier. The hot waler heater.·· "If thin~s keep going the way they've heen fZO· Can't you see life from another planet in the year 2001, finding un entire earth littered with the re- mains of billions of hot water heaters and report- ing. ''They were a tall race with a 30-40 gallon capacity and very little expression.'· "Did you bring one ~ack so we could study it?•· asks his leader. "Hey. man ... that's not my job ~·' Onttntl'I 1tem1 t 1lln.fblH JIO• r.kA'.:nnf l'W't.4" Y..Jeent;;. 1~9$.. Cf'1415.t,, carv•noi DOf'tel11n •••elf) Ou< >e!Khon OI l•ne 1e,.e1ry onci.-., lhe lolk>,.•"9 16 d heM V\a,pe OllmGnd ~1111ro !Ii() d O•..-rof"IO Of....,el b<J ct OP.Al lleM•~I ""'" lO C1 01 d•• 1no em 130 d necl<tace ~1"'11 of Otatn0nch e"""•IO• '*DOlt11es I I Cl oval.,.. l!8 d S1• UQPNf!' ftftfl w1tthtt& •net 7 R c;l e•1 • P11t~• Pt\•lhpe~: v~1ent11>e """',,,.' "'°""'· ~ li.Aathay l1$SOC. "'9ny Ot.X .. 9' V¥11,htt!I 1nc1 • '''~ 0UM1• tQ..11 reo-it1tttt emer~. tVl>oes ._,,.,,., 01e,...,no1 ca,...,.,. ""'l• o-aceiets oons. oenia and 100 ... •lyt•• """' :.00 Gt«.. '' 000,000 --....... HntO<!C!IO<' I Pllve•e •ele l 1Jtt trwu S.I 11-~ PM & HI p ... ""'-''°"' 9W'<Y Frooey '"~ Saturor, ""'"'9 ate PM ~eset\llll..,.,.; WOQMl.O, f.,ms-<un cnec' BolA Master °"'1ge EMPIRE GALLERIES, LTD. 2722 Horth Main Stnd, s..ta AINI,, Ca. P (Sc ES (F eb. 19. '• M••e N0<11tolS.n11 eno Fr.,.,.....y Ju\I Sovtn ol ~IOtio • F.w.on l>Quare March 20): Money and 17141 547-.7Jl4 Toi"'- ----------------------. Nov. 21): There is a "stir-rela tiv es could be ,~~~----...,--~:----;,~-;;:::=:===============~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ featured . Discussions of lf budget. income might not Me~cedes • NO I MIDDLE-MAN I PROFITS! Mic~ael ~teo~en~ furniture Mfg. 372t wtST WAINll, SA 5'f· 1249 C••ll• or condomtnlum , find your dre1m home lund1ya -In the ......... r ing" in area associated with legal commitments, including partnerships, special agrcem<'nli; and marriage. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Involvement is emphasized. Clear red tape and get lo heC1rt of m atters. You are able now to clear away emo· tional debris. prove fruitful. Key is to A. 1 heed yourowncounsel. _,..1~ _ U today is your birth-~-. ~ day you are independent, ~~ somewhat arrogant, a "show person" in sense that you un derstand drama. appeal. box office and how lo appeal to what interests people. Wo'rp a IHlle tarlher away ,o we have lo oo a lltlte more. Come ano see us San Dle90 Fwy. •t AV8ry, -Mon Vlelo (714) 831-1740 So o1a...a..-. (714) 495-t700 FINAL WEEK SALE ENDS SAT., AUG. 2nd I SA VE 50% '° 70% AMD MORE! OH OUR IMTlltE STOCK OF ••• CHANDELIERS HANGING LAMPS WALL FtXTUIH FtNE TAii.i LAMPS '5COMCU ELERRIC anll Llllllll 222 Victoria Sh·eet, Costa M11a (Acron ..,... Gn.....,.,. NllfHry) PllOM 646-~737 /646-8194 , Our T11rn to Sale UPTO 50% OFF including Anne Klein, Jones Cln.namon and lots of separates All Items from regular stock Westcllff Plaza Only ., 111' I ....... "8 ,..,. ..... • 0,.. n.n.\ ...... • t • MW444 Betrothals Rites Set Ault-Harvey A Dec. 26 wedding in the Victor Hugo restau~ant, Laguna Beach is being planned by Adrienne Joan Ault and Stephen Charles Harvey, both of Laguna. News o.r their engagement and rorthcom· ing wedding was announced by her parents, Mr. and M!s. Armo~d A. Ault of Huntington Bca~h during a fum1ly party in their home. Tllurtday,Juty 31, 197& Big Question Raised DEAR ANN LANDERS Our family accepts what you say us the "last word.'' We have faith in your common sense and Judg- ment. We also know you go lo great lengths to consult with the experts. This teller is to ask yo u to clear up something at onl'c Either you've been giving wrong information or somconl· 1s in serious trouble'. Whot about this, Ann Landen;? ClllCAGO ANN J:o'AN DEAR FAN: llic:one lnjec:· lions ARE UJegal. I strongly sus- pect there w H an error ln report~ ing the •tory. The "disabt~·· aspirant probably bad slllc:one Implants wbleb are legaJ, safe and have proven satisfactory. su s pe nd publ1cal1on or the Braille edition This would have been a tr;uic loss, because those who can~t hear record111~::. or the radio and TV are morl' i:,ol<.1l· ed and cut off from lhe world than the •·ordinary .. blind. CAIL V PILOT Q RUFFEll'S UPHOLSTERY Wllft Yoe W-t Hie .... 1921 H__. lfYd. c..te M..-541 .. JH .FALL COAT SPECIAL ~ass Ault graduated cum laude from the UmversJ~y of California, Santa Barbara and_ received her teaching credential from Cahfor~ia State University at San Diego. ADRIENNE AULT I c learly recall that in the last three years you have stalL'<i unc· quivocally that silicone injcc· tions lo enlarge the breasts are il - legal and dangerous. You ~lated recently that some women have had to have their breasts am· putated because of tumors caused by these injections If the story was ac:curaleJy re· ported. however. and I.he woman did have slllc:one lnJeclionsb two people. at least. are in trou le- tbe go.go dancer and the pbyst· ciao who administered the shots. If our deaf blind r enders knew what your help mcJnt lo them in keeping the Braille t'Clition ali vc, I'm sure each one would wnllo' you a note of thanks. Ettective thru Aug, 30. 1975. any purchase entitles you to buy your tall coat at a $1 0 Discount. Her f1 ance, son of the Charles A. Harveys of Newport Beach, attended Fullerton College. • • Turnbull-Christensen North Cha_Pel, U.S. Naval Training Center. San D.'ego will be the setting for the Sept. 27 wedding of Katherine Turnbull and James Morgan Christensen, both of Pacific Beach. The ceremonies will link two historic families as the bride·Lo-be is a descendent of ~he M aynower colonists and her Ciance is a fifth· generation Californian. This morning I read a wire story which l am enclosing. I couldn't believe m y eyes It says lhe slate o r Wisconsin paid for silicone injections for an aspiring go-go dancer who ··tackl'<i the necessary equipment" to land a job. The dancer was listed as "disabled'' until the silicone treatments enlarged her breasts. She is now gainfully employed. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Latest r eports indicate that a total of $5,622.83 has been r e- rPivrn ~ th;:inks lo vour simple suggestion that those" ho wish lo help a good cause should send money lo Dialogue . And it is still coming in -three months after the column appeared! More important is the fact thal this unexpected windfall saved the Braille edition we emboss for the d eaf-blind. Finances were so low, we had JU:>t about decided to In behalf of all of us who have profited from your kindness, r send our ";,arm thanks. - SINCERELY , DON NOLD DEAR DON: What a delightful day·brightener! And now -just in case anyone out there meant to get that address when it fin;t ap· peared -and didn't -it's Dialogue, 310-0 S. Oak Puk Ave., Berwyn, Ill. 60402. Miss Turnbull, daughter of Navy Capt. and Mrs. James R. Turnbull of Pacific Beach, graduated from Radford High School, Honolulu and with honors from the University of Hawaii. KATHERINE TURNBULL Her fianc e, son of Mrs. Morgan Christensen, Balboa Is land and S. 0 . Christen sen of Brea, is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attends California State University at San Diego. * * Sai-Partin An Aug. 23 wedding in Harbor Christian Church, Newport Beach is being planned by Miss Allen Partin and Marco F. Sai, Costa Mesa. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Lorrie Huff, Newport Beach and Dan Partin. Huntington Beach. She is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and attended California State University at F\lllerton. Her fiance, son or Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Sai of Florence. Italy, attended the Unive rs 1ta Dchli Studi di Firenze , Fiorencc. Correction Due lo a typographical error, a statement made by Dolores Ferrell in •·women Starr Law Center and He lpline" Sunday. July 27, "'as al· tributed to Ronnie Jo Nnoh. Also. a loan of $200 in "seed money" was made lo the Jaw center by the Western State Universi- ty Women·s Caucus. not the local chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus. as re· ported. The Daily Pilot regret.s the errors. How Safe? Home accidents rank a s trong second to the motor vehicle as the country's wQrst killer, with approxi mately 26.000 a nnual fatalities. To curtail this tragic toll and the mi JI ions of in· Juries : s kid-proof backing can cause spills. -K eep litter to a minimum. Don't run ex· tension cords across traffic areas. a nd don't overload electrical out· lets. Do your climbing on u s turdy stool or steplad· der. Sp i r•I Sllr~d Wlaol~ or Half HAMS "So Good II Will 'Haunt' You 'Lil w ... Gone" Wa Delc~ ••• ti'o wcrstt ... Try it! OY&4 ROASTED $ 349 TURKEY BREASTS Al wtiite _.t, of~! A Red T,...... L&. • lltady to SttYt with Hoiwy '11 Spict Glou • Spir9 Sic.ed ~ Top to '°"- • Wt l'od!OIJf OIMI Ship from Coo't lo Coo,t • "' SttYict Oelicottutn • ~ C)lffm and Wiatt 3700 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mor -673· 9000 I 222 S ........... II. at W lld., AllClltiti,. ' IAllRtN( fo';~ I r. I' l/\ 1.,l /\ND 675-0770 Entertainment Happenings ... Films Theater Dance Television in the Keep your kitchen stove clean and have a supply of baking soda on hand. Don 't throw water on a stove fire, as this can make grease/ splat- ter. s preadiog the fl<.1mes. Turn off the heat and douse with the bak· ing soda. Stairways a nd halls should be kept well light- ed, equipped with a han· drail and covered with ~;:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lacked-down carpeting. -Houses orten have built-i n hazards. Dark· ness may cause serious · injury if a bedroom lamp or wall switch is inac- cessible from the bed. Scatter ru gs without -Avoid bathroom falls by using anti-skid s trips a nd grab rails in tub or shower. Sm::ill foots t ools, 1 magazine racks a nd I other low units s hould be so placed that there is no likelihood of a nyone trip· ping over them. FURNITURE There\ ~ood looh and there'' good sense in the roomful o( stor· age bene.1 th th<' 'land.ml hunk-<.i1c bed. High po~I stylin~. four big draw<.>r~ .rnd full widlh d1)uble door slora~e with .1tlr.l< tivt' pull) and fine de- lailin~. Col1m, color,, ht·Jutiful color<., .ind .i whole <ollN littn of m.itthing pieces for now or l.i!t•r. Looi. JI the ch t>stbed ch.umer, then lc11JI. JI the· ll'rrific RB price. S winntdng Ins truction• in my house Guaranteed paol safety in 2 weeks. Children 7 rros. and up . ~ INDIAN JEWELRY SALE 30% to 60% OFF Chestbed charmer! The new gem of an idea from RB for compact space planning. A 1110 La,/it>s ! LOSI'.' I NCHES J••· •• , •••• ,. • •• 1., •• , ••• ,, ........ c ....... T1te1.,Wed.&~h..W. Our Regular Stock of the Finest ZUNI (Inlay & Needle Point) NAVAJO, HOPI AND TI GUA Rarr Brar Cla w J1·"rlry NAVAJO RllCS-KACll lNA . -POTTERY -ARTJ FACTS A . I (;all Sc.-ffl~ ~~~~r 548-84 7 4 . ( OVTOOORS) A breath of fresh air. In the DAILY PILOT 3 DAYS ONLY · FRI. lST, SAT. 2ND, SUN. 3RD. Sale Hours · 10:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. "TURQUOISE TEEPEE" 3412 VIA OPORTO, NEWPORT BEACH (714) 675-8700 In the LIDO VILLAGE CENTER· Validated Parking new outdoor art gallery THE POTTER:i mlSTAHE -- ...... ~ ...... --o~livery and our (.mwus quality ~ __..-warr.mty .11 no e~tra cost. FIRST CLASS SECONDS every Fri. & Sal. ....... \_. IMtdll[~l:g RB FURNITURE STORES OF AMERICA • ta ,......,," Cetw.tnta -.:l_."'T~ &OS MIClll_S: 1111 W•I ....... ltwd M1u clt llll1lf• I ICMO W '•co 81..., U .t.MCI• ~ ... 11 fl t.uw11._ U:IUl•/ClllllOS '11 SOOl!ttl St Exciting fine art exhibit every week outside Huntington Center Mall between Broadway and Barl(e< Bros. Plus artist of ~a week. Opening Monday, August 4th l &AltSrtllO· '010 trl10 "" C.tt.Ul• VISU Ht. tl• af•tf Q...AllMOffl/f'OMOtl-" l IMtlli 11 COSIA a(S.A U .._ t.• I • (;0Wlflt4 1C) fll ,,._. OOWJltlt '1• t ,.,,.,, ... Q CA.0-&,.8 fit loii"\!Ofl An Q.(R0Al l t 1 ,. (.,.V•' GUMAOI\ MIU.I 1"1"' ~' t 1 ..U•Tl"CJO'f l tlt.H 1t I ft•.,. It ...... U KAlllJ It wr.· Whitt• lO#t 9UCM; lllt l•h....i l ft'llll llOfllrll'(f ra• H \ S Ath"lfH' fltAOIU I .• ,., ... llt(I SIOt I t.f•fWtl IRVING, featured al Barker Bros. Beach & Edinger at San Diego Fwy. P UBLIC NOTICE ' PUBLIC NOTICE a•stO l'ICTITIOUS 9USINES$ "CTITIOUS BUSI NISS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Tiit IOllOWl"9 person h d04no b<IM· ,.,,.1011owln11 persoM •r• doi"9 busl· ness H : M l>SH. HUH TING T 0 N 8 LUFF ACTION TV, 11as ECll~r. Foun PRO PE It TI ES. 1 '1" Buch t:tln V•ltey. CA. 917ot Bou11• .. rd , Suite 1 SO, Hu'1l•n11ton J1o11•r o. Mullikin, 116.S lrl~ 8HC:h,CAt1'47 Aw....e, Fountain Vallo, CA 92708 G. Louis Grazledlo 111, 1616' Buch Rlc:llerd K'10llon, 7H Mor9an eoulevud, Suite ISO, HuntlnQIOll Slreel, OrenQe, C.A. Beach, CA 92647 Thi& buslneu Is con du< led by• bu\I This business b cond\Kled by a llmlt· ,.ss trust. eel pertner$11lp. RC>llt• 0 . MUlllkln G. t..outsGrnladlO Ill This statement wu flleCI w41h ttw This steltme"t wu flled with IM CovnlY Clerk ot 0r•n4" CtWlllY on July Coufltv Clertl of Or•"ll• Cou11ty on July t, 1'7S. 1'4Sffl )I, ttH. F~,.74 Pvbll~ Or•"!le Coul Oelly Pltot, Publlthed orenve cout O•llY Plto4, July 17,14,JI, •nd AutUSI 7, lt7S 1'411' July 24, JI, end Au9usl r. 14, 1'1S _____ ----1144-1~ $AAfA AJtA/TUSTI•· I IOJ l )7U1 Sf. SAJll alltU.ROllG 't99 S f St SA• OU~ It/\ C •••r-1 lit•_. Joi·• \OUTH IAf I' " ~~•• ,_,.,. tMOUS.A..NO ou s )U ,,.....,,W-.. o.n lhd. 10"-IAJllC.l/Oll AJIO ' 1911 ........ ,,. M • ""' t(Ntu•• ''it t. n ..... t .. ooou.-o Mill$ ... ,..."'' lhld tOllY(Ml(lll ... n -. SHOP 'DAU A •Cfl( • WtlKOUS .. UMTll •• IATUllOAt .. u .. fll •• SUNO•• .... UNtll •• •8'\l fllll ,.uuoc; c;..,.,,,., C l'7S lt 1114.,th o IN" '" •-.•••l"I '\led C1c:"t1111,. Ct,.. .... ,. P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE • P UBLIC NOTICE Pt:BUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 1------------I ------------· -- --8-IOS27 UOO FICTITIOUS BUSINESS SUPERIOR COURT OFCALIFORNIA FICTt TIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS IN THE SUPERIOR COUllTOI" l"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT COUNTY OF ORANGE NAME SUTEMEHT NAME STATEMENT THESTATEOF CALIFORNIA NAME STATEMENT ThelollowirllJPt'•SOn\Art'clO•nqbu•I Ho.AM2.. TIW! follow•n9 Pf't\On >\ CIOU>q bu\•· Tht' totlOWl"IJ pt'rSOn .. clOH'll busl· IN ANO l"OR THE Tht lo1towln9 persons ere Clolno bu" ,..,, ll\ ·ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE M\\d\ ~\ll\ COUNTY Ol'OllAHGE nHU\. T AKA T RA 01 NG C.O MPAN'I', 1"011 CHANGE 01" NAME J p /\NO AS50CIA HS, 31181 Sth SOUTH CO TRUCKING. 150S7 Ee• NO.AMlU SPORTS IV, 1:1811 Brid~r R08d, 17017 Puebtonuevo Ortve. Ml\"on Vie In lht' Maller of GEORGE R SlrNl,L.tQun.i Bti <h. Calllorn•e'176\I cel\lon<!C" lfY1ne.Ceh fom1•9l10S ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR El Toro, CA 92630 1o. Ull!Qrnil '161S GONZA LES De LE G6 R E TE, for J0\41PPI ,,.ll1c•no, 31181 Slh ~lr.,..t, JoM HH"tt\ MoHt1n, !SOS2 Ee· CHANGEOFNAME JOHN MULLINS, 16831 C<1lle Ralph( Jones,1/0T1Pueblonuevo CN,.ofName. La1Jun.tllea<".C"llfor"tol'1bSt ctl\lon<!Cir,hY1nv,C•l1forn•d9210S 111 the Matier of tlle Apotlcet>on of Merla.M1nlonVlelo,CA•16IS Ori~.M1.-1011 V1t10.C.ehlorn•e9l61S The eppllcelfon ol George R. Thi\ bu\•'ll!H "condutllt<I by•'" 111 T"I\ bu,.,,.._, is <onClu<tM Dy afl 1n- F LORENCE A. RAYBURN For THOMAS FLOREY, 2S332 ~Ml• Sltvtn O Wlllltorcl, 7'0 C:a\t Cllf· (ionaales O.Le9orrle, tor d1.tnge ot CIMdu•I dlvlciuat ::hanQeof Ne me Lane, M•••ion Vlt10, C.A •267$ IOI', No J. An•IW!1m, C.elllo•n111 '780S neme, llevl1>9 -flied 111 Court . .and II Joseph P.lllc.tno John F '""'" MArl!n Tiie ;tpptltellon o f FLORENCE A 'Tiiis buslntt11 Is beln11 conClucleci by d H•I\ bininn' , , condu< ted by • •PC>eerlnlJ lrom said •P911<•tl0n thef This statement "''' "'"" w•lh '"' Thi\ ••afrm('nl wn '''"" .,.,1h the RAYBURN lor cha1111e ol name, hevlflll Polrtr>erYl•P. Qener•I partner\/11p Georllf R. Gon&eles O.Leoorete lie\ County Cter~'ol Or<lnlJ(' County on July County Clerk ol Oran(le C.ounly Oii July ::wtn flltd In Courl, end II •~ ... 1119 • Johll Mullln~ Retpr. E. Jone• llteCI •n e1>9llcellon proposfnlJ INI llh r, 1''S. 1. 1'H lrom wlo appllcet1011 that FLORENCE This stat•ment llled w1tr. llW! Cou"IY lhl\ slelemtnl w•• loled with the name be tllel'\9td to George GollulH F '"°' tt.ut ' RAYBURN NS tllftd •n ewltUlllol'I Clerk 01 OranQe County on July''· HIS County C.ltfk OI Or•nl)e County on July L.eooute. Pubttstled OMnC)" CO<l)I O.lly PilOt, P\Jbl•WO or ..... CJ@ Coe\I Cell'Y PllOI, .>n:JC)Ollllg IMt Iler name be tl\anlJed 10 • ~II '· i.1s. NOW, THEREFORE. It IS ontered July 10. II. 24, Jt. ltlS nn 1S )Vly to, 17, , .. ll. 1'7S u1 .. 1s FLORENCE A FORTNER Pubtlsl\ed Oren~ Coast Delly l'ltot, F4SH4 enOdlre<tff INt •II persons·~ Now, lhtrtlore, It Is r.ertby Oteltrfd July h , 31, Au9ust 7, U, 1'7S 2,,._7S Pubtllfted ()ran~ coot Deity Piiot, In said in.lier dO •-•r be'°" Ir.ls ----------- tnd CltrKltd, 11\•I ell ~r\OM lntere\I· ----________ ------Juty 10, 11, 2•,JI. 1'1S Js:i..H Coun Ill ~parlmenl Jon lhe 1"110.YGlf >Cl 1n selCI m •ll•r Clo •PPt.., t>-lort" '"'~ PUBLIC NOTICE AU0\1\1, ms. •t 10:00 •·"" o"ctocll of P UBLIC NOTJC'f: PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ':ollrt In Oepartmtnt 3 on 11\e ltthdey Of _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---1o1IC1 dey to \l\ow uvr.e Why tiUCh • .._ B-tMlo4 PUBLIC NOTICE ~U:::!; ~~~~~1:;o:>.!·:Pc;1~;.! °.80: 'ltlltl0\1$ ''"•NU$ PUBLJC NOTICE =~~~.!,~ <hA"9t"' Nine "'611tdft0t l'ICTmous eus1NESS NOTICE OF SAt..e. - '1c;TITIOUS 9USINISS NAMI STATEMl!NT 1"9 IOllowlnlJ pert.On It CIOlnq bu\!, ,.,,., -------- ----.hel'llJeOf namullOulClllOI Mllr8flted NAME STATEMENT ----,.,e;liious eu11Ml.H II Is "'""'' orcierecl \Mt • UOY Of ... ,....,STATE MENT Ne )0~2.Ju-MU• F'ICTITIOUS IUSINUS It It turtr.tr ordered INI • (09'( Of '"' IOll()Wll'O PtrlOM •r• Clolr191Nsl· NAMI JTATIMeNT tllls Onlltr lo Show Caua be P*lsNd ......... Int perwns trf dOHlQ bu\! Nolkt ,, ~rfbY 9lven '"'·' llW - NAM! STATEMENT Ills O.Cltr be publlSlled Ill Ult OrMOI nenu. In ,,... o. ... ~ Cout O.lly Pllol, • netu•: Ot'5llJMCI will."' 11 OOA.M,.-... '"' TM foll0-Nl1>9 ptrMH'I I\ OOlnQ bW OH i 0.11, Piiot • ntw'4H1pef ot f)(H181TION OAICE SHOP, '°'' TN IOllOWU'9 ""°" II dolnt tiu,i -""' of 9e11e'8I clrculellon, 1.AltRY DOUGLAS. l TO 7'711 do of A119u~I. 1•1) •• , U'70t Mlltafl, ... MAll.ANTHA PRESCHOOL. mlO $0 Felrvltw, Seflt• A,,.. Cel1lorn&1 '1TOI lout .. ,. Eeglnlon, .,,, Mun'1., O• , Hunt11191on !Mech, C•lltorni• '1M6 Tiiis bu~IMU ,, (Oftdu«H by en l'I •lvtciu.tl. LOUht,. E•glttlllfl "T111s •tett"1tnl "'" 111"1 w4th ti. C-IY Clerk ol Of•n~ Co11nty on July 1, ltU, 1'4Ul1 P\lbllshtcl O.•ntt coot D•11y PllOI, ,J41Ay 10, 1/, 14. )1, 1•H 2).li H ""'" ,,. •• 1 clrculeflon, printed "' taiCI All•11t• A¥t ' Hun11119IOft h•<ll, -•s: ~ '" •Id COUflW, et .... --.., •• M ..... , ..... MIHIO" V••10 ,,. City of Wotmln•te•, c.vnr., .. (.ALIFORNIA DRYWALL C.0. t3' ovnty. ellt'l\I onu .. cl\w .. ktOf ._ C.lltonlle'1.,_. CltfATt:·A·l'lllAM£, H• OcMn eKfl _. for four wcunl"9 _.,, CMlfe.nle'1'1S Or~ Staltc ol C..lllon>la, will tell •I w Belboe, Bet boa. C.ellforn1•"1660 u<CtUI•• _,_,,~, prior to llW day Of Rotierl J encl G<.tcf' A Andl!<S«t, Avt • ~ lt~h. (lllllornlem5I PflOr to lfMtci.y of y lCI llHrlt19, ~,.,Ober, 1011 V•• Meclrv91tcU1, l)Ul)41C eucllon, to tt1t lllQtlHI blddoor tor ReyrnonCI L Sllerifl, 914 v. S.tt)ot ICllltff·~ 11n1 8rtlon ln., t<un11n91on S.e<ll. Lu<Y Jent-, •o so. CM~ HwY • o.te0· Juty t , 1'H. MIDlofl Vlelo. c e1Hor11I• '1•H tesJI. 1111 f04....,1"9 oucrfi.cl ~I 01¥0., e.11JN, c.111or11la 'lMO 0.t.O thh 11111 day of JlllY. lt7S CalllOrftl• n.... ~ ...... Calllo•nl• t2t11 $AMUEL ORE 111.N Peul 811rnttl, •OO I "'"croll fl<11P'9r1 y Thi•~ ..... 11 conducll'll by ..... '" iAMUCL ORCllGN r111~ bu\IMSS ,, conC111cttO by~.... , .... llUSlfltn ,, ur!duCted "' .. In-J""9f ol A~. l.OIAnvtlet. (81Horn••'°°4l 1'7J Pll>lllle< LeMeni. i.ertel .... Glvl~I Judllt Of S.ld 511perlor C-i ClivlcN41t dlv~I. \N S...'1or Ceurt nib_,.,.,, It ...... ~teel bJ • 7C.J7RR1"212. lt•vmonclL.Sfl•t1ff UlllCl!t...MUIML.l,•10, RotoertJ Andert.On l.,utyJellltoot JUtOftjWl•Oet..MAM .......... tllfp. Wt••••,,.lhtllQflltobldOO'I .. ~ Tllh ••••-t wu 111ec1 ...,111 Ille -WllSlllrt ll•G. Stt. lttt Tllh tl•C.motnl wH flied w41h Ille This sUltt..,.nt wM lfltcl wltll IM llt'I N,lrw4fw4J ~O..r perty, " Gour>ty Clerk of Ofo1n94 County on Jult et Aft9eles, C:.11 .. f'tlle *14 C°'1nl\I Clerk of Or•nllf County on July c.ourttJ Cletti; 9f Of'"9f ~y M .AA ,_...._,CA. tt7M 1Ns --~ fl ... ..-. lhll ~· G•Nl'.llAL MOTOQ 7,ms. t1:011)47'-J17'/I,....., 1.ms. t,1t1S. Tlll(J'Ml..,.tn7 ~-°"--~-.Nt,11.1'1) AC.CtPTANC.li 1"0521 ~ PubllsMd Ortn1J9 Coe\I O•lly PllOI FUSI( " ...,.....,tw .... ..._,. ......... COlll'OftAnON Put>41ahed Or811Q!I CN•I O.lty PtlOt, ulyt4,al,end AUQU'1 T, "· ,.,, 1n11) l"ubll"*I Or•llot Cool O&llY Pl161, f'\mllJMcl Or•llOI Cont O.lly Pllol, "'*'""" Or•n~ Co•ul O•llY Piiot, l'ulllhllle4 0.•"99 c .. ,, 0..lly "''°'· P\Jbll\l>fd 0••"9f ''"'" O•fly Pltot. July 10, 17, 24,11, tt)J lSU-11 July 10, 11.1~ "· ltTS UI) 11 Juty 10. tJ,M, ••• 1t1J UM-1J .My 11,U,JI, •nd ,i.u,u\I '. 1•1s ~.is JUiy t4, )1, Auvutt 7. 1•, 1•11 1nt /) July,, • • • ' I , I ... IOOMEI ~1 '11P 'bJ ~ ,.. foOTIAl.l PRAG11G£ ~Y. 900A'.fe r ........ TUMBLEWEEDS PE:PU1Y, 10 't'DIJ FALLS1HE HOHOR OF SfAROi"61HE PfSERT FOR 1 1HE MISSIN6 iLJMEJlrEWf:~VS~! FUNKY Wl~IEAM ·Ft&MEMTS NANCY I TOLD ROLLO iO PACK A -9! LUNCH AND .JOIN OUR PICNIC wow---IMAGINE A WEALTHY KID COMIJ'IG iO A SIMPLE PICNIC ·TODAY'S CIOSSWDBD PUZZLE - .. S A T If I I ' IC 1 ~ '1 I 11 IFITI I< 'T •I< " 1£1 Ill Ill ~ I " ••• ~ > I Tftlllilb+iL:+7fli 111n,,'l'll'TT'rMl ~ 1r ,.frm 11-• I T T ·~· -1· ii :: 1• II IL t 1 l I •• ~ fJ II! I II r 11 I 11 I I II '! II S A I 1• ( ~ 1.! ~ "" II IA by Wa F. lroWll aad Mel CCISIOll -r R ,,,1F- 8LJS N,,,1LLr.,r::_ PEANUTS JUDCiE PARKER MISS PEACH ............... _ DICK TRACT by Tom I. Ry• by Tom latiuk by Dale tWe • .,..u•"•"' ... _, __ . .,., ............. ,_, __ .. ~•~o CATERING .. DOOLEY'S WORLD by RMge; lradfield VEli: W!SflN' YE~ l 1Mf 'T'RVIN' TO HATCH TH.Al" -rn 1Nv ! DR. SMOCK GORDO HON6Sf. .. lf!i NGr A GOLF ouci.: EGO- IT S J UST' A GOLf aw,.! f.'1Av&. Yt.J;: srosto 10 ~r r AN eGG WA~ .... C3Ul YA HI 1 ,\ GOLF BAU. ~B! t"'f"'WAS P U-r" O N eY' c;;>R. ~H IVA<SO l?U RIN<S H IS SAL-AP c::>AY S MOON MUWNS by Ferd, Johnson ® .... "1'4:• ••• ANIMAL CRACKERS SHARK! OH,ME~~ WHllN TM£ ~'fA~QCAO PftVAl&.6 ... by Harold Le Doux by Mel -!J&AT L.ET TMi VE~Y ~l.._.TffT THIN<# Go WIX'N6 • L.!T ~ TINV CLOUO ~,,,. OUT OF THE we-sr- L.fT A ~LOW!Jt W/t..T-1.£1" >. Fl4'f tcNOCt(. OIAT 'TWO OF M~ TEITH ••• "11\ a real paradi,e fur women, Carol -men, men, men -in fac1, a~ I'm writi ng ~his ano1hcr one is heading my wa y to 1 introduce himself." DENNIS THE MENACE , , .. ~ .... occ 'Cabaret' ·Excellent The height or theatrical ambi- tion alon& tht• Orange Coast each year is usudlly the trad:lllonal Orange Coast Colle~c ~ummer musical. And with "Cabaret," number 20 on the grow1ng hst. lhlS ambition has bt'l.'n realized to a degree a chit>vL'd on.ly oc· cas1onally in the pui.l. John Ferzacca's ex<·ellent pro- duction of the musical drama set al the oulst.>l of the Nazi era in Germany covers the OCC stage like a blankl.'l, ulilizmg every nook and cr.inny on two lt."vels for I CABARET" Intermission Tom Titus roinant1c leads with fervor and passion. a nd his ma~ter of ceremonies is an actor or. rare acumen in the area of aud1em:c rapport who already h~s t~u other personal stage tnumphs witbin the past year. 1'wo standouts in the support· ut~ l'.isl are 1'ht.<rt•!)a Verdecia J !> thl.' genllc l:mdlJdy and David Smaw as the Nazi courier. Miss Verdec1a pulb oH the dramati~ acme of the evening as she ex- p\lins her cha~e or heart lo ~owland and Mi.5.; Renee. \o\tule ~maw conveys, with little ap- parent effort. the smug. hateful aura ot l'ncro1tcning national sociarism . nu; LONE wealowss in the show is S t even Wa r ner 's portrayal of the elderly Jewish fruit merchaht. Warner lacks.the emotional depth and physical maturity for his assign.ment. Felicia Hernandez does a fine job AlST RUM! lYBYOHf Ults IT- $0 WlU YOU An Event ... UlllHQIMKE PG C- DAILY PILOT f: "t.ADIU & GENTLEMEH M ROUING STOte•• PLUS '"THE HAIDH THEYCOMr "UST llOCll MON Of THI 'f&AL"' ••. ~ t'r0tl9 .... ,.~ ~iUOIMAMCI L ... '6CMI' .... A f"f'U\,t(41 b " JOt M•~h. roff Jonn h..ctndtr Jnd frta Ebb Onh.lt o 01 JOflf\ ffrlOtt• or<.~tt• dtrtCIOf' O•••cJ An1r>ont. <!>Of.ti dlrt·<IO< C••o•• Boetltr, Cll0,.1>9• .tp~r R<tbe<CA Sor<kJtl, P«· Mnl~d by Or•no;'" Coot (.oll<'llC' tonuilhl 1r.rouqr. ~tur0.ty dt o JO on the! OC.C •ucl•l0<•1•n\ 1701 f•lr'¥•t"'-Rv•o. (O\t• MeS>• IN TIOS KEY r ole of the chalk· faced host of the Berlin night dub during the decaying da~ of ihc .. gobd life'' both in Germany a nd around the world. Carl ,Nelson deliver s a s u p erliltlvc performance. An amatlne ap- prdximation of Joel Grey. who created the role on Broadw~y and won an Oscar for his•mov1c performance. Nel~on inj~cts. an ominous air of cla1rvoyanft! m\o his interpretation -as t~ugh he alone realizes whal \ur~ aro~nd the corner for the unsuspt!cting German peoplt'. as .i purveyor of the oldest pro-YOU'U tiEL rr TOO! h.•i.s1on dodging Miss Verdecia's "----------.. A \J'4'Vf R'i.Al PICl URt Ne11.' MASH Gong Mike Farrell <center>. onetime Laguna Playhouse ~ctor. moves into t~e costa~­ ring rote with Alan Alda (left ) m the hit TV ser ies MASH. replacing the departed Wayne Rogers. The new commander, tak- ing over for the ''late" McLean Stevenson. . will be Henry Morgan (right>. ............ -JACI -IOOUOM J 4t "THI L.UT DfT 4lL -1 .. FOUNTA ... VALL.EV • ................. ~ ....• ,., t\OQ HOW THIU TUESDAY 'W AHEH IEA TTY 1561 W. SUN FLOWE W. OF &RIST l. C.M. 5.0-0594 "Love And Deatl'I" "Start The Revolution Without Me" PG .. IAMllM ~ .. JOUIHEY UCll TO OZ" -rHE HOl.Clsr OP<tn D•1ly · 12 30 Monthru Fro lo Z.00 PM · Sl.Z.S . THE CAST M.a\tfr of (trt,,-,on1t\ \.M-~t l1'0f\ M.,.,,,.,,.,., kenc.e ~llt Bow lt\ {t1ttoro £\r 40\h~w Fr•u1t1f\ S<nnf'tlldtr .. ..._,,, 5'nutU f tn\t LUO .. •O f rJUlf'in Jlr..O\l (1.1\lc;n \ Ofh""' A" t "'d Rowl•nc:I • fn., • • • v ... rdf< 1• ~f\vtn WttrfW>r ( ·•Y•O~m•W •• ~·· ... ···He~notl Ron..tlOA1a11ld ~Ul>plClOUS ga£1.'. Ensembll' ::.taging is superb throughout the OCC production. lran::.p1rmg on either side of tht• mam action as well as overhead .Amon ~ the musical numbers. the cabaret scenes alone. The boarding house sequences rc- rnlve into view only when needed and scenic transition is ac- complished with marvelous dis- patch. As the lusty. lift.'-loving ca~a~ct !linger. Mariana R~nce!s a Vl\'_ltl. vital figur e. brim ming w1lh ·sensuous charm. whu a.lso has th~ ability to sci~ her songs, parli~ul'arly the tiUe number. Richard Rowlancf blends masculine strength with self- corlscious tenderness in a tl cplh· · lad".en perfo rm a nee as the American novelist 'A ith whom she lives . Nelson's "If You Could See Ht'r" and M 1ss Verdecia's ''What Would You Do?" rank b1ghl y, along with the ch1llingly pru phet•l' "Tomorrow Belongs to Me." Matching the technical artistry is the strongest cast yet or the thret' local versions or "Cabaret•• mounted on the Orange Coast. Ferzacca has instilled his tw~ rr= I Tiu· l1•rrifyi11g mutioll pid Ifft' from th e lt·rrifyi11g .Vo. 1 fx>sl xrller. ~ --MWS ~ 110Y SllAW llCtlYD SQllJDO ORmU$S STARTLING PROOF THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE . c-bw C" "'''"" . ., 't '''~~' P'I\ H ~t' '"' . ' " • JIJlllS I - . ' ., SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT NOW SHOWING! CHE WEB OML.Y! SUH. PASSES A~CEPTED See Theatre Directories for Showhmes . -~'"""""" ca9iiA. e8fT9 ( O\'? ~ ... _, NJA•~l0"'1&-;..~ Uill'WOOI t.i .... ~ t«l l.crq &.> h •t• ,.._ I CTNll (pJt>•U ~." t:llJ Q1M'M MAU _,. t • "' Ol.ueM t.o-» c-.,. ~ .... ""~c-. ~ ..... THEY TRIED EVERYTHING TO STOP YOU FROM SEEING THESE ADULT CLASSICS -BUT OVER ONE MILLION PEOPLE 1 DID IT ANYWAY ... , Deep Throat ... M'Ttlif l,.\.,. _,.,.e,,... f ,l WISTW>OI .,_,. _, ··• c.-.. wist ··~"'­-.u n c.~ .. _. U. ....... Al)i.,,~ ~\oo(-­ ~U<oll .... ...., .. ,; .... 0 1~·· WI "'> TheDevll 111 MIU .,...ISL~....., THE COMPLETE UNCUT ORIGINALS -BUT YOU MUST BE OVER 1 Three more pl•rformancL'S of ••Ca baret '' arc schedult.•d. tonight through Saturday at 8 :30 in the OCC auditorium. If you're without tickets. chances are it's too late for the summl·r music:.tls are traditional sellouts and this one is among the finest. ------1 IARHA STIEISAHO JAM£5,(;AAH "FUHHY LADY" IP'GI "'STIPFOID WJns· llJ '"IAMll" . "7ttll VOYAGE Of SMAD" IGI '"lfTUIH Of n4E P'tHI rAHTHEl" lf'GI ~-Mi'I'-...... ~ "'SUPf'OIT YOUI LOCAL Stal~- -rAIE A HAID llGHT"" IP'GI "UTTU llG MAtof' IP'GI • _ J t'i . ' READY OR NOT, AMEmCA, 'NASIMLLE' IS ntE BLOCKBUSTER ENTERTAINMENT OF 1975! "Asma.sh!" "A wint1er!" -V1110111 C4110r N r 1.1nu · -1i11110,,,.d11 1 '/ STARTS WED. AUG. 6, HUNTINGTON CINEMA 'PG~ ~EWA~ ~ lrdy &C N ·'~wmg.~~.~m~ OAllT 7;1M-• -Ktflll. $AT ·SVW. J_ .. ,.,..., .. AllOMIOHIOKTSAT. r~!!~~.~~~EMA CO\f• ... h 546.3102 ~ 1144-0760 DAI~ Y 7 00 & t lO ' SA t lltJtt t 49- • IS.I Of.I lO· I lllOllleKt SAT. THE GRAND SUN CONNERY (PG) CANDfCl WGIN ' ' ADVE~RE OF THE YEAR IPC.I 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' IHI (PG) IOllDJNI ~ HARIOR TWIN • ...,IOI 4.I WO OM 46·0573 646·3266 BITE THE BULLET GENE HACKMAN PLUS "ALICf DOESN'T (~) LIVE HERE'. ANYMORE" HUHTIMGTOM CIMEMA tl.ACJf &l tUJ\_.. I 47. 608 847·6017. "EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE IT" JefM Andenon, Ndona!IY trndlca'ed CofutMlte DAILY 7:30a10:00, let./lun. 2:tM:4 .. 7:11-tOcOO 6 MIOMQMT SAT· NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVELY EDWARDS NEWPO'RT CJNEMA ~ NiAR COAST HWY. & MACAAfttUR ' NEWPORT BEACH ~7· . NEWPORT. CENTiiii I . You et It af I . · In the - SO.COA~~*T PLAZA ' ~':i../M-~ • i~. So46 2711 .a I · ~II "' "COOLEY HIGH"" SO.COAST PLAZA H !' ,, .. ,._,tl .... l'-t:M S4' llS2 \\tXJO\' Dl.\'F. .\Ill\ l\f..\TO\ LO\'£.ioo ll[\Ttt" fl'll ... , ........ j • "COOLEY HIGH" 1:40 S.t /S..n 2-5: 15-8:40 ''SMILE" • )O.t-)0 , .. ,s-l:l'"6<>0ot:lt .. ,. AH nu MOHFf At4D IUH"" .. II W /S--l·-11 "RETURM TO' MACOHCO~...J 7:00.• IO:JS' .:" S.t/S--l:4S-7:00.lb:J5 ---,,_.r l~"lllN• "WILBY CONSPIRACY" l :SS S.t/S.--1:4S-5:1~5S "SHARKS TREASURE" 7-10:45 Sot/So--3:5S-7:10.10:4S Cf DAILYPILOT Thuraday.Juty~1 . 1975 TOU CAM llCOWI HIAlTHIB ~~ lyTfHY GlAHT, lA Formerly, most every skkness so reduced body hef.lth that ma ny people be ca m e pe r ma ne n t uwallds. Nowodays, we have medic in es t h at cun restore energy. help your ht-art and other oritans to maintain their strength and lower or raise blood pr essure ns needed . These potent drufts ran only be obtained by u physician's prcstr1plloo. f'rom the more th;,in 4000 di fferent medicines in o ur presC'r1 p t1o n de p art men t. your phys1c1an c:an prescnbe the particular one ~l ror you. YOU O R YOUR OOCTOR CAN PHONE I'S when you need a dehvery We will deliver promptly without C'ttra cha rgt. A gr eat many peoplt r <'IY on us for their he:\lth needs. We v.t>lcome req uc:.ts for delivery ser v i ce a nd charge accounts. 351 Hospital Road Free Dtlivery Newport Beach 642-1580 Printing Process Unveiled EOCOM Corpo r ation or Irvine. h ns announced tha L T he Los Angeles Times has e ntered into a n ag r ~e m en t with F.OCOM Cor the purc hase or a new laser pla t e ex- p os u re f ucsi mll e network. The installation will be completed this yttar. The sys te m will pro- duce s u bstantial cost savings in news paper plate expasing process through the m odifida- tion of the present labor intens i ve and s upplies depe nd en t p re press operation, according to EOCOM President Larry G. Larson. Seville Sales & Leasing ~~lCL ~-ii· Nabers Cadillac 1b00 HM bot Blvd, Co\l.l Me~a S~O·~ 100 Mercedes Leasing Authori zed Dea ler/Low Lease Rates ( 7 J 4) 831-17 40 .,, .. ot '-i .. n (,. mtnlf' (i14) 495-1700 Get something 1 EXTRA with your r new car. It l'Onll?S rrl'l' V.. ith l'Vl'r\ nt•W l':lr we Sell. It 'the "Coldt·n Toudi ·l'ruf?ram" :in<l 1L int'lulil'' <1 ri j.?HI 1n"P<'l'l 1nn, <lcllcalP ~1t1Ju ... 1 men ts tor l t1p pl'rlurman<'<'. h.1nd polt~ht•d . 20 milt• road lc-.t ;.111d f1nJ( iippru' :ii. '1>u (-.rn e>.pcd u little more rrom Jc1hn,on & Son. -41-.JOHNSON a SON LT-· LINCOLN/MERCURY 20• KAOO« ll VO CC>tf A ll'ISA }4C..s.l0 Pl'BUC NOTICE •OOt NOTICE OIC INTEijTIONTO CllEl>TE SECURITY INTEREST NOTICE " nertD1 9 ov•n 10 1n, Creo•1or~ OI Ro~tl M 91.ackburn, do. SUllllEILLANCE SYST(MS, Oc-D· tor l•I. wnow bu~1nt\• llOOrh'o I~ 881 Wo118tn Street, Co•t• Mod, Covnlv ol Orange, S1a1t of C.••ltorn•d, 1""1 " ._..,,,v 1nt•ru1 '' llbOul lo~ lrtolleO b'( DPD1or •n<I granted 10 Sm•ll Bu~•· PUBLIC NOTICE 'A•d clecr<l<'nl, .. ,1111n tour morol~illlN 1~ ht$1 OUDllC•l•Onol In·~ no1o~~. 0.61~0 July 16. t'lS C.U•Ll ERMO OOMINC.UEZ I: •tc.,lorol tntWoll ol tt>t •Dove rwmtd dKtclent SILVAS & EATON 1140 Wll\I S.1>1• Ana Blvd .. Sant• An.a, C.alolon11oa '270l Tel: (7141 Sst-ts.J ru~\.i Actm1n1)''•t•on, ~rcurrd AUOf"Myfer Eaecvtor P.,rty ""0'" bu\lneH aOor~H Publl\114!0 Oranve Coasl O~oly Pilot IS .. q Souln Bro•Ow•v. LOS AnQPltS, July 11, H , JI, ano Augusl 7, 1'1S 71>1C>n County ol LO~ An9t1t\, SI.Alt of ------------- (.41t.forru., T"" oroouly on wn1tl\ I""° ~urllV lnler~sl will bl tteotleO I•. 1n 9"""'~' PUBLIC NOTICE all ll•tu,•s. m•tl>onery lnvenle><Y. M NOTICE OF tounh ff•tt••otble •au1pmenl. turn11ure T RVS TEE 'S SALE onO lurnoV•lng~ ot Debtor co•ttonc,i l>'O L°"4'1 No OS171·1 p,,t1y now lot•l•O at 881 W~}t l~ln T S NO 1 ... SQ.4 Sl•HI, Cost• Ml'\a. Coun1v or Qr,,r>~ THE c AL I l'O RN I A·SAN SOME '..tatt ot C.alltorn••. •no bu\•""'' known CORPORATION,• C•lllorn•• ,.,,_,,. ... suAVEILLAN(C. \YSTEM<. I"°" n Ouly •1>ooon1eo Trv\lft' uncle< Tiit a•e><ts••O s.ttUt •IV lranwction '"" 1011ow11>9 orscntied or~ of ''""' ... 11 ~ consvrnmol~O on or •llN ·~ WILL !>ELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO lltneldvo• AugU\I, 1'7S,al Sm.all flu\! THE HIC.HEST BtOOER FOR C.~H nt\\ loOm1nosH•l1on t •q !>outn !payable •I llm" ot ult In ldwful 8'o.10wo. Lo\ An<)tl•s, Co! 'IOOI• '" rnorwyat 111e Uni1eOS1•1ota11•'9hl,11 1nsl•llme1>1 \ Dy U S. C.O•ttnm~nt tit ancl ln1eres1 conveyeO lo .no now 0-.t• • ""Id bv 11 under ~•d O..eo of Trust '" So far as known to tt>t S-cur~ P<tr1y, lhe orop,,r1v 11~e1Nller dH<.robeO •tl l>v~1n1.sS Ntmt\anO •OOrtt"'Su'4!'d TRUSTOR LYNNE. THOMSEN by lht Oebior tor IM llHff 'f"dt\ '"'' ANO JOAN R. THOMSl:cN. l\~­ swsl. •re Surveollotnce Sy\lt"'' /It •ncl wilt. •ncl ROBERT M. MILLER 11'.••I 19tn S• Co''" Mt•<1 (..ounly of ANO GLORIA H. MILLER, ,..,_ ~d-C.11l1fOtn1" .tncl wll• CAH.O Ju•d •. 1~7\ 8ENEFICIAAV· THE BANI( OF Sm.11 lh•W•HS AO"''""l••ltOft CAL I I 0 RN I A, N A TI 0 NA L A!> ltlHoutll 8r H O,.•y lt9.al Div !.()CIA TION. o1 Mllon•I ba11kl"9 ., LH &n9tlts, Cattlornl• •etu )C)(••lion. Rrcoroed M<J y 7. 1q14 •• on Escrow No LME7.,1211000LA sit No 6?81 1nboo~ 111J7~9'!~0IOI <nur~o P.trty l1t 1al R.cord\ on tl\t olflt t of lt\e SMALL SU ... INE!.S Rttoratr of 0•4"9t County, saod <lf'!ld AOMl"llSTRATION ol 1ru\1 dtstt1bu Ille lollowlnc,i l>"C>- flV r.erold Y, lltlorol•. Oo~lr•CI perty (OUll\~I Tilt land relerreo lo Js i!IUdl~ '"I"" P\Jbl1s1>ed Ora n11e coast Odlly Pilot. St.te of C•lllornoa, Counly OI 0ro)n9f, .July JI, 1'7S 21l~S 7S Coty of,lltwport Btacn ano os Cles.t11be0 nlol~s. ------------~ P.arctl 1. All t~I oorllon 01 Loi 1 ol Tr.oc:I NO. 1361, sl'lelwn ano or11ntc1 as Units 110 S, ------B-.... -2-1 ------1 Inclusive, on IMI trr ta•n ConCJOrr11n1um NOTICE TO CREDITORS Plan rtttorcled M•y 6, 1'1• '" Book PUBLIC NOTICE SU PE RIOR COURT OF THE 111JI, P•oe 1'1 ol Olfltoal RtCO<~. Parcel 1: STATEOfCALllCOANIAFOA Ion uncl1v10td S•Sltts ln1errs1on11\al THE c.o~:r:.~~RANGE oorOon ol Loi I ot Tr Kl No 131>1, ••Pl'• ..,... •t<Otcled on book. lO , paqe 7'9 01 (sl<1le ot ROLLIN C . CUTTS, M1tutl-usMaps, tK0tOSolOr~ °"""~ NOTICE I!; HE RE BY C.IVEN to 1f>e County, C..lllornla, ~n .-.cl Ol!flneO tr~tlOf'S. ot the •bovf n•tnNS ~ •' •Common Are:a .. on tht:' (.on oomtnlum Pf•n recorded ~y•, 1t74 H"t 11\al all e>e•M>M na"•"Q tl<toms ~!nsl 8ooil 1101, P•9• 1'7 of 01focoal '"' U•O Ot<.e~nl ., •• rM1u1ted lo Me ,,,..m, w11n I,,. ~IO\ar, ~OV<,,.t\,. It\ Re<Md\ ,,... Ollott Of Int (ltH Of ll>t •bOV9 9'\-110 VI• lido Nord, Nt!woot'I 8'!a<t>. Cal1torn1" 1111tt1 cOUft. or 10 oroent tll•m • ..it1t lht "(If• \lrttl eddr••s or tommon <le· :.<•:~":" ;;>;'~;!"~ ~o 1:~:r;,.";;rr:, slvnal-I\ ~"'"•bow, no -rr•nty R"'!>MUSSE N lll u• 'w OC.(AN I) 9lw n •s lo II\ (omol•lf..,,.» OI COi BLVO. IN TH( (ITV OF LONG ,.Clnt\Sl.''Tllt beneflc•••Y.,,_,Ml<I 6EJ.CH, CALIF, '°902, wnlcll o\ '"" Otec!ol Tr\1\1, D'f rea M>n of• bte.a<llor ot•o 01bu•ln•u 01 1,,, under\IQIWCI In del•ull In lilt ooll9at1ons 'OKU•ed tl\er11b't, ~retofort u:•tllltcl ..a <It· •II mt11••• oerl•ln1n9 lo IM •\lelt ol llV9red lo Ille unoersl9neG • wtltlfn YIO lltt~t. woll\ln lour mc;ntns alltr Dltcl•t•I-01 Otl•urt •n<l Otrntn<! IO< ,,,.11,\l ll\lblocellon of 11\1\ noll<e. Sal•, encl w t II I en t>Ollte ot """Kt\'"''° O.lecl Jul• U , t•7S Of •t.cilort 10 t•uw 111• unOtrsi~ lo OOROTf<V R CVTT ... ExEC.UHll)( or tl\t Will ol ,.11w ldpr-t1ytow1lsln•ldeotl9't ,,,. ebo•• ne m.04'eudef'll tlont, •n<l U111ru11er 11\e unc!U\o(ltw<I c ... ..a H id notice of bteatll ..na 01 •AMS(Y & AASMUUfH ele<llon to be Re<oratil Aorfl ,,, tt7S•• An.rM"etUw .. -W. OCllloN aL VO. ln~lf. NO. JO~ In tio.-llJt' ~9' I •. LONG lllACH, 'ALI,., tollll2 Of said Of tl•I Retord\ Salo It II ~ me~. ~ wlll'>Oul jU'IO•'fte'l'll ... fiXl,UTAIX (.Own I or "' rrenly, OIJ'"essor Im Pllbll\lleo °'•"9' '°"'' Oelly Pilot, • •99'ftdl 1111e, POSWHIO"I, or en .lufy)t,•tld Al>tlllll T, I•. 2t, 197S 1't1t 1S .,,,....c:n., 101>o9y 11tt reme1n•"9tlfln PUBLIC NOTICE • .-111 NOTICll TO CAl!OITO"' SUl" .. 'IO• COUllT 0 " THE STAT• OICCAll fOAHI& f<>" TH a COUNTY 01' O"AH08 .... A-utr4 "'''"' ol esTE&AN SANOOVAL. i;.c"'"' N()Tl(r ,., MUtE•v GIVEN to ""' <r"°41ort 04 tlltt •bo.,.. ,,...,. .. deodtnl -all -*" "•"''"' ,,.,,.,, ...,,_ tho Mid IMUdtfll •rt r.01.,rtO IO lllt -11'1. wllll IM I'« fl Wt 1 VOUl"""lt. If\ "" 01110 °' nw < -" e( th• •-ff\ tin.cl'°'"'·., to ,. ... 111 tMfl>, "'4111 llW N<ttMryYO<l(-t , 10 ,,,. _,..,.. lft ... La• 0tll<t04 )ILVAS & fATON, 114 W SANTA ANA llLVO, s.ANlA MA, CALI ,-Ol!Hljt. '11~. '"""<ft It V. opal 111m oi tltt noltl\ I \t'tur.O by ""d 941 of Ttv\I, wllt\ lnlrrtsl ••In''"" ftOlt 11,..•tdtd, ecl•ano~. 11 eny, ·~ ,,.. lffmS vi Mid OHO of Tt~l. 1"n. 0..WOH Af>d t•~\tt Of ll'ot T"'~tt -Of IN trwsts cru ttd oy \ato OHd ol lr"'' !.4olo wit will be IMICI on Froci.ty ~ 11, 19/S •t 11 00 A.M -1 ,,,. o1 11« ol tho T 0 !>ERVICE COMPAH\' e-• ol &~t1c• T-er, On~C•t• 81v0 Vlt'MI ~tk t 110. Of~ C•111twn1e. O.te,,J\lfy 7S ltH THC CALIFORNIA· ~NSOM£ COltPORlo TION •nitloTruu.,., lh l 0 SERVI (f (0Mfl'ANY. •9tnt ""'" E Nro"'"· IUS 1 Sttrtlary ITA-J:M David I •. Roberson, a Pena Mutual LUe Insurance agenl Crom Irvine. v.as a featu red speaker ut t he r~ccnt Million Dollar Round Tal>le •umual m eeting in San for ancisco. Roberson , o 7 year member o! lhe round table, addressed m ore th an 3,000 urc insurance agents ~·l the meeting. • Martln ~heps or Newport Beach has been na m ed vice president of engineering for L. M. Co" Manufacturing Co. in Santa Ana He j oined the organization in 1974 as director of engineer· ing. Pr ior lo that , Sheps served as director of engineering for the Toy and Optigan Division of Mattel. Inc. s Huntington Beach resident SHE"!> James Henwood has been ap· pointed executive assistant manager for t he South Coast Plaza Hotel. slated to open Aug. 18. He nwood com es to lhe Costa Mesa hotel a fter serving the Western International Hotel c hain s ince 1969 at the ContincntaJ P laza Hotel in Chicago. Ile was. proJecl m a nager in cha rge of exµansion al the Illinois facility. • Ur. William 1'1.1'1ueHer, lechnical director for Hughes Aircraft Company's indu!)trial t'lectronics group, has been oppointro manager of Hughes ' microelectronic products division. At t he :,a m c time it was announced tha t Richard J. 8('1ardi, manager of MOS products for the Newport Beach division, has been nam ed to lhe ne w position of as!)islant division manager. • CASA Advertising. Inc. or Santa Ana has n am ed Roge r L. Anthony an account manager for ANTHONY lhe adver tising firm. Anthony, of Mission Viejo, was formerly a dministraClve as. sista nt lo s tale Sen. J ames E . Whetmore ( R-Buena Park > and gene r al ma n ager of t h e s enator 's dbtrict office. Befor e that he was ad· vertising manager for Pacific Mutu al Insuran ce Company in Newport Beach. • Three Oran ge Coast m en have been promoted t.o \'ice president pos L'> al Union Bank. Klaus M. Schilling has been na med vice presi- d ent in lhe commercial loan depa rtment at the Long Be a ch r<'gional heud office. He is from Newport Beach. Charles R. pe nce, also of Newport Beach, has been named vice pr f's1dent m the business develop- ment deparlment of Lnion Il~nk's South Orange Counly r e{: tonal om ce. Ernest G . Doe. of fountain Vall ey, has been named v1 r c pres uJcnt of the bank's Orange Counly regional office. • Yvonne Eipp~r has been promoted to manager of lhe Velve t Turtle restaur ant in Newport Beach Wilh the r est aurant r hain for 7 years, she was m ost recently assistanl manager at t he Newpor t Beach eatery. .... Daniel C. Zaty ko, formerly directo r of System Marketing ;.it Varian Data Machines, has joine d Ana heim.bas ed Gene ral Automation, Inc. ~~ manager of communkaLions systems marketing. lie live!) in San ta Ana . .... Irvine r esid ent Marvin S. Cook h as been ap- pointed design service manager at Diceon elec- tronics, Inc. in Irvine. Cook jo ins the producer Qf two-sided. multi·layer circuit boards, follow ing a m anage· menl post w ith an Au~tralian computer fi rm. He began his career as a printed circuit-board draftsman cooic. in New York Auto Standards 'May Cost Jobs' WASHINGT ON <UPI l rency Com mittee this -If Congress imposes week an antipollution bill new fuel econom y and a pproved b y a Se na te anlipallulion standards, s ubcommillee "would the auto industr y will l>e not only make it impossi- disrupted a nd m ore IX'<>· ble to attain t he fuel· pie could lose their jobs, economy sta nda rds now says t he pr esident of pending in Cong ress, but Ford Motor Co. a lso would tn and of it.self Lee A. lacocca told the c a use s ubs t a ntia l in- House Ba nking and Cur· dustry disruption . bi~her Far West Debenture Buy Told consumer costs, r educed new-car sales a nd conse· q uent employm ent re- percussions.'' He said the F ederal Ener gy Administratioh estimates the proposed bill would "signiricantl,Y limit potential new car economy. cost the nae.ton 420,000 barrels of oil. a Far West f'ina ncia l day iu 1985, and Increase Corp. or Ne wpart Reach a v e rage n e w -vehicle announct>d 1t 1s offcnng cost by $300." to purchase up to $300.000 principa l amount of ils M S&L OUlStandinf! 5 I I percent ercury s ubordina t e d debe n - tures. due Nov . 1, 1979, Dividend Set for $820 cas h for each Sl.000 d ebe nture, plus Tbe board of direct~!> accrued interest to Aug. ol Mercury Savings and 15. t he e xpiration date of Loan Ass~iation . Hunt· the off e r . in 1 ton B e a ~ h h as T he primary purpose declared a s ix percent or the offer is to obtaln stock divlend payable to debentures for 3urrender stoc kholders of record an utJsracUon of sinking Aua. 29. fund oblignttons l.n 197G The stock d ividend and urn . wo uld be pay a b le on Earnings Russia•• Deal Flour, Sugar Prices Rise . From Wire Scrvict.~ LOS ANG ELF.S CAP) -,\ 50 perct>nl drop m · profi ts for l he S('cond quarler wos n.•porll'd l>y Atluotic H1c h field Co .• caused largely by u m:.t · jor drop 10 earnings from foreign oper a lion~. FINANCE By Uhlted Press lntemaUonal Two of the nation':. largest food processors have r aised wholesale prices on flour and sugar. Thq higher flou r price:> we re the first solid evidence of tf.le irnpact o( Russian purchases of U.S. grain. Besides the Soviet wheat deals, a s ugar expert said R ussian purchases or r aw s ugar on interna- tional m ar kets were responsible, in pur t, for t ht? boost in sugar prices. St a n d ar d Oil o f Cali fo rni a reportt•d secood quarter n<.>l in- come of $183 million, or Sl 08 .i shar e, down 23 pereenl from Lht> !)<imc period of 1974 . Bank Sets Pictorial Of Irvine THE INCREASES IN Fl.OUR and sugar prices followed s ubsla ntial hikes earlier lh1s week in cof- fee prices and a p redict'ion by Chairm an Arthur F. Burns o f the F ederal Reserve Board of higher prices for bread as a result of lhe R ussian wheal purchases. "SF.COND QUARTER earnings were afft·t·tl'(] by a decline in foreign oil production and by higher taxes in t he U S . :ind abroad . St andurd Oil Rua rd Chairman II J . Haynes s aid . The h istory of Irvine Ranrh w111 be highlight· ed by displays and a drawing fo r a n u n - c1rculated gold coin at Security P acific Bank's Wa lnut Village Branch in Irvine through Aug. 8. In Minneapolis. Ge ner aJ Mills, one of the na- tion's la rgest mUlers, r aised wholesale fl our prices 1.6 ~ents a pound e ffect ive Frid ay. The increase af- fects fl our purc hased on g rocery s helves and not bulk flour used in the m ass production of bread amt other bakery products. During t h e second qu a r ter, Sta n da r d 's domestic earnings were $79 million , compared with $82 million m the same qua rter of 1974. f''oreign earnings were $104 million, d own from $155 million . T he higher n our pr;ces, howevt>r , were lhe first solid evidence the Ru~sian w heal purchases <1rc dn ving up cons umer prices in the United Sla tes. A brochure compiled "IT HAS TO DO WITH the de vele>Pmenls in the and publis hed by Securi-world and dom estic grain markets, especially the t y Pacific National Dank Soviet Union developments a nd the possi bility of !is ling t he s ignificant drought there a nd their purchase of Americ<in dales in the varied his-)?rain," said Lou Ge lfa nd, a s pokesm a n for lory of Orange County Pills bury. another m ajor miller. An A rco spokesman reported second q uartl'r net earning incom e w<is $70.4 million , or Sl.2.1 a sha r e, com pared with $139.7 million, o r $2 47 a s h a r e f or t h e same period a year ago. for t he last 148 years will "Since July 3 Kan sas City September wheal be g1vt>n to visitors and fu t ur es have gone from $3.10 a bushel to $4," ht.> customt.'rs at t ht> br a nch. said. ''This would justify an increase in family flo(Jr Ah. t · Id' 1 f pncesof$2ahundredweight." is on ca isp a y 0• ' But Ge lfa nd said Pills bury was w ait ing for the pho~o~raphs a~d maps U.S. Department of Agric ulture Aug. 11 crop reparl depicting the history of . . . lrvint.! Ranc h from its !Jefore deciding whethe r to m atch the General Mills origin as a consolidation mcrease. . . , T H E SPOKES MAN sa id Arco's profits in the linitcd Slates were i µcr- ct.>nt more than las t vc~1r. bu\ this was offset con· siderably by an 85 pt.·I'· l'<•nt d rop in foreign eJl'll· ings. of lwo Spanis h l and Meanwh1.le, A.m star , the nati~n s larges~ su~ar g rants will be s hown prod.ucer. r aised its wholesale prices effective im- f rom the ban k 's his-mediate ly. torical file . Ending the week-long event will be a drawing for an uncirculaled $10 gold coin valued al more than $150. THE WllOl,ESALE PRICE of a fi ve-pound ba~ of grocery sugar rose to $1.64 from $1.54 t wo weeks ago. It was as low as $1.21 on July I. Saul Kolodny, Amstar dir ector of research, said sugar prices have n sen rapidly in the last lwo weeks. I Ov•~r l 'h e Count e r NASO U1ti1tgs \UPl>httO by lh~ Nd Bto.aov ~ •', ''· t:1n.in A 711, 771. Keyo Fb u •,. 10, Qpll Co~ll 9', 10' ToNln 01> 7• 1S llllte<lt'n Tne~ Quotellon~ Brink\ In 101 II .;Equ !t~L 8 • 8'• Key Odle 2•. J'• ()1110 F•r IS l)>,ITrn Ottn 11'. II>. Womf' I lloti•I A~sociol1on of rown Ar 3 J•, E••<u In 6 , 6'• Key•I lnl 7• 1S'• Otmon1 6' 6', Tym\t\t 187'• 1!,' .• ~~11o~ WtM ~uro11u Oe•ltt•. Bv<kbt 6 , 6 E alr.icp I~. IJ KMS lnO J • • , P•b~I Or 7q•, 301 , U& F1nac • ""lo.~ .ore boO\ an<! ollen &ockty q • 10•, Foor Lne •1, ~·. KtlaP'! VI IJ • 14 • PoHtar 7S', 76',,mUni Cepl 7 l QUOl~O by ov"r '"" rrop St •' • oS. F•roon El 10 111 Kn..O\ Cp 8· 9 Pat GAm 11> 1b' noon Sc>• 13'. 14 W•l<SI Pl tounltt OtoJll!t\ lo II•• M ?J• 1•', f .irn1 Sr 16 11 , K09t'r Pr I.) IJ\, Pde Lt.on• .0 67 Ut> T Bt>< 19 ?1 V.s l<y(,\ •Mn 04,...• ot\ ol •I M(tw q • 10<, F.irm c,, 58, S9'. Krueqer 9 10'• P.it~•t 0 11'• 11• UnArl lll I?. 1:1. ~:7." F';,1 ::'~ 100 T~,'~~~:f~ ·~ .. ~ 18:~ • ,:· f.~~~t~~ ·:.: f' r.~:'·1 ~I :?< :i~: ~~~ ~: H~: H:: ~L~~:~ :~.: n. ~:~~ ~ ~~ m::AU!0m"'~:.k monTtl't ff: g • ~~n;~ •;;:, ~~,: :::~n ~~ ii• ~!'• ~n~"g,~ :;:: :;~, ~:~"'o~~ I~~: I~:: s~·~rf "°" .. no oo not vm.., 1 , 1• For~•• 01 u ""' 1.Awter c. n • IJ', ""I HAH 10 111 .• V•n Stick •' • • I ,, a ... ft'' t'' 6' " ... I · 8 • 41• •• 1 13• , ... ' 4'1 • "° t~ lf)' 7 19 -201 ' ... Vi' 16 17 ' 6 • I 11 ,,.. 1o•pre1otnl .O<luAI r Bk 10 10' Fr•nk El 7' 8 1.AlY Boy U U '. ""ltolle 71' 7, VICI«• St 19°, 10 WOOO Un 2J 7l lrM-hon\ nMl9 RI 4 •' • Fr•v Mq 9' 10' • Le9Qel Pl 1' • 1> Pon~tlll JS' l4 Vls ... I Sc S• • 6 World Sv •' )' • INOUSl RIALS VIPS 10 10•, FtotnCI le 141, lS' Loi Chmp s•, 6 •• Pion H8d JO'• JO\> Vol S'-1'• 1'. Wrtgnt W 31 l '• AND UTILITIES ~ ''!!: I~ 1~,. ~:~,·eto~ ,~~· ,i'• t~"~~~ ~~: '~~· ~~~,: ~· J~'• w:~ E:~ :~:. :~. ~.~~ 0~~ w ~, J~l;0~1~s loH ""'~ ~op ,:,: I~~: 8::: .. ~: r: ::: t~1\1.ir ·~~· I~~ ~~s H~~ 1~ •• I~~: OTC 10 Mos\ Activf' At,.,. C.n S &•.. Sr Ir 88 • llO c.eico Cp tO'o IOh Longv FD Praoro 1 1• Ste<ll Volume Biel A•l<ftl Ol!I. A<"'""' II ' 17\.o s ~c c;n 11u1m 10 , 11 110 t?• PSN <Ar ,. 9•, ,..Org•PI 11)..JOO ,... '•'• .•.• l\dvnce R ' • 1 "' Ill Cin AuloP 7S 16'. I..~.,, Co 3'' •O•., Puln Cao ~nnO!ls Cas ICM 600 11' • t?•o-'• AO t.~c ro 10' II 31~. lJ•,, c.en BtnO lS' 16'•. MOetml t , qo,.. J IS 1' • l ·I AmttE~prU1 103,100 3'• • 39'•• I'• Advnt Co • 1: U '• IS'. c; Ener9y 13\o ,. Mao CH>\ 12'. IJ Qualor c11 H• 76' Oofcne.1trC.as 76 600 I•'• II'• .. ~. AIP• Al• •l l • J•'· • 6'. c.en Rt1n ""'I Alh '' • "• ~en C• 9'. 10~. WlncltotLlf~ &1 SOD 7 21 • '•• Alt> (!di 18 10 1'1'. 30 ISi I SS Me ll(kl 431, •• R•1cm AOOIPll Coori S9.300 JI'. JI • • Alow Inc 8' • 8"'> 1'1', JO C.nl Shalt 11• t 11 ... Marlne C 78 ~· 7•• ,., Soltco Cp S• 100 31 • 31~1 .••• A'lqn Phr IS IS•· 2S•. 16•. C.llbert A , ••• 2s·. Mu11 Fri 6' 71, R&ymcl ••• ''· Ant>euwr8u!>(ll )0'1()() J•'• ~. '• Ah..O 8t><. 101. 10' • lt~p• 11', 130, C.1nn MS S', 6 Mary Ky 16•. 11>. RllM Pac a• 9 Mocron Co •S.10V 1 116 7' • .. lo-I• Allot<l T~I 11 • \?I Cito T riv i., l', '"Y 14 14• M<. Ctn< k JS 3lo R•cog Eq 7'. 7"' 61Jt1~•metlC• IS, 100 41'. 41' ""' AD"' •• '" C'!I 8. 8•. Ciolo s rd ,,,, "'• MtOwl E. ,.,. 0\ Aev1 B•lo 11• IJ. ArTt [,pr >''. J<IL, -L~b , , 18 Cit nm Mio 8 8J. M<Ou•v 10 10' Rto Elec ,,, • 10'• NA!>O Volume Today •.191, 100 An f on<I 17' • 11'. oburn 0 H 18 C...iv lot 18'· 10•, M<t.nur 1• 18' Rtli U1Hv '" tO AOvanct• '"' r 1~1n 15'• 10• 1 ccxac. Ld is '' c;,.l Ao~ 1', ,,, """'ocm p, ?•, Rtouo TA ,,, , 2'l, Oecl•nt• ll>6 ,,.,... I urn J'• •'•Comm Cl 16', II C.ul 11'1\\ e>, q•., Ml>Otrn JI 3\<. Ru Pl•i. q 9•. Uncllan..,eo 111S p.,,. vro•e II II"• Cml $1\tg 11' 7l Hoell en ti'. 12•1, Moprcllnl a • 1$'• Ru p Pr 1•. e•, Total H07 ArT•lnl C..r S11 ~J>, Cwl NIG• IS'. 11>' l'iolln EW 6' • 6' """'r•vn 4• •$•' Reyn t.R I• u•' '. • I I A"-"'':. oll'T ll'· ,.... m ... TI p 1S 1S>. Hamil br 17' .• 181' """'Y'' Fr IS'• 16 .. Rlval Mr " 191, ,,,,. Hf•rs "H ( JfJSf•rs ,,. > 11 11' Colt AU1o I'• 8•• Hor per R 70.1 8 MoOTu C 10 11 Ro"° E • 41', • .S•, GAINE 11) Am l ~••v "'• ll' 1 Colrv1, 6 7' • Hovla m ' "'•• Moller HS l 'I• 9•;. Robol 01> U 16 t Bn~Cmpl Nlw •>• t '• Am Weld I '• '""Conn Fcl ll'• I)'• Hawlh Fl 8'• 8~ M1ll1por ~ S8 Rollins 0 11'• 1''• 1 PacllFar E~sl tl •• 1'• Amo\•O " 11 Conn Goen JIJ•,, la>. Ht!nr"d F H ' 16'., MnSale A l l'1. 40' Ruckr Pt\ 8•, 91 . J A\WC Trek C.0 141,, 1'• AA ... u" )• ·~ JS\.e Cn\ Po pr •O •I HOC ti (. 1S' 16'·• Mtnn FaD l \o l\o Ru~I SIO~ IS', 16' • • Mitton Coro 2 I 16+~16 A~••u 13' • ?•• • CotOI> Co •q•. $1'; H19~ Co 13° 1 1•1 Mooul Cp 19 20 !o<r>ertr 9 10 S SI Lo"'' SllC•I 6 + ', Aron M1f ,...., 2\t Co<J\ln~ n . j· .. Honn EL JO', J2' N'oru In 1• 16 !><l'lelll In 11'• 11 •, • ~"'°'"'aH El J , •• A•V•O• ••• s• Cron Co 11' I 11•. llOOVtt .. .. •• Moore Sa 19>, 20'. 'S<Oll Inn , •• ,, 1 M.ln<I~ As"" ~ 16' 1.\6 A\'>O Cola 13'' ""Curl Noll IS n • Ho-I Cp 36 ll N'or.an Br • •• S<ollsL C. u , n , a Slt.,n\ MIO b 1 • All C.\ ll IJ IJ>. °""' lnll ,, ... ,. Hub1n9r Jll J91 ""°"'"' 11 1J• 5<roPOS ~I ,, 27' 'AIWOO<I °'"'' I I' •• l'o Alt ~hrl 17' ']', 0.rl 011.1 10'• II' Hunt Mtg 11' 11'• Mo•llt Cp II' 17 !itoi WrlO 11 11 10 IVAC Cp .10b II • t • AIWO Of\ IP 12">0Ma 100 IO•,, 10'•Hyat1 (. S•• H • N'olion In 111. 18' !.v M<-rcn 11'• 11 11 TOP\ II.Tr .l~b I B•ora Alo S • ~" O..V1n Ml 11' 79 Hy•ltt c "'• 1S'. Molot Cl •• • ')vma>lr n n • 17 ""'•V> Su '"°' 2 , '. B/Jota "'' '' S'• OK" Oa ~·. S' IMS lnlnl 7•• 11, ~ .imolll U 17• ~.,,.n Up )() JO• ll Oocultl Corp 'I •• ' 6.ll tr flt J ) • O.~lb AR l S J~ lndd Wal 10 70' MSI Doti• 6 6 <;nortw )' • t• May Pf!lrolrr s , 1 Baker F~ B ?t> Oetno lnll 1° l • ln<l> NIKI .... •" Mullome IJ·, U Stml>\011 I)' I•' IS ThtuttO Prod ? , 1, 8alown l. U • IJ'-Oeluae C 31' • ll lnl«u 3 J• NI Bk <>• u •, 16 Snap Tols 1'I J>J It P.lleroan Pnar B -I • Bally Mii I••• t)>, 01em Ct\ II II\, ln•lt LdD 6'• 61, NII C.nvSI )'• S SI) (e l WI 11 ;7 .. I/ Stmocon ln0u'1 l ~ 1, B~•m All ... , •• Diam MO ..... Inlet< En ••• " tlal L10ly l' • !Jo (MIC.\ 19•. 70 LOSERS. Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up I.JP UP UP Up Up Up Up Up Up BatNI Fl II' 11\oo Ogol ,,.,., l ••. lro1m1 c.~ l l'• ,, •• N11Mn :>v 40 " Sino P•o " ••• I HNC MIQ 'Ocl I IUS~11 F ,. ' 11'• Oocutt l ••• ,, Int Alum • ... NCNb Co It' lt !>o«lra IS IS• 1 Sotn1nc1 Eaulv B•yless t '.. • ... Oollt Gen 6'• ,. In Bk.W A • • • ~~llm ) s !tptlOl!I N , ... ti J (.rolttn '"' •O •• Ott '• OU ~kon Cp o 6' • OonalOS 11 17 • lnttr~ol S', I>', Newll Co t 71,. Sla,,.oy I 13' I•' • Co11on~hl wl Btnlly L> IH• U ' Doren Gs II" 114, lnlrsl Cl> 4' ~'• NJ Nal G IP 11 StO Rt9'' 18 lb o. S Gov En•p wls Btlt L•b 3' J'f•, Dow Jon• 1•"-lS"-I• <,o Utol 731 1• Noc.ol~I In IS', 16' ...... ,..,, H'm 10 11 . • Ma10f Rll .O)d 61llb Co 1 1 . Ooylt O& ti'. ll>t J•mnb 13 IJ>. Noel~n A 19•, 19~. Slit N Ale 11 , I~' 1 S<~rerRP 18 Btlly K·O S'. I> Ouc.omn 10' • I I J•sn E'm Sl> 6'n N•tl>en B 70 70' S1Hk N S 10° • 10', 8 Comf'ultt Nlw Soro Son~ «>' 1 ., •• Ounllon 0 s•' s•. Johns EF •01 " NotO~lt ,. 76\, Sltwb Clo 1J 2• •• COUStn\ Prop Bl~HI Pw l• lS' I E•r'ln S<o • 6'·• Jo\lyn M 1s•. lo~ Noflh KQ ltJ. n·' S.-r El )1• s•. 10 CoCBllM•• 10 Bloo OQ 11•, llh Eu1m1 11•,, 1q•. 1<.a1str St 39 39'" Nw~ NIC. I '• 7"° Syrc Sup I) 16', 11 EICnoco Cp 70 &lutC/o S I>.. ''' Ccon Leb 31\w Jt>, tcalvar C J''o •'• Noxell Co tt •., 11'• Telly Ctp l'• 3' 11 Whole Snoeld C. 8MA Co 11\, 11• .. EOS Nuc "" 70'• t<o~n C 11 • .. 181-. Octtl' Or Jq l'I'• T•mou J> • Jl' 13 Zoller oant>rg Bob Evn~ 11 73 F:I PHO 10'• 10" t<e•rro l~ 6' b'• Octaro E• I '.; 90, Taylor W I)• IS• U Prcxt\\ Svsh lloMm.t t)\, IS•,, El Nuol ''• 10'• Ktlly Ser 111. 12'• OllV• L;s 13» H '• Ttnn•nl 77' 7q•. IS A11N11RE JSh llooln Np 17' • >l E,.,...V> I 1•. l(emper IJ'• I•'• Ogilvy M 19 "" Tolt•ny It, t 'o lb M<Cire90rO I\ Orenco ' 71•, 11' • Ener9 y C J''• • K~ull En uv. I•'• Oc)leb Nr ~1 S7 Towtt Ml 7•. 8•• 11 BteHo"elltl<I El MUTUAL FUNDS 19 I ,,. 1 ' Otf •• Oft ' Ott 1 .. 2' -'• 7\ 4 '. 1 ~· • , ... ' -'> 1' '"' 11 I' 1 ... 11.. f. 1 -'• 3~ -1,,. 011 011 ()It Ott Ott Ott Otf Oii (Ill OH Oii 0 11 7S 0 1q. 18 0 II 'I IU ,. J 11.S 17 s II q II ) II 1 11 1 10. 10 0 '3 ~ 9 I 1~. 11 ) II 1 11 I 10 1 10 0 10 0 . ~ 8 1 I q I I I I I I 1 1 • I 6 I b.S Ntw York Fol· Nalwc:I 8 I• •.SS t:ATON & Fun<! l 7S •. tO M<.11 ... 1 U.30 N L 'Pine ... I q 81 N L. Am Incl l )2 N L lowtng Is 4 lls1 ol NY Ven 1000 10.,J HOWARD: C.rwlh S.S9 6.11 LO"O All: Pin Ttt f1l (l) AsSO Fd 'q6 N°L' blo eno U~tO ptl·CG funo l 'f'2 •1>• Bain Fo 1 15 I.SI lntom 617 7.39 Allllat t>'1 7 4S PIC>ftf:EA !CO : ln .. ,I ,·u N·L• OS on Mu1u.a1CG lncF 76S 14' Gwlh F 8 19 961H4rt Giil 9.•Slol.L. l\m Bus 7'7 l.OS Pion !Co 11.1817.33 Otu n •••N'L'. r-· ·~ auoltd .,., C..p Prw 9• OS N L lncme s 32 s 81 Han Lv 8.90 N L. Bnc! deb • ., 10.JO Plonr II 10.•J 11.40 STEIN ltOE .FOS: ltie NASO Inc, Ctt>I SI\\ 9 lS 10 l2 Specif F S SO 6 OS Har" FO 9.•S N.L. LUTHEltAN BAO: Pte11t1d 10.14 11 1J Balan< 16 14 .... L CNI Inv a.n 9.S8 Sick FO 1.14 9 66 !ff<IQt S.97 .• Brott Fe! 9.3' 10 1• PLI GRO 10.0t 10 " <Aotll 7se N·, Wedn....S•r CHANNING EOIE Sp 17.2• N .L. ~rllge l.7l ·• Bto In< •. ., 9.20 PLI Trn • 78 •. StoO 11'91 N·L~ July JO, 1'7S FUNDS. EQret FO 'I 94 10 80 t-IOrece IS.114 16 7• Bro US 9 14 10.75 "RICE ROWE; SIS GROUP·. . • Bid A.ii Nntr 1 10 t.20 Etlun Tri tl.04 . . tmprl Cp 1 •• &.13 SS CO: Gtwtll 10.21 N L Grwlll ~ 19 • l3 """' Gw J SI J U 6411tW.0 I .St '30 Entr9y 12.73 N.L Imp C.t 6.•2 1 01 !Cr~"' 4.77 1.•1 lncom q •1 N L lncom 1 ,. a·68 Adm Inc ) 11 J" 8ncl F'd , 'II •'n F•lr11d 162 8 JJ Inc Bosl 5.31 l .. Inell> F • ,, ,,., Nw E~ 10.16 N L Kunp c 10 •1 ll 01 AOm Ins 6 H 1 18 Ealy C.r t> ll •.9? Fm Bute 7 S• N L lnCI FAm 2.61 . . ~U F 'SO 10.0 Nw Hor 1 OI N L Smmil 8 IS I '1 AOv1wr J •I l 7l Ealy Pt 2 61 7.16 FEDERATED GR· lnlt90ft 1.U I 21 5$ FHCL. Pro Fd S 67 NL Technl 6 7S •u Atlrwo FO 6 IS 7 .)8 Fncl A"' S 97 • S7 P. Ill 1nV9\I 16 7S II J6 Ml T • •' 10.4S Provd Gi 6 'II 7 6l ....... ~y F e •S 'I 13 MINI In 11711790 Gtwtn 4 01 •39 Al.ea« 1 111.2 lnwrnG 7.llN L MIG •.44 10.llPl'ud SI,. I•• 918Templ G a·l6 l'14 Aluturt 1 17 N L lncom S •J 6 .. Emprt 17 69 , Inv C.uld 6.84 H L Ml 0 17 01 17 .. l"VTNAM Temp Iv 1 00 N L AGE Fd • 11 4 JO Prov '" :u• J 6S 4111 t;mo 16-20 •. Inv ln<ll( \.7. N L MFO II 10 It '1 FUNDS· Tran Cap 7 01 7 6j AllSl•te t JI 10 O'I Sp.cl I 4' I 61 FIDELITY Inv Bos 'MO 10 27 MCO II )7 11.•1 ConV9t • 14 10 TS Tr•"1 Eq ,.:IO 10 It Alpfl,t FO t H N L Venlur 8 41 9 It GAOUf': INVEST to Iv I 0 N,1. EoullY 8" 9 IJ TUGOt H 11 61 N L Am 61rtn 10.JO 11 37 Clletl Fd 10 SI II ., 9nd Orb 8.11 • 9• COUNSEL Iller '80 N.l.. c.e0t11 II 9J ll 04 cc. 2 10 N.L. ~~ EE91r -E•slsl 4 n c.~TSOEN· C..ConPll•,! 8.33 9 I "'"""' 1.14 . 8 .. Id Am • q • 14 G<wlh • •S 10.Jl ll Cl ... N 'L. ~m ""'" """ ~ 10 16 N L C..pot Sh 4 13 S If ""Y M I 00 N L. lntom 1 09 7.H tr. F-.O f() Ill• ICUNOS. Fno Boi • u T.0? C• SSec 1:22 ... INVEST GROUP! y Fd •.O> 0 16 1nv~11 1 n , ., un111ec1 710 181 C.1>l•I s eo ' ,. Frott Cp J., 4.lO Oly lt>C 1.00 N L. IOS Bncl ) 38 s SI 8 FO 13 °' N L. VISle F • 4J 10.31 unlfU!ld ,· s• • JO 11'(011'> 7.1• .... Stllr B\ • ,, .... °'" T,, .. IOS Cilt\ S.0) .. ti e n " •• ,. I 91 Voy•9 10.)A II.JO UNION $E1tv1ca lnv'4m • •> 1 .. SC>ecl S.11 s •• Es~o 1 ., •• IOS NO ··s •.'1 IF ,,., T.ll 1.'1 Rei.tr• IC I 00 N.L. AOUI": 5"'<1 s .. 6 1' m Fd 1" a 73 Eversl 11.11 •• IOSPr 2 i. tt I Gf'o ).)6 J,6J Ail .. ~ f • '4 s 07 &o s 111 11.oe u 11 stoc~ 6 JI 6 90 )IA MNG "OS: FunO IJ.64 U.'1 Mul.,.I I . 1.11 II Onwo~ IK Eq 7.lS I .OJ Natl Inv 6 1J • TO AM ICUNOS GAi", IClll<k F S.J7 S.H Purltn 9.tt 10.0.C StoO 16.)7 11.rt l'Wlf~: lt(O G S 8S 6.3' Un C.ot a 9' 9IS J.mo11 4.U 4 .. ICnkk G S.61 6.U S.i.m F l .74 • Selttt •.tJ t .77 *"" 111.te 11 .. 0 UOOl!.A ,.OS: Union In 11:11u 16 A"' Mut 7 83 t ~ Llbrly 3.79 •.U T'rtncl It.II ~.'6 V•r Pay 6.21 6.TS Ofwtll 4.09 4.4S lltlt Inv 111 (1) UHITIO ,UNOS: 8ncl FA U O' U.34 "'6n111 ,,77 ..• FINANCIAL Inv r•I S.36 S,.. COf\"I 1.00 1.70 Mot Au 10,01 N L. Accum i TS JO Giii Am •.12 •.so k llUa F 6.16 6.14 PltOGRAMS: I$ : SNI 20 .... N.L. B•l•nt 13 ,. N L. 8twl !Cd .: .. ;·J2 In< Am 12.•I U. 17 LOHIAL. Fin Oyn 4 Cit N L, Gt-wlll •.II S,n U T'n 1,11 N.L. Com I 13 N L. Cont !l"f 9 40 ,-2 Inv AM 11.tt lJ.IO l'UNOS: Flro lnO 3 6AN l., Inc.om UI 4,16 t lf'dll l,tsN,L. ~•I 70 U N L Cont ln<; f tP 1·,; Nw Pt' t• ... 16.7' Conver 1.23 8.'9 Flft Inc 6.tl N L. T"I Vt 3,d , • ~l JeC ~OS: .l U v •.SI 4.'4 lntom t 90 tO IS W•al'I M "·"° U.46 l.qulty t .lt 7.60 lslfd II• 10,99 U.01 Tnt Sii 11' u.b BafM\ 1.~ •. ., EtUAITY FOS: S<ienc s· ..... l\M Grti. ··~,1 4.112> ~~If\ !·•1•7 !·!71 1F,!!!£TSTO•* ltte1.f!14 9' 21.47 eono01 "-r ~· • ~·~. E1 Qllll( 3. 19 J .SO Venoc! .:. d6 Am 11\Sln •·• •. ""'" •. •·• "•a .,; l11y rllnd 91 N.L. v1.,., ••' •·••. • nvtt S 11 •.33 Utd SvcF 4 JS N I. "'" '""" • 69 N.L ll'Com •.ct e.o Oh< Fo 4.7' S.2 J p Gwtll ! 9.16 "''' Slit 'S7 '·°' Ultr• F 7,().t 1.n USAA c. 1:11 N:1. AmNI Gr ?.IS 2.JS Venl11r 2.1• 7.36 Gnh Fct •.U 6.IS Jenus Fd U..31 N.L. tncom • _.. 4,17 11,,.1 1.31 9.10 US GvtS ·~1 t 4t AH'CHOA Colum 0 12.12 H,L lfl<Oll'I 7 U 7.9S Jol'tmtn lt.J4 N.L. SIO<lt ~ 6.S2 7.IJ ntr11 , 11.13 t2.7S USUFF: l'UNOS•' GAOV~: Columb (I) (1) Stoel! , •. 70 1 34 ~N MAHc;IOCK : Grwtll s IS '~ ••r~LO ClllP ; A.,.. F l.'4 s .. 0.lly In 1.00 N.L. ONWl.TH ISi Mulll 1.J' N L.. &lld Fd fol.12 lt.10 aw «HO l.I': t.omJt •.• •.79 8411 Fftd 7,06 111 0,...111 • s.t 6 •S •WT: ._ Well 11.tt N.L. (;ntlll 1.•l •.33 E011lty 14 06 1s.7t Entrllf' •.'3 S,,. Com Slk 10,st 11·~ lntOM 6 •• P.O. lo & 8 .tt .• T r llll °' 3.'1 3,, SllM\ f .25 7.,, Grwtll t 10 8.IO Fl.t Fd 4 U 4.M VALUE LINE FDS ll:eMN 10 ().t ti.GO C t.ll 1.4, P'OUN011'5 KOITONl-t ln<ont 13. 16 1.&,JO Hff~ 7 JJ t .01 Vet L.M ,_ .. 6 12 So<ctr • U 4.ltA 9r U 3 5.50 GttoUP: CllSI Bl 1'.l2 ~ tt.'1 14.04 l.tOllf l. 6 06 •.'2 Val 111< 4,IA 4.S2 F"no lftY 6 78 • .. ,, ,, ... Jt ~ hi !'' CllSI' 82 '° .... s £A Mt ,,.. • P•C.11 FO 1,'1 •. ,. Lo GI,, • " , OJ Wt N•ll ',. 10 IS eoni. M '·'° I St '"'°"' 11) I) C\ltl &• 1 » • O• uW\11 , s. N L. SHUllSON !COS: VII S_pc l..4t J n Audu F 7 Ur.IJ ot-o 7.4 11JF M1 ... 1 Iii hi Clllll(I 6 t)7'6 wtOll IOtOIU•~ IU31'.MVANC• . AXE t'll t '4 NL. F $p«l1 It) Ill C\ltl K1 .),47 SSS New Wld 10 40 lt.17 lrt<.Oft'I IS 7S 17.21 UNDf.lllS• , HOUGHTON ' In• • 00 •.so Fourlq F 7.47 N Cuti SI "u 1'.11 Nlclll•t It 3> N L '""'"I 7.tl 1.61 '" ... " •• u • 71 Fwno " • ,. ',, In ow s 37 N L. ,..AHKLIN Cl.Ill 51 ••• 9.JO ...... IVt, 11.4 N.L Sii OHn 15."-tl.L. V$ c-s ,, •n I IJnd B • ~ r 11 Mt In 6 I• NL G•OUP: Cini SI 1 JI e 01 1 U 7.67 SIOMA f'\INOS; $ot(I 6 )t 6 .. SIOO ) 61 6 20 c 10 eo 11 .. ONl'C • n • tJ Cini 54 J 10 ., AO wu( u .. N L c.o Sllr • ,. 1.1' ~ () ).41) N.L., BLC. Gin •)I 10 IT " 6 IS N l. Gwlll Sr S 4t S" ApollO 3 tJ • 20 fl'•HHM l'O. ll'IV d te t It Wtclr1iit I 2.62 N.1,... S.b!M)n • 11 N I. I.A ""E Fr ~M I,. 1 es Pol.,~ 3 14 J 4) Al,.. F• •. ,, .... ftll .... 7,6) VA"4UAltO ••P· ll•1ro< ~JO , ltOUfl' · US v S 'n 10 JI l./ldmrlt 4 62 r U 0. ll'lld S t0 6 d Ventur I 32 t 09 : ~!!-n 11r1 • •$ • O.Ulr ' 41 10~ 1 Ulll lie J 16 4 11 LO l!dle 12 1' ll 61 tncom 1 II 1 '1 llf\ B '0. N l El!Plor 17 ,. ""' --H I •• N I. 0.IW IC • " • ·~ AooJ C.11 s ,, s t7 I.Al IE!dR• I 00 N L W!ottY • 's• . . • llGr • )6 N,L ... ., 1 u I .OJ De.con I ., N I Dllt• T 4 10 ~"' R• EQIY 3 2' ) J9 La.X c •OUP Tl.... F S.JI • 10 c;. .. 11 10 .. 10.. Mof'Oll '°·°' ..... IEAGlA OAOU"· 0tVt1ll "~t N L "•' llEa • tt • ,. (.p L•dr u 04 "ll TC ~ 10 06 10 . lftY • •l , " TrlAI .... ··~ Ortc1 CP J 7) ' Fd Mt OP I 80 N L C..wl,, 6 I) • •t Ptr•mt 6 U 1 I w lllV G 4.SI • M Witf$1'1' 10 )J II » fltm fl 7 7' OodqCJt IJ" N L l'IJNOll INC" lnccm 10 OS 10" P•ll1tr 1 61 N.L .,,, '" 10.10 II I •hlft t .11 ' .. 100 F'no • ., N I.. Or lurll e,71,, L OltOU" R~\r(t\ ., sa ll u ,..VI Ro s 11 .s 6 1r• J.n N L WstMll ., 02 .... 101 Fncl I I) It L CHIEYl"US G ltf ("n'm 1 89 8 62 Lil• lnlv ) .. 6.11 ""'"" Ml J SS N l.. " 111.D S SI N.L.. Wl!ld\( 1.TO t •1 Bttk\l\r 6 ).-1 f) ~yt fCI 10 l 111 '""P•C '&t 7 JI LINCOl.N fCAfL f'911f1 Stll 6 ti N l fATe IND Git,.: V1rlecl I l .07 l 34 '°'' Fctn ',. t . Ct¥\' L• n >0 11 u ""IOI , u , JI E "'"' •)I N.l Phtlll• ' 1 ... a,., OiW.\lf ..,, ' W•llJt o, ) s2 6.0J 8t-n ) 01 I . ~ I.A t .. N \. C.C S..S P "·" Op t 11 N.~. PIL0•1M 01": ,.,oOt• l 6' • 0) W.lflQ •q '·" N ~..t -~·. -11119\, ...... ""*' ...... ... ... """"'°'' ,.,... ... ,.. ........... . f'\ft>llt,,.d N••Porl Mn bot Nit• ~-c.m1>1ntd Wltll 11\e Ore-(.ouA. If 0.lly f"llO\, J yly i1, ef!d AM9W\~ 1~ tftS ~ The offe r will e xpire al Sept. 12. 1974, or as soon 5 p m Au,. 15. unless ex· a s p r a c t I c a b I c tended. All t'nden will theruftn. and is subject b e irrevocable unl~s to the approval ot the 1My an withdrawn pftol' CaHrornia D~p:artmenl to5p.m.oaAui.a. olSavi.nes andLoan. I 9onch1k • 06 .,.... IOI.'( rd HI 4 14~f\dus Ir 'ti 10 13 Lon< tp $ $) 6.01 Ptlll• ,d •.SA 6. CAlll'I Fd l .12 • 17 'Vll\M Cot •.t> N l CALVlfC l'UNOS: m lll<f'll 6 •1 Gtn S.C 6" N 1-< fr 11 •t H.l.. Pli-l"Nft It )I U 02 St ,., Or 4,JC N L. Wist 1'fl4I 1 4J 1" Bull Fd II ~ U ff Ceftt 10.•7 II •7 Gflll llld'J••U N l. LOOlll'I C..•1 2 .. N,l , SI ,., I~ t.Ot N.l.. Wllld 0t 6 •t 1 It Cdfl f"d ' I t E • /ilfv 1.t S N.l rd ) t• N L. IAYL.e 1 l!l(Mft I " , ... stete str Jf.t) 31.H °MKOflll 4,6' S 11 Dfy ""' 1. s .. htlt ~ T,Je e.oi " MILT' .... : Glfll DY .... "'·"· Pl~ ,. • 1' .)4 SfMOMA.. l'OS: 11t9ter • 04 ... L ") -. ~ . • ..... July • 1976 DAILY Pit.OT Default or Defraud Wednesday's NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Student Loans: Cloeing Pricett Year'li HiRh-Lowe Appur Enry Saturday ........... ~ ... _ ....................... ....__ .......................... Sch>~~ ............. ~ .. .;..;. ... ~~~ .. ~ ... ~"~'~lo"~ ........... ~~ .... ~~ ............. ~.~ ........ ,~~.~ Who Gets Hurt? BJ Stt.VIA PORTE& • Ia the U.S. Office of Education lhrowlne away mllllons or our tax dollars to bail out delinquent students who have defaulted on ~overnment-guaranteed student loans? Or ts the OE permitting a program established by our tax dollars to help students, to bec:omelnstead a tool to defraud them? Stunning questions, yes -but they are being asked now about the Guaranteed Student Loan Progr am, one of five great student·asslstance programs run by the Office of Education. Since the proeram began in 1965, OE has paid $161 million in de- ·tault claims, with the figure ris ing in a perpendic ular lin e. ln fiscal 1973, the amount paid in claims for stu-' Money's Worth dent d efaults was $31 milUon ; in fiscal '74, $55 million; in just the firs~ 10 months of fiscal '75, $63.3 million. As of the end of the fiscal '75 year. OE expects 18 percent of student \Joans will be in the category of defaults agains t 14 percent in ""· WHY? A FIRST EXPLANATION lies In the way the Joan program works. First, an authorized Institution lends a student up to a maximum of $2,500 a year lo enroll in an Cducational lqstitution designated as' 'eligible" by OE. The Office of Education then approves and insures the loan. From nine months to a year after the student completes school or drops out, be or she is supposed lo start repaying the loan lo the original lender. IC the stude11t does not start repaying the loan and if the. lender fails in a "dilige nt'' effort to secure repayment, the lender applies to OE for the balance. OE pays the claim <except under un· usual circumstances) and the defaulting student becomes a debtor to the government. To st abilize, if not cul bfck, on the soaring student de· fault rate. Congress has appropriatedmore money for OE debt collectors -and there are now about 135 as against a mere three in 1972. This fiscal year a lone, the collectors brought in $6.2 million, up 107. 7 percent over the total col· lected in '74. BUT THE SIZE OF THE current default problem emphasizes that the collection sweep is not the solution. Beyond the explanation of negligence, there are other ceasons -associated with practices or the schools tfiemsel ves. . • By far' the largest number of defaults 1s on Joans to stu- dents attending private vocational school&. The Federal fNlde Commission is now investigating this enllre area, for among these generally good schools are those. which have recruited students by promising them jobs which don't ~x· isl. supplied s tudents with so low a sta~d.ard of ,edu~allon that they can 't gel the jobs they had ant1c1pated, o_r simply gone out or bus iness, leaving s tudents stranded with debts the OE is requ ired locollecl. It m akes no difference that a stude nt was defrauded and never J?ol lhe education; that he was ill prepared to get a job for which he was supposedly trained; that he drop~ out. Since the early 1970s, thousands of students attending about 100 proprietary schools have ha<l to race the cost or lheir entire tuition -even after the schools had collapsed. MANY THOVGtrr THE U.S. government's involve· ment was a sign of government endorsemei:it. It ~as !lot.. Just in the past two years, 341 educational m st1lutions ·have been removed from OE's eligibility list, reports Ter· rell Bell, U.S. Commissioner of Education; in the ~ast ye~r. r~ognition has been withdraW!I from two agencies wh1ch accredits schools; many other 1_mportant moves have been m ade to reform met hods of makang student loans. Be ll also is trying lo eliminate disputed debts, to ease th• burden on s tudents who drop o;ut. . . But the rules will be meaningless 1f not ~tnctly en· forced. Also, informed critics urge the OE to notify students applying for loans of the obligations involved a nd to as_k whether they still want the loans on sue~ terms. An expen· ment with this in Dallas in 1972 resul~ed 1n 40 to SO percent of the students refusing the loans -with thanks for the warn ings. THESE AND 0111Eft REFORMS are im~ra.tive if a program with the magni~cen~ aim ~r educa~10~ 1s not to tum into a means of emb1ttenng or ampovenshmg young Americans. MARKET HIGHLIGHTS NYSE Index ASE Index Dow-J ones Ind S & P 500 Stocks INDEXES 47.53 89.96 831.66 88.83 up up up up 0.33 0.27 6.80 0 .64 Nl!W "1'0,_IC ·~1 · -,.,IOwl,. •r• ~<Alf ., "'9 Mew ..,._... steci ,.,_. .,. CltM Stlft Met ~·E lllOtl C'-Oo. -A A-Aebott\. 1 ... 11 SI 11 ••• Abtle>ttl'1wl ,, 14 lfft,-V. ""I"",_ .. I 1• Q -..... A<..,.Cl•_.!O l Wt+ .... """'Or .vnt 13 J"A-"" Adhpr_ ,t1• . • U ICM •.• ~"" "''"' • . 12 F= v. AOctr~ .. lit ... "'"'""' ·* . 21 -.... AetnaL.r 1.11 u 1» n .. I AetMiL.1 .. 2 .. J., " A""110f\ .JO • t7 9\1>-... All"" lncp t tt • ... ,.,,,b,,,,, ... • a IOYt ••• Air _... •. IOD 17 1 10 + ~ Alrtoll\C .'O • 1 ~+ t'o A J ll'IOvslr' • 11'71'2W2\'o .•• AkJOtla 1,20)1 n i. -~ Al• Oti 1 11 $ s lJ~• l'o AleP pf •.11 • • tSO IO + lh ,..,._. llltsl t I "9 I~+ IV, tlnylnl .60 I 12 IS -Iii. rloC ,,. IOI S 1 -\'II Al tUll .60 9 S II + 16 Al< Al .ao 10 2as n:v. + v. Ate Slo .:.. S 4' 12~+ Y+ -..icon L.b .2•U n ~ , .. Alex.en .I.a> I 10 •V•+ II) AllSllMI ... •. II 4~+ ltll Alle9Cp .lOCI I 3t I*-'"' A1'9llld l.IO J J2 11 -'I• ...... , LuorrJ •. s )I" ... Al19 Pw S? • SI I~ ~\ Ali.nGrp 40 10 1' t -'lo Allio Cit 1.10 I ti 31~ 'At AllclM•n .Sf 1 7l 12 -\I) ... llieOPr od 1 4 4 ll ••. "111eas1 uo • 1• ll~i ... .t.110 S\IP"'tkl • . 11 2"4 + "· Allb Cha .i• • 102 llV• • ~ Atlr9MA .St 7 1T /Vo ••• Alptw Pl n A ' ~t 1,'o Al<Dol t.;M 11 2'1 ""'° + ~ ~~~t~S~~7~ lg IS~ ~~7~ AMAX pf S''-. • 11 130 + f Am.,_, . .0 • 2S2 IJ + ~~ Arncord _,, • 1• s -11' Atnffll< 1.20 • l 11'h ... AmHu ..>Ota s 1.u 201/o ••• A Mn e>f JI.Ii . • U Sl\lo + 'h AmAlrFI A4 II 101 111/.+ Ill) Am Alrtlnu .• "I I ••• Arn 8•k .40 . • II 12' '• + ','o AB rand 1.68 1 IJO J4V• t I/, AmBrc.sl .ao I 150 21"-• ..., Am BIOO .3• I 14 t~-'• A <:An 2.10a • 11> 291h+ ~. A On pf 1'• . . 10 11 -•• ~:rn'i'~i ·, :~ ,~,.._· ,, AmC yell I'> I 201 1)1/~ • ''> AmOstl t11t 20 ) I AOlstTet.5111 ti 13'°"+ I\ AmO~I Vsl • • l •Yt-'• AOUI pf .... • • l ,,..... 1 • AmElcPw 2 11 I H ""'-1it AF•mllY .2• I 2' e•11 + "• A F1nSys .10 1' 6 •' • .• · A GnB l.14b . 11 111• + 1'o AGtnS< 1.31. 11 IS'•-.... A Gii lllS .. • 11 Ill/•-.... A Gn Pl I to . • 11''1+ I/, Am Hohl .70 ) ~ 13' H VI Am Hom .1121 414 JS " ~ AmHo'p .:)() 21 3" 29v, • V1 All"I tnweltm . . 21 •'I• • '"" AM~Ol<l .12 7 •S S'I•-''• A MtOlcorp s .. , ,v.-\'. Am MolOtl . 113 ~+ "' AmNG 2.Ho 6 110 JJV.-~ .t.rn !Mt•llng 16 1 I\•+ •to AmSl'llp8 Ito. H I II Am Siner .IO • 93 ··~· .... AmSl<!pt H, 4 S.3''> • ~. Am Ster II .7112 52 l 'I• • 'It ""' Storrs • SI 11 + "'° AmT& T J •O 10 1'97 41~+ 'I• Aml &Tpf• •• 18S SJ~~+ 'II AT TplA l.M 11 4)1'1>-'II ATTpt8 l.14 . 14 ............ AmWatr .M S I ''·'> Awtr pf 1.0 . 1200 I• -V. Ameron tn I ) 1 ti -If, AmH!>I . 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Un 811co ... 8 11>1 10 C#I 111¥ CP . • S4 ~1·'1> i-MC CJ> ., ' 2U 1•'11<-1/o J~llc• MIO • s JV.. • •• NLT Crp '° 1 Sl Ill-<• S..noer .,so .. 31• ) Un <:.imp 2 12 100 b1 I • '• CNA FlnlllCI.. 1'3 ''" • · FMC pf 2'1._. 4 l9 -\Ii -« fC --Norfolk'#~ S I " ·~ •I'• S,,nF In 1.IO 1 108 2~ • UnC<1•D 2 40 I l l1 S'I CHA pl 1.10 •• S 11' • FOOOI'., .10 .. IS •~• .. ICalvAl 1.10 S 14 311/.t + ~ NorlnCp I'~ 4 J 141.o, •, SF•ln pl .IO . • 1 Un Cotn I lJ '1 II ti • CHA In .760.. l II . • Foott CB .IO 7 6 I '• -~, KAI Stpl A:\.·• S U -l Norris 1.20 1 72 "'" '• S.Felllll .lO t? 1~1 26' • Unoon Corp 10 •I ~ CNA UtWlll • • 111.. ... F~o·~ 1.•0 u J08 llh • .,, KAI"°' ·~L. I .. ~.-'lo N· Co•I .IO 1• • 39'·1 " < ··~ W•t •O IS q IJ • Un Elet I 28 8 104 " ••• l 7 M, -......, IC Cl SO 12 4 1>'111 " • :': .. BF<RIE 13 • Un El p!111 30 1~' '• CNALpf 2.10 '. ~... F0t MO .9? 5 l6 IJ\--,,. ••se• 16 ' • • . 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The St..ttc Publlc UUUties Com- mission granted the lncreasc 'l'ue$day so tht firm could orrset lbe increased cost or gas it imporus from Can.ad1. The remaining $82 milllon becomea effect.lve Nov. 1. , CB DAIL y PILOT TV DAILY LOG Thursday Evemng JULY 31 ~oo oo a 10 EDE!) CD Nun 3 0 l7 3 13 6 ('9 I ') News O 6 llon1n11 0 Wild Wild Wul 0) Cmn Aerts @ Mod Squad ra M111• , ""' 2t. lhe ln••dtrs ID Clt<lrK Com"'"' ffi Rockr & F11ends 6 lO 10 Mm Cnlhn Shi!• ID Thu Cul 1731Spy ED T'11 Chi Ch'uan ( l9 8 ) Du ltr's Choice €!)Imel r11m CD Gallop1nr Gourmet ffi l1ttlt R1ml1 100 ()00 13 6 ffiCDHm 3 lrons1dt 0 BowlfftR lor Dollui 6 Mod Sqnd 8 1 rulh or Con1tqutnct1 0 Whit's M1 line! ID I love Lucy (E) The FBI ra l1 lob.t 1t. The B1c Ylllty I ffi Book But 1 his popular boo~ re ~1ew ~we1~m lftutns "''h host k~btrl Cmm1r • m a) 8on1nu Oum• Three Stoocu 7:lO () C1nd1d C1mm 0 '~ 6 Pnu Is R1cht rttlor, Clmnct M l\tllt1, depoets lht up!Yrt ol one ol the nahoo·s most no1011ous c11m1n1ls lht sei 1ure ot Kirp1s marked lhe Just 1101• 111 a long mw that the ldlt J ldgar Hoover had personally eltecl ed lhe c•plure ol au 181 Qu•lll a mari who had lhrtale11td 111 kill ~m ~ Q l~ 6 10 m NBC Thur1day Movit: (C) (2h1) ~fhcht fro111 Ash· •11" (R) !1d•) "64 Yul 811nner, k1Cha1d Widmark, Georae Cn1k1111. '"'' P11ktr lhrtt olhcers ol lht A·r HtM:ue Str;itt art di>pllthtd tu .n .,., oil the roof ol JJpan • "''' a ur~o vtl'tl 11 be1n? bJI '"·d br ii f)phoon As lhtu p·aroe '.•d\ for the wred, lht1r 1n01.1duill \1 1 •1 ,,, rold 1n Jluhb1c~ 6 The Unlo!ICkablts 0 (l9 8 ) IJ JQ) AllC Speoal Mo•lf' (C) (1111) "Sll1lt, Jen117, You·tt Dud" (R) (dtaJ '/4 Oa .. a . e11 Andru MarcO•ICt•, John Ar"HV'" An 1n<!1>1duahsh< p11.ale • 111,• ••.-idl r btcom~ -mohon4~fy 10 • ... 1J ot111,h i {H/tJ VHI fldl ~td ' ' nnHi!(-1 bv a de1JORtd phuloR 1Jl•l·•·1 I his him led l<J lh• It 111y @ I ht Bold Ones ffi fuhval lnter~monal ffi Hollywo~d I eltvi1ion Thu Ire Annther Part ol lh• ror•sl" !Joro 1~1 McGu11e, Barry ~ulhvan and I 1llany Bolling sl•rs 1n this KCCI pruduc11ort ol lrlhan Hellman's 1946 h1I Broad .. ay play, ii sequ<i fo · I he t 1111e I u1ts !hrs probing story of lh• iap.c1ous Hubbard Jam1ly 1n lhe post C111• Wat South t<poSt\ the r•thlts~ne~s and plottme of 111 r• .,,bers Andrew Prine and ll"ben I ""orlh also 1tar 9 lO Q Hees 8 love Ame11un Slyft to ltl's l\hh A Dul ED Yntn11 a l7 13 lo Ttll lht Truth 0 Mtlhon $ Movie. (C) (2h1) "lht IO 00 0 ID U) lkws lnt T11t1t I Sa 1'1m" ldral ·~ 6 Ptrty Muon l'11abtlh I aylor, Yan Johnson, V.al @ Gtl Sm1rt ltt P C~ton, Donn. l!ttd. i t. Green Acru ID Hoc1n's Ht1on ID The W11 It Wu 1946 Cardi 11. 10 30 O W1nled· Dud or Al"e Red S~• Wmld 'tro•s· @News ED luevu de 6111 16 Allred H11chcod m Wlltr World gJ Y111ety Show CD Bobby 'oldsboro Show rn little Ruoh ! I 00 0 3 0 et,) m CD Ntws 0 8 10 .13 _t. Hews 1:00 () 17 l 8 l~e W1llon1 lht O Best ol Groucho R1n~ ' !RI Miry £11eo buys a 6 Set B1lko ,.o,nd h;nd purse from a 1un~ deal 0 The Lucy Show er and finds 1n ilnl1que amethy~· ID Mission: lmpou1ble 11~P. in 11s setffl comparrmenl a (E) Mod Squid 011 .omy rhal l~Jthes h" a d1ll1cul1 17 r 3 Mr. lucky ,. •• 11r Q ll 6 ' 10 EI) Gladys KnrRhl & the Pips Ben Vereen, Wh1lm1n Mavo 1t. I he Unlouch1blu ( 19 8 ) W1nled: Dud or Alrvt •~rt Ch llles Nelson Reilly p,unt 11: IS €t) C1nem1 34 O Movie: (C) (Zhr) "Ouel rn lhr Juncle" lad•) 'S4 -Oona Andrews II 30 0 Mov1t: IC) "The Runn1n2 Man" I•, 1n• Cram. David ''"" ' 1.J••I '6J -Laurence Hal\er lee o Wild Wtld Wnl k•m1c~. Alan B•les 0 ( l9 8 ) (l CD OCBUT Almost 0 13 6 !0 m Johnny Cmon Anyth1na Gou A wild ind 1m•~"'' ~·c1 e•n Stevenson is Ruest hMI I•·• •vtnl show fuluung a seues rl 0 Calendar c• mptf.11ons bf!ween 1e.rrs .,P 6 MoV1e: "Tht Cneper" lhorJ 48 r•· ont1n~ d1llt,,n1 Amtucan c•r••• £de11do C11nelh, June Vince~! ... ,~.n a given geocraph1cal rr~10 0 I l9 8 J l Wide World Spe· 1 lh• oonlest1 1n110lvt appropr•ale <111 G•ratoo R .. era. Gooon•fhl CO>!Jrr• g1gan1rc props ard tb A'"''"'' ''•ti• c• ur·,es ol epic piop ,,,01 8 17 l CBS hie Movre: (C) Ht/1<>na '"'"""\ lrom th• fo1\f Ir ,1 "Tht hct ol Fu Manchu" tsu .p) b) shOM will tl>mPtl• on '~• I ' "' stop••r lee "°"' lor th• nahonal chunp• ,rnh1p 0 Mo.ie· "The Broktn OoublOOll" fr·nrfhl teams ltom l\•bsler Ma,, lmu\l 19 -luncr Gi. d, G•orp• B,mlwille, 111: and Putnam. Conn M ntgom•rr aimpete tor th• hsterr1 Rep1oml ID The Tn1n Edge Ct.amp1on~1p. lhe anno•nttrs •11t 12 00 0) ! 5'tc1Al I b ck Ille Ripper P11I Charlie Jones, I vnn Shac~ellord aod v This po111on of the 81111sh doc:u Dick Wh1tt1ncfon P~lary eum1nes th• su\pecl1 1n m Ouler's Choice I >Odon s l'Orld l6mous unsolved W Monday Thru Frtd11 t'1urd'.r case U) N1d1a C"o @ Ct! Smart 26 Mom: (C) (2hr) "C1pl11n Ho11 t10 Hornblower" (dra) '51 -Gregory I rck, V1rR1n1a Mayo ffi Philadelphia folk futrnl rn J1panue u n1u1ce r roarams a.JO 0) Merv G11lhn Show 9:00 () 17 (J 1 I J CBS lhursd11 Mov· 1t: (Cl (2h1) ''The fBI Slory -lhe FBI Versus Alvtn IY111ts, l'ublK £nem1 Humbt1 Ont~ (RI (d11) '14 Robel1 foawol1h, [1lttn Hec•1rt. GJrv I odwood. 81sed on a land mat• t.Sf of the FBI. lhe film. made ""~ :p'Clal cooperahon of FBI 01 Friday DAYTIME MOVIES 10 00 O "M1n111ry ol Fur" (m,1) 44 - Ray ,,.1 IJnd, ,,.1qor1t Rfynolds Carl r '"'nr;(4 6 "lht Outsider" (d,.) t~ -Toni CurhS. lamrs fr .nc1 .cus. 12.00 ID "lhe lost Moment~ (drdJ 41 Robtrl Cumm1nRs. Susan Hay~ard Agnes MoorPhtad. 1:00 § 10 Tomorrow l 8 2'.l 6 News Movie: "Bukftound lo Danger" lmysJ '43 -Geor~e Rall, Brtn•Ja Marshall. Peler Lorre 1:4S ()Movie: (C) "The I Don'! Catt Girl" (mus) '52 -M1fl1 G•ynor, David Wayne. 2:30 ID Aff.N1rht Sllow: "Finl Yank 1n Tttyo," "The Giut Gun" l:45 () Movit: (CJ "Oi11>ension 5" (dra) 'bo -Jelfrey Hunter, France Nuyen. 26 (C) "[~nltd lsl1nd" f1dv) ·~a -01n1 Andrews. Jane Powell J·OO 10 (C) "I'll """ Foret! What's His Name" (com) '68 -Orson Welln, Carol While ll 6 (CJ •cross Cumnr (my\) I! -Robert Hooh. Jeremy Slate. Robert Wagner. C.irol lynl•1 330 J r "lo1I Wttktnd" (dra) '45-Ray ,,.11l1nd, Jane Wrman. 0 (C) "Thunder Alley" (dra) "67 - r 1b1an, Annelle Funicello. Diane Mc lla1n I OD O "lut ol the Wild Horm" (wfsl 4.00 O (C) "Night l'mace" (dra) 'H 4q James fll1son, Mary Sethi limes Stewart, AIJdit Murphy, HurhfS Oan Duryea Whenvou see Pizza Ads on TV Clvll Grumbling ... Gloomy Gui t , In the DAILY PILOT J Scissors Sharpened • Ground lo• perfell edge by fa1tory 11perts Regular 69C Sheors • lrint in pinking, sewi119, barber, garden, kitchen uinon . r inking 99c • All work done while you shop Shears 'Handivac' • lightweight, tosy lo use for those quitlt pitkups • Optional ollothmtnls ovoiloblt for obovt the floor cleaning Black & Decker Jig Saw • Variable spHd for all purpose use • Collbroted tilting s"1.e, double ins11lotion. N7 524 3499 • Mith s,.e4 fer fast "'9teriel removal & smooth finlsltl111 • Double inwlettd. 17404 1699 Tru-Test~ Water Heaters • O...'t -it til it 11.nts _ 11M1k yeur eld _,., lri"ter newt • Rt'*'" it with • depen4e~le, gloss llM4 hHter en4 HVG 2~ Gallon Si11 6495 JO Gel!. Sht ...... 7 •. •• 40 Gelletl Sire ••..•• M.9S SO O.lte.. She ...... ••.91 I PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR HOOVER CLEANER! I-POINT FACTORY CHECK-OUT LIST • Chtck electrical system • Check motor and bearings • Check all moving parts • Check belt and brushes e Check bag for defects • Check filter system • Chtck and dean agitator • Clean, grease and lubric.te Plus Parts Free Estimates en major repair work. Only genuine Hoever parts usfll. One Day Onlyl All Work done while you shop. lJ;OO A.M •. to 4 P.M. Hoover 'Celebrity' • Ne wheels, "' l'VMtn ... riclts °" oirt • 1.1 ,..k t..rsepawer -all stttl construction • l0-41t. capacity IHig. #SlOOS Reg. S4.9S 39aa Charmglowe Gas 'Economizer' Grill . ,..,,..., ............. , ... ,,.... ~ • Grilts, i....t, rMStt & ~ M~ ~ • 2lS ~ "'· llkW ,e.tt4 ~~=-­, ...... .,W. fTNIJ 999s ·· Speclall Wiss• Grc.11 Sh•ar• . The Hoov.er 'Shag Machine' • hcluslve triple action clHnintl • Complete with t"ls fer all your abeve the floor clHnlnt. #04047 Reg. 14.90 59aa .. ! Glidden Spred Glidden Spred House Paint Gel Flo Paint • l ..... ltstlfll, WHlhfr• rtslstent ocrylic letn • Qui1k-'ry finish fer Hterier wee4, -senry 1~1' ·~? ., • Vlgoroe 5% Sevin Dust • Pret11ts leWltt & .......... ,,.,. htsocts • 1 •· .,..., <• ef e-rel titwctic14t, CH k 11se4 Oii M,t & coh • • hire thick for OM-<oot conroge • Roll or lirvsh on -dries le • shiny 1loss finish 1~~;; 10.!~ sac Clamp-On Nylon Umbrella • DtlHo •• wWt ""°" ,., Ill olte,.._. color ,...h ··~ .... ~ ... ' • ., 'I l' Thursday July 31 197_5 _______ __,;0~A""'l.:::;.L Y.;_:,_P.:..:IL;.;:0;...:T_..:D=--=..f Aussie Star Denies H e's Dodging Shaw By ROGER QARLsoN OflM Oally fllll•Ut•lf Australian s wim sensation Steve Holland denies a recent wire story out of Cali, Colombia, stating he ignored competition at the Wofld Swim Championships beca~e Long Beach's Tim Shaw was too much in the 1,500-metcr freestyle. "I wa1m 't scared off," says Holland, "I s imply did nol t·are to compete tbere. Whatever they think I don'\ care." One coach was quolt.'<l that if Holland was going to be beaten so badly, it's just as well he wail until the Olympics ul Montreal in 1976. Holland's comment "l'd hkc to know the name of the t•oach who said tha{. I'm not going to worry about "tha t. But the guy shouldn't have any right to say that at all. He's probably never even seen m e. "C Holland is t!\l Mission Viejo. will compe te tn the 1975 Mission Viejo Invitational championships lx!ginning Friday, and will slay another 4-6 months t.o train with the Mission Viejo Nadadores un der coach Mark 'Schubert in a bid lo improve his c hances at lhe Olympics. Bad Blood Exists Trabert Hopes To Bag Coll9-ors NEW YORK <U P I> -Tony Trabert, appointed Wednesday as captain of the U.S. Davis Cup team. firmly belit•vcs Amcric:.i can regain the international ten- nis trophy and tic would cerhunly like lo have Jimmy Connors as a member of the team_ Trabert said. while he was al a loss lo explain Connors· utlitude toward him. he w<.1 s nevertheless sure lh<lt "it woultl not be tlif- ficult to clear the air" 1f he could meet face· to-face with Connors . Trabert takes O\'er the team direction after three disastrous years. in which Ameri ca lost in the challenge round to Australia in 1973 and was t'liminatt:d in ear- ly rounds by Colombi:.i in 1971 and by Mexico this yeur. Much of the bl ame for. these failures has been pinned on the :.1bsen cc of Co nnors, who declined to play for Ral5ton after failing to secure a plciying spot against Jamail·a in 1972. Trabert. whose selection for the post was not finalized until late Tuesduy. said he had met Connors only half a dozen limes. .. I did make a comment on television that I thought he was one of the finest players and ul the same time remarked that Jim- my. himself. h ad been quoted as saying ht' liked being known as ·arrogant'." , , Trabert. at 4'4 )~kfi,i ri~ enough to sugg~l l1e cotild p1ay on the team himself. said he wanted to talk directly to Con- nors. the undisputed No. I player in the world until his loss to ,\rthur ,\s he in the Wimbledon final early this monlh. "When I s poke to Bill Riordan (Connors· man ager) some time ago and asked him if Jimmy would play, Riordan s aid he would ask but that he fell there was 'bad blood' between Jimmy and myself." "l hope Connors plays," he said. "It wo4ld be sad if he tlidn't. sad for-the team. sad for the country, and for Jimmy, himself." There is the feeling in some quarters t hat Riordan is urging Connors not to play for the Davis Cup team, but that iso'l true at all. Riordan, in fact, has tried to pursuade Connors to relent and play. "Tony and l are singing the same duet," said Riordan at his law office whl'n he heard what Trabert had to say. •·1 jus t left Jimmy last night :md told him substantially the same thing. But 1 do think some of those people are a little late in m aking those s peeches. Jimmy has made up his mind not to play * * * I as long as Trabert is captain of the team. and he won 't chanl(e his mind. He'~ got loo much diaracler lo buck down. lie will not pros t itute hims L·lf t o hypocrisy ... Part of the trouble ~oes back lo some comments Trabert made on television. ··He h ad so me very un complim entary things to say about Jimmy, uncomplimentary and inaccurate thi1~s. ;:ind Jim my was upset about that.· s aid Riordan ··Trabert did 1hc com mentary for Jimmy's matches with Ro d La ,. er and J ohn Nl•wcombe in Las Vegas and said Jimmy liked to be known as 'ar roganl. · That whole thing s tarted in an airport whl•n a reporter usked Jimmy if he enjoyed bcinJ.{ called brash Jimmy laughed and said 'don't call m t• brash. call me arrogant · He said it in jest but tha t was n't the way it came out when Tralx!rt said it on television. lie took it as a straight line. which it wasn't. .. Whe n that "as b:-ought to Trab~rt's attention. he said he was on ly quoting from a m<igazine. Well , he ::.imply hadn't done his homework. I tolc..I him that and he got uptight about 1t '\llhen I was a kid playing, he'd have been s uspended r~ .. suyin~ SOfl\eLU~ !tt.a_U~~: ~bert SJitf:". I Yo1d :"it s fJll c tirely d1ffet eat er a e'rc li~ i 'now. ·Not for me. it is.n ·c hesa1d." After Connors beat Newcombe in Las Vegas, Riordan and Tr abert had a talk-Trabert told Riordan he didn't understand what Connors was so upset ahouL "He s.a id he had some feelings he might be named Davis Cup captain and he knew there were some problems between him and Jimmy," said Riordan . "Trabert said he'd like to set up an <ip- pointmenl so they could resolve their differences. and I told him, fine, we'd set up a d ate. That was April 26, and I've never heard from him again." In June. J oe Carrico, chairm an of the U.S. Da,-is Cup committee, contacted Connors and Riordan and told them they wanted to keep politics out of the selection of a captain for the U.S. team. Carrico had a list of 40 can- didates, Connors said he'd be happy to play for anybody except Trabert. "They s ay they want J immy to play for them and then they ~o ahead and name Trabert," said Riordan. "They call Jimmy de- fiant, but [think they're the ones who are being d efiant. It's <1lmost as if they have a death wish." * * * Co11nors Cl.aims .No Verdict, Yet LOUISVILLE (AP ) -Jimmy Connors said today he has made no dw;sion about p laying on the U.S. Davis Cup team, nor will he make one any t ime soon. "Timin g is very important. I haven't made any decision about this and I don't think one should be made at this lime.'' Connors told a news conference. Connors said he hadn't. given m uch thoug ht to tl~e Davis Cup team.-nor to the selection of Tony Trabert as its captain. "I never said I didn't like Ralston." he added ... Maybe he said I didn't like him." "When I heard the comment from Riordan t hat Connors might not play it astounded me.'' "H~ (Trabert) may be the best captain ever selected except for Ralstcm and the only way you m ight say Ralston is better 1s that he h as Davis Cup ex- perience. ''1 hoRe I m ake the team ,'' Ashe said. "Competition,'' says the 17 )ear-old llolland, "brought me ht'rt.> more lhun anything else ''I'm not s ure I 've ever been push ed in Australia. 1 went against Brian Goodell in th< Australian Games. but Brian was swimming out of season. "My goals he re ure just to im· prove my limcs for the Olym- pu·s. llollund. who held the world's record in the 1.500 free before Shaw sm ashed it by ovt.>r seven seconds, has bests of 15·27.79 in the 1.500. 4 . 01.62 in the 400. 4: 54 0 m the 400 individual medley and 1 58 0 in the 200 free . "I don't rcully t.'an· about all\ of lh~ L'Vt'llts t'X('t•µt Lill' I 500 .111d 400 freest) leh. 's.1ys llull.md ·· B1ia11 ••nd I µ1•t Jlo11g r1 •,il well and thl' ('oftlpl'l1l1011 111 volvcd m pral'ltl't· ''Ill lllL'<lll a lot ·· llollund. \\ho ari 1wd at Lo.., Angelt'h lllll'fllul11111<al 1\1rµor1 early l h1:-, morning, l'Dmpll'lt· with three s uikJhl's and a surf board. says ht· hopl's Lo gl'I ph•nt v of surfing 111. !1111, du1 ini:-• l11s st.iv Jl Mission Viejo As for lht• M1 hs1ein Vtl'JO l11v1t;1 horwl. the 0111~ tnl'd I loll.md flgun:'h lo com1wll· 111<lu1111g hb hlJy at !\l 1::.::.111n \ 11•111. lw s nut sun• todJ~ \\hat t'\'t•11h ht• II 1'l11T1 Pdl' 111 }'1'1>1),Ahl~· th1• J .~100 ;111cl I()() fl'l'l'St) ll•s '' ht•n· ~h.m 1s out of th•· µ1l'ltJl'l' (i1111dt•ll 1:-. t•nll'rt·d 111 I hl' l.~100 ( '.lst'Y C'•lllH'l'SI' <Ill 1\l:ih.1mu 1mport.;1t M ISSl1111 \'ll'Jtl, (1gUl'l'" to 11lfrr llull;intl ;1 l11ugla <'11allt•ng1• 111 lh<• 1.500 Coll\'l't'st• t•nll'r.., "1th ;1 lw:-1of15 5~ l:! (;ocxlt•ll'.., twst '" 15 :n :n Sh;I\\ rl(.!lll'I"'> to "l'I' ,1d 11111 llt th1• b;at•hslrol-.l' l'\ l'llh. ;11110111.! otlwr .... hut not Ill I ht• s.tllll' t'\ t'llh hl'llomm.1tt•d at ('.tit llolla111I has Ill'\ t•1 l'lllllJ1l'11•d ----- UPllelepl>olo JIMMY CONNORS SAYS NO DECISION HAS BEEN MADE WHETHER HE'LL PLAY FOR U.S. Dodger s Co ille Alive At Plate Roof Falls In O n Chisox Ace AT~NJA.~\!4., ~llAlston, ~ •• ,;\J9hJl Q_phe1·Ly ~Wi a master~ -,~"tl., We.ht\ t'1e ~~IJ1 er ~nd' goodtirrungWednesday nighL .. I'~ glad of thf!t... Clyde Kini! Good (or him. Nol so hot for t he smd. ''What. citn yo~ s~y, they got Chicago White Sox four runs without hilting the ball Doherty on thl' threshold of be- hard at all." ing relurn~d to the mi nm-leagues T h ough the m a na geri al l>ecuuse of a nwugt•r .194 balling analyses diffe red a bit. the out-~1 veraj.?e. lined a two run s ingle 111 come was a dec isive 8·2 Los lhc bottom of t ht• ninth inning to f)odg.-.r s S lnt•• All 9~m .. on l(ABC (7'IO) July Jt Los Angele\ <ll Allan!" Aug I (.inc In natl a I LO\ Anqelr\ AUQ 1 Cln~lnnal• al Los Angele~ • :JOp m, 7 1Sp m. o SSo m Angel~s Dodgers victory over the Atlanta Bra ves Wednesday night. A lwo·run firhl-inning double by St eve G arvey gave the Dodgers a quick lead. but Allan· ta matc h ed it \\ht:n E<trl Willi ams doubled in lwo Bra\'es in the third. Ron Cey broke the Lie in the sixth, singling in Garvey, who had walked and moved to second on John Hale's s<icrifice. The Dodgers scor ed again in the seventh on a double sleal. then picked up four eighth·inning runs with the help of ;.1 couple of Braves errors. t·ap a thn.•c-run rally and lift the Califo rnia Angels to a come - from-beh ind 5 4 victory. .. In thut spc•t you l'ithcr do or you don't ," s ard Dohcrty.,"You ca n't takt· loo many pitches ... if you sec something you like you'\•e gott;.i ~wing." Rich Gossagt•, tilt.' Chisox r e- l i c v l' r . o h v 1 o \I s I v l h r t• ,,. sornl•thlllg Doht•rly \\as delight· ed to see. "lle's p robably lht• IX'!-.l in the league.·· Doh t•rly sai d of Goshcige. who has recorded 15 sa\'cs for Chicago this summer. "lie comes right ut you." ~ol<in R yan was the beneficiary of the rally und won his sccond"in a row to hoosl his record to 12 11. The lo~er was Jim Kaut. 15 8 R~ :rn \\as rocl-.t•d for tl11'l'C runs in the fi rst 1nn111 g v. hL·n Kl.'n Hen- derson rammt•<.1 <a l\\o r11n ::.ingle unc..I Carlos :\·la\' drovl' 111 a run und lhl· S1Jx t' 'll•ndeu their lead W 4-0 Ul Lill' \111 rd bdrn·l' the AngelS fought Lw<'I-. for l\\o. But K aul . I hl· "rnninpt•sl pitche-r in tht• Ill .1Jt11.... was only three ou1 ~ .1 w <H from i'\o. lfj wht•n lhe roof l'<J\-L'd 111 Ll'l' Stanton"' <.1lked and stnj!ll•s by Tomrn~ lla rper uni.I J11hll B:.ilaz loaded lhl' hasl'S Gossage \\'a::. t-.llh-d 111 lo fot•t• p ineh ·hitlt•r J ul' J..drn11d hul Lahoud walked 011 four µitches tll'forc Dohl'l'l~ l'Ollllt'<'tl'd. SCOI" mg H arpl' r and p11wh runnt•r Morris Nettles. who ran through coach Grover H t•s111gt•1"~ stop sign al third bast• and s till heal Nyls N~m~1n ",off l11wrl1111\\. Cl11CAGO •b r h b1 P l<"llY ti A I U 1) Ornt ".>\ • o . n C M.ly lb • I I I C>-John,.rn dn .f t t o Hl'nder'>Oll < f A 0 I 1 -flo,.11> ? I D 0 11<ito 0 O N~n <Jr•ll ,. 0 I I Oown•nqc. J ) I » K.-l.O ti U U 0 ~ C..0\ t1WO V Ii I ij I CllLIFORNIA C.ct'tt rm !>,t.mtOf '' f t I \ •b I h bi A I 0 • ' I • (j I Q • I 1 D •• Nun• iuf ""'"•" """''''''r f '''' (h1l~•QO • I I ' ,.,..,, ('IC\J .t C..dldc.unfc,, Y~a• IL, n bl ( -0\'),•q· .... ~Ml (V'v 11 ' I HttP t)y h~fOI (( A 11 O?\ IP x " I I 1 Ol•I fill .. h A l A 80 SO • ' 4 t ., r 1 ,, • I 4 "This one sta rted the same old way," s aid Alston . "We'd get men on second and third. then hi tone to the pitcher. then hit a long ball. If we could jus t reverse the order of those. LOS ANGELES ATLANTA Lov e Wins Out a.II r h bi ~~2b s 2 ' 0 lwon~rtl S 1 3 I Wynn(f J I 0 0 MAr~.allo 1000 Gotr~y lb 4 I 7 2 ~··~ rf J I 0 0 (.ey JC> J 0' I Auerbdchlb 0 0 0 0 YU9t't C 5 I 0 0 Rub~ll \S • 0 0 0 R•up 3 0 I 0 w Crawtordrl 0100 To4als Len Anc;,eles All,,.,ta 30 8 10 • ~b r h bi (;.lrr If • 0 ' 0 M ~t~l2b S I 1 0 E\rans 3b • t 1 0 e Wliloanis lb s 0 1 ' 8•ker rf • 0 1 0 81Mlk~S\ • 0 0 0 Correll c 3 0 0 0 Oltic• ct J 0 1 0 Morlonp '0 0 0 G1lbreatllph I 0 1 0 LflOl\D 0 0 0 0 Lump!> I II V 0 E Sowp 0000 Totals 100 001 140 I 002 000 000 ' E Rau, Guvc.y, Bl•.,ks. Leon. LOB lO\ Arl~le\ 8, Allant• II 28-GarYey, E. W1llo~on,, Cey, Evan!> SB Lo~i. 8uOner. S-Hate Go!H, Cev. IP H A ER 88 SO AIU (W, 9·81 b' 1 ? 7 I ' Marihall '' 7 0 U 2 I Morloo (L. II .,, I 8 4 4 , ' Leon I l ' 0 2 0 E. Sow I 0 0 0 0 0 !.Ave-M.,\hilll (91. 118P-~y E. So"' tt1•y), T 7 21. A. 3,9S.O. M A L I R t l ( /\ r J J an is Donms. the forrnt•r world cham· J.H on j a ,. l• I 1 n t h r ower from Russia. h<.ts won his halllc to come to lht' l 'mlcd Slates and to hnng a happy endrng lo <.in in ernat1on.il lo\ e~torv_ .. lt·s just the best nt'wo;. the very best news lht•re could ha vc been.·· K athy Kedc Oon ins declared Wednesday. "Hut I think I always knew that he'd be able lo leovc Russia and come to us. .. The Sovil'l athlt'll' currently is in Rornt'. Ila I y, going through llw formali ties of gainin~ his visa and is expected lo urn vc in Los Anl!<'les on Saturday ni ght. Russian a uthorities had blocked the exit or Donrns who in 1972 h;.id m .1r111•d ~· g 11 l visit 1111.t from Aml'rtl'<1 a girl It•· h<ad nwt in 1969 :.it tlw t 'nl\ l'l'';ll' of Southt•rn CallforntJ ''hal1• till' L'SSH tral'k and f1l'ld lt·um ";p. tounng thl• l '111kd St;1t•·~ Hl' p1 opos<•d to h:ath~ 111 l!Jil ~•l &•rl-l•lt•\ .rnd the\ '' l'l't' m.11 n NI 111. th1• So·. 1l'l l 1111111 in .1,111 uury, 1'!72 ,\ \('.11' 1 ~1t1•1, Nu·oll'. \\as horn :\l rs . Don 1 n s and t ht' i r <l:iu~hll'l' ll'ft Ruhsra 111 .Jtuw, 1914 . <llld Donrns startt•d ht" :ti lt'tnpb to follow thl'lll Thl• :!6- H':ll' old ;\l rs ()011111:-, s;11(( She battkd Sm tl'l l)IJl'l':IUl'.lt') with the hl'lp of lhl' pn•ss ancl politr- d ans and "j usl t•vc1·yb<nly wlw Wl'Oll' l('tl('J'S and lht•rt• Wl'l'l' thousand:; of them ... In the p ast, Connors reportedly linked Trabert lo organized ten· nis and lO the Association of Ten- n is P rofessionals (ATP>. of which Arthur Ashe is president. Connors opposes the organiza· lion. Paraplegie Quits After 18 Miles Trabert denied association wilb ATP •t hls news conference Wednesday~ an<l said, "l 'm nol in anyone'a p()Q•t.'' Connor• made little mention ot Trabert today, but took excepUon to previously published reporta that be did not like Dennis Ralaton, the U.S . n~1vis cup cap- tain 11Me 1972. "Who said I was opposed to Ralston tn the post?" Connors rep lied w hen ukcd H t he rumored friction bet.ween the two had kepl hhn orr previous tram•. F OLK ESTONt. E ngland (UPI> -American Jack Robertson swam Hke a champion for 1.8 ~rs.ipo~rf'\1 arms pulliD1 tb aeml par~ body through \he c y •at.en of lhe E nglish q.ann T he eithau~tH pa r a plegic, par a lyzed froJ9 -~ \lUdat down, came wilhln •tla ol lhe FYench coast Wedn escJ• nlaht. before giving up bis a pt to croa the Channel. "Jack swafm li•e a tbampion," escort Don Phlleihlum saJ4 this morning, Jte 1dt wit.bln • half· t mile of Cap Griz-Nez a bout 11:30 p.m . Wednesday but just couldn't make it." Philabaum, who returned to lbe Enlllish ~ast with the 25· Ytar-old s wi mmer art.er accom· .,_nying Roberuon ln an escort bo•l. blamed the failure on a late 1rt11rt. "It was the tide, because we started late and we had Cog mosl of the way over," he said. "Now Jack is ~cy. very til"OO ·• In folkutone, Ute s wimmer woa grc•t.~d by his parents, Will iam ahd \1el'a Rob<.'rt.c;on. of Amhurst. Ohro The couple s at oul the hours 111 u channcl·sidc hotel. Philabaum said it was too ear- ly to say if Robertson would make a new ~lllempt to swim the 2l·mile Channel -conquered by rew~r t.han 300 swimmers in the 100 years since Cart M11tlh('w Wt'bb made it fir~t. Hobert.son, a hast.ct h.111 roach In Scotts dulc. Ar 1i., was a top swimmer befort> llt'ing puralyzcd ill a 1969 automobile :trcldent. ne later developl'<i 3 special ·•windmill sll oke" rn which lw uses continuous arm movement-. to make Up for lack of Jll'OpublOI\ fcom his lc~s Robertson was ehl'ert>d ~ht•n a tlritish Royal Navy r ec-o n n ... 1ss:rncl' plane fl ew low OV\'I' and droppt•d a ran with t he ~ords. "Cood ludo .. Jack paint t•d 011 it "J ack h,1ttlcd in thC'wntcrunl1I Wl'WercalmostalCapGns Nez. bul by then he" as swimminiz 18 hours and he couldn't twat lhc CUl'l'l'Ots." Phllabaum ":ml JgJ111st ShJw and as it ;.ippears 1mv. h1· m:.i~ 11ot until ~1ontH·al. 1 ·, <' Ill'' t•r st•1•11 or :.pokt•n to Sh,I\\. ~.1y~ I lull;,ind Cooddl. lltt· 0111) ollwr r t'· tth~lll' lhn«•t to llulland m the 1.500 .• 1b11 \~ tll ~kip thl' t'Vl'lll II) tht• Ml!'>!'>IUll \'1cio Jn vilatao11:.il _ .\l'l 11111 bq!I ns Fnclay .1t 10 .1. m . \\1th t n.ils, foll<rnl'd l>y tl11· opt•n· 111g 1'1'1 l'llHHllt's Jl ·I 30 1J Jll, Ul\lJ tht• f111ah ;1 h.ilf huur IJtcr Fi r::.t ti:" l'om pl'l1t111n indudL·S tl\I' IOO fl\. 100 frt•t•. 100 l><JC'k, 200 111cl" tel u JI n1l'<l IL' y a 11<1 400 llll'dll'\ I l'la) fur \\OITil.'11 and llll'll Ruling Favo rs Bryant LOS ANGELES -A federal t•ourl JUU).!l', l'alling the National Football Ll·~agut"s controversial HoH·llc.· Ru ll' illegal. issued a tl•mpurary rl':,lraining order Wl1dr1t•sd:.iy th:tt M·nt running hut•k Cullt•n Hryanl back to the Los .\n).!dt·s Ham:-.. ··1 thrnl-. thl' Hot.l'lll• Huh· in C'OnJUIH'llOll \\1th thL· standurd pl<.t~ t•r c.:onlracl and the optwn dausl' 'wlatl's Section I of the Sherman untrtrus t act. .. l '.S Dist Cour t Judge Warren J . Ft'l'l!UhOll ... Jtd. S11r gery for Tana11a Prkht·r F :-;ank Tan:ma \dll un- dl'rgu ::.urgl'ry to repair a chip fracturt• on his rii.:ht hand ttnd will bt· out of <ffl Ion for about 12 clays. thC' Calrforniu Angels •111· nounl'l'd WL•tl11l·sday rnghL An Ang<'ls' spokesmrni saitl tlw lcflh:rndetl µitchcr . 9·6. suffer1-•cl the inJur~ on the St'cond joint 1Jf hr s little fm ger whl'n he was htl Monday by a lllll' dri n• off the bat <>f P at Kt•lly of the l\t111ncsuta Twin:.. Dr .. lul10 Talt·..,nik \\ill pl·rform the ::.ur gl'ry today . M'h it e R e lea11ed Thl• Los ,\ngl·ll•s RJms \.\'l'd- nesd ay rele<.tst•d on wai vers quurtl'rbal'k ,\I\ in Whitt'. the 15th f'l\Ullcl '11 aft cho11:e from Orej!on Stute. White aho pl<i~l'd al Orange Coas t Collegt• ;imJ - Newport Barbor Hi gh. Tht• mOVl' left thl' Hurns "1th f1 v1• 4uurll•rh<.1cks in tra1111ng t·ump. 111d uding starter .IJrm·:. Harns and bat•k up m;.in Hon Ja\\urski. M'a l ker R rnas 3:32.-1 OSLO Nl'W Zealand dist:.HH'C ~t:ir J ohn Walker ran the 1.500 rnl'lcrs in 3 : 32.4 Wl•dncsday at ;.in inlcrrrnl10n c.al l rack a nd fi eld rnN•t. the fastest tim<' this yt«H' and jus~ l\\o-lcnths of .1 second off the" orld record. J im Rold111g of the C nitccl Stales won th<· .JOO-ml'ler hurdll'" 111 49.0. lwattng world n•cord holdl·r J ohn Ak11 -Rua of Uganda by onc·tenth of a .Sl'cond. :\'likt• Bon (If l\t·n~a won lhe80U ml'll'I':. l!l I 11 J. the> :'!'C<md-best tlml' l't't'tll cfrd 111 thl' \\urld this )'l'.11 ;,1,111a11 Gt•:,;i<·kr uf Poland was '-l't't111d 111 1. t5. t. ;.i f'olish record H1t•k \\'ohlhull'r of the l 'n1kd ~I.Ill's f1111s lwd third in I 41. 2. f11ll11\\ l'CI ~Y 5, t•n Enk :'\i<•bL'll of fl1•nmark 111 I Ii :1. Hod Orxon of Nt•w Z1•;al;.intl won th1• 5.000 mdn.., r:ict• in 13 21.fi . "nUl' Boerol' nf l'i<1rWJY Wa!) M'l'O lld in 13:::!1 H. • BOO R e eord ~IOSC'OW Nina :\toq:wnovu Sl't ;.i world n•c()nl of I minute 5!) .J seconds in llll' women's 800 nwll•r:-. al the• SoviC't Spartak1ad track m<'t't Wednesday. S toekton Injured C'I NCl;\:Ni\TI Top-~cC'ded (lack Stocl-.ton n •rnjurcd his back 'v\\•dnt'schi y and lost lo Rn an Teacher 1 ll. 7-li. G-3 in thl· second round of the S50.000 Western Ten- 111s Championships. In other act ion Rob Kreiss de· fcated Pat Cr'1mer 7·5. 6-4: Cliff Orysd:tl<' b<'al George Hardie 6-1. ti I. Sh~·• wood Sll•ward dumped l 'hil Dt•11l 7 5. i -6 . 1"1rst n1u11d results included lhmail El SlrnfC'i 's 6-4, 6-3 victory O\'l'r Joachin Loyo·Mayo; Byron Bertram 's 6-3, 7.5 win over Rick Fisher and Stan Smith's 6-4, 6-7, (•-3 'ittor y over Mic h ae l Wayman. Swim ft(>ft)r d DOVER. England -Canada's Cindy Nicholas set a women's re- cord· ror S\\ imming lhe English l'hannt'I t oday, the Channel 5,, 1mmrng Association reported. Thl' 17·year·old stu<leol from Toronto completed the 22-mile swim from France to England in 9 hour!-. 116 minutes. the aS'SO(ia· lion ~.ud WTTRr•ull• "..,,Tenn,1-..e w-., w.-.kt>elllw IN'fl -.. e...1rom 111 • l :W.O. INYlbMfl!N.,...(111•S ~n ~lont lhilftlt ( 11 "-"'Ml~ .. (NYI ._. MIJVtr (NY I bul Ruffel' <tl w. Mlud Sth•ll•u O_.ns (NVI ••t o.rt.. e .. ,,,, It 1 ~) " DI OAILYPILOT f hursday.July31 , 1975 I 33 t o Track Hall of Fame NEW YORK Lons: are among the 33 track .uld field greats who will be inducted rnlo th.it :>!X'r t ·s Hall of f\.1mt• E astma n . 8111 E a ston, Barney Ewe ll . Bobby M o rro ". L o r e n M urc hi ~o u . C o rdner !'ll'l s on , Dr S td Robinson. W '-:" Sa ntee. John C Thomf ". 1-'lire:.t T o \\n s. Co r n t.'ltu :. Warmer dam .rnd Frank \.\\ koff Girls Star Tht> l l.S. n a tional \\Omen 's row ing le &m - rour of its fi \'e rower::. re- s ult> an Long Rea<'h - h rnk P th.• <'1lU rSl' f l'l'urli In b l' ;1 l I fl g l' .l \.' l' h I> Polo Disaster Recalled I j umper R alph Boston. d t.' <' J t h I o n t• r H J r l' r John!>on ~Hlll• '.1ulll·r Hob R1ch.1 rd s. h urdll'r 11 .trri ~on L>d larJ .rnd ~pnntt.•r \\~nm 1.1 T~ us .\ll.o lo be mduc tl·d aJ'l' Ro ' Col·h r ;.in . Edith :\kl~u111.• Du vall. lll-1\ s l o vak1a 1n th e C'hampic\.n s h ips of Lht• Mum <'h Re gatta Sunda) FnLStrat,ed Kruse Sums Up Cali E st a n cia D e fe ate d , ll-8 Otht>rs art' J ohn 1'1au- nigan. flur ry (;111. A rctue Hahn. Gkn lfar d1 n , Billy H ayward. ll arr y ll i ll mu n , Ea r l e :\1 (' a d o w s . 11 <.1 r o I d Osborn. Paul PtlJ.!nm, Ralph Hose, Mel S ht'P pard, Oink Tl•mpll'lon. J-'red Toote ll .ind L1lh an Copeland . Coac ht>d b ) Newport Rl'ach rcs idl'nt Thoma::. ~1 l'K ibbon . t h e l '.S. "unn•n 1.·omple t cd thl' C'ourst• in 3:27.49, beating C'z<'<'hoslo,·akia , P oland ;ind West C t>rm a n y. Lisa llansL'n. Jan Palc.hikoff. ~t anon Gn1.•g and Trent• Mort-no "ho II \'C 1n Lon).! Bt.>ach a nd Di an'-' DrnC'eland . fro m the east coas t. co mpri ~l·d th1• Ame n can te am. E l'l l' KI 1l1 11 l' r !> t'Ot l't.i t h r '-' t' ~ u "' I :-. lHi t h 1 -. E st an('IJ ll 1~h 1':.t~k:. lust an lltl dt•t•1:.w11 to ~111111-..in Ill C1,~IJ ~ll'"J :.um mt•r \\ ,11l-r pnlo .H· twn \\ t•dn1.·~d.1 ~· 111ghl .it E~t.111(•1.i lh~h E:-um·1.1 lr.111\-d, 7.5 .1t h..1lft1me a nd l'lo~t'd tlw m.1q.:1 n to 8·7 111 tlw third pl·riod b1.•for l' )ti\11k.111 pulled aw<.1y (.ltha n -.1b for Est un t'IJ \\ l'l l' l>~ Jcr r) W) Jll. Bill :\!.". Cl av Sll'H'n:-. T' St·hm1dt . .t nd l'h 1I Ohk --------------------~ '75 Y2 TOYOTAS HERE NOW Baseball Standings COME IH TEST DRIVE TODAY BUY OR LEASE A TOYOTA ---·--·-·· DEMO SALE Factory .· & Exe-cs Example '74 CORONA WAGON A utomatic . r ad io. air (481KR8) .U J F:RICAN LEAGUE Eas t Dlvbion w L &1st on li 1 42 Ha iti more 5'' ... 4!l ~t·w Yor k 52 51 \I ih' auk el' 5l 53 <..'level and 46 SS Dl•lroit 46 57 West Division Oakland 66 38 Kansas City 56 47 Ch1cat.?o 50 52 Texa:s 18 57 ,\ngt>ls ·Ii 59 :\1 innesota 4·1 60 W•dnoday's G•-• ""'•(WdUkf'~ ti. 00,l{lf' I (1e._e1cln(J 3 Ba111morr· 1 to.ew Yor~ 7 OelrOtl ! Kanw~ Ct1y ta. Mtnnf''°)()1-.. 4 c.ai.1orn1a 5. CrutaQO 4 0.a>ldnO 1, Tod'O Today's C•mrs Pel. GB .592 .515 8 .505 9 .495 10 .455 14 .447 15 .6.15 .544 91ii .490 15 .457 181 :! .443 20 .423 22 ..... ,.,.,, City If 1l1morr1\ llHI a l Mlnnt»ola Huqhesil·•I C.tro1t I Bart' 6 \and Leman<tyi. G-1> ell Boslon \.~t' 1) 1 <tnd Mo ,.17 ! I l Only gi>mts scn.cou!rd Friday's Gamrs N 11 .... au)ree41t BaH1mor~. '2 (r11caqo al M•nM $0la l ~troll •l 60\ton (. t wf'iar.d al N~w 'Or\ (),a.,"na At Ka,,\.d\ (1ty (~l!forn1d dt T t· •a\ SATIONAL LEAGUE East Di\'isioo w I. Pitts burgh ti:! 40 Ph1ladelp h1.t 59 45 New York 5:.1 48 St. Louis r •) .lw 51 Chicago ·18 57 Montreal •11 58 West Division Cincinna ti 68 37 Dodgers 55 51 San Francisco 52 52 · San Diego ~9 56 1\ ti ant a 45 59 1 lou:.ton 38 G9 Wednodily's C.~me• MonlrtJI 6, Cht<aQO I Lt1'>An9c1e,8 Alldnla 2 ~·11tsbur9nij. F>n1ladelp•"·' 1 (1ntmna'1 b, \.1n Franc.1,to 1 SI l o w1 \ S "'t.,. v or• "/ t10U\\Ofl 8. ':>dn 0 11 Qv • l od.;y s C ii mt-. Pct. GB .612 .567 4 1 ~ .525 !J .505 11 .457 16 .414 20 .648 .519 1312 .500 15';: .467 19 .433 :.!21:: . 355 31 St Lou1\ l~a~rT'u'\~t..n 1 tJ .;1 L" <.Aqo 'Stc;.nP8 '' P htfaO\'lp n14.1 (l<:1~1t,,~r 'J et ,.1 .VCm1rC·dl '"'"""""8 6) Sitr'I f rdntt'tC\l l1V ur0tt qu\l\J 'J .a ell (1n<1nna11 (~trl>y 1 . Lo• An9e1~, 10<>wr•nq • C di AH,,n(J lOal C.an IOfl 0 ll t .. t·Yt Yo tP J\O~\n .ir-q "'' t>1 P1thbur9 h fRoo,.rir 1 o• ~ctn 0 rqo tSlr(lf"t f ~ 4 c..t JC) n• h 1 (' ,,t t1W\ton 1 t-.onit t I" ., • 11 Frtd.i y s C•me• '>I LOU•\ ... C.h1caoo Ph1ladelph1a .at Montn•dl, 1 Nt,w Vor' ,}( ~•11\0urg A!ldnfe al San O ot'QO (1nc.inncH• at LO\ Anqt"h By RO<tf:R (' \RL-;():"\ Or tllf' D••ly Pilot \l.;tl .. Ooubll· <log lnt'Ul. • \\as tilt' rt'a<'l io n t>f on1· O r&l).?t• <:oa~l area aqu<1lics l'Oa eh upon lea rn in~ of anothl'r A m t•1i<:un lo~s 111 "'.ater 1H1lo at tht.• Wor ld Aquati1.•s Cham pionships in C'ali. Colomb1.i l:.ls t "t•t·k. Ont• n t•ws :J t'l'llunt 0 11t of Colombia t"<pl.111wd lhl• lo::.s ln Wt•st Ct.•r m any thus!) "Thl' ,\mt•ric:ins m a n a ged lo O\'t'l'- t•om l' :ill odds 111 los1ng again " It .... as a stunning turnal.x1ut ror :i b.rnd of Amt'l"ll'ans 1·ompcting 1 111 \\Orld t·ompuny The US. hail Olh'lll'U host1la t.> "ith a 1-4 t u· \\ ith fiU!:>::>IJ , tht• C\ l'lltUal gold m l•dalas t. And fo r three quarkrs t he Y.rnks had dom111a tt>d pl<1y. lead- ing ·l·l . T h t• So\it•ts did nol :.a lvagc a lie until there \\ere on- ly seconds r c ma111ing. Formt•r l'C Irvmc water polo player Jim K rus (' was a par t of the Amcn c-an roller coas ter, which s tarted at the top 111 t hose early goin gs ugamsl Russia. It began its desC'en t wit h tht• tie aga inst Russ ia. t wisted about with unolhcr t ie and a couple of victories. then p lumnwted to the bottom wi t h losses t o Ita ly, Ro m an ia and West Gcr m anv . Todav KruSl' is a t homt; with his parents in J\na lw im. s till tr) mg to sor l out thL' p1t•(·es and put the StUJ!g l'l'lllg d ('fe;,ils 10 to µl•rs pee ti' t' Hy nol fin ishing at lt•ast fifth llw Amt•ric.ins did not qualify for a berth a l t hl' 1976 Montreal Olympics. T he last chance will l>c al ~1ex 1co City in lhe P an· Am1.•r it•a11 Ga mt.>s T n :ils for Lht· ,\nwnl'an l<.';J m \\Ill ht• :1t :\'.l·wpm l 11,irhor lhgh Aug. 1;; 17 JIM KRUSE ··o ur !!UY~ n •ally lo::.t llwir fight &.1 ft er los ing t o Ilaly. Onn• nur guys r eulizcd we ha d no chan('e of mt•dalin ~ after doing ~n \\t•ll agains t lt•ums tn tilt' top four. we lost ou r pum·h. "\.\'c ta lked ubout rifth pla l'l' f<w hours l>Pcaus t• it m l'unt a lnp to lht• Olympics, l>11t somctimt·s \\ ord:s u r1.• a cl i ml' a dozen.·· Kr11~1.· t ont 1nul's un lht• uffil'wt- ing . ··A lol of J::uroµc a11 rl'fcret's and offici als :_ire i11flucncet.I bv "hJt has b t'l'll hu ppe11ing in th~ pa:sl. Gam'"'s an• offic1atc<l by \\hat you 'vl' dlllll' in the past. J\nd they'<l ralhl'r sec a game fin1e.h 111 .1 lit'. "That "av tll'ilher t eam is loo ups(•[. Tht• refs IO\'l' to come ba('k to 0Hlc1at1.• 'and I.Jc \\ 111ed and thned. · · Kruse :-.uvs if thl' U.S. team hJd Ulll'·thir d 't he ad\anlagc lht• Europeans h&Ve in l~rns of SUP· port. t•:.pec1ally . m onetafilx, no t1.•<.1m c ould touc\i the U.S. "Our athlet~s are better," s11s Kr~l'. who .a c knowledges .the might of suc h t eams as Ruisia <llld Hungar y . "The Hunga rian s that. played ;it Newport Harbor High hav1~ bl'l'll with t•at•h other ~ioce 1971 and lht•y earn more mone~ than thl' a ' eragc Hungurlan worker. T ht•y ha\l' no jobs, aJl they do ls µIJy '' att•r polo. "Wt• J!t•t tog-ethe r on w~kends Jnd prat'l 1ce three or four \\Orkouts per w eekend. 1' Kru:-1.• t•x pl ains lhc lie with Hus:.1J: .. \\' t' ha d a 4 -1 lead and were the supe rior t eam . But tbc officials brou ght lbc Russi ans l>.1ck 111 till' ~am e in lhe l~t qu.irtt·1· and t_ht.•y tied jL wilh al.x1u t 12 ::.t•conds le ft. ··we hud a s hot a l it and my at- kmpt mi~sed. but we got the ball l.>Jt k a ga in .md tried a hig h pass '~ith onl\. a Sl'cond or two left lo gt>l a tip s hot to win. Il didn't work because three of uz were IJl·ing pushed u11de r the water as lhe p <.1ss w a::s thrown. .. Peter As he's elbow caught a Russian and a fight developed belwt"cn him anti two Russians," rt't·alls Kru~e. ·'Some of us came 111 to IJn·ak thin gs up a nd there \\a~ a l>it or a br a wl." Ashe and thl' two Sovit•ts were s uspended. Wilh As he missing Lhc U.S. "J::. tied by Spa in in the next ),!J nle . ·-rm in a frus trating position," admits Kruse. "I played well in- d1v1duall y . but it ·s hard to be happy whl'n your team finis hed out of the money. ··The bi g~est disappointment of all. .. sums up K r use, "was lhe tic with llussia. They weren't even 111 the game with us a nd we had to settk foa· a Li e.,. • OVER STOCKED NEW VOL VOS Hou\ ton a1 S.in fr dnt iscu "\\'l· h <l\'L' to f1111sh among lhl• t op two a t M t'Xll'O Cit} lo qualif) ... s a )s a fr u!>t r all'd Kruse. "I guanrntcc no one> will l>e close to us 111 ~Jt>xito C'at). ·• In addition to the dis appoint rnl'nts . Krust• :I bcJ bt•cuml' more acquamtcd with the pohlats 111 volved 111 wo l'ld "a t l'r po lo. T lw g <1mt• 1lsl'lf 1:-. an off1ci ;.i ting ol'it>nkd !>llualion. Hungarians Add Luster LARGE SELECTION 174 VOLVO Fac1ory Demo 1'5736 SS776 SAVES3 Wheel Alignment 6.88 ... f.11 .. U.11. Our experts correct caster. camber. ta.in and to.oot lt'llPed frontend.shodt lblott>el'I and steering •1mbty. C.11 for an lllPC)intrMnt now. Add 12 far A/C & T ortk>n bar en.. ··w1• had a Cu ba n offi nal in our g a m l' " 1 l h H o m ;; n 1 .i . · · s ;I\ .• Krust•. · 111.• ,1\\ ardt•d Homa111a two pt•1w lty thro\\ s tht> maq.!111 of' kt on · · S till tl1t• HomJ111ans :-.houldn l h a v t• l ' o m l' t' I o s t' l r> t h l ' Amt•n t·uns .ind Krusl' agrl'es. Hungary 's gold m edal winners al the Wo r l d Swim C h am - pionships in Cali, Colom hia - individual m edl('y ace Andras 1 largitay a nd backstroker Zollan \'arras zto arc am ong thf' t•n- tnes a t LhC' 1975 M 1ss1on Vit-J'' Swim ln\'ltut10n<1I whit·h begins Friduy . llarg1ta y picked up golds in t he 200 indo <2 :07.72J and 400 indo RADIA L WHIT EWALLS • 2 Fiberglass belts • 2 radial Polyester pl ies Size Regularly E78x14 48.99 ea. F78x1 4 50.99 ea . G78x14 52.99 ea. H78x 14 54.99 ea . G78x15 53.99 ea . H78x15 56.99 ea . J78x15 60.99 ea. L78x15 63 99 ea. Prices shown arP for IUbt'less wn11ewa11s plus Fed E~ Ta.< as o;hown No trade-in needed Our AehAride • Radial is our own name ~nd does no1 r<>llecl any UM Yow JCPenner Cf\atge. bcepl supermarket Reg. 27.99. Maxi-Tune performs 15 basic tune-up tests. Solid state. No batteries needed. Now F.E.T. 36.66 ea. 2.51 37.99 ea. 2.68 39.66 ea. 2.88 40.99 ea. 3.04 39.99 ea. 2.95 42.66 ea. 3.17 45.66 ea. 3.30 47.99 ea. 3.48 n,1t1onw1de slt1nt1art1 or QUllhly W•lh the purchast' of Reh A11de0 I 'E''> Y'>U QPI 1 lr"ISlalla11on 2 Rotal!Or"I r·wry 5000 mites IUIMA PAii.i Beach at Orangethorpe •Open wHkdays 9 30 to 9.30. Sundays 10 to 8. ~I: City Or. at Garden Grove Blvd • Ooen weekdays 10 to 9. Su ndaya 10 toe. SANT.A .AMA: 3900 So. Bnstol-No. of So. Co11t Plaza • Ooen Dally 9 30 to 9. Sundtys 10 to a. I II (4: 32.57 >. while Varraszlo blitzed the field in the 200 back (2 :05.05), incl u ding E a s t G e rmany's Roland M atthes. It was only the third dl•fcat (•ver for Matthes. Roth fe el they'll do eve n better here a t the M ission Viejo Jn- t e rn a tion a I S w i m Complex, where the action be gins with pre- hms at 10 2 m . a nd finals at 5 p .m . dally for the thrce·day meet. t • Thursday, July 31. 1975 OAIL Y PILOT D:J Los M Racing Entries For Women Angling Checking Out Is Best ' THE/':" A A A2 a l .JOS A I a 111 i c tlS J~J' LJ'A,,,P ~ETHOD · "' Racing .Results ,, \ .. J a.HT•llS ,oa TNUllSDAY .. lltST f'C»T I f'M Coa.st Golf At Night r· ~ v~. I> •. \ '.t". ... -•• . ? For WedfteMi•y NtllM Ctur, l r.t<k Fnl FIRST RACE dlO ~~rd· J •t.1r <>'ch & up C leun lh\I fJu' ._ \ 1~ ""' l tQf'I Ro..~~· C('4odc.i1dl 111-Go IOr~y") "h•lo Pro Ot.HU t tn•t ,.• IU Al•i0 '"'' r II h ..,t,t tt ,,u Uu11 ~ ... ~ \onH f Uv'I. l ..,Hy ( t>µ)'. t".tt ~'1 ~HtQ\• VIUtWU t' l teO '\(f+ih-fHU f'1Jlrl 1• I-It d • ll)lJV /O~n, ••••h. •. f tt'fh .• ur .11 l!/,1r1on e,,o lA, 1 JU,, • £uc'9 ,..,., lln•. » ••ftln•9'. ............... u .. July was a good month for Fran Lewis . PIUT llACE -JSO yerds 2 ~'"' Not only wa s she the m low net winner a l C<l6t, !~~ Mesa Country Club with m a 67, but she also finished ::: first in the third mgbt o( m a recent better nine ... ~. ""'~'''°°· 1·-L110y2 CP•oe> ._,.ette's MoOfl CC•lll ltlpey's Ori#!\ IW•lkt:f) .._...JeM CC.rdoia> .._,..""°A Fun (W.,dl ltlittl A.Ik e (Hert I o..AoleOIA<I IBfOOUI hltonsMlu IW•ISOtt) Miss ~£-IRlcll.ttd~) l'lnyGo (Myleil AIMElitlMe ll15<"1U "N Heney IC•lll Ht 'a Hot It 1«11"9 I Hu 11 lldS TN Limit 18roolls) m t~?~~ern\~itrh3:~irst flight was B a rba r a :;; Leonard, whose 34 was m three strokes better than Sue Ewers and Barbara Morton's 37s. SIECOWDllACE -440y~J­ ~ ' ... Cl•ll"lng. ~ $1900. OHnlnq PrkU 1600, Faye Brooks , with a 33'12, took lop honors in the second fligbl. Eileen Wilson (36) and Maxine Stricklin (36Y.i) were next. ~ Fllgtll CW•rd l tn Jo,_V•ltntlM C8tnksl 172 Rwn Moon A1111 CW•ISOtt) 122 ti. ... uno IUplu1ml 1n Mr A~ IC..do1•) 122 P;nt CMifl' tDter••J m AtNe l H.rt) 1n Fov'sJ Boy Two 18rook~I 172 THl•O RACE -«lO y•rds. 3 yur ~ AllOwonc.e. Purse '3200, Cle ta Oe Long and Claudin e T-h o mpson '" (37 1h ) were L e wis ' :~ nearest challe ngers. O.k Commend IAl<l\trdS) o..kllG,._ IDttyerl ~Ml lLll)Nml Oo C•l Klng CCttelo1al ~Fl,,_ Ply (Ad~11rl Etsy Jet's~ IH•rtl m E l e anor Gr ee n ::; finis h e d firs t in the FOURTH •ACE -350y•tcY..Jyear Olds ' up. Cl•lm l"11. Pur~ $2100. fourth fli ght with 36, one- half stroke bette r than M.V. Arquilla's 3Gh. Cl•lmlno Price $2000. ~AsAI (Llphttn) MllM<-. Min ca.nils) Olvldt<W'a&M IC•lll IN.y'sAlll (a k l>er<b) Gutrr•C-llN (Mytnl VllnGltn (Adelr) Bunfty's Gold ICM doll I m And in the fifth rught, !~ Donna DeMa r had a 36 to m beat Betty Blakemore :~ (41). 122 Fl' Mlle Sqare '"'"" llACE -3SO yards. J ~· .. ._ &. ~-c1olming. Pvne '3600. In an odd hol~ tourney c1.1m1nvPrk cs6soo. al Fountain Valley Mile ~1;.'o'.,T/W:i:~: :~ Square Go lf Course, 11o1o&o1>t1nw 1Mv1u 1 11• Rose Fergus was the A CllyLll<"S ICre~rl 11' fl' h · c..-1cr'$0tndy lW•lk~r1 m 1g l wmne r with 3312. To.,t on1oeeri 1upnam1 119 Mi I lie Hay es was etwlncd Roc11et I Adair> 122 second at 37 and Helen SIXTH RACE -810 Y••dS. l year lltdS ' Ill). Cl•lm ing. P11t~ '2100 Doyle finis hed third at 3712 . Ci.lming ~l<e UOOO. ComeOnO.<k Ollyles) Eeote LtncllncJ IC•lll Jlldy'sMlln IBonks l Molstw 2 ( P»ve I H.ttlw Twl" llipllaml l'tllf Houw CCre.te)t rl Slt1>H Fttd11t IW.,dl Suptr Dupe IH•rtl 121 In B night, Jean Kuhn !~! and Dee Dee McClelland "' tied for firs t a l 381h . m There was also a tie for !~ third between Eleanore "' Smith a nd Ilamac While SEVENTH RACE -•OO YMds. l \'ffr old$ &. up. AllOwanc:t . ~ (J91h ). Berl Holt was Hard (40 lfz >. MOOD. L•ule's TopMiln (8anhl ~-IBrOOllsl OurOleC.lrl (Ll~m) °"' Sw <Ctt~r-1 Mt» Blllt P<1<ific IWalSOft) P•lrof Dice IA$1r l Klpty 8rCMMI (Myles! Slep llnd c::;on. I Har 0 119 In C flight, Dorothy m Kronauve tied with Ann ::~ Ford for lop honors al '" 39'>-2. And there was a tie 171 for third between Zora ;~ Benac and Ch a rlotte Small C 40 1h >. (n D flight. June EIGHTM llACE -lSO yard s. 7 year o6cb. Clllimlng. Pv<se $2400. Claiming Ha mor f inis h ed firs t :~~ with 361/z , l'h s trokes m a •ead of Olli e :;; M a g n u s o n . M a r g e 11• Hamor was next at 3811-z. :~! I\ n d in E fl i g h l, m Bernice Covey (41) m edJed Francis Dorne "' (41 '12 > for first. Bea 11• Cowie (43 ) and Sylvia Prl<t 54500. Lucl\yMIO IP•oel MlssRylaw•v IHartl RIO• VOJn Ro<l\.t (CrHger ) LonvAGo IW•rdl Frlll\kle Collon <Walker I Er.nlCcll«y IRlcl\trdsl Prl••le Req..,.sl (Adair) AL1tlleLl-•Mt (Watsonl .._,, C.t (Myles) Rosy Joyous K arelou J AIM Elt,iM<J GoC.I"" IC.Ill OyiwmoW•l<h CAicllard$I NINTH RACE -3SO y•r-ds. ) year d<b. Ctalmlng. Pws.e '2400. Claiming 127 119 Johnson (431h ) were third and fourth. Santa Ana PrkcUOOO. S-Go lU""'1ml Tllr-ttot\'sMcQll« IHartl !>Ml-ess Bargo IAd•lrJ J•Y Joy IBenk\) o.nonster IRkllardsl t.1111e "'9•• 1w .... .,, Nol~y CC•rdol.al Pride 'N Joy IMyltsl O•vt's H.alrpln <Dreyer> TtrryGln IW•tson) 111 }f arjorie 0' Kee Ce ::! finished first in class A in 111 a recent "nose" touma-::~ ment at Santa Ana Coun- m lryClub. 119 Taking half her han-AIM EI..,... "'vN Spttd (Word I CM Open Hoop Loop '""""' h .. ,, .. , 5-IO Avery Mc.Hu9I\ Mo..-s PMgetl ROdt!Qutr TOl.lls •• ft 2 0 s 4 " . 4 1 IS 0 ' 1 43 u lAl9"1ttslt41 "' . 2 • 2 14 2 28 I 10 I JO s ,. ll 100 .. " ,. tp Ll'CIM 1 4 S II --9 0 3 18 09fMtl H 4 • l2 dicap and beginning with the holes which bas first letters of n,o,s a nd e. O'Keefe ended up 1 V2 strt.*es ahead or Virginia Coffining. Iona Mouron was third with40. In class B, Merrielee Duncan. with a 39, look lop honors. June Coric had 39'.h, as did· Fran Schmid. Fran Carter w as vic- lori0\15 in class C. com- piling a 37. Francis Fernandez was next at 38'h and J ean Triplett had 39. In c lass D, Mar y Crosson and J ewe I Wynne lied for first with 40, one stroke better than Louise Nyber g and two be tte r than M oll y Harvey. Jn medal play recent· Jy, Virginia Fr uehling was the low g ross Wl11ller in class A wit h an 8.1. Low net honors Wl?nt to Maxine Duggan and Viki Garey with 73. In class B, P a tti Hoyt was low gross w inner al 93 . L ee L ecns v aart fi nis hed o n e s troke ahead of Dungan lo lake low net laure ls with 74. Carter was low gross champ in class C with 102. Millie Rogan took first low net a t 77, and Wanda Ba ke r a nd Vi Sm ith lied for second low net at 81. Fina lly in class o. H~rvey was low gross winner at 108, and Wynne and Pauline White lied for low net at 79. Mesa \'erde In an if lourna ment- lhey deducted the worst hole and used one's full handicap-Celie Neth was the winne r in A flight with 64. Joan Chamberla in was one stroke back while Phyllis Smith had 66 and Stella Scelfa had 67. In B flight, Iren e Beck finis hed first with 66. E loise Greschner (70 ), Georgia Farmer, Belly Hamr e a n d Ka y Farle y -all h a d 71 - were next. And in C f l i g ht, Virginia Kidder took top laurels with 64. Next was Fran Grotenhuis (68). Peg Jacobson (69) and Darleen Bouse (70) were third and fourth. Mission l'irjo It was guest day in a two bes t ball tournament al Mission Viejo Country Clubi-ecenlly. Low gross honors went to Nadinne May a nd guest Dobo P eltere of Oakmond and Fra n Riste and gU'es l Belly Mccarren. Their 171 w as 14 strokes better than the second place team of Dolt Massa and G erogia Farmer and Marge Willi amson and Kelly Adams. Farme r and Adams are from Mesa Verde. Caro l B u kich and guest Rose Wine and Joan Smith and guest Wanda Eagle look low net honors with 140. Wine and Ea g lc arc from Irvine Co ast Country Club. J ean Grubaug h and Fran Lilley and Grend a Agee and Ruth Fears were al 141. Lilley and Fears a re from Green River. te.-ooenaw 3 o 2 " 8t-lng 10 0 0 10 , ... IS •• • 14 .. H.alll'-: Tillrsty ., .. , 41-ll. SIYC Paces Tourney G.trr91t 1'41 c.~ R. Adtl!T'lln F. Aclctmon 0,McC~ktY J , Mr:CloSlley 1-lbol Mi"'I"" .. " .... ) S I 11 H t 1 33 0 0 l 0 s 2 2 12 • s 4 11 7 0 I 14 2 l 2 7 lolels l S ?• 14 '4 ..... &~owll'I .. tt ,. Ip e.-tt 4 0 3 1 T~ I 0 i 7 ... ~ry S I 4 11 Mcl(.tNie 6 I 2 1) C..Crtr.s 17 7 S 3' ~IK 1 0 S1 0WtY I 1 S 11 .,...,s 41 s ,, ., "1"'-: C..rf'et,, 4S·3'. SAN DIEGO - Anglers from the Shark Island Yacht Club or Newport Beach dominat- ed a field of eight clubs last week in an albarore tourney, capturing the club trophy. Forty-six boats. with 138 angler& representing 8 clubs, cau ght 1,437 albacore, totaling 15,328 pounds for an average catch or 10 pounds, 11 ounces. The lop individual boat was Jim Bridges' The Hone y o ut of Shark Island Yacht Club, which also had the No . 3 boat in Over Anxious. Larges t fis h caught during the first day of ac- tion was by Harry Okuda of Huntington Harbour Anglers (21 pounds, 6 ounces). l hr beautiful FIAT X 1 /9. Spirited. Styled by 9tnone. Stylina 1w~.rd.wi~nef. 4-sptcd 'ynchrumc~h tnmml \ion, 4-whecl dhc br1ku, rtmov.Wc 1op, oll 1.tt1r1dtlrd. Seo It Ind prko It now, •od m~kt ~n outSYl'dinc f 'l /A /T Mirnmrr dc~I. America dlscovrf'\ Pl AT '7S . • • t~ft mu\t b" d rt~\on. ... Ian Vllit» lllljiOI ts S-0..,. '"9...," A-Y ,..._,,Ml,.. '"'i-UH UO w 4'1-1 JM Bass on the twilight runs is the best bet for Ora n ge Coas t are<i anglers o£f recent out- ings. The area's three fish l a n d in g s N e wport Beach's Art 's Landing and Davey's Locker am.I D a n a Point 's Dan a Wharf-a II re por t ex- cellent res ults on the evenin~ runs. ''/\II o f our 4 2 passengers limited out on the t wilight r un Wed· nes da y ," r e p o rts a D ave y 's L ocke r spokesman. Anglers were netting sand bass out of Davey's whi le Ar t 's p atrons clicked on cali cos. Dan a Point 's Steve LaSarge came up with a 15-pound blue fin tuna out of Da na Wharf on the Sum Fun half day boat Wednesday. Da na Wharf has three boats in s e arc h of a lbacore. with hopt•s of r esuming an a lbacore sortee for anglers. Wednesd ay 's totals were 998 fis h for 252 ang le rs out of Dana Wha rf with t he vast ma- jority (802 I bass. D avey 's patron s clicked on bass. rock cod and s o me m a c ker e l 'while Art's angle rs hit c alico a nd s an d bas:. almost exclusively. ' .'• .. .. " . t i ... I' CUT SCORES wn ti CHIPPING PR ACTICE Mo~t n1lll'r;, wl\\'11 t h~·y 1.1~1· 1111 t1111I..' t" prJ d11.1.• Ilk,• II• Vl't 11ul l hl..'11..' .ind h.i11p .1 ..... 1y w1tlt J J11hr Ur th1.·y 111JV ""1\.. 1111 1111.·11 p1111 ,, 11.1111ly ,1 ~ooll w .1y 111 .111 ,,, n·,. Hui V\ '' h'w 1h111\.. 111 l)f ,1\,1 h Ill)'. l h1:1r d11p 'li11h 11 vm1 .1· lo. \'•llll'L'll huw 111.1ny I 11111.·' '1•11 1111" 1h t: ~1 1.'l..'ll l',1l.h 1uu nd .111tl h 11w 11111.11 ) 1111 d11p up l11r 11n..: putt >''" 1111gh1 then 11•Jl11. 1h.11 l h1prinr J'IJ l 11c·t• '' u11c 111 lh\· ht:'I WJY' lo 1111pruv1. }""' l'Jllll' 1 'lll!~l'\I 111.1( \rPll p 1.llllll' d11p p1111• I" \l.1111 111 J p11111·1·kng1h 111 ''" 1.u p. l h• 1h" 1u·11l.11lv 11HI yuu 'II he Jh h: '" 'h~H' .11 h'.1\1 I "''~ ,11111.,, t '"'" v1111r \\."O il' cadi round. HOW TO IMPROV( VOUH PU r llNI, ' ll••t t A" lully 1nu\1t~tect ~·u•1tc to ~.H1fl"'• ·~t 111• t> ""• 111• IH'h• a ll'JUV w1tti •• 'JI •mllt:lJ )1111 uJ'1fl• .. J f'HY1•I •l t I to tn c,arc ot ln1~ nrw 'llJ..ILt:' t f ''"''"'' .... c t·1\ J .'0• t I " 1' .,II., Deep Sea R eport LONG BEACH IB•lmonl Plrrl oO ""'<~'"I, 71\and 1 .. 1 t•, "''"" too '1nQlfr·. : ba11,1<.uo.1 10 ... md tkl!.\, l y t-llo-Nl.ul bJ"i~,~t~•lttO bJ\\ 1 000110,J~bh"'-" SEAL BEACM .,,0.1tt(411 1 , '.• l'>d"t),, u o • Ord .t ou. CSporU"hmq) ,.11 wnd b.a\~, 8 rr rl\. , •• ,, I u1'9IN> 71brOt• t od ;l.j0t.;11<ot1.1"' DANA WHARF -/4q ·•flQI"'' 1./t SAN DIE GO (Munlclpiil Ptf'' bd'+'. bO btH I u uo ..... JI n .•• c io,111 ... (T\IHCS.ay·~ t \'porU ~10 anqll ,, F\,dllOUt 4Jre<~ t.•N " ... u,.. •H• ~. un 4U>..;((Jr,' }IJ btvf'ltn 1un11 , YltfHlfl A E DON 0 0 'JO -in•i li·1 I' .,..d bc1\">. '1 b<Jn1to, 33 ( 1lt1to bo'\'.'>, t6 btUl't.n tunA, J.M c: dltt ob·• UJ t1M ut• lk'tr((t(UdA, JOtCX-... l OO l 'Ntltll' \Pd bd\' )~J h lu1• h • '• OC:EAN!rlDE llv <1n11l~r\ 3'4 ti-tr Mllbut. 8•r9~ , 11 "'"'" o 1, ru• ~.~So u.r, l wruh ')ecJ b..•~~ t b0nt10,314 md(t..t-ft·I '/"'Ir ~ 1 ., f\Jl•ttUI ""ltlr tod.11Sm~(.lrf'H t OXNAFtO lb~.1nt1h• 'I 1i I ,f NEWPORT C 0•1tf''f'~ LOC.kfl'I '~ 4%tJliCObj\. 1bl1no#cttl II,. t.i._,., .tt. ,-tnqll·r· .. lOc;llJutOH ' (.Ari \ LlndU'IQ ) tfi~b1u,:.Du"' jOJ roc > 110 11\ ""'"9'' , ... '> bf'lr rJ<uO.\, ttJO bi~\', PARADISE CO'\l t; ,.,; ;1nq1.,. 11 tl"oC kr·rN. 11 rtH " t Otl \, 11~ ru<-Ir t 00. l!J.O b.1'\\, I l111lll1vt SAN P E DRO 118 "''"I'" ]<.., VENTURA 51M\•jh1 ,,_ ·••I <.ahto tM'-'\, bl•'°'._, <Od l hdltOvf b.l~'.10tdhtO t1.l,._1 t·t4hLut 103 ~no I),.. 1121\0 SI. l~""'""' MALIBU PIE R II .. nr,,., ... t\A':l 1H1QIO' /(I b hN Du't , i IU rock.cod, e..dl1c.O llrd"-\, ?010<.iii. (Od. J f\dl1t.:h.1I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corp1••o 1°S1rdt> L~oc1r• '(,... ... "' f °' lh ·~.1.1, To P. >oJ-.,. o.,. ,, ,,,,, Le\\ ( l•ll>n llvold-Uo. llG. Jtc 59c IOAT CHASSIS & BEAlllHi CREASE II,. n • 79< C....,. , .. f ., •.:c ',,.,. 1 4A1t"' I A I I :11,_.I Ar ~ •' r , .. ,... E"' .. '•(·~ u.,, t 9•tw'· ·• Nw-. c l'I' ll'l)U tll"I• .\ R•"'9•h '" F Oft•« •CM '-'« F ·h•o 4,,. U·•J. \Jo ,.._.,, ~$0, ~·--•ed. r,,....,. •• r.f.•c Or,. I l t .pi--.. I ..... ,.,. I' ~"'1 • )40 J"!t ''" . ~ ' ..... l .... Ahn '..,, Pr 1n<-\'n"l .. _., Mt '"''" Dick. R'-t t t ru·. Joyuu. J~'·'-'r (r•lY Ro"' I s,c,.,,, h~u v~noa L 1r>ll• <,. uoN< , ~ti. t d'h Oro"'"• llelly l "' U1ll. u EA.ic•• •Mr T11Jt• llo<ket ' s lcl4hOGO, P•1d'11 .0 SECOND RACE lAJ 1"''1' 1 v1~1 old rr<l101•11' C' ''"'''"''' .. vr • \\~1 Dr.-un1ulot (fJlyh ) ~.ti.I J bO J iA t1.1c>tv·~c..•••rctt·~ 1 •J.u ·~ lddy b4' fi<Jlll 111"' II 'i() ltu t ID'' /ll\O '''° t rue.••~· V\hu••n. V._ftf\ di'~ J td l 111y NUIO.,l' N"1l1.1't' ( U\1 ••'• t t.tilon <J t 11 "h· (,un t '' tiuttn.i [> 1 .,._,,,14,tod l•o ( .t1u" Vtt1n1th ur. l(no. • O\;t l tll•t Mc-"• 1 •' 'S E u ct• •Mr Top Clucll.• & ._ 'Tonio e .. ,. Vot P••O )l it 00 SCVl NTH RAC[ yt ••' fltd\ & ul \,.I~ •'•"ti otluw,.....",. '""'""~ k 1 tM. I, ;ty ,.._M.,,,n) 11~•1 ,'<) Jl10 ~.,,Con• •u\lof1\;.~'"'1 • l.tJ J,., ltur k """'"'"'"' 1 AtltHf I t 1n • 1U JI l ~ "''' '•*" V.. .tc r11n• t •our, [1u(.;h(.dt• Win, \..l(d't (J.,11111\ r. t""" lfll1 N • Lo.-. ~Jn dlot (f(;HTH RAC[ 810 ... 1<1' Ay•otr r..t(ht..u1 (t.un 11•9 i-u+ 1 '\ "" ,.,.._ .. I ( t•t l(dfOO/til "-t'Hh Ydl1H11h IN"• t A•lfl.H .ti( 11/otil 1Ufl~ ''"' .i(, "" 'l)J 1,,, I jl,1 Al"° IM"! ( t·.t·.)(1 • tt tP. ~iJ'.' 1f , ..,, n t •P I .14.11t. t tn l '"•"'', THIRD RAC£ •W ) o•o I ••·" • l t ·<>' old\& up ( l1oHn rnt..1 Pur• ~'\I~ t"' •Al tut. VAf\ 0~ • Ot•t.-t. ~•O•• IC..ollf i. ,1.1 1..0 .. w Dr..Pl<><'lu• ,._,,, .. , •w J., u Euc1o1 l·Mr •s A Griu. & 5- N1lly ,.,ult IL •&th.;11 • iO S,.ndy V;tnn.th1 Ptl•O SUI 00. ''"'' ,,, 10 Al\o r.m Uot>• -"11 ~ f r1,.0, Srulty Dt l A Vurn N oJ••. ,,.OMr 1ltl11 FOURTH RACE -))l)y.,.n· ?~'"' old nw1dt'n•• (la11nu10 ""''•• )190() C.Obor TU'J IWdlW•ll \\)(I Mt\\lOitt'(,,U\1-' IP.)'>' J C:llur o °"'I( ~111 t imt lb JI Al-.o '"'' ,.,,., • .,,. hf1f lo d ,.,,.I B~rred Lir111t , Runn1nfl T ·•'l ~1· r r,o K , 11 (~I 1 n > "t n.,.. f vt. r ,fl, Lt ·•CtOU\ly ~rdlthtO (Jttnl')H.t~• /,n,,._ l•• ~1 • .ov ~ •• uh n :,nJrl. t '"'' h1•ty f't1M.• FtFlt-4 RACE •00 lf""I""' ! y1.1t olch Allow.m<c Pur>1· \J:MI J• 1 L1 '1• no l oltfln<• I I )(I :; (XI • h ~ I t• i •t. • 1~ 1 C aroo1J J 1 bO Aftm 11to•. c,U\t.-lf' IJ.ic1,I> f tn1i JO I~ Al•;,0 toin C,it I ( tft u I "'- ; .. o ~U·tl tt· NINTH RACE >~ '' fll Y•Jf 010°" It. up Ct 1111 \WI f 1Jr ·• ~. IL.l(J. t t·u fll! I( tihAt "·d•dl 11 •0 101() ~l'CP l•t<f••t !Ofiih.. ((~hH.1lt1) .. fA .1(4 t<11h fr,un l(dllJ 3 tiO t '"'" 'e 71 Al .()f,1n ~h·••' M Uo. ~~1t,n l1dt \, "~•t /tJ'. .. c. <•t I t1.1~vy, l u1ntn1nq f'11d, I IOOl>v H IOl Xrdtf h• d t~u bu O• w., ~\idclo n. \S [U<I• 10.Rtll•I Croton & ,, Ao<kel To Mf', P~•O\IU 00 Cadillac Leasing St.ltTH RACE ••II \·"'" l ,. ·" I "'"' (td•n ' "1 t "r ,, 1tfYJ(1 N• f ogtrl10-. [ 1 ,I 1• I, II 'I II\' 1111111 lli1• ti• i· r -'" n 1111. !11 •11 .111 .• d g1 l 1111 h1 •l fJlt', ( ,\I I Nabers Cadillac 'l Of\..tf1 I 11 10 •11J 640 lthtOt .lf,Vu tv •• ,,,,, I •• IV 10 •J (1trt0• ~.,~(.iO•h• f --",4f~1tl ), l .,-. • '" .• , 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~40·9100 ·-T s:=F-r-) ~ DELUXE TIOUIU LICHT r.1 •,'I p • ' ' • 0 I U.L. APP•OWEO 3'' LL TUNED a r I II 17 Motorcra·ft A WE GAS! "'1• CAR SAVES TUNE-UP KIT. ~1 '-"<"'!)"' "0 '°' .,. S PJ,:r J-1,-.,.f1 ott S.1, Pana·"' a''°'"" I" le B'', WooJcJ HM1ale~ And H1ndy f Je,1 Co111 Po1i1<h. IE,, l .49 , ,4,, 299 SET AlUMASHl RADIATOR REPAIR A 0.,.1cl, P•t"MMl\t -.,,ot S.011., •t• Pi..,...;: L~~ ,,.11, P11'l>I ln'loi tuicit. ' ' . ' .. / ,, . /11 r/' l·~· t .,9 ,. 0 • .,1 r,., ,.f Br Lc•9• r •• , •' 11 '' Sr11tr P .. nw-• "• c I "-'1 ~ l , .... l 1 ... "MARIO ANDRETII" 3-SPEED SHIFTER t ., :.. r,,.vt c,. • '"' ~., d1~cl "·SCM",.t ,,,.,\...,•\'-,,... •• to."'• f'•ot 1, s .... , ·°' "' '41h1,,1 '"'Cf' MJ'•"1 I• S ''"'• l 1 · f, .. ,. • •lr:tf If' • (efftO "'• h0td ... .,r!', Hro·r (.,...qt '"''O"°" ~I~ Plot.if & s~H \."ti f • •• ~,,.,, Dv•, '!tO!\' '·~ .,."-• IADIATOR IUGSCIEH 79< REG. 26.99 ' U"1U" 24'' t ,,toA~·~"' • .,",.r C ' ,.. • ., r, t .. -. .,.... • 99( . ,.,.,,,, \f'• '• ,. AUTO FREON "12" RECHARGE KIT ILACI FOAM SHllllG WHEEL tt.~0-.t 1, AHtr S•u 1, C~·-"''' ... r., 1"9 Moo I Cw•'•'" 9'' Looi A,.j II••-'•· I,.._ t 0,, \f •, ' 1 le ''"""' 'H Tililt r., t,..... • ~ Y('v--t A. -~ ,, c .. :,., •.. cc--~ ... , lll \ ~ ,,, 'I ,1 ... A. Fit~ • ._I !.,. ",,.All 41o10 ~!, '"" ... ' ""'" ' .. ,. 4'' S.99 IUT ~1'-~j CHECKER EUCTIOIHC •· Z PC. TU91E-UP KIT IGMITION 11,. '·• °"''"1 I "'·.JP r•o• .. • " ;· · l l . 99 ~·~·::r.:.··1·..... 159 "'::,. p' ~ ~-'""·19'' " 4 ~ ;c.. 0•'"' .. ... r ... r ~ .. '\'t~o I ')j )I DELUXE WEDGE SPUKHS " .... ... " '· 17" x 17 " . ... , UTI llTY MAT d 79c QUlllTT FOID SOLUIOID -.,., .. , l "t ..,. ·•o • "• h•r Tr 1 ... ,1. 2'' '· ,..,v p,,... ... ,, l?S6 n .. ., 1914 ),. II,. St' ., ·49, QUALITY CHECKER FAN IELTS • I ' 159 " ... , O•lf ,,, CtMilflH l•C. l tllt l tth. IA191 DAICE CAI WAI ~1"'•oh Oi• QUA Un • l I< A l 1 d, p,..,..~~·, l ~' t~"I J-' , ••• P,,,..tf''' ·~'"' ~O+n,h ... , C'1+1 A,,J r,,.,..., ... _ IEIUILT STAITEI 1211 ....... ~·· u,. '·~·0 \~ .... "'· l .l 2' SANTA ANA I U l •tt'!Ot GAIDIN OIOVI I U II lllOOICNUlll .,.,,..,_a..-LA HAW Ill W. WIMttlH llw4 I~ ilolwfu -· lfl ... ~ .. FUllHTON 1toN NAMOe ... ""' .... ..~ .... U6-7735 636-7412 (213) 6944244 992-2236 8 4 OAIL Y PILOT Ttwnctay J uly 31 19'75 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hor.et For Sde IHonH Fors. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 The Bluest Marketplace on the Oranee Coast p GeMf'of 100! GtMNI 1002 G__... IOU " •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,. ••••••• 1 •••••••• lttOI ll•o•r , •. 1000,... . .................... .. Rtntol• • lOOO ~" DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED t..•tntU l~~ .. 1 ...... 1 & ftl)(HI("" ~~· '•r-m & ADS Pr.,orotoon 1000 7199 Mt•• hond4.. . •.•. eooo 8099 OH THE SAND t-;ewport Bcuch Ouplfll in primt: Summer reotaJ location. F•bulou vl4w I rom second floor ob ~cn•at1on de<·k CAI.I. KEY REALTORS $127,000., 10<~ down. 002·7788 AMe.111<-• ~ ........... One Call Service '9ott I Mat- l••I & 1--4 )0)0 )49' lqu.pmen1 • . •. 9000 90t9 You Can S~ll It, Find It, ( 642 _5678 J ~•m & •"°"' 6000 ~ Fast Credit Approval 4'.lltl!IOMI., & olller Trade It With a Want Ad f ton'fl0'1olt0n • 9100 9999 ~!:!.':<!~.~~ ....... ~!!:~~.~~ ....... ,~'!4!!:!.':<!~~~ ....... ~~:.~~.~ ....... !~~!!!!.~~-~~~ ....... ERRORS: Adv...+iters c;...._.o1 I 002 GeMt"Oi I 002 G.n•ral I 002 GotMnll I 002 Go......-ol I 002 • KE:Y •hould che-ck thrfr ads••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• da ily Clftd report w-______ ..__ ror$ Immediately. The DAIL y PILOT GSSWM! liability for ~ fiMt f,.. correct insrion only. H.V. HILLS Don't hesitate! l have a p~rlt•d SausaLilo C3·BR. 1908 s q fl ) that 1s bl•aut1ru1 ;,ind prired WESLEY N ~YLOR CO. H.EAL TORS s ince l B4f> ---------• super-nght ~ Call lo :.ee Houses for S~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Gen~ral ..•................... BLUFFS TO WM HOME f\c,1ut11ul r1·c·ently rt' J1•c·111 ,1h·ct :1 llR 1•11cl tJrnt J "1t h 111•.1 r b~ Pool l'luhhou-.l'. ti\ l'r:.11t'd m."t1·1 IH•d r oom and lll~ht ll~hl \ ll"W. S69,5()() l".cllhll 7:.?ll and agret' ! J 1\CK HOWl-~LJ., Bkr. 644-1156 12-1 Hrs . l SPYGLASS! Thi!> beautiful home has 1t all-::.mash1ng vu, pool, Jacua1. 5-Br, 4·ba, xtras galore. Your s~rious of· ''MOVE RIGHT IM" -$77,500 Charming 4 bdrm 3 bath home w /pool. Bright s unny rms. Lge mstr bdrm & ba w/Roma n tub. Walled court . 2 I I I San Joaquin Hills Rood NEWPORT CENTER. N.8. 644·49 I 0 fer JS solic1t atcd Call to G~ral I 002 see and behc\'t' -·•••••••••••••••••••• General 1002 J ACK llO WELI.. Bkr. 644-1156 C24 Hrs.) ---------OCEANFRONT ....................... Pool + 4 Ccr Ger. arc juc;t 2 of the foature~ LI DO 15&.E Waterfront 4 BR., 5 ba., rumpus rm. Pier & float, sandy beach. $295,000 Beaut. 6 BR, 5 Ba, or 4 BR. 4 Ba with 2 BR, l ba. Apt. Sandy bea c h , courtyard, s hore mooring. $295,000 Spacious 4 BR, family rm., dining rm, sunny priv patio; 52 ft lot. $179,000 Attr. 4 BR .• 3 ba., Lido Soud. 77 Ft. waterfroht, sandy beach. $275,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boys1dt· Or 1v1• N B 675 -6161 FABULOUS HEW LISTING in the wonderful world of BAYSHORES. Tasttful• ly decorated. Three family bedrooms plub large playroom with a fireplace. An exccllcnt offering. Call us lo :.1.'C iL. 673·8550. li'U&illl THI r11c1 IS ltGHrl This neat & tidy package can be wrapped up for only $47 ,500 ... the lowest priced 4 bedr m, f am r m in Mesa Ve rde. You can settle nicely In this established neighborhood. The lot is large! And· the price IS right! UHl9UE HOMES, lealton -149-lttO 1525 Mna Yer• Dr. East, C°"" ....... G-.ral I 002 GoeMrol I "2 I A YCREST ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• SPLENDID FAMILY HOME '$67,500 msm OCEAN VIEW 68EDROOMS 3 Hdrm <.. + fam1f\". Garag<."i + 1·arports + rental unit Choice loci.I tion Sl75.000? 1n lh1 ::. !>ccludcd • t:a .. t:.1dL•, Cosw Mesa. j G~raJ I 002 G.-rol I 002 LIVAllUTY Designed for executive entertaining & grwciou:. family living; perlcd. for the active famHy! Lgc, scp. Ii v ing rm with massive P .V . stone frpl c., convenicnl paneled family rm. ad· This large 4 bdrm., den & formal dining rm. home, has 2 baths plus powder rm. & is located in the fine Mesa Verde Country Club area. A ve ry short drive or bike ride to the beach. Shown by app't. at your convenience. 1 00 ft to OCEAN Out:.tand1ni.: huy for in· 'l'Slur or 1wr .. on who dc- .,1 n•;, h1•;11·h horn(' + ren· tat llll'Otnt.•. Duplt'x c•on· .. 1:.h 01 on<' urut with 4 bt:dr1.K1m-... 2 baths + ont> u111t "11 Ir '.! hl-tlrm .. & une hath l::\1°l•lll'11t ::.ummer 1cntal. Ju:.l reduced. SHS,000 640-61 61 ~ COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE, INC. $32,750 l'ORM l::lt fo'ARM full 115 :1rrc. F:asl'i1de. Antique lrxture:;. s ash wmdows. True c·uuntry :.lylc hv- $85,000 4000 Square ket l•f hvinj! sp;icr. Vc-ry larj:t' master suite "1lh swet'p· ing ocean view. Ex· ccllenl for youni;: ex· erut1ve. Trt'at yourself call 6 16-i171. CALL 6 75.7060 HUNT. BEACH 4 BR. 11 •• ha. Newly re· furbr:-hl•d S25.450 CALL 556-8800 Balboa Bay Prop. "1 ., 1' Realtors ~ -7 °/o LOAM- THE REAL ESTATERS Martboro Country C o" b o y " k r l' p yo u r hor-,t''> he· re·• \'cry :.harp 4 h<'<lroom. 2 bcith home, dhle ga rav.e. new l'arpeb. cool count~ lo1:auon. R1.c ti6:<231 fl lot 1 lOnN1 R I. f·\111 prict' on ly $45,500 Won't last long! Call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE Is what you can hcH'C if you purchase th1:. s harp 3 bdrm . 2 bath fam1lv home SUbJCCL to ('XISlrn~ \'A loan. Lot~ of t rl.'es & s h rub <.. & plC'nLy Of pr1va1·~. Onlv $37,000. 646·7711 Open i-:\C~ REALTO~S 1 n I! s t c., I 1 t ! t" a 11 .._.•wport 4-Pl•x t;.15 o:J03 ---------·1 """ .. FOREST OLSON IMC. HOW IS THE-TI-ME -rride·of·owni'rship :nm SUPER SHARP l•'o rmal living r oom w 1vaul1t-d 01wn beam , eiling Gournwl k1t<·hcn \\ I am1ly room + new lanfls1·aprn~. Call Sparl· 1ni:: l n\l'~lmcnt <.:nrp .. X33 3.)-t I 2ba corner 11iut has frplc for job seekers to check in m aster BR and frpk 1n the Daily Pilot Help Ji ving rm. Other~ arc :.ill Wantt'd C'lassificat1on. If 2BR 2ba. On (re land. nr the job you wa nt 1s not Hoag JIO<;fl . 1'\Jll pn<·c ther e you might rnnsidcr SJ37.500 C.::dl offering your services PRESTI GE HO MES with an ad in the Job Wanted catl•g<>r)•. Phone Realtors 645-6646 642-5678 ****HELP•••* ,fJJil s TAR G ~~ZE R~ ~~ Yourself save sssss. 1i,, 1 ,, x 11 1, ______ _. Price 1nc re:1sc prnhable ~ y.,,,,,, Doi ,. Ar' t '• Cv.0. H be<lrm homl'. Other ap· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• pointmrnts rnC'lude shut lcr-.., d111rm, paneling, -.ton l' f1rcplacc, hurdwood firs. custom kitrhen & dining area (;tJra~1· would be ideal for studio ur workshop 0 n c · o f ;1 -k 1 n d a n d nt'~llccl on 1:15• deep Jot. Clo~e to 17th St. shop· ping. C.:,111 11ow for appt. 54ti 5~0. ~HERITAGE REALTORS EARN I 5% PER YEAR I.ET US SHOW YOU A W,'\ Y TO s 1-;1.1, YOUH llO~T E. 1n:n :1n: 20r, CASH & EAHN UP Tl w . <OR l\lUREl P EH Y E A H () N YOU R HE!\lAINJN(; l·:QUJTY. COMPANY Ht-:.\ I.TO HS S l'\CE l'll-l 673-440 0 DECORATOR'S MASTERPIECE CALIFOR .... IA joining a n a ll bit-in " VIEW kitche n ; sep . service RANCHO porch. Dramatic s late 4 BR -GI $74,500 entry. Gleaming pa rquet floorin~ in the formal HO DOWN View straight down the dining rm. Extra storage Roam the grounds or this Bay + View of new golf for china & silver. He a vy older Califorrua est.ate, c•our~e under develop-duty w iring in oversized or enter t he rumbhns m enl. Newport Beach garage. Sep . mstr. suite :.1nglc lt!v<.·I h:.iricndu. custom 4 HR. 2 bath, 2 + J family bdrms. Texas Spanis h inrtucn c·l· 1s flreplact's. 3 car garage size pool w /jacuai jets. kl·ynote from wruu~ht Set' this and compare. Patio incl fire pit & gas iron entry to step do" n Ruth Laurie, Agent BBQ. Not Jca:.c<l la nd. fie s ta µJrty r oom 646·4380 $119,500 • Vt AR BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 .'•lf)1 l LOA~T H \VV C:O~ON4' 0 1 L '°""" I 002 GetMt"ol 1002 Modern u1u world -------C. F. Colesworth~ c;..,..ro1 kitch r n adjoin ::. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• c· a nd I e I 1 le <11n1 n g. ---------R alt 640.00 O IJ Separa t e win ~ for ~•--°"'~5~~~-~- h1deaway lna.,tcr :.wtt' l!. J UST LISTB>!! LA CUESTA gue~tquarll•r:.. Sacnfice Triplex o n Balboa al $41,900. i-·1rsl to l·all Peninsula; charming 2 2 STY-4 BDR -::. g c t s l ft 1 ., • • B cat' h bdrm .. 2 ba .. used bnck ASSUME $32,500 ---- B \ HC l\l ~ ! l'a ll frplc. ::.cp . home+ 2 Neglected 2 s t ory, 4 SHORECLlf'FSabsolute 91;3 7881 bdrm .. 1 ba .. lge. sun-bedroom. Spacious living best buy. Sincere sellers deck. beam ce1l. apt.+ and f o r mal dini n l? have r educed prire to I-bdrm ., 1 ba.: extra ba. r oom s. S e parate con. $99,950. A delightful & ut1l. rm. off 2 car "ertible de n. Gigantic th ree bedroom home, garage+ 1 t·arpor t. family room with roun· beamed ceilin gs, •• f' THE REAL ESTATERS == D~~j2~ Rt~~a~~~~lk to beach or stay home in perfectly dc·corntcd 4 bedroom. airy, family kitc hen home l.arJ?e landscaped vard. S.58.900 ~ ~ $114,000 try fireplace. ChildrenE spacious yard. 673·3663 642-2253 Eves & m as t c r ~ u i t cs . Col~ of H•WJ*'i associated · BROKERS-PEALTORS 202~ W Bo•b~.., b 71 Jl>b l VALLEY REALTY PRESENTS SPYGLASS RIDGE Secluded g rounds . Be R•aftan fir st t o see it. Call 2515 E .CoastH"'Y 963-6767. L>l'll•IU9•11SIUNJOHNl(f• 675·551 I [~; .I '-,' '• '" ': ,. ' '• I BOAT SLIP Avail able with this sharp. spacious 3 bdrm, 3 •---------1 bath beach residence. Prestige. carefroo living EASTSIDE.CM for only S8S.OOO. J1sl hst· ed. 646·7711 or 540·8944. 2STY CAL CLASSIC .ASSUMES205 PERMOHTH l lR·IEACH Never again opportunf • ly ! St o r ybook street leads to fenced estate with a cottage walkway! Entrance into awesome living area. Formal dine. Fam rm. Immense up- stairs could be 2 huge bdrms or m ammoth bonus room ! WALK TO Bfo~ACH ! STEPS TO GOLF! Take over low. low $205 p er m o. NO NEW LOAN COSTS! Won't last . Be first! Call 847-6010. O/'EN II( 0 • II ~ 11.)N 10 llf NI(( I [~lfi11HI INVITING J '. .) • Cl""IMI ~.,....,,, .. ,,,, c'r JUNI If • 4-1711-39 ·~ •• 62°71 .4rcertl•"') fo fiilt Sto1i Y i dc•Clq1 me,., c lor frodo)I. ttoJ ""Ofd' cc ''~'pc:""'"'") to ~rs of)°'-"' Zod·oc birth •-;n. 1 A Jt fo\dl•• : Pf"-o•r )) 1 ... ~ ""'00"'~ Jlo.. .. • "•')(tlwf l• \"""" ..... ~ ' 3) Good • 0.W''tl~ )6 0 \IOJ"Ct /~\ .l/M I A,...,.,,..... )! \Jo 9 0 >P'o; J9 &. 101•, •OP'"'"' ,1 U •I \.tt ') P•1t0~ •> Lrt I) I •• 4J Vo.; t ,.,,.., ... ~l ()vo t) .. ,,.. 6•~ 6) I< 66 for ., e. 6t~ 69 \..A•fy in very near future 2 Bedrm. 2 bath. :-111i.:lt• s torv Condo~ in SJnla Ana: onlv Sl9.950. Larct• spacious lawns. sccunty j?atc. p lfol, N e. 10 'r ()o"' n J\ s k for Yr .ink. KJ, X:l21.A~t'nt. B~ Owner,S2500 takeover FllA Loan. 3 Br, 2 Ba. V1J OI. quiet , dean nei{!hborhood. Lots of xtrn:;. Call for :ippt 7 14 -6 87 -3979 or 714·734·2478. Corona a rea Ju~t listed. Beautifully appointed 3 bt'droom l 0 11 ndomin1um \\Ith s p::i c•io u s ma s t rr IJcdroum :.u1lc. ~car pool @ herbert hawk ins AEAUO RS 646 ·32SS .1nfl shopp1n1? ·Lots of ---------pri va<·y. Lo w main I r n a n t' c <I u r s .1 n d r-i.,,--._...,_..._._..._..-.....,,--.....a 1.-:i~chold Prn·1'<l to ~t'll :it $68,500. C;11l G7J.!l5:,o. C>Pfr• ·~, (; • I .f. ; • '. t [~1u~a1 Back Bay Beauty ONf': ACRE PLUS·lovclv olrl Spanish home with 1111 the amcrut1c:.. Pool. st.ihlC' anrt room for ten· nis. Surrounded by big trees. It's ALL H ERE? and only S2 15,000. f ee land -gorgeous Lu::.k Sandpipcr-4 bdrm Family r oom & pool. Delightful patios and view. $134.950. PENINSULA DUPLEX Dt'luxe Duplex close to be::ich a nd Lido shops. Cu:.tom bui It J bdrm. 2 bath units. Sl27.ruo. $2000.Down Move in on credit ap· proval. 3 b r , I ba, hrdwood firs, f r esh paint. crpts, drps + de· tached rumpus roo m with ba & fplc. Boat gate cm alley. 646-3928. eves 549-1532 o~. •EST BARGAIN - JN ALL cosrA MF.sA· lar~e 4 bedroom, 2 bath on oversized Mesa Verde co rn e r lot. No w ... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---.-.-.!VACANT. out er town ,.. own e r d esi rts im - This beautirul, warm hom e h as a luxurious family room, oversized , gar age and count ry. sized lot . Lovely kitchen, landscaped yard. 3 bedrooms~ 2 baths, and fir e plac e . Close t o ' srhools in Mesa Verde. $48,500 • I• (..,."9 ............... UM-•)'""' "w.u -'6 ""'f'Wl l/S..01~ .. ,,, ll Pio<.. •l(.o 1•"'-1 •9w~..., 20YWI ~,,.,,. 11NttON )l(N,..., 12 You. )1 No 1>To ,. Ot 1)~ :'6~" ,, o..~ ~u~. 11 1* '"" . ,._ .. ""· 11 30 ,_, . 1.1~,.. '°"c~ o . fll.~ Getteral I 002Go.-ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• mac nab I Irvine realty THE I LUffS. Pe rfect 2 bedroom condominfum w /formal dining room. sla te entry, parquetry living room. $64,500. Jack Custer 642-8235. (N79) GARDEN LOVE:RS DREAM. Lush tropical planting in oversized yard accrnt this J lurbor View 3 bedroom. 3 bath home. Waterfall, reflection pond. outdoor lighting. Lots of extras! sm.soo fee. J oyce F.dlund 642-8235. (~80) CdM D~ Try this So. of the Hwy. charmer on for only $87.500. Corner VIEW lot. Nothing like it in the area! Lois Miller 642-8235 (N8t ) THI •LAMOUR OF llG CANYON is magn ified by t his t?legant 4 bedroom Deane Vcrsaille home w/beauliful VJ EW. $235,000. Tom Queen 644-6200. <N82) DOYIR SHORES ElEGAHCE. 3 bedrooms + conv. den -all beau tifu lly decorated in elegant taste . Terrace -formal dining room -•ivlng room -country kitchen -all view bay & Newport Center. $159,500. Barbara Aune 8G823S (1~82) ...... llWORTMY HOMI• that boast.-. a brilliant Ocean & SUnset VJEW rrom rugb atop one of Corona del MaT's most desired M.reets. Cohiplete privacy in pool & JanaJ area. 4 bedrooms. formal Clniog. family room & 2 fireplaces! p..500. Belle Cb~e Lee 644.QOO. ~11) 6.42AUI •4WJOO .., 0.-DIM """ llbCAtt• ............ ~.,., ' POOL HOMES LOWEST PRIC E PETE BARRETT -REALTY-in Bi9 Canyon ncaut1rully landsc;;iped, 642-5200 675-4060 \ 1cw, Uover. 2 b<'drooms lo'!'!~~~~~~__......,_, & den. Owner anxious. CALL 67S.7225 r A I < •\ f -,, ,. •Hf f I \' Ma!f , ,& ". I I \ .. \ LLl1:,· HE \I]'' A BERG ENTERPRISES CO i'\~king S119.500. •---------1 Eastside C hanner MEARHEW LOWDOWN! VOGEL & BABBITT ST ARTER CONDO Pe~tl~n~w~!l 4 Br, 4 Ba & Gallery 2 fireplaces. wetbar Deluxe kitchen Pier for yacht lo60' You may select the finishing touches. 675·8120 m edi ate sale. Need s some paint a nd TLC but check this price. ... (only $47 ,000). Hurry!! Call 546·45880 ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS IEl~-=~l Prap..-ti-. 752-1920 14'00 OUAllSt. NIWll'OllT H ACN Oceans ide/Carlsbad R.E. Co nta c t : Robert Shapard, Realtor, 603 Michigan, Oceanside. 722-7623. 2230 llt'atht'r Ln., N.B. A luxurious ho m e for t'lej!ant II ving with 3 .i::ia nt bedrooms. a com- REALTORS 644·6056 Exnllcnt Costa Mc'>a location. n ear schools, and public transporta t1nn . Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath with lot.c; or extr as inrlodmg used brick f1rcpla1·c, covered patio and .i:araj!c.• door opener. Hc·,t Easts1de buy at S4 l.OOO. Call 540-1151 S w 1 m m i n ~ po o I • ~~~~~~~~~~I Classified Ads 1>42-5678 Want Ads Call 6'2-1671 clubhouse. play a rea & ______ _..;,.;.;...~.;;. pk tely secluded pool and ---------on :i C'UI de-sac street too. 10 '. down $88.000 ••••••••••••• 1820 In ine Blvd .. N.B. at Fr.1m·"1·0 Beautifully .1 p v o 1 n t e d . T w o f1rcpl::irc<;, counLry k1lrhc11 Superb carpel ing and tile. Giant office or pl.iyroom. Darkroom fo r photo buJ?s. No backyard. just a giont pool. lO'ii down. $87.500. •••••••••••• Please rail our office for information on these anrt other pool homes. ·~Quail ~­liiilPlace . Prap.,-ti•• 7Sl•1910 ~ 1•00 OVAIL Sf. NIWl'OU llACM BAYCREST Custom lath & plaster 4BR. 2ba. sep. family rm & formal dining Many. many quality ft'aturt'S add up to m ak<' this on<' of the hc s t buy:-, in Newport Beach ,ti S7J.OOO. CALLS56-2ti60 t;::SEL ECT tPRO PERTIES LAKESIDE COTTAGE HUNTINGTON BEACH HO DOWHG.I. Steps from lake. Entry to J?real outdoors. Your children will love it. GO R GEOUS FOUR YEAR NEW CLASSIC 110 ME. G 8 rd en kitchen . Spacious Ii ,·111~ and din· in~ room s. Secl uded master and rhilflrens s uites. NO DOWN TO VJ·:TS! Bike to beach. C '.ti I 9t'3·67fi7 f I fl I 1 I/• I fJ f\Jf. I [~ ! ' I , !r! ~ I ' •' Ii,: 1:,: RESORT LIVING New 28 R 2ba overlook- tnl! marina and ocean, wet har. Jaoozzi . full security. Will trade I t' ,, ., l' o p t 1 o n , c· o n trJt'I ~7H.!")CIO HAL P IMCHIH KEAi.TORS 2727 1-: Co;1M II" v 675-4392 . $©\\.JU1A-~£~Se That fnfri911ing Word Game with a Chudle l"it•cl lty ~~ •· POUAN O ReollOf\99 let!ers ol tile .--- fovr Ktol!lbl.d wa<d• b.· low lo for"' fovr ~"'Ille word• I· HIFSNI I I I I I I TH 0 C N I j ~ I I I I " Y T E R I, I I I' I Pois.e the ett of ,.,sing the eyebrows 1nste•d of thl' -. 1 ,, r SUB TOE I • c....,i.r. .... c11 .... k,. ovoted I I I I I ... ''":'! ..... ~ ...... -· 'f<N ..,_loo ,_ "*P No 3 ti.io.: e UNSCUMilt AIOVC Lmm TO cm ANSWO I I I I I SCRAM-LETS Amwen In Cla11iflcoti0tt 8080 park. All this and now re· G~al I 002 GoeMral ~HERITAGE REALTORS lax in your ch:.irming 4 hedrm Condo l::xpertly decorat~d and upgraded only SJ6,000 ~U PERB F--fOMES 3'48 C•mpus N 8 S.9 • 8655 SELL idle items with a Daily Pilot Classiric.'tl /\d. CLASS! F IED will sell it. 642·5678. ------Getter al I 002 GeMral LOOK DOWN OH IT All The most outst anding 3 bedroom 2 bath home in Harbor View Homes -to add to this, a super view of the ocean and Newport area. $107,500. LINDA ISLE Lovely family home on lagoon. Decora tor wa llpapers & carpets throughout. Extensive use of wood panelin g. Be autifully pla nted courtyard. Pier & slip for 60' boat. $365,000. JUST LISTID-IAYCREST A real beauty -4 br. atrium home. Formal dining & family rm. Patio overlookini; sparkling pool. 3 car garage. Price $139,000. COMTEMrOIAIY SPANISH In University P ark garden homes. 3 bedrooms, 2Y.t batM and ~aundry room. Low upkeep yard wlth fountain and barbeque. Beautiful fireplace. $54 ,900. A TOUCH OP cUsS End unit with mountain and Back Bay view in BluHs. Beautiful wrap-around patio wilh tights and fountain. Expensive custom extras includin g land In this three bedroom Trina at $89,750. ME'WPOIT llACH 1 44-1766 A COU>WEU. Mt«a CO. HUGE LOT FHA-YA Only $35,900 buys this lovely 3 bdrm Costa Mesa home on quiet cul -de-sac street. Call today. This one won't last. Open Eves. LOCATION -LOCATIOM $41,500 FHA·VA You can't believe this charming 4 bdrm 2 bath home. Lovely family room with fireplace. Nearly new carpet. Call to see this doll .house. OHi MILE TO OCEAN Spacious 4 bdrm 2 bath 2 story Shorecrest home. One of the most desirable neighborhoods of Huntington Beach. Big fa1pily room & formal dining room. Don't miss this beach beauty for only $59,500. DICUTIVI ~ IRVlttl-U7.500 This huge family home in one· of Irvine's best locations has 4 bdnns, 3 bathS, fam ily room ~ huge bonus room. Too many extras to mention. , '°'° IAUOA • r. •ftHO . • I . The charm of old N~rt. Th.is imma culate 2 bdrm, 2 bath home could~ be converted into great duplex.. Huge sundeck. Mapy · possibllities for this lovely property. Qpen dail~ l.S. MODIL HOMI GI TaMS $lf ,t50 This beautiful 3 bdrm home haa· been completely l'edecoraled & s hows like a model. Take advantage of seller's transfe r . Best buy on the market. . ' I ' • • • • • J •• ' . ·, • ' • ':I HMMt .... W. . · 1HMSM For S.&e •• •••••••••••••• • ( -.... ······················· ... , .................. . Thursday. J uly 31 . 1975 OAIL Y PILOT DIS • ~~!!!!.~~.~ ....... 1 ~~~:~!!.~.~ ........ ~~~~~.!~.~ .. ~?~~ . ~~!~! !.O:. ~ •••••••• 1 ~~!~! .~~ .~~ .. . .... ~~:!! !.~~ ~~: ....... . ~~~~ ... ':.~ ... !~.~~~9"f'OI I 002 Col.ta Muo I 024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Huntlrte)ton leach I 040 Huntington leoch I 040 lr•lnt I 044 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• PACESETTER HOMES RANCHWOOO ~tO~·OUT SALE" ~lling 4 decorat~ models·~ 2 repo's al extra .low pnces ! 8% Financing ~lso avatlable. Quick sale <'Xtras inc.I ud e : front lanc\scap in ~ and s prmkler:o>. rear fencing, up~rad ed c~rpet . ov~n /rangi•, dis hwasher & ? •!\Posa I . · J tu r r y ! ! For m o r e information. Call 714: 511·2444 I ~~~~ ••• .' •••••• !~.~~Balboa Peninsula I 007 ............ ~.-..-.;.;.;~······················· *C.ASH• Ouµll'\ s•i:1 500 T 11 µIt·" SI :!:>,UOU ~lar~hall lllt~ fii5 16011 Ot' !:.:A:'\ i''ll 0:"''1' I hr.1 hJ I' .in or am II' Vil'\\ '. i-:a,.,y 1\•rm-;. Mesa Verde $5000 Reduction l'rlp LO tht.>' Soulh Sl•a!>.' · Yard~ ut I u~h i;rct•nel") for pnv.1l'Y & beJuty. St•t•h11kr1 rl'i.lr ',1rd with dante puuo Tbt•r c i. 3~!00 "11 [~cl 111~11.Jt•. Formal 1'111 rv. C'lwrmous ranuly room "11 h r1rpplal't'. I' .t II <I (I' I 1 \ I' 11 i 11 I 11 !,: 'i (1n·plan• 111 \h1· p.1rlur, 4 jumhn •,11i\1•s !\1•ar 1111' coun\r} t'l11h, HI\ H. t11•t TARBELL 2955 Harbor, C .M. Ranch Villa 545,950-GI FHA Ok ALBACORE SPECIAL Located in Huntington Beach is this charming, neat 2 bedrm home + an enclosed cover ed patio. Has boat door right through the garage. You guessed righl it's on Albacore Street. Full pri<'C just $29,950. SHOWCASE HOME Located on one of the largest pi e shaped lots in the tract. Beautifully landscaped with auto s prinklers front & re~r . Many bearing fruit trees + s pec imen trees. The home has 2 11 N-, 81 family rms, one '7i'~ o utf1lled with 640-8811 pool table & "l'l ANYTIM E bar. I\ must 5l'l' • ~.950. HEDl'CJo:O BY 0 \\ :"Jt-:lt, •I BR.<!'' B.1, 1' It DR bonu " r111 , i..,,500 :s.51 675!1 Newport l•odt I 069 Newport l•oclll I 06 S Acre~ II\ SouU1 L1t1tun11 • ••• •••••••• ,. ••. •••. •• •••••••••••••••••••• ••.. $48,000. M uk~ 6 ocean \<lew parc:cb. Only l.5'o down. Coal & uranium EXPAND YOUR STYLE Of LIVING l'&O bUpply all our ent'r.: $41 ,SOO·POPL FastOcc~y v Ac 1\ :-.: T • 1• 1 1m 1· If you li ke bric:k, t'ome & see this for 300 yrs. but inv~t • al:ainst inrliiti<>n Owner, 494 8106or492·6550 l.!111\ 1·r~i1 v Park lo1·J Udo Is land s pacious home on 45 fl. l I Cl II (' u I cl l' ~ ·' l' lot 3 Bd d r . St.•1'lt11t c·d ,11nu111 c11tr> · rms., en + amit y rm. Easy Vaul11·u h c .. 11111.•ll i•cil-wa lking & bikin ~ distance to beach & PRIMEIAHK 111i.:~ S1111n1 :.h rrrcplucc village. Copper pl umbing. Approx. IUILDIMG :'lltrrnr1.•c1 \.\ arcl rohe!>. 3,000 sq. fl. $l4l,500 $1,050,000 lh•lu\t' h J lh 11>..lures . Sli2.000-yearly mcmnc I\ ri g h t •'V. :-. pa 1.· i o u 1' 1-. tcllent lax s hdt1.·r i.:unlt!n p.il10 b1lt:he11 LIDO REAL TY lircat Newport l()(·auon Sl'lf dcun vq•11. 1'1 l\·.1tl.' 3377 Via LJdo, N.I. 'fcd Hubert& As!>oc. rnulhl•r 111 law w111g 673·7300 675·8500 D1•1·11rator 1•a q w t1ng. --- Shady l'U .... tvm p;it1o Cemetery Loh/ 1.1!) mpi" i·(lmmnu pool. Laguna Nigu~I·•'.>' I 052 INrwport Beach I 069 Cryph I SOO ~l•,O~l'l <ltt\\ 1~ i ,.,,,l~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• t ' • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lllh I .1t..c· ,111',111IJ!-!l' I l LOTS. H arbor Ht>-;l, ,·.ill;;,:.! 1;00 ., WE KNOW• Price Rec:IYced co~la Me!>a . Pvt party. LAGUNA NIGUEL Sl75 1•at•h 545 2-1!l3 •BEST• <J1\ l1l'l'$l!~~LO;:noth1•r CoPmrom~rrtycial -1 'fto THE REAL lknineu Property 1400 • ....................... FOR ANY llO~n:-• 1 1'\111 uppra i:wtl 1 all11• 11J1,1 Free horti~ t'\':llll11t1M Bac·k pa) m1.•nh llK. <'.tit anytunt Hu·I.. lht·n; Uk1 S42·36iti C'1·11lur) 21 G-l:J i2:!1 --------lcaptstrano Beach IO 18 ~,.11,111,•1.• rand1 :-.\\ltni.:. !>hJk<' r<1of. ti\ 1·rh,111l!mi.: l'.111•:-.. ~tr.1 IJI).! f1,1r t} p.1t111. \II 1110111~ l.1rl!t.' \\'11lt• 1·11!1 \" Ill l\IUlllr\ 11\lllV-1p1.11lc•r .... \.\1111~1 h11r111n).! I ln·111.11.•1• r.111111} ~a m1• rout\l , I h1"<ll 1111mi. Chr Id n •n:-. '' rni.:. ~lrJ lwlh oil p;1r<'11b 1 l'ln·.1l. Bl\ I! • hl'lll·r i111rrv 1 .tll Huntin':!ton Beoch I 040 Huntington BeocJt I 040 ······················· .••...•..•.....•.....•. [~ l·:Xt/l' IS i n : 'l>.11'i11u" pe i:v and llfl'~ll ''lllU'> "' lhll·' hu1111• & " :.HIXIOlll> lo "' m 11 ' 1 • T h 1 ' I 11 \ 1.· I y •: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 "II rt 11 ..... 1on1 h•mll' ~ l·-.ldt fr honH'. UI•· COMM EHClAL £>r: rt~· s1luall'll 111 tho• l·.I '1i.:ud i.:r;cch·cl hv fus::.y """l'r. Newpurl Perun. :Slon-s & l'11unt1' t Iulo .111•.1 1 lol .lll'cl 011 om• 111 tht' offit·cs-7 units. $18,900 llcl r111 · 111.1111 11111111 trnc.,t ~tn·cls 111 :'\i·wpon inc·om~ ~ r -Terms rlcx1· JIO"I :o.p,.. ,..,11111:1 1 .. 1•r1'.1 j ii.-.i<'h. A i..lnl f.rmtl} hie. (all Tt.-d Tresscn, EaSTSIDE ' ESTATE $33,950 .. , ....•....•.......... oc .. ;AN \' 11-:w lluplt>\. 1500 !>Q. ft. J Hit.:! l\,c. lh ow ncr. S7 I ,:ii.lo l!•;·t•:i:! · FULL PRICE OCEi\N \'I EW Upµlt•\, h) Home with t·ot.mlry feel-owner. :1 Bit & l Ur. in~. Lots ol r~m for SG~.500. 4!>1l Offi2 garden, m1 l'~tule. si.tcd Corona del M~ 1022 l<;>t. LurJ::.~ shullc trees. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \OU will dig this Olll'. Try c S.-1000 tlow11. Cu ll U!> nu,;. . 4 BR DUPLEX 646· 7171. w11 h :J UH, 2 Ra lh•nt:tl 11111'11 ~uu'h of H<1ys 1tll• Dr \.\ilti bt>au t1ru1 nalural 'woo<) tc~tures. Onlv l year new. Call tH-1·7211 POOL TABLE SHOWCASE ~ 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor Blvd., C .M. ln~tanl <:ash rur \ uur hurnl'. Fu II ;1 11111·:11,,l•tl \ aluc µaul (';.I I 1111\1 rm· frt•t: I'\ ahl,ll IC18' l 'cnlury :! I •• 11. :l:i~I I'm R~ally Sccred! To '1'1•11 \Oii ,1bu11t Tiii• lmmacu lalt' h.,;wh humt• t · .~l ''L'. cltipl".v "'.'· i . c•f 11 ... ,1 luu"'"" Ynu 11 .nc• llc'.clll Jn u11d out 1111:.tl' Hr ,.. 2tr ~ r. ~ ·' ·"" M •• \>illiarrt roum \\Ith inl'dM.Hl•aul.j!ar<lt'n" .iuo11 t The L.1dv Who . o" tll'r S91 .500. n7:1-I ll,ll l>c.'l'tded Not To St'll I kr ca th l'd r a I ct1 l 1 n ~s. llomc.' !\ft e r Rt·a1..hnJ,! T hi' Separate• ~ewrn~ room. SHORECLIFFS ltealtors (;ln\1 rn g De h _g htful ~ l.lrds with n1.,..1.nptaon. Well. If t brrek pJAntc•r,.., pat to" \'at.int 3 Bedrm. 2 IJalh lh'sn1hc To You .\II Th1.· :ind frull lr\'l"" llu1 n ' w pool lh-ean & cam on W on r1 l' r ~ I n Th 1 ,.. On ly S l 9 .!l;)H. t'.1.ll \1t'\\.T renwmln11.;poil.'11 F.1huluus I bt·llrn .. lll. :1 'S-lu-::!313 :'\O\\' 1 l1al. i\:-.k1ni.: Si:J't.:>00 :\t...'1. II.1th llom<', It \\'ould ti75·ti!JOO. 11.qipcn To :'11 1 ,J u"t THE REAL ESTATE RS ~ 91C Eo..JTEo..Jo..JIAL llual'll,v Come and !-.1.•i: It " "" .1 n <I S a " N u t h 1 n I! SPECIAL l-k·c.111l!tl' they an• l'n11 I · lkd1w1•d !\liif;:'. l"ullv t11·ally G iving It ,\\\J~ re.'nl1.•d . lo\\' 1.'.trt' duple". W i I I /\ r r a 11 L' 1 OCEAN VIEW RlTREAT HOUSE OF GLASS T ropll'al atri u m c o u r l ,. a r d l' 11 I r ' ~1 :i .. :-.i' c Ii' ing l'<K•m "ith wall pf ... 10111•. \\1111cl IJ11rn first u:-.cr ·,.. lax hrcak. :1 Ev <· r Y th 1 n ~ ! l .1 11 I lldrms .. :.! halhs plu,, ::.·IU-3tmti SUIH'r <! bdrm .. :! IJ;i lh J u!>l SI 12. 724 University Realty 30(1 1 E. C!>l llwy ti73·651H rn :: f1r1.·pl;H , :1 l\111gj Costa Mesa I 024 he·rlr•>t•fll .... 11•ll•s ••••••••••••••••••••••• l1annr.1m1<' y11·w l'rom l rnm1h t1>nm. m !1"t1•r COLLEGE PARK SUik 0. l'lll1.·rt.111wr'-. p ;11· (.'11,l11mt/.l'd I bdrm., ., ly patro. :'ll tl1•s •"-m1l1.•, nfl bJth,., "roui:ht iron i.:ak p11undmi.: -;ur1 T ru1' .c11 1.•111ry. :.! p ;l't111-; W.ilk tn clPl'll at r !>l\ 11• ol .rll ,..l'hoob ('all for t 'ahrurn1 .1 II\ 111~ M1·µ,., apµ t. 5 40·3666 THIS COUPON WORTH $1,000. off I hC' pril'(' nf 1 h1 lU,lom :J Bdrm -+ famrh rrn m odel honk~ 1lh no'\.\ to lit•ach. Hclll·r l11u·o Corbt' n·Marii" Inc. Jl'i, uo~iau~ at 10~1 n • tuw ~J,W)().. l'..all~IZ.2SJi "ealtars 644-7662 npts , l\\ u "'·' ''" 1• . --... ..----.---,. frplt::.. :! ~anh-11 p.1l111:-. J@] •#I I/ THE REAL ESTATERS FHA REPO 4BR-BEACH $25,450 ~ BLUE HAYEM ~ :i f11•d q~1?m~~ h<1th:-. hurd \.\ oo<I f1011rs. dblt> g a r;igc, c1uil'l !>ln·c·l . S.18,500. Roy McCcrdl~ Realtor I 8 I 0 Newport Col-I a ;\lt•s u .l-IX·ii:!~ " .i;rc,cnllousc. 111 ··mu\ c"-1ll" condition. Many l'X 1 r :is ! Assumahlc \' \ loan. Pav mts onh· $:!:!:! per mo. f"or Counl ry I .i ' int:!. call today. ~Ill :l4i«li1 i\~. •II\" 0\\ "\ 1:11 1.11\ l'h h1llllC' :1 '" ~··11~1· .. 11· i y:orrl,..\\ lnl ,11f1••1111 \r 11111 lo. l\;1 \ (1111\ '1'"•111 ' 1;.1_• 11~.~1; Never again opportunity to seize this propl.'rly al below mark(•t \';tlul" Wi ndin~ walkway to secluded c>ntn t•H m:rn1 m oth bdrms ;,net r111' ;111 · courtyard, "all. to <,hop ping, bike• tu h1'.H h. '011 won't b<'lic\'1· 11111\ SR5< tot a I do\, ". .111ol 1 .. ,, l 11\\ I m Q11lhly fl' mt.... h1111ll'ol tirne orf1·rt11i.! .,,1 h11rn hurl"), hurr~' l'nr q1111 I. appl. Call lH7 li4JIU •\It-:~;\ n ·:1mi-:• Lilrl!c :J Hr . 21 . Ba. FH ){,,,.,. \'.1h1t· . .i:1. 1111 \11 1 Big y ard. Sup('r Sharp: \c 1111· 1:1111 <'11111,..1· 1:.' '.\r (;citf ( '11111'"''"· 11\I 111•1 .1 l'I ~111•1 :1110 l'fllml f\ l'luh l>r ll\.\ rwr llr11k 1.•1 !r.!1 :r.H>-Ii\ I)\\ II\ I \'.!I \S!>-l'\1 1 \ .\ ur 111 cln .I hr :-:17 '(1!1 ;; II· ;7:r1 ... C1 !Ii.I:! (Jf'f'· [~ • _s I • THE REAL ESTATERS VIEW ESTATE OCEAN & LIGHTS . BARGAIN 544,900 Hu~ltc c:lw1 m alio11ncl" in this llniqu1' tw.1t:h ""tatt• <.:1reol:Jr dri\'l" l lui.:c• li v inl! t oom w ith dr:1matit· 1• or\, c r I 11 !.! II 11 r n 111 t: fire pl:1c·c• I hrc•alh1 ak111:! \ ic·w thr 011 i.!h \\'\I I. OI· (; J. ,\ :0.. S (: 11 II 1 Ill t• I kitch'n & dm'" St'IHll';oh • win.i lur J1l y~lfW'a)' master s~~le "ltJ},'>.u:w !- children ."1 l:!t.ifl,t ·~ui11• llurry for ~h, 1n1C"t• '" " lifetime dr !'.rm honw .11 .1 barg ain prttl' ;\lak1.· ~~~ Call 9'3·7881. ONN Ill 9 • 11 ~I '• [:~lfiAHil OWNER leavin9 state l '111' :i hd rm + dl·11. 0111\ m1n111c•-; tu tht• IH'ach Sp.1c•11111, l'nt11 111)1.'lh l• I 1 ',t I It\ I' n1 , ll\'('fl"ol..., pla,\j.!t111111tl :-111• ~arcb 1;u11rml'l l•1mt n~l t·r. I a m 1 111 • h 1 ii'~" ~ 111.1 "I 1 r 'Ill t 1· C htldl I'll ..; \\ lllj.!. . I n.111 tod:r~. Ow111·1 an\ I I () II ... ... 1\ T Jo: I. I. \ HF \I.TY. ~Ii fil)lil ll\\ n 'r :.! B H. '.! Ha l'o11cl11 new ,·rpl k1l \'hcn trpk ;.' 1·ur 1ow r $2!!,!l<Kl. 968 918'.l NO BRAG JUST FACTS W i-: i.l.'11 a lot ol' hou"l''· 11.'t U!> !>how ~ 011 why C'all I :, 10 :l<iliti .540·3666 IOOZG..wral I 1002 G .... ...........•.•..•.......•.•••.• , .•......••.... Rl~ALTORH 644-7270 IALIOA ISLAHO ~ H1 , I lLt ,." <ttl 111• t•·1·i.1' l'11m1· 1·111,d SI It 111111 1 !11 I ,\ I 'l li·1 \n.1h,.1111 "" 11\\111 1 1'-ll'I :!'l'•.'111r I'll :~~ • OPEN HOUSE :!llr . Iba. lrpk, """ 1 ph I<:!. 1l1g \'at II for m11ri• 1111 th ':l 1 11110 I fiJ :!:!11d S1 EASTSIDE '"~ 'r nld t'harnu·r' :i hr hril'k frpil', har<l\.\d rtrs S•\,UOll cl\111. :-.h11ulcl dn 11 ' SOUTH LANDERS 1; I'' 1;:11.x PROMISE HER A ROSE GARDEN ,11111 a .. p.11 l..ltnl{ pool 'I ht' cil'llchllltl \1 1',,I \\ uod-. h11111c• pl.1111\l'<I tor famil\ 11111 h.1-; fo\11 lwdr1111111 \.\llh a 1·111111 ,~,· l..111 h1 11 ;11111 t.irmh ruum t1\1•1 lo<1l..1n1t th• 1111tnm p1111I \11 tlu .... inti a fnr ni.tl cl111111i.: 1<>\llll 11 r1•11l.11 ,. :rn•I 111 11 .. 11 l' ;1rp1•1111 I.! 111.,t 1111111t h)> 11111 \ •'·' r Sn c 'ou"l J'l.11,1. t',111.11~ !>C'lmol. Hnni.: vo11r ··~ms IS IT' ! Onlv !'f,."l(IO dc>wn. \'all 5,lli '.!J J3 (A'i • ~" '>• '· \)tUNl\I• [~lfl&IHI, Dana Point 1026 ••••••••••••••••••••••• R,· 0\\'1wr in T>:ma K1111ll:-. t'.arl?t' :l Hr . :.! H,1 " \11111 chmn· of 1·1·pt b. <lfll", l,;1rg1• l1•tH't'll 1 aicl ~1th p a\ ,•cl ho at. H\. 11 1 trailer i.tor.r~c ,of l',I $54,500 100 tit~· Huntlnc)t0tt le«h I 040 4 BDRMS WALi< TO BEACH • II~ O" n1·r / ,\Jrt_. ASSL' ~1 F: \" \or lU' r dn. s.i l.~50. 511. 7739, li45 !YT:J:I c;1 ! F il \ louyt'I''\ ;111· CU~l}C) :1 & :!. ltpl. ,l\I \I ,. I 1· 11 111 l' u n t h 1 .. !I 1 ~.'i :\I to i ' "20 (i,10 :-.p.11·1cni.... \\ 1 II tl.-1·ur.il1'1f lc1.111 0\11wr 1;7,, OO:tl COUNTRY CLUB ASSUMABLE 7 °0 LOAN For 11111\' \I.! ·14.10 \ ou 1·~111 C)\\ 111 hh lt1\ 1•1\ :I ittlllll., 2 ti.1th hom1• It , 111 i.:11.•al C II II d I l l I I II ,1 ti ti h ,I " !>p11111..ll·r~ 111 tl11: ~ .11tl IA\ VISleN RI ALTY 552-7500 llllll I •lCltn. <.11111 h rlltllll hunw a l an "lnl pn('C. I rs. 639·ti700 or 644·5147 l ~CJ \\ I'\ IJ ,1 I • Ill.Ill\ s, ... ,\ 1·•1111pan• Plll!>h 1·\t 1 .1~. '••11 11111 .. 11 S< I\ 'T l I CO.\S'I' ~t'l'. '>:!~1:1 .1100 IN \ EST.,l t:~'I' Balboa Bayfrant La9una Nigue4 Realty r, w 111K:! 120 .fe1•t waterfront pro- perty 1.o ned com'I. Su1la-1130·51150 l'•i 1010 IRVINE TERR.. hie for marine service 1 'd:'lt 1m111,.,. :J hdrm., 2 dock, sport hshing land· lt.1 ~111,11 1 1,1.,.1111 view. rng, yacht sales. o<:eano-, s,;1,111111 graphy base, restaurant BALBOA D<l!o..JIM or shops. Pr it'c $050,000. r i;:;ro • or will cons ider lease • h <ll'll 1' '. () 11 I \' ti "•ii r' y11un l! ,It 11rl t•1111)! large• l>utlt 111 l..it1·h1.•11, lrnub 111 11111101-; l.l r ea. 111a:-.'"' f1r"vlm·c. H'parall' lauu dry room & ruvcr l'd patio Unhl'aluhlt• al unl.'I S.-15.!150 ('.di '-i:j~)l;'j'I 01 fl5'i i11:1.·1 Our -I bl'drm . :.! ,..1on ·1 f p I 1· II U NT I N U T t> !\ I Sl->\CLIFI-' home 1., JUl'l I rnmull's fr<1111 tht• l't1lln· lry l'lub, 1l•nms c·nurb &: licath. E x Ira dct•p lot t • r 3 c·.1r t.:a r;1·:1· l'all I _____ .. ____ .. _ 1.1kl' nt'" :! lldrm . 1 IKI . 1714) 67c 4060 m11d1·r11 l..111'11 '1 hll 1n~ -;r t:I l'\l'llttL! lo.111 P·" :1hl1 ~t>n rnw1thh 11wl111l111 ~ ;tll .•n,,one 1 .in l>u\ ... uh J•'l't i Cl ' (' .1p1l I\ .ti 1 lh! l J th1.•tll .11 f\\C1f. hl'IJ.:(' ( iCI l 'tl'nor. I' normou.; r .. 1 ltlt•d t.111111\ ICKlll\, t •\ qut ~lk ~nlcl 1.11 pdt1I" lllod. \\ .1'1 ~ 1•1•1w1uu JI.II to .\-.t11111shlllJ.: Jll ll'I' \ 1111 ltuClllfh!lc•ll lleal'll 1111 .lllCIO ('.111 HT. O:l~I -Real Estate byMcVAY A BEAUTY YOU CAN AFFORD l'r1ol1.• 11f 11\.\ ncr,h1p (;CJf).l ulh l.1mht-.1ptnj.! l.arc1· l11t " hoat and t1.1th1· 1!:1tc•. Pnn•tl t• -.1.•ll """. ('ul-<lc•-:-ac !lhX 11.>1; 536-7542 Mile From Beach 'tcl<IC'I honw l'ond 3 llr \.\ sh1111 n11.·r111i.;. po11I ~nu I a w n m .1 I 11 t . ( > n I ' s.:> I ,!JOO I Villa Pacif ic Yo ur 1·ho11•1• or :! l'hartn 111 1.: home s 111 lhl !> l'ashiunabll.• l'ommunit" Would HHJ hl'licve unckr S. IO • ()O() :! C all 968-4405 • CALIF CL~SIC Lari::l' I 11,·dn•llth I ', It.1th. ll11g1• 1·•or1wr lol Bo.1l <ll'l't''"· Ouhl .11111 Ill)! '11.•w 111 p.1rk ;11 n•ar or homt• \ .\ .cs:-.urnahll' ~li,50\1. lffltw-,-~-4~im-· -. rmm 962-4471(i::~)546·8103 \ Ill\ 1•r s1t v l'at ~ 1>1·.1111 l111nll' I llr, :1 ll,1. \ l ' l'n•m1Um lnl ~-;:;,,,110 I )\1 llt'f. :1.tl :!X.l'.I ., 1·:11' g.11' SX7,;.,(~I PETE BARR.ETT NEWPORT SHORES REALTY • s 1 ' . \ F 1 .1 mt· : :J Larry Pfister l1d 1111 :-. , :! ha.; tit'· I•_ .. ___ .... __ _ LaqunaB~ach 10481 0 \\'\Jo:11 \\ 1 I. I 1·ora\or 's drc;im. llui.:e -• • ----- c·1ir11,·r Int "1th :: p;itios Condom1n1ums ~;•1 .1011 for sal~ 1700 •......•............... IHCOMEPROP ·l Studio,., & one 2·1xlrm h11u-.c rn L'htf "''l'lton ( 'llht' to to~ 11 ~ b1.·;11'11 1-;;c-.\ m .11 n1 1•11,11H ,. & 111\.\ \ ,1l·.1111·\ SI·•:, t •~l 1-'l:'\\,l'l-.i. 1'1111 .. 11.d ganlt-11 hrnn" .I hr , !>tudv Shcortc·-. I" l .111•.1 S8').~(1CI Enjoy the Good Life 493-25 13 499-4584 TURNER ASSOC. 1••F 01Ct·:\ t-.1{ \II\\•• J 10:> =" c .. t llwy. 1.a)!Utl.1 ...... \\ :131HI "" It Ml ··ul 494-1177 1lt• ,.II'., ii...111111 !Hit :1li.1 lirl..1 'l I Ill I .1111 1'111 l 1 II r .1 1 ' • :1 1· .1 r " ·' r Sl:W.IXIO t'.dl X:ll !1111 BONI> IU:,\l;I'\ l'C' CAYWOOD REALTY * 548-1290 * ••••••••••••••••••••••• HORTH LAGUNA COHDOS LIDO ISLE Oc:ean Views-2&3 bcJrm. l.11" h 1 hr. 2 ha. frpl. I um ls from $5.1 .000. p.1110 .111 <''"" i..1tt:h II) Call 6 75-7225 "" 111'1 r.~:1 1:1:i1 l<Y th' 111·1 J,ovdy J+:! + l.1111 rm ,\,.!>um:ible 812 \' \ 111:1 11. ~o 1.1u<1llfy1ng. .... 'i'l.~1)0 li·lfi i liOll POOL ••••STOP**** MOVE RIGHT IN ('.\LL lo Sec: '1'111 l'.ui Wasting money on non· I l I I 1.1 ... l1l' lloml· 1111\ · .::111;·· :\'1'" port II eights ; lrC'e ne"otr· "hie r e nt receipts. n \ l 111 ~ p .l HI I'll f'\ I . I 1 I h I ,... a I ti 'I 1\ll;dont• l>I'. :1 llH. :•• Ill c l'll I (rm ., 3'~ Tax advantaoe or Ill· \\(· 1·rn111·, \Clll l.. "' . -I ... lwd11111111 lt111111• 111 11111· ll.i . i<ormal 11111111• t ITI l1.1llts ; l..itdkn ult-ins. lercs t & taxes could save I 1.1n1rrn . :!1110 Sl1 l"t .1 \111h n1111I... l hnmg rm ., you1oo·s<1f "'"".,..."ynarly. pl l\,111• 1111lllllllllll\' \\tl l .,.,...,..... " 1· 11 •·a r. :! .'-r' 11 .. ,\ 1.1mtlv rm., !>hf'l lstonc ., n~drm , 2 IJJlh, .~1·n,.le l1•1111r... l'llUl'b "\\1111tnlll ,... I . • " "" ~ ,., l'.1111.il \'1e•\\ , 1111 111 lrp •' l ourl,var<I entry ·.l•1ry ''on·lt>"> 1n ~ .. nla p11e1I , 11'1'11'.1)11111 I t'lllt•I I I I ·'' .... ' . ., .. I I I I 11n\ ht'al'h.H1·1· 1•11l11 \\lllll\l•\'JICIOl.Sil.~)() 1\n.·1 "l)Ol(ll"'t•ly rn· :101 11·,11 1 par "Ill)! 1 • • • ~.J!l,'lllll 1111 Id-.. P ool, J,1111111 , "1 /'::!\ c.~1>·1 ~ u furbish1·d . still only l'•·l..;•I ('11,:-t ll\\\, I .;c 1111.1 11..,11 h . • 1'11-Ui l'l • OCEANVIEW BY OWNER · 11.1 l·'rpk ::! 1·ar :--.11111,1. I Tl·n111' t 't IJiw~ ~ Sl9,950 wtlh 10r, down. I H wqul'I Hall < h1ltl1111 I .,Ml4#C. A!-k for Frank. 839-8321 pl;I\ oll\'.I, g.1tt• 11.11!1 ~~\LT'' Al!l'lll. l.i...lrll .11 ~lli,750 '"" lttl '•" ''"tw r1 Po'I Orfict --- .... 111• II\ "" 1wr .ct .,,._.1 :~"' -Income Property 2000 \J,11.;. t lff1·r 1 .ill HBRVUMOt'lTEGO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1:1;1 ;,o;,,_ I II~ O\.\nc·r " Hr. :! lia. FREE & CLEAR 1-'J m Hm. DH, honu:o- 1'\l'E~ETTl-.ll II 1,, !I~ lllT. -I hr :! h.1 \ 11•.;.. h111111• Im nwd 1ll'l'IJ.) ~;:J IKHI. M31 037'1 l'tH ,,,.,,.cl atrium (plants . 4 PLEX to~-,., 1 Fl'<'. Qw<'I st reel. N r . Lo m a Lind a .. \r pool ''°" M·hool. Xtra Univers ity. $55,000 trade 1 l1·a11 . Oct·upancy b~ as down pmyt on large S1·p1 llrkr c·ooperation O.C. hom e or Int . Prop. A BUYERS DELIGHT SUPERBLY MAIHTAINED 1·;J,..y l o hu~. <;oud nl'IJ::hbo rhoo<l . Sh~1rp 4 h<lrm , formal dining rm. l.t rel' Int with "overcd 11.111(1 Mus t Sl'C lo a p· I f'l'1'1,1l1·. !llil:!··l-156 SUPER EVERYTHING! l Pool , tleeor. :i llr 2.Jl,c. lo<·ation. s lrn·t. :'\l•ar nu carpels dr;qll'-. Tal..l' J look Yo11 'll:1;•11•1' !.!;1r" .1111 11 c.p1·n1·r '>ll'll' I•• 1 .. 11111 • 1·nurl &. 111 .. h !-.1 h1111I 1•11111 •'llll'lll ltl 111•,IC'h ,\ (11\ICI !'oi:l.fi()ll I'll 1'111 111' n:l.'1 fl~I:! Newport Beach 1069 111, ilc•d. SR5,000. Good tan add cash or other ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111.11H111g, lly appt. only. pr ope rt ie s . R i c k >Cl:! :!:!•H) Aldcr elle Rltr. !>-17~. BAYFRONT $46.500 Beach Retreat It•'•' l1n1·tl ·;fr<'l'l \1111d 111 • \\,dk\'"' 1hr11u"h J:\CI\ Jll)\\'ELI .. llkr. 644-llSli (21111:-I J.4 PLEX ES:.! hr.'<. :11tr. :! ba. Cpl. ctrp-. 111111:-. 1•1w ~ars. S.'i:u1:111 '"' < h1 n1•r 842·031i!I 't'"' Eni.:l.11'ftl "' ttrn·' lnine 10441 <'.athe•dr.11 J,!l._j,, •·nlr\ lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• p1.1no ~llt'<I p.Jrh•r \\Ill.I SJ9 O 111'• hr11 k ht•;1 rth .incl , 90 ('col11111 ;tl m.11111 .. (i .1lll·~ NO DOWN l..11dH·11 111 "nod1·d a 1 t 1•n1 ... 1 .J11111h11 -.111•cll IRVIME "ll'''lllll q11.1t ll'I ' 1i1Jft Finl' lr\lnl· lc11.1f 1111 1<1i; Sq. II ol<1n1 ,. JI·" 1ho11 l.10111\ e1I h \\,1111'-11111 ' 1H·:-.ll t•t1 111 'l1·l11c11·cl \\ill -.c·ll \(I l)(l\\\ \\.ol(lcl,, ,..,11111 l>t-~r·111·d I'\' \ll:\T l•• qu.1ltl11'd It~ c>\\11cr 111 •11111clit111. \1·t c·r.111 'i c•d, "'llTil' t.l lt·t ni... hl..1 II• lll't l"lldt·r 1·,1rc• F11ll ,1ir 1·1111 hut I\ ('.ill ci1lttllll'CI l' ,oltwdral ,.l'li·1 842-8854 1111.! II\ 111•1 ttH1m. llut.!t' I 1 r l' p I . • 1 I' \ 11 t ii t' ti 1.:artl1.·11 I.ti r h1•11. l,.111.!1' TARBELL Vacant Estate Must Sacrifice Sib h1 i.!h :illml' the ''it~ 1111 ,1 loncl~ n il <ll' s.1<· llu.,1· parlor. ~1a11l l'oun tr,\ k 11 dll'tl l'or111:ol han qUl'I r110111 . ('llCll'fllllU!-. rnasl\ 1 .. lllll' :tltrron·cl \1;1nlr11h1· L;iri.:1• p.11111 Full~ ~prinkll'n'd ~.rnl TukP advantage · C:tll 752 I iOll lud a~. [~ ''• THE REAL ESTATE RS fwsl.1 room \\1lh floor to :i BH . 1 ,,, H \ tlmrnc ,1r1.,1 l'l'llrni.: lp•,1rlh ,ind llllQ &· har. Frpl. trnl ~ i,,11 i.. lncl1rr·1 I It hl111~._ lu11ll Ill pJttos 551.1:1.11 .. 0111111 ~' ,t,.rn Sc•dudc'<I mu .. 1c•1 ,..11111· 11\1•rlocok" Turllero!'I.. 1110:11111111111 mul11 lc·11.11't'<I i.:1011mls Twnhse •lhr . :.!' h.1, Flt. ">l0 1•ch ~omt f1\1 11g, DR.Si0.0011 l'P :-..1:1 :!it~ "J!J 0110 ,. \ 111.111 or - ~ 1.l(Clll .11 X' • \ P.R .. <\:!7t. a 11111111 h pays all T;1l..1• .1cll .1nl:r~l', C:\ll hkr 842-8854 TARBELL BEST BUY Turtlerock Terrace Pla n 60 • 4 UH. :! · lt.c 2600 S11 '''l'I \I Ith bea ut.Hui \'11·w 111 '.tllt•' On .. 1111 r11nl \\'11o b \ ·,., ,. 1".tl111l1Hh 1; llcl I IJ:i :-:1:111.111111. i' .. or m:1k1• ol fl't'. ()~II. ·1~11 ii~~; l';11111r.11111t· <kl'~lll \'11 •w '. :1 llr l'.rm. Htn ' Tri It•\• I. l"plr' 111111 :-.: ;..1;:!,'l.111. ;:.:l•IUO ll11 . \t.!l ·''I.I :.!" t '.! Oceon View Duplex 1'1•1c·h1tl .1hn\t'lh e l11•adl1'" 1n So 1.ai.:una; h 11 111 " & 1 n tom l' n o \ .11 ,1111 .' prohktn" h1•rc I 'rt 1·cl rri.:ht al SW IK~) ..ASltZn REAL ESTATE qoo Glcnneyrc St. 494 9473 S49 Ollf> 2 ()tt'l~t~~. !~~~~blh \It i)o'(ll'h I.II\\ 11\allll .. ii.: \cl.,'<:, p,tl Ill dl'l',I, :\.):t,!fjl) ()I ' \l.ITY 110 :\11-: \\I> l\<'1.1\l F l . h '. t . I I If I \\ h 11 \' \\ ,, I I' I' \II'\\ :!lid I m honll' :!I MI fl In 11C'C'.lll '\111 th l ,.11.!llll:I I '1 H ti ,~ J II Ill/I ,111tl ~ th• IU\l' llllll., ·l!J.I '14tl I Zacn1d1I..~. ll c .. rllnr Ill •'ii ll \IC'\\ I tll'lll'r , .1rt1 .. 111· holl'l\' l,10 1<,q n I Itel 1'11\ .11·~ l!'I ~!'IHI 1>m Laguna Hills 1050 ···········•··········· 'I ( l \\' ' II () l 's 1-: I ' I'\\ \\ 111 Id > :1 hr. :! h.1. <pt .. dip,.. hl1 11.;. ~.11,:1110 lloh1 ;;,1<:1 cor :11<1 :Iii:.'.:.! LA CUESTA BY THE SEA MO DOWN!! below. 1.owt•:-.t 111111.· .111d ;11111 '1h.1, 1·1111 1 ;11r. !:>h.ci.: best \'HIU<' in an•a: \,lo. , pb lil\11'. ''""",.. -; ing SI 15,000. Sc(• t11tl.1~: \ \ fl" 11 l'I' :-1;•:.! !l~l11:1 ;,x., !l'i1111. Laquna Nigu~ 1052 ····•····•···••········ 2 Custom 1101111·' 11.\l!llOHVIEW l'.\ 101EL :lllr :.!ll:r. F:im & Um rm . :-.11 Pl'r I a ri.!l' .lot WO' l!t:HI Purl (';rrdiff Pl :;; 1.!1!"10 OW:"li t-:H-f~M-491!l HY ow-..1-:1t 1>11\ ,.,. Shnn•s ll,I\ frnnl I l•Hlll' 1111 l•'<'t' I .a111t! EASTSIDE UHITS We h a\·e 5 and G unit in· H':o.tmcnts pl.'rfrC'l for the s tarter invt•stor or those rl'ady for exdrangc up from a tlupkx or lnplcx 11.\1.110,\ l'l·.:'\l\SI I .. \ E\o'l•llr'nl llH';1l11111 c,11 tlw Ila\ & nnlv 1 ·hloc·k1111111' <kc;1n. !':~ch h11m1• ha:-. 1 h d r 111 s , ·1 h a l h -. 1\· t:at ll·r~. :! fin•pl:11•c:-.. \.\ 1•1har, ultra n10tlc•rnj k1tdwn li.. pn \ ;111• p11•r 1-'e1· lancl. !-.1·•· ,11 t:!Olf 1-:.1,I H.tll1e1.1 llhd . 11r <·a ll lii:'H!t:!tl 1111 11111r•· clt- latls l~Quail ~ liiii I Place 11 \ H <; " 1 :-.: n c v r o r Propg~!~• 1 ·.11 I !'1111 l ;1X!I Sun cmh. 1·:a .. l11lur1 home Si9.500 1400 OUAllST HIWl'On llACl4 I 11 II\ :'II :rde ror 1.!XC'<'. 1-:n ---0 PEN HOUSE --A ran· 1 · s h<1p11! I !>lot v =• Br. 3 ll:t . :.ICM~ ''I II hkc• ne~. ~20 1>e111 Ltoln hit• P r1111 1 >11ly' :1111 I'll I BIG CANYON BUY Sl30.1Hl0. ~p.11 l"lf' .I 111 I ~\011,11 II, \\ lhtl I .11111'1 t1l1.· p.1l IC1, :1 1 .11 •• 11 ·•!!•'. PAUL W. BRUMFIELD & ASSOC. 549-8505 ;\ 1-:W 1'0 HT ~I If lll I·'.~ llll c·;111.d \\' '''"' \\.di. 111 hl•:wh. l 'l11h \\ pool.; & ll'nni-: :1 H H d1•n :1 H.1 ol27 ('.11i.1 I :-71 !••II I I~ Own1•r • • ,; I.! 1.uµ1 Bluffs Bavfront Rv Owner 3 H'l :.'' ll \ mitside u111l, ""'l cl1·1·11r "ir 11001. ll'n111,. ,1 h1~1I-. Im mac. S'l:i om li'i:11~.t .1 ll'rt.11nini: + family hv 111~. lmm1·1l Oc•c·up'l'Y· fl\\ n••r Oµt·n Ua1l~ 1 S. 111110 \lt.1 V1 -.1.1 Dr. 1.11 1·1711111 1;11 M9't» lt.\ltHOHVll-W , I' \L~H~lc> I H1 ·::?• 1\,1, LJ.' .. l'';i m Jt m I· \\'I Cond. l'ror l.ncht·pl!. ': hlk to por>I, 1· I h h u !:> I.' & I! r n b I l s . ~'17 !MIO(}~ nPr. f>M-122.'i *DUPLEX • l'l1,,c lo ocean f urr11,..h1·d. Fccland ~!lt;,;,c)O NEWPORT BEACH REALTY 675-1642 2Xl!'l Npt nlvcl . NII BLUFFS 1.11~ (,('(! .... (' I •I\.\ \l .1111\l'n.tll•'C" f 11\\ 1)11 11,\\t .. II)'. 1 11\\ l'r11·<'.'sso.;>00 :1 tidrm-., l 12balh!> Newport Condos :mH.drnrm ,\tt'" supt•1 II t 1u" d IUtr &14 0131 cle:in, upgratll'il lhruout San Cl~mente 1076 ~ h II \.\ " I I ... I' 11\11 cl ,. I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Be.w\lfulh cl1 n11.1t1•cl • . <h,11c·r "';"111i.: ou1 cil ! l-1\l'I' t:ppers on huge arc'.1. mu~I ,,.11 \ '' .ii n1 i•.1 n \ H'~ lot. Hented h,1r".11n al ::.ti!I mo ('\I.I ~".i..!~1! Stoi.500. Brol-cr 1\0\\' l 1f1 11 ll San Juan Capistrono 1078 ...............•••..••. 11lr , '.1h:i, 1800 !\<l ft p I :1 y r n o m • p n t 1 o. 1t11b 1·1)d, I ,j!. Int nr hl'll ~ :1 n tt I> Jo: 1. l \ t•: hl..111~ !\ri:t.500. Immel. Uuplcxt s. "ll't,,.111 on•an "1·" ll JI :1 11 1.· Y. 2 5 9 I 2 Will trade 111n•q 111 home •\ '' l' 111 cl 11 C n bri 11 o . D~luu 4-P'tu 7352 Garfield. !'l:ew units Huntington Beach, tax sheltered property. ht H ~ rite-orr Sll M. Lions ·v ,tates. 536-2579 •*•DO ... ,.*** Ruy any inve:-.tment until you h a\'e checked lhe!>C completely refurbished 2 B<'drm. 2 bath single s t o r y Condos. Only Sl~l.950. with 20':( down & monthly paym ents of S200. ,\s k for f'r :ink, K:l!l-8:321. Agent. TWO 4-PLEXES :'llt-..,,1 fh'I !\1 ar. Very well ma1nt a1ned . Lots o f l<1Wll, 1·0mpktcly renC'ed, re1•1.•nt ly pamlcd. $&1,000. 1•,1<'11. snl'Tll ("(),\ST 11' V t-:ST:\11-~NT 519-0812 4 -PLEX in ll untington Beach. Xln1 hre:id & butter. ::.ho~ tnJ: 16'1-relum on 1t1\'e~tmenl. $62,000 full price : S6,300 down o r t.rke cwu paymenL<;. CuRTIS REALESI'ATE 9fi2·2-159 or 968-658l TAX SHB.TER OPEN HOUSE 7931 ·<\1 llolt St. Hunt· 1111-!l<'n Beach. Luxurious <!&.3 Br apts. Li on s Estates. 536-2579 Fabulous La Cuesta with huge ~a mc room addi· lioo, formal djnc. vault· ed teilin){s, floor to ccil· ing fiitr, hugP bedrooms , 3 ~t<'P" tn pa rk or 3 blks lo ht'>11·h. No d own lo Vets or low II own FHA terms' (.' h ,1 n r 1.1 \ o s :1 v l' thoui.a11di; Okr !J1;2 5511 orT.D .'s f\.1:!:1.'>-;:1 4!13 31i!l~lor·'93 J75S. 4523 Campus Or .. tr\'inr OWMER ANXIOUS! i---------· Mobile HomH , __ _ Cumpus Vnll"y~hnp C't1· \al'.int lll\<'IY 3 HR . Fol"Salt 1100 LE RAISOR REALTY 44UHITS 6 X Rross. Will exchange. Investment Division, by a ppoint only . CALL 833·8600 1tunkn homc• t>cn. Ten Newport hach ••••••••••••••••••••••• OI S &. H CC'. Center N l' w p (Ir I (' r C's I 1!175 2Bll . 20A. 20\7Jfj' LOCATION! (iu ,1rilrc~1.~.·1·;S1'(~(;;;,1w. Tow11hc11lll''· .1 down. Skylinl' l'C'I:-. 01\ Short <~lJ A IL Pt.ACF. l'ROPERTlES ' ( 714) 752-1920 LOCATION! r 811' · ,\l'H .. , 1 hi'('lrms. hlk to~eJn :,.-.;.tilis,; INCOHPOllA'rt-:o encl g;rr. p ool tennis Must sec lhis mint 1.•oruh 6'.ltl ·'®lO fr. ~s~.H?S l'h 1;.1;;.6141 Must -;t'lll 1Jriiut 'i:?2-1'<60. :!3 t:NITS -Needs out.sid e VA liiJO DOWliiJ tlon S tnnfortl m1vll'I t11 1 f ct paint. 114) 2BR & l9) 1'11111 1'11111 • 1 1 12 Ho Hiil < 1 1 rnm s 2 hr. 2 tJ.1. bt.'uut park in apprerwl<' Its .:n•en >t' t •WE KMOW * llwy north 011 Superior, Jo:I Toro. SSH 9183 IBR. Gd. financing at Sharp I Bit ('ottnJ(e . \IC'W & i.halll'd pa110 for LAGUNA NIGUEL 1, miletoentr,mt'l'L 111 .2·~. Principles only. :tltua tl'<l on a quil'l street outdoor lntinl!: 3 hdrms . * IEST • Fl.I\ M 11\ Go :"\Int rond Bkr. 556-6171 You must see this new home to appreciate its many extra ft?atures. Large living room area, 4 obedrooms, 3 ba ths (master suite has fireplace & wet bar). Steps to the Bay . Custom built entertoinmeqt home . Owne4r anxious.$118,500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'enluring th1rk shai;i family rm .. 2 fn>k'I . 2' · 1• bl • 1 -------, h S l'R ICE REDUC ED-I•---------,<'.tsona c tom p · crpt R l ru uut. tone bolhs & 2 co'<'rOO pauos. f I l BR (2 ) DELUXE 4·PLEXPC LA CUESTA r I El bll I R M h d Ocean view, ocean "'ldeof urn. .r~ • l"1n "'-rp <'. ec. "11. ear anyol cr up~ra L'tlur> ., H--.orVlt ... H-s ... _,. n h t d It k :1lde·by·side. Buy l or $62 000 t ,,_ r I nd """" d r h I h 1°hwa y In beautiful uru -........ 1.11."'S. l'K"aU 3 u par ' , po av"' pro . a sea~" gro es to s;.1lls y I e < "' ,.. 3 Br. 2 Rr. y .... 0 .. 11 land. 800 w l!'ith s t eop 18 Nn bolh. Beaut swim. --i. • D -' b h " I t S 7 "00 ( I\ I · I b \ k 11nvate ar ('a of Niau.al "" ~ • · · · ,., · L~ .....,. ~121 !. Coo$t Hig PltOPER::.:T"-=-Y__.i.:===:=.;.:. .-ca•'I • • uroom . 2 11t . ,, o . 4 ,., u pr Cf'. c nm1n ut nli! uy1•1 !:. • • " ... Owner w ill finanrr loc. nr. major shoe'& >'•a.r11 new l.11 l'olma tlurry.wlllnottni;t ' in1tS67,9!'iO Shnrc:1.3BR,formi.ildin· ss7,900. Ownc-r/Hrkr, ·,:iR·. "'"'ti ::iir, W/W renter Need 20% dn. modtl. flrcplo~·c. bllnll, Cl'RTIS Rent F.-.tate IRVINE HOMES. mp. a nd (amity room plus 673 4899 <'Pl"'· a11 f'Ond . Adull Y £AGER REALTY. Spani:<e h tile roof. up 9flz.i1M> RIALTOtlS de n r11n to 11cc thls1•--------• l'1trl. < \t t..J2 9ITT7. 558·6_11_1 ______ _ llll ~rad rd In & out On q1u1•t home rrH'Ctl to :.ell at --~.:i~ •1 t 4 • "'" '°'"' m1. o, 1101 !'CtrM>t Our fioC.'ll \'Uluc !lave ~omethln~ you w;mt 552-7000 $119,000. The Bluffs; i•arly area. 197•1. ~·xi;o' llomettc on • l>U Pl.E X. r-;/Sldc C.M . ......... ~f.f 1•1 .-nt1t Ct~l t o cv~r}'\h1n.it. Hl-r lo i:;ell'! Clus:Jtied ads do BOB PF.TI'IT L...,_o Hlguelltffffy I-Story 3 BJ-t. 2 bu. hC'aut Hunt. Harbour. w l h uJte lot ~ $18,500. ~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~~~~_:_~---~_JL:1t~w~c~ll~.~6J~2~-sm8~~-~~-J_~~R~e~a~ltor~O-wt1_c~ __ J_4:00:·~~~04:0:__..;;...-=~830-:)().:..::soSo:JL._~~~~7~,000~~A~gt:.~114-0.:...:.;~~~-....l.~_1_~_'_4~-'-o_n_sp_m__:.===-=-=-:..t=O=w=n=r:::/A=rrt:::=548:::-864==2==== H ... n U•fwWIMd Aporhnetth FumlsMd ..,........h u.fwn.. Apa t www..t1 u.fw-A. Aptlrt,......h u.fwa. ~ta ,_.llMcl Thurad!y,Ju!Y.31. 1975 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• or.,_.....,..,.....,.. 3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' l''!'""P ~ DAILVPtLOT lnct..1triaJ/ Hon.1 Uftt.nft.'4d ~ Uttf•••d Newport le.ch 3269 lolboa lllartd 3706 lolboa ftettlnlMlo 3107 C o1to Mesa 3124 Nnrport leacJt Jl6' ..................... .. t Property 2 100 ••••• •• •••• • ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••• ••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••• •• • •• •••••••••••• •••• ••••• •••••••• •••••• ••••• •••• •• ••••••• .. ••• ' •THE EXCITIJi(; '... •••••••••••••••••••••• c--a d-• ~-................... 1 240 3 HR, Cam rm, dblt" !pie. HAClfl':LOR 1~:irtly Cum. JlY Ttff~ UE/\Cll J br. /. ffr dpb crvts drJk> PAIK NtWPORT PALM MIU APJS . ... _.... ... ,.._ 3222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• b • ':-i. corn c r I o l ~i.lr. prk~. S150 11'0• uul part furn. S22..5 anr utab. bltn~ $195 'mo. Adul~ n~ APAltTMINTS M1NUTESTONPT AIRPORT LOO' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Super 4 bedrm, 2 bitlh + Curdenl'r & waler puid l)ll · Yrlv i;7:1 2797_ Yr 1 Y • N ~ Pet 11 0 r pets. 's4s-4160 nat·h elor 1or2 8CH1 • " tndu:-.tnal t·cmdu ... un JETTY VIEW den. crrpts. drpl. RIO, Back Bay. Adull family 1-n..-a P·n·in -·-'a 3707 walerbt.'<l:. 645 57H lkilroomsu.nd Bach, 1&2 BR from SIG:>. S3~ N w · $"35 mo th 229 u.uv • --l,ARGE 2 br. s tove. T h Ad 1•· "'oP"· 1\1rpon L.04\P :J.~IO Sq fl . 011 Ol'C'a 11 UI Yd. olll) u .. 101.963 ~u"' t'BestmanJsler R:,.,la.nds Dn~ve ~, .. ., ""' ••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• J OR. :l lio. bay view, new refng, crph •. Sl8S. mo ..... J_•w9n50~ na 156 u 1 •Ms, !:a D(r .. .., l .1ch 'l,1u• uff1n•:-~It·~ tu t'h111at'U\c. ,\mu .. ,,_ vor OE' ""' • .,..... • ...., /\v•ul.Scpt.ll,J lir,con wush<!r /dry~r. No ti4Z-S4G6 ;S4S"48.'l "~·i!G2 "''"'"~ "" · s1;,;.1100 l,1ri.:t· luxurious Wr, 2bu or642-4387 V(•rt den. 2 no, frpk, l~e. ch1ld/pcts. ~15.~ 2649 ----Daily (S Blkti 1-;aslof'Newport. C OMPANY IH \l r11u . ..; !'>I" ~. I'll I 6 73-4400 l ots for i alt dupk~ w hanlwood Ors. 2ttR w id en, ~'6 ba, encl -Spa Pools-Tennii; Blvd.) l''vrmnl d1nin11 rm, & backyard. Mile to beach. Condo Nr Ocean, 2 ~r + porch. ground noor. S3SO 2 Bil nr. bench & bay. Uve ot b..tfful Across rrom l''ashion S46·~ upc•r Jetty & Ocean $230.847·7851. Den. 2\.'1 Ha, tenrus & _w1nt~r.S•H)()yrly_&i6K211 Kedecoruicd, lndry, MartiniqueAph #2 Isla nd ut Jamboree on . ----.- vll'w. S650 mo. Call pool. S475. mo, Lse PENlN PT L J b prkg. A. dulls. lsc. $275 Bn<'hclors, 1-2·3. bd,-ms, Son )onquin Hills Road. Lurie 1 & 2 BR •&>lS, with L .__ 979·5340. X25G days, · g. r, " . .., •. 2 b h t 1t. enolosed g11r't1 & pool , f>.l4 7:?tl a~cnt. WA K towatcr2uc,$185 .. 642-545teves. e1dults.no P~'li. Sl8S. Yr-..!_TIO.Agt.6736210_ 1... at s. W /W cp s, __ 17'4J644-190v _ rrnm $165 /mo. 176\1 kids, pets. singles. Or try I ISH M r l>r drps, bltns & privatt> ... this I br. SlJS. kids. pclb NEW Lg. 2 br, 2ba. in CM 6~5.1358 tram~• "Corona dt'I Mer 382 2 patios. Lovely sµauious ~cJel~ _!omon11Av~.642-!JOl5 ! Bit, I BA, t'llll' collag<', lots of sh111.e.k~ & :.hake. $3:.?5. Hi3 1i;5g W e lcom"'. A••t. Fee. ----••••••••••••••••••••••• oardcn like apts. Jlt•11tNI .. " Car, patios, wooded Jot " · 979-8430 Deluxe. $275.644-6126 Corona dt>I Mer 3722 2BR v iew. rrpl('. epts. pool. Attrnetive r~nl Roetna 4000 ---••• • •••••• • ••••••••••• • stove. X Int. Adults. no Adults only •••••••••••••••••••• ••• EXEC. MANSION 3 br, BAY VIE W 3 large bdrm, t HR apls. Adult only. no pels. S295. Open 12 '1 PM. :!75 10:. 18th St.<.'. M. P vt ent/K. priv. CM Co1ta MH a 3 224 lg. forn . rin. 3 ba. Nc>w 2~ Ba. Rugs, wallpaper pets. 11 ~ blocks CICt.'an. 32'l·A Heliotrope A\~ 6:JJ JOl.1:1 ~/wk & $60/mo. up ••••••••••••••••••••••• cpt. & paint. $550. garage. Avail Sept 1st. Util. ind.2500S<-:1v1tc•w LG BACHEWR furn 2 548·59S4orS:i\HJOSS •••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERUt:-;; 3 BR, 2 968·9518&9627788 $500month.646-1713 ---· • . · *Tropicof POQI • Ba. Crpts. Drps, bltns, -B--t.-$70 000 h DACJIELOK apL, s200. b~kr ~o o~f7at $19.S. incl. 2 Br. cpts. t.lrps, bltns. ROOMS $25. w~ upwath ; l 1111 1··a .. 1:-.i1Jt• lc.ot wit J•f,tn,, Ill\' .ind t'Ojj!>lil 1um1111-.::.100 approva .wd F II{ fed yd. Kids & s mall pet eau · • . ome. NEWLY decorated 4 hr,. mo. indud111~ulll. u 1 s. 75· ___ spiral .:.t:.11rcase. real Refri gerator. Security. kitchen. S48·9755 o r o "· $395. w/gardener & formal h\'lng, wrung rm ba. d en. frple, s teps t 675 ~ frpk, rcfrig. patio, g;is & Pool. Jacuui. Rec. Bid 645-3967 watt•r paid 545-3621 lge f.Jm rm. wet l~ar & beach. Lease $550. B LUXURIOUS water pd. 548-1168 I . ------frplc. l Hr. dwnstrur:.. 4 owner 645-3370 aft 4 LG. Attrjl'ltvc ti;t('O apt 1. 6110 i; q • apt d pl x . w .. c x 0 r. c 1 s e rm · ROOM w/pvt bath & kit. . . . Ol \IL l'L.\n; I' llOP FHTl t-:s til I 1 i.;2 l~ • SHARr 4 HJ) 3 Ba. Rr,ur.J<'ar l!ar.Custom So.of lh'~· L1,rm , dining, kitchen. t..OVl-~LY new adull l br. Billi ColorTV. privgs. H.B. $25. wi... T~nh::.e blt-1ru.. fpl. FR. land!>l'Jp1nµ .\vail..,.St l. TOWNHOUSE 2Br. 21 ~ 6i3-51Sh entry. 2 bdrm. cpted. frplc-, ht-am ccil'g. pool. l~F~ MESA DR. 963·7346after4 . ' '\ .. •• pool. patio, S39S Jse. S52.S mo 10·6. 003-4581, & I> a. po o I, h'"I t n s , ---3724 drptl. v.i.111 paper. bit-in::.. From S210. 399 u· . 5·15 8331653 wknd!> afl6. iSl·fi.lfil wash/dry, gar. No pets. Costa Mesa 2·~ car J!rl?c. lndry , 6'1o·l•l56 U Ch 1 BDRM I P v l, Ba, M~wport lot 6 5 X 150 MF.SA vtRDE 3 br. 2 ba. l"in~ 3244 675-9188. ••••••••••••••••••••••• strl?l'. a .. ::.1gn leu::.e to LI UO niq 1.c arm· employed yng~rson °'" $39.95 WEEK & UP rt-:-i>onsablc cple. View. $23.5. 2 Hr. &:aut. de~or d. ~ br: lg. Student. 548·4-077 NB ecol '\;1ti .. ;i10 t•·nm,• !').IX tlS32 l'pts. drps. bllns. S3 ••••••··~··••••••••• R•ol Estat• g rdnr., wtr. pd. Show 3Br. FR. DR. Tc>"nhous1•. "' .,. b I 979 7836 k 1 3BR. 2ba, erpts, drps. Exchan9e 280 Y app · · o r Close to S<'hs/par J>Oll · R&O. refr ig, clcc gar •• •• ••. ••. •••••••••••• 1133-3040 a sk for Linda. S-150 mo. 833·2708 <loor. S3~. mo. IMMACULATE 11.\\E:? Conrla:..1 RR. l 3Br+2Ra.furn:wail. RI-.:AUT.NcwRanrho~an JACOISREALTY H.1. l .,ty, nr Cul Stat~ i"pl.l~ fum-rm.fncdyd Joaquin Twnhomc. 2 Hr. 675-6670 F\Jlll•rton. S~.IO. <'<11111). k1ds ok.S350.&t5-S0.15. 2·~ba,2story.Ovt!rlouk:-. ----- "177. mu. or 3 DH. 11 ~Ba, golf ('OUrSl' & lake. $600. Canyon\ 1c~: 1800 sq . ft. 3 :icl ll, Sl'rnnty nr So. ('st . 3 HR home, newly dee. SH·i044/552·0055 BR. 2'12 ba, wl'l bar. Plat a . $5500 equity. "new w/w cpts and drps . --SSOO.AgentS.14·1133 SlHi. m11, Will lradt S295 mo. No JX'lS. Ope *RENTALS * ------- •·tlhl·r fnr l:1tc model N r ~J.5. •. UN JV. PARK BLUFFS CONOO. 3 Rr. •Stml10 & I UH Arts 5475. 675 7l07. cpl!;, drvs V('IJ' dean. bnck patio. frpl. 675·~ loc. •TV&Ma1dSc1vA\,1tl --11309'?&<> t<l.9795rnl9 8ayfront ,2_ll~J,2 Ba, P"t.R-----&-lo-_....---.. -0-50 Ph S lit 1 ... I 1 Hfi + i.ep. guest rm. & ---, --u h •. ..""" I __,,.. _..... • one· (•rv, 1 1·"111 bath. S2i5. U73·5!A.19 or Dana Point 3826 oc · "" pier. ~ )'r y. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Ch1ldrl•n St'l'tirm ••••••••••••••••••••••• 979-1935 & 644-1510. ROOM & BOARD in e-·-•$50F F wl·<•k',, n•nt 4!l7 2205e\C:> " 2 Br + Den 1&10 sq n I~ ----------1 change (or babre;'ttin~. w ad Costa MH o 3824 ' · ·· · Eld 1 d 237G~l'''l'urt Bl\11. l'i\l sundeck. nr. heh, pvt MESA VERDE c'r y pre e rrc • S.18!li55 or t~15:ltl(i7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• )(:ir. Open Sat/Sun . 2Bdrms., l'l:!balh~ondo 645-243!>" Off B~aten Path 1i75-7155 with pool. $33.5 Mo. ft",Retttala 4200 lge Fum2 Br Illtns. \HW. drp:;. IXl<1l. S200. A(JJts, no pl'l!. 642-9520 t. 2 & a Hr . Adults no H •. -__.--.. --i:-3840 ST!RSTTO B!AJ· Ctt • pels. tls hwhr:.. :;hag l·pts, un •• ....,.on acn t.'l..b uef.s ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'lo:.cd ~ara~~. lrplc, •••••,••••••••••••••••• 2BH, u, .S28S c BLK.~o~ach.New Con. .. H,l. Gas & water pct BIKE TO BEACH SEA Wl_..D .do. J ·acuu i /voUeyball. 1"t1t>I HEAR SHOPPING 2 BH, 2'8a condoS475 .SIP§~&, S125 wk. 968-5700 LA MANCHA APTS BeautiCul n ew 2 DR WE HAVE Roomy, Reasonable Ren- l'l<'. r1f ~d mc valut•. '40W.Congrcss.C.M. 3 BR,2 Ba ...•... SJ6()/:l85 centra lly loc·att>cl : SJ65 •.•o 1~6!1 $42S Mo. Broker644·113:l ---------·I '""'. ' . .,.,.," r mo L~a ts"de 3 BR. 2''.> Ba......... -----.~ pe · "' s -1 COLLEGE PAR" 1 RR Furn SIR.'i Rentals 4 Br. great lcwallon b OO PANORAMIC VIEW 1 BH Cnfurn sw:; :S325 3 Br. lk:aut1ful 3 BRR, dehn. S2 a J .. · .. ·.54 Bay & Irvine Hills . t:n 778Scolt Place, CM s tudio apts. Fr p lrs, SUMMER RENTALS tal. August. l house to 642-5073 bltns, dishwashers, 2 car beach. View, adults. garage. Sundt-cks. 1-''rom 675·1763 condition. ant o an oaqwn. lerlainer's d elight Lots of hllns, JXlf1I , \\lilk l'<'nlur.v2l.546-952l :!llH.21l Ha ......... S600 1 •. to s hopping 1 • 1111 ...........••.••.••.••. Hous~s Furnisht'd .........•.•........••. General 31 o J BK. 2 ba. Newly p~1inte<I ••••• •••••• ••••••• ••••• S350 Per monlh. Childrl'f Jl ~G I.I': ll\ini: I br. ut1l 0 K.&10-0020 /\j.!ent , pd. C.:'11. ,\bo I br 11.B . Mt>s0t Verde 3 UR. fam I.ids . pl'ls s1n,.:les ok rm. 2 ba., 2 fplc .. pal10 W.ilk to" .1tcr 1 br. Sl;!.l owner /agent 642.5000 ulll pd, 1\ B. Suri -;pcc1al ------ .! br. S:!05. "'°Al<''>. <ES1del2 Br. Cples onl~ l.1mll1l•<; ~ B. l\n<I J hr l'tll & furnitun ' tnl· I.a;.!. Bl•ac:h. $165. ut1l Child ok. 156 Merrill Pl pcl \J.rl i"t'C !n~~:JO 1 SJllL 5.19.1).133 Balboa PHinwla 3107 3 BH. 2 B..\, c:pt. drps •••••••••••••••••••••• fncd .. Yd. Nr. So. Cst 3Br, 21la Duplex. $.175 Yrly Pla1a. S315 mo. 642·0445 l.1.'3l>l'. /\nul Sept J. 2 RR H -d ;d-~ l f ~:15 :S lllO da\'<;. Evt•s & ._ e ~c ren' o1 k 1 · r.1:1 42.,1 h elv ing fix up. I oo " nt:s' • · ~ privgs.2 adults.631·1AA> Cor ona d t'I Mer· 3 12 2 ----- •••••••••••••••••••••• COLLEGE PARK l.r;: luxurv home• stt·~ t 3 BR. 2 BA. furn rm. lwilch. w·ldv ~1olo Mo. ~ltn~. nu cpl. & drps . I' 0 . Box IJ55 ~lamm<>t <_;ov d. palao. SJSO mu. l.:ikc:-, ca . ti31 l!lt9 Costa Mesa J 124 POOL HOME • ••• • •••••••••••••••• 3Br, Grl.'enbrook. Re<:t"nl T UHTLEHOC" w/poo ~ gaml.' room beal'h. 931 W. HlthSl. 3 HR, 2 lla ....... Sl2SJ4so l''antasllt· new 4 br. 3 ba. 548 _0492 I IR ILOFT OHL Y) S260. 536 257:1 -------- Pvt Patio. frpl. l yr lse 3 Arch Bay. So. Lag . 4 BR 2•r~ Ha ........ S475 4000 sq ft custom home. __________ 1 WALNUTSQLJARI-.: wood l'cilin gs, 3 lrpks, lmmC'dtUteoct•up:incy NF.W triple'<('S. 1.2.3 Br. FUm, frplc, pri. bch. 01·. HAYLOFT APTS Dix thruoul, frplcs. fncd vu. 32356 Stonington Rd. 3 BR. 2 ba ......... $295 manv xtras. Sll5CI. mo. DEER Fl E LU 110 '.\IJ::S 645· f102 or 6~1 ·cn97 3 BH, 21-i Ba ....... · S125 San Clemt'nt~ 3276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 180' OCEANVJEW 2 hr. 11 • ba Beach llou:;e SJ • VISleH mo. I\ \'I 8/1 Vl.'ry P\1. RIAlTY Open House Sat & Sun 552-7500 3701 Calle Casi n o . L'!\ I\'. Prk. TC'rr Cam- hrids;e Twnhse. J br. 2 ha Comm. Pool. S395. 17306 Peach. 5.52·7f!9fi 640 5078 Oceanfront Cqndo New 2 br. 3 ba, den. frplc. S650. 642-1155 RENTALS San Juan 1 nn, Capistrano 3278 B ~ r C /'>Cit. Ill•••••••••••••••••••• 2 h,2 Ba .••.... S350J<l\JN B J BR. 2 Bn .•..•. $.125 ,4,5 cw 3 r . 2 s ty. 2 c·?r gar. JBr ,2'1:!bn.F.H .... 5'15() 2~55_3 C<ill,c ;anta i'\cwporl Bc;H'h B.irbara. 714~5.:_ql87 3 BR. 2 1 ~ b:l .. · ..... ~'i50 Decorator's Drram. IJ.:t.> I 4Br.2':ba.wntr .... S800 BR, a BA. bltn:-.. 1-rpts. drps, p<1llo, n .'C.' arra w pool Lca~e ~-493-59!).'" 493-7780 E-SIOF. h.1 C'h '' l rp k Ju::.l r edl'l·or.1tl·tl l l tl pd. $1 i:l. mo tii:1 2!11:1 .ill .'i LOW W E l·:Kt,\' I< \Tl:S Exe cutive 5'.tit~s 2080 H~wport Bl•d Costa~sa 642-2611 Studio s & I Br·s •FRr:1·: l.1nt•n:- •l-'IH :E l 'liltlll'S. •J.\tll fo\111·h1·11 •llt?.tlnl 1'11111 •Launtlr\' F.1<·1l1l11·~ •TV & rn:i1u sen·. :I\ ad • l'honl' Sl·n 11·t• yd 2002 Huntington St. 499-2436. $2SO wj(. 2 8 3 A•ocado, CM 536.40220r 5~9 3 BR. 2 BA. frpl. SJ.'50 mo.--------- 645-0143 ---------Patio, cpts, drps, 3 car Laguna Beach Coty 2 Br. ----NEW 2&3 BR. D/W. frpk. gar. l'ool. Nr. Hoag house. Sips 7. Walk lo .. ~ar Completion Adults only. Af,,'1.. 536·7528 Hospl. 548-9341, Eves. beach & shops. $200/wk • CEDAR WOODS or5J64095 646·2848 494-1627. 32!) Un1vendty Dr. near Bar k Ba\'. 2 hr & den. F rom Si7;;. E astsidc. S IX 7<1:17 ur616·ll~ ----~-----HUNT. IIBR. 2 br. 1 ba. NWPT Shores. 2 Br. 2 Ba, BALBOA PENJN. Pr. bltns, nu drp:,. Pool. No garage, upper duplex. Desirable duplex, upper, pets.Sl50m~.581-8&14_ S325.mo.548·8912 s p acious, tile, c pl , J & 2 Br, 2 Blks to beach, LUX. 3 br dupl~x. N pl dshwshr. disposal. Week- (' \SA VICTOR!/\ ~a r . pool, very pvt. Jlts, frplc, patio. gar. Nr. Jy. 673·2039 . I.:! & ·Jur. /\du Its. n o pets. From new. Stnglcs Ok. $375. Newport Beach. 1h Blk to Ucluxc Unfurnt SISS. 22012th SL 960-3911. lse. 640-0899 /\t!t.. beach. F'amily of 4. Aug or Furn. gas/wtr. µd. --~-- :\clutts-No Pets Sec. gate 2 Br, Condo, rrig, stove Large 2 B H, l 1 2 bath 2·9• Aug 23-30. Labor day wk open. Sf.SO week. In-Pool. Rec. nm. Elevator pool. 1 mile fr. bch, $240 Townhouse, bltns, DW, quire al 112 J6th St. NU. 525 V1l'toria. 612-8970 mo. 213-592-~ adults. nr Hoag Hosp. 675.9875. -----$240. m o. &42-431J7 ----~---~ t'ost;.a J\lesa·s l-1ncsl Loe. WALK TC) BEACH Rt'ntalstoshan 4300 Casa de Oro Onlv kind 1n the area. 1 & 2 br. cpt, drps, bltns, New Jnr , ~ba /\pt. t~th ••••••••••••••••••••••• q111.l'l g;1rclc•n-like·adull gar. 205 15lh St. & 217 Or~nge. Call 833-1437, or Gal to s ha_;e lge 2 br apt /\LL L'TI 1.11'11-:s I' \Ill 1 1 ? 3 u 1 , ff s1o 11800 • '' 111i.: .).!l' -. or, ·-~.6th St. 536-4259 or 0 ICC · · Pk Npl. p vt bath. Spa'. Com pa rt• lll'f on• '011 II \\' \\ t d .. ·1 i·rp "· rp::.. ;,36-3058 B n blk h & pool, tenn·1s & many ex· re nt. Cu:-.lmn dt•:-.1g11t•d p:itin hlln-. srnnt• wood __ --3 R, 2 /\. 1 ~ . ay . r<·:1t11nng· hurnin , trpl llo·aut. f:X Jge 2 hr, 2 b~i . dlx Bch. Newly redecor'd. 2 tras. Call Anita, days ·~p.1 c·1vus kll1 hl·ll "1th 1.1n11.,1.1111 lw.itt"<I pool &. pools ide <lpt nr bch. /\dlt. Sunporchcs & Gar. S31 557-6122. eves 644-4256 or 1nd1rl't'thJ,!ht111g \ltr.ii·ll\l'll'lll. nopetsSJ80 536-1,i.1fi2 mo. Yrly 5'15·7~ _644 __ ·7_2_9_5_. _____ _ I ~· S1;l'I:! Br. ('plt.'s only., Mdl Home. FR. DR, Dhl I til ,\. f11rn1tt1r<' 1nc. gar S500. 979-2517 or Child 111-. 1,-,1i \h'rnll l'I.' ~l()X •1105. ~:110 :i l~O l:l:l 1 3Br,t.lcn:klds&°pe~ LE RAISOR REALTY 4523 Campus Dr. In me Campus \'alley Shop Ctr CALL 8 33-8600 •Scpar~1l1· dm g ar.-.1 M t• • Apt ar 1n1qff s. J\ ..... h n v1r.w avt . 2 hr, bltns. W/\NTEO: 2 students to NEW 3 BURM. dbl. gar.. •lloml' 111-,. -.1u1agc l \I :! Luxury pts. nr..,.. u 1 h b h . HB. lrg. bckyd. drps. & crpts. •Prl\ ::Ill.' p.1ll•J' liii !'\ant<i ~11~1 J\\l'.. l•<I. :I llr. ~ • Ba. frplc, 2 pool. S250. rou. 2453 s r 3 B om:f '1~ ~O PETS. :\lission Bell •Clo:.C'd gar\\ :.lor;1J.!t' :'>l~r .\µt 11 l)..lti·s:H:! :.:;,i1 .1;.t•·-.. s:r.:;. 2 Br. 2 Ba. I r\'lne A \'l'. 64~8f!9. 897·1564 r yan e ema I Ill!, I HA cluplcx. c•nt•' Sl65 2 Br. child. s ngls I " ,. 11 '"' 1h·t, 1:u E 21-.t :-.1 .. \ • t lh•ar) t>1 H)O:ll) 3 Br. fam rm. 2 ba. ktd:. JlCl, Sn~ls. rncd, gar P..Qell. ~ br,.,2 ba. r h1ld tract. Phone Mr. Mose~ •Marblrpullman MEDITERRA~EAN lrpll I (:Jt S29!i. al 493·2078. •Kings1tl' Htlrm~ :!IJ-:i!1j4 :. rt:. 2 Br. 2 Ba, POQj. put10/ F'emale roommate want· b'alcoru'. lndry ,.f;Jc.1 Nr ed. to share home. SllS BaY7Ckcan. J100nio1Call inc. uti t.~Chi1d OK., ,, ----•J?ool._JluJ).equcs.sur· VILLAGE SPAC.? br. '2 ba Condo. 2 S..t• Ana 32'80 rounded \\llh rilu1ih J Bedroom patios & Her. ctr Cl!>. to ••••••••••• •••••••••••• IJn<brapin~. 1 lied room & Den 314 pcl, applns. $210. -", -Laquna Be ach W ~1 El> \u,z I or an Bach or 1 lir. \\',pool l!i'lr IS35-J70a ll' :n Al 833v9300. 673-5437. 548·9653 .. •·•••••• • ••••••••••••• f'urnis hed Sli5. 1 hr JU:"il' C'harmtn/.! furn 11 hou-." & p.11111, ~IX.1. 111 :-.ilarit·ct. ohll'r 11t·r~11n 111 r••tin·l'. 1!11 t\liU ~ngls. pet. Al?(.. r't-c. HOMEFINDERS * 642-9900• Schls. & ~hops. 5076 Ap-$135 Cottage, s ingles. Adults. !'/opl'ls 2 Bedroom., pie Tn·c._ l yr. bt'. $325 gar aJ?e 1 BORMS2l:I 2 Ot'droom Townhouse mo. lst & la::.l + SICJ.hl'C Sl85. 2 Br. kids & pet 2400 llarhor Bl\'t.I :I Hit· 2 HI\, enc g.ir · S 2 1 . 365 W. W1bon642 l!Yil w w cpl &. drps .•. , "" & s t· ea n g . FUR.N ISHF.O S155. 1 br. Co::.t a Me"a 171-11557·80:.'0 fro m l>each. C'hildrcn r"" Rd rm upper. Bloc:'lc to -Maleto share heaut beach h(•,wh /\dulls. no pets. hom e. 1$125. Complel~. SJoo~·rl)-6 12 3666 No dnugs/sm ok i n g , South Lag una. 499-4329. 31 69 3 Bf<. pool S_harp decor. _213-330-397!.I util,singles./\gt. i''ec. LAllGE mohlll.' homl' L''E 1, t rt 1 ()I\. no pets. ~,40 m•l N~wport l t'ach HOMEFl ..... DERS w lge cnl'I. c·;1b;111a. Nt':1r v , l >r w. 0 • Jlll('I • ..,.. s Cl t 3876 Working person to share ••••••••••••••••••••••• privat·y, nic·c s trcl•l. l"ni\', Pk Terrace. 3 Br. 2 "' s hoppi n/,! centers & jacuzzi.l·ncl.J,!ar.utll JXI Hol~;1 Chu•ri & Warnt•r, an ~m~n e house r in CM. F enced \\l.,.Tl-:rt. l)(·<'anlront: ,grounds & pool m:unt. Ba.Twnhs t',nq>ool.S385 •642-9900• beaches SHiS f;.:)2 911XI /\dlls only s~:i:;. A\'a1l Sn· Mi::r. 1iilt! Milo, Apl ••••••••••••••••••••••• yard, 3 BR. $150 mo S-125 . 22 17 Hale ig h . lsc.8J3-9142t•\•e:.. • 7 .15. J:JJ ll amlltun. l\.846·5K<li l.,:!c 2Br. 2ha. enclosed 642_438,2. t.r.2 ba.s:1so mo. l.i3HlO&lor548-6797 Houses~rntsht'dor 2 llHlra1IC'r,.,hach'dp;1rk. 642-1960 day::., fi-15·4111 gar. Wh1t<•water view.---------- !i7:il\;..;11 :-JJ::WGreentrt•c4br.2 ba. Unfurnished 3300 Arl ull. ~ll!o. + ulil . eves 3 BH.1'~ 111\, W 'W t pt& Adults only. S250 NWPT. BC H. $7S + ':o ( l f 1 B~ "'.'garage, cp~s fam rm , upi.:radc·ct. no •,•••••••••••••••••••••• 646-533i o1 :i<li<-tili:l ilrp~. ll:-.hws hr._. frpl. 4!l8·30!Y7. ----utils. 3 br a pt. Prefer 1 ' 1:1~ • att~·••'l. urn. ' drps. tile bath, refng Pl'IS. 552-:lfl?!t Ba Ibo a I s I and. So. -Haci~nda De Mesa P·•!m. encl. gar.,t hild n•n A --& _. ~--=.L.-..1 non-srpkg. girl. 675-500~ hr . :! h.1. i'pk. pool. ~l?~~. a .mple cl_oset -.• .. -. Bayfront. 4BR. 3ba. HuntincjtonBe ach 3740 160W W 'I CM OK, no pl'ls. ~li5 mo i .. punmt'ms • .---~ aft6Pft'l l''-'llll ,\tlults 2 mo:.. 0 :;p<ict . ld~al for mature TURTLLHOC K 3 br, 2 ba. Family only. Winter ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 1 son. · -mi. from beach. Warn(•r or Unfunushed 3900 __ __: _______ _ 11111n'. s:;:io tii:i ·l~.00 l'~uplc. No pet~ of an~ fam rm. frml UH. frpl. S700. Yrly $900. 675-0525. NO I. TH l·:.\SI·: in sum Clo1ed Gar~s & Bois a Chica. 4fi62 Milo. ••••••••••••••-••••••• Working woman to share k1nrl. Nu c-h1ld r cn BHQ. do:-.(' to pool & mnr r "nl u.,.1utll>rfurii HJ.:AUT.GROUNDS Apl.A.8'16-58'17 ··,:;..,..;.. apt,pool,i"cuz:ii,inF.V. Hous~s UnfumisMd 548-6387 park S~IS mu lease Exp'd men seekinf! pro· ' " &"' h i\UULTS-NOPETS VbH:t't>(~l_rtfl(;(~:J Semi·furn".°"'Sl~.963-7015. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---5.'i2· 1.;37 · . . perty to m anage in Hll. apb St1i:i c • :,n.:;. Spanii. 10 minutes to OC<'a n. Lgc NEW dl·luw, ht•;wh arc;i. -· Gen~ral 3 20 MOVE now 2 br Sl75.. -NH a r ea . 53G·7396 stylr bldg. 1Ji'1/ncl J1ar, t Br S175. Gas & Water 2 Br, 2 Ba, 1'111"('(1 gar llCllHlfllllWCOllCU'T! kids . pets. Also Spanis L-a B~ach 3248 .. M.ikc'• poo · ~aun:i, n ry. n l~ 1·ncl. Drapcrit. .... carpets. S275. mo. ,\II util pcl AMll.T W!SIDC llflMC • ••••• • •••• • •••••••••• h h 2 b k ·' -,--· 17301 Krc·lsnn l.n. I blk ·" ~ SMA1.1 Mn .acc1,,10 or~e ranc · r, ·1us, ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••as h""'t. uas L,··tove, air 84"·1311 or 0 •" .. ,,..., Agt. r 1<1-:E FRF-:f l k A l L· c--..1 . . w of l!(•at•h off Slakr. ... '0 ... ., u .,...,........., • h lo p e s o · g • r ee Sharp ocean \'iew c·onlcm unvom1n1ums l'ond1tio111n ". s w1mmin" No fee • ooc • rs ·Profl·~:-.iunalScn1t·e· ,.,.!)8"'" fu ) 842 i818 "' ,., R '" · "'"" porary home. 2 Hr. 2 Ba . Un rnished 425 _ · _ pool. n ·t·. room. washer!; •I B , 2 BR PHOI". Male seeks s am<- lo share tastefully fum'd ocn v u Lag una hse. 493-6960 eve. *LANDLORDS * Refurbished Newport den. furn exrl'p hc1rms ••••••••••••••••••••••• S;\1 \LI. Bt-:i\Cll llOTl-~L &dryers. DELUXE I hr, frpl , n \\' •2 BR & Oen H o m t'f i n de rs * /\\•ail. Aug. al SJ75-S400CLEAN2Br condoinSan Houmo; ~l~;iO "cck. patio. Nr. hC'h. Sl!HI From $175 ·$48S ---- SPACIOUS home CdM. 6 4 2 -9900 Hgts ·2 Hr. (·harmer. Su per mo. dcpcn<linc upon Juan. Pool, walk to:.hop AptsSlfHl mo 536.7QSG Sl75 2 BH. :.1ngle sty. 960-2198, tii15 :1053 or porch laundryrm.&pvl no. of t enanls . Call ping cente r. $225. -l>l'.im l'Ctl. C&O. 20<19 84~7481 __ Mesov.nfeEost &Adoms C ,Jl1forn1a ·~ Lar,.:<' ... l •Ht?nlal s,·rv1<'t"• yard. Crpts, drps, stove 499·2109e\·ei.&wkm1sor 496-8528 LocJunaB~ach 3748 "A"Wallace.646-8883 L I h 3848 54 0 ·1800 Need r oommate. $150. mo. 673·3121 H,675-1519 D & ref ra g. s27,; mo Mr. Brubakercat 546·0601 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --oguna t'ac 645-4963. . . SlOO L,gl'. 2 Br. newly de· ••••••••••••••••••••••• during wor king hours. HEWPORTIEACH Sl~d10 apt, gar, ut1I. fu,r~ cor. gar. water po. Drop a pchblc uito thl· ----------1 OCEANFRONT $160.000. All new 2 Br. 2 Ba, Con· I s l k la ~t clean g Arlult!o( nopcts 548 .. 111 Ocean from your /\pl Room to shar e on Balboa Island. Male '()(' Female. $130 m o + util. 675·567 J. HORSE property. 1:: acre 2 br. l ba. S275. mo. 1st & la:.t, breakage deposit & FREE SERVICE rd~. 557-0338 TO LANDLORDS RONUS RM & BATH '11·mbc r of Hoarcl of PLUS3br,2frplcs,r cr HcJltors. Better Hu:.1 rm on Orange St. Close tc nrss Hur<>:rn. Cham her of fwy & shopping. 5&25 Cum m<'rC<'. mo. Adults only. f.ii3-6372 5 30 -8 505 ------SToro 3232 b do. Beaut. .crpt'ng, til_e. •W7·l231l afUI PM . .. .. · J.ease. Lu" II"'-., sr:eunt'.'· Condo.3hr,2 a,2000sq bl & f C I l/\RC'I' 3 B , t & '·' ft. Ra r. frpl. St•c guurd. tns ' re rig, rp c, mir-Newport l t'ach 37 69 ' ' ·• r w, pa 10 · Mature adults. 31755 Csl. $795 mo. Lse. Adults 011• ~orcd wardro~ & pool. ••••••••••••••••••••••• frplc S25U. I Br Sl7.'i. Hwy. 499.2835. Jy_544•7r,7g Steps to Weslcliff shop· ON THE BEACH Gardt•n apts "'/pool. ping. Adults only. S:fi5 .\dulls only. The Ven VI EW 2 br. d1rung & frpl. mo. 646-6710 &645-8200 1 Br furn. ycurs least'. domt'. 545-8628 1'·:? blk~ to bch, North --Sl!S5 mo. 103 McFadden --- e nd n ew paint. $395. Duplens Fum 3550 Pl. lii5-l865. 3Hr. 11 ~ ba. cpts/drps. nu ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----paint. SC'abrceze. $2 10 673·3731 $200-Large tBr. Yrly Winter Rental,av<1ilnow pcrmo.545·6375. 2 Br house. rclri~. stove. lease. Just bring your Steps to beach. Modern 2 • l ·BUHM. APT.,, 1-Blk. abo"e Coast llwy .. in So. La,::una. Close lo every thing! Stove. rcfrig, w lw carpet $200 Month. t:til. paid by owner. Laguna Beach Village. linens. 12 blk to beach. _BR_:_frpk:.!235. 642·34!X> 2 BIL I\ DUL TS. Bltns. ..,.... .... \•ly. Pr1\·a<'.\·: 2 Hr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Pis d rp..: nr sho"" & .. • Yrly L_ sc. 837-9139 Mr. 1213)798-4356 or 794·717G. 540 wL· up 1 .... Bdr & ' · .,, · · ,. .. <·h1hl. pl'l, blll!b. l1wd 3 RR. 2 HA home wtfruil, n. O<G mrkt. Sl85 m o. 180 "()" MISSION REALTY •• 494-0731 •• c··•.. 1 Cl lfogopian. Mary· B·1c•h Color TV 1na1cl R h 67" "cZ7 .-i...l•I. trees ga on: o~e tc ---~ . . • . oc e'>ll•r "'"" VERY SPECIAL 2 br. Offiu ltt'fttal 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 150 I Westclff Dr. Newport Financial Ctr COR?NA UEL M1\rt LHlift90fficeSpoce 2 Br 1 ownhousc, frplc, Call on Site Manager from $275. 1 Br from S205. <714 )~42-31llext246 Pool, tenn is. continental -- breakfast. Some ocean & Catalina views. Close to :shopping & fine beach. 644-2fil l. WESTCLIFF BLDG. NF:WP(•RT BEACH 1 '"'"., Wf'\I i.1•, • ... ,..,,,. •"+'Iv" 11 IL 1'11111, :l 111, "ha. frwy. srhool-; s hop·g XLNT OCF.ANVll-:W Dupl•xesUnfum 3600 s<·rv. pool. THE :\11-;SA • -apt• No one e1bo\'c or l.Hh $395/mo incl J{ardcner 3 Bdrm:-.. 2•, ba .. cust. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~: ~lNcv. port UI. NB Cll;~A:. 2 g~rr~o:::nhS~~~· bcl~w. Nev. ly dccur'd. & RES 0 RT I..\<;, 11111, :1 hr, " b:i. Agent 8944~ bit. home; l~c. laving rm. Privacy + 3 BR. ~ DA. --·~-Aciults~~o P~l:.i.:543_6357 · <'Pt.'d. Blk. from Victor ~:~~'!Rrr~·l hr fam rm. 2 NEW JB-r.-2 Ba. garai?e w 1Crplc., s_ep. d1ninll fireplace, gar .. patio. no AVAtl.. Sept-June. very -----Hugo. beal'h & dwntwn. ba,;ippf-;,kirl.,,JX'l.~ar. cpts. drps. dishw<!sher. rm .;blt mkitchcn.2 Ca~ pets.S295.CM646-4414 lge duplex. 5 doors lo FUNKY Eastside 1 br. Adults only. No pets. . \CT. Ft::I-; adults only. 503 Pomsel gar. Im mac. thruoul. . oceun. l hr S215. & 2 br Great for bachelor. New $290. 497· 1617 or642-6636 $475 M.o.nlh The _fastest dra~ m ~he $245 _ Ulil pd. 67s-8345 cpt. S200. Util pd. 2653 - ~A!tC~ ./=··~ ./a..-./Nt -~ ./ ..... --./s.cy...--. .;....,.,... ... C a ll PJ r ..-.,,,. ird 645. 6 101 HOMEFIHOEttS tia. $375. m o. 557·70t0 M lSSION REALTY West: : .a Daily Pilot -Sunta Ana Ave. 63!·1289 VIEW lg 1 br, North end. * 642-9900 • ___ H.ntf--'oft t.och 3240 • * 494-0731 • • Class1C1ed Ad. 642-5678. AV /\IL. Sept. 2 hr. 2 ba. -----Stv /refg .. new decor. l' ~ ---""-'' ---yrly. S300. 500 Neptune • IRR unfurn. apt. C.M. blksto bch. $260.673-3731 _ ...... ~.....:,y~-.... ~ ........................ SEEK & r1ND'' Anlmab or 645-11171 P atio. no c hildren or L ..... --=.-3852 I Fireplace. 3 BR, 2 RA. nu r , Au1lralia ~ P<'ls. llld pool.!>48-9548 CICJWla .... 19uon 1&11o.-,..1i1~~....,~~..,..~I cpts. drps. S315. mo. &v WALK lo lkh, new 2 br, l -------••••••••••••••••••••••• / or, Joe. 963-4569 M l ' C. T ·"' ~ M A :'I 1 A N D E v 1 t. T F. ba <!pix. u 'W. garb. disp. S210. 2 BR, nu cpt.s & drps, A lovely 3 Bd, 2 ba Condo -' c· A s s o ~ f\ R y n R w F. I) 1 t: E R J, gar. Yrly $325. Child .slv /refng, carport. enc. on the El Niguel Ooll ~I "'"'· H.B. I hr mini WeBhRave2 2 8ho/\uses w/fdpks, OK,675·064216420596 patio. No children/pds. Co1u se. Carpeting , "" 3 , · C'pts. ~. o I ~ l' PY T" '· P •:DO ~ UN AK T 731 "A" W. 18th St., drapes, dishwu h er . SMS. SW'./\. d~1121<',:C tud' bltns. S335 mo. Bev or c· ,. o (; ti o R 1 o n N u o M A G w P T Apert.nt1 u..fwa. 673-7787 garbage di.sposal. $.100. Sl75. i;tman .,rs io Joe 963-4567 -mo. "."I ·907A "fl. 6 .... 2 b k' d l • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• •••• 0 •) .. .... "-" ~J!l5. S ./\. r. I s. pc• s -----T JI H I H ~ T 0 () c I 0 ro; w 0 R 0 38 NICf; 2 br. 1 hll, pool, 547-9617 f!m. ~15.S./\.3br.kids.pcL~ SBr .1/12b:i.Xlnt arN1hy AUEOOAJ E I .I.A ON» ~~!~!9! ........••.. ~.~ epts.drps.<'IOllctoever ----~l!lO. Ort. 2 br.2i;tory ocean. New epts. $325 ything. $175. 548·7!Hi afl .-.ewport l •ach 386' s:!SS.C .G .veryruce2 br m o, 1 st/l a s t $10(. ANAHEIM 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S260 Wst.min 3+2. kids cleanup. I 735-0036. VIEWS! SPORTS! $2i.'i.G C .4brfoccJ · --New Canyon llimApts in Duplex. 2 Hr . 1 Ba. al· /\VAIL now, mod. 20r. ~&'i. Tustin 2+2l /house FAMILY ESTATE Anaheim Hills give you lached Aar. l <'hild OK . carport. pvt pallo. fplc , ~!l5 SA.4+2.ramily 3RR.Jo'R.Pal.Jo.Giganlic all thc:st• abundantly! Sl 90 1942 Anaheim St. lndry avail. Adlls -no )''L HN S145 H 6. cotl8jZC yo rd. O n ly $350. Call Country Club llvinl(. 642 OOR2 aner6PM. pets. 38.R UV<lil, Sept. \ltmbcr 8011rd of 968·9518or~'17M Golf. 11 tc~ni s els SPAC.· 2 hr in triplex. ll32 W.8alboali.lv.fl. __ f<t'altor A. ~tte~i:.~~ 2 BR W /POOL & Yd~. c; ~ O A II N R R (' R A Horseback ridin~. 1:2&2 Good loc'. t:ncl. gnr. S2l5. 2 BR gauge apt. AdulL"I, ""':\Bureau,°'* leas~. $3SO. 2 m1. from 111 u H R N o 1 D •• J 1'J R b rm ~ den. For {nfo No pets 675-1849 no petli. Water pd. $250. tom mttt~. beach . Avl. Aug 1 Call· 637·4300 mo 673-3023 530-1505 FM Alt....:.. 7 1 ~ -9 fl 8 -7 8 2 7 0 r M (' 0" L 0 A c ·' K 0 0 KA B u RR A lolboo lslOftd 3106 Lovely 2 Br. cplS, drps. ---- Balboa ei".;d-3204 213-00·123_2_____ RA C H M te C' O A S Y R E 11 TR E p ••••••••••••••••••••••• wood floor. Ma ture 3 BR, 2 BA Yrly B()c. to ••••••••••••••••••••••• TWNHSE 1 or 2 nn. W ID. OF.I UX E 2 br on C.rnnd ~~.~1~~1• no Pe.ls ~~i5(3> 060pen heh. extra prkt(. t•at1o. 2 8 0 2 ., ,..,..._.,,,_,...._ __ llotloll""le••..-•'«••"'· c'' I LI I B 1• I -v-o.-accnl•a~ I_ $340m<>.642·3l~ R \ Y\:n:w Dpl'<, n. t'tove & r ef rig. $175 /$210 .. ch•"'·••·..,_,« •i..-111 1 .. u.. ,.w.. rloMI .. c11 ena · ll c n · - ---R;.i. blln:r.. rrpt•.1ar 110 1,t /.I last + s.50./$75 ............ _. ... ,, .... ,-....., Bonl dO<'k, fri>I. radiant 1-'AMll.Y :l br. 111 bu, Smull opl S1 SO mqnlh '\apph1rt.2.!:J31'7·1• 552·9565 ftANDICOC'T f:MU LORY heat Yrly. $400 No pool RcdccoratM' WIW Utilitici> furn Jl 2 bl to C'OCKATOO KAl'IOA•OO LYA.Hllm t pets/children. 673-0W7 crpt. modern apts. $100 & beach 673· 1163 .!. Ocirm, den. fireplace. r ,1raaze $350 AvaU Jm med . y u r Jy . 673-3938 1 ind what you .-I.Ill In Daily Pilot C:l.llu.ln.b· Hu.itc JJf'l'Shf.(c 2 !\ty. 4 br, formal d ine nn, 21' ho, up«raded thruout. 2 Vra new. W•Jk to ocean $475 ~r mo. Call Keith or F•Y 96.%-44_7_1. ___ _ OINCO "OAl.A l't.AT'Yl'Ull : ----S210 64A 0115 -- 0 OONC. ".,O:J't:~:'tff&. WOMBAT ~ lolboo '""'tula 3107 WALK lQ BC'h. New! br. 2 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nf:WI.Y Ul'~COMTF:I> ba dphc Cpt, drpl'P. D/W, :n1ov much luctt ''S1tlr It •'Ind" pun I•~ with ovN llll $37S. Ytly 2 bf', 2 b:i, 2 2 br St60. Wuter patd. garb. d'8p. gnr. Yrly, d1-<"1W11rits Pf'' pan•I In en •ll•l\CW Hrtf'• fl( 24-JMIC• booklf•t• • • I () T1rnt'llervnl11mf'• I 11 entf"' Hnll SI fnr ~"""· m•k1nJchttk> story. z t'Rr end gar., 2193 "C.:' r un·nlut AVl" s 4 1 5 . c hi Id K f>t'" hit"' ··l\f'fk • f'lnd " In l•rt o< &hit nt...,•JMllW'· balcony. &42·1900 636·4120 bctwttn l·S 675·0642/64.2-~t.16 LIVl·NG WATERRK>HT M•w,.,t leodt Executive offices S\50·$2~ Month FROM $185 Viewor boats&watcr Oa1cwood orrers the llU. tillUNOY finest in resort liv}ng at a Real(or 67>6161 p rice you can 11fCord. NO C°'t;a Mes. Dental( 'J'liere 's . $1 mi llio~ in M~iul/Qfcsulteuvail~ r ecreation f acilities. From $3 ~5/mo Mr NIGHT LIGITTf~l) TF.N-O'Kee!e §19-813$ • • J)JJS COURTS. A full time ---.;..' _....._ _ _..._ __ _ activities d irel'lor who CdM 2QOrl7:SO ~· f\.. Opt. pla n~ parties. »RQ's, Drp~. 'A)r-.'Cdhd d., ele\•, trips & morel free Sun-prkg. 673·4l~ day brunch. -'--*_,;;;-.-----.---Plu!4 beauttru1 slnales, E ECtrnV g ' 8\ules on 1&2 bedr oom f!Pls , N~PQrt Harbor. 400 to fumis'l,ed & unfurnished. • 2200 s q fl. 642-460; Rent!! rl-om SISS Prices _6'S-__ "40S ______ _ vary b y location. Model~ open 10 to 7. Sorry no pets or children. Roommate 1cn·1ce available. Mont.h to month occupancy. Oakwood Garden Apartmes:'ts MEWPOltT'IUCH MO S4>n. dtx. suite VUI. pd, $195/Month Jtu lone>mka 6754100 -.. • l MO-FREE RENT• 1·2·3 Rm. oCDca rnnn S13S p~r mo. Near •iJ1>0rt. No leasereq . 833-mJ 91"11 noon Mf'Wl*i .... ego 1rvrne IOO' OfQ + 400' wart• At 1611'1 bout~, C!pt, lit.ell ceil'g. 9-4 5-056(1) •pr1t1. M•L lSlM 1115 mo. _____ .... •:----! Me-l.252,644·2m I •, •• . ' . . .~. r I .f'dtf ft ... Burld l t...Oia~r it. .. Hammer it ... carpet rt...Cem e".'t 1t .... w1 ~e rt ... Hoe it...Clean it ... M ove 1t ... Press tt .. P arnt 1t ... Na 11 it ... Plaster" it ... Fix it. .. 'Thuf!d!l. Ju!y 31 , 1975 DAILY PfLOT SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb i t. .. Pa tch rt. .. P ip e rt. .. e m o e Roof it. .. Landscape it ... Tile it... Trim it...Sew rt .. Haut it .. A dd rt ... Plant it. .. Alter 1t •• Learn it. . !~r.'!!~".~ ............ :.~~!!~... C.,...../Coecn.. G_...l*J Haulht9 Hous~cJeonlncJ Movln9 •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Have opening for 1 chtl1I, C'1tb1ncb. !loom Addlts hi •llAULIN'. * /\ny type houi.\'( .. ei•ninst. 3.5 yri.. fl ot luni·h P:tt i o:.. Gurage:s '. P llipsCemenlCo lbpertJapaMse '-' !o:xpr. we rurni~h own Moving ll a ulln~ Clt>an l'e n t'tid buck ynrcJ , Hrndl '~. l(J5.3562_ .Mr. Cstm Work J')oet?est. t.1uwt:-i<c'<•P•Gank>ner YARDCLEANUr t-qwpmtit. S4X lOIH alt 3. up. 2 Coth:;.:e Studt>nl~. Hc fercncoi. 641;0160. Garcia. lic/bond·751·5657aft6. Ta kalaNu rsery-646-0724 ••556-0347 •* t:xpen l•nccd &ltca:sona 3 0 C~t llOUSI'; l>lll1'Y? blc. 640-1749 267 range " C----G.....-al Senk" Garage, House & Apt. ------ • I S • --wpet Strvic:~ COfttroctor ....................... Clean out:s & Haw awuy. Call V ulene. Vt'f')' reas. Moving hauling cleanups ltH "" •rvtce ••••••·~••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "THINGS'' by Moose. 54.S.5475 &557-8487. 494·7!.t!ll F.x p , r eas, free est. ••••••··~···••••••••••• C!Jrpet & Uphols t ery p ti d k -ll I 1 d ~ R ea1·1a bl e &tu<le 11t~ N ANt:V. LiA.RNES Cl "·· iii· no, S'team •-a o c o ver s, cc s , Gen woodwork. repairs, hh d ouscc ca ning a y. ne-.. "'u .. "' rence" "le CompctJt1"ve I b" t CA2 cc13 Tras au le • ;.:ar!l~1.·/ytl nond•>blu. evn"d. '(cl'~. 847·2126 'l'ypln n Srrv1ce. Hca~ Sh am poo. "'ree e st . '" "' · P um ing, e c .... , . .,.. 1 d A h ""-.. '" ,.,. ' "' "' ~ '" prices 8 #280294 830-s:w>3 c e 8 n e · 11 Y l 1 n g Call 642 5299 rates by lht· page or 1>46-7811 · · HANDY.MAN-Homes & m oved. 536·8884 Richard. · ----PoinffftC)/,.aperinq hour 640·58~or&ao.s921. --Tom J ones Construction Apts. Conscie ntio u s ----. - -. -Landsc apin9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --'f J o hn 's Car p e t & 292255. Rm Addit. patio Cr attsm an.645-6558aft4 ttauh.ng An~hmg •••••••••••••••••••••••Prof l'ainle r. h onl'i.t 11 SUNSHINE * Upholstery. On sham cvrs. Free est. 640-1876 Curar,:e cleanup. kOTOTll.LlNGS2S work, reas. Jnt/ext, fre<' BookkeepingSl•rvicei; (s ot J re I a rd a nt s). Remove Driveways . Heli able Lands<' aping-Sod Sal~. est. R e fs. 548-275!1, 641)-S227 547· Degreasers & ~II color lncl. Grading • DI RT & F ast Scrvice . .963-9452· 1''rec est. Master charge 6-12·3913 bris;:hteners & 10 min G~tftin9 DE BRIS 833-2~ Days/t•ves960-2170 bleach for your whit e ••••••• •••••••••••••••• · · The Three of Ui; will haul carpets. Save money by Qua lity I M a int/Ldi;cp g I DO IT_..• 1 t r ash , j unk. Clean-up Jo'nrd's Land!fcar>e •••••••••••••••••••••• od kl ·1 d ""'-· garages. Sl O·Sl5 load . '-'·-I (;em ent Patios, block sa\'ing me xtra trips . s • spr rs, SOI con . E lectrical. Plumbing. 548-6801 ~/Lawns/Sprinklers _11 • Clcan living room,dirting c l en nup. 642·3331 / etc. Reas. R ates.S48·S203 _ _ _ L1C'/l11sured.962·78l7 waus. patio rovcri.. Cd rm & hall $15 A "'"6 ~s H I · . ny rm .,.. __,,.,., · . ---. ----<MH•c eontng . 1 . • , • work . ltl'ils. Uou ~ S!.·50.couch $10 •. chair S5. J APANESE GARDENER R1te Way MamtenanC'e ••••••••••••••••••••••• J !pancs<' Landscaping 646·0761 eves ~ -J;i yrs. exp. is what Elec /Plu~bing/ HOUSECLEANING is our Sod, ~C'S<'~. spnnklers. t'Ounts. not method. I do 10 yrs ex per. all phase~ Pa mtmg Businei;s. Call Janice's 1-r_ec est. C-27 6'1.'>-3388 Carpentff work mysetr. Gd. rers. Reason able/Estimates 645·8174 Afters. Raggedy Anns 'i75-6553 Masonry EXTERIORS SA\'1-: ~ R .L. Si n o r S t a t e Lit•e ns ed Ins ured Call 979-33.35 ---------Professionals will paint your home and do 1t right. l nl1 Ext. R eas- 11ds. 497-3169 & 751-0GSI. Polrttlng/PaperiftCJ rtumbl~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •QUALITY l'i\INTINC • lntt·nor & Extcno1 Call LA·c 830 72711 P uinLJng /ftepuir. 35 Y1:; wurk guar. tukt' udvan tn~c of my citp. 53H 70SI> INT. 1-:x T., 1 br. S79. & 01>, Wt' do aCOUlill('. fret• Clo.\ • uft. 4. GreJ{. 960 Z7Gt> Patios ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cr~ath·• De9CJl1S INTE H & EXTERIOll Patio covers, Ma!>onry Carpentry, t-:te ... Tt't' e:-.t 1''111 r P r i<'c. C::ill Ken &12·1770or R ayb75 !J IS.l. JUST PLUMllNG7 f' Ji.l SC'r\ Ht>N~ Hall'S J ui.t One Call To JUST PJ.UMHl.Nt; * 612 '1111 * L H. OTIS Plumbing Watl'r tit rs, all sit.es, dlh· pos<Als, !>loppa~es, r r µairs, rt:moclt'hng unll • rep1ping. ·cw <.:onstru ·- two 21 ll r~. lk & uo111J l;,t2-6263 M \llV':-. PLllMHll\1, • G4 ti· !:tl07 • 1\0 J O U TOO SMALi. UH1\IN CL l•: . .\IU:uso.so t-:n•:. Wknds·Samc Pm·r Cuar 558 7:A!O Scott's Patio Cov1·rs T S .1 Com pl thru finaJ 1n'JK'<' op 01 i-T{'C e~t h-1~· ~t.i21 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • .. Tuµ :-.01 l • l ·umpo ... t • ptasttt/Repair •.\lukh• Redwood• •••••••••••••••••••••• 531·0101 Call 751-1937. _ . ---Hmalin9 - --• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SAVE & Profit. Cuslum CHtt~/C~ JAPAN ESE EXP E RT ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wa nt a. HF.AL CLEAN WI LLIA MS &~ons • • • •• ••••• • • •••• •• • •• •• C .J 11 SMO-~:lJ Coll<'ge student-Airless Vt-:HY NEAT f'AT<'ll • - - eqwp. -1 yrs. exp. Refs. J OBS & fn ;STUCCO Tre e Sen1c~ r em1od l. rep~'r1r, at.Id on&.••••••••••••••••••••••• GARDENE R Industrial. ll~USE? Ca ll <?ml{ham Masonrv. Brick/Block & tnsu a ion . .-et! f'::.l, Comme rc ia l. Rei;1dCJl· $12 o Load Girl. Free Ests. &1~5123. Slone. C::ill 581-7829 Des1gmi. 64!'i-34J9. Patios. Ori ves-Rlock & tial. 548-7958/548·51R2 Get rid of unsi~htly No job too lrg or :.ml. 1-'ree <''il. 893 J43!l ••• • • • • •• • • • •••• ••••••• Material at discount. Ph : ----------Tr<•1· lh·moval, llrnbing t.· 6i3·3658 aftcr5. Ptumbin9 Shruh d~a nng . .Hotottll· 1 •llOUSECL~ANING • Movint] By RcliableC:oupll· ••••••••••••••••••••••• --. -:----Sl umps t o ne W a l ls · TRASH &DEl:UUS Carpentry Scr\'1ccs. All P la nt e r s Lic/Uond Cleanups, treework , Coll.Student 548-6428 ••••• • • • • • • • ••• •••••••• 1 nc. ij...12.~bZ.t .. Paperh angin~ Phases & ttemodcling. 645.8720 • · r o t o l i 11 i n g. Mi n o r C us tom Woodworking · landscp'g, 10yrs in area. SF.LL idle items with ;i 642·7075 Classified Ads '"42·5618 b46-2693. Daily Pilot Classified Ad. Gd ratt.!s~Hcfs S48·6271 Moving/Haulint:. Studcnl Have s omething to :sell:> w /l;i rge truc k . Rea~. Cla ssifi ed ads do it well. Barry. 537 ·9445/839-5779. Profes!>1onal, Rea~on::i· Any p lu mbing-w.it C"r blc r'ree i::~t., C7J . .)g29 ~ l' r v-1 <.'a k s-ma ro l 1 lt .\it. s PM -1 t•ntlusu res-r cas. 83:! 2168 Ford's T rt-e ~rvu,•c E ..:pcricncl'tl Crc~\ l.k I n~ured 962· 7817 C>Ktce Rental 4400 Industrial Rental 4500 Lost & F<Meftd 530<' ···············••••f••• ······················· ...................... . SS• PER SQ FT 1200 Sq. Ft. M -1 w/front LOST : Brn s pare tir e ~;:.:?! I !!~!.~~·.·.~ueee!!.~~ ~ ~~·.e:! ..... ~!.~~ !!~ ~.a:-,!:.~••u•?!.~~ ~~f.~ ~·::!•••••~ ! ~~1 ~~1f. ~ :'."!:.~•••••~!.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• BABYS IT TF:R Ma t ure BOOKK EEPEH Woma>i COl'Pt.ES l~1>0king for 1617 WESTCLJ FF-Nn office, lge r ear door. 220 compar t dr w/lic. plate AGT . 541·5032 3-Phase. Unit 16. $185.629 248HOZ. valuable. O n si4o up store·off~L':': c~ts T erminal Way, Costa Adams C M. Please C<Jll drps air bath. 17 01 Mesa. D a ys 540·5710, 968·4914. eves. 646-0681 -----------lleach HI JI.A. St2 28J.t FOUND. White & brown SINGLt; t;;Grm suites. SOO ' M 1, nr 17th & Sia mese k itte n. Hig h A\·ail. in plu:.h orrice Pl ace ntia C M .. 220 School area. Laguna bldg nr. OC Airport. l"u ll pwr/pr kg /exhst air. 12 Beach. 497-2991. Schools & lady needed for 2 ~iris, 7 over 25, Ma rine exp. scn11us 2nd 1ncum_c. mv tnstruc:tiOft 7005 & 5. 4 d :iv wk. Nr . h 1 f 1 hth d &l pan wife &. I an• \\ilhn;.t tn ••••••••••••••••••••••• E dwards/S.lat er , HU n~! u.,:u~I l~m·e f~i ng~ h<"lp th1• rq::ht peopk' LI bo y · Pr ·Sch 1 847·3029 h · •. ~,5.4~!0 • 5!>2 8XM for a~11x_. __ _ , ar r 1ew e oo __ _ _ _ ___ enc s "" now acc;epting Fall re~is. BABYSIT & clean house BOOKKEEP ER/SECY OE "TJ\L Sµet·1:i1i ... t·~. or. 2 1n·K1nd ergar tt!n . for 2vrold&in(anl Wed f Ill . 1' f1 tr M'l'k !> p;irl llmt' 640·8820 & Fri. R 30 to 4 :30 .• !' i m.,~2· ...,,!!•versa f.!l:'n••ra l uffit·e hr lp. --... anne .,... ·""""" L• ••• Job W te-d 7075 Permanent !)4A.57fi6 . lnsu ra11n~ t•lr. r.\p u service ind; Recep-cents. 646·1252 /644·2228 tionisl, conference r m, . xerox, et('. Call 833-3640 Rentals Wanted 460 s an • -Bo°"bepinq Moehlne µref'll. 842 fj631 JJ . B. FOUND : Beagle m ix. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BABYSITTER Needed . O al area. male, Ta n & WhL Vic Exp t e a ch er education M .. ~. 6 30 AM 10 4..JC per or --__ _ l St h & Monrovia, Nil. deg. desire:-; i;>/t.work. N<-PM for boy 8 & J:•rl 6 in To post <!Cents. receiva· Denl<sl A~~1,..t;.int 646•7232 ph o ne sol1c1tat1o n Nwpt. fl~ts. area. Call : blc. 1 week per month + 2 Mos. Summc•r lk liC'f OHice r~r rent, xlnt San WANTED. Space for40x8' 848~02<H 548-SIW-1 aft SPM s:ener al offit'e work 2 or 3 1-:xJ>('r not nt't't•,,ary X Jua n Capistrano Loe. Trailer. Irvine teacher . FOUND: Blk & lan Shep. afternoons per week on Hay h<'. nc·edl'<l 1.1 r :!lX5. 496·8101. 1 833·1498. mix. approx. l yr . Male. TYPING liANKING a 11 o t h c r w et! k s. •••••••••••••••••••••• 'JUNIOR SALESMEN A~es 12-16. E a rn S20-S40 per \\eek getting ne w subscri bers to the DAILY P ILOT after school and Saturdays. No de li ve r i es o r col l ec tin g . Trans portation furnished. Huntington Bea ch -Fount a in Valley areas. call M0-1Z10 I.-;qua l Opportunity Emplo}er V B t I &s..,..,...e SA MYHOME 548·3JO<I ConvHtionalLoan R1ch::ird·s Markel. 3433 NEW PORT t-·1nancial R "bl · ed I IC n s O .,.~~ • Cen~er, l'Xccuti~·: suite. n:~s~Ref~~~-up::.P0~ Hgts. 546·0116_. _____ Hf'lp Wanted 7100 Und~rwritH'S Via Lulo. NB. DENTAL Asst. Ortho th <m~rdc.:, p timt· HelpWont~d 7100HelpWanted 7100 &. full l lffil', Jrv111e ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• avail. /\u~. l. SI •J. inC'lds ? To SJOO Lease. XJnt re· FOUND: July 26. m ans ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Proce-s~ t e l ep h unc uns w.e r fcr ences.548·3729 rin~ in Safeway Mrkt in ACCOUNTANT Downey Savins:s & Loan service. secrct a r u iJ -. candy bin. !>1S·bl6S M:,g Male or (l·malt. (ull tws immediate openings a vai l. P aul, fi·t0-8325 Widower e mployed sales svs.CM. l'hargl'. 10 handle thru inits LoanDept.alSanta wltdays. exec. l o cal reside nt fi n n nci:il ~l atemcnb . Ana ror Loan Processor~ · .. . w/young son, currently LOST: Siam ese, female for pn \Jti•tt·imil:>Clubin & U nderwriters . Ex -A~RPORT Olf1ce Suites. involved in expensive cat, grey & wht. May Ncwixirr lk;ich. St-nd re-JJl'n em·ed 10 f'Hl.MC & E legant & reasonable. schooling. Must find un· have blue collar & li e. sume inl'ldg s;ilary re· r-·~ Mt\ Convl'n l1o n a 1 Agen~979·853:\ fu rn. estate guest house Vi c. H B . 644-8866 or quirl'mPnls lo P.O.Box Loan,,. Contact M r . or ? Extensive property 968·5374 anytime d:1y or 2800. Nl'\\ port Beach. Ca R 1 ch a rd D aven por t . FREE RENT if you ad now. m aintenance & manage-nite. Rt::WAHU ! !l26tiJ. (7 1 I t51!1 881 1 m cnl cxperienC"e in re· tum for foll or partial New deluxe offiec space for la rie or i.mall u:.crs rent. 546·5638. Liberal lenanl improve-lusiness/lnvHt/ ments. all amcnit1c•<; too. financ~ L o c a led al 20902 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lirook hu~sl. llunl111~on Bllliness Beach. to! r. cur J\tl;rnta 0 rlu 'ty SOOS & Brookhuri.l. Agent un ppo ni prem i.se&-.. or caJI .J\Jtr .. ••• • • •• •• • • ••••••• ••••• Micltael Nk Ginrus (il4l MANU FACTURL'1G Reward ! Eni.:a1tcm1·11l & wed ring set, mscnli~:d .. WO R &''MAI<.' Vtl· M ark e t R s k t . :'\B 673-2145 or 673-6'135 A~~ol H.....ad HA HT EN n i-: H. b :1 r ,\ • -...,... rt'Sl.111ra11l. lull 111nl· HN·rl·Cleani~~-F'ull or Call fCtr .qmt ~ IU !~I I I Pi ;\Ion-l-'r1 or wknds. . · ·> Oran~c. NB, or Irvine. BEAL'Tl<'I \ '\ ew·11 prr Wrillc' Ad 1!329, Daily f"d. hut 1111t llt'<' \llr~tt· l'1lot I' o l\ox 15'i0. Costa1 tin• lll'at l'l'r.!>Oll for Jl .Mc ... ~1. !:126:!1, t r a 1· t 1 \' l' n t' :i l n l'1ghbo rhood s hop 548·61.M. BOOKKEEPER F /C 1 Girl orf1ce , Newport/ Irvine a rea . Prefer som e C'onstruc tion exp. Xlnt salary, ful l 11n1on medical be ncf1h. 833-1106 • 8oys -Glris ir ~""'!'µape r Carri<·r• ''ant c•<I. A II p;.irt~ nf1 Co,..t;1 .\ll'sa anrl ;'\(•\\ llOrl 11(-..ich. Top Pay_ ~17 113'11 C.1hforn1:i Lic<'n.c;Ni MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST ln wod. 111 200 bt•d hos p1t:il. W 1 l l in ~ 111 rnt:ih· wC"ekends. Exp 111 m 1l·roh1olo.:y. 552·7800. 11 O ll S lo: K 1-: E PE R . M:cll' or h·m al1•, maturt•. U F. !Ii T ,\ I. 1\ "" 1 't ' n l . ch;11rsid1•. limu l'\JI. ,:.... ray Ir<' rl'q If l>t:! OliO!! Eni•hsh !'.Pt:akin)o!. hve in a~~n·ssl\ t•, hard worlo. or uut. ror :1 ~chi a ge· i n~. for fast qrow111~ ~1rb. lla:-iic cooking clcaninf! serviC'e Ahle lo llunt. ll arbour bonh' le;id othl'r!> & tran:.J)Orl. :-.. .1 t ,1 r y o Jl 1• n. Cu 11 n mus t 5:i6 62!-;. DENTAL Ifft; 1.t!3ti d ayi.; C\'t'S &. REC EPTIOMIST wl.nrb 84fl·7073. ''.1rt 11111.. "\µ.·ric·11n·1J . ---- 11,,1111 " ~. 11cl 1 "'tlf)ll' to llOL'SL·:K !o: E PEH. & can• J• u 11 .. , t l"i 'L"' p<•rt of ti ?'r. old boy, approx 2 BcJL·h. I .J. !f.!1J,'.I lo fi wkd) s. l\r. llopl' (IE '\T \I. \~SI ST .\l\.T l•:q>"tl \ h :11 n,irll• l n thU'IJ~li1· l ';111 :.IX !(.'l.11 DISPATCHER f';rJ\ "~.•rd !ih1fl. 1\pJ'h in JH'r :-.un. \'u·w Sehl. ll1•a111 AUi! I >Wi ·465>! INSPECTOR l'r1 ·n.,11m ShN•l Md:1I "u'l !,.now n.1l pall1·rn lit\ uul. ta •nd allow:mi:c. l~I lll'>J>l'l·lmn. hlank an· c;pection & \\cldm·! m· ~pet_1run ~1 a n<• l!t'r Tr Jlnt!e Need a ll'w good m1•n ru trarn a~ futun· -.tor\· m " n :1 J! t· r <. • !\ n <· >.. f)Crl\'OC\! lll'C'\">S:tr~. Jll"t a "'ill1nl'.!nt·..,,.. tu \A.or h. hard & ft11l11\\ 111:>1r1.11 .. t1ons. St•n1I enmpil'll' ,., . :-umc to t\d ~11 11.~. 1>;111~· Pilot P 0 Bo'I.. l :>i.tl (.'11 ... la \h•,.1, ( ';1 ~26 996•8460 Collec1. P ROPRIETARY LINES ·-Very profitable. ~ A-.ntd 4450 S60.<m. LOST: In lrnnc. l-'cm:1le Irish setter. l r m(.)!. old. Leath. collar & laJ?'> "Mon roe ... nt'\\ard ! Ple a s e call ~lartl)n 552-8373. •\PPOl:-.:T:\I ~:\'TSECY Telcphuqe. Evenings. 5· PM. ouT ol ficc. CdM Permanen t. Good s alarv Beauty Salon Tl STIS CONMU~lTY I IOSPlTJ\L . li lllli38 9600ext 30l YELLOW CAB 18G E . 16th. C<i5tJ \1(>S3 .1'0 PHO.St-; CALLS ru:AsF: Spoce-Tetltnd. 1922 Placentia Ave, Cl\l0 MASSAGE TECH Young l:1rl.' llR-2.X) for \c.:gll1matc 1ul1 t1me ~1- t1ni1. ="•' e'Jll'r. nei:. W+> s end to scho<Jl, N1rn - while you learn 1\pply in •••••• ••••••••••••••••• 29'-~ d own + THE COLONY 30 RETAIL SHOPS Prime reasonable spal'e availa ble faq.(c & s mall. Old wor ld r harm with French winnows, gable::; & irecs. AdJacenl to F e s t i val o f Art s Grounds. 580 B l{(>A OW i\ Y LJ\GUN:\ Bl::/\Cll 494-7915 Small lnvenlol'j· HOLLA.MD BUSINESS 6-15·11 I70 SA LF.S 540-0608 LIQUO H STORI:: Cent r<1 ll r locat ed in Newport B(•ach. S78.000 full price includes invty .. li e. et c. A~rts: Bill or Steve. 546-8640 M~09es, Tntst Deeds 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LO.ANS up to 80 % ---I st TD Loans4>/..t" '!•NO TD Loam . TOP LOC :\TION MESA VERDE DRIVE PL.AU for store or orr1t·c. Ample parking. To\\ n & l'Uu ntry atmosphere 1525 ~esa Verde Ur. Jo:. Costa Mesa. 5-15 4123 I .o"' est rates Orange Co. SQttfer Mtg. Co. 642 2171 545·1J611 Servms: Harbor art"a 24 years PVT. PA HTY will buy 2nd T. 0 °!>. Min. dii.counL T H E !o' A C T 0 H Y · Call· 642·3Si3 Newport. l clc::il shop avail. in the mall. $140. Announc~mtftts/ mo. 673-960ii Personals/ lost & FoUnd 1830 Sq. }o"t. (.' :! bid)? l!Otil ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST : While & Or ange for m ature. persaus t\•' Cat . Vi c:. A I t extrovert. 833·3656 m Capistrano. flea collar 752-0623 I ;inswers l o .. Pani:ho·· - 727.496-9221 i\pt. ~l f.!r m ature SIT_lall FOl"ND: Wht (•:it with huildinf.! s ome m amt \pt + + Kurt.541·5311. d1sl1 nct m arkmc~. Nr. ---------• TcWmklc Jr. Iii. Iden· t1fy 557-160_7. ____ _ Lost: Wht & Apricot Poo die. Vic : 1':1 1-:ncanlo & Pacific Cst Hwy. IJuna P l. Answers to name ol J> e a c h c s • R r ~ a r ti 493·0059. A snmblen /Pllcjrs G~neral Laborers TEMPO T..-mpor<try l klp 17802 Sky Park, lrvint• l' a II 540-4455 1\SSEM liLER 6 mos-exp. f''O UN V :. St :i m.c s t•. Electronic assembly- fem ale. k1llen. ) l'llo~ soldering Co. will lrain. flea collar. v1('. Ba looa l.:ir k En~inecring. • Blvd . & Adams. NB. W.16lhSt.. ~B.612·!120.5 673·7293 -A">i;emhl\' Work p timl' LOST: Srh·t'r !'•inch (or s m{ill hrass \'al\t> Bowl. par t of the 1 lllnl m a nu f n l' a r O . c . i n g t o n T ide l an<b J\1rport. Woman 30·5 Perpetual Trophy a,l the yrs. Approx 6 hrs, 5 days Newport Harbor \ acht wk. 557-7283 Club. Finder. pis conltlC't , ----- Mgr. 673-7730. H you A UTO Gt\RR IER·pa rt know its where<ibout~. tim <'. Jkgisl<'r. 2-4 P:'\I Rew:ir d• v.cckdays. early .\M Sat & Sun. Nt•ed rdiable car. 540·3006. Woucly THE NEW BROADWAY LAGUNA HILLS lnterviewiftCJ For •F/T OPERATORS •RECEPTIONIST For on oppotnfmmt . Catl586-f901 Or 1\ppl.> in l'erson THE BROADWAY LAGUNA HILLS MALL c 0 ... Lot Mon l•> d e:in n1•w l'ar-.. :'\-1usr he cxpt•ric•nrl'<I & n •h.1 ltk . Steady Job. ('" bl•nt•f1ls, ~ood hours .. \11- ply 1n person only. 1\lo phone ratls. T~rry Buick 5Tll & W:1l11111 lluntinglo11 I ~ ;,. h CASHIER Full lime onlr. Age 20+ .Serious applicants. Good pay. 5 Lol'at inns M~tro CcrWosh 2950 II arbor Bl.{' M. CENTRAL SUPPLY Hu:.pitJI exp. required. Full time, day shift Xlnt hend1ts & working c·on d 1tions. ·ontact Mr s. 1-·ranc1S<'us. M 2·27J4. Costa Mt'Sa Memorial Hospital. 301 Victoria. C.M. 1-:o r. ----- DRAPERY Wnrkrm. I':\· p 'd. only. w a.I!<' OJlt•n C';1rmPn ·s Vr<ipcrics, 642-1435 -----Drivl.'rS n l•edt-<L C!lll Yellow <.;ab. L a ~una lleach. Good dn ving re· cord required. 496·4242. Urug Store Cl"rk Fo r l arJ?c tl .R . drugsto r l::xpr pn•(, Approx. J' hr/wk. U\l•r 24. 847-2563. ----0 ry Cleanin Pres~er ex per ·d. 40 hr wk. J\pply in person or call 5'18·2'221 ask for Mr. Moni~. Ele ctro-Mechanical· Assemblers In s u ra nce St>cr etary person any aflc·moon or ·wanrc<.I. Pr rsonal line~ t'\'l'. :!112 H<srbor Blvd. c·~periem•e prcft'rr l•d . Custa Mrsa Typrng, tn\01c1n~ & of· -- --.-- fiee routine. S<JUth Cua:,t Masseuse/Recpmst lns urantl.'. 211 Ot•c:in for !'\!-:\\' S P\ m llunl /\\.e. Laguna Bc.:a ch . 1ngton fk;id1. 1-\111 or '19'1·1031. pal'l l1m1 · :\o l'\PL'r nt>r Will Lr .11n . 21 \'rs •>I' lnsurance/Clcri<'al olckr. (':111 for Jppoml• i-:xpcnenccd 2 yr::; min m«nl lwl\\ l.'l'll 111 .·\.M & 10 fnr J.:Cncr al aj.(nc•y. I• 'T. 1':'>1 7 clays. !Jf;:J i723. 15 hr s 14'k. HU a r ea . --- !163·5&1i. MECHANIC -r>..tro1l U1csel ffi('t:han1t· Inter ior Dt>s ignc r · c•x nccdrd. All moclcb: ,onlv prnencc nccessar} en de· qu;ihl 1ed appllr anti. app. ~1j.!n & s ales in quality Iv. 714 521-6-110. fu rnis hings. <.:a ll for · i-:o Ernployl·r_. __ appt. bt wn !I & IOam on· Iv 642·2050. ~lt·dit'::il Frnnt Office 11111--T-----=-=---=-=-=, Sl·crcl1H}' E:o.p·d onl'. .-.uz.un.VJ.AJ.J:.S\J!IJAJ.JWWllWL M usl typl' 70.80 WP ~1 , In inc Pcr!>onnl'f ~i~ ~l·~port Bc:wh .Medical l>if1<·<'. I'll. 5~ 5121 for lflll'I \ il.'W. lnspedors Minim l Yr. llJ quality 1nduslrtal expr. J\no"' color code. Good sold<'r 4R8 F.. 17th (Al1r,rncl ~IGHT Al "DITOR. ing s kills. Good benefits Suite 22-1 Co!>lu Mt·~;i <'XP d req 'd . 4200 NCR. & oppor tunity for advan· Coll 642-1470 Xlnl hl'nef1ls. l'l<':tsc call cemenl. Delta Electronic for :Jppt., Cont ro I <.: orp. 64{). 7776. f.-.MNW-.,_,.W"llllNV',_,."I Ra I boa Ba v Club. (rot') 1:!21 W. Coa:.t ·llwy. NB. 6-15·5000. (''((. :'i20 • , 1 Bolsa n r. LWach lll\'d. Lost & found 5300 Rcasonabll·. f~'4·61i2 ••••••••• •••••••••••••• LOST: Wht. Samoyed male Hu!.k~. appro~. l y r. old. Vic. 17th & Old N wpt. Blvd. CM. 642-7747 AUTO Mechanics ( Locall.'d al San Dit•J.!o Freeway & 1-;1 Toro lhl) lnterviC"w1ni: !tours 9 :30-11 ::.>AJ\I CHALLEMGING Envelope stuffer $25 . training .ind JObs availa· No exp nCl'. Send self hll• in th1· US /\rm~·-add ressed & :.lamped ~our /\rmy. Call your env to; Je>wetry Salrs DuC' to el\p~1ns 1on .J 11 1-:RBE R T HALI J EW!o;l.l.Jo:HS 1~ no"' In tcrv1cwins.: 1'\ur'l'S /\1dt•s :1-1 l . l'Xp"d prd II ML'~ a \"crde Con· '·"l'!i<'l'nl llo:-p. 661 l"~•nft•r St l' .\1 D ELUX 1-; off1l·c, c-omrn 'I LOST !FOUND & inrlu:slrl;il span•s. Also A PET? mi ni w a r choui;cs in 960·2900Adoµllon.Low L:litun a Niguel & Mission ~_?St Spay Ncutl'r !nfo. ~·iejo :treas., llan<ly to LOST: Puli. Shu~gy Blk. ~an Diego l'wy. 200 lo med-s1zc'1 mall' ~log SIOO 2000 sq fr. As low ns :Jq R ..:w·A HI> • ti73-~, pets f\ S3M'100 - --f'Ot'N I.>. Lr". 1\(ghan Cai"pclcd, d rapctl. \\ •lh hound. lite tan (Mission re~t roon\ & q1uc.:t 7rou'.~d Viejo>. t::ill 586-0059 (l{l{Jr :\I f'!>,t1 \ r nlt loc._. ~-_ Personals 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PREGNANf? Car in g conf1dC'nli:J I counseling & referra l. Abortion. adoption & kt!eping. APCJ\ RE S.17 256.1 Drink in~ problem? Call Alcohol Helpline 24 h rs a d ay835-3830 AMC •Heavy Li~ •Transmission •Jeep •4 Wheel Drive • Conl:il-l Wa ll •KKENDON r AMC'1.JEEP , ,,•,I l I , & 2•30· l <~J 1':'11 Monrlay thr u Saturday Equ al Oppor. t-:mploycr Fk>a\Jty Oper'i; busy shop. Xlnt SS opp. No foll rcq El Toro 586 2!'15.'l BEAUTY OPF.ll/\TOH F.arn m ore ll\' rcnllnJ.: s p a c e • F a s ti 1 on a b I l' Newport Re~1ch s.ilon. Ask for J im . 644·7321 tlo n. l 'I i lit tt:-. paid. 1-'0UN o. Mu le A(ghan E' cryth1n~ 1:. new. 425 hound. nc. Pfacentia & sq.It. al S3~ a month. 19th .. C.M. llas summer If S46-5900 .or675006l c\~. chp 646·1896or540-1500. ~gent ask for Lilli~ __ _ PROBLEMS? WE CARE ONE WAY HEL P CENTER 24 hr Hot Line645-8800 COSl.l MES~ )~9 8023 sPrRITUAL READER *Auto Sdellfteft BE AUTY OP t-:H. a s J Sha mpoo a sst. Lir"d. Guar. Salary. fu ll or pl. time. DeSilva ll :i1 r Fashions. Laiz. l11lls 586-2770 .. '1 CANNf:RY \111.l,,\(\!o; on J lst Strc\'t • FOUND: 7/12. mole cal. Vic. Raleigh & Wilson CM. White blk & gray. ;tripes S48-317'i! 1000 Pl. ·::; S(J n :ITT with 1)<1rkin~ lot (;!FT 1\NTJQu1-; 1-'0UNO : Pigeon , all MAlllNE-q,.OTHI NC while Pink eyes. Vic. 'BOU"f'fQU!-; CM. Ba ker St.~5.565. Open 10AMto10 PM G~t Set For Advice on ull matters . •7 6 C HEYETTES! 312 N. El Catnino Real nusy Chevy store to ad San Clem ente, For appt. lJI experienced com Boys & Girls 492.9034 <\9'l·9t36 sales men ror straigh 10 lo 14 years of aRe. Dai s e l l. In cx p a ndln Hello SwffftMGrl Or::inRc County Airport ly Prlot delivery routes Hope you a re mastering area. Top pay & monthl may be availabl<' in your the gymnasti<'s of your bonuses. Opp. for ad van· a rea. Earn proltt for de· s i t ua t i o n w /supe rb cement. liveries&. caiih, trips or J,ea se t.J y Own e r Jo'OUND: Mf.le Samoyed. 675·6009 • 645·9160 Male beagle ty~ GoJdn Store, ~Dlin front:i~e in W5t/Warne r &17-Tfj09 •, his\orl ~ San Clemente FOUND: Boy'sliicycle Hotel. St!O. 4~·84]0 __ Baycrest area techniqu1o•! merchandise for scllin~ Lovt_>[.O HOWARD ne w subscriptions . ..-or infor mation please call •, . .. •••••••••••,•••••••••••FOUN D · W~t Suit. El Toro Rd, Laguna Hills. 837 3425 tMastrfcd R...tal 4500 646'7842 *MISSION We lovetomMSageyou ChevrolH 642-4321. Fro m S nn SoCall64.S-0860 Oove &Quai1 St. Cleme nte -San Juan We're al2626 Nwpt. Bl vd Hewporta..dt Capis tra no urcn. call Nellr th • f"alrgrounds 495·0630 and M1ss wn Vie Il't. Gr eat Don't Wait 4 ---------lllllf jo-El Toro art>a , call VIEJO• LOST b-lk_&_w_ht_al_le_r_ed *Abraxas Massap• N ew Jnduat.ri11l space m ale <'8l. black spot on Kaye, Rita. J eanne. 581-6310. Equal Oppclr. Employer AYON now ava ila ble. 1400 t o nose. Vic. Redlan<l le Trish. Carolyn & Mary Let Th l(ids Do 15,0DO lq. ft. ·lmmcd1ate M es a . .,. a mlly pH. a re waitmi.r lo help you! 7 T ... -H:__-L BO AT occu p•p~~-Alecia at S48·4147 or645-2271 da y~ a wk .• lOAM t o ..,.. -...----.il Gtt"'animo. 12PM, 1733 Fullerton, This S•11Ue•r GELCOATER SAV~: MOST LOST : Lie orange rhalc CM. 631-JJ84 Dt;VEl.OPMENT cat w /whit• OH coUar ! -----Gt\ out & meet people. Xlnl pay, t?'OOd futur«" for ~ l D l •It • ' . FI a s h Th@oks to S1c1crcd Hen rt. add new lntereAf. earn pcrAOn with production :t: or aft.. '6 p.m Montl(omcry", Vic:. Sl Theresa & Mother money sellln g quol1ty experience & ub~llly to Harbor Hl a blands, Cabrin, Cor !!lvors ob p rodu cts. lntcr tst ed? ma intain & rcpolr sproy DELU~.E lnduslria) u nll• Re ward. ~4~7671 or lained. Call: 540·70.U "Zenith :1~~~"~el~o~~\i~I~~~ with o rlua: 1300. 1400. 548·2007 fNffi 5450 .7.·l•35•9•d•a•y•s··----•t mOld~ & van4!'ty or "mull JSOO, 1900. 2212. 3740 to ~ l c• r ... ... 6000 sq ft &t.2 ... 463 or FOUND ladies • lng ••••••••••••••••••••••• pa r s. ..oppe • .. p,r &41•H04. Ait. °"' pre· rinl Corona del ar. FLY NOW TO E\JROrE e fastest draw ln the derlnlte a d vant&ft<'. ~II nt'-9. 71'. w. 17\h St ., P\east" call It lndentJfy. SJOO Round Trip. 747 Jet. We st. • .a 0a11y Pilot collect. '103-46.5-3723 nsk C.M. 644· 1403 Ownr. uct10te834-l229. Clauified Ad. &12..s6T8. Russ Smllh i\rrn y Hec•ruiter al Hunt· Sullivan. Inc-. ini;ton lkadi. 962-8821: 1:4 1 B· Clearbrook 1,n Co..-.La Mc~.1. 6 15-1163. Costa M l.'sa. Ca. !Y.!62fi C t.Jo:/\N I NG L:t d 'J,1'.AS HIONS. Wa nted 4 thoroui;:hly exp·d. s.1. hr, women 4 hrs, 4 doys. $4. llunt. fl hr 213·592·2709 to S6. hr. P refer women wtfamli es. Local area CLERK TYPfST Need UM' of tar 5'111 :'llK3 Accb payablb cle rk. EN OF"' H l . T} ping 50 wpm. Coon G · '"" ca"Y ypinJ!. ~ 1fi j!url's. i-:xp. nol nee mm. 50W PM. Prl'fer en· Salary $425. Newpor t th us1as t H· yn ~. in - Reat h ins urance offi ce. d i ,·1dua l. No ~h t hd. Good company benefits. Im med. open'.!!. Fu II Call Mrs. Ncal83J..8450 time. S500 mo. Irv. In· COLLEGE-TRADE SCHOOL Pait! w h ile tr a ini ng. \'our Army Recruiter ha~ all the dt.otails. Call him at Costa Mesa, ti45·11 63 ; llu nlingto11 lk h , 962-8821 du!'trial Cmplx. 979-2880 Gail -------- Girl Friday Varied duties in rental office Type. fil{ure ap titude. 5 day week incl. Sat/Sun. W111in~ness to le arn m ort• importa nt than cxpr. Ask for 8 .J. Col ~tudents, p it sis, d e· 84fi-13 11 ______ _ hv. F.vcs/Sat.C.ar.phone ---G-I RI FHIDAY• nee Mr Lyons ~·JOOd • • , ...:...... --·-....____ 1ntE'rior Decor ator Needs COOK 2nd Cook wanted Cirl with Sales & Design (or Line work. AM s hift. Ability .642-2210. ~~~kt~>~ .c~~r; ~ Lido --HAIRSTYLISTS With Followmi.t cooK·s asi.t. & i;hort Ol'· Mtwporler Inn Salon Store Managcrc; Assbtant Mw1:11;ecrs Q11alified S;ilcs l'eo!Jlt• Xl n~ opportunity, phont for appo1nl mcnl lOam ti Noon Mr. Bord on 547·8332. ---- L.101es Special Shops ha' • Murs~s Ajdes * i-:xpl•r'tl. ;.3 &:111 Shin~. nc'l'<kd in largt• S.N.1'', \ppl~ Hov .1 [(' Conv. ll()!';p 1i1:Jll W. "arner Sant.1 ,\nJ 546-6450 openings for ~:ih· ... i;irl... -..: l ' R s 1-: s ,\ I D Es . IM a n a)!cl'!lenl rwlc n 13a) \'ll'W Con\ alescenl ti.ii > llunlani.?t11n l\<•.wh llos pit.il 205.'> T hurin, area 'all S.-12 123 r C;\I 642 :lso:i Land sc-ape Fon•ni.rn. Clffo'I C I·: work. J. d ay ):rs l'Xper .. m·n:"~ar~. \\l'l'I.. 10 ko.·y. postin~. Contact J1 m .1-.1m ~·r. :\ l'.~.75.hr644·9090 Gr eenhaven Gardens. ---- 646-3927. One more clay & lhe week -'" mer. Tired feet? No LEGAL SECRETARY )!<ts in the <"ar? But still For gener:.I pra<'l1cc in Newport Beach. Exp rn corporate & real p ro pertit•s helpful. l' 1t1mr con!lidcred. fl4.5·:xll.!O. no Job? Come in & sec us . /\II lcvf'IS or emplo~ - n1l'lll. CO:'\TROLCAREER Emplc1)•mcnt Agency 3400 rr·. me. Ste 109-8 MACHIMIST ~nt B1·h <714 l 556-850."> S mall , clean shop·40 hr. week & t op pav for l'»rtt1m1•.high schoolslu· s k I I I e d J! c n ~· r a I d<'nt. dl'li ven cs. clean up mac hinis t. Toohnl{ & & stock clerk. Must be short r un proour tinn p e r~o n abl<'. neat ~P So me ex p . w / pro p1•:ira1H·e. willing t•1 g r e ssl ve d ies req 'd . \\ork Appl)' Purty World Costa Mesa 642.1!()8(1. 2025 Newp<)rt Blvd. Canu der 1:ook.full lime. must 6"1-4·06f>l or 540.~ he 21 Cnll for uppt. -MAIO, pnrttime 549 9444 Housek eeper for working HARBOR INN Mon:r. Mesa. -------- C'OOKS & Dnvef'!'. ~:.rn par ents. 2 sC'h~>Ol age ___ ~·346.1 f'Xlra dollars p /llme. M girls, 5 dayi.. hvc out. MAIO WANTF,I> & F.d'• Pmn, 4\0 E 17th. ~85-P a rt Timc •Call <.:M ---Housekeeper, lite tkan ~so Motel * 646 96111 Cooks wuntt-tl S:1m1>o·s ing & eoolung f or MA lNTAINENCEC<>uph• rll'i.touranl. M1~~1on \'ie· wido~er & 2 lN'M{ter. · for Resta urant La1tun;i PIX Answeriftca SerY 11 Locations. All shin.~ in-all . .,.u ll or p/Um •• 1-: 0 E. 540-1962. ---- PIX-lxp'd Nq(h l5. l.C'ad1n' N .8 Hotel. Call Ja ne Elle.i. 644· 1700 E 0 E jo, l'ru"' n \'alh·~ Pkwy & ~>46·3182 Beach area. call Mn Sun D1c1<<> F\\-y, H.31·9814. HOUSEICIEEPEllS Smith, 499~.5 Pe r son 21 40, trn for cot1 rr.F: 45 t o 6() t o &KITCH.AIDES Mt1lnte nanct' Uelper age m ttmt. $150 wk auarn. ---- mnnnJie H7 unit apt C'On1 R ~llr~m e n t cenl {'r , 18·23. $2 2S per hr.' full ~\~r tf. Mr. Levl plex. 1 .. 1v1ni;: qu•rte>r~ t mature per se>n. Apply in time. ace Fr('d Solm~. · __ ~•lnry Phonl• 642·7412. pe rson : 4000 HalaM11 Ben Brown'i. Motel, S . aftC!r ftpm 64S-s.146 way, NB 1:!_agun1 k h. Sell idlt-U.em11 .... I w.te-d 7100 ...... W.ted 7100 Cllh 10l5 G ..... S• aoss Mlte.a.....s IOI lootJ. PowH' 9040 • DB DAILY PILOT Thul"lday, JuJy 31, 1975 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H4flp W•ted 7100 Help W..t.d 7100 Help We.Md 7100 Sttvke Sta. AtlencJ;.inlJ Warehouse Reatuurant. SIAMESE Kittens, rt'i'd. GtQlntlc Guraac Snle: PANCAKt; RREAKl"ASJ' 1947 OW~NS. 33' Own.r. ·•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• exper'd. Neat, <'lvMn. de Newport Be a ch nceda w /ahota. Quality merchandise WHT to:LF.PHANTSALE Sips 4. l.iH" ••hoard Slip l'~urHu>I .,,..,.d Bo d ' A 9U ... h b b & 53& T982 Antique J:?Bm e t a!Jle & Pl,AN1' S1'Lto• •· $71.1 mu l\l'V. puinl lop & Re-cpt To •..c.oo _.. . Y ~ ~ • .a c.. o s te••es. us oy:. · ,, ·"' • 1 IHDUSTRJAl -17lhS ('M · c II chrs. lut11 cs clothln.:. • CAKI!: 8AX1': hull. Mtr & lnl "" RELATIOHSSECY l'ro~rt>i.11 1\e animjl RN-CCU t, . buu1rhl, u or part·Lon1·halred rnaleorange c r r.slol s t e m w urc, La stl('rtionolUpholst s hupe $6.500 Ph hol>µ1 tJI ol!f'ri. t'ltCt'P Sh S 1 lime. Appl~· .an person tc kitten box trained 10 Ch1ldcrafl encycl......,'IM & dr upe r y m"l""rl "I, 55tl 6337 f'h un bout. Jmmrd1at1• nc'('(i ,•x 1:-.t t 1onti l r utu r'' for N11thts. full or p/llme. ~ aesman, part or :W50 V1;a Opotlo, btwn wk1~d~.~tNB & """"" .. "' • f11r .in andl\ •du.II v.1th 21 Hrsatik. take charge. Otlferential puy. Xlnl full time help needed. N 3 30·5PM much mort>I July 31 & many a d . ho uiu:hold 4~·:J19'.! t > r:. le!l'n,•rul r>1.·r:.onnl'I m ;,i t u r c Pc r ~ <> n . benefits. Conh1l1 Mr~. experience needed. App· -' D09t 1040 Aua. 1. 10 AM. lo 4 PM. items furn, & ~m llP· l l itl ahl 11-.rdtoi> t.'<>m· l"\ll. Mu :-t J>\IN•l'"i. l!OI Minimum 4 Yrs. office H idestrera 642 2134 ly Lant, Fastuon Jsland, WHO WANTS TO WORK. •••••••••••••t••••••••• 412 Vista Qwnta, Nl:L 1Jll:tnce1'. 11 1 d n <l • ., CruiHr !-l'l'rcta11.tl -.l.1lb Jeul h ' • · ' NB. DRIVI:: ACAB! 644-65~ MARIO'S PARKG LOT mun ri i • •. :ibh•111v.ud.v.1th am111 cxpr.rcq Corplx•nt>llts, Cus_tu J\tcm,or 1.ul <.:HOOSE your hours. •PITWORLD• , ----t; Cna :.t H wy e l 36'. 196~ No n ·'lf>H .Mi. ••f ,.up1·n •~11111 \h1hl~ Ii "1l'<l1t,'11I Phan. Send re-CH0Msp1E~Oa1.:. 301 V1ctona, Speciality Sh~. ladies work for yourself, be Cockera, Chihuahua, T HUR l•'IU SAT, II <'or M ~1rguerite. CdM , Sot Xlnt l'011d1 twn .ottered sume to Ad ;;329 Da1h· . . "-· ready lowear mneedo! " M i•.......io1e• Shlhtz Do I nucop1a of good buyi.: "uu. "nd, 7A"'t to 3PM. IJy o_w~c·.rl S33,000. 1·11mµ<>::.l•li.,:htc,>r1l'l>l)On J>i'lo l P.O. Box 1560·. • your owouoss. enot uvu "• · u, xe, ""'" .. _ ( tll·IWl.'.t1!tl :-tuti"Ul·al l"l' s h o P s a I es g i r I s • Worn en C;an be s llghtly Po b I e • r ll Hu l 1 s quet.:1\ sl.tc sofa bed. in· s pon s c re ti h y c cl M <7 I 1Hi75· •03 co .. tnMcs<I.~:_ __ SALES L,',•p:·I-. ,,·1rt" for munagers & ass 't . hand1cun 11cd. Neat C ockapoo . P e k es,' font bikeseul,udju~tublc K" I Cl b All · 111lfl" lll'l"l'~::.;11·~ (;1>1.Jt ,. " ' ,.. ... 0 Cou ,. s helves. bowling ball, 1war1 s u . pro 30' (.'hr1s Craft. IXO Twu1 l11•1wl1h1111·lull111:.;Jl"v111 Hel1 ablt• babys itte car stereos & related manu.:crs, runge n· Clea n l\ppeilrunte. WcsUes, 100 mixed pup-hnd vacuum shop vuc ceed:s g~ to K1wan1s Sl'rt!W . \ 1r~. slpn 1;, lri,: p.111) p.11tl dl·lll•ll pl.rn, lll'cd~d in m y home. Tu cquipmt. Apply :it: 1844 t Y :in• a 646·5388. Vets .. retired A~e 25 tc pies. S lu<J svs most misc. plants,.bromiliads'. Youlll_Act1nty •'IH'k p1 I, l·omi.>,l .rt·· 1•1, ... ..,,.,\11ph thru Ft1 8,1 m to 2pm, Newport ntvd ,CM STOCK HOOM CLERK 70. Suppl~mcnt you~ in· bft:eds. 25~5 W. l7lh at orchids. frplc grate. AJR <,;ONUJT IONl':tHi f. furh1!ohet!, Muri.;l :;ell '\\lt;\ICO \la1t•1ial-.lm· on,• i·h11il I t months.S ES knowledge of sail boai ''°.me. 0~1ve.ucul>tihrb f 1u rvlew .SA.Open eves. b eaut. Vi ctorian love Window ""'''"BTU.$100. $8000.711 o751!"ll.I 1.00 \ 1111111:1 :-.1 l' \I C;111 S4ti0073aflcr 5pm AL >arts help( 1 So .. 1 . .,ht 01 more a <1.1y. /\ppl.v_ in 531·S027. 'VVVV t•: 4) I-' HOUSEWIVES.$ I .• u . m"', •.. person, Yellow C.:ub Co ' seal w I m atchin~ chr Us~d" mos. 646.4757 H u om ,. 2 fl , l. u h rs Ht-;PAIH Trunsmisson o1 buying. App~y 1919E. Oc· 186 E. 16th St., Co!>t;i ncaut. fema le collie to and a h ost of otht'r . 'll0rtfo;t1l·r S71:l00 or lx'i.t l11•al i.: ... 1.111 Ill''''"''' 'i2 llarlt')' Davidso TOY & GIFT c1de nlal, Sant a Ana. l\t c'-:l • good h ome. No pa~rs l{O?d •e::.. 425 Arroyo Scuba gear xlnt ('Ond . ~((er r:J>l ti:i01 ,.,d1•,p,•11ph· \\h' not Spnnl SIOO !162·7898 PARTIES 1>t wn !1:30 &. 3 :00. ... S30.M2-0549/5376ZJ9. Chll"O, Laguna Beach. SlOO. Weights. 100 lbs .. ''nrl.. rn lh1· l1tlll1·,t .11···1 --YSTEMS M-hand1·1-• 494 ·9822. Sl0.CJll84li210l! Tlli\PI·: 21' l'abln -' I r I I ' ·i•L· Gifts ·:-; li~Hli,:cts \Hll S •• ~ ... Iris h Setter Puns f ll11 11tinN11n lh'.11"h F<Jtlll < "'' ,•.s ,-.OPL~:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' IA"'NMOWL'I' •I' Cru1s1•r. l!d l"<>nd . or I.Ill\ \ •• Ill \ 4 •111 1,1111 ,,1,11 1.,t;ihh!lhl-od H.E ()( lrain 1nc,p1•r1('nn•ll ANALYST AKC.Male&femalc. G g ..., lb 1 , n "·'· cc~c r. 11 r•~ t o house\\1\l'-.t11<•Jrn~()(l0 . Antiques 8005 S50&S75.547-4897, a r a er , na oa s. m etol tor hl'd 8>:12' largt·rnri.mt• l' uvo r \Ii '\ ,1111 , , ,,1 \ II l.i , ,~ I hT l" \1 . '\lt·<·1c:1h.t1 ng 1 by 0 ,.,. hl i.kmonstrat· AJ)ov. lie) Sh3 ,·1~gs &edLoun • •• •••••••••••• ••. ••• •• ~eh~ c h II o use C .ul~ n · d eck 1 ~ ~ . ' tu 1 i II tc r :.ell '&5 11~-,7176·1 Ul Y.t1. 8:30 1:\'JI I 't th ·-.:1 1-.i.j I \pl ~.tit•.. I l'-'4.:h.ini,:cl>. ...~ t r 11 I f S!>Ol" • JI> 1mm 1all YICTROL"' Cocker Spaniel. AKC Ke•'. Is 1 n gs'. n c~·ess I I cs s nreadcr SW» "7'•" AM 5 .. rl•'l·cl" :! h1;.:hl\ rnul1val ang ~au 1 11 inci. 0 gi ts orcning fur individual "' .. memorabilia. 125 Topaz, -"-· M 0 "" -, . H 1-. \I. I-,:... I \ 1'1-.:... \l.t :~ HACIENDA REAL ESTATE. INC. 1 111\"rl' t II (11 1· : I 111 l'O,IJ \II .... "\"It l.111 \'I'· 11 l'I tl1111l.,,•r tllH'llllh•p l011 1 fl .1 t111 111 ,1 ('•1111111 111 f H\\ 11 I .tll ,l11f111 1l.1nqll·ll1• \f I "'•7.'l f,tlf\ l•'V. .11 11.11.1' , 1 l'I !I;, 11 ~~ REAL ESTATE SALES PERSONS Hi9hest Commissions Paid. Apply: DOVER RLTY. I 645-9070 111-: \I. 1-::... r 'n:s '1.1:-.. Century 2 1 /Suri Brond N ew Office 11n I Ith SI r1 •d 111 1111111 1n11ll'll 111 .11 h ·1 l1l1wh· I Hiil I ht Ill • illl '"" I.ti. !ti ot•l'llt .111111 .... l1tt 111 •II 1 d r1'.tl ,.,I .tit ,afi.''P""Pk I ';di '\.flh"\ J3ti 7."1 I" H • •t'l'I\ 1 n;,: ii-,.111• l 'l1•rk I 11r h•;11lln:,! 'l'WJIOl"l lw'.H h 111111•1 l'rl'll'r fttod to. 111•\ 1•ral!t' '''l>t'rll'lll t' I •' I I \I r II " I I .1 11 ti Ii.II I jtMI I·. () l- rl EC I· PTl11'\IST 1"1111 In 1111 l.•IA firm \ltr.11 ll\l' t11111t 11ll1tc• ;ip 111.,1r.1111·•· :\111 .. 1 I: P•' f'l1•;i,.c I Jll ;\Jr.., lk~lll"I ;11 l'l."tJ.•..:11 I: lo;(.' p T I.,. ~ ·" n r I '•'" pon < ·1 r :\111-1 111·• ,,.i,.,111.111111._ Will & toys ~o tld n no 1·01 tu~hly skilled in system~ Large (5 t " high. 24 " ~:·~1·ds~ S~~: 1'~:8~9.1~~ Sal 9.2 lllG7 ur :\t.1rk 'I wain 1/0 , m.r 55h filil feet-fret' ho:.lcss s:irts & procedures. Must havf w Ide. 2 s .. d I! e p) . . New power Cdj,!{'r, :! llf w tandum lrlr . Clean. Need car Call962·500! c·ull<•gedegrec andmin. Bruns v.1 ck (8run~v.ick· days.S8l·l932eves. I. Mi\GN1N, Bullock's lhiggs Strutton (•ng me S2300.Call:968-~ Gilb 'I\ Gadgcl!> ,, s Blake-<.:ollendar Co.. OJ d" Cl Wils hire, Sak's Closet SGS. ~15·684!> ··our2~1th\.J•r" . r~ experience. avmg~ 8 p I . Uog ie ience ass to Sale' Sizes 8-10·12 ---'74 Tri-Hull 18 fl.: 140 """ & Loan buckground tk Pat. 191 1 re·l' ec1 n c. St art Wed. August 27th. · · 3 • 2 • h Hc~laur;rnl WAITl<t-;sst-:S-for nl·~ n·'t .111 r ,1 nt upl'n• nL! 1 •'n'· rn1111th Ill ::'111~:.10 S ,\ L 1-; SI, I\ I) y r 0 r ,11•111 ""' womt·n·!' s porlswear sirablc. St•nd resume & wind -up victro l a . lnNewport·lrvineArea. Career Ms. oolfiL'I! Al xJ p ool. filte r . (;he'"' 0 .Low ours salaryh•~lu~to: ~!ahol{any finish. Has 7:JOl'M.546.4928 h o m e cos tume s! vacuum. ladder. Us~ l S:it>IKI Call8'1tH562 DOWNEY Snlnns f1' e bui I tin slor ai;!t-----Cheeep! 644 ·8822 mo ~~-64:?-987:1 l''AMJLY 1-"L "\ BOAT-26' C:llO~::, 1.1n111t,1r \~ll :.tore. Wl·slmm:;ter :\lalL lll'l1hpl'11111·1.1111111• f:.'(p'tl S.dJry t-l"11m111 .. ., ~rnices. Plays e"<cellent AKC Chow, 5 mos. & an s lk & LOClll I~'. ftc•ady lo reflnii.h. English Springer Spaniel Sat -Only. Gas s tove. 1 S{'reened T~h1rts. any lill rtt!ntler Crw!<er , V-ll \ pph 111 f'l'r,011 1'11. 8!1J-~ lOi , il!>k lor \I l~SIO'\ \ IE.JO I '\'Ii Harbar.1 I' U Hox 5158 5:!50 oo Phone 675·0J.l:J or hlk lwhte. i mos. shots. stereo, bike parts, misc , i-t~l47 lettering or design. eni; .. cabin. xlnl cond. S;111t,1.\na.Ca927M tiiS·998tl Hcstoffcr.548.1588 278 E. Wilson, c .M._Llh,•1a752·0227 Manycxtras.644·8172 :!•ii I:.'< ho l'.11 l\1A ,t\ ::'111:.:-.wn V1t•ju · '\o Phone c·.ills Plea:;1!4 Hl•staurant THE NEW BROADWAY Laguna Hills lnter.,,iewinq for •COOKS *BUSBOYS For an appointment Call 5 8 6-1 90 I Ur \ppl~ In l'l'l"l>Oll Saleslady, Exper'd Clolhi1~ s hop, r\o t'\'Cs r\ltn A . Morsillo 646-8025 M i l"I Eq1wlOppty t:-;m ployer l.kautiful bowl & pitcher S lllH -TZlf purel.J r e tl ---exSc80anba ea~prox l40sq '7~-15' G l ~~spa r. 50hdp. I blue> Satin & taffeta pups. Elizabelh Taylor Hortes 8060 ~ther 5.~~~1 all. SBl -~79 lwmrude. I rlr.:·I con · Tcll•phont• Solicitor Got :i hoop ~kirt. Elcc. hur· h<1s 2. Zsa ·Zi.a has 7, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---· ---~1~50~5·6644 e ~--- s LES c:1rt fur G~ib"! Why not ricanc lamp (sml>. As· h><i~y ·s··111 "dog.Cuddly Horse,blackmare8yra. 11.and.~uil~~'"Lo1_1c 26' NA\"Y HOATClenn, A PERSOHS nwke money with It? i-orted kit chen gadgets & & inte lli gent. $200 up. Quar ter. not reg. Exp Star Quilt. 96x96. cng new pnl. trlr. Gd. \ me ri l' a':-. L <1 r ~est G ua r a ntced income + tins. Assort~d vases. dis· G4:i·6&SO rider. ti4ll·2ti5i S:!SO • • li75 3480 __ fish :g. boat, ~oeds la:-l ('a II ~Ml !"l3KI. l'nv..ate Sl·cunty Patrol bonus 1f Y<>U do well, /\pp, h 1 1 es. carn1va g a:-:.. RE h b W·t k "· · 1 h m1nute louches.646·082ti S:. ~tl'm 111•cd ... SC\ C'ral ly 1n person. l\!rs, Tnpp. S.l:!·J-l31. Beautiful ~I :.1lc Irish Sel· G 'D . T orough red a er l> 1:.. Jung c am· _ _ ___ _ "'·If mu11vating, goal set Value \'lllage 115 W. Lin· ter 9 m o:.. AKC reg. Cull Gelding. Black Hun-m~k. aq~11num1>. ba?y Uo~ton Whaler 16'7", like tlll~ pC'r sons bt.•twcen coin. Anaheim. Bt>autiful bowl & pitcher &15·9829 ter/Jumper , 16.3 hands, equip. 19521 llelcna lr new + li5 HI' Evinrude. 18 " t11 µn•s••nt our rt:'· . , (blue) Salin & tafrcla - - -G yrs. Reas. 962·5597 or 11.U. Compass. tach. Ca ll .. idcnti.ll:-i•c·unf\·.,,.nu·i·T.el1·phon<'~Sulll'1lo1 hoop l>ki r t. Bice hur-Poodlcs. Teacup Sil\•er 557-312 1 . . 2l3 /69li ~3GO o r program. Ill fht• L.tl!una Sohl'l llll '~ ( oor_dinJ tor ricanc l:tmp <::.11111 .\s r~m. T oy blk male. Toy Golf ~nemL.crsh•P. lr\lne Beal"h. ~1 1ss1t1n \0 1\'JO 'I u •· :1. P l: r 1 enc t sorted kitchen J!.idi!eh & C'hamp:.11?1\C' frm. -4 Hous~hold Goods 8065 Cst Cnty Chah, pt Heh 21:1 G9J·Oi7J ext. ~1-02· areas. Part Lame <t<'<'PP· nc<"1.·,~;iry JU!>! ~1llmg tins. Assorted \"ast.~. u1s Great l>ane pups. :! ••••••••••••••••••••••• _S!.OOG l4·l0l3 l94·l~ll GLASTHO~ CLOSEOL"T Lable. i-·or more inform a nl'!-1> to folluw an1>truct1on h es. car n j va l g !;1 !oi-. ':"~les, 2 fem. 536·0147 & Household of 'f~urniture Free Gifl. Im port Cataloi: AT D t::A LEH CO~i' lion call 991 ~~l ll.1 onclay & learn uur syi.lem. App ~2-3431. t.lt. 0112. for sale. Hcnlage f~rmal Hartol Ell .. D t C Ji'. 18" outboard & (/0 thru .,.11d:s' \~k f1)r I~ 111 person Mrs Tnpµ dining room s u1te·8 •• ' e rpr s _ep , Decp\'&lri-hull 1>ick J im1.•n1.·~."' Value \'llla2c. 115 W WANTl::0 1 ~eetoYou 804S chairs. couches. s ide _B696t::I Ct>rro FtnV.ille~. South Coast M arine L1nc-oln .. \nahe1m. Old Music Bo'Ci':., Met ••••••••••••••••••••••• tahle~. Persian carpet , QUEf:o;N sofa bed. linens. :-.en 1te. 585 W. 19th ~t. SF \V STHF:SS ---t lach S teins & Royal Str;.iy hlack frmale k1tten L e 11_ s. \ er ti c a I crpts & pud::.. drps & c M &15 il~I \tusi. l;t. ·l:~pcn\7nn•d in T~:1.1-;p 11 0 :-.:1-: SALES. l)(lulton Tob1es. J Pc. or free lo good home. Call r e l ri "eral o r -frecler rods. :.i.;sort 'd hscwrs 1 . . . . .. -- Jµp arl"I "l·~ing App1~1 1·::1.pen1.'ni·cd preferred Cullectwn.~'11l payca:.h t>.t:!-9374. com b ination, Maylu~ !)6.11.5980 J!.O) .!!! TruJ.Jn Crwser. ('\f{.IO l-.. 1rna,.murh;.i:.youhke .\L>HIA !";'S, 3111 \'illa ----wushcr . Gt:: gas dryer , . , . 1v.111 SC'rl'w.,ma~!Y e x· MA:'\l"l'\lTl'RI'\(; 1,, t.Jl~tn~ to Pt-'OPlt> all Way_:"/U.6iJ·i<!02 FOUND: B1t·\'de. blue. ma n y miscella neous SEA HS 80<1t/1:ycl"' trlr 1r,1s. $.1900 111: 615·5564 ti!>\\\' l ith~t.1'!'\t i1.\Cr Southl'rn Orange hO>S, Lakenew School items. 548-6067 e\"cs. $95.cartop tarnl'rSIS+ art 7 l'!'\1 wkdays , or l'all ol,j i.i~ll. J~k r .. r l n11nl~· from an ~1_1r con· Fr. Snfa, Baker <ll'sk. arC'a. Identify by make & Open HousP Saturday & much more! 2-IOO lloh :i nytime wknd::.. Shirk' clit111ucd offll·e. Twc• Chippe n<lalechair,Prcs~ ~;:.~~numbe r. Call Sunday 2101 Windward dayHd.NH,54l:H.lt!51 · ::.h1Cts-!0:.1m to 1 pm o r back_s_, r._1o_r_e. ~!r.?-·1_6_10_ -------Lane. Newport Beaoh 28' Trojan Calm Cruis. '65 SECRET.\ HY rvr In tnl:'1 5pm tn 8p m. Monday -Garaite Uoor Ope ner. Ex· Lupstrake. Hehlt 2101f P I aw f1 rm . U1d:.1phom·i throu~h l"ntlay. /\pph.• at Kittens. 6 wks. 2 orange & Jew~lry 8070 ccllc nl worki1111 t•1m<l i \'-8 Gray. 20 hrs, Dinette, lkmodelingSale 3 g r <1 \' • •·W e· r e '"' t~'pist . xlnl t,vpml.' ... k1l h :!SO !::. 17th St. Costa Orphan!':"53f.·Ol.;7. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l ion . Compl e te $50-\' Births, ino11omali .. ofl 11ecccs1o11r~. HL•n•nt ex I "•·'-a. or c all rTony SLarts ~UW __ ___ WA .... TED 557-4-180 f:.ilho , TC'ok d ecks . THE BROADWAY LAGUNA HILLS MAU perll'lll"l' only. Pl<-.1~{', S\'lm1a ;:it 646·41110. Bal"k Door Imports Ulondc Male Med. Si.le f"lll Brl:;tol (·vnd l'\1. Ply. I <·a 11 ~I r" Hl•)!1ll·r ;II 189G II ar bor 01\"d. CM dog. Loves kids, found & TOP CASH DOLL A It ~8()1Jfl 7 H 6\O·I168 or X3J ~--~~I , . ITI )\\' Tru<"k Dnver want-can't keep. 536-1~ P A I U y.· 0 R y 0 UH Miscellaneous 519 88i5 ,, 1 ,·cl. l'\Pl·ricrl<'cll pre · JEWELRY. WATCJ1 1t:s. W t d 8081 · -SECRET/\HY (;IHl.1 lan-d. t;uod pay + •AMTll"\UES* ane 2ti " FIREH<:LASS d ht1 t J Ill ,tll•d ,11 :...;in IJIC'j!O I· r1 •'\\:I\ &. El Toro lld) I ntc·n 1,•wing llouri. !I :JO 11 JO 1\~t ~ :! JO I :JO l'.\I \ivndJ: thruS.1turtla) J-:qual Oppor 1'.:mplo~~r J·n tu\~· If t I { t /\ I 100 ,.. FREEKITIEHS AHT OBJECTS, GOLD,••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·111ll·r laun .. 11. "'·ew ,.,I · '· :...t.• -.~1rlC'r l >l'nl' Ii-. Pl'Y o t":Jllaft3.537·2Ri9 S ll \'L"I' '"L'RVIC L" ~ ,, " Pleasllnl .1tn111 .. plwrc. I lnine.6-12-12.>2 ' - ---49R-2465aft 6PM FINE'\~l'tt~ & /\~· SS CASH SS FOR <!·53 rlicsl'I mul o r. l!•rl ufc 6·1H·2~• ----, A:"ITH}ll ES for sail': Uuf Furniture SOSO THJC F:S. t"M:> 2'200 <..ioou u:.l·ll furn rdn)!s ti,12 i056 (ct, 1 a Lie & Ii c hair'. f"rtri-~tnve::. ~b-Ui6K. ··G~··••5•• ••. ••••••u•••ed••• M. -oc-h-'1n•ry 8078 <:herrywood. Abo \"11.. • "' trola. beaut. ruml Cd~1 ~al ;iv1nS?_:. on .~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• arC'a. 675-7833 for appl IC .-urn .. i\ppu. & MIS('. n "d ll<"ll R W1hon ~Bargain 1'ouk n gep~~t '"' · ot~ry SECRETARIES TRAVEL AGENT l 'SEU EXEHCI S E EQ li I r :\I ENT Roller!>. Boats, Rent I l'lc,· 1t1i.., . .,, Ne. Call Mrs Charier 9050 v.tll ~r1111ml·tl ~ l~Ptnl! __ ,,,,, l°Jll 1111 ~,-.. e jw Jnt ,1d rl·l>~t_s_ ~2-5m8 Grov. 1ni: financial firm has or1·n11H!<.. in nev. San ta An.t ol fll"l' for l>harp 1ndl\ 1d11ah ~1th g<Jocl 2 ) l'ar::. r ece nt r "< p cncnn· n ecessary in l our &. crui~c sale~. domrstll' •"'-antc·rn:itlon;.al t1ckct1ni,:. sel' 545 W.l9thSl.C.M. Tbl. 9 Lathe, misc. Appliances 80 Io -tools. fl39·7089 or ~·6067 Griffin :1rt 6. 646-0404. •••••• •••• •• ••••••••••• ----.... 1 J.3guna f''cstl\·al tickeL<.. Boats for Chert..-) 9 283 34-48 - I • ,, ... I D' Ir In ""'"•' I 1 11111J Pdfrtn •11u3 Wom , r;.,P~ are 34 (JR tnr h 11:1~ 1 I' It ,10 1nr.l1 h1pl; 3fi (110 1111\t t. lt11> )~ 142 bU\I 44 h101 : J 111 bu>t. llli h1pl, 42 (4fi I I ·ll! h10! 41 ( 18 hU',I 'JO :i, (';() bu~I. ~2 htpt. 411 DU>I 114 hop) n,1 tf OIJ lor e.ICh pJllern rltl 25· lnr ~~.h oatlcrn for r t rl~\~ m.t1f and ll1ndltng. ~end to 132 Wut lit-St~ "'" ft,_, llY 10011. r rl•t NAMl. Ml· DllCSS. Ztr. SIU and snu NUMllR Do JH ••• N• tt rct a ~ltcrt rrtt? St-4 "" ftf otr ••• f'llMflllttf ""era Ca11lo1~11, """' 11111-. ftr fru ""ff• '' pw clltlcc. Se11• n, ""' h • .. lllft .... lotJllt Meuy Cnfts tut111t fllfllt• Itek hlftHt lttrii.t ... _ A • ,,, 1 r 1Pnd " lh•; hvely l•IVable puppy• Oelt~ht a lol with lllf!nY· fl<ed doi lhal has movible front 1nd hind legs. Stull with "1\hable ~ynlheltc. Patltrn /.;()] pAllrrn PIW f~· t 1 ·· puprt. dire 11un'.. $1 .00 lnr each patlr rrt ~dd 2'i<" ta• h p3llt•rn fr" ltrs! "''~ mail an1 handlon~ Send lo· Me98f'OOU HuM1uwfto.,tt.1os Onlfl9e Coeet D.Uy .. Mot I OJ IU. Old Clltlsu St1 .. llnr , Yori!, NY 1001 I. Prl11t ll11ne, Adlrt u. 11,. Pattern Nvmhr. MOR£ than nvrr before• ?00 des1RllS plus J flee printed 111· ~ttlt N£W lq7fi N[£0l£CRAH CA I ALOC' Hi~ rvcrylh1ng. 75<, Crochet with S41um s SI .00 Crtelltt • Ward101>t $1,00 lllftt F1f17 l 1111ts \ 1,00 a1,,11 CtKlttt l 1 00 Sew + 11•11 l tok S 1.2$ lludlt,.1111 l oek S 1,00 fltwer Ctod1tt I tek S 1.00 ~l)i• Cr.diet l ook S LOO f111tHt Crtdltt lotll $1.00 llUtHt lbcraae 8"l $1.00 lnst .. t ..-11n lfflt: S 1.01 C.11,lttt Clft lhtll $1.00 Ct11Dlltt Al(fl1111 !14 $1.00 12 '''" AICll•n• in '°-'"• tf 11 Qllftts 11 so, ,.., ... Qllllt .... i2 5041 15 Q•llta fer TtlbJ U 5041 .... tf 11 JlffJ lh11s !IO, s horth:in.i & t yp•n:! s kills. Xlnl p ay/.. bcnl'fll.., l'all 111·r~1mt1\•I a l •il l \ :i t'lOOO:.! forl furth1.•r1nfo 1·:0 .E. S-;C'rd:er\' fur new ~.J plea~.111t l'llrj~Jratt? orflC'l' near ()r.1ni.:1• County Airport Wt• !oC'l·k ~ood sk1lb ind, 1>horth:rnd. & ahihty lo deal with peo pie. We uffl•r a j!rt'al Of)· pnrtunity lo the n i,:ht 111 ol1\'Hl11 11I 1;,2 S:H3 Secn ·tar}. ~h 't\'J>(' A~:-1 I to pres l·\ilur1· \"1'rJ>a I tile, gd ell'! ail 64;).2fxi6 sECRETAKY with ~ood I typi n~ s k11l i-Airport area. I< 30 am f1)S':IO pm S550. mo, i5'.! O'lSU I SECHt-:TAKY ~. B. vfriCl·.patcnl l.1~ I 1rm (' Jrl'C'r 11n\•nl1'd I '\('\•ti nul ha\\' h•i.:al n I patent la~ b"i.:rn<I, hu 1nlcll1~1·n1 E' & a.:ood !>kill. r {'<i d ~end Resuml' o lettc>r C•f <1u11hf1cut1111l~ refert•nt·,,., tn Pf> lie" 1971. S .\ ( • ahf !r1'ill2 ~~;.!;ti~~~ ... ~.: opening~. rull timr Mon 1-·n. & part t1ml• 3 day:. 1nrld,:? w1•t'kt•111h, l'rcfC'1· :!~ 30. f;t;) ii VO lnteniewinq by Appointmft!t Only Ple ase Call 586-190 I THE BROADWAY LGCJWMI Hills 1:-ianla ,\11a Fry,y Jl El Toro Hd.) ••••••••••••••••••••••• nt:o. king sbe mattress . .:...: -•1 ---8080 • . • . . box :.pnngs. frame, xtrci -sc~ aneous Kenmore \\asher & (,as r ·t 11 k ed """l-" ........ •••••••••••••••• Dryer $75 ea. Kenmor,· irm, s 1 pc ait • ~ ~ W asher & l-'rii?1da1rC! f\al. S525l Queen. $195 W osh er S 5 0 ca (v.al. $425). Deh\"cry In· Cu;ir Oel.546·8672 rl d .6 _3_1_-04_8_8. _____ I Maytag Washer & !Ir) «'r, Matc h ing, "'hi le Cd Cond. $150 pr i.)l t~l Gener al Elerlnc Wa~h1•r & Uryer, (eledriel. 3 yrs old. :\ voca<lo i,:rel'll, ~:!:ill holh. 5:>1 ·2028. Al:!Bt-:Y RENTS Fl!HN. 19'l5 llA RROR DL. CM Cf\ LL ti 14 > &1~·4ii2 Bedroom Wall S<.-'Ct1onal Furn. i p cs. Wuod ~ / l!nlq. -~oft~ firush. iJJ:, Snfu 1 Conlemp1>r:1ry s:-,o. Adult ::.l . Walker s1;, 6iJ·"71 :! Was h er & g ,1i-. Jr)('r . bcaul1ful condlt1u11. $95 ea 548 8053 Hefri g. • · · · dresser , couch. table. practice piano WANTED T OP C ASll UOLl.AH P A I D !:-' 0 R Y 0 U H JEWELHY. WATC'm;s, ART OHJECTS. C:Ol.D S I L V E H S E RV I C 1-: Jo' I N E F U n N & J\ N T IQL"l-.:S 615 2200 MATTRESS *MADNESS* *ALL SIZES* wanted . anytime after 14· Hunter.Slps6 :. Aul!. IGth. Cull499-2800 J l 'Tallycr.tft.Slpi.6 l":i"h tor Germ.111 ,\· 11 '11ob1eCats ,J apam·~c \\"\\'II ~!iht.JQ Nat"I Cruising Club Reht·s Swords, lll·lrnct:-.. ~ W ·Coast. Hwy. NB L"'I • C.:alf 631-0281 r 1a~"· 1, uns. l"l c. 55; '.!91 1 ----------aft. 5pm ,. Mu5ical loots. Spil 9060' Instruments 1083 •••••••• •• • • ••••••••••• •• •• ••• •••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Br and new. never been l lnivo · .1 '" , • 50 u setl 14 · Sunflow er " l l .; iiui.l.tr.. ::.ai lhoal 1)1"1n•<I $300. \\t1ll .1mp. "w00,lom1>.ict l>41i71>1l :1fl 11,12-2649or 1>l1•rc11, Jm fill µhmm W/ OOS·fll"J>I US H c hanger. ~:>O , _ '· - Equal Oppor. Employer Whirlpool Gas Dryer. !l mos old. I mo\'C'<I lo all clec, SJ50, 96J.~r, 6<12·8631 Priced to Move! !03·0025 & 646·fl686 2 Top Gr3in Re? Leather Tennis Me mbcrsh1r ror chrs. Brass 1'a1I head sale 1mmed. Pn•st1~.: Ll?yds a!11 'fn1 't•·l't'o.re· 14· Kona Cut w/cstm jihs. <'e1ver. 560. ltcah-;l H· S.Jlo & t rlr $[1()0 or hs t offer. 4 s peak t' r ... <;211 p.11 r 121:1 ~ ~2G lflB2 aft lOPM. :>4J·l450 All1·rtipn1 ---- Office Furniture & SAIL CLEANING Equipment 808S .\RIJ::S M.\HINE TRAVEL 'our Army Rt:('ru1 tc r t·a n s how you a ncv. v.orld your v.orld. C:ill him at Co::.ta l\t es<l . f;.J:i -1163 . l1 11nt111 g t on &ach, 91;:?·8b"'ll Auction 8015 lrim.S350pr.f>i4·0832 loc;.tl d u b. 833-3643 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •642·1812• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -. S81 -7>K>O *PUBLIC* i\~tiQUl' Oak Drop leaf ____ i-:~t-:C. DESK & Uduw 2'.!' Sloop. Fiberglass. use d1nrng t 3ble. pl'rr for I ~lure chr S!'l!i. ur moorin~. nds work *FURNITURE• ~ma II :.1 re a . H 2 5 SCRAM-LETS 91,x !•S!ri S600 ii I 8iS·M>1R *AUCTION• 536·5 1~-Pianos & Orqans 8090 21· Y:'lll;J.1'\G '"0 -'D_a_y-.. -. * "iday 7:30 PM* /\man a dbl door rdn)! ANSWERS •••• ••• • ••• •••••••••••• f'~l'Ct'd k ct•I. dav sailor < Di'alers Welcome} while. SJ:;o. Antique i:rn Finis h 1\'.>tch f II 0 M ,, S Trianon w lrlr ~li-9ll09 ;;fl. 6PM' * UT OTEM * Hepos-Bankrupki<·~ dining rm set, non-mar Entry _ Ublu~c Kf'\ hoartl ''n ... 111 ,1:-. :-een EMPLOYMr...,. & Cons ignmcnL"> finish. 2 lenvcs. 6 padded ROOF on "tav.11·1w1· \\"di.. i.how, JG, ft. llohic w/ trailer . """' LOTSOF'1'l<'E ch air!>. $100. Sofa love !JI'~ 3~>55 Xlnt <'<>nd. 2 years old. OPPO RTUMITIES Poise. th1· a11 oC r aisinK . 11 ,, ,. E~Ti\TE F UR."llTCln; seat SSO. Chair, SIS. Uhl the ('yehrow1> in::.lead of 1 3 ,,.1..,.SJ87. l''ullorPartTime Comeln&Save! bed , S 25. l\s k for thcHOOF BALll \\,"1:'-i .\<·roso1111 L'l"s·-11---:'\o Ex per :\t'l't·s:.;ir_v Uarbara 551 2000 Sp 111 d l> 1a110 . l_,1 ~111 /\ge21 li5 J-:ligihh-Open Daily9t<>S . . . finis h S600 srn :M30 OFFJ-:HS FORSAl.F: r;0 to Thc-~C'arC'~I MASTERS AUCTION 12 drawer dresser , m1r * *I 8 UY* * 2 0 ~ L Y -S 0 I. I N <; TICTOC"~!.\HKET 2075 1-'l NewportRl.L'M rc1r, nite st ands, hc;.111 L"r ni:h1, 1>rad1l'e p1;.e110 S l.O<ll'S, 2;· I.O N<;. 1-"or Appl1t·atitJns & lnro fl:l3 ·9625 ortHti·HOR(; bollrd, king £7.. while' Fr Good UM'd furniture & (!••nd cnnditinn, $200 l'h UL:ILT 1'0HWAY 1970. O H CA LL t7 l I) t>-1:!·7702 Pro'" Hca:.onahll', (".1 ..,11. appli;rnt·o:.,, •>r I will St•ll ij I'.! 11i;;11 S1\ 11.S. 711 AST . BOO:\f, s~cy I Acd. Pery. Tic Tur S\'<..tt'll1S, llll', Bicycles 8020 !li-17-i807 ror You. !~TC 11'\CLlJDF.O. NO )!00<1 " f1gur<'!'i. i.;110l11----------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MASTERS AUCTION Lovell Grand TH.\J LER . MJ.t\'.IMUM 1ypan~ s kills. Pll'a!lant \0 S PU. Volk Cvcle ~lark Cll<l ". <'h t ld s talilt: & 646-8686 & 833-9625 ~ '·' • 1 UIU CF0881XS $1200. WAil Hl':SS 'O(.'KT,\ IL Ill Like ne "· :,., .. framu hcnch. RPaut., new, ycl · r t.. 'ar\'e lllt.. CF08~XS ~l""'l, telephone personllltty. -• "u ... 1 • ~ \111:.t S:.icnfirt·' ""' 1'c-arOC .• tll"JXJr1 !'lowtakinf!apphC'at1nnli. SM:-.:"11-0530 '"')~~:-.>I ~ 968·829:l 1>12 ·1!157 &;,,~;i:!OJ I O~l.Y Si\IPE CLASS .. cq.9312 Chuck 's Stc-.1k Hou~t>. --GOING FISHIHG? S \I I.BO .\ T I 5 '6' • r-111:11 Redhill.Tustin ,\p· Wanted: 1'en speed or Movin .it-B caullful lov l 'SWORMF"'RM S rtl God 8094 INCLVIJIN(! TRAILER. SECY P Pl b t 3&6p'f ~1an o Sc ho"'· b 1·k .. t::.eat, & Sf>fa, ,·1·r) :.:d "' po n9 o s ••A 'T 0 /IKK R " e ween •' . ',. • r I t J Oren Oailv 7/\m to6f'm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''"'"'S . U U~I . 3 SUITS T h I l "'f frame ss1.r;24:; aft 130 1u:i 1 y. nc\'l!r u,.,. " lH' SAILS. MINIMUM opnot<.' gJ ne<.'(1.,, (If WAITRESSES pm . . . ~lti8-88:?:! N1teCrowlcrs,Meal Wnntt>ll to Uu;1 lt1flt> u1o s1so l ~irl off1C'l' tn :-.m all Worms.AfricanNiJ(hl Wealhnly.Hnmrnng or u mr J!·~ 111 Require:. F.xper'd. J-\illllrp t SCJ-lWlNN SlinA-ray ~l atching ~old lmx:ade Crawlers &Red Worms Win<'ht·'>le r Jttotior 270. 6 NEWPO RT KITES s tr on)! bk kp 'J:? l'ol. Good hr0s.vNe~a .... t1 3r1>ear. g irls. p i nk . banana sofa & lo\Cseal. foam J7362Gothard.HB l'h &15·21-ltieve'\. ALSOAVAILABLE. secrelan al skills. Cm.la cushion S200 642:l004 CAlL847 5141 FOR Jo'U RTHJ-:n IN· Surf & Sirlurn i,ea t s issy bar. S33 · · · _, • TV Rad' Mesa.64280HO 96R 8293 , 10, fo"ORMATIONCALLA/C 59:W W. l'o.•"l llw~ ~B · _ XLNT. Gold Hide·:i·bed HIFI, Stereo 8098 K05-961 ·2588 8 A.M •• 5 S~CY/GoJFridoy 1\\1\rTRi':SS O\~•r 2 1 :'t1A'.\;'S sc 11wr ~N $49.Sm.dropleaflbl.Sll. CUSTOMCAKES ••••••••••••••••••••••• PM.Mon-Fri. !'or grov.111~ lll:.UtJrHt• neededfullllmt•orlunth \"\RS ITY 10 SPE1'.:U 646 188:; for ever y occa s ion . Jo'Kl-:Nr H 1'1 11\tlll'i:i l Kit' 1"0;;-I k --- l"flmpaffn y. l.ot•NatPcl In part t1mt'. l°Jll ~..1:1.'.).1 11 UIK1'.:S:>0.64G·31iAO \nt1que solid cherry ~in>! mn:.trrfully crctitt'\J f<tr <~1°,,0c11h1°,1 ,,1T)·~·r. ".r-,'1,,,)tli,2111~;(~·.~-· 1 ·n~1 nk .. al>I ~'. 11'1~a~~~: nf'w o ICt"!' in • l'WP<tr1 f•ir ,, 1 t • _ • • '-II •· d )'<> 'l"h I I '" .~ ~ • "'' Beach. Good shorthand IP · lu.ldi1t9 Matenals 8025 !ill <' La nnnnua uc · u. e unusua s my raci n g c h amp. Cost S250.492·83"U i;i;wciall\". Pril·cd rt• f'I./\('" \"I' \\"lll"J"I:. !;Jfi''" .... cllS8506"'~'61 & t y p1n •• ~k111 ... w.11trl'S~.1> .• 1t111111•.o\•"••••••••••••••••••••••• • ' '' _.,,,,,_ "~"" ,. ~ ... 11s1.nal>lt' with sulisfac. f'UHTA Ul.1-: T\" 11 · ----ncccss11 ry Finan1•r 21. t'\per1e11 Cl-od, 5 days n fo'RONT Door J6x79xta4 lion g uaranteed. Call •;4 E RICSON 35 Jmmac 1 ~aekgr<1unlf hclprul ~k. Lun<'h t ame. Apply in w /6 crisscross gins~ l"rt>nch Provinrial living He len now f-.or your $35. • •40_.,,.,...,, & fully equipped. P \'l. Salary to $700 & ~ood person. Two Gun From panes, perf. cond. $50. 2 r <>om s et. Cou c h , custom decorated C'ukc .., """° Pty. $34.000645·2396 · rompirny · hcnrfils. <.:all Italy, 2267 l"air"1ew Hd Bathrm. windowi. :ei.3. motchinl{ c hair , 2 high al979·11123 . loah•MSfM lo ~1rs. Net1I , 833 fWSO. Cm . kitch. window 3x4. bdrm ll"Ck .. h:ii'rs. two ma"ble E-" t at1, Slips/ ---window 3ic2 all xlnl. t;p e~d tables. one ~ar· Kng Sz. Bed. ~ew, cum· ...-It'"•" Oocb 9070 Service Sta. Atlend11nt. WAITRESS cond .. nll Cor$35. 962-3820 ble lop coHee table lwo plete, s till pkgd. Xtra G••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• p /time. Exper 'd onl) la mps. $700. 968·5252. firm $190 (worth S-125) ettttal 9010 SLIPS Newport Beach /\v ail eves & wkndF>. WAITER c......-.11r 9amto6·30. Qn S:i$170,usuallyhomc. ·:·········:··········· SailorPower N c a l a p p e a r • & EquipMnt 1030 ind del. 835·2263. KA Y A K. X Int con d 673-5253 64" -.... handwritin~. Apply J\M . Ov('r 21 F'ullipart hme ••••••••••••••••••••••• w /n ddl $180 C II ________ ....._..._:;.~ 2590NewportUl\'d,C.M. ,'\ocxpcr ncr.,\ppl),i 25 Bcauheu Mdl 4008Z:v11 , c....,eS•e I055 IRVINE C t C ,..., 6"73:4~8pa e. . a NTE " " ker St (' u ,, ••••• • • • • •• •• •••. ••.... oas oua'"I,, · WA D on 11hore moor-.. · d.... complete accessories. C lub Mm brRhp·D11rs -• • ini;; Balboa Island. Will Servke Statton emplo)'CC' no experi<'nce necess:iQ . On th<' job tram.ing. App ly at Manna Shell 15922 f'acific Coast Hwv. llU. 213-592·1571. . SHAKLEE Dls tr1 bu ton W anted WAITRESSES alum inum <"ase, Mint GAIAGESALE 979 2651 u r .. ;,~lt BOYS<OllT~nt'cdboots. hll\ hout if iu•t· fr73Z146 <:ulll\'n'" HP~taurant 1,. condition $650. SS1·202S ;· lforculon :mfa, bll... ~ 4731. 4 ~nr11 & u1rpl:in~. T~ll< ud . • n 3 u R 8 h y rl l' c h a 1 r. , \ anta1es. 546 4900 ___ \\ ii I _Tr a tJ e lJ s.c 0 f ant ernt'wrng now for e'( Wanted· 5S·13SMM 7Cl(lm malchng t'nd tables, 4 new G <'hromt> l ablc~ loeh M I t ;{, Buut1~ul large sailboat prd lunch '4a1trl'SS. App lens Tentax thrt>ud~ or commode & cdfee lble w /walnul ne\ermar fl.......:.,_1 •R fftmee for slip u se. &46-2345 ly in person between Mon T·4 mount S4~ Aurn I a d ( d ' t ops , $$5 ea R blk #! ....,..., ce 20 anytime. thru T hur'i, 3 to 5 PM ------":cP'ir ry~ ~ 1 c h rome stack a bit ••••••••••••••••••••••••---------- 1"'82 M:ir Arthur, lrvlne Cab IOlS ::! ~orkpon13: .._A~·m~~· ch airs. $15 ea. Wiii t:ikc Io;lectrlra l·Woodworkln.Jt loah. Spnd & -ao Mrs Rapp ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._; ·1 1 .... : f ....,.l •11.::. · $300 for ;ill. 545·1044 or Plumbin1;HnstallaUon Sid Tv HJMAL.A YAN Kl1TENS D .r r .. """0 m IC. -1 557-9046. & Repair fnbd ena. re ••••••••••••••••••••••• F ane line o C Organic W a n led • Li "l' in II ea Ith & (;I ea n In i llous.-keeper rompanion ProdU<:tl CaJIS46-S3'7 for female SO yrs. old. Pedl1reed & Rqtstettd ~;;.:,Garden G rove. --pair. •·ire syslt'm lmU/· • SACRIFICE SIZSO With shot~. 6'7S-0188 · New llrH. rlm11 & hub malrit. Scorpio Marine My pride & joy for'a trip Lovely "t"tlens anaor" Everylhln1 rrom furn. t ups. s.7Sxl6·5 Firestone MS,f704 lo Europe 16' Mandella " .. wide oval t ransports 8 • ' bac kground. SLS. Slut' clothin g. 20341 Galax lu~ Ford. Val" =~:1 .1o .. , p -~o 11ki ready.283Yett.Y-dr. Sellina nn ything w1th a Dally Pilot Clll!l<1ifled Ad Is 1 slmplf' matter ... just call fl..t2-5678. Dr NB Sal A"d 2nd u-. MW ' ower ""'.. '7S ta1e1 trailer com cream Ctthco, 125. Few .. • · -wl I take $300 $4$-lOC4. ••••;•••••••••••••••••• plcle. Cail forde,,;orlde . Wntd: T eenager to help olde r klUens. con1ldcr Garage Sale-houaehold 18~ Ol.ASTRON, 110 Durlngdayssccatl7th• w/ hsewrk 2 dys,per m o f ree t o good homt'. Item a. Thur s/Fr•IS•t. LICTllH Fishing ft s kllog. ~JOO Ntwporl Bl, CM. 548·6l4o i_n _COM. 6_75_·S846-~t_s_ tnn.ms. 2S092 Modoc. Lal(. Kllt. ~. S36·StSOdnys 581·6231 __ __ or 548-7482. Must drive. No amok in,.. Refs . 5'47·S233. ' • ~S,e.dlt 5 I .,_, 9010 ,:,..:--• u • V•1 9570 >.Mtos, l ... art.cl A.tos. l•poried , 1~ l•'IKied ••••••• •• •••• •••••••• •• •••• 9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHRIS CRA};7 Clo ••••••••••••••••••• Oahu" 9720 Thursday. July 31 . 1975 DAILY PILOT 89 Autos, lm.,otted , .... UHd Autos, Uted • ' 9 M h H ie Complet bl '6$ Ch W'nd v ••••••••••••••••••••••• LMlborcjhiftl 9716 R.....tt 97SS 4 . a o.i . is·. 2 Ch c re t 67, 39$ t'VY '·ow .-n WILLBUYYOUR ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cockpits. Chry. 6 cna evy v.s ong. Turbo. 6·AT. Low m1 . carpeted 75 L • MIOa ;~~:·············;;;·; :~:·:;~·-~········~·;;~· ;.;~;;;~··········;;~i I new cov e r . Dlll or~· 400 tran11. com pletely & rody. $!JOO. firm. P.P. DATSUN. TOYcn:A. "' GHINI •73 REM.AULT 6754700/ eve.s,644-7391 ' bahum~<.I not ll !i~ped up 494-8966. OR VOLKSWAGEN, •URRAt;O tS Coul)('. 4 s p., lllr cond., •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65 M Ul>tan~ Coov. clean, lo m1 lo.tdt>d , nE>w rub· b<>t. $800 644 ~ . -----._;_..-~ · eng. neve r run. $50 , . 1->All> i''C~lt ' Attt /FM stereo w /l•pe. fir m . D•Yll. 646.2994 72 Dodge .van conversion. on N<YJ . •ES PADA vinyl top, r allye wheels. BRAMDMEW 1975 VOLVOS leqorLHM VOLVO DEALER SINCE 1956 CONMEU CHEVROLET SAl.i'~S & Sf:Rv1n: 2828 Harbor ll•d. ., .... sporf affOll e¥es. :ws. 786$. Alik fo; Auto., a 1r-cond.. stereo TOP DOLLAR 5 Speeds or Automatics (637 KJT). SJ475. Tony. cassette , AM I FM . CALL INSTOCIOIOW f>33.i.!70 Dir. 66 Mt.:STANG 289. Pt~ • :ur. everything r ebll 6l!l 8176 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Alrcnrft ti I O utos for Sal• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sale: DeftSQI\ ue Aftff~iues/ Cyrocopter S700. Claulcs 9520 830-..'n31S ••••••••••••••••••••••• .c~·· SfAe/ '"8 PLYMOUTH SfleCiul I ltftt 9120 d e!uxe. 2 dr. custom ••••••••••••••••••••••• Paint, gas s11vlng 6. 8 36" Com per Shell. r·ack on track tape. $550. 645·2A68 top, front slldlnl( wan· SP!Kit, Race, dow, ,Pn~elcd, Insulated, Rods 9540 curtains m eld. Xlnt cond. ••••••••••. •••••••••••• Askin~ $425. make offer .70 OLDS 442 w.30 495-6765 aft 5. Lo a d e d . 1-· u 11 Y i n . F.l Vorado' Camper. lO' strumenled inti. tach. with jacks. Good con<li-Brand new lJ.S. Mags. tion $895. 546-:~m Brand new Gdyr. Ovals. Totally rebll. & have r e· Campe r I 1 1~ rt . E z ceipts. Fat'. air & stereo. 1 loader, boot, porta potty. Competition Headers & SHOO. 19 ft . moving vun Glasspacs. Hendy for body $250. <'omplek street o r s trip. Pvt. cyl. e ng. needs work sso. Owner. 838·3328 Call 835-2179. , ---Formula F LOTlJS51 with MotORlcles/ trailer & fire suit, span• Scoo ers 9150 parts. $2300. Call Ross ••••••••••••••••••••••• an er 5pm (7 14) 495·6873. '73 HONDA 3.'iOCB New , --- eng. runs xlnl. t'rnt. disr I' ?rd 30 llfJt Hod ".\' brake. $525. ~1831 Cho pped. fenderlc ss. ba s k e t case $650 . '73 DUNSTALL Norton :>48·4559 BestoHcr. "810". 380 lb. fairing, all 4 Wh I D • ----xtras. 645-2321 art. 5 ee nves 9550 ---...................... . '73 Honda 750, Chopped, & '73 Triumph 750. Both Xlnt cond. Pri Party, Best offer. 494·6280. 1969 Kawasaki 250. $225 .• * 642·45~ HONDA 750 Cust. paint, tank , seat. chrome, etc Ha r ley rear whl. Oil cooler, $2 ,000. 963-ll!M 4X4 SALE '12 Londcruiser Wagon. :1 s~. \\am hub s. ;1 1r ('untl (<15311(; ll l. $4199 '7 4 Intl Scout '73-500 HONDA. F·ainng & Auto. V ·8. air cnnd . bags. New lrlr. Xlnt. power s t ef'r111 f!. cond. 567-7263 <9t3KLM l. '72 Yamaha 125 Enduro Low miles. $350. * 846·2995 aft 5 P M. 1971 Yamaha OOCC En- duro, Mint. cond. $250. 842-8298. "74 Jlonda 250 CR. New. S895. C all after 5PM. $4899 '74 Lande ruiser Hardtop. 4 ~peed. y. arn hubs. radio. heal er <233LFV ). S4999 552·0261 Honda 750. Custom body eJ'I\"" II lAu~ l Ve~y s ha r p . rebuilt ~IJ~, UIJW engine. $1200. See at the \::~:i TOYOTA corner of So. r st. Hw,· & ~ Anita, Laguna Bc~t·h • 49"·9428 1966 HorbN ( I.I /,.If. ~1111 J973·Honda 750 HRONCO '6i. soft top , C.:hopped$160U. V·R, 2 tnks. 46M mi, roll • DA\'~673-4502 * bar. hvy 11t y eqp. R33-3-ll 1 ·;2 Kawasaki 100. Dirt. Street accessories, Sui><' Cond ! $285. 549-0129. 70 Yamah a 360, dirt, new overh a ul, r uns good. • ~. 847·5136 72 Hondas: 70 & 125; Suzuki 125; $200: S325: 5225/Make deal. All trick s tuH for dirt. Xlnt cond. Sellout sa le all our bikes. 54S·4624 eves. 1960 Cush man Scooter. 74 Jeep CJ-5 •4 Wheel Drhe •6 Cylinder •4 Speed •Ready for Fun! $4395 C067JPV) •KKENDON ,,. AMC'1.JEEP 1 • .. J•' I< F4t ,' COSJ.'\ \,lSA ~H 8023 Runs. but needs work. good for Student. 979-4884 Trucb 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970Twin 90 Yamaha, ·54 GM(; Panel. Nds work. goodcond.$225. 228·6 eng + h y dro· ____ 5_5_7-_9_163_ mtic trans. als o xtra "73 YAHAMA 500 8 valve e ng /trans. S'200. 673·0887. !T'int cond . 4500 mi. Ask'. Bus I n tern-;tion~l;B 1ng $950. Must sell. passenger. Needs glass. 551·5467 S300. 2300 Rear W. Coast 74 Ya ma ha 250 Street, Hwy . Call 968·6972. gears,. show room cond. TOYOT A Pk up. R&H. stl 1800 ma. $700. 833-1408 belted tir es. Sl.500. o •74 Hod a ka Wo m bat. best ofr. ~~424 AH . 4: Absolut e ly i mmac TOW T RUCK 21,z ton fast. Bes t offer 548·5822 c MC.: 1110 w 'Holmes 515 & "74 380 GT Suzuki, 3 cy spd. Windshield & Fair ' ing. :dnt. cond. 496-6557 HONDA TRAIL to. Les. than 20 hrs ulK'6. Red like new S350. 645-6680 650 Yamah a dirt bike $1.100 or m ake offer. Gd : cond. 531-6736. Now el I d olly system. Fully equip'd/xlnt. cond. See lo app reciate. $3,250. t'irm. See al Kim's Tex· aco. Inte r s ta te 5 & Avery Prkwy. No. of San Juan Capo. 496·5953 or 831 -1331 ---- '59 C HEV. Truck, 2 T, clum p bed w 12 s p. axle. $775. 581 ·3981 art !l. Tacoma whls. radia l SAL U£KNAOENt: IMMEDIATE tires. $3000. 540 0442 DELIVYY ii:;:~~:= Datsun ttepai~ & Sve . AUTHORJZEO guaranteed work. Low UBAL.l!:H '73 OODG E 8·200, lo mi, prices. SAU;s -SJ..;tWlC ~ A/C, del ux~ int. Xlnt G•U> 14:!9 LEASING cond . 1 owner. 752·722i . ---· Mon-Fri 8·5 1971'.-,, 260Z. l mmac . JIM ---~ 1·on d . L u . mi . Day MARINO 558·0474, cvcs.frlS-5987. Autos Wanted 9590 ~ • MOTOR CARS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74 260Z 2+ 2. Coco hrwn 1200 w. C...t Hwy. Rolls Royu '7 56 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *1 DEAUR IN U.S.A. JRR ~~~VER ROLLS-ROYCE 234 f . 17th St. COUA MUA \'---..JS..•····· CLOUD $UNDAYS w t :PAYTOPDOLLJ\lt /\ c. mu~e.. 13000 rni. 645·1102 l>'ORTOPUSEDCi\HS :\tany t•xlras. PP Call ~i•Hfr•t11f"-~~h Chit. Stvh 9761 FOREIGN.OOMESTIC; btwn 8:\~1 & 5 PM ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• orCL ASSlCS· 642-3482 Mndo 9738 EXCLUSIVE 1f yo"r car is extra dean --, - ----••••••••••••••••••••••• sec us rarst. 72 240 Z '73 RX3. 18.000 mi. FOi IAUER IUICK ·1. :.p .. l'hrom e ':'heels. a ir ~adio. cl0<.·k. etc. Orange County "925 11. t·.,.. l'l I < llrHI.. >\ :'\1 I I' :it radio $2200. Ph: 646-5572. 0A " ar,,,,r '" · I <936JFll ) S4175 Cost a Me.>sa :m12.500 ti:J:l 2.iiu · Olr 1972 H X2. new engine. ij TOP Do· I ·R i\1C , lapt', xlnl cond. or ~ ·n 210z 1 Sp<l. <er. 675-1:154" PAID \1r .A:'ll 1FMradio. MOTOI s:iooo <:all ~*i2-0!J89 '72 Mazcta RX 2. 25,000 m i CAI IMMEDIATELY on en~. Clean. Must sell. A'1THOafllO FOR ALL . 73 240-Z... s55115o18007nr lws t ofrer. ~lrSeniu FOREIGNCARS .. l' DAVE ROSS C ·LL OR COME IH •4 Speed ·73 l 'X'' I d "' F t · •• <.. x nt. c<in · 2200C POHTIAC-STUTZ TO SEE US • ac ory Air mi. i\M 1 FM :-.tereo tape, 24IO Harbor ll•d. •Real Sharp! .. ;act:-.. Sl .850. 644-4258 aft. Costa M~ "46-At>l7 NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Coast Hwy.,. B. 642-9405 Oran9~ County's Hiqhest S Buytt on Imports 1111 Max~y Toyota Call Hoger or Bill k 17 8.5SS $4995 (266JITL) Fiat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST & LARGEST JM M f:DIATE L>ELl\'EHY All Models &Culors Dick Miller Motors OVER 100 HEW &USB> · MERCEDES ON DISPLAY House of lmooris AL'TllORtZt O ~1F.Hn:1n:s DI-:ALER fl862 Ma nche.c;tt•r. Buena Park 523-7250 On the Sanla Ana Fwy. FREE APPRAISAL r:lf .. ITifl~ We buy u sed C'ars & i. .. LJ.,. 19'i0 21W SL, Si500. Xlnt cond llr:-.t offrr will bt• :11·1·l•µt1•d . 54R«•>39 trucks. Call GHOTM J'JO\\' \\". CHEVROLET for a frN ~ t < ,jum•r appraisal. ., . a · 0 • aui _ ... GHOTll C'll E\'HOLl-:1' :--.ulla ,\n 1 ·"" -1"· 71 Mercedes 1~211 Bea1·h Hl vd. lluntingtun llt-a1·h 84i 60Ki 5.HI· '.'l:ll SELLING YOUR CAR? TOP PRICES PAID 1-'or Im ports Paid forc•r Nnt O~on L~wis Imports I 9fiH II arbor C \I. 1;.11; !l3ffl '72foll85uSPIOER 280SE 3.5 Xlnt l'Ond . Onlv 30.00< This n11e is <.1 classic & mi. Cnnvt·rt ·t op. 4 MPG. S2lOO. tii!l·Z2Hi. priced to s ell! < #3150) '70 R.'iO H AC:EI{ :! seats. SLEMONS MERCEDES vinyl lop. sll'rt'(l IW<iut. 1~70 Harbor. c.M. hlU<'. looks rtl'W. 111 MPG. Vnr Tl~C l'l'ople only ! __ 6~~~2}6 SJ325. Call Lee to See! . --.-. 631 · 14>!7 or g33.1610. 5!l MB 190 SL. 6 cyl .. mint cond, 2 tops. Make Offer, 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Toyota S pel'ialbt. f a1 r pri res 1U ~ r-.. ex r>t:r. 646·1-13!1 '69TOYOTA Corona Mark lI 2 dr sedan, air. Pvt parly . 842-8723 '75 Y2 Toyotas Here Now Come in Test Drive Today Buy or Lease 1 l>M lrurlA G)roYOTA _ TOP CASH! ·;.1 ::>pider S4tl95. Wh. •n'fl Call 6<M ·5596. or :>48·9696 int. 1\ l'. raC'k. A M VM ,59 MBZ HIO -I ("'·~n-s 1966 H0tbor. C M b-~f.<>101 COST,\ Mf' .. .;; \ 546-1200 WILLIAMS IMPORTS EXCLUSIVE VOLVO DEALER 71 t:I Camino ClBSl>ll' Okhmobil~ 9,55 !'/!>, l'/b, ulr c-ond. Mait ••••••••••••••••••••••• wht>cls & radial llrl's Salc:s OJnd St.'n•ir .. S-IOOO 55~ 550ti. OLDSMOllLE 8011 Common\\ealth 1!11>4 c 11 i::vi.:1.1 .1-: GOOD BARGAIJ\ • 752 1581:1• (.'ht•\ ruld. l!nl Caprice Sl37:i 1\M ·F M. air, 2 GMC TRUCKS HONDA CARS University Olds 211SO lhtrbor Blvd. CO).(;J M 1•:-:i 5-W-00411 Hut-na Park 521-7000 doo r, likL• nt!W tond1l1011. '70 CUTI.ASS Suprt•mt• ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO EXn.l sn· 1-:l.Y VOL\'() L.u·i.:l•:.t \·otrn lkak·r 111 Oranj.!l'lAlUnty! •19'J 2177. new trans. brake:.. alt .., , ,. LT M ll b P 'B n.tlio SI 100 8.:r7 .11(',u, , .. '-ama ro . e . na. ltkt• 111'" only 10.0UO rni. '1;.1 Cutl.1"' '\llll rur11w1 !1.n !Ali l! Jft~rs. Pl' bc·:-.t """r t,1k n 11 4~3 :W:!V ::tfl l'r Ii HL'Y or LEASE l>IH ECT ·;o El Camino 350, auto air. ps. reblt eng Pinto 9957 ........•...•.........• :3 l'anto, hHn1 g I., p11t'<', .\lnl t·oncl. 55i :~tt;K 3Xl 1> S S:--1·<.111rnr1•. S1\ ~f m·s · ,, "" ·!J62_;a ... ' • • <.'lu~,;11 ·;,o 2 dour Ch!'\ v _ _ _ Onl" :!0,000 1111. }dnl 202 rond. l o~n1er. Tu h1~1w .. 1 Plymouth 9960 5 S. M anchester offt•r t" Aug.3.•1~·1':':!1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anaheim 750-2011 LARGEST SELECTION 1!1711 \..'ht•\. King:-wuncl \\'.11411. auto. PH. I':-., •\ar nu brks. Sl 100. 640·41l:ll . Continental 9930 ........................ ·74 Mark 1\·. Air-Slert·o ~pP e d tontrol . Im macul:ite ~ Low nu. P1i v Pty. &995. 675 t1J..1:1 ATLAS Chrysl~r /Ptymouth Open 0;11ly & :sun 111 11> PM 2929 11 ,irhor Uh d . < • o-.t .c ~h·:.a 546-1934 Pontiac 9 965 Of Used Volvos In Oran<Je Countv -----...................... . CHOICE0~30 '69's thru '74's •145 WAGONS •I 64's •I 40's 2 & 4 Door ALL WITH ·\I It «ON· Cor•~tt~ 9932 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 CORVETTE T-TOP -154 \'.8 engine, air lontli- t1oning, leather mtcnlll' Pampered & pn•:,.""n 1•d by retired U.S .M.C. l'nl onel ! (240BRT> 0 I T I 0 :-.; I "\ l; I ,, . ----------. MAc t ·r..\TE ,\ 1·1un:o DAVE ROSS TO SE LL PONTIAC WILLIAMS 1 ... ....._.,..Mr~. IMPORTS c-....... '4 '"'• 1 1 8011 CO~Dto"\WEALTlt COUCJar 9933 Buena 1';1rk 521-7000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 74 COUGAR XR7. l mmac. 1969 J.1:1 Sta W).-!n, f!d A /C, AM /i''M Tapt.'. Low econo. lo m1 air :.1111 rm. miles Must Sell! p,1. rack. r :idiah .. 1uto . Plv 5!>2-!!0-14. $1800. ~17~l·35ti --. -- Try n Daitv P ilot Class1r1ecl Ari t,-, huy, ::iC'll or rent ~nmc•lhm~. 69COUGAR 72 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SJ EH·r~ fJl'tory 11pt11•n an· duding 1\ 7'1 1 FM sl 1•reo "I II lr<H'k (;JJ)\.'. fJ\'lOC".\' <iir cond1t1onin;.!. '1n~ I roof. lilt :.lt'1·ritl!! "h1•cl. l>o" t·r "1nd1)\h . IJ111·k1 l ..,,•;its µ11\\ t•r !>li·~·rin~ & br:tkl"·· ,.,,., Sll':rl this h t• a u I ~ .1 t h c l ow "hol "'·'I e 111 u<' Book ' u~;:wl-\:-r S2789 DAVE ROSS PONTIAC lie ........... . c..teMete au.Ml 1 72 PONTIAC SAFARI STATIOM WAGON For C'lt<1n USl'(I 1";1r,; !. t1ul·k:-.1 ll o ward ('hevrol1•t. l>•J\C & Qu<iil Slrcel:., nr. Mac-Arthur .lamhnl'f'f' and Bristol Nt·wport lkal'h. R33 11555. I 'I I\ m 1 • t · a 11 I ) o n · · · · -~·Hi·17Mll:IX ·t511 perfect,am:rm skrCQ,25 V~kSWOCJen 9770 Autos, Used ~1 P G . n c v-· 1 n l t" r i or. •••• ••• • ••••• •• ••• ••• •• ••• • •••••••• ••• •• •••. •. 2 Door Coupe •V-8 & Automatic •Factory Air •AM/FM Stereo !I I' a s s e n i.: •• r :-t .1 llnnY. Jgon v.1lh all t hl' luxunc:. in«luclin;.: \'-!! l.'n :.:1ne. <aut o mati (' Fial 12~ Sport. fill. n11 t·ng !;2)(10 nrft•r . H-li 7R.'ll AMC 9905 $1400 Set• at :?!Yi 1-: 18t ~1 HZ Classic t!JGO 22os1-:. St.C i\1 .ti41~-t 211:1aftl1 C•nl\'. lkautiful. S7000. REPAIRS-SERVICE Exch ange & Hebuilcls ...•.•••.••............ UROOKLY'.'lllUCCO. AMX Ja,l'lrn. i'.!, ){mt Estimates 5'11'1·9141 cond. :\I u~t :-l'l', Autn $1695 <Ui~I( i :\ Y • tr:.111,,.mi:.sion fol·ll•n :11r 1·•1n tl1l1on1nl!. po"cr Sll'l'rlng & hr:it-v ... power Y.111dow ,;. t tit "ll'L'rlllJ' wht•<'I. nxJI r ,1«k. wood ).!r.11n !'>ide:-.. & more•' (il:t(;Bl' I Pra ply nl'eds a n inrx '70 Fl,\T H;>O Sporh l'Pl' 1wnSI\ {' trC1nsportatinr c;ood t'Onfl. :10 mpj!. I ti.Ir. Will pay ea~h !f7!j.·u;x1 a-12-626!1 - - --~:!~·.'!':~~~~ ........ ggfi,Jll Affo Romeo 9705 In Santa Ana ••••••••• •• •••••••••••• New '7 S-128 2 dr. 73 ALFA ROMEO i'T LI. FA(.IORY SPIDER EQUI PPED /\ low mil(';'IJ:!<' ro~uislt•r In supt•rh t·ond1t1011 • 831·2040 rllr Audi 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 AliI>t s:Jo -1 dr, radi11 hlr . 'l'r.v dean. $1.895 PP. 548 62.14 73 Audi lOOl~'i. 4 s pd. air A m I f' m . x I n t t· on 11 B r u c e !l 6 2 · i7 8 8 o t 631 ·1!011. IMW 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST & Salcs·ScrvH·1• IA•as1ng Roy Carver, Inc.. Rolls R oyre BMW 234 E . 17th St. Costa Mesa 546·444 t CREVIER ;r 1918612 $2899 N~w •75 128 4 ctr. fl'LL FACJ'ORY EQ L'IPPl-:D :: 1901930 $2999 N~w '75-128 WGCJOft 1-TLL F ,\CTOR\' ~:<-~l 'll'J'F.() :: l ~Hl50l $3149 New '7 5 SPORT CPE. Fl'LLY FACTOH\' EQUIPPED ::203441 $3299 !li!1·35i7 66 MBZ 2SOSE COUPE * VW BUGS A fl". I' s. I' h. S:!SUO '6 8 THRU 1175.530 1. 1\n 1m m 1u·ulate classic i" & out : Sun r oof & l<'ather interior. 831 W10rllr. ·14·s 69 JA YELIN 25 SST 2 Door Coupe To Choose Frum • V .a & Automatic: Garden WMtVW '61 2".!0 B. very nice in & 2 Blks w. of Beach Blvd. •Ralfye Wheets 0111. runs xlnt. Sl.iOO. 7600 Westm inster i\\'l'. •Like Hew! · _ _ _tii5 &I'.~ ____ Westrnin ~ 638-7AAO $I 395 MGB 9744 71 VW Squareback. 73.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mi. Gd. cone!. Sl80o or · (YW1lill) fl8 ~1 GA. Fm stC'reo. t:reat bes t offer. Lad. 644-8610 rond. & n1ill"age ------r;;3.0013. .68 VW, GD. SHAPE~ $950. 548-7764 Btwn . 9746 8:30AM &SPM Opel ············•··•······· ·73 M a ntn Lu x u s. S llAHP ! Air. auto. ::.lcreo. l'it•w raclials. lo. 'Gi \!W. C D. SIL-\1'1': '. $800. 5'1R·77G1 htwn 8:3-0J\M & SPM mi S2575. Afl. fil'M, CONVJ-:HTIBLE 1~2 VW 1>14·0530. maint. & rcµair analysis Porsch~ 9750 complctcrl July 7lh. Xint. con(i . (;<1 . top. SflOO, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673·4230 C\'CS. 673·6i73 '66 Porsche 912. nice; nev. days paint. n·tl; sec in lrvinE' --- '66 VW flu)!. 1· 72!l.(13:l-I G()()(j co11dit10n. Hate lo b ul must sell $600. • • S.56-9306 (BLACK ) J 971 Porsche --- -- 914. appt•aranrl' group, ·73 Thinl!. Roll Bar. skid mag whls. am1fm. xlnt plate. ,, m trm ~tereo cond. $4100 firm M6·8493 lape. $2200. 4\.)4-8819. ---~ 74AMC AMX 2-Door •Y-8 & Automatic •Factory Air •Only 4000 Miles •SHARP! $3795 ''3s ___ s;,.;2;;..;s;.;a...,9 __ .•.•••.••••.•••..•.•••. DAVE R SS "ECONOMICAL " ·;2 Dodge Col Wi.:n. 4 clr PONTIAC Sedan. H1way 30 mpg. ~t mpg. N.W . car ~1500 Z4MH .... AIFelrDr. ~36 ·1287 afl t-r 9pm. c..t.MeM 546-1017 weekdays, anyt1nu weekends -----Dodge 69 Dart, t> cyl, 111 m i. P /s. Pvt. Pty. $1300. 540·0'i72 Ford 9940 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '67 Station Waiton. ~rt cond. $6:!.'>. • 644·4il83 • ---- 70 FORD TORINO 2 Voor H.T , automatic, radio, h C':ltt'r, power :-.l1•ering & lirakt•s. ai r 1·011d1t ion111g, \ in~·I moC. rallyt• wheds. <I!l7:WY) $1489 74 PONTIAC LE MANS COUPE Lo;aded with v .g engine. ;111tnrn utir. air condition· w~. nnvl roof. A7'1 1 FM s ll'ren · racl10. power ..,IC'C'rl ns:. po" Pr <Its•· l>r~1kl'"· rallye "'h~cl-;, & mort•! (\}82MIA> $3889 DAVERO S PONTIAC 24 ........... .,. c.. ...... ,...,..,, ·64 t;To. run~ well , red D,avE ROSS w 'white int. On(! owner. M !Wst off er 546· H87 l>lfor~ PONTIAC -1pm . , --- '66 VW Camper. :.iwning, luick 9910 24".....,.AthlrDr-1.l644~R xlnt trans . new eng. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CeltwMeM 546-1017 lmma,<': $:[1.~· l·irm. '75 PORSCHE 91 I Cornra T GnJ11 Color: Diamond Silver $1250. or ·! .1~.;~Jm__ . 69 RIVIERA __ _ _____ .1+.i; .lfi.ri _ .\-_ ·66 Squarebill'k. New r t' Wtth ull the_fa1'lory l'lt· Fo r d Courier 'i2 with '6.q Ponl1a1· Bonncv1tle. 4 built engine . Excellent tras 1nclud1ng ,;tereo. shell & bool. 2H.OOO mi DR. Vin' I n~·J .\m Fm condition. 631·0:!91. P?wer wintlo\\S, foetury t"ully l'rpld. ~poke rims. radio, ;i;r, I' ... I' Ii. tilt Suzuki RV 90. Trail cycle ·5'lChevy 12 ton. Hvyduty & str eet legal, new. Wit work truc k & trailer. 1 sr "HOADWAY car carrier . Mint cond. Best offer 642·2f"211. SAHTA AHA Ofc: 752·6561; 498-1625 aft 835·3171 '75 Hew FIATS IM STOCK •CH· 11([-t if'..(Ol IRS •lh· ,.,., n l E 1u pnnnt /\Ll.SF.RVICEO& HEAOYTO<;o -- 6 OTHER 911 c OllpeS & T ctrCJCIS to choose from .69VW BUC N l'W Ii n•s & brakes. $7~0 S57·!1.149 3 BUGS air, ra lley '~ht•t'ls. Vinyl ne w tires, sten•11, xlnt slr·i.: \\hi, \l I,. del1n. r oof. & \'er~ Clt·;rn '. cond. SJ 900. 536·4:..'0:I S7~1:, 9fi:l 11 1:1 · (27568) --- $1 489 ·72 Ford LTD Country '62Tern111·:.t, •I evllncler. 4 S qu ire . P / s, P b . · clnor, cl1•:111 ~()o or be-l Am /Fm s t e rell radio. ofkr (i7:1·792·1, s. < 7 3 LU V Pickup THE utr1Mue oAIVIHG ~•cH1Ne to choose from! ·AA & (2)'iO's, 4 :-.pceds, 1 w I AM /Fl\l sten·n & 8 track tape. All Clean! Take one or lak<' them all!!! DAVE R s ::l~1.ra ck. $2000 , Motor HotHS. Sale/Rnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• "71 22' ISLANDER, xlnt cond , self contained. $6995. 846·0446 D&D Motor Hom e Rental 646-9611. DE LUXE 28', all extras, sleeps 8. By day or week. 643-3370 a ft er 4. 30' Bus Brill, clean, A/C. recline r seats. sell or trade for m ost a nything! Make Offer. 714/846-7127. 9170 Low miles, mag~. stereo, will trade. 831-2040dlr. '71 RMW 2002. Xlnt coml -------/\i r . AM H'M s tereo 70 Chevy 3/4 Ton Pickup Cmwtper Special •V-8 & Automatic: •Factory Air •Only 31,000 Miies $2545 <G I580F) M ai:s. S2995. Ph: liM·23fi~ SADDLEBACK BMW EXCLUSIVE & DEALER • S£mcc FIRST SPORTS CAR CENTER Lar9~ S~ledlon of Select Us~ Imports DICK MILLER MOTORS Fl/\T FACTORY ' AUTHORIZJ..;D SALES SF.RVICJ•: LEASING & Over ,;eas Deli very 120 WHtWant4H' AT SOUTll l\t /\lN SANTAANA -- DOH BURNS PRESTIGE POISCHE/AUDI I 36l 1 HAllOR IL VD. GARDEN GROVE 636-2333 $1489 XDM872) !923BLPl !566BQ DA EROSS PONTIAC MM ..... At Mr Dr. C:....Mete S46.ft11 PONTIAC Mlt ......... .,. Celh ...... 54'-M 17 63 Galaxie Convert runs good. $150. 536·320!1, ask for Mike Cadillac 9915 68 Ford Cortina GT. xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. 53.000 m1. H.ad1als, SS65. 548·9-137. CADILLAC Ma•erick -9947 Over i ll to choose from. ••••••••••••••••••••••• From $1995. t:MAC 1970 M . k th . Finanr ing & Leasing . ave;11~ wa air. Maben Cocliloc __ Cal1581-3007 21'00 ... .._ .. .._ Mtt"Cury 9950 '66 i''astback VV.'. r~bll eo. .. ~ 540 9'IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 PORSCHE eng, n ew paint. tires & '71) :\fert Colony P·1rk R uphlstry. S8SO. 002-SO.'>ii. .. ' . . . .() -' I 10 USED FIREBIRDS to choos~ from &~: 70 FtRHIRD 6 6 cylinder, autom atic, radio. heat e r . power steerin~. C209BBJ > $1589 • Trailft's, TravfA •KKENDON ,,. AMCrl.JEEP L.11)1~ •,•[~ i ~1·1 \O~J ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 9 / 7 l'l t s 'Gl <10R C:1d A4000 :1l'lual pas~. w.is:on. r1 ~1 n:i 557 2132 14 w 1. a re eng ne. V~YO '772 mi Air radio! tires rull owner. Xlnl cond. Tat>c •74 ESPRIT 28 • R d R If R"•E lrlf'[ ru~ s p .. mags, appearance . . ' . . d eck f II l th 8 300 .• oa unner, ae "' UM "~ • <988JET) ..,.,.,5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pwr. Perf cond $550 • ~ power. cc. Less an • m 1 es. t:Mt Good cond ~ Wit h This Atl group. · """' · WE ' 51000 Ma675-21699lil 5 pm vs. automatic. factor, u ll492·«1J1S.C. · · •64 RANtH ERO 289, 4 • This Week Only 633·247o Dir. 54S·l 955 ---' • air , radio. heal e r , speed. "50. 5 Year or S0.000 Mlle 1----------pd ST LL '69-EL DORAOO. 67 MuttCllH) 9952 power st eering, rallye Hardtop Tent Trlr . stove, S81·6ZJ1 Warranty Avallable on ~3e!oicil~eh!nJ· ..5a~tai I mi. Perl. Mech. Sl,500 ·~··•••••••••••••···~·· wheels. Balance factory ice box,sink"table.Sp~I-----....._---.all New BMW 's . HOftdo 9727 tires, m ags A M /FM fir m .3128BroadSl.NB. 73Mustang.17,000m1. warr anty. Beautif ul 6. $1000. 963-1523. , '70 FORD P k up. 250XL T, •••••••• ••••••••••••••• s tereo. Like new. many HAVE 548-6764 Like new. $3150. CS2.5LFM) auto. air . PtS, P /8 , ·74 ClVl C Hnlrhback tr $8900 552 S48-27i.> SAVE ...._ Sw•lce& rndlo. $2.100. 675.8180 15000 mi. 30MPG. A~klng ex as. · ·0484 I 0 Volvos Lift '67 Cadillac. 311,000 mi. --------- •• *P•..t•••'•••••••••••9•4••0•~ V•t 9570 S2.450. 541-3W7 ·72 Porsc he 911 T, "5,000 111 Very c lean! $Qrry, n CLEl\N '67 Mustang \'8, -------P""I~--. · Bst r r $8300 Pr .. lnc~ air. 642·0449 auto. R&H. stl. belted VE Want to Buy: 1985 El••••••••••••••••••••••• 1(.-.nanftGhla 9735 f~·.003816~;.;;1e · , _ _. ---rads,P /S .$995.536·7234 Camino for parta °' UMM '\XW Ccxr1r1 ....................... p ' '73 ELDO New SB rad.. nl\UTIAC or '65 El Camino ri&ht . ANu '67 Karmann GhiR Run5 7Z PORSCHE nces new brakes, all ('XlrRS. •74 M..stGRC]Ghia rvn I"' door.tNS Chevelle or EI IUSIS 19732002 Xlnl.NewUres &brnkes Comel"Tocloy M in t cond. 6447475. (714)497-~2 a. ............ Camino dath. MllSl have 71 P op Top Automatic. AM/FM. 011<' $795. 54~08 ____ 1 TARGA B S49-l008 --68 Must ang. 289 ck:an, nu C.-If factory air . El Camlt\O 727 Pan . owner. 831·2040 dlr 5 sp .• air cond.rexceUent UJ Cadillac 1972. Clean. All motor parts. b uilt for --------- door p anels . Ask for 707 Paaa ----condition. 831·2040dlr. or Extras! Good cond. I rnclna . xtras. Best orrer. VtcJa t974 Larry, M8·49'7Uft. 6pm 73. PMll: 1970 2002 ...... 912 s s·~•. 1-;Ject su n· Lease owner. Art 5 pm. 644.8523, 842·4662 Dana. • •••••••••••••••••••••• a..a .__. AM FM Topla<'<'Yourmessa.11e "" .-_ '71VWBUO.PARTS: S,ecl ... y.-nc.ed-I • one owner. bdoreth<' roof . Nr. concour!'e. '63. Good body and In· 1974 Mustang II. 14 ,000 '74 C}T HATCHBACK Co. en 1 . t r a n•. tac h , RIADY.for ~2040d lr r~adlng public, $5300. Wont· __ ·7_4_91_1_w_1 1 ejflll ttloiA terlor. Radio and h<'atcr , m i. Excellent condition. lt'esffl !'"r X.lnL cond. Uru /mU•· Shock•. win· VtteaffOATifM.. c-..a 9715 phone sunroof. 494-334.1 l'n S p m run~ xlnt. $32S.Pvt prty. $2M0.64S-1436 Auto, air. White w l\han dowaet c.llQ.9095 w·.--avw ..,... ltwltnds . ~36·4377 re<t stripe, blk. bP· G•d" ..... ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Oally Pilot · '69 Mustang. Radi1l5. holstery piped In red • ..00 Four 16 .. Olah Type Maa 2 8 lk• w. or Beach Blvd, 13 C1pri v 6. 4 11pd. sun· Cl11i;slfi1•d,M2-S678 1'70 911T. xlnl con<f. 5 nu VOLVO · ·73 Eldorado. 1t:very Ex· Tape dec k. Lo miles. cpl .. 23000 mi. $2,795. whee.It $8().00 ~7-4885 or 76()()We1tm lnsterAve. roof. AM/FM Tap<i, xlnt~~~~~~~~~~J Ures. Teac:Stereo Ira. WlfP's car Local le Good gas mlleaa:e. $1300. 673 4230 eves, 613-6773 5S1-4193 af\.er8PM Westm inster 638-7880 cond.CallJudyS48-9862 ~ 499·2168 1966Hnrbor CM 6Ab9303 mi.MustSt'll.SS7·9349. 642·7924 dnys 0 :=a )> z 0 ~ n:111 .. 0"' c: t Ill z-< -f cs ,... -< ,., vi~ ~ .--"' )> ~ ::0 ;;t C> 0 mp? V') < • -f: V') -< m --.--m ,.. -n ...... -0 z • m ~ :r>- "'z ~c r-zZ :;; m £~ 0 --0 ........ UI ft .... 00 •• ;I z ..... "' Cl "' Cl ---c:::t -.,, .ii -a m • Cl ~ M c: -:z: c:::t -rn -< al rn ..... • c:::t c: :a -rn E i "' ~ :I -n "' Cl n -:a ·- 10 USED FIREBIRDS to choose from Examples: •70 FIREBIRD 6 6 cylinder. automatic. radio. heater, power steering. (209BBJ) $1589 • 174 ESPRIT Less than 8,300 miles. VS. automatic. factory air. radio. heater. power steering. rallye w heels. Balance factory warranty Beautiful. (525LFM) SAVE • &MORE XLNT USED CARS to choose from Examples: '72 PONTIAC SAFARI 9 passenger wagon All the wagon luxuries incl. va. auto .. factory air. P.S .. P.B. power windows. tilt wheel. roof rack. wood grain sides and more. (749GBC) $2589 • '74 PONTIAC LE MANS Coupe. Loaded with VB. automatic. air cond, vinyl roof. AM/FM stereo. power steering & disc brakes, rallye wheels & more. \982MIA) $3889 • •72 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX S.J. with every factory option incl. AM/FM stereo 8 track. factory air. vinyl roof. hit wheel, power windows and bucket seals. power steering & brakes. etc. Steal this beauty at below wholesale Blue Book. (873FKSJ " SAVE • 3 IUGS to Choose '68 & (2) 70's. 4 speeds, 1 w/AM/FM stereo & 8 track tape. All Clean! Take one or take them all!'! (XDM872) (923BLP) (566800) $1489 • '70 CORVETTE T-TOP 4 54 V -8 engine. air conditioning, leather interior. Pampered & preserved by retired U.S.M.C. colonel! (240BRT) SAVE • '70 FORD TORINO 2 Door H. T .. automatic. radio. h eater . power steeri ng & brakes. air conditioning, vinyl roof. rallye wheels. ( 197 AFY) $1489 • 169 RIVIERA With all the factory extras including stereo. power windows. factory air. rallye wheels. vinyl roof, & Very Oean! (27568) $1489 THE BEST PLACE • TO SAVE '71 FORD LTD 2 DOOR H.T. Power steering & brakes. vinyl roof, cloth interior, air conditioning. (075JNJ) SJ695 '73 COUGAR XR-7 Beautiful copper finish, white leather interior. white vinyl roof. AM/FM stereo. 33.000 miles. (748HPCJ sasso '72 CHEVY IMPALA 2 DOOR H.T. Gold metallic finish w/white vinyl roof, AM/FM radio. (130GBN} '73 LINCOLN CONTINENT AL 2 DOOR H.T. White on white with leather interior, cruise control. tilt steering wheel. AM/FM stereo w /tape player. Ready to go! (478GIF) s4995 FINE USED CARS '73 CHEVELLE LAGUNA COUPE Totally equipped including vinyl roo f. factory air conditioning. power steering & brakes. power seats & window s, tilt steering wheel. AM/FM stereo w/8 track tape. new whitewall tires. etc.! (329HSV) Only 53395 '72 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 DOOR H.T. Only 27.000 miles. vinyl roof. tapestry interior. factory air conditioning. automatic transmission. power steering & brakes. new Michelin radial tires. & much more! (334EIH) '72 DATSUN 510 WAGON Factory air conditioning, automatic transmission, racjio. heater. new whitewall tires. etc. Very clean. Low Miles! (300GNI) '73 DATSUN 240-Z Only 30.000 miles. factory air conditioning, autorretic transmission, AM/FM stereo w/8 track tape, rreg sport wheels w ith new radial tires! (215JRO) Only 55395 COME IN TODAY! OVER 400 NEW 75's MUST GO IN OUR GIGANTIC c L E .A N u p SALE! GET ALL-TIME HIGH DISCOUNTS PLUS 1 1 0~10 FINANCING YOU NEED HOT PAY ONE CIEHT DOWN ~ ANY NEW OR USED 1974 OR 1975 MODEL IN OUR STOCK WITH APPROVED CREDIT. 3 YEARS or 36,000 MILES OF CAREFREE DRIVING 0Yu 400 new '75's must 90 at record clscounh! You . can be sure of 3 years or 36 ,000 1niles of cca efl ee clriYiftCJ on 01ff o... of them! We now offer insurance on an internal en9ine and power train repairs, that coYen your car far 2 years or 24,000 •1" beyond nonnal factory new car warranty. COME IH WHILE SELECTIONS •# ARE BIG! BRAND NEW 1975 OLDS Starfire ORDER YOURS TODAY ONLY $3577 1975 GMC PICKUP ORO ER YOURS TODAY s3577 TAKE YOUR CHOICE '69 IMPERIAL H.T. .\uLo • I' .S .. I'. B., P :.cats & wmdow;., Ult wh('el, vinyl top. (XX FSi 1 l '68 PONTIAC GTO Au lo . P .s .. ci1r l'Onrl .. Halt ~·t· wheelrl. nnyl top (Wl~Xu:.t3J '69 SUBARU I :;peed, 1 ully factory eq u 1 p ped. C'( W L8:1!1) TAKE YOUR CHOICE '72 dHEV. WAGOH Auto .. P .S., ratho, healer. (i!JHFYW l ·7 1 OPEL RAU YE .i speed, rad1.il tires, radio, healer. l.lltiJJ 13V) '71 CHEV VEGA. Kamhack. 4-spcctl, radio, hculer. 115·111 ET) s77Q~ s57 ~! l •600 rotar cA'h or.ce o•us taY a l•c. S.2 l 56 72 10111 dtlll!<r"O D"CO tnCI , '"" 1tc •II carrvonq ct-ar9u. Pavments arA !or 36 mo •• APR. lb24'M.. ,I •• l I ' • ' • • • • ... < ,,. ' " . ' . . ' L~•••a/Sout~ Coast 'l'oday's Closing N.Y. Stocks i • l VOL 68, NO. 212, 4 Sf;CTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1975 TEN CENTS Laguna City Clerk's Office Under Fire l!y FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL oi tH o..u,.1"11114 s..ff Several practlces In t'he Laguna Beach City·cterk's office -do n·ot matc h acceptable ,statewide standards, accordi11g 'ito a stutly made public Weclnes- :dayntghlby the Laguna Beach Ci· ;tyCou.ncil. . · : An Investigation of t.•urrent practioe& in. -the clerk's oCfice :founcfOiat: ,. ' " -Sixty-six sets or City Council minutes, dating back to Feb. 6, 1974 ,'have not been Completed. _:some city ordioantes are in subject files rather than a single ordinanc~ book. -Information retrieval is dif- ficult. · -A duplication exists in some duties performed by the clerk and an .administr1.1tivc aide to the councit;, -' City Clerk Dorothy Musfelt to- day termed the report ''a crili- que of the incurnbeilt and not a survey of the position." She charged that 'the study by Willi a m tlamilton and As- sociates or Orange was part or a veiled effort by the City Council to make the c.ity c lerk's position an appointive, rather than elec- tive, office. • ''If they feel the office· should • be vacated, they always have re- course to recall ," l\1rs. Musfclt said. Mrs. Musfell has been on a leave of absence from her job sin<.·e May 12 . She cited stress and strain Ylhcn she went on leave. She was appointed city clerk by the couneil in 1970 and v.1as l'lcctt.><I to a four-year term in 1972. ' ~trs . l\tusfe lt reiterated today that she feel s the root of the pro- blems \li'ithin the <.·lerk's offiCL' have been brought on by "un - derbudgeting and undcr5taffing '' by the City Count·il. Council members voted to re- ceive and file the report . Tht'y set further discus5ion of the clerk's offil'C for Aug. 20. ·•our city clerk has been ill and the office has be en ill for 5ome time." s aid Councilm;in Jon Brand. According lo the report, ., management cons ultant s~nt fi ve dat;s reviewing the practices in t he cA!rk 's office. Citing the 18-monlh b<;1c;~,log in the minutes, the r eport said the acceptable practice is that the minutes of a ny council,meeting s hou ld be prepared so the council (See CLERK, Page AZ} •, or ee ·Ill ax _..uts " , .. ., ~~d it1 B D~flS , t c • --. . J·agii,µa Woman ~Raped in Alley " A 23-year-old Laguna Beach "oman walking along South Coast Highway early today was arabbed by a man and raped in a )'assagc""·ay between t""'O build- ings. Jt was the third rape in Laguna .Beach in the past e ight days. Police said it is doubtful the inci- dents afc related. -The wo man told police she was walking in ·the 600 block of the lriighway about 1 a.m. when a m an fell in ste p with her. She s aid he made some suggestive remarks, then forct.><I he r into a ~eezeway be tween t\li'O build- ings and raped her. -.The victim s aid the man 'threatened he r with a kQ:ire. She Was unable to <Jescribe it, however. Pplice "''ere c<.illetl about 45 GrandJtµ"y Hears Battin Testimony The Orcingc County Grand lazy is closing in on charges thal Qrange County Supe rvisor BObert Bq.ttin illegally used his COunty offices, time, employcs .Mi:I equipme nt in his 1974 bid for 11tUtenant governor. ···~ut Ballin presumably maoe a tflgorous d e fen se of those eharges, Wednesday and, prior 14> going before the Grand Jury lbr moi::e than two hours of sworn testimony , expressed con- fidence he would meet any ac- 6'.sations openly and directly. ~rand JUry testimony is secret ~ both jurors and witnesses llfe sworn not to divulge contents pfclosed-door jury testimony. • In Battin's case, information O:om other sources has dribbled Ofllt ln the past several weeks. It ;ndicales that aides lllld former llidds or the s upervisor have told ~,Grand Jury' Battin utilited sonle or bis own employes· time in' his ansui::cess'CUI attempt. lo Re.ire (he Denio'ct'atic notnina- tlbri' for lieilleDant governor · i'n . ' -. ~ ~~t~n pre'viou'Sty hp!I said 9bOut $1,SOO'!in campaign funds iere 'lledJio t:eimbbrse· tho!e em.Plo~s __.. tiutlthe Grand.Jury ~minety is interested lp de· terminiDI whether that lUm~cov· i!ted lil~ot·t11~ founty em!'J-oyes' U'fne spent orftbe t iitnprugq\O;;; · ~"lt also is ~noVl.n that ell)plbycs ~ <See BATrl1'1, PatielUJ .. -' · minutes after the incident. A search of the <.ire a failed to locate a s uspect . The woman des cribed the man as a male caucasian 28 lo 30 years old, muscular ~boulders, long brown h air and a mustache. Vallerga Dismissal Bid Eyed ByGARYtRANVILLE Oft"'-0.11rf'ii.tSUtt VENTURA -Superior Court Judge Robert L. Shaw agreed to- day to take df:fense motions to dismiss five criminal charges against Orange County Assessor J ack Vallerga.under submission. Simultaneously. Judge Sh<.iw denied a defe nse mbve to dis miss two counts of grand theft against Vallerga. By agreeing to l ake the fi·vc counts, including a conflict of in- terest charge, under submission, the judge left a door open for de- fense attorney Richard Murphy to as k for dismissal at a later time in Vallerga's trial. Murphy argued that Valler ga could not be accused of a conflict of inte rest in the 1973 sale of a county-owned computerized ap- praU;al syste m to Spart anburg County,S.C. The defense lawyer pointed out that the $2.045 pricetag put on the system was placed there by the county board of supervisors in a 1970 resolution . Consequently, h e continued, Vallerga d id not negotiate the contract or its t erms. Likewise, Murphy said , money paid to his client for con!iulting services connected with the sale were not intended to be paid to Orange County. Assistant Dis tri ct Attorney Michael Capizzi opposed the mo- tion and told Judge Sha~ that Vallerga'knew al the time of tl)e transaction that he personally stood to profit frqm i!. The series or defense motions came •fter the Prosecution rest- ed it's case against tpe 53-year· old assessor late Wediiesday. Prosecutor Caplzr.i wound up hiw' case afte r three days of testimoay in whiCh he called four witnesses and presented 35 docu- ments aS'evidence. • (See Vi\LLERGA, l"age A!) I . ( ~~t Mi•ing "'· ' I j • i ~ ., • •• ' • ' ' '•f ., $10(),0QO Painting Stolen MALOEN, iii,;... CAP) -A Winslow Homer paint· ing valued a.t about $100,000 has been stolen from the Malden Pu blio l:ibtllfy ;.Police said today.. • · A-ulhorities said that the pafu(ing was taken dur- ing the past 24 hours, but declined lo say how or when the theft was dis covered., The painting, tiUC!!I ~pte \Yl)ill1,lng -Boy," \\las. purcbw;ed in 1912 lot ~.ooo, 1,ccdrdlng to Asst. Ubrarian .Dorothy L. Rothe. ll was completed by H~mer in-1873 and ls siJlled bY. yie artist, she said. HOmer, an American ar\1St, died iii 1910. Tbc painting shows a youn1. boy sitting on a 1og whllllina-agalnst a lellfy green J!liCJ<il'OUnd. Tho boy w~an p ,$hlrt wi!h a vcst,'bigll-~ts 'and a w!de- brlmmed bat. · ~ - ' ... ...,_ ~ I DiiHr PilOI Sl•U Pl'lol• ARE TURNS A RUSTIC LAGUNA BEACH RESIDENCE INTO CHARRED TIMBERS, ASH Neighbors Rescued Two Dogs; Resident Charles Caasavant Was Not Home Businessman Arthur Speer Rites Monday Leading San Juan. C;ipistrano , businessman Arthur W. Speer, a resident of the city. for nearly 50 years, died Wednesday of ap- parent heart lrouhle. 1\1r. Speer, 314i2 La l\1antanza St., \li·as the Standard Oil di s- tributor for San Juan since 1929, nnd a \'o'el\-knO\li'n figurL' in the community. Funeral services will be held at l p.m . Monday at San Juan's Community Pres by teria n Church with private interment to fol\o\v at Pacific View Memorial P ark. Nc"'port Beach. J\.1r. Speer had dreams of li ving to see the 1976 u .s: Bi centenn ial <.1nd set as his pe rsonal gQal to t.>stablis h a huge n agpolc in San Juan visible from the San Diego Freeway as far away as Mi ssion Viejo. Although he "'on funding sup· port from the Women's Club, the project was d elayed by the city council. KnO\\'n as ·'Bill'' to his f1iends , Mr. Speer was a c harter member and past president of the Rotary Club and the recipient of the or- ganization's Paul Harris Award. Mr. Speer also was the or· ganizer and charter member of the San Juan Capistrano Fire Department, past president of the Businessmen's Association. and assistant Scoutmaster of the San Juan Troop. llis other in volve ments in - cluded eldership in the San Juan Co mmunit y Presbyterian Church and being a member of Ame rican Legion Post 721. Mr. Speer is s urvived by his wife. Sarah ; son J ames W. Speer, of Anahe im ; daughter Virginia Webb, of San Juan Capis trano ; brothers Harold Speer, of Santa Cruz , a nd Charles Speer of Santa Barbara; and four grandda ughters .. Saigon Sentence SAIGON CUPI) -The first· court-martial convened lnSalgon since the new government took power convicted six m en of arm.ed robbery and sentenced the leader to death by firing 1quad today. Tb'e man was killed within minutes or the sentence. !' Laguna Area Home Destroyed by Fire 1-'ire d estroyed a 1·ustic homL• sctlucJcd :..t lhc L'nd of C<.inyun Acres Ori ve in L<.iguna Bcal'h \l/c<lne5day night . 1'hc loss W<1s es tirnated at S25.000. l'he fire cre<.itcd an ec1ic Spt.'l'· t acl c a s flame s s hol pas t euc.ilyptui:; trees into the ni ght :.ky. !\'either the trcL'S nor sur- rounding brus h c<.iu ghl fire. Charles i'"'rancis Cassavant. re· s idL'nt of the house at GOS Canyon Acres Drive, was not home Y.1hen the fire broke out. Cass;.i vi.lnt's tv"o dogs "'el'l' rCSL'Ued by ;j nei ghbor jus t after the fire startl·<l. Twenty L.iguna Beach fi remen fought the blaze. They kn0<·ked the flames <lo"'" in about 15 minutes and s pent another two hours mopping up al the scene. f'irc Marshal James Prt.-sson said it appeared Lh e fire started in thl' bedroom of the house. Hl' s;.iid the cause has not been de- termined . P resson said firemen had to re- Ad May Win Circus Trip Pl uce your classiHed <.id in the Daily Pilot and be eligible to win one of 20 pairs of tickets to the llingling Brothers and. Barnum and Bailey Circus opening in Anahe im 1-"ri· day. All you need lo do to be e ligible lo win is call 642-5678 lo pl ace your ad or bring your a d lo any Daily Pilot offi ce between Fri· day and Tuesday. The na m ei of 20 Daily Pilot adver tisers will be drawn on Wednesday and winners will receive two tickets worth $13.50 for w~ekdllax rformances of tbe:N ' .Anah'eim Con-,.....,-.:< !er, r.• :it!foU ba.o 1 ms you Want to convfr ' , cash, 'advlrj.J1e l win ti.ckel.llo the ~ 'or.\, • 1 lay "'aler to the end of Canyon Acres Ori vc frum hydrants furthe r dO\li'll thL' street bt:!causc of th e lo"' \Valer· supply at hydrants close lo lhe house . The firL' occurred shortly aflL'r 9 p.m . as the C ity Council "'as considering an o rdinance rcquir· ing fi1·e ·rt'sis ti vc construction 111 lllgh fire hazard arc<.15, includini.: Canyon t\cres Drive. Women Open Volleyball Tounwme1ll The annual s ummer voll eyball competitions in Lagun a Beach "'ill beg in <.il 9 a .m. Saturday \li'ith the women ·s t\ doubles on the ~lain Hcach Park courts. Several of Lagun<.1 Beach's leading fe m:.ile s pi kcrs -l..ori Keast . Kim J_..okan. Demaris l\1eycrs. Nicole Burk<.', Dawn Spurlock, Dru Comstock, Ma ri e D vorak . Na n cy Eva ns .and Valerie Conway -<.ire expected to enter. Lasl year's champions were Becky Carey of La gun.a Beach <.ind Pal St u bbs o f San Clemente. Oth er compe titions during August arc t he Men's Open Aug. 9 and 10 and the Men's A Aug. 23 and 24. F\lrther information is availa· blc by calling city recreation, 494·1124. Ext.238. 3 Astronauts Meet Families ltONOLULU CAP)-Stillunaf. fected by the toxic rocket fumes they inha led a w et!k ago, the Apollo astrona uts have had a light-hearted reunion with their (amllies. ' Wives, children and friends laughed · and h.ug1ed the three spacemen as they met Wednes- day night inJront or beach hotase1 in a remot( area or the. Kaneobe Marine Corps Air Statlm. Industry Needs It --Simon WASl.fJNGTO N (AP ) - Declaring that the nation's in- dustry has g r o"·n rusty and needs help, the Ford administra- Lion asked Congress today lo cul taxes for corporations and stockholders by nearly $14 billion over a s ix-year period. ..This is not a program for big business. It i5 a prog r;.im to benefit ;111 s a vers.'' Treasurv Secretary \\1illiam E. Simon said in presenting the tax pl a n to the House Ways and i\-1cans Cummi~· tee. Simon also urged Congress to help develop a program lo en- courage n e"' s a v ings by <.i ll Americans by offe1ing sp<..'C'i;.il tax incentives . <.ind urJ,!ed that the 1974 Individua l Retirement Ac· - counts legislat ion be broadened. But the 1na jor p;.irt of the pro- gram outlined by Simon was a re· duction in corporate and stockholder t axes , by <.1 phased· out elim ination of "'hat is re· garded a s a d ouble t ax on dividends. 1\l present, corporations pay taxes on their profits before any di v id e n d s arc paid lo s t ockho ld e r s . an d th e n stockholders face additional tax liability on the dividends they re· l'e i \'l'. Prior lo makin g the propos als to Congress. Simon sketched the outlines to nc\li·s me n. Simon proposed th;:at the double taxation be eliminated by t"'O ac· tions -first. giving corporations a t:1x d~duction c<iuaJ t o about 50 perct'nt of the dividends they p;.i y. a nd secondly, throug h a tax credit to stockholders. Stockholders would be able lt> claim <.1 lax credit equal to about half the dividends they receive. The total savi n g s to stockholders, ba sed ;:Ji( current levels of tax payments, would be about $6.3 billion a year. The direct s avings to rorpora- tions from the dividend'> deduc- tion would be about $7.5 billion. Simon 5<1 id . J.le proposed phasing in the stockhold€.'r credit over a five- year period from 1978 lo 1982 at a r ate of about $1 .25 billion in sav- ings for stockholders each yea r. The s tock bolder credit, ho""•cver. (SeeTAX CUT, PageA!l Or:•_C: '4~:ast Weather Lale night thr•ugh mid· m or ning l o w c loud s be comin g s unny a nd warmer Friday. Highs in the mid-70s at lhe beaches rising to the mid-~ in - land. Lows tonight in the mid-60s . INSIDE TODAY A San Antonio, Te:ras. nurse. bru&ally slabbed and left /or dead four days on a riod bank, died today . at a ho!pilal. A 3'uapecl in the murder has been captured • See atory A4. .. IY-Sff'Ok • Er_ .. .,.IM<ll ~ .,.... ... ....... ----" 11:--""1 •• _ .. _ ,,_ ...... -.... JI lnllex •• J\Z L:,1L. Y ... 11.0T -1 ~l. Thuntday, July 31, 1975 E'roMP~.4· BATTIN DEFENSE. • • and ex-employd or DalUn's of· ffce b.ave acc1.1ted him of Ulloa county tqUipmenl -auch 11 automatic type'' nh.·1':> ~m<l copy- ing machines in preparing campaign mah.·1·1al Batl111 's allorrll'y, Matthew Kunlkh, dt'ntcd this l'har~c. Battin, several wt•,:ks ago, ap- peared at the door of the Grand Jury's closed hearing room seek ing an opportunity to testify in his behalf. Ile wu refust·d ad- mission, but yesterday was ushered mto the ht'aring room at 2:30 p.m . a tlhc jury's Invitation Before his cippcarun1.·t'. Baum appeared 111 a jovial mood while he wailed with Kurilich for the jurors lo open their afternoon session. . Kurilich declined lo comment on wha t District Attorney Cecil I licks says 1s a continuing Grand Jury probe into possible criminal achons {'Om milted during the • s upervisor's uns uccessful bid for ~taleofricc. Ra ttin invited newsmen lo ex- :1mine the contents of a heavy bag fillt·d to c·apacily with docu- m<'nt:. relJtcd, he said, to his 1974 campaign. ··Thl' campaign, like my life, is 3n open book." the supervisor quipped. "Help yourself and if vou Cind an y thin~ in there I "should kn"ow about, letmeknow." lie was warned by Kurilich : "You hired me to do the talking so ll.'l me do the talking." It wus learn<'d afh.'r Ballin Wl'nt into the Grand Jury room thJt he has been preceded by several witnesses who .have ll'stifi ed on aspects or Battin's 197-1 t•a mp;.11gn. Auto Victim Mrs. Leland Rites Slated Funeral rites for Dorothy Leland of San Clemente will be held at 11 a .m . Saturday al the Sheffer San Clemente Mortuary Chapel. Mrs. Leland died Tues- day as a result of injuries when she was hit and dragged beneath her own car. Entombme nt ul Holly wood Memorial Park will follow the memorial ser vice. Mrs. Leland, 78, of 133 Monte Vista was pronounct'd dead on arn\ al at San Clrmente General Hos pital. She received many fractures in tht.• accident and later suffered a ht•art attack. -Witnesses s aid the woman had parked her car in the 2400 block of Camino Capistrano to mail some letters. ' As s he returned. she walked in front of her car, a compact domestic mode l. The car began rolling and although Mrs. Lela(ld tried to hold it back, it over- powered and rolled over her. Survivors are cousins Ellen Carpenter and Lows Ludwick both of Colorado. Funeral arrangements are un- d er direction of Sheffer San Clemente Mortuary. 3 Thugs Rob Two Marines Two Camp Pendleton Marioes were robbed at knifepoint of $165 by lhree men m c1 pier beach area men's r~stroom Wednesday. Dennis J . S lough, 19 and Michael M. Lamade, 17. told of- ficers they had e ntered the men's room and were followed in by three other men. When the two victims tried lo leave, the other men blocked their way, produced a knife, and ordered the Marines to turn over thc'ir mo ney. One Marine was struck and kicked by an assailant. The three men were d es t·ribcd as black and in thei r late tet•ns or early 20s . ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Tlw Of'•l"tOI Co. .t 01'11'1 f1110\ ..,.,,. •lf'Mch ., corn btr~tlw N'"• '°"'• \, h Lt11hl1'1W'dL ttw-C>-'\~ (O•'I P\.tl)lt f'll1 l ( ume•I\~ '\t f'\wWAI~ tf11t f'M'I'. tt"' pyf'h\l\MJ ~·""""'" lf'l'OtlfJh I I •CM'f I ot " ... Al•V ~· •f..,.11 '''""' tiVf\tl,..•Jff"" •14 41' I ,,, IAin Y41llff•'f ,,.,,,,, •• 1•dd ft t..,., • """~• 1 ,, l .. OU"" er .•. h ~ .. " Co•" A ,.,,.,,..,, tf'f'l•O"-'ll "°'''°"' •> C'UCM•\IW>O S..1w1o•v• #t(f \4..M'ICJ•V' IN-or1nl'10o1H p.,t;101,,P\lnQ C\f,.nt t •I )JO ....,...,, li,.y SttH-t C.0\M Mlrw, <..•l1tor"•4 ~• Robert N" WN!d Prt\11J9nt •"Ct P\ltlilt\l'llP-r Jarl( R. Curley Vt<• lltn•iltfl'l"lf f"<f ~f\tf,tit MANO-t Thom AS KePvit f n dOf Thoma<, A. Murptune 11>.AAn~QinQ f ClltOf Cl'larle<> H Loos Rrchard P Nclll A\\!\l""t Mt1 "bUtl'\IJ f ~to•" La9una BHth Oftlte t t .. c,...,,,....,,. ,., •• , M•M nq AHron • 0 lo• -'1•'1 Other Ortic" C.-1• ,.,.,,. "° W.•t ... \0....-4 .._.,..., .. ~.. ))I) N••"'1 _., .. ., ........ ,..,8" 11 .. (t\ 1111' ................. ,, .... 1.1 .. ro Volloy H 101 l • ... , - ot """ OllOt f fM- TtltphOrte 01•) '42-42'21 Oauitied Actv•rt1Jl"9 M2·S671 Lag1m<1 Beach Al~~tments : Tel~~t,.nt._ 05-0UO c~o•"~"' "" O.•" .. C••fl ""'''•"1"0 (,v ... ,.,., Ml't M #'t _,i"" """''"'"""'' ... t9'tf l "'''" .• , ••••rt1,.•,,...fth ""'.'" "'•f ttt , • .,,.,tvt•f •••~• ,._.u el Of'"''•'••" •I CfD!Dl''•"'••fM' \.e(CP "" 'I•' Mtt ......... •I C.•t.t• .. ,., C:..l·t"'"'" , ... ,.,.,_..,9\'t ... <oH D --~fl •1-t1\' ll0,...11IMf;MlllW.•-" __ _,. flf'Wlll'\ ... ,, • Whether or no\ the Grund Jury acrllon regaNSinf Battin wlll l~ud lo an i.ndlctmcsnl la aubjtct Lo open 1peculation in court.boule clrclu. Tradltlonally, of· ncebolders utlllzc some portion of their o({acc s taff and equip- inenl in r e·election efforts but where such activities become H legal never has been defined. Paralle ls have been drawn between the Battin election effort and that of Congressmllll Andrew J. Hinshaw, who awaits trial on charges he used his previous ol - n ce as Orange County Assessor an an illegal m anner during his campaign for Cougress. Grand Jul'y testimony slnce made public has indicated that Hins haw made misuse of his large staff at county expense - along with county-owned (.'Qufp- menl and space in tus election l'ffort. Accusations against Bat· tin leaked out ~o for would in- dicate that any potential indict- ment against him would be of minor scope in comparison to the Hinshaw indictment. lnvestigatio11 into Ballin ·s 1974 campaign act1' it1es has been at the direction or the offi ce of Dis- trict Attorney Cecil Hi cks, an ..arch-enemy of Supervisor Bat- tin. . Battin has declared the probe is a personal vendetta and has pledged to tell the Grand Jury what he knows about asserted il- leg al campaign <.1ctivities in Hicks' own 1970 campaign for re- election. While Battin was testifying before the Grand Jury yesterday, his girlfriend. Rachel Perry - herself a member of the Grand Jury-waited outside the hearing room with Battin's attorney, Mat- thew Kurilich. Miss Perry has been asked by the other grand jurors to refrain from participat- ing in any jury activities regard- ing the Coun t y Board of Supervisors or the office of Dis- tnct Attorney Hicks. F rom Page Al VALLERGA Shortly before ending the pro· secutions s ide of the story, Capizzi entered the Cina I 10 documents in· to evidence. Before he did, Murphy agreed to waive the usual rules covering presentation of evidence and stipulated that certified copies of documents were authentic. Simultaneously. Judge Shaw asked Vallerga a series of ques· lions aimed at making certain the defendant understood the waiver of some or his trial rights. "Yes, sir, I do," Vallerga replied lo each or the Judge's questions. Included among the final 10 documents Capizzi submitted as evidence w ere certified copies of: -A county auditors warrant showing that in March, 1973, a S<.inla Ana travel agency was paid $340 for a round trip airline Licket to Spartanburg. -Hinshaw's 1973 bank state- ment showing that he deposited a $6.000 Spart:rnburg County check in tale May, 1973, and a few days later wrote a $3,000 check to Vallerga. -The $3,000 Hinshaw check en• dorsed by Vallerga and deposited in his savings account in a Mis- sion Viejo bank. In a May 6 indictment handed down by the county Grand Jury, it is alleged that Vallerga 's ac- ceptance of the money constitut- ed a conflict of interest. The jury also c harged Vallerga with grand theft, em- bezzlement and misappropria- tion in connection with the Spartanburg incident. Defense Attorney Murphy is expected to atte mpt to prove that the assessor h a d n o prior knowledge of possible personal gain when the sale to Spartan- burg was negotia ted. He is also expected to argue that consulting services are com- monly performed by public of- ficials and that his client did not violate any laws related lo con- ni<'t of interest. f'rom P age A l TAX CUT ••• would not apply lo tax-exempt or foreign stockholders under the. Administration proposal. The dividend deduction for cor- pora lions would be phased in over a six-year period. beginning in 1977 with a net reduction in corporate taxes of about $2.5 billion the first year, increasing at a rate or about $1 billion a year. Simon said the double taxation of dividends, "Is inherently Ine- quitable" s ince other ldnd1; of in- come are taxed only once . .He said most of the nation's major trading partners already have acted to eliminate or reduce the double tax. Or de r s on Rise WASHINGTON (UPI > -New orders for manufactured pro· ducts rose l .7 percent in Junt, the third consecutive monthly me, the Commerce l>epartmenl aald today. Inventories slumped for the fourth month lo a row. , From Wlre Services WASHING TON -Copies pl the "Pumpkin~ Papers" microfilm that became ltey evidence in the Alaier Hist b·ial have been civen to Hiss' attorneys und two history researchers, the Justice Depan- me.1t announced today. A department spoke."lman said copies of the film were dellvtred to the attorneys in th" umce of U.S. attorney J>auJ J . Cuqan in New York as a r esult of a suit or filed by Riss under the. Freedom of Information Act. Attorney General Eddward H. Levi agreed last month to release the film which Whittaker Cham- bers, confessed former Com- munist agent, s aid was left for him by Hiss inside a pun;ipkin in the late 1930s. The existence of the "Pumpkin Papers" was made public by then Rep. Richard M. Nixon and later used in Hiss' trials. 'Hiss, a State Department oC- Cici al in the Roosevell ad- ministration, was convicted of perjury in 1950. Hiss served 31,:: years in prison, was disbarred, and now works for <.1 printing firm in New York. He insists that he was innocent of the charges. Wedncsd~y. were barely legible and some were so fuzzy that IL would be impossible to read them wilho"'t strong magnification. Ptlnl8 trom the two rolls In· lroduced ul lhe trial were g~nerally clear. They showed St a te De partment documents concernini U.S. dealings with Geqnany Jn the 1930s. The,pripts,lrom the two secret rolls appeared to be Bureau of Aernoautics tec hnical d<><:u· ments concerning such things as a locking device used on aircraft. · safety specifications for liCe- j a ck e t s , d escriptions. or a panicUle and various schematic drawings. · In l~tters to lawyers tar Hiss and to the historians, Alty. Gen. Edward R . Levi said he expect!; to decide "in the near fUture" whether to grant their requests for expert examination of the original film . Chamber~ said Hiss slipped documents to him, which he copied on the microfllm, during the 1930s. But s ome students of the case believe that type of filrn was not manufactured until 1940. While one of his tenants watches, Al Moore r eplaces·the steps leading to the Dallas apartment of Mrs. Sarah Bailey. Mrs. Bailey (not s hown) said she told Moore she wouldn 'l pay her rent until he fixed a leak in the roof. Moore res ponded by removing the' steps -but the city ordered him to put them back up. Chambers buttressed his ac- cus a lions b y producing the microfilm hidden in a hollowcd- out pumpkin on his Maryland farm. H e claimed lhe film showed Slate Department docu- ments Hiss had given him. Photographic prints from two rolls of the film were introduced as evidence at the trial, but the <'Onlents of tbe other lhree have never been disclosed until today. Ex~Lagunan Scott Souter Dead at 37 Ban on Aerosol Sprays Demanded The department was providing the Hiss group with the original film, a sel of duplicales, and prints from all the portions which could be printed. Most of the prints , examined by reporters Funeral services were held re- cently in Salem, Ore., for Scott Claybourne Souter, a former Laguna Beach r esident, who died JuJy 16 following a lengthy ill· ness. He was 37. Mr. Souter is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert Souter. 812 Emerald Bay. The senior Souter is a re. tired president of World Savings and Loan Association. WASHINGTON (UPI) -An environmental group, C'iling new evidence of damage to the earth's protective ozone layer, asked the Food and Drug Ad- ministration today to ban aerosol VQte Seeks Nixon Cuts WASHINGTON <UPI) - Congress has cleared and sent to the White House a S7 .59 billion budget bill • which slashes more than 25 percent from the r ecom- mende d a llowa nce for former President Nixon. (Related story, A 4) The a ppropriation measure for various ex- ecutive departments and agencies through Sept. 30, 1976 cleared the I louse by a n 337·79 vote and the Senate by voice vote a few hours Jaler Wednesday. Included was $187,250 to pay Nixon 's $60,000 yearly pension and to meet his staff and office expenses for the 15-m onth period that began July 1. Pres ident Ford, who must decide whether to s ign the bill, requested $253,750 for Nixon during the period. Bonito Canyon Park P lans Shown to City Plans for development of San Cle mente's Bonito Canyon Park were unveiled Wednesday at ct joint meeting of the City Council a nd s u bord in ate city com· missions . Plans include reconstruction of the park baseball field, improved li,:?hting, construction of tennis courls. a lot playground and pic- nk areas. The pa rk is the city's Bicenten- nial project. A special entrance monumcnl and time capsule are under discussion. Cost of the park improvements originally "as pegged at about $260.000 of which the city would pay half. to be matched by feden.11 revenue sharing funds from the county. However. P ark Planner Bob J ohnson told the city officials the 4 acre park appeared to be over budget. S1) he prepared a special biddin{il form enabling the dty to establish a priority of immediate projeets . Later ol her 1 mprovements could be added. he t;aid. High priority was given lo the Improvem e nt of the baseball fie ld plagued by m an y di( ficulties lncludana a sinking right fltld. "We lost two outfielders." quipped Arl~y Wattrman, parks omcaal Fin at plans are to"° to the city council tor conalderaUon Aug. 20 with construction estimated to 1tart about Oct. 1. sprays with nuorocarbon pro- pellants. T he Natu ral Resources Defense Council said balloon measurements taken last month by the National Oceanic and At- mospheric Adtninistration and the National Center for At- mospheric Research provide the first conclusive proof that fluorocarbon gases are destroy- ing the ozone layer. Previous tests, the group said, went only about 19 kilometers above the earth, roughly the beginning of the ozone layer which filters out the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. The ef- fects beyond that point were largely s peculative. said Ruby Compton, a lawyer forthe group. The new tes ts Creached 26 kilometers and s howed the sun wa s breaking d own the fluorocarbons with increasing in- tensity as the probe moved up- ward, she said. · When the fluorocarbons ar e broke n down, chlorine atoms are released and des troy the ozone. A depletion or the ozone layer could lead to increases in skin cancer. The p etition, in which the states of New York, Michigan and Oregon joined, seeks a ban on aer osol pro ducts with fluorocarbon gases under the FDA 's jurisdiction -foods, drugs and cosmetics. The sam e group las t month lost on a similar petition to the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a ban on household products under that agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC said it preferred to wait for further research before acting. Off-duty MP Grabs Pistol From Marine San Clemente Police arrested an 18·year-old Camp Pendleton Marine today after an off-duty military policeman aboard an Oceanside to San Clemente hus look the youth into custody when an automa tic pistol was bran- dished. Ronald A. McMorris was booked for alleged possession of a concealed weapon and on suspi- cion of robbery. He was held in jail t od ay pending interviews with detectives. Del. Sgt. Ardon Saunders said the young Marine had ''several hundre d dollars" in hi s possession which could not be re- adily explained. Sgt. Saunders said Camp Pendleton had been hit by numerous robberies Wed- nesday night. P olice placed an additional booking charge of possession of marijuana against McMorris when a s mall quanity of m ari- juana assertedly was discovered during a search. .M cMorr is was taken into custody aboard the bus by an un- identified MP who took a .25 caliber automatic pistol away from lhe arrested man. Exact details of the incident were pending interviews today. San Clemente police arrested McMorris al 2:22 a .m. today al the Greyhound Bus Depot. A gradua te of UC Berkeley. Mr. Souter taugh t history and economics at high schools in Riverside and Fullerton. During the 1960s he worked for the Na- tional Security A~e.ncy and the Central Intelligence Agency. He resided in Laguna Beach in 1972 and 1973. In addition to his parents, Mr. Souter is survived by his widow. Katharine, or Salem; sons David and James, both of Salem ;· daughter, Barbara, of Salem, and a sister, Mrs. Pamela Reilly, of San Bruno. fi',.ortt Page Al CLERK •.• can approve them at next regular n;ieeling. The r eport said the customary practice a mong cities is to place all ordinances in a single book rather than in subject files. The consultants found t hat staff time is being wasted and many r e cords unnecessarily duplicated because or rec~ retrieval problems within tllt clerk's office. The report stated, for exa"'9h. that three c ity officials ree@llUy were involved in t he search for an agreement because the clerk's office does not maintain a central register for leases and agreements. Duplication of work by the clerk's oC£ice and the council IU!le should be streamlined, accordft\g to the study by the private con· sultant. Buy Now and Save! 26th Annual SUMMER SWIM WEAR REDUCED cltl.arance,----------------~ FIMAL MARI DOWNS ON WOMEN'S See our SPOltTSWIAI. l'RllSIS, ILOUSES. $ · SIPAIATI$, PANT SUITS 399 or less LARGE LADY SIZES BARGAIN smsJM• ....__T_A_BL_E _ _.11 1 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS : 75% .... OI MOU Doily CENTRALLY LOCATED AT HARBOR AND NEWPORT IOULEV ARDS IN DOWNTOWN COSTA.MESA OEPARTMlNT STORE 1116 HtWPOttT IOUlrYARO 9130 o.m. -'tt·'"· Cio..dS~ .. • t I I I I , .. J •• ' . . . - Solar Se1ninar Bright ldeaa Under Swi toS ANGELES CUPU - The sun's beaL lo Alrtca can run a lelevl1lon staUan. Jt can help provide cleao waler on 1 tropical i1Jand and recycle waate in India, dele1ata to • world forum on 1olar enetlY were told thls week. Appli cations o( solar energy 1n developlnf coun- tries was Wednesday's theme of the five-day 19'7~ Interna- tional Solar Energy C.oQareas on the Univer1it y or California campus. About 1,500 representatlvee of 50 na· tions were attendlna. A PAPER PAESENTED l by Sandor PoJgar of Teledif· fuaton de France said the eo1t <>fusing solar 1eneraton1 for a televlilon slatlon m Na&er, * * * S.un~powered 'Furnace' A Reality LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Solar healing or homes is closer to reality than mott people think, accord.in& t.o the uwentor or a backyard solar eQergy furnace. 0 Widespread use ol aolar power as not 10 years away u everyone says. It's more like four," according to John Key Keyes, president of the Colorado-based International Solarthermics Corp., a solar eneray research llrm. KEYES AND his associates developed their backyard solar furnace a year ago in refponse to the energy shbrtage and he said be ex· pe7cts 5,000 of the furnaces, which sell for about $5,000, lo ~in opera lion by the end or lhb year. Keyes demonstrated his rumace this week during the International Solar Energy Congress at UCLA. CON ~UMER ca, coat a ut one-fourth th•t 'of chem le al batteries The ca.t per bour of a solar in stallation, he aald, was about 12ceuts per hour. The cost per hour or u chemical battery was 48 cents. "This comparison between the two sources of energy 11how1 that in the cw;e of an Isolated country. resort to aolar generators ilS advl:sable from an econom ICS point ()( view," Polgar said. Experimental stahons us- lni solar power have been m- alalled in se"eral Africanma- Uons, he said, including Togo, Gabon , Ivory Coast and Zaire. Ron Alward, of Ilrace Research Institute. Quebec. Canada. presented u paper on ~use of solar energy on the island of La Gonave, off the coast of Haiti THERE, HE SAID, resi- dents or a small fishing and farming community formed a cooperative lo hulld a solar disllllalaon syi;tem to provide clean waler aftl'r years or drought had depleted the natural supply A combination of solJr anti wind energy for a desert com- munity m Egypt w&s pro· posed m a pa per presentation by Ib rah im Sakr and Mahmoud Saleh of thl! Na- tional Resear ch Centre of Cario Harnessing the sun's rays to run a water pump for hCl ir- rigation lo help poor nations with their farming needs " as descnbed in a technical pre- sentation by two scienltsts from the 81rla ln!>lilute of Pilant, lndw Ideas to use sol.ir energy lo recycle human ;.ind animal was t e were cited IJy a member of lhe M in1slrv of Defense of lnd1:1. Y ....:. Sax- ena. He said solar energy can lake up the heating slack left by a predicted 25 percent decline in domestic gas sup· plies by 1980. His furnace, which looks like a nine-foot tall A-frame wooden tool shed with an all· glass southern exposure, con- v@rts sunlight into heat the same way an automobile does when left wlth its windows ti2htlv closed on a hot dav. Revenues Up For Capital IT WILL NOT proVlde all of a building's beat, Keyes said, but is designed to plug into ex· .isting heallng ducts and sup· plemenl a home's conven- tional furnace. ''The furnace ls oversized for Los Anaeles where it could provide about 90 per- cent of the b eating for a 3,000-square-foot home with average windows and no cathedral ceilings," he said. Jn more severe climates, such as New York or Chicago, that figure would fall to 30 or 40percent. Newport Beach h<)sctl Capital Alliance Corp .. <'"ncr of Mariners Saving!> & Lo'-ln Association. announced net revenues for the second quarter ended June 30 were $314 ,424 compared w1lh $227,062 for the second quarter of the previous year . Per s hare earnings Wl're computed on common shares. a ssumang full dilut1011 . of 1.284,687 and l ,277 ,488 shurl'S respectively. For the six months ended Jun1· 30 earnin gs were $439.38:> com pared to $445.602 for the hkc pcnotl in 1974 This n •µrcseuts 34 tl·nls per shar e for t he 1!.175 period. compared to 35 t·ents pl'r share for the 1974 penod. Elderly Get Bank Warning on Fraud A San Francisco-based \umk. io cooperation wtth the state attorney general'sotnce las produced warning floaters to alert senior citizens jn)ups to "pi1eon drop'• and ''bank examiner fraud" crime activities. Bank of America said more than 6,000 information Potters will be distributed to senior citizen community centers and organizations throughout California by At· torney General Evelle J . Younger'• crime prevention unit. -Should someone phone or tell you he or she is a bank ex- aminer and asks you to make a withdrawal from your ac- count to test the honesty or a bank employ'e. -Should som eone offer a quick profit on the cash you withdraw. Someone posing as a bank examiner will ca II an older single woman explaim.ng that the bank suspecls one or ats employes has been pilf enng tunds, and asks the woman's he'r· I the victim cooperates, • sbe 11 told to withdraw money ACCORDING TO Younger, -usually several thousand the "pigeon drop" 11 a major dollars -so it can be marked activity of orianl&ed crime and used in the • ·mvestiga. and has become one of the tk>n." After the withdrawal is most prevalent and lucrative made, the ''bank examiner" of all confidence sames, cost-arrives at the person's home. tnr tts victim• more than half identifies himself, marks the a million dollars annually. bills and gives a receipt, Though there are many warning that. the success of variations of lhe baai~ the "invesligataon" depends scheme, its purpose is to in· on the person's ability to re· c:ba.ce a 1u1ceptible person -main sllent and lollow in· usually an elderly woman -1trucllons. to withdraw ca1b from a bank account tor th• purpose or 1barln1 "found money." When the victim •a money ls obtained, the confidence team van.t.bes, oft9' leaving pennileH a •ulllbl• aenior eltlien wbo may have ac- O'Jmulated 1ubltantlal 11v· lqa. 'l'BB WARNING posters urp ctuien1 to consult• bud Clmcer or tbe local police II they are approached by • 1tranger and asked to withdraw money for any 0( the followln1 reasona: • ~ld 1omeon• till you be or 1be found aome money and waota to s hare lt wtth you ii you put \lp tom• ol )'OUJ' IOOIM)' to 1bow "«ood f alt.b." DAYS ·LATER when the victlm has not heard from the "bank examiner," lhe victim calls the bank, only to flnd 1he's been s windlt>d. The "pi~eon drop" scheme lla0t new. It ori1inated ln the Far Eaat more than 1,000 years aeo and was brouabt to this country In 't.be mid-19th century where swlndJen re· fined the technique. The "bank examiner fraud'· a.s a modern·day apinoff of the "plgeon drop." DAILY PllDT CLASSIPllD ADS Ml•M?I DAILY PILOT Thursday' Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Y .-u r'11 HiKh-Lowa Appear Every NEW Y0"11( IU,.11 -$cN\ llt4 ,__ Nol ',.~ ... I .. :ilo\ ""'' ,.ollowl::'f. t,. prl<tt on the Pl (heal tloM Cl>Q I' l 1n.i.1 CIOw C"'i PI tlwi• ti..... (hJ Pt 11<1>1 c-l hQ New Yor Stock u ch•noe et ~cNC.. '2.. > I !mc>Ot• ~ • 1 It'll, ~1 IMPC.OP9f l '° 11 " M1S1Tel I n t u 11111 (I~ $.eln N•I !:.'~ ~ 1~ I~ ::"' t I~~ l~XI~~ 'Jr ! .,, 2?.,.. 1 1, lri=1 '~a 1 '1~ !\', \e =~':.·~ > t if; . "'·E 01·~··" Cl\O 8 s , 46 lt ,,. 4 '111. ·~ l:nluln I 20 ..... ,! .... 1• lnttr(O '·" I I u~. Munll>Q I oe u • u• .... \'\ C. I Corp • " 7~ • \o 1!1n'1rol.cll U .M 1 1' • lntercon o., S 11 1 • • Mu<P<:o 1 10 1 1' 1• AbboUL 1.44 11 IG4 H " t O C• I 1J S 4 16 (Qlll!Tltll ... 4 I) t '• \, lnl>trle•~ 2e 3 11 JI• 1 Mulph()I to • 1)2 23"' 11,. Al>t>oll~•I · 7 :M'• \o ..,M 2IO11 J)) ~I • 1• (~12 60 .S 14 ~. • '• 1e~ "·· • -Mui ""'I 4 J t• ACfl"ll 2.40 • 70 tllt t \e = pf ·~ t '°'~ I l:~l. I UIJ 10 ,. 111.. ... ...... t.! u "' 1-"·~'-~··Omry "'1' ~ • ,,·~ . ~e':~" .fg 5 2! ,:~ • en~ ,; t+ 10 • .., • ,; Eunert. I 40 • It i>\\ 1 ; :~~~~ i1'6 ~ ~~ ~:: ~ ~r\ I. «, , 1j ,;;_ ,,.. Marn•Mllll • a ''•• '• llCI 1.r.i 1 1' lt'1.-'• (MV!r• ll 1 • ..,, + ~\ lnlHOIO tOb . l tt~ . M-• • Cen 1111. I 60 t S2 1' • 1, ftl.rlln ~ 11 IS 1 + 'o Intl MUICll 2 4 Sl2 ~7-\, N•b11o.to 2lO12 U ~ AOOr .. rp!I .. 42 oh• ,_. CtflllLPI 2". 1UO ti . Ethyl C 1 JO • ~1' '°"' Intl Mini~ 1t ~ ~ :,-N•l<o Ch 6011 ll lt~ • •,. Ad•lnv 20b • 70 • • • ... Cnll ~ 1.20 I '°' l)I . .... lll\ylpf 7 '° . 10 40~-~ ll'l!Mult I )6 1 " ..... NlrtO Sc .60 • 41 14 • "' At11141Lt I~ 11 )at u C..nlAE, ii , .. 11• • ~ l!•tn• Prod 2•• 5... • lntMck 140.10 .., "" NltltWC • .010 43 ISV> \'\ '-tllWILI Pl 1 )~ • , CnMP .. 1 ~ 10 ., 13 ... Ea , .. , 0 t • tO .. ~. .,. '""' P•rr t 10 ... i)ll;. \'\ N•t.'lrtn .so 1 s' 12h •• ,. Mm)on lO • 11 ~· 1 • eentSW t. 16 t iO u• • .,_ Ei,15; t 6'a u 11\1, • 1n1Rec nc110 11 1~. ,,.. N•t'-vn ttei )t 12'11 11' ~:::.r,,.\n~ ; J t; , t o ClnllSor 60 11 II u• • •• l!u on 2~1b 1 421 11 -•• Int l ~ f 1 u • ~ J:2~'>, •:. Nell c... ,)J 4 ... th Air P,:cl 20a 17 261 IO~~, 11 gl'lllel 1,10 t >06 Il l\ -ft ,,_ I T&~IH 4 21 •71/r-IJ\ Nt Cn pf t \11 J 20~ \It AJr<olnc tO • us 1011 , "• ntrnu O• 1t 187 t• + 1, l'•llerQlt 40 10 H •'41 • \\ I TT 1 •'h 1 .. 11. NOvn,.n ,11 .» 111 .. ~ 1. A J lndU•lrt s " 1.\i,-'• rro c I.JO • •J t• l e F•ltC•m '° .. 311 ... ~ \e IT& pi!(. n ~. \, NI C1lyL '° • I 1~ • ,. • Clnn 111 ·'°.. o tl._ l o Felrcln4 >O 1 14 1~ '• 1 llfN J\I• •• ., ,.., , ~ NtOetrl 2.n S u 411.+ "'• Al•_, I 21 5 16 1' + 'o CeUIWIAll I • 22 11\ ~ l'•lrmll' W I I) 10"4 1 l & pfO S. 1 $1 + '• N\IOhU 1 20 • 160 16•• + Al•P pl I 2t 1100 eo . Chemplntl t 1 111 t••· I• Fen>IMI ., • I •'• lrllrpec , 20 I n , ...... NUFu.IGt 2 • H '"'" • .,,, ••• .,... lntu I 111 ... ,._ •• Chlll pl I 20 ,, 11•,, • Fer Yol Fcl 2 ••e '• lnlP'IOI Or I .s $ lt'-• .. NII Gyp I.OS • " 11•1, •• Albnylnt tO • 0 1Ho •• ~-'"ti: si,-, • ll~ 6A • J F ... h Ml9 tO • .. • • lnlll er IOll I " .... N•ll Homo . SI o. !i?e2~1.~ :~o .. ~t ,1•,\·.; •e &~:" t! ; ,~: ts~: :: ='l'C.: le:,• ": 1:..: :: :~~tc:n~ : t '!~· 10 ~:: :~l~' ~ ,;~ · h . llO ~,., • I• ChertrNYl t 3J 2• + '1• l'e<IMooull 12 12 1\1•+ ~-towe&etlln 4 H ~. \'\ N111Md(.erel7 U~ ISV.+ ,_, Alco SIG '4 S U 11\\ \~ (hoFncl tO 2t 71, + 1, FaNllM( 90 I 404 U•l'o+ '• 10-Et 1 JO''' IS 11•11, ~ N•P" t 20e t 18 1'11 .... Alton Lb u lS IS8 ,,,,. '. Owli-eM 2 20 ' 2:11 IS •• ,. Fed P•P , ...... l s 241/>t l a ·-•llG t WI II Jt , • .\, NII s.mlcon JO •SO 34.: t Alf .. n l&b • ,,. •'. (11\MIQ Olb • ., ,, 0. '• Ftd \Ion )0 l 6 '"'. '• ·-•Pl. I &4 • s :Ii) Nal Serv ,. I ta 101, •• •1, ~Ii~~~ = . ·~ :~:: ~: CNIM• IO• • • •• 0 FeoO!ot 1.2•" ,,. ··~-... ·-•PS I S2 s IS ,.,,. Nt !.ttno .to s 21 131,,. ~. Al'OL I.,. l 0.mt r t, tO ) IM) lt', '• r-.rroGOf'P I • .OJ 2)\~ >,., 11pcEo 1Homp'9.17t~ It lOIJ 4\.'J-1, NtStet<ll IO 16 1 131,,, 11, ·v U0 .., 21 13'• • '• CllmNY 711 6 1SI 3'~•• t~. Flbr•brll .tO. 21 11V..• ~ Tl • tt•.-• ~ N•I !>112\11e l S1 lt~• , All9Pw151 9 lA 16~• ••• °"' c I ao. s • J• FldlFCI SJ() ' s >•· '· .,. .. Cotpr1n • H 10'1>+ v. "4111 Tu G• 1 ,., __ .... AlltnGtD .0 II U t•. • '• 0-iPo t 34 2t 11 )Ir, 0 Fl11C1<rMI 112J 70 U~1 + '• It El Coi 6 1)1 7VI ~ '-" .._IOt'll\ I 20 3 W 21'• u .. ::::,er~~ I~ ' >: w· • ~: ~~·r,n~ t 1~ ~:~ • ~! ~:::;r~G ·: ! 1~ :g_~ • •, :~ ,,:.~1~p A ~ ~ ~~: NCR ~ .n 1 4'T )0 -~ Allll'dProd I 4 I ll '" '. C.nl M>lw Cp lO 6._ Flncll'd Sil S ,. tOI. • • • IU lnllpl I'• • I~-VI :~~ i:;:: ~ :; u~: +'ti• Allle4St t .0 q 109 JI OI Pt1eum J P 72 Uh • '' l'lrllne I tO I 1?2 ct~.+ • o -J ,_ NtvPpt t tO .. LSO I~-•,. ~::?. !.(',:'.m~~ 4 ;~ t ~t • ~,•Fe.~'.~~ a ~~: • :,: ~:~~~ .~ i ~~ m~: 1~ ~::~ • .." :: ~ ~= :r.~ .,.. HEng EI t,11 1 SI it~. •. AllrQIHA s. I 2 ,., ChrhCr l!pt 1 IH")+ ~o Fat19<sl.1014 10 •3·\h ~. Japflncl lSb 23 ~.•le ~~~\~1:,,~ 2~ j~t .. : /\IPIHI l>1 I~ ' 19 8'o I Chrome 10 S SO 11\• , F•1 Miu ~ J t4 IJ''•-1• Jeff Piiot 72 .. 0 12~+ 1t'1 NeW!l.tll AO t 12 121/1 + lie .Alco. I >I 17 UO 44.\, + 1• (hry•ler Cp • too; t2-•, v. l')N9os 1 II • 90 2'""-11• JCP ~ 11 SO 1l0 IOI''>-•,i, Nwrml t t010 2t3 73 ~ =·~S1~Q1~ .~ •• : t';i(' ~o. °''Ylltr WI p , + I. ~·P:.,Cp I 32 1 JS "'• Jew• c '20 • " n~-lit NVSEG 2 20 • JS , •••• '"' • C I Ml~ It 1\, + ,,. rll.....,nn Mo 1S J '• JJfmwW•ICeOf'lltrln11t0l0 •o'? J.',~ •• • 1V.• NY•EDfl IO tlOO 87 H Ambtc 60 • " 13 Cl RUllT 1" 2J 3J, F"U RI E "' 10 l t • , 1 o 11 • , ..., ,. NY!>Epf 1"'4 1170 31 1 A"I orlS 26 • 21 s (In Bell "° 1 J 201 •• I 0 F"VBk 3'1> I , S'. JlmWpt I tO • t"4 O Y>. •I• Nle;Mo I II 6 IH 11~-"" Am,r1( I ?0 • ) 11~• ' Cln Gas t 64 t 18 11 • • 0 FiWhC 1 7• 23 1 ti -1 • JHa nln ltb • It 160,,-11'11 NllMpf J 60 . 110 l.S~1 , I AmHo '°' • Slf ""' •• CJnC pr. 71 uoo "''• .... flM:'1NI I to I J H • ... ~. J Hnlv I .,b 13 ·~ •• Nl•Mpf l.to • •60 J7 -.... \ Hl\ Pf J .. St C111 G L pl 4 . 1200 O • I Fti.her F .0 1 IM I•••• '• Jof>nMv t 20 It 1112 2l IJ) NI~ 4.10 . 110 JI -y, An,A1tH "II 73 11 " > ClnG(pl ~· tllO SO\. \o F1>ftpr$( 20 I 21 Ul\+ ~ Jofln&..I IOe >0 714 ft • VI Nle""P' 1 '2 . 1100 13V>-1 ~ ~~~·~ ·~: I~·. • e ~w·1~:~ gg ~ ~: m: ~ ~:·~Enl ~~ 1: "~ 1r .. ~; ~~ ·: ~g ~ :~ ~ NIM Pf10 "° . 070 'W•h .... ABr And 1 -4 I U7 37 • 1. Citicorp 18 12 ~) lAll + .... Fl:v.~.1011 6 ,~ 1 .:;. ~~QSOen~1n'chl J, ,..! ~I -·~ ~Li~,\3~ 1 n; :i"". ilo All'llrol 80 1 1•0 21 '' \1 (.11 S.r• 1 40 9 74' 0 '•• 1. Fllnlkot 1 16 t 4' lt11J t ,., ,,,,.ten. "' u , .,.. NL. T Crp to 1 ~2 t6'" • Art !lldt;i lt e S'> 11•,, \, CIU~nt MI& s 1 • '• F••t.U ~ s 1•4 .. ~ '· JoyMl9l 601l se ,.,,,_"" NorlolkWi.s ..... u~~~ : {:;pl? 2:i: • I~ ~~~: 1 ',• 0 CIUnSo •S O l', FM '>NP t y 121 16V Ju\llC• Mlg J J'f. NorlnCp 111.. 4 6 1'"" .. • C1ly Inv U 9 3t 71 < 't fF-MC Pe'r 220 11• 111 1!~.o.+ 'o K-Nom~ I JO 1 t lt 'lo+ V. Aff'C••• M1Q t 1 (1ly Inv WI~ 10 '' • F• ., ~IVAI I 20 5 "' ~·-'1 NA (Odl .eo I• 14 3'1.\ ..... ,. fl \h61r\ I 2(. 6 .W lb • C•ly Inv pl l 18 ti, FooltC6 80 8 )0 9'" •, !(Al Stpf ... .. 2 ~ +t NA Mtg tob 1 ... 64'. 'loo """'(. y~n I • us ~) • Clark E I Ml • 51 791 '. ~OrdN'o 2 •O 21 23' 3' • I. t<All••cit 1i.. 1 """ • NAmPh i :Ii) 9 J7 in.: "' AmOUI 121110 b 8 Cler~ 011 ',() 32 11.,_ For M<~ 91 S 11 13',. '• 1{61MfCI SO ll II ~ • l • N Jorn Pr> r1 .. tt t-J2 AOl\lTtl S1 11 O 13•• Cl.C Am 24 S J S FrM or t 80 I 73 K•neMll .2• 4 SI t:P. • '• N(nAir IOI> S 39 2h '• A"'Ou•l V•I 2 4 0,, Cl•(hl 2 tOa 11 Hl " • , FIO!lrn '2b 0 IH. • o KeCPL.1 12117 l2 1S',. 'n No(nAirl WI . 2 ''o-t·l6 AOul pt t44I s n• , .... Et 1 .. I 38 lS'. I Fo<tHwcl 48 12 S1 11'. • KanCSo .)Ob s 3 111.-... _,1u1 I 02 6 2•• ,, • ~. AmEltPw 7 I? 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AmHoip ,)() 11 S)() 2'' • 1 • (NA In 16b 20 11 , 1 w r Sl 11 Keller In .10 t U ~ ~ Nrl~I lSI> 11 t I 4 • ~~r:,'';? • ,! ;'.'" ~: &':.~!.' J:~ • 1si ~· &:~ f: l ~ · s l: ~: .... 7 ~::=11 :~ ;~ 1~ :~~ :; =::\Ar,,'~ i J; ~~.: \ .. A ~d•corp s 140 b • C\ISGpl I 19 I .. . • .. Crem!opf I 60 . I 20\t •• Keonmtl I •O 1 6 ~.1 NwBen I 10 • ,. •t•, -'• Am Motor, """ t ~ISGpl 1 13 3 18 • G4n~tl .S2 21 57 U\. • 'o IC.ennecoll 2 11 •11 ;w.,.._1 NEr9 ct 40b • 209 1'~•-< 11• AmUG 2 SAQ 6 ... J2 r .. ouC.01 7 lO 2• 156 ,. • I • CrerdOen ,. 1J ,,. 7• I . Ky Ulll 1,7' 11• 2S II~-+ ~. NW>I Int 7S l 01 l2 • ~. Am !>eallnq" u •'• '•• COc18oll '° 11 211 1 • C::..rllnkl '14 1 10 .II•• .\. ICerr McG 111 47' 11•1..+ ~ Nw,l Ind ws .. t1 1sv.. • .\. Am~1pO l k 14 I~ t I ColclwBk 36 I IS 10' • G•rloO 'II> 1 vi 7t -\' IC.elCl'Y!!OMW ~ ? !~ 7111,,,:-:1e 0 Nw\l In pl S • J 96 + 1 Am Sln<l 80 b llb tS ., C.oltto lnclu 11 J .......,. 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LAneBry n 1 1 "-~. 09cien~rp 1 4 ai ,;,;. + ;;; Am~t..r ~ •O 18 30 It• 1 • COmEd or 7 1 2 I' C,..nln5t pl 3 J 7q~, LeerSle9 11 6 2'2 1-.+ lla ()gdn pf I 81 • 1 1''1-• + ~. Allarpl 1 o l "'• "• C.wEclDll •2 ; 1110 • • Gorn ~d .20 tl 6 11~~-~ L.lerS pf 1'1• ll 2.S'I• t II> Ohio Ed I 66 ll 108 1•'111 :::;~:~:~~ • 1~ J :,'; ~.-om:oE~·:. ! ~~0;:7:·. ~EJ:fp~:; '~~ ~~:~ ~?J£N1'; 11 TIE: ~~e~p11 :~:.:. ;:,o ~s'"-1. :~,e:,.J; ~~ • :~ .~. • CwOtlpl I 12 'to 101. • •• Gell Porllnd . .. •• • •• l.A!ll• PIC IO • 1J 11 .... + "' a: E pl I ;; •• i100 11 -· Anth ... C I 10 -• 2Q • Comm Sal 1 • 21J JI' .• I G P\ll>U 1 .. 1 ,. u·~ Lei\ Val Ind,. 30 ·~ • • OhE l>I 10 ". 160 102'4 ~~!~;~1;!•,: ~ :~ ~ ~~?;~.1 ,! 343, 2l'·• \, c.nPefr lOb J l •~ •• • t!::!:~ •l~. f! '~+~.Ott-pl 14 •• i40 11•-+ '• ....,...,.,,.. "" v • ~·. 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S ol 11'--'" GonPwr ol 6 •• I 10 '• Glnos IMor t\ 7S 8' LlnNFd I 7• •• 2 ltV. ·• °"""nlll 1 71 I 6S •l'ni+ V. Nm pl 2 10 •• 4 11:i..-\. Con p pf SI•. .. S S.•, , " GIU)Ofl WI , 1J a~. ~ Uontl COf P II 2I 2'"°+ ~\ Ownll pl 4:1.. •• 2 1' + V, Arm\ Ck 8011 201 71>, • GonP pl' S2 tSSO O • Glob.JI 'Hr t t •I tH 'I t,. Llttooln 2 hi.· 1M 7'h ~ 'I> Oal0<clln .tO • S 13 -YI Arm•I Rubi> 12 14 1)\, • ~ ConUAL. tilt< 20 JS S'•; '1' Gl<>b<: Un I • 12 1''• '•• Uttn cv pl 1 • · U tSVt .. _,. P-- AroC0rpln I • l 12¥. . ClltlCMi 110 1 12t '4!oli GolclWSI Ftl 1 t. 12\• '• LMI lnvestr • 6 1111 • • PacAln 1,10 . 13 123>; ••• Arvon lncl1n .• 28 711. -V. CntlCopp SO 2 ' 1' -•-. Gooclrtt I 12 6 S) 11>. -V. l.oOllMd .S 92 11 .. • PoteG•s t M 7 139 20~• ••• A!.A I.Id to . 7'3 42 '• + \, ConllCP 2 Ml 12 S• 33~ .. Coodyr t 10 ~ llS 18'. t ~. t.DewC~ t,70 6 12• 12~+ ... Pac LIQ I .. S 18 11 ••• ASarto 1111 1 435 I \'J t \ CnllCp of2~ • 2 •I'•+ •, CorOonJ l1 1 J 13' 4 Lomas 1 3',. 2S 7~• Vt PatPelrl IO t 11 21'1\i •• ruhln0.11"1 s 5t 21'). Ctllll(JJ220 t 7S d \. "' Gouldlnl?O 1 SIU\•+':. l.mMQ l091> s 70 17~ -PKPwrl10 9 76 1t•1.+ •11 A' Ory{, 1 IO ll Al 29\t • I Ct II II Pr 9t«>.. 3' l h • Goulclpl I JS .. I I 10 + 'h Lnellwn JOO S 1.~ I~+ r;;: Pt T& T I 10 I U U ', -Io A.\ SP<O I'° 1 2 23'. + '• cu Ill IUIY •• 11 ,\,. '• C--eceow 160 s 11) 27 >\. \t l.otW s Incl I ' .... -,. .. Pt T&T pl ••• 110 77~+ 'Vo lllfllooe IO 3 7• 7•1-,,.. (4nllntl0112 10 4'11 6A~o+ l't, C<al._, 3011 I 2•' • + "' L-~•Vt·· 2 15 +2 PelneW IOI> ~ 4 1 lol•CO M 1Sb . 17 3' •-'• Conl 011 pl , • 14\,. I Gr•ncl u 80 10 ,. 1S~il ~!> 1 60 • 45 ~ . Peir>epl 1 30.. J 13 •• AU(lyl t I 1 16 11'. •. {.onllnllel 1 8 U S t1'. , \. Gr.•nvt I 50 s 1 11 -" L..onqlll.t "'' • 81 IS•.~+ "• Palm Bh .lS S ,. s + ~ A1IR1(11f2' TS 1$4102' ••• {.onlrl Del• 262 111 •• c.<anl WT 110 ' Lo~Ort;,fl/Jl7 IS .. •1111 Pam•cl.t.OSI>• 20 7'•+ '• AIRt pl 2 llO ;1 &a\,,, 1 t Con-..cl 2 1 • 21'• GuyOrq 50 S U 11 + .. t:~ncl l t~ I: UT IO -~ Pan Am Air •• 102 l~•• lit AtlRt fl prll. 1 llJ ' '' C~Un 1~ 21 l'•+ ~ Great A&P St llh-~. LAPaclfc 'zo' fi~ =-·"' Pi1nP>nd2 tO • S) 30 llllAS Corp . 118 J • • .... CoopTlre '° 1 1 • ' ·~ ~~k.~ 1,~ l~ ~ :r·.:: :.: LOUGH I .. to s ttV. Paper-tit .60 • 62 ·~--'I• :~:~~~;]? l~i sr.',~ ~~1~11 I~ l~'H ~ g:~:~n1 !f: 1;: ~!\~-= ~= ~~mtor':·; ,1~ l~::~ ~:~~~~1.Il1t ,ll U:1:."~ Avto Corp 76 S" • 1, ~=~ t3~ ~ ~ ~~~, • CIW1U 1 91b 2 f>8 39 + I l. TV C~cpf S '• lA 44 + 'Ii Pesco In' It 69 lb''•• ~ Avco Cp WI\ . It t•,0 (Ol'Our• Cp l2 2 G<iw pf I 68 . 10 11't\, • • L.uorzo Cp 1 11 1~ d -3 P•yl.eu JS I 1 II', • ..., AvtoCoro~f 11 10• ~ •• ,_,, .. 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JttO 17 •I Croml(nl 90 1 • tO•• ~rd Ml~. 3~ 7' • •• M~AnF -60 1• -1-,\1.. 1L PPL. pf I 40 .. 180 11 -··-Babl Wll IO 1 110 221t'O->\ 8att>eG .1~ 13 16 ... • •, Beur in .:io t lO •~-•. 8e-t r011 41 II 111 St v, lltlcl .. ln 60 6 1 t 10 -'I• Bell Corp 70 e 11 20\o •. B611G.n I •• • 202 20• e-1, B.tnC•I I 3• I 1 11 -1, ~ncl•g Int U ltS JSl/'1-~ Banoor Pn • ,,,.,.,.. 1 • Bnk NV 1 20 5 2 l2 , Ban~ V• 118 S 1 121•-• o Banklru,l J S 17 170,+•v, OarbOll t 6'l 10 28~• • ~. Bard CR 20 IS $1 IS\e+ lo Bes1tln< 60 3 I tOl/1 + v. BdtU Ml 20 1 '°' 1>'1:.. lo BIUKlll. 60 U 11• )2~ 11> S.•ler L." )I 3" '°''' • ~. BoStG 1 IO 1 11 t•~· • •, BlerlroQ' 40 t •O 20V. • ~• BHI Fd\ 12 11 US 1'(\ .. , &e<kmn 50 1l JS n v. . BKtllnO 40 1t lll JS' • • ~ 8HChlor 70 S SI 12~• .• 8ektr Ill Jt 4 128 'I\• BllcoPI )Ob l 67 18h + •, BeldQH JOo 10 t 7'/• v, a.11 Hwl &4 a •• ,.,.. + "• ==~liKC1 ~ i ~ m:~ ~ een Co I 7, s 13S 1H·-.... BenCN>I l '•l .. 1tO 2S • • 1 BenC pt • 30 . • SO''\ • Bln(ppl•'• .1100 .. -1> O.n -,Id Mtg .. 2 3111-I) O.ngeB 17b 6 UO l\o •• t;~'lrO::::i 12 rs ~:~-v. 8elhSlffl 1e 4 102 l''I• + • • Illa 31nc1 " JO • st•IJ-~. 81eck&O .018 ••t 11\\ + ~. BlelrJM 32 2• s s~ •. ouuLo t 10 • u Uh llloOHR IO t " 14 • ''• BlutS.11 IO 10 11 2t'" 'lo Bot>C> .. Bru 3' l' • + V1 Botlnv .IO I 2S8 27' • + h BohaCe) .'5 I S82 12 -..., 90ok Mo ,. ' 1 , 20 -~ Borc1e11 1 30 I llt U + " Borg WI 3S • 5" 11'1• • 8or,.,.n1 In 6 S 2~o + ~' 8o$1 Ecll.4' 1 '5 11~1-\, Bot.lf:pl I II ,. IOh + Vo 811nlfl .tsb • tu •h-'-" Brlgt5 I toe 13 21 "'1'-'" Brit My 1 60 It n• •)\4-YI :~:~~rr~ i ,J ~~~ -·~. Browy Cl I 1 to "'"° .. BrUnGI 111 t 2J 1>'-... 9rown Com l • t0•1, •• ar~up I.to • 2• u•-• .,.. 8'n lflrp 20 ' U •~• • Yo lrFerrla 20 IS UO 1~ •. 9runt•k • .0 I 11' 1t\4 • ~ 9rutll W .40 1 .S 1tYt-~ 8TMGt .~ o >~+ \'t lkKrrut r 1 16 7> «'n + "4 8uOd Co tO • • 11 l'to 8~ lnclu • • t J\4 llUCI pf , .. 1 t 8111 rg I ~ t I ,311'> 8uloveW ,10.. t •'" 8'/nllrt1 ,_..,, to "'-, , ..,,,_.," '°.. 2•1 514-.. ....... P4 ,,, • " " -Vi !l<lfllllcl I~ IJ U JO\-1111 Burl NO 1 tJJ JJ~-"" lurlN pf . s 1. 1 •~•Vi 8ul'M) ,. 0 , ,, -h eurroi\• "° u 2tt U Yt •• --<C-C.ciot C..b L • 4 2\1> ... 1Cp,t2 .S U 10t,;+ ~ nee 1114 • • 2 2~ ••• " Wd 1 ll 4".. 1111 "I M n< ·; 2' '"' + Yo ftVtt 1 u 1 u~ + •111 hlln »i 15 lOS 16\\-~' rt11lr 1 1 2 . L t4e1• H Jt~-'- S t t• 11 JJ tt• ' + .. c .~ ' .. , l ..... llta C U I 311 , + l(o If~ u S6 "~· ~ c..Ml9 Inv , ti I • (Mii '~ 1 70 • ll *"'. '4 ~:~~1°"" • ' ,rn . ~ I ()!\I 1100 St~ • ~O 'I, I~ I 1•1 1'V. -\' ,. pf 1 ao u" -. Ttc t • •1 n~+t'-rlffC Jt 111 • ._ ~, CMrOn 111'14 • 5He .. .0 1' • "" t .. Mel pl J , «I • t w1r Cl 1 11 '" 1, Cro111oeH 70 10 t9 10~. • 1,0 Gulfl.lle SO I •I 1a.. ~ ~ '~ " PeP&L pr I • • l20 80 Crou\pf)n . '51"'·-\o GullMl!IO!RI • 71htliw :.c:Oonld A n J'h+ \4 PPL.pl•40 •• 170., Clown Cor-a 460 .... • Gull OH I 10 's 1012 21v. . • M:~111 ·~~ ~ ,J :~ \4 p PL. pf. JO 1ISO 48 + "" Crownl t IO ' 12' 371,._ 1,. GultRC nb l ltl "#', . MtK.v 1 "to I l 7 21~; ~ Ptnwlt 1 »10 44 2Jl'o-v, Crwnpl420 . ISO U \.-1'1> ~!!1R1P1BUl1 3012 1 71S 21?, 1 1:• MadFd 30b .• JS tO•!.+ 1t1i ""n'""pf2":., 1 4'¥o• 'I'll CT'S Cp 50 12 , II ~ S• , , , MMI SQuut • . t s-"• Pnwl pl I 60 6 20 Culll~n '° e ,. I Yt . .... SU pl S oe • 140 5'1 • t• Magic Ch 31 lJ ••n + ,,. Penn1011 '20 1 )13 11 ~ 1 Cummins 1• 1 11 20~, 1 Gull&W t 10 .S lJ.4 42~ • 1 • Mall;aryCo 1 io .. lO'h+ ,,,. Pen1lpt 1.ll • 1 28 • "'• ~::';'.~~): 14 ~: t~'t+ \o ~:~!i:.'i .'. ·" 2~t:' '• M.lo~H « U 1 2l'lt+ 'h ~~~l ~ 1! I~ ~r:: ~ Cun In ,20b ' 108 12~'1 • GllWI pf J •. .. s 7• • 1'\ ~~~·~ :.; . s ~ ,;:;: • v: Ptps1Co I 60 16 1'9 •l''ll .. ~ C..U.-11.aWA 2 J JJ+. • 1, C.Ullon lnclil It 131 l~-'\\ Man Hn I ll 1 tJ lt'I• + v: ~rli.1nEI 21 1S tl4 1',.._-1 (UllffH, 60 1 10 21'•. "" -+4 H-MAPCO 70 17 IM 41"4+ "• Pel Inc I', 1 18 1•'•-''• '"''~ 1 '°' 2 ,. 111,, It\ Hell F 8 .so IS 1 11~ • • Mlrtlhon M s " 914 ""' Inc pl I . • 2 1•h + .... CYPN• I .a 1 ,, 1SV.-V• ~lllbln I 3211 10s 17•~ + 1\l'O ,,,., 011, 90 10 3'1 .. • ... ::::!r;c~: = ,, 2~ :;~.' '" Oef'llOl\C 20'~ ~n11ai.-\t ~:::;:::,~20 ' Sf 1t~-,,. =:rcorlnf ~ 1 ~ ~~ + "-"1tlrt5t 10e 10 o 62 -l'A O.nAlv 1011 •• 2s 'at.-\'\ 14•ntll9'T1 40 ·7 t 6''• • •• M rcor P •0 1•0• 83 lS'' • • Ptllrolne SO 8 112 11'/1 • I Oen.Cp t ,_ 1 511 2' + ''• H11'd H IOe S 3 ,, • ..,_·,, •remn • .. '1 • • Petric 1011> • 10 20\: , • O.rt In 60Q ' l)t H "· •• H•~•CP .... 154 12 .. •,. ::~r::~t Ir, t; .:I ::.,.,. ..... POm .IW u 3-'I> 21' ·-.. O.rtlno pf, • s 30.,, v, ~""• t JS II 2• '7''t+ '• Merley .o 13 ,. 33v.-~ Phelp 0 2 20 11 u JA•, · • • 0.ta C-..nrel 21 2)2 )I I', Kertrl I 20 II 0 2•"• • )' t Merqll 700 t 12 .. ~ + \It PfllleEI 1 M t "' U\, O.vtoC s.>o s s t 1'1'11-'·• tiet'Wtt Fcl IS 57 6~ • . Merlolt ?'ntc 11 ,,s 1,~ v. Ptll!E•P• '',. 1100 as .. O.Y1onH n n 71 lt•. H•rn$f9 I 10 • 116 20\ +IV. Mrsl!M I 60 21 90 S7 -.... pt,EI pl 1 es 1t0 10 .. I O.yPl..1, .. I '2 11'1'0-'" Herrell .2N" 1' ,.:\(, •• ,. Nl•rsnF I 2• 10 SI ~· .... PllEI pt 1 90 1100 .,. ' \', OP\. pf 12~) • 1220 '°' -I HerrlsC I 20.. )J 2•'11 .. "" Nler1 M I 30 ' 111 II .. .... """ El pl 1 140 62 ''" OunWlr so s u ll:W. Her Ko t.10 A I U 'ft • Mar1nP SOC> II 2• tl'h """Sub 10 1 ta 12' • ' •• Off,. t.IO • 341 .O'"'e-'" Hart!>Ma 60 ' •? ' + '• Mel Cup' S4 7 4 IH~ +. ih ~111111Pp~ln~cl 1S lM13 SC!~ •0 • '1• OtlP~l. I 20 1 13 II~+ '" Hert Hk ,30 II S ll'l't+ 'I• MascoCp l2 21 In 41\/H V. rn ii• • Otl Mnl 1 .JO 1 40 2n. . . Hall" t,'4e • • "'". "' Ml\Onll• S4 16 S«J Jiii> l'tlllPttt I 60 11 1118 SJ~+ .v. OtllaAlr .tot• I"' Jl'I.•-ri. HewaEI 1 64 7 14 21~'. + \/• Mes~yFo 1 4 '6 UV.+ Vt PllllVH •Oa , 16 I'• V. Otllec lntnl • t ' + '" Haves Alb I 1 2 1111.-V. MCpln 1 20b • 28 1411,_ ~ Pl'kwk otb 1 -" t3..,. OtllOfte Cp 16 • H&1ellrw Cp I .,,, + ~, M$ lnlv •9b IO'I II'.\-.,._ Plt<ING I 21 4 tl 13'• • Vo Otnnlton I • 11 11 • H«I<. Inc 16 9 .. IS'• t ': M Mllv Sib • IS 10~ p"',',.~tbrl~pr..). 2,2' 1?! • 6l~'h· -:~.· Otllny• I 20 12 US lt't'e-:\o Htcl•N'n 1k 2• 36 721, + \• Matl<IE 28b 11 27 11·-·~ • • I lov n v ,, Oe11t\ply90ll 4• Jl""-IU Htllmn 4a 'I 1 U~1• '• May OSt.01' 11' lo) +I ~rCt20t '3 11\1'+ h Otaeret 121> 11 231 U\\ + '" ....ini "' I 21 tO l19 46 • H• Ma,..r~ t1 1 10 )t'I• • 'h Pltntf B 60 t U• 11'1'J + V: OtSololn '°. .)t '''• -Vo Htl-Curt 6 60 &' • ~· MlylJW 28 t 5 '"• • ,,.. Pl11'«9 IOQ )0 21 12'--.. OllECll1 I 4S I to U~ Vo Htlltrlnl &4 t2 4 7• • M•'l'IO I J0e It 11 2'liw Plt11lon IOQ 1 117 IJ' +I'• 011( pf 7 .. 12.0 •1 -:w. Htlm&P 30 II S1 •O ,~. M c A Inc I t 1n nv.-111\ Puu Hul It IS 211• \1 Otlf.; pf 1 's .. .1-40 ._.II>+ 1 Html~p Cap 20 1• McCorclCP 1 e 10 l>'IO+ v. Flu •Hut .. 1.. ' ,,~. • Ott If pf JVt • 2 SJV.-Vo Hercules to 11 110 2' \lo • ~ McCrory Cp . • J J + Vt Plen RtHC" • 1'1 •1 • .. • • Otatr Co <I' 10 IS u ., 'Ill Htrs/ley 80 9 7J 11" • '• McOermol to tO '9~ .. Vo Pl~yboy 12 U lt2 A~1 + V. Dlel Fin 60 s 1• • . . ~ulon llO s 28 ,.., + \\ McOonlcl Cp 2S 179 11•1>-llh PIHMY 471> • IJ IJ'"'-~. Olamlllntl 2 7 a> 31Yo-"'a Htsln Df l.loO • 7S 2t '•> McOooO 40 1 Ut Wl'I .. 'llo PNBMI .30«> 13 I S11• Ol•Shm I 60 I ?IS •t.\lt + -\I, Hieublln 1.10 U tt 41~-l 't. Mc Gr E 110 11 " 11v.. 'I• v. OleSlun of2 •• 5 $1 + 1\'> Hewitt P :!031 221106•~ 111i MtGr HI ~ t 14 llWt• ,,.. Polarolcl 37 J.l 1121 38 I,.._ 011Sllot 1.20 .. " 2314 • • t11ghVolt En 12 ll •~+ '"' MGH!pf UO • 10 tt Poncltrou !. SJ ~ 10'1')-~· Olci. Ae .ao 10 i l l\ + "' H nent>r '8 I I 21'1\ • •1, Mcintyre M u t360 • • '"" l""'9 T MIO 10 I u 1 .. " Oi(llpM .60 • JI I ''\ . • . Miiiott Htl I • ,. ,.~. + ,, McKee A te • IS lW·. I/) Pot1c Inc lq • • 18' • •. Ol~d .40g • 270 U I'\ + Vo HMW Indus • 13 ·~ •• Mct..e•n n ' t:S lt • ,.,, ~·G•pllS~ 11 160SI 't?~. ~ OIGlOfQO Cp • •• Slit ..... HolWlrt C llO IS 31 '41/• .. 'lo McLtnS I 60 4 6J 11"4-"• """' E -,. • -0111ta1w;q,.h lt111ov,:1\4 Hol!rner 12 6 26 141• + ~1 Nlcl'Wll 10 7 IS 10 .. PGEplll SO 110 ION •• "' Olnlnth 40 • 12 ·~ • • • Holl Ele<ln. 1 1"11-"" ,,,... ' I 70 4 72 U\oH Vo Po\11<1\ I .a • rs 0 + +. Olllen I~ 14 S )I Hol Inns JS t 11S 111/1-~ Met11>19 ! to 7 JS + Y, J'l:>t EIP I 16 t '1 tOV.-\\ Of-y :12 2J 6tt 44 -'I,.. Holld A .ISi>.. S II"'+ ~ M9d\;s1 I 40 10 J te + 1" PolElpt S .... dOO S2 OIHlon • • t2 .... + IQ HollySua la 1 " l I h + ~ M E I Corp 7 111 $44 + v. Pol El Pfl'> .. i500 •s~~. '1• Ol ... rllfcl In . • " ,"' • . . Hofml•kt I 17 30S 471/o .. "' Mtl ~ ... 11 «I 14~ .. "' PQIEIPf . CM . 110 •o . Olyref MtlM .. 29 • ·~ • . Ho<lywll '° 11 173 l2~-\/• NlenH<O •I • 11t 11 ... + ~ PPGlnCI 110 • 'il 2•'~' 1 • Or,..Hr ''° n UO 10 .... + \It Hoover t 3' 'I 4 21\• • ~ Mtrt Str 80 14 I SI -VJ Premlncl )I, t -11'1• + '19 Oo,,..M .toe 14 2• 47 -v. HorllOf'I Cp 6 74 2~'• • • Mtrck I 40 2S 60I 7S"1t-.._ Prtm P4 ~ • • t 1S Don L.uf J4tf\ • I ' -\It HoloPlllAI •k • I 1•1? + \It Mtredl1h 10 ' ,. 11 -''• Procl l G• 2 21 ,.. ••• .., 2 OOl'!Mlly ,t() 12 112 !'\/,-14 HOS(l(ICI> 20 10 111 20\0i .. \'> Mtrrlll.y 60 a 11'4 1""'-'h Prod Ru >O I 1 •"• • ,,.._ OtlofO•.tOb 1 11 U\l.+1\lt Hftl Intl JO 1 SI '"°+Ii. Mft&Pet OS .. 2'6 U"°+ ~ Pro!Hll40 l t• J)\l,+IVo °°''}ic .10 t n , .. Holldlle aoe s n '"' ... "'-•"'Pl 2.20 • 1 to . . P s A inc . " ,.,., Oovr 1 lO I t3 4114-t,1i ~h M 60 1 1J 11 ... + 11' MeiPPI I 60 .. JO 2lf\li + ~ Pu!> C.OI I 10 ' .. 14\e-1 • De'ff 14012 419 .. "' 14 ~tFb. ISb II ,. ·~ ~ \It Mes.bl «lb 10 J7 101/p-"" PSColpl1 u . no 11 0,. lno • • " •f\= 14 HtllwFlnc I • 3'1 IO'o-v. Mesi• M IO IS l ....... _ "" PSE&G I n • 17J .s~. . . Ort.,. I 10 t •> 42W. " v, HOuW pf 2"' • • J2 lA t V> M G M t 7 llM I~-i.., PSEGfll t 40 •• 1400 1411• Onawr I 40 11 21t •711t 0 11/t HoutFoUVt. 3 JIV.-'A Mt1rom .SO • '" I~ V. PSEGpl SOS .. 11'20 '° -~· Ore!MI t • .W . I"°"'" v. HO\lll.Pl StlO to JIV>+ ""° Mti~l31 . r1JO JIV.-111> PSE0pf962 .. 160 '2 .. [)reyfa .JOll • 17 '"" • .. HouNIGU I u Ill »~-114 MGI In 10 •• S12 ·~ ... PSE P4 11 2S 'o' 11~ ll09V1 "• ~ Pw I .IC) 14 40t 1~ HOwerclJ ·'' IJ ,.. 1l~ + "" Mk.llGs I to 1 1 ,,_ + "' P\15 (ncl 2 S6 I -µt. •. • • • • Howmt Co I 9 .. "'" Ml<hST I 20 s ,0 • +1 PS NH• 1 80 1 ' '71h \Jo 0\111 t :i u: '.' 1 I U~ : : : Hu.,_rO 1.60 I 9 1~+, .. Nlltrodot 60 ' !4 1J\\ • PSNM1 I 21 t 211 ~· i-II. """'I t7 n1 U'1J• "" Hiid A 1.601 S I ltV• •• Mit ro-SI • 14 11~-.. P\.tbllektr SI 1 1' Siio ... Cp • l \li ~HA" 1 ''" •• • jlll~ont I OI II olO u . . . P\ittllol lOe.. It >Yi .. .,., 1114~ )'1 '21 ltS +. 4' H\lane•T '°" " .,,,, MICISoU I 2' 1 " 1.4~ •• • PY1ollC OJI\ .. s 4"'1. '1• dllPn~ 4Y), 1 Stll>+ V> H~ Inc t '4 11'"' • Mkllenll Ml . I• 2\lt ... PuolS" J 16 S I J.)• •-..... °"""' 1.n ; ~ 17\lt •.. Hllf\1 Ctt "II t u~-"" Mldleftd RI j A ~· " P\lffMft 1IO10 0 )'\lo •• 011o 1 JO .. 1.19 14'14 + \Ii Htltton G ,Sl S 28 17 t 1\ Miit i Lb t 1' t 16 ~ • .. "'-"-<• .. I " t2'1'-\It Ouql.pf l rs • t t•lO 1•'-• . . Hlly(l!Co • .io IS •• ,. Miiiner .JN II " '° . . . f>urttlf\ F~ II I • "" Oymo 111 ·'° s •• •'14-" H.,.,....t .2• s 4 71" MM&M 1 U 14 W J7Y< + "' f>urolelor 1 u •u Ji""+ v. -1:. 1 ----.1 1-MIMPl.Q I ' I 11\'t-"" --0 0- 1! S alll'I 10 11 Jt t'\lo-~ I~ llld I~ ' ~ 14\1•-..... 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"9~ Ind 2 II I l04 ~Siio • .\lo TICor!Ntn I 11 141 to.• I ReYlll pt t v. .. t ,..-. • ~ tl<1eM.r 10 I ti l .. lo + 1.9, "-vnclM.t I S n n~o • '" 1IQltr111 lOb 14 21) 1311> -\... R•YMll>f 4\1' • • , ~ t I Time In< J tO •• j41>, "• RtyM pl l'-. , JI\>\ limo M .so 10 1) 11\11 . "• "evn~ 40 6 1• t ,,. T1m~n 1 eo. • 1u " 1~. Rk herlbft 1 • 11 th 11"""6n RI • tO '°"" ~. RkMMr 64 I I llt 20".. Toda S111pyq ' I \• • • Rc""'nd IO t 7) 12~• • le Toi-Ed 1 1 U tll'l 1 \• =~:~nl: ~ J :::;: ~: ~:~•,f.P.: I~ : ·~~. ~. fllloGr r:: to l2 10 Tr .. nec:o " 11 21 14\1. ~. Alie A Cl 16 U 7M 11-" + -. Tr•n .. m St 11 )17 n • Rivi-'°to • 10v. v. T rntln 1 24t> 20 1•-.. • • "Ol>Sh<I• 10 ti 18 t31/• v, lr.•n.co IO tO tit l \e • lllOIH1.VI I )0 S • 2111• • ''• Trns.cl.111 d t I 1\o1-,...., Robin• , ... 10 lSI IOt• Vo tronoll~ ?O .S S H t Yo lllO<llG I 19a • 12 I"" t •1a TP•nUn I .0 14 1' 3tv + \<t Ro<ll l ei 1, II 5' 11''> • ~. Trn•wy I 40 6 12 I•\. • lllO<k~ S7 14 l --''> Tr .. ,. IN Air ,. 11 1~ \,, Re<llwllln 1 I 1l4 2~ • \t Tten\WA pl 2 II'•, V. llO<ll pl .... • 2 ~. v, TrnWFI Olb • ti I 1a,, Roell r: 1 U • S 21~ • "" Tr•vl~ t 01 11 115 ?• .. t ..... ::::-.~ .: Jt ~ ':,"~· .... l r.,,ltl pl 1 •. l7 """' • ..,,_ ., I 30 I TRE (.orptn .. .. 11. '·• "oll Min l t'2 t~" •,, TriCont )SO.. n 11a,,-< • • Ron.on .u n II 2l Sltll v. lrlCll p1 211> • l '""' •• A(IClllrC I 70 • 144 16 +I T M>QI .a. 4 1 tl Rorer A to ti 22 '1'1'0-,,_ T~I• P!c IOto t tlV~-'tlo Rowrlo .0. lt 60 •S TrlnHylncl 1 7 )I 211.. i.. Roye1cc .. ll o t~ "' Trplceiw 20 1e sr n~ • •,. "oylO 1 .. b l 12' )4.\, ,,_ l~W Int 20 ' .S 2H• • •,. :w·~~I\~~ ~~ t:~ -:1 ; TRW pl AV,.. ) S6 Rubl>md '° 21 11 m. • ~. ~!~•: 1 11i tl~, ~ : : RucurC 20 I 111 ~. ~. wCF Ruu To\ 1'13 m II • '~ ~ytO~,: t~ ~ a.._ : ~ Ryder ~S i!!!.,_ 1' 1 ,,. Trier Cp 60 4 U JI.,.. t ''° S.blrw R s.12 t ~ . U'ILIM ,;;;~ UM 2'\\ • • s.tgarcl Ind 1' 12 J • 't'e V'-1. ptA .c> • 2 21 • S.l••Y 1 80 II 401 -~· '"" Uerco I 20e • 2 r.11~. • • S.gt Corptn • 11 •V. + " I 0 StJMnrl 1.20 1 1cw n • '"' u~ ~, t l2 • ~ ;J\1 • S\Jell,. I 12 1t I 11". t 'I'll ~w.c' f'..J:~ a 21 t~v,, , • SCL.5.lnF l 'h • 1' 23' > + "" UMET Tut 13 t'" SI Peul s . .. ~J IO'n • Ut\6rt0 50 • 1 t \I. • .. ~":.:\'t1240 ~ 2i; 2~: : ~~~d,.:;g: l ~:.:• .'.' s.noGs I~ 1 l SI '". . Un 8ncp .... I ,,, 10• .... \It S....JRec 101 I I t~ • U .-. 'l I' I .. I SenoerAss.o 117 7\lo• v. n ... mp • 14 + s..nF In I IO 1 llS 25"' UnCMb) 40 1 )IJ sat.-I . Sl11n pf .SO I 7 ... UnO>mlJJ t 1 11\.'Jt-'• S.F1lnll .3012 oS Je.\i.+ ..., ~'r.eZf~ 1~ 1~ 1~~ 1 '• ~Ya~~.~o IS 1! I~ •• v. UnEI ptJ72.. s m1 S.vEI p .10f s lO f'h + ltll Un El pf 3'1> • • 1tO :M \I, •, VnEI pl 1 ._.. 1'200 61'11 1•1. t :1:B 1:~ 23 ~ ~v ... ,11 Un Fkl.111., 11 1' 4•1, •. SvOnOr .ISO tO 1 -"•-'lo UnOC~ I ~ ' 211 "4Ve •I'·• SilKOn 1rw1us 1' 13 , • UnOICpt 211• n Ml • "'• SCA k,..lce • • SI 3~~ ~ ,,.. Un Pac l IO 13 171 "'"' •, Stl\Mftr Cp 1 , _ ,,. U Pat pf 47 t 11 •, , 1, Scllerln<J .N 21 231 SO'h-"• Unlonem . n 2'' ''" ScllllU 8 ... 20 1•2 22~>--' 1 ~~ro1:.:..~ a ~ :. : 7° : : Scllh1mb .60 1• 1•• 1'' ' Ulcl B nd p1 ' 2 I'• SCM Cp JO ' t6 11>1• • U<ICO:p .•211 '. I 1•, SC.OAI'°" M> S 1 l \11 • '' Utdfn<.11 20 6 2• 7' o t •,. ~:.~~~ 1: ;! 1~~ ~ UC-Pl. .n I '12 IO'• ScoUFOf' .. 6 S? IO>iw+ ~ 8:.~tl~~l~~ t; ~! ,;:::: ~= Scott PIP .. 1 .Sl6 13'\lo • • • UnlnclCp ..l6 t 9 101,. -'Iv Scotty1 I 10 1l 12 ~>it. • Un Ind pt •1 ,, I 1 • h Scovl IMl9 1 9 21 10'\-\It Utd Inn', 10 . ~I •" , Scudd9r0 'V • • l Sii>+ '" UnJsrB 1 04 • 10 I I'. I .,.. ~~ 1~~ s 1cri zr" + -~ Utd MM IO s ·~ m. 1. Sutonlr JO .s 110 1~+-. ~c1~~e,:;.11a1~! 1~ .-"" SuW Air 54< 6 40 SV• .. • Unltel"!I 41 ti J4 I H Se•vum '° " J ~ '"' USf 10tl 2" ' ~ n•1. '. ~:fP:::.n :~ ~ 1~::: + .. ~ USFoS I 141> SJ ,. ,,. SurlGO S2 10 1)08 IS~+ ~ tl~~~ :.: I~ ': m: 1 th Suri I .ca Jl ln ~ .. . USHome Cp 10 ~ Se•tr•ln U n t• 111 3:>r. • • VS Incl lSI> · 141 '"-1 • 1; SEOCO 13 9 351 321!'.-t't U!>Lene .11 t 70 10~+ •, w.,1,.c .10 s 9 6'\'o• \It u !> Runy . 11 t"--'I• S.rvomn • .o ' 2• 9~-V. us ~ •S T 30 11~ =~ :~~I~ I~ t~'h • ·;1• U!'.!otMl 2 IO S ... 3 ~ • ~. SMhOll 2 to t SI ~1Vo US lob .~ 12 tt 70~ •.. ShelltrG .st s 2• 1~ \'\ UtclTedlnl l I ,.. n~ , • , SMllrpf I.JS.. I t6'h-•t. ~J~:f",".;: ·; J: in~: 1:: SllellerG ofJ.. t ll'l'H I;, Unlltl WIS•• 14 1~. \, ~:r':~' ~ : ~! ~~ t: UnlTpfA I~· • • IS II'• '• SlgnelCo ~--n Int+,,.._ VnlTelpl 1'11.. , 70'• '• S 'Co I 1 1 t Unllrode Cp I m • + "t. ·~ •.P• · • 6 •·· Unlver I .cl • I 291• ~~~t~ a g ~ • · v; Unlvst..eat 2 1 3 37' • , • • SlmMC ... 17 m ,. • ·~ UOP Inc. '° a 56 ll\\ '" SlmpPel .ao 20 133 t~. \It Uplolln .96 I• •S3 J,AV,. '• sinoerco ·'°.. rn tJ""+ 'lo ~~17,•:F'it : J ~ :~.,, , ~ Slnoerpf ,.... • • 7 JSll'll • USMCp t JO • 2S ,.... •o SM90Co • .011 21 ~+,.. USMpt l.IO . I 2•~ 10 51111 C~ • • 2 9'/t • • • U\4111 I 11 t 1' 16' 61 I Sllylln<::g :10 11 JIS 17~ 'Jo Ut•hPL. n, JI> 10 11 Ml'\ , , , ~>lhA . •. q ~ •• UI P\.,pf 2 to.. J\ 1114-'• ......,11111n1 .2•1.f m nv. • ~ uv 1~ 19 4 ~· l2'4.-, • ~:~·+;.1 1: ~ m:: :: -V V- StnuOAtr AO • to "''•• ,.. Va<left 20 13 21l I~-v Sola 9ti M) s 11 ,,,.. VHC¥1 I nv • ' 7S -'• Sonetll lfttl l J'l•-V~ ~~eln ':it 1~ ~ _ ~ t:tf:itt a: 2t~ ~~·;,.; Ve$lilur ISi>. •1 ,,~ .... SOS r -JA 6 • t•• Vetco Off)/\ 16 2S7 ~ -+ I .... ....,.. ' "' •" VF Corptn I 8 11 nl4 • 1 • S C.rEI 1 4' 7 n l~-'"' Viacom Int 10 ll ,,,.._ ,,_ SoJ Incl I S6 t 1 M'li VklMC ,2511 ll .,,.._ ''-So<lthdown l 2S t + VI Sdwllpf1IO. 'tt'.-.. ltll VeEIKl,11 ' •so,,., ••• Softtllk .IO • t IP..t 'I• V•EPo12 . .a .. 11 7~~ '• SoeestPS 7k s t 41, • .__ V•EPol 4 GI •• 1410 40V. t •, S C..llcl t .. 5 tll 1t•1o , ''\ VeEI pf 4 llO •• l.0 '6 I SouthCo 1 ~ 1 U 11 ll~ I/, V•Et pl 1 4S •• 1100 nY>-· •1> SolnGE 2.21 I A 21' 1 • "• Va El pl 1 n ., 1 IO 7JV1-'" SoNRu I •S • 31 s.c • ~. V•EplJ 1 n 160 n SNETt 12 M IO 12 33•-•10 VorNclOln<.21 4 ~+ ·,,. SNETDf 3 11 I 4J + 1.14 YSI Corp 60 1 10 IS -"' 5oPtt11 1.14 tO 8' 27"" • . --W W-So RAii 1 12 11 103 '8.\lt > •r, W.t<h CJ> 76 10 211 21~-·~ SoRellpf so 1 6 • ·~ wactiov 04h t) l '.1o ... SoUn~ I tO 7 21 1' -"' :::~~ ~ :~ ~~ ~~~+ ·,; Sc>Ytlllncl •O II '1 25 -'I'll WellMur 60 S 1 H• + \• SoW)tFr 20 6 It l'T-tAt Wal-rt ll 21 •1700 }4tA t 'L SwForpf 1' 1 .. I t1' • .. '' ,. SoMIPS .to 11 31 I<>"+ i, ::':3 ~ ~: 2~ :~ -:• SNrton 2'41 l S 1'J'• •• W•r.-o '°II l1 9•.n •• ~:~~~ 111 '~ 3" ·-, 1 W•mCm so 7 m 11• -~ ~ RAtnd .16 It lfi (21; • W;aCmpll'Jo •• I 64 .•• 5Pra9ut El IS ,. a ... ~ ;.; WIC"°"f l\lo • l J6 + 11/J $qulf0 t 10 u 43 1t' > ''> WtmrCO 50 1 II 1.... . . Squibb a. 11 Jtl 31' 7 "' War um .rn 16 17• llw + l:V.. SleleyNllg I I ,. t0•1·. I W•rnr!o I 20 • 12 ...... • '• St Brnd 1 n I• .......... ~ Wa,.,.Gs I 88 J 31 17'"-1111 St8P1lnl .J1 2t n• 4J' t-" Weit\Ntl 80 .S 2' 11110 •• Sid 011 C•l2 6 Ml 30".+ .. W•Nt pl 211'7 • • I 1S• , I. Std Olllncl 2 I at.SJ '1' • , "I W1sll !>II ta S 10 II •. !>10.IOfl t J6 12 1SO S2 t ''> We\I> W I S2 t " 11:11. + ~ SldOll pl,~. • I SO SIV.-..,, Ylnle Mngl 10 It 1,i.. ••• SldPoor I '1 .. 61 21'• •. W•lknJ .IOC> 17 2' ~ .,. Sid PrSll 40 S ;n ••. + ~ Weyrre G IOU l ,~, Std Prud ~ ' J 7' ·-..... W•ynpf 1 '°. 1 UVl-I, SCenMa s. ' 6 101' + ~ wunUn Inc s 1 '"" • Vo SIMIWU .. 'I 11 tlV•-,.. WM pt I 2K • • 10 I) ... Slanrey to 1 2' 714 . Wuther .ao ' • '"'' • v. Sletrtll I 6 1 18.\'o• 11, ...... bl>Oel Cp 11 It •V• , .• SIMUIWI Iv I SI 1 -'l'o WtllMtl. .0 1 11 I•/,+ V• StMtlS' Mb 13 111/1 + '-"' Wtl\Mkl .60 I 6 II""-\It !.teulfer 1 •o a 209 78 ,_ Iii Wtlblll Cp 60 I'/> •• SlfrCll• •8 10 t 6 + "• Wtlli F9 .'6 7 121 1S'1o+ '"' SterlOro 10 13 3J' 17>w -,... v.itlls F \Oh • 4 •~ .. SlerOenl .IO t 35 tJ\1' .. 11, IN!!KoFn 60 1 I 11 -Ila sct.,.111 eo 1 ., ,~ .. v. WPltPpf '"· •• 1200 s1v.-'"" SttwWn 1 n 1 4 741, + ,,. W•tPI "'-P 1 7 30 ~V·-"' Sto-1vv 1 10 s 4 •S-v. WJlnAr -• 11 1-.. .. s1-c1n to J 3 II~ • W\Bilf!C I '° ' It ,,... • .. StrwW I SOC> 11 1' 62'.,_ V. WslnNA OSI 11 13 t 1 • , • Sloe>&Sl\OP I S 1 171,. ~ Ml Pee Ind 6 IS •>.ot •• Sl0<"911T Sk 'I tit. U '• + l/t WotPub 90 S 111 11 + .... St0<er 6rd 1 8 tS 16'9 • WUn100 I 40 Sl Ill U~ !.tUOtW I J2 IJ I 311/o-'i' W\Unpl 4 60 2 41 !otUOtW pf S 1 61 -I ""''" El ,91 lt 731 ll'l't StuW pf l •o t ~ • 1/1 WllElpf , ID ISO •1 Suew S,_ • 11 1.,._ ·~ W\i-.ec I 40 S 3• U • • Sub PfOIM I ' a 1Sl• , • Wt~flb I lt I ' 16'h-Vo Su<rfft .>o. 3t l 1h+ lh WtYf'l!ft 9021 21J ,..._. "' Sun Chm 40 ; , 10'h-\It v.tllFrye IO n ... 20 +IV. Sun 011 ,SOI> S 3l l4Y>+ t• IM\IPS IO~ I '6 ~ v. S<lnOlllJf 11-11 • tJ ~ t I ~ISi pl• , . l200 JI ••• Sunbe•m 1 1l 33 , • .,. .. , WhfelSI pl S .. llO '1'--'°" 5'.o>ilrnd 90 7 22 2t ., 'MlrlPGOI IO)J 4J 2P,.• \lo !>untlllnt 34 21 lt 1..,,, v. ""'" Con ao 1 6• """-.,. ~ 011 1 eo u •20 m •l W111Mo1.1011" •9 ••,, ... SuoerGfl 20 27 7'9 JV, • • • Wlllll•kr Cp • 111 •••o + Yo SullrtC009 5 3S IS'/•+ 'It Wlekn Cp 1 1l 21 1H e + .... ~Vel I 10 8 ~ 1•'-. . . Wletloldl .lt II 2 Jfo • • ~roM ,ZSI> 4 11 4f't • .. Will lams tO 6 203 301/•-V. Swen• .48 • ISJ ~+ '.At Wiii Cos Wis 14 41 ••. Sytirgn M 10 U 101,1 .... 'It WnnOa I 44 13 2l ll -'>'• Sv~npt ' •o 1 '""' + ~ Wlnnetie?.; • •~ s~ •• syJtron ~4: T->-1 .... .,.. :rn:~ •. ~~~ ,;: ~~: ~ T•ll 1k sl.IO 9 16 ll''o + V. WIKOn Oft • 161 l•llt. + 'l'O TalCOll N•I 11 3 ... WIKPS I JS ' 9 16~-V. T•ll•y In Ml 6 21 711)+ "" \l'lllko c I )0 • • 211, ..... Tetley pf I I 10-..-~ 1Mtu 1pl 2 H • 1 SI ~ T •ITIPE 1 CM 11 2t 16'-' • .. 'WOlvWI OSb 1l • )'Ill ... hlldY CorJ 1l 174 •1 -* ll\IDmt<O 5' t 10 14-11. + 'lo ~=~!ior • t! ~ .. ·ii: =::'.!.."\ #: :~ ~~v.! ~ Ted111lcon 10 •• ' t-Vt WlOol pf 2.10 . l 26V'l-'A Tel<trona .10 11 n Jt1.1o + 14 WWld Alrw • JI 4!ol.• " Telt<Ot JS s ~ He .. . wr111y 2 '°'to • 41\n •• Teledyne :Ill q u 11 -~ WurlU.r co 2' S H•-\lo Te...,.._ , 327 , .. _ .-. Wyly Corp SI 41• • 1111 Telts Corl> 10 471 lh+ V. -XYl-T-o I 1' • Ut U I'\ ,., Xtf'Clll (# t 1t 1402 '1~• -. l-Awl , • t'7 ! , , IOre 111< 104 S .SI 10\• .•. l-pU V., t6 .S""-""° Yeiln INul • U t ' • ... Teo-Ptl .40 l 21> I·~-1U Yf'95t~ t0 S I 1~• 4 I Texe<e le 1 ... u~ . . lAl!tCMP .7' I 1S tt~. + Tu CB'11 'Cl 11 1 lt"• + 11> JAl..C ... ,IO.. 1 14•.. .. • lesETr 1 70 I .S2 )lit. .. 1-W ,60 4 t i 32~• ... l aET pl 1h . 20 21"'• "' Z-te Pfl •• 2 6•'h-S laGsTr I .. I 111? 2t'llo-1 l.aYf"t C.WP • 2t ' • ... leagulf ' 10 1 • 3l'-". "' Zet\tlllltttl 161 n }6+.lo ... Ttalllncl 19 t ll U h-\to ZUffl llWI .ll 12 21 11 + Cla'1f•ler,.,_,.. DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler Corp • uys it bas the financial muscle to re- vamp lta entire U. S. car line by 1980 even though the firm will lose another SS9 milllon or more ln the current quarter. The companr saad Wednesday It ls In the midst o 1 Sl .S bllllon product program that Includes s-callnf dowri· th~ size of intermedi11tc and full-size ca" and bulldinf a tront-wheel drive subcompact. ca DAIL v PILOT TV DAILY LOG Thursday Evening JULY 31 ' •.oo oo a 10 EDEDCDNm rector, Cluenct M Kelley, depiets the upture ol one ot the n1t1un's most noto11ous c11m1n1ts I he ~·· 1urt ot K1rp1s m1rbd the lust tune '" • long nretr lh•I the late J l 01ar Hoover h•d personally ellect ed the capture ol 1n 181 qu111y- ' min who hid 1h1ealen(d to ~111 him 1 3 O 17 3 ll ti ( '' a ) Hurt 0 6 )8on1nu 0 WUd Wild West Q) Grten Aero (E) Mod Squid ELI M1111 '"'" l~ The '""dus ED llc<l•IC Co111p1nr W Rodr & Friends 6.)0 10 Mer. Grilhn ShH Q) lh•l Crrl nll SPJ ED 1·11 Chi Ch'u1n 0 li • ti 10) ED NBC 1 hmd•r Mov11: (C) (2hr) "Flirht from Alli· 111" (R) (adv) '64 -Yul Brynner, ll1chard l'lldm11k. George Ch1k111s, •.uiy Par-er I hrtt oll1ws of the Au kescue Str.1ce Jte drw•lthtd •o •n ;ue.i oll the c11;~1 ul J1p1n .. t.eie • C.HiO VU\d I) btong bat ltr•d by a typhoon A$ their pt1ne r •.ids tor the .. rl'tk rhe11 ind .. •du•I ~IUl!h '" lofd on llJshLJC~ 6 Tiit Untouch1bln 0 ( 19 I ) 3 (El ABC Spe<t1I Mow1t: (CJ (2h1) ~s.nde, Jenn1, You're Du d" (R) {dr1J /4 Ua.IG 1'9 I ) Du ler's Ch1ct E!lTmtl fllm CD C11top1ftC Gourmtl ffi little Rut1ls .tn, Andrea M4•tr.•m. lo/In A •l•r .. on An ond1V1du•"'"< pro.ale· 1 • r\I ~·•or bt•omes emt huoa'ly in .l ,rri t1t lh d (fJ.-!r ,.JI ffijfilfd 7.00 t) 0 0 :n ti EI) (El Nrw1 I r It' 11d., t, ' d~rin~• 1 pholtop ,.V'· r 1 his him l•d to I~• 11•111 J hoo1de O Bowhnc lor Dollir1 6 Mod Squad a I ruth or CGn1rquencu O What's Mr Line' Q) I love lucy ID lhe re1 ELI LI lob1 26 lhe Br& Ville, ED Book But lh11 popul11 bouk tt view p1uR1am 1•turn\ \'l•lh t101t Kobert C111m1e ~9 a ) Bon1nu 011m1 Thrtt SlOO&O (E) 1 ht Bold Onri U) fultUI ln(ttftl<IOMI £D Hollywood hltv111on lhutte A 1orhtr PHI of lhe fort1I . Doro· th1 McGu11e, Barry Sullivan and , lollany Boll"'g stars on this ~err vroducl1~n ti Lolloan Hellman's 1946 1!11 1l10Jd1ur play, a sequel lo "lhe 7:10 8 Candid C1mera 2;t I 6 Pnu Is Rt&ht I 1111& Io"' l his probing slory of 1h1• rapacious ttubbard tam1ly 1n !he Pu".r c ... 1 War Sr1ulh e<poses the I ru1hlt1~nes~ and plothne ol ors f!lember·, Andrew Print ind Rober! fo•worth 1lso Sllr 9:30 Q Ntws 8 love Ammo n Style 10 let's Mike A Du l ED T mn1a Q ~?i1£~ ;oM~~111e~h:c:'ti~r) "lhr IO OO 0 Q) &J "'"' lnl Trme I Sa Pam" (drJ) • ~ 6 Ptrry Muo~ ( loubtlh I aylor. Vin John\on, ~.a1 (E) Grt Smart Irr I 1d1?~on, llonn• Reed 26 Cretn Acres Q) Horan's Heron ff) The War II W11 ' 1~6 Cuo·~ • 10 lO 0 ""'"''d Dt1d or "'"' Red So, W· rid Se11e; ID "t•s ED luevu de Gila lC> Allred Hitchcock m Waler World ED Y111ety Sh•• (El BobbJ Goldsboro Show ffi lrttle Rast1l1 11 00 t) J 0 ~~(El "'"' 0 B 10 23 6 "ews 1.00 O 11 J a l~e W11loft1 l~l O Btll 01 Croucll. ll•np (R) Miry Dien buys a ti Set Brtko -..cond ha .d purse lrom a Jt.ft• deel O lhr Lucy Show tr a~d lond1 an antique amethyit Q) M1u1on. lmpoutblr 1onv 1n •I\ "·crrl compartme111 • (E) Mod Squi d d1:.c.1•t'Y th41 ltJthr1 her a d•lf1cull 17 J M1. lucky lt\\(•I< 26 1 he U~tOUthablU O 23 ti 10 ED Gl•drs Knrehl & ( ,., a ) Wanted: Du d or Ahvr lhe Pips !!en Verrrn, Whotm111 M•io and Charles llelsoo Rerll' gursl 11:1~ ED CrMml 14 O Mow1e: CC) CZhr) "Duel 1n the " Juncte" (adv) ·~4 _ Dan• Andrews, I l:JO 0 M~Yle (C) "lhe Runn1nc Min J,1nne Crain, 01vrd fmar, (dra) 61 laurence Hmey tee ti Wold Wold Wut llem1c~. Aldn Bates 0 (a9 111) ll (El DEBUT Almos! 0 23 _6 10 al Johnnr Carson Anythtn& Coes A wold 4nd 1m1ror1 l.'cle•n Srevenson IS iUtsl ho11. '"' event shaw ft3lurong a str•e\ r I 0 Ciltndu compelllloni btlwren tums ,,0 6 Movie: '1he Creeper'' lhor 48 ~1enl1n1 d1lltr•nl Amtritln cil•t [du11do C,.nellr. lune Voocenl .. 11h1n a i"'~ eeograph1tar 1rg1on 0 (;H I ) 3 Wide World Spe· 1 1 • 1 ne c.onte11s 1Mollle 1pproprialt t11I Gerotdo fl""' Goodnight costumes. 11rg1nl•c props .nd cb -M•• ra ,racle cou""" or epic pr r• nr.1 I 17 J CBS lilt Mo.,e: CC) R•~•onal '"'"""I lrom lhe ,,1, ro•ir "The fJ« of fu Muchu" (l•IPI &~ ~ws "'rt comPfl• on •~• "", Chr•1lop~er l 'f no" fN t~t net onal champ1tnlh•O 0 Mow1t:o "The Broh11 Ooubfoo11" lunight 1eim\ Ir m Wtblltr IJw """" 39 -lur.cr Gu d. G...,rge Bunilv1lle R I d l'utnom Ccnn lo'Otlfi'"'"r COl!'Oelt tur l''t !a"•rn ~., .n £D lht Thin Edee Ch1moion~ht1> l ~· a irou >eel\ '" I~ 00 Q) I """"' Juk tllt Rippu Pitrl Ch11fre Jnnt1. lt'n ~n•r•til<1j '' \ It ;M>fl•t>'1 of lht 8111t1h d'IC:J l!t<I Whtlhft&lM " '•IV eoro.nn lhe IUIPK'I '" ~ Du~s tholle I n~on I '"D'•d lll!>OUS UP\> .~d MondlJ Thru rnc111 r>urdrr t4lt N1dr1 C110 16 Mom . (C) (2hr) "Caplirn Holl· ID Get Smut ltO Ho111blowt1" (dra) !>I -Greco•y Peck. Vug1n11 Mon EID ,h1l1delphi1 r ofk r ut1w1I ffi JafllllCU lllCUICf l'IO&rfl!IS J a 13 16 Nen I 00 M 10 Tomorrow 8.JO Q) Merv G111f1n Sho• Mowre: .. 8Kktround to D1nctr" rmrsl 43 -Geo•ce lhlt, BrrndJ MM\harl Peter Lorre ' 1 :4~ O Movre: CC) "The I Don't Cm 9:00 0 it (3 8.J CBS Thursda1 Mow· C1r1" (mus) ·52 -M1t11 Gaynor. it: CC) {Zhr) The fll St.ory -The oa .. d v,a)ne rat Versus Alvin KarptS, l'ubhc £nem1 Number One" {R) (dra) '74 Z:30 Q) All·Hrcht Sho•: "first Yank rn Robert ro1wol1h, Eileen Heckart To•yo," "Tht Giant Gun• Gary Lockwood Based on a l•nd mar~ use of the rat, the hfm, m1dt 3:45 O Movie: {C) ~oimens1tn S" (dra) with soec11I coope11hon ol fBI 01 '61> -Jtlfrey Hunter, France Nuytn Friday DAYTIME MOVIES 10 00 0 "Ministry of Fu r" (mys) H llll M1lf1nd. l.l••J(lrte Reynolds Car I ,mnr.d 6 '1ht Outsrdtt" ldra) 62 -lorn Curt•>. limts f11nc•scus. IZ.00 Q) '1he lost Mol!'enl" 1011) ·41 - kol>frt C"rr1rn1nps. ~uun H1y .. 1rd /\gnts Mt>OrthPad 26 (C) "[nchu ted hlH d" l1dv) ·)8 -Dina A/ldre.,s. lane Po.ell. l.00 10 (C) "I'll """ Forcet What's Hrs lhmt" lcoml '£>8 -OrSll~ Welle• C11ol 141hole 23 6 tC) "Crou Current" rm1s1 1: -l\obtrt Hooh. itremy <iate, H..tit•t 'ft1rner. C.rot Lr• •y J lO 3 "ltst Wtderir (dra1 45-Pay M l1nd hne Wyman O (C) "Thunder _,ley" (d11t 61 -' lab••" Annelle fun1utro, 011ne Mc Bain 1.00 O "Lu1 ol the Wiid Horm" (•esl 4:00 0 IC) "H11ht r1n111t" (dr1) '57 49 James fllrson, Mlf) Beth ldmts ~lewart, Alld1e Murph1, l'uphl'S Dan Ou1'u Whenvou see Pizza Ads on TV .d • • • • Clvll Grumbling ... Gloomy Gus t In the DAILY PILOT Scissors Sharpened • Ground 10 o ptrftl I edge by focltry nptr1S Regular 69C Shton • lriltt in pinking, sewi119, boriltr, eordtn, kil<hen uiners . Pinkint 99c • All wtrii done while ytu shtp Sh.on Hoover 'Handivac' • lightweight, easy te use for those qui<k pickups • Optional atfochments available for above the floor cleanint 28!~. ~ Black & Decker Jig Saw • Variable spttd ftr 111 purpHt UH • C11ibrat1d lillint shet, double insulotion. #7524 3499 • Hith speocl for fosf moferiel rtlMYOI & •-••h flnbhine • Dollltle insuloto41. #7404 1699 Tru-Test® Water Heaters • Don't woil Iii if bursts ·- check yevr old wotor he.ter now I • Roplcue if with o 41.,.Mlblt, 9loss li11o4 h.otor on4 Mwt 20 Gallan SiH 6495 30 G•ll111 Sire ..••.. 7•.95 40 Gttlltt1 Sire ••••.• ••.91 SO 0.11• Sire ...... 9•. 91 .. -. .. . . PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR HOOVER CLEANER! ' 8-POINT FACTORY CHECK-OUT LIST • Chtck electrical system • Chtck motor and btarings • Chtck all moving parts • Check belt and brushes • Check bag for def 1cts • Check filter system • Check and cltan agitator • Clean, grease and lubricate Plus Parts Free Estimates on major repair work. Only genuine Hoover parts used. One Day Onlyl All Work done whlle you shop. 11:00 A.M. to 4 P.M. Hoover 'Celebrity' • Ne whHls, "° runners ..• rides ... air1 • 1.1 peak horsepower -all stHI <onstru<tlon • 10-qt. capodty bog. #SlOOS Rtg. 54.95 39aa Charmglow'" Gas ~ 'Economize~ Grill • f1t1hl1tt, o4jntwM. !Mot <entrefs • Grills, Mkes, rMsts & ~S · • us 14-'"· ..,, • ., ,,..14 <Mlwt trW. fT NK..J 9995 t .. Speclalf Wiss• Grass Shears The Hoover 'Shag Machine' • hdusive triple a<tiOft """'"'' • Complete with tHls for all yeur above the ff oor """'"'· 804047 Reg. 14.90 59aa Glidden Spred Glidden Spred House Paint Gel Flo Paint • L..,..a.stlttt, wMtlter· rosist•nf •<rylic a.tu • Quick-dry finish fer nlerlor w.H, mtsOftry Reg. 11.99 ·~! Vigoro® 5% Sevin Dust • 'r•tectt fewwi & ., .. ,..w.. f~ lnstdt • 1 •· sheller cen tf ,_,.., l111ectlcl4t, ce11 ~. 11"4 ttt Ht•' <•ts • ht,. thick for ono-cMt <ewere1• • Rell w brvsh 1n -dries to • shillY 11011 finish 1~~:; 10!~ Reg. 1.29 sac I l Totlav·s C losing • N.Y. Stoeks Sad~leback \IOL. 68, NO. 212, ·4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1975 TEN CENTS • Lake Forest Open Space 'Perm.anent' The strip of grass and trees around the Lake Forest fountain next to the San~lego Freeway is virtually assured of remaining in permanent open space following action Wednesday by the county Board of Supervisors. The board voled unanimously in favor of 19 chanies in the Lake Forest planned community text. Jt was the fifth time in as many years the Saddleback Valley de- velopmenl has been re vised. The mos t controvers ial changes involved the JO acres or vacant land around the fountain and propased development plans for five·commercially zoned lots in a residential tract. With only r.ninor changes. supervisors adopted the altera- tions as recommended by the county planning commission. The net effect of the changes in· eludes : -A decrease in the number of total dwelling units in the 1,700- acre community from 9,700 lo about 8, 700. -A decrease in commercial acreage from 123to106. -A net increase iD open apace area from 113 acres to 117 acres, including the development's manmade lak~. -No chang~ in industrial acreage, wblch remains at 78.6 acres. Supervisors s pent lhc largest part of their hour-long delibera- tions discussing the parcel of land that includes the fountain. which has not been in operation , for a number of monlhs due Lo economic cons iderations. Supervisor Thomas Riley said the developer had agreed to re- tain six acres of the property in permanent public open s pucc 1n ~xchange fo r a h ig her density in the a pa rtments that would lx! built along Rockfield RouJevard Riley said the de veloper want· ed a dens ity of 12.5 uni8 per a cre but negotiations with Oc cidenta l and a r ea reside nts chopped that to about !J.5 unit:; per a<.·rt•. Supervisors accepted the lower figure with the proviso that s ix acres be d edicated open space. The e xact conr1guration of open space was nol determined but. Riley said 1t 1::. I 1kely the gr een area that a lr<.•ady exists will re main as it is today The board a lso bac-hd lht• planning commission and resi d ents of a tract at the corner of Mwrla nds Boul<.•vard and Ridg~ Roule Drive rn their efforts lo in corporate five commercial lots <St>e l,.OUNTAIN, Page A2j • .. or • ID ax ~lltS · Vallerga Trial • · Ju~ge Eyes Charges By GAR Y G R ANVILLE ot th~ O.ally Pilol SI.alt VENTURA -Superior Court .)'udge Robert L . Shaw agreed to- day to take defense motions to l\ism iss five criminal charges against Orange County Assessor Jack Vallerga under submission . Simultaneous ly, Judge Shaw denied a defense move lo dismiss two counts of gr a nd theft against Vallerga . By agreeing to take the five counts. including a connict of in- terest charge, under submjssion. the judge left a door open for de- fense attorney Richard Murphy to ask for dismissal al a later Art Missing $100,000 Painting Stolen MALDEN, Mass. (AP)-A Winslow Homer pa int- ing valued at about $100,000 has beei stolen from the. Malden Public Library, police said.today. Authorities said that the painting was taken dur- ing the past 24 hours, but declined to say how or when the theft was discovered. :i The painting, titled "The Whittiing Boy," was purchased in 1912 for $2.000, according to Asst. Librarian Dorothy L. Rothe. It was completed by Homer in 1873 and is signed by the artist, she said. Homer. an American artist, died in 1910. The painting shows a young boy sitting on a log whittling agains t a leafy green background. The boy wears a shirt with a vest, high boots and a wide· brimmed hat. Football ·Sun Faces $11,000 Tax Bill The Southern California Sun of the World Football League has been slapped with a tax bill of more than $11,000 for its holdings C!l Anaheim Stadium, a county's assessor office s pokesman con- firmed today. Elmer Zimmer , assistant as- sessor. s aid his office has put ¥1 assessed value of almost $120;000 possessory interest in the city- owned stadium. The team holds a 20-year use ag reement for the stadium. ' Zimmer said an apprais al of ple Sun indicated the full cash alue of its holdings and interests the stadium is $477,000. Officials of the new corpora- tion that owns the Sun in,dicated today the assessment may be taken to court in a move reminis- cent of a similar action taken by AdMp,yWin Circus Trip the California Angels baseball team sevcral years ago. In that case the Angels were also ordered lo pay laxes based on a possessory interes t assess- ment of their 35-year lease on the stadium. Under terms of the lease. respons ibility for p ayment of the tax fell lo the City of Anaheim which paid $1.2 million under protest. but won back $840,000 in a later legal action. The pact between the city and the Sun specifically slates that if any such tax is levied, it is up to the team lo pay it. A Sun spokesman said today the assessment received from the county is addressed to the corporation that owned the team last year and not to the new cor- porate entity, called Anaheim- Sun Football, Inc .. that owns the team this year. Despite Sun officials' protests that Ule assessment should not have been made lbis year, Zim- mer s aid a nominal change in ownership is not enough to avoid taxation. time in Vall~rga·s trial. Murphy a rgued that VaJlerga could not be accused of a conflict or inten •s t in the 1973 sale of a county-owned computerized ap· praisal syste m to Sparlanbur~ County, S.C. The defense lawyer pointed out that the $2 ,045 pricelag put on the system was placed there by the county boa rd of s upervisors in a 1970 resolution . Consequently. he continued. Vallerga did not negotiate the contract or its terms. Likewise, Murphy said, money paid to his client for consulting services connected with the sale were not intended lo be paid lo Orange County. · As~istant District Attorney Michael Capizzi oppo8ed the mo. tion and told Judge Shaw that Vallerga knew at the time of the transa_ction that he personally stood lo profit fro·m iL The series or defense motions came after the prosecution rest- ed it's case against the 53-year- old assessor late Wednesday. Prosecutor Capizzi wound up his case after three days of testimony in which he called four witnesses and presented 35 docu- ments as evidence. Shortly before ending the pro- secutions side of the story, Capizzi entered the final 10 documents in· lo evidence . Before he did, Murphy agreed to waive the usual rules covering presentation of evidence and (See VALLE R GA, Page A2/ 'Endless' Game Of Volleyball Set for Mall Super visor Thom as F. Riley will m ake the first serve in what is billed a s an "endless" volleyball game at the Laguna Hills Mall. The game, scheduled to begin al 10 a .m. Aug . 14, will involve two six·man teams from the Fire Rescue Explorer Post 628 of Laguna Hills· Mission Viejo. Members of t he post have or- ganized the marathon game lo raise funds rot fire-fi ghting equipment and will ask for dona- tions from the community. At the same lime they are hop- ing to crack the 10-day, 10-hour record currently entered in the Guinness Book of World Records. A display of fire department emergency equipment will be on view in the mall concurrenlly with the game. Daily Pilot Slaff P .... o WAITING FOR APPEARANCE BEFORE GRANO JURY Supervisor Battin (left), Attorney Kurilich Grand Ju:r:y Hears Battin's Defense The Ora nge County Grand Jury is clos ing in on charges that Orange Count y S upe rvi so r Robert Ballin illegally used his county offi ces. time, employes and equipment in his 1974 bid for lieutenant governor. But Battin presumably mane a v igorous d e fens e o f t hos e charges, Wednesday and. prior to going before the Grand Jury for more than two hours or s worn 5 ANARCHISIS LEAVE cobDIES BERLIN (AP) -Self:styled anarchists pulled off their second $43,000 bank robbery in t\.\O days today, again leaving chocolate rream puffs for the people in the bank and describing the heist as a "modest contri bu ti on" to end - ing re cession by putting more money into circulation. The fi ve m ask ed men and women said in pa mphlets they belonged to the Second of June Movem e nt, whi c h c laime d respons ibility for kidnaping Wcsl Berlin oppos ition mayoral can. didare Pete r Lorenz on lhe eve or a ci(y election this year . tes t imon y. t•xp r e ssed con fidence he woul d m<.'t'l anv Jt' cusations openly a nd chrectl)·. Grand Jury tcs t i mony 1s ::.ccrl't and both jurors a nd witnesses are sworn not to d i\'ulge contents of clos ed·door jury testi mony. In R;.ltlin·s case, information from other source:-. has dribbl('d out in the past st•\·ernl week:.. ft indicates that a1d<'s and form<.·r aides of t he s upe r visor haVl' told the Gra nd Jury Battin utilized some or his own cmploycs ' ti m1· in his uns uccessful att<.•mpl tu ~ccurc the Oemoci J h c nomina - tion for lieutenant governor in 1974. Battin pre viou s ly h as said about Sl.500 in campaign funds wer e used to r eimburse those (See RATTI N • Pagt> A2) Flare, Smoke Bomb Burn 13 El Toro Acres Incendiary devices used by lhc Ma r ine Corps for t rainin ~ purposes Wed ncsday touched off two grass fi res which blackened a total of 13 acres :Jl the El Toro base. Place your classified ad in the Daily Pilot and be eligible to win one of 20 pairs of tickets to the Ringling Brothers and. Barnum a nd Bailey Circus opening in Anaheim Fri· day. Ex-Husband Located The first fire occurrcd al 11 :35 a.m. and was caused by n arc from the wheel watch at lhe end of the air s tation's runway. AU you need to do to be eligible to win is call 642-5678 to place your ad or bring your ad lo any Daily Pilot otrice between Fri· day and Tuesday. The names of 20 Daily PUot advertis ers will be drawn on Wednesday Md winners will receive two tickets worth $13.50 for weekday perform anccs or the circus In Anaheim Con· vcntion Center. ll you have items you want to convert lo cash, adverUte them and win tlckeU t.o the clrc~. \ Burial Plans Begin/ or Viejo Fire Victims Funeral arrangements for Mrs. Barbara Maycock and her two children were expected to be completed today with the arrival in Orange County of the dead woman's former husb.'lnd. Coroner's officials said Michael R. Maycock had been localed In Portland, Ore., where he was vacatl~in1. Maycock, divorced from his wtre three years ago, was un· aware that fire had claimed the Jives early Sunday of his children Christle and Susan, Ag«!d 7 and s, and their mother, coroner's de· putiessald. Coroner's omciall today in· I I dicated that Maycock will be room ne::ir the door and Christie spared the trauma of identifying in her own room under the le- the bodies. Their identities were mains of her cha rr ed bed. established through an indepen-Firemen said it was normal Cor dent coroner's investigation. children to hide from the fire by Meanwhile, the coroner's of· crawling under beds, into closets fice has determined the death oC or running lo the shower lo get au three family members to have away from the heat and names. resulted from smoke inhalation hwest igators from both the in the fire that dcstro~ thelr Orange County Sheriff's Depart· MissionViejohome. ment and the county Flre Mrs . May cock 'A body wa• Department a re continuina thtdr found near the ups\alni window probe of the blaze. neighbors had broken in an at-lWWever, the exa~ cousc has tempt to provldc her with an nofl»een plnpointed bcc~use Lhe escape route from Ute house at .._ ftre w.ea io devaalaUng il 21644$ Fr-esno Drive. detlroyed mMt 6t tht evidence. Susan was found in t.be same r (See VICTIMS, PaJCAZ) ~' Fl ares a r e used to signal pilots who have forgotte n to put their wheels down w he n m aking runway approaches, accor di ng to a base spokesman. Wednesday 's incid ent wa s caused during a lest of the warn· Ing syste m invol ving a new pilot. The nare landed in dry grass and touched off a three acre blaze. The second fire occurr<.'ci around l p.m . near the station's east t{<1lc. just o f( Trabuco Road. A smoke bomb us<.'<l for training purposes was held to blame. Capt J 3mes Shotwell . public inform uUon officer for the El Toro base, s::ild I hat flre WltS con- trolled by the station's own firemen within minutes. Althou~b the bla ze initially ln· (See FIRES, Pai-e A2) Industry Needs It --Simon W,\S llIN GT O N I AP > Ocl'larin ~ tha t the nation's in- dustry ha s g r own r u:-.ty :rnd needs help, the Ford admm1::.lr:.i tiun a::.ked Congress today to cut l axcs for cor po n1tions a nd stockholders by nc ;irly Sl4 bi llinn over a six-ycar pt•riod. "This is n ot a program for u1~ business. It is u program to benefit :.tll s aver s." Tr<.·a::.Ur} Secretary Willia m E. Simon said in presenting the tax plan lo the House Ways a nd Means Commn lee. Simon also urged Congress lo help develo p a program to cm- cou rage n e w s a \'ings by a ll Amer icans by offering special lax incentives, <Jnd urged that tht· 1974 lndividuc.11 Retirement Ac· counts legislation be broadened. But the m ajor part of the pro· gram outlined by Simon \\ <15 a re cJ uct1 on in cnrporalt• a nd stockholder laxes, hy .J ph:,ised· uul elimination of "hat 1s rt• garded a s a do ubk l <•X 0 11 di\'1dends Al present. corpor:.it10ns pay tax1.•s on thc•ir profils hdurt• :.111~· d i v i d t' n d s a r l ' p •• 1 d l o ~t oc kh o ldt·r s. and t h e n stockholdc•rs face <.1rld111onal tax hab1lily on lht• d1\'1lk nds the~ re l'elVl'. Prior to making the propos:.tls to Congress. Simon skl'lchcd thl' outlines lo newsnwn Simon propo:-.t•d that lht' cloublt• taxation be chm 1n atl·d uy two at'- tions first. giving corporataons a tax deduction equal to ahoul 50 percent of thc di\'ICknds they pay , and second I)>-. through a Lax credit to stockholders. Stockholders would ht• ublc lo claim a ta"< n<'dlt e<1ual lo <Jbout half the d1vidt•nc.J s llwy rl'ccive T h c I u t :J I s CJ \' t n g s l o stockholdcrs, based on <·urrcnt levcls of tax pc.1yments. would lw ;1bout $6.3 bi I hon '-'year Tht• direct s avmgs lo <·orpor:.i- tions from the dindends dt•dul'· lion would be about S7 .5 billion, Simon said. I le proposed ph<.ising 10 the stockholder crc•d1t ov('r :i fivc- year period from 1978 to 1982 al <J rate of about Sl.25 billion in s av- ings for stockholde rs each year. The stockholder credit. however. <See TAX CUT, Page A2 > Or:~~a:··' Weather L:.1te night through mid mo rn i n g lo w c louds beco min g :;unn y and warmer Friday . Highs in the mid-70s a t the beaches rising to the mid·~ in- land. Lows tonight in the mid·60s. I NSIDE TODAY A San Antonio, Tero~. mirs<'. brutolly stabbed .and left for dead four days on.a nun-bank. died todop/ al o hospital A suspect in th<• murder ho~ bPt'll captured. See story A4. At Y~r S.rvlo Er,... tomi.<k L.M.S.rd C.llfOm • oanlflM c.m1~, er.u...n °"'" Htllet• t111tv1ai,.._. 1111"'1•111.,,.111 trlMlltt Fw..,.••c•• .._K ... Index ' ... Thursday Juty 31 , 1976 3rd i11 B Ba Laguna Woman Raped in Alley 1\ :?3 Yl'<ir·old Laguna &•uch wom an wulking :1 long Sout h Co.isl Highway t•a rly today was )!I JblX'd by a m a n and r aped in a p.1-.sagewuy between two build· lllj.!~ It was lhC' third r ap<' in Laguna Beach an thl' pas l eight days. Police said it is doubtful the inci· <.tents are related. The womarf to ld police she was walking in the 600 block of the tughway about l a.m. when a · man fell in step with Mr. She said he made some suggestive From Page AJ FOUNTAIN 111to the residenlt;il area. The property owners had asked that the lots be incorporat· t•d into a ndghborhood com· m<>rcial center connected to another lot that is already de- veloped with a gas station. The residents challenged the owner. saying the lots are direct· ly linked to existing residential areas and should be developed with homes. The planning com· mission agreed a nd the board re· Iused to overrule it. Supervisors voiced added con· cerns over development planned for two pieces of industrially· zoned land along Canada Road near the inters ection with Rockficld Boull•\•ard Riley wanted certain com· mt>r cial uses of the land subject to use permit proceedings but he lost that bid on a 3·2 vote. The area will still be subject to site plan review when final develop· ment plans are draft('d. Other changes in the planned community included : -Elimination of fi ve school s ite s n o l onger d eemed necessary by the Saddleback Valley Unified District and addi· lion of new sites at Serrano Road a nd Rid g(' Route an d at Jeronimo R oad and Canada Road -Reduction in density from 43 uruls per acrl' lo a maximum of 18 on an a partment side bounded by Muirlands Boulevard, the main Lake For('st lake and the Lake · Forest Village s hopping center. .... -Reshuffling of other park and open space areas, including additions to most and expansion of Serrano Community Park by about two ures. Car Kills Boy After Visit To Disneyland A vacation day at Disneyland <'nded m death Wednesday for a 15-year·old Canadian boy who was struck by a car as he left the amusement park. Robert R. Cumberland or Bntish Colu mbia was killed in· stantly Wednesday morning as he left the Disneyland parking Jot and attempted to cross Katella Awnu(' n('ar the Anaheim Con· \"e n ti on Ce n t e r . a po Ii cc spokesm an said. The youth had spent all day Tuesday at the park and was walking lo a nearby hotel where he and his parents were staying. the s pokes man said. The acci· dent took place shortly after l a.m . "He just ran across the street in the middle of the block and the driver of the car couldn't avoid him in time." the spokesman added. No charges were filed against the driver. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Tiv-Of~ t"tn t 0•11~ r11t"t Wlllt\~thl• ,,,,,,. t ,.." ,,..,, '<t#""' f ·• '\\ .. our:• hi ft,.,,..,,, (),.,.f\ 7 t ,,.nt r ~1,. ~'l (O,,..,,•nv • It '' •O•t·...,.. It'~ t t, N 1 N ,,,.,_,, '"'""Qf\ f' .,., ly f 'I• lb .,. ,,, .,.,,,.,, IJ• .. ch H"'""""'Yi J'" .,,. J"'" t4 VA •• \-lf¥1l'I•, '"Odlf'b .. lo "'" tr "'~ 1.-toJf'--1 0.Mfll \ovth (,,•Ot A \•IW)•t '"''l•(\f\..;fl ..-,.11nfl ., Pubh\MO '\AtuftM .,, ~ •OM"~ t , ... pl nt. t.1 ,, l)t4bh .l'UnQ pl .. l'lt I\ _., ,)JQ Y<ff' ,I ft.t'f S"r• 1, (o• 1• W.w Uhtor"•• .,.,. Robert N. W~ PJ,.\ldil"t 11rtd Pubh"""" J ack R. Curley \flu ""~'""'"' •"<I c;.,, .. ., .,..,..Off Thomas l<eevll (OjfOr Thomas A Murphioo ,.._.n•o1no Editor Charle<. H Loos RicMrd P. Nall .-,,,,t•n• ~Nt••"'Q lchton Saddl1back Valley Office 25101 La "•I R .. O •I ..... 0•-~·~•wty Oth•r OffiCH c-.. , ........ J)'l-\t ""• \!• .... .-woor• .,..., "' UH H•WU'·•t """"'.,. "'•'d Htlflt1n-qton •••< h 11e1' ,_....«,. 9'ov••v•fd u.0 .. ,,.a. .. 11 llk<A,....,.•\4•"' Telephone 014) "4J-4i71 Clusitted Advertlslf\9 M?·SUI S..ddlr\M,.._ VAii• f Nl''#\0tfK• Sl1·U10 t ro"' ..... C••-~lr 4'S·0630 (epytteM 10~ Ort"9" C"nt l'wl>lhlll"Q (~ .. -.y H• ttf •\ .-~""• 111~tr4Hi4W'l'. "•-..1•I '"•""'' ., •d••"·~·"'·"" ,,.,.j" "'•' •• , • .,,oevttO w llMwt ltO• ••• P•• "'•'ue" of '"'""" ... "t, ~to"" <'•n Po\I..,.. H of! at Cott• "'•••· t •l1f9t"1• ~vot1n-._,by,.,.,,., ~00,,.,.My. _,, ,,..,, t4 00 ~"''· rNfl\Mf *"'fMI-U 00 '"""'"'' remarks. the n forced her into a breezeway between two build· ings and raped her. · The victim said the m a n threatened her with a knire. She w as unable to describe it, however. Police w ere called about 45 minutes after the incident. A search or the area failed to locate a suspect. The woman described the man as a male caucasian, 28 to 30 years old, muscular shoulders, long brown hair and a mustache. No Cludlenge To Alwni1Wm . Price Hikes WA SHIN GTON (UPI) - President Ford's inflation monitoring l'Ounc il said today it will not cha llenge price increases by the major aluminum com· panies scheduled for early August. The big three domesti~ aluminum makers -Aluminum Company of America, Reynolds Metals Company and Kaiser Aluminum and Chemicals Com· pany -earlier delayed price hikes averaging between two and three percent for 30 days after the Council on Wage and Price Stability challenged their polen· tial inflationary impact. Council staff economists said in a memorandum prepared for Director Albert Rees they were unhappy that the industry was pushing through a price increase when there is little demand for a luminum in the s till·weak economy. t On the other hand, the councif admitted that costs of raw materials. energy and labor had risen sharply since September, 1974, when the industry l ast boosted prices. The council decision followed its earlier warnings that since al uminum is u se d in automobiles, hom e appliances. and a variety of manufacturing processes. higher prices could have a widespread effect on con· ~umers. Fro•PageAJ TAX CUT .•• \\Ould not appl y to tax.exempt or foreign stockholders under the Administration proposal. The dividend deduction for cor· porations would be phased in over a six-year period, beginning in 1977 with a net reduction 10 corporate taxes of about $2.5 billion the first year, increasing at a rate of about $1 billion a year. Simon said the double taxation of dividends. "is inherently inc· quitable" s ince other kinds of in· come are taxed only once. He said most of t he nation's major trading partners already have acted to eliminate or reduce the double tax. · The Su-jnging Nuns Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, archbishop of Boston enjoys a swing ride with the Sisters or' St. Jos~ph .from the Brighton UPI ltlepholo section of Boston during a visit to an amusement park. The cardinal hosted over 50 nuns on an outing to the park. From Page A I VICTIMS .•• The best theory so far is that the family's clothes dryer, local· ed in the area where the fire s tarted , malfunctioned and torched the remainder of the house .. Ban on Aerosol Sprays Demanded The dryer, impounded by the Sheriff's Department, is un- dergoing laboratory tests. While the investigation is pro- ceeding, the burned-out hulk of the Maycock home has been sealed and the windows covered with polyethylene sheeting. Raft Sets Out Across Pacific YOKOSUKA. Japan (AP> -A 59·year·ol d building contractor has left Yokosuka. 30 miles sooth of Tokyo, aboard a two-masted home.made raft for San Fran· cisco to publicize his birth con· trol campaign. He hopes to reach the Bay Area by November. The raft is made of 58 empty oil drums with an auto body fixed atop for a cabin. Jl is named· •·Pipe Cut," an allusion lo vasec· tomy, th e su rgery used to sterilize men. It is the second attempt by Ki yohisa Ono t o cross the Pacific. Maritime safety officials convinced him to abandon his first try shortly after leaving Tokyo Bay las t year, arguing that the raft was unsafe. CPSC said it preferred to wait for further r esearch before acting. The NRDC said the FDA has authority lo "ban the use of over 90 percent of these products sold in the United Stales, and we believe it s hould exercise this power." Victim Dies; Suspect Face~ Murder Rap Fro•PageA2 BATTIN DEFENSE ... employes -but the Grand Jury seemingly is interested in de· termining whether that sum cov· ered all of the county employes' time spent on the campaign. It also is known that employes and ex·employes o! Battin's of· fice have accused him of us ing county equipment -such as automatic typewriters and copy. ing machines -in preparing campaign material. Battin's attorney, Matthew Kurilich, denied this charge. Battin. several weeks ago, ap· peared at the door of the Grand Jury's closed hearing room seek· ing an opportunity lo testify in his behalf. He w as refused ad· mission, but yest e rday was ushered into the hearing room at 2:30 p.m. al the jury's invitation. Before his appearance, Battin appeared in a jovial mood while he waited with Kurilich for the jurors lo open their afternoon session. · Kurilich declined to comment on what District Attorney Cecil Hicks says is a cootinuing Grand Jury probe into possible criminal actions committed during the supervisor's unsuccessful bid for state office. Battin invited newsl"Qen to ex- amine the content.8 of 1 heavy bag filled lo capacity with docu· menta related, he said, to his 1974 campaign. "The campaign, like my Ure, is an open book,'' the supervilOf' quipped. "Help yourscll and if you llnd anythinc in there J should know about, let me know. He was warned by KurUJch: "You hired me to do the t.alkinc so let me do the talkln1." Jl was learned after Batun went int.o t.be Grand Jury room CENTRALlY LOCATED AT HARIOft ANO NEWPORT IOUlfV ARDS INOOWNtOWN COSTAMISA FromP~AJ VALLERGA stipulated that certified copies or documents were a uthentic. Slmultaneou1ly, Judte Shaw asked Vullerga a series of quel>· tions aimed al making certain the defendant under stood the waiver of some of his trial rights. ··ves s ir. I do," Vullcrga replied 'to each of the Judge's questions. Jncluded among the final IO documents Capizzi submitted ns evidence were certified copies of: A county auditors waiTant showing that in March, 1973, a Santa Ana travel agency was paid $340 for a round tdp airline ticket to Spartanburg. -Hins haw's 1973 bank state· ment showing that he deposited a $6,000 Spartanburg County check in late May, 1973. and a few days later wrote a $3,000 check lo Vallerga. . -The $3.000 Hinshaw check en• dorsed by Vallerga and deposited in his savings account in a Mis· s ion Viejo bank. • In a May 6 indictment handed down by the county Grand Jury, it is alleged that Vallerga's ac- t•eplance of the money constitut- ed a conflict of interest. The jury a l so c hargc tl V~lerga with grand theft, em· bezzlemenl apd mlsappropria· lion in connection with the Spartanburg incident. Defense Attorney Murphy is expected to attempt to prove thCJl the assessor h ad no prior knowledge of possible personal gain when the sale to Spartan- burg was negotiated. He is a lso expected to argue that consulting services ate com- monly performed by public of- fi cials and that his client did not violate any laws related to con· flict or interest. WAC Lesbians Plead to Ford BOSTON (UPI) -There is no link between sexual preferences and soldiering ability, a civil liberties group has told President Ford. The Civil Liberties Union of Massachuset ts wrote the Presi· dent to protest the Army's move to dismiss two lesbians from the s ervicf.'. "The Ar my's attempts to dis· charge PFC Barbara Randolph ;.ind Pvt. Debbie Watson after both had served as members or an honor platoon at Ft. Devens (Ma ss.) is lbe kind ofdiscrimina· tion that has been declared ii· ... legal y.'hen applied to religious or ethmc minorities," said the Jet· wr. Five Saddleback Firms Join C of C Five new members joined tt:e Saddleback Valley Chamber of Commerce this month., The new m embers are: I m· can L. Ma rt in Photograp ·y. Laguna Hills: Mission Viejo f est Control, Laguna Hills: the Sad- d I e back Va lley Board of R ealtors, Laguna Hills ; D. Dalton Loncosky, agent for Al· !stale Insurance, Laguna' Hills, and The Brig restaurant, Laguna Hills. From Page Al FIRES ..• vol ved only' a s mall spot, Shotwell said firemen decided to let lhe fire burn under control for 10 acres to clear the area of a fire hazard. No injuries were reJ?Orled in · either fire. • SUMMER 01 MOii Dolly 9:30 o.m. -6 p.m. CloMd 54lndoy1 MAJOlt OfDITCA.OS ......... ~-·- I rvine V OL. 68, NO. 212, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Tocla~··s Clos in ~ i\.Y. Sto eks THURSDAY, JULY 31 , 1975 TEN CENTS h-vine Trustees Ask ,More Jludget Cuts By DOUG FRl~c.l._IE Of Ill• Delly Pito~ ~· Irvine school trustees ended a budget study session Wednesday by telling the Associale Superin- tendent John Raj cic to look for more w ays to cut the Sl5 million 1975-76 spending plan. • Rajeic 's revised figures call for a H ·cent t ax rate cul from $5.52 per $100 assessed value last year to $5.38 next. But trustees led by Frank. 1 lurd and June Foley" ant more. Hurd, c itin g bad economic limes called for a nother lO·cent lax rate cut. but the board l)lopped short 0Corde1fog it. Discussion of the budget will resume next Wednesday in a public hearing. The board is ex IH:cted t o approve a 1975·76 budget at that time. "These ar~ not fat·cal times ... said Hurd. '•and we s hould not act like they are until the economy indicates ... Hurd was backed by Mrs. Foley, who called for study by Rajcic of where more c uts could be made. But Rajcic told the trustees thal severe cuts had been made in the proposed budget and dis· tnct programs will suffer as a r e- s ult. • Expenditures per student. he pointed out, are to increase $4 from $1,512 to $1,516. Rajcic said that, considering inflation, the real spending power per student will drop. ··1 would defend this Qwiget as an educator, as an a <9untanl and as a business m anager ," he said. "With inflation, there has to be considerable program erosion in this budget ," he said. Par e nt Bob P<ltton a l l)o criticized the budget. "I get the impression,"' l)aid Patton, "that this budget is like a lot or others in t hat this year's ex pend it urcs are predicat<.-d on last year's." The budget , he said, should hL· eyed with .in ··is this tnr> necessary?" altitude and c ut 1( expenditures are unnecessar y . Hurd also tauncl1L·d an atfJtk 011 trips by administr:.ito1 -s, :-.ug· gt!sling that $60.000 in tlw hudJ?l't for travel and con fl'rl'nt'l''> Ix· cut m half. .But a dminis tratol':. tkfcnth:d the trip budgl'l as nL·edt.•d lu pro· t (.• Cl d i S t r i l' t I 11 I l' I l' l) l !'> I n Sacramento :.i11d lo kl·c p employes up to d:.ilt' The M:hool thstnc:t 's n•('t•nt Ill· <See B UDGET, Pa~l' M i or ee Ill ax ~ ... uts ' Dally Pilot SIMf Pl>oto WAITING FOR APPEARANCE BEFORE GRANO JURY Supervisor Battin (left), Attorney Kurillch Grand J u ry Hears Battin's D e f e n se The Orange County Grancl J ury is closin~ in on charges thul Orange Cou n ty Supe rvisol' Robert Ba ttin illegally used his county offices, time. employes and equipme n t in his 1974 bid for l.ieutenant goveroor. But Ballin presumably m aoe a vi gorous d e fe n se of tho:.e charges, Wednes day and, prior to going before the Grand Jury for m ore than two hours of sworn t estimon·y, expressed ('On fidence he would meet any uc - cusations o pe nly and directly. Grand Jury testimony is secr <'l and both jurors and witnesses are sworn not to divulge contents Of closed·door jury testimony. In Battin's case. information from ot her sources has dribbled out in the past several weeks . It indicates that aides and former aides of the supervisor have told the Grand Jury Battin utilized 11-0me of his own employes' time in his uns uccessful attempt lo secure the De mocr atic nomina~ tion for lieutenant governor in 1974. Ad May Win Circw Trip Place your classified ad in the Daily Pilot and be eligible lo win one 'of 20 pairs of tic kets td the Ringling Brothers and. Barnum and Bailey Circus opening in Anaheim Fri· day. All you n eed to do to be eligible to win is call 642-S678 to place your ad or bring your ad to any Dally Pilot office between Fri· day and Tuesday. The n ames o( 20 Daily Pilot advertisers will be drawn on Wednesday and winners will receive two tickets worth $13.50 for weekday performances of the circus in Anuheim Con· vonUon Center. If you have it<'lllS you want to con ver t to c~1sh, advortiisc them and win tickets to the clrcos. Ba llin previously has sauJ .iboul $1.500 in campaign funds were used lo reimburse those employes but the Grand Jury seemingly is interested in dc- ll'l'minint( whether that sum cov- ered all of the l'Ounty cmploycs' time spent on the campaign. ll a lso is known that employes and ex·em ploycs of Ballin's of- fice have uccuscd him of using <See BATTlN, Pagc A2i Wounded Mesa Wom an Goes Hom e A Cos ta M<.•sa woman acciden- l<illv shot and wounded by her hushauct, who grabbed a pistol and mistook her for the burglar or prowler they thought they heard. was released from the hospital lo· day. . Kathleen Marie Brown, 26, of 2335 Elden Ave., s ustained a nesh wound in the s houlder early Wednesday. She remained oyer· night al Hoag Memorial Hospital for observation . A poli ce inves tigation - automatic in the case of g unshot wounds -concluded the incident was accidental, s aid police Watch Commander Lt. Tom Durham . Officer Ed Sutton said in his re· port that Mrs. Brown apparently awakened and got up to turn on a light after the couple heard a crash that sounded like it was in lhe living room . Her husband, Terry Douglas Rrown, aros e a moment later. He tqld police h e grabbed a .22 pistol, s potted a s ilhouette, took aim and fired twice at the form. Inves tigators s aid it was ap- parently Mrs. Brown who report· ed hea ring what sounded like two firecrac kers e~ploding, but did not feel the bunet's initial Im· pact. The couple said they walked in· to the living room, al which lime th('y noticed s he was bleeding from the s houlder area and rt· alized she had been shot. (See MISTAKE, Page A;) Industry Needs It --Simon WASHINGTON CA P l Declaring th::1l the na tion ·s in- dustry has g rown rust y and needs help, t he Ford adminfatra- lion asked Cong r ess today lo cut taxes for corporations a nd stockholder~ by nearly $14 billion over a s ix·ycar period. "This is not a progr am for big busines!:i. It is a program to benefit ul t Sa\'er s." Treasury Secretary Wilha m E. Simon said in presenting the lax plan to the House Ways and Means Commit· tee. • ~ Simon also urged Congress to help dc,·elop a program to en· courage n ew savin gs by all Americans by offering special tax incenti ves. and urged that thl' 1974 Individual Retirement Ac· counts legislation be broadened. But the m ajor part of the pro· gr am outlined by Simon was a re· duction in corporate and stockholder taxes. by a phased- out elimination of what is re· ga rded as a double tax on di\'idends. j The Sui.11gin9 Nuns , I ,. ~ ~P I' J !f1 l ;; ~ /' . . l' I' ' . • UPI T•l•Pl\O .. At present, corporations pay taxes on their profits before any d ivi d<.'nd s are p a i d lo stockho ld e r s , a nd thl'n stockholders race additional tax liability on the dividends they re· ceive. Prior lo making the proposals to Congress, Si mon sketched the outlines to newsm en. Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, ar chbishop of Boston, e njoys a swing ride with the Sisters of St. Joseph from the B1;ghton section of Boston during a visit to ~n amusement pa rk. The t:ardina l hos ted over 50 nuns on an outing to the park. Simol'l"J'(oposed that the double taxation be eliminated by two ac- tions -firs t. giving corporations :i tax deduction equal to about 50 percent of the dividends they· pay, and secondly. through a t ax credit lo s tockholders. Dismissal Bid Studied Stockholde rs would be able lo claim a tax credit equal to about h alf the dividends they receive. Th e t o tal s a vi n gs lo stockholders. based on current levels of tax payments, would be about $6.3 billion a year. Yallerga Judge Mulls Dropping 5 .Counts The direct savings lo corpora- t ions from the dividends deduc- tion would be about $7.5 billion, Simon said. He proposed phasing in t he :.lockholdcr credit over a fi ve·. year period from 1978 to 1982 at a rate or about $1.25 billion in sav- ings for stockholders each year. The s tockholder credit, however, would not apply to tax-exempt or foreign stockholders under the Administration proposal. The dividend deduction for cor· porations would be phased in over a six-year p e riod, be~inning in 1977 with a net reduc tion in corporate taxes of about S2.5 billion the fi rst year, increasing C:tt a rate of nbout $1 billion a year. By GARV G R ANVILLE Of 111« D~ily Pilot Sl.llfl VENTURA -Superior Court J udge Robert L. Shaw agreed to- day to take d efe nse motions to dis m iss fi ve c riminal charges against Orange County Assessor Jack Vallc rga under submission. . Simultaneous ly, Judge Shaw denied a defense move to dis m iss two counts of grand theft against Vallerga. By agreeing to lake the five counts. including a conflict of in- terest char ge, under submission, t he judge left a door open for de- fense a ttor ney Richard Murphy to ask for dis missal at a later time in Vallerga's trial. Murphy argued that Vallerga could not be accused of a conflict of inte rest in the 1973 sale of a county -owned computerized ap· p raisal system to Spartanburg County, S.C. Art kissing $100,000 Painting Stolen MALDEN, Mass. (AP)-A Winslow Homerpainl· ing valued at aboul $100,000 has been stolen from the Malden Public Library, poli ce said today. Authorities said that the painting was taken dur· ing the pas t 24 hours, bul declined to say how or when the theft was dis covered. The painting, titled "The Whittling Boy,•• was purchased in 1912 for $2,000, according to Asst . Librarian Dorothy L. Rothe. It was completed by Homer in 1873 and is signed by the artist, she said. Homer. an American artist, died in 1910. The painting $hows a young boy silting on a log whi ttling against a leafy green background. The boy wears a shirt with a vest, high boots and a wide- brimmed hat. The defense law.yer pointed out that the $2,045 pricctag put on the system was placed thcl'c by the county board of s upervisorl) in a 1970 resolution. Consequently . he continu ed , Valler ga did not negotialc the contract or its terms . Likewise, Murphy said, money paid lo h is client for consultini:! services connected "ith the sail' Irvine School Employes Get Salary Hikes lrvine school trustees ended a OO·minute executive session Wednesday by giving the s chool district's non-teaching employes salary increases ranging from five to eight per cent. The raises will cost the d istrict $154,000, a ccording to ~S?Ciatc SuperintendenL Jo~ Ra1c1c. OC that amount. he said. $94,000 was included in the $15 million budget estim ate for 1975·76 school year. The raises for the 354 e mployes such as clerks. j anitors. accoun- t ants and others were eight per- cent for the lower third of the pay scale, seven percent for the mid· dle third and five percent for the upper third. The r a ises compare with an average 5.5 pe rcent hike g iven t eachers. That bike also wa::. s pread over the wage scale with ~ lowest s alaried workers get· ting the largest percentage In· creases. A decision on salaries for dis· trict. administrators was put off. lt will be put on next wcok's a.gcnde. ' were nol intended to tw paid to Orange County. Assistant Dblril'l 1'llorney M1 c:hael Capizzi oµpo:.l'd the mo- tion and told Judgl· Shaw that V<tllerga knew at the t1mC' of the trans action lhul hr f>1..'rsonally stood to profit from il. The St'rics of defense motions came afkr the prosecution rest- ed it's ('aSl' a!lainst the 53-year- old assessor late Wcdncsday <See VALLERGA, P agt' A:!i W e athe r L:1lc night throug h mid· mornin g l ow c:l o uds b ecomin g s unn y a nd warme r Friday. Highs in Lhc mid-i Os at the beache~ ris ing to the m td ·80s in- land. Lows tonight in th<.~ mid·60S. I NSIDE T ODA V A San A ntonrn. 'f('xas. nurse. brutally stabbed and left for dead four days on a nver bank. died todal/ at a hospital. A suspect m the murder /Jos been captured. See story A4. Al v ... , S.rvlo ErmehmM<ll \..M hytl C.altfwfll• et.enlfl" c:.emto o-ou-n1 Dt•lll ... lktt u""'""• .. filtftNINNt1I P4-• Fwltlelt•<9"1 .......... Index AJ IM«rm!UI.., CS C2 M llU-r\ CJ • A• Mtvlff CS A1 ~· ,._,, <• D•·IO NellMll No•s A4 C• 0r-.eau11tr Att·ll C4 ....... CM All~· OH Al s..tll Markti• '"' CS TtM\lltlM Cl CH ,_...,., CS Alt Wtat._.. A4 CJ_,..... ,.. i~ I . Al l>All.. y t'ILOT ThurSd~. July 31. 191:1 . 'Interest lJp ' 2 More Sharks Bite the Dust · SAN DIEGO (AP I T wo · great white ~harks have been "harpoont:d wilh•n a w(•ck in Southern Cullfornia watl1rs, but a marine biologist discounts the · belief by som e of a change In bt'havioi-or the giant s~:t kilkrs. Another res l'<trcht>r says he can find no ot•e1tn changes which would encouruge the great white bhark to be ~e~n more often by mun. "Everybody that sees. one (a great white one) now is going to stab it and call up the papers and :w forth." said Dr. Ri cha rd Rosenblatt. ~urator of marine ,·ertebrates at Scripps Insitulion of Oceanography. "It's just no way that coin- tidentally with t'\'trybody in· tcrestt.•d in s harks that they come marching in," lw added in an in· terview·w ednesday He said renewed interest in great whiles apparently hus been :;timulated by recent movies Sun Temn Faces Big Tax Bill The Soulhern California Sun of the World Football Leag~ has been slapped with a tax bill of more than $11,000 for its holdings al Anaheim Stadium. a county's assessor office spokesman con- firmed today. ., Elmer Zimmer. assistant as- sessor, said his office has put an assessed value of almost $120,000 possessory interest in the city- owned stadium. The team holds a 20-year use agreement for the stadium. Zimmer said an appraisal of the Sun indicated the full cash value of its holdings and interests in the stadium is $477,000. Officials of the new corpora- tion that owns the Sun indicated today the assessment may be taken to court in a move reminis- cent of a similar action taken by the California Angels baseball team several years ago. In that case the Angels were ~also ordered to pay taxes bas ed on a possessory interest assess- ment of their 35-year lease on the stadium. Under terms of the lease, responsibility for payment of the tax fell to the City of Anaheim which paid $1.2 million under protest. but won back $840,000 in a later legal action. The pact between the city and the Sun specifically states that if any such tax is levied, it is up to the team to pay it. A Sun s pokes m an said today the CJssessment received from the county is addressed to the corporation that owned the team last year and not to the new cor- porate entity, called Anaheim- Sun Football , Inc., that ov.ns the team this year. Despite Sun officials' protests that the assessment should not have been made this year, Zim- mer said a nominal change in ownership is not enough to avoid taxation. From Page Al about sharks, including "J:iw~" .ind ; 'St)ark 's T rt'asure. '• A l ,400·pound. 12-Coot-8 lnl·h ereat white wus harpooned off the cout of Santa Catullna Mand last week. and a fishing boat bagged a 10-foo t grcat white 111 th~~ same genera l <1rca on Sun· d(.ly. Also last week, a scuba diver suid he was half.swallowed and then s pil up w ith only minor Ill· juries by a shark near Santa Barbat·a . "Rt' fore the current sha rk cruie, swordfishermen or others would simply say, 'Hey, look at that fin over ther e.' With the new interest. they're bringing them in.·• said Ros enblatt. Brian Hawthorne. owner of the Heather B. s aid his crew bagged the 12-foott"r jus t · a few hours after the captain finished the novel "J aws," on which the mov- ie is based. I le said crewmen had spottt.>d gl'eat whites before but broug ht this one in •·oocause we thoug ht some people might be in- terested." .. We huvc no idea how many great whiles arc sighted each ye ar." said Jim Squire, a biologist with the Nalioncil Marine Fis heries Service here. .. Most go unreported." George Parke r, who har- pooned the 10-footer, said he thought that unusually warm currents were bringing the maneaters closer to shore. But Squire dis puted this theory. Squire said offshore waters are running about three degrees colder than normal, and said there is no evidence that the sharks are behaving differently. However, Squire and Rosenblatt both concede that lit· tie is known of the habits or sharks, tbe great white in 'particular. Victim Dies; Suspect Faces Murder Rap A Garden Grove man was in Orange County Jail today, await· ing arraig nment on murder charges filed following the death Wednesday of a Costa Mesa busi· nessman he allegedly shot two weeks ago. Melvin , W. Lamb, 43, of 2553 Santa Ana Ave .. s uccumbed to abdominal wounds suffered July 15 when he was shot at the Garden Grove home of Dotie Dace, 39, coroner's deputies said. George Dace, 38, her estranged husband. wus booked on suspi- cion of murder Wednesday following the death of Lamb, who coroner's investigators said owned Costa Mesa Exterminat- ing Company. No local funeral arrangements will be held. according to of- f i ci a Is al Bell Broadway Mortuary, who said rites and in- terment will be at Tishomingo Cemetery, Tishomingo.Okla. Survivors include his wife, Bonnie: a son , Mark ; daughters, Vickie and Debra Lamb; a sis- ter, Frances O'Halloran of Tex· as, and his father. Claud Lamb of Oklahoma. UPI Hl~photO Face Off Clowns Wilbur Flaugner and Quint Dodds (in barre]) play dangerous game with brahma bull. Action took place at recent Frontier Days Rodeo in Cheyenne, Wyo. Rodeo clowns Flaugner and Dodds walked away. So did the bull. ' Ban on Aerosol Sprays Demanded WASHINGTON (UPI) -An environmental group, citing new evidence of damage to the earth's protective ozone layer, asked the Food and Drug Ad· ministration today to ban aerosol sprays with fluorocarbon pro- pellants. The Natural R esources Defense Council said balloon measurem enls taken last month by the National Oceanic and At· mos pheric Administration a nd the National Center for At· mospheric Research provide the first conclusive proof that fluorocarbon gases are destroy- ing the ozone layer. Previous tests, the group said, went only about 19 kilometers above the earth, roughly the beginning of the ozone layer which filters out the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. The ef- fects beyond that point were largely speculative, said Ruby Compton, a lawyer for the group. The n ew tests reached 26 kilometers :.ind s howed the sun was breaking down th e fluorocarbons with increasing in- tensity as the probe moved up- ward , she said. When the fluorocarbons are broken down. chlorine atoms are released :.ind destroy the owne. A depletion o f the ozone layer could leCJd to increases in skin cancer. The petition, in which the states of New York, Michigan and Oregon joined, St!eks a ban on a erosol products w ith fluorocarbon gases under the FDA's jurisdiction -foods. drugs and cosmetics. The same group last month Jost on a similar pelilion to the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a ban on household products under that agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC said it preferred to wait for further resear ch before acting. The NRDC said the FDA has aulhority to "ban the use of over 90 percent of these products sold in t he United States, and we believe it should exercise this power." An inter.governmental task force earlier this year called the threat of ozone d estruction a matter for serious concern, but suggested waiting until a Na- tional Academy or Sciences study on the matter is completed before the government takes coordinated action. From Page Al BUDGET ... crease in assessed valuation of 38.7 percent means more local in- comefrom property tax. Consequently, s tate financial support will go down, Rajcic said. To keep district reserves al an adequate $1 million level, he said, no more than 14 cents can be cut from the tax rate. Lebanon Strife Spy Case Pumpkin Film Given to Hiss .From Wire Services WASHINGTON -Copies ofthe "Pumpkin Papers" microfilm lhul became key evidence tn the AJ1er Riis trial have been given to Hiss · attorneys and two history researchers, the Justice Depart- ment announced today. A department spokesman said copies of the film were deliv~red to the attorneys in the otrioe of U.S. attorney Paul J . Curran in New York a11 a retiult of a suit of riled by Hiss under the Freedom of Information Act. Altorney General Eddward H. Levi agreed la11t month to release the film which Whlttak~r Cham- bers, confessed Corm(!r Com- munist agent, said was len for him by Hiss inside a pumpkin in the late 1930s. The existence of the "Pumpkin P apers" was made public by then Rep. Richard M. Nixon and lall!r used in Hiss ' trials .. Hiss, a State Department of- ficial in the Jl.oosevell ad- minis tration, was convicted of perjury in 1950. His's served 3112 years in prison, was disbarred, and now works for a printing firm in New York. He insists that he was innocent of the charges. Chambers buttressed his ac- cus ation s by producing the microfilm hidden in a hollowed- out pumpkin on his Maryland farm. He claimed the film showed State Department docu- ments Hiss had given him. Photographic prints from two rolls of the film were introduced as evidence at the trial, but the contents of the other three have never been disclosed until today. The department was providing the Hiss group with the original· film, a set of duplicates, and prints from all the portions which could be printed. Most of the prints, examined by reporters Wednesday, ~ere barely legible Flare, S_moke Bomb Burn 13 El Toro Acres Incendiary devices used by the Marine Corps for training· purposes Wednesday touched off two grass fires which blackened. a total of 13 acres at the El Toro base. The first fire occurred at 11: !35 a .m. and was caused by flare from the wheel watch at the end of the air station's r unway. 1'1ares are used to signal pilots who have forgotten lo put their wheels down when making runway approaches, according to a base spokes man. Wednesday 's incident was caused during a lest of the warn- ing system in volving a new pilot. The flare landed in dry grass ru1d touched off a three a cre blaze. The second fire occurr ed around l p.m . near the station's east gate, just off Trabuco Road_ A smoke bomb used for training purposes was held to blame. Capt. James Shotwell, pub1ic information officer for the El Toro base, said that fire was con· trolled by the s t ation 's own firemen within minutes. and some were so fuzzy that it would be impossible to read them without strong magnification. Prints from the two rolls ln- t rod u c~d at the trial were generally clear. They showed State Department documents concerning U.S. d ealings wilh Germany ln the 1930s. The prints from the two secret rolls appeared to be Bureau of Aernoautics technical docu- ments concerning such things as a locking device used on aircraft, safety specifications for life- j ack cts , descriptions of a paracute und various s chematic drawinKs. In letter's to lawyers for Hiss and w the historians, Atty. Gen. Edw!rd H. Le vi s aid he expects to decide "in the near future" whether to grant their requests for expert examination of the originctl film. Chambers said IUss slipped documents to him, which he copied on the microfilm, during the 1930s. But some students or the case believe that type of film was not manufactured until 1940. From Page Al VALLERGA Prosecutor Capizzi wound up his case after three days of testimony in which he called four witnesses a nd presented 35 docu· ments as evidence. Shortly before ending the pro- secutions side of the story, Capizzi entered the final 10 documents in· to evidence. Before he did, Murphy agreed to waive the usual rules covering presentation of evidence and stipulated that certified copies of documents were authentic. Simultaneously, Judge Shaw asked Vallerga a series of ques· lions aimed at making certain the defendant understood the waiver of some of his trial rights. "Yes, sir, I do," Vallerga replied to each of the Judge's questions. Included among the final 10 documents Capizzi submitted as evidence were certified c'Spies ol: -A county auditors warrant. showing that in March. 1973, a· Sant..Q Ana travel agency was gaid $340 for a round trip airline ticket to Spartanburg. -Hinshaw's 1973 bank state- ment showing that he deposited a $6,000 Spartanburg County check in late May, 1973, and a few days later wrote a $3,000 check to Vallerga. -The $3,000 Hinshaw check en• dorsed by Vallerga and deposited in his savings account in a Mis· sion Viejo bank. In a May 6 indictment handed down by the county Grand Jury, it is alleged that Vallerga's ac- ceptan<.'e of the money constitut- ed a conflict of interest. The jury also char ged Vallerga with grand· thert, em- bezzlement and misappropria- tion in connection with the Spartanburg incident. Defense Attorney Murphy is expected to attem pt to prove that the a!lsessor had no prior knowledge of possible personal gain when the sale to Spartan- burg was hegotlated .' MISTAKE ... Front Page A 2 TEL A VIV, Israel (AP> Israeli t roops exchanged gunfire with Arab forces in Lebanon ear- ly today, the military command said. Although the blaze initially in· volved only a small spot, Shotwell said firemen decided lo let the fire burn under control for 10 acrcs·to clear the area of a fire hazard. No injuries were reported in 'either fire. He is a lso expected to argue that consulting iservices are com- monly performed by public of- ficials and that his client did not violate any laws related to con· flicl of interest. Incorrect information released initially by police iqdicated the weapon was a rifle instead of a pistol and that Mrs. Brown had been taken by ambulance to the .hospital instead of being driven there by her husband. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ~~~:'t',_;~·,~~ ~\l\','T. ~I~:~,,~::~.,~:~ Co..!\t Pubh\tli•no Com"A"Y S~tM"·''" """''"•-""* publ1\tted Mond•y UHt.uOh r, d .. .., tCM r •1t Mt ,., NPwOOtt e..c..,, H ut\•1nQ1,,n iW-M l"I f ,. tt tn V1lltY:. lrwlft•, S•OOltb.J 11. V•fl~v .-rod u~ hMh/S.O~h C.o••• A 'Ir.Qt• ,,.I.JI .... ,, ~OOft ,, CNbll~•d S..tu,ClttY'\ .-w1 '~vnoth ,,.... pt'tn(i~I PVbll•t~ll'Kl pt•nl h 4tf l lO W'I '' b"f ~l•ttl. t<»•• ~ ... G•flforn•• .,~,.. Rober! N . WPed Pr"1•nt •M .. .,.,.,.,_, J•ck ~. Curley Viet "'"''"'"' eJICI 0.-•1 ,,_.,,.,., ThOmas Keevil IJOl!Or Thomas A. Murphlne M1Nq1no Enncw Charles H . Loos Richard P. Nall Atolti.iit M41M9'"'811.,,1 .. i Off I CH t.ttt• ...... "° .,.,, .. y ,.., .. , .... _, .... ,. un Nt•l'9" .. 11•••••d LftU411 ttfM ". ftM G .. _Y'"'' ... t "_,,.., ....... < ... 118'1 ... ( .. ~ ..... . ~ ....... V•ll•r Uto1 IA P•1 llo.o •I S.n Olt .,e "'"w"' T•l•phoM (714) M2-4Jl' Cla~sifiect AdvtrtltlltCJ M 2·S671 .. clcll•b•O Vol ley '"""Olllrt 111·6'10 "'o"' ~'" C••-nl~ 49J.0630 COCIYtot"I U lt Ol#nt• , .. ,, ,utll•••nt C.OtnHny flftM•i 'tt)•••' 1llv•''""~• •dlt.,••' 'm•t\•' •t •d•t't"••~ll!f'lt ""''"'" ""' O• npro•uc•O w1lhet;1 ''"'' '"' «'"'""''""''.,' ot (GOfrt9M ft•Mf '°'·~· < ltU PO\IAtl P••d -1 (•06 .,,. ..... (1t0<;,,_1 .. •veMtl,.tMh (~,.., U OI ~.W1 """'••1•4 OOM.,,llllp INlll•'>f«l•~-~00 f"l"W>"tntt BATTIN DEFENSE. • • county equipment -such as automatic typewriters and copy- ing machines -in preparing campaign mate rial. Battin's attorney, Matthe w Kurilich, d enied t his charge. Battin. sever a l weeks ago, ap- peared at the door of the Grand Jury's closed hearing room seek· ing an opportunity to testify in his behalf. He was refused ad· mission. but yesterday was ushered into the hearing room al 2: 30 p. m . al the jury's invitation. Before his appearance, Ballin appeared in a jovial mood while he waited with Kurilich for the jurors to open their afternoon session. Kurilich declined to comment on what District Attorney Cecil m cks says is a continuing Grand Jury probe into possible criminal actions committed durlnt the supervisor's unsuccessful bid for state offi ce. · Battin invited newsmen to ex- amine the contents of a heavy ba1 filled to capacity w1th docu· menta related, he said, to his 1974 campaign. "The campaign, like my life, ls an open book,'' the supervisor quipped. "Help yourself and if you find an~lhing in there l ahould know about, letmeknow." He was warned by Kurlllch: "You hired me to do thf!l lalking so let me do the ta I kin"." It was learned otftcr Rattln went into the Grand Jury room that he has been preceded by several wltneuett ·who have ttsUfled on upect• of Batt.IJ\'a 1974 umpalgn. Whether or not the Grand Jury action reg arding Battin will lead lo an indictment is subject to open speculation in courthouse circles. Traditionally, of- ficeholders utilize some portion of their office staff and equip- ment in re-election efforts-but where such activities become il- legal never has been defined. Parallels have been drawn between the Bullin election effort and that of Congressman Andrew J . Hinshaw, who awaits trial on charges he used his previous of- fice as Orange County Assessor in an illegal manner during his campaign for Congr ess. Grand Jury testimony since made public has indicated that Hinshaw made misuse of his lar ge staff at county expense - along 'Vith county-owned equip· ment and space -in his election effort. Accusations againat Bat- t in leaked out so far would in- dicate that a ny potential indict- ment against. him would be of minor scope In comparison to the Hinshuw indictme nt. Jnvesthratton Into Battln's 1974 C'ampalgn activities has been at the direction of the office of Dis- trict Attorney Cecil Hicks, an an·h-enemy of Supervisor Bat· tin. Battin h11 declared the probe is n per~onal vendetta and has pled(lcd to tell the Grand Jurr. what he knows about asserted,l . legal campaign actlvlUH In Hicks' own 1910 campaign for re- election. See our s399 or less BARGAIN T E Buy Now and Save! 26th Annual SWIM WEAR REDUCED cltulran.ce,-----------------~ PINAL MAU DOWHS OM WOMIM'S SPO ltTSWEAI, nRESSEI, ILOUSI~ S•AIATIS.1PANT SUITS LARGE LADY SIZES SlllllM6 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ~~ 7 5 % OI MOU DEPARTMINT STOR!. lilt NlWfllORT IOUllVARD DoJry ,,39 a.m. -6 p.m. Cloa.d Sunclo)'I MAJ()lt. C:ENTRALL Y LOCA TEO AT HAR80R AND NEWPORT IOUL,VARDS IN DOWNTOWN COSTA.MESA PAlll COHYIHl9fTl Y AT OUI HAI .. TUNCI-IND Of MA4Hot.tA CUOIT CAJDS r f • VOL. 68, NO. 212, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Todny·s C losing . \'. Stoeks THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1975 TEN CENTS Hors.es Forced Out of Hunting~on? By TERRY COVJU.f: Of Ill• D•lly Pl .. t SI.Alf Urban progress may yet dnvc horses out of Huntington Beach. Jn 1972 the cily cowicil ap- proved a plan for bicycle. hikin~ c.ind equestrian riding trails cov <•ring more than 100 miles . And 12 of those miles wc.•rc lo be s trictly for equestrians. Today, not a s ingle mile pf equestrian trail has been con- strucled. Nol one penny has been spent on the vaunted horse trails of Huntington Reach. Also in 1972, the city adopted a tough system of laws governing construction of commercial stables. None cxistinK then could meet the r equircmcal.s. but all were allowed to continue opera- tion a few more years as non- conforming land u~cs under·con· <litional use permits Some of those permits are now expiring a nd unless the city coun- cil commits itself to some type of action to save them, most of the major commercial stables are threatened with extinction. · .Ed Selich. the city's chief ad· vance planner , s ays lhe city may have its c hance for action sometime within the mext two months . A special equestrian use com- • .. rruttee, established by the council more than a year a~o. has sub· milted a report with home specific recommendations. Selich said the committee r e- commends the establi~hment of an 11-mile e questrhin tra ils system near the central park. In a more specific item, the com- mittee also supports the installa· hon of a signal and horse.' cross- ing on Golden West Street al Ernest A venue According lo Schch. the com- mittee recommendations mean equestrian uses should be main· lained in the city, although the committee report does not list specifics on how and where. Seli c h says the council will have to make a decision on whether il consider s commercial stables a permanent factor in Huntington Beach, or just a tern· por'1rY l'ond1hon until the land 1::. turned lo other uses. .. If thl'Y arc only temporar). we will have lo modify our equestrian la,q, because no one can afford lo build stables to the standards Wl' require," says Sdich. ··uut 1r ~ta bl es arl' permanent. we can keep Lough laws because the owners can in~st the money <SeeHORS.:S, PageA2i or ee ID ax uts .Astronaut Vance Brand and his wife Joan a r e a ll smiles after they were reunited at Kaneohe Marine Air Station in Hawaii. The Apollo astronauts and their families are scheduled to spend 10 days relaxing on the Oahu base Vallerga Denied Charge Dismissal By GARY GRANVILLE Of lfl• O. lly Pi lot SWff VENTURa -Superior Court Judge Robert L . Shaw agreed to- ctay to take defense motions to dismiss five criminal charges against Orange County Assessor J ack Vallerga under submission. Simultaneously, Judge Shaw denied a de fense move lo dis miss t.\yo counts of grand theft against Vallerga. By agreeing lo lake the five counts, including a conflict of in· terest charge, under submission, tbe judge left a door open for de· jblse attorney Richard Murphy to ask tor dismissal at a Jater time in VaJJerga's trial. Murphy argued that Vallerga could not be accused of a conflict Ad May Win Circus Trip Place your classified ad • in the DaiJy Pilot and be eligible to win' one or 20 pairs of tickets to the .Ringlin g Brothers and. Barnum and Bailey Circus opening in Anaheim Fri· day. All you need to do lo be eligibl e to win is .fall 642-5678 to place your 8d or bring your ad lo any Dally Pilot office between Frl- day and Tuesday. The names or 20 Dolly Pllot advertisers will be drawn pn. Wednesdar-..., winners wm rccel\'e two tJckets worth $13.$0 tor- wee•day pc dorm ances o! the clttus in Anaheim Con· ventlon c~nter. II you have Hema you wanl to convert to cash, . advertise tbem a nd win tlU.U. to lbec1rcua. of interest in the 1973 sale of a county-owned computerized ap- praisal system to Spartanburg County, S.C. The defense lawyer pointed out that the $2,045 pricetag put on the system was ptaced there by the county board or supe rvisors in a 1970 resolution. Consequently, h(? continued , Vallerga did not negoliC1le the contract or its terms. Likewise, Murphy sai~. money paid to his cli ent for consulting ser vices connected with the sale were not intended lo be paid to Orange County. Assistant Dis trict Altor-ney Michael Capizzi opposed the mo- tion and told Judge Shaw that Vallerga knew at the time of the transaction that· he personally stood to profit from it. The series of defense motions came after the prosecµtion rest· ed it's case against the 53-year- old assessor late Wednesday. Prosecutor Capizzi wound up his case after three days of testimony in which he called four witnesses and presented 35 docu- ments as evidence. Shortly before ending the pro- secutions side of the story, Capizzi entered the Cina) 10 docum ents in- loevidence. Before he did, Murphy agreed to waive the usual rules covering presentation or evidence and stipulated that certified copies o! documents were authentic. Simultaneously, Judge Shaw asked Vallerga a series of ques- tions aimed at making certain the. defendant understood the waiver ofsomeo!bis trial rights. '.1Yes. t1ir, I do," Vallerg.- 1 replied to each or \he Judge's questlosaa. lncluded amon g the final 10 documents Capiui submitted as evidence were certified copies ol· -_A county auditors warrant showing lhat in Mal"Ch.. 1973, a (SeeVALLERGA, P•1eA%) I Schools Ponder Merger By KATHY CLANCY Ot Ille O.i1ty P1totStiotl The Westminster School Board will consider a unification plan tonight that generally would lump the cit k s of Westminster and Seal · Beach into one K-12 school system. District officials said Wednes- day they have drawn up such a plan and wi ll recommend its ap- proval. But Marx Dressler. superinten· dent of the Seal Be ach (elemen- tary J School District, said he doesn "l believe bis board would even be interested in discussing s uch a move right now. Instead, he said, Seal Beach of· ficial~ a r e holcijQg "informal meetings" lo discuss joining the nearby Los Alamitos (ele men· tury ) School District. The Westminster board meet· ing will be at 7: 30 p.m. in district offices. 14121 Cedarwood Ave., Westminster. The Wl'stminster plan would in· elude five schools in northern Huntington Beach, two in Garden Grove and two in Midway City, now ser ved by the Westminster ele mentary district. ll would also lake Westmont lt'leme nl ary) Sc hoo l in Westminster fro m the Ocean View School District, as well <ts three elementary schools and La Quinta High School which lie in· :-;ide Wt>slminster city limits but now are part of the Garden Grove Unified School Dis t1·ict. The move is expected to be vigorously opposed by the Garden Grove dis trict. which already stands to lose three olher elemen· tary schools and Los Amigos High School if the proposed Fountain Valley unification passes in Nov- ember. If We s t min s t er t rustees approve t h e Seal Beach- Westmmsler plan torughl. ll will be s ubmitted to the Orange Coun - ty Committee on School District Organization. The county committee would hold public hearings on the plan, <See SCHOOLS, PageA2) Wounded Mesa Woman Goes Home A Costa Mesa woman acciden- ·tally shot and wounded by her husband, who grabbed a pistol and mistook her for the burglar or prowler they thought they heard, was released from the hospital to- .day. Kathleen Marie Brown, 26, or 2335 Elden Ave., s ustained a flesh wound in the shoulder early Wednesday. She remained over - night al Hoag Me morial Hospital for observation. A police investigation - automatic in the case or gunshot wounds -concluded the incident was accidental, said police Watch Coromander Lt. Tom Durham. Officer Ed Sutton said in his re- port that Mrs. Brown apparenUy awakened and got up to tum on a light after ~he coqpJe beard a crash that s ounded li~ tt was 1n : t.be living room. Her husband, Terry Doaglos Brown. arose a m omCJtt latel'. He told police he arabbcd a .22 pistol. s potted a tilhouette, tc:dc aim and fired twiceattbefona. Investigators Hid it. wu ap.. parently Mrs . Brow=reiiort- ed hearin'1 whit.OU fte two ' firecracker s nplodlnJ, but dW (See MISTAKE. PqeA%) •I • D11ty pjfol 51~1 Pl>olo WAITING FOR APPEARANCE BEFORE GRANO JURY Supervisor Battin (left). Attorney Kurllich Grand Jury Hears Battin's Defense The Orange County Grand Jury 1s closing in on charges thal Ora n ge County Supervisor Robert Battin illegally used his county offices, time, employes <md equipme nt in his 1974 bid for J_ieutenant governor. Bul Battin presumably maoe a vigorous defense of those charges, Wednesday and, prior to going before the Grand Jury for more than two hours of sworn testimon y, expressed con- fidence he would meet any ac- cusations openly a nd directly. Grand Jury testimony is secret and both jurors and witnesses are sworn not to divul ge contents 'lf closed-door jury testimony. In Battin 's case, information from other sources has dribbled out in the past several weeks. l l indicates that aides and former 4:lides of the supervisor have told the Grand Jury Battin utilized some of his own e mployes' time in his unsuccessful attempt to secure the Democratic nomina: tion for lieutenant governor in 1974. Battin previously has said about $1,500 in campaign funds were used lo r eimburse those employes -but the Grand Jury seemingly is interested in de- termining whethe r that sum cov- ered all of the county employes' lime spent on the campaign. lt also is known that employes and ex-employes of Battin's pf- fice ha ve accused him of using county equipme nt -s uch as automatic typewriters and copy- County Youth Dies in Surf The body of a 20-year-ohl Anaheim man. wbo drowned 1\ieeday, was recovettcf Wednes- d ay snoming by surfers otr Bolsa Chica Stale Beach. He was identtried as Chris Barker. 20, who had gone lo the , l;>each on an oulina wtt.b friends Tuesday afternoon. 1 HJ• compeoion1 reported ~r'ker miss In• about. 2 ~ ~·y aftel' tb6:f bad ..,_.a{ed ID lbe water (or a abort 1 • Ume. inJ? machines --in p1cpar10g campaign materia l Battin 's attorney. :\1:.itlht•\\" Kurllich, d ~n1ed th1~ char_ge Battin. several week!> ::1go, ap· peared a l the door of the Grand Jury's closed hear10g room seck- (See BATTIN, PageA2> School Halt Extended by County Judge Orange County Superior Court Judge H. Walt(?r Steiner today ·ext ended for l wo weeks a restraining order halting ton· s truction on the Huntington Beach Union High School Dis· trict 's new Ocean View High School. The extens ion was granted. at . district request this morning to al- low time for offi cials to com· plele an environmental impact report <El R) 0 11 the construction s ite. Judge Stein er issued the original restraining order July 16 at the request of the state Al· lorney Gcncrars office because no EIR had been filed on the pro- ject. The new $7 mill ion Ocean View campu s l ies atop an a r c heological s ite at Warner Avenue a nd Golden West SVeet in Huntington Beach. Archeologists say part or the site already has been destroyed by grading. District officials said they wiJI give copies of a draft EIR already completed lo members of the Huntington Beach En· vironmental Council for review this weekend. They hope to have the entire r eport finished v"ithin two weeks. Margaret Car-Iberg, a member of the council, h ad originally notified the attorney general·s or- fice of tbe matter. The rugh school district bad declared it.self ''categorically ex· empt'' from the need for an EIR because it considers construction ol the 2,000 student. school an emergency Issue. r Industry Needs It --Simon WA S HI NGTON IAP1 Dc.•dannJ.! that the nut1on ·~ an· dustr) hus J,!rown rust~ and need!> help. the Ford udman1stra· taon askl'd Congr e:-s today t<1 1.:ut taxes for corporations ;rnd stockholders by nearly Sl ·I h1ll11m over a six-year pt'riod. ..This is not a program for L1g business. It is a program to b<'ncfit all S<J vers. ·· Trc<Jsurv Secretary William E . Simon !>:l id in prt>senting thl' tax pl<Jn Lo thl• House Ways a nd Mean:> Commit tel'. Simon <.1lso ur ged Congrc!>s lo help dl'velop a progrum lo t.·11 courage new savings IJy ull t\ml•ricans by offering special tax inc en ti ves. a nd urged that thc.- tm4 Individual Retirement At _ cuunts legislation be hroudt'm•d. But the major part of the.• pro· gram outlined by Simon was an: duclion in corporate and htockholdcr t;n.es. by a phased· <>ul elimination of \\h;.il '" n ·· gard(?d as a douhlt• t.1'\ un dividend~. Al present, corporations pay laxes on thl'ir profits before ::1ny div1dl'nds are paid to s tockholders. and then stockholders face addil1on<JI tax liability on the dividends they n ·· t'e1ve. Prior to making the proposals lo Congress, Simon skeLchc.·tl the outlines to newsmen. Simon proposed that tht· double taxation be eliminated bv t\\O <ll"· t10ns first. giving corporation:. a tax deduction equal to about 50 percent of the dividends tht•y pay. and secondly. through a ta>. ('re<lil to stockholders. Stockholders would be able lo claim a tax credit equal to aboul half the dividends thcv receive T h e t o t a I s a ,. ( n g s t ,, stockholders. based on current levels of tax payments. would bt· <About $6.3 billion a year. The direct s avings to corpora· lions frorr. the dividend:-cl educ· lion would be about $7.5 billion. Sim on said. He proposed phasing in the stockholder credit over <• five· year period from 1978 to 1982 at a rate of about Sl.25 billion in sa,·- ings for s tockholders each ~car. Weather Lale night through mad· m ornin g l ow clouds becoming s unn y and warmc.•r Friday. Highs in the mid-70s at the beaches rising to the '.'11id·80s in- land. Lows tonight in the mid-60s. INSIDE TODA V A San Antonio. Texas. nurse. brutally stabbed and /i>jt for dead four days on a n ver bank. died today . at . a hospital. A suspect in the murder lieu been captured. Set! story A4. Index I 1 A' DAIL v PILOT H /F Thursday,J uty31, 1975 u Pl Teleiitw>to Stt:-p ByStt>p \\111lt· onr of his tenants watches, Al Moore replaces the ~ll'J>:. ll':1drng to thl' Dallas apartment of Mrs. Sarah Ha1h.•y :\Ir~. Batley <not shown) said she told Moore she ~ouldn t pay her rent until he fi xed a leak in the roof. ~loorr respond ed by removing the steps -but the city ordered hi m to put them back up. Biologi,sts Probing Eme rging of Sharks SAN DIEGO (,\Pl T"o ,:!reat ~ hitc s hurks have been harpoont>d within a Wl'ek in Southern Cal!fornta water:.. but a marine b10log1sl di scounLo; Lhe belief by some CJf a change m beh:.ivior of the giant sea killers. Another reseJrchcr says he c·an find no ocean ch:.ingcs which "ould encourage the great while ::.hark to be seen mon· often by man. ''E\·crvbodv that secs one <a great white o.nc 1 no" 1s going to !>lab il ;.ind call up tht• papers and .. o fo rth." :-..rnJ Dr Richard Rosenblatt. curator of murinc ,·ertebratcs at Sc.'ri pµs In::,itution ofOc·canogr;.iphy . "It's just no \\uY that com- dtknt;illy "1th l'Hrybody JO · !<·rested in shark:-. th.it th<•y come marchmg rn ... he added in an in· terview Wednesday. He said rencw<•d interest in ,.:real whites a pparently has ~en :>timulated by recent movies ;.tbout sharks. including "Jaws" <.1ml "ShJrk·s Treasure." ,\ ], 100 pound. 12·foot·8 inch "real v. hite w as harpooned off lhc coast of Santa Catalina Island last week. and a fishing boat bagged a 10.root great white in the !lame gC'ncral ar<'a on Sun· dav. Also last week, a scuba diver s aid he was half.c;wallowed and then c;p1t u p \\ ith only minor in- June~ b) a s hark ne ar Santa Barbara. .. Be fore the c urrent shark craze. sv.ordftshermen or others would simply say, 'lley. look a t that rm over there.· With the new mtcrest. they're hrmging them in:· said Rosenblatt. thought som e people mi ght be in- terested." "We have no idea how many great whites are sighted each vear " said Jim Squire, a hiolo.gis t with the Nationa l Marine Fisheries Service here. .. Most go unreeorted." George P arker, who har· pooned the IO-footer. said he thought that unusuaHy warm c urrents were bringing the maneaters closer to s hore. But ·squire dis puled this theory. Sq uire said offshore ,, :llers are running about three dt.'grecs colder tha n normal, and :-.aid lhl•r c is no evidence that the ::.harks i.lre behaving differently. l l o , .... e v t' r , S q u i r c a n d nosenblatt both concede that lit· tic is known of the habits o( s harks, the gr eat white in particular. "Face it. You couldn't very easily t ag one of them and then throw him back and wail for a <·ommercial fisher man to recap- ture him again for a followup :,tudy," Rosenblatt said. Ik said great whites have large, triang ular teeth which .. work b ack and forth and down ... and they make a really beautifully clean incision." Rosenblatt said a shark attack on swimmers is extremely un- likely. "l hope people realty think about how many people go to the beach each summer and none of them are bitten by sharks.'' he :,:1id. ''There are more people killed bv bee s tings." Aerosol SprayCan BanAsked MALDEN, Mass. (AP>-A WinslowHomerpa int· Ing valued at about $100,000 has been stolen from the Malden PubUc Library, police said today. WASHINGTON (UPI) -An environmental group, citing new evidence o f damage to the earth's protective or.one layer, asked the Food and ·Drug Ad- ministration lod1ty to 00n aerosol sprays with fluorocarbon pro. pell ants. Th e Natural Resources Defense Council said balloon measurements taken last month by the National Oc~anic. and At· mospheric Administration and the National Center f?r At· mospheric Research provtde the first conclusive proof that fluorocarbon gases are destroy- ing the ozone layer. Previous tests. the group said, went only about 19 kilometers above the earth, roughly the beginning of the ozone lay~r which' filters out the s un s harmful ultraviolet rays. The ef- fects bevond that point were largely speculative, said Ruby Co mpton , a lawyer for the group. The new tes t-s reached 26 kilometers a nd s howed the s un was brea ki ng d own the flu orocarbons with increasing in - tensity as the probe moved up- ward. she said. When the fluorocarbons are broken down. chlorine atoms are released and destroy the ozon~ A depletion of the ozone layer could lead to increases in skin cancer. · The petition. in which the states of New York, Michigan and Oregon joined, seeks a ban on aerosol products with fluorocarbon gases under the FDA 's jurisdiction -foods , drugs and cosmetics. The s ame gr oup last m onth lost on ~ similar petit ion to the Consumer Product Safely Commission for a ban on household products under that agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC said it preferred to wait for . further research before acting. The NRDC s aid the FDA.has authority to "ban the use of over 90 percent of these products sold in the Unit ed States, and we believe it should exercise this power." An inter-governmental task force earlier this year called the threat of ozone. destruction a matter for s erious concern, but s uggested waiting until a Na- tion al Academy Qf Sc iences study on the matter is completed before the government takes coordinated action. . From Page AI SCHOOLS. • • then consider s ending it to the state Bo3rd of Education for ap- proval. If a pproved by the state, the plan would be placed on an elec· lion ballot. However , there is not enough time for the measure to make the Nov. 4 ballot, the same day Foun- tain Valley and south Huntington Beach residents vole on forming their own unified district. Mao 'Crticial' TAIPEI (U PI) -Nationalist China's Central News Agency, quoting "a reliable intelligence sou rce." reported today that Chinese Communist party chairman Mao Tse-tung has been cnllca11y ill for the past three weeks. The report said the 82-year-old Mao was "under the intensive care of five physi- cians." Authorities s aid that the painting was taken dur· lng the past 24 hours, but declined to say how or when lhe Ulert was discovered. The painting, titled "The WhittlinJ Boy." was purchased ln 1912 for $2,000, according to Asst. Librarian Dorothy L. Rothe. It was completed by Homer in 1873 and is signed by the artist. she said. Homer, an American artist, died in 1910. The painting shows a young boy sitting on a log whittling against a leafy green b ackground. The boy wears a shirt with a vest, high boots and a wide- brlmmed hat. Kids Pick Wrong House to Burgle An off-duly Fountain Valley police officer climbed out of bed al midnight Wednesday to sur- prise a quartet of young boys al· legedly.trying to break in through his window. Police said the four, including {wo brothers age ·8 and 10, and their companions, age 11 and 17, were arrested by the officer on su~picion of burglary churges, then released to their parents. They refused to identify the patrolman involved. Officers alleged the youths also burglarized one home and four cars Wednesday night, and they have also assertedly linked them lo seven othe r thefts a nd 1 burglaries over the past three weeks. Frolfl Page A I VALLERGA Santa Ana travel agency was paid $340 for a round trip airline ticket to Spa rtanburg . -Hinsha w's 1973 bank state· menl showing that he deposited a $6,000 Spartanburg County check in late May, 1973, and a few days later wrote a $3,000 check to Vallerga. -The $.1,000 Hinshaw check en• dorsed by Vatterga and deposited in his savings account in a Mis- sion Viejo bank. In a May 6 indictment handed down by the county Grand Jury, il is alleged that Vallerga's ac- ceptance oC the m oney constitut· ed a conflict of interest. Woman Jailed; Hit· Husband With Hammer A 52-year-old Huntington Beach housewife was booked into city jail today on charges of as- sault with a deadly weapon after her hus band woke up and found her beating him on the head with a hammer. The husband told police he didn't know why she was hilting him with the ha mmer. They hadn't had any arguments, he said. He suffered about four blows to the head , police reported, and was taken to Orange County Medical Center for examination . The couple's sons restrained the woman until officers arrived, police said. The incident occurred about 5:30 a.m . in a housing tract in northeast Huntington Beach, police s aid. Detective John Masterton said the youngsters h ad allegedly been ringing doorbells at homes, dur- ing the day and late at night. If no one answered, he claims, they broke in throug h a wi ndow. When they tried the police of- fi cer's home, on Toucan Avenue in southwest Fountain Valley. the policeman took some time in answering the doorbell, because he had been sleeping. Officers said when he did open the door, he allegedly s potted the youngsters trying to break open a window. Masterson said most of the pro- perty stolen, primarily bicycles, tape cassettes, candy, wallets and checkbooks, has been recovered and that no property or great monetary value wa·s taken. Eight ~amed . In Insurance Fraud Charge A SO-count indictment charging insurance fraud has been issued by the Los Angeles County Grand Jury, naming eight persons in- cluding two lawyers and a pair o( West Orange County men. Jurors secre tly indicted the de· fend ants a week ago, but the case allegedly involving fraudulent medical claims and payment for auto accidents that never hap- pened was revealed only t.odCfY. . Orange Coast defendants charged are private investigator Louis M. Kelly, 51, oC Fountain Valley , and insurance m an Frank Culler, 29, of Seal Beach. Others indicted are attorney Warren M. Finn, 31, attorney Thomas E . Douglas Jr., both of Los An geles. Curt Mi.chaelis, 53, a Cy press ins urance adjustor, Gerald M. Wolff, 36, Albert Campbell, 32, and Terry Rivers, 23, all of Los Angeles. From Page Al MISTAKE .•• not feel the bullet's initial im- pact. The couple said they walked in· to the li ving room, at which time they noticed she was bleeding from the shoulde r area and re- alized she had been shot. Incorrect information released initially by police indicated the weapon was a rifle instead of a pistol and that Mrs. Brown had been taken by ambulance to the hospital instead of being driven there by her husband. 'Pumpkin ~apers' Released From Wire Services WASHINGTON -Copiesofthe "Pumpkip Papers" rah:rofilm that became key evidence in the Alger Hiss trial have been given to Hiss' attorne,ys and two history research~rs, the Justice Depart- ment announced today. A department spokdman said copies of the film were delivered to the attorneys in the office oC U.S. attorney Paul J . Curran in New York as a result of a suit or filed by Hiss under the Freedom of lnfor mation Act. Attorney General Eddward H. Levi agreed last month to release the film which Whittaker Cham- bers. confessed former Com· munist agent, said was left for him by Hiss inside a pumpkin in the late 1930s. The existence of the "Pumpkin Papks" was made public by then Rep. Richard M. Nixon and later used in Hiss' trials. HJss, a State Department or- fi cial in the Roosevelt ad- ministration, was convicted of perjury in 1950. Hiss served 3112 years in prison, was disbarred, and now works for a printing firm in New York. He insists that he was innocent of the chaq~es. Chambers buttressed his ac- c usations by producing the microfilm hidden in a hollowed- out pumpkin on bis Maryland farm . He claimed the film showed Slflte Department docu- ments Hiss bad given rum. Photographic prints from two rolls of the film were introduced as evide)lce at the trial, but the contents of the other three have never been disclosed unW today. The department was providing the Hiss group with the original film. a set or duplicates, and prints from all the portions which could be printed. Most of the prints, examined by reporters Wednesday, were barely legible and some were so fuzzy that it would be impossible to read them without strong magnification. Prints from the two rolls in- troduced at the t rial were gener a lly clear. They showed State Departme nt documents concerning U.S. dealings with Germany in the 1930s. Chambers said Hiss slipped documents to him, which he copied on the microfilm, during the 1930s. But some students or the case believe that type of film~ was not manufactured until 1940. Fro•PageAl HORSES .•• and know they will get it back.•• Even iC the council agrees to a permanent s tatus for the stables, a short range plan is needed to savethecurrentstables. Stable owners can apply Cor a use variance when their permits expire, but that only delays the inevitable. To win a use permit they have lo show legal hardship, and that is tough to accomplish by planning standards. Selich agrees some short range modifi cations are needed so non- eonform ing stables can be main· tained while the city decides wha t to do on a long-range basis . Members of lhe council have publicly stated their desire to work equestrian uses into the land develoement fabric of the city. They just haven'tsaid how. And the public desire for horses seems to g row each year. In 1972, city planners estimated the horse population at about 800. Now they say it has grown to about 1,200. Brian llawlhorne, 0"11er of the Heather R. said hi s crew ba~gcd the J2.fooh•r .JU SL a few hours ;ift1•r t lw t•.1p ta111 flnis hC'd the novel ' .J;1" !>, ·on ..... hi ch the mov- ie 1s based ll<' s;.11 d t·rewmen hod spotted great "hites before but brought this one in "because we Front Page A2 Buy Now and Save! 26th Annual S UM M.E R Ron•· rt N W1·1'(j p,, I I .. I I t t J<l• ~ R C' 11rf"V y ,, p,, '" I ·t"'f "~I~,., .. ,,., Thom 1• k.1•1 vd ',, Thorr1.i• A M11r11h1nr ,Y~P Ii ! , I t T• rry Covill•• W. I fJ' ti ,, .. t '"''W I 1'1t'lf' Hunt1nqton Bea ch Otf1<• Ill, H..,M r 14 , •••' t ,._. ..., "*'' ' ~ , '«), ·~ ..... Ot11•r Of11tt\ ... ,if"'•' ..,, •• '# ~· ., •• (~1 .. Yt • I W Jll41., ,t•#t ""°""'O'"n I ,. !\ ,, •f"'•• t U•••·~ ~ ... t•t ~ • A ' I • • P4/ h.a Tt lt phone 17141 6424321 Classlf1NI Advert1\1nq &42·S611 ''",.-Nftftf\ "'··~ , \.~~·*"""'•' S40 1220 C•P't' n"t 1• r • ,, • 1 ••i.1b t1\P'll"O (.Ot"(.._l'\1' ,_.,,,.,.,,.,.., ~"" U\l•.ttt ~· ... •10' •I '" .... , ., •'1••·• ·-•fl•\ ._.,. "'i ,.... •• "" '•~rod1i1 .,,. .,, •~ou• i •• • r••_..,,,,,,f\ <tt t ... '•Q'UO'I' • • ,.t tH'Ml ,, ... , Pt\f•!Jlf 01' d •I (HI• Mtu1 C•11t.Of'~t1 )t10\l '1~•0l"Dtc•r .. • ,,a&"'~'"• .., f'f\tth \• 00 ,..O,,tllt'f ""I ,.,., df"\tlM UO!ft\ \).Of ._,,,.,., ( BATTIN DEFENSE. • • mg an opportunity to testify in his be h a lf. H e was r efused ad - m ission. but yesterday was ushered into the hearing room at 2:30 p.m . at the jury's invitation. · Before his appearance, Battin appeared in a jovial mood while he waited with Kurilich for the Jurors to open their afternoon session. Kurilich declined to comment on what District Attorney Cecil Hicks says is a continuing Gr and Jury t>robe into possible criminal a ctions committed during the s upervisor's uns uccessful bid for stale office. Battin invited newsmen to ex- a mine the contents of a heavy· bag filled to capacity with docu· ments related, he s aid, to his 1974 campaign. . . "The campaign, like my life, ts an open book,'' the supervi~r quipped. "Help yourself and if vou find anything in there .! should know about, let me know . He was warned by Kurillch: "You hired me to do the talking so let me do the talking.·· Il was learned after Battin ~ent into the Grand Jury room that he bas been preceded by ~tvtral witn esses who have test.Jf1ed on a.spocts or Bottin's 1974 campahin. Whet.her or not the Grand Jury action re1ardlng B1ttUn wtlJ letd to an 1ndlctment is subject to ~n specul•tion in courthouse circles. Traditionally, of- ficeholders utilize some portion of their office staff and equip- ment in re-election efforts-but where such activities become il· legal never has been defined. Parallels have been drawn between the Battin election effort and that of Congressman Andrew J . Hinshaw, who awaits ~al on charges he used his preVIous of· flee as Orange County Assessor m an illegal m anner during his campaign for Congress. Grand Jury testimony since · m ade pubHc has indicated that Hinshaw made misuse of his large sta(f a t county expense - along with county-owned equip- ment and s pace -in his election effort. Accusations against Bal· tin leaked out so fat would in· dicate that any potential indict· ment against him would be of minor scope in comparison to the Hinshaw indictment. Investigation into BatUn'a 1974 campaign activities has been at the direction ot the ofiice of Dis~ trict. Attorney Cecil HJcks, an arch ene my or Supervisor Bat· Un . · Battin has declared the probe lJ a personal vendetta and hu pled1ed to tell Ule Grand Jury what be knows about asserted U- le1al campaltn actlvitles in Hkks' own 19'70 campaign for re- election. I SWIM WEAR REDUCED clRara.n.ca,----------------~ FINAL MAU DOWNS OM WOMEN'S ee our SPORTSWEAI. DUSSES. ILOUSES~ SIPAIA11S. PANT SUITS s399 or 1ess LARGE LADY SIZES BARGAIN 11111 JM' ....__...T....,.A ..... BLiiiiilillE __ 11 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ~ 75% OR MOU C!NlRAU. Y LOCA TEO AT HAR801t AND NEWflOltT IOUlfV ARDS IN· DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA DEPARTMENT STORE 1116 NlWP'Otn' IOUUVAM> Dolly 9130 o.rn. -6 p.m. CloHd ~ndoyt MAIO-Of OIT CAM> s Orange-Coast . ' ED ITI ON Toda~·s C losinJ! t o c.-ks • VOL. 68, NO. 212, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1975 N /C TEN CENTS Tests Support Aerosol ·Peril Theory 'ByDOVGLASFRJTZSCHE monly used gases were cuusing u 0t•11•oairv .. 09t5'llff c hain reaction in th e Recent tests of the upper at-stratosphere that results in a m o s p h e r e p r o v e l h a t depletion of ozone. fluorocarbons used in spray cans They said their laboratory re- and refrigerators are destroying s uits were attacked by the the earth's ozone screen against fluorocarbon industry a s cancer-causing radiation, two "hypothesis" and "cohjecture" UC Irvine scientists said t.oQay. because there was no actual ex- llCl chemists F .S. Rowland perimenlal proof of the reaction and Mario Molina last year an· in the upper layer of air. nounced a theory that the com· ,... With recent balloon and rocket or ; $.50 Million Off er samplings or the stratosphere. the scients s aid today at a press conference, the reaction they predicted a year ago has been proven to be fact. The n e w evidence, said Rowland. means "there is ample reason on the basis of scientific inquiry to justify a legislative ban." T he offendin g chemicals. fluoro carbo n -ti and • Ouoro<!arbon· 12 can ~ replaced by oth e r h ydrocarbons in refrigerators and air condi- tioners and by hand pumps 10 spray cans, said Molina. The high-altitude tests were conducted by research teams from the National Center for At· mospberic Resear ch and the Na- tional Oceamc and Atmospheric Administration Rowla nd ~aid he and Molin<t ID i;tayed oul of the testing program to give it more credibility. "If we conducted the tests and came up with results showing our calculations lo be right," said Rowland. "eve ryone would say, 'Whal did you expect?·" Meanwhile in Washington, the environmenta l ist Natural Resources Defense Council today asked the Food and Drug Ad ministration today to ban aerosol ax Turkey Nixes Aid HELSINKI, Finland (AP> - President Ford offered loday to 1ive Turkey $50 m illion in military aid in exchange for the reopening of American bases but was turned down, according to ·Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss- inger. The offer (.'a m e during a breakfast m eeting between the President and Turkish Prime Minist er Suleyman De mirel. Kissinger s aid the President made the offer under provisions oC U.S. law that allow him to waive a ban on arms aid to Turkey if it is in the American national in- terest. Oe mirel rejeclt'd thP offer as contradictor y, Kissinger ex· plained. "Turkey takes the position that it is contradictory lo give $..50 million as a gift when it <·an 't buy arms or take deli very t111 arms already purch a st•c.I ," the secretary told a news con· ferencc. Saucers ReBI? Newport Expert Believes So • By avp1 NIEDZIELSKI otr 0.11, l'lletSUff When most people begin talk- ing about fl ying saucers others will usually ask. "How much did yoo drink?" But when Dr. Robert M . Wood broaches the UFO subject they listen. Seriously. Dr. Wood, a res ident of Newport Beach, happens to have impressive credentials: A Ph.D. d egr ee from Cornell and a fnanagement job with one of the world's largest aerospace com· panies. He was in Mission Viejo Tues- t:lay lo show Rotarians an im- pressive collection of UFO pic- tures, two of which were snapped by astronauts. "There's only one hoax in my collection," said Dr. Wood. lt was a Caked picture of a saucer dotte by a special effects m11n working for a South American movie studio. The remainder, we re photo- graphic evidence of a lot of credi- ble people s eeing incredible things. In one of h i s mission::.. astronaut James McDivitt, for example, photographed a flying object with arms. But for some strange reason when the film was developed it didn't show what McDivilt thought he'd seen. And Apollo traveler Scott Carpenter look a picture of another U FO from his space capsule which NASA later ruled (See SAUCERS, Page A2) Vallerga Denied Charge Dismissal By GA8Y GR ANVILLE Of l&e O•llY Pilot SWtf VENTURA' -Superior Court Judge Robert L . Shaw agreed to· day to t ake-defense mot.ions to "dismiss five criminal charges against Orange County Assessor Jack Valle('ga under submission. Simultaneously. Judge Shaw denied a defense move to dismiss two counts of grand theft against . Valle~ga. By agreeing to lake the fi ve counts, including a conflict of in- teresl charje. under submission, the judge left a door open for de- Ad May Win Circus Trip . Place your classlOed ad in the Daily Pilot and be eligJble lo win one of 20 pairs or tickets lo the Ringling Brothers and. Barnum and Bailey Circ"s that runs through Aug. 12 in Anaheim . All you need lo do to be elieible to win ls call 642-SS18 to place your ad or brlne your ad to any Daily Pilot office between Fri· day and Tuesday. ' The names or 20 Daily Pilot 3dverliscrs will be drawn on Wednesday and winners wll1 receive two ticke~~ worth $13.50 for Wefkday performances of the circus In Anaheim Con· vent-Jon Center. lf JOU hav~ ttems you w~l to convert to cub, adftf'tise them ond win Ucktta lO'the drcus. rense attorney Richard Murphy to ask for dismissal at a later time in Vallerga's trial. Murphy argued that Vallcr ga , could not be accused or a conflict of interest in the 1973 sale of a county-owned computerized ap- praisal system lo Spartanburg County,"S.C. The defense lawyer pointed out that the $2,045 pricetag put on ~he system wa1 placed there by the county boh1i of supervisors in a 197<rt"esolution. Consequently. he continued, Vallerga did not negotiate the contract or its terms. Likewise, Murphy said, money paid to his client for corusulting services connected with the sale were not intended to be pai,d to Orange County. Assistant District Attorney Michael Capizzi opposed the mo- tion and told Judge Shaw that Valler ga knew al the time or the u·ansaction that he personally stood to profit from it. The series of defense motions came after the prosecution rest e<J it's case against the 53-year· old assessor I ale Wednesday. Prosecutor Capizzi wound up his case after three days of ~timony ln which he called four Witnesses and presenh.>d 3!S docu- 11leQts as evidence. Sbortly before ending the nro- sccuUoDJ stde ofthestor7:Capizzi entered the final IO documents in· to evidence. Before he did, Murphy ,agreed to waive the usu al nales co•erin~ prel~ation·· of evidenc• and stipulated t.hat certJficd ~les or ~uments ,..ere ~othalc. Slmultan~ously, Jud Shcaw uked Vallel'ga a serie1 of ques- tin almed at me kin• certain the defendant understood the walver <SH VALLERG A, Pa,eA.Zl ~ . Neverlhel css. the secretary went on . "IL is our impression that the situation is recoverable. Thal is. the bases can be substan- tially restored if the House r e· verses itself.·· Kissinger was referring to ac· lion by the House of Represen- lativt•s last week to continue the embargo against arms aid lo Turkey bec.iuse of Turkey's use of American military equipment to invade Cyprus a year ago. <See TURK EY, Page run Agreement Near On Salaries By HILARY KAYE oallf Pilot Stall PlloCo Of 111• O.lly Pilot SUff Teachers and trustees in thl' Newport-Mesa school disldct are s till hung up in s alary negotia- tions over a $320,000 request by teacher s. WAITING FOR APPEARANCE BEFORE GRANO JURY Supervisor Battjn (left), Attorney Kurillch Otherwise, the two sides arc closer t han ever to reaching an agrt!emenl. Trustees raised their offer from five percent to six per- cent earlier this week, meeting the l atest d emands of the teachers, who began the salary talks requesting 12 percent. Grand Jury He~rs Battin's Defense The total package offered lo teachers is slightly more than S2 million. The $320,000 point of contention involves a request t9 add an ex- tra step lo the teachers' pay sca le. It would affect 465 teachers who have the most ex- . perience and the g reates t number of post-graduate credits. "The $320,000 really is an in· significant amount when you consider what the district is s pending in non-classroom areas.'' said Bill Grgurich, head of the Certificated Employes Council CCEC). The two sides are close, but Gq:(urich insisted, "The six per- cent raise and the extra pay step is the rock bottom the CEC could (See SALARIES, Page A2) The Orange County Grand Jury is closing in on charges that Orange Cou nty Supervisor Robert Bullin illegally used his county offi ces. time. employes and eqUJpment in his 1974 bid for lieutenunl go\'ernor But Battin presumably maae a vigo r ous defense of those charges. Wednesday and, prior to going before the Grand Jury for more than two hours of s worn t estimon y. expr essed con - fidence he would meet any ac- cusations openly and directly. Grand Jury testimony is secret and both jurors and witnesses are sworn not to divulge contents of closed-door jury testimony. In Baltin's case, information .from other sources has dribbled out in the past several weeks. Jl tndicates that aides and former aides of the supervisor have told the Grand Jury Battin utilized some of his own employes' time in his unsuccessfuJ attempt to· secure the Democratic nomin a· lion for lieutena nt goH·rnor 111 1974. Battin previous!) has :.aid about $1,500 in campaign funds wer e used to rei m bur!>C those employes but the Grand Jury seemingly is interested 1n de- termining whether that !>Um l'Ov- ered all of the county l'mployc::. · timespenton the campuign. It also is known that cmployes and ex-employes of Ratlin's of· fice have accused him or using county equipment such as automatic typewriters and copy- ing m achines -in preparing campa ign material. Battin's attorney, Matthew Kurilich, denied this charge. Battin. several weeks ago, ap- peared at the door of the Grand Jury's closed hearing room seek- ing a n opportun1t ) to testify in his behalf. He was r efused ad- mission , but yesterday was (See BATTIN, Page A2) Family Says Hoffa Missing DETROIT (lJ Pl) -Police said this a fte rnoon that former Teamsters President J ames R. Hoffa has been reported missing by his family. . S l1ot "11 Mistake Mesa Gun Victim His family, police in suburban Bloomfield Hills said, reported Hoffa missing early. today after his car was round parked outside a restaurant. Out of Hospital Asked if they were investigat- ing the possibility Hoffa was kid- naped, a police spokesman said, "Well. his car was there and he was not." I DOW RECORDS SUGHTLOSS A Cos ta Mesa woman acciden- tally shot and wounded by her husband, wbo grabbed a pistol and mis took her for the burglar or prowler they thought they heard, was released from the hospital to· day. . Kathlee n Marie Brown, 26; of 2335 Elden Ave., sustained a fl esh wound in the sbouldeT early Wednesday. She remained over- NEW YORK <U PI) -The night at Hoag M'e morial Hospital s tock market closed s ligh\ly for observation. lower today in slow trading on the A poli ce invu Ugation New York Stock Exchange. automatic in the case or l\IDShOt. The Dow J ones indu.stt1•1 wounds -coactuded Ute tndde\L nverage. a 8.80-point winner was•ccldenlal, Hldpoll~Watch Wednesday. 0.1$ points to 831.Jl. CommandcrU. TomDurbam. ~vaoces •ect dedioel bf abQul a Officer Ed Sutton Aid ln hi.s re· "~ven-to-nve m argin. (Tabt~. port that Mrs. -Brown appar.mlls C't > · awaken~ and cot ui> to tum on o P rt r es w c r c m \JC ed l n ~t at~r lh eoople beard a moderate trading Oil t.he oash lhit'souttdedllke lt...wasin American Stock Exchanc&:• the llvinl ~m. ' • 1 ' I .. ' .. Her hus b3 nd. Terry Douglas Rrown. arose a moment later He told poli ce he grabbed a .22 pistol. s potted a silhouette, took aim and fired twice at the form. Investigators said it was ap· parently Mrs. Brown who report· ed hearing what sounded like two firecrackers exploding, but did not feel the bullet's initial im- pact. The couple said they walked in· to the living room, al which time tbey noti~ she was bleeding from the sho~ldcr n~a and re aUzed she had been sbol. In-con-ccl lnrormation released initially by police indicated the weapon was a rifle tns~d ol a pistol and that Ml"I. Brown bad beer\ taken by ambulance to the hospital insi...d ol. be.ini driven there by her husband. sprays with fluorocarbon pro pellanls. In calling ror th(• han. lht• group also citt'd the high al mosphere tests Rowland d escri bed lh t> stratos phe ric ozont· as acting a ..... a shield again!>l t'xtrt'me ul traviolet radiation. The rays pr11 dul'e skin cancer and other u11 kn own effects on pl;.rnt:-. ;1111J <See SPRAYS. Pagel\:!, uts Industry Needs It --Simon WA S HI NGTO:\ I APJ Declaring that the n.il1on·s in- dustry has g rown ru~ty and needs help , the Ford administra· lion asked Congress tode1y to l'Ut taxes for cor porations an d stockholders by nl'arly $14 lnllion over a six-year period ··This is not a program for In g business. It is a program 111 be nefit all savt•rs ... Trt'usun Secretary William E. Simon :-;aid in presenting the t<1 x µIan lo th1· House Ways and Means Cnmm11 tee. Simon also urged Cungn•ss to help develop a program tu e11· courage nl'w savings by <.il l Americans by offering s pecrnl tax incenti\'es. <1nd ur~ed that the 1974 Individual Retirement Al' <:ounts legislation be broadened But the major pa1t of the pro· gram outlined by Simon was a re· duction in corporate and stockholder taxes. hy a phased out elimmation of "hat 1s ri- l{a rded as :1 douhl l• lax on dividends. At present. corporations p.1y taxes on their profils before any divid e nd s art' 1>aid lo s tock h o J d e r s , a n d l h l' 11 stock holders face additional ta" liability on the dividends they rt· ceivc. Prior to making the proposals to Congress. Simon sketched the outlines lo newsmen. Simon proposed that the double taxation be eli minated bv 1wo a, .. lions -first , giving corP<>rations a tax deduction equal to about 50 percent of the dividends the) pay. and secondly. through a la' credjt to stockholders. Stockholders would bt· able lo claim a tax credit equal to about half the dividends they receive T h e t o t a I s a \. ( n g !> t o stockholders , based on current levels of tax payments. \\Ou ld bt• about $6.3 billion a year. The direct savings to corpor.i- tions from the di \'i<it'nds dedul'· lion would be about $7.5 billion, Simon said. He proposed phaS1ng 1n the stockholder credit over a fi ve· year period from 1978 to 1982 at :i rate of about St.25 billion in Sa\.' ings for s tockholders C':wh .veur. Or:g;.'4, ~ast Weatt..r Late night through mid morn i ng l o w cloud s b~comin g s u nn y a nd warmer Friday. Highs in the mid· 70s at the beaches rising to the -n id ·80s in· land. Lows tonight m th · mid -60s. INSIDE TODAY A Son Antonio. Texas. nurse. brutally &tabbed a11d left' for dead four days on a nvt>r bank. died today aJ a hospital. A :msput m thf' mur<U!r ho4 been capturl'd S<>c&tory A4 Index JI# DAILY PILOT N Thur.cf.y.Juty31, 1m Art n·~·,.. _ng $100,000 Pai ng Stolen MALDEN , Mass. (AP>-WlnslowHomerpalnt· ing va lued at a bout $100,000 has been stolen from the Malden Public Libr ary. police said today . Authorities s aid that the paint ing was t aken dur· ing the past 24 hours. bul declined to say how or when the the ft was discovered. The painting, titled "The Whittling Boy," wa s purchased in 1912 for $2,000, accorc\ing to Asst. Librarian Dorothy L. Rothe. It was c~mpleted by Hom er in 1873 ond is signed by the artist . she said. Homer, a n Am e rican artist. died in 1910. The pa inting shows a young boy s itting on a log whittling against a leafy green background. The boy wears a shirt with a vest. high boots and a wide· brimmed h at. Football Sun Faces $11,000 Tax Bill ' The Southern Cal ifornia~ of the World Football Leag has been slapped with a tax bt o~ m ore than $11,000 for its holdings at Anaheim St adium, a county's assessor o!fice spokesman con- fir med today. Elm~r Zimm er. assist:mt as- s essor. said his offi ce ha:. put an assessed vulue or almost Sl20,000 possessory mtcrc!>l in the city- owned stat.liu m . T he team hold'> a ~-year use a greement for the ::;Ladium . Zimmer sait.I an appraisal uf the Sun ind icated lhe full n sh value of its holdings and intere::.ts in the stadium is s.tn.ooo Offic1ab of the new corpora· tion that owns t he Sun indicated t oday the as sessm ent may be t aken to court in a move rem1111::.- cent of a sim ilar action taken by the California A n~el s baseb31l team several yeurs ago. In that case the Angels were also ordered to pa:v taxes based on a possessory interest :1ssess- ment of their 35-yeal' leusl' on the s tadium Unde r t erm:. of the lease. r esponsibility for payment of the tax fell to the Cil ,. of Ana heim which pa id $1.:? million under From Page A l VALLERGA ofsomeofhistrw l rights. •·v es , s ir. I do ... Vall e rga _replied to t'ach of the Judge's question s. Included among the final 10 documents Capizzi suhm1tled as e vidence were <·ertlfied copies of: A county auditors warrant showing that in March. 1973, a Sunta 'Ana travel aseency was paid S340 fo r a round tn p airline ticket to Spartanburg. -Hinshaw 's 1973 bank s tate· m ent s howing that he deposited a S6.000 Spartanburg County check in late May. 1973, a nd a few d ays later wrote a S3 ,000 check to Valleq!a protest. but won back $840,000 in a later legal action. The pact between the city and the Sun specifically stales that if any such tux 1~ levied, it is up to the tea m to P<AY it. .\ Sun spokes man said today the .issessm cnt rece1v<.•d from thl' county is (jddrcsscd to the corporulion that owned the team last year and not to the new cor - porate e ntity, called Anaheim· Sun Football, Inc., that owns the team this year. FroM Page Al SALARIES. • • recommend tha t teachers ac- cept." Next Tuesday djslrict trustees will decide what their final offer will be. ln Septem ber, the teachers will take a vote on whether or not lo a ccept the offer . If they vote lo reject it, they will then decide whether or n ot t o s trike, Grgurich s aid. Also at Tuesd ay's m eeting, Grgurich will point to areas of the budget he believes have ''no real value ." · Five district progra ms -Pro- gram Out c om e Eva luation (POE) I Statement or Educ a· lional Pri nci ples (S EP). Development La b, Research and Development and the 12·month tn.1ber pr ogram -are a waste of money. a ccording to Grguric~ "They're spending $288,000 on those program s, which have no value at all to the clanroom situation, but a re more or a public relations thing," he ch3rged. The programs he cited are ones tht> dis trict uses to test and evalu:.1 t e its <.•du cat1on<JI c ur· riculum . T he money which wot.Vd cover the extra one percent otrered by trustees would come from Back Bay htigalion, accorcling to J ean Har mon. adm mistr alive ass is- tant and one of the board's representatives in the ncgotia- llons. New Jail Troubles Denied New port Be ach police orricials ln charge of the new city jail de· rued that there are any subslan· dard conditions a t the fitcllity. The a ssertions were made in a county lf«>ulth Department re. port on the )<Jil. Capt. Lou Heeres, in charge of the facilities at U1e new Jam· boree Road st ation, said that a report riled after .a March ins~c· lion contained e rrors and nusm· terpretations. He look issue with allusions lo ''deterioration" or floors in the new j ail. s tressing that the in- spector arrived a t a time when lhe new floors we re being paint· ed and low s pots were being :,anded a nd fi lled in lhe concrete. ''New concerete noors don't deteriorate," he s aid today. Heeres also took issue with as· s crlion s b y county Health Department inspector Timothy Ng, who cited a lack of green vegeta bles and vitamin C in ja il food. ''Ther e are r eally two seis of !ood st.m dards recognized in re· gulations-one for food for long- term trusty prisoners who usual· ly are housed for a month or two, a nd a no ther s tandard for prisoners whose maximum stay is 72 hours. "The trusties have fresh green v egetab les a nd completely balanced meals because of the length or their stay. "The prisoners who are in and out r eceive the same type of frozen dinner s we've offered for the past 10 years.'' Heeres said. About the only issue in the r e- cent dispute which Heeres will concede to is the lack of toilets in holding cells where prisoners spend a short period during book- ing. At the time the jail design was approved in 1973, toilets were not required there a nd state correc· tions offi cials approved the plans as is. Standards were upgraded later. after the Newport jail was built. Heeres s aid. "We'r e in the process of ob- taining a waiver from the state for the toilets, because it would be almost impossible to cut through the concrete and instaJI plumbing in those areas. It would be darned expensive," Heeres Hid. The police official said that he believes that the jail standards as set by state codes were "mis· interpreted " in last March's county inspect ion. The coun ty department serves simply as the inspection arm for the st a te c orrections depart · menl. Any e nforcement of stan· dards comes from the state of- fi ce. ··I thin le they all ought to take another look a l the standards and at our facility down here," Heeres said -The SJ.000 Hinshaw check en- dorsed by Valler~a and deposited in his savings account in a Mis- sion Viejo bank . In a May 6 indictment handed d own by the cou nty Gr and J ury, it is a lleged that Vallerga's ac- c eptance of the money constitut· ed a conflict or interest. Fro'" Page A2 T h e Jury a l so c h a r ged Vallerga with g r <1 nd theft. em· bezzlement a nd misappropna- tion in conne ct ion with the Spartanburg incident. Defense Attorney Murphy is e xpected to atte mpt to prove that 1he assessor h ad no prior knowledge of possible personal gain when the sale to Spartan- burg was negotiated He is also expected to argue that consultini? services ar c com- monly performed by public of- ficials and that his client did not violate any laws related lo con- m ct of interest. ORANGE COAST N DAILY PILOT T ... f ()f.ffl\~ C.o•\t 0.••Y Pill)' ~•1111' ..,., " ,.,,.. ~U'W' N•w · Ptf\~ ~\CWO .,.., .. tr .. •O•MO- (hf•I P\fbhVuno (.ome>•l"I I Yt ,.t. <M>•t '" p.lhi•"""'CI ~nd•V UttO~rt f ' ti Ar ' ., tr • .. ,.,., • Ntwoort h •<f\, Hunt1"Q!O" bf• " •• ,,,... '"'". v••••v ''"' tH \•ddlf'bof• • vat••, '""" L•'J'V""IA 89.Cf\ So\iU\ toct ,f A •,..l" , .. ,, "'•I ...O•t;on t\ IN&ll~d '•tu•-f••' •"-ti · "'" '" .., ~·"" 1p-.tl Ot.tbt ,tu no o••"' • -.• llO """"'\I t ~' ~tr"1, (,b\t• ~, •• (f htor,,,a.,•l• Rober t N WePd r ,..,uJtint •"1 P1,t>t• ,,,., Jae k R Cur Irv Vt<• p,.,,,~ nl •"(I •.-ntr•• /!/rvlrwqar Thom cH KP!"V il r thh.tr T hom ~c, A M urph1nL· Char It \ H Loo~ Richard P. Ndll ~Ut\f,fnt M.tn•Qt~ l ct1\0t II Newport 8H(h Ottiu l))) M.,•oo•• ~ ... ..,d Mollll't/•ocl••o fl 0 Ool Ill~ ~ Other Offlcn , ........... ,,. -·' ... ,,,.., \. • ., ...... fl•"'" ,, .. c._,,, ~ .... .. W"'l•""OICJI"\ l'••t"' .,., • .,..,,_ a.uit••tt.f'• .WOO ...... ,, V•'•"Y l\to\L•"'-t .. 4'0 •• :..• 0•"0•' ,.,.. ... ,- ~01tftlfhl ,.,s O••'lt• Ct •\I ""•'"~'"' ( ...... It, NOf'f'All ff)l•H tlf.J\1t.tf tllf'tt H •tOt•• "'•tt•• ., ••••'' ~· ,,.l\h ~•rt•llll ..-.t Otl' ••t 'oducc• ••t,.o-..t "''"c.1•! '''""'''1tfll! o1 ,_,t•t"tewMr :..O• 01'0 cle O 1tnl• .. "'°'' Al '41•1• 111\t • (>lttot~•· '" .. "'' ......... .,, .. ,,., 00mor'lt"1•, •• , ~ 00 "''"'"'•. ,...,,,.,, .. \llfl.••~· ~ '° lltl BATTIN DEFENSE. usher ed into the hearing room at 2:30 p.m. at the j ury's invitation. Before his appear ance, Battin appeared in a jovial mood while he waited with Kurilich for the jurors to open their afternoon s ession. Kurilich decl ined to comment on what District Attorney Cecil Hicks says is a continuing Grand J ury probe into possible criminal actions com mitted during the supervisor 's unsuccessful bid for state offi ce. Battin invited newsmen to ex· amine the contents of a heavy bag filled to capacity with docu- ments r elated, he said, to his 1974 cam paign. "The campaign, like my Hfe, is an open book ,'' the s upervisor quipped. "Help yourself and if vou find anyt hing in there 1 ·s hould know a bout, let me know." He was w arned by Kurilich: '·You hired me to do the tctl king so let me do the t a lking." It was learned after Battin w~nt into the Grand .Ju ry room that he has been preceded by several witness es w ho have From Page A I SPRAYS ..• anlmat1, he s a id. Already, he said, the ozone layer baa ~en de pleted by about one percent as a result or the fluorocarbons. That would be enouah. he sald, for at least a two percent Increase In skin cancer. However , he said, a combina- tion of the economy and concern about aerosols has caused a 25 lo 30 percent dip ln the indu.sto uu, year and m nny manufacturen are swttchJng to other pro~ pellant.s in spray cana OI' \0 hand pump1. Several statea are com•derln1 bans on saJes of spray ca.na u1lng the cheml'cal1. Ore1on already has enacted a ban beatnnlnt ln March 1977. • • v,,ie Seeks Nixon Cut,s / WASHlNOTON (UPU - C«lartA ba1 cleared and HDt to the White House • $1.S9 billion budget bill which slashes more than 25 percent from tbe recom· mended allow an~e for former President Nixon. C Related story . A 4 > • The appro priatio n meuure Cor v arioua ex· ecutlve departm ent.a nnd agencies through Sept. 30, 1976 cleared the House by u 337·79 vote and the Senate by voice vote a few hours later Wednesday. Included was $187,250 to pa y Nixon's $60,000 yearly pension and to meet his • staff and omce expenses ror tbe 15-month period that began July 1. Preside nt. F ord , who must decide whether to sign the bill, requested $253,750 for Nixon during the period. C""" From. Wire Services WASHINGTON ...!...Copies of the "Pumpkin Papers" micl·omm th~ became key evidence ln U1c AJg~r Hiss trial have been given to Hiss' attorneys and two history resell.rchers, the Justice Deparl· ment announced today. A department spokesm an said copies of the fUm were delivered to the attorne}'l5 in the office of U.S. attorney Paul J . Curran in New York as a result of a suit of filed by Hiss uoaer the Freedom or Inlormation Act. Attorney General lidward H . Levi agreed la&t month to release the film which Whittaker Chom- bers, con( essed former Com- munist agent, sald was left (or him by Hiss inside a pumpkin in Biologists Probing Emerging of Sharks SAN DIEGO CAP > -Two great white s harks have been ha rpooned within a week in Southern California waters, but a marine biologist discounts the belief by some of a change in behavior of the giant sea killers. Another researcher says he can find no ocean changes which would encourage the great white s hark to be seen more often by man. "Everybody that sees 'one (a great white one) now is going to s tab it and call up the papers and so forth," s aid D r . Richard Fro• Page Al SA-UCERS ••• CINlUU Y lOCATtO ATHAUORANO ~IOUlEV!M>S INOOWNTOWN COSTAM!SA Rosenblatt, curator of m arine vertebrates at Scripps Insitution of Oceanography . .. It's just no w ay that coin· cidentally with everybody in- terested in s harks that they come marching in," he added in an in- terview Wednesday . He said renewed interest in great whites apparently has been stimulated by recen t movies about sha rks, including "J aws" and "Shark's Treasure." A 1,400-pound. 12-foot-8 inch great white was harpooned off the coast of Santa Catalina Island last week, and. a fishing boat bagged a 10-foot great white in the same gen er al area on Sun· day. . Also last week, a scuba diver s aid he was half-swallowed a nd then spit up with only minor in- juries by a shark near Santa Barbara. "Be fore the c u rrent s hark cr aze, swordfisbcrmen or others would simply s ay, 'Hey, look Cit that fin over there.• With the new interest, they're bringing them in." said Rosenblatt. Brian Hawthorne, owner ofthc Heather B, said his crew bagged the 12-footer just a few hours a fter the captain finished the novel .. Jaws ," on which the mov- ie~ based. He said crewmen had spotted great whiles be!oro but brought thi3 o.oe lo ·'.because we thought some people might be in- terested." "We have no idea how many great whites are sighted each year ." s a id Jim Squire, a b iologis t w ith th e Na tiona l Marine Fisheries · Service here. •'Most go unreported.'' Geo1·ge Parker. who har- pooned the lO·footer. said he thought that unusu ally warm currents were bringing the maneaters closer to shore. But Squire dis puted this theory. Squire said offs hor e waters are running about three degrees colder tha n normal, and said there is no evidence that the s harks a re behaving diff crenUy. H owev er , S quir e a nd Rosenblatt both conc~e that lit- tle is known o r the habits of s h a r k s, t h e g r e at white in particular. "Face it. You couldn't ;very easily tag one of them artd then throw him back and wail for a commercial fisherman to recap· lure him again for a followup study," Rosenblatt s aid. Since: 1949 the late 1930s. The exis tence of the " Pumpkin Papers " wus made public by then Rep. Rlchard M. Nixon and l:Jtcr used In Hiss· trials. Hiss . u State Department or- fici a l in t he Roosevelt ad - mini11tration. was convicted of 1wrjury in 1950. Hiss served 3h years m pn son, was disbarred, ~md now wor ks for a printing fi rm in New York. He insists that he was innocent of the charges. Cham bers buttressed his uc· cus alions by p roducing the microfil m hidden in a hollowed- out pumpkin on his Maryland form . tt e cla imed the mm showed St ate Department docu· mcnts Hiss had given him. Photographic prints from two rolls of the film were introduced ..- as evidence al t he trial, but the contents of the other three have never been disclosed until today. The deparlQlenl was provicling the Hiss group with the origina l fil m, a set o f duplic:.&l es, and prints'from all the portions which c:ould be printed. Most of the pl'inls, e xamined by reporters Wednesday. wer e barely legible and some were so fuzzy lhal il would be impossible to read them without strong m agni!ication. Prints from the two rolls in- t roduced al the trial we r e generally clea r . They showed State Deparlmenl documents concerning U.S . dealings with Ger man y in the 1930s. Chambers said Hiss sli pped documents to him, which he copied on the microfilm, during the 1930s. But some students of the case believe that type of film was not manufactured until 1940. The prints from the two secret rolls :.ippeared lo be Bu reau of Aernoaut ics t echnical doc u· ments concerning such things as a locking device used on aircraft, safe ly s pecificati ons for life- . j ack e t s . d escriptions of a par acute and various schematic <Ira wings. From Page Al TURKEY ••• Kissinger was asked what he .. understood Demir el lo mean by saying afte r breakfast with Ford that the s hutdown of the bases.-.. incl udlng som e that did ul· trasensitive s pying on the Soviet Union -was ordered "for the time being," indicating the clos· ings may only be temporary. "l don't believe there was a significant change in the situa· tion," Kissing er responded. Meanwhile, the Soviet news a gency Tass reported t hat Demirel h ad met with Soviet Communist par ty chief Leonid I. Brezhnev and Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko and dis- cussed Soviet-Turkish relations. the security conference here and other international issues. Tass said the meeting was held in an atmosphere of ''mutual un· derslanding. '' This came am id reports from Washingtoli that the Russians are offering helicopters to Turkey in what could be the first step in a Soviet effort to r eplace tbe United Slates as Turkey's source or military supplies. But Kissinger , asked about this, said it was "extremely un· li kely" Turkey would enter into a military relationship with the Soviet Union . OI MOii D•lly 9:30 o .m. -6 p.m, CloM<f SYndoy1 MAJOtt CHDIT CAllOS I ' \ \ 1.8 Million Airline Employes Win 'Fraud' Suit . \.:EOWOOD C ITY (AP> -A jury awarded $1 .8 million Wed· nesday to two United Airlines employes who were paid $500 each for a s uggestion which I I l 'Booste r.s' I Have R e a son· I For Crowing VISTA (AP) -T he celebrated case against Richard Ferguson's roosters has been dismissed. Ferguson had been charged with letting his t wo roosters and two peacocks disturb the peace 1 with their predawn screeching •md cackling. 1 A widely publicized trial in Vis· ta Municipal Court ended with the jury deadlocked 10-2 in favor or acquittal. A second trial was set for Sept. 2, but the two n eighbors who had brought Fergus on into court 'withdrew the ir complaint last l''r1day , UA 's aide L ogan 1 McKechnie said. 15.7 Acres brought the airline 250,000 extra passengers io 1974. The San Mateo Count y Superior Court jury deliberated six days b e £ore awardin g $1,844,243 Lo James Usec, 35, a personnel representative, a nd Kris Jagga, 45, an industrial engineer, who alleged fraud and bad faith by the airline. THE SUIT s aid LisecandJagga 'Suggested in 1971 that United ex- pand the employe discount system to include employes of other airlines, and the men were promised 10 percent or the result- ing profits during a represen- tative year. The jury found that the sugges· tion was adopted and increased passenger volume by 250,000 in 1974. The jury concluded the men were entitled to $368,049 under the 10 perce nt plan, and il awarded $1,476, 194 in pw1ilive damages. The p l ain t iffs c l aimed the airline made $25 million to $.10 million as t he r esult or their suggestion. but th e airline said it lost $2 million. Dt.~o.,e,.Y UPI Ttlfll"°lt Professor Ma rtin P e rl of Stanford Linear Accelerator Center announced discove r y of "U" iSarticle. Produced in pairs. one positive and on e negative, each has mass of two billion electron volts, or twice that of pro- ton, nucleus of hydrogen bomb. 3 Die in Cr ash SANTA CRUZ (AP> -An in· fant and two adults died and 14 other persons were injured in a three-car collision which police say m ay be this city's bloodiest trame accident ever. Thllfsday,July3 1, 1976 OAILYPILOT AS 'Rope'-/tlurder C ase Witness Changes Story NORWALK (i\PJ -Prosecut- ing attorne ys in the murder trial of Deborah Joy Kantaeng say they wlll introduce tape record· ings to dis pute the testimony of their own witness. Prosecutor Denis Petty said the recordings would be played for the jury today to verify eurller statc•ments uy Kerry Axt, 23. whom P e tty s;.iid had "flip. flopped back und forth <in<.l changed het· story <:ompletely " Mrs. Kcintac•ng is charged with the shotgun s laying of Danny Al ten, 2 1. or Sunta Ana on Oct. 3. 1974. She told police that AJle11 had kidnaped and r aped her thl· day be fort>. Miss Axt -as a proseculion witness -has testified that il was not Mrs. Kantaeng but the defendant's father , Robert Royd, 45. who fired the s hots that killed Allen. She said she had earlier told authorities that Mrs. Kanlacng had dont' tl l>l'<·a usc she feared Royd would t ry to lrnrm ht'r if she • did not. MISS AXT was visiting the l.oug Bcac.·h duple x apartment where Mrs. K:rntaeng Uvcd wl!cn the shootin~ occurred. While on the witnt'ss sla ud, she offered dif· ferinc <H'Co u11ts of where she was in the apartme nt, Petty said. "In her ea d at•r ~l akrrwnb ~he said she was 111 1c k1tlhcn when the s hot w a irt•d ," h<· !>aid. "Now s he's say ing s he was s tanding in he doorway and watched the w le thinJ?." Miss Ax t h ad te~tifi<'d that Boyd k1lll•d 1\ll(.•n whc·n h(' came to lhc door of lht! a purtmcnl, lhcn t ried to convince his daughter that she had done it. She said Boyd pressured Miss Axt and others lo tell a uthorities Mrs. Kantacn~ was the murderer. Inv alid Mate Slwt; Wife Trie s Suicide OAKLAND (UPI) Pohce ~ay they won 't press murder chaq~es against a wom an who gave in to her invalid husband's pleas to kill him, thc•n kept his body hidden under sheets in his bed for two months . The woman. Mrs Lois PbJbos. 68. tried lo t ake her own (jfe by shooting herself 111 the hr~en shc feared her act would be discovered by vis1t1ng rel;1ti vcs. But she w as re ported io good condition Wednesday at Highl and llosp1t <il. Police Sgt. Ll'W MaCl' !>aid Mrs Phtlhp~. who turned the same small-caliber gun on hcr~clf th at she used to s hoot her husband of 32 years, could only be ch<.a rged with a iding and abet- ting a suicide. BUT HE SAID lhe Al a meda County district attorney did not think he could get a convicl1tJn . Mace said notes found in tht' Phil ltJJs ' apurtmcnt. as well <is Mrs. Phillips' statement, indicated her 67-year-old hus band, William. had begized repeatedly with her lo end his misery . An mvalid for more than 12 years, ~ufferin g from painful spinal deterioration, he had been virt u;.illy unable to move for the last fi ve years. The coupl e had been li ving on Mrs. Phillips' pension as a department store clerk. Iranian Buys Lloyd Estate ''Hasn't her about told anyone s-wirn'Wear sale the BEVE RLY HILLS CUPI) -The newownerorthe lavis h estate built by silent film comedian Harold Lloyd is Nasrollah Afshani, 60, a r etired Iranian im- porter. Trustees or the estate voted Tuesday to accept Atshani 's bid of $1.6 million for the estate, one of the most luxurious of Hollywood's golden age. · For his money, Afshani gets 15. 7 acres of grounds in Coldwater Canyon, one of the most expensive dis- tricts in the Los Angeles area and a 44 room m ansion. ll has formaJ gardens, stables, tennis courts, a nine hole golf course. three Olympic size swimming pools, a canoe course and a waterfall. R e also gets a $675,000 bill for back taxes and mortgage payments, and an annual property tax bill of more than $47,000. R e o9011 to Nix Ft4'1?.•'! .. SACRAMENTO CAP) -Ronald R~agan may lµrn down feder al campaign funds if he runs for president, an official of the "Citizens for Reagan" presidential committee says. Lyn Nofzi ger, once an aide to President Richard ' ?tf . Nixon, said Reagan is philosophically opposed to public fin ancing or campaigns and would avoid it if ' possible. Nofziger also said he believes there ivill be ·~an explosion of support" for Reagan whe n he formally enters the campaign for the Republican presidential nom in a lion lat~r this year. , (Jnfon to Aid SlaotDdo"'n CHICAGO (A P > -The AFL-C IO s ays it will mount a massive mulliunion e ffort to help the farm workers union in its showdown campaign with the Teams ters U nion for the right lo r epr esent 1 California field h ands. The United Farm Workers union, an AFL-CIO af · filiate led by Cesar Chavez, faces its greatest challenge this fall when it takes on the independent Teamsters , the nation's largest union , in California's firs t-ever union representation elec- tions for farm workers. 8roarn Wana. Baufnes•e• LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Gov. Edmund G. Brown J r . warned business leaders Wednesday that they will have lo provide jobs for millions of unemployed Americans "if they want lo m aintain the viability or their enter prises .'' And the governor or the nation's largest s tate in· I dicaled th al he is ready to use a ll the powers al his disposal to pus h private business to hire more peo- ple. "Everyone who is or an age where they can work ought to have the opportunity to have a mean- ingful job," Brown insisted, "and that will require a , major readjustme nt in our country. If business does not create. the jobs, then business will have lo be taxed to put people to work in the public jobs." Oaa.,e% Otarge• Denf~d MOORPARK (UPI > -Egg City, one of the na- tion's larges t c hicken ranches, today denie~ charges by farm union leader Cesar Chavez that 1l was us ing scores or Vi etnamese refugees as "s trikebreakers " against a wildcat strike. The r anch. which has more than 400 workers, employs 14 Vietnamese, not the SO the t;nited Farm Workers charged in a news confer ence Wednesday. lhe spokesm an s aid. Cro••"°"' 1t'ounck Horse SAN DIEGO (AP)-A 20-year-old·man has been sentenct?d to 90 days in jail for'sbootlng a horse with a 1!r'OSS bow. Superior Court Judge Douglas Woodworth also ordered psychotherapy for Warner Cook or San Diego and ordered him to pay $104 in r estitution for treatment or the animal's wounds. Police s aid Cook shot the horse a total of fi ve times on March 12 and April 3 in El Cajon. ercede " 1 I Cadillac Seville Lease or buy FOR WUEST DELIVERY: fabulous at Bullock's? It begins hundreds tomorrow-at 8:00 a.ni. -with of bathing beauty g oodies (s\Vim suits and The savings are cover-ups). Coine great, 33 Y3% to Town and Travel Sports-wear . Early shoppers use South Entrance o n in! 4 0 %.'' - We're I lilllt rar1hcr away. '° we ha\'c 10 Jo a llltlc more. Come and "' u11. s.. Di..-,.,., ... /11.y..-y, Mltt&ott vi.19 toOl~t ........ I M741(n4> 4t S.11tt ~,~ Cott~ MeW • Shop Monday thru Friday, 10 am lo 9:30 pm; Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm f ault()(k's South Coatt P lan, San OitftO Precway at Bristo!, Costa M esa. S56-0Gl l ' Shop Sunday, 12:00 noon to 5 :00 prn I 1' :· .. •• • • .. • A8 DAILY PILOT Thursday. July 31 , 1975 Sears ·19.;-; Cu. Ft. H•·!!11la r :.: 1:i1J.'l'I All tro~lless Power Mi ser s witch Jet s339 Stre am freezing . Grrlle-type shelves St•ar ... l'r i<·•· 399 '\u\ c•lt\ l'ri111-. .. l.1>11 I ,o n;r :-ilc•c>\ t• \ \ 1011 Tric·uL F~1 .. fi io11 Bra"' IC•·;_!11lar2 s5 ~ l fur (;{ .,f (,(}o/r Io 62o/o! Me n 's Li~ht we ight Cas ual -" Prl' S I I.. 1)9 10 SI :>.99 Men·s sizes I , .... . -'\ ' .... , I Girl' P f'rma-l'r<>1o1t® Faiohion Drt>s8t>R ~'"""" ., 't; ~ " ., 3 7 :-ii'7•',. i lo 3 Q9 to 6 :\ for I:? for Easy care polyester and cotton fabrrc ~----I Sears I __:-:-~&Dl T C A1'D ~an] ••·•• ..... ~.-_. •• o oooc~ oooo:i ~ 1u~t U •IS -................... ~~ ( .... ....,~ .. ,, ... ~ SF'..U~. 9'0E8l'CK AND C-0 ( PAIR PRICE SAVE ~:-J<J! A utomatic: Wa~hcr Rt>~ular s249 $279.99 Electric Dryer Rt>~ulur $189 l:l:?09.99 SAVE $20! -- 11506 6.0 Cu. Ft. Compact Chest Freeze r Hc>1?ular 8:! I 'J.99 Thrnwall insulation. 6.0 cu. ft. size. Slid- ing basket. SAVE .30o/o! Value-Fit® Short Sheers Ht·•'ulctr 11.'Jc '"' Ankle or knee highs i n sa nd - stone and toast. ''Juliette" Nightwear Scooped neckline and little puffed sleeves. In prrnts. P. S. M, L sizes. He~ular $6 )1ini PJ's. 447 89 Lonj? G~wn ________ 6 .67 .. "AVE 27c! Men's T -Shirts or Briefs Pkg. 0£ 3 299 Absorbent cot- ton and po - l yester under- w ea r. Sizes s m al l t hru X - large. Silk Sewing Thread Hc•µular :~.>c· t>ad1 100 yard s pool. All co l ors. except bl ack , bone or white 8 ~. All Patterns in Stock 20o/o OFF 163021 19.0 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator lt(·~ulur S HCJ.C)C) A ll frost less. 12.5 cu. ft. refrigerator, 6.5 cu. ft. freezer SAVE s6o! K enmore Microwave Oven llt-1?11lar S:l99.99 3 3 9 97 Automatic defrost cycle. 600 watts of cooking power. Priced to Go In 3 Hours 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Travel Bags for Men or Women Sear Pric{' Su it or dress bags w ith f ull leng th zippers. Holds dresses or suits. Color Print Film 84c Seara 126-12 expo· sures 66c K od a&. 11 0-12 t>'po- 11ur~11 99c• SA VE 44o/o 011 :~! Outdoor Floodlights Rqul•r f2.99 C'el'h 3 for4 97 SEARS HAS 3 CREDIT PLANS 1 . Sears Revolv1n9 2. Sears Easy 3 . Sears MOdern111ng ~.1r9e Accou~ Paymenl Plan Cred1I Plan · A.Jt houl Tlu•m .•.. Th.-rP lit Om~ Tc> Suit Yo ur Nf'Pcl ~ Re~ular S l:!9.99 s3791 4.6 cu. ft. freezer, 12.4 cu. ft. refrigerator. lcemaker · •Hookup To Water Supply Available. Extra Built-in Dishwasher ;;,a~e~2 ~~~~~switch . 18 9ss Four automatic cy- cles. ~:!:l'>.1J.) l'o rtable 'loJd, 17 HH·I . __ I 'J'J.88• •s:> E,1ra For Color -• 1-Gal. Blooming Fuchsia S..ar"' Price 44% ON 2 YDt P e rma-Presl Yard~ , Hq:ulur H<Jd "\ 2Yd~.99 1-Qt. Plastic Food Conlaintl s.-ars Prif'I' 711 Pk~. oC 3:! Ideal for storing a freezing foods . '· .... ......... SAVE ' ,'i 1 ! 9·1n. Gae Edger BladCfi H.-,xulur .... ,, ] S2.l9 ~ &2.-19. El~lrll' F..d,r"r Diii 185715 1.3 '' 2 • wi I llt s. nt ' ,, . . fl , °'• ,, . Solar Se1ninar Bright Ideas Vntkr Sun L0s ANGELES (UPI) - The &un 'a heat in Alric a can run a tclcvudon statlon Jl cun help provide clean water on n tropical island and recycle wruste in 111dla, delegates lo a world forurn on solar energy were told tbas week. Appllcataons of solar energy m developing coun- tries was Wednesday's theme of the rive-day 1975 lntema- Honal Solar Energy Congress on t h e lJn1vers1ly o r Caltforn1a campus. About 1,500 represenlat1ves of 50 DH· Uons were allendmg A PAPER PRESENTED by Sandor Polgar of Teledif· fusion de France said the cost of using solar generators for a television station U\ Ntger. • * * * Sun-powe red 'Furnace' A Reality LOS ANGELES (UP}) - Solar heating or homes IS closer lo reahty than most people think. according to the rnvcnlor or a backyard solar energy rurnace , "Widespread use or solar power is not 10 years away as ) everyone s ays. lt's more like four," according lo John Key Keyes. president of t he Color ado·based International Solarthermics Corp .• a solar energy research firm. KEYES AND his associates d eveloped their backyard solar furnace a year ago in respons e to the energy shortage and he said he ex· peels 5,000 or the furnaces, which sell for about $S,OOO, to be m operation by the end of this year. Keyes demonstrated his furnace this week dunng the International Solar Energy Congress at UCLA. He said solar energy can take up the heating slack left by a predicted 2S percent decline 10 domestic gas sup- plies by 1980. Hts furnace. which looks like a nine-Coot tall A-frame wooden tool shed with an all- glass southern exposure, con- verts sunlight into heal the same way an automobile does when left with its windows ti~btlv closed on a hot da:v. IT WILL NOT provide all of a building's beat. Keyes said, but is designed to plug into ex- isting heating ducts and sup-• ptement a home's conven- tional furnace. "The furnace is oversized for Los Angeles where 1t could provide about 9> per- cent or the heating for a 3,000-square-!oot home with aver age windows and no cathedral ceilings," he said. ln more severe climates, :such as New York or Chicago, that figure would fall to:.> or 40percent • Gnitt(•r" nnd Lo#er" ~-Yorlc (UPI> -Ti.. '°"°'"'1111 list snows the ~too' 111a1 haw ~iMCI molt at\CI 10$1 the ,,_l "9toed Oii pef Ulll Of ~ on \M l'I•.. Yon SloO "~!',~ percent <MnoH •~ ttw- •fllle•tnc• bf:t-n Ti... prevloul <l~•no «tee and lllt curr•nt clo,1na prke GAINERS 1 CUren~ Mtg 1 + v, ~ 14.3 'NA M111 q l'llo• ~ _,, 12.~ J L.e.,.!>1e9 .7t Hu '\", Up 11.3 1 Hercr1 I 20 2H~+ M lJ9 111 S OlGkw'Vo CP S\~ + \'> Up 10 S 6 Ac>olle4 Mo 4 • ~ Up 10 3 1 G<ey-~ "'• Ii• Up • s I Tt!ea COfp 7!1> + '• Up q} t AlrDfllll SO 11 • >,\ Up 8 6 10 C I Mloe 1~+ Vo Up 8~ u C,hry~ wt ·~· .,,, Ur> 1 I 12 Col«o l!IOll )\/) • ~. Up 1 I .U Do«0v . lot! H .IW + I\\ Up 1 I (CO., ·vMER J Africa, coist about one-fourth that or chemical batteries. The cost per hour of a solar m· stallat1on, ht· said, was about 12cents per hour The co~t per hour or a c hemical batlc>r y w<i:> 48 cents "This comparison between the two sources of energy shows that m the c:lse of an isolated country, resort to solar generators ts advisable from an economics poml or view," Pol gar said. Expenmental staltons us· mg solar power h ave been m · stalled m several African na- tions, he said. mcludmgbgo, Gabon, Ivory Coast a nd Zaire " Ron Alw ard, of Brace Research l nstalute. Quebec, Canada, presented a paper on lhe use of solar energy on the tsland of La Gonavc, off the coasl of H a ill T H ER E, HE SAID, resi- dents of a s mall fishing and !arming community formed a cooperative to build a solar dastillation syslcm to provide clean water after years of drought h ad depleted the natural supply. A combination or solar and wind energy for a desert com- munity m Egypt was pro· posed m a paper presentation b y Jbrah1m Sakr and Mahmoud Saleh or the Na- tional Research Centre of Cano Harnessing the sun's rays to run a water pump for lift ir- rigation to h elp poor nations \\ith their farming needs was descnbed in a technical pre- sentation by l wo scientists from the Birla Jnstitute of P1l am. India. Ideas to use solar energy lo recycle human and animal waste \\ere c ited by a member of the Muustry or De!emJe pf India, Y.N. Sax· en<l. Revenues Up For Capital Newport Beach -based Capital Alliance Corp • owner of Ma riners Savings & Loan Association, announced net revenues ror the second quarter ended June 30 were $314 ,424 compared with $227,062 for th e second quarter of the previous year Per share earnin gs were computed on common shares, assuming full dilulton. of 1.284.687 and 1,277,488 shares respectively For the six months ended June 30 earnings were $439,3~ compared to $445,602 for the hke pcnod in 1974 Th ts rcpr escnts 34 cents per share for the 1915 period, compared t o 35 cents pt:r share ror the 1974 period ~·~1· l 'ork I:; ,,,ost 11 •et ir·•· Due t 0 late transm1ss1on to day s 1tst1ng will not appear i n the Datl y Pilot. U MecOonld JV.+ V. Up 1 1 1S Eastern Alf' ~. ~ Up 1 s 1----------------... CMI llW C• ' + " Up 1 S 17 TICGrPaln I 141\ + I Up 1 ) ll AMHl<I ,11 S~+ "' Up 1 1 ,. Lltlonln 711>1 7',. '·• Up 1 I • ;i1D M E I Corp l'• I '4 UP 1 I I Alphe pt .12 ~ G<AIOll IMl1 ~MDCWM140 4 MfOt Tr Am LOSERS I~•-I J"•-~ n•, 1 l'. .,,.. ••• l J~~ t. ~·. l• S'•-h '• I I~ H• ''i s•. ~~ ~· ·~ J~ v. 101 II ... 7 f ,, ,. 6, 6 7 6 7 6 1 6 I &S • s •S A mt•ri-..n11 lfj ~ ... ~, .r1 .. , ;,. •• Due to I ate transmission loday s ltstlng will not appear in the Daily Pilot • .S Z..C,.IAI pl 2 6 Af(lk Ent .. l Charter Co I 8unk.,.R .cl • NoCnAlrl wt 'IO Uni Tel wtt ll VMICeln 10 12 Levin Fu•" '3 Fk:tlF<I ~ 14 Wltcoti4 2 • .S lS lllPw P4 2 04 ,. LuoaoKP I ll Ple"Uey 41b " G.trllntll ... "K-Cp ,10 JD StMutv•I Iv SJ 4 11'h ,,, OU Oii 011 011 Oft Olf Oft Ott Oii ()ft Oii Oii Off Off Oii Oii Oii Off Off ()It •>~~~~~~-----~--~ d -J IJ~'i-'• 11~. ,,,, . ~~ 2 ,,.. ~'~l't,rk Snl.-11 \'ol111Ht• 0 u e to lat e -transmission today s listing will not appear in the Daily Pilot. 63 6 3 60 s.~ St tnSE MARKET T"END ThUftd•J.!'~l AdvantH • •• SS3 512 Ot<tlNs 4n 403 ~O~ 1191 1IOI AMEX N OAILVPlLOT Thursday's Clo ing P rices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NliW Y()"K IUPll l'ollO*lno ... Jlrlua on IM ~w York itec• u ch•noe at ~._ ~ ., l , .. , P ! 11..-r C\i1t <"<! ~ l r'°'' C._ P•1 CM<NO\ ., .. J I E~a 20 • r 11'-1 'e c.un IOQ s IJ ••~• '" Eno•i..a to \ 121 n S.IH Ntl CAlttlf I t0 lJ 1'1 .. •I'• Enftla8F l2 4 I a11, ', ~ lhocbl <lo~ C"9 C I ~ 1 4t tl 114 ., .. • 4-Erit4a111110 I M 1• , , '• -A A-C C I (.otp f4 7' • • '~ Envlrolt<ll lJ 1' ?l , • , ,._aL I .. ,, 104 1S -1 ~· Cp I I\ s 4 •• .,...mrk .. • ll 1011-'· A.Dbottl.b WI • • t a v.-" C..ll·al\M J to \1 JU 31 • ', f~l 1110 ~ If JIH, , •, ACFll)d2.g' 70 4JV.+ "-Ce tt\$9141 1 SO• 1+ '• E~L 1 ~1110 16 1•1, '• Ac ... CI,,. ) 3 '1 • Cefll•• 12,. eo 9 1, 'I cam.r11 ' 40 • •• )J•. •e Acl«t11e>r.tl • 24 !Olli C.llHUC! I 12 1 If 1' • o, E'°"ulre at 1 • 41,. •, M;tmsMll ' ·~· C.tnfltLlllOt ~1 17. '· E\ltflill )211 IS 1. '• "4)0t'41'pl\ 61 .. 6I,... CenllLPI 21. dSO 21 Elllyl c I JO • 314 30' I Advl11v 100 10 I V.• C11ll ~ 1 to a * Ille '• (thylpf 2 40 • to •0'• • e AalMLI t OI 13 '°' U C..11l..-E 111 1 11 17'1 • \.o EveM Prod 1•~ )' e MllWILI pt 2 > ~· l/>MP. I )4 10 •1 IJ , I t (II C.il 0 I • 10 U'. 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AmsleO 3 Ml 6 2' ~'• • I'• ComwEd WI ' I >.• • • GnMOI I 20b 16 974 11'• • ~e Amlet In 37 f 34 1 '" C.omwOll .a tlS IO'liH • \ GenMol pl S 7 bl'• '• AnatnOa bO s ., 161 •• '. CwOllpl 1 n 10 20'. • •• Gen PofllllO 48 6 I '. Antl>Hc 1 70 • 1 10 ... '. Comm Sal , 8 113 38' 1 . ... G PvbU I .. I ~· 1s1. AnOerCl•Y 1 1 19 JO•, Coml>Ull'• 9 3" 2)•, , • Gn~tfr 20b l 3 8>. • '• Ansul Co •1 S 7q IS CompUlr Sc• 16 31 S'• 1t g::sJf~l1~ 'l I~ :i:1••' =~~ ~: 2t; ir•: :. ~~·,•,:,~ s ;~ 1!':~ :·: GTE 18012 111 11'.• '• Aj)KO Corp •1 3 ....... Col>Qlm 10b 141 If '· GTFl•pt ... 1100 !l'· • APL Crp Ml 6 JI 10V. ~ ~. ConnMI 1w10 n I•'• \, G Tire I 10o ~ 11 161 e • ' Applied MQ lOS 100 4 ~ ~ Conf•tC e.o 8 11 It'.+ •,, C..nnco Inc ~ 51 • • '4 ~ A Svcs 14 116 4qo1, '• Con ea 90b .. Xl49 11' • t, CitnulnP M 2l ~ :lb\•• • Arc•l•N l6 1 J9 10 • ' ConsEd pt 6 , 56 '. (;,) P•c ~ 11 130 •2'.. .. ~~~8'.~ 17 ,.g ~r" + · .,. ~~E:, :',~ · 1~ !~4. 1:·: g:~~ ~ ,2 . wg ~· . 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ConllCp l 60 12 S6 311"41 • Goodyr 1 10 ' JH 18' • '• Aurco H 1 435 1 s•. , • , Cll!ICp pn• • , fl •. • • • GotaonJ 31 1 l 13• • MlllnOlf lh ~ .\9 21'. Ctll11Cp 110 ' 7S 421, ', C.0..ldln 1 10 1 SI 2S • • " Ai.OryG 140 1i ~3 2'\t, 1 CtllllPr 96b 39 81• GouldDf I )S 11 70 A\ Spfg I fO 1 2 2J•,, • v. cu !II Alty 11 ''• \o Gr~ew I Ml s 113 21 '·. ' ' Athlone 40 3 74 I'• •i. ContlnttOll 110 •'1 .. ,, • I' Gra1~r 30 71 8 16 I •,. Atlco M ISO 11 3~•-I.\ Cont 011 pf 2 4 86>., I G<and U llO 10 7• ll'• AliCtyEI 1Y7 1 ,. 17•,~-\t ContlnlTtl I I US 12'1'1 • 1, Granvl I SO S I 21 '•• At1Rotlll 2\l'J 1S IS. 101'0 I 1' Ccttlrl O<lta 261 11'' '. 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ROIKll•w 10 ,, II l)'I<-lo, Tr.,,sco '° 10 lit I '. • NII Semlc.on 30 •ltO ll>\. 2 ltOC>n!ol\ t )0 S 6 11•1, t '11 Tftn<Lln 45 ' 4 1•11-• • Nal S.rv 7' 8 •• 10•. + "-Aot>lns 24• 10 lSI tO'I.-\'\ Ttonollf' 20 S S 6'• -'• NI Sl .. 10 "I S lt 13'0 • '• Aocl>G 1 2~ • 11 IS~ ... V. Tra11U11 I 110 14 7t J1•11 • '" ~~~·t~~~~ 't s: ;!.: v. :~o~:n, l! ~ ·~:_: ~ ~~~~,,.~ ~ ~t '~;. _ .. ,. Nall Te• Co . } s '. Rockwlll11 1 I 134 ,.._. '• Ttat1~W• DI l t ..... e N.tfom\ I 20 3 S6I "" "· Roe-pl '"" • , S.'1•+ .. Tr11WFI Gib I II 11'. NCR Cp 7J • 4tl JO •• Roo pt 1 ll .. s 21-.. '' Tt•vlf\ I 08 11 11) 24•. 'e Neptune SO t l~ II • Rol\mH 1 11 JI "' 14' • .. ~ Tr•vlfl Pl l JT lJ~. • '> ~v Pw I SO S ' ll'e • '• Aol\t 1114 40 10 ''• TR£ Corptn .. '" '• NevPpl 1 tO 1)0 1s1. '• 1to111111111 lO 13 167 II\.• '' TrtCont ho • •> ,,..., • •, NEn11EI I 11 T M 16•, • AOMOI\ 141> It J) S"r-'• lrlCll pt J 1 • l 31'• ~~~~\~1:!1~ 1~ ;~:: ::::C,.12~11 ·~ ~t.1.:'.,. 1:t.~,~~ ' lk . Nh•Nll 40 ' 11 111 ,.. 1 • Rowrlo .O." .a 4S • Trlnltylno 1 1 11 11' 1-•e Nwm.11 I 60 10 213 23 '• RoyalCC '4 ll .. 1S~-" TrplUN to 18 SI 714> • '• "YSEG110 6 JS,,~.'• RoylO .... D l U4 :M.\.-'• TAWln120 6 6S 1J ...... NYsEpl. 80 1100 17 •' Aoy•• I lSll 10 S1 .~e-'. TAW of •• ' 3 i.. NYSE pt J~. t120 38 I ATE Cp I•» 31 S" '• TRW pr 4 Ml 7 •J • • ~::L~ ~ J 6 ; :~ ~~~· • I Au-40 17 11 21'. + ·~ Tuc-.G .. , 110 10• .• Nl•MPI l 'IO •Ml l1 :~~~~~ n J~ :~~ ~·. ~ ~we:FoL • ~ ,~ )~ w .. NllMpt. 10 • 110 38 Rycwr ~yst • 307 1' ·-I YCO II ""' , • NIAMQI 1 11 • 1100 131 -S S-• Tyler Cp ~ U~ll''o' NI M pl 10 60 1610 95•• • '• S..blM R S• 1? 8 <l'~~ • UAL.IM 11()., 1 '4 241/• • ta ~ILav-~1.,1,Jbl . I •• 43 1,3.1,. s.tg.ard Ind •• 11 l • Vt UAL pl A 4() , 24 " -f,~v ~ 1 • S.l••'f I 80 ti 40T 411 .. 11'> U•HO I 20• f 2 271, • 1 • HL T Crp llO 1 }01 16" '• ~ Corptn 4 ti 6'. t \o UGI (p t 32 6 U 13 , 'o NorlotkWs S I •II •J' • • '• StJM11rl 1.10 I ICM :n -+ ..... 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'• $?._KIC.,Cp I ~ ,•, ,,1 ~' •• • -~ Signal Co '° n 11\o. •1. Un1tr-Cp • ,.. • .. '' ""' vE ..., •v .. ·• Sl9'1•IC.opl I • 1 1• Ullt••f I 40 4 I 1~'4 • 0..laNGlllO 9 l6 1•'·-l e ~:~~~p.~a :: ~ .. '• UntV\LHl 2 I 3 J I'•·'• 8::::.~:111 ~ ~ n ~!i : ~ 1~: SlmnsC Na 17 m 14 +I~ UOP Inc 90 I 56 ll~ ~= Omarktn so 4 g 111., " s1moP•t 40 20 133 1Jl4 .. '"' U~ 1161' 0 3 34' • CW>·d•L ,. 4 20 IO' .. I .,. SlngerCo fO • 111 ll''• ...... ~\n::F~ : 1~ ~ it ..... "; Qoell~<l M I 9 I 11'• !>l"91'rpl l 'h 1 3S',-USMCp 1 20 4 2S 19'-~. OrOrn<;l«'c[-",. ~ ·.4 ",ss •,l1''• .. !itk•QllCO "° 11 21 2Sltt+ 1' USM pl 1 10 8 2•·· •1e lie. • •v • '• !itk•I Corpn l •Ve Ul•h 11111 I 19 II>& 6ll -1 Olis El 2 10 s 19 79'> • • ~.1,1~f8 ~ 11 n~ '~. V• Ut•llPL 2 36 10 4 1 26'. ~ '4 &!:~o' ~2~ 2i ~~~: ~= Srn1thll\t ,. 14 m l7'M ~ UI PU>f'l 80 •• J I 29'·-•• OvrShpll n ~ 11 IJ ... ' Srnlll>kllnt 7 1J so S2'• + 111 UV lndu~!..: v ::...12 ~-.,. OWrTrn IO t ~ II '• SrnotM T fS I 1 ....... 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Pan Am Air 702 l'• • '• SNE Tt l 1 84 IO l2 ll '°f ·~ VSI (.otp W 7 lO IS -'" Panhnd 2 10 6 SS 30 SNETI)( l f7 I 4l + '• -W W- Papmlt llO 6 67 9•o-'• ~P:':l ~ ~; :~ 1~ ~~ , , W•tl> Cp ;• 10 211 11~-'• ~4a'r9~Sn 1911, ~ n ,':,, SoAa~!pt SO J t. '! , ... W•cllOv 04h • IS J~e • k • • SoUn,.-1 60 1 21 79 -,,, W•IQreen I 10 74 1'' • P~rHPn 3711 100 181• • ' ..,. W.lkrH 1 40 II )I )I.,, '* Pa\CO Inc '' o• 31>'' ' • Southlnd fO 14 67 2S -~ WellMur '° S 1 '".:: '• PayLP\i 3S • 1 lfl • '• SoW~IFr lO • 19 ,,.._ "' WalMart 12 2 .. 11100 ,.. ~ '. ~ilbGI 0.4b I? 48 111 > 'e t'!:.rt~ l~ I I :i: :~ + Vo Wat19 L 0.4b 11 26 13 -I< ~~::..;~~\6 11 3~~ .: ; '• 1': Soar ton 74• 3 ~ IV+ Wud Foocts 31 l lo.\e ••• Pt>nnOiX 14 1 7f S•, Sperry Hut I 13 91 13 • ~··~ : 1: 1~~ ,;: • Pen11PL I 110 1 4S 111, SoerryHpl J . I J1•._ Vt ' am .-' S9 A•nO I• 11 m .,. ' I WaCmpl •• ,. • 1 •4 •• PPL pll 10 ltlO 11 •I ~•gu~ El 1S H 1.,, .. ·,, W•Cmpl 1'. 1 3" .+ H1 PPL pf I 40 180 87 SouarO 110 14 43 19, ,_, / W11nrC.o SO 1 I I"" • P•Pt l pr 8 110 80 Scluft>b ... 17 313 11,1,_ ~ W•rl..im 92 I• 27' 33.,. + ''"' p PL DI • 40 120 ., •• Staley Mio I I '16 60' '. I W•rnrSG I 1018 'I 312 •8,~ ~ •1. P P1..pt4SO 1ISO ... '· SI Brno111" "6 611~·· ... W•!oh Sl l I ' --. Pt!nwll 1 3" 10 •• '31 • SIBP•ll\I J1 l• 22• 4.1' ,_ ... W•W>Ntl IO S 14 11' • • ?ennwpt 1\. I • 1'•' '• Sid 011 C•I 2 6 IUJ 30''> • ~ W1NI pl 7•, I 75' -~. Pnwt pf I 60 b 20 Std Olllnd 1 a ••SJ 41.,, .. ~, Wash Sii l a S 10 u . PenMOI I lO I 513 77 + I SIOllOI> I "' n ISO 12 • 'IJ W•sh w I SJ • •• II " • ~ Penzlpt I )J 2 11 • I • SldOI\ pt )4, ISO 51">-.,., Vleste MnQ1 10 n A" ••• ~~~~: '! I~ );~:. ': Std Poor I" ., 21'• . Wat~nJ IOb 17 26 10;. • • ~~·Co I 110 16 lf9 "3' 1.,. ~ Std PrSU fO S 32 'I',+ ~ WeyM G AO l3 3 f CurtlliWA 2 J 73~.. .. Gu!lon I~~·~~ l '• ~ Pn ' l'•• ~. 8n11 NY 2 10 S 2 l 1 • M.tn Hn t 1'l I t 1 Je,11• + '• ~rklnEt '21 >S 184 7•~ I Std Prue! 66 ' J n-1.'i Waynpl 1 60 1 If'>-' ...,. StanOea S6 f 6 1~+ "41 Wt9'1Un Inc S I •• • • • o Pet Inc .... I IB 7•1•-'. SlallWllS •• • II ... ,,_ \\ Wtn pl 1 26< 10 1S • 86nk Va Ill S 7 11\1•-''o BankTrusl l ~ 17 37111 + '"> lldrbOil 1 60 10 21~• -~. Bard CR 20 IS SI IS"-.. ~e Baste Inc 60 J t 101 1.. \, Bal~s Mt 20 7 I~ 23' '.. \.o Ba~hL 60 14 21t 37~-1\1 O..rt•r L lt '1 3t6 'O'h + ~. S.ySIG I 80 1 11 16>. • I• BeartngS 40 ' 40 20'·• t ~ Bt•I Fos 12 12 2lS ••h BtOmn SO 1l 2S lH• Be<tonO 40 1' ~• JS•"f • ~. BH<hAr 10 s se 11'1oo eeur tn 28 4 121 1 1~. BtltoPI 30b l ., ti~•• '• BtlOQH .)Oo 10 q 7' ·-'• 8ell ......,, M 8 •• 1'~ + 1, g:::,i1s11c~~: ~i:~:=~; Ben Cp 17S S US 17~-'• &enCpeil 1'11 110 2S + \1 Bt..C pf 4 30 4 sov. 8enCpp1 ,.,, J100 •• -.,, Ben SIO MIQ • 1 31/1-Vo BtnoeB 11b • 140 2\• • Berkey Ptlo • 20 3~• l\«'sl PrOO<l 12 6S l 'n-'• Belll!>IHl ?a 4 102 31'" • '• 8111 l lr>d 4' 30 I St' >-'• Blacl<&.O 4018 449 l1'1oo • '\o Bl•l•Jl>n JJ 2t s s~ . DlluL9 I 10 4 13 131• 8IO<kl"R IO • "" If T ... 81ue9'tll IO 10 11 2••1r-V. Bobble 8rkS. J9 31 .. • '• =~~ ~ : ~ w·. :~~ Book Mo 1'1> I 2 20 ->\ 8of0tn 1 lO I '" ll + ~. llorll Wt lS t ,,. 11v. • llormeM Ill 6 S 21• • '~ Boll E02 44 1 2S 11V)-'• llolt£pf 1, 17 )t IO'n + 11" Braniff tSb • 76S 6 'ro -''• 8f'9SS 1,.0. 13 21 •t.'.'i-\1 Brls My 1 60 16 111 631/•-v. r.:~~n!c: 7 I~ ;~"'•-'• 8rcllwy GI 1 1 10 19¥. , 6rU11Gs I 12 6 2t IS"' Brown Com 3 4 10~. • 8rGrvp I to t 2t II(, 1 \.'a 8rn Sllrp 10 S U •~ t '• 8rFerrls 20 IS ISO 7~ • Brunswk M I Ill 11' • • ~ 8ruth w .cl 1 s 1711>-'"' 8TM9t .30b 45 J~ + Vo Bu<yr111 E 1 ft 7S 44~> • V• Budd Co '° . . 12 I~ ~~nOu .• 2 J• .. ~·'°. IS ~ov•\' : • ~ : 2?r! 8-llrH 1 .. • • to It~ • llulllltrR 40.. 267 Siio-°" BunA pf 1'1> • • » U -V• 8'orllllcl I 20 II 51 24~-'" ~'' No "" 1 22J n•"-v. 1 l<lrlN pf ,SS • 1 Ah+ V.. ' !IUmdY ,1110 " ,, -.... eur~i .60 u m tSV. •• -<C-C.OOC Ct& L • • t 3~ " • eao.t CP • '2 S .SS :II~ + ~ elno •• t 2 .. ·~ IMS WO 1 1t .,. • I INnc .• n J\h tt1ll, ' '"'• v. allMt .JOI IS 10S '"•--., aner.. 1 l 5 L .0. II 2' tl'h-"° s 1.l' n ~ 31~ ... .., Can •< .... • '1 lfV. • C8P Clllff C ti I l41'1'> + 1'l (ApHofd .).4 u fl >h ·· + Vo c.PMt9 l!IV , 1 • CMb Co 1 1, • 2 IOV• + 11o ~1"9 °''' . . 1 t'll Vo 31lM •• t ' 11Y7 • ••Ol't L a 100 Jt'll .• •1, I .0 1 10 161-< "e ~" "' ,., • • JO ~"-"" TtC t tO 4 61 \\ • 1-" rltrC U • Ill .. _ V. rOft .sa .. 1 11~ 'l! tHale M U 41 U'6 t 'Ill Hit ff 2 , , ' olO t I Wal .AO 1 JI 7~-" CuttefH I'° lO 17'• • \e H•ll F B SO IS 7 1n , Cyclop 1 ~ 2 11 ••'' •1• Cyprus ·~~ 0 ::_m1 •,. ~~~': 11-M1,i t~~ 1~~~: • 1;; 0.tnOflC 20 u 113 Ul• -\e Hammond 1 S O.n,.lv IOll 25 H •-'• ~;:ll~":.: ~ j 1:,: ·,, 0.naCp t 3' 1 512 1' • I' • H•ne\Cp ., 1 S6 12 • ' • O.rt In 60Q 9 13' 1S'•-1• kanna 1 JS 11 14 42". "• Oart lnO pt 1 S 30' •-~-Hart rt t 10 I 6S 1•" • 1' g:~~~n;;::1~ 13~ ne=·:~ Hard~S FO lS SI ,•.:•, ... , 0.y!OnH 71 12 11 lfl, . . H<1rnst9 I 20 116 , O.yPLl l 66 I 32 17'11 '• Harr•ll>C2i..7011 314 7161•• :.• OPL pf n•. 1220 109 I Hatr s I • J •• ' Otanwtr so s 23 II•• HarJ<o 1 10 f 1 1•1• Oetrt t 10 0 l64 40>o 1, Har ISM• llO t 62 9 • ~, OtlP~l I :!O 1 IJ ll'loo , 1,.. H•r1 Hk 3011 S 17 ... • '• Otl ""'' I 30 ) 40 JS>. H•llrs I 44'1 4 16 '• • '• Otll•Alr llO 1f lft 114• :.~ ~:;:,El:Do: : ·: m:' : : g;:~n~~ 1: : • HU.llM CD .. • i's:,·, 1 • 0tnnt1011 1 • 21 11 Htd; Inc 16 • .. Otnnn I 1012 2SS 16'10-.\;, ~fll~Mn.~ 2! ~ w•: : : Dentsply 80 11 •• l lh-•,. Htlnr HI 78 10 32~ 46 • '" 0.Wrtl Ub 18 232 12'1\o + ~' Hfll'flt Curt 6 60 6,, , • 8;~~~~111 ~ 1 ~ 1;~:: ~ Helltrlnt tf 12 • 29' • Ott( pl 7 '8 , 1140 •1 -~ =~ C.~ II ~~ ·~, J•, OttE p1 I 4S i40 •4v .. 1 Hercul•l eo,, no ,.., • ., Ott E pl S"1 2 S3~>-'.'I Herst>ey 80 q 13 11', , •, Otwtr Cp -» IO 15 14 + "'° Heulon IO 5 71 76 • 'e Olaf P:ln ·'° S 18 ' • Hes!n pl 1 oo H ,, 1 Olamdlnll 2 1 3J 31V.-~ H«'~ln 1 10 IS 'If> •II• p, OleShm 1 to I 2as 4H• • "'4 Hewllt p 30 n na t~' • 11. OlaShm of 2 S S1 + lh 01asno11.20 ,. '3'4 •• ~[H~::•~1; ,~ 2~~:: ~: Okk AB 40 10 2 ·~ + V. Hilton Hll I 4 16 7•'• 1 '• Okteplln '° ' ,. 11/o HMW lnous 6 IJ 4•• Oltbold 409 t 270 llV. + V. Hot»rt c to 15 31 1f' •, ''11 OIGICM"OO Cp ll S\• • V> , Ololl•I 1'a11t 1t ~s 1101.-1,.. Ho."'" .n • 1• ,. •• • " Ollllngl> 40 ' ,, ·~ • • • =t .~~f.~~ • 21~ I~~~= : : Oll!Oft I '°' 14 s J8 • L. ,, 01"'4!Y , 119 2J 622 46 -'ilt Holtcl A ,ISb S 11 ... + .., 01wton .fl 6 11 •~•• 14 HollySuaJa 2 41 31'e• \\ Oivertlld 111 46 2~ • =~1',e .d 11{ m ~~i: + ~: Oh,,.SIMt~. 2' l'N • Hoover l36 t •21\o;. ... =~· .t0a ~ '!: !~~t ~ ~ ~!!i~Af~e ; ': 1!~ .. ~) OcN\LulJtn I J -V. ·~-'> OoMelly .60 It '12 ltV> v. HosoclCr.,20 10 111 ~· OOotOv 100 7 11 IS"'•+ tvt ~t Ill I 06 7 SI "• + ~. ......... c l ' Houdlle toe s 77 •'• ..-M& • 10 ' 7 • • ~I> M 110 I 13 11~ t ' = c~ l: ,; .. :~ :m= ~: uoui.Fb 1so 11 38 u ... •• op f lncp •• $J 44'1t-v. HouJotFlnc I • :i.1 14'•-'• OraYO 1 to , •l .,,,. • v. ttouw pf 2.\;, , • 32 34 • • : OrtNtr 1.AOtt 217 67' ... + ll/o Hou\Fpfll>1. 3 31'4-'•• °"•' , 44 • • I uv. • \, ~r!i~, st:~ m mr:~ :z g:""t,.,·~,: ~~ ,~t: -••CSJ .2413 2't ll\h \a Oulre pl Ut • I 15'• :=:::, ~P.J : ': :;:: Duke of I 10 l20 ... ., Oun&&<ad I 17 52 2S~ t VO HUCI A 1 .0. S 8 19V, ~et Cp !• n HuQl>HH 40 ,-. I 4\, t>u..::'1 2v.b 31 :in 1u •• ·~ HuoMsT eo,. " ""' d'IPnplW1 •• J ltV.t YI ~·~~11' 461 11?t• ,, ~l 111 1 )4 ""' • • """'' ..... ... • ·-• ~l.414 1 JO • , llO 14~ + V• Hutten 0 .S2 5 28 11 + \o r....;1.414 2 JS 116>0 1"~ . HllY<tl()t .40 IS 48 14 ..._, s , t 'w -., Hy0rom1 24 s • 1'1 Oym.ln~E'--IC ll'tllta~l-14-lf'•-'\ I $n4m .IO ll tt 1'\4-"1 IC Ind m-· .. 1100 ., -"" E ... ~ 1,, • ' ,. • • IC'"° ..... • • 1 :isv. E.aJ(aC.o 5 11 ·~-~ &1....-11 J., . 1" s~. ~ i ,.,,.,,11 . 41 2\1 • EM!QtF IO • 110 ~· '"' I .. 2.06 • 16 1.1\i.-\, ar.11u1t11Y1 1 1a WuYt-v. .-. •nit 1 1 40 16'f1• • .. k ... 25 "'S • ~ I ~ 4_. •• 1 11 • 1 ha 1..--' --I o~" 1 JI I>\• V. ~l lO 1 111 + ~ 10$ I Ill •• 20 l~ I..-' It . ! "r.'-'. '° Ill t'Wf .20 10 JI 1l . clltl'llM ·'' u v , .. ,... .. ' .... ,,o JI'., ". IU.11 J• •• 20 i. 4"-'4 ,.. E<llllNC.ltll ' ·~ lllPw11uu .. uo ., • Edlnllr IA t ~ >t\:.-·1. lllPw llf •.n .. r720 4l EG ~ G ,1216 JI 16\• -'J• lll:m J If., 110 40 • 1 t~ A"9(, 4 2-.-V. lllT W ,)0 tr Ot 2•1Q \1i •-7 •• It" •• ll'l\Pfr IC .JO • 111 t.\. • E .rr• .Ml 1 " "• n IN.A Cf t ,10 10 ts ll\t 1'4 'm*r.·~ ~~ tt .1~. ·;,. INA,,,,,,,,... II 1m \lo II "'· lndl..0-I t IS to • "" ••• '"° 1 ... . , .... ~ lj ,. * ~ . ~ PHC 1,10 1U U , '"' wa<;r I tt • M JJ\4--.. lllCINtt I. 241 6 U,,._ • \\ • •ro •1 -•rw•~• 011 • M •n t vo '""' I 1 ~ • • -"" 1-~ t.a 12 111 14" • 't l.Ml'yAlr ... l) ~"l-\I) 1:1·-. •• .. \ 1 ltnlf'Ylt' A 1 It 1e~ ',,. lfll 1~ · • 32 -I + EM!W't * ,. d\\ 1111~ , ... 6 106 )6 • \ll EMI ..... \ •• ,t • "-·" I"'"""'~ : ~ •:-.: ~ I'.~ i,1' t I 1 + \\ 1..iic. C .10 t JS f'4.-)' El'lill"' fin 1' • \\ ... l • MA PCO 10 17 llol 0 '•• ~ "'1ral710n M S 911 t• • 'NI• 011 , 80 10 .)<11 4 ..... Marcor!nc 1 a 30 lS • '• M•rcor pf 1 1 4q"' M•r•mn 40 10 aJ IS'• M•rMld I 80 6 II> It Mar•onL S1 U 'll 18' ' .. '• ::~::;r 2: ·~ ~; ~~:: ~ Mar loll 21 11t II 7'S ll1 ' -''• MrshM t 6071 80 SI -V. ,,.arsl>F I 1' 10 S9 20'-4i + 'I• Marl M 1 30 6 111 18 -t I/• "'arln P SOD 11 2f 231h "'o Cup SA I f4 ''"'• + 111 MaKoCp 31 71 1J2 .,.,, + "' M.i-01111• SA•• sa ,,, , :~:,~vr~ • ~ :!:~: '..! Ms lnlv ••D 111' 11',._ •..- M Mtlv Sl!D 9 IS 10''°" MalsuE 21D 11 27 1111.-~ "'•Y OS I 60 14 11A 43 +I MavtrOl 'l'2 I 20 21'~~ I> Mays.JW 28 'I S '"' + ,,. Mot11 t »a It II ,.,,.. M c A Inc I • 173 ,, .. _"'' McCordCp 1 I 10 13~ • '• McCrory CP J 3 + 1'1 ,,.t Otrmol 10 2•2 4'~+ '• McOonld Cp >S 17' fl1">-t' • McOonO 40 I Ill 14'1). '" Mc Gr E I 10 11 33 ""• ..... Mc Gr HI S6 • 3' ·~·. '. MGHlpl I 10 lO 1'1 M<lnlyre M 14 r.160 48 • l'l'I Mcr<ee A I• • IS 1•··· '> Mel.fl.Ill 72 • 13 ll +1'• M<L1111J)l>O 4 6J 17:1.\-'I• MCN«'ll IO 1 IS 10 Moo c 1 20 • n 1514• '" MHpl9190 llS +11 MeOu\a 1 4010 J 18 • '• M E I Corp 1 111 Jl,I, • •I• Mel S/\oe a 12 'll 1411, • 'I• MeMSCO 41 I Ht II\\• '9 Mer( Sit .eo 14 ' SI ') Merck I 40 >S 60S 1S'lo •; MtreOlll> 10 4 14 11 v. =~·~~T :f.' 1~ Jf.:-; ~! MuPpl 2 20 I ~ •• MtsPpl I 60 30 21"'• + '• MesaDI 9lb 10 ll 1oi ,.,. Me~I• M 80 U 3 1111.-Vt M G M l T '"' 1S~-~ Metrom so ' 14q 1m-•111 MelEpl I n 12SO 73Vt-l'h MGIC In 10 112 IJ' r-~ Ml<l>Gs I 10 1 I IJ"• < ~'O Mlcl>ST I 20 S 10 1' +1 "'icrod01 '° S If lJV. Mierow'"' 51 ' 14 I.,_ '"' MiOtonl I 08 I 40 I) MfdSoU I 2• 1 '9t 14.\11 Mldl•"O Ml 1• 2Vo Mldl....S A I S SJ t~+ ~ • MllHLD 1 21 t S6 17l1o • Mlllt'IBr )N 11 26 10 • MMl.M I 1S 24 n7 S7'At + V. MIMPL I S6 6 I 1111>-~ MIHllEQ 21 1 tt 1~ "4 fltlllMAvt20 4 21 tt\41+ ... Mo Pa< pf t It H~ •• Moll'rtCl .60 7 I ~ ••• "'° POS 14!1 1 l2 10 + ~ =g::t,ra~ ·' ,;; .!~ ~ illllohtKO ,60 4S .SO I& + ._ Mohawk 01 11 2tlt• \Ii MollWI< lllbl 6 H "'''+ ~ MOll'(rp 40 S 24 tll"r-\' MONrchT I s 1 20'-+ • .,. MofteOr am • 20 1111 .. "' Mo/lfffA .20 11 lot ... \Ii Ml1r!Mfl , • .o • u1· ••~• -v. NiOftt 0" t • 13 ' ,. • ... ~l>w I llO I 31 U + \o 1.... "U\I\+ Ill ~·· \S 1141•"' 1 * s ~u tiv. 1 P' I IO'U 1.i 5ftlt+ " MHnKll .• • r 2n,-"' ~··,., . ' P\•" Mon~ ,. • ll 1\• t 14 Mia Tr '41'11 • I J\'-"'' ~ .. ~. IJ -"' M!IW$. " m .. ,""_ .. Ml !'WI t It 11 »• ... Pel Inc pl t 2 I•'• ... '" Sl•n••Y ,.0 1 2b 1,1, • Weather 40 • 6 •' • '• ::::!1;<~ :g II 7~ g,., , • Slarrttt 1 • I II"-+ 11, Wtt>bOtl Cp ti 11 •' • PlotrtSI eo. lO •S 47 p, SIMulu.ol Iv I SCI 7 -'it WellMcL 60 1 11 8' • • 1• ~lrol-SO I 111 II' 1 , I SIMllS< 14b 13 11th .. •o WtlSMkl llO 8 • 18\.t -'• ""' ·-s1auller l •O 1 10I 18 • .,.. Welbllt Cp 60 I' Pe111C201D 10 10•, St•rcl>I aio 1 • +.,.. 'Wells fo t6 121 1)•, ... '• Plhtt .76" U 346 11' • '• St«"rlOr11 ,70 13 339 I~'"' 'Welll F '°" 4 6'~ PNID 0 7 70 It 6S J4l, • '. St~rdenl •O • u 13V, .. v. WU<OFI\ bO 7 I 11 ... Ptl•l•E! I .. 9 1'8 If'. Sl•vells 80 1 '1 1..-,+ 1, W"'1Ppl t•;·. 1200 SP~ '• Ph1IE1ot •1 • zlOO U Sl~Wn 1 '7 1 4 1•', + " W~IPI Pt>p 1 I JO lb'• -• • "'1EI DI I as t40 10 I ' StoklyV ' 10 s 4 IS-..... W\11\Af' •o. ' " 1•. • PllEI pl I 80 tlOO .,. • ·~ SlontCln 60 3 3 11~ • • Ws8anc I AO 6 81 ,,,. • Phil El pl 7 140 62 11 SllWW 1 SOb II 16 '7'1>-"• Wll!INA OSI U &3 11 • Pl>l1 SuD ,/0 I 4& 11'. ' '. SloP6.Shoe> I s 1 11'111• "' W\t Pac Ind 6 IS •4• . PP~lllllipp~ln'IOd 1.s 381•) ~~ '. SIO<'•~T Sk • .. 1411, + ,,_ WestPub 80 s ,. 11 • ,,. " lo • .. Storrr &rO 1 9 1S lltl't WUnlon I 40 SI 133 ••"' Pl'lllF'et I llO 11 188 SJ>• I \, StudeW 1 l2 ll 7 31•,.-'\ W\UllPI 4 60 1 44 PtlllVH 40.o 16 I'• 1 • SIUOtW pl S I 6I -I Wesfh Et ti 39 7J I 11' 1 • , Plc~ ... k Gib 1 .. IJ.... StuW pl I •O l 29 + ... W\IE!pl) 80 lSO ••I PltONGl11 I 1l ll'•• '• ~v• S'-' ll 2~\le W\lv.C lfO S l4 71> , f1~r l!mprt 21 21 611 '• !>ub Propn 1 6 a ISflr • 'We~ 128 I 1 16'/.-'• PPlt~,Y 11 8070 '? l~'IJ 6731:,•,-. ; ', Suet Ht lOa • 31 1"7+ 'h -rfhaS to 21 27l 38\o + ~ ~~ C ' ' Sun Cllm •O 1 7 IOV,-''t ""1 Frye 40 12 t• 20 + 1' I Pitiwy B 60 'I U'I 11~1 • '· Sun 011 }Ob S J2 J4'h'+-11o WhlPS I OSD I Ml ?O\'o -1,. P11f orQ tog JO 11 72h-~~ !>unOllpl 211, ._, ~ + 1 \MleelS1 Pl• •• 1200 SCI • PllUIOll tog 1 287 13'. 11'. Sunbum I 12 l3 ,,~ •.• wt.e.ISl pl s 180 '1V· '• PiiUI Hu1 11 9S 18' • ' Sun$lrl\d to 1 22 21 'IM>rlpool IO ll 4l 1S"ll • ' Pln•'lvl wl " t'l• Sun$1>11W 3' 71 21 U lJ'f.+ v.. Whit Con IO 1 .. JI~ -'. Plan Ro ni> • f9 4 • Sup 0 11 I 80 I) 1120 220 +3 WlllMol U)ll 16 •• 9• • Playboy 12 14 1'7 •' • '• Su~rGn 10 11 7'111 J~~ • Wlltttakr Cp 4 IH 41,. • '• Plessey '7b 6 ll I)'. Suprs<-s JS IS'I• t .... Wielltt Cp 1 12 19 17'• .. 'e PN8Mt 30b 11 I S' • SUprVa l 1 10 I •• 24~ W1t100ldt ,ll 11 J 3'• ~Po• 12,old 32 33 i••f '" 11, SutfoM 7Sb .. 12 H'o • Wlfllaml W • 203 .30'•-'• • " ... Sw•nll '8 • lSJ •-h,_ i/• Wiii Colwt$ 14 .. , Ponottoi• S Sl 20'? 10•,. -'• Syt>ron "' 10 tS 20•r, .. •n WlnnOx t 44 13 t 3 .>e -•. Pope T t.OQ 10 8 's... "• SyDrt\pl , 40 1 l''I• + "• Winnebago AS s• e • Porl< Inc I<; ' • 110, intron Don.. , 7\'lr+ Ii\ WltEIP f.92 II •• 271 -.,. Portupt s~ r60 •S -T T-WlsEfof I 'O. 1l0 ..... + 11• Por'IGE Isa II St IS'•• '• h118c:$1 '° • ,. 22\4+ v. Wls<on Gu 16Z """• "' PGE ofll so 110 101>.. • T•lcou Net .. 11 J • WIKPS I 31 'I • ,. ..... _ •,e. "°'"'" I 40 ' 1S fS • " T•ll•Y Ill '° ' 11 7V>+ ""' Witco c I 20 • • '1~. + '• Pol EIP I •• 9 67 101• • '• l'ati.y pl l • I 10'1•-V. WllcOOf 2 6S I ~ -I PolElpf s ... t!IOO SJ • hmD£ I 04 11 ,. 16'\t • WohtWI osc n • ,,, •. Pot El pl'': dOO 4S~ + "• Tandy Corp 12 174 41 --lit Womlco S6 q 10 l•I.. + ~. PotElpf 4 04 . 110 .0 • r.~c 20 •• a 6'/• • WooclsCp fl t 119 27 • '• PPGlllCI I 10 • ,., ,~... '. l'eclln<Olor ' 14 1*• v. Woolwh I 70 8 178 IS'.+ 'I• Prem Ind l6 9 30 17' .. ~e Tecllnlcon 10 ~ t + \Ill Wool pf 2 to l 76' 1-'• Prtm pl 'IO I IS Telrtronx .JO It 22 U •1o + ~. -·d Alnw 6 n ••e + \Ii Procl &Ge lll 266 l~'>-1 Tt*Of 2S 5 st .f~ WflQl,2.0..10 6 61 '1 •• ProOllU 30 8 7 to~• I.. TeltclyM J11 9 SJ 21 _ V. Wwlll.tr Co 26 S 5 -\e pro!tt I I 40 2 16 Jl' • I 1 Tt ltPrOmP • 3J7 6~ \+ W-,ly Corp ) I f ' • • h p s ,. Inc 1• •• Tetu Corp 10 411 2h+ \I+ -itYZ-PuS Col 1 20 6 ,. 14~• 1• T~o t 1' 6 21' 2.S~ Xero• Cp 1 It 1407 '1'•+ ~ PSColpf7 IS r70 II Tenne< Awl .. 197 2 ::· Xtr• lnc10I s Sl 101 ••• PSE&G I 12 8 Ill IS' e T-c 1J1 SV> .. \• ts\l'i-v. Y11t~ lnOus 6 IS ~·i. • • PSEGof I •O. l 400 14'. Tesorfllt '° 3 213 16~-14 YllGStOr 60 s ' •o~ ........ PSEGpl SOS •• Ll70 SO ·-1 • Tell.tCO ?a 1 t4t U Yi Z.ltCorp .7 I IS 190;. + - PSEGof '62 . zl>O •n .. Tell<:81'1 .t012 7 3'Vo+ ·v: laleCPC!f IO I ,.,, ••• PSE pt n 2S rlJO '°''~ TeXETf I 10 • u Uli\ 1-1• 60 4 e• )Jl, •• PuSln0)~10 JJ JS~. '· TxETllftl'\. 20 ,, ... ·~ Z-ta pl2. 1 ···~-s PS NHa I IO 1 q 11•' '• Tx<;-.T'r t • 11117 ~-1 z.,,.. CorP . 71 • + ~ PSNM• 1 ,. • 217 201• • I . , t•Qllll I 20 1 '° J)V. .. "" l.anllllllad ' •1 •S ,.... . • Publtcker SI 1 16 S' • • TtXHllld Ill t .31 U 'h-V. hnl lr>d J2 12 21 11 + \• Pu~lol lO-' • • 17 J• ' • ' e PrloAC C))fl . S 4>,-1 • PuGISP 1 " S I 2S' 1-'1 Pufman I IO 10 H S4''• •• Puru CP II I ll 121,i.-V. Purll•n Flll • tt 3 + '.'I PU rot 11tor 1 ll 14 35\11 + V. --0 0---0ul'Oei to II '°' 1.-.-~ mOt.tpl J .. ' SA + "• l'f'.56 •• fl;U) 10111·. ·~ llSOI ,64 U 114 t i • " ~r ~-.~• ... +\Ill "91tl!MI '° 16 IOS 0 R•mtO• • It 16 114 "' ••• ~nc· In 40 •• 16 • ...._ ~ ~CIA .m • jO • • ~ --=: ,... . . 1 1'14-" ... ,~ ~ 14 21--.. ~ ltayodl11U .40 t. W l,.._ + '' RaY1•11 ' 11 20S ---... lltCA Cor~ 16 S30 19~ '" RCA<" •·· f ~ ... ~l!j :: I i:-:• 'T$ 7 IOS 1?" , · • ... ~--;f· lt 1T~';" ~ ~ T 1 ld ~+ ~ """'" 11 IN4 I "'l;t~. 4 .. 12'h-"' ~ .,. 7 J •••+ ... tit< s ~ ltl' .. ..., •9'P.. .. " '"• ~ a.,,,.ier ....... DETROJT CAP) -Chrysler Corp. :i>ays it hes the financial muscle to re· vamp its entire U. S. car line by 1980 even though the firm will lose .nolher SS9 mllllon or more ln the currenl quarter. The company said Wednesday it is ln the midst of a $1.S billion product proaram that includes scallna down the size of inter medJate and C\ill·slzc cars and bulldina a front-wheel drive subcompact. · I C8 DAILY PILOT Thurada ,Ju 31 , 197 TV DAILY LOG Thursday Evening JULY ll •:oo oo • 10 mmCD Htws 3 Q n 3 1l 6 l'9•1 )N~1 0 • ··~•"ii Q 1"11d Wild Wnt ID '"'" "'"1 ij) Miid Sfo••d E!J Mlhl Tona l6 !ht l"•ldtfl (D EIKhll Comp11r EEl ~ockr & 111trNh •.JO 10 Mer, G11lhn Sho.- ID lh11 tin 17JISpy ffi 1'11 Chi Ch'"'" ("1 8 ) Or1lrr'1 Cho"• SJ lll•fl film G1llopm1 ~O••m•! l1tll• ~lltll\ l00 f)Q0 1J 6 ffiaJNr .. 1 ) hOR<•d• 0 IO•·•"~ lo• [kill'" ~ C> Mod SQUl11 I ltuth or Con1t11ut11u1 D Wh11'1 "'' liRt1 ID I Lowt Lucy (El l-t f8t UJ LI lobl 16 !ht 811 Y1llty I ED 8N~ 9111 lh<I populu book re 1 '''"' p1u~11m 111urn~ ~.1~ h01I Hullut Cr< m" IE I ) Boun11 Dr11111 Th<t• StOOl[tl !tC!OI', CliflllCI M-Keilty, dtOl(fS Int <IPIUll ot -ot lht ftlioOft's most ll01otJOUI C1tmin1ti 1111 St!· IUll of IU1pi~ maiktd lhe h•\I IHllC +n ii kwll UIHI l~I lfl,e !'It I ld111 ~"hid ~t-1111 tlltd ~d tht c1plur1 ol fl\ 181 Qu111r- ~ 1114n "ho l11d thl11ltned lu l.1H o,m 0 1:1 •• '1oJ m1tac Jhun1111 111 .. 11: (C) (2'1> "fllr~t f"• .1.~. 111" (R) (Id') "64 -~ul B1ynn•r. N(.hud W1dnurk. Ceor11 Ch1~111l, ~<111 PlfkCI lllf~ Gthctn. ol 1flt .,, Re~ut Serv•ce •<e dllP•Tchtd 11\ In l!tl otl 1he tol l1 o! Np1n •htff ~ u110 ¥1\UI IS bfint hit 1ntd by 1 11phoon As then p!1ne h~idl 11)< 1ht •!"Ck. lhtll 1nd1v+du~ \IOll H l<e told 111 tlnhback 6 Tilt Unt111Kh1bltl Q I ~ I ) J I Cl}ABC Spt<11I Mo~11; (C) (lh1J "Smilt, Jt~ltJ. You'" D11d" (R) (d••l '14 -01 .. u l •~\<,tn, And1t1 f1h1cnvl((1, IOftn anu•"un. An md1 .. aua1"r'' pr.v~le · "'''1111104 bttoln~i e~Qlto1111ll1 .n. l.td "tlh 4 t'"" P•ll milled • ,, mu•d'r br 1 dtlim~td phoios ,.~;·er lh1s 1111n 1,d tu lh• · H1oy ,,. t•,t••l•On 1<1>~ (D The Bold 0110 U) fU!!'Oll ll!rJWKll~ll ff) Holl)'Woocl lrtt .. S10n lhHlrt Anotlte1 P111 of rl'lt fore1t" CklrO· !hJ Mc:CiuHt, B11r, Sull.,111 1nd li11any Bolhn& 11itrS 1n lhil ~CH p10l!uc1•0ll ol UN11n Htllm1n·1 1946 h11 Br~d .. 11 pl•Y. I \f(lUtl lo '"lllf I 1l!t1 fu1t1 .. lh1s p1ob1ng 1lc1y ct the llPit'°"' HUbbi•d t•m•IY In lht 1i<11! C•"I Wu Sou1h t•PO~ lh• IJlnle1-1nen Ind plo!lrn.11 o! th in~ribta Anort" Punt and ll~btrt l~·~of\h ;iho ~!~< 16 (t ) ·ucu.1~ hlallll" (111YJ Fri day DAYTIME MOVIES I ·~ -D1n1 Aod1e .. s, J;ine P!l'l"tll. l:OO'IQ) (C) ·1·u flMI Ftrld Whirs Nis Hime~ (com) '68 -Or1!lll Wtlles, j C.111>1 Wh•le. JO·DO O "M1n11UJ ot feat" (111\"S) ·4~ -1 13 (6 1 (C) "t'1ss Cunenr {mys) lfJy M1lli1nd, M~riorie lleyn&lds. C111I 'll -Robe•! HooU. Jutm, Sli!t. l ~mond I Rob'rt W11nt1. Ci•ol Lynley. 6 "Tkt Oubidtr" (d11) 6~ -lon1 J:lO J J '\tit W1e•end'" (dr1) ··~-R~y Cu<t<~. J11nt1 ffilllt•l£U~ Mil!i!nd. Jane Wym1n. 12:DO W '1kt Loil Mo111ent• !dril 41 - ko~•rt rumn'!•nrs. Sus;i~ 111T"'J1d ~~ li\Gtl!thtld l 00 O "Lu\ ol tllt Wild Honn" (•nl ·19 J11nt; I t!•wn, M1ri Btlh """~s. 0 (CJ "l~ufldei Aller" (dr1) '61 - fftt'ln. Annette fu...ullo, D11ne Mt · B••n 4:00 Q (t) "lli1ht PHHJt" {du) '~I Jimt\ Slfl"•rt, Aud11 Mur~lif. 01• llutyti. -------------- Whenvousee Pizza Ads On TV .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i \ • • e Piping hot pizza delivered to your door. The perfect TV snack. Cati ahead and have e a Me·n·Ed·s pizza with your favorite TV snow e Between S -10 PM Sunday through Thursday. Or s -12 PM Friday and Saturdav. • Eleven varieties. Try one tonight. ••Costa Mesa O.,,n. ~..lh 646-7136 -1awn.-~ • Huntington Beacl1 ,,.M11.v .. 1zz• ,,.111.011• • 847-1214 30 mobile ovens for fast denverv • : ·.I • • • • • ••••••••••••••••• Clvll Grumbling ..• Gloomy Gus I lnlhe ' DAILY PILOT Scissors Sharpened • G1011ncl I•• ,.rt •• 1 •cit• bp lod•f'l eaporh '"''" 69c Shnrt • l""t in p,j..liftll, 1ewi119, krhr, 90rcltt1, lr.itth.tt 1d1~"· ""';"' 99c • All wt1lr. 4-11• whll• yow 1h., 511Hr1 'Handivac' • ltghtw•i1ht, nsy te use fer tfto.s• quick pickups • Opli•nal ottoth1M11ts enilokl• f•r obov• th. Hoer clffnhtt Black & Decker Jig Saw • Verlablo .,.M for 111 ,vrpot• U10 • Coli~ral1cl 1ilti"9 , ..... clolllil1 in~ f1S24 3499 Tru-Test'" Water Heaters • DMl'I Wt til it Mlrst1 •.. tlttoclr. ywr .W w•l•r ltHl•r ...... • • .,,.,, if witfi • clo,.ncloble, 1la11 IJllH • IMe!tr t1'4 lh'O 70 Gollen Size 6495 JO GoffN Sl10 ...... 7C.91 40 Go1IN Slit ...... M .9S SO Glitlon 511• ...... ••.91 ·- PRICES GOOD THRU ftUG. 6. PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR HOOV•ll CLE~N-RI 8-POINT FACTORY CHECK-GUT LIST • Cho<k 14!lt<lri<0I sys10ftl •' • Cho<k -cir oM bNrl111s • Cho<k oll movl111 ports • ci...k bell """ brushes • Che<k bo1 for deftds • Check filter system • Check and clean qitator • CIHn, grease aftd lubricate Plus Parts Free Estimates en mojer r•palr w•rk. O•ly g•nuin• ffoov•r ports Us•d. One Day Only! All Wark done whlle you shop. 11:00 A.M. to 4 P.M. ' Hoover 'Celebrity' • N• wM•l1, M l'Vflft9n ·-rill•s •n airt • I.I ,..~ Mrse,.w•r -•II st•~ <M1strucfle11 • \0-qt. <o,.Uty Mt. j!ilOOS Reg. S4.9S 3911 -- The Hoover 'Shag Machine' • E1dvslwo trt,I• action dMnintl • C.,..l•t• witlt teels f., eN yevr ........ ""' , ........ #04047 Reg. 14.90 Glidden Spred House Paint • LMt-lo•tilll .... ,,.,. rtll1,_ 1<rytlc '9Na • ~ fliikt. lw 11l1rlw ...4, _ _,,, Glidden Spred Gel Flo Paint • l1ttw Hikt for OM-<Mf C•Y• ..... • R~IHltmhM-MoJ .. • shl.ty ..... fl•Ji ' Reg. 11.99 8~! Reg. 13.99 IOt~ <~; . ; . ' ,, Charmglow"' Gas 'Economizer' Grill • • . ' ~ . . '. ,, " Speclall Wt••-' Grass Shears , i.., .......... i.. flttrtloss clttftii • a.e ..... ,.....~ ~~>.:::::~'"'h ,.... ... ,,,,. . , ·249 Vigoro"' 5% Sevin Dust • ~t•l•d• ·-· & ......... ," ,,.. •••<f• • I •• ihd:tr <•11 tf .... ,., l111to<tkW., <•• It• .a-4 .. "'' ' ,,,, sac Clamp-On Nylon Umbrella • o.1. ••....... .,._ ,., hl.tl~t.i...,...i. • Mn.I 1,_.. & ..... frA-41 3••