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1975-11-28 - Orange Coast Pilot
7 -----------------~---- -• ---.. • .... . ... • --• ' • C~~l :and Crisp I 1·11egal Alien -That's Dow 'Sweep' Attacked -Sator-ay Looks By Capistrano • DAILY PILOT * * "* '10< * * * .. .. .. .. . VOt.. ... -0. JD, I SECTIOfolS, a .. AGfiS _Gro--.. "1an Hurt ~ El -Toro-Pilot . . • I _ _ed m Crash llJ'RUDI NI E DZIELSKI .... cw•rl"I•...,_ A 49ryear-old El Toro pilot was killed and bis passenger critically injured Thursday when their light plane crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from Corona Municipal Airport. . The Thank sg ivin_g Day s1ght.seeiog flight claimed the life · of Ricardo Salcedo, 23741 Teed .St., and left his companion, F.dward Li bed, 38, Garden Grove, with burns over 40 percent of his body. San Juan Hits Alien 'Sweep' As D_egrading By l-AUR IF. KASP ER .CM.._ Dan, 1>t1.tsun Reacting against a "sweep" of their city by immigration authorities,•San Juan Capistrano city counC'llmen adopted a r e- solution condemning any actions whiC'b oppress people because o:f their national origins. Noting that they are not con· doning illegal entry into the coun- try, they ·aslted that "due pro- cess .. be granted every person picked up by immigration authorities and that the laws be enlorC'ed within the framework of the rights established by the U.S. Constit.ution. The c:ouncil 's action C'ame Wed11esday after CounC'ilman Roy Byrnes told of Ute ''sweep .. last week during which about 50 personsweredelained. After explaining how such searches for illegal aliens are coOductecl, he s aid, 'This syste m doe1n ""t work . It is, dis · criminatory. It's oppressive. It's degrading to Mexican-appearing American citizens .·· Byrnes said an J8-yt>ar-old who .h.u been living in the country llaallr tor 10 yeats was detained loi four hours after the search. He said it wps "a very fri ghten- in& experienC't'. · · j Admitting he had "obvi.ously • been stewing' over this since last Filaiy. ·; Byrn~s uid immigra· tioft,6(ficers had also searched , but lou~d no illegal aliens on his property. • h . d'f Nollal that t ere ts a 1 - fuenOI' belweea • raid on a ~1~1J11'BEl'. P•&!AZI I . . l Investigators said the si ngle- engine Cessna 172 went down one- and-a-ha If miles west of the airport in a forested area of the Prado Dam basin. Libed, who was found wander- ing around the <"rash site, told authorities the plane h.it a treetop after going through a cloud bank. spun to the ground and burst into names. l..ibed was airlifted to Riverside General Hospita l by a Los Angeles.County Sheriff's Depart· ment helicopter. He was listed in critieal eondition today. . Although the plane went down in a remote area, the sound of the crash was heard . by several persons at the airport. They alert- ed the Riverside County Sherirf·s offi ce. Investigators from the Federal Aviation Agency flew to the crash scene. A spokesman for the Riverside County Sheriff's office said the plane "was badly torn up" and that it had gone down in the mid- dleof whal he termed "a jungle.·· Riverside County Coroner's in- vestigator Scott Hill said an autopsy was being conducted on SalC"edo's body to dete.rmiii.e the C"ause of death. lie indicated, however. that Salcedo "probably died because of burns.·· Hi s body was taken to Thomas Miller Mortua ry in Corona where funeral services are pending. t\n FAA aide in Los Angeles said the plane was on a "local fli ght" and that further investiga· lion of the crash has been turned over to the National Transporta· tionSafety Board. &ulTirrw Of Night Huntington JleaC'h police said they sped to the J-lorn Oil Company. 17501 Heach Rlvd., when its silt>nt alarm went off 3.l police head- quarters about 2:30 this morning, but found no sign of a burglary. They C'alled lbe alarm company to come out and check tht" deviC'e . Then of· ficer5 waited , :J.nd waited, and waited. Al3.: 12 a .m . the alarm company's night du· t y man telt'phont'd back. He apologized, e;oi:plain· ing that he hung up after police called and then reJt asleep. •• a e • n IXOll f-ightitag First Cattdfe , :'\t sundown today the J ewjsh holiday Hanukkah begins a nd will continue for e ig ht days. At Cos t a Mesa's Temple Sharon, Sean Katten, 6, lig hts the first candle on the menorah (cande1abra) as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean's s ister Sara, 4, look on. l 'he holiday, also called the Feas t o f Li ghts and . the F'cast of Dedication, cele brates the victory uf the Maccabees over the Syria ns in 165 R.C. and rededi c ation of the temple in Jerusa lem . Coast to Welcome Cool, Crisp Skies The fa::it-moving s torm that brol1ght showers and gusts of gale-force winds on the Orange Coas t T hanksgiving m orning were experted to m ove out tonight. And Saturday morning, &aid forecas tt>rs . would e merge cool and crisp for the coastline alter the quick storm displayed many moods . Snow fell in mountain areas above 4.000 feet anc;t hail pe)led some areas of Orange County during the holiday. Along t he shoreline, small-, Scott-'Fearful' l .. .\S \i'F,G . .\S, ~ev. (AP) \Yalter Scott, 42 , brother of sports activitist Jack S<!ott, was in a loc:J.l hospital today for "rest and (\bst:>rvation" a£tt>r telling pOlice llnkni.'W ll persons wanted to kill him bccausf they believed he was an FBI informer in the Patricia H':!arst case. craft warnings were posted early in thE' day for winds gusting up to 35 knots. The seas were a menac - ing seven feet at the height of the squalls. ,>\s for r:J.infall , it was sporadic. and rel atively light. Somt> res idents of the Sad· dleback Valley reporlt>d brief hailstorms during the holiday and this morning . Rainbows emerged often after the rain as tht' quick squalls gave wa y to clearing. Wind s that reached their peak before dawn tore off small trtt limbs, but no reports of any cost- ly damage were noted. F'orecas ters said that the crisp fa l l wea ther would last the "·eekend with perhaps a repeat perfo rm a ncc of s howers and winds by early next week. Rainf.-ill totals in the recent storm W('re as high as .86 inches at Lake . .\rrowhead whcre rain, mixed with some snow, fell on Thanksgiving. Coastal poinl!ll re· ported much smaller totals. (Sfof WINDS, Page AZ) ' Frie nd S hot Over Turkey FORT \'.10RT1-I. TC'x . (UPI ) PoliC'e said a man shot and kilJC'd a friend bec:J.use the friend's cal was E'at ing h is 1'hanksgiving turkey. . .\uthorities s aid thc uniden- tified suspect , 39, would be charged today with homicide. F.mory Pippin was shot <.it least s ix times by a m a n who ap- parently was i n v1 tC'd to e at Thanksgiving d innC>r with Pip- pin. Inve:iitigators sa id the suspect arrivE'd at l'ippin's home while Pippin was a t a neighbor's re sidenre for a few m inutes. When he found P ippin's cat eating the turkey, which had been left un- guardE'd on a kitchen table, he wenl to the neighbor's home and shot P ippin, police said. Terrorism Told WA S lll:'I G TO :'I llJ PI l Puerto Rican radicals hacked by Cuban Premier Fidel Castro may loose a wave a terroris m in the United States next year to disrupt the biC'entepnial. accord· ing to tt'slimony before a Senate ~1bc'ommitle(' • Congress . 'Also Not Exempt' W .o\.SJ~lNGTON (APJ - William I .. Calley Jr. appealed his My l.ai murder C'onviction to the U.S. SupremE' C,ourt today , saying Congress should have bet>n compe llC'd to release con- fidential data in his tn al JUSt as President :"Jixon was compelled to do in the Watergatc:o;cand<1l Calley. 32. who sou~ht unsur· ressfull y fo use secret <-·on· gressional tes timony in hi;. de- fense, noted tha t the hi gh euurt rejected :"Jix on ·s cli!im of con- fidentiality for the \\latl•rgate tapes. J . Jlous ton Gordon of Cov· ington, Tenn . Call ey 's attorney, said the C'ourt 's ruhng on :'-lixon held that no man or inst1 tull11n is abo\'e the law "Congr('SS is not aW\'l' the l.'.lw."' sa id lhl' i!llornt'Y in his pe t ition as k ing thl• Su prt'mc ('ol1rt to r eviC>w a federal <1ppraJ :> court rul ing r einstating {'i!llC'y's conviction. ' c.ordo n s a id that th<' 5!h tJ.S. Circui t ('11u rt of . .\ppeal:> in :'-/cw Orleans erred in not recog nizing that a congrl'Ss ional C'ommittt.•c wtthheld pol t•ntial ('vidf.'nC't.' from ('alley's dcfC'nst•. ISE'E' C:\ 1.1,F. Y, Pag(' ."2 l Or:n:~,:"a~t \\'ea &h er Showers d ('c rC'as 1n i: toni ght becom in ~ c ris p and C'lear Saturday . Choi ncl' of r.'.li n 30 pC'rc C'nl tonight 1-Ughs ex pccted in tht' 50:-= Saturday. I NSIDE TODAY One noted coast conductor compo ser thinks nr191nal1/y rrio y not a lways he o gond thing See sto r.~ on 1•u1;,· ("/ 11f fh(' W('e~·end1·· lnd.-x "'' y-\.O•••<t " -... , ,, .. .,, -·~ .. Mo ¥1•• "' L M. lloyd .. N•llM~I '<~"'' .. c.111 ....... " Or• ..... Cow"lw ... Cl•JMllM 0 1 14 -· "" "'""" " """' '" c.o-...._,, " D• ~l't1M ro1"' e• O.otl<I No1ttt1 ... UottM.11•••1> ,\ 11 E•tor1.i I"-•• Tt !•w•1• n " ·-· ... n..., ... '" ~tNJI~ ..... Alt 81 Wt~•hor •• --" W¥ d Ntw1 .. AMLA,...n .. Wtt•-· ". """'""'• •• ' • • . ' . . ,-. . . •' •' ~. . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . ~ . . . . ·' . .,_• .. DAILY PILOT s Friday. November 29, 1975 t'Squeaky' Jurors I St\C RAMENTO (AP) -Thr Jurors -mostly mid· Jurors \trho convictl•rl Lynette dleage working pt•ople -were Fromme of tryina to kill Presi· C'losely a:uardtl'd bv u ('adreof de· dent Ford remained tight·lipped puty mar:5hals Wednesday today, apparently rearing night. repri:ials from re 1nnunts of the Charle.s L\tan:son family. !\'11ss Fromme, round guJlty 'Vednesday night, :spent Th<.1nksgiving in ht.•r et•ll, <Jnd rt•· Porters were unable ll~ rl'ach lht· eJrht women and four n1en who returned the guilty Vt'rdirt. W~ County Unify Bid Postponed fly KATllY Cl.A~CY Ol 1 ... D~Uy Polo! il4tl Th<' Or~1n ,ef• C\1unty c:omm1ttee :in School llistr1C't Organ1zat111n has shelvC'd a un1f1cat1on study for West Clrangt• c:ounty school i)'StC'mS . 1-lal Mason. director of fiscal servicE's for th<' ruunty Dc>part ment or Education, said tod:1y the comm1tt£'t' unan1mou~ly dropp<>d unif1<'al1o n stud1t•s £c>r the Ocean \'iew :int.I \1./t"stminstt•r ftlE'mentary l School Distri cts Wednesday night. f\oth d1s lri<"ts hacl r('qU('Sl<'rl lhot their unifi('ation propo~:.ils be "'ithdra"'n. And th{' comm1ltC'e <"ailed for a look at the entire county mastt~r plan fnr S<'hools hC'fore studyini.: l'A'O citizens proposal s, as "'ell ;is ::.ne jointly subn11ttt•d hy the St·<1I Reach and I.os Alan1itos (elementary) School Districts. Even ~for' the \'t•rdict was announced in a quiet eourlroom; t J.S. Oi ~tr iC't Court Jud(l:e Thomas :'\1 ;fl' Jtr idt> admonisht>d rt•porters that tht jury did not want to t'it> photographed or in · tt"r\'zewt>d . Also. sources in the US. at· tornty'11 office and U .S . marshal's office hinted broadly thet the jurors were worried about their safC'ty. "Wouldn't you be in a case like thi:I?" one 1ource explained. ~1iss Frommt>. a 27-year-old follower of convicted mass murdert"r ~tan ;;on , gavl' no threat or violenC'e against jurors in her rambling tourtroom com· U,.IT• ........ !\lason said Robt-rt J1ark, a C'ommittee member, called for a JO.day moratorium on unifica· lion, but his motion failC'd in a <l··I split vote. 1-lowever. h£> said, in effeC'I the rommittee killt>d any unification attempts for Sl'VC'ral 1nonths hy calling for the mastt•r plan study . PRESIDENT, MRS. FORD MEET CHINESE CAGERS Calls China Trip 'of Great Significance' He explainC'd the committC'e would have had to adopt ten· talive unifiC'ation plans WednC's d~y night and set public hearings ::in them in order to havf' them go lo voters at thE' polls next June. By not a£'ting, he continued. "1e committee de layed any un· ~cation elf'ctions until at IC'asl xt November. He said lhe committee set its xt meeting for January, when it will discuss community <'Ol lC'~<' .boundaries for the Gar~n Grove Unified School District.· The unification proposals brfore the committee included : -A joint Seal Reach ·Los Alamitos unified district along borders of both eleml"'ntary dis· fricts. The plan was submitted by ~stees of both districts. : -Creation of a WestminstC'r \lnified district alon g Westminster C'ity boundaries. as f..ell as borders of both the· Seal Beach and Westminster elemen· tary districts. This proposal was tubmitted by Westmi nster trustees. Trustees, howevE'r. Jater asked that their plan be y.rithdrawn. · -Formation of an Ocean View Unified district along ()('ean View elementary boundaries. The plan Was submitted by CXean ViE'w trustees but later withdrawn. -A C'itizens pl'an for unifies· µon whiC'h called for creation or a fluntington Beach di strict along City boundaries. -Another citizen plan which ralled for a joint Seal Beach· Qcean View-Fountain Valley dis· hi.ct, as well as a south Hunt· lngton Beach dis trict and a Westminster dis trict. Tin Price Hiked NEW YORK (AP)-U.S.Steel Corp. has announced a seriC's or p1 ice increases on its tin pro· ducts running in some cases to more than IO percent. ORANGE COAST ' DAILY PILOT Tiit Ot~ (M~I 0.tty J>olof. •1111 _,, " (...,.bJr.c! I,,.. N•,., Pt•"· h _,......., 11• t ... 0r•nQO Co.1•1 P'<.11""''"11 C-ft· ~tAI• ..,,,_ ... -·-.... -. '"'"""" f"""' fOf , .. , .. "''•).I ...... _, ""•"· '""'t'"9'"" e.~ .. ,, .......... v.u.,, ··~· .... $oto<l ....... - Vellty •"" L•q-e.t•<~t\ou!" (.o.l•I ".,nq .. • ..-1 ..i11-,, pvlllh ...... », ... ,,.,. -~ ...... llAY• T"" p<!"'•P•I p~t!h•hl...i P'•'" >~ ~I JlG "''"a.., Stre.i, C:o.i• Mew. C:.,"0<''" ~. Robert N. Weed Pt••..,,nl '""" p...,.,...., Jac:k R. Curley V•I• Pf~''°""' •nd <;...,., ... --· ThOrnas Keevil EtHIO• Thomas A. Murptllne M•n•g1119 [G•to< a-arles H . Loos Ric.hard P. Nall ,t.H•\1..,1 ,,,..;,....,""CCIII"'' Cott• Mtw. no~., s., s""' fi,...l>Otl 1111~" JJ» N~-........... ,. L-Bfo..:fl. 11 .. C.I• ...... ·~-· _,...,.'°" .... ,. 11111 e. .... -•• ...i ~--v ..... 1110! ..... ,,., Ill-•• s.. .. o .. oo ,,_ ... TeltPMM (714) 642-4321 Oassifled Advertising M2·5671 '--l•~· ... ,u,, ~wt Otlit• H1·6S10 ,.,_S...C••,..._ 4tJ-G6.JO ,,_.,....,.,Qr~C-1•~1~ 540-1220 (dfll"'Wit. '"' °'~ c .. " Ill.ell"'..,. c.--· He .. -•IDfM\. lnwlr-, ....... , .. ,,.,.,,., •• ..,,,,u,, .... ,.'" ''"''"" -· "'" <••<M•<"' •111111111 1•t,l•I .... !Ollni.roo •' (tpy11fM-· $t<Mlf Cl•SI PO•llt .. •tltll el (;M. .. .1...MtM. aii~•. "*"'<r1111""' .,... '"''w u ,n ,._, 1M¥:"~ ..... _ .... ,.""_., ............ ...,_, Ford Greets China Basketball Team W.<\SHl'.'JGTON (AP) -Pr£'Si· dent Ford greelt'd a group of wcmt'n baskt'tball playC'rs from the People's Republic of China today and told them his trip lo their country, which starts Satur· day, wilJ be a significant atep toward expanding relations between the United' Stales a nd China. President and Mrs. Ford and Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss · inger met the 19'm embers of the basketball tE'am in the Whit(' House rose garden. The team is concluding a two-week series of games in this country with a con· lest tonight against the women's team of Washington·s Federal Cit'y College. Ford said he is looking forward lo his trip to China. "It will be a trip of great significance," he said. "It will be another step in the effort on the part of the two governments to expand our relations and to normalization.'' He recalled that when he and Mrs. Ford visited China in 1972 he noted there Wf!r~ a great numbt>r of basketball rourts in the <'OUntry, with a lot o( young men and womtn learning the game. From Pagl' A I WINDS ••. Running Springs, in the San Bernardino Mountains. had two inches or snow on the grounds at the time most residC'nts werf' sit· ting down to turkt"y dinner. .4Jthough the rainfall in the fall storm was minimal. it was t>nough to prompt county rirC' and forestry offiC'ials to lift their red· nag alert for fire danger. Spokesmen said that it rainl~d <'nough in areas where thl" danger was worst to warrant the lifting. They added, however, that if the winds were to continue for even a brief period duri.ng th<' wef!kend, they could dry out lhc grasslands and brush quickly. And the high fire danger could return. 3 Stranded Yachtsmen OK SAN FR1u\;c1sco (UPI) - Three men survivetl a gia11t PacifiC' storm by punching a hole in their overturned yacht, bur· rowing their way inside and liv· ing off a scar<'e food supply and wster they made with a solar still. David flill, 36, of Belmont and two compitnions were adrift ror a week after their yacht, the Nomad, tapsi:r:ed off Mexico. They arrived in San Francisco Thursday in rood condition aboard a tankE'r that pl<'ked them upNov.20. "I predict<'d then "'"l' would ha\'(' 1n th£' lJn1tt•d Stal<'s soml' \'ery rugged competition on lhl' basketball court, both from your men and women, .. he said. "We saw boys and gi rls practicing with ... small balls and lowered backboards." 1 En route to Peking, Ford will stop in Alaska to view the Alaskan oil pipeline. He will be in P~king Dec. I to Ot>c. 5, and plans stops in In· donesia. tht' Philippines and lla"'aii on his way back to Wa shington . Rudget Dirt'ctor Jamt>s T . l.ynn will ac<'ompany the Presi· df!nt to China . White House spokesmen have said Lynn and the PrE'sidenl will spend between lhref! and four hours each day working on the fiscal 1977 budget. However, the President's main purpose will be to continue dialogue between the United States and China. - He told the women basketball players: "It is vital from our point of view that this dialogwe, these discussions, are con- tinued .... L\tembers of the baskettJall tf!am which Ford selected were from regional teams that partiC'ipated in the re-cent third Chinese :"olational Games. The team has split its four ga mes playC'd in the United States. having beatf!n Cal State f"\11lerton and Queens College 3nd lost to Oelta State and the Amerit'an :"lational Women·s Team. Daily Pilot Burglarized Rurglars broke into the Daily Pilot buildings in Costa Mesa Thursday, carting off an array of tools. maintenance equipment and prizes destined for nf!wspaper carriers. Gene Laney, head of building maintenance at the Daily Pilot. :m W. Bay St., said the loss will total morf! than $3,000. 1.aney sait.I the burglars broke win"dows and cut off pad.locks to break into a maintenance build- ing and other storage areas sometimt> between noon Thurs- day and dawn today. DEAF MVTE, 46, DIES IN BUZE KANSAS CITY, Mo. !UP))-A deaf mute woman, unable to call the fire departmtnt to extinguish .a bl8%e, was found dead in her smoke-filled house. Fire officials :5aid Bobbie Sim· mons, 46 , apparently died of 111m~ke in.halation. FalK'ets in the bathroom were turned on, ln· dicating that Miss Simmons at· ltmpted to exUn1ul•h the nr.. ... · j, I • Fearing .R • _1_ .1· epr1s~ r meots after shl' learned the: verdict. But Sandra Good, 31, another Mar\iOn follower who wa1 Ftflaa Frome's roommate, looked out· over a bank of tel•Yislon cameras after the verdict was announced and salclin a_loud, an~ gry voice: "Once again you have Judaed youNel ves. Your children will rt1e up a.nd kill you . Seven dead bc"rtie1 didn't wake you up," (he •.,,.._Page Al . CALLEY •• ·• I The Hou:!e Ar.med Services C.ommitte-e refused to let tht~ dt"· fens(' look at the results or it.s ~1y I.ai hearing• which involved J,().15 pai::es or s tatements from 151 witne-sses. The former lieutenant ha:t lwen Jiving a' a civilian in Columbu:,., Ga. sin<'<" his 1971 court-marli<il ron\'ict1on "'a s O\'C'rturnt:'d Sepl. 25. 197-1 . , The Army ~ppealed that ruling and the appeals <'OU rt, in an8·5de· t'ision. reinstated Calley'sconvic· tion on charges related to the My Lai ma ssac rt~. Accused of killing 102 ViC'I · namese Ci\'iltans 1n tht~ swet•p through the hamlet of ~1y l.ai 1n Mar<'h 1968, Callt'y was <'onv1cl· ed or murdering not less than 22 and sentenced to lite in pri1<>n. tlowever, the sentence was re· duced in subsequent appeals to 10 years and he was frt"<.'d on bail a year aro. The Army has said it does not plan lo return him lo prison. Calley "'a s the only soldier con· viC'ted in <'onnel·tion "'ith My I.ai. although thl' Army's set'rct Pttrs Report s aid possibly J.17 men. women and C'hildren wert· killed by three platooru; in thto' 1n· cidenl . lJ.S. Dis trict Court Judge J . Robert Elliott rule-d the con\•ic· lion wa:-; un<'onstitulional and or· dered <:all<'Y (reed -mainly bet'aUSE' or pretrial slori<'S in ne"'S ma gatinC's. radio and tE'le\'ision. Gordon argu<'d that thC' ap· peals court erred in knuc kin~ down F.lliott ·s holding that ex tensi\'<' nE>ws coverage of My l..<.1 i made it impossiblf! to find "un· biasC'd jurors.·· Callin~ the prt>trial publicity "per\•asive." Gordon said Cal· ley "·as deprived of a fr('e trial and due process of law. The attorney said the appeals court's reinstatement of Calley's convictio{I was "a marked de· parture from the laW'' a s established by tbe U.S. Supremt~ Court. Mt. Laguna Gets 7 Inches . Of Snowfall MT. I.AG UNA !API -Seven' inches of snow fell late Thursday and early today on this central San Diego County are& in a storm whirh d'ropped rain over the re· '&ion. • There were 1.14 inehes of rain, fall during the night at Campo near the Mexican border. ~ In San Diego, rainfall ranted from .<UJ in<'h to .61 inch. Palomar 1\1ountain counted J.06 inch of precipitation with a hJlf inch at Carlsbad on the C'oast . The first -:stor m or th£' season eliminated extreme fire condi· lions which caused -deployment of 22 state for;estry workt>i;s from Northern California. Those firefighters were nown home on a C'hartered plane in time for Thanksgiving dinner. pistol at Ford he"' Sept. 5 ii\ • pork Olltalde lbe ••t. Capitol. But the pro&eeutlon argued - sucooul'lllly -lb•t oho intended to lire the sun, wlllle,tbe de!e ... <'laimed 1M w•s JUii threat«-nin1 the ~ldtnt •nif,~alled !or a vmlict of ..... 1111, WIUCh conitt a mu1mUID JO.,yur sentence. Authorities safd the 1utomatit pistol"s chamber was empty, but there were !OW" bullets In \II< magaiihe. '~ .. 'Y j ~ ~ From Page A I SWEEP ... specific place and a broad sweep throueh the city, Councilman Yvon Heckscher said. "Not for one minute wduld we tolerate a· 1sweep through our city for drugs.~' He aeld it is being done under pressure bf labor groups who fear jplS1; _are1being take ii -by ii· te'al aliefts end because the ".ag· gneved P.irtfes .. do not object. Swee-pis, he said, "are totally contrar)' to what I consider the ' American way ot lire.•· After learning that city or· ficials are never informed of the sweeps wben they pc-cur, Coun· ti~man John Sween,ey comment· ed, "It kind or scares you.'' The resolution, which was . passed unanimouslf, will be sent_ to state and national legislators a11•well as directors of the Jmmi· g\oatiOn and Natural1r'ation Servi ce in Washington. D.C. and I.os :\ngeles. Just In Time For TQe·. Holidays ... Beautiful Cabinet by Henredon . . . Reduced Just For You! Reg. Price'2, 329 Sale Price 'l,979 This lint> piece of f urniturc f catures olive ash burl and ash veneers and ash solids. Truly a btautiful item for the furnitu~ connoilleur. Stt it on display now. DREXEL~ERITAGE~ENREDON-WOOOMARK-4<~RASTAN-BAKER Wffl(DAYS & SATURDAYS t:tt lo S:JO • NEWPORT BEACH• 1721 WESTCJ.lt'F OR, 642·2050 LAGUNA BEACH • 34.\ NORTll l.'fJA."11' H\\'\',. 4~.W~ I • TORRANCE• il649 HAW!lfORNE BLVD fOJ>fn Fri . Ill 9,_$~1t. 12·S:30i 3'Hllll • ....... ~ ... -... iillP':'" =t ;;a;: s w a • • ........ c F?? coo acc: •• . .. . r ~ °"'''!.,...., ............ REP. HANNAFORD SPEAKS TO YOUNG CONmTUENTS IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Students •I H•rbour View Scllool Tr-Oueetlona, Answera With Congreasman &~ W@M[( ~®!?WO©® The column appears dally except SaturdaylJ a11d Mondays . Gnl n problem·• T J1rn 11·ri1t• 1'111 /)UIHI l 'at 1t·11/ 1·u r n•rl f!11•· •11'/ llu· (11tStl'fr~ Qrtd Of' 11o n .1/'1/i '11•1•rf 111 o(ll/l'f' 1111•q111/11·.~ 111 11r11·1•r n n1rril (Jnrl /l u .~1 11 ('.~.~-!il 111/ Jlf1 Uf l/IWNflOll.~ Ill f'u l IJ11 nu 11 1 't'11 11r .'>r r r1rf'. f/r n11111• ("nn .~r f)u1/u /'1/ .. 1. /' rJ /~11i· /WI fro.~fo \lf'\u (0 ,\ 112,,.!r, f 111/rirt1• 11 .. 11 r /1•/t•p// .. , ,. 1111 ,.1/1,·r Ref-dlssued DEAR PAT : In October 1974, J ordere-d several Christmas items from Americana Interstate of Mundelein. Ill., a division of Grolier Enterpris es . T h e- mer<'handise totaled $59.26. I've re<'eived my <'anceled <'heck and most or my order. But r·m still missing two items worth $15. In spite of many letters. J can·t seem lo get this situation cleared up. J . V., Ne~rport Bea<'h Amf'rl<'ana Interstate was ac-quired by Majestic Distributors ln<'. or Skokie, Ill., in August 1974. It thf'n became independent of' Grolier Enterprisf'S. AU orders Wf'te to be forwarded to Ma · jestir's new Americana dJvtslon for l"Omplelion. Vour p1rlJ•IJy -ruled order a.Pparently was lost somewbf're be tween the two l"Ompanlf's. A $9 rf'fund has been stnl to you . The $6 differente in your refund was attrtboted lo prif.e inrrf'ases affecting: the items you re<'f'l ved. Suitcase Replaced OF.AR PAT : 1 (J ew to Germany l3st December and signed ror baggage insurance ""'1th Omaha Indemnity. When I picked up my suitcase at Frankfurt airport, the handle was broken. making it impossi- ble to <'arry. 1 didn 't have time to arrange a repair. so 1 purchased another suitcase ror about $15. I wrote to Omaha Indemnity when l returned to the United States, and asked £or a reimbursement on my claim. Ttie company asked for proof that the suitcase is mine, but th<' only proof I have is my sales receipt. l.M ., Huntington Beach J .B. Bolton, vice president of claims for Omaha Indemnity, a division of Mutual or Omaha, e:s- plained that the Information given oa your proor-ol'-loss form led the inaaranee adjuster to believe tbat the luggage belonged to your traveling com· pani on. A later letter from you faUed to clarify the situation. Tbe agency tbat sold you the policy l..bea w•s contacted. It conf"umed that thf' suitcase was yours, and youbavebeen reimbursed. For as_,, DEAR PAT: 1 signed a co'n · tr ac t wit h Hollywood Songwriter's Service or HolJywood and forwarded pay· ment or $75 last December. The firm was supposed to set my original paem to music and re- turn a dem onstration record to me within 45 days. I received a receipt for my payment, but; the sOng s heets and record were never sent to me. I contacted the Los Angeles Better Business Bureau onl,y to learn that the rompany had moved to another .address. Can't anything be done? D.R., Coota Mesa Hollywood So n g:w rlter·s Service was contacted and you bavt' rttt'lved tbf' material you ontere-d. B-eMadePeHs• DEAR PAT: J have my own re· cipe for lemon oil furniture polish, and I decided tow you to let me share it wJth )'OW' readers after J notice d tn my iupermarket bow .ex.pensive rurn;rure poJIJb bu be<ome. J .J • Daoa Pl>lnt J.J. reeomniie•d.I mlslag JO dropt of ternoa ea:trMC wttb one q•art of mineral oil . She estimates &Ills mlatiatt costs only jfz cents per oa•.ee. • Solon Questioned By Coast Students l\y KATRY Cl.ANCY Of..,. o.ur ,., ..... Students at flarbour View School in Huntington Beach had a cban<'e to meet their con· gressman and to discuss national issues first hand with him this week. Rep. Mark Hannaford <D·Long Beach) talked about New York ·s financial woes, energy conserva· tion and the <'Ongressional in· vestigation into CIA activities ~'ith about 250 seventh and eighth graders there. And while it might sttm that a 50-year-oJd congressman would have difriculty explaining com- plex issues to 12 a nd 13-year-olds, Hannaford said he was surprised at their insight. Hannaford. a former junior higf>. teacher a nd college pro- fe-ssor, said he enjoys talking to youngsters. "I really think you inform the total population through talking to their children.·• he comment· ed. "J think it is productive.·· And he told the youngsters that being a U.S. representative is much like be-ing a classroom teaC'her. ··1 fttl like I am still teathing, but I have a little bit bigger <'lassroom, ·· said Hannaford. who was elected to his first term in office last November. He said he believes one of his biggest duties is informing titizen.s about national issue11 . And he rererred specifieally to the Ne-w York finan<'ial problem as an example. 0'!\-tore than 95 percent of my mail has been saying don't help Ne-w York,'' he commented. Rut hf' said he doesn't agree and he-lped dra·rt legislation to provide a $3 billion loan guarantee-to bail the city out or its financial problems . He asked his young listeners how they would react to such a deluge of mail urging no help ror the <'ity. One girl told him those writing the letters may not be informed of the total picture. but she warned later that if they don't support his position they could chose to ele-ct someone else to Congress next year. And a boy suggested that coun- tries in the United Nations might help, since the U.N. is located there and extra U.N. security <'osts the city <'Xtra dollars. :\nd another youngster com· mented, "I still feel we should help Nt>w York be<'auM> if lhe city goes bankrupt. there goes the economy.·· While a girl in the crowd won · dered, "How· come the President will help private companies like l«kheed but not New York?·· Hannaford also answered stu- dent ques tions about energy, strip-mining legislation and lht> CIA investigation, saying somt> solutions to problems have been hindered by Democratic con- flicts with Ford, a RepubliC'an. On the CIA matll"r, he told one questioner. "This method or in- v<>stigating is not very pleasant." Rut, he said. there have been some abuses by the CIA and the C..ongressional p robe is a way to improve matters. -Adobe Boohoo Hi.storical Group Jumps Gwi By I.AURIE KASPER Of tM 0.11' ..U.. IUH It was one of those <'ases where the right hand apparently didn't know what the lert hand was do· ing. San Juan Capistrano's llis · torical Society was ordered by the Orange County Building and Safety Dt"partmenl last week to ~lop their work on the Montanez adobe. Society volunteers had spent a weekend te-aring .down two decrepit lean-tos attached to the building and clearing accumulat· ed •.rash from the s ite as a first step toward restoration of the adobe which dates back to 1794 . They were also breaking the law . Two city ordinan<'es prohibit any alterations being made on the propertY or to the structure without prior approval of the city's Cultural Heritage-Com - mission. They had neglected to get the <'Ommission ·s approva l even though four of the S<'ven com - Judge Ross Rites Slated On Saturday A memorial service is sc.hedul~ Saturday in Newport Bea<'h for retired Los Angeles ~tunicipal Court J udge George Ross or Laguna I-fills Leisur(' World, He died Tuesday in a local ronvalescent hospital. The 3 p.m . servi<"e will be con· duct(>d in the chapel al Pa<'ifit View Memorial Park overlook· ing CC)r()na del Mar. Bu!i'al will follow at the park. Judge Ross served (or 20 years on the Los Angeles County Municipal Court bench. He was a native of Wyoming, but lived in C&Ufornia.most of hjs life. Survivors include his widow, ~san, of the couple's home, 504 ·8 'A venida Sevill a ; a daugbler. Donna Hiii al Goleta.• son, George Ro8!l Jr. of Van Nuys, and five grandch.Udren. The family ha:s s uggc:s tt-d me-mdrial <"ontributlons to thP Jleart f\Jnd. missioners art' on the soc iety·s board or directors. "'Talk about egg on your racC'. ·· said one commissioner-director. "We we-re embarrassed a - bout it be<'ause we s hould have-known about it." admitted Gep Durenberger, president or the Histori<'al Society. lie add<'d that th<'Y had evl'n used a city trurk to haul the trash away. ··Everybody just assumc>d that somebody el se fill<'d out the rorm, •· exp l ained John o·Sullivan, the city•s dire<.'tor of administrative services who serves as the staff adviser to the ·commission and who requested the-<'ea se and ds isl order from the county. The Hi stroical Society will seek retroactive approval ot tht>ir work during the com· mission meeting Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the <'ity hall. Approval of their work is <'X· pected to be given "Ai lhout any di(ficulty. O'Sullivan said the stop work order was given primarily to make the point that future plans will need to be ap- proved berore they <'an be car· ried out. Prese-rvation or the adobe will bf' completed by a committee of experts rrom throughout the <'Ounty with $40,000 given the His· torical Society for the project from county general· revenue sharin~ funds. Durenberger .said the adobe is the only one or its age which hasn·t b<'en reno vated or changed although there have been a numbE'r of lean-los added toit. Originally, he said, it was just two rooms with no windows and two doors. Restoration plans. which will b<' prE's <'nt ed l o th e com · mia.,ion, have not yet been finalized, he said. Th~ original idea was to take it b3<'k to the way it was in 1850, he said. However, since some city resid~nu believe the additions should be kept to show how the adobe progressed over the xean, one or two of the additions may also be preservt>d . When it 13 finished, he said, it will be part o ( the llistorical Society's museum and peopl e-- will be eblC" to vi ~w It through the doors. I j ' ' I . . . Fttd!y, Movembef 21. 191'5 . DAILY P1LOT ,!S KittY.'s Kitties Ammu1a Blake Friend of Cheetahs • I• lly llUDI NIEDZlELSKl •-o.u., .......... For 19 years Amanda Blake waa known as "1'1iss Kitty" on the Ht. She still lives up to that name though the (UM stopped ~mokln" lasl year. The strawberry blonde TV ac· trf'ts now 1hares her Phoenix home with a <.'olle<'lion of 15 "k..i.l· ties'" --.n Afri<'an lion. a leopard, a.nd 13 cheetahs. "We have rour acres al home and lWO or them belong to the <.'ats. WP .sort of split it haJf and half," 1ays Miss Blake, who is on thf' Or•ng:e Coast to spend Tbank1,cJving with her mother, Mra. Louise "Pinky .. Neal of CoronadelMar. Shf' stopped al Lion Country Safari to inspect the newest Jitter of cheetah <'ubs and lo vi stt vf'terinarlan Dr. Donald Dooley who rave her iome valuable ad- vice 'On the-<'are and breeding or <'heetahs. Cheetah propagation has bttorop the major end<'avor of Miss RJ ake and her husband, Frank Gilbert, sin<'e she quit the Long Bra_nch Saloon. Together they have launched a' new venture called "Cheetahs Unlimitt"d .. whost> main purpose is to help save the animals from extinction. "It's a s<'ientifi<' e-frort, not fun and games. It's hard work and very expensivP. We're not rais· ing them to bE' sold as pets. I want to be very emphatit about that,·· she explains . Miss Blake is one or the feW people in the world lo have bred the endangered animals in cap- tivity. Only 90 hav<' be-en bred out of the wild worldwide, 35 at I~on Country Sarari and JO at Miss Rlake·sranch. lJnJpgs other zoological es tablishments begin <'heetah propagation programs in the n<'xt 10 years, she belit"ves there- may not be any Jert . ~1i ss RJakl" be<'ame interested r_ • ~.,,..,......, ....... 'MISS KITTY' MEETS NAMESAKE AT SAFARILAND Afrtc•n Cata Now Amanda Blake's Co·star1 in the <'heetah problem about · three-years ago while she was still filming Gunsmoke. fler hob· by IOOO beta me a second oceupa· tion . "J·m v('ry <'o n<'erned about wildlife and the cheetah is a very mu<'h end'angt""red animal," she explains. "lt·s on thP brink or becoming extinct unless a lot or work i.s done. It's.one of my ver.y favorite a nim als . There's something :;pecial about the eheetah-they've got charisma.·· As a rt'sult of ht>r involvement with wildlife, acting has become somewhat s pconda ry in Miss Rlake·s lifE'. She has appeared in a television movie, "Retrayal. ·· • several Dean J\.lartin Roasts and· game s hows s ince s h<' quit 1 Gunsmoke in March 197.f -' "nothing hPavy"' in her words. ''I'm glad to put Gunsmoke> behind me although 1 ·m not gfacf, 1 the show was C'ance-led,'' :ihfl' says. "I feel ver y nostalgic about it and 1 had visions of that show going on another five years.·· Miss Blake hopes that the C'heetahs raised in her "corral·· . e-ventually will be loan.:d to other·, zoolpgical institutions for breed:. ing purposes or sold to qualified establishments that don't have any of the exotic cats. Holiday Fatalities Climbing ; By IJnited Press lnte"maUonal A Warner Robbins , Ga ., woman, two Roches ter, N . Y . resi- dents and two Cedar Rapids, Iowa, children are now just num· bf'rs in the four·dayThanksgiving holiday death count. A United Prf'ss ·International <'ount at 11 a .m . Friday showed at least 125 people had died in traffic acridents sine<' the start of the holiday peripd of acclden-n tal deaths : . - A brf'akdown or accidental deaths: traffic 125, rire 17, plane 1, other 5-total 148. A4 OA!LV PILOT Just •• . ~ ... ~ .·· '.:oi>1 w ith . ·:··:.;:... Tom arphine ~- Flatfoots Return Frld•Y· November 28. 1975 Reg Murphy Case 3 Judges Order Kidnap Retrial ATI.ANTA (UPI) -A three· judge federal pa nel today over· turned tht conviction of the ad- mitted kidnaper of former Allan· ta Constitution edi tor Re g l\turphy on ground:-s or pretri al publicity and prejudicial argu- ml"nts by the government. tanf'ous and the metropolitan Atlanta area was blanketed with radio, te-le'o'ision and newspaper roverage from almost the me>- ment the ransom m£>5sage was • delivered. TJIF. J UDGF.S aOO icaid that the government's closing argu· menls to the jury "wKh.dy con- fused the issue"' of Williams' mental responsibility. Marines 1 -Na,eyO WASHINGTON (UPI) - ----!l'he--honotl w.e.nl-to..J.hL._ - Marines ln Thursday's bal· Ueofthe Potomac. A11l1tant ~tarlne Com- mandant t.t. G-en. Samuel J ukilka. 56, Jog1ed over a lhi'ee·mlle course on lhe banks of the Potomac in 23:40 minutes -JO .seconds faster than Navy Secr•tary William Mid· Mndor(, St. could row a parallel course in hi• single 1hell. The r•ce was set up to promote a pbysicJ.I fitnes> . cempaign. IBA Duo Hunted In London .Death LONDON !AP) -Police launched a nationwide manhunt today for au1pected lrlsh.~f rorist slayers of ROM Mcwmr- ter. cotdltor and complier of the Guinness Book or World Records. Home, Secretary tftoy Jen.kins warned lh•I the killl.ni opened ~P the posslblllty or moro' lUCh u - ""inallonsin Britaln--. OS T llF. BEAT: Where do you think the t'rimt' capital or thl• world is today? Some people sug- gf."st it m ight be our very 0""'.n C.ounty Seat, right up there tn Santa Ana. Thf' panel ordered a new trial for Willia m A. H. Williams, who was s entenced to 40 years in prison ror extorting $700,000 in ransom ror the release or Murphy after holding the newspaperman eaptive for 49 hours in February, 197<l. l\1urphy was released un- harmed. . /\board .Jetliner "Cleaily wr mu!St take into ac· . rount that there ls • pas1lbillty that (the JtUHng of McWhlrter) is the be1innillg of a new form of at- tack which we havt' not hitherto Sttn in Great Britain," J enkins told a shocked and solemn House of Commons. Cuba Exiles Claim WfUJ~E NOT calling for the rt"storation of the death penalty, Jenklns added : ''I have no respet"( for sortn('ss in present circums tanres and no sympathy with those who commit these bestial crimes. If they were shot in the aet. I would hU\'e no sym- pathy with tht•m of any sort ut Many or our politit·a1 observers might snicker al that o!'e but the crime statistics have httle to do with the pumping and thumping of our County Seat politicos. THF. STH U.S. Circuit ('.()urt or Appeal! panel said it was nol willing to reverse the conviction on either of the-issues alone, but ruled they acted ''in coneert to deprive appellant of his right to a fair and impartial trial. .. Credit for Bombs .l <• ""' ......... ·. SLAIN AT HOME 0 ·• The people who are talking about C'rime arC' sp("aking of the regular kind. ''ou k"now.' murder. forcible rape, burglanes. That ki1'd of national sickness. According to a rec('nl news di:s· pat<"h out of the ~ounty Seat, C'rime within the C'1ty of Santa Ana during 1974 looked like _th.is: -There we r<' 15 hom1cu.les during th<' year. -The ('ity had 82 rC'ported forrible rapes. -One out of C'VC'ry 13 homes was burgla rized. . -One out of every seven bus1- nes!t's was burglarized . -Out o! every 40 families or businesses, one r{'ported a car stolen. -Monetary losses attributabl(' to varied erimes amounted to n~rly $4 m1111on tor the year. THF. ·DRY STATISTICS are more than just impressive. They are frightening. Apparently Santa Ana city of- ficials got frightened by the stalisties too. They have done something about it. They are go- ing to put cops back on foot patrol beat!!! in their city. The police de- partme-nt will be beefed up with ro more new employes. . .\.bout $2 .4 million has been al- located for "·hat is"'termed the Community-Oriented Police pro- gram. They call ~t COP for ~hort. There was a time wht>n 1t was considered a degrading term to refer to a Pf'&<'e offirer as a cop. Rut apparently it's now a term of endearment, at least in Santa .<\na, :since polict>men have been called so many worse names by the miscreants of socit>ly in re- cent years. MA:-IY C'ITIZF.:-IS GROUP S along our C'oa stlinl' from timt> to time have suggrsted that what we need to fi ght the risi ng rri me rate is to put more policemen bark on old -fa s hio ned foot patrols. . This notion has lx't'n r('s1sted by m3ny leaders in our coa stal law enforrement ranks. Thl'y argue that an offi cer in a patrol car or up in the s ky in a helicopter can cover much more territory and rc>spond more quickly to emt"rgenry than can an officer relying•on his pedal ex· trernities. Some departments have in-· ili3ted bicycle patrols from time to time but largely, we still de· pend on the lone officer in his patrol car with an occasional whirlybird overht"'ad. SA:-ITA ANA, llOWF.VF.R, raced with it s awesome crime rate. is p:earing up with a large infusion of money to return to the basic foot patrolmen in m any sections of tht"' city. Will the crime rate be reduced or at least rontrollt"'d? Wt• s hall Set.1'. Santa Ana's CO P program should ht> "'·atched with interest throughout Orangt"' County. l J.S. Attorney J ohn Stokes sa1d the first step on the ~o\•ernment's part may be to seek a rehearing" on the appeal:1 court ruling. Willi ams was being helld in the federal penientiary here. !'to1urphy, editor and publisher or the San l'""'ranciSC'O Examiner, was en route to San Francisco after spending Thanksgiving with relati\•es in Georgia and could not bC' r('achL"d for com- menton the ruling. THF. DF.CISIO:"<l, written by Judge Homer Thornberry . and concurred in by Judges f.('w1s 1.t. ~1organ and f,lb('rt Tuttle. said that news medirl r('action to the kidnaping "'~S '_'virtually instan· '.\.llA~11 <AP) -A jetliner on which two timebombs were found would have been in the •ir wht.'n thei devices were .to ex- plc:ode. officials say. Police said the bombs were found on the Rahama:sair plane Thursday just minutes before 62 holiday travelers WE're to board the '.'Jassau-bound night. Airline offic ial Thomas Hughes said the plane's srhedule would have put it in the air on a return flight to the U.S. at noon, when the devices were set to explode. "There was a telephoned bomb thrt>at to airport personnel, .. said !:>o!ice Sgt . Den is Shaw. "We found t"'o bombs -plastic ex- plosives "'ith a dC'ton~tor and_ a watch for a timer -in two d1f· North Korea Ready For U.S. Meeting TOK"i'O CU Pl ) -'.\/'orth Korean ?resident Kim ll ~ng has e.x- prt>ssed a willi ngnC'SS to discuss the ruture or Korea 'A' Ith the Unit· ed States, but rejected dialogues with South Korea, the ~apanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun said today. The Communist leader str•ss•d in an intorvi•w with ( J ~lainichi that No,th Ko,oa JN SHORT has no 1ntent1on or 1nvad1ng South K orea , a nation his troops attacked to start the . . Korean War in 1950. He also said he would no~ o~Ject to the entry or American reporters into North Korea, bu_t ~nd1cate~ that Com· munist newsmen should also be allov.,ed to v1 s1t the United States. Porrugal Challenge I.ISBO:'>J . Port11 gal (AP ) -Despite their boasts of total control. Portugal's moderate-line military ll'ad('rs were challenged today with stubborn pockt~ts of mutinous leftist resistance in the rank_s. '.\1ost dangt>rous was the paratroop base at Tancos, which authorities said \li'cdnesday was under control. Pa~atroops ~ho led last Tuesday"s ]('ftisl revol t and thC'n .gave up "'1th~ut a fight have withdrawn to Tanco and were refu sing to r('cogn1ze central authority. l\'l' Louery Disbanded NF.W YORK CAP) -On the advice or a consulting firm, G~v. Hugh L. Carey has ordered ~he state lott~ry disbanded and all its employes dismissed, according to the Daily News. . The News said Carey plans to buy an already established and perfected lottery system such as those in New Jersey, :\1assachusetts and Michigan. . The lottery ran into trouble this year when it was revealed that nearly h3lf the wet'kly $250,000 top pri ze~ were not awarded a!1d that many other prizes al so were undistributed because th.e win- ning numbers were on tickets that were never sold. Lebanon Shooting• BEIRUT Leba.non (TJ PJ) -Shooting broke out"today between Moslems a~d Christians in Zable, I.ebanon 's fourth largest city, and troops rushed in to prevE"nt the elash from breaking a lull in fighting in Beirut about 25 miles away. . . Poliee reported at least two persons dead 1n Zahle, add1n~ t? the over·all cesualty toll in nearly eight months or Lebanese c1v1l strife ot about4,300 de~d and 9,000 wounded. More Snowfall • ID West ·~· ..... ......., h._ .... . .....,. .. _tt .\'Oll ..... -'°"' -lh" '. • .. "" ...... tr"' -_ w.._.,._ -· .......,..,. -...,_, ",... .... --,-·~·· ... --........... .-... Jojll~!O ... _,_....,. ..... ....... ........... ,., to ~ltt~ ., " ,.... ...... Ol'e. ., " ,.._Oty U 11 ..,_ •• n s.tr~O 11 .ii 11.l.AJlll~ )1, II s.n Ub ai, 40 :s.. ._,,Aft,(._ )• .. 5"t11e Q :a ~-"1 • . r-perature• ferent places in a lavatory. "We removed the aircraft away from tht> terminal to . the center or the fi('ld, and an officer or the bomb squad deactivated them . Other airC'rart were searched but nothing else was found.'" all.·· . Poli<'e said the Thursday night slaying or the wealthy, outspoken Conservative appeared to be the work or an Iris h Republican Army execution squad. F.arlier thi s m o nth , l\1C'Whirt e r , 50 . offered a reward of up to SI00,000 ror information lf'ading to the ronviction of the IRA bombers who have taken f'ight lives in l.ondon in the past three months. After the bombs aboard the aireraJt were di:1arml'd. a man identifying himself as 1'Er~est<?" telephoned n ews media 1n Miami, said he was the leader or an organization C'alled "'0tban Power 76 '' and claimed responsibility for the bombs. .i\ctive in r ig ht-wing politirs. ~lcWhirter had also eampaigned • B11rial Costs Palm Extende~ Not Sympathy CANON CITY. Colo. (UPI ) -Charlotte Stiefel thought she had gotten through the hardest part of the funeral of her two children. THE SF.RVICF. WAS over and the coffins c_ontaining the bodies or her son lA'roy Stiefel. IO, and his stepsister Rarbara .<\iken. 8. who drowned last Su~da\'. lav beside or>en graves at I.akeside cemetery awaiting burial Wednesday. But as !'to1rs. Stiefel walked away from the gr.avesidC", she was . stopped by cemetery su~rvisor Woodrow C. Ri ggs, dem.ind1ng $800 in advance ror the bury al . . . . When Mrs. Stiefel said she did not have the money, Rigg~ threatened to call the Colorado State Patrol and wou_ld not a llow her to lea\•e the cemetery until arrangements were £1nally made to pay part or the burial costs. FUNF.RAI, DIRECTOR Frank t.-lercer said a rity ordinance required burial costs for out-of-town funerals lo be paid before burial can take plac('. Mrs. Stiefel lives in a Denver suburb. -· -... - Guinness' McWhlrter 't~~~ for the return of the death penal· •• ty (or terrorist_$._ a n~ dema~ed ..• that Irishmen I1v1ng Ill ~ri~n be is:iut"'d photograph-bearing iden· tity cards. "I K:-IOW TllF. IRA have 1ot meonadeathlist.··.~s~dthree " weeks ago, ''but 1t s time so-~ meone spoke out against these ;{' outrages. J rould be lhe bom· bers"next viC'tim.•· Police s aid McWhirt.er was ~ shot in the head and chest as he Jo "'ent to the front dOQr or his im· • posing half-timbered home in f:nfield, North l.ondon. They said McWhirter's wife,·'·'" Rosemary, had just arrived '· home by car at 6:4S p.m. when she spotted two gunmen Who pro-'1 duced revol'o'ers. She fled into the house and told her husband, who was shot as he got to the front door. !'tot rs . McWhirter rushed lo her hus band"s crumpled body as the gunmen ned in her car, which was later round two miles from the scene • l\tcWhirter was rushed to a hospital but died shortly afdeterhard-.> rival. Police i1aid the mur r a all the signs of a knock-on-the· door IRA a ss assinatioz:i., so ~ familiar in Northern Ireland ovt>r the past six years. Until now- IRA terrorism in Britain has con- sisted of car bombs. letter b o mbs, and bombings at erowded restaurants. STILL the best newspaper bargain .. in Southern California At $3.25 per month, the Daily Pilot subscrip- tion price remains the lowest for seven-day newspapers in Southern California. San Bernardino Sun · Telegram ... -...............• $4.75 Los Angeles Tin:ies ................................. 4.75 Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram .......... 4.00 Los Angeles Herald-Examiner ............•.... -.. 4.00 San Gabriel Valley Tribune ........................ 4.00 Santa Barbara News-Press ---..................... 3.75 Pomona Progress-Bulletin ._ ....................... 3.60. Riverside Press Enterprise . -... -..... ---•..•....•. 3.60 Santa Ana Register .. -.................•.........•. 3.50 South Bay Daily Breeze .. -.•....•..•......•..••.... 3.50 DAILY PILOT .................................... 3.25 And , the Delly Piiot Is the ONLY newspaper serving Orange Coast readers with -Dally naws and picture coverage of your community -Dally coverage of local school and college sports -Exclusive People sectl on features- -Same day final stocks PLUS Associated Press and United Press International newswire •ervlces and your favorite columnists and comics. STILL your best newspaper bargain". DAILY PILOT 642-4321 • .. . j • . .. • - " ·' ,., ., ••• •• ,,. , " ; I: ". ' ,;-. n . " .J 1 f ( ni CM •q Ca bl• Oc> enJ 1 mo en tlu l foe nu Ao ur de ch pt ... mi da m. ' uj co 1\ •• th WO all in 1 tt, P• tl: pt C> 2: d a ( e r ' 6 n s I ' 1 I ·' • • • ' j i I Rlc!!y,-28.11115 OM.Yl'LOT 45 ·Ba~nHe~ To Contain Brush Fires 'Drank Our Ow~ .Urine~ 4 I , \ 1Pqir on Rubber Raft R_escued ! GLENDALE <UPI) -UJ)1t rain brought victoey ' Thursda)I over brush fires that ravaged 100 square mile• of Southern California, but warned of 1 PoSsl· ble worse diaatter to follow - fioods and mudslides that rould enguU whole nelchbclriloods . Worried officlalt ocheduled a meeting today to discuss emerieat7 pl•ns to meet the threat. Some 4,000 flrefa&bten batUed for five days against the two main blaies that swept from the Angeles National Forest into sub- urban canyon nel&hborboods and destroyed or damaged 43 houses, chasing ao estimated 5,600 persoru1 from their homes. ' PRELIMINARY damage estimates rosQ to mol'e than $20 million includine $14 "ll'lillion in damage to the watershed in the mp}or blaie1 \he Tujunga fire. • Ski Season Opens .. ~elped b~ cool weather and -light rains, flrefighten Thursday <OQtained both the 46,500-acre Tldunra blaze ar1d Ille 19,500- acre Mt. Baljy fire"'30 miles to the east. Tbif meant both fires were surrounded by fire breaks. alt.bough they continued to burn inside the perimeter. Heavenly Valley and Squaw Valley observed Thanksgiv· ing Day ski opening as first skiers of the Squaw Valley race team tested the first snow on the summit. Accord· ing to reports, the best skiing figures lo be in upper Siberia and upper Shirley Lake areas. Caution is ad· vised with possibility some walking may be required to reach the base stations of several lifts. CIA Research · ·Ban Rejected SA.'l DIEGO <UPI) -The academic senate at the University of California campus here rejected a proposal to ban professors from doing research for the CIA, after studentl roughed up the university presidentiearlier this week and drove him from the campus for refusing to support such a ban. The tenured members of the faculty voted 232-152 against the motion, it was revealed Thurs· day. More than half the professors did oot vote at all. Tb e motion called for ·c full disclosure of all un-Sta te j iversity connection with the CIA, including off campus work for the in· telligence agency by UC employes. lt would have banned such work and CIA recruitment on campus. Wine& Bait Rela11 RirlC!e BAKER (APJ -The California Highway Patrol baited a highway relay race to Las Vegas · between men and women Thursday because of high winds and poor visibility at nigbt, officers said . . The race between women ages 16·44 and men 61-76 was stopped near this desert down after nightfall when CHP officers decided it would be un- safe for the runners to continue. ·. · Safeuia11 Store Bombed LOS ANGELES !AP) -On o quiet day of fllhin1, Allen l.ovar and Suaan Shepherd were blown out to Ma \0 spend lour days in a rubbet f1art 1ul\rounde" by sharks, oY'erwhelmed by waves and without food or water. were blown into the Santa . Ba.tbara Channel ~tween the Southern California roast and off·shore islands. "We had two or three fish noat- ing aext to UI on a 1tringer and the sharks came up and grabbed them," said Zovar. "We cut the stringer loose and just prayed." , ''The th.ird night out ... two or three sharks started cirtling and sliding undernealll the nit,'' be said. "Wo <OU!d feel them bwnp- inf the bottom of Ille boat. Tbey clld that for about bait u tx.r. n "What •e· did was re111aln sileot and lte<>p our feet otl lllo nooraotbeabarkswoulclll't- there was ao)'lb.lnl alive;• be said. "We fl&ured if we werw siltnt they ml1ht 10 IWIJI, -that's wbat they did." "1t•1 the happiest Thanbglving or our lives, .. t.ovar aaid Thurs· day wbe.n they were picked up after rowing to an laland. "We just kept our faith up, kept our will power up. And we prayed a lot." Zovar, 32, a physical therapist, said he and Miss Shepherd, 26, a nurse who is separated from her husband and prefen to u.se her maiden name, ''drank OW' own wine, and that saved us:• Both were reparted in good condition and were not hospitalized. Lean Budget Seen In College F11nds THE COUPLE had been fish · 'ins • quarter mile oa the coast last Suhday when their raft was ·blown out to sea. • 01be Santa Ana wind came up In about one minute and we ·ripped IOose from the kelp," he said. ''I yelled and screamed but nobody beard us. l had a pair of fll\S and I jumped overboard and kicked while my girlfriend rowed. bu tit did nothing." Their first encouriter with sharks came sborUy after they LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. has warned the state's universities and colleges they will not be get- ting more money next year . "I look forward to a very lean budget',· the governor said Thun· day, saying the chances for an in- C'rease in state funds for the University of California or the state colleges s ys tem ••are · somewhere between slim and Dil. ·: Brown, in an jnterview at a Thanksgiving party, said the lid he placed on state aid to com· munity colleges in the 1975-76 Let us share in your joy of giving budget would probably be In f!!. ftttinl976-71. The lid was meant as a stop- l•P measure to curb adult educa- tion programs, which he aaid were expanding at an alarming pace. He noted that tbe ~ams are growing even with the Im· posed lid and that community colleges are not doing anything about the problem. If the costs aren't cut down, he said, some community college:J may have to be closed. He also said he would limit salary raises for UC or state colleges instruc-ton. SA.." FRA....,CISCO <UPI) -A bomb planted at the rear of a Safeway store Thursday night smashed an 18·inch hole in a reinforced concrete wall and knocked down an eight·foot high wood fence enclosing a storage wall. ............. _ .. ,~ . .:..«-·:. \. -.• CPeanurs characrers copyright 1975, United Fcanuc Syndicate, Inc. There were no injuries and no one imme(iiately claimed respansibility for the bomb. The store Was . closed 41.nd no one was in the parking Jot, police said. /Four Kiiied In Traill«! SACRAMENTO (AP) -Four persons have died on California highways and streets since the Thanksgiving holiday began, the California Highway Pa trot said ThUrsday. The figure so far.was OneJtigber·than last year, a CHP •Pokes man said. Rea"" Snow R'ar11ln9 Out By The Associated Press Travelers advisories this morning warned motori&ts of heavy snow in the central Sierra Nevada from about Lake Tahoe southward . But conditions will improve by tonight, accord- ing to the National Weather Service, which forecast only a chance of snow flurries on Saturday. Convicted Judge Receives Pension LOS A.."GELES (UPI) Smith applied for a dis· -A superior court judge ability retirement. sub- 8.ITested for lewd con· milting medical records duct with ,nothet man in showing he suffers from a sex movie theater re-hypertension. Records tired on a $29,00Q a year showed the state com- pension, records dis· mission on judicial closed today. qualifications granted Judge Sherman w. tberequest,givingSmith sniith and another man a lifetime pension of 65 were arrested in a percent of his $45,299 Hollywood theater Aug. I salary. The first year's on charges of sex pension is ex.empt from perversion and lewd con· _t_ax_a_ti_on_,_o_r_n_ci_aJ_•_•_a_id_._ duct. They were allowed to plead guilty to trespassing charges, fined $200 each and placed on probation. I.andlord I.aw Told FAKE PRJFSI' UKED WORK ROME CAP) - Roberto Coppola, 19, bas been <harged with fraud for having performed hundreds of Masses, weddings and con· fessions in the center ot BERKELEY (AP) _ Roman Catholictlm for The City Coud•U hu twonarswithouJbavins ...a.ct a law for'blddin1 ._ boeJl ordained' iDlo la1idlord• to dh · llleprleslbood. <rlminate •:fcaln~t le· Police reported that --""-h d Coppola's comm•~ ...., .. wllllc ,._.,.._ when \toliflod. O( tlie Tile ordlnar\ce permits cbar·ge .,1nast him was: a taiantto take cl alma lo "It's a pity. I liked it ... Sniall ClaiJ;DI Court, He was not arrested ~DO attdrne7 is r• and will remain free ?,uhied. and be elllllblo pending trial. m;fi1•aea up to $500. -'---"----,--- Bright ceramic bells. Snoopy m0<;f, 2.50 Collec1or's dated bell, 13 " .-\· ....... ' ; .~-; ' ;i ' ,• .... .... ~ Velveteen Woodsrock in bdgllty<llow, '5 Make it a Snoopy° Christmas Celebrate the holidays with fun things featuring Snoopy and Woodstock" plus other favorite friends. Lifelike, 19" tall Snoopy by himself to dress, $15 Large chair, $6 Order by mail or phone. Girls' Lingerie Fun fash ions for Snoopy: Red nighr shirt 'n' ca p, 3 .50 Eng inrer suit 'n' scar(, 3.50 Western denim suit, $9. Merry mngs with Snoopy charaeters and srory themes, S3 to SS Rainbow bank with a •l«p;"l! Snoopy on top. In ceramic, 14 Bullock's South Coast Plaza, San Diego Freeway at Bristol, Costa Mesa, 556·0611 t.... t • . . . . ; .. • A8 DAILY PILOT EDITO RIAL PAGE -E xperts On Everything California voters created . th<' coastal com· missions in 1972, to se rve as watchdogs of land use, along Lhe coastline. The y hoped to thwart environ- mentally unsound de velo pments. travel restrictions and censorship. It really was no surprise this week when Andrei Sakharov. the brilliant Soviet J>hysicist who aban- don('d his country's nuclear prog ram lo devote himself to human rights, r equested the Nobel Institute to permit his wife, now 1n Italy for eye sur- gc-ry, to accept the Nobel Peace Prize in his behalf. ,~, •• ,, s.st .. J-to\vever , the commissioners ca n 't seem to res ist overstepping thei r bounds from time to time and en· :-visioning then1sclves as supreme arbiters of just ~ about everything in the coastal area. Comments made last ,,·eek by so me South Coas t llegiunal Coastal Commission members m ade it clear they cons ider themst>I ,.(':-i experts on architett ure a nd esthl•lil'S in ;.1ddition to their mandated a uthority. ~ewport Beach re:,tauranteur l>ete Siracusa pre- sented plans to bwld a \.'ictorian-style restaurant o n i\l ariners' 1\1ilc in N(•wµu1·t !leach . llis pluns were en· thusically received at the c:ity le ve l. I loy,·e ver . some of the commissioners choose to cast themselvt:>s as arbite r s of taste. They r id iculed the Victorian architectur(•, called il "incongruous·· and "horrible." Rasing d ecis ion on personal tastes in architecture and esthclics appears to be beyond the reasonable JUri sctiction of coastal commissioners .. It's carrying petty authoritarianism too far. The next thing you knO\\.', the commissioners will be stretching their "en· vironmental .. conside.rations to include the color of the paint used in the restrooms. No Su rprise "If their Communist leaders actually deliver on this pledge, people all over Eastern Europe will be, to 1>ut it mildly. surprised.·· 'fhat \V as th<' comment of one prominent observer of the internatio nal scC'ne following the 1-lelsinki agreem!'nt, and the pledge he referred to was the ~ec tion known as Basket 3. llis government has refused to let Sakharov to u·avC'I to Os lo to a ttend the Dec. 10 H\vard ceremony. 1'hus we are rerrtinded of Soviet F oreign Minister Andrc-i (iromyko's cynical comm('nt, \vithin days of J lelsinki. "Ba sket 3." he scoffed. "is a mastodon." Jjke too many other Soviet agreements. pres umably, extinct before the ink on the signatures is dry. Difficult Assignment Bradl<'':i Jacobs won't find the going easy \Vhen he takes over management of th(• Orange County As- sessor 's Office. RC'cau se o f a seemingly endless series of scan dal~. the nC'\V assess9r \viii inherit a departme nt that has been under extraordinary s tress for almost t\vO years . Gone as a result of the sc;;indul s are some of the office's most capable m;;inageme nt leaders. And those ,..,.ho remain have been buffeted severely by the storm that broke over their heacls. In res ponse to those conditions, the Board of Supervisors decided to fill the breach ,..,ith a man hav· ing little or no experience in the assessment field but having , ... i,le·ranging managem('nl experience in private indus try. - _ Baske t 3 com milted signatories to the agreement to free exchan~e of people. publications and informa- tion. For Russia it \Vould mean a drastic easing of Jacobs· biggest challenge m ay be to res tore public confidence in the assessor's operation while, at the ·same time, former assessor Andrew Hins haw is ironically o·n trial on bribery charges. Not many new public officials have faced bigger problems or more severe tests of winning s upport. ' 10f (OU~S E ll'S PJ<.OGRE~S, .•• So WAS 1HE H-SOM~.'' R e agan Shedding Goldwater Brand ' CHARI.OTTE, N.C. -Ronald ( , J Reagan in his fir st days as a full· EVANS.NOV AK fledged presidential candidate showed how difricult it will be ror '-------------" Pres.ident F.ord 's supporters to successCully brand him the Rarry Goldwater of 1976. Whil e preaching the evangelical conservatism that delights the Republican party's domi· nant right wing, Reag·an avoided the -hip·shooting -t h a t • destroyed · Cr0ldwater irr I 9 6 4 Moreover, his advisers have salted his pre- pared statements with a phrase here and there retreating Crom unrelieved anti-detente and pro-- big business dogmatism. The high point of lhe first days was an hour·long question.and. answer session in Manchester, N.H., attended by 1,100, which proved one of the virtuoso exhibi· tions in Reagan's dOEen years in politics. The controlled. enter· taining and o(ten eloquent performance could be matched in mechanical execution by no other candidate today. THUS, the news for the While House from Reagan"s campaign debut in five key primary states (F1orida. New Hampshire, North Carolina, Illinois, California) is bad: the Ford campaign formula ror cutting down the Reagan ehallenge is unlikely to get much help Crom Reagan himself. . That formula began emerging within the last two weeks. Ford's operatives, belatedly reconciled to Reagan's running, s tarted spreading the word that the Republic.-an party should never repeat the debacle of 1964 by nominating another Goldwater. Indeed, Reagan's positions on this opening awing were as in- flexibly rightward as Sen. Goldwater's: anti.abortion, anti- busing, anti-ERA, critical or the United Nations and the Vladivostok SALT agreement. pro-business, pro-balanced budcet, pro-military spending. WHERE REAGAN differed from Goldwater a decade ago is the absence of oCChand, extreme· sounding Reagan pronounce· ments on Social Security , nuclear warfare and the llke. In fact, Reagan erred on the side of caution last week . Moreovt'r, Reagan's apening speech contained two small item.a of success tor what his astute campai1n man8.ger, John ~ars. h•• sous ht all year: a sub- f Dear Gloomy Gus Pede1trian1 who can't wait a rew sttond, for lhe,.-etn tight may have to \Vall• lot loncer for lhe ambUJance. U.S.D. a o-c--.i••~.,· ..... ·-~-........ ...... ,,, .. ....... .....,. .... 0.,, r tly altf'red pos ture making Reagan acceptable lo the great American center. Item No. 1: He listed "big busi· ness" alo.ng with "the Cong ress, the bureaucracy, the lobbyists and big labor" as a,mong the na· lion's problem-makers. Item No. I : While assaulting the Ford ad- ministration '.s soft· boiled bargaining with the Soviet Union, he proposed to "Continue" to seek peace "throughdetente. ·• REAGAN'S ideological rigidi- ty still poses some problems. Responding to questions at Manchester Crom radical young members or the People's'Dicen- tennial Commission, he could not bring himself lo say a harsh word about corporate business. He begged o(f criticizing the FBI in the Martin Luther King arrair by ··Claiming on Thursday he bad not read the newspapers and on Fri- day that he should not prejudge th~ case. His impromptu stale· ment in Manchester that ··moderation·· has limits -as with a brain surgeon or only "moderate" ability-was sore· miniscent or Goldwater's sel.C- destruction in 1964 that Reagan's aides nearly swooned. On balance, however, Ronald Reagan came over as no more extreme than Jerry Ford -plus a good deal more masterful. In addition, the oppning trip pointed up two developments with the un - folding Reagan campaign. First was the "people's press conference·· ih Manchester where (re~ tickets were given out on a first-come, first-served basts {including two young radicals). Former Gov. Hugh Gregg, Reagan's hard-nosed New Hampshire manager, con- ceived the idea and stubbornly insisted on it over tbe opposition o( Lyn Nofziger, Reagan's press •secretary and longtime political adviser. It was such a success <acknowledged by Nofziger) that the concept will not only be re- peated throughout New tlampshire but perhaps in larger states as well. SECOND was the presence on the campaign plane o( Dr. Martin Anderson , one of the brightest, most respected of the early Nixon White House staf·. fen. Anderson, now al Stanford University's Hoover Inatitute, agreed last Wednesday to join the ·Reagan campaign CullUme and will provide further ln· surance aiainst Goldwaterlsh gafCes . For example, Anderson may modiCy Reagan's grandiose :scheme ror turning soo billion in federal welfare apendin1 over to the states and cities. to make it a gradual prO<'e1s phased out over years:. Reagan's unmatched ability to field unrehearsed questions but· tressed by responsible pro- fessionals such as John Sean and Marty Andenon meana that sue· cess ror his challenge, though still Improbable, becomes more possible by tho day. It alJoo SUJI· g<'Sts the Ford force-s may have trouble ..,J>a~nuna Reaean as • wi4\. man of the rl&ht and instead maf bave to ftevlve the fading _.Jarity and 'pr .. UJieOC the l'l'eslde t. .Slwwand Te ll ls Baby Stuff When one of my daughters had just entered second grade, I brought home some strange kind o( shell I had round , and said to her. "You might want to take Lhis to school tomorrow (or 'show- and·tell. · " She drew herself up to her full 40 inches and replied scornfully, ''Daddy, we don 't have ·sbow·and-tell any more ; th11t 's baby stuff: in second grade, we have 'sharing in- terests.' " I apologized profusely for my horrible gafre. It seemed a trivial mistake in terminology to me, but it was important to her, and right(ully so. There is a pro. found difference between "show· and·tell'' and ''sharing in· terests." TJDS IS. in a large sense, what growing up is an about. Very small children like to show and tell. They bring some treasured. ( SY DNEY HAR RIS ) object to school and talk about it. The whole idea is egocentric, and is based on pride o( possession. A quite young child doesn·t know what ''bragging·· is. As we get older, our emphasis should shirt to sharing interests. Objects are brought to school not so much to boast about them as to involve other students in them : to expand their horizons and to create some mutually enjoyable field or inquiry or discovery_ This is a lesson, alas, that many adults never learn. A dis- tressing number remain in the show-and-~ell stage throughout their liCetime. Their ronversa· lion consists of displaying their gifts -their house, their car, their trip, their children, their social or intellectual superiority -rather than trying to find a broader base of commonality with others. I HAPPENED to overhear some conversations or strangers on a plane not long ago, and it struck me that each oC them was using the other as a sounding board and little else. One would speak about himseU; the other would dutifully listen; then the . second would take bis turn, and the first would listen. But the "li stening" was a mat· ter of surface courtesy and nothing more. Each was going through a set or verbal gym· nasties. a kind or exercise in sell- di!<'losure. but no contact was re- ally made. MOSTJ., Y, lhoy w""' seeking to reassure themselves that all was well : they were looking for Iden· tit;y and stabilit,y and acCeptance, by means o( constructing an im· age in the other person's mind. This is a futile and urisatisractory way to do it -for in per$0Dal re· lations, the only structures lhat ran stand are bridges, not skyacrapt.rs . Unless we reach aerou, we ere reaching out {n vain. , f S arpe riority Seett By 1985 j Red Airpower· Soaring WASHINGTON -A highly classified Pentagon intelligence study predicts the Soviets, Chinese and their c.-om munist al· lies will have almost 15,000 com- bat planes to hurl against the U .S. :'IJavyby 1985. The un settlinj? document, stamped "Secret,·· dE;als only with Soviet airpow e r available for an attack on the Navy. It expresses ''normal un· certainty '' 3boUt its 10· year forecast. Rut i ts rigures clt>ar · ly show distinc.-t c.-ommunist air gains during the '80s . By 1985. the communist world is expected to have 14 ,605 fighters, bombers 3nd reconnaissance planes within range of U.S. naval ships and facilities. THE DOCUMENT warns that the Soviets alone will have 7,810 combat planes able to attack U.S. Navy forces. The other Warsaw Pact nations will have 2,230; China 3.725; North Korea •100 and North Vietnam 350. Soviet 5trike forces will include (JACK AN DE R SO N ) hot new ?t11G variations suc h as the "Fis hbt'd," "Flogger, .. ''Fe ncer '' and ''Foxbat ... ,'\nother 575 Soviet jets will be long·range s trategic bombers , the study projects. Ry contrast, the Navy is un- likely to have more than 2,500 tactical war planes. The Air Force may have 10,000 planes, but most would not be available for combat against a Russian at· tack on the Navy. There is no estimate or· the 1985 strength or U.S. allies. The study is the work of the hush-hu sh Dl'fense Intelligence Projections and Planning team and is titled "1985 Air Threat to Navy f'orc.-es ." It is based on the assumption that the U.S. Navy will continue to ring Europe and Asia with surface and undersea craft, and thus be vulnerable to attacks on patrol craft. THE COMMUNIS'r air fleets will also have advanced technical features to plague the United States in case of conflict. ''By 1985 (U.S.) naval air .strike forces will encounter e numerically supe.rtor enemy fighter force equipped with beyond-visual-range air-to.air missiles." warns the Pentagon intelligence document. "'F\iture Soviet surlaCQ·to-air defense weapons will be highly mobile. equipped with multi· mode 1ensors and designecJ to de- grade th~ (U.S.) Navy·s de(ense suppression capabilitlf.'' the re· port concludes. Footnote: The Navy has been shaken by Pentagon and con· - gressional efforts to impase the new F -18 tighter on them as their plane of the '80s. Navy experts complain in classified memos that the F -18 runs a moderate to high risk o( being an unreliable performer. REAGAN RUM BLE: Insiders with the Presidential campaign of ex -California Gov. Ronald Reagan advise us that former Nixon c.-ampaign workers are be- ing recruited in droves. While Cew have gotten top job.s, many are veterans o( the dirty tricks campaign of 1972 that led to Watergate. Some are already at work contriving shows of en- thusiasm for the handsome con · servative. Oil Foes Hypocritical To the Editor: The rabid and intemperate editorial in the Nov. 16 issue of the Daily Pilot does nothing to help solve the energy crisis. It only ~erves to distort the issue. The rhetorical questions posed in the article can be answered satis(actorily and expased as be· ing pastulated by persons com- pletely ignorant of the subject. Should you desire the answers, I shall be happy to provide them. Wouldn't it be more produ<:tive to address onesel( to the real is- sUe? The critical tact that the United States imports about 40 percent of its crude oil require· ment.s-aboul 6.5 million barrels per day. That, as oC now, these imports are expected to double in the next IO years. NEITlfER the oil industry nor the United Btales goVernment can guarantee that imported oil will be available even next month at any monetary price. Oil and natural gas sopply more than 75 percent of our energy needs . To many of us it appears to be not only prudent but imperative that we Cind and develop all the crude oil and natural gas re· servoirs we can within the con- tinental limits or the United States, whether onshore or of. fsbore. To like the ost.;ch·like stanoe •uggested by the Daily Pilot's editorial is not acceptable. Isn't it somewhat hypocritical ( MAILBOX ) Letters from readers are welcome. The right Jo condense lette-rs lo /ii .space or eliminate libel is reserved. Letters of 300 words or less will be givci pre/ertnce. All lettl!f's mwl in· clU!U .signature and mailing address but names may be wil.hhekl. on re. ques! i/ nJ//icitnl realon is apparent. Poetry will not be published. . : words, not mine) on the editorial page. R . C. SHERRICK Lark 1'friott To the Editor: Not too long ago, some small· time people did, in effect, hang the President of the U.S.A .• Richard Nixon. Small·time because they lacked vision as to the conse= quences or their actions. · There can be no doubt that t1ae damage they did to this nation ls irTeparable. Now, a similar group would hang Mr. Henry Ki ssinger. another Cine man who ha.a risked bis life and sacrificed much (or this. not even bls native country . Time bas come to step this kind of nonsense. W.ALTHOFF to froth at the mouth and shake To the Editor: one's fi st o.t those who sincerely Jn anawer to the PUot article believe that development o( the by Dick West, a. good tennis outer continental shelf is essen· player would not be thinking' of tial now and then go nu one's c41-r -aex. He bas to be ~and in with gasoline or turn on a li8htor • good physical (OndlUon to play a turn on the heat in lbe office or iood game ot~nni,."fle can run home! I fast forward. tC> boW s\Oes and 1.e1·1 have no More or this· backwards. ue-11 a ,iboct Jumper l "stench and vomit" (editor·s f .'forthe ball ind able to Jump over the net. He has a strong hand, wrist, arm and shoulder. I have played with some of the best playe11s, have seen some oC the best players from all over the world play tennis. Ask them what they think or tennis as a sport . WARRENC.BU\'E>V Pfehtn! f'att To the Editor: Thank you for the great pie-- tures in the paper. It is so nice to see a little beauty and joy among the crime and violence. We especially enjoyed lbe sun- set scene, the pampas grass, and on other occasions sailboats and surfers. Reagan as ''Mr.Abonis'' and our son twice on ihe sports page were great too. Keep up the good wort. It Is ap- preciated.. DR. and MRS. J . SNYDER ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robtrt N. Wf'ed, PublUhtr Thorno.t Krnril, £ditor &tbcro Knibich, Editorial Page Edilar The editorial page or the Dally Pilot seeks lo inrorm and stimulate readers by ~linf on lhi5 pace diverse commentery · · ,on topics of Interest. by syndlcat· ed columnists and cartoonista, by providing a rorum ror readen.:. "lews and by presenUnc lhla newsp~r·a opinions and idol CJI\ current toeits. The editorial opinions or the D•lly Pilol appear only In thtffitori1.I eolllmn at the · lop of the pace. Optninn!J l!X• pressed .by Jtie columnists and Clt'\OOflJtCS and letfe.r wrilcn tie-thtir oWn apd no endont!ment d I.heir \tiews by t.be Daily Pilal Jtould belnft.rttd .. .Friday, NovembuZS.11175· • r r • • ' I .· THE FAMILY CIRCUS 87 Bil Keane · "I don't know why Mommy and Doddy ever tit you into this fomityt" [ Piiot Logb0C: ) . • Mad Avenue 'Gets Madder . ' By CHARLES ff. LOOS Of .. CretlY~Maff THE AD GAME: Who do you believe these days -actor Greg Morris or comedian Orson Bean? Both have been on the radio of late, promoting services we use every day. Morrjs, the electronic genius of television's "Mission Impossible," tells the businessman driving to work that, once he gets to the office, he really ought lo consider u sing the telephone to clinch that big deal because it's faster and at least as cheap as writing a letter. LOOI His voice is measured, sincere. You are left with the impression that suc- cess and wealth are only a direct dial away. And before the company parking lot is in sight, Bean, the journeyman down east comic who comes to us via Broadway and television game shows. is on the air intoning the virtues of the U.S. Postal Service. HE TEI.LS US A DOWN-TO· EARTH tale in his 'New England twang of his dear old aunt" whose timely birthday greetings are being thrown off schedule by the postal service's new found speed. It's as though the mere lick of a stamp will bring you greater love and happiness. Could it be that there is a psychological link between the postal service and instant gratification? Mind boggling. Anyway, one wonders-who is paying the · tab for all that high.priced talent to make us · feel warm all over about the telephone and the post office. Any guesses? ••• FOR THE puristers among us there is that new light beer -Alta. It may have less calories, but can you get high on it? ••• BUT THE new high in tastelessness may have been reached by the airline that uses the voice of a dead man in its radio commercials. It is the late .author Rod Ser ling, or a good imitation of him, giving us a tight-lipped night of fancy into the mysteries· of lost Latin American civilizations. Is it the airline's sense of the macabre? Or is it that the ads were completed before Serl· ina: died earlier this year and, with the money spent, the airline chose to use the old radio spots rather than remake them. Did Wiley Post or Amelia Earhart ever ny for that airline? · ••• AND THEN there is the bumper sticker spotted re.cently on a . plumber's truck in r:Jewport Beach. ''HonorThy Plumber,'' it said. Amen, brother_ ( Illustrated Bikini Nixed on Thesis BEAUMONT, Tex. (UPI) -The acting head of the Lamar University math department said it will be next week before he tells a graduate student how to correct a master's thesis illustrated in part by a full-body photograph of the author in a bikini. Katheryn King wrote het' thesis on celestial navigation, but professor P.W. Latimer rerused, ovet the objection or two faculty members, to ap- prove the submitted work. MISS KING, 24. used a . snapshot of herself in a liikini demonstrating the use of a sextant, an in· strument that measures direcUon by sun angle. Latimer complained the picture was not de- tailed enough to show the parts of the sextant. He also suea:ested the pie· ture could have been cropped to show only Miss King's face and hands. . I.ATIMER SAID his ac~r: w •• not dis· cri a.tory and that•he hsd support or col· leagues.;, - "We have quite a few remale graduate 1tu· dents in the department of math. Many or them have aeen me an• thex have expressed the oPi· tainly I do not think I am guilty of sex discrimina- tion." "I THI NK THE ap- paratus should be highlighted,''· Latimer said. ''I do not think the pictures serve the purpose they are sup- posed to achieve.·· Latimer said he planned to draft sugges· tions necessary for hav· ing the thesis approved .. "l'M IN TH E process of working on that," he said. "I aniticipate it will be Monday when it will be delivered to Miss King. I don't feel it will be rair to Miss King to discuss what she bas not seen." Mias King said remov· ing the bikini picture would mean extensive revision or the text d.. her thesis because she would have to expliln in words what the picture meant. .... ,.. .......... "" nlon I om ri1ht a~ut this '·. matt.er.'' ~ said. "ctr; . Riii Ml.II US llllJl -- • • • Frk!!y. NO'lember 28. 1175 Child · Drugging Brings Suit TAFT <A·P> -The growlnr con· troversy over widespread drualin& of children diarnosed as "hyperactive·· has focuaed. in th.is remote desert oilfield town, on a lawsuit that could have national reverberaUons. The 1uit, (iled by a San Francisco law reform a1ency on behalf of 18 pupils, does oot directly attack the use of drugs '° treat the condition. which is charac- terized by wild, tesUesa behavior. IT DOES, HOWEVER, AI.LEGE "coeorclon". by school officials, who are accused of threatening to keep children OUl o( 1.Cbool unleH they took the daily doles of pills: . Lawyers eay it Is the lint civil suit to arite out of the controversy that bas in- tensified during the past rew years as use ol the-drugs bas become more and more common. Estimates are that S00,000 to a million pupils take the pills everydat. · Ir successful, says the author of a just· published book about the issue, lhe suit, which as ks $f50,000 damages, could "chasten" school officials across lhe country. ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TAIT City School District, which has about l,800 pupils, mostly children of oilfield workers, deny every charge . • • • . " ' & • •, • • ' ,,... • .. _., • • • (...._ __ M_E_o_1_c_1N_E __ ) Supt. F . Gordon Cairns said the de· cision to prescribe drugs is "strictly between parents and their family doc· tor," and news reparts about "school of· ficials drugging students·· anger him. "We don't drug anybody. we don't write prescriptions; no one who works for the district bas ever threatened to ex- clude a child from classes," Cairns in- sists. He estimated that .eo or 10 district pupils, ranging in age rrom about 7 to early teens, were taking thedrugS. AND PRIVATF.LY, SOME SCHOOL orficials cynically assert that the urban, reform·minded lawyers ol the San Fran- cisco Youth Law Center are pressing the suit to promote their own' reputations. Susanne Martinez, a Youth Law Center attorney, dismissed that accusa- tion as a ''diversionary tactic.'' Just what is hyperactivity? To some doctors and psychologists, it is a de(inite syndrome also known as minimal brain dysfunction, with a group of symptoms that include restlessness, chronic inability to concentrate, emo- tional ups and downs, impulsive aC'tiv ity. Guesswho's - 11 is likely to mate lhe chlld la.II far behhld his clHsmateiln learnln8. THERE ARE MANY SKEPTICS, however. Some believe a small pt;rcen· tage of children may have the caodlUon, 'but that lots or others who are merely slow to mature emotionally, or who Just have excess energy, are piMed with the label b1 te•chers tired or coping with lh,em. · · · There i& no one s ure test ror the condi· lion, ratht>r, diaanosis depends on an ac- cumulation of signs. Pe-ter Sch.rag, co.author o( ''The Myth or the Hyperat'tive Child," says the diagnosis is made too frequently. and the drugs, which calm the child down, are in :some cases overprescribed. ''IT'S PART OF THE CURRENT ideology and fashion of labeling bfotiavior characteristics under some JaM-1 jndiC"ating illness," he said in an in· terview . ''T oo o(ll'n there isn 't a thorough medic a l examination, the diagnosis ii! made at the whim o( some teachers.·· Wbat usuallY leads to a prescription (or the pills. most often Ritalin, a stimulant that for some reason has a calming errect on children is a teacher's feeling tliat 3 student ·s discractedness is abnormal. fur conserving ~ga~ - I ~ . ...,J / DAILY PILOT A 7 '!ti., ....... DOtlble•p eak Arab leader Yalnr Arafat was named winner of the second annual PubJi e Doubles peak Award by th e nation 's English teachers for his. quote : ·• 'Jt i s precise1y bec ause we have been advocating coexistence that we have shed so much blood." . ' . . , If you get the feeli ng so mebody's pointing the finger at you, you're ri ght. We hrt\'C :i. ~1rogrrt111 f(Jr c ,·c ryo11c-, because co11scrvir1g We 've got a serious situ ation in Southern Co lifnrni;i . Our current supplies of nat urnl gas arc JwinJling, ond it's going to ta ke time .to develop new source' We at the Gas Company reali ze i1 "s our problem. But you should know it's also your problem. Herc·'s wlw We 're already unable to supply mony of our l :ir.~,·r "interruptible" industrial custome rs and if al l of'" d"n·1 make a serious effort to conserve natural gas. \VL"''r c goi11g to have to start curtailing supplies to small busin esses as early as 1978. That mea11s some businesses a rc going to be hurt, and people willlose jobs.The resulting effects on the economy are depressing to conrcmplate. Every· one will be affei;ted. We 're asking your help at home and m work. Pl cose • conserve natural gas. 1 If you don't know the many ways you cnn ,;ivC' 1his valuable resource, fill in the coupon and send ii to U» l . . 1,.•ncrgy 1s c\·cry<11ll' ~ c<JtlCL"'rn . But it's g(1t to s1·;1rt \Vitl1tJ11c1Jer son. YoL1. r---------------------------------, 1 Conoumcr lnfnrmo1ion ML24 1 : Southern Coli.fo rnia Gos Cnmpony 6 l Box 3249 Tl'rminol Annl'x ·~ . i Los Angeles. Co 90051 gas 1 ,~. I Ple<t!"t' ..,L·11tl 111t' 111f0rrn<ltio11 or1 l10 \\' to sa \··c 11atur~l gas D at home Din business Din industry Na me • Addr"'' I I I I I I I I I I ""' I c :uv Sr!l ll' Z1r I __________________________________ ! Energy is our business. Conserving energy is everyone's business. I ·---- • • . A• DAit y Pit.OT QUEENIE By Phil lnterlctndi Huntington Beach Free Clinic Changes· N:ame crisis and r~ferral telephone 3efViCf'. Tht number is ~242. 197S, actordlng to Dou& Elson, assls- tant director. The Huntington Beach Free Clinic ba' chaoged its name. Se-rvkes still will bt rree but the name has been changed to 1-luntingtoo Bea~h C.04Dl\\UJJlty Clinic. "Tbe. ~ame change reflects the broad base or services the clinic pro· vMlie.:t foi-Huntington Beach and sur- rouodiog C'ommunities. '' Executive Director Barry era wford said. Three new mem~r• alao were elected. They are Bud F\ui.llo, former sports editor of the Los Angeles Herald·Examiner: Chris Boule, ten· nis professional at Huntington Harbour Beach a nd Tennis Club, and attorney Steve HostetJer. Elaon said that services offered during medical boun include birth C'Olltrol, pregnancy testing, veneral dllease testing and trtatmenl of minor illnesses. Crawford sald that coun.seling is: available by appointment by callint the cliruc. Rob Hopson was conti.rmed as new director or counseling. SUSIE NEWMAS WA.S recently re· elected president of the board of directors. Also re·Clt'<'ted were Dean Harris, vice presidt•nt , and Gerry Goodwin, secretary-treasurer. Located at 506 Orange Ave. since January, the clinic offers medical services and counseling in a number of areas. MORE PATIENTS WERE seen during October than any month in Crawford announced that the counseling program ts bein& ex· panded with the addition of 25 par•profHsional counselors who are bein1 trained. 111ERE ARE Al.SO volunteers in training for the Help·l.J.ne. lhe cllnic"s He added that special .strvicN such as dermatology, podiatry and audiology clinics are held, usually on- ce a month. Blood pressure screening is available during office hQurs, 10 a.m. lo 5 p.m .• Mondays through Fridays. • I.egal counseling also is avaihtble 1bunday evenings by appointment. Lltl. Boyd E ye Contact Helps Hitcher · U a young m an who is hitchhiking stares directly into the eyes of the oncoming car drivers, he'll improve his chances of getting a ride considerably. University of Utah re· searchers found that out. They put a couple of college lads with special instructions out on the superslab. The student who stared into the driver's eyes got a ride in four minutes. The one who didn't waited more than 12 minutes. Experiments with their costumes indicated the clothing of these particular hitchhikers had litUe to do with their success. SPIUNX · Certainly, you'd reeognize an Egyptian s phinx ir you saw one, but were you aware that the word sphinx once meant ''lord''? AN ODDITY about birds Is some take longer vacations than others. Those that go south early, for instance, tend to wait late to head back oorth. But those slow to be southbound are quick to be northbound again. A BUDAPEST physics stud ent named Otto Ciarvic, age 21, won first prize in a Hungarian science competition for his advanced experiments in chemistry' So proud or him were the award glvers,-they called for a spe- ~-~~onstration of. his research. In execut· Ing same, however, he blew up a $30,000 laboratory. They .snatched back his lint prize, tbe rascals. BRUISES Only one out of every 20 professional f'Oot• 1ball players who see action goes to the locker room at game's end without body bruises. IF THE HAPPINESS of yoor romantic partner is as impc>rtant to you as your Own happineas, you're in love. U not, you're not. That contention was devised long ago by our Love and War man. He now finds support for his love defini.tion in the stiff words of a re· nowned student of the mind n·amect Harry S. Sullivan: ''When the satisfaction or the securi- ty of the other person becomes as significant to one as is one's own satisfaction or security, then the state of love exists.'' Addrt11 mail to L.M. Bo¢~ P.O. Bo:i 1560, Costa Mt109Z626. No Diapers Hors es Too Dignified CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -The horse is a dignified animal and he's not going to use any diapers; says Daniei E . Hydrick, operator of a firm that gives rides in 19th century model carriages through the old section ol Charleston. "I have invested a lot of money ili my horses," he said. "l'm not going to make them look ridiculous by putting diapers on them.'' HYDRICK AND other horse-and ·buggy operators say they are refusing to obey a city ord inance r equiri n g diapers for the horses. The ordinance goes into effect Dec. 9. .. They can put me in jail. They can put my horses in jail," Hydrick says. "But I am not put· ting di apers on m y horses." ~~~~~~~~ between \be carriage operators and lady guides who work out of the Chamber of Com· merce. t'f TmNK THE coun· cil members whose wives are affiliated with the lady guide groups s hould have abstained from voting on the or- dinance," he said. "That includes McGee and Young. ''We carried over 15,000 people in our car· riages last year,'' he added. "That made a considerable dent in the lady tour guides' busi· ness. If our horses wore diapers, we'd lose busi· ness." HARRY WAGNER who h as d r iven h i~ horses and carr iages through the narrow---------- streets for 26 years, says the dia pers will be humiliating. "U we put those things on, we'll be the laughing stock of the world," he says. THE ORDINANCE w11 i ntrodu ced by Alderm a n Joseph Mc~. who wanted the carriaee drivers to clean up after their horses. Another alderman, Joseph Young, a1ked that the propo•al be amended to make lbe bqne1 W•&f diapers. lbdrick H)'I the real -loi the diaper .... -nee II not m1llllro on mIEJIES ROB THI EF LONDON CAP) -A purse s natcher robbed Italian student Paola Bertocelli as she was on her way to Marlborough Street court to pay an $84 fine imposed for s hoplift · ing. Giving her a condi- t ional discharge, magistrate Neil McElli gott told the 19· year-old Miss Bertocelli: '1Perbaps it was poetic jlllllce that you yourself sq eoon became a victim ofthievff." · .. .,,.. .... bill • ri•oliY _______ _,,_ This Saturday. This Sunday. SAVE OVER 15% Voit Basketball 6.44 Reg. 7 .99. Indoor or outdoor with all weather cover. Double nylon construction. Official size and weight. VALUE 6" Pot with Hanger 2.99 Great for every room in your home. Plant not included. Similar to Illustration. ·II - SAVE 20% Rawling Football 11.99 Reg. 14.99. Rawling football with the official NFL crest. Full grain cowhide. House SAVE 25% Big Boys' Hooded Cord Parkas 11.22 Reg. 14.99. Outer sheel shell of 100% cotton. Pile lining. Zippered front. pockets. Assorted colors and sizes. SALE Plants Accent Rugs arm.oo ~~.~~ 100% 2\4H piants availabfe In Oa~ron& Polyester_. Assorted Philodendron, cordatun. sohd colors. M~ch1ne Pothos Ivy and many washable. """'· ' 3.55 Reg. 4.44. 24'45 .. 5.55 Rec. 6.99. 30x54 .. COLOR PRINTS Dtveloptd & Printed SPECIAL BUY From KodKGlor, OAF Fotom1t, Fuji Co!Of Print f ilm Shell X100 Motor 011 39¢ 30W Heavy Duly Detergent 49¢ !OW40 Multi·Viscosity One Case per Customer. 12 ~~L 2.19 20 ~~3 .19 ·Ollor good tnru 1213. Sale prk:ed items effective Saturday thru Sunday, Nov. 30, 1975. SAVE 25% Men 's Cushion Socks 66¢ Reg. 88f, Orlon«i Acrylic/ Stretch nylon blend. Fits sizes 10·14 . Machine wash. -Assorted colors. SAVE 20% Girls' Embroidered Jeans 3.97 Reg. 4.99. 100% cotton jeans with flare legs. . Embroidery on back of jeans. Sizes 3·6X. 4. 77 Reg. 5. 99 Sizes 7 to 14. TAKE20%0 FF Misses' Turtleneck 3.99 Reg. 1111.99. Long sleeve lut11e • nee I\ ts 3 must tor f 1'111 11nd W 1n!er w<"a• H coo,d1nales with everytn1nqr MRCh1ne wash ac1y11c. In blue. green. btown. rust. S.M,l -, .. .., Beoch It Ofongothofl>e • Opon -aya 9'30 to-ll'.31l. lluliili>'l'10 toe. -lo City Or. It -n °'°"" Blvd. • ()pon ~ 10 10 9. llu~ 10 toe. SANT• AM.., 3900 So. Briltol-No. o So. Oout Pim • °"'n Dolly 9:30 to l!t • aunc1ay1 10 to e.. · ' , I . • • • • SAVE OVER 15% Men 's Pajamas 5.44 Reg. 6.66. Men's permanent press pa1amas in machine wash polyester /cotton blend. Assorted solid colors and !.iZeS. Reg. 4.00. 100% nylon. Machine washable. Stretch bodice in assorted patterns. Assorted colors. S,M,l. 3.77 Reg. 5.00. Women's long gowns. (J. I • • • " ' • • " ' i . ' I ( l ' ' • Newport Police Open Tours :"Jewp?r\ Beach Po1i ce Depa rtment Dispatcher Ray McCabe explains dispatch center at poli ce facility to Girl Scout Troop 123 or Newport Beach. Girls are on tour of police facility at J a mboree Road and· Santa Barbara Drive. Tours are ava.ilable through Dec. 4, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. each \\'eekday . Poticcmen·s wi ves are tour guides. They Need Fresh Air SAi.LEY, S.C. (UP!) -Six thousand pounds of pig intestines were trucked into this tiny Aiken County town and residents hoped . -for more than one reason - that the sun will sh ine for Saturday"s 10th annual Ch.itlin Strut. · "On ~ C'lear day, the odor sort of goes straight up and gets away rrom us pretty quick, which is important,·· Mayor Jack J\ble said. CHIT L!NS ARF. the small intestines or pigs. They are boiled and C'leaned, thE>n dipped in batter and fried . "The s mell o r them boiiing l gues!' can be deS<.'ri~ as similar to that of a paper mill,·· Able said . 1\BLF. SAID townspeo- ple are expecting 25,000 visitors for the annual fund-raising ev'ent which orig1nated in 1966 when residents wanted to buy Ch ri stmas lights. The town of 570 has since SC Town to Hold 10th Chitlin Strut used proceeds to buy a smell hanging over fire truck and a garbage proceedings . truek and to renovate ~ne Congressman' Ruller town hall . C. Derrick (D·S .C.) will Money raised from ser ve as grand marshaJ this year's strut will go of the str ut parade, for a playground and ten· whieh will a lso reature nis courts. the ba nd from th4" Parris ABLE SAID the in -Island Ma rine Corps tes tines were shipped TraiQ.ing Depot. from the Greenwood POBK AN D chicken will be se rv ed for Packing Com2any. tie said workers began boil-persons who_ might not ing and cleaning tht:>m care for chitlins. Thursday afternoon and '"Things a re lookina: th ·i1 · good for the strut ... Able e proeess w1 cont1nut> said. "Skit>s ar<' clear through Saturday morn-and we are hoping they ing. . h .. It takes about six _,•_m_a~i~n_l_a_l_w_a~y~·---- hours of boiling jn a huge PUBLIC NOTICE pot to ·get the intestinesi--======~-r eady for the trans-fl'ICTITIOUSaUSINESS MAMl!ITATl!M•NT formation to C'hitlins. -n.to11ow1"°.,_,,,,,, 1scao1r190o.A1....,,1 . , 1'10RE T H . .\.N 14, H•·""' e vs. 11J.t1 Mu1•1..,.,,,, E• persons attende"cl last Toni,CA.nuo • D•vllf 9 1 Fl'•1J111011, 11•9• year s s tr ut a n d at t..kl'IM111,E1T..-o,c •.n•)ll more than 4.000 pounds Tl'll• M!iw•f is, (OflO\lctl'd 11'1 ... 1; ( h·11· Ab! .d . dlv1w.1. o c 1 ins. e sa1 ra1 o.~1dtt.F..-911so" kept the size of the crowd Thli 1l.temt111 "'" 11~ wUh "" down and also kept th ~.;~~~s~Or•ngtCoun!yOll HoY· l"ffi"M OC Achievers Pubtl!llH °'""'" CMll D•ilr PllOI, Nov. 21, •.~o.n.. n , lt7S ... 1 .. 15 P UBLIC NOTICE To Be Feted Four Orange Coast residents will be honored Jan. 6 at a community and bi centennial awards nig ht at Cypress College, Cypress . They are Roger Armstrong of I.aguna Niguel, cartoonist who penned "t.ittle l.ulu'·, ''Ella Cin· ders"' and "Napolean""; Herbert Stanley Dunn of Costa Mesa, the o ri gina l ''Ci sco Kid ". of silent movie fam e ; Eugene Eagles of Laguna Beach, oldest li ving telegrapher in the United States and longtime deputy, sheriff, and Howar'd "Hap". Graham of Laguna Jk>ach. actor and community theater director ARMSTRONG who once performed with Rette Davis af the J.aguna Beach playhouse. Others to be honored at the eve.it include Ray. Roiger, who starred as the SC'arecrow in "The \Vizard of Oz"' and Ella Mae !\1 orse, 1950s music a rtist who sang "'Cow Cow Boogie"' and "House of Rlue I.ights . ·• Speeial guest of honor will be !\1arjorie Lynch. dt>puty ad - ministrator of the American Revolution Bicente nnia-1 Administration , Washington D.C. WPlltlOlt COUil TOi" TIU! STATI OP' CALIFOlll:HIA FOlll: TMI. COU NTY OFOAAHGt;, M . A-15111 NOTICE OF Mf;AA1N4"0F .. lTITION FOil PlllOl.ATI O• \lll lLL AND FOil lSTl'llllSTISTAMl!NTAlll:V E.st•I• at MYRTLE L. TIMI ...... , 0.(INwcl. NOTI CI! IS >tERE&Y Gt\IE ... 11'191 ROBE RT &LACK t>•' lilt'll IW<elt! patl11..,, lor Prob.elf or w111 -for '"" -· of l..at1t'f"I T•sl• ...... tMy •IN ptll!I-• , ....... IOC. to wll!(h 1, ....0. tor '"'°""'' l'ol•llcular\, '""" !Nol '""' time anCI PIK• ol l\earJnQ '"" w,.,.... l'\ft tiee11 .. 1 fO< Oetem~• 1•, 1•1s, 111 • JO a.m., In the cO"'rl•OOf'll ot ~mont No. J of "!Cl cour1, .t 100 Clv!( '*"'., 0r;...., -~l. In lhe Cllr ol S.....la ......,, (alllor"I•. O.ted ... o...-m~r 14, 1•1s WILLIAM IE . SI JOH ... c.ourrtyCle•~ JdkMJ,MUlllf'HY, JR. :.:.:.:~~ ...... $\lilt ?t70 Loi...,_...", C..Hlornl• tOCllO TM : t11ll -..6111 AU-ytor: '9111loMr Publl!l\ed 0<•,.-CH\I D•ll Y Pl!OI, No~. 71, ?'I. 1M ()e( S, 1•1S 4UO.IS PUB!.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USIHE$5 HAMf;STATl!ME .. T TIW lollow•"9 iwri.on " oo.no bull· .....,,\ ... l1M8ERWAL.K, 11q.s S~vlMI<•. Su;le F, lrviM. CA Mich.HI Ja1M1. 101fo Wllote s..111 Wloy,Coront!IO!I M•r. CA Tlll' b\AI""• 1, c°""11cted by .., 1 ..... div•-•. Mk M elJ•ntt "fl'll' $1•!e~nl "''' tll<!rt -•11 tl'll' ~w Cl<ir• ol O<•n~ Co1111ty011 Nov· .,._, U, 1•1s ,, .. ,., Eastbluff Professional Building El Rancho Market Hook & Needles Needlecraft Shop Cardillo Travel Security Pacific National Bank Eastbluff Pharmacy Liz Ru ssell's Women's Fash ion Nip 'n Tuel< for Children Colesworthy & Co. Realtors Eastbluff Cort lures Eastbluff Cleaners Fullerton Savings Fanci · Fabrics Statesman" Table ~· • • /1 • DN1. V PILOT ,4 9 Cadette Clothes ·Shown A>~NAPOLIS, MD. nJPll - Women midshipmen will weJr panta to class and while on duty but skirts wUI be the rule at foot - ball games and when they are away from the NavalAc.ademy. Gearing up for the admission ot women to the academy flext fall, the academy adminh•tration distributed pi('tures ot five of the seven officiel uniforms women will be required to wear. women. will be worn with 1 blue and white hat 1tmilN to thoM worn by women who oow Mrve in tllt Navy. Most of the uniforms were dt!· signed so women can rontlnue to wear them when commisssioned uollicers. The bulc u1>lrorm1, .ri.lch have variations a.ccord.iq to season, tnc_lude t.b e ltt\lice cir u blue -a formal jacket, sJdrtand hat -for u1e on leave and at root· ball &•mes. The similar while uniform will be used inauml'Mt. THE PICTURES WERF. taken at the academy wllh a smiling wave lieutenant ~ho works in. the commandant's office model- in& the wtiforms. THE UNIFORMS WEllF. de- 1i.(Md by Thorn1ate Unlforms, Inc., of Norristown. Pa., a sub· sidiary of Hart, Shaffner and "tarx. The firm h3s supplied midshipmen 's uniforms fo r many years. Academy ofricials developed the uniforms together with the Navy Uniform Board i n Washin&1on •ftrr Presidt>nt Ford signed the law admitting women to the academy. The first women 'will enter the academy next July. THE F O llMA I, WE "ll In· <lude• white traditional mllil.ary jackets f or s ummer and matching blue jackets for winter worn with s traig ht noor~length skirts. The full dreu uniforms for parades will lnC'lude double· breasted blue walst.Jenath jackets and straight whit.eot bluf' panu. The somewhat unstylish work· ing blue uniform ~hides stan- dard straight-lee panll and blue long or short-sleeved shirt with a Ue. The uniform. ai111ilar to J)ltn's uniforms•butr tailored for Women also will be asslaned · ''tropical white·· summer<"lolhes and what is called the ••white work.s" sailor suit worn with long or short overcoats. RCA INTRODUCES Color r k ' -------·; ------- lt"thinks in color 11! The moil au1omallc color TV ever hom RCA. A dramaioc •mP•O'-'!.!men! on RCA . color TV performance Th•s nl!w RC A sy•1e1'11 '"th•nlls '"color" by electronocally tr<tck•n.g rhe broiu;lcasl TV srgn;tl anr:t au1omahcaUy adp;s11n11 the picture. to g•ve you colo1 tl'l3t rlvals l+le itself. lhe "'•oosy. Mode l FU475 !above) has a 19" 0111gonaJ pie lure. aJJ ol the advanced Colo•T•ak feature11•s1ed to the "9ht plus· RCA"s Supe• Acc uF1llcr blac ~ main~ p1clu•e lube 1hal g•ves you sha rp clear pocrures with more v•v•d colo1s. Th s p1clu•e tube sySIPl"r\ tea1u•'!'.'I thr u1111 •r"d. o•cc,51on·1n·lonc "lcctron OU" •nd p"rmanen!ly al•r,nad, fl'yn~m·c color •<'g•stration. Plus' pol'.e r!ul $Olo0 $1llle VHF IUl'CI and J •C!•a OIC 70-pos•toon solid s1a1" UHF !unc1 W•lh Cl•C~ 11ops and number odcntd1c at•O n for .111 c hannels "-'OOEL GU838 '' •.,,•II r "•'" 1.'0Dfl fU478fl ·~. )•••••·<'·"• . ...... ~ ..... •"-" ..... -······· ..... ••O!• ,.,.,. --<~<"''" ... o-..U "<'"'" "-'· Alllo.,.•1'< coM••"lco•o• •••<•l"'I •. "'""'"'"' • ,.,,. h•• ....... •""'" .... "". ''""' t COM IG t<o•o '"" < ... "_, 10 <h•"""' -- Colonrak J ___ _ •+clw•• l •l•h••n• ov•o· "'""'"""' .... , ... ,, ........ . •••t .................. . -·-... .... Aulo..,OI•< <Oto• ''"""' .., ...... , .• , ...... -., .....,. '"" -h ........ ·-"''"' '""'""' 1ow oole<I Mastercrafted! Remote Portables! Co"'O'•' •·•~ 1•e Mert•I•"~"' an-~·1•~<t c" JN•Ja ~"'" ol~r yo" ••I of lhw <1111.J''<~ll I~ 11u«5 !>I C<>•n1Tr~• ~nil !~e !u •w••!>'1~ l>•Q·•uam $ouna QI 1 ... 0 9 0 .... 1. d\fp t<.i'"' •Pc•J•~•·· L ' oi t~A .i..ct•on,c :'II PO"'''U~ Vt<f /UH• l "n~r ..... ...:.0,..., N•w, •d••llC:•d el<oc!ronlc remote co.,ltol. '•"<'"l S"'OOll'>IJ ~~II Q~•"hV t~•~u~n • Q p • ·T~lnl.111 J>a••"•g .,n.,•11~ < ~.•e•' "P'I r ''''"''"~'·II al' "'•I" CO<>\•r.uo.,, •• ' • • -~• I••·''!'""'"·''' "" 0111~ou1•on 1n~· r.n l·.1·, !•·'•••I ta~!"'"" !he SuPf!• Accuf·ll•'' r '·• "' "'" P·•l•>'• 1ull4t, RCA1 p1eC•>•<>" '"·""" 'o o• ,,11om. ~ RCA XL-1o0 iilq"'"1 RCA 's lowest priced :: .I "~··-i 1976, 19~~.,~ .. XL-100 ·· , I r .. alu••' PC"'• S.. r•' AccuC01or Ill•<• m•Uu P•Clurc 1.,tw. ~ Aul'l"'"h< C"''"'" C '"1• I RC.l's 1)(1.,,,tul 100•~ $oil(! S.tJ"p * c•'1•1•1 ' "'"ll "II •tC"'" '• Aur11m•ht '·"• T"nong 11,,fTJ 1nCI 19 I •ehJl>il" So•! !>!at• I.Jiff 4nd \l-1f 1"'1e<• =·'~_DIAGONA~=~ ~,);·~~~ -. . DIGITAL -WATCH COUPON To oat 'l'Oll' FAl.tOUS BJl:ANO OIGlT,tL WAT CH, eOMPlllf ll'MI r;o<J!W>n • .. i. ... •i:o• 2 ""*"•lo• ••!'.I'"'' ••oilt,.!•on -.. .. roc•l>O" and IU .... 11110 M1n !O: •c• ,,0. l o• 13tt Loi ,\nfei.1, C•. tOOSI Good "1111 111e CIOtch•w of ~"V 1176 ACA, •L·lOO eolO< TV Please send my watch ... I ha"" DU•eflaHd JICJI l,ll)Otol = ---· ------ s..-.. 1 ; ______ ,"''"- "-------~~~ .. ~.-------- -M~ C~~c~. to lilCA. lo• S19 9! •"•"''fol) lor ta' 1nd ~tl'df"'O 110111 1i 1 '~I • -!olecl. Piaait 1~1111h:>1<ld•~11 ll•IO•. Nam'--------------~ .A.ad••••---------------- C11y ________ St1l1JZ1P----- i· ' • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• #. ,. '' ~~ :! : ' • ;. • • • l \!< " :1 •• .. •• •• ~. :1 • •; •• • •• . , •• .., , .... .1 ' :( . ' • '• • .~ • -.. • ' :r ' . . . -~ ' . -•• ' ' .. - ; • • • . :· '.• .• ;. •• •• , ; , .. .. :.t .. ·. :r. ' · .. .. ' • I ' 1l f0 DAILY PILOT ' . U.S. Still Mecca for Modern Pllgri111 Holiday Tree Sale Readied F irth and sixth J!radt.•rs at San Jo:.tqui l'I t-:lt~m,·ntary School 1n l .~g una ltills J(':.ir n(•d whnt it mt>3n :; to bl' ;1n Aml•rica n from a Vietnamll':st• rt•(uKl't' ('iassmatl•. ''Anh Mal's ex 1~rl\•nct.• mad<' clear to lht> chilc\r('n thnt !ht• lJnit t>d Stute:s is still " n11.•t·ra f11r pt."Oplt• Stt'king rt"lil-(IOUS frt'l'llOitl .. Anh !.tai, 11 , drt's:,L•d as a M:1 ss01chust'tt s pilgrim . told lht· r hildren a.sst•mbled ro r a 'l'hauksgiving [t>asl this wC'«k thaL sh<" and ht•r r01mily C'ame to th<" lfnited Statt.•s b\!c·ause lhcy had not bt>en able to attc•ntl ('alhol11: !\lass in lht>ir native Vil·tnan) 1'1rs. ~1dl t·r s~ud 1.·v1·ryvnc· in volved ln prt•11;1r1n1-: for thl' <'t.-h•broi lion, culn11nattnj;( rnonths of re - sPnrrh, l(';1rnt,<I n1nrt· lh<tn h<' had thought pos:s1 bl(' t1hou t th<' Plymouth l'l;:1nl::tlion anU 1l:; r<'· lt>vant t• to(l:ry "WJlfjS WF: l\SSJ(;SF:I) r<'· search to prt•parc for ..i day·long sin1uJation of pilgrim life." s aid te~cher Judy M1llt•r , "Wt• t•xpcctM lh:it the students would learn a lut .:tOOut lht" e·arly st•ttl<·rs. l\ul tht•y h_•am<'d a lot about t•ontempOrary . i\merica. too "WF. Tl 1 •t~F:ll TllF: l*lJHIJC' hbraries and sthool librarit•s 1nsule out, .. she sairl ·' F'innlly wt· found our most hc·lpful information ,it the F.l Toro ~1nr111t· ba ~t· lihrary ·· F.ach child in thi:• f1flh an<J sixth rr~tde C'JaSS('S ChO~l' i.I t•har<1('ll'r from Plymouth. ~l ass., JG2l to rt• search ~ind Jatt•r to portray al lht• Thank s~i\'1ng f,·~1~1 F o r t h e R ecor d lt>Qr•"'· ~ ..... 1,,.11 •nd RoM•l J Uu~~.N/ln(yH •n<!H•n•yl"' T v<:~f•, (;HO.fl H . ~·· ,,nd ~'> "><o!I, !.#o,.,on Roi. llndO•I• 1,.e~1lio Fr ant•\ 1--••nt~Y~. St .. _..tl.lncl U•-HOii~•. OonnaW.artd Oo"•ll IC!•k Al9<1fln, lr,.,.1nd Elr .. 1n Al•"· (,...,111 ~"dJ•"'~" P Jol\n""1, L•no:. J dn(l M•f l\111•! Ru"" !>.•loan .. , Miq...,1,,no Rer...rc • Thom.~.F•.Jn• ... "'1Lin<l"J"'"" 0.voio• C•nd•<•L ~nO H••t y Y Jr Sllnli••d.R~•H J r.•nd"""'•rlou Polv<hl, Holly E•.t1ne .ind D•••d ,_.,,IQ\1ad, ll•v<e E. and C••olyn T O><l•l.e' Molllo•. N•d•ne I ti\ ""d R!clwtd 0.klt y, S.n6rll Sl>f .ind J•Ck L llmoll•Y ~l\,Micl\-10 •ndlt•l"!ffn\. .Jor.S.,., U.."nY II •nd P"yll!' P. Petttk>, S.Wndta J llnd MIC".kl J. l'M !n.•, """"'" S <Ind Jo"n C 1,,,.,.., ()9n1 '"" J••n<'l1!0 ( 8u'11"'4lnl~. M.t "a N and i-l•!~IC. · ~ .. o.Ma•v LouandJ01>nCMI Godout , w .. rnt• ~llloH 1 .. ,.., M.l•Qo< 1 '"""'· '"""C"•••io••nd(••OIMO• ~•d. Jo•nnt Nld•n<' <1nd JO••P" Willl•m•, Uiw•enc• L•Y••M •nd Ge•••d .Hanett O.IOrl\ •' t ' ""4,letJ, C11ol Je•n illM Robe•1 D L ...... W•il+•"' eatfi:J 10,.1y1t,CY"t"•11ndC.o•~ l'Ufll NettMbt• 11 SU•m. ll1<~inl•C .aM E-nio F he R-rt,,.1nn1..,.1rw:ILvnnE....,n Elsew re M<ll \,JonnM,l"°ll;ltl'l ... nE • < o.....,,....,. Rotllrl E. 1nd,,,,.rlM. 1.og .'\'.'lGEl.F.S IUf'I > Jamt·s Park, radio cx- t•(·ut i ve and formt•r m;.1nager or K~RC ·TV at Rurbank. will be buried in hi s hometown o r Prairie Grove, Ark. J>ark, 65, died Wedllt'S· day of complication:; or leukemia at UCLA ~1edical Center. 'iofnltt>. J1min F<inltr Ind El_...,_ .. <;-.<-r:ano. ~Hcia M. 1nd Re..,. G. 0.ndodl , 11;ennttll Lee •nd Loi\ e. .... 1, ~r,,J.,,•lat>CIJoh" Oevlll'I 0..vid!OIO. Joyce I. 1ndWIUlamM CIOud, Lindi 01-Ind Ra~I SIM11. Un-,"""' A. Ind A"rl A. M11tll<G1I, Llurente E. 1nd C11r<1 Uyellk•, M1rrl1I S•ll iko and R•Y'"°"d HltOl..ml C"•rle\, 011 £¥11Yfl •nd Rl(!WrO ....... Benwn, Slt:r"'fl C.lfld IOWll RI,_ O'R.ar, Marllyn 01..., and Terf'Y Al· •• ~II, Rotlort f111v 1ndVlr9lnl1M.. Mlll4-r, wu n .. m L. and L,_, v. SC-Ider. Vlc•I L.1nd 01n1e1 F"c Sclllom, PaHI A,.n and M1•t1n Ectw1rd ,.., ... s .. 1 1-larr y Bri(lge s, l ongtime lab o r lt.>ader, will be £ucst Saturday at plush San Francisco gathering honoring ''his life . hi s contribution:· More than 1.600 arc ex JX>Cted . "\Ve h;.1<t hea''Y t'Ompetltion for Gov. Wil li~m J!radford ," P.1r,, ~t iller ~aid "J-:1gt"lt boys Wanted to ht· the govt'rnor, so we ht>ld a com· 1~tition. Tho:>t• boys know every detail a\':tilnblt.' on Bradford " :\1RS. Mll.l,F.R SAID the <'htlclrt•n "-'t'rt• 1mpre~st-d by two i)lht'r principl('s lc•arned in their ~t ucly of Am1•rit·an pilgrims in ad ciJ!JO n lO tht• lt'SSO n Of religious frt•t--dtl1l~ "1'h<>y r<>alized that all of us oire l·h!ld rC'n o( immi~ranl1," 5he S•id, · rt•g;1rdle$s or how long ago our an· C't'~tors settled hl're or for what re ;ison.-ThC' <'hildr<'n of different r:it·t·~ fC'lt ;1 unity in that. They also were interested in the puritan ethi('. to whi<'h they rt'spondl'd ui a positive way. Thev 0{' Guid~·lin ~s learnf"d how Interdependent we all ar~ in our strugglei. The Jndiam, who were here fir:tt, helped I.he ptl· 1rims. who tht'n helped those who came later.·· MRS. MIU.ER SAID th• s tu· dent:s became SQ in\/Olved In their rt•J1:earch ~nd preparation for Lile reast they took overtlw proj~t . .. Once we'd provided the im- pttus:· she sa_id. "they went aftt'r information in great detail." The fl"a l'il itst'lf was as authentic as the bonnets, starched collars. aprons and dark stockings the C'hildren wore. "We had venison, turkey, sweet p0tatoes, corn brt'ad, apple cider - everything the pilgrims had but roast goose and pigeoo pasties,·· rt1rs. P.tille-r s aid . Medical Care Studied Ul"IT ......... Oranie Coast Collt>gt•'s c rew will fln:.lnce its 1976 M"ason by Stiling Christmas trtts during lhe holidays . '· Oar:1mcn will St'll trea "'! Ott. 6--23 al the OCC Jn· . tercolltgiJte J'lowing and Sailing Base located at ' 1801 W. Coast Hi ghw1y • • ~:ct to the Ralboa Bay 1 • Club. They will deUver-1 the trtts by bo3t lo any waterfront home in Newport JI arbor. F.-d f'alt• Proeetcls from sales go toward the coming Former A s tronaut season . (4ast spring. James Irwin s ays his coach Dave Grant's walk on the moon Pirates finished second helped him realize to the University or the n.e ed for a Washington at the .i\ s<>t of rules for opt'ration o( the much· crilic1z('d Orang(' County F:n1 ergen(· y ~I edical l <'re Committe1• will C'Offit• before tht• county Hoard of Supt>rvisots 'fut'~day for adoption. posed <'hangt•s in lht• paramedic training pro· p.ram to pt>rm1t privatt• hnspilals to e~1nduC't cl~~sses . s piritual force. ''A Western sprints cham- quarter or a million phionships held at l..ong miles out in space Bea~h Marine Stadium. you re a 1 i z e God Tbe Piratf'S also rom- made u s and gave us peted at the-Henlf'Y Royal Jtegatta at looking the very pro· life and gave U.S a Henley·on-Thameis . C'edural problem:i: that soul. . _ .. he said. E t d Supt"rviso r s ordt'red thc (:o unt y Ad m ini strative ()ffict· lo draft the s t'l of gu.idelin<'s thr<>t' wt•t•ks ;1gu :lfler learning lht' C'Ommittee h;i s no rulC's of pr('l('edurE' Tll F. P .i\.SF.1. ha s come under fire for handling of the county's i nte-nsive cart· paramedic program. It is the committet•'s responsiblility to ovt•rset.• the progra m and its gradual serviC'e rx- pansion. The commlttl'e firs! ran afoul or s upervisors when it demons tratt"d re- luC'tanre to aC'cept pro- IT W :\ .. ~ l\J,.'\() slow to aC'r('pl tht· id t~a that per so n s otht'r than firemen rould be trained as paramedics . City offi<'ials anxious lo ins tall paramedic ~rvit'e ;ts soon a s possi- ble ha\·e also leveled <'rilicism at the comm.it· ...... BUT SUPERVISORS didn 't move to re - organize the pan<'l and drart new rult's of opera- tion until the t•om mittee sent its annual report to Sacramento indiC'ating there were no problems with the county's paramt'dic pro~ram . r. d 4ngan . 1 r s t c re a I l' con · -----------,--ccc------,-=c--==-:-::c troversy. • ............ .. NANJA WILLIAMS OJF.DRl('JI WO;\I full I HATIOHALLYID«>WHDICOU.TOI I support from his fellow supervisors to clamp a I s.,. ''ALL MY STOCK MUST GO'' I h ght rein on the commit· I !KE BEST IN ACUllf FURNITURE I ttt and require it to act according to rule-s. I c o: I H TAii.iS. ETIGllllS. OUl.S. I The-. 1 0 s pl' C' j r i c ltm T.t.al:S. UPAIY T.t.a.IS. CHAJIS. guldelinE's the board will I nc. U.WS. PtCTUllS I fAlllC. I considl'r Tuesday in-60% •·olve regular pubhcized I QFF (BElOW WKllESJlO I ml'eting times. s tate-I I ment of a quorum, a ban orEH: 9 to 5 E•ery Dery of The Weft on pro:oc:y voting. use of I I parliaml'ntary pro-STARTIMGDEC.1.1975 ceclurl', written minutes I 2957 RAHDOLl'H, COSTA MESA I .3nd other procedural ONI ILOCX WIST Of UISTOI.. I I.UR ~n . • •••••••••••••• SA:>I DIEGO (APJ - . <\llan S. K laube-r, 70, <'hairman of Klauber !\,tangenheim Co. wholesale grocery firm and a civic leader (or many years , died in a hospital Tuesday after a brief illness. ~lleld, K•rl• E. •"6 011,,l•l II. &ur..,, v1,.1n11 c. '"" E .......,ne F c--,, ~ H9nrv •"" -~'"' ..... ,~ Mor«•,9arbarlJ l"dPl\llipR Doth, Wllll""' W. Ind P1ul• Ni "°""""""• GllCIY\ E. ""d L•on••d A TAMlll, 8¥"'9rl J. '"" Jorin L. °"""°""' Mlflly,, Tf>On'I•\ Ind Sidney ,,.,,,,., OC Bike Trails Supervisor Ralph Diedri<'h in particular rebuffed the committee and its chairman, Dr . John Philp , county health offiter. for over- Wlqnt1', fJizlt.!" J. Incl (""rles R, Ero..,""1.Mltgol 1nd Lowell Sotelo .... ,,,..,,. ""' P1 lrlc •• JIN ----~~-~---Bld\llo,""9111,..J.Mld,..droG Drallh Notltn eo1c11ron.e.uv .. ..0Ja ... H011_. -~===~~~~--Wold,...,Nr•J•,n1now1111,.., .. ~ .. 1"1110 EMANUEL F"eo, riotlcle nt ol ""'wilOl1 IMKl'I, Ca . 011• ol illolltl'I ,....,.. fll'fltler 21, tt1S. 8eto...cl -bind Ill Ml•Q•••1 H1rtm1n Ft•O. 1ovll•o br'olhtr ot Honrr. Ma•I• Lnt ..,.,....,.. Ullf. 5'1-t'!MH .!II be l'ltld SundlW. NO ... mblr JO,'' 1:00 PM. P.clfic Y~ C"•"'"'· 1nu•nm1n1, P'clllc View Me"""l•I Park,' NewPOl'I Bel<'.I\. Cl. Ptcllk \fl.-w Mortuary directors. GOl•EL SmlU1, r.r1nc , A 1m1 a"d H••old ......... Wl)1,.,..n, WlUl1m W ltld Roc""tl~ J Gr~. C•rll Sue •1111 Gl""'on .. c1 .. pp, ,..ncy Act.tuen '"" WilflvM. f'llllflolo-W1• Llne.01-Y, Ir.cl EIGbbyG. Wllll...,r. Sylvl11ndJolln 8 Miles More For Pedalers Orange County Supervisors apprOved acquisition and development of another 8.6 miles or the coun· ty·s master-planned biC'ycle trail network at a cost of about $230,000. Japanese Sex Study TOKYO (AP) -A Sur· Vf'Y of S.000 J apane-se agl'Cl 16 to 21 showed 15.1 percent or the males and 6.6 percent or tbe females had had sexual inter('ourse. the prime minister's office re- ported. . -I J " EMMA GOEBEi., rt\ldentllll ~ tilll\, C... 0..lio ol dffl" ~ '2P, ltlS. S.Urvl,...d D., l'ltr llu1blnd, WIV"" Go9ml. SifWICtl •re IM<'Mlln.Q, Pllcnk View ,.,.,.morl•I Park Mortu••Y lfl Htlwport 81.o<h. C1 Wllllrd, Meleri•nd Tllom11 • Mows, Judy I<•• 1n ""°Simuel JllT!Ol'lo Nite,GollllleL. Ind Llwttnct H . Jack\Ofl, Sand•' Lee and Brv<:e e-•d I.and acquisition will be required only for two of the five separate projects authorized by supervisors. The others will be on public land. It said this compared with 59 percent of males • .r HAUCK OOlllOTHY A, HAUCK, ..... n, mi• c1en1 ot 1-1""11"'°'°" &e.o<h. ca. Dlt'l of oeatll ,....,..mile• 14, 197~ Sourvlwed b1 t• Min\, Dr. JICk E. H•wc:~ llf lllMI! ... Cl. lftd Or. AODl•I M, H111e~ of Ntwporl Beatft , Cl .;''''" qr-1'1Udr1ft. Also survlftd by I -.q,ter. S..1-L•r-ol Gr_., • PHI. (lr900ft. Sl•Ykll "'11 bl lwl<I SM ........ J, 10:• AM, Br-" Cofonl•I 0...Pll, Slnta AM, C•. Aew. GiKll £1nK ot !.!. Afldt•-,....\byttol'"IM OIUl'Cf> ol ~r1 IMKh oflkllllng. lnttrf!Whl, Olll'lflllod ,.,.,.morlilll p..,k. 6'i-'"· CO. l"rl...O• wl'lo wl.., to ,,., IM+t ~ti m1v c:all II 1 .... mor"t111ry WI frldoy trom .-..10 t :OO PM, 8-c;.lenlll MotllNl'f, Soni' AM.GI. BAL n -BERGEftON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673·9450 Costa Mesa ~6-2424 SEU BROADWAY MORTUARY 1 10 Broadway ··Costa Mesa 642·9150 McCORMICK MORTUARY t..Quna Beach 49~9415 San Juan Capistrano 49>1776 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAR K Cernelerv Mortuary Chapel 3500 Paciric View Drive Newport Beach, C..lllorn1a 644-2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Boise Avo. Westminster 893-3525 SMITHS' MORTUARY 627 Main SI . Hunlington Beach 536-eS39 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •usor•ss Wo\#11 tTATaM•NT TM........,.,. ..,._ ii_.,.. bW--•• ENGtMIEllllNG AllT, ttJO ~"""· '-· .... .,. ....,_.......,. &Mtl\U. nw . J . MkMo4 ""''"'"· "'° ~ .... S. Nit • .Q. HuntlftttOfl ,._.__CA. ...... llM M. Lult,.11, -~d ...... ,. .... O , t+l,lltllft94Gt1 9*KI\ C..; -01k .-i,... I~ c.GNM:ttd oy aiit ln- • .-1e111o11. .1.Midlftl Lllllrell ll'lh 11.tWtMl'll waa lllW """11'1 I.,. ~0.-kofOt'~C-lf• ...... HUeb!'KM.JoMW.#nd Cl'llrylL. !iofn""'lfllM, Mo~IL.andWllll.tmH ~tr. SUeN>naflCI Dinny Jly Line, No•m•n Albert •"d Ci• l<f ""'" oii..-, J•,. L. ll'ld SllPMl'I Cr •lo e..ii.y,P1ltlclaA.Mld ll•v........:IE CM.Ii-, Ellrabiitll J . and M•fl'Y E. St-1rd, MQtUli1 Mlirll Anfleiiflw anctJ....nEchffrd Fl,..., e.rtw Lou1w11111 O.•ld Edwlrd Go"~ • .-.mo,... M.1!1111 St!njll'l'lifl ~ ~rlldll'IO A. Mid Cr 1i9 A. L~,\flf11illl•~tM11111P1trk-L. a-,.-. Lmo.l-Ind (11Mlt1. A.Jo ... Roy11ty,Jud'f11"'0."'P1r-• 99n1_,;Allc•H.aftd Jim oedlflO, ,.,.k• H . ....0 Ruben w. HUOl'tft, Nat-l•I lfld .HoaMl1" Qltlunl, Llfllla ~ lf'ld "-""dW .... FoltV, a.tty -'°"'end Hilltl>ld Dea'! lfby, Join A. Ind W'I Ulln\ J . ~ .. 81'1llr1 J...,.. •1111 Frilllll Q\lrliol 8YrQf\I, ,jol'lfl P1•ftf lt>d Mory Ellt1bSlh • • PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIC• TOCllEOITOltS SU"I! ltlOlt COUllTOFT"E STATE 0 ,.CALI l'"OllNIAFOll: TNl!COUNTYOFOllANGE Nl.A .. 14' E'l.1111 of BILL M. KRAMER, 'bo kftow,, ., MILTON KRAMER, OIK<tasocl. NOTICE IS HE A EBY GIVEN to IN c:redllon of t.,. allton ,..,,,.a dlc.ed9nt that 111 per-lla¥1f19 c:lllms 191inll I .... Mid de<:idllftt 11'9 flQUlred lo 1111 '"""' wll" "" M(H$1ry ~ .... lhtl)llluof It.I , .. rk oft .... --lllled c-i, or lo p~t ll'lem. wlrll Ille ..C:l'Kill'f-.it,,.rl, to,.,.~ II t"'otlk 1ollNl•10omeys.,MtitONS I. ~AAONS , INC., 1190 Hlrl)or eouie,,..-ct. Suite m. P.O . eon 1"'- c.Mloll Mn.I, C.lilO<"'' "''" """""' Is .... pll(:eofbu$1MllOlllll! ~ 111 ill• ,.,..n ..... P9'11lnl11Q to Jhl Kii• 111 wtd de<:..,.,,!, wilhift ,_ months.,_. ll'lt llrd l'Ubiklllon of !t>I~ flOlk•. OOIH~21,1•1S. JEARYLEEl<AAMEll.-d .JEll:llYOIXON KAAMEll E•Kolorsolll'le E$1•t. of Ille lbo1t<f Nlon.0 dlQdrfflt, A.lllONS&AAllONS, INC.. :rnlHartiol' hvllv1 rd ........ ,.,0 .... , ... OttUi ~. Callforftl• t1•J• T .. :(n~I ~ Attonlt•tlwll!JKlltws Publl"'" 0rMIQ9 C0011t OA.11v Piie!, ,. ... ..,.., 11, 1nd Oetiomblr l. 11. "· 1•1~ CS»·IS "\-'4 ~ z Ice ~-,,<, skating everyday. I MESAVW>I Cami _..,1r,1'7S """" ...... ' • .._.. CMh .... ,.....,_.or.,...CM1tOt1t1•l"I-. T.t.(714)979 .. llO ..... .,, .. _,OK.S,11,1•1S ..... ,. 1..-------..,,.r--...J l.ARRY 14EAMAN, ACTING DIRECJ'OR of the and 45 percent of county Harbors, Reaches and Parks Department, females in a recent sur- isaid the trail links are key parts or lhe county's vey or American youlhs Jong-range bikeway system. aged 13 to19. New trails that will be built, t"ither on roads or as The survey, done for off-road paved paths, include: the office by the Japan Over thirty quality stores in a totally new specialty. shopping center 1n the heart of magical Laguna Beach 384 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach • Free Parking Open 7 Days a week 10 A.M. 6 P.M. (Sunday from Noon), Fri. 'Iii 9 -A one-mile ('Xtension Of the San Juan Creek Society of Sex Educa- trail from the San Juan Capistranowcity limits lo tion, also showed 33 per- Doheny State Beach Park. cent of the males and 26 percent or the females · -A 2.ZS-Mll~K trail along the Santa Ana River had experien('ed kissing, from Imperial Highway to Wier Canyon Road. which is not a traditional -A 1.5-mile stretch from Craig Park in Fullerton Japanese custom. · ~;;:;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~ to Cal State Fullerton. ~- -A 1.8-mile link along Peters Canyon wash from ~--------- Warner Avenue to Walnut Street, partly inside Irvine city limits. --A 2.12-mile-trail along Southern Pacific right· of-way land from RoS<' Street to Valencia Avenue in the cities of Rrea, Yorba Linda and Placentia. WEEKENDER Gete It ALL to,aether Frid•ys In the i1@i(l$!(1)I JCP~nney GARDEN CENTER• FASHION STORE ONLY! BONSAI FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS 115° to htstnctfon Sheet for c-8) 29500 JUST ARRIVED LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES 1"·· 29" * MONTEREY PINE * ' ALIPPO PINES * STONE PINES c . 0 -10"-2' to l' c 0 1 ...... 1511 41 to s· 13"-l' to 4' I 811..;..s• to 61/21 51iot>: Mool. ... Sil: 10 lo 9 p.a' ~~doy: 11 lo6 p.OI. NEWPOR';t' ! CENTER FASHION ISLAND (714) 644-2313 f '· } . I . • ' ' Buy Your Christmas Gifts at Public AUCTION nmiw. SATIJRDAV. SUN DAY AT. P.111. (INSPECTION 7-8 P.111.) 11 .000.000 fNVENTORY From E1latn. Courts, Out-o/·Pown, Bankruptcies Bot9oin~ 011 fin(' Cty1tol, Stt'rl1ng Sl/11tt. Porc-r/oins. Ortrn10/ Ob;ttlt d'An. Poi.,,iflgs. Jru.orlry ' Anriqurs. Bron1tt1. furni/urr. St/tel lndion T urquo15r. • • ' lfl •ddiOl'lll IO liftf •1111" ltf:lftl. -ht~ of th• lli'!lftl •toc:k• l'lf top qu.litv, brond fllm• Crvtl•l pon:•lli"' MM!r, clll,.. ''"' 01h1r 9'11 llrm1 w all ltt'Ad ntw alld s-rfttl •• from b.flkNptc~ 111d otl>n i()UfCf .. Vot1 HI thfo pfir• yourwlf wtth full r•t hlfl!lf o r ,...,Ad fot credit pril.llegrs Oii •"Y "'"'purchased 111d giwa •••gill. Or. If Vo'! Pfl'"'· pv1Th1w °"' ulriqlJf' 9ift crnilkaltl •nd i.t your frierid1 ftld rfllllwl buy 1hrlr own golb lfl • fM'lll 1fld ~ldtl"!f ""'ll· Vw c1n •'It' \l{)llf B..•kA•llrlc:anl. N•n C••,.... prrwr>al chf'(il or c-11h. Wiofll In wn? Call v~ br 1 fr" appnitwiL cht.,.;, our ln1per1lon hOotf"I.. 1r \IOUI conveflleorr. • f)All Y 10 :. HOURS Inspection & Private Softs ~ATURDAV "-t t~OAV ,., 12-!i l""""d WftlnP\day & 1 h11r..J.tv JVe«!fw'J <fJaikiW6 /£1,d.. IM• WUT COAlf HIGHWAY. K wPOltT ICACH. CAUrORHIA tl,6J C7 l41'4S.21tt WE 111/Y l'Olf CASH Oil SEU ON ciJMJlllSSION WHOiE ESTATES Oil SIN GU mMS ~lfftJ \ftlfl-A(H:nm.1.tR ' • j •• • ., • ' .. ' I•·. ... • • "' " "' in «• G. R< tr fi R' "' cc c. Jt .. l• f" th M IU 1: m tr bi in •l ra 11' le "' E ifl st l; sJ F th "' 1 I Ii T. its sys! Ora A' A· NI ex Ai ire nr ve (8 of li! I de al· W• "' h y b .. ·p h h It b p < < n a • & ij 'I a n n • ' • • • .. ffld!r. Notw•111b9 21, 1171 DAIL Yl'llOT A I I GE the Winner Finn ~AU Ground Friday's Aft~l'Dooa Pricies NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE • •l. \at!liwJI08Dwrn . .....,.. .... """'... . . It p.,. to b.t.n o.-..1 El u&dc oa,....; •Ide. ot to put in~ wy,Jt~"''f'•eiil lotbc malwi General e<lrlc. . The world'• larpot manufaeturer of eleolrloal equlp- m..,t. GE boa annu,il 1o1eo at $la.4 biWon and a ""'1dwlde t'mployee twee ol 400.000. It's eaolly the I-In the appliance b..,lness -so much 10 that West .. )ngboute deserted tao field Jut year. 1..W... GE -telld with Sean, RoebUck. Anotber oleo· ttonJ.c1 Ci1at.,-RCA, C1red il• --cb•1ri::nu, Ro bert Sarnoff, fbi1 Mof1ey Tree"· month. llCA '• and w .. ~·s proms combined doA't co mecJosetomatrblngGE s. • GB ALSO JIAS AWESOME clout in the balls or Coolrel!IS. Just how awesome was detailed rttentJy by J~rry . Landauer, the Wall Street J ournal 's crack In.· 1'tstigative reporter. Earlier this month the Senate Appropriations Commit· tte voled SllO million ol development funds for the Navy's FIB fighter plane. That followed a similar authorization in the House of Representatives. The votes were major victories for the F18 builders: ~lcOonnell Douglas and Northrop, two airframe manufac- turers and GE, a jet engine man~cturer. The loser s w e re I.TV Aerospace, maker o r A7 atta~k plane and Grumman maker or the FJ4 fighter. The stakes here' w e re high. eon : tr3cts ror lbe FIS couJd eventually mount to more than $6 billion. . THERE WAS INTENSE lobbying in CongTeSS by all the i nterested compa.n1es. However, Landauer's analysis sboWed ~at the final voting went along not party linea but factory Imes. Congressmen voted according to which com· panies had plants in their districts. · GE h8:s more plants than anyone -222 in '34 states.; Its team won tn the House by 70 votes.· • Land~uer pointed out that the entire Texas delegation vo~ against the FIS. L1V is based in Dallu.. Sen. Thoma F.a&leton CD -M o.), who has been critical of Pen1'ta:on speoo.' 1ng. 1voted for the F18 program in the Sen.ate CODlmlttee • :1howd~wn. McDonnell Douglas is h eadquartered in St. l.oqis. WITH '.fHE EXCEPJ'JON of the four congressmen from - san Francisco, the entire California delegation voted for the Flt. Northrop is based in Southern California. GE p lans t o assemble the e ngines for the FJ8, 23 to three. In the Massachusetts delegatio n , the vote was 11 to . one. GE has a string of plants throughout New England and th~.result was a n ear unanimous vote for the F18 by con· gr*men from this area. The one exception, Landauer paihted out, was Connecticut. where five of its six con· gressmen voted agains t the F18. Why? Because United Technologies is based in flarUord. Conn ., and this com- pany's Pratt & Whitney division d esigned the engine for LT:V's losing alternative. ONE l-:0BBYIST WllO foug ht against the FIS told Lan·. da~r : ''Without G 1':, we would have won.'' • TM Taking a Loss 1 1n System Switch 'nmes Mirror is changing. to incur unusual, non its newspaper distribution .• ·recurring expenses of ap system in Los Angeles and proximately $5 million before OranJe Counties~.and expects taxes in the fourth quarter 1975. Mos t or that s um will g for payments resulting fro the termination or indepeD· dent dealer agreements. Aeronutronic . -. .. -..... ....a ""' .. r::= .. ~~_ .. ;;E ~-:.';-1·'i ~~ :I; f1 -~-~ gJ_~, .• ·_1 P .. i ;;..;.:~ m~ ·~ · :: '"" .r:. :':'r.;i " ' ·-· ....,,. ...... _. '' ,_ ·-· C.t. s • ,..--.,. ~ ........ ,,~ .... --ut li4J"'"" ..........-.. • ,__ ... .u• " "' ... AllCNlJ IM It lit 14'-' t.n I :rt ll .. + \I F--..-s; .. -· I"-··-· 1111..1 .•111 ,, ........ lli..f 1 •• 11100 '"" .•• I ~ t-.-... I"''-" I • \J ••• ~ i.e. Wf '<.· YE 1.• 1 11 !Wlo• ... AlrtlflrM ... 1J ,. .. .. 1.j4 ' • 1~-"" .t.11PN .Wt1' ... +..., w1.1• • 111 1.--,.. -~ J .. ,,......... 1$0y .tOlt u ,, -· 4,11111 " 14 t -'6 T .. t.JO t JI~-- ... -0 'I " lb-• ",. ,., o. 12 u 1+\lo-,. -: • c1.io 1. 1 1•"'-"' .... PrtlL !.I.It ·-t .W I tot IS._+. ......... .._ ... 11+W.. r1f 7KI •• -·1"· , ,..--c:ir.n. ..... 11. , .. ,,. ... w; ....C le • + .. ~I.JO ,. I• If"'"•~ ~ 11 • ,. -W. ....... ' .. 11\'l-'9 ..._.AIMWmJt -• ,0.,7tt ..• =..~~J ~r ~.-" • ..:~.:.· e 1;""-.~ ='! , ' ,... .... 1.)0 • 1• l'" ... If '"" ••• . .... IU '°""*"' Al ud .toi '· ,,....,_.,., ... JO ~, .,, Alltlll'w ... 1•1...., ••• '-"°•SS'°""'•,.. A111otGri-.•11 'lfYI .. , 2• •no S01'1o-... Allkl 0. l.IO t •S Dfl>+ "° , .... 6 1 )SVlo • "" Alldl!WI .61 • .. .....,_ W 1..Mi JI lllQ '2\o'o • L• ... ..,,,. ·'° 16 u .... • ... ,_" t " )II-.. ""' Alliltcdlt 1.llO I 11 UtO.-'i' w Qlo •• .Jt '"' • •• Alld '-""'"i ,. .. J\o'o -~ ~t(p pl . ' ~ .. Ml~O...ft • .. 11--. ••• """"""' 1 1J JI •. Nl,._A .It 1 10 1\o'o • "-kF\11 lik •• I l"'° .•. NpNI" • .,, .. l '"" ... ~iot 0"'1 • 10 SW. ... Meo. 1,Jt U a U llo , . , tO~ .• J '"' • \II """"Swa :Ill J 1• • • "'" llO' .. t I) ..... \'> NrMX 'l.Jt It 111 44fto+ "-OW-· • 10 ,.__ \,. ~ .llO • 11 1!'4 , . , OW'W" Ci-. . 16' 10''1 • 1 .. Amcorti .10 s 10 ~ -"" owr•r .-. • .. ,. . . -'::.3 J ~ 1SV. • V. C Mtge .. l l ... , AH»pfJ .. JI tJ--~ CIAttllll11 .. It 2-..• \'O ~r",.I 9 • IS.. ••• Cln .. II ... 1 1 111 .. -'"" NII 111t-1-. •. M 1\4. ... Clll (;.M l.tol 9 i 1 llvt •. """9-... I 10 10\1. • V. C1n Gt" f'.' .. 11'11 o•,-11~ A .. _ J ... 1 $1 15'--V. 011Mlt• .tO 1 tO 19"-• ,,, .......... ,_. • 11 1.S 10\,.-\lo CIT Finl JO ' '1 11"-o \t A CAin 2.lOI I ff J I\'>-\Go (IT prt ,...., J .. Yr-J A Ctn pl 1'1 •• I JI... •. O lkwp .II 10 ISSI ~ -,_., ~llMIQ .. to I -W. 01 Strv1 .... I •I Jt\,o • lot A (Nllll 1.20 12 113 2''-• 1 Clu...t Mto . . ,, "O •.. ""<Viti '"' I 102 ,. .... _ °"' CIUrtS. . .ub . • SS 1 '., .. ""'Ottl.ll'l'I .. I) I -\lo ~lly 11\V .... 111 1~• • AOltlTtl .S.11 11 2»to •.• ltyl11vr,t .. lJ 11'·• , ~IV\I .. J t1-. , l•I\ I! . .0 1 11 JI t 1' Ao...ip1 ...... I 11"'+ \t Clorl!Oll .SO .. It '°"• "-...,,.Ve,.._ 2 ' f71 Jl:it-lit Cl..C Am .1• ' JO s-.. ... AF'"'ilv .• I lit 10,,,,• lit C ... 011'1 :11110 1 """-"" AmF1v . IOI ,. • )'t + "-Cle'tl l!l lA I U. 11 .. =.1~ .. l)JO fVi ... Jlpl1J .. r20\1J ... A '·rJ ~· ,....... l[pf'fA,. tlO 77 -1 "'ti'lll:~·; ,., ==-= ..... J1~.' ': 1:=-·" ~-oru:.~·11··1m·: . ~.c.:: .l ·:ir.~ ~;Hi. ... "" '1-1 •• ,, ,14 ..... -, ... n ~ ... 11i .e t.10 .. 1r tt•• ~ llnt'l,.....m .. M ---.U. .. s 1tlt'I+,. •M111c1.u:, . ..-• 11 .• 'I "-... ... #llOlan s .... ... oc .. •Iii.+ ... ~-1:i:r ·,-"'., n' _. /1 G.-I IW I• .. . ......._. • ''·· I ,,,.,. .. .... """'"" . • ' ... • .. •. -11411-"' ASttlplllll.10 H t •.. •tt t7 17""-"' ""'SYncl I • llJ 151"'-'-C..•lotl .40 1) ltl 1--1' Nt>Sllllpl •'II • . 1 J4Yll • ~ ColdwB-40 fl s I"'°• ""' "'"5'otri1 ,)0 IO 1• P.• ... <:olKO tndu ,. 14 J:i...-"-""'61r'1 1.llO • 11 .,..,.._ v. Co1911t• ,,, 1s n1 JI\., . .-.mTt.T:a..•10 5" ~-v. CP!ll.Al~.5'1' '' 11"-. NOITI. T ol 4 ., J4 SS'llt-\t CDlllM Food 1A S S ATTDfA).M .. 111 "'''"'•\lo ColPtoVl ."°IS 11 lt -"• AmWl!r ti s ,. t (oton!Sl 1.J:S • 11 11 • ,,., AWlr p1 l.tl .. f3IOO 1• • Yr !E' Indus J J •J 21'-. i. M!r...st .10b S I '°"'-W lpfA 1.llO .. I 11'> ..,._.K1111 I It 1''-... l\1111f•'4 •. 1 .. o ... ANtF tn 1.Jt 11 1n: 10o,i,-\no CDI C..s l .Oll. 7 101 ll"• • "'"'ac Inc I t l' 14~ •.. cet0 of Ii... . l SJ\:o AMP ln< .J1 JS 1't 7' -loo CDI "'ct-. 6 •> S\t• • '' Ampco .a> l 2 1\t • CDIS.0No2 • '1 11 .. '' ......... Qi .• 15.l l""• Vo CISC)gflO.S2 .. U1IOIOl\o\•l'o ,,,,.flfOCorp .. 2 l'h ... Cal-UMIQ ,. lS IVoo 1'4o A11>S1•r 2 . ..0 • 1• » -11o C--Com ' M 10 ... ''• Am~tt pf ..... 1 I~ , . , C.o<:nb EI 'O ' 11 ).l•i.-114 ""'51ed 1 • .0 t 12 S.~-14 CmwEd J.lO 1 I •s ~ , . olroetl In .l7 4 ll> S C•Edpl 1.11 , • I 7''h , •. Anac:..,,. loll . • 111 llV. ~ °" C--Ed pr l .. I Jl'-W-''° Arc:llH< I lO ' t ?SY. • ~. C..-Edpl l.'2 . • J 20'."-1,, ...,..,..,0 1 20 I 2t l1... c -pr l.'IO . JS JO'h-"• ""Ofllu 11 I J S•• c-i.o11 • lJ I"'-"• Al!sul Co• l • t:ll. CWOilpl l.n 1 UV. ~lleC !G ' 1• II .. ~. Gomm S.I 1 ' MM 11'l-S"1. Apco Oil ..... ,,, n•.r;,. I'> Compuvr• ' lO JI'" '• "-oCorp oil 11no ... Vo Comoufr Scl1 1 St •V..• ,,. AP\.. (.orp I S 23 11'-• '"' Car> 4Qrt )II 1 4 l ''o • \.-. ape.Pp! I. n . 1'() 1) • 1v, Cont'M 1.JOI 1 3S .01t. '-APOl\fcl Mol• l 1"'1-..,.. Coroolm .a)tl2S •2 It""-,._ A"A'A Sv 1.ol. 14 .S 4 'i. • l\<o ConnMI 1 . .0 IO •1 141 >, • > ... t•l•H . .u S 111 I"'° . . Con•acC ,10 ll • 11-.. "' Artal pf C 1 ., I 21\fl . .. Cl>nEd l.Xlb t lSJ ll'-AttllrD 2loil I• n ))l'o-4'a CoMEd pl•.. l Sl '• Anllt• 0.., . • I 7•1'11-y, CoMEd pl S • • 1 tl\'t-~. ArUIC E.ntp .• ' l'-•. . ConE pl •.65 .. 1100 ,..,, .. At'ISIM IN; . • U J'h • . . ComFd l.l' 4 " ,......., _ _., Arlt PS I.JI> • 19] 1S'Jo • W ConFOlllf t lt1 .. 2 S'~-''> Arl<llle$1 .JJf •• • I + Vo Corl Frat .70 u a 11'h-''\o Arll.i..G 1,10 I 1• 11 •. , CDMHG 2.11 1 4' 1)V. ... .... 1'enAllOv .• 11 1°"' ••• CNGp!10 ..... rllO IOI •1~-, ArfNdl CP . . 11 t o,1,-'°' Consm Pw 1 t " 11"\o . ArmtO 1.'40 S 70 Ji~• .,. ConP pl 1.tS .. 110 •1 + ''> IVl'll pl' 1.10, • t JS--V. (MP of l.n .. lSIO 6' -\lt, ""*"rpft\4 .. 120 •S'h-1\1. C'.,onPpl7.I• .. 1160 6l 'lr . Al'rtl~C-.ID2J 19 2t + '"" ConPwrpl6 .• 2 ''""-°"" """' pl l"' .. J.SO " • •• Con p pl' 51,, • • J '° .. Arrr>s /I. .JOb 1 9 \So,1,-'h c..ttAl IOll: • • IO '"'•-.... .t.reC.erptn t • s 11111 .. v. Gnoc;.n1.to • 213 ffi.'o• ~., ........ in111 .13"1l 10 9\4 + .... CllllCooP .!Gtl7 • ''" .. ASA L..:I .ID .. 111 J9'iot -'4o C.onUCC.1.llO 11 11• 44'to • "o Aian:o . .010 '" IJll>•"" CnOCC>pf1V> .. s ....... ""°1110111\IJ • .. 1t'h .. (11111CC>l.l'1 1 '6 ]IW• "• AIDty(j.l ... IS 1'2 3S'-• 'I• OltllPr111 .• 1• ·~· '"' .... 5pr9 l .C • S 2J"° • ~ 01 Ill Allv ,. JS \I/,• ,,., Afllont ,A J 2• I"'° •. ConUnOQil 7 9 91 Jl.\to-"' Alko M.1Sb .• JS l\.'4o ... ConlOllofJ .. I 7t•i.•l'h AUCyEI 1.M • to 11""' ... ConUnlltl 1 • .. )J .. Award Given AtlAl<hltV.1• 111 tlllo+ '"' Co"1rl 0.1•71 111 1t'I•-'"' Mite .,2.IO .. n '' -"" ~ 2 • 2 ~· v. Attn c..ry,11 q m ... Cooll;Uld61< .. u 2"-•"' ATO Inc: ."4 J &t"" tikl ..• C-In l,"4 t 91 ·~• ... .....o.tt.4011 n st -1 c-l.llb ., :as ,,._"' Circulation revenu es of' 1'1lE """°"''" _,.. • 1• •tit • •• (.ooj)nr. ·'° 12 t "'• Mo T . · I d Avc:o Cor•-· IO •"Ml ••• COPl'llld MIO 1 ,..,... lilo 1mes now me u e only thE •~oc,iw11 .• 211.1-1.11 C,oppR,.211> .. :n 11.,., •.. AeronutroniC For'd Corp. of Newport Beach has won an expanded contract from the Air 'Force calling for more than $5 million in work on a missile system. t h •d • d A'tltoCorppl .• It ll!'t• \• °'°""' .40Q S )0 •I"' . ra es c argc.,1 to in ependenl ,.,..,.,"'" .:io ls 2t J1Y. .. 1 Conkw• cp .. u ,.,.,_'"" dealers. The new system will 11i .. 1, 1nc0tp • 1• 1 +.,.. c.orn01.n •• 1 111 •s•.,,,.. 'd •-t111C .50 S 10'1! 10°"' •.• CoulinsMtg· .. 17 I'"' ... prov1 e for direct sales tc ,._, p1 J'll .. 1 so...,~1 ~ c ·"° • 1 1i... • ""' . AvonPr 1.60 11 JS.. tS""'-•/, Cox Brd .Cl 11 ,. 26 .. 'I\ home . s ubscnbers and .single .Altec:OG .10 11 1 1s""-11o cPC 1n12.1•10 m •Jo.\.-•i. b d --· a er-Co 29 J SS 4S"-+ "' copy uyers an is expected e.ta&wu .to 1 ,n,,,,._.... er.,a A .2• 10 ,. 1"" ... t~ produce additional circuJa. :::crn~ : :; ;..., ::: ~~~'; -~ 3~ ~i"" ! :Z tion revenues to The Times of e.t.wou .•11• 110 43,.._ ~ CromKll .to , • '"' •.. The pact i s an expanded. version of an original one that called for $2.15 million worth or work on a low-cost, lightweight miss ile. about ~3 milli· · 1~6 Btl< ... ou .t .. 10 '°"" ... er-" .111 1 • ~ ... ..,.,;. . on 1n Jf • a.!d'lll11 ..o s 2 .._ •. . er111n ofJ.11.. • s1•,.-.,,. e.llC-orp .IO • !i 11V.+ \lo C-Cor-I St l•V.• .... Mos t or the 232 •'nde~ndenl ~!J..!f ·07b t SI 10¥1-1 o-,.,z I.ID 10 .. ltl.1.-11' -::::c;s 1.1'6 • I'll 21 ...... 'Ill en Cp .so 11 10 IS>lo-'"' ~~me-de.livdery dealers. will~ 11~J ,~ ;i;z _·v. ~~~,·~ ,~ rl ,~:=:-~ ~come 1n ependentdelivery e.ngor Pn 1 " sv.+,.. cun .. 0•<;1 .1010 ' s>1o-•1o agents i n the metropolitan BMIO•PPofC .• •l 11'4•1"' a.irr1 .. 1.0lb.. • iiw. •.. The contract inc ludes or- derl for 20 test units to go alodg with the missiles which would be u sed to intercept enemy aircraft. 8-Plpl ,. 6 l'l(o• II> CUrllH .«ltl 1 ]I ll"t-Y.. area and many of the in· &rlkNv1.10 s • 21v. •.. c...~H 1.1iO 1 •1 ll'llo• •4 BWlllV•.11 • S 10'1'o+ 'Jo Cyclopo(pl .. 37 1!i ....... dependent street-sales de-Btn41Tr"''' • 11• 10~-.,,. eypru" i . .a 1 16 n I . I ~-. . Bl<T ,, .. 1'h •• ' 2J'"'-.... --0 D- 3 ers w1! ~come c1rculatioil &.-ti0i111iO .• '' 11 .. v. oamone .10n '° 1¥>-v. supervisoryemployes. t:F.:::1: 1~ 1f"'::;; =t::.·11:·• :.! :i:: .. ·\.; Saving on Fuel- 1 • :Just So Much Gm By GARY A. EDWARDS \·DAI.LAS (UPI> .:..:_The catalogue was from a firm in i lar1e midwes t e rn city and the advertisement said that if you installed lhe gadget you could expect up to 20 percent be~r gasoline mileage. "JI. neighbor with judgmenl I trusled said the guarantee looted okay. ••you CA~ SEND IT back it il does n 't work.·· h e said. ) was convinced and impatient. The mails w ouldn't do. I "placed a telephone call. Soon the miracle package arrived. My wife looked skeptical. Anothe r neighbor said I was a hucti:ster's delight. I knew better. fJ"he savings in gas would make me a neighborhood herb. I set out to beat the e nergy crisis. · ; tthe directions ror mstallation were easy e n ough. They inv ved cutting the fUe1 line and p l acing the gadget be een the fuel pump and the carburetor. 'THE FUtST IONT of trouble came when the brass fit-tinO sent with the gadget wouldn't fit the ruel line. N e w fit- tinjs were obtained from the neighborhood parts store. Two d ays and a couple or busted knuckles later. the sim · P sta.Uation s upposedly taking but a few minutes was c ete and the car was running again. 1 was ready to c n on the fuel savings. • fore the (uel Saver was attached my car got 14.3 milts to the gallon ln town and 16.7 on the highway. Now, afti-several hundred apticipated fuel.saving miles, the car still1ots 14-3 ~ the C!l1 and a shade over JS oo the highway. l!T SAVINGS IN GAS: )llnua em> -despite new l'I and an elr lilt.er lilslalled to alve the gadget every kin the world . lro send ll back meons shelling out to replace the fuel ~•eked in two to make room far the gas saver along wl tbe oost or etum'nt Ibo illm. But back It shall go ay, JUS\.to le~ tbemlmow, and never again will this In· 0 flihter tumbleroroneor those miracle ado. • ~re ii, however, aiiother advertisement that cauabt l1l7 Y•· It •• ,. tlloee •park plup that IHI tho Ill• of your car ror real. Theycouldn'tbewrour, cOuld llley? y.tter all lt was a f\lll ~·ad. I . . I &.sl11pllV:1 •. J'IO ,, .... _ .... Cert 111.MQ t )J ,,"' .. ,.. 8.lites Ml .llO • II 71 Dertllldpf2 .. 10 l1!h• •14 S.UKllL .llO ll n 19 -•t. 0.tl ~nral 24 t:I lll.V.-v. e..irtw 1..19.JO "lJ• tlV.+"" Dl1"toC .'6b' • 11 •14-,,.. a.,-SIGl.ICI S 11 ll'Ao + .... Dt'/'l<OnH .'211 M 11°"'+"' Bfl)'UtQl .lttt 1 •'lo •-• 0.yPl..11.W t U 11"" •.. 8tM Fdl.16 t• 211 2••t.-\lo, DPL ol 11'1> •• ISJO lftv.-V. 911C-""' .Mo, • .SS """ ••• o. .. w .fOll ' 12 IJ ..... Borc:lollD .50 10 •s. l'I •.. °"re I.to I 11' so -..., llleKllA .Jto • 121 11 -\.\ DttP&L 1.)0 I •2 17'<'2 •·. _... 111 .tl l 11.( ll"-•.. 0.1 """' '·"° • 21 2•t"o+ Vo lotltoPt .•)(> l ll 1•v. + V. 0."Mlr ,llO 2J IM 3S\lt -o,i, ... ..,.,.. l .ZO ' 11 IS\o'o+ V. 0..M: t11!ftl .• J!i , .... Vo 8"!d!IH .JOQ 11 • 1'1• ••. 0.ltoN Cp .. Mo l ""-V. e.n Hwl ,IM • n lll,,.o. "'-Otnnl-I 1 1• 10 + '" e.ml'1Co1Q 1 J.J 1J'to• .... °""'" 1.:n11 21111 2°"'• l'o &tlldlaOpl • 105 •2 •-· Otto!SOI¥ .ID 11 15 32 .... + IJo ..... ,, r.l .. st ~\lo+'"'·'°"'"" .!Sit MIS"'-°"" 9tn (p .7$ s 216 11'1> + 11.o O.Soto/f! ... • • 1 '"" ••• ~=~::·, I' :~-·~ 8:l~"::;::i .~ I~~:;_·;;; lllfU~.. 11 2:W.-'w'o Dttl!: pl l.•S .. !110 •S -"" 9"1 16 '3 lS'-+ 'w'o Dttf:p11.-.,1100 '° + ~ 8'1tl'$MI 1• J 2JI ll .... + ,,,_ Ott E pf :tllO .. S 1•"-•.. BlgSINl .41• 12 S•';!o+ V. 0.K'lr<:JI .'*" t ll ll'MI + ~ ai.-1.0 .Cl'' 2•s 11 -.. ...., D&ll Fin .llO s s '""' ••. BlalrJlwl.l2 • 1 JYI+ \,lo °'°"'4111~1 a 7' ~ --· llllsJl.1..Q IO 4 6 11Vt-°"' DlleSlwrl l, I 1• I'll-\lo BlotttHR .I010 111: 1614-._ D&ISl'lm 2 .• I •2V. ... 81U18et1 ,IO t 21 )61'1 + '-" DloSl'lllf .10 .. 17' 2t \'o-,.... BOtlblt'Brk\ .. 11 1~+ V. Dlc-J.B .'1110 Ill 1Vt ••· eo.1no ... 1 " 23.,,_ ""' Dk10Phn ·"° 10 11 1v. • .. Bol.C...J .tl 10 111 2lYI-"-oi.bD!d .tog a I• 10., + \<II lor*n 1.:IO 10 110 11 •. DIQorQ ..... .eoD S'l'o-W. Bor9Wl l:lll ti 20l'o + Yi DIQIUfEQOIJ11HIU"°+ W. eor .... ns In s • , ..... _ v. Dlfllno11 .40 s 1 '"-\.\ BottEd2'-' t 1• 11"" , ••. DIUonCo ... 1t I SO ,. v. &oltEtift.• •• tJO SJ •··· ~~ .11Q1S 21S 311--1111 9osl:Epl 1.11 .. Jt 10'4! •. , Oka'°" .fl 1' • °"-\41 llo'Mlft .10 7 611 ,.,. ..... Ol .. ,,.focl 111 •• '' 1,.. ••• 8'-CFCo 6 ,1 1•V. •. DIVl'l.fMt<;ie .. •S 1,.. ... 8rlomSl.llOI• 1• '*"V.•""' OrPeppt .3'?1 lOS 11~ •.. Bfli'Myl,.016 2)1 70l'o-I"' OorneM .eGll 8 71 ll'l'o-~ 11r11Mrpl2 .• 7 '6V.-'lli OanLufJtn .. 19 1v. •.• BfltPel .)tb II 14 ll ... -V. 00.-Uy .llO 11 ' 11"-+ \.'o BfClt'lr\'Gll 1 •11 llYll+,,., C>oor<)v .JOD • t l•l'o• Vo 8r\JnGt1.1'1: 1 •• Tt lfl• W OerwgC .10' ll I~~...., ~Com 1 ,, ·~ -·· Do....-1.• • so ........ \'t BfGr11P1 .101• ., 11•.1o • "" 0ow 1.•1s '" ,, •"" 8'11SlvP .10 I 11 S'MI ... DPF !11tp ., J4 •'-+ ... BrFt"rt"lt .ZOI• 14 S'\4• .... Dr...., I.IQ I • J1t'I• ~ """'-wk ... II ltt 11.i.+ \<lo DrHWf' 1.40 I 111 ""'° • ,.. 8rVS11w .• 1 , ""'-1<o Dr'l<ql 1"' ,, 1 11 -"" 9TMot .JClb •• 11 I .. • ... llftrl\ .SSO 1 S ""' ,. 8uc"VIETIS •931\lo•"' DukP'Wl.4011 6111'4+\'o &llC:vr"' .; . • 1-.. \lo °""' pl J •• . • 11 7S'l!o Budd (;o .60 9 1, Flo -'-" OUli• pl •.10.. l30 IS + 1 lulO'MW .20 •• 110 1 +\lo Do.*Ppr•'°' .. 1 1•Yr-'II .,,,..t+l I..... I ltV. .,. Ot.wl&8ted I It " 30 •.. BunkrA .l'Oh .. SI l.._ • . • DuDltr1 Cp .. ll 1... • .. !klllApll ...... II 11"+ \Ao 0uPont4"'b.00 11 1)0 •.. BurHNI 1.2010 21 11>.1.-... °'-L 1.n 1 n 1114-'"' Burt No .15'1'1 12 14 )l';!o-'°" OUQU'!I of l .. 1710 21 .... • ~' Bur1Mpl .JS .. 3 "'°+II\· Dllql..pl,.20 .. 1100 11 -1 eumov .a 10 • J116. ... "" OUllLol 1.rs .. rsoo '' • , lurrvM .6011 13• .. "' .. ,_ 0.,.-1 ...... , ,. , ........ --<<---<•-c:tbotCHI. .. tt I ••• ESnftmlt I J JJV.o t>; c.tiol C..'2 I • I• -V. E.191i-l,°'411 6 Jt 1S'l9 • II\ c..ci.r.:tllld .• s lft+ ... ~oC,p .tll 1 11 ....... .... c-t.ert Wo t 1& 1-. ••. It'll'"' Air .. 121 , .... _II\ C.HIF!ntne ... It 1'--"' EHIGll'.IO • 2IS 21'\li-\.\ CDIPUl:11.S2 t 2 1W.-"'° Enlutll '"' 1 J 1•'-... """"-"-*12 SJ 11""'-°" EMll(l,)6019 n2101"'-II\ c.n-.r.11r 11 lV.-\lo Etll~ I.ID t JS 1t1"-"' c.rn1tl.Moll ij JJ It -16. EchUftM .C 1t SI 11~ • v. Ctr11'9SI All t :a"°-16. EC1o;dJtt ,ltlt l!J 1'11\• \'O ~Stl I 110 iot\'I ••• Ec1<0MCJ111 1• 11 .... v. C..l"K.abt • lt\'t+W Edsl\9'1 .• 10 7 4 . C...-.fl l.10 1 1 11 -V. EG &O 1•1• 11 14'MI ... Cofl C'lll• C IJ J •1 -\o'o EDS Sv .'6t 11 1 11~-\.lo ,).1111'J U ••. Ei.ot!•l"'O •• 11 1'"-h'l.v . , IJ ft+ 141 £kMpl' .1k . . l sv. t •Ao t.Tt 7 11 ,..,._ 111., Ellalt llld 1' M 4 ... e °""i I 2111ot \4oo EIP•,Cl.10) ., """• \t .. " ~\It ~... 1 10 »1<11-~ "" .Jt . • • Mii .. • ~ •1. rs tt • • • "" I~ ...... , ... , ,111"' ... ~ .... ,,. 11 ""• .. '"'"''·i 1 l.1 -\61 &r.v\11 .•11 ,, .,.. ..... fK l.IO ta aw.-VII e.iwt I ... l 11 1•"-~ I You'• ltlgh.t.wo Appear Ev...,. Saturdoy • ~ a..i.. .... ., ..... ... N ciiiJ °"" ,.f,.. 0.. Of ' N 0-Uot '(..-i c-.. o. M .... o.. U.. u., .... •l' ·~ ·-~~· ' r. ~--ii:., " ......... _ ...... -· ~ g'"' ... .,.._ ~:1 .1· • ..: ·1-_,, ~ .• : ;r ::: ·1, .. J: .ii::=~.~;:'!,& j a:.-" t.::i .: r.:: .... ' 'f tt--\\ IMllWC .19 .ii _.. J l\t.+ vi • ~ t f,..-. .:A!j ·~ :;-:::;. 1• 1l l5='ii . I; uff::-:: •i • ... j~ ·~;..:: .. ? ll;:'° j l!..!·!i 111 1', 1 f* ··-= .... I mi.-·-Si' ,, .... _. . ' .~ t • -if :It"' r.:;:i::::r",. lt • ,.._ ti ·· I .•. ' 11 •Iii •it.All .1'\t 1.-=-l •',, _",."c •• , , ..... " , , , -"' J ,.. -Iii ·~ ·"'" 11 ,..._" "'" ...... ..... 1 ,,..._ ........ (Ill ...... 1 ........... #wn °". • t ,,.._ ......... ,.. l ,.,.._... a l!Qrolll.1 ... t I 1"4!• '-l•c.tbf•.j, 1 S + '°' ~t.a .. 4 1J -.. -.....,. ''°' • . -----M ...... Vt 11:;1' ,it Slt:t;: :~ Jti Ji~···,...,,L~ .. !!.._1" ••• ::i~1:•1: ',.:; .. -.~Im'·'·,'!, !I,,=·_.~ .. "" .. • • .. , ... ,..~,. n '" ~it" I' ,.... ... ._, ....... *!lq v ",._" ... 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Alet re . .O 1 1 ,,,._ .... tCN PNorm • . 4J J--V. Mi>bllf Hom . . t l',r,, •. , •+ EIKe! 6 II II -\'I ldlll'loPl.0.10 13 ,. .... W. Ml»tl011,'I 6 ttl .,,._. l.<o ~lflt< )., I to -I ldNlBMkl t IS 1JV.-\l MOl\ft<0 . .011 ., ISlo -\<o Rtlr= ..• 1• ,..,,. Ill lllM!&P •"'-. . 1 SS -iv. MDNwk DI . . SI J , . . A.ti pl ·"".. l 11,.. t \<lo ldMl'fflY41o • I• 1~• .... Mol'l-"Abl S S 16\l• Ut Rott pl .II.SI'! .. J4 7"'-14 105 lltll ,llll:. '' 1"" .. , NctlJC.'11 .llO • Jl lf l\.,. "" A...,.,.k CP 1 t 1\'I . Ill P'wr 2.1'1 • 111 JS"'• 14 MonMl'I 1.10 ' 1 1114 , . , Af!Pf'lllS .to • • 10 -Vo lllPw ol 2.0t .. 1100 lWI-\') ,_.,,. 10 • If 1 ... RtPMat lft'tl ll lliot 1·16 lllToe.fW .50 II 1t 1• , .... Mont"RA .10 II )6 I~' t ,_., Aotfl Sit 1 . .0 • I• 11"" . 1..._..nc .10 s ,, ,,,. MOftwnl.eo 10 111 " ...... v. Ann01 .1t • u 1111 .. '• IMA CJ'l.101S 10 ,.,, ~pl 1!\llo . 'IJYr .. Aotllll!Cnftt t 1 11Vi • I'• IHA llW%Jt ,. • 11,..-"' Mon!Ot< 2 Cit I •• 1• .,. 14 At...:oOS .0 II • .MY,• "" I-, . lO ,...,_..., =.:r I.II I l• JS • lll Al...,C .JJI\ •. .. 1\4. + ... =Cl , •.r. I t V.•..., 1 .... , 1• 11\lo -V. '-"*' 1.a))J )'t 1SV.-V. 11'1111 1 , • W.. + Wt NWorlyM ,)4 10 _.. .,.._ ~ ,._Cllltn! .zo , J .f ••• ·lf ,,fl .. Mli ,, ,,......McC .. 1S nlA-.... .-.1.70$ 11 )t1t-W. INIP'Wl.1.11 • 11 ~+ \~ "'°'9Jft l.to10 1•1 JIV.-Vt Rl¥11'dl ... • ,_ )'tlo•" lllCll"Ull•W. ,~ I JJ •.. MPl'"n!UI .• J J l l ... A9Ylflpf214 .• S 61 + ~ naNttl l.Jlf• 12 ll\6+ "" Mint El,,_. •• 1'J: I ••• -~I I t )0 11""t-l"' Pound Plummets LONDON (AP) -Britain's Pound s terling plunged to an all·timc low or $2 .0150 Friday . Jn little ovf'r an hour the pound dropped nearly 1.5 cents agains t the dollar. Thf" pound had closed at $2 .0298 here Thurs day. The previous r e cord low for the poundo! $2 .0210 was set Oct. 2, ,Index.Decline . WASHINGTON (AP) -The gov- .ernment SOid today its index 0( lead•' I 'ing economic Indicators declined in• • October for the second month in a , 'row, pointine to a possible n e w • s lowdowl) in the economy. · The lndE>x dro pped nve.trnth,slof a percent la$t m o nth, compared with ~ ·one-tenth of a percent decline in Sep- t ember. Prior t o September, the index had Increased for six consecutive : months. ... .. .. . . ·, I I \ A 12 DAIL v PILOT Frld'Y· NoYemb9r 28. 1975 • • MARKET BASKET • RION HARDWARE • THE STOREKEEPER • HUMPTY DUMPTY • WESTCLIFF SHOES • PAPER UNLIMITED • DEDRICK 'S TUX SHOP . . . . . ' . . . . ( r •one-stop' shopping at its finest! OPEN THURSDAY EV.ENINGS a! • PLAYBOY HAIR STYLIST • VETA'S • MONTGOMERY CLEANERS • JEAN DAHL • WESTCLIFF PLAZA BARBER • LA GALLERIA • CHAS H. BARR JEWELER • DR. L. R. ELDER • WESTalFF TAILORS • SAY-ON DRUG • HALLIDAY'S • BANK OF AMERICA • ANTHONY' s SHOE SERVICE ~ DICK VERNON'S • HICKORY FARMS ' I I • •• I ' ' I , I I • e fF ime Q _uf for ·€onsiderati0n ~ .. " ""' .. ••a.tkMfy .. ,.. .. ,tine •boat ~ecter cil lll!le aootnOlilfain. ·•PIPPfCll-..." ~-~~Bo7 • ~. 1&aUl1 ~horii :=:·;~~·~ .... :::f -~.:.ed J~· · r,.· aM!te tok;; ~; on pAnel. be re-g bis b°"belor, ~ daya •• I to c4 r all lhe base& mlcally" alld w,411llng so--)0 tall< fo .. ·• _, "'llftlea r"" iilil l,:oo lied up "tit,.,, aw ~.""loo. he ~~·Ml~~~.: :;~)••_wheq;oc'~~lhe Hi" ancr·.,_ry-Collier, dlnlcal ·JIOcial worker with Family ·ce AslO('iation, lalked about 'guilts" and ways lo fmd outside orcements. Working mothers Margot arlson, probation department ; at Ruhlman, free lance blicist and Paula Feldman. re- ave ·1t All? Does It atisfy? Pat Ruhlman challenges fellow suburban housewives who have all the comrorts to do better for themselves. - .. Women no longer have to marry their ambitions,·· she said. "We should be independent and ~·employable, ready to earn wages whenwewantor must." 1--She admits to surviving 20 . ~e of marriage by laughing · raising three sons, 13 to_~ 7J J • never would have esca~ \lie playpen irl had had my way.·· "Liberated." at 13 by a father wb> told her to get a job, Ms. _Ruhlman has been a waitress, 1 telephone operator, typist, dance 'band singland even a movie .dubber inJa an. ~ Wifery g · to Jler when she felt "Planted" n '~Sj$';whi~ ljfr ltusband wa'1 awaYOn·~· a .third o! the ij_~ ':I, Waf "'1'POied to alternate 'leNreeJiBelng On\'!ry ce and winding up like a Barbie U.". The ramily's transrer to Spain f.or three years uncovered more discrimination. Although their house was a Virtual office and she was the only one who spoke Spanish and served s the unacknowledged customer elations specialist, the corpora- tion paid her a token $50 only for weeks her husband was gone. She entered USC in 1972 to ma- • r in public relations -"since y private ones were a disaster '' and decided to freelance her .witty talents for the tax advan- ges. • Her vivacious volleys against or king mothers' predicaments: -Can't do as much comparison bopping. "Haven't got the tirhe spend much money either." ' -Jealous lady fri~."~'t orry about 'Utreatert\ftg • thet""r ystem;' you're improving your uture... t ( ~ -Taking jobs away from nien. 'They only hang that on women.·· -Might surpass busbaod 's job. • adliii Peclaua told how Ibey maDq<d il<>liblo iv! .. aDd urced the a&fenule audience fO ''think orfiiml!-;r-. II~ ·-·c1oy care oenlen rt'sult.a In the iclea of ett•~• hotline, listing pel'>OftS wbow~look•fttrchlldttn. Other sU11estlons were to de· velop reciprocal arrangement.a with senior citizens or han- dicapped persons. Or offer a nei@bor mother a w~kend orr for Qje.Cl:ally lime she s~s with your children. Two strooa advotatesof hirin1 teenagers 'P•rt·titne or letting them live·in met with equal op. PoSition over the reliability or havidg'a minor in charge. "More time with the family is just one advantag'e or job shar- ing," said Mrs . Carlson. who splits her shirt with another woman. ''The worker with shorter hours is always up," she con- tinued.. "We s tay enthusiastic .. and lhe •nipiOYot I-DO money .., our downtime. Even 'O'\th the erua poyn>ll pa~. Its w U worth consideration." As the mother ot six, she spoke from exprrience:' ''Nobody comes to get you !or a job. You bave t"110 find work that suits you. Job-shariot can be ol- rered as an alternative· in hirinc negotiation1 but it's best to match up ahead or time.·· She added, "Children only have one molher. Think or child care as supportive assistance." Dr. Cordrey had rurther com· ment.s on whether involvement with a career was detrimental to the chi.14 or damaging to the parent. "U a single parent is too job- oriented., the orrspring, likewise. do ror themselves and dialogue doesn't occur or only happens throuJ!:b hostility. · ·'Hopefully. the situation shouldn 't get to that barrier or basis for rejection. We're all humao aad ca11 control our own bobovlor." He compared a mother's guilt about DOI beinl borne with the l'hildren to a falher"s anger that the children aren't home when bt b and would likt' their compa. n.ionshlp. . ~"The 1utlt comes later for the male who works long hours to provide for the falnily. By the tln\e he 121 ava1Jable , his teenagf'rs ast, 'Whoareyou!' "Age or the chlldren when the mother ts working d<lkn·t mat- ter. Women tend to ~burdened with a buclr.tt or &ullt that is il- le<imate and indicatt>S an in- ability to cope withttality." Bein& home all the time isn't the answer either, he countered. Thal robs the children o( their chances to be alone or grow with friendJ. Ma. Collier agreed: 11'SuPf'rmoms,' whether they work or not. art' so intent on be- ing perfect that they more likel y wi nd up imperfect a nd un- rnpon.&ive to the actual tll."eda ol tbofarnUy . ''They fi1ure good mother im- plies &ood cblldren so mine hod better be Cood. Guilt feelin1• usually signal shaky motivations and tan be elitninatt'd by rirm decisions .·· She mentione-d that ma11y mothers have been joininj: the labor rorce for the last 20 years so the streis is not a new one in these Umes when a single parent needs a double Income, too. Another fruistration ror v.•ork· in& mothers, Ms. Collier indi ('al· eel, was th1t their personal time was taken up with so many other things: errands, shopping and appointments. ''That really :shO\li'S up tn the case of a lay-off where the rather is not in his traditional role yet doesn't help at home. Then all the 'garbage' spills out ." Paula Feldman, tutor. recom- mended dolng business ln the home and desl'ribed bow even family emtrgentie1 can fit into Ibo n>utine by "using all sltua· tionl to te:acb. •• Startlna out with references. rrom private schools, she switthed her locale ''to keep tabs on my )'Oung child, act as a role mod~ fdr my teenager1 b:t more practitaJ and share lbeiun. "Problems don't arisen often as you would thlnk and if somt> eveot or change in schedule Iii important to you. clients will un· dttstancl. "Or t'OUrse, you can't tuni of! the phones at live o'clock, either. But that serves as-· a reminder that you won ·t always be there and helps everyone to be more in - dependent.'· She admitted her secret was to "save 15 minutes a day to refresh and rollect your thoughts" and fini shed by reading a poem whi<;,h is excerpted below • iVlJW th.at children of working mothers are faring better than erpected, what.about the mothers? UC! Extension and Women·s Opportunities Cenier presented a Saturday workshop for their special problems. Daily Pilot Stal/ Writer Carol ·Moore reports on the ideas expressed concerning day care, family suf1POrt , tax deductions, career changes, guilt feelings and workJng in the home. BEA ANDERSON, Editor Friday,November 28.1975 Bl Katie Milner of Laguna Beach and daughter, Heather, know the value of sharing a moment : So much may happen in a single hour. A field of flowers may be touched by frost. A war may start; a king may lose his power. A precious thing may be lost forever . So much may happen: death, pain and sorrow. So many lovely things may pass away . My dear, we dare not trust in a frail toi;norrow. Let's grasp and hold today vvhile we may . Geraldine Ross 'Would he quit ri>i:)ou ?'.i&pply the ame generosity to yourself.·· The benefits she bas reaped so ar include the extrip>alie.f to up- ade vacations; buy a wedding ess for.a ~i;stec. a~ t.flke in or- Job Ambitions Need Mothering ~nedrelaUv~s -, · • But what Ms. ifuhitnan values tis the persopal worth -"br-. ttlevanCe O"o~ oUt· ·Miss, Ms. or Mrs. 1 they were discuss· ·de, not depend.tftg or\ fenective ing special problems or working mothers lory, realizing new capacities and discovering a lot of myths. cutting OW.. the.<\'84 wood of But they made more headway than work.'' .. i.' • • • 1 • most 'such groups because 13-year-old Forpeoplewhowanttoemulate Kim Feldman told them not to feel success, she advises: guilty. "Makeyourchildrenpartofthe The daughter of Paula Feldman, a re- am. }lesponsibility is good for adin,g specialist who tutors in her home, m. said she never felt short-changed by the ''Compile a portfolio of letters demands of her mother's job: ;\.of ?e(~mmendation. Request "We always have our special limes I "-em from professional friends, and I'm proud of what she does. We ride ~' ~lords cb.ariu.._"~flave ~~s toge~er and attend the same re- ked r~~ tliev>'lumdy ligion class. • _ documentyou,experience ... r Earlier. Dr. LeRoy Cor~ey, family ''Discontilltle reebieil Jfor counselor, warned that society expects { fnends. If )rou•tt uatnc ~ bisC -. ~ fall:ters to be the.providers but overlooks sa.labl,ti.lent;thu4!fatlt,, . th~.tr asse: of loving. ''If you d'on'\4w.ant o Theres not enough support ror the ~cipate in the Wotnen~•s Move.-bigger father role. We think something's ment atJWt wrJ.te.-1'our eon-wrongifhe'snotoutearning. :....reuMan a~t the Equal IJ,ights ''The lower class has more privilege in · mendmep\r_ Don't Just sit~k this respect. But in the middle class waitfor0\,e,.4vantll•. •• • where money matters, a father out of AndfotlpeoplewbdwonderWhy work. ca~. be as traumatic as a mother wantstoti.nterl•ws~: working. ~..r-::,.J•n;a "10Jn1 to be that muc)\ \ :;<>. tht; women were encouraged to · In 1~· ears fi1111ftl'>-.1rtl lhitll(ebOUt-Own•lv.S-. totber essloi>arelineson -JlXTlftJM:r'EDSTATES thefacecal edwlsdom?" ''I can't believe what American • - • •. women put up with. We've just l'om e back from two years in Venezuela and it seems like 20 . Women here fix three meals. do all the chores, chauffeur the children, entertain at dinner, fall into bed, maybe make love and get up the ne"t morning to start all over. "The l'ultural shock is so incessant. We want to share our traveling ex- periences but our friends are limed to death, booked for months." "We were in Japan in the service and everyone there, no matter how indigent, had some outside household help_·· MYTH MATVRITV ''I've beeii wor_king ever since 1 got my degree but the job is strictly dead end. I'd rather take time out to rind a new job but the family is too used to the double in<'Ome." "People think I'm crazy because 1 have a fairly well paying job but I want to change. There's no professional challenge. People who· stay at the same job for JS.or 20 years these days ought to be put in museums.·· "Part-time teachers are definitely SUJ'P.lus in O.ran.ge County. Some or us are \he tole '"'Bupport for families but there juat are no jobs in the lower grades. I'm taking Spanish and pi1no to l '.Anyone could gracefully survive all these changing situations if they were undergirded by all the concern we devote to families .· improve my chances: even so, there·s no guarantee.·· "Ideally. the housework is supposed to be divided but I end up doing it when necessary. Dinners are lighter now. of"ten salads, because what matters is not what we eat but that we're together .·· "I hav~ a double masters and now I want to go to medical school. It seems like a lot to ask of my husband and two children. We "re so well planned this rat Wtll it be any better ror a woman to gel a job when I'm through?"' MYTH RETIREMENT "I'm on the sunny side of the second hal! century. Retirement is a social euphemism. I've had rour careers and I'm working on my fifth . "We is a process of becoming; you never have it made. Too often I hear my children or peers say, 'It's too late,· but it never is. 1£ you 're using a problem as a reason. then you ·re not <.'ommitted to a('hieving. "I've got so many unfinished projects that you might sa y I coll ect them. There's always something I want to do. lt"s easier if we don't look too Car into the future but are confident with the present. "Anyone could gracefuftf survive all these ('h angi ng situations 1r they were undergirded so well by all the concern "'e devote lo our families. No matter who's shifting gears. the engine ha s to keep running.·· The women also agreed th8t their health needs dC'serve more attention, that alone time was part of their due and that considering the family as a team re· lieved the feeling of imposing. ''More re11ponsibilit.y helps everybody grow.'' : ! • f 8 2 DAILY PILOT Friday, Novemb9f 28, 197S Bu rning Desire Quenched Ann Lander DEAR A:'lN LANDERS: I 'm a fireman whd needs to get a. message a('ross to millions or Pf'Ople . I ('lln't think of a better pla('e to say it. This is ror ''spec. tators" o! any disaster you care to name, Just exa('tJy what are you do- ing there? ObviOu$ly, you are l ooking for excitement. A fireman has his hands rw1 right· Ing the rire a'nd trying lo protect himselr and his fellow firemen from s moke. h£'at and poisonous gases. J~ave you thought about th(' congestion you create when _you park your car and run toruf>.. ber·neck? Don "t yo11 realize am· bulanC'es and emergency equip· ment need to be as close to the scene of the afcident or fire as possible? I shudder to think of the pt-ople I 've s een s moking "igarettes around gas tank leak$. They must be nuts. If you want to help, folks, please join your local volunteer fire dt"partment or emergency unit. If you want to see a free show, go home and turn on the TV. We'll both b8 a lot s&!er. -A FIREMAN WHO WA.NTSTO DO lOSJOB . DEAR FIREMAN: llere's your h:tter and a s~iaJ plea from me to all who read It. It might be-YOUR bomf' or child Jo thf' a('l'ident who t'annot be re· ac~ In time becauH" gawkers blOl'ked the area. Please lbi.nk • about lhi1, folks , the next tJme you are tnc1Jned to cbast a sltta looking for kicks. DEAR i\NN LANDERS: This is for all those kids who complain because they are the oldest or the youngest or the one in lbe mid· d.le : DEAR NUTS : Quit griping. You are lucky whether you know it or not. Just think what it would be like to be an only child. When thert> a re errands to run, . chores to bt' done. the garden to be wee<led -it all falls on one head. There's no Tom, Dick, Harry or Mary to take turns with . You have to do everything. When it comes to gifts you don't get too many bttause they don't want to "spoil you." J know what it's llke because my best buddy is an only child and he bates it. I'm the one in the middle. Whenever I get to feeling a little crowded I tell myseU I'm lucky to have someone bigger to lean on and som~ne littler who )eaM on me . -GOT IT MADE DEAR GOT IT: Tbanka for a Cood lettf'r. I especially •P· prttlaU-d the last part wbett you like the Idea that someone is leaning on you. Makes you feel u.seful, d~sn 't It'!' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a widow , 55, but look younger. I lost my husband JO months ago Aries and am very lonely. Nobody wants an e•lr• woman •t a din- ner party. (Extra men. however, are at a premium.) The friends my hUJband and I used to enter· tain showered me with attention for three weeks after my husband died. I haven't heard from them since. A man I met casually at a C'hurch affair several years ago Jost his wife last July, He ii about my age and as I recall, very at· tractive. Would ii be all rigbt If I dropped him • note and told him that I, too, am alone and wcuJd like lo renew our acqualntance! I don't want to comeoflJor«!ng too pu1b1. Please ad rile. - LONG NIGHTS . DEAS LONG: Don't· do 11, bon~y. Most wldowu1 woald w1d for lbe ~ .. If lboJ reeelved SIK'b a note. Ualeu JW llate • mlllaal friend wllo adPI be ld.od .-p to la•lte J011 bollo to a party al ..,r llome, f011el II. 15. Credit Due Droving Re vi ved \Velcoming CO\vbOys \Vho spent a month driving 225 head of cattle more than 350 m.iles to an i..IUCtion in Tuc son i s Su s an (;Jark, 86. lhl· "l.ast ('attic Drive>' <ill ('Cn . ThC' d ri vc \\':.i s p:.irt of a Ri cC'nten n i:1I <'<'lebr al io n. .. I , ' SATURDAY,NOVEMRER211 RySYDNEYOMARR .<\RIF.S (Mar<'h 21 -April 19): Avoid pre· mature starts. Complete assignment. Be sure or legal grounds. T.<\.lJRUS <April 20 · May 20): You get go. ahead signal from one who is behind the scenes. Str£'ss ind('pendence. oriJ?inality. · GEMINI (May 21 ·June 20): Romantic in· volv('ments command attention. You learn who is ror you , who is using you, who is only mildly in- terested. Ci\.'ICER (June 21 ·July22): Check basic Is· sues -don't neglect details. IAok beyond what might appear to be a limitation. Diversify in sense that alternatives are athand. l.F.O (July 23 ·Aug. 22): Be specific, stand tall for beliefs. You will attract allies. Be willing tore· vise. to perfect te('h.niques. What seemed long ago, far away could loom large in the present. VIRC.O (Au2 . 23 · Seot. 22): A chan.e:e could mean prorit. Be analyti('al. Don't accept fact lb at something happened -find out why. If you persist. you'll get ans~·ers. IJBRA <Sept. 23 ·Oct. 22): Cycle is such that you win despite opposition. Key is to know it, to be eonfident without being reckless. Home adjust· ment is in picture. Family member does have right to ask and know. SCOR PIO (Oct. 23 ·Nov. 21): Define terms. Takt> !1othing _for granted. Avoid self-deception. Heed inner vo1('e . Don't Pf'rmit pride to trip you. C.et behind the scenes, base conclusions on ex· perience, not fantasy . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 · Dec. 21): Frif'nds hips are put to test. It ('Ould be a matter or temptation. Are you willing lo forego temporary pleasure for sakf' of a clear ('OOSCience? Reservation 752-8001 S ·H 0 P ALL PILLOWS 20% OFF FR J.-SAT.-SUN. ONLY Holiday Spirit Pervades CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 · Jan. 19 ): You're asked to close deal. Key is to retain bridges, struc- turf'S which represent goodwill . Long-range ac- tions, policies ('Ommand attention. 1\~TJQUF. SHOW: The Santa Ana YWCA will have its annual antique show at the V Sun · day. Oec. 7. from !Oa.m. to6p.m . Th(' following F'riday, Dec.12 , the Y will host 3 Christmas program beginning at 7:30 p .m. Dorothy Fuller of Tustin will present a musical book review entitled 'rheSound of Music, and the Santa Ana l{i gh School Chamber Singers will perform under the direction of Mike Murphy. Ti <'kets '>''ill be available al the door. Free C'hild ('are will be provided. Al.P H t\ CHI OMEGA Al.U MNAF.: The Gamma Tau Gamma Alumnae Chapter '¥\'til Southern Orange County's Historic and Beautiful Vacation Center ... for Bo ating. Shopping, Dinin g. F1 sh1ng ... Get Away TO It All' Where San Die~ Freeway <.:i) meets Pacific Coast Highway <D between Laguna Beach. San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente • . - ('(')ebral(' the sevC'nlh anniversary Of the ('haptcr at California Statt• lJniversity, f'ullerton, during a Christmas lun<'hron in the Marriott Hotel. ~('\\"port Reach Tht• fe stivities v:ill begin at noon Saturday, f>f'c. 6. Special guests "·ill be r.1rs . Madeleine Canady , housC'mo thl'r, and actives from the c hapter. RAYVI F.W i\1:\Sf)R : The manor will hold its first annual tea O'.lt 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7. lneluded \Y ill be entertainment by the adult choir of th£' Prin<'e of Peace Lutheran Chur('h, Costa J\.te sa. The manor is located at 2055 Thurin St., C.osta r>1esa. TRYGVE I.IE l.ODGF.: A Christmas dinner dance is planned ror 7 p .m . Saturday, Dec. 6, in Irvine Coast Country Club. Proceeds will benefit Fairview Hospital. WF. CARF.: Orange County C'hapters will ('t'lebrate the anniversary of the founding of th(' organization in the area . The group is <'Omprised of widowed and divorced persons. The ('elebration is planned ror 8 p.m. Satur· day, Dec. 6, in the Tustin Community Center. It's disappointment- proof. A Seiko Chronograph for Christmas. The Seiko Chronograph for lhe aCllV8 sportsman ooeS practlcally overytn.ng a walch Cl(l do. ll's a stopwatch and techymeter. Has lnstan1 setday/da1e calendar, ll'swaler -tesled to al leasl 98 2 leet. lt otfers a ch01ceo! d1st1nci1ve dial co101s. So 11'~ \he bes! g1ft-g1v1ng insurance you can buy, it's t ure \odelighl 1he sailor. sk1ttt, car racer. or any ecli>te man. Come choose troln our SeJko Chronooraph ~oUection loday. ,.c:;¥=ll ....... ......, ..... 17J, "'1-M"""I. AQUARI US (Jan. 20 ·Feb. 18): Lunar and othe r aspe('ts are indicative or creative breakthroughs, nt>w experien('es, dilemmas whi<'h can be resolved. aw:x. from over 1,500 Moant dlc:«lti\19 pil,lowt. Fun:. velvets.. silks. t•xtur .. and •11bi.......... AH lizes Wld ll\lpel.. Cooe esty tor bell selection. PISCF.S (Feb. 19 ·March 20): Collttt data. -C:....Sltop.ZJF tl• ....... 644-1160 Ruild files. Delineate materiaJ . Check sources. ~RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ~T•WMf ... .... ltJJ HsiMlr l l•d. C .... ~541.0JSt A cmon·s SPORTSWEAR "BALBOAlSLN() 216.l!VtntA~ 67}..1 9CM Recipes to add di ning pleasure while subtracting calories. Wedne sday In the DAILY PILOT COMC TD THC DRUG·A·RAMA. Christmas Cards COME TO THE DRUG·A·RAMA PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST---+ 6905 WARNER AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH phone 847-2561 59'1-'1979 or ~~W"~~-~~!~~~~~-~ ~ FASHION J.J ISLAND STORES ( S OPEN EVERY NllHT ~ A .H. WC/NERT. 32 FASHION ISi.MD 1' i --~rr.a. ..... Calif • .., . Jr:. ,.._ __ .;,,r,..'..,."""..;.J .. ~w•e•l ... s _ _.rr.1.ci;e84;,i~>4·~~j,;·..,,.·"41'~\~o*,__~ o ~ .. 2' II. MM .... til•l'ltl'lll mfllMlf, ~. .$1J11•"l'J ~Ol'rl /ftM•M•~ trp111, 1!H:tf11I ~~ I J . i Waiting for High Tide? Berkeley mud n at art , an assembly of sculptured trash on the edge or San Francisco Bay, has come a long way, but Joan Fontaine 1 ·'Busy as Ever' I I By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES (AP) -Oscar winner J oan Fontaine , working in •tollywood for the first time in JS years, says, "J 'm busier than J have ever been in my life. "I'm doing exactly what I want lo do. with no one to be responsibl e to. The best part of m y life alone is that I no longer need to feel guilty . "BEFORE, I HAD PANGS OF guilt because I was devoting time to my career. I always had to consider the feelings of my children or a str ay husband -and I use the adjective advisedly. "People sometimes ask me if I'm lonely . Ridiculous~ These are the bet;t years I've known.·· Miss Fontaine I Best actress, "Suspicion,·· 1941) returned to Hollywood for a two-hour movie J appropriately titled "The Star." It was a special show for the CBS i Series "Cannon," with Miss Fon.- t aine as a film actress who hired William Conrad to find her er- rant sOn. lt will be s hown Dec. 10. . She has had four husbands. The years (57 ) have left her blonde bea uty inta ct . If anything, her tongue is sharper than ever. THE FONTAINE FRANK NESS contributed to her sometime fe ud with sister Olivia DeHaviJland. Asked about their current relationship, J oan replied they have "no more than the usual si bling animus." Like Myrna Loy, Joan Crawford. Marlene Dietrich, Lauren Bacall and other movie queens, Miss Fonta in e makes her home in Manhattan. Why does the big city attract such glamorous (and .single) women? "I believe it 's because we all have led such busy lives. and New York is where the actior. is,"' she said. "When we were in films, we had to get up at 6 in the morning to be in the ma keup departm ent at 7. "I remember that I called from the studio to wake up ~he·children. "I WORKED HARD ALL DAY, WITH in- terviews during the lunch.hour. Then I came home at night to dissatisfied servants, children who needed help with their homework, and a husband who wanted to play. Often I had to go to premieres or other eve:nts the studio insisted. I go to. ''With a routine like that, is it any wonder that I need to keep busy?" Among her activities: touring dinner theaters in "40 Carats,'' ''Cactus Fiower" and other plays ; acting as TV spokesperson for a pair of advertisers; · lecturing to women's clubs and other groups; mak· jng appearances for various causes. She even has_ an interior decorator's license and designs houses for Criends. She also pursues her hobby of golf. "AT LAST I HAVE TIME TO live for myself," she remarked. "Each day I can do what I want to do, not have to please someone else. "A lot of women nowadays are facing lite alone. They reach an age when their children are grown, and their husbands go off with a younger woman. Or -;--a new development -with another man. ··Th a t i s a happening more and more nowadays, a.nd with bank presidents and business' executives. "When I s peak to women around the country, I tell them tbat those years of freedorn should be cherished. Yes, I believe that most of them don't • have Lile opportunities that I do. · "BUT THEY CAN KEEP THEIR opportunities alive, malntaining an lntel~.ual stimulus that will .make their lives lntere&linl'. '' Miss Fontaine'• four iUarriages were with ac· tor Brian Aherne. producers William Dozier and Collier Young and editor Allred Wrtght Jr. She wu .. dJvorced four times. Her last husband died aft.er the divorce was final. WouJ~ she try again? , • ••well,•• she awtled. ••J''m not looking for anyone. But l 'm kr-cping the oppottunities open. "Ir I do marry· agahi, It will have to be a dif- ferent kind ol reloi.loosbip. No Q\ore the woitlng on. orwattina for, my husband. It wtll have to be a :;o..50 marriage or none at all." I , I this model of a biplane teetering atop an old piling is a bit of a classic. Note the feel protruding from beneath the fuselage. For the Record Ob•aluflan• Of Marriage ,-IMCIO.:to'"°'" Jl Allumedo, ,lr.lbft•I J ll Jr. on<I' Nl<oi. "'-"e-TM••i.e HO•'n:J, Ce,ol ee..,. and 8euy J- S.Vko, Mir Un 1-ee IOnd Re.,.• Loedo,,l, M•l~ u .. no R·~"••ll J M~N .. oll, A111mun11 J r .in!I Janot ""'°"' Bank!., S.tly J an., 11nd Ro~•! le" R•mllt'!, Co•• Sue "no Oo"q!•• Al..,. Ro-. ,,.,..i.,, F and Nor an 11 R..,\l,,I, Aolhn N and P"n' D Slat>ql. Gt0<011 J""" """ Rudo!pn M MOl.t,POO"QOH and M11t1iJC.t\.t• HO•n, Ed•th M.or lynne •rd Rot rw•d .. ~ Nolll.,..,Nt.,t"C ana H,.,,,o Joell._., Cot,,..ron• Fa y and ~I ' MIC•O<• ... Pot .. cll. Le•·• l n<I' DO<O!f\y Mitt• O.wos, v .. 1me Maro" ond H••bt•I Wt slew Jenll.ons, Donna M••i• an<I' R1>w R~H ..,.,...,,, J ""'tt 6•y1n an<I' Penny L,..... l{UPM , C..•ote a.nn and L"" R•ymDnd l o••no. Raul J •n<I' ,,.,.,, E K••cl>er, D•••d Fu onl<lon ond DDnna -· Y>o.<••. M.J"•k • ..,.a E••lvn R F•rr;Ho, Dorr ·~ and R•t"••d F•..,.• "'°''"· Linda S .. lson6 6nd 6r1Ke w., .... H1ymond, '"'"'OP"'" KC.JI" and C•rC>I Sue Panet!oOfl, E•rl 4'111 M.trtM ...... Fo~rn, D•.in• L, 6nd WllhamF Smot,., a.lbo!'<t E•won .. no S.tbr.t Maren Po••. WO l!dc• <>.n• ano El.June L MtR,.e, Ric""'" Paul 1>nd Gly Nelle Bon!UI. 8••b .. •• J . and Holl>e•I E eo~. e...-w...u Hou J• ana Oo.-otrrr r. r .,rtoe•. S..nara Ko• .. no Df.lbl!rl Jame\ TP<ln•es, More ll L anCI l(e-i... R, r ... -tt. 11,,...., M and Jonn Hrn<Y All\e<I.,.,, Ooll1 a.nn ano Wolloam R"n-_,. Corn,...ell, Ew1 June and OoNLO w., ..... ,.UM Hawemblf" II G.andola, Ju<l'llf\ A. ana Ca•lo. A. c1 .... Roy 8. 011<1 Luco lie T LM. Jacq .. tlne L. and l(e..,..m &"uc• Gr_.., ROiier! Elmus an<I' 6o0btt- -"'W• ""°''"· Mor911rtl M Ind a.rmour -.,. Klll"le'" S.ond R1ymon<10. .J<iftrt•ton. Sul..,. M. One! TllOm•s..J. RH, Llndaond a.nlhony 8¥ry, P11ul -0.nf .. P1lrl<l,. Ort~, Lucia Cot"oruo SOiier-llnd V•>X•nt...M.1 r1i....,, C,,,_, 0.vlcl E. fl.net TMI L. Sm11n, MorlanfM!'5. and F,..,<i\W, MO•q.tn. E. LUii.,. and O.nle l H. ZOIMI, Glenn T. •n<I' Patrltio a.. S.C:tomldt, a.1lcoond Mel¥!n F. Holl, Susan Con> I an<I' Ltoy<I' Da¥il Burrus, Koren S. ond L,.,,, L. ,.,......, M&r9oJrltl• L. On<I' s1 ........ E. Ellis, .>ol'ln Ind Linda Coro! K•l-011, a.uroo R••P'I •net t.HUon L•~ Humrl'l'I, Olo .... All<la lln!I J .. MIK Ft Ml; It Jes ... n. 6ortMt•• •nd R~rl ..._,,on, G••11 J11mes Mid SUI.on M8•90n-t Liiie, Op.1 Lo,....., and J~ Art/IUO" MecCloin, Ro!le•ltll. M. 111111 Aclbln L~ er1"'""· Vl•o•nl• a.n11 •nd Altf'ed ~ •• St"n, lraJ. -Mo•y E, Cl-I. Kittle llnd Anttoony Porhmoutr., si. .. n G . ....o w r-•-. Ward. Mary Front is. 1n<I' Mll!h1n E_.,.11 ~tMn. Br11ee J . ....o Miry B. u..mr-., c.r111 .. n Cotlly Md John Kori Niii-. s.ncl•• Je ... ond Ho1 Datwrtr, EllrOb91f\or>d Ch .. IKM. Otto, Wilbur Franll llftd Lois Beverly Ctr~, C.•111 s ... Ond Conwton .. ...... lclo, Hl'llO ond Elba lllubln, Oonno Ma•I• and Aotllr~ -· Pevl, Jun• Morllrn Ttoom•s •M Mlt t\MI Olar kl 11.tle<flll, "•lrkl• L. on<I' Anfl'lony Fran!! Ect.ffrds, ~ E.M>dJeromeR. En.,.ert, .,.trlcltJ. Md lln.:• 8. V•ldt•, M.wro ond Gom«•lndo Olla, """"' VIJ11if!Mo MCI Jotwwlf C. .._.,.11 •. ,,, ... s .... ,,.. •• _ ,.,,_.._,, E...ice P. ond l'toWrt L Stdo.,..1<11, Medell• Annon• •nd ~l.on>y Allloll.,.....,Btwrtyond Al J. c:un-1~ ll:k M1'11 L. -a.f"IQlrla R. e.....,,, Cl'offyl Ly1111 111'11 0..1" Fronlllln "'"''· 51--.1 s.ml -LlllH'll Nift t•. IC-L....,. CMott1 _,, ICM-,.. Olrlttl'"" ~U111o0fld~ 9llrnt.,,..,,..,. •. -_,.,,, K"""' ........ yA......iwtlll-M.. ~• .... ltqef'C!CorlotfJ. er.--.~ ll. ..... lt ... rt e: u.-, r-•• ,.._,,... .. ....,..b. 'Mll ... N¥1CY J. lttCI ._...,. •• Ml-.L-...Mll0.1111JtW. St .. 1c:-.oi.,.. Lffllflll 11:-llllC.ith .. t1,AUt.c • .wcra11•-Ntc.,OM11~L....-u--•"· f(rWt,U...1,..,oef'ld~""""°'.J., fit111111111o11r, C."•ryl An11 l'ICI ~G.Jr. McO..fl. SMr'1ll'I L.. •rod Jettl'ly L S....,.11, ,.otrkll J . ....e Le""' ~.JMfl&tk.-•nd !!'."""' Mc.lrldt:. &Illy ftae ond 0.1MI worrklt. IE'ftlffl M.tlrlt ..o l.M Trawt\111, Kat .. l••fl •"II n tin ........ AdortK, Mar,... Mary ...., AW. ....... ) Aspirin Cutback In Order Dear Dr. St~inr rohn : Can one be overmedicat- ed? 1 t ake at least 12 aspirin tablets every day for arthritis . Lately, J 've been havin g s t o m a<'h pains and feel sick in my stoma<'h every day. All since I began lo take a spirin in s uch large amounts. Can this be the cause? -Mrs . J . COMMENT : I have known patients v.•ho can take as many a s 12 aspiri n tablets daily without any bad real-. lions. Others are s o sensitive to the drug that th eir s tomach v.•all becomes irritated after taking only one tablet. Perhaps you can cut down the dosage and still find relief for your joints. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Ask your doctor. An- tacids may help. So may taking lbe tablets after food. Enteric -coated asprin m ay be th e amwer. ••• Dear Dr. Steincrohn:. Two weeks ago my left oE'ye became totally red. though I n ever felt a thing and discovert.>d it only by looking in the mirror. My doctor treat- ed it and said it would likely clear up in a few days, which it did. Js this a matter for concern? - Mr.B. COMMENT : It's usually due t o a rupture of a small vein. Rubbing or injury m ay cause it. Often it's spontaneous. It usually causes no major trouble, but should be dia2nosed. ••• For Mn. U.: Many pa- tients are overly con- cerned about whi ch foods contain potassium. Any common sense diet contains su ff icient potassium for norma l needs. But when there is a diS- tinct drop in potassium levels, caus ing wea kness a nd leg cramps such as you have, you may need potassium -foods rich in it like oranges and bananas among others, and potassium in tbe form of medicine . Rather than guess. have your doctor take tests to determine how low your potassium level is. ••• If possible, regulate the room temperature in which you sleep to suit your individual comfort but smooth out dif· ferences with mate tO prevent unconScious te· sentmen~ advises Dr. Steincroh;n in his booklet, "How To Get A Good Night's Sleep." For a copy write him al this paper enclosing 50 cents and a stamped, self· addressed envelope. l Friday, Howmber 21. 1875 DAILY PILOT 83 Rainy Scotland • Newport Produce r Kept O n Going lly HU.ARY KAYE OtOie o.11, P1Ml$11Mt Jat-k Williamson, a com· m ercial film producer in Newport Reach, det"lded in Sep- tember to take hb bicycle to Scotla nd a nd lour the coun· tryside the rt'. Now that h e 's back, Willia m son. SI , insists it was a gre-at idea and recommends his six·wet'k trip to other serious cyclist:s . HE Q lJ IF.TLY me ntions, however, that It rair'M'd 22 or the 26 days h e pedaled through Scotland and Ire land. "1 can say my riding partner (Al Thibault, 38, of Riverside) and myst'lr are authorities on rid- ing in wet wt'ather, ''he says, ''I'm not s aying w e're authorities on staying dry -in fact we Wt're sopping wet most of the time," Williamson says, sit· ting comfortably in his off ice in lhe Cannery Village area of Newport Beach. THE CONSTANT R AI N became a way of life for the men, who wore bike tights that bugged their legs, short rain jackets, bike shoes and wool watch caps pulled low over their ears. "Quite the fas hion plates we were," jokes Williamson, who add s that he picked Scotland be-('ause it's the home ol his an. cestor:ii and he was curious to see what 's there . Although he 's never before at· tempted a trip of this magnitude, Willi a mson is notnewtocycling. The Rivrr side resident has pedaled between his home and his Nt'wport Beach office a numbt'ro(times. A.'llD, HE SAYS HE plans lo begin a r egular commuting re- gime, where he'll ride his bike from his offi ce to his house on Fri- day afternoons a fter work and then ride the bike back to work Monday morning. He"ll leave his car in Newport over the weekend. It's about a 60-mile route over surface streets a nd it takes about three or four hours . "I 'v<> got it a ll fi gurE'd out. If I ride my bikt' twice a week for a }'t"ar, it'll take 5.600 miles off my car,·· he says St'riously . · Jn dis cussing his adventures in the British Jslt's, Will ia mson says it ·s really a great jaunt for any serious <'YClist . He put about J ,000 miles ·o n his bicycle speedomrter and says there were no serious problems outside the constant wet weather. THF. ROADS IN Scotland were perfectly smoot h, unlike the rough, littered surfaces here, he says. "If you saw a nail in the road you were inclined to mention it to your riding buddy at the next break, because i t was so un- usual," he says. The film producer flew to Lon- don a nd then took the train to Edinborough. From there, he bicycled north, finally crossing over into Northern Ireland by ferry boat. According to Williamson, the high point along the .route was Cape Wrath, at the northwest tip of Scotland. B IKE RS IN THE British Cycle Touring Club al l receive certificatrs for reaching the cape. To get the re, the cyclist has: to take a ft'rry, which turns out to be a tiny dory boat that crosses rough, windy s eas. From there. the cyclist rides.11 miles to reach the cape house. William s o n says h e wa s particularly depressed over the war-lorn situation in Northern Ireland, where scores or build- ings are bombed out and young c hildre n view armed soldiers , barricades and gunfire as a way of life. In reminiscing about the journt>y, Williamson says, "I guess it's really like the old say· ing : 'J wouldnt take a million bu(' ks for it, but I wouldn't give . you a nickel to do it again."' Wll.LIAMS-ON SAYS he plans to just "take it easy" for awhile -biking from River side to Nt>wport Reach and back. But when he tires of that little jaunt, he says he'll consider tackl- ing a bike ride through Death Valley. "My buddy and I have laJked about Death Valley facetiously, so 1 don't know i( it'll happen," he says. "But then, w e used to talk facetiously about Scotland, too." HER HAND SEWED UP TOKYO (UPI) Umeno Nakamaki, 71, has regained partial use ol her left hand which she lost in a s licing ma chine but which doctors sewed back on,• spokesman for Shinshu University Hospital said. Mn. Nakamaki's hand was sev\tred by a meat ·slicerµ, her son's butcher shop. The h a nd was ri!lattarhed in a l S-hour operation. JACK WILLIAMSON WITH ROAD-TESTE D BIKE Since Scotland, He's Relaxed With Riverside Commuting For Res eareh Pot Plantation Furnishes FedS OXFORD. Miss. (AP ) -For more than 100 marijuana rt'· sear"h programs a"ross the nation and overseas . their grass sup- ply isn"t from tt,e neighborhood "dealer." Instead, it's grown with federal money on a heavily guarded plantation just outs idt> this uni\'ersily town. This pam pe red, pedigree mari- juana is from the Univ<.>rsity or Mississippi's fivt'-a<'rc farm1 tht- country's only legal marijuana fields. T HF. CROP HAS be<>n going to researchers at other universitiC's including Columbia, Tulane. Stanford and Bt"rkeley becaus<• scientists des ire a standard variety of marijuana that allows experi ments at di£ferent Joe a- . lions to be compared. · Dr. Carlton Turner, director of the project. said the proJ::ram also provides marijuana of pre· cisely calibratrd strength to aid experimt'nts in countries rang - ing from Rrazil to Crea~ Britain, Norway and Greece. A.'l'IJOTHF.R 01 .. E Miss scien· tist. Dr. Coy W. Wa!IC'r, said thl• Mississippi m a rijuana project has sought to m aintain a very "'very low profile" since its in- ception in 1968, partly because of security problems. Protection around the mari · juana plantation "and a s toraJ,?e warrhouse includes high fences, guards, lt'levislon monitors and other measures -accounting for some $40,000 of the project's $150,000 budget. · However, Waller indicated that the calm campus spirit here has helped the project's security. THIS IS ON F. of the few campuses where we could get away with our program'" without such trouble, lhe r e· searcher said . He added : "People in Mis- sissippi have a lways respected authority. We s till have our stu- dentssaying: 'Yes, sir."' The project at Olr Miss also is launc hing an effort to monitor the potency or marijuana seized by law enforcem e nt officers throughout the United States. TURNER SAI D I ~ an in . tervie'lf at the universily"s School of Pharmacy that under a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the program was starting to analyze samples sent to Oxford by the U .S. Drug En· foreement Administration from major seizures of marijuana, hashish and hasbish oil. Waller, told a Senate panel this year that there was evideoce of a conlinuln g increase in the strength of marijuana being used in this country . WALLER, HEAD OF the school's Resrarch Institute of Pharmeceuttcal Sciences, noted re('ent growth in smuggJlng of marijuana from Colombia and Jamaica. competing with less<'r · strength Mexic::in cannabis. fie s aid th<' con c<'ntration or Delta 9-te trahydrocannabinol <THC ) -the prime drug 1n mari - juana -could rang(' up to 6 pc>r· C'ent for sOml• varJ (·ties from Rrazi l, co mparC'd with about 1.5 to 2 pcrt'C'nt for Me xi can marijuana . Th<' Senatt• inl <'rnaJ sC'curity s ubcomm 1tte (" pl ans to hol tl further hf'arings i n J anuary 1<1 t•xa mine thl" m a r iJu a na situci - t ion. Th <' s uhco mm1!lee 1s <'haired b y S<'n .. Jam<•s (), F..Jstland (J)-M1 ss ). I n Gourds He Trusts, Y omig Salesman Says S ;\.'.'I OIF.Gfl 11\P} -"fh<• 30· yC'ar-old found<'r of ;1n elt•t·· tronics firm with :.a ll's of $900.000 annually is alrc:1dy divt•rs1fyi n~ and ''nobody ha s told me I'm i,:o- 1ng out of my gourr.1 . ·· 1\s a sidelin<', David Dibble ha; fC1rmed Mr. C.ourd or Caltforn1.1 which h e t•:ot p t~cts to bl·~1r1 m11rketing gourds of a ll s1zt·-> :)()()n for use as planters. THF. l.OWl.Y VEGF:TARLt:. says Dibb!C', has nothing to c1•1 dirccl\y with h is m.1111 profession de:.t ling in printed c irc uit hoa.rd:-.. a firm hl• s tartl'd 111 1970 t•a llC'1 I T>ira va F:Iec t ron1C's, fn ('. Ill· ha-.; 27 employes there ;1vC'raging 30 years in age. "In fact, last month 'A'aS thi• best in our hi stor y." Oibblt saul Wednesday. ''We d id ove r $100.000 .. , His rathC'r, c:arl Ilihbl C', gavt· ttim the idr J by m;iking ii gour1I planter as ~t gift . EX PF. RIM F.NTS WITH sealers and finishC'S prOOuccd ~' coating which the younger Dib· ble uses. After the dried gourds are dt"· livrred to his workrooms, they are (']<'a nrd with high-pressurt• hot water, cut opC'n and scrubbed. Ins ide', workers put potting soil supplemented with a lower layer of i:ravel and charroal to filter out the soil i1n - purities and improve drainage. Th(' marketing plan is sirr.ple. Oihble is hiring s alesmen tO C,trive vans to s hopping centers where the rear d ispla y doors would be opened ror sales. , ' BUT AFTER THE FEAST • • • It's those then Sliced Turkey, by the weekend it's Turkey Burgers, and then Creatrur Turkey Tacos, Turkey and Bagels. Turkey Soup, Turkeyroni, Turkelyy FREE STANDING FIREPLACES :ifN ''FORESTER': Gotto see it. when we picked up this new line everyone got excited (excited because we torgot to sign the purchase order). A contemporary wood burner which can be adapted to gaa or electric iJ you prefer. Includes full screen. 30" COLORS 117°0 00 30" BLACK ALL NEW "HUNTER" Slim design with a lull acreen. great for place• where apace is tight (like in a Volkswagen or,.. telephone booth?). 38" BLACK 38" COLORS 157°0 197°.0 CUSTOM MADE FIRESCREENS -......,_ You measure it carefully and we'll have ii made lor you in a perfect i.nside mount UP 'tO 50 INCHES WIDE. (When they 9ut tb1oga in capital letters. does it malr:c you loel someone tbin.b you i;;an't read?) Allow lour weeks for delivery. . MANUAL CONTROL BLACK BRASS 1900 2300 . . , I PULL CHAIN CONTROL . BLACK 25°0 BRASS 29°0 FIREPLACE LOG SETS 22" 4 LOG OAK SET Reali11tlc log•, you'd almoal fffl they'd bum up and you'd hav• to cul aome more. 1'01 ao, they in.lght outlast all of us. 1700 22" DRIFTWOOD PAN SET We'll give you the pan. we·u give you the sand, xou'll get th• burner. and the lifetime driftwood. Now. will you give ua ninet .. n bucks and change? 1900 5 LOG DECORATOR OAK SET When you Me that word, "Oecorclor.'· you get a feeling that ii is either more jauy . • • .-looking or somebody needs a few more :1'11• ,~ ~~·:. dollars for the thing. 2700 POTBELLY STOVE My frl•nd stood in front ol on• and his wife said. "Which one i11 the pot b.lly?". l11n't that awful. Looks nice on the stove, however. 1900 5 LOG CORK OAK SET The man said they look just like real cork logs (ha• anyone ever seen such a thing?). Can't prove It by me, but the set looks good wlth burner. grate, logs, and the box. 20 LB . COAL For a real change in the old fireplace. 20 pound• goes a long way too. 127 4700 · AGLOW FIREPLACE LOGS The guy who made the name up for these is the aame guy who named the Titanic. Ugbt them. enjoy. OUR PRESIDENTIAL KEROSENE LAMPS Burns clean with a bright white light. got a safety feature that pub the light out if you tip it over. Smokeless. odorless, nolaeleas, not a pressure lamp, puts out 1000 watts of heat too. Only ahout a penny an how to run. (Xlnda like the famous Schmoo.) THE JEFFERSON GLASS THE IJNCOLN SU.VER ' 2700 3900 THE WASHINGTON 4900 BRASS AND ••• ,'\ i jiiil(B3j THE MILLARD FILLMORE KEROSENE DEAL {@ ........ ===- Who was nUmor. anyhow? HOTen't Nada book slnc.1 started. this work. (lt interferes with my atylel. Someon• lell Ad good tlm> • O.C. l.117$ • ' ' 99!AL I " • ·~ . . , e swell leftovers, the next day it's Cold Turkey, then Broiled Turkey, ,.aa .. .,r d Turkey, Shredded Turkey. Movin' on to Spaghetti and Turkey. ewlCa Bob, Turkey Lurkey, Turkey HaHa. (I never get the big part of the wishbone). t!o ·~~~~"Q """'""' SOMEONE -- WAGNER SPRAY GUNS BODY SHAPER ·SHOWER HEADS HOMIOWNIR MODIL HIAYTDUTT MODEL PROftSllONAL MODIL D~ONSTRATIONS CARSON STORE NOV.29-30 DOUBLE SPRAY REGULAR You hcrre ne•er •MD any apraygun• lik• theM (and when we find out whr. we'll wire yow Aunt). Alrlua, no big tank* to lug around. no bOH to tangle. Sprays anything, e•en latex. Demonstration• 90Ch ... c at one of our •torei.. WEN POWER TOOLS You get a double •PJ'CY trom top to ta.. Better tha:a the round 1pruy unlen you're pretty round yow..U. Loob Uk• moreo money. RECIPROSAW A 2 speed deal. double tnaulated. cuts wood. metaL plastics, .alam.1. and three day old bagel•. Long 1trolre1. 3 position awdllary handle. includes 5 blades. 2497 ROUTER Double insulated, 25,000 RPM. quick bit changing. up to I Yi" depth adjustment, micrometer dial. pre-set stop feature. ¥.. HP. 4 AMP. built-in eye shield. 2497 BELT SANDER I see a hunk ot double insulated. 1000 SFPM. lock on quick relea•e trigger. need.le and bronze bearings. 3 belts included. (It's a deal ..• don't mi•• it. Harvey). 2497 SOLID OX TORCH KIT Esther. do you 11tlll read this rubbl11h? Well. here'• that 1101Jd oxygen welding/brazing kit. You can build that Buick you wanted juat like the pro welder• do. 2300 WHAMMER PANELING AND MOULDING GUN We sold one the fint s&cond · thl11 ad broke. (I bought it). Great price. !Ires a nail like a slople. Boy, doe11 It malr:e llghl nailing easy. 997 DOUBLE SPRAY ADJUSTABLE Gi•• one to 10meone lor Chrl•tmaa (I.ti's like saying. "Go take a Bath"). Adjustable trom needle Ungle lo sploo1b. TRIPLE SPRAY · ADJUSTABLE The American Way, ii two i11 good. three must be better. (I want a 12 Jet. o•erhead cam with overdrive). This one hits you all o•er for that feeling good feeling. . BODY SHAPER PULSATOR This is like comparing a Sousa band to the old tissue over the comb bit. Shower or pulse with a flick of the dial. An all-o•er shower you're gonna really like. ROC ELL 10" TABLE SAW The deal comea with the 01otor. the sland. and two extension wing• and the promise tha1 we can't repeat it when thi11 11tock \g gone. You handy type• know this •alue without any plug lrom me. 199°0 WHILE STOCK LASTS FIRE-AWAY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS II you see a lire, just ''lire- oway". for all types of fi res, e•P9Clolly grease. oil. or electrical. MODEL 10 ........ 7 97 9 97 MODEL 110 •...... MODEL 240 ... 1497 GENIE GARAGE DOOR OPENERS I!; ~". • ~~ Planetary chain. light goes on with push of remote control button. Bulb extra. Worm gear drive, light goe• on with door opening, remote and wall switch. Bulb extra. Worm gear. deluxe housing. double lile · with hood. light 14900 delay after closing. Bulb extra. · GS 450 DELIVERY & 4400 INSTALLATION .. '' AUTO VACUUMS E•erythlng is "standard" and "deluxe." One picks up the standard dirt and lhe other picks up the deluxe dirt, I guess. -997 STANDARD DELUXE 1497 EXCALIBUR CONCOURS CAR WAX Thi1 It the rich 11uH, good 01 any flye dollar 1tull I know. Ea1y opplylng, 10111 longer than ... (what? goose • 9reo1e?l By Turtle, l~AND ME (J AToWEL . 0 cQ WATER PIK SHOWER HEADS The shower massage originals. Dial lrom lull drench lo strong pulse. Relaxing and relreshing. WALL MOUNT 1497 WHILE STOCK LASTS DYMO LABELER Moire your own name tape11 and put lhem on eTerythlng. Then II 1omeone soys. "Whaddya mean, this ls your 11eot, you got your name on It?" And then the lun begins. J I ..... '(" .. : '/< ·.,.·.· .. .. .., ....... •' .... ·~~ ·.· ...... ·\···. ..... :+ ~ •....... • ••• t • •• .A . ....... "" •• •• • ... 4 •• • ••• •>\; .,_t.'' ·.· ..•... >,•: .. -.i:~ .. : ~·~ ~·.:::·~~·· . ... . .. .. ·. . . . . ·~"" .. :~ ......... 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". . .. . . ! ... · . ........ ; ...... ·~··.;.... . . . . . . ~ ......... . . .; '· :· ...... ·.• . .. ........ · .. :.··,':· :: -:·.': :: :=: '::'·: ·::; '. .. ·~ · .... ~ .... ·:.··,; ........ :.·.-... ·: .... ··::.•. ; .... :, ... : ... :··· .. ·.;; .· . .. . . . . . . . . . ~ .. ·.· .. :::·:.··.·:.:,::: . . ........ . ~·' - ' ' • 88 DAILY PILOT Friday. November 28, 1975 lBruins Battle SC Tonight; tBid for Rose Bowl Berth 'I.OS ANGF.J.Jo:S (.1\11 ) -Jo'or St>utht•rn California football C'OaC'h John Mc·Kay, tonight 's bJltlL' with riv;.il tJCl.A IS (I littl(' ffiOl"l-,. th<i11 :1 C'h<JO('(' tu S~IVt' fat•e a:i he lt>a v1-..s tJ S(;. It's ct t•hancC' to ~hHw his ('Juh l!:i bt>tter than 7.3 as it ht';ld:. f11r tht• l .1bt•rty l1..1v.•I. t-'or lJCJ • .-\, on lht• oth('r hnnd, this )?:1me 1s much morl' It 's a crusadt•. l..os .t\ngt•les has ix'('n the ·rro- J••n:.' ll1wn f11r ;1 Ion~ time in f1l0t b~1ll. It was J ~1n I, 1966, v.·hen l!CJ.,\ last v.·t•nt tu the J{11st' llowl :ind this ev1•n1ng's ~an1t• is lht· k1·y tu ~' seas11n :1 tlt•C'adt· I att·r. l)('l.A, 7-2·1, 1:s favort•d by tv.·u points ovt>r South('rn Cal. 7-3, in lht> 5 n 'clnek ~<imc wtut h 1s OiJ· t1ona\ly tt·IC"vist•tl. One featurt· of thC' gamt• will bC' 011 T¥ Tonight C'hat1t1rl 7 al 5 the running of lJS(; tailbaek llu·ky Rt·l l. l~t'"s alrt•ady g:unt.•d 1.739 y;1rds <lnd nt•t•ds 143 murC' tu brt>~ik F.d ~1ar1n ar11's ~('AA rt• curd for yards gaint•d in ,1 ~l'~~llrl . Wht•n ht"s not on tht• fit·ld , Jolu1 Seiarr~1 v.·111 bt· Se1;.1rra. pt>rh;ips tht• mnst C'X plus1vC' player 1n lht• nation, runs tht"' option·orientt'd V(•t•r ·'I' of- fense. It's an orrense which has made th<" Rruins one of the top ground and air teams in the na · lion , "We've got to slow tht•m c1own," said ~1cKay of UC l.A . "They have bC't'n making a tr('mC'ndous nmount of yardage. l't•oplt> have not bet.•n abll• to stop tht"m, we just hope we can slow tht"m down a lit tit>-.•· The modesty was not ne<'<"S:sarily appropriate si nce '.\l c Kay has one uf tht' nation 's top dt>ft>n~ive teams, in s pite or he<tvy losses due to injuriC's. The latest of the wounded. star defensive tackle Gary Jl"tt•r, is questionable because or a pulled UCLA'S JOHN SCIARRA (15) PUTS HIS PASSES ON THE LINE TONIGHT AGAINST use. Dream-like Performance Helps LA Subdue Lions I' Ry GJ.F.NN WfDTF. OfONI 0•11¥ ,_llotSW" PONTIAC, Mich. -It was the kind of game Rams safety Bill Simpson might have dreamed about having. You know the script. tl'fhe lo('a\ hero goes into the bigtime and makes good. Then he comes back to the area where he 'ff.S born and went to school and before family and friends, turns in a standout performanct.>. Simpson did just that Thanksgiving afternoon at the new 80,000·seat roofed stadium here as the I.os Angeles Rams g1ined a 20·0 triumph over the Detroit I.ions. He intercepted a pass that broke up a first half scoring threat and batted away a pass at the goal line on the final play of the game. And he stripped quarterback Joe Reed or the ball at the I.as ,\Jigeles 27 but a penalty and an official's quick whistle voided the theft. His key pla ys allowed the Rams to gain their first shutout over a J,ions s quad in SO meet· U.gs, dating back to 1g.w. T he victory <'linched a National Football League p layoff berth for ~aeh Chuck Knox's charges and r!'t:d them at leas~ a tie ~or their v1s1onal championship with ~hree regular S<'ason games re- aining. ~ For Simpson it was something special. ''I had a little extra incen· live," he told the Daily Pilot. ~'With my parents, brothers, sis· lers and friends in the stands, the ~drenalin was really going.·· ~ Simpson bought tickets for 75 of fl.is personal roOters and h<' pi eked tip the tab (about $700 1 for 60 of ihem. ~He grew up in the T>etroit area nd was a collegiate star at iehigan State University. owever . h e savs h~ wasn't ;particularly a I.lOns fan as a !Youngster and in latf.'r years he tiever entertained aspirations of 3>1aying for them. ' "I followed them hut they ~lways seemed to di sappoint ~e ... they C'ould n<'vt•r win the g games." he recalls. "Artual- . y J was more or a Oetroit Tigers Ian sinC'e baseball was really my favorite." Sim~on had feelers from a ouple of big lt'ague baseball e·ams but deC'ided to cast his lot th pro footba ll . "You can get lost in the minor eagues if you get into baseball," be former outfielder says . 'When I wa1 drafted by the m1 q'IY decision was clear cut. t-etUng a ~hence to go with a title ontendidg team and having .hem tell you you'll have a hance to atert ls too great of an pportunll)' to pass up." Slmpton wap a stuter late into • pro rookie st'ason Jast .rear aner undergoing knee S\lr· lo J41nuary has come on to intercept five passes and reeov(·r ft1ur fumblt"s. "I have mor{' mobility now and I feel more t'onfident." h(' says. "Rut I havl" a tt•ndt•ney to s it back and relax on clt•fl'nse whl'n Wl" have a big ll'~1d. l"d like to become mor(' intenst' and dt" velop more tota l eonct•ntration " The Rams were the masters Thursday as James ilarris passed for all three touchdowns, two to Harold J ackson. Ja<'kson wound up with five reC'eptions for 106 yards. · I .. .\ scored the sl"eonrl timt" il had the ball, going 59 yards in 11 plays with Harris hitting former I..ion Ron Jessie with an I I-yard sco ring strike and JC'ssit• somehow got away from lhree would-bf> tacklers at the fiv('. The I.ions th('n st~emC'tl to bC' headed for the equalizer, moving from their 27 to the I.A 15 ~fore Simpson ramc up with lht• in · terc('ption. The Rams nevC'r lookC'd bark afte-r that, adding th(' t\110 second half touchdowns. Dt>troit got tn the I.A 1 l and the 28 but a tot1gh clC'ft•nse and 10 penalties helped keep the I.ions at bay. One penalty negated a 62-yard run on a wild lineup play just before halftime. The I.ions were also virtimizC'd hy misl.'rablt• field position. nnt startin~ :lny drive past tht>ir own 29 ltntil the clo~ing tv.'o minutes uf the gamt". It was a rostly virtory for the Rams as former USC act• Hob Klein snf(ererl a kneC' injury, was due to undergo surgery -- perhaps today -and will be lost for thC' season. UKM.,,ele\ o & • 1 -10 De-troot O o O O -O LA -.,.,,,. " p,IS\ trom H,,.. ... (0tftlPW1 kk kl LA -J/Kkl.Otl 11 ~11 trom H•••i• (kick lan...i I LA -J•<ki.on la ~11 from H••tti l0.ftlP\t!1 t occt J A _,._,,1 STATISTIC~ ··-u-s Fl,,,ldown\ 10 n A""~1 -v••<h, o1Q.111 J1.1n P•••lnov•ccH t•J "1 Atturn y•«li no 1s Pl\!.e\ 11 1•·0 11·1&-1 Punh lrl'I 1 ., Fumblt\-IMI l-1 0-1 P.,rwnlt>' varcl\ l 10 IG-liJ INOtVIOUA1.1.EAOEA5 l'!USHINC. 1.o• Af>9eles, McCU!tneon 11~. 8•v•nt •·•6. S..rlel\tn 8·•S. H•H•\ •11 Ortro<I. l•ylOf 16 ~·. AttO •·ll. 8u•~v8·il RECEIVING L01 Angele1, JIKk...,.. S·1116. M<Cultl'lton 1-11, 8rv•nl 1·9 Dr!tO!I, S~'' •·4 , Brlstoe 1 JI., J•• y!\ 1·18. PASSI NG LOI An{lt"!ts. H~trll 11 24..0. ''' Y¥01. De1toll. Reed 11 -11>-1, 111. HAROLD JACKSON REACHES F<>R A JAMES HARRIS PASS. \,, ' ' I hamstring muscle, But his sidekicks art" awesome persons -Walt lJnderwood and Tim Rhames. Dave l.ewi.s and Kevin Rruce are among the nation 's top linebackers and Danny Rtece, be!tides being a superb dl.'fensive · b:lrk, is also among lht• nation ·s Jx>st punt rt•turnE'rS. '"Our i:;trt>ngth is offensl'," said Verml'il, "thC'trs is dt·fen:.l'. WC''re hoping our offense t•an out- play their defense and that our dt"fense plays it s best gamt'." F.ddi~ Ayer s and Wend£•11 Tyler give the Rruins good inshle run- ning punch and lhey help make S<-iarra mor<" of a runnin~ threat. l>efenseli l'an 't concentrate on the quarterback. VineC' F.vans, hi s injured right thumb well now, starts again al qltartt>rbark for tht• T roj ans. Sophomore ~1 ikt• Sanford st:trtt·d 1n an 8-7 loss I wt• v.·ceks ;:1go lo Wa shington. Perhaps !ht' mnst important m<"ln in tht' l iSt: lint'llp, hov.·evt•r , "'·ill bl' fu\lhaek Mosi ·r 0tlupu . ()n- \y a St'eond -strin~t·r until D:.ivt• ~~a rmer brokt' a It'~. T<ilupu has becomt· ~· b]o(·k1ng n1<.1<:hint• fur Rel l. If l~<:J .1\ V.'1ns. it 's the Rose Jlov.·I for tht• Rrtuns If they lost•. (';ii g11t•s tu J1 :is.idt•nu on ~e"'' \"1•i1r ·~ f)av. Rosewall In Finals TOK \'O \'t'IC'ran K(•n ftost.•\11:111 of .1\ustraila ~ind l:.s. Open t'hilmp111n (;hris J.:vl'rl of the ll nitt>d Statt>s g:iined th(' finals of a $100,000 tennis lourna- ment with straight·set victories today. Tht" 1W-year-old Rosewall ad· vanc('d into the men's final with a 6-3, 7-5 victory over Stan Smith whilt' F.:vt•rl r eac hed thL• womt·n·s final with a 6·1, fi 2 triun1ph tlVt'r Cll ga !\·forozo\'a of !ht' SoviC't Union. Na•ta•PWl11• llF.:I.SI~KI -I lie '.'lastase beat \Vojt('k Fibak of Poland 7-5. 4-6. 6-2 Thursday to win an inlt'rn.1· tional tennis tournament here and its first prize or $3,000. Jeff Borowiak mastered hard· st-rving Ove Rengtsson of Swedt"'n in the match for the $1,300 ronsolation prize. GrP..,.LPad• !\tIY .!ti.ZAKJ , Jap an 1\merican llubl.'rt Green firt'd a two-under·par 70 for a total of 137 loday and mainlained his onC'- stroke lt>ad after thE' second round of a $200,000 gol f tourna- mt•nt. F'C'llow American Rik '.\lassengale movt"'d into second plaeC' from a 16th plact" tie, finishing with five -under-par 67 for a total of 138. Japan's Kosaku Shim:lda also advanced from 16th plarC' to third at 139. USC 'S RICKY BELL TAKES HIS SHOTS AT UC LA. B11llrf,•9s RfJJHJJ Revenge A ·ttained In 42-26 Conquest .i\Tl .. t...~T.t... (1\P) -'"I don't know hO\\' 've could have played much h('tter, ·· coach VinC'l' OoolC'y of Georgia said Thursday night after his Cotton Rowl - bound Rulldogs had dl"molished Georgia Tech 42-26 in a nalion:d ly televised eollegE' football g~1me. "We playe d lhr<'l' super quarters of foolhall." he added. "F.vt>rything went our way, and wc took advantagt'." Th~ 15th -ranked Rulldogs pro duced thre(' touchdowns from lhl• alert. aggressive play or its Junkyard Dog dC'fC'nse, added another on a 78-yard sprint by Glynn Harrison and then built a surprisinf 42-0 lead with two long sroring dr ives in the third quarter. It was a night of frustration for Tech until the final s tanza when it did ail its scoring, getting three touchdowns from r esl'rve quarterback Rudy Allen and the other from F.:ddie I.ce Ivery._ However , it came too late and mos t of that damage was done ~1gainst Rulldog substitutes. Georgia, ushering in a big Thanksgiving holiday weekend of college television action, can now sit bark this afternoon to set• if 1'exas nails down the host spot in the Cotton Rowl in its annual donnybrook ·with Texas A&M . If 1\&!\1 wins, the> Rulldo~.s would fa<'e tht• winnc>r of next week's . .\ggie-. .\rkansas battle. "\Vh at more in(·t•ntives can you have ?'' Dooley asked . '"F,verything you <'a n say con- tributed to our wanting to win. The Collon Bo"'•I, national TV. last year's game.·• Banned for Life Arwther Penalty for Wenzel GE'orgia players had lived for 12 months v.•ith the memory of last season's embarrassing 34-14 loss to Tech in '' cold, driving rainstorm at Athens. "And," said cU.iarterback Ray Goff, who scored one touchdown and threw for anotht"r, "we owed those Cotton Rowl people something for having ronfidence in us " J..ONDON (AP) -Canadian middle distance runner Joan W('nzel was angry in Mexico City last monlh when Pan-American Garnes officials took away her bronze medal and barred her from further comp<>tition. Now she's downright furious. A s light trace or a banned drug was found in he r system after she finished third in the MO meters. "I was punished twice for the same orfense," s he said at th(' lime. WenzPI s ays now she's be-en punished a third tirnl'. The lnlE'rnational Amateur . .\thleli<' Federation has barred her from competition for life. The susp('nsion was automatic under J • .\AF rules but Joan re- gards it as unfair and has ap· pealed to ttie federation. Her troubles started when, the night beforC' her race in Mexico City, she took a pill that turned out to be an anti-histamine. which happened to contain a tiny quantity or ephedrine. Dr. Ted PC'rey of Montreal, C'hier Canadian medical officer with the Pan ·Am team, ex- plained that "Joan brought some tablets down ' with her rrorn Ca nada ... a common cold re- medy which anyone can buy over the counter without a prescrip- tion . "Unfortunately, she had these mixed up with a collection of vitamins and iron tablets and shl' assumes that what happened ..i.·a.s that the ni ght beforC' the race she must havt' taken one of these tablets inadvertenlly. "The race "''as run the next day. and of course, the urine was found to bl.' positive for a drug which we si mply call l'phedrint>. This is reall y a decongestant and is used for the romn1on cold but unfortunatt"ly it fits into th(' com- mon variety of drugs which, in lay term s. w ould be called speed." She thoug ht that returning her medal "'ould be the end or it. But after Pan-Am officials sent the L>\AF their report -without in· eluding any explanation of the · extenuating circumstances - thert" was no alternative but to ban her for iife . Kl"n Twigg, executive director of the Canadian Track and Field Association. says Wenzel now has to provC' her innocence, and that' it won't be easy. The IAAF probably won't hear her appeal until ,.\pril, he said. and since Joan now is prevented from com- peting in any competition - because those wh9 rWl against her would be in cfanger o( sus- pension -ht"r chances bf re- aching her peak for the Olympics are almost nil. Tht"' Rulldogs defense. a no- name outfit at the start of the ~E'ason tbat sC'emed to play over its ht"'ad every game, turned the hattle into a rout with a trio of thunderbolts in the first haU. Robby Thompson returned an intE'r<'eption to the Tech 12 on the game's first play, setting up a score. After Harrison's 78-yard n1n. I~wrenee Cran picked a fumble out of the air and rambled 20 yards for another score. Then Rill Krug blocked a punt, setting up another as Georgia surged to a 23-0 halftime lead. Pro Hoop Swap CHICAGO (AP) -The Chicago Bulls, ending several days or speculation, have traded reserve center Nate Thurmond and his $350,000 salary to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Rulls reserve f or ward Rowland Garrett also is goi ng to Cleveland, a spokesman for the National Rasketthlll Association team said Thursday. In return Cavaliers' crnter Steve Pat'. terson and rookie forward Eric Fernsten will come lo Chicago. Abdol·.Jabbar vs McAdoo INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Na· tional Ba1kelball Association's two leading scoters square of( tonicht, and if their past performance against each other Is any indication. both Will beet up their scoring averages. The Buffalo Braves' Robert McAdoo leads lhe league and the Los Angeles Lakers' Kareem Ab· dul·J abbar is second. And I neither can seem to stop the other when they're matched. McAdoo sC'ored 38 Points and Jabbar 35 in the last meeUng between the two in a Buffalo vic- tory 10 days ago. When McAdoo and ·t.hc Braves race the l,akers lonig'ht. Los An~eles coach Dill Sharman hes indicated he may have a forward d<.'fense the Ruffalo center. Buffalo coach Jack Ramsay is expected, however. to keep McAdoo on Jabbar. conceding tbe Lakers ce.nter his 30·plu$ points. Los Angeles comes into the game a half game backof P teific Division -l•ading Golden: Stale while Buffalo ts second in th9'" At,lanlic Di,-iaion b e hind Philadelphia. I •. • DAil y Pl\,OT Sizzling Barons Face Arcadia a~ OC J Folmtaln Vall•y Jlllb'1 hl&h· llylng Barons, wltb ao alla<k that bu O<OAd '12 poillla IA Ill la1t two starta. eolUde wtth Pllcllic Leasue tOUChie Areadia l<ll>l&bt at Or...,e Coast Oollqe. Klctoff Is set far I and tbe B&rcma ot eoaeb 8..,... Pldiford ara ratad IMl·polnt fa.mi. to "°'"° the Apaches' 4-4 defense and qualify foe a Q\W'IA!rfinals be<lh against the winner ol the SC. Paul.st. John 8otcO -In Ille Barons have a ...,,pleto ol· f-. . Dooe bu eompl-15 ol 1'9 attampta far a 1partllq 13.1 per· cm and 1~7. yarda. In bla last -llt&rto be'• clicked for 391 yarda with lt. eompll!llons In 25 •IWllPU &lid l lnl<roeplion. Ear11 ln the campalp Dove bit 11 ol 14 a1alnlt Redllllds for 22'1 yards, but was lll)und In the lot· ter llale& Of that came &nd his pualnl waan 't nearly as ellec· Tritons, Sonora Battle I Dana * *· * San Clemente Hampered By Injuries Tbe San Clemente Hi&hTritons and the SoDora Raiders from La Habra aquarc off toniJht !Sl In the second round of tbe CIF 2·A football playoffs at F\Jllerton Hilb. Coach Allie Scbaff's undefeat· ed Tritons are rated No. 1 in the 2-A circles, but they may be go- ing without their big guns when they meet Sonora . Halfback Brian Wood , the Trttons' leading rusher with ovrr 1.000 yards and lS touchdowns. back Ron Wade and split end Stan Mathis may miss the action . due to ankle injuries. Good backs seem to be the rule rather than the exct-ption at San Clemente and Tom Arons. Randy Adams and Fred Bouman proved that as they racked up good yardage in the Tritons' easy 42 ·1 win over Brawley last week. Sonora 's plan to score first and force the Tritons into playing cateh up, hopefully in the air, is probably sound strategy, but it may not bring the results the Raiders are hoping for. While the Tri tons do not throw the ball much, except in the ob- vious passing situations, quarterback Tim Vleisides has completed 18 of 42 passes for 224 yards and three touchdowns. The San Clemente defense has been a big factor all year, allow· ing an average of less than ooe touchdown per game. But tonight the defense will get its stiffest test in trying to con· tain the explosive Raiders. Rolling over 24 -0 last Friday, the Raiders Bonita (8-2) are an extremely well balanced or- fenslve team . Running backs Mark Kenlon and Brian Greer can be expected to carry the ball much of the. time. Quarterbaek Jim Porter and split end Tim Hani(in have teamed up for 35 completions and nine touchdowns this season and could be a dancerous threat. Sonora may have a slight ad- vantage with its multi-faceted game, but then again Schaff may have a surprise or two up his sleeve. --1lil E11951'rom TE DE Hack•n "' 1.0 &rev T DT st,...l•r "' 145 ODl'nlnQUft G NG C.1"9,, "' 1SO Elds c OT Pis .. l"IOll "' 1.0 "'9.-.S G OE l(nll .... rs "' 1111 H•d1•tt T lBA,_ ,.. 1dHOOftl' " LB P, Vt.1$1dt's ,.. 1SJ T. Vlel~hks •• CB 0111 . .. "'.,~ .. CBI_,..! "' 1• Ad¥Y\S •• ' T. Vlelsldn "' 1SJ lloumlo,, •• RV Mtt.Mrvnllt\ '" * * * * * * Ago11ra Clash ._SPORTS 9 Pirates Earn Loop Honors Unbeaten Orange Coast College placed nine players on the All-South Coast Conference football team, announced today by cittuit coaches. Heading the team is OCC run- JUng back Tony. Accomando, the offens ive player of the year, and end Mike Frost, the defensive player of the year. flln1 , • ..,.. Ott-......... ,...c., .... .... Y• • SE-41..,Stftllll, flul..,.IOll ,., .. TE-O.t.'WN,ll'd.~s"'°'11: ,., .. • -0.ftMKll..,..CW.1 .... CM$1 "' .. G -8ob SlrM. Fuli.rton "' .. T --J1K• 01.-, on...-CNl1 ,. .. T ~~Ill. FuUtrlOn "" "' c -Joe hro.u. l"uUe• ton no .. WR...Cur1 Boacloe, Siii OlegoMna ... .. 09-0l,..Mltl.Or .... CNrt "' .. N•-T•r Acc..,, .. ..,.., Or.Jllf't c:..t "' .. Hl-Mon1rButl.,.dltll, flvuerton "' " H8-811111rltMon, Ml. SAC ·~ .. l"l(.........,Trn11ff,Ot-111 .. c..t ... • 'lnlTNmO..._ l -1tet.1M1oll ... Wllll,Ol'• .... CIHI "' .. l -Doti HOime i, C.rrlt010 "' .. l --ErMSt 81!\00911, San Oleoo Mf'-" "' .. l -0.ds Ml-tmo,.n, G•o'"'"°"' m .. Ol .... 11• ,f'ftl,,Or111 .. CNlt '" .. DE-#"r1Ulty Hlfl'IUlon, SD~ .... "" .. LB-T.A. .,_,Of .... CNll "' .. L8-eo ~.._, C.rrltos ,., .. 01-C..tlt FMlt, Fult.rlon ... .. oa-0. ... .....,,cw .... ~ •• .. DB--<ur11' Mll'OI'", SM1 01990 Mf.w '" .. 08-Kt•ln Ho-II. S.n1• A"• "" .. Sfl:• ... T""' D"-Slf-"'lllleO...,, Or .... CNM "' .. TE-OonW1r,.,,, Ml. SAC "" " • -t...,.,.., OU..er, Cl••llos "' .. c -l(e~ln fl.,•sll, Sin Olel"'Ml!S-"" .. T --John C•rltr, S•n Dl• Ml!).I rn So T -Don Allmllll, s..tlla An• '~ So c ---Golor9' 9lldllll, Ctrrnos '" .. WR-8111 Vlft<itnl. CefTtlOS , .. .. 08--MorrltlUed-. Fulltt"lon , .. " ............ .,.._,Or .... (NH "' .. Hl-..lol'wlCU$-, Fullerton ... .. HB-t...rrr DowtK. GrosMnDnl "' "' l'K-0."'kl Don.I<, Full•rton , .. " S.C. .... T_O.W- l --JIMO.lr.or....-c..u 'a .. l -aur ,,,.,si\111, Full•rlon "' ... l -<:r1IC1 Hin-. 5'nl.J ..... "' .. l -<:harll•Htlfl•ICJ, S111t.1 Ana "' .. OE--0..ry C.11t-ll, G•OS'mont "' ... DE-S11t"9 le!..,.r. 51,,t•A,,1 "' So •.8-W11rie Vlsc;on11. Fu111trlon •• .. 1.8-Ruslr Et19l..:lo•, San Olt90MtW '" So D•-M.lrto ~. Or.Jflfl CHI! "' .. 08-Mlk• R•mlrer. Gtos~rnont ... .. 08-8111 Wlllttord. Clrt"llCK "' .. 09-8otlMM, 5.allt1Al\I "' " Dolphins Try For Another Upset Tonight The Dana Hills High Dolphins bid for their second straight up- set ton.icht when t.My meet the unbeaten Agoura Cardinals in the sttond round o( the C:IF 2-A football playoffs. Kickoff is at 8 at San Clemente High and Bill Cunerty·s surging Dolphins are lO·point underdogs to Frank Greminger·s Cardinals who are 9-0·1 and ranked No. 2 in lhe2·A poll. The Dolphins are only S.4 but have won three straight and up- set No. 10 Lawndale, 20-6, la:st week. If Dana Hills is to record another upset, it will have to con- tain Agoura ·s wishbone orrense that is averaging 34 .6 points per came. Jn particular, the Dolphins will have to stop quarterback Andy ~1ussack (6-3, 185) and running back Darrf'n Rogers 15·9, 185J. Mussack has compiled roo yards rushing and passing while Rogf'rs has run for 1,100 yards. :rtiussack is also a threat as a passer and he has a good split end in Kurt Mikell. a 6·2 senior who has caught rive touchdown passes. But the Dolphins defense has been improving earh week and held Lawndale to 85 yards rushing last week. Lawndale's u.t1CJ1.t1t'tO was averaging ovC'r 200 yards per game running. While their defense has im- proved--4.heir last foul opponents have averaged 10 points-the Dolphins have been more consis- tent on offense, too. Junior Steve Crapo started at running baek against Lawndale and gained 181 yards on 38 car- ries. It was Crapo's first lengthy appearance since he broke a col· larbone against Brea. Another top o ffensive threat (rom the veer is running back John Gill, who didn 't play against l.awndale because of a bruised knee. Gill has rushed for 681 yards. - Cunerty is confident his Dolphins can score but he says, "we have to keep the ball away Crom the-m and keep them from scoring.·· 0.IWI Hllh SUr1•"t U--0.1..,wo ll•S Ttt-us H LE P9M1 "' XO ColH~ " LG J St1moo. "' tJ'O Al., RC LT W1Qt1e• "' llS T1~r c AG e.ocnmen '" os O.n•r\tlr lC RE Se•n•e "' J!S JtnMt1 lT l..8 [Ht\flo<>Qer "' 1tS BtO'Ofl'llnq TE LI M:o•m1l1 "' 1u R. swmos •• ca Volme•dlr>Q "' 11S Giii " CB Crow1t, '" 1'i l(fnq •• S W•lll> '" W.~ Mc:CJUA " 5 Mlk~oct "' Vanguards Athletes Lauded Gauchos, 'Open Play_ When the Southern California College Vanguards open the 1975-76 basketball season tonight by hosting California Baptist of Riverside, they will be playing one of the top teams in NAJA District DI. Tipoff is at 8. Forrest Metcalf was named most valuable Wednesday at Estancia High's sports awards banquet honoring the cross country teams. the sophomore and M v· freshman football teams esa 1e at Newport Harbor 1-lig h SchooJ...__,, • .,11 SAN DI F. G 0 - ~.1in: oon a.1rke•; "'°'' v.11.... Saddleba ek College's Ille: flranll ~Ilk; Mo,t lmPfOolH: basketball team with an Cooch Poul Peak will be missing three.year starting letterman Ted Bergerson at one forward and perhaps his other starting frooiline star. Charlie Johnson. Both have been out with a virus infection this week . "•""' c..,t•ltl: M IU Abtloott; Most V1tu. bl•: l'•rresl M•lt•ll; MOS! Im-' Pn!Wd: Mlk• Mc:C..e. · .,_....\larsu, C.pte\ft: SI-' V•n Hom; Most Y•l\mtolf: Eric ""'°"'''•••. -.! lm-pow....,:~R-11. ......... s..ti CIPl•ln : Oa..,ICJ PoOIUer; Mosl Velu.Pllte; Kt11ln Mc:C.rtlly; MM.t lln' ........ :Otrl1W11er,., ,,,. Frank Zenclik and David Thompson were named most valuable on Pro Scores OWl1Cerum.. . ' · ,.,...._. ,,-' ... " entire new look to it, Caol•ln:O.Y4dHot1 ;Mos1v.11 .. ~· opens collegiate play oa ... 1CJ Tllomp •on ; t . hlf . .,. n.: """"t1mpro.....o:o. ... 1c1Hart1. orug acing .:'.\30 u1ego J,;I' l\.1es a in the Olympians Tim Rosaue r was gymat8:30. named most valuable lt follows a 6 :30 tilt player on Costa Mesa matching MiraCosta and High·s varsity football Grossmont . coll '!~es . team in a banquet honor-Saddleback s starting ing the varsity five will include two sophomore and RiversideCCstartersofa freshman teams. year ago - guard Mark ,,.,... ....... ,....111.u Lovelace and forward c.cit•l11 : Ml111 $c1r1•n: Mos1 Mike Bokos ky. Other Vll•"6t: M1-• T-9ls; ~ •m-t · I d .,....,.., cu11 Tlfl'll: Most IMP1r1-s t a r er s 1 n c u e tillftM: FrW\11 E111ou,... freshmen center Ruck , .... "*' ........ II D I 'lh ds ~'"' O.vkl KllO•: Mott ..,81..._ ay a ong w1 guar Uvofnr the next couple-. But Dove and ha fle<t ol ,... cti,ven wUl only bo u effedlve as tile offensive line b In .... tain-lnl the 1'1Jh of Aruclia'a Im· -•Ive front four, led by 240- pound David Anderson. ruthea oYer taekle wbere Attadla lo eopeclally IOUlb. Tailback Bill Carlson 11 anolhu factor In Arudla'I at· tact ..... an quarterblckl Dick 29.earrln these past_,...,... 1 bas tbree toucbdoWDI to erWIL ar........ Ind 9'!\f Cos>l>inl· But It's Mc an tbal b the -1 ....... -,,. "' The Ap•cbe1 rely on • pua.lshlnc ground came. cen· tered around 2JO·pound fullback Mlke Mt'Lellan, who has scored 15 touchdowns and rolled for over 1,100 yard.a. by Jo th• of(enae. &1 la the front four to the defense. ."""" ..... ,,,_ =-..... Muaso came up with hJs best output of the season last wat.k aeatnst Lone Beach Poly, rusbin1 for 83 yards. And Git· tons, who bas fained 136 yuds In --ttD"-wt ... ,,,_ llt ,..,1 Moet or hi.s 1uccess has be-en on ,,, .... .,_ ,,,_ ,,,_ SOUTH COAST CHAMPS -University High won the South Coast League cross coLLntry cha mpionship and are rated No. 1 in the CIF 2·A. Kneeling (from left)-Jose Galvin, Vince Flanders, Woody Glass, Bill Littmann, Neil Graham. Standing-coach Bob Messina, Byron Long, Gary Darcy, Mike Fero, Karl Ehlert, coach Don " Cluistensen. Tritom, Uni Harriers -Collide One More Time Ry F.I> RURGART OtllW 0111, ~llel SI•" l ln1versity·s Trojans and San Clemente·s Tritons only finished l\t10 points apart during the South Coast l.eague final s and the rC'sult could be every bit as elose in the CJ f' 2·A cross country championships Saturday morning at l\.1t. San Antonio College. The two teams have been listed as favorites to win the team title and if their Je3gue fina ls are any indication, fans s hould enjoy a com- petitive race. With their top runners finishing 2·9-12-13 . the Trojans narrowly nipped the Tritons, 55 ·57 . San Clem e nte·s top three harriers fin ished 3-6-10. captai n and ran 11 :00 oriented group is Terry ove r th e 1\.1 t . SAC Huddleston. o ne second eourse. behind Glass in the Glass and Fero have · league finals. At Mt. sparked a University S • .o\C. lluddles ton ran team that !\1essina says, JQ:,t.I. had no super star s . "We The Tritons h a ve two !ost some top kids from other top runners in last year and but had a seniors John Axtell and g o o d g r o u p o f Ri ll Adamaitis. Axtell sophomores coming up." ran 10: 14 in fini shing six- San Clem<'nle is more experienee d than University and its coach, Ben Cummings, says, "I feel we·re going to be fi r st . We have five seniors and I think th<'y ""'ant to win." l,eading the senior· th in the league finals and was timed in l l :01 at Mt. SAC. Ad a maitis' times were 10:19 and 10:57 . Completing the Tritons team are Kris Walcott, D a nny Hall, Owen F.dwards and Russ Hud· dJeston. Boes, GWC Meet In Cage Opener Competing in different preiiminary he-ats at ~1t. SAC la s t Saturday, lJniver s ity and San Cle-mente s till had re- markable comparisons. The Trojans h;:id 76 Orange Coast and while 6·8 Paul Srhill('ci points in a race in which Golden West colle-ges, will carry the r ebound- tileir runne rs were timed t wo long-time rivals. ingload. in 55 :40 . 1'h(' 1"rilons usher i n th(' 1975-76 occ·s lone sophomore basketball season is forward Dave Walsh. Edison Runners Favored • •• WALNUT -Winning invitationals and dual . meets with C'ase all year, F.dison._:s Chargers final- ly get a chance at the big one-the CIF 4·A croes. country title-Saturday morning at Mt. San An · tionio College. Edison, rated No. 1 In the 4-A poll, rigures to get its biggest challenge (rom No. 2 Costa Mesa in a race that is slated to• begin at 11 :JO ovttr a hil· ly, two-mile course. The day·s first race. the l ·A c hampionship1 starts at 10 and ill followed by the 2-A (10 ,30) and 3-A (IJ Y races. I.eel by Colin McCon· nell (JO : 18), Edison com· piled 47 points in the pre· lims when their runners were time d in 53:21. Costa Mesa (54 : 18) had 53 points and Foothill (54 : IO> had 70 points. Mari n a ·s Vikings. compiling 91 points, arc also entered as is Mater Dei 's Bill St. John who was third in the 4-A pre. lims with a 10 :26. finished y,·ith 79 points ton,·ghl at OCC. Game Th h f h \vhile their h a rriers eot erstarters ort e -===========. elocked~S :J7 . timeis7:30. Pirates figure tu be S.6 IO% Both teams have top Roth teams will rely Mike Denham, 6-6 Phil runners. primarily on freshmen-Holden in the front line ~ University, co·coaehed but coac h Dick and Tom r.loy and Dave V by Don Chri stensen and Stricklin·s Golden West Taylor in the back court. DOWN. Bob Messina, is led by Ru stlers appear to have Roth teams are in ac- junior Woody Glass. an edge in both ex · tion Saturday night-the Last year's sophomore perience and rebounding Pirates traveling to LA t;=.91JA league cross country strength. Trade Tech a nd Golden UftlJr'° ch a m p j 0 n , G 1 as 5 West tangling w ith host finished se cond lo Stricklinisexpectedto Cerritos. INDUSIRIAL Laguna Beae h 's Eric open with at least three Orange Coast is com-BUILDINGS Huls t in this year's sophomores in his start· ing ofr an 8-21 season league finals and clocked ing lineup while OCC while Golden West was a l0:37 in the CI F pre-coaeh •lerb Livsey will 17 -10 las t year. OCC liminaries over the start follr freshmen . holds an 8·3 edge in the d h 'll ·1 Sophomore s Jay series.havingbeatenlhe ~~~s~.· 1 Y two-mie John s on and Dale Ru stlers, 93-85, in their Glass is complement· Parker. along with Scott last meeting two seasons ed by senior Mike Fero, -=Cla;:r;:k;:;:p;:a-c;:c;;:;l;:h;:e;:R;;:;u;:sU;:e;:r;:s;;:;a;:g;:o;:. =======,-juniors J ose Galvan, r .Neil Graham, Byron Long Ehlert and Gary Darcy and sophomore Carl Ehlert. Fero is University·s New Shipment of • • • World Famous t•t•1t•t•m SoCal will start Jeff Malstead (6·4) and Edwin Young (6-2) at forwards if Bercerson and Johnson are unable ................ , .... _ ...... K•-Oll'9J,( .. ,..111f>d•1 '*""York ... W111t1119lo!I 90 GoldeftSil•le 10l, Mlht'•ut." !05 ~Ull ..... MllAlllM..._ UtMI 121,. l(tftlll(lY 126 Coll ...:1t1rtAY11n1Mett1mttB.,..·1oti Jack Dean and Dave HDl',.11; -.is1 111w1r111•t1t•: 1t1n. Maracich. ...,_lster. · "jiiiiii:iliiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i-1 "~•,.... ... " I <:atlQl11: Rlcll Mlllt>r; Mott V81- "6t: Tim lt-r; Mott I""'"""': .... A""; MMI 1,,.ir•tlonM: Rk:t1 ....... Mercedes 450SL JUST ARRIVED! INCLUDING: •SL 72 •COUNTRY •SUPERSTAR •PRO MODEL •MONICA .•PlAYER No~'ll you can buy one of our 4 ,000 · 8.000 squJ re loot 1ndustr1 d! bu1id1ngs for only 10% down. Eleven 1nd1v1dual units tcll 1n Phase ru, in the heart of the nation's largest mas1cr·pl;:inncd indu.'",\11.:J\ area. in Orange County. Near ;11rPoft and the 1nterscct1on al San Diego and Newport lrcewoys. See our models or catl (714) 979·9205 ()( (213) 680-9415 for infa<mation. .............. ,"9.Jol .. .....,... .... .,.1~1 ~Oh'J,St.Uu.lt2 to play. Doug Posey (6-8) -;;;==============--.-and r .. ,., .. ,,, Randy 1929 FATHOM 11 Ada · ., 'hare ROLLS IOTCI UMOUSIMI duti~ c::oope.-body. Over t.tO.OCO ltNOtved In 3 yre.. restora- tion. Engine don• by RoUt Royce In London. co9Ch & l. f' t t l' 1 ..... 11 T (I m body work done In Geneva. 8ett ofter. CW pretentty Wotk ins ((\.l:) :-r.d David on display et Motor.,,. In Holtywoocl. AblCMutely Baron (6-J) will l(Ct t.fl(' f'81fored to MINT CONDITION. nod nl C•• guard posts. hentl -12111 7H·Sl45 SoCal pla1a ul Pt. Z-Slturda7 lllibl. ~··~~~·-~- H..y A-12111 HCM'92 Attontlow. Kn.o Auc:llOn Pltrono 72 PANTERA from$899S ' - Leasing we can. tailor a lease or finance plan /Q sulf you •aelOn VlelO lml Dl'IS lll-1740 4'S.11IO I. .. OYER 100 mus TO CHOOSE FROM MOl•lllVIE GNIER 3190A AJ1port LooP Or. Cosla Mesa. ca. 92626 IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPlEX ' ' l • • f ---·-· HARD WORK -Jim Blanton, at left, and Bob Cant, construction i and maintenance workers at th e Port of J.ns Angt.·l es~ wr a p I special plastic sheeting around a wood.en piling t~ prote.ct 1l fr om being eate n by wood-boring organisms. A dive r, 1n water, completes the. underwater portion or the job. Pier Parasites Light Tests Ended NEW YORK !APl -A federal appeals court has let stand a lower c.'ourt 's prohibition agains t the govern · ment 's t el!ti n g of Christmas tree lights for saf('ty in stores where tht" lights art" sold. The suit against the fe-de-ral Co n su m t>r s ' Product Safety Com· m ission h ad b een brought by NOEL, the National Ornament and Elt>ctric I.ight Associa· lion, whose mt>mber!i in- cludt> 13 makers of Christmas tree lights . THE COMMISSIOS had been st>nding volun· tet>rs with identific.'ation a s it s age nt s into storeos to c.'ht>ck electric lights (or potential hazards. Store personnel were shown how they theomselves could check future consignmt>nls. · NOF.l. took a dim view t P .1. p d o( the program a nd sued Harbor i ings rotecte on •h• ground• that. it cons tituted rule-making s ' Today, after rigidenforcementoftou.~h m<'.lrine without a h~aring and laws. the water in l.os Angeles llarbor 1s so c le~n e~orc.'emt>nt_ 1!1 a~vance that more than five SJX'CiE's of fish can be caught in without not1f1cat1on to the Mai n Channel. and scuba div<'rs, walL•r skiers ·manufarturers. • • . • • ., • ~· BOATING Weekend's and sailors are once again enjoying one of the best recreational harbors in the world. . Rut . as the old saying goes, you so~et1mes can't win for losing. For, along with the fi sh and sportsmen came the dreaded wood borers who thrive on pier pilings. NA~tES J.IKI-: IJ'.\'1:'JORIA tritunctata and Teredo sound almost too ominous for the tiny creatures that they are, but the damage they ~o h~s already cost the .Port millions of dollars, and 1t will spend millions more in the next f~w years protec~· ing its piers from these tiny organis ms who weren t ~problem in years past when the water was not as pollution.free as it is today. To combat the invasion. thC' Port of I..os An ge\C's • pioneered in the use of plastic pier ~ra.PJ?ing:. P?rt YachtlDg \\-'Ork crews and divers scrape each 1nd1v1dua l p1t•r fr om water line to its base. then \\-'rap the pi le with a ' special plasti(' :;J('t'Vl' \\'hich \va s dcv(•lo ped at the Scene Calm port 's testing laboratory. With mos t · of the ''turkey day ·· or Thank sgiving regattas already o n the record books, most Southern California yacht clubs will observ<' a qui('t weekend following the • regular Thanksgiving re- past. The only local aC'tion scheduled this weekend js Bahia Corinthian Yacht ·Club 's Round ~obin Team Race Satur· .day and Su nday. ~ F.,RTHF.R down the "'Orange Coast Dana '-Point Yacht Club is ·sponsoring its Oceanside '>Argosy, postponed from 'the previous week. This is the standard type '-lOvernight race in which ..the fleet races from .fDana Point to Oceanside "'on Saturday, spends an (~vening of partying as guests of the Oceanside 1'\'acht Ciub and racing 1back to Dana Point on ~nday. 1\CCORDING TO FRA~K Ste iger. testing engineer. the plastic slee \'(' leav<'s a small film of \\•ater around the piling that soon b<'comes stagnant ~nd loses its oxygC'n. The borers ncc.>d air to brealhC' so they soon die and the plastic preven.ts new ones from moving in. So. in effect. the plastic crea~e.s a confined polluted environment .around each p1 hng to help preserve it . . . Since there are more than 50,000 wood p1hngs at the port. it will take three work crC'\\'S doi ng 45 piles a day about three years tocompJ(•le th C' prOJ('Ct, and 3t a projected C'ost of around SB million. Boat Show Slated For LA 's Center The 20th annual Southern California Boat Show will be held Jan. 30 through Feb. 8. 1976, at the d ow ntown Los Angeles Convent ion Cente-r. the s ponsoring Southern Ca lirornia Marine Association an· nounces. The Southern California Boat Show, of· (ering 240,000 square feet or e:<hibit dt:'voted solely to boats and marine ac· ct:'ssories, is th<' nation's second larges t boat show . The show is being held in its traditiona l winlcr dales after two years in rail dates. The SCMA re- ports record interest amo ng exhibitors in securing space. High School Drama Slated PerformancC's are set U.S. DISTRICT Court Jacob J\1ishler issued an injunrtion directing that the feder al government halt its volunteer pro· gram. a decision that the commission appt>aled. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appt>als scheduled a hearing on for Tuesday on NOEl.'s suit against the commission. Fiji Cool To Shark 'Battle' SlJV.<\, Fiji (;\P) -f'i. ji Fisheries Department officials say they may forbid a SI million right to the death proposed between Australian di\'er Ben Cropp and a white pointer shark in a Fiji iagoon in March. 1\me ri can Promoter William Sargent s aid he intends to import a white pointer s h ark from .i\ustralia because such sharks -the same kind featured in the fil m "Jaws" -do not fre- quent Fiji waters. J)av id Evans. m anager of a Su va sports diving business, however, has offered to fight the shark for onJy $2.000 rompared to the SI million for whirh Cropp rontracted to battle the shark "''ith a four·foot spear. F.vans s aicJ because "''hite pointer sharks fre- quent temperate oct'an depths. a white poi nter would be-dazed and ix-wildered in the hot and shallow tropical lagoons of Fiji. ( Cabrillo Reach Yacht 'tlub in the I.cs Angeles Harbor area is the onJy ..c lub which h a s scheduled a Th<1.nksgiv- lng Regatta on the actual Thanksgiving W('E'kend . The Saturday and Sun· day event is open to all classes. . "The House of Rluc I.eaves," a two-act play by John Guare, will be produced by drama stu- dents at University High School in Irvine. f('lr 7:30 p.m . Dec . 4 and ;t,f' the ' 11 and 8 p .m . Dt>r . 5, 6, 12 Jr..1.0 r S and 13 . Admission is s1.so for students , S2 foe •"er.'"l.Oll others. ,-4 " Sun.Moon. Tldr• Renounced f'll:IDAY THE SEAL BEACH Yacht Club is holding its r egular Sunday Sailor Series. Coa•tar Wrafhrr ~=~~" : ~;:·~. !: GOLDEN. Colo. (UPJ) sAru11:0.,., -A woman whose two Only other regatta ac- tion in the Southland is at San Diego where the San Diego Associa tion of Yacht Clubs (SDAYC) is holding iU annual junior championship today and Saturday. Winds •nd SC &llt!•t'CI '"OWIH\ CloKreMtno tonlol'll. Crisp -""W s.t ... dey. Fl"1"IQl'I Fir~l l S.CondP!lqP! Second low s 06•"' ,", sons were convicted of 11 S1 a "'· ll9"1 ,..,l•blt' wlftds w~~l<'•ly 10 io ictk""'s. Hl!j'l'tl. wlll be S2 lo S.. s ollpm •o raping a 16-year -old girl 10 1so.rn. 1.0 pleaded for probation on SUHDA Y CO-Sl•I temprr•lurei wilt •-bel-rn •• •I'd SI. H'!l•"d trm· pe<'•lurts wlll r..,or bel-t'n .. M>d ... Fl .. IP!IQP! S ... ., m . 61 the grounds th~t a young FlrMiow 114•om. o ~ woman who got into a s.con<1ri111n •·'1 Pm. •,·, car with strangers de-SKOfld 1.,... I I 16 p m TM ••Irr ttmprr•1urt" will bf ST. s...r1...,s•.ll•.m.,ie1\• •So.m. ~erved anything that iw-or1w11 4•m .. i.ehl llom. happened. • 24 Entries Received Manzamllo Race Set With the starting date still more an two months away, the San Diego " acht Club reports 24 firm entries for be fir1t 11ailing of the 1,140-mile '}la:Manillo race scheduled to get un- ~r wayfrom Point Fer min Jan. 31 . The Manzanilla race replaces the bn Dieeo to Acapulco race which !or '"1all1 yeara was one of the most popular Mexican races. In recent ea.rt 1kfPpers have complained bout the 1lownes1 ol the 1,430 mile aJKllrq race. especially south of n2aalllo whe re the winds are lnt~l\YU1ht1n February. 1 TREllE WERE al so complaints •bout Ille deterioration of hospitality · 11 Ille Club de Yates de Acapulco whkll ,. .. one of I.lie founders of the ,_ bock Jn the eerly 19500. In r-nt r years the c.'lub has been taken over by a group of Mexico City powe r boat owners who have expressed little in· terE'st in the race. l\1e~ico headquarters for the new Manzanilla race will be at the re· latively new Las Hadas hotel a nd re· sort development. RACE OFFICIAIS AT SOVC said the new race will be sailed under the International Offshore Rule (IOR) Mark 111 . San O'iego racing sailors have also been embroiled in the con· troversy over IOR Mark: Ill and a re · vision of the rule by the Ocean Racing Fleet or Southern California known as IOR/ORF·75. ''Ais of this moment, we are still planning to r un the race under IOR Mark Ill.'' aald SOYC Commodore Nick Frazee. A district judge said he had a diffe rent in· tt"rpretation or the law. Jefferson County Dis· trict Judge George Priest said the men's mother submitted a pro- baticn request in which she claimt>d any young woman who got into a car with strangers de· served whatever she got . "This court doesn 't agree wth with that posi- tion," Priest said in sen- tt"ncing John. A. Tudgay, X>, to 14 to 30 years in the state penitentiary. Pniest earlier sen· tenc:ed Tudgay 's brother, Ronald 26, to an indeterminate-to-15· year term al the state re-. formatory. The men were charged with first-degree kidnap- ing, rape and deviate sexual intercourse in eonnectlon with the at. tat'k on the girl last April. • It 's i11 the Bag April Johnson models tole bag being sold by the Thurston Intermediate School PTA in Laguna Beach lo raise money to buy dictionaries £or classrooms. Colored bags are sell ing for $.1.50, white for S3 a t the school. All Down to a 'T' ATLANTIC CITY (UPI) -The prize-win ning entry in a ~on· test to design a bicentennial seal for Atlantic City, N.J ., had JUSl a bout evt>rything to symbolize the shore resort: the sun, the ocean, th<' boardwalk. · The only thing it didn't have was the first '''!'' in Atlantic, a fact that escaped rontest officials until the misspelled logo was published in a local newspaper. C·ont~st j Deadline Dec. 9 t Ott. 9 is the de.ad.line (or "sub· mission of f'ntries in the aMuaJ Voi~ of Democracy speech con· test sponsoreil by the George FAson Smith Post Tl42 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, San aemente. Competltiod is open to Joth, 11th and 12th crade..st.udents al Dana Hills and San Qemente hich school• "What out lllcen· tennial Hmtage Means tO Me" ls the topic of this year'scOntest. Students must write a~ to five·minute script, t.Ape 1t, and submit it for judging. FUrther in· formation may be obtained by calling Ida Hunt., 49'l·791· First place winntr will receive a $100 savings bond; second pla~e, , and third place, $25. The ·nner will qualify (or dis- bi , state and nation.al competi· tions. CowuyNeeds . Census Takers The County of Orange is pre- paring to hire 743 persons (or a special mid-decade census whlch . will cover '\lni.ncorporated ter- ritory and the rities of Garden Grove, Buena Park and Los Alamitos during January and February. AppJiC'.ations for the positions will be aceepted beginning at 8 a .m . on Monday at the county personnel de partment, Room G-220, at 625 N. Ross St., Santa Ana. r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----------., ... .' .. I I I I I I I 100 MIRRORS: This Christmas season a t Sea Schwinn. you'll get a chrome- plated. oblong mirror with two reflectors as a gift, if you are among the first 100 purchasers of a 10-speed Schwinn bike. Compare Our Great Collection of Schwinn Bicycles & Accessories With Other Products. I I I I For instance, our Schwinn Va rsity Sport·' model (pictured ab~ve), has features .1 usually found on bicycles costing muct1 more. You get: • 10-speed derailleur gear s .• Twin-Stikl!'! gearshift controls I • Sports Style handlebars • Built-in kick stand • Dual-Position Caliper brake levers • Tubular rims · We . at Sea Schwinn, are qualified bike experts, who will aid you in a selection to fit I your holiday gift needs. We know th e available mod01s, and will assemble, adjust and fit your choice for your comfort, at no extra charge. Later .•• we'll take care of service ... if necessary. That's our business. I NO TIME LIMIT WARRANTY Schwinn and Schwinn-Approved bicycles. pans and accC'ssones are warr an1ed to be free lrom dclecls in malet lals anti workman. ship NO TIME LIMIT! Sc11w111n w1U tcpla<:o ..• w1lhoul char~c ... any Schw1nn or Schwinn-Approved part or accessory lhat 1s delerm1n~d by tho lactorv lo be defecttvc. sea oi $cl/&l~q ' 1. ·o· , I Sea Schwinn enl1tles you to a lrce 30-day checkup, Including 1nspect1on, ad1ustmon1 and free replacement of any palls lound 10 bO defeclive. Wo oiler You an owner's manual lhllt conlains the Dealer ''five Point Prote'ction Plan:· guarantee. and intorma- llOn on how lo prope1ly ad1ust and me1n1ain your bike, e1c. BeonGol lhe first 100 to come 1n and see us. Bnng in !his coupon, and, with your purchase ol any rw!w Schwinn 10-speed bike, you • will receive a beauttlul chrome-plated bicycle mirror FREE . ' Sea Schwinn, 420 East 171ti Street, Costa Mesa. (7 1 4~ 646-7706 or ti46-fi855 Bonk Am rlcard, Master Charge, Layaway Plans Avn!lablc .·o"' . ~' .., ~ ,,.. - Sales & Sorvlce I ·1. I , .. llll!ml ~ ~ - - -.,. .\ ___ ... _ I • I • ' • • Music to Flow, Batons to Flash· In 2 Concerts 0.11, ~UM MM! ,__ ALVARO CASSUTOWILLCONDUCT THE UCI SYMPHONY Cassuto Conducts Own Work By JACKIE HYMAN Of Hte D•llY f"llM MMf "I don't perform my works often myself. Since I'm engaged as a conduc. tor rather then a composer, I don't feel I should impose it. It's like someone who's always talking about himself in a con. versation. ·· Alvaro Cassuto, UC Irvine music director. was discussing his .original composition ·'To Love and Peace,'' which will be presented Dec. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. in' the college's Fine Arts Village Theater. _Also pn the program will be the over. _ture to ''Die Meiatersinger'' by \Jtaa:ner and Mozart's· "Requiem". Cassuto will eonduct the UCI Symphony Orchestra and University Chorus. Ti~ktfts to the event at $2 are available by callihg 833·6617 or833-5549 .. 'J'HE PIECE, written In· 1973 al\d first performed .by the Manhattan Orchestra of New York, was composed to express his feelin'gs about Vietnam and .about Portugal's colonial wars In Africa, Cassuto explained. · The Portuguese conductor, who also serves as music director of the National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Lisbon, said, "The work expresses the idea that you can only understand peace when confronted with conflict, and therefore in this work there are man"y musical con· fiicts which resolve into peace.·· He noted that the work ends using a traditional Lutheran chorale which was harmonized by Bach. Cassuto said that immediately after the concert, he will fly to Lisbon, where he will conduct "To Love and Peace" on Dec.8. HE SAID HE hasn't composed any major works since this one, but has been CASSUTO WITH ORIGINAL SCORE commissioned to compose a full-evening ballet based on a play by Garcia·Lorca. The commission is from the Gulbenkian Foundation in I.i sbon. "I can imagi ne mus ic. I don't have to write it down. It ta kes such a tremen- dous amount of time to write down music. I need a specific amount of time to write down a piece of music . l need at least a month in a row to writ e something and I haven"l had a month without con ucting in ages,"' Cassuto said. Does he feel himself to be primarily a conductor or a composer? "When I'm conducting, I feel 1·m a ronductor; when 1 ·m composing, I feel a composer. There are so many more op- portunities today to conduct than to have your own music performed. If you in- clude contemporary music in concerts, then people will run away," Cassuto said. "What we are faced with 1 think is that the audien<'es generally are very lazy and unless you bombard them over and over again with the same rhythms in one piece, they don 'l understand the piece. (Popular music) is not challenging, you are almost brainwashed. People are be· ing drowned in the kind of music that catches their attention by repetition.'' CASSUTO noted that ''a trend of peo- ple getting back to nature·· has also con· tributed to a demand for "simpler music, music which is more direct ... ''They look upon music as an emo· tional experience rather than as an in· tellectual experience. Music was cer- tainly an intellectual experience in the Renaissance,·· Cassuto said. However, he noted that would-be serious composer s face other pressures of their own. "There is in contemporary music and in contemporary art constantly the feel · ing that you·ve got to be diJferent, you"ve got to be original," he said. ··This continuous search for novelty certainly prevents people from getting deeper in any one trend. This constant search for originality is bad. If you are constantly meeting new people, talking to each one for five minutes, you will always be saying the same things," Cassuto said . -• • i Arts I Dining Out .. Entertainment Ffiday, November 28, 1875 DAILY PILOT (: J . • • • I Zubin Mehta (above) and James Levine (left) will ·:., conduct the Los Ange/ell: Phi/harmonic in Oranfit County concerts ;~ ., during December. · ·; ·) LA Philharmonic :::· . .. Will Play in Count;J. :~ !\.1usic-by \Va gn<'r , Rrahms and Crawford Hall. UC Irvine. ~ Prokofieff will be on the program program will consist of Wel- Oec . 6 wh en Zubin Mehta will "Six Pieces for Orchestr condu c t th <' 1.o s An ge les Beethoven's Piano Cone · Philha rm o n ic in a concert No.2andSibelius'Symphony· sponsored by the Orange County 2. ~ Philharmonic Society. This year, because the Ori County Philharmonic is o£feti The concert will be at 8:30 p.m. twice as many concerts in the Santa Ana l-Iigh Sc hool formerly , e:<tra tickets - Aud itorium, 520 W. Walnut, San-available to the public for e ta Ana. 1·0 be played will be performance. ·.: mu s ic f ro m ''Gotte rdam -.... &. merun g"" by Wag nC'r . fro m The cost is $6 and $.5, ".'~ Prokofieff "s "f{omeo and JuliC't.. balcony seats at $4 and studcit ~nd Symphony No 2 in f) by tickets $2 . 1"hC'y arc a va ila~ Rrahms. from the philharmonic office,~ W. Coast 1-lighway, NewpoO Reach, CA 92663 . The pholqi numbE'r is 646 -6411 . -: J ames 1.ev inc will condurt the p h i lh a rmoni c D ec . 20 at • ' ' Spans Ages ' ' ' t D•ltf"'"'Mfift~ MICHAEL ,sttAIN, llOY CONBOY, KIMBERLY COLE ,, Director of VCI Production Sees Political-Aptness Directing her masters· thesis play has been a learning ex- perience for UC Irvine graduate student Janis As h. The result of weeks of work, a produ<'tion of Jean Anouilh"s "Antigone," will be presented Dec. 4, 5 and 6 at 8 p.m . in the UCI I.ittle Theater, Humanities Hall Room 161 . Admission is 7S cents at the door. Not only bas ·she learned about the play, Ms. Ash s aid, she has also been forced to learn more about all aspects of theater. "A. DIRECTOR is the overseer of absolutely everything. I found out with this show, the more money and the more people you have, the more you have to know what's going on at every mo- ment. "Acting-wise it's going lo be really good, 1 know. Some mo- ments are really beautiful. We bad some.problems early on witj) people not fulfilling their com· ' mitments (in technical work ) so I had to end up being a sound de· signer and co-set designer:· she said. "You have to depend on other people. There·s no way you can get a degree in this field by yourself,·· Ms. Ash added. SHE SAID SHE was attracted to the play because it is "very much pertinent to the situation that our country is in. It's about one man setting himself above moral structure and trying to rule by power.·· Although the play was writ- ten in French. the language is ef· fective even in translation, Ms. Ash said. "Jt"s beautifully writ· ten. The words are like a sym· phony. The English translation is just musical, lyrical. ''l have never seen a produc· tion of this play. I know it is read often and I think it's something that needs to be seen." Ms . Ash said the setting simulates a Greek theater, but mod ern costumes arC' used . ·•My costume' des igner is using sum - mer 0£ ·75 Vogu<.> patt<.>rns for the women. Vt'ry futuris ti c in a way. "Tl~F. REA.SON I chose the Greek setting (in contrast to the costumes) is I wanted to show how the play spanned the ccn· turies, ··she said. Although there arc no scenes most people ar e li kely to find ob· jectionable, J\.1s. Ash said. the play may be too 1ntell cctual for man y yo u ng people to ap · preciate . "The a udience is going lo have to think about wha t tht'y ·rc see· in g . They ca n ·t j ust cruise through a n c>vc>ning. ·· st)c e:<- plained. The cast in cludes Kimberly Cole, Mic hael Shain. Roy Con- boy, Debbie Gates and Thomas F. Silber in lead roles. Also in the rast are Laura E. Segal. James 1-lalley, David Pears on, Bill N elson, }lope Schwartz and Guy Renard. DIRECTOR JANIS ASH .'J . ,._ • \ :..-... ' '· ·~~ .... ....... ,j ' I • DAILY PILOT Fri Clay. Novembtlr 28, 1975 • ''Selma' Falls ~lwrt of Goal "Selma" is n new musical about Martin t.utht'r King Jr ., preS("nted. with much ('n· thusiasm, s ome scatterl'd talent and not much else The productio n at 11oll ywood's lluntington Jlartrord Theatt"r is almo:st a one-·man show : ·rommy Rutlt·r plays the' lt~ad , \.••rOtl:' hook. mus ic ~1nct lyriC'S, and rndirt·C'll'\i with Mark W arr~n . It '11.'J.S obvious ly a m 1stakt' Rutlt•r 1s a !int• a(·tor and hi s Portrttyal of Dr. King is at its btis t when the rcvt•rend"s own -...·ords -powerful and pot>t1c -are ust-d . FOR Tll F: R F.ST , there is a C'omplete lack of insight into ('hararter and issues, te pid n1usic ;.ind tentalivC' lyrics, tacky sets, ragged and un· professional stage direetion and some embar· rassingly awk\li·ard emotional scenes. There 1s talent here, in add1t1on to Rutler ·s - Ruth Rrown has a gorgeous vo1C'e , l..ee Duncan is ('onvincing as a black militant. and a few mo- ments or gr oup ('nthusiasm lead to bits or joyous improvisation. Rut not much. And not n('arly enou gh to savt> the sho-...•. The story of llr. King 1s onl' of po-...•er and passion. but love of subject alun<' -"''hic h Hutter obviously has -is nol t'nough. lie Y.'Ould do far bt'llt'r to s imply stagr an l'VCn1 ng uf himself de· li vt>ring Or . King's speec hes. --Jackie Hyman San Diego Rep at U CI "The OuC'hl'SS of Ma lfi "' by Hcrtolt Rrecht will be pr('sented by the San Di('go Flepertory Company ~t UC Irvine Saturday, D('('ember 6 at 8 p.m . in the Fine Arts Villag(' Con<"e rt llall . Tickets at $1 for general admission and SO cents for students may be obtained from the Associated Studt>nts Rox Ofric('. first noor of Gateway Com - mons. llC Irvine, or at the door the evening or tht· pt>rformanl'l'. ~1 or(' information may be obtained by calling 833-5:H9 "'{'t'kdays. ... •• '*40 J- Jeus by LEVI. Cords, nuvos, denims. MA.1n>1 <;llAlti)t wo .. cllff Plau l028 lrvir111. Newpor1 Be•ch. C.Wonu"· Phone 642-7061 Ceor~£' Qui ck 3nd .J u!i llictr1th (abovt•) \Viii star in ··1 1\n1 a c.·:.iml'r~1 ... the pl<.-1 y on ''"h ic h the mu~tC'al '"l 'abart•t" is basecf. Thr drama. st•t in pre-\\'ar l\erlin, \\'ill be offC'red at 8 p 111 . ()e<· :l, ·l. 5 and 6 in the ("or1J n ~1 ell· I :\1 ar ll ig h School I.ittlr 1·hl'atc•r . Adn1 1 ~s ion J S~. OPfN OAftl'rJ.om5pm CtOSED MONOAl'S Twenty.four Unique Shoppes •Handcrahed Leather • Macrame ,...7:':~::':1'~~ •Pottery & Hand·Patnled Statuary oc1lic ••1 Hw y· ~!;~:~:1Qcu°eC::O~:~~ ~°c~k~ 1~·. • Wood Craft • Indian Jewelry & ~~' '·' Clothing • Cus t o m -Made :..·• io",'.:-,·-{ Sportswear • Interi or Dec01"at1ng • , Early American Aeproduc11ons • z .JOth it .; Stained & Leaded Glass Windows & Lamp Shades • Un1Que Phones J "'. (..;'. . ' . __ .,,. .. ~, . Give them a world of thinq.s to think about. World Book This Christmas. give them World Book . .. and Ch ildcraft -The How and Why Library. Designed especially fo r ' students. the 22-volume World Book offers them a current. accurate source of Information for all their re fe rence and study n e eds. In the Aristocrat Bi nding ... just $299 plus tax. delivered. Childcrart Child c ra ft is a 15-vo lume s et for children _ . . to introduce them to re ading and le arning. In the Aristocrat Binding $1 59 plus tax, delivered. Buy t he m together and save $31 .80 Combination price. S426.20 plus tax, delivered. (Monthly terms available). I For w. i.toe a1atloR phw • 673-1166 I Costa Mnal or 54l·SSSZ 15...ta Aaal I 1 Active WQnd Book Representatives In SOulh Ortno• County: Nancy Schultz Margart! Niison PhN Spanglft' Luci Ann C.Ohna r \ Jone~lrlr Anelie Pogmon Charlotte Fagin C.O"" McC.Onnell { EllHn Thomas Dove Anthony Virginia C.Olklns Margaret Smtth Ph~ Gretngus Mory Hammond Lois Robolals . Mone Howard • • Watereolors at Challis • llol~day Fairs llOUDAY BAZAAR -Sponsottd by Oraoge (",ounty Memorial Garden Center. Monday rrom 10 a .m . to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fa.iJgrounds on Fair Dri•e in Costa Mesa, tGate 2 t>ntrancc). Wreaths, plaques, pr essed flowe rs. other girt.a . including food . JIOIJOAV F AIR -Arts and C'r afts. inC'luding weavings, s toneware and stained glass, at the Muckt>ntha J('r Cultural Center, 1201 W. Malv('rn. !-"'ull t·rton. :'-/ov. 28·Dec. 23. I-l ours: noon to 5 p . m ·ruesd::iy Sunday. CllRl!\T:\1!\.S .i\RT SAI.f~ -CeramiC'S, prinl!I , je"'·elry, at Cal Stall" Long Beach Fine Arts Patio (b('t""l'{'fl buildings fo"A2 and F AJ), 6101 F.. 7th St.. l.ong Rea('h. Noon to 8 p.m. Dec. 4 and noon to 4 p .m . Dee. 5. Pree admission. STlJDF.ST ART SA l.t: -In all mecua, ID tne Fullerton Collt>g(' Student Cent{'r, 32 1 E . Chap- man Ave .. F\Jllerton. 8a.m . to9:30p.m. Dec. l, 2and3. I.AC.UNA CRA FT GUii.i> SHOW -From 10 a .m to dusk Sunday along Forest Avenu e in I~l?una Real'h. Mort' than 140 exhibits of weaving, jev.·elry and seulptUTe. ' Jt11 l N• v.put t U v<!. Ncv,'J.lort Beach 673·6000 • WATsacor.oas AND son SCULPTtlllE - By RobOtt 8 . Wood and Joan Beck, Nov.,29-Dec. 211 •t Cballla Oollerl.,, l3IO S. Coast Hichway, Latuna Beaeb. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wed nesday. Sunday. PHOTOGRAPHS BY LEWIS BALTZ -Nov. 29·Dec. 31 al the J ack Glenn Gallery, 260 Newport Center Dr., Newport Beath. l l a.m. tos p.m . Tuesday.Saturday. Galleries/ Exhibits • INDIAN ARTS AND CRAJTS -On di4play, with some Item s ror sale, at the CapiatranoTrad- lnc Post acr oss from Mission San Jua n Capia trano. lOa .m . to6p.m. Dtt.4·1. .. WEAVINGS BY LENORE TAWNEY -Now through Dec. 11 at the Cal State Fullerton Gallery. Noon to -4 p.m . Tuesday· Friday, noon to 8 p.m . l\1onday, 1 to4 p.m . Sunday. CHRISTMAS TREES -More than 20 specially decorated trees on themes, Sunday only at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, 221 1 W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport Beat h. 10 a.m. to 6 p .m . $2 adults, 50 eents ch ildren 12 and under . d q.1lh ry 111 1.n1usu;il c.on tcmpor<1ry fur n1 shinris and ;iccessories IWJlllE RA11NOS RJR~AND WUNOPEDPI.£ ,...,._..._ .... , ....... ,,...,..,. ,.., ... _ ... ...,,_. ____ ......,.,_,,.,...., ..... t;I: "'°' ...... ''"""'""~• ....... o .... .. _""._ .................. ... Enterl•lnment h•ppenlnga. Every Friday 1m11U1M01 .___ _ __, inlhe DAILY PILOT ~· Odd Duo Jack Klu~man andTon,.Y f?an - t:lall '''ill star in '.'Jeil Stmon·s ···rho Odd Couple .. from Dec . 2 t hrough Jan. 11 at thl!' Shubert Thl'"lC'r 1n f't·nturv City. 'T'icket!'> arl' uva1lable ~;t agt•ncic•:'. Singers Take Spotlight .4.s you fell hl'avliy into bed las t nig ht. tht' fin~1I thought !hat flashed through your mind pro OObly had som('thing to do v.·1th 111.'\'t"f V.':1nling to St"t' (ood ~lg.'tUl So instead . ...,.hy not conet•n trale on a night devoted to the en JllYmf'nl of ~ood enterta1nmt'nl., There's a lot of fine talent on :::;tage 1n tht• area these nights SE>vt'ral rt•rfor mers are es pecial ly deser ving of your atte ntion RJJ.J. R,.\KF.R. billed a .:> the \"~1nkee Tun~!'i mit he , .. is ex h1bitin~ his distin("tiYC' brand of :'hO'>~;n1 <insh1p at tht• Dt•rbv restaurant. 1262 Rristol SL ~. F.::. {'o::-ta ~1 t>sa. 546-8390. :\ "·elromt" ne"'' facE> on thi.> lr1t:~11 enlertain ment scene, Rill rec('ntiy s"'•itcht'd his baSl' of (lpt•rations lo California from h1., native ~('v.· F.n~land IO\\'n . r·a1rf1eld, Conn. l le's appe<Jrin~ :•I the Oerhy ni ghtly. '°'und;.i y through S<iturday l"'lJ y1n~ guitar :i s v.·C'll as e[e{' Irie ri:1no . Rill con1b1n{'S ;..i r e pt•rtoirl' of today's hit:-> "tth yt>sterd.1y 's cla s~il'S and ts l'qual· !y at hl..imc• dispcns ing rOC'k. jazz st~1ndarch; or country n1us i(·. );o"·, in addition to singing and flt'rfor m1n~ as a s tn~!t'. Rill is roncentr;itin).! ;1l so on allied cJrt'Prs <I S :->nn;;v.·ritf•r and SILldio rn u::;ir ian Ill' has \\'rittt•n "Tht• Out ·n · About Norman Stanley Great Grey \.\'halt•, .. fur lhC' CflS ('hildren 's s hov.· "\apta1n Kangaroo.·· The \\'hite ('luud of the '.'light"' for tht.• American ('anc-t'r J\i>sociation. and "Thr Rhythm or You r ('ar" (or (iul f Corp. 8 0 8 WJt lTI<: is a no th er perfor m er"' n t'"' to the area. Formerly a member or tht;> na- tionally knov.·n l'latter s, Hob is currently headlining at the Kona I.anes· Outrigger Room. 2699 Ha r bor Rlvd ., Costa Mesa, 5-15-111 2 .... Rac-ked by thl' Tony Morales T'.'·o, Rob br1d~c·s lhl• gt>neration gap. The ,£roup's pl("asing sound leans t0v.·ard the nostalgic, with many o!d favor1tt>s . In ac\dition to club and theatr1{·al appt.•:iranct>s all over the C'Ountry . Roh has bet•n S('en on T\7 I' Police Story"), in mov- ies 1 ·snov.·s of Kilim anjaro" l a nd on nation<tl n~·tv.·ork com· mer('1als. ;\lung "·ith Rob's vocals at the <.lutrigger Room. you'll also ht.· treatect to <.1 lot of plt'asurable danCl' music lie a nd thc Tony !\toraiei,; Tv.•o t1 olct forth nj,ghtly, Tueosday through SatLLrday, from 9p.m . lo201.m S f.VF.R .<\I. A R T ISTS l ong familiar to the area's night tnp· riers have also takton up nt•v.· l'O· terlainment stations in rt•(•t•nt "·eeks. Heading this lis t 1s lht.· pi:tnll favorite J a n Dene au, v.'hfi h~is a p peared in many s pots along the ('oas t from f.luntington Reach to San Cle me nte . Jan has j ust settled into the Pum p Room of the Village Inn, rorner of Marine a nd Pa rk Ave., Ralboa Island. 675-8.U>. Versatile as ever "'ilh h is ··old time favor ites," h(''s appearing night- ly, Tuesday through Saturday. from 9 p.m . to I · 30 a .m. One of the fixtures that v.•as n't discarded dt1rin,e the recent clos ing of '.'lt"•'port fk>ach 's Stuft Shirt v.•as the mus 1t.'aJ group ~o long associated v.·1th tht· rt>~taurant . Rart>ly paus ing to l'atch brt·ath after .:i final chorus of '.o\u\d l.ang Syn{'.·· thC' fit.•n(' lh;> \·a111• Trll\ movt'd ctirectly to :"lil'v. port's San FranC'ist.·an restaurant. 1617 WestC'liff Or ., 6-15-5222 . ~ow, it v.·ould <1p1)1;.•ar. Gt•ne·s :idmirer s h avt.> fol\ov.·ed suit. l.fe':i pld ling record crowds to the San t-~ranciscan dance floor nightly. Tuesday through Satur- tl<ty. ~~~~~~~~- Sr0x I [: .. ::::~' ·~:::· ... Call 642-5678 . 1 l !D}f;islk•lell••vt. I •n•M1m I 114 ! 619·2"4 ' _.....;: ,.... __ L •' GUl5t "'" ""' ·.~' ·,. •e ' ~ Pu t a few words to work lor you. In the 11111\IJ!h)I CROWN HOUSE REST AURANT 32802 COAST HWV. LAGUNA NIGUEL 1.0.1 ,,_., VolJ.y P.,•••YI 499-2626 496-5773 , IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT 384 FOREST AVE. LAGUNA BEACH "~ t .... l _.., .. d! Anio·c Free P.1r1<.1ng 494-9491 752-8558 .. COio!l .. A~ YOU ·, All ' BEAUTIFUL DINING ON THE BAY COCKTAILS UNDER THE STARS ' ' El Matador MARCIA L IS I AOl! CO"'.! & SAY HELLO MA•CIAL ANNOUNCES SPECI AL SUNDAY BREAKFAST Plus Ev e rylhtn!J on !hf' Menu Open at 9 00 AM LUN C H EO N SPECIAL $I .SO M on tf1ru T Mur 11 fq 11 • Fri 1 1 1_, 12 Sal 9 !· 1:1 • S..1ri ci•o 11 1168 Ht•purt 11,,d lat 18th St.I CC1$f11 M1f'10 6_,.5·)520 APADAN A RESTAURA N T WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY PERSIAN, ARMENIAN, GREEK, RUSSIAN & AMERICAN CUISINE SOME OF THE HOUSE SPECIALTIES ARE [)Qlmeh ~(STU FFED GRAPE LEAVE:SI. Shu.h Kebeob F'lunbe', Shuhlyk Flambl, I< Rack uf Lamb . LU N C~I -:\lrtn-F'r i • f)l1"i\l t-:R -Mlln ·S at t:IJCl\TAll.' l>All.Y •Cl.USED SUNDAY BUFFET LUNCHEON !kilt o.n""I ru•• Yio<O Thu" 1 JO 11 10 '" "' ~ .. 8J0110 COWPt.aTI: 8ll1'n.T ,.Oil ON'LY $2.$0 -'LL Tlll:I ALADYOO'CA"l:AT FOil ONLY J J,J5 Free Validated Parkinci in Ne ...-port Center across trom Fashion 1Sl'and 600 Howporl C.....,. Drin-ll•s. 640-7502 BAH9UET FACIUTIES 11 0 to 1001 Frtdlly. November 28 1975 DAIL -y Pll.01 CA Stars Perform Tonight ___________ , TOSIGtrr, SOVEM.BEll Z8 JOSE FEIJ CIASO -6, 8 and 10 o'elock tonight "nd Saturdiy at Disneyland. Anahc:im , al:so Glf'nn Millrr 0r4:'htstra, &o'clock lo midnight. SEIL SEDAKA -With Kip Addotta, 9 and 11 o'cloek tonig ht i nd Saturduy at the Troubadour. 9J81 Santa ~1on ic3 Hl vd., W. }follywood. $5, tickets at door. THF. 5 )'10THE RS ftROTllE RS -2 a nd 4 o"clO<'k today through Saturday at 1-t agic Mountain. ~13~ic Mountain r)arkv.·ay, Va\('ncia tnorth of 1-lolly\\'ood ), $6.50 adults, $5 SO <'hildr~n. include~ ndt•s )f.<\R\' COSTA -Soprano, 8 o'clock tonight in tht-(~ardt.'D Grove Community Ch urch aud1tor1um. 12141 1.ev.•.s St $6. 750·7000 . f'l .. -\...'H {' . .\Oi l.LAC -And the Continental Kids. toni~ht and Saturday at Knoll's Berry Farm. 8::139 Rt:•ach Rlvd ., Ru('na l'ark. 'S<"•:s1-~s 1-"RO;\I AMf~RICA~ l.JFF.' -Sat1r1cal play, no\v through Dec. 20 at South Coa~t llePt•rtory, 1827 :"-Jcv.•port Blvd., Costa Atesa &16 1363. ){JTC Jlf:l.l. :\11\RIOSF.TTES -7 o'clock tonight, al.so hourly from noon to 4 p .m . Saturday :ind Sunday Weekends un1il Christ mas a t 1-lunt· int.'1.on Center. 7777 Edinger A vc., llu nlingtoo Beach. Fret•. 'T HF: TF.1.1.-TAl.F: llf.ART ' -Edgar Allen Poe play, presented by 1'ht> Schc h('razade Players. midnight tonight. 8 p.m . and midnight Saturday 1n Ar thur's Rarn, llerita~e ltark. 12174 Euclid St .. Garden Grove. Warm d ress advised. 25 cents admiss ion. 5.J.1-2611 . ·SU8 J F.<I' TO f'llAS{;F.' -Comedy al the Costa ~1f'S3 C'iv1c Playhouse, V.'t'Sl gate or thl.' Oran~e County Fairgrounds . 8 30 o 'clock tonight and Saturday and Oec. 5 6, 12 13 . 842·5 121. 'OF.1\R F'RIF.Sll S' llrama at the ll unt1 n~ton f~ach Playhoust·. 2110 ~t ain St .. lf u ntin~ton Ht'aril. 8 30 o 'cloek tonight and Saturday i.lnd llec. 5·6. 12 13 . 8'12·S.12l. 'Pt:RI(llJ OF !\DJIJSTYI F.:'lrr!T' 'rennessee \\'dliams comt•dy at the \.\'estminster Commun1- 1y Thea1er. 7272 !\.1aple SI., Westminster, 8:30 n'C'lock tonight and Saturday. 893·8626. CO.~Tl '.'ll 11 .""WG l '.'J I.OS A.'.i(;El.F.S -"Too Much J ohnson"/"Thc S hadow Rox," in repertory through Dec. 21 at the Mark Taper Forum ; ''The :'>/orm.'.Jn Conqut>.sts" l hrough Saturday al tht' Ahm~1n son The;,ilt.'I" ! .. ~ight of the Iguana" Dec. 19 ), St'lma ... nlusical. through l)ec. 21 at the ~~ l _l ~/ o uen .·''·~·.,--.• ~~ ;l;;;)ragon :_~f?~ GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes LUNC H•nir.:~EA DAILY Food I t; Take Out 11JOA.M I010PM 2021 H..t.or lt•d. COSTAMISA 642·7162 • 646-9' 11 Gourmet Ja panese Cuisine .. H ori/.:u tt 'll Soulh Co11I VIiiage •«011 hom Soul" Co•l1 Pl••• 3BOO S Pla1.:1 01. San1a Ana fi 14155i1!>JI In l lllLe Tok~o ,, •• , 1"'• Mu"c C•nl•• 11 1 S S .1n Petlro Los Ang<>te~ !?13 16809355 LUNCHEON • DIMMER COCKTAILS • SUHDA Y BRUNCH EHTERT AIHM&IT HIGHTL Y HOW ltf PEARIMG "GOOD, Pdt{E & SIMPLE" 2406 Newport Bl•d. • On The Bay ICOME IY LAND OR BY SEAi NEWPORT BEACH 675-2244 ... t t t FIFTH ANNIVERSARY 'Earl~ 'Bird c.Menu RICE SERVED OA.ILV UNTIL 7:00 PM ~[WPO~T CENTER SOUP OF THE DAY TEA ... t t t t t A. Sl!RIMP Tf'.MPURA and S[SA,M[ CfflCKCN A pehue pleesuig comb1net1on ol Times/Places lluntingt on Jl<1rtford Tht'i.llt•r in tlollywood: Ne'A" VQr k City Opt>ra at the J)orothy Chandlc•r PaYilion. 'WF.sT SIDF. STOR\" -~lusical ut &bastian·:-. West Dinner Playhou.:>C', 1·10 :\v1·n11:fa Pico. San C'lt'mentt•. now throu~h Dt•c. 7, with dinnt·r ·192 9950 S:\TUROA V. ~ovt:.l!Rfo:R ?9 ·T tlF. S l lTf'R . .\C'K F,R' f''rt~:.t•nlt•d by llall{'l Par1fira. Saturd:•y !II ~ :10 p n) .1t V~dlt•y l ligh ~·hool. \ROI ~ <Ort•t•nv11l1· St S:1n1a Antt S.I ~•dull s. s.J s tudl·nts andc·hLIJrl'll .o\1 ~1) l)l'<'. 12 21 ut ) .. 'l g tin~ .l\l uultun l1la)h11u.-.\', l.Ji,:una fll'al'h. ·19-1 11 ·18 v.'t>f.'kd •t ys bt•t \\'f.'1•11 llJ ii nl ~11l<1 2 jl . nl . ~t ·sn.'\ \'. Sfl\·fo::\1Rf:R 30 f \'Cl.F. WOR l .n :'\1 (rrt~"Rt•S."' ·1'tlp lj .S., 1-:uro pe;1n r :t{'t'rs, noon ;u1d I p.nl Sund;..iy al Sad lllt•b;.it•k 1'';1rk. 2501 S,1n t1.1~u ('an:-vn J(oad in (.lr;1n,::t• l'.:11d .:1dmiss1on ('llRl.ST)I . .\..~ T R F.F. IJGltrl S G J.~ollowed b} f1rev.•ork s, 6 p .nl . ~und:1y ;1t l.,1 l'al lluaJ and C'hr1s ant;J I>riVl'. !\11 ss1on Vi<'JO . KF.SS \' R . .\:'lrr!KI S \V1th :-<t <1rt1n l\t ul\, 8 pm . Sunday ;it the San\:J l\101uco.i t'1v1 l' Auc.J1tor1um Tickets at ag("nc·1cs . SA:'lrr!TA Cl.Al JS l .t\~F. PAR . .\l>t: -7 pm. Sun day dov.'n 1-lo!lyy,,·ood Boulevard from Gow(•1 Stret"t to Sy{·amore Avcnut.•. f lollyv.•ood. l~ast~ tv.•o hours. Participants inc\udt• Angie D1C"k1 nson. F.die Adams . Earl lloliman. thl' "KoJ;,ik " ca:-1 and Robert Stack . MOSD,<\.Y, DF.CF.:\ol BF:R I 'DF..,Tll ' ASD 'GOD' -Tv.·o "'oody Allen rom edies. presented o ne each at noon Monday and 'fuesday. then together at 8 p .m . Dec. 3-6 1n the drama J:ib at Orang£' Coast Collegt', 2701 Fairview Road, Costa l'-1esa. Free. CllA:\otB F.R ~J:"llGF.RS C'OSCF.RT -Ch rislmi!S music. e\•e niog of Dec . 1 in l,ai,:una ll1lls M al~.: I-Tee . • "THF. o n n C'O U Pl.F.' -~ei l Simon comedy, s1arr1ng 'J'ony H.ind.:i.J! and J;,ic·k Klugman, lleo 2 J an. 11 at the Shulx'rt Theater in Century City . 8:30 p.m . nightly except Su ndays a t 7:30 p.m .; mati nees 2:30 p.m . Wednesd ay and Satu rday. ·rickets at agencies. fSt>t> T WAIS, Pag(' C7 ) llltEi\J\F.\!riT J.l'\'C 'll l >l:\'SF.H ('l l('J\T..\JL U\\('l:\'1, c..Airporter qnn ~otel l'RESE.\TS OUTSTA.\Ol.\G Dl.\l.\G & E.\TERTAl.\.\IE.\T .. * ME DITERR ANE AN ROO M FOR EXQ riSITE CUJSINE.SEH\llCE DIN'."EH Sf:RVl·:D FROM 5 l'~I Ll'r\Cll F HO~I 11 :311 AM CHAMPAG :'\E SUN DAY BRUNC H fl!O~I 10 AM · 3 PM * Ca pt ain 's Ta ble Coffee Shop SE IH°JW; 21 llOLHS DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN THE LOUNGE 18700 MacARTHUR.NEWPORT .. ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING NIGHTLY -. manoa1ed cli•c ~en and shrimp lemp1.1ra 13.95 8. TrMPURA S[AfO()D DI NN[R eunertly shnmp al'ld lole! o! sole dipped on a b!ltl('r and deeo-lr1ed 10 a QOlden pellectoon t t t t MOW FEATURING SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH ' ' :, 10 A.M. lo 3 P.M. ~ ;! L___ _______ __. 8 ., ;< CAl'T AIH'S HAPPY HOUR " 4 lo 7 P.M. -Mon. tlwv Fri. ~ OIH Hll l:)().11 P.M. ~C H 11 A.M.•lP.M, i'l lll)H.I ATSIOlOllYI rP :. tf(Wf'QIT l l ACH • '_. · l lll~(tYAtlOf\I~ · It only t•kH• ,..words In the right pl-to make • Nie. Along the Ontnge Coa1t Ille right pl-le the c.u 842 ·,..,• l•tl I ti QI t•l i L::.:~ ·=··--.~,~~~~-~:_:~:::. ·'-=· ~~--------~~-- I• t t t t f C. SllRIMP T[~1P U RA Shrimps Prepared with Vama!o s lempu•a batter and tleep·lroed to a 1empl1ng qoltlen prown D. STtAK T[RrYAK I Cl'lo•cesl beef magn1t1cenUy bro1letl IO ple11se your d1actlm1n1t1ng 11S1f' 13.95 SJ.95 t t t t 1ran1nt11 t =60 ras h io n ls lam1, Newµorl Genier t t Resc rvmions honored : 644·481 1 6. COME IN ANO BE OUR HONORED GU EST 'I' Now appearing: PYRO ,., n .. l• • .... ,...,,.,. y 11·. • ,, f 11, .,,., n·. 1 c._ •• ,~... '~·· ····.'h/tl·l l ~, ,· SOUT!l COAST PLAZA !lOTE:L O • • unmnt11 • .. ..,. _________ _ I I (}I, DAIL V PILOT Fr ld1y, Nov•mber 28. 1975 • GWC 1Theaters Bustling S11Per9kalf'S narbi Smith (right> \\'ill bt· a1nl)ng lhl· l·hamp1u11 i('l' skalL·rs ft•uturL·d in Sup <>rskalt.'s I I on "C BS Sports Spec" 1~u·t1lar " S:1turda)' :1t I :JO p n1 . on Channl•l :! \\'hen it comes to pay- ing homace to Thespis. the Grf'ek god of lht.~ theater. no Jo(·al educa Llonttl institution is mortc> dt>dicated than Gold("n Wt•st ('ollegi•, "'hert• t-ighl produ<"t1ons :•re un folct\nJl on the <"Olle~t··~ 1'14't\ st::iges during lht• 1975 76 st•ason. . .\!ready Gulde n \\'t•st has produced · Who's Afr:Jifl of V1r~1111 .-1 Woolf''" 1n th"• :J50 S1;.·nt C'..on)f'fltu11t y Th('at<•r and t"·o 1Hh1>r sho"·:.. ·"rht· Jo:fft>t't of (;;1mn1a !{;1ys tin '.\1;1n 1n thC'·~l oun ~t;1r1~t1!ds · · and · i'~t·if fC'r's Pt·oplt" · 1n tht• s m:1llt•r :\C'lor ':-. Pl;1 ybo . .; .o\ild 110 SO(I Ot'r d1tl fo'1•1fft•r " vat·ate the rlt) :-.l•;1t l-,!ayh11x la:-.1 "t~t'kc-nct than · ·rht• C't'lt>hr alt•d Jurnpin i.: ,,---------------------.... ------------Joi·11~· nf (.'[t!avC'ras ('oun In Las Vegas 'f'h <' folln\\ ing ~hP\\S :-ire :-.t h .. dult:d for !ht• l'Oming wet•k 1n I.a!'! \'t·~a :-. (':\F.S:\RS J,1\J,,<\('t: Sa1ntny J);i\'i ~. Jr OF.SERT l :'<il:'<il l>l•Ot..y Ht·yrlulJs F RONT IF.I\ -W aynt• ;-.;('\\'llin J.;\S VF.G .<\S 1111.TO:'<i/ 1-:lvis l'r<>slc>y (starts 12/2) )1(;:\1 G R:\:\'O Sht1l'ky (ireent', Rarbara F.den tends 12 /2 J , I>ean ~-l arlln tstarts 12 1;11 RJ\'IF.RA -Don ftiC'kles. f-i"anku: \1alli, f''our ~Json s te nds 12/·I J, Don Hickl<'s. John navidson (starts 12/5) S.<\.~DS -Robt'rl Goul<'t TROPIC.'\:\':\ -1-'olil's &rgl'rl' Spotlights OC Arts Music. drama. dance, painting, c·rafts and seulpturl' ;1rt• all in- clu dt"d in tht• nt•w "Showcase" S<'rit•:' that "'ill previt"w al 7:30 p.m. \Vednt>sday. Oec. 3. on KOCE·TV. Ch[tnnt"I SO. The program will pro· ''idt" a s tage for pt>rform· 1ng arts. .--On tht• prt'view s how. Dec. 3. altC'rnating hosts Ril l G riffiths, Gail DaCors i and R ill r e· y n olds "'i ii prl'S<'nl glimpses of Up<"Oming program s. These "'ill include "A Chrislm<1s T rilog}'. .. featuring Christmas arts and crafts, Oec. 10 ; Christmas music "'ith the Irvine Ma s t e r Chorale, nee. 17 ; and a Christmas drama . " . .\mah\ and the Night 1 Visitors." Dee. 2•1. ' l"in e Luncht•s Wonderful l)i nncrs Pump Room l"un ~ ~be i>illafi£ ]nn IALIOA ISLAMD ... 17141675-8300 TrMtY......tfTe n. Ut......,ty rece .t 1 ~ AM.w~S.ltdmywfttto.r \. s-.,. ............ tr.di I O:JO ..._.2:00 p• NIGHTLY JACk GAJtDEHS DIMNH sn<:IAL At The rione ... T9n.·'Wed.-n.n, FTI. & Sat .. E•etliNf' "·' Llfliellri 24112 DEL l'RADO '~·,.. Mfr. '""•'to 1,.ooksid1t Wlnft'YI ' ' . • ... \. "'· DA.HA POINT 491·88 11 Jl1J!lh• ... 1 lluaht1 1 ~a1111 · .\l('\1t.111 ~"10•1~ Show Set Th<' nl'w fo:xprt·.s~iou:-. {;;1lll•ry 1n (.';1nnt·ry \'dl;i~t'. :'>:t•\\ pnrt Ht•uth, •,\ill offt•r a •'Ill' c\:1y 0111} ~hu\\ li_v fn11r :1rl1:-.t:-f1·orn lh'i\1!1 ll1l':I p 111 S11nd;•.} (lli:-, .it·rylie.~. 1·1ill.i~1·s :ind t•\ht•r \\·11rk:-. h .} lh:int' L1l'lt . lv.tn 1\n 1h·r .... on. Sk111 llt•!l!ng ,ind \'irt?1n1;1 c;t•Jl!dt• "ill ht• !-hi I\\ 11 1'he pallt·r~ 1:-lot"att•d ~I\ ·11 6 :ilst St t\clrn1s~1un IS fr('(', 1y· nleo\'t'd in for rt· ht•riri,.tls It'll op(•n nt·Xt 1'hur:;d;1y for :t two \\l'C'kt•ncl stint :\'f:XT l 'P in tht~ bi g thl·:dl'r 1:-''Thllt Cham p1l•n :-t11 p St•:1l!Oll , .. a joint pl't1Jt'<'I 1'f tht.• collegt· aod !ht· lr\'int' C'ommunity 'fht•;ilt•r. \\'hich opt•ns Jan ~2 F't•r l("f , "·h1ch prC's t•ntt•ct its t•ntirt• 1~17.1 75 season in tht• A.c u11··s 1.oiavbux but had to v;u.'a\C' b~eau:-.t• of tht• l'X 11andt•d G \\'(' st•ason, it 'II Cont inental Cu.isi ne l •n•l'I 1>1n11tr ""'•ICtl'ICI Dr unt'I\ lr1ported f Dol"les !ic Wine s r---------------, 1 ! I !fe £,~,W.~~~-~~~~,~,r 1 I J li '7\' ~'t·atur111~ 'J'rop1t-.1l llnnk-. I I 1' r BAMBoo "FOR MEALs I I .JJ, ,TERRACE PREPARED WITH I 1 • o.,' 7\' 'r'r PARTICULAR CARE" 1 I -lJ.!/11 Dinne.-from $2.75 I I r n I l~l ()pe2,~~ J~~.~ M I I it.I j j,-I I ~ .t.J,/71' PHONE ... 645 ·5550 I L • ----1; ... 1 ~;,,s·r1rr11 l·oS'T',, ~11-:sA 1 _____________ .. Pres&nting oor new 7--da ys a weell Brunch-Lunch 9:00A.M.·5:00 PM Hors d'eouvres ord ~n'"''C>tlYT'6"' J ...... ~ ~n<llo.! ho.Jr~ 3-6 P.M. E N T E R T A I N M E N I j~,'~[J · ,/' NIGHTLY \ O_j FRI., SAT., SUN. \// '.. VIRGIL BECKMAN V~ ! , . I· ·. 675-1714 ACROSS FROM NEWPORT P!EA ........................... .. . . l Scbaslians '~s1 1 : -SOl'\.A~ ......... ,~ : . . . . . . ···················•······· 10~ 11{~1! '"''O~M•T>ON ANOU\l•V•llONA (AU (7 14) 492·9950 140 AVE NIDA PICO SAN CLEMENTE Dancing Nightly to the Intermission Tom Titus bt" l.'t homf'eoming o f sorts. and tht' :second (·ol - lege·('om rnun lty theater sho"' on lht• campus . L.asl y«.>ar 's ''The ltoarof tht"' Gre3:sepainl . lhl.' Sn1t>ll of tht• C rowd ", "·;.1s produced in con· jtinction with tht• llw1t· 1ngt0n l\earh Playhouse '.\te:in"·hill'. lht" cl:1ssir r '' m ~1 '' t 1 t' ti r a m ._. C'amillt~ .. "'ill ht• in t(' h('ars:1! \Cl"":1rd a Ft•b. 12 11pening in tht" Playbox. .>\rid :t Re volu tionary \\'ar t>ra rlrama . Tht· J)evi l':> f)1 ~<·1plt•." i s t1ckt>tt'd to open ~t ar«h 1£t in tht' b1~ tht•:1t1•r . {'losing 0111 tht· r<•gular season is a sho"·. yet to bt• an nount·etl, playing cturin~ ~lay in lhl· (;om- munity 1'heater . And Saule Almond1ne AMONG 20 SIUCT DINNH lt4Tl.EES Brandie Brandon Duo Entertaining )7 Fe.hi•• ldaod Nl'wport,~e•t.., JOR ll~llWATIONS ' 644-2030 ' plans are on the drawf>tg boards for another big mu~i<'al. earmark<•d for the summer, ••• ('i\1,1.ROARO -Audi· lions h av<-' bl·t>n an l\Ollnced b\• the l.aguna Moulton Playhouse ror Robert ~h("r"·ood '$ \'In t;1gt• dr;;1n1ri ''Th(' Petrified F'or"s t ·· on Sunct~y, l>t•(' 7. ;1t I p .m ...... Oou~ Rowt>. a ror1ner mana~ ing director i: r lht> old playhouse.\\ ill d1rt'l't lht· play, "'hit·h t•;_tlls for a t·;1st of 18 lllt'll :1n1I thr~ ""omen . th" 193.) dram;:i "'iii b<• rt·mi:-m· bert>d for introducing, both on sta~<' and in thl' movi(•::O::, l l umphrt•y Ro~art SPOUTER t SALOON ~ \\_,i. t1 ... n1 I ·"'"'" .. 1 11111 \\It d<'I• '-.nl"" ·""I I lo<l•w t ,11 \~ 'l'l"'' • 1\111~1 \l\\11 \I \ " I•" 1.111 I\ n .II 1111 tl\ll1tl•1'\\HHl\ 11111 \t,un \1 1,, I H.oll••.• ]·, ""''ul.1 !•'\ 11.ll • J!I TEMPLE <;ARDEN$ ~z~ ~ Ct"JIHE~ Rt'•ln11ra11I •s.-~~!':> !'; LUNCHEON AHO DIHHER DAILY Special luncheon Buffet Sl .8S r; ":.1, 1t'"1 r .. r1.iv 11 3010 I .1~ RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE Ff'R.l ,,, 10 [>..J'•c:: Trnr:uc,11 Or1·1i. 1500 •DAMS lo! Mo rborl COSTA MESA A11d, 111 Gordt'l'I Gro•it 12201 IROOkMURST 540·1 9)7 540-1921 IA! Chopmo11I 611·7020 CHART HOUSE FINE STEAKS AND SEA FOODS OPEN DA IL Y 6:00 PM SU NDAY 5:30 P.M 1520 w . Coast Hwy. Mewport le-ach 548·7167 Limited Reserva11ons Acceotec Prcsc..•11l s MOB HILL DIMMER PRIME Rll AU JUS ChttM Sloff.d laked Pol.to ... GOLDEN GATE DIMMER FULL ONE-HALF CHICKEN Southern Fried Fr itters & Honey Both with .Soup Du Jour or ' ii l · I ,, llt.ee\Do'l1!l ·)Ori ,.-1011~,.,.. f:., oodSo1 ti )(\cm io t1r,... ........................... . . • I • i ~baSllans IWSI i : . ...,_, .......... '"' """"' : . . . . ·······~··················· DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 A coot crisp salad to start f lorif•y & Mustard, Blet1 Cheese or Thousand I stand llut San 1-'ranci.qcan Loo/ o/ Bread Vegetable du Jo14r GENE DE VALLE TRIO 1-leveragP arid )·our Choice of Dessert Cheese r>1e 9093 E. ADAMS. HUNTINGTON BEACH 96/.7911 1 CLAMS • OYSTERS • SHRIMP • SWORDFISH • BASS LUNCHEON from $1.95 StMd Daily ·r~ 4 P.M. 19271 ll11Clflc Co .. t Hwy. Hunl!llftol'I 141..:h ~ 12131192.\3'21 3tot E:Cottt H•th*•V Nnwpor18tt.th • 171•1171.ctOO HALIBUT • ABALONE • LOBSTER • STEAKS ' MICiKTl.Y TUESDAY ntaU SUNDAY LUNCH MOH. THAU FRI. STARTING 11:>0A.M. • Ice Cream Chocolate .\itousse CHICKEN $4.95 PRIME RIB $5.95 IWtrflliR•"' 1 ... ., ...,. s. ... ., l :Jo,..... 1110 ..... Sund1y 7 lo12 p.m. Til e San Franciscan Restaurant lflt7 \\'t>slclijf Dril'l' .\"eu•vort Heac/1 Weekender Deadlines DtodhlM' far 111bm1111on uf mattnot f~r on11 \4'ttkmd•r u fKIOn Tut'Dlll of IM Wlffk o' p11bUcoJwn, Jfnna oboul mwl·u't>t>k n.'tt'flls sMukf be submUl«f oi time for the Wttkrndt-r 1.mu> prwr lo lht' turnl. RI· qwlf• to ha~ photogrnphl tak~ or JOT o pos.-blt f«UMrt Jtorv ahould be ,-ubrn1Utd lt00 u'l'tkr pnor lo pubhcalio" 1ifOlt'r10/ should OE' Intl IQ llw Wtrklndtt. Orar19e C~ Daily l>ilol , Bo.c ll60, (.'oslo MtfCI. CA """ TV DAILY Friday Even ing LOG Saturday Mornin g j ' l \ bJ Wa F. lrowii 9ld Mel Cw AU. EXCfff Tll" r1~ • t GUt&.; ~ "'11.IW. a.I Tl-If .lllNIATUClt UJ\ffl!S W Ol6 n: R:IOO!t UIO tlll.166tP 1J.112ree" 02PMANs ~~~ fllOM 1l!Ar 8011Jl1N6 ll01t.P1N6 .INP SAW Tlltl2 Lll/!S . ., it ' lf'16 . ! --'--""''----'"-"'-' . TUMILEW&DS flfCORATIM; THE Ol! neree, EHJ FUNKY WIHICERIEAH Wl1\l '!Ill& SERUM 1'E CAN WIPE Sll\l\W'Ol( OFF '!llE FlltE OF lHE EAR'!K RlREVER! RGMEHTS NANCY NANCY SPELL THE' WORO by Dale Hale by &nie Bushn"ler MUST SAY. IN A WAY THAT 5 CORRECT I -"POLITICS" ' ' ' ' ' TODAY'S CIDSSWDID PUZZLE ACROSS ,_,. ,..,_ '5 -···pill 10 °"'11 """"" 50 Touch• -~ 52 Oftt.dergy S4 Of ltn el'th· ..... " ... """""' po9orl in Cl'• 15 DmW'!g 58 P• ,.-: roon1 Abbr. 11 Dl'n.tl 111 WotdoflUI'· 17 ~Eddie prill '·-fi2l•11 -·-·: 11 Heir cPol' Counb'Y It SMWw4 ITIUli;c"""" 20 Adminil-16 Printing trttlon St' ..... : Abbr. 22 ~ 67 Frult-bNfing <"W=i poWit vine -== 2' M~ fEI ~1:11•. 25 O.WMQ 70 Bowling . "°"' Yllfticll Illy uM 1J /n I ruttic 71 Rflitlin; IO mlnll9' I plKe . a LoWnD n WlcSICI et.pert 7J~'s ll Soft ""°' tow lf P1u1 74 PoWq JI Ouininl l!'llwial Wlter 7!i Nt¥i' ···· 8 Lowr ol J9 Did I color· IOlitudl ing job 9 F'll"lithff: 41 Fondll9 2 WOl'ds 43 Hafshty 10 ShMpcrr ote'lJnchlngld 11 Anendlrit 48 Sori of lalh of God 51 Kind of IMigtl 12 Gem s.1 Sotliediri 13 8llCOl'IV io. w.- 21 f'l"le • 54 hv""<t • JI Mow.cl with DOWN • \eY9I 1 Utt ... 40 ~ 2 "P1cn;c·· 42 Ice r.tlllft IUttlof COIOC«tiol• l Refrdwrlenl ~ ComOUI-epoc: 2 words . -., ......... "" 48 ...-wp: lromokl~ 611-.gttwi• s QulbtC 47'.W... """"" ... 11 "--.M{' • ·II \lie-1 0...'• ,,_ """" D Goff ll'th· 56 111'19f: ANL llC'l'te191-56 s,,., tion 57 Rlcochlf• 26 Pllf'POl'l 'eletr¥9 28 Area unit 151 Fitti 29 Rlpid 6'3 ......,,, .... ~ Hep WOf1'l'I JI HofMmln 61 "Pilno ···· l5 Hor. ill the Skies" grourid 66 Conduciec:I 37 CrMIMI 68 Acll9Pted PEANUTS i ...... , ..... __ _ ••''·-·--·- THOSE SMD C()(()TE5 /J/I C()l<fl.ETEN l.lllMLIZfD ... THE! EAf il<Jf<NlfS ! ... . ........ "" ... _ '' . .. JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH !~, 'tOl,A s;,y YO\A VJiW LIFE .AS A .._ _ _, MATTEI< OF YOIA ANP ~ AGAl~T T'ME 't'VOR'l..O? /Vh~ THAT 101ANOS DOOLEY'S WOILD GOOD GOSH·· 5LlEITRAHoNDS? -...... MINUENDS?? ~\, DIVIDENDS . ~ ,AND DIVISORS? 1 DoN'T G~TIT. I ANIMAL CRACKERS frM!y.~28.1975 ~ 0 . :go I I rn Jtt"~ OAM.YPILOT «!$) bJ lrodfielcl Sllf l'>l(;N'r ~ NIVIH1NC.1 " ., AA><JT Al1r, f'UT I I SI'£ >.NOWS WllAT SH£ llMS . ,_,_,,,_,.. ........... ~ ", "I ·-' I ., I I . ' I by Chartes M. Schuh THE GIRLS .....,.---------,,-, t --·-. -. -. . . -• ~ I * by Herold Le Doux by Mell 0011';-NOW ·-=--_,. --- "Well , ~uppo'' we gfl up tu lhc IOY dcpar1mcnt ;ind ,,1y htllo 10 5an\a Clau~ -maybr then we'll (~I like Chn\lm<1.\" DENNIS THE MENACE I I I tlgn inwntiOn 31!1 L.wl werage A LITTLE PAltANOID 1 I'M NOT l!VE.N ~lAKE' Ai!>OIAT YOIA ... [ ' '1 I CJ . '0 DICK TRACY SIXTH RDOR ·THREE WINDOWS OllER! Til>TI' WOUl.O BE THE DOOR. • ,, 0 r---1 by Chester Gould 'WELL, THATS ANOTHER T~ING UP WITH WHICH SI\£ WOO'r f\JT ~ • ' • Cf; OAll Y PILOT Friday. Novembttr 28. 1975 'Mahogany' Refreshes A t Wolf Trap Singer Dio nne Warwioke will appear on "In Perforttlance at Wolf Trap .. at 7:30 p·.m. Monday on Oianne1 28. She will sing ' r R y DF.~.~I~ ;\tt<l.t;J ,l.A~ Ot\""9 D•llr ~Uol ~t.-!i A. "'GOMI tM ,0 slCOMDSM Ont' of the b1 ggt"sl v '"OLD DRACULA'" (PG) thi ngs "~tahogany" has ~----------1 f!01 ng for it IS a htippy I Dancing .,UGS IUHMT sun• sr••M 1G1 MSf't'Q4 •LOME" ICil c°""""°"' ••OM •~JO . Class Set ntURURl-SAT-SUM. TH f Cl l V SHOPPING CENT Rl OHANG( •5 12 6711 ~ c1n ClHTll CIMIMAS •SA fRWY IMANCHCSTER EX I 0 G rRWY !C:ITY DA EX I A. -GOMf IN 60 SECOMOS" V "SIDfCAI R~CllSM "IUGS I UM"T SUPU STA.R M ICil \.ll~ J\ngt•!t•S ('hOrf'U gr.iplit·r l\t•ll:1 l.t·v.·1tiky v.il! prt•st•nt ;1 maslef l'!a~s 1n rnodt'rn danet• at t;11!d1·n \Yt•St {'olh"'gC' 1n ll unli ngton B l·~l'h on I >l·r ~I. 'f'ht• ma~lf'r l·la:-is "'Ill '"'-' g1v<'n rrom 7 tu 8 :Kl pm 1n tht.' cull<'gt• danrt• :sturl10 (rt'creat1un t'dul'a l11111 tiudtl1ng. room 201 l Adr111 ss1un t:s $2 .10 LA "Dirty Mary • Cray L.i:mTy"' ~ '"YAMISHIMG l"OIKT"' 1'1ekt•l:. <ll"l' un s alt' at tht· 1-----------1 c(ll!t•gt• book:stOr <' ur at A. "SEVEN A LONE" !ht' door b<'for<' 1 p.m ., V '7r..,._d .. c...,.. Mt." :Sfl~ICE" pl"'rmilting . ~-----------1 f-'ol!owing tht• e lans, lo '"'" " ......... ~·- ~· ..... "'''""" M•I ... ....... ''''"'"" Mi i ... \l1ss Lt'\l.'ilzky will tlis t"lL:-.s n1odt·rn dane'9 <t nd :1nswt•r tiu~stions __ .............. Dim MAil CWY LADY"' -· V&NllHIMO flOINT "' ONN \J>lt I M TMt'I Ml."t 11/~ .,.._,,_, ... UT'I DO n AGAIN ,. ..... DOC IAVAOI• CIHN ll oJI I U_.. IM"f .~ ...... GONI IN 60SICotel 11ei s1D1w ucns"" .... ~ OHNlllJllMA,.... .... T UNOllCOVll KllOOI ........... OID DIACULlr.., u n MHI Ull."f.""" .. . .. • I ,--1 ' ' " ! i: : ' " .. r ' . • • ' ' i l ' ' I t . I .. . I " -• i • ~ . ........ , ....... " 111 lllf .......... ...... ••• "' .... , ....... ,_.,,, .......... , ... "' '"' .......... •• ... _. "' ,,., ......... It •' """ ............ uo.1111 ,_, ...... ......... . ...... .... 111••1 , ......... _,,.,_ wt 1111 •-w ·-~ '"" 'l:i" •• ....... ·-~ llfMf.11""' .... ........ '"' .... M·ll•I _ .. •!•! _ .. ··-....... .., ':r: ·- HOW FAR DOES A GIRL HAVE TOGO TO UNTANGLE HER TINGLE ?? ,. ......... -JAWS .., --DLllll W11N ., --•1111-•U l DAYS Ol 1111 C-• ,.-·-·· llYOND nn DOOi 11 -......... ,._ .. _ aOOITll COGIUIN "''' ·-•HI II, WAUllNO TALL ,. ... ,-.; .... -.... OIODUCULl"' 1+1 '" I ,,, ~ 1•11 ... .. ,, ·~· 104INO NANNA "' ••• I~&- OONI IN 60 llCONDI "° MOICAI uc111 .. ~ .. ,... '~'-OONI IN 60 llC-1,. --.. ..... -.,,_,, __ lll'I DO n AGAIN,. --llll-llUN'" "" ......... (9. ~E'E' z \IT'I DO IT AGAIN ,.. ,.i"t t _....., ., '~• UI M IM)lllT & IUN 11111 --, ...... .., """ "' ·-'--··· 1~t~ llVllUIOlll • ':: ' ... L TW OM COUUI ... __ --UNOllCO'llU -· l·-··· lllllWfl-· --·--I. Im! llAll CWT um .. 1YAM1••'10lftt111 i. "" AMlllUtl ...... ·--·--~ WINllUW .. -71 .. DIEP TllROA ;n lHE UNCUT , UNCENSORED ORIGINAi 31 MM PRINTS' ---PlUS THE SCCIJNO MOST FAMOUS•-• ~ AOUl I FILM Of OUR TIME... The Devig in ~diss Jones o~:~G E PUSSYCAT • 673-4048 l COUNTY 709 E. BalbDa Blvd. Newport Beach li;;:SH~O~W~IN;G'~::::::OPEN::::OA:ll:Y:AT:1:2:N:OO:N::::::.il I ( t>nd1ng, which 1n an era ,,, do wnbeat r11ms i:s quit(' an asset A(·tually, it is a slick, ~lossy. t>nt1,>rtai.D111.: and at times beautifully photographed produc- t ion that succ t.•ed s in serving as a showcase· ftir its bt•aut1fu l star, l)iana floss. Rut -01 sc ern1n~ mov- ll'l':Ol'fS may want 1nore th~1n it s i dl•al1 s l1t• c;1rl1hna rd l'har<tele rs and 1ls ~1n1pll st1c r<.1~s t11 r1l·hes lnvf' s tory ' ~1 ahogany" ha s no mort' s uDs tanCl' th:an a rt'C'Yl'il·d l1 or 1s llay- ltock lludson romp with black actors sullstilutcd. ~1 ss R oss plays a nt'dgling d"•s 1g ner who work s a s a fash1un <:oord1nator's secretary whose goal in ltfl' is tu makt> 1t to thl' top of the YiOrld of high fas hion. AJung the way shl' falls in love with an 1deal1stu: young man (Jl illy llt.'t' Wili1;.1m s) who is tryi ng to mak(' tht> g h('tto a b<·t tt•r pl :.iC'e to h Vl' As it only hoipperb in the movies, ~11 ss Ross 1~ disC'o vered by an in l('rnat 1onally f an1ou ~ f ash ion photographt•r (T ony Pe rkin s) who lures hl•r away from Williams. hut true tovt· "-'ins out 1n the end . r f,,otiJ MIWPORT lfACM r:ilUO 67l-8l50 WHAT A HOLIDAY SHOW! DAVID NIVEN TE RESA GRAYES If-YOO LI KED ' YIJllNC... FHANKt N~I f-IN .. vou·1.1 1.cJvl:. OLD IE DRACULA "YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN" Perkin:i st<inds out ais tht' impotent and b1tthy photographer who gives a brilliant portr•ut or in sanity. Mi ss Hoss serv('li as a bl•autiful r lolht's hanger ror thtt s tuorung j:!ow ns and clothe s she v.·t>ars 1n the film (shedt'- s1gned tht'm ht•rself l A s pectarularl y photo g(apht•d m anta~<· of thl' :-tnr filmt'cl tn Homt' 1~ Oll'morablt• It is rt•frt•sh1ni.: to S("(' a tilark film . or a ny ftlm f11r that n1atll·r. that or f('rs an alll•rnat1ve lo lhl' n<'~a li ve . blood and guts. car r h as1ni:: shout t'm outs ul the rurrent lfollywood produl'I. lf l Unbeliev•blJ true! P{us: 'Tr•pped on Couga r Mounl•ln" Matin••• Dally Cell 541-1552 J_ bits by Burt Baoharach and others. en SOUTH com PLAZA THEATRES MN DIEGO f'fN. AT 8RU,TOL SO.COAST »J DAYSOf (R) PLAZA THECOHDOR" "'"'~" '"' ..• n ....... --..~ M6-t711 ... , .... ,.JO •• )O CllEllllAllD.THIEE :=i;, "OUT OF SEASON" '""411• ,,..4.&,..,. . .~:.::::~ ... ~ SPACE ODYSSEY-2001 " Wtod.-..rf.,.._., ... "20 n•..,•·'n·SOf.·""' _,...,._.,..t::M "ROOSTER COGIUIH" ...... ,.._,.,__., .. ,,JO "''"'II'" 'lol--4;:IO.o:Jl).•0-. .JO '"LET'S 00 IT AGAJN" w..i.......,,,.... -•:it ,_.,.,,.,..,~~ 1$ :'4-A FAMILY CELEBRATION ... .,There Has Nt!ftf' Been An Admrtlure Thriler 4 ... ..,.,...fo•·-~"' A BawGcrol ftn Dicn:l Riss ~ L phu1og1"ph.:1 ""ho (1<•-•!~rf !ht.-"'°"' bt'1nll·h1I modd 1111k.•world- .11•d 111,,11 trwJ 10 it .. ,nu, h.>t !11t• rl{"h<llUl\I ""h'''"-ll\'d <"\'~"!\I 1lm"I ,u1do'"" 1 ......... 11i..d10 (Wl'I i\ol.111'.>gaov THE ROBBERY SHOULD HAVE TAKEN 10 MINllTES. 4 HOURS LATER, THE BANK WAS LIKE A CIRCUS SIDESHOW. 8 HOURS LATER, IT WAS THE HOTTEST THING ON LIVE T.V. 12 HOUR LATER , IT WAS ALL HISTORY: AND IT'S ALL TRUE. "TH~ PICTURE TO BEAT FOR THE NEXT SET OF OSCARS " LARY ARNOlD WASHINGrON POST SEE IT WITH THOSE YOU LOVE HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMANDI I UEllA 1A•l 611tn1 P11~ t•nt'fll fUlt£•TOll Sog1<t 9'1i·~~T1 ~2 l·i9 16 O~A NSE Or•'ltt n,,,,. In SS!· ;'0?2 COSTA MEIA Mtn ~4l·ISS1 o•••SE Orin~· M111 C•"•m16l7.(1340 tOST& MEI& UA ~o Coul "111 OlAll9E UA tny C<llf"'' S3?.f.711 )<t(l.(l!,94 TUl111 t~~1'n hr " ~'4 •t94i El tO•O SldOl•bK~, 111 C1nrm1 WEST•llSTE~ .. ll UA r,.,n ~!1 ·~ 89').1305 fOUllTAlll YlllET foun!1on Y1lltY C••tonl !Jg..1~ MlOli'.ft. \Qfl~ Quite As Terrifyinq, Yet Enjoyable As "JAWS!' .. ·•' .. a ws · .. "' .... - ... "=' -- -I ~ • DllllJllSS ~· :."""'t~!fiiMl•iQIUl~T!Jl•llJltil..l ~1 PJUM:!i.)j >.:·-a P£1£l SU(lU! tc".lflt C.Olll~S -·31-~ f'!:liR!i(ll.~f • f.w~.(it!lflol.llliflS ~c••51M,Sl'll6C1' · ~art"Jo~D l.lli\I(~., ~8kM'li • I U'l-~~"'("Jt. Ji;..~;1 '~· EDWARDS" BR1Slpl CIMEMA _TO< .. _,_ lAl'T• -• _,_ PG-·---··-~--~1·---··· --· counou,.. ,,,. c°""' ·- ......... l"i_ ~-· ·~~ ~IAll MO-A~IKI "'Conduct Unbecomlng'. .. tts taut construc:tlan, mounting tension 1ad polllllld pertonn1nc:es make tor fascinating entertainment!" ; -NY frmes '"DOG DAY AFTERNOON' IS ONE OF THOSE STUNNING EXAMPLES OF THE TRUTH BEING SO STRANGE THAT IT BECOMES SUPER FICTION. '"Conduct Unbecoming' is an elegant, vigorous and dramatic film. It's a very classy movie with shiny performanqes 8fid 8XOtJC plOt." -Otno Sh&/rl NBC rv "'Conduct Unbecoming' is a whodunit in the grand trad ition, that provides first-class suspense and a tidy final twist.11-Jui:1·1~ c,,s, s.1.,11111~ Ra~ra ... M•9•1u1t Al Pacino is masterful. .. -l'1 Sm,,h.Cosmopohl'" '"DOG DAY AFTERN.OON' IS AN OUTSTANDING MOTION PICTURE WITH PACINO'S PERFORM· ANCE EASILY ONE OF THE BEST OF THE YEAR:' '.1'5? ~ronSchind:r1. rimil f C1rclr Tiie hometown n•wsp1per f~ ALL th• Or1na• Coeat MATINEES THURS .-SAT.-SUN. CALL FOR SHOW TIME S •• th• DAILY PILOT "A highly civilized absorbing movie. The acting Is exc!lllent! 'Conduct Unbecoming' has undeniable charm." -W1tsr/11giho11st Bro•dc1sting "Provocatively entertaining ... shocki ng.'~ N v D•·'~ Neo ... s 1'W AIN COMEiiY OPENS THURSDAY •• ~ <Fr•• ••1• en llALl.ET -Maurice BeJart'• Ballet ol Ille 21111 Celt\u'y, 8:30 p.m. Dec. 2-5 at UCLA'a Roye. .H&ll, w .. twood. Ticketaotqeocl... _ B4BBY M-'NILOW -la C<Xl<!erl, 8p.JU. Dec. 2 al Golden Hall, CommQnl(y eon.our.:., 20Q c SL,. San Dieco. $5 .$0. Tlctets at 11entle1 or 1-238-6510. 'FANTASY V4 RIATIONS' -Dy American <Om·. ~Ulysses Kay. wltb-ka by Rachmaninov .00 Beethoven, 8: tSp.m . l>ec. 2in Memorial Hall • AU<litorium, 333 N. Glassel! St., Orange. Cbap- rnanSymphony Or C'hestra . 633-8821 , ext. 309. ·FILM FOR DEAF -"Deliverance ,"' w1tn cap- Uons, Dec. 2 at Golden West College Forum 2, • J>.m ., 1S144 Gold en~t St. Huntington Beach.. Free. ,.._.. ....... _ ''-.._..._~ """- • Dt O...q. ~---19-.o, ·~ ,_ .. ows GEORGE KENNEDY THE HUMAN FACTOR HUNTINGTON CINEMA 11.t.CH .t. TEWS. H.I. 847-9608 847-6017 'IODGBU AHD llAaT' -Mllll•al. Dec. Wan. tat Ille.Westwood PIQhOuae 1-LaConte·Ave., Wlltwood. a:ao p.m. n;;ci;y.Frlday 5 and 1 • p.m . Saturda7, 3:IO and 7:IO p.m. &indoy. 1213 ) m .aaa. or lleMiea .. 'LONG DAY 'S IOuaNllY INTO NIGHT' Drama, 8 p.m . Dec.Mand 9-IJ, 5 p.m. Dec. 7 ...i 14 in Ille Recital Hall at Cal State Fullerton, 800 N. State Coll .. e Blvd., Fullerton. $2.50. SJ0.337J , SPABXS -In cone~ 8 p.m. Dec. 3 and 4 al the Santa Monica Civic Auditprium. Tickets at agen· cles. TRURSDAY,DECEMBER4 1DREAMS OF llEAUT'Y' -Dance drama, 8: 30 p.m . Dec. 4-6 at Cal State Long Beach University 11leater, 6101 E. 7th St., l.A)ot Beach. $2 .50 on Thursday~ $3on wttkend. (213 )4984540. "MASHYIUF' IRJ '"TOMMY " ll'GJ "OUIDUCUU"-"TAD,,_NOMn ..,....,. "'YOUN& RAMm:EMS'lar IPGI -..OllTYPTT>OI ITMIHOLY61/Ji." "'DllT1' M.AaY I CIAZY LAAIT" -,AMISHIMG POINr IP'GI .,.._ COYR.S ._,. CIJ .. .,..._ -.......... ... ""-...:.' c"o•• oo. M•• PETER SELLERS "UNDER COVERS HERO " (R) An epic drama of adventure Plus Gig Young Michael Br•ndon "LOVERS AND OTHER STRA NGERS" AllC-""'A.t•IAllGUNMAlL IYl•"f llll."f"Tll.1:•'""-"1\.1, SADDLEBACK PLAZA .... ., ....... " ""' ............. <., ....... "~ , .. """ ~ .......... ,. DA.YID MIVIH "' "OLD DRA~UU." CPGI ALSO ..... ,,,. "ntE LAHD THAT TIME FORGOT' 2:15-S:.50-9:20 IPGI -A.LSO- "SPEED I MERCHANTS" 4:06-7:40 FOUNTAIN VALLEY t ... p,..,.' .. JJ ... "°" ..... " .......... • '°"'"" Walt Disney's '"'" '1RL\SURE ISLAND" ~~= "DR. SIN" 2:30 5:)0 t :JO •t "'~'~ .. ,,,o "----·-' -•uo-''f'OIJGAR \tOL"'•TAI"\"'" .......... _ and exploration! · MATINEES THURS.·SAT.·SUN. ~\GM ""wm , STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCHOfl •••••••••• •• • •• .... . ''• .... .. ··~··········''" ·· .. : ... ~'.;· '• ,~ . . ,,. .. .. ,,, . . . '• •' ••• • ,, . 'I ' ' . . • ' " 'TRB .CELBBll4TUI WJIPING FllOG OF c.\µVEL'll CoUNl'Y' -Jlark Twain comedy ,,_ at Golden West Coile&• Acton Ploybo~. Huat!..,ton Beach; 7:llll p.m. Dec. 4-7.12-14, and 2:llll p.m . Dec. 8, 7, 13 and If, Ti<ktla ot collese boolatore or door. $2. llENEFIT DINNER -'ND CONCERT -Tei spooaor European tour of Chapman College Con- rett Choir. Dinner , 1 p.m. Dec.tin the college din- inc hall ; cont'ert 8 p,m. in Memorial •lall Auditorium , 333 N. Gl assel! St., Orange. Dinne r and t'Oncert: $25 or $15 ror two; $7.50 each. Con· Ct'rt only: SS. $3 .50 and $2. Information 633-8821. t'Xl. 291 . FRIDAY. DECEMBE R 5 UCI SYM PllONV ORCllESTRA -S p.m . Dec. 5 and 8 in the UC Irvine f\ne Arts Village Theater . $?; tickets a l box office. 833·6617. See page CJ . 'TllE WAGE R ' -Come d y, South Coast Repertory traveling production, Dec. 5. 6 and 13 at 8 p.m . in the Chapman College little theater in STANLEY KUBRICK'S MASTERPIECE S BACK! CGffT AT wt:ST "BITE TH£ BULLET" OENE HACKMAN CAHDtCE ~QfN CllltMAWEST TM ll!rrifging 1111Jlion picture from IM terrifying No. I best selllr. aws -· llY ........ sea.... 1mYR1SS !•rsl .:·="I.~:.!;, • .. =::, -:• ·:\ ~ :l.) ~:)1-.Z,~·: .. -' ~~~ "t.-.:rr·/ ::-·'. ::"::·~~::: ?.7\-Y: '.i}f~j~ CO-HIT AT BRISTOL "THE DOVE " U IU OI. al .... t •lll!U( ··~7441 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' fne W1nd ~~:Lian SEAN CONNERY CANDICE BERGEN. • Ille new fine artt oenta, 333 N. GlaP•U St.,.• Oranire. s:!.50 adults, SI~ 1tudenta. Reserva· • u .... 1133-11831, ut. :I09, i. 'CRllI8TM4S E VE &YDAV" -Faotaa y , Wffl<ondl Dec. 5·21 al Ule Fountain Volley Com · • munlty Theater, 18280 Mt. Baldy Cittle, Fouo· tain Valley. 7:30 p.m. Friday, 2 p.m . Saturday:. and Sunday. 842-4981or635-MS2. ._ ,,_.,..,........-,:_ .. _ .. ...., _ _,.,..... .. _, ___ .,._,I • (,jH R,i:'fl'M "'S 'Wi'TH 'fH E,; J '1'\j\Sl'E I~ (,;~K>HAL& • ,,. ..,.., "'u .,, .. , _e......., -..,.,. -e~ ~ ~ ~---·-.,.._ .. _..,_,I.., ......... . ~· t.,...,_ ~""". _..,...._ .. -.. ..... -.. ..... -Friday I Satu,day, O.C.mber 5 a I , 1:30 p.m. Sanl• Ana Fl,•1 lapCi• Chutctt, 1010 W.1nt. It. t ___ .._.. .. , Adult•: 15 •IMI 9'.50-Sludenta: 11 .IO Tie-......... "',_,-.. "" ......... -· ..... o....,. c. O.eiA-..l'O .. ,,_,.,,,,._.._CA..U. CINEMA WEST wttlwlllSl'll al~Wltl Wl\TMlt4.C91'TB l'l-449) "'Conduct Unbecoming' ... mounting t1nsltin and polllhed performances m1k1 lor fascinating 11nt11rtalnm11ntl" IPG> MICHAEL 1'Qlll( OOWD Am'BnooiiH stAC'1 KEACH CHklSTOPHER il\.C!i4MER PWS . IIDOR HOW.\RD "PART 2 et1¥1ards BRISTOl CINEMA _,,, ... YllRX 'WALKING -~TOl ., IUCAIT!oll.ll TAll" . St t-7444 stlllf Nmll 111.L CISl'I . • (PG) c;:o.wr AT CINEMA 'MST OHL Y WOOOYAUEN "TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN " CINEMA WEST Wfl '"'"'fl•" T oou11,.w1\ 1 Wl\Tlol1M.CEtlftl ltJ.l lt l CINEMA CENTER >U.1101Af A8 ...... l ,(0\TA N(jA MlSAYl lOtCIWTll t 7t -4141 DOUlll WALT DISDEY ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSOrts with BOBBY DRISCOLL ROBERT NEWTON BASIL SYDN EY MATINU.I THURS.· FlU.-SAT.·SUN. edwards BalSIOL CINEMA NISJCM. &J ... c•tTMtll 540-7444 . ' ' J 1 ' ThanlcB to )'1111 Hluarlm ... Rll All If US -' J {8 DAILY PILOT :, •• :· -·- HOLIDAY SALE 30-SOo/o OFF AND MORE •Pantsuits •Co-ordinates • Short Dresses • Long Dresses ,. , .. ~l:ll'}Uf"tl Ji 14 ) SIGN UP FOi FIEE ORIWIN6 FOi MINl-tku~E Passage for 2 to San Francisco on Ai r Ciillfomia. Return via Pacific Far East Line Cruise Shlsr. I Dinner, Entertainment, Breakfast included). l;;·ni] 673-8530 3477 Via Opcrto •Lido Village Sro-... ,..,,.,· c';iOP, <:i ?:: S"ERENITY • FREE DRAWING FOR FACIAL ($20 Value) Mo~ .. up ,,.~, r,.,,, r,,,.,.... ' fa<d & Bady Wo.""1 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 6 -675-6191 (UOS1•'1 -Bo1111Wllk) siMply US FREE DRAWING FOR 2 Wood-carved Jewelry Boxes ($20 Value} CU~TO~I OESIGN[O JLW[LRY l>y FLOY[) lC 11. \I .\N LIOO VlllAGE 341 611Via()porto,675-3123 HAPPY HOLIDAY FREE DRAWING .... LONG WRAP SKI RT of your choice f-•II• Ill• •ti . PIW•IWl Lido Village Shop Only 3432 Via Oporto. 67).4504 Balboa Island 326 Marine Ave. Palm Springs 272 N. Palm Canyon Rd. • REN€€ S House of Jewels Design• by Hllm• Turner FREE DRAWING 14 Kt. Gold Heart Pendant ($32 value) 3412 VIA OPORTO, SUITE 04. LID O VILLAGE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF, 92660 • (714) 675·4640 FREE DRAWING for s20 GIFT CERTIFICATE B\dwell's :;:)4 ~ BIDTIQUE = hne leminine fashions 3467 Via lido, Newport Beach • 673-4510 f'ol.eo! IO l.00 , .... ,....,. ... "'9lOI Elolfll>Oo FREE DllAWIHG far /)l·,ir/'l• r /.111Ql'fil' o /'11' (I '25 GIFT CEllTIFICAT1' • ,,_ /r1" • /J/1111.!f Lido Village •• • .• ~ 3408 Via Oporto ~ • --a Coen 1 oavs :;ii; · · ~ I Woolens. Silks & Unu~ual Fabrics FREE DRAWING GIFT CERTIFICATE 3420 Ho. I Viti Opo<to LldoV..,. NPU'JHJrt•• old~•I Patablith#!d proprie(onlUp BLACKMAN LTD. ::-ili :~JEWELERS NOW OPEN IN LIDO VILLAGE FREE DRAWING SNOOPY DOG dressed ••• GEMS & GIFTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR DEPT. in red Nightshirt & cap WORK DONE IN HOUSE ·.'Personalized Service" 3408 Vi a Oporto 673-9334 3406 Via Udo• 675-5452 Newporl leoch LEISURE SUITS • • • Use Your Hecks Oiaroe BankAmencard Master Oiarge EXCITING MEW FASHIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING KNACX LEISURE SUITS The popular shirt jacket style in polyester double- knit. Handsomely tailored in all the new fashion colors- 580 Stop ill _. Mg.. • for • Fifi K-.ck &Ai_.. S.ff Ill ow Ct.ristw.s Drew-,. -Aec-h's Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 Friday Nile lil 9 Closed Sunday MEN 'S STORE 3467 VIA UDO, HEWPORT IEACH {next to Lido Theater) ' ~~~_lepm•t ~att~iu'• .£.,J,,,. o/ !B.-1~ & !Bo..u.,~ FIH•lf'T DUW- SHAMPOO & SIT RU.SHYICI -1.KW.UIMG> •ILICTIOLYSIS Lido ..... ON THE BOARDWALK LIDO V ILLAGE 17141673·5455 need.lepoint c ustom designs crewel expert finishing for the ultimate in feminine apparel .-~~~~~~~~-.1 , FREE DRAWING FOii $50 GIFT CERTIFIC.A.TE; STOP IH AHO SIGN UI'! 3424 Via Lido Lido.Shops ............. f1IMo PSftoft ., E.rrl-'""'9 DnlpN ,..,..rw \:Vn1 Roberts Jew·elers of ;\cw µon f'r-Dr ...... 1-'" l(f. S.O .. G_,,, ,,_.._ a..1111 LIDO VIUAGIE SU<I Via Operte #2 •7i.+t4• OIM"• E"••I..-"I'll Cllri11•.a• . ~ Ul~e r/ai/ ~rner •:'I/ail Extensions •Juliette Manicure • Pedicure •. , . FREE DRAWING · .. ,.I' FOR PEDICURE ;.,;e;[ $11\1•-;,>--.\ .',;. ~ 3404 Via Oporto 675·9911 I f Nc"·port Beaeh (in Lido Village) Darlin/I, di#linrliut> a nd durable boy. and llirl• rlo1l1in f_( a l N>a11011a/,/,. price&. 111/anl. thro 12 ."fr~. .Shotl'f'r llifl,., in1porl ed a11d crulom n1ade iten1# . FREE DRAWING FOR GIFT CE RTIFICATE The Children's Shop Lido Village :1-116 \'in Oporto OPEN DAILY FRID.A Y UNTIL 9:00 SUND.A Y I 1-5 , ...... _,..,.. RAY 'S l-J::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;::;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;~~~~_j~~~6~7~3-~4:'o~o~~j Bft.rNl'olN<..-ANO .1>01/ANC fD Clo\SSfS 01sllnd 1ve Footwear & Accessories Free Drawing '"' GIFT CERTIACATE Fun Tree lock9°"'m°" & ~ CO-s Magic Dcrt • Masla 11iind hn Gifts & Maojic Tricks Artist SuppiiH Htdden in the Parktng Bk1g. Mall 3501 Via Oporto at Central Ave . durge11se11s 3431 VIA OPORTO lido V illagr T elrplione 67 3-1 44 2 For f:ibulous Girt Packs for Christmas or any Qthcroccasion. It's Jurge'1stn's all rlt< way. \Vhen you drop in for the Drawiog on Sunday afternoon, you will see them all- Frt!h Frui1 Packs, Clitrst Packs, Cock.toil Pac4J , Fa1nily l'ocAs, Wine ParA s . .ind mnny many more. I SHELLS, JEWELRY AND UNUSUAL GIFTS 3416 Via Oporlo LldoV..,. 673-0605 • ... lher.e' s nothing' else foke it in the world Carousel Flower Shop FREE DRAWING FRESH FLORAL ARRANGEMENT 3415 Via Oporto 673-2996 Lido Yill•go Newport Beach FREE DRAWING FOR SOUDSTATE ELECTRONIC DESK CLOCK byACOCLOX $6DY•e . R ----'---- v1A@L1DO DRUGS- 3445 VIA LIDO • NEWPORT BEACH PHONE 675.Ql 50 INDIA HOUSE IMPORTS FROM INDIA ANDTifE FAR EAST SALE 2G-S0°/o OFF SHIRTS SKIRTS TOPS OR ESSES JEWELRV WOOOCAR\llNG!> BRASSWARE & GIFT ITEMS 3400 Yio Oporto #-2. Newport 8eoch ' , kitchen shop antiques scandinavlan imPort clog~ FREE DRAWING FOR IMPORTED SKIRT 1$30Value) 3"S Via Oporto Udo VIiiage On ,.,. m.111) Rll:E DRAWING _ll_frft._. l$30V-I WATCH FOi THI HAND OP'lt•I& OP OU1 .-W LOCATK>M FACIHG THI WA&I HOUSI ""'I! asTIJMAHT PATIO. WI flATlllll ... OllLT ITI ... -All DIPAITMIHT tM OIAMCM ~ ffJl ft'JEl!m n AMD THI OML T W AUl IM Cl•M HUt1llOOI. 'ftl'\ iim 1 -1M HIWPOIT IU.CH. 1114 "-ti 11•1. C..t. ..,. J444A Yi. Oporto ..E'1;;111:,;";;,'·,;;11:;11~0,.~·~11:;::·'al .Udo VII• 675-7211 1 ' ' l • • I I - • OAILYPtLOT .... ,• J r~R·U· S·.mr;S,O'S. --~~~~:"~::t~~~·~·~"f,r· .. ~'¥$?.,.·~·-,,.~~-~~~•~r~~~·~~('C"~~~· BO ... O_.. ... K. ·~s' HO•P"-r~•>('C .,"'titf:'l'f'J] ·'S &ACCESSORIES ~ MAGI'S • U..lqooe ; ~ A .•• ~ • tTALtAN o•:i.1 .. ~ 11 t 1. D n .~ N · s · • • ·,. ~Y • ., ON .. [jO::IJ CHRISTMAS ~ "j ~ Cl..OTllF.S 1 MAGIC .,r; IACKDOOR Clust1ll' 1\11tiqu1..· pa1nlln1t ~ • THE ISLA..._.D GIFT •,. '.· '';'" rl~thcs '."!m $.75 '.•,. ,~ IMPORTS )· ot Arub;un 110~, .. 1n ,.,. •• DUFFY'S .I' . ,.. •, ". ~ • ~.25. t.:h1ldrcn ~ t"I01h<'!i •;I 'l olic ~clhl'l jt. l ompunion A 1173 27111 • , , • ' . -~from S3 to Sl.2:. Custom .~· 1/1 PRICE • J 1, 1 e c ~ 1 n L. uu \'re. • SKI •MD TENNIS . .. l't·r..,on;ihu·il Si•r\ ll'C ~· f'ortht Y.1hult t.ntul.> Anh ~ n,. d 83i 03tl:t Pam H·'id S I" ~ 1891i ltarbor 01 C;t.1 ~ .J L' 1 f 1 k •· Ori:Jn & ..('":-on;, lu lea\,' a e. · • • V'I oy ,..c 1111 i l4 ·67'3·3995Altl.'r6.pm.. 14439 Culver Or. .,j nu ... ua J.:l I }{IO~ C\'t•r y 1n\•1n h1·r •If the ·~·~-r.-n::ri Applyi n-' Jeweiry&SllYl'r ~~·~ lr•in~ ~·~'~, f;:1n11ly.Yuurr ho1t•t•fro111 • l.E1\TllEHCR1~f'1' Kl1' .,: l'vrcctaln Nti.11~ •. Hcproch.jj,,·tion11 of Antq. .. fort \\'hirlpool bath. non· .c '* 5Sl~512 I • • L'HAF·rv llClHUlt-:S 11' l: on n ·r h ? 111 '' ~ •. i..j l>izta-Submljrin\~ ."ft lncJudt•s basic tools. 'l1 .-nd "' lonkl&Toys .'l't>I\.'\'. SJH, Str.,taloun1;er'it'r•c nylon s trin1o:in 1o: ·,. ~J.!)l r lu l\r\', ~Gulbr :111st•n !.. '11n1.1ha ,1 •,;} l'AltT''TR/\YS ·,;t fLn iSht'S;, 8 leatherl·rw.rt 'j Jncl1\atlual ~. •J rt"<!I i.:old "" v.oud tr1m"'-;e ...,.11)i any te nn1., rat·iiul•I '..I l..1i.:un :1\hll:o.t4Jt1 :JJ70 1-j i\lsu muu u ~t·d 11r i.:.1n11 '.:A ~, Spaghl ~ll~-1~:.' 1011 ~· Pr'OJC'cts & i.;tc:p b)' 11lCil ~· t;> c.lu!>h~ r:t....._ ... ,,.~-!of ~· $1$. nu Wonder World purt.·hu.,t•d :it. rl•t.:ular ~· 32:!Gl t';1m111n C'a 111:0.1rano ~from conl) S.:ri!, "._ ~ ~as;,ii.:n.• t ll I l ~~ ~~ ~ · s I ,. l"'l '""U .., c ... MJT • IRS r utllOl\:o. l').!U ar t~Rl')'l'lo1>t·d 1 .1 St:l S4U. pnt'l' ~.50 \.1lu1·' \\'t• ,;111.11.111 lill ·~ ..._,, ('t)~ ... , \11 '!'1 \l'l 'll " ~t:,~1~7~h. c:Sta ~:.~~ ·:X $1~ 95. v.1th this od, on\). 18941, llarbor Bl\tl lnttf'e:Stinq tte-mt . Chr1.stm0ts 1y1rt 1d1·1a . ha\•c a i·umplct~ line of l>l'E:'I. 7 IJ \Y~,''.Y:'t:t:K J11J'J U.irhor· llh 11 t':'>I :5 lnWcstpor\Squ:irt.• "Sll95 . ' . . COSTA MESA ·]C -Uj...7138 :iflr 12 ,\fon-:rue .. ski t'QWJlffi('nt & t·loth~:-JICJl.11>1\' s.1.t-.( l.\L . ).Jro0khur .. 1 1'.dlH.rl. F\' .. 6.lJ-025.S ~" Tand~ Lcalherco •~ 642•6245 "' 6-'2 15"76 t Will buy HIU l' l:hlp~ alrcason;i1Jlc pr1l'l'!>. ~ ·O tt-.. • r.~-iixst ~·;i:Ji l't:I , , .~t\\'OnNH S.18 ·0575 , ,c.J ~Sl.amp8ooks$1SO ~ ';;3 1'1.V l.'1 11.l>llEll.ll T t .c_. '-•·"'· _'. ·~ ~·~~. ··~·~·~--~ f!j~ .. .,.,,., .. ,c·"""1'iY. cL·E~?.'~~~;~~~~~-ha~1r-~9·~a.'11rel'iry•-".~~-~i:u~·~~'f" .. ~,~r; • -·~ .. '1i'.l'i ·-· ~' ~ • _,.'.'1 ,,'1'll'i 1 Jack Winter >' . Xl80oSl1 . rc.-1 h > . L o1 . s J TRAIL ' c-iirtnd,t• l3J~· rl .. 'ONl(•r, ' t'Jt~~:-t~~so~i6~t:H . ~ ..;;iquye . IT'S LATER THAH YOU THINk • l p ANT· ¥ Wood hn1sh '4 lgl• l'il>krs, .,.: ' · · "' '.,1 ~ '"1 P1onl'<'r f'XIOOOTl1, 140 1\! v.·ith °"~an~~·J~tl "'~ Funtiture , 'l' -.Y 'A Y-...S.to$2l.OO •' Takara ·l'um11a n1a '· v.·att tunl'r a n11> (:1r:1nl ,• Brin1o:thisad .... "' "' ::A · · )1u rray •' turntablt.•. Piont.'l'r hcod· ~ l.i:!l5"':estHakt"r ll.nd(l;ik 'fabll's v.·f t:l:1v.· A J \ $10 $12 g ·~· phones, l'10111.,'fr SHI OI, ·\ lat t'a ir\'lt'wl ·~· ft . Jkiw J.(la:;s ('h111as i .;J Nt·w&us~·d lt1ke~ rt'\'erb ;11n11. 50·f.tl 1200· .;:J Costa i\l csa SS6·785Q 1\oJJ.top d1:s ks . Oil JC (lllCI P:1rt!'&accl's!>or11~s . tn1>es ~1 1se 1·onn dl .. ~·~-~. la:Tips, !fall trt•t·~. Pr('ss ·JC ~\ /\$sorted cOlors and "'·hite -'1 Eitpertrcpu1r. all mukes ma).(. ('tl·. SI U.SO N:1t11nlal .,: . s1\NTA·s c:;f)M1 NG ' . W: l.H.1l'k <'hair Wal?ut t'r. • . •, l S-cialSweaterSale l ;•._Ca sh Ht·~1st l·r :o.n111ll 'r lt' ti ,· d th b ·Cuno ('ab1!1l'ls. t-1n11<ih1-J ,, .~ r-. , . ,.._, · · . , s me o o {' 1~ or~ r 1· THINK "' •. • • • •. Sol ~'c. ,_·our Chr1s tn1 :1s ,'<'r "'ood ~r?•"· ,Slit) :s<1~:1 , ·;a little h omt.• r epairs' orun in. ·J A ~ Fashion Bout1,Ue ,~shopp1nJ.: here '.l rtrn green to. xlnt c1uul ~· )'ou ·,·c bt•en puttln,.: ofr . , Clift's Antiques -~· JE ....... DAHL ·i. 9921 Hamilton at :~ s:ltS. 2 rolls 4 inl poly KE'mo dcl1n K pl astt.>r~ '"" l .ll E. t 7th ST., COSTA ESA , lroc*hwst, H. I . i;ht.-ellng. 24xi00' $30 ca. llalc hinJ?. uco~stlc <'CLI· REPRODUCTIONS . FASllJON &: Ac;t;ESSOR IES ~ · Behind the International Pancake House i\lpha Be ta , , H.eznor SO.oo.o l\T.U inJ.:s & plumbing repain1." Wholesale& Rl'ta1l . Hewporter hwi • • Wntdiff Plata 11" "~·hopping Center "' heater , rloor _ l) pe, 560. W:1 No job too !<mall. 640-()(8) ~ ZL'J 5. Tustin , Orange •, , , _ ,·.~----~ I · U 675·31i5 :~ Leave~1SJ?. ,~ 6333641 ,)i ~ ''-. ·~·;;"nl'f-.~l,;--1 lWI• 7":'<1 ·~ ... ~.. . . ·~ -~1'-r~ . .,.,.,l'i .. .;.~~· -".".'( ·~l'i .. ·'"'.fl"'~ -~l'i .. j-~"1'f.l'i • .if"'.'( ·~"1i'l'i ... •:'It~.·"'".'< ,-~l'i ,ffl J rW J 'tr], ~~i"sY1~~~" 'l ~ GOLD 'J ALWAYS AT,THEToPoF . · ,. ~ NOAC. K'S '3~"",~~!i::r;.1;:~"" J·aic~cles '.J JC CJ-·Jc:~,~.s.t~I~. r~~~\llf ··:X PRICES ·Jc: SAKTA'SUST . 'til1 ·Jc:L'111qu~ 1\llll'rll'~lll tlak Jc: .-.-....-r..-..-...-r _ ·~ .. DUFFY'S .. l: ol!l>S('S. m .1 t"n.a . or "' • .. hall ll't.'l' .... b\.'\t'lo••I nur .,: -..... .....-'-" .....---'l,i ...... IOI(' df't·orali\l: pl1nt1ng. ~' o· ow ... , ; ~ "'· Special Gifts •. ror & :;1•·1\ i)t•1·11r.1tur l s o·0s .l . ... "' SKI A.ND SPORTS ·;.a j)ilptt·r to/t• & dceoupa j!t' • ., • ' ;\' ·RE THESE r'\14 For s-ciat Peopl~· . l t' r l' n l' 11' h a 11 I .. I ' I' •' , .. ··! C1111;,,. ·.;a A . 2!1260 La F':11. Hit, I.a,: 'A ""' ••• r -• A d • ...,. J. 424Forost•·•· _., 11 II Rh ' dB · ,~1 ~ 1 .... n1a~r11f11·11•11 t .,oh . .• ,.......... J ...... _J -i s. I.' in rig S 1111..1 I '~ COMl'IUIHG ~ Silve-r·Pewte-r .l hra!l:ts hook!>.+i75 M.t!l\j ~. '-""' laqunaleach ~ R~t;1urant _K30 4191. aye nOW. , ;:} -;-l ,1~:1lstSl I" H ------- ·JC • 494-8578 • -~·~-,,.~ · ~-.. ... ·~~ ·JC FRAGRANCES . Arm•l•I• :Xl'.'t-7:~•~-.,~,:l'i : •, · _/"'-.....__ PT E ¥ Qkj World Watch • ,.. Cha rms f><•n s.,:1~ ?-" -~ • , ."-t f'r ec n~ ton str1n.(?inf! •::r. n:n ADO M .~ M•k•ronPremlse• 1i1: 1.r 1\NDLOTS 1\IOH~: .'1: ~ HIMALAYAN .~ '.~ 'A ...,·1th uny h_•n111~ ra1·quet ~ 'A -.Jewelry Rep•lr-'.;,a .... 'J •;t 'A ~. P"""'""<l "' """"" J FOR CHRISTMAS 'J' <' r d , . ~ 102E. l6thSt i KITTENS ·~ •1. '"'""'""'"' ·'-.. ""'en\' I .. W• . . dCll'tO t.'t :1 J PERFUME ~ ~ 1' '1• ..... pnlc. ~··"' a Ill t: i\KC To)' Apricot male \ (AtSu ·r1ori\\l'l , t:hn :o.tm:1 ..,\.1);•...,•t ~ plan-rl ha\•c :1 t•nrnplelL• line o~ JC Pood\(' On\\ 7 \\'ks old ·Jc: JEWELERS Costai\l csr;: li.ii;:ll ll . H~·:o.cr\'£')'nurChr1slnl a:o. Jc ski t.'<JUJIHlll'lll & clothes .,: Hc ~t fa mil~ offt•r t ake~.,: 21.lE 111"STREET ·JC · Fn£r<ivini;: !)uni• l\11tt•nNo..., l'l'1t1 i.:rcl'•I 420 E. 17TH. C.M. ~ ~ :1trl'.IS01lablcprt('l'S, ~mtt·· li:WJIOJ 'i COST,t..MESA64 ~-6&4i .,: ~~~[ll ~ ·,, \' . ,\·llc•·1 .. 1ert.'fl ii75 01i:H .. 64677066466855 . ~::~::::;~'>:::::,~·1~·~~-~;~ F~;;;:;:;i~l'i;_,.~ .. '1';1'i b.-~. ~~~--~ ~~1 ·~ SOO/o ?. 1;~·~~~.;:,~'t'.;~~~:1.' : pa CO rabanne ~ ~ ANTIQUES r ~~~! • d ~~;~~~ : ~.~i i.& ~r:?'.F::-::: ~ "".::~y;:::" ~ {1~--\-£. -~ 0:.=~~:~:~~~.. ·i s .·"·~.·:'· ... _, ~RoeR ·-· .·~ " Children's lo n g and ~ ANTIQUES ~ ~ SHOP IY-:j C.)ld furn1turC' !.: S1a1nt·d _i ·~: .,.i ~ - -,· •hort sleeve c u stom Th•·. . -r-nvNE Ul<.1 S!'i. t·:tnL·s. hor:o.t• .,..j \. . 1'.IOW .~ · _, "cal"O n "l' art' A -.,, 1"'1111 JI T·Shirts and women's fea turi n ~ ll uinm c l..,, J( \.~~r ~"r. '. . 675-3040 JC brasses, n11rror:-. old :"' .,: -!\ :ind s pecialty t"lot h1n g. ~\V atc rr o rd . (;o rharn •\ ~:., P<'ktw'h"n' r>~~s:o;edo •,l:1ss&. ·,. HO.,'EY BAKED HAM ·~ 1 including pant suits and 'A f' 1 s I . r • t' 1 t· t' a._, c·ss r C's ., 'A THE COLLAGE ,,~~~<;~t·s ~a~.ift;t;~~y~~r ~· _ " _ ~ tUlly bakedt0 Perfect1on ~ In The Mini Mall, Lido Village ·JC ll~l.1d.1y \~1sh.l's.. • , , 2490 Newport 81. :) 3700 E. Cocnt Hwy, CdM :X · "' 42231stst.NH:b7.l"f1001 101,~• .. __,....._.. C.M.-Call 642•1220 •. lhlWestof St:rowns Re.staurant ~ . Acrossfro rnlhe Wa~~houseAeslaurant ~\K'n t)·1da y ~.ven1n gs ~ \'\" ~ • .':f. . ..:11 .:.~ ~~s~r,~~f:EE:~~-"·Al:'i•':O.C~O-~Ml .. :G~:~"nl:'i---~~::~.~l:'i···1~;;.•J.".'l r,n,;,;4?1f@:·~~::~~:'J~;;;;~;:·~-1~~~":.;:;:;:l:'i~ Y JC ln ourn('i ~h bors • " Jc fo r lht• v.'nma n who ::; -,, Jc Y VOXEle-ctric _,. .'~ .... i\.IAKINER'SSlllP •• SOON' "v.·ants bC'auty routine.·. DOLL -" r.ar~e stol'k of lll!lljor . • ls Tu(;l\i'L"1 '' .. 1 CORNUCOPIA ,'l,l OFSPl f~ITS ~ • ' • .':t1s1mple, fast~ natural.~ HOUSES !'i br a nd b1 {'Y<'ll'~ .. 1l:· •,, lk·aut1fulC'hn .. 1rii.1.; ·.,. \r1tlH•·t•11·1c.I") IJ ',; ANTIQUES •. _.. ~Pl acentia Ave . ·,. •'i Sample our moisture lov· '~· ~ cessones, t ire~. clo .. l':o.. . i 1-r 1 k ' fr ':.I A 2 H Ch . t A U" • • E rt . A d I .I t'. "'"". ·.;t I . l\.'e"·port Hcach. 6-1.5-6401 UCJ• ns mas , ing skin care produeL-.. '"in1a1url's, doll house ~ rrpa1r1 1 llarrt (·:i:o.t• $\\Ii _. :-\ Girls .. Cnllc~ibll's ·=\_ Come see us f~~ your ·~\ Tree Lots AT -:. 5~6·1835. ( r-or~~r V1 --1 furniture. & a ct·cssories. -\. Stocking stuffer :o.~c1al:-, ..& 546 ·g C"~ \ .(", ...l ;J 4093lst St . .;J llohdaySp1nts. .,...t 111ane Wood ard D1str.) For the bulldl'r we have .;J t\\'rrll 1\D J .,,j . f).lfrl l\.,.l•L .,.! ·JC Ne .. 11portHch 673-2534 ·~· ... ~·~ 2122Npl lllatVietoria ·~··~·, .. hardware. prec1s1.on cut :X Quahly 27"1o:umlir1•s SS. ~;r--t'J~»~·.~1"1 '~· ·. ·JC .,:. · ·--h d · 1 d ·.,, · -JERI HOLMES · wood, mol chn).!, trims, & .,: pr. r£'t.:. $7. l'hroml' r£'ar .= [)CJl>G t: l'il·kup. ,11110 1; • •1 ~l Gl\'C agiflfromthepast ,111o~ema~e. a~ P.~ine_ ~"t 2905RedhillalBristol ..,; ltools. Al s11 , sa le on 'r c-arncrs.$1.95.rt:I! S2~1!i , 'r•t·~I . 1 , ton. l 'on!'i•lt·r ._,_ •:-"i ··;i' from our fin e sclct'l1on of ' •• , 8 110 1.d1•1Y .,mas, llX, insg~ •' :, i 0 ~:.,..p.a.n·d ·a -b·l·C ;:: 1,. statuary, v.·ooc:I & prtnls. ' Url'th<inc s urfer .... ·hcl'ls, . ' r A •h•n". "l·.1•.·'· s ilve r . • .. m.1 . ·I, a rg(, "· . A.'::. ••. Work·.·h••-.· on w .. d . & •t ··t•o•.·<Sl .1<< A !r.111 ., l·ar. F1n ;1n1 ,. 'A ' " • ~I' 1 .. Comcinto ourlloui:;r J--·· ..... .. A "•., J, ;1 ,~1 1 t:ihli·. 11,.11 1 11 .., "" ,~· Amer. & Eu rop e an · c rsona Ill'\• upon rl'·,,~ PlantD,....tGifllrtcas :· :Tra•e-IWardrobes ;;:'·~Thur!>.Opcn Sund:iyl 2·4. ~· BICYCLESH'CK -' furniture & primitives.. quest for add1t1onal SI ~... ;::_ . . (;i WATTIES A i.:nndt•r H•1l·k 1n :1ph·tu1• -4 :-;,\\.Tl'<._'KE.f\\·1-:s ·r "7'i You'll be •ll'h):l hll'd v.·ilh , <'ha r.i:e . Spee1al ord('~S .~ ~ Un~qu e :World -~1dc :-. 400 W , ·I "t, Bl 1 J09:l·C Bakcr St .t:.:'>1. ...., 1· u \I hu .1 I'd. II o o 1 t· r ,.t .\.E l·.l>L,.: \V OH KS JC ·• our rit"l.'s ' .1l'a 1lahlP. PAL s.· GrnHavettGardens . ...n l-ash1ons&C1fts . ls min. f~ .'t 54f»4130 JI ,,11uun1 & ant111111• n11r :X :!lt~l \\'l'o.1 .,1 11 1 ...,,1y N B ~ !ANN>:HYVJLLAGP. ~6;31153. 2930 S"'"'w ~t'. Call646·:l925 ·~ 310 V'I\ "-'·. N ll ~ Nl::W~?,,~;!_,ll5t-~AC ll •. lro<_•.bcl""'l't>nf-'air\'H'll r· ru.r ~t:l 11f pot-. ,'I.· p.111" • .... i \(ro .. ,.lnunS1uft Sl11 rt ) '1• ,Al'cnueCd~I . "'~ llana~ .. l ~ ,.,,."'""· V &Bristol ,'t'l'~tl4>1 t~ ',· '• -.. -~·~·-~'. l:'i•~·~1'-~, : _., ·~o"""~ .. -;,,.~l'i•-"'="'.~•.;,".'l ·~l'i'{"T~·~,.,...,.,,l'i • .r".'l(;.-;~l'i·.;.~ ,'1"J!l'i•.':~-~"l!/'i•J.'.'1 ,,•"J!r;~ ~ 1~ ..ft~ -~ l'orson•3:;~~ :;:~"Ima> ~ A ~ 'J'1. 'J ~ , ~ · '1 .~ ThisChristmasgivea ·JC ~ -~ 1~~~~r~:x11;~~~e{'~~" ., 0 ·:< tftk? ·:, ~ LARAWAYS ~1 -·~ " Gill Certificate to that ~ CARPETS '.>:' Lamppost Marker> ,~ "~ ABC COLOR TV ., Q ,.,_ :11 special someone who '.-f'OH '·" Wall Mark"'' '·· OAK ·,. Salos & S•.vice '.~ SPECIAL TY SH PPE ·;i ·.;.& ~ I.awn t\1arkl'rs , . A ..,. ~. needlepoints. From ... ·~ CHRISTMAS -\ flesk & Door""''"' ~, AMTICj)UES ·,; <l!CA Z>.NJTJI :'t 313 Marin•. Balboa Island -' - 0000 0 b b 0 ;J C~ll Tcrl 551 3'>15 -j SYL.\'AN IA .,.; 6 7 5_4491 .,.! . . NYLON PLUSllES ·~~·~~. •Low Prices* ._:x All models 1n :'t<H ·k & on J<., : ~ J ...L SUPf<:nllEAVYf'LL:S ll ~ Al "' "d1 c;pl.1 y. \s k :ihou t ?-CHRISTMASDECORFR:OMURAW•Y'S ... ... n •· tSh 111 11 • BORZOI ' ,., ·s·ro~1 s 11fJP 'r j' •l' c mn;in..... or o s .. l' ,~ ' 'r' tt·rm s. µ.u;1r.1n!t'l' ,\: ·,. '·.t -. Jfi'""N<""I"''' Ill(''! • < Still time lo mak<• n•.,•dl·1101nl ('hr1slm'' ·, ,. '• -• ....,, .. " "· ·., pn<'f'S. lloml' "l'r\'lt-t· ••r 'A '-'-._ .. , NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN *SA VE 400/o * ~· Russian Wnlfhounri ·~· Ctlllt<1 l\11-s.1 -~I ~2 ~ hnn~ set 111 & ~"' 1., J. onl3m('nls for g ift!'.> R1t>bons for thf' tree Rclls, . , ~ 2628E.Coas1Hlghway,Coronade1Mar ); Ol'E"N F" ST Ny 6 mo .. traine d , s hov.· ~ beads. & trim for a .\ferry llr)l1day. \i.'ool f£'lt ..i callfornla92625•Pt1one644·7904 ;J ~~,R I /.~. (l L. pntcn1i :1/. s up t-r ALl .. Ht:Fl~I SllI-:11 ' 968·3329 l.'hris tmao; s1<x·k1n i.: .. ;ind appl1qul''. 1\ '?et.'1al -.t JC WA~tF.,lt<>USf .. Si\LJ-. p('rsonahty. Will hold l\\I . JUSTTAKt:rr 11 0~1~: J( ~luf' for det·oralln).! holH'S , ha:o.k~t .... .,lrll'kln,ll'.s, .:X ' • I,.,,~ I hil·~·nt!'1 · NH "· Chn slmas _.:., And EHJOYI · 19046 Brookhuro;t • & many olhrr th1nl!'· ? ~ _'; (ALJ .1~12 22 t0 ~ 639-2182 (Oran~t-l 1~ • ··-~ llunlln;..'l11n Bt•aeh ,·~ . .. ·.'•· .r~[j~.-. ·.~I, ~s~u-rtbl'ioa .. r."d ·:Yl_F"~,..,..~~ .. r·~-~ .. -".~:~:;:j!l'i•~: .. r"'l'.'i•~,,.~-~"l:'i•-".'.~~'1·.~.\:,~{i~,;\~~.:~:·:~.~ '11:·'.'i•-W"l".'.l'i 'i l ~ -" ~ J'l ~ ~ J'I J'I 1h11atn f•nt .. ,\'o'.r1·.i\h _,. ... 'I\ " ''< Xlnt Cand. "' COMMIE'S "'· ANTIQUE ~ •, °!' I Day Only ~ ~ 'r 1 )l SKI & TENNIS .~· .. .. 14j · 1:1 CENTER '.~ <)' B~1 's ~olf el uh" & ~h"l'" , ~· S...nday Dec. 7th , l" , ·,;.t ':.I SPECIALISTS ~ Brut·£'Jon<"s.h .~I 170 ~ GIFT SHOPPE ·.t • E: eSelection ~ .;.& !\11•ns !.:.l..uht·s !-WM1:l-,1•.,1.1ul'l.111 J SEARS ~ . -~ Russell6 9 s.10 ·:"\ ~· ""'"" . l d. 20 to 30•· OFF <-1 ... 1.1 \ll· ... 1 · GIFT .J ·~ MacArthcr Sports 962.9759 ~ L'ALI .. 631·258.5 • has 1us t arn\•cd for the 0 .A · _.4 ,d 752·0640 -. holid:t)-S. Amer & F:uro· T<"nn1s lJrcsst·:o. .,,j ~ ,.d TO YOU ·:X .. ~~ .. ~. Gifts&Dolls . p£":tn f u rn i ture .· ·:X 20to40°/o OFF Je;l"'i~~·.~·,.-~rr;"!)I Fl l'I'. 1 Ito Hn-.: of • • Featurin~ ~ complet(' •Nrat stuff. Old & tl{'V.' 2 .,: Hondc afted .,. ~t·Crt>l :i r•l'S . dl'l'k S, rl Coth 's ~ "' l\lens Tt·n111!.Sh111 .. ;'" !•Ill:'~.)! l ~ll lHSI-; .• s.·\1 ; do .H•rc:·nl 111\h' c:.f line of equ1p1ncnt. ap· 'l'Antiqut" labtes, R /W 1~ .r. J' dre ss e r s. hi ·boys,,'l' Y • •1~ 200/0 0FF ,,. \\ \l~,,\l .1 !~·.ll .~l lSll •.,.·U-1~ oinl•·r plii·•·•l lti•n).~ i,.~pa rel &!'ervice:Sk1rcn· 'l TV., 2 fl:lrxt<'a n hand •.:A OHPa1nt1119s '" hookt'ast"s. rnd & sq •;a CountryCous1ns '.;,i i\l£'ns &-1.aflH·" \V,itni ·.,t Ill' 1111:-. ·J ~,.11 .~ 1 .h.ri ~lni :1 ,A A tals adulls &ch1ldr£'ll ~· ·o·cn hlankets Aladdin · t;ihlrs &C'h;11rs.C)penC)ct ~· We've mo ... ed In -1·10 E . w 1 .. 111•\I \\ 1111111 f1111 ,!1 ~ . · 1 -~~ ~2SO Scaff Dri•e ~;~1•1.1r lamj~·1)tll~;1 ~~~ ~ ~:~:~ ~~~~~ ~-' ~12'~\11\11 :1\'~I.' fils(l StJn ~ ~h1j1;~1"r ~~!; ~~·;;;,~~~' ~ .10°1:~QFF . d i.;1.~.,·!:11.:~;~~;~7,<: \N ;j 1 '1~~;s Roebuck Co. ~ Nt:Wl'ORTBEACll '-'-aJ!a1111cs.m ·mall to\~· (' ".1 · .. 11 1996 How-~Bl•d . jlLo;t 1rn,1·cl This ad Jtrl H~l s C.olf&r1 •n111:-.Shop )t You 11111..,l "t't· 11 1•1 ;11) JC .'7111-. \7th St. Jt I 'I \rth r ~uart• .::oc:arS\';Jl'UU ,s osta .. f'Sll,lll'X II ' I'""'' ' . ' .. Z538N('"""'r1Hl\d l'\I ,. II'.\ . ,. r '1 ~ n 1~ar1 u • .._, "I . I ~I.' r lay 11ots.• &-·unl)'l"r1f1<·B·tnk .,,,, C I M "· fpr SI •Ht .111_~ srng •·-. i •·:· ...... pTP•1.<t•· ''· .1 . ""' IP-"'-:• ,,,, , " Nr.Oran1oteCnt)·A1rvorl ~· 1~·3K56. ·~l '1 • rl OS a esa • ,~ puri·ha~(' ~I f,.l.!.'">·1·10 . t...., ~11i>1 :1.-,c..': ,_ 1,dl ,\11,>1~'' ,. SLIM . . NOW! . , _ . CLOCKS ·JC MUSIC ·JC ·PARTY TIME • ·JI 8. JC sh· M d I ... NoPtlls! " ,,,,,,\' ... For ,·ourllolicluy ..; P.tust !'ellhyChrislnlaS.1 ... Let Usie • : CHRISTMAS ~ ( •P 0 . es ·~~ NoShoL<i ~ I" •POOL TABLE• .·~ "GIFT ING ".. 1.~"!ice IJe1rloorn s. 1\l ~o ' C.ct ''.Ot1r ,r',1milv :1 1.1~1 Your lifesaver' (~ SPECIAL :;1 ' '~ NoOrug~or Spas! :;; '.:ii THEDESIG-NVIME ~fine ~loc ks r e a!'onahly • ll('aut1f11\ 1 ot' llr:ind A PermitUsToPra•ide •,A ~ ~, /\~P,luchA!C .j' Pcnnil'S i\Oa11 ~· ~· f eatuf't's : ~re pa i red . P t l'. Berl~· OrAan ll r P1.1no fur -1.l y H D'O ~ -~ -SO".¥. ot·t• Paula 549 9000 -f'reight damagC'd gamf .. !lost & llM tess aprons. Pfrterson, •193·4088 .-Chril>tmas. Takt' ;11\v:in· our ors .w•rrs -, ~·~ l'l' l111·k & t·ahl,.. _ t ables. roo~ ball, air "Nc"'Ll>ok ''shirts&c;ir. taj!'.l'Ofour 'rt cQ.lNG ~: "'1 .'11 '.1lu P ...,. th r · i\l!'n ~~-~ hockey , $79 to1229, slate · la n.ot, bPll s. ba.i s. ·~--~~· Holiday Sal• Pricn ·J(. ~~ .,. :::_t{,1,_~ pur1·h;1~•· c•f ··;u·h bu·,•t·lt• • l!ilanyVarll'tie.'! "" i\NTIQUJ--:COTTACf: W:1(n>m S300, ¥1 i:ourmt•I a('t·l·ssnr1cs. ~ lllCYCLf:.i;&ACCF..S. •, Lo...,·rr th:in cl1 :0.C'011nl ~. (.; ~o, ~~ !' "'"r~lfM'. . 'l;- J; Plane Kits ."!· ;\ntiquct1. collectahle:s '~ 17 I • .;r bt k~ pnk:i.. &" m:.iny olht"r • t· Alloy l't1m1:ionenl. 10 . ,. ~ hOU&f'S. S1\\'t: ~)I n :i0• '· "' Cl) c~~ J ....... r ---. .with tf111 ad . •J: -"l , . . ~ &decorlnnf'ilt'ms 'l 14 639.a623 "ii hol!dayi>i,>er1alt1('"_ ,, ~spil . S1 24 !)5 'J't1uri n i.: ~ Uu y 1A'/l cr n1 ~ nr rt·nt ~ (/) IO •;t l •l w '\1•"!~l't!~hd f \I "' Somtl:faft Ktts ·~ '<IMNewportBl\'d. -~· WONDERFUL ·~ 1rl'tit \our11clf loo ~V·•t·ks. \lay pa<·k!<. Tools .~ fromS.'"i \ t!!'-"'~~ ~ h·I.' 1,,1ii ..J. -'•HOllY SHOP Ncw1K1'rt Bl•flch THE DESIGN VINE & Book~. ·rv.·o v.'hl'l'I . 122 M. Harbor ;J ""6t.lt'ta.-.i 1\Z!. ~ r -:. 1 '"" . p, 642 5151 WORLDOF AtlheFbdory . Tran-;1t 1\ullillrity Full~rton :) ""' ~ ,'~S1\ J< 440£.1~~65~565 " 10°/oOFF "' lllLIAlDS '-' 425JO+tt,#2l,N.I. "· l884Plocentia,C.M. "~Open Eves and Sun 12:1 • c;,t, 6'\6 -eti0 •. r>1J l''~~~~:~:1 ~~.1 ,, ~ CosteM•ta -t~t.?>.,~(j WITHTHIS/\O ~l miE::U ~tS.A .t'recW;i)' ·~-----673-)405 '" ~645-8370 .~t:all t7 14 )R7 !1MO.'"> ".., ~ • 11 Oi • • -~~·~·r."'V'l"~~~ .. ~1'i-..;'f/7"l!l'6~-~~~~·r.~l'i·~~~·~·~~·.1<:C '~l:'i•-":'t·':"'nl:'i•~ "'""l:'i~·.~ I t * Goodbye Chicken __ P_U_B_L_l_C_N_OTl_C_E __ , __ P_U_B_.L.;.·l_C_N_OTl_C_E __ ,,,--P-U_B_U_C_N_0'_11-:C=E-•--P-U_B_U_C_N_OTIC __ E_~l"-P-U_B_U_C_N_OTl __ CE __ P1CT1TIDU181Jllll•US ••••T.t.ttltll•MT ne.....,....,..._.,...,..11w1.1 _.., 1.•M VJlll"I .. M4AOIS, >IHI ,.,.... .. Utt "' ..... ~ 0..... _ ........ UI• ,,,__.. "'"""'· Mt!.11 \111 ~.C..W-.. Kll,(A..t'J.G Plucking ""'" .,.,,,., ....... ,. ~ .,. .. ""*· c.tst,_ .. a<, CA. 'It.Qt TMt~h~---.... -LA .. ,,._ .. ..,...,. • I f)f)f)f)f)f)fl. • • ·r;11nn11L' \V~ll s, firth g rade pup il al Sunny land :-;<:hlHtl 111 f~(.'ll 1nJ,.!h~1n1 , \\·ash . lll'1..'d:-> both hands \\hill' (h:-.:-.t'<'\111 g a L'11\\1's 1,•y1..• during a ('1;1:-.s lunlog~ pr11Jl'l'I ~----- Court Upholds Sex Act Rap WASllJNGTO'.\I (U PI ) The l J.S. Supr eme Court has ruled that broad application of laws ban· ning "cnn1t•:. against nature" arc not unconstitu- t1onally v;1gu(' 1f there are state court intf'rprl"l:t· lions gener;11\y dt>fin1ng what conduct is prohibited. Wit h thrt•e JUSt1ci:-s d1ssent1ng, lht> court s um marily reversed a deci:4ion by the 6th l ' S Ci rcuit ('ourt oI Appt•uls. v.•hit·h held the l<1¥i' in T ennesse1· v.·as too vag u(· it nd did not give a defendant clear 'A'arning what acts might be held illegal. IN ITS UNSIGNED OPINION, the Supreme (',ourt notl"d that statutes ::1gainst "c rimes again s t n ature" .stt>mmC'ct fro m tht• ('Ommo n law of England Md h ad been w i dely adopted since the birth o f the lJnit e d S tates . ··crimes agains t nature'· have gt~nera lly m f'a nt a wide variety or unus ual sex acts. "Anyone who cared t o d o so could certainly de· termine what partic ular a ct s have been con sider('(] C'rimes agains t n a ture.·· the court said in r e ins ta t · ing a fivt> to s cvt'n ·year pr1.son s e nte nce f or lla ro ltl 1.ocke. l.ock<' ""'as convicted of entering a neighbor's a pn.rtmf'nt w if'lding a butc her knif<' a nd performing an o r al sex al·t on h e r . THE SUPREME COURT llAD UPHELD the coru;titutionality o f such laws t .... ·ice before. It noted that in some stat es the law is narro .... ·ly interpreted ·to prohibit only s odomy. In oth er s tates, s uch a s Tennessee, it 1s applied more broadly The justices said Locke thus w as put on n o t iC'e that his s t ate was applying the law broadly, and that the oral sex act wouJd be an included offense. In a bitte r dissent, Justice Willia m J . Rre nnan Jr. accused the majority of dC'vis ing a new standard f Or deciding whe the r laws are vague, placing an un· ~ue burden of int e rpretation o n a defendant. F.VF.N IF A NEW SfANDA.RD should be u sed; RrE'Tlnan s aid. it s hould be handed down after full arguments a nd r eview by the supreme court and not in a s ummary reversal . "It is d ifficult to r E"<'all a m o r e patent instance of judicial irres ponsi bility,·· Brt>nnan said. Cancer Warning System Pending WAS HINGTON (U PI > -Since o n e o f ever y four American s probably will d evelop cance r , the govemment is working on a cancer alert to tip o ff "'the public about su s picious chemical agents that may cause can cer but have no t yet bee n thoroughly ·tested. Ever sin ce r ecent :studies s h owed 25 per- <'ent or all Americans wi11 get som e t y p e of can cer during their lifetime!!, there has been press ure t o get quick publication o f l abor atory findings about tes te d chemical agents a nd <'Ompounds . -THE OEPARTME!llf of Health, Education and .. Welfare i:s C'ons idering a plan to publish memos about resear r h , "The ide3 is t o let pro- ple know re~ult s rxist . but we don"t kno w ..... ·hat theoy m e.-n, ··said Dr. Ian Mitchell of t h e agenC'y. FEDERAL r ('search on chemicals som etimes raises s us picions in tes ts ·on animals. although t he canC"er-inducing i mpact of the tested c hemic al m ay no t be thoroughly s tudied. Rather tha n w ait for compl etion o r such studiC"s, ifEW is con side-Tine report!! on "cur- rent intf'lligen et." rai$- lng the matter of susp1- rions in the F ederal Re(is ter. HEW RAS issued a "1t1tement of con cern fouJ.Jlmes since October. 1914, In connection with chemical compounds: • the pes t icides chlordane and h eptachlor, the in- formati o n i n te s t animals. In these ('ases, the s tate ments of concern declared. "No definite C'onclusions as to the c arcinogenicity (capaci· ty to s tart can ce-rs) o f the s ubstan ce may he reache-d until all of the data'' is in and eovaluated. evaluated. UNDER THE HEW alert plan contemplated, s imilar s tatemen ts would be published in the Federal Register, the of- ficial recotd o f govern· ment. and also an· nounced in press r e - least>s and s tateme nts dis tribut ed t o ap - pro priate gov ernme nt agencies. RAFY:ITI' •. ,,.. .... .....,.~,_ ... By DICK WEST WASHINGTON <UPI) -A num~r of human skills have been ren d ered obsole t e b y gallop. 1ng autumatiun and now uth(·r t y pe s ul nc .... ·rangled tec hnology arc beginning J.o ob- I 1 t er a t e 01ncien t handl·rafls. It appears . f or exam· pit>. t hat due to advances 1n genetic researc h Lhe art of c h icken plu<:king is doonlt.>d. ACCORDING TO th• :"olational Geog r a phic Sc>C'u.•t y, the b oys d o ""'TI <ti PUBLIC NOTICF. STAT 1¥ENT 01' A•AN OON¥1!HT 0 " U\I! 01' "ICTITIOUI •U\INES$ ,..AMI lM IOtl0•1nQ 11"•-I ..... ~ "°""" ! ... "'' ol 1M lo<l1UW1-1,...11 -PH0lOGlllAPMf:A S WEST la.JOO 1-•St .Coli.Meu C•llto•nl•t1•i. TIM f'ICllllOUI lkilllMll I"•-<e l .. ted to •OO~e ••• IU•CI 1n 0......,. C-yonl .. ll (t,,llli•n 0 lont•tt, Fe!lo.,.. Y•d•I L•nCll"Q, p 0 8cu 1)1. Wllrn- lnqlon (tllto•n••tOlff J C ¥<C"H~ll. IUOO I-• S4 . Cool•Mt•• C.•1t•0<n•1•l•lfo ""' IM.llllMll ..... (OflO\l(\ed °' • Qt'Mt•l P.•l ... r\111(1 Cll••,U•nO lO"it•• l n!• "•"""'"' ••• 111.a '""1" t.,. C:O..M, (1•1• 01 Or•"91' (o .. nh on JrtOv flL'Bl.JC' :'liOTJt"J-: P U BLIC N011CE ,ICT ITIOUS BUSIM ISS ... Allll l!\lATl¥1~l • .._,II. It/I l'l(llllOU!o auSOlli\\ ,,.. '0110'"''"11 ~·i.O'\ ,, -nq ..... '-> ,..AMl \TAlEMf.Ml -·· 1'1 -(.O .. T!lrll ENTaL 1NOUS fA IES -Pl,oOil,,_. Ot•~ c;..,.. O.Uy "UOlt, MDY.•,.....tOiH:.t,1 t~t9.l'71 Ill .. " PUBLIC NO'nCE •tCTnl0'-'51Ul1MIU HAMI ITATIM&Ml "''"J.w....,. T1'11 ~ ••• litM -· "" CtwlllvOet• <If 0r-.. c-.t\'• ....... ....... ,,, "'' ...... PIAlli'M<d Ot .... (Mil o.lty .... _ No¥ ll, 11 . ....ci O.c. i, II, ltJS ""'" PUBLIC NOTICE nw •of•-•no ,..,~ ••• clol"9 bAI c,..,,.. M1)1"\0 w.-.1nOllCOU•TOl'TMI! Oii! MA.II INOUS.tlllf\, ,... ITATIOPCALll"O•MIAl'O• "4N<'• A ... ,~1t1 Mt1a. C .... m 11 TMI C:OUNTYOPO•AMGI! -w Owy••' Mitlll S..O..ol• .... .......,. u .... N,,••lll!QtollS.Hll.C .... .,... lrtOTICE 01' MIAltlM Cf 01' ·~ J . Dwv•• .• ,:ro ... llQ\&l.. 1'£Tlll0H '"°" PltOUTI 01' WILL "~.CA. AMO FGlt L.ITTEltr. TllTAMl:M· T11l1 IMnl,..\\ 1, ~llCl..:11.,.,. • TA•YAMDAUTH01tlt.&11DMTOAD- """""'""""•)l'llg MIMI STI • UMDI• TMI .Hlfl"O. l>w'l'9• IMOl'.PIMO«MT AOM IMISftATION T'Jroi\ •ta-1 w•1 tli.d .,l\11 h 01' l\TAT•S ACT ,,,.....,._. C-tt1 °"""'' c1 .. a "'o...,. c.vnty..., '*"'· .-..-.1 -H,lt1i. Eit•1• of AMY C 81tACEWEl..l., ,.,.., °"'Nlold. p,.fltl)l'leCI 0<•"9' Coal! 0,.11, NOTI CE IS HEJIE BY GIVEM ,.,,., PlkM. No.,. 21.-DK t. !l, lt.1'1S OAlltlllt.L GJIEEMW ... lD ....... flied .._.Ii ,,.,.In• pe"\lllOI' tor ~olNlt qi 'Mii - -------------!tor!\...-t°' Utl•r, T••l<IM¥Wnl#''+'to PUBLIC NOTICE ..l(TITIOU~ eVSIMI.\\ NAM• \TATl ... liNl ,,,.. t041owlflQ Jl«Mll It do<"'ll 0\61· ,..., .. !'tlEA NA TIO !rt"i l. Pl.oil'•-O<•n~ C<>•U O•'iv P..1<>1 fl'W IOll-•flQ llt"'WI" "lt6ilo(I DIN 11'!1 C.d•<M"n G•O~• l:li •d , ...,,,. J !he lab nre movinj! C'V<'r ""'~1 111 •ndO.< 1·11•1''~ •"''11 .,.,,~'r•ENT ll'IC SECUP ITY C..•<.Hn G<-ov• rinser to t he c reation of EP<fT[.RPR1 ZE'>. Po fin• 1!MI S111l B"1 Oo-•n 8•'o•-. :M.:lt>"' \ M.11•11 Ol!!LIC ... TESSf:N. UOl M•wPOrt Bh<d . HttwllOfl Beach. C•"'· nw.o ......... A t<l"\Mlll, J101 s. &t111d \I . s.M• """·(•!II. 1r. Pet11-• ...,. too-auu•oo-11'"-to ...... N"' .. ""'"' tl\tl fMI~ "4- l'llfnl•ta!IOfl o• E'ta'" A~l ••""-•lo """'d" I\ ,...0. l0t tu•ll>er P••1i< .. t•• . and 1"-1 , ... '"'"' tftCI -411C• of 1'"11<1"9 ,,,. ....... I\•\ bHfl ... lo< o.~· '· •t1i, al t . :it)• "' • '"' ,,,. <-',_,., ot 0.p.-'1 .... 1'11 No. ) of U ICI <OU .... "' ilO:l O•lt c.n1..-o .. ..,. W.tl. I"' I,_ Citt ot W..t•...,...,C..Uf.,.n1a. Otlf'CI NoW!ftb..-''· ltlS. Pl11\J,JO SOTIC'J-: •I•• L•OQ "•'"' •«r no••Q•. s.n!•And.C•ql/01 fca t lie rless l'hickens '"'' o"''"@'' "<""°"'"o o • .,, •n 1-----~~=~-----Nt"'P<"! S..cll '"' t)t6J d•v10u .. 1 In" fluti"'St h '""°"<1"4 DJ Ml lfl.. "h•Cl\Wll WIU.IAME.MIOMM. c-1v c~,., JAM.Er.I:.. Wll.HIL.M 11'111."'*I • ........_ Alread y they are ahlC' •-10111 AA•<r. .. 1 'o•I•• Nol•" S1111 "'" 8111 8,,~, to hr('C'd pre-plucked ... OTICEfOCltEO•lOltS l•do 'I'•\"' ""<"0'•9• "'""Po•• fft \ •••t•"'""' ..... ltlte' .,;1n 11'1' Ml~ ....... M•l\111 Tnl1 ""'"""' .,., Illa-Cl ..,;1n ow Coo;ntv , .. ,., 04 Ora"91 Cou11tyon NO,.. -).\ti), , .. .....,...., ..... Y .... •121 s.n.. ...,..., calff. '21•2 111•1 st1-m1 .... ........, ... : .....Utl- ,._ A·IS:i.t fl.o..:" CA •1MJ ' f nw ls ex p er i mt.' n ta I ly su1>111110• cou•' OJ" '"I! rn,,' """"''' ,, c0flov1 ti'(! "' .., '" c.o..nh ,~·~~~:' O••"oe Counl¥ Oil..., .. Jlul thus far Dilkt>d birds \lATliOflc.ALl,OltMIAFOlt ~·v•O\jtl ""'lllll' """'* k.Olhl•'"° 0<"•1'10-Cff•I D•lly ""tot•" Now. Jl, 11, 21, !ti~ «Sl-IS THI COV,..TT DI'" OltA ,..Gf: M I'" Nol•" I ha\•(' n o t b een raised ,., '"'' M•ll•• 0 1 ,,,, 1 11 .i• n• r"" ,1.,,,....,.1 .,1, 1 ,1~ ""''" '"' 1>u"'""""o'"""' C.O.•t 0 ... 1, Puot, commerci ally owin o to Pal1t1(1 ,. " VANOE A wE voc,.. 1 Counh c1,.~ .,, O••n0t cou~1,on Now· Nci"'"'""'u.11 l•,anoo.cemws. i"wbll\Md o..onoe '°"" 0.111 Ptlol, "'°"'"""'"'I, H, 11.11, l•IS ., ... ,S h Ore-"'°. ....CW•). ltl! 1tl! .,.._,, sevt>ra l defeC't s. one be-Noh< .. ,, ro.••rn 01 .. , .. '" ,,.. c•.-:110<' I •Hm 1-------------I PURI.IC N011CE PUBUC NOTICE 1ng that nudity makes N~l"Q c111m, •0•1"'' IM• ••1<1 .,.,. PV1>1\\l\MI O••nqoo Co••t O•"• P>1ol. Pl181 .IC NOTICE --~"'°"'""'"'"'"':-:;:;:----1------~=,,.------ th.m nervo us. """'" ... 111• Miid Cll'm• '"IN "'""•"' .......... o.. '·I• 11 11. "II •191 )) '----------,-,---! l'ICTlllOU\IUllMIE'S • ....,,. OSCF. TllF.SE bugs are t-ilminated . poultry processing \li.'ill b e great- ly s implified. \\'hile t h is so rt of thing ma.v be pr oj!ress. it ra1s t•s l arger q uestions lhat s hould b(' d t.'alt .... -1th befo rC' i t gncs much furth('r. Prin1a ri ly ""'hat we must decide is .... ·hethe r human s kills that a r e d y · ing out w a rrant a ron· servation e ffo rt e qual to that acc o rd e d en - dangered species o f plants and animals. PHILOSOPHICALLY, at least , the loss o r a skill thnt mankind h as spent C('nturies develo ping and J)('rft•C'ting is unaccepta- ble>. The Guinness Book o f World Reco rds t ells that human pro f iciency in chicken plu c king r eac h e d its current zenith in 1970 ""'h e n four wome n in M asar y ktown. Fla ., !:!tripped three birds in t h e average time o f 2 minutes , 10.4 seconds each. THAT FF.AT u s hered in what is truly the golden age or c hic ken plucking. Som e poultry authorities believe a s ub- t .... •o minute defeathering eventually will b e achieved. W e m ay not se-e-it in o ur lifetime, but it's coming. In any event, one can sc a rcely i magine a world without c h icken pluc kers. And make no mistake .about it -once t he skill lapses, it pro- bably is gone fo r e ver. CHICKEN plucking i s no,t som ething you pic k up overnight. The s kill is evolutionary. handed do .... •n from generation to g('n e r a tion with each re· fining the technique. Once the feath e r s d isap - pear. chicken pluckers will h ave n othin g to practice on. \Ve il, you might s ay, Jet them ptucK Clucks . Hut wate.rfo wl plucking is a different skill e ntirely. BF.YONO THAT. there is a question of how far ""'e want to go in the c;tirection that progr ess is pointing u s . Afte r featherless c hicke n s, what? S huckless corn? Rind- less watermelons? P eel- less bananas? Shell-less eggs? EGG SHELLS and corn s hucks w e might live without, but a w o rld witho ut banana peels is a w orld without l a u g hte r . Jn sum. the era being ushered in by fealhe r · Jess C'hic kens could be a mixed blessin g . One giant s t e p fo r Colonel Sandt>rs . The e nd o r run- n y pratfalls for m a nkind. Niguel Student To ,Head ASB ~1ichele M o r o, 13, of L aguna Niguel , is the charter a 55oci11ted stu· d ('nt body pre!;ldent at N iguf'I !fills Junio r High &hooL '"' tl .. t Oft ... -10<'t •••d (...,,, O' 10 !'ICllllOUS •USIMIE\S MAMESTAlEM«1rtl SUP(IUOltC0Ultl0"TH£ .,.,...,1 ''-"' to !II• """e•••o.....i •• IN l P U BLIC NOTICE ""'-'IE\ TAT EME NT lN-lol•e••llO "'''°"' ••• oo.nq ti.N-STATE 0" CAt.ll'OllMIA Felt olll(• o• BA LL. HUNT. wa1'11 .1 -l"''"'-'"'P'l''"''"a••lkMl'IO~· -a•: TMICOUMT1'0 .. 0R"iMCH. 8110WN•AO BAERW•TZ. •10L1..,... "'"'*' '°ORTMA IOGE ll!t USI ME SS Me.A·UIU .. ,...P O Bo•1711 •nt....,C1!.<:1'LO'>Q 8-toJJI AG ... PE Ct<Rl!,TI A'< ([Nl[A. CEl'rt 1EA. !,,.I t• 610. •1 0 N•woort NOTICIOl'Mf:AltlMG Ol'"PE.llTIOH BIKll. 1n lM AnQf"IP• (Out>!• _,<,. Mell(£ l0 C• 1.01 lO•~ llt(,I>'•••. !>tlll• An•, (I>. C.nltf Dfl ... ,,..WPO<I Be•cllc.AflW ~.·,,•,•,•, .. ,',',,o.• _w,•,u,.•,•,O R>• '"'"olloco •\t...,plo><•OllWl1.,...,011 Jff A·lfJ<I ) • Rlc llaro O Joll•I, Ge,.t •l l ,_ -,,,..,..,.,.,0,...,,,..um•!l~••flP<lt•'I \U,,l:Jtl011 COU llTOF1HE U.,,..,.,,,I I..•'• (""'f" In< Pirllltr, 1tj.O Port EGw••CI PIHe, Ell•leolL015M GAl l ,...l...,~- •nQIOW°"•""• $1><ll<l•1m,..,.1111 ... 1 ST .. Tl!O,-Ca t.U'OllNIA.1'0111 C•lilo<n•• <<>•PO••l•O" 601 Tn"d .._port8'Kll CA'1W.0 HlOISM.llllllH ... GAZIN.O...e......, .....:e•u•• vou(""'' "'"''"""~Cl' lH£COU,..lVOFOllA'tGE 1 ~rtel .MoO<l•!O.C ... •SJ\I lllh IM.l\I"""' 11 (0..0..Cl..0 flV II NOT ICE IS 11ERE8l' Gl\I[,.. !NII 0,, .. ,,,M "' "'"'••••II '"''"'" '""' In I,,. M.olle• o• In,. £\t•''""' f<(l(" j Tl!•• °"'"'e•I I\ <Onc:l,.(lfCI 11'1' • ro• hmlledPe•IN"1'lp. t.YOON E.CAll.AMAMll•\llled""'"" '"""~'•"t' 1"" ,,,,1P"0"l•l•on 041111\ ..... ¥0Al ... A1 '"( A•Yl ... o ...... , "rl IN -·1-RlcM•d o . Jonn • ""'''°" lof P•ol).ileol Wiii ...Otor I• not•(• 1-ll;C>AAET .... 0A 1Al'll V 0..••·•""0 '-"'••t•<.all•le Cll .... fl 1"" Tl'lh "•Mmtlll ··~ lilt'd w1lfl ll>e \.....Ct"' L•"t'' Tt•l•mtn!Mylo ll'M" O.rfll NQ••'"lw' 11 1~1\ Noh<P '' !'lt"••by Q•v•n '" ''""'I°'' AQ•pe Cn•"'"'" (•""' c-ntv Cte•• ol 0•1noe '"""'"..., Oc:· Pldih ....... r rtl•ttll(• lo -"" i, ,,,_ .. uenJ "'•""'"' W• """ ""•lno <lalm• •<I"'"" •n• •••O ~· "'" "''Pml'n! ,.., lil.-d "''111 '"" -11. U7S 1 .... ,,..-, ~rllc,.1a••. •"" !flat tM E••c .. to•1ot 1~.. I !lltn! lo Ill• ••IO <!••''""',,.. nu .... ~1 Oxmri C•••• olO<•"oP CO\<nh II'"> ""'v J"nl• lime a..O pl..:e ol Marl1'19 lhe wrre NI• W••lo<\al110..t~lle"' I 1"" Cl••• of !"'t ••O••,d•ll tourt o• l o ~·l 1911 ,.,111 Publlltled 0<1<>9t C.0.51 Oal!y Pllc;IC. IJft'nulloo-~c.1 •. ltJS.att lC• m.,ln ULl., MU Ml , MART. P'"'""' .... m to'"" """~'"O""<I •• ,... ,.., .. _I•. U.11 .... d Die s. '''S ~'~ !lw ,.,....,,_.. ol o.,..r1nwnl""' l 111 BlllOWM1 .... BAEllWlll olltc• ot l{.6MINAR. \ORf.10 "'N Pl>D'<U•td 0<-•"Gf (ot>\ O•ll~ P..lol. Mild <our\, •1 100 Civic Ct"l"r Ori .. 1•Llt1Ck11Aw.. 011[.E" A. Tt<OllN •O•O Sf(ONO N0"'"'°"'1·1•·11·1'·1'7s .. '2/I Well, In 1n• c1 1, ol S•nt• An•. ,._0 .... ini l""E !.u1 1r 1111. '" t"• c.,,,"' '>AN I-------------PUBLIC NOTICE caiitomia. 1..11o1oth«ll,(alll•rt1lat0ffl OI EGO,•n'>ANOIEGOCou"IV •h•CM Oal •d N O"· 2 t , 1 '1). Plltlll\l'le<I O<•nee C<Hl•I 0•11, Po•<>• 11\lf!'t ott1(r" !.,.. pllt<P of °"''"""' GI P UBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUISUSINf.IS Wl l..1..IA ME.S1JOHN ~ .. 11, 11,lnd 0.c S. II, It/~ ~-11 '""' ""<ie•\lg11.0 In all mall••• Pf"'1~'" !---~======---MAMf. STaTE¥E,..l COU!llYClltk 1t>Q lo,,.IC1e'1•!t 5uc hc l•!m~w•lnt.,.. Ol'EMMIETINGS The lotl-!'Q ptrMll'I ll 00!"9 buM· CAl.L.AMAMAMDC"it.t..AMAlll PUBLIC NOTIC'E ,..<tlMl•Y voucN•• """II bt 11!"<1 o• OAAMGf:COUHTYMIAl.TM ,..11.,, .. n.n.yla-1LllW t>•• .. n!•<I •• ••o•••~lll wltllll'I IOU• fll.AN,..INGCOUMClt. APPLIEO BUSINE SS SYSTEMS. 11«1Tf'ldtef!A..-. -------------lmonlll\allt•!""'l•l•lllYOhc 1tlono!IM" Nollet h ""'tfly QIVtll IN~~ f!Ool Alvtf A ..... Ntwporl Ge« .. , CA l,tl,.,,......,CA.ttlMJ t11•t noli(• ,..,I•"'» will be ,,.1., by'"" .oo ... •1-'2660 An-ys*: "9\ltl•Mr HOTICE 0,, TllUSlEl:'t SALE 0.!eG ~OV ,., 197J 1ocl a!lon In •<<or<l•nt• ••II\ 1,,. JOhn Wllll•m A .. inelmUn Jr .. t !Ool f>llOl!VWCI O<anoe Coa-U Oally Pilot, No.1 ..... 1 1MA00EU~ J lvlOAtAllTT, "-••I A•O"llU°"' lor P. l. fl ... , A'"''"'"'·t+ewll0f1Ba-Hll,CA'1M(I HO .. l'rlbtrll .l9.afl0 0.cemMrS.\t1S 0.. O..cemc.• IOlh, 1t1S, at 11 00 JA alw_n_n•1 !S1cl1on 11110f !l l of '"~ l'IOe••! tr.11 IM.lllnel\ I\ COfllk><led by"" in· ~S.S.IS e'tlocl ... M. 11 th<' Soul ~ l•Olll ,,._ T£0J MOAIAAI V Atqllle•l TO 0"'' Opl)(lrtl.l t>•h 10<' '""' Oiv>Gu•I ''""' 10 '"" Old tO!JlllV '°"''-' '" F ".'"'°' "''"•w•ll llUtli•C ... t •P'tll the I•. vi..-on .... John w. A1'1"4!'"'lt" J•. '"' city ol S•nla A."• W£STE.AP<f otwo0Cl4!<-"I 11"11<l!c al•on1, p1 0.:io11d 9""''"'1'1<1 lM!\ >lllt,.,.."I w•• 1,1..., willl ,,.._. MUTU AL COAPO AAT tO ~. • ICAMINAll , SOltBD, AN DAEEM a bodv compCKll-.•lldP'OOOW<I-•\ Ciwnly(ltt~ol0raon{leCOun!yOllNow· C.lil0<n1• (0<PC1<•"""· •• !•U\t"" un lM Olt"I ~O!I••"' of tN-Or•n.ae Co..nly '°""atlll •ml>ff l. 191\ ,,., UWOMdOl l• .. 11 m.O• ... ~I••'°'~ An ...... ,1-•1-u.. Pl ....... nq Counc•I .. noel! •Ill be con-FttJU O..V.1. a 11nqle m•n 1nd R-10 R 1011SECO,..OAV£MUE~UI TE llll 111,,.,, I" U'le •P04 1ctllon 10<" """Ill\ P\obll""90t•"Qe Cotsl0ahyPilot, Hie\~ • mt•rlfll .......... o '"'°'"""" SAM DIE GO, CALl,011"1"' '1101 1y\tem\<1"9t"{J 01'1lo11all°" un<IH pl No-. '· u , 11. JI.,.,, ·~).JS ~· J. 191J, In Boo• t01Sf>, PIQO' 10!> P\1!111\l'llO 0r•"9' Coa•I O•••• P1lol. IQ. .. I al Olfklll AfCO•°' ol O••nqe Countv, Nov 11. 11, anO Ore. I. ll, U/~ 4'J! I~ 0.,.., mtel\nq\ will bt Mid on tr.- Q l1t0<11•1. a1 .. " IO W("fe•ni-I ~1t.,..;nq O•lt' •net 111 lht fott_,ng neu 1n ••v0< ol AOJ A. E<lc ~._ •rel Pl' BLIC NOTICI>: l«•llOll\ Mlra,..•+t• Er•<''°"· ""'btnel •nd T...UJ.Dttf'MlNf1•·1·••·"'- .,;1t ., 1<>1111 l""l"t\ -0---------------CM .. Melt C•IY eo .. ncu O\am- Mld by"'"" a1 ""'"~ ti. '""'"""GI t!W CP-1.. ~''· 11 F•I• Or lvt. CM la Mew . CA. bn.c.I\ ol cerl.,ln 0D••Q•l•on1 """"'"" \Ul'£11 1011COUAT0"'"'E Wt.tmln1I•• Commun111.Sen\ce tMreby, no11ct ol w~iCll ••• '"'o"'"' ST AT £ OF C"'ll l'QlllMIA R>ll 81doJ., Ct.ti Room , 1100 W1llrnin1Wr J .. ,, tt. ltrs. Jn 8o<>k 11•••. p-!.IOJ.ofl TME COUMTT 0, OR .. MCfE Aw .. WftlrniMI••. c ... wldOffl(la••A•<0<d• ... lll Mll .ipUbllc Jff.A·14ffS Flllta-nan p"""' L.llM"ary, lA'9' ••Cl-to !"' llloM•t blO<kt tor c~. MO l IC g O" M Ii A It IM G 0 I' Me•lift.Q Room '"8 "'. JSl W. Com· ... ,.111, 111 lt'wful ..._, ol IM l,lllllf'CI l'f.Tl1'10M l'O• Rl!MOVAL 0' .,--11111.Fulle•lon,CA :SUie\ •11'-U""' ol w it , "'ith!M w••·1 l"IJtS.OHAL lllEl"ll(SEHTATIVE. TO Marco Fortier Jt. NlOll 5.(ll&ol •l"IY ... '"till•. J>O•••\llon .... fl'!(. ....... COMl'l:L ACCOUl'rtllMG; ,.0. T ... E Llbf«'I, lMOI C.mhw dal 11i-.1on. s... bran<e\, Ille lll!e•eU con-..ye<l IO-"•0DUCTIOl'rt 0' VOUCHERS; FOR .J\.l...,C•p"tr1no.CA -f'le!O by ..... o f•u•l•t 11"""' ulo APPOllrlllME ... lOl'SUCCES\OAAD-, .......... ,, O.celt\Mt 11 -11 :• 0r..i <>l lru\\, In 1no lo Ille 104'-ine MIMISlllATAl)C WITH Wll.l. AM· 1.M. dtM:r lbedp•ocwr!,,to·•ll MIXIO La 8onll1 Co...,..unlt y (f''"'· SO".!I P•rcel I· Tll<! No•!M•,Je•ly twill Ill E\ll!t o-1 JO'>E PM 1 N [ GOMEZ. """ Wl-•l 1t.IM Slttt!. '>anla "'""·CA L.o1 Sl ... l•ICI T•..Ct NI> l l•. 111111to1, .JOSEFA GOMEZ . Cl•c••••d • ..,,,"".'· J•n ... •v'. l :io,.m. OI C.0.1• ,...Ml, •1 >l\o•n on 11 m-O NOTICE I'> HEllE8T GIVEfll !..._\ l19""• F1C1e<I! StYi"ll'• Co..,,_ ltlfrwol tKorded •n -k IS, P"'OI" 7', ,,,..,.,AT BAl f"il ... fl: Ila\ lllfd t<e•el" • ,.,...nl!J Aoom. 160 O<•an, U.011na MIK•ll-..• Ml~. recorO\ <:A W•d .,..11110" tor Remo-.11 "' Per•o11a1 S..tell,CA Ol"<1119PCoun1v. RtP<• .. nlau ..... to Comoe1 Ae cOUM S.....ta Ana Cl h eo .. ncu Cll.......,~. P••••' J · ,,.. ~ .. 11\-llerly ,..I! ol tno. tor'"' Prod .. <11M o• Vo1><fWn . •or JO C1vl< (enler Pt1t•. S•nl .. ,.,.., CA .PUBLIC NO.TICE li'ICTITIOUS •us11rtESS MAMI. STATIME ... T TM lolt-ll'IQ "''°"'art doll'IQ i:....1-,.._, .,,. SHAAL UCC l 'S CO"IFEC- TIONART CO. l. TO., 111)6 5o<l!l'I eo.51 Hllll'\¥o•Y. Liii ..... 8e•<ll, CA '16'1 !oh•ron 8•ttoh.1C<I, 1900 Gl"'°""'- Malltlm, '"'· Ra¥mond J. 81rlol1K(I Jr .• 1900 Glf!flO•-\.Ana ... lm, ( ... , lMh b"''"''s ll conduct1G fly• Ot"'••I Pl•lnen~l.:i. !ofl•Of'l 8artoh.oc(I Tiii• .. at-111 ••• l+lf'CI with !he Count1 (ttra ol 0••"0' C1>un11 on flloy. .mb~r U, 1915. l'ffll1 PV!lll\l'led Oran,. CN51 D•il• P>IOI. No• 21, 11 . ...00.c. 5, 11 . ltlS «10-11 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE CP-ltlt NOTICE.Of' IMTIEMDE D TAA'°S'f.llt UHDE 11 Sl:CTIDHr. J..e1t •nd 11114 CALI FO•HIA llUSIM ESS AMO PltOFIESllONS CODE 1. Nanwol lk...-. hi! Social SKU1"1· ly """'°''• 11111 .Odrtt• ol llC~ premilff. IKtudlM Zlp Cl>Gt wat1•r E. o .. roen, Soc. Se<. Mo.· 15~JO..COO, 2000 N1w.:iort BlwG .. <Mt. MIMI. CIUforflia '1•1~. 2. Na ... , Social s.c .. ru, "-· ...., .oor.•1 of l11t•l'ldecl lra111ft<111t, lflo clud'il'IQ ll.:i CoOe' l.H tliona-ld SPl"C1'1, Soc. SK. No I Sl ........ lJS. -46QJ Lo• P1to1, H....,l1ngl011 l'!llKll, c:.1111:>rnla ~"""· ICaAll ·-SQtcllt, Soc. SK, Mo : .._..._IJD7, 4'03 L.01 F'•to•. H....,11"91on &eac:.11. C..hlo•n11 "26'19. J. ICll'<d Ill lie"'"' intt l'IClecl to be lrl"$!Orrtd: · °" Salt eew •I'd w1,.. t.k..-tw l"ut>llC Prtmhtl '· lol•I con•l*'•tlon to be Plkl 10< tt.e bonlne~s •t'!d llc•nw 11 '1 S,JOO oo. O.tcriptlon A-' Ca-s.11 Oefll)lllld U00.00 Dtm_...,.,...,. l11vtnl0<"tnollo n cft<llMlvmol m .oo l.ol MIO! l•a-tl ... o. l l&. Ill\"" Cih af "i11p ol.,~me"\ ol s .. cc e1 •0• "'d· L.11$ "ilam1IM C•ly Ceuncil O.am· CIK!• MfMI, •• ll\0•11"" • m•p llwreol' mlnl1lralrl• wllll Wlll "'"""'••d rt· flt ••. ll.i K•tell•. l.OI "ilMnllM, CA -------------1 a.,...naNott •.loOD.ao °'"""°Nolt s.ooo.ac •KO•OIO 111 DOD• It, 11.oOI 1•. ¥i. 1.,enc• lo wlllCll 11 '"-10< '""'"'' Pl•c ... 11• C!ly (o .. ncil Ol..,..llei"•, ce1la11•0"' M•P•, recoro1 01 '"1 P«l•<"l•r•. •ncl 11"1111\t' .. ,.,... ...Ol)l«t «II E••I C"•pmen, Pl•ctnl!a. C.A o......,.(°""I' ot tw••i"O ,,,.. 'amt"'' lw<t'f\ wt tor l'or 1 .. r1nt r 1nfo•m•l1on <onl•CI' lorU..rtou•-Oll)tylNOiobllOl\ioM Drc.....tiert.111s,11t·)Oam .lnlnt 0 11;ANGE COU NTY MEAL.TH ....... by u lO 0..0 ll'IC l..Oir>g '"'· <ourl"'°"" o1 DrP1rlmenl No. Joi Miid P\.aNNING COU NCIL.. ,07 C"•\Non <-OK al'ICI '"""'"'' o-1 tM Tfll'>IW cOU<"l ... t IOOCl"l( C~nltr Or!-..\lolroll. '" u .... $.l.lil•11t, l"\Ull, Ollloml._ Tei _.,..wit. Dtltd: Novtn\fltr S. l'IS. IN-C•h o• s,..,,. "'"'· (•llforn••· 111•! 131·1 .. I WE S TE AN MUlU ... l O.le<I Na .... mblr 11, lt lS. Pvfll•"""° O<•nqe (0•11 0•1t, Piiot, COAPQA ... l lON. lr .. HH WILL IAM E. SI JO,..,.., No"'mt.rll, 1tlS .,,._, ,ICllTIOUI BUSIME5S NAME STA TE ME MT T'-lol-1"9 ptrl.Ofls ••• doi.no IJusl. ,.s.i.•s: OEA N'S CHR ISTIAl'rt ... CAOEMY, JOI ,,...gt>1>1111. ~la Me1•, CA "2611 QI...,,, U•r"1""' c.111t• E•<hal"IOI! ll'IC., a Calllo•11I• COfPO••••on. )01 M•onoH•. Cos t• M•s•, C"i. ll\i' blnlnn\ 1, ton(l..cleG Dr • cor· 1--------------1 por•Uon. e, i...ona "· ,.,,.,_,, c.o..n1, Cl••~ l•,.llH S.!•Oll1tt• PltEMMElt & BUMT Pl.>fllhl'"<l 0r•"91 CO.•! 0.11 ¥ PllOol. IUI 1!1tl P1lff1" \!•Mt, 5,.11, 121 PURI.IC :>JOTIC E NOwmbeo" U , 11.11, 1'1) ...XW-1~ r.-a,.,.a, C..llffflll• tJIOI 0141 SM-112J NOTICE l,..\llllMG •h)S PUBLIC N011CE Atl ... lltJllW ... llti-• NOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 ... 1 P\lflh\l'lt<d Or•"O' Cot11 O•lly P,11>1. Wll.0 O'OQO!Hll\ .,.;11 bt tt<ei~ by I ... Nov.11.11. lt. 1•IS ••SJ.IS a tv Cieri.., on ~ .. 11 ol t,,.. c..,.i. Mt-Mi MOTICI! 01' TltUSTl I 'S U.t.E S.n!t1ry Olstrlct. at N-r olfk• In tlw Cl· T.D.l'.NO.Ul-11 PUBLIC NOTICE ly He ll. 11 F•tf Or+ve, Coil• """sa, Ae : l'..f11S C..lilorn••, .... 111 tt'M' """'of 11 (I)•·"'· Wa1~111ato11 Trust D••o !.••••<• ""l"e ,"" .:!dv Of O.ct mbH, 1~1s •I (orl)O<ttlon ., Quly apttOlntfll T'""" B·M:MJ ""'1<11 t1mr '""' ¥ol!1 tw 00tne<r rtoull!kly _,. lhe to 11-1no IM l<rllled OMO 04 SVl'l!RIOllt COUllTO,,.TME ....,,t.., lll°"CI 1n li.. Counc!I 0.•mflt•t lnn1 Wi l l. '>Ell AT PUB l..IC ... U( STATl!O"CAL.IFOA ... IAFOlt '"' lu•11o!J>IN01 •II l•l>O< and rnt!trlal1 TIOfll l O lHE tHCfHEST BIOOER lHl:COUMTYC .. OltAMGI! 1.,,trwcon\1r"clionof•••nll«'+'"'_, FOR CASM (l)f'Ylb" 111 !Im' ot salt 1n No . "i·Mll l m•ln •nd force m•ln In Wit.SO"! ••wful ,,_., 04 , .... unu.o , .. , ... 1 ••I MOTICI: 01' IMTEMTIOM TO SEl.l. STREET !tom Pla<t .. 11• Aw ...... ,oc..-rtot'lt. 1111• •"" lftl ... •tl conw.,.Olo•ncl lll:A l. PltOl'E RTV A' PAIVA l E "YO" Ori ... , Proj•cl No. 11U10G-«I. NM Mid Dy II unclt-• u ld Oee<i <1' Tn.l\I SALE. A \.fl ol pl•111. ll)KlllcatlOM - lnll'lt~oiwrtvn•rtll'l•ll••lkl<f!bld In 11\e Ma !ltr of tne E1t•I• ol other conlr•<I do<urntnh mtY De ot>- Tlll U~l011;: "•t•ld • "n" !'...,.,,. FA NCH0,.. IA£NE J0NES.O.ctf'...,. l1t1nfd •I II',. oll!ct of lhe O.re<l0t of ma rried wOMl n "' l\er 'IOle and NOl lCE I!. ti EllEBY OIVl:N 1 ... 1 P\ol>lic !.«-.let\, Room •11, In ltw Qty WOMl!tl)rope<IJ. IM und•.,'llQnlCI, J "iAA E5 E. HE IM, Mall "f:O'l pay"""' of Fl-.e Oollat \ BENE!'l(laRY Oo11ald E "'" PV1>1!t Adml11lll•ll0t.•\M1..,llll!lltr•IO<" !SSOO). A.11 10ditional cl\••oe of 0rw derwo11 a11d L.e1111l(t C. "'"°'''°"' ot \.,. E\l•le ol F,.N(MQt.I IAENE. Dollar I'\ OOl •ill flt "''"oe 111\M!dl!Od .... obl"d•ncl wllt•t jo!nl t•nanl .. ••101 JONES. dH••~. wllt ,...11 .i Otl-.•tt (ly,,.,.11 ml\ ""°I'!""" \I) lllttrtll •nG Alcl\lrcl H \lie to, .. , "lol'•ll •"d btU ""' bl-. Eich bid '""" ~ ,.,.,,. 0" '"" 1>'1>-"'"CN!•IOll 1110 11abtl F. "iMle•I<>" all•r lled .. <l lon of •"Y reO,..lled poM1lf.,..,...ano 1ntht m•nMr11ro..,oed husba-nd •nd wife •S joint le11ann •l IO lll"Ol!er·, comm/\11on, "PO" tlllt l•rml In lfle contra-cl do<",.,..""· •"" 11\1111 i. .... UllGlvldtt:I YI 1"1•••$1 flCOtCll<I NOv ..... condlU0<\5 l'ltrtl"•ll•• .... nt"-<I. llCC~ by. ct •lllltG Ot c.a-tll•••'1 ..,.,c.r 6, 1t 1•. •• lnlilf. "°· m• 1,. bOOlo •"" '"bj•(t to co.,ll•m•llon by 1111! ct.Kt "'"a bid bond IO• nol "'' ,,...,, "" 11111. ""'91 tit of Oll klal RKO<O• '" •bo"• '"tllleQ Su i>t<lo• Co"' I. on ptr<MI h OO..I o! lhe •moulll ol lhl> fll<I. the f>tli<:e ol tht A•corlMr ol Or.,. lr...r.O•y, ~c1mfltr II, 1t1), a! !l'lt maoe p1yat1i. 10 111• CoSI• ,,.,..,. :0.......y ; Mild ctt.d ot """ cs.1o<riDe• IN-"'°"' ol .._...,.. ll>e•t•llt• at 1JOO<;outl\ 5ar11t1•v D•ll"<' klli-"Ol>'CIOfflV" Grand .... ,, .... S...1111 ""•· C•lllON'lla, MOllCE I!. FURlHEllt GIVE N t!\111 A .. aWllO•O est.le as c•••te<r !ly •ll r!gfl'I, till•, l11ltre.i •nll ~•••tt ol lht Booffd ot Ol•tclorJ of llw Co\t• 11\1! t•rtal" IHM ,,.,,1.,.1ter <•ltHt'<I 1•>CI FAP<f(MOfll IAENE JONES, Cle• MeMI '>anilarJ Ol•trltl ... , r..re!ol.,.. to. 111 lf>d IO . t.ot JO of lrllCI 'n•. l" !fie c••""· al llW. u,.,.. <>I""'°'''"· ano au ttt•bl•"llW'O a 11•evalll"\.'•le Mid 1o<•le CllJ ol NtWllOrl 8c1cr.. County ol flO"I . 1•11., '""G l"'••tll l"•I •••O ... r.,,, 04 .,...,., in a-c tordat>U ,,...,,.., i.w. lo flt ()ra"09, Slllt of C111!orn!•. a1 .....,...,, 1"11 KQ .. lrt'd. by OP'••tl"" ol la.., Cl!"" poe111 1n me CPMl•..c:1ion of tM -ell· ., • ,,,., ,.,.nlOI rKO<d'"° i11 bldi UI, Ol"'""lw. 1>11'1tr lh•" or In ldd!\1on 10 l•tltd ,,...,,..~,...,,ts. '""' »Kl ••t• 11<1"911 , lo l• l1Klw1lw ol MiK•ll.,,_,, ...... , Ol Y id""..,..,, •11111 u ....... "'' anc:i M:all Wll a<IOi)ted by IM Boatd ol Ma0t, ...cordlofMld co .. 1'11y. MAY l:'tE °""'"'·In •"" lo 11111 certain rtal oro-DirttlO'l Dy lta$0h•llWI l+O. IS-1".,,.. "'L!.O KNOWN ... s: 11.011 Gal•ll1' °'' ...... Pt'1Y<le1<•1bld•1lollowt· """'"!My ... J•llV<ll"\', ,.,, Incl IS on Mt•oort kacl!, Callfo•11la. t.otll" Bloc-lJol Arel\ 8N<:". E•· 1,1, 1 .. '"' o•t•ct ol lite As,111a .. 1 '"' .,....ficl1ry 11Mtr Mid °"" ol ct llll lflOIM••lrom IM Notlh-\lt•!v" s..:~•••v. 11 Fal• O•I••, CMta Mtw . TrU\I. by ••a-of • t>or•M:fl .... dtl•wl! Itel IM•eol .• , SlloW" ,,.. ..... p lhe•ft>I IMI "'"i" ••It a"" 1c•1e 11 M•Plf\ •• 111 llM ObU01tlon• 'ec11r..o 1'-•eby. rtt..,.Oed In ll!took ''·."""' ?98'\lllOof 19,.,,.., lo •nd aQoptfll I" lfl•I Nohce .. ,,.....lofo<t tice< .. tect <111d de llw •lld 10 Mllct !I-®\ Re<o•d• ol t.01,.notle• tl>OuQll fully and com.:ittt.iy ... tortll the ,,..,,.r•lontd • wr!ll•n 0.<l•••lio<> Counly, C.lll0<nl•. he•tin, •nd U..1 u ld \C•lt, a1 <IOOclle<I Ill 0.la-ul! and o. .... 11d ler !.a-It. ,.Md Common I'+' ••l•r•td lo •• )10 flYi.•O ~o;ot"tl"'' it~ •CMl"IOl lflh W'll\'fflnotk•Ofbr"eHll.-ftG.iK11...,to 0 19eoo Co"''· Lto .. n• 8e1cfl. Nollceb'frett r•M•. UU$<1IMun<Mrll11"'Hto1•llw1Clpro-C.llt0<11!a. l"e <:onl r•c tor t lla JI '" '"' perty IO ••llllY .. .., oO!loalloM, -Or•noe cou11ty ASMI_., ~re•• 1)9'10<..-....:eof I,,.-·-•..0 ,,...,,.o ... 11••••11•• '"' 1111do9rs1oneo <•wMd w10 No. M4·11l-OI """'' (o<ttorm 10 lM t.•flor COde Ol l'-l'IOtlceol brtHll .,,., ltl •lt<llOll IO tir •t· l5ld1<11 olfa-rl a••ltl"lt.alO<"Mlllll!"> St•lt ol Calll0tflla.,.. Rt'-• 11"" G'I ~ AUOUll I. 1t1J ., ll'lilr No 1Hl P'l'•IJ l"d rnvl~ bl In w<1ll"Q tndwlll flt W •O Stitt, -liUblf' lllertlo • .,;tl\ll'lt Ill l:loofo 11.01, .,a(lt 10).I, 01 w k!0111c111 ''"'"!""°at 1111 011 1<• of tl'M Pllbllc Ad-••c.-o!IOll on•y of Wol;ll -.••l<rllor'l'l " ~Otlh. m!"lll••IO<, llOOSo .. 111 O••MA ......... m.oy C. •.,q,.lrotd ""°''IM 'C>ftlll S.ld wit w111 1111 """"· twt Wlll'>Ou'I !.Ill!• Ana . C.lllorn1a •110,."' mav fll •l•M•• r:ou•~u•"I to wMc" PrllC-•"05 ~.,, .,.,,anty, ••l'f•U "' I~ f•l9cl w+lll !hit Cllf~ Ill ,.,., s---,...._, a•• I•'•" afld wNcll ...... ptltid, ......,.,...,. llllt. llM-•lon. "'"~ Collrt. oo-,...Y l><l! "91i¥ereo IO Wold Ad· ""'be'9ft •11111,,,..a.d '"1 ,.,. l>'OYkioM <~anttt. to .,.,'"" rtMtlfllnq "''"" """1•l••lor oer>on•!I ¥ •! -• iim. af 11'>1 t.•!IO< CO<M" Prl't•••l'!C• lo labor t1011 wmol '"' not•C'I i.a-cur..Ob'f.,.>d ell•• ll•1l DUfllicall°"' of 11'>1• "llllcf -w..i11 111 o• .... n °"ly 1n ''-ma,,,_ ~o OHcl G'I lnn.l, ..,1111 tnter'" •1 In Miid ""'°'' t"' ,....,nq o4 MllO sat• I ........, by l•w. llOlf P'O<l!OM,ld-.aM•t,lfa!'y ""°'' TEAM OF SALE C•l ll. l1wtw TM conl•llCIO< \MU "!>4' on!J""' n. ,...,,., o-1 w ld OttG 01 l~. '"'· "'°"'Y af ''-U11lt,,.., Stilt• ll,000 !II .......... actur.d m•I•"•'' P'"oduef'CI lfl ~ Mod ••Of:fn" 11'1 Illa '""'" c•\11. ~•nlllf'CI cflHk or _, .,..,... ,..., Ur'l•i.d s1ac,, .na ,..1.,. .........nae. ln:I Of\ lfle ''"'" ( 1'9•te-cl (ly Miid 0..0 '"""' •<t QmC1•11y ••<II wr ltlt,. fll<I Ot of• rwreC ""'''"'" ""'"vla-(1...-d In '"" 91TnKI. S.10 Mtt wlll 1tit Mid Of\ TllH "' • ..tltl I'!-Dal<lllCI •I , .... OwCN .. Ul'llltd Stat .... WIUt .... ll•Uy .i1 I""" ""''· O.ce"""r t, ,,,J, al 11 :DO•"', •I OO"k • to Dt pale! "-,,,..11 ...... 1.,,.. ot "'•lorlai. ~roe111ctd 111 t"' Vftilf'CI ""h"oftl '"l•ance IO'"" off)(• qi~ w1e 11<1' w!d 5uptf"lor Cour1 Sl•t""· WI llM P1'10t"'<ll'K• ol "" c--•tlll t.and t it .. c-..,,,, n~ 11i11"'11!toloti.o'""'''"''"~., ir.ct. No•lh l•o•ow1 y. $a"ta ""•· 11oOf"M fU1"1'!1""""b'tl}llwl1•• Mo~"'6111tit t0fl1-l<ltftd....,..,"ls C.llftrtlll. 1'"' <IOM 10 r•ltr:t 1n, al'ld 111 ""°'It '"*"'on I blalla lof'111 luml"""" tl>l"llW O.to: J+O .. ,,.,btr 10, '''~ t'af'ell• ttw•...., COl\I """'9 $.anllary Dt1trkt .,... It W•tllil'IO!Ofl Trvll °"11 OA TEO: 1to .... mb9r ll, lt1S. "'°'°' lnt<(0tda-11ct w!I~ ll'lt Pf'OvltiflM S.to;lc.eCol'lloratlOfl J AM l!:'.SIE t<E1 ¥ ol-ll"090'11rtfl"I,..,,..."',· a' wio '"""" P~lc Mml11l,l••t0t Miit t:..:11 lllfolr """'I bt 1\(.....,.... alld 9Y'Coml"'llllWll lll'I LAl!d •• Adl'l'ilnm •• ,.,.. OI aflll)iloMWllfl..,.M ~""""'by'"· lltl•Com"n' ••l.:!Itta1• Tl'lt &oa•d ot Dlr•cter, ol 11\e COiia •ittfll .IOMMWM.ltltOW1.IS "'-\I S....llatv Ohlrlct r•-• ,,_ llYW•lclo ... H•"9 A~atLA• rlOflt tor•)KI llflY or •II ll id' ~ ... ·s L•ar11l"'ll c.n..-. E•· (/la1'19'1 ln<e. Syflll Mir.Cori.le, S..-C relMY Thil 'tai.mrnt w•~ t1tt0 Mtll 1111! Co\lnty C1e•I< ol Or.no<" County on Now· t-n"lbe• u. 1t1S. P't>t>ll•r..a 0<-111oe Co•.t O•llv PikM. fllo-. Jl,lt ... noo.tc ~.11. 1•1l •311-11 PUBLIC N011CE Fl(TI TIOUS BUSI NESS MAME 5lATf.MEt.tT Tiit tOllOW•"'ll llt"•Mlll ll OOlllfll bus.I· ,..,, .. , WAR O MFG . CO .," C"'"-'f · l(IT(HEP<f, IN W. 1 ~111 St, (Ml• MPMI, CA. ~1~11 o .... ,d e W11rd. <l'!f t.1n0t11 Pl , CO\t."""1a.(A '1•11 Tll•• O..\ir>e\• ;, cond11ctt0 fly.., 1 .... o ... ,,..a1 O•wld 8 Ward lll•\ ll~le""'"' w•s l llfd Mlh IM eo..n11 Clf•k o! O<...,oe C°"'nty on NOw· ,_ ,,_ S.1~. ·~" PublliN'd 0••.,..,.. (ot\I O•lty ""lo!. Nov Jl.lfl.•nOO.c S ll,ltl} •)7'15 PUBl.I C N011CE UMITIDSTATES DISTAICTCDUltT IOUlMEltM DISTlltlCT OPCAl.ll'OllNIA .......... , ..... 14Sl._M a 1•111·M ,..OTtCI. 011' Ml!AAIMO ON AP· Pt.ICATIOM 1'011 AUTMOltlTY TO .. l.LltlALPltOflEllTY I" r• AOllElltl l . UMGER 1nd Pl--t'l'Ll.IS t..UMGElt,Banl<rUl)I\. lO f '°IE CllEOlfOA5 OF lHE A80Vf ENTITll!:O BANICJIUPT'S ESl"i TE . ANO lO All. OTHER IMTE.ltESTIEO P ... AT IEI. PLEASE lAl(f '°OTICE 11\ftonttw 7t'd day 11'1 OECE MB Elt, ltlS, ti 1'-r.owr tll t·oo o'clOct. A,M , !II coun ROOIOI Mo. I ol '"' Ull ll•d 5111111 lla-flll<ICllCV C-1, .. 1 Sl•lll A-. S.11 Olt90, C•ll lo•.,I•. bllor• tllt ............. Kt:ITH E. ¥CW!t.l.IAMS, a-NP1cy .t11119t. 1'-Trvitn Wiil tll· t ... ,., \lie ft publlc <lol.ICliOll ll!itful "'°' lllrlY 1 .. whOld 1ntert11 ..pon ~ ....,, 1, • rnldtnc• •oc•ltd Ill. :IClt Nortll !.lat LI,_, l'flllltt ,._tlk11i•rl, catM:ribld ft l.OI lCll' of Tr..:I •Jl• I" 1'-Qty {If NtwllOl'I lleHll. I' ""°WI'! Ofl ttw ilM(I ,.......,. Ill._ ,.,, '""" '"' 14,, 1 .... clw1I"•· '' Mllc1ll1n•o111 Map1, llf'<,.,... of Otllfttl Ce....ty, SI•• ol Clllkltnt•. The T""twpr-tly M 1 a11oflw• ""'"'"'" •akl ~"" ,.,.. 11n ,OOD..ao ca1" I• a INfl •I •llPfOal-t•I• l lli,OOMIB, ,.11 ... li• "'~ -miu.loll. 51..:• h lftftfftt RI ROBEA:l UMOElll:OML Y 1,1,.. .... (lffftll lieftt, 11'11 Mt tWllll"ll i.1 .... nl•t• 11 fttl"'9*1 11r I"' Tnitllt to ... ...-Oll,,.lltl'f 11 .. 00D.ot. ....,_ wlV.11'4 to.Ojfft ..... '* 11\o!M 11" -nten Dltl11:l+1111• at i..tt two 1,1 .. YI Of'lot to I ........ WI lor /If.,.,,,.. «Id ....,._ wllhl"ll i. bid "'°""' • .,.... .. '" "'"'" ... ·~ M,1lr.or1t9d "11ftM11lallvt •I 1'-11,.. Ml tor ll'tf 1a•• f <Cll•dlno to 11111 lota!\tS,l00.00 ~-n. p1-.e wher .. 11\t <Oftlidt-•1tlon for the lr .... lfa-r 011/le tic/'lnt\S ~ tM llc...,w or licenMI I• to i;i,. pt.IO !1 GJIO\IER ESCROW COAPOll ... TIOf\I. 111 So. Illinois, AMM1m, C.titoml• 9ll05, °"'Of" •ll•• O.ctmtw• I, ltl'i. 6.. Tiie part .. t -Otff 11\11 It'll ton- 11der1!1on tor tfla-lr..,•f•• ol Int tJu$! ~Ind tl'lt lie•"•• or llctft M1 Is IO111 PIOcl •l'f•r 1,,. O.par!""'nl ol ,.~lie Bl"'r<IO' Contfllol "''' a.:ip•owd IM P<OlllOWd t,.,.,,.,. I, .... ,... <1110 •dO•HI of 1/11! 11oCrvw f'OIOet: G R OVIER ES C R O W CO APOA ... TlON. 111 !oo. ltllnoh, Nlill\elm, c..u1 .... n11 t2IO\ W1!let E. Du•Ocn '' ..,,,.,,, .. L.e• Oorwld SPKhl tC.ar•n Al\n !opeclll Tran1lttffS GltOVIR IESCAOWCOll;flOR"iflOtf 111S..llUllOI' ............. C-altfOt11i1 t2MS l:te,... No. 1"4·01 PvOU1olleQ Or1nQP Co•1I Ollily Piiot, Nowmblf-211, 1tfl •SliO-IS PUBLIC :>!011CE PUBl.I C HE.6A INGS WILl. BE HE LO BY THE CO!oTA MESA PLAN· NIMCfCOMMI SSION •1 lhe Olv t-l•fl. n "•Ir 0.1 .... , CMU• Me••, C..ltlorl'll•. a-t •:JO i:o.m . OI" 11 M>On •1 PO"lble llW,...lltf <>n MOMllY. Ootct"lbcr I, 1t7S. ~rdff'IO 1,,. loll-•no ~k.. tiom: 1, Tiw WetU•Ot Com"'""''' Pl ... includi"'O_.. SPK•. llo•nln~ clrc\111 !1011. •110 11110 u~t tltmO'nl1 tor ~It ~ta -•a, '"' otx"'"'°" .,., JIOulbl• ..oop1;..,. J. A•r-P9lil10ft A-IS·lt tor !oa<!1 c. Dt.,....w, Jr., P. O eo~ 16, Yorlltl Lil>da. Calltorl'lla. ,.,.. P'l'•mluion to rt 1-P•000~1r IO<•l•d •I IOI Wt\\ 'Ml..,,, Sl•H I, Coll• Mo!)•, C.01•-• '"""Ml to Al. lflfo COf'llo•manct wllfl !lw-r•I plan. IN~al1 WOK l«•lio"> tlaS be91"!111a-d l. ). Z-E•<etillOfl "-•ml! ZE IS.UJ for Robert W. Gt-•ot, la.tell Co~•IO!le Dliw , ltancfto P1lM "••d•, C..l1tom11, '"' v••l•nc• ltom 11.., t ode to allow ptac......,1 ol a gro.-t+Qn 1\l I~ !Ito ..... rflllll~) ''°"' ••lllll'IQ or--.-i 119", In a Cl-CP ·-IOCalf'd II Ji.s Harbor e1w0., Coll• Mtw, c.itkln'll• Cf:••mptlo" d•<lar•llo" lllli llHn !ii.di. •. z-E•cf9ll01'1 Ptirmn ZE·TS-1)'1 for M155<111 Mellor CO!"tl'Ol"atlclfl In U.!..A., ll:SO'I SOutl! F19Wnta Slrel'I, e.o.--.. C.llfomla. lat ..... 1•11t• from ,iD" adot IO allow davla!IOfl 111 ,;,,. .,.., "'leh1. and""''' "'*i9"'1. 111 .,, MP z-IKalf'CI Ill 1"3 Sul'lllO-r Ave., Cosi. M.l>MI, CAlllorflla. IEa•l'ft(ll1on dccla.rlllloflM> llf..-t In.cl). s. z-E•<'91ion P9<mll ZE·IJ.l)S tot Fou °"""--"1 <:erCIOl".CIOn, IDS 11111 Sl•••t. H1111 llt1tl•n 8'•<11, CAlltntnl•. tor •••Lane • to al-11..s ti an<.l'CNl(rwo.rot 1 .. 10 •eq11lnd »ft. ,..... ..... MllK.«11 and la ..... redl.lctl9! Ill f'fCIUll""td dtl-y whttll f,..,.. XI tl lo 0 '1. ll)r (Ofltll"V(tlon of• 111\it) 111 .., lltt -· loci~ II •7' W. 111111 Sll'NI, CMla MtM, Calller111a. (~tlw dKl.-allOfl ...... DM"fUMJ. • °''" E ..... 1-~1·1 l"'llll'd- P0'11orl/lol Wffl11dt <ornm""''' ......_ "°' Nrt,,., lltlormatio.. Ofl "'Gwe ..ciikat~. tfl""'°"' Ji.Std or tall al 11'11! ot!LCI et 1111 Planl\l!IQ 0.Hrt lftlllt, A!-100, n Ft:ir 0r1w. c.u.11 Mtw,CIU!On'lla, CO!oTAME S"i ' du s l r i a 1 chemical ethylene dibromide and •solvent , trlchJoroeLhylene. Each was related to cancer M iss Moro was t lectro prt'Sidcnt recently arter the opening of the n ew iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii school in Laguna Niguel. "iutl!Ol"INd0 1fl<•• "1 ~,. tv°"1Sof• of N STA.•JM1 W.-Bta-t,., C-alllonla tttSI Board of Dlttctor1111 ft\ifllhhtd Htwport Harbot "'"'" .......,.,...,,., t.,.Costa~u """' t 04'lobl,.d ••Ill IM OrMl(llll Cailll A"""'" fw ,.....11111r11ar S..l'•ll•ry Oh lrk t 0.lly 1"11111, No-ltitf U, JI, 118, ,,,! PllOll\l'IM Or ...... CNU 0.Uy l"llO'I, P\>1111"'-d Ora"" CN•t 0au, ...itcM, '11 ... 1! """"""'* 11, 12. JI, 1tlt oM»-IJ Now,2',itlldO.c.t, ltJS .U.•1S '""" OAlE01"10V E,,_tf.fl;l0,I'"' ~ /t/11'.tlltl I'.. M(WILl.IA.M!o, laNll.,_Ul"TCY JUDGE P'llllllt..n.f Or•,,.. coa11 oauv ...i111t, .-..m111rn.1t. lt7i •W..1J f"l,A NN!f'IG COMMISS!C N t . c. c11r111, Cl'la.il'mOfl OlartnW, ltoblfU SiKNllt'f ...... 01r1tetorel Pll!Mlnt l'ublL.,_ Or~ OMllt o.lty "llOt. ..... "*' 2' ''" $1-IJ ' I ,, • P UBLIC N«YrlCE fllOT1 Cl: 0, SALii Nolk • h ..... o. fl!"9f0 ~ 10 M<l•-JOll -•n DI Ille Ow11 c..... DI I ... Slele ol C•ll1ot11!e ttw ...,. Oln.IOl*I COAST TOWll'"C. ortll wn •I pwblk euc1.on e1 IJJ ,...,.,,,,1.a1 ....,._ CAKle ...,,.UI, C..llk>rnl•, .ti 10 • m, ~ --·""'·"'"' l!Jtll d•, Of 0eu ...... 191', fN lo+i-l"'ll MKrilleG """"'"~' ..... 11. Yeer DI c.,-ltn. lrMke 01 CM Ood.9 e Ve11 , Motor No , B»8E•1uJUM-4, 1.1Cet1w No. is~, e10FW8 . S.10 Wle Ll fof !flt py...,t.e ot W!lit-,• '"'ll 1..,. of ,,,_ unek••IQIWd tor ,.,_"9 -~"91 '°9"t'Wr •111'1 CO\t\ of .0· ..... u,1"'9 Mid ••IM'ft!.H 01 ••I• 0.1110 "'" JSI" O•Y ol No-. 1•n. COAST" rOWl"IG OoUQ11, E H1 .... , P\ICIJ1J'led Oref>Qi Co1u O•Ur P'llof, NO,....,. 78, t•IS •U'l 11 P UBUC NOTICE P IJBLIC NOTtet.: PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOnc E MOTICl: 1 .. VITlfllG•ID$ Noll<t 1• "-AOy 111"'1\ ll'let rflll eo.ro of E,,._etio11 ol ,.,. Irvin• UNI~ k-1 Ol11r1ct ol Ore n .. C-¥. (AllfQl'nl• •Ill nl<l'i"" ... _"""' ""'° l .00 p,m, on ~ 10tfl cUoy of ~' lt1i el .Mcfl 11"'4' Wkl l)l(ll W'IU ._ JIUb!ICty _.., -reeO IOf ""nl<el Edliowtlon E.Qull>fTWnt, 8 10 c-il~ -iN.tr...c:Oons end blCI lor"'"' llVY • able!.-et ,,... Ofll<t DI 81n1,...1 S-. OOfl !>trYite•, lt•l AHe" .,.,._, 1r.1 .. ,Qilll0t•11e. Thtl>htr lct,_....• ~ •191'1110 •1i-ot1 ..,y Of •II b6m w lo •11v1 •"' lr rt9.,11 rlH•• or 1111- IOr"'llll!e\ '" ..,, bkb cw ifil ,,,. Mdll:Si"4 I N IN Ufllf-.d S<.l'>ool Dbtrict JohnM Re ]<i(:, Pf! D. A"th0tl1e<1A99,.I Pu0/i1'Md 0.1...,. CN\I Diiiy PilCJI, ~-•11.lnd ~<embet I, lt11, 'J.Q·1i PUBLIC NOTICE ,-ICTll'tOUS •USIH IESS NAMI! S'T ATEME l'rl'T NOT/Cl! TO CllE DtTOltS Tflt I011Dw1NJ 111rt.or1 h aolnQ t1U!J SUP'IElllOllCOUltTOr:ntE ""'''· ST•TE Or:C•Llr:O~HIA"°lt LIGHT CONSTRUCTION THI COUHTYOFOlllANGIE M&MCONSTRUCTION He. A ... JM M&lllll CONST.CLEANUP Ell•te o l ROBERT .J . 111" 0.klrM L•N, l•vlM, 0 111 TRACE,Oo!c111'rd. ~ NOTICE IS H(REllY GIVEN IO the MAr'l1fl De•n Sotlrl, 117~1 O.• Tree <•e<l•klori °' '""' •bovt ,...,...., t1et-..1 lll., 1 ......... 01.1 '2M>t ,,.., •H pe•wns fllllil>Q Clllll'l1. 1<)91/'rS"I Tl'lh bl.t$1 ... ,~ I\ ConCl<Kleo by. Cat· lflt wld .,..,...,..,nl ••• •tq11I..., 10 ,, .. POflhon !Nm, ""'"Ille ne<tu.1ry '"~"• '" 11111. o. ~l'ln '"-otllce of,,,. c~rl< ol ,,,. 11;>ow .,.. Tl'lli 1i.1,......n1 w•i fllt'O w.!fl fflf 1•11~ cour1, or lo P<'fH""I lllem, .ill'! tl'or Covnly Cler• ot Or1n119 C.GUnh NQv. "'Kfi•ery 110U(l'ltr\,IO ll'le11~ tmbtt'I0,1911. I I 11\t o ll lc t o f W H ITE, F..,_ OBERHANSLEY I. FLEMING, At· PlibH\l'ltd Otenge CIW\I Diiiy P!lol, latMYl ., LIW, .a-11 v111 NM~ Bl'<'d .• No11.1•.2l.l1.-o.c.s.1•11 t1t~1s Sult' ns, V•n NMfs, C..Ulorlli• t1<05, -----------~-.I -le" ''ti.. Pll<t ol tlu,innsOI the un. .,..,19"1d In •II matt''' P*•tllnin; 1o tht Hiiie ol Hlk:I de-Cldfnl, wllNn ,_. -------------)montm •lier tf'lll lirH putlh<lton 01 "'' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBl.IC NOTI CE HOT ICE TO CRIE.OITOltS SU•llR IOJI COUJITOI' THE ST ATll OF CAL I FORNI A FOR THllCOUNTYO,-OltANGE Ho. A·IS41t E''•le o• w HOWARD GERfEN, wt• WILLIAM HOWARD GERFEN, DtctlWd. NOTICE IS MER EllY Crl VEN to ll'le (....,llOr• 0( ,,,. lbollt n,.,,..., '*ldet>I "'91 •II potr-"41VINJ (la"ft1 "9<"1MI !hf \llo <Mott4eflt ••• •tquil"M .. 111(- tl'lem. "'''" 1,,. '"""'''-'Y --'· In Ow offkt ot IM cler • OI IM -"" tit-<OU•I. ot to P"'Mnl """'" w11flll'le ....C:n\11', "1Wt;f\tf\, 10 ll'lt unditr\19'>ec1 at ?*! S.!mmer L•"'· M..,linvton 111-Kl'I. CA. "1"66. wl'lk l'I h I ... plltt ol ivllnt\• ot ,,,. under•IOn-eO In •II m.11. li!ln r:-•1eln1"9 to ,,..tSl•tt ol' wilddtu· d.nt, wltll•n IOU• mO!'lllls &1111' ""'llnl PJtJllcellon ol' ll'lls "°'l<t OlllG Novtmbtr?S, 1tl~ Cl.ARAN.GER FEN E•.IKMlrl• ollheWll! e>llM 100111! n111....,ttatc~t MRS.ALICll MOOllll. '-................ 1 •• C..-. .. 1""-r.CA,flW ..... : ffWID2't ...,..,....., .... IE •t<;llllrl • Plltlll""1! o. ... .,.. Co•sl 0.11~ P11ot, Ho~mto.· 21. •ntt 0.<f"'be' s. 11 .... "JS 4SU.7J P UBUC NOTICE NOTICI: TO CJ!fi DI TOltS \UPl:•IOll COUltTOF TH£ \TAT ~ 0,-CALI l"Ollfll IA l"Olt Til&C'OUNTYO~OllA"'W .... A .. MOI E~lltol F lllEO WULFF, O.Ct'ftfd NOTICE IS HIE.REllY (OIVEN lo l!"e c:nod!IOo'I of 11'111 .-.,. ,.....,.d """.atnl lfrlllt au "'"'°"' ,..vino cl•l"" 19i!!iMI llW ~ dee~! ••• reqM"f'CI ~ "~ tMm, .itti '"" .....:•••••v YOiK'-", !!'I ""'of'llct ol '""" cl11• of'""'~..,... tllltdtMWt, °" ~o prewnt tr.m, ..,..., 1r. ""<nter, WMKM•,, to Int .,....Mtne'd M ti.. tlfl.ct of DAVIO W.1.111111£"1, Al· .,,,.,,., •I L•w, !JOI WtUcllPf er ..... Silfit. Jll, N ... .,.,., Belt!\, CA '1Mo0, ""'I'" 1, tt.,. 1111<.1 ol b\11\nfft Ill'"" 11"1· ..,.,ltMCI Ill an fflllk•I Ptrtain>l'ltl IO -t\t.ie ot »Id Ot'cl'lllnl, w\tl'lln to.Ir ~ ilfler lllf flrU pVbl le •llorl41t !1'11\ l'ID!lt'I. O.tld Neftmtier 11, ,,,, C.~ESTIER J t.M!SWVLFF L•tc.111Mol 11te W1h 01 !Iii! .. _, ........ .,~(~\ QA¥tOWAlllltE N ~•I Utt t•1 wt.rcHH Orl¥1 Silll .. Jll ........... CA.ft ... Tiff 0141Ut...,11 ..........., ..,. ... , .. ., """""'*' Or111911 eo.,1 o.u, Pilot. -tt,a,.-'ldil)H 1 \J, 1,,$ MJIO.lt ""'"''· 0.IMNowmber24, 191S. Ollt11ETRACE E111<11lrb oft"" Wiii WHITE,OBl!ltHAHSLE Y &FLEMING Attorl'lllyt&l l•w ••OV•n"l...,\8 !110 !.u!tf11) V•nNuy\,CA 91~ T"'' l'll l ~.In 1911 Attorney,lor E~ttut•1• P\lbl•~ 0.•"9' CN•I O•ilf Pilol, NOWIT'llltr 71, Ind Oec....,.be< I, 11, 19, ltl\ Tel:(1 14 1.......,.;U :t.JllO .vtol'Mtotor• E••< .. tOf' Pub11$1'>ftl 0.-i!lf'l9e Co.st 0.ily Pllol Nowmber 11, 22, 21, ltJS """"'i PUBLIC NOTICE HOTICE TOCREOITOJIS SUPE IU Oll COU llT OF TillE STATE OF CALIFORHIA FOii THIECOUHTYOF ORANGE No. l1ol5l7S £sl.lltOl AN"IA FIORE, lklANNt. CARA TE NUTO FIORE, 0.CtlWd. NOTICE !S +.!ERE BY' GI VEN to tht c,....,lton ot t'-' •tio11f n•lnftt ""<.,;lfnl 11>11 1 11 "*''°"'' h•11•nv ct•lms 19.aim! tilt s.itt do!<:Pdent •rt •~M•rf'd 10 Ille ::i:tt~,':i'~":~~,:~' tt:'e~·~~ 1>1Jed CO<>tL o• toprtwnt !M"'.11111"' •~ nt'Cf'UMY llOU<l'let'\, lo l.,t ~Qnl'!I M llw offi(:e ol' JESSE 81..ATTEL Al· IO!'ney •t L••· 1101 .. _.._ ol lt.t !.t•s, Suite "°·Lo• ""91!1H, CA • .00.J, wt>icfl Is l l'lt pla<t ol tlvli,,.$S ol ll'lt un- ~19f"!'d In •II "'•"''' pertllM!W;i lo -Hl•lt ol wl'd dtce<lent, wllhln ,_ -~•llt'r ll'lt '"'' pu~ic•!lonofthi\ nOliCf, Q.11ed Nowmtoer 24, 1t 1S MARIO FIORE E •f'C MIO..-of tl'lt' Wl It ot 111t 1bo11• n1mett dt'cedMI. JESSIE •t.ATTEL 1'ttornfYll ~w 1«11Aw.ol llleS1•1"1 Su1l1190 L.o\Anqotl.-i, C.lilatn1• ~I it.nOf'ne y lor E •<utO<" Puttli\""" Ot&nl1f! CO.SI DaHy PlfOt NO"""tllr 18, Ind Ot<e-r S 12, lt !9IS . ' PUBLIC NOTICE CP·ltM SU PIER 1011 COU It f OF TI4 E STATt!Of' CALlflOltHIA FOii TNIE COUHTVOr:OllAHGll H•.il-17 MO'TICE 01' HIEAlllNO or: P£TIT!OM 1"'011 lll111110¥Al. OF •E llSOllllAL llllPllt!Sl!NTATl¥f.; TO COM"llL ACC:OU .. TJHGS; l'Olt THE Pll'OOUC- TIOH O" VOUCHERS; r:Otlll AP- POINTMIENT OP: SUCCESSOR AD· MIHIST JIATlllJt WITH WILi,. ..... NIJ&:f:O E,i.tfOt' JE .. NJ, GATES,~- NOTICE 1$ HERESY GIVEN t!'.11 MA RIO"I JANE HELEH JOHNSTON HUME l'I~ filed M rtlfl a Jietl'tlon lor tlhJMoy•I"' ,...,.,.,..1 ··~.ii ... ; IO~ AC.t-llft9f,; fOf' tM f>rodwo;:. !loo'> OI Vllvc:flet"t;; kW A~"'""'"" 9' SUtU'UOI' Mtrftllll"t•trl11; wltll wUI - """""' rtl••ttlCt I• wtlidl I• -'°' lunt-lli!lf'ti<Ml.V\, llWI !hit Ille ll"'f lflll ,..«t OI 1-••1119 11'111 JlllW "-l:wel'I W'1forOe<t ""'-t1•. tt7S, 11 t .li01.m., Ill IN uut1-ot o.,..,t""'M Ho ,., ttl4 tour\ at , .. Cl11k C.nll< l>rlft w-,1, In tl'le (lty ol S.1111 A,.., C.llh:in>le. 0.!M "IO"'n'ltllt 14, \ t7S, WILLIAM £. SIJC*IN COuftty Clt'11 •lllllNHllll&•UlfT 16'1 ..... ,..,.,treft Wtit11t. s-t..Mljl,C.11 ...... tt,tl T.t: O'l4t""4al ........... ~ """'" .... , """'°''~Or~ Con! ()Illy PllO(. l'«lw"'°"' H, "·•lld0.~'l'blr I, 1•n. ...... D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D • 5 6 7 8 • ·1 * ONLY PILOT D:J .. Thi lllQut MarUtploco on tllo Or-. C--· ' DAl LY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS One COii Servke Fast Credit Approval ,,.,.._ .... ,., ... --'!"' -·-............... ;1 You Con Seti II, Find It, [ 642 567& ] Trade It With a Wont Ad ~ -·-... -'' ....... ...•......•......••.•• , _....,._ ,H_n....,._ ····••••••••••••••••··· ···············••a••••• ~:~~ ....... j ~-~-~ ....... . 1002 Go•"" 1002 GoMrol 1002 ,.......,.. •• HoHc•: ••••• a •••••••••••••••••• a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IOOZ GeMral ··········••a••······················-····-· All rul Oltlte ldvertited't---------·I tn lhJs ncwtpaptt is sub· FOR A GIU T )rd to the Federal F'al CH u~E llou1ln g' Acl or 196 .A,,_, •'hlcb m akes it ii.legal l OF 'L.4.CE! ad ¥e rli1e "any l)t e · St>e !his 4 bedrm. 1·'1 fcrcnce, li mllation, o bith PLUS 11.arai;ti ha:s dlscriminaUon bastd bten convt!rtl'd to 2 race. color, rella.ion, 5eX bedrm~ or 11 \een~!l c or nallonal origin, or a hide a-way rt.US huJt~ intention to make an) rool 1 Greut t_;11lltS l\IC •uc b prefuence. limita ocatlo n . Near all Uon, ordi1cri mjnaUon. •· schools. o.ly S52. 900. This newspaper wi ll n 546-4141 knowing ly acctpt a n) a dvert ising for r e• est!:lte whi&:'h is in ,·10Ja tionoCthclaw. FOR BACHELOR with EVERYTHING Perfectly appoi n ted , i;.ecJuded 3 l>Nlrm, jlam room h ideaway ""''ilh dock for 36" gct-a""'·ay boat!!~ S'Sfi.950 or makC' offer to 1n1·lude fum1 sh1n ~s . 44·11 W. Cst JI 1 i: h w a y . n ea r ll oward 's, NB. open F'ri /Sat/Sun I·~ SPYGLASS BEAUTY VIEW !VIEW! Ne"·port ll ('li!hl !'i panora ma of Hav :11111 Ol·ean Tradition nnd tot:t l hvin~ 10 tht~ larJ:l' ·I b«lroom home. l.ovi:I) formal d1n1nl! rnnm. hu~t· f;a1ti1l y roo1n separate ""'orksh11p and hobby room . '1',1nl lar)!l' l'noui::h fnr ll'r1111 -. or pool Rt•ally •'X<"l'l'H•unul pro perly' ! And :ill fur SJG.'.J.000 For app l 111 sec ii75-·10ti0 PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 612·5200 675· 4060 MIHIRAHCH $36.500 3 BR GI HO DOWN TreC' lin(·d Jppro.tch ~tasSl\'l' t:r hv1n,i.: ruum For1nJI d1n1nl! room Largl' c·ountry k1tt'hl'n. HUJ.:t' ).!round~ "llh 1·0\ · ert..J d;int•c p.tv1hun to unA U.lGE. EX11tA EJCTV.S One of the roomiest lots in fi.1esa Verde, one of the quiet.est cul de sacs, one of lhe nicer homes and one of the largest pools. PLUS hobby shop in fin ished garage, 4 patios. 4 bedrooms a nd a fine , single story floor plan ror e nterta inin g. Fant astic va l ue at $73,500. Ui-.ll()Ul: t1()Ml:§ REAL TORS •. 545.5990 1525 Mesa Verde Drive, East , Cos ta Mesa BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 <1•10'1 I C:Cl"''T •-ii.NV C.OROl\IA Ol"-MA~ CAMEO HIGHLANDS .. J ust lis ted -extra sharp 4 bedroom home designed ror comfort a nd easy e n te rta i nin g . L ovc1y poo l . PANORAMI C OCEAN VIB W . Realistically priced al $96.500. AVAILABLE FOR LEASE 2 be droom front unit of duplex . i''ire place. Like new carpel s a nd drapes. £nclosed garage. $375/monlh. ALSO 3 bedroom , 2 bath. rir cplc.1t't', garage a nd extra pa rking space. J-la11dy to beach. $525 /month. BAY & BEACH REAL TY OUR 26111 YEAR 47S.3000 .~ Ge-Mral IOOZ 1GtMtal IOOZ I .............. !!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!! ... ~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••• -····················· Gl'Mroi 1ooz 1 G..,... 1002' W~:SLEY N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS !-.illt'I' l ~J4() DISCOVER THE JOYS Of LI IHG on this delight ful verdant q ·et st. Open beam ceilings & accents of warm woods . 4BR. f'R. home w/view. $89,500 2111 SaoJ....,HiAsRoad HEWPORT CEHTER. H.I. 644-491 0 ··~···················· ..••..•................ PRIVATE ROAD Charming 4 BR, family rm. Park-1.ike setting. Sunny patio. Community pool & pulling green. $94 ,950 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 3·11 Say\1d1· O"v• r-. B 67~ 6161 G~rol I 002 Gt'nttal I OOZ Gt'Mral 1002 GOMral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GI HO DOWN S46.SOO 4 BR 2 STORY-POOL Tr cC' lined approach. L:1rgc fa mily ~llt.."l.I h v 1n ~ rnom Country s t y lt'd 1ut ehen & dine ovC'rlook sparkhnll frt•t•form pool + <'n tl'rti1inn1('11t & sun lt•rr;tt't• St•par;tt{' j!;uest !\111t1• Sta1ri. s \\et·p to htd{':l\\'OI\' n1.1i.Lt'r & t·luldr{·n" 0 s Ull{'S c '" 111•r lt:a\'ln ~ ,1r1•t• ,\lu ~t ~.tt·r1f1<'l' '1';1k1· ad, an· tJi;!C ~I 7R81 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quality Built Eastern Charm! l.AK1': v rt;w. N1·wport U~ac h . l~c 5 h~1l rm . 1·ou nlry k1L c h e11 + library l._i.t pool. !\!<' y:1rd. f>C'rf1•rt (or j!rO\\ 1nJ,( fan11J y Sl't' {II h t' I I C \' I' ' (J I' I' II Fr1 Sat Sun ~1 nn I fl. :!121 Tus l111 .:-.: I! ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ATTHEIEACH ELDUMPO F:1ntast11· :l h1trm . & FH HOR5ES·IEACH ~pht lcvrl with thl• hl'ill.'h lt"s 10 .,.,. iln\.\'n and dirt)" J_us t 4ft y;1rds R""''ay Look~ like a home where ()('can vii·"·. l.l!e rooms. the buffalo roamed~ /I. bt'~n1l'd ct>•hn.I! .& frplr. handy man's paradise.· ~~~iisted ()n.1~ .~5,g50 Paint ;ind profit ! A lonJ:, b II 01><'n t. t s. "'1nding coun try lane. i ~ <h,dod "'""'"'h "" um· Vlll ~~I~;~ o[ot~~·t~n;~~~~~ --· -·-tudcaw11y. 1l1g WOOC'lt>n J CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX _ hflrm ranch<-r Pl.US a I lWautiful .J bedroom. 21~ balh homC' loc~lt"d h1 i::h on a fully landsC'aJ)t'd \'1ew lot. 2 FirC'places. r:im1ly room. & s unny hrcakrast nook. Custom dt'co r al c d lh r uoul . lledlX'ed to $187 ,500. l'ntert;11n 11r ju-.1 roam ·~ . ., , .. ' ·. .. ·. ()Ill ' of lhH.~l' U/lU:'i u<ill~· hni:! pro1)Crl1cs ""'t.' ""'''l1h cvt.•r)'Unl' could own. On- ly onP tlupll'X l1k1• !hr:; Tu·n hdrrn. aod dl'n home 111 froot plu.~ an •'.'llr:1 un tl 1n the rt·ar. F:at·h wtth separate 2 bdrm guesl 1•olta)le on II".> acr l'! Walk lo beach! 3 Corral~ lit 1;1l·k ronrn' Shovi:-l'cn1 out. paint 'l'm u11 . and 1 }Ou\•t• ~ot }uursclf an c<1l:1 1c' Pr1t"f'd <11rL Chf>llP·"'h1c h -.ttm ~ only n~ht ' l'all ~·17-ti'JIO for morl'dl•ta1l s 640.6161 S epa rate \\1111.: fur [® hid e away ma ~lt•r & ch1ldr!'ns ,,wtcs. r·1rst to c all ge l s l h 1., S 1\t' c. ___ _ THE REAL HIFIC E B,\1((;1\/:"J' ('all 963·7881 WATf:ll Vl f;W < ~~·,, I I• ' . ' ~-CLIFFHAVEN Suni;h1rle incloor~l-:0111 . fir c-pJ;,,·e , ~:;irh 111 , "~" '''". ,, , '1JN r. •Pl ,,, i=SP=AH=ISH=V=ILL=A =i [® lfl~Hil S42,500 J Bc droon1, 1lc rorator j!lassed \Lie l'ntry. wnofl hurn 1 n ~ f1rt:pl:t f'l'. pnvatt· pal1u. ()nlv 10 •; down. Ca II l:*.i2· 77K8 Chl.lrm abounds 111 this mar\•t•lous 1·und1t111n. [~ 1)1X'n he am t·ountry pro 1\1 .. ,., carp«ts. south of the •4i,iij~olil'l4 \lnt·1a1. :1 1~_.1l r11<11n~.11<>11I h ig hway l'r rf't•d ;.1l · ~,~'.~~-111. llrrl·r1·t1 :11 m~·_:'._'.'_.'_,~:a111~1~-~!":;1.: ,. ~====:~~~::. OH THE BAY $39,900 \\'inding walk\.\·ay to elc~ant baysidc Jivinll: ill a f ract ion of normal cost~ Adjacent to docks and maritime livin~~ Cusl om carpel and draj){>s hi~hl1 ~hl formal Oinc! Gourmet sunshine kitc h en for the epicurean ! Walls o f j!lass! Swcep1ng mas tf'r bdrm retreat! W1ndinj! staircase to sun terrace! Red Lile roof & Spanish all'oves! Try $3990 t otal do\.\'n or take over exist· ing loan at $249 per month. 1t ·s unique and won't last! llurry, call 847·6010. Q<111!P/9 •11<1·1•1'0<1i•1, I' [®ll~~H;fl H••• sports •4tdpm•nf r For aa.~~irlf'd Ad ACTION C.11 A DAILY nlOT AO.VISOI M1-547t 1---------1 KEY HEALTf)BS WHEH YOU BUY REAL ESTATE, A REALTOR 'S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU. FREE OF CHARGE. ITHE SELLER PAYS THE COMMISSIOHI. THEREFORE. WHEN YOU DO BUY. WHY NOT GET THE BEST ADVICE AHO SERVICE AVAILABLE? CALL.. • ENGLISH EST A TE 2 STORY-VIEW PRICE SLASHED $43 .950 W1n<lin~ ru;uf\\';1v lt•ads \(I ... ('t[Udt•d dr1\'('\\'.J~ amul!>t l•1"c nn~ 1un1·~ & 1':uc::iJyp1u-. lr1•1•;. Spir.11 1nl! ~t ;11re;i .. c h·;uls to pr1,·ate 2nd .-.111r~ c·n· tranrl''. L ,1\ 1 .. h ll\'1ng rnom O\ l'rln"k " s ur round1nl.! ;1re.1' Euro 1>ean J!tiormf'l k1ll·hC'n' ll 1n1n~ 1•n11·rl ;11nn1ent S"t'l'j)lnJ! rn.1:-.tc·r h1lrn1 rt·lrl•;JI' St•p:iral1• mr'1m in I""' qu.1rh·r_, <>r l!l.11.':;I ur m.11d rtM1n1 \\1th 11:ith' \\.'ork~hup : ·rh1 ~ h1Ht11p (''l:tlf' 1·a11 ht· your~ fur S.l ~ICJ tnl.'11 do\\'n or \;1k~· H ~:.\r ;rl>l!S 11\·t·r t.·~1.,1 1n~ Jn:in at S21.'i S l:\l'i'; \:.Ill pt•r rlHHllh Ftir qu1c·k •73·4400 appl \O'>l:l't':111~•17 (i(!]ll. 1------------1 .... '. ' '" 1-S-ing_l_e_S_t-ory~-i [ ® ESTATERS CONDO 2 ~clroom BHADfo'OTl lJ Pl.1\C1'_; "'1th upgradC'1I C'a rpets. panc•hn~. and d ecorati ve w allp:ipt·r I>oohlt• car gar;1i:c f)nly 10'1 l>own . $31,000. II-~.:.:!; ~-8811 ANYTIME Country Club Manor ''ou tennis & ~olf huffs · her{' it is • Lovely 2 bdrm & dC'n. 2 bath hnme. bll· 1n~. frpl r. N1.·xt tn Sanla ,\na Count ry Cluh. "Only s.59.500' Balboa Bay Prop. Realtors * 675-7060 * AttMtion Builders l•----------12 pnmc l)('ean b ;1y v1c14· llavc somethin~ you want to sl'll? Classifil'd ads do it well. 642·5678. lnts 111 Cd~1 t blk from lwac h, $12R .!i00. 97!l·Of)3 1 nr :-'"1~ '1!i\0()""''nC'r 6l:~:::._~~~T:60 [ ® A m~T!~~},!1~ pool ~ horn(' ·'"lt" 4 Bt•drMmS. UNPARALLEO PANORAMIC OCEAN AND COASTLINE VIEWS Frorn I/us 0111• 11 11.!h •>n !ht.• hill 1n S1)\i!I.•;.~ An .1lmo~t 111·"' I h~-<1room . 2' · ll;11h hom1· "1th l.1r).!e 1u1 fl•.1d'I fnr "" 11nrn1ni.: p1 .. 1I ;rrui .\l!U! I llf>ll'l' ,,f J;1n1\~c·;1p111).! SIW.OIM! LE RAISOR REALTY .\.):Cl \;1n1pu~ Dr . I r\'lllC' I·-----------! family r11on1 . form itl din 111 1-: room ;ind the h1 l!i.:1·~1 pool tri lht' ,\l f·~a Vl•rdr art"O. shorl of the t:oun try Cloh Huy now' and J.!l'l ready fu r thQJH;: lnnl! hot da ~· .. uf loung1ni.: DI IJ!Nil ,,11h· n('Xl :i ummc·r (ffi!y S7·1.1l5U Retirement Dream on Balboa Island I,(•{ us ~huw you a mOlll'Y makin~ propt·rl) ' Nt'"' Z'Rlfl sq.ft. 2 i-.tnry. H :.: 1ont• nr us(• a" 1 h\•11 rocun . l;irgt• f;1n11I~· l\ )lt' hnm1• \\11h 2 flrc1il:1c·1•s. (lu;d1 t~· 20!1 l'l•;1r1 . l }p ('n Fri Sat/Sun I <I 400E.11" C.M. 546-4141 ~ COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE , INC. l'amcp!1L~81~3·.~~a~ ·1 r 1.;;;;;;;;.,., ______ ,1------...... -- ~ MESA VERDE PORTOFINO STOP!! Pi\C f':S1'.:·r,·En fnr nnt.v ODEL i\HE1\l,\'1\l,U E' 5')5,!lc'JO, t:xttemcly ur M Charmini: 1\1 1·.,a \1•ntt•, j!r:idt'd, 4 hl'drn1 + Z ful l 111 ll;1rtHu' \'11•\\ llnm1•<, aninni: ni•wi•r tH•nii•s ''' tJ;11hs l!l!HtSq 1'1 . + 15x:Jn "1th thL· f111t .. hl·•t ~aml' trafllvi• l an•l 'ol'.tll lll~ ;u1dr'<I j!11 nll' rnom. ~:n roon1 .J u~t n1;1d1• r11r.furi Lots of :-.ton·· anti tu·,. hnn11· r1"lh·1·nra l('cl cntert;11n111i.: .. r lL't'n.,i.:t· .,t'<.:l ud ed PHii•>" 'l'uu ).!l'I i\lo\ ,. 111 fresh. ()11.'n('r h11l1• ;1 ~;11 ;1 b1·droou1. 4 tl('(trms . f ;trH rm , l ha trap;.fcrrt•d ly S~r.l~~t. '.\l.t\ \\L' ~hO\\ for cn l('rl a1r11n~ ()\\lll'I" t •J'f·:lt (l 21 ~)).~th . f.1111 ,\II for Ill\ tn S jl:H•tOU:"> ;1rr,1n ).!rm<"lll ~ tll<iyou " has rcducl·fl 1)r1c1· In 0 1\iJES' LE RAISOR ss.8.900 tr1 n10\t' tu 11\'" - homt' You "11 l.k· gl:i1t .,...r 3148 C11mpUs N8 !.-49·16~S REALTY .1 ~kt•d you In rail ~0·9!f22 for app\ 4523t•a rnpu .. Dr , lrv1111• Campu ... Va!ll·.v S/11111 c:1r CALL 833-8600 I 002 GMttal 1002 ___ S_@_ll--~,..,-µ...L::::_=;/l::::£::::ff::::=s=.==-I?.~~~!'! •••••••••• ~?~~ ~~~~! ........ -.-.!-?-.~-~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• mac nab I Irvine realty T#tot Intrig uing Word Gome with o C huckle -------, ....... "' (\.11' • ~U."I . ' I I I I I I ·s1 i· TARRELW!!!!2!!!. ra .. 1926-1976 LI DO SANDS: One block from t he b eac h . D es i gned by Jone s Em m o n s. Gues t parkin g . 4 bedrooms , hearty fire place in the living room , Dining room a rea with buffe t. $f>S.OOO, call today! 4 BDRM S + U nb e li evab l e FAM I LY RM : v<.1 l ue ! Quick p oss-essio n . •t ug c t r ees, wood -d eck e d pat io. Cr ack ling firepl ace in t he livi ng r oom , all modern kitc he n. $44 ,000. sacrifice! 540-1720 2955 H..t.cir ll•d. --,'-"--~ "EUGAHT FORMAL Sl'AHISH HOME" With ocean VI E W in Ca meo Shores. t Yr . under construction by custom bui lder using true crafts men & the mos t ex p ensive m ate ri a ls availa ble. Tastefully decorated & ,the finest appointments abound in this elegantly spacious 3 bedroom ho m e . S tudy , f a m il y r oom . J firepl aces. 31f.l l>aths. Sauna + pool. Appl. only $275,000. Bell Chase Lee 644·6200 444-6200 iua W.C.Arl ...... SCUM-LETS Answ.n in Clas•ification 9915 1 r - I D4 DAILYPILOf Fu day, Novemt>er 28. 197~ HCMKes For Sal~ , jl-toutel For SaH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !\':'!!:!!°::.~•••••••l!!c:-!!:! -~~ ~~•••• •••• ~'!'!!!!!.~~ ~~-• •••• • • ~~':!~! -~~-~~• •••••• • ?.!:~:~! •• ••••••••!~~~ ~~!••••••••••~~~~I G....-al t 002Gntrol I 002 tMrol I 002 'G•Mral I 002 VEAR BAY AND BEACH 675 -3000 C'•lU 1 l C..:DA"'>T t-IWV C Ol=ION A OE L MAR MEWPORT BEACH TOWNHOUSE :J bedrooms, 2 baths. Carpt"I. ci nd clrapcs Jikc new. l''ireplal'C. :i C":Jr g arage. Only steps t<1 be;.1u t1ful (:01n munity pool. Prict• St5.950. l;'Cl' lot l not leasehold). • AVAILABLE FOR LEASE :! bedroon1 front unit of <iupl cx t'ireplaC't'. Like new t:<.irJlcts ~ind drapc!:i. E:ncloscd garage. s:ns;month. ALSO :1 bedroom 2 bath. f1 rc pl c1 rC', garage ;Jnd xtra pa r king spaeL'. llan<ly t o t)carh. $525 /month. BAY & BEACH REAL TY OUR 26th YE.AR 675-3000 Gt'nt'ral I 002Gt"nt'ral IOOi •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• W E SLE Y N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS si n ce 1946 LIMDA ISLE -BEST VIEW OF BAY \V:.1ll'h bo ~1 lin g al"ll \'ll Y frorn (,'OJnforlahle t'Olll.cn1por~1r.v 5 l ~ll home w /t cilkwood pane ling , hi gh ecilings, dclighlful baysidc terrac-c. l'icr /slip for :J boats. 2111 San Joaquin Hills Rood MEWPORT CEMTER. M.8. 644·49 I 0 GetWral I 002 Gt'nt'ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE I.ido Nor<I. 41-lR . family rm .. J ha. Pier & floot. $249.500 Like new? l~idu Soud 4 Bil .. 4 ba. i !·Owner. Custon1 bayfront . Lawn. • • ;f patio, jai.:u zzi, J>icr & fln<it . $325,000 ~II '·if Waterfront , J .. ido Nord. 6 BJ{. or 4 1311.. · & 2 BR. upt. On sundy beach. $285,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Ba yside Drive NB 675-6161 ' I 002 Gnt"ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r FOREVER ' VIEW Cd M duplex on R-2 lot located on llig Corona Beach. A few steps to l"rashing waves. Superlative 180 degree view of main channe l, Catalina. and bcacht·s. Private road access and guest parking .. archit e(·tura l plans a nd permit for additional unit. Open 1-5 Sat/Sun. 3030 llrcukers Drive. Asking Sl7 2,500 . HOGEll'S H EALTY . 675-2311. Ge.ral I 0021Gt"neral 1002 ······················~······················· SPAMISH GIAMT +POOL 2 Stnry ·I hcdruon1 :I .l,)aths Din1u~ roon1 :<iu nkcn den. FirC'jll:Jl'l'. ,rugged beams. Oaken 11,JDnni s ter s t ai r case. tlorneo bnlcony decor ·rue roof. f'cw blocks to ).(olf course. mca r th<' ...beach. Rea dy fur this'~ 10nly S 43 ,SOO . Cnll &12-2535. Ii, ...... ~ '0"' ""' DUPLEX SIB.950 UMIQUE OMLIDO French iH"Cl'nL 4 hl'1lrm. 2storv. su1H1\". l'h•a11 . •'" 1·1tinl!·. Ac:1·ur 0 <.ilt•ly pnc·1•tl ut Sl55.0ou. Open House Friday 1·4 I 09 Via Mict", MB Look for ,\ mE'r c·an Fl ai:.: ~ UMIQUE HOMES REALTORS 675-6000 ,,Just blocks to the beach. .Needs so m e work .fl1inimum $6000. dov.•n . Call 645-0303. 1~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:::;::=1 FOREST OLSOM IMC I, ,., $39,500 MESA HORTH OPEMHOUSE r·,.; ;sat ;sun 1-4 783 Hodson, CM NEWPORT BEACH ESCROW JUST CAMCElLED ~1 ·l l fl , :~·ha . :J ·1·ar garage, Jlar!Jol' \'1l.'\\I I hirnl:S Somers et mode l. only I yr 1)l tl . Yt1u <·an lu; 111 by Chr1 stn1a:-,. S~l~.500 f l't '. NEWPORT BEACH HAPPV HOl.IDAYS J·:nJ OY Christmas 1n l hi s :J.l\ll , ~ IJ;1 home with firc1>iatc. :-.p:..i . bo:1l y;,1r<.t and N .I~. ;·1tldrcss. <>nly &i7,WO fee. Ol'EN SUN. I 5. 2Wi!Sd1t·r. WOOD5TREAM J 111(. l 1/~-b~1. 18<K> t· fl of luxur.\ t"OlltJ{JITIJn1um li \'t fl g. ()\Vfll'r .JU:-,t t·o1n1>l c t<:ll pr<>fc:-.:-,1onal d1.·cor <Jlllll-! thru out. Prit:cd tu:-.cll ;,1t S:-1 1,:.100. THE BLUFFS EMERGEMCY SITUATIOM l1ri1.:cd be low market. AIJ:;olutc ly the besl value in 'J'hc Bluff:; 'fhis very private end unit \vith \.\'rap·aroun<I patio has 3 oversized bedrooms, 21 ~ huths, family room ancl for clcga11t entcrtainin ~. a bea utiful forrnal dining rourn anrl plush li v1n.l! roon1 . 'l'his highly up graded ho1nt• 1·Jn IJe yours for only $(i8,(l(J0 . 532 CAMCHA, M.8. OPEHDAILY 1-5 PM PHOME 640-1 189 FOR DIRECTI OMS IRVINE CULVEllDALE llighly upgradc·tl 4 111{, :J ha . r··1~ home. lot'a tcd near comn1un1ly J)O OI and park. (,O \VC:st pri<"e for lhis plan $59,000. fee . OPEN THIS WKEMD. 3752 CLAREMOMT BUILDER'S CLOSEOUT SALE BREM GREENTREE HOMES l·liR. 2-l~f\ & den &:1.llB homes. Oµt..•n Sal. & Sun . 1-5. (;rl't..'lllrcc 111odel comt'lcx. curn1:r 11f \\1;1lnut & Cul vc·r in l rvin l'. R.E. SALES In i.I rut'' If you arc l1 rt..·d .ol :-.rn :tl l t'omm1:-i s 1011 · s plils ;ind bi g t"on1pan ,v polit11.:s , contat:t us l or ;1n appo1ntmC'nl to see a fres h. lit..'\\' appro;.ich to re<.i l estate s ulcs . Cull Cliff Landry f<tr an intcrvic\v. 673-7601 Anytime General 1002 ..........................................•... * ESTATE SALE * 52 feel of Ui g l\;iyfr(lnt . J)icr and slip (~uulity + in this la rgt' ,J ht..·droon1 ·t hath home. l~ank s<.iys S:!ti:i,000 1 (Ll':-.:-. than l<.ind value ') Call 675-iOfiO for apvointment to :St.'(' Balboa Bay Prop. Realtors * 675-7060 * ~~!~~! .......... ~?.o.~ 1 ~~~~~~! .......... ~?~~ GREEMBROOK ' . GIAMT 5 BR + POOL +BEACH SACRIFICE ABAMDOMED !''orn1:tl 1•nll'.\' S11nk1·t1 l1\1ni.: nHu11 \\lfh n.,nr t •1 t't•1l1ng t1rt'!Jl;u·e •"-IX \'aullL·•t 1·t•i11 11g~. tlp1 •n i.:~1 1lery ,~ hlir<.iry . t-:ntt•r taun rs 1t t·lighl \\"l't h;1r llt1g1• f:11n!I~· parl y rnorn :tdJlll!l'i ll':·r ;H"I' thr11 \\ ,L]I (>f g l ass . F or111,1J ..... l'par:1 !(' dining ronn1 J.:11")..'P )!arrlpn \ 11•11 l.ih·h"n wl\h (•rit1ng .1rv.1 '1'1,1·11 :i l'P:1r~1 le 111;.i st"r ~Utli •:-,, B:1ths. S\l l't•p1ni; .,t:11rs to n1 ;js .... 11 l' ho1111~ ruor11 ,<, rnort• h<'til'of/111 ~tut 1·~ :r.oo Sq fl ol lu' ur1 llurr~·' t.:us~·tvrru ~· C•1tl ~11;:1.7f!X1 " " *VIEW* Bt.".;\ 111 lrv1nt•"\\•rr:1t·1• :moo S<1 . ft on front ru11· ·I lid rr11 . ·I ' · h ;1, pool Xln! !H\'(•s trtl('ll l :it ~oo.oon 675-6060 XIS FOR XTRAS * * * * * * Heritage Collection $55~9in> LOVB. T 3 year old Mes:o Verde Home. 3 IJl·drooms. 2 baths \\.'/cath edral ccll1n gs, patio k1tthen a nd corner lot. f.ow m ai ntcn;;incc )'ard with large 11a t1 0 a nd fruit trees. Call us for complete details. 546-5880. 2 BEDROOM COSTA MESA HOME converted lo <.:-1 use. C "bout 1100 sq .fl.) Large pa vcd and fen cl'd re ar area with acct.>ss . Super prii.:c Oliy $49,SOO. Close lo Newport Blvd. t .. S46-S880 TOWMHOUSE HO DOWM VA. Super Huntington Beach e nd unit 'l'<>w nhouse at only $39.500. 3 J~1 g l)e<Jrooms. 2 b<Jlhs, drHm kitcheft ;1nd din1n ){ area anti nu common wall. ()nly stl'ps to (>(>ol anti recreation. A:-.sun1at>lc 7:1.,',;, lfJan with payments only ~12 per n1ont.h 1ncldg tHxes, l"irst ti n1c off erect. Call 546-5880. LIDO ISLE DECORATORS DELIGHT Near t·lubhousc. 3 bedrooms and den with 4 l>aths . Hiqhly upgraded, just lis Led . J\ppo1ntm c nl o nly. $129,500. ·Call 540.1 ISi JUST LISTED FIRST TIME OM MARKET -I urge 2 slory 5 lteclroc>m . :J full b<Jths, 3 car garage. quit"t cul·de-sac, near schools and s hOJlpin g ("enter . J lurry on this one only $i!l,51XJ . Call 540· I IS I JUST REDUCED LOVEl Y MERIDITH GARDENS home -3 large bcdro<>ms, family room. formal d1111n g rcu.>m . cxlr <.i s torage room , b<ilcony off master bcdr<>0rn. extra <'ab1ncts in kitt:hen. Mmty~ fffturt"s. J•'resh paint in and out. ()wncr n1<1vin g, n1ust sell! Ask ing $71,000. Call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE ~~ REALTORS !~~~~~~! .......... ~?~.~ ·~~~~~! .......... ~?~.~ .--...--~ ; OCEAM VIEW •An immaeuldte :l·lJR, din rm home. Jlatio r1Ju s 2·t1t'c:ks. used brick fireplc., \.\"t..•l li ar and a C.jut."cn's kitchen, arc some o f th e n1<.1 ny extras. Own Sun .1·5 120 I CLIFF DRIVE. MEWl'ORT BEACH ALL FOR $92,500. JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2919 Newport Blvd. corner 30th G eneral I 002 General 1002 OPEN DAILY 4714Cortland Camt"o Hiqhlands Bni..:ht & shining. f rt·s h · p;J1nt . l r 1•sh tar pcts.· fr1•sh drap l'!"lt"S 4 - !l<·dr<H•m or :1 & cll'n i\rn :!.'i\5 I·: l 'u;t~t lh1 ~ 675-55 11 Chestnuts Roastinq Hv the oJ!l'll lire of th1 .... lnvt•lv '' llr hunl(' 111 N ••••••••••••••••••••••• $10,0,00 Under Market S.."uti(ul '1·1lR . 2 1 ~·ba . tv.'(1 ·~tnr y ,h1>1ne v.·ith pool, dt:n , aod separate 1hnin~ room. Hom:.intic .1rcht'CI, beamed enter· to.11nn11,.•nt :Jrea s urround· 1ng po11I. Exlra1agantly ~p:.ic1ou s u 1\~ l ue atcd near Ba lacric School. Q\\•nt'r ~ing rrloC'atcd. Prif·ed 1-11 $79,500. One Ii kc it sold fur $8!1,500. ~~ OM THE WATER F.x pan~1 \ l' ~ l1edrno 1n t-·:1mlly Rm & Ou11n l! ltm . Btl1\1. SL! I' & '1/11•:\V $<!211.000 TWIMKLIMG LIGHTS (;Qr~t·ou.s 111.,:hl l1J,!hts 11l'w for )'ou .111d )our ~ut•l'll:-tu t"f\J<J\" (."h~rn1- inA ho 1n1..· lut'alt'<I in th" Turtlt•n"H·k lltll" 1>:11tf'r t{1111 on )'our l ('rrace "'Ith :.p urk hn.: ~w 1 m m1n 1t JJOOI l'ru·t'll tu :-e ll ;it $11 7.tJtJO. tnclud111.: huk.I. Call ti73•3$MI, 1 ' , I \)• ll 1 • THE REAL ESTATERS <lNESfORY Ct lN OO \dul l 0111 1 1A J l\1•1l ~:jrtlcn 1•.111 1, sha i.: c.1rpt·I br1 t"k l1r1·1>lact" 1\·1·.ir :-ho1qhni.: & l.lu~ tr ;1n~p in·, duwn. ('.1 11 f~l!i 4177 r:t:•ir Hl-~AJ .'J"<l llS LAGUMA SUMSET WATCHER IUCK GUUY IT GOUT Oh here's a gc>Odie! Cedar. glass and brick. 3 bedroom, 2 stories and a fttntUSliC d eck OV4!rlooking the trees and streams of Buck Gully. Country k1tcher1 hardwood floors, porch olr the ma~ter bedroom and huge brick rire i)lacc for rainy days. The price is s129,500. That's good, by golly, for Buck Gully. U""l()Uf: t1()~f:S REAL TORS®, 675·6000 24~3 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar ( 1 EnJU.1 the \IL'", or \ht• i L ~1 ,! u n :i c11;1 , 1 /·. x 1 ·t> I It• n t '"!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'! lot·a\11111 wu l1111 .,..,ilk d1~· !!! tan1·1• of 1•\t·ry1h1ni.: 1111. p o r t.i nt. 1'h1..., t 11,o b1•1lroor11 plu., •lt·n hornl· n1ay hP th•· 111·\I. ho1nt• \OU 0\"1' tH•t•n !111•l.111g fnr. ('.111 us for :J<l d1l1on;1I 111 ror111alion. t..":dl 1;1:11'15'.">tl ' """ ,.,. ''·' ,. PATIO JACUtZI 1·111:-1<1; :.ar1 out"l arH.11111! 1·:-.;1rn ple~or ·u hnna· th;1t ha ~ been l ofally up · gr;ult.'<I, with )aVl!>h use 111 n1 1rrnrs . "':dlp:..ipl·r :111d cu::itun1 lLx!urcs . ·rhe Jat'u11i co:1t !lHJ!'t' than n10'1 11001:-;1n1\ 1l 1~ 1·nrn p!1•lt'I\' Sel'IUdt•1 t Ill ;1 lu.~h 1' " t I " s \' I I 1 11 "" • :.! l\i•dn~1n)" d1·11. 2 l;:Jth~. lurrn.d .!111111 ~!. and a pr11··· ot "nlv SH9.!)(J0. (" \I.I. llP\I , [l:,1; :.!t>ti0 c;::: SELECT 'T°PROPERTIES EMPTY MESTERS t"hildren l!l'o"·u and ll•ft hornl"' 'J'rv Suuth Co:1s t Shor1·-.. Ai°I lhl' 111•1,1· n1 11•., invlud 1n ~ lht· u11Hh·I:-.1r·1· ~n!d out. l)ul V.t· h.1\•' li1 glily upgr;1d1·J :! & :1 ti1•dr•oo n1 h11rll l'" \\llh J!t1t"t'~ s l nrtui.: :.i r s;;o.~•10 .\f11l'Lli\lt'S ol 1 tu~ 1111! ~t ,111d 111g di-1el~1pn 11'111 1 n 1·luth pri\ ;11t· l,11<.c. \"Oil· 1r1illt·d St·1·ur1ty t·Htr~·. l"K•l . jacu1.1 1. eluhhf"HJ~t· i1nd lop qualJlY cousl rue. !111n (",\Ll. nn1,1·. 5.'i6<!liti0 c;::: SELECT 'T°PROPERTIES SP AMISH HACIEMDA MESA VERDE HUGE LOT &POOL \\"h,1! .1 r;lrt·.1·\,1·1·pt1011:.il pr1i1f1•rl.'"' Ft•alu rt•s ; 1•harm1n~ ,I berlroo1n :-;11:..1111sh h a1·1t•nd:1 sltuat t•d llll ;) 1·]10H~t' •lj!H('\ ~ 1 r t• 1• t 1' h l' tiM XI 05'xl:.l:l''\l ti::!' lot <·onta1ps .• IJ\·;1ul1ful ('U .... to!TI J>OO! s, j::i1·uzzi. 1\ \'IH'l"L1AL <>H(.'llARI> ()F FHl'IT 'J'Hl-'.t:S. Sp<.1e1ou ~ tll'ek & pa\lu a r1•as. 1\nd ron n1 ftlr n1nrt·' It., unrn:.itrhahlc al ~.'i,000 Vora rarf' {JJ>· pnrtun11y t :1ke advan· t<.igC', {',111 S·IH·231:1 [~ ., . " ' ·,1 THE REAL ESTATE RS MEOITERRAMEAM. GIANT BEACH-POOL Ext•1t1n~ locatlnn 1,1•ith lo:ids of eurh ilj)jJ{'lll. Ex- l1u1 ~1tc y;1rds. appeulin~ l'nlrv '\"n ·lt•\'t•l int prior sa tl;r:11ed 1\'1lh OLE ' Si':\NISll l"ll:\H;>i.1. l-'ree f1011•1n)! fltH1r plan with \"(•ry ~ecl utlcd hu ~c ma ~lf'r s u1lt•. Enjoy l!!park.lin~ hluc pool & 11 ;Ilk to hl•111·h. O"·ncr transrcrrt'd ,'\: nlu:it sell. 1';1kc ad1 a11taJ1.l' l'~ill 5-lli 2:)13 ····111 .... ' . ',, General 1002 GOMral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT HEIGHTS $49,500 Thi~ lovely 4·HH, 2 bfl home is uc::itlcd on u lllllCI e Ui-d l"-li<.IC. 011 a guuil Int "'Ith 01ne kinds nf rr111t t rees, l!rap1•s 3nd hcrr1cs, and ;1 !;irgc garden ar1•:1. \\'alk lo :-hopp1ni: :lnd Sl'hools l1H1. l'l1•nt}' of rnnn1 fnr a l"H!Ol. ,\:.:-un1111JlL' Fi l i\ 10:111 . I' i~h.~~ l Properties , 752•1920 .... 1400 GUAllSl NIWPOltl 91ACt< Sales Be9inners S o rt•al estate liC'rnse nel'C:-:iary·L':lll L <'Hoy flpft>r or .l1rn ·r uin , l't:Ht-'Olti\IANCI-: Bl•:1\I. ESTATI·:. ~.Ji 358 1 or 1-1-11;.3:r.1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Great f)(ltcntiaJ in Ibis ~ ht..lrrn custom h orn" nestled tn a trC(' fille<l lol . I.urge bonus room for kuls or enterta1nini:. $75,000. OLDC.O.M. Charn1tng C.TJ.~t . ho n1,· wilh 11C'w copp<>r plumb· 1nJ.t and ne1,1• apph;1nc('"· R·2 lot for future ill\'C':-1 · ml'n t p ossibiltties.. !<;8,000. 1 Yr. warrantyinclud f•d Call 675-7225 ,., ",,, ........................ ,, \ \ 1.1.1<:,· HE \l:I"\ A BERG ENTERPRISES CO Don't drop the hall! Get a Job 1,1•1th a IO\.l.'·<.·ost Daily Pilot Classified Art. Phone 642·56<8. Gt'ttt'ral 1002 G-ral 1002 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab /Irvine realty FIHER HOME~ FROM $51,SOO TO $745,000 MEWL T LISTB>! Bright 2 bedroom + den Monaco model in H a rbor View Homes. $73,950 & you own the land! Jeanne ·Newman 642-8235. (Hll I WOODSTREAM COHDOMIMIUM New 3 bedroom w /21/2 baths, upgraded carpets, s hutters, garage door opener & pri vate pioltio. Owner will cons ider selling furnis h ed. $5 1,500. Barbara Aune fi42 -8235. (1·112 I LUXURIOUS DEAHE HOME View of Big Canyon Golf Cou rse. Spacious 3 bedroom, 3 bath townhouse. A magnificent home for ext ensive entertaining. Dining & family room overlook beautiful gardens. $215,000. Mary Lou Marion 642-8235. (HIJ) I oo· OM THE BAYFllOMT Glamorous mans ion! White marble. silver leaf, crystal & expanses of glass. 7000 sq .ft.; 6 bedrooms; huge kitchen des igned "in the round." Naut ical bar room + billiard room. Fabulous mas t er suite' w /cedar walk-thru clos ets. Jacuzzi + wet & dry s<iuna. 3 -car subterra nean garage_ Pier & slip for yacht. Appl. only. C. Schweickert642·8235. (Hl4) IA TCREST BEAUTY Custom built! 3 Jg. bedrooms, formal living r oom, family room, 2 baths, 2 fi r eplaces, lg. pantry -new carpet . drapes. dbl. oven. disposal & tile! $92,500 . Vee Stinson 642·8235. (Hl51 . Little doll house on hugl· lot with dream kit. l~c LB v.·ith ~amed eeil- , 1ngs. 3 bdrms. 2 ha. \Valk 1 ~o ~II shops. New on the , market. Can 't last. ()nJ~· i i miles to beach. Can he f>Url"hascd subjert to t'X · 1sting GI loan. G-16·7•1 1 1,0pen E\•es. •I Bcdroon1, 2 baths. fpll'. t·omp lc t e l':ir1)el i11 µ thruout. Drapes. Hltns Dble gar . Covered pati11 All 1n very ~ood l'nnd1 t1on. Redul'ed to s-10.uoo Roy McCardl" Rt"altoe:- '"'•'· I' ' L THE REAL ESTATERS H .. a ut 1ful HlufJ:-. :1 ("i)st:l l\·1,.,.;1 1·':111·11 h' Hn1. h1·!11·11n111 1·nnd11 Fr1•e l)inin1.: H111, .ind f;.1 r\tastu: .... 1.11u lu1g th .. 11 11lh•r:-101 h:u·k ~ ard fo1 s~u1tu 's re· u~u:JI pnvi11:\ ;uut qun·t indl•t•r l )n\~ $.l>il)O down - WAT'f'.RncoNT HOMES :lb.UWC.,..\ltl•"-'·--~---~~--1 ~1"''"" i· MESA VERDE SPACEfSTORAGE Featured in this traditional Cape Cod home i n West c liff. 5 or 6 bedrooms, family & formal dining. Convenient to schools & s hopping. $141,500. Martha Macnab 642-8235 . CH16) 1- ~ Walker &lee Real Isle le 1 BI 0 Mt"wport Costa ~!cs::i 54"·7729 Gt'M'rol n~~~! .......... ~~~~ 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rl~Al.T4tllS 644-7270 COMDOMIHIUM •completely upgraded. New O".cal'J)elS, n e.w paint inside and out.~ Bedrooms, 1~ bath, Close to scbools..i..}.hopping and freeway. Asking """'500. 2828 E. COO\I tflghway, Corona del Mor MOiMU rOI llYING HlTWOll'I 833-2906 INC£ 1960 CHRISTMAS •TREAT• I.I C.Ii i l l l' Y(l lllt 1''1\~llLY lll1LJl)i\'i' <lN SUNN \. Lfll<> ls li' ,;. R<Jrm 1'radtllona1 Xlnt v;1lu1· $124,5011 HALPIMCHIM H.F:1\l.TORS 272i f~. Coast Jf1,1•y 67S-4392 17141 1>..l\ 140 ' l:11'g1· \•1'.q1;1rounn &: vo 11 "1! h(• 1n bv p.111n for out1lo•1r duung c11r1 :->trr1,1 ~. Full 11r1 1.·~ ·- ,'\: suru1111~ 1"1111·~1 quality ~.ii.Ill TI1e fastest draw 1n the t·:irpct s ,\-dr:tp t•s t··11l!Jo\'erHl'<lll\' \Vest .a O;i ity Pilot lhrnu~hout 1\ rr:1I un t;.15~Mf7!111r ti lli·l 5 14 Cl:..iss1r11•dAd .1;.i2.;J6i8. usual v;1hu· :Jt SiU,tltJO. C.F. Colesworthv Realtors 640-00~0 FORCED MOVE! For Sale By Owne-r Sll.!JOO v.·dl huy :J ~·r uld up g ratlt•d, r11•:t l 2 Br Fnrn1l1 llomt· \\ 1lh hrcp\;il'l' nn f11Ut'1 rul ti :-a1· S1n:1l l frnl 'ard & l<i f J..:C' rt•:ir }Jr;I 111th p11n <Jrnrn1l' v1 1·\1 (lf 111ounl a1n~ & oran).!c ~rp 1 e:-(lpt•11 hou:;;e S:it1Su n . 4:°JG 09Hi. San .Juan Cu p1st r ann 1''1XEll UJ•P F:n Sl 9.!l50 fur qnnH'<I ~111~ !!!'tall' propr·rt.\' :is •~ rnndllion L:1rc.C' "'f'tl r onstru• 11'<1 hnw "l' l;1r .it' lol . fruit trf'~'"'· 1 11r111•r 1Jr1 ~ t> hy l~l r. f.ilini.;<'r thc·n 1·a!I fi.l:.:!·t~.H or t.i75 01 •14 :\~t I Sf-:1.1. Hilt• l).1!1)' P1l(J 1tt'mll with a Cl,fH<~1f1t'd 1\d S~\\.4}µ-~r,~s · Thal Intriguing Word Gome wllh a Chuckle Q ~fo<>•f<•~<l" !&"e" e>f ·~& '°"' "'""'bled .. Old• t>~ lo.w "' lo•"' I""' ~mpls we<dJ I NIMF R J Salt"speoplt' Vnr y~ars lJniqut• has "f.irn1ed" l\·1t·s<1 \·l'rdc. S!OOO's 1,1•1ll ru11ti11Ul' to bt' invc!'ted Sall•s p1·o ple arc ncedc1l to nlanage "farms" 1n the gol r course. nril!111 al Pacesl· tcr and Republic Homc11 area s. N1·w o r ex- pcncnred fi ('rn~ccs ore • inv1tN.I tn 'ih:.tr1• our 10 \'{'lll'S Of SU("l"t'!'S in th(' \1rs11 V1•rdt· 111.:.1rk'L't Plea..:{' tontat1 Jun Woorl ul MG s,.qoo COROHA DEi. MAR A gorgeous 4 bedroom home on 4 levels overlooking the canyo n . MarvelO us use of wood floors. s hutters. exposed beams & more! Custom c rafted for current owner . $225,000. Tom Queen644·6200. (Hl7) ' MUST SEE THIS si'uDA: Steps to beach & 'c!ulibouse. Great home for entertaining~ lovely pabo w /r eflection pool. 4 bedrooms +huge family room & lg. kitchen. Bit-of-a -vie w . $159,500. Lynne 1-------·ll Rothell644-6200. <Hl8l HAPPY THANKSGIVING lluntin~ton Och 002·4·15-I Co:<ta l\.ll·s:.Mr.-4141 1-.Jt•v.•por t 1$\:lll'h ft<t0-61fll t VIEW LOT Surf, sand & sea VIE W! Nearly \'.r-acre in exclusive Shorecli!fs, Corona del Mar. Private beach access . $150,000. Ken Hartley 642-8235 . (H19 ) 642 .. JJS '°' Uowt' Ott.- HcMdH For S• ........ ,..Sdt OAILYPtLOf U IS Pl DAILY PILOT TbU!!day.N.....,00<21. 1m ........ Fors. ,..,.S. Hrw1r.ForW. ................................................... ~ ...•..••••.•.•.. .............................................. ······················· I IWfn-•IHitt. f040 •S.ect. 1040 l"lw 1044 ~!.':':..~ ....... ~:!~.F;>.~.~•••••••• ~.':!-:.~••••••• o..... . 1002c ..... c1o1-1022c...1.-1024 •••••••••••• •• ••••• •••• •••••••• ••• ••••• ••••• •• ••••••• •• • • • •••••••• • •• L-o leoch I 041 .... ___. .. oc.h I 06t Ml w-rt .. ICll I 04.\ RTLt:ltOCK rrr11ide.nt ~· ... ,_. • r-•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACT Ill f ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• llome. 3-BR . 2.ba, wm1ly NODOWNTOVETS 9UA1NT DUPLEX -of Hwy. The kind or properly buyers searth our \own f«. Quaint. C'Ule. charm· lna. unique loops! 1. and adorable. With beam cel11n1s. knotty plne walla, wood burninlt frplc: and a isunny palM>. right around the nirner from' Carnation Park. Sfli.000. CalJ 644-7211 MIMI RANCH ONLY SH,500 This ehllrm1oc l bd.rm. 2 ba homthOnew cpl. bit· In kit. lee"°" p.illJO. YOY won"l bt:lltvt this tl'IOrmouf lot. M5·9491 . Wa lker Glee Reul ls lo le SSS,900 Curtain risu on this dramatic 3 bedroom and study, 2 bath home with cathedral ceilings in large formal dining room. Sunlite atrium opens to livlng room, dining room and family room with cozy brick fireplace. 2 Large master suites, one up . one down. Boat or trailer stocage area. 21h: Car garage. Allowance for luxurious new carpeting included in price. $62.900. 0,-s.t ;so. 1-5 20t 11 -hwood HI "Z.4454 rm. cn c-lo~ed tu'·~I)' l:'.rnurw:h1. Slll .SOO. • IOND REALTY • 131·t41 I ---- PAMILY $1.200 lot.al l'a~h trlO\IH )OO In this t hurmin_g 3 hdrtn horn(' with rireplacc, lot11 o( pa nel. 1·1uict street for children 1~==========1 n('ar schools. bf't1ch & Major s hopp1nR ccntt'r. \ll'ls tak(' advantuac. C.a.11963-6767. Lovely 3 yr nlr1 !t1t'~!I Verde home. 3 tiR. 2 l\A w /catht'dr:.I C("lll n,:s . patio kit &: corner lot. •DELUXE t.o..-.· rn;1lnt yard ..-.·llRe ~COATS & WALLACE '::rJJ REAL ESTATE, INC. ntANKSGIYING Smtll that turkey ro11ist - I~. serve the pu1nplon l>it.• This )'OU ('Un bl" dO· inc next )'ear in lhui homt> dni1uu .. '\I to oic1·0111 m Odii le famil)' uud fnends. You'll 1)rt•11;,iru th4.' ft·ast ht the ('onve· nlt>nt kite-hen. h i1vl.' fun 111 the .j !Jpcr r»1n1l)' room :ind !ipcnd lhl' C\'en1n.: 'round thf' f1rcplat·t· Vou'll apprl.'e1a.te lht' utility roont and the 1ervlce balh downst1urs. tht':" bdrm ..... ;,ind 2 hath~ on the 2nd floor Uc lhankful n1·x1 )'{'ar that )'OU didn't o\·erlook th11> one lt's only S62flflO Ol'INlll9 • !)k.JfjTQt!f'l<I• [ ~-1naiHit1 ARTIST'S CHALET 2 STORY-l'OOL SlZ,950 U«oratt'<i In plush ne"'• C'arpeting throu5l:hout. Sv.· ... e pin ~ s tairs to 1naster suite. used hric-k flreplacl' in h v~n.: room J~ik l' to bcuch. Call ~16J-bib'7 . DUPLEX * 11at10 &: fruit trt.~. Call F.xcelll"nl 3 BR .• 2 &. us for eompl dctalls !(round noor owners un1t,1 ~.,._"""""""'--· '.'.•.·~··t~"""""""""'J "'' 2 priv. pallOl'i &. )UX ·I n LOCAUI OWNED COMPANY SERVING !H! SOU i C ~S I AREA SI NCE 1963 wious master :-.wte. PRIME EA.STSIDE I . PLUS AT 145,000 M1111tit'910t1 leoc-. I 040 ~!~~~~.~~.!~.~~ 2 11R Rental "''/larRe. A \·ery short .... -alk tu l71h •••••••••••••••••••••••lm;;,;;;,;,;,;,;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;.-.-,.1 pallodttk Slr('et. a neat J bedroom $ZS SOO $5),250 IOTH home surroundt.'ll by big 1 " lk'drn1, 2 hath homL• in "''ilh \\'Ood burn l n~ shadt' trees. Tv.'o c ar Gl,fHA nice area . Ftr('plat't!, f1rl.'ph1~cs. \'UUlted v.·ood gar1a~, .. ?° 641ar~c R 1 ·2 lot & ALL TUMS b1tn~. c;irpt•l:o;, llrapt•:o;, beam r~ilings and s uper Ca l<iwtk. 6717 . Ju!it 3 mlh·s fronl the pnnl t ·•hl,• .•• ,11.1 0~1·cl So.·Of ·llwy location. °"''· 1• 1 • ., •• ,., •. •· u '" • b 552-7500 red hill realty s11s.ooo. f'('C. Call I ~ bcach'Toplocution.~n-p;1llO (lurh~-:.lbU\l .SU . O.l-72tt \O's ,.~,1:!111 ~~r~;\~ •. ~~)' ::~;~:~~ enJ ~~-~~:1~rms C:all to ~ . ~ _!!~ ~~!~ bt.'tlroon1s or cnnvl.'rt1bl(' •1 i----------•I I dt'n. All modl·rn kitchen ii -------- 'A"lth 'A Ood r:llHnf'_t~. Ills f I , 1 ' OPEN HOME ~~~~;!;!!l~~J D•aPolnf 1026 & h('r c lo~ct.o: in tht' __ _ Sal 11 .. 1. l"n1 v Park. =: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ma.'i.tl'r bcllroon1 O"'·nerl -a • -Vill:lJ~C lll.5.52-7:n2. V<'ry anxiou s, t•a ll •OC't:A rRONT • Hare :al $225,000. Uy owner. 752-117 J /4519-438-1 £)tfo:R,\LD BA\'- <kc'6n :iudt". c h~rm1n.: older homf'. llard\lo d n ~ l.O\'t'ly rotmdt-51~5.000 1\jl.('llt 61!> woo • .. ~~~~!"L~rh~~~l· Coa!Lt. ('!il~1bllshctl 1 )'l'iU'5, J'ro(1toiblC, t•!('rtU ~rution. $0!.!t.UOO + 111- \' t• n t n r v 110\\1,\f(I ) ZAGRODZKY. Hraltor 49'1-l'kll I CLOSE-IN 1.:1r~1· I bt.-<lroom '"'11 dom1niun1 ;1p:1rt111\•111 Clnt-e to s hO\)Plll f.: ,111.I bl'llCh , 0...,n,•r v.111 r1nanl'C Al'l llU\\' for ·•It cXCt"pl1on:.il ho y .1 $36,S(J() ~ltm REAL ESTATE 900 C.lr r>ney•t" 'jf 4V~ 04/l ~49 OJl6 CUSTOM LIDO BAYFRONT .EXECUTIVE HOMES • • Udo Nord. Prime location. 50 Ft. lot . , Lge. pier & slip. 4 lldrms., family rm . $400,000 • Lido Nord. Lge. pier & slip. 5 Bdrms., s pacious & inviting. $325,000 • Lido Soud. J'ier & sli p. 5 Bdrms. & den. 2 f<'amily home 11t•/loads or panclin~. $299,750 • Lido Soud. !>O 1-"'t.. lot, l)!c . pier & shp ror 60 fl , boat . 5 B<lrms. An xlnt floor 1>lan. Lt.•a schold . $225,000 CALL 673-7300 FOii PRIVATE TOUR LIDO REALTY 3377 Via Udo, N.I . 473-7300 VIEW CATALINA lt21K°'91Rd-O,..Dally11-4 NEW Koilll Ho>fiet lldr. Lowest P,.l•ce' Nc.>ar New Custom 3Rr • 'A',('lct·an-\\'hite "''ater SU·~-l'YE LOVED IT 2300 sq . H .. lo(•;itctl 011 1.• NEGLECTED So "'''II you. l.'ni\·. Park arrl' 'A' /canvn k 1K·11 \'US, Open beams, 4·BDRM, 3·BATH , formal din. family room. TRI-LEVEL Harbor View Hils vie~·-Open house. fo"ri Bt'autiful custon11zc.>d thru Sun. 33966 Pequito 1.VSK. 4Br, 2.1.ln . f'am Dr. $76,000. '193·2'104 . TARR Ell;:;.;:, "STORY IOOK" -Vilh11-:e 111. Sp;ir <I ht'(!. "''t>l bar. fplt·s. ht.•:1n1s. RHODA MAGIL, llltr.17141642-3400 ASSUME $37,200 Aswnw SI 9,500 famil)' hom('. Countless more. 512·1.500 Unhelle,•eable \'alue~ feature!!. $72,000 Uv.·ncrl•----------1 .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rm , l1R . Open Sun,1----------192 6-1976 :1 Bdrm, plus larAe bonu!I room, t'<Jthedral <·cilin.r.: 1n \i\'ing room . spa<·101.1s k1tt·hcn O\'erlookinjt 1hcrapcuti<: spa ~cl in pr1v;1tc sct·luded b;.ickyard, C).lra large k1ni:: su:c mal'ilcr swtc Y.1th !'Unkcn Homan tub. I lurr\' '. 9thl·ti767. l -SPM . sp. Sandcasllt• ___ _ ..,_"'" Himffngtoo leach I 040 Fall S cial 3 .R 2 ·-DU,Ltl';W ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. 11M1 CA Thlnk or this 6 ;,~i;; ONLY $89,500. -mortjta~t'. a\•ailable to· 1n an excellent South-of. day on thu• 3-DR 1)00\ lt1~h"' ay location on a -home. This hou:-.e has the ~enerous45ft lot. 11ppo1ntmtonL-. for a farn1 - Call us quick. Re-' r-._._ ly sut·h as 2-ba. dlx k1lch ,,.,,, ,,, .,, • ,, s "· ., /')"' ·. 'J ' &H -72ll cu ~u:; \1 d1nin1-: are<1 , tt•rnf1r by 11tJ:!tilAY floor plan starts with t·enter entrilnee. $43,500 I® IR!·ll\tl 23 STEPS TO SAND & IAY OWNER SAYS $64,000!!! Sel\-le~se op 1 t 1 ion lease Pr1ml' . priml.' area. A once in a 1 etime op- 111ea11 y s itu al<' d portunity to mbve "up·· V1\CAN'r ('0T1",\GI-: to lr\'ine Terraee . .l f-)'('s hi)" t•edccorat~I and hedrooms. J baths, pool rC'adytomovci11 -lotsof & 1-'f;f<; l:ind. Opt'n :1ppcal for bc;ic-h & bay S11t fSun 1·5 . 706 K - lu\crs. Poss1hl(' llll'Omt' Th;inga. u111t 111 rear 1ncludcd in ilbo\·e price -for an 1.1n · COME BY & BUY believable bargain . take SHORECLIFF EST A TE ;id\·,1ntagc · C'a/1546-2313. 1-:lei:ant quality home in r-11~ •·1 v • u \'I.I" ·LHil" 1 • l'hu1<·c Cd\1 3 l>edrooms. [ ® li~Mlill ¥~t:~t1i1r~~~.r~~~~ ~.~!~~ ..... !?~~ 1~~7~:~ -~ 1301 No. Bay f'ront, 2 HR 111:1; 1''. C:-.t ''"' 1. ("ri\I lloust• & 2 HR (;:.iral(e """""""""""""""""""""""""""""~J 1\pl. S140.000 By o"·ner. - By appl. li73·51Cl6 ---J Br, lg yartl . 200' lo Ba ) lk;u.·h 889.500 by nwnrr Cl1>cn Sundays 675-7144 118Topaz. ----------- $99,500. VIEW IRVIME TERRACE Front ro'A' cw;tom horn\' un Dolphin Tcrraee "' /-1 HR. secluded S'A'imrnin~ pool , rcfh?<·tion pond, CUI' THIS AD CALL Pt:Rfo'ORlllANCE llE1\L t-:STATF.,847-~ It entitles you to 11 n ex· cJu..,i\le lour or a modt-1 -SHARl'i-. perfl•ct home. ,., sym LANDMARK phony of decorators dt' Lrg. <1 -br, z1 ,.ba. ('X· ti i:::ht. Quality customiz-t'('Uli\'e homl.'. only 9/rno ing. i''abulous "''allpaper old. Profcs. Jet'orated & Unbe l it.•vablc bar . Jd sc pd . UpJ!rud·ed _968 __ ·4_"6 _________ 1 lhruout . O"'·nei-"·ill Landmark Adult L'onllo. carry 2nd 1'0. Ull j!raded . B~· 0\\"0l'r SJ!i.000. 536-9KH7 --------·I FANTASTIC BUY NEEDS DECORATING This 2000 sq. ft. homl· ranch style ha!! -I b<lrms lge FR. formal OH & can he pun-haserl ~ubjcl'l ti 6 r; V,\ loan . C los l eno~h lo hike to beach S62.SOO. 545-9491 . --- TW0·4·0NE BEACH DUPLEX llachclor hidc-a"·ay & in c·o m('. Sharp ru s t1 ( 1·harn1 & contt'm1mrary Priced for q uil'k s:ill'. I IJlock to beach. 545 ·!1-191 . REALTY INC . 714/846-1371 --MUST BE SOLD \\'Al.KTO B~AC ll Sl'llOfHA<; AND SHOP· PING t>nly l yr youn~ HiR -I hr. 2 ha. Wet bar ;\l1cro-wave O\'Cll. Qui.c 110.ss e:-.~. Nu r1u;l11f ~ ()'A'nl'r \\Ill hl"lp fl lll' Sl·oll Ht•ally .\:JG 753;1 PRETTIEST on the BLOCK ExcepUonlllly attractivc uppcr 3 -Bdrm unit w /beam('d eeilin~ and peg & ~roovcd hardwood floors. Lar~c I -Bdrm lo\\·er unit. OPF.N SUN. 12·5pm ; 21212121 ~ On)'X. ne"·ly remodeled kitchen -and l'A NOR 1\~ll C NIGHT LIGl-IT. B,\Y . OCF.AN & ISLAND , VIEWS. Sl99,500. fct.' i .;,;.;,;;~~:;;~~~.;,; ;i nd it" a \"l'ry nice block too: l.o<·ated in m o~t pre· stq.!ious ar(';1 '. 3 f·{ug he\lrooms. 2 bath. formal dine. + private atrium off master suite. Walk t tx«1c-h, tennis <ind han ball l'Ourl. Con1p\ up ,.:raded for most dis· cnm1nating buy('r. Steal this fast. 11 'Aun ·t last ~ Call Ca.11 &i-1·7211 . s 129,000. Cur\'ed drive, 4 Blt'!t , 2 5.52-7172. bath~. family rentl'r -------- v.· bookcases, country LogunaS.och 1048 kitchen. warm \lo'OOd ••••••••••••••••••••••• par1cting. us ed bn<·k fplt'. SOLAR HEAT sto11t> tt"rrac-e w /\"le\li ' AND LAGUNA Jt;amblini; sodded lot A., A pn\'ah• plore for lh(' s un1e 6 ', VA 10;111 thou,.:hHully unorlhodo.,. S217 1mo. pa)'S :ill ' Nu llount1fu l vil'V.', smoked quahf~ 1nR' llurry ~Can '! ,.:lass. h;1rd\lo·1MXI noors, last ' Bkr 962·551 I hc.>amed <·eilin~s. ~ta1ned S&S Gracious Santa Barbara l\loclel with pool & adJ<. cent to the park. 1 yl.';1r Nt:w and ull the \''Ork 1~ donl'. \\'alk lo c:olden \\'1-sl Colle~c. Don 't "·;u\ VOU "I] OILS!> Ll ! • )(J'J 1710 l{t-::< I. ll(IJJC.t-:S nr:,\l."T"·o' REDUCED To S.16 .00U (or lh1.~ lovf'I~ I \'car old home v.·11h , sNludcd breakfast p<i1t10 ;1l su has a no quahf)1n \"1\ a ss umable luan Uon "t ~·:ut ,\Ou 'll n1ii>~ 1t' 83'.J-1710 REX I~. HODGt:S HEAL TY ,.:l as:-. "'ndov.s. :ad in fin1tum unusuals plus '1 Hdrm s. den llibrnr)'· Sl!.15.(KX). SPACIOUSNESS 1''am11y home "'/a room for t•\cryone. '1 Bdrms .. lar~c family room. laun- 1lry & stor<tge room. \'ic~· ;1nll :a yard (or the kid· dit·s. 51\9.500. DONNA MONDOR, REALTORS 209<1 S. Cuast lf\lo•y. 494-1081 TRADE-SELL Ext·it1nj! execull\"C home v.1th pitnOl"amic-\'icv.·s- for boat. land nr hum1· "'1t h1n 6 mal('S of Oran~1· l'l)unty a1r1)nrt ZAGllC>DZ KY lteallnr "\J-1 -Slil I ''our c·hoii·l' of S n1 od1·/, fli:'ean 1·1t·"· 3 hr, 2 h;1 1•u.~t (Jn or 1iff lht· 1:c11,t lnull hon11• H1•dut·ed tu CflL'HSt-; Bkr Hli 2:12:-:t 51:~1.!IOll ·199-IJX>l-l~l'J 1112 B~· ov.nt·r. :1 hr. 1·ountry 1,-.ine I 044 f1•1•hni.:. hnl"k f1rt•pla1·l'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4BEDROOMS THERAMCH $54,950 OIM'll bcurns. pl·g flour!>. din rn1 . sunn) k•l<·ht>n . \'H.'V.". \l."3\k \IJ bt":J("h. Si'!l,500. 4!14 ;:JUI REOUCEO FOR IMMEOIA TE SALE Charmin.c & 1·oz.v 2 &:lrm. homt> on th1• l"nd of 11u1et . prl\'atc 1lnvt- 11\'Crlook1n~ Woods Cn\'c. llwncr ll•a\·1n g arl'i:I S7 1 .~ The fabulous Hanl·h 111 lr\'inc! Shake ronf S\lo'Ct•pin.c cement dnve to portico entry. llui:l.' IJving room hosts c r;1ekl inf! "'hill.' br1 c·k ftrcpla l'C '. C:orJ,!t'OU S pa110 kilt"ht•11. 4 t\1n~ s ize berlrooin :-. Jnl·ludt•-. secluded ma:-.l('r Suitt· PAYS FOR F'ireplacc, h1 J1.h beamed ce 1\in ~. 2-Rdrm, 2-ba home plus :ipartment. /.Jn NIGEl llAllEY & ASSOCIATES 962-7771 lle<J vy ~-n1·C'rt.•1t pa11n ITSELF lrg. patio. Call for appt. Costa Mesa 1024 Iara vance ...................... . reaflar Colle_. Pock. 3 BR. 2 Ro , Jge fam-rm, newly de· • JUST t.IS'l'f-:O.fl L'RH't'' I unit s. 1n (•luil1 n l! ~i Callnov.•752-1700. :-.e p ar ;1t e ;ind pr11·11tc ;L~_ u [-i:li~tcili(11 1 J.,~t~i-:~t~~.~~:!~~:7: 61J ·~OLZ corat£'d. ~5-5741 S-51.5-00. ===~----------- Balboa Peninsula 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PEN POINT 4 bcdro0m 2 bath plus of- fil.'e . St('l>S lo boat launrh and plil"ale h;:i.y hca<'h . Owner is mo,·inJ: to ()reaon. 21<15 Seville. Oi>en Sat /Sun I ·5. Jf<:F~'BU I EHY REALTOlt 675-9111 $36,000 VA ,,t:HA FULL PRICE Owner tr;1nsferri!d. must sell lar~c :J -BR ranch house. 1\ssumc ti '": t'Ht\ loan. payn1ts onl.'· $142. ..., mo. Low down • .,. H1'gh on a H1'll m ent. lo"'· monthly pa y mt s. Call now . Enter t'his plus h :I M0-3666 I·---------bedroom home throuRh CORNER LDT the l"'h olnum . v;ew the ~~?:':".~~~;~ ... !?.~~ 4!2J.tAtJ> r.:::~~l0~:~ ~:;:·~,::~; E~,~~o~ififtl0~:;~' . --·-•••••JJ from ,111 l1 v111J.! qu;irltJrS. CALL IT HOME You'll bt• proud tu Qv.·n this Park 11 heauty. :1 bdrms .. 2 h:ilhs. <itlr:.ie tl\'C landscaµin)!, timt•tl sprinkl('rs anti a 1:1r~e p<Jtio. 562.500. 552-7500 red hill Si<."J.000 OPEN HOUSE S \1' &Sl"'.'l .lto 5 P~I 1·1!"15 \lorn1n gs111t• l>r St•(' un1q111· ap1ni1ntments tiiapprl.'t"liltl" ~Ian REAL ESTATE 900 Gll'nney•r $t 494 9471 S49 OJl6 DRAMA TIC HOME W1lh J!.Ui•st apartm('nt Sp3t'IOU.S .s h111i.:Jt·~ •I bedroom , 3 bath on secluded cul·dc-5:1c "''Ith .,.,1clr anti t">r1!111J.: nr1-;111 \·1r\\:o. 111.:h hr:11n1•il t·('i[ 1n g:-. & patio l:u 1•t-t a11urlml'Ol h;1s f1rf"pl ;11•1• \\':ilk iu ht·a t·h an1I \"llll!f.:(', 5139,500 Mi1s1on Viejo I 06 7 NiPwport koch I 069 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EMERALD IAV l.Jl'l' .,.,·1th !ht.' "''or11I <il ~·our ft'l'I 1'h1s ma~n1fi rient family ho1n1• 1s hid· df•n I)() a (jUH!t i:Ul ·dC·S:JC' Qvcrlookin1-: lh1· tlram;1th: panora1na uf La g una 's ru.:g 1•d t•n;1s tl1nt·. Spiral sta1rt·a sc lead s to ·1 li.:droon1s, f;in1ily room & gymn;1s ium. Gourmet kilchen has 2 dumb waitt'rs. 2 1lish'A·;ishers :irnl C('nlral island for lh1• ul11mal1• ul i•Olt•t•t:11111n ~ t·on,·rn1('1lt'\• Ju~t rt· I dutt'<.I to S29!J.U4M) TURNER ASSOC J 105 :-0.~~~~11";j;·:_1~una Trodi+ional Holidays l'h(•s tnuts b\" thl" t-'1r" and ;1 t.1ri.:t.• k1tt'hl·n l'na IJh· _\OU \0 l'OJ'l.I I our '111 n hnnll" Ii\" l'hr1..,tn1:1s. I l!r . .1 B;i.i !';du:-. \'1•nlt·~ llut·k lli-1•pl:1r1·~. pool t;1 hi.-111 llH· f;nn1l.1 ro~nn . p1n ~p11ni.: t11hl1• on ttu· .... und1'l'k l'nt•cd for )till at s1~:1.uoo. Spocious Li•in9 . -EXECUTIVES ONLY (}n~· ur :'\f1ss1011 \"u•j11's f1nl·~I l\f"LAhh.,l'houd1'. nt•nr thl' i\l1~sion \'H•JIJ Country C.:lub. ·rh1s 1.s an l'l('~;1nll~· d1•l'Ori!l('<f. 1..-.u story ; 3 hu.co balhroom~. I dininj! rnon1, 2 1 :i hath~. all sc•t :imoni.: to.,.,•cring lrl't~ and pnvuty ·rhe pr11·1· 1:-. :-.o right you """" 't IK'lie\'C' it' PRESTIGE AMO ELEGANCE Lt.·1st1r(• l11'1ni.: f11r a1·t(\•1• ;11!ulls 111 \11•aut1ful C:1~1a <icl -Sol. S!·t for ult11n :1le pn1•;11·y 111 :-.uftly rolhnJ: hilts v.H/1 ,\'uur o\\n golf cour~l'. '"'' \'l (·~ant l"lub houso· ... · rerr1•alu111 l'l'll• ll·r~. :1 :->j).l l'IUU :-. ht.'Clrooms \\1l h 2 batht- ~\l:Jr11sh lilt· !'uof l'all fur an :q11101ntn1('nl to !tt't" the unl.x.'l1c\'<.ihh· \'tcw. SUNSHINE AMO ELEGANCE ()nl\· $7!.1,900 for a rn.1i.:.r11f11·1•11t l\\n story t""l;ll t.' 1\·p1· h nrn P on hui.:1· lo! "Ith f'Ur\'l'(I dr1\"t•v.;1\ :1 hu i.:•• lt1 ·drl)(ln1.;, · J 1~· tu1rh:ic. p1'• ,f 1•:-.:-. •~ ul :1 11 y cl ('eo r ;11 l'd plu~ your 0\1·11 1•11~tur11 j;u·1.1111. 1\u c·o1nmun1ty .1:-..,1K'I01ttnn 11i11·s MISSION VIEJO REALTY S81 -IOOO 837-9500 ASSUME 70,o LOAN Nn erl'cht 11u:J/rfyu1i.: no new l•ian 1•1,~1s If this sound -: .e1wKI 1·:ill 11:-., ..., (' 1·.1n mi1k1• 11 happen 51'1 1·2100 fl I) Vt: It S II 0 U 1-: S . i::1laxy lln\l'. hy l)w111•1' l '111111•1npurar,\' HMtt.·ood & l;l:t'IS \"•1'"' llom1·. 4 B 11.5.'itMt :-.qrt u1uh•rro11I Xlnl 1 :iluL" 25ti ,UUtl Anpt. 6 lfi ruoo or l.><l•t·4&J 1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS' CLIFF HA VEN .> Jus1 y>1rdS rmm llarh1M ll1uh Sl·hool & SI. An drl''A"S t"hur1·h. ll\'1• sur roun<li·ll hy ht·nut1ful ro:-.l' ~arllens . In this :1 ht1.lruonl , 2 halh hon\+· "'1th :-.unkl·n liv1nu roo1n 'l'ht•y 11l·1·1·r last 111111.: 111 1h1~ lo1·;1t1u11 . ,\l uni~ $~.5tl0. L:.ollG4fi·il71. I '''" 1 ~·1 11 J1 '"''·''' [ ~ 1um11t1.i NEWPORT VILLAS Condominium llon1f•t 111 PresliJ.?.t(IUS 1 Wcstl.'l1rr arl.';.1 of Nl'\lo"IJUrt Bt•;u·h $42.000 to $44,00~ ~ l\o.:1lru11mo:. 2 Halh., •• ~··11.1 1' alt' dtn 1111-! ;u't•,1 •l,11c-nr;1lor 1\a// lo"·•" t·arfll'l111g l • f".n t·!u ... 1·11 r):1t10 .. 1 l1ah·nny •l'on11nuo11 .., f•l(';111111 M o I\' 1 '11 • Hl·fr1 i.:1·r .11or. 1 1·\~ 1nakt•r •J hcat1·d 1'\\1rnn11n i.: pools • Or;~pl'rit•s •I .rit;; hurn1 nl! f 1r('pl:1t·l· •Abundant 1·h,:-.ct :-.pac·•· \\"ith n11rrorcd clo . .;t.·1 doors 1184-1256 A Rath 1n l'\"(•r~· hl•1troom stud111 _euf'lit Sllltl' 'A'Jlh pn \'i1ie out!>illt· t•ntr:in<'l' Family Rn1 . "llh \11•t h ;1r & mcKh:rn k1tt·hcn ln1·l'1t .etass tup ran l!t'. :-.l'lf c·ll.':tll <l\l'rl. n11n:ro\lo';t\t' "'·en& h'"""1"u1 WILLIAMS c;ih111l·I~ Loli; nf 1•x tr;q l 't-:NTt 'H't':!l ICl·:,\L'I"\" l'IO..,l"I ~p:1 rt' & s loraf.:l' Rutlond Raod 1 .-.."E\Vl'fJRT Jlt-:,\L"ll • C:d1f. 9::!1-i'~I ,1r1•;1 .~ J 1·,1 r .e araj.!c-, MiPwport 81Pa ch I 069 ~trN.•t lo slrl'i'\ lul fnr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sal(·~ Office Phr1nt· 714 /64S-837 3 11n 1·;H'Y s1;1>1 .5oo 111x·n !!oust• f-'r1 Sat. & Son :!·5.111.1.'l Blt1C'b1rc\ Can) on "' Motural Cedar :-..:c'A' 1·u ~ton1 l'r;1rt 1•d home 111 ltanl'hO L;iguna Drama\11· t:nlrarn·c "a) leads lo ~lt•p 1lu'An h\ 111~ room. 11ln1nl-! rn1 . f,1n1il) rm. & dt.·n . 1'1•l l.1 ~la ... ~ \\'IOdU'A':-. 1·on1pl1 IJlt"lll \111· v,'c)O(l & _el;1:-.~ ilvt·or :J 1·;11• g aragt·. u1Ht1·r i.:1·o u11 ;I ut1hl1«:-. k bf".1llt1ful 1';1 n\'on Vil"\\' S!'.11'1 UtlO ()ix•n \IOU"" Fri S:11 . & Sun 2 .'i. lli:1i Bluelnr1I Canyon Dr MA YOCK Corporation Laguna Beach 494·2 t 46 NEWPORT SHORES J lldrm ,\. dt•ti. f1,1•r upper ('h.,11·1• loc-;llu•n ' \\':ilk lo l11•arh . ponls, H·nn1s (Jnl1• S.~t.~IOI)'' C" YWOOD REALTY •548-1290 * 11 Burn1nJ.1 ·rr1·•· J •• cn ~·. B1~t ';1nyo1n ELEGANT EntertaininQ IAdultsl · DIHl-:CTl(l:'\S. Frnn1 Hu· -"••\\ 11orl Bild . Fr11' ~outhtnli!hSt .lur11\1•l1 nn 17th lo Hu1lan1I fl blu••k 1iai;t lrv1nt• 1\\"t• ). turn lt·fl :. o lh~ of hlot"k le N 1-:\VI '() H1' VI J ,l.,\S. lk•a ut 2 story 1·nlo111 al hotnt· \\'I\ 1t•1\ frnn1 C\'t·rv rot1n1 .. 1 hr. 2' ·ha . fau 1 fill. ~llllrtKlm . (1\'l'r!"<l/.1'11 ~! •·.1r 1!;1r . <;1•11. J11111ulrl .11·1·:1, I' 1\ h1•;1t . ('11!' p.t110 h~·;111t . l ~1n1l.,(·;1p1-ll ,\: frt·~hl.\ p.~1nl<.'(I , ~1·.1 1•.11 1. 1>7J ·47Hl or \~]JJ·ll91i J75 ----- ,\;o..;11 1.1\']'\f; 111 \111 .. :!X'~I sq fl . prol<"~\Lon.ill\ d ,. (' I) r ,1 I ,, d :t I\ d la111t se apcd '.l ·Hdrn1. furn1al d 1n1ni..:. r.1 ri1ily rm h(Jmt.•. P1M1l. J•H·11111 • f"nr S:1l1 • hi tiv.ner l)o\•t-r BHl} llll 111 f.1nt .. .,t11· ..,1·t· Shon•., · Ha)'t·rcsl 5 Rr. t1n i.? 3 C.cr ::,1r:1L:(' 21 H.1. h1•;1ut pool & v.· / 1· 11• c· t op,. 11 ,. r s. J;11·11111. 5~rl.50()5\X·Ol20 Slt!5.IW)ll. ----,.,. .... p! ("r••:--1 l 'n11 do h~ 4 BR DUPLEX •• --• ••••-or r('cre;ational vehicle Cool off in a carefrce SO. OF IA YSIDE We're here to help access. '1 Fk'droom.-.. I,,~ I!..~~!~951\ll for SJ9.500.I •--------· BUY \LCICJ'llla Miquel I OS 2 , '" r11·r S.S·l .!llJO. 1•001 . -:p.1. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .,..""1.,;-;:-;-;-07;:;;-;ui I 1 t • 11 n t .., S • · 11 n r I :-. i• _ baths. !'lparkling mo\'e-in -.... --------or leasc-opl1nn 1·1~ .,.,,llh a 3 Bit, 2 RA rental. 8790 dn. pays all t•os t . Ln eondition <.:all no"' for 81 JUST LIKE HOME 1mrr.at·ulule. re nul<1<:1ed Only 1''7 rears .. old . ofS21 .800.Prinonlv.1Hr details. m I I I ·1 lfahomcin spi«n '~pan hon\(• l'om merl'i:1l USC" r~eaturing beam ct'1hngs. Condo. 9'J8·789'1 . ~·Al Jl!ll!lllif!rt ; • , , natural v.·OOfl and brit•k l ~~l~ll~~~J;{~;i~· ~j~\:O~•I ~~.,.~l~M~·~~~~~~~~~~~~· cond11inn. p!('nly of up -f'>fll1ooal Exc('llenl 1nca ..... _ •• • - -• i::radin,I! . .crc~1l l<1ndsrap-l1nn : 1\{C . 2 hdrm . l t:'xturcs an<l 1>t•rfcct J\lesaV('nJe -By0'A'ner 962·.44n("'')546-8103 · kl • 1.... 1n.iz . s 1>r1n ers. '" 3 SQJ .OOo location.Call64·t·7211. Tri-level 4 br. htd/pool, bedrooms ...,,1th a ~tudyl.;.'"";.,,""""""~""""""""""""'.'J Lseopt.179,500. Prin. on-and a living kllchC'n 1" /.Jn NIGEI !!AI LEY & ASSUCIATES ly · 557·067-1 : '194·1522 $1f!l!K & FINlf SirWlaiton ChurdliU v.·h~l your look in.I! for GA.RAGE SALE 115, one just like the home of Buy this Ra raRt' and with CLASS! f'IED will sell it. "H C ONSERVAT I VF.VRO 1002 ELCYCNF&X ··················~···· ...................... . your dreams and for un it you get a l\lo'O bt•droom dc r $70.000. and in o"'" your o~·n unit with Vill aRe Ill 'A'e have it 'A'hilewaterocean v1l.'w ,2 Ct\ LL FAST -This is a block!! to b('a~h and ma- supcr home -and a jor s hopp1nR a rt>a in suix.•r huy. SQut h LaJ::un:1. S.1'J.500. LE RAISOR Laguna Niguel. ~ CALL NOW ''""'1 ". ''" ''"" the choice community ·:7~ /,,.L!7~5~2~·-7!-':J~1~51Jt 11 i1.o -.... , 1 .,!,~,~~uLIE.,Xlni· ·t•<m. ,..,... Sf1t·1. S"l'IHUI:"!; DONALD M BIRD " · <'h ,1rrn111i.: ~ ln lrtn. tr11n t s 1>ol nn prt·.,t 1 i.:1•1u s A1<o<oot,.~ 11Po1to" 1\]r)n;irf·h 1{;11• 'f1 •rr;11·('I-----------h••U..,•·. h.1 s l:1r~t· 11\'lll ;! "'tlh JK!) 1lt·i.!rl'l" ncl·.in 111' . 11 1trp1r·. Spiral vo"<•w . S1,.-.,·11111 .. fan1il\ ~1.ur1·.1 ... t• h'atls 1!1 2 l · For Cl~1ssifn·d \d 1 t I room. ·t-BIC fflrn1:.1I 1l1n AC'"l"l<lN \t r rn 111 ·11 1 11111:-.1· ant!C. in$! rn1. 27110 Sci rt . ,11 111tll )1 ~1nor;1n1 11· \'i(''A'~ nf f:(rC"al fa mtly ht)mt• C:ill:i li.1y&11t·ear1.Sl 25.000. Sl2l.500. Daily l'il<>t 1'4EWPORT BEACH 1.a}!una l\'i~ucl Healt.v AIJ-VJS<Ht REALTY 496°4040 830·50SO &t2 -sr.;o 675-1642 5~5-3 261 ---------N•wporl kach I 069 N•wport leoch I 06l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I UTNl:LSONO A. Rll C ll A.RTA.UDT ROBOF,CLEN\l' t''-'l"KSBHTf.UA. L£ mtl"l'!k;i!l't;:; REALTY ~n~~ ot99 ·2800 ;-"'-• ~ZJCampus Or .. Irvi n(' t.. .... ,.., "/ filc~,1,~~'!!.~,.9~~ Rt~ALTORS 644-7270 BIG FAMILY??? •want to do your own thing In 0 EASTBLUFF? Fix up this 5 bedroom, fireplace. 3 bath home and enjoy it ! ! Only $76)100. 7821 f . Coost Highway, Corona de! Mot • p HOMU rO« UVl!llC MDWOIM -' fl• oll" '" ·~· \HI .. !UN ~·•,.ICI .. ,_, •O••• .. .. tSTSCBLGICA.UO.fA TR 1.FA.LGMRATWTURBFHNN! TCJMAXFMRHrAL8 10DA.U T~A.NCY~ESFftOXOTN P LQ \ROLDHOR!THEF1CRffTO RHMOIBHTftYAMECODNAft &nj>v Ml&th lu•tl •• Ii. 6 f'\nd'" pUlaltt •Ith nvtr Ml itl-f'l"i.t !>"' peMI In •n •11 -new ..,jff nl 2••S-P bao*let1 Thmdrrmlu111111 I, n •l'Hf nt .md SI fM..uh, m•lllnJchttli_.. .. .. · .. :• .. ,, • . C;implr.i \'alley Shop Cir -OceAM v1Ew I~ -~ ,_, CALL 8 ll-16 00 Builders Closeout Sale. ""'-'lllV~ -• DECORATOR'S 10' C Do"'" or trade your ~, home for one of thl'S<' : . ' HOME 's. \,. .... fanta~tic view homes -~ Lovely end unit Julliard +$2000 tax c r edit . -3 bedrooms. plus hu!Je Broker~ welcomt". Al!l bonu.' room -owned by 499 4611 a professional interlorl-'-'--'-'-"--------1 desiRn('r. Ready fnr your EMERALD IAY famil)' lo move Into and Excellent family home enjoy. ()pen Prt /Sal/Sun 'A'lth pool. Childrcn"s 1-5.18201 Ul4ybt•rry. pl:t)' areu ; os>tn beamed LE RAISOR cc;1 ·,_. c3'Y •·•lk to b1.•ach. Lennis courts. & REALTY pun\•. •I Odem • . 2 b<ilhroomi1. $138.~ ·tmf~:J lJ•YS Or . Irvin<' TURNER ASSOC. Campus Valley Shop Ctr. 1100 N st llwy. l.ai;i:una CALl 833-8600 494-1177 ' OUR HEARTS and HUMBLE LOVE say 'Thank You" most of all just to know You ore there llt>len i\f Hush It As11<1C 's 32325 So. (;0:1!'lt I lw y. 499-4584 493-2S 13 ELEVEN lmROOMS!! In a brand new 5 unit apartment development. All units have private patios. di s hwa s hers, was hers, dryers. ranges. ovens. Lu s h landscaping too!! Presented at $185,000 to the discriminating investor. A COUl'WEU IAHIH CO. 644-1766 • D8 DAILY PILOT * Ho.oMt folnohl•d Ftiday,November28.197?1i ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ho-.M• For ScH Mobil~ HOtM• lneOtM Property 2000 .Wwporl hac.h l 169 Hwnt"4011 .. ec: .. 3140 Hew rf leeclt 3269 Apa lwww•h ,_,...... ........... •••••••••••'!':'!:!'!•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••· ForSol 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••"••••••••••••••••••• por ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• ••••••• ••••• " .. Costa ~ Jl24 ~wport ~och I 069 ••••••• ••••••• ••••••••• RED UC ED 2 Br, winter rrnlal, $23.S l~F;A.~E 2 br, I YI bai adult $31115 3 Br 2 ba xx ljte )'d Co&tll MHo 3724 Cost• Mno Z ••••••••••••••••••••••• . Open 1-IOu!>e Sal & Sun ul ~ $?50 mo Cptd · f ' ' '--·· ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• U F'X WI i'.! Uarnn~t nn 24xG4' 2 $ OOO 00 26 33 d , d ·h , Id ' room or<'am1)tr&<AN1t. Offa.lllhttPotll n Pl .. TJISJ .11' lir,2 t1a,f.1rnrmw /u'('l 6 • I ~ I r St urfr . wa,,cr. ryer . 2826Jr\•ine.6"6·88153orprtJU r 2 br2ba CASA \'tCTORIA . Bdlf'.1rrol l MO·~!'Miill h·ir 1111 riii .,1.:c lt'' r. !!nit.~ Eai;tsull" CO\'\lll 11 )871 ·0»!9 re r1..:1rng. 008·l290 or 54.S-7628 ~ ~·~ uri:,;. ..... u llllS J,2.tcJbr,Ot'lu"e Unfur. I, 2 4t 3 Br. Adult.s no lla:.t1n ;.: ... &·f'111l1•altilr:<> 1 ·, ·,, 1 ... ·.' -968·3301 Ot' 1· ren ,..~ · · ort'\lrn.ga.•/wtrpd. prts,dshwhn,sha1epta;, Jfl J ;1'' ';1r : ~ :-t~;11 l'llo:!'la. l)wncr :.;tyl'i rno11e HornetUnfwnN.twd NEW 3 Br . 2 .., Ba , tit ;.tureadults.642·5848 Mlults·NopetsSec."nte closed garage, frplc, 11\lll\()lt VIEW llC)til fS Adull l .1rk ,SJC. $l l ,l•JIJ no.,..•, hl··s got another ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.ikl' new 3 Br + Fam. T h , IS p-·• --I vat-BBQ Gas & wa(cr • ...i 4!.11' 17'1' t I Th C I M l 4 I ( I A.. • wn mP . on acre HOMEFIMDHS UVI ,, ... ~ ....... r .... . ..... l'urtorino. unm :u·, 1 !Ir.~ ' · ·1 • __ t'S<'row o <' 01Se . esr °' o esa 22 \l'n, rp r, nr. uams 0< park, view. pool. jacuazi, "25 \IJt:toria, 642-8910 Poot . llJ. (uu:.lil"I bonu.; r111 &. (tpo•n lh.1u'c r·ri S.lt Sun units (·~·en h"vt! a spen· ••••••••••••••••••••••• l~ach Ul,•d . '375 mo. ii1aun1i. lse $37.S.&4G 2700 • •642·9900• * U MAMCHA A'1S tuft, s:n !)lw:i for. qu11·lo. :-.;\!" HI 1 Vui 11 l'ninph·ll'I> d.ihl ... Th1•y ln<Jk s harp f'1rt•plae(", 3 Redrm .• z ba , ( a1~968-9331 Avail now mobile: homP 778Scott PlaC'e, C)I unn only, i; In 1;J•1 t_ i•.ui\t,·i!. \\' w ( 'rp\.,, nt•.,.. now but 1( .)'OU'V(' J:Ot llu• r11t~. d.rJ>!>, bltns Soper , llr 2 Ra "am, I<m Be nut Ir~ 2Hr, 2ba + ofc, ~ HoclMda De Mu. &U-6073 uri,:1·.~onll·flxinj!up<':ll'l lor at1011 Sl50/m r P111t0b, frplc, w1.1l bar, ·l·hg · 160W Wll C.M 0 f t ht1t ,,.,,11t•r h1'.1h·r. u;tl k tu be dunt· ;\IJy con:-.idcr , . ·., ·. 0 · Bu~h11r1l Adam!\. $.100. ( · b In b 1185 • "°"' · cean ron :-.hot ... l'.1ll~~.t ~:1 t'xl·h;n1i.:1' 00.1<&.Sru9fi2-1!fi lio;l11i>t lS200dcp.968-7202 . W i t>. r e r1~. pool . A ari;a !l r C'°5f'dG'croqH MEDrTEllANEAM 1,,,r11•·'1 & lit'"\ rlupl1''0; 10 'ol -- -Wtr /xa~ pd. Dbl .:ar. BEAUT. GROUNl>S VILUGE t ""n Srt·1l.11·ul ;1r Commerc1 2'llr,fn r d y;:1rd.i::arllJt:r.23&·1 hrCondos Tennis Adult s, SS2.S . Ph : 2brun!um.bltnsSl70 ADULTS·NOPETS Br 8 &Den 28 2 , ... , ... 111111• , 11·"' :: 111!1 111 ro~ Y ,., UDI h•ldr•n ., t><'t' $2IO Studio a1•t $150. Good !!'IC . 10 n1 lnutes lo ocean.' "e. Br Townhouse. Carpets. P rt 1600 I IQ 'I l 'lllll'l, coupll' only No 1')u11l'l,l'l:IUll:t,j:u·u7.:.!I Nr. li7JM97 l , l r , r. ,\ J h·lr11 1, \•1th 1,,nHI• ••••••••••••••••••••••• w• Plac• , ~-825~1 rir.V1<1 -;,.ool ' ~~1111~.:.; tili8 ·2297 or IJl,L;F i''S condo11 ; selec· S!'p. unit on pro~rty. 1 Ur. SIM. G:ts & w°{;fer drape11, !lrepluct>, 3 rrn , ~. h.1 L)1.;, 1 lrplt·:. ~ \loit••rn ... 11l1t lt·••·l $\o.ooo p L· tH1n from $425 to SOOO 6'73·1GJ6orevr!l 642·:-,0st; Incl. Otapene5, <:arpelJi. pools, 4 U:11n1s i:ouru • ••rl• I 1·:11 ~1 L!•'' .. 1111111 1n ... ,11::1"1 ~11 rt_. 1·!•':1r ~r~1n rap~f~~:~· ~70. 2 Ur. yurd, C"fll!ii, HOMEFIMDERS Ai,:1•nt &1>1·113J l!llS heat, 1as stove, air gym .sauna.5. , 1,1111 I Jn••,t 111 l'\l'I 111\lll• .. n .~ .• ooo :-.q ll 1_.00 CX1._11,1 N,wl'OltTlfACM drJllll 160 "1l "r.1 ontcV1s· DCllKlroint 3726 conditlonine . .swimming 2400 11urbOrBlvd , ttunJ.! • $3!)41 l.Mltl 1.111.i S!.l."1.1"~• t:1646·AAH.l : 5.15 71;2>1 • • 642·9900• • l)N 1'HE BAY pool rec room ww.shers Cosl11 ~1esa (7 14 lM7-8020 1.!11,1-,0 s:Jl~,oo 11r:1.1• ll.\Vt':$100.000 lbr,ut11pd.1'1 m1bch llrout. Apt, 4 Br, 2 BA,••••••••••••••••••••••• &dr).('rs. ' ---· "~~• "''"P<H l i'v•I 1111 11 ' J BR+ DINE NEWPORT $74,500! :-.ti f•l'l'l ll l~ t'••rilt·r . N•·i-d uillt,1n('l\1.nowt MESAVERDE .... hg . beamed cell . frplc lllG 2br .2ba,$250.Util -. · f ESA VE RDE areu s1;•1 1~.111 No 11,11111.t 11,.e E"<c'hll.I! 3 flr 2 Ha. i:r1\nt•r inti 'd 2 br rondo, child /pct ok dsh.,..·shr S550. 673·~719. ' i o c I. Near be~ ch · \JEW spac. 2 hr. 11 • ba, Home ;ilmospher~ 2 & l m •-..,.~--·~--1 •rk Stt·incr Jn \'C:-.tn11 ·nls S'r75 mo [>45 1,iu;7 496-0195 nr960·1142 l,3tio, ~ardcn , Adults , no br dlx aplS. S46·10J.t ~ti"ffil9 •~129f;i.t; llurry_:.!hrdplx,(ncd)'d N~~:~~~:.rz~~~b~:: Hwttinqtonleoch 3740 pets$215.fA2 ·1G03 QVIET2Ilr.crpts &drp:.. •rr.""":i \"Miil' 3 BH . 2 DA tlltn~ GoodJllrlnanrbeuch&s hoP· $l25.M2·91'i66 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW UST SIDE V.'alk to s hoppini.t ctr. Co•inqton 4-Pl~x rrpt,, drpo; i,1k1· :1 moclc! pll'l.I!. ~t:!5 1111, J.,f'. Isl & nt:AUTli"UI.. 1 br furn 2 Br & Den, cpts. drps. ~tature adults. $195. J80 Choice Huntlntjfon BPach Ar Pa ~EWONMARKET huint.•. Dlth· ~:;1r. ll&i' Isl+ f)i•p \':u·ant,evail. apL">Sl70 &$180.Sp;1nish bltns & dshw.shr. 5275 Roc he ste r Apt. A, l)r1 ~111al 0""flt•r huy111.i:: 11<)01 O""ncr p:1ys pool 111unt.'(l,9till8 19R SC91Ckmeftt. 3276 style bldg, pvt enrl gar, 6-l2·6243 675·6S27or675-2797 1Jp 1nu:.t ~··II. Xl11t ll unt . s •·r \'. & J.! ;1r1l1• 111' r ••••••••••••••••••••••• pool. s uuna , lndry, ndlts -- 1\1 h t1u ·.1t 111n t .ill (jUlt:k· 1:u; :f.12ftort•\'\''· S.19·1.$:1~ J Hdr I I J hath. 1·ondo NE\V 3 nr 2 Ha lult. CC111<lo 17301 K1·c:lson l.n , I hlk MESA VERDE ncJfon Be-och 3840 1141\ll·:s · 1.n\\I''' IJI H'!'ll 1 1 •.~f ,l l ('nfll•·r ('lf11n 1.1 ... 1 .• ,,t '<1:•of""-' "1iiiliiiiriiiiiiilliii t'' l 'h ·11 ,,., c• t (' ll C .... h ff SI ••••••••••••••••••••••• . -I re• 1 ~-1 II' .,...,.~ 1 1 yo,; .-.u1t ;1~ u: .o ouri;e W. 111 H.c ac o atcr NEW 2 Br. 2 Da . adull nR 2 0 .. ••·ple•l. Nr ' \1u11.11 11 1u tr.nt' 11 .. 1rlol1 i 111t1L: :..<1!11 1 r1·,ul,·1111.!I :, Spendobl~of noµ('I S 5275 >l,!,H8J20 C>1't'.1n View. Tt•nn1:rt , 8427848 apts .. LJ:c bt"autiful in· l'"nt>."::~pl•, d bl ""'· 11\l!l\l)ll VII:\\ •!.,(•r entr) ~\.1 ,~1 \1 1 111111 to f(c•,,.ll t..'.ill ll kr SBSOPttYeor l'nol, Suuna, Pl'rf. for 1 1 h 1 "' .-. ~ .... , r.11·kl1n i.: f1r.-p! ... v .:ri i:':l •di>< C.:onllo Z HH . llW. dryr 1-'.Xt"f'Ul l\'c:. $350 mo. r\irn. Stlldio 1 hlk rrom 4.'norsopento us ""'a er $J20.Nopcts.540-4"84 ~p.u·roius ft1rrrial .i111111 i: --Principals Only! :ind "·11:.hr, r1•fr1.i,: .~tovt•. h<'h. Water pd. f'rplc , land~cap1ni:. Evl'ry <'On· 11 .. 11n . \·:1ul1t•d 1·i·du1i.:, 1 5 700 Sq.ft . 549.0812 or Clubhous1· /11<1ul f;11:-11. 492 rilti9 dshwshr, pool, jacuzzi. 'e\'ivable e"tra. titust S('C Just ComplffM! c.,1rd,,11 \ 1 ...... k 1!1 h1 •n I M·I Bld9. 12 Units 646-671 O Aq~nt A\'.\IL l>F:C l~~r. i\lt:...;A S22.'>. I n10. ti63 ·4567 San ('lcm<'nlt· & Ilana SJ85mo.M6·7336 to :.i pprl'('ialc S.l55·S.IG5 . 1 Lt, rtshwhr, frplr. en<·!. 1!11•.1lo.fa :-t tl(•"l {;,.,,.j r«nt.d ;1r1·.i Lu1 South (;ua~t ln •l':-lmcnt 11Jo:L:'il 1\H :1ntl::?B/\ 91;:z.2111; l'o1nl. $375$550. Ne"· ti1ESAVi':R IJ1'~VllJ.AS . garai,:c. p v t p:iti o . ~··c·l 111l1d clu uhl1• d•u1r 7U'l2:!-I ~l:.'!1 ~~10 Fl'. 11 11. Childr•·n OK I in 3244 luxury 2 & 3 Br lrYlM 3744 ISM ~tl.'Sa Ve e n\'C Adult!ii nopcl!ii 9f.0-1934 11 .. 1.,11·r su1ll' 1.ari.:1· ! bt·dr0<1m I huth t·ach "\t·a r 1111 ~t·hools. S:r.5 n e Townhouses . Oceao ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:a&l. 1714)540-8871 Just -·· t .. ·i!rnon'" Ht'd\.\.l)l)(j(pl' i ~it;:J!i2.'l,t·~•·:-.~lg·l 5:ll lrnrn $3 1.7(.i(I to $.10.!IOO n1<1 5-l~1;j4f1ur li~2 -M\Xl , ••:•••••••••••••••••••• \It'""· Crpl,.:, drps, frplc . $70 "'k or SJ00 mo. in· W.ol~tesaVerdcClr.of! 1&2 HD. Ri:·h, J)Olll upL~. , i l'd 1,,,11" Si•J 141 Sul111iit rt.,1!'ori;1lilc of. ., , -BF.A UT. San J oa.qui,~ pool. jat·ui.i.i . 2 rar j!al'. clude!li m:ud ~erviee. TV . .llarbor lil1'd. adjacnl. to $175. up. Adults, no pcL'i. Lachenmyer t.1 ·11 1•1•1• 1 .dl IH'" 7(o2 !7l HI f ,,. n kr >I'll! 41''1 lllr · ~ ha · 1 oul, l>h 1 Tvonhmt> L:.rr.:c 2 Hr. 2 ' 213.4:10 K~I 213·59R 8'1!.14 sauna, ,. aeu11.1. pool & C.M. <iolt &C. Club 536-7031 " " Realtot ---[~ THE REAL ESTATERS J Condominium• flown· ' .. ~::·.~!~~.~~.° .. ~?.o.~ ll :1rh11r \'11•1v il n1n1•.; (';1rrn1·1 n1•'11h·1 t·a1111lv :drr 2ha. 11.,.. n1 •1 r.11 11;1~; S~ Clemt'ftte I 076 ....................... 'J'\\'(l F IX EB lll 'S Largt• v11'"' lot. t;•H)(I 1n i·omt• poll'nll:il Ul ,1kc ll( fl·r. HORTH LAGUMA COMDOS h1lr111 uru\.; from S.'ll .•~HI ·12U L'.• pre :.~. Nt1rlh J.<1gu11;1 Call 675-7225 ... ~' f~M ·••lf ......... ,,, ···~· t ' • • -• i.:ar ui,:c !l'IH.:i), fn(·d b.1•'~ Ba. 2 s ty. \'lt•w ot golf phone 1717 r:. Oyer Rd. --------- 3 TO 18 UNITS ~;1rd ~150 1no G·lli·5Ull 1·our:-.~ & l ake . $550 Westminsttt 3298 Irvine 540,1515 VACANT ll>?e 2 hr, 2 bll . '.'it•w & 111•.•r Ill'.,.. lax ,ht•lt••ri·•I prop.·rty in ap l'l'c•t·1uln1g <1r1:a . Sumc l':lll 1"111:.l' ·7~, LIOMS ESTATES .'>3f.·2.'>7!f or 592-5010 Welto11C&Cot11pa 11y " < A ' ' ~ '. J H+i\\kd.•·s !..Ii 7U44 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----1 studio, R/0. OW, rrpl. '' I 3 llR 2 BA L----~och 3748 big sun patio, pvt rloscd HOME"IHDERS L••t• N'l'\\' T.,..·nh!iie, 2 Hr. rep ac('. ' · -,--·-II ·1 I' .--.. <'PIS, drps , bltns. OW , •••••••••••••••-•••••• j!ar., $300. mo. A ut1 P.: • •642·9900• * dt•n . 2 Ua. frp le. 3 KIT'CllF:N C e6 22nd SL. A~. No ft-t•, 2 br triplt·A .,... /yd & i,:ar · t'hA · 2 br. gar, kids/pets ok Sl9J. 2 br dupl<'x \\.'/)'an! balrnni ... ._, dbl ~ar. Nr. lovely fl'nted backyard, . . apts nt resc 846-4938 Sh ·&Ut'I r,.i7 •,J5J $3 50 /mo. 96l ·45G9 entll;iy.143.5 N.C!iit l-l..,,·y 84&-IJllor · ops _ ·.: · __ ~11:2·21 IG l\ea.s. rates. 494 ·2508 1~~al21~~atid'~i';;~~~l~I~~ J>c1u"e J Bd . 3ba Corldo. Me-wportltach 3769 Pl,..ECRIEK )l•lc;. L. .. ~ 979 0493 l'ool. JaC"u r.1.1, secunty ••••••••••••••••••••••• LIVES UP 3 Br 2 Ba , xtras, $259 mo. Enrl'd gar & patio. 842·0389 I Ratc. washi•r/dryer. Will $.IO WK UP 1&2 Bdr & 6 UNITS 'l)LLF:Ot: l'/\HK 3 Br •RENTALS* C'ot1sidC'r 2·3 wom('n, No Bach. Color TV. maHI TO ITS MA.ME din. Hm , 2 Ba , 2 l'ar i::ar, UN IV . PAHK t•hildrf'n unde r 14 , no scrv. pool. THE-: MESA Over ~.oo trill lrl'C'~ and 2' Rel . pallo & pri . yard 2 blk beach, 5225 . Avail. rlN'. 4th .. 008·0652. . S UNITS s""'lmmin~ llnol. S:l80. t $375 O /Rk .Ji~ N N t Bl Nl! IO s Ir•· a rn :. w i I h SUMITS 2437 f'ordh an1 l>r . S<>t• 3 Rn.2 ba.honus .... S475 l><'S · .,..·ner r r · ewpor ' .... a1 1•rfall:. rri'.+!1• a 1 11 I t S t i"" 24 t t )7J.IO"O 4Rll.21h.b:t ...... S-1~ Ue ffi. ij!JJ.1351 or ;,1 1 f,, f~l•i·9681 ri•Li:.Hl i,! ~(·ttiu i.: fur 2 Hll. 2 ba, di" s tU(io, an! snm<' con 1~uou!I ,;1 . """"· · ·.,.. 2 1111 "h:i .. .,~, 8Y3 ·471fi ask ror J erri ept'>, drps, bllns. D/W. •HCHOl•GE 111 '112 Itl<' i' · · --·"' ' · ···· ~ K k k HF.1\Cll·l.5F.·ADlJLTS .•uur i:i1Ja l1uu:. Ill'"" I or · W pd ,... ,,.. 1 1' ~:.. " s. nmc , . TIJ L''rt;HHi\CF. u u . gor .. pvt patio. tr . IHVESTMEHTS I l'a:-t.-.i<lc 1;7~.t~). 1 t.ASTSIUI-: h!l' house 3 L --------1 S125 !'tudiofi15·1MiSaflcr 2-bedroom ;ipurtm<.'nl. Nr. Goldenwest College. '.\ 1.1,1<:'\· HEAl:I'Y Hr, 2 Ba , crpts. dhl J:a r., 3 JIH .2 Ra . ·· ...... $-125 Condominium• 5 J0.1oor.1ct'addc n From $220. t'urnit url' ll h S 1n I );111u1n Sm. pet ok. $240/mo. 171~1496-7711 _T_•_X SHELT-ER Lots forsalr 2200 S:Jf;(). l!J23 t'11 ll 1·rto11. 21 anc 0 : · 1 • Fumi•hed 3400 avuilable. Small pcl!ii 675.6551 l!l ':"L',AN•\SOU'l'l l '"L"E'V"E'L"R"·'l"L'O"T•••• ~1L~_',·01'1:. ur N H Bl\'<t I 2 BH .df'n,2 bn .. S455/500 •••••••••••••••••••••••I llr furn w/iaraJ?e in OK . /\dultfl: only. Ol'(1re 1----------" ...,.. 2 RR . 2 Ra . . ..... ~ N 5 . ,. . 1 f'ludin.i:: util. Steps to heh. ''""" " uo ,. r. oo 2"'"' t BR apt. 1 blk r,om Top Buy TURTLF•• ROC'K <'W an Juan .... ap1s rano ~.,... ... .. •. . .,..., '' " _, 2 B 1 & 1 $225 mo. Wint1•r re ntal. t" , .. 'W f<d Co•,l ·o •· h I' l ' b 1 " 3 BR, 2 Ra ., .... ,. •• 1450 ro1 x10, r, poo aun· .__.. __ 0,675_7,,.., ,11 .. 11 . . · .,.,ac . a 10 or a rony OPENSA'f &SUN.1·5 ()('fo'.J\N~l!Jt-~ 4 ur possibly 5 units . l.:irl;!e 4Br house. NllllS ~ .....,......., ,,., " \ [,I 1 ( I " CU l.V•'[l0'LL~ d....,,walk toshppgadults til esa. Phone5-l.";2JUU. avail. J{e( & stove inl'I. flurr y on !his 1n1 · COl\li'L t:TEl.Y rur· 1 r1•:1 o ul'UXl' apart · 11sl., rp e,u1nrm .. new L ,, .-_ 'J I t 2 Il l• I h t •II • l l • .,..,~ "7.0626 J nR.21J,• ........... ~s nopets493·07ft6 F'urno's hed. Newport MEWEASTSIDE _c_·p_L,_.d_rp,;_.St75.960-31140 macu a e · " 11•11t• nishcd. prnf(•:.s ionHlly n11·n s. "''' 1ng a a s · pain ........ , ... ,,. ""---\ .. ~· hom(' in b('aut. nhrhood . drl'oratt>t.I n1odel ~ <S-1.0oo s1:~sl'<I valu.~... ---VA.CA.MT WAT .NUTSQU/\ Rf; Condominh1m• Beat·h. 2 bath. Ideal HOMEFIMDERS ()(·('on view, firC'pla('l', inve ntory) i lllt. 11.na 1~1G-J9ZM.1•cs,S48·3.S6t. 3 RF:OltOOl\1, 2 bath :tRl{,2h;1,1\/C ...... $33S Unfurnished 3425 heath loratiun. Yrly COUMTRYWOODS **642•9900** ;1ndanx1ousu.,..•ner~<Jnl} s ingll' :.lnry condo homc for rf'nt"'llhlo"<'I'· 2 11H,2 Ra .......... $325 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1Rl'a s1e. S'.t7 5 /mo. J ones 1br.2&den,splitlevel. A 8£AG £NTt:RPAISES CO ''3000 I' I I I' 31\R.Z Ha ... , .. •:J!5f".,"· e11 ty_lnr.673·6210_. __ W00<l l>umin" I-le. ""'all .,... ·•·HOR• C ",nc· osf't i::i ral!•'. 111 111 (·afl)('-IS. dhll' g;1raj!(', h1i.: l 'llE COl.ON°Y ......,, BOOKIE HOUSE 11 1" bil · ~ r-A ,...Ml l\Jlh "'rOUl!hl ri•ni·t· & fent·t>d ~'Hrd . F1r{'p[;11·1• K1nddcsrribt"d in hooks. &u·h Cott, I~ yd, dbl gar . 10-wa crp · ·Jn ap- r OCUMYIEW g ate. /\dull lo\'1•r •HI J too! S.125 /mn. <..:all Ai.:1 2 HR,~E~:it1~~~~~~~ S600 ·rn .. -es,pool ,fircplace. redel', rurn. $100 mo ll}•?nC"es. ~Tom $2.30. 180 2 br w/balcony k garai::e • r hj? · 3 blks heh. 2 br duplex n u i I rt t" r h n s j u s I ~· n m ~ 0 n i I Y · r o 0 ,1 · L::~J!un ~ Ht•h hrt"athtak· 5-lli·<l l<! l. Pu! Lini;:: ,grct-, gurd.:ncr . t.1nture pt>rson pref. 314 _F •. :.!Isl St. M5·9543c· ___ , 3 br 4·plex. rnrd yd. gar . R EDUC t~ f) the prt ("(' J~Cu~.1 1.. t•lub,hnu~('. Nr IOI! ot'. vu. lr.i::. Jn~. O\\inr . ---. --.-.-.--.1 3 R~f-~l~l~i-~G'E ·1;;\ R.K$i2.'i Clubbous(', 2 story La_ .Jolla. Or · Newporl Adult 2 huge bedrooms. --l M ~! new 2·BR. 2·hu Villa ping r1•11t1•r \\'alk lo hu:. ..,1 500 ·~ "'l-22 l2 rcnC"ed yrd Ho ut areess · a ··········~ ' ·· · 10 "~I ·, P\1 II 213 . .-~ · I SG,700.onthis lu xuriou s F.I C.unu'\o lla7a s hop \\,cons1d.s ubord1nation 3 lld , I b.i. Sln\t'. l..g JBRZb •tor H·1rkBay i'·Sid<'t:~1 J1£•1,i::hts SceSalNo\' 29 $170nn,....I~ l nquireapt I . .Jo • .. ""'·"" .d & k 1 l lkfrm. 2 Bath, Den, ,,1 • • or ra C, 568 W. \\1ilson I 1 .Patricia eondominiuni. lfl<' 30 m10 . to S ;1n ----K.1 s ·pt'ts o .<..:oscto 552 7500 Bltns,$395.pcrmo 623 1131or 213 ·900·10S4 l·Willhe\prinanc(•lfl t'lusc l>1ei::o . J\vail . n ow •• S1\N CL t:~I ENTF:'S 5C'hool..;.S.1.';cJ.54G·7945. • 'l"earlcase.s.v!-~3f. :>TUNNING 2 nr 2 Ha out Xlnt investment at $3l,!)0(1CQJ\IPl.l:-:TF:.1l\' cxrlusivc s•tOHES -¥ --;-:---:;-~ --.--red hi' II ---------1Bri ,::ht 2 brbeac hapt.Call p:arden a1>t .• l)ool. rec.' I only $49,800. l>WNE ll. !i'lK·JWli 1 'l)LON \'. til ag11ifi1•('nt Jl,\l,t ,Clli'.ST 3 Br 2 Ha, Towtthous~ owner after G collect. room $205. 710 W. lMth St. REALTY INC. c1141B46-r311 CALl~492-412 t [)upli I \'11•w or occan. s urf :1n1! rT.Pil.', no pets. $300. Unfurnishrd 3525 (213 )691 ·8323 RERTllA llENRY On~,;.es 1•hannt•I i!iilands. ju~t lflO __ Gd I~·· ~5·~ t'ealty ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----3-7-7-6-11 Br 2 Ha frplc, patio, -HF:\Ll'OllS itssale 1800 ~·ds tolw.1u l1ful '''f. ST " 21lr ... ,,.,., .• ,.,t~.nrl9th ~ '•---------tSanClemente huge elos ets, pool , Children We-kolM' WVELY I. 2. & 3·BR's. Soml' s lud1os, frplcs . - hltns, lr~. patios, enclost..'CI garages. ALI .. areas of J-L B. I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( k .. " • """'" I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• adults. pet OK. $300. /x>aeh, f)1~1· " a ~net :ii & ti1 aplt'. Isl & lasl mo MEW pd SanJuan NE\VIJU l'LEXES 11nly S5;,i ,001l. tALL rt'l(,,\dults.iiil ·S8lO StlldioApt,ulll . S-ffi.KJ!Yl. ______ _ Capistrano I 078 DANA P(J IN'r ·l'.!l-4121 ---· ----TOWNHOUSE SIOOmo. - ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Rr /I llr Sf>S,950 BElr flll\ 11 EN RY ,1 Rd . &. fo'<im rm .. ncwl~· i''/\NTAS'rlt: view of UC I. Rl'nla ls 2 bedrm·S2f.5 . '192·8804 av;:lil imm!'d. THEVEHDOME Be!iit buy around. 2 tri· J Br/2 lir s;u,9~Jtl HE .J\l.TORS rt•n)Od<'led . nn pcto;, kids 1lark & hills. Rancho San 15 tillnutes to J\each. 8 <-t • 3780 J " r.2 " ~s O"'• J T •nh<• hu• 2 'l•'n. ln ,, .. ,·ne lndu•lnal ~a a\ftO lllt•xcs ""'ilh O"'nt•r's u111t • ur ur ..,, . -1< ----uk. Hefs ;1 mus t. S.J95 _ 1n· ouqu1n " · ~. .,e " • "' 3 li;::l' bdrms w 12 haths. frplC". patio & pool. C)u1t't artlt untts aeross from (.;osta ti1 C'Sa P ark. ~75. 645·3381 or 837 ·9517. 1845 Anaheim •Al.SO • LARCr: 3, & 4·RR homci- near i::ood schools 1n dl· !iiircd n e1~hb or h ood s. $3.SO&up. 0 I J I rt 1 'h M .... 10,·n D•s•rt h & d 2 b t"°•7 fl' "uo'ol •ul·•••·sa•. Pn· ····•t•• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 1..oratecl on tul·dC ·S al' n Y • f" a ('s c• • • C"\ ""'ater & gardener r t'n. a, ·"' sq, · "' • • stre<>l. $1i9.!150cach. pri(·t•s. S2tl0o. t:1x l.'rl'1lll. Rttorl 2400 5-\8·3337 . lli ~h reil'i::s. frplr. 3 ba ck lawn a rf'a with llomc & 1n1•nme, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ha Ironies, pool & rt't' oran~e trM'S. Adults a nd A.MIA.SSA DOR IMMS ANCHORAGE \\'e!iithay tntome llomt"s lllr. BEAil, New 3 bdr hy I'ool home 3 hr. 2 ha. ar('u. l blk to golr rourst>. O\'t•r 16 yrs OK . l .nrated OF AMERICA IMYESTMENTS 34121t:sl ll.,..·y,496·3"31 owner. rirrplat't'. vi£'.,.,. frplr, bllns, dbl i::ar. $.1110. mo. Heady now '. in Tu s tin hC'lW Ct'n TWOLOC1\TIONS HO FEE ---------- 1714149(..7711 lnc-omo-Pro-~rty ZOOO ~6.500 TEHl\1S.R.10·1917. Colle.i:::e Park ArC'a . SJ!jS, G-\O·M:lOO Newport & R('dhill (off Wf.Jo:KLY R,\TI-:.~ r-~ 5"18·4·1i lor540.:JG66 -------Sun Juan St.). No Fee F'ULLSERVICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• RIVER T URTl..EROCK. never 54G-4141 . " ~·ou_R SEASONS ~p·rs 3 BR, 2 BA, large apt in Spar1ous 2 hr ~ludtu. IV:-4·plcx. Patio. bltns. :""ear ba, pvt p a tio, pool. f.lli st B eac h, $350. Adults, no peL">. Sl95. 73.5 536·8&36A,::t . Santa Ana I 080 Dm'lo Point 3226 lived in. 2 Br 2 Ba + den Z27l I-I arbor, C .~I . ••••••••••••••••••••••• J U""ITS PROPERCTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Din. Rm,. Nr. pools & n.-1...xnUnfurn 3600 2909Bristol,S.A. J"'I 5 /\!'res on 'olorado ~ 645-4340&540-2300 BRADFORD PL. ..'EWPORT ri\•('r. Suitable ror de· New 2 Br C~ndo, Ocean_ & parks, lovely lndscp'n,e ••••••••••••••••••••••• WALK TO BEACH Joann St. 645·0332 ·------- CON J"'I vl'lopmC"nt. Will finance Su nset View. tennis . $4 50 mo. incl grdnr. 2 RR. 1 Ba, Crt ~f. no 2~1. f'CA~l.!Y~j· 1 & 2 Br. epts , dp r~. DO HEIGHTS by pnnripal. Prine. only. pool. $320. 714 ·833-4fl69 K.l.'1·2252. childrl'n or pet!'!. $275 mo. ¥ liiwt"h cw a s, bltno;, i?:ar. 221 tGlh. 20~ VACANT ·3 8 r.rcdlK'l'd 5S7 8'l50 nJ da y~· 7 14 -49G ·8174 . . 644·6800(Susic) l.htfuntishecl Sl!ll 645-IZO.I 15t h S t . 347.3957 0 to $32,900. llome is \'f'ry 0.....-ner 's hnmc plus 2 un· ____:__:._ :i __ pm. u·knds~ 3 AR , 2 RA, i'Tplc. Rn ck ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 5.'12 2064 536 3058 c·1ean and ready to mnvc its on 4 unit lot. O"·ner L..AHGJ--: lot in San ~toritz , RRQ. ProL Lndscpd & 2 bedroom 1 bath eaeh lalbo 1 land 3806 E. Side 2 Br, !rplc, small ·-~'----~-- 111to, \'ery r lose lo the says he m1~htjust \;1k l' t"r•·,·t l•otc 0 , .•.. ,1_ All FowltCMnVall•y 3234 Fcd.S375.mo.54&-2464 rrom s.14700 lo $40900. as child OK. no p e ts. -a Beach 3148 · d v ~ l· I · ' bl ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·0461 aft4 ·30 wkn<ls ~-· pool . Owner vt·ry anx· yourpropcrty 1nontra 1' ulllities in&riairt,walk· •••••••••••••••••••••••.,. .. 3 h 2 b OW ~-.u1 m1t reasona c of-.,. .. 1 1 · • · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ou' and ·11 d d ro·nan"c the r•<t c d r 1 4 BR 2 B .. .;,upcr r, a, · re-Bkr 898-4121 .... per uxury supl'r g 4 . n. . 1 w1 cons1 er an .. ,, in g distance to Laki• .on o. p C". . "· hl!ns, cpts, drps, beaut '"· • · Br.2 Ba .l7J2sq.rt.frple. STUDIO apts, all ut1I pd. ·~rop a J)l'bble into the any terms. himself. L('~'s not yutk r.rt'~or•·. Vcry nit'l'! 1neltls Assoc. (<'('!Ii & l andscpg, 5350 /mo. 2Br. lBa, 1 C Gar . West sunken tub, dshwr, gar. $160. mo. 859.W. 19th St. Qcoean from your Apt. 839-1710 abo.ut ask1nJ! price, !l..'IO·o\a-14 .or :>40·6410, ask c lubhouse . $3G S/mo 963-4S679G2-2116 C.fti . $200 mo. 642.1371 S460mo.673_6454 . 642·34a2 Lease.J~uxury,secunty, REX 1 •. JIODGES thats a sore s ubJl'Ct so !or Dw:iin. 96345679f>2·211G ft,1ature adults 31755 Cst REALTY J\L'>l make a real'onable -·---. Logunaleoch 3248 an..5wkd)'S. Coronadt'IMor 3822 ''Tllt.:G/\BJ.t:S" llwy.49'9·283.'i · · 5outft---L--""..,=0=---'--1-0-8-61 orfer. Can close lhis ye:.1r Out of County 3 bcl, 2"'-z ba, air cond., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br w /gar. Adults. new --~-------~ if you·d hke. Property 2550 J!a rage door opener, self Clcl'anvicw 2 RR. den, 4 Apm l11K11ts FurnfsMd rpls·drps·bltns·ro cd yd. pacious 2 br, 2 ba, dbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAGMIFICEMT OCEAMVIEW Buidcr ·~ custom homc . Close lo bc:u·h & pnrcd below rcptaccm t"nl cost. $81,7!!0. ~ffi!l.jtl Wntminstw 1098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWNERS 4-PLEX S harp, immacu l ate n1a nagers builrling. Very private grounds. patio, • ---------~ bt~ trees • .,..·aterfull & lots or ,green ! Ofrercd a t low 11rice of ~7.000. Agent , 5-l!l-tlfl12 or fi46·fi710 ••••••••••••••••••••••• elean oven, crpts, drps, de<'ks . Lease Ott. l, $390 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Waler paid. 636·41 20 garagt>, view. patio. $3G(I, 2 Bed h d 1 1800 l'qft . S3~i0. mo. mo.D•"•" .. '~.··•·7211 aa.oaltland 3706 _...... 2439 OranRe "A" $215. 494·820Jor 5<16<W88 room ousc an SJl-SOOl orR.1l ·0282. • "' ,,Jr;~ .... ~ v "·"room hou<c on R2 lot ••••••••••••••••••••••• • I '"-" · · p · · 7'I BaC"helor unit. Bltns. ~nod Br. walk lo town & ~3.950. $2.~ down, $175 :1Br,2 ba, frplr, bltns, dbl anoramie ~ean view. 3 Yrly 2 Br, sun dk, wsh· '' J!::.!.:!.!._ area. Near Fair\<iew & b('a<'h. Adults without mo. o .... ·ner \1111\ f'n rry 1st ,i,:araj?e. cnrl. yard. $380. br, 2Y:.-ba. din rm, frplr, dry, ulil pd. Couple, no Baker. $145 /mo. Adults pets. 497·288'1497·3109 T .f>. 4139 Tc m esr ul , S.U\~'17 l or540·3666 bltns, full leni::th decks. ehildren or pcl.s. $250. CORONADELl\1AR only.545·1882 II o m c (; a rd en s ~mo. Ca ll 549·4464 or Avl 12·1 675·45"8 aft 5 ----'-----\Ocean\•icw 1 Bd. N. end. (C ) Hunti_..on Beach 3240 5S9·5'151l. wkd)'S. _ 2 Br To'ol.·nhouse, frplr. rd orona . '"f' Pool. lenn;•, •on"ncnlal •2 Br. I ba, Mc.'Sa Ve e. new cpl & drps. ell'1·. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""' .. u Ad It 1 $200 I I I'' blk t Real Estaff For Lease 3 Rr 21~ Ba FOR Ht:NT. Spra"·linJ: 4 lal»oaPeninsula 3707 breakfast. Some Ot'can & u s, no pc s . . rp c. garage. • ·s t 1 ExchClnCJr 2800 Formal Din. Rm, Fnm'. BDRM, & DEN HOME. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Catalina view!'\. Close to Rerri g Avail. 833·8974 Reh .• $275. 673·3731 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rln. with rrple, cust. L_r.:. sund.cr~ with ~:ean CLOSE TO BCll • 2 Br, shopping & fine beach. OAKRIDGE VILLA _5'8_·_'804 __ . ------ $100.000 F.quity in San <'rpls & drps. elec bltns. VIC'W. ~i_.u l~·ln hr aoge & parking, avail now, $225 644·2611 · 3 Br, 2 bn, bltn!li, childre n Whilcwatl'r view, fl('ltrl.v Gabriel Valley inct)m(' watersoftener.Lgeheal· OY<'n. · is ws r ., w /w mo/win~r673·6640 • welr oml'. $225. 858 W. oe.,..·2br.2 ba&3br,2 hr1, property ror bea'r h or ed pool, w /maint. inc. i·arpels & drapes. Cenltt MS 1197 lease $280-$300. Block to ~ C nly ,-$400tmo. BEAru View. pier. 2 br 5 Br. $475 mo. bltns. & · · bea•h. 494 .3383 or v• ange ou ncome Walkin ~ di~tan('e t o ....... ~ property. (213)444·4025 schools, beach, parks & J\IJSSJON REAi.TY $325. l br · S2.J5. Adult!ii, dshwshr. 2 sun porches, Front duplex, l Br. adults 494.2339 or <213 )962·0038. Brokers li ghted t l'nni~ <'l. $450. * •494·0731 • * u t 11 . pd. J 0 3 E . rrpts. 673·3231 /5J8.38J6 over 30 yrs. No dogs orl_::::.:.::::::_ _____ _ prolC'1.'lt'<i. Availlmmcd.9f>M-8068. OM v · 2 bd d l Yi Edi:;ewater.1·871·2866 DI 2 B G d At eats.5"8·2720 BACHELOR apt . So. S45 .000, Sm:ill trailcr -iew. · en. x r ar en P · Laguna $130 mo Afler6 1':1rk. Desert lint Spnn,gs Tr rnndo 1 ~ br. primt> Villa.i::e Real Estate ha, $100. 71'1·626·4169 or OCEANFRONT 3 br,2b~. rrpl~, nu rrpts. p:iint. bte l STORY 2 bt. J ba, slv & call499·M , . Say hello to a good buy!! t~1\'f'ly Sol \.'1s1.1 hnmt" 1-:xecllenl floor 11tan 4 Ucl1roon1s. 1 ~, h.!lhs. lart:<' cornt•r lot l.uts uf (ruil tr~~S . ('O ~erc d patio, I8x IR 1>:1n 1•lt'd bonus room In i;::iral!•' Ne;ar everything, Only 849.000. JOspac<"S + 3 trailers, + ocran vu. $70.000 loan NoAl!<"nls r·ee ' 2!.~:990·0999. v.-lntcr renta~. $385. ulll. patios. adlts, no pets. rcrri~ .. enrl. j!ar. Adlt.s,1----'-~----- 2 s wimmin~ pool -. R1A Wi('('1.orek R E aj.,1 •F.dinRt>r/Spnngdalc L-aHills 3250 In c l . Avail. 1 2/20. $295.075·0632 nopcl.5.$21.5.548-6920 OCEAN Vu I Br,1ncl'dall 494 ~22 -"]!-· 673·4724 -.itil & cable. Sl95. Sngl _..own ... r 's Api1 rtmt•n\, · -------3Blt,2 H,\ .. SJ3.'i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pvbll. I NB'ot'PHt. !iUndk &1 Adult cllx 1 BR. D /W, person,nul>('l.s .494.'7'98G Su bmit dn . o .... ·nl'r RralEstate •l\l a~nolia /t:dini:er Ne...,·e rhomeinLan.Hil\!1<. · HOMEFIMDERS tn.o;. wy, use o rerrip:, frple. JCar, pool.----·----- .;.1;i.ZM1 Wanted 2900 3 BH. 2 U/\ ... $310 Sale Ilse or rent. 38r, * *6424 9900* * garage. $?10mo.644-40G4 No pets. $190. J 97S Luxury J bedroom, Vi c"·· •Holl'la /Urookhursl 2b bll $290 A 'I b h ( h ••••••••••••••••••••••• a, ns . mo. va1 2 8 1 B· S f 11 , Pomona.6424435 near eac • rene '' III 962·4471 (t:;: 546·8103 uuv roR 1..1-.:ss Now 1 i'';1!lit nsing prop. \•alut>: r:.Cl\.1.,nrpk.the.,..·tr 2. 2 Br houses on lfll . pr1vary, l g bk yd . 2 patios . $58,900 pnn uni~·. 5-?9 7248 Newport S.oc:h I 069 H<wporl S.oc:h I 069 ...... , ...................................... . fiac~1~~!12~~ HAPPY THANKSGIVING! FROM THE SALES STAFF OF COLDWELL BANKER A C()U)Wll.L IAHICEI CO. 644-1766 I OVN p JUR,2 8/\ ... 1325 Dect.(213)330·9752. r a. · 0 W), doors. open be11m s . \ roperty in •Bolsa/Bushard 8od)w/sundttk$135 adulls only. No pets.1 Br Jort , bltns. dis· garage , laundry , lnglcwood, llawthornc 3BR,2 B/\ ... $345 LCICfM"aMiguel 3252 ·ehg-127.S. 407 Helltrope Ave. hwa~her . c pts, drps. utilltlea. $325/manth. or So. Hay Area ? •Garfield /Brookhurst ••••••••••••••••••••••• Move now! 2 br, furn. 675-8303. '$220.642·6243 •94·7551. WILL PAY CASH! l BR, 2 BA ... $.135. 3 nr, 2 ba, yard. $325. w/gar. Walk to heh . Ph. TofttD'Ale11ondro •AllantafNewland GOLD REALTY CostaMffa 3824 ! Br l:V. Ba. S350 rull UP· Woodsy Separate Bach. T.D.PROPEITIES 3BR.2 BA ... S315 495-465Jor83l·2700 CostoMHa 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• graded, cpts, drps Apt. Util pd, $140 mo. f21ll674.0001anytime •ftlrf'aclden/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, patio, gar, bltns, 549·2006 Jmmed.Occ.497-1035 Brookhurst MissiOf'I Vieia 3267 Sl7 .SO WEEK & U, $2:.> Adult~ 2346 'Santa 1 or Ci l4 l 846·5221 aft. 6. "Ylll. 2 fiA ... $350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Studio & 1 BR Apts Ana./\\'C 833.-8731 •EXTRA SHARP. 2Br, Oceanfront barh. Avail. Rentals •Adam!i /l\f o,gnolia l'rrind nl'W J br. 2 ba. +Tv&MaidServAvnil ' · n1.1 cpt.s/d,rpll, redec, now. 1200. util incl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• :I RH .1 B/\ .. ,$.12(t rrptc·. cpti:, drps, patio. •PhnneServ. lltd pool 2RR , 1 Ba .. Pool, 2 A.dulUi laundry. kids ok, St~. 536-0321 Houses Furnish.cl •til t F'adclentNewland pror. lnodscpd yds. rnrd. •Childrl'nScrtlon Max. S255 l\!o. 16328 See_ m gr # 2 · 16 2 ---------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• o!HJl .2 HA .. $360 located i n $75.000 •l'°"·monlhly ratcs. lowa.54~·4l:JS. · Shahmar.536·1~7 . Ocl e~~001t'0'1UllZl~r.1l bK~·1 >'~: BalJoa Island 3106 • ~l r F'addcn /Hushard n el p: h bo rho od, w i I I •SS OF'fo' week's rent ;;;.;-Pomona new /\parts Lge z Br, bltns. crpta. ~;" o1c:~~ · I( 9 -. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 DR. 2 RA ... 5375 sacnrice for $JS5 mo lo w/ad Only 1 ll'ft 1 Br crp~ drps, close to bus . 11hop!5 1..::=c:::::.:::.:_::;:c;_ __ _ \!,'inter l..'Je. F\Jm. 3 nr 2 •McFadden /Springdalr ri ght party. 331.3927 or 2376NewportRlvcl,C?tl drps & bl(n:i;. c31t for &schls.$170,631·3014 Mewportleoc.h 3869 Ba. llay(ront homr. $.175 4 Blt.2J\,\ ... $345 837·5178 M8·9'75SorG45·3967 Appl &15-0521 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '4·1thout pier : s4 25 . •Rol!iia/Springdalc · l..gc 3 Br 2 Ba, "lesa de\ w lpie r . 615_1217 o r 38R.2UA ... S33S Hewporfleoch 3269 •EIMGcrdns• Lge 2 nr 2 n.'l frplc patio "tnr a~a. $230. 1040 B •Dll.Ulft. 675.289867s--4ooo. 673.0000 * Edinli(t'r /Springdale ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br F\Jrn. $185 mo. Mo\•t encl gar n~ pet.S szOO Valencia . .s40·7823 Eastbluff 3 hr. 2 bo. ~r. 4 BR. 2 1\/\ ... $335 . llG CAMYOM in for S26S. Adults, no ~ · • Incl. apae ma!lter !'liale, Cos:toMna 3124 •Magnolia/Edin~cr 38r3BaTwnhae&2Br3 pet11 . 171 £. 22nd St. Br duplex. crpta, dl'lJI, din nn & dbl gartrt"· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR, 2 BA ... $315 ea Twnb.se. &44-1395 642·364.s 2 Br upper, encl gar, ad Its bltml. SIM ma. Adlta, no Auto door opener 11val1. 39 S475 9fl3-4567or962·2116 only. no pets . $185. peta.Availnow.548-4160 Pool "recret1Uon area.. r, pe-r mo. JJcautiful flarbor View California Atmosphere i SU-0760 Adulb! only. no pets. 642.-444!'i aner 5 :30 Prt1 4 Br nc-w l.aCu<'StA 2 Rn . Jtome 3.4 Dr, 3 Ua . Bonus nrly new complex orre LARGE 3 br, lower, sh pg •F«OM S332• IM"ine 3144 no p('lS . 8661 Rrooksidt' mom. t1 rt>al patio. S600 lo srrve busy people 3 Br, 2 ba, cptl, drps, rrpts, eorl. patio. Nr. 86SAmigosWay,NB ••••••••••••••••••••••• $~150 mo. 1111 & la!'I + SN:. mo. Call 714·8&4 ·22<15 or F\Jl'n b:ich !'!t art at $160 bltns. $225. mo. M9·l470 OCC. $2:15. mo. '5.52·45'6 644-8064 or 536·l487 for Rf'nt f\J rn. lJniv. Pk, f('(',963·2()()7~r 495·6375 _5.S2·4441 A~I bdrms ."31·2216 or751·9SZ9 ALL ulil pd. L1:e 1 br. Mana~edby lr\•ine Twnhsc:) Br. 2....., 1 ri.1 M J\C 2 Rr J Ba . 2 llr & Den, 2 Ba . patio, 1 Rr mobil e home $15$. l BR., cpls. drps. p !W, patio, bltns. r e!r lJ(., WIUii;m Wttltcrs Co. Ba, $\85 mo for 3 mos Twnhme. Adults 0111~ pool & tennis prlv'g.s, +util. M8ture ndultoolr. stv, refrig, no peL'I, $150, shag, 1180. Adutt11. no Ba ( Avail , J)ce. 20. Call Qult•l areo . 122.S mo. walk t o b r h , 13110 1991 Newpo rt Blvd, 120 ··c ·• Shalimllr i>ets. 2013 Ch•rl e . yfmnt~Bd.2 Be, P v 552· 788.1 or 552-0328 163·977 1 &<> "'"~ 646-8:173 fi46.-•" &t6-0l l2 Beh " pier' $SSO. yrly • ~ ~w 979·1935&644..UlO : .. L t. •.. -. - ff. ij .. •••• ln n ... ... -My Pf F1 7'1 C• Ad< p, Ca 7Sf ~ Cao n> '" c. •• 'i Hc1 ca an -Ap ••• ' ••• ' ·~ I " t • •I •I •I I •I •! •I -- ' • .. , - 2 3 2 4 " 3 ~ c L I - I I • Add lt...Bujld il ... Dlaper it ... Hammer it •.. Carpet it ... ~ment 11 ... Wire it ... Hoe it. .. Clean lt...Move lt. .. Press IL.Paint it ... Nail IL.Plater it ... Flx It ... SERVICE DIRECTORY * ' ·'i .. w,....... · C•pttS..lce .t -Gi•1r .. 5-nkn I t 'I Mau1ed1 b l r ' Mat,. f'lumli'a g Roofiftg .....................•... ···················•··· ······················•· ..................•...•.• ························· ........................ ........... . ....................................................... . Jn my bome. R~ltible, de-Shampoo • ateam clean· !LECI'fUCIAN.Sml ,., ANDY MAN-Homes iii •HAUUNG • t'bon:lugb boutttleaaing lll...IG REPAJRs.AU.TYPF.s p<ndabl•. lru:d yd. lov· , __ Color b . b·-. I I •• I I YARDCLEANUP Sl••• ............ ,,., •PAI ... * l'ku1•1iMJ n r .. u lnccatt Ref•llW2·S219 ..... "' -C'l"ll. ma at/rep.a r1 . 7r1 Apt1. Conac ent ous ti Uts9'71 m5Try C-I• h ~u. retH , c. • · whtcrpta 10 min bleach, e•plZ!:atOIMB·s.201 Craftaman.145-tMS. ••$S&.0.147 •• Mmc•t el • lU -,--I Wa\t~anytlm<' rtly home. A.II hn, fllll or Cle:an llv rm. dln rm' MtalthClwbs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prot. Painl~. lnL • Exl. Waler healers , dl~· T SerYk PIT. Nr. Sunflower & ~I SlS. Avl rm 17.50. ~E~ECJ"RlCIALWNORKj b CARPENTRY· ••••••••••••••••••••••• P\.wnla"1a-Planters ""'·M' work & tta•. Free posats. drall\S. faU(el.S, rtt I' • • couch SlO, chalr SS. Gu •••nt/repa rs. o o PAINTTNG · -r ~ copper reppes. l>ay & ••••••••••••••••• •• •• fs~-~ lew · J 1 J' mt tlim. pet odor. Crpt re· l001m1JL531-0C:m MINOR REPAIRS HAMCYS OUTCAU s.!!:1t~~crn5~Q';;LI ett. 7&l.o&MJ)t8·2'159'. nllhl tervlct1. We t•lre Rr 1 moval!f, ,limb 5 1n4 . PIOP· "':;;;;;ii;-----1 pair. 1$ yn e.xp. Dow •Freet:.Um1ta• Ma.ssa1e.C.ll Ref't,'tAlt. "8"°414 PAPER/PAINT. 20 yrs MllrCharse. IJc300&48. P ng. pruwn.g. pUt in~ c .,..o111 m7>etl. Rtl•.'31.0101 G do • .... 1408 12 13 1421.0574 npr. Ne<d WO<k. Sa•cA JUST 1'1.UMllHG ft<ewood. n5 conl/d•I, •••••••••••••••••••••• /CMCf"e'h .. ~::!'!°!1 ••••••••••••• Havlnc a CHRISTMAS ~ WllLIAMS6SONS no wall. Sati•faellon •CALLSU-4111• lic/bond /lns.642·2182t . Qlltw.~~J>~~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ell:pr •lawalltnGardener PARTY? 5 to 8 pa.. W ••••••••••••~'·•••••••• ~~mZ'.·&11~~~1:,k l\dl', J)-cent84S-tlll5l V..'SPLUMBING CAU.549-41.$8 Drict&block. Yd.Cleanupa&i.H•uling play the old ones&: WanlaREALCLEAN '*Ho.MPMtfiag• •646-9807 • ---------1 Drivewaya. Sidewalks. Trim 6: pnmci846-4CSTI new. Call Red &ta.:N.12. HOUSE? Call GiR&ham MoTi'911) Ext. &i. l.nt.-Worlr. Ouar NOJOBTOO SMALi. Additions, Remodelln1 Curb & cutler. Pool JAPANESEGARO!INER Clrl, Ftttnt.a64S~123 ••••••••••••••••••••••• by lie 'd/bonded pror Dlal DINct Patio•. Panelini dt<cks. Wa)ne.&t.2·8673 lOyrsea~r aUph&Hs ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOUSECLE NG !Hovlnc/llauUne. Student painter. 499·4131 & Any Plumblni WAier CabineU, etc. 492-97390 Re bl i EIUmales • ANI • w/large truck. Reas. 675-5284 a«vlce. leaka. morollte 642-4321 7$0-M60JackorJohn. or ~~lf~l lt3'7 Fest .Dellvery, hauU01. Sy reliable couple, 1ood BarryS48·9'1Z1/8J9-5m · l"n <:los ures . lltas . ••••••••••••••••••••••• • movui1 &i. tln·ui:-. S7 up. relerencesS48·6211 . ,....... ,At.,,.W &12·i16fl. t0'.\.ofrw/ad. Call Callect Cual.omCabinet.Wakln& Attn :holidaySpec.FreeExpert Japaneae P'reeest.MZ·4.S9'7 Th hi ~IOVING ? 2 exp men••••••••••••••••••••-• t'\nisb. c.~nlry~u wall, ceil 'g insulate Gardener . Complete HAUUNG&CLEANUP hoor:u! 8~ c$l~a!. Y~kr move you. Reasonable/ VERY NEAT PATCll Plum.bet: Repair, install SubS<rlbe to the pean traina1 S411-.......... wJea. add on. 645--3439 yard servlcn, t'leanupr1 . Reasonable rates, Call u·r 11220. Rr•I• .... ~~"'. · rrl5. 875-7572, MZ-8481 . JOBS & R ESTUCCO. serYicehoes, replpe. O. Fr l u7 2210 ~ Fr .. est.-it-. Gld~y."2·9315. MlNORl!OMERf:PAIR Docl<loog 6155 .. ., ·~ · · OAVCO linl~ .. ~--"'J --n ewtpop•r that Plumbina-Carpentry •••••••••••••••••••••••Rich's Yant Service Res H ULING l ~per Japa.ne:se lady de·••••••••••••••••••••••• OR.AlNCLEA.NEDl6.50 Ceramic llle.st0-5560 •~--1--JW---. Malnt /SodJClean~rw & Al Fr' movSlnOg sires housecleaniag. PETERS PAlNTING PATCH PLASTERING Eves, wkndssameprice coven your hometown best ••• l"1rpenlry. Finilh, Re model • Repair. Reu ratm. Call m-0379. -~ __ ..,. r-c eanup. om pe R e I l a b 1 e . N d s Guar ~-7380 Dttorative waterproof hauUn1. 673-077S Free I oa d . Dependable . transportation. 64.2-4389. cl"a'1'1 Ext·Re,u Rates ••ALL TYPES•• coatin1s over est. $628118. Gene 1 ~~ Ftee 'Ell ~ DRAINS CLE.ARB> living areas Housecl•mthNJ PAPERHANCJNG_l ForCluslfied Ad Al F1xture S.S YOUlt Hometown Daily Newspaper 3 Vn. Guarantee G....-.al Strtkff SI 2 a Lood 963-3447 979.9039 20 Yra. Ex pr. F'tec Eft. ACTION C..,..Serlice APPLJEDSYSTEMS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Getridorunslahtly Refs.813-8042 Calla ••••••••••••••••••••••• lie 283642 (213)726-1651 TRASH & DEBRIS Japanese woman wantsl--'-''-'-'--'------1 l lh & 2" lines Sl2.SO 3 &r. 4'" main lines $15 Yard sewer ilnes $15 hr. DAILY PILOT Repair Or Install you --I 00 IT AU.! Coil. Student•S48-M28 day work. Uve in HB. No HOUSEPAJN"flNC Daily Pilot carpet. t'ree ests. Guar-SELL ,idle ilems with EleC'trical, Plumbing, trans port a tlon . Gd . tnsidetOut. Hi·qual/low AD·VlSOR Statelic 1301027 anteed labor. 645·3274. Daily Pilot Classified Ad. etc. Reas rates. 64.2-49$7 ~lFIED will sell it. work. 536-4285. rates. BJ'UC'e 645·s.316 &'2·5678 Call540-1687 A#Oflw•h ......... .~.~~!' ..... ~.!~ otfkea-tal 44000f:fk•Rftlfal • 4400 ''""._... Lost&Fomd 5100 HtlpW..W 7100 W..W 7100· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,__,,_,__iaw SOI S •••••••••••••·•••••••••• •••••••••••••-•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8a<"h. Apart. S. Laguna "J"t'V"•-•r , .. ________________ _ ,..,,..,.,.leech 3140 Newport leach 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $130mo.Call aner 6PM. 1501 WnfclffDr. NEWPORT. fu ll servi<"e •••••••••••••••••••••••LOST l ate Au g, Gold I" 499·3531' Ne'>'·port Financial Ctr garden orrice suites, DIAMONDS Pearl 3 charm Bracelet . BOYS AND GIRLS 12 to 15. OH BEACH $100 IOHUS Efficiency from '200 2 Br, l~ Barrom $260 3 Br, 2 &, from $47S •Summer & Winter at beach LA beautiful •Viewsorocean, Calalina & Palos Verdes • Lar1e pri Yate decks • lleated Poob-5aunas • Auiped covered BLOCK TO OCEAN Delwte Private 2Br, 2ba. Lge walk-in closets, bltns, garage. c.able TV, AduJla/no pets. $300 mo. till June lS. $375 mo. on yearly lease. UTIUTIES PD. Available Del'. 1. Ca11 for appt ~1·6042 atter6 PM. t.o Sand, 2 Br 2 Ba. bltns, patio, frplc. $295 mo. 642·9666 Leasing Office Spoce vari~ si~es. rrom 4JC in· Guar. in writing lO be top Newport, C. M. a r e•. Apcw l:wnt1 FMf'Wlllted Callon Slte Manager cl u'"'I & 1an1torial serv. quality &: below r etail Reward. 493-0899. er UwfwnllMcl 3900l -~<7~1~4~l642~·~3~11~l~e~x~l 2~4"'6'.--"'-:-"-"'°~-"-"-'----· -:---i1P""'-'. •:.:•;,:· 67"'°3-~227::.:lc.. ____ ,LOST black Lab male ••••••••••••••••••••••• ntE EXCITING {)(fices rrom Sl50 sq n. to Real ~tale Investment puppy, 11123, vie. Pac. PALM MESA A.PTS. JOO sq ft. Prime C.?tt. loc. Need investor for high ~L Hwrt'. N.:. Own~~ MlNUTESTONPT ft!anufacturing area. return in Costa Mesa espera e . ewar 64&-4296 or 551-4289 area only. Capital comp'. 631-0S.SO; 556-3062 pm BCH. Bach, 1&:2 BR. ./. ., L .~.. 4450 ly sec:ured. 6'2".5280 or LOST large grey & brown rrom $190. ;/,.. c 111 , 0 dlmfSI ..,.... 642-08.15 Mr. McK1.nley male tiger cat, white nu ./_~,,....... .•••••••••••••••••••••• • 1----------1 Adults,NoPets .1:=. DELUXE office, comm'! CO.YEHTUIE collar, yellow eyes. Vic. 1561 Mesa Dr. /,.. _......_ . . ,. Tustin & 20th , C.M. Earn Christmas money working a few hours after school and Saturdays. If you are honest, ambitious, and not Brraid t o tallc to people, phone Mr. Wolfe at 645·2873. Equal Opportunity Employer (SBlks East of' Newport ./-__ &: industrial spacet. Also E•l'!us1ve ''ranc~et~e REWA RD! 548-4'33 Blvd.) ./19e, __ ..... mini warehouses in mob1lehomesubchvls1on . 546-98&0 ./,,,... ,_... Laguna Niguel & Mission being expanded .. WUI co-Found male Boxer vie In-... W..ted .~ .. 71001'.lelP Wanted 7100' Viejo areas. Handy to venture 2nd unit. Very dianapolis & Brook.hunt ••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I parking •Additional free parking I----------- • Maid service avail New l..usy Ca.do Es 0 RT San Diego Fwy. 200 to profitable situation H.B.962-8029 2000 sq rt. As low as 30" which will stand rigid in· 1----------persqft.&11 ·1400 vestlgatlon. $25,000 FOUND Ensign School • f'Urniture avail /Lease now &: choose $140 up store-office!5 cpts minimum investment area, Black. & brown drps a ir bath . 17301 3200 Sq Ft C-2 store front Owner644-4670 ' Shephard mix.548·9749. DRABSMAN/DESIGNER , MECHANICAL. ()pen M-F 9:30-S ::JCJ' Sat ~0-S, Sun 12·5 your own t'arpet Ir: drapery colon. 2 Br,2Ba w /pool in prestigious Westcliff area. Walt lo Beach Bl,H.B.842-2834 with 6 drive-In bays. · . . SINGLE to 8 rm suites service. 58S W, 19th St, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shorthair FeBm . Rke<Bently H ti t shops & part. Adlllts on· 1111 ftCJ on ly. $400 mo. 645·8373 or LI VI NG 1 ---~-----Ideal for auto or boat MoMJ to LOOfl 5025 P' 0 U ~ D : G e r m · Avail. in plush ofrice CM . Da~ 540-5710, eves pregn a nt. ac · a y. bldg nr. OC Airport. Full 646-0681 PRIVATE PARTY 5'S·M9S5'8-8625 service incl : Recep. Min imum 2 years r ecent dr aftin g experience in manufacturing Cield or valves, pumps or closely r elated equipment. Must be familiar wit h · ANSI STD & MI L·STD·8. Knowledge or hydraulics helpful. Equal Opportunity with nationally known valve company. Pacific 64S-86IB Oakwood otters t he tionUt, conference rm, Industrial Rental 4500 wil Mll'lle 2INI xerox. automated lYP· •••••••••••••••••~••••• trust cte.ds, credit FOUND: Male Collie, Nr. Edwards & Slat.er HB. M2·2176 7110ceanAve Yearly unrurn, West fmest in rnortllvingata (7141536-1487 Newport l blk from Bch.. price you can afford. 2 bd, t ba, frplc, bltins, There's Sl million in ing.etc.Call833·3640 2000 Sq Ft office & notl-.orf.t! "''&rehouse space direct· ca11 ·-· ... rtfanaged by refs req'd .• for appoint recr eation racili ties. William Walters Co. 714·33'1 ·1106 or Weekends NIGHT LIGHTED TEN· rRIME OFC SPACE Udo ViNocie & ShopArH : ly a cr oss from OC ...vll r\irport549·1480 •530-4781 * LQ8t : Small White Terrier Poodle. Fem. Vic: Spr- ingdale/Edinger. Nov 21 . 893·5316. ----'----'---I 114-642·4241 . MSCOURTS.Afulltime -"'----------; activities director who For Classified Ad ACTION Calla Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Hewpori leoc:h 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT 2 BR, I ba ... ~1inter S300 J BR. 2 Ba. $350 Winter STEl'S TO BUCH 2 BR, l ba , winter $225 4 BR, 2 ba, yearly $495 · :1BR,2 Ba. $325 Winter J BR, 2 ba $300 Wntr. Bachelor apt rum $1.SS Yrly SEAWIHO Condo. 2 RR .. 2 ba., den. Unf. Yrly . $475. associated Blt01<,£ltS lt[fllfOllS 21•; ~ B<>•t.~" ,,, 1~1 • 2 Bdrm & 1 Bdrm both plans parties. BBQ's, lar~e & modl'rn. Center lri~ & more! 1''ree SUn· pool. Near bch.. Garages. day brunch. 3416 Vio Udo. HI 1 suite approx. 600 sq ft. View racing Via Lido. lnq . Owner: Dreyer Company. (714)615-7002 * MEW * HEED MOMEY? t blk Terrypoo. vie· 5 PRIVATE FUNDS for Cro..'ns, Call 642·1463 or _ COSTA MESA 2nd T.O. loans Sl.000. to 67>-m!ev ... (Near Harbor &t: Baker) $20,000. We will assistl--'--'-'-'--'"'------1 --&iabyrwqm1t•olslo: PO lo• 2312. Howpart lea ~. Ctlif. 926,l 1360 to 3480 sq. n. 18' pc Principals or Broken. Lost Blk Lab fem sq ft. llG-208, 3 phas R~asonableTerms 4 mo. vie OCC $195 & $240. 64G-~10 Plus beautiJul singles, "'--'----------;1&2 bed r oom apls, 1 Bd rurn-pool·blk t fumished & unfurnished. Ocean-Sngl Ad lt-yrly Models open 10 to 7. SI&J. 675-6428 /646-216196 Sorry no pets or children. BEAUT.CLASSA power, avail mid Dec., Newport()[fice M6..m85 Jim FI R EPROOF OFC owner (714~ .. °""' o G'·-•jolo•os~~ &.~ilor'1M!nl& W t-• 7100 BLDG · vour Brok·r' --.. ""'"" Found dog blk wlbe. ffe ro-dd'.. • ~ • , • Corporcrffon r-vn •••••••• •••••••••••••• l llarbor at Adams, C.M. legs &: (ace markings, ••••••••••••••••••••••••---------Roommate s ervice 2 Br Bayfront. lg, deck. available. Month to ref. stove. crpts, drps, month occupancy. slip avail. 673·9335 Oakwood Air cond, elect, cpts,1----------1 Sint'el946 MJyo uog v ie UC JJobtW..ted 7075'" drps music .. J .. v Lease 1.000 sqft w/office 17lt·BWestcliFfDr. 61~2533 • . • .. .. .. 63l·2233(24h ) ••••••••••••••••••••••• janitor , ample prkg. All 110-220 V, heal, h?dl rs FOUND small Beagle Male nurse would like 5 Get.rd en Apct.rtments incl. 3 min. S.D. & 5 min. water, new building, g Mofteoy Wanted 5030 w/flea coll ar, no tags. dys, any shift. caur cert. LAS BRISAS Riv/N.B. Frwys, 7 min. local.645·2244. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bm & Blk w/white neck 08424 , Local rers. airport. fl.f . R. Stever, AIRPORT &legs.968·7149. 638-7333. For Discriminating Mgr. 557.0136or 646'8396 ~•RH Adults 3200square feel _. ....._ Wllllf.cl 7100 tWwpcrfhech 6 0-PERUot.fT l91f.i:cpersq.rt. frolftl00f. loll 4 00A FOUND:KJtten.gray,lng •••,..-• Watch the-Ht 1rv1ne al 16!h 1617 WESTC"i!FF·NB 2 air conditioned offices, 0 • 0 haired w /kinked ti.II. ••••••••••••••••••••••• over.-oc.-645-0550 AGT .S4l·5032 amplcparking. IMTEIE.STon Magnolia/Garfield HB A.Alec.Clerk Beoch within shpl hhJhfy secure 2MI 963·5179 . 10Key, liletyping. 1 BEDROOM Rooms 4000 nlished of'fice, Bank or fnnt dHds. Caft Reward! Lo&t 2 Irish Set· Gf'Mt'al Offic.~ •Heated pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mesa P laza, $&5 lrollft' 530..4781 ters, male&: Fem. vicini· Willing lo learn insur. •Sun deck . CA mo. 556-3900 ~~~~~~~~~""'I ty Victoria. 645-0052 Cul stencils. Lite ore. •Private balcony P\'l ent/ K. pnv. 1 S2S/ >-----------= NIGUEL •Adequateparking wk & $GO/ mo , up. Cdrt1delx2rmsuiteA/C, Mo.~H,Trvst Found: Black & While PersonnclAgency •Elevator l -'548-"-·~5954cc__0_'.c5_56_·~0058 ____ 1 util, plr.g, $160. mo, Hl':ALTOBS DffdS 5035 small dog with Florida 27601ForbesRd,Ste49 Bovs &Girls 10lo1/years of age. Dal· ly Pilot delivery routes' may be available in your area. Earn prorit ror de- liveri es & cas h. trips or men:handise for selling new subscriptions. For Information please caU 642-4321. F r om San Cleme nte-San Juan Capis trano area, .::;ill 495-06.10 and ht ission Vic-- jo--F.I Toro area, call 5HI ·6310. Equal Oppor, Employt'r •Security LIVE at Newport Bea<"h. 675-6900 SIJ\CI'..: 1944 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tag. Universit y Pk. (3FlagsCenter) F\J m iture available Weekly winter rates. $.15.1 -'-"-'C..:.'--------:~--6_7_3_-_4_4_0_0 ___ 1 LOANS t 80% 1_552_-"_•_ss _______ 1 811-1477 BUSBOY 12.3PM r.1 on Lsereq'd-Sorry, no pets single room. 6302 W. Cst. lling anything with a Retrials Wont~ 4&00 UD 10 o Lost male Viisla. looks Laguna Niguel th r u r~ri. La C ave 551S River Avenue Hwy. Pjne K67n3o-04.-40totcl. ~aily ~ilo1t Class11ified Ad ••••••••••••••••••••••• Isl TD t.oc..s.-9o/o like Red Weimaraner 9 1-.-A-r-0-.~,~.-m-an~a~g-e_m_e_n_t I Restaura nt 1695 lrv1nei (atSeashore&:5Slhl (714) l5as1mpemaer. FURNISHEOhom•w•nl· 2-"TD'--s IU '·n-_. _ .1 Ave.CM .646·7944 ~~~~~~~~~~11-~F~oc~a~p~p~l~.c~a~l~l642~~·2S66~~1 justcall642·5678, .. u pg _,_. mos. "" '="s m""'·• career-minded & like1----~~~=~--:;:: Rooms $25 wt up . ed in Newport/Hunt· FairestTermssince 19't9 NewportCityTagsOMt9, people? Oppor. to eam CASHIER PARKMEWPORT •LAPARISIEHME• w/kitchen. Apts $37 .50 . . ingtonBcharea.3·4hr,1 SaftterMtg.Co. 646-4063 up to SJSOO per mo p/L Pussycat Theatre. •P.A.RTMEMTS 2 Br. unrum. S2lS. All wk up. 548-9755 or Lg . exec. ~ff1c e av:ail. to 2 yr lse. beginning 642.2171 S45-06ll I.ost: Blue Amazon Par· Ear ly retlrement + Nights, over 18. Apply ~ •leclr•· ". F•· rep I a"e. 545.3967 w /secretarial services Jan. 10th .. 642-5582 or other benefits. 6.19-61ZJ. • 70'J E. Balboa, Balboa . Baehelorlor2 .. .. .. included. Overlooks fi.12·6725 2ndTDloC1MWanfed rot. Nr. Brookhurst &1-'-='-"-"--"-"'-----1---~ Bedrooms and Heated pool. Adu.1ts, no Room to rent. $85. Rer·s, Orange co. Airport. Con·•----------Adams. HB. Reward. Attention. Spanish Speak· CASHIER Townhouses pets. 979 1268 Female only. 556-7136 tact Kat.hie ror details BusinflS flnv~sl / ~~~·~ ·~~;.~::~~ 968-5280. ing, mature live in maids fllll time only· 21+. Fr. $239.50 Across rro~ golf course aft. 6 & wknds. 752·0847 Finance New Loans-2nd T.D. 's Lost: Male Siamese Cat. needed. Mission Viejo & 5 Loe a lions. Open9-6Daily ••••••••••••••••••••••• La•una Bch area. METROCARWA SH S p IT . 20432SantaAnaAve ES1DEC M b b th •lMOFREF.RENT• Buslne15 $3000.·$30.000. Sunnite. Vic : 5th Ave/ 831 ·9648. 2950HarborBl,CM pa· 00 s· enni~ 1----------1 · · · 1 r, a ' R ff f F,quity lnvs mt. Div. Poppy, CdM. Reward. l','1arnodssa,r','ammboFareeshiooon ..,EWPORT VIL' • 67P's·• ..... cnlor., .• ~.d4n1·6gl. $105. 1$·123.JS pme~ om1~es N ~oan; Opporfwlity 5005 BARNETI' MTG. CO. 640-7588. CASHIER " ..,.. "" Ai N 1 · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 Yr!I in Org Cty. Flexible hr.1 necess. ApJ>" San Joaquin l-lills Road. Super Deluxe Bdrm w/pri. ba. Kitchen ~~ 9e~flenr~ Neighborhood Beer Bar. 645-2134 anytime Personals 5350 AVON ly belwn J & Spm, ltam· 17141644-1900 1 &2BR priv., all Oakwood Co5t.a Mesa loc. 1Sl time ;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~---1••••••••••••••••••••••• hur~er 1-lamlct, 154:i PARK NEWPORT Beaut. Apts , J\dults. facilities. + parking. FREE REMT offered. 979-1268. Leave Allnounc.ement1/ Drinking problem? Cllrisflftai Eantings Adams Ave. CM •rARTMEMTS Bltns. crpts, drapes, dis· $125. mo. 642·2416. orfices as low a!I 35f per name & #. ::::&'°'~ ~~~~°J:>,' ~-~ --'-H Cooks Assist ant "" hwasher. rec. rm. pool, I~---------sq ft Mission Vie)·o & BOtrrlQUE •• r •-r _,,,., ow On ffM bay saunas. BBQ. Security Rentah lo dtcre 4 300 · · -pro 1"" or ••••••••••••••••••••••• Male or female. 19 yr.. & Luxu"" apartment living bldjl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2000Lagunafl ~!gl ~· ... l. 200 lo Christmas. Best N.B. Lost & Found 5100 PREGNANT? For AVON REPRE.5EN. over ' £-: v es. 2 J S ., PLACENTI• 'VE 5<I • ..., • area.675-09J0/640-6823 Carin~ confidentia l TATIVES. Be•t 1·,me n,·.,-,·dc. ND <•".7418 •· overlook in• the water . 1549 '' '' · Professional Male wants ••••••••••••••••••••••• · r 1 ., -" counse 1ng & re err.a . l l b I · h 646-8251 Enjoy $750,0-00 health 17141 &42-2357 ~emale. to share 2Br apL I lniM Law Office Earthworms: Ready to $100 REWARD: Lost nr Abortion, adoption. & ever o e !I a 1 s l----·------- :-pa, 7 S'>''imming pools. 7 . 1nTust1n .838·0662 Near OC Airport. S.D. s plit 6 bins. Bargain Talbert & Ward, FVly, kecpin~. customers . Excellent DENTALASSISTANT lighted tennis courts plus WATERf'.RONT. quiet, freeway. View Ofrice in Bonanza at $600. Xlnl 11 /7, 3 Yr old male APCARE547·2563 p/tlme earning op-Chairs1de. J d ays.wk. miles or bicycle trails, lrg patio. 2 J_Jr lo~s Male to s hare Beaut well appointed suite. Jumberincl.Sll -6894 German Shep.Blk&t:tan.1----------·l portunity. Interested? Full mouth re· putting, shuffleboard, storage.S385:mo1nclulll. Beach home. $130. All Reception, centra11----------·I Ans.to''Rider.''968-9103 MASSAGE Call: S40-7041 or Zenith constructionprac. Exper croquet. Junior l's rrp. Dock. ava1J 673·7381 utils inc. no drugs, So. phone, lib ra..v, Xerox, 1:--.uc-se RD M RGUREMODELS ~7~·~1359~·~~~~~~""'I'~ 545•~0 lso I -· ~ Laguna<9!M329 ., ...,...... ' ~· REWA . acaw par· .,. -· ·----$229.~ monlhly; a v1-•u · ample free parking OrangeCo.On-salegenl rot Lost nr Warner & - and 2 bedroom plana and ew 2 Br Westclitr Apt. 2 Female 20.3S wanted to 833-3622 ''COCKTAILS" Gothard, H.B. Green &: ESCORTS Babys itter nt'eded by DENTAL RE:Cf'_;PT. Min. ~~~':1.i~n~e;;i~~; Cull ba's, frplc, all new ~har~ n~ce 2 ~r. 2 Ba apt Large single office in Law $32,875 blue w /red face. Nds Outtall· Appl. only working mother 1·2 days 2 yrs exJ>('r; .must type, patios or balconies, appllc .• 673·3593 days 1n Mysa1on Viejo, W/ll:~ Suite. Xlnt N.B. loc. Call Mr. Winston collect medication. 842·0176, Jlome-Office·Studio :93~ Laguna Nig. ~: ~l~~s~ ::!.:~~! . d 1 833-9338 looking young respons 1 • Ubra..v, xerox, Recep·l;;;;;;;;;~(2~1~3~)~27~2~-0t~9~;;;;~liFoJ;el~r~.89';3-6538;";;;~· ;;s~c;;;;;tlL;;~~6~3~1 -;3~8~1~1~;.;;;;liiA~C:=-:--:-=-==~ 1 orv-n . Send resume lo Ad· S'aurbpl,•r'r'"a"ne" anrappaer'k,.•.•.· ON THE BAY ' ble m. ale. wi.11 . fur:ntsh lion•·,·,• 1•-·rela-&rea. ~ rel 1r desired call ,.;x: .. •.1 f'oundmoneyatSo.Coast Loseyourcoolwilh"ourDANK .No. 469· Daily Pilol. with elevaton. Optional 3Br2Ba,frplc,dshwshr, 768-0265 • 644·9450 BUY A JOB Plaza. Call & idenUfy. t'hi ldren? Help Is av~ila· GENERAL CLERK P .O. Bolt 1560 Cos tu maid service.Justndorth b l tns, p atio, $395. CdMdlx 6 rm. suitew/ 54C·9403 ble24hts549-8939 (Hunt.Dch Branch) Mesa Cu.Y262fi . of Fashion ls Ian at 673·S719. Career woman seeks bath. Patio. ample pkg., A well eslab11shed In-•Bank Experience De 1 . 1 Jamboree and San Joa· same to !!hare deluxe 3 br uUI. S390 /r:Qo. 675.0000. d e p e n d e n t H A M · Found m ale lriah Setter FOXEY GIRL'S Out.Call •AccuraleTypisl nta Assis t:int. ch:i r quln Hills Roa d . eanVu,yrly,2 br,lba apt $150 + ~ u ti l . BURGER HANDOUT 11 -19 1119 Adams &: Massage. U ·Call, We· •ShorthandHelpful sideonJy.Minimumlyr, Telephone (714}64<1·1900 duplex. $300 per mo. 543.7200 2 Spaces Avail: (1) Ap-near O r ange Coast NewlafldH.B.968·9225 co m e. Specialize Apply Jn Person expcr. Ple as ant croup I I . r •• .,~~ ............ ~............ C 'I M & p practice , includc:s crrenta 1n ormauon. .,......,,...,,_._... prox 600 sq. n. (25t sq. 0 1 e1e-om op Paraplegiea.542-3169 Personnelornce alternate Sal. A.M. How does one find th•t f\.) c2>lroom ornce, $loo will do better lhan tt,000 Found white cat, f?'eeft Goldt'Mtate .._. IRAMD J:!~i~rp~~it n:'ILeb: RIGHT ROOMMATE? mo. In large office bklg month net . on present eyes, pink n.-e. meowa a SPIRITUAL READER l<XZ30Paramounl Bl 1_640-_1_1_22_. _____ _ 5'.A.HKIHG NEW 673-9Z02or64&-$94S By re11islering with at 2106 N. Main, Santa grosssa1es. Full price lot 673-$150 Open IOAM ·IO Ptit Downey. 21319Z3·946l Dental Assist. p/time. Ex. 3 Br, with Swedish HousematesUnlimited An a. Cal l for i n fo $12.ooo-tums FOUND Siberian Husky Advil'£°ball~at~crsi Eqaal Oppor.Employer panded duty dental as- tirt:plat"e. Small children SaltC .. nMnle 3176 8l2-4l34 Mon-Fri l2·6Pm SSS-80'29. -~I • II. Female. fl grown, no Sanll2CNI. 1 •,m•Fno ca,· sist & plaque control In· I ~••s l A ••••••••••• d Collar y,·c. NpBch area. cmcn c. orapp · l""UTICl"HS sl--lor Ch••"rs•·de ex we come.,........, an a n1 •••••••••••• UCI student n ~ room-In IColl Business Cntr. Off 492.903( 492·9136 ~ "" ....... ' " • i\l[e fE.nst Costa 1t1csa io. view of ocean. tt65 mates for hse 1n C.Af . PttcArthur & Campus. S48-0076. Wl toll. New N.B. s alon. per. Xray lie rcq 'd. Xlnt behind Santa Ana Coun-mo, tnclud. util. S50 re· 1o1ale/remale.631 -J461 NB.314 sq.n .atSQtsq.ft. ANYTIME FOUND Older Te . Substantial male, seeks 644-066lorS40-8582. oppor.S.alopen .842·66.11 . try Club). 675·3399 for In · du cl Ion i r assume rnpoo caucasian lady, 19-42. notl~-~---~---·L-~0:--..,.-m:-::Tc--~..,--:-1 ~.:--- formation. m:rnagen position. Eves Mor Fahare 4 DD, 2 frpls.1~-~~~l.N;;;;;;te;;;;;:;j•~~~~~~~~~""'' Tan, small, Male, wear· over 140 lbs, no chlMI, Oeauty ~r. Earn more ettt K Clan & wknds 714/498·19SO. Pool. $9,S plus util.l•Share Newport Beach ing clolb (lea collu. NB 640-5476 by renting space. Le:ad· (21 Denlisls want In· 1_!l!:pPl~ec&u~lapdt d~ Days7l4~-8017 892·234S,J1m. nr. ~rt 2 Rm ore. IUUTYSHOP 552-0715. · Ing N.8. salon. A!:k for offi ce ceramist, pre· ........,, '~ "' -c 11 WECAIEFORYOUI Ji m , 1544-7321. Eves. Ferably exper'd LO VITI\. yrly 3* M1n:u1 Open S....AM 3110 AYail. J1mmedF. Z 8':.~· ::.:S'!ri:tl~=ro· 8 Nets $15,268-telf·operat· Found: Bllr:. Femal SkinCare·Makeup ·~--''--'-·------I Porcelain. Xlill oppor. Sat Joh n 6CZ.·$210, ••••••••••••••••••••••• part. W"ll. em. nuum· · lng.FPS29.500. At chan. An1wer1 t Sculptured Naill r 552-8339 GU.(83.S Z Br apt.nulyred~. Cl.I to m ate. NB, Call Ann 800 Sqrt New Medical or. Call Realtor ''Nova", Please cal Extended Luhes BEAUTY OPERATOR l-"~=------ 0 tx lk ~Adlta -'"'.lnq4U MQ.53211 nee lor lease \11 block PaulCoad 1112·81'2 &66-S38S. n -11 I~ _,9759 3 u.slsllinta, 2 shampoo Dental Offil't, exper. P ,wa to ocean. s nie'"'~...,. for II"" 4350 1 . Hoag Hosp ncue.10 .... y ........ girls, gd. aalary & neces!l.Lab&IJen'lfront Br 2 Ba crpt drpa · "' ••• ro m · COP'FEESHOP FOUND : Darllni::: Fem. beneflt.a,rullorr,art·time ofc. Non smoker. Refs. D/W, garb disp, i•r, yr'. HOMEFIHDlltS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cablneta, etc. fr-ee If Retur blshed, 1eal1 28. Puppy Pt. Germ. Shep.l-'---------·I Richard oucl ette 200 Reply to Classified ad no. ly Chi ld OK t38S 12x27' c4rage. $27 mo. lease asiumed . Call E•cellent location in Vic. Victoria & National Tired of going alone Newport.Center, N.8. SGS. c/o Daily Pilot. P.O. 1115-064 2 / 64i· 0596 i '* •642·9900• * 2178 Plecentla Ave, C.M. 548 ·3451 t i I Dec. Jl , Costa P.1esa. Ideal rnmlly CM . &12·5193 or !itaying home? I~ 1560. Costa Mesa, 0.. 673 em2 Sl».lbr,ulll paid (i nrear).836-4t.20 thc.reafter; 67S·ll89 or opera t ion . Aaklng F...ducatf!d .dl~creet, 92626 · · • chg. mall replies to Ad. No. 129,000. LOST: Tin Male Cat, athletic, youthful m111lt Have10me\hlnR you wanti---------- CJoae to Bch. Lrg 4Br, 1 br, fenced yd, 1arage $5()..Dolible Gar•A:at xtra $72, Dail)' Pilot, P .O. Box ffARBQ.R white nea t'Ollar, Mesa C&corts available tor to sell? Claiallled ads d Earn $2(j() mo. p/tlme. 2bl,deckt, ucl aar, $41$ N&h door. 724 W • .1 1.mtt 1560, Coala Mesa, Ca. 1NVESTM£'9"C0. Verde N. area. Pleue women only. It well -Call NOW, Fulltr Orv.sh Salet, lOc:al ~) mo.'42-3S6t 2br,uUlpaid,n55. St.,CM.m -nn. U526 67M400 call'151·9121 Calleves:494 ·0l74 MWrll. arca.Dut.968-8378 • • • .1 I DAil Y PILOT . Friday. NOY•mber 28, 1975 HtlpW.,to<I 710 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,' ~~.'!!~'::! ..... ~!.~~ ~.'!!~·~-~ ..... !!!!~~~~.~~~.~ ..... !!.~~ )~ -----··----------PERSONNEL SECRETARY l I ·. E/M Engineering Designer E/M Layout Draftsman JUNIOR SALESMAN 10 To 15 Years Old Earn $20.$40 per week Yi'Orking after school & Saturdays. lluntington Be;;ich & 1---ountain Valley are<.1s only. J...eav e name, address & phone number on tape recorder. CalJ 548-5892. \le1tical l\;u·k Ofl' Thr G rntlr Touch! A CONVIN1£NT SHOPPING AHO SCW!NC CU10£ FOR THE J·:xcc1>!1011••I Ol)l)Or. f1H' ~h·penclahh• ind1v. Sl'C'k · inµ t•stahlishl'd doetnr. Cal l f\l11rio11 i\tann, K:!.:1·27UO. lh•n111s &. llL"ll· ni s Personnel St>rvire ut Irvine, 2082 f\11ehclson !)r. CAL ON TH[ GO. Seamed· To-Sfim ,. . . , 9155 SIZES 3A-.50 .'t ,. ' ~ i,,, 11f...,;...., 111 ... -r~ New, Easy, Cozy! Mt'dicol Tronscribrr' f·ast Expert & c-xpcr'd only. Busy suri.:ical orl'. NL-wport. St>ncl rcsun1e to Cl:1ssir1cd ad no. 5'.i9 r /o 11aily Pilot, PO Box 1560, Crn-la f\1 esa, C.1:1 9"lli2ti. l\IODf:LS : !\1ASSF.US f:S fo'igurc l\1odcls. F..-.corts, l\1asscuscs needed. Top money. New slullio. 631-381 l Nursc-s Aide, ni~hl & p /time day. Haleigh lhlls llosp., 645-5707. Nursing Attenrtant. t'X · pt•r'd. J\a;.·vicw L'nnv. llospital. 2055 Thurin Ave, Ci\t f.42-JSOS. TARBELi.:::::::: 1926-1976 ltf:AL f:.."iTATESALES All'ENTION J.ICf:NSi'-:11. t ·N 1 ... 1c1--::"lsf.::IJ. GE'rTJ!l-: HEU CA ltPf:T THf:1\Ti\lf:l'\T! \1.re tra1n you to sell h(1mes "''1th un acceleral· ed l"Ourse that starts im- mediately. If you are in - terested in carnin~ big money from the start. i:cl inJividuali7.ed free training: on lht• job in one or m11ny top offices local· t•U lhruoul (}ran~c <..:oun· Iv eall for further dl'· 1'a.i ls. Arlene, (7141 8"8·!:1i42 Nursing-F\1 II & p /t llN's & llt>ol F:St~1tc Sales LVN 's. lmmcd. open-Ncwporl /li-vine area. ini;s.642.().100. The "'nalio n a l but neii.:hborly·• winning Optometric Assistant. Ef-team '''ilh hiji!h comm/ flcient, alert, rnature. s plit, training proi::ram , have car. Live in area. nation ~'ide referrals and !\lus t type. 848-2350 or more. Century 21, "8 __ ·_1_526_._~----·I i\1acArthur at f'ord Rd in PA.NCO, LTD ~4;;t, ranch house . Creal ors or Savui::c & l-'--'--'~"--------1 1-:arthcn\11car needs head REAL ESTATE t·osml"tie com1tt>u111lt·r. SALESPERSON Top p :1y. Phone LiveinmyhomcinPalm (714 )5'40-0il7 Sptini::s. &II this com. PIX AnswerinCJ Ser'f'. plcl.cly furn & <le<'orated l·I l.ocatlons. fo'ull or home & 3 other custom homl"s 1 ha\·e built. 11 llime shifts includl" f, f d Super view, pool, P''t ~·knds. .xper. Pfl' . · 1;:1tc entry. Super homes. 1 -'-"-"-'·-'-~-'-·7_78_7_. ____ 1supcr comm. Write PO !lox 855, Custa f\1csa, C.a Want Ads Call 642·567S .....,.,., 1 -~--~~~~~1"::::0~·~·~~~~~~1 MANAGERS & ASSISTANT MANAnERS Hamburger Hamlets • 7100 '76 Olds STARF RE New BEAUTY and ECON MY! ' 30 CALIF. HIWAY Miles Per Gallon Plus 60~~~1LE GUARANTEE J ANNOUNCING STARFIRE & STARFIRE SX's ECONOMICAL 4 CYLINDER 140 CU. IN. ENGINE EQUIPPED WITH 2·bbl. CARBURETOR AND ST AND ARD AXLE. AN ECONOMY LEADER FOR SURE! 10 USED HO•DAS IN STOCK "Super Gas Savers" "&~Special" 1974 HONDA CIVIC Radio and ~ater. {1.31656) 52677 '68 CHEVY CAt.ARO Radio, heater. (313281} 5977 '70 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 speed, radio, heater. vinyl (089AWQ) ' 0 P 51077 • Z~o c~~~! ~~~~~u ,;, cond. s1477 radio, heatM, -vinyl top. (965BZT) Zt.P~!!!~~~.~1'§!!~,". s1477 track tape. (293JPI) 72 CHEVY VEGA 4 speed, redio. heater. (775fVA) ZtD~DsG.E A~RH~~~~~ RADIO, s1977 HEATER, VINYL TOP. EJ1celleot condition, (162KKG) I FINAL '75 GMCTRUCK CLEARANCE 1/J TOHS•Y• TOHS•HEAYT DUTT•4 WHE:IL DAIYES IRAHD HEW 197~ 1/2 TOH 4 WHEEL DRIVE SHOR'( BED, VB, AUTOMATIC. (51 1999) GAUGES 54777 IMMEQIATE DELIVERY OVER ·so Trucks & v..,s To Be Clecrf)Cj INCLUDING OUR EXaUSJVE "T v 11 4 wheel Drive erra ans r •' .'l f ' -. . . . ' •. ' • ' .. . '. • ... Thlnldng Of A C:waar C:••P For '767 Daa'tWaltl c:-1111rc1- lt with 111 oY"' a a. of coffee, Open Tuesday Evenings 'til 7 PM Mon., Wed .. Thurs., Fri. 8 am-5 pm (Happy Turkey Day!) • new 1975 bobcat villager wagon new 1975 bobcat 3-door nmabout Jmmed. detivery on this bobcat IQU!pped with DOW9f' steering. luggage rlCk. JXlW9" dJSC btakes. (Mr. 5T22Z538531) $4201. 11the golden touch" ~-every new car is inspected for fac!OIY defects or shipping damage as soon as it arrives. ftfNrl preporoti• -every new car is delicately adjusted to give top mechanical performance. halld polslled -each new car is polished to a gleaming luster by hand rubbing with special waxes. 20 Ille test drh• -is given each car to double check handling rattles or vibrations. ftMI 1np1ct1• -a member of the "golden touch• team personally approves each car and certifies "ready for delivery.'' 74MAllklV u..c 1 •• ,,,.,, .... o 21 ..... ~ °"" ~CCII) ..... -..... ---(~ISJU.l 55695 1972 OIRYSl!R .... , ......... l.Gflcl~f'--~ --.... -.. -.. ...., _ _., -ir-____ ...,. ........ _..,...,_,.,.._. '"''"" $2495 Im PONTIAC •..•. ._. ~ ltlCIO ICllllll ........... ...,... .... -....,cai ...... l;ca. •• __. ............ -...... -.----.. io.. "'"'" •t WllOl•ul• lll<a ei:..111! 111.-.eVJ 52475 1974 CAPRI IWIEflfO~~ ~ NlAf'.tOEW-.. .-~------. ._ ......... _ _, ,_,, 52995 1974 04EV. NOVA tt• .. ,EA ~..., 21QOO ad .... ......., __ ,,, ...... ~.- --.,.,,, ._, c.. t6JOl!.a'Q 53175 1974000GE .... CMAAMI .usT lDOK!! ••• • v.a ......,. _ ... __ .. _.......__ OM. 'f .o.aoo .toCl\IAL .. IUS. y,. __ ..,_,.,..C:& ........ 74DOOGEVAH .... 53750 197' CXlUGAR ., .....,..._ ........... .... ._ ...... "'.._°" . .u!A ----~,....., ---53995 • m w J _J ~ a: <l: u >-1--_J ~ Cl I Boys 10 spd Schwinn, Girls Raleigh 10 spd MOVING 3HP iasoline air com· Li~el Tr~lns, Girls 26 .. Schwinn & Girls olde1 TE pressor with tool box ; Bike, 11 te weigh&.. Schwinn nd5 work. reas. E OUTlh~FsrMUAST , both on a good small Reasonable.841-2413 $48-8647eves,642·1670 very 1ng go. ·1 M25 494.m&1 1----------1 Couch & chair, Lang rof-trai er."'"' · Misctll•eous Schwinn Varsity 10' sp(t ree table, antique paint· }loover Dial-A·Matie up. W..+td IOll 23''. $75, 2 Children! ing,antiquemirror,toys. right vacuum $40 _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• bikes.Ca11548·3035. games, ga rden pots. RcfriJ.!, single door, $.SO. $$CASH SSFOI 1----------t h ead Phones. car 496-3318 Good used rurn/refri.a California Cruiser brand speakers, lots of books, Fr / tov •• 6 -•'::' nu, over $160 invested. record albums. dishes, Ves pa $150: Pachenk zrs 5 es . .ro -unoo. firstSJlStakes.536-8337 new & experienced mach. ~o : black light. Wanted: Sm a I J Boys Nisiki Semi·pro lC m c n's & w om c n's S8 & $10: Hikes S2S & ~O: Playhou.~. Also, Desk;. spd xlnt. eond. szoo or clothing & much, mU(h '69 Pontiac C~talln Reasonable. Good condt bestolfer.642·2159 more. Saturday, IOam to $700: Servel tefng. $50: tion. 545-1953 l -'-'-'-'--'-------l 4pm. 16211 t~a)!le St .. turret lathe $250: boat Bieycle, Red Beac lfunlington Beach (off v.'indshield $20: oulbrd Early Amer. Baby Ch· Cruiser. etean. $100, cat Graham & Meadowlark) motor SSO: plants, s mal die. Birch/maple. t:d 642·1648. appliances. gift items co nd. Reasona bl'e. :;'-C'-'-'--'-'----:-::--:-:1 Walltowall misceL 334 Del t.1ar.c.r.r. 968-6771. Dogs 804 Everything goes. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 721 Narcissus CDM Sat 9 LHA.5AAPSOAKC . . 14 Wks. Champ. Lint'! K1tchei:» ice crusher. $150. CalJS5"--4661 i\!atern1ty <'lothes 10;12-l -'---------1 Chest set v.·/brd. Elec Darling Samoyed & "pup. coffet.-pot. Hibachi grill. pies. C5) left... $10 each. toaster, hotplate, te· 551-3545. cords, popcom popper .. -'-''-'--'-------I Muskin pool filter, s pice 1\dorable Wire llair Ter· rack+ lots of misc. 1•1941 rier AKC. 8 mos old. Gainford Cr, <WillowsJ Reasonable 646-7800. lr\'ine. 551·3.S45. Y«kies AkC Neighborhood G ara~c 114-nS-1246, Sale, Sat. & Sun. 29'bt Y 8045 Redwocxl, 1t1esa Verde, Frt:e fo OU C.M • • •••••••• ••• •• • •• • • • ···l--':.C.C'--------1 HELP! Little ti ger A Sat 10..5. Drexel.furn, striped kitty 9 mos old easel, lovely antiques, needs home and Jove! dcc~rator i~e.ms f or He's very 5oft, very Chn~tmas g1 v1n g. 607 sweet. Moving & can°l Orch1d/CdM. keep.Call646-J484 Fri S t S M -"'=-'-'-"-',--'---:----I , • a • • u n.. any Mixed breed puppie9 f baby things, Head Stan· togd home. I male2tem dard Skis, W/step in bin- S.57-9879. dings, boots, polls, & car -'---------! rack. Misc. 8442 Santana Germ an Shep/Huski Circle H.B. 842-4605. Puppies. 6 weeks. Gd. . . Christmas girt. 642·5623, Old S1l\'er, China, Skis. ----~----! Boots, Ct"dar Chest,.& German Shepl)erd, young more. 411 Jfeliotrope, neutered male, loves O:IM, in alley. Sat. 9-4. people 644-0591 673-6500. Free Cute German Shep B&G Christmas Plates, Husky, male puppy toys. butcher t op tbl, Need5 good booie furniture. housewares, 968-4312. etc. Sat 94. J812 Port BEAGLE PUPPY AKC Manteigh. N.B.644-7730 7 mo .• intelligent loves Antique-Collectible Sate kido;,49!M131 Sat-Sun. dealers Wcimaraner 1 mo. old fem. great companion for loring home 646-9785 Alaskan Malamute mix. t /mo. 3 male. 2 fem. Gd home. 613-0216. weltome. Furniture.- wood stoves-wagon whtg & antique odds & ends. Old western min- ing tamp trivia-lOO's oC items. 305 Avenlda San Pablo, San Clemente corr El Camino Real) 498--0998 CotDe!Shepherd female. 4 mmths Old. Needs large at-Sun. Furnitu r e, yard. 646-1880. tree?.et, refrig, misc. see l-'==-"-=~----1 to appreciate. 26635 8050!.=lles<o.==M'-is-'s_io_nc.V_li'ej'-'o--ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• Horsn > 1060 For Sale, Kg Sz Bed. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dinette. Couch &: Lov . cseat. Call be(. SPM 9 yr. (lid gelding $.100. 493-10380l'493-5229 horse rack SIOO.saddle &: 1----------1 tack $200/8331 Polk Cit· Liv rm, ha• 1ora & cle.H.B. rod .. bed. Also, modttnlH-.::,_=..,=-iold=--G-ood--<-8_0_6_5H ~~1~" fair cood. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' PERFECT CHRISTMAS IJghtbluevelvel GIFT &Ola, S?S, Save tsn* 15 pc Counnet 644-57ClJ non-stick cookware set, $123,551-6763 2 beautiful Lee•s ba.rc=='-'-;.;..:.'------H 11toor.. sacrifice $40 ea. Jewelry 8070 840-30S4 aft. Sp.m. ••••••• •••••••••••••••• 8' Sota, Loveseat, blue WANTED n oral & coffee table, TOP C1\S H DOLLAR $100.CaUS48""271. PAID FOR YOUR I ·Bed"'---... -.. -s""'.-,-. -'D"-b-.-bd-I JEWELRY. WATCHES. d d ART OBJECTS. GOLD, tt brd. resser. nil SILVER SERVICE, stand. Reasonable FINE FURN & AN· ,_..._ __ ,40. _____ -I TIQUES.1145--2200 Bar, portable w /4 stool. 18K Gold Chains, Charms. padded bl•ck vinyL S22S RinJ!s, Going out or busi· 1_644-_U_6'.-'-------I ness. All below cost . French Proven Desk lea 540-165.5 Got nine ladies dancing you hope to unload by Christmas? Move them under our tree. ·Buy a one or two4nch box under our tree on December 4, 11or18. Fill your box with. items you no longer want or need. Convert your clutter to cash. Your old skis, sports equipment, luggage, toys, appliances or furniture might be the Christmas bargain someone else is pining for. Putting a box under our tree is easy and Inexpensive. Rates are $4 for the one-inch box and $6.50 forthe two-inch package. • To place yours just call 642·5678. Your credit is good with us. We'll bill you. Or, you can charge yoi.rr ad to your Master Charge or BankAmerica rd. • l • I inlay & glass top. lik'uiMi.:.:."sull<:..:.;=:. .. -IOllS---.-0-1-0-ll cO new. Stso. 644 ·1164. ST • MES• 54"5630 •-----•······················· " " .,. Nf'W U shaped &ectional, Antique oak ice chest 2626 HA.RIOR ILVD. -~ DAILY PILOT ..,ite. Orig. cost $1400. $135. f-~our IS '' U.S. """.673-&1'11 Maas/tires $JOO. 494·T141 .. I • I) . . . -. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . . . . . -. ·~ J • • DJ. bAIL v F'lLOT . , -- Fri~y. Novembeir 28, 1975 Senal t2M27B6C104252 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST SELECTION OF SUN BIRDS AV A:. LAB LE -SPECIAL PURCHASE - OVER 30 1975 POHTIACS TO CHOOSE FROM AS LOW AS ...... Ci A SZ l.¥11 O :as!AZ ------ PONTIAC'S ALL NEW ECONOMY SPORTS CAR. $3676~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY s299=~ s99 51 ::..... 1975 DEMONSTRATORS • GRAND PRIXS • CATALINAS 1975 VEHTUIU.S 1975 LEMANS COUPES 1975 LEMANS SEDANS 1975 LEMANS WAGONS 1975 CATALINA SEDANS 53495 • LEMANS • GRANDVILLES • VEMTURAS • ASTRES MUST GO! HURRY! .t• ' ' \ ....... 1117~ l ..... MI S.OM (!)&L~) E(J.lipped with au1omat1c !rans . radial tires & lactOtY air corod . I 'llWY. PIWT. OPEH DAllY-9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Wl.-Tl.YDOPOMTlAC WAUAMnWOB HGAIDUSS Ol'-1 YOU OlllGIMAU.Y PlllCKASID YOUI CAI WE WSE ALL MAKES AHD MODELS t Musical Instruments Pianos & Organs 8090 Boat p 9040 Boat ~-I 808) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5, ower s, tps ••••••••••••••••••••••• Docks 9070 l'i a~ioTii,nt'r 11 1:is Hf South Coast runabout ••••••••••••••••••••••• CR'::"· Sale/ 9120 1~-~.s~." ...... •••• .. ~?!.~ '?.~~!' ............ ??.2.~' ~.~~••••••••••••~?!.~ ·~.~••••••••••••~?.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• (Judd J).50 acoustic guilar ,,·tease. Pfrfe<'l cond1 tinn. ft.1u8l sell. Sat'. $250. 1·4660 Dobro N::tti°"al 6 str· g, '200. 12 Stnng Con- cord. $60. 675-6495. 83s1 Viol. Johan Rauner 1964 , Aood condition . $.12.5 548-7117 1~1ano nr .s;1 e 1 . .1 k . .1 t ' · 960 11 5r • • .. ips ra \'. '' ('.\ . .ray. • • · ·"' -__ ·r op (·<)ncl.S.JOOO lj7'.i 31 2~ --~ ---BabyGrond Ebony 1u· Chns Crafl . tv.·1r1 \".K 35'. 50' r O\\'ET{ on S.\IL · '.\'B &14·8tl77 S;1crifie1'. 1'11ust ~ell. St•miautopilut.Xtras for l t.• av 1 n I! c o u n Ir Y · t.•ruising & hvc aboH rd . 675-2277. S\7.900. 962 :!Oflll. R·l7 ·R111fi . I ~-1\-'a-,,-,-.,-,-,-,-ip_o_c_S_i_rl_e_ \!IN!; Cnmpers &IQS·ur1 . Shells $1 79 . .'ill·up. ~la · JO?'.,..'OJY, !l.'lX Y.' l>llh . ("~! fi42·1~47 I For Sale Ca rn per. fit-. H fl Ix.'(!, slec1)S oi, cuntl1t1un )!()()(! ·l~ I ~25 ---1 Kimball l 'onsolc J>i ano Bea utiful · Xlnt eoncl SH00 6'15··1J-l.':i p I'. '71 1\-lodc l c; las t ron 14 · Tic for 52 ' hoat. runabout .... ·.40 tlP l\lere.1 ____ '~"~"~·511=2:..~·---I Motorcycles/ \\'urlil"~er Organ. !ll'rt ri t· Guilar. L ess Jik e ncw.$700.firm . all clec -ju"t fl\l'rhauled. Scool"rs 9150 top sha i>e $\OOO, Y•fl"O\'Cr :!6' Boal S lip. S75 1110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• notrl ..... 675·7571\ Ne wpo rt He h . <.:a Jl ._4 11 0:\'0\('Bl25 ·tr · l ---'-'--------I li 7:l ·li •ll3 aft Gpm &: ~:icrl•1111·nl condit1~~ ~~· Diei;l'l 1'ra"'lcrs v.•knds . 8JO.K63f) · l-'aul top~· S75. ~9-20 13. 1>42-2159 ----1 ---~----ISporliftCJ Goods B094 J0 -3ti·40 ·S0·77 2 16'SI S 'd T ' f Starting fro m S'lS,000 to 4 ~ 1P + ~ ~ te or XR 75 llontla Jeff\\' ard ·Super trick •i73-193J Office Fumiture & • ••••• • • • • • •• • • •• • • • ••• Equip...,,! BOBS Hossh~nol s kis 175's v.·/ Solomon bindin ~s & 5<-y chri; S8/up, exc svl 1X>ics, 1 SC'a!lon old . $75 or 1·hrs $15 /35. scy dsks. trade for JSmm camera. $!25,000. !HUI ~at . T"·o .7 . Sec :11 ,\TLANTIC PACIFIC 611 Lido Park Dr. N.B. or ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\1AHITI l\I E CO. calJ ~-160R aft. S 11m . fl.46 -5491 646·6"27 Boots, Speed & El{'(' typcwritl'rs. Piercc.1 -"•192=.:·""'=~'-------I 30' Diesel ·rra .... ·h·r >11:1 w. Hllh , Cl'l1 645-7411 . Store, lestauranf, In "'ater S?S.500 Ski 90BO ·74 Xlt 75 8 1 C'f' Cnn1, mod if 1f'tl. S395. firm 24i5321\ 11:1:1 !1442 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------! Bar Bo95 40 ' l)iesel Tra.,..·ler ln 11·:1l er SJ7 .50fl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATLANTIC PACIFIC l\1A H.l'fl1\11·: CO. S.1G·54!ll G'16·ri4 27 22' Shuffleboard. must be movt.'d, mokc offer. 979-1268 ; 645-3199 Newport Based Boat Club J\lcmbcrship for s ale. 8098 Save $1000. Call J\tr. TV, Radio, HiFi, Stereo Fish or Ski '70 1"numph TR6C f .. ')()cc I"' ft •I . nabo t • Not toJ,!l'ther. C'u ston1 ·' · ii: ass ru.. u .1n Chop. Lnl..; l'hromc $8(X) excellent confl1t1on "'Llh f 833 'll Kl' 1rail<'r and electric start _irm · ~ --'----- SOhp J\1ercury . !\lust s.cc GO l 'AR'I'. '1hp. BriJ,?~s tn 11pprec1a ll'. Will Slratnn ~·n l!. 5.'i '' s tcl'I sarnf1<'l' for SIOOO a::i is. fr;1ml'. 11 " nc"' tires. Call &16·4005 evrninJ,!s. Xlnt cond. $75. 968.5056 an6:3o. ••••••••••••••••••••••• F\ilton fi75-8866 .• l\l<ignavox fS200 or Bol!cn Transportation -4 vA\I \II\ !2.ICC yz • STARTING Sl:lO strr<"o. ArJ,!os tQuad Bqoths, R~t / ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ' · 1 ' • A 3 spl'akc rs • turntable C or1er 9050 Aircraft 9110 e.xt . .framc, .m ech xln[ MEW BUSIMES 5 '· 546·91 76 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........................ "=""~·~"'=0~·~'0="=------1 1 ...... EW • 7 5 For charter 36 ' Col. 51 25 ClTABRIA ..... >.lmost new. ·70 HONDA SL-100 street n Professional logo de -BC;\ color TV Console 2.'i" da~-. wkly rates avn1l call 65 hrs Lota I timl'. Top or dirt . nnlv lfiOO actual DA u 71 o s1J,!n('r has the ans.,..·cr for l~aut picturl'. xlnt cond. 497-2595 c(iUlpmrnt. 552·96'11i. md"s. t·x ~·~·llcnt t•ond•· TS l!..I SIJ!OS, lt'llCrhl':td!'I, ht1SI· SS21~9!l~ .. ~"'8':"'_-~6Z7"'._ll__ ____ j ---;;::;;-;;::::;:::::::::---·1:;:;:~~.'."-c::'."-;.;-;:';;-:~-1 tion $3.':i(). l(:ul 11630 " nc~s ca rds ct1'. X3i"<IB81 lJo\iday Cruises 1!159 l\l oonl'y J\TKZOA. ---=----New Zcn1lh A\•anti color Christmas Partie!'I, Fis· 1080TI'. l'\111 !Flt. Lie. Th(! fastest draw in the , 1'V console \11frpmott' hing Panfe!I with 11.kip· July 76. rit e tal tail . West .. : ,;, Daily Pilot .lets 8087 i:-ontrol. $595. 673·6917 pcor;; Or New Skipjack $9.950. 642·2870 Class1f1erl Ad. 642-5618 . ll··••••••••••••••••••••• at & M • hoat from $45 day. you Talk in ~ p 3r rot,yc llow c-!.: °t"" skipper. Call 6•10-5955 or iques / Antiques / na\'lf'd 1\ma1.on, \·rv t:1n1c ........ ~ biS-8866 Classics 9520 Classics 9520 ~com es 1,1:1. cnv.c~ S25ll. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1..:.'°'="--.------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 8asenji, tri-colored AKC eneral 90 I 0 Boats, Sail • 9060 t . shots & obcdienrc •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1ng $75 doghouse ~S f BOY SCOUTS NEf<~D RANGER 26. Loaded: <I 2-7R87. BOATS. Ta x Advan -S11i ls. $8!100. (213 ) l tuges. cnl\546·4990 c'c'"'c·-~07c'c"'------- ~la ss ificd 1\ds srll hi ~ '75 1'IY;\K Udo 14, xlnt cond. 1'1any "1tems. s mall ite ms or Xlnt Cond. $150. xtras & trailer. l>vt pty. '10Y item. 642·5f;71t Ca 11642-1648 714 /642-8489. ) Coronado 15 wltrlr, xlnt cond . Fu rl ing Jib. u••" 552-0715 eves. 11n;. II rh. oe1.n~f~ 11-28 Aux cruising catch, l. •-s. 6 ce m ent hull frame & ~'.!;"':.'~~"'I I plan~ Sl2..'i/oTrG4fi-7R95 BERMUl)1\ 30 Ketch bv Cheoy Lee?. r.~. hull, n111Y equJp .• $23,900. (714 ) 551-8734 LASER •11661, ratchet, $850. &I0--42fl0 1-larken 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UOATSLIJ>S Some live.a boards 645-8616 El'tl418J 1929 FATHOM II ROLLS ROYCE LIMOUSINE ·Cooper body. Over $40,000 involved in 3 yrs. restoration. Engine done by Rolls Royce in London, coach & body work done in Geneva. Best offer. Car presenUy on display al Motorama in Hollywood, Absolutely restored lo MINT CONDITION . h ...... 0-12131'789-5345 H.-y Ad ... 112lll 99MH2 AttenJJon : Kruse Auction Patrons l. 2 DOOR WITH AIR COMDITIOMIMG Gm saving 4 cyl . 4 speed, radio. body side mldgs .. undersea!. carpets, rear window defogger, reclining buckel seats and more. (046600) STICKER PRICE $4240 DEALER IMVOICE ~3756 Pay Only $3806 NO MONEY DOWN OH A""'°YID CIBKT 7JDAnVH _ .. • ....-f, ~ -..... ...,. ;...,;,., l>'M•~s 1500 ._._.,....... '71DAnuM ·-"' 4 ~·~··-··-,.i ......... -... ...,,.. ........ ~-·- ""'"SAVE . ,, .... _. '6t fOID YAM ~ ... --. ........ ...._r ........... -~~ ...., .._!I, """' bo:l -, .... , $2222 --- 'UT AMAHA SO• 1\411• JI $300 -.... -•C.-" '74 OPll. ........... UlllWI .. 4 ............. """"" ... """"' ~ ....... l'°'*IOI $2965 ..__. 'I 610 and 710 COUl'ES•4 DOORS•WAGONS MUST BE SOLD NOW! More 1978 Dats uns are arri ving daily and we need the room for !hem. Prices will never be lower. 48 MOS. FINANCING AVAIL. '7JDATSUM •ttCN. ,. ................ ""'-...-....... ~ ..................... _ ~-!••Hlll! 1'!-?U... 74 T .t.MAHA. JH .._.Doo.f'>.11101 ·' $751) ",, .......... 'J ATSUM '"""""e.:-• .-i. ................ ....,, ........ , _,,,. ---~~-"'··-,_,$2288 """' ... ....__. ?I DATSUN -.. ' . ...-.!~----....... _,_, __ !'.4""'4 ~!!i? - I ' DJ4DAJLYPILDt ""=··No•..,-f7,ll7S Senko& 4'Wlwt1Dri•u t550 Trucb 9S60 ... ~ , ... ' 9400 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~oJ;: I Mo~~':'' ~des / ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAVE ••••••••••••••••••!!.~o. Sc •tso Sc. '" 9150 .S.moprorChf'•YLu'" • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14x7. 14X6 w /hub11 &· NOW ·7~\':a mah11 •IOOF:11dro Lo '7 1 Yam a ha IOOMX '70 Hondo 100. I.ow ml. c:h.rom!!!IUC.s.$70orbeAt rr'llle1 . $200 take over 1'rick, J:rrat hf.icln~~ RSO, Prtvot~ P';rt. SU-74.SS LAST OF puymts. 6U-74M bUcl'. s.ioottrm.546 M0-7982 _ dune Buggy frame & 75 L..scn.lstf'S "73 llndaka 125tc-, mUJt 110 tlondu ''Supcrhaw-" ~HOMK. pa.ru:, $1.00or makeoC'(er 6 To choote From ~ell. Super t in! ~lany l 305 . 10 good l'Otlttltkrl W./R-fftt 9160 MJ..789.S Ex .. mple: 'itras. S41·31542. . run5 Wt'll $37'1 '497 ·21Y76 • •••••••••••• •••••• ••••• I '7 S LanclcMli1er • . . llent '13 Overland 29'. Cl~ 56 Tnumph llSO, 11~m1-~1ontesa 250 MX s t pd, lo Loaded. f<"ree mlln. lo ~cs 9S20 l'hop needs fron,t end wk, ml, Vf'ry clean & raa(, rit.a. Pri. pl)'. SlK-0641 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2'15/bHlofr&tG-7895 xtrus mus l see $3$0 -----'31tChry. Royal. 4 ·Spet'd, air t hoclt s. W11rn hubs, mud ft 1now, O&Z;~D~t. \\'hat a Chri!'tma1 Gift! 197.1 , ''umnha 100!\1 x . -ct ras. F r.~t . e le•n . 6f4.1517 Sr57-1232 25' uns Open H.oild Cull> .fdoor.Goodrond1tion. GO C S.C., MPll G·H winter ralu:i 00-~l • • A RT t;.l.t·HJRS Frame•, wheels, rte.. ·.:.:='----Good home fo r 1955 $4777 Oniyl60.B02-43Jts. it Roll ·a ·l..ong . t•h:issis l>eSoto 2 dr llcn\rtl )' 'l\",.11 LA•,,;• ---mount, low mt·~. roof nir Good l'ond. Body good .f.\IH WJID t\awnsaki 7•1 KZ ·100. t:h~l· ~lini-Bikes : $12!. & 1100. I 1+ Jtenerator. stereo. CU 61~·33-10 ~·• stitrt. d.h;k br11ke. $750. ls slrt-.t lcgal, both look ~i_o,lop ~d _)SG-6171_ ---~~J TOYOTA S-18·3334 __ ~nJtrf'at .M92-1:11H -----°lJ Jnt 'I Uniqul' ft1olor 4 Whe .. Dri••s 9SS Autos. UHd 9900Aut-Uitd 990A llome. t-~urd V ·ti, 4 s pd. 14 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _1966_!4o•b,., CM b4b 9JOJ -... " mpg. Or1ly S?OOO. 49ti·~19 '76 J C •7 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ---__ JttpCherokee ff9 .,. Jt7l ROADLINER 2H'. Wrecked,parts. Loadt.-d with t_.-qu.ipment USED GREMLINS 1971thru1974 MANY TO CHOOSE FROM UUTIH(j AT $1649 IM11HJ1 load e d l 2,0 UO mi . 546-S392:e\•eninJC;S includin~ nutomal1(' Sacnnl'e. Can be seen al lransm1~!!.ion , w11h IC)w l!r.2 !harbor lll\'d, C.)I "74Cllfo:VY Bl~AZl-~R ranJ.Jl' Quedor trac 111..ii 642·8286 Ul. II.ti.· LOAot:o "'Meis, tape, roll bar & ------l\ST. Of"ll. 751-2340 more. Lc!!.S than 2.0oo Trail«s, Utility 9180 -----. n1 i I t' s . V K y 2 2 5 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 CJ 5 J (•ep. Sllspens1on . &·ri1000068. Sii:10' llliht ~· trrillt'r. Also front l'nd & tran5 rom ~1otorl'yr le truilcr, 4.5 ~1.~•t(•!y rebll, S2600. <'Ytles. like nt•w. 2453 ~.crl61 _____ _ Santa Ana A\·e, t:.P.1. 1 -''-'--=--~-'-----IYou. don't need a gun lo DUNE BUGGY or Rn<'t· "draw fast " when Yt•U Car Trlr. Ramps &: tio-plat'e an ad in the Daily do'<l.'ns . Ll c'd . $250 . PHotWunlAds!Callnow M0-70ZI. -6't2·5678. 1--'-''-'-"'------1 $5188 Shorec~st 167~lMr:fcte~~·d . llunl1ni;:lo n l~:ach 848-8066 --- • -75CHEVY 1/2TOH SWB PICKUP Like new, ltts I.ban 4000 mile1 ! Autom utic lr:iin:t misslOn . rud10. hut.tr. power !ill't'rin1t. •Ir cond1lionlnK . plu~ m•ny m orC' exlr115. &·•· Ull11 one~ lG4872Y I. $4895 SLEMONS MERCEDES 197U ll a rbur. l' \1 . 631-1276 -'---I 1974 IMTERHA TIOHAL 'I• TOH PICKUP V tJ, <I i;peed , r a dio. heater . lo w miles. l.Je. 1'\o. 06678\V. $3195 Santa Ana Lincoln Mercury 1301 M.Tusffn 547-0511 'i() l~ats un J>.U. i::nod 1·ond. SllOO 548-17~ after 6 P1\t ' ·sAYE All the Waylll PINTO MPG COMPARE WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY! BIG SELECTION '75 PINTOS NOW PRICE SLASHED TO CLEAR EXAMPLE SAVINGS HEW 197S GRANADA 2 DR. SEDAN s3915 SIU.OFF SAU PRICE Sr>oo<:•al DA•n! ~!IQ CID I\/ 6~,t,,_, -Df,,..n "°"'' "'"' Ult•! -~""'~ ..,,,,p !•ve 1801• BSW I~ ... a~ru ,,. bu"""" ~•OV!l AM 1..:111> r.n1e<1 ~, ... is .. • ~Wll2l 196ifl2. su.. •88Q1 2 DOOR SEDAN 52999 Plus Tax & Ucense lnci. 2300 cc 2V 4-cylinder eng .. Galif. emissions eQUiPl\8nt. select.ghift, Cf\lise-o-rretic. front & rear bumper guards. (Ser. J5R1 0Y157803. Stk. 11520) • XAMPLE SAVINGS Bill.HD NEW 1975, MU~~Gt' s3999 ~:~:EOFF ~ ... & ..... -. . < lfld 6 C)'I llflg, \,od1,.b DI '> & pt>r, ltl)Oll \JiM: t..ikM, hn!«J 1111~• Iron! II. '''" l)umt>t'• ;1u .. •d' AM t;1(11n body t•tl• .. iould•n~·· 511. cm«7 S.·• ~5RO;>! l 4 J 1"i0 * Otllr ford off"'' .•• *Optional fac •<nr wo11orily up to ma••mum of J6 montlu 01 36,000 m1le1 °"' .elected tomponenh on 1976 mod<'ll * lmprov.-d moleoge w1thovl ~rifKing 1!11Klurol 1ofety • d1n1gn fo. pa119"gl!'I' piolectiori. * lower olte1 '°le mo•nlcnoncc-co11 l~n lmpo1h October soles a t Theodore Robins Ford highest in over 24 months! There must be o reason, Would you believe more cor for your money PLU S Theodo1e Rob in s ' .54 year~ of try ing harder to ~erve you better! EXAMPLE SAVINGS HEW 1975 TORINO 4 DOOR PILLARD s429a ~~~L ... OFF PRICE .... '"' ~ '""" . Incl )~i 00 '1V 8•~ >'"!' (:.l.iot l"'""'"'°' "'1tl<f'"""'I '"'"" ~ ""'"' ''""'"'''"°" "°""" ''""""""· '"""" .. d~ '""'-''°"'" " ,. ,..,,.~ .... r••"' " 1,1,.,,.,., wl,,f,.,, ~M • _,,, •·•·!• + "' '"'l~I.,, ,, ''" ,, I , "'' ,>, '"""'·I '"", " ( • , :: '" / n I. l•A• •, I• '-I <'/J frtd!y, November 28. 1975 D,\IL y PllDT DI I Truck• ts10 ............. w •• -••••••••• '.s •• •.o.f.~.:r:r.-:~ ... : ... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 1 too plu.mblnK ttutU WE l'AY TOP DOLLAR Midi t707 complt'tr w /1 tttl bins. FOR TOP USt:O Ci\RS •••••••••••••••••••••• llll)C muchlnea. r ('cent J>'ORf.:IGN, IJ()t.11-"!.<iTIC * BEAT * lM'14'1.'n1 's, Xlnt llrf's. orCl.ASSJCS,, Ill hu 120 V C1.·1u•rnlor I( your car 11 l'xlra clt11n THE 76 pri~•d 10 aell. Citl l St'<!W:(ir1t. ,RICEIMCIEASE C1u1C"ade Inc. 54"-2816. IAUE:lt IUICk ----2!125 llarbur Blvd . JUST Coo!I• Meu 9711-2300 1975 AUDI IOOLS (CllOICt..:O f" 13 ) ARRIVED 76 Toyota Trucks •S Speed• •4 SpHd•. •Automatics FREE APPRAISAL 1 \Ile buy used ear" & trurk 11. C:ill GR<)Tll t:'llf:VROLt:T for u lrL"l' appraisal. G H(.ITI I Cll t:VH (JI . t:T IH21 1 He tn•h Hl\•I. llunllnMton lk•o11·h K-17 ·6CM7 S.19 JJJI I 97S AUDI FOX • tCllOIC~ OF' II ) SAVE WHILE THEY LAST!!! • • SElUHG YOUR CAR7 'l\d,.,. lemiA TOP PRICES PAID M"""'" F<H" lmpc>r11 DOHIURHS PORSCHE /AUDI 1363 I HARIOR GARDEH GROVE Vil TOYOTA De~t~~l,"l.;'.:ns 1966J l arbor,C.~1 . \l!Ot 1001.S. '7'.I , ;+!,Ito ~1 1966 Ho1bor _C_M_M_t. 9'101 646.9303 1\,C, A~1 1 t'~I. Xlul t:lH1'' '66 t.:L CA MINO. 4 :.pd.l----'-CCC='--'---1 S387S 497-li ma~!li . $1100 or IDlt olfe r. TOP Cr.II atlt'r S or all d uy 1972 AUDI 100 LS 4 DOOR Sat 'Sun &15·0868 ____ 1 $ '72 {~o uri c r l',l'. u1r . • Aulo. !ra ns .. <1ir cond~"tl tio11ini;, 1\1\l /t'~I r11tl111,f. mags, rurJX·lin~ i'l-12 951.17 Paid nftl·r 2 l'hl f.'OR h~·:.11t·r. l.1e. CHI 1-·v c . S '70 t'ord pirkup & J fibl·rRlass fn ld -:.i "·a~ r a m1> traill'r. 2 181> Rall'i~h . btwn V1ctona &· Wilson 72 Dodqe '11 Ton "u J1 8 \'-8. stll'k s hift. II I) packug\:, cxt·cllcnl cund. ;;93625. $2288 •=@·@'MY' l II 'II<' v . lfunt. t\C'h, M2·44lS '64 FoNI 1 •• T . PU . Reblt cni.:, nu t"lu trh &' tirt•s. S20ll hca\'\' dutv rat•k t·11':1n. s11i9s ·1;9 "~ T f;\fC_ Clean, nt•t·ds nc" bd SIO'J5 1\Tl./\NTJC PACIFIC ~I AH ITI l\1 f_; ('0 . 646-5491 G46 ·&12i •75 Ch•vy 1/1 Ton Pvt l'ly. $J700 842· 1039 SC El·onolinc Pickup. "'/tool hoxl'S, ~ood cund. SJOO. rirm. 54G·3f>.12 ..... 9S70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Ford ''Surfer•• Van \'.8. nulo. trans., A~T r ~11l in. m a i.: .,., hf'c ls . s pe.-c1a l pa1nl. A re.al buy "' $3277 ej:y~~ 1966 Ho'bl.i'. CM 646 9101 brft'r expires l I ·24-7,.., '11 Econolinc Super Van \'ti. Xlnl c·oncl . F1ni:.hed interior, ,\1r $2'.150 or h r :.t ,,fr. fi,l fi-404:1 or fi'13·4fl(i:! ------- ·75 nodge. (_"usl 1ntrnor \\'his & tire!>. S·l .1100 . 552-Jf.60.Aft 6. '71 J)oda:c \'an, $1 ,HOO (;ood condition. :1:-pd. _fi4_5·~_~,_l._Stuarl.c __ 'f..\ CllF:\'Y Van "'/m:igs . Used VW 's PcMd for or Hot $2995 ~ Santa Ana . : U@.~l!-'£1 Lincoln Mercury T:'n1 lka~ 1301 N. Tusffn • : !loot H1.·h 842 ·14~ 547 .. 05 I I I--'-'-' '-• ·' Awlos, lmporttd '72 AUDI 1 OOLS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Door SADDLEBACK BMW Automalir transmis:-;11111, ractory air rondlllon1n~. AP.l l t""1 r:i<lio. hentet. Super nict' car! 2-16f"'li'I>. ~ USED CARS S3577 ' '70 FORD a -Dean lemiA 1 WIHDOW YAM l_:;.j VR. 3 >p.,·d, m"'' 8 ' VOLVO ltal'k ste reo l1u·ludcs 1966 H1><ho' C ,., 646 9303•. eXlra long "'heel basC'. '73 CITRO EH SM '+ LF.ASEORllUY!" BMW 971, 5 s p~ed. air ron d , ••••••••••••••••••••••• le:ilh('r, metallic pa1nl & 1\f\l l FM radio. '73 BMW Bavaria 4 speed . ai r cond. & s tl·r!'n. A henuty ! '73 BMW 20021ii XI.NT CON DITION ! Stt·n·o. & air rund. IJnl' ov. ncr . '72 BMW 3.0 CS 4 :-;p('ct1 . a ir ('Onrl. & s te reo. "tint l'ondit ion! '67 & '6B MBZ2SO S's 0nf' ·I s µcc·d A· one autom11t1t-. i\lu.o;t s1·t·~ '71 TOYOTA MorkllC .... At1tomalic. nir 1·nnd. & Landau. Low miles. '66 CORVETTE CLASSIC ·rwo top s. Im · m rte ul alc. ;\ll:'\:T t:ON· DITl01'' '74 EL CAMIHO Automatic & air t•ondi · LJon1n,11:. Low miles. '72 & '7 3 Scouts B o th arl' hardlops . E11111 pment includt·~ roof rack. autom:1l11·. air f'on- dilioning & po'<l.·er 11lcc r- ing. XLNT inside '& out \\'ill trade. ' SADDLEBACK BMW • ·: '76 BMW's : Order Now:; ORAHGE COUHTY 'S OLDEST & 5'1 l£'5·S<'r v1ee· l..ca~1 ni) Roy Car•er, Inc.• Rolls )~OYC'l' ll;\I~ 2.1·1 ~:.17th St. Costa )l l·~a fi•IG -1 •1·1 l 1976 BMWs ARE HERE CREVIER Portholes. S!l50/bs t uf r Ml_._ .,..jo •fi g h hck s cat s. 2M02 ...... u9rit•Ptcwy: I !Jli0·'1 125 *31·2040 • 4ff.4MI 1-~~~~~~_;.~~~~~~~~~~--~'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f-----------------::-:-----..... , --~~--· U..A.,.,,.,•rtnr•y~ EXAMPLE SAVINGS I ·o;; 1'°"'" V"n "'"1,..'· -oS.ndoyo &I S I & l l OADWA'I' SAM IA AMA 835·3171 EXAh{PLE S.AVINGS HEW 1975 LTD WAGoN . 9 PASS. CNTY. St;IUIRE -.ma. $6989 SELL-OFF '8589 SALE • _, PRICE '1800 lllv<l4ti•&lo< ... .- ' l LEASE DIRECT! • '... --·-· ..... ~,,, """"""!_•• . -,,_ . -, . l1Mt1\ !>' ......... ·-L ,, .. ,_~ --· .. ··-··.:-.. .. ·:-~-::. EXAMPLE SAVINGS BRAND HEW 1975 MAVERICK 2 DOOR SEDAM SELL-OFF '-' SALE l'lu •.... & ........... PRICE t. t '< I 1 • ,I , "· ', .. •' ' ,,,_, I ' ' ~· '" < .. h '"1 1.. •r-•> I '"I•, _, •I> ••" ,., .. '"•" "' ...... I> ~··;ll-\~ ...... . -73 ~1. vanuu cs1. s 2 0 8 ""'-'·'-"t.~l -•-•- ' IWtl. l('C b11x . thl, s111k ----TH( UlTl ...... Tf Ol'llVING lil.liCH!N[ f975 DEMO S\7l ~l llf~5-1;,j\)l\~I __ Genttal 9701 Capri 9715 RANCH~Ro 500 '7 1 J1odt.:t· \"an 1111 t 1r<·:.. ••••••••••••••••••:•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ' · hr~h hk :;cat ~. f1 ;1f(•d fl'll 1970Tn,\·n.ta 2 IJoor Sedan. '7:1 l'apr1 211011. 11 Sp•I. ctcrs S15<XltofrR30-JOJO n<'w pain!. runs goocl ;irnltm IJJJC. n('v.' ... 1,·1·! SS I.OFF SALE l'a!CE Ori ""' ...-}bl..-;• .,,.,.,., toot 31!>1 OD 7Y 9-<:y1 -C.~! --""""11 ---"<.It ~!u•lt'f' S.M10>14 -ll'<a!S , .. ,,_, ..... ,. lttn-... oo.--ljlrU ... ~-"'.....,_ -·-ltnl oi ..... """"' ·~ ...... 1.~ M O &<.<S99~l•l>f>,_,."'°5 !S.-•!wlo4/ .. IJ!'A09 lC> ... ~ • ., , .... _ ... ,_,....,.,. .--r ' ~""'" 73 Cllfl. P.U. ~ --::.-.....:=-· 52088 _, ... ,_ 53088 ·' J !ll'~I l)(l(!gc Carnpt•r \'an. t\J[ly t'lj Uippe1t f>lh-1:->•;i.L ---1 '71 11' {'h f'V\', 350 V8 rnf.?. nu\" tr:in;, l'B. s tert•t r ;i ... ~C'lll'. Xtras. $2'.JOU ·m (; !'11<: 1 i ton ,. ;111. :i .... 1)(1 Ii 1·~·1. 1·11mpl Sho('k. 1\~k ui l! ')Jh~>O o\!l:!·O~hj AUTO Lf'as1n9 ------VS eo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brand Hew 197 6 MAZDA Lf'as~ For Only $84.59 rt.·r mo+ ·rs.:L 35 ,l Pl;Jlf\V \Y Y.: I' A ;'J1~ mo ... <1 I·: r .. l'.111 S:tlli. :\1 ~1 -.: tt'rn1 "hhc,1 t1nn. S l232.kk. 4) .\ (.' S··r= t:..tl-19:! lmmf'diate Delivery F -.:lt·n1lcd \\',1t ra11ly 1\\',11 I. BUCH OLDS/llAZDA 17J31 llUCff ILVD. lllllT. IUCM • 142.- Autos Wanted 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGH CARS CALL OR COME IH TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS 1100 w.eo .. 1 Hwy H.B. 642 ·9405 Orcmqe County's Hh:1hest S Buy er on Imports Bill Ma••y Toyota C.:ill Hoi;:t>r nr llLll 847 K."1:hl Lie. 712Hll:-.:. S79.') J ~llil r :itl1a1 .... 111·1' t\11 n1 i\l l'rcl'des, <I dnnr, In ..,hO(k ", n<·.,1: h.1 rt Ju .. 1 te rr or gofid con1l1t11)1l lunf'd, l,u m1 · .... Sh1"1' l"ood r unning eondit11)11 1·t1nd &1:~rM• 1,;;1 :11 71; nt•NIS "!ln1c p;11nt. Lie iJOllSSi2"JS . l)Pa1C'r. Y.:1 rarn1n11 1\utn Salt•s 1212 S. t-:1 (';11n111 n l<C'.ll 'i.l(",1pn. :<lril 1·11 1111. :..~;oov .1;, mus t ... ,·I I' fl~t Oft . ~1.'1:.: (~JI,'• San Clromrnt~9X-·l_l•11.:._ IT.1 Capn vr;, Yi·llo,1·. 1\11 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS lnf1rn1 • \\'1pi•d Shift -Y.:fft•rl i·ruuh\1 •111111 ~. ,\;\I /F \1 r:ubo, IJ11,1I 1·x:1 u ... t . :\l .1i· "lu ••I". 4 '1111111 Sh1wk..,, ,\ \IH·hC'l1n ll.11!1ot l l !f•'"· l·ndc·r 12.000 11111•· .... 'l'h1 .. ! .11" IS Ill l)t'.l'l 1·1·t !'Ulld! !Hiil $-1 .!~~t 1,j~! lli:lli "I lllS \\'11'1-: _ l:'l'"&ll-lf;'.IO I Jll"t read ;it,out :1 T \ pnl(tucC'r \I.ho" .ts 11<1111 ~ C olt 971 7 fine "1th J :.un1m"r ••••••••••••••••••••••• rcp\accmC'nl until 11 1~ '71 COLT \VI Ft.: found oul about 4 Spf'rd, lo , lo m il« her. ____ H071>FIJ Atfa Rontf'o 9705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S1799 lj :l ,\ If ;i fl , I; i 11 I I f' t I .I Spnnt. tnp nit•i·h. t·,,nd Nf·\V r:utl~ \11111n ).! 1nu~1 <.111·nf11·1• $-\~.ti IO';':', 7:'1 :~ Bill Maxey Toyota 18881 Beach Bl HS 847-8555 Rat 9725 fiat 9 725 ................................................. LAST WEEK SPECIAL SALE HEW 1975 128 $2899. 1 1933994 + T & L Dir. prep Ollef OOod lhru Nov. 30th. 1975. Dick Miller Motors FIAT FACTORY AUTHORIZED Sol.,, Mf'YH:ir, l"ui119 & Ovir•lflll O.l1v••r 120 W. Warner at So. Main, Santo Ana • 557-2132. , " ' ) I ' • 1 ~ •·· '-•· I on-111w..t1a1,1 .. 0•1111...iu. ,/, ••11# ~~·,,·~Vi ~....__ ~u10,, mpo. ·-,._tos, IMportect -101, mp -_ . ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMtot I "1ecf A.lltos, t.pOf"tld AlltAoa. l"'f'1rttd flJ;l DAILY PILOT Fri<lat, November 28. 1975 ..... lfllpcK+ect Altto1. IMported A¥to1, IMported Toyota 9765 Triumph 9767 Voltt:W91)1tt f770 ......... ~r:: ....................................................... .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ,. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Volts:Waigtft 9770 oltiWDgllrft 9770 ..... 9770..~. Dahwi 9720kwnwGhla 9735 PG_!)lll1M 9750 l!n• Cclica GT, s l)pd , '74Sfitfire '69VW ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••~: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Z2 000 mi br ·n Xlnl . c ~L•- ' 0 z j • G"' I b k ' " 0-' 4 Speed ISl' brakes on•...-·-vw BUSES . Sq •• v . ---· ~ vw B ... n-mpe• F'>I 73 atsun 240 . "'SJK!t-"', 6S 1111:t, l' ~an. ri.I e~ *BEAT* ~·untl.640·07511 , ~ h , l 1 .1 · 4 s~ radio. heater, 6' .ut1.. eryo1ce ... ..., ..... .,.., -'\A • • AM I FM radio, rMd1a\ methanlcal. SSUO. radio, ea er. O mi es, ...... ~..... Nu baltC'ry .,paint. $950. radio. clf:tn. runs a:ood. lir~ bucket seats & only 842·Z762 THE '76 rt>ady for the mountains. wire wheels , •aJnul & CAMPERS f40.8109 $1050 633-8$45 •ft6Plt ' , · , CELICA'S OS8LKQ d~h . custom pin 1trlp· fMo~o~~'.im~a utiful Mmda 9731 PRICE IMCREASE 'f'>OSS Ing, etc. lf.LWB. ......_..Hew 9100....,.,_ New tlOO• TOWNE&COUNTHY ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'1U $1795 74 In 4]4LP5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••• Le-•TL• .a.llH~w 1975911 S '75 •••••••••• S4377 7t)as.senger,lornlle!\. fi.46-1447 Dir .... " '"19"7"6 COUl'ES 4 Spet.od. scerec), :;ur C'on JI-Marino '74 lus I 84KY0 Yo dil1on1ng Still looks un . • .• WILl,BUY UH M•ZD•COSMO (()~LY 2 Lt-:t-vr 1 nt>w'Sl2MPQ. MOTORCARS 1 Passt!nger, plt!nty "' T>ATS UN. TOYOTA, 1114 1114 t . O>A•nt-r's J)cn1u-S1l\·1•r room. OH \'OLKS\\' AG t-:N "Ccr Of The-Y~or·• w / i.unrooL Lo:ided >A ith '7l •......... S2997 llWlt B•·h MZ·'43$ 1200 W. Coast llwy •70 lus 289llrrilll SNARE c P1\ID FOil A 4 200 4 Speed, Afi.1 radio, ell· 645·1f02 ·1 OllNOT. $139.89 ex tra~. l'llrox . ' Jlard to tell from new. ·6.1 1·nurn1>h 1·u .;1. ('Om · 9Pussenger .t'le.an. 111111~. A r1·ally ht·aut1ful d '71 Btn 205JSI 1'0 1' !>OLLAR 200! 03311QO. lllt•ll·h· r1•slur'-' . Imm at'. '72 VW 11] I CALL J)t'rmo +T&L ~lf~i:,unl~:.;.,. rt•d rnu!H.' '72 •••••.•••• $2777 SllWO Ca ll4!14-48!l:J. 4 S peed, s tick :hift , 7 Pas11enger.1harp! l SALUERNAllt-~NE n'J~1y wit h ai r, s tereo, :.dlo.)s, 4 Speed: stf'rco. & tape Vo11tswoq•n 9770 racho, heater, new puint. '73 Bits 666'9N"4 !'>40·0.•42 rt-'.flt-'Oltll-11\NCt: + etc. 1202293). ~~· .. ~Nc;~Jr cond itioni n1.:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jo rnilca. 264GOQ. 7 Passenger. dual t•nk•. Comper Shell 28 MPG HIW4 Y E.P.4 Th'·'c two '"" """' '"' eJM letru' '74 Super S.•ff• S2288 '70 Pop Top 69 Datsun PU 36 mo:-;. 0 .E.l •. Ca p. S5K7S sold on a first i·o111 1• Su11ru1•f. chrornc wh1•cls 81 llMT !'.l ax. Term obligut1on b••,is. No phone ordt·r:s &slerl'o Cl r r:x1·cllcnt condit1on' s.:~n5.320AC . .. •7 JVWCAMPER l'an. un cumper ZCUZ2 1 hnmt-diatl' Dl'li,·cry ucccpteil. TQYQT A lmm;u·ukite insldl' & ljITTi•i!l'JP'lj'8 "70 lus 93SIST $1488 3Yror5V.OOO m1 DOM BURNS out' lnl·ludt·l)~k1racks. T:ft1 l'Cac~. 9 Passcnger. Hunsgood! ctorv Warra tv PORSCHE /AUDI t9b6 Harbo• c ,A ,.16 9 101 •73 S"fHr l•effe 11um lk·h. MZ·4435 '71 1us 532CICT CK OlDS/IAZH I 1631 Harbor Tri•.-J. 976 Spet·1<1I maJ:~. l'Ui>tnm "70 VW Fastback 7 Passenger, extra ctr.an I:~ "w!~f. GARDEMGROVE -·•r" pa111tJ11b&.~tcreo.111UST 711us Ol•lt L •.:.!l,ll i 17331 IUCll llWD. ---•••••••••••••••••••••• •I Cyl.. 'I s peed . s tick ,. l II [k:.1c \'. MT.IEACll•IU.-e '72 ~tl ·I Orani.:e. app J:rp. '71 TriumphTR-6 st-:E,v.illtrade. "h1ft.rad10,lo m1les.nice 7Passenger,aircond. llunt H1:h 11-12 443.'i i\:\It t-"1\T. m ;1i.:s. r;1ll1>il.~. Roodsl•• SADDLEBACK ('<tr tmAKN. '71 Bus 048FUM -----t-_:xp1r1-s 12.01 .75 M<.'l"IO r.75·~•o:!u VALLEY IMPORTS 1974 DATSU"' __ ---< Si>"OO . rndio, he:•'"' 831-2040 495-4949 """ BRAMDMEW 1974 ·74 91-' 20 Por~t·ht" i\1r. Immaculate 1n!->11ll· 260Z MAZDA ~1~r6s:fi~oup. Like new. oul'4.IODliP. '1 Spi.•ed, faclor\· :1i r ('On SJJ95 d1t1on1ng , 1\l'.l I F~! ra<lio, Cleoronce Sole ·71 !114. An1 /Fm sterru. ·1;:? VV..' llu,i.:. Hebu1ll l'nJ!. 7'l'V. l'IUtt·h . $•175 . t;.1;:,.11:r!. r..io MIOO _____ , $1488 Harbour V.W. . . . . . 9 Passenger. Like new GARDEN WEST 'I W H• " I v. ,f II• " lo II , I ;,~,.,,,., o •Ip, IH '• I' I \\ • ~I 11 "''I• ' <!'• • • l hf'all'r, l\!;1~ ~·heels. Li e $2 831 :!·1.~I or11! ov.•n1·r m1 Jim Marino .. lhml Hch ... __ ...::."::'c:...,,=-I :!J3Kl{O. Sl&IO.ff73·1:hi:J li73·5~J I . MOTOR C 'RS Don't i,:ivc up thr ~111p! - ..., "L1s1 '· 1t in cl;1ss1f1ed 'jf) \'W Hui<. aulo .. ne w VW 'j4 nus new tires, F ... q~• 1>1i~d with m~~~·1,~' :.pd. A:\1 11":\1. Best uffi•r 645· I I 02 642·567li. l>st oCr . 54!1-0&13. radio. 551-5728. A HARE ... '76 ~rabbit 53676 . Madel 170.1. Inc. tu & 1976-76 lie. C..9h ~13980.56. 1500 down payment; APR t4,3'4%; 48 payments: OAC. {1763037312). s9512 Only '" .... $5595 .ll1t·ludc~ !Jeulcr Prr.p . Porsche 7~ tH·I •I. 1 1-: ~ Ji!(l(JW.Co;.ist lh .. ·y Ship to :.horc rcsults!l 11res A· hrakes, $1300.or mags . .Z ·hcd. a n1/f01 S t A engine, manr u 1 .. 7~1 ·72 10 -........ _ ... 9100 an a na 1rns . ::;1•r. 1121.1601. :1 \ r. --------Autoi. Hew 9800 Auto1, Hew 980000 ""'., .. o,•,•,M,:."! ••••••• !!.~~ ':':1.:.9_~·.r::."': •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• or ~n ,ooo n1i. t-"ar:torYl•--------• I•••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • · \\';1rr;1ntv. Lincoln Mercury 130 I M. Tustin 547-0511 7.J Oat!lun iooz. 2+2. air , mag:., la11<'. )(Int 1·oncl. 56000. 5'.Uj .5449 Fial 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• li73·7615. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ---"''---I '60 Mercede-s Be-nz JOO SL Rdsh- ,\classic. l\J int t·ondition. Pnced lo sell ! 634N BW. 'l);d MILLER MOTORS FACTORY l A!JTllORIZED Sales• Ser•lce Parts • L•asinq 120 W Warner at t-f aln Santa Ana .SS1·2J32 '70 850 SPYOER. fl;l ust SALE Jim Morino MOTORCARS 1200 W. Coast Hv.·y. 645-1102 EXCLUSIVE fOI Orange County <Qzffe£ c1.:~J AUTHOaruo s.litt & S-...k• DAVE ROSS See!Xlntcond,neweni,:. 1\1cla\lic btiJ:e v.'ilh --------$1700846·8062. ____ match1n i; i nt erior , Toyota 9765 roNTIAC·STun 2480 Harl>or ll•d. 73MERCEDES 450 SLC '73 f'iat 12·1 Sixirt Cpe, autnmal1c t ransm1ss1on . ••••••••••••••••••••••• A f C Al\.t f fM s tereo, power steering. factory iiM , mint.·13700/bes t air conditioning,Al'i1 fFl\f 962.5444., stereo radio, healer , etc. ---------1 <23SHSYI '7'4FIOt128WO<Jon $15 800 4 Speed. AM/FM rndio, ' 12,700 miles. Sho":r oom read)!. 520MCC . '$7788 SLEMONS MERCEDES 1970 llarbOr, C.f.1. 631-1276 '58 f.1<'rcedes 300 0 ''®·@''11" 67~5. lllllll~ 1~1h. ac ;.z.443S '65 l\fcrccdcs·.Bcnt. 190C. 4 ---dr, j!OOd m1 /cond Sl7 Jaguar 97 3 0 673· 1925 675·0909 e\'es ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Jogucr 2+2 1970 280 SE Cpe. One & on· ly e lassie. concourse col "'S..nroof" Jectors item. f\lust see t TOYOTA Exclusi•e D•oler South Coast Area luy °"lease at MllRQ D 15 MOTORS Avery Pk'A·y-Sll Jo"r~·y MISSION VIEJO 83 1·2880 4~15 ·121 0 '76 TOYOTAS ARRIVING DAILY $2997 Sll'reo, chrome wire apprec. P vt Ply 675·j482 u• h c e I s. 18, 3 4 8 m 1 l es ·i.:;"::.'::"':.:Sc;· 'c:'::":.c·-----I 62911C8. ALSO Plus tax & li e will dl·li\•er a nc>A' Corolla 2 1t1>11r to '7 1 J\1crcedes Benz 300 \'OU. 100'.(-t-'inanring SF.L 6.3. Steering , ;1vai1ablc on uppro\'t'I\ '73 Je19uarXKE brakes. au lo. S nrr .. crl'dit , for 36, 42 or 48 "Soft.top" Sliver Metallic. $8,000. monlhs. 6,578 l'ilill"S, chrome wire'l-'58'.'.1 '.C.. 7"862""'·'-------1 ' 1\d1uo LA11.:& "'hl'cls. Both 1·:.1 rs Sable MG 9742 .WI\ UlllO w ith lt1n i nt e ri o r .••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ !IO'JL.JK. '69 MGC GT ~ TOYOTA SAVE 4 Speed, 'radio, u·i re v.·heels, showroom fresh. 1966 liorbor, CM 6411 9J03 One owner. 11121. NOW SAYE •lillMauySn• ROLL 'EM NEWPOHT IMPORTS JIOO W.Coastffwy.N.B. 642-9405 ---- :\IK·lOSt.-da n. Auto. trans. V<'rY .l!d. cone!. s:nso. Ph : M2·127:! -------- IFYOU have a service to orreror Harbour V. W. . . . . . . ' Hunt. Sch. MGB 9744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 to1GB l\IIDGt-:T ·•1 speed, radio, wire ~·h<'els & bucket seats. Suntonl' yellow w/hlack interior. t670HQJ.1). $1499. TOWNE&COUNTRY 646·4447 Dir. ·goods lo se ll , place an ad '68 l\1G~8. Blue. Nu wht in the Dail y Pilot top. Clean. Must sell. Classifi ed Section , • . Sl.575. 673·1363/673-5391. Phone 642-5678. 16 READY TO BUY'75TOYOT4S Example : A!! low as $3199 lNo.3267) SR5 with stereo HUIJe Sefecti0tt of 1976°1 We want to sell You wa nt lo buy kl ·s gel together 4 DR. Corolla $3295 (9ft257) SM tt.e nice guys tltal doo, f""J•I al BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 847-8555 "'" .... ~ llYd. HoofliMJIOll hach Ho. I 111 Ports Sen Ice '72 ToyolaCclica 42,000 ml, all iclras 827·2740 __ __;c.:c_ --- 23 FIREBIRDS IN STOCK •TRANS AMS •FORMULAS •ESPRITS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY llrcmd Mew 1976 FIREBIRD s4 12Sl70IN~t58:MJ HUGE NEW astre SELECTION I DELIVERY TODAY AT DAVE ROSS PONTIAC/STUTZ CAT AUNA Air conditioning, power steering, power brakes. 1 owner. (UUY327) s999 '71 MERCURY COMET ' door. auto. trans .. power steering, vinyl rool. $1689 STl'T'l Ul.\fli IL\\\'li The worrcrs rrcst lu•urious 2·door auton'Obile f'IOW '-""~-I of '°"' !.-... S,0..., lloo ("'of!><""" -1-"'""" .... -~ .......... ... ....-,1..,. ~.,...-i._.-. .... ,,. ...... -,.,... ...... ...... .....i. ...... -i.,,..1,.-..~1 ... ... ...... ... O<<OJ> "'" °"' oj .... _, ..,.,H,,..,, ...... '"°"""""'..,tb..Ra.,P_-;o,....._.cit .. llill. IONNlYILU 4 door. factory air condilioning, full powet', vinyl roof. (287GLL) ~ SAii.Ri WAGON Loaded! Air conditioning. power windows, tilt wheel. roof rack. an outstanding low mileage wagon! $1889 {783FZHJ$2689 '73 PINTO '74 PONTIAC WA&OM Auto. trans., i lr condit>on;ng, ra:fo, heater, VfKY cte•n! (261HNFl LIMA'15COWO V-8. auto. trans.. air oonditfoning. power steering & brakes, AM/FM radio. (034LFO) ' s3399 FOi 6BBAL MOToaS C.U.S FRONT WHEEL IEIJllNG PACK & IR4KE INSPECTION DRUM BRAKES DISC BRAKES '' 41 speed, air conditioning, AM/FM radio, decor group. (146KFN) 689 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO " ;i '• • ' ., ' • • . • ' Jl.lfOM.YPfl OT Thut!d!f.~7'.1171 ..._.._,,1w ................ ....._,,.lltM Fr id!)',Novtmbel'21,1V75 DASLYPILOl @J3 ~~;~;~;~~~1~;~~:;~i::~~~~-~~iii'tiir---1;•••••••••••t••••••••·••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••t•••••••••••• AiWto I rt.cl Ua.t4 ......_ Uteel ...... 121••rW -. lll••rtod . -~~-'77 v~.-t77Z Y-t77Z 1 ' •-_. .. .,. .............................................. ····················•· ;::::·~·······;;;·o ••::-···········;;..;· ··················,·1··1·0· ······················~ ···•••··•··•·•••···•••· •·•······••······•····· Vol•o 9772 WU ''I 0 .... ''I 5 ~ .. -••..-73 VW S L -·~1couHTY 71 Voi'fo •••••••••••'"'••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••6••,••YW••••••••••••• 6s··=·s•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••dA&~M """"'""'voLVO 4 Door 164 VOLVO e4 Sk)'lark needs head 'Tl CAD CdV, loaded, xlnt ' a. .,. "•••llock '$7 VW But made Into 4 Cyl.." speed. AN/ Automatic: transmission. ica11ket only, olhtr,.1se rond S!300. Priv1le par " Speed , slick ahlft. 4 S~, radio, reb\dll cmper Nn111ood MOO or radlo, chrome •heels, EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO factory tur i:ondiUonina. OK . Sl95 418 llairulton ty 17 14:M9'-Ul'9 radio. vel')' clean bu1 . ~!~ le transmission. btttotrMf.1115 new Ura. tll>HlY' LarJeal Vol Yo Deller power 1teerin•, rtdio. WAGONS Apt 8 \f~. _..,! ORR689~ $2388 mQranaeCountyl heatt1r, J:J,OOO mllt>a ==-------il964CadillacSedan l lurl') new brks .k Urcs. Claan. DIRECT 71·145 ••••••••••••••••••••••• m -9019 or 673-772'8 bel . ~ . $l9U $12BI. 1'81 VW Bu,s. ttblt ens.. BUYMLEASE OJOOOW . Codlloc 9915 lO ~ell ! $400. Call Pall:) •• , lllOO.orbllotfer.892·9017 • $4395 4 Speed 11\r s t ereo sr~t. •ti#tJMtl . • s~.':!~i1•1•" !!~l~¥'8!: ~~ M~;'ta~~~s ~~·'~••·•·rac k C~~~~t~c SCRAM-LETS 1 • l!th. .., • ..., !'""'· lldl. .., . ..., lrffft .462C.1$lBQB.B '67 YW Bua. ffi>ll •n•·· 2025 S. Manchester tzooW.CoaatH•-y $36 191~5 Offor~rtwi011sly S RS . r•·· 1--~-.. •-S.lithin1s r .. 1wilhOail 1175. or best offer. Anaheim 750-2011 645·1102 . • 9 -• OwntdCadilloc• AN WE ~I KUe _.ug 41.·...,•o Pilot Want Adt:. 548·9736 after $:30 , 4 Speed, radio, heater . .as.. u •75 V I 74 VOLVO 1ze:s.1. Thl'Y 3re !lo ntut·h bc.·ttt•r Ktmono · J;om1 cl A._, ... 1, "ew 9100 A41tos, Mew tiff '11 VW t)une Bay. Sur2r . O VOS ''alue thun m<iny o( thl' 1\11110\ .-.xl· tc •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• depndbl . tr•ns p . Top luy or L•a•e f 42 2 Door $2077 1nler1nl"(l1 atc pn<·C(I """' :itONf':Y w /~ld es. Stervo. Js t • t'.1rs on the market tu S1.·1l·nt1~t' :ind tnglru•1·r~ : •. • H SHOP & Cou•••E.t.11. 11 .... Heh. """"" 11 .100 cuh """" fUELl"'JECTIO"' '63 -122 d"y.Thlnk•bout>l. ""'" dc>"ul<>P<•• an<• ..,...-Aft 842·7l90. 1"'11 " 4 S~I. A~1 radio, t'~tro. rocket thut t.:~l'I so '""' LOWBT Pa!C!f. wwa.sanc1 ,,. 'fW COft•H'fibk Automalic LJansrnl!>Sion, extr:1 shar1>' t•t.'17Sij . 1973 CADILLAC I h l" y 'TC l' a 111 n lt 1 l sa._..TH(COASTSIMCJi 1911 4Speed. radio. complete-J>O"'Cr steerinJ(., air con· $1599 t'l .t.:t~T"'()()D :i10Nf';\·. ly 1recondltloned . VolYO ditlonln.&.less thanlt,000 .. , dio •• ter t HltOUG llAl\l 03SKLE. ••••••••••••••••••••••• m1 n, r11 ' ""a ' e c. l) l ''CADILLAC" NEW 1976 GRANADA 4 DR. LOADl!D WITH EXTRAS: (27M.PHl. lllll a1n:1 Th~ t'Pl lome of motoring SAYE VOLVO $5295 GJ"°" UUW ha. ••«Y 'on<c.vubl< bclotl•• Dool... ~· oxlr• 1"'100'"" l<0ihe< Quality & Price ~~· ·VOLVO interior, du;il con1fort South C.oost Area scats, C'ruisl' con lrnl, O•er 70 19M> Hti•tlg• c ,,, ,,46 9101 llll'reo , light scnt1nl'l , to-Choose From Harbour V . W. : : . Hunt. Bch. '87 VW Bug. Good cond., $1 100. Private Party. illlyorltoHal 1970il arbor.C.l\1. Lrunk rcll·u:.1•. l'll', cte For tl'tf' best pncl'lli. th1· ··~.,.~~~-.t ,......... 631 1276 ,. • ALL Show!! llTil>Cl'l'Pblc r:.i rt• h1~t·~l lt"ase r<1t es, & dt" , @ NE!,.D • 10011\\'0 ) .-nd:ihlesi:rv1 ce, sec ' cua1 ... MAS • '66. New mufflc r/liresr r- j ..,,,...,~:'.i'.~.::. F b•""Y t.ook• & r""' •75 VOLVO'S ss49 s NABERS CADILLAC 4 1n• ptk•lll'lh,.111e great. li13·7Z34 . 261111 Jlal'OOr Dlvd 69 VW Sedan. Porsche Avery Pkwy.SO-Frwy : ~'1~~o"'~1fif:~ \ T-r y.---a-0 a i I y P 1 I ot MUST GO 1974 CADILLAC COS'l'A l\I l::SA 54fl·91Uo , rims, radials. xlnt cond.. MISSIOM VIEJO • c.111 &eJ ~111or '"'"· _,..~ Classified Ad to buy, sell Sl-'.UAN l>t-: \'I Ll .t-: Ql't-:N Sl1NOA Y Mft.RQDIS MOTORS I 963·2006 cve11. «•.4ui." "·· • t th' To M~t Roo"' For Tht A dt•st'rl l't'l"e bt'aut)· ----'----~--~----·I 831 ·2880 495-121 .... -~ '·~·,..,.....;. · -_orren some 1ng. U11 ,. ,. 'JG'S \11 1t1 hucksk1n leather 111· •72 Eldo r onv. load c~I . •• 9100 Autos. Mew 9100 Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, Mew 9100 ten or , v111 yl top. stt·rco. 46,Ui.-J 1111. $3700. St•ThtmStorti"'" cruise i:nntrul, 6 wa ~· ti-16·4732 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··"'ll i-t·al'i, till & lt<lc s ti:crinti: ------ Dec. 1 St "hct•I. st•nt111('I . ctt·. Onl' ·AA ('art I llac S<.'dan Dc\1i lh· t>'.\'ner. (~12 .JCS I. 4 dour, rull IKl"'cr. S5tl0. New engines, nt·w rolors. $549 5 '1%·331;8 _____ _ etc. ~MlwiiA W VOLVO Alltos, Ustd ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9901 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970 Plymouth Ouster . n1 cl' ca r. Good transportat1oq, $795. Lil'. PV2212 1971 ~1uslanjl , lite Brown w/Red interior . Sharp ! $1895. Li e. 325CLD. 1968 Chrysler Newport Very cleun t·ar. Near new tires. Runs good. $005. Lie. WSJ657. Dealer El Camino Auto Sn Jes 1212 S. El Camino Real San Clemente 498·1400 (prices good ror 10 dayl'I) AMC 9905 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrond Mew '76 Pactt Fully faetOf"y t>quipped & prii:t'<I to sell this week· l'rn:I. <lv~r 20 racers 1n st1K:k for immcdiale de h\t•ry. $3588 ShorKrnt AMC /J .. p 16751 Be<il'h Blvd. Jlunt1ngton Beach 848-8066 ·r.s Eldorado. Xlnl condt J974 CADILLAC COl.iPt-: DE VII.Lt-: lion. 5'10·5:192 evi:ni nRS A rcul eyc·t·atc h1n~ p;old amaro 9917 cxlcnor with leather in· ••••••••••••••••••••••• t erior, cabriolet 1011. · r. 9 C A ·~1 A R O - cruise control, st t'rco Automatii:, vs. bucket radio, tape dci:k, sen· seats , beauty mags. t111cl. This heauty 1s ~tnpinp;. radio & vinyl pncl.-dto sellrast sudon't t op L ooks great' dt'la y. t539 Fl'T I. t676J0Yl. 51499 $629S TOW~o&COUNTHY ().11;.4417 Dir. 1974 CADILLAC 15 Comaro v•. Auto.""' EL OOHAD<l COUl•t; w /blk int, 14 .000 ml. ~f lnt l\cautiful r1rem1st ~old cnnd . $4200 /offer. extcnur, C.'ahnolet top, 675·9382. c ruise conlrnl. stereoi ---------- tape derk , split powl'r MustSell 1968 Camaro. Sl'als. Leather 1nt('rior SJ 100. C.111 and all the 01hcr Cadillac 496-22li0or 494·3262 extras. '!'his i:ar must be ,73 "LT" AT A'. rlriven ln he appreciated. cpc · • II Jlurry. (:.2fiJP'l'L eond. E~cratd gre<i n ' w1whlte vi nyl top. Supt.•r $6995 l'h·a n. Xlot t ires. Inst MCLEA lll..I i;caugl'S, r allyc wheels. ("Ill CTll ronsole . till whl. CADILLAC eic. cl c. !·owner 2SM miles. 642·3301. ~. 2nd&MAIH SANTA AHA 543-9421. 'AA 327. Aulo. new liri:s lmaJ:J?l. trlr hitch. $1:?511 . ~7 .9729 or 828·5202. ~lust sell 1974 Ca marn. "'C. (;)';~ ·a.$V .!!-', ,\~1 1 f':'il 8 track slcrt•o. ) VOUM j • 1\1C. ma ~ .... ·hl!i , xlnt ~ j) *t:NUSJo:O ITl':M S (;) ··ond. 962·8470 COULORt: . ~ ... .. .. , ;:-SOM l':OS t:·s • "" t:ttKISTMAS (l · The fastest draw in tho. !) Mk ir.o .:about the Oa•ly Wf'st. .. a Daily Pilot • P•h>t Ch r•~tm •u ,,, ... 111 ' Cla ss ified Ad. J>h one a c~u 6'~-:loliTII ~ 642 ~. • .... C) .:'!.. .• .%.~.!I........ , __ -_._. ______ _ 4utos.Mew 9100Alllot.Mtw tlOO 'J10 QOlc-,1,oulo Ir-~1Q01 -....nl ..... -fl-dl1-. .,,..,-..... l•'-""-.-. .,....~ll'Qllll.(-1l13e1J STICKER PRICE SS275 -·-~ '-. .. j ---5 4277~lf?'E7 NEW 1976 MUSTANG II u ... eyl_ -........ - -._ --........ ''*'°" ... ~ ..--~...,..........,. -....._... ~ ---~·--.(tFOlYI~ mcs9 IWC• MJ• NEW 1976 PINTO PONY MPG 13--C...-_, ... -..---·--· _,_..,~,,,_...,._1911_.or.--•-.-.1 .. 10"111t111 snatl IWCt l HH -. ' ~ . I \ 53555 596!?.... 52ft9 SJJO..!.... , ._. ___ ._...,....... .., _______ .., .... -,, ••• -....... 4 _ • ., ..... ___ _ ='····"_,.._ :.:. ............. _ '11 fOID UW4M. ___ .. _ --"'""'"' s1777 5Mw'Ut4Ci ... ...... _ •74 PLYW. ---..... -~ ............ ---·--·-----R•G'I '7J WHC. -.. -............ .. ---~ _____ .. _ ......... •M••oo .... -.. ~ 52555 .,4 fOID """'°" ....... -----;:.,.-· -·-- s2999 '14 CHIY '74 fOID ,.... •T WAIO'I Nmt ·--.. ------::-;;;-----... ,_,. .. 52888 I 52888 .... -_, - .,, ei.e:o,.. _ .... "14 POID J _ ... -------··-·- '7l PLTW. Mf4M. .. .... ''""'· ........ .. ::-::::..-:::; = = ., ....... '75 CHEY. _.. . .... -· ... .,, ... ' -·--.. -.. .. -- 54177 "7UOID1 -------------__ ,., ........ '71 TOTOTA. C-..111&.M.T. ... --.--__ ,.__ '1) PMTO . .. ·--------- 74nt -___ ...,... __ _., __ . ..,,,. .. __ ,_,..,. ,_,, ___ ......... .. -~ '7l FOID ~ . . .... ..... ........ ... ·----____ _,,. s2999 '74 lMM. ·~ ---·---....... 'll FOID LTD 4 WOOi MA.ltraf' ··----..... .,., ........... , - 51199 '7l CHIV Clll,Tlll•t l•Pll .-... _. ___ _ ----·'' --...----s3m • _ ... _ ... _ - '71 CHEYY -· '-'"··· ....... --. •M OM .,,,. • .,, ,o•o .. -· '72 fOID -·~ .. -.............. . --·--__ ,,.,,.,.,,.,, s1777 '7l fOID """° 5'.L Wol.eOM ·---.... ·-·-· '67 FOID ··-.,_ .. , ......... ~. • ... "-· _ .. t•H H"I ,..,.'! ..., __ !"''- s2999 '67YW -- ··~"'"""...... - 51599 '69 MERCEDES 280 SE '74 DATSUN Z60Z Autometc • .., CO"llt~-t IN9' (>rily IOOO -& IDolt1 ll'-'l$91111C.B1 '71 JAGUAR XJ 6 Au~llC. t!• colldl!IMlnq. ~a """"°°'· t1a 1FALI $AVE $AVE s6795 '75 CADILLAC ·COUPE F ull l)O•••. !eC!Ory olr cond•l>on•n11. 1111 wl!e•I & 1!t•IO Onty 2200 "'11•1. (Mif>!PGI '74 VOLVO 164 E Au!"""'l>C •tt Con!l•hOll•"'O I 1191'1<1. 8<111111 Q<-•• 1 ...... "'''"" ••••"•• "'"~ c1~1 n• (!>4.'.lKZJ) . '74 FORD THIMDBlllD Fu ll !)Owe•, l1c1or y '" C11<111<>1Q11onq I """1 •!><>I, Only 12.000m.1 .. 132J~PH) 57795 $AVE 55900 '7SMG MIDGET CONVERTIBLE o .. 1y 1eoo lfl+I••' • •t1••11. "'"'/'F"' 11 ... ,_ .. "'°'' ~•,...,it (e&IHCN I. · '7S OLDS CUTLASS SALON ... U!O"'•l't I AC!Of< ~'' c.<11'<111.......... ..11, .... ~~"'' & v 1~yl !OD \4 000 "''l~S . (11111.Pttl '74 FORD l/e TOH f'ICIUP' <;.uP(ll CAB' A\110,,,.10:. l)OOI,.. \!••""II p<h•~• b<••~• I 11e1orv •• con<11!.0~"'0· 0~1, Sl00-{73~l ) $AVE $AVE 54995 '74 FORD I RONCO , '75 CHEVY MONZA z +z '74 vw BEETLE A 11 !.,,,,e1 1~. ll C IO•~ I" CIO'"d1'"""'"9 I only llOCJ(l mol•1 St-do l.:lory "" co<>cl••>Oll>f>q I !le<'Ml'WI AU/fo.! 11<100 (t 20JllPj • . • --. Alt.01, Uoecl -....... UHd Alltol. Used _.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••'••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Allfo UMfl ........_ ~ ...._.,, UM4 1 ._.,, Ut.•d Allto1, U1ed IAuto•, U1•d Mus~-9952 Oldsmobile 9955 Pinto 99S7 •••••~'••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••-••••• ..... • .; Dl4"DAILY PILOT Frtday, No11ember 28. 1975 ....................... ....................... ....................... -....,. . ...... '-Che•rol•t 9920 . •••••••••••••••••••••·• •••••••••••••••••••••,.• ••••••<t:•••••••• • PtymoYttt 996~ 'tllMec tt•I Th 11~ tt70 •••••••••••••••••••••••Continental 9930 Ford 9940 ·~ J\lu sl.110:. l!.1111 l·ond . lo SulHnndSCrvi(e •75 PINTO V•6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••"•••• CONNELL CHEVROLET ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• m1 , S7SO. S4~·0!Ui7 . o r OLDSMOllLE '15 T H N'D E RBrkO 1974 MARK IV ·73 1.To 2 "' .... ,,11 .. , •. ""'·"''"-----GMC TRUCKS Stationwagon w 1EL& ll(ooN R>' .. \ 1ny l roof. A fl . V"'-r. otdJmobile-9955 HOMDA C:_A8S Aulon1a11c ~r~n.,.m1s1uun. 1~ EA T I · I NT £ R · • \utc• Iran:-, fa i·tor\ 111 r l!f5 '11rr1·r 641101K7 t1u.1orv a ir rond1 ttoriih1?. Chrtstw HT. F i i i 1· SAt.t:s -'· Sf':ll\'l<"E 2828 H arbor 81¥d. 1 011dll.11in1n1-:. rull I"'"'-Pr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• University Okls radio: ht-ulc.r, le!ls lhan Open Daily & 11 •. 'til 10 ~ 9•70 PWR .. 01 VORCF. IAL 8. 1 \\I l-:'il r.111111 , h1·atl·r . 'lit l 'u ,tum 500 Hun :-LEASE ""~"llur•~r lit•·" 238'llc'l '''' •n-SELL -OR """"' • .., " 1~.000n11lcs ! ( .. c... ••••••••••••••••••••••• W~ulL,.L ACC~•p'y"" A. NY .,..h1ll• ..... t11 t1 r 1·'· \lny l t.:uod :-..11., hodv .,..urk 1976CUTLASS (\)Sl.1~\t·s~1 ~O~ 2929 11urbor8J\d., i:.. r·~.f. t111H·d i.:l.1,:-. \1h1•1·I 532:-, ~1 111 v:1:!I ----$4295 c-1,.,,1,-0 'l~. Xlnt cond. full pwr. RE>SONOPR.673·11117. I t '()S"l'i\ :\I ES \ 1.11, 1.1, 1.11. 8:rrKJ D. "Soon To l e-" ·12 Old11 moblle Cutlas5 54-, •19·3•4 i.1r cond, Maha W/'<'·ht I.'.~~::;..;::.:.;.:;.=:.::;~ $6095 Mercury 9950 HUMIER I 442. :'lint rond, SIO'JS 1nu1tj v-1.op. $3660. Ir 873-641,P •It y.... tt1• 546-1200 ·;u l·:I l'.111111101, I'S. I'll .111', ,11•0•1 lo1•lt ! ;1d 1.il 11·r \ , h·.111 Sl'•i '.1 11 I' .-,:,1 vc•:· ••••••••••••••••••••••• $13319 i.,l·,tt1 ttiSO 1'u:o.tin Ave. l!f7tl llarhur,(' ~I. r-~ac ----9965 ~m•wknds. •••••••••••••••••••• r. 7 :! \1 {I n l l' Ii ~· ,\I x { I -·" St u· W a .. on ,.._" S t A Hn1u~h ;11n 2 door lrn • ' 631·1276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974 T -8\r d, S unroof . 'Tl 8 ~ • '"'a an a na 111·r1110 1 "l'&I . ·111 ·roron,1du Sharp ~ uni) C..."r • St lr 'f1 twhl t1utmnuttc. ltlrl-f, 50,0Dll) r11;11·1·0111t l.01n1 S1t•11•u St·rtt \IK\1~ i·h·:in Lui ~ of {·xtrus 1971 PINTO 'i4Pont111l•Gr1u1d Safari. wae, ttreo • .s389 ·mi 51400499-3623 ., ll.ncoln Mercury 1a1· .11t', l U ... t xtr.1 .... I')> :-.1mu. .. (_)I·: l. r .q> $."1J2i ~Mf l'h .H•lti0064.1 STA1'10N W 1\GONc Lo.mL,()o.wnr.G4-1 -~ . ~"'oJ j 11,tofr ri:i:1!11 71 :\1a .I( tc-rni ohlq,:atiun ,\uto. trail!> .. rut.110 . Am /f''m !Clered. Le pe;, ....... Mew flOOAMtoloMew 9 1 •72Corryoll 130 1 N .Tu•lo·n S!·l·l!l.()i\C ·74 fln\t·~a . 1n pt•rft•t·t ht•;111·r . vinyl 100(. lir AIC.full power .:p,pdcon-•••••t••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , '7 1 l '11ut.:.1r Xl!7 lr11n1111•. :r7Kl'"J'I . t 1 I h I' Ch S b b 547.051 I 1 ___ _.iate Oeli¥erv 1·01111 I 1'111 11rt•s $2800. tru . s pec a w ee .,. e't'y u ur an lu 1111 SJ•p lo ap11rl'1·1.1I<' nwm:u 1 •A 400 b t f 673 2100 1-'r,,nt &· rc•.or .ur .i ult• f',t Pl\. ~111 ~1 'I'll t:xlcndcdWarranty H:nl!tililafl •l l'M $1495 "''' 1 s ~ir · . ...:..-:.._i 11.111 ... p111\1·1· -.1<'l'fftl t.:.Cor ... ette 41932 •17'1 ~1:1 1 · A\.ill ·1a Cutl.i:. .... Suprt·nit' X:lnl '7U Ponuac <..:atali na SI.Ji· 11''' 111.111 \.I tMMl 111111•, ••••••••••••••••••••••• CH OlDS /IWDA 1•on(I , 111r. :-.ti·reo, all pv.·r. sa· nta Ana lioll Wai;too . aut.o. A/t . 'KI Mli"l·('I .•'1'()11('\Sll ' '1U ,\lan11H:..n1.1l\~l'\\l'<I'. S!.7!JO .11:1I H'~"' pwr .... ·1ndOV.'S, l'"'-'t "'" 1.,,t\t•lt•·' .uut <ollu·r li:l.IMMI nu. 'IHI r~111d . 1rn 17DlllACllll¥D. hr:ikl·S. pwr Mll'erlng. $3499 u , •. 11 i·,1r ... ,.,. t r u1 "''' ~~~·~·:i1;1s 11111n ri :11 i ~•:!'I MT.KAr.11•"'2 .... Tornnado1 rr.J.x1nlrond., Lincoln Mercury C:1llartt•rtipm.s21·S488 1111\\',\l!I) l 'h i•'r"l"t . 1 rn•111vxtra:. lomi $2005 l 'r l,11111!1•11 \l,'.1r 1 .1111 1 ( 111 \II I -.1·11 1·,,r-. 1iovi· ~· l/u;11 J Sl:. .._;1.:11 Mustang 4141 52 1 t-:x1J1n• ... lt ilii.-1 t..i-i.z259 ·· · 1301 M.Tustin '72POfttiac .1 .n nliur1·1· Br1 ... 1 .. 1 ,\. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEFTOVER 547-0511 GrCll'ISoforiWogon Bill Max•y T oyola I BBB I B•ach Bl HB 947.9555 \l.1 1 \1111 11 r . '\1•\1110 1 I ·1~1 :'i1l'S'l'\'.\:I; \I \l"ll 1 BRAMD MEW •75 Pinto 9957 ----,-,--\'·K, ctuto. truns , factory l~·.11 h X.!Jt(1'.,-1 Aulorn .,111. \'K hui·kt·t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl ymouft\ 60 air condit1on1n~. power Olds St rfl·r ••••••••••••••••••••••• I td• l \lllt ..,t·at" 111,1i,:.., ,\· ,lnpuii.: a r 9 4 ._,JO ~ t'er1ng, po .... ·t·r rst• tZ•l'or1 l'.!7 1 ,pd \l<."' Cr1·,1t t'\t' i·al1h 1•1 ' V-6 "Go•Miser" I 7 Plr"I t\Jr\lll,l!Y10.P/S.P/H. hrakr~.J>O"t•r .... tndow!I, 1·1irul 'L:.!1111 11r111 ;,111 ,, \ (' \'K A I n t t ·• 1;i.t 1·.I <".11111110 \l ,1h t.11 :1:!i L 'l~I 1!1 11 1• Sl :l.1!1 1".ilJ "I:.! 11;,'.l I lfrx.'i'.\1\\\'• Cilfi!l~I 'Pt•11 I. rad111 . hl'illl'I' ' u o . l'<t \)11"'-'Cr :-.t•;1 :<i . rauln, .'1:11,i~·.~1 ·rii1,1,·-..:t:&l 'Clt ''\;l'llV CloseoutPrice "hi•t•I 1.0 ,.t•r:.. Land;i u l'l1•.1 n s 1200 or offt•r hl·att·r . "'-'h1tt· .... ·all t1rt'S. 41 933 1;.i1;11 1i lllr $3995 11.p \I H)I 111\l'l'lnr l~la HiO'J l1nlt'tl ~ht!i:.. "'-heel CO\'· Cougar ut,\1 1.X I'. L"nder 7000 1972 PLY-M-OUT_H_ t"r :.. r ii 1· k. IJ n de r ·~11 ·"1 1.111 :.! •tr '•)ll P•' :11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 ht t t t t k ' 1 S ;;1 .\ lht.111 i: t:r,1ud1· lull\ ~·rot'hoo-,1• ulllt"" \I n l'S:J ~· l Ul' 100 'i ~I. '!1·.111 n••+•d, ,,,n11.' ril-1 \ut•• ',"1l'H. i\1 ' t'tllup'd . to r111 . ;1rn 1111 . Sl.·r=l20211 , 1'..'fl'.!t:i. \2H2!.M; CRICKET 4000R ·l'itiJAS. ,1,111 ':.!:it1 11 r 111·-.I 11f 1 1 ;'\'1 •11 l1r1 ·-.. 111'\I h ;1ltl•r\ $2795 S"11;2:, I' l'.'i:11 Ir\!(' 1 2 1.117~.1'.!:!HllJ 1:11; iHlh I ~t :!:,o l'h c1.1 t~1~+1 t:xt1·nd1·•I \\';1rr :irll ~ 1 'lk·t~t. rnd10. HW:Z- h1•;1tf'r ,~1 i 'h"'' t'.i r r, .• 11 , t o 11I 1 1 x11 , 1.o.it11·11 . rnun 11n 1 n11· •:1 :i.i.u·h 1 ·''" ''1·ai1 Santa Ana t '' ' ' flO\lt'f. l:1p1• ~~~IU 1su1iu r 11.1r1 i ..... 11·1 •• 1 i·on1 ~11 11.1 . it 1·1 ~ 1••cHOLDSt M••oA II \tr.1-.. 11111\+11 ~·•~, -;~,1:'1 1;:1:1 111:, ~,:,1 :1:n1 ~ JU. F d 9940 ·,;;, :\lu .... t;1ng 1·011\1•rt1hlt· 17331 IEACN llVD. 1;( Fl l '.11111111• n •loll :101. I or nu in! &· paint. 1n ;i i.,:!>, NUllT.ll&CN•M2""6i Lincoln-Mercury $1195 Santa Ana S1877 ~eMlwM ~VOLVO -.ptL Ill.it.:' & "ll'l'l'O :Sd.., •••• ••••••••• ••• ••••• • • rnu:.t ,••II th1 :. "k h1·~t ul r hioi.I\ "I. ·"-1 •• 11111 $it~1 1;; 1:r11 S1·d.111 Xlnt c<111d !!1111' i,:d l ):tllll,I <:II i ilfi lllUSI .... t·ll !7 11 1 !'~IH '.!0:!:! 1':.l(p1rcs 12 U7·75 1301 M. Tustin 547-0511 .1tl .'11':\1 l'n' all' p;1rl y Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 t.H C"h1·\ I dr \lal1hu Small x. ;1ul11. I' ~. 1·11•;111 vt·111 li·ll .'17:Hi. Hlull.., ;:, \lnnlt• ("arlu. ;111 p .... r . .11r, li1111• \\ /\1 h11t· landau , To S"Ul1· l·:-.t;o\t• '7:! Vonl ••••••••••••••••••••••• t 'ounlr.1· S11u1r1• l!I !'a"·' ,\:1 \I .H! l,u;1d1 ·d L o\\ \l'h:.lt· t.lu1· hk S IH i :, \:.klll l! SIHIMJ i;;;, H.'1.'>li l1k1• nu S.Vtf,11 :,:.2 11.1~11 ·1;:1 l·',11l·1 111 . ;.:111,.l \I 1·~·h 1;0 l'nr\;11r run:. J.!oud s 11a. or ht• ... t oll1·r •·111111 II n1·11 t 1r1•,., ~(j ~, toft t•f Ii \Ii :It Mi;·, 1;.11; 1x.~1:; '72 Ford Country :,;i l'hl'\~ A1>a <'ht· 1 .. Ton'. Squire Waqon Nl'\I 1•11 i.:. hr;1kt•:-.. -.hnt·ks . V-H. ;n1t11 lr;1n.-.. l<11·tor~ ht•:1nn;.:s. t1r1·:. & rnut·h ;ur 1·n111l1!hir1111 i.:. po.,..1•r r1111rc S!J50 or ht•!>I orr. :-.t1•1•r111 i.,:. IHl\11•r 1d1 s1· I 1;.15-<l!.lli:l or 6·1'.! fA>07 lir;1k .. ,.,, IH>11 l'f 111ndo\1':., p Ol\'t'r ,.,t·.1l s . r:11!10. Chrysle-r 9925 ht•ah•r. ,1111t1·11 :dl 111·1·:.. l'~M Htnho1 ( M 6d6 9303 •••••••••••••••••••••••• L1tltl'd g l,1:-. .... 11 hl't•I 1•uv ~· r :-. . r :1 1· k . t • n ~I t• r 11 hole.~ a 1 l' liouk. ~Jl li 11 11 )' , • 1970 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER $1877 ~eMlemiA 4DOOR \' H, auto. Iran:. .. fatlOr\' 111r condilin11 1nt.:. po ..... t:r steerin~. pci1\·cr <clls 1•) hrakt's. r aclin. ht':tl<'r. 11hi1e .... a11 t1rt•:-., 11nvl ~IMJf. tinl1._<il t.:lots:.. "hc.C'I rol'ers. l.ir. ·171/\'\i i\. Ll·ss than 5-1.110111n1lt•s VTOYOTA 1966 Hcnbor ( f,, 646 930) S1295 Santa Ana Lincoln Mercury ·;~ L1d Hruu i.:h;nn. hrtltp ltMI \' H. ,\1r. p s . I' B. \111Hlt1\\,.,. s C':1t:.. lot·k :. \"111~ I roof . i\ '.\I I F '.\I s I t' r t' o . Brough;1m lu.xury group 'J'llt "hi. µ111t.:t•r J:hl" pulnl Iii.SIMI m1 ':-. Or1t.:. o"·ncr. S:r7Ull. i\l r. "J'h rash 1).10-8'.llJli 130 I H. Twstln 547-0511 Autos.Mew 9100 Aaotoo, Now BRAND NEW '74 Mazda RX-4 2 Doors s Immediate Delivery 176 Plus Ta. & License TAKE YOUR CHOICE! THIS WEEK ONLY RX~ SE RIAL NUMBERS: 106108 11 5061 109142 109369 109119 109442 107613 Olf« good '""' -· 30th. USED '75 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 4 DOOR SEDAM USED '75 PLYMOUTH DUSTER CUSTOM w~t .. Faciory E•!l!"<lf'd Wat,..nTV on ~Tram 53295 & MORE USED CAR SPECIALS • • • '72 l'L YMOUTH '71 MERCURY '12 l'OMTIJo.C '69 OLDS $Af&UT11 Miii ... Puri MAl9"S NOueHAM M_ .... lf!ILTA II 4 D0a- v.a .... 10 If'"' . .., ~''°"'""'· v-e. M1to t11ns , at• oond!l1on"'ll '~ 1u10 l••M . ~ 11-•"ll V-1, ... 10 trans . '" concMion"IJ, "°"'"' "-"°"',... "' .. "' •.:loo, POWS S1-1r.g oo-lnlc-. row-Do we r b•lklS, radio, 1'>111•• -ll-'"9· POWfl' lnkes, !'8dlo, -... '""' 11fM v•nyl fool !250EOJI -~. r.:!10. l'leateo, -1ew911 wl'l1!ewall iit•a. vlnv1 •ool. ,,..g tlei! ... .tl<lewltH torn. "'""" <out. ' t><n. vtnyl roof 1•!>8tl7n wt'""1 19JSELAJ !2'11FLW1 $1795 $1495 $1695 $795 '74 PLYMOUTH '74VW '72 BUICK '72CHRYSUR $4t&UT11 CltllOM ........... ,. auio. lfana .. .,, condllk>nl"9. .-W TOl:lll~ .. 0001 , .. 1u10 l<1n1 , air -si-ino.~~-\'-8. -.ito trln•.. air c:onC!ltlonino. oond"'°"'"9· POW9< 91--. _. Economlca! 4 c,i.1111eo •nll"''· 4 ••...i<>wa, PO••• 1•1t1, i!ewlll power 11-nQ. ~ tnka, power IHMI•. •8'1<0 ,,, .. er, *'°' lo<M, vlnyt ..-. •l<l•o, l>ffUtr PS&.!TO) '""' "'"°"'roof. AM/FM -«>•9dlo wll'ldows, ~.1 .. 1k•1. vinyl •001, •OOI, Cll~i.t F..,1, (•_,_ W.· l101FKWI "'M.f'M st-WA .. cniH eoilrGI, ta'>!'/ on llOW81 Uail't (1911KNPJ s2395 l•ll-fll6GGX) $2695 $1595 $2195 '74 CHEVY '75 CHEVY '72 FORD '73 FORD LTD "'°'"' CAl\0 ~ NOMZA I + I COlft .._TontO~W•-.OM .......... o "'"' ... CO"lditlOnlng, i:conomoc.i ' i;ylinde< .,..,.. 4 ........ 10 .,..,.., .. or::tnliolOOtlH'IQ. V-41. llUIO ir-. aor ~ ... -11-.na _.., OitC ..,...._ _..i. 4.c:IO'l' •Ir C0...,1!10"•nt1 ,.,... 11-"'9, par.« ....... ..,;o,, -lores, land.., k1P. l\M_.M PO••r •l•er1n9, ~ ltrl~•t, ,,.... _, ..... , .... Wtvt rooL PO••r tl••""G· •td10 h11tt•• h•tll'I. •ll•l••IH 11•"· AM/f'M ,,.,.,, •ll•IJ•, "1111 ~·. ltll f387Ml£l • . 91ereo, ~ ~ (l(Dll&IJ 1!11GHlJ) ....... C:fl lKAJI s3495 s3595 $2195 , s2095 1 PllCESHAVI IEEM SLASHED OM REMA114MCJ 75'• '" 1o,'75MATADOR • I otOMLY$3795 ~111 •JH11n11t ONLY 21 LEFT!!! 8 MATADoRS I 6 GREMLINS I 7 HORNETS • IACI:• ·n THI ..,.,. ,_,'l'ICTIOM Pl.AM • INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS.. ARE HERE READY TOGO BRAND NEW. '76 IMTERNJ.TIONAL SCOUT H's · SCOUT TERRAS scour.~!ft~ RU.DY fOI; ...... _.-nnMI 1xc:1UBl'I -.,··-· ,,._· .... -~~- 111vo. fl ... 0 ~ ~ • < • guna/-South Coas VOL. 68, NO. 332, S SECTIONS, 82 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVEMISER 28, 1975 -• . • • • . ' ' • . Today's Closlag :i · ' N.Y. Stoek• • ., -••• ' ' ' TEN CENT& .. ~ ,, 17" .. : a 0 a s en wee Fights Attacker Laguna Beach. Waitress Shot A 37-year·old Newport Bea!'h tPSide-nt was shot in the hand Wt"dnesday night as she sue· cessfully rought off an assailant Showers To Move Off Coast The fast-moving storm that brought showers and gusts of gale-force winds on the Orange Coast Thanksgiving morning were expected to move out . tonight. . .i\nd Saturday morning. said forecasters , would emerge cool and crisp for the coastline after the quick storm displayed many moods. Soow fell in motmtain areas above 4.000 feE"t and hail pelted some areas of Orange County during the holiday. Along the shoreline, small- !'raft warnings were posted early in the day for winds gusting: up to J5 knots. ·rhe sea11 were a mtnac- ing seven feet at the heig)lt or the _squalls. As !Or rainfall, it waJi spe>radic ariCI relatively light. Some residents of the Sad- dleback Valley reported brief hailstorms during the holiday and this morning. Rainbows emerged often after the rain as the quick squalls gave way to clearing. Winds that reached their peak bt'fore dawn tore off small tree limbs, but no reports of any cost- ly damage were noted. Forecasters s aid that the crisp fall weather would last the weekend with perhaps a repeat performance or showers and winds by early next week. Rainfall totals in the recent storm were as high as .86 inches at 1.ake Arrowhead where rain, mixed with some snow, fell on Thanksgiving. Coastal points re- ported much smaller totals. Running Springs, in the San Hernardino Mountairu;, had two inches of snow on the grounds at the time most residents were sit- ting down to turkey dinner. . .\lthough the rainfall in the fall storm was minimal, it was enough to prompt county fire and forestry officials to lift their red- flag alert for fire danger. Spokesmen said that it rained enough in areas where the danger was worst to warrant the lifting. They added, however, that if the winds were to continue for even a brief period during the weekend, they could dry out the grasslands and brush quick.Jy. 1\nd the high fire danger could return. * * * Mt. Laguna Gets 7 Inches Of Snowfall MT. LAGUNA CAP) -Seven inches of snow fell late Thursday and early today on this central San Diego County area in a storm which dropped rain over the re· gion. There were 1.14 inches of rain- fall during the night at Campo near the Mexican border. In San Diego, ·rainfall ranged from .40 inch to .61 inch. Palomar Mountain counted 1.06 inch of precipitation with a hatr-lnch at Carlsbad on the coast. The first storm of the season eliminated extreme fire condi· tions which caused deployment of 22 state forestry workers Crom. Northtrn Californi a . Those firefighters were flown home on a charlered plaine. in time for Thanks1lvlng dlnoer. .Slnce.micLsum.rner. onl)' .09 of an inch of rain hatl fallen at San Die10 '1 Undbergh F'ield. • who attacked her as she left work ata Laguna Beach restaurant. Aceording to -Laguna police Sgt. Terry Temple, the woman walked from the Old Brussels restaurant on Coast Highway about one block to her car at 10:15 p.m. when a young man started running toward her. She jumped in her car and at- temptt'd to lock the door but the man wren<"hed it open and at- tempted lo pull her out. Temple said the victim told poliC'e the attacker was unknown to her. \She managed lo crawl across tHe seat or the auto, screaming scratching and kicking her at· tacker. A shot rang out during the fight. The woman returned to the restaurant after the attacker ned and only then realized she had been shot in the hand. Sgt. Temple said the bullet struck her left hand just below the knuckh!o of the index finger, fracturing the bone and severing several tendons. She was treated and released at South Coast Com- munity Hospital in South Laguna. Fromme Jury Mum, fears Reprisals SACRAMENTO (AP> - Jurors who convicted Lynette Fromme of trying to kill Presi- dent Ford remained tight-lipped today, apparently fearing reprisals Jrom remnants of the Charles Manson £amity. Miss Fromn1e, found guilty Wednesday night. spe n t Thanksgiving in her cell, and re porters were unable to reach the eight women and four men who returned the guilty verdict. The jurors -mostly mid dleage working people -were closely ~uarded bv a cadre of de- puty mar s hals Wednesday night. Even before the verdict was announced in a quiet courtroom, 11.S . Di.strict Court Judge Thomas Mat'Rride admonished reporters that the jury did not want to be photogr:.iphed or in- terviewed. Also, sources in the U.S. at· torney 's of fi ce and U .S . marshal's office hinted broadly that the jurors were worried about their safety. "Wouldn't you be in a case like this?·· one sourt'e explained. -• Ligf1ti119 First C't1t1dle .i\.t s undown to<lay the .Jev•is h holiday Hanukkah begins an<I will co ntinue for t>ight days. Al Cos ta Nles a ·s Temple Sharon, Sean Kallen, 6, lights the firsl candle on the menorah (candelabra> as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean's sister Sara, 4, look on . The holiday, a lso call ed tht' Feast of Lights and the Feast of Dedication, celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians in 165 B.C. and rededication of the temple in Jerusalem. • Toro Pilot Perishes In Corona Smashup By RUDI NIEDZIF.!,8Kl OIU.DillyPllotSt.I" A <19-year-old El Toro pilot was killed and his passenger critically injured Thursday when their li ght plane crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from Co r o na Municipal Airport. . The Thank s gi vi n g Da y sightseeing night claimed the life of Ricardo Salcedo, 23741 Teed St., and left his C'ompanion, F..dward l.ibed. 38. Garden GroV(', with burns over 40 percent of his body Investigators said th(' single engine Cessna 172 went down one and-a -half miles wes t or the airport in a forested area of the Prado Dam basin l.ibed , ~·ho was found ''"ander- ing around th(' era.s h site, told authorities the plane hit a treetop after going through a clottd bank. ~pun to the ground and burst into names. r,ibt'd was airlifted to Ri ve rside General l-lo s pital by a l.fls Angeles County Sherirr·s Depart ment helico pter. l-fe was list{•d in critical condition today. 1\Ithough the plane went do"·n in a remote area. the sound of the crash was heard by s1..•ver al persons at the airport. ThC'y alert· ed the Rivers ide County Sheriff"s office. Investig ators from tht' F"ederal Aviation Agenc)' flew to the.crash scene. .fl. spokC's man £or the Riverside County Sheriff "s office said the plane "'1:a s badly torn up'" and that it had gone down in the mid- dle of ""•h3t he termed "a jungle."' Ri\•erside County Coroner's in- vestigator Scott Hill said an autopsy was being conducted on Salcedo 's body lo determine the cause of death. lte incticated . however, that Salcedo '"probably c!!ed beca use of burns.·· H.J s t;(l(fy was taken to Thomas ~1iller Mortu ary in C'..orona where funera l services are pending. Bomb Detonated In San Clemente .<\n e:<plosion followed by the roar of a ve hi cle leaving at high s peed ~ha ltt>red the evening c alm W t.'dnC's day in San ("le mentl' <is a bo mb was d ('ton~tl· ed on the hood of a truck in a quit>t reside nli~l street .<\Il ic Sc haff, 320 Rora Del Canon, tol d San Cle mente police tht> bl ~s t O<'Ctt rred at a bout 9:30 p .m . ·rh e bo mb d a maged Srhaff"s pic kup truck parked near his horn ('. Fire ~1arshal Don lloclgson will investigate. --- Calley Files Appeal Over • My Lai Trial WASHINGTON (AP) William I .. Calley Jr. appealed his My l .ai murder ronviction to the lJ.S. Supreme C'..ourt today, saying (~ongress should have been compelled to release con- fidential data in his trial just as President Nixon was compelled to do in the Watergate scandal. Calley, 32, who sought unsuc- cessfully to u se secret con· ogressional testimony in his de- fense. noted that the high court rejected '.'Jixon "s claim of con- fidentiality for the Watergate !3peS. J . Hou ston Gordon of Cov - ington. Tenn .. Calley 's attorney, said the court "s ruling on Nixon held that no man or institution is above the la..,.· "Congress is not abovC' the ia"'· ·· said tht' attorney in his petition a s king the Supre me Court to re\'iew a federal appeals court ruling rein:5 tating Calley's {"Onvirtion. (iorcio n ~a 1d tha t th{' 5th l ·.s. Ci rcui t Court of Appeals in :-.JC'"' <)rleans erred in not recognizing that a congressional rommittee withheld potential C'vi dcnce from Calley·s defense'. The Jl o use Armed Service's Co mmittee refused to let the de fense look at the results of its ~1 y 1.ai hearings which invol ved 3.0.15 pages or s tatements from 151 witnesses The form('r lieutenant has been Jiving as a civilian in Columbus, Ga. since his 1971 court-martial ronviction was ovC'rturne-d Sept 25. 1974. The 1\rmy appe all·d that rulin~ and the appeals court, in an 8-Sde- cision. reins tated Calley"s convic- tion on charges related to the My I.ai massacre Accused of killing 102 Viet- namese <'ivilians in the sweep through the hamlet of My I.ai in March 1968. Calley was convict· ed of murdering not less than 22 (Sfof' C:\1.1.F:V, Page Ml Bloodmobile Set for SC A community bloodmobile will be stoppin~ Tuesday in San Clemente to accept whole blood from donors m 8king appoint ment.sthrough the Elks Lodge. The vehicle and its trained staff will stop J.t the lodge at 1505 N El (',amino Rf'al from 2:30 until 7 p.m . Restoratiot• Red Togged Prospective donor!/; should be be tween 17 and 66 years old. "'eigh at least 110 po unds and be in j!'OOrt hf'alth . Anyone having donated blood durin"" the pasl eight wee.k:s wlll not be accepted for the donation on Tuesday. sponsorssllid. san Juan Capistrano officials fOrJlOt which hats they shoyld have bttn we•nll& :When they started preliminary restoration ~ork ~ • on the city's Montanez Adobe. And that re- sulted in iOme red faces. To find out why, see l'age 3. ft I Appotntment11 are being made throuch the lodge. 492-2068 . ' San Juan ~ttacks . 'System' lly 1.A URIF. KA.SPER 011,.. o.n, ,.. ... ~ Reactine against a "sll(eep" or their city by immigration authorities, San Juan Capistrano c.ity rouncilmen adopted a"" t& solution condemning any acttobft which oppress people becaUSt! Of their national origins. , Noting that they are not ~ doning illegal entry into the ci>Un· try, they asked tbat "d~ ~ ct>S1·· be granted every ~'""' picked up by im mie:ratipn authorities and that the law$ f>e enforced within the trameWb~k of the rights established by <tlt• lJ.S. Constitution. · Tht> council's action came Wednesday after Councilman Roy Byrnes told of the .. swee-p" !~st week during which about· 50 j)E'rsons were deli.lined. .'\fter explaining how sut'h searches for illegal aliens are conducted, he said, "This system doesn't work . Jt is dis · criminatory. It's oppressive. It's degrading to Mexit'an-appearing Am-erican t'ititens." Byrnes said an 18-year-old who has been living in the rountry legally for 10 years was detained for four hours after the search. He said it was "a very frighten· ing experience.·· Admitting he had "obviOU.1¥ been stewing over this 1ince last Friday," Byrnes said immigra- tion officers had also searched bul found no illegal alierni on hi s property. Noting that there is a dif- ference between a raid on· a specific place and a broad s\11eep through the city. Councilman Yvon Heckscher said, "Not for one minute would we tolerate a 111weep through our city fot drugs.·· He said it is being dont.' under pressure of labor groups who fear jobs are being taken by il - legal aliens and because th<' "ag- grieved parties"' do not object . .t\fter learning that city or. ficials are never informed of the sweeps when they occur, CoUn. cilman John Sweeney comment- ed, "It kind of S('ares you ." The resolution, which was passed unanimously, will be st>nt to state and national legislators as well as ctire<'tors of the Immi- gration and Naturalization Service in Was hington, O.C. and 1.os .t\ng«.>les . South Coast Trash Collection Change d Trash c o llection for South Coast communities served by the Solag refuse company will differ from a schedule published Wc>d- nesday by the Daily Pilot. In Dana Point , Capistrano Reach, San Jua n Capistrano, I.aguna :"l'i gu e l and South J,aguna. tras h no rmally collect ed Thursdays will Ix' collected Saturday morning. The schc>dule change was necessitated by tM Thanksgiving Da y holiday Coasl ' \l'ealher Showers dPcrC'a s 1n ~ tonight becom ing crisp and clear Saturday . Chan{'<' of rain 30 pe rcent tonight Highs t>:<pc>r tcd in the 50~ Saturday INSIDE TODAY Ont' noted coast conductor- composer thinks ongjnol it.I/ may raot always bf' o good thing. Sfoe story on Page Cl of the Wf'ekender . ,( A2 DAJLYPILOT L /SC (ii Frld1y, Novembar 28. 1975 tlPITt~- Chinese Creeled- By Ford •wASHI'.'lGTO:"'l lAJ'.>) -Presi · dent Ford greelt'd a group or "'omen basketball players Crom the Pl"ople's Rc.>publi c of China today and told them his trip to their country, which starts Satur· day. will be a significant step toward expanding rl"lations between the United States and China. President and ~1rs. For-d and SeC'retary of State Henry A. Kiss · inger met the 19 m('mbt'rs or the ( basketball team in the White House ros(' garden. Thl" learn is C'OOC'!Uding a tWO·Week series O( games in this C'ountry with a con- tl"St tonight against the women's team of Washington's Federal City Collegl". Ford s aid he is looking forward to his trip to China. "It will be a trip of great significance," he said . "It will lx• another step in th<> errort on the part of the two govE>rnments to expand our relations and lo normalization .·· PRESIOfNT, MRS. FORD MEET CHINESE CAGERS Calls China Trip 'of Great Slgnlflcanfe' He reC'alled that when he and ~trs. Ford visited China in 1972 he noted thl"rl" werl" a great number of basketball courts in the country, with a lot or young ml"n and women learning the game. Fire Station Site Endorsed In Capistrano San Juan Capistrano city coun- cilmen have endorsed a site on the west side of Del Obispo Street , between Ortega J-lighway and Camino Capistrano. for a l),t'W fire station. . . That l ocation. said City Manager J ames Mocalis, is the Preference of the l'ounty F'~re Protection Department, city volunteer firemen and the city staff. He said. however, that the county Real Property Services Dep a rtm e nt , which wil l purchase the land, favors another. Jess e xpensive site at the southwest corner of Ortega Highway and Ganado Road. l Mocalis said. however, that the ) pre(err,-d site,. will provide more I efficient fii;:e protection '8nd ,prQ-, , bably be less expensive to de- velop. United way bl Orange County north /south ' 100• GOAL= 90•. '°' sa.6 million '°"' '°" ""' 40• """ Thanks-to you It WGl'llS ••• '°' 10• FORAllOFUS TO DATE United Way volun- t eers h ave col l ected $1,752,800 toward this years "stretch.. goal which is 30 percent high er than the amount ·raised last year. The increase represents the needs of United Way's 72 human service agencies. Fire Hits Bar PARAMOUNT (UPI) -A fire, believed to be arson-caused, did an estimated $43,000 loss to a bar Thursday. Three <'Ounty lire un- its quelled the blaze at the Alon- dra Inn in 20 minutes. ORANGE COAST "' DAILY PILOT l"-Or-CiNsl O•!ly Pilot, .,;th "'"<h ii,.,.... .,,...., 1/\t "'e*•·"'-'" I• l>'Jbll..,,,... by ir.. OrM\Qf' '°"'" Po.ibllstihio Com1 ...... $tpar •I• edit ......... 11Ubllllle<1 lrt'loftlll•Y lllfou,11 Frl<Uy '"' C'1'1• -. Nf--1 IN~ll, Hltfltll'Qtoll S.1o<ll/Foun. !ti" Vlil•t. IF•l~t, !.•O<lleb«k ¥toity •f'd ~-le..,11/'toovttl Cffll, A ti""'°' '"'1'~ oO•• lioll I\ pu&U.-S.h.tr<f•YI ...., !t\otdl1'l-T~ .. ""lft{.lplll M!IP>lllQ 11l•nl I• 11 lJQ ~•I 0...y !.trml, Colli lro\I .... C•lt1ornl1 ~. Robert N. Weed f>r••ldtonl...., PullllllW Jack R. Cur-lev ~It• f'nlllllitftl •lld o.-ai Mint9"' ThOmas Keevll £<1Hor Thomas A. Mur-l)hine · ,,_.ll•tlfle,liOIW Charles H. Loos Rlct-ard P. Nall .&.ttlllMll JM ....... \"11 E<llton Laaurta a.achOftke l1MG-y1•51.....,I IMIUfll AMm,, P.O ........ ttt.JI Other Oft Ices C•t.Mt .. :QDWe•t e.ySltffl No""""' 8"Kll! )JU Me--1 8"1M¥..,.ot 11..,1,,....,.. lltK~. llt/S ll*lo<'ll&oule ... ,<I ~~k ¥•11e,· 'HO! L.o !l,,1 ,._ •I kn 019911 r., ... .., -' Frorlt Page Al CALLEY ••• and sentenC'ed to lite in prison. However, the sentenC'e was re- duced in subsequent appeals to 10 years a nd he was Creed on bail a year ago. The Army has said it dot's nol plan to return hilT\ to prison. (~alley was the only soldier c-on- virted in <'onnertion with My I.ai, although the Army·s secret Peers Report said possibly J.17 men. women and children were killed by thret~ platoons in the in- C'id<>nt . lJ.S. PistriC't Court Judge J . Rolx>rt Elliott r uled the convic· tion was un<'onstilutional and or- dered Calley freed -mainly beC'ause or pretrial storie.s in news magazines, radio and television. Gordon argued that the ap· J-l('als C'ourt erred in knocking down Elliott's holding that ex· tensive news C'OVerage of ~1 y Lai made i\ impossible to find "un- biased jurors ... Calling the pretrial publiC'ity "per vasive,·· Gordon said Cal · ley w as d epr i ved of a free trial and due process of law. The attorney said the appeals court's reinstatement or Calley's conviction was "a marked de· part ure fro m the law'' as established by the U.S. Supreme Court. He C'ited the high C'OUrl ·s over· turn of the Sam Sheppard case lx>cause or the "circus·like al· mospher:e" surrounding the trial o( the Ohio doctor . who was <'On· viC'ted or murdering his wife and served 10 years in prison. Gordon said the appeals <'Ourt "ignored the exhaustive analysis of the publiC'ity itself'' in the Calley case and that the district C'ourt was the onl y one which ••step by ste p and pieC'e by pi eC'e exa mined the morass of publici- ty" instead of encompassing '·generalizations ... Pair Named To San Juan Parks Board San Juan Capistrano city coun- <'ilmen appointed two men to the <'ity's Parks and Recreation Commission Wednesday, but they had to make a plea tor qualified people to volunteer for their Tratfic and Transportation •Commission . The new C'ommissioners are Rrett T. Shears and Dr . Marvin S. Rroder . Shears. a 24-year-old ceramic manufacturing consultant, is an Explorer SC'out advisor and a member or thl" city's Parks and ReC'reation Ad Hoc Advisory C.Ommittee . Dr. Broder , 35, a dentist , servl"s on the same committee. Although they have bad appli· cants tor t he second commission, Mayor J ames Weathers said none bas been "suitable" for the job. He said the city needs volun- teers with planning, tratfic con· trol. engineering or other related experience. Two Indian Rugs Stolen in Laguna "I prediC'ted then we would have in thl" United Slates some very rugged competition on the basketball C'ourt, both from your men and women,·' he said. "We saw boys and girls practicing with small balls and lowered · baC'kboards ." En route to Peking, Ford will :;top in Ala ska to view the Alaskan oll pipelinC'. Jle "·ill be in Peking Dec. 1 to Oer. 5, :1 nd plans stops in In- donesia. the Philippines and J-lawa ii on his way back to Washington. Budget OireC'tor James T. I.ynn will acC'ompany the Presi- dent to China. White Housl" spokesm~n havl" said I.ynn and the President will spend between three and four hours eaC'h day working on the fi scal 1977 budget. However, the President's main purpose w ill be to continu(' dialogue between t f.e UnitC'd Statl"s and China. He told the women basketball players: "I t is vital from our point of view that this dialogue, th ese disC'ussions, a r e con· tinued. ·· l\1embers or the basketball team whiC'h Ford seleC'led were from regional teams th at participated in the recent third Chinl"se National Games. County Man Dies in Surf A 24 -year-old Santa Ana man who apparently had been su rfing storm waves on the Hawaiian isl and of l\1aui d rov.•n e d sometime during torrential rains that hit the 50th state in rec('nt days . . .\uthor ities at J,ahaina said that Ronald S. Drinkward's body was found in the waves of a popular surfing beach. The dis- C'overy came as the islanders were drying out from a storm that dropped more than 11 inches of rain in tour days. Sur{ as high as 20 feet was reported on some island beaches. Drinkward's death was the on- ly one directly attributed to the storm. Stereo Loot Taken in SC Burglars hit two San Clemente · residences late this week, haul- ing oft more than $1.:KX> in pro- perty, mostly stl"reo equipment. Terry Dunkel and Rob Maloy of 104 Avl"nida Gaviota told p:>lice they lost $300 in cash and about $525 worth or stereo gear· s tolen from the residence between 9 p.m . Wednesday and 2:52a.m. Thursday. . · Roberta Radant of 1516 Buena Vista reported the theft of $140 C'ash and stereo equipment for a total· loss of $485. Entry was believed to have been through an unlocked window. Thieves Pry, Pry Again Two museum quality Indian No matter how hard some !'l's valued a.t $3,000 were among policemen try, they just can't get items stolen 1n a $3,885 burglary very far from their work. at the home o~ Reuben J . Marion C. Ross from Monterey JackS-On, 1198 Nona St., Lag_una_ J!ad_oarke_d_hiJ _CD[ at the lot oi Beach. the SUrf arid-Sand Motel where l\e Jackaon r eported the theft was va<'ationin g in Laguna Wednesday to police. O!Oeers &>aC'h. The next day when he believe entry was gained via an went to open the trunk, he round unlocked bedroom window . attempts had been made to pry it Jackson's ho me was r~ck~ open.Nothioe:wasstolen. lJ! the bur1lary. ln addltlon·tol,!H! ", Major General Ross is Seventh two ruf•, stereo equipment aftd Army provost m tlrshal at Fort cub were stolen. Ord. Rollin.g to Awareness UC Irvine police Sgt. Russ Duncan (ce nter) briefs UCJ ad ministrators as they prepare to view the campus from the perspective of h and i capped s tu.dents . Other ad· minis trators felt their 'A'3Y around the cam· pus blindfolded as part of program thi s week in which UCI offi~i als learned of the problems faced by ha ndicapped students. County Asks Probe Of Senior Cottages By WJLU AM SCHREIBER C)l't"90allyPl..el&tfl' Orange County Supervisors have ordered the county Planning Commission Wednesday to study a proposal to ereC't up to I,300 low· cost ''cottages'' tor senior citizens on 472 acrl"s or t he old Crosby RanC'h in the Saddleback Valley. Thl" direC'tion t o com · mi ssion ers came durin g a lengthy publiC' hearing on the C'ounty gener al plan Wednesday. A total or eight speC'ific land use C'hanges were up for board ap· prov al after clearing th(' planning co mmission . supervisors heard extensive testimony, did some picking and poking or their own at the pro· posed land plan changes and sent the entire package ba<'k to the C'ommission t or reconsideration . They asked that the amendments be brought back to them on Dec. 10. The hottest discussion or the day came during discussion of the plan by develoJ)E'r Howard Miller tor use of the old Crosby RanC'h, now owned by Genevieve Mar<'roft. Mil ler and attorney RodgC'r Howell rallied dozens of senior C'itizens and senior citizen or- ganization representatives to at- tend the hearing and espouse the C'ause o r erecting a low-cost home village on the land, which lil"s partially inside the Laguna Grl"enbelt. Thl"y appealed to supervisors not to ac<'ept thl" land use recom- mendation made by the planning C'ommission -designation o( the land as general agricultural and conservation p roperty because or the S<'enic C'haracteristics. T he property in question touches the inland boundaries or J,aguna Be-ac h and stretches along Laguna Canyon Road, in· corporating pristine Wood Ca· nyon. The planning commission, in making its r ecommendation, overturned the county planning starr, which bad suggested limit· ed uses of the property and de- velopment or 190 units. . .\t Wl"dnesday·s general pl an amendment session, supervisors tentatively a ccepted the com· mission's reC'om mendation to leave the land undeveloped for the time being. Nessen Hedges On Federal Aid to Cities WASHINGTON (UP!) -A White House spakesman today declined to say whether the Ad - ministr ation w ould s upport Cederal aid to other Cinancially strapped cities now that Presi- dent Ford has proPOSed Joans of up to $2.3 billion tor New York City. Press seC'retary Ron Nessen sidestepp('d repeated questions. telling reporters again and again that ''I don't know of any other ri - ty that has gotten itSf'i( into this kindot mess.·· Nessen also said r eaction from members of Co ngress since Ford outlined his new position on New York City at a Wednesday night news <'Onference "has generally been favorable." Congress re- turns Monday from a Thanksgiv- ing recess and Ford said he would ask swift approval or aid ll"gislation. Public reaction, he said, has ~n ''very light'' so Car. He said - tbe White House received 106 let· tl"rs , tl"legrams and telephone calls from persons opposed to the President's plan and 36 from individuals supparting it. Just In Time For The Holidays ... Beautiful Cabinet by Henredon Reduced Just . . For You! Reg. Price12,329 Sale Price 11, 979 This fine pit"Ce of furniture features ol ivc ash burl and ash vcnttrs and ash !.olids. Truly a beautiful item for the furniture connoisseur. Stt it on display now. DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREDON-WOODMARK-l(ARASTAN-BAKER WIBDAYS & SATUllDAtS ·~lo !l;lO r NEWPORT BEACH • 1171 wESrCU!'F_Dlt. 6<2·lllSO LAGUNA BEACH• 345 Nt>kTll lXM~i. Hw.\o·., ..QC.'5.$l TORRANCE• 2364\ ~AWIIJORNE BLVD. f()p(o'\Fri. lilt, Sun. lH:30t :171;1211 • ---------· -·----~ • [. 1 , • • r ~ l • .: l !{ I .. • t .. -- GE the Winner Finn Coven All Ground BJ 111.LTON MOliKOWITZ °' .. ...., ...... _... 11 pap lo bin General Electno .,. your 1ide. Or to put It ID uotber w1y, It's no luntoini to Qle mat wllb General EIH!rie. The world's la~ manufacturer of elttlrical equip- ment. GB has annual sal~ ol $J3 . .t billion and a worldwide emplQyee force or 400,000. lt'a ea.sily tbe leader in the appliance business -s.o much 10 that West ~ · inebou-ae deserted the ~ lltld last year. letllna GE-rootend with Searo. . Money Roebuck, Anolher etec-T lronlca a laot, R;CA , ree fired lt• chairman, Robert Sarnort, tbjs " month. RCA.'• a.od Westinabouse's profits combined don't comeclooetomaU:blngOE's. GE Al.SO llAS AWESOME <lou t in lbe halls of eoi.ress. Just how •wes.ome was detailed recently by Jerry Landauer. the Wall Street Journal ·~ crack in- vestigative reporter. Earlier thl:s month the Senate Appropriations Co mmlt-tte voted $110 million ol development funds for the Navy's Fl.8 fighter plane. That followed a similar authorization in the House ol Rt"presentati ves. The votes were major victories for the FIS builders : McDonne ll Douglas and Northrop. t'tl.'O airfra me manufac· turers and GE. a jet engine manutacturer. The losers were LTV Aerospare. maker or A7 attack plane, and Grumman, maker or the Fl4 fighter. The stakes here were high. Con- tracts for the Fl8 could eventually mount to more than S6 billion. THERE WAS INTE."'ISE lobbying in Congress by all the interested companies. However. Landauer's analysis ahowed ~at the final voting went along not party lines but factory lines. Congressmen voted a ccording to which com- panies had plants in theirdistricts. GE has more plants than aiiyone -222 in 34 states. l ts team won in the House by 70 votes .. Landauer pointed out that the entire Texas delegation voted against the Fl8. LTV is based in Dallas. Sen. Thomas Eagleton (D-Mo. ), who has been critical of Pentagon spend. ing, voled tor the F1S program in the Senate committee :showdown . McDonnell Douglas is headquartered in St. Louis. WITH THE EXCEPTION of the four congressmen from San Francisco. the entire California delegation voted for the Fl8. Northrop is based in Southern California. GE plans to assem6le the engines for the FIS. 23 to three. In the ~1assachusetts delegation, the vote was 11 to one. GE has a stri ng of plants throughout New England and the result was a near unanimous vote for the F18 by con· gressmen from this area. The one exception, Landauer pointed out, was Connecticut, where five of its six con· gressmen voted against the Fl8. Why? Because United Technologies is based in Hartford. Conn., and this com- pany's Pratt & Whitney Wvision designed the engine for LTV 's losing alternative. OSE l.OBBYIST WHO fought against the FIS told Lan· dauer: ''Without GE, we would have won.·· ! TM Taking a Loss 1n· System Switch . f ( ·- Times !\.firror is changing its newspape r distribution system in l..os Angeles and Oran~e Counties. and expects r Aeronutronic to i ncur unusual, non · recurring expenses of ap· proximately $5 million befor taxes in the fourth quarter of 1975. Most of that sum will g for payments r esulting from the termination of indepen· dent dealer agreements. fAward Give~ Circulation revenues of The Times now include only tht' r ates charged to independenl dealers. The ne\v system will provide for direct sales tc home subscribers a nd single copy buyers and is expected to produce additional circula- tion revenues to The Times ol about $23 million in 1976. I. f." ~ ~ !· ' t , r ' .. AeronutroniC-For'd Corp. of Newport Bearh has won an expanded contract from the Air Force calling for more than $5 million in work on a missile syste m . The pact is an expanded version of an original one th at callffi for $2 .15 million worth of work on a low -cost, lightweight missile. The contract incl udes or- ders for 20 test units to go along with the missiles which would be used to intercept enemy aircraft. Most of the 232 indepc.>ndent home-delivery dealers will become independent delivery 3gents in the metropolitan area and many of the in· dependent streel·sales de· alers will become circulation supervisory employes. Saving on Fuel- Just So Much Gas By GARY A .EDWARDS DALLAS (UPI) .:_:_The catalogue was from a firm in a large midwPstern city and the advertisement said that if you installed the gadget you could expecl up to 20 percent better gasoline mileage. A neighbor with judgment I trusted said the guarantee lookffi okay. ' "YOU CAS SENDIT back if it doesn't work.·· he said. I was convinced and impatient. The mails wouldn 't do. I placed a t~Jephone call. 5?0n the miracle package arrived. My wife lookt"d skeptical. Another neighbor said I was a huckster·s delight. I knew better. The savings in gas would make me a neighborhood hero. I set out to beat the energy crisis . • The directions for installation were easy enough. They lnvolved cuttlnc the fuel line and placing the gadgel between the fuel pump and the carburetor. THE FIRST HJNT or trouble came when the brass fit· tingaaerit with the gadget wouldn't fit the fuel line. New fit· tings were obtained from the neighborhood parts store. Two days and a couple of busted knuekles later the si m· pie installation supposedly taking but a few m in~tes was complete and the car was running again. I was ready to cash in on the fuel savings. . Before the fuel saver was attached my car got 14.3 miles to the gallon. In town and 16.7 on the highway. No"'. a!~er several hundted anticipated fuel ·saving miles, the car still ge~ 14.3 ln the c!ty and a shade over 15 oq the hi ghw ay. NET SAVINGS IN GAS : Minus z.ero -despite new ptua:s and an a.lr filttr imtallea to sive the gadget every break i1l the wor!d. To send it baet"means. shelling out to replace the fuel line hacked In two to make room tor the gas saver along wllh ithe cost or r eturning (he Item. But back it shall go anyway, just to let them know. and never again will this in· naUonfithter tumble for one of those miracle ads. 'J'1le.re is, however, another advertisement that caugh1 my e.ye . Jt says those spuk plugs that lut the life of your car are for real. They couldn"t be wron1. could they? After all it was a full page ad. ... ' . . . . • friCUI)', Nowmbef 29. 1975 L/SC DAILY PILOT ,41 J Friday's Cl o ing Price11 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE lil~VOllf.C--iUH)-=. ::Wv.rl ~r::L:. ": ·--.... ~c.-.::. ---'-·•'~ ;-,, .... AC"'Mt.M I 11 JM'I-\lo •-ct¥.tt5,. ~·" ~ ... t • ' •.• AO!tor ,r,_. .. 31 ..._ • Mo ....,.,. Mltll • 10 .l't .. ......_J>ft ,, ., t't-... M'w'lnw .1• . . ~ lh• ~ °"4NLI I .• It 1M ft'-,,, Mt.wii.t pt 1 • • I a .. Aw& .... Go JJ • ·---..,.,._ .10 • ):5 • • •. '11Wn lftC, • ti tV. ..• ~~ltlfl ... 11 )0 It • 111o -..... ·* '' ~ 441~· ~ Alru 1~1 l ., 11111o -"' A J lftlllftl.-. ' II t'4 •.• ~ '-"·· ,. ,...., ..... Al• 0.. l,)I • ,. '*"'-.. A ..... ,, •••• 0..1' ·~ ..._. l11bl 10 IS 10..-~ Altlllylllt .Ml II H 14 -"' ~ ... , .. ·~ ... Al~.toll ,. 1• -\olo -... Al .IOI• M JI -llo .. Ale:• S... .M S 11 IJ •.• CM Ui .t• t i t• t.N1 .. "- ""-.1 ... t ,.. "" .. "' AlitoOI ''°" , , ... l'\,'\ •.. Al19'-lldl.IO J lS J4~-\lo Al .. ,.. ,,Ml I • lt llo .. w. "'""'°'•·•It II 10llot-... .tJllOOlllD t tl Jl"at ""° Alkllll&M .Ml • •T lt\l'io-"" AllledP!' .tD ,, '' '"' ••. AA~l.MI t ~ .. ¥1 ... .t.11e1 w,.n•1 . . '' 1·:n~-.... •n11 ~.1• l SJ lJ t"" Allf'QhlA ,!ol I 11 '"• \lo .tJ~P ,)WI • • J '"' • .. 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Avco Corp .. n '"" Avco Cp wts .• IJ ..,_"" Avco(orp pf .. 41 11,,.. ..• .._,.,yPr .30 lS JS JI'~• IV. •Ylf ln<;orp a JI 1 f \'o A~tnc .SOS Ill ICl''I A-I pl 1' > • • I SO'h-1 A-.Pr I.Ml 11 J9.' •S~-'.lo A.llt<OG .10 u I IS"t-•t. --·-8.tb& 'NI I . to 1 I :W. 10 B«MG .)Db ' 43 3 ... 8.ilkf'r l"l ,].I 9 •l •\lo• .... Bllk,rOll .'1 u l'M .,.,.._ --8.lk"1)U wl . . JI) .13.., •.. Bl!O'*ln .tD S 1 t" f'lllllC....p .IO 6 5 11'' • Vo BllllyM .07b ' 68 11)>.:.-l \1' B1111c;.s ,_.,. • n 11:0,0 • '" 811G5 p1 ,.,, .. zJOD Sl .. ..., BllllC..I I 3' I 1 1S'4 ••• Blllldag l11c 70 1' 1'1' .•. 8.ano;IM Pft l 16' S"-• \9 ~rP pfC . , •t ll'h + 1 8¥1QorF'I pf . . I • + "' Br>ll. NY 1.)0 S 1• 11'1• , .. S.....V•.11 4 I 1iv.-t .. Vo a.N<TrU!'l l • 121 30>4-Vo BllT plA J'Jt .• II 25"°-Vo llcbOU 1.MI .. 14 1t ~ V. Bed CR .JO'' 1S2 1•2'-Ya &lslclnc: . .;o s 17 7llt ••. Basl" pf 2Yt.. "° ~,,.,_ ¥, Btl" Mf .• • •1 te •. Bllwcl'IL .to I) t3 1' -V. 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S 10 ,,,.._ 141 flG51 f:dJ.'4 • 3:5 """ •.. eos1t:p1 •• •• no 12"' .. :v. &oltEpl 1. 11 • • >t IOfoto , •• • ...... lfl .111 1 '52 • .. .... 8rMlllCF C. • U I,,._ V. llr'-IS 1.60.. XI '41'• ~ llrliMyl.601• l SI JI -1"" &11.My pl 1 •. I ,.__ ""° 8rll"-1 .)lb II lO II""--. &n:kwyGll 7 •II 73V!• Vo &tVllGt 1.11 7 11 lt'I< + Ya ~Com2Ul1t •.. 8rGn.tp I.JO U 11 21..... • •. &rft Sl'lrp .10 t II 5-'o + Ya 8<""•11 .70 '' 5' , ...... 8f""5Wll .Cl 11 M.7 11\t + ,,.. 1"'911 W .40 7 I ll:V.-V. 8TM9"1 . .D .... H"lt 14 !k.cyrin E I U SI 31"" • ""° llUC:'f'f\11 "" • • 4 ''"" • Vo 8udd CD .to • 10 W-"" MF.;1106 6 2 ~\lo+,,. flulaYtW .70 ,. 1•1 '"'• 'lo fluM.rH 1..... t l•V. + Vo 8'1n•rlll 10l'I .. •1 • • 1i'o 8-111 pf'"" ...1 11 llh• v. Burllnd 1,10 I'll )7 l'l'llo-... 8111'1 No .ISi! 12 W )I .... -Vo 8'.lrtNpl .SS .. J MO+ .... Bur""" .12 IO II ,. .... ., ... &urr""5 .to 1J m .,."• " -<C-C.mt t.O L . t J 1,.-"' c.tiot CCI .~ 1 • '' -14 CaMnt.t INI •. 3 11'1• \lo C.W-t ""'" • ,. )\to Ill FIMnc.. 20 1'11o-Ya l'Vtl '·'~ • 1 l)\lo-\.\ lt!WI .JOI 12 60 II,._ V. 1.. • .:!ii ~! ,:~ ~ ''·'''' ~ n" ... I $111 , 1tt "~ .•• ........ ,.,,_. 11111.lt, • 11 _,,.. Gao Qlltt t 1• ' .,.,._" ----..-= ...... w..-,... '" .. a.. °" ... , a-°" , t ~ a-(!If "'""' ........... i ·1"' ,,._,.-'-"'I"'""·" ..... itl>-'6•1·tl f , 1 !H fl" 1 •. ....,._111< 4 II"'+ 14 >;:;,~'~· t1 •11-1' 1 .I ... ~ ~a. .. ,. • '*"'• " !I ... , ,J 1~~ . 1:al2: ,.~.=.~ii~ ~ ~~ ....... ., . ... ... ...,. "" ... , .... .,._., 1M' t .. 1...._+ \lllo ..... UI,. .. , --41- 1.61 •• • 11\lo •-· lfC.lll11 M 11\lio+ '6 ~IMI.» J IM IWt lo\ 1te1M S Ill~-lrlA~ 1 • ... IM,,A,6 .. 1100 1S •I i..-c .,. .. &)t '-• • &o .wlf 1 Ml't-'-I •-~ .. '' w-. -·· ~ ... ,. .. .,..._ " fti: . . 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F~8110 . J lt\lo+ .... I TT t•''> 6 •11.4• '• OWw~ C. .. llJ !IV. t lit 40 • t 11 • '-" I T.L plJ' 1 •)\;,, '> OlrvWtt" wt ., I t -1• • F9d 1.2•16 lMI S''Ht V) 1Ta.T g.llt4 10 ,,,,., • c ' Mtoe •• l • 11.1•, 1.11 ...,"°""', 1 ,, n -.,.. r "("' t"" ,, ''"' ..... Ct ~llltv 111 .. n '"" + .,.. Ab!11rd ,JOl'I , ~ t IT• pt() S S ... ~ 14 Clft a.111.60 7 2 It\'-W AdlFCI .Solb l 1 Jlt • lnlltlNC I ?O JI 11'"1 1, Cl"I Gn 1 ... t l l ll'Jt . .• FMIUIC t .40 S ' ti -14 .,,..pec:pt j J 65 -,,, 0"1 C I! pt' , . ~ C]• ... -1\~ l'i.lckl'MI 110 ' ""' • ¥! '""""'°' (,, I } J It~-.. O llMU.11 1.40 1 10 1'""• \.. Fltt,.iC .Mlb • 41 '""' • \.o l~M 8rd .tel J I 1),,,, 11o ~:t~2s:.~ ~ ~:::2,,. ~i::,,:: ! ,! :~~ ::'r.:'..1:;: ~ ,~ ·:~ ::: Oll(Otp M 10 1611 2'\:.• Ye FlntN 1.10 t 12' »" ... 1-llilfff It! J Jtl 22 ... t '-~t !il-rv 1AO t $9 a....• ""' F$l:OIM1 Sil 1 W 12\lo t \.t ._. Et 1.)0 14 10 IJ ... '-' Mto •• n .,.. •.. 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'1 7 •. . l'lw!Enl .14 2l IOol 12""'-"°' JCP pl' U.JO •• 110 Ill -I O utl:tPpll •• J 11Vs-'4 FllV.,.l)C I '3 l 'l>t 1i'o JC.Ppt ll.00 •• tlO " t i CMI 111¥ C. •• 14 1"1o • "'° Ftllltkot 1.ll t ,. lttt• • . J CllPpt 9 !ol .• 1140 11 -,,., CHA l'IM(I • , 12'0 t i'-. . • FUnll• pl 21/o • • 1 J511:o • 'h J CllPl>t I 12 . , ISO 71) -II. CNApl I.la .• tl lJ\ii ..... Fii EColl~I. 1 ,, ..... 14 .II• CitLrl .• 11D 11) -.... CNAllll.IJt> •• 11 11-... ...... All G.s .tO t I] U'"I• .... JCllPpt •.• 110 •• CNA L.lwit1 .. 30 -... ... AtPwr J.10 1 91 ,._... '• ,.._l C 110 I 21 1'1.li-1"' CN .. pr 1.41<'; •• 1 '"• V• Fl•PwL I. .. 1 104 lt"'• \lo .11-1<"' 111 •. 4) 'Ill-.. C:O.Stst GM J 11• ,...,_"' Flt 5tNl I .... .I I ,.,,, . J•MW•ller 1 I J .. l-1 .. '9 Csl$Gelt I lt , l I) ... + \' Fl...,. C.,.tll i. Ill lS .... • :i:, J IMWpl I Ml .. 11 ll1~-\~ OtSGpl l.I . . t 11 ... -;"" FMC Corp l 6 ••I 1'' • • \ .. JHll 111 I lttl .. lO 1t . C«t Co11.lO)l 121 11h-''-l'MC of ?I~ •. •I lOlo JHlllvllll> S JO -0... C«•BDfl ·'°It 111 ,,,,_ v. FG:l'di:..., .70 .. JI .... , .. ..lolV>Mv I 11) n 1S• """ .... Coklw&k .4011 5 It ... \~ Fool..CB .tO S 12 11)' .. • \'o JohllLJ .eo..>O 104 'M '•-'• coi.co 1..,,.., .. tt J"-'-v. ~dMDJ.tCIJO 29' ''~' • h Jl'll"I Cll .to • ll 12io . ~t' .1615 Jlt-11 ....... For M<k .91 '1ll ll~• .... JollL"'<l"·'°JI 11 ,, .... . ColoPpfl"1 .. 1IOO ,, .. ·~ FrMpf 1.to , n"•-14 .JOtQ'IOl'll60] ', ...... '• Qilf&,r.lk .StlO tD ll't• \.. FIOCn l.14b II U ll<• .. "°''""Inc: I I I 11 .... , '' Q>lllMF-:M 10 l .. ~lHw'll .!411 71 ]Th•"" .>o,MlllUIQ t I} ll'l Col Pt-"" .40 IS 1t ll -V. ~rWt 1.10 t 11 13 .. \.o J""1k• MIQ . . 1 lh-' \\ ColoftSI 1.13 6 14 11 ...... Fo.__... .to I •I 21'4~ "" --«IC-Colt lndul 1 l !) JI '", \~ Fr811-M .loll IS SO JO t 14 1t11v"AI 111) ) 611 J61W-1 .. ColtptAl.IO . J 11-.... v. ""lllMl.IO • tl J2 •.. l(tiwrCl .SO t 11 6 • 1 .. Coitlt1 pl •'t... 1 41 + \II Fn• .... 11.IO • '° lt:O,O-'{o l(•NMll .2• 4 .. ll"o-"o Gerl c;..,$ J.O. 1 lit JlV. • F_. ll!Ou IH :n S l(•CPLI J.H 1 J1 J5'o •.• ColC.f pt S..... 1 1'~•-\.'I ---G O-lt..I~ Ill 6 t 13'4 • V. Co!Gpl'S.4 •. l J1"11o •.. G.lllle llld!st •• 11 6 -14 1(•11GEl.6'1 S JI II'•., Col PIC'l.,rtl t 11 J.,_ ... GAC C....p ,. U 11-16 l(.allloN l.:Hj t 11 U V.• ,,._ Co!S..OltioJt 103 }] .,. v, C..&F CP .S2• Jll ll"lo+·V, lt.1"1PLt 1S 1 3111 .. -.... Cl§.OJlf 10.Sl •. 1SllO 1011' t V. GAF pl 1.10 . . 1 1~ .. ,_... lt.aly lndu•I 41 t 1i·o-.,.. Col-ll MIQ .. '' 110 • •., C.....S.1.1.tQ t lS ll .... .,. I/, l(t!ypll46 .• t llV.. CMnbdCom 1 11 10\oi. v. C.....Spl I.to . 1 11 .,. .._ IC.1<.rtltr .0411 •. 1*6 , .. _ 1-.. '°"1bf1.t0t II l('4-V. Gtor>fwU .tolt 1' :Milt +.,.. ~ck Cl40 1 I '•• ... CrnwEdl.31111 ,, JO ..... '·• C..d0f'fl .1•1l ,,. JP<o• Vs lt-CP.1<1 3 1a s .. "" CwEdpl 2.11 •. J tt'll . .. G.lr1illU .9' t S 1:W.-h l(tii.r Ill 10 IS 1 J I .. , , COl'nEd pr 2 .• , 1 JJ\.\-"" G.lrl<Xk ... 1 I Sit lS• • . • l(tlloQQ tO II Jtl 23 C•11!;4Df l.lJ .• I 101.1, •• . c;.n !we 1.10 • 3' '''°" Itel-to l'i 1 12...,. "" ewe pr 1.'lO .• 2• 20\4 ... G.att-••Y 1t111) SI ·~~.·a;. l(tfYlllmell • 13 11•-..1 CClmfd .Bwl .• l I~• 'tt GA TX 1.IO I 111 H'1l•l'Jt l(en<llllSbJO )OS JO'""'\' ComwOil •k .• 116 1"'-•.. GCA Corp 11 11 l" .• lty Vlll 1 to I SO JO CWOlll>f 1.n .• I 17' I •. . Gemit1I "' . . J 10'11 •.. Kf't"r McG 114 170 71 '••'VI Comm S.I, • Mt 17~-s... Giemmil"I I•'. II 11·~-""' Kty\a-,. J I 11 ••• ~·• 1 SO 11 .. -:i.. GnAml .J'b .. 14 •~•-•.-t I(~ W 911 i 11 '''• • ,.... Comp,/lrSclll 6" '""' GllAOil .llQal1 !I JI'••"-Kl-plJJI) I •l'4•1"'• Coll Ag,1 Sk 2 ' IV.• Yo Vtt1Cllbl .11 6 '8 11)''" • 'o ltlmt>CI I 60 t 7• Jt >. C-M I.~ I olO 40"'--Ill Gt\ Co;r 1.1<1 1 1 ,,,,__ •o l(J~OJ 40 I )I I"", .... 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PSEGol I 10 , t20 11 PSl!Gp' t Ill .• ,10 It • 1 ~i. pl U .2S . 11$SO 110 • 1 PvS llldJ.1? 11 110 Jt •\ al._ t .'4 •• tlO 101\lt • lflCIOll11h .. 140 ""'" lndclf 1 °' . 11ot lJ .... PS N"•I *'' 1•1t ~HM;> 1 71 I G Ill\• ,..; · Pound Plummets l..ONOON CAP) -Britain''.\ pound sterling plunged to an all-time low of $2.01501-"'rid:iy . In little over en hour the pound rlropped nl"arl y 1.5 cents against the dollar. The pound had closed at $2.0298 here Thursday. The previous record low tor the pound o{ $2.0210 waasct Ocl. 2. • ,_... · IJ A 1~ 0:1L v ••Lo• -~ -- Friday, November 26, 1975 - • MARKET BASKET • RION HARDWARE • THE STOREKEEPER • HUMPTY DUMPTY • WESTCLIFF SHOES • PAPER UNLIMITED • DEDRICK'S TUX SHOP ~ . . ' . ' . . . . . I ' \ • •one-stop' shopping e.t its finest! OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS • PLAYBOY HAIR STYLIST • VETA'S • MONTGOMERY CLEANERS • JEAN DAHL • WESTCLIFF PLAZA BARBER • LA GALLERIA · • CHAS H. BARR JEWELER • DR. L. R. ELDER • WESTCLIFF TAILORS • SAV-ON DRUG • HALLIDAY'S • BANK OF AMERICA • • ANTHONY' s SHOE SERVICE • DICK VERNON'S • HICKORY FARMS i' ' • Saddlebaek EDITION * VOL. 68, NO. 332, S SECTIONS, 82 PAGES Saddlehack 111 WILLIAM SCRllElllEll ..... 0.11• ... ,.. .... Orance County Supervh~ors have ordert'd thr county Plannin.g Com.rni1sion thi! wttk lo study a proPQ$al to Prect up to 1.300 low· cost ''cottage:;·· for senior citiz.erus on 412 acres of the old Crosby Ranch in the Saddle back Valley. Tbe dite('tion to com - missioners came during a lmgtby' public hearing on tht- rounty general plan Wednesday. ·"'total of eieht specinc land use change~ were up for board ap- pn>vJJ alter clearingtheplannina commission. Supervisors heard extensive testimony, did some picking and poking or their own at the pro- posed land plan C'hanges and sent the entire package back to t~ ,_,.....ras Santa & Snow 'Blizzard' for SadiHeback Santa Clau~ arrived in the Sad- dleback Valley today in a So uthern Ca lifornia sty le blizz ard -a bait-storm-on <1 California sleigh -a hang glider ''It's s no w i ng !" s hreiked childrPn who had wajted an hour for Santa's arrival at the Laguna Hills Mall. ThPy appeared to be as excited by the strange white stuff falling from the sky as they were by Santa's promised ar- rival. ··watch for Santa in the sky ovPr St>ars, ·· a loud speaker ad- vi:sPd the crowd bundled in warm coats, and huddled under um- brellas in the r ain soaked park· ing lot. Re tween Fro s ty the Snowman" a nd "Wintt.'r Won- derland" the loud speaker ex- olained to onlookers that Santa always finds a wa y. "If you don't have a chimney. Santa finds a way into your house to leave toys,·· said the voice. "This year Santa had a little trouble with his reindeer." the voice went on, "So he learned to fly a hang glider." Some of the onlookers, dis- C'Ou raged by Santa's non - a ppearance, the cold and the rain, went home to wait for his traditional Christmas Eve-ap pointment. Only about 60 spectators Wt're rewarded by the sight of Santa, dressed in soggy red, fl ying through the air under a blue and white striped hang glidt'r. lie landed with a splash. • Rains To Depart Coast to Welcome Cool, Crisp Skies The fa st-moving storm that brought showers and gusts of gale-force winds on the Orange Coast Thanksgi ving morning were expected to move out ·tonight. 1\nd Saturday morning, said forecasters. would l'merge cool and cr is p for the coastline after the Q\lick s torm displayed many moods. Snow fell in mountain areas above 4,000 feet and hail pelted some areas of Orange Count y d\1ring the holiday. .'\long the shoreline, sm all · craft warnings were posted early in the day for winds gusting up to J5 knots. 'fhe seas were a menac- ing seven feet a t the height of the squalls. .<\s for rainfall, it was sporadic and relatively light. Some residC'nts of the Sad- dleback Valley reported brief hailstorm$ during the holiday and this mo rnin g. Rainbows emerged often after the rain as the quick squalls gave way to clearing. Winds that reached their peak before dawn tore off sma ll tree limbs, but no reports of any eost- lyda mage were noted. Forecasters said that tht" crisp fa ll weathe r would las t the "'eekend with perhaps a repeat * * * Mt. Laguna Gets 7 Inches Of Snowfall performance of sho we rs and winds by early next week . Rainfall totals in the recent storm were as high as .86 inches at 1.ake . .o\rrowhead where rain, mixed with some snow, fell on Thanksgiving. Coastal points re· ported mu<"h smaller totals. Running Springs, in the San &>rnardino Mountains, had two inches of snow on the grounds at the time most residents were sit· ting down to turkey dinner. .AJthough the rainfall in the rail storm was minimal. it was enough to prompt county £ire and forestry officials to lift thei r red· flag alert for fire da nger. Spokesmen said that it ra1n('d enough in areas wh ere the danger was worst to warrant the lifting. They added , however. that if the winds were to continul' for even a brief period during the weekend , they could dry out th(' grasslands and brush qui ckl y. And the high fire danger <'Ould return. Records Studied DETROIT (ll Pl> -The Federal Aviation Administration was studying flight recorder ~ from two giant jet airliners today to find out why they nearly col lided over Southern Michigan, forcing one pilot to take an evasive dive that injured 24 passengers . Investigators con- fiscated cockpit recorders Thurs- day from an Ame rican Airlines DC 10 undergoing passenger compartment repairs in Detroit and a Trans World Airlines L-1011 . Today~s · Cl~slag N. "'· StoektJ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1975 TEN CENTS ' . Senior Cottages Probed ~· . commission for reconsideration. "Ibey asked that the amendments be brought back to the m on Dec 10. . The boltest dis('ussion of tht" day came during discUS!'ion of lhe plan by dt>vf'loper Howard Miller for use of the old Crosby Ran<-h. now owned by Genevieve ~farcrofL Miller and at,t.oroey Rodger S. Howell ralli{'d dozt!ns of senior ('i tizrns and :senior citizen or· i:anization representatives to at· tend the hf'aring a nd espouse the cause of erecting a low-co:st home village on the land. wbich lies partially inside the Laguna Greenbelt. They appealed Lo supervisors not to ac('ept the la nd use recom· mendation made by th€' planning commission -desigrni.tion of the land as general agricultural and conservation property bec1iuse of the sceni<' charaeteristi('IS. Tbe prope rty in question touches the inland boundaries at 1.aguna Bea('h and stretches along Laguna Canyon Road, in- corporating pristint-Wood. ca- nyon. The olannina commission, in oro Lighti11g First Ca11dle At sundown today the Jewish holiday 1-lanukkah begins and w\\l continue for eight days. At C{)Sla :\.1esa·s Temple Sharon. Sean Kallen, 6, li ghts the first candle on the menorah (candelabr<t ) as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean 's sister Sara , 4, looK on . The holiday, also called t he Fea:st o f Lights and the Feast of Dedication, celebrates the victory of the Maccabees ovC'r the Syrians in 165 B.C . and redediration of the ternple in .J<:>rusalen1 . OC Planners Eye Viejo Zone Changes OrangC' Cuunly planning com missioners will consider changl·~ in the torung tC'xt for the 'l1ssinn Viejo Planned C'om munity at 2 p.m . ?\·londay trl th(' hC'aring room ;1t ,100 Civic ('C'nler Ori ve V./r>."' · $<1nt~ .\na The ~tiss1(ln '\1'1ejo ('on1po.1ny has requested that stnragl' yards for re('reatinn;:d vC'hicll'S. boats and trailerl' be p(•rmillc•d 1n thl' rt•sidential and ;J~r1 C't1l tur::il areas nf !ht' ('1·m n1un1t ~ Current!). p.u·k:n;.! uf rt'Crea tion vehicles on the :-lr('(•ts. front y ards and in drJ\'l'"·ays 1!' restricted The company is ;ilso asking that cornmC'rcial rC'C1'('3l1 on ust's i:lt' allowed between ('abot Road ..-.nd the S::in Oi e,e:o F'reeway, south of the La Paz Roa(! 1n terC'hangC'. The art•a is current ly marked a:io 3 hus 1nt•ss. pro ft"ssional and euilura! ;1rp;i :\mong the other requl•sted chl'\nges due to be considered a re a restriction of frrE' standing signs in shopping renters to thost' irle ntifying the center and a d('lt• tion of the requirement for build- ing setbacks within ::i shopping CC'nter . Assails ConJ!ress Calley to Appeal My Lai Conviction \V .<\Sl-11:-.;\,TQ:-.J (AP 1 \\'ii11 am I. \alley Jr appealed his :'tt y I.at murder conviction to thC' lJ .S . SupremC' (:Ourl today. S:.l)'ing (·on;!rt•Ss should ha\·c ix.>en compPlled to re\(•:1se con- fidential data 1n hi s trial JU.S t <1s J>resident :'Jixnn was compc'lled to do in the W atcrga le scandal. (;alley, 32. v.·ho sought unsur cessfully to usl' st'c rc·t con ;.-1·es:-;1on::d t t'SI i n1ony 1n hi s dP fenst~. no ted that lhC' high (·ourt r{'jected :'-J1:-<on ·s claim of con fidenli~ihty fnr the \V;1IC'rgate !.'.lp('S ,r !lullSlon {iurJ11n uf {~O\' 1ngton, T (·nn , {'alll'}'s attornC'y. s.'.lid the court ·s ruling on :-.Jix11n held that no m<.111 or 1nst1tulion is :'lbove the !av.• "Congress 1.; nnt abo"e the iav.." sairl th1• c~ttornl'y in his ;iet1t1on 01 s k1ng lhl' Su prem(' C'ourt to rC'\'L('V.' ;1 fC'dt•ral apJl('al s court ruling rein..;tatini:? C01llt•y 's conviction Gordon s a irl that the 5th U.S. Circ-uit ('ourt of Appeals in :'llew Orleans t'rred in not r('cog nizing th:.ll a c1111grPss1onal con1mitlC'e v.•i thhe!ti p1lll~'ltial rvirlC'nce fron1 Cai!ev·s defC'n st• Th~ !louse 1\rmed ScrvicC's Comn11tlf'C' rt1 fust•d to let th(' rle f£"11sc iook at the results of its My I.ai he..1ring s which 1nvolvl'd 3.0.\5 pages of stat<'nlents fron1 J;)l witnesses 1'he former lieutl'11ant hJ:-. ht•Pn iiving as a civili an in ('olumbus. (;a. since his 1971 court martial Ctlll\"ic·tinn was ovt•r1urnC'd SC'p1 2:i . 187'1 ThC' .<\rn1,\ appt•uh•tl th:1t ruling ;1nd thl' a ppea Is court. in ~n 8-5 de e1s 1on. reinst;1tc•d (:allev'scnnv1c t1nn on charj?es rt•l;tll·ri to !ht• \1 \' l.ai massacrv .\C'CllSl'd ui kdlln).! 102 \'1f'1 names<' l"J\'tl1a n ~ in tht• ~v.·cep !hrough thf' h.1nlll·l nf 'Iv Lc1i in \-larch J96H, t':dlt'y \~'<JS ~·onvic-t · ed of murdering not less th:in 22 anrl senlencC'd to life in prison. flov.·ever, thC' sentcnc<' was rt· clucl'd in :-;ubse'lttent appe<tl" to 1() _\"t':'lf" and he v.·Hs frt'C'1 111n hail :i .\·e:ir ago The 1\rmy ha:-; said 11 <hlf"S n11t pi<1n to rP\urn him t'' j•flS(lll ("a!le.\ v.«1s the only StJldiC'r l'utl Vt<'tC'd in <'OO nl'Clion with My I.ai, although the Army 's S<'C'rcl Pcl'rs Rl'port s aid possibly 317 n1en. womC'n and r hilclrt"n "·ert' killed hy three pla1oon.~ in thC' in (•ident l" S J)1 str1ct ("1>ur1 ./utlg1· .J <:We \.<\1.1.F.V , Pag1• .<\2) makini tts recommendation, ovt-rturned the county plaMin.c staff, which bad suggested Hmil· f'd uses of the property and de- V'Plopment of 190 units. At Wednesday's general plan amendment session, supervilOl'S tentatively accepted the rom· mission's recommendation to leave the land undeveloped for (Stt SENIORS. Pac•,\?) County Friend Injured Ry RllDI SIF.DZJ F.LSKI Otlll• Dally "1+.llqft A 49-year-old El Toro pilot was killed and his passenger eritically injured Thursday when their Iii!' ht plane crashed and burned shortly a ft er takeoff from Co rona Munic ipal Airport. The Thank sgiv in.I! Day sightseeing flight elaimed the life of Ricardo Salcedo, 237.JJ Teed St .. and left his companion, Edward Li bed, 38. Garden Grov<', with burns over 40 percent of his body. lnve-stigators said the single· €"ngine Cessna l 72 went down ofll'- and·a-halr miles west of the airport in a forested area of the Prado Oam basin. l.ibed, who 'ti'l'as found wande-r· ing around the crash sit<', told authorities the plane hit a treetop arter going through a c1oud bank. spun to the ground and burst into names. l..ibed was airlifted to Ri\'erside Ge ne ral Hospital by a l.os Angeles County Sheriff's Depart- me nt hel icopter. fie was listed in critical condition today ..\!though tht> pl1:1ne went down in a re mote arC'a, the sound of the cra sh was ht'ard by sever a l persons at the airport. They alert- t'<l the Riverside County Sheriff ':t office . lnvestigalors rrom the FC'dC'r.!!:l . .\ ... -iatinn .6i gen(' y flew to tht• c r<Uih scene . . \spokesman for the Riverside ("otinty Sheriff's office said the piane "'as badly torn up" a nd that 1t had gonr down in the mid- cliC'of what he term<'d "ajun,1?.le." Riversid€" Countv Coront'r ':-. in-- vt>sligator Scott ·l·hll s<i1d an autopsy "'as being conductC'd on Salcedo's bod\· to dC'll·rmine the c3 use nf dea.th. !IC' 1nd1t'atl"tl, hov.'e...-er. that Salcedo "probably diedbecauseof burns" l-li s body "'as taken to Thorn:ts Miller 'fortuary in <:orona "'her€" fu ner :1 J ser" ires 3 re Pf.'nding .\n !•'1\.-\ ~1 idf' in T .us Angl'lt•s s:nd the pi<int• wa:i on a ' local fii;!hl •·;:int\ that further inVl'S tiga til'n uf !ht· crash has bet•n turned o\'er t.1 thl' ~at1on~11'ransport<•· 11nnS~•ft•I.\' Ro3rd 'fin Prict-Hiked SJ.~\\· YCJl{K (;\P ) U.S. Stet•! Corp has ::innounced a St'r1l·s of prtC'<' 1ncrt•11..-es on it s tin pro ducts runn1 n)! in some cast"s tn moirt• lh<1n 10 p('rcenl ~IT. LAGUNA (AP) -Seven · inches af s now fell late Thursday and early today on this central San Diego County area in a storm "'.hieh droppf'd rain ovn; the re- gion. There were 1.14 inches of rain- fall during the night at Campo near the Mexican border. Alien 'Sweep' Attaeked Sho 'ti'l't'r ~ decrl~as1 n g tonight bec0m1ng crisp and clear Saturctav. Chanel' or r~in 30 percent t o ni~ht Highs expectt•d 1n lhC' 50:< S:'lturday INSIDE TODA,. ln San Diego, rainfall ranged from .40 inch to .61 inch. Palomar Mountai n counted 1.06 inch or precipitation with a helf-inch at Carlsbad on the C"O.a5t. The first storm of the season t'liminated extreme rire condi- tions whi('h caused deployment of 22 s tate forestry workers from Northern C'aliforn1a . 1"hose firefighters werr f\41wn honie on a chartered plane tn time for Thanksgiving dinner. Since mid·summel', onJy .09 of •n inch of rain had fallen at San t>i.eeo's Lindbergh Field. • I ' lly l.AllRIF. KASPER OI tfW 0.11, "11.t 5'.11" Reacting against a "sweep" of the ir ('i t y b y immigration authorities, San Juan Capistrano city councilmen adopted a re- solution condemning any actions Whi('h oppress people because of their national origins. '.'Joting that th('y art' not ('cui tloning illegal entry into thl' <"nun try. tht."y as keel that ''(:luc 1Jrn C'c."SS" be gl"antC'd C'Vtt'!/ p<>rson picked up b y immir.rat1nn authorities and th::it the la\vs be ('n(Ort."ed within the fta 1nework O( the rights €"Stablishcd by lhC U.S. Constitution. I' I The couneil's action came Wednesday after Councilman Roy Byrnes told of the "sweep" last week d\lrin~ which about 50 r ·rsons 'ti'l'ere detained. After explaining bow such searches for illegal aliens are conducted. hC' said. ''This system rloesn 't work It 1s rl is cr1minatory It ':, uppre.s:,1vr Tl'.; degra,dlng to ~1 ex1c(ln·:-tppt.~.1 rlnt.! AmC'rtt'"°n citi1t"n:i. ·· B)rnt:-:> SliQ .in J8 year n!d 1,1,h,, has h.•1·11 h\ 1ng 111 thl.' .._oun lry il'g ,~lly r~,r If! ~ l'<I'':,; \Ya:< det t1i necl for. (o~(f _hoors after the se-t=1reh 1-{e sa1 1t was "J \'ery frighten- ing exJ)(>rien('e. ·· 1 I .c\dm1tt1ng hC' h11d "obv1nu sly bef'n ste"·1ni:: t)\'e r this sinee las.I F'rid:.ly." llyrnes said immigra hon offirt~r s had :Jlso searched hut found nn 1llef!al a11('ns on hi s prOJ)("r!y '.\"otin )! th;,'t l thl'rl' 1 .. J d1 f fe renc(' b('f"('en a r.ud on a "rc'Ct f1c p!.J("l' a nti a hn1;11I .. v.·~"'P throu~h th•· <'11.\, ('u11ncdn1.1n '\·\-\Jll JT\•1•i. ... ,•h1 •r ~.ud, ':\nl fnr .,n~m1n1111• \\(111ld \\t' tnlt•r,•lt' :i ~\\C'l'P !!11 u ur.h 0111 l'll) fur <lrur~ ·· 1-lt• ~:ud 11 1:-. ht•ing dlon1 • uridl r pre.ssurt' of ltibor groups 'ti'l'hO fear jobs arl' being taken by ii ,, I· !€'gal ailens and becauii<' th{' "ag ,l!rievecl pa rtif's" dn not ohjt'ct Sv.·eep~. h\' ~•nd. ".ire Lot.11 1~ contrar\' t<1 wh3t I ('Onsider the t\meric~n V.';l ~ nr !if(' .\fter lc•arnl ll ;! that ('II \ or f:t·1 a i;; .'.l fl' llt'\ l'r tnfurml•d 1~f the :-"C'e llS "hl'll tht') 1i...·t·ur. Coun t 1in1:l n John s "'l'l'rlt') \'11n1rnl'nL l'd. II kini1 of ~e ;.ir('~ you ·· ·r he resolution. wh11·h ";•~ pa .. ~t·d 11non1m11us \y, v.·ill ht• ~enl 1r1 st:itt• <tn<l n ;1t 11n1a l t(•g1slators ;i:-:. °"'l'll <I~ thrt•c·tor:; nf thl' lnimi gration '1nd '.\la tu r;.d1t.i1L1on Service in \V :i ~hington. O C and Los Ang<'le!'> t Onr n.otf'd coast conduclor composer tfunks ona1naJ1111 f'lllly not oiwoys be ·a antVi :hing ~e Jtory on Pagr Ct of IM "-'tti<endtr l ndP"' .. I 'f'Dut $ott ••<• ., -y TrH ... ..... ;..., .. Mll•i•t c •. , L M &oylll .. H.ft'-'>I "•w' .. C.l•l'Hlli .. •• o...,..c,.,..,, ... C• ... tll\H Dl·U ,,.., .. 11·J c.nti(t " -· ••• Cr"•-•d " Cir ,. .. 1 .... .-•• Dt .. 0.,...11<•• "' Stec.tMtrll .. t ... EdllWl•I P~cr~ " Tit+t•IM«I " IL'l .... 11<• "' .h ... 1 ••• 'l:t.1 l'ft ll>f 11•(0•1 A10 ll w..i-.. --.. --.. """'""'"'"'' " --". ... ,_ .. • #2 DAIL V PILOT SB Friday. November 28. I~ UP• T•i.so..,•o PRESIDENT, MRS. FORD MEET CHINESE CAGE RS Cal ls China Trip of ·Great Significance' ~oun ty A !ds Clubs In Li/ esaving Buy C1ranft> ('ounty supl.'rvisors havt" \'OlC'd lo join t"·o Sat!· c\lt'baek \/alley serv1C'e clubs in payinJ:: for a ''ju"'·s of !if(''' rt'S('Ut' <levi rt' for tht' l.a gt1na lliils t-'1rl' Station Board mt'mbers acct'pted .1 '$3,JOO donation from the Mission Viejo Jaycees and the Rancho 'Viejo Junior \Yoman's Club and ' unanimously voted to ap · propriate the additional monl'y j nt"cetsary to buy the $10,000 " hydraulic tool . The two clubs co!lecti'd the ,money durin~ fund raising '(.vents and their projec.•t wa s describC'd by Fifth f)i strirt Supervisor Thomas F'. Rilt.>y as i~ "the kind I E'njoy bringing to the f board's attention." He pointed out to the board that l the C'ounty, in this instance, ac- tually appeared to be working _ "ag•inst'· the two groups in ~furnishing l,aguna Hills firemen with the res('Ue device. ~ ,, 1· I; ,. I " ' " "It's interesting to note that the ja.ws that this board re('ently Purchased ror the Mi ssion Viejo Fire Station was originally destined for t.aguna Hills. But United way of O<ange County north /south 100~ 90• GOAL= "'" $3.6 million 70\ "'" so• '°' 30• T1lanks tu you nwortcs ... "'" '°' All All II us J TO DATE United Way volun· teers have collected $1,752,800 toward this year's "stretch" goal wh.ich is 30 percent higher than the amount, raised last year. The inc rease represents thl' needs of United Way's i2 human service agcncil'S. ORANGE COAST T11eOra-Co.•t 0111, r 1101, '"'" ... ~"~" "'"' lllro@<IU .. N•w•-f'rtu. I• pU>bll-""d b• '"" O•""Qr C.0.•I P\!Oh\I" n~ Comp•"•, !.<P." M• ""''' '""' ot e publl~ll Mo<><11y 11,._h t"~~' l<>t (o,11> -..... f'i.wtian kK~, H""lu'IQ!On S.<l<h I O'-"' Hon '110 ... !<••"•· SoOdltb.lt• Voto••~"" ~ ..... l.\el(h/S.0\1111("'' • 11"11"' '"""""'''"''· I~ I\ -!1\1\ed ~··~•d•YI on<t ~"""•Y1 In• P'ln<lp•I P\lbl.,nl"ll Dl•~1 o\ ol Ul W." II•• Sl.rH\, (Olli ..... WI. C•l•!ar "l.t ll?Ui Rober1 N. Weed P•eol<lont •"" P\1111•- Jack R. Curley ....... p, "'°""' • .,., c,.~,., ........ Qt. Thomas Keevit Thomas A. Murptiine M1Mgi"9 l!id•!"' Charles H. Loos Rich.1rd P. Nall • . ' S.ddltblcll ValleyOttlce JU01 lt Ptl Ro.O 111-ln 0."901 '""'•V Other OtticH C"ll Moow: UOWe•! °"' ~''"' Mewporl 9'!1<,.., U»1ow_.i '""'9,..,., 1-i""'llf>lllO<'lhl<ll 11'118'<K~fl<>ullov••d llO<>N lie.Ch. 11 .. c.,..,,,.,,.!>,....,I Tt lepftone (114) '42-021 ctasslfled Advtrtlslng '42·5411 Slddl.a.Kt V•llty N .... 0!41•• M1-1Stt ,,..., •• 11c:i.--''J..06'° when the fire departmenl found out that thes(' two groups were raising money for the l.aguna Hills device. they transferr<'<l tht• item to Mission Vit>jo,.. Rilt>y said. "So we have a C'ase where the county appears to be working against these groups ... Ri\t>y told fellow board mem- be-rs the situation rOltld "easily be-corrected" by approprialing enough monl~Y to fund the re· mainder of the C'Ost and the board agreed by \'Oting the purchase. In a session at Riley's office be-fore this week·s board meet- ing, the super\'isor gave the pre- sidnts of the two organizations certificates of merit for their fund -raising efforts. From Page A J CALLEY ... Robert Elliott rt1!l'd till' convic tion v.•as un('onstitutional and or rlered Calley fr<•ed ~ mainly because of prt>lrial z.;tories in news magazines, radio and televisi0n. c;ordon argut1d that th{' ap- P<'als court crrC'd in kn1~ckinf.! down F:lliott 's holdinl? that l'.X tensivt' ne\•;s cov er~lgl' of :i.1 y Lai made it impossib\(• to find "un· biast•d jurors." Callin.I? the pretrial publicity "pervasive,·• Gordon said Cal· ley was deprived of a free trial and dut' orot'l'SS of lav.·. Thf' :i.ttornt'Y said the appeals court's reinstatemt•nt of Calley's conviction w;.1s "a marked de- p<irture from the Ja .. v'' as established hy thC' U.S. Supreme Court. He cited the high rourt's over- turn of the Sam Sheppard cast' because of thl' "cirrus-like at· mosphere" surrounding the trial of the (lhio doctor, who was con victed of murdering his wifl' and served 10 years in prison. Gordon said the appeals court "ignored the exhaustive analys is ('r the puhlicity itself" in ·thP Calley case and that th(' district court "'as the only one which ":;tep by step and pieC'e by pie<'l' examined the morass of publiC"i- ty" instt•ad of encompassing '·geoeralizat ions.·' County Man Dies in Surf A 24-yrar-old Santa Ana man who apparently had been surfing storm waves on the Hawaiian i s land of 1\-laui drowned sometime during torrential rain:; that hit tht.> 50th state in recent days . <\uthoritirs at l.ahaina said that Ronald!";, Drinkward's hndy 'A'aS found 1n lht' waves of a popular surfintr beach. The dis- co very came as the islanders wt'r{' drying out rrom a storm that dropped more than 11 in('hes of rain in four days . Surf as high as 20 fe-et was rt'ported on some island beacht>s Drinkward"s death was the on · ly one directly attributed to tht• storm. Red Link Told WASHINGTON CAP) -The chief investigator of a senate In- ternal Security subt-ommittee !'iYs the SOviel Union is indirect- ly linked to thie PuQrto Rican So('ialist party through th e party's lies with Cuban In· telligenct". Chinese Greeted By Ford \.\'ASlllNC:TC>N 1Al'l Prt'z.;1- dent f'\)rd f!r l'l'tl·li ~' gruup of women baskl•tball pluyt<rS I.rum the People's Rt•publit· of (.'hina toda~· and told th('m his trip to tht'1i country, w hi<'h starts Satur · d~~y. "'Lil ht< ~1 sil!nifit·ant step t{1 v.>;1r d l'Xpand1ng r ('J ations llt't"-'t'l'll tfll' l Jnitl•d Statt·s and ('tuna Pres1d1·nt and ~1 rs Ford and St-eretary tlf St<1 te lit'nry A . Ki ss- 1nrer mt•! th(' l!J members of tht' h:1ske tb;dl team in th<' \Vhitt• Jlnu::i\' rD."t' :.;;ir<ll'n Tht• team 1s fnncluchn~' a two W<'C'k series of ;•:unl~s in this ('uuntry \\·ith a ('On- tt>:;t t(lnight a~ains t tht• v.'Oml•n's tl'~11n of Wa :;h1ngtnn 's f'~t·der<il ('ity (\•J!(•j.!t' Ft>rd :-.11d h1· 1:; [(11\k1ng fof\\':l rd 1t1 hi..;. trip tv l:h1n~1 It \\ill ht· J trip l!f grt•;_it :-.i~•t11f1c;1 11('l'.·· ht• s;tut ''l l \l.'1!1 ht• ;u1nther Sll'P in tht• t•fft1rl on thl' part 1)f thl' l\\'O gt1\ t•rnn11·nts In t•xp;Jnd nur rl·l~1tinns .111 d tu /\tirma 11z:l!111n ,' · !It· rt•t·.dll•d til:.11 \\ht·n Ill· and '.\l r:-.. f"1 1rd vi:-.ill'd C 'h1n~1 u1 1:.172 hl· 1111tt•d thl'rt' "''l'fl' a gr1•;it rH11nhl'r 11f ha:-.kl'tball c·11t1rts 111 the country, 'A'i th u lot of young men and \\'omen l<'arning the ~;1me. "I predicted then we would hJ\'(' in the United States sumt• very rugged ('Ompetition on the basketball court, both from your men and "'omen.·· ht' said. "We :-.Jv.' boys and girls practicing v.'ith small b;.lils and lowered biirkboards.·· F:n routt• tn Pt'king, Ford v.·i ll stt•p in t\Ja:;ka to view the 1\.lask;:1n oil pipeline I-It' v.'i ll bt' tn Peking Dec. I tu Dl'C 5, a nd plans stops in In· dont•si;t, tht' Philippines and l~:t\\'311 o n his way back to \.Vashinj!ton. Rudget DireC'tor James 1'. l.ynn 'A'lll ~ccompany the Presi - dent to China . White l~ouse spokesmen have said J.ynn and the President "·ill spend between three a nd four hours each day "-'Orking on tht> fi sral 1977 bud~et. llo .... ·ever, the President's main purpose will be to continue diall,gue betwet'n the t.:nited States and (:hina . He told th<' women basketball play('r::-: "It is vital from our point of view that this dialogue, thf'se discussions, are <'On - tinued." \It<mbt•rs of the basketball te.::im which Ford selected were fr0m r<'gional teams that participated in the rt'CC'nt third Chinl'Se )lational Games. From Page A J SENIORS. •• tht' tim(' being. Rut th<'n. in an apparent C'On - C'essi on to the senior citizens who had testified, thC'y told the com - mi ssion to give further con - sideration to th(' developer's low- cost housing sc heme. The land ov.•ner and developer want to build at least 950 C'luster housing units o n the land, which they claim can be sold for about $20.000. The units would be about 8)(1 to 900 square feet in size and the community of cottages would have recreational faciliti<'s and a private shuttle bus service. The same piece of land came before the county last spring when Miller asked permission to build 100 units on four-acre lots. That plan, called Rancho Ruena Vista, was rejected. 1\t Wednesday's hearing. a dozen elderly audien<'e members told supervisors the kind of pro- je('t Miller is now proposing i:-; badly needed by people on low or moderate fixed incomes. Supervisor Thomas Riley as- sured the audience he has "been Wtlrking hard" to find low cost housing solutions. During the remaind('r of the general plan amendment hear- ing supervisor s indicated dis· satisfaction with parts of a half- do:...en other proposed land use changes. Among them were develop· ment proposals for Coto de Caza. Su~W"rvisors asked the plan- ning commission to consider al· lowing only a limited amount of resirlent;1ial development in the near future but still permit the deve\opt-r to install golf course facilities and a meeting center. • Fire Trnck 'No Help' Sll.4-NtKO, Ore, <AP)-Resi- dents of this tiny town foug ht a barn fire with garden hoses while a fire tru('k s tood by unused. Nobody knew how to operate it. Sue MorE"lli, owner or the Shaniko Hotel, said purchase of the truck was arranged by a City Council member who spends :nost of his time in Portland. Sht :i:aid he was the only person who knew how to operate the truck. and he w ais out of town at the time of the fire . "''fling to A tcureness .., • • l '(;Irvine police Sb't . Russ Duncan (center) l)riC'fs UCI administrators as they prepare to view the campus from the perspective or handicappC'd students . Other a d · ministrators relt their wa;' around the cam· pus blindfolded as part or progrJ m this week in which UCI officials learned or the problems faced by handicapped students . Jury Keeping Mum On Fromme Ruling SACRAMENTO (APJ - Jurors who convicted Lynette F'romme of trying to kill Presi· dent Ford remained tight-lipped today, apparently fearin g reprisals from remnants of the Charles ~tanson family. Miss Fromme. found guilty \Vednesday night, spent Thanksgiving in her cell, and re- porters were unable to reach the eight women and four men who returned the guilty verdict. The jurors -mostly mid- dleage working people -were closelv £uarded bv a cadre of de- puty marshals Wednesda y night . Even before the verdict was announc('d in a quiet courtroom. lJ.S . District Court Judgl' Thomas MacRride admonished reporters that the jury did not want to be photographed or !n- ter\'ie'A·ed. A..lso, sources in the U.S. at- torney's office and U.S. marshal"s office hinted broacHy that the jurors were worried about their sa fety . "\.Vouldn't you be in a case like this?·· one source explained. ti.tiss Fromme, a 27-year-old follower of con victt"d mass murderer A1anson, gave no threat of violenee against jurors in her rambling C'Ourtroom com- ments after she learned thl' verdict. But Sandra Good, 31, another ~1anson rollower who was Miss Frome's roommate, looked out over a bank o f television cameras after t he verdict was announced and said in a loud, an- gry voiC'e: "Once again you have judged yourselves. Your children will rise up and kill you. Seven dead bodies didn't wake you up," she added in an apparent referen('e to thE' slayings of Sharon Tate and six others. Manson and three wo men followers were t>onvicted of murder in connection with those 1969 killings in I.os Angeles. They are in prison, serving life sen- tences. Roth the defense and prosecu· lion agreed that Miss Fromme was seeking publicity [or Manson when she pointed a ,45-caliber pistol at Ford here Sept. 5 in a park outside the state Capitol. Nessen Hedges On Federal Aid to Cities WASHINGTON CUPI ) -A White House spokesman today declined to say whether the Ad - ministration would support federal aid to other financially strapped cities now that Presi- dent Ford has p roposed loans of up to $2 .3 billion for New York City. Press secretary Ron Nessen sidestepped repeated questions. telling reporters again and again that ''I don't know of any other ei · ty that has gotten itself into this kind of mess." Nessen also said reaction from members of Congress since Ford outlined his new position on New ''ork City at a Wednesday night news conference ''has generally been favorable.·· Congress re- turns Monday from a Thanksgiv- ing recess and Ford said he would ask swift approval of aid legislation. Public reaction, he said. has been "very light" so far. He said· the White House received J06 let· ter11, telegr ams and telephone <'alls from persons opposed to thP President's plan and 36 from individuals supporting it. Just In Time For The Holidays • • • Beautiful Cabinet by Henredon Reduced Just • For You! Reg. Price12, 329 Sale Price s l, 979 This fine piece of furniture f('atures olive ash burl and ash veneers and ash solids. Truly a beautiful item for the furniture connoisseur. Ste it nn display no\\• . DAEXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN-i!AKER WEEKDA TS & SA DAYS t :OO to S:JO NEWPORT BEACH • 11Z7 Wl:STCu~·r DR., 6'2·2000 LAGUNA BEACH • ~ Nl)ftTll l.XJA.\i HW\' . 4!H·Wl TORRANCE • _, HAWJ'HORNE-B~VD (0J)fn'Fri. til I. ~11n. 12·$.301 " 37•1Zll \ ·~- Irvine • EDITION • .. .. '.• Today's Clo8l•ll N.'V. Stoeks • ·· VOL. 68i0. 332, S SECT~S, 82 PAGE;* ORANGE COUNTY: CALIFORNIA 'Sweep~ Attack Capistrano Hits Alien Search By I.AURIE KASPER Of ... 0.11, ...... N.tf Reacting against a "sweep" of their city by immigration authorities, San Juan Capistrano city council.men adopted a re- !M>lution condemning any actions which oppre~s people because or their f)ational origins. Noting that they are not con- doning illegal t>nlry into lhe coun- try, they asked that "due pro- Ct>SS .. be grantt.>d every person piC'ked up by immigration authorities and that the laws be enforced within the framework of the rights established by the U.S. Constitution. The C'ouncil"s action caml:! Wednesday after Councilman Rpy Byrnes told of the "sweep" la:tt week during whi<"h' about 50 persons were detained. After t:xplaining how such searches for illegal aliens are C'OnduC'ted , he said, "Th.is system doesn't work . It i s di s C'ri minatory. It's opprt'Ssive . It's degrading to Me-xiC'an-apf)l"aring American C'itizens. ·· B}'Tne-s said a n 18-year-old who has been living in the C'Ounlry legally for 10 years was detainl'd for four hours after the searC'h. He said it was "a very frighten· i.ng experi.enC'e . · · Admitting he-had "obviously bttn stewing over thi.:s since last Friday," Byrnes said immigra· tion officers had also searched but found no illegal aliens on his property. ~oting that there is a dif· ferenC'e between a raid on a SJ>('<'ifi!' pla!'e and a broad sweep through the C'ity, Councilman Yvon J.leeks!'her said, "Not for one minute would we tolerate a s weep through our !'ity for drugs .·· He said 1t is being done under pressure of labor groups who fear jobs are being taken by ii· (Sef' SWF:F.P, Pagf' AZ) Jurors Keep Muin Fear Manson Family Reprisals? SACRAME:.TO <APl Jurors who <.'onvi!'ted Lynette Fromme of trying to kill Presi- dent Ford remained tight·lipj'X'd today, apparently fearing reprisals from remnants of tht• Charles Manson family. Miss Fromme, found guilty Wednesday night , s pent Thanksgiving in her !'ell, and re- Rains To Depart Coast to Welcome Cool, Crisp Skies . The fast-moving storm that brought showers and gusts of gale-for<.'e winds on the Orange -coast Thanksgiving morning were expected to move out ·tonight. * * * Mt. Laguna Gets 7 Inches Of Snowfall ~IT. LAGtJ:--JA <Al'> -Seven inches of s now fell late ·rhursday and early today on this <.'entral San Diego County area in a storm which dropped rain over the re- gion. There were 1.14 inches of rain- fall during the night at Campo near the Mexican border. In San Diego. rainfall ranged from .40 inC'h to .61 inC'h. Palomar Mountain counted 1.06 inch of precipitation with a half·in<.'h at Carlsbad on the ('03Sl . The first storm or the season eliminated extreme fire condi- tions whieh <.'a used deployment of 22 state forestry workers rrom ~orthern California. Those firerighters were flown home on a <.'hartered plane in time for Thanksgiving dinnf'r. Sin<.'e mid-summer, only .09 of an in<'h of rain had falle n at San Diego's Lindbergh Field. And Saturday morning, said foreca1ters, would emerge cool and crisp for the coastline after the qui<'k atorm displayed many moods. · Snow fell in mountain areas above 4,000 feet and hail pelted some areas of Orange County during the holiday. Along the shoreline. s mall - <.'r3ft warnings were posted early in the day for winds gusting up to JS knots. 'fhe SE'a s were a menac· ing seven feet at the height of the squalls. .<\.s for rainfall, it was s poradi<' and rE'lative!y light. Some residents of the Sad- dleba<.'k \'alley reported brief hailstorm s during the ho liday and this m o rning. Ra inbows emerged often a fter the rain as the qui<.'k sql1alls ~ave way to ('!earing. Winds that reacht'd their peak before dawn tore off s mall tre(' limbs. but no reports of a ny C'Ost ly damage wer<' noted. Forecasters s aid that the ('ris p fall weather would las t the weekend with perhaps a repeat pt:'rformanC'e of s howers and winds by early next week. Rainfall totals in the recent storm were as high a!'l .86 in<.'hes at l..ake Arrowhead whl're rain , .nixed with s on1 e snov.·. fell on Thanksgiving. C11astal points rt' ported rnu<'h sm alle-r total:-: Running Springs . 1n the San Bernardino Mountains. had two <St-e WISDS, Pagf" .<\2) -. ~lliug to A 1var~ess - porters were unable to rt'a<.'h the eight women and four men who returned the guilty verdi('l. The jurors mostly mid· dleage working people -were closelv ,i!uarded bv a cadre of de- puty mars ha ls We dnesda y nigh t. Even befort' the \'t.'rdict was announced in :.i quiet courtroom, t J.S . D istric t Co urt Judge Thomas :--.t ac Rride admonis hed reporte rs that the jury did not want to be photographed or in ter\'iewed . .\lso. sourct's In tht> lJ.S . at- t o rne y's office and U .S . ma rshal 's offiee hinted broaClly that the jurors were worried about their :safety. "Wouldn't you be in a case like this?" one source explained. Miss Fromme, a 27-year-old follower of convicted mass murderer Manson, gave no threat of violen<.'e agains t jurors in her rambling courtroom com· ments after s he learned the \'erdi<.'t. Rut Sandra Good, 31 , another )'lanson follower who was Miss Frome"s roommate, looked out (Sff \'F.R DICT, Pagt" .<\2) Bad Time Of Night l-luntington Reach police said they s ped to the I lorn Oil Company. 17501 Aea<.'h R!vd., when its silent alarm went off at police head- quarters about 2 :30 this morning, but found no sign of a burglary. They railed the alarm rompany to ('Orne out and <.'he<'k the device . Tht'n of. ficers waited. and waited, andwailed .. 4.t 3·\2 ::e m.thc a larm romp3ny ':-; night du· ty ma n te iephoncd hack. tie apo!og111·d . c·xplain· ing that he hun:.: up after poli<.'e c a ll ed 3nd t hC'n fell asleep. UC lryine po) ice Sgt. Russ Duncan (<enter) brief• UCJ administrators as they prepare to \fie.w the. campus from the perspective of hahdi capped students. Oth~r ad · n1ini slralori:; fel~ lhL·i r \\'3)' :iround the cam- 1.\ ' ' pus blindfolded as part or program IMS week in whicn UCI officials learned of the problems raced by handi capped students. I ' Lighting First Ca11dle .\t s undown today 0 the Jewish holiday l[.anukkah beg ins and will continue for ei ght days . At Costa Mesa's 'fempl e Sharon. Sean Katlen, 6, lights the firs t c·andle on the menorah Ccandelabra ) as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean's sister Sara. 4, look on. The holiday. also called the Feast t-,f l.ig hts and the Feast of: J)ed jc·ation. CC'l t•brates the victory O( the :\1accabees over the Syrians in 165 B.C!. and reded i catiftn uf thl' temple i'!·: Jer\1salem . • . : . : El Toro Pilot Killed .-: ~" ... • . . -: :; Light Plane Crash Hurts County Pmsenger By R UDI Nl•:l>7J F.l.SKI ou.,.o.u,~11et5Ufl A 19-year·Old El Toro pilot was killed and his passE'nger <'riliC'ally injured Thursday whE'll their light plane <.'rashed and burned shortly after takeoff from Corona Munieipal Airport. The Thank:sgivin.e: Oa ~ lligfiluell!I ID'ght cl.URIOd the life~· of Ricardo Salcedo, 23741 Teed St ., and lert his C'ompaniun. Edward l~ib<>d. 38. Garden Grove, with burns over 40 percent of his body. Investigators s aid the single engine CC'ssna 172 went down one- and -a -ha~f miles wes t of thc> airport in a forl'stcd area of thC' Prado Dam bas in. I.ib<>d , who was found wander ing around the crash site, told authorities thl' plant• hjt a treetop after going throug h a cloud bank, spun to the gro und and burst into names. I.ibed \\'..ts airlifted In Rivt'r:-id1.· Gene ra ! llos p ital b y a Lns .<\nge !cs (~ounty Sheriff"s [)(>part· ment heli('opte r . lie was listC'd in "ritical condition today. .4.lthough the plane went dO'A'll in a rem ote area , the sound of th~ cras h was hea rd by se veral persons at tht• a irport . They ale rt ed the Riverside {'ounty Sh<'rirr·s offi<.'e . lnves ti,2 ators from the F'edC'ral 1\viation .A.gency flew to the crash S<.'ene . ;\spokes man ror thc> Rivl'rs 1de (',aunty Sheriff 's offiee said the plane 'was badly torn up"' and that it had gon<.' down in the mid dle of wh;:i t he t erm l'd ··a jungle.·· Rive-r:-:i cle (:ounty {:uront•r 's u 1 vesti ga tor S<.'o tt lli!I said a n autopsy v.·;1s being {"Ontlu<.'led on Salr edo "s bod v to dC"ter mine the ('ause of de.ith. He 1ndi<.'a l<'d. hov.·E'ver. that Sa lC'edo proba bly St>1tior Citize11s dit>d ht.-{' au~t.· {1f b urn~.·· His body was taken lo 'fhomas ~illE'r P.tortuary in Corona whl're runeral services are pending. . i\n FAA a ide in I.os Angelt's said the plane was on a "loeal fl ight'" and tha t further investiga· tion of the <.'ras h has been turned over to the :'>Jational Trans porla· tion Safety Board . Assails Congress .. ,., ........... , .. Calley to Appeal My Lai Conviction W.l\Sl-11:--J GTO:'l CAP ) William I. Calle y Jr. appc-aled his My l.a i murder C'unvi('tion to the l '.S. SuprC"m C' (:ourt today , S.'.ly ing (~on g rl•ss should have been <.'O m pt>lled to release <'On fidenti.'.I! cl a ta in his !rial just as P:-C"srci t>nl ~ 1xnn \\ ;1s compelh·d IP cl<• :n the \\'at t•rg :.it•• S{'anda l. (':.i li e y. :J2. <A'h n s11ught un:-i u•· re ss fu l i~· to ll =>t' Sl'rret ('nn f!r ess1o na! tes t imo ny 1n hi .; de fensc. noted that lh<' hiJ.?h court rejt>C'lerl :"J ixon 's <.'lrtr n1 of C'O n fidentiality fo r the \.\/a terga tt• tapt>s . J f-l ouston f;ordon 11f c·uv 1n~ton , Tenn ., ('a!lcy 's atturnC'y, sa id the <.'ourt 's rultnJ;: on Nixon held that no man or institution is .'.l bove thC' !av;, "Congres s is not abo ve t he lav.•, .. sa id the attorney in hi s 11e t1t ion a s kin i.: the Supre m c> ('11url lo r l~vi ew a federal appe.:1l s l'<1urt ruling r(•1n:-it;1t1ng (':J ll1 •y ':- ct'll \'1 l'l1t1n 1;orrlnn sa ul 1ha1 th<' :'ilh tj S t'1rc111t (\111r1 llf .<\pp1.·~11 .., 111 ,\;(·\\ Orie:.i ns t•rrl·d i n 111 1\ rt·cogn1 l1 nµ that :i r11 n,E"rt•s s1on al r on1m1 l \1.'<' w1t hheid pnl t•nt i.d t'' 1d1.·nc1· frnn1 Calley's defC"ns<'. The House Armed S{•rv1<.'e1 Committee refused to let the d('. ft'nse look a t tht' results of it s My I.ai hearings whi<.'h involved 3.(}15 pagC'S of s l:itt·mC'nls frofli L'>l '.\'llne..;sf•S "f n<' f,i r mt"r i1 l·Ul1·n.•11t h;is been ii\·in;" ;-i,. :1 i·i \ d1an in Columbus, 1;;• :.-nl•'t' hi..; l!l7 ! court-martial l'11n\'it·t1nn \\";1:; ll\'ert ur ne<l Sept. ;?.i. ]}l/! rh·· .\r m y <.t µpe al{'d that rulinl( ;11lt"t the ~ ppe a ls {'OU rt , in an 8 5 de· cis1on , re1 nsta It'd ('a lley "s C'onvic· tion on charges r e la ted to thC' l\1y I.<\i massa<'re .A.r ru:se d of k 1!!tn,g 102 Vi<.'t· namese civ ilians in th(' s wt>ep through th(' hamlet of My l.ai iPI '.\o1rtr ch 1968, (:alley v.·as convi<'t· ed of murdC'1·i n g not lt•ss thi1n 22 ;-i nd sentenccd to life 111 prison. 1~11\~1.'\"C'r . tht.• .~t·n l ••n('l' v.;as re· ih ic l'd 1.-i :-11h -.l'<lt11.·11t ;q1p1.·:il :; to 10 '1'.<1" .n1(i h1• \\ :1 ~ frt•t•d nn !Ja il a .1t·.•r .•;•o 'l'h1• .\r n1~· h.1:-. said it d0•"· 11 11t pi ,1 11 1 .. r1·t11rn hi m to l'fl"••l1 (-.,;;,.\ 'A ·'" tii1· 01 d.\ -.oil tl 1t·r i:on- 1·1c•1·d :n ('lt!lll•'t'111•11 "'1th ;..1y l .ai. ;1 Uho11~1 11 th1· \r n1.\-·:. :-:ccrc t !'1't.•r:-: Hl'pnrt :.,qd pos sibl y 347 1nC'n, \\'Orn1.~n a nti children were Kiil cd h.1 thrt•f' 1)l•t\1)1)11:. 111 the in- {·:d l'nl Only 400 Show Up For Turkey Dinner 1 ·;.; !)1:,,tr1c·t ('ourt .Judge J . !Set' {',<\l.l.F.Y, Pagt" t\2) fl y 1\l.1\S l>IRKIN Ofl ... t>•llJ Pll.-iSWtl What the other 1,600 missed was a free full·<'Our s E' turkey dinner Sew°kge Spews Into Irvine The s ten<.'h or raw s ewage permeated parts of the Walnut Square area of Irvine today as the sewage s ystem backed up, pouring its <'Ontents onto the streets . The sewage problem. which took some of the ttdjt:e o(f the 'da y- aftt"r Th~1nks g1\"1n ~ holiday f•lr the reside nts of th(' area. wa:- C'ompou nded by the holi day. Irvine l l~tn<.'h \\';iter Oi s lricl and city p ubli~' v. or k:> l'mflloycs had lhl' day ofr At mid·d11 y, p<~h{'(.' s,ut\ the y still wf!rt" atte n1ptinlo( to cnnlac-t somrone who l'ou ld rlo so mething about the apparently rain·('aused sewage problems. put on T h;1nk :-.g1 \·1n ).! 1).i.\ f,,r senior c1 l1le n:. by th1· ~c·t·ond d1:- trict nf the \"ctt'r;n1 ... 11f Forl·1g n Wars at the l>range f"11unl,\ F'a1r grounds . E'.i ghty ont• turkt'Y"· :ind lhl~ approp1cite p r o po rl 1o ns o r potatoes . y ams, vegetables and de-s serts, w('re <.'OOked for thl' f('<'d , and the low attendance lert organizf'r Rill Wa rd with a pro· blem : What to do with thC' un- eat~n rooct ,, '"We"ll d ('a\ 1t out rairly to needy groups today,"' Ward said "F:nnl~gh for 400 d innt"rS was f i,·en to t he Sl'rv1 r cml'n ·s l't•nlC'r yestt~rday Wt' kn11w the Sal\':1 ti on .<\rm,. "''ants son1C', and we ''"e h01d ('alls ·rrom 11lht"r group:-; · · \.\';-ird ('11 nfessrd tha l hl' \\ ,1..; d1sa ppo 1ntt>d b:-the ;:i\ll•nd.1nc·c ~i nd :.-etid th:•t ht' .'.Ind th.~ 1flh1·r \'F'\V v11ltlrl \t'PrS n1ay nnt :-ta g1• thC' event 1111'1;1 \"('J r Thi:. \t'ar Wit~ the f ir:oi t l1 m~· lht•'l'hank ~J!r\' ing :-.erv1ni:. d t•Jlit~nf'ti to ;_1tl r-.1('t St"nior:'I f rn m th rot•~ hout I he C'Oltn· (See OINNf.R, l'agt' A2) , '' ~ \\c .. c1tl1t~r .Sh11\\'!'rs rl e"rc•a s 1ng toni~ht hcc11 nl1n g l'r1s p and cl t~ar S:1 tu rd ;1 ~ ('h::e nrC' of r ain Jn pl'rC'l'n1 tonight llighs t''l:l't'('\t'd 1n thC' 51)~ S;1t11rd;:1,1 INSIDE TODAY One noled roost condoclor compJ.srr thinks onginalr ty moy Mt a/IJ)(Jys bf> a gore !h:ng Sec ~tory on Pof}t! c·1 of /hj.,• U ~·ei,·p'/'tder lnd .. x t I '' • A2 DAIL y PILOT " .Chinese • • !Greete d IJy Ford ... >:..w.'\SH l~C~TON (Ai') l'rl':)I • Gent }o~ord g r~eted a group 1lf llfromen basketball playt-rs fru1n abe Peoplc"s R(•publLr of C.'hina lioday and told tht•m his tnJ) to )heir country, whith star~ Salur· '-'ay· will be a s1gnific-;1nt slt'P ~•rd expanrling r<'lal1uns l;itween the Un1tC'd StalC'S ;.1nJ ~na . ~esid Pnt and !\f r s. f'ord and ~rf'tary of St;itc l lenry A. Ki ss· fftger met the 19 m('mbers of tht• basketball tt"<.tm 111 thC' White Jlouse rose gardl'n. The l('am 1s concluding a two·"'t>t•k si"rie~ of .,aames in this country .,1,.ith a con- test tonight ;igainst the .. ~oom<'n ·s team of Washington's f't•deral City Colle-ge. Ford said hC' is look1n1? forw:1rd to his trip to China. "It will be a trip of r:r<'al significanc<', ··ht-said. "It wi ll be anot h<'r stt'p in th<• t•ffort on tht• part of th(' lwo g0Vl'rn1n('n!s to e'.'C pand o ur rt'iJtions and to normaliziltion." lie r('call('cl th:lt Whl'n ht' :ind Ylrs. F'ord visit('d China in 1972 he not('d ther(' V.'('rt• a r:re<.1t numbt"r of basketball courts in ;gte country, with a Jot of young ..-nien and wom<'n l('arning the i'.~1me. "I pr('clictt'd thl'il "''t' "'t~uld havt' in the tlnitt·d Statt'S :-.omc• \'ery rugged con1 pt_·tJt1on un !ht• baskelb;ill court. both from )nur men and "'omC"n," ht· said. "\Vt• sa w boys and girls practicinl! "''i th sm~~ll balls <1nd lo"'t'r£'d bark boards.°' F.n routt· to l'('king, Ford "'ill stop in :\l:l sk:1 to \'it•w tht• .o\Jaskan oil p1pC"!int• , I-le "''ill be 1n !)eking 0t.'C . I tu t'>ec. 5. and pla ns stops in Jn- .don('sia, the Phili ppint•s and fl a '""·aii on h is way back to 'Washington. Budget Director J ames T. 1.ynn will accompany the Presi- dent to China . White l loust' -.spokesme n ha\'(' said Lynn and the Pregident will spcind bet wet'n . three a nd four hours t'ach dJy wor king on the rise al 1977 budget. However. the P resident's main l purpose will be> to continut• t dialogue between the Un1tt>d pi. States and China ~ ~le told thl' women basketball players: "It is v1taJ from our point of view that this ctialogue, -these d iscussions, are con- tinued.·· Membe r s of lhe basketball team which Ford .selected '""'ere Crom r eg io na l t e ams that participated in the recent third Chinese National (l a mes. United way of Orange County north /SO<Jth GOAL= $3.6 million T1Wllcs ID YoU ltwurlcs ... RllAlllf US """' "'" ,,,. 10• , TO DATE United Way volun· t ee r s h a v e co ll ec t e d $1,752,800 t oward t his year 's "stretch" goal whic h is 30 percent h ig h er t h a n the a mount r aised last year . The incr e a se r e presents the need s of Unite d Way's 72 huma n service agencies. ORANGE COAST I DAILY PILOT Tilol! 0tM91" CN'I 0.Hy f'!lol, ""'"' wf'lk" 111om Ill-IM ,,...,...Pf•"• "Polb"-DY l~Ot'""<I" C-1 """41"'1"0 Compo,... !.oper"'~W(l•I'°"' ••• Pulll•"'-<1 Mol><l•V !ll<OVO" 1· ,,.,., too (o, •• Mei.o. l<tlllPOtl 8.ft<". 1-'wl'l•"'I'"" 8'!11<""- l•i11 V•"~'' lfwl~e, ~•ddl•b•<l ll•U~W ~..a U.-lie-. "IS....!" Co•ll· 14 "~ ,..,,o...,l •<11 lion 1, llUO'l..,,t1I ~•lw•d••• ,in(I !...nd•v> ""' ptl!\<lp&I ""bll•"i"O p•e~I h ti lJO """'! IJ•W ~fH\,C...l•M•W. (,il!O<"lo'IU16, Robert N. Weed P•~•~nl •nd P~llh- Jac k R. Curley ll•l;o Pro•""~' •ndGol,..r.+Mi>.._, ThOMas Keevll Thomas A. M urphine MA ...... •"4 l:d•IOt Chlrles H. Loos Richard P. N&ll "'""..,,' MA"A111l ... E41Mtl • • -~ • ... ' .. • • • o.nw '11 .. St.l+f ~· ,, ~ Low er Rate s ~ Physician-owlled Plan · Outlined ! I .OS ANGELES (UP)) -A plan for a phy~ician-owne9 in- s urance company to provide malpractlce int urance at ~ 1umabty reuonablc rates baa bttn submiUed for approval to Catlfornt a Insur ance Com- missioner Wesley J _ K.1ndu. Under the plan, ho1 pitals "'OUld p~y part of lhe premiurm. The plan ill the anawer of the Southern California Physicians Council to a propo~ 486 percent increase by the Tra velers Com-. oanies. effective Jan. I. Jolnt aomm.ittee on malpractice rerorm. '"!Jley !eel they are looking al a dijQtrous til1.1ation," Cagney said of the doct~at an As· tembly Committee on Finance. lns\U'ance and Com er-ce hear· ing. / . Ca.gnty ¥d othC.r doctors urged lbe committee to seek both short-range aod lout-range solu tion1 to th• insurance problem. including • cha41e ln presenl la ws that allows lay juries to de termine liability damages. SOME OF SENIORS WHO SHOWED UP FOR FAIRGROUNDS FEED ENJOY MEAL What Do You Do With 1,600 Leftover Thanksgivi ng Dinners? T~e coun ci l r e presents medical societies in seven coun- t ies -Kern , Los Angeles. Ora nge, San Bernardino San J.uis Obispo, Sa nta Barbar~ and Vt>ntura . Carolliie Has 'Small Party' !..ONOON <U PI) -Ca rolint> Kennedy, reportedly ordered by her mother to c urb her .swingini.: in 1..ondon, celebrated her 18th birthday qui et ly with :1 lunchtime h a mburger and a s ma ll party. London columnists sa id Carolin e ca n c el led plans for a wild birthday bash after he r mothe r , Mrs. J at·- queline Kenned y Onassis, spokl' with he r earlier thi:s month about reports of Car oline's nightly partygoing. f'rona Pogr A I DINNER. • • ty. had been trit•d "We 'w\'l'rt• a little d1 sappo1nt<•c1 with the cooperation 'w\'C' got from the govc>rnmt•nt agl'nrit•s, ··Ward Sa id Nessen Hedging On Other City Aid The company is to be caJled Southern California Physicians Insurance Excha nge and its in· surance will be available to 9,500 physicians in Southern California if the commissione r approves. A high-ranking doctor t old state legislator s Wednesday that ro percent of the s urgeons in the San Ferna ndo Valley plan to quit practice at the sta rt of next year beca use of malpractice in- Burance rates. .'\ ll)l<!l of 2.000 tirkt>ts was printed for thl' l'Vt'nt. ·rh1· tlt'kt'ts Wt're dis tributed to th(' II ·rransportat111n, l.unrh and Counst'ling (l'LC) prOJet·t sites in the county. lu roord.1nntors of senior r1l1l('O prt1grams at city halls. ;:ind tl1 senior c1tizt'ns <'nordin;1tors .-1 the 26 VF'W pos ts in thl' district /\ flt•t.•t or buses hJd bt'endonat t'd to pick up t1ckc>t-holders at 20 points in the county, but Wurd said that no busl's arrived fu ll. "We feel t hl' pt·oplt' with the· tickets di d not m<1kt' an effort to give them out," \Vard said, though he <igret•d he could nnt imagine V.'hy the tick('tS .,.,.ere not gl\"en out if requt'Sll'd. ":\ number of people told us they tried to get tickets, but couldn't," Ward said. !f t"• estimated that ·10 to 45 pt.>rcent of those attending had rC'ceivC'd their tirkets from the \'f'W posts. To get a ticket, a p<>rson had to be 60 or over. ;.lo veteran's status was required. F.fforts to rt'ach coordinators of tht.' lunC"h pro- grams and s enior ritizl'n coOrdinators at public agenrit'S tOOav were unsuC'cC'Ssful. f'rona Page A I WINDS ... inches of snow on the grounds ;1t the ti me most residents were sit - ting down to tur key dinner. .o\lthough the rainfall in the fall stor m was minimal. it w as enough to prompt county fire and forestry officials to lift thei r red - flag alert for fire danger. Spokesmen said that it rained enough in areas wher e the danger was worst to warrant the lifting. They added. however , that if the winds were to continue for even a brief period during the wet>kend, they could dry out the grasslands and brush quickl y. And the high fire dangcr could return. Daily Pilot Burglarized Burglars broke into the Daily Pilot bui ldings in Costa Mesa Thursday. carting off an array of tools, maintenanC'e t'quipmcnt and priz<'s de s tined for newspaper carriers Gene I.aney. h('ad of buildi ng maintenance at th(' Daily Pilot, n1 W. Ray St., s::ii d the loss will total more than $3,000. Laney said the hurglars broke \\'indO'w\'S and t·ut off padlocks to break into a mainten;:1nce build - in g a nd other storag(' a r eas somt'time bt't'w\'C'f."n noon 'fhurs- day and d<i.wn today. \\'A.Sll l'.'JGTC>:-.: (U Pl J -/\. Vlhite I-louse spokt•sman today drt·linrd to say .,.,·hether the Ad - mi nis tr at ion would support federal aid to other fi nancially strapJl('d cities now that Presi- dent F'ord has oroposc>d loans of up to $2 3 billion for '.'JE'w York City. f'rom Pogf' A I CALLEY ... Robert Elliott ruled the convic - tion was unC'onstitutional ;;ind or· dered ('3lJey freed -m<Jinly bt·c~1use of prt'trial storit's in ne.,.,'s mag azines. r:1dio and tel ev is ion . Gordon :irgued that the ;1p peal:; court erred in knocking down Elliott ·s holdin~ that <'x tens1"e news covera~r of !\-1y l.a1 made it impossible to fi nd "un biased jurors.'· Callin.I? the pretrial publicity "pervasi\'e," c;ordon said Cal · ley w as deprivc>d of a fret· uial and due process of l3'w\'. The attorney said lh(' appeals court's reins tatement of Ca lley·:-; con\'iC'tion \l.'as "a mark('d de- pa r tur e f rom the law·· a s establis hed by the lJ.S. Supreml' Col•rt. ~le rited the high court's O\'C'r· turn of the Sa m Sheppard ra:->t· because of the "circu.s.Jikr at mosphere" surrou nding th(' trial or the Ohio dot'tor, who was C'On · virted of murdering his wife and served 10 years in prison. Gordon said thC' appeals court "ignored the exhaustivC' analysis of the publicity itsC'lf·• in thc- Calley case and that the district cour t was the only ont> which "step.by step and pie<'C' by pierl' examined t he morass of publiC"i· ty" instead of encompassing ''generalizations.·· f'rona Pogr A I VERDICT •.. o ver a ban k o f t elevision camer as aftE'r t he verdict \\'as annou':'ced and said in a loud, an-gry VOi('(': "Once again you have judgf."cl yourselves. Your children v.•ill rise up and kill you. Seven dead bodies dido 't wake you up, .. she added in a n a ppar t>nt reference to the s!:iyings of Sharon Tatc and six others. \t ;1n.so n a nd three wome n follower s were convict ed or murder in connection with t hose 1969 ~illin~s in l.o.s An geles. They are 1n prison. serving life sC'n· . tences. . Roth the defense and pr osecu- tion agreed t hat Miss 1-l'ommC' "'as seeking publicity for Manson when she> poi nted a .•IS-clllibt:'r pistol a t Ford her e Sept. 5 in a park outside the state Capitol. Wife, Widow Groom Dies at Wedding WESTLAND, Mich . (UPI ) -Sandra Niemi tx>rame a wife a nd widow in thesam e d ay. Police said h1iss Niemi, 26 m a rried Ro bert · 'Rutrh ·· J,ee. 22. on Thursday. During the ir reception at an apar tment c lubhouse, Lee tried to inter vene in a fight involving two brothers, Carl , 25, a nd T erry . 20. Carl hit Robert and knocked him into a wooden post. When police ani vcd Robert was dead. Carl was charged with manslaughter . Officer s said thcyfound broken furniture, food and broken bottl es strewn around tbeclilbhouse. Dia ne Morrison, complex m a nager a nd a r ecep- tion guest, said she had known Sandra and Robert for abou t two year s. "I never had any trouble with them ,"· Mrs. Mor· rison said. "This is the first time they've e ve r used the ·clubhouse -and to get m a rri'cd in -a nd this ha ppens. It's a shock." . \ • I Press S('C'retary Ron Nessen sidesteppt'd repeated questions, tell ing r eporters again and again that ''J don't know of any other ci- ty that has gotten itself into this ki nd of mt•ss. ·· '.'iessen also .said reaction from rnember.s of Congress since Ford outlined his ne w position on Nt'w York City at a WC'dnesday ni ght nt>'w\'S confe rence "has gent>r ally bt>en favor a ble." Congress rC'· turns Monday from a Thanksgiv- ing recess a nd F'ord said ht' "-'Ould ask swift approval of aid legislation. Public reaction . he said, has been "very light" so far . Ht> said the White House reC'eived 106 let· ters, telegr a ms and tele phone calls from persons opposed to the Pres ident ·s plan a nd 36 from in di vidua Is supporting it. Re d Link Told WASHI '.'IG TO'.'l <AP) -The chief investigator or a Senate In· ternal Securit y s ubcommittet' says the Soviet Union is indirect· ly linked to the Puerto Rican Socialist p a rty throug h the party's t ies w ith Cuba n in - telligence. ''Large numbers of doctors say they cannot or will not practice after Jan. I if it m eans paying the exorbitant ra tes now proposed," warned Dr. Warren Cagney, co- c hairman of t he Los Angeles County Medical As.socia tion·s From Page A I SWEEP ..• legal aliens a nd because the "ag· grieved parties·· do not object . Sweeps. he said, "are totally contrary to wh at I ronsider the .o\merica n way of lifE'. ·· After learnin g that city of- ficials are never informed of the sweeps when they IX'C ur, Coun- cilman J ohn S\l.·eeney comment - ed, "It kind of scares you." The resolut ion , whic h was passed unanimo usly, will be sent to s tate and na tional legislators as well as directors of the l mmi· gr ation a nd N a t urali:z a tion Service in "ashington, D.C. and l.os ,.o\ngele.s. Caroline is staying with an old Kennedy friend, Lord Harlech. the former British amba ssador in Washington, since her prC'· vious I.ondon host narrowl y escape d a n Iris h Re pu blican Army bomb attack. CountyMan 1 Dies in Surf l A 24-year-old Sa nta Ana m a n who apparently b a d been surfing storm waves on the Hawaii a n isla nd of J\1 a ui dro wn ed sometime during torrential r a ins that hit the SOth state in recent days. Au thor it ies a t J.ahai na said that Ronald S. Drinkward's bod y was found in the waves of a popula r surfing beach. The dis- covery came as the isla nders were drying out from a storm that dropped more than 11 inches of r ain in four d ays. S"Urf as high a s 20 feet was reported on some island beaches. 1 Drin.kward's death was the on· ly one directly a ttributed to the storm. Just In.Time For The Holidays Beautiful Cabinet • • • b y Henredon . Reduced Just For You! Reg. Price12, 329 Sale Price 'I, 979 This fine piece of furnirure fc-arurcs olive a.sh burl and ash venttrs and ash solids . Truly a betucif ul ircm for thr furni rure connoisseur. Stt ic on d isplay now. DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREDON-WOODMARK-ICARASTAN-BAKER WHKDA l5 I 5ATUIDA l5 ''00 to 5:30 • NEWPORT BEACH• llZ'I WES1:CLlt'F OR.. "2·2050 LAGUNA BEACH • JU NOk1'11 (;OA.'i llW\',. 4~·~1 TORRANCE • 2384t HAWTHORNE BLVD 10pen Frt..1119. Sun 12.'s:lO) "'"'z:1 • • n..-.tington Beach Fountain Valley EDITION Afternoon N. '\'. Stoeks •' VOL. 68, NO. 332, S SECTIONS, 82 PA ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER28, 1975 TEN CENTS . ' • ' . West County Unification Study Nixed Ry KATHY CLANCY otllillltO.llf ......... Tbe Orange County Committee on School Dlsttitt Organiution has shelvflf a unification study for West Orange County school S)"lleml. Hit1 ~1ason, diredor of fiscal :serv1ct>s ror the county Depart- ment of F.ducation, said't.oday th commitJt>e-unanimously dropP"d uniijcatiou studJt"s for '* * * llB Eyes Student Borders The Huntington Beach Union High School Board has adopted tentative attendance boundaries for the new Ocean View High &hool campus, st'heduled to open next September. Assistant Superintendent Howard Roop said today trusttts also are e:'l:pected to set meetings in January for residents in each high SC'hool attendan<'e area. The new boundaries will alter the Edison, Founlain Valley, Hunlinglon Reach and Marina at- tendance areas, of£icials ooted. The tentative boundaries generally follow the southeast part of the Ocean View (elemen- tary) District, bounded by Ellis and Heil Avenues, Springdale and :"'Jewland Streets. In addition, it includes the Vista View School attendan<.'f' area in Fountain Valley and Westminster, as well as two- thlrds of the Huntington Beach strip of the Fountain Valley (elementary ) District. an area bordered by Newland and Brookhurst Streets and Garfield and Adams Avenues. _ Trustees adopted the tentative boundaries Tuesday night, alter holding a workshop study session on the mattE'r last Saturday. Final boundaries won ·t be adopted until after the J anuary hearings . The new 2,000-student high sctiool, located at Crl>lden West Street and Warner Avenue. will open next fall for freshmen through juniors. officials noted. Seniors will be allowed to graduate in the schools they have be-en attending. In addition. they explained, the district has an option program which allows students to attend schools outside their normal at· tendance areas. * * * Funds Sought In FV Drive Carl "Rud" Jones, the leader of Fountain Valley's unsuc- cessful unification effort, is look- ing for Sl,450 in tlonations to pay off election debts. Jones said today he is sending a letter to about 100 members of his unification committee asking them to help raise the funds. He explained the committee spent about $2,500 on its cam· psign for a new uniried school syste-m . Rut $1,450 of that money was loaned to the C'Om mittee by Jones, Co-chairman Frank Rryant and Jerry Gaski, another rommitlee member. Orangij Coast Lo &z o ~ Weather Showers decreasing tonight becomine: crisp and clear saturday. Chance or rain 30 percent tonight. Hig"M expected in the 50!. Saturday. INSIDE TOil" 'i' Ont> noted coos! conduC'tor· composer thinks OrigJoolity mow oot always be 0 good thing. ~e story on Poge CJ of tM w,ekendcr l•dellt ... ,., •• ... •t·I .. , ., ... " . ., .. •• ••• lbe Ocean View and Wt1tminster (elei:-untu)r > School Districts Wednesday night. Both distrie&s tuid requested that their uni(icaUon proposals be witbdi"l)NI'\. And U.e rommllttt cillled for a look at the entire county master plan for 5chools before studying two c-itizens propos-18. as well as onE" jointly spbmittrd by the Seal Reach and l,os Alamitos Bad Time Of Night Huntington Be-ach police said they sped to the Horn Oil C.Ompany, 17501 Beach Blvd., when its silent aJarm wt>nt off at police head·· quarte-rs about 2:30 this momi.og. but found no sign o(aburglary. · · They called the alarm company to C'ome out and check the device. Then of- ficers waittd. and waited, and waited. Al 3: 12 a .m. the alarm company''s night du- ty 1nan telephoned back. He-apologized, explain- ing that he hung up after police called and then fell asleep. Cool, Crisp Skies ·Seen On Weekend The fast-moving storm that brought showers and gusts of gale·Jocce winds on the Oranae Co11t 1'h~k••lv:fn1 morninl w~re expected lo move out . tonigM. .o\nd SaturdJy morning, said foree:astf'rs, would emerge cool and crisp for the coastline after the quick storm displayed many moods. Snow fell in mountain areas above 4,000 feel and hail pelted some areas of Orange County during the holiday . .-'\long the shoreline, s mall - craft warnings were posted early in the day for winds gusting up to 35 knots. ·rhe seas were a menac- ing seven feet at the height of the squalls . As for rainfall, it was sporadic and relatively light. Some residents of the Sad· dleback Valley reported brief hailstorms during the holiday and this morning. Rainbows emerge-d often after the rain as the qui<'k squalls gave way to clearing. Winds that reached their peak before dawn tore off small tree limbs, but no reports of any cost- ly damage were noted. Forecasters said that the crisp fall weather would last the weekend with perhaps a repeat performance of showers and winds by early next wee-k . Rainfall totals in the recent storm were as high as .86 inches at Lake Arrowhead where rain, mixed with some snow, fell on Thanksgiving. Coastal points re· ported much smaller totals. Running Springs, in the San Bernardino Mountains, had two inches of snow on the grounds al the time-most residents were sit- ting down to turkey dinner. 1\lthough the rainfall in the fall <See WINDS, P•ge AZ> * * * Mt. Laguna Gets 7 Inches Of Snowfall MT. LAGUNA (AP) -Seven· inches of snow tell rate Thursday and early t.Q4ay on this central San l)iego County area in a storm which dropped rain over the re· (ion. There were 1.14 inches or rain· fall' during the night al Campo near the Mexican border. In San Die-go, rainfall ranged from .40 int'h to .61 inch. Palomar Mountain counted 1.06 inch of prectpitat1on with a half...inch at Carlsbad on the C'08St. The flrst storm of the season eliminated e:ittreme fire condi- tions which C'aused deployment of 22 state rorestry workers from Northern Callfornia . Those firefighters were flown home on a chartered plane In time ror Thanksgiving dinner. Since mid·summer, only .09 of an inch of rain had (allen at san • Die11o·i Llndt>erib Field. (elementV)') School Di.strict•. Mason said Robert B:lirk , 3 commllltt member, called for a :l>-day moratorium on unifica- tion, but his motion failed in a 4·4 split vot•. However, he said, in effect the rommittff kiUf'd. any unification attempts for severaJ months by callina for the master plan study. He explaine-d the committee would have had lo adopt ten-• tative unifu:<ttion plans Wednes- day night and S('t public hearings on the-m in order to ha\'e them go to voters at the polls nt>xt June. Ry not acting . he continued, the committee delayed any un· ificalion ele-ctions until at least next ~O\'ember . He said the con1 mittee. set its next meeting for .ranuary, when lt will discuss community college boundaries ror the Garden Grove tJnilied School Di strict. The-unification proposals be-fore the committee included: -A ~oint Seal Reach-Los Alamitos unified districl along borders or both ('lt.•mentary dill· tricts. The plan 'A'as submitted by trustees of both dis tricts -Creation or a Westminster unifitd district along Westmi"'ter city boundaries, as well ., borders of both the Seal Re-.aC'h nnd W<':Hminster elc.men· tary districts. This proposal '1(85 submitted by Westmins(er trustees . Trul!ltee:i. howe-vtr, later asktd that their plan be withdrawn. -Formation of an Ocean Vi.rw unified district along Ocean View elemt-ntary boundaries. The plan wos sub!"flitted by Oct-ail View trosttts but IPte-r withdrawn !See UNI F\I, P1&e .'U) Calley Appeals R g • Says 'Congress Is Not Above the Law' WASHil'\GTO:"J (APl - William L . Calle-y Jr. appealed his My Lai murder conviction to the lJ.S. Supreme Court today. saying Congress should havt' been compelled to releast' con- fidential data in his trial just as Pre-sident Nixon was compelle-d to do in the-Watergate scandal Calley. 32. \\'ho sought unsuc cessfull y to USC' sC'c ret C'on gressional testimony in his de fe-nse. note-d that thl~ high court rejected Nixon·s cii.1irn of con fide-ntiality for the Watergate t3pes J Houston Gordon of Cov ington, Tenn., Calley's attorney. said the court ·s ruling on Nixon held that no man or ins titution is above the law. · 'Congre-ss is not above the law,·· said the attorney in his petition asking the Supreme Court to review a federal appeals court ruling r einstating Calley's ronviction. El Toro Pilot Diel; Friend Hurt in Cra.sh Ry RUDI NIE DZIF.l.SKI OflMO.ilyP'll.CSU" A 49-year-old El Toro pilot was killed and his passenger criticall y injure-d Thursday when their light plane crashed and burned shortly aftt-r takeoff from Corona Municipal Airport . The ThanksgivinJ! Da .v sightseeing fiight claimed the life of Ricardo Salcedo, 23741 Teed St., and left his companion, F.dward I.ibed. 38, Garden Grove, with bums ove-r 40 percent of his body. Investigators said the single· engine Cessna 172 went down one- and-a -half m i\es wC'st of the airport in a forested are-a of the Prado Dam basin. l.ibed, who was found wander- ing around the crash site, told authorities the plane hit a treetop after going through a cloud bank, spun to the ground and burst into flames. I.ibed was airlifted to Riverside General Hospital by a Los Angeles County Sheriff·s Depart· ment helicopter. He was listed in critical condition today. Although the plane went down in a remote area, the sound of the crash wa s heard by several persons at the airport. They alert- ed the Riverside County Shenrr·s o{fiC'e. Investigators from the Federal <Se-e-PIJ.OT, Page AZ) Energy Talk Slated The Huntington Reach Chamber of Commerce will hear an address on the energy crisis at a breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. Dec. 4 at the Sheraton Beach Inn, 21112 Pacific Coast Highway. The speaker will be A. P . "Paul" Augspurger of Mobil Oil Corp. ("r0rdon said that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orlean5 e-rre-d in not reeognizing that ll C'Ongressional committee withheld potential e\'idcnce ftom Calley·s defrnse. .• .,f:'I The House Arme-d SE>rvice.s Committee refused to let the de- fense look at the-results of its My l.ai hearings which involved 3.0.15 pages of statements from 151 witnesees.- Li9hti119 Firsf Cat1dle The former lieutenant has been living as a ci\'ilian in Columbus. Ga . since his 1971 court·martial conviction was ove-rturncd Sept. 25. 1974. <Se-e-C.'\l~l .F.Y, Pal" A2) • Al sundown tod<::1y the Jewish holiday llanukkah begins and will continue for eight days. At Costa Mesa's Temple Sharon, Sean KaUcn. 6, lights the first candle on the menorah (candelabra ) as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean's sis ter Sara. 4, look on. The holiday, also called the Feast of Lights and the Feast of Dedication. celebrates the victory of the Marcabccs over the Syrians in 165 R.C. and r e dedication of the temple in Jt>ru.salem . Jury Keeping Mum On Fromme Ruling SACllAMF.~1'l) f AP J Jurors who convicted l.ynett(' Fromme of trying to kill Pres\. dent Ford ren1ained tight·lipped tod<t y. apparently f('aring reprisals fr om remn;ints or the Charles \lanson family. !\1iss Fro mme. found guilt y Wedn esday night , s pent Thanksgiving in her cell, and r(" porters were unable to reach the eight women and four men who returned th<' guilty verdict. The ju ro rs mostly n1id dleage working people -W('re closely ,euarded hv a cadre of de· puty mar s hal s \VC'dnes day night. Even before the verdict '-''<IS announced in a quiet courtroom, lJ.S . District Court Judge Thom<ts MacRride admonished ·reporters that the jury did not want to be photograph('d or in · terviewed. Al so, sources in the U.S . at torne-y".s office and U .S . marshal's office hinted broadly that the jurors were worric·d about their sar('ty. "Wouldn't you be in a case likC' this?·· one sourr(' explained ~fiss F'romnle. a 27-year-old follo wer o f convicted mass <Se-e VF.R OICT. Page 1\2 ) Dimes March Leaders Set .o\ttornC'y Thomas llarman and businessman DalC' Smith are <:o chairmen or the March of Dim('s c<'mpaign in lluntini:,'1.on IX-ach 'fht• pair will dirc.•rt fund rais ing ('vents in thi• city sut·h as bike a ·thons, '.\.1 others '.\TarC'h <.ind ).1i l(' a·Oimes. 5mith said that anyonC' \\'ishing to hf'lp may do so by contacting the \farr h of Din1es at 979·2270 4 Huntington Councilmen Attend Meet - Four memh('rs nf th(' llunl ington Reach City Coun<'il will ;1t t('nd the '.\;ational !.('ague 11 Cities confer('nce from :"O\' ~ t<. OeC'. 4 in :\f i<tn11 Bt•aC'h Thos(' going to !h(' roncl;1vf' will be ~fayor ~or m :1 G1hhs. V1('et Mayor }-farr1ett W1f."'dt•r and C.o unC'ilm<'n lf('nry OukC' anrl ·r<·d Rartlett. '.\.1r5>. Gibbs wi ll st•rvt• on a na tiona! pan('] nn rC\'C'llllt' sh;irir,, and Mrs \\lie<l('r V.'111 h(' J p~1n<'li~t 11n tht' publtc s;ifcty rnm mittee. ()('ieg-a tes v.·111 be attempting t-. clf."'vclop a nalional polir~ on rnn· C'('r ns s hare<l hy citi<'S Tht' chif'f of these-. acrord1ng to off1r1;tl s. is v.·inning a rontin11:lt1on of tht• fe<lt•r.:tl r('vrnut> sharing pri>· fr.:t m . Becaus<' of th<' attt•n<l:u1c1· i)f fot1r members at tht• !\·liam1 ron- vention. this \-tonday·s city c·1111n - rl! ffi('f'l in ~ ha s bt•en postpOJlt•d untii Der fl Alien 'Sweep' Attaeked By LAURIE KA.SPER Of .. ~,., '1 .. SUfl Reacting against a "sweep" of their city by i mmigralion authorities, San Juan Capistrano city couneUmen adopted a re- solution condemning any actions which oppress people because of their n•tional origins. Noting that they are not con· doning illegal entry into the coun· try, they asked that ··due: pro· cess .. be granted e-very person picked up by immigration authoriti~s and that the laws be eriforced. within the framework or the ftglil! establislieabTlfle U.S. ~l"Utulion . • The C'ouncit ·s action came Wednesday after Councilman Roy Ryrnes told of ihe "sweep .. last week during v.•hich about 50 r ·rsonsweredetained. After e;o1:plaining how s uch tearches for illegal aliens are conducted. he said, "This system doesn 't v.·ork . It is di s criminatory . It·s oppressive. lt 's degrad:ng to "-lcxican-nppcanng American ritizens . ·· Rytncs !faid an 18·y('ar-ol<I who has been living in the country Je1ally for 10 years was detained for {our hours afltr the search. ltf Siffit11. Will "a very rnghten· lng· tx.~rll!nce . ·· .o\dmitt1ng hf' had ''obviously been slC'w1ng over thi s .s ince last Friday." Ryrnes said imm1gra · tion officers had also srarchC'd but rounct no ill('gal :ili('ns on hi s property. :"Joting that there is a d1f ference betwe('n a raid on a specific place and n broad swe"p through tht' city, Cou nC'ilman Y\'OM Heckscher said, "Not £or one minute would we tolerate a sweep thro u j!h our city ror drugs." He :5aid 1t is being done under p1 essurr-ur-fll·bor grouf)!I who fC':ir jobs are-being taken by ii - • le~:ii :1i1t'tlS <i nd ht't".lll'l' the "a~ ~nt'\'C'<I pa rt l<'~'' d, • ni it obJ('Ct !'\\'C'ept-. ht• said ,1rt• totally rontrarv I·~ v. h:it I 1""'0n~1d1•r the Amer1c3n \\';i~· ur !if1·. · .-\ft<•r \p;Jrn1nt? that C'lly or . fiC'ials :tr(' llt'\'t•r 1nf11rm('c\ of the S\\'eep:' \\'hC'n they oct•ur , C'oun· C'1\mnn Jnhn • we<'nt•y rommool E'd, "'II kind uf :->{'ill't':i you " Th(' r1•sn\11t1nn . wh1l'h w~s p:"ISSt'd \l!l a n1 m1'11 ~ ly . ..-. ill t)(' :-e-nl 10 sl!l'l' and n .1t 1nnlll lt•).!1-.lators .1:; v.•t·I ~ ::is d 1rt.•t•torl( of th(' ln1 mi · gr;il10n ..lnd Natur<tl1 zat1on Srr"i'" ;:1 W<'shington, 0 ('.. and I.os Anl?<'lt s • . I -~ -----... -· -· ___ ..,..,. l ' • A2 DAILY PILOT H /F • Pilot f Logbook Reassuring Voice A Fri nd in Need Ry A Ttfl'R R. VJ'.'JSt:J. '"' 0.011, "'ICtl St.oH I-It> has prubahly nl'\ ·r sl'l'n hC'r faet• 1n th 1~ t'll) of 150.000 soul s but big, sqt1 arr ht t llunt1ngton Beac h l'uhct> l)fflt·t·r I .t'n Oa m t·rov.• know:-\\ t' ll hl' s.11\, q tut·t, r a rn hi 1 n~ vo1t't' lie knov.·::. :-.u n11· nf h1· :-.urruw:., S0ffil' nf ht•r p ;_i:-.1 and some of he r d rt>;i n1:-. 1,•f th futurt' and ::.omt•t1mt's ht·r dt't'P desponde ncy a nil lun1·l1nt•:-.. llF: S 11 .. :R F':\Ct:l .J-:S.~ frJt'lli l un lht• olht• ('nd nf a ll'h·µhunt· lint• 1h,1t ht\pefully Sir<'tt·he::. fro1n nti v. hl'rP tu SOml'Wht~r('. , P.i trul ma n n an1ernv., 29. polit'l" comm11n1cat1ons superv1:-.or '>lllrC' July, kn11w ~ I hat somet1 ml'::. l't11nmun1(•at11•11 JS more than bark1ni:: 1nlu lhl' mu·rnph11nt• tu d1rl'Cl pol ice uni ts tu an t·rneri-:t• ne) Su IJ.1m<>ruw talkl'd to th1· un1d1~n tifit•tl 1.11t1rn.1n 1n a (!lv., t'.1J1)ling , k1tl~hnJ.! \ll N ~E l VtlH'l' JP« (','{pf(''st•d 111\t•rt'sl Ill h1·r' ~·rtv.·nrk and her l'hdd r1·9-(tl: syn1 p;1th~ ,1l h1·r r1•(·1·11t di\'OrC'C' an<l bills :.he<·;i n't f..lv a hl'1· l1111t·ltn1·ss · You hnve I P work 1n·t·ri.1n11• on . " ht• JOk •·d :1t u rl l' po1nl. h is voitt· r t•l a xC'd but his C'yl'S a Jill J,. t onc1·rnt•ll. Ile was d1Hng :1 h:1ck !u h:ic k Iii hour:.h1r1 Tll E \"f)l ''.'JC. ~())11\'.'0, 20 1:-.h. on tht• 11th1·r t'nd uf that lt'nuous L"!eph11n£' li nt• nt•('tictl ..1 fr1 1•nd to t;1Jk thing:-ovt•r with ancl tht• city's taxpayC'rs were providing hi m . That is tht•i r job too Sht' h:1d !1•!t•p hon1'lt tht• llunt1ngton llt'..il'h Frc•t• Cli nic Hothnt"' l'.1r1L1•1· \l.'ithout lll)tht•r1n g polLcP and W<•.'> a ns w('rcd by a t;1pc· recording that su~g1·stcd she call back latl'r . 1'hC' F'rC'<' Clinic operalt'S from JO a.m. to 10 or ll p.m. :incl ::.umC'tin1t-s midnight. ~ s pok esman says. but the sor- rt)\I.'~. !ht~ lont'linC'ss, the hurts, the booze, the drugs and the desrt-r :it1on out the rl• 1n thost• 27 square milt'::. continues 24 hours a d;1y :'\ometlody h;1s to ils tPn to it "I JUST T Al~KED to her for about an hour," Damerow said of his anon ymous caller. whom he placed on the ''hold '' button a few times so he C'Ould take other inC'oming calls. Officer Oam<>row would then resume, sounding like he was involved in ordinary chitchat with an old friend. Rut this was truly an em<>rgenc·y call. "She was extrt"mely depressed and needed .someone lo talk to," Oamerow said. ''She asked m<' wher<> there are some nice places to go,·· Damero\.\1 recalled. "She doesn 't know where to go to mee t men without making a fool or her.wlf or appearing cheap," said Officer Damerow. "I tried to play the game with her, to make her Jaugh ... and laugh with her.·· "SHE'S APPARENTLY had hard lur k with finances, espt>cially since s he got divorced.·· He had asked the lonely lady about the arts a nd crafts work she does and said he'd enjoy seeing it , because she is obvioualy a aensitive, talented young lady and it eertainly m ust De good aftwork. "! - SHF. FINAI,ljY HAD to hang up, probably to feed the kids and perhaps to get them off to sehool. Damerow hung up b~t before he could start shuffling papers on the front desk, hjs telephone rang again. ' I From Page A I 'CALLEY APPEAL. • • ,. The Army appealed that ruling and the appeals court, in an 8-5 de· cision. reinstated Calley's convic- tion on chargf's related to the My 1.ai massacrf'. ~ From Page A I VERDICT ... murdf'r<'r Manson, gave n o threat of violence against juror s in her rambling co urtroom com - ments after s he learned the verdict . Rut Sandra Good, 31 , anoth<>r Manson follower who was 1\1iss Frome's roommate, lookf'd out ,over a bank of televis ion , cameras after the verdict was , announced and s aid in a loud, an- 1 gry voice: ·'Once again you have judged yourselves. Your children will rise up and kill you. Seven dead brJies didn't wake you up," s he .3dded in an apparent reference to the slayings of Sharon Tat!' and six others. ORANGE COAST .. ' DAILY PILOT ,,,. 0r ... or c .... t °""' Pao1 .... 1,, -.. ft " ,..,...,,_ ,,,.. No..,, p,., .. " Pllbl«I""' I>' tN Oo-Co•.r p.,,,,,.,,,,nq (-"• ~""""~ N II'°"' •11 ""OhY>oO Moncl•y 11\rllVQI\ f "~• IO< (O'<I• "'c••, Nl.,Po•I .... ,,, t<""'h><1- 6o•<"l l'•""IOlll v o11.,, lrv•Jw, l>ed<ll•b••~ j ~:;~~':1~"1~ ~~~~~~ ... ':~~~I~:: 61" TM 11<1nclp•I pubU•nlnq pl•nl " ~• JXI """"" eo, s1n~1. '""' "'•••, C•""'""" f'l•:Hi Robert N. Weed r>ro,,.lc<nt ond Pub!•"- Jack R. Curley Ykl Pr1•!0lnl I ncl ~-ii M.i ... Q' t Thomas Keevll Edller ThOmas A. Murphlne ,,..,...1,..E.atlet Charles H. Loos Ric.hard P. Nall .A•"''""I ,,..,..9!"9 Ed""" Robert Barker -••Or-'"""'' EO<">' Huntlnoton B•ach Offke lllfl hMll hY ... _D ,,..lH,,.11.Mr"' P.O l'lo-1'0,"1f>oe OtMr Ofllcts L•t-Bl..:h, 1 t• Git_...,...""'"' CMI• -lJO Wl\I 11-1• ~hH1 Nt_,,.,I .. Mii UU .... ""'"'1 -··"' -II \/1lle¥ UMI Lo P11 lla..i 01 Sift Olottio ,..,_ TetephoM 1714) 642-4321 ClatMfltd Advtrtlstlng M2-Sl71 ,,..,,._110r..,..c-,c.n-,.••--•220 I °"""llM, 1t11 O.MOe c"" _1.,,1nt c."' """"' ....... '"""'"''· '""'''-'""""· ~,.,.! .. ~lllr Ir lt~ltl llt .... fllt fli"fJR .... , II• "ll!"Hlittt •11111"1 tff(ltt "'"'"'-'' ... -.. _, lttl ....... ••14 .. C..16 -... T , $UaM;oltlkofl .., (lfritr U.75 - -:;,.,,. ..... I .. " ....... "'"'""'""""_'_""' ....... ~~"""'~-··~~~~~~~-- •• .i\ccused of killing 102 Viel· namese civilians in the swN"p through the hamlet of My Lai in !t1arch 1968, Calley was ronvict - ed of murdering n'ot less than 22 a nd sentenced to lire in prison. However, the sentenc£' was r£' duced in subsequ<>nt apJX>als to 10 years and he was freed on bail a year ago. The 1\rmy has sairl it drw:>s not plan to r<>turn him to prison. Calley was the onJ y soldi£'r con- victed in conn<>clion v.'i th !\1y Lai. althoug h lhe Army's s ecrt""t Peers Report s aid possibly 347 men, women and children WC'r(• killed by three platoons in the in· cident. U.S. District Court Judge ,J. Robert Elliott ruled the convic- tion was uneonstitutionaJ and or - dered Calley frC't ... d -mainly because bf pretrial stories in .new s magazi nes, radio and television . Gordon a rgue d that th!' a p- peals court <>rrc d in knocking clown Elliott's holding that t•x lC'nsive news C'OVC'r:igt· nf '.\t y f ,:11 made zt in1poss ib!t"" to fi nd "un hiasecl jurors.·· \~ilin g !ht"' prC'trittl publicity "pervas ive:· c;o rdon said Ca l !ey \l.'il S dl'pri v t'd of a fr t't' t1ial and due pr1lc t•ssofl;.1w . From Page Al WINDS ..• storm v.«tS minimal, it wa s enough to prompt county rire and forestry officials to lift their red- flag alert for fire d a ng<>r . Spokesm<>n sa id that it raint'd eno ugh in ar<>as whe r e the danger v.•as wors t to warrant the lifting. They added, howe ver, that 1! the wind s were to continue for even a brief period during the weekend. they could dry out th•~ grasslands a nd brush quickly. . .o\nd the high fire danger could return. Art Display Slated Paint in~s by Taylor J-1. Blakely of Huntington R<>a ch will be di$· played In a on<"-man exhibit next month at the Huntington 'l\pach IJbrary. 7111 Talbert St. • Greeted By Ford \\'A.0:,Jll:'JGTO N (AP > -Presi- dt•nt Ford gr t•f'tt"d a ~l"IJUp of v.·om('n b.a:-<ketbal! play('r s from tht:• f)t'oplt''s Tt c publiC' of China t0<111y :.ind tuld t he1n his trip to tht•1r COli ntry, \li'hJc h starts Satur- cl:iy. \l.'1\1 bt• a :-;ii:nifie a.nt st<>p to ~:•r d t•xp~1 11d111g rt•lat1vns 1'11:'\\l.'l'l:'n the l 'n1tt•d St:ilt'S a nd ("h1na Pres ident 3nd ;i.t rs. Ford and Sec r<>t ~ry (lf .St a tt> fj etU'y A. Kiss 1ngt>r met thc• 19 m l'mbt.•rs of tht< b:1sk etb~dl team in the Wh 1LC' llous<' rt1se ga rd£'n . The team is concl u din~ a two Wt't'k series uf ~·:1 m{'S 111 this country with a c·on test 1on1g ht J l!ainst lh<' v.•nm1·n·s te::im of \V 3sh1ngton's f't°"d('r .d ('it y C11l I <>ge Ford s;11d h!' JS looking frJr\l.·a1d h1 hi.'i trip tn ('h1n:1 !I v.·dl ht"' <• trip nf grl·:tt :<1~•n1f1c:1 nct>, .. ht' s a ict "It \!.'ill h1· :1nl1lher Slt'P 1n th<> 1•ff11rt un \ht• pa rt o f !ht• t\\'O governn11·nts t11 t•x p:•nd nu r 1·elations :1nrl l11 fl ()rn1<11iz<ltion ·· lit~ rf'c:11led th:.i l v.'ht·n ht• :tnd 'f r~ Ford visitl'd China 1n J fJ72 h(• lltl \t•d tht•r{' Wt•r(• ;1 J:ft'il l num bC'r of basketball courts in the country. v.•ith a lot of younJ.! 1nrn ;ind 'o\1on1t•n learning tht• ~·:1 n1e. · ·1 predicted then W<' would have in the lJn ited Stal~s som1• very rugged competition on lht· basketball court . both from your men a ncl \li'omen, ·· mo said . "\\It• ~aw boys and girls pract icing v.·ith sm all ba lls and lo\l.'<'rl'd backboar ds.·· F.n ro ut<> to P e king, Ford wdl s to p in 1\l a s ka to view th t• :\l askan oil pipe line. J.le will be in Pekin~ J)(>('. l !11 [)('c. 5, and plans stops in In donesia, tht• Philippines a nd J.l a wa ii on h is way back tu Washin~ton . Budge t Director Jaml's 'J' I.ynn will accompany the Pres1 d e nt to C hina . White J.lou st· spokes men have s aid I.ynn and th<' President ~·ill spend belwe<>n three and four hours t'SC'h day working on the fi st'al 1977 budgr t. However, the President's main purpose will be to continut· dialogue between the UnitC'd States and China. He told the wo men basketball plA yers : "It is vital from our point or view that this dialogu£•. th<>s e d isc uss io n s. are con tinued ." '.'11em bt•rs of the basketball team which ford selected wer{' £1 om r e gional teams tha t P.."rticip:;i.ted in th<> recent third Chinese National Games. The team ha s s plit its fou r g;imes played in the United States . having beaten Cal State Fullerton and Queens Colle~(· .3 nd lost to Delta SlatC' and tht' American :Nationa l Womt>n ·~ Te.3 m . From Page A I PILOT ... :\vi at ion A gene y flcv.• to lh(• crash .scene. . .\.spokesm a n for the River:-<zdt• County Sh£'riff's offi ce said th<> plane "was hadl y torn up" and that zt had gone dov.•n in tht· mict d le of what he termed "a jun,glt"" " Riverside County Corone r 's 1n v('stigato r Sco tt llill s a id an autopsy was bei ng conduct!'d iln Salcedo's body to d<>tC'rmine the C.3use of death. lie incli catt•d, however. that Salcedo "probably died because of burns.·· His body was taken to Tho mas !\1iller ~1ortuary in Corona whC'rc funeral s ervices are pending. An FA/\ aide in l.os Angel<>s s aid the pl ane was on a "IOC'al flight·· a nd tha t further investiga- tion of the crash has been turnPct over to the :"Jational Transporta- tion Safety Board. Fire Truck 'No Help' S ll.<\:"JIKO. Ore. IAl-'l -llesi- dents of this tiny town fought a harn fire with gard<>n hoses whilC' a fire truck stood by Wlll!lcd. :'llobody knt•v.• how tooperat<> it . Sue Mo re lli . o wn<>r of the Shaniko llote l, s a id purchase of the truck y,•a s <lrra nged by a Cily Council m e mber who spends mos t of his lime in Portland. She said he was the onl y person who knew how to operate the tn 1ck . and he was out o( town at the time of the fire. Duncan to Lecture At HB Art League The J.Iuntin gt on Reach Art l.t>ague will present artis t Oa rwin Dunc-an as its guest dt• mons lr3tor Monday night at 7::.:l a t thf' F.di s on Community (',enter, 21377 Magnolia St. Duncan is one or the founders or the lluntington &>ach Art t,eague or.d s pecl al,ltes in ~ Western scf'.n t's a nd desert 18nd~C'al>f'5 . 1-1<> is an art t<>acher at Orange Coast College . --• • R11lli11g i o A 1careness l "('Irv int· police Si.,'1.. Russ Dunca n <center ) br i ef~ t;c·1 admini8trators as they prep<ire In \'It'\\' t he c ampus from the pers pective of h:1nrl1cu pp C'd s tud e nts. Ot h er ad · mini ~tca(ors felt their way around the cam- pus blindfold e d as part of program this week in which UCI officials le arned of th t• problems faced by handicapped stude nUi . Nessen Hedging On Other City Aid WAS!II:>IGT0:-1 (UPI) -A \\'hite llous<> spokesman today dechned to say whether the Ad- m i n is tr at ion w o uld support fede r.31 aid to other finanC'ially strapped cities now that Pres i- clent Ford has orooosed loaru; of up to $2 3 billiOn for New York Daily Pilot Burglarized Rur~lar~ bro ke into the Daily Pilot buildings in Costa Mes a Thursday, carting off an array of tools, maintenance equipment a nd pr iz e s de s tined for n('wspa j){'r carriers. Gent' J.aney, head of building m:l1 ntenance at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Ra y St ., said the loss will tot al more than $3,000. l.a ney s aid lht> burglars broke \j,•indows. a nd c ul off padlock• to break into a maintenance build· ing a nd olh<>r s torage areas sometime b('tween noon Thurs- day and dawn today. City. Press secrf'tary Ron Nessen sidestepped repeated questions, telling reporters again and again that "l don't know of any other ci- ty that has gotten itself into this kind o f mess." Nessen also said reaction from 1nembers of Congress since Ford outlined his new position on New York City at a Wednesday night news conferent'e "has generally been favorable." Congress re- turns Monday from a Thanksgiv· ine recess and Ford said he would ask swift approval or aid legislation. Public reaC'tion, he said, h as been "very tight" so far. He said the White House received 106 let- ters, telegrams and telephone calls from persons opposed to the President's pJan and 36 from individuals supporting it. Ford Wednesday announced he dropped opposition to federal aid for New York City bl'cause "New York bailed itself out·~· With a series of steps taken by the state legislature, bank:t, unions and other institutions. From Page A I UNIFY ... -. .\ citizens plan for unir1c a tion which called for creation of a Huntington Reach di.$trict aJong city boundaries. -Another citizen plan which called for a joint Seal Beach- Ocean View-Fountain Valley dis tricl, as well a s a south Hunt ington Beach dis trict a nd <1 Wes tmins ter dis trict. It alsu called for carving up part or all of the Garden Grove Unifit•d School Oistrict. Clwrch Lauds Spain's King MADRID, Spain <APJ Flanked by European royalty and three Common Market presi- dents. King Juan Carlos received the highest blessing ·or tht• Roman Catholic Church and th<> cheers of thousands of coun- trymen today as Spain paid of- riC'ial·homage to its new leader. Shouts of "!.ong l .. ive Spain .. and "l.ong J,ive the J(jng" greet- ed the 37-year-old monarch a nd - hilt w ile, Queen Sofia, as •they rode through the capital's ~trttls to Mass at the 16th century Church of 1..oS Jeronimos ahead of a full military parad{'. Just In Time For The Holi!3ays Beautiful Cabinet • • • by Henredon .. Reduced Just For You! Reg. Price'2 ,329 Sale Price 1l,979 l "h IS f I ne p 1CCt' of furn 1ture fellt ures oh vc ,15 h burl and a.1.h veneers and ash solids. Truly a lxauriful item for the furniture i:onnoisseur. Stt it on display now. • • • DREXEL-4iERITAGE-HENREq<JN-W000MARK-KARASTAN-BAKER WHICOA YS & SA 1\llDA YS t~ le S:JO' • NEWPORT BEACH • 17Z7 V.'ESTCLl ~'F OR .. ~2·• LAGUNA BEACH • 34S Nllk1'11 l:(IA.\1' HWY . 4!M·65.$1 TORRANCE• 23649 HAWTHORNE BLVD. COpen F • Iii i , Sun 12-$ 301 3'7tl·1279 • ( . - range Coast -EDITION • •. 68-NO. 332, S SECTIONS, 82 PAGES I • -™ *"'*' 'Sweep' Attack CQputrano Hits Alien Search By LAURIE KASPER Of .. ~,., ...... s..n Reacting agai,nsl a . ''Sweep" or their city by lmmlgration authorities, San Juan Capistrano city council men adopted a re· solution condemning any actions which oppre1111 people because of theif national origins. Noting that they are not con· doning illf&•I entry into the eoun· try, they aske<1 that "due pro- cess" be granted every person picked up by immigration authorities and that the laws be ftlforced within the framework of the. ri&:hts established by the U.S. Constitution. The council's attion c ame Wednesday after Councilman Roy Byrnes told or the ''sweep'. lut week during which about 50 persons were detained. After explaining how sut h sear<'Ms for illegal aliens are condu<!ttd, he said, ''This sn;tem doesn't work . It is di s · criminatory. It's oppressive. It ·s degrading to Mexican·appearing American citizens.·· Byrnes said an 18-year-old who hu been living in the country legally for 10 years was detained for four houris arter the search. He said it was "a very (righten· ing experience.·· Admitting be had ·'obviously been stf'wing over this since last Friday," Byrne's said immigra· tion orricers had also searched but round no illegal alie"ns on his property. ~oling that there is a dif· ference between ,a raid on a specific place and a broad sweep through the city, Councilman Yvon Heckscher said, "Not for onr minute would we tolerate a swee"p through our city rol' drugs.·· He said 1t is being done under pressure or labor groups who rear jobs ar.e being taken by il- (Stt SWEEP, Page All JurOrs Keep Mulll Fear Mans()n Family Repri.sals? SACRAMENTO (AP> - Jurors who convicted Lynette Fromme of trying to kill Pres i- dent Ford remained tighl·lipped today. apparently fearing reprisals from remnants of the Charles Manson family. Miss Fromme. found guilty Wednesday night, s pent Th3nksgiving in her cell. and rf'· Rains To Depart Coast to Welcome Cool, Crisp Skies The fas t-moving s torm that brought showers and gusts of gaJe-rorce winds on the Orange Coast Thanksgiving morning were. expected to move out tonight. ·* * * Mt. Laguna Gets 7 Inches ·Of Snowfall !\1T. l,AGUNA IAP> -Seven· inches or snow fell late Thursday and early toda y on this central San Diego County area in a storm which dropped rain over the r e- gion. There were 1.14 inches of rain· fall during the night at Campo near the Mexican border. In San Di<'go, rainfall ranged from .40 inch to .61 inch. Palomar Mountain counted 1.06 inch of precipi,tation with a half-inch at Carlsbad on the coast. The rirsl storm of the season eliminated extreme fire condi- tions which caused deployment of 22 state rores try workers from Northern California. Those fire(ighters were flown home on 3 chartered plane in time for 1'hanksgiving dinner. Since mid-summer, only .09 or an inch of rain had rallen at San Diego's l.indbergh Field. And Saturday morning. said forecasters, would emerge cool and crisp for the coastline after the quick storm displayed many mood .. Snow fell in mountain areas above-4,00o reet and hail pelted some areas of Orange County during the holiday. Along the shoreline, small- crart warnings were posted early in the day ror winds gusting up to J5 knots. 'fhe seas were a menac- ing seven (t>et at the height of the !'iqualls. As for rainfall, it was SJX>radic and relatively light. Some residents of the Sad- dleback Valley reJX>rted brief hailstorms during the holiday and this m o rning. Rainbows emerged often after the rain as the quick squalls gave way to clearing. Winds that reached their pc>ak be(ore dawn tore off s mall tree limbs, but no reports of any rost· ly damage were noted. Forecasters said that the rrisp fall weather would last the weekend with perhaps a repeat perform3nre or showers and winds by early next w('('k. Rainfall totals in the recent storm were as hig h as .86 inches at l.ake :\rrowhead where rain, .nixed with some snow, fell on Thanksgiving. Coastal points re· JX>rted much s maller totals. Running Springs, in the Sun Bernardino Mountains, had two (St°-e WJSDS, Page A2) porters were unable to reach the eight women and four men who returned the guilty verdict. The jurors -mostl y mid· dleage Working people -Wl'fe closely izuarded bv a cadre of de - pt1 ty marshals \Vednesda y night . F.ven before the verdict was announced in a quiet courtroom, lJ.S . Dis trict Court Jud gt' Thomas MacBride admonished reporters that the jury did not want to be photographed or in· terviewed. Also, sources in the U.S. at · torney's o(fice and U .S . marshal's office hinted broaaly that the jurors were worried about their safety. "Wouldn't you be in a case like this?·· one source explained. Miss Fromme. a 27-year-0ld follower of convicted mass murderer Manson, gave no threat or violence against juror~ in her rambling courtroom com· ments after she learned the verdict . Rut Sandra Good, 31. another Manson follower who was Miss Frame's roommate, looked out (Sf>e VERDICT, Pagt" A2) Bad Time Of Night l{untington Reach police said they sped to the Hor n Oil Company, 17501 Reach Rlvd., when its silent alarm went off at police head- quarters about 2:30 this morning, but found no sign of a burglary They railed the alarm company to come out and check the device. Then of- ficers waited, and v.·aited. a nd waited . 1\t 3 : 12 :i n1 . the aiarm comp<1n y's night du· ty man teil'ph oned 11:il'k. He apologized. Pxplain· ing that he hung up after police ca!l('d and th<'n fell asleep. . p;1nls in this \vcek(ln<1's cJ.a~ic C.3r show ltl the Ma rriotl \h,lcl in Newpori Center arriving in the F ashion Island parki~ lot. . ·- I \ Today's Clo lag N.Y. StOt!ks N TEN CENTS -- Lighti11g First Ca11dle At sundown today the Jewish holiday Hanukka h begins and will continue for eight da ys. Al Costa Mesa ·s Temple Sharon, Scan Kallen, 6, lights the first candle on the menorah (c andelabra> as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean's sister Sara . 4, look on . The holiday, also called the Feast of Li ghts and the Feast of OC'dication. celebrates the victory of the ~1ac('abees over the Svrians in 165 B.C. and rededi cation o f the temple in Jerusalem. El Toro Pilot Killed. Light Plane CrClSh Hurts County PC1Ssenger Ry RUDI S IF.DZIEl.SKI OllM D•Ur PileCSUft A 49-year-old F.l Toro pilot was killed and his passenger critically injured Thursday when their light plane crashed and burned shortly after takeofr rrom Corona Municipal Airport. The Thank sgiv in~ Day sightseeing flighl claimed the life or Ricardo Salcedo. 2374J Teed st., •nd le~ his compraiiion, Edward Libed. 38. Garden Grove. with burns over ·IO percent of his body. Investigators said the single· engine Cessna 172 went down one· and-a ·ha\f m iles west of the airport in a fores ted area of the Prado Dam basi n. I.ibed, who was found wander- ing around the crash .site, told authorities the plane h.it a treetop after going through a c loud bank, spun to the ground and burst into nameos . I.ibed was airliftl'ri to f{ivC'rsid<' General llospitai by a l.os Angeles County Sheriff's Depart· ment heli<'opter. He wa s list('(! in critical condition today. .<\Jthough the plan<' went down in a remotC' area, the sound or the cra s h was he;:i rd by several persons at the airport. They alert ed the Ri\'erside County Sheriff's offict>. Investigators from the f'ederal Aviation Agency Clew lo the crash S<'ene. A spokesman for the RiversidC' ('..ounly ShC'riff's office said the plane "v.1as hadly torn up" a nd that it had gone down in the n1irl- dleofwhathc termcd "ajungle " Riversid(' County ('urone1·'.-; in vestigator Scott 1-lil! said an autopsy '''as being conducted on SalcC'do's body to determine th<' cause of dl·ath. He indicated, howev<'r. that Salcedo "probably Se11ior Citize11s • died bet· a use of burns.·· 1'lis body was taken to Thomas :\tillt"r Mortuary in Corona "''h<'rl· funeral services a re J>('nding. An F .t\A aidt• in 1.1.)S Angeles s<1id the plane was on a ''local flight" a nd that further investiga· tion or the era.sh has been turned over to the >I ational Transporta· lion Safety Roa rd. Assails Congress Calley to Appeal My Lai Conviction W.l\SHI:"'f,TO'.'l' (AP ) - William I .. Calley Jr. appealed his My I.ai murdt>r conviction to the lJ.S. Supre me Court today, sayi ng Congress should haVl' been compelled to release eon fidential data in his trial just a s Pr('sident ~ixon was compelled 1odo in th(' \\'alergate S('andal ('aliey, 32. ~·ho sought unsll(' cess(ully to use secret eon gressionai testimony in his de fense, noted that the high court rejected :"'Jixon ·s claim of con fidenti~1 Jity f{lr thf' Wa\t•rJ,'!lll(' t~pes. J . Hous ton Gordon of Cov ington. Tenn , ('alley's attornl'y, !'iaid the court ·s ruling on ~ixon held that no man or inslitulinn 1s above the Jaw. "Congress is not ~bo\'£' thl· law,·· said the attorney in his petition aski ng !ht' SuprPmt• t._'ourt to rt'view a fedt'ral :ipJX'al s cnurt rultng rl'ins1Jting l'<1llC'~ ·:- t«1nv1ctlon (;tirdon ~:ii d th:d tht• Jth l ' S . {'1rcl1it Court !lf . .\prx.·<iJ:.; 111 '\ew Ori('ans erred in not rt•cognizing that a congressional comn1ill<'1' v.·ithheld pntC'nli<il ev1rh•nce frrim Calley's def ens(' The I-louse ArmC'd Ser\'1ces C.ommittee refused to Jet thf' de· fense look al tht> results of its My l.ai heari ngs which in volved 3,045 pages of s tat<'mC'nts from 151 ~·itneSSt'S 1'he former li('u ten:.int ha!i bel•n living as " ci"ilian in Columbus. Ga since his 1971 ('ourt·martial conviction v.·as overturned Sept. 25. 197·1. The .o\rmy appl'aled that ruling and the appeals court, in <1n 8·5de· ci.sion. reinstated Calley's ronviC'- tio n on charges r elal('CI to lhl' My I .ai mas!'iar re . .o\ccuseri of killing 102 Viet namese civilians in the swe('P through lhC' hamlet of My l .ai in (Sfoe C':\1.1.F.Y, Page A21 Ford Selects Federal Judge RUI.I.F:TIN Only 400 Show Up For Turkey Dinner "' . .\Slll~GTON 1.<\P) -Presi· dent Ford a nnounrt'd this aflE'r· noon he has rhosen U.S. Circuit ('flurt Judge John Paul Stevf'ns of ('hica,1?:0 Lo s uct'e('d rt>lirf'd :'uprt•me ('ourt Justicl' William l). Jlt.Hl,l?:la~. Orang~-Coasl '=· £;,, = '~ Ry :\I.AS DJRKIN 041"" D•llY Piiot SU if What the other 1,600 missed was a fret> full-course turkey dinner put on Thanksgiving Day for senior citizens by the second dis· DOW ADVANCES BY 2 POIN1S NEW YORK <U PI) -The stock mark e t . d es pite po s t Thanksgiving lethargy, closed higher today in slow trading on the :'olcw York Stock Exchange following a break in the New York City financial crisis. The Dow Jones induslr1.al avera1e was up 2,12 points to 880.67. Ad\·anc<.•s \('d de.clinf's by about an ~ight·lO ·five margin. (Tables. All). Prices were mixed in mod~rate lra'ding on the AmeriC'an Shx·k Ex.change. - , r· -- tr1ct of the \1 C't1•r;.in~ of Fnrt·1~n Wars ~I the Or:_1n gt' ('ounty Fair ):'rounds F.i ghly onC' turkt•):-, and the appropiatC' p r nport1on:> o f potatO("S, ya ms. V<'~etab\l's and des:""ert..-. v.•t~re ('(1ok('d f!lr th<' f(•£'<l, and the luv.· attl·ndancC' lC'ft organ1zC'r Rill Ward v.'ith a pro blem : \Vh;it Lo c\o with thl' un e;:1ten food " "We 'll deal Ll out fairl} to needy groups today," \Vard said. "Enough for 400 dinner" \113S given to thC' s('rv1cem('n's r<'nter yesterdtiy \Ve knoy,• thC' Salva- tion ;\rmy wants sumr. and w('·ve hadcsll,.frt'mothergr1'lll'S .. \\'ard t'nnft':-st'd that hr v.·<t:. rl1s::'lppo1nterl h) th1~ a ltt~ndanc(' <ind said !hal hr an1t lhr nlhi•r \'f'\\' ,~1luntt•c•r :-m01y nut stage th(' ('\'('Ill Ol'XI \'(':lr l 'h1s \'('Hr was Lhe f 1rst l1 m(• the l 'hankSgiv 1ng serving. dt•sit:?nt><l 'tln attract :.eniors frorn throughnut tht• C•)Un ty. tiad bet:'n trit•d "W (> ~·('rt• a little d1sappointl·d (See lllNNF.R, Pagr t\Z) r I Shilwers decr1·a s 1ng tonight becoming crisp and l'lear Saturday . Chtinl'<' Clf rain 30 percent tonight ~lighs t>:<pectcd in th(' 50-.: S:1tt1rd ;1~ INSIDE TODA.\" OTlf' noted roo~I cund11ctor composer think! or19111(J/1ty may not oiwoy~ be a goad !hlng Sef' !tory on PaCJ(' ('/of the "'t>i>kt>nde· lnd.-x AI Y-.kf.,<• •l ,,.,..,,," All h1tl... IU ,_v••t C•·I LM. .. ,., •I ,..11 .... 1 N•..., •• ~ .. ,_. ..., Or1~c...,..1y ;.1. OIUftiMI tU.tl .....,,.. a•-l c.m><• '' '>-1• ••. , CrMll-f Cl l'< 1.ttlroc.r-al Dt11~Noto<•• •10 ~'°"'""'"•'*" "'' Elllt,,.1•1 P•w •• T"!•..tllMI C4 "'""'"~-"'" r,,.,.,.,. c~' ,,.,..,,,.~•fore •10 ''l Yltolll~&r •• ""rose-Ill lllil•••-Ntw\ •• -1..\-•• 81 ............ ,, .• W lltlet •6 ·~ I l ;1 2 DAILY ~!LOT N 1 Chinese l : Greeted .,By Ford It. , ;,. \VASJ·ll'.'JGTON <AP) -Presi : dt>nt Ford greett•d a group of ~ Vo'OmPn basketball players Crom ~lhe-People':$ Re public of China ~toda y a nd told them his trip to I.heir country, which starU Satur- 'day, will be a signiri cant st{'p f toward l'xp andin g rt"lations Q:between the United States and hina. President and l\1rs. Ford and retary or State llenry A. Kiss- >in&eor met the 19 me mbers of the basketball team in the White Houst> rose gard('n. The team is roncluding a two-week series or game! in this country with a con- .. test tonight against the women 's team of Washington"s Feder al City C'.ollege. Ford said he is looking rorwa rd to his tri p to Ch ina. "It will be a trip of g reat significan<'e," he said. "It will b<' anothe-r stt"p i n the effort on the part of lht> two governments to expand our r e lations and to normaliza tion .'' He-recalled that wh('n he and Mrs. Ford vi sited China in 1972 he-noted the-re were a g reat number of basketball courts in • ~e country, with a lot of young "<Tnen and wom en lt>arning the game. "I prt>d ictC'd thl'n v.•C' \.\1oul1l have in lhC' Un1tC'd St;1tC's snml~ vt>ry rugged rompl•tition on thl' basketball rourt. both from \"our me-n and women.·· he said. :.\'lt• saw boys and girls practicing with s m a ll ba lls c&nd lowert•ll backboa rds.·· En rou te-to P t'king, t~ord Y.1i\\ stop in Al ask a to vit.>w the .<\.Iaskan oil pipt•linl?. He v.•ill be in Pt>ki ng Oto(•. I to Dec. 5, and plans stops in In - dones ia , the J>hilippines and •lawaii on h is w~y bat'k to Wa.shingto n. Audgt>t Di rt•ctor J amc>s 1'. l,)1ln will accompany the !'resi- de nt to C hina . White !louse S?Jkes men have said l .~11n a nd ·the Pre~lden t will spc>nd betwe<'n three and four hours each day working on the fiscal 1977 budi;!'.et. llowever, the P r eside-nt's main purpose "'ill be to continue ! d ialog ue bt>lween thC' United Sta te's a nd Ch in a . •le-told the wome n basketball players : "It is vital from our point of \.'iew th a t th.is dialogue, ·thes e dis cussions, are con - tinued." l\.1 e mbe r s of the basketball te-am which F ord selected were from r egional teams that parti<'ipated in the rece-nt third Chinese :IJational Games. United way of Orange County north /south 100• GOAL= s3_5 million T1lanks to ruu It works ... \. Rll All If us TO DATE United Way volun· leers h ave co ll e cted $1 ,752,800 toward this year"s "stretC'h .. goal which is 30 pe rce nt highe r t ha n t h e :1mount raised la st year . The incre ase r e p resents th e needs or U nite d Way's 72 human service a gencies. I' ORANGE COAST Robert N. Weed p,~,io.,,., • .., Put>11n. J ac k R. Curley V~• P•••l<lon, •"" C..""••' .....,.,..,., -Thom as Keevil EO•IM ThOmi'lS A , Murptline ,,. .... Qt"9 ldi! .. OIMr Otflch c .... ,_ .. no ~e'1 &.o, !>1•,..t Lo..-"'"'" ,.·co.·-~ ... ~ ...... t ...... u .......... 11: ,,.,, .... ~ -·-···~ ~-V•llt '' f!JllUIPHA...a •l..,.D'"9 fl-.. Ttll••• <114> '42..Qlt OntlfMd Afl¥er11tlnl Ml-"71 ' " • Friday. Novembrtr 28. 1975 "" 'I f l-" t, -...... " . O.Uy Pii.t Mt>fl ,__• Lower Rates • Physician-owned Plan Outlfu·ed I I.OS ANGELES (UPI) -A plan for a phyt ician-owned in- s urance c ornpany to pro'tj'~e malpractice lnsu.rance at · 1umably reeaonable rates u bttn aubm.ltt~ ror approl'al to Ca l\fornit J n t'Urance Com· missioner Well*Y J . Kinder, Under the plan, hosplt•l• would pay part of the prenuunu. The plan is the a111wer ()f the Southern California Physicians C'..ouncil to a propoised 486 percent iocrease by the Travelers Com- oa nie-s. effect ive Jan. I . "Larte uvmbert of doctort say the)' t:annot or will not pr~cti ce alter Jan . l if it meanspayiM I.he exor-bitanf'retea now pt'OP.OIMCI. •· warned J>r. Werren c.apey, co- Clhatr111an of the Los An1eles Cou.ntt Medlcal Association "s joint com01tttee on malpractice reform. "1bey feel they are-looking a t a dlu.ltrous sttuaUon;" Cagney •aid o1.-the docton at an As- sembly ... Cbmmlttee on Finance. Jmurance and Commerce hear- ing. . l PE Option SOME OF SENIORS WHO SHOWED UP FOR FAIRGROUNDS FEED ENJOY MEAL The co unc il represents medical 11oc ieties in seven coun- ties -Kern, I~ot Angeles, Orange, SBn Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbati and Vf"ntura . The t'ompany is to be called Southe-rn California Physicians Insurance Ex<'hange and its in- StLranC't will be available to 9,500 physit'ians in Southern California if the t'ommilssioner approv~. Slirvey Out To Parents What Do You Do With 1,600 Leftover Thanksgiving Dl_nn_e_rs? _______ _ From Page A I DINNER ... with the coort>ralion we got fr om the government agenC'll'S, ··War d said. Nessen Hedging On Other City Aid A high-ranking dot'tor told state legis lators Wednesday that 00 perct>nl of th e surgeons in the San FC'rnando Valley plan to quit practice at the start ·or next year beca use-of malpractice in- 5urance r a tes. Surveys were being mail'ed to- day to all parents of high school students in the Newport-Mesa lJnifie-d School District to hel p trustt>es determine whetlier or not physical education should b+: optional for som e student~. A total of 2.000 tickets \4'a S printed for lhC' P\"l'nt. 1"hr ti r ket-; 'A'ert• ll1 :-:tr1hull·d to !ht' 11 l'r3nsport;1t1nn. l .uneh and (:Oun:;(•iinJ! (Tl .C) project s ites in the county, to c·oorcbnators o r senior c1t1zrn programs at (·1t y halls, and to senior citizt•ns coordinators .•t thf· 26 \.'F W JXl:it:i in lhP d1str1rt J\ flel't of hust'S had bt•cn donat t>d ll• ri!'k up t1rkl'I hol<.lcrs al 20 points in !ht• 1:nunty, but \V:.ird s.:ud th~tl no bust's arn vl'd full "We feel tht• p('oplt· with the tic ke ts did nl)l make ;1n t•ffort to ~ivc the m 1)t1 \, ·· Warr\ said , th11ugh ht~ a,.:rl't'd hf' <"Ould not imagint' ,,..·hy tht· tickt•l.s v.·crt• nut given out if r equesled. ··.<\ nu mber of peoplt> told us they tril'd to gt•t til·kt·ts. but coul dn 't.·· \V;.1rd .s ai d . ll t• estima tC'd that 40 to 45 percent or those a ttending had rC'cC'i \'Cli the-ir tickets from tht• VF\V post!'. To get a ticket . a pe rson had In be ro or over ~o \'t•lt·rcin"s status v.•as r t>quired. Efforts to reach coordinator s of the lun<'h pro- grams a n d se n ior l·itizen coor di nators at puhlic ag1·nC'it•s today wer t> unsurct•ssful. From Page ,, I SWEEP ... lej!:al aliens and bt•c au.se lht" ··al-l- grieved p3rties" do not object . Sw('e-ps, ht> s a id . "are totally contrary to wha t I cons ider tht• .<\merican way of li ft>." . -~fter lt•arning that c-ity nf f1r1als ar (' nt>ver inrormed of thC' sweeps when they OC'l'Ur , Coun- cilman J ohn S\.\.•eeney comment ed. "It kind o/ sen.res you." The r esolution. which wa s passed un3nimou.sly, will be sent to state a nd n a tional legislators as \.\."ell as directors of the Immi- grat ion a nd ~a tur a l izal i on Service in Washington, O.C. and l.os .<\ngeles. From Page A I VERDICT ... over a b a nk of t elevision ca mer as after the v!'rdict w<1 s a nnol1nred <i nd said in a loud, an- gry voice: "Once a gain you have j udgC'd yourselve~. Your childre n v.•ill rise up and kill you. Seven dead OOdie-s didn 't wa ke you up," she added in an a pparent rl'ferC'ncc to the slayings of Sharon Tatt• n.nd six other s . ~1 a n so n a n d t h rC'(' \4'0mt•n followers \VC'r (' C'llnv1Ctt'd Of murdt>r in connet'lion with tho.s(' 1969 kill ings in I .os Angeles . Thl~Y are in prison, s C'r\·ing li fl' st•n · tences. . Roth the dC'fl'nse and proseC'u· t1C1 n agreed that Mi ss Fromme was seeking publicit y ror Man!'on \11hen sh<' point('d a .45-cnlilx·r pistol at Fo rd here St'pt. 5 in ;J p<t rk outsidr the state Capitol. \V.<\S fl f:-o;G TO:IJ (llPI J -/\ \Vh1l<' !louse spokesman tiiday clt'C'li nect to say 'A'ht'thcr th£' Ad 1nini~trat1on \4'tJuld s uppurt ft>dt•ral aid to other finanC'1:ilJ y strapp<>d cities now th.:it Prt'SL dent f--11rd has propo!'lerl Jonns .. r 11r to $2 .3 hillion for '.'it'\4. '\"ork ('ity Prt•!'ls ~ccretary Ron :\:1•.-.st·n :-:i<ll'steppt'd rt'rl'~tl('(I quc•stuH1~. tl'll1n;? rl•porti.'rs a)!atn ~ind a)!:ii1 1 that ·•1 don "! know of any otht•r c·1· ty th ~~t h<is ~l1tlt'n itself into this kind of ml'SS"' Frnm PagP ,, I CALLEY ... ~1 :lrrh 1%8, Calit'Y w;..1s conv1l'I t~d of n1urder1n~ not ll's:-. th<.nl 2:! .:ind :-<t'ntenct'd to lirC' in pri:-<on. lf(n.11e\·er, thC' St'ntence y,·a:-; rl' duced in Sllbst•qucnt appeal:; In 10 years and ht' was frC't'd on hail .1 y"ar ago. Tht· ,o\r my has :-<:.11d it does not plan to return him l 11 prison. Calley v.·as thC' only :;oldil'r r1ln \'icted in l"onnection v.·ith )1y l.a1 . although the Ar m y's secrl·l Peers RC'port said possibly J.17 men. wo nlcn anti c·h i\dren v.•crt· kil1ed by thret• p!;itoons in thC' in cident. f 'ron1 Page A I WINDS ... inches of snow on the grounds at the time m ost residents wer e sit tingdO"'n to turkey di nner. .<\lthou gh the rainfall in thC' r~111 storm was m inimal. it \\'a ~ enough to pro nl pl county fi re and forestry offic1;)ls to lift their red fl;ig alt> rt for firt' d anger. Spokesmen said that it ra1nPd enough in areas wbere tht· danger was .... -or.st to war r ant thl· li fti ng. They addC'cl, howe ver, that 1f tht• "'inds v.·t're to continue for evt>n a brief period dlrring the weekt>nd. they could dry out thl' gr::1~sl~1 nd:-; •~ nd hrus h quir kly. .o\nd the high fire danger c-ould rell1rn. NB Chamber Record Set Gary P o('!stra of Newp(lrl Reach has set a new recorri for th(' ~cv.·rort If a r bor Chambt·r of ("ommerl'e by bringing in 29 Ill'\\' mem bers, according to c ham bt•r officials. r•ot•lstr;i v.·;1s lhl' grand prlZt" wi nnt•r in th<• recC'nt. two-W<'l'k mem bership drive. He won a trip to _.\capulro for his efforts. C'(ln- tributt•d by c h amber mC'nlb<'r Crary Rurril l. prt'sid e n t or KOC~1 -F'~1 Radio. • During t h is yea r 's m em lx>rshi p c;:impaign , I 70 ne w n1em- ht•r.s joine d tht" chamber -al!'o a llt"V.' r('COrd . Students to View Repertory Plays Tu•o theatrical programs from South Coast Repertory will be pre~ented to Newport-Mesa stu- dents as the result of a $5,000 federal r evenue sharing grant. The grant was r ttently ap- pro,.-ed b y the Costa l\tesa City C'.ouncil and ope ns the door for the prest>ntationl$ by the locul tlie-s triC'al group . Two touri ng progra ms, Magi<' Theater a nd Actor'$ Mim e Theater, w ill be presented to s tu- dents at elC'mentary, middle and high schools in the di:!lrict. T,he a ppropriation is h<"lleved \!o be one of lht> few lnstanc~s lhat f\ federal r<>venue .s haring funds hav{' bee-n allocated to an a rts or- ganization by a t'ity (or an in· scliool cultural progra m. "Wf! are' ho n ored a nd e n - rouraged by tlie city counC'il ·sob· vious belie £ in our work as indicat<>d by suc h a generou~ al· location,·' comme nted David F.mmes. exet'ulive director of lhl' South Coast Rewrtory. SC R i& Ora nge ·County's only prolf!l:il:iional, non-profit resident theater company. The Costa Mffe 1roup ha!! been pramtlng Mu<'atlonal tourin1 proJ&:r11ms to l<'hool children since 1973. \ , ~l·ssen al :;o said rt•artion from 1nl•1nbl'rs of (·ongrt>ss ~i ncl" f''ord outlint•d his nt•w position on '.\'.l·v.· York City at a Wt•dnesday ni~ht nev.'s conference "has genl'rally bt•en f <Ivor 3 ble." Congres.s rt•· turn:; ~1onrlo.1y from a Thanksgiv- 1n~ l"l~t'f'SS ~+nd Fc)rd s aid hl· \l,Pllld ~:;k S'A'ift :1pproval of aid ll·;.!1:-:!:1 t1on l'ub!ir rl•:1l"lion. he said. has been "'very light" so far. lll' said the Whit£' 1-lousC' r e(·eivt>d 106 let· lt1rs, telt>~ra m s a nd tel('phont• ('>~li s from pl'rsons opp(!St.>d lo tht• 1>r"'s1dent ·s plan a ncl 36 fron1 1ndividu<:1 ls suppor ting it. F1lrd Wednfi's d ay annnunced hl' dr1 •pjll.'rl opposition to fC'der al uid for ~e w '"ork City because ":\'t'W \'urk hui!C'cl itself out" with' a serit•s of s teps 1akcn hy tht' statt• lC'J::isl at11re. banks. union.-; and nth(•r institutions :\°P"Sen. in ct 1scuss1n,g pro· Spt'{"lS for similar aid to other c·it:C':< in thC' future. said "th(· fac·t nf the maltC'r is tha t given what ~C'W York Ci t y a nd stall' havt' s:'lcrificed to handlC' th{'ir Ov.'n d1ff1eultit·s. thC' PresidE'nl doubts \'ery much " tha t a ny olher cities \\'ill w~n t to g<'t into similar rircumsta nccs. "Tht> P rt>sident feels this wil l be a \e-sson to other cities ... ~l'SSen S:'li d. Coast Woman Shot in Hand By Assailant .<\ 37-year -old Newport. Beach reside nt \Oo'a s shot in the hand \.\1t'dnesday ni ght as s he s ue· ressfull y fought off an assailant .... -ho a tt.'.lckC'd hl'r as she IC'ft work ;1l a I .a~unn Re ac h r l'slaurant. ,o\ccording to I.aguna police Sgt. Tt'rry T e mple, the woman walked from the Old Rrussels resta urant on Coast Highway about one blo ck to her C'ar at 10 :15 p .m . when a young man started r unning toward her . She jumped in her car a nd at- temptf!d to lock the door but the man wrenc hed it opt'n and at- tempted to pull her out. Temple said the victim told police the attacke r was unknown to her. She managed to crawl across the s eat of the auto, screaming scratching a nd kicking her at- tac ke r . A shot r a ng out during the fight. S tudents a t the four hig h schools in the district havl' already bee-n s urveyed. About 82 percent favored o pti o n a l ph~ical educa tion (or juniors . senior s or both. However, trus tees d ecid ed they wanted to hea r fro m parents, too, before deriding th£' (ate of phy:sical education on tht• high school campuses. The questio n has t'ome up because of a state law that gocs into eUect J an. 1 allowing st'hool districts to determine whether physical education for juniors a nd seniors is mandatory or optional. Parents have been asked to complete th<> questionnaires and return them to the st'hool dis trict prior to Dec. 8. Results will be t'ompiled atid announced a t the Dec. 16 board ml'eting. lncludt"'d in the s urvey are the ques tions : Sho uld phys ica l education be optional for juniors. se-nior s or both? Whal is your rhild "s general s tate o( phys ical fitness? Whal do you believe is the quality or your school "s physical education program ?- Would your child take physical education if it were optional? Wh3t !'Ourses would your child take inlit.ead of physical educa- tion? Just In Time For The Holidays Beautiful Cabinet • • • by Henredon Reduced Just For You! Reg. Price'2.329 Sale Price 11,979 Tl11s f1nt' p1ccr of furntturr frat uroolivr ash burl and ash veneers and ash soli ds. Truly a beautiful irr m for the furniture ~·onnoi1srur. Sec it ()n display now. DREXEL-HER ITAGE--HENREOON-WOODMARK--KARASTAN-BAKER WHICDAYS & SATUIDAYS t :OO"' S:lO ,. NEWPORT BEACH • 1727 WESrcLll'f DR.. 1142·Ml LAGUNA BEACH • 3'$ NflRTll \;(JAST HW\"., 4tM Wt , TbRRANCE• 23649 HAW'1110Rl/l: BLVD. IOP<n Frl:ur~ Sim, IHtlO t · m ·tm · . . ~ ( t • r ,. • ! t ' GE the Winner Finn Coven All Grou;nd 117 JIU.TON llOllKOWITZ ... ..., ........ • • • It P•l'I to ha•o General J:leelrlc oo 70ur 1tdo. Or to put It la IDOlher way, 11'1 ao !Im fQlna to the mat with Galeral £lo<trl•• '!'ha world'• lUfftt m1nulacturer of tlecttlcal equlp- ment. GB has annual aalra ol SJJ . .f billion aDd a wor-Jdwtde emplo)'ee force of 4001000. It's easily the leader in the appliance buslMss -so much so that Weit· inghouse deserted the ~ fteld lut y•u. leWna ' GE contend with Sears. ... ~ ~ Roebuck. Allolher •loc- tronlc 1 ci1nt, RCA. fired lt1 ebalr 01an, .Robert 6arnotr. this ' Money Tree moatb. RCA'a and Wattnchouse·s profits combintd don't ~clo... to matcb.iocG!:"- GE ALSO llAS AWESOME clout in the halls of Concress. Just how awesome was detailed recenUy by Jf'rry Landauer, the Wall Street Journal's crack in- vestigative rePorter. Earlier this rvonth the Senate Appropriations Commit· tfe voted $110 million of development funds for the Navy's n8 fighter plane. Th.at followed a similar authorization i.n tbt Hou.se of Representatives. The votes were major victories ror the Fltl builders: MeDonnell DoUgla.s and Northrop, two airframe manurac· turers and GE, a jet engine manufacturer. The losers were LTV Aerospace-, maker of A7 attack plane, and Grumman. maker of the Fl4 fighter. The slakes here were high. Con- tracts for t he F18 could eventually mount to more than $6 billion. THF.R F. WAS I NTENSE lobbying in Congress by all the interested companies. However, Landaucr's analysis showed that the final voting went along not party lines but factory lines. Congressmen voled according to which com- panies had plants in their districts. G F. has more plants than anyoM> -222 in 34 states. Its ~am won in the House by 70 votes. I.andauer pointed out that the l"r'ltire Texas dele11Uon voted against the F18. I.TV is based In Dallas. Sen. Tho mas Eagleton (D-Mo . ). who has-been critical of Pentagon 1pend· ing, voted for the FIS program in the Senate committee sho~down. Mc Donnell Douglas is headquartered in St. Lows. WITH TllE EXCEPTION of the four congressmen from San Francisco. the entire California delegation voted for the FIS. Northrop is based in Southern California. GE plans to assemble the engines for the FIS, 23 to three. Jn the ~1assachusctts delegation, the vote ~·as 11 to one. GF. has a string of plants throughout New England and the result was a near unanimous vote for the FIS by con- gressmen from this area . The one exception, Landauer pointed out. \vas Connerticut. where five of its six con- gressmen voted against the FIS. Why ? Because United Technologies is based in Hartford. Co nn .. and this com- pany·s Pratt & Whitney di\'ision designed the engine for LTV 's losing alternative. O~F. l.O BRYIST WHO fou ght against the Fl8 told Lan-. dauer: "Without GE, we y,•ould have won.·· TM Taking a Loss fu System Switch Times ~tirror is changing its newspaper distrib\&lion system in l.os Angeles and Oranie Counties, and cxpccts Aeronutronic to incur unusual , non ·recurring expenses of ap- proximately SS million before taxes in the fourth quarter of 1975. Most or that sum will g for payments resulting from the termina tion of indepcn· dent dealer agreements. Award Given Circulation revenues of ThE Times now in('lude onJy thE ra tes charged to independent dealers. The new s ystem wilt provide for direct sales tc home s ubscribers and sing!(' copy buyers and is expected to produce <1dditional circula- tion revent1es to The Times ol about $23 million in 1976. j Aeronutronic For.d Corp. of Newport Reach has won an expanded contract from the Air Force calling for more than $5 million in work on a missile system. The pact is an expanded version of an original one that called for $2.15 million worth of work on a low-cos t, lightweight missile. The contract includes or- ders for 20 test units to go along with the miss iles which would be used to intercept enemy aircraft. Markrl lndr;rrs '" '~ ' " '-" Gainer• and Lo•er• ~lost of the 232 independent ho me-delive r y dealers will become independent delivery agents in the metropolitan area and many of the in· dependent street-sales de· alers "·ill become circulation supervisory employes. New York 15 Mo•I Artier NEW YOQI( !UPI~ -lhl! IS mosl K'I•,,.. stock\ l•R"" on '"" .._ YIM'k SIOCk E•cl'l.tnge F r.,!•v. s.a••~ ci.w .~; Pan ,l.m ,I.fr 117.'00 O Utorp 161,100 Ch&H ""-nl'I 1)0,IOO .....,.. Yori!. !UPll -TM fol-no'"' W.t!ftW El ,.,_,oo ~~ tM ~IO(kS 1"111 '1•ve 9.tint<! ...-t X••Ol< Cor11 Ul,«lO ,. , 1~'"' ,.. ,, .. ~ . ~ . ~ ... _," . " .,..:i lo!.t '"" most b11i.ed on IJl!fCI"' of Te•KO inc 121 .~ c:....,.. on tl'le New Yo•" Stock Sc.UOdtr O V 11'.bOO E•C"""-· tlou..-f\111 Fin tt,JOO Ntl -i-•t...,I~ C1'af'lll!" ... ll!ir Comm S.I "'·'°° dltfl'nnt• belwffn T""" P"!"'10UI t l!Kl"ll Anecon4tl Co l•.•OO pric. -!"" t urr•nt tlMlng pnt e. 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""'llO t wort•"•"ll'' Ji n I 10 d•t11 1'1' lo d•t• 1•1:: fO dlll• 8r UPI 11.110.a . ll,'90,000 lot tot,5'0 17,'11,1'10 1,.n.uo 1S,_.1,J10 OoM.461.PI J)02,S99,1'1 l , .... •)9,Sl7 IC-S.t I ' "'""' c. ""~ J=Ol'l8• ' (Ab L S AlftGel'I Mlia 6~• Cp 1 l)lw\I MIQI' t O..llM.tot JU 9 UnJ1yfl 1 Oo1 10 911!1yM 010 I I COit<• I ndv 11 J .... ~kO! Miii I) Ul'lionom 1l'o-}\lo Oii 111 ... '•()IT 1•1 !----------------- '' &eftolll , lb IS Llonel Corfl " ......,i,,.. C• 11 s.lnwllC ... II U1t ... c #vi 1• L)j\I 1n,...11r 10:r:~.- '"• " ' " " '• Oii 1•.1 '• Off 1'S '•~Ill '• ~ 100 ' '• Of'! '°-0 • , '• On 100 16... : ... &: ·~~. 1-" '·• °'' &.J, 1'• "• Otl l .J 1>o v. Oft I J 1"1-.... °" 1, l\o't-\' "" J.7 '"'-.. ()11 '·'. It••-'°"' 8:: 1' 1::=1·1~ ~ t; IN-l ilt ,,,. ._. MarkrtTrrt1d • N DAIL., PILOT ,,, I Friday's ·aoelng Price NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE .. .. Ifft ... """ '°"' ... ~ ..... w.. .. .w.. -, .• ~ c. a. ,., .,...., 0-• 1 ,_.1 a. °"' , l l'dl 0.. 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P$£Gpl'S11 .r100 S) ... •l l OuQ-L P' Ifill ·· I'° 19~1-"'• Houl;th M Ml 4 1 1J°' • ''-Ml\llb I 71b I )6 ' 1 '~ PSE(j.pl' I 10 110 n 0..0. .. l'll pf f 1410 1)\lo + I,(, Hev1e" ?Otr 11 11 10 -0... Ml~I• M Mi I t 11 PSEGcrt t Oft •10 1' ' I ~Ull '·i'l .. 1100 1 ' "40u1tF I 10 • tsJ ,. loo M G M /Ito I ,. " PSE pl n 1S r!SSO 110 • ' 5Y"~!:~·,o: ~v:: .. =r"'l~. I ~~ ~ =nr.i·-.·i; ~ J: :t"'-;-,"' ~~...:.":\~11 ?~,~: ... -~ t~-41 •,--, ..... """"' 1.14 ' I~ tt-\lo-... Hiit 1,1,,.. ,,. 11'1'1., ~tl'ICI"' ,.,, •• ,., 1-. " 111 t JI • .,. w ...... NIQ.ft1 11 1•1 49~-... .,!jlll 7.61 1'10 !IE"',,.. INl:r.'"'/1100 1 + ... ~~"' I '~ ·· · l'tt'wortJ 1• '' •:Mo n.. •. M01c 1t1 10 • 111 "'. v. N • 1 tO •• 1• -·· JI I••+~ ~1.tt 6 tt I"' ...... MKl!0.110, I • \' NM.-1.ll I IJ 11'1ott ~I l • " Pound Plummets l..ONl">ON (Al,) Rritain·s pound Slt!rhng plunge d to an all-time low ot $2 .0150 F'rid1ty . . In little over an hour the pound droppt'd nearly 1.5 cents agalnst tho doll <i r . ThL~ pound had closed at 1:2.0298 h~r~ Thursday. The previous record l9w for the paund of S.2'.0210 was set Oct. 2. .. • ' 1, ( ! "') ,' • A J 2 DAILY PILOT • . . ' I . • . . . • ' • MARKET BASKET • RION HARDWARE • THE STOREKEEPER • HUMPTY DUMPTY • WESTalFF SHOES • PAPER UNLIMITED • DEDRICK'S TUX SHOP • 1 •one-stop' shopping • at its finest! OPEN THURSDAY EVEN INGS • PLAYBOY HAIR STYLIST • VETA'S • MONTGOMERY CLEANERS • JEAN DAHL • WESTCLIFF PLAZA BARBER • LA GALLERIA • CHAS H. BARR JEWELER • DR. L. R. ELDER • WESTCLIFF TAILORS • SAV-ON DRUG • HALLIDAY'S • BANK OF AMERICA • ANTHONY' s SHOE SERVICE • DICK VERNON'S • HICKORY FARMS / I Orange Coast EDITION * VOL. 68, NO. 332, S SECTIONS, 82 PAGES · : 'Sweep' Attack Capistrano Hits Alien Search lly I.AURI E KASPER Ot•Oally" ... ,.... Reacting against a "aweep" or their elty by immigration authorities, San Juan Capistrano city councilmen adopted a re- solution condemning anY, actions which oppreiss people because or their national origins. Noting that they are not con- doning illegal entry into the coun- try, they asked that "due pro- cess" be granted every person pic.ke.d up by immigra_tion authorities and that the laws be enforced within the fra1nework of the rights "Stablished by the U.S. Constitution. .. The council's action came Wednesday after Councilman Roy Byrne~ told of the "sweep" la:;t week during which about 50 r:. rsons we('e detained. • After ex.plainin& how such searches (or illegal aliens are conducted, he said, '1'h.is system doesn't work . It is dis · crim.inatory. It's oppressive. It's degrading to Mexican-appearing American citizens.·· Byrnes said an 18·year-old who }la& been living in the country Jegilly for 10 years was detained for four hours after the search. He said it was "a Very frighten· ing experience." Admitting be bad "obviOU$ly bfe'n stewing over this si~ tut Friday,·• Byrnes said immigra· lion officers had alto searched but found no illegal ali<":ns on his property. Notlng that there is a dll· ference between a raid on a specific place and a broad sweep through the cit y. C.Ouncilman Yvon Heckscher said, "Not for o°' minute would we tolerate a 1sweep .. through our city for druit.. -----·· He said it is being done under pre:ssure of labor groups who fear jobs are being t aken by ii· !Stt SWEEP , Pag• AZ> Ford Picks Justice Chicago Judge Gets Court Nod WASHINGTON !UPI) - President Ford this afternoon nominated U.S. Circuit Judge John Paul Stevens to succeed re· tired Justice William 0 . Douglas on the lJ .S. Supreme Court. He called Stevens, SS. a member of the 7th U.S. Circuit bench in Chicago, his c-hoice as ''the best qualified person.·· Addressi ng a · hastily sum- moned White House news con- Rains To D~part Coast to Welcome Cool, Crisp Skies The fast· moving storm that brought showers and gusts of gaJe.fdrce winds on the Orange -coast Thanksgiving morning were e:c:pect.ed to move out lonigM. And Saturday 1nornlr\g, said forecasters, would emerge cool and crisp for the coastline after * * * ·Mt. Laguna , Gets 7 Inches Of Snowfall MT . l.AGUNA {AP) -Seven inches of snow f"t-11 late Thursday and eariy today on this central San Diego County area in a storm which dropped rain over the re- gion. There were 1.14 inches of rain· fall during the night at Campo near the Me:c:ican border. In San Diego, rainfall ranged from .40 inch to .61 inch. Palomar Mountain counted l .06 inch.of precipitation with a half-inch at Carlsbad on the coast. The first storm of the season eliminated extreme fir~ condi- tions which caused deployment of 22 state forestry workers from Northern California . Those firefighters were flown home on a chartered pl8ne in time for Thanksgiving dinner. Since mid-summer, only .09 of an inch of rain had faJlen at San Di.ego's I.indbergh Field. the quick storm displayed many moods. Snow fell in mountain areas above 4,000 feet and hail pelted some areas of Orange County during the holiday. . .\long th·e shoreline, s mall· craft warnings were posted early in the day Jor winds gusting up to J5 knots. t he se,s were a menac· ing seven feet at the height of the squalls. As for rainfall, it was sporadic and relatively light. · Some residents of the Sad· dleback Valley reported brief hailstorms during the hol.iday and this morning. Rainbows emerged often after the rain aS the quick squalls gave way to clearing. · Winds that reached their peak before dawn tore off small tree limbs, but no.reports or any cost- ly darn.age were noted. Foret'asters said that the crisp fall weather would last the weekend With perhaps a repeat performance of showers and winds by early ne:c:t week. Rainfall totals in the recent storm were as high as .86 inches at I,ake Arrowhead where rain, mi:c:ed with some snow, fell on Thanksgiving. Coastal points re· ported much smaller totals. Running Springs, in the San Be r nardino Mountains, had two inches of snow on the grounds at the time most residents were sit- ting down to turkey dinner. Although the rainfall in the fall storm was minimal, it was enough to prompt county fire and forestry officials to lift their red· flag alert for fire d3nger. ference, Ford s~id he intends to submit Stevens· name formally in nomination for the Senate on Monday. Ford said the White House had "conducted a thorough search and considered an extensive list of disting uished men and women·· in its two-week effort to find the best replacement for Douglas, who resigned Nov. 12 for reasons of health after 36 years as a leading liberal on the Supreme Court benc-h . The White House said Ford callt>d Stevens in Chicago ("arlier in the day and informed him he had been chosen. In announcing that choice, Ford said the selection of a justic-e was "one of the most im· portant decisions a Presid1'.nt. has to make"" because the high court decisions in which he will participate ""'-Uect the course of our society aria the live1 of its citizens for decades toconie. ·· The nomination drew quick praise and support from some vital quarters of the legal pro- fession, whic-h obviously had ad· vance notice of the decision. Warreit Christopher, chairman of an American Bar Association committee which investigated candidates for the high court post. said Stevens "meets high standards of professional rom· <See JUSTICE, Page A2) Bad.Time Of Night Huntington Reach police said they sped to the Horn Oil Company. 17501 Reach Rlvd., when its silent alarm went off at police head· quarlt>rs about 2 :30 t.his morning. but found no sign of' a burglary . They called the alarm company to come out and check the devire . Then of. ficers waited, and waited, and waited. At 3; 12 a .m. the alarm company's night du - ty man telephoned back. He apologized, explain· ing that he hung up after police called and then fell asleep. D!Mtf,. ... M.._ ...... -SOME'Of SENIORS WHO SHOW£D UP FOR FAIRGROUNDS Fi<ED ENJOY MEAL _ Whal Do You Do With 1,800 Leftover Tha nkoglvlng Olnnero? --------. • • - - - I T oday's C loslnll N.Y. S toelu Lightit1g First Cat1dle At sundown today the Jewish holiday Hanukkah begins and will continue for eight days. At Costa Mesa's Temple Sharon, Sean Kallen. 6, lights the first candle on the menorah (ca ndelabra) as Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch and Sean's sister Sara. 4. look on. The holiday, also called the F'eas t of l.ights and the F'east or Dedication. celebrates the victory of the !\1accabces over the Syrians in 165 B.C. and rededication of the temple in Jerusalem. El Toro Pilot Killed Light Plane Crash Hurts County Passenger By R U Ill NI E l>ZIF.LSKJ CHU. o.llf .. IMISW" A 49·year-old El Toro pilot was killed and his passenger critically injured Thursday when their light plane crashed and burned shortly aftt-r takeofr fro m Corona Municipal Airport. The Thank sgivi n5' Day sight&:eeing flight claimed the life of Ricardo Salcedo. 23741 Teed St ., and left his companion, Edward l.ibed, 38, Garden Grove. with burns over 40 pt>rcent of his _llOCti::. • '• ~ c'('>-• ~ 'tM tll'fOr~ 'said t.W Sirlgle- eng(Jl"tessna 172 went down one· andla·half miles west of the airpo~ in a forested ar('a of the PraddOam basin. I.ibed/WhO was found wander· ing aro\.lnd the crash site. told authorities the plane hit a treetop after eoing through a cloud bank , spun to the ground and burst into flames. t.ibed was airlifted to Riversid~ General Hospital b y a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Depart- ment helicopter. He was listed in critical condition today. Although the plane wenl down in a remote area, the sound of tht> crash was he-ard by several persons at the airport. They alert· ed the Rivers ide County Sheriff's office. Investigators from the Federal .o\viation .-\gency flew to the crash scene. .o\ spokesman for the Ri\'erside County Sherirr·s offi ce said the plane "was badly torn up" and that it had gon<' down in the mid - dle of what he termed "a jungle.·· Riverside County Coroner's in- vestigator Scott !·fill said an autopsy was being c:onducted on Salct>do's body to determine the cause of death . He indicated, however. that SalC'edo "probably Set1ior Citiz ens died because or burns ... His body was taken to Thomas Miller Mortuary in Corona whert• funeral services are pending. An F.o\.o\ 3ide in I..os A.ngelC's s3id th(' plane "'as on a "local flight·· and that further investiga- tion of the crash has been turned over to the National 'fr~tnsporta· t1onSafety Roa rd. Assails Congress Calley to Appeal My Lai Conviction W.<\SHINGTON <AP) Willi am I •. Calley Jr. appealed his My Lai murder conviction to the U.S . Supreme Court today, saying Congress should havt• bt>en compelled to release <.·on fidential data in his trial just as President Nixon was compelled to do in the Waterg<Jte scandal . Calley, 32, who sought unsuc cessfully lo usc secret con gressional testimony in hi s dt·· fense. noted that the high court rejected Ni:c:on's claim or ron· fidentiality for the Waterga\t' tapes. J . r10:.is ton c; or don of Cov ington, Tenn .. Calley's attorn('y, said the court's ruling on ~ixon held that no man tlr institution is abovethelav.·. "Co ngress is not abovl..' th t• law." said the attornC'y in hi~ petition asking the SuprC'ml' Court to review a federal appeal:-. court ruling reinstating Calley's conviction. Gordon said th.it th<' 5th l !.S Circuit Court of Apix•als in :\'cw Orleans erred in not recognizing that a C'ongressional committ('t' v.·ithhC'!d pott~ntial <'Vidc>nce from (:alley's def e n ~l'. The rloUSl' .t\rm<'d St•rvi<·es C.ommittee refused to let tht· dt" fense look at the results of its My I.ai hearing s whirh involvt"d 3.0.15 pages of slatemt•nts from 151 witnesi1es. ThC' former lil·Utl:'nant has bt'C'n ilvinj! :i:-; a c1vi]i<jn in (:Olumhus, Ga . s1nC'c> his 1971 court-martial conviC'llUll w:·~ OV('rturnt•d ~1 pt . 25. l!l7·1 . Tht> .!\rmy appealed that ruling and the appeals court, in an 8 5 de· c1sion. rl.'insta tC'd Calley's cnn\' i1·· tion on rhargcs rC'lated to tht• l\fy I.ai massarre. .'\ccused of klllin).( 102 \·iet· n~ml.'se c1v1lians 111 tht• !'i\11t•t'P throtlJ?h the hamlt•t of \1 y l.ai 1n '.\1<1rC'h 1968. (.'allC'y \.\-'a:-. <'onvu·t- t•d (If murd('r1ng not lt·:.s lhan 22 ~ind sentenct'd to lift.' 1n prison. 1-towever. the sc>nlt•nct• v.·.-is rt• dured in st1bsequent apr)(•LJls to 10 yt•ars :"ind h(' was frt•t•d on hail a yl':lr ago. The .!\rmy hns s;.ud il does not pl;.in tu fl•turn him •~• prison. ("ail ey was !ht• only :-.oltl1 l·r c11n \""IC!t•cl 111 connectinn \••ith !\I} l,ai , :dthoup-h thl' ;\rn1y ':-. :-.eerel Pt•crs HC'l'Qrt s ~1 id possibly J<l7 men. "'omen and chilrlrt•n ""£'Cl' kil!<'d hy three pl;1to(ll1S in !ht• 111 Cldt•nt . Only 400 Show Up For Turkey Dinner !Set> {':\1.1.t:\". 1~a ~f' .\21 Oran ~ .. Coa.,t n ·cath f>r Ry Al.AN DIRK.IN Ot11W ol•ilf "\lot SU" It was hoped to be the feeding or the 2,000. but only 400 showed up . Wh at the other 1.600 missed was a fr('e full -course turkev dinner DOW ADVANCE'i BY 2 POltvr.'i NEW YORK (UPJ •-The stock market, dei-pite post · Thanksgiving 1 .. thargy. closed higher today in ~low trading on the New Yorlr Stock Exchange following a hr11:iik in the New York Cityfinanr1al crisis. The flow Jones industrial averact was up 2.12 points to 860 ::-:- ArlV:1JlCt"S led dee-lines by about •" @'ight·to·five margin~ (1'ables. All i. i'rices were mixed in moderate tradil"g on the American Stock Exchange. ~ put on 1'hanksgiving Day for senior ~itizens by the second di s- trir'. of the Veterans of F'oreign \Vars at the Orange C'..ounty Fair- erounds. Eighty·one turkeys, and the appropiate proportions or potatoes, yams, vegetables and desserts, were cooked for the feed, and the low attendance lC'ft organizer Rill Ward with a pro· blem : What to do with thl.' un eaten food " "We'll deal it out fairly to needy groups today," Ward said. "Enough for •100 dinners was given to the servicemen's center yeste.rday. We know the Salva· tion Army wants some, and wc•ve had calls from other groups.·· Ward ronfessed lhat he was disappointed by the attendance and said that he and tht> ot her VFW \'Olunteers may not stage the event next year. Thi s year was the fir st time the-Thanksgiv - ing serving, designed to attract seniors from throughout the coun- fSf't" 0 1:--ISF.R, Pa1e r\2) Shn'4'l'1·s tl et'l'l'.1 s 1ni.: tonight ht'C'( 11111 n g. 1· r1 :-.p and ('ieflr S3turd:iy ("h:tnt"t' nf rain 30 11t·rcl·nl t11n1ght Jlig.h:s e:oi::pt•t'tl•d 111 tht· :;o:- S:1h.1rd3y I NSIDE T ODA,. Q7w noted coo.~/ conductnr composer th1ni(s nr1g1nQ/1/y rrw.11 11111 aiu:-J.1ys hr a goorl :Jung See stor11 on !'age ('J oJ :he "'et>;.-ender I ndex AIY ... •~k t AJ ,....,.,T,... .. 11 loNtl'"' •• ,....w+.-1 c 1.1 l..M ... y. Al N•tl-lffew1 1'1 c.thfw"'• •s o.-..ee ..... , .. tt Clflslll.O 01 u ........ 11·1 Ci..,,l+c" Ct *'1• 11·1 (T_..1-•<1 CJ Or. !.t.l.,.••lwl IJ 0.<lt11H01!(•1 Ale 5'ecll~rll.C• A11 ldil.,..l•I ..... Al fel•wlta<I Cl FJ..-otce A 1, 1-1.n Cl I ""'1...-Atcorll • 10, Bl W.-•11 .. r "' ~-Ill -tlelflWWI A.4 ..,,,.Ufllltr• 117 ~~........ (1·1 ,,,...... .... ....,._,... .. .... .. -~-,, .. - A2 DAILY PILOT c Fnd1y .. Novembe1 2e, 1975 l ' 'Lower Rates Frortt Page A I • i Physician-owned JUSTICE • .' • pet•nee, judlclal temperament and integrity -the ~mrrtittee's big;hest valuaUon1'' ~~-·-~ .•. -~!nctat . Plan Outlined Tb'at meaJ)t s ·teven1 waa \'i.rtually recommended by Ute ARA, althou(b ho probably was not the only candidate who aot .1\RA support. TONIGKI' "SUBJECT TO CHANGE" Costa M~a Civic Playhouse, FairO'YJUndf. Nov. 281 2:9, Dec. 5 l£lS ANGELES IUl'I ) A an for a phy~ician-0wned 1n- ,tkurance company to provide ~~~bi~ti~!a~~~~~;c~at:~ ~~~- :-been submitted for approval to ~~lifornia 1 nsurance Com · ;-missioner Wesley J . Kinder. ~ UnQer the plan, hospitals ~d pay part or the premiums. ,.. The plan is the answer of the '&uthern California Physicians .COunC"il to a proposed 486 percent increase by the Travelers Com-loanies. effective Jan. I . The C"ouncil repre s ents ml'dical soC'ieties in seven coun- PE Option Suroey Out To Parents Survt>ys ll.'t'tt• b<-•ing m3i!C'd to- day to all par<·nts of hi gh school , ¥tudents in tht> '.\lc>"'port-:'.\1C's a l Jnified School District to h('lp truslE't'S delt•rmint• .,.,,ht~tht~r ur not phys ic-:1 l t•d u<· :1 t i11n should h\· optional for sorn(." student s. Studt•nt s at tht• fnur hi gh S(."hoo ls in the dis trict hJ.\'t' already b€'€'n survey('<!. About 82 percent fav o rt.•d o pt io nal physical educ ation for j uni ors, seniors or both. llOW('Ver . trust(."l'S dt'CHlE'd th€'y \\'antrd tn h(•a r fr tim parents. 1011, ht•for(' dt•c 1d1nj.! lht· f;tte of physicHl t•ducation ~1n the hi!"h school c;l mpu!ies. The qu(•s ti on has con1(." up bet';.1use of a st:ilt' l~1 w that ~ot•s into eff('ct J;;in . 1 ;1l1(1.,..·1ng school districts tc1 tlt•t\·rmint• wht•ther physical education for juniors <Ind seniors is mandaturyoroptional . Parents havt• bet•n as kt•d tu complete the questionnaires and 'return them to the st'hool disltit'l prior to l)ec. 8. ResuJts will bt· compilt'd and <innount'ed at lht• Dec. 16 board mt•et ing. ~ Included in th(' survC'y art'.• the .. questions : Should physical t education be optional for juniors, ' seniors or both? What is your child"s general state of physical _fitness? Wh at do you belie\•e is the quality of your school 's physical education program "! Would your child take physical education if it were optional? What courses would your t'hild take instead of physical educa- tion? r t • t I • ' • - United way of Orange County north/south GOAL= 90• '°' $3.6 million '°' 00"< '°' 40• JO"< T1lanks to )'OU '°' It wartcs ... '°' FOR All OF US TO DATE United Way volun~ leer s h ave co ll ec ted Sl ,752,800 toward this year's "stretch'' goal which is 30 percent highe r than the amount raised last year. The increase r epresents the needs of United \Vay's 72 human service agencies. ORANGE COAST ' DAILY PILOT l!w O<-c .... 1 D•ll1 Pilot wo!ll "'""" ,, <omll-!hit Ntw•·Pf•n , !\ IK.t>I•~• '" ,.., O<-Co•" P"b'""'"9 c .. ,,_., """"'•!• ttlll!°"' ••t P<lbH,,_.d M_,., tllfoo<li' Frlddy lot c ... t• !IN ... "•WPot1 l\O Mll, """11nq1on 8••<111ro .. nt •ln V•ll•v. 1 ... <>e, ~•OO••b•c ._ V•ll1y •net L•9un1 Btllh/Sou<n C.,." " .,,.,.,,, ,~..,,,.! 101u.., " publ"""" !><llu•""'' ...,d ~ .. .,. .,..,,, Tn1 ptonclpll P<Jbl""'"9 P'll"I It ~I llO W.•I •• , S1•••1. Co•I• MIW. C•l•l<l'nl~ m1~ Robert N. Weed Ptt•l<lln1 "ncl P..oo,,,.,... Thomas 1<ee1til Thomas A. Murphlne ""'.,.,, .. , E.tl•lor Charles H. Loos Richard P. Nall A,\"\, ... , ......... g "9 £ ... ID°' COiia Mesa Offke J;)J Wt•I 8411 ~It ... , M•1hnog ... ddttH P 0 lloo 116Q .,,,,.. Other Ofllcn ~ 8'Kl'I lllJ "•"'Pot1 _ .. •••ti l,~&lftll: lt•Gl ...... rtP~l11 .. HUllt•""°" &.•<"" 11111 &o-.;11 !k>v,.•••11 ._, .. , __ v11i.w nto1 l>I ,.., RoM ,, S.n l)looqo ,,_Y TtltplHtne (714) '42-4321 OnslflN Adv .. rt11lng '42·5'71 t1t•:<1 Kern. Los Angeles, Orange, San Hernardino, Sun l.uis ObisPo. Santa Barbara and Ventura. 1·he company is to be <'&lied Southt-rn California Physicians ltl..'lurance Exchange and its in · suranre will be available to 9,500 physicians in Southern California if the commissioner approve-s . l\ high-ranki ng doctor told state legislators Wednesday that 90 Jl("rce nt of the surgeons in the San Fernando Valley plan to quit practice at the s tart or next year because or malpractice in · eurance rates. - • .- . ---· "Large numbers or doctors saY,--"'\ they cannot or will not practice '-./ aftt>r Jan . 1 if it m('ans paying the exorbitant rates now proposed," warned Dr. Wa rren Cagney, co· chairman of the Los Angeles County Medical Association's joint committee on malpractice reform . "They fee l they are looking at a di sastrous situation," Cagney said of the doctors at an As- sembly Committee on Finance, Insurance and Commerce hear- ing. , Cagney and othe r doctors urged the committee to seek both short-rangE> and long-range solu - tions to the insurance problem. 1ncludin~ a change in pr€'sent laws that allows lay juries to de - termine liability damages. f'rom Page A I CALLEY ... l ' .S. Di str1 C'l ('uurt Judgt.• ,J f{obert Elliott rult•d lht• C'onv1 c - tion was ltnconstitutinnal and ur- dered Calley fr('ed mainly because of prt•trial stori('S in nt'\\'S n1agaz1nC's , radio ::ind television . Gordon argued that the ap· pt.·~~ls court errl•cl in knCK·king clo .... ·n Elliott's holding that ex - tensive news coverage of J\1y Lai made it impossible Lo fi nd "un- biased jurors." Calling the pretrial publicity "pervasi\'t' ... Gordon said Cal - ley 'A'aS deprived of a free ~ trial and due proce~s of law. The attorney said thE' appeals C'Ourt"s reinstatement or Calley's conviction was "a mark<'d de - p3rture from the law ·· a s est;;iblished by the U.S. SuprC'ml' C'.ourt. He C'ited the high court"s ovt.•r - turn of the S3m Sheppard case because of the "circus -li ke at- mosphl're" s urrounding th<' trial of the Ohio doctor, who was con- ,·icted of murdering his wife und served IO years in prison. !\ sign t-i ght feet b:-• six fl'et a nd 60 feet high -in excess i )f Costa '.\1e s a 's sign ordinance -is removed from va- cant site at l-lilrbor fk'>ulevard and Raker Street. The mobile home firm that leased the s ite from Citizens Rank or Costa :Vlesa ll'ft !ht• sign. put up before the sign ordinance was passed in 19i-t. \\'hen it \Vent out of busi- ness. The bank solrl the !:iign to a n1 obilc home firm in Sant;:1 ,1\na . Nessen Hedging On Other City Aid WASHINGTO~ (UPI; -1\ White I-louse spokesman today declined to say whether the Ad · mini stration would s upport federal aid lo other financially strapped cities oow that Presi- dent Ford has pr oposed loans e>f up to $2 .3 billion for :"\ew )'ork City. Prt.>ss secretary Ron :"\ess£•n sidestepped repeated questions, telling reporters again and aga,11 that "I don't know of any other ci- ty that has gotten itself into this kind of mess ." l legislature. banks. unions and other institutions . :"\e-.sen, in rli s cuss 1n~ pro- spects for s imilar aid to other cities in the future. said "the fact of the matter is that givt.>n what ~ew '\'ork City and state havt.• sacrificed to handle their ov"n difficulties. the President doubts very much" that any other cities will want to get into similar circumstances. "The President f~ls th.is will be a lesson to other cities," :"Jesiwn said . Attorney General Edward II. I..evi. who su bmitted name• o( pros pective nomlnt"a to Fotd and th• ARA, said Ford made "a commitment to ex~U~ .. tn sel('<'ting Steven.s. "John Paul Sle..ve,as has been a strong and moat able Juda•." I ..evi i.t1id. "For the many who know Judge Stevens and for those wbo will get to know him 1 am sure it will be realized lhctl the nomination it a commit~! to ext'ellt>nC't"." Ste\'ens is a graduate of the l 'ni "e rsity or Chicago and Northwestern University Law SC'hool. He is married and ha~ four C'h ildrt"n. "I am ('Onfident he will bring the highest qualities to thl' Supreme Co urt,"' the President said. The President said Stevens has had an outstanding career in practicing and teaching law as \11elt as on the federal bench. In addition, Ford said, he sought "the vie ws or a wide range of Amer icans in the legal proft"ssion and in both public and pri\'ate life. "Judgt> Stevt'ns is held in tht.> hi ghest estt-em by h.is colleagues in the legal profession and the judiciary," Ford said. Daily Pilot Burglarized Rurglars broke into the Dailv Pilot buildings in Costa rt.1es3 Thursday, carting off an array or tools, maintenance equipment and prizes destined f or newspaper carriers. Gene l.aney, head of building maintenance at the Daily Pilot, 3JO W. Ray St., said the loss will total more than $3,000. l.aney said the burglars broke windows and cut off padlocks to brt>ak into a maintenance build- ing and other s torage areas sometime between noon Thurs- day and dawn today. Chile Takes Over S.>\.'.'ITI .<\GO , Chile (,i\P) -Chi - !es"s military government an- nounced today the expropriation of the troubled Chilean affiliate of the General Tire and Rubbc-r Co . 0£ the United States. and e. B:!lltp.m . . KIWANIS TRAVEL & ADVENTURE SERIES -"Now Pana.m11." COJ . J ohn D. Cl'aig, OCC Auditorium, 8 p.m. "SCENES FROM AMERICAN UFE" -South Coast fto'portory Thf'ater. throu1h Sun. 8 o.m. SATURDAY , NOV.:S F.sTANCIA ADOBE -Stat< llistori<"aJ Landn:tark. Adams and Mes.a Verde Drive West, Sal. &Sun. J.sp.m . FrorttPageAI DINNER ••. ty, had been tried. "We were a little disappointed with the cooperation we got rrom tht government agencies," Ward said . A total of 2.000 tickets was printed for the event. The tickets were distributed to the 11 Transportation; l.uoch and counseling (TJ.C) project sites in the county, to coordinators or senior citizen progra~ at city halls, a nd to senior citizens roordinators at the26 VFW posts in the district. A fleet or buses.Ir.Id been donat- ed to pick up ticket-holders at 20 points in the counly, but Ward said that no buses arrived fuJI. "We feel the people with th<• tickets did not make a n effort to give them out," Ward said, though he agreed he could not imagine why the tickets were not given out if requested. "A number of people told us they tried to gel tickets, but cou ldn't,·· Ward .s aid. He el§timated that 40 to 45 percent of those attending had received their til'kets from the VFW posts . To get a ticket, a person had to , be 60 or over . No veteran's status wa;s required . Efforts to reach' coordinator s of the hmch pro- gra ms an d senior C'ilizE>n coordinator s at public agencies today were unsuccessruI . ~1 uch of the foodstuff was donated but the VFW district in- vested a bout SI,100 in the project for the rental of the building, gasoline for the buses and other expenses, Ward added. In addition, much labor was expended in setting up the tables and chairs -loaned by the_ school districts -and in cooking up the food. "We started cooking on "Mon - day, there was so much," Ward added . Gordon said the appeals court "ignored the exhaustive analysis of the publicity itself" in the Calley case and that the district court was the only one which "step by step and piece by pi ect· examined the morass of publici- ty" instead or encompassing •·generalizations.·· ~essen also said rt.>action from 1nembers 0£ Congress since Ford outlinl'ct his new position on New York City at a Wednesday night news conference ·'has generally been favorable:· Congress re- turns Monday from a Thanksgiv- ing recess and Ford said he would ask s'A·ift approval of aid lej.!islation. Just In Time For The Holidays Beautiful Cabinet • • • Coast W ornan Shot in Hand By Assailant A 37-year-old Newport Beach resident was s hot in the hand Wednesday nig ht as she suc- cessfully fought off an assailant who attacked her as she left work at a I.aguna Beach restaurant. According to I.aguna police Sgt. TE"r ry Temple, the woman walked from the Old Brussels restaurant on Coast Highway ·about one block to her car at 10: 15 p .m . when a young man started running toward her. She jumped in her car and al· tempted to lock the door but the man wrenched it open and at- tempted to pull her out. Temple said the victim told police the attacker "'as unk.nov.·n to her. She managed to crawl across the seat of the auto, scr eaming scratching a nd kicking her at- tacker. /\ shot rang out during the right. PubliC' reaction, he said, has been ''very light·· so far . He s aid the Wh ite House reC'eived 106 let- ters, tt.>legrams and telephone calls fro m persons opposed to the President's plan and 36 from individuals supporting it. Ford Wednesday announced he dropped opposition to federal aid for :"\ew York City because "New York bailed itself out" 'A'ith· a series of s teps taken by ~he state Frortt Page A I SWEEP •.. legal aliens and because the "ag- grieved parties'' do not object. Sweeps, he said, "are totally contrary to what I con.sider the . .\merican way or life.·· After learning that city of. ficials are never informed or the sweeps whe n they occur, Coun- cilman John Sweeney comment- ed, "It kind of scares you." The resoluti'on. which was passed unanimously. will be sent to state and national legislators as well as directors of the Immi - g ration a nd Naturalization Service io Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. Students to View Repertory Plays Two theatriC'al programs rrom South Coast Repertory will be presented to Newport-Mesa stu- dents as the result or a $5,000 federal revenue sharing grant. The grant was recently ap· proved by the Costa l\1esa Cjty C'.ouncU a nd o~ns the door for the presentations by the local theatrical group. Two touring programs, Magic Theater a n d A ctor's Mime Theater, will be presented to st.u - denl.'s at elementary, middle and high school s In th e dlstrtct. The appropriation is believed to bt> ont of the few Instances that ft"dtral revt"nue s haring funds have been allocated to an arts or· ganization by a city tor an in- school cultural program. "We are honored and en - couraged by the city coun<'il's ob- vious belief in our work , as indicated by such a generous al · location,·· commented David Emme:s, e x.ecutivt director of the South Coast Re~rtory. SCR is Orange County's only professional, non-profit r esident theater company. Thll Costa Mesa (t'OUP has been pre11enting t"d:\icat1onal touring programs to sc'¥K'I children since 1973 . by Henredon . Reduced Just For You! Reg. Price'2, 329 Sale Price sl,979 This fin e piece of furniture featufC'5 ol 1 VC' ash burl and ash \'e ne"er s and ash sol1ds. Truly a beautiful item for the furniture co nnoisseur. S« it on display now . DAEXEL-fiEAITAGE-11ENAEDON-W000MAAK-KAAASTAN-BAKEA WHllD.i TS & SA TURDll TS f :OO lo • ' ' NEWPORT BEACH • 1127 WESTCUl'F DR.. "2·;<1111 LAGUNA BEACH • ~ Nf>kn1 C<•A~T HW\'.. -4M~t • TORRANCE• U< HAW'nlORNf. BLV1l i0Pbl fri. til 9,,~un. 12·1:'301 n•tm