HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-28 - Orange Coast Pilot• om n s to DAILY PILOT Fortner Battin Aides * * * '10< * * * Tell Catnpaign Roles T.HURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 28, 1975 Vat. .... NO. 24CI, •SECTION$, 4J PAGES \ ' • • • • $300,000 Santa Ana Fire H Battin Aides Tell of Roles By GA.RY GRANVILLE 01 IM O•llY Piiot Staff Grand Juty transcripts not yet m ade public show that seven former members of indicted Supervisor Robert Batlin's staff testified they worked on Battin's unsuccessruJ 1974 campaign for lieuten-a.JJ» governor on Orange Co unty government time. ......_ And a state auditor-investigator estimated that Orange County taxpayer s paid at least $4 , 107 in wages alone to help finance Battin's ill-fated try for state of- fice. THE ESTIMATE of what former Battin staff members we re allegedly paid for actually working on the campaign was made by Ronnie Ament, an auditor-investigator for the Attorney General's Of· fice. Ament 's $4 ,107 estimate is included in 687 pages of testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared before the Grand Jury during its investigation into Battin's (See BATTIN AIDES, PageA2) Terror at Home Elderly Mesa Pair Held Up By 3 Men A trio of thugs burst into a Costa Mesa home Wednesday night after ringing the doorbell, overpowered and robbed a 78- year -old man and hi s wife and left with $26 after binding and Shot Woman Kept Alive By Machine By ROBERT BARKER Ol IM D.il1v Piiot St.ff A p r eg n a nt 2 1.year ·o ld Westminste r woman, a11egedly s hot acci dentall y by her l\Ltsband, bare ly clung lo life to.. day, sustained by life support machines at Westminster Com- munity Hospital. Official s r eport that Mrs . Sharon Sue Cody is in very criti cal condition. · A hospital official says today is particularly crucial for Mrs. Cody and that if there are no signs of improvem ent, a decision may be m ade to shut off the m achines . Mrs. Cody reportedly shows no bfftin wave activity and the re are no detectable signs oC fetal Ufe for her five·month-old baby. A spakesman says the decision to continue to keep Mn. Cody "clinically alive" is in the hands of her fa mily and physicians. "The hospital ls waiUng to see if there's an y hope at all," said a 1 !See MOTllEll, Pile A!) h .. gagging the m . Lue B . Grays on, o f 2817 LaSalle Ave., and his elderly wife finally worked free of ropes used to ti e th e m up and telephoned police , who were still probing the e pisode today. Officer Alan Cain said the cou- p I e explained they w e r e watching television about 8:40 p.m ., when the doorbell rang and Grayson answered it. He said the three men, aged about 18 to 20, forced their way in and wrestled him to the fl oor, commanding the couple to keep quiet and they would not be harmed. Detective Sgt. Sam Cordeiro said today they weren't hurt, but lost $26 in cash, their wallets, plus miscellaneous credit cards, identification papers and family snapshots. The couple was rather vague about descriptions ol. their at- tackers in the combined armed robbery and burglary, but said two had shoulder length hair and wote glasses. A granddaughter who lives with the Graysons was away from home at the time. police said. Peace Talks DARWIN, Australia (AP) - Members of a Portuguese peace mission who new today to the lsland of At.auro, 30 miles off war·torn Portuguese Timor, were hopeful leaders of the war· ring. rival factions would meet with them there. • 'I $300,000 Blaze DlllV "il•I SI.ti Plloto by P.ilrk -O'Do11 .. 11 FIREMAN KEN JACOBS HOSES DOWN HUNDREDS OF UNIFORMS AFTER SANTA ANA BLAZE Force of 41 Flrefighters Faced Searing Chemical Fumes In Laundry Fire OC Jury Indicts Ca1-i· Ronald Steven Carr, the son of San Clemente City Manager Ken· neth Carr. w as indicted today by the Orange County Grand Jury on drug and conspiracy charges. Named with him in an indict- m ent that lists eight felony counts are Robe rt Elliott Cooper , 31, of 26692 Calle Salid a, Capistrano Beach, and Rhyne Steven Averill, 24, ol 26721 Calle Salida, Capistrano Beach. Carr and Cooper are accused in three felony allegations or being in possession or cocaine for a ale. Cooper, al!;o known Scott 1-lugh Mc Keown races charges of con s piracy with Carr and charges of possession of rnan - juana with Averill. A D is trict Attorn ey ;s spokesman who prepared the in- di ctment of the three men said they will be arraigned Sept. 4 in SupeMor Cour i.. It was alleged in South Orange County Municipal Court action that has now bee n terminated in favor of Superior Court proceed· ings tha t Carr, 22, and Coo~-.cr sold cocaine valued at more than $2-.DOO to undercover officers. IJ'a h m e n w e r e 1rrested ., August 14 after a ty.·o-month in· vestigation which involved San Clemente and L aguna Beach police, sheriff's officers and state narcotics in vcsti ~ators. Carr and Coope r are free or bail pendi ng thei r appearance before Judge Ev£'retl W. Dickey. Carr·s bail is set at $25.000 and Cooper is free on a $50,000 bond. Narcotics investigators in· valved in the case said today that Averill a llegedly hid from t hem last Aug. 14 whe n lhcy arrived ul his Palis a des home to serve CSee SON, "'1,i::t• i\2) • Firemen Exposed To Gas By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ollfle D1ilyPllotSC.lt A force of 41 firemen was ex· posed to deadly chlorine gas and fumes from a mystery chemical early today in battling a $300,000 fire that destroyed a Santa Ana commercia l l aund r y a nd thous ands of workmens ' un · iforms. Investigators later this morn· ing were still probing cause of the 2 :15 a .m. blaze that injured six persons including rive fire men before it was quelled. Structurally, the cleaning plant known as Uniform s For Service Stations. 1002 E . C hestnut St., was totally destroyed, investigators said. A company s pokesman on the scene said the d estruction in· eluded $80,000 worth of service station attendants' uniforms and another $100,000 worth of just- manufactured d e nim a nd cor - duroy trousers. This would place the combined structural and m at erials loss a t more than $300,000 if estimates by firemen and company manage- ment ar e correct. Battalion C hief William Riemer said when men of Bat· talion One arrived at the scene in Santa Ana's industriaJ district the building was already totally in· vol ved inflames. The second a la rn1 blaze was r ag in g so severely adctitional £ire units had to be called to the scene, then it became apparent the <See FUMES, Page AZ ) Oracn~<:••t Weather More low clouds and fog arc in store for Orange Coast beachgoer s, at leasl until the afternoon hours F'riday. Not much tem- perature chang e . Highs ranging from upper 60s at the beach to the mid-8.Js in- land. INSIDE TODA 't' How can anyone leam lo en- JCl!J h/e while living with . an alcoholic? A reader t ells us how she ntanages through the lwlp of Al-Anon . See P.age Cl. Index •1 TOii• S.rwlt• Al lna.rmi•llefl D4 9oathMJ DS Mn Ulldt•I C1 Er,... lklmbot l C2 MolltJ Tr" C1 l...M. ao,. C• Mowl•I D• can1or1111 AS Mut1Y\~11fld1 c• Cl1ullltd Ol·U Nltloolol N9ws Al Comk1 D1 0.1 .... C.O"""V A11·1l O"ol1-rd DI ....... Cl·J Dot1tllNotic•1 .t.11 ~I D1 ·J .£61191'111 P• At $t0tl ~n.et1 C••l ,£11\HUIA-I DI T ... wl'"°" CS l"IMMe C:•·I TllNltf• 1)1 FwllMlll'Kor4 .t.11 W..iolhlr A.I ~.... Cl -•1" .,.,..., Al A2 OAILYPILOT s lhurAd1y, Augu111a. 1175 FTC Cites Funeral Hoine 'Abuses' ll'ASl!INGTON t AP> -The Federal Trade Comm..i s~ion le.- day accused the $2 billion-per· year funeral home industry of practices ranginG from body snatching to b ait.and-switch sales tactics and proposed rules to stop undertakers from exploit· ing And deceiving lhe bereaved. Announcing r esults of a two- year probe. the I-IC said it found widespread a buses a mong the nation's 22 ,000 funeral homes . / In additio n t o lh e body snatching and balt·und·switch tactics, the FTC said it found re- quirements for the purchase of expensivr coffins for <'remations. Ca lse c:lai m s for wate rproof burial vault£ and profiting on Cl owe r s , c l e r gy men a nd 1>allbearers. At the sam e t ime, the PI'C an- nounced acceptanC'e or a eonsent order requiring Service Corpora· lion International -SCI -of ~loust on, ·rex ., the nation's largest funeral home C'hain, to re- fund overcharges for cremations performed th~ past 41h years . The propo11ed funeral rules, if adopted, would override any .state and local laws that protubll price advertising and that rc- qu.irc c askcts for t: rcn1alion. An a<'companying PJ'C staff document .:said stale regulatory boards are often under the con· trol of the industry. and Lhat the a:eneral counsel of the National Funeral Directors Association, the industry's largest trade as- sociation . ::i lso is generaJ counsel to the conference of stC1.te re· i;ulalory boards. Battin Had 'Problems' Porrw Queen's Name in Political Files Indicted Orange County Supervisor Robert Battin's Un· s uccessful 1974 campaign for- lieutenant governor was beset with problems, not the least or wtuch were Hobert Redford, Paul Newman and Linda lov- elace. In testimony before the Grand Jury, former Ba ttin staff aide Dan Ryan said he ran afoul of Redford and Newn1an when he was told to add their names to political tiles he was ordered to maintain . Ryan told the jurors he had no trouble identifying Redford and Newman but that ''it .... ·as virtual· ly impo~.s iblc to find their ad- dresses. Miss LoYc.>la ce became a pro- blem ...,.hen her name popped up on a list of Sierra Club members, the former aide said. After being asked if the Sierra Club Lovelace "'as the porno movie queen Lovelace, Ryan replied. "I don't know. But her card seemed to be well used." Ryan "'aS one of past and pre· Fr-Page A J BATTIN AIDES ... 1974 bid for the Democra tic Party's nomination for lieutenant gover nor. As a res ult of its inquiry, lhe jury indicted Battin earlier this month on charges of grand theft, mis use of public funds and multiple counts of filing false claims. BAITIN HAS PLEADED innocent to all charges. He was scheduled to appear in court today with his at- torney, Matt Kurilich, in a bid to quash the indict- ment. While the s late auditor-investigator estimated what the taxpayers allegedly lost in campaign wages, no value was put on paper and other county supplies witnesses s aid were used in Battin's campaign. To estimate campaign wages allegedly p a id the forme r Battin staff members from ~larc h l, 1974, through June 4, 1974, the auditor: -DEDUCTED $1,450 paid them in June of 1974. by the Friends or·Battin and subtracted. that amount from what otherwise would have been paid them by the county. -Used former stafr members' ·own estimate of the they they worked on the ca mpaign at coun- ty expense. For example, Battin's chief aide in 1974, Ted Moraitus. testified that2S percent of hi s time during the three-month campaign period was devoted to politics. His county pay for the period "'as $3,976, leaving the auditor to conclude that $994 was paid to Moraitus by the county ror work· ingonlhecampaign. USING THE SAME formula based on the staff member's own estimates or county time spent campaigning, the auditor con· eluded Julie Helling Grimes was allegedly illegally paid $1 ,043, Dan Ryan , $843 and Steve Knobloch, $308. Ament tes tified that Janet Turner improperly received $522 in county wages and that Dawn Papp was paid $397 in county funds tor campaigning. In Ament's $4 ,107 summary, he did not assign lost wages to then and c urre nt s taff members Walter Kapanke and John Rueda or former s lafrers Ron Dosh and Patti Short. Ryan, Knobloc h, Kapanke and Rueda are s till county employees. Alter former county Assessor Andrew Hinshaw 'ol.'as indicted las t sprin g , the Boa rd of Supervisors demanded that he reimburse the county for wages paid his staff members while ORANGE COAST s DAILY PILOT l•• Oo an90 to••1 D••'-I'<•~• . ..,,~ "'"'<" •• <....., ......... '"" "''"'' "' "' ·• ""U"'"'d Q .. '"' O•""QO Co.I>! l'\Jbl"""'1 ro"'""n' .,.,,..,.,. od•Uo"' .,. ""'"''"'"" """"'•f on•o,.Qn f••('.la~ '"'" Co"• ""''"· '"'"''''"' Bo.><" ·~•'"•"Q'"" """"' • oun· 1a1n \l•'I•> tr~•nt S•<l<ll<b•" .,..,,., """ l•Q•"• ~''°'" ~~•n (~•" A ''"'I'° ··~·~""' ..,.!Ion '' """'"nod }ah,.d••• """~""O••• ''"'" ri;;.:~~~.~t,.:::~;"~.;.',· .. ~·"·~·,;~,.l"I) ...... ,,., Robe r t N. Weed r ....... M '"" """'""'' Jatk R. Curiev '41(• ...... G'<""' ..... c.. ..... 1 ,,.. ... '11', Thom a~ Kec·-.il Thomas A M urphlot' -naQ••t [O•"" Chdr le~ H Loos R1cn<1rd P N•ll • ""'•~t "'• "'''"'l lo""'' Otllt•s (&•!•"'•"' lloO ..... •B*·\• .... lt•w~•!lleo<~ JU)•,. .. ,.,.,,...,,, •• ,,., ~ • .,,..,. e. ...... ltM C,••-"• ~, •• ., """''fOqt-111•.c ~ ,,.,, ....... 11<1"'····· ~lti>oc• "•"•• 11101v Pa'"'"""' •• S,.,n O••o• rt••••• T•l•P"orw 17 141 M2-tl21 Cl•s11flM A41v•r11slt'lt M2·Jt71 "'°*''•""" • V•'"' ,. • .., 0t'"" s11 .. 310 ''•"'~"Cl•"'"-49.S·06JO '•om-·~ O<o.,.. c;e-.nh c;om..,...,.,,,, $40·1220 Co~r •10M, 1011 O•o•t• (<>•" ""~'''"'"' (""'Pt •¥ ... ....,,.,,..,,,., I •~'""''o"' .. ,,.,.,., "'"'"' ... ., ............ ~ .. ""••" ...... " ., ...... , •• ""''"""' ...... , p ............. . ....... Q .. ,6 ..... '"' o"• '''" .. 11•0• <>••d •• t o•t• -'••• (•"''" .... '""""~"'"' •• , ...... u 00 """'"'. """''''" 00-11·•· ... , ................... u.. -·~h allegedly working on his suc· cessful 1972 campaign for con· gress. THE SUPERVISORS also asked S7 assessor 's offi ce employees to pay back what they had allegedly been paid for cam· paigning. Not having seen the Battin transcripts, the supervisors ha· ven'l taken a position on recover· ing the taxpayer losses alleged in the testimony. r Revealed in tbe transcripts is that the Grand Jury's investiga· tion was touched off by Mrs. Papp. The former-Battin secretary \\'as the first Witness called in five weekly secret jury sessions that led to the indictment. According to her testimony, Mrs. Papp in early July told her present employer, Tustin at- torney William Dougherty, of strange campaign practices in Battin's office when she worked for him in 1974. Later that same day, accord· ing to Mrs. Papp, she talked with two di s tri ct attorney in - vestigators. WHAT DID BATTIN'S former staff members do to help him win the Democratic Party's nomlna- Uon for lieutenant governor lut year? According to their testimony, they: -Stuffed and addressed en· velopes tor a portion •of the 140,000 "Robert W. Battin, the fighting Democrat ror lieutenant governor" mailing brochure. -Starred or played bit roles in a JO -second Battin TV com· mercial filmed at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. -Solicited student malling lists from U n lYe r si ty of California campuses, Battin's college fraternity , labor union!, veter-an groups, state Polling judgej and the Sierra Club. -MAINTAINED AND added names lo an apparently massive politi ca l card tile that the supervisor uses as the backbone of his political actiYlties. COLLEGE EXAM 111E HARD WAY TOKYO (AP ) -A collefe stu· dent escaped from an apartment today after being held at knire· point for four month.! by a room· mate who wanted him to take col- lege enlrance exams in his place, poUce said. They said Yoshlo Sakak.ibara, 23. was cut In the hand by hi!S 18-year·old roommate, but Oed when the roommate fell asleep. Police laid the roommate fore~ Sa.kaklbar4 to study 12 houn a day, and warned him if he escaped he would set 1ancs ter1 to kill him. • sent Battin !laff me mbers wh o testified before the Grand Jury during its investigation into the supervisor 's t r'y for th e Democru.tic Party 's nomination fC1r lieutenant governor last year. And while he was unhappy about being assigned the chore of maintaining Battin's elaborate political card file, the indicted First Di s tri('t s upervisor ob- viously regards it as an im(Xlr - tant task . .. A lot of people have, you might say. broken their careers on fouling up my lhree-by·fi ve cards," Battin told the Grand Jury . .. I have even fired guys who have passed the California bar e x amination because the y couldn 't keep these particular three-by-ri ve cards." he added. Battin 's testimony came in his second appearance before the Grand Jury as he tried to head orf an indi('tment relating to charges of campaigning at taxpayer ex· pense. But a few hours after he left the witness stand Aug. 13, at least 12 jurors voted to indict him on seven felony counts. Before they did, however. Ra t· tin was given a unique chance to tell his side of the story by jury foreman James Utter. The foreman allowed Battin's attorney, who was waiting out- side the jury room. to submit 11 written ques tions that wer e asked the supervisor by Deputy Di st . Alty. Jack Ryan. In his ans wers to those ques- tions, Battin maintained that members or supervisor s' stalfs fall under special duty regu.Ja- tions, adhering to assignments and hours Prescribed by their employer . He also gave the jury docu· ments he said showed that he ac· cepted payroll sheets submitted to him at face value and did not intend for the staff to work on his campaign at county expense. Battin also produced campaign records that show postage, sta- tionery , travel expenses and other items related to his 1974 campaign h ad been paid by the Friends of Robert Battin. But the t estimony of the rune past and present staffers indicat- ed they had worked many more hours on the campaign on county time than they had been paid for with Friends money. And , six of them testified, they had been asked to prove they were regist e red Democrats before being added to Battin's staff. F\lrthermore. three testified, they were expected sometimes to work 60 hours a week for 40 hours pay. Battin did not refute the allega- tions which were unkuown lo him at the time he testified. "I expected my staff to work 40 hours for the county and another 10 or 20 on my campaign if it needed it,·· he said. Classifying himseU as a fi scal- ly conservative Democrat, he said he beli eves it nec~sary for members of his stllf'r to be in philosophical agreement with him. During Battin's lengthy volun· tary stay on the witness stand. he and Ryan frequently had difficul- ty staying on the same wave length. For example, at the conclusion or a long answer he gave when asked how many earth be keeps in his political files, Battin said: ", .. And my latest batch Is a group of persons who signed a pet1t1 on f'or a s tronger no- smoking ordinance in OrBnge County. I was going to explaln that-" "I don 't smoke, Mr. Battin," Ryan interrupted. "I don't even Uke smoking. l mean, people who get In the e le"·ator with me with cigars--· .. ''Hav e you perfo rmed a citizen's arrest ?" Battin asked the deputy d1strict attorney. But sm oking was not the issue before the Grand Jury. The Jurors later decided there was enough evidence on hand to warrant bringing Battin lo tr1 al on charges he misused county t"mployes and :supplies in his bid lo be a Ucutenant goYem or . Firemen on Strike BERKELEY (AP) -Fire pro- tection remained draaUcaJly re- duced in thlg university city of 118,000 today, and there were no reports of progre1s toward settle- ment oft.he two-day-old slrike by nre fi&hter:s. "T h<' ind us try 1s well or- ga111zi:-d In lt·r111s of state bo~rtl..; or regulation ~uui trade assot1a· lions :ind us~s ils udYantages tv U1nit price disclosure, IOW·C'OSl disposition , prcneed arrange. n1l•nts, :ind price <Jdvcrtising, all in the n:unc, o( course. of pro- fessional ethics and Good llr<lC- tice," the Bureau of Competition paper s aid. The proposed trade regul"1.tion wo uld prohibit undertaker s from: -l>ic king up or e mbalming Tl1e lleat's 011 ('t1rpSC'S \\'ithout the family's pern11 ~s 1 on, kno"·n as bud}'· :.natching. Rt•fu sing to rcl ea~e remains upon l'l'QU('S( of .surYIVlnh: re· latives. -Suggesting that a customer'• concern about price Indicates lack of respect or affection ror the decea§ed. -Profi ting on arranaements for-flower s, pal lbeare rs . crematory c harges, c lergy honorari a, mus ician• and obituarieK. Hot water s torage tank at El T oro apart- ment complex h olds enough sun -generated wet stuff lo kee p residents in 32 apart- "Tients s in g ing in the s hower. The ~olar- power syste m 1>any official s PageC7. Man Attacks Girl In Laguna Beach A man brandishing a large switchblade forced a 17·year·old Ir-vine girl into a garage behind a Laguna Beach residence Wed - nesday afternoon and attempted to rape her. The incident look pl ace not far from the Laguna Beach City Hall annex where La guna Beach police detectives are based. Det. Gene Brooks said the girl, who was in Laguna Beach to visit friends, had stopped in the 600 block of Goff Street to eat a sandwich sh e had purchased downtown. The girl told in vestigators that a man approached and mumbled about trying to rind some fri ends of hi s. As the girl started to leave, the man pinned her against the side or a building, drew lhe large From Page AJ MOTHER • • police offi cer. "It's a terribly agonizing de· cision, and understandablr, no one is anxious to make it, · the policem an said . He said erforts were being made to contact Mrs. Cody's re- lat'ves in the East. ~le said the husoand, Ge rald Allan Cody Jr .. is "emotionally wrought"' and not able to make a decision al this time . Cody was lod ged in ·Orange County jail, c h arged with manslaughter in his wire's shoot· ing. Police today also provided rurther information concerning the shooting. They said Cody was in the habit of arming himself and dur- ing the morning of the tragedy, he took the gun out of hi s wais tband and put it on a counter. He noticed that it was still cocked, officers said, and in the process of uncocking it, the gun went off and s truck Mrs. Cody, -who was in the line of fire. kn ife and for ced heI" in"to a nearby garage where the rape at· tempt occurred, Brooks said. The gi rl described the attacker as a male caucasian, 30 years old. fiv e feet JO inC'hes tall, medium build. with curly red· dis h-brown hair, and moustache. Brooks said the s us pect escaped down Goff St.reel alter the incident. From Page A J SON ... search warrants. They said they fou nd narcoti cs and other evidence implicating him in the case. but the resid ent assertedly eluded arres t. Postal Hike Yule Gift? WASHINGTON (U l'I ) - The J>o stal Rate Com- mission today set the stage f or in c re as in ~ th e minimum mailing cost of a first·class letter to 13 ~ents by Christm as. (Related picture. Page/\4.) The commission's. split decision is expectt!:d to qui ckly result in a U.S. Postal Service boost of three cents for sending one-ounce, first-class let · ters. The cost is now 10 cents. But th e '1 -1 v ote, scheduled lo be offi cially announC'ed later in the day, did not give all the Post.al Service reque~t ed In order to trim its g rowing deficits and put the s ervice on a pay-as-you-go course. R<'<!uiring the i,UrC'hase ot a <'Ostly casket for imme di ate cren1ation , ;,1n1l refusing to sell inl'Xp{'n:-iYe cardboard bo!l:t'S or eanvas or plasti c Jlouchcs for lhc ashes. -Mi li re"presentlng the r,ubU c h<'allh necessity for emba mlng, caskets and buriul vaults. -Bait·and-swltch selUng· tac· tics, whi ch di s play cheaper caskets in battered condition or unattractive colors. is working well, gas com · say. See story and J>hoto From Pane Al FUMES. • • fi refighting force was e n - dangered. ''We c n cou nt('red som e chemiC'al hazards," said Chi ef Riemer. He said the plant contai ned drums of chlorine a nd a grease- removing chemical that so fart<.>- day had not been pret.·1scly idcn·· tified. Little danger of an explosi on ex- isted, said Chief Riemer. but he added that when such chemicals become super-heated as in a fire they e m it dangerous fumes , especially chlorine gas. "We've had no problems yet. but we'ye asked all the men to watch themselves,·· he said. Limited amounts of such fumes can cause lunp; damage which de- Ye lops later. in a pattern similar to tis sue da mage American astronauts ris ked by ac('idcnlally breathing fumes during the re· C'ent Apollo s plas hdown. Chief Riemer said five firemen and one civi li an were injured dur- ing the predawn fire. sustaining minor burns and s prai ned limbs , but did not r equire hospitaliza· lion. ''They were treated al the scene by our paramedics," he said . Watches Fixed Via Telepathy BOGOTA . Colo mbia <UPI) - Israeli telepathy s pecialist Uri Geller went on televi sion and told viewers with broken watches to clasp them in their hands, stroke them gently and say "Work , Work. Work ." Sure enough, calls poured into lhe television sta tion from people who claimed stopped watches had started ticking a_itain. Geller's appearance Wednes- day night was part of the World Co ngress of Sorcery. Geller. 29, the main attraction at the con- gress. s hrugge d orr his ac- compli!Ohments in an interview rorthe 'l'V cameras. "I'm not the on ly one who has these powers," he said. Police Laud Mesa Teen Youth Witnesses Assault, Nabs Suspect A 16-year-old Costa Mesa youth was commended by Newport Bt-ach police today for his cap· ture of a young man who alleged- Jy assaulted a bus driver. DeteC'tive Ken Smith said Robert J oseph Brant will receive a "good citizen letter" for his er. forts Monday, when.he chaaect and caught ll man who he saw flee from a scutrle with a public bus driver. The incident occurred about 6 p.m . at Balboa Boulelard and Wesl Coast Highway in West Newport. Following his Ca pture by YO!J-11& rl . ' Brant, Terry Lee Ka brud, 20, La Habra. wa!J arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadJy weapon. Two others we re booked on lesser charges, police s aid. According to Smith, Kabrud and two companions boarded the Orange County Transit District bus a nd were immediately told by the bus driver to leave when he discoYered they were drinking alcohol. Before stepping off lhe bus. Kabrud allegedly !truck the bus drlYer Richard Rice, 23, of 42-t [;a Eape:ran:ia, San Clemente, with his fist, Smith said. Ri ce ran after the trio and Kabrud and the driver tussled jul!t outside the bus, accord.Ing to police. Before Kabrud Oed , he al· legedly struck Rice actotss the back with a heavy Western belt buckle, palice said. Smith s aid Br-ant !law the lnc!I· dent, pulled his car over and began pursuJng Kabrud on foot as he ran away. Brant caughl up with him at 47th Street and brou1ht him back only aner Kabrud allegedly attempted to choke him and lashed h.im wtih the buckle, police said. ' Thursd11y, Augusl 28. 1975 DAILY PILOT A3 & 'LS ~@ (I:!] [? @@(?W0©@1" Tri-city Route Opposed Thi• t·olu111n a 1111(·ctrs d11:1Jy l'Xl'l!lll Saturdays and Mond2y1t. 1,,,f u l"'"''''t1!'1 l/11·n 11r1/1 • /'ul /1u101 /'11111 1/11111 ,, d r11/H' u•·l llit' 1111\li or , !/li!f 11~ I '" 11 11< 11/ 111 1 ·d / ri \.i/11• 1'!1 '•/ll!/i1'\ Ill '/" i ('I '1111 ! 'Ill ( /111 I l•1i · 1111 •_\\ 'l ui/ l/IUU (jl/1'\l/l/ll\ /11 / '.1 r 1 J 11 r1 ,, 11 , ).,1ir ,\1•/(/14' (/1(1rll/1' (00oj\f /11 4/llJ /•if,,/ I' 11 111 , .1 I ,,,1, r '"·''" ,,, \'I f " I 11!'•''• /111 /111/,• //"Ill ,,.11•11/11"1·· 11u n1l 1,•1 Srttoklng C'11rb• DEAR PAT: I'm interested in obtaining the exact wording of recently proposed state legisla· Lion pertaining to .!moking in th.e prcsent·e of othC'r persons. \'v'hat are the numbers of these bJUs. and wh<'l'l' s hould I virile? J>.A., l.;1guna Beach Request the text of AB 470 and AB 2291 (!unol4 in g restrictions in public accommodation!'! build· ings), AH 471 (non.s moki ng •reas in private buildings) and SB 567 (smoking a l open and public mee tings). Send your let- ter to LE'gislative Dill Room, S tate Capitol, Roo m 11 •19, Sat•ran1 ento, C 1\ 9581•1. Loi • of Cr<'flll DEAR PAT . I have more than 400 credits from tcchnic<JI schools and a"credited colleges and universitl{'S. \\/here can l get information about obtaining an advanced degree with a minimum of add it tonal errort"! 0 . 0 ., Costti J\.1esa Contact tht· a dn1issions office ()f cat:h coll ege or univers ity where you are considering ob- taining yo ur advanf<!d degree. Be ready to provide transcripts of all your c redits. Working with the counseling dt•J)artments at these schools "'ill dete rmine which one will accept the most credits a nd allo"' you to get your advanced dt•gr cc as quickly as possible. \'our area of specializa· lion and t he schools" policy on transferring course credits "·ill determine "·hich. if any, other courst>s you "·ill he required to take to earn an advanced degree. -Sla i n • Colla r ed DEAR PAT: I purchase<) a $27.95 white vinyl coat at J . C. Penny on May I and had the sleeves shortC'ned al Jfouse of 1'ailoring in South Coast Plaza on May 8. When 1 picked up the coat and paid $5.50, I discovered that the collar was heavily marked \11ilh ink in sever;.il places. These m;.~rk s Wt.>rC' not there "'hen I took the coat in for alteration. The 1nanagl'r would not even discuss the p1·oblem wi th me. Jle j ust de- nied that hi s store had made the marks . Severa l cleaners and clothing shops have told me there is no "'av to remo\·e this ink . -C. D., 1-luntington Beach The manager of House of Tailoring de nies responsibility ror the ink s pots. li e said that he doesn't have that particular ink in bis store, and that he had of· fered to try to remove the stain for yo u, hut you refused to bring the coal back lo the store. Although you say the material has been damaged by alt.empted cleaning · on your 11art, several products do re move ballpoint ink stains on vinyl n1aterial, accord- in g to 1\ VS research and reader!i' ex p e riences. They inc lude "'Specia l·T," a Specialty Coaling & Chemical t'o. product (73 14 Varna, North ltolly wood l, Amar· 1\11, available at art supply stores; lnknix, a Parker Pen pro- duct sold at offi ce supply stores; 'L .0 .C .• distributed by Amway, and cuti cle r e move r products. T hu111b's llp James Paces, from Portland, is hitchhiking back to home to\.-vn after visiting parents in Cleveland. He says he's in a hurry and wasn't havin g much luck until he tried out hi s fa ncy thumb. Fair Skies, Police Expected on Holiday Mostly fai r "'eather "'ill beckon holiday travelers in Southern California over the Labor Day weekend, according to forecasters, but travelers are be- ing warned that it may be a siren call. For the w o rd from the High"•ay Patrol to motorists is to drive safely or they·u be booked , while the U.S. Forest Service warned intending campers that most si tes are already reser ved for the weekend. Any sites lert arc likely to be fi lled tonight or early Friday morning. "Carry a toothbrush .. -to be used in jail -is the s logan the Highv.:ay Patrol is using to alert motoris t s that they will be especially hard on dMvers who drink this weekend. Authorities have pointed out that 516 deaths were recorded on the nation's highways last year \\'ith the to ll expected to be higher this year. i'i1 otor travel in 1975 is reported up 5.7 percent Blaze Que lled At Pendle ton Eighty ac r es of Camp Pendleton brushl a nd wa s destroyed by fire Wednesday, but a state forestry spokesman said a r.earby Navy ammunition depot was out of danger. J\.1arine Corps and forestry un· its battle d the blaze eight miles northwest of Fallbrook. No injuries or damage to struc- tures were reported . over last year, when gasoline "'as hard to get. Though most camp sites already have been reserved, the 1'~orest Service did say that those wanting to spend the day only in hiking or picnicking areas should have no trouble. A spokesman for the Orange County Department of Harbors, Beaches and P arks predicted that O"Neill af!P. Featherly parks will be packed Friday night, but "there m ay, be a few vacancies," he said, at Caspers Regional Park up Ortega Highway. The U.S. Coast Guard urged boaters to drive defensively, pre· dieting that the waterways will be as crowded as freeways. Los Angeles International Airport of- ficial s warned those planning to catch or meet a plane lo aJlow an extra 90 minutes to get to the airport and park. Trash pickups will be postponed a d ay next week because of Labor Day, except £or Seal Beach. San Ju a n Capistrano. Capistrano Beach, Dana Point. South Laguna and Laguna Hills, and communities in Irvine where arrangeme nts are made by tract associations. Selassie Buried ADDIS ABABA, EUtiopia CAP) -Halle Selassie, the de posed em peror of Ethiopia who died early Wednesday at the age or 83, is already in his grave, Radio Ethiopia said today. The broad- cast said a funeral was held Wed- nesday after noon, but there was no indication of where the ceremony took place or if any of Selassie's relatives were aJ lowed to attend . A ft e r .Judge's R11ling State May Buy 2 Coast Parcels THE IRVINE COAST and Bolsa Chica Mursh were two of 31 parcels recommended for public purchai:;e by the stale Coastal Commission at its meeting in Inglewood Wednes- day. The commission recommended that about three rifths or the $250 million available in land acquisition money be spent in Orange and Los Angeles counties. Commissioners cited the paucity or available land ror additional park and open space acreage. · THE LARGEST PURCHASE listed a rnongthe31 parcels was the 450-acr e Bolsa Chica Mars h between Huntington Beach and Seal Beach. The Irvine coastline, already eyed as a stale park, would be limited to public r ecreation including "vi ew cor· ridors. ,. Also, commercial recreation facilities were called for at Crystal Cove and low·cost public campgrounds in other areas. The commission rejected an idea to purchase the entire 10,000-acre Irvine Company coastal area. The comm ission also determined that no more parking lots would be purchased for Huntington Beach State Iieach. It a lso decided against "intensified land use in areas with severe traffic congestion," s pecificall y naming Newport Beach. 250 Wate h Liz, Dick Pray At Wailing Wall JER US ALEM CUP !) - Elizabeth Taylor and Ri chard Burton visited t he Wailing Wall today, separated by the tradi· tional barrier dividing men and women at J ewish holy sites. "It's a ve ry strange and mixed reeling even ror an agnostic like myself,'' Burton said af- terwards. "I think you might describe it as some atavistic streak in the bones that comes back ... " The actor put on a black paper skullcap as he walked across the broad concrete plaza leading up to the creviced wall, believed to be the only remnant of the serond Jewish te m ple destroyed by the Romansin70A.D. He bowed in front of the massive oblong stones, touched them with his left hand for a second and stood quietly for 30 seconds. Miss Taylor, on the other side of the iron barrier, said she prayed for ''peace in the world.·· A crowd or som e 250 tourists pressed about the couple when they approached the wall and security men grasped hands and made a protective ring around them . Then they separated to ap· proach t he wal l. Surrounded by photographers _Miss Taylor said s he was enjoy'. ing Is rael "but I 'm having some trouble seeing'' a nything because of the crowds in her way. She said they had a date for cocktails with Secretary or State He nry A. Ki ssinger tonight when he is expected to return from AJexandria on hi s peace shuttle. Wh en the couple left their hotel suite earli er the elevator broke down a nd bodyguards scufOed with reporters and photo- graphers. Pollution C i t e d B y Firm · By DOUG FRITZSCIU: Ot '""' D••l1 PUol si.n An Irvine Company planner said Tuesday th at a road systetn proposed by councilmen frorn Irvine, Laguna Beach and Ne"·port Beach for the com. pany's coastal la nd would in - crease congestion, pollution and the amount of driving. \\1illiam Soto. an Jrvine Com- pany transportation planner. made the comments during a description to the Irvine City Council or plans for the coastal lands. The coastal area is in the roll- ing wtincorporated land between Irvine, Lagun a Beach and Newport Beach. Soto said that an alternate road plan drafted by representatives from the three neighboring cities would mean residents of the coastal zone "'ould drive 118,000 more miles a day. The alternate p lan was dr afted in an attempt t o keep down traf- fic on Pacific Coast Highway. There are no new roads going through the 10.000-acre coastal land under the tri·city plan. Company plans call for Culver Drive and Sand Canyon Avenut" to be c ut through to the coast. By having no direct access to the coast, Soto said, residents "·ould drive around the property. adding miles traveled. He said a proposed park-and - ride system with inland parking lots and tram connections to the beach would not be used. The in - conveni ence of the syste m pro- posed by the cities woul d mean beachgoers would go elsewhere : leaving the Irvine Coast "un - derutilized"'' Soto said. Company p l anner s a lso touched on the topic of public ac- qui sition of 7,000 acres of open space planned for the coastal area. Jn softer tones than during pre- vious presentations, Company Pla".hner Don Cameron said cities or Orange County would not necessarily have to buy t he open space land, only accept title to· parts of it. He also said that no firm com· mitmenls need be made on ac· quisition immediately. A few more days and it's all over. Your opportunity to save big and save luxuriously. Our aeot Drexel an9. Heritage Rlrn1ture is just about to end. Hot Springs Shut Downt What? You haven't shopped yet? Don't waste another minute to discover tempting reductions of 15-20% on D rexel'and Heritage'upholstery By WILLIAM SCHREIBER 0 1 lllt O•flr Pllol Sl•ll A municipal court judge's r ul- ing in Laguna Niguel has forced Orange County supervisors to pass a new resolution closing down the old San Juan Hot Spr- ings in Ronald W. Caspers Regional Park. The board's original order was ruled unconstitutional in an 11· page south county court decision rendered Au g . 12 by Judge Richard llamilton, County Counsel Adrian Ku yper 'said the judge used several technicalities to rule the originaJ closure resolution violated t he "F'\rst Amendment rights of peo- ple arrested for trespassing al the old spa, JQcated 12 miles in· land rrom San Juan Capistrano. , According to court transcript$, J-Jamilton dismissed the arresL-; d 20 defendants arrested at the springs si nce the board closed t hem down and Increased Sherirr·s patrols. • The board's June 29 re-solution declared the springs off limits to the public and required posting of ''No Trespassing" signs. The action was taken in the wake or mounting public pre· ssure to eliminate the springs as an attraction to young people who repartedly engaged in sex· ual activity, nude bathing in pools and drug use. Supervisors chose to close t.he area pending long-term study by the county Harbors, Beaches and Parks Department or t h e reasibility of putting the area to use as part or Caspers Park. The court record or llamiltoo's decision notes th at the discrepan· cies in the closure order were found by county deputy pubUc de render Gordon D. Haigh. According to Hamilton. the court's order was vague and no gener al notice of the closure or- der was given by the director of the county J-larbors, Beaches and Parks Departm e nt. The judge said the melhod of posting the spring~ as clooed to the public was not specified in the original board resolution. The only direction was that signs be p Qs t e d b y th e Harbors. Beaches and Parks Department "at conspicuous locations." The re!'i ult, aeeording to the j udge, is that the a rrestees were not given due process under the law. Under the revised measure ap- proved by super visors Wedn es· day, the technical problems have been ironed out. The r esolution states that the springs are still "a hazard to public health and safety and should be closed until the situa· lion la remedied. The board ordered posting or signs at s pecific locatJons in the springs area a nd ordered the Sheriff to "ser ve as agent ... for the purpose of requesting any and all persons who have ente rco the trot Springs area to Im · mediately leave s a id posted grounds. , ." ,, 1 · Also, reduction s of 25% on se lected bedroom, dining room, and occasional furniture. Hurry! H.J.GA R~ETT fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES IGNERS '' Open Mon ., Thurs, & Fri. Cvts. 22 15 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ME SA, CALIF. A ·I DAIL v PILOl ThurSday. Augusl 28. 1975 Just ~ Coasting,~ J Man Tied to 30 Sex Murders? ...... ~ . ·~ '\~)If'(''"' , .. ·;·:·~. wiCh ,,.i. Tom urphine Grappling With Satan T llE EXORC I S TS : Our O range County Board of Supervisor s is s till grappling \\ith the devil in t he e rrort to curb s1n. lust. nudity, liquor consump~ tion and other evils at one or our bucolic coastal wonderspots. 1'his place is known as San Juan llot Springs, located JUSt ofr Ortega llig hway in Cas pers Regional Park, above San Juan Capi strano. At the 1-lot Springs, \\'Jrm water bubbles up from de· cp in the earth. no doubt pro- pelled upward by the Prince of Darkness hi mself to form entic· 1ng play pools on the surface. Thus since the 1920s, people have traveled to the !·lot !:>pnngs to soak aching bodies in the v.•arm v. ater, hopeful of a cure for ever)•lh111g fron1 arthritis to hangover horrors. T llE PLACE IS now O\l/Tlcd by county government. In recent times . our supe rvisors have learned that the v.·arm, balmy bubbles from the springs have a lso had other effects upon patrons. Miami (AP) -A "Jack-tht· Ripper" is responsible ror rtt least 2 of 12 recent slayings of yow1g women in the Miami are8. and detectives lheorite he may have left a trail of up to 30 bodies in five states. Police say they have no firm Links but s iinllar slayings have o cc urred in Ca l ifornia, Washington, Oregon. Ut ah and Idaho. investig ators speculate that the killer is a loner, a drifter and a sexual deviate. IN SEVERAi. of the Miami de· aths and in m()Sl of the Western slayings the victims were white, under 30, had similar features and were drowned or strangled, officials said Wednesday. Each had long hair, was sex- ually molesled and was dumped either down an embankment or in creeks or canals. Jn most cases. the bodies were nude except for a single itern , such as a necklace. None of the clothing or jewelry has been re· j'·•~ Merry Christm~~! J ('Ovt"red, lea d i ng police to . speculnlc tha t the killer may be ,a retishist. "WH EN VOU GO back into the dates or the kiltinss. it's possible the guy making hts way east, le1.1ving a trail of bodies behind him," said homicide de- tective Cha rles Mussoline of Dade County (Miami.) "But we have nothing concrete, except the consistencies," to link the de· aths. De tective S~t . Erwi n 0 . Carls tedt of s Ono ma County. Calif .• agreed about the ·lack of concrete links. "We don't have any physical evidence, not a scrap," he said. But he agreed the 5layings were similar. .. All or our girls looked' alike, .. he said. ''And Washington's looked Hke ours." Dr . Ronald Wright, a medical exa miner who performed a utopsies on several of the eig'ht Miami-area women killed this )'ear, said he believes nt least five were slain by the sam., man. llE SAID T.JIE oth,er three as well a~ four kllled last year m ay have been Vict ims or the man. 1'he man "is tht: same kind of killer as 'Jack the Jtipper' and I believe he is r apid ly :1c:c umulal· ing a nun1ber of victimi.,'' Wright said. "1 think there are enough similarities to connect five. That's an est im ate; based not on a lot of data, but an educated guess." Crawlers Take Town Multitude of Millipetks Get Underfoot FLOYDS K NOBS. Ind. (AP ) -Millions of millipedes have invaded F1oyds Knobs, crunching underfoot and rorcing residents into an a lmost · military defense of their homes. The many-footed insects appeared two months .ago, cra,~:ling out of the wooded hills that gave this Indiana community of 375 its name. IT GOT SO BAD that one resident, Thomas Pickett, said he could look up from hi s dinner table and see them on the ceiling. OR. JOHN KETlfLEY. head or the insect division of Chicago's Field Museum of Natural Historv. said the millipedes probably are searching for moisture and food, Keathley said they survived a mild wint er , a nd the hot and dry summer apparently drew them out of their natural habitats beneath logs and forest lit· ter. They will probably die of starvation during the winter, he added. ( :hi,-kuw l:11( •: Nari<1na~Otlk:ry C:lirisnnas US posrage There have been no injuries or damage. The in- ,. sects feed on decaying matter such as dead leaves 1 and bark and neither bite nor sting. · The insects, up to an inch long, come out al ni ght, when the ground and the air is cool. "They move e n massc, in groups, and just millions of them ," Pic kett said. "'They cover the highways, jus t millions of Ulem . ----'"'---·--.... ---~ .~ ..... ,,,., .... ~.,,.,,_,,, UPI Ttl1pllolo So Howlfft•ch? T he U .S. Postal Servi ce rel eased design of 1975 Christmas stamps this. week without any money amount on the faceS. The Service does not know vvhat the price of fi rst class postage will be by holiday season. The Postal Service is seeking a 3-cent hike in postage r ate. The worst in festation has been around a dozen hom es nestled at the foot of the hills. Residents have dug trenches around the homes, filling the ditches with turpentine, oil and kerosene. The mixture doesn't kill the millipedes, but it keeps tbem from trespassing. Ray Seifert, Floyd County farm extension agent, said insecticide spray is erfective, "but of course Y.ou ~~11 lhem and the next day the replacem ents ar - nve. ••ONE NIGHT !\IV NEIGllBOR'S pickup truck just spun on the roadway because he couldn 't get any traction because or them ... He added. "'I'm just glad now I've got aluminum siding on m y house. It'sjust too slick ror them. I put another coat of paint on the bed post, too, so they can't crawl up there." r\larm ingly, those v.'hose moral fibt"r was frayed by the de- vil"'·aters had bee;1 known to re· move their ga rments, cavort , and do other th ings not condoned in count y ordinances. lll~gal Beer Haul Sold Ope1i Heiirt Operatio1i Dog Find Discowued \Vhy, one s upervisor even sent his aides on a secr et mission out to the springs where they spent long hours observing the waters' effects upon users and carefully docun1 enting sinful activities. All this v.·as reported back in shock- ing detail. At DC Auction. Tot Surgery Successful ;\S A RESULT, the county board took action back in May to ban public access to San Juan Hot Springs and declare the de- \i l's playground off limits to the ,,·eak-willed and easily enticed. So stron g \l.'as th e lure, however, that certain people con- tinued to sneak in to the f-l ot Spr- ings a nd soak in the sinwaters. ·Thus a bit earlier thls month, 20 such patrons were rounded up at the Hot Springs and hauled before .Jud ge Ri c hard D . I·lamilton in South Orange Coun- ty l\1unicipal Court. ALAS. J UDGE HAMILTON freed the sus pects. No doubt the Board of Su pcrvisors \YOuld view his action as "a technicality." The jurist, hov.·ever. seemed to feel that the county board had t,,aken li berties with the law by failing to hold public hearings on the llot Springs closure. Also, the county hadn't posted the place as off limits to the pubtic. 1-le even felt the defendants· First Amend- ment rights had been abridged. So-univ vcsterdav. th e supervisors moved to correct these technicalities and close off the dt•virs v.·a te ry v.·orkshop. T hey ord('red "No Trespassing" signs posled a nd took olher steps to assur(' the llot Sprin gs closure v.·ould stick. NO \V \\"F. CAN J\l~L sleep well ::it nig ht, assured that purity and virtue prevai l \\•ay out lhere in the country off th e Ortega Hi ghway. The supervisors have worked hard at restoring respectability to our rural en,·irunmcnt. Now maybe they can turn their attention to doing the same thing for the politic~il machinations or the County Seat 1lsclr. WASHINGTO N (AP) -The auctioneer's gavel came down and 640 cases of Coors beer . trucked into the District of Co lumbia in apparent violation of liquor regula tions, were sold. Police auctioned off the beer which a rrived here from California in a refrigerated tr uck with the embalmed body of an Alexandria, Va., man slipped in next to the cases of brew. Poli ce s aid Rob e rt L . ·Hamilton, 32, bought the beer at retail cost in California but died of an apparent drug overdose before it could be shipped to Washington. So, police contend, the man's s tepfather, an uncle and another man brought the truck, the beer and the bod y east. Poli ce said the trio planned to re-sell the beer, which nor mally is marketed only in .11 Western states. The body was turned over to a local funeral home, police said. Al the auction, one retaile r bought 300 cases of the beer for $8 a case. He said he could resell it for $8.95 a case. Liquor r etailers al the auction said the confiscated truckload "'as ··onl y the tip of the iceberg,'' as far as illegally transported Coors goes. Daily Pilot D~livery I~ Guorantffd Monday·Fnday: II you do not t'oave your paper by 5 30 o m .. can betore 7 pm. and your copy will be de- livered. Saturday and Sunday: II you do no! tece•ve your cooy by 9 em. Salut· day. or Ba m Sunday. can belore 10 arr> and your cooy will be clel•vered. Clrc11loti0ft T.iep•-' Mos! Oran<;ie County Areas '42·4l21 Nor1hwest Hunl1n<;1ton Beach. al'ld \._.estmins1er ..•••••• 54~1 ZZO San CIE"menle. Capistrano Beecn, San Juan Cap1s1r1no. Oona Point, Soulh L&;;1una. l&<;1un1 Niguel • , .••.•..• 49'-0'JO WASHINGTO N tUPIJ -The heart of a seven-pound, 12-week- old boy was stopped for an hour to correct an artery reversal that otherwise y,•ould have killed the infant, doctors have reported. The risky open heart surgery was performed Aug. 7 with the . aid of an ice ba th and heart-lung machine which lowered the c hild 's temperature t o 64 degrees so he could tolerate the Jack of blood circulation while surgeons repaired his motion- less heart. DR. FRANK N. r.Iidgley, vice chairman of the Department of Ca rdi o l ogy a t C hildre n 's Hospital he re, performed the operation. He said the infant is believed to be the second smallest child in . . . 3,500 Given Hepatitis lnnoculatioris PORTLAND. Ore. (U PI) - More than 3.SOO persons have been inoculated against hepatitis by health orfi cials trying to pre- vent an epidemic or the viral liver disease. Cou nty health officials Wed· nesday reported 34 confirmed or probable cases of hepatitis. Five of those people were employes of the Hungry Hor se restaurant. The Hungry Horse and Oliver's Posh London P ub, in the same downtown bui lding, have been closed since last Friday because of the hepatitis outbreak. They were being used as clinics to ad4 minister gam ma globulin to persons who worked or ate at the restaurants. Dirty Haze Over Florida Arizona Nets Highest, Lowest Temperature Temperature• Hlf1flLowP(1>. AllluQUoelllut' 86 II() ()I) AUool"" VJ 61 ,16 &u!oP 'l• 6~ flo~IOO I I f,t> @•own'"'"'" qo ll &!!•111 /I SS ~flol!e <i• bll i fl C1'1t•90 16 10 Ctnco~nbl• 81 lo6 Clevelan\I 1• ~ 0.119~ ... /1 ·°" °'""' aq ~· °'s Mo""'~ 80 t.11 .. or Dtlro/\ IJ ~6 tlor>01111u 81 " IC.anH\Cllv v1 6• ,07 L.,Ve11a• ~ /S Loulsvrut •1 •n Mrmllfll\ •) I) .11J Mleml 8• Ml ,II Mll•AUl<e• /1 ~S Mlmt-ns 80 Ml .1) NewOri.«11 •I I) "*•Y••to as •? Non11 Platt• ~, .. ()111-C.h• IS 69 .Olo O!Ntle ., 11 P•lmSprlnqs lQJ 7S A\llodtlpl'll• •• ~ AootNll 111• 1J Pltb1M11h 80 ~, flllrt11'141. Dre, 11 SS ,64 RaoldCllr •1 t.S ~ •• 1J S..r-nto 10 lJ St.~ .,, ,, S.11 LAke Cllr I• t.1 Sen rrrincltt• 46 ,. 5"1Ue •I )) .W ~ llM ., Waslllngton ft ti! €.ai•.ndo C.~o MC'l'IOtl• rttnel~d cl'ldl!M wltn low r.touCI\ •net too <111.in11 motfll"O hOut\ IO(!ly, blot ll'le '"' 01 So\l!hern c.n1ornl• bil\•fO .,,,._, wn. "' \aln. W.tm ltmi-r•111r" pr .. ,_,1~. w1tn "10'1 rtoldinq\ In,,,... s.lmll•r t-IUOn\ weft e)(r«i.f ~I tho! !,.oull'ttoncl l'-dll<tp, Tlw lol A~le\ (.ov•t Ctnlt• had• prf'lll(litd l>iqfl ol I!, OOwn '""' ~ ffom w.d~sday. ~ Air Pollut!Oll (OtlltOI Oht•ICI MY• ,.,...., wlll M on1, !191!1 i.~ llWOuOhllut '"" Lo•AnQele\ @•\ltl. Mounta!nl were su,,tly w•I~ fllqtgln ll'le mlddlt 10ta1 r4..,11 lewe!i. ~l ...... tunflJ ancl l'ool Wit/I ~,..,.......,_ ...... ___ .. ~ ., A'"°"• re<on:rea both 11\f! fl•91W\\ ""d tti. loweM 1'rr>perature~ !n ll>e ....,. !•an e"rly IO<:l.ty, will> ll>e ""'""'' Mvefln<,1 al 81 In Phoen•• and dlpp•no;r 1o~~at F1o1osta11. In Florid.I, wl!<llhf! • forecasters Ykl ~"" b!«1ket o• h11te h•nol"O o~•• ln()t;t o4 tr.estate orobaolv ls 1>(11 <auSed bv POll~tiOll •rid poses Hiiie 01 no da11gmr IOOMO!t. Tiie 1uore, {OmpOS•d mo~l!v ol 1'fi, Y"Ol<e.ano dU$1 Dar Uc Its aod •~·1-. i~;i--•~"'· 111(1 more thilfl 12 .000 !eel "bove -tA!l'I ~htOW ~ ..__ ... LGl.:J&MOW'I n ., I I QW dofwr1s and UP 10 105 In ll>e IOW4'wrl vali.rt. v.s.s-..... 11 tOIO lr"Ofrt Ot0\19111 t•ln to I,,. Pacol!< North-\1 IOd•p •' icatWr«I l""""°'rtl'IO.,rs conl!nu'41 10 oaMOtn parli ol lh• Southaa\t. snow.rs •nd • I•• lflundet"lhowfr• slrt khtG from Wasnlt101on S.tlll• to _,,_,n GaUfQt"la. Se,..,.. tl!v!*r•lorm• w..i..,...y •tt•1t1oon oropptd ••rot .,.It on M•dla'1d. S.0 .• and Oull•led All._f, Mb~ ••wtNttu~l•"f• 1e 1trn1• -- qrou'1CI, ~Id rem•lr+ ove • '"" sa111 at le•ll 1111111 F1·1oo1y. to•e<.astet sw!cL Co<11.i<ltr•bl• night al'Od mort•lr>Q - I lcludS -ICKa! IOQ, Ol!WfWIM ~1' loll"W'IJ ,..,.,, LtQ'1t vatl•bl• .,..;n111 n1oht ~1111. rnorr+lnoho<lr,, HIQhs ""'"' 10. Co.1'1•1 ,...,,,.,,.,.,,,, will ......... ~twten sr aod 11. Inland tern peral\tl'ft •Ill ••~ bt!waffl Sl .oflO IO. Thi' wate• l•mperalure woll 1Mt61. .. ......... Thia T"UltSOAY SKOlld'1f(lfl 1 .Oo n"I, 4.J s.t;Ofld1..., • l1o,,.,. 1:1 l'llllDAY F'l"1 '110f\ J: SS a.m. 1.• 1t1rs1iow 1;1Ja,m, 11 Steond'11tf! 1: t.oi o.m. <1.1 St<ondlOw I I Ollpm, I~ S,...,rl...,,:1le.m .• Mh 7:24 •. m. /IOl9oll 11MS 11:11 ........ -. ~ -l medica l histor y -and the smallest in the Uuited States - to undergo this type of repair with the lower ed body tern· perature. The oper ation on the smallest child was performed in New Zealand. The child, William D. Brown Jr., was reported in excellent condition. He was brought by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown of , Washington, to a news con- ference at the hospital. The in- fant, who went home nine days after the operation, cried while doctors held him up for the benefit or photographers. -.- I . ! .• ' I, ~ ... \~ I r i 1il /:. /• I " i !I ; ol -. I; -. ~· -:I-: -I ·-.. ' , .- I I \11 "HE'S VERY active:· Mrs . Brown said. ··He likes to be loved a lot." 1'he child was born with his two great heart vessels, the aorta and the pulmonary artery, reversed. As a result, hi s body ti ssues were unable to get enough oxygen out of the bodyl.s blood and the c hild was blue and deteriorating rapidl y. In an effort to save the child's life, doctors decided on the open heart surger y u sing the body cooli ng technique now being used on infants in several medical centers. TWllDSIOUP R.A2R JACl:D $32 R.Y NOHT PANT $19 IOCI PLEAT SKIRT $18 COL.OIS. Coda-... ..... SU.TEILUE -LIHi4iAGI TAM GIOUI" ,... .... .,_ ..,., Stripe S ....... $22 SOUD COLOI SHllT $18 "' ,,._. J ~ .. ..... $18 .. ... ....... Jkt. $33 ...... $21 HOURS: f:lO A.M. lo 6:00 P.M. DAILT Cl.OSID SUNDAYS. 11 IN COST A MESA IT'S tJinerls DEPAR TMENT STORE : 1116 ... WPOIT II.YD. MAJOit CitlDIT CAitDS CIMYUU.YLOCA'TID AT~ AMI HAllOI; aYDS. DETROIT (AP) -An at· torney for James Hoffa's fos t er son. C harl es O'Brien. says a report that police dogs uncovered the scent of the missing ex- Teamsters boss in a car O'Brien used the day liorra di sa ppear ed is n ot a ''mea ningful develop -ment_·· "I find it difficult to believe it's of any real significance." said James Burdick. "If that's the case, why haven't they ar- rested Mr. O'Brien?" - \ I J ) ., . Long Beach 'Sold Soul,: Citizen Says SAN"l'A llA R OAftA (Af'l -An angry loC<ll <.'itlzc n st>ized the mi c rophone lo ('hi.l rgc Long Beach had ··sold its !'loul to oil de- velopment'' uflc>r city represen- tatives urged new drilling in the Santa Ha1·bara Channel. 1'he in1:idc nl oc:currL'd \Vcdnes- day cturing the third and fin al Juy of a hcarinM by •t lJ.S. In- terior De1lartment panel un Ql.hc enviro111ncntal impact or ruture oil development of rl'llcr al lands in the channe l. In 1969. an undersea oil "'ell blowout in the c hannel blackened miles of beaches along the sceni c Santa Jlarbara coastline. A LONG liEACll Chamber of Cummc rc(' representative al the hearing, II . Doui::;las Lemons, urged expansion of drilling and production in the channel, whi ch has been shar:ply lirrt.ilcd since the 1969oil spill. 1...ong Beach, loralcd more than 100 miles s outh of hert•. is not on the chunncl. Rut li ke 1nany Southern Culifornia cities, its of- ficials are worried about predict · ed natural g as and oil shortages in the region. ''Why don 't ''"C sim1lly te ll the noi sy minority, or the ncguti vc thinkers, to gt't lost, .. Lemons d ec lar e d . ''Th e n m ay b e California . loo, l"an become a contributor to the progress of America.·· THEN, W I TJIOUT b e ing formally recognized , the im- mE"diale past president or Santa Harbara's l~e;J g uc of \Yom e n Voters chapter grabbed the microphone a nd angrily told the 12-m embl'r federill puncl that "to permit s uch testimony 'A'aS an in- s ult." The s peaker. Mary Lou Kasson, referred to the dozens or oil ri'gs that dot the l...on g !~each harbor and dec lared, "Long Beach has long si nee sold its soul to oil development." Althoug h not a s chedul ed speaker, she was <.1llowed lo con- tinue and alleged only one of the seven Long llca ch r epresen- tatives had directl y addressed himselr to the issue at stake - environmenta l impact. RESULTS OF the Interior Oepartmenl hearings will not be known ror several months. The impact conside r<1t ion is limited to federal lands in the cha nnel and is separate rrom proposed massive orrs hore federal de- velopment els ewhere on the California coast. Besides rcpr·c sentati vcs from the oil industry , busine mcn from neig hboring Ventura, so1ne 30 miles south of Santa Barbara, had appe<1red on earli er days to support propos ed ne w develop· ment. Ventura, also on the channel, regards drilling with muc h more favor than Santa Rarbara, where the big oil spill of six years ago still is a hot subject. Reprcsentati ves from the local Santa Ba rba ra bus iness com - munity, including the city's own Chamber of Comme rce, dJd not s peak at the he arings. Wage Disp11te UPI Wl rtpflolo To Ga• Chmnber Willie Steelman, alrea dy sentenced to life in prison in Calirornia ror nine killings in Vi ctor in 1973, has been se nt e nc e d to the g a s chambe r in Ari zona for sl1ooting a Tucson couple. Superinarket Strike Looms In Southland LOS ANGELES CU Pl l Negotiators repr ese n ti n g Southern California s uperm.a rket o"•ners and the Reta il Clerks Union have been summoned to Washington ror a hi gh-level er- fort to avert a widespread food industry strike next We<!k . William Us ery, director of the Federal Mediation and Coun- ciliation Servi ce, Wednesday asked executive orficers from nine union locals and leaders of the Food Employers Council to meet in his office Friday morn· ing. HE AL.SO INVITED Wayne llorowitz. chairman of a na- tionwide joint l abor - management committee of the retail food industry, who served as a special raclfinder in a di s- pute between the clerks and food industry management two years ago. Usery warned in telegrams to both sides that a strike could have ··national significance" as "'ell as "a serious impact on the general public and the economy of the entire Southern Calirornia. area. TALKS BETWEEN the cl erks and management broke off Mon- day and union leaders then threatened to lake 55,000 workers in stores from San Luis Obispo to San Diego out on strike late next week. Market operators warned that they "-'Ou ld respond to a s trike against one company with a lockout at a ll supermarkets. On Wednesday some markets began hiring temporary employes who '-"'Ould continue to work if the re- gular employes did go on strike. The main iSS"ue in the dispute seems to be wages, with union leaders seeking an average raise or $2 .05 per hour over three years. One spokesman said the two sides were about 50 cent per hour apart in the last bargaining sessions. San Joaquin County Workers on Strike STOCKTON (!l.P) -San Joaquin County employes, includ- ing doctors and nurses, went on strike today in a pay dispute .. Members of the 2,8JO..member San Joaquin County Employes Association began picketing before s unrise, said Al Palmer, as- sistant general man ager of the association. County s upervisors were scheduled to meet later in the morn- ing to set wages £or the 1975-76fiscal year. Air Strike Al'e1"ted SAN DI EGO (AP) -A threatened Labor Day weekend strike by Pacific Southwest Airlines flight attendants and pilots has been averted . PSA officials !laid an agreement was reached late We<ines- day on terms of a new attendants' contract. Ken11edy Probe OK'd LOS ANGEi.ES <UPl l -A city council committee Wednes- day approved an investigation of the police department's handl· ing or the 1968 assassinalioo or Sen. Robert Kennedy._ The committee action apparently grew from d1sclosure last week that police destroyed the bullet-punctured ceiling panels re- moved rrom the kitchen or the Ambassador Hotel, where Ken- nedy was shot as he celebrated his victory in the California Democratic presidential primary .... ( Sta te J A id to Aged Re,f PC'tf'd . . SACRAP..IENTO (AP) -A l~rger cost-of-liv!n~ increase for California's aged. blind and disabled welfare rec1p1ents has been defeated in a legislative committee. . . . . The bill would have given most rec1p1ents an additional $39 a month, boosting their grants from $235 to $259. It was aimed at tovering the cost-of-living jump between July 1973 and last December. Ral>IP• Victim Crfflcal LOS ANGELES CAI>) -A 16-year-old rabies victim who lapsed into a coma last week remains in c~tical condition, her breathing and circulation supported by mach1nes as doctors fight to save her life. . . The unidentified girl went 1nto a coma last Frida~. eight months after s he was bitten by an infected dog In Medco and eight days a Iler she was treated at the hospital for what appeare<I to be a mild kidney infection. Thur..c!ay Au9u s1 28 197"":i Oceanside Closes 'Y' Foreigi1 Cars Need R e pair Of S111og Gear • City Seeking Solution to Marine Crime OCEANSJl)fo: (Al)) -'l'o stem what w as desc ribed as a growin g <'rio1e pro blem with visiting Ma rines. the Oceanside City Council h<1s dec ided to close a favorite gathe ring pl u(·c -the \'l\1CA. l 'he council also voted Wc.'1.lnes- day to n1 ovc the special bus stop in front (J f the Y 1Juild1ni: to eliminate cro" ds that sometimes swell to n1or c thun 300 persons. IN A TlllRD rela ted a ction, the council voled to ask offi cials al ne arby C<1.mµ Pendleton to re- quest the Marine com mandant to return all l\1 a rincs to the plact· where they enlisted when they are discharged . Counciln1an Carl Pruit s aid the Marinl's contribute d ispropor- tionalply t o the town·s cr ime rate. He sa id the Jatt..-st fi gures showed the Y J\1 CA ""as the big- gest crirne <.1reu in the city, <1.nd next in line was the bus depot, al s o a pl ace whe r e m a ny Marines ('Ongregate. Councilma n John Frenzel was !he only d issentl'r, voting noun tht• Y n1otion . T he other t wo votes wcrc unun11nous. 1-"'renzel saul lhc Y's lx1:ird of directors should have beeu notified first. 1'11£ YMCA 111\S 81-:EN in the bwlding. which ulso houses the l"ily's p~1rks and recreation de- p;111mcnt. since 1913. l 'he YMCA board or director s has boug ht I.I vacant lot nearby tu bui ld a $1 1n1lllon replac<'mPnt. Eu g(•ne Geil , t he YM C A board"S r1rst \/ICC president and chairman or the new bw lding progr am. su it! he "'as "am azed and shucked "' Uy 'the tuuncil ac- tion. "'If t he l'C'l\ter is clo:.t"\I J11>,1,·n , it probably will be the Ja~t one evt·r herl', .. he said. "If that '~ "'hat they "·ant , th al 's wh:.it th1·y·11 get ... Tll1': A<:TJON was ""'ursc "l ha n j ( yo u we re told to lcavl· your job in 60 days," J•'r·t~nzcl so.11d. ''"l'h1s l':lme like a bo n1b:-,hell " ''l 'h e cr11nc ~1 tual1on in Ocl~an si dl' h;1s hC'C'll a U.unh:.h.-11 in the last two rn unth~," Pruitt responded . Earlie r c:-ity <.1lt e mp\S ti> persuade l\1arine authunt1l'!'> to make various lrouhle o.1rea~ off lim its to ser vi cc pcr~onncl faile\.J . Man Murd ers Wife on Street /\LEXANORIA , Vu. (U PI ) - A 39-vear -ol d m a n r ammed his car irlto one being d riven by his estranged w ife on a do"'ntown street , shot her t o death a nd killed himself . poli ce said. Otto Guines und his wife, Uclla Francis. 37. w ere found dc<.1d Wednesd ay on the street 'A'hcn of- ficers responded to the call. The couple ha d a di vorce case pending. authorities said. I .OS /\NG Et.r.:s '\!'/ .\1 ,.l"L' t.h:1n l ~.10.000 1n1i.i n11t d 1 ~u 11\111t•r ') will fare repu~r ll1JJ -. 1JJ• !•1~.,o f1Jr an t i sniu~ sy~t c·111 :1dp1·l1nL·11 I:... l)('C'<lU~t· uf rt•l:1."<1•1l li·d1 't <d 11· gulal1uns, the' I.ti:. !\ll~t'!l"~'J'1rr11 .-. rL'iK1rted today r.1:u1 y 1975 rnodt·I 1111µor1-. \\Ill rc>t1Utl"L' tht• ;.1d ju...,tn1t·r1t :-. ,dl•·r Iii· 1n g drivC'n 25 ,000 to :~(I (~JO m1h·-... thL" rt·port :.~11 d . 'l'hL· r+•pa1r fo. 1-.. t•xt·ludtn i.: l<.ibur . v. di r;111i.:t' fr1H11 $100 tu $2.). at·rord1n1: \11 the ·riml·s. m r1:.t lio rn t· tiy th1· 0\1.'nl'/'S . 'l'ht• JdjU S llr1 l"lll.., '-1111 /,,• !lL'L'l'SS~1ry bl'l"ilU.'>t.." !If a 1~72 r u! 1ng tha t ;;1ulu1nobdt> 1·nn1p.uut·:. t·o uld rt·plar l' c .1t.1t;..t11· t·onvL'rlt:r s mOJ.! cit•\ 1e1·:. ont·to during ;i r L·qu1r\·U 50,UIJU 11 111!· ("Crtifn.·at1un ll·st i\1 nsl m;inuf:ic·t urers dt·· velopC'cl lon~t'I" l ~1sl1rig cat .dy'il:-. by thl" time !In· devit"t'.'> \\l'l"t' 1n t rOtlU('t"d on I hL" I ~7.) car:-;.1nd thus did nul l"L'q \Jlft• 1·:1t.d~...,t. replat·einent s tu pa:.s lh1· J<:I',\ certificat1on test s. HURRY! OFFER ENDS AUG. 30! ...... §pirit of '7& Value 1 15.Gcu.n. No-Frost Refrige·rator-Freezer with Automatic Ice-Maker •Tinted, See·Thru Permalon Crispers and Adjustable Meat Keeper ~ -~. • 4 Cabinet Shelves-3 are Adjustable • Delu xe Dairy Compartments TBF 16 DA • Removable Egg Bin •Handy Freezer Cabinet Shelf • Rolls Out on Wheels • Power Saver Switch •Only 30'11" wide, 64" high 5398 INCLUDES FREE Automatic ICE MAKER BUILT·IM DISHWASHER SAVE $22 • 2·level Washing Action ·•Built-In Soft Food Disposer •Tuff Tut/ "'Inter ior GSD251 •Full Extension Cushion-Coated Rack s • Dual Detergent Dispenser SPECIAL BUY! Programmed WA SHER • 5 Programmed Fabric Selections-the push of a button gives proper com binations of wash and spin speeds, wash and rinse temperatures •Energy Saving Cold Wate• Opt;oo Sw;tch $268 •Exclusive Mini-Basket'"' •Bleach Dispenser • Filter-Fld'System Automatic Sensor DRYER •Automatic Sensor Termna!es Cycle when clothes are dry 5 198 14.8 cu.It. Upright hllll ffllzlr a Upt\gf'tt StvlinQ Allows Easy Acc-ibilltv • 3 R•frigeratmd Sh•h•n •Only 32'" Wida, 63~" High ONLY 5298 28 Years of Integrity and Dependability • 3 C)'cles: Normal. Perrrenent Press /Poly Knit and Timed to 60 Minules 2 El Toro • S•ddleb•ck V•lley 0 Cost1 Mesi • ~•rbor Are• . • 411 (111 Stwt"ltirilh !.lrrrl Mott-Sat. 9-6 Fri. 9.9 , ......... rl TOfo Road•• r.,.,., (Hr•! lo ~••·On l .. " Dalfy 9·9, Sahrday9-6 137-3130 ~ ' I I A6 ll . .\IL \' PILOT E lll'l'Olll .-\L 1• . .\GE Bus Help for Schools The Or a11ge County Transit District has taken a long stride toward implementing a series of fare con· tra cts with high s chools that m a y ulti m ately save s chool districts a lot of m oney a nd boost ridershjp on t he tax-subsid ized bus syste m. After months of study, the district has entered in- to the first s uc h Contract with Anaheim Union High School District . More t ha n 20,000 hi gh s chool a nd junior h igh stude nts, faculty and s ta ff will be e li gible for pr e-paid fare cards that let then1 ride for 20 cents instead of a q uarter. How the progr a m wi ll be administered b y the dis· trict is s till unresolved. but both oc·ro a nd school of- fi c ials believe the pa ct \\-'ill be benefi ci al to both pa rties. How m a ny students and faculty will take advan - tage of the progra m also remains to be seen , especial· ly since the buses will run on their regul ar routes. Nonetheless, this m ajor step s hows the district is willing lo v.1o rk v.•ith the schools. which a r e burdened with m assive costs in running their own buses. OCTD officia ls are \vo rking with othe r district s a nd the Anahe im contract should provide working data beneficia l t o other interes ted school officials. One Malpractice Answer Wl1 ile the st a te Legislature continues to grapple \\rith the complex malpractice ins urance problem- mtd some d oclors continue to warn of walkouts or s lowdowns if the resulting legis la tion is not to their liking-a group of medical socie ties in northern Californi a h as come up with a pa rtial answer . They have formed the Medical Insurance Ex- c hange of Cali(ornia, a nonprofit, doctor-owned a nd operated ins ura nce company to deal e xclusively with m alpract ice ins urance and claims . Participa tin g doctors pay the same premiums charged by those ins urance companies still offe,ring malpract ice insurance, a ver aging betv.1een $5.000 and $6,000 a year, plus an advance premium deposit the first year. But once losses are paid, remaining funds will be returned to the participants as dividends lo reduce theirtotalinsurancecost. · The aim is to establish sufficient funds to cover actual malpractice claims against participants, but with no provision for profit. One obvious result should be better self.policing by the doctors, since all would feel the financial im- pact of valid malpractice claims. It's not the total answer , but it sounds like on e step toward some assurance of protection for both the doctors and their patients, who ultimately must bear the cost of insurance. Enduring Bureaucracy Bure aucracy dies bard. The draft ended two years ago and the armed services are having no trouble filling their quotas with volunteers. Some even have waiting lists. But the Selective Service System wants Congress to hand over $47 .5 million to cover its oper ations in 1976. That"s $2 .7 million more than its budget last year. But no one is being inducted through Selective Service and the Pentagon sees no need to reinstate the draft t hrough the 1980s. Granted a standby draft system should be kept available, a nd young men still have to be registered, though now only on a once·a -year basis.· With modern computer systems this should hardly be that m uch of a problem. . The House has suggested a $40 million appropria- tion for Selective Service. The Senate favors $33 million. Just why it should take even that much to s ustain an agency whose purpose has been largely phased out is one of those bureaucratic mysteries that continue to baffle the hard-pressed taxpayer. '" ... . '· ·~ •. < c 11 11 5EEMS TO ~E Pl(KIN 6 UP SPEED.'' What We Natio1awide Reperc1assio11s See11 Need ls Decision ( '-_A_R_T_H_o_r_r_E __ ) "Oh . I 'm sorry to bother you , Ronni e. I didn't realize you 'd alread y started work on your 1,1,•eekl y newspaper column." "That 's all ri ght, Nancy. I can't seem to decide what to view with alarm toda y -creeping _soc ial is m . cra1,1,•lin g co m· muni s m o r Lind a L OY · ela ce .·· "[ "".OUldn 't ha ve int e r · rupted, dear . but a nother r e p o rt er called t o in- quire if you wanted to run ror Pres id ent. He said the whole country is asking. 'Does he? Or d oesn't he?' 1 told him onlyyour ... ·· "'Please, Na ncy, as I an - nounced to the press the other day, I have rirmly decided to hold a press confe rence within the next several weeks in order to an · nounce that I have firml y de- cided to hold another press con· ference before Christmas, if not sooner or later , as the case may be. in orde r to announ ce my de· cision. whatever it may be, let the chips fall where lhey may.'' • • • "WELL, DEAR, I think you s hould remain the humble, rich columnist I have come to know and love. After all , you can do your job in only 20 minutes, now' that you·ve taken that speed typ· • ing course. And you're not get· ting any ... " "Really, Nancy, you don 't re· a.Lize what a dema nding, grueling task it is to be forced to think up one idea a week." "But, as President, wouldn't you have to think up lots more jdeas than that?·· "No, your aides bring them to Dear Gloomy Gus ·fhe marvelous public campground on the Dana Point l\larin a is being closed Sept. 15 to make room f o r a s hoppin g center. Please alert your readers to tell the Orange County s upervisors we need this camp area or a lte rnate sites on the Marina. M .C. GIOOtnJ G"s cornrnt11U ••• subrnilltcl tlW •N d"S •nd d o Ml ntct ls••llJ tt llK I llot •itWS 111 ll'lt MWld•l't'<. S.nd JDW p.t PffWf lo GlootnJ Gus, D•llJ Plllll. you. You simply pick the one you like, such as tossing all welfare recipients in jail, and announce you just thought it up. But a col- umnist's job is a lonely one, mak- ing agonizing decisions al l by himseU on wh ether he should re- cognize Cuba, arm the Israelis and/or the Arabs to make peace in the Middle East, or how best to stamp out people who cotlg h on buses." "But think of the responsibili- ty, dear. As a columnist, if your agonizing decision doesn't work, you can always blame the Presi- dent.'' ''YES, I 'D HAVE lo re- member to stop doing lhat. But I must think of you, too. I know how much you 'd like to make the Ten Best· Dressed List four years running. Moreover, I haven 't seen myself on television in weeks.'' "Don't think of me, dear. Think of yourself. Here you are INith an eas y, irres ponsible, lazy job. And as you enter your golden years ... " "That does it! I've decided to run!" "WELL, DEAR, al least you finally made a decision.'' "On the other hand ... No, by George, t have made a decision. I've decided what to write about today. How does this sound, Nan· cy ? 'What this cou ntry desperately needs in these trying times is decisive leadership!'" . New York Still Welfare Mecca NEW YORK -Having con- vinced neither Wall Street nor Main Street that its fiscal reform is sincere, New York City's gov- ernment despec.ately needs help from unwilling Washington to keep from de· faulting on its bonds -an event which would carry potentially ruinou s na · tional im · plications. The fact this city is so unrepentant and reluctant to reform may reflect why banks across the country refuse to buy tax.free bonds offered by the Muni cipal Assistance Corp. (MAC) at 11 percent interest. With New Yorkers not apologizing for de· cades of profligate spending, there is a n understandable desire by Americans beyond the Hudson to punish this city. BUT THE cost or punishment could run high. Sober fmanciers see not only a strong possi bility of default, ·perhaps in September, . but also a frightening fallout : civil disorder in the city, default spreading to the New York State government and, finally , na - tional and e ven international fin ancial difficulties. Although New York offi cials insist default is unthinkable, the nation's premier city barely escaped in August and will be hard press ed in succeeding months, facing a journey into un- charted s wamps of municipal bankruptcy. Nobody can safely predict, for example, <A·hether default would mean payless paydays for New York's bloated municipal payroll. Would city policemen, firemen and garbagemen work wi thout pay while the welfare checks flowed unabated to over l million recipients? EVEN IF default brought no such disruptions, dangerous financial repercussions seem un- ( EVANS-NOVAK ) avoidable. With New York's troubles having made it much more difficult for other cities to borrow, outright default could totall y collapse the municipal bond market. Finan~iers here believe New York state default would soon foll ow. with economic and poli tical effects across~Ufe country. The federal government has not lifted a finger to prevent all thi s . Investment banker Felix Rohatyn, finance chairman of MAC, has worn out his welcome in Washington pl eading for help. What makes federal indif- ference critical is stubborn re· sistance by non ·New York banks to MAC bonds. "I think the coun· try bankers think its their patriotic duty to Jerry Ford or something to try to push New York into derault," one bitter New Yorker told us. More lik ely, Main s treet banke r s d oubt anything r e allv has changed here. INDEED, as recently as May 14 when Mayor Abraham Bea me came to Washington to ask Presi- dent Ford's help, he had no pro- gram to r erorm accumulated years oC care free s pending. Since then, under the prodding or "Big Mac," Bea me has confronted re- ality and presided over budget a nd payroll cuts unthinkable just weeks ago. To impress trans-Hudson America that the fiscal drunkard had gone on the wagon, Beame even agreed to r aise the hallowed 35·cent subway fare to 50 cents. Like almQ~l everybody else, MAC officials fear a subway in- crease will prove economically counterproductive by forcing out marginal industries. Neverthe- less, they r ecommended it to im· press the country bankers. It railed, perha ps bccaUS(• America wants to teach a lesson to this once haughty c ity. In truth, th ere is no evidence Ne w York has learne d its lesson. While submitting to Draconi an buuget cuts, the rity persists in a welfa re s tat e philosoph y and minority group politics. ALL BUT one of 19 city.owned hospitals s till operate. not because they are needed but because of heavy minority group employment. No city offi cial op- poses the luxury of a tuition.free,· open-admissions c ity university. Garbage workers resist automa- tion . Teachers threaten to strike unless their pay is raised. Some city workers can still retire at rull pay after 20 years. While everybody here plead s for Uncle Sam to a ssum e wclra rc payments, New York City re· mains the nation's welfare mec- ca of relaxed rules enforcement. How Insurance 'Scooping' Boosts Malpractice Costs Disclosures indicating the high cost o f i n surance, which has brought about the medical malpractice "crisis", may be due more to the industry's prac· lice of "scooping " than to actual losses, have . thrown a new dimension into the issue, and one which will un- doubted J y s p u r legislative in- vestigations into the entire maze of in- s urance financing a nd regulation. For it now appears that the insurers have been regularly scooping as much as 30 percent or ( EARL WATERS ) more off the top of premiums before reporting their revenues to the Insurance Commissioner. This skimming is in the form or brokage commissions which ap- parently are taken even where the companies are writing directly with no broker involved. This revelation, unearthed by the California '(rial Lawyers As+ sociation, points to com - missioners totalling amounts equal to loss payments. companies loss based "net." calculate profi t and upon th e remain.ing ADDING to the financial con- fusion is the implication that a portion of the commissions is kicked back to the companies £or ''taxes a nd s upe rvis io n •·. While the lawyers concede some brokerage fees are merited the}' contenO th e millions paid in commissions each year, in a monopolistic situation where re- newals are automatic, is "incom- paJible". "It is clear th at the re- pc1tted total pre miums , up on which the I ns urance Com- missioner relies , presents a com- pletely false picture.,. The Impact of Oil Decontro~ THEIR discovery was made after perusing a 1970 report to the California Medical Association prepared by cons ulting a c- tuarian Jos eph Lindner. It showed premiums received by the companies and losses report- ed or d eveloped. Those figures showed losses, actual and pro- jected, exceeding revenues. It is presumably such Cig\lres which caused In s ur ance Com - mi ssioners Wesley Kinder to state the rate increases were justified and add that he won- dered why the companies stayed in business. TllE LAWYE RS' disclosures of commis sion s kimmi ng, kickbacks , and hidden invest- ment earnings, cast yet another cloud over the claims of finan cial di stress made as the basis for the tremendous rate incre ases which have brought CaLirorni:.1 physicians to the brink or dis- aster . WASHINGTON -A co~iden· lial House study warns that President Ford's plan to decon- trol oil prices at the end of the month wUI cause an economic shock wa ve, which will retard the recovery and cost the American peopl e an ad· ditional $16 billion a year. The s tudy, prepared by the Hou se Energy and Power s ub- ~ommlt t ee and.submitted to Chairman John Din1ell, D,Mlch ., for ec as ts these economic consequences: Consumer prices will spurt up- ward. Auto sales will tall off. Housing 1tarts will decline. Hun· dreds o( thousands will be thrown out of work. "We will 1UU be feeling the ef- fects of the enoray price •hock ln late 1877,'' declafu the study. (JACK ANDERSON) AT present. the oil from exist- ing domestic well s is priced at SS.2S a barrel. But under Ford's decontrol plan, the price is ex- pected to climb to $13. From the confidential study, here are the anticipated effects: -"Consumer prices will be between one and two per cent higher than they would be without decontrol." -"Gross National Product., In 1958 dollars. will be t WC. to three per cent lower.'' -"Auto sales will be off by about 10 per cent, a loss of about one mlllion on an annual basis .'' -''Housing starts wi ll be down by 100.000to150 000 .•• -The tightening or the economy ''means between 400,000 and 800,000 additional Wlemployed. '' -''The greatest lmpacU will have worked the.fr way into the economy by the third or fourth quarter of 1976, s ubstantially re- tarding economic recovery." -"On an a nnual basis, the U.S. will therefore be paying an aclditional ... $16 billion." Footnote: The House study doesn't take into aCcount either the end or the $2 tariff which would drop prices of oil, or the threatened oil price. lncrease by the oil producing countries. SOMOZA'S CHIUST!US: Ater· rible earthquake devastated Managua,· the capital city of Nicaragua, on Dec. 23, 1972. For th e impoverished populace, lt was the worst natural disaster of the century. But for dictator Anastasio Somota. the earthquake ortered. other opportunity to stuff his pockets. It was his most boun- teous Christmas. The great destruction, it's tnte, didn't spare hundre<lo of pro- perties owned by the Somoza family. Many of them were in the name of the dictator's mother. Mrs. Salvadora de Somoza. But Somoza quickly recouped the family losses by ordering the Na- tional Insurance Company to pay off his mother before any other clients. WJDLE others were picking up the pieces or their wrecked homes, Somoza and bis henchmen bought up some cotton plantistJons near Managua for about $300.000. A week later, the government purchased the land rrom them ror S3 million ostensi- ble as the 1itc or "housing for the poor.•• Few homes. however, hive been built on the cotton fie.Ids, which a re still planted in Somoza Cotton. The United States, meanwhile.. . made a etmerous contribution to the reconstruction ol Managua . Of course, this r~ulres a con- siderable amount ot cement. Guess who produces the ~ment? The Somoza-owned National Ce- ment Company. And auess who seu the price of cement? The Somosagovernment. fl. What seemingly has been over- looked by those seeking the r e· asons for the high cos ts of malpractice insurance are the commission arrangements. In the Lindner report il was dis+ closed thitt commissions allowed to brokers were reduced to 16 percent in 1970. It did not state what they had been before that time. Jt also revealed the stan- dard practice of reinsuring through brokerage firms to un - derwrite the total coverage con- tracted for by the primary car- rier. According to the lawyers the normal brokel' fee for re- insurance is JO percent and con - tend this is a "double brokerage fee" adding up to 26 percent and more than 30 percent before the 1970 reduction. Thl11 , they say, all comes off the top alter which the ' ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vt>td , P11bli.~hrr Thoma., K f't>tJll . 1':d11or Barbara Krr1b1rh. £ditonal 1>agc E:drlar '.J'he editorr:i1 page or lhe Daily Piiot seeks to inrorm <Jnd Stimulate readers by prescnlin,1t on this p3gc dive rsr' co mml'.nlary oo topics or interest by ~yndicet· ed columnists and cnrtoonlst.s, by providi ng a rorum ro r rcader11' views !lnd by 11rrscnling lhi11 newspaper's opi nions and ldl·as oo cu rrent topics. The l'<tltorinl opinionlil of the r.>aily Pllllt appear only in I.he editorial column at the top or the pa11:e . Opinion!' tX• prei;setf by the columnists :ind t'Qrtoon lst:; nnd letter wri ter-3 are their own and no endo rscmClflt of their view5 by th e Daily l>llol should be infe rred. . Thursday, August21i.1975 \ Creation Theory Told ' Radio Telescopes Uplwld 'Big Bang' Tale? l .ON DON (t 11:.1) -Radio t elescopes have pickt.'<.1 up the sound of !he rcn1ainder or the cx- 1>losion that created the universe. Si r Bernard Lovell has told the British Association rur the Ad· vancement of Science. dprimeval fireball " whi ch gave birth to earth and the rest or the universe seemed somewhat ex- criticism of these astonis hing re· suits." He said the experiments con· fi rmed the theory that the radia· tion was from the hi gh tern· perature phase of "the initia l t•o llapsed state of the universe.'' travagant. . • 1-lowever, in 1973 and again last year, critical m easurements of th.is radiation were made at wave lengths of one millimeter .~nd less usin g equipme nt carried above the atmos phere by a rocket and in a high £l ying balloon, Lovell reported. Si r He rnard said Wednesday night that sensiti vc instrun1ents have heard what is believed to be the last of the s hattering of the ··primeval fireball " whic:h start- ed its unimaginaLlc expansion IO billion years ago, "TONIGllT ," HF. SAID, "I am not aware o r any serio u s "The implication is that the m easurement relates to an epoch a second or so after the initial ex· pansion from the condensate had begun when the temperature was about 10,000 m illion (10 billion) degrees." he said. llE SA ID I N lllS presidential address to the 137th a nnual meet· ing in Guilford Cathedral that the fact there is life on earth was decreed by events in that rirst second afte r th;Jt explos ion began. Sir l~ernard. who directs the J odrell Rank radio telescope, said that as far as he is con· cerncd the "continuous crea- tion" theory that lht• universe has alw avs existed 3s it is now has been dis proved inf i.lvor or the "big bang .. theo ry of an ex- plosion of infinite matter whose fragments a re what we live on a nd see in the heavens. UPI TtkpM1o WVELL SA ID TllE shape or the universe and the rat..1 there is lif e on ea rth and pe rhaps elsewhe re in the cosmos "'ere probably de te rmined by events that took place in the first second when a sharp fall in temperature fron'I: IO quadrillion degrees to a few billion degrees held the ratio of protons to neutrons constant for a minute or so. "It is an astonishing reflection that i( the .. .interac.1ion were only a few percent stronger , then all the hydrogen in the prime val condensate would have turned in- to he lium in the early stages of expansion. "No galaxies, no stars, no life would have emerged," he s aid. ··11 would be a universe foreve r unkno"wable by l ivin g creatures." SIR BERNARD SAID the "conc lusive evidence'' of an astronomical result or "supreme in1porta n ce'' wa s first a s- sembled by scie ntists of the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New J ersey who received r adio noise 100 limes stronger than expect ed with new and hi ghly sensitive t'Quipm e nt. Hired Killer? Mass~ Melee This was a result o~ "supreme importance, .. Lovell said. But the scientists ' immediate c laim that the m icr owave transmission w as the r e mainder of the. Mrs. Gladys Pounds didn't get along with he r son-in- law, J ohn 1'-.. Yuhas, and so she hire d a contract killer lo murde r him, Buffa lo, N.Y. police charged Wednes· day. His body was found shot, stabbe d and beaten . SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) -GangS of youths, apparently angered when, police killed a Puerto Rican man, roamed the city's North End Wednesday night, setting fires and pelting cars with rocks and bottles. Ten person5. wer,e arrested on a varie· ty of charges. Blacks' Chances Less in Cancer? WAStllNGTON (U PI> -Whites have a bette r rhanct.' of s urviving cancer than blarks, a National Cancerlnstitutc r e port says. In the firs t racial comparison for JS s pecific .cancers. the institute said Wednesd~y: "'\\'ith few exceptions, survival for black pa· ticnts was not as favorable as for whites." Ont• exception was for cancers of the kidney, but in both r<ices the survival rate for y,·omen was better than for m e n , the study s aid. Although the authors gave no r eason for the r acia l differe nces, other studies s uggest that whites _use modern screening and diagnostic techniques more ~requ e ntl y . tha n blacks, an ins titute .;pokeswoman said. This m ay be due to social, economic or o ther factors, she said. "Expla na tions /or the poorer s urvival among black patie nts tha n among white patients s hould be explored in de pth,'' the stud y said. The study inc luded 219.493 white and 21,088 black patients whose cancers were diagnosed betweJ.>n 1955 a nd 1964 at some 100 hospitals. More than three-fo urths of the bl acks were seen in California hospitals and at Charity Hospital in New Orleans . Also included were ho spita ls in Connec· ticut and the lloston metropolitail area as well a s six large university hospitals. DEER SEASON OPENS SEPT. 27th BIG GAME RIFLES WEATHERBY-REMINGTON-WINCHESTER e Down Hunting Jacket sag 5 with lot! of big pockets 1 and down fill hood .............. , e Sheep Skin Vests s32so Warm·light-Comfortoble . . . . . . · e Woolrich $13g Featherweight poplin. 5 Tough hunting ponli , .. ,.......... · • e THINGS YOU'LL NEED 219 E. 4th Kl -7-5723 601 S. Euclid 871 -5988 +tOUllS "'-· -fri. t :lO ... Sot.t :>0 .. 6 CAREER-WOMAN ' • SCRAP& 8Y .ON ,.-, $9,lOO.~ Y~.R __ NEW YORK -Out to buy a backless ipNDli d""'5 tl)aYwill show orr the red, green and gold butterfty tattoo she had etched on her shoulder last rail ; siitgle working woman Jeaft'Erbew said ··r reaUy liked the iast one but it was S4.8 and You're never loo young • lo slarl saving. Tomorrow will not take care ol itself. no .matter how b right today lodks~ ·· But ii. when y'ou first start to make it you sock a good part of it a way in a high inter.es,t savings account. you'll have it when you need it most. An AVCO Savings Counsellor can help you make a plan and stick to it. And we"ll throw in a flock of free services to help you along the way. ~•AVCO .. ····. ~-!!~m!c~~ ... 3310 BRISTOL ST .• COSTA MESA, S40·1l91. EDWARD MARXS. MGR. ADIDAS All popular models for Football -Basketball - Jogging -Track TIGER SHOES TOO! TRY fl;IE BALL MACHINE AT "THE TENNIS.COLLEGE" FREE- Stop .by ony·N.eol's store and wi th any purchase ask for the free coupon for use of th e teachi ng a lleys with boll machine at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. NEWPORT BEACH Fashion Island 644-2121 CERRITOS '#163 Moll 924-1625 -......... ···-····-· I RINGLEADER ARRESTED \1 U N°I b If; West GtrJl\Pny <AP) -Police a rrested a woman on charges of leading a gang that broke into 305 cars a nd made ofr with $100.000 in mercha ndise. ,-.-....-r;m (T, ' Thursday. Augu!>t 28. 1~1~ DAILY P1LQT 1\ 7 Booze, Snwking Ads Suggested BRISBANE, Australia <AP~ -'Dr. Llew Edwards, the Queeru.iano he.-ilt h minister , wants t cle vlslon com· mercials for clgarettes and alcoholic drinks to s how people bending ovt·r gasping for breath after smoking or lylng drunk in a guttf'r after drinking.• Edwards urged fe llow state healtb ministers to adopt the suggestion as.! an alternative to an Australian gov ... ernm ent b<.in on cigaretlc and alcohol advertising going intoerrect July 1. ~Sears '2:r .I · < . ~ ......... I Sears I 'stAif!. 11.0F.IH ca. ASD co. I , ' ... ········ ... With ........ .low ... ·········· ·········''·".811 . . ....... •7 ....... . ' .... . ... , .................. 29.llll . •····················"·' Oo • ····•· ...... .00 .... .. ····· ····· ........... 49.811 .... '··. .. ················· 6900 ....... ~ ............ 44.88 . ..... .... ... . ... 34.811 ..... ... ······ ............ .. ....... . .................. 29.BB ;,. l.i111;1 ,,d Q ......................... 17..88 ll anfili('ro S . . el s Alay be So. Coast Plaza 3333 Bristol Street Phone 540-3333 \ Al DAILYPILOT Thured•y. Auguat 28, 1975 Heart Attack Dangers , Increased by 'Pill?' \\1A5'1-l1NG1'()N (AP} ·· Airth rontrol pills in· <'l't'ase thf" risk of ht•wt atta(·ks, :ind \\'llOlt'll ovt·r -lO should ht• ur~t'd tu U~t! sonl(' otht'r for1n o f l'Ull · trart>ption. the l<"ood and hE'a rt nttark is between Oru~ 1\dn1inistration has Z.1 and 2.R times higher told the nation's do(·tors . for womt•n a~ed 30-39 In its Jul y -August whotakt• o ral ronlr1.1 rt-p· D1·t1g flull t·lln mailed ti\·es and between S.7 this \\'t•t•k to 650,000 nnd4 .7higherinthe40.44 ht•alth professiona ls. the age.group of pill users. FOA said two rerent l\1itish studi('s "strongly suggest that oral ron- trat't>ptivt• ust•rs are at a .:rt"tttt•r risk of develop- ing coronnry thrombosis lh;U\ nOllUSt'l'S. '' "RASF.D ON THE above s tudies the averagE' over-all annual additional ri s k of dt>· Vt>loping H fatal or non· fatal myt)t'ardial in(arr- • Nof Llohle Ohio Gov. James A. IUuxles and 28 other defendants have been exonerated by a Cleveland federal jury which ruled the state officials were not personally and financially liable in the !970 Kent State University shootings. Children Quizzed n1 Torture tion (ht•urt alla<'k) for all u .. 1 T•~ Tltl-: 1-,DA SAID it "omt>n taking or;.11 con· -----~~~-=======~==::----- • , , .~.,..,~~ N .<\Sl·IVll.l.F:. "l't•nn. lllans to rt"\'iSt' oral <'Oil · trat·t>ptivcs is about 1 per {l ll'l ) -· !\.lt)rt• than 15 traC'eptivt• la b('ling to 1,000 in users over the (•hildren "''h11 allt•gt-dly rt·flert an expert ud-ageof40,''theFDAsa.id. rode-:i pony ttl dPath visury con1mittet"s rt"-The rase in Britain bt>fort-gouging its t'Yt'S t·o nt1nt•ndation that rontrol !'tudies involved out and st•tting fire t11 the \\'Omt"11 over -lO be ntadt" sepa rate gr 0 ups of Jewels by josephs is searching tor diamonds and rem» ins huvt• been (lues-a \\·are of the higher risk ...,·omen o f a bout the gemstones lrom private individuals and estates. C:&refut ff(>'s i11 f ht• ltlarkt•f UPI Te"""'°•o tiont'd by metro pvli('e und ht• urgt"d not to take s ame age, s 0 c i 0 • examination and .evaluation by ou r e>e perts. Highest youthoffi<"ers . birth control pills. economi t' s tatus and prices paid. Call 54(}.9066 10.9 daily, Salurday 1~6. llenry l\-1011l·rit•f stanlls Uy his sign near llobertn. (;a., \\'hi C'h has dra\\•11 ht•avy tl'IPphonl' rr·sponsl· fron1 aµµlil·:,nts. 'l'ht• heavv eqttlpmcnl ()pt'ratllr, di\'lll't't'll fath1:r of H 7-ycar·o ld s on. 1s tak- ing nil the i11fl1r111;1tion Hncl ,,·aitin~ for "lht• right cull " ltl l"On1e through. 1'he youn gstrrs, rt•s i-l 'ht• l\1·it ish studies, ht>alth. "'ith the only dif-Sunday closed, ask !or Mr. Joseph. den t s. 0 f a n or t h one in vol vin~ nonfatal ferent·e bt~ing that one • I b • . h JN.~!,'.h'.·i,l~e.,~.~.llu"s"''i(•,'g,·nptrho•-he11rt attacks and the group USl'd oral con-1ewe s y 1osep .. .. .. "'" other rat al ht>art attacks. trareptives and tht! other . "'eekt"nd·long abuse of 1~r~o~u~n~d..:t:h~a~t..:t~h:•_:r~is~k:.;o:f~d~i:d~n~o~t~. ~~~~~~~~!~~=-=·• .-.... r i ••• • ~ •'""''-. 1 "'"'• ...... · l -- Weight Loss Plan: PAIR woRE BBs Taped to Ears~~~::~" <AP) l\llN:"!E.-\l'(ll.IS t.-\l'J -Dr: J ohn '.\1 ill'ht·ll's lUlus ual "'t'1ght·rt•duc1ng trt·ut inent -h<1\'l11g pa- ti~nt.s tug on Hlls tupt•d l1• ttu:•ir t•ars -\'.'as the tupic 11f ctisl'ussitiu bt·fur·e lht· '.\linnt·sota Statt· Chiroprat·· til.'. Board. Board St><.'rt·tary r:ct,,·ar ll rul'kropp dt"elinf'd to t>labor<ite. but did say ht· knew of no vther t•h.iroprartor s urf t' ring t ht• ll B trcatn1ent . -1'"''0 Colombi a n s y,·f"arin~ large shoes Y.'t'l't' s topped at the in- ternational airport by polict•. They founll plastic saC'ks containing a half pound of to(•aint• stuffe·d in the toes. t"'O abandoned Shetlantl ponit>.s , One of the animals died and t ht- 'other is in serious condi- tion. "\Ve belit>ve as n1anv as 50 n1ay be invol\'ed,:. said a spokes~·oman. Sht' said tht> youngslt"rs adn1ittetl ~ouging tht~ dt;>ad pon~1 ·s eyt•s \\'ith a ~t irk, St'tting its n1ant· and tail un firt· and inst'rting a stiek in its lx"ld,·. "l d0ubt if we \\'Illar- rest any body, but I think ~.,mt' t•ounseLing ntuy ht' 111 ord~r. · · she said. 1'1 ITC' II t-: L l. 11.·\~ l>\' t: R \\'El G Irr Pf.:OPt. E -:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-1 stand ing 11\ ltnt• at tus offLl't'. ,,·ailing tv have f\Bs tapt•d to tht·11· ears . 'I'ht• '.\linneaµulis ('hiroprat·tor lt•lls palil•nlS lh<tl if tht•y IUJ.: Ull !ht> 8ti_"' J USt before n1caltin1t•, tht• urge to t '<tt and drtnk "'ill be eon- HYPNOSIS CAN HELP YOU! sidt"rably le-SS t'llt'd. Learn to completely relax in any situation. l\l1t l·ht-ll said the t t~l·tu1iquc "·ork.-> but ht' Regain your ability to s leep deeply and soundly. tl•:it.'Sll 't k ntl\\' \\h\'. J\ (.'htl'<l).:O . SpO kl'SOl<l l\ fur lht' .·\mt'rit•an \\lt'dll·cil :\~snt·1<1tiun ~aid tht• lrt•atn1t•nt is "eOtll · plt'!t•ly untt·stt·d and unp ru\'t'I\ ... tiur I .->uppost· it v.vn 't hurt you. ~Xt't'Pl fur your poekt•tt>vuk .'' 101p rove your ability to concentrate, n"lemorize and recall. Increase your income and expand your ln· fluence. 1\-tlT('ltF.l.l. ('IL\Rl;Es $1(1 P•~R SESSIO:\'. \\'ilh 13 pt>o plt" USU<tlly bo1,1kt·d fur t•aeh St'SSIU!l. Achieve greater sex happiness. t:\'ESl:\G l'L\SSt.:S .SOYt' Bf.ISG t'OR:tlt:D J\lit l'ht•ll said pul1•·nts I:> µ1(·a!I~ il1St• thrt·t~ or four pounds a " t·t·k ,,·1th tht· t rt·atnit•nt . San Clt•n1t•11te Hypnosis Center 655 Ca111ino lle l .os 'lart·s . · ~uit l' 1:!6 'fht" All.I.·\ rt·prt•se11t.it1\'t' san.I ··the'.\ (•il·kno\\·n plarebo ("ff t-l't (·uultl ht• tuk 1ng plal't'. · · "'In otht-r wort!:,;, if you think it "'orks. it "''or ks," the t\ J\l .i\ spokes1l1<1t1 sail.I ... \'our n1ind -controls your a11vt>t ite anyway. 11""'"' I·•'•""· •I '""' ~"'''' ~~.,'<·<'· • ,,u,,,.~,:,,, I, HERE TOMORROW The$299 investment GONE TODAY The$299 indulgence for 48 houtji, you got .:1w.iy from it .ill. Bv the timl')'OU .idd it up th.II "-011dt'riul little 'f\.l"l'kend cost J wholt' lot more lhJn vou thought it \~ould and ,di rou·ve got lo .,ho\•• for it i) .i memory. Th.it's worth somt"thin~. Bui when )"OU h.i:ve lo m.i:ke choicl"S Jbout how to spend ~our mont>Y. think oi wh.ityou 1:omt" home to aittr lht' holid.iy's OYt'r. Think ol R8 furniture. Ht'rt''\ vu r nt·w dt"sign-of-lht'-~t'J,on nint' tovt ~oiJ with in( rt'diblt' dt't'p loun~in~ lvn1iv1t, button tuttl"d b..1l·k Jnd .i.rms, loo!O~{u,hiot1\"d 't"JI,, .ill bt'Juh•ully uphol.)ll"tt'd in \Ott .and supplt' MJpt·ll..i ~inyl by tlookt-1 C'ht•1n1lJI th.it hJo, .authentic leJther looks Jnd h•t>I. .\ dJ.tlling l h01lt' oi 1:; bold .and ~ubtlt' color' to lhov~t' trun1. Wt' ;ib~olult'ly dt'clJrt' JI le.i:,f fi,·e )"t'Jr~ ol d.;ul y pf~J~Url" dividt"11d.) un \our R8 turniturt" in\t"')lnu:nl. Dt>li"'t'fY JnJ our founoui ""'Jrtilnly Ct{ qu.1J;1., J I no \''lf.l 1:11Sl. F LJ RN IT LJ R E H PUINITUll STOllS OF AMlltcA -· In •--· Colo! .. ••• lO. -l~U . .i/o "" .. ''" ~,,. ~'""" '"'" <1•0 .,. ••<Q ~'"' -l•• " ' ~ ""'"" Y •U ••ICllMl!Pot' '" ,.., t Mlltlll#tll.O. •01 '• •••1 ''" ~""" .,,,. 1 ' , .. ,-.. ~-1/...,,..,, ·-··" •011 ' ... ~ • --t<lo9 (:1Jo1 ... ,., ...... ' ~Ill••'"·•> t '"""''" ll ~""°'' ""' ~ ,.._ , .. 111.1-l ' ••1 ' ~"''~ •<U.\ 'I"' ....... """''"°-... M:ol• " "'"" ·1"" LA _ _, I •~O " >i'"""' dl,,.i 01.or.>11 /11Q ••-""" .,, .. -tt•lT -"' ~ '"'"''' --""· •'• , .,.,_ .. •o-taulf. l'/0 ... , ,..,, )llfOl•IMUl tvU•tt:!'U•f. "•\I -M-t.0.~•• ' Ul<O.lQQ: '' ,, . .,.., .... , •. .,. •<Nfl•MI•'" .,._ •• ,~ TOOOllfiM'D o .... ~ /U .,, ........ ,., ~..... •Ollll-l IHl -'""·" ................ •t••u.. ' "'"(''"" ... _...., "ILll • ,..,, ... "''" l;OMl.llll~I -TU..• $1+1)1' f O•t8 ~ .. II~• _.ll •DA•8 •OUN "~'• \•rUlllOA T '~ UNl ll \·,UNO•• '1 lD \Jl•"l t • Ull'\l ••U. ~~llO ttlG \· ii ... ,..~, ·1 ~1, ... _ ...... ,.. • ·-·-,, ... ' '" •• ·-···· ' BIG CAPACITY ! SAVES TIME! .•. SAVES ENERGY! • 4 W1t9r lft't:IS • 2 Wdl and Spm Speeds • JWISh/Rin• Tempennire CombiNitions • E'*V'f-&tving Cold Witer Selections • Balanced Load Control • Filter·flo Syttem trips hntnit wW. fUndles in I Load Whit Small Washers Do ia 2 Lo.ids! Wash Even Your Big Iterrwat Home! NOMI Only *219 95 WWA 1310' s 95· OOi 1108 .. Flh1P·F11· WASIEI • Balanc11d Load Control •GE ActNator fOf' tt'torou~ but f9'1d• deaning • PositNe W1ttr Fill • Hhvv Duty GE Motor ··••915· 111L1 LU D"" I "I~ hSALES ~{} -w ""1~~RVICE YEARS APPLIANCE CO. ' P1rt1·Calor® TV •Slotted Mask "Jn-line' PictuR Tubo •Automatic Fint Tuning • Custom Picture Control • Automatic: Color Control "• .-' l'l•ic Caitinet ..... ll-....1 Gr••-F, ...... =·~9911· 181 5 NEWPORT BL VD. DOWMTOwtl COSTA M1SA Phone 548-7788 90 DAYS .CASH ON Al'l'llOYBI CRfDtT • I l t I ' I I r ' ! , Fountain Valley No Negotiator For Cop Talks By KATHY CLANCY Ot .. 0.ll~Jl'+ll>llWt The ~ounlain Valley City Council has agreed not to use its $600-a·monlh negotiator for pol.ice con-tract talks this fall. Instead, council members flave appointed Con- troller Howard Stephens and Personnel Director Sarah Hartman lo negotiate directly with police of· ficers. TERRY TA VERNETTI, PRESIDENT OF the Fountain Valley Police Officers Association asked Lhe ci~y no~ to use Bill Hamilton, the $600-a'.monlh negotiator 1t used last year. And Tavernetti said if City Manager J im Neal would ~eal dire~tly with them, they wouldn 't use Steve Silver, their attorney and neRoliator. T.he City Co~ncil hired Hamilt'Jn last year after learning the police planned to hav~ Silver negotiate for them . TALKS EVENTUALLY BROKE DOWN police picke~ed city hall for a week, then brought ~crowd of residents with them to a stormy council meeting. Tavernetti said in a letter to Neal he believed race-to-face negotiation would be s moother this year. The council discussed bis proposal a fter last week's m eeting in an executive session the n told Neal to notify police officers. ' He d.idn 't release ,f.be council decision until Tuesday, saying he wanted to wait until be had writ- ten the council's r eply toTavernetli. THE POLICE ARENT EXPECTED lo oppose the council's decision to use Mrs. Hartman and Stephens as negotiators instead of Neal. In his letter. Neal explained the council did not believe he had time to handle the lime-consumin" negotiations personall,y . He also said the "council was very much impressed with the approach in· dicated in your letter." City officials s aid Wednesday they still v.1i ll keep Hamilton's $600-a-mooth. contract, but will alter his responsibilities. He will be 3sked to continue handling firemen's negotiations with the Teamsters Union and will serve as a management consultant. "SETTING FREE" Bal Asce Punctured Man Files Laivsuit HOSTON I U f' l> A man who :-urv1vt'd irn- j)alcn1enl throug h lht· chrst IJy a s l x f uot po~t has fllt·d a $1 11dll1on ~u1t agains t o.i <"oril1·o.ic.:t 1n!{ f i rrn . s ay11114 it s n<•gligentl' L·;1u::;cd thl' accident 1'homas llrcnnan, 28, o( l\rorkton, \VMS p1nnl·ll to thl· rt·;.ir scat of ht:-c:..ir by the post \\hen lhL· vehic le wc>nt out uf coll· lrol here l\1 a y ::! 'l'hl' post cras hed lh r11 u g h th e winds hield ;ind \\"t·nt thr(lugh lht· r1 J..:hl :.ult• nf his upµt·r C'hest A rescue u111l from thL· Boston f-'1 rc lll·p<.irtmcnl sawed off half the post t u removf' Hren non frunl the car and <it ftos ton Cit:,. llospit;:i.I pnother fire ere"" supervised by dOl'· tors. rLmoved s<·ct1on!:i of it until only four i11t•ht·s protruded. l)oetor.s then rC'moved thC' rest <If it . Brt'nnan filrd tht.: :.ui t in U .S. IJi stric.:t Cou1·t against the American Pipe Lining Division Co1 p ., y,·hich w as r cp;iir- ing w;1tcr lines in thL• a rea of the accident. FRIDAY. AUGUST 2.9, 7:30 A.M. DON'T MISS IT! The scheduled 7:30 am. free-flight will kick-off Fash ion Island's "MDA DAY," joining the nation-wide fund raising effort on behalf of the shopping center industry 11 cooperation with the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America. (All day Muscular Dystrophy Assn . fund-raising event) JOIN M RJN -1rs KIDS FOR KIDS WORKING TOGETHER fOR ONE ANOTHER. ... E"S TMtl'Utl•••·PllOClAM l'OI ALL THE FAMILY: CllMftETE PANCME .UUAST AT TIE ISWID HOUSE 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. l'UIS THl5a ALL DAY nlNTS: Continuous full length comedy movie (G) 1n Island house ... Jerry Lewis' autographed photos ... . tOCHnember High School Chorus .•.• Wrangler Bllloon Team ~ ••• helium balloons .••. magic show ..•. sepia portraits. ... 1().speed bicycfe raffle ..• .assorted toy rUlles. ••. JOIN THI: FUN! Sl'ONSCftD BY: The F0!5hicn lslonil Mercttonf's Associa!ion J. W. Robinson's Buffum's The B<oodWay .J. c. 1'9nney·s Coa,.s =~House ' Bob Bums Korl'S Tays & Stat;cine<s Mk Mt. Foster Tr~ Service A & 0 Re<>tals KOCM-Sua:oss Broaclc!d1ng ~ JMne Cornoany The Morrcitt Hotel • !;1cccessf>r:• State 'l'reasurc>r J L'SSl' l 'nruh ha<.; t.i ecl1ncd l o talk <lhoul rumor s he m ay see k th e As- sembly se:.it v:ic·:1t{'{l liy dl'ath of i·:d,vin z ·1~crg. Unruh v.as j.x)\\'erful ;,p1..-<tkc r <>f A~~crn Lily 1u I '.l·lOs. DAILY PI LOT LASSIFIED ADS 642-5678 1• ch"'""'S<l°"'o".-"A"'u"-"u°'"l'-'2-"'~'-'l 9'..'.l-'.> ______ _cO';c'A !l V 1"'1 l 01 11 !J He Didn't Do Anything Right A Coota fl.1c s3n "host• tur sta\h.'"<l on bu:.y NL~" ll0r1 llo ul<'vard kC'µl ovcrun1,t his mouth until he h.idstuck his foot in 1t. polite report. t lf f 1t·1·r 'I'\\' 1•1\ n1 ~111 l'l <t1 n1cd I h1· ... u ... 111·1 ·I rc;ll11 . in.,: ht•"' ;1:-. no\\· rt-.11l y 111 troublt• lh1·11 :-.ud h1·.,., :1-. an un1h•rt·ovt•r 11<.u·t·ott<':o> ai.:cnl for' pnhro ;11111 had th1• 1)('1., h1•('at1.'>1' h1• "';'' y,·orkin~ 1111 .11·.1:-.1• lit· firs t got nut of tht• stalled sedan at Ne"''l>Ort T~uUll·vard and 22nd Street "'hen patrolman Thomas ·r'-'elltn :111 tlruvc up behind hin1 and a::ikl'd to t-:ivc a l.n 1n1p('I' pus h off the roadway. lit• s uppo:-.1•dl y 1nt•nl10111·d lh1· n.1n11• uf Nar1·ut11·s !)1·t1•1·t1v1· ~1Lk1• \V;.it son and pl1·.111t·d y,1lh 'l'""t'lln1:111 that tht• allL'~t·t.I drug ..,la:-.h ""·'' :-.111q1ly t'Ulll ra hand t'V Ldt•fll'l' ht.• h<1d b<'l'll \;1 k In g I' I \\' ;.11 :-.1111 Of'F ICF.R TWEt .l~MAN 1:ous11 Et> 111~ into 1111 arlj;1renl 1n ;1r~<..·t 11~1rking Jot, but cla1mc<l when lhl' 111~111 s p(1kc, t h1·rL' wa:-. alcohol o n his breath. /\ l':11l Ill h t·:idqu~1111·rs jusl h:1pp1·ru·d lo find \.\'~t!:IOn 111 ;inti ht• tl1•11h•d th1' :-.u:-.p1·<·t \\ :1.'> ;1:-.:.1g111·d tn .1ny C':ISL', tellu1g 'l'v.l'll111an lo lJr1ni.: h1111 011 111 for book1n~. 'l'hc pa truln1 ;1n :-aid he administered a sobri ety t L~s t. y,h1ch thl' 1nt·rca::i ingly-ncrvous young •• • • • • • • • . . . .. . . . . . . • • 1noll)r1 st fa iled. • • ··1r you don 't ~1 rrest m e. 1·11 s ho'v you • son1 ething . ·· tht· drunkt·n driving suspect asserted· MERCURY SAVINGS • d1d loan assoc1at1on Jy bt.·i.:ged .. \\'hat 1s it ~in d "'here is il'1," the officer a sked. Ill~ T ll F::'-1 R •: PORTF~DLY LED the patrolman a('ros~ the lot and pointed out a s mall parcel he c laimed to h:.ivc d1 ::icardcd y,•hl'n the policeman \\a~n ·t look111g. The pal'kagl'.' included three bundles poli('C clain1 cont;.11nt•d l)CJl , a potent hallucinogenic drug, "''hic-h really pl<.i<'L·<l the youth 1n Jeopardy, since • • 'l! "STATEMENT SAVINGS .. ·PRESTIGE Card • l '<ISSCS~l On of lt IS ;1 fC'lony . I"' THE .~!~"~.'.~ ••• co,.Q ~P.·•c• ,,,., ,, •• ,, •f 101!1 DGOl .11 1--~· ..... .i.1 'll C-eC••''''-~ ....... ,.,.~,.,"'I ANO BJS:0461] IJJl .... ~l..l·•·t°''"'".,.. ['4 2·17~~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• FULLERTON MUSIC-FOUNTAIN VALLEY• 18191 Euclid Avenue I Block North Of The San Diego Fwy.-At Condor Ave. UPRIGHT NEW CONSOLE PIANO PIANO "CDdill..:.". l'loyr.. loall.1 '"1' .Kt . "Hob.rt M. c.-..~. o.lu.t oMd .uti.,. 9"••· ..,.._. f111i~ be~ •- .-d tt"•lity. I 0 ,.._. fec:lory ?:;~~~·~ saa ::-'. s411 1-----------1SI195.00 HAMMOND """'". ORGAN "'4cQ4 "5", w.., ,.. ~ -T?-J.t. ............ WOITH USfD s91 Sl95.00 Selk l"rict .. SPINET ORGAN "Sit•trlo••", -'•' ,e 47JJ. Lnr-pioy ..,.....,. .tic. .+c. ,,_,.. n s,Mt or C._,. Ort- WOITH USED s141 Slt5.00 MM l'lic:t ..... 1--------1 THOMAS ORGAN ._........, fariy ~ ~ °"f'lll. _ _. .U.Z.. A •*- Gdditio. to "' --. CONN ORGAN ...... )1 4. Til9 "illtwtallM'f"''. wltll Slr••-r-All Ill• -~I ,,.10-d•I• f••+.r••· a. .. til•I ...... NEW LUXURY CONSOLE r., .t tt. .... ttrw s...., ...t a.t: 40" ,.__ so .,... .._.. ...... ~_,..,. .... Mo .._ .... s..,.,.~ E4~~ ..... 5988 PARLOR GRAND M11t ,1oy. 5'1" lleill bJ S*lhw1•Mt~ ... h1 b• fo••d I• "' F-o••l•I• • ....., ..... -,. 0.. •tore .. 4o••tow • F•ll•rto• 11 -tt.ctHI by IW1 .. -.d c--.1wi+lrl_......._, ....... LES PAUL DELUXE IM:i.M1 two •rirll who of''"'°""' .cl 'fOod •for•p . t!•;~~ ..... 5388 DELUXE GUITAR AMP ll5 •t•l1 1.M.S. 511 10' ""'· .......... ·--~ ,,...,. t lld ""-ki-, ... odict 09 i.qr toc.rh. I ,....,_.. of C o-'a. ,:-;,., 5288 ,,,, •.... SYNTHESIZER ...,, A111t. Top -ill flolit fioeW. "'-••! HG. $648 S99S.OO S-. Prit• .. , • SHURE P.A. "Yoe .. Me•t"'" _..., two ""9' ~,.,...i..n. HG. Sl ll 4 WO!THUSEO s211 "'' 5.00 s. ,ric:t --·· :'::-:~·~-;":';' ~-:-::-; 1----------.. SUNN P.A. a..~~~~~~~--............ SPINET PIANO Lmsiro.1 liw..y M• ~ ._. ,..-ity. ty ·writwr". ,.. 11..,......0. l 0 ,,,. ~-..... -· WOITH HG. s2111 ,_,._.,...._ __ 15700.00 IK s251 ......... ... ::• ..... ····· MARTIN I----_:_~ D·IB HARMONICAS ~.... 5388 V2 OFF S-. Pric• . • UG. s311 1---------<::';:_ .. .. ,_A_C_C_E_S_S_O_R_l-ES--1 WURLJTIUtl ORGAN s.rt.p. IHCh Oh. ~ ••• ...... ,_,~ _.. o.,.. RICKENBACKER ....... ·-...._ ...._ .... t-•t-.... .._ ... ...,.. 4100 "'-JI. M""'"· ''"......... ...... '/2 OR ..,_ Off'.'· .,.. ..S in.,_. ..Kn ..tc. Becft;c le11 ~ _. c-. mvftlL *-c...,.. ... it7 1----------1 IILDJIAH CYMBALS ~ ................ OUI EKTlll STOCll ALL SALIS FIHAL, ,..0 llFUMDS. llCHAHCilS OM SAU ITEMS. Al ... :wt1M4 a.-. .-;.ct .. ....,. ........... .. .......... PLEASE NOTE We ..... e ...... ~ flll "l.OWIT"' "'IAWAI" .......mDr '"5TOIT 6 Cl.Air "COMr _. ........... ..,.. ........ ....,. .. ..,.... ..... tk. AU All SAL.I P9cm AT 'mill S9ftA 110MAl SA 'IMCiS.. NOW THRU SATURDAY Get Your ,¥3 OFF Old Time Portrait While You Wai SEE THE MARC COLLINS MAGIC SHOW FASHION j .ISLAND Wafrclt the -9'cl• MW o woman aWf ... ...t-....s cs••riCJM -Y-"'f"l SHOW TIMES FULLERIOI MUSIC FOUllAll VALLEY• 18191 &clid ..... • aaww OcaaTe:a I l:lG-1 :00-2:30-4:00 ..... -of'l'lloS. ...... hy.-AIC1 h1 ""· .._.. Qi..t ..,-.••ww11 ~,.,.,.,_,,., ... lllKAl9Wr ;, 1' I 'I , , ' • , • . ., \ ' I A 10 DAILY PILOr Thursday,August28, 1975 - O..ily Pilat 51 .. 11 Plloto BARELY ENOUGH ADVERTISING SPACE TO SELL A SOUSAPHONE, CRITIC CLAIMS Store Owner Lewis Kidder Aays Fountain Valley Law, Vows To Get Out of Town Owner's Leaving Town Had His Fill of Valley's Sign Ordinance By KATHY CLANCY 0 1 U•~ OiolJ Po lot Sl•tl 1'he owner of a l''ountain Valley music shop says he plans to move as soon as possible because of the <.'ity's strict s ign ordinance. t~e~·is G . Kidder, O\Vner of Coast Mus ic Service, with stores in Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa, s aid Fountain Valley's .s ign ordinance discour<iges ··creativity" in advertising. BUT THE FORMER public Heisler Park school music teacher doesn't plan to appeal his sign request to the City Council because "I re- alize l 'd just be spinning my wheels.·· In addition. he said, it would cost $50 to file an appeal Kidder, whose Fountain Valley shop is at 18120 Brookhurst St., in the Fountain Plaza Shopping Center, lost hi s £i rst sign bid two years ago. THEN. HE llAD asked Foun- City, OC Readying Squirrel Ware/ are The ('ity of Laguna Bea('h, the Orange County Mosquito Abate- ment Distri('t and the Orange County Agricultural Com -· -missioner are preparing to do battle "'ith HcislC'r Park squi r· rels. New rrosion believed caused by the sq\lirrels· burrowing \\'as discovered this week at the north end or the blufftop park where a retaining \Vall nearly was un- dermin e d , C ity c.r e\VS v•ere tailed out to stabilize it. ST 1\NLEY SCHOLL, municipal services director, confi rmed Tuesday that he has been in touch with the Mos· <1uito Abatement District about the squirrel problem. Bargaining Abandoned FRESNO (UP I ) - Fresno County Di st. At- ty. William Smith an- nounced his office is abandoning the practice or plea-bargaining. Smith said he had is- sued orders to his staff to begin to phase out the practice of offering lo re- duce a charge against a felony defendant in re- turn for his agreement lo plead guilty to the lesser charge. Smith said he made the decision because he fell that whether a criminal defenda nt is prosecuted should not be determined by a court ·!i c:aseload. Despite its name. the district also works to eradicate fleas. IN JANUARY, THE Laguna council refused to allow the squir- rels to be poisoned. Council mem· bers 'l''ere told that unless the population was reduced Heisle r Park 'l''ould continue to fall into· the sea. slowly, but surely. Instead, the council authorized · a s tudy of the squirrel situation by a group of UC Ir vi ne students. The students concluded their project by trapping: an estimated 175 squirrels <1nd transpo:-ting them to the hills near the Irvine campus. Council members said in January that they would monitor the results of the student re- searchers before contempl ating any further action against the furry cliff dwellers. \ Squirrels often carry fl eas. The fleas sometimes carry bubonic I plague. ·Stuart Long. a vector ecologist for the district, expressed con- cern Tuesday about the possible adverse health effects of the !squirrel population. He said the plague has not been isolated from fleas found in Orange Coun- ty. but noted that the plague had been isolated in fleas in three sur-· rounding counties. HE SAJ O TllE standard prac· tice to insure against health pro- blems "'-'o\Jld be to use insecticides to ki ll the fleas and a rodenticide. to kill the squirrels. He said such a project would require participation from the co unty agricu ltural com· missioner. Scholl said the Cit y Council soon would be asked to endorse such a program. Long said he would like s uch an endorsement be fore anything is tried. "I understand the problem is a rather emotional issue down there,'· he said. Property Seizure Nixed tain Valley P lanning Com- mission approval to place a sousaph one on his shopping center sign but was turned down. He recently lost again when he asked the commission to let him put a ··sale" banner outside his store. City Planner Don Contraman said the commission learned Kid- der planned to have the banner flying a lmost every day, but Kid - der claimed this week he only planned to use it three months a year. In a scathing letter lo Planning Director Clint Sherrod. Kidder accused the city of sacrificing merchants· rights to maintain ''its own esthetic va lues.'' "BEING A S~t,\LL busi ness. and 1herefore looked upon as a second-class citizen. is not our idea of happiness in this com- mWlity,'' he wrote. "The people are "'onderful. Its city govern· ment is unfair.·· Kidder said ht' believes the city should re lax its sign ordinance somewhat. "I think th ey have to give merchants a little bit more IC· niencv, ··he commented. ThC sign is sue is a long· sta nding batt le in Fountain \'alley, and the Chamber of Com- merce and fl anning Commission have been unable to reach a com- promise. CONTRt\M,\'.'J SA.J D city of- ficials are working "'ith a sign company, trying to devise a shopping center sign that would give merchants' more exposure on the street . T hey now cannot have curbside signs. Kidder said he still has three years left on his s ho pping center lease in Fountain Valley, then plans lo leave. "I've had my say now !·· he said of his letter. State Raps 'Redlining' SACRAMENTO (AP) -Slate officials have issued regulations cracking down o n savings and loan firms that refuse to make home loans in low-income areas even though applicants have good credit ratings. Business and Transportation Secretary Donald Burns said Tuesday that the new lending rules were designed t o end "redlining·· practices and to help bolster the economy of the inner- city. "All too often, redlining has left the in ner-city areas of California s uffering from the er- fects of capital deprivation," Bums told reporters at a Capitol press conference. • Badham Proposal Rejected SACRAMENTO (AP) Supportl·rs of a bill to raise state liquor taxes by $34 ntillion for alcoholis m treatment prograrns have beaten back an attempt to cut the money nearly in hall by trimming beer taxes. 'rhe Assembly vote "'as 21 -42 Wednesday on an amendment by AS· s emb l yma n Bob Badham ( R-Newport Beach), to cut the pro· pased beer tax increase of $20 million b y about $15 millioQ. The amend- ment need@P 41 votes fur passage. THE ASSEMBLY then put orr action until today on the bill by Sen. Arlen Gregorio (D-San Mateo). It has passed the Senate. The bill would add a few cents per bottle to California·s a lcoholic b everage taxes to finance alcoholism re- search, rehabilitation and detoxification cen- ters where drunken persons would be sent in- stead of jail. THE BILL HAS been opposed by Gov . Ed- mund Brown Jr. as a tax increase. lt has also been the target of intensive lobbying by the political- ly powerful liquor in- dustry. An amendment by As- semblyman J ohn Knox «D·Richmon<l), reducing the proposed wine tax in- crease by $6 million. was approved by the As- sembly Monday. cutting the total appropriation to $34 million . BUT A MAJORITY of the Assembly heeded warni ngs by the bill 's s upporters that Badham·s amendment "'·ou ld cripp l e the measure. Badham said hi gher taxes v.'ould add to the "'oes of the california beer industry, which he said lost six breweries in the last decade. He also belittled beer·s role in a lcoholism. ··To becC'me a n al('oholic b y drinking beer is almost physically impossible,·· he said. THE BILL'S Assembly sponsor, Eureka Democrat Barry Keene, dis agreed. He said 40 percent of all alcoholi sm can be attributed to beer. The two sides also dif- fered on the cost or the beer tax in the bill . Keene said it was two cents a six-pack. Badham said it would swell to a dime by the time it was passed on to the consumer. "TIUS IS A TAX in- crease on t he working man. the little man who likes to come home in the afternoon, take his s hirt off, s it in front of the television set and drink a beer," Badham said. But Keene said 75 per· cent of the taxes in the bill would be paid by 15 percent of the popula· lion, the heavy drinkers whom the bill is m eant to benefit. It is SB 204. Hawaii Grad Army Cpl. Donald L . Keldsen, son of Vernon L . Keldsen, 191 5 1 Croyden Terrace, Irvine. received his bachelor's degree in psychology and soc io l ogy fro m Chaminade College in Honolulu, while serving with the 25th Infantry Division. 'Deprogram' Case Set Leasing'! NEW HAVEN IAP) -A Superior Court judge has denied a r eligious convert·s request for pretrial seizure or property of 10 persons who he claims ··kidnapert" him in an ap· parent attempt to deprogram him. John Gervasoni, 35, of Waterbury, asked the court to attach $3.'i0,000 worth of property belonging to his wife, brother and eight other defen- dants until he either wins or loses his suit. G ERYASONI , SINCE 1974 a follower of a fundamentalist who calls himself Brother Julius , claims in an affidavit preceding the suit he was tricked o n Jan . J3 to visit his estranged wife in Chei;h.ire and ··upon my arrival there was kidnaped. '' "He a lso claims the defendants had Jj.lm arrested after he escaped three '•/ l days later and had him committed to a mental hospital. THE AFFIDAVIT DOES NOT men• lion his religious background but also names Ted Patrick of San Diego. who has made headlines in other attempts to "deprogram ., members of re- ligious cults. The remaining defen- dants include a psychiatlist and six acquaintances of the Gervasonis . A hearing on the suit has not yet been scheduled. N-mora lh•n ever you need the DAILY PILOT •• ,, I Meet our Expert .. More and more people arc discovering that lea,.ing makes sense. To make sure It's right for you, see Bob Orcutt, our expert Lease Manager. Let Bob give you a lease quote on a Lincoln, Mercury or any make of your choice. -fB-JOHNSON le SON UNCOl.N/MERCUllY 2626 llARROR BLVD., COSTA MESA, 540-5630 SOUTH COAST PLAZA ·;;~: New ·Wing -Near Bullock' )) QUALITY PRODUCTS 7 DAYS A WEEK P THE VIBRANT YOUNG WINES of BEAUJOLAIS Beaujolais. one of the most widely consumed wines ol the world, is one of the most popular & beat loved wines o l France. It takes its name from the Southern Burgundy District in France from which It comes. There are four grades of Beaujolais Wine! Beaujolais. Beaujolais Superieur , Beaujolais Villages & The Nine Growths (Cr1.1sl of which each is named after the important place name of its origin - Brouil ly, Chenas. Chiroubles, Cote du Brouilly, Fleurie. Julienas. Morgon, Moulln-A-Vent & St. Amour. While Beaujolais is geographically & traditionally part of Burgundy, only the wines of the Nine Growths (Crus). which are considered to be the best of the area. can legally be labelled Burgundy. Even lhOugh entitled to the name, such wines are more saleable under their appellation of origin. Fleurie. Julienas. etc. Beaujolais, very different fro m other Red Burgundy Wines is unQuestionably among the most agreeable Red Table Wines in lhe world, Choteau has a seledian of IM two most recent YintllC)eS. Ha•e fun, make a comparison as to which wine yot1 prefer. .. ~...,Special 1971 VINTAGE '-'" .... l"ric• S~e-..... ........ Price r .. c. .. 3.ff ..5..ff" ~ 1 .. ...,..,. .... Pric.• ........ .A.ff" .5.49' 2.99 Beaujolais Superieur "Pial'', 4.50 Julien as ··0omaine de Beauvernay .. 4.99 Moulln·A·Yent ,.Piat Clos Du Moulin A Special Venr· 1972 VINTAGE Sale Price- 4.50 Broullly ··c1os Ressiers" 4.99 Moulln-A·Yent ''Mortperay·· (Benoit Trichard) NIFTY GIFTY WINE SIX PACKS from CHATEAU WINE & CHEESE 32.29 48.60 53.89 ........ .... Price r ... c .... 48.60 53.89 . ' GIFT Two • 6 boHle as-luwnts ~ontalning one bottte each of: .UI I. Y..-y'",.._'"l"-cld 4. C..""'91D8~"'l•G""llorde•1I TT 2. Mcte:-Ylr.'"•s .. cew"l....._hl l. t.-toJ1il1'! p:Nw ......... l . Uebfr-lklt .. St .......... IGerw.al 6. PIM+Molr ,.left.._Y d'11•oorllCallf.l s._..... SALE s 1 o1s Re9. ~ PRICED GIFT 112 I. W_..ll"OL ..... Clwl 2. Dry CrM • c--111..c J.WW.1-·P.W.loM If 4. ltl)lfl•DDk C ........ S-.9'-l . ........ . ,._. Moir 6. Dry Cr••" • PreMl•r ~ Compared at '2200 PRICED TO SELL s21ss AH UP AND COMING POPULAR RED WINE FROM ITALY Don't Forget While selecting wine & lAMBRUSCO . Cheese from our extensive inventory, lo stop by our Wine Ta sti ng Bar for Sampling . Or you may order a sandwich & GLASS OF WINE AND SIT DOWN AND RELAX IN OUR SIDEWALK CAFE AFTER A HARD DAY O F SHOPPING. An ~P'IUW•I Red w;~e • E•1•e~tv l•u•1y. 5l•OMly s"'ee! I •lrno1I Ull•kl•~Q A o•eal l1vo .. 1e ll'ltt)uQMl,il !l\e fftQ!On "'Jilly Wr>ftffl 11 ,. crcd~ced 4 oer1>101 11\1t COJOlry~ ~I ,..;ne ol 11\1$ Class. CASE 16.09 CHA TEAU FEATURES THE FINEST FRENCH CHEESE FROM OUR INTBIMATIONAL CHEESE CASE Port de Salut Robust ll~vored c heese similar to Gouda, perfect with Bordeaux and crackers. >.!ru. SALE2.79 •• llmil 3 u.. FRENCH CHERRY CHEESE GOURMANDISE CHHIY H.AVOIBt· CilU. T Wmt swwr Wl ... S 4.~~u. SALE 3.19 u . '· ' Llm!t3U.. A DELI FAVORITE BOILED Reg. s2~9 lll4I LB. HAM STORE HOURS Monday thru Friday 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat, I 0·6 Sun. 12-5 PHONE 557.-2907 w ............ ua..Na ......... c ..... W••r ,...,.... 1$2111 I ' PRICES l!FF~CTIVE ~tin Wed., A111J. 21 tin Sept. 3 .... -,. ' """" ' .. ~ ' • ' _T_h~"'~"'~"~Y~·~•.:ugLu~•~•.:2.:•·cc1"9"7''---·---_~LY PILOT it 11 .. Merce des -Benz O'Neill Park Nets 13Acres SANTA Ai'IA -O'Neill Re~lonal Park In lht: hllh; abovt' Mission VlcJu "'ill grow by :.inolher 13 acres rollowlng i1Ct1on Tuesday by Oran~e County :t upervh1ora to buy another parctrl or l u nd owhed br the Vedanta Society. The society, which ~ p c r a t e & t h e Ran1akrtshnu MonaMlery in Live Oak Canyon. offe red the property to the county for S 15 ,000 on the eondition it would be kept In Its natural st1:tle. THE LANO lies along Live Oak Canyon 'Road and is adjacent Lo other property the county has pu.t~hused re ce ntly contiguous to O 'Neill Park . The l a te s t acquisition will bring the park's area to a lmost GOO acres. About 18 months ugo, the Vedanta Socie ty monks donated 232 acres of their property adjacent to the park Lo the county (or a nominal closing cost. . ORANGE COUNTY Yachtsman Sentencing Scheduled SAN DIEGO !AP) - Larry C. Unger or Anaheim ought to pay the $8, 760 government cost! in successfully pn> secuting him for income t1x evasion, the U.S. al· torney's office says. U.S. Atty. Herb Hof· fman s aid Unger, a former Escondido con- tractor, has yet to pay taxes on profits involved in the sale of marijuana smuggled into the United States aboard his yacht. Una:er, 32, wa11 convict· ed recently on two counts of income tax evasion and two counts of (ailing to file federal income tax returns. Polltfcal Notes Badham Backing Whale Bill By O. C. HUSTINGS 011-. o.u, ..... "'" Assemblyman llo~rt Radham (R·Newport Beach) spouted off a bit over his AB 2S8 -desigr1aUng the CaUforni1;1 grey whale as the otnclal !ltate murinc matmmal - which automatically became luw thia weekwithout Gov. Edmund G. Brown's signature. In the wake of Brown 's Inac- tion on the measure, Badham is- sued a defense of his measure. "THE CALI FORNI A Gra y whale (eachrlchtlus robustu!iJ rti- gularly migrates along the California coast from Mexico to the Berlna Sea," Badham aaid. The Newport Beach lawmaker mammal" .should be recogrUr:ed by the state . Badha m said many groups supported his errort W'ld "worked very hard to assure these mam· mals a re prott>cted." lie "j.jd the law will aid the c urrent in· temalional "save the whale&" movement. "The grey wh ule Is part of our pri cele&s natural hl!ritage 11nd AB 258 will aid out attempts to hall the "°'hOJcsale slaughter Qf these mighty mammals and help us save them for the enjoyment itOd t>nri chment Of Cuture genera- tions." • • • sa.iditwasonlyproper ''thisflne TH E ORANGE COUNTY Garde~ Grove Man Faces Death Trial SANTA ANA -George Edward Dace has been ordered to face trial Nov. 3 in Orange County Superior Court on murder charges filed after Costa Mesa businessman Melvin Lamb sut- feted fatal wounds in the Garden Grove home or D11.ce's estranged wife. Judge Everett W. Dickey additionally ordered Dace, 38 , or Garden Grove, returned to his courtroom Oct. 24 for pretrial ac· Uon. Murder ch ar ges were Ciled against Dace when the victim died July 30, two weeks after he "'·as shot ift the chest at Mrs. Dorothy Dace's apartment. PoUce said Mrs. Dace told them that the defendant leaped through the clot1ed window into her apartment and demanded to know who was in the home. She said she then heard a shot and found the fatally wounded victim. Republican Central Committee will parti<'ipate in Iii nutiunwitlc "elephant hunt " by the GOP -a massivl' vo ter registrotion drivl' a nnoun ced recently by Mary Smith , national p a r ty chairpt•rson . The GOP leader s aid starting in the off-year before a I>re.siden- ttal election will assure the max· imum number or new co 1:. voters. The county ·~ party leadership ha5 designated Oc t. 4 a1:1 the (1rst oCril·ial "hunt" da y and volun- teers are being sought to review regi stration rolls. • • • STATE SEN . DENNIS Carpenter CR-Ne"'·port lleach) tttls week touted one of his bills that has been signed into law by Gov. Brown. The measure will speed up identification of accident victims v.•ho "''ant to donate body parts to hospit als or research centers after death. The l a w w ill permit the Departme nt of Motor Vehiclei; to issue a sticke r to be put on the back or a pe rson's drivers licenge indicating he iti a prospective or- gan donor. • • • CONG R ESS~1AN ANDREW tlinsha"· (R ·Ne wport &>ach) has authored a bill that w"ill eliminate much or the red tape in proc~ss­ ing Social Security claims. The bill would permit a clai· mant "''ho is given an adverse dc- <'ision to demand reconsit.leration in an informal conference. Authorized Deale r/Low Lease Rates (714) 831-1740 so .,, io.~ c-t• (714 1 41S-1700 ''Eleg ance in Time'' •REPRODUCTI ONS•ANTIOUES •CHELSEA CLOCKS•BAROMETERS •FINE WAT CH & CLOO< REPA IR (Aupoa1ers & Chronographs A Specialty) .Jd/a,. 1f.' vlfc.:£.,, Bt' ~mJ'a-?' 2'0 N•wpon Cent•r Or. 644-f705 D•IM9n ptaz• NEWPORT 0 CENTER i 1n.• ,, ~YEA)( lll\\',\111, 11' p..•r!·•i '•(\ "'.'j (/()fl, ,11•1 '••111 ::(•1.·'1"1•·•\l ~ .. n.~ .1 l·"; H'I. •nt,·r«•' .• rinuJll~·. , ..·1·l ~ !Ill 1Vl.k ii .~I'\ I. I• r · ,i::nun1 it rt•• "1tli•lr.1".1J, ..it·. 111 ... :.-1.,11!1,; ~· ~.-,1 1 .... ·n·•l I"" ' '., ,,, I' •• !..t ~~~~~~~~.\~~t·~~ !'<>I (· .. 11hir111.1 J\,,.,l.,11t-I lnh, 1 ~11:111\ u .. 11h.-I .•l11 .. 111i.1 \· ""'"'1"11 ut T!onlt ,1n•l I v.1n Cl•::1j'Jll:,~. 1 • 1 ••1\UU<·r,.~i ( ·,,,1u r:~11, !11.l•ri :.H.·<l I -1:1 ,\! .. :.a • :\"ill r:. l 'ith ~t rr1·t • r,1 ;;-~-;(u1 ~;..rll:.i .\n;• • l'.:!"1 t:. 1<1h :it1·\"et • r,.r;-.;,0;1 The property i s maintained in its natural state and only hiking and equestrian activity are permitted. THE MONKS retained the 41 -acre monastery grounds and the 13·acre road fron"tagc parcel the board agreed lo buy this "'eek. Unger was told in ad· vance that he could be liable for prosecution costs and offered no de- fense despite the govern- ment's need to call 60 witnesses and introduce 200 exhibits, Hoffman 7"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:- Stanley Krau s e , county r e al property services agent, said the price is exceptional for the land, which has a fu11 market value of nearly $67.000. He said the $15 .000 price tag is less than the land's assessed value for the current fiscal ·year but reflects numerous n e \I.' open spa c e restrictions placed on d e ve lo pment in the canyon area. • said. Elderly Hear Council Chief SANTA ANA - William R. Hutton, director of the National Co un cil of Se nior Citizens, will address senior citizens at an open meeting at 1 :30 p.m., Sept. 11, at the Anaheim Senior Citizens' Center, 222 East Chartres Street. His visit to the county is sponsored by the Orange County Senior Citizens· Cou ncil . • -J n?W".4.-q< ~J...~I a Other Deaths ~ MIAMI (UP I ) - F\Jneral services for Dr. Dealh Noll<!n a..t.llTt.•V WAR REN DEWAYNE BARTi.EV J~. l'!t1l0t:111 ol Coll• Mts•. (1111.,,nl•. P11~CI l *•Y Auq1-111 76, ,,,,. SU.Vlwd ll'r "'• ... 11e. ""-'Y C 81111ey; O.uc;ir>ttr, CNl1tlM 01 tl'lt "'°,.,...; o••t nts, Mr."'""' M••· Wtr•tri O. 01rltty Sr., ol (Ds!I ,..,.,.; mott.,.,.I Q••fldlN••nll, M r, •nd Mr1. Wt r nt r Pie-It, of Tu,CGtl , All.or.. M•. Blttlt y ..,., t rne...O.r ol tlW! Cl'U>tl " of Goel lri H uril l"Q\ofl 6'KPI. Ht..,.~ llWI 1,,,.tnbtr of !Pit S..tltl'lno;! Irwin Ma"ll:well Stillman, whose four books on d.iet- i ng sold 12 million copies, will be conducted Friday at Riverside Coney Island Chapel in hi !! native New York. The 79-year-old Stillman dil'd of a heart attack Tuesday night while playing bridge at his Bal Harbour home. • ~No. 109, F ¥M1 AM. ol N._I IJoe«" ~rvlCt• *111 tie llto1d, l:DO PM, f·rlcWiy, PACIF IC vi .... c .... r. •. Vls.lll- llori f>our• ••t 11·00 11oon 10 •.00PM, MODESTO (AP) 1~11••C1•~. Auo11s1 lt. ,,.,,,,,,..,,, Paul Turner, 53, a Pt(lllc \lltw ~tnQflll l'•t~. l'•<IOt v11 ... morl1>t1•,,e11r•<•o•1. poultry o fficial, was cL.1s1Y found dead in his home F ERIEORICK THOMAS CLI SBY Rti.i<ltf'lt 01 co~••~··· P••i.td _, here. Turner was past . ~t 11, 1•1s. s1-1rvlvte1b'111s .nt1. president o( the We!ltern Ellt>v; !IOf'I ftr.cirlc• T. C!hbJ Jr, ol p It C Fl.li1tr1on; "•UOhlt • Ev••vn c. Nltktis OU ry ongrea& and OI (~II MIU; "'ne Q••11dcllllltrtn. past director O( the C..•v•t 10c! i 1•v1<•• ,.ui bt r.t1e1 11 California Poultry and l oa PM, Fr iday . P1(ll1c View Memo•••• P1•k. P •tlt lt VI•* Hatchery Federation Mlmorl1IP1rk,dlt tCIOtl . and the California Mlllllll.L • T k F d . NO RM .. N E. MERRii.i. AQe, ,,, ... ur ey e erat1on. ~ld~nl ol Hu"tlnolori Bt•(h. di.d AllQll" :.. 191~. S~••l vtd av ~I!. ... 111, JO.lri MlnlU; dlluc;il'll'll1r, Mlc"'I•; "°"• ~obt•I , mo!l>t•, M,s. Wiim• Mt••lll, l!t'OI,,.,, ""-tvlri Mt1f Ill, •ncl • tOUll!'I, C.0.""11 0.v!dSOfl. Strvlc t~ ,.111 tJt <on· Out "d Frldl•, Au9uU It, !tit, a1 J:OOPM ti Wt~ltllfl Ch•Pll Mo,,..., •. S..r~itts will bt held by tl>t Nt"""'' Harbor Elkt a.P.O.E. No. Utl. ln\., . "-I, Pttlll< Vil w M•mor l1I Pe•k. W1n l<llft Clllpel Martu••,, dlrK\Ori. .... -. IA.Ln-lllG-llOH JUHHA.L HOMI Corona del Mar 6 73-9450 Cosl a Mesa 646-2424 llLLllOADWA.Y MOITUAIT 110 Broadway, Cosla Mesa 642·91 50 McCOIMICK MO ITU A.IT Laguna Beach 494-QA 15 San Juan Caoistrano 495-1776 rACtHCVllW MfMOllAL r.t.llC Cemelery Morluary Ch!'lpel ~ 3500 Pac1l1c View Dnve New oort Beacn, C&hforn1a 644-2700 PSll,A ... ILY COLONIAL FUHllAL "°"" I , 7801 Balsa Ave. Weslm1n s1er 893·3525 r """ltS' MOITUA•f 927Meln8t. Hun11ngton Beach s:>e-e539 PUBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUS BUSIHIEIS "'AMI. STATIEMl'.NT Tl'lt tollowlnQ 1>9'.ot'IS ••t OOllflObwl-... ~, .s: HALLELUJAH POTTERV, 2•Va NtwPOft Blvd., COii.i Mew. c..ti.....,.• "'" Jon W. llurtt, 2J S1 E ldtri SI., Co& .. ...,,.,., tl;l!IOf1'11• •1tJT Tlll'OIPIJ J. I-le-. 2'61\1, Nt""PO"I 81...., .• CM!• Mtw. c.niorril• m11 TPl!S ~~lle'IS 15 tOMIKttd bf• llrnit· td p.1rt,,,.rtl'll11 . .Jfltl,W.8.,..._t Pilf1MI' Tiiis sl•ltmtril ,.,., l lltd ....;11'1 11111 CouritJ Cit•-ol Or•111tt County ori AU911St21, lt1!i. .. .... P\lbll~ OrMlvt Coal! O•llJ PllOI, A119, 11,MICI 5'tp1. 4, 11, If, 191$ ~·IS PUBLIC NOTICE ,1cf1T101Js 1us1•r.ss NAMaSTATl!Ml"'T TM touow!llf PttM>rit ••• doino;i b1-1sl- ntss•s: COi.OR WEST C.RAPH!CS. INC., )ol)O ltvl~ -'"'" tClA, Ntwp0'1 Otacl'I, CA. tl..o UYNA·CRA F T PRESS. IN(., • C•lllotlllt (Otpo••llon, J•OC lt YI'"' Ave., 103A,Ntw00'1 l••t ", C"-'7MO Th is boitl..ess Is <o"lluctect bJ 1 uw• pcH'lllofl. bYNA·CAAFT PlllSS. l"'C. Fr .... kJ.Ol,.IMU. .. Vitt Pf11klt!'ll tnls st11tmt111 ••• llltd •1111 lht C*l'I' (ler-ti 0""9f! C6u""'" J\llJ "· 1'7S. ., .. , 11'111111\l'ttd Or•t10t Co.111! 0.llJ Aloi """"''·''·''·11.1 s -.is :~J':-'' ut£ clllli ~· Buying I S.lliog Gold & Sllv« Awe Coins °"9n D•lly M PM J"rM Book on GOid and Silver 17HL- --c:. 91114 mslll TM I c.lll lff.JJ.14 •• Sun-time, fun-time furniture Pick pat io furniture for a summer of outdoor fun . All of our web furniture. folding redwood furniture and padded alum inum furniture is on sale right riow. Here's your opportunity to · increase your patio pleasure. without breaking your ·budget. Sale prices subject to stock on hand. ALL WEB FURNITURE, FOLDING REDWOOD AND PADDED ALUMINUM FURNITURE, off Step on It When you hlvtt digging lo do. !llep on ohe of lhese well -rnade shovels. cnoose t'I square or round point shovel. Bo!h heve Jong wooden handles to keep bending 10 a minimum. American made to 111t. YOUR CHOICE SHOVELS, 2.88 A mulch with much to offer Sequoia planter mix and mulch 1s a high o.uality organic mi l U61t It lor Pl<!nting 1reP.s. shrubs. lawns and bare rool plants. Also !or renewing old lawns end !'IS a mulch. 2 cu. It. SEQUOIA PLANT ER MIX, Reg. t .49 98c Colorful ground cover Cover a 101 of ground wllh vinca -better known as periwinkle. These bushes g1o w lo 18~ tall, ar~ attractive massed. end will add brilliant color to your garden. Hardy evergree n perenni als 4" size. VINCAS, Reg . 69c 28c Shop Ward & Harrington for all your home improvement needs. We specialize in quality merchandise and help- ful salespeople. You'll find everyth ing for inside and outside your home in ten complete departments: lumber. hardware, garden, paint, electri cal. plumbing, paneling , housewares, decor, and build ing materials. I ~ Capistrano open a 10 5 • arid & Harri" ngton ()pool,br •D" 9loG.e<cepl GARDEN GROVE FULLERTON LONG BEACH ORANGE COSTA MESA CAPISTRANO 7707 Garden Grove Blvd. 301 So. State College 6980 Cherry Ave 324 West Katella 1275 Bristol 34162 Doheny Park Rd . 537·857t or 893·6523 870 ·0050 634 ·7111 532·2506 556·1500 496·5766 · Open Mon. thru Frt. 9 to 9, Sit. l Sun. g 10 6 eJCcept: Orange open til 6 Mon. thru Sun, Capistrano open Mon. thru Sun. 8 to 5 Prtc11 erttcUve Thilrad1y, Friday, Salurday and Sunday, Prlcew not effective 11t 1he Long Beach store . I r • • I I \ A J 4! DAIL y PILOT Thur1<1ay, Auau•t 28, 1975 Few Measle-y Cases Break Out • ID County August Cadillac Sate By BILL SCHREIBER • ottMD•lly~llolSl.tll SANTA· ANA - German measles, which can cause severe birth defects in the unborn children of infected, pregnant women , in apparently on the downs wing in Orange County this year. reduction in federal funding for vaccination programs and a greatef reliance on state and local agencies to pick up the slack. · Philp sa~d if the foundation's figures are accurate, some local jurisdictions h ave not done the job. TUE PRIMARY targe t or vaccination. programs are young children. Health officials say the di sease is harm less to youngsters but they can carry rubella and infect women of childbearing age. which has been used for about s ix years extensive ly, can be adntinistered to women who are not pregnant and do not gel pregnant v.·i thin ·three months after va c cinat ion is adminis t ered , Philp said. ACCORDING TO the national ~1arch or Dimes, widespread we of the vaccine has broken the charasteristic, five-to nine·year cycles of.mass rubella epldemics that have occurred since the 1920s in the Uni t ed States. been vaccinated against rubella -about 55 million doses. • "We are still a long way from beating rubella and it should probably have b een under control by now since we have the means to do it,'· Harniltoq said. ATHLETIC SHOE REl'AIR . TRED'S & THREADS ~ffers official resole ond repair service for •ADIDAS • Niki •TIGER • TRETORN •PUMA • HEAD Year-end sale of remaining 19755 -c-~)() I t1;1fbor Rl\1(1., Cosr..i MeSd ·540 •J!I)() Or. John Philp, county h ea lth officer, said Wednesday there have been only 43 reported ca ses of G e'rman measle s (rub e lla ) through July compared to 59 a year ago. Philp said the disease a lmost always causes BUT H E S~ID ~he some problems for the rubella vaccination mother or her unborn progra.m in Orange child . County is a key part of A. . 1'he one·lime shot of vaccine produces a mild form or the disease that could have the same reaction a s infectious rubella on an unborn baby, Philp noted. Since the vaccine was licensed in 1969, about 68 percent of American children between five and nine years old have FAST SERVICE Treds & Threads the public health ' The rubella vaccine, THOSE STATISTICS are at odd s with the national figures for the disease, v.•hich can be prevented with pro~r vaccinations. According to r ecent fi gures released by the _National Foundation of the ~1ar c h of Dimes, reported cases across the country have increased 60 percent so far this year, from 8,700 to 14,200 compared tO the same period in 1974. The national fo undation s aid the increase was caused by a program . I-l e sai d vaccinatio·n s are available at all county health clinics and publi c education progra1ns have been conducted. Dr. Thomas 1-lamilton, deputy county health officer, said California as a whole has not been hard-hit by rubella this year but he said "it is a disease that jumps around a lot.·' He did say the state and county have been more effect ive than most local jurisdictions in dealing with rubella through immunization programs. Overcrowding OC Airport's Parking Eyed SANTA ANA -Orange County s upervisors have ordered the coWlty airport department to study interim methods or easing the vehicle parking space crush at the county's overcrowded jetport. 'l'he board action T uesday fol lowed presentation or preliminary findin gs made by the county Airport Commission that the c urrent park ing facilities are inadequate to handle the massive innux of cars coming to the airport. AN AIRPORT administration sour ce said WC'dncSday among the options that wi ll be considered is a proposal to install temporary parking buildings and hydraulic lift systems. Parking at the airport is now limited to the mai n gated lot in front or the terminal and a small mc·tered lot a t one end of the terminal. Lon g-range improvement plans for the airport -\\'hich hinge on the findings of an on-going en\"ironmenta l impact report -call for expenditure or SI million or more to bwld a multi-level parking structure near the airport -terminal. IN A. PERSONAL memorandum to supervisors, Airport Commissioner Gene Tunks of Garden Grove said it may be possible to improve the parking s ituation \\"ith a minimum of effort. Tunks suggested that there could be ways or re<.1l)ocating the ex isting parking areas to permit more vehic le s to squeeze into the lots. The <.1irport admiilistration source said there have been suggestions that the county could "temporarily" double-deck the main lot at the airport with a portable r amp and deck arrangement that could be removed if more permanent structures are called for. TllE SOURCE ALSO said a sys tem of hydrauli c lifts that would raise up one row of cars so another could park beneath might be studied as v.·ell. Holiday Feasts Planned by VFW SANTA ANA -Plans for serving 2,000 free Thanksgiving dinners and possibly 2,000 more at Chris tmas time to Orange County senior citizens have been an- nounced by the Second District of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Bill Ward, di s trict spokesman, said the pro- gram will depend on ar· ranging s uitable loca- tions for the events in the county and cities. The Orange County Senior Citizens Counl'il Nutri- tion Committee, headed by Ruth Kahn of Newport Beach. is as- sisting Ward "'ilh the project. ANY PERSON desir- ing to assist the VFW "1th the project .is asked to call Ward at (714) 541 ·8751 . SALE 4: _, * *JEWELRY** A. H. Weinert Fine Jewels Diamonds •.•••.•...•.. : ..•. 25°/o off 1. 4k Rings .................. 40°/o off Earrings .................... 25°/o off Watches' .................... 25°/o off Sterilng Silver •••••.••••.••• 20°/o off Engagement Seh ••••••.••••. 25"• off i.ald Chains. Chcrms, MCldaces, Pearls •••••••••.•. I 0% off !state Items ;:; ... . • A. H. WEINERT Fine Jewels 32 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH 64 ... 2040 * 40,000 Mile MICHELIN 'X' STEEL BEL TED WHITEWALLS Mic ll•liot'o W••••ot!J f•• "I." ••cli•l Ml9ll••t1•1 P ••••n9•t Tit• •ll•wn SIZE ••••• ........... c1 ••••• " ...... 1 ••• c1 "••••cl• l••d .. cl in9 ••P•i•ol>I• '""" $ '"•••)encl cl•loc l• on •••k"'•"•ltip oncl .... 1 .... iol\ I•• 40.000 lflil••, wloen ,;,, " .... c1 o .. , .............. ;c1 •• ;., n•rmol ,.,,,;,, in continonlol Unil•cl i l1tlo•, ••<•pl Ale•ko <••cl•I er ••·~ t .. ncl (ol M1<lt•lin"• optoonJ ,. e1t .. ol I• ,.,,, • .,, "''""' ,,11,n9 pro<e ..,.,o;. pll•cl i., pe<conlo9• •I warra.,trcl ... ii ... , .... , ........ "'•· 165/13 175/13 165/14 ' 1165/llJ ER78/14 (1 85114) FR78/14 11 ,S/141 GR70/14 1105/14) ~ BRIDGE STONE TIRES n;;:;;:;;; GR70/15 (20511 SI JR70/1 5 (2.lS/151 LR78/15 1135115) SPECIAL BUY Th··· ••• ~t nnd ...... all·w••'"'' ..... , •• 1;,,, ~uih !<11 "''· w •f , mud, •now a ;,,.,, ,.,,.4_ lcle•I Ii•• let .~~ ... I. hunte<1' Ii'>< ,erle<O '"" l•r th• ••••h entt.., ... ,1• BlllDGEnOIR SMl SNOWMAS1U • 6.00 /13 5.60/14 • 7.00/13 • 6.50/tl 6.45 /14 • 5.50/12 ri 113·'., t' \?I 145 SR/l'l 145 SR/14 155 SR/11 165 SR/14 s1288 s1688 • , ........ ·~i..1 ...... ,,,J, .• 52,0(I ...... ,.,;,. , ••• ft 6.50/16 7.00/15 7.00/16 . COSTA MESA ' 3005 HARIOR BLVD. lc:cw-of laker 0114 ......_., BUENA PARK lt61 u. ... ~ ll•cl. "-···---·-t71 41 lll·l5$0 BFG d ' h , r 40,000 MILE Wii ~ 31=l 3§i 311 :til•lt;, !J .... "'"'""''"'' =--BRJl/ 13 FR78/15 (165/13) (ltSltSJ CRJl/14 GR70/15 1175114) (205/15) DRJB/14 HRJl/15 (115/14) (215115) FR78/14 JRJl/15 ll:RJl/141 (22511 S) LR71/15 (23S/1S) •• •••I•,.., ,.Her lo I• Mil•• ,.,,.. ,.,, If r•• •••• , ~•"II" CHC*"'l•I ,...c1.ctt ., ..... 1 ... ••Hertel II , ••• plt•t• c•ll ••• OlrtCllr •I C1eu1 .... Aff•ln, Mr. t. Morctr, 1111) t 71•17J:J •• 1•1·1111. II wt olte•ll otll t•I 11 re., oh• • MN/• cHc•" wHI H """ .,.,,1., ' Mttr ••II•...., el !lo• ..n ... llttcl prk ........... l.._. fltt. iiiiii FULLERTON 'GAJ!OfN GROVE 1111 S-'11 hllhl l .. 04D .,_., .... " ,,_,_.. .._ ... _ ---.. · ---1714Fl7MIOO 171 41 $10-JJDI 1714) 557-SOOO LA HABRA JDDO ""'"'""' l l•cl. ) ' • fita: (f70/1S) (fJl/15) (11SllS) (1tS/15J s399s ~· IJ.M , ... h . ,.. Front DISC BRAKE Reline "'''"..,. IRl(f •1cr1H ..... U.l. c... •• JI> !Mi'•''"" Roh+lt Coll'"'• llH~I,. Rttou, s49 , \ I ""''"""'•--••·· ...... . ·TUNE-UP PACK.AGE : ~~~:-~~ ...... 'I 9 88 4 CYL ••tsUM. 't.W. TeT011l, oni.. ''"· $2 7aa 6 CYL ~r11.s. ..... • CYL MM' 11,s. ····• '3288 l•Cl11e11: ll•11to•I• t•1••• A••lf•lo. llow ............ ''""'" , ___ ... ·-· ...... n..i..1c....., ...... Heavy Duty Muffler Priee lne/11hs lnstoHoHon s19~~! Mltf ll.1.C..U lltClllill l•ITAllATlllt ... lllli!&Ul'f ••tllll l llll Mtlfflll f l fll 16,. 1r cw...,. 1.1. ltlP\Aa.Nlll •u1n. \ I ' I 'l'hursd•y. Aogust 2ll, 1975 DAILVPILO'I' BJ I Orar1ge Coa$t Sc hool . Distr· cts Map Here's Back. to School Help for You • A~~ SEAL BEACH· El.EMENTARY ' YW ESTM (2~ 3) 43 1-1389~ ... ---~llJI!!~ SURFSIDE . SUNSET BEACH HUNTI NGT BEACH U NIO HIGH SCHOOL DISTRI CT 536-9331 ~ COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT I 556-5651 u - WARNER OCEAN VIEWt-ELEMENTAR~ 847-2551 ~t--- HU NTINGTON BEACH SADDLEBACK COMMUNIT:r' COLLEGE DISTRICT. 8~1-9700 ~ NE UNIFIED ~"t~tC DISTRICT 900 • .iGROVE AVE. GA DEN GROVE UNI IED DISTRICT 638-6000 • AVE. SANTA ANA UNIFIED DISTR ICT 558-550 I TUSTIN UNI FIED DI STR ICT 544-7500 Back to school days bring roblems and questions to parents and tudents a Ii ke. Many of those problems and questions involve the schools themselves: finding out about bus schedules, who runs the school districts, what numbers to call for class information, how to register if you're new in the district-and many more. PO RTFM IFIED.O T. ICT 645-06 . '0:-<, ,) ' SADDLEBACK VALLEY UNIFIED DISTRICT 586-1234 ' ~· - -.J ' C•\JHS CAPI STRANO '"' The Daily Pilot this year will offer comprehensive information about all school districts in its circulation area. With the cooperation of district representatives, the newspaper will. publish detailed area data beginning • SOUTH IAGUNA ~~ THRfE AROfBAY ,, . , .. " ' '· UNIFIED DISTf!ICT 1 _ .. 337-51 81 or. 1 496-1215 ' J • today on page 2. Here's the publication schedule. Find where· you live on the map, locate your district(s) and check the left hand column of Page 2 on the days indicated . r----Coast Community College (Golden West and Orange Coast Colleges) Thursday, August 28 SAN a.EMENTE~ Saddleback Community College Thursday, Aug. 28 Newport-Mesa Unified School District Friday, Aug . 29 Huntington Beach High School District Friday, Aug. 29 Irvine Unified School District Friday, Aug. 29 Saddleback Valley Unified SChool District Friday, Aug. 29 San Juan Capistrano Unified School District Ocean View Elementary School District Laguna Beach Unified School District Friday, Aug. 29 Tuesday, Sept. f Tuesday, Sept. 2 Fountain Valley Unified School District Wednesday, Sept. 3 Huntington Beach Elementary School Distric:t ' ' Thursday, Sept. 4 I .. l ' ( I Recipe• to add dining pleasure whlle aublracting calories. Dog Fight Bid "Giveaways' Bit Wedneaday In the DAILY PILOT $ > . i SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Edmund G. Bro\11 n Jr. signed legisla· ti o n requiring a veterinarian to report the death or injury of a dog if he s uspects the cause was a staged dog righ t . The measure (A81062) was authored by Assemblyman Ken MacDonald, (D·Ojai). I H: r1 ·:, Tf lL \\/\\' fl) LOOK .. 1 hf"'111,-j-.~.d jocl et "It I' 11111: 'l o I.I>,•!• 11~1 ,t'.\11·1,•1 l•l.1Jr1• I 11111 di •l!hlll Tl~ t 11, 11•:1: ;,, il•IUI tl"(!1,ic~- 1 I ll ,1' '·• 11 1r/l1•.111.111 . .,ur ·l1 ~·1 flu!Jr'dJ::.· 11' c ·, 1,1,J.111 · 11!1 .. ~.· •1q1 .. 11,nis! Sur\ 11 11· d, ~)..t'd J11. i o..I. S 10. P,,( ,r, S ·,_,:SI 111 t, $1 v. ~ ·.\i, ~I BJ.1ch FASHION ISLAND 644 "i411 L. H,l,,.1 IASHIONSOUARE 871 c'3 14 ~\l'll..Jr ! B ._1Lt1•11 • n _.;_incl,y 12·5. Mesa Council Cool to Report By ALAN DIRKJN Oi W D.IU~ Pl IO'I St•ll A goals and objectives report for the city of Costa J\.1esa was given a cool reception by City Council members this week. The study, r equested by the council , took the cit y's Goals and Objectives Committee 16 months to con1pletc, and covered a range of topi cs, such as 1 publi c facilities, housing, recreation, transporta- tion, and industry and commerce. J\o1AYOR ALVIN L. PINKLEY at a study session objected that the report was "strongly socially oriented .. and said that many of the pro- grams it contained were the responsibility of the state and federal governments. "On the first four topic pages I find 24 giveaway programs.·: he said. "This wo~d make Costa Mesa like New York, Laguna Beach, Santa Ana or Hunt- ington Beach. We would become like Huntington Beach, "'"hi ch has a fine library but no money to put anything in it." The mayor then recited basic city services s uch as the police and fire departments and road m ain- tenance and said that Costa Mesa was sound in these a reas. ·· 1 think we should continue in the same m anner as we have for the last 22 years,'' he added. THE MAYOR TllEN APPOINTED himself and Councilman Robert \Vilson to study the report for a month and then r eturn to the council "with the things we think we can get concurrence on ." This d ecision appear ed to differ from the wishes of the Goals and Objective Committee m em- t>erS& They wanted the report accepted as a guide to future planning policies. Presiding officer Joan Marggl point.cl out that there were differences among committee m embers on some of the issues, and acknowledged that some of the recommendations in the report were already being carried out by the city. But she suggested that there was a need for a document to state •II goals formally, even though they may not be implement- ed. as a planning guide. COUNCIL MEMBERS THANKED THE com- mittee for the report, and Councilman Dom Raciti supported the recommendation that the city should publish a news letter . Councilman Wilson said that he recognized social respons ibilities would have to be accepted, but asked, ''how do you finance them?'' Among the committee's recommendations were efforts to gain bette r librctry ser vices, participation in federally funded programs to pro- vide social welfare services. provision for a social services coordinator. preservation of the prepon- derance of owner.occupied dwellings,, but develop- ment or codes to develop more low and moderate in - come housing. ALSO, PROVISIONS FOR MEETING places for !enior citi zens and youn g people, and improved transportation, including public transit and addi- tional east-west roadways. The committee also r ecommended pursuing the idea tha t an opcn-space corridor be created from the pl anned Fairview Regional Park to Upper Newport Bay, and suggested that the corridor could be composed or parcels from Fairview Hospital, Orange Coast College, Te Winkle Park, the Orange County Fairgrounds, and the Costa Mesa Civic Center. Penney Rockwell electronic calculators give you The Answer. 39.95 Model 31 R slide rule memory with rechargeable batteries Invaluable for anyone working wi th reciprocals, square roots, percentages. Especially helpful in college math, marketing, retailing. Addressable ~emery ; automatic constant s and repeat; sign chanQe. With batteries, charger case. 89.95 Rockwell 63R slide rule with scientific notation Performs complex calculations such as factorial computations, degree/ radian conversion. parenthetical operations. Extra large display. Ideal for engineers. scien tists. Batteries, charger, case included. 19.88 18R electronic calculator with percent and memory Ideal for everyday use at home or in the office. Percent key solves add·on and discount problems. Algebraic logic; automatic constant and repeat. Floating decimal and negative indicator; dual clear entry/clear al l key ; 8 dig it display. ' UPIWI ....... Toftell•Otd Ug a nd ;a Preside nt !di Amin w e nt t o Tripoli, Libya lo have his tonsils removed, Iraqi news sources said. Amin was reported in good C'Ondition . Just Right For School HALLIDA Y'S CLASSIC Lambs wool v-neck or cardigan - cashmeres a nd lofty shetland crew necks. A great selection or traditional shades to choose from . GOOOTASTE .... l&.*ftMINaTYU.. 17th & Irvine Ave. • Westcliff Plaza Newpoot euth · 645-0792 Rasmussen's COME SEE WHAT'S NEW FOR BACK TO SCHOOL di A ernon·s Wl!STCUFF PLAZA Newport Beach 548-4121 SPORTSWEAR. BALBOA ISLAND 216 Marine Ave. 675-1904 SADDLEBACK SADDLERY BACK TO SCHOOL SALE WESTERN BOOTS LARGE GROUP AU SIZES MANY STYLES 30% OFF VINYL COATS HORSE BLANKETS & DAY SHEETS 20%off COME !MAMO SH OUR WIDE SELECTION OF WESTIRM & EMGUSH TACK M' TOGS TODAY. EVERYTHING FOR HORSE & RIDER! LADIES & MEN'S COATS LEA THEll·SUEDE ~~· 30%off NEW ENGLISH & WESTERN SADDLES 20%& 30%off MEN'S PANTS D!SCOMTIMum STYUS :c>J-: It ... SIS.00 s99 o .1,.sruo sf f 90 " MEN'S SUITS DOUBLE KNITS • SIZES 36 lo 46 \20%off ' ENGLISH BREECHES & JODPUR PANTS FLARE LEGS VALUES TO SS0.00 s290 I ,._:tc ..... •M ...... C ..... SADDLEBACK SADDLERY EVERYTHING FOR 13922 NEWPORT AVE.-TUSTIM • ARCADIA CANOGA PARK CARSON HORS ATUHTAANAFlllWAT DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH E • LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT ORANGE 'THE CITY ' PUENTE HILLS VENTURA aEAcH NORTH HOLLvwooD NoRTHRloGE & RIDER -...._,,_...._,.. Phone 838-0800 RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO TORRANCE iC;:::::::;::;::;:;;;:;:;:;::;:;::::::;!,~SA~T.~ ..... t~l=Q~i:•:• ·~·:::' :'al:... ....... _ .... '!""..;~:::~:::::::::::J WHITIWOOD · ' \ \ ' ' ' • ' i I Special t ensus Proposed for Newport I \'l't another allernative in a provvsed t·ity efrort to seek 1>ublic opinion on civic issues in Newport lt cach C'Uffic before r ity l'Ouncilmen this Wi.'t'k -a combination speciill census and polling campaign. Nu dec ision has yet come from the council on the plan tu seek opinions from residents on subjects ranging from ciliz('ns' needs to the possiblt• vulue or anne)(ing downcoast territory owned by the Irvine Company. TllE BREAK MAY come, emerged from the communi· however, when two opposing ty development department <'ouncil members m e et Monday as councilmen re· privately Friday with the city viewed the value of a new s t aff and professional headcount. pollsters. The cen:tus would probably Councilwoman Lucille showsurgesinpopulationsul- Kuehn. who strongly en· ficient to warrant the· slate dorses a complete poll, and Department or Finance to in· opponent Paul Ryckotr pl.an crease lax rebates lolhe city. to hammer out a compronuse Customarily, the terms of in the session. an agreement with the slate The idea to incarporate a agency a llow it limited list of questions with a number of questions at the special ·census next year city's discretion. Mrs. Ku ehn has strongly endorsed some s ort of dt!- finitive polling to update and augment d ata obtained in the 1969 professional poll un- dertake n during the Newport Tomorrow planning study. RYCKOF•· llAS remained concerned about the cost- about $8,000 for a professional sampling-as well as the <i c:- cent or the questions "'hic:h could be asked. TtlutSday, August 28. 1915 DAIL '1 P!LOT Bl ~~~~~~·~~~~~~~-==---~===---==--~-=-:-:::-~::-:-:-~-=---:-~~~·~~~ THE FAMILY U llCUS By Hi l Keane .. ~ .. ., ~. ~· ' ......... ... "Stop tt\e car, Ooddy -1 feel sick!" Planners Alter McDonald's Plan Orange County. plan- ners h ave altered the landscaping plan or a l'wlcDonald 's Restaurant located at the corner or Alicia Parkway and Write It, Sell It In Class "Writ e it and Sell it" is the title or a ne w pro- fessional writing course offered by Orange Coast College at Corona del _Mar Hi gh School this fall. The t hree-unit course is slated lo m eet Tues- day evenings. It will cov- er writing, copy writing, selling, publication of critiques. magazine articles, book reviews, feature writing, and newspaper writing. Regist,ration for the classes at Corona del fl.tar will be held at 'the high school Aug . 28 and Sept . 2 from 6-8 p.m . Classes begin Sept. 4. Trabuco Road in Mission Viejo. Although previously set, plans allowed the owners of the restaurant to reduce the size of box trees to s urround the establishment. Planners first ap· proved a 42-inch Ii mit on the tr ees. but the restaurant owners asked that it be changed to 24 inches. Planners decided lo make some trees 36 in- ches arid some 24 inches. McDonald owners claimed they had already poured concrete and tbe 42·inch limit would not work. Plan ners kept the s ame ty11e of t ree and the same number or trees in the plan. . Transcript OK SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The California Supreme Court has r uled that an · indigent defe n· danl who is retried is en· titled to a t r anscript of his first trial. The Wl· animous decision re- versed t he conviction or Josep h Hos n e r - What'* YourBag? Win $15,$10 or$5 Instructions: e Make a back to school purchase at the Storekeeper and receive a free bike bag . e Color, print. sew. stitch or whatever to make the Storekeeper man and bag uniqul! and colorful. e Write your name, address, age, and phone num ber on the inside of your bag and re turn to the Store- keeper by Saturday Sept. 13th . for judging. • Your bag will be judged in four age categories: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17. On originality. neatness and in keeping with llui'Storek~r theme. • $1500for1st. $10;110 for ~d, $5.00 for 3rd. will be awarded for1he most creative bags in each category. What's Your Bag? Show UL m ~ I ' ADVANCE REGISTRATION ICE SKATING LESSONS ' , • Enhance your chil d's poise and posture. A planned program of lessons with the exc lu sive Ice Ca pades' easy learn ing method gives you or your child heal thy exercis_e i n p lea sant supervised surround in gs. REGISTER NOW S~cial~lot.s MISA YHDI' CIHTH ...._.&A4-s.ColftlW... T.&.17 141979.allO ( S. I. llAYA K AWA ) 11 THOUGHTFUL In lh• DAILY PILOT Shapes and b•olls a hambu•gt!r u1 one 10 \WQ minu!e'i; 1oa$!S muffins, heats sandwiches 100. Silalle•·lree cookong. Immersible tor easy cleaninq. MB-1 999 Or ocs and s!vles 'vour ha or with 500 wa11 s power . Complete woth comb a11achmen1 for easy ~1vhn9. H0-4 ~- HARDWARE STORES \';, ·,, v• · ''" to • , "' • .. ,.h '"' ,., no n.1!•n" ! r n I • ,.,,. I '•V lo! J• • t '1 I• 'qo ' 00@ 99 Also Av1alabl11 '" 2 p;i~ ""''"' Silmf' cono1na1oon Padlocks ~ .~·- Master $13 9 LAMINATED PADLOCK '" Terflfoc low price -ju~! "' t•m" for back to ~chool. Us" on•· tor nollwav locker, one lor 9ym lock~r. 1$00 Strong lamonatcd steel case Improved multi SP""\! lock 1n9 Cadmium ru~to100!1n9. Master s3a~lex 1bl:~~~:1 sleeve. Famous MASTER comb1na11on padlock WE NOW STOCK A COMPLETE LINE O F SKATEBOARD PA RTS , •. 8A~~hHR1CARO I · • • MHN ! STORE HOURS: Mon. t hru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6, Sun. I 0-4 our back-to-achool features ... Lev rs jeans " all time favorites ... shrink-to-fits," den im, corduroy, brush denim . all colors, all sizes. : ' ' ,\ I t ' ' " ' \ ' ! • \ '1: \ fr om Ocean Pacific ... the peasant s hir t. I ,. _..., from HJJ.HG TEH new ideas in longsleeve tee-shirts @) o@@)~@ 44 fashion island , newport center 644·5070 ' • ' ' - ' - • ' ' -... I • ;•4 DAIL V PILOT 'Thursday. August 28, 1975 . l $20,000 for Newport >. ~ Ses~ion • Scheduled l Recycling Paying Off r~ The city of Newport Beach has earned more than $20,000 since the re· cycling program begWl one year ago, according to General Services Direc-i tor Jake Mynderse. ; About 1,006 tons or old papers have i ·been collected during lhe 12·m,onth cord being set in July, with 119.9 loos. However , .coll ection in August amounted to only 96.7 tons, falting short of the high. . Mynderse explained that the drop resulted from families being on vaca- tion and also a s horter period between l'ollcction days. Ear l y childhood / education in&tructors at Saddleback College wiU "hold an information session Sept. 11 at s p.m. in ~qi 313 or the scien· ce/mathm a tics : build- ing al the college. • _period, resulting in revenue of ~'5, 176 ~ ar'ld a net profit of $20,424. According to Mynderse, the amount collected during the past year in- dicates a 39 percent participation by Ne"1port residents . The teachers will dis- cuss the classes offered at the college for pro- s pe ct iv e pre sc h ool ~ TltE AMOUNT OF PAl,ER collect· ~ ed increased each month , with the re· " teachers. The meeting is open to f. ! ~ ! the public. He's Truthful MONEY RECEIVED FROM there-Gets Ph.D. l\.1ILAN , Italy (AP) -cycLing efforts 1s deposited on the . . . . · Police report that a pale, city's general fund and will probably David T . V1sl1ca o! polite bandit armed with be used to purchase new equipment Cos t a Me s a was a pistol escaped with according to Mynderse. • awarded a Ph.D. in $3,200 from a downtown Collection dates for September are molecular c~llular de- bank after l e I ling a the 8th, 9th and 10th for residents east yelopmental tiiology dur- frightened tell er ··1 need of the bay, and the 15th, I.6th and 17th · m' graduation exercises so me money for a sum · forresidentswestoflhebay this s ummer al I owa ~==m=•=r=v:•;;c;;;•:;;li;;;o;;n;,,.'=' =====!...-----------·--State University. , I ·- • I f. ., ;. SEND THEM BACK TO SCHOOL WITH Stride Rite ~TM I'.•,.,,., w.a;7Ls 10 The tough shoes we custcm fit. We would appreciate the opportunity to serve·your footwear needs. #S4 fashion Island, Newport Beoch (714) 644-4273 Open Mon. & Fri. N1te "t1I 9:00 p.m. Closed Sunday 1127 East Moin Street, Alhombro (213) 282-3678 Open Fri. N1te "Iii 8:00 p.m. Closed Sunday IJw y_. lo.U-ncn. Ma1""' c._,. · H ...... c-. Back to School - Gym Shorts Reversible T Shirts Sox Cotton Wool Orion Warmup Suits Sweat Shirts & Pants Gym SHoes .; !----------------....,.-~ • " ' ~ " ~ I I. Football Shoes Baksetball Shoes Tennis Shoes Soccer Shoes All Purpose Shoes Track Shoes Kramer Autograph Frames 2595 Smith Autograph Frames . 2595 noe>0 Rockets•Nylon Strung Yonex Rackets Dunlop Rackets Racket Stringing Open 9 · to 6 • Closed Sunday Jferjf@Jesty : CLASS-MATES ... for the back-to-school bunch ' ·~·· . . -. "· . .....-"\ .•'.'. ·' o/"-t'.' ' ! (' ';,• I, I ', ........... ~ ..,, i'.. • ~ .~( - I I I /1111 ILOUSES $5&$7 Basketballs from 595 Volleyballs -Leather · Volleyball Nets Volleyball Shoes Footballs Rubber & Leather Junior Intermediate . Regular Soccerballs Leather & Rubber Racquetballs % Racquets Handballs & gloves Baseballs -Mitts -Gloves Bats -Warmups - Undershirts Speedo Swim Suits & Trunks ·Laguna Swim Trunks Barbell Sets DumbellSets Spring Olest Polls Bike Repair - Tires • Tubes cessories 535 Center I • Ac· 646-1919 I • Newport Effort • Ene·rgy Project OK'd Spokesm en for o volunteer com munity partnership planning a full·scale energy con- servation program th.is fall have won swi(t initial endorsement from the Newport Beach City Council. · questionnaries would be .an Integral part of the ef- rort , along with public recognitions of rirms and individuals who best ex- press the splrit of the campaign. ' INCLUDED IN THE plannin~ of the effort is a computerized car-poof The panel heard initi8I proposals this week for a kickoff event which could include Project In-[ l . ~t . liOYf) ) dependence decals and . . clearing house. Eilers characterized the project as a program. "gro\•.'ing at the grass· roots lcvt:'L" "It will be far diCCerent than the government- enforced conservation and we expect it lo grow," he added. INFORMS In lhe DAILY PILOT bumper stickers on cu-~======~~~~~~~~~~~~ pool vehicles. along with ~ an ene.rget ic advertising preschool•kirder.p1eri•elernen1~ campaign. Edwards montessori· school . Ul'ITt~ Cot1rerned California National Guard Commander M · G F k J JOINT sponsorship of . :·o way ol Ille"' occ:redlted by the o~ rrooresw;Jri in1emo1ional11 ' aJ. en : ran · the effort will be by the Schober Jr. says he Newport Center Associa· is ''concerned'' about lion, the Irvine Industrial a potential 10 percent ·League and Newpart drop in the number HarborCbamberofCom- of g uard members. merce. • ao.terded doy P'O<J'on't • """'""' prO<Jom • b ote-yogo•,wimming · • craden-ocs . """""" • IXJ'e<'t effectivene\' • r&.idual in~tructiori• """"' • ati-llic o.elf-eaprenion Many who joined to William ·Eilers, avoid the draft will representing the center be leaving at the end association, said that of their~ enlistme nt. data gathering through , • lOCIO-fllOlol developme~r • g°"'1h of ~-esreem 997-1200 ;..111'.~-""',;,j """'P"'f.-.., 5003 e. chapman ave. orange ' . a 10/haek--.. BACK·lO·MUSIC BACK· TO· SCHOOL SAVE--==-·-~-·-. ~--........ -.... -- s50 • •••• 00 REALISTIC® -STEREO AND 4-":HANNEL RECEIVER 21 % OFF! SAVE $87.70 ON A COMPlETE 4 -SPEAKER SYSTEM FE/I TURING THE QTA-720 RECEIVER Reg Sep Items Pnce.,. 429,70 Our QTA·720 opens a new worl (! o! !oslen1ng pleasure via 2 or 4 speaker stereo or auadraohonic sound -lhe best ot bo!h worlds. 2 and 4 channel taoe inputs and outouls, Glide·Path·)• vOlume controls. Cus!om walnu1·gra1ned vinyl venf!el case, There·s only one pl;icc you can l1nd ii ... Radio Shack ' . 5 342 l ~il' •Four So/0.1 W11lnut Veneer .•. ~" Compact Speaker Systems • LAB·34 Auto Changer on B•se wrth $f7.95 Ellipfic•I Magnetic C•rtridge Reg. 49.95 SAVE$20 OUR FAMOUS MC-1000 SPEAKER SYSTEM Reg. 3995 59.95 40·1980 Genu1n(! walnut veneer i\COllsliC susoens1on speal\er del1vf'rs rf';il h1·l1 sound a·· woorer anrf 3 wine d1soers1on tweeter. Use w•lh any audio system So ace·s<iv•nri 11 :1f,11.911.5Y.,. Rf'duced J3 ' SAVE .15% ,,REALISTIC 4 -PIECE STEREO PHONO SYSTEM Reg. Sep. Items 117.80 • Re,1/isl ic SA·IO Stereo Ampllf1er SAVE 5 20 • Two Solo-II Wa lnut Veneer Boolr.she/( Acovstic Suspension Spe,,/ters • Modufaire • Automatic Changer 011 8;,se with Dust Cover BARGAIN-PRICED RADIO SHACK < CALCULATOR • =:s CAR 8 -TRACK 1695· STEREO •5·6D< PLAYER Our superb new EC-220 with lots ct expensive 29!~. 40% cit on A1!:ilist•c's smalles! 8·track tape unit! ff'il1uif's1 Do"s chiJ1n ;i.ncl complf'( ca1culat1ons Pf'rc1>nt kev. constant.~ ............ lloa11nq decimal. bflghl 8-d1g1t a1splay, Aulo/manual program change. tone control. 13.:i!tciy included SAVE 16% REALISTIC AM POCKET RADIO A99. 5.95 4'2~, i 2 -C HANNEL, 3 -STATION WIRELESS SELECTaCOM'> Reg. 69.95 5995 SET •3-226 of 3 SAVE20% CUSTOM-PRO STEREO HEADSET R09. 24.95 19!.~, E.11cellent sound' With battery, earphOne. carry strap, Save time and stePS1 Each st11ion ha~ 2-channet verSltihty, volume controt. • squelch Just plug in and talkt Enjoy the total listening experience at a very atfOfdable price! RADIO SHACK PRICES ON AVERAGE HAVE INCRIAIED LlSS THAJif 1 l&NCl JULY, 19741 OIONA DH. MAI tMfTIHGTON 10UMT A.IN YAlJ,.IT U.6UMA NIGUEL SANTA 1AMA SAM CllMINTI H11,...c..1""" ... ~ ••n•~ · ••n~,...,.-.. i-..:!'l!il'!r"'~ •••'-fUCS'nM.._ COSTAMISA 1n1•-•"' ~:=.::.,_.. HIWPoltll:ACH . ,~: 1M14 ....... N. 1111 .._....._ 1•11,...,C._""l-. 'WISTMIMSTll:' 11,......_...., n~1u-•... LAGUMAllACH SANJiAH 1u1w.1,.,.... ,, ............ ,M41l.'-""'C.-M-J. CArtSTIAMO .. ~~ w.-..1611 I A lAM:/'t CORPORATION ~NY llltt c...-c...--P'tlCES MAY\IAlll\' Af lNOMPUAl StQA(S " . I ""''"-..... ,,._, ···-.......... ". ,_,.. __ ·-·- • I i VALUE String Bikini Bikini in machine wash lOOo/0 nylon. Assorted colors and sizes. VALUE Misses' Bikinis SUPER BUY Lace cross over bra 1.99 Machine washable. White 632 to 40 , C and D34 to 44. Nylo n I spandex. VALUE Doubleknlt bra 1.99 Machine washable. White only. A32 to 36, 832 to 400 C34 to 40. Nylon/ spandex. GREAT BUY Women's pantihose sac Nylon with cotton crotch . Fashion shades. Sizes S,A,l . Zodiac underwear in machine wash stretch nylon. One size fits all. Assorted signs & colors.l'r~ SALE Girls' Sweater Top 5.77 SALE Little glrla' cardigan sweaters 2.66 Reg. 6.99. Short sleeve, mock twin with embroidered design. Polyester. Colors. S,M,L. Reg. 3.22. 100% acrylic, hand washable. In white, red. yell ow and pink. Sizes 4 to 6X. JCPenney J ;· :~ 1:i.1\. 'rt:~ (1 1 r lil•-Mr.....,. effective Thursday thru Saturday, Aug. 30, 1975. ... ' -- DAIL Y PILOT • SALE Basketball Shoes $3 SALE Save on this select group of shoes for the family. Just in time for Reg. 3.50. Cotton duck uppers. cushion insoles. Colors. M en 's 6 /~-12. Youth's a v~-2. Boy's 2v~-s. back-to- school. SALE Girl's Casuals SAVE 25% Women's Casuals SALE Little girls' tops 2/$4 Girls' Tops SALE Big 'n Little Girls' Twin Tops 2/$9 SALE Big girls' print tops 2/$5 Reg. 3.22 ea . Machine wash acetate. Puffy sleeve style. Assorted prints. Sizes 7 to 14. $5 $6 Reg. 2.88 ea. Machine wash polyester/cotton . Puffy sleeve. Assorted prints sizes 4 to 6x. Reg. 5.99. Tie shoes with cap Reg. 7.99. Tie shoes with vinyl toes. Vinyl uppers with uppers, ridged soles. Golden contrast stitching. Tan, blue. brown . Sizes 5-9, 10M. 8 \\-3. SALE Boy's Construction Shoes $9 Reg. 11 .99. Lea ther uppers with cushion crepe sole and heel. Brown. 3'/i-6. $8. Reg. 9.99. 8 ~,-3 -. SALE Men's Boots $13 Reg. 16.88. Harness styling with leather uppers. Brown. Sizes 7-11, 12. -PAU: Booch 11 Onnoot-• Ooon ~~30 to •.ao. S.nm» 10 toe. ?. ~·City Or. It Glrdltn GnJYe Blvd. •Open 10 to I . Sundayt 10 10 e. SAM1'4 MCA: 3800 So, Bt1~o. of So. Cout P\u.a • pen o.ity 9:30 IO 9. Sund•ya 10 toe. . . • ' ·SALE SAVES1 Big Girls' Smock Tops 3.99 . • . , Reg. 4.99. Print and solid, long sleeve smock t6 p of polyester/ cotton . Colors. Sizes 7·14. • I .. Jl6 DAILY PILOT Thursday. August 28. 1975 • • . l Men's Western Sport Shirts 7.99 l ong sleeve shirts in cotton/polyester_ Machine wash. Solids, fancies. S,M,L,XL. GOOD BUY Men's Jeans 6.99 M en's western style den im jeans with f lare legs_ w 29-38. l. 29-35. Winchester Boys' knit shirts 1.33 Machi ne wash polyester/ cotton. Assorted solids and stripes. Sizes 8 to 16. i 'j$7 2-pocket yoke back jeans. Polyester/cotton. Solids. fancies. 8to 18R ,8to16S. Savage 109.95 30-06 caliber. 3-way adjust· able trigger. Massive locking lugs and machined steel receiver for strength. (110) VALUE Big boys' underwear 3/228 Choose cotton t -shirts or briefs. White only in XS,S,M,L. Fisherman knit Big boys' swe~ters 4.99 Fisherman style knit crew pullover. Machine wash acrylic. Natural. S,M,L. SPECIAL 4.66 All cotton, blue tie dyed look with shark motif. Adult sizes S,M,L,XL: Women's Knit Tops 5.99 ' , I I' M-·· w ~· omen's s/3:99 &99 For casual and athletic wear. Elastic top, cushion foot. Fits sizes 10.13. Limited Quantities Women's embroidered gauze tops. 100% cotton. Long sleeve. Assorted colors. Sizes S,M,L. SALE Li'I Girl's Pant Set ---l ' ,._-:_ ~~ [/ ,_,..,..-- '\ \. \J \.' •. ' }1' I '' j \ I I \\ \ , '\ I \ I ! I ~omen's Gauze Tops )\'omen's tie front gauze tops in a poly/cotton blend. Natural color. Sizes S,M,L. Gals' Pre-washed Jeans ' 9.44 Gals' pre-washed jeans in 100% cotton. Zippered front. Flare le gs. Navy color. Sizes 7-16. 79.95 SALE Remington Ammo 4.99 Reg. 5.99. 30-30 caliber. 150 or 170 gra~n. Box o f 20. Blanket Irregulars from a Famous Mill 4.88 ... SALE 4.55 Li'I Girl's Pant Set Reg. 5.66. Long sleeve top· 6 55 with cute print design. Flare · l ever action deer gun. 30-30 caliber. Walnut stock and f orea rm. 20'' cold forged steel barrel. (94) Prices effective Aii!l .. 28 thru Aug. 30. SALE Remington Ammo 5.99 Reg. 6.99. 35 caliber. 200 grain. Box of 20. Famous mill, slightly irregular blankets fit twin or full sizes. Solids, prints, thermals. 7Z:'x9 C1'_. L imited Quantities "94A PA~ Beach at Oranoethofl>e •Open weekdays 9:30109;30, Sundays 10to 8. cu.t•R:C1ry Dr. at G~n Grove Blvd.• ()pen weekdays 10 to 9. Sundays 10to 8. S4MTA AHA: 3900 So. Bristol-No. ol So. Coast Plaza • ()pen Dally 9:30 to u. Sundays 10 to 8, . I I ,, leg pants. Green, gold, 3-6X. ' . Prices effective Aug. 28th Reg. 7.99. 2 pc. Western look l ~ru Aug. 30th 1975. j acket with embroidery, · ' 1contrast stitching. 3-6X. JCPenney'. x~~ ~!ii> "tll"J m ra Sllil'Cilll _..., \ I r I r Thut~ny. Augusl 28. Beat the prices of Back-to-school VALUE Corsair Typewriter 56.99 Manual typewriter has 84 characters. 2 color ribbon. Handy student aide. I . . I Rockwell Calculator !19.99 I Hand calculator with .;,.mory I performs 4 functions. e 1 digit readout, % key. \ Disposable battery. ~ ·-. :· \ I ANTASTIC VALUE .g-:ggcumt~ Pocket model performs 4 !unc tions. 6 digit eas y-to-read d isplay. Battery operated. (2006) 87 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS FANTASTIC BUY Nirvana'" Bath Massage 14.99 Water massage just where you "Ya nt. Safe-no elec tricity, easy to use. Works in any bathtub with a removable showerhead . Compact & powerful. Lloyd 's Radio 16.88 Solid state FM /AM portable radio. Operates on either battery or electric. Earphone jac k. (NN7397). Price Effective Thurs. t hru Sat., Aug. 30, 1975. Panasonic Portable 32.97 Port able fea t ures FM /AM , ve rtical slide-rule tuning. Built·in AFC on FM. Earphone jack. (RF564). Crest Toothpaste NI. wt. 5 oz. Lavorls Mouthwash 20 fl. oz. . , '-s--· .. , ............. ... --- ·-... ~. --· .. ,,, "" ..... 139 Barnes-Hind Wetting Solution 2 fl. oz. ~ ,.. • r I 1 All 'Ul 'O\f Atwfl NET Aqua Net Hair Spray NI. wt. 13 oz. 77c Maybelline Ultra Lash Mascara 129 Gillette The Dry Look Hair Spray Nt. wt. 11 oz. Breck Shampoo 1511 .oz. 129 Clearasil Ointment Regu lar or Vanishing Formula NI. wt. 1.2 oz. -_.,_ .. ·--......... 77c Treasury Skin Care Lotion 16 fl. oz. Spreclat prices good thru Salurday, August 30, 1975. .....,. P.ul! Beech at en.~• Openweekd1ys 9:30to 9:30. Sund•YI 10 to 6. ~I: City Dr. 11 Gwo.n GrOV8 Blvd.• Open weekdays 10 to9. Sundaya 10 to 6. W«A AMA: 3900 So. Brlttot--No. of So. Coast Plan. " Open DI.Uy 9:30 to 9. Sundaya 1 a to 8. ' . I . I l , . .. .. .-· .. ' ' • . ... DAILY PILO.T Thursday. August 28. 1975 11 AUGUST 28 THAU S.EPTEMBER? ' . \. ~ . ., .\ '~" "". ;~ -.;.. :... ~- . ~· '~·' i ·-c :1c~'EN:: ~GiiBUNDt" PARTS BEEF I $1.~.; I §.~~ CHICKEN BREAST GROUND BEEF s1.13 ,./ s1.18 ,. ---TENDER & TASTY BEEF s 6 3 RIB STEAK ..... L.~~.~~ .. E.~~ .......... 1. LB. BEEF ROUND BONELESS s 1 68 SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ........... : ..... I LB. BEEF CUBE STEAK ............... ~.1.68 LB. BONELESS BEEF STEW. ...•.... ~ 1.38 LB HAMBURGE'R OR HOT DOG BLADE·CUT BEEF 7-BONE BEEF CHUCK CHUCK STEAK STEAK OPEN LABOR DAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Check Your • • 79~ 89~ BEE F CHUCK BONELESS BEEF RIB SMALL END TENDER FAMILY STEAK CLUB STEAK 51.49 ,. s 1, 83 LB RUMP ROAST ~.~~f.~."~~R.~.'?~.~-'!'s 1.19 LB. COUNTRY STYLE s SPARE RI BS .•. ~9.~~.~.<?!~............. 1. 5 9 LB CUDAHY ROUND-UP s 2 18 BONELESS HAM ... ~~:~.~.~.~~-E.~..... • LB. FOSTER FARMS WHOLE 5 6 ( FRYING CHICKEN....................... LB. ~-1. r •. ·r··-; ~~ui!J .;~.r if: 11 ·:·' .. , ... o-=--.,,_-', . ·c•1•s·· .-. ,, , ...... ·.· -·-"· , , c -~ >~; .. ~ --~ LAYS BEEF LOIN FLAVORFUL BONE·IN BEEF PORTERHOUSE STEAK ROUND STEAK ~,./ 51.23, •. NEW YORK STEAK !~.~~!.~.<?J~ .. S2.68LB. RIB EYE STEAK .~Hf.~~~ ......... s2. 78 LB. FILLET MIGNQN .~.~~f..L.<?!~ ....... s3.09 LB. TOP OR BOTTOM s 1 48 BEEF R ND f'AK ............ I LB. KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP TWIN PAK , REGULAR OR DIP SALAD DRESSING ¢ 8 IN PKG. 6·16 OZ. BOTTLES B'h OZ. PKG. Y, GAL. CARTON . ' ·' INDIVtDUALL Y WRAPPED SLICED FARMER JOHN CHEESE WEINERS FOOD AMERICAN, PIMIENTO 69¢ 9~9¢ . ~""'"' SCHtRMERS POTATO OR MACARONI 0 AR MAYER 160Z. PKG. SALADS -~~H~.~~-q .. 55M AT BOLOGNA .. 1.49 OSCAR MAYER 12 oz. PKl.i . F AMER JOHN I L IVERWURST MEAT OR eEEF 1 13 LI WURST WITH BACON & IOLOGllA ···••••••• • CHU1s ·.~~~-~~!'8"~i.'~.l'~. 49 OSCAR MAYER STATE BRANO SQUARE OR ROUND 12 oz.1 5 3 LONGHORN STYLE 1 VARIETY PAK •. r.~~;. • CHEDDAR CHllSI •• 61 SANTA ANA "'' SO. 8RISTOL 1-.T BR!StOt. 6 SUNn.OWfR MON. THAU SAT, l ::IO TO. SUN, 10 TO I BUENA PARK "" MllCM (It.YU. COll'l*q OF 8£.llCM"M.YD. . "'"""'""'""' 5TOltE M0Ulr$ -. lMttJ S"'T. I TO •:JO SUHO.t.Y I TO I ORANGE ... .,,. ........ AT GAMl£N GNWt. kWD. • Cll'Y OfllYI. to. ...._nWJIAT.tTO• ~T10 TO I RIVERSIDE "" Tl'l.fjlt AV'I!. AT TT\.t:" a llWlMOE ,.., • -""""U.t. 10 TO t IUNDAY 10 te • PER LB. CHECK THIS PARTIAL LIST OF WISE BUYS Lom1ttd sp~ce P•t~enll ,,. !tom 11•'"'11 all ot !tltm You wolt l.r«I mote olem\ li~e •l'lfill on ou• shetwes m~rkeri w ol h ~ b"9h1 w .. e Buy Ta<) .Theoe it..ms 1eflec1 l•mPO•iuv nlanulac•u•~" allow~nc~• ~no! p•omot•on•I low PflCH. The •~v•nll"., The T••~•u•v passn on to you• .. HEINZ • 39 K ETCH UP ..................... '.•. ?.z .. ~?;~.'. ~ c CHRIS & PITTS BARBECUE SAUCE ....... ~.'.'.~~~~~~~~~ 55c MOREHOUSE MUSTARD .......................... '.4.?~ .. J.A·"· 39c DURKEE ST UFFED MANZ THROWN OLIVES .. '.?.';·J·A·~· 89t PET · 4 F s SKIM MILK ............. \~~~.~~.~ e 1.00 FUNNY FACE BEVERAGE BASE ......... :~~~~~z7~'.-.'~'.'.. 44c IMO DRESSING FOR FOODS.'.~.~~:~~~:?.~ 41 c HEINZ RELISHES ........................ ~!~~?.~.'.~~~~. 39c SPRINGFIELD CHARCOAL BRIOUETS .... '.~~.~.~~~ ... 99c GINGHAM PAPER PLATES ................. '.~~!~.~~~'· 39c ORCHID PAPER NAPKINS .............. ~~~!~.~~? .. 96c HUNTS PORK 'N' B.f_AN.S ............... .3.'.?.':.:~~. 43c SWEET LOCAL YELLOW · CHERRY CORN TOMATOES 10! 19B!E BROWN STEAK 79c MUSHROOMS ...............................• CREAMY SMOOTH 3 s 1 00 BARTLETT PEARS ............ ~~~ I NEW CROP MelNTOSH 3 s 1 00 APPLES .......................... ~~~ •. LARGE G R EEN . 2 9 BELL PEPPERS ............... ;:............ c TORRANCE """ H4wntir;JoM« 4\11!. AT HAWfltO'IMI" 6 -~~ ., .......... llOfll, ~ SAT. t:• TQ. ... SUNDAY 1t IO t • LAKEWOOD "" C.tJllSOH ST. ~ COflfll[jlt Of' ~&CAMOlf ._ \ ,, ......... WOODLAND HILLS '"" VIC'tOftY al.VII. COMP oP ¥!C'T'oltt a CAHOGA AV'I! • MCWil. TMMI '9'1. t TO t ~T, a &IJH. t to T " Wt re11rw the right to limit aales to d1ele1s & whole&aleri. 1K>N. ™"'U SAT. t :J01V r.11 SUfllOAT 10 TO f _ .. --------------------................ ' ' . " I \ I • I - ' ' El .iminates Stigma • . Editor's Not~: Th11 atmy bill beni wrlttm by.a Daily Pilot sut.criber, who, /or obvioua reo1onr, bo&6'ked that her. anonymity be protected. I am one of al least 40 million Americans whose lifu is involved . with an alcoholic. Despite the ract that both the California Medical Association and the American Medic11l As· suciation have legitimatized alcoholism as the disease it is, I am in the process or shedding prejudice, myth and stigma. My husband is a profess~onal and, according lo the myth, skid row bums, not professionals , are alcoholic. Worse, I am a professional and, according to mylh, good healthy professionL1l s with sound systems of self.esteem do not marry alcoholics or stay long married to them . As for prejudice and stigma, well, would yo u want your daughter to marry one? • . ' Luckily, I am in Al· Anon. Al ·A1lon ls a growing worldwid e fellows hip rur ra1nili cs and fri e nd s of alcoholics , uniquely dcsign1..-d to meet our necdti. If th(lre are other agencies of comparable help for families and fri end s of alcoholics, I don't know about them. But then two years ago 1 didn"t know about Al -Anon either. And if I had known, it's possi· ble J would have considered myself too e nlightened for it. I knew about AA but I thought it was for religious fanatics and skid row bums. L had absolutely no concept of alcoholism as a disease and in one.way or another everyone I had contact with prior to Al-Anon fed iny ignorance. , FIRST MEETING I was tricked into attending my first Al -Anon meeting less than two years ago. It was on a Sunday night al UCJ and I w~s acc;o n1panied by u friend. 1n y 17-year·old daughter and her boyfriend. I remember sitting throuch the entire meeting with a huge knut in my throat. trying to hold back tears that refused to be held back. I remember feeling over· whelming waves ur self pity as I looked around the meeting room. l remember feeling anger, too. So this is what I 've sunk to, I thought ; a meeting with a room- fulloflosers. And like the excellent Al -Anon pros pect I was, I naturally blamed the alcoholic in my life for having to be there. It Y.1as in that room I heard alcoholi sm di scussed as a bona fide di sease for the first time in rny life. And J saw for the first time specific parriphlets and books directed toward those of us whose lives have been touched by the disease. I kept my5elf as detached as possl bll' from the people at that rir~t meeting but I did bu y thre1t book s : Al -Anon l-';.1ce s Alcoholism . 'J'he l>ilcmrna of the Alcoholi t· Marriage, and Living With An Alcoholic. And I grabbed up all the Cree pan1phlets I could. I carn e ho1n e reeling very hoi:;tile toy,•ard n1y husband and stayed up for an all-night reading session . Whal I read was "-'Titten by a wide variety or specialists in tht" field of alcoholis m . M.IND·BOGGl~IN G What I re1:1d boggled my mind because it was totally different from anything I had heard or re- ad from s pecialists I had cons ult· ed in the past. I could identify with all of it from personal experience. In less than a decade, emo~ tional, financial and physical crises struck my family fa ster than I could accept, much less handle. I Through Al-Anon myths are recognized and . alcoholism is accepted as a condition, not a stigma. Conflict Intrigues. By SYLVIA RECTOR PLUMTREE, N.C. (AP)-Joe Hall has many things other 9· year-old boys would envy : a tree house, a club house, a river filled with fi sh, a forest. a "mine," a dog, kittens, rabbits, three little brothers, a gir lfriend and parents who love him . He might be any lucky little · boy, But he's not -not especially lucky, and certainly not any little boy, Joe Hall is a child so brilliant, so exceptional, that educatOrs have simply assigned him a token IQ of 200. Joe Hall is a child who. at 4lf.i, discussed the implications of childhood leukemia with hi s doc- tor and knew the medical basis. for his experimental treatments: and who, for the present, has bat· tied the disease to a standstill. When J oe became ill , his mother took their outdated en· cyclopaedias and cut out sections which said the disease was in- curable so he couldn't read them. "He £ought so hard. I think his determination is part or the re- ason he's alive today," said Judy Hall. There's still no guarantee the disease will not return. J oe looks as happy and healthy as any child. His glasses do not hide the teasing glint in his· blue~ eyes. With hair cropped close for summer coolness, knit shirt.5 and scruffy shoes, he looks much Like other boys in this mountain com· munity. Hut there seem to be two Joe Halls: Joe the boy and Joe the boy-genius. Joe the boy crumbles crackers in his mother 's homemade vegetable soup, fi shes in the river 100 yards from his front door, and argues with his brothers. He can show visitors where . wild strawberries grow and can fl y pap(!r airplanes which are ''properly •erodynami(!ally designed.'' I Joe the boy-genius expounds on theories about the origins or Unidentified Flying Objects, of specific sectors and pulsars. lie believes UFOs are piloted by robots. UFO THEORIES ''i believe their spacecraft are prOpelled by electromagnetic wafe:s. We would expect them to have robots by the way their spacecraft are designed," he ex- plains patiently, at first. When it beCOmes evident that his in· terviewer doesn't understand the fine points or lasers and elec- tromagnetic fields, he gives up. For the time being, Joe the boy-genius goes back to being Joe the boy. The child genius must deal with a world of people who can· not converse with trim on hi s favorite topics . He must attend public school which leaches him little. He must deal with adults and .other children who don't always understand him and sometimes, he implies, don 't ac- cept him. But some outsiders, geniuses in their own right, have taken an in·terest in him. Rocket expert Wernher von B'r·aun and he have cor- responded. After von Braun sent Joe a copy of his book on YO<!k'etry, Joe wrote the scientist to point out an error. Von Braun acknowledged it had been missed by proofreaders. "That rockel would never have gotten off the ground like lhal," Joe grumbled. In addition to his scientific ex- pertise, Joe has perfe<.1 musical pitch and studies periodically un- der Lili Kraus. His oMginal com- positions are much like Joe the boy: expressive. quick lo chan~e ·mood and tempo, almost mis· chiev""''S, lli~ fa vorite is "Tommy's Feed·l'\long, •• written whe n h.is yoUngest brother was a baby, "to make him eat faster ... I , . ,, ,_ NOT JUST ANY LITTLE BOY The Hall family lives com- fortably, but there are few lux· uries. The breadwinner, James Hall, is the Avery County IUgh School band director. Hi s wife, Judy, cooks and cares ror their four sons. FEW LUXURIES Joe's medical expenses have been astronomical. The Halls cannot afford all the books Joe would like to ha.ve, although peo- ple they've never met have mailed him resource books: and scientific magazines. The special schools which James Hall wants for his son will be expensive. too. But money is not the only reason Joe is still at home. ~lis parents know that, like other boys, Joe needs dls· ci pline, love, <'Ontact with other children. Cindy, ror one, hi~ cur- rent "girlfriend." She is 13 and plays ln the woodwind section or the school band. \ "You can't send a child that young away fr om home, especially one with Joe's medical problems." says Hall. So, other than a short-term weekend program for gifted children at Appalachian State University in nearby Boone. N.C., Joe has been in public school with children still struggl- ing with lhe metric system and sentence com position. Next year he'll be back. st art- ing sixth grade. tie is largely .setr·taught. ' There is usually littl(' to excite or challenge Joe in school. Joe used to .spend hours talking to a local man who ran an electronics shop. "I think the man ran Joe orr from down there because he couldn't get any work done for answering all his questions," Mrs. Jloll said .. I co n s id l•re d m yse lf enlightened enough to turn ti) three top therapists fur help. I turned to our fan1ily phys ician for help, too. With the exceptions of being unable to dea l with alcoholis m as a disease a11d the impact of that disease on the family, they are well qualified professionals. I w<.is we ll read in the various schools of therapy and I s pent a lot or time in group sessions. . I analyzed and talked end- lessly about m y onetime in- telligent lovin g husband who overnight developed a Dr. Jekyl- ~1r . Hyde a ct and eventually diabetes. I analyzed and talked about hi s heavy drinking at horne , his bizarre behavior at home and his indifference to what was happen· ing. 1 learned a lot in that period of lime but I learned nothing about aJeohollsrn . I battled and tried lo work wilh my O\\-'n fl'elings of anxiety, anger, frustration and fear, I can- ried exaggerate d feelings or failure as a woman, as a wife, as a mother and as a person . In long periods of therapy sessions i learned a lot about myself but I learned nothing about the effe cts of living with alcoholi sm and the distortions it was causing in m y own altitude and personality . Normally, an acceptable dis · ease is diagnosed and defined so that members of the family can understand what1is happening. UNACCEPTABLE: Not only does the' sti gma at- ' tached to alcoholism make it an unaccepta ble di sease. family members are rarely gi ven any kind of e xplanation ubout Its pathology and pro~ression . Over a period of troubled years, marked by several separation:; and divorce actions, I worried about my husband'ti ·diabetes, his hi gh blood pressure. his seeming insanity. Although I used the word alcohollc and alcoholism, I u:u.>d it as an adjecti ve to descMbe behavior. I had no concept ur it as a condition in itself. Of no one did I ask, "\\'hat is alcoholi s m and whe r e can families of alcoholics go for he lp?·· 1'he question was simply out or my frame of reference and no one bothered to vo lunteer the in- formation. •lowe\·er sympathetic friends and those in the helping pro- fession "-'ere, prejudice and myth and sti gma affected all. And as a result. I remained grossly ignorant about the reali- ty I had been living; ._. reality that is shared by al le.-.st '10 million people in our society. . For a disease of such major proportion, ror a disease that has no respect for educ ational back· ground, occupation or social status, gross ignorance abound<>. Unwittingly, I had actually been helped to reduce each cMsis born of alcoholis m over a period of years instead of bein g helped · to learn how such cris is might be used to initiate a long-range Tl!· covery program. FAMILY DISEASE Those who specialize in it con· sider alcoholism a family disease. for good reason. <See ALCOHOLICS, Page CZ> • • • .. ~ • BEA ANDEFISON, Editor ' Tllunll•w,A11111111121, n7S P• .. C·I -.. • • • Emotions Uncorked Life Rebuilt , DEAR READERS: You have often asked me, "Do the people you advise ever write back and let you know how their lives turned out?" The answer is yes, they do -sometimes. Today I'm going to print a letter which ap- peared on Aug. 6, 1971, and the the follow· up which I received in a recent batch of mail. DEAR ANN : It is Sunday af- ternoon, our 13-year·old boy went to a ball game, the 10-and 12· year -o ld girls are in the neighbor's s wimming pool and my husband went to his favorite tavern to get drunk . I'm not writ· ing for advice. I'm writing to thank you for your advice. A few years ago I wou.Jd have been crying my eyes out, or vent- ing my anger lo a friend on the telephone. But today I am calm, content and very happy with my life. Why ? Because I listened to you and joined Al -Anon. Every woman who is married to an alcoholic must at some point decide whether she is going lo allow hi s proble1n to defeat her or learn how to li ve with it. Since I joined Al·Anon I love and un- derstand my husband more than ever. Our marriage is better than most marriages where no drink· ing problem exists. Due to a marked change of attitude toward m y hus band, he has become a better father and a bet· .ter person. Al the moment my husband has expressed no interest in join· ing AA. I hope one day he will do so. but he mus t come to the de· clsion himself. lf he never comes to it, it's all ri ght with me. I have learned to live with him, and I appreciate the many other won- derful blessings in my life. Please Ann. keep telling people about Al-Anon. It 's a lifesaver - botJf literaJly and figuratively. - GAGE PARK MEMBER DEAREST ANN : After read· ing your column for neltrly 20 years, I know you take a personal interest in your reader~ and like lo know how things turned out. Well, I LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER! (Ann Landers OJ ' . It's more than four years liter now, but THANK YOU for print- ing my letter. Our Al-Anon gf9up got calls from other groups -~ho wanted to invite the "author" to give a talk at one or their meet- ings. I became involved in 'the business end or the fellowship and worked on a public informa- tion committee. I now am secretary ror the South Cook County Council at Al- Anon groups and coordinator of our telephone answering ser-ilce. We sr\lrted a new group io. lhe Bridgeport neighborhood less than two years ago. It has been su successful, the result is thtee new groups starting this mOnth. I had never joined or volun- teered for anything in my life un~ til Al -Anon. In this fellowship, l a m finding complete fu.Jfillment, but most important, peace or . mind and love of fellow man. Incidentally, my hus band made a decision for sobriety on May 1, 1972 -and has been sober -ever since. You are Al-Anon's best friend, Ann. and I'm sure you'll be hap- py to hear that when we ask newcomers where they heard about Al · Anon, three out of £our say, "From Ann Landers' col·· umn.'' No need to ask you to give us a plug now and then, -YoU do it automatically. The good it serves should leave you with an everlasting sense of satisfaction. GOD BLESS YOU and may lie grant you serenity all the days of your life. -MOST SINCERELY, MARIE DEAR. MARIE : Your letter made my day. Thank you, dear. Do you feel awkward, 1clf- conscious -lonely ? Welcome to the club. There's help ror you in Ann Landers' booklet. "The-Key to 'popularity." Send 50 cents in. coin with your request and a long,. st amped. self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 1400, Elgin, Ill. 60l20. From . Page C~ 1 (:2 O~IL Y PILOT Thurs<>ay. August 28. 1975 •• Alcoholism Contaminates Everyone • • Everyone who lives in 3 family wbefe alcoholism , and ignora nce of it, is present becomes con· ta1ninated t o on e degree or another. Unchecked, such contam1na- lion can have grave consc· queoces for non.alcoholic mem· bers of the family. Unchecked, such rontamina· tion can actually feed in the progression or the diseas(.'. 1'he morning after my all·nighl readJnJe spree, I started practic- i.ostosay the word alcoholism. I found I could hard.Jy get the word out or my mouth. Each time 1 managed. feelings of grief seemed to engulf me. The 'f\-'ord, just the word, took me a week to say aloud without feeling a lump in my throat. Leprosy, s yphilis, ins anity, anything else I could imagine at the time had less prejudice and myth and stigma attached to it for me. It took a lot longer than a week to realiie that I had suppressed specific feelings of anxiety, fear, res(>ntmenl and self-pity directly related to a lcoholisn1 thal had not been dc·<t lt "'ith in prior therapy sessions. oo·s. DON"fS l listen(>d very soberly to a list of do's and don'ls at rny st'cond Al·Anon mee ting: Do le arn th e fact~ a bout alcoholi sm. do talk to someone ~·ho underst a nds al<'1>holi sm, do g o t o Al·An o n. Alt'O hol ics Anonymous or to an al coholism center ; Do d e velop a n attitude t u match the fac ts, do ta ke a personal inventory of yourself. do maintain a healthy emotional atmosphere in your home, do en· courage new intt'rests and aC· tivities, do pass your kn owledge of alcoholi sm on to others; Don 't preach or lecture, don't argue with a drunk ah.'Oholi(', don't hav(.' a holier -than-thou at- titude, don't use the if-you-love· me appeal. don 't make threats you won"t carry out ; Don 't resent the method of re· covery, don't expect immediate .contended sobriety, don't try to prote c t an alcoholic Crorn alcohol, don 't be discouraged by th(• mistakes you make. Some or this didn't make sense to me. But enough or It did. In developing an attitude to match the (acts, I had to first of a ll be willing to accept alC'oholism a s a disease. t"'or me, this involved as much lUllearning as it did learning. It u1as difficult for me to give up my notions a bout alcoholism. 1 had to learn of the distinction that must be made between the heavy drinker who can, if he chooses, learn to modify drinking and an alcoholic who cannot. ANALVZING BEHAVIOR . Analyzing alcoholic behavior 1n terms or a game makls as lit· tie sense to me today as analyz- ing diabetic behavior without considering the matter of insulin. Yet this was a notion I held for years and one that many pro· fessionals hold today. As I attended more Al·Anon meetings and lis tened, my halo of enlightenment dimmed. 1 made just about e very mistake that can be made! in dt'a.ling with alcoholism. I had argued. confronted, lee· lured and preached. I not only used the "1f you loved me you wouldn't drink'' appeal, I had de· eply believed it, Someone at a meeting very casually a sked me, "IC your husb3nd was a tubercular would you tell him. 'If you loved me you "'ouldn't cough?''' It took awhile Cor that one to sink in. Taking a personal inventory of· myself meant taking an honest look at my role in an alcoholic marriage.' and that hurt. Through the troubled years, I had been the "good guy." I· rescued, I cleaned up messes, J played counselor, doctor, nurse and God. Through the troubled years, when I looked to family and friends for advice, they shook their h e ads and wrung their ·hands. saying, in efft..'<..1., "When are you going to get rid of the bum?" I didn't like hearing him called 3 bum, yet I did everything possi· ble to get that image across. A part of m e held on to the memory or my intelligent loving husband and on occasion that part or him showed. Yet each time I instigated separation and divorce proceed· ings, I fully intended to get rid of the bum. I wanted more than anything lo split the Or. Jekyl·Mr. Hyde act. DILEMMA · It was a dilemma and it masked a lot of other dilemmas but this did not become clear to me until I was well intoAl·Anon . By then , the disease was rapid· ly advancing, well into its acute c hronic stage. Taking a persona! inventory me:tnt getting honest with myself and looking t\t a dt's peratcly s ick man, \Vilh nurturing and supportive he lp from friend~ in Al·Anon, end the very special friend who got m e into Al -Anon, I managed to live through, not simply survive. a bottoming-out period that only an alcoholic can ex.perience. Not too long ago, in a Cit of anger, I searched for a strong nasty word to call my husband. "You, you, you, ... " I stuttered. And then the word came . "You alcoholic," I yelled. The word s topped my anger and we looked at each other s ur- prised. Somehow, the word had lost all sting. Alc.'oholism a condition, not a stigma ... Comment fell so unnecessary and we exchanged a mo~t pro- found hug. Sting Victim's Motto: Buzz Off SAI .. E **JEWELRY** By ERMA BOMBECK was lying in bed last night ;1.·he n I was awakened by a deafening roar of about 97 de· c.'ibels over m y head. The entire bed s hook as I clut ched m y bedsprings in fear. A look at the ceiling confirmed my suspicions . There was a mosquito in the bedroom. My husband says I overreact to mosqlli tos. That is because he .Joes not understand that my pie· ture and full description is posted <Jn the walls of a mosquito pos.t of- fice somewhere listed among the ··TEN MOST WANTED.·· During my li fetime, I have done a lot of thinking and ,;crat ching about mosquitos, hav· RUFFElf'S UPHOLSTERY WMT•W..t ...., ... . J922H ..... 11Yd. CCKIO M.,._541-0259 ing been sa va gely attacked by them on more than one occasion. 1'hey are nobody's fools. ln my heart I know that once I am spotted, if it is a male he whispers, '"Go get her, Mother." (Since only females need the blood to Ja y e ggs.) 1\.1other defies description but she is son1 e wh ere between Ma Barker and The Fly 1'hat Ate the POC'onos. She raises her ri ght leg, whi ch serves as a po\verful antenna and is immediately in l'ontact with a network of mos- quitos throug hout the world. I have knov.'n m essages of my where<ibouts to be intercepted in So uth An1 e r ic a (''U n Nortean1ericano el chubbo. Al· tack !""), To k yo ('"Ka mik a ze mosquitos m a n your samurai swords. Honorable target; Bam- beck!"), Germany ("Achtung meine Herren, spritz Wld weight watchers dropout, Social Securi· ty number ... "), and Chicago ("Get the turkey!"). Within minutes, there is a task force in the s ky that makes the invasion of Normandy look like ·an impulse. Mosqu.itos don't strike right away. They play with me. Whirl- ing around my ears, nesting in my hair, sharpening their pro- boscis brazenly on my nose. Then they fly up to a height or ten feet, rev up their motors and come in for the kill. Those for whom mosquitos have no a ppetite are quick with the home remedies. I have bast· ed my body· with r epellents only to have mosquitos line up like I was a revolving bowl of chip dip. AT WIT 'S END On the advice of a friend. I tried ga:-lic breath as a deterrent. (The Italian mosquitos loved it and couldn't keep their needles out of me.) Peeking out or the covers last night I could see several mos· quitos positioned at 11 o'clock. It would only be a matter of seconds before they began to dive, In desperation, I put my curler bonnet on my hU$band and crawled on my bands and knee& out of the bedroom. · There's no such thing as an honorable withdrawal. A. H. Weinert Fine Jewels Diamonds ••••••••.••.••...• 25°/o off I 4k Rings •••••••.•••.•••••. 40°/o off Earrings ••••.••••••••••••••. 25°/o off Watches ..................... 25°/o off Sltrtlng Silv•r •..••.•.•...•• 20°/o off En9099menl Sets •..•.•...•.. 25°/o off •o1d Ch•lns, Charms, 11eckl1cit1, Pearls •••••••••••• I 0°/o off •11tellem1 ' A. H. WEINERT Fine Jewels 32 FA.SHION ISLAND N EWPORT BEACH 644-2040 fr om our BOYS dept ... 'f>:ENPLJITON" lumberjack look-rugged YOURS ~ SllOT? ~ IRc»at,sance fAbr"5 SUMMER CLEARANCE , , ' \'. I I --~ ~:-..-;;,*-. , -. (1 KEEPERS -sturdy ., ' soc\< sizes 7-11 S!amlen i!eel. lnlta"! i!arl, 112 h Cl 011!omo11t reveul"g att•on. .w.U•U!Nlte "wie"t lle!le " CLOSING OUT ALL FABRICS PATIERNS and NOTIONS ALL MERCHANDISE 509£ oll dunhom shoes-tough t r ek,hightop, low top l·S-f Aulhorlud Replicemtn1 C1n1er Everything MUST Go! GORDON'S 2245 ....... c..,. ..... i..,.. IMc-11. CA., 9llSI 494-806' DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 '.l:lO:I ~''"llOrl li1,,1, ':"t'\.\f'Ol"I ll1•;11·l1 lal'l'Oi-:-O (l'Olll(it~ llall) 675.2457 J0.5::10 p.n1. 44 fashion island, newport center 644-5070 Courses by Newspaper · Registration Form SEE AMERICA Without Leaving Home All you have to do Is open your mind -and your. newspaper. We'll put America at your fingertips. • In our pages. you'll find thought-provoking views of America at its bicentennial. These weekly perspectives are drawn by well -known scholar-writers in a series of articles for American Issues Forum, the spacial . -' -. bicentennial program of Courses by Newspaper. The topics are th ose on the minds of every concerned America n -topics like government, land use and human rights. So relax in your easy chair and join us in exploring our country's h eritage and horizons, its problems and potential. It's a tour you can afford to take -and one you can't afford to miss. The cou rse te xt-reader ($4 .95) and optional study guide ($2.95) are stocked by the Orange Coast College Bookstore. M ai l orders are available by phone to the bookstore (714) 556-5896. Two hour discu~ion and examination sessions are scheduled for Saturdays Nov . 8 and Jan. 10, from 10 a.m. to noon. Optional o n-campus seminar-di scu ssions with course instruc tor Tom Wert are planned from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Sept 16, Oct. 14 and November 4. Places for these meetings wilt be announced at a later date. COURSES BY NEWSPAPER is offered by the Daily Pilot as a public service. Class credit may be earned by enrolling at Orange Coast College. COURSES BY NEWSPAPER REGISTRATION FORM AMERICAN SOCIETY IN THE MAKING If you plan to register for courses other than Courses by Newspaper please disregard this form and register for all classes at the college. lwlshtohavemy credits recorded at (check one) 2.Neme Lal\ 3.Birth Date _,., 5 .. ScllOOI -·--6_....__ .. ~ .. ,._ O Gotden West college o orange coast Co llege Day y- Ant ""' ............. ,... N4HO. ow 1. 4. BlrthpllCt ""' - 7. 1. O M 1 I e 2. O Female & AteyounowattendlnghlghlChOof7 9.19-Yew 01 high 9l:hooJ Qr'9duation or lllf dllte ettended high IChool Of ...,,..ntary ectlool. College Student No. I I I I Leave Blank if Not Yet Issued Middle lnltlai .. ·-·1 0 y . s 2 0 No 10.v.t\llf"ldldyourpr ... ntai.ylnCalltcwnlabegln? Month 01)' v,.,, ___ _ 11. United Stat• Citlren? 1 O Yes 2 O Ho If no, type of viN h*'tt------- H1 ______ _ I 12.c.tn'lciltk>n: The infomatlon on thlt eppllcatlon 11 correct. MAii. AEotsmATIOH TO: Colla Communlly ~11119 Dillrtct 27'01 P1lnt-AallCI C09ta ...... c.tlfOrilte - . • I Xppucant'a SJQnature R'------- Date • I ' I . .. ,, " Witch Role Comes First Horoscope Libra Shows Gain FRIDAY, AUGUST29 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21 - April 19 ): Accent on quick moves, exchanges of Ideas, temperament and messages which re- quire attention. TAURUS (April 20- May 20): Emphasis on possessi ons, values, money and credit re- ceived for special ef- forts. See beyond the im- mediate; be aware of potential. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Lunar cycle high: judgment, intuition are -likely to be o n target. Know it and be confi- dent. Don't sell yourself , · s h ort. Emphasize personal appearance. By AWSON DEF.RR Ot ttw O.llr .. II« M•" Z Budapelt pushed back her sl~evcs , ran her fingers through her short shaggy hair and began in a soft, Jlungarian accent to talk about witches.' "It is a full moon tonight. That is good luck . It means a holiday for witches.'' The bigh priestess or the Susan U. Anthony Coven, Sisterhood or the Wicca, comes from a long line or pagans . "My mother was a witch, and her mother before her, going back some 800 years in Hungary, where the old riles managed to survive." With a sly smi le she adds, ''We had to be pre· tty sneaky to survive 10,000 yeurs. '' • Ms. Budapest also is a feminist, s he told members of the Orange Cowity Chapter Qf NOW , "but I was a witch first." Before the introduction of "I-le-gods" there was widespread worship of goddesses, she as· serted. "It was a universal religion worshipping woman as the li!e force. Societies we re matriarchal and there were no war~. They wouldn't allow it.'' MALE CONCEPTS With the male deities came the concept of the self-created male ("which is impossible really''> and the pa_triar~hal societies we have yet today. -Jsis, Demeter, Diana, Athena, Persephone, Ceres were replaced with male images or de- moted to consorts of Ute gods. "We women are pleasure-oriented, lire- oriented, while the He-god demanded war a nd death and pain. With the development of the good guy male god, came the concept or the enemy which gradually evolved into the devil . CANCER (J une 21 - July 22): You complete phase of activity which relieves you or burden. Forthright, independent individual becomes an ally . Be frank , cut through red tape . Rebecca Johnson (rtght) reaches destination anti receives encouragement from Julie Reis who unsuccessfully tried the same trip. •·women did not need an enemy. We needed only the continuoug cycle or the ure force," she explained. Sisterhood of the Wicca, she said, is the first organized remini sl women·~ religion to be in- corporated in the state of Callrorn1a. "It is not a new r~Llgion. but a remembrance or the old. Moch of lhe old religions have been lost, but what we need is In the collective con- sciousness of women." GETTING POLITICAi. Ms. Budapest recently went on trial ror "practicing my witchy talents and powers. in other words reading 1'arot cards" and that is when '' J got political.·· Freedom or religion is guaranteed in this country, she said, "as long as it is an approved religion. "If a woman can't be female in her most private self, in her s pirituality, ir she must relate toa male God, s he isopentoopprcssion. '' When som eone mentioned th e witch trial ~ and burnings here and in Europe a century or so ago, she used it as an exampleofthatoppression. "'llundreds, thousands, of women were- burned as witches simply ror their land. It had nothing to do with God. it had to do with greed. ?t1y four aunts were burned for their land. f\.ly · mother survived, because she had none.'' Where were the husbands. son s and lovers when their wives, mothers and lovers were being killed? she asked. Thursday. August 28, 1975 . history. Wh3t took hundreds of year~ of might. to replace one religion with another. 1s condensed lnmyth. "For <xample Zeus tak1ni: 300 yc<.1rs tu court J-lera . In reality, it took that Ion..: to ~·hangc the local religion by s wortl." T he word ""•itch" got lts ne~at1vc, evil con- notation when the patriarth<JI systen1 was in· troduced and rrom lhl.! re ur that c~me with the witch burnings, she said. ··we are not evil, but i:ood and life-oriented. Our spell s are simJlly a wit<:h ':;prayers. We don't caust! harm tu the Innocent.·· A modern s pell. she s<.iid, was to help locate a rapist , ''who c:e rtainly is not an innocent.'' 'l'he craft, she said, "is alive_ Thi! craft is political. We need it." Whil e the n1ale god is Jt•alou s and possessive, the worn n is a renewing force. l-low does this µpl y lo today's lifestyle·' What can a \\'Oman do t u achieve ::.piritual growth? s he posed . ''Becoming a witch san inner process. Read about the goddesses, m hs and your own ethnic background. Form a stu y group, a ll you nt'!ed is three to ri ve women. Discover your OYl-'n psyi:h ic powers,'' she s uggested. Further information is <:1vailablc from the Feminist Wicca. 442 Lincoln Blvd., Venice, Cl\., 00291. "Can you imagine a woman letting her -- husband or child die without protest?'' Reading the "classics" of history and literature requires some skill in reading between the lines, she asserted. BETWEEN THE LINES "Mythology is a form or history, condensed UPI T~l!'Pl>ola Paddles Canoe NEW ORLEANS (UPI) Everybody she met along the river told her she couldn't make it. But today Rebecca Johnson, 23, of Iowa City. is drinking beer in the French Quarter and writ- ing postcards to 150 persons she met on her solo canoe trip down the Mississippi River. ·"They told me at Lake Itasca (where the river begins in Min· nesota) 200 people a year start out on trips like this and most or them don't even make it to the first town, 94 miles downriver," said Ms. Johnson, who claims to be the first woman to paddle the length of the Mi ssissippi alone. "Then when I got io Memphis a man in a power boat said, 'Lady what are you doing out here~ Don 't you know this river is dangerous?''' '1When I got to within 200 miles of New Orleans, people as ked me where I was going and then they'd say, 'Lady, that's a long, long way'. 1·d say, "Not when you've already paddled 2,200 miles·.·· We regret to inform you your back to school *stuff is in at The Storekeeper * LEVt CORDS HANG TEN SHIR I S RUGBY SHIRTS REVERSE SHIRTS JACKETS FLANNEL SHIRTS SEDGEFIELD 00-NOl HING JEANS SOC KS ANO STUFF If you buy your clothes at the Storekeeper going back to llAKKJl.MOlllCJl."D school won't seem so bad. MASTCll Ct<A~ W•.teliff Pia•• 1028 lrvi.ne. Newporl Beach, Calilorni.t 92660, Phone 642-7061 LEO (July 23 -Aug. 22): ---,-'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"_... Accent on friends, hopes, wishes. You rise above petty differen ces to share, learn and profit. You could m eet exciting, sti mulatin~ people. VIRGO !Aug. 23-Sept. 22): One who really cares for you opens door to brighter future . Know it -and ente r ! You may be due for accolade. LIBRA !Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Spread wings; look beyond appar ent limita- tions. Perceive potential. Welcom·e socia l ac- tivities. Gain is s hO\l.'Tl through written word. SCORPIO <Oct. 23- Nov . 21): Spotlight on practical issues, down- t o-e a rt h activities. Health, die t , employ- ment, special considera- tions connected with re- lative. SAG ITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec . 21): Perceive subt l e cues from partner, mate. Be aware of legal ramifications. You will be expressing yourself Jn unique man- ner. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Harmonize relationships. Means dis- cus~ differences in diplomatic manner. You need not abandon prin- ci p I es if you make f reative compromise. AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18): Good lunar aspect coincides now with intensified rela- tionship, glimmer of truth about m ember of opposite sex. Creative resources are utilized. PISCES (Feb. 19- March 20): Emphasize practical approach. You can organize and deal rrom Po•ition of greater atftnglh. Older person liVel )'OU benefit or doubt. II today ta yowr bb1h· d11 you are a natural teacher, capable of fraphically Illustrating Paint•. The year features i~portant c h anges. travel,. intensified irel•· tlcinllilp. Diet Is f'" lmporbnt to you t to moot Penon•-. . OF FASHION #9 Fashion Island MEWPORT CEtlTa MEWPORT llEACH FINAL 3 DAYS STORE HOURS: M..,_,Frl., 101o9p.111. T-Wed., Thws.. Sat. I 0 lo 5:30 Values to '44 , GRAND OPENING of OUR DRAPERY DEPT. NOTHING HELD BACK ON CUSTOM ,'. DRAPERIES J20%to40%1 SAYINGS CALL US WITH YOUR MEASUREMEMTS • COMPARf OUR PRICES ! CHOOSE FROM ANTIQUE SA.TIMS, BROCADES, SHEERS AMD MORE! MEW OPEii WEAVES • CASEMEMTS • TEXTURES • MOVELTtES • 4" DOUBLE HEMS• 4" DOUBLE TOPS • BLIMD STITCHED • FAM FOLDED • 250% FULL.MESS. RODS AMD IMSTALLATIOM AVAILABLE! KIRSCH DECORATOR BEDSPREADS Throw Typo, "-dpldod, oott1 .. lj)ollted, llllpOl'ftd Fabric• le-'IM Colon • CjlMeu, hh. -111119•, Calif. Kl"'J• VALUES FROM $129.95 TO $419.95 AND Buy direct from the Ivey Ranch and Save! Tender, 1u1cy corn led beef -the ki nd you l1nd 1n gourmet shops and expensive restaurant s. ·NOW you can buy d1rt:!cl from the ranch where it 's grown at big savings! Ivey beef is aged to perfection. custom·cul, freezer wrapped and : labeled. USDA inspected. Available in sjdes. hind and forequarters fo r your home freezer ... or special 10. 12and 50 pound assorted packs. BIG FAMILY SAVINGS Sides Forequarters Hindquarters 97c per lb. 89c per 1b. $1.19 pe i:.lb. Cuslom·cul to your specifications .RANCH PACK 6 Rib Steaks 1 Boneless Shoulder Clod Roast 2 Chuck Steaks 1 Seven Bone Roast 5 Pkgs. Stewing Beef 2 Pkgs. Meaty Short Ribs 40 lean Ground Beet Patties 15 lean Ground Beef Steaks 20 lean Ground Beel Squares 50 POUNOS ONLT $54.~ 1 DELUXE PACK 2 Sirloin Breakfast Steaks -. 2 Top Round Steaks • }t"' 6 Chopped Sirlo~n Steaks •·.11(: 1 Rolled Bottom Round Roq,t ~ 8 lean Ground Beef Patties • r- ONLT $13.65 FAMILY PACK 2 Spencer Steaks 6 Chopped Sirloin Steaks 1 Rolled Chuck Roast 1 Pkg. Stewing Beef 16 lean Ground Beel Patties ONlT $10.15 ECONOMY PACK 6 lean Ground Beel Steaks 1 Seven 'Bone Roast I Pkg. Stewing Beef 16 lean Ground Beef Patties I Pkg. Meaty Sh-Ort Ribs ONLT $15.50 40 LEAN GROUND BEEF PATTIES ONLT $11.90 '· Try it before you buy it in our beautiful, new beef tasting room. Vi sit the Ivey Ranch near Palm Springs or the Ivey Beef Company in Sa nta Ana. Phone orders accepted. Free delivery in Orange County. Open 9 A.M. -5 P.M. !Monday thru Saturday Se habla Espanol 133 E. Alton Ave. Santa Ana (Near Main & MacArthur Blvd.) (714) 546-9330 • \ . . Cf OAIL V PILOT Thursday, AUSIUl12!, 1176 QUffNIE By Phil lnterlandi : . .. . .. .. --_, , ......................... ·~·· ........ -.,. ..... ... LM.Boyd California's Divorceville Both Lucille Ball and Bill Cos by are re· ported to breakfast frequently on that dish known as scrapple. What, you aren't ramiliar with it? Original scrapple was a browned breakfast patty made of hog parts and car· nmeal. No, not just scraps, but the head, liver, heart, cheek, gullet, skin, kid- neys, jowls and hambone s tock. Like pepperpot soup, scrapple is said to have been the creation of George Washington's Dutch born army cook . IF EVERYBODY in this world who doesn't have a home were to walk single file in front of you, the parade would last about two years. HELME'l'S Q. ''What slates now have helmet laws for motorcycle riders?" A. All the stales except Cali rornia, Il- linois, Iowa and Nebraska. JUST 43 OUT of every 100 pairs of pliers are bought by women. IF YOU GOT caught twice selling cigarettes in Illinois 68 years ago, you could be fined $100. WAS NONE OTHER than Lady Astor who noted testily, "What would we say , i£ men changed the length of their trousers every year?" HOW DO YOU account for the fact that there are twice as many divorc:'ed• people ln California proportionately as in the whole na- tion? And proportionately, too, there are fewer never-married people there. Address lo L. M. Boyd, P.p. Boz 1560, Costa l\1esa 92626. Copyright 1915 L. M. Boyd Warnings Issued After Drug Deaths WASHINGTON (AP) -The Food and Drug Administration has or- dered new warning labels on a drug linked to s ix deaths from liver dis· ease. because it afrorded a "modest but clear-cut improvement''. in treat- ing victims or spinal cord injury, s troke, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. • The agency said Wed- nesday the drug Dan- trium had been approved in early 1974 to treat re· versible s pa st icity "ALTHOUGH ITS potential hepatotoxicity was recognized prior to approval. po st market- ing adverse reaction re- ports indicate this toxici- ty is more serious than was apparent in the pre- mark et in g clinical trials," the FDA said in its new monthly Drug Bulletin sent to physi- cians. f . Meetings Opened By Bill SACRAMENTO <AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. has signed legislation preventing state un - iversity and college ad- visory boards from meeting privately with campus presidents. · Dantrium or dan· trolene sodium is made ( by Eaton Laboratories. a division of Morton- Norwich products. The bill by As- se mblyman John Vasconcellos (0 -San Jose), removes the clos~·meeting privilege granted the boards by an exemption in a 1987 law restricting: private gov- ernmental meetings. State college officials and trustees opposed the measure, saying that open meeUn11 micht in- hibit 1r ... wheelin1 dis· CUJlion. . The board.I have ae-- ven to 13 members and are chosen from local communities by presl· · dents of each or the 19 campuses of the state university and colleae •)'lteln. THE NEW WARNING advises doctor• to di1- c on tin u e Dantrium therapy if no benefits have been observed aft.er 45da)'I. It says fatal hepatitis has been rep•rted in about .1 to .2 percent of patients who toot Dan- trium for 60 days or longer and symptomatic hepatitis has been ob- served in .3S to .5 percent of patients who took. it that long. THE RISK OF liver damage appears to be areater in females andln. patients over the a1e ol 35, the FDA said. The· a1eacy u.id that Dantridm should be used for treatln1 spasUclty 1eeonclary to crtpplln1 neurolocical dlsorden, and~ for skeletal mu.-cte .,.ms for arthrllll,. . . . . . . • Glfllll&l lll(TllC ~UY~ OPEN LABOR DAY 9 A.M :-6 P.M. ' . . Glidden Spred Flat Wall Paint • hctnto wolls .,.uh b"vtifvl ..... • Promios • dvrobl1, W111halil1 ft..ish • Ovick ond n1y w•l•r dton•ur Glidden Latex Wall & Trim • <•••n "9tls eM lrMI .•• "' M-4 ... ltwy 2 ty,.1 ti ,.Nit • Ori•• J.1t II • rid1, Mw h111r1 ~it.r11e......W1, ....... Glidden Lu1tre Seml-Glo1s Enamel • •11i1ls gr•se W -91tur1, itleel fM trim, kit111eft1 oncl bothr .. IM • Ori1s II I 11ft-drt11tt HIY I• dean finish Glidden Spred Latex Enamel • Semi-9'111 finilh wllti improvtcl dwebi'ily . , . !Ifft· y1llowi"I • Apply with brvsh or rollor .•• dnt1 .., with w1l1r . -·~.~ . Reg. 6.ff 5~! Rtg. 9.99 7~~ Reg. 4.19 3t1~ Rtg. 13.79 10~~ Reg. 3.19 3t~ 5 Minute" Devcon" Epoxy · ..... • Ken lr1moM.v1 triPPftt1 ,.w1r •.• works s11p1r '911 • Dries 11 1 d11r, stf ... sM4 1-0z. Tube 211·0z. Tube Reg. 1.lS Reg. 2.50 1so I Flint Sandpaper Choice of Grit • (Mtle, ••-., Hn1 1rit • fH oft yMI" ....... chM11 • l<onomlc•MY prk-4 fw to'inttl 2/5c ., '· J Compact Folding Platform Ladder • folcl1 '' o Ill"' '?'' for '''"''' • 5111rcly, ""''"I -mt4• 1f gltoming -'-"num • Slip-pr11f .tt.,. oM 111,,.,-t Ntl R•g. 9aa 13.tt GALLON Glidden Spred High Gloss Enamel • hi5lrou1 111011 finish with high rosilton<o to marring and 10Hl1t1 • hny lo ko1p d1on , .~. dries qu i1kly Spred Latex Gloss Enamel • for inlorior om! e1terior u1e • Conloins no lfd pi11ment, sole for 1hihlron's rMml • Quhk drying _ .• wc:iter clean- " Glidden Spred House Paint • Weolher·re1i1l11nl acrylic 11101 finish • Sprncls 1v1nly, smoothly with brv1h or roll•r • To11ls <loon 11p wilh soap'( _,,, Glidden Spred '· Gel Flo Paint Reg. 4.39 3~1~ Req. 11.79 8!o~ Reg. 13.99 , ' ' . . , • (1tr11 thi<k for Oftl•COO! tov1ro91 • focl1-r1slltont, shn.,y gloss finish • Go11 on 101ily .,.,ilh br111h or roller 1099;· Gol. IJ•ng l>jandled ,.Vire lr"sh • H11vy clutr lir111h with long "'" ha~• for 11.lr• ''"'"'' • Twth wlr• brlstl1s clton, ''"""' oli poh11 ollll nu! Reg. 69C '1.29 ' I ' I ' ; j ' 1 J • f I \ Scotts® Super Turf Builder • formulated ftr 9ro11 aM dlchonclro lown1 • Contttft1 ,lont-ovoilable lro11 • · ProlongH feedl"f ftMlkos lawn thJckor, groonor 5,000Sq.Ft.1440 Reg. 16.tS Super Bonus For Dichondra . • All·i•en• lrHt-111 for dichhdra low11s • PreYonts crffgross & spur11 frtlll sprouting -dffrt out 01isting Wttds and for1lllie1 al lht samt time! • 7,500 sq. fl. '"''°'' . ' . ' ' . . ,. . , . ' . . . Carbide Point ---~elitta Fiiter Engraving Pencil Col ;ee Meaker • Uso lib• ,.Mil ... wttb.,. • ftrMty • Filtorr tut tho 011,, ltif\tr Nl~te ... of surhtos Mdlcos deliciMlt coffff owory .... • 1.0. Y°'!f' ,.,,..!Ms -nttt strief • Pour ltoilbtg wattr over coffff •It's ...,....,, for pntec:tiort r••Y to sono l. ""'""'' . . t~ 1.95 4.ta 7,000Sq.Ft. 2035 Rtt. 23.9S R~· I' 9 .. . . Rtt. 388 ,· Reg.1440 ..,_._~?'J.---- 16.95 " " " ' ' o ts® Shady Area Grass Seed • le1t blerMI for shody areas ... rt1lstant to law11 di1easts • PrMucts o stan4evt lown wktrtvtr thtro is ontuth sun for grass to 9row l,OOOSq. Ft. 595 Reg. 6.95 1395 2,500 Sq. Ft: Reg. 1S.9S Deluxe Clamp-On Nylon Umbrella • Sturdy mt tol frame and pole • 40" widt nylon top in alterHfint color panels. NPA-40 R.,. 388 6.99 • .,,!!ili.1111!1!!1 .. !!'l .... !1"! .... "'! .. "'!llll!!"' ........................ ~ .• ' ··~ . :,. ' .. ; .. t··· .. .. . ;_, . I Crlmpln'g Tool Set • I" i.,.. -du..t.it "tel contnKilta • Cotnt.rl1rf• t.Mlles. #D·7 Reg . 1." 1'9 Village Blacksmltt,~ Ele~rlc Chain Saw • 1r1 MW It ~ to 'tU.i·lr' •.• . 1 ....... IM ..... ltt '°'"' I '1)11 _,_.,lo.•-""" """ ..... ~110 3995 • -~llMlflD QUAllTITTI 'Peerless' Pop-Up Bathroom Faucet Versatile 2'x4' Pegboard Panels • Smar1 modem stylint in glHmlnt chrome finish • Tht Wtol hant·Up for kitchen, goragt, woril1hop • Co...,lote with pep-up assembly -S ytar guarontot • full I/I" thitk, ready to paint or antiquo • Hurry, quantities or• limited! #9615 R•u·69C R•,·1388 22.9S 19• ' Tru-Test® Glass Lined Water Heaters • long·lasting, MtrtJ·HYi"I gloss lined h.Otors witt. high ltmpe,.tvre softty cwt-oft • Chffso lht slio thtt's rithl for ytur fo111ily's 11st ·- S ynr 111a,.•lte 30 Gallan 40 Gallon 6988 7988 TOMATO ~U1Gl~5 35c CO\ Tl Mf~A · Vegetable Seeds • Still plenty of tiM• ta ,lent • Chtlc1 of c11curwlttrs, ltMls, rodishos, tetnafNS, tund,., •fMI m1ny mert. 6~ .. N033 ' i l ' j , I 4 OAILYPILOT C;i ~~·­ ·~-----··......,""li!" .. Thursd.111y, Augusl 28, 1975 Tonight's :TV. Highlights CBS (2) 9: 00 -"Switch." This pilot movie for the new fall series of the same name stars Robert Wagner an d Eddie Albert as partners in an investigation· a'ency tryl~g to exonerate a safecracker with a previous record and pin the rap on a police lieutenant. _NB~. (4) 9:00 -"Who .is the Black Dali ah? Lu cie Amaz plays the tragic youn g actress murdered in one of Los . ·Angeles' most famous crimes (circa 1947) in this TV mystery movie with Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Ronny Cox, Mac~ donald Carey and Henry Jones. ABC (7) JO :OO ~ Women's Sports Special. Billie Jean King hosts this hour focusing on top female athletes, among I .th~m Fountain Valley swimming star Shirley Babasholf. Also seen are Chris Evert, miler Francie Larrieu, pro golfers Sandra Palmer and Amy Alcott and skier Genia Fuller. ~If$ 1W'~tlliltdillG1i··!!;tJ-ll!EISl'iliJ'U!!llilllliiillt.R!!ll. ill31lmi:ll"111J-11a.e~ TV DAILY LOG Evening AUGUST 2& M1JM!I. The slOfJ' i! bastd Oii 11t , at1111l 1'47 Los i\na1!H murder Us.t, IS I police htu!tftlnt If· tempts lo tir1d the pe1K1n rnpon• . siblt lor the Nath ol 1 22·reu-old sta1-st1uc:k wom1n .tio ••S ll}ill& lo Druk 11110 the rl0'/1es. UO IJI' (J)IJ !II !l)_m _ (i)TM , .......... 0 .... .,. tr11a1Ct "H1rem·• (RJ R1tk N1IWQ I . ~Cilt.,.001 -o 1a oo1 rn m •-" ... · WW WW W1&l auesh as lhe or11n~1r ol 1 1in1 '''" Aun of yotJni pro~11u1u who are kil!t d 111t4 54... ii the~ tel Oii! ol li11t, lllJ Lift.I: 11111!. T1rtu 1IK1 ruttts. ~ Pie ll'i*il [iQJ Mt't'ic: {C) (2h1) "The M"ie TN a.ctrlc C..,., M~rfffel" (m't") ·ro -Allhwr fl.en· 1.u, 'fric .. s lledy, wa,,en 011u. l :lO ~ MtlY C1iHIR Sirin l!J T1lt Bold O~ts That Gill W Fntinl lftUr•lli1111I (111 Ci) I Spy fD 11e11rMt11 JtltNIM Tilulre ED fil Clll c~· .. 11 "W1nd1" Alt untmploytd wom1n of "1 C ((11 Dt1lu'1 CMkt li!Ue edut1tioft btc0mt1 irwofvtd · Tr1'ftl f~m with an oldu min who bib tier • • C:1llif'lq GM1•tl .into drifin1 ttie 1et1•1, a1 kl 111 : Utt:lt 11~1 1l1tmpled blnk robff!y. lkrblr• 7:00 Q 0 0 (i) ED l!E Nm loclen wrote !tit !10l'J 1114 1lso stirs: 3 l1Hilit 11 W1nd1. Co·st1rrin1 111 Mich1el lwlMic lff Dtlllrs Hi11iin5, fr1nk Jourd1110 ind V•ltnft • • liW 511.M M1ndlts. ll) lnrt• tr C..~vtllCtl 9:30 a ... I ClllCtlltrtllM W '*• a.11 ~";.~ 10:00 e m m """' U lMI ~ l'erry Mutt1 !Jill Tiit Iii wanq 0 Tonight! A Colgate tD hM 'tut "Ron1ld Colm1n~ *Women's Sport Special . .; Aiitt!ot 8tnit1 to111111 discuuei 11t1 The Lady Is A Champ book •bout hlr aclor l1th1r. with Billie Jean King (. (])Jhllrwi ,.i... 0 1ac1nm mw1 11111•11 Tllrtt stMltt )pelts s,.ciil "The l1d1 ls A 7:30 C.Nld tl•i• Ct111mp" Billi( Jun Kini ii htnteu Priu Is lictlt for !his tuminatlon ol th• t1citinr " Lew A11tlla• stJI• and f111idly IRl'Wlinr wof1d of ll'Olll- 1 let'• M•k A Deal 1n'1 Spor15. Amon1 lhe SIU$ who'll (fJ Tt Tiil tlte TIYlft be seen are Clms (vtrt, Shirley 11ie1 $ MeN: (C) (211i) 'ikt. Baba$110fl (1t1e lladln1 U.S. Olympie ii, flia, Kell•" (111us) •43 -Alice. swimminr hopeful), world d15s f1ye. )olln l'•Jll•, JKk O.kit, JwM mil11 fr1ncie larrie11, PfO 10U1r1 • Havoc.. , S.ndr1 Palmer and AnrJ Alcon. and I Hepe's M1t"9 • lfNslJ'le skiinl cl\.l11pion Gfftia (JI ....,._...._.. f ull.,. ., tr. • ., tt .. ··11S6 oa.c· OJ llt S..rt '. Wl/Y ...... W.W Slrtls" Qj ;rwe Aaff I WNt W.W iO:lO I) @ (I) (]) Plllt Pflftd "S!IJlt ...., 111111~.... CoPl" Sll'llR Kllll Ind Alln r1i1t· Ule b9Cll1 stein stir ill this d11m1 NMd 011 l:tO @(]) (() Tiit W• "TM the lnrt stoiy ol two )'Ollnt 11>11~:' WllMft"lt) .lollll·llof lllb in klfl Si'fl pallet of1ictr1 who 1111de a with 1 wisltift1 .o11111n writer .. is rte.Old numbtr of 1n1ds on Ute •uitl'lld to escort dllrill1 lier •isil Hew Yor• City polict ID!Cf. TM '" J to ao.1rS!il U•im'Sl!J. 11nr rcbtls 11.11th 101 a rollbe1 who --./. a 19 ltl !RI II .. ,.,_ . • . saif1$1itlllJ viclimiltt 11mblin1 win=' lMJiii II TirC:IMlh tor llit folHtll ners. CO.stars 111 Clift Osmond, Dkk 11111 fiMt ,._ IAI ,,.,.. ~-O'NeWI, "'"' R11, Lou Tilllll, T1111r Slla Na N1 1llCI lit«'( Sdwtikr, Bilndt 11111 8YfOll Molrow. wtto )oil rtplars.Al)t ......_ Liz 1 •..W: 11111 • Alha Tonu 11141 Uilll FlllM. • llln " .... : fC) (Dir) ...., ... lrflli """' MiCdlClld: ..... (llllS) '47 -Dlnllll Morsu, Tiii Miits Ar1en1 Drhl. LI T'"""'9 Cl!te ;;;t~atEEll•11tA•r· U:OOll~=~~~1'NI IMlc lea T11m1 lro111 Sowlder hit tf .__ City, Nn1d1; l'uln1m, Conn.; M11i· e S(l. IWU 1n111, n..; 11111 Cli'ltOll, rn111oil, com· · Tltl 1.11q Dow pelt lot lht Gftlld N1ti0MI Chtm· Thi Alh1111 Fw. ~p fiffls. l'llO Flt11l111 end MN Sq~ ll•rt Uricll 1re lhl ctleb11!y I (D Mr. lucly llllflfS, lite UR!ouchlbltl 'I, ' ltf'I Chlee tt) Tiii Ultn (R) • . · '1 ; ....., I 'lllW S-.... (9 CJ)) W1.ttd: Dtll or Aliwl . , ,· II Ctrt .. ' Mwil: (211rl "fllilllt TnlR ti II:ISCDCllll1111 J4 , .. (drt) '40 -Rn Htnison, ll:lO 8 fm @()) CIS Ute Morit: (t) , , ., P1ul Henreid M11111et Lot-wood "'Ille hrnridl Htlflr" (Ito!) '70 -l'tlltd.t,M. flh fnllnll • S.ndr1 De~. Dt1n .StOU.wtll, £4 Ntc:t1ts T1P1tlll 8111ty. t ..,._ '-""'' ,,.,,.. a @oo a m Mii""' """', . ,, l ·JO llltrv lltnlrl Utft lok:lun Slmnso1 1s 1u1St )\o$t. • ~........... 1•111 fft ! Mulltll -dt ~r . , 9:00 (H){})CIJ CIS T••r•••r .• Mftit: "hint. .... K" {mys) .• · (ff" (10) "'Slllkfll" (R) (Ith) !t4 -Ida lup1no, Kow1td Dutt. , , •75 -·Robert W11ntl', Eddie Altltrt, 0 (~(I))(])~ i d • W • r. r • Ch1rlts O-mlftl, ~rO!I C:lm, Kiii ~ .. ttr1kkl Rr11r1; Good H11ht Swot!O!'d. Cllal1ie C.11ai, Jaclyn A;"'ent1. (RI , Smith, Grtl Mullavty, Alan Minson. CJ Ml¥ie: "falllll """'1" (dral. 451 .F; '"-pilot ~ !or tlte ,... Fin -01n1 Andfrws, Alite f1Jt, liNI• fl . of 1111 W D11111•. • ~it~btrt, 11 i~ :ci111t.MJ=: G) lllisslN: l•,.Slille IUll«livtt,, 11e putntrs: in an in· 12:00 GI W S..rt I } wn1i11t1011 11ttlCJ' wt1a tty to piun IZ:JO GI llefle: •Nflif W6 I Str111.r' 1~11 1 11frer1eU1 with • Pfniolrs (dr1) 'st -.11111 Simmons Victor record is ilu1ott11I of 1 dilllOllll M1tu1t. ' rollbt!J, and 11111 this ldual Clim· 1:00 I llil ,...,... • 1 lnll I! I policl litvl1111nl. (])(])!1'Cl)lhwt ~ '• j o ooo m•.•c , •• ,, •• , 1:45 Mme: ltJ "'llMllflowllds .. ~: (t) (Zltr) "WM Is tlte llld: llNtnJ" (mus) 'SZ -Mitzi GIJ• D1Wllf" (I) (111)'1) '15 -U1t111 nor, Scott B11dy, Zim~tllst, llCil: Afn1z, ROftnJ Co•, 2:30 GI All·Nlflil S/IM': ...... M De Lllldtn ChMtt. Mltdontld C.rey, s.," "Ttnlll Zl•Mn" Oonnt Mlllt. Htn!J Jonts. Mtrudl' l :4S 11 MtN: ''Sla•IMH fr11t" {wfl) . I. Mcel1111Hld11, TOlll Bosltr, FNM. '51-Gif: YOllllC. Bri1n Oonlh'J. , •'I ~-------------------------------------·'•Ii i Friday DAYTIME MOVIES 9;00 D "Udpil" (111p) ''2 -Wiltillll Hartnell, kttJ Mc0ow1n. "fllliW· NII lltMI" (111) '36 -Qtllll f1rrell, Ctilltltl• HtNJ . JOMCll-r .. .,_..ill TrilNar (a.I 'Cf -Bllttt DllllHy, Pit O'lril«i, 111111 lltir. Jl:OO ID "Sttell DIJs tt ._.. fnrrsl 'Si) -llf'IY Jonu, 00tt SlolDI, 1:• 0 -c.,bir11'1 ,.,.,... .. (com) ·~ -N« 'lliMel&, 'f"fwln• QICaOo. 9 (C) "Stitt F1ir" (mus) '&2 -· ' ' Pit 8oollt. fllllfll Til!lll, Bollbf ' I II Da rill. l :OO lfOl "Self et lM" (•n) ''I ... ~htrlne lltpbvm, Pav! Htnrtid. " ' tiJ (]) (t) "1111 CeloM" (dra) '55 . , =licllard W'id1111D;. UllJln Bacall,' Gloria c.r.111.... . "t, J:ll(I)'UIM ........ (lltlls) '40 -"•1" Aliu faJt, Don .llltldtt. . ;1 IJ -we'N Ill Altr*" (COlll) '55~ ' • 'I Hvll!p/lllf lopr't, l'etw Ust~, • , 1 Ndo RIY, Joan Btn111t1. . 1 , 4:00Q "Th Ottridfll" (WIS) '50 ; ,~ .loft McCre1,MtMDIM.8tr1J SUI.• ,lfl i ..... · KOCE Television (50) . • I I \ • C6 DAIL V PILOT Thursday.August28, 1975 1 Broker 'Bearish' l!ioll 1 II 1 Ill ttl 'I ' 1!11111 ' I II I 1"'111 I t rl , I • L~l 11'!·'< I 11 I' I IJ I lllJ)I IJ!~I 111141!:~ ll\ll\11111!\"ll l'"f Trailer Forecasting Eco1Wmic Downturn . small decline tn the first quarter or next year .'' This outlook, it ob· serves, "is considerably ctifCerPnt frorn lht' one we their real disc r~tjonary inC'omc ~roding and t.>qui- l)' values d tcUning they arc lt"'ss like ly to buy big ticket items for wh.ich lhey hove to make an·ex- tended commi tm ent," the rl'port s t a tes. ,.~ Coach Merger Manufactured houalna memMrs of the Trailer Coach Association, t1 trade as so c ia tion representing manufac- turers and 1uppliers throughout the western s tates, have voted to merge with the Manufac- tured Housing Jnatllute. The merger will take effect Sept. 2, when the TCA will become Western Region. MKl. NEW YO RK l /\Pl - While the administration r e main s bulli ~h o n th e eco nom y not everyon1~ agrees. Merrill Lynch is bearish. In a report entitled "The Economic Outlook has Changed ... cont:Jined In its "Weekly Government Securities Bulletin," tht• nation's largest brokL•r now f o re sees th e t.-conomy actually dec lin· lne a~ain by early 197H. The thundenng herd. ns 'M erri ll L ync h ~omctimes is ca lled. is not a lone in its doubts about the recovery. but it is out there a ll by itself in terms of its powerful in· nuence on investors of all sizes. had been re lying upon for som e nine months or so. Ri sing inClation, it said . v.·ill erode s penda- ble income, particularly disc retionary income or incon1e that is n 't re· QI.tired for necessities. J.,OR Tltfo:IR p~1 rt, "businessmen a r e less likely to voluntarily at·- c umula te inventories and m ay even lo OA•e r their capital spending pla ns." And in ves tors might be r e luctant to make long·term commil- m en t s in un s table markets. "Thi s extends into the housing a rea:· the rL·· port said. "T hrift institu- tions are becoming pro- gressively more con- ser vative in their lending policies.·· TWO BANKS OF SOLAR COLLECTOR PANELS LINE EL TORO COMPLEX ROOFTOP Enough Energy for 70 Percent o1 Apartment Block Need1 Can Be Met TCA headquarters In Anaheim will continue to serve as western re- g ion a I MHI head - quarters. TWO \\'EEKS ago 1n I t s govt.•rnm cn t securities b ulle tin lhl' firm commented that a c ombination o f <.tt · celerating inflation and ris ing interes t ratC's could trigger responses that would risk aborting the recovery. Solar Heating-In El Toro In its lates t bulletin. dated Aug . 22 a nd now ci rculating t~ inves tors. it adds : ''These fo r ces have now prog re s sed far enough and for s ufficient lime so that "'e now feel that the probabilities now favor a s ubs tantial- ly reduced r ate o r economic growth in the fourth quarter or this year a nd a s hift l.o a "MOST OF THE price in creases have been in the food area," it ob- servC's. "but wholt>sale ;.ind industrial prices of nonfood items have also started to increase." It said intC'rcst rates .ire ri sing "because of tighter Federal Reserve policy and concern ove r inflation" rat her than from any sharp increase in demand. ··th e on ly major borro"·cr bein g: the U.S. 1'reasury. These factors. the brokerage house o b· serves , have reduced cons umer confidenct•. business confidence and investor confidence. "If consumers find Merrill Lynch analysts s ay this conse r vatism. "a long with the basic dis· parity bc tw t'c n family income.s and the a vcragc price of a house . .puts the conventional home out of the reach of the average family." Togethe r , these fa c· tors "will pre vent a sig nifi cant r ecove ry from present levels in the hous ing m a rke t." BY OCTOBER or Nov- ember. the report con- cludes. evidence of th~ changing economic en· v i ronm e nt s h o uld become obvious, and ·'it "'ould scen1 reasonable to ex pect the Federal Rese r ve t o alter its policy to accommodation and a'A'<IY fro m res traint ;:1t that time." By RUDI NIEDZI ELSKI 0 1 tk D•il y Pilot St&!! F'or one month now re- ~id ents of the Timbers ,\partrnents in El 1"oro have been turning on their taps and getting hot "'ater. 1'ha t 10 itself is not earth·shaking news, but the fact that the water is ~eated largely by the s un IS . TlfE WATER heating system, called Solar As· sisted Ga s Energy (SAGE), \\'as installed in the 32·unit complex as part of a three-year re· search project and is sponsored jointly by the National Science Foun· dation a nd the Southe rn California Gas Co. It basically consists of 48 roof top collectors I 1,il,· 11 t• ~l(J.\T I ! nll ,•,U11•11I \ ''11• • j "" )I ] 0,( \(M I, .11;ol \nuf l!l\'•'\!11'.'111 <'.•Tll' ~ I ·•I! I 1, 1:11, ,,.,1 .. 11t1••·•l1) New Telephone Confirms Credit •• 11.1 .. Jilt ·~ iE!i 7 lll/I, r-.. r .1111u111;-;-i :~1 \,t1Jalra""!~ .IT<' lit,,!.• J;,I lhl' -.1.\ 111·•1h ;.:n ... J. A multi-purpose telephone that enables busi- nesses to run credit checks will be introduced later this year throughout Orange County. '"'' ,,,,' •• "' '""' ' Commereial Credif~ Tlll<tFTl'EWTll'l< \Tl:.\I ! I)\ :'\T~ C 9 The instrument is called the Transaction Telephone. It provides a business user with a method of obt a ining authorizations for credit cards and \'C riCying that a check will c lea r . l'•>r 1 · ;ihf•1rn1.1 t-;,~.•I• 111 .. ! 1111\ ~h,ml~r •·I 1!1,· 1 .111l••r111.1 .\~~•'•' ,.,.,., ,,1 T!ir1!t Jwl \,.oan <:rm1pJ11 1<.':-. • 1 .. 1,,m,,, 1 .. 1 \ ,.,i,, 1·1 ... 1. 1,,. ··ri· ·r it.oil "It's fa r qui c ker than calling a credit agency or bank ... said E . W. Dey, Pacifi c Telephone's Orange County General Manager. i"le added that a tone and/or lighted indicator response from the remote data base indicates ap- proval or dis approval of the transaction. 1 u:1t:• :'-li•sa • 310 1·:. lith Stree t. • ~•15-~':'00 Other features of the new phone include Snnta Ana • J2:!8 E. 17th Strei;>t. • 5.\1-5011 automatic dialing, magnetic card reading and ==:::;=====::::::::::::::::::::::"~~ti~· g~h~t~ed~s~·e~q~u~e~n~t~i~a I instruction. according to Dey. BANKS CAN'T DO IT. SAVINGS & LOANS CAN'T DO IT. BUT WE CAN. Newport Equity Funds can earn you 10% on your investment dollars. Look a round you. On every side the yields of Treasury Bills, Bankers' Acceptances and Certificates of Deposit are de- clining. That's why it will pay you to look into 10% interest bearing Trust Deed investments with Newport Equity Funds. Newport Equity Funds offers yo u two e lements· v ital to a ny good investment : High yield and security. Your money can earn I 0% a nnually w hile your investment is secured by low-risk real estate right here In the Newport Beach area -the fastest growing section of Ca lifo rnia's fast est growing county . Right now, you can invest anywhere from $2500 to 5250,000. Your funds will start earning 10% from t he day of deposit into escrow. AH details, accounting a nd statements are handled by Newport Equity Funds. And don't forget : It is possible to earn more th an 10% on T rust Deeds paid o ff prior to maturity. In those certain cases. it p rovides for a bonus of six months a dditional interest, as allowed by state law. For more information, call Newport Equity Funds today. Our phone number is 644-6600. Avfiilable to California residents only . 'Newport Equity Tunds Rt1al EstatrJ Brokart AVCO FINANCIAL TOWER 620 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 August Cadillac Sale Year-end sale of remaining 1975 5 NobenCad~lac ~(>()()Ha rbor [~lvd . Co~t<t M~sa 5-'IO 'JJOO lr.~s;;i 11 11 11oats , IOIHHC chances are you'll read about it 1'-----' in the DAILY PILOT HOPI MOW llPUCIS ..... ly TURY GRA.-.T. ..... In your lifetime you have witnessed the vi rtual elimination or tuberculosis. mastoid operations, small pox and diphtheria. Polio can be controlled and your life span is in· creasing. When you a r e sick you can hopefully ex· pert your physician Lo help you much more than in lhc past. And, -we stock more then 4 ,000 dirrerent medicines in our pre- scription department ready for any reguler « emergency need. YOU OR YOUR DOCl'OR CAN PHONE US when you nee-1 ddlvery. We will detiver promptly without ema charge. A 1real m1ny people rely on ut ror their health needs. We •etcome request• ror delivery servi('e •nd charge accounts. Pill UDO l'HAKMACY 351 Hosplll l RNd ' FrM Oflfvery Newport Beachw2~1•, where the waler is heat· ed by th e :s un and transferred to •~ heal ex· changer. and a 1,200 gallon storage tank. 1'he sun 's radiation provides iO percent of the energy requ.ired to heat the water a nd a gas boiler system heats the remaining 30 pe r cent. The id ea behind the $367,000 in stallation is to help stretch existing sup- plies of fossil fuels, ac- cording to Sam Cun· ningha m , head or the re- search project . ALT H OUG II THE SAGE sys tem is present· Jy used only to s upply hot tap water, it will even- tually be adapted to heat rooms and s wimming pools a nd to air-condition buildings, Cunningham said. The El Toro apart- ments \\'ere chosen for the experiment because they are t ~pical of apart· ments bwlt in Southe rn California and becau."ie Orange Co unt y represents the Gas Com- pany·s largest ruture market. Although it is sunny in El Toro most of the lime, utility officials say that nioderate cloud cover or the presence of s mog have minimal effects on the system. llEAT F R OM the sun is free but nearly SI million in research funds \\'ere expended by the NSF, the Gas Company and the Federal Energy Administration to make the El Toro proj ect workable. The extrem e cost of this "free" energy even- tually will be reduced to more acceptable levels, acc ording t o Cun- ningham . Future s ys te m s will average about $300 to $400 per apartment or $25,000 for a system s imilar in siie to the one .at the Tim- bers. Because of the large inves tm e nt r e qui red solai-healin g systems are not presently con- templated for single· family homes. In apart· ments, howe ver, there could be som e real sav- ings. THE EXPECTED life of the SAGE system is approximately 20' years and its cost amortized over 10 years. That would give apartment ·owner S a 10-year period during which they could cover nearly three- fourths of their heating needs for free , C un- ningham said. In addition to reducing the fuel bill there may be further incenli ves for the installation of solar units such as government s ub- sidies and tax breaks. according to utility of- ficials. To Saddleback Valley residents the fact that the Timbers Apartments off Rockfield Drive had a solar heating system came as a surprise. THE ROOF TOP col· lector panels are a ngled in such a way that they are hardly visible from the road. And they are the only clue. The water certainly isn't -it's just as hot as before. Ove r 1'h c Counter HASD UitincJS "1 jJ Tr"' Qce-n 10 10..., W~ NG 10 10'17 I• ,,,. Tw in Ots 2• JS W&•mn I 4V. '""' l>U. 7Y:i Tyrm.lw 1•"" 16Vi ~ 6\1> 1 4'~ 1Vo UB Flnec 7~ •• ,.., Wei;! wt ~ s~ 24 J•V> Uftl (.&pl 2 2'.t. Wlllr>Q M 6\o't 1 24~~ 1SV. Ul'llon SC)! W!ol(S1 pt l\~ 4V. 1~ 1S'lt• J<l]l/1 14 WS k,Gs 1l'I• 1•'"' 1>!\1 l>l'I: Un T B..c 11111' 'I) ~1,,.,.. Cl ~-~ 4•'h 19 lt'h Li"'Art Tl> 11 12 W.11r Fd 15 IS"" 12 \~ ll US ~ 51 ~ w111....,1 I 70\'• 2\'AI 11'• 19 US Tr( I.. 11~ l•V• WllSA H J 11 ~~ 12"1 l f\) 11v, Univ FcH IS~ 16\1> WI"'"' Str 16 11 !J'4 l l~ ¥MW;e S... 2~ JV. Wl"'I P'llT 6~ ·~ I ..... llllo llMI Oyk 11 11 WIK PL! li\lo 16\llo 11''1 11"• lltn !.tick JV. 4\.\ WOOd Ltra 11 12'/'I 70 11 'h k;lorl St 11'11' 11"' WDl'ld Sv ''' Sir> 3' J.<1'11.. Vl~Uoll !'>c 5'1) 6V• Wrlv"I W 3\o'J 3"' 2•"• 2•><. VOi Slloe 1 1~ Vtllo Fri 31\lo 3" ••• •"•• War EBk 11Y1 12 ZklN Ull'I 11'h \t'h ~r! ~;.,,, OTC JO Mottt Actit,e 9 9~ 5'9CIU \'ellH'!t 9111 A-C .... ).Ill l>'l•CllnlOllOll m,0002 7·1'2 ... 14 ••.• 9 9\lo Am Exprts' 9S,000 ll .13"" + 'tlo ]\1 3"' F°"sl Ott 94,IOO 11 11"'° •••• 14'1~ 2S\', Jet-Cof'pl> 81 ,lOO 1"4 2Vt-V. I 9 Pe"'" Otl~ G.1~ 6l,l00 11"11 l l'MI + 'I• 00rcl>t'5ter c;., SJ,000 9'11• 10 + 'I• 222 2'1'9 Franklin Life 41 ,400 15~:. 16""'• ~ I ll 9:V.. BMlk•""'' Corp 31,JOO iov. «1'>11+ ~ I''• •':• ~ul>tl torr, J;·OOO 31 1111> •••. 1~ 1~i~ C.Ovt emp y Ins S,300 ll~• U\'•+ I.Ir I I 17'h "fASD Vol""'e TOCllY •.•. ••••• 3,743,1'00 I I "" AO\>l..CltS .......•.• , .. , .. , , .. , )Cl 26''• 26~• Oe<11nrs . • .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. 279 11,, 1'4 U..cll.anvtd .. ....... ... ...... 1903 7 ri.. Total ......... ............... 2514 ~~ :~'i7. Cainer• and Lo•er• •l •ll< GAIH8RS 12•1 Il l/• I Adv1"' MitroD t • 11/o Up 1•.I 1 1~• 1t 1 Hy C..ln Elec 25""• J'h Up 1J.t l "t •'h l C..lbloc.t>e-m 12"4 t l'h Up 13.l ll:i.li ll'h 'AC.ody 1"'5Gri> lllll t "" Up 11.~ ' ID s ,,.,.neoe A.$sist •·l•t 1·16 Up ll.S 10..,,. 11 11> 6 UoeW•vFr .J2 111/•• 1\4 Up 11.4 I 111> 1 Am Micros's 12'h+ 11M Up 11.1 1\'I l 'h lli11 9"1Pkr wt l 'I•• Ill> Up 11,1 18 1t v, 'PiedmntMt .14 ,..., .. "~ Up 11,1 11'1' 12 10 PIKfl ~ ,20.ii 5\tO t Y, Up 10.& t\\> 10'.\ 11 MldT•Cm .Mo 1011't I Up 10.5 17'11' 11v, 12 ~ Teletomu 11,:. • ~ Up 10.0 7' , 29l(. Tl Kvlltkt Soll& 1'\to • "-Up 10.0 J"" J 1-. u Rey,.,&Re, ,J1 11 • 1 Up 10.0 ll'M I•'•'< IS MooreSam .16 16¥..t l'h Up t .t 2s1i. 261<. 16 lhrtrv Gn .•o h • "'-Up t .4 n• 11'1' ll Domafnl!ld .so 611.t + V1 Up 1.1 19 1°"~ t.OSEllS 11'1< 17"" I Miolor Rll .OSI! 1 -'"° Ott 11,1 ll'lt 1•V• 2 MoorePrOd ·'° 6 ¥•->~ Ort 10.0 11'1< 191':> 3 G.n Automatn f>('•-•t, Ort 9.lt 11 1 2 ~. ' Bta!ld tnsul&I 2""'-'lo Ott t .S 1W• ll'h S Unv$o!CI"' .IOe 2'111>-'.t. Off t .5 10 11 1/; I> Sot• Pine• Co I~-'II 0 11 1.3 11'1• II'!• 1 SNIP On Tl .54 lS1J.-21/o Oii 1.2 tv. 9"" t Em""i.ons Ltd S'h-'h Oii fl .2 21'h 21 9 Gelm•n Instr j ¥,-'I> Oil 1.0 4""' 5 10 BeaHlveMd El 3 -· V• Oii 1.1 1sv. 1&'1• n Mor•n Bros In l -•11 Oii 7.7 31/• 31/1 n SunUte OU Ltd l -•r. Oii 1.1 1''.\<o 30"" 1J E s l_ l"'torp 1S¥.-l'I• Oii 1.• 12•11o ,,..., U Medcom lft<; 1-1'11-'4 Oii 7,1 11'h J"IV> u Ceym•n CGrp 'lll-1·16 Off 4.1 6"4 JV. 16 FlnQerf\ul Cp l l/•-'Ill Off 6.1 I t U 111UR01al1'1' 0 1 1~-V. Oii· 6.1 MUTUAL FUNDS N.ew Vor--Fol· CG Fund I.~~ 9.11 S.ln Fd 1:41 1,)8 lncorn 6.SJ 7.IJ LORD A•r. PHO Fd 6.32 •• 91 Stele Str 3~.ti 36,:10 ICMn<;i b ill 11$1 of CG lncF 1.6,J l.1S Gwll> F 7.9'2 8.Mo H&rl Git> 8.1. N.L. Alllial 4.U 7,1, Pl~ SI t .21 H .L. STliADMAM ,Ol: bid encl •ot..O orl· C119 Pr1v 94.:t'I "f.L. lnc;me S.21 ~.72 Harl l..v I .II "f .L. Am BUl 2.IS 2.96 Pl~ Tre tz) fll Am Incl 2.JS H.L. ce' on MlllUal Uni Sii$ l .'16 9.36 S.:.Cil F S.JI S.Sll H ... v Fd 1.17 "f ,I... 6ftCI dtb .... 11 JO.OJ PIONEER ,0: AsW Fd ... H.l.. FllllC!s &l quot<HI b~ t'..NJI '"'" l .H 9.0S Sit-Fd l ,l l t .Oll Hedol (J) (J I UTH£RA1!1 •RO: PIOt\ FCI 10.tl 11,t'l 1,.,.,.H 1,02 "f,l_. ll>e N.i.50 Inc; CH ANl'llHG EDIE Sp IS.•J N.l.. Hernge 1.0<I ... Broll Fd t .07 9.t l Plonr II 9.4111).SJ Ou1n 6.1• H.L. . FUHOS: evrel FCI 9.•• ID.SJ l"G•a<• U ,I• IS.•• Bro Inc; 1.12 •.09 Plan!ld t .14 11.54 TEIM lllO• ,01: WtdMMI•~ Amer 1.CM 1.l•Ellun Ttl 12.27 ••. lmprl Cp 7.10 1,14 Bni us •.n 9.9'lPLIGR0 •.1'10.tl e..i.-. IJ.MH.L A1111us1 21 197S e.1..cd 1.19 •.• s E ..... llY 11.JSN.L. I~ Git> 4.0l 6.S• SS CO: l_I Tr ... 5.'8 4.43 C<Kllt1 J.OlN.l_. IJJd AUi &I'd Fd '·" l ,6JF&!rlld 1.2' 1 .• 1 l..c 6oM ~.:ti .,. "'"""" .... 7.06 .. RICE ROWE: 51ock 10,ttH.L, E~ r~ ~:n : : . t~~~ ~ji ti' ~:~:!~TE:~::G"':.~ !W~: ,t5 ,f~ ~ /,.c~;~i ,~:1! ~ •• ,!:H =:t: r!~ou"f:n ::~. Advli.er J.ll l .6J lroc:orn S • ., 6.a.4 e,.,,,..e 16.95 ••. '"'"''n G 6,1tM.L. MIT ·9,]910.12 Hw Hor 6.UN.L. Kerrc>C 10.1010.14 Af't ... Fd 6.£8 1.~ PTov In l.J3 J.Sl .it> Emf TS.I• •. l"v G11ld 6.JJ H.1 ... MIG 1.11 •.41 Pro Fd .S.11 N.L. Smmll 7.6! 8.Sl Aetl\ll In 11.4 12.SS SOK.I 1.38 I.SI P-IDEt.I y .... v h'ldlt 1.10 N.l.. MID 11.&J 12 .Sl Pl'ovd Gt 6.5' I.IS Ted\M s." •. s~ Ahllu•fl l.J4"f.L. v'enlur 1.31 l .OS GflOUP; lnv Bos '·°' •.tJ MFO 110.ll>11.11 PrlMISIP 8.14 l .tG5ur ... , F J ... I.ti AGE F4 l ,'tl '·°' (Mrl Fd ~ ... 10,91 8t>d deb 1.90 1.63 IHVliST MCD ~\0,4111.t't ll'UT .. AM Tempi G J.M I.Mo Altstale 1.U t .?9 CHASE C&pi.1 1.iS l .•1 COUl'ISf:t. MFB l•.•l1S.5',.UMOS: """19 Iv 1 .00N.~, Alpha Fd •.oo "f .L. IOlTOtol ; Cont•• 9.52 "f.L. Optm 7.)!I 1.10 •1. I,, 1.:M H.1.. ConYe• •.1110,24 T•avl Eti I.IS •. 0 Am Birth 10.GS 11.0.t Fnd &<Is 1>.1S 6.13 C~ S!.ec 6.13 .. Ceoil Sf! 4.JS •,11 ltMr 1 I 13 "f L. Equity 8.07 8.11 TudOI' H 10.Sll H.l.. Arnf..q•y 4,13 •.Sl FrOl'I CP l.Je J.t1 ()(y Inc 1.00 "f.L.IHVESTGROU": Id Am 47'1 4'9 G.oro 11.•112.oll:IOltiCG J,43 H.t.. AM ,.UHOS ,.,,,.; SflT• es 6.15 6,il Oest 6.ll •.. IDS Bnd S.l' S,jll y M' I 00 NI.. GrMll 1.8' .... '*" ,, •. 16N.L. Am 8•1 16.Sl 1.1• Sc>il<• •.90 s J6 [(lull ~ I 10.51 "f.L. IDS Gin 4.SO .. Mp(\~ Fd 1.5• 9," lrw;om I .fl 7,S1 UftllleG .... 1.J(I Amo;:ap •.I• 4.$2 Cl'lelT' Fd l.'16 8.1• EWI• 1.01 IDS NO •.U •.SO 8 P'!.( 12.4' N.l.. l"'wst 4.79 7.•I Unlf\.ndl 7.U 7,1, Am !fie /.49 1.19 CHA Ml'4G FOS F11rr:1 ll.Ol 14,90 IDS~• J,11 l .01 II 8fl F 7.95 lt.6, Visit; F fl.50 9.2t UNION llERYICE Am Mui 1.4 1.11 ICnl<k F S.12 S.61 Pl.irlt" I.Ml ··~ Mull.It! 1.1• l .41 IF Pd '·°' 1.•1 vov•<> 9.1'10.15 .. """," A Spo-(1 S.JJ 5.10 ICnkk G S 19 S.'8 S.tem F J.SI l ... Slock IS.1111.16 IF Gro 3.11 3.41 Reserv F 1.001'4.L. d ht 10.M 11.4S l'lflO FA lS.19 IS.II l.ltlrlV l.69 •.OJ TreflO 11.1• 19.IS SeleCI 1.13 •.11 .... I .,,.. .... ReYe•• F 4.12 4.72 Nall Inv S.4• 6.22 Cap F A s.•s S,96 MIMI l ,54 2.1 P-IHANC::U•L Vtr Pay S.11 6.J\ ..... : lee; eo:i ,,., 1.5' Un_Caci• ,,,. t .16 Gth Am l .11 t ,14 S.Chus F S.69 1.11 f'ROGRAM$: Inv RIVI 4.91 S.•4 A.mer ( teco 0-S.;19 S.19 ., .. ,"•o !n 10.1411.I' 1.,;: Am 11,116 ll.62 COLONIAL fi"' Oyn J.14 N.L. I $ It Grwth UOOER FDl: ,UMOl : '"'" Am 11 •S 11 J1 "UHOS; Fl"' IN! 3.SO "f.I... Gr....ttl •.SI •.tl l~ lnlr l11w 11.91 N .l.. A<cwn S.Jt S.to ,..,. p,, u '.o.1 1s:3' Conw• 1.02 8.11 Fin Inc; s .•1 ..,, ... lnc;om J.71 •.OS St'>tl Miit At l 10.ocl H.L. 81'1111 Fd •• so 1.11 Siil FdA 6.01 6.'3 EquU1 ?.21 2.4 h!Fd "• ID.JO 11 .'6 Tttl Ul l.19 . . . ' '~ l,4t H.t.. Bail-12,S9 H ,l.. Cont crw 7,11 l .!4 W•\11 M 10.n 11 .•l Fund 9 ,, •.S? l'IRST T••I Sh 11.13 12.'1 -lndu 8.-" N.L. Stw C-.m 7.t.t H .L. COl'l1 fnt 1.11 l .•S ""' G<lt> f ,, t .'16 (;Notti •.S6 .... INVISTOllS: i,1e1.Fnc1 'J0.7111,1' MAT lK ,.OSt SOK•• 11.•s H.l_, Ire~ •.•2 ID.» Am lnllr\ •.01 '·'5 IMom '·" 1.11 OIK Fd •.II •. ,.. ....... Fund S.1-J "f.t.. Bai.n< I.tel LP •.21 ... sc...... s .n 1.1• Am tllv\I t 11 N.l.. Vflf\ll,lf 1.0S 1.14 Grit> FCI ).91 4.•1 J,. Gw'ltl '·" 1.61 80!ld Sr t,OI CURITY l'Dl: VtflO(I 4.olO •.n A.ml>ft G• 1 OS 2 1t ~ G 11.oM N.L. lnc;om 1,0I 1.7t .Jan0 Fii lf,21 H.L. Oh1CI"' J.11 E4uil/ l.00 3.1" utel !iwcF J .... N.L. AHCMOll ' • b Ill Ul Stocll F 6.U 1.96 ..lllltln!.ltl 11.'6 N,l_, Pnf "* S.2' 1-S S.42 4.11 USA.A Ct f,JJ N,L. GltOU": N'Wt.TN 1A Mull! 1.lJ N.I. • .JOMM HANCOCK: lnc;om 4,S& Ultra F 6.20 6,7' 5 G\llS t .t l t.J~ a.u, 1... l eo HI.. RUST: .... W•U t.ll H.L. BrWI FCI u .n 1t.J7 Stot• ... 6.JS ...... 1.n l .«I .,. P'UMOS: Grw1f1 4 00 .. st A & 8 .IS ,9'l FOii Gt l.•7 J.1• ~ S,•1 J.fl Grwtfl 4.14 J.31 ry F 10.I? 11.1t "-• F ti) {II lrw;.,,. iu .. 76 (. 1.1S 1.l l'OUHOt:•S t 7.11 1.1' •W INC t.": AllU!t.O ~II:,. : 'IALUI! Ullll l<bl~ RtWrv 10.0f 11'0. C.0.... or 4,IT S.11 GR°'-1,.: • lTOM•~ E.~lr, IJ.U l•.XI '°"""' 4.0S 4.&t Va.I I.tit S.01 S.!J so.ttr 3'" a'Ji Cmo\CI <;ii l ,1.i , . Grwth •.30 •.10 Cusl Bl 16.'4o 11.•t Gr-"' I .... l .:)Q £"'Upt •.67 S.lQ Vtl Inc: 4.00 •.J~ f'llll '"'" .. OD iJ.I 8d J.tl l .J lrot(lm 10.0111 Q, CUii 81 11.IJ !l,t1 l"COm IJ.OS 1.._11 Fiil Fd 4.01 4.Jll Ltv C!11 5.11 1,13 WI Htll 1'.n 9:6] °"""' Fel I.II /,t F ,,., • ..,... 1.a 1:st. Cus1 84 7.:11 '·" 5IOI 12.•I 11 ... HI~ 7.01 '·"' I/el SPC 1,1• l." A\IOlll F tSI 111C-rd I.MN.I... F5'1e<ll I.II 1.41 CU§l1(1 l .'1 7.02 EA #I /,:ti ... ~· I.. S.41 6.14\'AMCI! AX• . . 1 1 ..... 8.11 1.17 F-M! F 7,0J N,I,, CYSI Kl •.11 s.1t ,.._,,, 1.21 N,t., f'9<• F• 7~ '·" IAMoa1111 ~TOM • c..tn 9W '· j H,L. "llA•l't.Ut '"'' II 1'.tt II.ti ........ .., _ t .tS ~AS AllltoN PO$: ll'IWll f,1$ •.Jt ,:_. .... .;,, •11CllnMt In S.llH.L.e"°""; Cuit ~ 7,tl l .117 W14 t.to10,tl,.,,,,.,. 14,SJl$.t7 VS e;o..,., S.jl 1.0l a ._,. .. ry C lt.to 11 .0 Of.ITC-S.J7 '·' Oat SJ •.14 l.41 lcMet 11.11 N .L., lfie1lofl 15." 16.93 StiKI J, 7 4.31 ' • .S..O s'.to )..M N,t.. <i'frtl'I Jl' ·).j4 5.6l Cuti Sol •1.15 l.O! l'l'tr 11.216 N.L. \""'"' l ,M •.U V.... 0 l.26 N.L. e°"' ... , •.u D•~ All• Fr '"'"" 1,,. '·'' ....... '·s ,,., 1.~ I.IS ~ ''·" H.L. VrwJttNt t 2.JI N.t.. t .f! .... t.. ,., VS Ov $ t.11110.lt '°"'*" t. 1.1j Wiii 11.H N ,t.. ,Ul'IO$; \'AMOUAlllD O«I,. r x!l..03 ... Otc.atr t .9' t . Vthtlt. :S.4l 1,97 ~ii: •· t" HM "0! Calll 4.1• •·n ExPltr tl.47 17.IJ er 4.14 •.. 0.hto F Jll.J7 1.tl R.s C.D 4.tt ,•I l.0 l 11,)' I to ~ Fd 7.41 t.i.i lftv Sh •.41 9,JI 1 ... 11 tM J,IO 9"t1I ~· l,JJ N.t.. Ot!~ T J.12 l.11 llttE~y '·I' 1.111Al!d. 1.00 1.01 °' t• S.62 •• ,. 1™,Sh 4.•I 7.1' ~ t..llll.1• .,._ 1,11 H.t.. """' 21.1s H.L. Fiii 1..1Eq , a. 1 .11 LIX oaou,~ '"""" 1·•1 1,42 v.nttir 7.'16 s.tt tn.111 '·" '· ' alKI• OROU,. i Offl:[ Cit J.5' l .tt Ff Ml elp 1.U H.L., Cp I.Hr 11,1111 ... ,..., 8 .OO • •• 11'1 8 I .SI N.L. Wtltly 'I·" 'j·I' Alm ••. , •.•. QMQ'11 lj,1J N.L. '""°' u•c,. Qrwll'I S.4J '·''Yim. F ··" .. ,. 8 IA.Gr •.l)N.L. Wtllln ,,, • , Q ,... 4.JO H.t., 0.. ....,.,, ,JJ N.L. CMtOU,: IMtm •.t 1 ti.to TC $tc 1'.7' 10.6' Ge,,,: 9.t $ 10.42 W,.,.,,., 1.tt ,JI 101 Fftd 4.12 N.t.. O••v .. u• OR,. comm '·" l .t• R.srdl \l.JS 13.SO :t. .. ,, ..... t ...... 4.1] ,,,, Wlnosr 1;14 1.•1 _... l:ll •. ~.J! Fd •.12 10,?4 l<nt* •·!J !·'9 Ule lnlv J,m i .ll f'ltllrl J.U H,t., Ill• G 4.17 4,11 V~ I 2 1 1.12 ==-= t. , c;'YJ ,.. 3.6& ... ._ liml<A If' ':tf 1 ,ft Ltr,t'Ol.M Hf..TU Plul Y •.fl J••I '"'" 9,tl IG V;;n'Ja Gr' m N.t.. . "' 1:1* J;,. Df'f'f t;. 1\:~ :1:~ G':l'ts ,. Jri ;:~ EE': f:. s'.~ J:t~ ~ ~ tli ,.:t: ,. t..o tt: ::t: :::;. ~ .I J:r~ , ~. ,UJIOlt S. lrcm •.lS .•• Ge"' SK 4,tt "·t· k ()p 1,15 l'il.t.. p;;rj"I 4.M 4.40 An: •MD Oft,.: Wb1 1.!J .IJ J.J2 lo. °'Qi",.. tt.F.11 _.Clint 10.°' 10 ... ~,, !fld 15.11 N. , ~ 'LO. N.1., a l .U J,M CM! l"d 3.6J 1,t7 WJl'lcf °' tt .... c. H .. '· , iii Mii 1.11 N.L. Cwrt n··· N.t.. OltlM O"• ,, .. OI.... •.10 .... ~~.::-•.•I • .., Ofy 5'lf J. 4 l. MM Go' 7.0l 7.N MAM!t.fe* aP: YL : """' to. .. • ..... ~ J .. 1.71 t .U t .10 ... -1» 9.31 ATON .. 1'111'111 lM 3 •• , u. °" •. n N.L. C.-1 2 .... N.L. $1: ,, Cir •.l l H.L. Nt. ............. NY V... ,f,l 1'.11 AJtD: GrWll'I S.H J.Jl ~I 11..16 H.I.. If'!(.-1.19 k ,... MIC ,,I\ H.L. ..,,....._ 1 ' ' I I ' • I I Carol Aon SlolgM, ronnor ae-ter-pro•h•••r with KOO P-TV. has bet"n named pubic relaUoc1 maaacer at Uon Country S.farl bl Irvine. Prior to jolnlng the wildlife ~rve, )11. Slelsht wu a ('Onsultanl with Jim Bishop and1Aaaoctales ot llarlna del H.C)'. t . • • l>r. Harold 11......,,, -!dent ol the Caltroml1 lnsUlute of Technology, and former Secre\:ary ot the U.S. Air Force, has been eltcted to the board or directors of Beck.mu Lutrumeata, Fullerton. Dr. Brown joined Callech In 1969 as prelident. "" is also a director or ln· ternational Business Machines Corp., the TlmOl·J\llrror Co., and Schrodero Umlted. • , Madell•e Gree•her1 baa been named mana1er of the Telepllo•e Aal••ri•& Burea•'• communications ..-vice office in Costa Mesa. She was · •AOWll formerly aulstant manager. • David A. o·c-. president of Rolmold, O'Couw .... Cloonan, l11e •• brokenp firm speciallzinl in options trad· 1ng, wi ll head a MW olftce in Newport Beach. O'Connor will act as manager of the new office. • l 'r•ak A. Woolsey and lob ·Leb11ck, agents for Farm~n lllsur•nce Group, have opeoned new offices 1n the Eldorado Bank building at 25$5 C.bbot Road in Laguna Hills. • The board of direct.ors of Ge.eral A.atem1Uoa in An,ahe1m have elected Llwreeee GoUoni as president and cruer operotllng officer of the firm. He also retains the titles ot chairman of lhe board and chief e¥ecutive officer. • Jack Hill, director of general attOW1tin1 for Ttte lrvlae <Ampany, bas been elected president of the Oranee Coast chapter or the .National Association of Accountants for 1975-76. It.ill previously held NAA vice presidencies in ad· ministration and education. • WUllam 0. Fleetwood. Jr. has been named president <Vid a director of the new Irvine Savings and Loan Associa· lion. now ln organization in Irvine. Prior to JOintng Irvine S&L, Fleetwood was executive vice president of Pacific Savings and Loan. The Orange Coast resident was also an executive with Downey Savines and Loan. • William T. c......,.. seruor vice pre- sident of marketang at Glau C.-taiDers Corp •• Fullerton, bas been elected to the ftrm ·s board of directors. l'"L11:twooo Crosson joined the company in 1962 and was named general sales manager in 1965. He and his famlly reside in Newport Beach. • Irvine resident Kart llallMll bas set up shop in NewPort' Beach with TIR, loc., a firm specializing in industrial com· rnerciaJ and investment real estate. ' The new orf1ce 1s located at 250 Newp:>rt Center Drive. • Edward E. Berry has been appointed director of the n ewly established Ordnance and Missile Controls Operation a t AeronutroaJc Ford'• Newp>rt Beach division, according to Lows F. Heihg, company vice president and division general manager. The major pro1ram of the new operation Wtll be the Bushmaster Weapan System, just awarded to ' Aeronutronlc Division by the U.S Army. • Mi11ion Viejo res1dent IUcbard c: SlelPt ha• Men named rJ1anager of the newly.created Orance division of Title IDlara•ce aad Tn:lt Company. Sleight joined Title Insurance in Los An1eles in 1941 . He has served as mana9er of the firm's operations in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Son Bernardino. MARKET HIGHLIGHTS NYSE Index ASE Index Dow-Jones Ind S&P 500 Stocks INDEXES 44 .94 114.08 Im.OZ 84.43' up up up up 0.23 0.09 3.91 0.47 N9W Yori! lUPI) -Tll• lollowlng ll1t ~howl llM 1tock1 11 ... 1 ll•~t (lflfttd "-St '""' 10!.I '"' rnon .,.MG on Pfl'''"' Of tl\lll\Ot 01'1 1111 N•w VCH'll Stock fo•(Pl.ill!Qt Nel •M pert•l'ltaoe tl\aPIQft .art tPla d lHerente wt .... t11 Tiit p<lvlous clOll"9 ptlct al'ld \llt (urre11t cloll1111 ll'IU. GAINllll 1 Clly Inv Wh 1Vo + V. U. 12 S 2 qRtao::i"9 CO 71/o + V. UP 11.s j S.11918 .17b J'Mo• V. ~ II.I On>9fC0 12 1• + 1* ~ .. 10t SC I Mt99 11-+ \It Up 10,0 • Baits Ml .IO 2j"'-+ 2 Up t • 7 MOl\otwll OI ?-.+ Yo UP t S I Comp.." ~I •V::+ ~ ... ~ t 1 9 0on L"'I Jen l + V. ~.. t.1 11l Duol•n Cp l + I'-t .I 11 5tokl1V 1 Ill 11 + 1"'* Up t I 11 T111nec Awl l 't>+ \It Up t 1 1J Coorr>wOll •11. •1'7 + ~ UP 1.• 14 Olvr'f Mtge I M+ V. UP I) Nrlt' York 15 Mo11f At'fi"r H Mr.1' ACTIVE IT'OCM.S NEW YO K (U,.11 -The IS Mlhlt ttOl:ll ""°'"' on Olt r.w suck EuNlf'lgt WHM•••' Salts OtH aar.csa. l!OC '"• )0 W•,.,.,., Crn tSJ,otO 17~• l'"IOl'lot f'&L •••• 10.,100 11'1• SoMrlt 0 D • , • , 10.,SOO Ulo Polarold •••••• 101,700 »'•• 011<~ "·'°° )'1 ~· Vor~ + .. -.. -.. ... ... 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Cit 11! t~-"• OH 11 1 -\lt OHll l t -Vo OHHI 1•"1-I Off t I 1'11-v. on •.• IV•-VI ... °" " llil-\It Off ll H•-Vo I 2 17\'J-l 'h Oii I' 3 -V.Ot177 l \'•-w ~ " I°"-\• 1.1 ,,.._ "' 11 NEW VOllK tUPll -n.t Ill .t<111'1!1' sle<ln tr"'" °" lllt All'lttkan Stotll Ea0.,.119' w.cl""*~ .. !C'•• (Or",,_ .... ~!·"'° u rc'F~r •••• i:,m Ctnt.1 Oii 1f.Hl0 McC~ll 011 11 )(JO '"'-mc!•lf E11 13,.00 Att>e;Mi E~p 13,200 ~!llen lloy 1l, 100 '"* s1 .. 11, • , . . 12.•oo ,.._,. tot 11. 100 • ll C.mO!'fon I• 1• ln}llt"'nl 111.,. 15 INtl!Mt L .flO 16 ea.-Pn 11C6'\prtll 11 ,,...111cc11 .37 1' AmDlll 11'1 70 Oic-Al ..i '"'~ h on 1 I ~--------------l l'I-\• g; " ' 2t -T •• , 5.,.,_ * 6A 1vt-Y> Off l .J '"-v. °" •. 1 Nr1r 't'f>rl.: .'inh•11 ""'"'"" Jiooro• 1111,11 fl•~~·11 .... d.1'1" WPOJkl'gQ MO<ll•I ~llO ... ,. •• •l;fll l•Gy-••,fQO l •n l 1od•la • ''• lo O•I• ltn IOl.lflir I 111 .. t !.111 ti I ,at•• 1• •oa f •Nil l'lf>it ,,, :Wit, yfor ~ • N'rll MAll•lt TllEND .., .......... ,t .... , ..... .....u. •..•....... Yi •11 DM:ll.... • .............. w 'll Untl'lanOt'd •• • • • • • • • • •• •» ail 1'0lal •.•••.••••....• ,,.1 1711 AM•JI ........ IT Tll•ND .. ........,, ....... .. :::::::::::::iii = II• llll I I N Wednesday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE J.l l!W 'VOlltK IUPll -f-Ollowl,. !" :rich on ll'lt "'"' Yori! loc t1Cl'ltn99 •I -Pl\~Cbt -· ·--S.lt\ Ntt ~t W.i ,"II • 11 I~ V. P·E O•chl <IO~ ("9 C.1.t NGf, f'l •S ) 1~• , .• -A A--C.m.tlC• AOr,i S SI I~'"-~~ ~ L to lj to 1''4-Vt C.111 ... t, 1.IO ll SU .s ... -\, A(jll'J ... l..0 I » ll"'-1't ! 8 l 1 .. 11 \olj '3'1•-'• l.<-Clv .10 S 2 1\1. •• B prl'f I ,. S l'f -1 ........ ~ OJD J I 1-...-..... C I Cwp _ I) 1~."' Adl!llCW.lb •• 1• ''-GKOCOllS • 1: IS -'• M-.MUll ., 11 4 • i,o. C.l41ft\o1 2 .. 1• TIO ,_l\t ~. "°°""lllr"" w 11 •YI'. v. ea1 ... wir •1<1 1 .,,,.. ••• AlhlnY 20b • ' 1"-• ,,. ™'"' UJI 20 ·\~ •• Alt~LI I Ol 12 1~ n t 'Iii Cantiwd 1 11 I 12 1•'11-Vo AQUl•rt CO )• l )\IJ • (Ml IHL. I .0 I 2• IJ\<o-Y;. 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'" 10•, • 111 l ' .,, " 11•1,. ->,. ···~-'• 19'>-'• ,., GllW~pf ]'• 6 60"' •, GllW\ pl 5>, I t.a ~. 1, C.ullOI! lt1d\I 11 51 l', -HH-HfU F" 8 SO 1' 12, 16 ''1-'ll HellPrl *>a fi I ll... , H•lllbl" I J2 18 96 16~', • 1'!. H•mPo 1 10 • 1b IS'lo t-\'I H•mmoflll 31 4 • Hand!em .o 6 10 } '> + ~. Hllt'ldHtoo • 7 16~•-lfo ....... ,Co .. I 10,.-t;, Hftll'la 1 l S11 II 41 t I/, HIHtrl I XI 1 2 1S ,., Ha'""' Fd IJ IJ ''" •• Har"'lll I 10 • 261 25~•.; '1t 1-terr.i-i 1M '' 4 16h • ~"l1Cl 'l>IM 10 1J +-"'II Harw:o 1 10 • I 1•'1t-'Iii HtrlSMl 60 8 I 8'1-~ H,trt Hk XI 11 8 11' + \'o H•ttrs 1 ""• } !Slot, Haye\ Al b \ 7 70 11 ~ Ha1t1t"' Cp . I • \'o Hl'Cll t11c I' 8 31 14 • 1..\ 1-1.ctaMn 2k ,, q. 11 -""" Hell...., 4 .. I 10 10'• -l Y., Httn1H1n11 ?• •I'• Htlellt (Utt 6 II 11>'• • l+allfll"t M 10 16 1l> -'II l+alm&P J0 10 1 JS'1o t ""' Motrc"le' IO 16 11S 79 -V. Mtrlhey IO I ' I•~-V. Hotu!on IO 5 1 13~ -""' Hl\111 ptl 10 . 10 16' + Yo "'~~o '' 28 ll•~ • Vt Ht .. I Jll19 311 11''1 o I \. HIQll II En 10 }6 S» • t;. Hlll.,.br ... 1 11 101• , V. HlllonHl1111 8 2f -'ll HMW Indus t I 3' > + \- Hobllrl C IO 11 IJ 11' t •• HOftl'llr 11 6 • IJ'• '1>11 "401 l1111s JS 8 UO 10~• t ~ HotlclA Ub •• S 16 -Vlo Hl:lllyS\IQ Ja J :W. Jl~o-V1o HO"'ll•~t I IS HI 41'ff-II. Hon.,,..I 1 .010 13.4 11'" + lilo ,._.,., 1 lt I • 10'~ • V. Horl1on Cpl9 • 2'•-'"' lioM)l11At •II I 16 I U•-lo'I HosptlCp ilO 8 16t II t " HO'I IPltl .lt 6 JI'} 8\.'o-Io HoucHlt l'J• S 11 •lli • 11, HOVCll pl 1\'• I 2l:\i.o-\'o HOO(lfl M Ml 8 1J 14\h-~~ HOU\Fb Ub 10 21 1\'I • "'°"~eFu>( I 6 ll 1J 1 '"' i"lOUltpl1"1o . '19lo+ Vi liOU1iFpl 2•,~ 2 21ltl• ~. !iO"''LP1}6' JJJ lq~•-''I l'ouNIGOl 1 11 UO •01 .. Hll .. ardJJfll 9J 11 "<•, Hubltd 1 60 8 9 131 • • HWAl.Oa I J 11'~-'• HUQt.~H 40 2t 1 ,,,._ •, H\IQt.' T IO 16 1•} 9•• • • , .. 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Joi II + 'io l!>HH ll I"°"' I(/ 1t'I ?~ , '.o NAii C•n ~1 ( )I l<l"' • '•t I/Ill p,,..., ~" ) .. }I • I ... NCllm \n ~' 78 IJ •l'll-.... lft!A•<I !?ti• 21 I'•-~. NI C.flYl 'IO J 1'1 • '/. lt1Lf&!I U a 2}Ci !~'<• '" Nt0.trl 117 I l '.ji 31'• I !l fpl!• ,,~1 ., H110hll121lS Jl l)'~t'"' I f&1 ~IJ • 1 l •• , • N0••1 pl••. 111)11 Ml I T&T 010: •.. 6 1•-1<.-v, NUFuelG' 1 6 It 20''1• •,o "'rlNl ... J} 2• > •, Ntl(';yplO~ (J 3S 11'1 + '4 I ,, p•O s I ·~\ •• '• N•ll Home• 1) J\,. \lo 1"1PVlll G• ! S Ii U••• •, N•I ltlelu JO l 1) lo !"'II B< !I'll> • Ill >• , >, NIM<KI C••t I) JI IJ'I.\>• -,... 1~111Pw I t(I 11 • U \0 , 1, NePt• 1 10• S l 11 r •, 111}1 VnCI 1• t 11 ••• 1 \, NII S.,mltOI! 7) )6e ll''• 1 1' • lov.a8ffl In J •l 11», t,. Mat <;erv 1• 1 II O<o '• 1-• Et I JO 11>11 I 11'-". ~ ~. NI ~.nd ,ti) I II 11 • '• l-•11(';1 )6 I I~ lt'u-~. Nl5ta•(PI eoi. 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SoUnGs I 60 I I 1'!... • ~~~ ~~ .9 ~ ~:;:=::: t~~i F~ ~'! 1! 7~~·v. vae:.1ec 111 6 3'• 11...,,., v, SF fl ' q1-\liV•EP!>l 2'IO •• 201S~t-V. S:,,,:iriP5 ~ 1o 111 ;,. _ VaE! pf 1 •5 •• 1100 11 1 y, sp,inon 1•t1 4 11 1~.-\'ll vaEI pf 1 n .. 1121:1 71l -I ' " 0 , '' -,,,___ vaEptJ 1 11 l lll 10 • ~rry.--.u ~u .. •• Vo•·-~· 0-'' 3' •'~-'' Sc R.ifld I• 10 200 "°''• t ... ,_,,, ·-•• '" SP<•uue fl . JS I'••+ 'Iii v..,1cnM 1 80 " l JJ•;. t v. SprnoNll 7S IS I 9'-... -W W-SQu•rO I 10 !J S7 11,•-"" WilRRpl 41/'). 130 •l'h ••• SQ<ol!IO 84 17 1Sl 32~, • Wacri Cp 16 • 22 1• -~ 51•1Y Ml IO I 31 W••tl l'• Watl>G~ C.n • 1• l ...... SI Brnd 2 21 IS S4 6S +I/, W•'9rtt" 1 9 S ll h -'Al SICl8'pf 3 ~ J \00 41',.,_ '\lo W~lkrH l,•C HI 113 1~'11-•.a StBP•l11t ,:n:21 12 «1''-'"-watt Bus Ii 7 • 18 ,.-'Ir Sid OU C.11 S •It 78\lr ••• Wal!Mur Ml ' J 8'111-·1.t S!CIOlllnd2 I •97 ... :w.-V. "'•IM<lt'1 llb22 40 11'1> ••• • s 1ouon1U11l 11t nit.-~ Wan111b 1011 18 11\li ••• Siii"-1 '2 17 Ji!ii-V. Wdrtl FO<ld\ ll 11> 8 "'• 'l'I Std "'Su· 40 • • 16 1•, • • arna(G ao 9 ro I""• 'Ai • SICI Prud ... I 19 61.;,-•1. ilfn(m loll 1 1}10 II\\• 'loo 51/lftdtK 5' J 11 ot .. -llo ww,'c'm~,,",:','.·.· ,• ,.e1¥o-t,1 ;~. St.anWll$ 'lb t 1 11\lo + "• ,~ SltM•' ·'° 1 1 ,,,.,_Vo •Vdr11•C.O SO 7 24 l 'I• •. , 5111f~ll I 6 3 \Ill,..... VI >'f•r\..am 92 It •11 29'o'.+ ...., SIM11l\lfl 1" 1 12 1¥1 ... ottatn<S 1 20 9 1 ""-••• ~:='t~ttl:i ·; ,~t ~,, .• ,.. :::~j1 1: l l :: .... : ~· Slffr 11'1IO . 31 IO'!O t-1"• W~'i11W1 Sl 9 12 IB -~. 51e•cll l d 9 ' ~ .. -io 'o'lir.otf N'.n9t 8 }1 6 t o • '! 51erl0rl 7111 161 IS{-'I> 1\l~t•11J lOb IS S 26 + 1,-.~ SttfOtl'I tO I :M 11~ • ""'•rne G .a 21 3 4 • • !t11""'1 IO 1 110 1sv. _,_ \• Neal""~ . .o 6 T2 I\<+ ~. Slolw'Wn I n 7 1 11''•-"• Wit'bbDel C11 IO JI ,.... • •• StolllyV 110 • 2lj 18 + !•1, ..... il Mc L'l>O 5 1J l>'N -IJlt . s1-c1 .. Ill J I 11-l,, 'lo ,.,_,lb<ll CP. 1 11/• •• StlltW I.sot/ 10 10 51"' • :\.< ""'Ill Fg % 1 8 1•',o+ V. Stoo.1.5 1,10 s JI 1•~ .... Wells F .IOtl •• 24 ...... 11+1 Sforago1T Sii I t7 11'N + \It WeKOF" 60 1 1 ·~_.VI Stortr Brd I 1 t U\'>+ ¥. W!ilPI ~P2 I 22 l 5\\i-'Al StrlO.Rll 70 6 11 9'1ti • W!olnAr .0.. 6 S2 l 'h + ,._ Slud!!W I 32 12 U )S\w-'Iii \VSB<tnc 1 «I \ 21 :10 -\'o S1ue1tw pf J • • 2 l~''•-1 Ws\11NA O~I 10 lJl l•\o'. .. \It s1.,,w pl l .•O •• 4 2•"' •• ,..,, Pac 11'\11 5 ,, 6'" •• S...a.,.. SflOt 1 J8 2'h ••• ..W$1Pub IO 5 11 11•111 + 'h Sutl Pf'QPI! I • 16 U 'o ••• WU111on 1.0# 118 12~t-t ~ SUc:rt1t lOa 1 1 1~ . W\Vt1pl ( 60 • 1 •1 ••• lut!Olm •OU 2 10'111+ V. >Nestr1EI 91J.4 ]'II I~~+,_. iun OU ,7Sb • 211 JH,....... 'II Mtvec I •o 6 •1 ?l>\.li ~ V. SUnOltpl 2V. •• a't 33 -'Iii Myel'lb I 71 1 1 1l~-y. Sul'l11ttm , 11 12 11·~ ••• w.r•""s ,llO 21 286 Ji1o1 •••• Sunll•l'ld IO 1 I 19•• •• wn Frye •o II 3J 11'111• 'Ill Sut1thl111t :W.18 26 11'..-V. WhlPS I OSb t JO 11'1>-l 'h SupQll 18012 13 189'1>•31'> WhttlSt"t S 1111l 41 -~ S\41trG11 2026 1 ]',.-'Ill Mirlpool IOJI •3J 13\\1-\(, SuGn pl I 30 •• 1 1• -"' Mill C<lfl 80 6 SI lft'h SllP<'KGPe • IS 11'h+ \t. oNllllC PIC l J Jj .,, S..ptV•I I 10 I 1 ?lllo-'\o't WJllMOI IOll 14 st I\;, "" 5utroM 25b 10 l ... •• , WPl!ltakr Cp SJ 3W ••, Sw•nll d 6 10 6"'• Vo ott1tll.H Cp I 19 101 10'11-V. Sybron M ' 11 11,,._ \'lo ottllll+m!i 60 5 IS 1891, • :i,. Systro110on 1• 21 5~+ 'I• WlllCoi wls . s Jl'n + v. -T T-w1n110a I .,. IJ 31 J'l'I>-y. talt8csl 80 I 2 !9'/t-VI >'t1MO• Cl8 •• S •O ••• TaltGll Na!. 11 J + \'I W111netw190 31 •'"'+ V. T1ll1y lt1 60 • 8 6'1t+ \1-o W1sEIP I 91 lll II• 2SVJ-V. Ta111y p1 1 . s 9:\lo • W11E.lpt 1 911. i100 ''v•-~ T•mpE I 0t t 17'1 U~-.... WlsGil~ •1b 1 ~ ll'lo + :i.. T•tidY Corpll llO JI ... •'"' N1!.CPS1l8 t 22 IS~• V. Tl~"C 21l 11 $ • "" Witco CI 10 6 t 21J'lo + V• lttPltlCOIOr 6 1t 6l.ti• "• WQIV'IVI 05-11 11 16 2 \.li• •,~ T•CllnlCOI! ' 6 I"'+ \Ii Womtco S6 I 'l'I 1•~·-V1 Tt~tfOl!X 2011 1 lJ • llo .-.-sC.p 411 :10 11\ot-.,, Ttltcor tS S 1 •'t, . NOOI-1 N 1 1111 IS"'-Vo Ttledrrtt lll I 19 11""• V. ~I pl 110 •• 4 'lS"l.. -l V• ffll'ltromp •• 111 i'lt+ 'ill -Id Alrw & } JV.-..... Tell• C.Orp ' •1 1'"' ••• Nrly Corp ., 61 ~ Ttll6CO 1 16 6 11 2S ••• -XYZ- T.....,tc: Awt •• 115 l'lo + ..... xero• CP 1 II SllJ S8 +2'1· T~ pt SY> I '1'.11 • l tril lt1c 20I 6 36 1"11-\,. Tt)Orf'tl 40 4 212 1S'!.+o Vo 'l'~les lnCI"• I 11 11t. ... TtaltO ?a 6 761 14 • 'I• 'l'~QSIOf fl(I ' l 9't ••• Tt•ETr 1 10 1 II 28'14+ ¥• Zill<'Cor" IO I ]I 111/o-\1• TxET pl Jl'w. SO U.1"-1/it laleCppt ea .. 2 It'"' ••• f •GtTr 1 II 7 171 li'I•• ¥t ZlloP<lla JO ' .'.Ill 14'h+ ~• TTl•9ult l ,20 1 69 JOl/l +. Yo Z•r•e COtP . I S'"' + V. TtxastnCI 111 I J 11 '1t• Vil lenltPIR•ll 160 IJ• Jl'lo!o ••• l•• l11str I ll 1J9 9'l •l ift Zurn lfld,:U IO 1<1.?~+1.:o Index Optimism WASHINGTON AP -(AP) -The government said Wednesday its index to antic ipate future trends 1n the economy advanced for the fifth con· secutive month 1n JuJy. The Commerce Department said its index or leading indicators, a com· pasite or a doien individual economic measures, climbed 1.7 percent in Ju·· ly, putting the index figure 11.S per· cenl ahead or its low point last February. Coal Strike CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) -A wildcat coal stnke sprea~ into Pen· nsylvania Wednesday and coal· dependent railroads have started lay. 1ng orr workers as secondary in· dustries began to feel thecrrects o!lhe strike by West Virginia miners. With more t han 40,000 of West V1rg1n1a's 50,000 miners idle, plus enother 1.000 miners in neighboring Kentucky and Ohio, federal courts continued cfrorts lo force the miners : : back to the pits. • . ' • C8 DAILY PILOT "The Navy has been so busy spending money on new ships that it ha s neglecte'd to m aintain the present fleet." Aspin said Wednes day . "The U.S. fleet is in atrocious condition .·· HE SAID HE based the charges of N avy inspec- tion reports which he ob- tain e d under the Freedom of Information Act . A spin s aid they showed : -The USS Nimitz, the Navy's newest nuclear- powered aircraft carrier commissioned in May, has air conditioning and heating vents which blow directly on the fire-alert system. A change in tem- perature from cold to hot could trig g er the s prinkler system and flood one ammunition magazine. -THE USS Alexander Hamilton, a Polaris sub- marine commissioned in 1963, has an automatic ship control system that cannot control the ship's d epth during cours e . changes and a rudder that oscillates 10 degrees to port ans starboard. -The USS Nathan Hale, another Polaris s ubmarine of the Lafayette class, has 72 defects ranging from rusting, lack of paint, a variet y o f s mall e r technical faults and a dirty pantry. THE NAVY ll AD no immediate comment. The 22 ships from the 500-vessel U.S. fl eet were assessed by the Navy's Board of Inspection and -survey from March 28 to July 28. The di sclosures echoed similar charges m ade in a speech last August by Adm . Hyman G. Rickover , "the Father of the Nuclear Sub - mari ne," who said the Oeet was· in the worst condition in 50 years. Oldsters Get Deal OnParking Annual beach parking s tickers for Newport Beach are available at half price for senior citizens. city officials an- nounced. These s pecial "Blue Chip" permits allow the motori s t t o u s e the Balboa Pier parking lot, the Corona del Mar Beach Park, and more than 500 parking meters "'ith blue posts scattered throughout the city's beach areas. Cost of the permits is $12.50 for seniors and $25 for others. Seniors must prove they are over 65 years of age, and have a valid driver's lice nse and an auto registration in their name. Permits which may be transferred to other cars cost $36. Stickers are available in the city's finance de- partment at city hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .• from 8 a .m. to S p.m ., Monday through Friday. SHE MUST UKEIT NARRAGANSETT, R.I. (AP) -·Mary Murphy is recovering from a broken leg s he re- ceived when she collided with a youngster while ·they were both trying to body surf on the same wave along the beach near her home here. Mrs. Murphy said her only regret was that it will be too cold to do any :more surfing once her cast· is removed. But then, she's done plenty in ·her day. She's 80. Thursday, Augusl 28, 1975 Mom Charged in Poisoning CUSTOM POLY blackwalls A('cording to Police, a nurse became suspicious ·and prevented Mrs. Reese from continuing to pro- \'ide the child with the Kool·aid. SUPER SPORT b lackwalls • 4-ply polyester cord construction • 4-ply nylon • 78 series styling F.E.T. Size Reg. Sal e per tire A78x1 3 20.99 16.77 1.76 878x 14 23.99 18.99 1.94 C78x14 24.99 19.99 2 04 Size Reg. Sale 600x.12 19.99 15.99 520x13 19.99 15.99 560x1 3 20.99 16.77 VALU E E78x14 24.99 19.99 2.27 Quaker State motor oil F78x 14 25 .99 20.77 2.40 52c 30Wlql G78x 14 26.99 20.99 2.56 G78x 15 27 .99 21.99 2 .60 H78 x1 5 28.99 22.99 2.83 600x1 3 21 .99 17.55 560x 15 21 .99 17.55 600x1 5 22.99 18.33 62c !OW30 For whitewalls 1n the above sizes add 53 per tire Pti,es shown .1r.-. lo• blac~w~11 tubcles5 l11C"s e~cepl wl"le•e 1nd•C.ilt1d No These sizes available 1n whitewall only 1ra1Je .. n n.~eded Our Rel1Ar1de" Ct1qo1n Poly and ReltAr>de" Super Soo•I ,irf' our own n;imes and do "01 '"':re: anv nal<onw•de standa1d ot flu~'•lv 'N,111 tne purcriasr of Rel•A"de • II;>"'· VU I! oer I ln~1.1tlat 10" :-T11•· •Ot.·ol r"n •'Vl'IY SOOO rnil<.!5 SAVE 4y.d99 Reg. 8.44. Helo give a smoother ride and greater comfort. Installation available. H78x 14 31.99 J78x 15 32.99 L78 x15 33.99 Glidden Sprecr Satin Latex Wall Paint R•• •••••' One Coat Covers most surfaces. Completely washable. dire'> 1n 20 min 3000 decorator colors 10 choose Warm water cleanup _Sale prices effective Thursday, August 28th t hru Monday, September 1st. 1975. JCPenney -~-----U.. Your JCP9ftMJ Charsi-. E:o.cep1 supe•ma•~el 24.99 25.99 26.99 2.77 2.99 3.13 VALUE ReliAride " lube, filter, & oil change 8.88 Includes lull chassis lubr1ca11on 5 qts. Ael!Ar1de" H D. mo toro1I, new 011 filter and safety check . Call for an appointment now. Most Amencan cars with lube fittings. Sdaysonly Glidden Spred® Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel Reg. 12.99 gal. Great color companion to Spred" Satin. Completely sc rubbab!e. Idea l for bathrooms. Kilchens. Wa rm soapy water cleanup. F.E.T. per tire 1.52 1.41 1.54 1.60 1.79 1.85 fttdl• .. rogrom A s tronaut Thurn us P. St af- f 11 r ti , ('()ffi . fl\ <A II <I C f' t) f AJJOJ lo t•r ew i11 ~ recent Jtul)siu n 1 sp:.u:e tinku1>. is Jt'.'avin g s pa ce pr1Jgr <1 01 Nov . I to rt.•lurn to full 11rr1c Air ll'orcc ,.. • duti es as a ma. l.~ jc,r gr-ncrul. . ' ' F • ' I •~lf:.>1.· Glidden Sp red"' Latex House Paint Reg. J. l .99'gat. Velvet smoot ~ !in1sh dries in Just 30 min. Choose lrom hundreds ol colors. Blister. mildew resistant. WA PAii: BeKfl lit Ol'wlQlltflC>tPI •<>Den~ 1:30to 1:30. 91.tnQp 10to e. OllUtea Ctty Or. 91 G#d9n<lro¥t BIW. •Coen Wffttlltyt tOto l.•Sundl)ll tOto e. MMTA AMA: 3900 So. Bl111d---No. of So. Coast Plan• Open DlltY 1:30tot. Sund1Yo 10 to e I . . .. \ Thursday, August 28, 1975 DAIL'( PILOT DI J USC: Youngest,-Greenest Since 1962 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Fact: tbe University or Southern California was No. 2 in the nation last year among major college football teams. Fact: 14 Trojans were drafted by National Football League teams and a. couple more signed as free agents. Conclusion : Southern Cal was so hurt by graduation that 1975 wiJI be u down year for the Tro- jans. Wrong. Pistons' Top Star Traded DETROIT -Dave Bing, veteran captain of ttie Detroit Pistons and the te8m 's lop scorer, has been traded to the Washington Bullets for Kevin Porter. The Pistons a lso gave the Bullets their No . 1 choice in the 1977 National Basketball As- sociation draft, the sources here said. BaneR~led BLOOMINGTON, Minn.- Former Westminster Hi gh pitcher Eddie Bane has been re· called by the Minnesota Twins from Tacoma and will join the parent club Monday. Bane, 24, has a 13·11 record with the AAA team. Andersen Hurt LOS ANGELES -The UC LA Bruins lost leading pass catcher Norm Andersen for two to three weeks Wednesday when the . A'naheim senior suffered a com- pound dislocation or his left index finger.· A. team spokesman said the ~.split end was hurt dwing passing drills when he jammed his hand into a teammate's helmet. Doctors said Andersen may be able to return to the lineup for the season opener Sept. l3 against Iowa State. He led the team in receptions ror the last two seasons. Meanwhile, Perry Nichols, a junior from North Carolina, will -fill Andersen's position. 19th for Seaver SAN DIEGO -New York's Tom Seaver became the National League's first 19·game winner Wednesday night, pitching a six· hitter as the Mets scored a 5·0 victory over the San Diego Padres. !twas the fifth straight victory ro.. Seaver, 19·7, who was given a 3-01.ead io the first four innings. Dave Kin gm an hit his 27th home run and Rusty Staub cracked his 15th as the Mets routed right· hander Dan Spillner, S.11. The triumph was Seaver's 18th in 19 career decisions against the Padres and lifted the fourth· place Mets within five games of Pittsburgh's East Divisio n leaders. Seaver walked one and struck out nine. He needs only six more strikeouts this season to become the first m ajor leaguer ever to ran 200 or more batters eight seasons in a row. Bevan Dies MINNEAPOLIS -William A, Bevan, a star g uard on the Universi ty of Minnesota football team in 1934, is dead at the age of 62, Bevan, who played under Laguna Beach resident Bernie Bierman, died Tuesday in Min· neapolis following heart surgery. Bevan played for the Gophers' 1934 national champions. One o( the opposing players he knocked heads with that season was President Ford, who played center for Michigan. Cruickshank Dfes DELRAY BEACH, Fla, Robert A. ''Bobby'' Cruickshank, a Scotsman who became a member or the Golf Hall of Fame ror hi s success in the early days or American professional golf, has died at the age oreo. LaMonlca Ba.:k Southern California Sun quarterback Daryle Lamonica, out of action since suffering a hernia injury five weeks ago, is now healed and will be activated for Friday night's game egainst Philadelphia, coach Tom Fears isaid Wednesday. Fears said Pat Haden, tbe WFL's leading passer, will start against the Bell, but that Lamonica will see some action. ,fori11a Trf-plu SPRING FIELD,· m. -Covina won the P on y League World Series 4.3 Wedn esday when Wilmette right rielder Larry Tablolf dropped a ny boU with the bases loaded in the bottom of the seventh. Coach John McKay, white ad· milting he h as his youngest, greenest team since 1962, still feels that southern Cal will be very strong this year. One reason is there are en"'ugh returning let· lermen of quality to form the nucleus or a powerhouse. Another reason is speed. ''It's a very large, very fast team. And I would say we'll be pr etty good early in the year, and by the end or the season we should be excellent," says the good·humored McKay in one of his serious moments. "Tr-uthfuJ· ly, though, we're a year away from greatness." The offensive line is anchored by 6·5, 268-pound Marvin Powell and 6·3, 244·Pound Joe Davis. The defensive l ine ha s Donnie Hickman, 258 pounds, and Jeff F1ood, 240, and pl enty of .spe~ to go along with tackle Gary J eter , linebacker Kevin Bruce and deep back Danny Reece. 1'he latter has 14 interceptions in hi:; last • " • ~j • ' • ' ' ~ • • • two seasons. "We've built our "'hOlt• dt:· fcns 1v~ concept lhl' lasl rour yea r s around s pcl'd ," s aid McKay. McKay ucknuwlcllgcs there are a number of uns1Jlv1.:t.I pro~ blem s ubout the 1975 Trojans, but he's not pessimistic, only waitin g for things to develop. "Vince Evfns will start <is Nu 1 quarterback, but "'c don 't know l( he'll s till be there in twt> wee ks," he said. "!·le'::. a very • • • • •• .. ' > • • • ' • t>:.1 ' ' ' • t "' • ,. ·),~ .. • ' "' • ; • • • • • ' -· ' • ,, • • • • • "" .. I I I .. , • • • • i • • good passer -and ii hell uf a run ner Wh en you k nock tu m duwn, you have t o knock him dov.•n, you don't JUSl talk to h11 n. \\'hen he's 1n the back fi eld , we'll h<ivc four good runners.'' "He has a strong arm , and as the pros :1ay a quick rel~asc. Anti he's a very good tcan1 h:adcr, and I think th~ kids like him, which i8 ve ry in1portant fur a quarterback .'' liowever, the 6 -foot -2, 2oa. pound Evans n1c.1 y give W<.1y tu Rob Hertel. a slick passer 'A'hu looked sharp in spring prii(·ticc a }Car ago but 'A-a:. rt:'d:.hirtcd. Shelton Diggs, lhc man who caught the two-point conversion pass from P<.it Jladcn to win the .1un . t Rose liow l c;ame 18-17 over Ohio St <1ll', 1s IJ<H':k tu catch passes. Other split end can· didatcs are Junior Lee and Ken Randle. Jioth are inexperiented, but both are swift. Randle. if he chose, could proh:.ibly contend for the Olympic 400·metcr title oext year. Mets in L4 Leaving Cubs Saved Hooton LOS ANGE l~E S (A ll) -Burt Hooton is• the hottest pitcher in baseball ri ght now, with seven s traight victories and a I.J I earned run average in his last eight starts. So ho"' does a pitcher who's never even had a .500 season sud· denly goon s uch a spree? "It was getting traded to l..os An ge les." the 25·year·old J.looton ans'4·ered Wednesday ni ght after da mpening Philadelphia's pen- nant hopes "'ith a three·hit. 10·0, shutout victory over the Phillies. series in Dodger St<idium tonight against the Nt'w York Mets. who are only one g::1 mc back of the J>hillies and five out of rirsl. Jerry Koos man , 10·11, starts ror the Mets against Los Angeles rookie Rick Rh oden, I· I. "With some starting pitching ," l·looton analyzed. "the [>hillies would run a""·a y "'ith it." Ron Cey popped his 18th homer and second in as many nights and the Dodgers added two more runs in the fifth inrung on run· scoring hits by Bill Russell and Dave Lopes . U.S. Open Tennis "That's the highli ght of my career right there." he said , "I 've been in consistent streaks before but haven't always won. 'fhat 's when I was at Chicago. But now 1·m pitching good ag ain and winning and it's because of this ball club." 1'he Phillies. without a hit for five innings, s udd e nl y had Hooton on the ropes in the sixth when Tim McC'arver singled sharply through the middle with one out for Philadelphia's first hit . Dave Cas h followed im· mediately with a double and sud· denly the J"lhi\s were in business "'ith runners at second and third and on ly one out. JOHN ALEXANDER Advances In U.S. Open • • Game's No Fun, Smith in Exile Wednesday ni ght he didn't al· low the struggling Phillies a hit until the sixth inning. pitched hi s "·ay out of hi s only trouble of the game in the sixth and then, when the Dod gers exploded for seven runs 1n the sixth inning, he coast· ed home an easy "'inner. Hooton got Larry Bowa to hit a ny to short center and then Jay Johnstone fouled out to catcher Steve Yeager. Halos Off After Loss DETROIT -The California Angels. not Sc heduled lo play to- day. are preparing for a three. ~ame serie s with the lowly Detroit Tigers beginning Friday. The Angels arrived here with a 61-72 record after dropping a 6-2 decision to the host Boston Red Sox Wednesday. Rookie Jim Rice drove in three runs with his 21st home run and a sacrifice ny Wednesday in lead- ing the Red Sox. The first place Red Sox, hi.king their record to 34 · 15 since July 6 in a drive (or the American League East title, jumped on California starter Bill Singer, 7·13, for three runs in the first in· ning. Doubles by Denny Doyle and Fred Lynn knocked in one run and Rice followed with his homer into the centerfield bleachers. Lynn, also a rookie, leads the American League with 91 runs batted in while Rice has86. CALIFORNIA Remy2D Rl..etsct s1...,ton rt a.1 .. 111 A. GarRll pf! 0...lklb lkKhle1b \rele.,une dh El<hoobllr•e" cc Mllev SS Sl11get D H.it.Wer D M, SC:oltp .. '" .. '0 1 , • 0 2 0 5 0 l 0 2 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 ' 1 I 0 • a 1 o 2 0 0 1 l 0 0 Q 3 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOOO 0000 BOSTON •b , .. Ill C-rdh • 0 0 0 0oytt3b J 1 , 0 GriHln1b 0000 Y•'ilr1tmiJl.I lb• 1 1 o L'f"l"<f •221 Alcell 1113 Eva.,Jrf 4 0 l 0 Bi;rle.on lS J 1 I 1 M<.Aull!lelb 3000 B!iKllWtllt 1 0 0 0 Moretp OOOD Or~p 0000 31282 Tol11ls 3069S 5Jrlgot..-CL, 7·tJI HMSIH M , Sl;Oll ~l lW,11-21 .,,._ S.~-Oraoo 181, A-Got,239. 0:10 000 000-1 311 000 ~---6 IP H II ER 811 $0 1 ••3 2 0 i 4 212 1 2 10000 ...... I 2 1 1 S \-000 02 PB-Etchab.1nen. T-2:lJ. FOREST HILLS, N.Y, (AP) - Three years ago Stan Smith was the king of tennis. Today he is in exile. "The game isn't as much fun . not when you·re losing," said Smith. "The excitement of play. ing is there. I know I can play well. It ·s a combination o r things." He mentioned a lack or aggressiveness , nqt hitting, not moving, impatience, the mind. Then, almost as an af- terthought, he mentioned a pain· ful tennis elbow . Onny Parun of New Zealand shed more light on Smith's plight after beating him in the first round of the U.S. Open tennis championships Wednesday 6·4, 6·2, "I see him with hls arm in ice after matches," Parun said of the former U .S . Open a n d Wimbledon champion. "Before he plays I see him having it rubbed down. He does it in a cor· ner so no one sees him. "He's a pretty good sport and never says much to the players . But when you walk out on court with a sore arm, you change your strokes. You lose confidence, lose matches. You have to play JOO percent and he's playing only 60 percent. "I'd say he needs a good long rest." He hasn't won a tournament in 13 months and for the first time since he can r emember he wasn't seeded for this year's Open, even though he reached the quarter- fin als last year. Men'sSlfl'!lln John Ale~ender, A11slraha, be"! Marl~ Roe\i.en, l·•,to-t. CUii Rlt"'Y bt•1 M .. rceio L"'"· Mo!•lco. 1-6, to-0. Jelt AuUI" be•\ Sieve 1Cru1evi!i, &!llmore, l_., ....... ). Ml!lrk Co•, Gfeal Brilain, beal Sob Kreiss, 6·2, M . Hans Kary, AY51ria, D<?at Norman Hol"'6, 6·•. 1-5. J "lro 'lela~to, Colombia. b•al Ro9er Oo-s-11, Rl'Kldesia, •·•· b·•, to-4. A"IOl'llo Mlll'IO.l, Spain, De•l Ho. ,...,d Scl>Oenteld, 7·S, :Mo, 7-6. Golfers Blow Cool Sk ull Cracked, Club s Broken SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) -A quiet afternoon of golf for two foursomes has left one man in a hospital with a fractured skull, and father and son with seven stitches and four broken golf clubs as evidence -all done in the name of etiquette. +. , The (ray between the two groups Wednesday on the fairway to the second hole on the Northwest Park public course in the Washington suburb started when one foursome tried to play through the other. The members or the second group said that before they teed off on the fi rst hole they were told there was a slow foursome ahead of them and to play through. When the trailing group found the other foursome they hit their balls close to them. Then, one of the players in the lead group drove one of the balls from the trailing group into the woods. members in both groups said. One or the carts in the trailing group drove up to the leading group and Leonard O'Dell Sr. of Wheaton, Md ., tried to get the man who drove the ball into the woods to retrieve it. This led to pus hing and shoving tha t ended with two men having golf clubs broken over their heads and another m an being gouged with the broken end of ooe of the clubs. One of the members of the trailing group said he yelled the traditional "fore'' berore he teed off. A member of the second IJ'OUP aald they did not hear it Marjorie Fisher, Upper Marlboro, Md., wtre or the man with the fractured skull, said lbe trailing group "hit a ball over our beads, which you just don't do. My h~band said 'Wait,' but they hit three more balls ." Mn. Fisher said her group heard no such signal. Her husband, Richard, is in fair condiUonitl a hospital. A spokesman tor the Maryland park police saia no charges have been made, adding they are investigating the matter. V•!ll5 Gerul111 lo\ De•1 Joaqu•" R"~o. B•al•t, S.1, l>·l, 6·7 Ha"' J,;'9"" Ponman". We't c;..., ...... .,~. lll'o1l e,,111, Pr.i1oux, Chole, 3 b, &·•, i..7 Molan Holecek, CJe(hO)IOv.l~•a. l.lt'al Rat Reod, to-•. 1>·2 Jan Kode,, C1 echo~lov11kia, Deal C.ranam S1•1tweu. Great e ..... ,.,. 6·3, 6·1 J,..,,.,. FH!ot, Chdl:', De.it Tt""Y 5oe"~'on, s ..... oe ... 6 1,6-2 i\trno)tad Neely, Deal Tom Go: man, b-i. 1-b, S.."'1• ~..,.,, ln<loa, beat Pau! Grlerkon, &·•. 1·S Bu~ler Mo1tren1, B"tilon, !<eO (.11.lrle' Pa~tiill, P~rlo Rt<.O l·S, l-6. l -1 m.llch ~\iWl'"°<-'I! Dy d.-•ll· ·~~.to be•esumoia1D lll .i.m toa.-y ti"rola Salemo"• beat "•clor ~ct•. P.;11.i.guay, i ·1,&1.o-1 bal"'~ 1,.,oc1y, tiu"g"ry, be"' Berr\i>rd M•qno\, Belooun" t.•4, 6·4. R<eardo C•"o, Ar9t'"''"a, Ilea! P.-1 .. c.o Co•r>eJO, Chile. 7-6, 6·0, 1·1>. Le!jllo Fr•"ulov•(, Y1190~1avj"· beat Ray Moore. S.Oulh Aftlc11, 6·2, 3·6. 6·1 Vi)•Y i\nirllra/, l"dl•. be.-1 Jun Kilmowillumo, J"pan. 7·S. i·1, 7·S, R0t,1er Tavio-. C.re"t fl1'1din, beat J•" HreDe~, c.recho,lova~•a. 1-6, t•&,6-4. Phi! Oen!, Austr,,101. Dea! Jell llorow1.11o., 6·3. ... Steve l U'"'" be"1 Gf'ne Sc on, 6-1, 6 1 Atl"n Stone, Au'1ra11,., l.lt'at Bob Carmo<h...,I, A11slra1ia. 6·•. 1·6 RoKl.lt' Ta""'' beat o,,ve Sc"""'(jC" South Al•oca, l·S,4·6,6·1 Edd+e OlDO~ tieat Cha roes Owens. I >. b•I, 1 .. 1 Tony Rothe, i\u~\ral!.i, Deal O•~e >:;ante" 6-1 , "' l(ar.J., ,.,lier, West Germany, beat Jun Kul<I. Jape,n. l·S, 1>·l . FrMOcois Jallrel, F•a.,ce, Deat Rocar<IO F"""'· 1.-4, 6·J. i\lvaro ~ltlol, 'ttuie, beal Denno~ Ra1'1on, 7-6, lo-I, 1-S • Fr•w Mt M1Ua,,, Soulll AHoCd, Deal Ro1fTll>!f19, The Netlle••an<l). 6·0, 6·3 l(om w,,rw•tll, i\uslr.iloa, De.-t Barry PhUhpS- Moote, A11~1taloa, 6·1, 1-6 J~e Hioue•as, S1>a 1n. """' Pholhp FoY,b.Kk, 6·1, ... l•to i\lva•e1, At9""''""· Deal Brian TeiKn~r . lo·l,6·1. The loss. the fourth in fi Ye starts for Philadelphia, left the Phillies four games behind first· place Pittsburgh in the National League East and one game behind second-place St. Loui s. The Phillies were to play a day game today in San Francisco, sending Jim Lonborg against the Giants' Jim Barr. The Dod gers open a four· game HB'S ABBEY LOSES IN V.S. AMATEVR RICHMOND, Va . -Bob Abbey of Hunt ington Reach lost a second round mat ch in the 75th U .S . amateur gol f c ham - pions hips on the Country Club of Virginia James Ri ver course Wednesday. Abbey los t to Bill Mallon of Framingham, Mass., 4 and 3, a fter winning hi s first round match Tuesday. Un h&alded Stanley Price of Pittsbur g h s h ocked British amateur champion Vinny Giles on the latter 's home course with a 1-up victory on the 19th hole. Area Swimmers Shine OSAKA, Japan (AP) - American swimmers, led by world record holders Bruce 1-"urniss and Fountain . Valley's Shirley Babashoff. won all eight final events and rinished J-2-3 in five of them today in the opening day or the Japan na- tional championships. Furniss l ed an American sweep in the men's 400.meter freestyle, ""'inning in 3:58.33, edg· ing Mi ssion Viejo's Brian Goodell. runncr·up in 3:58.85. Bobby Hackett fini shed third in 4:02,33 . Babashoff won the women's 400 ·m eter !res tyle in 4:19.18, beating teammates Kathy Hed· dy, second in 4:20 .46, and I-leather Greenwood, third in 4:22 .48. Other American men's win· ners were Steve Baxter in the lOO·meter butterfly in 55.65, Rick . Colel la in the 200 ·mete r breaststroke in 2:02.76 . The re· maining women·s winners in· eluded Laura Siering in the 200 meter breaststroke in 2:39.82. Camile Wri glat in the 100.:neter butterfly in 1 :03.28 and Ellen Wallace in the 200-meter back stroke in 2 : 19. 71 . Baseball Pirouette Just like that, 1-looton was out of it . Ht> didn 't allow another hit until the ninth. PHILAOEl..PHIA C..~n 1D Bowa >~ Jonn'1one fl Lut.n,11,, II R. !\He" lb Stnm1al lb Rutnvenp MilOQOl l l 0.1 ... c car11on1> IW.Cfl•W'1 ph Sthuel.,, p 1-lll~O<I P C..•Do!• p T.Tay!Otlb •b th bi • () 1 () ' 0 (I 0 -"0 0 II ' Cl 0 () J 0 0 0 '(' 0 () () 0 0 0 3 Cl() II 3 II II 0 , 0 Q 0 1 () 1 () () 0 0 () 0000 0 0 0 c 1 000 L05ol!NGELE5 LopM 1b Lacy 11 "'"'""l' c,arvey lb ,., "' M<.MuHen]b Ye'"9t'• C l'iKoorell rl H•le rt R11s1.elt ~~ Buell"'"• pti AuerDa01 " Hootonp 1111 r h Di ~ 1 1 I 4 Cl 11 1 1 0 , 0 ' I I 0 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 I 1 ! 0 0 '1 1 () 1 I 1 1 I () 1 1 I 1 Cl (/ • t , ' lolals JO() J () Total~ 33 10 11 a Pllila()ell)llh• 000 000 000 o u.s llnoe•f's 010 on oox 10 E -Ma<l<l o~. DP-Pn illld~lphla I LOB - Pllil&del1>h•a '·lo> AmOj~le' 4. lll Ru~sell, C.Osh, LOpe~.HR-Cty 11el.SB Garvey SF-L .. ,, C.rllon !L, T 1-1 ll S<.nuele• Hllgenderl Garber IP H A EA BB SO ~ ~ 3 3 l I , 2 J 3 I 0 0 , , , 0 3 J 2 0 Au1n~en ? 1 0 0 0 Hooton IW, !l·"> ~ l () 0 I • HBP by Garber lWy,,n). PB-Od\es. f-1 Ol. A· 10.l~l. Ernst Loses $8,500 Suit C I NCINNAT I , Ohio Quarterback Mike Ernst lost hi s suit to collect $8.500 he said the Cincinnati Bengals of the Na- tional Football League still owe him after he was fired for a drug violation. Ernst. now with the Southern California Sun of the World Foot- ball League, was fired by coach Paul Brown following hi s arrest and conviction for possession of a small amount or cocaine in 1974. Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge Norbert Nadel ruled Wednesday Ernst had not ex· hausted his appeals with NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle. Ernst said the amount 1,1,·as due him from the remainder of his $17 ,000 contract with Cincinnati. The decision becomes final un· less amended by Sept. 10, Nadel said. St, Louis" Heetor Cruz makes a diving tag on Houston Astros" Doug Rader as he slides into third base. The Astros scored a run on the pl!ly and went on to beat the Cards. S·l. in the light National League East division race. I 02 DAILY PtLC'IT What's Doing Outdoors /tfD 011tffJOk Carr Pleased Arow1d the Greem Area Golf JIM NIEMIEC With Offense ... 1For Women l\1arlin art.,-bein~ seen all ovt.·r th~ ocean but <t (•on1bination of a full moon and µl t.•nty of big bait 1n the '4'ater has hC'ld the t.·atch count do ..... ·n. accord inc to \Vamer Brawner of Anglers Ct:ntcr in Newport Beach. With the large squid <ind greenies all the way Crom below San Diego to the uutt.>r islands , marlin are pretty partic ular when ii C'omes to hitting trolled jigs or tak lng a fl y lined live maC'keral. 1'hc few fish that have been weighed in at the angling c·lubs to date have been caught on psychedelic jigs troll ed at a rast t.·lip. \\'hen the· n1 uon phast· C'hangc-s and morl· spike bills move in. tlu s season could be very hot \\•ell into No\·e1nbcr. l.:Jst season got off to an early star1 Y:hich accounted for ~1 good year, but veterans predict this year couJJ evl'n be better. No new rod and rel·! bi·oadbill cat ches have tx>en reported since Norm l:rant landed his 300 pounder late in July. 'f'hl-'se big billfish might start showing up in g reater nun1bers up the C'oast as y,.c get into Septe1nber. Albacore are still schooled some 50 to 70 miles nff San Die~o in a n area outside Ensenada. Hlucfin :i.re mixed tn v.·ith the alhics and good catches are being rnade daily by both OPl'O party and charter boats running out of eoastal landings. One or the hottest !.>oats r unning out or the border city port is the Searcher, skippered by 1'"'ra nk LoPreste. 1'1uctuating y.·ater conditions in the channel are probably the reason th<it the longfins have not moved in and up. As long as they are still in the area or 213 and dumping grounds there is a good chance that Ne'4·port Harbor-based sportfishers can gel a shot at them prior to de- parture. Meanwhile. local boats running out of Nev.'port and Dana harbors are returning to the docks with good mixed catches of bass. bonito. halibut, bottom fish and a few barracuda and yello'4tail. llle.rieo Water# M'arm Fishing around the Cape has slowed a bit from the torrid pace ol a lew \lo'eeks ago. Anglers retur-n· ing from below the border report ther-e are lots of billfish in the water , bul they are not in an eating mood. Warme r lhan usual water te mps ror this time of the year are 1n osl likely accounting fur the slight • drop in bill(ish hookups. The sailrlsh are active as are dolphin at most resorts. Cr-owds are down and there is plenty or aoilini room . Rancho Buena Vista mana~er Chuck Wailers predicts a good fall season beginning in late Seplem b<'r. llunling SeWJ()n# Open A good dove season is predicted for the Southland as long as "'arm temperatures continue. The Imperial Valley should be very good for the first two weeks, and lhl'n a replacement by migrat· ing dove will be needed to carry hunters through the ('ndoflhe season. Orange, Ri verside and San Bernardino counties will have limitt:'d hunting areas and the dove will bt: ..,.·idely scattered. Rest spots will be near watering holes in the late evening hours. Arizona promises to produce lots of birds as do areas along the lower Colorado River on both s ides. ~Texico s hould al so be good, but interested hunters ~hould chc!ck y.·ith Ml•xican officials to assure themselves of be ing withjn the ever changing ~lex · ic::in regulations. Good Deer Season Predicted Fish and Game ofricials pr-edict a good inland <lt>er season lor all or Califor-nia . Excellent feed con· ditions and a good carryover from last year's herd."i should sf'e an incr-ease in the number or bucks ba gged. Winter is a lready starting to set in at higher f'levations "'hich could force the deer down to more al'cessible areas earlier-than usual , Those 1o1,·ho are pl anning on hunting in Modoc C(Hl.Pty had bcttt>r apply for the X tags now. This area is very popular ror big trophy rack mule deer and has a three-point or better r-egulation. Those 1o1,·ho rel'f'ive their X tags will not be able to hunt in any other part of the slate; this is to lake som e ol the hunting pressure off the herdti. Ma lt>r Oei ll l~h foot· ball coac:h Gary Carr has :;ome problem:; .. t the l\t on01 rchs cu1npus, like tt schedule tha t Includes t~J F' 4-A 1>ow'-'r S St. f'aul, Servile. Bisho p Am~t. I.ak1•wood a.nd Long Reach \\rilson. J\nd there is a staff that is tentative at best du'-' lo a seemingly <'Ons- tant t·o111ing and l!Oing ~1lualion -especially on U1e IOYl ('r ll'vels. lln the other hand, hnwt:>\'{'r, Car r has a .crew going throug h its pre-sea son paces that nla n y a high sch ool t•oa('h ..,.·ould givt> his eye to<1th -or more -to hav<' in can1p . 1'hc starting offensive line figures to a verage 200 pounds rron1 tight l•ncl t o the opposite t~ck l e , his fa stest back is hi s s print -o ut quarterback and a cou- ple of sophomores in the attack give the l\.lonarchs a lot to look forward to. Tim Wi gm ore , w ho operated at split end for the Monarchs in 1974. will take over tht! duties ;\t quarter-b ac k, where his cousin. Jim, left a vacancy. Tim Wi gmore. a junior, figures to add more to the outside run- ning _threat with the op- tion since he ca n run v.·ith the s peed of a breals;av.·aY halfback. l-lc-'11 have fou r g()(XI recci\•c rs to throw to "'ith Pat Pritz!. .J a mie Dickson. Rill Kt•ll y and sophomore whiz Bobby Meacham as targets. Carr is especi::t!l y high o n M cachcn1 and another so phomore. tailback Dave Gonzales \5·6.165). "'H y th t! t ime Meacham is a senior he's going to be great," suys Carr, "And Gonzales is a lot like Dan Princeotto at Estancia. He has very strong legs a nd great balance. "We're Jacking game e xp erience, but we s hould be very compara- ble to last yt>ar." Tailbac k iit up for- grabs be!Y1'C('n Gonzules a nd senior G eor ge l\.1cG o wan , th e ~1on arc hs ' c lassy placekick er. Steve Williams <6·2, 195 :sr .) and A1artin Sun- dy (5·9. 180 sr.) are the ruUback candidates and in the s lot and at split end are Dickson and Pritzl. Up front the Monarchs have only Mike MonnJg r eturning to a starting position at tackle . Mon- nig is a 6·4. 210-poWlder and fi g ures to s tart amidst a front lin e that will consist of guar-ds John Naut (6-3. 200 jr.) and I\tarty Snyder (5-9, 200 s r .l. cente r E ric Winter (6-2, 190 sr. > and tackle J o hn Stemmer (6·4, 190 sr.) or John Top( (6-2, 190 soph l. Tight end Kelly (6-2, 210 jr.) rounds out the front line. '"We lose some awfully good people up front," admits Carr. '"B ut we think we have so me replacements and some depth that we didn 't ha,·e last year.·· 191ISC"4EOULE ~pl.ti -CO<Of'lilOel M .. r,11NewPQr1 Hiirbot Sept. 15 -t.a Ml<ild .. ii! S""ta A.NI ...., Ott. 2 -l ilkO!WOOd "'' S•nta A."" """' Otl. 10 -At Lono Bea'ti wiu,on fl lOI Ocl 11 -A1S!.Al\ll\Ot1V 0(1.il Plu~Xi1t S.ior1taAni1Bowl Ocl, 31 At S! Pa,,.1 Now 4 -B1>t>op Amat"' Santa lln.t .... , Nov. 1J-Sffw!le 111 51nl• Ano1 Sowl . Newport Ousted R IV E RS I DE -Th e In the champion.ship· Nev.1port Be ac h women's · semifinal s, B urbank s o ftb all team w as took advantage of nine t>limi n ated from the walksandsevenerrors. Southe rn Ca lifor-nia llwasaclosegame for Municip a l Athleti c four innings before Federation Tournament. Burbank scored five dropping an 11·1 decision runs in the fifth inning. to Burbank Wednesday Two hits, two walks and night at I~a Sierra Park, lhree errors contributed here. to the runs. Golf Play With less than tv.10 weeks r e maining to enter the 1975 Si lver Cir· cle senior women's golf c hampions h ips , more than l,GOO entries have already been filed for the partners event. The event is for women 50 and over and is st.•ored on a low gross and lo.,.., net partners better ball bas is. Senior-women with USGA approved handicaps of 30 or less are eligible to compete. Newport's only run came in the fifth Inning on a n rbi single by Lynn · Willi ams. Cost a Mesa is still alive in this tour nament, meeting Artesia at 8:30 tonight in consolation ac·· ti on. N'wpol1 ., .. Cl'I ! II .. V\Ol;llf, t i l(no•. ss 5ell, 1(1 B1>rns. II Ho\mO't , rl " Wllllams,c H.av..,, P 'Noll•, 111 G.10o1is, Jfl TDl41• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' S(ore by lnnin•5 • •• ·' ' ' ' 0 0 ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 ' • ' . ' . O!O 1S4-ll 6 J 000 0!0-1 • 1 '75Y2 Baseball Standings TOYOTAS HERE NOW COME IM TEST DRIVE TODAY BUY OR LEASE A .1:9XQJ • .\. DEMO SALE Factory &lb.cs Example •75 COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. " speed, all factory exlras. #068307 • OVER STOCKED NEW VOL VOS LARGE SELECTION '74 VOLVO Factory Demo #5736 $5776 ) I AM E RICAN LEAGUE F.ast Division Roston 11altimore New York Cleveland !\lilwaukee Detroit W L l,ct. GB 78 52 .600 71 59 .546 7 65 65 .500 13 60 68 .469 17 57 75 .132 22 51 80 .389 27'h Wes t Di\'ISion Oakland Kansas City Texas Chi cago Minnesota Angels 79 52 .603 70 59 .543 8 66 67 .496 14 64 67 .489 IS 63 69 .477 16 1h: 61 72 .459 19 W.Cnt1d•y'55(-1 Box Ion •. C•l•to1ni1' (l'ut•QO l 0, (ltvf'ldnl! 0·~ OllU•f\d l, Ntw Yot• 1 6•lll"io~ •. 1to1n\a~ Cilv 1 Mlnrn>l.01• !,M •IW4\lk~•O, 11 lrwiol"ll• lt•••l,0..ltOltl • TOda•'1G•l\'lft C1'•t•OO IWOOO 1)·111 •t B.tll!,,_e (("'1111~~ 11-101 0..kl•ll(I I ~101\un~n 15·101 11 New Yotk lllob\On 11>-UI On1r9'"""• "K l'lt<l1>lt0 ,., ••• , .• 0......,. Ch•<•OO•l 811hmott ()tkl...0•16o•IDn Mlnnt5'01"11 Cl1•t!1n@ OUforn••" 0.!•011 it .. n ... , O h_, to .... Yor• Moh"' ... ~11 Tt ••1 I i1 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division W L Pct. GB Pittsburgh 74 57 .565 St. Louis 71 60 .542 3 Philadelphia 70 61 .534 4 New York 69 62 .527 5 Chicago 60 73 .451 15 hlontreal 55 74 .426 18 West Division Cincinnati 87 44 .664 Oodger-s 70 62 .530 J71h San Francisco 65 66 .496 22 San Di ego 60 72 .455 27 \1i Atl anta 58 75 .436 30 llouston s 1 84 .378 38 Wtdn•M•Y'I St.- C!nclnn .. 116, ChlC•11c I s..., fritn<l"Ko•. M11n!rr-a11 /lllanl•6, Plltsfluron2 1-!outlOtl S. 51. Lou I\ t ,..,,.. Yorl I, S•n 011900 lo' A119'lf\ 10, Phii.CMlph1f 0 T'111,'1 GlmtS Pt,11..,.lpf!l• ILOl\l)Oll,j •-i.or R ... 111...en l·l• II !Wn f r1n(l\4D (811rr 11 ·11) Mon111 .. 1 IROO•fS !0"101 al S.... Ole<ID (_,_, H -'l 5! LOiii' /For,cn 11·t l .. 1 Clntinn.sl! (Nolan tl•ll tow York !l<1>0•mo1n 10·111 •I Lo\ A~I'' IRl"oo<»111-1) On1 , 11-1 ~(,..dultO l"rl41y'1 G•- All•ntl al ('fllt•oe )I LD•1!11t C•nclnn1t1 HOus1on "' P!lub ... •Oh ""'>"tr11I t i S.n 01<19e !'+flw York "' LDI A"'Ollll fl't!U8dotlphlt al S1n Fr.,.(l'IQ) I .•t D ec D ee Wh i le, ~ women'is club chumpion "': ut Irvine CO[l .Sl Country Club ror thl' 1>ast six follc>\li'Cd by Pat Lackner (34) a nd Be l l y Blakemor e (3S). Connie l..onergan was the winner of a m atch vi;. par event with minus two . Alice Derby finished second in A flight with minus three. years. reached thl' linals o f th(' Sou th e rn Cu lirornia wscc;J\ ama t e ur Moi r tourna· ment al llillcrest Coun· try Club last week. She was defe att.-d in the 36-hole champio nship n1ateh by Donna Travis ol Wils hire Country Club in the match play event. 'fhe decision "'as re· B flig_ht winners in· eluded l)hyliss Stafford· with minus two and Max· ine S tric kland wilh minus three. ) ached on the 32nd hole. ) Leading up to the ~ finals of the tournament, ~he won all of her early matches .short or 18 holes in the event that began with 96 golfers. White is the current c hampi on at Irvine Coast and has won the ti· t tie 11 times. Santa Ana . Fran Boyl e a nd ~Virginia Fruehling tied for first place in A night in a point-par t ourna· ment for t he women's ~club at Santa Ann Coun· try Club recently "'ilh 19 .p:>ints each. Other A flight winners included Mary Varley with 17 and Lois Edes ___ M_A_T_ER_D_E_r_s_G_E_O_R_G_E_M_c_G_O_W_A_N_. __ with 16. Perfect Season • For Oklalwma? NORMAN. Okla. (AP) -Ever-yone agrees Oklahoma would be just another good college football team ii it didn't have a h andful of players in the "super " category, such as Joe Washington and the Selmon brothers. Unfo rtun ate ly f or Sooners op pon ents, as predicted by coaches and writers. Opposing coaches are hoping the Sooners may have lost some of their crusading zeal of the past two years a nd that possibly the Sooners de· fense "'ill be a bit leaky because of the departure o f two -t i me All 4 -----------American linebacker Grid Outlook senio r s Was h ington, Leroy and Dewey Selmo n. qu ar-terback Steve Davis il nd split ends Tinker Owens and Bill y Brooks return for their last hurrah in 1975 as the defending national c hampions bid for a third consecutive ~easo n without a loss. The Soone rs will be ope rating under more pleasant circums tances this season. Officiall y off a two-year probation leveled by th e NCAA because of recruiting in· fractions, they are look· ing forward to their first bowl game in three years. which will be the Orange Bowl if they win .the Big Eight title again Rod Shoate. Coach Barry Switzer 21·0·1 in his two years as head coach. s hies away from predicting another perfect season . Switzer says "t>very team on our schedul e" scares him. ··For a team to go un· defeated like we· did in '74, you have to get a lot of breaks,·· he says. The Sooner s' schedule, on ba lance, is toughe r than the pas t couple of years, but they will play a couple of key Big Eight ga m es at h ome - Colorado and Nebraska. 1'heir non -league foes are Oregon ; Pittsburgh ; Miami. Fia., a nd Texas. Other rugged games are expected with Ok lahoma State and i\t issouri both on the road. Gladyr; Jenning s, Mary Stradling and Judy Almquist tied for first in n Clight with 15 with fo"'ra n Carter and June Corie tied a t 14 . In C fl ight , J ea n Triplett was the "'inner with 19 , followed by Mary Mutphy (18), La Verne Half ( 16 ) and Fran Dye(l4 ). Jewel Wynne \I/Oil D flight with 17 with four players tied for second at 13 including H arriet H o pkins , Ca therin'e Wright, Lois Werner and Ann Ward. Alice Derby \\'as the winner of an odd holes tournam e nt at Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club with a 31 'I''. 1\-tarianne Holt and Sue Ewers tied for second in A flight with 3J'h each. In B flight . Jane Roderick was the winner '4'ilh 3111.l, followed by Sybil Foster at 33\fii and Ann Van Cleave at 34 . Ginger Ca ppy a nd ?i1arion Dar-Jing ti ed for honors In C fli ght with 341h with Belly Wa lthall next at 35 . Claudine Thompson was the D fli ght victor y.•ith 32 *h , foll owed by Carol Ross (34 1,:z J and Doris Ball (36 1h:). Sandy Mc Farla nd cap· lured E fli ~ht with 321h, It was Carolyn PHmer posting an even score to '4i n C fli ght with Phil Goepper and · Vivian Troutman ti e d for second with minus four. Claudine Thompson and Lu Willey tied for D flight honors with minus five. Betty Blake more "'as even to win E fli ght with Chery I Beck and P a t Lackner tied at minus four in the run· nerup spot. Mesa \'erde Lucille Paddock "·on gross honors in A flight in a stroke play tournw.· ment at Mesa Verde Country Club r-ecently. Dare We lls was the net vict or with Shirley Kinder a nd BobbiC' Wasco tied for second. In B fli g ht , Ke lly Adams was the gross victor with M a r ge Williams the net winner, followed by Kay Farley and Phyllis Leasure . Rosie Uchi zono cap- tured gross in c night with the net winners In· el ud ing Pat Gi ll , J ean Ma bee and Do rothy Jones. Seaelfll Geri liege y.•as the fi rst flight winner in a m ish· mash tournament for the women's club at Hunt· ington Seacliff Country Club with a 331h. Jn this tourney, t"·o three par holes, two fi ve pars a nd fi,·e four pars were selt!cted before the first group was to tee-off and half handicaps were used. Madelaine Adams "'as second jn the fir-st night wi th 34 and Sue Va n Valen third with 35 . \'i O'Gara was the second night victor with 311h, followed by Shirley Cummaro (34 1n ) and Pat Powell (351;.1). Jn the third flight, June Doyle was the winner with 32 ~. Stu Dudley fini shed second at 35 and Alice Acklin tie d with Vi· vian Troutm an ror thir d at36. Barbar-a Pond was the rourth fli ght winner with 33. followed by Pat See Women, Page D-3 THERE WILL BE OUTDOOR STORAGE SITES FOR SALE IN CONSTRUCTION CENTER. Construction Canter wlll be a unique land use. A SO·acre site designed for the particular storage yard and operational requirements of contractors. subcon· tractors. vehicle -storage, recycling plants and other related industries. Construction Center will be a prime business loc•tlon from any standpoint. It's part of the nation's largest industrial park in the nalion·s tastest·grow1ng county. Construction Center will put you where the action Is. Conveniently located in Irvine at Jamboree and Barranca Roads Reduce costly vehicular travel with immediate access to the Santa Ana. San Diego and Newport Freeways. Im proved lots will be available in one-acre increments wilh1n a master· planned. environmentally·protected area. Heavy landscaping screens the property lrom nearby roads. Landscaping. fencing and signing !or indivrduat lots are provided in the purchase price. Sound li ke the place tor you' Act now by calling your broker or Cra ig Lyon. Manager of Sales and leasing at (714) 833-1010 or (213) 628·4204 or wrilE Irv ine Industrial Complex. 2122 Campus Or. P.O. Box 4404, Irvine, CA 92664 . 0 I WARNER l>V ,----, ' ' ! ~=m\ICTION ' ' ,_4_t UAHHANCA RO. + "'•0 ... ·~ ...... l1v·.,,. l•u!Ut;lr. 11 C"""'"l'1"'t 1nnr t 1,'G, tty :,rik ur n!tM for ';."'\II.' lllf' 1 lr>!I which 1·-"If• ">UIJM">t'' n1 !f'I,~ "1(1111''1,••·" •'f1! ~try a n :;;uhnlVtl;l()fl ITlllP ~ 1ew (fPfl 1iu10. ,.Jr.~ lu I"" ~.oo.v""~' !.' 11 • :.i I Tnis oowiit1.:."rrie1111~ not <1'1 ollf!f roseP • u-J ll'ln•I q~ t!DI "" 111o• !• 1nl "' a d0f•(l1!1VC Sllll'S ,iQ1eern1tn! t.••L<Cu1t.<Cl by l•V•f'I>• '"'111' 11•111 r1 !1lflk"1 ,rVJ uhfl!.f fl)(ho°• !•'Im~ ,tnc1 ('lll'lf1~100~ f"lJ"!l;lNW'tl '" ~u• fl loOler>n''"' l'v•nc 11 · 1' 1 ,lo 11 C<1mpley reSf'lllP.S ttlt' n9n1 to r11scontn ic l'i.~ i... It' ,,,,1 ,_ .Jft"'°: 1 h» t• •. ,,., , c nt;1'"9li lfl 1n1s ,l(fvi}rl,scmunl <ro ~ !v Lt•<1r"ije tJy ~v.1-.0 ~"d\1-.•r. 1! Lu11'31e1 wiUIOUl llO!la:. AT • " ' l Thursday. Auguat 28. 1975 DAIL vo1LOT D:J Deep Sea Fishing WOMEN'S GOLF RESULTS PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC N011CE • • • \UPERIO• COURT Ofl' THI! •tCTITIOUS llUSINES\ loll')l lC•lOCRE OITORS \f AT t Ofl' CALI •OllN IA l'Olil NAME St A TE ME NT SUf'E lltOR (OU llT Ofl' THI' 'IANlA MONIC A 1< onr;t••\ lt'I f"O.:•ll•''·' ~d•ullrn•.\, ~•••l'<<l !)O>' I '"'"IJ<o1, I "''"1•• "., L"'' 8•rllit 'll 4111r;I••• 1U1111•~(••·••+ •O•u<• r ... ~, MOllMO DAY l~•tll••' L.u .. ;U~l 'W ~"111"' I'll.! •oc1< !<l<J 10 •i<>Q ,00 10) •ll,..lO•,. lll'"''\ 1,.,.'IWlloq) ~ •"•1h1f' I~ IUl\I •OU, fi1ki !Of• loo:! •I •llM(O•f" ' DANA Wt-IAlll' 101 ""lll~r\ 'tt to.,,. 1 ""l!lhJI, IV •Ot ~ CO(I, 2 '"'"~~•~I . I ... 11 "" ~~,.o~,, VENlUll• b2 JFl4••<\ 101 (611!0 ~~·· •) 111.,., 11~~•. llO IC'\ cud. ~1 ......... l 01'1G 8E ACN 1 Ctl,,Ulnl "l•r) 'l "°gi,., \ I ).ti 1:0 I" CJ U• \~. I lie " ~(UIJ,., I ~ '"'ti11u1, 7!l n.i.(k"''''· s~ b1.,. b<"'·, I 'f\(t tOll, 1,'81 10< • c O<l I )PO~ttl...int1l llt""Qle~t 31C1 1>t;~lOCI. SAN OlEGO IMt>fOltlpil Ple<l -61~ •Mltl\ ~dl1Uto•~.1 "'••l1n SAN PEDRO V1 4~Q!«r•: •til c•h<t) t"'''· 1u blue ti.I''· ~71 •ock toO, 1 h~llb11t, II ,i;,.\I b•'I 111nd Sl. UNll119) ;tll •n111•r~· •I I 1<X1<<0t1, • \,u1d l••I). lOcoi.1 on .. ,,, l n•t1!>!JI, NEWPORT lD•••Y'• Lot~ffJ 18'1 ,)f'l\llt •' 11~ 0"1'· ~ ye110 .. 1all, in !OCk <oO. l-0 "'"f kerel. (Arl'1 Ut'll,I· l"'Jl !Ill on91,,,, 11 wno ban, :MS fOl kt Oll. 5EAL llEACH -118 onQI~•\: 1,l.0 ""-• coa, 2 hllQtOO, 1 co ... <00 1'\I i .:-11 :\L'll 1 ~1 L\\'E~-r~J EN·r j\, • \1·1111111.111 .d 1 •i:nalt v :uul 1·•111r it1\'1'~ll!ll'1ll: 1•:tr11-. a hlJ.! {j'f, jut..·r,·-.t .i111111,dly. Continued Fron11>·2 l~ack ner (~l and a t.ie bctwce.1 Lu Ga~kc ll and Dolly Anderson at J7•h_ Big CanflOR It was a better bull of partners tournamcnl on guest day at Big Canyon Country Club. J>'irsl place in gross com pc l ilion went to Ka thleen Meyer, J)ea.nc l-l elperi n and guest s Martha Turner of El Niguel Country C lub and Virginia Fruehling of Santa Ana CC with a 76. Second place at 77 went to Pal Anic;h, Don- na Smith anti gu,es t Marge O"Keefe of Santa Ana CC as a threesome. In ne t action, Ruby Ann Barker, Lil Dempsey and guests Commereial Crcdit'/c\ ·1111<11:T 1'1\S~IU ICU\ /\(.'[ff!l:--.:·rs (££)8 J·,.rl .111r.,rn1~ J<c,J1!1·tu, r Jul~ f.lcmlll'f of (Ii•· 1 hlil .. 1111.• :\'~·~ l.111n11 11! Th,"1r1 :tn•I L":.on C...mpank,. •( .. 1u11" r,1.11 ' r.·.!11 l 'l..111, J11,1111 ••r..ic•d Cu~t:1 $:int a ~h·!C;1 .•\na • • :!70 I':. 17111 Sln'<·l l :.!:.!8 E . 171 h Sirt•c t • • 7;.1.1;740 (..17-:i>l7 1 Tele Maddox of Bel Air Country Club and Ann Teel of El Niguel CC, posted a 59 ror first place. In second J)lace with 62 were Marge Smith, Ann Sliker and guests Helene Nicholson and Virginia Pierce of Irvin e Coast cc. In a matc h vs. par event, J anet liooten had a plus two t o capture first place in A flight. Other A winners were K athleen Meyer and Jane Boand, even ; Betty Guiler and Kay Hom at minui; three. In R r lighl. Anita Erickson was the winner with plus one. Beverly Hope, Doris Love and Betty Jane Smith tied ror runnerup h onors with minus one. J ean Lambert was the C flight wi nner with plus six. fiarbara DeFranco a nd Mary ·rhompson tied at minus three and Arla Brown v.'aS in at minus four. r.-1ich e le Rohe and Marga re t Grace h ad even rounds for rirst place in D flight with Marge-Smith and Jane August Cadillac Sate Year-end sale of remaining 19755 Nabers CodiUoc ~ot ~ J I l(u bL,1 Blv<l . Co~!..i Mc::.u [A0·911Kl Rizzotta tied wilh minus one. Barbara DeFranco won C flight with 49, rollowed by Mary Kay Moore (50}, Eddle Mer- ritt (52) and Michele Rohe (:W). Mlle S q-re In a etter ball of THECOU"1'0•0RAHGI!. ,...,10110• .. "<.11>trwn1.001n<,1 M.1 STATEOFCA1..1F01tN1Al'OR threeso t! event , two M .A ... ,,, ....... ,.,, lMECOUNTY Ol'OAA"GE NOTICI[ 01' HEAlllMG 01' OIVENSlflfO llUSINESS No.AIJN;l teams tied ror first at S2 .. ET1TION ,o ... ROIA11! 01' WIL\. SERVICCS. 1!00 0....11 SI . s..11 .. 100 E it•l~DI EO,.h .. f )~'"'~· 0.<••'llld .. including M arg i c At.10 "°"LETTERS TE$fAMEN-Ne ... pD<t S.-.Cht1MCl NOTICE ISH(RE81GIVENto tt>e D . ll h L r TART ) C••I• Ann "•Ill••. ~' P,~lon (rtt!H0•1 O! '"" •bO•• ""'"'*0 .. ,_nl av1son , ut a •on.e e 1t••• 01 H 11..R e o e. SHEBLE. O• .. UQ11n•N111,.,r1 ,c.,,,,o.,, .. ,VJ6// v..1 .11 ~''°"'"••1h11 ,1.,1n"-'"'' and Val Morton on one. O..tt••M<I Tn" 0 ... 1 .... ,, 1. (Ol'l(l .. ~1i!a 1>y "" "" 1t .. w 11;1 °"''C)t,n1 ~"· •~Qv"~ to 111( 0 h NOTICE tS HfA(BV GIVEN tl'l.ilt d•~•o;lli•! \,..,rn, wtlFI 1,... t1•<c>•ar, •0.,0'lf\, 1,. n t e olh~r were lk -e ANN $Hf 8LE. R!NKE NBAC ....... , C.rl•All•Qlfr' u ... ott lt•O!llW Cl••~qi t~•~!.c.>W•n· Craig, Gene Griffin and hi~ .......... pt1Ulon tor ,.,._e"" TM\ •L•!., ..... t ..... ~ 111•11 wlt11 lhl ll\~(Ollr1,o••op•• .... n11n,m,-1h 11'11:! Pat Wolrf. Wiu •no tor l••11•nce ot Leet••• Co11<>ty Cl••~ ol O••""" Coyn\~ on n•t••••r y ,011c n~''· to the 11n . 1•U•-"t•r y to tn• 1>4'Ullot>t• •• Al,iQllU ll, l~IS. ~'"<.111<10 " 111~ 0th~• al ,,...,, ., Another tie rei;ulted ''''nc.' 10 "'"'("' 1• mode 10< r1.1rt~r F•tDSt •o •ne ,~. lOu•~ ...i 11..L 1::~ ANC for Sel'Ond at 57 with -11c11•••l.<l1'0 I"•' I"• '1""' .....,pi..:, Publl\lled 0•8~ .. ~ CO.t•• O<l1ty Pllol, Al-BERT BERG ~IQ W•I"""' 81•<J . Rose Fergus wa~ the ~ ""'1"11 in. wme "•• twr .... ""' f0< A1,o11.1•.•na ...,~, ~ 11. 1•. 1r;1 s J11r; 1s Lo, A"11"1ot•. c .. 1110.,.,,. ~uou., w"«h ''" Wl·nner of 8 en's• cross ti.1artha Beaumont, ~p•en•tw•1•.1•1s,•1•:t11 •rn.1"'~1 ---------------1 1r.o pl.Ke o1 o11,,f)~,,0,1 n~w•..,,,.r,,..,...._. · "" f'r F'l d Al" toi.n room o• O..p•r••n•nt Ho, ~ ol '""' PU RLIC NOTICE •n •ii matte•• P<!•t••n1nr;i 10 !ht t~Mtt ol tournament at Fountain ances ynn an !Cl! <o.,.t.a11ooc1vi.cCen1r• Orlv•W1111 .1n w1e1t1ott .. 0001,,.,.1 ~1n•qur 111001 ....... ner Valley Mile Square Golf Vandlinlil: on orlC squad. "'"'~;~~0l~.;:~~,~~9,~auiorn•1L. NOT•CETOCRE01to11s ·~::~~u~~~~~'.·~~~~""'""ti<~. Course wltha scoreof28. On the other were DoM!i w1LL•AME.51JOMN. su1>ER10Rcout110FTHI!' FLE1c ... t11 J0Nr ~.nd Barbara Sl •ncel Fagg, Fran Rlake anti Co1111ttClerk STATE OFCALIFOJINIAFOR VIRGINIA JOl<(~GO•NO d ... ' Mary Lou Yeager. WILLIAM H. St RN IE •Ml THC COUNTY OF ORANGE C.0·[•,.Cu!Ot\O! ..... W<I! finished secon 1n A In •• T •nd F "\•ent, JOtiNP.Fo•ESTER , , No.A·Mm ottht'i11><1•tn•1r~a<Jl'£eo>m1 h .._ Allo ..... ,, .. ,u.... U•t•al OWIN L GARONER,ol<.• LOUISM1Ll[Jl1'N01'l8'ERT8ERG flight wit 281h. Fr Bl k th A Ml4~ Wll.,,lr• •t"4. E L GARONE11. ~te••ea AllOJMfY• Dee Dee McClell and ances a e was e 1..o .... ,...,.,,cau11rlllat11tJ4 1'!011cE. is nEREBY c.iv£Ntot""' ~own.~1r,81va. h B fli ht · l flight winner with 36, T,1:11111•11 .. •11 ~r\'d•tO•)ofll'Hl 11bo•fn11""'o °""'°"nt ua~1,,,c.1.1orn,dQ001' was t e ~ VIC or rollowed by Ida 'fhomas Al*'MYtlor: Pe1iliOll•• 11\it! •11 ll'!•IOO• Fld .. n11<1a1m,~1tl\t Ttl ' 11Ul •11·4..0l,t'1-l0l0 with 26. Bert Holt, Rose P1J11111.toed Or•nQe C.O•tl 0111•1" P.1<1t. 1r.. Wld otctotnt "'" "'"~"ed 10 1111:1 A1torr1eyilorCo·E••c~10,. Miller and 1-lc lcn Otisar al 37 1h. Al>Q.18, 19,dn<J ~epl .•. \~/~ Jl»IS tl>en •. W•\h t~l:I .... ( .. \111•¥ ~OIKhe<\, In P\Jbll\/\ed O•dMQ~ (l).l>! 011ll t J»lor. Doris Fagg won R t1>e 0Hite olt1't titrk ot1n1c~r.o ........ A~<,;tu\1 1.u.11,1&.191~ 3013/S t''ed for Second al 28 l•!led <OO•t, or 10 pr .. \.O!nl tn~m. wolFI tho! 1 C n. ht A · F d flight with 32, foll owed PUBLIC NOTICE o>ece1wry v<1Uc11e•1. 10 the ""°"'"Qllt'd n Jg • nn Or b L 'I M k (34) d 01 tt>t ofllte of STANLEY scv11..L..A, WaS the Winner with 29, y I ar S an AllorMy di l •w. IOJOJ Silntd M>n1c• PUBLIC NOTICE Helen Drexelius (36). SUPEPlORcou•TOl'TME. e iva . s11 11e ,oo. Loi AnQe l•i . foll o w e d "y Carol '''"O•<AL1"0 "'' U W' . C fl ' hl " ···-·· C...lllOfn.i•,'IOOlll,.,..,,lcn!111"'01K°'OI ~,·edersdorf ... ,.th ~".-inners 1n 1g 1n-R. 9 ·-No SUPERIOR COU RT OF ft-IE STATE Of CALI FORNI.A FOAi THIE COUNTY OF ORANGE. r 1 ,... &-;:>'.,., COUNTY OF ORANGE bu"~U ot lf'lt ynot'r\1Qn<'a In •ll ""°t· and Barbara Stewart al c luded Jean Abajian No. A .. ,,.3 te•~ per1t+n1nq 10th' t )1111t 01 w•a ,,.. (34 ..,), Mary Lou Ya uer t"""t, ,.,11~•n '°"' rnon1n1 111ter 1r.e J l I'> NOTICE. 01' S ALE OF AEAL lirltpyOl«d110<>011ni1noto<t Jean Buchanon won in (35¥2) and Frances PROPERTYATPRIVATESALE (RQC t<E~NA.TI O NA.LElANI( No. 111•21 N O T!C[ or Hl:A R I NC TQ ESTA81..IS'1 PAT [~N ITY or MINOR Ct<llO Fl (J6lh ) In'""' IN!ler ot Che E~\dte Of LOLA c .ecutor oltheW•ll D fli ght with 25 \12., yon · F.A.NCERSON.Con""'""1"' oltht•tio•e nameaoectoenl followed by Kay Knopf . In a low gross, low net NOtke 1s r.ere11r <.ii•<'n th11 t~ i.11-STANLEY SEVILLA Ml••el $o<Jc1e, Plo1nl1lf vs. [)on.aldG. enl 1'1-Bl k d ~·llllf't't'<I.•• Con••<•••o• ol tl'le pet~ ArtorM,11 u .. (28!h), Ruth J oy andOI-e"'. • a n . a e an 1noE,1•te o1LoLAF.ANOEP~N.a llnO.)S.."'•MOhica •l~d. lie Magnusson (30) and n.1ane Stys tied for -A C.0...<;er~a!t"e,wlUkll •t P•l wlltl!Wl,,to Sotilt•- !.oYt •<', o.1~n<1ant To R.AYMONO ROUSl1. n~ti<e i'> l'll!tetiv 9'"'" tn~t 1ne ario"' "''"'"'d pla1nt1!1 ,,. .. ,.~I SouC•t. n,I\ h ied" <OmPl<llFI\ ID ~\ldbll\h p11t1C•Fl•tY al ,_.!(HA.EL C ... RIStlA.N STOC.$01ll, flighl gross honors with 11" hlQl>e\I and bt\I OidM• • ul>C>'I """ LO\ 11..,.ie,, u 111or n11 t<MH.7 Marge Hamor (30 1h ). . . it•....., ana conallion\ "'''1 ... ner ..._. Tt1 : \!lll 21,_..10 Louise Larsen won E 90. Ma rgie Davison and u~ ancr ~ublec1 10 conli<r•~11on of T••= ci•Jl l',.1"' Val Morton ere the net Wld Si;pe•lor Co11rt, on"'' alter Sep Al'IOfMJIOf'E••tulor -in•• M fe nat nt Oon•IG II '5<••.ue, 1D flight with 26, followed . . W •e m Der 10, l91S ... 11111n lhe !!me allowed PutJiilried Oran11e Coa •! 01111y Pilot ference to whot~ i. maa~ !or further by Bea Cowie (29), v1cto_rs w1th69.. DYl.Jw •tl9~t$an1aAnaA'ie.,~ta AU11.!•.n .18.~pt,,.1~1s Jioi.J~l>il•U<u111r•,and th~1 1h~l,meanop1ace Alice Vandling <·ap Me .... c.i110,ni.. •111he••Qh!, 1111e .. no ""ttea•1t1Q t"" •arr.en •• , ~en ,,.-,1 10.. Lenore · Tanberg (29 1h ) . . -lnte<e\1 ,)nO'''••e o! ,.1a Con~rwa1,.1-------------!ioepiembo-• J. 191s. a1 1 n~ ~ou• 01 1 JO and a tie between 13etly lu_red gross 10 B ru~ht In itnd ro Ill lllal c,n .. 1n ·~•I profll!rty PUBLIC NOTICE P.M. on 0.Dl<\fT,t'Mt 1 ot llle 1100..,,en· with 94 and M argante •l1 ... 1e lnth• c u, ot Co•I• Mew, c ....... '--------------11Ut<:1 coun located di 100 c'"" c...n1~r Ann Harden a nd Marie ly ol Or11not, Sl•te al C<ll1lorn1 a, I 0r ..... w.,t. Saut4An ... cai.to•n111. Kllrbatoff at 30. J..1acf arla.ne was the net parlitllllltly a,-.c:•11)t<J ·~ !OllOW>o lt4•l TFl1\ "°'''"a \not reQyore yg.,.,1011\-champ With 74 , Loi• in BIO<' "B", T<iK t S<M. E11st NOTICE OFINTEHDEOTAANSFEA tl!<l<J IM lore~1n9 h~11rin1;1, ho-wr, if L B h · OFLIOUORLl(ENSEOALICENSES aguna ea-In a b e tter n ,· n e CMtll Me§d, per M•P recorct.ct In Book '°" llave any •l•1m O! ·"~ p.Jren141 ,._ 1,, PllQt!\ 2S itncl 76 or M"cell"""°""' NOT ICE IS ... E REBY GI VEN: to !M <lOhl to !l>e a bo•f m~nt ionl!(l th•kl, you Member s or the Laguna Beach womens golf club held several tournaments recently. YES - I/Vt· H.:iv1• I I" Atr(h•.t1/i'.1d N•·<.i..•.1< 1", ~1~ 00 A. H. W~ fin" J .. wet' l2 Fo'IJakM t..iootd t ourney, Diane Stys Mft1>'.Rerordsot0•11nge C011n1y,(Va· Cred•ta .. ot: lfl<lul<JllPl>"i r 111nH.ne<1"n<.1 •ndma1<e '•• s LA.ARV VAUGHAN Social Sf-<U•I· f''n•'shed fo'rst ,-n A n.· •ht {llnl 101 ea\! of ""M11ono!1i1 t., Costa l<no"'n you•Clll•n>.11you 11111 tOllPl>ed<, " Mew, Calllo•nia,' !y No. Sl>l·"6·•212 lice nwe who!.e buSi· ll>e court rnay .1'>urne !h.Jt ,011 11,~ with 291h;,and Doris Fagg $aid \ale "'"' be m•de UllOf' tM ""\\ aOdre\l 1' l).000 Sllnd (..;lnyon. rnak1n11 no claim ol ""V ~u<n parefltlll d t 321, tollow!nq le•ms; (ll\h 0, Onf)'llll t~ E•\I, in !he C•ty ol Eil\I lrv•ne, Collllty ,.ght. WaSSeCOn a ,2 . llncl the Dillin<• l f t ll<ed ay Cle..:I ot of °'""Ill!• St•te 01 C11lolorn1•, '26SG, 0..!ed AuQYS\t ,l~TS W. ' B fl ' ht tho\ I lr11ni.ter ;, 11t>ou1 lo be made 10 inne r s 1n 1g tr11S.l0<>lr>eproper•yw1th lntere11at ROBE.PT L. Pt<ILL IPPE S<><••l AtlOl'TleylorPt•1,,1ill Were Val Morton (33°'•) \IJ". per11nn.....,1ll p•v•Dle 0<>orbl>lore JUDtTtl JOtlNSON '' J•n ... r' 1, 1917, Sec11rily No . S62·81· l'lS 1nlended -C..lilornla Fedtrotl BYilaing and A Ii e e v a n d Ii n g S ias or Oller I m11\t bl!: in writing ana t•ansl,rte ... I\(),. Du\ine~s ll<Jdre\\ II IE11<1ia •I t•••cenl . l>JolS lrw1natie A•enue ,n tile C.ty o• . (34"'). J ean A bai· ian won ..... 11 tie rece1vea •1 Ille .ibO~e •dd•e•• at M•M•m, c.a. n101 llny time atter IM 11,,1 PIJl!litlllion l""lndalt, Co11nl Y ol l..O!o Arn;J•.' le•, Slate Al'lorM y !or Pe hltOM r C rJi g ht V.'ith 30 1f.l , l>ereol .. ndbelorem<lldnQ the Sale. Of C•lllO<hi• ~1 106. 1he lol\Owtnljj PuOllSl\f<J OtanQe(o.aStDa•IY Pllof, • ~cotlo!lc be•traQe lot enst' Numbt!r •O 8 _ ,. followed by M·•ry Lou D.11~Auou~t1e.1 IS AUQvst"l,t•.21.:1 ,19/S .,.,.,. ~ u SELIM s . FRANKLIN, as1 .. , herelnaller o .... cribltd •l>d ISSue<I Yeager and Pat Gulick con1.e•vi1to• 01 the a>e•"IOn 1or 1ne p.emi.,..i. toc•ttd at 1sooo !.itMCI PUBLIC NOTICE at37. an.:restateot Lala f . A.nae<~. c.ny011 ln \he Cit' o:>t E. lrv1nt! Counly i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;iiiiii~~~iii~j l C0<>ser~itti=t' olO•anoe.Sl•leolC•lilc<n1a. 1--c::::-::-::c:::::::-::-:::::-:-:--SIE LIMS.FAA"llLIN Pvtillanl ta \U(h in1,nll0<>, tl>t" ""· NOTltEOl'SHERIFF'SSALE tt:ll$.11'1ot1'naA~'"ll9 Ot!<•i<,>ned;. iW>1>ly1n9 lo tM Dl!p.!lr!· C ... ARLES MART!N P l111nlill vs, SPAii Jiii ~ Coil.IMew,C•tUorni•t2621 rnentolAltohclic S..werotgeConlralta< DONA LD E. ELDER. ETAL DelM- ClllUIETOI llT £0•1 lo l""oll, SIAlll' Tel: Ms-.IW.. """'nee ..,., lr•nS!er OI tr.e-lo!IOM"'J <l<lnlNO. 19921 (;onwrw•torlll Proper llcot'!ollc be~'''OI! lice11se °" S"le Beer Sy ~lrtut or 11n <'•ecutio11 ls.sued on IMJLA TEI p1101;shed O•anoe c 0.,,1 ·o.iily Pol01, fw tne premh e\ lo cated at 1sooo S..n<J Jan11ar1 2J, 1~1s by tne M~nte1p111 AUQ. 21, 18 o)nd ~pl. 7, 191S JlOO.n Clnyon, E. lr.,nt'. Clllllornlot'2DS0. Court, ~tar Do< J11dicial D•slriCI, Counh• . AmDUnt ot purcha\e Pflt t O• ten-o! O<an!ll', State 01 C•litorn1a. UPon 11 Eo1r ToU10, shl•r .. tlo11 In connection "'llh S.JICI iua11rnent •n t e r e <J In t 11 vor ol f •t1<rgl. f~""' lr.tn>ler of \did liCefls~ '' lne sum ol CHA RLES MART IN 11s 1 ~aoment p,,.,.,,, lo "•'• PUBLIC NOTICE SS00.00, ... 111cn coni.•s•\ of 1he !CllOM"'iJ cr,aitor llnd ll'lii n~t WILLIAM H_ 1•110•1& VOl.TA'I \rrt10/' payments: FOLSOM, JUAN ITA L. FOLSOM 11~ ~olfou' IOOL-ITCOOLAIT 11,Ul.ATOI N\lTICEOF8ULKTRAN5FER DtMrlption Alnounl l"Clllm~nl a 'bla r •, 1"a w1n9 •net KH p> (ool·•g P11-S.t ... , NOTICE IS HE RE e v GIVEN TO Ole<:-ar•"'"0' acc01Jnt ba!anceot \2,1•1 Wt <KIYil!Y d...eon Wld llE G, 1.1t 99• AUTO PARTS LABOR DAY s,,.,,.(l•o~, 139 ~.eo .. ,To 599 THE CRfOITORS Of J A.Mf$ A. ollran~le•ee \SOO.OO 1u0Qmen1 onthed•le o!lne"$ull'K•of p ,.,,11<,•• ,.,,..,, Lu KEN s "n a FL o R E N c E a . All o111'r Dusine\s nil"W~ ancr lld· wio e•ecvtion, 1 hotve levit'a uPOn an "••· Q• (h.,,,_ ~.... arn-.., .,o;ea Dy tne Trans!er0< w1tnon tile:,;'"'· title a nd 1n1ere\\ of .,_.id,.-. lf-~~~--.;;,;0•0· +•;,:;"; ':llt1~Tir.'l IL u K E N s. h u ' 11 d n d • n a w" e . ......., Disc I.A.I Tranileror, ll1al • bulk H•nsle• ,, lh•ee ve11r\ la•I 1><1sl W 1•• "~ ~no.....n 10 ment tleb\Of!o Jn tnc property '" !he ~ ,ADS about to be ma.Cle by T<11n,1eror, l"e Tr11ns!eree 11r e, Acade m y ot County ol Orant;I<!. Sta te ol (alilo•n•a, llEG, 1.1$ Oelen1iwe Orlv1no;i 1SOOO Sand c:.anyon. de\trlbe<l"s1011owi.: who.,.. 1111,ineis aao•eS\ Is 18\• W. Ed· E. !rvln•.Calllo•nia. A. PARlllEL l; inger, 1n Hw C!ly ol Slln•il Ana. County Thal le ll;IS fleen 119reea betweenwlCI Lot 1 In Btock 19 of ••e&st $Ille Addi· ol 0<•"9". Slille ol C11lltorn••. an<lllllOI titen!><'e and intended tran•ler"" <f> re. !iO<> ID t"• B•lbOll Trllc•··. 1n \Fie t •lyof wl\01':' OtFlt<r bu•lne•s names llnd l<J· ci11ireo by~. 2ol01• ol 1he B11!olllt'>•lln0 NewPOrl eeacn. co11nty of 0<11nQe. ar~><;el u<;ed "'lthln 1h•ee .,..,.,, l.t!.t PTol•s•1ons Cooe, th•I •he tor>S•Ol'•a· Stille al cahtorn1a. •• '"""'n on a mop pa\I, 'lo<! Iii• "' k"°"'" 10 lr""'lt!rl'e, tion for the t•1nsler 01 w 1d llcens.e ls 10 rttoreleO 1n bOOk •. page 20 of Mir.- ••e Luktns Ori'l't!·ln 0•1"''· 1•1' W De pala only "lier ~aid transte. has cellaneous Mep\, in the ot!1ce Df the Eal,,;er, S4nt11 Ana, Cothlarnia, to ~n 111>9roveo Dy s11id Depit<tment al County Retcrdl!r of Sll•CI Count,. GEORGE w_ O'NEILL .. na llNNA. Altol\Ollc a, ..... ,llQI! Control,"' 1ne er.-PARCEL?: O'N EILL, M11•1>and ""a wl !e . <ro,.,de'partment o1Sanko!Ame1ic11 Lot\ln8lockLol "811,FronlSeC· VALUES ,......,,.,,,.. n111_.t,an.1 ""''"" 299 ''"Pl""' £""''"9· lilo" Do~•"" AMG ..... .....i...... 11• 895 Tr11n~l••ee. "'"°'" D11sine\1 a<ld•ess is IS2? KalYa lllne. In •he Cllvot Tustin, NT&SA11t 10'!~3 Valley Mall In the City tiO<>ol lt>e BalbOll Tract", ln1t.>(ityof .,. County 01 O•anoe. Slate 01 C.illlornia, ol El Monte, Counlv ot Los A"')l!le•, NewPO•t Beile,,. co11n1y ot Or•nge, ~~ ~f11~~;~.!~!~~ .. ~~:i~~~~~ si~t~o~~~~o;~~~i,1s ~~~~:ac~~11::;,1:· 6~' ::::~rot11 ~~ 5 PllCI SCllWDllVll Ill P•o<r"°"lololilo '<loo.I Ho"dl• So•, l!•09•"Q f,""' I" I o'!", f!o.01 (.,,, Po•cl,• C·r•• Co• c1 •• "'"9 T .... !, ft.I" P•O!•<I c ..... 81 R .... ,."9 o,ua,c; ...... [o., foHo...!lo, J99 ~ ... Jy. c., •• l •~< A v,,., HIUlll CHAMOIS L•n' r.,., Plooh!o ... F ~tl, ••. ~.,1 •. (,l;cltt ~ ... )f'-ri•I' llll'fO·VAC "D" Clll FLASMLl,MT 11n1111s o~" ,'::~~,'~ WlllCM ri • .i .. ., .... , 11.,. l.\NIAW ,,. .. •lltCll .. -... IU-1735 llTI·llST """"" p,O!O<ll A1., ... ,.~,., & 0.ho• 14.!0I Po"' f • .,. ~U .. ·/\i• flST fLUSM flu1i..1 O.• C.10••• Ru>! & ()~ •• o,.., o., ••.••. Slllll Acll fo,., S•oo• Su pog• & P"""" Lou Of (oolooo. 36 MONTH CHECKER BATIERY lllTM !ICMIMGE 2199 llEG. 2.lt S.d., To.<"'od o.. n .. o.i.... FREON "12" RECHARGE KIT GAllllH GIOYI LA HAW ltt1t MOOlNUtU ,., .. .,.,...... ...... """"""-O.-t~--..... i;,t 636-7412 1213) 694-22'4 r 199 IUIATOI MOSE H•••r O••r, !!., • ., •• ,To Ho• •010•, s ..... ,.,... Rod'"'"' ALL WIATlll JLUSI 'Fill Ill TMllMOSTATS llEG. Qu,cO & £ .. y w., llE G. Mor" Mo" 1.11 To Fl.•h y..,, t.U O°"''"'' & 129 Cool,n9 s,,. • ., &199 f °'"'"' (., O.E.M. 1.uo!I F11•h ~·~""""'"""· c ... lon!. -~ -· rULlllTOH .,.,_ ---992-22:16 . I i i KIAVY tun 1111 , .. l •9~1 .... ,t., lllC. U.H '"'"''"' 1199 r ...... _ c .. 1 • ..,. unn 1111 llllUIHll f I s ...... i.. .. c,,,,,., 0.1, c ... 1.ne I) f l0<h •<ol F.,,,,AM.ot F., Soot,, c ........ •I'll ......... 1 ... Ill(, •••• 1 P1.., $""• li41v•h r ..... ~ ..... T• AF,.., Mht. 1: ..... ..,. Ao•• '"'"'" 88• ~-------............ ..:=. ............... H 1n tr-, fl}(l"rei., H1uipment i nd gooa UnryQ. Vaut;1hlln teU-111 MitPS, in the olloce ot Ille l ie en...,. (O..,nty Recorotr of Y ld Count1. ,.,111 of a cerlotln Orlve·ln Oalrv buSI Robefll.Pnitllppe PARCIELJ: nHl kno"n "'Lukens DriW·•n Dairy ln1endt!<!Trans!e ree Tl'lat por!lon of e., AvefOlll', JD_OI) NO. ' •na localed •1 1 ll7 Santa Ana SANK OF AMERICA NT &5A leel wide, in Bloc~ 19 cl ''East S.de AG• StrHI. in 11\f CllV o! Coi.ta Mfw, (.olln· IEIMOnt,Olllt' Gillon to tne eall>Oa fr11t t", as snown :~;i~\::::.'.!~~.!:1~11~: ~!~~~;';!\1~i! '°"'l Votlley MaU on ii """P reco<aea Jn Boe~ •. P11ge ?Clot conwmmacea on or .iller Wfd"""'-"Y El Mon1t. c.alltor"la t\134 M1:t.c•tlant'o11' Mapi., In tM oUice o! the the 10th da, ol Sep!ember. 1915, EKF'lwNo.1'01·12JCM Col.Inly Record~• of w Jd Cown!y, lyir>Q thro119,, Eic•ow No. 13·1618, at H'M! PubU!olll!d Oranoe Coasl 0•11¥ Piiot. Dftwt.'en the Northeaster!' P•OlonQll- Hcrow dePllrfmcinl ol tne '5.l!nt" Anll c·-.. ••0• •o>< J.TI'i)5 lloni. 01 tne Nottnwe,1er1, and the Mtln Ofll<e Brilnch DI s ecu,.ty Piie.iit 5ol,ltlle11'1et1y une ol Loi I DI ..,;d Bloc•. Nalionlll Ban' •t 890 No. Mll •n Slrl.'l'l •n PUBLIC NOTICE il~•banOonea by Ille C•IY Co11ncU 01 the lhe City 0 1 Sotn•" Ana, co11nly ol C•h of Ne,.,porl Bea(h. R~'IOl11toon No. S B-t71M> '681, a Ce•lilit'CI copy ot "'hlCh wa' re-DtllnQt!, !ate ol C11hlornl11. ,,,,,.. S.o~ernber l, \'tSI i1' .,_. "°1', OATEOAu1111i.121.t9/S NOTICEOFTRUSTEE'SSALE • .......,,.. Gear Qt! w. o ·Ne111 T .S. No.1055 PilQt! ll!Jo! Of!l<lil Rtcords. Ann• O'N,111 Or> Stplemb!r 2•. 1975, 11! 10:00 A.M.. PARCEL4: Transle<ees CAL I f 0 RN I A G E NE RA L Tne Nortll,otslerly 6,00 feel o, ' ,._ 0 < 0 0 '' ,., o MOATGAGE SERVICE, INC., 11 CO<· Batbed Bo"leY•rd !formerly Central Publ ,....,a ranQe oas a Y 1 0 • Avenue~ of '"E1111 Side Addition lo tt>e A"lllllt ia. 19JS lXlS-1 PY••llon, as Guly 11ppointed Tru'1el! 11n. B•lbo.1 Tr.ic r ·, In 1,,., Cilo 01 Ne~rt "'' •na Ptlrsuanl to Oeta ot f•~I da\l!d ·--September 15, 197t rl!Corded Oete1">er Beath, (o.,nty ot OranQe, Slate of 20. 1'tlt, a• ln'il. No. \6461 , in bOOk 1 IJO'I. Cellfornlot, it!o ll'lown 11\ •Map recor<led ~ m ol Oltltl•I Recoros in tile DI-in book •. P•!le 20 or Mi-.c:ellilnf:Otl!> !ice ol IM C01Jnly Rec ... ra~r o1 Or.-.ge Maps, In the off ice of t"e Co11n1y County, Slotte of C•lilorn1.,, Rt'co•de• al w la Co11nty, tying belWffn WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Ille S011thWf'1erly prol0<>gati0<>S of the" P UBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ST ATEOFC.t.LIFORNIA FOR TME COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A·"4710 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR PllOBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMEN· TAAY IBONDWAIYEO) EUale of ROBERT J. TRACE. Dl!CN~ • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tl\llt DIXIE TRACE na~ llltd l>ere!n a pelf· 1ioli tor Proba!e ol Will and tor lsr.o.oance ol Lelters Testamenlary to HI!' peli· !loner (bond wav1eO) ret,.rer>ee to ""'k l'l I~ m.ade ,.,.. ""!Mr par!lcula~. _..., 111.,1 tl'it• time and place ol 1>eat1ng thtl ~ll'ena.s Deen HOI for ~ptember 16, 19/S, al 9;JO •.m .• In \M courlroom o! Oepertmenl No. l of S•ld court, at 100 Ci vic Unter Drive We•!, ln llW Cl!y 01 S..W.ta Al\il, Callfornla. Cited Auoust 1s. 1915 WIL.LIAME. St JOHN, COuntyCl•r~ WHITE,OBEAHANSLEY Mid FLEMING Atlor.,. y1 at Law 6MJ Vot11 NlllS 81~d. s..11,115 v..,. N11,s, C.lilor11I• '1'111 T,t: !11l) 7........0,17J-1tll Al-Yslor: htlllo"'r Pvbll!.M<:i Or•11~ (...,St Oaily Pilot, AUQ. 'lt, 19, and Sept.'· \91S 3331·15 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ... IGHfST 810DOER FOR CASM rtn-•terl' llncl !Fie S.011tlle11Sterly lPtV•b!e •I llme ol sot!e In ll"'1ul of Lat 1 in Block 19 of s•ICI Tract. as '"°"'' ot the uniled s1atei.1 al the• byt11ec1tvcouncilotttoe:CJ- Nor1h F1ont enttante to ll>e Oranoe ty ol Newport 8eacn, Reso1111i0<> No. County to11r1r.c11se 1cca1ea •t 7000vic SOl7. II tertllleCI copy ot "'"!th was re- Center Drlv' We\I, In the Clh ot Silnta tordeil Jun,lO, 1959, in book •780, p.rtg!! An•, Co11nly a l O•otnQe, Sl•te DI llolOfflcl•fRetoras, C:..llfornl•, all right, !ille Ind intere" 9 . PARCEL I ' conve')'ed ID 11na now ne1a riy ,, UllOt'f" Lot 2 in e 1oc1<. l'tof "f11st Skit Adell· \.lld O..fll ol Trust in tile pr0perty li0<> lo Ille: SalbOa Tract .. , J,, thecUyof •ll11•t'd In s•iG co11niy 11..o State Ne .... POrt Beach, Counlv of Oronoe • OHcrll!HI •'I: Stale ol C.hlornl•, a~ IMoWn on a map LOtlof Trac!No.1SlO, lntlll'CilyOI rl!CorOM in boo~ •, PllQe :70 ol M1s- Ne,.,parl eeich, co11nty 01 oranqe, ctllaneous Maps, In \Me office ol the Co11n1y Reco<Oer DI S8iCI County. Slo1 t of C•lllorniil, a1 per mllP •e-PARCEL 2: Corded Jn Book 291, Pa!1•5 11lo 21 In· lot 2 in Block L at .. 8•t Front SK· cl""I~ of Ml-.c:elli1neo11s Maps, In tr.. lion ot tr.. B•IOOe Tr.tel", in tM City of Ollie' of IM Co11nly Reco•lk!r ot 111•0 Nt',.,POf\ eeach, (q11nty ol Orllnll'I'. Co<>nty, s111te ol C•tllo•nl•. •s snD ... n on a map EJt flll all all. oil rlgl'its, rnlner.,Js. rl!CorOM In b<>Ck 6, page 1S ~ Mls- rnlMrll rights. n1t...-al Qas, not!Utlll OllS ceH11nec>lll Mllps. ;11 the otf<ee of \he rlQ"U, t1nd 01n,r nvaroc•rbc<ls by Counly Recoraer of '"'d cc11n1,. w!Wtsotver name known that ""'Yb! PARCEL!; w1t,,ln or 11nder lhe p•rcel ol lend That partlon o! BllY Avenue. '.ll,00 nerel"1bov' oescrlb!d. 1~111er "'Ith feel ,.,Ide, In Block 19 ot .. Ea~I Side AO- ,.,. perpelual rlQMI of drllHno. m11'1"11, allion to t~e Biibo.ii Tricl", as '""""' •~Plat'lnQ and OC)er11llnQ tMr110t and on 1 IT>llP recoraea 11' Boo' 4, Pa9t' 10of •IO<lr>Q In tnd rernovlnQ Mme from Mlscellott>fousM11ps,ln!l'M!oltlceoltt>e ~•Id land or any other la11d, lncludlr>Q County Retordfr 01 ~Id County, 1,;ng Ille right to MllP!olO<k or Glre<llonally b!l-..n Ille NDrl,,ell"l!f ly P'OIOl'l<.lll'- dfl!I 1no rn lne trom lanas otl>er lhan lion5 of t"e Nortnwes•erly and IM! tnow nerelr.abow Cle-.c:ticea. oil, or Q•~ Souttoe:e~terly 11"" ot Loil of said Block, -us. 1un"eis •nll sllalls Into, U....OUIJh •s 11o.a..-.eo by tile City Countn ot t,.,, or .cross tM s11bi.urlace ol Ille 1ona c11, ot Newpart a,11cn. Resolution No. nerelni1bo.,... Cle~c•ib!CI, ano lo bottom ~1. a Certll!ed <OPV of ... nlch "'"' ,,,_ '"'" .... n1111tacked or dlrecllon•lly <Orded $t'ptembtr J, 1951 1n 6ook '°'1-4, 1---------------ldrllled wens, tunnels •nd shills llnder p.aoe 183o!Ollici•I Rtcords, and llell<l•tn o• 11e,ond !he e"1trlor f'ARCEL4: llml" l"'reol, •nG ta redrill , •elunnet, The Norlne•slerly 6.00 feel ot !!Quip, mtlnlaln, rep•lr, Clelptn, -811100. 8oul,v••d (lormerly Cenlrll operate •ny Suen wells. or mines, A,...nllll!I ol "E•sl Side Addition ID t"'9 llfltholll, nawever, ll'M! rlgtll lo or111. Blllboe Trotet". In 1ne Cl•, al Ne""l)l)rt ml"'· slort, l!•Plor,, •n<J oper"e Be.tell. County of Or•n11e, State of ll'lrouoh I""' s11rfotee or IM UPJllfl" j()Q Olllor,,11, •i. MIOwn o" • Mep recor<Jed feel of the t11b111rl11ce of tile !Ana In bock •. ~e 10 of Miscell.neol!S P'M!relnobove Clest r lb!d, •s re~ In Mf>PS, In tne oHlc' ot the Co11<>l y tl'll! ~ rtco.-cMa A.111111•1 U1, I'll In Reconterots.1!aC011nt1,ly lngtie1-n lxlolc 11111Sl, ~ ,,...,ot1klal r11eorm.. tM South~ilerly pro1onoa11ons of Ule Tnet1rt1t•C1.dtes•1"6otl'lercOtTY"AOn No.-.,, ... sterlv •nd 111~ Southeasterly O.Sl\)"allon. U any. OI the rr•I pr<>1»r1y 11...., ol Loi 2 In Block 19 ol Si lG T•llCl.OS OHcrll!HI •bo•e Is p11rs>0rt•d lo be: No. abandoned by tr., t1ty Councit al IN! Cl• l r .... 1n '-"'" Cir(le, Coron• del ""-'· ty OI Ne"'POrt Be•'"· R'tol111i1;111 r.io. C•lllor?1l1 '2•2s '°31. a car1111fll COPY ol wni<h '*•s ....:· Tl'le 1U1C1er1ICJfled Trustee Gl'Klol..,. ordedJ-JO. 19S9, In oook,llO, Pt9' 11 .,.,. Ulblllly tor any l"<orr11etnes1 of ol0fll<l•l~rcord1. 111e ureet ..sartts ~nd ot,,t'r <ommon Prol!'•IY Is commonly l noW1'1 as nco llHlgnaliorl, II an,, ShCIWll Mt tin. Ea11 ~lboo B!va .• N'w1111rt BelK,,, S1la Ult .... u1 be m•O.. Ou• wllhoul (allla<nla <o••91•1nl or w•r••,,ty, '~P•ns or Im-Taoetfler wit" ell 1nd \inQul•r IM pllMl.r1!91rdln91tt11.POSles•loo,oten· tentmenli, "'•ed!larnen\s 11ni:1 ,..,_ <11mt>rance1. lo Pl'I t~e reme!nlnQprln. llU'ttl\lfl("IS 111te1e11nto belonQi"ll OI' 1111 clPll s""'of tM l"Olt'!sl secwred by I.lid •n.,..IMilJIP'tl•lnlno;i, Cited of Tr11ll. I0·..,11: '!9,$11.:11, wit" NOTICE IS t-IERE BV GIVEN1h810'1 l"tertsl IMreon. •i. prowlcttd In w k! Frk:Mi,, Siwltmtle• 2•, 197S, Ill 10:0l N>llCil. odwlll<H. II •n,, undlr \toe: o'cloc~ 11 Mitln Lobb,, Cour\l'o,lse, 100 ~rms ol s•ld 0.-tO of Trui.I, !Ht, Civic Cttnt'r Or .. Wt\!, City ot s.nt• <l'IO•llt' •M expen~ ol lhe T•\l!.ttt Ana. co11nly ol Ora119e, Stat• of -ol IM lr111l'i(r,1ted llT s•ld OMd ~ Cll!torn1•, I .... 111 'ietl •1 pt1bllc wctlorl Trvtl, to IN: "IQft.1,1 0IOder, tor c•sh Ir> lwwf11I TM tll<!tllcllry under SOIG ONd al ,,_, OI t"e UfOlted ~l1\e1, •II """" Tr11i1 "frttolora ••e<11ted ana dll-r10M. llU' •l'l!I '"'•••SI ol sold,...., livered to tn.e undtrllQ!lt'd • wrlttM f'nl'f\t OeOlwt !n thl ll:IO•• cltM.rlti.11 Decll••tlllfl ol Oll•~U •no Dlrnond IM orOl)lr1,. or wi much tMr,ol •1 ,....,. Cite s. ... •nd • "''Ill.,. Noll<• ol 0t111111 F'IO(ftMl''I '' ••Osl y s•ld exKul'-1. an0 Eirttlol\ to Siii. Tr., 11neltlr~ ,.;tl'IK<rwdln1,resl"1d <osts. cauMd uld NOll<•of 0,fallll ond EIK· l)lted •I Santa An•~ Glllfoftll-. Oon to s.1110 tit reco<Cled lh IM mun•t AUO\lll!O, 1915 -•tt.re1lp•QP11r1' lslo<•l«l. 8RAOGATE1. Dlte: A11911'1 Kl, \ti }, Sherlll·Cor-t • CA.LI FOFIN!AGENEllAI. CountyOIOl'1nqe, MORTGAGE $E AVl(,I;, INC, Ctlltw nl1' •1 Miid Tr1111~e. 9tC.A, Rlndlll, OtllUf't By /S/Jof\!IW.Btock HUNT , LILJ~STRO M Allm A11t. Viti Prtt, WENTWOltTM Alllhcr!lrH!IQ,,_lurl ~Mlltitt"tAl .... MY P •blllhtG He .. oo•t Marbo r 61SOYkClt<t!trOr.,Wnt ,....,. Prn1 comblntO .... 1111 thl Or-Siflto """· CltlfeftllatrJtt Coast 0.lly PllOI., AllC;. 21, ..-0 SofOI, '' Put1111hla Otanoe C..1t OAJfrFlllt. 11,lt1i mJ•I) """-•anG$tpt,.4.1l.lt!J - I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' P4 . OAiL v PILOT Thursday,Augusl28, 1975 . I Costa Mesa, Saddlebaek Casts· Set •rhe Cosl3 Mesa Civic· l'l<1yh1111!'!l'. \Yht <-h npl·nt•d 1{s last season s ucce-ssfull y "'tlh a pl<ay d1v1 th.·d 11\lo four one-act con1edil'S ("\'ou Knn\\ I C<1n 't llrur You When lhc Water's Jlun1un ~"), v.111 USl' lht· :;;a 1ne formula with its lt.";.11.loff µrod!:J~l1un fur J975-76. t he Or!.lnge County pr1.·n1i <'1'c of ''l'our on a (~a rden .'' Intermission Tom T itus • Ca st in th e firs t .sequence are Carol and Freet Knight, Kuy Oetting, Charles Logan an~ Mark Catena. 1'he second spotlights J ean Do wning and Robert Pique, with Logan returning, while director Norma Cavallo joins Fred Knight and K athy Marvil in the third act . A yoWlg man is still bei ng sought for a walk-on in the finale. Curtain will be 8 :30 for "Plaza Suite" at the El Toro audito rium . Carol Knight is handling tic ket r e· servations at 586·8342. Ocscrib£'d by director l'at1 '\';.imbelltni ~is "a lht• pr('n1icrc production of the newly organized :-;(•1;es of l'O nlic vi).!nl'lll·:-. v.'tth nu n1urc 010r;d S:uldl1.·back Va lley Con1n1w1ily 'fheater. 'fhe Neil than 'love is not llL'L't..·:.sartly a n1any.splcndort•d !"unon c·om edy h a s been bookt'd into El Toro High 1hing," •·the Abe l~urruv.'s eolll•etlon will st ~1 rt uff Seh~'ll.i l 's c·a1nl)llS theater fur l\\'O performances on· ,·.-~;;;::;:;:;:;;:~~;;::~~=;;;::-::::::;;:;:-:::::-1 the Civic J->Jay housl•s 11th ~l·asun on St•pt . I!#. ly, Si•pt :!7 and 28. ; Thr Jt1rrifyi11g nwtio11 Getting the l'vcning und1..•r \l,'JY ,,111 bf' ···r1u:·r1r ~ picl1trt' frotn the fany l.an11-1 .. with llarlcnc St<tnley, Jac·k \\'ill.t•n-l•rrr"gi'n.•/\'o.J'-•sl •l'll•r. baehC'r, Denise i\I cC'<tnlcs and 1'urn Cro\\ I. The 1.' S'Tll l ; OP .. cot ST R lD(•)CINI AS • 11 1' !H • s econd play is "J>oneho lk·tty'" \\'1th a ca:-t of Jal·k Walt Disney -,;,,,,~ ... ~'l ahcr, Diana Spencer. Sul' Pelll'gr1ni o.1nd J :tL"k Pr~octi~n\· '"~,.U';y ()gborn. ... --. ..... ..._ . BRUCF. CA MPl\El.I_. and llC"lene Briggs arc The ::...":"· 1 --""",._, ft"'at urcd in the third play. ··Torc;.idor, .. with APPLE '"WALKIMG TALL PART ;.111other aC"tor \'el to be 1..·a:.l. 'J'he finale , "The Hou:.t.' D'"''"'"'G nf DunklC"maYl•r ,·· featurl'S Da\'t.' DeSoto, Susu.• V!i&e"""· t'rC"ssi('r, Susie .SC"11t I and Joc Purpura. Pl•rfurman<.'t'S of ··f'uur un a Garden·· \\Lili,.,. ~i\'l'n St•pt . 19·20, 26 ·27 and (Jct J -4 v.·ith an 8 :30 ('UI'· l ain at tht• pl:1y houSl'. Ln the ('Ommun ity ccnll'r tl11d1t oriun1 o n thl' Orange l'ounl~ Fairgrounds. Ad· vance reser v<itions arc being takl'll at 556-5300. * .'\~OT ltE:lt l'Lt\\' d1vidl'J int11 unrelated St_•g . ments \\'hic h \\'ill open tht.• sc;i:-.on 1s ··Plaza Suitt_•,'' l A MIRADA WALll ·l"I i ARCA l"I ~R ICE 11 SO MO"IDAV !~<Y $ATUROAV (f HfPI "oltd1ytl 1J lC-5 o~ l o •1 .. 0 " .... , .... ttl /100 l .. <11• .... •tll ot •"n 11! ·~10 Su '''I' frn•11 II '""""1 Ito I ~l 1111 ,,_." Ull! .... •i.u _ ... _ .. ' !lACll. CHllSTMAS 111 SCAlfCI OW 11> Hin" l lol ... , .,,.u .. ~ll ·l/11 .... '" ~(Qh ........... ""' s·•:., Wh ite l ine fe•tr ... .... :;·:. I Q<i"" ...._ ,,, .. '\, ,, ., • BREAKOUT '"'' 111<1 llti lo •' '"'" '"'' ""••1 !li ·"U ""'" ... n tl t! toll 11•4 'l"l h• ..... ,., t., ...... . ti! ... . ~tJ 00 1111-. ... nu - WAlKING TALL U 1,.1 ••• AINOl0 1t111 Th• hometown newopeper for all the Orange Coas t Is the ' 'Music' Back In Theaters LOS A:'\"GELES {.'\!•) -\Vith ils box·uffice re· C'ord being threatened by "Ja\\s." "The Sound or :\lusiC" .. is g etting a <"h:tnrt' to add to its re· l'E.>ipts . 'fht> 1965 musieal is opening this \\ et'k a t Radio City ~I usie ii all 111 Ne\\' "f ork. DIANE KEATON LOCill Newport T11lent ;n -1.0\E .11 111 DL\Tlf" G•"•W•IO•• "Oll'ACKSER FORTUNE" hoo 0 Co""" on !ho B<On• "VISIONS" [A" Fm! Trip I.to Y-M4 1n.,,.eo a n<>w >.~<l ol C•"""" too-""l "'"'"'"° Oy art"'' 1nat' tio;<'n rin1 .• ..-<J a> Tl'I<: E•o•naM C•nema "' '"" ri.,.. ""'""c P.'1 l'.o•n 1001• ouc:n a• 'Ynlh"'""'" CO'l''l"•'O". an•mal•Of> •IYJ ~•ne' ~"""''"1 etta-:1S ,~,. a<'«I •• 111>1e to ~·eale "'"''"'I ti al l><llo•e CQ<•l<I ""•' ""'' on !"<! •m&(l1r>ot1on of tr>e rnono ~·~IONS ... , oe.-gneo 1,,. g,,.,..._ ~''"""la"n" ano .,,,,0.,11 11ntert••"""'M le all I"°"" and •Q<·• D~ _,...r""l to '""" ·-~1oa!·o~. ,,.,,...,. cf...,,,...,. and love 10< c"a~1, 1561 W. SUNfLOWER W, OF B RISTOL C.M . 5 40 -0594 A.Al'PU DUM,LIMG GANG V Swi1i1i f-"Y lobilt-IGI .,,ART II WAUIHG TALL" ..,2 IN THE SHADE'" 0l"'n Daily · l l lO Mon ll'HuFri tol.OO PM ·~1 lS THE CITY SHOPPING CENT RE ORANGE •532 6711 ~CITY CltolTAE'C:iMEM4S S.A. FRWY (MANCHESTER EX I G.G. FRWY !CITY DR,[)(.) "You"g Fra"ke"stein" "M•A•S•H" ,rn THE I ULLnN "IRUKOUT'" '"'\.O't'E' DEATH" '"9UAC& SU FORTUNE" with G''"'G , .... , .• , tlR ''' . s ..... r .... .,, ~ .. 111- 2" IPGI 1.J1>-l·J1 5 ......... 11, Ao<""'"" ' " "' • FOIMTA_,. VALLEY • ...,.,._.,.,,,_,.. . ...... "W ALKIMG TALL PART 2" J:te '·'' ,._,, "MUR,H THE SURF"' GENEAAl CINEMA COAPQAAflON --=:=::::;;====,- con a. MESA .. ~.>ts. Daily From 2 P.M. . . One of our Dinosaurs is Missing TWO GREAT FAMILY FEATURES TOGETHER OM O ME llLLJ "N AS HVILLE" IRI "'RJHHT LADT"' IPGI '"FOi HTE'S SAKE• IPGI "'MOHTE ,YTHOM & HOLT GRAIL'" IPGI ''fORTUME"' '_'TOMMY". "'O THEI SIDE OF THE MOU MT A.IN" "DOW N Hill RACER"' IPGI ""FAIEWEU MY LO't'Et.Y-111 "SHAMPOO" llJ "Am.I: DUM,LIMG GANG" SW1S5 FA.Mil Y IOllMSOH'' IGI "'lrTf THE IULLET" IPGf ''lO't'E & DUTH" lltl e n Tiarg<•lf"' .\Jartn•·t..'S SI. 50 Til 2:30 SL•n10 :-("1t1zc·ns SJ . ')Q at all times SOU TH COAST PLAZ A TH EATRES SO.COAST PLAZA II S4•·1JS? hi Grow• ... & Grow1; "'IEYOMD THE DOOR" IRI 1:l0 I f;JO 1<fl /"M<I. -..._ l:lO J,JO CINEMALAND THREE A~~~"r.1 DEMONIAC ,ASSIOM UYES IEYOMD THE DOOi 111 'I \ •·10 10 )0 1<fl./1-o -4M-. l:t l l:OO lt>!t l :l i l JOlll".10 ..,A•T Z-WAUCING TALL'" ')O ..-Y ~<fl. !-. --'101·10 .. JUDGE ROY IE.AN" I 10 10 JI Sol, _/._ l.00 1:10 111".ll "OTHER SIDE Of MT." 7 00 10.10 l.t./-~ l:ll 1 11:11 "'l IM THE SHA.DI" 1:111.i.1-.1-1:11:J:li1:11 so 1.0 ... 22_ .. St.,. of llat• .. "~\· ·: .. ~_;;:..~¥ "i t •. , ' •• 1\ .:·· ' ··, :.i·;:,\ . ,;'.\' •.•. .,·! :r-.:' '.\. I "' ' \' . ·.·• .. Md acnen ~°' 2 of Kf'Ml'I• most , l,NV[llSAl PICTI.Jl fEONC~' Rt.H.WISIOH" r-.ntM producet• L--'-----,---,---,,:c---:- A9q&ll'9CI the enort• of 3 ms}of sludlo• plus mllHon• dobn . All for YOUR enMrtlllnnwntl CO.HIT AT WEST "BRANNIGAN'" P.'"~,;;J;,OHN WAY~Nl!i!E~ .. ,_,.,."' .,.,.00'1t"'Tlt 644·0760 MAKES BEN HUR LOOK LIKE AN EPIC IT'S BETIER THAN "BLAZING SADDLES" OFI "'t'OUNG FRANKENSTEIN'' ·-- Y1IOC1•nc.u<••---•-IHI (PG) IODlllNI Plus ' KAAEN BUCK G. HARIOR TWIN ''THE DAY OF DONALD ~ ... Oo••1w .. 10.. THE LOCusr· SUTHERLUND 46·0571 646-1266 CINEMA WEIT '"''"""'"" to\M»•ll! """-tlll!IO 191-4491 •l.Us M.US DONALD IUTHERUND ELLIOT GOULD ,SALLY KIL LEAMAN IN THE CLAS•C "M~SH " Merce des -Benz Authori zed Dealer/Low Lease Rates . (714) 831-1740 to 01 5•" c.._..,. (714) 49&·1700 1-fuJ n": , ~qt~J.!!ft r~~\WUUrJHUi~[J..L~ J"l:t:t ;;AN ORGY FOR MOVIE-LOVERS!" r · _,....,_~HO, '"° ..... YO<~ .. NOT SINCE LCWE SlDRY . ., l ll11.·li111.•-.f1~·~1~ loll>\1111111•:11. I f11· ,'\l!h'lll ,UI ( )h llll'll' -.\..1 , • •nl1·1l. I. ·r 1 d 11 ,..._ Ir .L):i• I. ill 1,~.j,,.1'\1"1\lh1u): \•11! 11,·r 111,·. 1\11,l1\l111to1u11dll" 11W..11.\!~'· tn 1111· ti 1n W..l)",l 1 tl11.· k '\\.' 111 ~ ~i..· \\'l'Y"l"-'1i.1I n1.1n. PG " .......... ,~ ..... . .O.•-.., • G;r., 1Ml1 o..~., ·~.l'I ,,..,o -~---"-C---- - -'" ...,.. DRtV BRISTOL IV -..... -NOW PLAYING 1.c... ... ......,..._ 540-7444 IN ORANGE COUNTY CIHEMA VIEJO t •••11"'0''"' 10,.•u '"'''""'~"' 110·6990 CO-HIT AT VIEJO "THE OUTER SPACE CONNECTION" !rt w1.ng.1!~.1g.~ SU.N CONNl lY (PG) CAHDIQ lf.GIN. klOKDOUGU S ·(R) C1>Hl1 Al Cel'llet" "THE DEVILS RAIN" You'll FEEL ii as well as see it.. ':l . • ' ·-\. STEVE Mc0U£EN PAUL NEWMAN ThutSdoy, Aug us I 28. 197!!1 OAIL V PllOf 1)5 P UBLIC NOTICE t.IOllCl!.O, I Ll!.t t1Qf4 N0ll(I: IS HLllEllY Gl\IENH..,l a -clai tlat l..,.11•1 llftn c tll•ll~woU r... ,...ra on it.. tth oay al No-.. , ltl~, .. ,thin lmP,6v11111n1 ll"l•KI NQ0 l<lf lt'9 lrvl"<I Rtnth Wtlei l1••1•1cl 1.,. lht Pll•llOl.e <If '"Omlt1tn11 to 11,. vl>lf< \ ol Wla l•fl1><ovemar11 DIUrl" 1"'° PfO-P<>-11 OI "Wllelfttr 01 "Ill P•tvlo..,1 , l \llhOrlLMI 11111 ""'l\lutl<I ve ... <•t "'1119'1 llOn -llll lrt1C110,.,...,.nl Ol1lr•cl No. l al WIG Dl•lr l<I 111•11 1M lu.vt'<I, "NJ """"lllll Qoll'IOl•tl OIWQll+on lllln(.li 01 IH1'1•0.,.n19nt 0•>111~1 NoJ l"I \ft!!IDll• l"ct In lht 10011101111 amo .. nt "' M,UCl.000 llltll IM •YlrlO>Uta ""<! "' ~.lo• 1111 P..•P<IMI \ltl•d In 11'1f ll'O-l>Olltlon ,.,,,,1.,.1111 \Ml lonn In 11111 ""1•<•. t!I ut .. 111cn O()nch •ll~ll lio•i>t 11 IJtt !rom ,,_..,,,,,.,.!\ I.:. l!OI le••ell nn<I u•llttl•O ••(hJll •tl~ WllO" ltn<ll Wllll•n wlll ln11><01rem1n1 01,1r1c 1. Adams Cup Champion To Be Decided Today i..old llOOOl tht ll bi'll r 1nt11r1,\ 11\" ••II°',,,,, nol !O ••ttttd •IQl!l l)llt(tnl !I'll.) Pl• 1nnyn1. Pty•blt \tml• 611n~a!ly, lllt t<IYll •tit Of •flt' I ncl un·11 <lt Pt•n>en t I.:. boo 11elv•mol'>l..:l up. on'"" urte 11wr1ot 11\t DlllOI\ "''<I •! IM tlttUQn Ill.Ill bl In I"" lorm P••Ut1ti.<1 b• 5ectk>n J)10lo ol m. w .. 1,r Coot. ln• loUOW<"'iJ r11iu1r.n"1ent' '""!I bl "°''' vO'd l•i Eocl'I b•llOI , ... 11 111\rt • Ill• lor llHI !Ille at 10'' 111.t top l'O> """' g1 Ult iw.1101 two In<""•"°"'" tn.d 111r11 .. 1 !o the lap lf\tft•ll . F•om lll•' ptfl«lll!d - ' _, By ALMON WCKABEY o..ur ~1111 ... u ... 111.i'°'" By the time this is read, lherc will be a new women's national sailing c hllmpion a nd a ne~·. name on the Adams Trophy to prove it . 1'he new Adams Cup holder will be either Cindy Batchelor or Peltipaug Yacht Club, Essex, Conn., or Allison Jolly of St. Petersburg Yachl Club, Sl. Petersburg, Fla. !lrw It IM top ol tilt Dlllol 1 .. •\ittl "9•111<1\td lint '11111 IM pll(td In Ille ti llnltt Of 1111 DIUOI, The Lwo skippers were one haU point apart when the cham- pionship se~s went into final two races at'l2:30 p.m . today with Batchelor leading. \bl AbOvt Ille PtrlOt~lod .,,_.tin.ti ""1111111 \IOI!' 01 u11 ""'"'"1 l>'f•l<lfll•Qn tl'lf IMlllOI 111111 bl p•lnll<I wlll\ 1rw ntfflll OI Ill~ lmprov1m1n1 Ol!iUlet. u-.i <l•te ol 1111 tl~(loOn •ntl the 1>1llOI n""'blr . All Dtllob 1ho ll bl nun10....a ton~~<Ytl~tly !iltrl1nQ w•tll n11mb9• ••• kl Above the 111'1or1110 llnttndlo ,,..., 1111 01 tht ~•rUcot 1>1••o•o••on ,,,.11 bi: P1ln!1<1. "N~mtllr 01 volt\ ~llUMI toca ... ··.-\<I) llbove 1111 po•rlo•oteo 11"1! lhe touo ... lnQ '"'n oe prtnhtd In~ oroer ~.1.,m11,.dl ~d· !O 1111! nam~ ol 111•· lmp•o...,ment 0 .. 111~1 •no th1 <1.it1 01 tltcUon . IJI '"Numbr• ol WO!•• tnliU"° IC' c•11;··; \J! A !tlllltl bll<-Une. lmme<ll•tely vnGe• 1111 line '11111 bl p1ln!ed; '"FolC bOltom ot l)tllot ui:i 10 thh l•"<I ·· !'! Tl'e bond PlopG\•llon \obi '"°' ml !ltd lo Ille •Oii r\. !1) APPfaptla\I •Qutrtl WwU bl lllilKtO titer !he proposlllan on In. rlglll sl<ll! 01 the Dtl lot : UI All(tropr ltle vo\•n11 ln•t1i.cUont Inly be Pll<td on tl\11 D.11101. Thal On Ille Wllol\ lo be vteO at ~le ele<tlon lfl t<Khllon 10 a"T otr>er ""'' !tr\ '~"lrtO by ltw, 11111!•1 •Nll Qt pr lnled wblltnlitlly tne 1011.,.on<;r. OFl<IClAL&ALLOT IMPllOVEME NT DISTRICT NO.JDF lllVtt.IE RANCH WATER Dl~TIUCT SPECIAL llONO El.ECTION "'ov.,,.,1s To •Ole, '''""'I C•OS• t • l .n ! .... vol •n<;r Mll>l•t 11!11 1111 wtrtl "YEs·· Of ollt< tne word ''NO''. All ma rk • "'""•wise m1<11 ere lo•b•OGen All tll\1 l"Q.,IShln<;r ma•~• ''' rorbl<l<ltn 1no ""'ke tl'le b.:l!lol void It \'Oii WtOll<>tlY "'""~• IPlr, Or deltCI! th11 b.lllol, rtlY<I\ II lo the ln~lot ol tltc!lon•"" Oblt•n tn<>tller, Diiiy Plltl St.lfl P~o THE RACE tightened up Wed- nesday when Batchelor recorded third and second to maintain her lead over J olly who won the fifth race and placed third in the sixth Winner o r the breezy sixth race was Carol yn Newcomb of the host Newport Harbor Yacht Club but the victory came much too late to give the local skipper a chance at the title. ADAMS CUP FINALS WINDING UP IN CLOSE CONTEST Batchelor (274) and Jolly In Two-Race ,Decider Until Wednesday's sixth r ace the series ha:s been marked by light air a nd the "nornial wester· ly" has been c.onspieuous by its •absence. The light southerlies have been accompanied by a heavy swell which hindered some of the crews bn the beats to weather. Wife Battles Mate In Powerboat Race - STAN DI NGS: 1. Cindy Batchelor, Essex, Conn., 2-1-2-4-3-2, J3 ~. 2. Allison Jolly, St . Petersburg, F1a.,5-4-l-1-l -3, 14 1/4. , At a time when women are t.le· manding equal opportunity in the sports world they've already at· ta.ined it in the rough, h.igh-speed world of offshore power OOat rac- ing. The San Francisco Offshore Power Boat Race, Sept. 13, wi ll have as its h ighligh a possible husband and wife battle. Both Betty and Paul Cook or Atherton are entered in the race and OOth are driving boats capable of win- ning the overa ll prize, the Dante Tognoli Memorial 1'rophy. Mrs. Cook finis hed third in the recent Marina City Offs hore Classic. Her husband will be driving the more unusual or the two boats, KUDA, a tunnel-hull design by Ron Jones of Costa Mesa. The boat has two pontoons joined by a "wing." In each pontoon there are positions for two c rew mem- bers and a 496 cubic inch MerCruiser engine. Mrs. Cook ·s boat is a tradi· tional deep-vee Cigarette hull with two 496 cubi c i n c h MerCr uisers. It was formerly owned and campaigned by the late Dante Tognoli and was known as Dante's Inferno. It was driven by Tagnoli 's son, Steve. Mrs. Cook is the only woman 3. Ruth Morton, Annapolis, Md., 7·3·3·3·2·6, 24 . 4. Becky Wood , Newport, R .I., 3·S.4·6·4-5, 27. 5. Carolyn Newcomb, Newport Beach, Calif., 8-6·7·2·6·1, 29~. · 6. Pat Katon, Hawaii, 6-2-8-5- DNF-4, 33. . 7. Helen Ingerson, Rochester, N.Y .• 1-8-6-7-5-8, 34 3A. 8. Darline Hobock, Tulsa, Okla, 4-1·5·8-1·1, 38. -... driver now active in the big Fi"re Con· trolled open class or o ffshore power OOats. She previously raced in the s maller sports class, driving PIRU (AP) -After a Cour.dciy a32-foot Bertram . Mongoose. battle by more than 70 fire The 115-pound Betty says she is fighters, a l,lOO·acre brush and determined to beat the men at timber blaze in the Los Padres what has been previously an all-National Forest h as been con- male sport. The deter1nination in· trolled before causing severe eludes her hus band, says Betty. damage to water s upplies. --~------ BONO PROPOSITION: '!>h•U Ille l•v•M R<1r1C P! Water Ot\lrlcl '"''" ;,n aCOl!!ontl ln<1~b11<1ne'' ono:i l•t"e llf'''"" <>t1H9otlon bO"<I' tor 1""'ro-..i-men1 Qli1r!C! No. J tl\t rto! In 1ne amount or \.6.~~.000.11 I !TIO~•""'fTI In• le•eSI ••le e>! ti QM 11ercen1 II' I Pt• <In· num, lo t t<1ulrc ;1nd con >1 r11C1 WO•-• 1n<1 rOK.h•loe\ IO• the tollertlon. 1'"1~t· ,,,.,nl, om! a1spg,,1 ol 'twaoe , on<ludon<;r !nt1rc1ptor !11clhtlet, t•e1tment pt""'! la<IHll•s. ellh"'nt t11u1otal !K1llt•fl, pllllfl, p,.mp1no l!Qulpm tn! ana •II ntte\S••Y equipment ano c•o!>l'•l v 11••,,••o• •<qu"llWJ lun<h to lul!oll <Ofl· lrKtllll cc1mmllmenu 10 <•<•Y ou1 '"' P<l""'' •11<1 Pll•POSI!' OI !I'll! 01\lrlct <onltlMd I" cont••<h. lntlU<lillQ con-tracts w•tl'I otlll!r •o•ncles, 1111 caymenl r.A ocer11lno •11<1 ot ne• co••• Ol ttw 01,,_ tnct tn<I tht tsltbl!tlllT\tnl of 11!0f cart 01 Ille band ••w•vt l""<I oul 011,.. Pit· •-•ol !t>e w!t ol said bond,. •II !n Ill:· (Of!IM\CI! .. 1111111e plMI ol WOfN\ tor Im· P<O .. ment OfstdCI NI . ] ., lle<l!IOIOrt amrndld by tncl Otsc•ll>e<I In Rtlo01u· loon No. 1'1s .... s ol 1111 8<>1ra o1 Ol•K· 1or.oi w10 o.ur1t1.1nc1 th•n t"" 1•v•"" P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE . · P U BLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE R•ncn W•tt• Oos\flc l h'"' P<t.,.1oo~IT '-;:::c;:::c:c--:7"'---,,,-c----1-~==========-l ---;:-;;~:-;:::;:--;;:,;;-,::o;-.,.--·I ·-------------""th0111e<111ut u•ussut<I (le"'"" Ol>llQd· f 11 ... 11\nCl•y ct lluyu)\, l~I S. SUP£ 111011 cou Ill OF lHE FIClll!OUS aus1t.1ESS l111n bon<h lor Improve..,.,,! O!strict /s/ L. E , Ebrrllny 5T ATE 01' CAI.I FOii H IA f'Oll NAM E t.TA TEMEt.IT No. l lor 1111 Pll<POSI OI ClrfYlnQ Oll1 Prtso~nt ol th• TH E COUNTY OF Oltlo ... GI! Ttw! loUowlnt pt!rM>n• tre doinQDl,n.i• said amt~ p11n 1 YES NO 8<>1r t1 0IOl•ec tor•cl t.lo.lo·IM'1l MSS 11' tr..-lneRan<l'IWatl!tDoslric l NOTICE OF HEAR IN G OF ,.0AM'SlEAF,319$"K"AlrllOl"1 Tl>t f>O/I lo• •aid tlf'lllon 1Mll ~ ISi ll rtnur C. Ko•" PETITION FOR PllOllATE OF WI LL l..oop OrJllf, Ctsl1 Ml!il, Cal itornl• (>pined Ill 7.00 o'Clot:lo. A.M., on IN Setretary "IUie AND FOii LETTERS lEST,.MEH· 9'2"26 n>0<nln9 Of 'tl<I ele<lion •nO VU>ll 0. 96ordolDltetlors ol TAllY PREP SHOP lNCORPORAlEO, I ''"'open Ufllll 1 >00 o'<lot:' P.M .. on llvlnt R .. nchW•lt• OiSlritl ES1il lt ol EUNICE A. WHIT!:, C.IHornia corporal Ion, 3198 "K" that <l•y, when !ht l•me Shill be IS !L.E.£betlino O.ce.l\l!d. Al•PO•I Loop O•lve, Coste Mesa, tJO!ol!<f. 11/C.O.Relnhlf! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that C.alltornl.l'2626 Said lm1><ovtment O!strlcl 'hill <on· !SI F .F. Kt lier CHAR LES E. WHIT E na~ Ult<I /lftetn" Thli b<nlness Is conclucll!d by t CO•• ~lllutt I 'lnQI~ tltc llon P<tCln<! IOI' lhf' /SI E.R Ou•t,1l1Y. Jr . Pt'!•lion tor Proba!e ol Wiii end IOI Is-poralion. ;>urpOH ot llol<l•n(I s1l<1 tlecllon. Tne /~I C H.Olov,., t...-.nce ot LeHt•• T~\!emtnt•r• to !hf PREPSHOP lOillllQ pltCI! lor said precinct \lllrll bl-.... O Pl!1111one ,., 1 11 INCDllPORATEO, /If 1111c1 r.treontlltr dtsiQrwl~. and .-ublli.l>fd ••nqe Coasl Oiioly Pilot ' r er1nc1 o w ICh I•""""" "' Pf'""'' ""''ln•ll•• ,,,med, bofl"'" AUQ. 14, 11, 18, 1no Sep I. •. 19/S J109-1~ !or hHll\o!' D•rllc ,.11r s. .ind that \hi • C.tltornl t torpor ation ···-------------lime and place ot Mlr!l\Q 111e ume Ms G.8. Oen, Secr1t1r, >el"Wn~ q..alll!t<I Ind entitled lo Y0te1I l>f!"ln i.el Tor s.tctember 16. 191S, at 9. JO This stalemenl "WIS !lied with ti• 'ldl<I l!ltchon, htve been 1ppo1f'lted 1115 PU BLJC NOTICE '·"'·· •n \lie coun•oom ol Oep;lrtmenl CounlY Clerk ol Or1noe County on J"I~ membl!rt of Ille Bot•tl ol Elt<llon. No, Jot Slt<I tou<I, it 100 Civic ~te• JC, 1'7S. lnj,pto!;lor, Judlle end Cltrkl. rlSPI!'<-o 1 h""'IJ, tnO Is tlll!rftjltes tor \Old 8<11rd t.IOTICE OF ll Ul.K TllAt.ISFEll 've West, 1n trie Cltr O! 'i>dnl.J AN, F"'2S7 NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVEN TO C.h!O•nlo. Pl,ibtls.hf.d O••noe coau 0.Jlly PllOI., ol E!et:loon, "Wiiien 1111rn11ttt WU. In THE CREDITOR· o• CO"A M''' oate<I A•~usl17. 191S .... u JI 11 51 I . 19/S -,, 1rie orMr on wl'lotll !her are a~nl..O, ~ ~' '-""' · · · ' -·· ' 11 · ' ""''" 1111 iny1roCon<lf• on the eoa•dOI EIK-AUTO PA RlS, INC., t•ansteror, lhal a Wll.LIAM E. 51JDNH, lloniltnr ol lllt'mtmbersallPQl~tt<lto bulk lrlnSler Is ib0\11 to be matll! Dr Co~ntyCle•~ y ld Bo4or<I OI Eltcllon do not •He<lll al Trtnsleror, wl>Ose b"•iMSS a<ldtt" I~ CHAii i.ES E. WNITE tt...open lnq ol lllt pgtl, 1165 HarllOr Bh<I., in tl'le C•IY ol Co!it• 1121 W. Brookpgrl POI.I.ING PLACE . 'llQ Tllbuco Mtll, Co11nt r O! Orange. Stale ol CIY1ni,Cllilornl1tUJZ Rood. El Toto. Calllornt t Cahlorn+a, and '"of wl'>O'I ot/lf• Mt-T~: \Jlll llt-Jn• l"\.PICtor: Jec k HUI MSS nomes and a<l<lres!ols uU!<I w11n1n AttorMJ tor: Pttllloner J..oQe: Git' Bltcl<tiur" lllree rears last pis!, so ta• as known 10 Put>11\tl1<1 O•a"qe Co•'I Otilr Pilol, Clerks: 5U\lfl Allen, Mt•y Orlwars 111n1lt•ff. t tc Cll.M A Ul0 PARTS. AllQ. 11, ltl.11nd 51111 . J, \~IS 31911-15 INC., to ROBERT W. COOPER and Alterl\llts: Carolyri Ayres, Ptlll MARGAR ET N. roOP"R H·~k-~~ PUBLIC NOTICE Lam t s; Jtmes Koerl>tr ; John '" '-· y,._,..., PUBLIC NOTICE Fl(llTlOUS llUSIHESS NAME STATEMENT 1"111! lo!lowinQ ,Ptr5on l!i <IOi"Q Dusi· ....... ,,., HUNTLE'r' ANO ,.SSOCIATES, 11261 Lido 1.n., Huntlnoton Beech, Cl1Uorn+a'26oll YO.,,.Q'Sltad end Wiit. ~~Joint t tftjlflh, lrAftSltrff, l--~=======~--lo De Qllllllled 15 6 volt• end 10 be W!IOil! business i<Ulr&s~ I• 1411 Pet,tla•r .,_llUed lo ,.01, 11 5110 e!tttlon !ht Estates Drive. In !hi! Col, or P•\.a()ena, Pf'•l<ln must be• no l<lt• of 11111. ;tde· Countv O! l.os llngeles. Stat~"' 11...,<1"' Sett•on lol021> or \ht W•ter Code Ctltlornla, ,01 Ille lolle>.,.•n(I Ol!!lt"bea of11111St11110IC1l•lornio lolandon!olll<I Pl'ri.onal P 01>erty O! Tran•lero.-, lo- 1mpro1rem1nt OIUrlct". E.atl\ volt• wit~ 1 . . sriall n<1ve one (1! vole ror eac n AU tl0<:t n l•odt. l•~hire-s. PQu1p. <10lltr '1 WO:>rlll ol lend !o "Wllich t>e hol<lt ment tn<I QOO<I wltl ol "' tertaln Au!e> !Ille. l/lf !ISi equilllll!d ''"'""""' Ptr!S business kno"'n as COSl A MES/I book ol !he Dlslrkl Is con<luslv• AUTOPAATS,1,..C.ant11or111"t11111!65 evlden<e o! owntrslllp tnd ol lht vii,. Htrbllr Blvd., ln the City 01 Co•lo ~SI, ol the land s.o owne<l t•C•PI Ill.ti ln Ille County or Or1noe. '!>tale ot Ctl!lo•nla, t-..nt an assestment I Or 1111 Oli1rlcl Ml<l ll\at lh1 lor1golnQ bYlk lfansll!i" w111 Ms n<>I Deen m•de •~ti le vied lor tt>e bl tonsummtll!d on or 1!le1 Tuesday. yee• u'I wr.kh itld eltcUon is 10 be llfla, tllf. S.ton<1 <llY OI September, 1~1$, 1P>1las1equt ll it0 11ss1ssmen\rull01tne !hrDUQh Ettrow No. 11>9·'836, 111 !t>e County ol Ortn ot Is contlYtl v• escrow Ot11.1rtment ol Ille NtwDO•t t"i<ltnCt ot ownerthlp 11nd ol '"'vet.,. Center Oll ot t. 6r1nch o! 5e(u,,1y OI l•fld s.o owned . e:,.1,1 vote•. or hil P1<llk Na!lon~1 Ben~ at 1~ Newoofl 1eo11 fl!Cfl!tent11tove mty ,,011 ellt"er In Canttr Orlvt I · 0. 801< 1160) fn th<! Co· peri.cn or b 1 potr!.O;, 0,.1, tCllOlnled 15 Iyo! NewpOr't Btl<l'I. co .. nty OI Oranve. Huntlty Bit-Okhlllm, 1n'1 Lkk Lii., Hunlln91on Be•(P!, C11itornl11 '1M7 FICTITIOUS llUSIHES5 This bu$1lle$t II cofld11cl1d bJ tn I,._ NAME STATEMENT <ll.,ld..al. his pro~• Y ··LeQtl repr eitntatlve" StateOICatllo•nlt. ......,, an ~lfltltl ol t corpO•ttlon o-· OATEOA .. Qu'S! u, t91S lnog llfttl tfld metns 1 Qutrdltn, 1~-Rot>erlW.Cooper eculOI or 1<1m!nlt\rolor ol the t•late Of Maro1rel N. Coopotr \hi! l'loltlt• ol tlllt 10 lin<I wl\o \.Ill 15 111-Transle••ee , pointed "n.dt• trie 11ws ot 1nl• 5tltte !bl PubHlhtd Oranoe Coas! O••lr Piiot, Is en\ I\ led lo POlteSSlon of tl'lt tsU:te'S .t.UQ .. ~I 11, I.I} 31•J.IS ltn<I, and It) 1, tllll'>Orl11<1 by !hi -polntlno court to 11•rc11e 1r.11 c-.....,.1 PUBLIC NOT ICE rlyhl, p1lv1l191 or lmm .. nlly wl>ICl'I hi -----\«ks lo ••trclse. Belo11 1 leoa t NOTICETDCllEDllORS ·~twntal lw m.1y "'olt ti stld tltt· SUPElll IOR COUlltT 01< THE lion, ..... m11~t P••wnt lo 1111 Bcrtrd of SlAlEOFCALIFOllt.lllo Election t c1rtllled copy of sai<I FOllTHECOUt.ITYOl<OllAt.IGE elllhorllv, which 111111 tM 111111encl1ueo t.lo.A-MQ6t wllh~r1turnsoftll1el1<!kln. E1t111 of DON S. DOIG. JR .. No 1ppolnlment ol t Pf<IMJ thllll be Dt<ttwcl, ... lld, atceoleO, or. YOlf 1110-d NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVENIO!he thtrton unltll 11meel'111 ot tt...lollow· crtdllors ot 11\t tbove n.imeo <ll!tl<ll'nt lnQ requlr•menu: It ) H 11 In wr!tl'19; fl'lll •11C-•90ns111vlno c111m1 -lnM lbl It lst•tCu!td Dr the perwn0t ieo-1 lhl 11lcl <llctdent Are requlrt<I io lilt APftMnttllW of tht perwn who, In llC• them, w!tP! 1111 neC9Jltry voucher~. in cordance wit~ the prov111ont ol S«tlon lhe oll+ce ot 1111 tle•k of th• •bo~e ~~­lSOOJ or ll(IOl.1 of tht W•ltr Cooeot 111e Ulltd<-1,or 1011re11nt them, wllll 1ne St&tt ol Cllllornle. 11 enU111d lo IM 1WCl!SSlffVOIKP!tr•,tolheunde<1IQr>e<I vol11 tor wl'l lth Ille prO MY 11 Qlven · le) •' Ille Olllct Of Hlllln &. Hahn, 301 E. I! ls ec-nowltc!Qed o• ctnlf lod 1~ 11<· 'Ccrlort<IO Bf.,d. ~900. PftSMle"•· C•oit cordtnc1w11ri Se-cllon Jon.SolthlCoOt •1101 ... 11ic111111111111c1 ol b.,-.i~~ol of Clvll Ptot:ld,.rt of tne stilt o1 lhl Vl'ICll!l'S+9'11d In 1!1 mttt~rs perl•tr .. C.ll1<1rnl1: (OJ II 1peclllel 1111111tUan ln<;rlOllll lll•lt OI said <11c.otnl, wllnon 11wl>l<ll It 11to 1>e us.ea; 1nd 1e111,,,.u 1011r mon~M tlttr Ille llrlt 1111blk1toon Tl>f faJIOwmQ "'°'~$art <IO•"'il bu!.i-• Hunlley B. Qkllolm ... t\5i$ Thi\ SlllefTIO!nt WI$ IUl!d with ,,,. RfoVE. bell Delia nee Dr., Hunt· County Cler-ol D• .. nQe co .. nty onJ~I• IOQ!on llttch, C111lornl1192f>,I / \0, 197$. Rlrartlo L. Co~t•llo, 6811 OeliftllCe F45'U o~ .. Hunl•noton Be.11th, ca11torn•a 9'/f>,11 Publlslle-d Oranoe coas t 0111., Pllol, \/l•Q<nlil II. Ctillllo, b8\! Oell~llCC llllQU$t I, u.11.1•. 191j JOO:l·l5 Or., Hunl lnQton ElflCh, Ctlllornlt'2MI •-------------Vlrbhan<11s Asr•nl ll1j11n, 6811 DI· !lance O• .. H11n\1nq lon B11C ll, PUBLIC NOTICE CIH!o•niatt ... 1 1-------------Ellt•brlll Scott llrjun, 6821 DI· lltnc e Or .. H"ntlnQIOn Seacl\, C.11!ornlt92MI 11111 b"slnt•$ 1$ tonducttd bV 1 llf"H!r• I Polrlnerslllp. R.L.Canluo Vl•q!n l1 V, Ca1\lllo Vl•llftan<l1$ ll. Ar1 .. n Eloftl>elll '!>, Al]Un Tr.is tltttmenl .. ,, 1111<1 with ti. County Clerk ol Or•nQe COvnly on AUQu~t 19. "/). ·-· Pu<1tlS111<1 Or1noe Coast Dtl!y PilOI. AllQ. 21, and Stpt. •. 1 I, 18, 197S ll21·1S PUBLIC NOTICE ..... , FICTITIOUS •us1HESS HAME ~TATEMEHT The loHowlf>O P1•sons are dol"'il bu!il-ness1s : · AWA RO OUPl.EXES, LTD., 17361 Irvine Boul•Ytrd. Suite 101, lrvl.,., ee111ornl19'2b80 Folt'f Con11r .. c1loTI Co., ln-corPOrtted, 1 Ct!llornle corpor11\lon, 11l•I lr1rln1 Boull!Ytrd, Sulll 1(12, ""Int, C1Ulorn111 t1b80 Til!i 1111sint•11$ cono .. c11d by• 1imll· 1<1pertntr~hlo. Fol1yCons1r .. cllon eo .. lncorpor1t1d E<l"Wll"d F. Fotty, Prnldlnt Thi$ s••••ment '"'' !Utd will\ thl Counly Cltrk of Or11191 County on JlllJ 11. 19/S, 'IC'TI TlOUS aU51t.IESS . t.IAMESTATEMEHT The IOllOWll\Q person i• <IOll>Q busl-neUI\: AMERICAN AR TIST$ PRODUCTS CO. IAAPCOl. 117' WNI· titr Ave., Cont Mesa. CA. '2621 O.ryl R. Wttkl!t, 12' Stdoe'lll!I Ct., '!>iwl llemon, CA. 'MSfJ TM1 buslnt$5 b conoucttd by en In. dlvlClual. 0.ryl R. Wee kt• 11111 Sllt\tmt~I WI$ filf<d wllll '"' County Cltrk of Orange County an .-...VU st I, 1975. -PublJUW<cl 0rM>91 Coe1t Otlty Piiot:, itwo. t--.21,tt, Stp\. 4, lt7S lOU-1~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU5 lltlSINESS HAME 5TAT EMEHT Tiii fol-Int person Is dol1111 bull· l'llUll: f'lllST LAGUNA COMPANY. MORlGAGE II.NO REAL ESlAlE IN11£SlM£NlS, llS1 1 Paseotlt V1len-cl1, '!>ulll 302C, ltnQua Hiiis, CllllOfNI ""' ' Wllllam McClai n. l3•6l ~tlw(n-lt, L.IQuna NIQuel, Ctlltomlt "'" Thli b<tll~$ I'S COndYtteO Dr Ml In• dlv!Ol;tl WUlll "' McClt(TI Thll st1t1,,.,.nt w1s llltd wllP! the Coun1, Cltrk ol Or1n9e Counly on FICTlllOUt. •USlt.IESS HAMlt.TATl:MEHT T Ill to11ow1n9 Pl!• Miiii are ooorio bu!il· resllt: AME'llC,.N S TA"TES OIST!jlBUTIN G CD., Jtll MecAnhlir 81..cl., Newpgr1 Be tell. CA. 926llO Amtrlcan 5t1t11 AvlomtttCI Plnltot co., a CtlU. corpor1Uon, 39'31 MICArth>ir Blwl., Newport 6tech, CA. ~ ... Thi$ bu,;,...,, Is con0,.c11c1 b1 • <«· p0r1tlon. Am1rlc1n Sl1tet ,.utomated Pos119t Gl!orQI! WllnanO. Prt,. TlllS $11\lmtnl WIS flied wUll lhe eo .. n11 Clttk ot Orange cwnly on ""-'OUll I, 1t75. , .... Publls.ritd Oranve Coa\I Otlly PllOI, AUQ.U,11 ,ltl,!ol!pl .,, 1915 :JOol'l-7~ PUBLIC NOTICE "ICllTIOUS llUSlt.IESS NAME STATEMEt.ll The lollowlnog Pl•!.O<ll ire doinog 1:11.N· l'lfUIS: FAMILY JEWELS, 1HH Florldl No. I, Hunl!n<;!on Bttch, Ct '16-16 O;i1rl<1 L. Qull\f'!, 1"11 FlorKt. No. 1, Hl.Wlll"'llon Bitch, CA,, ... , CDnstence J. Quinn, inn Florida No. l,MunUnQton Bl•ch, Ct'2"'6 l~ls b"sl ness 11 co11c:1 .. c11d by • oene••I p,mrtnerilllp 0.vl<IL.OUIT>n Thll statement WI$ flied wftll the C.0Vn11 c11rlo. ol Orang• CountJ on August 1S. 1'1S """ Publl!.htd Or•nve Coesl O.l!y PllOI, Al!Q. 21, lltnOSl!pl.•, 11, 1tlS Jlll.S·IS PUBLIC NOTICE l<ICTITIOUS llUSIHESS t.IAMl!STATEMENT Tlw lollOw\ng potrson1 ere cfol"'lbusl· "'Slit: JOVt!.'5, ~ 11th Slf'ffl. Hunt· lrqron 8e•ch, CA. 9'2141 JOvtn<I Sunqrit•a. 18012 Upptl"ltk, ~tlnoton Beech, CA. '1"48 T~I' bui lrwsi Is cond11<tld by 1 bu$1· ntUlf1#11. ..lov1nd SunQhtrl Thl1 lltlemtnt wes flied will\ ttw C-tw C•••t of Oranoa CO\ll'llY on AuQ1<1t 11, lt1S. -P\iblllllld Ortn~ C~SI O.lly PllOI, Auo. 1•,21,71,•nOSl!pl.4, lt7S J097.75 P UBLIC NOTICE FICllT IOUt. •USltilfSt. t.IAME t.TATaMRt.IT n. lonowlnq P1•-.<>n l!i llolr>Q bl.ls.I· rwl$aS: WAl.LPRINTING COMMERCE. !SOD Vivien 1.1n1, Ntwr:iort Bletf\,. CA ..... Olan Jurt.ovlc, ISOO VlvltA LAM, NorwDOr1 &11th, CA.12MO Tiii, bullnffS II (OndUClld bJ WI ln- dl.,1!11111. Olan JurkoYlc Tiiis 1t•llmtnl wtS !lied wllf! lhe Co<l<>ly Cllrk ol OrtnQI Count' on A\llllftta. 191S, ...... Pvbll~ Ort1191 Coe1t Oall• Piiot:, Breasts Bared For Lif~ MIAMI CA P ) -Bare breast s, long barred from family television screens, are sho"'ing up on daytime and late· night TV in advertise- ments designed to teach women how to test for breast cancer. "We reach a lot of peo- ple and it's possible to anger or offend some of them, but if it 's impor- tant to do it, then we're going to," says Doug Duperrault, progra m director for W FLA in Tampa. FRANK STRUZ· ;zieri. film manager of WCKT.in Miami, says no v i e w e r .s h a v e complained to his s tation aOOut the ad. · "If it just helps one person. 1 Ceel very good about it,., he said. Duperrault, who pro- duced the ad as a volun· teer for the Florida Caneer Society, says the one-minute spot has been used many times by som e 35 stations over the state. ALABAMA AND Mis- sissippi have requested copies. and Duperrault hopes F1orida's success means the ad will be adopted for use n a- tionwide. ··we·re pioneering with it-anything show- ing a bare breast right in the home would be of- fensive to some people,'' he sa'\d. "But the time was right. ·T·he publicity • spurred by Bett y Ford a nd Happy Rockefeller made women w a nt to know ho w to examine themselves for cancer." THE WIVES OF both the president and vice p r esident und erwent operations Cor removal of cancerous breasts. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death a mong women. hitting one out or 15. There is a 40 to 45 percent survival rate, but doctors say ear- ly detection could reduce the number of deaths by half. "MY FEELING is if you·re going to show a woman how to examine herself, then you s how her. You don't use pup-· pets or women in leotards -you s how ex- actly how," Duperrault said. The spot uses two ac· tresses, opening with a bru n ette who says, "Ladies, in the next 60 seconds we are going to s how you information that could save your life . lt·s a technique called b r east se lf - examination." THE CAM ERA shifts to a blonde at a dressing t able, showin g the back of her head and her reflection in a mirror as she opens he r blue dress· ing gown. The next scene shows her lying in bed and the cam era centers on the left breast as she shows the techniques of the examination. Duperraull said that only one s t ation in St. Petersburg refused to use the spot • "The others were 100 l>t Of\ 11torm 11 IPttll!ed tr'"" County ol thl1nohc1. Cll•llmwllnq '"' tM~• r1qu1r.,..n1S, Ot1td Auo. ''· 1t1S. T"' tPPOlntmtnl o• 1 prosy cen bl E. J. Hty,...1 Jr, ~• percent positive,'' he Publllllld 0•1119'1' Coast 0..11• Piiot. "d • C I • d ... ... Pubtlll'ltd °'""'Cit (Mil Otl!y PllO(, """""I Ii, 1•7S •1111. u. 21, n .s.sit.•. 1t1i m1.1s Ui«1 Of'llT 11 I"' tltc1l0f'I tPK"ltd, E'"'CuloroftneWhtol Eve,.., tPCIOl"lmtnl ol 1 proxy 11 ,... 11111b0 ... 11tmt<ld•<""""' voc:tblt II 11'9 PlellYfl o1 tht c-non MAJ<ltol &MA.Ht.I (Wm, S. JollM-1 ~•cullnQ U •I '"' time btlort "" Jltl.c.+tr••IY11'. •tOI Slel"IOll 1-......inttO 11 pro>eY 111111 """' Pl ...... , C.111. tllO\ .....,. , ,....lD <..nl 1 btl!<ll r111<1wnhnq the ¥0\ts for Atltn'ltyftr 1!.uc111...-'Wlllch1PW•PflOlrtll'lllhl w1191ven. Publllll<ed 0r1no-Coe1t Otllr PllOI, If IWO:>•tlll"hl.,I ol tl>t volh <t•I 11 A"Q..Jl,21,endSipl.•. 11, 1tJS 1231-15 1-11<11..ctlorl revor 1111 ISsu•n<• ol wld bonch .. , •• ,.r, '0 1''0""'11"' llW PUBLICNOTICE llT>tnd•d e>ltrt ol '"o•k• t• 111r1lnl ---===-~-----IMM:rltxd, wld tlOfl<I' lor lmpro""''"'"' FICTITIOU' SUSIHE\S OlttrlCt NO.) U\tU bl l1tve<1 end I.Old MAMI STATEMENT for lhe 11'"111!1" s111or1rt lllrtln, li\ID-Tl'llfo110w1no11trt.on ltOol11Qbuli11t11 JKI to llW provl•lon' ol ~t lon UtS0.5 8': of!MoWaltrCodt. SHADY LAO'r' CHARTERS 1105 E•~lill IS OIMtwln pro1rlOO'd.,. t!'le Or Sen • C.Ufo!Nt Wtltr Olitr!CI u .. , Olw!~ 0.k.-1 ·• Mtrlfla , CA t\11* IJOftfll Wtter Codi, tel<1 tle<ll11r1 wn 011"'• tnCI Htlen Htnrlck$0'1, 1101 bt c:.tlltll l'ltkl ""con-111<1In1111 Qlk..odOr.,S.11M1rlnt,CA•111* ........... ,,;O•ld••;ln lht BJ•LIMIOOOI· '"'1 l)uslne\I ii conct .. cltd by •n In. ..,brt1Wflolrdo!Olr1~1or1otwloDi"" dlvlcNlltOIF 11 ..._ kll trl<I, •1111ro .. 1d br lh• B041•CI 0• Thll ,,.:.:..~1 w':1 II~ "With IN Sl9enolion •' Oftn~ Covnly 11'111 on C.0Ur1ly Cll•k 1t O••llQt °"""'' an Ill• wlln 1111 co .. nl~ R•<••Otlt of MIC! ll<IQ11Sl l5, lt7S ~.. •...ui ll>h noll<• Iii t l .... fl PY•lutnl IO 1 "'° P\lblltt>t" °'"'""°' CNJ! 0.11 PllOI .Olll!lon Ol 1111 Bot rd ol Dl~IO<\ ol AUO. 11 11,P<I Stp1. 4 11 "'i ~Jllfo.J.i lr.,lnt lltnc:ll Wtt•r Olilrl(I .ooptedan ' • · 1oj,19.U,2l,lt,S..pl.•,lt1i llOS .-..,,g,at,2',end!oapt,4,11.lt/S llD-IS PUBLICNOncE 531 .• omp a1nls on't ----------1 --:====.,.--,--lexeeed a couple of dozen -----PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINE!.S t.IAMI!. SlATEMEHl Tl\t lollOwlnQ pier s.on Ii 11• POlftQ bull· ""' ... JllOCENTUA:V I••• THlllDCEH· TUAYI. Ill MOflrot Way , P1Klll"'I•. CtUlornlt '161ll Ctlltord w. llobtrl1. J•, ~Alie Vlstt Wty, LtQUftjl BtlC!I,, Cllllomll "'" Ptlrlc~ D. Gtt'/, lllO W. Owrry. F11n1r1on, ca1uor"l1 Brodlt'/ 0. $tlltt .• ,J•J, 5tpOl'ri,., ll!bOl 111(11111, c1111or,,11 •1661 Thi' bUllflt'll +I CO>lducltd by • otM•tl ~tlnt "llllp . Clllfo.rd w. Aoti.rt1 , Jr. PUBLIC NOTICE 'ICllTIOUS atlSlt.11!.SS HAME STATEMIEt.IT 1"" followi~ potrMlll II lk>lftQ bull· reun: PAL'S, 111l·O lllter St., 0»11 ""'""·CA. 9'•16 --~·I• J , A,...groto. 111, Yukon A ..... c.otte MINI, CA. 9'116 Tiii• IN\.lntll II COftCIUClld by .. ln- dl~I. A-. ..... rlt J, Amon to This S~lllTll>ll wt• lllltd W'llh ttll °""''' c .. ~ o1 0r.,.... eeu .. 1·, on J111r ». ltJS. PUOll"'9cl OrtTIOI Cuit AUOUttl, U,21,,1, ltJS l'ICTITIOUS •USIHISS -we're happy with that. HAM!!. t.TATl!.Ml!.NT I f ct t I ll ,..,. 1o11ow1rio P1t•M>n11,1 dOlnQ !NM-n a • we go e ers ,_,.,,: with donations." MEAT IEOUIPMlfNT, U11 OWnt Wtrllllr ,Wot'\•114,,Ql, '170<! Fr MCI$ s.. &ero. •501 R••bul'Y RO., C.ant•t~r.CA.TJlJS . Helm! M. lltff, •j(lt llloalMl' Rd., C.Of\IOll Mir, C.A. '1615 This busl1111' Ii <ond..cttd 11111'1 I~ cN¥10Uli. frtr1tl1 s. Biro ""l"'IM.Bert ,.,.,, tllll"'l!nl ..... fllecl ""''" I ... c-ty Cl.,k 01 Or1n9'1' (6UlltT Oii Jul~ J1, 1ni. . .... Publlshff Ore~ Ca.ii OtllT P!tol, ~11.1•.11,n.1•1~ 11M-1.s BUT DUPERRAUl.T says it's important where the ad is placed. His station uses it during afternoon soap operas and late at night •• "I am we ll aware of sen!iitivities, as well as with the code we live by," he says. "We have "Tl'u1 Slallmtrtl w11 llltd wllh 11-t::::========4 co .. nly Cit•-of OranQt Count• Of'I AllQ11$1n,1911. c-~-~------~lto b e careful a n d In the tasteful. We really have "'nu Ann Landers f"ubll\l\ed 0111191 G1111s1 Ottl~ ..i1a1.\'-'-'-:.:.;.;...::.::.;.:.:c;:;.:.:c..:~,)'-' °""If. 11t,1no~ot.•.11.ll, t•IS Rll·li 1 DAILY PILOT . , to u se the spot judiciously.•• Aets and Paints \ Five-O's Lord 'In Paradise' By VERNON SCOTT 1101 .. J .. YWtJUD (UPI> • ._ Sometimes J ack Lord thinks he hn s died and gonetohcavcn. 'fhat 's how ecstatic he is about Jiving in th.: islands ror e1t;ht years dunng the course of" llawaii: f"'ive·O.'' ··1 •v1o: .~OUND PARADISE OUT here and 1 thank God Cvl.'ry duy for this ex~ricnce, ··he says . And v. hy not. A native of New York. a survivor of llollywood, J_.o rd lives on the beach s urrounded by tropical beauty, the broad expanse of the Blue J>aciriC' and perpetual sunshine. Jack and his \11ife . M!':ln e, live in an enormous condomi nium (3,500 square f('etJ o n Kahala Beach in l·lonolu!u. Two la nais provide outlluor·in<.l oor living. On e terrace faces Diamondhead, the ofher Kokohead. The ocean is only 60 reel away across towe ring palm t recs and sparkling white sand_ Jat k can see SO miles out to sea. Jle s pends hours watching, 1.o1to freighters. liners oind warships s ail into J.l onululu and l'l'arl Harbor. JNSIDF~. T 11•: TWO ~li\STER suites or the con- dominium arc bright and <llry with white walls , avocado green rugs_ 1'he fu!'nilure is simple and light Weight. Lush oil paintings or Hawaiian flora de- corate the .. 11alls-p<.1intl'<i by Lord in his studio. It is impossible for him to step outside without being recognized by fanatic fans, so he does all of h.is painting: at home. l.ord is a day person. l-ie arises every morning at 4 o'elotk. Marie gets up a half hour earlier tu prepare the first of her husband 's two breakfasts. On arising, he settles £or a eup of tea and a fresh papaya. Then he jogs on the beach for a couple of miles. He returns to work on his script before eating a big breakfas t -pancakes, sausage and eggs. A HJGJfJ,Y DISCIPLINED MAN, Lord eats little or no Junch to keep his waistline trim . l-le is on the set by 6 :30 and is home in lime for l\o1arie 's home-cooked dinners. Again, he must bring his discipline into play. Marie fixes the best Italian food in the Hawaiian is lands, according to her hus band who dearly loves pas ta. l-ler eggplant parmagiaca and chicken cacciatore make him salivate while they are still cooking. Whe n the Lords entertain visiting friends from the mainland or new f·lawaiian friends , Marie does a ll the cooking. Dinner parties usually a re limited to three or four couples. Marie a lso takes advantage of the abundance of tasty fresh fish in the islands and has special recipes for several exotic finny species whic h s he buys directly rrom the OOats. ON WEEKENDS THEY LIKE NOTHING better than to fly to the island or Maui to watch the fireworks of the volcano Madam Pele. They also enjoy stay at a quaint inn in Lahaina, a historic whal- ingport in Maui .. Lord is an expert photographer who has some 80 framed photographs on a traveling exhibition around the United States. Most of the pictures a re portraits taken on the sets of his movies, including shots of Marlon Brando, Gary Cooper, WilJiam Holden a nd others. In r ecent years. his interest has turned to la pidary work. He spends many hours polishing semiprecious stones. · Lord neither drinks nor smokes. Generally is is asleep by 8 p.m . ms WARDROBE IS STRICTLY HAWAIIAN. His unirorm is a lmost unvarying: aloha s hirts, sandals, white slacks and broad-brimmed planters hats which are made in Tahiti. As detective Steve :l\o1cGarrett in his top-rated show he is forced to wear a blue suit, shirt and necktie. . Lord was a naval officer during World War If a nd holds a second mate's license in the Mercbant Mariiie. He flies to the main1and three times a year to see friends and to check on new television s hows to see what the competition is doing. He says he never gek island-happy or suffers "rock fever" as Lhe natives put it. "I love the smogless air, the f(-agra nCe of the flowers and the freedom or these islands," he says. ''I can 't imagine ever heeomin g bored or accustom ed to the beauty tha~ surrounds us .'' 'Marijuana IA' At ·Mississippi U UNITED NATIONS (AP> -The United Na- tions has found a reliable source of marijuana cigarette s -the .university o( Mi s- sissippi. It's in the interest or science. A r eport on a new U.N.·sponsored research project i nt o ''T h e Che mistry of Cannabis S moke" said o ne or the problem s was finding joints or uniCorm con- tent. THERE WAS SO much variation that it was "Limiting the useCulne$5 of comparing the resulL~ achieved by various re- search centers," the re- port said. Coordinators of the project ;lt the U.N . narcotics laboratory in Geneva asked the U.S. National Instit ute of Drug Abuse to help and it contacted Ole Miss. ''TO INSURE con· tinuity of research ef- forts , rresh cigarettes are being p repared Crom a batch or well- charactcrized, uniCorm plant material grown by the research Institute of Pharmaceutical Scien ces, School of Pharmacy, University oC •• Mississippi," they re~ ported. The research is in the early stages. Another problem in ap- plying scient ific method to the project, the report said, is the large variety of ways people prepare and smoke their mari- juana -"and the way of smoking may inCluence the c hemical pattern of smoke a nd s ubsequent· bio logica l e ffects of smoking.'' IT NOTED THAT some s m okers roll their own and that many pass their joints a round. "The butt of the can- nabis cigarette may be held on an ad hoc device -for example matches· or hairpins to smoke the cigarette comple tely,-• the report said . UNTIL APPARATUS is developed to simule.te pol smokin g, it wa.s re- ·commended that the re-- searchers standardlieon the smoking machines now used by the tobacco jndustry. T h e project was launched at a m eeting of scient ists from nino countries and the World Health Organization in Athens, Greece, las t April. I • ' ft OAIL V PILOT 1hursd1y, Augu at 28, 1975 t··J sing Tiffie, Employes Ieadline UCI Lectures PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTIC::E P UBLIC NOTICE 'So1nething' .. .. ~ . • ' • ' • • • UC lrYI,. UllT\PllS ..... : Noft.<rlllll. 1ot1; Oedll, •11 : s1ini1i. Nml\-It .-1permi11,M . NOtlCEOl'•Ll!CflOll /t /AlllTHUlllC.KORN ....... NOTICE IS HER EllT GIVIH tllll • SK"°'''¥ of 11'11 HOTIC• 0" SALE OJ" 1C11<i.i11«.1lonN1 DiMnc•Ulcltn11wllt a-dot 01,.clottof llUL 11'1110,.1.lllTY AT Ill lleld °" Ille ••11 a.ev of NOWmtle,, , ... 1 ... 1111nc llWllll' Dl .. f'kt PllllV.AT• 1•1.• "1S, wlllll" 1mpro~•""'"' 01,.ri(t Nil. /llL.E f bltllr>Q He,A..w.11 2(M.Of 1t1t lrwl,.. R•ncll W•ler OIJttk l /i/C.0 .R•"'9e•dt I" 11'11 Si.tpir!Of" Courl of'"' 5tal1 ol 19' u-. PV•PO .. 6' •vlln'll11h'>9 IO 1.. JIJ F,F 1(1111• CellfONlle, In Ind for , ... COllnly Of "°""'ofwla •m11ro•1m11\I Dlttrktu.r 111£.R,O..l9i.v,Jr. o.-.._. . ~I of wneU>1• or no« oent••l -/'tJC..H.011-'" "" Mtll•r 011111 C:OnMfV"°'".i'llP 119euon "°""'ot 1moro,..,,..n1 OhUk l Dt..ctonor irvlne A•n.c~ OIH<li.tl I , Wiid fCo..wrvelffl. NIO. lo.ot )ala Dht•lcl lfl Ill• -nlof Weter Dl>l•ltt '-'le• 11 11e .. iw Ql.,.n tl'lal 11'1 .,... .... .U.OOObe eytnorlnd •NS ltwed, for PllClll""'d 0 ,.,..99 Coast O.llw Aloi, ~wlll wll 11 prlv••• wilt, tot""' tJ'lf flll<po\OI ~l•lfd In lht propotl!lon t>llllKI 11w:11 Detl Dlddlt, \YDl1<1-.:. con- Sinatra Lauth Beatle's Song ' • .. • " '1~ UCI Exlension · ~e has announced IU; cdule o( l ectures fl to the public in 1tembe r . The pro· ms include: IUASO•T. St:P'T EM9Elll 11 ll1!1l na Tlr'1e E llecUvely." ,,o Wllion, pre\ld•nl, Ad· 11rol1,t.or, Pllyilcel M•O•<lne 1n0 Rtl\eDlltt•llon CN1urOJ1hy,lolO(ly ), CellfOl'nll Coli.Qt of Medltlnl, UC. lrvhw. P1rt Of • UC lr vlrw E klltll\lon 1ettur1 .. fie~. "S(l1nt1llC Mfdi(l!Wf For 1n1 1.eym1n: Tiie Ntrvou• s~t.,,.," 7.10 p,m ., Fr1~man Lee.• IYtl Hiii. Gr ound Floor, NllOit •1 LIDr ... y, Mldlc•I Suroe 11 &k!9., UC 11 ~1ne cemPY•· F"; "4. Wl!ONESOA T, Sl!fl'TEM•EA 14 "ln.,..,1,....n11 Adverth" •~ T•• T"UASOA T, t•PTl:MaElll U "worntn And Bu1ln.t1: Tiie Rlllll Wo•IO," Ann HYll CrowtU, •• s .. &.P.A .• 10..,n1Mr/1wner. ttYll AS· s.ocl•l•• Acl .. "l•ll'O. \Ao11ne a.ac:n . P•rl of• UC l1vlM t!attn1lon~. 1·10 o.m ., Am. t~. Socl•I Sc:llllClt \.aD, UC lrvlnt(;efft9i1!I, f'11: ,,.,, • THUltSOA't',M.P'T9'M•lllll1S Mr1lneft1r w l tOfll'I In tnls notk e. Alolllll'tll•,!l,1tl,•M"11ltfl'ltl<W(,l,,S ll•mellanot11ld SllP*•IO• c-lonOf wlllcll bofl<t\ sn.11 De HY•bll trom ••· 3111•'5 "1• Iha 1nd oe, OI s.01. "''· .. lheill· MU menu 10 De •••led end (Ollacll<CI ···l--------------l 11u Of MIQllel c. S.Qll•. A11orntw •I <hnlw ly upon lencn wUnln wld Im· PUBLIC NOTICE ~w. 101 Gl1M11,r1 S1tNI, ~ pro,..mentO"tr l<I. Ila.ell, Celltor11l1 •tt)I, C.11111, or S.io DOl'Mll 111•11 titter 1n11 ... u et e · Oref'IQI, $1•1e ol C.Ulornle, llll 11'11 , ... or rela\not to t•c"o t lQlll puc•nl NOYICI INVITING 910ti rlOhl;, lltlt •llll Jnl<l<tll or Ula tt- tl'lb l per ..,nun" peyeDI• wml-•,•11· Holle•" l'llrlDY 111.,.n tn.l tl'lt ~ M•fftM), '" •nq to •II tl'll(•rl .. n .... From WlreSenlces The Beatles' song "Something" m ay be lhe greatest love song written in the last hllU·century, says Frank Sinatra. Sinatra performed at Saratoga Springs, N.Y •• before 7,400 fans. He introduced his version of the song by saying, "George Harrt.oa ot the Beatles wrote probably the greatest love song of the last~ year s in ·Something.' " l.' :· 1r•Uv• Re1e••cll A11oc:l•llt,, \ UC Irvine E~lenslon --d•Y "", 9:30 •.m.-e · lO p,m ,, HOllCley Il l Bristol SI., Ca'9• Moi.e. f'H ~ .cl..W1 luncl'I, perkll'IQ oull:I dl1s1 ••I. • TUROAT, SEP'YEM9EA 11 ~d•!r•tendlng o1na Mo1lvi1UA1;1 O'f"!!.," Ho ..... a Wll,....., pre11• Admlnl1.1re11 ... Aei..ercn M · e\, Inc. A UC ltYlne E~te...,lon y ~ml,..• ... ~ lO•.m .·• lOp m1 UO. Sotltl :><~nc11 l o....,r. u • cempu!.. Fu: ,_.S, lnU\ldlll1 1>MklA1;1 •llll cle'' me11rllll. DAT, 5ATUADAT ANO SUN• f , SEPTEM9EA 15, 11ANO~ ne T••cher ena CounYIOt e~ •1e10t1 ol ~.,.1one1 GrO*'ll'I;' a F, Corey, Ea.D., prore~ In) I 1umen !.ervlc•\ Pro11••M,• • o rnle S le\e Un1ver1.lly,' rlon. A UC Irvin" E~teru.1on ae~ *ork1nop, Moneuiy, "'10 h1<dey end SYndey, 'e.m .·S· llild FIOCM' LoYnQe, G.itew•yJ ~1 UC lrvlr>e cempu1. FH >Chlilll\~rk!nQ. UE!.OAT, SEPTEMBER 16 UESOA T, SEPTEMBER,, flOd For Tnou11nt," Keren ..Ukl"f' I\, M,S., cne1nT>en, Oepan menl mUy Lile, ~pp11dlne Unlw•11- "'' ol a UC ll•lne E~let1•lon e, 1·10 p,m., Rm, 100, Sot1a1 ce1 11ell, UC lr•lne campu~.1 ~. '· U n11tr1.1enal nQ 11Yman <OIOQY," Eerie 01vh, Jr., Ph.D .• r e• ln Human Morpho109y, "n11 Collete of Medicine, u c ~-Flr•I ol e UC. lr~lne E~te~lon ~r e 11r les, 1 :30·10 p,m .• t1m1n Lec1Yr• Hall, Ground r, M•di<ll LlDtll<y, Medl<el • 11 Bldg., UC Irvine <ln1P.,•. l l l • . • • • ~. ~ONESOAT, SEPT EMBER 11 fhe Sl•le of Eauce\1on 1n , "'nie," John R. Fora, M 0 ., Pt~ 1. CeUtornla Stele Bo1rd ot "lion. Fir\! o4 I UC lr•1ne E•- •On lec ture •er le s, •'Tne ....,hlic lmperetl•• 1n AccOunll· .><.l'IOO"," 1-10 p,m., Rm. 100, I $(.iences Hell, UC I rvinec.,... <'ff. Non·creGit, MIJ; Cr.Oii, $11, e aom1~1lon II space permits, 'lb. ~ONESOA T, SEPTEMBEll 11 mDryolOQY !Development •no amy ol Tne Nervo.is Sy•leml," .1a E. Pinder, M.D., cUr11c•l 11to-.r, Ana!omy. Cehlo•nl• Colll!Vl!of cine, UC U•I...,. First of • UC '' E •l•ns lon lectyre series e ntillc Medic ine For Tr" "en: The Ne••OYl s.,111m," l·ll• : Fres11man Ltt lYrl Hall,Crouno -'• r, Med/eel L1 Drer~. Mldl~e · I" e H e1a11 .. UC lr•lne cen•p.is ,-""· !'' '"URSDA T, SEPTEMBER 11 1 "troouction To En•lronmen\e ";' .,1,,9," W. Oewld Conn, Pl'l.0., •• nt p111!e,,or. •cllool 01 Artllilec arid U•Dan PlannlnQ, UCLA t of • UC l••lr>e E•t•<111on DFO .~. l·~ p,m., end ll,J0.9:JO 11.n>. ?20, Social St 11!f•<es To....,r, UI •ecam1>u1, Fee: '110. "URSOAY, SEf'TEMllEA 11 .Vomen Alll:I Buslnoess: The Rea Id ," Ann Hull Crowell, B.S. A .. loYnder /owner, Hull As dies Aav111lslnQ, LegYne Blecn !of a UC lrvlr>e E•lensloncour1o1. o.m ., Rm J•B. Sociill Science' . UC lr•ine t •mOYS. Feec 'n THURSDAT, SEPTEMBER 1l T"' T•eai1lons ol .American elQn Relallo..1," ke!tll Neltoon 0. euociele p•ofe1sor ol Hhtory lr•IN . First of a UC lrwine E• Ion !eelur• ~.,,,, "Amff1<• Ir Po•l·Vleln•m World," 7·•.> I , Rm. 111, HumenlU1s H.411, UC ,,.... cemDuS. Fee· Non-er.Oil. i.rJ; 011, ~. !>1f1Qlt eom11slon ,r ~· m;u ,,s. <IDAY ANO SAT URDAY, • i EPTEMllER lfAN020 Merkttln11 In TO<lay '1 Envlfon nt," coorOl,..tor, Roto..r1 J. Em ns, J.D .. oir«lor, Fooa M.Jr11etin\' negemenl, sc.!>001 ol BY•lness AG nlstreUon, Unl ve••!ty of S....therr l1 lotnla ; llnd QYISI speakers· •Qa•et Boll. Gynr"e' Kleus anc1 '>\Roeder. A UC lr•ine E~leru.ior. ,1<,end i..mlnar, 9 •.m.-•:JO p.m, 1raton Newport, Bresllle Room i:J IS MetA,tnur S iva .. Ne wpor eth. Fee 11•S. Includes IWC •CMS, <la1s meterlal and par11ing. AIOAY AND S ATUROAT, • • . . ( • • • • • . . ' • ' • l • I .. ~\· ' " ' I· I SEPTEMBER 19 AN020; OCTOBERlAN04 ·s 1orylelUAQ Wo•11snop," MlrielY co~. M.S .. proles"Or ot E1>9ll!oh ~1 1 1ornla Sla\e Unlve•1lty e l ,111rlo•" A UC Irvine Eirltns!on 1--ft~end worlls"op, ""d•"f'\, 7.11 n .. SalYrde.,s. 9 a.m ,.s p.m .. R!Tl. o. Sot1a1 Sciences LeD, UC 1 ...... 1 ... "'""'· Fee: 'S1, Includes perl<lng lnQSllCl<l~ncl!. t TUll DAT, SEPT. 29, OCT.•. 11, NOV. 1, 11, DEC,6 "Teac nlnQ Ae 1a1ng; Curren •ocldures ;n ElefTMlntar~ Sc.IW)l)ls." nter 0 . Ellis, E0.0 ., e1socl1le IJl"O ;w r ol Eai.ce t1on 1nd ae1n ol Ad 1•1ions, C..lllornle Slete ColllQI! ll ~mlnQIJlt'I Hfns. A UC lrvlne E• 'flloion Selu•day prl>(lrem, 9 e.m .-1:. Jon, l·J p.m., Rm. 1•S, Socl•I d ence• LaD, UC lrvf..., cempus "I: $04, iM !ude1 p.lrk '"II· ATURDA T, SEPT. 20, DCT. 11 AN( NOV . 22 '"Bu•tness Eai.ca\lon: Tecl'ln1<1,.s le1noas, and Competencies," L uyct Ar nt.ao, B.A., coordinelor fT ... 1.1ness Ea .. celion, ABC Adult tllool. A uc ••vine e:.11ns10.. ttlrH 9"f' P•O(l•am, 1 e .m.-t. p,m., Rm. 1<Mo, ocoa1 Sciences Lab, UC lrvl,,. c11m ""·Fee SM, Include\ p.arkinQ, Drll'll Nlll\lntl'I, MONDAT, SEPTEMBER ll "Corl1'mpor•ry Calilo•nle '''""",' ·uce L. Anoe•son. Ph.D .. alrector '·'""'" Arn llnd EdYC•Uo.., Unlwr11 ·., E:.tenslon, UC lrvlne. A UC lrvlnt ~itet1,lon nome-v1ew!n1,1 TV f'•Oll'I'•" omDlneo wllll on-c•mpYi Cles: essions. ICOCE·TV Ct1anne1 SO, IW:Jr, 1 p,m., Thurs., I p m .. s ...... I p,m (Jen H1lionS; Sept. JO, O<.I. ''· 'lll, •~av. 11,Dec. 9, and II, JO. Feb. J, 11 1-•·JO o.m .. Rm. 111. Soclal Sclt-nc• Lao. UC Irvine. Fee: ,SO. MON OAT, Sl:PTEM9Elllt2 "!.lllcflnQ and Aclllev!nQ Ywr iltr\onel lnvelfmenl OD11c.1lws,' vl,9Jn11 M. Biii, f'll.D., prate~. qreoual• s cllool 01 Busln111, Celllornle St•le untversily al Lonn BIP:ec.11. Flr1I 01 e UC lr•IM E.d-.lon IK IYre !.•"IS, "Vour l"v11tmen• .,!lerN•lw$ TDdlJ. A ComperlMltl o Curref'I tnve"ment °""°rlunlliff,' 1·10 p,m., Rm. 100. Sac.lei Sc.lenc.1' H.eU, UC lrvlne cemp.i1. F11: l6ol SlllQll ~ml11.lon II 5pece Pl!•mits '6.50 . MOHOAT , SEPTEMllERll "MO<ltl!. ol Coun51llnQ ," J-. Clerk LO•ley, M.A., lttlur•r In Sotlel EcolOQY, UC lrvl..e. Flr~t of e UC lrVlne E•l•nsion i1•1><1•am, "'' p.m., ~m. 11•, Phy~lcel Sciences B!Ol,l., IJC: !rvlne <•mpus. Fee: JM. MONDAY SEPTEMIE111t2 "Tiie Act .. •drlnQ Person," E""'llll Sf'IMI"'"'· Pn.D .. director, ln1lllYltof l herepeulic Psl'(l'IOIO(IJ. A UC ll"Vlf'lf E•!lendo.. 11111 allernoori P<O(lrem, ,,. p,m .. lns l!IYle a l Tllareoeullc PJv<l'IOIOQy, 20i w . JOth St.. Senta Me. Fff: ,.,,, TUl!SOA T, SEf"fEMIElll 0 "FOOd FOt TllOUQtll.'" K1r"" ,t,l.U~ ~ti\, M.S., c.Nlrm .... Qepertmllnl of FamllJ Life, ptlJl)ltdlr>e IJnlvenl· ly. Par1 or • UC 1rvlN E.d"""'°" C.OlffW, 7·10 p,m., Am, 100, Sodtl Sclenctl tt•ll, UC 1rvl111 Y.._.. Fft: Moil. TIJESOAY, SE P'TEMllilll Zll ''Pro1111lon1 t PYDl lc Ael•· 1lons. , .P ratllc.11, Metllod\ ¥>d 11cn,,1ou1s,'' WeUec.1 N, Jtmk, M,8 .A., Un l¥1r1l!y of Sovtl'ltrn ctllfofnle. AMP.,ttenra rd Unl...-slty ~-.11 Scllool of Bu~neu. llUellc r11111on1 coord!n11or, City of LI. """9+11 Bk1n~n1e1 tormerl"dlnc tOf ol ouDHt r11adon1, Cll'rwtkll'. "'"'""'y, l.ot AftOttltUo. First ol e UC. lrttne E•teftllon IKllH'• H•ln,. In «q1er•tlon ..itn tlle PYbllc ff'llMloM Soclitly cw Amtt'lu, Orenve Cour!IY Ir~ 1·10 11.m., Rm. 170. $oitle: 5ci.nt11 T-r, UC. lrwllll ~$, Fet! "'4- TU•IP.AY, le:P"T•M•IElll) ''IJ11cl1 t 1t1ndin 11 ttym•r: !.1'111\trl." Mlclle1I CllrhU1nson. LLB., iltlOtNf, N1wpor\ RtfKh en<I Oenn11 ICl1rln, J ,0., 11n1or, l il• o.parlm41"'· Mou, Ad•ms & eo. ... p&ny. Fl•lt of e UC ltvlrw Ea1tn"'on ltCIY•I 1e rle1, "Se l~c 1ln11 end lmpl,mentlnQ 1n Etlttllve Taw Pl..,." 1·10 p.m ., Rm. 101, Pn,.,.•<•I Sc.f.el'l(ll llldQ., UC Ir •ine t~ Fiet ~SM; Slr>Ql11dmiulon Ol sp.Kt..0- 1"11111. .... )0. .. una1r1 l•t10l119 Vou11ett," How••d Wll\on, P'••la1n1, Ad· ni•nl1lf1ttv1 RIMll(tl Ali.oc:lellS, inc. A UC Irvine EMlll\llon ~y .. miner, t ;JO •.m ... ;IO p.m ., l«Mldly Inn, JIJI 8•11191 SI., Co\!• ........ Fn: 'MS. !nc1uae11unc11, Hrklno•naciau m11•e•lll. t~, lhe•ctuel ••l11 or rl\H •lldl!me\Cll ol T•u>IM1 ol ~ Hunllng1on a..c:n P'GPllr1Y 1ilu•t• I~ tl'la cu, of UIQUne jl.11,nwnt 1ot11a1111rmlned .ipan 1111 wte Union HI'" ScMOI Dl1trlc:I wlli rll(tl"' Be•<ll County ot O••nv•. 1ite11 ot tlwreol. W•ltd blch tor 1111 purcl'laM tnd In. Celllornle, pertlculerly dtKrlWO •• The blllob uM'd et tM ele<tlon """n ot1ll•llon ol Uncltr-ll•fs Uibot•lory 1o11ow1. to-wU: ""ln tn. 1orm prescrlW>d by S«1!on lilCIFOYM ll,000 .-non lut• 14Mlk Md PAlllCIL t: T""t parUon ot s.c.1lon lSlOll ot UM w•t•• CO<k. Tne •oii.owluQ ~ re<o..,.•Y Delenc• 1y1tem wlllCl'I 24, in T-.rilp 1 Soult\, R•nQt' W1u l, ~rtm1nh1MllDttODMrv". ~I or ere lllU•I 10 !I'll lptCl!!c.tllom s... .. rfllfdll'IO B•M 1na Nllrl~lwl • le) E1cll D•llOI ~11111 neve • on1!1t lntlllPt•nnln9elldConltr!J(l10n 110u110M•Mdes<•lbl0•••011a-; pert0t•11<1 tin. •<•O>• '"' IOC> POt'lion o4 ofllc•ol Mid Dhtr\(1. 1Wflnnl"1;1 •I , ... mo\! w .. 1 .. 1, the ballot two lntnes dO'*" end -•11•1 Eatn bk1 ""''t De ec:c11mpenltd by• _. Of tllet c1rtelt1 ee'9men1 °">19· to 11'11 tOP lhet.ol From 11111 per1or•lt4 c.,n1tt·1 d'll(k,, Cfflll!IO tllec• or Dl6-MtlG •I Perce I NO. \J In 1114'1 cer1eln lint to Ille too of !I'll ballot• ....,,-tlc•I der'1Dondlnt1111m-1otno11H1.111tn ..a from Joh" o. Bayer,''"''" tat !Mf'lor•l.cl UN ~II De Plt<ecl In 1111 i,. of tN tote I bid mllM pey•Dlt to 11111 '*""" s. Tnur11on, Ben••~. to S• center ot lne tiallOt, Hwntlneton a.ecn U"lon Hiett $(.llOOI Miii~. 1\ u•., rtcoroeo Dlt tmbltr 11. WEONESOA T, SE PTEMllElll 2' "Tl\I Ma~ler •l Teecller.'' T.,. ReVll•end Donn 0 . MOOmew, 0 ,0 .• t.efllor P'SIOf' 81• Alt Pres.DY1••illll o....rcll. P•rt ot 1 UC Irvine E•l-ion IKturt wrl11, "Thi ttYmef'llili< lm-oeretlw In Acco..nteDle Sc.llOOh," 1-10 o.m., Rm. 100, Sotl•l $(.iences HeU. THURSDAY. SEP'TEM9£111 U "Tiie 1nt1rco...,..ct10.. ot Fora!QIF' ...a Domestic Atf•ln," Kalln Nel.on, Pt>.O .. essac:lett prot11sa1 of Hlstorr, UC •• -..1 .... Pen ol • UC lrVllll Ell· lffl!olon 111:1..,re M•lt1, ".Amer+cll In Tl'lt Posl·Vl•tnllm WorlcS," 7·t ;JO ii m., Rm. 111, Hum•l\lllH Hl>ll, UC 1 ...... 1 .. c1m""'· Fu: Non-ct'ldll, M9; Cr.Oii. Ml.I, Sln1,1t1 HmhslOI\ 11 spec:e permll1, '~· • THE PICK OF Punch I " ... and now for the latest new!i on the economic: front ... " Divoree Sale Barrister Ads: Future Wave? By DICK WEST WASHIN GTON (UPJ)-ll could happen here. You sit down and there on page 3 is a n eye- catching ad by the law (irm of Gasper , Me lchoir, Balthasar and Smith. The block head i ng says "50 percenl off." Below that, in s maller l y pe, ··Doo r .buster Divorce Bargains-This Week Only." Followed by: ''UNHAPPILY mar- ried? Take advantage of our introductory offer . For se ven g lorious da ys -that divo r ce you've been lon ging for can be yours-for onJy half what you would normally pay in attorney fees. "Wh y be m iserable any longer? T op alimony guaranteed : Plus child custody. liberal visiting rights, favorable proper·. t y settlements! Retain one of our expert divorce lawyers today! .. Maybe we won 'l see this in our lifetime, but it's coming. THE. PROSPECT of adv ertising by la wyers was r aised at the recent national conference of bar presidents in Mon- ti-ea!. De legates were told that many of the restrictions preventing Plagiarist Protection Offered Writers and inventors can learn bow to protect their ideas in a new Sad· dleba ck College course to be taught this fa ll by at - torney Gilbert A. Thomas. The course will outline s t e p s t"r ea t ive in - dividuals c an lake to avoid having the ir ideas usurped by othe rs. \,\GHTEft SIDE , lawyers from publiciting th ei r charges a nd services will go "down the drain" as a result of a new Supreme Court rul· ing. (The court held that it was a violation or an· titrust laws ror bar as- socia ti o n s t o se t minimum fee sc hedules ror attorneys.) Jn t h e begi nning, perhaps, learned coWlSel will show a measure or restraint in plugging his practice . You likely won't see m a ny at- torneys on the sidewalk with sandwich boards imprinted with "Today's Special-Probates and Res training Orders- Two for the Price or One." BUT IF I KNOW anything about lawyers, ·whose profession, after' all, supplies the bulk or the political candidates. in this country ,a certain amount or flamboyant advertising is inevitable. ln what may become a typical commercial, we see a t ypical woebegone young housewife being ·comforted in the kitchen by a typi cally nosy neighbor. "WHAT'S THE mai- ler , Lobelia? Mouthwash not working? Here, try a swi g or Sweet Tonsil, the lemon fresh mouthwash w i th the built-in garlic suppressors. It 'leaves your breath as .. "It is n 't m y breath that's bug gi ng me, Mossy Belle. It's my whiplash case. The judge disallowed our motion for a directed verdict with 50 million triple damages and . " "Sounds like you need another lawyer, honey. Have you tried Eversue, Smallprint, Browbeater and Sirenchaser, the economy l a w firm with the new formula neck pain litigation? (DI .ADO'it! \he perforated tine end Dl11rk l es • 9""•...,IM OI dlllwry -tt:m. In Booll •SO, el P•V-I, ol Olllual onbolh1k!HOf t1'11verUct11Wrlorll:lon Ol t omflllenc.1wllh llll ttrmsolU.bkl R•COtd1. In !hi otflc • of lht • uw Della! •lie!! oe pdn11d with I"' ltew••Old Ille contracl. COunly Ric.or•~ o4 ~ld orenoe Coun- ........., OI 1t11 lmprov1menl OISlrkl, 1111! Bid end t nV4ilOpl sll•ll 0. d tortw !y; tl\eftce SOutll '' dlQrlH M' 21" dele Of 11>1' e1..:11on 1no l!W l>lllof. mer•ld, Fuel Tenll • Rtto...,rvSYSltm well, elOnQ tlll Soull>le11•r1y lint of number. All Del1011.111e11 De .... -.ea Bid • """"''""''°" &flacn union ttlQh 111a1 cert.in eewmtnl dlllQfllted a'I consecull•ety lUirlinQ w ftll n""'blr Sc.llODI Olstrlct, Bid NO. 2'2," -eel-Percll NO. s 1" Wld deed, tll.S !ell to -: --to Owen Miiier, O!te<lor, Pl-tlll trw paint of t11vlnni119 al Ille Duun· tc.JADovttl'lt01r10r1tedt1neenato n lnQ and ConstrYctlon, HYnU"'9t°" -Y Ol 11W per(tl ol tend Ol\'\CrlDt<I 11'11 lell o4 1hl ~rtl<•I pet'loretian Wll Beac:ll Union ttlQl'I School Dl'1rlcl, '"'••In; U'llflCI SaYlh •1 OllQrt<!i M' 11" be 11<lnleG; "NumDI, ot vot•l enlltled Ea..tetlon Centtr. ~101 ao1w A....,,.., WIM, elonQ wla So'11hellterly on. s2.s 101•~· :··; Hll!'linglon BellCl'I, CA 'n~I. Bids .nan lff'I; lllent• south ... d1Qrt'fl OS' Jt" (d) Below 111e pertore1ea 11ne ttte bete<1l.,.d el or tl!llO•• 11 ;OOe.m ., Sep. Eest, so 1eet; 111ence North •1 OllQtHS loll-Ing snell De printed In Ille OfGer t-5, ,,,S, et wnlcll llm•-pl«• s,t' !t" E•st, S?,5 leit; 1r.1nc1 Nonn"" tn11mtreted: bkl1 will De publicly openlO end"'ld In e119ree1.0S' 39'' Wtst, SO 1ee110 11>1 trut II) Tl'le "8me ol tl'll 1mpro"""""I Norti.1st Co..ltrance Room. polntol beQIMiflQ, Dlstricl •nd Ille dllll ot e11:ction. 8!dOOC:un1e<1li will De •v•U-onor Tne a Dove oescr lbed pare II h CJJ "NYmber ol •Otes 1ntllled lo elltr AYQY'1 11, l•IS, In 11'11 P1enr>lllQ ,"'°wn e 1 LOI,:~ end Ille Soul"-'"'" ceSI:''; enaeons1ruc.Uor1 011lc1111nelloll0Vled· one-l'lelf 01 Loi S• on Lltens1d (J) A solid b•etl< Une. lnlmldl11e1V drt!.I. SY•veyor'I M,lp ol St.rel'I Tnur~lo.. \lf>der Ille lfr>e sll.ail DI prl"1e0' "Fola Eecll Did sl'lall rame!n V•lld for • f'll•k !Ilea In 8ooO. '· al Pil9ll 1~, ot DQltom01Dallolyplo 1111,,1111e:·. ptrloa 01 ..is dtY\ a111r Ille d•te Record o4 s ... r..,.Y>, In tne 0111ceol 1hl! l•l The DOlld proposllion 10 be wt>-'IPIC!tlfOtor the receipt ol Didi , County Recoroer of w1d Or•nve '°'"' mll\e41o ll>evoltn.. Tiii Eloerd ol T•u1'ee1 ll'lell be Ille IY. !el Apprapr!a1e iQYilfes 1"all be w it illdOI ol the qu&llty o4 f'GYlpmtnt l'AlllCEL t: Tllet oo•Uon ol S«Uon plac:ld•ller Ille propoi!llon on ll>e rl{llll ollerllcl end reserve!. tne •IQhl lo •elect 1•, In Tawn!.t>lo 7 South, Ra<l!le 9 Wll\I. Moeofttwt1111ot; eny or ell Dias er\CI 10 walv.! ..,Y Ir· Seti aer,,..ra1no Base ena Nerlalan. (I) .ApprO(ltiate volin11 1nstr"'11ons r19WlerUy lllereln. DOut'ICle<I and aesctlDed e1 !ollow.s; .....,yDeplac:tdon tht Dallol. s1vnea:O,,..nM!U1r fleGl""'lflQ el 111.e mosl Nortlllrly T1111 on '"" t11llo" to Cot' .. ~al said Dire< tor. PlllnnlnQ corner of the\ ce~l•in easement di· eie«lon In .ad!llon lo a ny otM• mel· •111:1 Conslri.cuan 111Jftelld 11 P i rc.el NO. 11 In ttlet certain ters •eciulred Dy iew. tMre ~NIU De H1,1nllt19ton 6t1Ch Union dMd trom Jol'ln o. Be~r. Tr\litee, IOI' ptlnlld w Dst1nUa l1 ytlll!toll-1nQ· HIQllSc.1100I01••r1c1 JO$l<pl'I s . Tnurslo.., Ba•"'""'· 1o Si OFF ICJ AL SAi.LDT P\lbU1hed 0 <1nQ1 Coa1t Delly Piiot M1U19e1'1, at u• .. reco•Md Oettn-Ger 11, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. '20ll Aul,!111111, 18, 19/S )ll).7S 1'30, in &ooll •SO. lll pe911, of Oltlclal OF Record~, in tlle olli(e 01 11>1 Cauntr IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE Atc0toer ol w !a Oren11e C:Ounly, said SPECIAL 80NO ELECTION NoV1mto..r,, 1,1S POint belA1;1 In ;o t urve tonce.., lo tile To wole. 1temp• (FOSS ( .. ) intl'IP--11 ..... J South-SI, 11.iVOllQ • redlus of ao IHI lllQ Wl>'re efltt tl'll word "VES" or !.UPERIOlll COURT OF THE -e llnQl'1 OI 10.61 IHI al.Id bring in llltlr Ille word ''NO"'. All mer•• STATEOFCALIFOlllNIAFOlll !ht NOrtl'lellS\trlr lin.e ot 1NI Ce<l•n o41Wrwi1o1 mede •re lorb!dd\'n. AlldlSt· THE CDUNTT Ol'ORANGE lftlf'fllfl\dil119NleGes Parcel N0.2, In •f>!IYf!.t>lllQ mil•llS are toroidden Mid Nt . A-M1M MIO dHa, ll'ler>le Nortll-"erly alonQ f"lltell'lll>lllot void , HOTICIE OF H EAA ING OF l'IAST 1111 ere ol i.eld c urve, lhroVQh e <ffltral II JOll wronQI~ m.atk, teer, or defect AMEND E 0 PETITION 1'0 Ill 8'191.-of' dlQrffs ••• )6", 6.1, leet to ll'lis l>lliol, "'turn" 10 '"" l<1Sptetor of .. 11109ATE OF WILL AND FOlll LET· !'-tr""' point of Deo!n,,lnQ of \lie Dolin· •IK\ia.. ... aoDteinanoll>e• TEASTESTAMENTART aww of'"" o•r(el ol 1•111:1 a...-:rit.O BONO PROPOSITION: Shall the £i\lll ol OLIVER 0. BEASl.EV, N~ln, I radial DttetlnQ el !.aid paint ll"Vlfll Rencn Waler Di\ltlct incur .., O.ceilH'd. belllQ Soulh 11 deQree1 1'' ,, .. Wll•I lna.b1edness •111:1 iSSYI 9e<1tr•I ODllQill· NOTICE IS ttE REBY GI VEN tllal 1rwnc1 con•inylnQ Nortnwtsle•ly, along tion DOndS !or tmp•ovemenl Dlsl•!ct JOHN PARKER 11e1. UllO 11trtln1pell· Ille ere of s...IO (~r•e tnrou1,1n .a tft'lrel No. 2ot tl'le reol In tne a mo .. nt or Ila.. lat Flrs1 AMenaed Petition tat enote ill I o.q....,s OS' 28" t .'IO feet to a W.•,M>S,000, el a me11imYIT' inte•estrate P.-lt o4 Wiii and lo• lssullnclol L.l'l· tx>lnl In Wld curve lrom wnk n !"'' o4 elol'lt Pl!•Ce"I (1%1 per annum, 10 K · ters Testemenlary to tlll Pl!lllloner, ·~ tenter be1rs SOuth 10 itto•e•> 11' S1" QYire er1d con'1•Ytl worO,s .and tectli Ues ference 10 wh!cl'I 11 m1ae '°' turlller E•H JOIHI lo • pain I In a (Y<V1 <onc•"" tor Ille collection, treatment, ana Ols· pert1c .. 1er•, ena 1nal Ille II"" -pllKt lo Ille S.0...111-1.1 l'levlnQ a realw. ol 100 PC>l•I of seweoe, includinQ aam1, re· ot nurlnQ \lie seme lies Deln wt tor IHI,• real e l beerlnQ•t sa id palm 1>111"!1 ,.,,.....olrs, 1rea1m1nt lacillt!t s, POIS, Sept. J, \915, •I ':JO a.m ., in 1111 Soutll 10 det,irffs IS' S1" West: thenee pumolnQ eQYipmenl and a!I ....ce1sary co..r1roOtn ol Oepertment No, J o4 wla S.0...llleesterly alo..Q the •rt ol said eQulp.menl and p•operly lhe retor, •<· c...,r'I, et 100 Civic Center Drive We,!, In C.Yrvt. lhr011Q'1 e central •"lllt o4 7 qulrlnQtuna1 lo !yllill ,o,.1ra.c 1...a1 com-tne Cllv 01 !.ante Anll. c e!llor,,le. aeor~s. os· JI", 12.JB IHI lo the end of mltments to carry 0 .. 1 the poWlf\ end O.leG All!I"" is. 1,1s. wldcurv.!, • ••dl•I De••inQ et wldpolnl purposes OI 11\1 Oistricl contained 1n WILLIAM E . SI JOHN, Dll"1;1 S....lh 11 deQrees 1~' l•" West: conlrecli, intludinQ contracts wlll'I Caun11 Clerk 11'11nc• SOutn n det,irees l•' 1•" Wes\, '10 otner aoencles, 111e payment 01-ral· PHILLIP IE. ~•LY E RMAN IHllolntlrve point ot 1>111lnnlf1Q. lllQ and ollle• costs Of 1ne Dlstrkt ...a 1'71W.llfHodwlly #201 Tr.e anove dest•it>ea oercei h the estebll!>flme.nl al all or l>Olr'I al tl'll? Mi'-lm, C.111. tJIOI -11 as Loi SOG on said Llce.,,.,.1 Dana •He••t tuna oul ol tlle proceedsOI AttorM~ fer; ,..111 ... er Surve,or'1 Map of S•••ll Tn .. rnon 11'11! wit of st.iO DOnos. au in eccatdence PuDlisl\ed 0r111oe c011t Delly PllOt, Pll•k. t1ll!'d in Book •. a r 11.a.,e 16, 01 wt\hll'll! plan of wor1l1 lor Improvement AU{lllSl11. 22, 21. 19/S J2JJ·IS A10<0td Of Survey1, in 1111! o!llce of '""' Distfi(l Mo.106~ Countw Recoroer of sa •G Orenoe TIW! poll lor sefd election sttall bl CO...nty. OOlfll'd 11 1:00 o'clock ... m .• °"Ille 'rr<>recommonlyknawnas' mornl"1;1 of !.aid tlKl•On ena snell De PUBLIC NOTICE 1~15 Roo•e•elt La ne. Le11un• k~ ooen llfltll &:00 o 'clock 0.m ., on e..ecn,Calllorn0•916S1 tllt.t dey, wl'len 1111 s•me sr.all be Terms ol sa1e <•Sh •n l<1wtu! ,,...,... .. ol closed. INTHE IUP'IE•10111co u111T Ille Unitt4 SlilltS on con1,,....,to<>n OI :;eld1mprovementOislrlt lshellCon· OFTHESTATEOl'CALIFORNIA 1e11, Or pa rl ct.s h a nd balant" stltllte e 1lnQlt elect Ion precinct tor ll'le '""AND FOR THE ••laen<;ld Dy note~'"''° D• MorlQ19': PllfpO!ol of l'IOtdlnt,i said elttlian. tt>e COUNTTOFOttaNGE Of Trust Deed on Int proper\¥ so 5010 pollillQ plllCI !or S•ld i:irecincl '\hall bf' Ne. A""S4 T•n per ctn I al amount Did to 1>11 ~ll0'>1T Ille place llerelnatter aes111ne1ec1. •tld OlllDl.•TOSMOWCAUSE FOlll eawilnblo. the per I.Olis l>lreln•tter n•meG, btillQ CHANGE OF "'AME Bid• or offel'"$ to be In wrilln118"" will Pt•sonl quaHll.O end tn11111!d 1o vote al In Ille Mitter ol 11>1 ApolkeUon ol DI rKllWd el the •lilr•Sald Olhte .al said llK11on, flaw t1ffn ~ppolnl.O a!. GAYE CAROL TICKNER lor °""'V" eny l ime •lier 1111! llr•t puDllte1IOll memDers ol the Baerd of El«llafl, ol Mime. nereof and blloredlle OI salt. lnspe<Jor, Judl,le ana Clerks, A<;pl(· 11>e eppllcetlon of GAYE CAROL ADRIANNE M ELDY. !lwly, end es anernale\ 1or se!a Soard TICKNER !or cllen111 of n•me, Mvl,..., Conlolrvatorof tne EUele of EIK liOll, wllk ll alternates sfwlll, In bea<1 llled ln Court, end II •PiJSerl,..., end1>1rsonolseld theordlr In ... nlcl'I \lley ere aQPOlnted, frolT' seld eppllc•llon that GAYE Con1o1rvalee, 1111 anr vacencltS on 1ne Bo•rdOI EIK· CAROL TICl(N EA he, 11110 In ~Uy. Helen B. Wi!O llon l!inyot111etnemblrsappolnlt41o \Ion proposlnQ l ht.t the name De M4CHAELC.SAGAR 11110 Board ol Election ao not anend et c II ii <1 Q e d to CARD L GAVE Alter"'J·llt·l.aw 11\eOl)lnlnQCl\llepoll. ANDERSEN. Publl1hed Orangl Coast Daily Pilo\, Now, tl'l1r1lore, II 11 hereby orde'1!< '"·-0 '' >> >I '''' ,,,.., -"•N•e• •cE·. .....,.ii ' ' ' ....,. .... .., ...,. -dl,..,cteG, IN\ 111 p1rson1 lntere.t Sand Ce"'°" Resel"VO!r ed In said m1tt•r do eppeer Diiate !hi! ---------~--- ltC?lMlclletw Court In Qep.1r1ment Jon llJ.I 21\d dlf 01 PU BLJC NOTICE lr•lne, C.Hlomle Sept em Der. 191S, 11 10 o'doc:• •.m., Of INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CL ERK!.: • ALTERNATIVES: Jamtt Koerbll!r Jolln Y""fl911tad l.olsFrenc.11 J.c:kHlll GerJ Blac:11Dllm To be qu.alif•ed •s 1 voter -lo be ""tilled to vote •I said elecllol>, uw person ..,..st Dee no1oer of 11111,., a.. tined In 5.e<:lion 1'0711ot the Water Code ol Ille Stele al C•Uforn11, to ltna In w 1a lmproveml'nl OIMrlcl. Eet h voter \f\eU l'lilW' ~ (I I vote !or eacl'I ODllar'i wortll ol 1&r1e1 10 ,..hl<h he no1cts 11111. Tiie las\ equ.atl1ed aS'StsSm1nl book of Ille Olslrl(I h (Ofl<'.luslve e vidence of owner!.t>lp 111'1<1 ol IM •al111 ol 1111 lend so OWl>e'd eJcept Ille\ In Ille event an llS· seu~t for Ille Oi•Hlct r.a1 nol '-"" ..... ae end •••led for the Y••r In ... nlch Mid elecllon Is to De neta, !he lei.I eQl.llllllld aSSt1.$,...,,I roll of llW County of Or•nQI Is concl.islve e vldllnce o4 -•!ohlp a nd ol Ille v•l"" of !end t.o owned . Every •o1er. or his le1111 repre1enletlve, mey vote el!Nr In PlflOl'I or by• ae•M>n dYIY •ppoln11<1e1 1111 p101fy. "L111el rtpre11ntatlve" IT'lll!ll'IS 11'1 ofll<l•I ol e corporlltlon own· lr>Q IW!d ¥10 m41en s a 1,1,,..rdlen, ••· e<;l/IOf Ot Mlmlnblre!Ot OI lhe IS1Mt ol !'-!\Older of till• to lend who <el 11 ep- POlntH .....,., lhl le ws of lhts Slat•, Cb ) 11 e<1tltleG 10 posse1s1on of Ille ltState's land, -tcl Is •uthOrlJtd by lhl IP· POintlnQ court to e•l'•Clse Ille pe.,..,.1 rlQl'lt, prlvU"91! 0t lmmunlty -1(;1'1 he -~s to 1a1rcise, Before • lepl •et1Awnteti,,. m.y vo11 11 ~er el«- tlon, 11o1 ..... 11 ar111n1 io IN Boera cit Elec;tlon • cerllll•d COPY Of $1ld MIU'lorlty, ""'kn ll'lllll 111 llepl..., n1ec1 wllhtlllrltlu•n1ol tl'lellt<llon. NIO ltitPO!nllTlent of • proay 5""1! De v•lkl, •<~•ot1d, or • vote ellowtd ltll<IOn llftlH' It"'"'' •II of tlll !ollOw· lllQ reqylr•mer111: (•) It I• In w•llfno; (DI It ls1xecllled by 1111Pl!rMlnor1111'1 ~,.,1o1n1e11 ... ottlle Pl•wn wtio. In«· cordll'lc:1 wit"1111 provl•lo..1 cw Se< Hon l5003or Jj(l()3, 1 ot Ille Weier COdlol 11'11 Sl•t• ol C.llfofnle, h 1ntUtlCll 10 1111 ...,i11 '°' whlCll V.1 pro11y11 Qlwn; lcl ii Is ac:•nowleG(lt'd o• t•rlltleG In..:· catO-ewlth Stctlon 20\S.Sof tnecooe Of Clvll Proc•du•• ol trw State ol ctHl0tnl1; ldl 111.0e<Hlel Ille tlectlon at wllk ll 11 !1 lo DI usad; et'MI !el It wn De one l0tm 11 M)l(lllf(I by 1'-c-iiw Clar' "'""ftO tllellllo.,. req..,lrwntl'lll. Mid dly lo !.llOW <•u5"1 Wiiy ll'll llPlllk•· !Ion fof c.Nn-ve <-4 nem• should no! Dr gren1RI. II I• lurll'ler ordered tll" • c.opy ol tl'lls Order De publl.,..d In ll'le 0rlf>!ll' Colll D•llY f'ltol, e r>eW!.P'IW< ol oen.rel clrtYl•llon, p1ln1eG In w ic c-IY, •I lee1.t once I ll Ch Wffk for 1...,r successive -.k1 prior to 1111 O.y o4 wlON•rl"'9. Dtted 1111s2.i11 O.y of July, lflS, Hllrmon G. Scoville JudQlof Hid SuPl!rior Court 17'1) MILLElll&M!l.L•ll 1HOW111fllrt alvlllt., N•. 9" LM ••II•, Clllll•mle tOOS1 AtwMY'llll' ""111k.fllt PllbUll\ed Orenoe Coasi OeUy Pilot, AuQus11, 1•,21,11, 1915 rt!>lt-1 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSI NESS NaME !.TATE MENT Tt>I fo110Wll'IQ person1 ere aalflllb•lll· .... ,.,, BECIC.'S/LAGUNA BEACH RUG CLEANERS, 1SJS LeQY,.. C•nyon AO., Uo{I....,. &e!Kh, c.a111ornie 91i51 Randy l(ylln, 2SlS LaQY,.. (enyon Rd .• le'l"na 6eeth, C•1;1orno1 '1•S1 .:.,nnell'I KY'1n , 3•2 Flore SL, L.fQ..,.. S.e<h, Calllorn(e '2•S 1 Tiiis bysln111 Is co,,aucted by 11 Q<ll"ll••I par1nersllip. Kenny l(Y'111 This 1letemenl *ll• tiled w;!h the Cou"tY Cler~ ot Or.anoe Coumy on AUQl.lil22, 1•1S, F'70S4 PuDllst>ld Orlln{le Coe sl Dally Pi lol, AUi,!. 28, ana Sept .•• II, 18, 19/S J320.7S PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF T11E BOARO OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A SenleAn1, C..IUornle THOMAS WILL also discuss various methods of commercializing in- ventions. new products and creative writings. "EVE R SUE. Tiie eoll(llnlm•"' QI I pro~, c., be vSld only II Ille •ll<llon IPt(lliea. E,,..." a Pll(llnlmtnt Of a P"'ll'f' I• re· ~flbk et Ille Pl•e1U<I Ol the pert.on execllllN) 11 •I any time tll'tor• '"' ""'°" •POOfntld •• o•o•y IJ'lf,U hew <hl • Dtllol reprnenllng Ille vC!'lln tor .....tlk.lllheeapoinlmtnt ••• QIWl'I. A r.Q1111r mHllnQ ol 1111 Boerdot S1,1p1rvkon. Of Orenoe CO..nty, C1111ornle, llllO MUIA1;1 •s tllll GovernlnQ Boera CW IN Dlslrlc.1s 90""''""" bV lhe Boera OI Sllpel"Vlt.onw•' held AUQull 1•, 1•1s,et •:Jt.A.M. Thelo!lowll'l{I nemea me"'""" belllQ or•wnt: Rllllf! A. O!eGrlcll, c.Nlrl'llll'I: Rotier'I w . Bauln, Llurence J . Schmit, Relp!I B. Clerk, Tl'lomM F. Rlleyarod 111e0er1',. lmprowmenlsere com. pletld In Dl•l1lan ol L•nd No. 1S32. Trelfk CommltlMMatters ereepprowd. Air C..llfOfnle cl1lm for ~lund o11111H lsepproved. Mo'1Qaoe mao. totlle ea .. ntrot DrenQe Is releesed. S•ntl~ Mtth,..I Weter Ca. w11ter stock ls accepted. Tract malleri •r• IPDFOWd. Foller Horrw PrOQ<llm Quertffly proeress reilOfl 11 ••· cel...:1. <>Dllorl \Ollltl'nd Ment•I Heeltll Feclllty lease ise•e~clsed. Monelery Qlll lo Ille Problllon Dtpertm41nt 11 ac:Cl'llled. Ctr'lain ltewl req1115U ere epproWd . nw meltff of Ille tr i v• I reqUHbof ti. Agrkl.lllY•al Cammi1sloner Is continued 10 AUQ111l 1i, 197,, TI'll hlrl ftQ lrffle is llHICI on various po»ltiorli. Suuera Ler>e rl9hl OI *•Y con111<t 11 •pproveo. Tiie mettetof t1 rnt eccoutollnQ tor County em11loyees b rt11rred IOf Ill.Id~.,,., ••POfl. P•F-V•lencla StOfM Dr1ln eQrHmenl i$ •P· proved. Aor11ment tor SI••-Cornmunlly Per~ pfOQOWd p1..,,..1"11 h app<ov1<1. Conlr.c:1 fof 11-...1"1 111 Dack t\'fl 11 ~. Demand• !or r.i .. nas ot teAe!. p11ld ..... vrerrt.a. C..mDrldQI S\orm l>•ln eno1-• ..... IOrte.....,,1 IS app•owd. TI• Collt<IOf'I A\KUon :>el1 No. 11'9 11 autllorllld. ASwumenl Roll COrrectlon1 art vr..-illd. Prt"Pe•llllon of 1>11!11of>..., Plff"ot~• o4 tnQlnetri"!I Sludle• ire MllOrtlltd 1# propoHO rmc1ro..,,...l\I DISlrkt No.''· Art1ri.1 HiQhwey Fi,,.nc· Ing PrOQ••m Admlnlslrellon '9'-•ltOh Ml lllP"0¥111. A~ Per• Sc: hem et le. end~ ae ... topment Oii" Is~. Oe'-t'-OI ctr1.i1111111lt1ans end l•••r· Ing ol c.1rtlln posltlon1 In Ille 1'7$-1• 8l.ldge1 ... •ultlotl&ed. Gaologlc Mf<PlllnQ <OOPlf .. IW IOf'llmtnt Is emlltdld Mldelll...oed. wa ... n, 1n1-h andCl'llldr1n SC-Cl•I Sulllllement•• Food Pl'O!Jf..., IQ<'ft!""l\t ls -..oea. R~moor co .. ,,ty Se<•lc• Aree No. 21 lfH m•ll\llflen:•contr1<tl1•w1rded. PubUc .Administrator u1h dllfwrt11C• lvn<1 Ii relmtivrted. Submission of 9rentcontltl\letlon app11c.11Jon, Mobll1 lnl1nsl.,. C:.r1 P•r•medk PrOQ11m, ls1111tllori1td. Notice liQl¥.., 10oD· 11Qtl• Feoer ••·Aid lot Oll·Sy11em AMC11 lllftds. tt"rlnQ Is set on PFOPOW'd enne•· et ion of t1u1tory lo Str"t LIQt111"'9 Mlllftl'llM>ll(e Dlstrkt No. 13. Con111nl to SYb- lffM c•r1.in HIWporl OUllH orooerty 11 aoproved. Reoort, l.eQll ISpeCIS ol SI lie 8ofrd of E<1u11ltetlon"s '"'°"on oaerellans o4 Asseuor•i Dflf<• IS awro\141d. TtmPOfll'Y bot,_lf'IO ot monltl lor-ccert.ln Khoo! dl1trlc.U '' eYlllOl"l11d. R•r Nlllldor• is ••-apopolnttd to ltte DrllllOI: Ool.onl~ H01.11lnQ Autl\Ol"lty Commission. PUrcNM ol tr•llers tor Ill• Mldlul Ctt>ttr MoOll1 lntff!Slvt O rt PerlllT'ldlc Trll!li""ll P.0gr1m 11 •utllorlnd. Slc>lfvl_. S.llln Is cellfO trom the IT'lellnQ. Dtlllkwil en.a frff1!n1,1 ot cerllln f'05111oN In 1111 \91S-1a BUOOll •r• ... 111orl1ecS. s...ootvlMlf ll.lttlf'I rel urns 10 ,,,. f'l'lll!'llnQ, TM IHSI o1 e teletype'°' tlltt !ohl!r!ll• Cor-r O.pertmenl Is •ull'IOl'l.0. Tree I MepNO. 17c.t 1' rKltl'i'f'CI. APPl!c.tllan tot }Otl\I 11MofMCAS. El Toro;« NAS, lm.Al•ml~.orDotll, ls .... 1-•..cr. RelOIY· llon .......,dlnQ ••le of <•t cadfwrs lor lduc.tlknll PllrPO...., b edOJl!ld, Ap- PrQllf'leUon for 1•P9fldllure1 llw:ll ·~ Is provldtld '°' tne ll'ldCKlllnet1 Awfveln A1.sl1t...c1 Pl'OQtllm. T'lll 8olrdOK1¥'eS 111a1nome1t1ngs ... 111 be n.•aon ~,. lfld H , 1t 7S. Appal~ an mlde IO ll'lt HlffTWI" !.lrviCIK Cam• mlulof\, '"' St .... i<IQ CommlU.Sl\ldvll'lt H-nSlrvkft ~ncy end Gt meter, Dillrkt Nil. I. Ml-1 Buro liconw1•noeo. TP!e ~llOl'l ul R. &lftnlll es e Dlncl<WofC.m1t•r¥ OlstrlclNo. t l18CUl)teG. Tiw &oaraedjovmeG, Business 272, "lnven· tions and Creative Writ- ings-Their Protection and Commercialization'' wrn be orrered both Tues· day and Thursday nights. -THURSDAY NIGHT sessions are scheduled to begin Sept. 4 at Tw;tin High School and will be beldfrom6to8p.m . Smallprint. Browbeater and Sirenchaser. eh! Do they have instant pet· tifogging power that ex· tracts huge wads from o ut·o (·court settle· ments?'' ''They blee d 'em. white r th a n wbite, honey. And with up to 15 percent less rakeort on the contingency fee ." II 1-U'lirdl f">I OI 1111 VOl11 ~II al Yid flll(Uan t•vor tne Is-• o1 wMt DOndl ne<n""' 10 accomoll1" 111e """' cw __ , Ii llertin Ot Krlbld, Mid bOl'ldS for ltnpfOVement DIU•k:t HO.* ll'lllt l>ll 11oWl'CI ....,, llOld for Iha JMllOW1 WI fortll ntt'lln, Wlll~I lo llw oro- Vb*lt Cit Stl:.llofl llts0.5 01 ll\e Wit ... Cootot 1111 st•• of C..lltllf'nl1, WI LU AME. ST JOHN Clotrt., Of !I'll Boll'dot s..cienr•-· OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF tHE &OARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUHTT, (.ALlf'ORNIA Slit!•""''· C.lllornla Pl'!yslo1o9y," E.erl• Oavl1, Jr .. Pn,O., 11t lur1r In Hume" Mor111101otJ. cantom•• oin..-of MldK.,.., lJr lrvlM. P•rt of e UC lrvlnt Eal-'<:ln 1ac 111r1 1ar111. 7 :10·10 11.m .• f'r•t lltnlll l.•Ctu•• H•H, °'-"· Floor, Mellll~I L!b,•1y, Mielk e • ~ lurOf II 1111:19., UC 1fvlM c-.ut, F.-:"4. Tuesday night sessions will he held on campus from 8 to 10 p.m. begin- ning Sept. 9. For r egistration in- formati o n co ll Sad- dl e bac k Col l ege, 831-9700 • "That sounds like the law firm for me. Thanks, Mossy Belle. From now on I 'm retaining Eversue, Smallprint. Browbeater and Si.renchaser for all m.)I· law1uiU." ()1(;1111 11. oU.rwt• provlo.cl Ill tllt (.lllfornl•W•Wr Ol1trlet Uw, Dtwl.iotl 13 cw lN Wei•• Codi ol Ille SlaM of (el~ Mt011tctlon 1rw1ll becaH•d, ,_Id .,.er <Ol'ldllctlO In tile ,,......., ~ wlofcl lrl ttl• llY•llw' ICtoplM 11'1 lhl 8Mnfol Oir'ICtilf'I of s•kl Dlltrl(I, •P.. "'°"'" 11'1 Ille Board of Suoenr~ Ill 0e-. C.llfttJ •nd 011 111e ... on tl'I' c--i1, Attordef GI Mid County. n11 notltt I• 01.,.n .....,,_1-.:. • ... IOlllllclfl of lhl llolird of Dl~la<'I ( l!"Wlr'I lit•A>C~Wllll' Ol11rkl lidlOPltdC .. 11ltll»Yol JlllW ttJ). A t....,.i•r ,,_llllQ of ti. ~II ~MWSofOr...,. COUll!v, C•lllonll•, tlto \ll!lno " Ille Go•••nlllQ llolld af IN Di1trlc:11 QOVt•Mcl by Utt llHf'll .. Sl/pll'Tl-1 wMllltd AuOuSI :IO. lilS,•l •;llOA..M. TlwlollOwl .... ,..lt'tl<d mem"''' "'""' pnsenl: A•IOll A. OJt.Orlct\, Owli,..,..; Rllltllr1 W, e.ttln, l,.1-nc• J . 5dlml\ lllteltlfl I . Cl.,11, T"'°""' F, RlltyMl!l thl ClerL LHw for Mental Heel QI t~llllY ~ INllnl•Mr« ClkK It .... 0'4d, T1-mtllt< of !I'll~ 11N11d11..,1 IO ...... Mini •IUI 1111 Cllyol CYP'ltl fot IOllODerdllto 1NM1 ••"lbltlon h <llltlllllllllf 10 Sillll•mber 1. 111s. APllll' ...alt In Ille W.11 Or-enge CO...l'llJ c-1• H ~-. A "'"°" It •YlllGl'l..O Oii 11'11 orOlllllllMll Holw E..,,.nt a1 1111 0r¥19' ~"0.-•I PIMI, TM•PP1llon1JM Pltrm11Na.UP4tl61111tnllcl. Tiie lf1$-I• llutlgll It..,.,... •• •mencltcl. c.rt.i" c-ltvC11on C*llr.:U.,. -raid. The ..,..., on u111 ""'"'u No. U'4111 11 •wo.,.. with condltlont. Atoort on ll"'-11"" "'""l,. mttllodt fGI' ~·Air "*'"'Ion (;oll«rol Dltlrk1 /1 a c111t• 111.ci\A91 .. ttl.,. f'IPl'Het1lell--d1"c.ltd lo Ott U.•-ndl'Mnl Into 119!11•• llcft. Tlw NortfW•ll 0.rdtl'I 0...... Utlll 1.1 ...... II <-ndM. lrlllltf Pkhlll' 11 ICl(li(lllll44t l>'rt<tor f!IOl'•noec-ityc..-i.ty Dllltkl NIO. t. Ti.IOIOUlon °'-"-' C9mmlt1--.. lw IM WrHt o.-.... COunlT Court 11 ,....,,.,,.,., ,._,ere "'°'"'"''aUOlft-M. TM ...,_ .. jtumld. ·~· w•DHl:IDA Y, l•P'TIM••t1 M "Flll'l(.flon., fM N•r ¥0\lt S"llllirn." .ti.ft,.... I. liitr .. r, Pll.O,. •111.i.nt 4 l , (" I /SIL. i . IE8EALING ,.,.. .......... 9"1'doll>l~lf l ......... 1'111tllW•ltf Oillrkt I WIWAM•.IT .IOHH Otrtt11Ne....d01Sllptnrj1Grl f"*lfl_.Or ..... CO.tl Oellff'tla\~· 1'11 ,,.,.,, The 60-year·old star had little praise for the sorig that people have come to associate with him. Sinatra sang ··My Way,. only .after numeroua re~ quests. .. Kitty Dukakls, Mdsachusetts' First Lady, s ays she felt "betrayed when I read that Presldeat Ford fell it necessary to articulate'! his wlfe'.s remarks on sex . Ford said his wife, Betty, was misunderstood in recent comme nts about the Fords' personal life. Mrs. Dukakis, wireof Go\I . Mtctaael S. Dukakls, told n wome n's breakfast, ••J feel Mrs. Ford articulated what many of us have found refreshing. For a c hange, a woman in a publiC position articulated what many of us think.'' Crown Prince Aldblto says his father, Emperor JUrohlto, has been waiting to visit the United States · ..,. for more than 50 years. HIROHITO At his annual news con· ference, Akihito said he has urged his father to visit the San Diego Zoo and the Woods Hole, Mass., Oceanographic Institute during his state visit Sept. 30 Oct. 14. The visit is the first to Was hington b y a reigning Japanese monarch. Mildred Chandler, 77, wife or former Kentucky Gov. A. B. ''Happy'' Chandler, was listed in serious condition at the University of Kentucky Medical Center aJte r s uffering a heart attack. Mimi Lewis, a daughter who lives in Dallas, said her m other suffered a similar attack about 10 years ago. In addition to serving two terms as governor, Cha ndler has been a U.S. senator a.nd com- missioner of baseball. • Enzo Stuarti, the Italian crooner who for years has made a pitch to television audiences with his spaghetti sauce commercials, has run into trouble selling a Rolls-Royce. Len Leonards filed a $28,673.15 damage suit against Stua rti, charging that the singer sold him a used Rolls· Royce Phantom for $20,000 and didn't tell him it badly needed repairs. According to court papers filed in Morristown, N.J., Leonards said Stuarti told him tbe car was in good mechanical condition, but it needed a new $7 ,000 engine and $1,673 in other repairs since it was_ purchased in May. • The Newport (R.I.) City Council threatened to revoke the license or an upcoming.jazz concert un- less promoters cancel a performance by the group Blood SweaL and Tears. The group was s igned lo appear al the concert ( ) after jazz singer Sarah PEOPLE Vaughan cancelled her '-----------appearance . The coun cil con· tended Blood Swe at andTearswas arock band, not a jazz group, and as such would not be. allowed to perform in Newport, which for years hosted the Newport Jazz Festival. The festival was disbanded after disturbances broke out in 1971. • England's duchess of ArgyU was guest of honor in a former tourmaline mine 100 reet underground near Fall brook. The setting was lavish with champagne-laden tables under crystal chandeliers. Host Carl Larson had two rooms carved in the dirt, reached by a 100· foot tunnel on theirpropertynorthofSan Diego. · Margaret, duchess of Argyll, left the Hotel del Coronado where she is staying in San Diego fo[' the party. .. Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the ief U.N. delegate, is getting around on crutches, an example or the hazards of country living. Moynihan, out walking on his farm near Oneonta, N.Y .• stepped into a woodchuck bole and suffered a hairline fracture of the large bone in bis lower left leg. Moynihan; with the injury, is sticking to safer ground -his suite al the Waldorf·Astoria Towers. MOYNIHA" '* Ronald ''Buster'' Edwards, who helped steal more than $7 million in Britain's Great Train Rob- bery in 1963, w as ordered jailed for six months for shoplifting. He said he would appeal and was re- leased on bail- Edwards, 44, a flower vendor since he was paroled last April after serving nine years of a 14- year sentence, pleaded guilty to stealing four women's s hirts, a pair of pliers and two packets of staples worth $143 from a department store. The cou.rt was told that Edwards hit the woman store detective in the face and knocked her down, but was chased and caught by a tourist. . .. FBI Director ClarmceM.Kelley'•toppress aide resigned, 5aying: ••1 never got the opportunity to be open." WllUaa D. Ellla,.-, 35, wbo came to Washington with Kelley after serving as his press aide when Kelley was Police cblef in Kansu City, Mo., said hejustclidn'tfitlntothe FBI mold. ''I wasn't ready for the FBI and the FBI wasn't ready for me," he said In a telephone intonlew. "I was non-productive." . Elllnpworthisarormer._utfortheKansu City Star. * Controvenial tympanlat El111M J-loot her bid to remain a member'1 the San Francisco Sym- pbonyOrchHtra . The seve:n-memJ>erp1ayers' committee and con· ductor Seljl O.awa ~for a....ond and Ona! Ume to deny the black musician tenure. Miss Jones, 45, filed tNilin f"ederal court to retain the poslUon she has held far two years. She charged that she was denied a permanent Job with the or· cbestra because abe is blackud a woman. ' ·I f t I T ThurM19. A1J9 u112e. 1975 DAILY PILOT • J IOOMER by Wa F. lrown mid Mel Caston DOOLEY'S WpRLD by Rodger lradfllkl TUMBLEWEEDS ' l.Mf(I; !¥1JCI0()5 I l l<.llAT'' ll' I cALt£11 r I I J.11(!: 'Tl!OSE. DUM~ l'tlKfR JlAMOS 'rt)(J'RE JN E.V~RY PAY? 1HA"f'S A I.IE, vou ; llRAZEN , WA IF! ... by Tom It Ryan ~\~::::w:~~-.]·~i.-~~~----.1 FUNKY WINKERBEAN JOON OARLIN6, <,lOLJR ACTION REPORTER HERE OUT ON lfiE PICKEf LINES Wll\I STRIKING lEACHERS ! I ll'\ 11\U::IN6 HERE. UJffi1 lfiE PRE.&1 DENT OF 1HE 1EACH Ar..50CJATION , f«.W K»OMIAlf FIGMENTS . NANCY iEU. ME, ~<,l , HAVE NE&allllT'IOf.15 l'>ETWEEt-llfiE 6CHOOL BOAR D AND lfiE .IDCHERS BEEN G01N6 ON Al10llNO lME CLOCK'!- by Tom Batluk . l l by Dale Hale by Ernie Bushmiller HE LIKES TO KEEP EV E RYTHING HE EVEN HAS THE FIRST BALL OF ST RIN(7 THAT REMINDS HIM OF HIS YOUTH ,-.,.-... -·· ·TODAY'S CRDSSWDBD PUZZLE HE SAVED PEANUTS MlllllOR, MIRROR, ON lfiE WAU., v.lfO IS lllE FAIR1ST OF l'HEM ALL? DR. SMOCK 11"''5 1""00 t...A"i~ 'f'O COMPJ...AIN NOW , MRS. eAR"!"ON ... ! • j I ' . ' 8·28 " GORDO MOON MUWNS ANIMAL CRACKERS ' I T '5EEMS THllT 6)51'/IHINe I \1<4 Et.IDS OP A D!'5MAL FAil.ORE . , .. i i •o " !! ,, ! • , ~,~~....--rr-i'r-.f'T:>], ! . I . ' @ -rnE 1Q39 NEW YORK \\IOR1.0 S FAIR COVER ED 1,116AC~~ ... vvHA1"' c:>1c;;t vou exPec-r WHGN YOO ASK5'P FOR OUR """0 FRlt..t..S " ACCOMMOPA'llONS? <!JLAO niBZE'S NOTH IN@ J.IKE 'TllAT J-VRK/)JC:, /JNOER. by Charles M. Schulz THE GIRLS ,.....,---...,...-- t • ACROSS ~U.S. ba.lrl1tie Yfftttd1y's Puule Solved: 1 Kiii. of 1111 missile 001T11c1 !58 Btlnd 11rlp S \I 15 Man In th• 62 Aroll'lll11C Bibi• be'ler.101 9 Fni's suplffOI' &4 Le'V911urlac1 14 M1mt:Peuhlp 65 No. A,1ric1n IM• cit~ 1S Oon•tad , 87 Now called 16 NtlghbOror E1hlopl• New 10 Knoc~ed lor• Bruntwlc'k 17 N11ur1lrubbltr, 71 Assemble lorol'l9 72 U.K .. natMI ~U:J\tJi: 111 COmpolllt 73 Rablllt Harold-7• Pu11odellh r ~ 20 s..11ptt« 1s Fem111111rc1s ...,..,,...,... , ~~·HJ 2t EtlQt DOWN £ S T l C 2l Sll!Pttl 1 Oellgl>l!ul 24 TllllllMll l bodlS 7' "So long" 2 Bulbous plant 22 Corn!1'IO!'I • '8 Wood ZI Put undflfoot: 3 S-~t nlCk!lllml ptOducts 2 words hmo1111 : 2 25 Oeltct 61 Desplubl1 31 fll!ytllmlc WO<ds 21 Eff!1 -: Pt<50": Slang ;)5 C.uHld to 4 S11t1 wlth Gruit sprlntot 53 Wa1ri1ngton sting conlld....:1 28 Restwr~ I tncti.n 37 Kll'ld or 5 !-lave. -at It 11111 56 Ca*i-.is and ..:lip.. 6 ftll'llle 30 Known n lankeet :)9 P1i11 llghler 111lm11 3l l1v1111111u 57 Skull 40 Utlutu1Jg!l)' 7.-,ver1g1: 33 Actor Franco protublranet <&2 TonesOO.n Abbr. 58 Cen1euol 44 Nolw..-il!Q B Earn :J.t PlaylngCMd euthol!ly •5 ·aroun-• II Communion 35 Yechl 59 An1tl&!!"pl 47 Arn¥. cup 36 lntfleCIMof: 60 Humdinget co1on11r1 saJ. 10 le1w 2 words . 61 Soon u!ellon Antillt1lst1!1d 38 Stlifl)l!!'l.UI &3 Slth'1brolllet i19 Melt mln« 1f Liver aec:11tlon ~nc.il 115 F0ttlgn aoent, !O E•ptf\men\lf 12 Some •t Re'folutlon 68 Alllrm1tive $2 Cleseto 13 Porteb1e '3 Toleret>t~ YOl• u1lllz1 ahelt9f otf Compltt Ml• 119 Swl~ M Goouton·-11 !(lllTllfpoem wor\ enc;!o$ure .As DOl<NA LAVAL CONTINUES t\ER. DANCE, THE AUDIENCE OF TWENTY IS SILENT! MISS PEACH I I I DICK TRACY SIN/1 A MED!.EY OF 'THEM1 AllTH~JI'.... HEY? TIW '45 POUH111NG CRACKED THESE SlA8S OF SANDSTONE. t CAN M<:NE:::..f'-'\ 1 by Men by Chester Gould "'Why shouldn't her husband always took well-rested -he's been Ut r-"""."':-=D~EN::.:.:.~~~=~u~;~~~~~"~:=~~·~~C~E!:-~-v1 ~ ~ • ,. I ! • alt DAILY PILOT * Thursday August28 197'5 • PUBLIC N011CE ~ -41 NOl'ICI TOCll•DITOlll' Mlfl'tllltOlt COURT 0, TNl STAT•Of'CALl'OllNIA l'Olt TM&COYNTYO,OllANGa .......... , .. 'l!tl•lt ot IEULAH M. PAINE. NOTICE 1$ HEREBY CIVEN 10 '"" t..ll!ort of n .. •bo,.. ,..med OltUOtnl ht .ii ptt'Mn• 11evln11 tlll"") AOolln.i e. WIG ~ .,, ••o,..l•ed to t•lfo ~ .i111 tM M<••wrv vowc:l'ltrt, In • ofl'ke of IM <lltlo. O! IM ;ob:) .. tn- i.cli(ourt, 0< IOP<tM'nl ll>em, Wl\111,,.. Kil.Wry ¥01Kller$, 10 llW ..n-~(IM(I lhtOflk•Of JOMpll A. Gtinoww,116 , Tvttln St., Or~. c11u .• wn1cr1 I) 19 plKt Of IMl$11\fft 01 llW u.-.a.r»Qnt<l ell -II••• ~rl1lnln9 lo '""'"tllltl DI Md *<-.-dent, within loor mont~;ifl~r ... ""' puDllUUOtlOl lfll~ no11c ... Otllld Augwl 11, \t1). I RoyC.KilkMr E•l(UIOt Of ll•t W•ll of,,... tbovt ....... a dHedent .IOSl!l"M A.GIEN01t1!$1E ,,.N, T"'°1h1S1. Or ..... C.. .. I. T.i1a1t1W.-.. ............ E .. <wtw 11\ib!lllWd Or•noe C<>il\I Ot1!y Pilat, A14, t•.Jl,H, SeQ1,,, \tlS 310..1 PUBLIC NOTICE "IC'llTIOUS aUSINIESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow•l'Q P<'•Kln I) OO<f>(j DU!>< ,..,,,u LAGUNA 8 EACli SIGN (0. Jlt Oc:""Aw .• ~oun.~•t",C"-~l Fr•n<.OO' Souther. •)I li•wl"O<nir Rd , L•9U"I B•<t</\, CA-•2t'I 11111 bu1W.s1 "(0t>0U(ltU DJ oWI !I'" (llv10U•I F••l\tOlS Bo ........ Tl\1 ' \l•l ....... n! W•\ 1111111 Will\ llW '°""''Clef~ 01 Or•"oe Coun1y on Julv U, lt1,. -· Publ1}.lle(I 0••"9' to•'1 O•llv P1101, AllQu\11, l•,21, 21, 19/S lOl~IS PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINt:SS NAME STATEMENT 'Ti. tollowi"ll perslHI ls e>01nQ b<N· ntiSI \ ANTS "-1soc!•h•s. 2112 DuPont O<l~,SU•lt21J, lrvlM, CA92,... G. S. !i.omueu.11,,, 14'12 SleHe C.lm:i Ao.I. trv1,,e,C.A92..,. 1111\ buslne's •} t001Cluc1eo by.,, 1n- Go v1111,ij1I G S.Sllol'nuel~n Tllll Sl•le..,..,,t wes l1lt'(I wltll Int! '°""'' c11•• 01 or~no-co ..... 11 Ofl AU91.1sl IS, 1'/S PUBLIC NOTICE ,_, ---.,,=co~--------1 PvOU""°'O Oran~ CO<lst 0-.Uy PolOI, f'ICTITIOUS •USINESS AllQ. 21, 71,•nO s,.p1.•, I l, l~IS JIM·IS NAM.STATEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE Tht tollowlftO P<trsons ••t o6'119 ll\I~· MU.s: I. M"-UI PROPERTIE S 2 l----M-.-,-,-,-.-.-.-,-,.-,-.-,--- O>ASTAL PROPERTIES, l. l'MRiNE WATER OISTRICT PROPERTIES , 4 . SEAVIEW NOTl(EINVITINGSEALEOIUDS PROPERTIE S, S. liAA BOA FOATHECONSTllUCTIONOF PltOPERTIES, 6. ANCliOAAGE TELEMETRYSYSTEMFOR PrtOPEATIES, 7. SEA BREEZE L.APAl,ELOOR"-OOANO Pl'iOPEATIES, I . !.HOREL!NE SEVILLE RESERVOIRS PROPl!RT1ES, •• MAIN STREET • Tl'lf' Boar(I of. Dllf'<10t' ol Ille P~OPERTIE S . 10 . CA.PSTllN Moulton.NIQU<'I Waler Olstrl(l ol PROPERTI ES. 11 . SEXTANT Or•ngeCou"ty,Caliterni•,nerf'uldtler Plt0PERT1ES, 12. SEA ISLANO II\ wme i"ilante\ lf'lf'tft(l IOCI• "Dis· P•OPERTIES, I). MEOITER· lfict,"CIOllt•eDyl,,vilf'italeOD>dsle< RA~EAN PROPERTIES, 14. PACIFIC lllt tollcwlng dl.'\Ctit>ed public _,,k: Vle'W PRO PERT !ES, 37081> Colmino Tht Con•truct1on ot Telen'l!try Sy~t""" C-"·-· s.n J\Mln C1p1st•-CA tor Ld Pd•. El Do•dCo, ana SeY•!lt f'Mll ' . Re'l'!flH)!ts IOQetlle• w1tn dll ~rte· CROSBY FINANCIAL a < '"' •• ... << , C.-ltor,,la CO•"""'•ll-. ,,.,.. '•m·,_ nan ""''k •eto, <H s ..... wn on " ,.... -· .. '-·~ ...., Of'Mribf'd In ll'>e pran5, proll!e.., C#htr-, s.n .l\Mln Caph1rano, CA. (lrawff19S, !.KtlOflS, an<! \peclllCaliO<'l!I ""1S on Ille In tl'le ollice 01 Eloy le Engint"l't· l(ENNETH B. CROSBY, 11!01 Mli· lno (O•Po••Hen, 1501 Quall StrMl, ~ Hiit~ Or., S..n J\Mln C.ph1r..,,.,, Newporl Beac11, C•Utorni•. whlcl'I CA.911>1S dot"""'"" are by 11>1 s •tie~• In· ALPHONSUS G. BENTLEY, J-1118 corpora Ito llf' ,,1 n. Fer lur Iller CM'ilrm C.p!strano, C.pl~lrtrm Rf'.Kll p,artltular'I, rf!frence l'I l\erebJ rneoe c.a.'.'11J( · 10 \aio pla"'· pro111 .. s, "'""''"""· !.t<· Tl'lls b<ffil\ess ls «>nOutlf!I by a llm•t· l•on• • ....,., \Pftllications !or O>t aOOVI/ ei1,,.,1,...,u.1p, ilf''IC1lDe0 improvement t>nh!lo:d "C-- A.G. Bfl\lley •••ct Documenls al\d COl\'lltu<tlon 'fll1$ .iat1men1 was lilPd will\ tht 5.IJHUl<a11ons al'IO Con\ltu<t-Plans C'.oiinty Cler~ ol Orange COlll\IY on J1>ly lo• 1ne cenS\rut ti on ol Ttlemtlt, 1• .. 1•1s. Sntf'm !or L,. Pai, El Oaraao, an<1 F4$10S S.wllM! Rt ,,..rvolrs. '' S..io pt am ..,,a l"ubll"""O Or•nge Co.Jsl Dally PllOI, lPf'cilic .. tion• mdy o.. p"rc/\a!.1111 al !ne "-14.1, 1', 22. 11. 1'7S J009.7} ofhtf ol Boyle Enoin..erlno CorlX!fa. • PUBLIC NOTICE 1lon lor I I} 00 per set. C.hetl mu!! bf m-IWV•ble to 11\.e Moullon-NiQutl WiltrOisl•itl. --,-----,-W-,-,------1 Pu••u•nl le lht L•Oo• (ode OI Ille HOT ICE OF TRUSTEIE 'S SALE SI alt of C.Ulotnla, tlle Moulton-N111ue1 T .s. No. 1163 w""' O•~trk• ha~ a\terta•nt"O Ille pre· 0.. S..S.ltmbl'r 11, lt7S, It 'I DO a.m., "~111"9 ralt ol P<t• Oiem wllge~ ol "'" R-TFi..ancl&IServicln<;tCo .. u1t.,a !D(ahlr In wntc l\ this wot-i~ lo bt CMJfornlaCorpo•f\IOfl,ilSdYly~nl· per1orme<I le bl' a\ oetaoled In IM l!O .rrwslN U!lckr ano pursuint 1o Dff<I Soull'le•I\ C•lllorn oa Mast•• LaOO• ol tru" •~orotO J1>ty 11. 1'114. as 1ns1 A.<;t•Nmtn1 h ied In 1111! olllte cl \tit As· Nd..12'6', !n-111~. pa<;te 1691,olOI· soc•ill<'O Gentr•I Conlratlors ot 11~1 Attoros In tM o!llce ot tl'lt eouniy America, Soutl'lern Ca111ornia CNPler. Rec9fde• of Ora,,1141 Coul\IY. St•lt ol Cople~ ol lllt oent•al pre•aolin<;t "1\e Olllorl'lla, WILL SELL Al PUBLIC oll>'l'•Clltmwa!ll'Sastleltrmin~bytlle .AUCTION TOH IGHEST BIOOER FOR Ol~trlct are on Ille at 11s prlnclp.:il pl.oce CJ.\l'l IPilvable at hmtol wl~ in l•wl1>I ol C..~i,...ss, to wit ?ISOO La Pa• Rc.i<I, -yol the Unlte<1S1a1cs1 a1 TIYSoulll Lotgune Ni9ue1. Calllo•nia. As r.:qu,..o OrlWll) e"trantt 10 Ille 010 Counlv b~ Sf'<lion 1113 ol IM Labo• Code, Int co..rthc,,,se In lllt City ol SM>la Ana, Conl•l(lor lo wllom \llt cen!raCI OllJOrn!a, an ri11111, line and 1n,1eresr ht•ele< I• awar~ Vial! post• copv COft"9Jeil to ano now held bY it..,... tn.treol ateatl'ljobsite. '411.~eclol Tr .. slln IM p•opertysltU61· It ~II bf ma,,da!Ol'Y upon a11y Con· .o Ill s.11(1 Ccunly '""Stall! deW:•iDeO t•attor to wl'Mlm a c:ontrac:t i~ aW.!roed •:A Ll•SCl'Mlld Eslalt II\ and to Loi tof ano uoon &ny ~ubcon trdcler uf'dlor him Tr.tel No. :!O'M, •'I 'llM;lwn on • Map,.., lo IWY NII les\ tl'latl ll'lf sa!(I ~iliM <«oed In Boo• Sl, Pa<;tf i.o o1 1o11,. •&Its lo all laborers, wor~rnen. arod ctlltoneou:I Map\, fetords of O<angt' mKtlal'llC'I employed by llltm In Int QNnly,C.Ulorl'll•. eu<ullOfl of tl'lll contracl. Tht Pt™llY llle"l'ftlMHlress ~noolht•cOft'l'nOn for talr..,e lo comply llf'rtwolll" ·~ dl1Jgn.lolion, II any, 01 ll'le •tll IJl'OOfrly !oP!<Ulfd in Sftllon U7S cl lht Labllr Ol!f<.•lbtd above Is Pll•PO•tf<I le 1:111. l~U c-. B11,1oe Ori"'· Co•on• oe1 ~r . lht O:>nl•a<lor shall P~l' tra.,..1 ""° c.utor,,lat'l~S, s ubslst tl\ce paym e nt ~ to e"ch ,UM -rslooil'd Trustee (lisc;laims -•~man~ 10 e•e<ule IN! wor~. -ll~llly for anv lncorre<ll'lf'!.\ of as wch travel ano subshtence l'.laY· OW SlrHI ~rns Ind olntr convnon ment,•re aetinf<I In Ille appllcaole cot· oesi,na11on, if any, sllOwn htrein. CttUV't! l>••oaln!no a9retmen1s lilM S&lcl wle will be "''""'· bul "'""""! withlht OePil•lment of lr>elust•ial Rei,.. <-tor •arral\ly, t•P•tss or Im. looni. (n ,.<cordaMe with S.-cHOfl !Ill 8 Pi,o •• .,.,...e11tMJ 111111, llOS ..... ,Slon, or fl\· of tht Labor CO<le. t lllnbr1ncei...1opay lflt rem•lnln<;t pr in· Anentlon lsolrt>tteo to Ille provisK><>s tljllfs..moltflenotehlstcuredbywlO in St<\IOl\s 1111.5 •n<I 1171.6 ot 11111 er. of Trutl. IO·Wll : 110,61l.JO, will\ Libor Code (Ofl(fFnin9 ,..., ('l'l'IQIOV· inftresl thereon, as provided 1n Sllld mer.1 of apptenlltes bv lhe Conltacle< rMj.llh). ad'vanct>'I. 11 any, UNlc!f tilt oranysubcontractorunatrnlm, '"'"" ol sal<I oeeo ol Trust, '""· Section 1111.s, as amen<led, requires c:ha•9tS •n<I t •pentes 01 lhe Truslte ll'lt Col\!t .. c!er or 5ubcenlrac lor #Idol lhe \r11stsc1eatHI by se!d 0..e<lol employ I no lr,i.dfime" in .,,,., appren· TIJ,IJI. llteaDle occupa!IOfl lo ap11ly to ll'le joint l,,. t>e<>el!tlary uncter salCI O..lld ot appren!O<tsflip comm l1tt>e nedttsl !he '1(US1 llf'tttolore ••etule<I olnCI Ot• !Jlf ol Int. bllDlic wor~s p•o1e<t arod 11¥ff.o 10 tht undtrslon•CI • wrlllel\ wllkll administers Ille apprentlttship Oti;lwalion of De Moult MIO o.,,....nd tor P•Ollram In lh•I trade IO• a Ctrlll;c,.tt ~le. •na a wrj!M:" Nolict ol DJl•ult ol ilPf><'Ovat. Tl'W Cf'<liticate will al~ll• "8d Election lo s..11: The undenlc;ine<I !ht ratio ot •PP•e,,lite• to jou•neymen <Mtsecl said Noll~e cl Otl•uU ana Elec. l,,.l will be u,,..(I ln 01e IJ('rlor.,.....oce of llotl to !;en to i,. r~or.no In 1.._ coutly lllt<onl•&el. Tiit ratio of '"l>P'""'it"' lo ~·•Ille real P•Opotrly Is •~•led. )Ollf"ntymtn Ir. •utl'I ta~•• lol\.111 not be DI•~ A.IJ9uS\ 11, 1•11. le•• lhan one tot1vee•<ePI; fol and T Fll\•ncioll A. Wiien unemployment ln Int area StrYkH>Q co .• Inc. of <ove••<;te by tilt 1olnt aPP•tnll<t'Yl•P ••said trusltt, <ommltttt has e•cttded "" •Yttage ol B• lert\a RI""'· IS't. In ll'lt 90 Clays prior lo tilt tO'Qut'\I ~ Tru•lteOlhCe• IOl"Ctrlltica!e,or .f'ubllslltCI NewPOrt Ii arbor ~ws B. Wllei• ll'lf numbe• of apprentice• PTel.• combined wilh Ille O•l119t CO.Ost in lr•lnlnQ ln Ille •rea e •tttdsaralklol Dally Pllal, Auc;iust 21, 21, and SPp.. -1011...,,or lemberl, 191S l1'18-1S C . .....,..n ll'lt \r;ide c•n !.how lhal •I _ ls rep.1-.:.lno a l leaSI J/)Olh 01 Its mem· P UBLIC NOTICE Oer!.hlp thr0U9ll o11pprtnl1C:t•llip l•.,n· Ing Ofl illl annual, basis s1 .. 1ew1.,,. c• -------------\ID(illly,or 0. WNon the C.cnlracto• provi~ e vidence 1na1 lie •mpley! regl•tt•e<I apprerlllcn on ell of I'll• con tr .oc ts Ofl .. n am ... 1 .~.,..,Qf of no1 l••s t~an -aP. prenllctlOtit;1fll journeymen. ....... NOTICI! TO CREDITORS ' SUPERIORCOURTOFTHE STATEOI" CALI FD ANIA FOllt THE COUNTY OFOllANGI! H•. A·IJl tl '"E1 ... te of VERNON RALPH CAN· NON, Oorc:eaSlld. ,NOTICE 15 HE RE BY GIVEN to !ht Clfdllor1ofU'lf10ovt n.med lll!tt!Oent 1MM •II l)ltf'Mns ..,.~11\<;t cl&!ms 191tns1 -Mid de<.otnt ••• rl'Qu!r&O to !lit ll'lem, •111'11111 nec•ssary YotKl'IP•I. 1,, .. ofll<• ol 11'111 t ltrl ol Ille •bow tn· tltieoc-1, °"to Pf'IMl\I lh•m, ""''" 1ne ..ctu.1ry _,,.rs, le tllt U11o;1tots19'1td ... otllc:1o41illuMoell J . Malller, Inc., ""'Mii J , Mtlllet; 1}00 W. CoY•n• Atttlwer. Wnl Covin•. Call!., wl'!i<h I~ ""'plll(e °' bvf.11\Ht of 11\.e undlr:ll9""<1 in 111 mailers ptr1.tnln9 10 t ht -stal• of N@ll eec:-1. within lour months tilt• ""-.lltll publk•tlon ol 11111 nO'tl<t. DMld O.lildAVll. 'Ill, 1•1s ROM Wilhfln'lfl\11 Ctn-~ Ext cuto• o1 tl'lt •Ill Ol ll'll-.... na'"IG6ecf'denl ltUtsl!LL '·MATTIE It INC, AUUl:LLJ.MATill!R 1•W,CIYNl"•'1lwly YIHI ClvlM, C.111. ........... y low hM."1ff ·f'vtlllsl'le<I Or•"91 coast o.n., Pllol "'4u'il 1, 1•, JI, 11, 197S ?m.IS P UBLIC NOTICE Tiie Contractor lS •t'<lulrHI 10 mate contrlllutlons 10 lunels eSl•l>llsned tor Ille •Clmlr>l\1•dtlcn of <IPP•e,,tlcl!'\hlp P•GO•am\ It lie employ• r•11lstered ao· prtnllctSO• journeymen ll\ olnV appren· 11<•.til• !ride Ofl .sucll conl•,.tl.s an<! i! olllet Conlrat!O•S on lllf public wort<~ silt art mat<ll\9 suth contr 10utl0fl\, Tiit ConltK!Ot •nd ar>v sut>coolr.o<· lor uncle• lllm sll•ll comply wlll'llhf' •e· Qulrt~nt\ Of SttliOfl 1117.S ~nd 1111.6 In lht employmenl ol ~pprenlices . lntormallon relative to apprer>· licesf\1p !.lillldlM'OS, wa9e •<IW<!Ule5, ard olllt• requltemenn m~v bf o1>- 1alne<1 lrom nw Ol•KIO• 01 lndustri•I Rf11tlor>•. <'• ottlclo the 11omi11ist•a1ot ot APPttntl(,,1111), San Fr,.,,clsco, ca1llorl\l1, o• 1rom tl'>t Oiv1'1ion o1 A.p. prenllte!>hip !.lan<lat(IS ah(I It\ bl'.v>tll offices. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l/\at the MoullOfl·Nlouel Water 01slrkl .... n •Kfi.,. 'l'!al.O bids at •11e onict 01 Bo~le EnQll'lfflrlno CorporotllOl'I, H01 Quall Slrefl. NfWllCfl Bf'<l<". Calilomla up to ll'lf hour 01 10 DO ol.m . on Seplcmbet 11, ltlS, al wll1ch lime llhd 91K• lllev w111 be publ1c1 vOC>e"tO -rt.a. SblO ~a1eo bids !.nau be tor tllt oolnQ ot \M bllblic work ntrein· betort 0.S<tJbed '""d O<Otte<I 11\ U'le -------------lulO•H<>lut1on. NOTICl:TO~ERSONS Eotll blcl or prouos.a1 s11a11 be ~de INTEREST•D IN THE out and wbmllltd on• term le be <>Oo ESTATE 0' t1lntc1 at Ille oltke el 6oy1e El\Qll'le'tr· MARYaL..AtRWILLIAMS ln9 CorPOt•llon, I~\ Quall Sl•H I, kollc1 lil'ltrtbY <;tlttn : Ntwl>Of'I BeKh, Calilarnld Each blelor • To 111 P•trsol\1 lnl••tste(I, wl'l1Hht• praposal must bf accomp,.nied "'a .s tr.Oltors, l>eir,, "ll•1M 5. or CH· ca'ltllfr's chttl or check <<'rlollMI by .o Yltft'I, In 111<1 1\lllt ol MA RY 8L.AI R ''\PO'>Sible ei.nk or a billdt•'5 bOnd !or WI LLl~S. Oet••sed, wl'lo•t 11•1 ad· .,, amount not le'l'I 1111n 10..,, o1 tht ..-ni. was VI• P•IHM,,zl•na 'I, 17100 •mounlcftlleOlcloro1t11e101a11mo.un1 Cotr>o, na•w; 1,..1 11111rs IP\l-ntary tor wl'!i<ll tflty wlll •<ttbl a <onl•acl or at ~1'11\lrallon """' bfen ls\ue<llO •ncl,..... p,.v•llle to lht o•Of'• or 1n the £1191'1'1 W. Lt•h. Ill, 4(1mll\,trelor l•\tOI' Ol IN> MOlll10fl·NIOutl Waler Di•· tllltll lfle Win lnM•fd by! Wayne Coull· lrl<I, E.&<11 '1""11 blcl O• P•Ol)OSll 'tl\lll be ~W.11 C.OUrl • rourl 01 <~"' SHIH! ltnd tlleo al 1111 olll<• o1 tht o;s- Mltllkllon of ll'lt Stt1t cl ,...lclltQll\. ltk l 111 or before Ille hme In lll1s notl(f ~ U'lt lOllowlf19 ""''°" ll lndtblfd provldtO. 10 dt flok:llf19 pertoNI property ol tl'lt tl'lt •now ,..,,,U_d <lltc~ or bor'lcl ~Ot<eotnl; t.n1U t.91.,.,, as o ... ranlff '""t tlltbicl• -kcw•lly P1clllc Nation.1 8flf\k, ot• ""'u en11• into a (OrllrKI ,, 11_..., ,.,, VI• Lido, N1wpOfl lf'ICll , ttw -rk lflll will 1W tlalfnf'd ..s Ii· C.llto•,,•• '16to, Clly ol; N<IWPOrt ciu'°'"'ll'Clot""Of'•'t/\tsucce"tul bld· lle•ll, Co<ll\ly ol: Orano-. OH rtotvwi. loft\ttr 1n10 tllt <GnCr;•c1. , ... \ '"' lll\Ot•Sl9M'CI Otslr" to .... y,. s..<<e'l$lul blOOe• Wiii tit ... 1:1/W tl'lt Mic! ptfl.OfWI PFOfl"rfY• col· Cl'lll•.0 lo turn ls/\• r11vment bOnCI !I\...., IK\.U~ tl-1,..ti l ano to''~ 11111 ~ ..:i,...l IO t ol IN con1rac1 col9c1.0 or rect lffll lrom 11'111 Slat• of Pf'k • -1 1111111111 potrlo•m•n<t bOnd CAllJtofnll lo 1111 M IO tl•lf """""'ltl• 1f1 ... -I'll &Q ... I to 100". o1 IN COfl• ~lfltarNn"''' ar ol Mlmlnllt•atlofl uect prkt, wkl bond~ 10 be sec"'"' ~-·-· .. _. _,,, ,_,.,. '"l"K"" .. W-111 ... l"f<lalmt 69llllSI""' 1t.Moull-Nlc;iw1 ¥rl•lf• Olsltkl. nt or •n 11\ltrfll In MH 1ttlft AU i..m11tnc1 tonallloM <onla!MG in tl'llnt la Obit<! M 11.Cl'I -1 ttwlntor .... tlon for blctdert •llac....,to" •I" ""1111'1\ l\Glk\ of MKfl GOIK· tno e °"'' ol 11'11 blot! fotft'\ ~II QD.,.r,, llc(to ttw PtlM!I or Ptrtont ~ Q lflouoll 111111 R i.c:rlbf'cl ,,.,..,,, ...., tt,•er holdll'l'll s»r-1 P~fll. thl ~lttltobl<.-•O•rtOl ll'll<ontrM.1. ~·· 5'Kl\."°'IU ""''' • 91-• T,.. Mollllon·Nlowl W•l•• Oltlrkl nM lloldll'l'll ti.t PtrtOMI '"""" l'tMfvei 11\of r .... l lo ntilCI any ill'll 111 ••-''"' Wl'IO/\'l lflll <ltlm I'"*""' blca ot portion• or 1ny •nd •II bOdf.. 10 • H6ffllS1todeeo...Wflflln: -rcl •c:onl•~I tot .. ,, ll'l•n•ll9'ttw _i;.T_~REI: MONTHI eUer flru l~lot ..... lc:hwtllbld1ar1lnwlledot ~llofl of ~It...,.,.. WI _1.,. MY il'llor"lrl•l!IJ 11'1 a NCI l\Oll If• •!• ....... W.&,e,_lt,111 N(!Hb-JllW. AtAMIN1lr1lorWIW/A. MOUL.TON·NIGUl!L ol lfll ltlet.ot YllATE• DIST IUCT IMty a a.Ir Wllll..,,.. Br Alll••ndeF &owlt J1'<t7 St< ... IMY .. ~lftd Dl'M .. Cotti O.Uy ll'llot Publlttwd Dr•noti Co-sl O.l!v f'llol, ~1.M.l1,n.1t1J ~,, Aul,_ .. _,...,..,a,1•1s. ..,.,, ) 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 The Blga:est Marketplace on the Orance Coast ' IM!)lt,1Mnt & ... (1101t.. ' • 10001'99 lee!Ols ....... , • JOOJ>.~W .... -, ......... ,_, 6 f-ool . . . . .. ~ !iCM9 Anroounct-1. ,.,....,.,, l•ll ' f.-;j ..... '50SO.M9f S..uoc11 I """°"' llOOO·'°" DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS hepotol!Ofl ••• , , , 1000 7199 Mtot hol>dtM , I • • IOOO 8099 .., •• £ .,._ You Can Sell It, Find It, [ ] One Ccill Service 642 •5678 fast Credit Appro11al l~nl • , , •••• '1000 '°'9 ""'" 1Wb<lt1 &. •lhtf T•on'f*llltiln .... t100.'"9 T rode It With a Want Ad ==::::.~ !'!.~~!~~.~ ........ j ~'!'!!!!!.~~-~ •••••••• ERRORS: AdvtttiH" Getterol t002 Gen«ol 1002 should check thctir am ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• dally and repori .,.. ------............................... ~ "°" 1~medicrtely. The DAILY PILOT a,....,., lioblllty for tho flNI In- correct lns~rtion only. ~'!'!!!! !.~~ ·~·· ..... . GftM'rol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ···~j~.:~·~·~;:~~E """,'J.o'rjllill!!!•••••••~o_io'0.~1111~~--·••• ASSUME $23,000 9UALITY PLUS! A ran,bling 11i.n~le levc~ Seldom IS income property buill as est:1tc. Sunken 1i,·1ng roon1 "''ilh drarnatil' \\'ClJ as these twin duplexes in Corona vaulted eel li ng~. <.:01n · del Mar. Each llpt. has 3 t>drms., large mundinM. fire1>lacc & family rm. & 2 baths. Localed in very DOYER SHORES BEAUTY -$215,000 tlhcret.1 "bny window" ood t I I t .... b •to e l.i ghtin ~. cundll·iii;ht g rcn a area c ose o i,n;;uc , .~ r s Publisher's Notice: Fjlntas tic 4 BR & pool home with beaut. view of bay & city li,ghts. L~e colorful garden rm wilh roll-away roof & huge wel bar. Finest C&D . 2111 5..,J.....,..HllhRood •NEWl'ORT CENTER, N.I . 644·4910 ' formal dining roofn Is & transportation . $122,600 And $124 ,500 eloquently .Sl'f\'l'd fron1 Jarg(• l·ountr.v ~t y lr(l -tD Alll'(ll•n kilrhl'n . .Spend ·1azy afternoons on cov- c~ed tcrroice thul is 1-":r~u·etull y eoolet.l by sof1 ocean brt'l'7.I.'. St•11ar:tlc \\'In!-": for s!!cludc."'-1 n1astcr VEAFl BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 0•<1(> 1 l. COAST H WY CORON/\ Ol l. MAM Al I real t•stall' advertised Jn this newspaper is sub· jct1 to the f<~ederal f 'air llous 1n l! At·t of 1961! ~·hieh 1-nakl's it illegal 10 advcrti:.e "any pre· fcrenl·(•, hmit:lllon. or discrimination based on race. eolor, reli gion. S('lt. or national ori,::1n , or an intention to m:1ke an) such preh:>rent·e. t11uita · 11011, or d1scr1nunation. '' rctrc ~1 t ~t..: chlldrens "Mral 1002 Gtfterol 1002 suites. Takr> O\l'r 7•;. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fl-IA loan S241 nlo p;iys GHeral 1002 G.......i 1002 ........ ~ ............. . •••••••••••••••••••••••• POOL TABLE SHOWCASE This ne"·sp;qler ""'ill not Immacula te beach hon1 e knov.•ln gly li('Cl'pt any in and oul. lluµc 18' x 28' <td\•c rtising for real t.'f>late which is in \•iola· biilliards roo1n v.•i1h lionofthcluw. c;.ithedral l'l'ilin ~s . ------I Separate !ic"·ing roo111 . Houses ior Sal~ Uelightful yard.; w /bn('k planters, p:1tios and rru11 tre es . Jlurry. onl}· S49 .9SO . Ca ll 54ti·2:1 lJ Now! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gl!'neral 1092 ··················~···· Oi~N Iii 't • i• S 1\1"• l"l 1 I'<' f I *S41,40D* all. Uon't "'att, Call 963-1881 . Wiii SollVA l.;1rge 3 bedrm, 2 h:1th home. Living + den. 12x24 f:nc\osed patiol!::'===~ o\'crlookin.I! H&I-" pool. ----------· ()\\·ner moving. bought property 011t ·Of·st:1tc. &16·31!2A . F.ve 548·3.561 OCEAN BREE1ES & MOUNTAIN VIEW F'l·IA /VA , no down. 3 Yrs. old, 4 lx:droorn + family roo 1n . llug c bulcony for just sittiu' & 1·oc kin ' . .S teps to schools &park .S57.900, 546-4141 POOL: I' A.LACE ASSUME $3.5,000 N::;,~~!~ex [·.~··{~AiJl;ll1 Pridc·of-oy,·nership JBR . --·-·••11•Jj SOPHISTIC•TED 2bu corner unit has frple A 2 Beautiful new, quality built custom homt..-s nl'ar- ing t·on1plction. Cui.tom quulity e\·ery"''herc you loo k . Buy now :ind choose your favorite l'arpet eolor. Pool sii.e lots v.·ith off street trailer 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; parking. Presti g ious I• Ne .... ·port address. Call 540·1151 for more in· formation. Private entry tu rambl- ioi,: 11 v i11~ :inti dinLnl! routnl'i drcsi>cd in plush t\trpc l.s ,11,.: drapt!s . G:.illoplnµ )!11ur 1nc\!( ki t chen y,•ith 1't<:AK PAU()UE'I' 1-""I~oon . Seeludcd m;1 stc·r ::ind t·hildrcns suites. IS' x 36' CUST0~1 l'OOL. 'As · s umc 7'\, V.I\ loan al. $35.000. S30H/mo. pays 11!1. No new Joun cost-.. J\1ust sell immediately. Call 963·6767 . in master BR and frple in Jm•••••••••j COUNTRY · livini.: rm. Others are all 0 Th B ,\tmos phC'rc -gracious 28R 2ba . On fee land, nr n e 3Y, a trium fnyer. lligh lloag llosp. f'ull price beamed ceilings. Formal ~HERITAGE MESA DELMAR'S l;il'tNT<19 ••1 \IUNT011f Nl{'r • ~~.~:. ,;!r~J~"~:,:.~: [ ~19aili:tl home was built as :.i !~ S137.SOO.Call Beautifulnc"'2SlO"Y dining room. Country PRESTIGE HOMES " Br. 4 Ila & Gallery kitchen . share our ex· Reoltors 645·6646 2 fi.replaces, """etbar citement. Call 64fi.7171. Deluxe kitehen Ol'IN Ill 0 . II ~ fUN 10 Bl Nt(I' l\IODEL, and ~till looks CALIFORMIA h.ke one. Some or the many up)!raderl features RAMCHER REP.LTORS ~·~~~~~~iL x~;:~~:,f ;.{;~~'~,'°;h e [ ®:lfl~H:I $33,950 ~~~~~~ FIXER UPPER & in this immaculate home OMLY J45.000 a rie a pp Ii an c es. Steps to shopping cenler. GUEST l;IOUSE draperies. noor <.'Over· Big beautjful Colle~c 1/4 ACRE ings, cabinets a nd air Park home. If )'OU have a eonditioning:. Spacious boat or' camper this m••Y Trees gracefull y shade I• entrance to this genuine ti le roofed Casa·. Old Pool + 4 Car Gar. are just 2 of the features in thi s sec lud ed Easlside. Costa Mt•sa, J bedrm home. Other ap· pointmcnls include shut.· te rs. charm, pancti n~. s tone fireplace , hardwood firs. custom kitchen & dinin)! arc:i. Garage would be idl.'al for studio or ""'orkshop. One ·o f -a -kind and nestled on 135' deep lot. Close lo 17th St. shop · ping. Call no\\' for appl. ~6·5880 1 World charm is carerully I blended \\'1th modern Ii\'· ing. Spacious living room. Canlina kitchen & dine. t'iesta party room . "'ilh adjoining terrace. I Secluded second story ma s t e r retreat plus guest quarters. ,.\rched balcony with eommand· ing \'iew or courtyard & pool. Ca ll first on this un · ique B ,\RGAIN! 963·7881. ~''Ill~-I~ S fU'• l.'..'l f fl.rr!' · «iJ Colch.ell Ban~• BIG CANYON CHARMER Enchanting "Monaco" model. Springtime colors tastefully combined with Lile & marble. Elevated location overlooking 2nd fairway, with panoramic mountain view . $149,500 644-1766 ~=~ CAMEO Anxtl~~!!~!~~~s a quick sale on this ex- qui si te \'iew property. Best buy in the area. S89.000. BEACH COTTAGE Walk 'to surf and Lido shop!! rrom this cute 2 bdr . 2 bath eotlage. S87 ,000. ... . ' ........ " ... ' ' .. ' \ \IJJ·:'· HE.\LI'' A BERG ENTERPRISES CO •• '!!~! VAREPO 4 br. 2 ba. large family room. Beautifully recon· dilioned. Only $36.500. Lowdown. CALL DISCOVERY Real Estall' 645·5045 $33,950 yard perfect I y be for You "Thill lovely TO\\'Cring pines & stalely landse<1 ped \l.'il h gra pe. heavy sha~ roo( ho'n1~ Mimosa s helter th is ar bor&fruiltreescom· he:i;4la~e i:ms,2 bath needy country t•otlagl'· plete the setting. tall & a coiy 1· eptace. This bring: paint & elbow 546-SKSO. vJon't lait .call tod:ay. i::reai.e ~nd make SSS! 545 9491 · Prime investment & tax j .....:"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~I · ·a·· . . . ' sheller! Huge, huge lot with fruit trees and camper pad-room for hoat trailer! 1'ry £.3400 , , down wilb low. low nlon· Sl,390 DOWN thly! Sacrifice.take ;id· In Costa l\.l esa. lovely ai----------- vantage! 847·6010. Br. 2 Ba, community N l Be h Ol'fNl119 •1!\fU'>'1)1((',/i J>00l , pvl paliO, dbl ewoor ac [·~! UI! i!:1ragc, no yard \\'ork. ~STORY ;,~: .11~!!;\t 1_O_w_n_c_>-_5_5_7_·2_8_1_< ____ 1~~~~~~~~ncg ~a!~n~"~aj~ . ----=-· ASSUMETHIS trees. A dreamy s 4 BDRM VA LOAN bedrm, ll}x 32 Jiving 56.0SO room, country kltehen. $3.8,500 den, pool & privacy. Owner wilf pay loan dis· T "KE OVER Needi. TLC and help eount poi nts so you C'an l\1afe!!tic 2story. 5 hu.c,:e now!!! Vac>inl!! 1t1akc purehasc this large fa mi-h~rOOJJ;IS iJH:ludint ~"1'0 ~offer.. • . \yhomcwitht'l·lAor\'A master s'\fllcs. Gi:itlt rinancinl!. V.'ith e;1rpcl · family room off i.:ourmcl ing thruout. 2 Balh, dou· kitchen. A(lproxima1.t!lY· ble car garag-c, liirge 2.000 sc1uare feet. Pride covered patio with HBQ of ownerlfhjp <1rca. Uilfe a nd bi,i:: back yard for to beach. 3 car garage. 8 UNITS kids and do,i::s .. Just list-Lush l:ind~c;i ping. Ne- ed. Our excl usive. qua lifyl n.t:.CNo new loan 1~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ..... 646·7711.. • costs. Take over VA 1_ ® /1erhert hawk1ns R(AllO RS 646 ·3 '..ISS EASTBLUff -loon. n\onthly ;nstall· Pride-of-ownership over-menl and mo\'e: in. Fast looking the Back Ba y possession. New on the with garden se(tings. . · market. Take advantage now! Call 842·2.'>.15. Sunken living rooms with l------------1 QP!r. 111 9 •11 ~ •ur• "'~J torr• fireplaces & balconies. I i~:~·!.8~e·~y 2s~~~2~n~ H'AUlJ~bsll~D [~.: :'.lij!il1\l1 ... 4 b'edrooins with _ ·· --=·-·••11·~ $290,000 formal dininJ.:, separate ~~!rsTi -ANYTIME family room & large kitchen eati ng area. Custom feature:. thruout include covered patio, custom wall eovering. and upgraded ap · pllanees, A must see at $54.950. Ca\1540·1151 BY OWNER JUST LISTED Gorgeous hidden 2 story, 4 bedroom. Sharp & spot- less~ shows loving touch Jn home. patio & A<t rdcn ... enjoy outdoor liv in g too! Cun you believe only $67 1950·! ~~~R~ 3141!1 Campus NB 549-1655 HILLSIDE RETREAT ****SAVESSSS Beat the anticipated price increase and you deduct the taxes and in- terest from YOUR IN - COME tax. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath Condos in Santa Ana still only ~l.950 with i""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""' -HERITAGE BIG CANYON <Pla n Z Broadmore). Beautiful stone & stucco 4 Br., 21h Ba . home. 1-lighly upgraded murble entry, hu):!e livin)? rm .. includes conversation pit w /stone fireplace. Lg. family rm. also has stone firepla ce. Gorgeous landscapin g. puttlng ~reen & 3 car g:a rage. Owner will show by ;;i p- pointment. Will consi<ter renting to reliable ply, With Ao r geous whitewater view from thi.s s parious 4 bdrm, J bath VJJ> residence on quiet cu.1-de·sac street. Situated in one of the most pres tigious of beach area s. Transferred seller very motivated. Call 646-771,1: 10(4i down, as k for Frank 839·8321 A~cnt. FIXER TRIPLEX POOL $6200DOWM Prime beach city! !\1;ike SSS by easy painting and fix ing. Rare~ pool in - cluded with owners unit. Seller lea\'ing state. Must have quick sale-try any offer. $6.900 gross in · come yearly ! Great potential for in\'estor. Quick , grab your chec kbook <ind cal l 847-6010. OPtN lu Q • 11 s (UN ioirr NI(• .• Classified Ads sell big items, s ma ll Items or any item. 642·5678 . $©1t~l}A-.(£f,2(i~· That Intriguing Word Gome with o Chuclt.le -------l .. fM .. lor CV.Y f , H>UAN 0 Rto"O"'(tt litNrs ol l+.e /Ollt IC•onobled -do ~ low to lorn. lour lll'Mlloi -cl1 TARS EN I 1 I' I' I I t-irrG ...,A_RTE_E.---11 i I' I I I . I I' I' I' I' I' r I I I I I I I I BUILD YOUR ' • REALTORS DREAM HOME 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 OCEAN VIEW 6BEDROOMS Sweeping ocean view 644-2466 One block from BIG 1- CO RONA BEACH. In charming OLD CORONA DEL MAR . A prime building site. Offered at S69.500. For more details. Call 673-8550. ~.: DOVER SHORES ... from h u ~e hi dea w a Y j,,..iiliiZ;;;i_iii_;;;i_iii_i;;i-iio_.;i ____ ;o_; j mastc1· suite -6 king size bedrooms -iopec. tacular entry to 4,000 square feet of formal liv· ing and family areas - g<".Tden style kitchen - l:.i sh landscapinA '8500 total down -act now -646-7 171. ()PfNt!!Q••I SIUNIO"fi/'('f'' O!~N '" "" .r ~ l(JN TO Rf r.1.rt·- VETS 4 Bedrooms, formal din ·\--~======-­ ini;:-room. family room with wet bar and separate master sul tl'. Room for ,pool. Located on one of Oover Shores most desirCd streels·llnd just rcduce'il to $135,000. To in.HJect ca II OCEANA PETE BARRETT V1\ approved homes. No dwn pmt. C05la Mesa, Ht g. Bch, Jrvine. Call Veteran counselor 836·5086 Find what you want" in Daily Pi lot Classifieds. -REALTY- 64,_5618 ~ 5~ -~75~60 ---~__...... TITTllil E~ Classified Ads Adult Community 2BR, 2RA . 1 story end un· it, C hoice loca tion . Overlooking golf course with glimpse of ocean. Short wa lk to pool, jacuizi & ch.ibhouse. Nr. El Cami no Plaza shop- ping, 3 mi. to ocean in ,Oceanside, Nr. buslinc. S34 ,500. By Owner. Shown by app'l only. 5'8·:to:l6 SEEK & FIND" ' E "' s 0 u c n I n r. c I s p 0 u N II ·" n I T c 0 N R E E u N K M L l. F. n 0 K ... r !I n n 0 v D L.R F. I " " r. () s T f, VDSEF.ITNLLRAGSTRMOT EF.Yl.FTROYTEOOGG1AOO HUS G I LOUHGANFEOR~GU NWNSMNPO~EVTBYOOHHO AAIOR[GN IFR US!ARF UT I S 11 A 8 N G A P P l, Y 0 H M 0 'I' L I 0 T TllOMREUHRNFOOARRSN H OO RAODYLLEBOORIKOGO Ill I UCU RllRRAYODEO UEE P 8 T T R U ~ C U L F C II G 0 lJ P K P llA"NGTEMOCURS H ONYOUI DMRABMOBCORMERCNAH~ v I 2 STO"Y-POOL $2.990 DOWN True ! Just $2.990down + buys il ! Two s tory J"rench motif chateau . .Glanl sparklin.[! pool. Completely remodeled & redecorated. Custom tile fireplace. iuge khchen- NEW LISTING OCEANFRONT OeluXe duplex + guest room + extra parking. $159,500! CALL 675-7060 mic rowa ve + l ndoor GOVT.OWNEO BBQ ! Winding staircase 3 BR 2 o p 1 De 1 t hid , a. oo . au . o ea way mas ter area ! $56,950. S2,9SO suite~ La(ge bedroom:§. D SI 075 t & EnclO!>ed patio. E1ectric own, ' cos s garage opener. All this Imp.: $50l PITI lo• only $29.900 ru11 CA~L.iSMIOO , · pri~ ! Take adv•ntage. Balboa lay Prop. Excellent Cosla Mesa I"..._ Townhome. Call now.'1-----·o<.c"__,.'.T'_. __ 152.1100. SLEEPER AREA suri11 sHAlr .. ,;~ Form.-lr llvld.c i room w/yaulfad open btal'ft celling'. Oourmet kitchen w.qarnili roe"' 1t new lttndsca~a. Call Spar1~ Ing Jnve1lml'nt Corp., 833-354-4 VA-FHA Rustic charm 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fireplace. Real beauty. Seeing Is bellev- iitg. You can a l•o f>Un:hase subjttt to ex- istlpg VA loan. Call ~,~01. ~~-II . . Hout•• Fors-. I ...... Fors. HOllMt For s.M 1Houu1 Fors-. Ho.n•• Fors• Hout.es Fors. Thuraday.August 28. 197S DAILV PILOT DP~ ;.;;;;;;··········1·.;;;· ;;,;:;;,;·········i·oo;· G······· .. ··········~;·0·0·2· .,.::.:::.::··:········1·0·0·2·· :······················ ~··;;·~-.~·;······;·;i~ HcMne'I Fors-Homn For So&e IHouM• '°" SaM -.- .• ... .-,.__...-. · · Hlboo 1.tand 1006 01 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ....................... ............................................... ....................... ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fountain ValWy I 034 M•wporf le-oth I 069 Mewporf hodl I 069 FAIRWAY ' A single story 4 bedroom with raised flooring and 80' on Mesa Verde's 17th !airway. Clean a nd bright with massive stone fireplace, spacious bedrooms with 2950 sq. ft. in all . See this at only $129,500. U~l€)UI: ti()Ml:S REAL TORS•. 546-5990 1525 Mesa Verde Drive, E1st, Costa Mesa 1002 -------------------INEW Delu:ice Dpl:ic, it & 3 SALL CASH$ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• hr, f1 nl. Inc. All lux ... for )'our 1.!qui t)'·faMt. * IY OWMER * LIDO ISL! Waterfront 4 BR .. 5 ba .. rumpus rm. Pier & float, sandy beach. $295,000 Beaut. 6 BR , s Ba, or 4 BR, 4 Ba with 2 BR, l ba. Apt. Sandy beach, courtyard , Reduced to $265,000 Attr. 4 BR., 3 bu .. Lido Soud. 77 Ft. waterfront, sandy beach. $275,000 BILLGRUNDY , REALTOR J-11 l\11 y ~"I' llr•v" N B 67S b l b l l:~S~t>~•~·~"'°~·';R~y~o~w~n~•7· _2_1:2 l;;D;i;sc;·o;v;';'~';';t.;>;;.;"";;'"";;;';i Pa•kside F.11tates. 4 Rll, Diamond. 675·2099 fo"R, + lge game roorn .. J LITTLE ISLAND 3 br, 2 COLLEGE: PA.RIC. Car gar. Park &&·hools ba, lanai urr putlo + 2 br. Cuitomi:r.ed 4 bdrm., 2 acro:ss street. Ovt:r $7000. apt . $135 ,000. Cull halha;wroui;thl lron~ate upgrd incl central air Sat /Sun. or a ft ~PJ\1 tntry, 2 pulioo. Walk to Transferred. asking only l -w~k_d~ys_.~6_75-_tOOS~-· ---I a It sch oo I ~, Cu II for l ~$00~, 7_50_._84_7 ·_5_298 ____ 1 lalboa P•nlnsula I 007 11 ''cp'orbt. ln-M~n lne. REDUCED ~ Owner ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllTI Newl)·decor' .Jbr.2 1>n , Immaculate :z BR. 2 Ba , Reoltor1 644.7662 ram rm, frml. din, Ii,:. lge patio, over:ii:r.ed lot, 1----------1 sunny kitc h. Must see to l>)' owner. $83,.SOO. Days, IMSTAMTCASH apprecioit.e! Cls. toschl!; 540-1571, Eves,673·6.111 ForYourHonw Best Jo'ount. Valley area. WATERFROMT RETREAT Best value! 3 l3drms., 2 baths; large deck. Quick possession! RIDICULOUS But True IA YFROMT AGE $99,500 Just lleduced . oYmer wants aclion Senior a dults community apt.· Full appraised value pd . Open Daily! $59,900. L/\RGE4llDRM Ca ll now ror!reeevalua-968·3475 aft. 6, for appl. LIDO REALTY $120,000 apprnisal, ask· l io n . Ask f o r Jim Prin.only. in g $116, 000 · H73-4224 Ni ehols. I,.,---,-,., ---,---;0:-_--;-h-1:c0:-4:c0: I J 37 7 Via Udo. H .I . 6 7 3· 7 JOO G---J 1002 G .. 1002 F' Centu•y2t.>lll-9521 HonH"'JIOfl-ac ""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!' ____. ...,. DAY & Beach loc, 3l3 .. ----~-----1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 1 ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bay/\ve.,67J.7957.2br,2 . HE •TED POOL IE •CH RETRE •y bu + "'''"" $72,500/I><" Chaleau -4/PLEXES2 "' &3 b" 2 HIO\lin-'on Beach I 040 Loquno Beach 10411" " " """ f o M V--..1-ba. Cpt, drps, bltn.o;, e nc. ~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• • FJ ... place $35,900. $52.900 1-'0-'-· _w_ne_'-----1 esa ~ §A8,!'_'o'38$599•950· ea. Owner.······················· Wh'tle w~v1ew ' T l NV •'•TM"'~ 1 Dramatic 2·story on O't..:; un:"I" .............................................. Sharp home in prime Rambling fourhe<lroom -XLN ~ r~'Oa , large paradise groundsl----------1 L I GI Mar Xlnt. location enhances location near South two story, formal entry BR Residential & Com· with enormousfree·for"m TRIPLEX 0Ye V l en this handsome 4 bdrm .• Coast Plaza . Lush to unique living and din-mercial Income. Good dance pavilion . Total Walk ing. distance t o for only '\.38.soo. Great 3 2'h ba .. :Z·story home; tropical la ndscaping sur-ing areas. llar1quet sized a ssumable loan. By lu:icury inside, formal en· Hunt. Harbour. $61 ,500. bedroom. 1:i!i bath home decks, hea ms & open.,,.. ) EASTSIDE $32,750 COUNTRY CLUB Mil.HOR $65,500 rounds covered enter"· kitchen. POOL TABLE owner · P ri nc · only · Al l le•m' with lots of e:ittras. i-'rt!sh ,101·,way .,. ,0 It a very ••2 ooo 673 6646 try to pool-table sized taine rs polio. Many SIZE FAJ\11LY ROOP.1 -· · · family room, 0 ,,·ersized DOVER RF..ALTV paint & carl)t!ts. Covered spacious outdoorfeeling.l' 'Perrect starter home. needs a little fi:itin'. Fan- tastic investment. Cctll 645-0303. plus h e:ictras. De<::or:Hor-WIT 11 WET BAH.· C d IM I 022 livin" room . Banquet Gene Mayo 645-9070 patio. Nice area. Close to See it today .at$109,000 · :. owner will sacrifice. s .. ~1 ee pin" s t.airs to orona e er "' h ' 0 m Like new 2600 sq. ft., two s tory, four bedroom across from exclusive co u ntr y c lu b . Extr a spacio u s living and forma l dining rooms served by a gourmet kitchen. Rambling fami- ly room with wet bar. Secluded king s i ze master suite. Sweeping s tairs to sepa rate childrens wing. Ex- pansive patio a nd rear grounds. Tile roof. Be firs t to see it. Cal l 963·67bi. . ()Piii ru y. II) f(JN IOBfNl(f' • ••••••••••••••••••••••• d•'"•· .. ,. J•d •·--th off ever yt 1n i.:. wner .0. A"<V711--~ ·1 HURRY,Call 962-7738 seclude d ma s ter . m~~'{'~r" r ct~~a t . 4 .transferred 0 &anxious . ~. ~~fl~:; K€V · · c hildren , and guest RARE Bedrooms in all. E:ic -l' ,_.,,.., "" < I suites. Every '°"m pm· 4 BR DUl'lEX • : ' ' • • · 499·2800 '\• FOREST OLSON IMC. PRESTIGE HOME PLUS INCOME Be11utift1l 3 year old du1)lex In Costa MC!s a. J-'or the rumily tha t wants a lovely lfiri.:e 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with private yard plus a fine investment 2 bdrm, 2 bath u nit. Sce in ~ is believing-$72,900. Call 545·9491. .-. -. terior or PV stone. \Von't -R€ALTORS-fcss ionally decorated. SO.OF BAYSIDE last.call, 962·4471 r.;~)546-8103 • Safe cul de sac location. with a 3 Ill?, 2 BA rental. 540•1720 ~ 1~~~~~~~~~~1 PRESTIGIOUS 'i,. POOL TIME HEDUC ED 1-'0R 11\1 -Only 11;i years o ld . -I· t.lonarch. Bay Terrace~~ B. 2 •b "th 3 1\1 EDI ATE SALE. Call Featuring beam ceilinus. TARBELL n.al r--.-•... GIANT an elegant & graciov.s-.-lg story, r wi tod:iy! 96:J.6767. n->tu•al wood and bn-~k .nc ~uc:. LA CUESTA home; ar chi tect. d e·> baths a nd a sparkling, 0 !)li'(r .. ... ~ ~~~:•i;¥~?~~ [ i '.; ""'"' " . !. l~.'t~~:.'call~"i~f:~" L:·;;~;;~;~;:: v:~~~;v;~~R~~~ ~~~;~~~~~¥~ t£!:;:~f J~:3~~;;~:; M any ex tr as. 3 124 pyyearsinthis uniqueA-billiard & ganle r"m . jacuzzi.S189,500 '· 4=,SELECT • J>ierce. C~I . 54G·1222 & Frame styli! home. Very brick fplc .. 3 BA . rormal TURNER ASSOC. .. ) T'PROPERTIES Horne on ttw Water 837-4343. private atmosphere with dine. In the 6Cfs . Bkr. llOSN. Csl I-fwy, Lagun· -Walk er & Lee [~ THE REAL ESTllTERS P•ivaey &Cha•m SHORECLIFFS elegant yan1'. patios & 96,_5511• 494•1177 B•LBO•I"'' • .,D Patio,3bcd,2ba. IYOWMER d eck i ng. 1''cature s 1---------I---'.:....:..'-'::.-'.--·· • ""' ~" &35 ' boatdotk Va<'ant 3 Bedrm, 2 bath SacriHce. must move! Roman bath & atrium. BY OWN Ell ; 1-luntington Oceanfront Sand Beach. Heal l•tele Cape Cod Sl39,500 w/pool. Ocean & canyon Large 2 Sty, 4 BR. 21h 968·4456 . •larbour on "''ater. 4 BR, Whitewaler. tide pools. t'-, 4 br, 2 ha. By owner. 121 view. Tremendous potcn· Ba , lge fam-rm & patio. · A KINGDOM 3 e 3 , l s x 3 s BR, 4 ba. $.150,000. 7%.• CoralAve.,675-0985 tial.Asking$ll9,500.Agt. Eastside Cul-d e·sac. foryourk ing.Everyup-De n /Pla yroom. 2 See, Submit. own, 675·6900. 557,500. 548-30l6 grade possible! 4 bdrm, 3 Overwater decks w/boat 497-7156. .. , 100 ES.A VERDE bth. 3 car gar. 11 .S. roof, slip. New interior paint& MEW LISTING COZY 2 br house on R·2 M fancy white brick wall carpets, Open· Fri .. Sat. Custom Hom~ For Sale PEMIMSULAPT. Jot, room for other unit. Sharp3brcharmer.Cust a nd wrought iro n . & Su n. 4047 l\.1isl ral, By Ow ne r in Laguna_ 1002G_.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $71.000. Owner"673-41W mast br & baths, walk-in 968_4456. 846_4324 Bea ch. "58,000, Buy Attractive J-story home I p I • <: ose t s. oo , s pa, --,---,,---,---,---::=-1:--:-------::::-;-:1 before Jan.l and receive with Jge. living rm . Immac 2b r . lba , R2 I d d · B 1044 W'•JERFRONT beh an scape , :Z patios. Y Adult Condo, 2Br, :ZBa, Irvine-S2000. tax credit plu• w/frplc .• din . area, large n Corner lot. Walk to . f B Ow ' HOMES k gol course. Y ne r, Pool, TenCt. Jez. F\ill ••••••••••••••••••••••• "ave Rea ltors com,~ rea r patio; 2 bdrms., 1 418 Goldenrod. As to see "' .. Kt~ALTOKS 644-7270 bath Pl~US huge room & at417 Goldenrod. 546·1428or 979·0747. Sec. Bch i,2 mi. $37,900 1 HOME LEfTI. mission. 3 Bdrm. 2 bat~') bath O\'e r 2 car garage. C7J4)1:i:ll·J4l)J OFF 536·7990or9GO·l70!i Ocean Vicw-l\1exicaa1:; Stenc.tobeach.$82.500 ELEVATED VIEW LOT. HAMDS !! This new free standing Cerami c Tile . Open'" 673=-3663 642·2253Eves 1---------I Spacious 3br, 2ba, fam No maintenance or yard FANTASTIC! home in Univ. Park has House Sat, & Sun. 8/30 k "t 'm lg Pvte ~urtya•d work in this immac.1800 f fl' 8 /31. 946 T t"ni·uana,·,•-, ..... COIOMA DEL MAR DUPLEX. 0 Great location ! Front home has 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 3 baths, bltn kitchen. Spacious 2nd unit has 2 bedrooms. Call us to see this prime pr operty. $98,500. 28'28 E. Coast Highway, Corona d el Mor associated B~O"E A 'i AEAl 1'(1A5 ll'l' \lw b<>•b<lO b'l Jb6! PARK LIDO Delu:ite adult communi- ty; 2 bdrms., den, 2•h bath condo unit. Sparkl- ing thruout ~ Close to the ocean. A very solid in- vestment or home in Newport Be:ich for · '" · fl 4 bd ., b th There is nothing in 1-lunt· approx. 2!)()() sq. t. o I\" W Owl $60.000 present Isl TD. sq. " r"m., " a · 1 · lud 3 12:00-4:00498-1383. ,l!.., condo minium . .owner ington Beach to compare 1ng space . t inc es • Only $82,500 . F ee. transferred & rtl'ust sell with this lovely 3 br, lo/• lrg Dl?'s, finished bonus 0,... Kingaard R.E.642·2222. at an unbelievable price ba home~ i,.o: mi. from the rm. 3112 Baths. formal •I• Jusl listed ! 4-Br. 3-Ba, BY OWNER lg. 3 Br. 2 Ba o f $42,500. Exclusive beach. Only SJil.500. You dining rm & family rm. ·:; humongous bonus rm. +den. North of J-lwy. a r ea wi th many mus t see itnow!536-1461 The price is S6 4,500 WITH built-in wet bar-. 879.750644 .2877. amenities. Agt . leasehold &thebuilderis ~ pool table, stereo. spiral I ~---------an)lious to sell ! ,... stairs,fam.rm .• &more, DUPLEX 3.2. 3·2. New. ~ V.ACAHT·71/J0/o P.ARKllHOMES RA' '"'CHERO -in beautiful 11 .V. HILLS. 1s t owner" dcprec . l!~fic:;ifi>€l. GI existing Joan. Cap· 552·9100 rt •r Call me NOW to get firs t SJ25.000. Owner/Ilu.ildcr, OO@©Il'G'W tivating cathedral style--------,---' Your family will love thts;: crack al this great 540·3383 •99·2800 e:icterior . Enormous red 3 BR, l'h BA, dining area big 4 Br ranchero on an,, home~S144.500. tiled family room. Ex· &bar . Frpl,fmt.&back full acre. Zoned f<Yt JACK HOWBJ., Rltr. Costa M~sa 1024 Mt:SA VERDE ... Pool. quisite gold carpeting. p.atios.551-1351 horses. Guest cabin ~ 644· I 156 (24 hrs.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbr, 2ba . O"·ner must sell Astonishingly low price. eluded. It's in Lagun;f•., PllOPfR Y N EM T $49.7SO. By app't. ~~~~~~~~~. THE BEST VA.LUE quick I y. A s teal a Absentee owner sick of UNIV. Prk, Park II 3 br, 2 $158,000 •~) IM MESA VERDE S46.900. l\f ake reasonabl payments. Only S years ba +study, atrium. Up· nn 1111•11 •o• , .. ,It(; uoc•~fl wf <•• "'" •Oii .... llU. O• IU H ••• .. •II•• 1111 ••llO• C. F. Colesworthv Realtors 640.001'0 Want ad results 642·5678 1002G-..at 1002 ....................... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • PRESTIGE HOME l'lUS INCOME Beautiful 3 year old duplex in Costa Mesa. For the family· that wants a lovely large 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with private yard plus a rin e investment -2·bdrm & 2 bath unit. Seeing is beli eving. $72 ,900. $43,500 G. I. TIRMS . Location location. You ciln't believe this charming 4 bdrm 2' bath home. Lovely family roo m with fireplace. Nearly new carpeting. Call to see this doll house. CALJFORHlA RANCHER OMLV $45,000 Steps to shopping center. Big beautiful _College Park home . If yoU have a boat or camper this may be .ror you. This lovely heavy shake roof h?me h~s 4 large bdrms, 2 bath, & a cozy fireplace. This won t last call today. UMIBJEVAILE $33,500 Honest! 2 bdrm, 2•;, bath, plus fireplace -Built-ins and air cond . Electric garage door opener. IEA.CH DUPLEX Sharp rustic charm & contemporary -Both !or the price or one. Priced for quick sale. Beach one block away. Only $61 ,500! SLlll'ER AREA VA-FHA Rustic 'charm 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fireplace. Real Beauty. Seeing is believing. You can also purchase subject to existing VA loan. • IA Y -cx:Uo.M -HEIGHTS VIEW Hilltop manor -3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 fireplaces, 3000 sq. !t. Executive home-Must see. COLLIGE PARK Steps to shopping -4 bdrm. 2 bath, fireplace. Room for boat or camper. Large lot with trees. MESA VBDE , BeautiruI 3 bdrm,2 bath, with 2 fireplaces. Shake roor and 10 bearing fruit trees. See to apprec1ate. SLlll'ER ARIA VA-MA 3 bdrm 2 bath. This charmingly decorated home bas fireplace, shake roor and is professionally Jandscaped.Nameyourterms. 545-9491 ·J • EASTSIDE One of a kind, former offer. Vacant. !\love in at old. Xlnt Hunt. Beach graded cpts, d~-At-a Hi ~ I OSt1• model home featuring 4 once. Pay rent until clos location close to beach. tract. lndscpg. $64,900. •~••••~••••••••••••"' bedrooms, formal dining of escrow. Call anytim Call897-032l. Own/Agl .547-7044 ••FOREVERVIEWl t ~· COSTA MESA Cha rming 3 bedroom home in quiet Easlside l oca tion . S ecluded courtyard e nlry v.1ith ma ny trees protects this 8 y r old home. New carpet in fami ly and liv· ing rooms. This home is sharp! See for yoursell. $52,750. room . brcakrast nook for details . 5'18-77ll; aft ~-N 3300 S ft \¢' ... and ra"'ily rvv•m . With 6,557·4617. dew loqm. 4.BonR Jch.,,:"~1 its 3 c;; gar;'; and ap· [~' ~~ ·~ · · '' CRY $53,000 b~-~f~i c~~.· fam ' r;;::; . I 00 • ·.'.iljl ' __ ·_ pro:ic1mate Y 2'1 square -'• •"•• •• · · : · Beautiful, vacant, J library. Call to se~:~ feet of ltving area. and ·---bedroom College Park $120,000. 831·9411 BOND,, priced at $67,500. Phone VACANT 4 Br. Assume home. Ceqtral air. VA REALTY INC. .~, 546·23 13 for appointment VA LN ... 950 · d W Id R I •· d. . ·nr 8 or new . .;tT•.. . a ppraise . or ea 0 L N" ., and ad 1t1onal 1 o. uy . .. Owner/Agent 546-7739 . Estate 5!16_7777 By wn~r. ag~a 1gue,. please hurry! --;:;:~~~-:;:::;-;-·1~~~~~~~~~~~1 4 Br. 2:V4 Ba, Mint cooc!..1 Of'IN W Q·1t ~•u1J1011i •1Kr · OVllRY'. Must be seen! Pri coa u ['~-·.'.; . o .. LY s 0 s·:·1·.·,·-oo W4ABLKloc1k0s8CEIAoCse" E Tu,,R;~~.~~cK ~~ ~~;'~00 in ... ~~ 640-6161 -~~: 4 b~room a~d family Tiled entry to exquisite hi~~esc~~I iU~~~~e~~: HO SMOG! ,~~ room. l:Y• bath, Enclosed living. 3 Bedrooms, + ly new 3 bdrm., 2 ba .• & Vacant Family vie• TRIPLEX 2 yrs. old, l , 2 & patio. 645·5045. den. Upgraded thr"uout. lu:itury features incl. wet home. 4 br. 2 ba. $59,900. 3 br's. Bltns. Inc. 56751 ~---------1 Large cul-de-sac lot with bar. a trium &trash com-831-0379 or496-3958 mo. $70,000. 2276 Pamela NEW ON J\tARKET Mesa fruit trees, gas firepit, 2 pactor. P riced at S60,000 1 -'-'-'-"-'-'--''-'~-'-'--'--- Ln. 642-3693 or 642-2231 Verde. By owner. Super patios, l\1irrored doors & 552·7000 Newport leadt I 06, i=========:..:-::-lc0B~y~o~w~n~e~•~-~· ---==I Joe. Nr". park &. schls. 4 mu~aled walls. A must ••••••••••••••••••••••~'? GftM't"GI IOOZ br. 2 ba. 2871 Ellesmere, see, hurr y and call BA YFRONT ••••••••••••••••••••••• _7_5_•_·8B_l5 _______ , 9G2-S585. 2 Custom Homes r"!" _________ -\ * IY OWHER * ~~P, BALBOA PENINSULA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 2 Sty Colonial S BR. 3 Ba, Excellent location on the· b/I I F /R. D /R, Newport 1-----------1 Bay&onlylf.t blocktolhe ffiBCnB rv ne Mesa S<hl Di>l. "'Blk E. 1-------.... -1 Ocean. Ea<h home has 4 It S. A. Ctry Club. 1572 .ARE.A.LY.A.LUE bdrms, 4 b a lh.s & f88 y Pegasus. $59,500. 673·7251 Acal'Wlll ,_llCOWU' A very spaciou.o; and well Gal lery, 2 fireplaces, or540-3257 1 -------~~~" arranged s lxfrm., 2'h wetbar, ultra modem Dana Point I 026 bath home. Touches of kitchen & private pier.• YOU'LL IEAM AIOUT THIS "Bright & Airy" w /all open beam livin g a rea, ocean view + corner location. Excellent 3 bedroom, 21/, bath floor plan. Priced w/land - $119,500 . Betty Kerr644·6200. (S76) llG CANYOH- GOLF COURSE VIEW! 2 bedroom + den home w /superb view. Qui et cul-de-sac. 'll $127,500. Appl. only. Donna Godshall 644-6200. (S77) T AUi OF THE TOWN. Spyglass Hill -elegant 4 bedroom w /180 degree view + wind· protected pool. Only $210,000 incl. land. Laszlo Sharkany 644-6200. (S78) 116 CAHYOM-3 llBIROOM Professionally decorated Deane h ome w/ma s ter bedroom downstairs. A beautiful ly main· tained home on a quiet s treet. $129,500. Tom Queen 644-6200. (579) MEWLY USllD 80x140 lot zoned A.P. w /older 2 bedroom home now rented mo.-to· mo. Close to 17th St. on Orange Ave. Owner leaving area -priced to sell quickly -$39,750. G. Fay /H. Perry 642-8235. (S80) IU..UT1FUL llG CAMYOH POOL HOME Tremendous VIEW! Proressionally dec orated & JandscaP.edl A marvelous 5 bedroom family home in a country club lltmosphere. $184 ,900. Tom Queen 644-6200. (S81) 642.UJI '4"'1Ge IOt DewJ Drftte ... MKAnttw ........,. e.cti.C......, ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW DAHA POINT VIEW PROPERTIES * DUPLEX (a sleeper) Two bd rm-2 balh plus l bdrm. rent.al. $68,950. l<Y/o On. * DUPLEX -Spacious three bdrm-2 bath plus 2 bdrm·2 bath· Onl y $7!1,SOO. Terms. SPANISH VILLA sunshine yellow make il Fee land. See at l~, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, ove r-attractive and bright. East Balboa Blvd .• •or; sized dble garage, priv It's nicely landscaped for call 675-8120 for more de-- yard. yummy landscap-Jow maintenance and is tails. '' ing. Near new, walk to one of the bc't bu)'' the b eac h . $45,ooo. available.$57.500 llGCAHYOHIUY -~! 536·8836 _. $130.000. S pacious 3 Bl:'; -D. Monaco. Wool carpe~ _.,. tile patio, 3 car garage. ,,. ci>z ~~tfr -~ 552-7500 ' * TRIPLEX-All two OPEN HOUSE Lg. Cust. ~~~~~~~~~~!.!!!!"'!!!;! bdrms & t"'·o baths Pool w /s pa &. pa tio. REDUCED OceponO...Slde-,. PAUL W. BRUMFIELD & ASSOC 549·8505 each-Three double Beaut. 4 br, l~~ ba, frpl, J:!arag,es. $112,500· n:itt. to park & sch!. Nr. To $79,900 for this lovely lay on theothe-r ·: Terms. Shop"g. Ctr., By owner. Vanderbilt mod el 4 Beach retreat located at,. Westbay lncome Homes $53 ,000 . All t er m s . bdrm . 2 bath home in the tip of Balbo·a 34121 Cst •lwy, 496-3431 ........ 3165. 9052 Pioncc• 0 ,_ U . . p k Peninsula. Boat. launch.~ _, n1 vers1ty ar ; open jetty & private be:ich 2 FIXER UPS. Large lot. beam ceilings. lovely de-just across the street. f\ 3 ocean views, fireplaces. OPEN DAJLY <:or; ~real for entertain-bedroom homeorferin(f ll' 2 bdr"ms. $33,750 each. 16121 WindemeirLn. ing. Move your family in delicious combination ot J\fuslselltogether. Nr. Goldenwesl·Edinger forschool. t extures & ton es ~ .ANCHOR.AGE 4 Br, 21y!: Ba, !am/din, I LE RAISOR Balboa's rinest locatiO!J. IHVESTM&CTS sty. Bltns, rrplc. newly bkr, for complete details de<:or'd . New cpt g & II ·• t7141496-771 I linoleum, wtr. sortner, REALTY ~a • poolsize yd .• atrium, 4523CampusDr .• Jrvine s prinkle rs . 2 pa tios, Campus Valley Shop Ctr. 540·1720 A· FRAME 3 br, huge yd. Vi e w ! $65,9SO. GI . Roberts Rily. 493.0202 RV /boat yd. RC<luced to CALL llJ..8600 $59,950 firm . ,, TARBELL ,; !!!:>::: ••••••••••• !~!.~ttewporthoch 1069.Hewport leach 1069 Hewpartleoch IO~f'· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Great Buy Condo, 2 Br, ,,. De n , fully <upt'd & OH THE WATER ~ draped. Centra l Air, Al· tach. dbl Gar. Encl Pvt ~';~3s","3~:~··00' PRICE REDUCED •: • .. FHA-VA-T ERMS . 3 0 BR .Pool. $47,500. 233545 $25 00 El Pe rro. stlG-3993 I • ., • By Owner -Exel Lake Forest Woods. Red. to $58.700. 38r & den, 2 ha. frp\c, A/C, immac. Ope wknd5 Noon lOGPM or by appt. 833·2021 d ays, 581-2032 ev /wk:nd. _....,Valley 1034 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR + bonu i> rm , spack>us condo. 2'h ba, 2 pools, patio. dbl IH•rage. By owner, $34,900. 545-4913 ' This beautiful Linda Isle home ls for sale by w owner at the reduced price of $224,950, ·this weekend. Any reasonable offer considered. 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3700 sq. ft. with dock mtd cyeat view of HGJbor Island and the fuming basin. COllfact ~­ Longpre weekdays 714-892-6651 eYelll~1 mtd week..,ds 714.675-1216. • I .. I • ' • • . . .. ' . ' . , . . . . . " ' . • • . . ' . D I 0 DAIL y PILOT Thursday. Auguat 28. 1975 Hau••• Unfunlllllod -.. Uofunll.i.cl Houses Um...t-Apertloonh Fwwl.i.cl "'8 IM..,lt Unfwti. Ap• l11K•h Unfwti. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hou••• Far 5d< lncom• Property 2000 G ... rot 3202 HUnllnglon leoc:h 3240 Newport loach 3269 Hunllnglan leoch 3740 Callo Mesa 3824 Huntlnqtan leoch 3140 ............................ ••••••• •••••••••••••• Ot.tt of State ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• N•wport Beach I 069 Property 2600 llEY LOOK USOVERi l700 sqfl. llB area, 3 Rr. LIDO ISLE Uke new I br. nr. l><h. Off l e ahnPaltl HEAR IEACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• Toic Shetter ••••••••••••••••••••••• We have furnished or un· ~~. 7~~:1=1• bch, $.1lS Lovely 4 br, 2 ba home. ~pt, drps, bltn.s, f~pl, I, 2 & 3 Br. A~u~ts no 1,2, 3bdrn1. Some wit~ NEWPORT SHORES Huntington Beach \,:~~~J:I~''it·~ i10~~c$l~ furnished 1, 2&3 ~rms. Jo'rpl , pat lo, all elec. kit., 1acuzzl & pool. 59~·.5111J 1:>ctli. dshwhrs, sho&6l: cpl!, fireplaces. wet bar, uttlf • :!!"it,. 1\fl .1111r :1 UI!. ~ Allareas ·A11pnc..'t'is. OCEANF'RONT2br, uUI dbl.gar.$450 9/1 ·6/lor I h 3748 t·losed ~ar3ge, frpl c, ty room, enclotilld ll;1.,' ih·l·11r,1111r ":-1lrt-..11n SPRIMGFIELO c:ash, l\eaut1ful Orecon Seeyasoon! pd, ~f .ll .• sini,:lell. $550Yrly.G73_1334 LOCJU"O eac •• BBQ. Ga:; & wuler pd, g•raf(e!'.', . lluct' c·ornc•r li1t w tl ESTATES view, walk to rtvt·r. (f. • ( ·r Also walk to ••••••••••••••••••••• l'ool $190 N f p.11111~ ~1;:•.!•lll! <>PEN DALLY 675·7l39 \ !a~~/e!. br, $:?;95. kids. J Br, 1 V.S Da. frp le. :>c.eanfronl. Magn.ifil'l'~l LA MANCHA APTS TOBIN ~~·~T~iNC. ~ :-'t\ J 1~1 1. \!1·11, Sf'..2.500 New 3 & 4 ple-x Reol &fate I 1I ~:l 7 1·~;l1y• pet, aiogles. ~· l'~ce. dsh~·hr . patio. $300. 2-127 view. Winter. $325-$42.5 771! Scott Place, CM K41i·l31 I :1 HH . l.11",i.:l' t•JliH $3.750 plw~ 3 Br. 2 Ba Wanted 2900 t'-... ~j~·.!.P !...!:~ 979-a4oo E. 16lh St. 64S.1048eves. Incl. Utll 497·l<Ml. u42_5073 ;11i B l1kl• nc"' ~.91.10 ~ Ex lgc 2 br, 2 ba, fll:ic 110'1 F.OWN "'.!\•,'UNI'!' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .._~ • OC"'AN VIEW I 2 WINTER Rental I lllk CAYWOOD REALTY 1' ,. ·• 530·850Sfott.-..-, 4 BR. 2 DA new home r.. yeary, · . Co.'Ha Mesa's l''tncstLoc. PO<>Lsldeaptnrbch.Adlt, orrcrl.'d frorn S87.500 rri-f'lex or ia -Plex. l\1csu w /cpts drps D/W auto bd, ram rm w/bar, 2 tMi, bch & town. Oc1Jan vie w, Only kind In the nrea. no pets s110. 536-8362 ___ •_5_48· 1290 * Wi:st or nc:ich Bl v1 t, fi Verde u rca. Very 111· t:!i ~ gar. dr'. opcnir,spritklrs. lndry, patio. Nu w/w cpt, frplc, 2 hr, 2 bu, beam~: Quiet-gur<len·like·adull-:-- bll'ks on Ad :1ms. north at le res ted. \Yill make of· ~·J ~: ~ ~l [ ~: 11 ."1 968.6623 dshw•hr, paint. AvaJl $3.50 mo. Call Mon-1''!'1 living. Lgc 2,3, Br, 1,2 2 llR, l 'h Ru, pu~o. bl_ln~, VIEW!! 1\labK~1~:1~1~·~~;~~ltS fcr.540.f15SG.aftcr6 1'i\1 . -! ;·l,,_,'_: __ l_u) _ now$42S.(21S>&Hl-58110 8-4.Patty,M0-8900 Ua . W\V crpt:s. drps, c~thedrul ceilg, $27<>. ~t•11·p11rl ll t.:iJ;h ls: \V"antOV.lll'l'S +inc unit s, .; '.i~·'' j. & ~ Bd 'lpd $185 catlo, bltns, some wood 96H·49641tfl.5. ,_1 l ' 1 1 I Rl~:,\J.'rY •Sluter&Newland 3Br,2 ba.Fncdyd,openl apt,uU · per . rrpl B l uc rrnl>., · 1'' • rip l' 84H-8J00960-~ reas Prll'l'd, for !><1lc hy l\tldwuy City SlSO. i br 3 BR. 2 BA ... $335 beams, lrg rrplc. RC<'enl· mo, Q_ulet, secluded arC.l' urning • eau ·BRAND New Twnhousc 2 ~~.r500;• /.! ~ • :'1t"'1· li:..i Y · prlv owner in COJ\1 or NU coach house w /garn,;c. * Garfield /Brookhunil IY crptd. $3SO mo. 1st & nr. high school. Aft. 6. lundsc~d. heated pool & br + den, 2¥2 bu, Alt, z ~ S9000dn 213-'199·25 10 \\'estminstcr $1SS~ 1 br. 3 DR, 2 BA ... SJO:i last. 23rd & Santa Ana 499-4233 8·5, 646-1187 or i\ttr~ct•v.e rent. car gar, pool, Jucuzzi & CALI. C:) 6.a•·i.a 1.a 6UHITS Come see. •Brookhurst/Gurfield Ave. Ph. 5J6.34.76 bclwn 494·S206. Mart1nlqu.Apts. tcnn. crt. $350 mo. CORONA DEL .... .._R Santa Ana $185. 2 br. 2 HR , I BA ___ .....,,. 1·3pm only. 1m Santa Ana Ave. Cl\I 892·6236 ~ ~~ -~--~-----1Lux furn Ocean Front M A tllS 646-55421-""-'==------- • M •, 1 r' $210,000 Rentals i::arage, kids &pelsok. Call Be'· or Joe LIDO Adult Condo, 2 Br, 2.'h gr p Close to beach. New anl.I r-.~"ri\r .. pur 1 1'0~1(lrr 1c• Sixbcaut1fuloldcrunits ••••••••••••:•••••••••• Costa l\1esaSI90.2 br. 9634569 9622116 n-d d blh B s t BchTen LI 11..--..uL.1 ne ·r 2 d J _ __ 1 Houset Furnished super clean kids & pets ' · or · 3 o.: rm, en, 2 a . a, ec. ga cs. , · ••a ~"" a n cw an n prime Corona del 1\lar ok • Available Sept 15. $600 nis Ct., Pools, 1 yr lse, Martlnt'qu• ~ ,..,. bedrooms. BuiJt.Jruo, wet OOM'TLIFT loc:it1 o n . Ali arc l \\'o ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Sc w• b t ed G I 3102 Newport Beach, $200. 1 •Sprini;:dale&lfeil,3 Bll, mo. yea rl y . Barrett $SSO mo. 10 mo se, pt. 2 hdrms, 2 bu , w/W .ar11, enc os saruges. A HAND!! bl•d roo1ns. Some ha\·c ~nera hr mobile home. 2 BA home. Fireplace, Realty642·SZOO thru June , $'150 mo. cpts, drps. bllns & Some houses.Nofee. l l°1' :-r1c1tlcs::. •inti e;1s.'' 1 f1rc1>laces. All h<i\"l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eve!'i, 213·788·8658 · Lo I t'nl·lost.•d g;.ara :;es. Laun \\'ALKI0'.1.'atcr.11.B lbr, Costa l\1esa 2 brsludio, good condition, children HA.RIORVIEW (Collect) private patios. vey kceplhat\.\:l:>'.1\ri'C('llt· dry roo1n . r:xct'llent in· Sl25. ,\J so Cdl\I I br. kids&petsok. OK.nofee.$345.Ca\IBcv 8 h s pacious garden ·like l~·rL•dl'C'•lf.Jlt•dJBHend \t•slm"nl. c .. 11 ·"'r In sin"le~.t·ouplt-s.Surier's Huntin&tonBeach$275.3 or Joe 963-4569 or 3 1,ardkrm&. 2p 0Ba0 1 1.·K"•edar,Hewportleoch 37&9 apts._l!eatedlpooAld. A1l-un1t to..., nhornl' ill'ar !"lOol .... " "" " b l h k'd & l c11 ve reo u ts l D. · ,_, 1 1 t 11 pd N " r own ousc, 1 s """".,·211 6. welcome. $<OS . mo.••••••••••••••••••••••• ru • :111d tlubhouscwitho\'l'r· ,·estme n 1v1s1onwuay trl'.llll 1r.u1 .... , '1V£ sized m;1-,tl·r suite •ind 752-1700 s1nglL'S or filnll ht'S Lag petsok 1-hw 3244 673-7601 Agent OLK. lo Bench, 3 br, 2 ha. on127y.5 E 18th St " M [ ~ B ·ich 2 br ul!I rid G:'.irden Grove~. 4 br. • • Wnlr r ental .,~ mo · ·"'· • night hght Vii:'"'· Sffl.500. ~ L'. . ~ , ' 2 b · h rd k 'ds & ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ' • .,,.._ · 631 ~o REALTY INC. 714/846-1371 (';11164-1·7211. I ' . :.1ngle.s, ram~Lics. t:.~I. l a, WI\ ya I BEAUT N R ·h s 38r2Ba,frJ?l.largefam1· 613·7180 •JVUJ , ·' br. utll pd, s ingles. pl'ls. pets ok . · ew anc o an ly rm, tennis, pool, wk to MEDITERRANEAN 2 BLOCKS from ocean, 2 ,\Jso Bui. l br, $165 .. util 1\.1 ember Bo a rd of Joaquin Twnhome. 2 Br, bch. 962-6964 5teps to beach, winter, l . hr, l~'l ha, cpts, drps, ~ INVESTMENT DIVISION pd, s ingh: ok. 1\61 . F'cc Realtors, Better Busi· 21f.: ba, 2 story. Overlooks · BR· $175.,mo. 2 Bll -~15. VILLAGE frplc, bltns, encl. gar. •-;-;--;--:--~l79·8430 ness Burcau,Cbamberor golf course & lake. $.575. BEAUT. Bluffs Condo, 4 -mo. Garugc. No students t Br. 1 Br & Den, 2 Br. 2 Adults, no pets. Private. PANORAMIC VIEW }\;l)' & l r\'lllt! Jl1ll:;, l·:n- l er t ain!'r 's deli g ht \\'/µool ,f,; g;1mc room. r·.1ntJstic nl·w 4 br, ;j ba. •10(10 Sq rt ('U:-OIQtn hO nH~, v.·ood l"f'il1nt-!s. :i frpl cs. n1any x lr :i~. $1ti;,,uuu. &15·7102orr.31 Oi!•7 ThC' Rluffs: t•;1rl.\' arC';.i 1·$!0ry :1 HH . '.!Ba . ~ii ,000 Agt. &10-5500 OPEN HOUSE Commerce. 547·7044 /552-0055 Br, 211.i ba, immed oc-or pets. 673 -6640 Br Townhouse. Carpets, $275. mo. 847-8124 Deluxe4-Plex Balboa Island 31 06 530·8505FttA.t:J Redecorated 3 BR, 2 BA cp'y.$4.SO.Agt.644·1133 drnpes , fireplace, 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• STEPS lo beach, view, pools, 4 tennis courts . 2 BR, deluxe, nr bch, sha~ 7352 ~:arfield. New units QUIET L"tll 1.1 13 1 Balboa Island 3206 home. Nu landspg. $350. EASTBLUFF 4 hr, avail winter, 4 BR. $425. 2 Bit, gym -sauna's, cpt, drps. $185 . 915 1-luntington Bi':ich. tax 2 ba frp~ peaLl~ a~~cps J[O ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. Ask for Bev or Joe 9·2. Lse & refs req. $450 $255 . & $275. 1 BR, $160. 2400 llarbor Blvd Delaware, (213)592-3250 sheltered propoc:rty. l:st . · · • , 963-4569962·2116 mo. (213)675-5735 529-5601 vr Writc-ofl $l l~l. Lions b(h. S335 1no. \\ntr. 2 B~. DEN, gar . W/D, -"'-'-"-'--------I Costa ii.tesa 1714)557-8020 3br, l lf.i ba, washer/ ·r:stules. 53tl·25i9 675·3683 b~~~~~ ~;~5 l~~lyCo~~j: ~EMTALS FULL OCEAN View, Avl. OCEAN FRONT Dplx . STUNNING Jg , l hr dryer, pool, udults, no ONLY I LEFT'· 1..0,·cly 2-sty. fam. home: 498.0203 aft5Pl\l 3 BR, 2lh Ba •. ,. 5450/475 9/1, Newport Crest Con· Deluxe 2 hr, $350 Wntr, Garden ;.ipt. Pool, rec pets. S260 mo.968-1857. 3 BH, 2 ba, pullo, gar. 4BR.2Ba ........... $395 do.4br,Jba,fa~.rm~3 SS25 Yrly. 3 br, $425 s175 71018thSl All others s°'d! S mall fa mily ur couple 3 Br avail for yrly, 1 block 4 BR, 2th ba, wntr .. $80C decks, pool, teruus. Lse. Wntr .. $625 Yrly. Both rm. · · Laguna l•ach 3848 spacious 4 Unit li\dJ!. only ( 110 s tudenl.s ). lo bay . Bar & patio, LE RAISOR $595. mo. 675 -3122 units have Wshr/Dryr., CASA VICTORIA ••••••••••••••••••••••• sprinklC"rs. bltns, Jots of i\vai l.Sepl.6,S.1.5Q+ulil. 2l3·795-64009·5pm Oteanfronl, ocean view, dbl oven & Dshwshr. l ,2&3br.Dlx.Unfur Drop a pebble into the J;i v.·n. llcst buy 1n f:.i st \Yntr. t\gcnt673·QKlO REALTY '"'Y 2 br 1,..e porch &IS·2016or67S-453.1 or Furn. gas/wtrpd. Ocean from your Apt, mO\'tng a re;.i! Jnco1ne !SLANDHome.2styJbr, • • 0 · Adulls·NOpt!tsSec.gate Lease. Luxury, security. s112u . $85 .000. J\ge nt BAY FRONT Best lol'., 2 ba. frpl, patio. Yrly . v· S307'hSeashore.S48·6182 Beaut. lge 2, .3 & 4 b~-Pool. Rct'. l{m,Elcvator ti1 atur(' adults.317SSCst • • ~':'::~:":~:':~~::""f."'~9~-0~8~l~2~o~r~6~40~67~•~1~0---f s l1 P a ''I, 2br, 2h;i . 2 S.125. 833-1840 4523 Campus Dr., Ir ine Townhouse Oceanfront /view, frplc, ' 525 Victoria, 642·89'10 llv.·y. '199·2835. MO STFORLEASTI p·1tios xtras $450 mo Campus VallcyShopClr. Unfunt'shl'd 3525 bale, gar. $325 up -='-'-=-'-'---'----!-~--------• f''re e & Cl 'ar Bl·aut v.;nlr_L· se.673'.~"'A 'BolboaPeniMUlo 3207 CALL833-8600 1 64.6·3114 JUST COMPLETED I _BR, Bachelor, ocean llnR \'V J\10~'r EGO. L · · • · °"'"" ___________ , ••••••••••••••••••••••• __________ 1 . Complell'IY remodeled ••••••••••••••••••••••• · Large 1 hr w/pool, frplc, view, nicest on in;irkt>t. ~1.HOO homt'. ·1·12 S F1 ov.·cr. S,A Balboa Peninsula 3107 3 BR, 2 BA, across rrom '* REMT ALS * Townhouse, Bluffs. 3BR PARK Newport sub-lc~se. dshwhr. Adults, no pets. 494-6176 I least pr1 l:l' t"1u:.c no SJS.OOO. ·rralle for gd. in e. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bay.Beach, view. S450. UNIV. PARK tri level, wet bar, views, l br £urn., canyon \'tew, 960_4042 or 1·838·9615 rltr l. ~ Br, I· :im Hn1. DH. pro p. Can ~Hid other fi ,\LBOA PENIN. mo. Yrly. 675-1304. 3 BR., 2 baths .. $385 /425 nr pool $450. 644-4986 $325. 640·6344 -""~~'-------l-;:;;::-:-=;':-;-"";-'-";-:--;:--:Uo11 ~s . Hm . N~1. pn~~ nu equi ties. TD's or eash. A,•!. Aug. 30tli. Desirable COLLEGE PARK '1 t"uplexes Fum 3550 2 BR, ·~ ba beach nook. LOOK~ Lovely 1 br apts. OCE~~ riew~ely 1 Br. 1i:it1:;c p, nu d ~hv.~h;.1 li ick Alderett e D \ex Wee kly or CoronodelMcr 3222 3BR,den,2ba ....... $25 ••••••••••••••••••••••" $250.yearly.tblktobch. frplcs, pool. $185. mo. u ts .. mo. h1~h_ly upj.!ralll'tl. t.·ov d Own er /Rllr.547·&169 . up 6 J.·039 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RanchoSanJoaqwn . A ·1912 C·ll631J•79 197SPomonu.&IS.1956 494-1419 pat1n, :.p rnklr s, nr longe r 7 2 2BR,den,2112ba .... $60CBAL.Pen1n.3 b~.2 ba .l va1 . a .. , Mewportleoch, 3869 pool 1sC'hl s. S l·:r·: 'fl I IS DUPLEX. Aml'rican Ave. Penins ula Point. 2 Br, JETIY VIEW TURTLE ROCK blk ocean. Avail Sept.I. 1, 2, 3 & Bal'h, furn apts, Meed More Room? ••••••••••••••••••••••• c:rtEA'fJIOi\tJ::.832-2200 C.i\T .J\todclhumc.n1:iny pallo,winteroryrly.By On Ocean Blvd, only 4BR.2Y.i baths $475 S32S mo. DaysSJS-1736, Winteror Yrly.675-0318 Sec our lg. 3 br apts. 38R 2 8 A Y I Blk Owner . exlr<is. New ldscpd, Ownr.552·0539 s teps to China Cove. A WALN UTSQUAllE evesorwknds645-lf!67 or 535-6786 w /frpl & pool. Adults. · ' r y, ·lo ~~~~~~~~~~[ __________ 1 la rge luxurious 2Br, 2ba bch, extra prkg. Patio, _ p;ilio. drps, crpls, hot duplex w/hardwoodflrs, 38R,2baths $.11C BALBOA Penin 3 br ., $250.1\vail.9-J.545·8628 S340mo.642_3188 wutcr hl'<Jlers, ne w WINTER 2 br, garage, l DEERFIELDllOMES b St l be· h y •1 w Wa terfront, furn 2 Br 2 On the Bay w /\'iew. Step paint. 2 br, l ba . &l2-2412 block to bay & ocean. Formal dining rm, & 3 BR 21_, baths $425 SJSOa. eps 64~.J7~c · r y, Ba, patio, dining are.a, Adult 2 huge bec!rooms E~ s aver gourn1ct kitchen or 640.6222 $2SO. No pets. 675.5470 s uper J ctty & Ocean "' mo, $325 mo yrly 523.3822 s110 no pets. Inqui re apt PARK H ,... .... vRT s erves formal d ine .1----------"----'-------! view. Singles O.K $650 NEWER NewportBeach 3 G 568W. Wilson APARTMENTS Spacious multi-purpo se "'"'EWPORT Capistrano Beach 31 !8 mo. Call 644-7211 agent BR, 2 Ba , Frplc, conv. YEARLY re_ntal 1 br va-Bachelor l or2 area. 2 huge bcdroun1 J"llll ••••••••••••••••••••••• toc 'd. If.! Blk to beach & cant, upstairs $200. mo. DUPLEX 3 bd r, 2 bath, Bedrooms and .!i uites "'Ll h pvt. baths, Furn. 2 Br, house. fenced SUPER area 2 br, I ha, VISleH ·. . Also 2 br house S/:60. mo. pool, laundry rm. $325. Townhouses rleep pile l"arpcts , cit" TRIPLEX yard. Avai l. Scpt.1-June frplc, 2 C<1;r garage. $.125. RIALTY bay._ Will consider un-Avail9/6. 1213)943-29'.lS E-C!\I aft5:30,631·1333 Fr.$229.500pen9-6 s1~nt:r drapes. Loads of 15. $225. 34596 Via Verde. 427 8ej!on1a, 549·8867 552-7500 furnished. Aft. 6-675-3370 Daily ).!lass. sundcck. ,\JI only WITH ..'.:'.:=::'.:-""'.:'.::.--'-"'--'-"--"C::..IC;;;--:-:-;1~~:--:----:3;:2;:2;-;-4 1 D 1 U fwn 3600 2 BR, 1 BA , No pets. $.JOO NEWLY DF:CORATl:-:D Spa-Pools-Tennis S86.500.Bkr.Hti2{i."i ll. SPE .. 'DABLE CostaMe-sa 3124 osaMeso 1\Recl HillCompany •• Uf.~.·.-.~ .. ~••••••••••• mo. Yearly . Lease . 2Br.w1gar.Sli5.\\'atcr Across from Fashion J"llll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675·0475 pd. 217ti "1.\" Placentia. Island at Jamboree on I\\' 0\.\ncr. 111.5(1 sq . ft. . t h~l rm penthouse unit 2 Br '"Doll House", l~e lot. •NEWLY dee. 3 Bd + TURTLE ROCK4 Br, DR Cd!\1. l br, lge Liv rm. din ----------1 636-41201·5. San Joaquin II.ills !toad. story. :l BH. 2 •,~ ll;i has ocean \'IC'.I.'. 2 bdrm child & s mall rloi:?ok . 156 de_n. 3 ba twnhse. llarbor FR. lite Vu. Tenn1s rm. xlnt cond, oozy & FURN. 2 br, ne~· cpl & -"-'--'-'-"--'------l 171 ,164•1900 F.a stbluff. r.;r ~pt . Tt'n· 11wncr ·~ unit has glass l\lerrill $295 549.04 3.1 J-11 . Pool . 833-1653; Pool s, Prk's . S475 beaut.$2~. paint. Winter~ +Sec. CLOSEtoShopping.2BR, ~ ~ nis Club $78,!XKI. 862-;JS·• \Vall f:ici ng extra large · · 833-8974 w/gardnr 833·0755 2 Br. 2 ba on hillside dep, 1,~ blk . lo I.leach. 2BA,pool.Adlts,nopets.l--------b-- or861·8238for <•i)P l pool Anoth£-r2bdrmun-LanunaBeach 3148 . w /beaut view of bay, 673-9404aft6 Cpt , drps, stv, ref. $195. DELUXE 2 Br. 2 a, •f.s > Lovely 3 br 2 b' dbl gar UN IV . Prk Terr. 'fwnhsc. secluded. $375.675-5205 I g 8 7 '' 0 n r 0 v 1·" blk lo heh, ad\ts, no pets. ---1l facin g pool. Si8,000 for ••••••••••••••••••••••• · .. , · .. Son Clemente 1076 quick sale. 1 EASE $l&OOOO Be · ch bltns, ds hwhr. frplc , 2 hr , 2 ha . Beaut •lh BLK.OCEJ\N• 548-9743/644 -9419 $3S0.121Y234thSt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 • a cpts, drps, lge fncd yd_ Greenbll. Comm. fac 's Aportmentsfurwished Furn. 3 br. 2 ba, frpl, Condo. for $950 mo. or Waterpd.$3SO.Ist&l:tst $360 . 552·7389 eve&••••••••••••••••••••••• Wintcr.675·6682 .. R~~t'.'~d~~u~t'.1~:.~t'.,~:h,; I m .• Quail ~ $795 mo . unf ur . + s i oo . sec. 2606 213-722·6810 days !\tr Balboa Island 3706 . Plac-Oceanrnt. 3 hr, 2 ha, 2000 Redl•nds Dr. 673 ... o""' Shipp •••••••••••••••••••••••Winter Rental. 2 Dr, 2 8.a vrs. olrl . By owner. Save • -• f 1 f 1 Sc • -H -f s b Prop•rt1es . sq. l .. wet >ar, n>. c, 3 BR avail for yrly. J ouse. 2 car gar. $375 S10,00V cc.$159.000. u · "I· ~uard.Adulls.5'14-767R DOLLflOUSE, 2 BR, LEASE n ew 2 br bl k Ba & . mo.675·4533 n11 tt~rn1s.·192-7391 i•ooou .. ?ll~,.-~?ai.~011111.11.cH bltns, crpts & drps. 348 to wnh ouse, 2•111 bu . oc to bay . r paho., _________ _ S l'w1in to bch, erpts/drps, 2Br, c rp ort/lnd ry . Stv /refg. $185 + lsl + last. $100 sec. Chldrn ovr 7, no pets. fi7J .J078 by appt. MESA VERDE 2 Bdrms .. 1 'h bath t.'Onde> with podl . S335 Mo . STEPS TO BEACH 2 BR, Iba, unf,$285 SEA WIND -------1 l BR, walk ~o beach. no 16th Pl. $325. mo. 5 Deerfield. Adults, n 213-795·64009·5pm $40 WK UP 1&2 Bdr & Mobile Homes 1100 JO UnitsS400M P<'ls. all uti1. & cable. 675-7306 or 64S.5000 ext pets. Avail. Sept. 20th.CJIARl'w1JNG bachelor Ba ch. Color Ty. ~aid For Sale Oc .. d p · 0 1, $195 . (2 13) 214-tl386 or 232 · $375.644 -544 1 "pl, $170, ""·1,."·es pai·d. serv. pool. THE l\1ESA. •VILLA HIHOS• 2 BR, 2 Ba condo$475 WE HAVE SUMl\1ER RENTALS ••••••••••••••••••••••• i\;.!e~t nsi e. nn;.,.1~~1~29 (7 14 )494 ·5012 (!\.·es. . )•early 675_4336 415 N. Newport Bl , NB L1':V 1T ·r r edurc<t fo r 3b 2b L k N NEW 2 BR+ den & frpl · 6469681 q uick sale! Beaut 101·. RIDICULOUS Cutc3llR,wa\~tobcach. E~'tanc~~-cp;s~ucirps~ Condo. Nr. rec. facil BalboaPe-ninsulo 3707 . 2Br,2 BaApts Super Comfortable Quiet. Upper/lower Enclosed Garages Arlull , 2 u1i. 2 b<1. no pets , all ut1J&cablc, s285. 2180 Placentia. Deerfield Park. $'105 •••••••••••••••••••••••A,-tmentslJnfurn. il'.lfi·07·17 0 FFER ~~;; 4ri.!.~~)t2244·6386 or 549-1623. Eve. 559.4737 & 642·0288 BA YFRONT WINTER ••••••••••••••••••••••• associated Acreane f or sale 1200 ~.'-"'."'~~'-----1;-;;-;;---:;-~-;::::::~=-=-I NEW Greentrcc4 hr. 2 ha 30 1 Edgewater at lolboa Island 3806 > WA...,TED N rt B h 3169 4 BR, 2 BA , t}uge fam. rm, d d Corooodo St. Apt A. 3 Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gas & Water Paid. !\To to !\lo rentals. S210loS220 Children Ok BctOKEPS-llEAL Tn 11s 101 ~ W Balboa 6 ' l ~6 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• J"llll ewpo e-ac frpl dbl "ar patio walk ram rm · upgra e ) "L' N II · h ••••••••••••••••••••••• · "' ·· ' I d d n r • 2 Ba, frp l, gar, priv heh 2 BR apt $280. mo, yearly c~OOI) L E~ll N lil{O\'I·: .... nits ev.·1X>rt t1J! L<;, . to Newport Hgts. schls. n scp · cc acs, o .,,.50 mo. Robinson Rltr rate, incl. <as & wtr. 2J24EldenAve.833·2480 60 Ac r es . Cn<il·hc·ll a u units Easts ide, ('ach 2B H. s t ove, r e.f ri g . Sept. $440. Pvt. Pty . Cu I · de· Sac "" LIDO Isle Bayview2 hr, \';1llcv, S2·10.fl0il or \.\'111 priced at Sl l9,000. r.>on 't ...,. as h e r , d r Ye r · 548-1511 . 552·3679/559-0186 675·8120 <7t4 l 846·6~20 v.ikduys LG . 2 BR, l 'h BA, new 11,; ba. S425 mo. tor2 yr. cons1i.ler t r.1d c fnr 1•nn1-Ix> embarrassed, m;ike a Cpts '(I rps. $250 yrly. L b b after 5• anytime wkends. cptg. ei'le. gar. patio. $225 Jse. 673-1283 111 e r1 l'1 a I p r1 1pt• rt y . rid1culOu§ offer. 673-19£(; •2Br. Iba. condo. l\1esa 4 Br. Lo"Yety Ycrd_ W~~:~R hr~e i 2 ba~· iiig.' lolboa Peninsula 3807 Adults, no pets. 288 "/\" 1-"=-"-''-"=----- 5-16·955ft 1\genl aft G. e ,\YSllORE· Verde. Pool, garage. $260 Fr p I c, _co mm u n 1 t) Bltns pvt. patio ma lure ••••••••••••••••••••••• E. 16th Pl, 645-3515 Bayfront 2 Bd, 2 Ba, Pvt. Commercial rn • PUI Gel-BA YFRONT . . . Avail immcd. SS2·965S adults. 675·5394 OC~A~~~~T 2 Br, l ha upper. shag c1_>~. 97~·1935 & 64•1-4510 u:nQ "I l yrly 833 8974 pool ttenn1s, :<Int schls . • ' , ~ Bch & pier. $.550 yrly. Prope rly 1600 a -· Winter rental, 4Br, 3'h 4 BR, fam rm. 2 ba, frplc, 830·7292 Costa Mesa 3724 A .1 ~t 1 4 8 2 Ba g.arage, S19S. 1009 A l\11s-I---------••••••••••••••••••••••• Praperties · ba,ma ,..nifi centview. bltins.Avail9/2.$350mo. va1 . r · s1on aftS 552·4576 2 BR .. l 1h ba .. frptc.: • L B h 324 ••••••••••••••••••••••• frpl , •ar. r0 ngc, rcfn'g.•--~·-~·------1 -• S ----------1 7S2·1920 548·2598. 979·4S45 aquno eoc o .. 1-yea.,.y . cp. garet gc, ••OOQUAll~T.NiWPORTlllACtot ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• $39.95WEEK&UP Choice location $550 mot BR GARDEN Apt. ocea n view; on the Beach Blvd . ~-"'7" 3 Br. child. pel ; gar. OCF.AN VIEW DECKS •Studio& 1 BR Apts Robinson Rltr675-8120 w/s tv. & refrig. New pnt. Peninsula. $325. Call CO;\l !\t 1-: liClf\L LOT 1.i_1xur1?us l·lomc \Y ifN-LIDO SLE i1z AC. older 3 br, util pd, Neal & clca~ 2 BR .. w/ •TV & Maid Sen> Avail & drps. Adults, ·no pets. 645·6556 Ne ar llosr)1\al CO\\IF-. next to OC'1·an-2B 2BI f I dbl ' kids.pct. bl k' hf I •PhoneScrv,lltdpool 1BR.Sl60mo.,lsl&last $175.548-6920 ----------•. · . rront, no. l.:i r;:un11_ :.!h _r. 1 ' pc., .gar. $165.2Br,child,singles carpC'ts, ln. itc ·· rp +sec. \'rly.2brplus dcn,2ba.":& i\ppro~j1;1Q~~q.l"l. home w 2 delu~e units. Wintc rSJ75675'7715 2Br,2 Ba,child,pet dbl. gar. Large yard. :ish2ir;~~~~~o;'ent 213·697·1496 $200 2 Br. pvt. patio, bl.tobch. Nucrpt,drps, M II R It & pool & .l;1 t•u11_1. Super Furnished l br. child, FamilyO.K.S.T1 5 Mo w/ad , , upp l 's. cpl, drp s. and painl. Enclos ed u er ea Cors m ;1n s 1on !'lr income. -----R & f pct,fncd.$175.Agt.Fec XLNTOCEANVl ~W 2376NcwportB\vd,CM $350. Yrly 2 br, 2 b.1, 2 carpo rt. 724 "A" \Y. garage, 2 patios. $:150. Mana9ement o.lnc. ZAG BUD ZK\' r lt r The Bluffs . 3 R . am HOMEFIMDERS 3 BR, 2lh ha, cust. bit 548_97550r 645_3967 story, 2 C'ar encl gar., James,673.7787 548 _4905. lil ·l l~!-16-•1·1n3 1i1.\-8fil l., • ' · "Grecnhe lt''. Av;iil. home.Lge.li v.rm .. fn>I balcony.642-100.1 -'---------"'-'l-~Lt;i-ill\r;:-JJ Sept. I to F'cb. 15th al * &42-9900• scp. din. rm .. bltn. kitch. • . Dona Point 3826 TRIPLEX lovely 2 hr a!'t. I J, I 'L. r-.1s 5 l"nits, Fontana + eash $600!1.1o.Agl.&10-5560 2 Car i:;.ar . Jmmac. M S WALKtobay /heach,2br, ••••••••••••••••••••••• beam clng, own private \ i ; lJ I t:.:~t n fnr Cost a l\Tesa, I lunt, BR, Sl lf.i BNa homRe. \YeJst thruout ! S.175 !\1o. AMBASSADOR I M 11h .ha, garage, laundry, VERY lg 2 br 2 ba pal·oo eompl. redecorat- ... 1 -·.::::JI ll1·h arc<i apts. nr l't'nl· LIDO Bay l . ear ea r. STUDIOAPT. OF AMERICA patio. $250 lo $?1'5 Yrly. c '. • ed se N HUil , I mt•r<'. 4 br. den. 31 2 ba. Thru l·l.igh. Lcase$275. mo.1st Unfurn . K1'tchenetl TWO LOCATIONS Refs S48·7558 '548·360'7 wtterrsce. upstairs, no . st ewport d oc. &I l 'loo dcpos·t II · ' pets.$225 .675·520.5 $235 . fllature a ulls , --=========· l''orl1n Rltrs 1•12-sooo June.S475mo.675·7C.67 as + 1 · · w/stove & refrig., smal WEEKLY RATES ---·---1 --~------I D . Johnson, Bkr. FULLSERVICE CoronadelMcr 3822 , 548·3904 Newport C-1 + ! Ocl•:111 d -. O Fron 2 Pl u· bar. w /w CPl" .. pri,·. Hunl1n-'an Beach 3840 ---------1 I ~ I S.16 8362 21 1 acen a "' H bo c M ••••••••••••••••••••••• "i' View . 4 lots. 27,000sq It n U$ rta Cean . · encl. patio. Localed I 2277 ar r, . . EW bd b ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spac. 3Br. 2 ba, dble i::a r, r.ar. ,\11t. + ;t hou-.p., Prope Y 2100 V.'inter Hcntal.2Br,2ba, t\\'e. qu.ietresidential section 2909Bristol.S.A. N 3 r~, 2_ a ,HUGE3br,2baS!:25mo, w /elec. opener. frplc / TE"rms-0\.\·ncr +>·12 f~i~2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cpt5'drps, 2 car gar , BR. i \/:z Ba , Frplc, lge $150 !\lo., owner pay 645 -4840&540-2300 g_~rage. Bltns. Po~nsel· 2 children Welcome. All pool_ WJD. close to heh. C d • • v.ashC'r, dryer, S375 mo. yd 5300 546 5880 or utiL tia. Cdi\.I . s49·8867 Days. extras. 2 hr. I ba $175 mo. Avail 9 /15. No peUs. $395, "i"o· •,m01 1,niums AIRPORT BLDG. !i75-453.1 . c:Ao-'7730 (C-arol ,· !\t!SSTON REAi.TY 675 1 84 675 1070 , 1700 .... 2035Fulle~CM BEAUT.3level,3br,Zba. 1739t "A"Keelson ,lblk. · l or · • li\OO Sq. fl . indus trial --• • • 494-0731 • • ''"'"' .. ~ I ( $500 w r B ach Bl off ••••••••••••••••••••••• !.Irle .. adj;.icenl to the Hou5e-s Unfumished , BR duplex, cpt.s, drps, 1 BR Furn, 2 lrg closets, 404 . _ern ea ·. · to · 0 e · UPPER OCEANFRONT HORTH LAGUNA 1n .un runv.'ay at Oruni.:e ••••••••••••••••••••••• g aru g e . Back Bay . Spectacular Oc . Vu -queensiie bed, priv. qualified applicant. For Slatcr.842-0389 Dplx. Sundeck.2br, gar. CONDOS Count~' Airport. Incl.,, G eneral 3202 Adulls.nopets.545-4452 Br.+ den hillside home. dressing rm, extra lrg appt.675·6675 Love At ltfBite W/D.Stv/ref.646·28.10 :tlr 1.:ond offi ces + ;im ••••••••••••••••••••••• :,;~ij70~ept. !st. 5425 · i-oo ms ' enc I · g 8 r · LUX URIOUS View Apt, 2 2 Br, 2 Ba from $210. Uni · 3 BR, 2 ba, frplc, pntlo. t. \\1hitl'W:ilt:r Vit.'\l.'S· 2 & :l hdr1n . units frorn s.'.i>l.l)(J(I Call 675-7225 ••u u~ '"" • '"'' I .,, .. ,. "•••ul \'.\IJ,f<:,- HE \l;ry A BERG ENTERPRISES CO p!i• pnrk1n~ & frec"'ay FRf:F. FHF.E Bl.KE lo beach 2 hr.Sl90.. w/storage. Adults only. hr, 1680 sq. ft., 2 car gar. que adult apts. No lease. block to beach. Yrly$350, 11tcnt1ty •ProfcssionalScr,dcc• singles ,pet.Alsosin~les MissionVlejo 3267 nopets, Lease to cpl. $450. Sorry, no children or Ca\1645·7054 Sl5a.ooo •LANDLORDS* ~i1.gf~t~ Jo~~-~84~ids. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUS CA.SIT AS s7s-7io7 pets. Home f Ind" rs * NEW 3 Br. air condi· l~arge nicely furn. bach. BACllELOR apt. frplc, 6700~.1:.~!;.~~l.B. 642 .. 9900 BR, BA, lg. yd., $22."> tioned, n e wly land· &: I brs . Adults only, no nice, $160. mo. ULil pd. ,714 )847.0047 mo. scaped. $.'ISO. 581·0640 pets. 2110 Newport Bl. CdM. 67•-7833 2 BR, l V.S Ba. frplc. 1 blk to beach. Yrly. $385. Call 645·7054 · C:i lif11rni:i 's Largest 546-7790 -_•:_!H~o'."n~to'!l~Sc~r~v~;,,.,.,;_:,•:.__~=:::-:;:::;:--:;--;;;;---;-c~ Newport l•och 3269 Studio apt, 1 rm & ba, C I M BIKE TO IE.A.CH BA YFRONT • Touch the uper sharp, 3 BR. 2 BA ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl2S Util incl tst & last OJ a esa 3824 MEAR SHOPPING boats! Panoramic view. I home. Dis hwasher. new NEWPORTCrestCondoJ mo.· rent. 2191 Harbor.••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,2&38rapta,bltns,dis· Brandnew,largeZBdrm :-:O l'\("I" !'.JI ~ r.1·· ~: ~ jj [I~; 11 p:iint. $.165. Ask for Bev br, 3 ba. tennis & Pool. across rrom K·Mart. 2 BR. ADULTS. Bltns, hwa.shers,some w/£rplcs 2 Ba apt. Swimming **••DON'T*••• 1~~'""6"'7•3··~4~4~0~0~~~1 / =1' J I LL or Joe, 963-4569 or $450 mo. Lse. fWS.8181 MW1t be clea n &sober. cmprtk. t.dsrp1ss" m"ro .. s'1hopoeo "C~ & 2 car garages. From Scpocou1_.r1'tPy•.bllido~. 'A"d"u11s'ooonr'. P ayyourlandlord'!ltax·1. "l\i: iPJ v 1 ' "if 962-2116. $200. Lions Estatet, '" ('~. Fnr undc·r S24(1 ;, L t f 1 2200 1----------i HARBOI VU HOME Huntinqton lhoch 3740 R o c h e s l e r . 536.2s79 ' ly $650 mo Call owner rn11nth 1o1.li ,0 u ran have o s or sa e FREE SERVR:E Nf.Wl.Y redeoor 'd. 2 hr <4 l!DROOM ••••••••••••••••.•••••••! !67~5~·6'<>;)!2~7~/6~7~·~·Z~7~'¥1~---1 --:-::-:-:=-::-:-::--:-::-:~-l 7 1 4 • 6 7 S • 7 4 3 8 o l" all11fh1s t,1...,'.11h ;n1la,.:c:< ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOLAMDLORDS Duplex. fncd . yd, Sm ~O INCREASE n m I· HEARMAJOR 213.945.2347 tJnt v 10·, down ~I 7 uni t lot EasL-.1rle t:o:;ta Mem bl·r or l\o•ird or child /pet OK. $?20 mo. Cl05e to recreaUon area · 1 su · NICE2hr, I ha,pool,cpt, l-'-"-'---------~t.~15<1, ~ ltt.,lrm. 2 bnth 1\lesa. Rf":tllors. "'lier e·u••" 673·6607art3P1't In an ideal family loca-merrenl. 8eautt5brrf"h drps els to everything SltoDplngCenter YRLY. 2 br, rrpl , bltns. '"'". lion. 4 Bedroom, single apts $!65 & '175· pan s $190.'.,Ao . .;....,AJ!S · 0~1£N AOUSE W/D, steps to ocun & l'nntlt•s 111 !"t.111!:1 An;1 B "h be f tyl bid• p·• encl g1r ~ ••~ nf's!I urt>a u .... am ro 3 BR, 1 ~ Ba. big bonus i;tory. SSSO /mo. lease. 5 e e• ·~ · ·1----------1 Beautiful new 2&3 Br ,bay.645-18111 ~~~n:or Fr.1nk ~r.1 ~1~1 I m. ·~=~ ~ Com ml'§]() .. eso5 ~:d ~~t ... d~~":a'r,b~: ~:;~~~·· ask for Nigel. ~i 'K~~is~~nd~: ~di~k '\.-~~~: c~ildb~r:~:1~~ig ~~~~~o •:;~'w~' ~~~; NPT. llGTS. 2 br,~ pvt. T ti :\l"l Pr l " . 645·3147: 545·4289 W. o( Beach ol( Slater. ok. 610 Joa nn. $195. J{araf"es. 7931 &;7$41 Holl patio, lndry f•c'1. Gar. 0 "''n omc, nc;ir ' ic apw ••• CdM i hr,appl.s,utilpd, TOWNllOUSE 2B r MZ-71148 S48·9573 St,J .8.LlonsEst.ates, $2ASmo.673-3731 .Square !'a rk F V, 2 7.S'l•1t20 sr.:· gles Fountain Val'-1234 21,l.!Ba , pool, bllns', ·~-19 1,drm, t1cn /bdr1n, 1 1 ~ 1•ooou.t11l''-"'w"°"Ta1.t1cM 1 8 h 1 b ba _, WE"'"LY•~ns NICEESld lh ·1~ --ee1 e &Oc 2h unl c. poo . 3 .r. 2 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• wa!'th /dry, gar. No pets. 5" ...,.. ~· e r, uti l"'-1 ----------r ween ay ean r hal.h!i. P0 "rli•r rni, \liH ---• r I h ldt I SJ80 l d It ts per apt t'ICl'I mo Ut'I rm, frplc, central air. Mountain, Desert, rp <', c 1 · ~ · .s~n,c: es 3 BR. 2 ba, 2 car garage, 615-9188 bec.tlY• s.ffes ·mo. a u , no pc · Z BR., sh arp, nr. beach & up . .......,... • .1 soft walt'r. 2 t'ilr J'ar. Resort ~ 2400 NwptBch 2 br,ch1lcl ,pet, bltns !'Omm. av.imminR 727YorktowwltYd 642·1960 shoppin&.$165 /Month lnclud. Also, 1 br lower m • n y •. " 1 r a s . ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'iinglc5. util pd, appls. pool.' Kids ok. No fee. 3br house. Located ln W. N 'W BREEDAP'l'S Realonomlca '61S:fr7M apt $2SO mo, 1.Jlll lnclud. CdM furn ished SISO. t hr, 5279. mo. Agt, 842•4421 . N.B. 9 month '!1lnlmum Beach Blvd at Varlet.own E ~ Yrly lse /no pets/ref$. Customized, beaut ifully POINT llr\i\lll.T1\IR. for ulil pd, !llngles le.a1111. Startlnr:: Sept 18 to 516-0411 L,11:e bach. $170. UUl. pd, UPPER 2 BR, 2 Ba, $165 •• Im W. Balboa Blvd. Ph: l:indsc<•Pl'"d&dccor.As· Sec urity & Privat·y! S.A.Pool.3br.2ba,szso.Huntinqtonlnchl240 June 10. $350 monthly . STUDIOS&llRI app l ns, gar, pool, 17381 Koledo 642·738T 673-8Mlor4~S.083.1. sumc lou n. Set.• to <J IJ· Xlnt lakl• v1(•w & dock, Kld.s&pet. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675 -0544 / 88·l ·t 8 s8 . •Full Kitchen jacuiii. 393 llamllton., wkdzs,961)..I.99ieves. prer. S.'i2,000 Hy O"-'nl'r. ch11rm 'g, F:ni::lish Tudor S.A. s igs. 3 Br. kids. pet. 2 CllOIC E howies lor Wee.kday11 <>nly, 642·1960 2 BR, Lido shoppln1 ar!!'!a, .'>31·0293 w/cathedra l ceil'g. 1\ll 5 AC , •• rd 1 b 2 ba Blk 1 •Healed Pool C~ to bch 2 br, patio, new decor, ~ar l'aae. bltns in kitch. ThiC'k. lush · · ottage "'1""'·• ya • ease. 3 r • • c 0 •Laundf')' FacillU• IRA.HD ..W en'l gar, $2S5. 18941 $225 mo. 87l-2828 h W b . garttge. beach. Bestschool.8.$310. NEWPORT •1'"reeUtJlitiet SI .NEAT Arlutl 2-story. sale owner, 3 br, J I.) ba, llv Tm , din area, washer, d yer, rcfr\J:1 Incl low ice $29,000 ' W:tlk to I. rlubhsr.. MJ..5472 cptg. t ruoul~ C't ar 1n Nwpt Och fumfsbed cot-&$325. 968-&2lS CO"'DO Ea11.alde 2 bdrm & den ms . Nopel,.89'7~ c.-c1-h _76 gamfl rm. TruQclcgance " •DeeLlaens 11'15.'48-7"1 _. ,.... .- ror SJ45,000. I ~-:.~· ulll pd, pet. Agt. Av a 11 9 1 1 s . Exec . 3 br, 2 ba. S...per clean. •Tv & MQald lft"\I, avail • BR d .,.90 BEACH aptt, dlx 2 br, t"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• PltlNCf..: & ASSOC Ukr HOMEFJNDERS 4 Br+ F.!J m rm . encl Overlooks pool and l<'n· •Ba r·B· ue .a • rugs, rp:.,,.. ·mo. ha , crpts. drpg, bltin.,. •2 BR. 2 ea, frplc. cJOMd IUut' J ay 1'11 all, Lakt-Ar· • 642 _ 9900 .... pallo. J9vtlY ya.rd. $400 nis courts. Ocean View. •J1hone Service Geod Joe. 00...Ul2, 783 $250 &. $275. 423 20th St gar. White water Vlt\r, rO\.\'ht:a d , 714·337 ·6171 ... $450 monthly. 7~. 15. •1 Mlle to ocean Sh:.llm1r Drive. 21S-431 ·747S ' · 498·309'7 mo. 846· 17. I I ' , • ' • 9 • 0 n n • 0 '· '· t. . . , c. c ll t, le l· '· ' h. 5. T '· l lk ll e m g r. n• er r s, & r, br lil " <I. '· h: n, •• 6 •• I r. • • I • DAIL y PILOT DI I Thursday, Augusl 28. 1975 Add it... Build it... Diaper it ... Hammer it ... Carpet it...Cemen l it ... Wire it ... Hoe it...Clean lt...M ove it...Press il ... Paint IL.Nail it...Plaster lt ... Fix it ... SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb it ... Patc h lt ... Pipe 1t ..• e mo e 1t ... Roof l t ... Landscape it ... Tile it ... Trim it ... Sew it .•. H aul it ... Add it ... Plant it ... A lter it ..• Learn it ... ·' lo~ydttl119 , lush•••• Servlc• Ca t StrYlce Electrical Cic.-de11i119 Haufin9 Landscaping •······················ ........................... ~ ................. ······················· .............................................. ······················· Lovi n g care. Ii,: yd . BookkeepingServices •ST£AM CLEAN• LiC't·nstidl';lec,1.rich1.n Rumon's Cardenini.:.Ccn, SIZoLoad ROTOT ILLI N<;~'i Hrtday1wk .. nlll~/wknd11 Dcp e ndubl -0; t'X · 3Rms·Gel lrrn free Freefo!~timalc M ;1lnt . C l ca 11 -u 1>. G l.11ndscuph1i::·SodSulc:s OK. ~ers/ltc. !>:.:.i·OJ47 perit nced : r easonable tnsured Qu;i llty 646-7811 • 96<!·0756 • Com m ' I. Ind us\ ri a I. ·r~1;,S~1u~ ~)~~~11~ l''ree est. Master Charge Jeannie. rlilles. 644·7352. Res1denlia1. 1.5 yrs, exp. Coll Studt·nt•S48-li42R Days /eves 960·2~ PaintlnqjPaperinq !Plumbing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Prof pai ntcr , honest work, r1•:i!:1. lnl/cxt, free est, rt•fs 548 27591&12·3!.113. Dlt;\JN CJ.t:,\NEO $6.50 f:vc/Wkntl:s- SulllC l'ncu C. u a r S.58-7380 ------Ex . T is t Th , . Caterin9 ardenlng 64.S 2492 J>i-:TERS Pi\IN1'1N(i My home, lovin!: I'll.re. P Y.P , t.'$1.S, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• --~'-------Housecleanir19 Ford 's Landscape lul/cxt, lteas. rutc:>. l\ny plumbing water ~rV', Nt 17th & Irvine. CM • nianuscr~~~.i~}lU. i1rca. Buffett s upJ)er /d inne r J APANES I~ CAJtDt;Nf:H. General SerYiceJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sod l awn~/Spnnklt·rs __ Ct1ll Gent', 552.()t'.IJ ~ ~1 ~ ~ o~-;'u rn(~ ;,r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 Yrs /up ·64l·34!M. parties luncht..'Ofll> "'Ctl · 10 yrs ex per • all ph.ase$ ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOUS''CL "'ANJN(' I Design Svs. !JG2.7ij l7 I • • It i:. r. • ~our Cs tm l'aint /Wallp;ip1•r K:!2·Z.168. 10•1:..off wfal. R e liabl e J\.1 olher. L.:e orpenter d i n ,:: recpL. Garry t•caso.natJlc /Erstimates "TlllNGS" by "'100.se. Business. Call Janice's MaidSerYice 1ni:: 1~a1nt 1 nl·SIDrn1 .cxt . . home. Pluymuh.'S. lovini.: ••••••••••••••••••••••• 547-5739 Call 751·L<tl7. Gt:n woodwork. tl.'fJairs, Ra ggedy Ann~.ti7S·G553 •• • 52~\.I. av~ 3 br. !J68.7452 PI 11 In her, H e P 1 Pe . cure. l'rclcr weekly. a rp c nt ry --:-C u.s lom . Cement/Co crete Hic h 's YardServil'C plumbing.ctc.642·5613 •••·s··c··R•A••M• 1·£ts···· -Strvicel1nc:. Repair, Etc. 968·0106. ltemod, rep111 r. adll-t.1rl , n Rt" ma inL _ sod in· 1 DO IT ALL' Wanl a H F:ALCLEA.N '"L Plastrr /Repair G. Gidley. G42·!131S · I t D · Fr ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"' · 1-IOUSf-:? Ca ll G1ns.:harn ANSWERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• lwshwss Ser•ice insu a e. esigns. ee LEONITE CON CR r;TF: Slallalions -clcanu1li:S. Electric a I, Plumbing, Gi rl. Free ests. &15·512:.J Roofin9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• est.&45·3439 STA MPING. Co b · ha ulin g. Free ests. elc.Reas rates.642·4957 ----Astcrn -Ea~cr -PATC ll PL1\.'iTr:HING ••••••··~~· ... •··~····•• •SUNSl'IJNE• MINORll()!\1Ellt:PAIRS blestone, brick & tile 673·0775 l-louseclcan1ni.: by ex1). & Gnt1rl -Brcwer -,.,,ALL 'fYI>J::S •• HOOfS<,;JI F.CKEOl Bo kk I Pl mb" , t patios etc 641M349 llANDY!\lAN llomcs & re liable wornan. ltcrs. ARR'~.1, ,._,,L" l "'O·"""'S lll:pa1rcd&Replacc,xl 0 cc1>ngServices u .1ni.:, car1)cn ry, ' · · ProrcssionalJapancse Apts . Co nsc i e nti o u ~ NB·C ~1 :.1 rca.751·4:n9 ~ •l 1 ,._, .r• '"""' 01rect f\u·toryServ1co 640·8227 547-0869 cera nuc tile. 51().SStiO. C:onlroctor Landscape Gardener C•afls m .. n.f~S-6558 <tll 4. I like those !Xiii('(' s ur-, , _ . , , .. 1. c~ 15 ... oo L " "'°"TV show,·, When it\ 1·.nY, NEA 1. I, 1\I C,,ll 1cc nsc ,,., . .,.. ProfTypin1:Services i\1 1 types carpe ntry,••••••••••••••••••••••• Ta.wn Cutting: dTlrec EXPERT, l'XIJ. h:sclng ..,comcs todocto-.,thcy'•c J_ous & ltl'.S1UCCO. P ll ::.49·2961 Tech·Busin-·-Le;al fra me, finish, rcniodel, f".H.Gerwick &Son r im m 111 i:; Wee ng: The H andy Man done on " wkly basis. ··~ L 9 --S PC "Y••>'" Monthly Ple1se C"il Ph,,. thebcst k•'nd.lf .. pol11·c rrC('CSl.S.J·l•IJ!J. lt".l'>lllt '. All type".'', final reproqual&17·45115. repair. 1\11 work guarun-Additions &nemdl. '" "• C ; ·.. Y is .. r. "' .~ te ed. 'J'ony P:ilorubo, 673.604 1 549.2170 Garden !\t a intenance. a~n 968·4143 surgeon can't cure a dis· Plumbinq Heas, free est. lie. Walt Copying: Xerox 3600. Ex· ~1 ember BUB. 9til-l'.3l4. G cor i.:c I bus hi, 2777 llomc Repuir ease, at least he can Alt· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 830-502(1 anytime. 'I & Blu e b i rd C r. CJ\1 . · 2Eastbluff gals will clean REST "t pert serv, reas. C.B.S. ••George Ii mer Sons Improvements & h' he C 11 1 • ~11\llV 'S PLUfl.1U1NG T•'I• J78758each,HB.847·5111 lt11\STf'~R Cra fls ma ns Ad ds/RemodeJ/Paint 545·7072 · s •ne your mu. a -----------1 s · I R od · Denni~ Nancy 640·66:16 Paintin9 fPaperinq •64li·98lr7 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• .P~c1a ty. cm chng, Bl-109669 557·0032 M OST I.. A \IJ NS St.Clair ••••••••••••••••••••••• NOJOBTOOSJ\1;\l,L Offic•MachiMSYI r1n1sh work, refs. rTcc . MOWED /E'DGED $ Ph:G46.4631 · ot-l"ICEOH CF.Rr\!\t!C TILE. New & Typewriters, addin g cst.Guar work400·3105 ~u:ility,exprd ~uil~ingo~ wk • J • • 5 lIOUSf.:CLEAI'li"ING Prof P ainter, ho nl'Sl Pl b' H.c modul. l"rec est. S ml m achines calcula tors a ll r rn dl & additions. , CM /N il ONLY. H Ii 646019f ft.6 work, re ns. lnt/ext, free um lrKJ jobs we lcon1c.SJ&2426 electronlC calculator~: Cstm kit.chen & b':l th. Designing & plan." a vail. George549-2015 ,,'!'!.~~•••••••••••••••• " · lil • est . R efs. 54l:l ·l75~. Specialists . L 0 a n m ,. c h 1-0 .. s Remodeling. _alterations Call day or eves.548·9555. G 1 ._ G , d . & llousecleanin" done $3.00 642·3913 w all' r he ;i ter ~ dis-Tree Ser.,1ce . " • & ropa •• Uru•,.·c & un· enn s ar cn1ng •llAULING • ~ ----------1 1 d . r' ·•••••••••••••••••••••• lu'n'sh.d 1 • .... Cl h• X Int o k cfs posa s, rains, auccts. . . , ·• u>·ual wo•k welcome. Eleclricol eanup Svs.NB, Irvi ne, YARD CLt.:ANUP · w r • r ··EXTERIORS SAVfo~ "'"'( T R I I b "•-11 751 030 1 ·r """' co1>per rc i>ipes. Same rce cmova, 1m in,,._"" a vea MbcBllBuce· 962' 8314 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cd~1 & La gu na . Gd. ••556·03il7 •• · • 1 nu a ns. R.L. Sinor S tale Sh b I Rnt tll S . p bl ' au . f 897 1887 1>n "es day & n"•ght. l"c . ru c; ca,· r1n_g.. o ' • ervice ro em . ""L~CTR I C I A N. Sml re s/re<1s rates.673·2007 · · Licensed I nsured Call ... .. .CALLUS o o }I 1. A th. luke l'lt "tr Cha•"•· L>"c 1ng.642·26Z•l.11c/1ns. • Ca rpe ntry -I>anelin ". · b · · 22 au 1ng ny inc 979.3335 "' 0 Office Equipment Co. shelving, sml re mod;l. ~~ss~x~aint /repairs. Randy 's: Gardening and Garage cleanup. SELL idle ilems with a ----------1 300948. 18255 Mt Baldy Circle N 0 j 0 b loo s ma 11 . iic 233108. 548_5203. Cleanup. f'ree estimate Reliable Daily Pilot Classified Ad. Fine Paper+ie1n9inq JUST PLUMBING Fnt. Valley· 962·6655 960·3949. 645·0394 Fast Service. 963-6452. 642·5678. Doug Ile bard 645·4727 •CALL 642·4 1 ll• Ford's Tree Service ExprCrew, lie. bonded & insured. 962-7817 ~!~:·.~~-~•••• ~~.n!~!:!~.!~~ ... ~!.~~ ~i~~-~.e.n.t~! ••••• ~~-~~ Bu~;~rtunity 5005 ~!!.!:.!:'.~ .... ~~-~~ ~~'f.:'!.a.~t•e•~•••••~!.~~ ~!'.!!'~t~.~ ..... ~!~~ ~~!'.~:.~•:.~ ..... ~!.~~1~~~~~·::! ..... ~!.~! San Clemente 3876 ROOMMATE Wanted : 1 I SO I W•slcliff Dr. •••••••••••••••.•••••••• LOS'r : 1 .... do". Fem. part ASSIST.A.HT MGR l---------1----':"--:--:-::--------•••••••••••••••••.•••••• blk f•om b0 h. $1119 + ~ o 0 0 W • t s a r M Be '-'NewportFinancialClt wne r Mus t Sell C.M Shep/Collie. Golden t'OI· omen s s por WC D rtm t anager ach Condo year lease, utils. Non-smkr. Over 21 Res taurant /Bee r on oretl. I-l as Buena Prk. store. Good oppor. E:i<· BEAUTY SALON epa UH unrurn -n ew, fi teps to & works. 548·1669 Leasinq Office Space Golde n Triangle. St80K dog tag. 540_6822 per'd. Re rs, Bondable. Outsta nding-llai r Slylist s urf. z or 3 BR 3 BA . Callon Site Manager ~ross. l\sk $45K. A.gnt.i -~~~-----·I 5.9 Wkdays, 9·6 Sats. knowing all or today's Shoe Department Security -rec reation , FEMALE 21·30, res p, {714)642·3111cxt241i 642.9666 LOS'rNwpll'lts ni ceold , Se nd r es um e to trends. Xlnt oppor. to adults. No pets, avail s hare 5 br hsc ll. H., $1151 --'CCC-'-'--"--'-"'-'----big red dog, "Br3ndy" Classified ad no. 483, c /o join busy salon w/ri ght Sep l 1 s l. $57 5 m o. mo, lst & last, ulils pd. lnYestment Gold. Retrv. 548·5881 Daily Pilot, J'. 0 . Box atmos phere. Also, have 498-0586 Avai l 9/1. Call Sally, 5015 1560, Cos ta !\1esa, Ca openin ~ for experienced J\lary J o.J ohn,968·5233 Opportunity FOUND: Sm. brown fem 92626. fl-1AN ICU RIST. Please ~Rts Fwnis.hed ~Al• c...c1Mi-"9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• doxie mix. Vic. Nc"·portl -'=-"---------1 Ca 11 J\1 r . R n d n e y or Unfurnished 3900 FEMALE r oommate v c.....-1tn11ori.1 BEST & Harbor , CM. 646-3291 Ass'tMarTrainee Deutschman, 644 ·2800, ••••••..,••••••••••••••••• wheantcd to share 3 br ./-OPPORTUNITY or536·5016art6 APPLYA'rDELTACO ext 327. THE EXCITING use S. W. Santa Ana. ~l""•"" LAGUNA HILLS 25252 /~"".:'~~~~~~~~~I $50 h k . .., Ni ...... ~· Excellent investment op-FOUND Ge•man Sh"P/· ' P•LM MES• •~s. ·mo.+ ousc eeping. ' · "" L P ltd be 2&4 A A~• 557 9269 "' x. ... --1>ortun1ly. Beauty salon, d a az tw pm MINUTESTONP1' •--·--------I ./SKJ-..ic• .. 111. Coll ie male dog, go! & ,-./...,.. ...,_1,.. est. 20 years. 8 Complete black. Vi c. San Clemente AUTO 1'11 E:CflANIC Bkkpr·Ofc. ~l~r., (busi· Full~Ti""". Company Benefits. Apply Personnel Dept . MONTGOMERY WARD 3088 Bristol St, Costa Mesa BCll . Professional or business stations . Stale Beach. Ga ll Mike Aver age S2SOO + month ncss in Costa J\1esa l cull B ac h, 1&2 BR. rrom man to share great home LAMD & BlDG. IMCL 1 ~848-'-'-.~'°~3~1 _______ 1 net, American & Forei«n (213) 796·7290forappt. """""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""!!!! Sl72.50 & pool Sl50 mo645·1502 INS ES PRICE 0 1 -;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;1 Adults,NoPcts W•TERFROHT Al FOUND male siamese a ll a r o un d , SO /SO.I• Help Wanted 7100HelpWant•d 7100 Equal Opportunity Employe r 156 1 Mesa Dr. Female college student to "" S76,000 Ct1l , deelawed. fixL'ii. Ve· benefits. clean large well Boys & Girls ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• (5 Blks East of Newport s hare rent. $100 mo. Own Mewport Beach t y ·, D, ook h u ,, l & equipped shop. No nitcs, '·---------;o· h h d 6 Blvd.> BR . & Ba. Close to U.C.I. Executive offi ce ct11l 494-JOOO, La rry Hunt lOto 14 yea rs of age. Dai -1· is was e r, s tea y, Bushard. 1-1.B. 962·2877 \ 1 Ct 1825 La"un ly P•"lot <lc·I·,,.,_ "outc" *Cocktail Waitress days per week. 548-7418, 546·9860 552-4<!20 Aft 3 P!\1 $150 Month ; u o r · , o t1 · ~ • "' C Rd L 0 -h m•)' be availu'·le in your Look in" for 15 youn« at· Between 8 and 12AJ\f. Ample Parking Lost:8/21,blk&whtlong yn · ag."" · u " .... ., 1---------- Fe malc roommate wt1nl-BILL GRUNDY hai r mixed med. dog.I ;;;;'.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ·area. Earn profit for de· tractive ladies . Apply in DISPLA y WINDOW R Es 0 RT ~t.t~,;.~~;, ~~l~Y beach Rcallor 675·6161 Mort9a9es, Trvst ~;~~"wi~:~·R~~ .. ar~~~at~ AVON ~~~e:~~~.n~i~~s~~rt ~~~i~~ r~r!~nT~~Ol~~~ru,.tu~1lc~~ & INTERIOR NO. Costa !\Iesa Dental / Deeds 5035 eves. 631.1982 new s ubseriptions . For 17927 !1.1cArthur. Irvi ne. Person. Exper 'd Only. Garages for Rent 4350 !\l edica l/Ofcsuites avail. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 informalion please eall /~~~~~~~~~~I Full ti me in La~un a ••••••••••••••••••••••• r~r om $3 45 /mo . l\1r. LOST ; Afg han. apricot. HelpYourFamify 642-43 21. From Sa n COCKT~\ILWAITR ESS J\l aH .. Apply in person. LIVING DBL. Gar. & Stora ge O'Kecfe 549·8138 LOANS up to 80% fcm.6 mo·s. Vic. El Toro Fight Inflation Cle mente-San J uan F.xper. nee. Appl~· ln Pclrie's, 220LosCerritos spt1 t·c, hi gh d()(>r. $50, 724 -~~~·_.-.cc..c=---58 1-0236 Rc.w:1rd. Ca pislra no area, eall !\la11 . 213 /865·3518. W. Jan1es. CM. ti73·7787 Business Rental 4450 I st TD Loans-ll/40/o 495·0630 and J\ol ission Vic· person, bl"'" 4·B pm dui · ----------2nd TD Loons Personals 5350 Sell world fa mous pro· jo-El Toro a rea, call l y. :12 95 New port Divers : ,\p1)ly in pcl-son 4400, __________ Lo\\'C'st rates Orange Co. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ducts the entire family 5Sl·6JIO. Blvd.N.B. 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 1101 li • •••• • • • • • • • •• ••••••••· 1 · Sattler Mtcr Co. C _PR EG NANTf. d ? . 'I ,J~~:;~~n"~i~~~~~~·~~~j,':~f;~-540~E~x~~;~~1;'~~~~,1 ~E~q~u~a~I O~p~po~'i·~E~m~pl~o~y~c~r Col students. p/t sis, de· l-V_ic_<_o_ri_a_._C_o_s_ta_,_l_e_so_. __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Office Rental FROM $205 SS• PER SQFT THE &12-2171 5'15·0611 a r in g con 1 cnlta zenith7·1359 Days. Ii \'. Eves/Sat.Car.phone DOMESTIC Lite hspkg-. 1617 Wt.:STCLl ff-'-NB COLO.._.Y Serving llarbor area 24 cAobu .. s~li n g &d. re~e rra&l. nec.MrLyons848·1004 Musthave owncar,ovcr .Oa kwood orrers the AGT.541.5002 1"'111 yea rs orl1on, a option · BOAT Si\LE S MAN1 ----~-----l1s. 8·12, s day wk . Gd •• finest in resort lt\•inc a l a1----------1 30 RETAIL SHOPS keepin;.::. BABYSITTER needed fnr wtTrailer Boat exper. s I R r· 'd c JI Prime reasonable space 2 dTDL w~ d >\l'C,\RE"'7·'""'" 848·1304 CO S& aary. e s.req · a price you can afford. Sl40 up store.offices cpts n oans i;•ne .,., £JUJ l'-'·ochildrenages5 and 6·1----'-"-----I OK (orinle rview.673·3523 The r e's $1 million in drps a ir bt1th. 17301 avai\ablelarge &small. Wt~l·IAVECAS ll ! after school until 5:30 Bo kk Se t BARTEMDERS l"ecrealioa facilities. Be ach Bl , H.B. 842.2834 Old world l'harm with Buy 2nd T.D. "s I ~rlilnAklinghpc,oHhle, m,.? P!,1.1 . They will be attend· 1 g0 . elep~~-c c~~ ar~ e Are bein" Donut Ma k e r . womon NIGHT LIOllTED TEN· French windows, gables Loan on 2nd T.D."s .... a co 0 c P ine i n (.: li a r b o r Vi e ~' hom~:wncrs associati~n. Intervie wed d~ily at: over 21, full. p/ti mc. 1172 NISCO RT f 1 · •I !l.101',REERENT• & trees. Adjacent to NewLo:.ins-2ndT.D.'s 2.J hrs aday 83S·3830 El t d Id Sunflower,CMbef9am. activiti~s d~~:Ct~~ t~~~ 1·2·3 lt m. offices rrom F cs ti v a I o f Art s fo:quity Jnvs mt. Div. SPIRITUAL READER be e::ia~~;rfo ~~ tow;~ur Goodrworkding conrl. op,· Ar abella Restaurant S 13 5 Ne r (;rounds. por or a vancemen · Soon to open in Donut J\1a kcc, ru 0 •t sh;ft, P lans pa rties, BBQ's. p er m o . a BARNET"rl\ITG .CO. Opc··n lOAJ\1lo IOPM home or their's. Please c 11552 8200! l ~· ai rport. No teas£' req. 580 f!ROi\DW1\ Y 2 a · or app · !\fission Viejo cxpcr 'd or will train. Ap· trips & more! Free Sun · LAGUNA U".ACll 6•15·' 13'1 Ad vice on all matters. call 675·034 2 mornings orl -"'-'--'-'---~--1 •R•BB.LA d ay brunch, 833·3223 9 "J'il noon r. 312 N. El Ca1nino Real after 6PM evenings. Bookkeeper ~c'y ,.. ,.. ply Dolly 0 Donu L<>, 7am· P lus beautiful sini:tles. PROFESS'L CLASSA Retirement San Clemente, For appt. ------~---1 Statistic3 1/Clerk typist. ls in Wild West lOam. 19148 Brookhurst.., 1&2 bedroo m ap t s, 494-7915 ln.,estrnents 492·9034 492·9136 Babysi tte r wanted·my R.E . devel.· co. Accts ShoppingCenterat _>_IB ________ _ f "hd& nf "hd Bldg, 3 story . 2790 CetOiehi<>hintcrcstre· h ome i n llB. 7 :30· I' bl bkk LaPa7.Road umis e u unus e · Harbor Blvd, C.l\t. Airl ... ~~~~~~~~~I • ,. . , 0 1 5::ropm, Mon-Fr,·. Lite 3ya e, png. rccep·/'"".:'~~~~~~~~~IDONUT Shop. i\1.1 & Pl\! RenL-. from ~. Prices I · t irem ent s tory. Ae · oxy Girl s ut Ca I ,. · l ty p ng NB h"f N cond., wood panel walls, ~1 a ssai::c. U Call , We c leani n g. S200 /m o. 1on1 s , 1 • • • s 1 t. o exper. nee. vary by location. Models drapes. carpet , e lcc .. DELUXE office, comm'I cumulate funds for long C S . 1. 968_2474 aft 6pm &12·11 21. COOKS & Woman age 2s.4s. Apply open10to7.Sorry nopets · &industrial spaces.Also pcriods.llavcsomething omc. pc c 1a 1 ze1~~~:;:;~~~:;::-:;;:-l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 · 'I Do 35 , music, j anitor. parking. . . h . Paraplegics. 542.3169 COU...,.ER 1n person," r. nut, 1 or children. Roommate !\l .R . Stev<'r. l\t g r . m1n1 ware o uses 1n to fall back on besides BABYSITTERfor-1':i:yr. .,1 E .l7th.C!\t service available. !\tonth 557 .0136 or 646.8396 Laguna Niguel & l\Iission social security & fixed H.:i PPY Bi rt hday Dec, old _boy, 20-25 hrs. per BOOKKEEPER PERSONNB. 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tomonthoccupancy. 1----------1 Viejo areas. llandy to pension. Simply ct1ll ; Corky, Teresa, l\lartian. wk. Flexible hrs. in my Pa y roll , Ac c ounts I• Oakwood Garden Apartments Newpori leach 880 Irvine At 161h 645·0550 Westcli ff Dr. Pri vatl• Of· S;1n Diego Fwy. 200 to 833·9305 Love alwa ys, Hu sty , home.S140mo.b'75·354 1 Receivable, Accounts HAOTTUSEENWTIIVOESN rice. Unfurn. l\i r cond., 2000 sq ft . As low as J()' United Common""·eallh s T dd !\t Payable & other related crp"d . $100 mo.&12·4097 per sq ft. 831·1400 Funding Co. _n_a_c_._e __ Y_. _cc_'_! __ 1 BABYSITTER · 2:30 to 12 duties:. Contact f\ol rs. &STUDENTS SU PF.R space, rcas rC'nt. SEP bldg w /~ar. 1000 sq Lost & Found 5300 ''.Pri;o,ner. see~ingdmean· :'~~;~i~~;~~~·~:e~\~-~~~/~1-~i'.~01~';'~.·-·-'~~-l~>~l~us~o~o~.~54~9-~3~28~1~~~~1 Apply in p~:~~n, 2·5 p.m. p t b th A/C htd I ft 213 W W1lw n CJ\1 1ng u correspon ence. \ a · • ,l rps. · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Well read,wide rang:eof !t.1on -Fri, new crpt Across from 645·2020&642·6.560. LOST /FOUND interest, letters wiU a ll Babysitter. mature lady BRAKE & WHEEL C ' J Stuft Shirl. 2400 \V. Cst .. <>I\ ~f Id · J N rt A PET? be answered. 5'11 ", 35 to care for school child Ali gnment Service Tech, arl $. r. 1'1wy 54'1·8678 "°"" o ... ea ewpo aftns & I c~·e, O wn · shopava1l1nthc mallat 960·2900Atloption,Lo"' yrs. old , black ha ir, 1 2 63 exper.5daywork~·k. 17971MacArthur, C S N I f b , R 1 rans p. 64 ·41 eves Ba S 1 c •NEWPORT The Factory for : Coun-ost payf1 euter n o. rown eyes.' ep y to: se a ary + omm. lrYiM. try store, book s tore, etc. Roger L . Rice, 126-098, Babysitter in my home Newport Tire Center CENTER • 673·9606or673-9393 LfOST: .,Min. Sc.&_hnh'"b'bcr , P · 0 · Box 11' 181 , w /lite housekeeping, 644-8022 COOKS Executive Ofricc Suites em, s1 vr/gry cu Y· Lucasville.Ohio,45648. Mon. thru f ri. Nr.1----------1 "'secretarial service f'OR LEASE 35l42 So. Spayed , blk fl ea cnllar . CASHIERS Exper.only forbusycof· EDP OPERATOR Experience running con· sole on I Bf\1 machine US• iog OSM VT under HASP 1·2 yrs ex per. Please Apply Mon -Fri 9AM-2PM PACIFIC MUTUAL 700 Newport.Ctr Dr- Newport Beach Equal Oppor Employer :Large 1 & 2 BR apts wi th enclosed ga r·s & pool. fro m $1 65 /mo. 1760 Pomona Ave. &12-2015 R d C 11 Brookhurst & Adams, f h '1 l k a\·ailatJlc. Stan Amon. Coast Hw y. 1\mple prkg. ewar . a S.12·1•101 or Abraxas Massage l-IB. 646.363 1 . Are you at least 18 yrs cc s op. 1• us now egg ESCROW SEC"Y 644-1860. AdJ·. to dru"s lore. 6 blks. 962·9904 . -----------1 old. bondablc & neat in & broiler work. Benefits. 9 Oceanrront Apts. Frnm ,... Photo Modelinn Ap Jy ·n pe so M Exper. req 'd. Contact to Hospl. New!y decor'd. ··~ BAKF.R Ncedc·•. Woman appea r an ce? En1·oy P 1 r n. on $165. to $225. Util. ineld. ""XECU1'1V E '· u•'tcs on LOST: Black Female 1733 Fullerton.Cf\1 -''"' · th•••,,,· b"lwn 2 •-4pm Gail Hayes, lrvine Na• "' 850 sq . ft. at $.12.'l mo. or f\t an to bake pies for working w /prople & out • .. ""' ' Ne~·port Bch. 675-4873or Ne""·port liarhor. 400 to Owner.544 _7896 German Shorthair. Cf\1 10A?l-1-12 PJ\1,631·1184 small Rest. No Rstrnt. side in the fresh air? 1£ 2278 Newport Blvd, CM. tional Bank, 833-3700. 675·52US or 871-8471 2200 s q ft, 642·4644 ; ":::~;;;:-;;~-:-;::-:-:;;--;::~l -'"~'~'~a-'-. R"'°e~w~a~•~d~64~5~--"'=~-ll ----------I Ask for office. Equal Oppor. Employer 1, exper ne e ded, Ca ll so.we wa nt lotalktoyou1c.=c.:::..::==----l---------- Rooms 4000 645·4•105 400 SQ Ft, a ll util incl. LOST: 2 Ladies rings in Employmen!& 497·2550Lag.Bch . about being a cashier in COOK SUPERV, EXEC. SECTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• * h1easl&apir co9nd.kadJ1.•88coEnt Lad i es R s trm . a t Preparation -;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tone of o ur self service F /time. Oppor. for afl. To Pres ident & Vice l'ENIN Po'.nt, + fam"•i>' 0 ec ac an · · Pleasu•e p•"ec ,·n A,·--lon, ••••••••••••••••••••••• • gas s tations. We need l T & 17th St CM S175 .. BAN KING vancemen . op wages 11res ide nt of precious rm, pvt cntr. No cook· Roscsare red,\'lol<!tsare .,.2 4210 .. · · mo. W ed. A u g. 20 th .Job1Wanted, 7075 several full & p/t1mc be nefit.<>. Jl unti ngton metalfirm.ContactMrs. jn g / s mokin g $85. bl ue, "'e renl su1tcs w/ a,_~_-________ 1 Gener o u s Re ward I ••••••••••••••••••••••• people immed. in Costa Valley Conv. Ilosp, 8382 Musco.549.3281 673-4419 boat sliptoo. Industrial Rental 4500 642-9485or548·8013 Prac. Nu rse, qualified. PART-TIME Mesa & Hunt. Bch. F'or Newm a n Ave , Jl .B .1---------- ----------1 Cst .. H""·y at NJ)l Blvd . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Needs day work , 8 hrs, interview call Barbara, 842·5551. EXPERIENCED Carpet Pvt e n t / K . pr i v . c !\1 64 2·41>14 Found : cock a poo? Ma le M o n . F r i . $ 3 . so h r . TELL ER I ;;21~3~/9~25~-04~31~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ~;;;;;;;;;;,;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;1 _1&~u~~h~o~1 s~t~e~,~~·ul•~•tn~e:·~ $25 /wk & $60 /mo. up DELUXE industrial uni ts Black w /whi te. ~1 cs cAo.gs97 "th ff" 1300 1400 ......, Percentage, 67J..7162 548-5954or55&-0058 1----------1 wi 0 ices : · • Ve rd e. Cal l i mm cd . ~-'-'--------1 COUMTER ----------IPrime llunt. Heh. loc. ISOO, 1600, 22 12. 3740 to .546-3426 Creative productdesigner Experienced Savings & Clerical ROOMS $25 . week up with !rum S125. mo. incld. util. 6000 sq fl. 642·446.1 or 1----------1 desi res position in H.B. Lo a n or hank in i; GIRL/RETAIL kitc he n . 548 ·9755 or 5075 Wurn c.r A ve . 642·7604 . A~t . on pre· f-"'OUND : lluffy Bike. 1 area.96B·0338 employeefor apart·time TERMl.,'AL Apply \nPerson FLEXOWRITElt Im med, opening for Sales Order Dept. Prefer c xpe r. in processini; purchase orders. 645·3967 846·2429 mises, 711 W. 17th St., you know the seri al no teller position with a Sav· 1"'111 Snack Shop Bokery ---------·l-'-"--"-"'-------1 C.M. ,~ca'--l-'-1:'--&4~2--'6-74_6 ___ --l HelpWonted 7100 ings & Loan. 2 days a OPERATOR 3444E .Coast ll~·y SO. Of' Hwy, old Cd~T. P'1 . BROOKHURST r· ••••••••••••••••••••••• week plus Saturdays. CdM 9Ai\1 tu2PJ\.1 entry, hot plate. $100 mo, FINANCI •L 2000 SQ FT, 3 ofcs. 2 FOUND : Pure Wht. Ing •dull Models • Foe app't (714197,_~10 ROSAN, INC. 675·8137 "" baths, immed. across !it hair, re m . dog wired col "" ~~ PLAZA from OC Airport963-7878 lar. Vic. lli11crest, C~1 Females only, no exper. BRENTWOOD Sleeping xtras . 496-3345 R oom, w/bath, Now leasin g. Custom ex · I ---~-"-'""-'-"~-'-'-545.59;3 necessa r y. Will tra in. SAVINGS&LOAN P r iv. llo m c, ecutive ofCicc s ui tes. I need 400 to 800 sq ft M·l l-----------1 l lam to 12pm. 834-9708. J640 Ada ms Avenuu Large and small users space in F .V urea. Will LOST: Ba sset bC'a~l e •nswon'n3,'-i'c• Costa Mesa -11-00-.,-&-1-0-0-rd-----1 accOmmodated . Lease cons_ider sub-renting_a male, hrn & "'hl, 8 yrs A ~· A E 1 4050 po t r I t 8 R I "'" "-1 G•a""Y••d s ,·ri. ~-11 O" n ,qua includes a ll a1n cni tics. r ion o arser uni . 120. ewarl . .,..., .... ,.r • ... ru • o · o 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lcasini::-agent. Donna. 962·3614 p /t . Ex per. pref'd. EOE. pportunity i:.mp oyer' ROOi\1 & BOARD for · 209021---------LOST ; 2 35!\IM Ca meras 543·7787 . College student in pvt. 0 n Pre m 1 s e s · . i\1 -1 90x 125 w /bld g 9'.ll /1V~i:c~. ~H~'1""~B~c~h~P~ie{'~· J~u~l~'l ;;;~::::::;:~;:~~/ h o m e n r • Q C c . Brookhurst, Huntington West 19th, Costa .P.tesa 27, $100 Reward 547· 18.12 Eve: 545-6952, Day : ~.~~~: n r Atlanta · $250. mo. 642·3'100 Atsemblen;ftgn 675-0334 8 I I FOUND : Rabbit, c11ll I General Labottr5 SINGLE to 6 rm suites. u1.ne1s/ nYe1t/ identify. Vi c. Joann & TEMPO BEAUTICIANS STYLISTS For (2) N.B. salons, w/or w/out foll. Call 644·0661 or 540--8582 Opening for a n in· . . . 2901 W.CoastHwy,NB dividual who is a fast a nd Counter C1rl. over 21, full, Equal Opp Employer accurate T e rminal p/lime. 117<! Sunflower.1 -,-0-0~D-P-R~E~P-A-RA~-TI~O-N- Op e r a t or with a CMbe:loam Ndde pendablcworkers6 minimum of 6 months to . 1 year experience. !\lust Counter & Sandwich Bar, to IO At.1 . Must be clenn ha ve k now le d ge of help, m ust have cxper. &last . t erminal operations as Call ror appt, 960·2828 LORI'S KITCHEN well 3S rollowup 1>ro-cAcs~kcfco~•~C~h~u~•ck _____ l----·-9_79_-_07_4_7 __ _ cedures, Salar_y com· COUPLE needed for apl FROMT DESK m e ~s urate with c~-mana ge ment, semi· 1·2 Yrs min. exper. 4200 per1e n cd. Apply in retired. 55 units Costa NCR . Please contact, person. Me sa , 64 2-5073 or BolboaBayClub R"'ofs to 1hm-e 4300 Avail. in plush office FinllftClf Placentia, CP.1. 645·5855 Temporary •reJp ••••••••••••••••••••••• bid!! nr. OC Airport. Full ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND. Female Siamese 17802Sky Park. Irvine ST AMDARD ROOM~1ATE lo s hare servi ce inc l : Recep-lutlM11 or Sealpoint, white fl ea Cal1 540--4455 IEAUTYSALOM (2131865·3851 645·5000.~t520 DELIYERYMAM General off ice secretary, to wnhouse Sa n Juun tionlst, conferencu rm, Opportunity SOOS collar. Vic De nnys ,l ... ~~~~~~~~~1 Nee ds ex pet'ie n ced MEMORIES, area, must be mature & xerox. a utomttted lYP· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Bch.497-1596 I· Man agin g-S t yl ists, l._'C $300 mo. Early AM no dictat ion nee. OC n£'wspaper dehv. lr\'ine A i r p o r I. are a , .a rea. Must hav(' Jrg c.ar. (714)833-9441 dependo.b l e. Ca ll ing,etc.Cal l S.13-3640 NURSERYSCHOOL 1-~-------1 ASSEMILEflTRME Bea uty Operators. 1"'111 • 835-2200,extlLS. SINGL" & Dbl Rnom Of-Pre-School. nr. downln. FOUND : Pet rat, very l.ocal alternator re· Guaran l ee d Salar y. A Subsidiary of GENER•L~CE 0 c 1 M Ca r friendly. H:o.lccrest area. manufacturer. Duties in· c p ·d ,. APPLIED Mi\GN.lllCS A """Tl ~ale to share rum. beach fices. ~5 •••• ••·fl, u·til. 05 a esa. re or 24 omm. al vaca ions. T · F 'J' Sta . wag or v:.i n prcf'd, No collect. 962-4633. " •• ~ at llOO Roo .... Calltoldentify,546·2472. elude solderin", check· F l'f In• •a CORP. ..,,_ 1 A t 1 · -1 yping, 11ng , recep· home. $115. complete. No furnished. S4Q..5206 mo. m o.v ex· ., r ee 1 e u. nee. '""'nta ss , 1,.• i111rs11 eon· ti G d 11. Pand In I I It I ingor parts,a!ISemblyof Sto•e di se ounts . 2221S.Anne Strcct 1 M ' on, oo spe 1ng 11 drugs. South Laguna.1-----------1 · c · gc. o • nr Y· 1--ouNO: 4·6 mo 1-lusky, J • (?l4) 5'l0·360S Y • 'n · I Yr exp , mu:st l S3.20 p/hr. Call 499-4329 4 OFFICES Incl. recep. n 185 ew 000 btdg., comp. equip. bl _& 1 brn eye. Ari i lie, altern~~ors . Must speak llospitali.iation avail. An E 1 0 . Plea!lant ~roup pr act. Judy, 833.8680 · tion area, Will decorate Al s NB 642-some i::nglish. $2.10 hr. Apply Personnel Office qua pportunity Jncl'ds alter. Sat. l\J\t's.1--~------- M. o r F , 20·26 $100 to suit.3429E.Cslliwy. GrAhaiTIRlty 646-2414 180 t · · 3273 Askfor Frank,6'2·9165 MottfgomtryW.-d 1.,.~~E~m~p~lo~y~e~c~M~/~F~~J NewportCtr.641).1122 G IRL 16 ·up to help mo.Gary. P.O. Box 723, CdM.644·7406 F d Found : Ir i s h Setler. •sSEMILYfSHIP 30881risto1St I· w/household . daily. $2 Costa Mesa, Ca 9'l627 oun ry. Nel$100M female. Balboti Island. A CLERK TYPIST Dl1hwasher, E•es p/hr. CdM, 644-51998 • F em . s hare w fsa m e. Npe~p~f1fi~=a~~ ~u:1~Z. g:rcrf:!:f :r~g~~~= Aug.2lrd. Cl)525-?405. i~~2:t ~~rv~ed:~:~i Spec?a~~~':u.~uon N e w Port B e a ch 5930 W,~!~:~1~~. NB great houac IV.. blk to Prestlj!e bldf:. fl4.S.3700 Pl111sllc Mfg.dlalrlb.SROM REWARD. Lost in v;~ of ability. Good future. Call For those w /following losurance Co .. needs bill· CdMbeach. l..ot.sofrm& Cuatmade unlform$40M Npl Blvd & 28th St .1 ~55~7':'-54~00~.'------11~~~~~~~~~1 ing clerk w /i:ood typing yd + entire hseto iwlfror Ground floor with or w/o Electronics Mfjl:. r.t a lmutc J.lusky. Fem. I s kills. Exper. not nee., Selling anything with a 6 mo'!I of yr. St9S. yrly stor3ge. panel. s kwr, llolland Bu~lnessSales blue eye, Blk /Wht. ASSEMBLY WORK hautyOp«otor but pref'd . Sal. to $450& Dally Piiot Classified Ad utll iocld . 678·0061 or frig. si nk , air, C M 17160rangeAve.C!t.1 Please call 673·0i92/ Day shirt & Pllimeevea. No following nee, Comm good co . be nef it s . is a simple m'1tter ••• 675-54.IB 548·9766 64$-.4170 546-0608 842-8584. Owners sick. Corlee, Inc, 642·1877 guaranteed. 645-1000. 833·8-450. just call 64 2·S6'78. • • ~ I I I HAIRSTYUST Needed for cxcluslvo Newport Beach Me.n 's If air Salon . Call MS-mo St-.11 things rast with Dally Ftk>l Want Ads-· •• ' I . . . . . . . p 'j" DAILY PILOT 6 Thursday. August 28. 1975 FurnlturP 805 Gara9~ Sole 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hflp Wantod 7100 lfelp Wanlod 7 100 Holp Wantod 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••• REAi. 1-:s·l'ATC:S1\LJ:.;S Century 21 /Surl 1,.and Hew Office on 17th Strt."t!l 111 llunl· lll~ltlll lll'aL'h, J bl0t.•k5 lro111 lhl' nc•f.'an Now l.Jk· 111 g :1 ppl1ciltio11is for 11 1 c 1111 cd real t!Slult• :-..1h•!<p1•oplc. Ci.111 Nancy , .sJ6·1"7". Was ht•r & T>ryt•r (uai-) Kc111nori' (iii t·oud. $350 both-l118·l 7fll llU~S G 1'e<.1 l S;1\'\11Ksoll l lsed !<Urn., Ap1111. & ~1Uil', "'•I.son 's Ji11t'~a1n Nook M~ W. l!lth St. ('.tit . ·rhu rs. thru Sun f"urn1:>hln i-:~ 1n<'luth: t'\11 · ju11l·t1-bt•1J. l'osl s.'>-15, 1<1·11 $!00 01' bc:o.l ollcr. 2'11 r:. W1 lNon. HARTFlaD'S Hlqh Fo5hions }'a1nous \V11rnt•11's ltt»Hly 'J'o \\'r~r Ila :. ln11n1"I l)s11.•r11n i.::. Jo'or : 1\11s is tt1nt ~li.:1 Sult·::. .\].)o, Exp1•r <.:.1::.h1t•r /\µpl,\' 11 ,,n·rr 1 Jo:1 .1t'~ 2·1155 l.a ~u111111 111::; i\l .11! l.a;!un.1 I li!ls lltlS l'l'l'.\I. HOUSEKEEPER ~x 111•r . µr ~f~·rr ~1I MECHANICS Experienced Licensed for Fr0nt End, Bcake & Mufflec. .. F ll ml' d :1vi. .'l. 1•\t'.' ....... -................................. _ <.;0<ll.t ""'·ork•nc t'<1t1d ' & - lu•rl~·t'it<;. l:i i~t ;il l ;'\lr ~ He-Ip W a nt ed 7100 Hel W a ntPd 7 100 1\•rnplL'lon, ( .~,ra :\11·,,1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• !••••••••••••••••••• RESPIRATORY THERAPY TECH l\li11 2 yrs cxpcr. 01 .~1·hoot1n ~. Al'l'r t'di lL•d r~s 111ruto r y sc hool . I' tlnlL'. Xlnt .~alary coin rn\•usurut(• v.· tr:.i1 nin~ .i:.- <':-0!)1• r , l:ont:.1('l !\lr Tint Dept. Sales Personnel Fumitu,.,, D•pt. C acpet Dept. Majoc Appliances Decocators GacdenShop Fence Salesmen Shoe Dept. Sewin9 & Vacuums APPLY TODAY MONTGOMERY WARD 3088 Bristol St, Costa Mesa . PersonnelDepartment Equa l OpJlOrtw1i ty E mployer '.\l c n1 o r1 11 t l l 11~p1 t.1 l l----------·I f,.1:?-27.14 1·: ll J·: 11 :i 1111 Ito n . Co:; t :i 1\l es .j . !!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!""""""""""!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"! Ni9ht Rt>staurant '.\l t•mur1 .. 1 I ll ospituiJ. Audito r tri2-2734 , EOE. ~-- GE v.·:1sh1·r & clcl' dryer, like nc v.• coru1 , Sl45. bJJl ALIUr'.V nr:N'l'S r·u nN \';.itc h\•r tlr. llU (ofl 192S l lAllUOHUL t:til t::1rai.:1•S.ll1·:1.1111 3pn1Sut 1':d~·u1·1b1 & Sl.a.t~":':'--· I CAl,L. (714 ) ti.15 °1172 Only N c;~r ~l:un & f:r1 --~------1 11 J:: \' r , SA . l •I U 1 Kcnn1orc °"'' ;1Sh1'r & dryer. ~1 0" I II ~· U e II ut If u I lu\' Syl'tl 1nort•. xlnt l'On11. Also, nU Sl', t•seat & i;11f:1 , \'l·ry .:ii 11t·1ns,!.hitJ :177S. 11u<1l1L y . ll llVCr U:'S t'd ~11)\'IN<; l\lu:-t St·ll K~·n-tlti2·l5G2. n111rt• 1try(·r. 1,:11u1·h . 1·1·· F /F \\'hil l' StS Rl·fri..: w /l L·('11luk1·r . \.\'.1s h£'r , up. \'Ul'. L;,1v.'111no"'L'r. 551-2!17~•-------- Auction 8015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MATTRESS *MADNESS* •ALL SIZES • Pciced ta Mo•e! t'llrd play,•r , C'hiut•sc 1•hony I :iblt'. 58ti·~•:t1:1 . :J 1•'1\!\1 11.,. SA 1.r; "'s h /dry $2 :!5. Xlnt . t 'OU(I. J\l llllV lllt'l' 1111.'ll'. + luru. <!·121 't·~ld()n , l..:·hind apls . Sat /Sun lU··1P!\11 (i·l2 l»lfi7 * *I BUY* * 833-962s & 646-86B6 • . ---CJ1\K J)l:>1 pl:1y t'!ISt'. I~. olct ~·00<1_ u~~~ futt11\.u1{'. ~ KINGSl_Z t-: bed. nl:1llrt'ss. 1it,~k . 1·1iueh. rt•fng, 1·cu1• .11Jpl~a n 1c . .,, ur I v.ill ~II hoxs pr1ni.: & fr:inll', >.ti';• lt'tll l>· l'lt1L h cs . Ca ll for 't oti l1r111 . \'a\Ul' $5~ •• st•ll ~)l;i,J :10:1;. ••I' 1:111111• oVl.'r 427 MASTERS AUCTIOM $215. Als1l lluc1•11i.1zc h1·d, 7th s1 . 11 u 646·8686 & 833·9625 ,·:llu~ $'125 .. sell $195. --- -IJe l lVl'f )' 111 cl 11ded . W1•1•k\•11il t nAtil -~P!\·l Bicycles 8020 Usu;1lly ho1nt•.S.11 -5&13 25:1·12 'J'crrc 1111 Ur. 1\1.V. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----or l·:st un1·i1•ro. 1''urn, l lll~·ri-:ss. n1on11n:.: :-.11111 Blue· f)o lph1 n H1·st.1u r;1nt , :1:155 \11,1 l.1du, N II. MAID Li9ht Ho usek!'e ping Full· Time 1.t•adin :.: .'\ 11 hul t'I Xl11t I,,~ .................................... ~~ Help WantPd 7 100 H•lp W ant•d 7100 I· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ".1J..1' iur ('\ 111•1"d 111.·r:-on. {'.111 !\Ir llHll.u1d. ~I.Ji il · 5p!H, 1t ll l';'UV. l'\l 5'lt.>. l\I AN · S Sc; 11 \\'I NN Aln1osl new litrj.!e llot-Ski~. Bi kt". V;\RS l 1'Y 10 SPt.:f':I> point r elr1 ;.:, d(·1·or:1tor H - E \) E Restaurant S t-:CRET,\R'i' for Calif. '1'01v Tru<'k Ilri\'E'r '''ant. BI KES50.G·lli3I~ :-.ofa. chrs , lovc-seut.1V. or'~' 8060 Help Wanted H1~at11ng Assoc. of l"U. ed. Expe r prl'f'd. Cood l----·---!<lcr('o, Sa<-r1!11·1· prt<"l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• r time d:iys. F1 ti m1 Duucs 1nl'I. lYIJing. rt·1·. pay + ben l'fils. Apply End of Summer il1•c:ius c 11f n1ov1n~. I l~11:1rlcr hor.i>c n1urc House keeping 1o:,1rly ~1 11rn1n~s 'Full cir l1.1rt-1'irnt· A11pl.v l'C'r:.nnnl·l (>t fict• ~Pi\1 -·l l';\I , ,\Ion \hr u Fri THE BROADWAY Newporl Beach \ 111'1 \ Pf'r~oun1•\ ~H t 1 1·~· :."l'\l U•\I, .':-1<111 thr u l·'r1 THE BROADWAY Ne wport Beach E11 u;1I llpp 1·:111plo~.-r .\l:11ds & g t'n h:111d1·111,111 :\ti\~ !!IHl'.'G SALES & STOCK l'IC':-•sl' ~<'!' Su 1>t'rv1sor. l.,vn11 l\l ,1,l t•rnl:1n . P l'l r1~··_,, L•1:.:uua lll lls :'ilall. Fr1d u) :!'Jlh b1•t1\'ll IH,\-l'.!no,)11 asl-. l11r :-01 r~. <..:ulHt·I. ·rhl·i----------• I 1111 ;11 I .:1 !.!u n:1 :!11 \' L'1l.1:-t II 11). 1 .. 1g u11.1 .'\urs i•s H1•;1 l·h -RN"/LVN's/N/A nights. J a<"k in the Bo>. keepin g fll1ng, et\'. 1000lrvinc.642·12Sl. CLEARAMCE l ~Hi·l55li. 1 -Appy 1narc. $600 t•u :l85 lo;.171hSt.t:?l'l Prc1<.•r 'fC';1 chcr l'duc hk· . 1 . : . or best o fft•r . Al!ID h:.ive • __ .;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;j I: rn <I. 6 i.~. 7 hr. ti .1.1•. TYPIST II_ u ~ e S :1 \' u i.: s .on GcM)d <tLllJhty :I inu. ohl tul'k . \\'kfiy . .., Hftt•r 51im Stilnry & benc's. ~S-lG.J:I Pycchasi~ Cle-L ll1 _cyctcs & At'l't·s.snnl's. furn. !"cl:t 'l w/l'offce thl. \\.'kncis :l:.inl ·HprnHll2-00H4"i f(lr ;_i ppt. .. ~ '""" \\'ill take• any bike or 11111 rm /li l'hrs. kin:,: lx·1l 1 -_ l -'"'-'"'"~-------1 Sales Orders. Invoicing. c.inylhingin ontradc. \Y /n1att ~'« hxsprng. Best Rt·i.:. l'UA li y r:c;. x1ul Secretary for Lav.· Ofl"il'('. i"Ol low up . Cus to1ne r C'i'CLE WOHKS l.1'D. ul r. 75 1·1'!:123 aft 4 pin. \\'1•s l ern ~~/or en g !l ~h G{)()d typing &. shorrh:in<t Cont;ict. Good typing a 1822 New1,ort Bl\•ll . t-: , ---1 ·---.-.. exp. rider only. 1~12-:10lifi rt:'quirt'd . Airport Arl''-l . rnus t!Call-l\1rs.McClar-Costa~l cs a .f>48 -57H3 C IHCU L.A H I :1r, 42 l ,aura CaJJ J ul ic,S•lO·S.IOO. ly,646·8981 ----diam x '.!7 " tall sunburst --~-------1-':~-"C'.'.':::C~'.:OC~c._--1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;I COLU!\-1 BIA 10 Sprls. forrn i<"a top w /4 slo<lls, R cg i s te r 1' d <2u a r te r Men's & L :1d ies i n Sl75. B1:H·k N.i ug:d1ycie llorsc, Gcld in .i:: Westen * UTOTEM* origina l s hipping l'ratcs. sofa b!'1l, xlnt eond, $75. ~~Engli s h . qui et disposi REUBEN'S Loguna Hills Jlas Openings I·'or: NIGHT BUSBOYS E<1ual C)ppor. £mplo.\t'r 1•:1rt·t1n11· 1ln C:.ill. All :\l;,uds lll'l'dL'd . 11\t:I' :!1 S hift " 1•:xp1•rt1•r11·t·d prc_•J 1•rrL•rl :!n d < ,1,1k . :11·ut c husµllal onl.v. liood ll()L.SEK EEl'f.H ":tnlt•il ~lus t kno11 :o.o n1t•tll.n,:.! \1 1\l'kin;,: L'Olld'>. Cun\;it'L I•"' rarn ih uf I l'\t n"•nl :1huut d1c·t ~ l·11r r1·11rL· \J rs .. J1•n:-.t.'n. fi'1l·2iJ·I. J\1>ply in p<'rson i\l on tht'u F'riJ-5Pi\t '.!.1001 Ave de La Carlota Lai:un;_i lldls Equal Oµpor Employer Servic e Station Alll'n· clanl, t•xper 'd. IJay ,\- Eves. Full & P1tinn· AP· ply Shell Station, 111h & Irvine, NB Service Station help, l'X- J'.l(!r 'd . J\1 usl b£' 19 or 01·cr. Full & p /lime. EMPLOYMENT $1'!5 . Ph ; li45·0315. l\tod walnut J)uni sh desk. lion. 581 -65 l!J 3 dra\.l'C'rs , scet'cl ~1rial -''------- OPPORTUMITIES Cameras & chair inl·I, SIW. uiicntal Je-welry 8070 Full or Pa it Ti me Equipment 8030 dl·sign(•r Ucnl·h. UJ)hol ••••••••••••••••••••••• N E N • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I "'50 't6 't335 o xper cl'cssary _c_.:,t·1> or<111 ,::~ _:__.:!' ..:.'. _ WA..,TED J\gc<!l -65 Elii,:ihlc '-·l inoltu 135 r.11\1 le ns, ~ !1 .. t h. \·«di•r 1'\'. l'r"1 ·1~·~r::-1 d1•Ht'l' l:'I ?ll.'ls l 'ost.1 .\\£'"·' ~lcinorial 1111 n s rn o k ct , r i•f:,. llusµ1t:i1.,J1H\'1t·ton..1S1. See r-..red, 3131 ilarbor 01 , CJl,1 Goto1'heNc11 rest brand new, S7S or ofr. C:Jnopy bc1I st, whl/{!ld , TOP CAS I! DOI.I.AR 'flCTOCMAJlf\ET 546-1926. dh l niall /bx s p i,:s. 1-.A ID FOil Y<I U lt For Ap pl11.:;itions & Info J)rcsscr. n11rror, dsk SiiM J EWf:I.R Y, 'VA'l'CllES '" tIB"t 1-------01 EOE RN CCU ------l\Jt\.H1H Bulld('r ,\· L;111d -----~ .................. --• llui1:.1•k1·1·p1·r . ll \t' Ill ll1•1t•lt1p1·r 11l11•r 11;1:-1\11•11 1,. \" T N1j.:hts. full or p1time. OH.CALL 17 14 1&12-7702 Cats 8035 6-lU-65ti3 ART OllJEC1'S, l;OLI) 'r ic 1'oc Syst!'n-.s.lnl'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• G---SILVt-:11 S l:'.llV I CI·: .\l .,t hc·r l1·'~ h o1111•. · , .. ursl's11ut•s.e,,;J.>Cr op .1 .. l u'tor11 .. r h 1•l.i11ous l , 1, 1 \I ., C'' D1ffert•nt1al p:iy. Xlnt 1 ~~""""""""'""'""'""'""'""''1 Fo r Sa I e -Chi n ch i I l a ara9e Sale 8055 F IN F. t ' LI H N & ,\ N Service Sta. Neerls rx-1. Silver Persian Kittens, •••••• ••••• •••••••••••• 'f !QU ES. li<l5 l2Ul.J l'hildrl'fl !i So 10 :\\u<;I JI 11 :1!..l'S or · cs.i 1'11 · bcnt•f1ls . Cont:.icl J\lrs. I . 1 1'lltt'"1'nt,\1 1\1' .il l;1"l llusp.ti~~·U·IOO. per 'd man. !lays , perm. \\'A l "fRESS 2 1 + fo r C FA . to ri ght homc.C l·l l LDREN & Adult ---1.11 1· t.•r-·•'· •,1y \\k rni•\lll :..: 1r,11 t 111 hl·.iih __ "-----1 Halc s tr<'ri, 6-1 2-2734. ~.!110 rn o . 8:1:1 ~l.i ll I . :tl'l':.t.Stron~ pH ,\:,d1JI• ~uRSES AIDES Costa ~lesa l\le morial Union Oil. 393 E . 17th S t, Jtcs taurantinNM. 960·316-1 &551·2611. clothes, like new, bikes, S1\_LE o,n N l'<:k lac·cs IUl ti'.!!li .. l"I II I 3 " _ _ _ I,\ hi \111rl-. 1111dt'r 11ri'-\II •ft F' f'I -osp1ta . Ul ~1ct oria, Costal\lcsa. 640·8120aft.3P:\1 t·onsolc stereo & misc Ri ngs, furquoise Nu g -----------PEHSl1\N K i t~ens. t'I'~. itcr~s. Sat/~un, l05Gl:on: i;c_t s, F ind ings, Liquid . s,,1 s .• s pt>r. pr<' l. <..: i\I !'."OJ:-: J!l)l S EKEl:l'l-:B l't 1~~u 1·1·:1n1us1 l.1tL'\\p1n ' buL 11·11 ! train l'\'S JJ. in·1~~·~'~·~,~~· .............................. 1 Hlf1l·. :-t udent:-\)K. S:l r1•qu1rt"l l ndl·r:-.t;u1tllll'.! d11 1dual'i. Appl) al. Park I: l't'r hr . 9 Sund;uh·c ll r, o f 1· o n ~ t r u I' 1 1o11 Supc r 11;1r lli.'ll!th<.•..1rt.'. SHil"'l'ING CLERK Pre\·ious exµe r. req. l\1 EC!i 'L ASSEi\IBLl·:R Please a pply in person 8A.l\1 .to3 P.J\I. WAITRESSES gr:ind ch;_imp1on hack-cord C!\·l S 1 I v e r & r. o t d Cor fec Shop & Con· ground. Cre mes, wh1lL'S. ' T URQUl)ISE 'l'URTL t:, coursl!, ex per . p ref'd. blue crl:'ams,!:181 ·9119 New Upholste red Sofas & 2K ll·C Nrwport Bl vd \'Ii 1>.12 l'.!25 !1•r1111uul11:..:y ~".: t':.l·r·ov.· 1-115 Superior A\l'. NB RM or LYM rncd . nurs e . F /l i m • :1.11 ::10. Hc~·crly i\lanor Con\'. llosp. l:apistran< Bt'h, •1!16 -5786 Appl y. l lunti n ~ton Dtv1s 8040 l'hairs. Any style from N.B.G73·07!.12. Lanl:'s, 19582 Heac h Bl vd, -~ S25 to $95 . 557-5176. 2932 • -----~ ---1 >~,,,.,.,1 .. ,., . ., 11<"••···•1 t'(IF l!tJUSl-:1\ E l•:J•EH hi l1 v1• ' · u ' " • · .. 1-IB. •••••••••••.•••••••••••• Hedwood Costu l\tesa Miscellaneous 8080 l!l. I 1"h drl. ~(!H. San /lulu·, .iii-Cl 1'u1t"r :-ornt• L'l(•rnt'nt l' i:i:!:?.:l~I ;1r1•:1..; 11( dt·(•o r :11•1r OfficeHelp (·t·11t1·r ·llJ fi r. 11<>rk 11·i·l'k. For Fine J e\l"l'l ry Store . Sun -Th1.1r-. 1r 1th 0(' ~\di ti tTil'. lh!f llli1nl·nt C.P .D. l nd usl.fl l's tne. 2100 F:. \\lilshire A1'e. -----------1 PET WORLD . . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\':1itrcss. over 21. p itim{'. • • GIGANTIC 33 Dl'autiful (·orn.::r i;f!)UI/, U1shwashcr, p1t11nt'. i\i\I Col'kcr s. C hi hua h ua . F 'I G S I rornt•r des k, xlnt. l'o1HJ. Santa An;i llOUSEl\F:EPl-:11 ,t t hdd r.1r<'. p.irl ll1TIL', So C'i-t l'l.il.l aJ't•a. /'t'L'> fC(jlH'.'I ed. t;lii-HH:!·I 1•;i,~1 onal S.llt1 rcl.i,1·s :1:-1.1os1t lu 11. Expr. Pt't.'f. A1>-RM ·Ni9htShift SflOE Sales, ,\g;.!rl:'ssive nt•t•ttt·d . S.d :ir,I' & .. il l p!,v In per.still only bt~·n 11 -i :JO. full tiinc. J\1e<:J. 1·oun;.:: sa les man v.·anted. Shirt onl y. Apply i n Poodles.Shih-tzu,Doxic,.,. om1 oy adraqed f o e-Sl lO s~·ag:.pule l:inip~lil. Pi l Bu 1 1 s, mini -r unr s nee e or our 5fl !-5ol:lfi person. Schnauzer, Porn s . footb:il l t l'am. so you ~---------· ('01llpJrl.\' f l'l llJ.!(' tx·i1C'fits Ji/,!{,: ll noon Su r).!. f)iff. pav. Xln Lanz Shoe Boutique. Cal l S(·n ·' rt·.<>•m•· "'·•t''''' J .llf·:RBE R1'1\,\LL hl'nl'l1ts. Cont:1Ct i\lrs_ 6-14-4411,askfor.l\lurC('n l<oma n H.est:iurant Pekes, \V esl ie s, JUG save on our llisi;a rds . AU'f O. \Valer Conclitiont•r __ 3709 S. B_c_ist~. S~--n1ixcd puppies. Stud S \'~ U n u s u a I it l' n1 s. Almos t nev.· 12 pnl'e S.100. IJ<>L'sf;KJ·:EPJ·:H. It u .. JE\\'El.Lt~HS h ,_ 1-1 0rk h1,tor_, ,'l.• ,:1l:1r) rl' JC'nSl'n, 642·273-1. Costa.,,-----------• I \VJ·IO WANTS ·ro \VORK ? most breeds. 2525 \\'_ 17th Somethini.: fo r everyone. Lg. cout·h w 1stnr;1~e llO>.: at 1-'air view. S,\. Open Fri & s .. t 8216 l'cn· S45, Studio couch $30, eves.531 ·5027. nington Dr. off Bca<.·h & German ll i-r~i stereo s.;pg. i.::tl'l' l or 8 ~ r 11!fl, ·I . So. ('uasl Plaz:t, IA \l'Cr :'11 l's a ,\I l' rn 0 r 1 a 11· J)HJ\11-: A CAB! t1 r:t d <•Y. \I F . I r11 111~ ~1i~'.~~1~1:·0"10s 1~11 .~un' •. ~1~11,:',:'. _Lei t>I. Ill' XI to Bullol'ks. Muspilal. 301 Victori;.1. STENO CLERKS C HOOSE your hours . i\lusl ha v1• o"n 1r;1nsp & · ------C 'I E E Growing: fin ancial firm l'l'f :o. 5 1!1 ·52·13 da\::, P t • Uox 8111i32.S.1n Oil',l!O ()ff1~·t· Girl. p tirnc. IH or _ 1 • • .O ~-has openings in its S:i nta work for yoursl'lf , be POODLE Pups, Te.:il'UP & Atlanta. llunt. B(•h. consoll' S45. S<Ul-11105 !iS J-02-lll'\C'S · Cah l .~'.!138 noL11 crth;u1 O\l'f . \\'!It tr;un. A\'ai l HN 3-11 SJ-11F1'. i"Ourses ,\na ofl'. for sharp in· your ov.•n boss. !\ten or Tiny Toy . AK C .Apt.SaleSat/SunHJto 5. ------S1·1•t :lrrl 1'.! 5. :\I nn thru rrt. At>P· \ d E f d d ·d I \\'omen. C:in he slightl ,· beautifully pcopoct,·oncd. Co u " ._ , J, o o k " . •Ll:"..:D ,\ llOI\'S'1'1\D'r .. 4 'f ick\!Ls Au~ 30. ' 1 l's, :.;per. pre t!l're . 1\'1 u;i s 1-11 .cood t)·p111" .. I I •· t. ... " " 1-----------1 I\ 161-\I I JIB " u :in c tcappt'l. '"t'a -530-6455 housev.·arcs & !\l ut'h _. ,,, _:1 iama. sh1fL'i 9-7:30 & J.11:30. skills. Sh h1.·lµful. Call Cl 11 A ip r Uc\'erly i\lanor , ~-I-IS< Personnel al S.19-0002 for \' t"a -1 •• ca\ all ('l'. D !\To re. 2700 Peter son SJ I. ~-7051 IMAGINE YOU IN A GREAT NEW JOB! ,.Wehdivetoomany .. pos it ions to list in the paper. 'Lynn, 833-9145 \[a n:i !!C 1nt•nt·Uric 111 cd 1u:rsfJ 11 111 1l'l'l'1'tl·d 111 h1 i.:hl'r 1nt·un11· ,!(,: lk'nl'.' l';1rt or I t 1;.1!1 1;1'..!.'1 MANAGER \\'1)rl\l'rl 's !>po rts1\·1'ar ~l •1ri-Su per "J\l~lr l•·r q11a l1ftE'd Pl'r~<H\ Exp1·r ,\l'Jll' to h;uulll' r(''P· Jo \1·llil!l'lll , t•111·J'l!t.'lie Send l'\',,Um l' 1<1 Cl;1~~1l1l'1I <u! no. !illi. t· o O:_.ily l'd11t, P O. Box 1s1;11, C..:o;;-t u \lt•sa . C.1 ~:!·;~1; Pr,.sonnel Resources \l .1t11 r .. l1a l1,,~lft(•r nL'"di•d tn rn.\· hunte. t'rHl:J,\' thru T 11t·~da y, 11 .r 1nr~1 nt & 5 J\gcnc1·· 1151 Dov(' 1 r 11ld . H l'lc r erl l'C:> \'o l ll. \'e\\'llOrt Bca(h '1'.•:! '1H IK. -------- \1 f':L'._l,\'.'\IC \\";1ntC'd cnn1 p1•t1·11t. t'l1·.1111·ul f'urf't!.!rl car nil•ch. fllr >.lnt. lul' 111 IRVINE PERSONNEL . '11 "73 """ SER.VICES<.-AGENCY il88 t-:. li th St 1 \t Ir \"1ne1. C:o~r a \1••s,1 Suite 224 642· 14 70 .J \:"li lTOJ!S -C1 'n . o H i\I E!J[(' \I, f\,,..,1:-\;1r.I I-:\ pl•r . Fr(1r.l & h.1L'k offirt•. ~.1 l.1 r ." ope n . C;1ll 1~•'.! ~:i:'i< lot' 111l1·r\ u·" OFFICE PERSON lni elhgcnt. P;1yrnll Acrt c>.pl·r. a plus. ,\pply in p1·r~c.111 be lv.·een 2--lpm "'ktly!-';. 2'!78 .'\c 1\·1.iort Bl. L:oit I , C.:\l . els., rctireu. f ge 25 to OBER!\1,1\N Pinsc he r. w ,•y. AJ>l 55C. Co"l" Blue rose coueh, ""· C'ond \11:1 Estrada, La,e .l lills. further info E 0 E 70 <· I -" " .. ,_ · · •· . ~upp cment your 111-male, 1\KC, sho""'' q ual. J\lesa. s:m. l ll P he dgctnmrnl'r. S I d . • come. !)ri ve a cab 6 hrs Gentle. All shot<>. 112 ~r~ rir1s work £40, JO vol :-.ct a es/A Yert1strtc) ~ . 1 1 En<'ri::eti c ii·omcn {& a :iteno Typist, lite hkkpnJ!' or more •1 < •~Y · 1\J)P Y in old. $200. 55 1-1900:.ift. 5 SELL idle items ""'·ith a r:ncycloped1a Brittaniea "•••pie of eood m-n l "'"-Resp, atl·uralt• to work 11cr~nn, 'l'ello"' Cab Co.. n .1 p ·i Cl ·f·-·· d SIOO. C.:o r1·air t•ngino ... ·-... u u 186 £. 11.ilh SL., Costa co. CK·A -POO.Affe c -iU)' lOt a.5Slh .. -u A . cn)oy talh n" on small rnorns 2·3 hrs, Lag. llch t Rik f 6425fi78 p a rts $\()()_ <!4H:ll L <i -----• c II M 087 f i\lcsa. 1onate . em. 2', . . erect>. At>l H. IJ····· Pt. bus111c sses. Protel'ted a 4""·4 orappt. -yr s.old. Freetogd.adult _____ _..;;__..__.'."_· __ u --PACKAG ING FOREMAN ;~~~i:o~\~~r t+ r~-;ti r{!~~; TAILOR ~i~~e~~~c1:1do~~r~1;~~ ho me 8333182 I ~ R%9UL&LilUn.- 1\l t1:::t hr cxpcnenc·ed in period. Good bonus pro-Full t ime. company ta ~e.67:l-7Hi2 Small Dog Lovers' Adora-:"·~.~ pat•k;1,ei n c 1·itam i n ).!ram + full com rn, on benefits. 1\pply l'e rson· blc 1\KC Poodles, l'c ks. ' 1 :il1[cts, Sl'hl'du!c prod uc -l'L'n e \.l':I [ s . Co n1 p lc te n c I ::at l\·1 n nt go rnc I' y V.'oman 40·55, nudnight lo Chihuahuas Some s how • A'l/j~,,,,li l . /JJJJ _ .__ .A_J \l(•n ,",; kn1iv.·led :.:c of trai ning. 250 E. 17th St, \\'ard,308HU.ris tol ,C.M. l'IA~1 . \Vil! train at n1i1i. quahty 541-3092 .,.H/.lrr~"IV~ fl. 1•q t1iµment & su1x•r\·i ~c Suite t-", Costa• ~i\I~cis~a~ . .:..:].;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;; wa,ce. 1\ns phones, snme ~f 11/ st;il f. L'all 556·(~1:~1 !\lr. --:. hoo k wo rk & fil i n g. TINY m:_d e Pomeranian, ACONV£N!£NTSHOPP1 NCANO \\'C'in~t l'l n Sr\LF.S & C.-\SlrtER Ex-TEACHER~TYPING ti4G-4071 hclwn lO;i-IOp. good v.·ith kids. 2 .~rs. $25 SEWING cu10£ fOR THE per. prl•f. Full tin1e . ,\ sccrelar1al & bus iness -----------to,coodhome.Sl2·0-1-IB CAL ON THE CO. J•,\H'r T im<' C\'CS & Sa l Benefit~ & \'a<.·ation. Ap-eollei::c in the Irvine Jn-Younl! man to work in ,\\l . pei l. tor students. ply 1n pf'rsnn. Gent's dustria l Comµlcx is ex-grow in~ t ool rcnt;il busi-Free to You 1n.,1rll' \\nrk. guarantl'cd Srn arl S hop. Z300 llaJ'OOr panding! \\'e are con· ncss . .l\1us t be neat in ap-••••••••••••••••••••••• 8045 \1'a~r. Call ,\I. 5-12-901:1 Bl\'d. Costa :\le~a. d ucting immediate in-pear . & have very neat Da rling: 6 wks old kit tens. -ter\'ie1-1•s . If you are h;_indv.·ritini!. Ii Day "'k. 5 fluffy while male & I l',\HT tin1P Sl'l'rl·t;iry for SAl.ES\\'0:\1 AN. 1\pparel availublt' im mediately & Pref. married m:in for p: r e y st ri pcd. Box ma('hin1· ~ h•ip .. \'cv. port i-:xp. I.a g 1--l Ills .\I al I 1·:: interested in this rl'ward· perm. res1>. f)O!'il ion. r~x-trained. 675· l J.15 eves or llC'<J l'h.t.15·133-1 Size Shop. 0\'er 35.1'op i n~opportunity.Ca1IJ\-l r. pe r . not rcq 'd. 1\pµly weekends. --p;_iy fut· re al pro. Part; \V, D. Pollick at 556.8892 9am -noon , Mon . Wed. -====------1 i'{'rS<ln 2 1--1 0. trn for fulltirne. ~9 1 -i670 NOW! Fr i, Only. 1 9~ Newport FREE to good horne, 4 Yr C1~1rt.0•1m tp. ,:.1f.\." ,"t·~. ""L',;,~.,.1---------'----1 ...,....,....,. .............................. ~~ _Bc.ch_·dc·ccc·c"c._ ______ 1 old neutered po:xflc mix, ... • ._ S ecretary fllKept. affef'tionate. 557·0017 ~IK·l ft(l_-;1 _______ For top a rchitects ofc TELF.PlfONE SALES. Merchandise Plumber, Repair V u ll t11n e, 5 yr s 1n 1n1mun1 l'xpe r . 1oc1itcd 111 !..;, IJ. Fa:o.t typ-Experienced preferrerl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1n~ skills. at least 5 yrs Earn as much as you hke Antiques 8005 ofc expcr . Xlnt sali1rv & by talking to Jlt.'OJlle illl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Blk fem kitte n, & carpel co1·e red .scra tching post. Box trn ·c1 545-58S4 Seamed-To-Slim a ~ ,~\' /\1 -- Create Ripples • h·an1nl!. Pt. L1111t• 1•\•'' I S2 40 hr. to :"lart. X.17 2 1 ~1..' lltv"n 12 & .11'~1 \ld l.\l an .\,.srrnbler:-. nt't:dl'fl (:01 1d p;11·. [),,\1'11 E;i~\ Y;11•h!s, <t~l I". .\ltu11 :\I" S:i rll.t ~.\11,1, ('.1 ft;!"70j !l<fl fi!\."11! ;,:ir, 1452 . _______ , l'nr ula r d 1n1ng: house ~"t•k s r.1anagc r. ass1s · t a n t 111 ;1 11 a I! t' r , 11 :utrl'~SI'~ ·"'-' ho:-\('SSt•S. (";ii[ (:73 :J:J:!3 for appoint· rru•111 ht•neflls Send resume in O\'C r Southern ()ran.c-c ·ro all our fri i:nds conf1 d cncc to Classified County fron1 an ;1ir l'on· in Orange C.Ounty a1t no. 51~. ,. o Di.li ly ditioned offiec. 1·"·0 JONATHANS P il ot. P .(J. Box 1560. sh1fts-IOam to lpm or ANTIQUES l\l ale Saint Bernard, 18 months o ld. AKC w / shots. 892-ti5<18 /~ .. " ' .. '' _\l(JDI<:Ls :'11 \.'-'h f·:L·s ~::-; JOLLY ROGER F1!.!u1·l' :'-luill·I~ t'"to1·1:;, (;nst:1 !\ll'sa, Ca9262G Spm to 8pm. J\ln11d~1 y . ._ . h . I --throu~h f'riday. Appl.v a! IS u~v1ng l . cir annua t-,ree blue eyl'(I kittens. abandoned by rnother. Call bet . B & 11 /\!\! 640-0056 DHEAKF,\S'J'l'(>(>i\ n1,1:-~t ·t1 :..i:' llt't'\lt"L 'l'<•P SECRETARY 250 t.:. 17th st_ Cost;i SuperSummcr fl on1I. p ;1y & 11p ll'l l •O l'Y-),l'\\' :-llHllo p0rtun1t i1•s_ i\ppl\· 1n i:.n :u~lt p1·r~nn ,•lt10 S.Coo 1~T lh\·v, - If i\·l e s a . or c~lll ·r on\ C lea r~nec You h:i \'C iniliali vc, a..,._ _s_· c_l_m_ia_o_t _6_46_·_<_100_. ___ ·_1 S<.1 le on cnllrl'. s~o<:k l.;1~una Bl.';u·h. · JR. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN / SECRETARY \\'1U1 m in 2 ~rs \\'l!l'k f'X 1i.•r. Fa "t star11•r. g11ocl p rod ll l'{'f . Fl i·x 11.>l t" n1a1 url.' v. k11uv. lcill.!t' ol 1h1C'ument ,1!1 on 1•onlrnl l':dl :'il rs. Shl.'ndan, l< 11 l ~9--lOliO. Ph•us r Apply l'er,..,onnt•! Dt'jli.trlmi·n l ~l r111 Fri '.iA .\1 -~l ':\1 PACIFIC MUTUAL 7iM1 !'\1·v.·vor1 Ctr l>r :-.'t•v.pnrt lt..•a t'h l-:1p1~!1 {lpp 1-:rnpln~+·r KITCHEN HELP :'IT a k c h r 1· a le fa ~ 1 . :-a!lfh1·1t·ht•s & :-ht•rl •lr ri t"r. ~l orn ht·lr1 ,\ppl\' :?· lpm. at Thr J.c;)! Inn. 1 i!rl 5 ~I a l' \ rthu r. I r1 111L'. KITCHEN HELP Langlo1.;; t-"r<wen 1'110fl" 2'J15 Lai.::una (.';1nvon lid Laguna lie:u ·h 197 1711 I .!:GAi~ Sl::C Hf'~T,\H V ~llnln1urn 5 yrs \'X P ror )!('n, prRct .. lit l~:11i on exp, Send resurnc to 777 DominJ;?o Or, J'1 B, ft:!AID WAN1't:;I) J)arl Time • <.::Ill i\le11a Molc l • 646-!K'~I JlAJO W CJ ltK ~1 u l ti l Nl'ttl, en<>rRCltC'. l.:tj\11n11 l!ch. Re sort. 6 da)· 11, k. -- MODELS MOTEL MAID l·'/t1n11•. '['o p \1'11 1!.f'~ 1\'c\1·port B.-:1l'h ·rr,l\'l' l.11dg~" l'11 :1 ~! l h1~', ;\'!\ PHl \'1't~H f:.'<pr. 11~·k ,\ H Uil'k t:quip. ,\1r t·orHI fae. llJ0-08HO. REAL ESTATE 1;.1 to ;o·; L'on1m1 s:-.inn . J1 y n;1m1c pre s 11 g 1ou.~. l1;1ppy o tl 11·c \\ hea\y un 11h~tru1·tpd learnini.: 1•n \1rn n n1 c n t '"'se mi pr1\;1 tr off11 ·c:<, has 2 1\prnin~s in r1•s1dential or invcst1nP11I sule..,. N.B. nr. airporl <.:.al l Uon Bt:rmun ut (il·l l 752·19l0. l~ ll ,\ l I, I' 1 ... i\ C l-: I' Htl PE ll 'l'l E~. --- "' up to 11~ OJ· r ! g rt'S'i ivcn css. like <J 18' Cabin Boat 64 2-1;.116 h II • d Tclephoning-llouse\-\'i"es 422 31 st St.N.B. 1· :1 cng t', 11a\'e gno skill!<. <ire career orient· & I landic<ippcrl, earn s~ 673·000~~"-t __ _ t'd. wunl to become a at home, spar t' time !t·:.:;d "t't".v \v /an es t;1b'I H.B. area. No selling. 635·6101. 10 WEEK o ld Basset 1790-1795 Violin . Klot2 beagle m ix m<ile puppy Sc hool , Germany . free t o good hon1e . Outs lancli n l! lone a nd 581-9089 p :J IC'nt l:iw firm in -----------1 Telephone Sail's. f:vcs. qua I 1 t y . Mu s i -IC"-'-"=-------1 5.9, Sat. 10-2. 52.00. per cians /Colle ctors only. Waggy tailed cinnamon hr. +Bonus to st:irl. Stu· Pric e 5 1850.00 firm . colored puppies, girls, 7 ciC'nts °"'·elcome . Lai::una Please write Classifi ed wks. 548-0360 NC'W l)Ort B<.·h; send rc- ~ u nl c or l etter of qua l1f1cations & rc•fs to I ' t). Box 197 1, Saola ~n _'._'.:__ (_·,_9_2-;-"0=2:. ----~I Bea c h . i\lr. \Varner. Ad ;;-537, 0 ;1ily Pilot,l---"-'-'-'-'-"-----1 497-1034. P .O . Box lSfill, Costa l Yr. old \Ve imarancr, 1 SECRETARY/ l\l csa. ca.9262fi. Dalm111ian Te rr. 10 mo's. BOOKKEEPER TF.LEPl-I ONE Solicitor, I-ls brkn, s hots. 846·0062 r~or rapidly J!ro""'1ng: hoat p 'l. l-lrly r ate & OOnus. Can't arford scrvicC' for e\'cs. nianuf. 1\.1us tbecxtrcme· P leas. ofc. Lag. Niguel. cii;:hl ? 1898 STERLING -.-"-R-F.-.-,-.-------1 831·2772. · rl1n ner se rvice. For·4· ,. Germ . She p . ly r.apahlc & hu\'e ex· p · 6 k 1·• r, ·rota! 26 pieces , incldn ·~ upp1es. w ·s o u. 11!1 !en.~ive l'xpcr "'/manuf, Tele phone Soticitin,I.! lite knife, fork, sal:Jd fork, PlummcrSt.Ci\1646-1072 1!J>1~ral1011 . Xlnt pay, ty pinn & ge neral offirt:!. k ·1 f b(•ncfits & "rowthoprv1r. " coc 131 ork, s oup f.umlture 8050 ,... 1-No expc r . necessar y . S""'"" t-a·1·~n &2 .,~rv for ri ght pe rson . · ,..,-· ... -~ "~' "c' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 549·9429 for appt. i n g s p oons. NO . Pa1·1ftcTrawlt'rCorp DEALEHS. $5UO. Call Studio Bed Set. l'on1p. 350K;_il mus Dr.Ci\t Te lepho ne Survey Work 5'48 ·fi2'JS w/m <itt. bx ::;pgs & cov- 540 l!l3.'i Hou se w i fe. part-t ime · · crs. 5•\" Round Oi nc ltc SECRETJ\ltY hrs. flexible. yourho n1e.1\.11tho g:;i nv Bow Fr on! Set, cost new $fi00. Sell RELIEFCOOK Ca ll M r . S tratto n . Chest. ~.:n J.?li s h ci rl'a $200.675·3309 I 'a rt .'1'1 nit' r; .'•: r·c I 1 chn t. ly&pi ng' s h ' 540-1834 day5 ; &11 ·93..l5 or 1820-1840. 673-SJflJ MOTEL MAID ti·cins,·ri ing. i:;tf'neral 495.4397 P M l\Tcdit crrancan solitl Ouk P:irt Fu ll 'l'ini•' 1;13303(1 DISHWASHER nft• s kills. llandlf' •lfrice -----------I Priva t e Sale : Antique Oining roon1 set,Rchu1rs :-.'t'\'1'or!l'!i.11111,,11nn. Car1~t r~1no l!v 'l'heSea & tak e vhonc ordt·rs . Pe ki n i.: C h inl:'sc l{uf!, & Ch ina C abi n c l . -11.1.~r11 :1l.·l'"ifll~r1.. ___ 1 Lrf!al ba c kground TELLER ,!PjTIME 10x8, 1-'rcnch IJhj('('l J\rt 495·5907. NEE i) :! d!'1>e nd.1hl1· 11 cll hi•lpfut. hut not nee. $t)SO nranch ofc seeks t bOn · Cabin et, Set Mcisscn.1-----------I l!ro11 n1t•d ""'on11•n ",,1r R.E.SALES mo.536·l&J6 . ilahle & dependable Ch i n a Pev"te r lami>. Movint:Salc . Elec.Or!,!an tor l'.~t ;-i hlt'h~·d ro11 t 1·~ GOOD TIMES SSO. Sofa, tables & lamps :\I nn Fri , 10 t, I noon ~:c urity Gu;irtl~. apply in '.elflc/t',·m'oewf,",'."v ·~!~"u·o&n~~~ 714 ·494-1652 (Days } S75. 54H 30i8 St"e U!> a hou t a prof1 lahl1' rw>~con btwn 2 • 4 ," I" °' • ...... '" A pll 8 t:uar$ol. h r. Call ht'\\1 Ji, ··~·" <V "•1' :<· l••f. E.•p••. p-f·•. Con· P onces 010 .,. S 1 R bl & rh;1l l\·n•·1n ••111•11ortun1 ''29 5 N•wpo•t Dl"d ~ ·~ • ·~·" .-or a•/ e••nna e &2f11r ;_1p pn t. ,.. ,... " ' • · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .. ...~ J,(J Hrs KITC!ll-:.\' t~ 111 our nrv.· apprnac·t1 lo Nt'"'l>Orl Beach. tact Jim Park. 644-~. Wt1lnut A rmoirc , Oak IL r:. S:l ll''i. For :111 111 -- -'"'----1 Westem Feder-al White Bltn Sto\'c. Gaffers Buffet w /beveled mir· !l i!I Oi-17 ~rf'rled Ad1..d1 Jo ~Ufl \' St tul!'nt:; .1t Lunch. 11 ~ hrs l)t•r1t ;1y 11 :111 10 1·ou . \I on. J-'r1 C"nt;1('I Bob Noel. On\'is ~hunl , ('~1 .')56 3430 *NEWS FLASH• Cai;hu•r 'l'rnl! s-11 5+ t:<w1I cntrv lt•\t•l po:-• 1t1o n. \\'Ill tr<i 1n rON1'ROL (,\II 1-:1.;n J<;mplo~ n1 ent As=cn•·~· .1•1110 I r \'illt'. Stt! !~JR Nwpt Jli•h 71·1 .')."iti·X.'iOS tr r\'\CW. C<1 II : s~cy (Bklcpr Savintp & Sa tller. l )'r. o l<.I ror ' l\1 ahogany hi-boy 673·7601 F:xrericncC'd . FU11 t ime. 2i4·1 f:.coast llv.·y Thermos. Cntrol "ven. ches t o f d ra wers . 11:1\'I' (Olllf'lhini.: )'OU Witnt ltl :-t·IJ? fl;1 s~1fil.'(I <id."l 1lo 11 Wo·ll 64 2 567M c• 1 I I Co•on,•"cl o'".·•" w/clock & timer, Very J\1aho g,n y vanil" r l rn ~Ir P bu~ ne.'l s . • "" '" • C lean. A ski n;! $7 5, /b 1 1 · ~ lr\'ln<'. SfiOO to SHOO de-Equal Op1Jor F.mplo)' P l eM se Ca l l l'~ll w e ve t'( mirror , l)C'nding on <'Xper. Send m il Square O:ik labl c . rl:'sumc to Ad No. S.1M. IJ ;)ily Pilot, P .C). Box Jft r.o. Co:;ta J\lr.s a, C.:1\ !12ti2!i ________ , SECY jRECEPT NecdC'cl by advertising a ,i.:l'n cy in Newport! lr,·1ne nrC'a . Good typ1n)! ~kills l'i'ISl'n tu1I . Phone fflr :111 a ppt, ~1.1-1322 THEW AREHOUSE RESTAURAHT BUSGIRLS l\.fu~t bl' able to work "'eCkd~y'I . Ar,ply Ill person . 3450 Via Oporto, N.D. Thur1> & f'rJ .. 4·flP M. .1 ~1 cFarland 8'18-16.16 492-3160 aft. 5 P•'I Sears Ois hwas h('r $100. Good Condition ~l oving, CO_~TENT~ of 3 Bil Apt. l\.l ust Sell 493·805tl l ll ~h qu:il1ty furn. St-c any day ri.9 pm, a ll day IFYOU have a i1e r vicc to orrer or goods to sell, place un ad In t h e Daily 1>1 101 Cla11si fi cd Section _ , • Phone 642·SG78. Mon . 67S·51RSor494·1577 G IRL'S white bdrm set. t win bed w /('anopy. 5 d r awer <lret!lc>r, des k . hutch, like new. $160. 6"4·9449 , ,. ·<> .. I 9434 SIZ ES 10~-20\/2 "" 11f ... ;_ 11T ... -r_ Princess linet flow Uk! Cfeam (but more thinnin~I down your 11gu1e. Sew this Seamed-Jn.Slim coatdrt~s lor fa ll doings. P1int ed P8Uem 9434: lbl f Sites JO'~. 12' J, 14 "2. l6Y:. l8V1. 20' ,' S11e )4~/2 !butt 37! lake~ 2-~il ya1ds 60-lflCh. Se"d S l.00 to1 eacl'I p1ttern . ,l.dd 25,. !01 each pattern !or flf~l-clas~ mail and h•"dling. Send to; --........ hpt...41 --J:JZ W..t l tMt SI •• """ Y.,.., MY 10111. Pri•I MAK ADHIS5. llP, SID •STYUMUMllL Do f lll kM• ~·w I• tit • ptlttr11 lrtt! Send 11tw lot 1ur new ran.wl"ltr ''"',,., C•l•IG1-cll~ coppon ln1l•t fi r fl it ~ltlt•n of ~our dltltt. Si n• 75i nowl S1w 4· Knit l ook _ 11.25 ln11Jrnt Mone~ Cr11tr SI 00 l•1!1n1 r1 1Mon l ook = s1:00 lntllnt St*ln1 look _$1.0G ·._:, ·. ,, .. '· '· ., . ·.· ... , '-\ Creal• conven.tion· with thi~ 11lltworthy p1[1ow pair! Spice a room wHh b1i!l~nt ripple pillo ... s -bold s!ar 02"! and square (17"!. Cro-chet both ol rug ~arn in vari1- tlons or popular rlppl11 5lilth. Pattem 7167: directions. 11 .00 fer each p1ttern. ,l.dd 25C eKh P•t!rrn tor 11rst<l115 mill and hand!ina;. S1nd lo: --tllo a n•o.,t.111 --... ,1.ow a....w... tt..Y ... MTIHll.Mlt ............. llp.P..._ -... MOR[ 11'111'1 t"ler before! 200 dt!lrns phn l free 1rin!ed In-side NEW 1976 NC DllCRol.fT CATi\LOG! Has everyth.n1. 7~f. Cttth1t wit~ s.~1111 _ Sl.00 Croch1t a W1~1-•1 _$\.00 flllfty FllTy Qullt1 -· _ Sl.00 11,,11 C11cll1t $1 .00 Sew + bit lo1k _$1.25 Need.l1point l ook _ $1 .00 now1r CrKhtt l ook .SI.DO N1r,,1n Cr•tMI look -SI.DO l111t.11t C11chtl look _$1,00 Inst.an! Macr11111 lo1k _Sl.00 hUllRI MclntJ look -$1.00 Co11pl1l1 Giit l otk SI.DO Co111pl1t1 AIJ~lftl 114 Sl.00 12 rrln Aflfltns 112 _so, lot~ If 11lvlll$11 50111! M1111111 1~111'"'11 _so• IS Q11U11 for foQy ''-"' IHk 11 II JllfJ lhtll _.50111! I I ' I ' J I Mltc1flaneou1 8080 Plano1 & Organs 'IO•O loafs, Sall 906.> Auto• for Sol• A.1,1·)os Wantt d ':>90 A:tC":. 1-:.ported ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED <~ru11 d l'~uni>, l>r1 i.:. C h lckl'ri n .:, beuu t . m11.h og . !17~·Htit1U & 644-11892 14 ' Uay S:ult•r "''1 lrlr. & AnHque1/ xtru11. Ask in~ SHOO. ~di Cla11lc1 9520 TOf• C1\SH DOLLA R PAID FOR YOU H JF;WELRV, WATCllEB, ART OBJEC"J'S, G<>LD IM!J·7S47 ult ~pn1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16' Ci\'1'1\1\IAHAN ·57 t.l <1t'r1 :. .\l1nvr \Vuody . UOA'J' & TR1\ll.t:H Sl50U 1·:ish or «Om pur.1 S lLVEll SE llVICE. S..wht9Mochh'llt 809) $87.5 5'if;,7!\0(; hit: trrid" & &'llH) r<1~h Xlnt t•und. •l\1!J<ey>3 A.:.k furSandy ltJ I :!.\~ FINE F U RN & 1\N · ••••••••••••••••••••••• TIQUES.646•2200 Porlulllc Fl!alhflrwci)thl '12 1-lohie 16 v.·/truill'r. Sln"t:r, Jui>t ovcrhuulu". Xlnt cond.$100J. Kl"lg Sz. Bed. ·New, con\· s100. 9fiJ.3Jll t "-'· ----'•_:i:1-~ __ plet.e, ii tll l pkgd. Xtru1 ---------I ()NE STOP l\li\HIN1': firm $190 l \~ionh $42$). Stt0rtlftCj Goods 8094 ~m1:1ll i;;..llhout repuir Qu Sic t170, usuully home, ••••••••••••••••••••••• O tass ·w0<Jd·lrtulcr iucldel.8J5·2'l63. L' I 'I b. 847 1"330,•>•1111 -----------1ror ~u c "I c11 r .u1t1. 12 · v-. .....,. TENNIS m embt!rship, top J;dUi!e dhl 303. l~nfield local c lub. ~1 ake offer, car bine. Mint.'193·41!il.."I. Kite 1200 : likc ne.,..·'. 833·3613or5l:U-780LI H11cini; c hamp. l'.ost Rec,.eotlonal Vehiclt!" 9S30 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DUHE BUGGY 'J'uhl' tr:unt· \\ f1hcrglai-s l.!1..:l.~, i-anrl !1n:.-. Eng lnl' rlt•t•\I ::, 11110 (11' \.\'Ol'k . l'l I EA I' I 5<1i'I H2XO, .==-:::.:;:.::;c::;::._='---1$140 S C(IT'J' ski boot:;i , SltlOO ; i;ell S85CIG75"·6161 Two .:rove spaces ror uiscd onl·e, $70. Xlnt beg. ----.-, ---:-S~OO . l'•t<'. View set : boots. skis, potes. IHAvi:;A'NEW56Ketch fl.1 emori al P ark. NU. l'vt $50. 645·141 !l lo s o in, wa ter tst. of Y.r . S~rts, Race, pty. J>h ; 1_222.5019 ------Would hkc to trade !\Hll Rod$ 9540 -"="-="'-'="-"'----112 G uu ~e S hotgun, Se:•rs int.: timl! now on !l irn lb1r ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIREW<>OD. $95 . cord . 66 ,\uto, venlt.>d rib, udj. ho;i l for future i1a1 h11g 1~ Lotus 51. F'ui'inuLi F, F'tee stack & delivery . choke. tJ111~d oncf". $85, time on my boat: with trader & flrl' i;u1t. 651·8694 or 657-7 tai nft. 6; JO pm. 536·7ff7!i 646·11123 Spu rl· r>arts. $1!)1)11, (71-l ) -----' 4!15 !187:1. Dl':L'rA 9" TAllLE SAW . S11va gc 20 g11ugc, 1n1mp KIT t: w1lh Ira le i' full y •GI). c.;ON Dl'rlON $11.i~i shotgun , like ne\\'. ex. eq uippt•d . Xl nt e11r11t 5·18·H30U t"untl , S75. ti41i.:150H SS25. 642·2!'1!17 . ------9550 Ot•i;k, c hest, nc~· dL•tul· .i\,\IF Pool 'f :1blt•, rugsi1.c . Cur. :!7, :1 s ;1ils, inlJuard ••••••••••••••••••••••• bolt, Chaprna n's ho11ting, compl w/euc raek, l'Ul'S. l'll.l(irte . $8.t:uo. UH.ON C C) 'fl7 . :-;ult tr)p. ('nd t<ibles, cherry tx..'CI, halls. 642-533·1 R'.17 ·1874. V-H. ·lji,1100 1111 , l'qu1pp1-·1J, -· · ---~ VEHY <'lean x:~:i :~111 !tug. H37 ·8163 POOL T ,\HLLO:. full size, 45 ' \\'ooden Sloop, l'UStom -- Watcrhcd $12!"1. l\lor s l' s la te bl'd. lik(' nl·Y,'. ni;.idc in 1 ~12!l. B1·;n1l. Sl'\\'ing mat"hiuc S·I ~. Bcl~ian balls. $'.MJO. l'all cond . !\c w int . New fnKks 9560 Oresst•r $15. Bookcase 1Jon-aft6,55U·40ti5 dil'S('I r ng, Muny xt ras. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S20. l\1ust sell 892-5861 S 8096 S3J.OOO C.i l·or gc. 5-1K-!17~n ~ wops ---- S alt Water Aquariums , •••••••••••••••••••••••loafs, Slips / l'.ompletl• :;;ct-ups y,·it h Trade $1200 C<i bin C'ru1 S('r Docks 9070 fi sh. l nl·h1's 2, 00 g~1 I , for your sr,01·ts Car .••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'H L'CKS ·VANS··1 \\' n ·s \\';1ntctl. C1!•:1n, late 1\-lrtl s Ca sh ~ UiS IQ;.I!+. Y.'t; l'AY CA$H F()j( lJSEl)('AUS PHILLIPS BUICK Pf1r-;1·1A(.'.tll'f:L l~ Al\r 1;.. P:1r kWll.Y l.l.l~Ull;'.I 1(1 11:. 837 2400 'l'H i.JCKS-V1\NS I \V l>'s W;n1tcd l'.lcan. l:Ht• ,\1dls (';i~h ! fi7:-11'>l-l!I AU 'r()S W A:..:·l'F:I>. 11nyth111g runu1n~ or not ' S25. S,'iil, SIOIJ l·,1.i-1 :)l'I'\ & grt'l'll ca~h ' 8!12 :1017 & ~92 70,17 PV'f' PA lt'l''lo' tlt't."'<l!oo f1•:..i- trani-11ur1:.it1on <·ar frun1 P P S;j/l :i;i:t3 TOP $ Paid F<>H Used VW 's Paid for or Hot 1 =m~=:1.1lMfl llunl 1\(11 10~ \l:l.'.> Atl as Cf l ass Tan ks . f''red.833·076:J,1.o;i15.3lJ:11 SLIPS Nc\v1:iortBcat·h '60 F•1rd a ..• ·r un l 'U . Ncktunit•s undergravcl -----------S;.ii!1irPoy,•e r "'/1n cta l toolbox. \'~.Autos, Imported filler s. Ehl'im o utside TV, Radio, ti7J.5is.:J auto. j i pl_y t1rl'S. S(:.J.u_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• fillers. Suprl·me heaters, Hifi, St•r'•o 8098 ---------1 54H·9555. IAustin·Heoley 9709 Silent Uiant uir pumps & •••••••••••••••••••••••Boat!, Speed & ••••••••••••••••••••••• nia ny xtras. Priced tu NE\V Com plete Color Skt 9080 ·(;8 CllEVY 1" ton. t<( lll•d, '{;7 3.000!\l K. Lo mi. r.1int i;ell. 615-2U4•1 1'.V. Rct·ording St-I Up.••••••••••••••••••••••• C;'.jmpcr s hell, 350 V:i'I, (•ond i\l us t sell. Hst ofr. l'. o Io r (.'.am c r a, 1914 Baylin<>r . 19' l n1n13e. ;iutu. p.s. 'p.b .. R&JI. air , 675-8fil7 H4•1-H7:!2. C,\Jtl;.t;·r . a\'o'"adn g rn Reeord c r , xtrH p l ay f;imiJy , pll•asure or ski 400 mi nn nl'\.\'c n;.:,t!'ans. --- shag n y lon S3.25 sq. ~·d. buck, 2 ·r .\'.'s, hghL<>, 77 hoa t, 135111> .Johnson, SI8~5-i\lus t sell this \\'k. IMW 9712 f .(·ft ovc rrolls.642~1_7_'7_ tapes. ix.sou. ~'alue. Sell Full c:inopy +boat cov-642-058 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c omplclc for Sl.i.20U er. Lots or xtras, S.1500. 13 l!:I C;i m ino, P /s, l''h. 752-197Uur fi44 -57Wcvl's. _58ii_·_o_20_7 -------I A l<-'. \'inyl top. 1'rlr hit ch. 4 & 5 DRW C h es t . 111 o torcV('le tires 1970 NcwpO rt Blvd '. C:-..1 {i4ti-2270 ----- Uea ut . whit e F r e nl'h Ski Boal y,•/outlxw.rd &: ,\m F'rn . S2~1QIJ_ S.1fi.:1!1!:J_ t•rov. Ste reo 1\.\-!J f.~1\I trailer . Xlnt 1.:undition. ·7u 'f oyota lli ·lu:< 1'.lJ. gd Fl a d i o C o n ~ o l e . C;1ll !''4H·tKJtiJ . t I k !\!UST SELL!! Antiqu ~' cone . Ill'\\' lr•• ·1·s. runs oakrollto11dcsk,"'"'"'ur i\l a g navox lnlpe ri;il. k well,hutnds ni·\.\'Slartl•r . t rr t "'°"';',. $4011 . o r best offe r . Bristo l S i Boat. 60 llP A k ' $95 AI . 11~~1;00~~;~k ~~f;~~·t~~\~ 646·62:!:! w trail er. Good Cund. ~.:1i'.:;;2 O. t. h pin. SB\15_ 4~4·5~80. $250 -lovt' seal. g1KKI loafs & Morine -----· . t'onrl. S_75 : ove~stuffed 1 Equipment '7 4 ToyOto PU <1 rm chairs (2) $:JO ea .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tr'ansportotion Short hed. mags & "'i1tc teak wit h gold l'loth i.rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• tire~.-raclio. -I sp. Ui:\l n11. l'hair $3-0 . 613-303 1 Gener'ol 9010 Moto,.cycles / ~lint '.1.'>2·1 597 L· , • • • •k d k r •••••••• • •••••••••••••• Scooters 9150 ---,-,\t'S1\l.l't' en s . ,\s or BOY •. lU . _. ·~6 c· t t• U ., ·i· ~colt. S<;< TS lll'Cu ho;:1ts ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, r or( ~ .-. · • ----~ ••nd ;:11rp l;1 nt·s. Tax ;i d-P\'t o wner ,75 B!\1W w c<im per _ SliOU or best 12 'x 12· c.•n1 cra ld rr11t. vanta gl's . 54ti·49'.AJ !JOO./G ful l ~tress 4 800 offer . 5:1fi·!JOOI I d '100 ' I ----------' ' ---~I· P.•• , S . , :.. ~·~ toy 15' hoat & lraill'r, 40hp miles. i\lany xtras. in· fans 9570 c 1ests.1S!O ea. i•ll sc sm&t ""\""'''" .... ,.,... or lnde cldng saddles. box stereo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I p p I a n c l' s . •J . "· """"" • d . . ]' I kit l'henwa r e ti75 -9ti62 for pick ·up of equal ra '.0· -~·1 .t:: .1J.! itc~. ctt'-74 Frd. \,'IL i.000 m1 . l'\'t•s · \'aluc. 548·1263 f\oh~st s.it·rifit·e. f!:6J9'l13. 1\11to. air . sliding sidt· ----------1 951.1·72'J!. c<1r~u d r . Xln! cund Bi\J{BEJ{'SCH1\lR 3_9 llP ~,1.0,rcury o~.~boarfd l!l-lfi lndi ·1n 500 molorev· $3 .7\M)cush, 4!t:J .. ll85. S5I. rnotnr 1 e ne"'' u.:st o · ' • · -----1. rt'rti75.·7557 · 532 .. lfiJ7 clc, $<150. Good cond. '70 0 d V 673·51.'>.1 ___ __.__ 645.3987 o qe on. A_P_P_R_oX-. -1;,o sci yd Boots.t:-taintenanc:Vc ·12 1'RI L'MPlt r.50 , . 1 S9so --:>4.s.7994 t•arpet, g reen & gold . St-r''f'ICe 020 cond, c~tra s, soOtig:i.'65 D<J~)GE \'an. :1spd,6 SADDLEBACK BMW EXCLUSIVE & DEALER • SERVICE FIRST • 11.UIBLE LEASE PLANS • 5 Year or 50.000 Mile Warranty Available on a ll New BMW 's . J1402 Ma p1rft. ":wyl ~ ........ ...., lll•2f40 .4tMt4t LIM ........, P-*w41Y ldl o,..s...,. ........................ A.uto1, lmporled A.wto1, Uied A.wfo5, lf1ed Mercedes Bt rn 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Volkswagen 9770 Chevrolet 9920 ford 9940 L•aaa • •••• •• ••• ••••••••••••• ~ ... ················•·••··· ....................... . u U d 1 1 V W 1'1\.SEI. Va11 , ntW • se rchlt l'lll!. :\e11, hr.kl·<> OVER 100 t•ui,;t in t S l .~lo .'o4H 71:."J MERCEDES 37 \'\\' Bus. n •lill t·l'I~ ONOISPLAY n••\>,' 1Jrk:-1ht1l\, t:u1HI Houst of lmpor+s ti rt·:-, extr;1 s N:J.'i J>I' Al 'T II 0 11 IZ~:I> 5·11; !'.IS!i-l :\1 EHCEllJ·;S JIEAl.1':1< lo'i 1r :-<i le '11 V\~' r;un111-·1· . tl8G2 :\1 ;1 n~·ho:i-1 "r, "11 h :-i dt• te nt, i.:ood l '-1111t Bul•11,1 1':1rk rad1uli-. 58ti U:r.'.'> 523-7250 73 Mercedes SLC Coupe '7 1 Su p1!1' J-t u g . 1":'11 rnull 1plt·x. f.1 l'l . ;_11r r;id1al:o;, l'h•i•n $ltiUU Firm 0 14 ,152Rl•\1" ·70 VY.', .Xlnt cunt!, fl·e1·nt rbll cng, ncy,· p:unt, :\•li- !\YllL·ro. 513.'>ll 5.'J'i ~3 Volvo 9772 ........................ CONNELL CHEVROLET ~.\l.1-'.S K: Sl-:11\"I(' F: 2828 Harbor-Blvd. ('1IST \\JES.\ 546-1200 '1;:1 J11qi .. l:1 .'\u 11ro·.., !"<Hid :,:.!.111 11:,[.,\r :-,:~1. ~··ll~J. ·I)\ Fnrfl \1 l.!11. i\i'ol l".\1 , \[1·rH l'olld r ll'f·i-, ~hork~ nu t.11 i'i·IK Ki li:l l:i ~'urd (;.ii I i\r ln1 · r11 ;1r 1\1r, I'S. I' H. ~•01\. ~:!1)~n.1 "rt l'r 1•r 1l'l y 5;,7 Ii i.'!:~ ·1;·; Fr1 rd i ;J l.•"1 fi.IMI i\1110, ;ur l'OIHI , \l11l l1\111~1'l1l't '-.11)11 ~51; 11 I )II '1;7 t ·c1t·,'\TliY Sq. H&ll. :Ill' ()fl ~ (1Y,1Ll'f, i.:d I) fl''>, I> 11 ~.:1.11."> Chrysler 9925 Mercur-y 9950 ............................................... \~Jt:I ·'''"" Yurko•f' \\':1:.:1111 Uuni-l.'.tJ11d .\l.1k1• .. 11«r (';di 111.;.i !~!21'1 1'\d l~ l'ql11ppl'1l 111 lktJn J!Old with full 1n;d1oi.:ony· leathe r 1nt1·n .. r .• ~ 11·:-i- tap 14 ,Ullll 11111~·:,'. '7·1 \\'A(;():\ :!.:"!111)) rn1 'Ii~ ('l ll<YS, nu1" gocul , <I \:\1 F:\l 1 . ...,. \li •h l·\l,i-pt.".•k••r..,lr•111t,'l.:rl' ~JI • I • • '1 1 ' l II '"1' 'I .,'!~' ~\! :\1 \HlJl'lS <1 ~Ir, lull p11 r. :i11', <11 :-<' IH'kcs. tilt i-ll••·r·;..: . \'11\) I lop. l·h· Xl11I . ('\!!Id . :)1 ,:5~; ... 1 ... 41J2·147~1; l ) arbnr. I.' \1 ' .31-1276 ~~~ 450 SL S1l\1·r hlk int. Stereo. 1-ru1i-t-1·011 trol, ell•(·..., 1ndo\\'" I .in-.•l ,I/,/ lik-' rH'\I ;,;17 !l:l llJ !MG 9742 . ...................... . l~Hiti \!(; ;\l 1d~t·l ~ourl . :1.·1 fll P~­ •i15 :•Hfiti '60 MGA Hun~ S!lOO . 1;15 :i:}8:1 MG8 9744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1~ c;·r Xlnt . co nd . ,\.\'IJ t':\I . (Io_ 523 .03011Ext.2"ll Opel .liJ i'ol liU S~!tMJ 9!lM·28.SM ---1 9746 ........................ '7() WaL'.nn. re1l , 25-:lll mpg. $1100. C:.11541i 7725 '72 \V ;\(;()i'O ,\u1u, P 8 . A;\1 V t\! l'a 1'.~ stereo. -111.\J , Xlnt conrt. S!,800 I ' l' ~17lJ·UK2o ult S '66 Cadette Wqn. SlOO 613··1l;'l3 Porsche 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 61 9 l!S '1':1r g:1. ;..ir . Am f'm . 5 SJ)<I. lrnma c. Cond . lla y 6·15·519 1, f':ve s . ti4tl·13(iti. --- 4pm. ----- tircs.tii3·H5 1 J&;,~;.:u ~;:: j ' ,-.. ... , ·''--· ' ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO WE STILL HAVE 5 Val•os Lett at Pre-Increase Prices Come in Today Buy 1)1' '75 Volvos Buy Or Lease La,.qest Selection or USED VOL VOS Comet l'or l:tH'\ 1•t \1"~ a11d olhl•r Pinto 9957 lli-l.'d l'ot ri-,'(,: 1rll<·k ~' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll C1\V 1\H ll ~'h'.•1 1·0.li•I , '71 l'l\.l'!I, xlnt , 1\:\1 F;\l [)o\'1• & (lu all .SI ~ :'\t•.11' ~1<·reo t;ipt• ~71KI ,\llt.•r .Jamh11re 1•, 111'1:-tol, I\. ;1pin, 1'7 :1 ;,5:u; :\l a t:A r thur. :\cl\'pu1·1 Be:H·h. XJ:l o;ir•:" Oodqe 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1;:1 Uo<l i.:t.• U :irt. :iillo. lran:-tn 1ssH111 . b l'~ I .. l'~ •· .. th·nt l r;1r1.~11ort;1 t1111i. s:1:1~!. li·H~·l4:J.111 Jllr 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·lii'I F'ord 'J'orinu <;·r l'S.l'IJ. ;1uto lr<1ns. ::;7;;, ul' h~t offi.•r K47.:ll!J7 -I \l u ~t s l·l l' '7:! 1:r 1) Urougham . ~(Ir h:irdtnp, air. P 'B, I'\\'. am 1n1 stereo. \·1n y l Ll}p SHl5l1. or best u(ft:r , 1:";.'i-8'ili 7~ l'111t1J . :111 t q ,1 I r :\111 Fn1. nu p.i111t . ~1 :i:1a !)·lfi .. \t)l'.l ~ .. :,Iii 77ii\ Plymouth 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATLAS Chrysle r' ;Plymouth ()pen Dady,'!< Sun 111 111 P;\1 2!t2\l ll:irhor Hl\1 I , l'oi-t:t :\h•:-,1 546-1934 ·1;;, \',\l.L\~'I' 111 ;.:d. ~·1111d $0.)U, ·7.1 FOHD CoUlll'I' I' li. 1i:1 l'ly 1nouth 1 dr. f1 1ll "'Perris \';ille~ l':1mpl•r po\\l'I' ,'(.: :1 1r. r11 n :, & new radial tin::-:. ::28.SO . )Jl'rfl'i'I Sfi7:l . t>lf1 !'l!il I (;all 644 ·407!1 Pontiac 9965 l\lUST Sl'll '7•1 F·or1 I \';111. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4500 m 1. li ke nu xl111 ,;i-; Lt· !\!ans'.! dr hardlu11. cond. Cust l'UI pancllint: arn fin ra~l10, :J:a; rl'bll pa rt. i nst. i\utn. air . auto. I \J\\lll'r .'\Int l'nr A!\·I F!\1 ~terco t apt•s,e:-.-Si 50 ur hl'~l ufl'l'r . tras. ,\ft . fiP;\\ S.'l3UIJ lH:! .. l llil &~i l>'l·•;i:lii. !l68-G962 SIOO.!J68-9518 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1000 .645 .1 7 1 1'! (')'l. ti5,(!llU rn.1. ma_gs. Sco'Jio Marine steel radiuls . :'\l''ol.' paint. --------.,,---1 ·55 SC Pprschl• Coin\ l'rl 1 '" ORANGE COUNTY 'fiS !<',\I.CO,'\ \'·!:LA T. ·l dr. S.150. ti·12· 1·17:i -ti~ P<>;".;'J' l'f/11\·l·rt. xh11 runr11n :.:. <'Otld. nc"' hrks ~:!.'1 or uf! l' r :ji:I· 757:' \VOOD Exec. desk. $50. E •n ·t· c·1 1972 \'arnaha 100!\TX, $1015 .. "1:!6·Hl'!f\5 Wood s"'·ivcl chr. ~o. fi ' ng1 e-;11 1os·r·. ec. f Fire Sys ln1 ·P lmh'J! beaut . hike." gas c<1n & : • -Sur board. i,;:d. l'und. S60. Hefrg.freeestS48-!17~ t ie doy,·n ,1:)>12-!)8.14. 1,8 Dod g e \'~n . VM No. lSOChild 'sskis$7.50. _________ ----Automa t 1e . Canip l~r ski boots. 3 prs. S.U'.1·1721 \' ACHT R Ef.JNISHING ·73 Honda t r!. 70, ex1·. equlppl•d. $875. G-12·1 ~15 • ---·------S6 hr Othe r "''rk a~ r e <-·ond. 200 r111. S!15 . '74 :---. -D ID-• ~-S • \'A :\1 1\KI llstring G11it;1r · . . ., · llondaJSO ·l eyl.less 4.000 67 ( J., r~ . unlin L·r No 240 g l , d L'd" asonahle.1-rceestunates · Sporlsrnao canlpc'I' \'an, . t' boo, <. cEon . •' 1cs li45.9285 mi . m an~ extras, ex . N'"'\\' 11 .• ,, .. •"•In ". ,,·,,k. nr1ng ts . ng.sz.7l2, conrl .St ,Ooo.979·9659 '-' · ~ .. - brand ne"" 640-1201 Boat5, Pawer' 9040 ----he:id, !oihll', hl'd. Xlnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7U SUZ l lJO & 71 YAJ'i1 . l'011d . Sa eri fi<·e Sl :l5U, Cout:h & 1nat<"hing lu\-l' . . _ t :\lini f.:n rluro, both xtra 644 -IOSS seal SISU. !\ft'XI C:<lll r llg. ()\.I.en C'<J bln crtuser. 1959. -------- . nl'Y,', $20. Nl'::.to l·lel' JO' VllF r a dio. canvas clcai~S250 ea.96l:l·2J9l Autos w ·anted 9590 ' \. ste rn room . Twin 28 · f\OND t d ro;.istcr, gc, $15. i\-1st•. . 74 1 A 150. x ntcon . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 551·1401after 6 & ;ill day e ngines. 55,500.55l ·349: Sl .500 o r hcs t offer . WE p ,\Y Tl)P l>OLLAH \\·ecke nds. ·1:1 Tt)LL Y CR .. \F·r JO' -64fi·Hl30 aft 6P!\I }~on TOP US E l) CARS Dr;ipcs 74x96. 60x00Gold ' Express 1''/B, twin Chry . 72 Yam;1h a 115 1\IX. 14 FOREIGN. OOi\-11-:STIC 0 ' I 1 00l-l rs .~3.:l00.M9·2381 Y•m"h ,·• 12, End"·o orCL.ASSIC5 orn;:!. rn g amp, ing " " ' If your c;:i r is extra c lean e<1ne Imp. N /1nur tabl 27. Tv.'in Sere"' CEN · Dirt. S.IVO euch. &11).4013 sec usfirs t. •1\M-7954 TUH Y S po rts f>'ishe r, on-& 548· 776·1 BAUER BUICK Solid t l';1ky,•ood bar ly une on west l'oast. ·70 45-0-H~r~do1K-l.·1500a ('-I 2925 Ha rborBlvd. 3ti ''x4U''. V -M r eenrol Dual Station, boat tank. tual milt>s. xlnt cond. Costa i\l esa !179·2.'){)(] playe r and s peakl·rs, bi lge, blowers. outrig · Bestoffer.536·1675 -------- l'ar\·ed teakwood nes t gcrs. pole holders. bili:e ---TOP DOLLAR tablcs.4!J3.0879 p umps, e n g ines just '13 PF.:NTON 175. fas t . PAID tuned & bottom painted. c lean. reliahl~. extras Al Owners Dock.673·8051 ~95. 636-2151 IMMEDIA.TEL Y Ml;•lloneous 8 ~r (2t3 )749·4445 SlJZUKl 'l'!\11 25 Bo,i.:t.· FORALL ••••• ~~t.~~••••••••~? •• ~ 35· H01\T -Looks & runs s hoeks. DG hcail. lot s FOREIGMCARS like ne"' ·Twin Diesel more! S450. 5-18·5')18 a t't 6 CALL OR COME IN SS CASH SS FOR Owens llrigitinc. fully Good used fum/rehigs loaded. \Viii sell or tradl' LOOI\ INC; For a nc"' 350 TO SEE US Frzrs /stoves.MS.0768. for income property 0 to 400 l~onda , ·7 1 o r Watt,. Bed Heater'. house. :\~ent.492-6643 newer. \\filling to 11<1y ---app r ox . $500. St"o tt 642-3963 14 ' 1\LUJ'il Slarcraft. 61-IP Brown 642-1559 ----1 i\1crc. Ly,•Jn O/B, all fi s· ----------- It a t t a n , B a m b o hini!: & Coast Guard ex-Motor' Hom•5, f'urniture. ·50.•50 style . tras. Perfect. S55()/best. Sal•/Re-nt 9160 Lamps, etr. 5·15·r.-030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 496·2'175 ----B&D Motorhomc Rentals, 2 R · !\I 0 .\J TE R 1': \' 1!185 !~arbo r Bl vd, Costa Musical Character boat. 2 cyl. !\I csa,6·16·9611 ln1trum•nt1 808) J·lie ks eng. that y,·ill blo't\' --.-------- •••••••••••••••••••••• your mind ! $3.500. Min· Tr'all•r'I, Tr'avet 9170 1790-1195 Violin . Klol n l'y 's \'ac ht. S ale s.••••••••••••••••••••••• S c hool . (:ermany . ~·172S '6119' N(IRRIS, sips 4. Ouls tunding tone a nd . -Self-cont 'd . Gd. cond. NEWPOl\T !Mf'l Jf\TS 3100 W.C..sl Hwy. NA 642 -9405 Orange County's Hi9hest $Buyer on Imports Bill Moxey Toyota Call Roger or Bill CREVIER $1 SI & •ROADWAY SAH IA AM A 835·3171 TH( ULTlt.t•TE DRIVING ~A.Cl11N£ blc & l lardtop. xlnt (·un<I. SS300 ti75-32111 '67 P<>H SCHE ~Iii!. xlnl con<l . white \\ lblat·k int. oe"' C'l ulch. 67:1-3!167 '6i 911 . F:xceptiunal eondi· \!Oil. $4.900. --------1 551,SH."l!J. ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST ei Sa les-Scrv i cc-LC.asing Roy Carver, Inc. Rolls 1io ~·~c.· B:\t\V 234 E 17th S1 . Cost:i \l csH .'>IG·•144,1 ---------1 Rolls Royce ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ROY CARVER ROLLS· ROYCE 23•f.17th St. COSTA MfSA s•~-''"" Cl OSfO SUNOAYS Datsun 97201------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stutx 9761 \\'11.1. Bt;Y \'()Ult D,\l'SUX. TOY()T/\, CJR \'()L K S\\1/\G F:N P AID !"OH Olt N<)T. T OI' O(ll.LA B CALL S1\I. B1':B:".'\DENF. 5·1fl-tH·12 ~ 19i3 2411 Z. h.1 s n1 a ;.;s . A:'ol 1':\l . COL'Uil Brn .. 1 s1><L A t:. $4 .~:,(l .'l:.2 i(~M . !i9 Oa t. St11i . \\'ag, \·t•r\' ni ce car. T rude for 11i(•C Kurmann Ghi;1 1;.12.:J<J8.'> ;\l nrn . or F.\·c·:.. 260Z AUT<l. im n1uc. S."149.'>. P1·t 1>111·t). 835·-1665 duy?>, 77-2-27 1'1 l'\'('S '13 PU, L'USI. shell~~ hoot. c u!';t . tire:-;. :1m fn1 s tereo. S2815. or !Jest of- l'er . 830-5100 Fiat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE FOR Orange County <¢tMJ AUTHOllZl:D s.aa.-. & Senrk• DAYE ROSS POHTIAC-STUn 2480 Harlior Bl•d. royoto 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHOICEOF30 \'olvo Dir Since ·51:; ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ge-neral • •••••••••••••••••••••• Auto ln5urance Going up Again? If ~'ou ·rc <1 gd. ctri\'t'r. call us fnr a quolation y,·ith n o obligation! 549·238l AMC ••••••••••••••••••••••• '&I 1\mbassador Luxur,.· l-l<1 rdtop. nit:l' cond. $725. 847-5883 ·70 llornet. ;.iuto1n;.itil·. 6 cy l., lo miles. l'lean. 51699. H•IK·8J4U Dir. '72 G H Ea1 LIN X. imn1at· .. air , auto, P •s. 258 l'..I.D. S2800. 644 ·8107 Cadillac 991S ••••••••••••••••••••••• CADILLAC Over 70 to choose frnm. From Sl9!l5. G:\1 /\C Financ ing&: Ll'asi ng. Nal:iei:s CadlHac 2600-l!Yd. r-. ...... ·5409100 1--------- 'tit; R,\NC l l F:HCJ C;1n;1ry \'cl lo\.\'. ll ad1u. 8 ·rr:1t k ·rape. very l'k•;1n . lR + ;\·JPG. Dir. Li e. '1'5295-1. f>46·8 17Ei '10 Ford, fal'tory ;.i1r. lik e nc"·· satri lict· SIOUO !.162·755ti i\IL'S'J' S ELL~ Ck•;iu 'l~t C;.ital1n :1 . Auto. :ur. c.\ r han;.?e V .Joi n1utor S'i.~ bst ofr ti·L:! l'.!T:! Vega 9974 . ..................... . 1!111 VF:<;:\, good ovl·ralt l'Ond . hut nct·•ts 1:11;.:. ll'Ol'k . Sl'llltJ. 584.i· l·UH 9800 A.uto1. N•w 9800 Since Maida began its $500 rebate on 1974 rotary-engine cars, Maida has outsold almost every other import in the United States. -~~ ~~ -· que lit v . Musicians ;l 970 18 STARC RAFT Sl.19.'i . 552·0259 aft CollectOrs o nly . Pric C ab i n .\111 /trl r. ~2_0 4:30 Pl'Yl St 850.00 firm. Please Me rcCr111 ser .110 . SIS. . . write Classified Ad ~537, Xlnt . cond. Llttle used. Pro"'•ler Trader 15 . Daily Pi lot , J>.0 .Box $2,950 .499·1439 Elect.-br~s .. porta polty, 15110, Costa l\tesa, Ca. 31 · Be rtra m Sportsfishc-r F.zy hft h__:tch. t>48-02M2 ____ 8·17-855.'i ___ 1 ••• •• •••••••••••• •••• •• Fl>H Tll t: llf:Sl . llf''.AL i\N\\\.111•:1-<1': '75 Y2 Toyotas Here Now '74 De Ville. t11kt· o\'er ll'OS(' or bu~' :tl loy,• h<iok. 152-1910 nr 1;4.1.57119 t•\'C~, RX·3 Wogon . Th e lowe .. f · priced rotary·c ngine wogon. vet s o well e quipped tho! automat ic fro n ~1niss i on, air conditioning, and radio ore it s o nly loclory options. 92626. r eady for ;ilbacore . ,\ft. Auto Service & DEAGAN l\.lurimba, like llpm. 675·8226 Ports 9400 new Cost S.100 Sell ~00 . -••••••••••••••••••••••• . · · 16 Stare r aft & 40 I-IP <>B " . -. cash. ·194·76&1 motor. Xlnt. Bes t off ..,pec1<~h ze 1n Blue C~ral -----675-7557532-16.Tl \V ax1n l!. S hampooing l\1ini Slt'inway upright. Uph ol s ll'ry. A.M .V, G?od condition. 3·6pn1 1oati,R•nt/ Aulomotive . Free 54a-'14lfl Chor'ter' 9050 Pic kup & Delivery. 2910 Pe avv i\l 11 s ician ••••••••••••••••••••••• v..·. I s l At . St. S .1\. Amplifier 400 series & ORONADO 35, Sail, by1 _54_l_·•_9_3~l ~T~o~m.c.. ___ _ FREE APPRAISAL We buy user! cars & truc k s . C;1ll GRC)TJ.I CltY..:\11{()LET for ;i free appraisal. GH()TJl l'.llF.VROLET 18211 Beach lllvct. tluntington Ucach 847·6087 M9-3331 SELLING YOUR CAR? TOP PRICES PAID f>~or l1nports Pairl for or Not De-un Lew is lmporfl 1!)6til-l arbor .C :\1 . fi46 ·ll:le"l:I G~1ild ~ollow body e!ec -day wk . or m onth . 07015KellySpringfield8" tnc go1tar .~ case. Xlnt 71<1 ·:125-l3J,1 front 10., tiac k. Deep dis· cond S600. Rick 675·5555 -ll A R T E R 1 he 5 2 . hmag 498-3158 art5PM 1-;=::;::::;:~~;;;;::=:=:=:l:;:::;:::;:::~---;:--~ -----------1 l'f o t o rs a iler ··nu c·I . Offlctfornltwe& <•n ee '"· Do y>. TAR GA'ZEK• .. ,. ~pment 1015 we e kends, a ny lin1 e . F '-='"-'"-.---ll)·lLt.Y R POLI ,~ ·······················1-&4_2_·_69_8_0_______ J:). Exe sv\ chr11 $l5/35, se)' chrs R & up, scy dks . M11ch ine C\'rs. Pierce·86i W.19th, C ~1 . 645·7411. 12'' l~a min nting Machine. Good con1I. $1000 new. Asking $700. 64().4444 , 9·5 33' ALOAST/SOs'I 32'TOLL\'T tSGos 28' CONT. Sail 23' VENTURESail l<l '-18' HOBIE CATS Nat'I Crui1'i ngClub, NB 3333 W .Ci;t,Hy.831·0281 "THIHK HEAi" om 100 i:;i llnns or frr t• 1:;·~ y,·ith Uu~ ;1d & p ur< h;1~e of au) nt·"'· F IAT "HEAi" FRIEDLANDER 1:1750 Bo·at·h 1\1\11 Y..'t>st 1n ins t1•r 537-6824 gasn In Santo Ano Complete Focilltles Sales, S~ice lea1in9. U5ed Con Dick Miller Motors gasn 1211 \V \\':1rnt•r i•I So ~l.1111 S:!.01~1 i\n;1 5.-1i·21;.12 Kar'mann Ghia 973S ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 V, Sharp. NU .. P~T .. tireii , muffh•r. XJot ltf';(;. One owner. :~ust set·. P .r . -19i·1Si7 M•,.c:edes Bena 9740 C ome in Test Drive Today Buy '" Lease 72 1>:1dorado. like nr w. 37,000 mi. ll'<tlhl'J'. t'l'Ui"'' control. loc1dcd. S4800 or hcs l ofr l'\'l , I'! 1'. 714·638-171>!1 . ·12 C;ul Eldor:ulo Lo n1 i. full pwr. Orii.:. oy,'ni•r S.1.000 . 5."12-4220 1\ft 3 1'~1 '73 CP I': dl'Villl'. hlk \ invl top. hlk lt•ath\•r, I\;(', hill J)OY,'t't' $1300 . (7 1•1) <193 212r. ~erutleroiA ~TOYOTA !9M Horbo1 r I,\ />.\/, 9101 "i3 r-:1 Ooradn CarC'f\1llv dr1 vcn S: r11 ;1int1llneri. 1971 Cehra · .~.ooomilPS. Local car . All extr<is. In Uood condition. ·19-1-5452. mi. must sell Lhis wke nd. --· -557-fl349 '70 To vol a ('orona 2 dr ------- hrdtp: ;n11om:1t11•, ·s.1 Ci\IJ. l\-1 u:;it sell this Call !J~ill 71H·l \\'Cl'k. Cood l'Ond. lles l ---offer. 640·700'! Volk1wogen 9770 ------ •••••• •• •••• ••••••••••• Chevr'ol•t 9920 REPAIRS-SERVICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• F.xch :in ~~ & Hebui Ids '63 I :\1 p A L1\. lll'W v 8, BHOC)l\l.\''.'<BUGl'.O. trans. H t·nd. ptunt. t'OV· ~:st1nl :1t\•S 548 -91 41 crs. St·ll 1tradc ~·y(•l c, --615·1393 VW fi c p<J1 r. fuetory --- t rt11nrcl. frr1· 10.,.,·1nir. 1 "S7 Chev~'. ·I door y,·agon, yr. :.:11arantl't' Stop 1n1y-Good body_ no dents, 1n g h 1~h Pfll'l'S. ('ht't' run~. VS 1\01.0. S22..'>. C1tll mine fi r11t. 5.'Jfi-9300 nrtcr 8pm . 6<16-7'.~ 66 C ampf'r, 12 \'oll . ·74 1\IONTE C.rln. li ke broke n e n .:111<' $87 nl'.'.,..'.loadcd .hl"''n1i W.·8R85 646·8 Hl2 ,\ M 1;45 5()93 a lt,.rfi 1'~1 llX •I SIOl•OI'> Wo9on RX ~ Ho•d!op (n•t n $1rn 11 •bul+• rllf'" I Ir · IH f,1 11/r/.J (')rlllll)'ll•"IJ /,!1(1<11y•!••!ltl"'''"I'' l'l•l'l•"I t'I ,,,.dr111, 11nd 111"!•' 111 ti"' ''"''"'Y \Nrtl1 fl QI l•I J! I •I ·ii<)( !I 1•! ,. 11 '11 (I .. 'Y' "•I 1 .. t' !1• t .. VJ"( d y1-iu• d• 1•;1 11 .. 1.,.111• rit ,1 .,., "' ,,,,1111 Y"11ll ·•,.iv•· .i l 1u1dlo• 1,+1 +1 111'VJ '/11 11 h1ly "il<j+tl" l\\,11d 1 "ljlnj j •"l ti" V<'llY y1i11VJ<Jl111t. \•/l ,ii, ill'•'·"f pl ~ \11 1 y,.111 <> 11> !111· '1"'11"v 1·•-il1 M ·l!1l•1 .1Hrl y o11r r• I!\ 1111• !• ""''!' V1'll1 II', <>I\ ti·" ''11·111 dt>ol \'I•· II r11uk• · 71111'''1.·1 ~ • . ;; ( THE BEST PLACE TO SAVE '73 MERCURY COMET Economical 6 cylinder engine . automatic transm1ss1on, radio, healer. A very nice one owner automobile from Laguna Hills! ( 11 7KEK) FINE USED CARS '72 MERCURY COMET Only 13.000 m;les, small economical V-8. automatic transmission, power steering, AM/FM . etc. Absolutely spotless! (132FXP) $AVE '70 FORD V2 TON PICKUP W /Camper Shell V-8, automatic. power steeri ng & brakes. ca mper s pe c i a l p ac k a g e etc . Exceptional condition. (40276E) '74 CHEVY V2 TON C-HEYENNE '73 COUGAR 6'h l oot b ed with camper shell. V-8. XR-7 a u t o m a t i c A be 1.1 1 1 b'I 'th transmission, factory au1uauomo 1ewi . d 't ' · copper tinish & white vinyl air con 1 10.n1ng, roof white leather interior. power steer1 ng & AM i FM stereo. & only brakes, tilt steering 33,000 miles. (7-48HPCl whee I. ch r om e $AVE '73 LINCOLN MK IV Gold Glamour Leather Interior. Vinyl roof. AM/FM stereo. till wheel. cruise control. a sharp luxury car with low miles. (389KXT) '72 CHEVY NOVA Only 27.000 miles! New tires & complelely tuned. This car looks & runs like new. (382EKDJ PRICED RIGHT! bumpers & all the goodies! (0 1680$) s4995 '73 OLDSMOBILE 98 SEDAN Sierra tan-with wood grain vinyl t op & matching interior. full po wer , facto r y air conditioning , t i lt s teering whe e l . AM /FM stereo. etc. Exceptionally c lean! (197GRP) .. ONLY s3795 · COME IN TODAY! THEODORE ROBINS FORD CLEANUP SPECIALS! ·.i_,EW 1975 llllTO 2 DR. 2 30£~ ! ~?. ~O cy1. • 378KW B/S/W, 4 spd., front~ rear bkl. seats, bmpr. guards, Calif. emiss. cont. (5R10Y157361 J HEW t97S MAVERICK 2 DR. 53099 250 CID 6 cyl. eng., A78x14 B/S/W, FRONT ANO REAR BMPR . GUARDS. Calif. emiss. oont. (5K91L 143912) HEW 1975 MUSTANG II 2 DR. HD. TP. 53599 2.3 liter 4 cyl. eng .• 4 spd., bkt. seats, steel bit w/W. rad io, Calif. emiss. cont. (54R02Y152398) 8 MUSTANG ll's . TO CLEAR YOUR CAR IS HERE! OVER 400 HEW 75's R.EADY TO ROLL ATTHE GREATEST DISCOUNTS OF OUR 54 YEAR HISTORY ' ., /I ' " • • -c: .n • ::r II ~ • I ~oi .. .. . -· I ;111V1 -•I t ~ ca o ::::r • ... . , ' I " • ·' LESS XLNT USED CAR TRADE -INS '74 BUICK REGALCPE. Landau top, full power & air. (486JFH) 53888 •73 BUICK APOLLO HATCHBACK Power steering & brakes, air. (347HZZ) '69 BUICK WILDCAT Full power. factory air, like new! {701EOR) '74 CADILLAC ElDORADO . Has everything! ( 183JPYJ '74 CHEVY BEL AIR Full power, f actory air. (058LIE) '74 PONTIAC VENTURA Full power. air. (094KAH) 53222 '70 PONTIAC GTO Full power. air. (YRV890) 5 1666 SPORT CARS PRICED TO SELL '72 OPEL GT , 4 speed. (805FYW) '74 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER VELOCE 5 speed, custom wheels. only 2,000 miles. (33 1MPTJ '71 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 4 speed. (583FPL) '66 PORSCHE 912 Like new! {205KBY) '61 JAGUAR I SO Fixed head coupe, sharpest in area. (0HW557J '64 JAGUAR 3.8 MARK It Automatic, w ire wheels. {0MJ336) • ._. •. Ill < Ill Ill .. ft .... 00 c: -;I • I BUY or LEASE a ·second car with a 6-foot trunk! :/J.~ C\~~ B\Tust1er ·. HEW 1975's & A FEW DEMOS! MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEKEND • ./ "74 610 COUPE Automatic, radio, .Jl2658 53795 • ./ '74 6 t 0 4-DOOR Standard transmission, radio. #2830 53295 • ./ "74 710 WAGON Automatic, air conditioning, radio. #02930 53895 XLNT VALUE TRADE-INS '73 DATSUN PICKUP Automatic. custom interior, radio. #2613·R SEE TO APPRECIATE • '73 PINTO RUNABOUT Automatic, air conditioning, radio, one own er , lo w miles, #2664 ' 52395 • '73 DATSUN 610WAGON Automatic, radio, clean. low mites, hard to find! #2733 save save '74 CHEV.• LUV PICKUP Less lhan 11,000 miles, Makado pkg., step bumper. very clean. (63627X) $AVE '74 PONT. GRAND SAFARI 9 PASS. WAGON Auto trans .. factory air conditioning, power steering, power disc brake s, p owe r wind o w s. power seats, rack, stereo tape, tilt wheel, very clean. (061 FFUJ '73 MERC • COLQUY PARK 10 PASS. WAGON Auto. trans.. factory air condi?i oning, power s t ee ring, power disc brakes, power wind ows. stereo r adio, rack, very low mil es. (062GMH) s3539 '72 PONT. SAFARI 9 PASS. W.AGOH Auto. trans.. factory air conditi o ning, power s te e ring, power disc brakes. power windows, rack . tilt wheel. (749GBC) & More ' • _....__ __ _ Laguna/South Coast VOL. 68, NO. 240, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA T'oday's Closini:; ~:\'. Stoeks THlJ.RSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1975 TEN CENTS Ex-Battin Aides Ten· Ca1npaign Roles By GARY GRANVILLE Of I,._ D•Ur PlloCIWff Grand Jury transcripts not yet made public show lhal seven former members of indicted Supervisor Robert Battin's stafflestified they worked on Batlin's unsuccessful 1974 campaign for lieutenant governor on Orange County government lime. And a s tale auditor·investigator estimated that Orange County taxpayers paid al least $4 ,107 in wages alone lo help finance Battin's ill-fated try for stale of- fi ce. THE ESTIMATE of what former Battin staff membe rs were allegedly paid for actually working on the campaign was made by Ronnie Ament, an auditor-investigator for the Attorney General's Of- fice. Ament's $4,107 estimate is included in 687 pages of testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared before the Grand Jury during its investigation into Battin's 1914 bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for lieutenant governor. As a result of its inquiry, the jury indicted Battin earlier this month on charges of grand theft, misuse of public funds and multiple counts of filin g false claims. BA1TI N HAS PLEADED innocent to all charges. lie was scheduled to appear in court today with his at- tomey, Matt Kurilich, in a bid lo qu ash the indict· ment. While the s tate auditor-in vestigator estimated what the taxpayer s allegedly los t in campaign \\'ages. no value was put on paper and other county supplies witnesses said were used in Battin 's campaign. To estimate campaign wages allegedly pai<l the former Battin staff me mbers from 1\·t arch I, 1974. through June 4, 1974 , the a ud itor : -DEDUCTED $1,450 paid them in June of 197'1, by the Friends of Batti n and subtracted that amount from what otherwise would have been paid them by the county. <See BATTIN AIDES, Page All Israelis Attack Lebanon; 3 Die o.au, P'i.t Staff ....._. MICHAEL RICHARDSON TREATED AT ACCIDENT .SCENE First Customer for Laguna Beach's New Ambul ance • Lagrma's Leased Ambulance Tested An ambulance 1eased by the Ci · ty of Laguna Beach and manned by local firemen was put to its first lest Wednesday afternoon - less than a day after it was re- ceived by the city. The ambulance was sum- moned to transport a boy injured in a traffic accident to South Coast Community Hospital after a Hospital Ambulance Service unit normally assigned to Laguna Beach developed engine trouble. Mi chael Richardson, 8, of 2968 Alta Laguna Boulevard received a scalp laceration when he was. struck by a motorcycle driven by J effrey Vin son. 20, of San Fran· cisco. The Richardson boy was crossing South Coast Highway in a crosswalk near Pearl Street when the accide nt occurred. Police have recommended Vinson be cited for allegedly fail· ing to yield for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. According to firemen, the Hospital Ambulance unit arrived at the accident scene with a blown out radiator hose, so the city-leased ambulance was sum· moned. It had been delivered to the fire department at 10:30 p.m . Tuesday night. The ambulance was leased by the city for $150 per month lo pro- vide back-up service when other ambulances are tied up or dis· abled. Man Attacks Girl In Laguna Beach A man brandishing a large · switchblade forced a 17-year-old Irvine girl into a garage behind a Laguna Beach residence Wed· nesday afternoon and attempted to rape her. The incident took place not far from the Laguna Beach City Hall . annex where Laguna Beach police detectives are based. Det. Gene Brooks said the girl, who was in Laguna Beach to visit friends, had stopped in the 000 block of Goff Street to eat a sandwich she had purcha$ed downtown. The &irl to ld investiaetors that I I a man approached and mumbled about lry1ng to find some friends of his. As the girl started to leave, the man pinned her against the side or a building, drew the large knife and forced her into a nearby garage whlre the rape al· tempt occurred....Qr~ ~aid,. The glrl described1he tttacker as a male caucasian, 30 years old, five feet 10 Inches tell, medium build. with curly red· dish· brown hair. and moustache. Brooks s aid the s uspect escaped down Goff Street alter the incident. Jets Hit Terrorist Targets From Wire Services TEL A VIV -Israeli warplanes attacked suspected Arab guer- rilla targets. in Lebanon today, and witnesses in the area said a woman and a 3-year-0ld girl were seriously wounded. Unconfirmed reports from Palestinian sources in Lebanon said three persons were killed at a nearby Mediterranean pier dur- ing the r3id, which they said was flown by !our jets and lasted 12 minutes. The midafternoon raid came as Secretary of State Henry A. Ki ss· inger was holding peace taJks with Israeli leaders in J erusalem on an Egyptian·lsraeli accord over Sinai. A brief military communique said the jets hit Arab "terrorist targets" north Qf Tyre, about 15 miles north of the Israeli border on the Mediterranean coast. The raid lasted a few minutes, and all the planes returned safely, the announcement said. The targets were not specified. Reports from witnesses in Sidon said the target was the Borgholieh refugee camp, the second air attack on the s mall Palestinian enclave in three weeks. The witnesses said several houses were destroyed. In Alexandria, Egypt a senior U.S. official said Israel probably will refuse to sign a proposed in· terim settlement with Egypt un· less the U.S. Congress approves American volunteers taking part in the peacekeering operation. The officia told reporters aboard the plane shuttling Kiss- inger from Jerusalem to Alexan· (Stt IS RAEL, P age AZ) Grand Jurors Indict Drug Suspect Carr Ronald Steven Carr, the son or San Clemente City Manager Ken· neth Carr, was indicted today by the Orange County Grand Jury on drug and conspiracy charges. Named with him in an indict- ment that lists eigbt felony counts are Robert Elliott Cooper, 31, of 26692 Calle Salida, Capistrano Beach, and Rhyne steven Averill, 24, of 26721 Calle Salida, Capistrano Beach. Carr and Cooper are accused in three felony allegations of being in possession or cocaine for sale. COOper , also knoWfl as Scott Hugh Mc:Keown faces charges of conspiracy with Carr and charges of possesi!lion or mari· juana with Averill. A Distr ic t Attorney ·s spokesman who Pl\epared the Pt· dictment or the three mm sal~ ~ they will be arralJned 8'11t. (.Iii, ' Superiorto..n: ' It was all~ged In South Orange ·· Cow:lty Municipal Court artlon lh8t bas now been lerniloated ln favor of Superiot Cpurt proceed· lngs that Carr. 22 and Cqo_per sold cocaine vaJ@W1at ~ lJ!an , $250,000 to undercever OftlCSS:...t Both men w•l"e"' a-rreste'd ; <Stt 80N, Pase A2l '\ o .. u, Pllol Sl,dl Pftolo ~y P~t<itk O'Oonnell RREMAN KEN JACOBS HOSES DOWN HUNDREDS OF UNIFORMS AFTER SANTA ANA BLAZE Force ot 41 FJreflghtera Faced ~earing Chemical Fumes In Laundry Fire Deadly Fumes R eleased Sama An.a Plant Blaze Injures 5 Fire1nen By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OI -O•ll• l"ti.t Stiff A force of 41 firemen was ex- posed to deadly chlorine gas and fumes from a mystery chemical early today in battling a $300,000 rire that destroyed a Santa An a commercial laundry and thousands of workmens' un- iforms. InvestiJ;ators later this morn- ing were still probing cause of the 2: 15 a.m . blaze that injured six persons including five firemen before it was quelled. Structurally, the cleaning plant known as Uniforms For Service Stations, 1002 E. Chestnut St., was Here's Tips On Schools A unique public service is being offered by the Dai· ly Pilot for r eaders who have questions about their schools as back·to.school time looms. A map of th e Daily Pilot's circulation area- published today on the first page or the second se<:- lion-wilJ.help,parents and studo'nis. l0<a~ lhe c11 ... .\rictai.n wli!eb ~iiye. • And begµ>ru111 • tAlday, a column loedec;l •itb In· !ormatlop abf>Aa't \he various dr1tricts "1U ap. peat on Page 2. 11"-IU tell ' y<N'-Vi tat data abcJtlt your .•clMlol•, the peo~..:l"°""' lhil'!l -.id .~ • Wbo , goverf.!. tli~m. \ totally destroyed, investigators said. A company spokesman on th e scene said the destruction in - eluded $80,000 worth of service station attendants' uniforms and another $100,000 worth of just - manuf actured denim and ·cor· duroy trousers. · This would place the combined structural and materials loss at more than $300,000 if estimates by firemen and company manage~ ment are correct. Battalion Chief Willi am Riemer said when men of Bat- talion One arrived at the scene in Santa Ana's industrial district the building was already totaJly in· valved in names. The second alarm blaze wa s raging so severely additional fire units had to be called to the scene. then it became apparent the firefighting force was en- dangered. ''We encountered some chemical hazards, .. said Chier Riemer. He said the pla nt contained drums or chlorine and a grease- removing chemical that so rar to· Laguna Girls Club P icnic Scheduled The Laguna Beach Girls Club Wi.U close the s1.1mmer program With a picnic at 6 p.m. Frid8y at Bluebird Park. ~ The summer program included cla11se1 in cook\ttg, sewing, dote. arts and crafts and sports. Registration for rail classes will be held Sept. 22 to 26. day had not been precisely 1dcn tified. Little danger of an explosion (•:-:- isterJ . said Chief l~iemf'r. but he added that when such chcm1cals become supcr-he<ited as in a firt.• they e mi t d a n gerous fumC'~. especially c hlorine gas. "We've had no problems ycl. but \\.'e've asked all the rncn tn (See "'UMl~S. PagcA2) Weather More low clouds and fo~ arc in store for Orange Coast bcach gocr ~. at least llntil the afternoon hours Friday. Not much tem- perature change. f-1i ghs rang:in g from u1>pc r 605 at the beach to lht• mid·80s in · land. INSIDE TODA l' llow can. anyone learn lo en· joy lije whde hvnig with on akoholic? A reader lells us how she manages throogh the help of Al-Anon . See Page CJ, Al Yo11t !.4-~vlct llNU119 Er""' MmlM\" t..M.8010 Glllfoni i O•'"llM C,0..,ICI 0-0.•-td 0.&01 N•11<•' Edl• .. i.1 P•'' bter\.1111 ...... 1 flMllC• ~· tk fttrord -·- Index ., •• " ,. .. Ot u ., •• ... .. •• 1':1·1 "' <> tnlf•mh •IOfl 04 ,111>nU11Wer1 Cl ~lo.-..y TrN (7 Ml;> vi rs 04 "'~'""'' "VMI• c' "ill_,..__ "'' Ol'•-CMIMJ All•lt f'Hlll• Cl-l Sclor1.1 Dh) \toe"""-"' ... ' a.J Tfi.ol ..._ Cl ,~ ....... , 04 WIMll ... t M w.,i.,,...., M ' ,, 2 DAILY PILOT L ISC Thursal!ly, .t.uoua129, 1975 r------------------------------, Helpful lnformnrlon .4 bour... I I I , You r Schools ! I I 1 Saddleback Community College District 1 I I I (CLIP AND SAVE FOR YOUR DISTRICT) I 4 1 r\BfllJT ·r111~ l)l~,'RIC.'T : 1·he Saddleba•·k Community I Collt-s:e Dls1ril'I !•{'r \'PS 1he southern half (48 pertent) or I Orangr County, inl'l ud ing tht' co mmunities or Ca pi strano I Ik-<1t h, J)11n tl }-'n111t. l~l 'l'l1r1), lr\'ine, La gw1a. Be at•h, Lugw1;:1 : J-lills, La guna NtgU \-.1, ~11 ssion Viejo, San Clemente, Sun I Juan Capistr;.ino. 1'r:.1buco, 1'ustin a nd part uf Santa An a. Saddleback student:: ;.ire 1)f no particular age group . I 1 1..i ~h school gr atl uatf's, thos-.~ 18 or older wh o are not high I school gr•1duatl'S and (·urrt'nt high school juniors and I ~t·niors ::itt: t•li g1b!\• It) <~ltcnd the l'um munity college. The I 111111 11 Cillll ()Ul' 1s l(le:t ll'd in !\tission Viejo, but the coll ege l utilizes \'ar1ous sites t;roughout the district each q uarter l for 11ff-l'<t n1µus t·ou rst~s . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I i I I I I ' ' ' 1\ppro:<11n atcly 11.500 students are expected to enroll for the fall quartl·r . taking advantage or ne.11 rly 1,000 classes. Enrolln1 ent at the college has increased dramatical· ly the past 18 months. and further increases are expect ed the ne xt scvt•r a I yt'a rs. J ust 0\.'1•r 100 fulltime instructors and more than 300 part·l1m r t t>n C'h t~rs comprise the facuJty. Dr. Robert A . I..01nbard1 h as Sl'rved as district superintendent the past yc:1r . 'l'he t ax r.1tc for the 1975+76 school year is .8965 pe r $100 of assesst·d v alu ~1 l 11)n. 8<)1\ltD OF' TRUST F:ES -CURflENT CONCER1''S: The sevcn·r11 (•m bl·r Board of Trustees meets th e second and fou rth f\toncl ays each month or as necessary in the college's libra ry corn p ll·X, Roon1 21 2, 1\1n ong t he majur concerns of the college a re the vast- ness of the dist ri<'l and the problems of serving a populous spread O\'er 348 square miles, keeping up with a rapidly in· creasin g student enroll n1enl and construction of the perm a. nent campus. \\'111\T IS T1\UGJrf: Saddleback Coll ege offers nearly 1.000 courses, p roviding numerous educational possibilities for the residents of the community college district. The col- lege offers a ll lower division requirements (o r students who plan to tr ansfer to four-year colleges or universities, the curricul um for the Associate in Arts Degree, one-year certificate of achic \·ement programs in techn ical and OC· cupational programs, and district reside nts are always v.·elcome to enroll in one or mor e courses for personal enrichment or advancement. Nearly all Saddleback classes carry college credit WhiCh ca n be applied to certifi cate or degree goals at the community college or four·year level. As a ser vice to the re· 5idents of the district, hO\.\'ever , the community coll ege also offers several "ungraded" classes each quarter , many of them in cooperation with county authorities. In cooperation "'cith the ~l uni c ipal Court of South Orange County, Sad- d le back offers improvement courses for driver s and motorcycle a nd bi cycle riders . These classes are open-both to trafric vi ola tors and those who want to improve their driving and riding skill s and knowledge. Other ungraded community c lasses include health for seniors , management of medica l p roblems of aging. preparation for childbirth and lip reading. Saddleback is the firs t community college to offer classes in ba si e and advanced motorcycle riding and basic motorcycle repair. The ridi ng course have been recognized by t he Califo rnia Highway Patrol and the Department of r.l otor Vehicles, a nd the OMV accepts successful comple- tionofthe course as credit for a riding license. CAREER AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Oc:cupa- tional c lasses at SaddJeback are open to students seeking the Associate in Arts Degree, a certificate of achieve ment, or those who want to supplement their current knowledge ''1th a limited program or study. Among the program are accounting, adm inistr ation of justi ce, AOJ Jaw enforce· ment. corrections and law enforcement supervh~ory ; airline fli ght a tt('ndant, ar chit ectural drafting t echnology, bachelor of technology major, construction option; business administrati on ; business management; clerica l, clerical- genera l offic e, clerical insurance offi ce, clerical·med..ical transr ri ption, clerk·steno, cleri cal-medical office assistant, electronic t echn ology, engineering technology, fashion merr handising, home economics, horticulture, interior de- si g n , jo u rna li s m , legal s ecretary, legal office, library /media technology, marine science technology, medi cal assistant, mus ic, nursing assistant, vocational and r egi stered nurse, diploma school r egistered nursing, photography . radio/television /film tec hnology, real estate, recreational assistant, re tailing, sales and merchandising, secretarial. surveying technology, teacher's aide. FOOD SERVICES: The college is served by a cafeteria which offers a la carte breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. T he ca mpus also is served by catering trucks, and has numerous vending machines . TRANSPORTATION: The college is served by the Orange County Transit District , whic h maintains a bus stop on C'ampus and offers special monthly rates to students. Bus ::.chl'<l ules arc available on cam pus. NF.WIN TllF. DISTRICT? HERE'S HOW TO ENROi.i.: Saddleba ck is registering students fo r the fa ll quatter, whi ch begins Sept. 4. Di strict residents who wi sh to enroll should fi ll out an a ppli ca tion in the Offi ce of Admissions and Records (Ruil cl in g M ), .,.,·here registration appoi ntments are availa· ble. Students "·ho wish to enroll in any of the coll ege's off. campus cours('s m ay du so the first meeting or class. Because Saddl eback is 1,n the quarter system , enrollment tor the v.·inter term "'·i ll begin Nov . 20. Applications will be available in Octobe r. Th('re are no tuition cha r ges Cor California reside nts of at least one year. The only fee Saddleback s tudents pay is for hC'alth services. This ree is $1 ·for on·campus students and Sl.50 for off.campus students. l -------------------------------~ From Pnge ,I I SON ... August 14 after a t.,.,·o-month in· vesligarion v.·hiC'h involved San Clen1 ente a nct Laguna Reach police, she riff's officers and state narcotics investiRators. Carr and Cooper arc free of bail pending their appearance befor e Judge Eve rett W. Dickey. Carr 's bai l is set at $25,000 and Cooper is free on a SS0.000 bond. Narcotics Investigator s in· volved in the ca se said today that Averill allt>gedly hid from the m last Aug . 14 when they arrived at his P alisades h o m ~ to se r ve search warrants . They said they found n arco t ic ~ a nd oth e r evidence implicatin" him ln the case, but the r esident assertcdly e luded arresl. Three Jailed In Shirt Thefts Two 16-year·old boys from South Coast cities and an adult from San Cle m ente are In custody in San Clemente today - along with more than 100 ntw shirts they allegedly stole from a manufacturer earlier this month. Det ectiv e Lt. Raymond Hartman said investigators Wed· nesday arrested the trio, Includ- ing the adult, Da niel Bruce Finn 20, o f 118 E . Canada, San Clemente. The three arc a.cc~ed In the Aug. 13 break in et Ocean Pacific S w i mwtar , 140 Calle Los l\tol..inos. The value of the new shirts and other beachwear e xceeded $700, he said, Suicide Try Foiled Again S AN FRA NC ISCO !UP I) - Chris Best, who threatened to jump from a hotel e levator shalt 11 weeks •10. replay-."CI h.ls tense d rama for five hours Wednesday on a led•e S3 floor s above Union Squ3re. Best, 19, finally cam ... back In Wednesd ny after talldng to hJ s father. The pleadings of a priest. Policemen, and a psychJ•tric social worker had failed to aet him off the led1e at the Hyatt Hotel. ' Postal Hike Yule Gift? Battin Had 'Problems' ' Ponw Queen's Name in Political Files WASHINGTON !UPI) - The Poat al Ra te Cl)m-. mission today set the st•Re f or in c r ea s in g th e minimun1 mailing rost of a first·('luss letter to 13 ce'nts by Christ m a s . (Related pi('tUr(', Page A4.) Th(' comm ission·s split de~ision is expected to quickly r es ult in a U.S. Postal Servic(' boost of thr('e ('cots for sending Onl'·Oll nC(', (irs t·ClaSS let· ters. The cost is now 10 l·ents. Ru t th e 4 -1 vo t e , scheduled to be officially announced later in the day, did not give al I the Postal Service requested in order to tri m its gro wing defi cits a nd put the service on a pay·as-you-go course. Funeral Industry Assailed WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Trade Commission to- day accused the S2 billion-per· year funeral home industry or practic es ranging from body snatching to bait-and-switch sales tactics and proposed rules to 'stop undertakers Crom exploit· ing and deceiving the bereaved. Announcing re~ults or a two- year probe. the FTC said it found widespread abuses among the nation's 22,000 funeral homes . In addi tion to the bod y snatching and bait·and·switch tactics, the FTC said it found re- qui rements for the purchase of expensive coffins for cremations , raise claims (or waterproof burial vaults and profiting on flow er s. clergymen and pallbearers. At the same time, the FTC an. nounced a cceptance or a consent order requiring Service Corpora· tion [nternational -SCI -or Ho uston, T e x ., the nation's largest fun eral ho me chain, to re· fund overcharges for cremations performed the past 41h years. The proposed funeral rules , it adopted, would override any state and local laws that prohibit price advertising and that re· quire caskets for cremation. An accompanying FTC staff document said s tate regulatory boards are often under the con· trol o( the industry, and that the general counsel or the National Funeral Directors Association, the industry 's largest trade as· sociation, also is general counsel to the conference or state re- gulatory boards. "The industry is well or. ganized in terms or state boards o( regulation and trade associa· tions and uses its advantages to limit price disclosure, low-cost disposition, pr eneed arrange. ments, and price advertising, a11 in the name. or course, of pro- fessional ethics and good prac· lice," the Bureau or Competition paper said. Indict e d Orange Cou nly Supervisor Robe rt llattin's un· success ful 1974 ca mpaign ror lieutenant governor was be:>et with probl e ms , not the least or which W<'re ltobert Redford, Paul Newman nnd Lin da lov- elace . Jn te11tin1ony before the Grand Jury, rorme r Battin staff uide Dan Ryan said he ran afoul or Redford and Ncwn1 an when he was told to add their n:imes to political files he w as ordered to 1n lli ntain . Rya n told the jurors he had no trouble ident ifying ftcd(ord and Newman but that "it was vi rtual· ly impossibl e to find their ad· dresses." Miss Lovelace became a pro· bl e m when her name pop~ up on a list of Sier ra Clu b members, the former aide said . After being asked if the Sierra Club Lovelace was the porno movi e queen Lovelace, Ryan replied , "I don't know. But her card seemed to be weJI used." Ryan was one of past and pre· sent B~1ttin staff 1nembers who testified be fore the Grand Jury during its investi ga tion into the s up e r v i s or 's t r y fo r th e Democratic P a rty's nomination fC>r lieutenant governor last year . And while he was unhappy about being assigned the chore of maintaining fl attin's elaborate political card file. the indicted Fir st Dis tri('l s upervi sor ob· vious ly regards it as an impor- tant task. San Clemente Bid For Land Rejected San Clem ente's bid to have area within San Diego County in· eluded within its sphere of in· fluence was rejected Wednesday by the Local Agency FormaLion Commission. The five commissioners wast- ed little tim e in deciding un · animously that the city's sphere should remain as adopted in April, 1973. That decision means the area in San Di ego Co unty that in· e ludes San O nofre State Be ac h , and Sa n Onofre Nuclear General· ing Station rem ains outside the city's s pher e. Commissioner Stan Northrup. however, sa id LAFC should seek legislation that would make it possible for the seaside city to in· e lude land in a djoining San Diego County within its s phe r e . Northrup is a rorme r San Clemente city councilman. l:Sut there was more opposition to what the city wa nted than sup· port as San Juan Capistrano, Rancho Mission Viejo and the Santa Margarita Water District oppos ed expa ndin g the city 's sphere. Muc h or that opposition was based on a movement northeast to the mountain ridge boundary that forms a natural drainage area for San Cleme nte to control. As a result of the commission's decision, for the time being at least, Sa n Clemente will have Ut· tie say in developm ent plans out· side the Orange County boun- dary. Pressure Checked Before checking lhe blood pressure of other Laguna Beech residents, Sigr id Ki elt y (le!ll, ch ec ks Ann Weisbrod. Both women are members of the Junior Woman ·s Club or Lagun a Beach whlch Is sponsooing with the Heart Association, a free public screening or blood pressure from JO a.m. lo 4 p.m. Sept. 6 at Main l!<?ach Park. A third or the club's members will work during lhc day to Inform residents if their blood pre· s.sure is normal or elevated . • .. A lot of people have, you micht say, broken t heir careers on fouli 11g up m y thrce·by-n ve cards." Ou ttin told tho C r~nd J ury. "I have e ve n fired g-uvs who have passed the Culifomia bar e1'aml n a t ion b ecau se they couldn't keep these parti<:ular thrH·by-five c a rds," he added. Battin's testimony came in his second a ppearance before the Grand Jury as he tritd to head off an ind.ict ment relating to charges of campaigning at taxpayer ex· pense. But a few hours after he left the v.•itness stand Aug. 13 , at least 12 jurors vo ted to indict him on seven felony counts. Befor e they did, however , Bat· li n was given a unique chance to tell his side of the story by j ury foreman J a mes Utter. The foreman allowed Battin's attorney, who w as wditing out· side the jury room , to submit 11 written questio n s that wer e asked the supervisor by Deputy Di st. Atty. Jack Rynn. Jn hi s answers to those ques· tions, Battin m aint.ained that members of s upervisors ' staffs fall under s pecia l duty regula· lions, adhering to assi gnments and hours pr escribed by lheir employer. He also gave the j ury docu- ments he said showed that he ac· cepted payroll s heets s ubmitted to hi m at race value and did not intend for the sta rr to wor k on his ca mpaign at county expense. Battin also produced campaign records that show postage, sta· tione ry, trave l expenses and other items r e la ted to his 1974 campaign had been paid by the Friends or Robert Battin . But the testimony of the nine past and present staffers indicat· ed they had worked many more hours on the campaign on county time than they had been paid for * * * wiU1 F'ritnlls 1noney, And, six or the nl testlncd, they had been asked to prove they we re regis te r e d De m ocr a ts before being added to Battln's sta fr. Furthermore , three lo!ltifi ed , they were expected sometimes to work 60 hours a v.·eck for 40 hours pay. Battin did not refute the allega. tlons which wer e unkuown to hin1 nt the time he testified. ''l e1'pected my staff to work 40 hours for the county <ind another 10 or 20 011 m y campaign if it needed it," he s aid. Classifying himself as a fiscal· ly conserva tive Democrat, he said he believes i.t necessary for members of his staff to be in philosophic al agreement with him. During Battin 's lengthy volun· tary stay on the witness s tand, he and Ryan frequently had d.iffi t ul- ty staying on the san1e wave length, For example, at t he conclusion or a long ahsv.·er he gave when asked how many ca rds he keeps in his political fi les, Battin !laid : " ... And m y latest batch is a group of pe rsons who signed a pet1t1on for a stro nger no· smoking ordinance in Orange County. r was going to explain that-·• "l don't s moke, Mr . Batt in." Ryan interrupted. "I don 't even li ke smoking. I m ean, peopl e who get in the elevator with me with cigars--·· ''Have you p e rform e d a citizen 's arrest ?" Battin asked the deputy district attom ey. But smo king was not the issue before the Grand Jury. The jur ors late r decided there was enough evidence on hand to warrant bringing Battin to trial on charges he misused county employes and supptles in his bid to be a lieutena nt governor. * *· * l'ro• Page Al BATTIN AIDES .•. -Used former staff members' own estimate of the they they worked on the campaign at coun· tyexpense. For example, Battin's chief aide in 1974, T ed Moraitus, testified that 25 percent of his time during the three · m onth campaign period was devoted to politics. His count y pay ror the period was $3,976, leaving the auditor to conclude that $994 was paid to Moraitus by the county for work· ingonthecampaign. USING THE SAME formula based on the start member's own estimates of eounty time spent campaigning, the auditor con- cluded Julie Helling Grimes was allegedly illegally paid $1,043, Dan Ryan , $843 a nd Steve Knobloch, $308. Ament tes tified that Janet Turner improperly received~ in county wages and that Dawn Papp was paid $397 in county funds for campaigning. In Ament's $4,107 summary, he did not assign lost wages to then a nd current s taff members Walter Kopanke and John Rueda or former staffers Ron Dosh and Patti Short. Ryan. Knobloch. Kopanke and Ru e da ar e s till co unty employees. After forme r county Assessor Andrew Hins haw was indicted last Spring , the Board of Supervisors demanded that he reimburs e the county for wages Front Page Al FUMES ••• watch themselves,'' he said. Limited a mount! of such fum es can cause lung damage which de· velops later, in a pattern similar to tiss ue damage American astronauts risked by accidentally breathing fumes during the re- cent Apollo splashdown. Chief Riemer said rave firemen and one civilian were injured dur· ing the predawn fire, swstalning minor burns a nd sprained limbs, but did not require hospitallza· ti on. ''They were treated al the scene by our paramedics ,'' he said. Slow Pitch League Forms Women are b~ing sought to sign up for the ra u slow pitch baseball lea1ue In Latuna Beach. Le ague play will begin Sept, 6 and continue through Than.ksgiv- ln1. Seven of the et1ht team." that pa.rtlcipated durint tht summer league artt •x.pacted to continue this loll. Tb•y lnclude the Cot· tage R·e stu1rant, Penculn, Sandpiper, QuJet Canmon, C•p· lain '' Anchorage. Captain 's Larder and Rl:m! Refried JleM. New te•m1 may enter by telepborting the ~ily Recreation Division. 49'·112-4. • oaid his staff members while allegedly working on his suc· cessful 1972 campaign Cor con- gress. THE SUPERVISORS also asked 57 ass e ssor 's offi ce employees to pay back what they had allegedly been paid for cam· paigning. Not having seen the Battin transcripts, the supervisors ha- ven't taken a position on recover· Ing the taxpayer losses alleged in the testimony. Revealed in the transcripts is that the Grand Jury's inves tiga- tion was touched off by Mrs. Papp. The former Battin secretary was the first witness called in · five weekly secret jury sessions that Jed to the indictment. According to her t estimony, Mrs. Papp in early July told her present employer, Tustin at· torney William Dougherty, of strange campaign practices in Battin's office when she worked forhiminl974. Later that same day, accord· ing to Mrs . Papp, she talked with two distrjct attorne y 's in· vestigators . l'ront Page Al ISRAEL ••• dria that a massive diplomatic problem would ensue if congress vetoed the volunteer plan. In Tel Aviv Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres said the presence of Americans on the fronttine of the Middle East con· flict will ensure the maintenance of the new agreement expected lo bereachedtoday. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ~':!';~'Ce~~!' ~.~:Ir, ~~::1::: ~~"::: ~= <.&.•• ""bl"nlno (O..-.P•"' ~•-•!lMllllo•" .,. P\lbll\l>H MOooo, '""'"'" ~,,.,.V too lu>I• """'"'· "'•w-1 ll••< .. , ,.;~nll"ll!.,. 0.•<"''11"" 1•1,. V•ll•1, lfvlno, ~•(l<lleij•< .. \l•l•e1 '""' l.•~,,,.. "••'"·io~!n ~n••1 I' •1...i•• •ao'"""' ~:~~!~ ::.~·;,-:i,~:o.,~·~·:tr: :'i"',;~:; i:; s1 ... 1. t.o.u M• ... (flll~•nl•W•n. ' Robert N. Weed .. ........ ~, ..... p~"''""'' J8(k R. Cur ley \I•(• f>••••O.nl """Gin•••• -"'"O"' Thomas Keevll f.<I•! ... Thomas A. Murphine ...,..,•Q'"<I Ed•t0t Charles M, Loos Richard P. N•ll •l>'ll•nl M•n•o•"<l l"''"'' UI""" Beach OHice ,, .. r;-.... si • .-1 M1•!1 ..... ...,,.,. ~ 0 ~· M6. tH !) Other Offices Cttl!• ....... "'° ~" ... , ll• .. t M••-1 ...... UU Nt•-t .._,.,_ ... ~ ... ,..., ....... ( .. "'"&oat~ ll&w• ...... <I -••""'(' "•''"' Ul'Ot l.l .,_I"°""' •' S.n O!•oe .,,..,., Te leptloM 17 141 .. 2-4Jt1 Cl•,•lflecf Adv•rti,lng 642·J47t Lagune B••cfl All Ot~rlm•nt.1~ T•ltDtlOft~ ......... ,, l',f,,. s,.., l:lo,,..n,. 495 ·0610 (&11•"•"'· 1•1\ IJ••n .. t•~•• P~n•to"<•4 '""'"""' NO.,,.,.,'"''•'· """"•tl?f' ..... "11<1•1 M•Uof C• •q••""""""h ~••I I",.,,. ... ........................... l!M .. 11 "°'"'"''''' 61 t""•''tnt•"'"'' 1•c11111 (1"11 pool .. • n••lf •' r • .,.I• M110, t oh• .. "'' :.~1:11<• •IM ••l>I <"' ''~' ~l 00 mant "'' ....... 11-1.00 "''"''"''· """! .. ~ .......... , ..... " llO """"'"'' Loan Scheme? FTC Slaps Finance Firm 'lly MILTON MOSl<OWITZ Beneflciul Finance thena- tiun':; .second h1rieSl 5maJI loun t·on1vany , 1::1 K01ng lo the ntal with the f"edcrnl Trade Con1 1n1s ~lon { F'TCJ over a ~c bcn1 e thal B ~n e l1 c 1 a l thought rn laht h e lp lo ('at.apult 1t a h"•a ll uf the in- d us try lcad l'r, fl ousehold tl nanc(". '!'he srht.>n1c d id not en~blc Dc n e fil·i ,11 to o vertake 1-lousehold . And the rTC has br a nd c rt '8cn e f1 cl al 's beha vior i."ts "C'itploftalive. un· l'iCrupulou1 and unconsciona· blc," not to s p('a~ of "legally unfair " HO USEHOLD AND 'Renef1 l·1al are the leaders 1n lhi.' bus1nc>ss of making ~mall loans averaging about $1 .300. lfollsC'hnld has 1,800 offices :.ic ross the country, Be'Oefit-1at' has l ,550. Household now has oulst a nd1ng loans totaling 12.3 b1\lion. Beneficial has loaned out $1 G billion. The scheme that Benefic10JI latched onto 1n 1969 was sttmingly u natural for tl: tn· (()me lax prep1t.ration Hav- ing t1een lhe meteonc rise or H&R Bloc k . Benef1c 1al figured that 1t wa:s in a perfect po:s1tion to gel a piece of this action. After all. 1l already had oCfi ce s 1n pla ces throughout the country. And 1l r1gur o d correctly . Beneficial is now second only lo H&R Block as a lax pre- parer. But Bene ficial had it s money-lending eyes on bigger game As long as you come to get your t ax forms failed out, why not get a loan al the same time? THE SYNERGY oC these Money Tree two iservlce& then r esuJtcd Jn the Bene facl a l odvt•rt1s1ng ~l og un . ''Jn s t a n t T ax Re fund '' C us to m er!; who cam<' to have their tax lorms prepared wer e lold that If Ib ey had a refund coming, t.h ey could get it lmmecJj ately from Jleneflc1al instead or having to 'tl.'att for the Internal Revenue Ser vice to come through. The wa y they ~ol it, of course, w.a s by borrowing money Crom Rener1c1a1. Jn 1971, Congress passed a law forb1dd 1ng comp<Jnies from u1ung la x data for non· l a x purposes without a t'u s tomer 's con s ent . Benefi('lal then changed its procedures by h a\1 1ng its customers f111 uul consent rorms. Jl also added lo 1ts "1n· slant lax refu nd" advcrt1.sc- ments a line that read ''The instant you qualify for a personal loan, Bene!~ial will lend you the eqwvarent or your r efund 1n c ash in- stantly ·· The FTC 1s not buying any of 1t, The comm1ss1onchargcs that the s chem e is deceptive and 1l h as now ord~red Benef1 c1al lo stop using the "Instant T ax Refund" slogan. Lev.•1s A Engman, chairman of the FTC, said: "WHAT BENEFICIAL is offenng 1s its everyday loan ser,Jce The Ins ta nt Tax Refund is not a refund al all but a p e rsonal t-ons umer loan. with regular finance charges, cos ts and repay- ment penod ·· 11.4 To whic h Bene!1cJa l Percent replies: "Nuts•" The com-pany 1s going to fight the 1'"'TC Sales Hike For Stores Carter Hawley Hale Stores Inc has reported sales!or lhe second quarter of the current fiscal year rose 11 4 percent to $275 9 m1lhon compared with $247 8 million last year. Net earnings for the 13 weeks ended Aug. 2 were $5.7 •million, or 27 cents per share, compared with $5 3 m1llion, or 27 cents , for the second quarter of fiscal 1974 Per share figures are based on 17,037.975 average shares out stending 1n 1975 and 16,692,942 1n the comparable penod of the last fiscal year. Edward W. Ca rt er , chairman. said the recent upturn in retail sales 1n- d1cates some return or con· sumer confidence and lends to conr1rm the earlier predic- tion th at Carter Hawley Hale's operaltng results for the ru11 year will compare favorably with those of 1974. 1n the c ourts . Chairman Edgar T H1g g1ns declared : ''Ever y body know s Benef1c1al 1s an the loan bu si· ness \\·e are not at all hesi- tant about saying we are in the loan business.·• One or the FTC charges 1s that Benef1c1al was simply trying to generate new Joan business with its tax scheme IC that 's true, •l 's not clear that the schem e '"'as suc- cessrul Household Finance's lead over Benef1c1al Finance has widened dunng the past five years. Sales Up 17% For Beckman Sales increased 17 percent and net earnings 22 percent to record levels in fi scal 1975, Beckman Instruments Inc. has reported "The company's 40th an- ruversl:l.ry m.1rked the fourth conseC'ut1 v~ year of substan- tial gains 1n returns from operations . ., said Dr. Arnold 0 . Beckman. chairman; and Dr. Wm . F . Ballhaus, prest· dent, of the Fullerton firm . Company in Watts Exception to Rule LOS A,NGELES (AP) -Ten years ago this month, the Watts area exploded In a spasm of n oting that left 34 dead and scores of buildings burned to their foundations. For a while after the riots, officialdom poured millions of emergency r e hef dollars into the black community. But today the area ts little better off than 1n 1985. It has the highest unemployment rate in the cit y, estimated at 20 to so percent l\N EXCEPTION to the continued despair ln W&tts is I..c>ekh eed-Cahfornaa Co 's Watts-W11Iowbrook plant, now cl.'\ebral1ng 1ls fifth birthday. l'he facility, manufacturing strU<:tur al component.a for Lockheed's LlOll TriStar jumbo Jet, has proved an out- standing !5UCce11s both for the company and Its workers, .says pl::inl manager W. F Schwentner Jn his 35th year with Lockheed, Schwentner has amassed an lmpressive hst of accomplishments in what he calls "a bus1nes!l man's approach lo urban redevelop· ment. · -Ninety percent of the plant's 217 employes hired when the plant opened had tx>en on welfare, al a cost to the state or $372, 700 . Last year the employes paid a total of $.125,000 in int-om e and property taxes. Almost all the employes are blacks -PAYROL1, TI.OWING lnto the community in 1974 totaled $2 •I m1lhon, providing a much needed boost lo local merchants. -Fifty percent of the plant's employes own their own •homes, with m ore than 80 percent living within lb.rec miles or the facility . -Almost 40 percent or those hired lp the rirst year bad t riminal records, with the offenses ranilng from narcotics possession lo cattle rw;tllng. But the plant bas led all other t..ockh eed LIOl l facilities 1n per capita efficiency and SI.lg · gest1ons -Worker s uggestions have resulted in cost savings ol • $1 .9 m1llion SIDC'C 1970. "We·ve m ade money from the f1.rst year we've been here,·· say.!i Schwenlntr, an energetic man whose conven.a· lion 1s sprinkled with expressions like "rlJht on'' and •·you d better btlleveit.'' SC llWENTNl!ll Clll!DITS "wholohurled 1upporl from top managemtnt'' and desire on the part of communJ· ty residents a1 the chi" rtuons ror success. Others. lncludlna Mayor Tom Bradley and Sheriff Peter P1tchcs!I, 11y Scbwentner's enthu1l11m and un · derstanding (he ls a hi&h·tchool droPoUl) played • major part in bnng1ne off the project. But SChwentner says the company "has ~ bitterly dis11ppolnted" by the failure of other businesses t.o roUow Lockheed'sexam~e. . Thursday's Clo11ing Prices NEW .... .. 'l lh.lo.J ~ \ ., ' C..fW•l,40 t t I C•..;H0 •,t1•S 10 I'• e.i.uci. .IOll ! XIJ 1•.,, • '• C..ltrtr T.llO I S:U M , \\ c es 1 .. 11 uJ '' .1~~ C C I C.Wll ) I'• • C«o Co l f ) 4 I• 1,1,,, (, c.1.-ii.. f.,,, , .. Jt• .• ·~· ~"'•• u,. ., '"". ... nHud 1.11 I • 1•.,, n 111 L 1 11(1 I J• !)' •,. nllLpl ''" rx.o ''', fl!!Lpl 2'-• 1110 ,,,,_ ~ Cnll P~ 1 20 I ~ lf~•. v, Ct "U( I if I J1 1•'•• ~. CllMt:'w I *°' t • l J~o ~. C•nt,W 11t t IJI 1)'•• '• !Elih to II 1• U "' • •• Tt'11 10 I to 11 .... •,. '"'' 0• II :xi' I• • '° o C 1 2(1 . 61 U ll • '\ Corti! Id 60 I I IOI, o •11 C.-...lr I • )(I \l '• Cl'Wo~lflU I I t~ ')' • • 0>111 pl I l'O 1lt I \': 1 >, ~SP .40 t '' 10 -\o '-' Co • 10• t(o • " It NY J • .i. 11""-'• F"'I o0 •• 11 I 4 ~' ChtwM 110 )19 tt•-. • ~, o.Ml9 I» .. l • • v. °""'"'' •0. 11 J )1. • • • Cflemlt 1 10 i 1 .. J'l~I • 1 c""'~" 1 • s ''' Jl•·-\. , .. ,(llD•) l l•'• C""•Pd I ~ II •Sl SIO.. • '' (""'"'~ 2 10 • t l )()". h Cll•E lll ., t ) ll '•• \; Cl\j Mlh• Cp IJ ,.,.., • 1; ClllMllC, •' ' 10 • (II PM\,oM t 3' 1!' 'I • \\ Choeli.f111 i.. 1 1. t \'t Cllrli Cr••I ~ •'• " (llrOM• 70 I] II'• o 1\ C.ll•llfl•I pl ' I ~~ 1 1 rti•v,rrr Cp J'? ! I' • 01ty~I~• "'' ~~ ! ' , <, ( I Mlg~ !U ! , ~1•,.R::1\1r :; I 1: 1~'· • " C111 Go~1 •• 't If 11\•• .,,. ClnO pl t 30 •to 9t • , Cl"G pl 9 71 r!OO ,.~~ H C•nMll•l .1(11 ?0 !'t ~ '• CIT F1n t 20 I 11 29%• >, Cltkorp al 12 tt• 11'11, 11, Cit ~rv 1 ,1(1 I 31 43" • CIOf"i M\9 2 1'<\ CIUnSo 4}b H 2 -•, Cl!v lflv b6 2• Ill 7\1.o • ;, Cltv Inv w" 11 1 ', Cit~ tnv pt 1 •1 11 .. 1. Cit' Stott • I 1"• Cl••~E l t.tl 12• 21•,, •, Cl Irk 011 ~ 8 ID\•• '1 Cl..C Ao1 7t S 10 t' , ClvCl•tlto"'TI i <ia'.•P t CleWE12 411 I l1 2S••• c1evElf1 u .r?.0 111 .. • c .... e. 1 ~ 110 ''~"-• CIOrO•Co Sl II !IS 10V. ~ L. C1..ett P XI •' Stt • (lueitP pl 1 • I t \I, CMrln•Cp ., 40 t • •, CNA fitMt l ., IS ~··• '• CNApl 1 ID • J ? IP,. " (NA IPI 1:.0 ,, 1S IO'tl (NA U.won , t 1 • (N,t.Lpl 1 10 , t t'I) • \ Co.ilSt G•• ~ 111 l 't• , C!i!SG91 I It . 10 11-i.. • 2, C1ISGpl I 13 t ll"M • L Cot"'611 XI 11 260 ,, .. I Coce&ou t.o 16 1J1 61•, •, Coldw8~ 3"11 S 't4 • '• Cott<.o lr>du 11 3 1 ', Co~le 68 1~ 181 21 , • ,, ColOPl>f ], 110 4H> C.olfa.Ah.: tO•~ ;s B-l. Colli'" Food 91 IJ I ) • l\ Coll'WNI .01, 21• lO\li•I'• (olool!.I , 11 I U \9\--1, Coll lr>du•1 l 14 S tt'" • 1, COIUn pt'"'. 4 •I\~.. • COi 61~106 1 S4 21"' • '• COIG Pl S 41 l )1'1> • 1\• CotPld utt)11 Il l •~• C.Ol!oo Ol'uo 1 6 SI 10\> t • • Co•we1I Miii 1S 11• Co"'bd Com 1 •• 10~. l ', Comt1 E 1 to ll 119 ••\'o·I\• CmwEo?lO 9 111 1~·.~-1 CwEpr ll4 1 11 -1 CwEdpl 1 I I , 1' 11~ ~ \I, ComEO pt 1 , I J I ~, , CwEdpl 1 t 2 , 3" 11~ o 'ro c-pr !'I'll ,. s 10'1,. ~. (omlo()ll 4k 1l11 ·~11-~. Comm !.tot 1 I ltt l'I'•, !Lo ~· 1 s• 11v ... ''• Comoolfr S<.1 ts 1 it s 4 '" l:e!l';"i:,'! ; ,! ,:.~.:. ~: Conglm 'l'Ot> •S 11 o;, • " ConnMI I 60 t 1q 1J>o , 'o Conrac( 70 1 11 t•'\. 1 Con Ell tot> ' 211 12'~~ 1 Con>ECI pl•., • SJ ., '• ConSE• pl S ,, I •J eone p1 • •S • 160 .0•11 ... v, Cor»F<I 1 lS SS 411 1•~ • ti. Cor>F<lol •'t• 1• '''"" ... I,\ (11"1 f•9' PO 10 ,. l S T ~ ~Gt11 1 31 2•~ ••• (NG p!IO .. , 11010 10. o '" c--1 • 120 1"4-t "' ConPpl4....,, l'IO 'II'\.:. , , ConP pt 1 •s .. r200 6S 1 2 (.onP Pf 7 1• J IO .. , GonJ>.r pt• • s Mi'•• io (onPpl S\>, 21 }J~+ \, ConllAL IOI< 11 9S J , CnU(.,_ I IO 7 IOf 24\• o ~ CJoll(Opo !oO t It ·~· • ConllCo 2 60 11 Ut JI 4 •1, CnllC.Dft'h •• S •0!.llo l'I• C C""&J•/) 1 •O o l CUIHCP 2 ll t :U 11\.11 •IV. OllllPr "6o0 .. I 1~1 t 111 Cll Ill lllUr 11 2 ContlnUOll 110 31111 6SJ.i.-t I~ COfl!Ollpll I l l''o •IV• COPl!l"lltl I 1 lS4 11 •• COnlrl O.tt . 214 1•""• VI COPIWOOd 1 7 1 26 -I,\ '-IPI I « 10 1.)CI ""' • 1'11 '-"" L•to , • I t 'llo c.aopll~• 60 •• J '"' • Ill ,_Ind 6012 s 10>..-'' eoi:.1111 .)11) 1,1(1 i.1,to • COciwld I IO S ltol :J.l'Jt • 1~• C...clur• co l1I l"'i • COrllG I 11• )6 l•S 41'1t t 1\\ C01 .... '° ' • 204'• ~ CPCIP1tll410 l2'0 4l\.:o +I C•-Co 111 ' se t si'o, 1•~ (.r""•I F l 24 IJ J't t • \~ Crocktt 1 M 7 13 21 ~ , Cr-H IO t 11 ,,...,t 0;1 Crown Cor-I 10 ,,,.,_ , ~. "'°"""z ,.., 10 'se '°"" • "" Cll Cp 50 t :M it•t• Culli!l"n ~I l l 1.i,,, \o Cummt1>i J~ I 10 110;0 • 11, Ci.wnt1poll!o0 , rm I S'll.•:I'• cun .. 0.9 20 to •10 s"", •, '"'''II( llb ,· 1tl ,~ ... . c.,,1151 10b s. n ... ~ C ..... 1$,W,f, 1 2 l lVI C"'11t•M 1 60 • 1U 26 ... I C,.:ic. I .-.. 1 I "~ + ,._ (fP"\11 I «I 1 1 14~ o 1"' -OD-~ )0 l• 11• IH\t .... l)lnRI", 10I'> , 11 SV.-0,\ o..ri.co1 Jto • S4 » ... '.\lo 0.'1 IPI loQa I .. 1J t II,\ 0¥111'1d llf' . 15 11 ..... D.lt•Genrtllt:Mto tt ... 1~ O.,.c:o<; ,S3tl 4 JS 10'11-\lo 0.Y1""H n11 IW. 21 ~• ... O.yPll 1 6" 1 W. 1• ~ " OPL "4 Uln rua IOt -i ) Of..,wt, !oO S 1 ID'~, ~' Dltr• l.IO ' l~ 41 • 1 O.IP&L 110 1 60 !IV., '!lo °"' Ml\11 30 • I ''"' ... 'h DtlltAlr Ml IJ t4 l2'• t .... 0.llt< tntPll .. 1 '"" ••• Ofll.,... Cp t '"" •• Ofl'll'llton 1 s s ,. Dlnnn 1 nu 141 """•1VI 0.nl1'QI' ID It )I JI 41 ~~I .JS II 42 1No " loll! 4'I 1• P9 .. "" dl1 l.4S • lot I!""• 'lo °'" "' , .,. . m """ • .., Olrrtr 0 JI. I llS 11\/o • "9 D••I l'IPl .60 S l A'lt \.lo Dt.......,lnll 1 ' 41 JOlll>-\l't DY""" 1 60 t 111 ...... 1~ D"41SNn oft ,, '~1111 Ol•Shol l.20 • S4 U 'A.4 '-Okk Ae "° t J7 1tr.. •.11 OkUoOl'WI .60 I JS ~ • V. ~1111..0.t IJl1.,.•h OIGlorea CP " ~ gltitlll "(QI)! JO •>t 114'11oo '"' llllf'IOl'I ~ • ,. 11t. "" lllflQh .. 1 1 W it o :i. OlllOl'I C• wl 1 21 , • m W'lllf 11g 11 751 U IC> + 1 UtOl'I 11 S " J(\ , • .. , .... ,,,. 1 1'11• .... ci::11i• ~ ~.·~ tM _.,. ll Jl 411-\-\lo , .... 11 11 .... .... =Jrfll , 1 J '°" ' 14 ....... Ill ~yC IO I J SVr OovrCp 1 '° 1 1 11'•• "" D:I• °' '·'° ·~ , .. "' • 1"1 g;p F lllCP t ~• \4 -llO t 1 UV.+ V. °""'-' '°. , ... ~.J~ £>t.1MI 1 44 J 1''1'o • \II er.~· ,JOI! , •'Ai. " °""' fiw 1 • .i> 11 ,.\lo ..... OYl>tp4J ..... IO 1~• "-0-. ill 1.21 rM 1t"' + ... o....&., ... 111 ~ """. 1\olt Cit " ,,.._ ... J\olob JO "" ttw..,.... L,1111 .S1t\!o+\lo DwrclLof 2.10 •• t10 JI~-\olt OuqU'lt pf 2 r!CIO 20\o-.-""' OuqL .. t.7S , 1400 1'"t• VI °'1'11111..11. 1! '~· .... -·-~"'·"!' )0 ts .1 ... 1.f2• !lS •"i Af;. 6 ~ 1~! ~ t11Gll" IO J i!Jlo• l-£4-SllC I .SW 1f 1 \6421'11 l!Hft(.p ' .. It ,,..,., • " I'"'"'"' At 'I 1 ""'4 ... c-d A_. 1 lttt• ''-did NC •11 12 lt""• t,<t f'Vlat" IA 1 II »'otit ~ G&.0 .111• t,IAI•"' !«I AtMIC 'j lt t""• Ill OS SV• .M 1 n 1tM ' ..., 11(1~ •• ~' ,,,., -ltM11t ,11< ., 1 s ..... ,,_ •r.1t "''" ,, '' l>' t lt 1 .. , tftllll • 41 ...,,.-.... .c 1 ,, 1 ,,. 11-4 .... llrlC. I r. • U e:• -ll'lfl•.tti ru .... """"'' ::: ,. ';I -"" s:7:~:tt:1·i 'l ~7:~ . ; J ~ ·'" 1 YORK -·-------- Thursday. Augu1t 28, \975 CAIL 'Y PILOT STOCK EXCHANGE 1100101~.11 , Nr!~t 2Sb ?OS 711 ~ , .. Norllltp1 llO ~ ~3 l&>(oo j>/, HW5\A!rl •S a 99 lt'I•• '• NwB•n 1 10 t t• 3"4«•~• NEt9 tt •DtJ 4 t) 11'"'• '' Nw~l In I IS ) ISi :JCl'f>• l'o Nw$1 Ind ws •• 11 llll • 'loo Hw1tlpj 4 10 • • J '8 • '"'• NwllllllplC S •• I 8l'h •I''> NwMU IWI I 14 10 • '.<. NwStl 1 tQ.I 10 I :» ... -\II Nrl" Co I 70 • 11 'l.J\;o • '" NoMOtlS• SO I 0 203 110;, • \lo N•ISl pj l &O. 7 )9 _,. V, Nuc0<Cp 11 4 I 1~ , , NVF (.omp 1 It fl't ... -o o-0.k Ind ,1(1 S 4 Ito-Vo OcdonP'1 1 • •11 lll'A• ,..... Occ•<IPt pl 4 , , 1 S& • I~ OccPlpf)Ml •• 11 M»tol"t Occ PI pl? SO ,. JU 11 .. • ... Occ Plpt 1 16 •• 1 1"h • Octd Pel""' .. 1l0 "'-• '.lo ~Crpl 4 21 u •,, .. •11 Ogdr> pl 1 17 , tS ,..,.,._ If• Ohio E.d I 1o6 , 10 lW> • '.lo Oh e pf' w. , , 110 ~vi--•n Ohl! pl 10 I~,, rHIO 100 -'" OhPw pf 1• , l lolO Ill •1 Ol\Pvtopl I O<I z20 70 OKC ('.p IO t 1 q't<o Olll•GE I 40 10 IS I~ • ·~ OllltHG I I() I JO 11 t '• 011" Cll I 10 1 11 :It~ • • oun-••11 1 1 10 24 >.\4 -., °""""'" so 4 t l ,,.,,. ~ Ono:tldtL 76 S l ' 4 '• OpeUk• M I t • 12'11 t '" Or-CO It IS lit I• , • Or llckl 120 • 1 11\lo .. 'I• Otli l!I 220 S t4 21~•11" (MtoaM 1.20 " .... 21\.\• "Ir OuUe1c. ,75 S s n"' • "Ir 0..rSflpfl n 4 11 11¥. • ·~ OWrl•" 90 10 S lf 'I• o ..._ OMnCf M 11 11 ~Ito • OW"'1111 In I 17 •J;., + l'llo Owtnlll "4 •., 4 10 -I Ow!lll pt '"'° I ll 'll • I O•IOrlll" 60 • 1 ll"lr-•,11 -PP-- PtcAln I 20 • 19 11h • "'o Pt<G.15 1 .. 1 llt 204\ • "9 Ptc\191 .. S tJ 16""-V. Ptc""'1rl M 10 111 Jl • fir PocP'wo' 1.70 I JI 11"'+ "i Pt. T&T 120 I SO 1J .... 4 Ye PtclfTIPI IO • 1 7~. • P.WW toll 4 .. S•i. + 'I• P~ 1..Jll , 1l IJ'I> • Ito Ptlm811 21 4 I •-'t • W. p ..... .,.. 05tl • ,, '". \(o Pon Am Alf' 9.M J'"' .. °"" P•nhrld 2 IO t 1S tf:V. + I P..-rclt 60 S 1J I~• \l't P••Oo'S " • N S I l'h-"° P1<kHfl I 11 I 4 11 ~~-~ P•rl•Pn :n I 2J 11'1.1 -•1, Peio;o 1no; 20 Jt JIV. 4 •1. Peyl.elS lS I 10 ll,._ • :V. PeMIGI Olll II to l•l'oo , .... Ptm Cenlr 11 1"' Peme~ I 16 1" 271 .. .,, ... Vo ~:::gt·.~ t A 1:~. ~ PPLDt 1100 11"0 H•'ll4 "" P PLpll«l . zto ll V1•1 P1P&l pr I , 110 ''"' ., P PL pjt,!oO 1110 •S_,, Penwl! 1 :It 10 J3 })~•I ¥1 Pnwl 1'f I .0 _ 1 10'/o Penn1ol I 10 • IOI 111'f•-'"' ~I Dr 10 10 I •Vt-\\ ~i 1 M • St l<l'lo o 'I• Pepi.ICo 1,60 '' 1SS s,~ •• 1"' Pt rklnEI ,. ,. ••1 14 • ... Pwl Int l'I• I 41 11'111 • Pt!ltr Pl ao IS I ., • Ill Pt!lreSI IQ.I It ll •''.Ii• 1~. Pw\rOI"' SO I )II lOL', • ... PwtrlC 1 Olb I 19~. o 'lo PllHr 1~ 14 442 1•'1)" ~. PM!p 0 1 20 II t l lt !'o o ... Phll•l;I I M t 104 tl~• , , , Pr>i!Elpl t~'o , ~110 11 P'llEI pl 1 IO • rJIO M Y, PnUElpf I~'. • zl XI """ ... VI P'lllt El pl 1 • il!oO •1 PftElpl J IO 1100)t .. F'tllll<iti ,IO 6 11 10t'o •• P'll!lloMo "° '' S4l ........ !>.lo Pl'llUlps 1119 !l l'1to F'tllll'WI 160 II 191 5'1\)• ti! PhilVH C1<t , 11 6\0+ 'lo Pld•wt: Olb 1 19 11 .... Plt'dNG I 40 J 4 !(l't-VI Pitt! lmpM 11 ) t~o Pllli.br,l.ID 1l JO '8""'•1'-' ~·c 1 20 t 110 ,,.,.. \, Pltnl!t 8 60 • 111 ,.~. -.. PnForv llOll 1 11 ''""' Plt111on 1.60 7 .-. 10 + '"' P lu• Hui ll 112 10.,. + ~ PIM Rtsr<h I IS J" , .. Pl•vt:lo'I' ,IJ 12 It l"" ., Pl~.....,.•1b 1 sa. l)Yo• 'lo PN8Ml )(ltl1J S 4J'oo. V. Polarold .32 • '"° :M"' • h Pon!ltr-S '' 2Y '"' • "' P(IJlt T 6°' 10 l 1s1,. • V. Porte lllC 19 4 40 IR~~• ~. Por!GE 1Y11 40 IS'•• Vo PotUcl'I 1 40 9 '° ''' -.,, Pot EIPI I• t IS 10 , .. 'ti> PD1 Elfllf4'1)., 1)0 4J t 1 llPGIN I ,0 t 6• J"\{,, • ""' """"'M ,If I J 11 , •• Pl'otl &c;.)ll JoO I S\o •I\\ Pl-Ollilltl JO I I l \11-~ Pt"Oltf 11 40 J t ) J.lh • 1'• p !o A lflC •• I• '\lo t 'I• P1tlS c.t I 20 6 lS n~, . PSe:&Gltt r '",,Vi • v. PSEOdl ~OI ., tlO ~ -1 PSf.OOllll ,,.., .. dO .. 1 P1E(kif 1 S2 •• ,,.., 10 t I PSEGpl 1 HJ 1~ 1011 p..,s IPlll l 56 10 It 31 P<•~r.IQI 1120 II' P5 to• 1 ID I 11 11 •, I '• P5NM• I 11 I • It'•• '• Publl<l • b 11 fl •••• 1, P11tt110I lO<I , ) l -\~ """1SP 1 l. S ?Jt 2414 • \t ""'"'"" 1 IO 10 S9 11V. • Jt, p"''"c. • I l ll 11\.'o. ~ Pu1e1P' I » .. I ltflo-\\ Pvfnon FVI , • l 't , P\.trot.Mor I 11 t 11 • ----<>0- °"6k0.I • 11 1'1 1~ o ~ 0...l$0t Pl 11 • I'll! + .,. °""''°" • -• '"" • ft -··-ft•l1i.ri '° 1• , .. ·1· • ~ fl•,,,_, Ot!I IJ IOI \t o \'I fttllCO I" .40 / 1\lo • "• lloplOA .m ti 1·, ~ illlPlll tf t\lo 1 I , , lil•Ylltft l"t t IJ 11 o .. ••Jdlntl 41 I 4t tlV. o Vr R•Y1-I lt tt1 Sl\.'t t 1"-RCA CDfll 1 I) ~2 17~ AC,.. C" pl 4., I SO~t + \:. !ICA p1 JI". 1111 l r,, Rtllll.llt II S IU "v' t ..;, fll'OMMI tnlll , l• l~ • .... At tc;t ,, .. 10 ti 10'-'I • ~ A-Toal 11 " n , , 1 , A .. ,,., 1111 10 t II • lt At l(N>!CI '6 t l l 1 ! ..., • \. Rors.,ore 60 1 11 6'4 • • .. At! E19<: 90 S II 1~ •• , 'lo RtlE!t' 1111 1 ,71,. I'" fttl(l.fp 2CI\ II •'l'o o ~. lltlG pl 1 .0 I~ >O 1, AtllUO!k Cp 3 11 9 • '• AopFlnS .IO • ,1 10 ..... ··~'"" 11't · If• AoPs tr 1 .a. 1 ,. 12•, • 1 Ati.t..oll lJ I 11 l<o • \C:. R•UUCtdl 2 I ! 19•,, , • Re~oos «11• 1C1 11•,, '• Rew ec ,,,,., ) 1• 1 .... Rt wlon I JO II 31 •9\,, '• A,,,,..., 20 I )f J , • lle•nrO I lO ~ • 11'~ + i... 11., !noJ1 M I 1•S ~~·•· •, l11y1np11•, l st fl~.,...,-· 1 Jt 11\• ~ Rey"' pl 1'" ,· 1 )l\o -~. Rt YS.:< ui., 10 l lo • 'I• 111<.l'lt•d<ol' r s ,. <t •, • ~. Alcl\MI• fj.I ID '' l't 1 I Rt~ Ill 8 •l l l'o o '<II Ri+DITo I JD • 1 14'•4 !<a lll~ln .tll I 11 h '>• '4 AloG•P'IO 11 10•,-\, R11t Ald ,l6 IS ll'> 11 .. , >. 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SJ\lrOl'I Don t S 3S S~1 t ~. _,,_ Ttllllc$1 IO I U I•"-• V. T11i.r In &0 • J11 ·~ , • , l•mpE l 04 10 ~l 1~'-11 • ~ T....,;f COrp 11 UI lt •llllt T~nc 20 31 ~\t t 'II le<llnt OIDt • 1 ·~. '"' TetM l<<>n 9 6J I 1' Vi Tt•1non• 10 1 I 17 3''olt ~ 7'4 l'ledft>e lk .... ·~t ;i,r, l"l'OYfl pl 6 •• I Y " ''. T'lepromo ,. !!OS •~ • ~. fflt K Co•p t •I 1'11 Te11tco 1 I• • !tG4 1S"' • lo'lo T<!<lne< Awt ,. SH> !~.,'.lo ltnK p!,S' ~ ~ 2 tat +I>;, Deposits Up d> • ""' ,.. .._. (>11 WASHINGTON (UPll -Savioss deposits ext-eeded withdrawals by a monthly record $2 .9 billion in JuJy, the Federal Home Loan Bank board said Wl'd.nesday. FHLBB also said mortgage JoU. closed totaled $5.4billion1n July. Both net deposits and mortaace lo.ans were down Se&.$0l11lly from June, FHLBO acting chairman Garth Marston said. Dul the rates were sharply higher than July 1974 when saven: were attracted tohl&h·)'iekUnc government securities. • I Cl CAIL V PILOT Thursday. August 28. 1975 Old Ships l!!i!.t~!! Mom Charged in Poisoning I Spurned B y N avy? HE: SA I D HE: based the charges of Navy inspec- tion reports which he ob- tained und er th e Freedom of Information Ac t . A spin said they sho1,1,'ed: -The USS Nimitz, the Navy';;; newest nuc!ear- powered air craft carri er commissioned in May. has air conditioning and heating ve nts which blow directly on the fire-alert system. A change in tem- perature from cold to hot cou l d trigger the sprinkler sys tem and flood one ammunition magazine. -THE USS Alexander Ha milton, a Polaris sub- marine commissioned in 1963. has an automatic ship control system that cannot control the shi p's dept h during course . changes and a rudder that oscill ates IO degrees to port ans starboard. -The USS Nathan Hale , another Polaris s ubmarin e of the Lafayette class. has 72 defects ranging from r usting, lack of paint. a variety of s ma ller techn ical faults and a dirty pantry . THE NAV\' 111\D no immediate comment. The 22 ships from the 51JO-vessel U.S. fl eet were assessed by the Navy's Board of Inspection and -survey from J\.1arch 28 to July 28. . The disclos ures echoed simi lar cha r ges made in a speech last August by Adm . 1-f yma n G . Rickover. ··the Father of th e Nuclear Sub - marine."" who said the neet 1,1,•as in the worst condition in 50 years. Oldst e r s Get D e al On Parking Annual beach parking stickers for N e\vport Beach are available at balf price for senior citizens. city officials an- nounced . These special "Blue Chip" permits a llow the motorist to u se the Balboa Pier parking lot, the Cor ona del Mar Beach Park, and more than 500 parking meters with blue post s scattered throughout the city's beach areas. Cost of the permits is $12.50 ror seniors and $25 for others. Seniors must prove they are over 65 years of age, and have a valid driver 's license and an auto registration in their n ame. l'ermits which may be transferred to other cars cost $.16. Stickers are available in the city's finance de- partment at city hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. • SHE MUST UKEIT NARRAGANSETT, R .l . CAP ) -Mary Murphy is recovering from a broken leg she re- ceived when she collided with a youngster while they were both trying to body s urf on the same wave along the beach near her home here. Mrs. Murphy said her only regret was that it will be too cold to do any more surfing once her cast · is removed . But then, she's done plenty in her day. She's 80. • CUSTOM POLY blackwalls S UPER S PORT blackwalls • 4-pl y polyester cord construction • 4-ply nylon • 78 series styling F.E.T. Size Reg. Sale per tire A78x13 20.99 16.77 1.76 B78 x14 23.99 18.99 1.94 C78x14 24.99 19.99 2.04 E78x14 24.99 19.99 2.27 F78x14 25 .99 20.77 2.40 G78x14 26.99 20.99 2.56 G78x15 27.99 21 .99 2.60 H78x1 5 28.99 22.99 2.83 Size Reg. Sale 600x12 19.99 15.99 520x13 19.99 15.99 560x13 20.99 16.77 600x13 21.99 17.55 560x15 21.99 17.55 600x15 22.99 18.33 MDnlR OIL VALUE Quaker St ate motor oil 52c30W1q1 62t !OW30 For whitewalls 1n the above sizes add 53 per tire ProC('~ snown are ro, bl3ckwall tubeles~ lne~ e~ct!pt w riere onO•CilteO No traO<:·•n n,;eded Our Rt.!l1Aridtt" Cu~iorn Poly and Rel1Ar<<::ll>" Super Snon art.> our own names ano oo not •1·Tlec1 any n1111onw•de stanOa!!l ol !.J1J,1i1!y W11n the purchase o r RehAr•i;JC' • t•rr·<, you 01.'I 1 lns!all.i1oon 2 Tu..- roi.11 ,l)n e.ery 5000 nHICS These sizes J.V<11lab!e 1n wh1te\\'all only Reg. 8.44. Helo give a smoother ride and grea1er com!on 1nstallat1 on available H78x 14 31.99 J78x15 32.99 L78x15 33.99 Glidden Sprecf' Satin Latex Wall Paint ••• 9 99 ••'· One Coat Covers most surfaces Completely washable, dires in 20 min. 3000 decorator colors to choose Warm water cleanup _Sale pnces effective Thursday, August 28th thru Monday. September 1st, J 975. JCPenret .1,· ;~ !\tJI 'tt;'I It 1;. \UM.., __ -~----- U.. Your JC"9nrtey Cher99. E ~cepr iUperm1•-•t 24.99 25.99 26.99 2.77 2.99 3.13 VALUE ReliAride · lube, filler, &oilchange 8.88 Includes full chassis \ubncat1on . 5 qts RehAude • H D motor 011. new oil l ll!er and salety chP.Ck . Call tor an appo1n tmen1 now Most American cars with lube l.ttings . Sdaysonly Glidden Spred® Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel Reg, 12.99 gal. Great color companion to Spred • Satin . Completely scrubbable. Ideal for bathrooms, kitchens. Warm soapy water cleanup. F.E.T. per tire 1.52 1.41 1.54 1.60 1.79 1.85 Glidden Spred® Latex House Paint Reg. 11 .99 gal. Velvet smooth finish dries in just 30 min. Choose from hundreds ol colors. Blister, mildew resistant. W.P#lila Beach llt OrwiQtltho'pe •Open~ l:JO I09:JO, ·~ 1Dtot. m•o•&C11y Dr. atGMfiln~BM:r. •ao.n uu11hdo:,;:tot. _,,_. 10tol . SANTA MUI: 3900 So. Briltd--No..of So. co.t Pt8UI. ~-f; IO •. 8ul'ldeyt 10 toe. I ' j , I 1' I • • • • . " -'' .. _ Saddleback VOL. 68, NO. 240, ·4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA --- 1 'oday's Closing N.Y. St«M!ks THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1975 TEN CENTS Ex-Battin Aides Tell Campaign Roles ·· By GARY GRANVILLE ot llM D•UY "'11.i IUll Grand Jury transcripts not yet made public show that seven form·er members of indicted Supervisor Robert Battin's slafftestified they worked on Battin's unsuccessful 1974 campaign for lieutenant governor on Orange County government time. And a state auditor-investigator estimated that Orange County taxpayers paid at least $4 ;107 in wages alone to help finance Jlattin's ill-fated try for state of· fice. THE ESTIM.\TE of what former Battin staff members were allegedly paid for actually working on the campaign was made by Ronnie Ament, an Body Snatehing?. Funeral Parlors Assailed by FfC WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Trade Commission to- day accused the $2 billiOn,per- year funeral home industry of practices ranging from body snatching to bait-and-switch sales tactics and proposed rules to stop undertakers from exploit- lng and deceiving the bereaved. Announcing results .of a ·two- year probe, the FTC said it found widespread abuses among the nation's 22,000 funeral homes. Jn addition to the body snatching and bait-and-5witch .tactics, the FTC said it found re- quirements for the purchase of Young Carr· Indicted on D-rugRap Ronald Steven Carr, the son or San Clemente City Manager Ken- neth Can:, was indicted tOday by the Orange County Grand Jury on drug and conspiracy charges. Named with him in an indict- ment that lists eigbt felony counts are Robert Elliott Cooper, 31, of 26692 Calle Salida, Capistrano Beach, and Rhyne Steven Averill, 24, of 26721 Calle Salida, Capistrario Beach.· Carr and Cooper are a~used in three felony allegations of being in posse:;sion of cocaine for sale. Cooper, also known as Scott Hugh McKeown faces charges of conspiracy with Carr and charges of possession of mari- juana with Averill. A District Attorney's . spokesman who prepared the in- dictment of the three men said they will be arraigned Sept. 4 in Superior Court. It was alleged in South O.range County Municipal Court action that has now been terminated in favor of Superior Court proceed- ings that Carr. 22. and Cooper sold cocaine valued at mo[e than $250,000 to undercover officers. Both men were arrested (See SON, Page AZ) Typewriters Stolen F.rom Niguel School Burglars who may have used a mastec. key to 'gain en'tey to the premise& have stolen t,ype:Write'rs valued at $1 ,000 from Niguel Hllls Junior High , School if!i ~a Hill~. Orange ~oul)ty stieritrs of· ficen reported today. Deputies said tbieves took the equipment from the·oifice or the school under const.nJction at 28070 Paseo Escuela. Sheriff's deputll!S are. 81"1 In· vestigating a break-In 'at San· tiago School in El Toro where, they said, nothinf bf value ap- pears to be mTHlftlt.-~ They said intruefers kicked in a window or the school at J.4982 Rivendell an'a then· Carelully taped the brol<en pmel tC!lether when they le!\ the pre-. I • expensive coCCins for cremations, false claims for waterproof burial vaults and profiting on flower s, clergymen and pallbearers. At the same time. the FTC an - nounced acceptance of a consent order requiring Service Corpora- tion International -SCI -of Houston, T ex., the nation's largest funeral home chain, to re- fund overcharges for cremations performed the past 4¥2 years. The proposed funeral rules, if adopted, would override any state and local laws that prohibit price advertising and that re- quirecaskets for cremation. An accompanyiilg FTC staff document said state regulatory bMrda are often under the con· trol of the industry, and that the general counsel of the National F\lneral Directors Association, the industry's largest trade as- sociation, also is general counsel to the conference of state re- ~ulatory boards. ''The indus try is well or· ganized in terms of slate boards of regulation and trade associa- tions and uses its advantages to limit price disclosure, low-cost disposition, pre need arrange- ments, and price advertisjng, all in the name, of course, of pro- fessional ethics and good prac- tice," the Bureau of Competition paper said. New Generals Taking Over At El Toro New commanding generals will take over at 2:30 p.m . Friday by the El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta- tion and the Third Marine Aircraft Wing. Retiring after more than 32 years of Marine Corps service will be Maj. Gen. William R. Quinn, present Third Wing com· mander. llelieving General Quinn will be Maj. Gen. Andrew w. O'Donnell, f~er inspe_ctor general of the M~neCorps. The new inspector general will be Br:le. Gen. Albert c. Porn· mereot, who will assume com- rnandof the M&rine Corps Air Sta- tion aDd the Corps' western area biles. Immediately following the chjmge-or-command ceremony in lroiit o(St8ti0n Headquarters will be a vresentetion of honors for the retinng General Qui no. COLLEGE EXAM 1.H~ l/.,puJ WAY TOKYO (AP) -A college stu· dept escaped from.an apartment todo,y alttr being held at knife. Point for four months by a room- m•te who wanted him to take col· lege entrance exam& in his place, pottc·e said. They said Yot:hio Sakakibara, 23, was cut in the hand by his 18-year·old roommate. but Oed when the roommate fell asleep. Polic,e. said the roomm ate forced Sakakibara to study 12 hours a da,y, and warned him if he escaped he would gel ganrsters to kill him. <Judilor-investlgator for the Attorney General's Of- fice . Ament's $4,107 estimate is included in 687 pages of testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared before the Grand Jury during its investigation into Battin's 1974 bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for lieutenant governor. . As a result of its inquiry, the jury indicted Battin ettrlier this month on charges or grand theft, misuse of public funds and multiple counts of filing false claims. BATTIN HAS PLEADED innocent to all charges. He was scheduled to appear in court today with his at- aunc tomey, Matt Kurilich, in a bid LO quash the indict- ment. While the s ta te auditor-investigator estimated what the taxpayer s allegedly lost in campaign IA'ages, no value was put on paper and other county supplies witnesses said were used in Battin·s campaign. To estima te campaign wages a llegedly pa id the former Battin s taff members from March 1, 1974, through June 4, 1974, lhe auditor ; -DEDUCTED $1,450 paid them in J une of 1974. by the Friend:> of Ballin and s ubtracted th at amount from what othe rwise would have been paid them by the county. (See BATrJN AIDES, Page A2) ttac D1Ur Pi'61 St1U Piiot• ., Pllrlc.k O'DoAMll J e t s Hit T erro r ist Targets From Wire Services TEL AVIV -Is raeli warplanes attacked s uspected Arab guer· rilla targets in Lebanon today, and witnesses in the area said a woman and a 3-year -old girl were seriously v.•ound ed. Unconfirmed reports from Palestinian sources in Lebanon said three persons were killed ata nearby Mediterranean pier dur- ing the raid, which they said was flown by rour jets and lasted 12 minutes. The mida fternoon raid came as Secretary or State Henry A. Kiss· inger was holding peace talks with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem · on an Egyptian-Israeli accord over Sinai. A brier military communique s aid the jets hit Arab "terrorist targets·· north of Tyre. about JS miles north o( the Israeli border on the Mediterranean coast. The raid Jasted a few minutes, and all the planes returned safely, the announcement said. Th e targets were not specified. Reports fr om witnesses in Sidon said the target was the Borgholieh refugee camp, the second air attack on the small Palestinian enclave in three weeks . The witnesses said several houses were destroyed. In Alexandria. Egypt a senior U.S. offic ial said Is rael probably 1,1:ill refuse to sign a proposed in- terim settlement with Egypt un- less the U.S. Congress approves American volunteers laking part in thepeacekeefing operation. - The officia told reporters aboard the plane shuttling Kiss- inger from Jerusalem to Alexan- dria that a massive diplomatic problem would ensue if congress vetoed the volunteer plan. RREMAN KEN JACOBS HOSES DOWN HUNDREDS OF UNIFORMS AFTER SANTA ANA BLAZE In Tel Aviv Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres said the presence of Americans on the frontline or the Middle East con- flict will ensure the maintenance of the new agreement expected to be reached today. Force of 41 Rreflghtera Faced Searing Chemical Fumes In Laundry Fire · Deadly Fumes Released Santa Ana Plant Blaze Injures 5 Firemen By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ottM DlllJ P'li.tSl.lif. A force of 41 Ciremen was ex- posed. to deadly chlorine gas and fumes Crom a mystery chemical early today in battling a $300,000 fire that destroyed a Santa Ana commercial laundry and thousands or •workmens' un- iforms. Investigators later this morn- ing were still probing cause of the 2:15 a .m . blaze that injured six persons including five firemen before it was quelled. Structurally, th~ c)eaning plant known a,s Uniro.rms For. Service Stations, J002 E. Chestnut St., was totally destroyed, investigators said. A company spokesman on the scene said the destxuctioo in- cluded $80,000 worth of service station attendants' uniforms and another $100,000 worth or just- nlanWactured denim and cor· duroy trousers. • This would, place the cptnbined. structural and materials loss 't11l morethan $300,000 II est!mat .. ~Y firemen and company manage· ment are correct. Battalion Chief William Riemer iaid when men o( Bat· taUon One arrived at lhe scene ih Santa Ana's industrial district the buildin& was l'lllready tolally ln· volved in names. The second alarm blue wu raging so severely additional fire units had to be called to the scene, then it became apparent the firefighting rorce was en- dangered. 1· '"We encountered s ome chemical hazards," said Chief Riemer. Tips Giveri On Schools A unique public service is·being ollered by the Dai· ly Pilot for rea·ders who have questions about their schooJs as back-to-school time looms. A map of the Daily Pilo\'s circulation area- pUblished today on the firlt page or the second sec- tion-will help parents and students locate the dis· tricts in which they live. ·And beginning today, a column loaded with ln- f orm al ion about the various districts will ap-· pear on Page 2. It will tell you vital data about your schools, the people who run them and the people' who govemthem .. He said the plant contained drums of chlorine and a grease- removing chemical that so far to- day had not been preeisely iden- tified . Little danger of an explosion ex· isted, said Chief Rie mer, but he added that when such chemi cals become super-heated as in a fire they emit dangerous fumes, especially chlorine gas. "We've had no problems yet, but we've asked all the m en to watch themselves,'' he said. Limited amounts of such fumes can cause lung dam·age which de- velops l ater, in a pattern si milar to tissue dama ge American astronauts risked by accidentally breathing fumes during the re. cent Apollo splashdown. · Chie( Riemer said five ftremen and one civilian were injured dur- ing the predawn Cire, sustaining minor burns and sprained limbs, but did not r equi re hospitaliza- tion. Peron Acquiesces BUENOS Al RES. Argentina CUPI) -President Isabel Peron has bowed to military leaders and repl aced her army tom· mander, easing widespread un· rest in the armed forces but grave ly undermining her authority. The pact proposes to post at least JOO American civilian, tec hnicians, armed with sidearms, in a new U.N. bu(fer -zone in the s trategic Mitla and (See IS RAEL, Page A%) Orange.tJ. C.a st <::: _ _.c;...,. er~ -~· Weatller More low clouds and fog are in store for Orange Coast bcachgoers, al least until the afternoon hours Friday. Not much tem- per ature change .. Highs ranging Crom upper 60s at the beach to the mid-80s in- land. INSIDE T ODA. V How can. anyone lttim to en- joy life while living with.cm alcoholic? A read.er teUs us how she manages through the help of Al-Anon. See: P.ageCI. I ndex Al Y-S.rYlt• Al l11ill'f"oni•lion 04 llNll119 DS NIA~-'' Cl Er,,... S.mbt<k C2 ,,_,.., Tfft Cl' L.M . S.rd (4 MllY4H 04 c..tiwftl1 "' ~' """'' a 01ultil!d 01·14 ~11911 ,......_ Al COmkt e r er,....c. .... 1r Att-11 O'"l'H-•d DJ "'""'' CJ.J 0.1111 Noll<11 A 11 s.,on, Dt.J Ellltorlll P•... A6 Slot• Ml'111HI C.-1 E11WIUlll-I D4 T ...... ..,..,, (S fil'lftCI C•·I TIINlllf"• ' 04 FwttwRKM11 All WHIMr Al ~-C2 W...Nfffwl AA • " ) • £12 DAtl Y PILOT SB T,,u1sday.Augu111.2e. 1975 .r------------------------------, I H "lp/•I l n/o,.,,,atfon Af>o11c , •• I ' I Yo1ir Schools I I ,I ,, 1 Saddleback Community College District I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I (CLIP AND SAVE FOR YOUR DISTRICT) A_BOl 1T Tlf t-: f>ISTRICT: 1'he Saddle back Comtnunily College District serves thf! southern half f48 percent) of {)r;.1n g~ County. inclutliug the con)fnunities uf Capistrano l~..,:u·h . Dana Point, El Toro, Irvine, Laguna Re;ich, l.aguna I lllls, La~una Niguel. Mission VicJo, San Clemente, San Juan Capi str ano, 'rrabuco. Tustin and part o r Santa Ana. Saddleback .students Hre or no parliculHr age group. llJgh school graduates, thvse 18 or older who are nnt hlgh S\'hOQJ i;tradulltt'S <lrnl c urrent high school juniors and st•niors art• cll~ibh• to attcncl the community ('Ollegc. Thi? main campus is located in ?.1ission Viejo, but lhe college utilizi's \'Oll'ious sites throughout the district e0tch quarter for off ·C ;.i n1 µu:; courses. 1\pproxi m11t t>ly 11 ,500 students are expected to enroll for the fall Quarter, taking advantage of nearly 1,000 cla~ses. Enrollment .al the college has increased dramatical· I~ the past 18 n1o nths. and further increases are expected the next seve r a l years. Just ovf'r 100 fulltime instructors <and more than 300 p~1rt·Lin1 e tca('hi'r:o; (.'Omprise the fa<:ulty. Dr. Robert A. 1 .... 11nbardi has sc·rvt.'d as diilritt superintendent the past year. The tax rate for the 1975·76 school year is .896S per $100 of assessed valuation. BOARll OF TRl:STEES -CURRENT CONCERNS: The scvt1n·n1en1 ber Board of Trustees meets the second and fourth !\l ondays l~ach n1unth or as necessary in the college's librar y i.:un1 pil'X , ltoon1 212. Among the m ajor i.'l'•nce rns of the coll ege are the vast· ncss of the dislri('I and tht: p1·obl c ms of ser ving a populous spread over 348 s quare n1iles, keeping up "'ith a rapidly in· creasing student enrollment and construction or the perma· nenlcampus. 'K'KAT JS TAUGITT: Saddlebar-k College offers nearly J.000 courses, providing numerous educational possibilities for the r"sidents or the community coll ege distri ct . 1'he col· l•~ge offe rs a ll lower division rl-quircments for students ...,.ho pl<in to trans fer to four-year colleges or universities, the curriculum for the Associate in Arts Degree, one-year certifi cate or achie""ment programs in technical and oc· l'Up.ation.il pro1;:rams. and district residents are always '''tdcomc to enroll in one or more courses tor personal en1ichment or advancement. Nearly all SaddJeback classes carry college credit ...,,hich can be applied to certificate or degree goals at the community ('Ol\e ~e or rour-year level. As a service to the re· s idents of the d istrict, however, the community college also offers several "ungradc"<i" classes each quarter, many of them in cooperation with county authorities. In cooperation "ith the ~Juni c1 pa l Court of South Orange County, Sad· dleback offers impru\'ement courses for drivers and motorcycle and bicycle riders. These classes are open both to traffic violators and tho::;e who want to improve their driving and riding skills and know ledge. Other ungraded <'ommunily classes include health for seniors , management of medical proble ms of aging, preparation for childbirth and hp reading. Saddieback is the first community college to offer classes in basic and ad\'anced motorcycle riding and basic motorcycle repair. The riding course have been recognized by the California I!ighway Patrol and the Department of J\{otor Vehicles. and the D~IV accepts successful comple· tionof the course a s credit for a riding Licen se. CAREER 1\ND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Occupa· tional classes at SaddJ eback are open to students seeking the .<\ssol'iate in Arts Degree. a certificate of achievemeot, or those who wa nt lo s upplement their current knowledge "''ith a limited prof;ram or study. Among the program are accounting, :.idm1nistration or justice, AOJ law enforce· ment. corrections and Jaw enforcement SUPi!rvisory; airline fli ght attendant. architectural drafting tech nology, bachelor of technology major. construction option; business administration; business management; clerical, clerical· ~eneral office, clerical insurance office, clerical·medical transcription, clerk·steno. clericaJ.medic al office assistant, electroni c techno logy, e ngineering te'chnology, fashion merchandising. home t>conomics, horticulture, interior de· ~ig n , journ a li s m . le g al secretary. legal office, library/m edia technology, marine science technology. medical a ssistant. music, nursing assistant, vocational and r egistered nurse, diploma s chool registered nursing, photogr:.iph y, radio/television /film tec hnology. real estate, recreational assistant. retailing, sales and merchandising, !>ecretarial. s urveying techn ology, teacher's aide. FOOD SERVICES: The college is served by a cafeteria ...,·hich off e rs a la c arte breakfasts, lunches , dinners and snacks. The campus also is served by cater.ing trucks, and has numerous ''ending machines. TRl\NSPO RT1\TION: The college is served by the Orange County Transit District, which maintains a bus stop on campus and offers special 1nonthly rates lo stude nts. Bus Sl'hedules a re avuilablc on campus: I NEW INTllE DISTRICT? HERE 'S HOW TO ENROLL: I Saddleback is registering students for the fall quarter, which I beRi ns Sept. 4. District residents who wish to enroll should fill I out an appljcation in the Office or Admissions and Records I (Building M ), "'here registration appointments are availa· I ble. Students ...,·ho ...,•ish to enroll in any of the colleRe's off. I campus courses may do so the first meeting of class. Because I Saddleback is on the quarter system, enrollment for the I v.intertcrm w ill begin Nov . 20. Applications will be available I 111 Octoher. I I I . I I I I I I I There are no tuition charges for California residents of I :Jt least one year. The onl y fee Saddl eback students pay is I rnr health ser\'ices. This fet' is $1 for on·campus students I and $1 .50 for off.campus students. I L-------------------------------J f'r o m r ag,, 1\l SO N ... August 14 afl er a two.month in· vestigalion which involved San Clem ente and 1.agun<i Beach police. sheriff's offit'ers and state narcotics investigators. Carr and Cooper are free of hail pending their appearance before Judge Everett W. llickey. Carr's bail is set at $25,000 and C'ooper is free on a $.50,000 bond. Nart'otics in\'estigators in· volved in the case S<Hd today that Averill allegedl y hid from lht>m ln~t Aug. 14 when they arri v('(I at his Palisades home to serve ;carch \\·arrants. They said they fo und narcot ics and o th e r :vidence implicating htm in the t:ase, but the resident nsserted'Jy rluded arrest. f'rom Page 1\l lSRAEL ..• Gldi Pu!les that wi\1 be evacuat· ed by Israeli forrcs in the new agreement. Thoy are expeclt.'<I. to man ~arly warning attack st ... tions. · 'Duke' Still In Hospital John Wayne was 1;lill resting comfortably in Hoag Memorial llos pital in Newport Beach today after undergoing more "routine tests.'' HQSpital spokesmen said they do not know whether he will be released in time tor the holiday weekend . A family spokesman said the fi.8.year ·old a ctor is being treated !or a fitaph infection and a nag. gi ng cough. Laos Switch es BANGKOK , Thailand CU PI) - About 1,500 Soviet ad\isers and experts h~ve replaced a team of 185 Americans in Laos, the coun· try·s acting foreign mlnlster SHid In a ne:wspaper interview today. Phou.nt: Sipraseuth s llid the Sov· let assis tance wt!I preferred becau~e it came ··without s-trings attached, unlike the Un ited St.ates." ' Postal Hike Yule Gift? WASIDNGTON (UPI) - The Postal Rate Com· mission today set the ~tage f or incrcasinr. the mirumum m ailing cost of a fi rsl·clas:s le tter to 13 Ct'nts by Christmas. ( Rclate'.d picture. Puge A.S . > 1'he conltnission's split decision is expec ted to quickly r esult in n U.S. Post al S('rviC'C Uonst of thr<"e cents for SC'ndin~ 01lt!:·Ou nce. fi r~l·Class lei· ters. The cost is now 10 cents. But th e 4 ·1 vole, s<'heduled to be officially announced later in the day, did not give ull the Postal Ser,·ice reque!Sted in order . lo lrinl its gr o"•ing defici ts and put the service on a pa.y·as·you·go course. Machines Sust ain Woman By ROBERT BARKER Of !Flt O.ally PUol St.Ill A prcgn3nt 2 l ·year·old Vlestm1n!'ter woman, allegedly s hot accidentally bl· her husband, barely clung to ife to~ day, sustained by life support machines at Westminster Com· munity Hospital. Officials report that Mrs. Sharon Sue Cody is in very critical condition . A hospital official says today is particularly c rucial for Mrs . Cody and that if there are no signs of improvement, a decision may be made to shut off the machines. Mrs. Cody reportedly shows no brain wave activity and there are no detectable signs of fetal life for her five-month-old baby. A spokesman says the decision to continue to keep Mrs. Cody "clinically alive" is in the hands o( her family and physicians. "The hospital is waiting to see if there's any hope at all," said a police officer. "It's a terribly a gonizing de- c ision, and unde rstanda.bly, no one is anxious lo make 11 , the policeman said. He said efforts were being made to contact Mrs. Cody's re- latives in the East. He said the husband, Gerald Allan Cody Jr .• is "emotionally wrought" and not able to m ake.a de<:ision at this lime. Cody \\·as lodged in Orange County jail , c h a r ged with manslaughter in his wife's shoot· ing. Nude Runner Beats Offi:cers · NEW YORK CAP) -A man running nude through Central Park wrest ed a nightstick away from two auxiliary police of. ficers and the n beat both, one critically, police say. Awdliary officers Beth Beim· brink, 24. and David Freed, 21, were patrolling the park by car about 10 Wednesday night when they came upon the man. They told police he jumped into the back seat and g rabbed a nightsti ck. The man then pursued them out of the car. fl ailing the nightstick, they said. Police responding to the aux- iliary officers· call for help ar· rested David Matthews, 20, of the Bronx. 1'1te He a t's O t t Batt in Had 'Problems' Ponw Queen's Name in Political Fi les Indicted Oron ge County Supervisor Robert llatUn 's un· successful 197 ·1 campaign for lieutenant jtOvt:rnor "''as bcst.·t with problems, not the least or "''hieh were ltobert Re<t tord, Paul Newm an ~nd Linda lov· cloce. In testimony before the Grand Jury. former Riillin 8lalf aide Dan Ryan said he ran a.foul of l{t.'<iford and Ncwm an when he was told to add their names to political files he was ordered to maintain. Ryan told the jurors he had no trouble identifying Redford and Newman but thilt "it was virtua l· ly impossible to find their ad· dresses." Miss Lovelace became a pro· blem when he r name poppecl up on a list of Sierra Club me1nbers. the former a ide said. After being asked if the Sierra Club Lovelace was the porno movie queen Lovelace, Rynn replied, "l don ·t know. Rut he r card seemed to be well US(:d ." Ryan was one of past and pre· sent Battin s t3ff members who testified be fore the Grand Jury during its investig;ation l.nto the s upe rv iso r 's try for the Democratic Party 's nomination for lieutenant governor last year. And while he wa~ unhappy about being assigned the chore of maintaining Battin's elaborate political card file. the indicted Firs t Di s trict s upervisor ob· \iously regards it as an impor- tant task. "A Jot of people have, you might say, broken their c areers on fouling up my lhree·bY·five cards," Battin told the Grand Jury, "I have even fi red guys who have passed the California bar examination because they couldn 't keep these particular three-by.five cards," he added. Battin's testimony came in his second appearance before the Grand Jury as he tried to head off an indictment relating to charges of campaigning al taxpayer ex· pense. But a few hours after he left the witness stand Aug. 13. al least 12 jurors voted to indict h.im on seven relony counts. Before they did, however, Bat- tin was given a unique chance to tell his side of the story by jury foreman James Utter. The foreman allowed Battin's attorney, .... ·ho was waiting out-· side the jury room, to submit 11 written ques tions that were asked the supervisor by Deputy Dist. Atty. Jac k Ryan. In his answers to those ques- li ons. Battin m:tint1,ined lhal n1(•mbers' of !lupcrvisors' staffs rail under s pecial duty regulo.- tions. adhering to aitslgnments and hours 1>rescr"ibed by their emplo)•er. lie 3lso ga\'e the jury docu· n1cnls he snid showed that he ac · cepted payroll sheets submitted to him at fU<'C value and did not intend for the s taff to work on his can1pa ig 11 <JI county exvCnsc. l\attin a lso produred campaign rt•cords th~t show postage, sta· tioncry, tr.a v('! expenses and other itcn1 s re lated to his 1974 can1paign had been paid by the f)·iend$ of Robert B.atlin. Hut the t estimony of the rune past and present staffers indicat· erl they had worked rnany more hours on the Cilm paign on county time than they had been paid for "i th Friends m oney. And. six of them te~tined, they had been asked lo prove they were r egis tered Democrats before being added to Battin's staff. Furthermore. th ree testified, they \\•ere expect e d sometimes lo work 60 hours a week ror 40 hours pay. Rattin did not re(utc the allcga. lions which we re unkuown to him at the Ume he l('Stifiud . ''I expe<.'ted my staff to work 40 hours for the county and anothe r 10 or 20 on m y c<impa.ign if it needed it." he said. Classifying him self KS .. n1cul· Jy conservative Democrat, ho said he believes it necOtJsary for members of hi s staff to be in phlloso1thica I ;1g rcc1nf.!n t with him. During Biillin's lengthy \'Olun- tary stay on the witn1._•s.s stand , he and Ryan frequent ly had difficul· ty stayinK on the same wave length. _., For example, at the conclusion of a long answer he gave wh<'n asked how many cards he keeps ln his political files. Battin saitl . ", .. And my lalest. botch is a group of persons who s igned a pet1t1on I OT a stronger no· s moking ordin~nce in Orange County. J \\'as going to explain that-" "I don't smoke, Mr. Battin," Ryan interrupted ... 1 don't even like smoking. I m e an. people who get in the elevator with n1c with cigars--" * * * * f'r-Pag" A l * * BATTIN AIDES •.. -Used former staff members' own estimate of the they they v.•orked on the campaign at coun· ty expensc. For example. Battin's chief aide in 1974, Ted Mor aitus. testified that25 percent of his time during the three·monthcampaign period was devoted to politics. His county pay for the period "''as $3 ,976. leaving the auditor lb conclude that $994 "'-'as paid to Moraitus by the county for "'ork· ing onthecampaign. USI SG T llE . SAME formula based on the staff n1ember's own estimates of county time spent campaigning. the auditor con· eluded Julie llelling Grimes was allegedly illegally paiU $1 ,043, Da n Ryan , $843 and Steve Knobloch, $308. AmEi nt testified that J anel Turner improperly received $522 in county wages and that Dawn Papp was paid $397 in county funds for campaigning. In Ament·s $4 ,107 summary, he did not assign lo.st wages to then and curre nt s taff members \\'alter Kapanke and John Rueda or former staffers Ron Dosh and Patti Short. Ryan, Knobloch, Kapanke and Rueda are s till co unty employees. After former county Assessor Andrew Hinshaw w<as indicted last s pring . the Board of Supervisors demanded th.at he reiinburse the county for wage• ua.id his starr members while allegedly working on his suc- cessful 1972 campaign for con. gress. T H E SVPERVISOJtS a lso asked 57 a s sessor's offi ce employees to pay back what they had allegedly been paid for cam. paigning:. Not having seen the Battin transcripts, the supervisors ha· ven't taken a position on recover· ing the taxpayer losses alleged in the testimony. Revealed in the transcripts is that the Grand Jury 's investiga· lion was touched off by Mrs. Papp. The former Rattin secretary was the first witness called in ri,·e weekly secret jury sessions that led to the indictment. According lo her testimony, Mrs. Papp in early July told her present e mployer, Tustin at-- torney Wi ll iam Dougherty, of strange campaign practices in Battin·s offi ce when she worked forhiminl974 . Expert Takes Issue With Irvine Panel Later that same day, accord· ing to ltfrs. Papp, she talked with two distri ct attorney's in- veliligators. Police Jail McKe ever on Drunk Charge Orange County Airport noise abatement s pecialist Norman Ewers has taken the Irvine City Council to tas k for its intent lo campaign against potential com· mercial aircr aft use of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Ewers, writing as an Irvine re· sident. cited a number of reports on the county's air transportation needs, all of whic h concluded that nying the big airliners into El Toro was the way lodoil. Irvine opposition w.afi spurred by a county board of supervisors decision to seek federa1 approval to make El Toro a· joint military· commercial airport. That de· ci!lion was based on a report from the county· s direelorof a via· tion recomme nding expanded use of the Marine field . ··Thiis counc il , however, prior lo even reading the director's re· port. instructed its sta!f to report on the costs of an organi%ed cam· • ' . paign to defeat the prol)OSal." said Ewers. Ewers said the council was shortsighted in not taking steps to meet the c ity's future air transportation needs. "This council, in my judg· ment, would be better advised to take a constructive altitude toward the board of supervisors application : to r ecognize the city's expressed need ror ade· quate air transportation, and to the proper authorities to express , its concerns for noise, air pollu· tion. safety and controls over the future growth of El Toro. "If these legitimate concerns can be satisfied. there is then no rational reason for not bringing the benefits of air transportation to the ci ty of Irvine,·· said Ewers. Ewers urged the council not to ''engage in some demagogic cam· paign which appeals to the worst rears of the community.'' Marlin McKeever, former Los Angeles Rams linebacker and defeated 1974 Republican can· didate for the California As· sembly, was jailed early today in Costa t.Iesa on a d runk charge. McKeever, 35, of 22 Point Loma Drive, Corona del Mar, was booked on suspicion of being drunk •In an auto. held for four houn and released at 7 a.m. Patrolman Art Kassel claimed he encountered McKcever in a parking lot al 3141 Redhill Ave ., while patrolling the city's northerly district near Orange County Airport. McK.eever was released on written promise to appear for ar- raignment Sept. 16 in liarbor Judicial District Court on the misdemeanor charge. ORANGE COAST ~11 DAILY PILOT ~~;~i:t~·~. ~,~· •;, ~~ ... :: :;,·:,: 2.~!".;; Co.•t ""l>ll~l~q (om~•~r ~•o•t•U ...,""''" Jt• JllA>I'-Mo""•• •n•outn f1wi,.y "" C~•l• ........ "'-.,!><"! l11K1>, Hun\of>Q!°" llo«h '"""' M on V•ll•!. l•v•"•· M<ldl•h•• Vi l" t ~n<I l"g~PW """'" S"v'" f "••t I '"''>I~ ••Q·~nM • .,..,, ..... , ''""'""''" ~ ..... ~ ••• , -~" \y""''' fr;o> 0""''""' ""bl"~'"0 ~····· ' ,,, ];,) ........... . ~h -.,1, Cn .to ...... ,a, C•l"O' n•• 't11l• Robert N: Weed p,,.,,...,, '"" Puo«\I'\<>• Jack R. Curley v ... p, ....... , • .,,, t;e ...... ,.... ...... Thoma<. Kcevil l~•lt• Thomas A. Murphlne Mt! ... ., ..... (t!llO" Charles H. Loos Ricnard P. Nall "'""'""' -n•t•"'I (,,.I<><• S.ddteback \lall•v Oltlc• UM• t..t "'' ltoH ot 5,,, D•t9'1 t rtt,.•• Other Ofllces co ... ~ ... 1)0 .,.,,, 84. ~l·tt! ,....,.,...., t•••" nu,.,_., llou" '"'" ,. .. ,,,,.,~tn• ll••<h llfll I>'"'" l\O<l,.v.,•a L.19Yhl 111 ... h. !1M~l1..,,.,,e M•t•t TtltphoM 171•} Ml ... lll Classlfl ~ Adverli•lng 642·S671 ""<'II'"'''" ........ "''*'"'""' H1·6l10 ~rtm ,.., '''"'""'" 4tS·06JO Hot water storage lank at El Toro apart- ment complex holds enough sun ·generated "-'Cl stti.ff to keep residents in 32 apart·· ments singin g in lhe show er. The solar- power system is working well, gas com· pany officials say. See story and photo Paget'?. CO~•dtl'lt . tt!I O••"" (OIU Pu91,, .. ,.,, (o"''""• "'~··-••._.,..._.,,..,,,.,_, ..i,100111 ..,.,,,. n• '""'""'"''"" "''''" "'•• a~ ""'~Ou\;l<I ••t,,.ut >Oo<•ll ""''""""" t• tOO•'•thlo"'n"' N t••I" ll••J .. ,, ... , ·~·.J •t te••• M~I• (..,;,. • .,,. \~•><••ot,..,_,.,.,,,,.,u Cl}..-"'' • ....... ~· o,)'"°"''""· ...... 1 .. ,otn ........... u 1111 ........... Irvine ED ITION VOL. 68, NO. 240, 4 SECTION~, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNT Y , CALIFORNIA -• Today's Closing N.Y. Stocks THURSDA.lf, AUGUST 28, 1975 TEN CENTS Ex-Battin Aides Tell Ca1npaign Roles By GARY GRANVILLE 01 the D•Uy Pll .. ,laH Grand Jury transcripts not yet made public show lhal seven former m embers of indicted Supervisor Robert Batlin's staff testified they worked on Battin's unsuccessful 1974 campaign for lieute na nt governor on Orange County government time. And a s tate auditor-investi gator estimated that Orange County taxpaye r s paid at least $4 ,107 in wages alone lo help finance Battin's ill.fa ted try for state of- fice. XHE ESTIMATE of what former Battin staff members were a llegedly paid for actually working on the campaign was made by Ronnie Ament, an srae s Accomatant's Clain• Tax Drain Seen In New Village ByDOUGLASFRITZSCHE OftlleDilllJ PllelSWH An Irvine accountant h as charged that allowing develop· mentor a new village somewhat ahead or schedule couJd jack up Irvine school district's tax rate by $1 .51 per $100 or assessed valuation. Turtle Rock resident William Littlefield told the city council this week that ir the proposed Village or New Culver is permitted to be built ahead or schedule it will be a tax drain on "the rest or the city. Littlerield's allegations were part of discussion on a proP,C:>Sed amendment to the Irvi ne general plan_ A varie ty or topics are ad- dressed in the proposed change, but the most significant is the Village of New Culver. Debate is . toresumeOct.14 . On one or Irvine"s three general pla n la nd use options- three different guides to the de- velopment of the city-the village is shown as permanent farmland. The others call ror de- velopment or the village after 1980. Noise Expert Backs Joint El Toro Use Orange County Airport noise abatement specialist Norman Ewers ba·s taken the Irvine City Council 'to task ror its intent to campaign against potential com· mercial aircraft use of El Toro Marine Corps Air Stetion. Ewers, writing as an Irvine re· sident, cited a number or reports on the county's air transportation needs, all or which concluded that flying the big airliners into El Torowastheway todoit. Irvine oppos ition was spurred by a county board of supervisors decision to seek federal approval to make El Toro a joint military- commercial airport. That de- cision was based on a report from the count y's director of avia- tion recommending expanded use olthe Marine field: ''Thiscouncil, however, prior to even reading the director"s, re- port. instructed ils stafr to report on the costs of an organized. cam- (See AIRPORT, PageA2l New Culver i s loca ted northwes t of C ulver Drive between the San Diego Freeway and Moulton Parkway. The Irvine Company has asked the city lo st ep up the schedule o( development, allowing bu.ild- ing to begin in New Culver as soon as the paperwork can be completed.. (See VILLAGE, PageA2)- Sclwol Panel Sizing Up New Mtt.th Program A team of mathe matics teachers gave Irvine school trustees a rirst look at a new math progr arn for the district Wednesday. That "s a ne w program for teaching math, they emphasized, not "New Math," the teaching system with an emphasis on the theoretical. Called a "math continuum," the program is aimed at enabling students to make uninterrupted. progress in mathematics; re- gardless of whether they change schools or teachers within the district. It sets out a wide range of s pecific goals, determining at which level of development a child should have the area in- troduced and when it should be mastered. Counting, for example, is to be introduced and mastered in the primary grades, while the use of deductive r easoning is in- troduced in kindergarten but may not be mastered until after high school training -if ever . The teachers emphasized that what system of teaching is used in the classroom d epends on the teacher. But the half·dozen teachers making the presentation Wed· nesday assured trustees that the controvers ial ''New Math'' system is losing credibility among teacher s, who are moving back toward traditional math. The a re as of increased teaching emphas is under the Inine continuum include: -More emphasis on connect- ing physical objects with teaching math to young children. <SeeMATH, P1geA2l Man· Attacks Girl In Laguna Beach A man brandishing a large switchblade forced a 17-year-old Irvine girl lnto a garage behind a Laguna Beach residence Wed· nesday anernoon and attempted to rape her. The incident toOk place not. far from the Laguna Beach City Kall annex where Laguna Beach· police detectiveJ are based. Det. Gene Brooks said the girl, who was in Laguna Beach to visit friends, bad stopped In the 6llO block of Goff Street to i!lat a sandwich abe had purchased doW11totm. The slrt told inv..Usaton that l \ a man approached and mumbled about trying to fiitd some friends olhis. As the girl started to leave. the man pinned her against the side of. a building, drew the large knife and forced her Into a nearby garage where the rape at- tempt ()(!curred. Brooks said. The 1lrl described the attacker as a male caucasian. 30 years old, five feet 10 Inches tall, medlum build. with curly red· dish·brown hair, and moustache. Brooks said the susp ect escaped down Goff Street after the: inciden~. auditor.in vestigator for the Attorney General 's Of- fi ce. "' Ament's $4 ,107 estimate is included in 687 pages o( testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared befor e the Grand Jury during its investigation into Battin's 1974 bid for the Democratic Pa rty's nomination for lieutenant governor. . As a res ult or its inquiry, the jury indicted Battin earlier this month on charges of grand theft, misuse of public funds and multiple counts of filin g false claims . BATTIN HAS PLEADED innocent lo all charges. He was scheduled to appear in court today with his at- . aunc torney, Matt Kurilich, in a bid to quash lhe indict- ment. While the state a uditor-investigator estimated what the taxpayers al legedly lost in campaign wages. no value was put on paper and other county s upplies witnesses said were us<.>d in Battin's can1paign. 'f o estimate campaign wages allegedly paid the former Battin staff merpbers from March 1, 1974. through June 4. 1974 , the auditor : -DEDUCTED $1,450 paid them in June of 1974. by the Friends of Battin and subtract ed that amount from what otherwise would have been paid them by the county. (See BA'M'IN AIDES, Page A2) ttac Dally P'llO' Slaff l'lleto llJ Pllrk-O"DoHIMll Jets Hit Terrorist Targets From Wire Services T £L AVIV -Israeli warpl;1 attacked suspected Ar ab g1.<1:f · rill a targets in Lebanon today. and witnesses in the area said a woman and a 3-year-old girl were seriously wound'cd. Uncon{i rn1ed reports fro m Palestinian sources in Lebanon said three persons were killed al a nearby Mediterranean pier dur .. ing the raid. which· they said was flown by four jets and lasted ii minutes. · The midafternoon raid came as Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss· inger was holding peace ta1ks with Israeli le aders in Jerusalem on an Egyptian-Israeli accord over Sinai. A brief military communique said ~ ..... hit Arab "terrorist targets .-·nonh of Tyre. about 15 miles north of the Israeli border on the Mediterr a ne an coast. The raid lasted a few minutes • and all the planes returned safely. the announcement said. The targets were not specified. Reports rrom witnesses in Sidon said the target was the Borgholieh refugee camp, the second air attack on the s mall Palestinian e nc lave in three weeks. The witnesses said several houses were destroyed. In Al exandria, Egypt a senior U.S. official said Israel probably will refuse to sign a proposed in-- terim settlement with Egypt un .. less the U.S. Congress approves American volunteers taking part in the peacekeef ing operation. The officia told r eporters aboard the plane shuttling Ki ss· inger from J e rusalem lo Alexan .. dria that a m assive diplomatic problem would ensue if congress vetoed the volunteer plan. AREMAN KEN JACOBS HOSES DOWN HUNDREDS OF UNIFORMS AFTER SANTA ANA BLAZE Force of 41 Areflghters Faced .Searing Chemical Fumes In Laundry Fire · Jn Tel Aviv Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres s aid the presence of Americans on the frontline or the Middle East con ... flict will ensure the maintenance Of the new agreement expected to be reached today. Deadly Fumes Released Santa Jn.a Planl Blaze Injures 5 Firemen By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Oflfl• D•itr Pli.1"11ff A force of 41 firemen was ex- posed to deadly· c hlorine gas and fumes from a mystery chemical early t.Qday in batUing a $300,000 fire that destroyed a Santa Ana commercial l a undry and thousands of workmens' un- iforms. Investigators later this morn- ing were still probing cause of the 2:15 a.m . blaze that injured six persons inc luding five firemen before it was que lled. Structurally, the cleaning plant known as Uniforms For Service Stations, 1002 E .'ChestnutSt., was totally destroyed, investigators said. A company spokesman on the scene said the destruction in- cluded $80.000 worth of service station attenjlants' uniforms and another $100,000 worth of just· manufactured denim and cor· duroy trousers. This would place the combined structural and mate ria1s loss at more than $300,000 if estimates by firemen and company manage· ment are correct . Battalion C h ief William Riemer said when men of Bat- talion One arrived at the scene in Santa Ana's industrial district the bui lding was nlrcady totally in· volvedtnflames. The second alarm blue wu raging so severely additional fi re units had to be called to the scene, then it becam e apparent the fir efightin g force was en· dangered. ''We e n co unte r e d some chemieal hazards.'" said Chief Riemer . Tips Given On Schools A unique public service is being offered by the Dai- ly Pilot for readers who have questions about their schools as back-to-school time looms. A map of the Daily Pilot's circulation area- published today on the first page of the second sec- tion-will help parents and students loca te the dis· tricts in which they live. 1· And beginning today, a column loaded with In· format io n about the various districts will ap- ~ar on Page 2. It will tell you vital data about YoUr schools, the people who run them and the people who govern them , .. • J l~e said the plant <.'Onlaincd drums of chlorine and a greasc- removing chemical that so far to- day had not been precisely iden- liried. Little danger or an explosion ex- isted, said Chier Riemer, but he added that when such chemicals become super-heated as in a lire they emit dangerous rumes. especially chlorine gas. "We"ve had no problems yet, but we've asked all the men to watch themselves.'' he said. Limited amounts or such fumes can cause lung damage which de- velops later , in a pattern similar to tissue d a m age American astronauts risked by accidentall y breathing rumes dµring the r e- cent Apollo s plashdown. Chier Riemer s aid five Ciremen and one civilian were injured dur· ing the predawn fi re, sustaining minor burns and !prained limbs, but did not require hospitaliza- tion. Peron Acquiesces BUENOS Al RES, Argenµna (U PI) -President Isabel "Peron has bowed to military leaders and replaced he r army com· mande r. easing widespread un· rest in the armed fo_rce.s but g r ave l y undermining h e r authority. The pact proposes to post at least too Am erican civilian te c'hni c ian s, a rm ed with. sidearms, in a new U.N. buffer zone in the strategic Mitla and CSee lSRAEL, PageA2> We•tller More low c louds and fog are in store for Orange Coast beachgoers. at least until the afternoon hours Friday. Nol much tern. perature change. Highs ranging £rom upper 60s at the beach to the mid-8ls in- land. INSIDE TODAY How can.anyone team tom. joy life w hite Jiving with.an alcoholic? A reader tell& u.s how ihe manages through thee help o/ Al-Anon . See P.ogeCI. Index At T-$otf'.,l<t ., ""'""' 1119'1 INll:'L •• AMl..l,...n El'ft9 "'IM<ll <> ,,,.,,.,T,... LM. .. ,_ " ... -W-• •• MllWlll FllMI "' ...... Dt·14 "-tltoMI'""" .. g .. c. . .. ..-. •• Or ..... ~, Atl .. 'I ..__ •• -· .... ON•NMk •t ... ._,, ... f_ ....... kllf' ... .. Sl•ll""-111 ... .... llllWWl•-t D• T ... ..i.-<• A-o Ct·I -·~ .. ....,_llH~lll '" --~ --" -·- I A2 OAILVPlLOT Tt\ursd1y. Augusl 29. 1975 r------------------------------1 I Uelpfal lnfol"lltallon Af»o11t... I I I I I l Your Schools Saddleback Community College District (CLIP AND SAVE FOR YOUR DISTRICT) A60UT Tll F.: OIS'rRIC f : The SuUdleback Cun1111u1ut y College Dls tri(·t .scr\'t.'S the southern halJ (48 percent ) or Orange County , including the C"o mm unities of Capislrano IWach , Dana l)oinl , F.:l '1'11:'u. lr\tnl·, L;i.~un(l Bt-aeh, l.aguna 11ilh;, Laguna Nigue l. .\11 :-osion \IJl'JO, S<Jn Clemente. San J t.001n Capistru no. 1'rabut 11, 1\1~tin <.1nd part ur Sanl<t Ana. Sactdlfbat•k l'ltudents art• of ·no particular age group. Jligh school gra ... · .. :ites, those 18 or older who ari! not hi gh school graduates tt.nd current high school juniors and seniors are t'li gib lc tv o.1tlcnd the communltY college . 1'he nloiin eanlpus i~ loeated in Missi(in Viejo, but the college utilizes \'arious s1lt>s throughout the distriet each quarter foroff·campus c·ourses. ' Approximately ll,500 slude nts are expct.·ted to enroll for the fall quarter. laking advantage or nearly l,000 I classes. Enrollm ent at the college has increased dramatical- ly the past 18 m onths, and rurther in cr ease".!! are e:rcpet.·ted the next several years. I I I I I I , I I I I I . , I J ust over 100 rutllime instructors and more than 300 part-time teache rs comprise the f<1eulty. Dr. Robert A. Lon1bardi h as sl'rvl'd as district superintendent the past year. The tax r::ite for the 1975·76 school year is .8965 per $100 of assessed valua ti on. BOARD OF TRU&TF.ES -CURRENT CONCER1'S' The sc\•cn-n1en1bcr Board or 1·rustees meets the se-cond and fourth Mund3\'S e ach month or as necessary 1n the eollegc's library ('Ompl~·x , J?oom 21.2. Among the n1ajor eoncerns or the eollege are the v;ist- ness of lht• di striet a nd the problems o( serving a populous spread uver 3-18 square miles, keeping up with a r~pidly in· creasing s tudent enrollment and construction of the perma- nent campus. \\.'Jl1\T IS TAUGHr: Saddlcback College offers nearly 1,000 cours('S , providi ng numerou s educational possibilities for tht> resi dt>nt s of the community eol lege dis triet . ·rhe col- lege offer s all lo .... ·er division requirements for stud ents -.-.·ho plan lo transfer to four-yC'ar coll eges ur universities. the curriculum for the ~\ssoeia te in Arts Degree, one·year certific."ate of achievement programs in techn ical and OC· cupational pro~ran1s, and di.!llrict residents are al...,•ays ~·clcome to enroll in one or more courses for personal enrichment or advaneement. Nearly all Siiddleback classes carry college credit ...,,hich C'an be applied to certificate or degree goals at the co mmunity college or four-year level . As a service to the re- sidents of the district, ho"·ever, the community college also offers several ··ungraded'' classes each quarter, m any of them in cooperation "'ith county authorities. In coope ration with the !\funicipal Co urt uf South Orange County, Sad· dleback offers improvement courses for drivers and motorcycle a nd bi cycle riders. These classes are open both to traffic violators and those .... ·ho want lo improve their driving and riding skills and knowledge. Other ungraded community classes include health for seniors, managernent of n1edical problems of agi ng, preparation for childbirth and lip reading. Saddleback is the first community college to ofter classes in basic and advanced motorcycle riding and basic motorcycle repair. The riding course have been recognized by the California Highway Patrol and the Department oC !\fotor Vehicles, and the DMV accepts successrul comple- tion of the course as credit for a riding license. C,\R EER AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Oc:cupa. tional elasses at Saddleback are open to students seeking the Associate in Arts Degree. a certificate of achievement, or those .... ·ho v.·,ant to supplement their current knowledge ~1th a limited program or study. Among the program are aceounting, administration of justice, AOJ law enforce- ment. corrections and law enforcement s upervisory ; airline flight attendant, architect ural drafting technology, bachelor of technology major, construction option ; business administ1·ation , business management; clerical, clerical- general offi ce, clerical insurance office, clerical-medical transcription. clerk-steno. c lerical-medica l office ass istant, electronic technology, .engineering technology, fas hion merch andising, home economics, horticulture, interior de- sign, journalism. legal s ecretary, legal office, library /media technology, marine science technology, medical assistant. music, nursing assistant, vocational and registered nurse. diploma school registered nursing, photography . radio/television /fil m technology, real estate, recreational assistant. retailing, sales and merchandising, secretarial, s urveying technology, teache r 's aide. FOOD SERVI CES: The college is served by a cafeteria \lo'hich offers a la carte breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. The c~mpus also is served by catering truck.!1, and has numerous vending machines. TRANSPORTATION: The collegt' is served by the Orange County Transit Di strict, which maintains a bus stop on campus and orr cr s specia l monthly rates to students. Bus schedules are available on campus. NEW IN TllE DISTRICT? HERE'S HOW TO ENROLL: Saddleback is registering students for the rall quarter, whic h begins Sept. 4. District residents who wish to enroll should fill out an application in the Office of Admissions and Records \Building !'t1 l, ...,,here regist ration appointments are availa· ble. Students ~·h o wish lo enroll in any of the colleJ?e's off- eampus courses may do so the first meeling of class. Be c a u~e Saddleback is on the quarter !i)'stem, enrollment for the winter lerm ...,,ill begin Nov . 20. Appli cations will be available in October. There :.ire no tuitio n charges for Californi a residents of al least one year. 1'he onl y fee Saddl eback students pay is for health se r,·iccs. This fee is St for on·campus students and $1 .50 for off -campus students. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _______________________________ ) E'rom Page Al MATH ... -More e mphasis on drill and Computative skills; adding, sub· tractlng, multiplying ~nd di\0id- 1ng. -Trying to improve children's attitudes to'>'' a rd learning math. -More emphasis on the metric ~y5tem and less on the Engli5h measurement system . The English system still is to be taught. -Mo r e emplr.,.sis is t o be placed on decimals and rtlat1ve- ly l~s on fraC'lions. -More emphasis i:. to be plac~ on problem-8olving &kill.!1. · Teachers pointed out lhat any system of teaching may be used .In the classroom, but that ...,.Ith prescribed rates or progress ror avernge 3tudents, a teacher would soon learn whe ther a 1ystem should be continued in use. If "New Math'' doesn't get the job doae. It won't bc used, pre- d I c t e d Prisc i lla lacano , chairman or the committee which dr•!ted the continuum. Coast Visitor Loses Ring A Gole-ta woman's night of dancing at the Airporter Jnn In Irvine res ulted in the thefl. of her ...,·allet and contents valued at $1 ,675. Fran Walker, in Orange Coun- ty \·isiting a friend in Newport Beach, told police :i;he left the purse at the ba r whil e she danC'ed. Wh e n 5ht ftrrl \'ed at the friend 's home. she told polic~. tht wallet was gone. The wnllel had contained IJ pl11tJnum rinl( "et with 21 diamond:.. She said it wasworthfl,500. Soldier Killed W UERZBURC, We s t Germany (U PJ ) -An American soldier climbed atop ii statue on ll bridge over the Main River Wed· ne1day and fell to hl1 death wh en the arm or the statue broke orr. The U.S. Army withheld th naJ'he or the $Ol dler pending notification of his ramlly. / Postal Hike Yule Gift? Battin Had 'Problems' Ponw Queen's Name in Political Files WASHIN GTON iUPIJ - The Post a l Rate Corn - mission toduy set the stage f (1 r in f'rt>u s ing lh l' niin1111u 111 111ailin~ cost of a f'irtit class l(·tter to 13 cents by Chr1s t n1 as. ( ltelatcd p1 tt urc, f'agt.•1\•I.) 'l'hl' eon1rniss1 on·s split decision is cx:pt!C'ted lo quirkly t cl'ult 1n :1 U.S. Pos t;il Ser vit.•c huost of th ree t•e nl :-. fur sending 11nt•·c>Llfltl', f1rst·cl:1ss ll't · ''"rs . 'I'll(• cost 1s no>A' 10 ('l'lll S. l~ut th e '' 1 \"Ol e , scheduled tu bf' orfil'1aJly announe('d later in the day, did not give n il the Postal Serviee requestt:'d in order · to trin1 its .:ro\~'in,I.! dcfi<'i li; and put the st~rv 1cc on a pay.as-you· go course. Indicted Oran ge County Supervisor Robert lluttin':t on· suceeiss ful 197•1 c1.1mpaign for lieutl~nar\t governor .... ·as hcSl!l wi t.h proble1ns, not the least or which ...,.ere ltobert ll£>dforct, l'aul Ne .... ·m an and Linda lov· ela('e, tn testimony be fore the Grand Jury, for1ner Battin stafr aide llan fi yun s~id he ran afoul ur H<'d(orU a.nd New1nan ...,•hen he .... •as told to odd their na.mes to vulLtical files he v.•as order ed to maintain. · lly;tn tol d the jurors he had no trouble id e ntifying Redford and Newman but that ••jt "'as virtual- ly impo~.sible to find their ad· dresses. Miss l,ovPlal·e beeame a pro- bll'nt when her name popped up on a list of Sierra Club me1nbers. the former aide said. After being asked if the Sierra Cl ub Lovelaee was th(· porno movit• queen Lovelace, Ryan replied. ··1 don't know. But her card _,eemcd to be well used." Ryun W<U:i one o( put and pre· 5ent Uattin staff membert who lestifi ed before the Grand Jury during its investigation into the s up e rvi s or's try (or lh e Demvcratie Party'• nom.inaUon r('!r lieutenant governQI' last year. Aod "'hile he was unhappy about being assigned the chore of m~intaining Battin's elabur0&tc politieal card fil e. the indicted 1-"irst District s upervisor ob· ,.;ou~l y regards it us an impor- t:1.nt task. · ·'A lot of people have, you might say. broken their careers on fouling up n\y three-by-Ove c•ards, ·· B:1lli11 told the Grand J111·y. "I have even firL>d guys who ha\"e passed the California blf~ * * * e:<aminntion becau:s t' th t y c·oulcln 't kef'I) th<'Se' partlt.·ular thre~-by ·fi \'C cards.·· he 1;1dd(.'<I. Raltin'5 testimony came in his s~cond appearanct• hefore th(.• Grand Jury as he lrie<l lo head o(f an Indictment rel&ting to chnrgcs ol campaigning at taxpayer ex. pen1e. But a few hours after he left the witness st a nd Aug. l3, ut lettst 12 juroris voted to indict him on se\•en Ce lony counts. Uefore they did ' however. n11t· lin waK given a unique chuncc to tell his side or the story by jury foreman James Utter. The foreman allowed Battin's attorney, whu was waiting out· side the Jury room , to ~ubmit 11 '>''rittcn ques tions that w~re asked the supe rvisor by Deputy Dist. Atty. Jack Rya n. * * * f'rom Png<" 1\ I Front Page Al VILLAGE. • • New Generals Taki11,g Over .Al El Toro BATTIN AIDES ... The <'o un c i l appu r cntl y generelly agrees I.hat lhe land is not su i table for p(•rmanent agriculture. Hut among the js. s u es that h ave come up is \Ii hether the council should tackle the whole topic of agriculture while eonsirl e ring the vi llage, or "'hether it is appropriate to con- sider it .. uiecemeal. ·· MeanWhile. the Irvi ne Co m- pany conslders the village a "moder ate-income" area, with homes priced for a less affluent market than the company 's usual high-priced houses. The company considers prices or $40 ,000 to $80.000 to be moderate income housing. The company beli eves it has better chances of se!LinR" homes in that relative ly mode rate price range than hi gher priced ones and has offered to hold orr de- velopment in other areas in ex- change for hastier New Culver developme nt. New commanding generals will takr over al 2:30 p.m. Friday by th e El Toro M<irin e Corps Air Sta· l ion and the Third Marine Aircraft Win g. lletiring after more than 32 years of Marine Corps service will be Maj. Gen. William H. Quinn, present Third Wing com· mander. Relieving General Quinn will be Maj. Gen. Andrew W. O'Donnell, former inspector general of the Marine Corps. The new Inspector general will be Brig. Gen. Albert C. Pom- merenk, who will assume com· mandofthe MarineCorpsAirSta- tion and the Corps' western area bases. Immediately following the change-of.command ceremony in front of Station Headquarters will be a presentation or honor.!I for the retiong General Qu..inn . -Used forme r stafr membe-rs' own e.."l timate of the they they worked on the campaign at coun- ty expense. For example, Battin's chief aide in 1974 . Ted Moraitus, testified that 25 per cent or his tin1e du.ring the three-month campaign period was devoted topoliUcs. His county pay £or the period was $3,978, leavi ng the auditor to ronclude that $994 was paid to ~loraitus by the county for work· in~on the campaign. USING T HE SAME formula based on the staff member's own estimates or county time spent eampaigning, the auditor con- ('!uded Julie l·Jelling Grimes was allegedly illegally paid $1 ,043 , Dan R yan. $843 and Steve Knobloch. $308 .. Ament test ifi ed that J anet Turner imprupcrly received $522 in county "'ages and that Dawn l'app was paid $397 in coWlty funds for campaigning. In Ament's $4 ,107 suntmary, he did not assign lost wages to then and current s taff member!i Littlefiel d, however , contends that Ne...,· Cul ver will not support its O...,'n t ax burden. The 6,000 youngsters who will require schooling will cost the Irvine Unified Sc hool District $3 .8 million a year more than the village ...,,ill generate in taxes, he asserted. School di strict officials Wed· nesday looked over Llttlefield's analysis, rinding his figures ac- cur ate if the village were con- sid er ed separ a tely from the balance of the city. Rancho San Joaquin Zone Change OK'd Police Jail McKeever on Drunk Charge Marlin McKeever , rormer Los Angeles Rams linebacker and defeated 1974 Republican can- didate for the California As· !!embly, was jailed early today in Costa Mesa on a drunk charge, McKeever , 35. of 22 Point Loma Drive, Corona del Mar, was booke d on suspicion of being drunk in an auto. held for four hours and released at 7 a.m . Patrolman Art Kassel claimed he eneountered McKeever in a parking lot at 3141 Redhill Ave., while patrolling the cit y's northerly district near Orange County Airport. McKeever was re leased on ...,•ritten promise to appear for ar- raignment Sept. 16 in Harhor Judicial District Court on the n1isdemeanor cha rge. Reil Rousers Keeping an eye on the past, Irvine city counci lmen have ap- proved a zone change for t he Village of Rancho San Joaquin. The plans were approved over the objections of Councilman Henry Quigley, who wanted a noating park site that could be moved around as potential pro- tection f o r va luabl e archeological finds. Rancho San Joaquin had been zoned for development before. The renewed action on the area was designed mainly to move a commercial area and to add !!Otne commercial recreation facilities. But while the council majority sunk the floating park. it decided to hold off any decision on how to spend $242,000 In fees that will re- main a cash reserve to possibly buy valuable historiC'al or archeoloeical sites. The fees are to be paid by the Irvine Company, which dedicat- ed less land than required (or parks in Rancho San Joaquin. ft pays the fees in lieu of giving land. . 1-lowever, two potentially valuable sites have been located by archeologists in the area. The sites total about 11 acres. Sailor s who hove joined the Con1munis t demonstration ln L~i ~bon le t their s upport for the p ro·Communist r>urtuguese government be known. The Communists had c ulled on Portu g al'~ servicemen to join them in a "re· volut.W na ry front" march . supporting Prlrne Mlniater Va s<'o Goncalves. t Coun ci lwo man Gabri e ll e Pryor suggested that the so- called in-lieu fees be set aside for poss ible purchase of the sites. The m one-y had been intended for use to build a 7,000-square- foot reereation building for the residents on Rancho San Joa· qui n. Councilman John Burton said he doubted that residents of the vi llage would be a s satisfied with archeological sites as with a recreation building. "I know a couple of people who ~'ill be moving into the area who don 't c are a farthing about archeology.·• he said. Nonetheless, Burton voted to hold the funds in suspense. The action, however. made no decision on how the !unds even· tually will be spent. . E'rotn Page Al . AIRPORT .. • palgn to defeat the proposal," said Ewers. Ewers said the council was shortsighted in not taking ateps to meet the city 's future air tran&portation needs. "Thit council. in my judg- ment, would be better advised to take a constructive atlitude toward the board or supervisors application ; to recognize the city's expressed need for ade· quate air transportation, and to the proper authorities to express its concerns for noise, air pollu· tion, safety and controls over the ruture growth of E l Toro. "If these legitimate concerns can be satisfied , there is then no rational reason for not bringing· the benefits of air transportation tothecltyof Irvine,'' said Ewers . Ewers urged the council not to ''engage in !!Omedemagoatc cam· paign which appeal!! to the worst fcarsofthf! community.'' Mine Workers Union Fined CHARLESTON, W. Va. <UPI) -A federal judge hit fined the United Mine Workers SS00,000 tor failing to end a strike that ha11 brought soft coal producUon to a halt in Appalachia. But rank· .. and·tile m1ner1 pre preparing for a lengthy walkout. U.S. District Judge K.K. Hall nned the tntern allon1l union Wedne•day bul said he would suapend payment if stitker1. who be1an their wildcat actlon Au,. 11, report to work by Tuesday. r the walkout contlnues1 he said, the '500,000 nne "•oulo Increase by SI00,000 each day. \\'alter Kopanke anrl J ohn Rueda Cir rormer statrcrs Ron Dosh <.1nd Patti Short. Ryan, Knobloch, Kapanke and Ru e da ar e s t ill county employees. After former county Assessor Andrew Hinsh11w wns indicted la::;t s pring, the Board of Supervisors de manded that he reimburse the county for wages paid hi s stare n1en1bers while allegedly working on his :!!UC· cessful 1972 c.ampaign for con- gress. THE SUPERVISORS also asked 57 ass essor 's offit·e employees to pay hack what they had allegedly been paid for cam- paigning. Not having seen the Battin transcripts, the supervisors ha· ven't taken a position on reCO\'l'r· ing the t axpayer losses alleged in the testimony. Revealed in lhe transcripts is that the Grand Jury's Investiga- tion was touched off by Mrs. Papp. The former Battin ~ecrelary \\'as the fi rst witness called in five weekly secret jllr)o' sessions that led to the indictment. According to her testimony, 1\o1rs. Papp in early JuJy told her present employer, Tustin a t · torney William Dougherty, of strange campaign practice.s in Battin's office when she worked for him in 1974 . Later that same day, accord- ing to Mrs. Papp, she talked. .... ·ith two dis trict a ttorney·s in· vestigator.s. WHAT DID BATTIN'S former staff member& do to help him win the Democratic Party's nomina· lion fOr lieutenant governor last year? According to their testimony, they : -Stuffed and addressed en- velopes for a portion of the 140,000 "Robert W. Battin, the ri ghting De moc rat for lieutenant governor" mailing brochure. -Starred or playL'(I bit roles in a 30-second Battin TV con1· mercial (ii med at F'ashion Island in Newport Beach. -Solieited student mailing lis ts fr om University o f California campuses , Batlin's college fraternity, labor unions. veteran groups, state polling judges a nd the Sierra Club. E'rom PGfJe Al ISRAEL ..• Gidi Passes that will be evacuat: ed by Israeli force!! in the new agreement. They are expected to man early warning attack sta- tions. o.-ANOE COAST DAILY PILOT Tflo Oo_c .... O•"r P•'<ll *''"-.• ~ ....... l>I""',.."'"'""'"''"· •Pubh•-bo1MOl..,ll" t"'"' 1-ul>U"'l"t co"''""• S•~••••• ovn"'"' .,. '"'""-d -...... ti>•~""" 1.1 ... , ,,.. C.0.1• ~ .... N•w,..,...1 B••<b . ,.,..nl<"vfO!'I bt-.b.Foun. ''"' V•'I••, 1<.,nt. S•dtU•&.t~ V•ll•o ••'II LA<!U!le 8'o&<b lSoUtb l •tl1 A '""'" .. <!'"''"' .aro!l!I """""',.." \•'"'""'' -s • ...:1 ... "•• p!i"<•o•• """"'~'"" pl•M 1, •I l JC _., ll•r ~t""1, C.0>!0 Mt\•. t ahlO<ft•• '"Jtlt Roberl N. w~ p ........ """ ''""''""'' J<ic k R. (urley \I><• '''*"""n' •"" l'oon~••• "'"'"•Cl"• Thoma!> l<eevi l l <lll<>• lhOmas A. Murphine -'--~"'" ·~''"' Chari~~ H Loos Rlcht'lrri P. Nall ••·•.i•nt Mo"•"'"" (~·•oo' Offices t•••• loot~• no _,, ••• S•·~•l "°""-t k ""-" IJU ....... _, "°"'••••' l., ........... t• .. c:, .......... \1•~·· Hubl •.,.ion l••l" 11'fl IM•<" lloulo • o•d S-••N t\ \1•11•• 11l01 ~·Pat llloA<I •IS.Ob Oio ... ''""""' Telephone !71 41 MJ-43:21 C!~S\l lltd Ad¥trtltlng 4-41·S•71 'W•ll•l>a< I \l•l!oo Nh•• Oftl<• Sll-•l10 F•O"' S•~ <••-~•• 4•J·O•l:O ) (noy•,.M , '"''' 0t•"•• C•••1 Pultll•l>I"• i (.--· NO""'••..O-,.. •'1u>1•••-• ..:l'l•lal ,...,,., O• •••~'I"••"'•"""'"'~ '""' ... .., .•• ~1 •• ....... ~, '""•! ............ /\ .. <•froQf\1 0•""' ' 5•10~11 ct•" ''"•"' t••I •l Co.•• .... , •. } C:.•tiloof\oA ~Mn"t!llll""~''."''' U 1111,.._~l~lo , .., "'•"+,.OU'"•""'"·""'''"' r """'~•hO.,. U.Of -!~0¥ I I I \ • i-I I j • Huntington Beaeh Fodntain Valley EDIT ION VOL. 68, NO . 240, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Today's ClosinJ! N. Y. S•tK"ks THURSDAY , AUGUST 28, 1975 TEN CENTS Ex-Battin Aides Tell Ca1npaign Roles By GARY GRANVILLE O'll .. O.llJPlkllS .. 11 Grand Jury transcripts not yet made public show that seven former members of indicted Supervisor Robert Battin's staff testified they worked on Battin's unsuccessful 1974 campaign for lieutenant governor on Orange County goverument time. Arid a state auditor·investigator estimated that Orange County taxpayers paid at least $4,107 in wages alone lo help finance Battin's ill·fated try for state of- fice. . THE ESTIMATE of what former Battin staff memb~rs }Vere .allegedly paid for actually working on the campaign-was made by Ronnie Ament, an Israelis Attack· • ....._., .... , \~ • auditor-investigator for the Attorney Gener31's Of· fice. Amenl's $4,107 estimate is included in 687 pages of testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared before the Grand Jury during its investigation into Battin's 1974 bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for lieutenant governor. As a result of its inquiry, the jury indicted Battin earlier this month on charges of grand theft, misuse of public funds and multiple counts of filing false claims. BATTIN HAS PLEADED innocent to all charges. He was scheduled to appear in court today with his at· Life tomey, Matt Kurilich, in a bid to quash lhe indict· menl. Whit e the state auditor-investigator estimated what the taxpayers aJlegedly lost in campaign wages, no value was put on paper and other county supplies witnesses said were used in Battin 's campaign. To estimate campaign wages allegedJy paid the former Battin staff members from March 1, 1974, through June4, 1974 , the auditor : · -DEDUCTED $1,450 paid them in June of 1974 . by the Friends of Battin and subtracted that amount from what otherwise would have been paid them by the county. (See BATrlN AIDES, Page A2) Struggle Lebanon Wounded Woman Sustained From Wire Services TELA VIV -JsraeU warplanes attacked suspected Arab guer· rilla targets in Lebanon today, and witnesses in the area said a woman and a 3·year-old girl were serjously wounded. Unconrirmed reports from Palestinian sources in Lebanon said three persons were killed at a nearby Mediterranean pier dur- ing the raid, which they said was flown by four jets and lasted 12 minutes. The midafternoon raid came as Secretary or State Henry A. Kiss- inger was holding peace talks with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem on an Egyptian-Israeli accord O\'er Sinai. A brier military communique said the jets hit Arab "terrorist ·targets" north or Tyre, about 15 miles north or the Israeli border on the Mediterranean coast. The raid lasted a few minutes, and all the planes returned safely, ,the announcement said. The targets were not specified. Reports frorn witnes ses in Sidon said the target was the Borgholieh rerugee camp, the <See I SRA EL, Page AZ) Burke Says Car Pools Now Leg~ "Car pools are no longer iJ . legal. Any person who provides transportation to and rrom work on a shared expense basis has been rreed from the threat of a fine by the Public Utilities Com- mission,'' Assemblyman Robert H. Burke <R -J.luntington Beach) announced today. Burke says that although hi s car pool legislation (AB 463) will not t ake eff ect until next January, he thinks that it will have a bearing in the case of Mrs. Garlene Zappitelli . She's the Fountain Valley mother who had been given a suspended fine by the PUC last April 15 for operating a car pool and charging riders at a weekly rate. Mrs. Zappitelli's rehearing has been scheduled for Sept. 29in San Francisco. The hearing was r eordered when the State Department of Transportation argued that the PUC ruling was unlawful, un- reasonable and arbitrary and it was issued without considering <See RIDES, Page AZ> Postal Hike Yule Gift? WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Postal Rate Com- mission today set the stage for increasing the minimum mailing cost of a first-class letter to 13 cehts bl Christmas. (Related J>lclure, Page A4 .) The commission's split decision is expected to quickly result in a U.S. Postal Service boost or three cents for sending one-ounce, first-class let- ters. The cos( is now 10 cents. But the 4 ·1 vote, scheduled to be officially announced later in the day. did not give all the Postal Service requested in ordtt to trim its growing dericlts and put the service on a pay-as-you-go course. • By ROBERT BARKER Ottt. !Mlllr l"llot5~tf A pregnant 21-year-old Westminster woman, allegedly s hot accidentally by her husband, barely clung to life to-. day, sustained by life support machines at Westminster Com· munity Hospital. Officials report that Mrs. Sharon Sue Cody is in very critical condition. A hospital official says today is particularly crucial for Mrs. Cody and that if there are no signs of improvement, a decision may be made to shut of( the machines. Mrs. Cody reportedly shows no braj!1 wave activity and there are no ~electable signs of Fetal life for tier five-month·old baby. A spokesman says the decision to continue to keep Mrs. Cody "'clinically alive" is in the hands of her family and physicians. "The hospital is waiting to see if there's any hope at all," said a police officer. ."lt'.J, a terribly agonizing de- . ciliori~ and uftderstand3.blr, 'no me is anxious to make jt, ' the _ pOliceman said. · · • Trickera.1 Th1varts Death UPIT ........ Nineteen-year-old Chris Best even stretched calmly Wednesday· while perched 33 stories up on a San Fran- cisco skyscraper railing where, for five hours. he had been threatening to jump. He was finally tricked out of a death plunge by his father and a fireman and hauled to safety. Thieves Again Hit Governor WINDSOR LOCKS. Conn . (AP) ~Gov. Ella Grasso·s sub- urban home here has been burglarized for the second time s•nce she became governor, police said. A $ilent alarm installed after a slill·'U n s otved burglary in January enabled two ~Fficers lo catc:h a man coming out the front door at 8:20 p .m . Wednesday,. Police Chier J a mes Whitten said. The suspect, Andrew C. Mik· kelson, 40, or East ltartford, was charged with rlrst·degree larceny and second-degree burglary and held on $ZS,000 bond for a court appearance: Peron Acquiesces BUENOS AIRES. Argentina. (UPI) -President Isabel 1?<!rUJ has bowed to m1lilal:')'.,le!lders and replaced het ·arm.y1 fln) .. mander, easin$ WidesJ>r:tad P : rest in the armed forces ~ gra\+e)y undermining her authority. ' ; He said efforts were being 1nade to contact Mrs. Cody's re- latives in the East. He said the husband, Gerald Allan Cody Jr., is "emotionally wrought" and not able to make a decision at this time. Cody was lodged in Orange County jail, charged with manslaughter in his wife's shoot- ing. 'Duke' Still In Hospital. John Wayne was still resting comfortably in Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach today after undergoing more "routine tests." Hospital spokesmen said they do not know whether he will be released in time for the holiday weekend. A family spokesman said the 68-year-<ild actor is being treated for a staph infection and a nag· ging cough. .. Last Free Movie On Beach Slated The Huntington Beach Library is presenting its last free 8 : 15 p.m . movie at the beach this Saturday night. The Walt Disney attraction, "Dumbo," will be shown at Lake Street and Pacific Coast Highway behind the Department of Harbors and Beaches building. Tips Given On Schools A unique public service is being ottered by the Dai· ly Pilot for readers who have questions about their schools as back-to-school timelOoms. A map of the Daily Pilot's circulation area- publlsbed today on the fll'St page of the second sec- tion-will help parents and stpdents locate the dis· tr1cts ln whic11 they live. And beginning today, a column loaded with in· formation about the vU!oua districts will ap- p.,.r on Pace 2. It wiD tell •,,,U vital· data abotlt y<JIJr 1 -kbOois. thC pCople who run .r • ·them. and the ~le who .M.:oem lht!m. . ' ..... ·~ Police today also provided~ further information concerning the shooting. The:Y said Cody was in the habit of arming himself and dur- ing the morning of the tragedy, he took the g un out or hi s waistband and put it on a counter. He noticed that it was still cocked, officers said, and in the process of uncocking it, the gun went of( and struck Mrs. Cody, who was in the line of fire. Dail~ Pilot Stat! Photo VOLUNTEERS PLAN .SOCIAL FOR NEWLAND HOUSE Renee Walsh and Joe Taylor Aid Restoration Job Society Slates Summer Social Huntington Beach families are invited to munch popcorn and sip lemonade in Lake Park Sunday, Sept. 7 for the Historical Society's second annual Newland Summer Social. The 1 to 4 p.m . event will in· elude games, clowns, Bicenten- nial souvenir booths, ice cream and cake stands, a fish pond and a cakewalk. Proceeds from the event will go toward restoration of the Newland House, a Bicentennial project of the society. other organizations participat- ing in th,e social include lX>y Scouts. Junior Women's• Club, Main Street · Blocked Off Main Street has been closed frolh Garfield Avenue to Mansion Avenue for about two weeks in order to rebuild the thoroughfare. according to the Huntington Beach Public Works Department. Sully Miller Contracting Com· pany is the contractor for the pro- ject which is being faid for by owners or Seaclif Shopping center at Main Street and Mansion Avenue. Trarfic will be detoured to Golden West Street rrom Garfield to Mansion Avenua. Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls. Huntington Beach Art League, Bicent ennial Commission, Children of the American Revolution and Music Man Band. Weatller More low clouds and rog are in store for Orange Coast beachgoers, al least until the afternoon hours Friday. Nol much tem- perature change. Highs ranging from upper 60s at the beach to the mid·8Js in· land . INSIDE TODAY How can anyone learn to en- joy Life while living with , an alcoholic? A reader tells us how she manages through the help of Al·Anon. See Page Cl , ilt'f'-S.rfi<• llNtlltf Er1N ..... Mcll l..M ... r• C.llfwftl• O•ulflM C-k• 0.MWO ... 0.t111 Jol(ltlCH £4111•1•11"-.e lllwt.11-0'll "-· ..... , ... flff"'11 -- Index A> llrttmiiui... 04 OS """l..o""" Cl C-1 ,,,...., T'" ·-Cf C4 Ml:l¥1ts D• .-J Mut11,1I .. .,.,., C• Dt•14 lWl'-1...... A4• - 01 Or••C. .... f A11·11 DI ....... • Cl•I illl ""'1t 014 A4 S...11 Mll111ett C6·1 04 ''""'...... cs <•..,. "'-""" .,.. A11 WMU..-At C> ...,..Ntwl M 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "% 0Atl V PILOT H /F Thursday. Auguat 28, 1975 -------~-----------------------1 Helpful Information AIH>ut.,. Your Schools Coast Community College Dlatrlot (CLIP AND SAVI fOR YOUll DllTlllCT) AROlJ T TllF. DISTRICT: The Coas t Commurt lty College District 111 comprised of ty,·o colleges. Orange Coast Colics:• t1nd Ciolde n We~t C.'olleu;e, 1tnd PBS h1dcvh1ion lil¥• tlon KOCI!:· TV, Chunnti l so. Orange Coast Colle,(!e is located at 2'101 F airvie w Rd., Costa !\J{'sa. 92621.i. Golde n \Vest Coll ege iii 1ituated at 15744 Goldeny,·e~t r:;1rc1!l, llun~ing\l)n Beach , 92647. 1'he broadcast facllltie1 of KOC:t-:·'l'V ure ba1ted on Iha Ooldun "'e11t cMm · pus. Admlni:itrative nffireffof the Coast Community Colleac Di1tricl ure at 1370 Adams A\'e., Co~ta A'1 e:1a, 921528. Chuncellor of the district hi Or. NormC1.n E. Wat.!lon. J">re,11J denl of Orunge Coa11t College is Dr. Robert Moore. Prt1tiident of Gold~n We11t Colleu:t1 ii Dr. Dudley Boyce. Vice Pre•idenl and general menu.cer or KOCJ::·TV Is William f.'urniss. NEF.D MORE INFORMATION? RJl•h1rd \'.Simon, PubUe Jnlorma1tot11 ~Sl·HOt. J1me•C1rt1elt, OCC: SM-57~. Bruce Wiiiia ms. Golden West: 892· 7711. James Couper, KOCE·TV : 887 ·0302. BOARD OF EDUCATION -CURRENT CONCt;RNS: Coast Corn m unity Coll ege Dis trict is governed by a Cive·man hoard o! trustees. 1'hey are pre::;:ident Georg:e Rod · da, Jr., Corona d el "-1ur ; vice pre11ident Robert L. Hum- phreys, Cus t11 Moilu; Worth Keene, Seat tteach ; Will.iam Kettler, lluntint;1tun Beach; und Donald lloff, Midway City. ·rhc board mee t11 biweekly, Wednesdays, 8 p.m., in the board room at the district adn1inistrati\'C offi ces. The dilitrict cover~ the northwe11 t county cop11tal com- munities of Ne wport Bev.eh, Coronit. del Mir, CoiilM Mesa, Santa Ana !!eight s. lluntington Beach, Fountain V<.tlley, \Vestminsler, Se"'! Reach, i\Tid°"'ay City a nd Sunset Bcctch, ;u1d scr\'es tt population or more than 500,000. Thill yell r lht!r ~J¥.'ill be a 14·cent t ax reduction per IJOO ~iiit!Stoed valuution in the di strict. Thili come• from can- cellation or postpoitnement of m11jor con,11tructlon pro· grums, a bop rd dccii>ion made due to the economy. The tllx rate will be .81 cent.ii per $100 . The budget i» $50,091 ,672. There is nu bo nded indebtedness. WllA.T 18 Ti\UGlrr: Nearly 90 ,000 Cull -and pirt·tlme, day and evonini lilludenli, will 1;1;vall them»elve1 of mord thun 1,000 clai111t:1K and tiel<b of 1tudy to be offered by tho dli· trict durin.i the 1075· 78 fhicat year. Anyone 18 year1 or older may re&li ter tuition .free for any purpoise : per»onal enl1chn1ent, vocattonul tr11tnin1 or pro(eli»ionu\ bettermont , recrea&Lio n or core educ¥llon for mutricululio n to four·year institution•. CA REE R AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Tho di•· lrict offerli more than 114 profe1t1lonal protram1, Crom 1irfrarne tochnolOiY to drafting, lMw enforcemenl to the metPI tradea, coit mutoloey and h11lrdrei1in1 to nur111ln1 pro- £ram», water purification technology 1t9lld more. Both colleueit offer either C'ertiric11te1 for evidence ot liill11rartory level• of proficiency in certMin career pro· gram• or As1orlu.le in Art.ll dei:reea for 1ucce11ful comple- tion of full two·)'ear pro&rams. CtttalU~i. v.·hic h Kre free for the Miiking , w ill delineale requirement• w.nd procedure11. EDUCATION ALT\': The diitrlct 11 one of the nation '• forerunncrli in education Viii televl1lon. Thh1 fall, •even diver11e t•ourse1 wlJI be offered for collece credit over KOCE·TV. They ure "Contemporary Callfo·rnl1 l1Mue1," · 'Clai1ic 1'heutre : The ~lumanitiea in Drama,'' ''Tho Awctnt of Man," "Child Growth and Development," "Introduction lo flumanltles," "Contiumer Experience" and "Writing for M Reil•on." Nol only doe111 KOCE-TV offer collete level teltcour1e1, but It Pllio provides Oran1e County at larte with quality, cultura ll y enriehinll pro,erammtn1 a• well •• community affairit covera~e . The Daily Pilot TV lo&• wlll lhil the dally •howina::li. t~OMMUNIT\' SERVICES: Both campu1e1 1110 offer va1t number• of community 1ervlce1, from atmo111t weekly lnlercolle11iato athletic eventi to the rulle•t •pectrum of dram at , music, paintina and other cre1:1tive art#. Another rommunity liervlce ii the dislrlct.'1 Outreach pro11:ram, where the colle11e1 extend beyond their campuHI t o take educ1i1tion lo lhe community. There are 81 "11torerrunl" lot·ations within lhe 9C).1quare-mile di1trict. Libraries and uthlelle faclUtiea are available to di1lrict re.11\dent11 . E11ch college orf~r• full aervlce to veteran&, han- dicapped 1tudents. lilludents in financial need 11.nd more. A career l'Cnter at each college helps to local e jobs for slu- clents. and stude nts in need of jobs. At OCC alone, the career center handles 1:1n uvera,u.e of 2,000jobs per week. There is an active Coope rative Education Program v.·here SlUdents n1;iy y,·ork for coll ege credit in their line or study al lor<.11 bu1incss or in industry. 1'hc tllfitrict, throuah the e\'enlnll college, admlnl1ter1 an acti \'l' senior citizens' program. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·-------------------------------- O•ANOE COAST "·' DAILY PILOT ""'''"'"~~(~~·o.. .... ,., .... ~ .. h·~·· ..... ~-... ~, .. ~ ..... , ••••• .... 1 •·<1~·'"' .'•• g.< (G•·1 < ""'' •'·•"Q (•~·~ •· • ~.I' •f•'• '~ t .,_. "" ....,!>< ..... ~ .... o ..... , "'' ·1~ ,, ••••• ·~ ., ......... ..... ,..,, '"·'~ .... ~'''' ,. '~" ·~·" V•"t• I""'" \•<I•••• • '' '• • ·•"d Uqu~• ~•h" \•w•~ {&••' • ""'" "J''''~' ..,,,,.,.., '' OYOh ••d ~••'~•·••• ..... ,,,wj , "• t;;;~;"(o,'~~:'.~~t.~:.~·:: .. ~' ,,~,,·~, ""' I 11 .. , ~ol>ert N We,.<! ., ....... ~, ... ,..,.,, .... , J,.t ll R Cu ,l~y It•(• ............ , .. 1 ........ """""' Thor11,., A M urj'.lt'llne .... ~., ..• ~ ... , .. Gl'iil r le~ H I oo-. Q1r h.:i•rl P N ill! ~··· ..... "•"• .. ..,, ''"' HW1t i11olo" l••f:h Ollice , • .,1 ••• ,.11 ....... . ,...,.,.,. •..i•fu PO ""' l"J ... ,. o•••r 0/1''" l ••~·•••·;l •k. ·•-···~··n1 ( .......... )JG .... ,, ll•t \UHi "",....,,, "'"' • '''I"•"' .. '''"""'' •••n !14""1t lM •-.. •• I I"' ·•·••"o"" •• ,.., L1tQo • , •• ,.., T•l•ph&nt 1714) MJ-432 1 Cl•••lllttl AfvtrllS•ftt ••l·t•1• ~.o.., .... 1 .. °' ..... c~v"'' ...... .._ ..... ••0·1220 (~D "'t~I lttl a, •• ,,. I ~~•I P~•'•IOl••t (•"'P•~• ~ •• ,., ,,.,,,,,."""'" ~~' • •'1H•o•! "''!le• o• ~••"""•"'•~" ~ ... .,~ m., •• t•P•~~~··~ "''°"'"I •Pt<•• ~''"'""•" o! '"'""~"' ... ,,, S.1un<1 """ 11••11 .. ••'' •' f•"" "'"'' t.•"'"' "' • I"'"• •IM•-~' , •' • ,., 1J Otl ,..,~,,,1,, b' ..,..,, \I .QI/ "'••llO!t , "''!''"" V.•lt~•llu'" 11 llO ....,, .... h Pair Nabbed In Robbery Two 19-year·old su11poct11 frorn Garden Grove were a rrested Wednetday nlaht in conne<-tlon with a 1tron1-arm robbery at the Weatmlnster Mall. Westminster police 1Aid one of the su1pects 1rabbed 1 b1C: cof\- tainJng *25 rash and check11 and c redit cards receipts rrom a clerk who v.·as m aking a ni&ht \'ault depotlt at the bW . \\'itnes1es reported a deacrip· lion of the 1etaw1y car and poUce said the suspects, George Lee Smith and Lorraln• M. Br)'•on, were a r rested In Santa An1 a short time later. Soldier Killed W UE RZBURG 'wost Germany <U PI) -An American 10JdJer t"llmbed •top 11l1lueon o brtd1e over thci Main River Wtd· nesday and fell to hi• dealh when the arm or lhe 1trilu• broke ort. The U.S. Army wllhhtld the name of the 111oldier pendln• notificMtion of hi1 f1mily. Funeral Parlors Accused \\'ASHING.TON (AP) -The Federal 1'rade Commission lo· day acr ust'd the '2 billion·Ptlr· )'ear furterpl homa industry or p ract ices r a ngi n' rrom body 11natchin1 to bA1t·a nd .11witeh ·saJes tat.'tics and proµosc<l rules to stop undert;1kers rrom exploit- ing and dccci\'ing the bt.•reaved. Announcing r t~Sult:t o( M two- yt."ar probe. the FTC s aid it found y,·idelipr e01d 1;1;bu:ie.o umons the nation's 22 ,000 Cun er al ho1ne1t. I n a ddition to the bod y s na tC'hing and balt-und·tJwltch t actic•. the FTC aa.id it found r e- quirement!I for the purchase of expen11i\'e coffi nli for ('remations. f a lse f lj1 \n1s for waterproof burial vault.!! and proritini: on Cl o wer s. C'l e r ~y men a nd pallbearer s. At the s ame t ime, the 1'"'"fC an- notu1ced acceptunee of a conscnl order requiring Svrvire Co1110ra - tion Internat ional -SCI -or Ho us ton. Tex ., the nation's large11t funeral home ch.uin. to re. fWld overcharge.<> for crema tions perfurn1ed the pas t 4\11 )'ears. The propo11ed funoral rules, if adopted, would ovorridc any state and local laws thal prohibit price adYertising and that re- quire cas kets ror c ren1<1tion. An accon1panying FrC stair d~ument said itate rea:ulatory boarda are often undt•r the con- trol of the industry, and that the general COUllSdl o( the Nati onal Funeral Director11 Association. the induitry's largest tr1:1de a s- 11oci11tion. 11llio i& gener1tl coun11el to the conference of lil ate re- gulatory boardti. Bandit Hits Huntington Savings Firm An unshaven bandit "'rith bu11h y sideburns escaped with an un. disclosed amount ot l'll.Sh Wed- nesday from u liuntington Beach 8avlnts and lo11n office. Police and FBI agents said the b11ndlt, who a lso httd long, brown hair. entered M orin1:1 Federal Savings and Loan Alisocialion, J8582 Beach boulevard, just l:llte r noon . I-le approached the ornce re. ception1st with a handg:ura, told her to get him •ome ca::;:h, then ned with the m oney. The office manager reruiled lo release the amount of cash ta'cen to the Dally Jlllot thi11 morning, and police and FBI official• said they have not been told the amount either, pendina: complc· lion of 11 branc h office audit. The m an, who waa about 23 years old, five reet , nine inche& tall, and 170 pounds, then Oed on foot . Police said he had aeveral days growth of beard. From Page ,\ l ISRAEL .•• second air ottack on the s mall Pale stinian encl ave in three weeks . The witnesses 11aid sover1I houses .... ·er e deMtroyed. In Alexandria, Egypt a senior U.S. official ,111:1id Israel probably will reru se to sig n a proposed in· terirn 1eltlement with Egypt un- let11 the U.S. Coni:reiss appro\le11 American volunteers t1tking p11rt In the peacekcef ing operation. 1·he offi cia told reporters aboard the plane .iihuttlini Kis11· in1er rrom J eru!ialem to Alexan- dria that a m as~i ve diplomatic problem y,·ould ensue if congress ·vetoed the volunteer plan. In Tel Av iv l11raeU Defense Minister Shimon Peres said the pre1cnce or American1 on the frontllne of the Middle 'P.:alit con· flict will ensure the maintenance of the new ai.:rcement expected to be reached today. The pact proposes lo post at leait 100 Americil!n civilian te chnlcian11, ttrmed with sidearms, in a ne~· U.N. buffer zone in the 1tr~tuaic Mltla and Gldi Pa11se1 that will be evacuat- ed by Israeli forces In the nei,•,. a a:reement. From Pnge A I RIDES ... .udvor1• environmental effects. Mr1. Zappitelll aioid 1he will at· t end the rehearlna with legal coun1el. Jn the meunUme, 1ht-'1 continulnJ:: he r daily trip to TRW System& in Redondo Be:.:tch y,.·ith her ti&ht p111eneers but 'he 'a only char1in1 actual aaaoline C'Oltl . Burk• 1aid that with the 1ign- in& or hi• me11ure by the gov· ernor, the commi111on will have 11 clearer definition of what c:o11- stltute1 a oar pool 1s oppoaod to 11 bu1 Jine. ''The thou11nd1 ot C11iforni1 mot.ori1l1 who on orie hand were btln1 encouraaed to pool it1 but on the other hand were conrrontOO with 1 threat of 1 tine If lhty col· lected for cxpen1111, are now rree to form those car pools,'' he said. ' , O•H' "llfot ~1~11 ,.h.;•o o, ,. .... ,~ a o. .. n1111 Flll!MAN KEN JACOll HOlll!B DOWN HUNDRIDll OF UNll'ORMS Al'T~l'I SANTA ANA !!LAZI! Force of 41 l'lrtllghtert ~•••d l••rtng Chemloel Fumet In Leundry Fire .$300,000 Santa Ana Blaze Injures Six Cold Ocean Gives Beacl1 Guards Break By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Olttl• 0111~ .. 11.i IWll A force of 41 rlremen Wit.!i ex· poaed to deadly c hlorine gus Bnd (ume11 rrom u myNt~ry chemical early today In battlins u l.100.000 fire lhltl del'i troyed a Santa Ana co mmercial luundry and thou1and1t o r workn1en5' un· iCormM . lnvestl11ator11 later thlil m orn- ln1 were ii till problna cu use or the 2: J.5 a .m . blaze that Injured six per11on11 includin._: Cive firomen berore it w~11 qu<lllcd. Structuri:illy. the cleunlnfl pliint known a11 Uniforms For Service Stations. 1002 ~~. Che1tnut St., was totally deiltroyed, lnve11tlgators 1uld. A company l'ipokeilman on the acene »aid lh" dc11t.ruction in- cluded $80 .000 worth of service atatlon attend11ntli' uniforms and another St00,000 worth or ju1tl- rn11nuf uctured denim and cur- Fro'" Page A I BATTIN -Used former 11tarr m embers' own eMtimule or the they they worked on the cu mpni«n at coun· tyexpen11e. For example, Battin'& chief aide In 1974, Ted MoraltuK, te1tifled that ~S percent of hi11 time durlnti: the three-m ont.h campal~n period wa1 devoted topolltic11. HJ1 county p11y for lhe period waa '3.976, leaving the auditor to conclude that 1994 wMs paid to Moraltu11 by tho county for work· Int on the campaign, USING THE SAME formula ba1od on the 1ta rr member'• own. eKtimates or county Ume spent c1mpal1ntna. the audit.or con· <'luded Julio lfelllna: Grlme" wus ollegedly illegally paid Sl,043, Il an Ryun . $849 11nd Steve Knobloch. '308 . Ament t e1tifled that Janet Turner improperly received '522 in county wa11es and that Day,•n Papp was paid $397 In county runds for cam1>ai gning . Jn Ament'a l4,1071ummary. he did not a1u1ign lo1t waces to then and c urrent iltarf membera Walter Kop11nke and Johll Rueda or former 1tarre r 1 Ron Dosh and Patti Short. fiyan, Knobloch. Ka panke and Ru e da arc s till c oun ty en1ploy1~cs. After former county A1se1M>r Andrew lllnshnw was Indi cted laat s prinw . the Board or Supervl1or1 demanded that he t('\mburse tho county ror waaes uaid hi s st ~rr m embers while alle~ed ly Y.'orking on hi s s ue . cessful 1972 c ampaib'll ror eon- s re••· . Pub Bomb Hurtt1 33 CATERllAM ' England !UPI) -1'h• pollco blamed "" lrlih Republican Arm)' aplinter 1roup today ror the pub bombing lh'6.t wounded 33 1)crsons, duroytrou11erM . · ThlK would pl11 C'c the r omblned strur tural und mut(•rials Ines at more than 1300,000 If et1ll mttle11 by firemen and company munuae· m ent are t•orrect. Battalion Chier Wllllwm Ri emer llilid wht!n men of J~ut­ t uUon One urri ved u.l the 11cene In Santa Ana '¥ lndu•lrlRI d1 Hlr1 c:t lho buildine Will ulrcudy tot»lly in· volved in fl11mei1 . The 1ccond ulilrm bh1ze wall ra11inj:: 110 11everely odclitionul nre un its had to be called totho1ceno, then It becumc uppurent the flrefiehtin11 force wall en- danQ:ered. ··we encountered 1ome chemical haiardi.," 1ald Chier H.iemer. lie auid the plant contained drums or chlorine a nd a area1e· removln1 chemlC'al thal so far to- day had not been prcct1ely lden- ttried. J,Jttle danger of an expl01lon ex · Isled. said Chlet Riemer, but he udded that when 1uch chemical.11 become tJuper-heated as in a fire they emit dangerouli fum e11, e::ipeclally chlorine auii . "We 've had no problem• yet, hut we've a1ked 1111 the men lo watch them11elve1, ''he 1ald. Limited a mount• of 1uch fumes can c11u11e lung dama1e which de · v1Jlop1 later, In 11patlcm1\milar lo tl11ue dama1e Amerlcun 11stronaut1 rl11ked by acci dentally brcathlnR fume1 durinc the re· cent Apolloi plashdown. Chic( Riemer anld five firemen and one civilian were Injured dur- ing the predawn fire, su1tainine minor burn• end 1prained llmb11. but d ld not require ho1plt11U11t· tion. l.iftguurd11 on "''o..it fJr1111ue County beaches w1..•re keu111nu a watchful t!yc totl11y un lroplc•il :Horm J ewull the.11 HUY 1~ lltult1111l lli way tilowly 111> to <.:11l1ror111u. Jllgh 11urf fro n1 thi' Mt11rn1 hall been expected tu urrivu Wt•dn«!I'!· day or today but JJ reHuttrd.!I IHIY now it's pnyb0Jy '11 &:tHlllS wh en and ir it does. Seal Aeac h lir e~uurtl:t who m ade 141 r csC'ucs 'l'ues d;.1y , plucked ooly 35 out of lhe waturs W e dn es day U(l c r WU VCli diminished tu three l.u fnur fl'cl and a poY.'e rrul r iptide hud diminished. Lifeeuardi ut llunti ngton Beach 11tate and city bcuc h1•11 aaid the wutrr Lempt1ruturP ft•JI to 56 degrees, '· und it wuM JUsl too coldtoawim.'' Only one sv.rimmcr had to ho rescued at the city beach wliile 1>t6llc lifeguar ds r eported 10 1ave111. Crowd• were listed ;1.'i moder ale with the s url rung In~ up to three to four rcct . Water tempcraturc11 al Jfuni- lncton beach w e ro unusually chilly. Lifeguards 11;dJ htiuvy Hwell1 had churnud up lht: <'o ld water• fro1n the botlorn tu rl'luku it 11 re.it! tc11t for batherli. Waters at ~eul Beach wcrl: r14 d egrees. A 11reguurd ~ai d wurrn waters roming from tbe l::dlson eteam /lant in J,oni: Btach at:· counte (or the dif(crcl\t'C. Tradeoff Rejected Over Unification T ru11tee1 In l1'untin1ton Beach 's Ocean View School Dis · trtct 11aid toduy they are not con- ttiderina any unification "trade off '' or 1c h ool1 with th e We stminster School Board. Dale Cooa:iln, dl1trtct superin· tende nt, 1aid 1om e parcnt3 In the district have asked If Ocean Vi ew plans to swap Its Westmont and Star Vi e w Schoo l s . in We1tmin1ter and Midw1y City for flv@ We1tmlns ler Schonl Di s- trict liC hoolli in f\orlh •lunlin8lon 8e•ch. Rut Coog•n s1ld hi s board has not con1idered any type of trade and docs not plan to. The unification plan the board will suhmit to the Or1mge County Committee on Sohool Dt1trict Oraanl11tlon Sept. 10 11 for un- ific.ation alona dlatriot boun- darl11 alone, And Coo11:an aaid auch a "1wap· pinf' or 1ohool1 could ruull In an 'lntol1r1bl1" •lluaUon if one W\irJcatlqn plan aucc..cted and another f1iled. Ir the 1ugceiled swnpa were a r- ranged, Coogan salrl. and If one plan passe d alone , th1·rc could be a remnant We1 tmlni1ler distri\!t of five 1chools In 1-luntlngton lleach or a remnant C)t•ean View dl1trl c t of two .schoolli i n Westmin1ter and Midway Clty . The remnants, O:>u11un &a.i d,· would retain all the u111.;et11 of the · existi ng elementary district" hut would be too sn1all to operate cf· ficiently. He did n ot r ule out the poeslbillt)' later of either are11 a n" ntxln~ to the district~ of rt·,sl· dents choice. but ~aid Otc14 n View is not open to a iwup noy.·, T he plan the WC':.tmin:;tor &:hoot District will present to the county committee includt.s the five north Hunt ington lleach :i1ohool1, 11 well 11 St ar Vlilw and We1tmont . Coo,ran said hi• bo11rd "'·Ill work to keep thos o two •chool1, 11aying the bo11rd w111 rloctcd to serve U101e ro•ldenlJI and plans to keep doing so . \ , . -- ' O.rang~ ~oast ··~ _,,_' > • , EDITION • 'l'oday·s Closing N.Y. SC.oeks VOL. 61\, NO. 240, 4 SECl'.ION§, 42 P~G!:'S . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, AU GUST 28, 197 5 N TE N CENTS Ex-Battin Aides Tell Campaign R oles By GARV GRANVILLE ottlwDallW P'lllft~ Grand Jury transcripts not yet made public show that seven former. membe:r.s of indicted Supervisor Robert Battin 's staff testified they worked on Battin's W1successru1 1974 campaign for lieutenant governor on Orange County government time. And a state.audltor·invest,igator estimated that Orange County taxpayers paid at least ti,107 In wages alone lo help fin ance Battin's'Ul-!ated try for state of· flee. ... THE ESTIMATE of what former Battin st aff members wer e allegedly paid for actually working on the campaign was made by Ronnie Ament, an Trickery Thwarts Death UPhTt ...,...._ NlnetectJT·)l:ear-old Chris Best -even stretched calmly Wedne(day while perched 33 stories up on a San Fran· cisco slfyscraper raiiling where, for five hou.rs, be had been threatening to jump. He was finally tricked out of a death plunge by his father and a fireman and hauled to safely. Thieves Again Hit Gove rnor • WINDSOR LOCKS, -Conn . <AP) -Gov. Ella Grasso's sub· urban home h ere. his been burglarized for the i eiOOnd tlme since s he became IO"•mor, police said. :-- A silent alarm install~ altet a 1tlll -1.1n1olved bur,l4ry in Janllaty 'enabled two 'Citftcen to catch• ma.rt comln1 aurtM1Nnt door It '8 :20 p.m. Wedn<osdlo,. Pelle• Chier James WhillA!n-.id. The suspect, AodreW C •. Jilk. l<ellorl, 40, of E11t llarUord, was (· cha rged 'ft'ith fi r s t-d egree l a rceny and second-degree burclary and held on ~.000 bond for a court appearance. Pero n Acquiesces il~NOS AIRES, ArwenUna. (UPI) -President Isabel Peron h'.al bowed to m llilacy leaders and replaced her army com · m.ander, ea1ing widespread un· r.t Lil the armed rorces but 1ravely unde rmi ning h e r ..,q,..;ty. ... ,• ' auditor·in\'estig"itor for the Attorney General's OT- fice. Ament's $4 ,107 estim ate is included in 687 pages or testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared before the Grand Jury a wi'n g its investigation into Battin's 1974 bid for the Democratic J>a1ty's nomination for lieutenant governor. As a result of its inquiry, the jury indicted Battin earlier this month on charges of grand theft, misuse of public funds and multiple counts of filing false claims. BATTIN HAS PLEADED innocent lo all charges. lie was scheduled to appear in c:ourt today with his at- Coastal P anel Notified torney, Matt Kurilich, 1n '' bid to quas h the indict- ment. While the state auditor-investigator estimated what the taxpayers allegedly lost in campaign wages. no value was put on paper and other county s upplies witnesses said were used in Ilattin's campaign. To estimate campaign wages allegedly paid the former Battin staff members from March I, 1974. through June 4 , 1974, the auditor ~ -DEDUCTED $1,450 paid them in June of 1974. by the Friends of Battin and subtracted that amount from what otherwise \vould have been paid them by lht' cowity. <See BATflN AIDES, Page /Ul Village Plan Canceled Ci ty planners in Newporl Beach have sent the formal notification which will kill any Regional Coastal Commission action on t he controversial Delaney's Cannery Village pro- ject which had to be scr apped this "-"eek because of a city staff mistake. City Plannin g Director Richard Hogan sent the letter tu co mm issioners -a missive which will mean the cancellation of the hearing scheduJed Sept. 15. And spokesmen for developers of the proposed r estauranl- commercial complex proposed. on Lido Penins ula have not yet announced iL or \11hen. they ""'ill start a brand·new round of ap- plications and hearings for the $1 .8 million µrojcct. The mis take was techni cal. but far-reac hing and "-'as one related lo a city charter provision that states all ordinances need four yes votes !rom councilmen, not just a simple majority of counci l members present at the time of the vote. The law slates that on two separate votes. four ayes arc needed for passage. 1'hat worked in the first vole, with a 5 to2 margin. Rut a council hit by absen- teeism late last January could only muster a 3 to 2 margin the second time. That slipped past City Attorney Dennis O'Neil. and City Clerk Laura Lagios later ad· vertised the results and the .id cit ed passa ge of the development bid. But the e rror only came to li ghl recently "-'hen lawyers for the op· position discovered the naw, and (See CANNERY, PageA2l Funeral Indust ry As sailed T h ree D i e in Raid Trio.Beat, Roh Pair in Lebanon Guerrillas Mesa Home WASHINGTON '!AP! -'!be Federal Trade Commission to- day accused the $2 billion-per· Ye&f funeral hom e "industry of practices ranging from body snatching to b ait -a nd-switch sales tactics and proposed rules to stop undertakers from exploit· ini and deceiving the bereit ved. Announcing results of a two· year probe. the FTC said it found wi despread abuses among lhe nation's 22,000 funeral homes. In addition l o the bod y snatching and bail-and-switch tactics, t?ie FTC said it found re- quirements for the purchase of expensive coffins for cremations, false claims for waterproof burial vaults and profiting on flower s, clergymen and pallbearers. Al the same time, the F'""K: an· nounced acceptance of a consent order requiring Service Corpora· lion Internation al -SCI -of Ho uston , T ex ., the nation's largest funeral home chain. to re- fund overcharges ror cremations performed the p ast 41~ years. The proposed funeral rules, i£ adopted, would override any state and local laws that prohibit price advertising and that re·- quire caskets for cremation. An accompanying FfC staff document said st ale reguJalory boards are orten under the con- trol of the industry, and that the general counsel of the National Funeral Directors Association, the industry's largest trade as· sociation, also is generaJ counsel !See FUNERALS, Page A2) Surf's Down; Small Waves ·For W eek end With the s urf steadily decreas· ing in Newport Beach, lifeguards said today they have no idea w.hat to expect for the holiday weekend. Montrous waves that delighted surfers earlier this week are ap.. parently gone, and tin.Jess a pre- dicted new tropical storm kicks up new swells, Newport surfers will have lo be content with smaJI breakers. Marine Sarety Capt. Buddy Belshe said no one seems to know whether the new tropical storm off Baja California will send big waves this way. Wednesday's swells were down to five and six feet and loday, sets of only three lo four feet were reported by lifeguards. . "We m ostly have confused soulhwesl swell s, breaking at- bothends, ·• Belshe said. Water temperature is still un· season ally low, with a S6.5 degree reading r ecorded both Wednesday and today. "There a ren't too many swim· mers out there. and tbo6e who do <See SURF, P04e 112) • Israeli Jets Attack From Wire Services TEL AVIV -Israeli warplanes a Uadiltd ~u spec ted Ara b guer- rilla .targets in Lebanon today, and witnesses in the area said a woman and a 3-year-old girl were seriously wounded. Unconfirm e d re ports from Pales tinian sources in Lebanon J"l.id three persons were killed at a nearby Mediterranean pier dur· ing lhe raid, wh ic h they said was flown by four jets and lasted 12 minutes. The midafternoon raid came as Secretary of State l·lenry A. Kiss· inger was hold ing peace talks with Israeli leaders in JerusaJem on an Egyptian-Israeli accord over Sinai. A brief n1 ilitary commwtique said the jets hit Arab "terrori st targets'' north or 1'yre, about 15 miles north of the Israeli bord~r on the Medi tcrr anea.n coast. The raid lasted a few minutes, and a ll the planes returned safely, the announ ce ment said. The targets were not specified. Reports from witnesses in Sidon said the target was the Borgholieh refugee camp, the second air attack on the s mall Palestinian e nclave in three weeks. The witnesses s aid several houses were destroyed. In Alexandria. Egypt a senior U.S. official said Israel probably will refuse lo sign a proposed in· terim settlement with Egypt un · less the U.S. Congress approves American volunteers taking part in the peacekeering operation. · The officia told reporters aboard the pla ne shuttling Kiss· inger rrom J erusalem to Alexan- dria that a massive diplomatic problem would ens ue if congress ·vetoed the volunteer plan. I . In Tel Aviv Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres said the presence of Americans on the fronlline of the Middle East con· nicl will ensure the maintenance -Tips Given On Sclwoh A unjque public service is being offered by the Dai· ly Pilot for readers who have questions about lheir school s as back-to-school time looms. A m ap or the Daily Pilot's circulation a rea- published today on the first page of the second sec- tion-will help parents and students locate the dis· t.ricts in whi ch they live. And beginning today, a column loaded with ln- form at I o n about the various districts will ap- pear on Page 2. lt will tell you vital data about Yout schools, the peop~ who run them and 'the people wbo govern them .. of the new agreeme nt expected to be reached today. The pact proposes lo post al least 100 American civilian t ec hn icia n s, armed with sidearms, in a new U.N. buffer zone in the stra tegic Milla and Gidi Passes tha t will be evacuat- ed by Is raeli forces in the new agreem ent. They are expected to man early warning attack sla· tions. Peres said the functions pre- viously assigned to the powerless U.N. peace-keeping force will "now be partia lly placed on the shoulders of a large and responsi- ble superpower ... ·· he said this would add a motive for Egypt not to turn lo another war. Mesa Youth Commend e d In Capture A 16-year-old Costa Mesa youth was comme nd ed by Newport Beach police today for his cap- ture of a young man who alleged- ly assaulted a bus driver. Detect ive K en Smith said Robert Joseph Brant wi ll receive a "l?ood citizen letter" for his ef- forts Monday, when he chased and caught a man who he saw nee from a scufn e with a public bus driver. The incident occurred about 6 p.m. at Balboa Boul clard and West Coast Highway in West Newport. Following his capture by young Brant. Terry Lee Kabrud, 20, La Habra, was arrest ed on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. Two others we re booked on lesser charges, police said. According to Smith, Kabrud and two companions boarded the Orange County Transit District bus and were immediately told by the bus driver to leave when he discovered they were drinking alcohol. Be.fore stepping of( the bus, Kabrud allegedly struck the bus driver Richard Rice, Zl, of 424 1 .. a Esperanza, San Clemente. with his fist. S mith s aid. Rice ran after the trio and Kabrud and the driver tussled just outside the bus, according to police. Befor e Kabrud ned, he al· Jegedly struck Rice across the back with a heavy West em belt buckle. police said. Smith said Brant saw the inci· dent, pulled his car over and began purs uing Kabrud on foot as he ran away, Brant caught up with him at . 47th Street and brought h im bac k only after K•brud allegedly attempted to choke him .and lashed him with the buck.le, police said. A trio of thugs burst into a Costa Mesa home Wednesday night a ft er ringing the doorbell. overpowered and robbed a 78· · year-old m an and his wife and left with $26 after binding and gagging them. Lue B . Grayson, of 2817 LaSalle Ave .. and his elderly wi(e fin all y worked free of ropes u sed t o l ie t h e m up and telephoned poli ce. who were still probing the episode today. Officer Alan Cain said the cou- p I e explained they were watching televis ion about 8:40 p.m ., when the doorbell rang and Grayson ans wered it. DOW FI NI SHES UP 22 POI NTS NEW YORK (U P I ) -The stock market. with blue chips and glamors leading the way. c losed s harply and broadly higher today in slow trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones Industrial Av er age, a 3.91 -point winner Wednesday, gained 22.45 points to 829.47. Recently it had slumped since reaching its 1975 hi gh of 881.81 on July 15. Advances out· numbered declines by about a six· to-one margin. (Tablcs.C7l. Turnover amounted lo about .14.530,000 shares. up from the 11, 110,000 traded Wednesday. Prices wer e hi g h e r in moderate trading on t h e American Stock Exchange. Or~ Coa 11t ---' '"" Weatloer More low clouds and fog are in s tore for Orange Coast beachgocrs, at least witil the afte rnoon hours Friday. Not muc h tem - perature c hange. Hi ghs ranging from upper 60s at the beach to the mid·S'.>s in- land. INSIDE T ODAY How can. anyone learn to en· joy life 111hi/e living with.on alcoholic? A reader tells us how she manages through the help of Al-Anon. Set P.ogcCI. Index ,\ ) \. • • • • I I t\ :! DAILY PILOT N Thursday, Auou•t 28. 1975 ~-------------------------------I , Helpful lnfor11tarlon :\ l>ouf ••• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I Yo11r Schools Coast Community College District (CLIP AND SAVE FOR YOUR DISTRICT) ABOUT TllF. DISTR(CT : The Co ast Co mmunity Cl)ll eg<' Uisl rict i~ co1nprist'<i of t\V O col\egt~s. Orang l' Coa st Colleg<' and Golde n West C.:ollc~c. and P »S televis ion st a· tion KOCE·T V, Channel 50. Orange c:oast College is locall'"d at 2701 Fairview rtd .. Costa i\te~a . 92G2fi . Gu\rt en \.\'est Coll ege is situated ;1t 15744 (~ol d1•n'.''est Street. l~untington l~e ac h . 92647 . 1'hC' broadC'ast faciliti l'S of KOCE-TV arc based on the Golden West cam· pus. Adm inistrative offices of the Coast Community College District are at 1370 Adams Ave., Costa i\.1esa, 92626. Chancellor of the district is Dr. Norm:ln E . Watson. PrC'sidf'nt or Orange Coast Coll ege is Dr . Robert Moore. President of Golden West College is Dr . l)udley Boyce. Vi ce PresidtJll ::ind general manager of KOC E ·TV is Willi am Furni ss I NEEll ~!ORE INFOR~L.\TIOI"? Riehard V. Simon, Public lnformalion: 556·5609. JamesCarnetl, OCC: SS6-Sn5. Bruce \\'illiams, Golden West: 892-771 I. I Jamf'sCooper, KOCE-TV: 897-0302 . 801\R[) OF EDL1C.l\TION -Cl "RRF.NT cosc•:RsS: Coast Conl munity College Di strict is governed by a five-n1 ~n hoa rd of trustees. 1'hl'Y are president George Rod· da. J r .. ('0ron:i de\ Mar; vice prC's1dent Hobert L. Hum· phrey:-. C'osla ~1 l's a : \Vo rth Ko:'c ne. Seal Beach ; \Vil liam Kettler, I lunt in glon Beach : and Donald 1-loff, MidY.-ay Cit y. 'The board m eets biweekly, \Vedn esdays, 8 p.m., in lhe board room a t the district administrative offi ces. The distriet covers the northwest county coa stal com· muni ties of Ne -...·port Beach. Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa , Santa Ana 1-tcighls, llunti ngton Beach. Fountain Valley, \\lestminster. Sea l Be ach, :'\f idv.·ay City and Sunset Beach, and serves a population of more than 500,000. This yea r the r e -...;11 be a 14·cent tax reduction per $100 assessed va lu a tion in the distri ct . This comes from can· cellation or postposnement of major construction pro· grams, a board deci sion made due to the economy. The ta x rate will be .81 cents per $100. The budge t is $50,081 ,672. There is no bonded indebtedness. WHAT IS TAUGffT: Nearly 90 ,000 full -and part-time, day and evening students. will avail themselves of more than 4.000 classes and fi eld<; of study to be offered by the dis· trict during t he I975-76 fiscal year. An yone 18 years or older m ay register tui tion -free for any purpose : pC'r sonal enrichn1ent, \•ocational trai~ing or professional betterment. recreation or cor e education for 1natri cul ation to four-year instit uti ons . CAREER AND \'OCATIONAL EDUCATION: The dis· trict offers more than 114 professional programs, from airframe technology to draft ing, law enforcement to the metal trades . cosm etology and hairdressing to nursing pro· grams. water purifi cation technology and more. Both colleges offer either certificates for evidence of satisfa ctory levels of proficiency in certain career pro· grams or Associate in Arts de grees for successful comple· tion of full two-year progr ams. Catalogs, which are free for the asking, will delineate requirements and procedures. EDUCATIONAL TV: The district is one of the nation's forerunne rs in e ducation via television. This fall, seven diverse courses will be offered for college credit over KOCE-TV. They are "Contemporary California Issues." ''Classic The atre : The lfumanities in Drama,'' ''The Ascent of Man," "Chi ld Growth and Development." "Introduction to Humanities," "Cons umer Experience " and "Writing for a Reason.'' Not only does KOC E-TV offer college level lelecourses. but it a lso provides Orange County at large with quality, culturally enric hing programming as well as community affairs coverage. The Daily Pilot TV logs will list the daily showings. COMMUNITY SERVICES: Both campuses also offe r vast num bers or community services. from almost weekly ·intercollegiate athletic events to the full est spectrum of drama . music , painting and other creati ve arts . Another community service is the di strict 's Outreach program. -...·here lhe colleges ex tend beyond their campuses lo take t'duc at ion lo lhe community . There a re 61 ··storefront ·· locations within the 90-square-mile di strict. Libraries and athl eti c faciliti es are availabl e to district residents . Each coll ege offers full ser vice to veterans, han- di capped students, students in financial need and more. A ca reer cent er a l each co!lcge helps to locate jobs for slu· dents, and students in need of jobs. At OCC al one, the career center handles an average of 2.000 jobs per week. There is an a ctive Cooperative Education Program -...·here stude nts m ay v.•ork for college credit in their line of study at local business or in industry . The di strict . t hrough the evening college, administers an acti ve senio r citizE'ns' program . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------------------- ORANGE CO AST '"'o"~'l"'~• '[• '" ,, •'""'"'<~ ... ,_ b>"'d'"' '"~ '"". , ... ~•d!v1~· o-•. -.. C o••~"·~·· '•'7'""''''' '' .,,, ,,.,,., ''' ""t""'d ~· ',., '""" ,, t ..... , Ml'\• '·• ~' •• ,,, •• " '"•"' .. t I•'" V4 t • < ><v•0 • ",.,., • , ' <' l"''"··· '"'. <,c,~·" ~t··· ~ ...... ,, . " <d•!•<'"' •\ ~··b•·••...i '"'' "~•> ~nr, -' '' ., D""<'D .. 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"''""' ...... .,, '"'''~'··· ............ , .. ,,,~ ......... ~-,, . ,., ..... ttD•<l<J~t•• *lllWl>lll \ ... t'"' '""~' ""~ Ot <~•••11Mo .. .,.1 ~""""" (!O\\ ............ ,•I {~o.o .. ,,., ( '*'''~'"'"· \ole'A.t iflt-W<•'"'' IJ °'"'""'~'""· t>t "'"''I• (JO "'O~"'"• "''111.tffOt\1 •~•1-ll ()0 "'"''~" , From Page A I CANNERY. • • O'Neil ag reed. In one minor move in an at· tempt to mitigate the sting coun ... cilmen this week agreed to waive any further application fees if the developers re -apply for planning commission a nd city eouncil ap· provals of their planned com· munity documents. Nonetheless. some tough, new standards for re staurant parking have been adopted since the pro- posal last was d e ba ted. Parking -...·as one of the ke y points of debate when dwellers of a trailer park facing demolition and their neighbors launched the opposition . City Attorney O'Neil Wednes- day repeated his CQncem over the error. "I just don't know how it hap· pcned, but it did ," he s aid. "We all feel terrible a bout it, especial- ly about the a weson1 e conse· quences." .Newport Be ach la""'Yer Donald Killi an Jr .. representing the: gtneral partners hip proposing the large devt>l opment, said that no decisions have yet been re· ached on the D(!Xt rerou.rse open to the firm. Fro• Page A I BATTIN ... -t:s~ rormer starr n1cmbt•rs' 0"-'11 estimate of lhf! tht'y t hey worked on the compu.ign at coun· ty expense. For exa mple , Raltin's chief aide in 191 .i . 1'ed Mor:titus. t<>~tiricd that 2~ percent of tu s ti n1e during the three-month ca mpaign pt>riod was devoted to politics .. llis C(\tlnty pay for the i;:icn od -...·as $3,976, leavin g the auditor to conclude tha t $994 -...·as paid to Moraitus by th(' county for work· int: on the ran1 paign. USING TllE Si\MF. (ormula based on the s t:t ff mt>mbcr's own estin1ates of eountv time spent campaigning. the ·uudltor con· r luded Julie Helli ng Grimes -...·as au ~~gedly ill ~gally paid $1 ,043, Dan R yan. $843 a nd St e ve Kn obl och, $308. 1\n1ent testified that J anet Tun 1er itnpropcrly r('(·eived $522 in count y wages and thal ()awn Pa pp -...13s paid $397 in county funds for cam pai gning. ln,Am c.>nt"s $4.107 summary , he did not ,\Sl>ig n lo ~l v.•ages lo then and Cllr r cnl s t aff membe rs \\'alter K1.:4>a nk e and J ohn Rueda or former staffer s Hon Dosh and r•atti Short . Ryan, Knobloch. Kopank c anJ Ru e d a a r e s t il l c ount y employees. After former count y Assessor Andrew Hi nshav.· -...·us indictc<l la s t s pring, the Board o f Supervisors de m a nded that he reimburse the county for v.·ages paid hi s st:lff members while allegedly \~'orkiog on his suc· cessful 1972 ca mpaign for con· gress. THE SUPERVISORS also as ked 57 ass e s sor 's office employees to pay back what they had allegedly been paid for cam· paigning. ~ Not having se en the Battin transcripts. the supervisors ha· ven·t taken a position on recover· ing the taxpayer losses al leged in the testimony. Re\'ealed in the transcripts is that the Grand Jury·s investiga· tion v.•as touched off by Mrs. Papp . The former Battin secretary was the first witness called in five \\.'eekly secret jury sessions that led to the indictment. According to her testimony, ~lrs . Papp in early JuJ y told her present e mployer . Tustin at - torney Willi a m Doughe rty, of strange campaign practices in Battin's ofCi ce when she worked for him in 1974. From Page Al SURF •.. s\Vim don't stay long,·· comment· ed Belshe. Des pite the chilly water, crowds are still Oocking to the beach -perhaps hoping to catch a glimpse of huge waves like those that pounded the coastline earlier this week. Wednesday 's on.t he-s and crowd was E'Slimated at 73,000, howeve r . with w a ter tem- perature so lo.,.,· and the waves tapering off , only 16 routine rescues -...·e re re ported. There were no s urf' ban en· forcemenl in cidents with surfers Wednesday and Belshe said they left the water at noon "in recqrd time.·· Two straight days of police ar· r ests of those who disobeyed the noon lo 4 p.m . s urfing ban ap. parently made the rest of the s ur· fers more cooperative, Belshe said. ·'Duke' Still In Hospital J ohn Wayne was still resting comfortably in Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach today after under going m ore "routine tests ." Hospital spokesmen said \hey do not know whether he wi ll be released in time for the holiday weekend. A family spok esman said the 68--year -old acto r is being treated for a staph infection and a nag- ging cough. 01U, Pli.. SI.oil"'""• by Plltlc~ O'OonNI AREMAN KEN JACOBS HOSES DOWN HUNDREDS OF UNIFORMS AFTER SANTA ANA BLAZE Force of 41 Areflghters Faced Searing Chemical Fumes In Laundry Fire · .$300,000 Santa A·na Blaze Injures Six By ARTHUR R . VINSEL oi 1"' 0111y .. uotsi.11 A force or 41 firemen was ex· posed to deadly chlorine gas and fumes rrom a m ystery chemical early today in battling a $300,000 fire that destroyed a Santa Ana commercial laundry &nd thousands of workmens · un- iforms . Investigators later this mom· ing were stiJI probing cause of the 2:15 a.m . blaze that injured six persons including five firemen before it was quelled. Structurally, the cleaning plant known as Uniforms For Service Stations, 1002 E . Chestnut St., was totally destroyed, investigators said. " Dunes Park Set for Big Boating Show Oran ge County supervisors have authorized the we oC coun· ty-owned Newport Dunes Ac· quatic Park in Newport Beach for an international boat show starting Sept. 4. The board voted unanimously without discussion to permit their lessee, Newport Dunes Inc., to let a sublease for the two-week exhibition that will return $2,500 to the county plus 22 percent of the admission charges. Stanley Krause, county real property services agent, said the proposal by International Boltt Shows, Inc .. includes use of part of the Dunes for park.Jng, erec· lion of a large display tent and in· stallation of 50 te mporary boat s lips in the lagoon. ·The s how will run in two phases -one w eek of sallboat di s pla ys and a we e k o f powerboats, according to Krause. A company spokesman on the scene said the destruction in 1 eluded $80,000 worth of service station attendants' uniforms and another $100,000 worth of just· manufactured denim and cor- duroy trousers. This would place the combined structural and materials loss at more than $300,000 if estimates by firemen and company manage- ment are correct. Battalion Chief William Riemer said when men of Bal· talion One arrived at the ~cene in Santa Ana's industrial district the building was already totall y in· volvedinnames. The second a larm blaze was raging so severely additional fire units had to be called to the scene, t he n it became apparent the firefighting force was e n· dangered. ''We encou ntered so m e chemical hazards." said Chief Riemer. He said the plant contained drums o( chlorine and a grease· removing chemical Lhat so far ta. day had not been precisely iden· lilied. Little danger of an explosion ex• isled. said ChieC "Riemer, but he added that when such chemicals become super·heated as in a fire they emit dangerous fumes, especially chlorine gas. "We've had no problems yet, but we've asked all the men to watch themselves,'' he said. Limited amounts of such Cumes can cause lung damage whi ch de- velops later, in a pattern similar to tissue damage American astronauts risked by accidentally breathing fumes during the r ~­ centApollosplashdown. Chief Riemer said fi ve firemen and one civilian were injured dur· ing the predawn fi re .. sll..'lt~ni~g minor burns and spr8lned limbs, but did not require hospitaliza· lion. Fro"' Page Al Noise Expert Backs Joint El Toro Use Orange County Airport noise abatement specialist Norman Ewers has taken the Irvine City Council to task for its intent to - campaign 8.gainst potential com· mercial aircrart use of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Ewers, writing as an Irvine re· sid~nt, cited a number of reports on the county's air trinsportation needs, all or which concluded that flying the big airliners into El Torowastheway todoit. Irvine opposition was spurred by a county board of supervisors decision to seek federal approval to make El Toro a joint military- commereial airport. T6at de· cision was based on a report from the county "s director of a via· lion recommending expanded use of the Marine fi eld. ''This council, however, prior to even reading the director's re· port, instructed its staff to report on the costs of an organized cam· paign to defeat the propos al," said Ewers. ·Ewers said the council was shortsighted in not taking steps to meet the city's future air transportation needs. "This council, in my judg- ment, would be better advised to t ake a constructive attitude toward the board of supervisors appli(!ation ; to r ecognize the city's ex:pressed need for ade· quate air traniiportalion, and to the proper authorities to express its concerns for noise, air pollu· tion, safety anc:i controls over the future growth of E l Toro. "If these legitimate concerns can be satiafied , there is Lhen no rational reason for not. bringing . the beneCits of air transportation to the city of Irvine,·· said Ewers . Ewers urged the council not Lo ·~age in some demagogic cam· f.aign which appeals to the worst ears of thf! comm unity.·· Women Top Peak Glomar Idle FUNERALS. to the conference of .state r e· gulatory boards . ISLAMABAD, Pak;slan IAP> -A 14 -member Polish women's team has conquered the world's highest unclimbed peak, Pakistan's 26 ,090 -foot Gasherbrum 3, offi cials said t<>- day. The successfu l assault. un· dertaken to Celebrate lntema· tlonal Women's Year, was made Aug.11 . Spy Ship Anchored in Avalon AVALON (AP) -The super· Sl'cret spyship Glomar Explorer, which gained prominence for its use lo try to r aise a sunken Soviet submarine from the bottom or th e sea, floated in an isolated anchorage today. "It 's still h e re. It hasn"l moved. Rut they don't get many ''isitors," s aid :i shoreside resi· dent on Catalina I~l and. Tht' \'essel 's companion. a R.edwood City-bas ed submersi· hie barge, <1lso was on hand. Th(' Glomar, built for the Cen· lral Intellige n ce Agency by billlono.lre Howard 1-lughes' Sum· m:t Corp .. is due to sa.il "about Friday" on another secret mis.- ·.sion to the P acific, some crew • members have disclMed. Shortly aner talking on land or its future sailing -exact dest.ioation and mission unstated -Lhe crew was restricted to the ship. ' The s hip's operators, Global Marine Co .. la ~t week disclosed the ship left Its us ual Long Beach berth for temporary residence about a .nlil e off Catalina Island. Recently, ll was disclosed the CIA used the ship in a secret mis· Aion to recover P.art of a Soviet nuclear 111ub 75 mileKoff J-lawa.ii. Summa Corp. s ays due to n11· tional s ecurity It can't reveal po~5\ble future plens. Including sptculatlon Gl omar might make another try for the Russlan sub in future months. ''The indus try is well or · ganized in terms of state boards of regulation and trade assocla· tions and uses its advantages to limit price disclosure, low.cost disposition, preneed arrange- n1ents, and price advertising. all in the name, of course, oC pro- fessional cthi(!S and good prac· tice." the Bureau of Competition paper said. The proposed trade regulation would prohibit undertake rs from : -Picking up or ambalming corpses without the ramijy's permission . known as body. snatching-. -Refusing to rele.ase r(!mains upon requeal or s urv1vfng r e· latives . --&iggesttng that a customer's concern about price indicates lack of respect or affection Cor the deceased. Trmh Day Postponed Area$ of NewPort Beach scheduled for trash coJlec: • Uon on Monday, Sept. l , will not have piekup8 until Thursday . St'pt. 4. their next reeularly scheduled collection day. Becau~e.of the 1.abor Dfty holiday. these areu will ha\•e pickup only one day next week . For more \n. formation. phone &40·2171. ! !Loan Scheme? FTC Slaps Finance Finn By MILTON MOSKOWITZ lk>neficia l Finance, lh4:! na· tion':i second large~l small loan compa ny, 111 going lo the n1at with the l"edE'ral 1'rndc Cumm1:;sion ( 1:-Tc; I over u S('h c n1c that ll c nefi c ial thought rn i ghl hrlp t o ,·atapult 1l a head or the In · dustry lt·adl'r , llous e hold l"inance '!'he s t'ht,>nlc did nOl enable ·nenrf1 rl.1I to overtake lfouscllold . And the FTC has branded Scnericial '.s l behavior a5 "exploitaUve, un· scrupulous and unconsclona· Ible." not LQ speak of "legally unfair." • I II 0 lJ s E II 0 '· D AN D j Beneficia l are the leaders Ul the business or makint: timall loans a veraging about $1,JOO 1-!uuschold has 1,800 ornces .across the country, Jknefic1itl h(ls l ,~. l-lousehold now has outs tanding loan:s totaling $2.J billion Benef1c1al hH s Joane.ad out $J .6 billion The scheme that Bcnt.•r1c1al l atched onto in 1969 was seemingly a natural for it: in· come tux pre paration. llav- 'ing seen ~ht' metconc ri se of H&R Block, Bcncf1cial figured lhat it was 1n a perfect position to get a piece or this action. Arter all, it already had offices i n places throughout the country. And i t figured correctly. Beneficial ia now second only to H&R Block as a lax pre- parer. But Beneficial had its mooey-lend1ng eyes on bigger game. As long as you come to get your tax forms filled out, why not get a loan at the same lime? THE SYNERGY uf these 11.4 Percent Sales Hike For Stores Carter Hawley Hale Stores Inc. bas reported sales for the second quarter of the current fiscal year rose 11.4 percent to $275.9 million compared wtlh $247 .8 rrulhon last year Money Tree two serv1t'es then r csullL'fi in the Bene(l<"ial advt!rLlsing e:lo e an . ''Inst a n t T;.1x Jte(und." C u ::.t on1cr:i. who conte LO have their l,1lJc forms prepared were told that if lhty had a rctund comlng, they could a:et 1t Immediately from Renef1c1al instead or having lo wait for the lntcmat Revenue Ser\'lce lo come through. The way tht·y J.!ot it, of cow-se, wa:s by borrowing money from Bene flciill. In 1971, Congress passed a law forbidding companies from Ul'ling tax data for non· llix purpo se s without a L·u :s lom c r 's ('on s ent Benefi<·ial the n t h<tngl'd tl!. procedure~ by ha v111 g ill'> CU:sto mers (1JJ Olll t'f)l1:,Clll (or1ns. It Mlso :tddcd to 1t:-.' 111- slant tax refund :1dvertisc- menls a line that r1:acl "The instant you qualify for a person ~d loan. Henef1c1al will lend you th(' eqw valcnt of your refund 1n cash in stantly," The FTC ts not buying any o( it. The com mission charges that the scheme 1s deceptive and 1t has now ordered Beneficial to s top using the "Instant Tax Refund" slogan. Lewis A. Engman, chairman of the FTC, said : "WHAT BENEFICIAL is offenng 1s 1ls everyday loan service . The Instant T1:1x Refund 1s not a refund at all but It personal consumer loan, "·ith regular finance charges . cost:, and re pa y· ment penod " ·r o whi ch B ~ncf i c1al repti('S "'Nuts!" The CORl· pany 1s going to fight the Pre 1n the court s Chairman Edgar T . lli ~gin s declared· ··Ever y body know s Beneficial IS lO the loan busi- ness. We arc not at all hesi- tant about saying we are in the loan business " Net earnings for the 13 weeks ended Aug 2 were $5 7 ~million, or 27 cents per share, compared with $S.3 ·million. c>r 27 cents, for the second quarter of fiscal 1974 One of the R'l'C charges is that Benef1c1al was simply trying to generate new loan business "'ilh its tax scheme. If that's true, 1t·s not clear that the scheme was suc- cessful. liousebold Finance's lead over Beneficial Finance has widened during the past five years. Sales Up l 7o/o For Beckman ' I Per share figures are based on 17,037,975 average shares outstanding in 1975 and 16,692,942 in the comparable penod of the last fi scal year. Edward W . Ca rter , chairman, said tbe recent upturn in retail sales in· dicates some return of con· gumer confidence and lends to confirm the earlier predic· t1on that Carter Hawley Hale's operating results for the full year will compare favorably w1tb those of 1974. • Sales increased 17 percent and net earnings 22 percent to record levels in fiscal 1975, Beckman Instruments Inc. has reported "The company·s 40th an- niversary marked the fourth Consecultve ye ar of subslan· t1al gains in r eturns from operations/' said Qr. Arnold 0. Beckman, chairman, and Dr. Wm. F . Ballhaus. presi· dent, of the Fullerton rirm. MARKET HIGHLIGHTS NYSE Index ASE Index Dow-Jones Ind S & P 500 Stocks INDEXES 45.98 85.82 829.47 86.40 up u'tf up 1.04 1.74 22.45 1.97 ,_.., Yort fUPO -TM lotlowlno lfil SllV~ lhe llOCkl tilet l'\&yt Oloil'H rnoJl .net lCKI 1"9 mo)t WW'd on Pl'!'cenl OI <~ on 11\41 Ntw York Sloe~ E•t~ Nf'lr \'ark I ii Mn111 Arlirt" , Ht-I •nd perctnl~ <"-nts' ,,. "-Olltitrrnc:a bel~n T~ ptlfvio.,,. ,IO!ilf>Q p•k. M'ld ff!oe t urrtnl t l<Jt.lng price GAINERS ~· York '1 Gu111.Wt wt ) Ael!AAcM lny l Llllonf11 2' >I • 1'enMt Awl S SCA Set Ykl! • FrAl\k M JO I USM.Gm. (.p • ,,.,.,. .. ,, l'O t !.lll•n\C -.. 10 CAC. Cor p 11 Uno(\t\ (Ofp 11 r 1irel£"11I 1• 1J ~· !.f\Of!' 11 14 Ot"''~ Wd U V;o,.<ln 20 1t "°"'""'' St• 11 l-llgf\¥01! Efl II U h V11I lnd It IJIA<om lnl lO 0..,.11 .. W \ l>O • I Ot1115oo .•VI 2 City llh Wh ~ ~i'°'e~~ .~ ) c;..,.rd Ml9" t UALl)!A•O 1 JlmW•lllll 1 1 et.,.,.,e .lib " PS£Clvl •.QI 10 S,.y A Slop II RDl'lr llld • ..0 12 Ouo!MI Cp IJ P$1ndl)I 1 QI 14 """'1IOI ... lJ c.omw011 4k 16 kaly pf I 4t 11 SmYc••• ·'° M °'"'" 30o lt 'laEPpl •.l'O 20 Salton ll'ICIU\ 4V1 • ~~ Up 710 1\!o• v. Op 112 flo• 1'• Up 115 ti~, ~. Up 16 1 1'o • >,. Up I SO 11 .. , l ... Up U• ~·, • i.. Up IJ ' I\,• I Up 11 t to +1'• Up 111 n\, 'lot Up "' ''•• '• Up 11S 11' • 1'• Ur> 12 t !Sl ., l>o Up 11 8 '" • ' U1> 11 • " ' '" •• .. •• '• '· •• .. ... "' ' .. '· 14'•• I' Up 112 } VP 11 I !-----------------.\, • '• Up 11,I ,., • '• Ut! 11 , '"' '• Up 10 ' At111~ric•ntt Ill ffff>SI A ....... . 11'o• ''• Up lOt "" "" "" Off "'' "'' "" "" "" ~ "" "" g:: "" 11 1 NEW YORI!; IUPll -Ths 10 acllw 111 ~*-kt lrade4 on tllft Am.rkat1 ~l<Xk "• EJ!CM"Of TllurMlar I S•kt -'"' ,";!; :·~ $pftft• Corp •S,@ s , Mccun 011 ll JOO '. A•-t h Ct :19.!0CI ' Ayllfl "'-'"'' 2~,toO '.. _,.. C)ll ?•,:JOO 4 I ~ "'" 10,IOO .. • Nat PM 0.Y 1•,JOO :·I (;ooanlt• ""'° 1•,.00 , 0 P.,, 0t11 Oll 11.100 4V. '"" n v, .. 2 1t .. ... '"' 11\lo .. 11>./i .. ·~ ,, "• • .. ... 1 1-\~ .. ... Jt U S Fllhlr , ,. ll,100 •• !-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1~ ~lnrkf"I Trt•11d " .. MAltl(f:T Tltl!ND Tl\ ........ , ............. ,,.,.,,. ''"rk Snlrs """""" ........ --~ OKl!NS ~~ ' 1:160 M) . . . . . • Ill~ loOJ ..... "' ·~ ........ 11'1 \lt1 1\1>1>•<>• lnl~I "''""'(ll.l"d"V Wt r • ~110 M0/1111 ""° Vt~• ~CJ{! '"'1 .. "'"llO J-10 11~1 .. '"'' •Q(l.ol .. "1) lolJ•'"' 1\ 1n1•rlra• ~nlf'• ""'"""" ......... I~ 1'11,000 • N 0A.1L Y Pt LOT Thursday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE t;[W YOlllK IUPO . -l"ot-1nv .,. prk:4\ Oft t"" Nollw YOfil SIK6 ••tr..not ~ ..... p I ~J (Joto, ~ ,., S.le' "kl c ... t Wflf ''° • t P.1! ("<hi""' C"'t C-"IGt. .tJ 61 to -.1. A--G;o11tc• _,. I Jin ~l to ll ,.~ )I -+114 C.t4rlr 1.M12 'M A(flll'dJ.0 t XI ~""•1\• C ll ~ 1 .. 1i 1•1 Ac.,...C:IY .SO S l I\~ • C C I C..•,. J ~"'°" l)3Ct I J\, t'.aco Cpl,I)' ,. AcU:•P'·''b ' •1o>1 "' c.1 ...... 1ea11 116 AC1em\M1111 J "'•• •• (•nit• .11n •3 AOd•"O•Pfl M :» ·~ • Vo C..nH ... 1,/2 I 6 Ait.ln~ .l'Otl JI I • ~ <An IHL I to l 14 A••~l.I 1 Oii lt )/I )J'I'), 1'1 ~II~ 411', 1)00 Agulrr• Co J• ~ S\, Ct-nllLpl JI,~ 1110 A""-J(t S 11• l \o t .... &It 1'11.10 I )' 11,i,..., lllC.j) I 1t l '" t \., !'IU f 1.21 I ~I ll"Cl•rl\I SO t Jl 1011 1 ~, MPw I )ol ' • Al! 1>111 ,l'Go It 11\ U \o t l\to ~l!.W I I• t IJ\ ,ol.1!((1 11'1(.pl ~ IJ I' .. 1\o U~J iiOll JO A J 1/'d'u,tl• o 14 1~ +-\oo IT•I I 20 I 90 ,All;-.. l: ,, ' ltl<o. \Ill Citt>\•ntl 0. 11 Jot All G•• I, 4 J 111'. 1 Car,.. CI :IO .. •,j .Atait pt 1. •• 1100 11 -1'1> (A~,..ld 1ioO " Al1P pl to.I . 1100 '° t l (AMNAlr-1 I XI Al<1\.l<ll lfll\I I no u \o ChamplnH 1 I ,.,. .. Alt>lr\oC 1' 'I • • ~ fael 1,IQ , Alb9rUI\ 60 I I' • \lo '' AO t •l .ilk ... 111 1t110 111> JJ\o'/ • It. •• C6 ' 104 ,llko S1G li6 •JS 11 .. ot'I r NV1t .. AltOll Lb J0 10 •I 10\:. o \lo Cha~I lld .0 .. 11 AIP•lln llb I I] )loti t-\lo O.-.MJ.XI ' _. Alll"MI .tie lJ '''"•\lo C:l'li.MIO,IJll , ... .Al~ 20CI I 11 J'li.. • 'Iii Chth .... .-0.11 s A.ltol...0 I ltl ' 10 14\'o • 'I> (.tMro1I• 1 le S J .. MIULU<lf)I ). J ll"'' "!t ChmNVJ ll ' U• AllO Pw l.~1 I J J i.\o • 'f• C""\ C I IQ.I ) J AUl!'fl(;< I' IQ 14 ij q '~ • ~, C""lPd 1.it II •U AlllG (ti 1 llU 1 411 J•'•, '• (""~Ill J 10 I t,3 AlldMln ioO I I 11 Cf>! E 111 ,I, 4 AltledPrDCI I • J 17'• (.I'll Mll•CP ,. IJ Alll..Siol I ..0 I '' J~\.-o t 'lo CNMllC.. pt , • 4 Alld $ .... ~1 •• 11 11o CllPNvm!I l'I' AH;. (Ila 2• S )' '°'•, "• CllOC._,...,, )II , J .. llfQfllA ~ I 1 '' > Cl\fh C•llll ti 1 • \, , .. ""'" ... ' •s • '" •• • I•-·-'• JIV,' 1•-. ... ' 1. , ... '". \, 4". . 11•. .. ni,, " "" ' \o , )\, " l )'o • '. ,.... • 41 ll••-... ,, • i.. U 1o o •r. 1(1' I ~ \o 16 •• ,. ' . ,,.. ',.,, . "" 10 -.... ..... v. 11\o-'• I t ~\ ),,, .. ..,. )~. 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'• AmCen M1<;1 IJ 1>, (1lylnwplJ •1 11 l'O ACf\;)ln l 10 6 Jl I/\,,'• cu.,. !>lo<et I ,,, •• An.Cw;m 1'1> I 'l ~l 1• .. ~. Clark E 1 60 211 11~., •o A"\D>ll 1Jh4\ 1 11, .. •to Cl111o:O!I so e 10.,., 1, AO"tlel \,610 SI J I'\.• 11. C\.C ... m 14 S JO •'-1 AniOu;olV\!. 1• ]•,~ 'o (IYChl JllO.o ll S fl •I .. A()ul pt l4.1 . • 11~o ~~ Cl1v £11 411 I ll JS~• ''> AmfltPw J I J!ot 1t 0.YEI pt 11 rJ.O IU • \) ,lof •mUr J4 t ll J l \io • '• CleYEI)! I .0 ,, 110 141,\-'l<I Am,.s , '°" ,. 111' J~· CICWo~Co ;J 1l 11S 10V. •• 0 AFn~.1111 ,, 1•10 ' , Yi Clllltll P JD ••• , S'-•. A Gnl'll JOt> •• •S n -·"-Ch.cHPpl l ., •• \;, AGf'n!io< I 31 .. I 1t\~ • V, CMl Inv Cp • .a I o '? A Gn ln' IO) !JS 11•,,• V. (NA F!n•<I JS )\&• ''• A Gnol l lO . Mo 11'1> CN ... p! 110 JJ 11 >.:,, '• Am Hoh • 10 s ,, 11\0 . '"' Ci'IA tn a:.ii lS 10"1 ••. Am t!om 9J J• J19 JS 'r• • \to C:NA \.llwln • t I A1'1HO'll 10 JJ 310 71"' • 'ill (:N ... \.pl J 10 . ' •'" • /om lnYf\t111 . . lo 3>. • '4 CoastSt C.•i • 211 1·~ ... Madlt l 11 1 4? )1.. ... C..ts.<;111' ,. . 10 11• ..... A Ml!d!t O•P s ., s• • ..,, C.sl!>V91 ' tJ • 11'11.. • A1'1 Mote•\ )44 6 <. C<X IColllllll 260 I• o l\1 ,oun N(;) S4<I 1~ lt '• (<X illoll .011 JJ1 6'• • '• ~~'.,~;~·~~ "°~ 1::: . :i l:::;:.e~,.:.. 11 1~ •· · ; ; An> Sl<11J 80 6 41 U ' • • .. Colqlll• WI !} 1$1 JI'". '• An ';loJ~I• • ~'•• '• Col9 P p!J• 110 '" An>~t~•" 10 11 ~8 '• Collt. ... 1l 40 4~ 1!> ,,.,_ Um ~'""' I I ~ JI" • ' Collini FOQO ti 131 ,,' ••• • > •, Am fo\ll •O ~/IS is•,, .. '°*''"" olllll J4t A1 .. 1i.1 pt• J•~I"••~• c.01ons112s1 14 1•-. '• ATf p!A l 61 1 41 .~~ Colllnll111 Jl14S1f '!.o•l • Al l p!BJ/4 I •7'•' 1o Co1tlnpt 4\o . 4 i i~''• A1'1W•I• 14 ) I ..... '• (.ol GftJ()t I S• 27 "11.. • '• ... v.1rpll il (lJC \)'• '• Co!C ptS.a J SJ•,,ol lt Am<'IOn In I I .. '•'· •• ' Cel Plt•~rts " Ill .~. An1f's">t 10!> t S C.015oo Ofllo J 6 !.I 10'~ • •. Amt-I•~ In I I ~· 11 Col-II M111 . 1S ,.... • AMfln l J1 11 11~ 1111 • '• Combd Com I 14 10"'• '• Amlat ln<I • i l lt'•· '• Comb E 1'0 1l \!9 46,.,•1 ... ..,Mf>tn(,J IJJ 1BO JO~ •• \, cm .. Eo1l0' 111 2•"··1 ... rnpeo •n 3 1 '" "• CwE pr I l•. J /O -1 "'"""'" Co 1~ &• s; • .: "': Cw£dp1l 11 •• 1• l•'•,. 'I• AnntpCo•p 6 Jti•. \o (.omEd II' l •• 1 21 >.i. , •• A•"5l••J •0 l J 29 '~ ••. (:wfGptl •J •• )6 17'"'• "lo ~~.~',''',·.,"·, I 1<• (-pr 190 •• ~ 10V.• l'o "" • l'!d 18 )t-\. .. 10/o C-OWOlt tk • • 110 t~•-"lo Am!etln JJ '~11 1~ ... .._ Commkt1 • ltt :rt\'o+IV. An«nda w • 4111 II '•• 4o """-• 1 s• JJ~ ... 1:i. AncnHc •JO 1 ll'I 19'/lo .. comQ...fr !.t• 1s 11• 5 • ~. AndfotCl•~I I ~ 19'1 -•· Cot1A11r11n I I '""• \'o A.nvell~• n a • s• ... ~. c.on.M 1.:io. s. ,, ,, .... _ "" Anwl Co 4t S 16 13'•• ~. ConQtm .lQO , 4S I I"\•\, Aiw<heC SO 9 11 I)•/. + "• CoronMt 1,60 t 1• 1J:i. + \o A<Xo 011 41 I J6 2J•,. t \o Conr..:C ID 1 1• 16'>11 , I Alll!(Q Corp , lJ l (1 Con Ea .toll • 222 11\~ .. ~ APL C•P 611 • J4 10 .. "" Cot15EllPlt ,. 6 Sl .. \, APc>hfd Mg , 3', Con!Ell 11! S •. I •l fl RA $¥1~11 11 411•• '• ConEP't 6S IMI .ii'/1t '" A•C•t;,1N ll> 6 2S ~111 -+ 1" c.on.FG I lj jj 472 It ..... 4t Atcn•O ,2\,Q IS 18 31>r ... ll • ConFdpl O'tt 1• ........ ..... Ad ll•r tnc •• 12 ,,., • •,~ (.otl Frgt lt! 10 16 1S t 'Iii A•l1 P$1 ~ 1 11 14~ . . (!INH(l 2 11 I 31 2140 •• Atk&e~~ 21! • IS 6 -V. CNG pllO, ... 11010 106 .. V. Art.t.aG I 10 I 4S 27 1' "11 Con5"1 ,....2 t 120 1t~o t .. ...tll!n AllOv , S• J\<. , Con P pl •'I• .. ~ 40'1(. ••• Aflnto 1 .0. ' )I 7t .. ~' CoriP pt 1.4.S •• 1100 •S o 2 Arm pl 2 10 . S 21 •• , Con.Ppt11t., 110 ti . Arml Ck l!IO 2.S 62S 10'/10 ,,_ GOl'IPwr pl I ., s M'1t o J,o A.r"'Cpfl.\:. .. 1200 ... -V.. COnPptS\l'I,, 22 .Sl\;,• Y. Arm1tRubblD 11 ll'lt .. 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Bffcr>..V .PO $ 2' 121/ot" Oief* 111 I 1'2 •1 t i Beker 111 ,HI 4 ., 21\o\tlV. Otll"&l 1.JO 1 '° 11v.+"" a.1cofl't.11» > • ,...,._ "" ·Ott Miii 1,JO ' a j''"' • \o\ Beldell I 10" •1" 1~ •• •. OlltaAlr .IO 1J t.1 21111 t 'Mt t,M:ifl • ~ ~ ~ OlttK 111!£1!.. 1 •V. ... a.mtseo_a ' 'IS 1~14 ~~1 ·5 ~ 1'"'° •·· ::::'i:" : "' ~!:: ;,:·.ll'l1 1~ i'l>if 81..c-t2'1r •• llllD i.s'i;+ 'lo t .lll .ft IJ"'°<-"° 61!nt-iif4.JO ., 1 4\t-"'° In• . H "+\lo Be11S(dMtg •• S l1.lrt .~ Hfl45 l $6 12\o\t ... S.-9 11b • 1s1 2v.-.,... pl'J.M . r20 U'loo "'4t ==~~9.fr!c"f,·i ~ m. I/; gf~lrFf:.: ~ 111 1:~: :- S.-thS\ttl J• S 413 ll~t I~ Dl=llll J 1 '' Jll>t(i-VJ 8 1g 31nll 4llt 140 "" .. J'lll DI llO I JIJ ""-•1'111 81ack&O ..OJI 3~ :i.-.t-11 01 lllt •• IJ "°"-l'!o IUalrJhn lJ . 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Roe:--,S1 IJ 2 I '• ,. llloc:kwll ln 1 1 14t 11~• ••. it<X• pt .\, • 7 SS -'I• Roe:~ pt I U .• i 19\~~ 'Ml AOl'llYIH I 2121 Jl 13'• .. '-"" RON lllCll aQ ., J4J l 't -~ Rolll"iln XI II l l 11•., ~. R-•C: I XI . 11 I~' .. • 'fl Aortr A 'l>J 10 3' 19'o • '• A..,,.do '04 11 3l l9 ..-~. ll11Y1 ICC .IJ 1J JO 1 ~1 , + r A or ID 1 l4b l 110 3"'. • ~,, AOt_41 I 1MI ' 31 ~· • '• Al f: (II .1~30 JS •'•• \\o RuOIITT>O ..O JI 1] )1 .. ~ A>Kl~t( 10 I 105 •q• • Au~•'"'il ltJJ 6 •Q'•• Ayekt ~Y)I 102 6 \, p '•o +-S S.- s.at.;nt Ii 'i6 10 I JI • ~. !iotl~ro ln<t I • I 1\o • •,. Salew•y!>I J 11 IU 411.,. • l\o !iotoe C0tpln • 12 ~'to• ..... !.IIMnr11 XI I 111 JJ\~t-1 $1Jo\.lf> I 1119 c 10 ... ,,. $!\.$.Inf 1~> I l 11\, + '/. SIPaMIS -, .AO 10\• , . SIReQll I olO I 4'S 31''1-o h s..tan1c 1411 1 1• s~. v. !o.w\OGt 1 10 II lJ IB'll • \, S.UAe< 101 • J IV> • , S...F ln 1AO I JI l•',)• "4o SFeln pl ,so • 2 J~1-V. k Fer .. 11 JD 11 ltO 'Hl~o •l ll. Slr'llWoel .40 1) l II -• .. 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SYttron Don !S JS s~ ... v. -TT- TallB<:lt Mt l lJ 1-• 'lo lalllY In 611 6 38 th TampE I O<I IQ ~l IS""'t \lo Tandy Corp 11 167 19 +1:i.t Ta111MnC 10 , 31 s•.-. + ..., T1thncol0t • 1 ""• ... T4CllnKon 'I U I • v. TtklrOll• HI 11 21 ~ .. , ... T"llaclfM lk I fll 1"'111 • >lo Ttt.ldf!'I pf t , I ,. • ~~ Tlttpromo , IOS 6" .. 1/1 141\1• Corp ' 61 2.,.. ... T4,.t 0 1 16 6 SCM ~--t "-T::!'.,. Awl •• s11 1-'!I .. \11 t•·-~,s·~.1 1 .. , 1\~ Deposits Up " ltw • I'll •I.I • JIMI !)' • • " r, •• ,o 2,1 • ,,, 1''• • '• 1e •Cfh n 'IC 11 10 )I , 1. lc•E Ir I '0 I 1•1 11'" • 1 t l oE l o! l'• •I ?6" • '• l •G•Tr !M 1 ~'JI ,,._.. T••o~11 t ~o ' 1~1 JO"" o \11 ~::·:~~.·ill »~ ~::~:)~ Tta11•ln1 Co 6 u J I"•• ).. l•• Oot 010 I U i II°" .• fe•l't~O l • 11 I I) 1 • I/ii T•oUUI I II 9 1'~ II'"' "" Tt•l1 ln!IV>! 11 t • "• l t o1ri>n I lO 9 \II ll'O• l'fo Tt•l•Ot I OB I JI , • ~. l••••PI I <0 1 11 + .. 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U!.M pl 110 • ) 2l'•-1, Ulaf\ lnll I IS 11• ,W~.-t . UlolflPl.23610 It H't:-.,., Ut PLpt 1.IO • Jt 17'1t <-'"' UV llldM~J V::._19>,:, + •• V1rla11 201• 118 l•'!o-+l"'i 'l..Orl I l2<J I 3 20'h t> \I-CO I ' •f• Vtnk11n 20 3Q 4 '"" • 'IH\aur Jsti •• 411 11~­ 'l•ko OllW\14 11• ~S 't.t2 VF (or-pin 1 I JI 1tW• Vi.tom Int 10 II 1..,+ Vk torC lSll • 28 '''° .. Va El..c 1.11 I .uJ 1l'lt-t-vaEPP'290 •• 21 JMl.t-V•EPll!•:J0 •• 1100 l91/>-I 'laElptl•S,.1100 IQ•-.-'11 IJ•E1Ill111 .. 1100 IQ ,,; VaE11IJ 1 n . l2)0 '' -1 Vornaoo1nc: 1• 1 s +'II VSI Corp 60 ' 2 111/i;-l VulcnM I ltl 6 tl lJ'lt + !.') --WW--WaRApl4V1 •• illO 41 + We<ro CP It t :n !Mil-<- Wa<l\OI 2 20 •• I 41\lo t Watt!OY CWJ! 14 J'°' • W•ltrttn 1 ' 11 11 1' Wall Bui SS 1 1 181/t •'· WallMur .0 ' 1 ''• ··~ \ Woll~rl .06 J2 4i 11'1• ·~t WanQlb .101 1 IOI IJ'Ml t "Ill Ward F(IO(I\ 13 S 11> , ~ I W•r1111co II() 10 ?6 I' t '• W••n(m .'>O B 104 11\,, 1' • l W1Cmo1•~• • 1 •l • 11 .... w1cm11110,. 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'io _,,,..) 10 12 111 ll~'" "1 Wlllfrwt io 11 IJ ,, • '• WlllPSICISt> 1 100 IT>io-·I• Whrtpoo! lllll 10J Jl~.~ '"' Wl'MI Con eo • 6• ll '• • l o Wl'UI( l)'l(l . j J' , W111MOI 10!'> U SJ I',, \t Wholtd~I (p 111 )O • Wlc,t s Cp 1 !9 "'' 10 Wle bol<ll l l I I J 1; 't w1111~m1 C>O • 611 lO\,~ I ·, Wlll(O\Wt~ I •I •l'I W1nnO\ I U ll 11 l~'; + lo W!nno:fl•ll<' 18 •' • ••• Wl\flP 1 ~110 •O 1• ; '" W1\GI \ llb 1 I S 11\o ~o WlKPSllll 'I 11 B •• , Wll<O(I JO b JI 1l) • '• WolvWI CH> \I • 1"' • Womtco ;.,,1 1 U ·''II WooO•CP 411 I 1• I~'•• '• WOQlwn \ lO I 106 1!~. • -'• W9"11)1 110 /)6 o <I~ Wot!ll A"w 11 4 ,. •• WtlQly 1 •9• q 16 >1"4-'" Wyly Cotp ll J -XYZ-X1ro• c o 1 19 •)Cl }t'I'. t-1 ''- XI•• Inc l01 • It I~•\• Yollf~ llldu~ • l5 I .. • ~ Y"'ltSIO• l>O S I 10 • \' l a k C0t11 IO I Ii. ll~+ 1• lllllollit )Q I IQ 15 .-~1 Zay•r Corp .. •9 sv, •.• l1n1lf\Al<l l6l 111 74V1 •11'.. z..,.,. 1n11 .Jl 11 24 .'~ • + h WASHINGTON <U PIJ -Savings deposits exceeded withdrawals by a monthly record $2 .9 billion in July, the Federal Home Loan Dank board said Wednesday. FIILBB also s aid mortgage loW closed totaled $5.4 billion 1n July. Both net deposits and mortgage loans were down seasonally Crom June. FHLBB acttng chairman Guth Manton said. Bul the rates were sharply higher than July 1974 wben satvers were attracted to hi&h·Y'lcldlnt eovemment securities. • .. Cl DAIL y PILOT Thursday. August 28. 1975 Old Ships f#.'-'i:r'~~ : Snunied R~~~N··~~ :f:' Y•ff'-",+'\\'t, Mom Charged m Poisoning NEW YORK (UPI) -The mother of a 4-year- old boy, hospitalized with LSD hallucinations has been charged with giving her son ad.rink of Kool-aid spiked with rat poison. . According to police, a nurse became suspicioUs and prevented Mrs. Reese from continuina to pro-. vide the child with theKool·aid. By Navy? IN~~oN ' WASHINGTO:< <LTl l ~0ME'f).flN4 ·. Anne Reese was a rraigned Wednesday in Manhattan Cri minal Court on charges of attempted murder, e ndangering the weHare of a child and reekless endangerment. AFTER HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES pumped " out the boy's stomach , police arrested the mother. Qtdt• Progra• A·s tr on a u t Thomas P. Staf- ford , com - mander of Apollo crew in recent Ru ssian space linkup, is leavin g s p ace program Nov. I -Rep. I.es . .o\sp1n I 0--ro oo+ \Vis .), <'itin1: o(f1C'1al find WITM A . Police said Mrs. R~se had been under in· vestigation by the Bureau of Child Care since she brought the boy , who was suffering from hallucina· tions, to the hos pital on July 28. ings that lv.o J"o\;:in:; ll1'11n,..,.1?' submarint'S and 20 ,,th<'r D11L-L~ ,. sh ips ~uff<>r f'd fron1 · · · 10 .601 dl'ft'C't :-.. hJl:-... JUDGE HOWARl1 GOLOFLV~ ordered her remanded for a psychiatric examination. The alleged incident occurred Tuesday e vening at Beth Israel Hospital during a hospital visit by Mrs. Reese to the bedside of h~r son, Conrad. At tha t time, Mrs. Reese told authorities that her son was s uffering from an overdose of LSD which he accidentally got from an unidentified c harged th:1t tht' l ~ naYal f l t't'! 1:-. in ··atrOC'lOUS cond1t1on .. Thi.' :'\a \~ has tM-t'n s1l busy spending n1one~ on n<'v.· s hips tha1 11 ha~ neglected 10 maintain the presf'nl fleE't , ·· ,.\spin said \\'t"dnesday. ··The U.S. flt"'e l is 1n atrocious cqndit1on. · · llE SAi 0 If F.: bast'd the charges of Na\'y i nsp('c - tion rC'ports which he ob- tain, e d under the Freedom of Information t\ct . A spin s aid tlH.'Y shoy,•ed: The USS Nimitz, the :'\3\'v 's newest nurlear- pov.:(>red aircraft carrier commiss ioned in l\.1ay, has air conditio ning and heating vents "'hi ch blo"· directly on the fire-alert system./\ change in tern· J)('rature from cold to hot could trigger the sprinkler system and flood one ammunition magazine. -TllE USS Alexander lfamilton. a Polaris sub- marine commissioned in 1963, has an automatic ship control s ystem that cannot control the ship's dept h during course changes and a rudder that oscill at es IO degrees to port ans starboard. -'fhe USS Nathan 1-lale. anot he r Polaris s ubmarine o f the Lafayette class. has 72 defects ranging from rusting, lack of paint, a \·ariety of s maller technical faults and a dirty pantry. THE NAVY HAO no immediate comment. The 22 ships from the 500-vessel U .S. fleet were assessed by the Navy's Boa rd of Inspection and -survey from March 28 to July 28. The disclosures ec:hoed similar charges made in a speech last August by Adm . ll y m a n G . Ri cko\'er . "the Father of !he Nuclear Sub - marine." "'ho said the fleet "'as in the .,..·orst condition in 50 years. Oldsters Get Deal On Parking Annual beach parking s ticke r s for :-.lewport Heach are a vailable at half price for s enior citizens. c1t y offi cials an- nounced. These special "Blue Chip" permits allow the 1notori s t t o us e the Balboa Pier parking lot. the Corona de\ l\1 ar Beach Park, and more than 500 parking meters with blue posts scattered througho ut the city's beach areas. Cost of the pe rmits is $12.50 for senior s and S25 for others. Seniors must prove they are over 65 years of age. and have a valid driver's licens e and an auto registration in their name . Permits which may be transferred lo other cars cost $36 . Sticker s are available in the city's finance de· partment at city hall. 3300 Newport Blvd . from 8 a.m. lo 5 p.m .. Monday through Friday. SHE MUST UKEIT NARRAGANSETT, R .I. (A P) -Mary Murphy is r ecovering from a broken leg she re - ceived when she collided with a youngster while they were both trying lo body surf on the same wave along the beach near her home here. Mrs. Murp~y said her onlt regret was that it wiU be too cold to do any more surfing once her cast · ii' removed. But then, she's done plenty in herday. She11 80. babysitter, police said. CUSTOM SUPER POLY SPORT blackwalls blackwalls IJAKER STATE , WDTOA OIL • 4-ply polyester cord construction • 4-ply nylon • 78 series styling F.E.T. Size Reg. Sate per Ure Size Reg. Sale A78x13 20.99 16.77 1.76 600x12 19.99 15.99 878x14 23.99 18.99 1.94 520x13 19.99 15.99 C78x14 24.99 19.99 2.04 560x13 20.99 16.77 E78x14 24.99 19.99 2.27 600x13 2 1.99 17.55 F78x14 25.99 20.77 2.40 560x15 21.99 17.55 G78x14 26.99 20.99 2.56 600x15 22.99 18.33 G78x15 27.99 21.99 2.60 H78x15 28.99 22.99 2.83 VALUE Quaker State motor oil 52¢30Wlq t 62c 10W30 For whitewalls in the above sizes add $3 per tire Price& !>hown <1ra tor blackwal l ltJbele!>s These sizes available 1n whitewall only t1t<'~ e~tl'PT w!18n! •nd1ca 1ed No Reg. 8.44. Hele give a smoother ride and greater com Ion Installation available H78x14 31.99 J78x15 32.99 L78x15 33.99 Glidden Sprecr Satin Latex Wall Paint R••· 9 99 •• 1. One Coat Covers most surfaces Comptelety washable. d1res in 20 min. 3000 decorator colors lo choose. Warm water cleanup. _Sale pnces effective Thursday, August 28th l hru Monday, September l st, 1975. -·-----UM Your JCl'9"Mf Charge. f. •cep! SuPf!•m1Hkel 24.99 25.99 26.99 trad~·1n needed Our Af'l 1Ar<d<>" Cus!om Poly and AeloArtdr.• Supe• 2.77 Snor! '""our own name.s .:ind do not '"!lt•tt anv n,1r•onw•df> !>tandard of 2.99 QLJnl•ty W11h the p1Jtth.15f'01 Ael1 f'.1<d!! • 3. 13 r.rt>s you Qf>t I ln.s1a 11;;11<on 2 r ..... •O~a11on Cv"''V ~000 mil~'> VALUE ReliAride' lube, filter; &oilchange 8.88 Includes lull chassis lubr1ca11 on S qts .. AellAnde • H D moto r oil. new otl lilter and safety chP.Ck. Call for ah appo1n1ment now Most American cars with lube fittings. - Sdaysonly Glidden Spred® Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel Reg. 12.99 gal. Great color companion to SprMfl\ Sa tin. Completely scrubbable. Ideal for bathrooms, kitchens. Warm soapy waler cleanup. I' " I F.E.T. per lire 1.52 1.41 1.54 1.60 1.79 1.85 to return to full time Air Force duties as a ma· jor gener.al. Glidden Spred® Latex 'Hou5e Paint . Rec. 11.99111. Velvet srnOoth finish dries in just 30 min. Choose from hundreds ol col ors. Blister, mildew resistant. 1 ' =··Qty °'· ., G..-. OftNe INwd •• °"" •..• ~to •. ~ 10 to •. A~ 3900 so. BntlOI Ho. of ao,eo... '1ul • OIHv9:30to I. •l'tlliMI 1010 e. I \ I " • .. • ' -... ~-·-.. -~-.. -~. ~~-.. -~. Co!~! '· * -VOL 68, tlO. 240, e~l~NS~42 PA!>E.s -----· -- ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 'l'otla,v's Closin~ 1\. V. Stoeks THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1975 c TEN CE NTS -~ ExllltBattin Aides Tell Cainpaign Roles .BY ~l.lV ~RAlllVILJ,J: °' .. ~ ... "''-'IWI' . Grand Jury transcripts not ~et made public show that seven for.mer.' ~mbers of indicted Su~rvisor Robert Battin'• sta!Ueslifiedthey worked on Battin's unsuccessfuJ.1974 campaign for-lieutenant governor on Qrange Cougt~ government time. And a state a\ldltor-invesUgator estimated that Orange County taxpayers paid at least $4, 107 in.wages alone to help fiJi'anu Battin's ill-fated try !or state ol· fice. · -·-· · -·• . . -• THE ESTIMATE of what Former Battin staff auditor-in vest igator for the Attorney General's Of- fi ce. A m e nt's $4,107 estim ate is included in 687 pages of testimony from 17 witnesses who appeared before the Grand Jury d uring· its investig ation into Battin's 1974 bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for Lie utenant governor. As a res ult of its inquiry, the jur y indicted Battin earlie r this m onth on charges or grand the ft, misuse of pubLic funds and multiple counts of filing false claims. torney , Mall Kurilich, in a bid to <1u:.1 sh the inditl · ment. While the state auditor·investigatur es timated what the taxpayers allegedly lost in campaig n wages. no value was put on paper a nd other county supplies witnesses sajd Were used in Battin's Camµaign . ·ro estimate campaign wages allegedly paid the forme r Ualtin s taff m embers from March 1, 1974, throug h June 4, 1974, the auditor: m !':fTI)tel\s w~r~ ~l~eged.Jy paid for· actually working on BATTIN HAS PLEADE D innocent lo all c harges. the_calJlPaiCQ:'"was made .bi Ronnie Ament, an t-le was schedule d to appear in court today with his at- -DEDUCTE D $1,450 paid them in June of 1974 . by the Friendr; of Ballin and s ubtracted that amount from what otherwise would have been paid them b y the county. Funeral, Parlors : Accused WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federa l Trade Cori1mission to- day accused the $2 •lliott-per- 1·ear funeral home ·induSlry of practices rangin~ ·from ·body snatching to ba1t·an4-s·witch sales tactics and proposed ntles to stop undertakers from exploit- ing and deceiving the bereaved. Announcing results Cil a·'two- . year probe, the FTC sai'ctif.'fOtind widespread abuses aniOng the nation's 22,000 funeral homes . In a dd ition lo the body snatching and bait-and-switch tactics, the FTC said it found re- quirements (or the purchase or expensive coffins (or cremationS', false claims for watei-prOof burial vaults and ·profiting on flower s. cl e rgymen and pallbearers. . -'-~~~~~~'-~~~~~~~~~~~~--''"'- (See BATTIN AIDt-:s. l>age i\Z) Mesans Robbed Trio Gag, Bind Elderly Couple A trio of thugs burst into <I Cost a l\1 esa home Wednesday night arter ringing the doorbell. overpowered and robbed a 78- year-old m a n and h.i s wife and le{l with $26 arter bi nding and gagging them . Lue B . Grayson, o r 2817 LaSalle Av e .. a nd hls e lderly wire finally worked free or ropes u sed to t ie th e m up a nd telephoned police, who were still probing the episode today. Officer Al a n Cain said the cou- ple exp lained they were watching television about 8:40 p.m., when the doorbell rang and Grayson a nswered it. He -said the three me n, aged about 18 to 20. forced their way in and wrestled him to the floor, commanding the couple to keep quiet a nd thcY would not be harmed. Detective Sgt. Sam Cordeiro said today they weren't hurt, but lost $26 in r ash , thl'ir wallets, plus miscellant'o us c redi t cards. identification papers and family s napshots. The couple w<.i s rather vague aOOut descriptions or thei r at- tackers in the combined armed robbery and burglary, hut said two had shoulder length hair and wore glasses. A gr a ndda ug hter w ho lives with the Graysons was away from home al the time, police said . Police Laud Mesa Teen Youth Witnesses Assault, Nabs Su.spect forts Monday, when he chased and caught a man who he s aw fl ee from a scurne with <I public Brant, T erry Lee Kabrud, 20, La I·labra. was arrested on suspicion or assault with a deadly weapon. At the same time, the FTC an- nounced·acceptance of a consent order requiring Service Corpora- tion International -,SO. -of Ho uston, T ex ., the nation's largest funerllttaome .... , $0R- fw>d overcharges .for cremations performed the past 4\.2 year.s. A 16·year-old Costa Mesa youth was commended by Newport Beach police today for his cap- !w~~llJ lll!!D.J"ho "!J•&eQ, ly assau1ted·a bus driver. .bu$.fjrivor<i,~ t" ed •'·~ · 11le inc aen occurr aJJUu• 6 p.m . al Ba lbOa Boulelard and West Coast Highway in West Newport. 'two others were booked on - lesser charges. police> saicl. The prop<lsec! lunerif'Nies, If adopted, would oVef.nde . aa.y state and loca1·1aw1 that·probibit price· ,advertising and that re· quire caskets for cre1;11~tiOn. ' An accomyanying FTC statr document said state regulatory boards are often under the con- 1..rol of lb,e igdustry, aiid that the general counsel of the National Funeral Directors Association, the industry.'s largest trade as - sociation, also is general counsel to the confer ence oC state re- gulatory boards. "Th e i ndustry-is well or- ganized iri terms of St.Me>biiards Of regulation' and· tr&de1 esSocia- tions and uses its advantages to limit price disclosure, law-cost dis position,· preneed arraJtce· ments, and price advertisinc • ._i1 ~n the name,. of course, of pro-- fessional ethics, and good prac- tice," the Bureau of Competition paper said . The Propased trade regulation would proh·ibit undertake:s from: -Picking up or emDallning corpses. )"ithou( the 'fainily's permission, known as body- :snatching. -Refusing to.release remains ppon request of sw-viving re- latives. · --SUggesting that a customer's concern about price indicates Jack or respect or affection for the deceased. · -Profiting on arringements for flowers , pallbearers, crematory char~es,-t!le'rgy honora ria . mu-s1cian9: and obituaries. Tips Cive'!: OnSchool.s A unique public service is beinJ.ofle'"'! Jiy-l!.>ltl!ai· ly PllOt for readers· who have quesUops about their 3Cho91• ••. bac~-t.,_ time looms.· A map or the Dally Pilot's circulaUon ~ pubu.lled toct.y CllU!llijlnt pace Gr. the ..atcOlid. -tlon-Will bel · 'iUtiBWd sludoJ>\s loc~e· tlM di•· ttldlTJl wliicfi lhe~..,;-Aild be · niiln • ' -'a •1 • ·1•!. d ·1 .. 1· ., cv umn oa e YI 1 • r ·-· ·1·1 ., '"b "" ,.,p orm-a on . a .. O)f ~tne ;.~~:· :.:~~~i'.1~. ~ YO\I lal .data. •llll!rt nor .. ..lhepeol)l,e ""°""' them. .aod .the _...,,... aovemtbem:. .. • . ' -. Tr.le~ Tlawqrts.Death "''"~~· .. . . . ~ .. .. Ni·netffn:y~ar-old Chris Best even stretched calmly W~ai ·while perched 33-stories up on a San Fran- cisco skyscraper railing where, for fi ve h ours, he had been thteatening lo jump. He was finally tricked out of . ·a death plunge by his father and a fireman and hauled to safety. . Thieves Again Hit Governor " .. WJNDSOJt .. Lp.CKS, <;onn. (AP} -Gov. Ella GDSOO'• sub-' urJ;an ho~e here hall been l>Wfliuiaed For the ll<!COOd lime line -,he bec·ame governor. pOU"ce aili!. . · - A i 1flni •!Hm installed alter • 1till-un10W oa· burglary in Janum enabled lwo officers 1<> oati!li .. Iii.Ii' cOIDibl oul llie fronl dOo< al I~ i>.nl . 'We&\eSday .. .Nitl:cfiChlef Ja.mes Whitten said. . . .. ·1 ' '""'' • ..._ .,., I ' •-C Mlk ~..,.. Mil'~, l\.nw v w • • lltlotcin. 49, 0( East Rartfonl, w .. I • ch a r ged w ith rirSl ·degree lareeny and second-degree }>urglary and held on $25,000 bond for a court appearance. Peron Acquiesces ' ·euENO&<A!c!\li:S~.Ar enµoa. <UPI ) -. ~Jloq'tl ' ' 'Nnlo bas licrwel ''° ml ·~ .. a'6d• repficed her "~my COii)· mander ... ttasina: l,-id pre_ad lift. rat in ~., arJW!d rces bUt gravelJl>'~ dqm· Ing h ef aut.boril)'% .',.. I ' ' -... ',_ '"'>'\ l . .. .. ·~ .. r • ' "•· Detective K en Smith said Robert J oseph Brant "ill receive a "good citizen letter·· for his ef· Following his capture by young Three Die in Raid According to Smith, Kabrud and two companions boarded the Orange County Transit District bus and were immediately told by the bus driver to leave> when he discovered they were drinking a lcohol. Before stepping off the bus:. Israeli Jets Attack Lebanon Guerrillas Kabrud all egedly struck the bus driver Richard Rice, 23. or 424 La Esperanza, San Cle mente, with his fi st. Sm ith said. Rice ran after the trio and Kabrud and the dri vcr tussled just outside the bus. according lo police. Before Kabrud fled. he al- legedly struc k Rice across lhe back with a hca vy Western belt buckle. police s aid. From Wire Services TEL AV IV -Is raeli warplanes attacked suspected Ara b guer- rilla t a rgets in Lebanon today, and witnesses in the area said a woman and a 3-year-old girl wer e seriously wounded. Unconfirmed r eports from Palestinian sources in Lebanon :;:tid three persons were killed at a nearby Mediterranean pier dur- ing the r aid, which they said was nown by £our jets and lasted 12 minutes. ' The mida£ternoon r aid came as Secretary or State Henry A. Kiss- inger was holding peace talks with Is raeli leaders in J erusalem on an Egyptian-Is raeli accord over Sinai. A brief military communique said the jets hit Arab ''terrori st targets" north of Tyre, about 15 miles north or the Isr aeli border on the Mediterranean coast . The ra id lasted a rew minutes, and all the pla nes returned safely, the announcement said. The targets were not specified. Reports Crom witnesses in Sidon said the target was the Borgholie h r efugee camp, the second air attack on the small Palestinian enc lave in three weeks. The witnesses said several houses were destroyed. DOW FINISHES UP 22 POIN'IS NEW YO RK <UPI> -The stock m arket. wit h blue chip.'> and glamors leading the way, close d s h a rply and broadly higher today in slow trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, a 3.91-point winner Wednesday. gained 22.45 points lo 829.47. Recently it had slumped since reaching its 1975 high of 881 .81 on July 15. Adyances out- numbered declines by about a six- to-one margin. (Tables, C7). TurnoVAt omoun,ted to abo\rt ' 14,sa<J;OOO shas:eS.·~t up fro111 the )l,110,0jl(l trdd'1 \\'.~dne<<h\1· Pric'es wef.e h ig htr I n mott.e r'•te · tr4,dtil g · on the American StOc.k t'xchange. . ' ... •• ,, f,1..•' • " 't In Al exandria, EgyPt a senior U.S. official said Is rael probably v.•ill refu se to sign a proposed in - terim settlement with Egypt un - less the U.S. Congr ess approves American volunteers taking part in the oeacekeering operation. The officia told re pdrters aboard the pla ne shuttling Kiss· inger rrom J er usalem to Alexan- dria that a massive cUplomatic problem would ensue if congress ·vetoed the volun(eer plan. In Tel Aviv Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres said the presence or Americans on the rrontline or the Middle East con- flict wil l ensure the m aintenance or the new agreement expected to be reached today. Smith said Brant saw the inci- dent. pulled hi s car over and began pursuing Kabrud on foot as he ran away. Rrant caught up with h im at 47th Street a nd brought h im back only arter Kabrud allegedly attempted to choke him and lashed him with the buckle. police said . Radicals Protest TOKYO (AP >~ Close to 2,000 J apanese radicals demonstrated today against the vi sit 0£ Dcrense Secretary James R. Schlesinger. but an equal number or riot police kepl the m several mil es The pact propo?cs lo pG?l_ at from the airport as his plane ar - least ~o~ A~er1 ca n c1v1J~an rived rrom South Korea. The t~chn1c1~ns. arm e d with r adi cals conte nd the visit is s1dea~m s, in a new_ U.N_. buffer a imed al a stronger Japan-U.S. z~n~ in the strate~1c Mill a and military partnership G1di Passes that will be cvac~ · ed by Israeli forces in the ew agreem ent. They a re expected to , 0..r• ,,,..._ f!lan early warning attack sta-V ,.~ge '"'°a8t hons. Police Jail McKeever on Drunk Charge Marlin McKeever , rormer Los Angeles Rams linebacker and defeated 1974 Republican can· didate for the California As- sembly. was jailed early today in Costa Mesa on a drunk charge. Mc Keeve r, 35, of 22 Point Loma Drive, Corona del Mar. was booked on suspicion of being drunk in an auto, he ld for four hours and released at 7 a.m. Patrolman Art Kassel claimed he encountered McKeever in a parking lot at 3141 Redhill Ave., while patrollin g the city's northerly district near Or-ange County Airport. McKeever was re.leased on written p,romise to appear for ar- ralgnmeat Sept. 16 in Harbor Judicial Di strict Court on the tnildemeanor chara:e. <~ -----=- Weather More low clouds and rog are in st ore for Orange Coast beachgoers. at least until t he afternoon hours Friday . Not much tern · perature c ha nge. 1-lighs ranging from upper 60s at Lhe beach to the m id-80s in- land. INSIDE TODAY !low con anyone learn to en~ joy life while living wtlh .an olcoMiic? A reader teUs u.s how 3he manages through the help of Al-Anon . See P.oge Cl. Al TOii'" Ser•i<I ...,11., l:trN llo"'INK-L.M ... yif c.111 .... 1111.a Ct1uili.d '""""' Cn\1-d °""'~N01ktt .E•t9f'Moll' ... f.11 ..... 111-t A-• ,..._Aft .... -- Index ., •• " co ., 01-U ., ., ·~~ •• Ct·r ... " l11t.rttlltt.... O• M11U.,_,... Cl ,,..,., T<'ff C1 Mo'llfl 04 Mut""'ll'Y""'' Cl W.lieft.>I N•"" Al Or ...... Ct...,IJ A11·12 ,....It (1•1 s,o.t~ D1·1 Sfo(kMtltt.a\ Cl-t T ... "".... Cl ntffltf't 01 . .... ,... ... .. ....... ...... ..,. .. .. • ' Al D ... ll y PILO'T c Tnurtday .... ugus128 , 1975 ,,. ______________________________ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ffelp(NI l"(oM1tallo11 A boul ••• Your Schools Coast Community College District (CLIP ANO SAVE FOR YOUR DISTRICT) i\BOliT Tll t-.: DISTRICT: The Coast Community Coll e~l' Oi stril'I is cQmprist"<I u( twu ('1)ll eges, Oran~c Coast Collegt• and liolden W~t College. und PBS television sliil - lion KOC i'-:·1'\', Channel 50. O ran ~(' Co~1 st College is located at 2701 Fairview Rd., C03t a :\l1·s a . 92626. Gold en \\'t'st Colle~e is situ ated at 1S744 (;uldt>rl \\'l':>l Strel~l . lluntingtun &~ach , 92&17 . The broadcast fari11t il·S of KOc t::rv arc based on the Golden West cam- pus . Ad n1inistrative offices of the Coast Community College Di stril't are a t 1370 Adams Ave., Costa J\1esa, 92626. Chancell or of the district is Dr. l'\orman E. Watson. Prt·sidcnt of Orange Coo:1st College is Dr. Robf'rl ~1 oore. P1·esid ent of Golden West College is Dr. Dudley Boyce. \'ic(' Pr{'sident und general manttger of KOCE ·TV is Y,,'ill1;11·n l-\1rn1ss. NEED MORE INFORMATJON? Ril'Hard V. Simon, PubUc lnformalion: 55'·5609- Jarnes Carnett, OCC: 556-5725. Bruct" Williams, Golden West : 892· 7711. JarnesCooper , KOCE·TV : 897·0302. R01\RO ()).' 1-:ouC.\TIOS -CL'RRf:NT CONCl-:RNS: Coast Com rnunity College District is governed by a fi vc·nl an u~\ard of trustees. They a rc pres ident George Rod- da. Jr .. ('oruna dcl Mar ; vice president Robert L. Hum · phreys, Costa Mesa ; Worth Keene, Seal Beach ; William Kettler. Jl unt1ngton Beach ; and Donald Hofr , Midway City. The boa rd mt'ets bi\\'Cekly , \Vcdncsrlays, 8 p.m., in the board roo nl :it th e distrit·t administrative offi ces. The d ts lril't covers the nnrth"·est county coastal com- munities of Newp1lrl l.ieach , Corona de) ,_tar, Costa Mesa, ~anta Ana 1-l ciE:"hts. llunti ngtnn Beach, Fountain Valley , \\'est minst e r . Sl•;d Kt·at·h. i\1 id" ay City an<l Sunset Beac h, aud ser\'cS a population of more than 500,000 . This ye ar ther e will be a 11 -eent tax reduction per $100 assessed \'aluation in the dislrict. This comes from can- cellation dr postposnemcnl of major construction pro- grams, a board decision made dut• to the economy. The tax r ate wil l be .81 t'enls per $100. The budge t is $50,081,672 . There is no bonded indebtedness. \\o'HAT IS Tr\.UGIIT: Nearly 90,000 full ·and parl·time, day and cvenlng students, "·ill avail themselves of more than ·l,000 classes a nd fi el<ls of s~udy to be offered by the dis· trict duri ng lht• 1975·76 fi scal year. 1\nvone 18 v<'.i rs or older may register tuition -rree for any pu.rposf' l;l'rsuna[ (·111;l'hment. vocational training or prof<•:.!\iunal ht..'llern1l'nt . recreati(1!1 or t:ore c rlucutiun for n1alric.:ul :-t li on to four-year i n~titutions. CA REER ASD VOCATIONAL EDUC.<\TION : The dis· trict offers m or11 than 114 professional programs, from airirame t f'e hn o\ogy tu {!rafting, law enforcement to the m rtal tradt·S. t·nsn1 etology a nd hairdress in g to nursing pro- grams. "' ater purification technology a nd more. Bo t h coll('ges offer either certificates for e vidence of satisfactory Jc,·cls of proficic nl'y in certain career pro· grams or Associate in Arts degrees for successful comple· tion or full t"'o-ycar programs. Ca t a logs. "·hich are fre(' for the asking, will delineate requireme nt!) and procedures. EDUC 1\ TIOt'\AL. TV : The district is one of the nation's forerunners in ed ucation via te\e"lsion. This fCt ll, seven diverse courses "'iii be offt·red for college credit over KOCE·T\1. 1'hey arc ''Contemporary California Issues,'' ''Classic T heatre : The 1-lum anit ie!' in Drama.·' ·'The Ascent of !\tan ... "Child Gro"th and Developme nt ." "Introduction to Jlum anilit':...·· ''Consum('r Experience '' and ''Writing for a Reason." ' Not on\\' does KOCE.'r\1 offer coll ege level telecour ses, but it also Provides Orange County at lar ge with quality, culturall y e nriching progr<1mming as well as community affairs cover age. 1'he Daily Pilut TV logs "'ill li st the daily sho"·ings. CO MM UNITY SERVICES: Both campuses also offer vast numb('rs of community ser vices. from almost weekly intercollegi ate athletic events to the full est spectrum of drama, music. painting and other creative arts. Another community service is the district 's Outreach program, "'here the colleges extend beyond their campuses to lake educ ation to the community. There are 61 "storefront·· locations with.in the 9()-square·mile district. Librari e~ and ath.leti c facilities are available to distriet residents. Each college offers full service to veterans, han- dicapped students. students in financial need and more. A career center 1.1t eal'h college helps to locale jobs for stu- dents. a nd studt•nt s in need of jobs. Al OCC alone, the career center handles an average of 2,000 jobs per week . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I There is an active Cooperative Education Program I l where stude nts may ""·ork for college credit In their line of I : study at local business or in industry. I I The d istrict . through the evening coll ege, administers I I an acli\•e se nior citizens' prog ram . I I I ·-------------------------------- ORANGE COAS.T ' DAILY PILOT 1 l'lf ()< •f>Q< {O•'' \'t•• .. f· ""' -•to "''~!" "tel''' i.r•d '"' ,, • .,., "• • • • ~Y' ,.,,.~.,, "" 0• •''I>' (O•'' <'I>••·•~··~· ""'0•"> ,.., ~··•" ... I•" ~·• p.,t>I"""" /Ao '"'"' lr•o•~" I',,,, ' ' '• I.~.,,. ,,. """'' !\~•< ~ """'" '>'··•• 1-. • • • ''" !••• 11 .. 1·· ....... ~ •• , .. ·-t·•. '·••'•• ...... '"~""" U•••" :,o.,!~ t o••' " '~" •· ,, .. ~, .,,,,,..., •\ ""~"\O•d ~•lu•~••' ,_~ '"""•• ''' II"'" •D•" ""0'""'"~· l"•ol ·•I l<(J "-• >I••• !."''' (0>1•"""' t ••••0••,. .. ~1~1, Robert N. Werod p,.,,,,.,,, """ r ... ~"""' Jd<k R Cur!ev Thom a!. IC.~ev d Tt'loma!. A M urph1ne -"••'"' ( ... ,.,. Charif'' H LCO<. R •<h .trCI P Ndll '". '""'""""""'""l"''·• Cosl• Me•• Otlite · ne "'"" ••• ~,...,, ,,...,,,.,. •<ld••n 1> o ..,, 1)00 •lolo Otner OIUces ...... _,9 • .,~ llJ) ..................... .. l •qvn•~•t ~ ••H (,,..-,,.)l•ttl ,....,.,".,..,II•••~ • ••t\ """'" 9"!~"••'" ~•H"I""" """'' /\:\!' ,.r,111<...c! .. '"" ,., ............. ~. T•ltpt'loM (7141 "414111 Cl•s5il ied Adv1r11,inq 1142·5671 (OP~"t~I . t•1' 0••"~· l. "' Puf>I"~,~~ (.~"It•"• H• """'' '°"''~' ••1Y' '••I'>'" <<l•I&• ••> .............. , ..... ~·~· '." ·" ........ ••1t•u11 .. t•ll ••I""'"' •n•• A> nt'""'""" ~· tbfooo ·~hi lt"'llF< ~' n~<I I +•II ....... po,<1 •' (<>•'* Mo ·• l.•"'"'"'" , ..... t•ipl_ .. , •••• ,., 11<"'"""''"''· b, ...... \.! .......... "' •• ,... ...... .,,., .. "!.! .• ~, 11(111 ''"'"'"'' Nude Runner Beats Officers NEW YORK (i\P) -/\ man runnin g nude through Central Park wrested a nighlstiek away from two auxiliary poliee of· fieers and then beat both, one critically, police say. Auxiliary orficers Beth Beim· brink. 24 , and David Freed, 21, were patrolling the park by car about 10 Wedn~sday night when they came upon the man. They told police he jumped into the back 0 seat and g rabbed a nightstiek. The mon then pursued them out of the car. rlaillng the nightstick, they sald. Police resPonding to the 1ux· iliary officers' call for help •r· rested David Matthews, 20, of the Bronx. 'Duke' Still J ohn Wayne was sUli resting eomrortably In Hoaa Memortl.l Hospit al In Newport Beaeh today Wler undergoing more "routine test!:." Hot'pital spokesmen said they > Hopefuls Flooding Elections By AL/\N OIRKIS 0 1 I ... O•il• 1'1l1tl S14'1 'f"•o sµcl•i:1I distrit'.l elections In Costa l\l('SU -fvr the water dis· trict and the sanitary district - are being rlooded "'ilh cun· dirtates. Pote ntial C'andidates havf' aln1 ost been lining up to lake out no1nination papers for seats on the l"'O agt"nc ies. seats which in the past ha ve usua lly been filled by a ppointment because there Y•ere no ~a ndidates for an elec- ti on. As of noon today, 26 people had takeo out papers. to be signed by a l lt•ast 10 r('gistercd voters, the Costa Mesa County \I.later Di s- trict, where three seats are at stakt• in the No\·. •I election. Of these. 17 had retu rned the papers and formall y filed to be can- didates. The others have until 5 p.m. Friday to rile. In the Costa Mesa Sanitary District election. where two seals are due to fall vacant. 21 persons had t ake n out pape rs . though by noon today on ly rour had fil ed them ""'ith the county registrar or voters. "We are going to be very busy to morro"','' an a idf' said. Some residents ha\·e doubled by laking out p apers or filing for seats on both agencif's. The interest in the elections is unprecedente d. All the dir('ctors on each board -each has five - fi rst gained their positions by ,;rtue of appointment. In the water district. the can- didates y,·iil be e lected from three di\'isions. Electors .,.,;11 vote only for a eant.lidate to represent their particular di\'is ion . Here's a the li st of those who have taken out papers: Division t, which covers the south"· est of Costa Mesa: George Hill . s treet ma intenance supervisor ; J\1 ario Durat1te, in- cumbe nt and a n elect rtcian; 1'hom:J s S . R o berton , brickm<:1son : John \V. Rri:;coe, accountant ~ind y,·ilLiam Mu\lyoy . design engineer. I-IHI. Durante, and Mu1loy have alread\• filed. DiviSion :?, "'hi ch takes in most of M e s a V erde :. Eugen e Ber~eron . funeral director: Jaek ll al l . atto rn ey ; J ohn C . Leonhardt, businessman a nd cit y planning commissioner : Eleanor Greene, R ealtor : William A. Pemberton . s ystem s analyst ; David l ... McDuffie, accounting student; J ohn M. Wells, water conditioning: engineer ; Thomas I •. Sch\l.'Orer. apartment owner- operator J oseph W. Decarlo, small business o"·ner . Rerge ron . flall , t,eonhardt. Pemberton, 1-l cDuffie, Schworcr a nd DeCarlo have filed. The in· cumbent, Carl Stevens. owner or a sht>el m etal business and :1 board member since 1964 , has not taken out papers . Division J, which lakes in the n o rth end o f t OY.'n : Da\'id I.eighton , residential properly management; Phillip I .. Evans, ser vice station dealer; Paul E . Diehl. technical representati ve ; \\'arren E . Booth. incumbent and o"·ner of a landsc aping business; Dave West. gen('alogist ; Sandra Greeny,·ood., housewife : R. H . ''Ron '' N ichol s, e ugineer ; William B. Raymer. rire cap· lain: Theodore P. Olson, retired army logistician : J oseph R . Nardone II , teacher: Ellen E. Wri ght, leacher . a nd K. Paul Ra\'er, administrative analyst. t-:vans , Booth, Wes t , Greenwood , Nichols, Raymer , and Ol son have filed. Court Asked To Overturn Conviction A three-judge appellate panel was asked today in Orange Coun- ty Superior Courl lo reverse the recent conviction of the Rev. Zelda Pryor, 76 , and at the same time throw out the Costa Mesa ci- ty ordinance used to prosttute her. But the panel r efused to im- mediately rule on the issue aner hearing Newport Beach attorney Donald Smallwood condemn h<!r conviction as a violation or Mrs . Pryor 's religious rreedom. Assistant City Attorney Robert Campagna argued that it wa~ cor - reetl y stressed in Harbor Judicial Di stMct Municipal Court that re- ligion played no part in the issue and that Mrs. Pryor was correctly prosecuted as a fortunete ller. The elderly astroloaeroperated the Church of Astrolight at 499 CabriUo St., Costa Mesa, at the time of her arrest . She was fined $1.50 after bein11 found guilty In a jury trial . In Hospital do not know whether he will be relea.seft in time for the holiday ~·eek end. A ramtly spokeaman said the fi8.year-old aetor Is beinf( treated for a 111taph infection and 1 nag· ging couah. • I D•llr Pilot IUlfl '"°'• •w P•lrlCI• O'Dl~MH AREMAN KEN JACOBS HOSES DOWN HUNDREDS OF UNIFORMS AFTER BLAZE Force of 41 Areflghtera F1ced Stt1rlng Chemlc1I Fume1 In Laundry Fire $300,000 Santa Ana Blaze Injures Six By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OfU.. D•llr PlloM5l4'tt A force of 41 firemen was ex- posed to deadly chlorine gas and fumes from a m ystery chemical early today in battling a $300,000 rire that destroyed a Santa Ana co mm e r c i al laundry and thousands of workmens' un- iforms. Investigators later this morn- ing were still probing cause of the 2:15 a .m. blaze that injured six persons including five firemen before it was quelled. Strueturally, the cleaning plant known a s Uniforms For Service Stations, 1002 E . Cheslnut St., was totally destrQYe d, investigators said. A company spokesman on the seene said the destruction in· eluded $80,000 worth of service station attendanl6' uniforms and another $100.000 .worth of just- manufactured denim and cor- duroy trousers. This would place the combined structural and m aterials loss at 21 Sign Up For Sanitary Unit Election Twenty·one people have shown interest in the Costa Mesa Sanitary Dislriet eleetion, in which two seats will be at stake Nov.4. Unlike the water district elec- tion, candidates will be elected at' large, and nol from divisions. Here's a list of the people who have picked up nomination papers at the orfi ce of the Orange County Registrar of voters: · Phillip L . Evans. service sta- t ion dealer ; Eleanor Greene. Realtor : Thomas S. Roberton, brickmason ; Donald B. Phelps, systems a nalyst; David L.. McDurfie, aeeounting student : Robert tlanson , motion picture projectionis t ; Roge r D. 1-lofr, manage ment eonsultant; Philip J . L o e ser , quality control analyst : Law son MacKenzie, chief engineer : J ohn Kamalani, la nds cape gardener; Francis Glockner, Incumbent and con· tractor: " ' Betty Willemsen. real est ate saleswoman : Lewis E. Young, real estate salesman: Robert 0 . Brlggs, incumbent and contrae· tor . Bill Lund, sales-pharmacist: Elvin Hutehi1Jon , retired school a dminlslrat o r ; Robert W. MeGregor , s an i tati o n · reelamatlon superintendent: An· Ulony F. Bonacorsi, landseape d'sign con!'ultanl ; Dolores M . Bonacorsi, spC"ech thC"rapist : K. Paul R aver. admlnistrati\•e analyst, and Clae Clarence 0 . Tomlin, retir ed civil servant. As o( n oon t oday, Evans, McDuffie, Hofr, and Loeser hod rued. The re&l have until 5 p.m . Friday to return their pa~n . The aeats are for four.year tenna. • more than $300,000 if estimates by firemen and com pany manage· ment are correct. B a tt a li o n C hi e f Will ia m Riemer said when men of Bat· talion One arrived at the scene in Santa Ana's induslriaJ district the building was already totally in· valved in fl a m es. The second alarm blaze was raging so severely additionaJ fire unit!: had to be ca lled to the scene, then it beeame ·apparent the firefighting force wa s e n - dangered. ''W"f! enco untered some chemical hazards," said Chief Riemer. . He said the plant contained. drums of chlorine and a· a:rease- removing chemical that so far to· day had not been precisely Iden· tified. Little danger of an explosion ex- isted. said Chief Riemer, but he added that when sueh chemicals become super-heated as in a fire they emit dangerous fumes, especially e hlorine gas. "We've had no problems yet, but we've asked all the men to watch themselves,·· he said. Limited a m ounts of such fumes can cause Jung damage whlch de· velops later, in a pattern similar to tissue damage American astronauts risked by aecidentally breathing fumes during the re- centApollosplashdown. Chier Riemer said five firemen , and one civilian were injured dur- ing the predawn fire, sustaining minor burns a nd s prained limbs, but did not require hospitaliza- tion. E"rime Page Al BATTIN ••• -Used former staff members· own estimate or the they they worked on the campaign al coun· lyexpense. For example, Ba ltin's chief aide in 1974, Ted Morailus. testifi ed that25 percentof hislime durtng the three-month campaign period was devoted lo poUUes. His county pay for the period was $.1,976, leaving the auditor to conclude that $994 was paid lo Moraitus by the county for work- ing on the cam pa ign. USING THE SAME formula based on the stare m ember's own estimates of county time spent campaigning, the a)Jditor con· eluded Julie Helling Grima was allegedly Illegally paid $1 .043. Dan Ryan . 1843 and &leve Knobloch. S308. Ament testified that Janet Tumor Improperly received $$22 in county wages Mnd that Dawn P11pp wa1 paid $397 In county fundis for campai•ning. Jn Ament's M, 107 summary, he did nol assign lost waits to then and curre nt stiff membera Walter Kapanke :ind John Rul'Xla or former 1t1ffers Ron Dosh and P1tUShort. • Youths Held On Drug Rap After Crash A young man carrying $3,600 has been arrested on suspicion or a drug violation rol lo"i.ng a Costa Mesa auto accident. PoLice believe Mark S. For· rester , 23, of 9300 l\1c 1-'adden Ave., Westminster, was carryi ntt ph e n cyc l i d ine <1:.c p ), <i hallud.nogen developed to tro:.n- quilize horses. Police said lhey seized 62 grams of a brownis h·"·hlte IX>""'der at rirsl believed lo be co- caine. Officers s aid a \vitness s aw Forrester drop a packa1<:e in- to a plante r box at Harbor Boulevard and Raker Street Tuesday. lt s upposedly con- tained the P CP . PoLice said Jo,orrester was a passenger in a used sports car that a rriend was trying out. The car apparently had raulty brakes and struck the r ear or another auto. · Offi cers s aid Forrester had $3,600in $100. $50 and$20bills. Burke Says Car Poois - Now Legal "Car pools are no longer il- legal. Any person who provides transportalion to and rrom work on a shared expense basis has been fr eed from the threat of a fin e by the Public Utilities Com- mission." Ass em blymnn Robert H. Burke (R-1'funtington Beach) announced today. Burke says that although his car pool legislation (Aii 463l "'ill n o t take e ffect until next J anuCJ ry . he thinks that it wi ll have a bearing in the case of l\;lrs. Carlene Zappile Iii. She's the Founlain Valley molher \Vho had been given a suspended fine by the PUC lust April 15 for ope r ating a car pool and eharGing rider!'! at u weekl y r ate. ......................... :~. ·.·~"-.. ,........... ,,,.!--r ...... ,,,. .... ~- .•. TONIGHT MAYOR'S MESSAGE Mayor Plnkley's taped messase 'on Costa Mesa City Council ac· lion, Dia·t 549·2929 and ask ror Costa Mesa Cit y Council lape. FRIPA'l'.Al!GUST Z1 CONCERTS IN T HE PARK - T hird Mari n e Ai r craft Wing Band, Costa Mesa Ct ly Park, 8 p .m. MOTORCYCl,E SPEEDWAY RACING -~'al rgrowids, •"lS p.m. ' I 7