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1975-12-12 - Orange Coast Pilot
... - 'N~ ·-m;pr.opriety' .-~~~_~~Ila Links, ' Selunit Contends . . ... . '· .. . ' . . . -,. . . . ... . . : . . .. . · .... .1.. , . ,.. . DAILY '. Pl'LOT :;. * * * 10c * ·*. -··;,: . . . •" 4 IRA .Terrorists Wave White Flag, Free ·2 Hostages • as m • FRIDA:V AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12, 1975 Vol., 61, NO. W , •SECTIONS,• PAGES rac e ID UPI Tel9'1~0 AT LEAST NINE DIED IN FIVE-ALARM HOLOCAUST Scores of San Francisco Residents Rescued At Least NiJW Perish In Bay Areq B{aze SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -/\ fire believed to be the work of an arsonist S'flept tbroueh a five- story apartment building during predawn darkness today, killing at least nine persons and injuring severalotheri,autbOritiessaid. CaJden said the arson theory was ba~ on statements of wit· ~esses who s~id they smelled gasoline "and the way the fire took off.'' He estimated struc · tural damage at $400,000. About 200 firemen converged on th~ buildio1 and controlled the <See FIRE, Page A2) J)loore Admits Her Guilt SAN FRANCISCO (UPI I Sara Jane Moore, accused of try- ing to kill Pres ident Ford. today asked to change her plea lo gwlty. Miss ~oorc. -15, m a state menl before ll .S Di s tri ct Judge Samuel Conti . ~aid in a state- ment she read calmly, "I did wilUngl y and knowingly attempt to murder Gerald Ford by use of a handgun. "There comes a lime when you have to answer lo yourself ... her state m ent continued, '"and I have made peace with my cons· c1ence ... Miss Moore. 45. was scheduled to go on trial Monday on charges she attempted to fire a shot at Ford outside the Sl. Frnncis Hotel in San Francisco Sept. 22. She was arres ted and im- mediately wrestled to the ground after firing a single shot al the president from across the street. In her sta tement. Miss Moore told the court that "nobody is on trial" for attempted assassina- tions of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and other heads of state outside the United States. nor for what she s aid were murders of American radical leaders. "When a government uses as- sassination to put down dissent 1l must expect that weapon to be turned against it, .. she said. Aft.er her s tatement, Conti warned her or the consequences of changing her plea and lectured her on her rights. Her attorney, federal public defender James Hewitt, s aid she changed her plea against his wishes. Bandit Santas Cu.stomers Get Free Gm CHICAGO <UPI) -About 100 drivers helped lhemselvcs tu free gasoli m• and cigarettes tod ay for about two hours whe n they found attendants at a busy service station t ied hand and foot. police said. Attendants Michael Fry and Kenneth Harris, both 20, s a id three bearded men held them up at gun- point, tied them with wire in the rear of the service station near an entrance to Lake Shore Dri\·e. Robbery investigator David Olsen said, "After the stickup, one robber worked the drivewa y. He was dispensing ~as and cigarettes. coll ecting lhe money and pulling 1t in his pocket." The other two took approximately S5.000 from the ~talion s afe a nd S3ro worth of cigarette:-.. The lhrt•e left the attenda nts bound and on the floor . ''The a ttendants told me during the time they were lied up. ther e was a steady stream of customers They looked in. s aw the m tied up a nd helped themselves to cigarettes and ga s and just drove away." Olsen said "It was a pproximately two hours . One cus tomer finall y used the pay phone to ca ll the police. But he didn't give his name because he probably h ad j ust stuck the m for a tank of gas. too." 111 Cella Li11k 'No Impropriety,' Schmit Contends By GARY GRANVlLLE 01111• 0•1lf Ptlet Suff Orange County S uper visor Laurence Schmit derued Thurs- day there was any impropriety in h1s employm<'nl by a hospital controlled by Or Lows Cella dur- ing the time he was a candidate for county supervisor. Schmit also s aid that, to the best of his knowledge. a public financial disclosure statement he filed last April was not m error for failing to list lh<' income h<' received in 1974 from Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana And. Scbm•l made clear he does not consider his vote m sup port of awarding a county con- tract to a health testing firm linked to Cella as a conflict of in- terest. Fire Chief Keith Calden said eight bodies were taken from the gutted buildibg, and a ninth person died at San Ftanolsco General Hospital. FUteen others were treated for injuries, and 10 of them -includ- ing seven firemen -were hospitalized. 4 mA Gunmen Give Up In hlentioning his employment at the hospital, Schmit pointed out that it terminated when he became a county supervisor Jan. 6 and that approximately $7 ,300 he had earned as a public rela- tions consultant was declared on h.is tax returns last year. "All income that I received <from the hospital) prior to tak· ing office was standard payroll and included appropriate de- ducations for taxes and other matters." Schmit said. "Based on our preliminary in- vestilfatlon, we feel fairly certain it was an araoo fire,'' said Asst. Fire Chief ~harle• Carll. • "S()me Jlatnmable Uquld was usea to start it. •• Screams fiUtd the nJ ht :ur as several of the more lha.J:\ 125,resi- dents of the Gartland ff9tel- Apart.menla m lhe eity's Mission District u1t'd blankets to lower thelllsclv~ to s r~ty fn)fll upp\!r floor~. and' oih\·rs let\i>e<l fs om one stor , up. One mtln !ow~1'od hlm~eir from " foutth·floor lcdae as tor ns he could nd then jumped, sustain- • Jlllm>r lnJ'1rfH, • LONDON (UPI) -Policl! btoke an 8-day-old downtown London siege today and captured four tris h Republican Army sunmen who came out with their bands up. The gunmen first freed Mrs Sheila Matthews. SJ, one of the two hostages they had held since police trapped tht' IRA men an the Matthews' ap11 rtmenl la!>t week. Then the J?unnw11. oiw w.I\ 1nJ.. a white hun1lken ·h1t'f, f1h'1.I onto lhe apal'l mcnl b«tlcon)' wilh then han~up. Police marksm en covered the ac~e, Ht by floodlighl.8 in lbe early evening darkness, as the men and hostage John Matthews, 54, appeared one by one on the second floor balcony. The siege had lasted l<t() hqurs. All four gunmen were wedged mto a small police panel truck which sped away, tls siren wail ing. Passer sby broke into ap· pl:iuse The gunmen \\ere \\ .rnted for t11t 18 month s1•nes of bo mbings 111 Jnd a round London which killPJ ~i ~·rsons ;rnd inJUrl'tl 540. One W<•s belu.~' t•d to be a man know n as Michael Wilson, Bn· taan ·s most wanted terrorist. His f1hgerprinlit were found at the '" ~' scene or the murder two weeks ago of Ross McWh1rter, co- founder of the Guinness Book of Records. who was shot and killed on his own doorstep in the first such IRA assassination in the Bnllsh mainland Scotland Yard Chief Sir Robert Mark said the men would be charged with "a wide variety of crimes which come1oosely under the heading or tcrron~m." ~trs Matthe ws was rushed lo Llnivt•rs ll :v Coll egt' llospit ul where spokesm<'n ~aid she ~as "rcmJ.rka bl y well conMd ering tht> cirC\Jmst:rnccs'" and was be- <SPHIO~TAGES, Pagt> i\2) I The 34-year-old supervisor said he did not b e lieve it was necessary for h.im to include sources of bis 1974 income on the financial dis clos ure statement med with the county clerk in April. "As I unde rsl and it, the re qwrement is lhat all sources of income received while a public official be reported. And thl' money I rec eived for my work al (St"e SCHMIT, Page A!) ' ' '• Lagunan · Alleged Leader A multi-million dollar interna- tional hashi sh smuggling ring headquarter ed in Orange County and allegedly masterminded by a Laguna Bea~h man has been cr acked by federal authonlies resulting in the arrest of ar. I rvme attorney Sources with the 1',ederal Drug Enfo rcement Administration CDEA > said today a dozen men na m ed in the federal gra nd Jury indictments rema ined at large Listed as fugitives were the al- leg~d mas ter mind. Ernes t Combs. 29. form erly of .. Laguna Beach. Also listed were Robert Work. 24, of Laguna Beach· Stephen Gonsalves, 30, of Sunsel Beach and Robert Fry, 30, ol Orange. Irvine atto rn t>y Ken Giles. Snyder. 39, of 32195 Vista dci C:itahna. South Laguna, was ar. rested earlier this week on th& Grand Jury indictment. Snyder was released on a $50,000 bond, a DEA spokesman said. Also arrested was Richard K. Brown of Long Beach. The hashish ring is believed to have imported $10.5 million to (See HAS H, Page A2> Coas t Weather Clearing tonight with sunny weather on Satur- day , according to the weather ser vice. Con - tinued cool with beach highs at 60 rising lo only 64 inland. Lows 46 to 52. INSIDE TODAY "Is it really art?" aonw Viewers -or rothtt, lUtenen -may ask of the ~ Ntwpart Harbor Art Mweum show. Daily Pilot Sta// Writa- HflaTJI Ka11e explaim d(J/ on Page Cl of the Weekender. Index AtY-S.rvke AJ Mtl1e .. ... .... 1 ... •• ,,. ..... C:t-t LM .. .,. Alt Molt .......... .... C.IHen\11 AS,.4 H.lll40Wl1 ..... A4 O.u1flN 01 n 0r...-(;lh11ly ... c.ml<s er PMtll• .,., c..."~d (7 ._.n..,,.,.I\ , ... 0.alll .... 1C9' All ,.,1w1. "-"t•f A1S ••tw111tP• .. , .. st-ts aJ·T •n•ml1WM11I CM S.CkhVl'tl"' AIMS f'IMft<e At•-U rei.vl\lon « !'«Ille "•cord All n..,.~, ca-t "-le•,. IU ....... ... lllMnniUleft cs WtrMIN.-" .. ..... IA .... n ., WlteQMff C:1 ~ ... --- . -.. . . . .,. AZ DAILY PILOT s Friday. December 12. 197S u "' Hltpl>OIO f FBI TO SEARCH FOR HOFFA BODY ON THIS 47-ACRE NEW JERSEY LA NDFILL SS-Gallon Drum In Foreground Is Like That Reportedly Used to Transport Body Hoff a Search in Dump r 'Reliable' Informant K nou:s Location ? t :-.:E\.\' . .\RK . :-.; .J 1 \P1 F'ederal invesugators are read\' mg eqUipmrnt to chg up a J«r ... 1·~ Ctt) refusl' dump 111 a st-..irC'h f1•: the bodv of an und1.·rnorld figure and, SOUrCt.'" say. lhl' hod) t.lf former Tl'"Jmst.:r~ bo~::. J,rn1t.•s R Hoffa . Offic1.ds rt'f11 s 1•cl to s.1\. however. when th1• cx<'a\'at1Pn would begin :.it tlw fio ;1cre "lk knov. n as .\los1·ato ... !>ump ,, l;rndfill th;.il h.1~ 11111 lw1.·11 u:-.t·d f••r '1.•:1rs rd1:ibll' 1n the• p.i'-t. \\h1ch should enable tht• gen 1.·rnmenl to fot·u:-. attenl 11111 upon :1 mon• pr1•chc> and l1m1lt'd :1rl'a ol thl'dump · 'Thr gO\'C'rn ml'nt has sur veved the area and has un den;.ikt•n tn obtain the t'qwpment n e c l' s s ;1 r y t o c o n d u c t t h l' :;earrh. ·· St('\\ :1 rt said in an 3f fid:.i\ 1t ust•d to ohta111 an ex· 11.·n::.wn uf a :-.t•...1n·h \\arrant gr .1 n t t' d l ;1.., t '' t' t' k · ·Th l' l11,g1:-t1c.1I prnblt•ms an• hm\'f·\·1·r 1"<t'1.•t•dmgly form1dc.1hlt· and .td d1t1n11:.il ltmt' 1s nc•t•<h•d to conduct nw "l'!trch .. l Robert C Slt•w:.irt. <.i ml·mht•t I of thl' U S Organ1ZL·d Cn nw Thi· ong111;.tl sr;1rch '' ;1rr;1nt ~ Strike Forl't', :-:11d Thur::-.u;•> wa ... lo l'Xplrl' totl:.iy · "W1th111 the past :!-1 hour:-. th" go,·ernment has rt·ce1ved 111 ' formatwn from :.in tnform <11ll i who~l' 111furmat1on hCls prnn·d ~ourc1.'S s:ucl I hi' 1nformnnl \\ hu supplied lhl' 111formal1on '' .1:-a C'tH\Vi('lt.•d nwmb1•r of or· . ff Hiit i11gt f lH :\ (•(•idt,llf High Spee d Crash Kills Grove Man ~ pt' I.' d tn J:! u p H u n t 1 n ~ l o n B t' .1 c h ~ CJ u 1 , • t . d t' -. t' r I t· d dov.ntm\ n :\I .11n Slrt•l't. a Gard1·r1 Gro\'e m:.in ''as killed in:::lJntlv todav whl'n h1-> car crashed <ip proa.ch111g a cur"r at an l:'StimJl ed 80 to 100 m tl1•s per hour Arthur Ralph Smith Jr . 25, o{ 1 2 6 8 2 Su n .., v. t' p t A' t• • \.\ .t :-. crushed 1n tht· crumpll'd wreck3gt· .rnd pronnuncl:'d dl'ad <.ll the scl.'nt• :_it l. .J kl' Park ln\'C'St1g;1tnr' said his 196f. sedan :::wen c•cl nut •If c·ontrol. :1p p::irently '' h1 ·n ht• brakl'd ap proachtnl? ~t .1111 and I Ith Stn•t•ts. Jll!'t beyund '' h1rh lw .1c·1Jr\1• ancl a traffic ~11in.il The \'tCl1m ·.., c:1r -.Jul :-ull•v. ay .... for :-ome <h~I anc·e. -;l.1mm1ng into a Southc•rn C',d1forn1a Edison ('ompan: stt t• .. tlighl ,.ind pow1•1 [l<)IP which '' ,,., :-.h1.•;1rPd off and St);ltt t'I t•O 111 ... h•'J\'\' •,1·cl.1n n111t1nurcl on It• a \ I n L! • t t ·' n g I L' () f :-(I ;t n. :-.pev. tnJ.! d o\\ Ill'" po\1o1•r 11111•:-.. -.mashl'd 111111 :1 ~tant ci!fl £•uc·ah p tus trPt· lh•·n hnurH'1•d h;wkw<ird .ind cumpll'l••h .H·r,1ss to lht' op pos1te ... 1rl1· of llw '-I rr'l't In v l' t 1 ~: ,1 t c, r ... s a 1 d t ht' wreck:ig1• .1ho m11w1·d down ,1 l)(lSt::il m .111 htt\ h~·fnn· com111g lo ORANGE COAST ,,,, (1, .. ,.,,, ( 1,(1 I ( I t ,.. !I" Wf\11 h 1 ,on ll!r\lft lt.1 P•1 ~ i·,, I •'fl ti., It•• '"'""<It ( r, .. l J .r • ',,,,, 1 \ •, .+t\"' •'t' "'f1d1l'!f'I\ ,.,. cur. ' 1 ..,,. ,, •• •-*"""'J' f '1r.,,, tr;t ( '" V• ' t • -'I I 't 1 4 ,, 1• •',,'I'' H_.llf t f l't"f'\j., I </ I• I f I I ol•" VA!O' "'""I ltll ,... • • , • .. I ' I I ,11 tfl'iQ•t>n.H •·IJ1t1t1I ~ I I I' I ..-~yl .. , ti + f rt"f ft t t 111 t • I 11 I N, I jlll < 11 CJ ... f \I f\;•'Y 11,. I ( 1 A/1 f, l f•,fn1 t ·J1(1Jt Rob<>rt N Weed f'ri\td•·"' .r l i 1.111• ''" • Ja< k P . Curley ""I •• ,, ol 11 l ,U I} c...~r I M.11 .. 101 I Thomas Kef'11il Thomas A M urph11)(' M AnA1 .. 1l'U) f '11Tr·I Olarles H. Loos Richard P Nall Offlc.es ( O\tA Ml '" l kl W• t r •Y ''" ,., N""'port t..-Ar P\ l 1 ti,.., ""'fW>ft r1'41lt·v,..,~J • AQUl'\A S.•t n, '1116 r.u N'W>•I• ,,, .. ,I .,.unt1nQtOf' l"t "'~ i 'U\ '"'* r ,,.,."''".., uo $.aOOl•nM., \/Alt+')' H)()t t,. '., k1 .... , •t \An h .. 9{1 J f~ \Jlf.t' Tt!lepl\Ont! (714) 6'2"'321 Classified Advertising 642·5678 uddlt&'1<-., V'4'11t 'f N,..w..,f.O", S81·6310 f rnm \.tn Ct'""'....., 49S-G6JO I tOtn '40ttf\Otfno• (~y~1, ...... S40-U20 c:;.nrlO"t, "1S (')rer100' '""'' l'\;oV.onq <M 6»"' l #t """"'' \tC)tlf, Hlt1\.l#fttffW\\, H'hff.f't .. I ,....ff•r ftt .-ftY,._IH\flt'l"1lflf ,_,...,, '""Y f\f rrtHnffor•d w ltfHhlt '0f't •·" ""'"'"'""., tJt t f.IPV"' HJN OWf'l•f :..r•nt1 clan. po~tAqf' , .. , ... •• {O\t• MiJ\A f..Al1fornl-kM<t1pthlft by rAHt~r '11' ,,....,.. lt\ty llY m•ll" u mMtloly m•••••rv ~11,..t.on OUMtlf'lhly ( n• .... t nn lht' s1dewalk on the t'.t'-ll"rlv s1dL' of Mam Strl'et The thunderous 1 mpact of tht' I 20 a .m . accident awakened re· "•dents of the quiet res1dentiul .1re=i for :-.en)ral hlnrks. resull111g in numl•rnu!:> calls to police. Traffic JCC1denl investigators dc·clmcd to rplcase further in · f11rm.1t1on pendmg compll'lwn of thl•tr prob£>, hut one poller sjXlkC'~m:.in rem:1rkecl that Smith h:1d rl'porterlly JUSt left a bar The remains wert> liken to Oil· d ay Brothers Funeral Directors m<1urtuary chapel. where fum'ral ;trr:rngemt•nts WC'rt' !'>ttll pc•ndrng tod.1\ F rom P age A I SCH MIT ... ;\h'rcy was hetore I was sworn 1P. to office ... :,aid Schmit "l might b<' mistaken in my 1~ tt•rpetation of the law. If I am. 1t 1s an honest mistake." he added As far as the qut•:-,lton of con- flict of interest is concerned. Schm it said he doesn't see how a conflict can be mvolved when hl· at no time has had any fmanc1al involvement with Orange County Health Testing Institute." It was the institute that last .Ju ly was awarded a $27~.000 county cont r act coveri n g pre e mployment physical examma lions for county t•m ploycs . • C<.•lla. the beleaguered, SantC:1 Ana phys ician whose financial dealings arc under investigation by a federal g rand jury as well ClS the county grand jury, said ht• divested himself of any interest 1n the health testing firm six months before the contract wus awarded . And at the time the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to award the contract, Schm it !>aid he was unaware of any Cella involvement with the firm. "How can anyone say that I a~ a former employe or Mercy Hospital can be involved ln a con- flict with a contract awarded lo <1 firm that unknown to me leases -;pace from Mc r t'y?" Schmit a~ked. Schmit termed efforts to link his connection with the hospit<tl to improprkty as ''asinine·• and the erforts of "pihful people who nre trying to make something out of nothing • · gan1zed c rime who ma) be tr) ing to trade 111format1011 about Hoffa in return for ll•nienry in an un· rd::iled case H e 1s under pruteet1ve l'll'>ICKly h\ federal marshals, and kderal officials have rdused to make any public commt•nt about him The v. arrant dot's not name Hoffa as the objt•rt of the search. Il direct:;; the F RI tofind the body of a rrputt.>d loun shark namt•d Armarict "Cok<'~.. Faugno, who d1sappt>ard thn·e yt•ars ago ::ifter ht• w;:is 1nd1clNl on rounlc.'rfe1t charges. llowt'\'l'r. sources said tlw informant provided informa· lion rc>lated to Hoffa's burial. Off1c1:ils theorized th3l solving the d1~appearance of Faugno could provide lt•ads m the Hoffa case. Federal sources said the w1l· ne!:-S may provide mformation. unrelJll'd to Hoffa. that could be usL>d to put pre!:>sure on thrl'l' mt>n under 1nvc·st1gat1on by a grand jury in Detroit in the ab· duction of Hoffa. The three, al l from New Jersey, are Salvatore Bngugtio, 47, of Paramus : his brother, Gabnel, 30. of Union City; and Thomas A . Andrl'tta. 38, of Hasbrouck Heights. The three were named by a government in· formant as res ponsible for Hof· fa's abduction-murder and a source has said one was p1Ckl'd out by a witness 111 a lineup. Safe S tole n By Burglars In Co sta Mesa A team of muscular bur~Jars lifted a 300-pound safe from the Co!'ta Mesa home of Elizabeth L. .\foldt Thursday <1fter breaking m through a sliding gla~s door Police have not estimated tht> loss 111 the afternoon burglary but believe the burglars may be dis· appointed aftC'r all the work. The principal conlC'l1ts of lhC' 30 by 30 by 30-inrh safe. police ~aid , Wt.'re cans of home movies. personal papers anc1 a stamp and ('0111 collect1011. :--Jo value has been placed on the collect1ons Police said the burglars ;;ip- parC'ntly parked a truck in the drivew;;iy at the home, broke tn. lifted thr safe onto a dolly and trundled it out to the truck. Mrs. '.\ioldt told police' that prior to the burglary the safe was totally obscured benC'ath :.i blanket and knitting kit. The saf .. had no wheels or casters to raM· its removal. she said. 'Worm Cake' Wins Prize POMONA (UPI ) A recipe for "earthworm applesauce sur· prise cake" won first prize at the first annual cooking with worms contest. Th e competition was sponsored Thursday by the Nor:-th American Bait Company, with assistance from the nutrition de partment of Cal Poly Pomon a. The bait company produces earthworms for fishermen, but also for mort> modem uses such as soil at>ration. waste disposal, fertilizer. animal feed and most recently -people feed. Mrs. Patrkia Howell. a formt·r physics and math student at tht• University of Minnesota who works in the ('omposing room of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, took a blut' ribbon fo r her cnke recipe, which includes one c up of chopped, dried earthworms. ~ # .,. ... # Os wald Threa t . FBI Agent SayS He Flushed Note WAS HINGTON (AP> -A former Dallas FBI agent who in ve.stigated the John F . Kennedy assassination testified today that he persona lly flushed down the drain a threaten.i ng letkr from Lee Harvey Oswald. James P. Hosty Jr .. the FBI agent now stationed in Kansas City, told a House judiciary sub· committee that he was ordered to destroy the Oswald letter by J . Gordon Shanklin. who at that time was chief of the Dallas FBI office. Hosty said he interviewed Oswald's wife Marina and a female friend of Mrs. Oswald twice before the' Kl'nnC'dy as- sassination !'/ov. 22, 1963. Hosty Three Booked On Smuggling Pot in Boat Federal agents and ~ewport BE>ach police today rt'vealed the arrest of three men :.ind seizure of s acks of marijuana which were the only alleged cargo in an open s mall boat that plied a dangerous course from Baja California to the Orange Coast. The three men all were booked on feder a l s muggling charges after their arrest by agents who followed the small boat filled with a dozen gas tanks to a land· ing in !\lewport Harbor. The arrests took place late Wednesday night, said Narcotics Sgt. Darryl Youlea, as the grnss was being unloaded. The ares t ees are George Edward Hufford, 42. Bellfl ower. Gary Albert Swilling. 29. Santa Ana. and Albert Delavin Fifield, 42, of Lakewood. Each remained in custody with bail set at $5,000 apiece. Youle said tha t besides 200 pounds of the weed. agents from the city police, federal drug agencies a nd U .S. Custom~ seized a loaded, .45-cali ber automatic pistol during the bust at 300 E . Coast Hig hway. The street value of the weed which was crammed into burlap bags was S50,000, the in - vestigator said. "It must have been one l)eck of a trip. We understand lh14P\\he boat left somewhere alon~ the Baja peninsula and m ade it all the way to Newport and there were more than a few times when the suspects nearly didn't make it,·· he said. • said he was t rying to locate O~wald to question him about connections w ilh the Soviet Umon. Hosty said the Oswald letter was delivered by Oswald to an FBI receptionist while be was out of the office, sometime between Nov. 5 and Nov. 8. Hosty recalled t h at the handwritten letter declared that if "l did not stop talking to his wife, he <Oswald> would take ac· tion against the FBI." Hosty said the letter didn't ap- pear to be serious and he had re- ceived many similar ones from others. Hosty said he put the let· ter in his workbox. In the hours after the.Kennedy assassination. Hasty said he was called into Shanklin's office and ordered to write a memorahdurn setting forth details of his receipt uf the letter and his interview with Mrs. Oswald. On Nov. 23, 1963, Hosty t estified, he dict~ted a memo to a stenographer. Then on Sunday, Nov. 24, about two to four hours after Oswald was pronounced dead, Hosty said he was called in again to Shanklin's officl'. ":\>tr. Shankli n reached down into a lower right h and drawer of his desk and took out the memo :ind the letter in question and said. 'Oswald is dead now. There can be no trial'," said Hosty. Hosty then said he was ordered to destroy the Oswald letter. He said he tore it up then and there but Shankin declared: "Get it out of here." f'ron1 Page A J FIRE ... fire within an hour after arriving at the scene, fire officials said. But stubborn flames lingered on the fifth floor even as firem en carried out bodies one-by-one in 3 basket-like structure of canvas and steel. "I woke up hearing people yell· ing. 'Fire.· I opened the front door, and it was total blackness and flames," said Eddie Stone. 21, who was rescued by fi remen from his fourth-floor apartm ent. Maria Green, 34. who lives across the street from the de· cades-old building, said : "l heard a kind of explosion, like a tire going flat. I looked out my window and saw flam es around the first or second floor -within· two seconds the whole thing was inflames. -· ·. ~ F rom rage A J a.ff-ASH· •• ·• $15.S million worth of contraband via a musk equipment transfer company which shipped rock music sound gear betweeg the United States and Europe. Combs is named in the indict ments as a principal in the case, ctnd the man who recruited and directed couriers in its operation, the DEA spokesman said. According to the DEA, ~t least 3,400 pounds or hashish wa.s re- corded being s muggled into the United States. He speculated that 1 much more could have been slipped into the country before agents became aware or the operation in 1973. Authorities happened Oil the ring's operation a lmost by acci· dent. A s hipment ·of hashish sent from Amsterdam to Detroit and on to Las Vegas in Seiitember 1973 was detected when one orthe 26 containers was inadvertently left at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York and was detected by a druf-sniffing dog. "They shipped the hashish to different locations throughout the United States. They funneled it via runners or transport com- panies to the Orange County area of Sout hern California." .a DEA s pokesman said. Other shipme'nts listed in the indictment were sent from Rome, Paris and Graz. Austria. to Los Angeles. Philadelphia. San Francisco and Las Vega.s. From Page Al HOSTAGES ing treated for shock. "She is all right." a spokes mun said. The four-man IRA gang was cornered Saturday night after a crosstown police chase in whkh -unusual for London - shots were fired. The gunmen picked the Mat· thews apartme nt. apparently at random , forced their way in a n.d took the couple hostage. An army· of police marksmen moved in and besieged the whole Dorset Square area of Balcombe Street in downtown London. From the beginning the police insisted on "no deals.'' "They are going to Brixton (prison) and no where else." Mark said. Cabinet Fo.-med MADRID~ Spaftt ·('AP) -The l~man cabinet an nounced Thurs- day night by Ptemier Carlos Arias Navarro includes t wo former ambassadors considered advocates of democracy and fou" other m inisters considered liberals or moderates. Henredon Holiday Specials All prices shown arc specials reduced for yout holiday p leasure Ele~nt Accents •.. from Henredon ... $ 3<J5.00 Hf>nr<Ylon I ' Stop in now and make someone's holiday extra special WEDD A YS Ir SATUIDA YS f :OO to 5:30 ,, NEWPORT BEACH • 11'l1 WESTCLl t'F OR • ti42·2050 LAGUNA BEACH • 34.~ NOKTll t:CJAST HW\'.. 4V4·&Ml TORRANCE• 23649 HAW11i0R NF. BLVD. 40pen F'n hi~. Sun 12·S.301 178·1279 J r,. v Ai It c ci li C• F rt n n: b it a ( 2' (4 y C' n I: c d: Sl ci qr ir tt tt Ct ir Pl Cl h p'. a A IT le fc • tc n: F n E ~ 3' tc N n ti a A 0 0 u 0 p b 11 21 1 N t i A ir t• H rt fc n s v Ii a n s s n F J! A A ti d c \I ( s t: p ii f c l· ) I II II t r ) [ i < I 1 t ,. . &~ \?@[Y]([ ®®rrwo©® Tht.' column ap~an. dally l'xcept Saturdays and Monaays. Gol• o prnh/1•m ., '/'hen u r1/1• 1'111 IJurrn. />ur it 11/ tu/ ,,.,, IU/H' 111 1 //11• n n.\11 •·r~ r111cl 111 111111 111111 rrn ti lo .\11/1 1• 1111'1/llllW~ 111 I/Ill l'rllrllt'Jll 11111/ 1111\1111'\\ \1111/ t11111r 1111•''''"''' /11 f' 11 I I> ll 11 11 A I ' 1111 I \1• fl ll't' O t <111111• Coo ' 1 1>111/11 J•1/11t I ' 0 f:,. I / 11)1/ ('111;(11 .\lt•rn . (',\ !ll/,11; /111'1 111/1· 1/1111r 1t•/1•11/t11111' 111/111 /11 T CB License Lo•t DEAR PAT: I applied for a citizen's band radio operator's license in April, but I never re· ceived it. I've written to the Federal Communications Com· mission in Washington, but again no answer arrived. I know that my application was received because m y check for the licens· ing fett'was cashed. D.S, Costa Mesa Joe Johnson, chief of amateur and citizen division or the FCC 0919 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20554), checked the records and found that a license was sent to you in May. 'incc you never re· ceived it, a duplicate is being mailed to you. I• l' ours /flfs•lng? Information from the Federal Communications Commission in· dicates that titis agency has been swamped with applications for citizen band radio licenses. Re- quests last month totaled approx· imately 250,000, nearly equal to the total for all of 1974. To handle the crush, the FCC switched to a computer sys tc>m . As is the case in many chan~covers to com· puter opera~iM, problems <>e. curred. One of lhE' computer tapes listing .thousands of ap- plications was lost. 1bose who applie d for a licf.'nse before August but did not receive it might have been recorded on the lost tape. P e rsons still waiting for ove rdue licenses a.re advised . to send a copy ot proof of pay- ment and another application to Federal Communications Com~ mission, Ama teur and Citizen Division, 1919 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20554. The FCC attributes increased applications to a fee drop from $20 to $4 last March, an.d the fact that many motoris ts want to lis t e n to uuekers who radio each other about s pee d trap locations. ALERT, a private membership organization of citizen band operators, reports an upsurge of license complaints this year. One of its services is to help resolve problem s with the FCC for mem· bers. Its address is 818 National Press Building, Washington, DC 20045. Violet Socfety DEAR PAT: I want to tell B.J ., Newport Beach, that I know there is a n Orange County African Violet Society that meets in Fullerton. I don't know the d e- tails, but if you contact Green House Nursery in Bellflower, the manager can provide full in formation about the club. This nursery also carnes a large selection o f unusual African violets that may interest B.J. P .C., Irvine Following a contact with Green House Nursery, Betty Anderson, a county African Violet Society member , was contaeted. She says that the club meets the second Wed~sday of each month at 7 p .m . at Glendale Federal Savings & Loan, 320 N. Harbor Blvd.. Fullerton. Mrs. Anderson invites B.J . and other African violet growers to join this 40-member club, which she describes as very active and suc· cessful ln growing many varieties of African violets. Cro••acord Puzzles DEAR PAT: Although I've seen many books printed in large type, I can't locat e a crossword puzzle book of this type. I 'm try- ing to dind one foe an SS.year-old friend or mine who ador es crossword puzzles, but can no longer read regular print. Can you or your readers help me out?. H.M., Newport Beach Mos t s upermarkets carry large.type crossword puule books by Charles Preston. Tbese paperback books are aboUt 9 by 1% inches In size and many dlf · ferent editions are available. If )'od can't loute .the book lD your market, ask Hf boOkStort to ob· tatn a copy from the pubU her, Grosset ac Dunlap, New York. ~ew Arms Rapped GENEVA, Swltz('rland CUP[) -The United Staks ttnd Soviet Union said today they wUl recess tht\r Strattgic Arms Lim1tatlon Talks' nex \. week for the Christmas and New Year holiday. . . • Friday O.cember 12 1975 CAIL Y PILOT A3 ty :of Manslaughter . . . • ~ .. ---• UPI Telephoto Smiles Broadly At Verdici 6y TOM BARLEY 0t Ult O•oly Pt IOI SUU Daniel Garbis Bedelian, the confessed killer of Nancy Fulkr Atwater of Newport Reach. was found guilty or voluntary manslaughter late Thursday. Bedelian. 41, s miled broadly and heaved a deep sigh of relief as the Orange County Supenor Court jury delivered its verdict after rive hours of deliberation. Judge James F . Judge set Jan. 16 as the dale he w1U sentence Bedelian to what could be a state prison term of UP. to 15 years. He a llowed Bedelian to remain free on the $100,000 bail posted by the Lebanese immigrant shortly ;:1fter his arrest las t February. · The jury foreman later com · mented outside lhr courtroom. "We did our very best lo foll ow the letter and s piril of the law in what was a difficult case for us to decide. CUiiy l'llot SQtf ...... : .. ... GUil TY OF SLAYING Male Nurse Bedellan ... used a heavy bronze figunne on Mrs. Atwater because she al· tacked him with a knife and she also intended to u se the knife on her invalid hus band, A.G. Cox Atwater. 61. The m ale nurse testified that I 1 J STANDING ROOM ONLY IN LOS ANGELES OFFSHORE OIL LEASE BIDDING ROUND Seventy Drilling Tracts Leased, but Environmentalists Are Still Fighting "There wa s a l o t o f circumstantial evidencr." hl' said. .. And when we we re through putting together what we had we just had to come up with lb.ts verdict." he panicked when he realized j that his employer was dead and ; wrapped her in a rug and then ! dumped the body in the trunk of ! his car. Ecologists Vow Battle Defense Attorney Roger Aga pntan commented that he "as "over the m oon " al the manslau g ht e r Vl'rd1 ct. Prosecutor P aul Meyer, obvious- ly bitterly d1sappointl.'<.l, refused to comment. Redelian then drove to an auto '"'recking yard in Pac.·m ma where be s tuffed Mrs . Atwater·s body into a 55-gallon oil drum, fi11ed it to the rim with wet cement and placed a car door on top of the container. Opponents Fail to Halt Offslwre Leasing Agajanian argued before the jury that Mrs. Atwat er was known to be a heavy drinker and that s he often abused her ailing hus band a nd openly wished for his d eath. LOS ANGELES (AP> -Thl' sale of leasing rights on som e 70 offshore oil drilling tracts has cleared the way for new coastal wells but environment a lists declare it has not weakened their resolve to fight further leases. Though they failed to block thl' Interior Department's auction of drilling rights on virgin offshore oil land. the opponents of the pro gram may have had some ha nd in the lower-than-expected bid· ding. OnJy 70 of the 231 tracts up for lease drew bids. and the total of $438.2 million fe ll far short of the department's prediction of Sl.5 to S2 billion in high bids. The Interior Department said the bids were close to the estimated value of the 70 tracts and indicated it would decide within the n e xt two weeks whether to accept any of the bids. Officials attributed the oil com· panies' caution lo expected drill· ing problems in the deep wull'r that covers many of the leases. and added that th~ threat of im· pending litigation may have had an effect. "The chance of laws uits adds another elem ent of ris k" to what is already a some what risky ven- ture, said Standard Oil Company of California Vice President J . I l. Silcox. He pointed out that except for a large section l ying just off the productive San Pedro oilfield south of Los Angeles, much of the PSST ---ONLV 13 SHOPPING DAYS 'llL CH R I ST MAS .' ·' 19~? Dr Un.led Fea1ut~ Synchc•I• Inc new leasing a rea 1s of unknown oil producing quality. Drilling is not expected to begin for a lmost a year, partly because of a shortage of drilling rigs. Industry spokesmen said m ost rigs ha ve been us ed elsewhere in the world partly because of the "hostile political climate'' toward drilling on the West Coast. Standard, in combination with Umon Oil Company, Scully Oil Company and Getty Oil Com - pany, offered the apaprent high bid of Sl05.l million for a nine· square-mile tract in the region near San P edro. Norm Bmerson. a memtx>r of Los Angel es M ayor T o m Man Watches Own Vessel Burn in Sea A horrified Redon'Clo Beach m an watched his $43,000 cabin cruiser burn to the water line eight miles off San Clemente Thursday after escaping the burning craft to the safety of a second vessel that was in tow. Orange County Harbor Patrol officers stationed at Dana Point Harbor did not learn or the inci· dent until the man pulled into the harbor in the 13-foot outboard boat from which he watched the noatin~ inferno. Raymond H. Smith. 46. told harbor patrol deputies that the engine of the 38-foot Viking cruiser caught fire about 12 miles outside Oceanside Harbor during a m orning cruise to Avalon Harbor al Catalina Island. Smith said he tried in vain to extinguis h the flames, then gave up and jumped into th·e small out· board that was in tow, Dep. Russell Bradley reported. After severing th-e line that tied the small outboard to the larger craft, Smith watched nearby as the cruiser burned to the water line and finally sank, Bradley s aid. Smith was not injured Doctors' Dilemma In Sunday's Best Here are the features and photos you ' II pl'oba bly rate amon9 "Sunday's Best" in the Daily".''Pilot: , DOCTORS QUl'M'ING -More and more tafk s eems to indicate that. come Jan. l, some Orange Coast residents will no longer hav~ a family doctor in practice. What really is happening in local a r eas with m alpractice in· surance rates going through the roof? Daily Pilot Staff Writrr John Valteria coll~ several stories to answer readers' poten· tiaJ ques tions. POLITICAL PARnES -The rt~e and fall ol the party system in America.n politics is treated Ill one o( the final "lectures" in the Courses by Newspaper seril's. Final exam!; for thosl' taking the course for credit 1tl Orange Coast • College comes up Jan. :l. The final artic:le will appear Dec. 28. •• .. (suNDAY'S BEST) COAST CONTROL -At least one coast person thinks the coast commission system set up under ~oposition 20 has been a spark~ 1ng s uccess. South Coa s t Regional Coast Commission member a nd Newport Beach re- sident Judy B. Rosener writes that the people have had a say in the coast 's fate. On the E<Utorial Pages. FAMOUS COURTHOUSE - Orange County's otd, red court building bas been used in movies, f\!lS seen some real·life dramas almost as excitlne as movies and has always been controversial for its beauty or ugliness. de- pending on who i!i loo6'ing at it. Daily Pilot Starr Writef William Schreiber takes another look at 4'~ hit1torlc structure. l Bradley's staff and a principal figure in the ;.1ttempt of local of. {icwls to delay thl' sale, S<Hd thl' leasing only s trengthened lhe op· ponents' determ in at ion to fi ght on, throug h the courts and throug h Congress. The coalition of l0<·al govern- ments pl::rnned a s trall•gy sess1011 for todav. ~eyer's fina l appeal lo the jury wa!i tha( Bedeltan clubbed !\>lrs. At water lo death f'cb. 5 because s he fired him -ad· vice given her that day by a private investigator who probed the theft of jewelry and by a personal fri end who was told by '.\1rs. Atwater that Bc dcl1an "slept on the job." Bl'delian told thl' j ury that he Meyer t old the panel. the pathologist found no trace of, <ikohol in her body and sugges t· ed that 14 to 16 blows with a metal figure of a duck hardly indicated self defense. Opponents fear oil ~pills and say the com pa m es are paying too little in royalllcs to the govern· menl. If the firms' bids an.• acc<.'pted. they must pay a cash bonus equal to their bid plus 16 67 percent of the value ·1f lhl•1r groo.,s produc- tion from the lease in royallle" The highest bid Thursday "J S $18.260 an acre. Aliens Were Here Now, Gone Later On three of tht• ll•ascs. t he go\' emment 1s charging royaltie::i or one-third of the production because of their potentially high yield. The I ntenor O~rtment l'X pressed d1sappointmt•nt the.rt so few leases drt'w bids. "Today's s al es inclicatc the in dustry was not as willing as Wt' thought to risk drilling 111 deepe r waters where the technological problems ar c gn •ater," said As- st. Inte rior Secretary Roy Hug hes. SA N DIEGO CAP 1 -The Border Patrol couldn't un · derstand 1t. Agents in northern San Di ego County wo uld make regular roundups of illegal aliens a nd place them in a Border Patrol van which can be opened onl y from the oul!iidl' But after lt>avin).! lo search for more aliens, the agents would re· turn a few minull's later to find their van empty. Finally, the patrol put two un· dercover agents in the van with a ~ load of arrested aliens to see how : the trick was being done. As it turned out: the doors were •. bt'ing opened from the outside all ; along, said Asst. U.S. Atty·. Pat Boyl. The agents arrested Victor Reyes Toscano. 21, a tegaf alien resident living in Fallbrook. Reyes allegedly was letting captured illegal aliens out as fast as the Border Patrol w as catching them. Boyl said. Diamond Sale Spectacular! 20% mventory selection. OFF 9ur complete d!amond s2so,ooo LARGE SELECTION OF LOOSE DIAMONDS AND CUSTOM 14k HIGH FASHION MOUNTINGS " . 20% off our complete diamond inventory! Tremendous savings on hundreds of diamond engage- ment & wedding sets, plus more! Ench <;tone hand i«>lc'Ctl'd for pure, icy radiance,~ expertly full-cut. plu~ we ~1ve you e certificate __/ provtn~ the we1J{ht and quality of \our selection' I 7 DIAMOND EXPERT ~t HERE ~ 10A.M.to4P.M. 'if~~ SAT. In l'll. t' you have nrvcr pul'('haAeel diamonds at Wnrd!I befo~ w~ havt' 102 vesr<1 of inle.,nty m the tr1u.l1llon offineJewelrv. Just say "Charge it". IRING IM YOUR OLD RINGS - SELECT NEW MOUNTINGS t 11 --\ DEC. 13 ~ \ . ,/ COSTA MESA Bristol at San Diego Frwy. . • 714-549-9400 ' ' . . ' • ~ \'\. '1.2 F'VXlJLES Of.PT. - A ~All 12 01,bu from ~. <tJJ 1. --.cc our e re.at Or..nc*" 0Jast. f tbt:n •JU bt-c,albtti.nC bt'nf:.-th C~ Cbrtstmu lTf'e hgbU, !qUIDl· i:~ 't LtUle p1ec "" pa~ they t" ~ • t JU l uofo ldr d fr,J m 4 ~ .::rt:~ie. ~ w 1Jl bf! th.-d1r-tar..m > r"-'t ~f"tt>tt ,~< 1<s.J ~·A>dtrlw ,., U)lfo_, purch-.~~ Y1m':'Um':: • ~·1 -..r for tb~tr IJlU*"d.r!.r.~\. fn rec·tl'JOS f ,,r. f~a l>, A :>· ·;.::.bl.1 uf yuur n~" 5';f*1 Scud_.. • 1 •• f'l~hC' Gr.snd Pnx Tnt'·d'" Rcsr-.. r ," lhf-hc.ppy father red'! ~.·: c<:inf1d1-ncP Aft"'1' tn~ n .. xt ,,,. •. r,f.::'1, C.<J n!1chmCJ: "'i;! tu:-n V> • ' .. : •• r:.. • \ fJ I R '-f PF R ~Jl.'RO\ •:! '" .r l J rH. ·rr. .If .. •·.i ! l 1 ,,., l·M•, •· Ir;,,; u..,• •l'.t•r1.'.~<1_..tri.s',JilJU t!wr I" .~ P;' r<-tJl·~.r.: .r: 2 t>'· ,rf: h l' J': •·r c:. t!v· trhl': ;orn .,.11. nr:H.! , :-.... d. ... ' ::, r,..-, ..... , t!ri I , r•· ... r.:1. •·r . .., \ A •.1 ~,,JOI! ... "!;::tr.orr.:-:'lft, <i!lt1 , .. rir,u~ "': "ToC. :'I·~ £J :r!<!. -'" ~ ·s !.•tl• rr1,r1· i•nm =· "" l>"t. ":;J•J~ t11 ( !1: .• trlJ. 1-. -~ 4 .t:mr, ... c.hr1rc.;. '"'"" ()t1'4' l1/h'H1;! th" ':'J">tPr-1 , • ·, S;ir ~J < l.w d.Jr1 cJ:.·. !1-•,<-rjJ • tr1rwtJ f.ruc Id•.., .m1 ~.·'.>Ort£'.'f1 r Jr •· I 1 • r nr1·.11 h<.t tn1· full) <.t • mt •.. •J V.1mrJ1·r T,,. r''P'l· I! r t1 1•r ,. ,, ,, t.:•. rJCtrl1r1,' child '1 \ ul• tr··•· Tot6lly 1 ..i,,, J lr·d ht bl•·iJr. • ',f• r1 :1d lO" i .. ' l:nr· r,f th•·,, . o•ffibf, dt! I' I l"rl ' ' R \ 'f T J-. R J t: S S 0 T ISO.t JH . H." 11 ., • ~,1i~11 'H' '-.;1111" ('1.w• rJ r :1r" <1•Jt thP frr1n1 rj1 ,11r ''' ••.1rrh f•1r ;sn all night rr::11 i.: .. 1 th.it c.tJIJ m11-1ht tt.n.•· 1r1 • l 1c k lY.11 Sttf• !J ba• 1 .. n ...... lf1· or:I·• 1 rinsr1!:1t1nn y, tlJ r·r,m1· V.t11 n h•· JrrtVf• iJl l ht• 'l•>r•· <H1'J • L:11J • • \ 1·n cit her lil r-c1ry • . t-'i ~t '•1C'r .11 th • c11ur1t<:r "' h th•: : •• rrw pr11l1l•·rr1 Ah, thr1s •· <1( u th:it h :H'•' pf,,-,,.iJ lhl!) f.im1-~h<tll n•·\cr f, ,, i!•·' n,,1 ·k 1n ·.;,.A Yrid· th•··, \1· J•J t p:1• ,rrJ ;,J l.1V., f'fftrti\C fHl<t \ ul1•t1rfl· .• 11m1•d Jl ;,,1J1nit: "11 llw fr.i11l•·d '"hr:o,tm.1' fJth1·1 , 1hcri· fl d"rrc•r. t ~t nn am toy fJr r:im'· y, 11 h mo r~ th.m • 1x parts. I he oub1d1• ('o1rlcin mu. t 11:,t lh1· t1101 ... nr·1·d1·d for,,. t•mblv Th.it n1.1y hL·lp, tiut what 1r the d1rPC't111ni:: ;,r<· a J1kr~I tr:.ins l<t. llnn d1r1·< t Iv <111 t 11f Korc·an·1 flow -..bout a11otll 1·r w ar ning likt'. "A"· :-.c..-m bly T1ml· for J Mcthan1c al C l'ntu .... I ;, llr>U r s " Al .. o, lhl' CJrton O('('ds ;J w<1rn 1rlg on h11w mtH'h nrn..,c the J!'>- .... ,.mbly pro«•·" m.ik1·.., O"llE YI J.ETIJlE 1.0~G :tJ!n. I ~'"' .1 po1n11 c .sll from th1· I rvine• < 11mp,1m .., .frrr:v Collins , who ""nt••d lwlp an assc·mbly of his cJ.11wht1 r h11hhv hor::.r 1-'ra n- t •"·'"> y, ... 1• I'm h l<.od th<' ht tie tw.1 t Y.hdt• · prings w1·n· }?omg fS<•11H' Hosng <.i ll O\t·r lhf• Collins It\ 1111• room ~ 111.tlly, \.\-(' 11nt th1· mech anica l n.11: put .togl'lht•r. Then we all 11,.•k•·d up .1 t the h.illway door. I '11·r1· stood J c·rry's da rling d.11111ht1·r 11l lw r night clothes. .-.ht• h.1d IH·l'n w:Jtd11ng lhe entire 11r<IC'1· ' W1· .di 1u'>l s:1l ther<' in s hot k. : .... h" f 1r1. ti Iv h rok l' the s1h·n<'l'. "I l11r ">l'Y ! " :,he procl<.umn l t>n1•htl;.. • • Biparti.san ·Tax Talks a 'Draw' W ASHISGT fJ '\ '\ f' Pr~td'c'Tlt f t.1ri:! aM Cr,n~r~· <:re g.rdJ.ng !or e ·, ~r.1 ~,au.e th41l .,.., 1H r11-t•·rn:inr-•4n~hE:r :\m&-nr dn.5 !1r.d t.":t-:r lllC"Jme t.;~I!'!" me. r•:a.<ed b::> d tJf',,Jt" r,,.,,..,.r,VJO lh1-t.r')t do:• <A ;y,-; :\ rr.v<sr"tsan gr, ... rl <.•·:io:i•r.r r, m':'t "'.~t. '?lf' PrP~Jd":r-~ lestE.-11wrsday to da~(u-5_ diffrrF-nr• 'Jfl l•·~1,lat1<>n trJ t:'.ttH1d !.:s ·t :· ~dr ::>:ax cut.5 into t.'V' ,, ... A •,ear t-J•J• tt.•· ' '"'° •·ndf'd .:1 a·deadfrx.r: S.-n f<..1 ·<f·il Lrr; [J La 1 l 1>1'1 r•·V>r<·-~ ,f; ... rthr·mt:r-1ng ·>.11hf<1rd W•· A,.r ... unarJI,. tr, ei~r··" 1,;, dr• ·"th,n;: f,·,,rtj ''J1r1 thP b·Am<il:"r'-ht· A.I. \1 ' J ~t.·· tJ-.:'. (Jl IT.4 a.,.;(:.~ • Dissident Sentenced In Russia . ~tosrow 11_· Pl , A (·111.Jrt 1n \ iln1u L1thudnt<i, •·n'""'"'J h1 ril•1~1'' ~1-rj!•·1 f\0\';11•··, trJl'l<i : t , · • "' ri :•''Jr 1rr.;1ri .. nnrm·nt dnc11 , ;., furthr·r I hr•·• ··, . .,,....of intr·rn. I 1-v.dP nn rh<ir~r .. , hP • land1•r1·<J 1r1•· 5'J'.1r-l <>L.1t1· ,.,,urt •ourc,.~~dlt1 ( ___ I l_\· _ .. ';H_<J_R_r __ J :'\u be:l f.;1u rr·:1 t1· Anrlrt·1 l> Sakh;,r<1\. il t: 1•1 1 fnt·nd of the ;,1 C II e d , ~ t r1111I f>tll Ifft• th 1• <·ff!JI"' rt1<1m .ind • ;i 1d I ht tn ,,I \lo,, J trJH:"l:O <in Ju 111·1· BPf gium Df>al HRl -~SELS. Rc·l;z1um f A f' 1 - Th<· t:n1tr·rl Sl<it<'" Jnd th '\11r1h Atlantic ~Illes a1?re<-d tr1d ay tr11,( fn t'' pull h•1tk I ()f'fl 1\m•·ntcsn nu<'h•ar "a rhc ad., from Eurc11X". plus som e F4 fi ghter planes <.tnd Per shing m1 ss ll£>:,, 1r tht:-S<1v1r·t Cn1on w1thdr a~· ... a tt"Jnk armv. authoritativc sourC'rssetid · WP.st .(f.e.rm an .nfrle1al'> Sfttd I hP offer wilt he· made Tue'!>d<ty al ri· rluction-of forces n1·~ot1<1t1r1n<> with the Russians in V1c•nn<J, no"' in their seC'ond year withoot eon- ncle re~ults. • Chrilrtian Troppf>d BEIRUT, Le banon <U PI I Ll:'ftist troop s a ttil<'king from three 4'td1·" tr., pp•·rJ dc· .. p<·rat,. n~ht·"'-mg fon·t·" 1n thr-Holtdav Inn todJ!, c.c·ttmg th•· l.UJldang ;.i blaze ;.ind blockinl? thr• only escape route from the last Chns- han ::.tronghold. .ftt1upf>et (iirP• l 'p PHILADELPHIA <UPI > -On1· or the three m en wanted in th1· :-.J;iyinJ.! of m11l1onairc new'>parx:r h('J r JrJhn 5. Knighl 3rd surr(•n- d ered to authontit•s today hours after the police announced the nam es or the s u s pe cL'>, according to a publis hed report. The susp<.•ct h as b e 1m id<'ntifil'r) ·'" S tC"vc-n M alcno, 25, uf Sl.>Ulh i 1hiladclph1a. ~t to hlr.1 ··.~~r,r..: Cs.ti attached !~m~ ce1 .• nJ! •1! ~ bJlwnfor Ult: nex: f ,,, c.l :-'::a r IF FORD \'ETOES t!.P tax c.:t.s .;i:-.d if !-.. ...~r: ... d m<,.: \mr-:"lCd'l A • l"IH.·:"S "·.J f d(':: clO ~J't•ma· r 13'. !::{.re~</.'!Jdl'I I Th" Id ... '~:· ,(I ~ff~ HU">'.• 1-af r-·{· l.:m"' T L :.n r. t::.rt<"t<....rc,f tt.r· (J!f.ce r,( }t dn<s~~m<-nt ar.1 P.J'li:!t-t. trJ1d rt-p<JrtE:':-S after th•· Thur d._:. m~i:·t.:-E: the' !J',•· Prt··· rj..-rt hJrJ inf J!"m•·d th•· ":nal1J!"' Ul;,it he rts;>tctfu!!! ch-agr1.:•:'.: • A :~h tbt1r tffor<s lo coolJnu~ tax rj ... ,..,, • ., •· ,... 1' ht1 Jt plac1nl? th" l1m1t rm ft-dPral <-pend.Jn~ on1 tha• Frird lrJld them Y. <: U h~n e trJ IH lh"")'-t••m A<1rk' . Th,, Prer..1dent made.-it \er. cl1·<1r thc:1 t y, tlhvut an ·ex!l(:ncLtur~· (C·tl1ng ht-"di 't·trJ the pmp•-,'.')C!I put fr1rth h;. !he FinanceC~"Jmm1t t1:c, L:.nn !:><i1d. FORD ff.\S S.\10 he ~liPH< Cong re!:>::. v. di not O\'erndt h1'> 'c·•r, Congn· ... ~1rmal Ot:mocrat1c lt..sdf-r.., pn·d1C't "1t will tx:cl<r.>e ~-n. E dmund S ~1u<-kie. ID· ~l ;une>. chairman rA lhe Budget Committee. said . "The Prec.uJent ~t1ll 10~1~ts that any tax cut be ac- c·ompamed by a comrrutm ent to a S395 b1ll1on ~pending ~cll.l.Il~ " Long ~a id a tax b1ll 1s expected l 1 C'lear Congre"S earl) next Wt'i!k and it sh1Ju ld be on the Pr~1denls de-.,k late 1n the v. eek A"ked about J ford veto. Lon~ r eplH.-d, "We'll lr)' to overnde <rnd Y.c m ay or m:Jynot Thc·n y,e'll s<'<:Y.hathap· J)(!n~ afte r th.it." Reagan Beats Ford in GOP Gallup Poll Ry l"nited PrP~c; International A nPw G a 11 up Poll ~h riwc; Ronald ReagJn h<iS moved ahe<id of Pres1d <:n t Ford as the chooice of Rc•publican ond independent voters for the GOP pr~1denl 1al nominatwn. The poll showed Reagan was f avo r t·d b y 40 p e r cent o r Republic ans questioned in IJte !\ovember , For d by 32 Jl('rcent. That w as a sha rp reversal from thC> G a llup fi g ures in m id· Octobe r , whic h 'showed Ford leading Rragan 48-25. Among mdependenl5, 27 pcr- cent favo re d R('agan <tnd 25 p<'r· c f'nt favor ed F ord in lcitc Nov- c·m bc r , compa r ed with mid· October when Ford led 26-20. Rain Dots Much of U.S. Snowfall at Mt. Shasta, Eugene, Oregon Thnpn-atare• Hloh ....... P'cp. A I buoll" r Q"" ,, ,, All,llfnlft f.I) •• ... ..,,,.,,,., " • lln ,.,., ·~ 10 fl1Af ,.,,.. '~ "' ', ,, ,,,.. J" JA ( '"' ,,,, 111 YI •I t •• .,, 11'11ml l• ,. '"""~' IT ..• ni-.nvfot "" 'Ill ,,,.,,,.,,, ·11 " t Jtiufµtn._, ·~ .. •,.,no 0 "'' 1 .. 1,..M ,. 1J IK ""'a' ( il't' Al ·~ l •\ V~Qfl\ fl '1 ,.;.,.,.,.., n 10 M HWAU .. ~,. ""' n M1n~fltP'tll\ ,., ~ H-.t11t()f"t~An' " •• N•w'l'Olk •• 311 ~,~...,,_,,,, ..,. .0 °"'""" A') n Palm'lor•~ 14 ., ,.,.,1-tl)flla ... ,.. ,,....,.,." .. ,, •• • Oally , .... o .. -._., h._ ...... M.,,,,.,.. ,,...., II ._ ... .,,, ,... .... ........ , ....... .,.. ' 'n, "' • • ....... I • ,... ~ Y'•ut ''1 y "4 IJ9 .. ~-"" .............. -.... ",..,.,.. ---"'"...,. ·= ""'""•"'"_.,.... IO ..... __ ...,_ .. (Coattal weother in· fonnantitm Will t>. Jound on Paff Bl toda11) • ly ntd CJ S . action hdps kt>t"P the So\i l"nion from btocomm1 completely doDJJ -n.an: lll Angola earherlhisyear. But he did Ml elaborai,. bt!ore and aiain t.OOay in Bnawb n..fw.td t.o spell out "bat 'e>tt1f1c ..rtklm the t:mted St.ates might lake · nssrs·G ER RAS spokm out rt•p uted· • ly against Sonet Ulflumtt Ul the aua. .Rt'porU oi C S. a.ssistantt U\'"e nrcul al· t-d for some ume a.ad Kas.si.oier PR'\"lOW· The T1me-s 'laid th•• wea pon! be'tnt: I UP· pl.t~ "'ere mo~Uy portable infantry ""'eapoos like a ntitank OUS5de launchers and aot1iw~nne1 rociwt tauncnen - "The krnd »ou h<>ld on :,our ~houlder that vou couJd lU>e "'1th a nurunwm CJ( train-m~ · . Or>m0crat1c Sen. Frank Churc·h filed p;Jp(-r'-t<Jddy "1th f eder al f:lec1.10n Com- rnL"'Jon. seti.tn~ up panel to r..11,c· fund ~ and l''<plort pr1"1bd1t1c:-. <J( a pr~1den· ual c<smpa1gn. 16 Survit-ors Found at Sea ELIZABETH CI T Y.:>; C. <A PJ -Rescuers picked up 16 sur· Vl\'Or~ a nd continued to search tc,.da\ for C-H?ht cn:w m C'm bers still. m1~s1ng aft er a L1ben Jn freighter sank ear ly Thur-day off :"'orth Car olina, th e C<J<e.t Guard ~aid Thirteen of the ~urnvors wC're picked up fro m a lMge life rdfl ..sbout 90 mile' c.ou lhe~t of Cap<' Hatteras by the Ha)s. a :>;avy re· ~ea rch ship tha t s potted a flare ~boot 8 45 p.m. Thursday. The other three " E.'r e picied up early today a few mt.les"e.way, the Coas t Guard said. Tijuanans DellUUld Aid From WinSet•kes TIJl.:A~A. l!ex1co -Students and teachers are calling fOl' the ouster of the mayor. the City Council and lhe polaC'e depan- me:nt following the death of a te4C'ber \lo ho reportedly suffered amnesia SO)IE %.tM fed e ral school t eachers and their ~lud eob v.alked out of their cl~::room~ Thursday and marchi!'d to thl· !root of t he c it; s mumr1 pal palace. Ther e. the> staged a t"'o- hour raJJ~ to de m dnd heJ.lth CJrt• for the msane. t he mentalh 111 and cluldren v.1th brain da m~~~· Se\'er a l f 1st!J,gbl.!:> v.ere rc·pnrt· ed a mong the d e m on5tratr1r., JS those "'ho w1shed to speak t<> th•: cr°" d ar~ued O\ e r U!>e vf the rrucrophone. When ~avor Fernando ~1 ar quez Acre and thf: !'I'\ m(mher Ctt \ Council tned to addrc.-::. the crov.d from the back c;f a truck. t hey v. er e booed and :::houted dov.n. )IARQl.'EZ S AID later in an in· terv1ev. that the ~1e:ucan federal gove rnment v.. as t o bl ame for the lack of mental heallh sen ice m TtJua na The protest was t()U{'hed off by the death or Graciela Can llo. ~. an E nglish teacher said to have been suffering Crom amnt:!::.ta. He r nude body was hed up on lhe beach r1,e miles south of T i- juana, the day after she d!Sap- peared De c. 3. limte'1 Press InternaliooaJ s a id three po licemen we re charged ~ilh murder 10 tne drowning after they drove her out of town because s he w as described a s mentally ill. Body Found VP'I T~ The FBI has arrested three men and a "om an in bruta l ~ta b bin g d eath of 25-year - old Detroit a s::.ist ant ba nk m~mJger J a m b Crawford Jr. k1dn<.tped a week ago. NYC Garbage Strike Ends ~EW YORK (AP) -A T ea m ster s Cnion lo c a l and r epres~nt at i \t:!S o f private carting fi rms reached a new con- tr;.irt agreem ent today, endin~ an 11-day.oJd garbage strike lh..st left thou::.antb of tons of r efu.:,c ptled on city streets. )layor A braham D. Beam e q uickly order ed city s arutalion '-'Orke r s t o a ssi s t with the m ass1\'e cleanup and said citv landfill sites will be ~ept open through the weekend to receive· colleeted garbage. The Teamster s began report- ing to their firms shortly after the settle ment "as coochxied an ~1-rught bargaining. Time for the 40-mile Smile. c e <:lJ ~a It's time to help the Orange Coast put on a 40-mile smile to welcome holiday visitors from near and far. The Orange County Coast Association and the Daily Pilot are Joining with community organizations from Seal Beach to San Clemente for a reprise of the 40 Miles of Christmas Smiles outdoor decorating competition. Homes and businesses all along the Orange Coast will be judged by community groups and the best in each division in each community will be forwarded to the Smiles committee by Dec. 15. Entrants may specify whether they wish their decorations to be judged In daylight or at night. Winners wlll be selected In the residential and commercial divisions and the community presenting the brightest hollday smile wlll be named "Chrlstmasvllle, 1975". To enter your holiday decorations return the coupon below to the Dally Pilot Public Service Department before 5 p.m. Mon- day, Dec. 15 . Good luck. ------------------~---------------~--~------~----- Yes. I want my home (or buStness. church. tchoof. etc ) to be judged in "40 Miles of Oln1tm11 Smiles" corrc>et1tt0n My name and eddresa of de<:or11hons I want Judges to '" are hated below. I understand Judging Wtlf be based on apoearance of this entry on Dec. us. 17 or 18. · ~ ..................................................................... . Address ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• Ctty •••••••• : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Z1p •••••••• lllv ""°"8 ...................... E...,_ Alone ••••••••••••••••••••• My entry should be judged During the day O After dark O Mall Coupon To: Public Service Dept., Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1660, Cotta Mesa CA Q2826 • ____ 1 __ _ • '~ e l l! Friday, December 12. 1975 DAIL y PILOT AS R1111off ltleetion Moscone To Be New SF Mayor Doctors Joining in Protests From Wire Services SAN 1''HANC ISCO (UPI) San 1''r a nc1scans have picked· George Moscone, a handsom e Democratic st ate senator who had the backing or the city's civil servants, to succeed outgoing Mayor Joseph Alioto. Moscone, 46, the floor leader of the Democratic m ajority in the senate. defeated city Supervisor John Barbagelata Thursday in a run_-orr. election forced by close votmg m November balloting. that he is not an 1rre:,pons1blc big spender. Alioto, who did not endorse either candidate, sent Moscone a telegram s hortly befor e mid· night reading, "Bravo, George. Bravo.'' Moscone said .. in a pre-election i!lterview he w i 11 combint• a liberal political philosophy with tight spending controls. Ul"I Tel9'1llote LOS ANGELES lAP> -Doctors h ave been urged to refuse to pay expected increases 10 malpractice insurance premiums and to pressure the legislature to change the adversary system or m alpractice trials. Dr. Sanford A. Marcus, president of the Uruon or Amencan Physicians, told about 1,500 doctors al a Thursday night m eeting al the Los Angeles Con· venlion Center that to pay the higher premiums would be "a breach of faith not only with your pa- ltents but with your colleagues." T HE MEETING W~ called to forge a common front of physicians to fight raises in malpractice in- surance rates of 480 percent effective Jan. 1, 1976. Marcus s aid the union has about 5,800 California members. "If there were no malpractice insurance," Marcus said , "the golden goose that bas been so al- tractive to lawyers and clients would not be so al- tract1ve and the prob.lem might go away." He said dtx:tor!> should refu se to pay any premiums higher than those charged dunn~ the 1914·7S fiscal year. The group passed resolutions supporting a work slowdown by doctors start.mg Dec. 15 and a work stoppage, except for emergency cases, after Jan. l 1f the situ alt on 1s not rt!!$OI ved. ' ANOTHER RESOLUTION passed by an over- w~~lming vot e called for doctors to stop all non cnt1c~t paperwork, mcluding the filling out of birth cerhflc.ates, marriage applications, disability evaluation forms and insurance physical applica- tions. Also, the resolution caJled upon doctors to r e- fuse to tell hospitals whether they are covered by malpractice insurance. T HE TWO were the top vote getters among 11 candidates in the Novcm ber election but Moscone failed to receive the 50 pe~ cent of the vote needed to void the runoff. "S?mehow people get the idea t;tiat if you are characterized a:. liberal, that you a re unconcerned abo~t p eople's poc ketbooks T~at s not te rribly correct " he said. I VICTORY YELL George Moscone Pre-Holiday Find! The fin a l vote tally in Thurs day 's e lection gav e Moscone 101,417 votes to 97,138 for Barbagelata, even though the a bsentee ballots lilted in favor or the latter . He drew 8,021 to 5,507 for Moscone. Both e lectio ns were over- s hadowed by a voter fraud sca.ndal a nd the city's strike by pohcemen and firemen earlier this year. Patty Gives Hair, Writing Samples MOSCONE WAS a favorite of the police and fire union s bec ~use or ~is support of binding arb1trat1on in labor disputes in- volving public employes. In the Novembe r election, a ballot meas ure was d efeated that would have r esulted in s uch arbitration in police and fire walkouts Ba rbagelata. 56, a r ealtor pledged to cut property taxes a nd inject austerity in city govern- ment. He was opposed by fire a nd police groups because of his opposition to the manner in which Alioto settled the strike negotiating a n agr ee m e n t without the presence of the supervisors. MOSCONE ALSO wooed San Francisco's minority g roups wi~h campaign pledges to help gain better wages and improved housing. Moscone says one of his firs t pnont1es as m ayor ot San !''ra n- c1sco will be to prove to skeptics SAN FRANCISCO CAP ) Patricia H ear s t gave pro· secutors a lock of her hair and samples of her handwriting after her attorneys revealed her dl" fense against b ank robbery charges would be "fear of de· ath." Before she was r eturned to her San Mateo County Jail cell after a federal court hearing Friday, St. Nick Pregnant? PETALUMA (UPI) - Santa Claus is pregnant. One Santa Cla us at Mervyn ' s Departmen t Store not only did not need as much padding as the others but is expecting a special Christmas present. Mrs. D eirdr e Von Tungeln, sent to the store as a Santa by Western Tem- porary Services, Inc., 1s pregnant. She expects her baby arpund Christmas. I ........... ~~ STOCK LIQUIDATION -MUST SELL MYLO N •eicJe •st 11ue -s1.49 sq. ycL PLUSHES Moss Grfftl Go&d-$3.99 sq. ycL Cam~~c:o&e-Chocol• -$4.75 sq. yd. Rebond Pad -99• sea. ycl Buy Below Wholesale -lnatallatlon Guaranteed Friday, Saturday, Sunday -Dec. 12· I 4 ~iss Hearst spent 3'12 hours giv· mg the governm ent sampies oi her h andwriting. SHE Al.SO LET them pluck strands of her chestnut brown h~ir, pre~umably for comparison with hair found on ite m s of evidence. The handwriting samples could be compared with written memoirs found in the apartment where Miss Hearst was arrested Sept. 18. The ··narratives and chronicles'' record events from th~ kidna ping of the newspaper heiress on F eb. 4, 1974, through the robbery of the Hibernia bank on Apnl 15, 1974. Authorities have said they do not know who wrote the docu- ments. The government dropped a re· ques t for a sample of Mi ss H~arst 's voice for compariso~ wtth tape recordings sent after the bank robbery. The defense appare ntly will concede she made the r ecordings. MISS H EARST, in her first court appearance in a month s miled as she spotted her family seated in the front row. 4 (J AC K AN D E RSO N ) REVEALS in the DAILY PILOT Pure camel's hair v-neck sweaters 24.99 Reg. 37.50 Rare savings on sweaters of this quality. 100% luxurious camel's hair pullover with raglan shoulders and fully fashioned detail. A classic sweater any man would like to have. Natural camel color. silverwoods 45 Fashion Island New port Beach CARPET WAREHOUSE 642-2210 Make your selection from our Giant Forest of Cut Ch11stmas Trees.. 1575 PLACENTIA NEWPORT BEACH •CASE ADDITIONAL Use your JCPenney Time Payment Plan. OPaf ..._s,.-. Fri .. Set .. S."' 646-8665 Olympus OM-1 5259* with SOmm f /1.81ens 35% smaller, 35% lighter than conventional 35mm cameras. Weighs only 23.3 ounces with lens. Highest optical quality Zuiko lens delivers crisp, sharp photos every time. With f/1.4 lens, s299• Brian Best Hanes of Ponder & will demonstrate the new Olympus OM-1 35mm camera SLR in our department on Saturday ~ Dec. 13, between Noon and 4 PM. HEWPOIT IEACH FASHION ISL.AMO STORE OML Y NAIL 'N CLIP Great new idea -Outdoor Re~. $I 59 Chri~tmas light holders, works 99 everywhere home, garage, C fences, office, even mobile- homes. Saves lime & labor. TREE GREEN J\mazing Chnstmas tree pre· servative. Keeps your trees fresh. arromatic & green for weeks, A must for every tree. POINSETTIAS Reg. $1.50 99¢ AZALEAS -CYCLAMEN $1 9 9 -MUMS AND MANY ASSORTED PLANTS. FROM CHRISTMAS PLANTS See ou1 section of Christmas Plants all decorated with bows & ornaments all in bright red containers. For rndo0rs and out. Holly, Pme, etc. f L 2 Locdt1ons to serve you. Choose from Douglas Fir £-arm Balsam Noble Fir, Norway Pine. Silver up, Plantation Dougl.h, Scotch p1~e White fir, dnd many other~ ... Tiny Table Tops to ~oaring 14' CJldnt\. featuring 2 to 3 feet $ J 99 5 to 6 feet $4 'i9 Douglas Fir: 3 to 4 feet $299 7 to 8 feet ~7 99 CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS H and Painted Wooden Ornaments from out Christmas Shop. Tinsel Garland 25 ft. Values to $2.29 Reg. 39c 0c 49c 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU - COMPLETE CHR1STMAS DECO SHOP' I Custom Flocking Fl REPROOFING AV Al LABLE We will flock any tree, live. nrtifj, c1al. cut, to your ltkmg (yours o,· ours). Live Trees We still have a large selection or qucllity Live Christmas Trees. Use for Christmas, then pldnt in a tub or ground for yea~ of enjoyment. TREE LOTS AT 2 LOCATIONS IN COSTA MESA 2123 NEWPORT Bl VO. • 64&""3925 2905 RED Hill • 54S-4805 - t I A• • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE The Lobbyist Garue As might have been antldpatt>d in lh<• current climate of Orange Cow1ty government, the l:k>Hrd of Supervisors is playing some funny games with the is- sue of hiring a Washington. O.C., lobbyist. .. The lobbyist concept has ve,.ilidity, although c1tiz.ens might understandably wonder why the county ~·~in 't re- ly on its contingent of elected represent~tlVl'S for. Washington assistance. · · Wh en the idea first came up two weeks ago, there ap· pearcd to b~ majority !'upport by ~uprrvisors to hire ex-Congressman Richard Hanna for thl' JOU. But when 1t came back this week, their ardor had cooled. It's unclear what pi-ompted some super.visors. to have second thoughts. Perhaps the speed w1th which the pa<.'kagc was put togl'lher und pre~(·nll'd: perhaps soml' question of whether I lann~1 1s thl' bl'st pen;on av~1lablc for the typ(_• of lobby111g the <:ounty needs; perhaps lht.' s ize of thl' finannal <.'orn rnit ment. · With platitudes and pr~11M' for llanna. seve~al board members said ttu.·y "on 't s upport the lobbyis t idt.•a unless other funding mdhods arc explored and olhl•f' candid ates arl' 111ll'r\'H ·wt'd. Now the cnt 1n· matkr is hack behind the closed doors of supervison;tl offttl':l ~here the usual wheeling an<.lde~tlin~ ,-.ill takl'pl~1n•. Just once. 11 wollld bL· ni<:e if s upervisors could let Uwpublir in 011 ltll' n·;d 1s~Ul'S andpressures. · Driving Hazard 'l'hl' di s:1:.trou~ February accident on California noulL' 91 lll'ar Coron;1. where 84 vehicles piled up in (kll~t? fog .rnd 23 pt'rsons were injured. hQS resulted in a :-.pl'ctal <;tudy of fog driving problems by the National ~.tfdy Board in Washington. Om• of the board's pnncipa l r ecommendations is thl• rn~lallation of brake and turn lights on all new vehicles al a high •r level for greater visibility. . But the national board concluded that many drivers do not know how to handle their vehicles in heavy fog and has recommended a s urvey of driver ed~_cators to d etermine what should be taught about this type of driving. Driving in dense fog, especially a t this time of year, is a hazard faced by most California drivers. If vehicle lightipg can be made safer, well and good. Meanwhile, pending implementation of the na- tion al study, driving instructors would be wetl advised to alert their students to any specia l fog-driving techni- ques that could reduce the accident risk. Shame£ ul Statistics FBI Director Clarenc<' Kelley has come up with some ch illing statistics on the shameful rate of violent assaults, many of them fatal, against law enforcement officers in this country. T he rate of assaults against police in 1974, says Kelley, averaged 15 attacks per 100 officers, with 6 r e· suiting in injury . Jn the three-year P<'riod, 1972-74, 372 law e nforce- ment officers were slain in the United States. In all the countries of Western Europe, with a com- bined populJtion more than equal to ours, the r ate of police killings was jus t over one-third this figure. And in .Japan. with slightly mor e than half our population, only 13 officers were killed. Ironically, many of the assaults occur when police are responding to so-called routine disturbance calls. Abuse of police, mostly ve rba l, becam e a sick fas hion of sorts in the turbulent '60s. When the abuse becomes physical, and in too many tragic cases, fatal. it is lime for a grave re-evaluation of the public a ttitude toward the men who are our first line of defense against the ever· increasing tide of crime . ... 'Now, go get 'em tiger!' Land Use Policies Bre ak·1rp M a JI B e L oan•i n g Need Re-e v aluation To the Editor· ln reviewing the Summary Report of the South East Orange Co unty Circ ulation S tud y <S EOCCS). the League o r Women Voters of Orange County has identified the following is- sues of concern· (a) Air Qualtty -none of the <iltematives a re consistent with the attainment and maintenance of the Fed eral Ambient Air Quality Standards in t he Southeast Orange County area. 1b' Housing Opportunities - e ach of the alternatives assumes _a free housing m arket enablin g persons to live near their work. This is not the case; Residential opportun ities for low-and moderate-mcome famiJjes in the ~tudy area are extremely limited .md are likely to continue to be in the future. Is not the degree of "self-containment" for each alternative inflated, with more traffic to be generated than the report indicates? (c) Natural Resources -each of the four alternatives will have considerable impact in l and form. water quality, and proper· lY disruption. . THE IMPLICATIONS of the SEOCCS population projections are shocking Even Alternative 4, with the ~mallcst projected population would cause dire changes in the environment and quality of life in the entire Coun- ty. The League of Women Voters o pposes the adoption of Alternatives 2 and 3 because of their serious growth-inducing impacts. The Orange County Board of Supervisors has alr eady rt'· c·ognized that at some time int he future. land use and transporta· t1on controls may have to be t.'nacted in order to prt'venl fttrther air quality deterioration. The League of Women Voters belteves that this S EOCCS Report shows that the timt• is now. Alternative 1. indicating the land uses already approved hy the general plan, already allows more population growth than can be accommodated. We urge the <'Ounty and the cities involved to consider amending the land use t'lement of their general plans with regard to lowering the pro- jt>cted population growth to a level that can be accommodated while at the ·same time protect· 1ng tbe environment and the P nnch ( MAILBOX ) Letters Jrom readers are welcome The right to condense letters to ftt space or eliminate libel is reserved Letters of 300 words or less Will be gwen preference. All letters must zn. dude szgnature and mozlrng address lmt names may be withheld an re· quest 1j suff1c1ent reason 1s apparent. Poetry will not be published. quality of life in the study area and the county as a whole. Land use policies :.ind pro· cedures mus t be '-'valuated in their r elationship to huma.n needs as well as ecological and socio-eronomic factors. Any at- tempt to solve probl~m~ of the environme nt comprehensively must, by the very complexity of the problems. transcend narrow planning zones and deal with cumulative effects. The land use decisions lo be made in Southeast Orange County cannot be made by any one city or the county alone. We urge the cities of Irvine, L aguna Beach, San Clemente, and San Juan Capistrano and the County of Orange to continue in this cooperative manner to seek com· prehensive solutions to the pro· blems that have been identified by this SEOCCS Study. JEANF;TTE TURK, Presi dent League of Women Voters of Orange County Ta• too11 and Sin To the Editor: In reply to Dr. White's letter in lhe Dec. 8 issue of the Daily Pilot, I hereby take offense. and at the ssme time would like to bnef you on the habits and folklore of the only original inhabitants of this country. the American Indians. Among t he greatest of the chiefs of the Mohawk tribe was one, Sa-ga-yeath·qua-pieth-tow. As a distant descendant of his tribe, I can vouch for the fact that he <'overed his upper body and his face with tattoos. This was not to defile God. or flout the de· vii. It was to impress and call al· tenlton to his great status, as a chief of the Mohawks. He was fet· ed by the then Queen of England and given royal treatment. IF Tms is an indication of his sinful doings, what of the untat- tooed ones of your race who, with "ft.ere'• no doubt about it, he i& occident. pront1l" Dear Gloon1y Gus Wailing in line in a theater lobby recently, we saw more sex and violence than the screen had to offer. Is there any way of X-rating a lobby? D.L.V. Gloomy GllS commtnts ••• submitt.ci by re~ •ncl do not M<UHrlly refl«1 uw vlewn of the newn.,.per. S.ncl "°""pet _,,.to Gloomr Gus, Dally Piiot. no thought of the feelings of these savages <?) took whatever land and women and belongings they so desired, from the only real native Americans? Can you truthfully state that all who are tattooed are sinful? What of all the men who, before going overseas got a tattoo? Are we all so evil. because of ink un- der our skin? Don't most mar- ried people wear rings on their fingers, and don't the majority of women use cosmetics? It does seem that we have to in- terpret the Bible in its spiritual sense and not pick out only the passages that will stir the fires of unrest and prejudice a little more. If we accept one type of visual adorning, we must accept all the others, a nd put them in the unimportant category to which they belong. I am certain that many more pressing and impor· tant things are in need of prayer and a true understanding of the Bible. R. B. MURRENSR. At r o <"ff les To the Editor: Corrupting English usage seems hardly justifiable simply because it is done in the name of Women's Lib. ''Chai rwoman,•• "chairperson," "Irish person" instead of "Iris hman," "two- person team" instead of "two· man," "staffing" instead of "manning" a ship or a project - all these are tortured usages to the point of being .atrocities. As New York Times consulting editor Theodore M. Bernstein has point ed out to that newspaper 's r eporters and copy editors, "man" in one meaning always has been and still is a generic term for human being and when used as such carries no sense of m asculinity. HE ADDED: ''Women have enough r eal issues of equality that they are justified in fighting for without devoting energy to such trivia ..• Above all, let's not make The Times look silly." Bernstein is the author of "Watch Your Language," "More Langu age Tbat Needs Watching," "The Careful Writer," ''Miss Thistlebottom's Hobgoblins'' a nd, just published, "Bernstein 's R everse Die· tionary." He has long been the hairshirt in the Times newsroom, giving the itch to sloppy writers. and handing ou£ bouquets to re- porters and editors who perform well. No super-purist or pedant, Bernstein nevertheless rank& tugb among those wbo are ritiht· ing a losin1 ·batUe against lhe growtns incidence of incorrect use or the beautiful Enf(lish language -for example, writers and broadca.ters wbo have cor- rupted ''bopdully .. and uae "con - vince" as an infinitive when "persuade'' would be co.rTect. ALBERT W. BATES The Oil Stranglehold WA.SHINGTON -Federal energy czar Frank Zarb is carefully considering a dramatic move to break up the giant oil compan ies. which have a stranglehold on the nation's energy. The cautious Zarb h'asn 't de: 'cided whether t o make such a bold recom· mendation to Pre s ident Ford, whose past policies have tended to tilt toward the oil in- terests. But a few days ago. Zarb asked Federal Trade Chairman Lewis Engman for data lo help him re- ach his decision. Since Engman may soon have to ruJe on an an- titrust case against eight oil com- panies, he could furnish only public documents to assist his fellow regulator. He transmitted to Zarb hun- dreds of pages of resear('h, which contain stark evidence of how the oil industry reaches out to control natural gas, shale oil, nuclear fuels, coal and even geothermal energy. NOT ONLY do the patricians of petroleum largely, if loosely, control the production of all these fuels, they a lso determine the flow of energy through the pipelines and transmission lines. The FTC data going to Zarb de· als with Arco, Ashland, Cities Service. Continental, Exxon, Getty, Gulf, Mobil, Phillips, Shell, Standard of California, Standard of Indiana, Standard of Ohio. Sun. Tenneco. and Texaco and other firms. The concerned Zarb, himself a (JACK ANDERSON ] product of corporate America, has been slow to stand up to Big Oil. He is worried, his friends say, that shattering the industry into dozens of competing firm:> might simply lead to inefficiency and higher costs. But Zarb. according to his friends, has felt some of the same frustrations that led almost half the Senate to vote for a bill that would fragment the oil industry. Like too many other honorable men in the Ford Aministration, he is also appalled at the new re- velations of payoffs by oil com· panies to influence congressional votes on oil matters. Footnote: Asked for comment, a spokesman for Zarb would say only that any request to FTC was an internal matter. An FTC s pokesman confirmed that public documents had been sent to the Federal Energy Ad - ministration. SOVlET HARASSMENT : American tourists have come home from Ru ssia with stories of harassment, apparently because they were Jewish. U.S. Jewish leaders have told us the mistreatment is still rare,. but they fear it could be the beginning of a campaign to dis- courage Jewish visitors. For example, a Miami physi- cian, Dr. Joel Sandberg and his wife, Adele, spent 10 days in Russia earlier this year seeing the sights and vis iting Jewis h families. . • . . . Jn Kishinev, they spent four evenin~ with Mark Abramovich, a Soviet Jew who had asked to go to Israel. ''We went to Ma rk's apartment open- ly.'· the Sand bergs told our as- sociate Joe Spear. "No officials ever told us not to visit him. We can emphatically state that they said nothing against the Soviet Union." YET THE Sandbergs, ap· parently because of' their brief :issociation with Abramovich, were grilled for 10 hours. They were accused of being Israeli spies, of smuggling documents, of engaging in "hostile" acts I against the Soviet Union. They-I were told that they wouldn't be going home for four or.five years. that they wouldn't be seeing their three children for a long time. Several times. Adele Sandberg brpkedown and wept. In the end, the Sandbergs were packed off to Romania. The local communist paper later portrayed them as Zionist agents and excoriated Abramovich as a man who ''slanders the country that had raised him." Such public denunciation often is a prelude to a trial and sentence. ANOTHE R MIAMI couple, Ralph and Miriam Gordon, were taking pictures in Sovie t Armenia last September when Ralph suddenly died of a heart attack. The Soviets forcibly in- jected Miriam with medication. interrogated her for hours and accused her of slipping poison in-· to her hus band's vodka martini. She was allowed to return home after several anxious days. Footnote: The State Depart· ment has lodged official protests over the maltreatment or American citizens. Our calls to the Soviet Embassy were not re- turned. The 'Flesh' and the 'Spirit' l A reader in Oklahoma asks me if I can explain why the F\Jndamentalist sects throughout what used to be known as the Bible Belt bear down so hard on such matters as sex, drinking, gambling, and even dancing as "s ins," while paying comparatively little attention to social injustices and the bigotries thatsetmanagainstman. Partly, of course, it is cultural conditioning. But another part o{ . the reason, I am persuad· ed. is a mis· reading of the ·Bible, and especially of St. Paul. Paut•s famous words about the ''flesh'' and the "spirit·~ confus e and mislead many persons, because ooJy trained theologians understand what Paul meant in speaking or "fiesh." WE ARE informed that the "flesh" is bad, and the "spirit" is good, and we suppose that Paul was talkins against ''physical" things -that by "the sins of the flesh" he meant gluttony and dn.m.kenness and fornication and the immoderate utisf action of all the appetites. But he meant nothing of the sort. 'the • ·nesb'' refers to the (SYDNEY HARRIS ) "natural man" as opposed to the "supernatural man." The flesh is the total human personality of the person who has not been "reborn" in his spirit as much as in his body. Thus. the sins of the flesh, according to Paul and the fathers of the church, are primarily those attitudes and actions which contrast most sharply with the supernatural virtues; the y comprise hardness of heart, greed. vanity, envy, cruelty, injustice. and pride at the core of all oft.hem. Indeed, one lesson to be learned from a careful reading of the New Testament is that J esus counted these "spiritual'' sins infinitely worse than the iodulg~nce or' pe rversion of the physical appetites. Everything in the gospels indicated that he preferred the company of the disreputable to the self-satisfied piety or the respectable hypocrites who scrupulous ly observed the law but violated the spirit of the CovenanL BECAUSE so many have not understood what Paul meant by "flesh,'' it has been assumed that the "worst sins" are pbystrat. when, of course, they are "spiritual." (Many so·cnlled . ' Christians even believe that the prime sin o{ Adam and Eve was sexual in nature, which is a gross dis tortion. Theirs was t he spiritual sin of pride and disobedience.) New versions or the Bible try valiantly t o correct t hese miscon ceptions, but the emotional and cultural ties to the past are too strong, in many cases. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. Wt'ed, Publuher Thomas Ki>et1il. Editor Barbara Kreibich, Editonal Page Editor 'The editorial page of the Daily Pilot seek:s tp inform ind •timulate readers b)' presenting on this page dive~e commentary on topics of interc5t by syndlcat· «I columnists and cartoonists, by• providing n forum ror readers' views and by presenting this ncw~papf'r's opinions and Ideas. on <'urn·nt topics. The ooltorial. opinions of the Daily Pilot appear only In the editorial column at the top or the page. Opinlons tx- pressed by the ~olumnlsta and cartoonists and letter wrltere ftNt their own and no endorscmCtnt ol their vl~wlt by the Dally Pilot 5hould be Inferred. Friday. Dec.12, 1975 • ! . , l Death Rays for '2 Gir t Rare Disease Forces TUisa Pair Out of Sun TULSA, Okla. (AP) -Two young sisters are condemned to a hfe without sunshine because the sun's rays mean certain death for them . Terri Addington, 12, and her lO·year·old ::i1ster, Lisa, cannot· let the sunlight touch them because their bodies are unable to cope with the sun's ultraviolet rays. .. ULTRAVIOLET IS harmful lo all of us," said Dr. Pete Dosser, a dermatologist and one o~ se~eral doctors following the girls case. "But the normal body quickly and easily repairs the damage. The g1rls' repair mechanisms are taulty." This results in s evere freckling which the girls have suffered since their first year. The freckles later turn into rough, scaly spats which in turn· may develop into one of several Mr. Charlie The Poodle Dead at 15 (MEDICINE) forms of skin cancer. Dosser said skin cancer is 100 percent curable. But victims of the disease called xeroderma pigmentosa get so many tumors so young that Jus t one overlooked lesion can become fatal quickly it it spreads to the blood stream or brain, he said. THERE IS NO KNOWN cure for the disease and life expectancy based on the 50 or so previously recorded cw;es runs from~ t9 IS years. ·'About the only form o( treatment we know of is absolute avoidance of sunlight and frequent oper~tioos to remove the skin tumors as they crop up," Dosser said Dosser estimates Terri bps had some 200 to 300 skin tum<rs removed, mosUy Crom her raoe, neck and arms, in seven years. She has had two major operations for removal of large growths, one the size of a fist, in the las t two months, and is scheduled for surgery again .today. LISA HAS A~ had several lesions removed, but her case is not as advanced as Terri's was at the same age. Their parents, Billie Ritchif' and Edw;ird Addington, are boO carriers of the disease but sh<>N none of 1ts symptoms. "Neither one of us bad tbe foggiest idea we were carriers, lel alone that the disease even existed," Mrs. Ritchie said. ''The chance of our meeting and· having two sick children is one in millions." The parents were divorced several years ago. Addington has remarried and bas a 4-ycar-old d:rnghter who does not have the disease. BARRED F RO!\f GOING outdoors, the world for Terri and Lisa has shrunk to a modest ' three·bedroom mobile home Family Wasn't Notified FORT LAUDER - DALE, Fla. (UP[) - Country club vice presi· dent Pe ter Nicolaysen was found dead in his car Nov. Jl, but police negelected to noliry tus family oflbe tragedy. A s a result, ~'\colaysen's body lay anclaimed in the Broward County morgue for 2S days until police in the town of Parkland, northwest or here, notified his ra mily, who had been searcbang frantically for him. Broward County medical examiner Dr. Geoffrey Mann said at was the police's responsibility to contact the family of Nicolaysen and could not figure out why that wasn't done. "He was known to the police," Mann said. Nicolaysen, 36. the vice pres ident of the Hillsboro Country Club m Boca Raton, had 19 credit cards', two driver's licenses and a pilot's license on his person at the time he was found. Friday, December 12, 1975 DAIL v PILOT A 7 JCPenney1 • GARDEN CENnR • FASHION ISlAND STORE ONLY! CHRISTMl,S Live Poinsettias. The Ovistmas flower. in 6 inch pots. A loveJy remembrance for someone spec ial, and a thoughtful hostess gift. Shop: Mon. thna Sat.: I 0 to 9 p.lft. s.lday: I 0 to 6 ,.... NEWPORT 0 CENTER FASHION ISLAND • (714) 644-2313 •1 OAKLAND (A~) -Mr. they share with their mother on .-------------------------__.: ___________ _ Charlie, the myopic German poodle who gatnl'd national attention when dognaped six years ago, has died at age 15 of a reported heart attack. His owner. dog trainer Harold Nash, reported the death of the 140 ·pound stlver·gray canine, who suffered from rheumatism for two years. Mr. Cha rlie, known for the tinted spectacles Nash fitted him with to protect him from nearsightedness and the glare of sunUght. was abducted in 1969 . by a thief who demanded $600 for his return. Nash refused to pay, and Mr. . Charlie found his own way home · three weeks later. : UPI Telfl>l\otO Wever Used It' Happy Rockefeller admitted she and her husband Nelson have yet to use $35,000 sur- realist 'cage bed' in Vice Presidential residence. Pair hav·e not used house because it has no private family quarters. Tulsa 's east side. Even that world is in jeopardy, however. Mrs. Ritchie lost her job in a s upermarket in October for absenteeis m, just three weeks after buymg the new home and spending "every cent I could scrape to make this move. · "The store was really nice about. I had no hard feelings toward them . but Terri's condition is r equiring more and m o re frequent trips to Children's Medical Center in Oklahoma City. "WllO I A!'W BITI'ER toward 1s the unemployment office. They told me l wouldn't get any une mploy ment benefits for seven wct•ks because I was fired for 'mi sconduc t.' I tried to explain to them why l had to miss work but they didn't care." Mrs. Ritchie has no medical ins urance and the girls are umnsurabf'e, but the medical Ct'nler is absorbing the cost of their care, she s aip. JCPenriey GARDEN CENTER• FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY! .CHRIST TREE CE AS TER LIVE CUT WESTERN DOUILAS FIR '· ,, s 1" s2" s3" ~· :::. ~::. ~::. AVAllABLE to ·12 Ft. in Height LIYIHG LIVE CUT PLAMTATIOH CHRISTMAS TREES IN PLANTABlE POTS DOUGLAS FIR .......... , ,... • Al.-...... s... ... All Trees are U.S. No. 1 Grode ArNOXIMATI IETAIL Douglas Fir s10" HltC.Ht SJ99 5 to 6 ft. . 2tolffff iR IO" Plantabfe Pot ...... Douglas Fir 5 1399 s1399 6 to 7 ft. 3to4FHt Douglas Fir 5 15~ iR 13" Pl..tabfe Pot ••• • • • 5 1999 7 to 8 ft. 4 to 5 fftf Douglas Fir ·5 18" iR IS .. rtc..tabl• Pot •••••• 8 to 9 ft. 5 to 61/2 het s2999 Douglas Fir .520" ill .... Pt.table Pot •••••• 9 to 14 ft. LIVE CUT • • • SCOTCH PINE ALL TREES ARE U.S. Ho. I G~~E SMp: Mo&. t11n Sat: I 0 to 9 P.""' S.9day. I 0 to 6 P·""' NEWPORT. CENTER FASHION ISLAN0•(714') 64 .. -2313 , All stores open every night 'til Christmas. Stores open Sunday 10 AM to 6 PM. ~~ """~~ •. . ~ Tiger puka shell necklaces in creamy white, marked with earthy tones to give ~ a handsome striped effect. Pukas begin as cone-shaped shells and, through the crash of surf against the beach, result in pearly round discs. They take years to form, hours to gather. New you can collect yours the easy way, at JCPenney. at a very easy price. Clasps are sterling silver. Imported directly from the Philippines. Merry Christmas .JCP9hney Availabie at most JCPenney stores. ;r~ ~~ ~ A8 O>\_IL_Y...;P_IL..;...O.;...T _______ ..;_F..:..:r1.=.d•::.1Y:.:.· :::.Dece=:.;.:m.:.:be;.;:.;_r ,;.:12::.. • ..:..:19::..:.7..::5 Women Confab Funded WASHINGTON tAPl -The ltouse, approving plans for a "Na- tional Women rs Conference" to assess the plaice of women m society. has aut horiied $5 mtlllon women are at, wher~ they want to g_oandhowtog et there." Conservatives opposed the bill on grounds tha t the ronferenc<'s would provide a forum for lob by1s ts fo r the Equal Rights Ame ndment, which bams d1' crimrnat1on on the basis o£ sex Four more states must ratify the ER). before 1t becomes part of the Conshlulton. would r-ead. "AJI this talk a bout drinking and partying is a bunch or baloney," said Rep. Peter A. Peyser, <R-N.Y.) ... Let'sli.stento the results of a conference. ut's l~arn :,omething. I hope this Congress is not going to put its hand over its ears and say we don't want to bear." •oa F-ASHIO•~ · ISLA•D STORES \ ~ OPEN EVERY · NIGHT ~ ·~w~·~ 0 ,,• 0 ~· 0 • e o •· •o ·lobe spent on th'• pro1ect By a 252 lo Ut.l volt\ the House authorized the m oney for a sen es of stale and ret,t1onal m eeungs next year leading up to a national conference. Tbe Senate is expect· ed to take the blll up shortly. R E P . BELLA ABZUG <D· N. Y.) praised the men who spoke up for the bHl and who argued it was time for women to meet tu .. e valuate where American REP. ROBERT BAUMAN <R· Md .> s aid little worthwhile would emerge from the meetings and predicted they would be only a series of cocktail pa rties climaxed by a report whicb no one Rep. Henry Hyde, (R-lll.) an opponent of the plan, s aid the con- ferences would polarize WOl1\en. He said if data are needed on \he specific problems of women, ~s some advocates argued, th slate status of women co missions should be able to get it. 1l UNTIL CHRISTMAS ~ ~~~?*8.:../t~~---btl.··~-~ ' • THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane " 'Twos the night before Chr istmos and all through the house, Not a mouse was s--·, not o ---the Cl'eotures were hung by the . . . 'Twos the night before Christmas and . ,, He Ca11 't Help Way He Appears LO;'IJG BEACH (AP> They lo ved Rick Bryson in De Kalb. Ill. Thousands cheered him in Des Moines, low:.i. It all bt•gan when someone said , "Pssst. that '::-. Rob<'rt Redford .. Bryson w;,is in De Kalb a:-a booster fo r the Cal State Long f°h'<tl'h footb;.ill lt'am when someone mis· took hi m for tlw movie :,tar. ''l JlTST OF.CIOEO TO CARRY il off," the 30 year -old ln!:>UranCl' agent !:>aid in an interview "Word spread through thL· -.tad1um that I was Robert Redford. and at halftime they introduced me. Bryson had been mistaken for Redford m any limes before. bu t had al ways denied it ··sut what could I do? There were 20,000 fans watching and screaming. I couldn't deny it ." On a trip with the football team to Des Moines, Bryson a nd tus fnends decided to give the Rl'<iford r use a nother try WEARING A COWBOY HAT ANO da rk glasses. Bryson REDFORD checked into a hotel. One of his OR BRYSON "promoters" whispered to a bysta nder, "You know, than Robert Redford." Phone calls to the hotel asked fo r Redford. It worked. Bryson wound up signing hundreds of autographs. lie was given specia l transportation to the hotel, footba ll s tadium and airport. The Drake University band paid him a musical salute. Highway patrol officers protected ham from the crowds that g1•thered wher ever he went. Reporters sought his pictures and inter views. "WHAT A ~AZED ME MOST WAS how fast the word spread. how the whole stadium got caug ht up in the masquerade." he said. "Girls actually start- ed crying, trying to get a chance to talk to Red· ford .. Bryson. m arried and the father of a son. said he ga\ e autograph hounds his own name, "but my signature 1s so bad a nyway. nobody could tell." For the man will wants everything. A Seiko Quam Watch , The bu~y inan of today deserves to know what time it is to w11hin ~onds per month And the wate!' has to be hand90me. too That means Sei~o Quartz. Seiko was the first 10 reduce the quar1z pnncrple 10 true wrist size. so no other watchmal(er is Mtrer quahf1ed to Cfe&te a quarll watch of sucll sltm el&gance It's truly a magnificent gift. Black & Decker Black & Decker Fioishing Sander 7 1/.i" Circular Power Saw 19.99 14.99 Reg. 22.99. Grl•.Jt l~l'nt>ral purpose saw Sclwclust ewctum ChUlf' D11uble insulated. 4900 RPM I )O'/ C) AMP~ UL listed (730 I). Reg. 17.99. Orbital action Double insulated. For wood. met JI or plastic Front handle for extra control. l 20V l 5 AMPS. UL listed. (7404). 3.99 Reg. 4.44. I? pc s.iw blJdes. (not sl1own) I Pointsettia Black & Decker 19~99 Re g. 22.99. Double insulated drill features double reduction gear system High power. Well balanced. l 20V. 2 AM PS. UL li sted. (7114). 14.99 Reg. 19.99. A 2·speed Black and Decker drill complete wit h drill bits polishing bonnet. backing pad. wheel arbor. abrasive polishing wheel, buffing pad. carrying case 120 volts. Double insulated. UL listed (7119). (Not shown). 3.99 Reg. 4.99. High speed twist dnlls. (Not shown). 3.99 Reg. 5.99. Drtll Bits. (Not shown). $8 OFF Table Tennis Table Black & Decker jig saw. 11.99 Double insulated. makes straight. curved cuts m wood metal plashes. (7504) 3 .99 Reg. 5.44. Ad1 Hole cutter. 3.99 Reg. 4.99. Power screw dnver. SAVE $12 Deluxe Table Tennis Table 2.99 31.99 47.99 The beautiful traditional Olristmas plant grows up to 3 feet. Reg. 39.99. Great for everyone. V2" stableply top. Folds for easy storage. Accessories not inciuded. Re1. 59.99. Converts to play back position. V2" stableply top and wheels included. Folds up for easy storage. (not shown). Sale priced items effective Sat. t hru ~un ., Dec. 14, 1975 Live Christmas Trees Douglas Fir .•. 3 to 4 feet . . . 2.99 5 to 6 Feet. . . 3.99 7 to 8 Feet . . . 5.99 Scotch Pine ... 4 lo 5 feet . . . 8.99 5V2 to 7 Feet ... 11.99 7 to 8 Feet .•. 14.99 Holds trunks up to 4" in diameter. Pan holds 112 gal. water. SAVE $5 Weight Bench SAVE $3 100 lb. Weight Set 18.9917.99 Reg. 23.99. Standard weight. Reg. 20.99. Weisht set. bench. 100 lb. fn a varie{y of y.<eights. Two 15" dumbbeU bars. BUENA PARK : Beach at <Orangethorpe•Open weekdays 9:30 to 10. Sundays 10 to 10 ORANGE: City Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd.•Open weekdays 10to 10. Sundays 10 to 10 SANTA ANA : 3900 So. Brls1ol~o. of So. Coast Plaza•Open 9:30 to 10 Saturday. Sundays 10to 10 I ' ; .. • I Friday. December 12. 197S DAILY PILOT A 9 HB Trustees Nix County Legal Aid l · ffy KATHY CL:iLNCY He said perh~ere was no recourse-in the idea as too co!)t ly ~ 0t ... o.urP1••Uuff matter but d1strict officials bad to hall construction ' r for six weeks and s pend $25,000 to prepare a court AT THE TIME, dbtrict orf1(•1ab cited one re· The Huntington Beach Union Hlgh School Dis-ordered EIR. que!)t for a leg.JI opuuon from thl' county counsel's • tnct is hiring its own ttltomey rather than continuq office on the tegaltty of rehe10us clubs on campus. using free services from the Orange County FEDETE ARGUED, HOWEVER, "we pre -OHic1ab s • .11d they made the request in January Counsel's office. sented the facts of the dis trict's case as best we but didn't hear from its counsel until June six Asststa nt district Superintendent Glen Dys-couJd · · months later inger said he believes the county CQunsel's staff H district officials had checked with him before Dysinger said -Wednes day s uch delays isn't big enough to handJe district requests pro-starting construction without an ElR, he said, ·•we som etimes an• c·ostly mptly · would have advised them that their pos ition was not And he !)a1d in a recent personnel hearing. for Open 'til 9 p.m. Daily Andin recent schoolunificlltioncourtbattles,he· sound." example. the district hild to hire an attorney said, the board had to hire outside legal help High school officials considering hiring outside because the county counsd 's representative could anyway beacuse the legal help mon• than a year ago but scrapped the not attend. county counsel was representing other agen·1 ries in the matter. TRUSTEES VOTED 4-0 to hire the law firm or Rutan and Tuckl'r. Trustee Bob Knox. an attorney, was not pres('nt The Santa Ana firm. which r epresent s ORANGE COUNTY sever al e1ty govern- m('nts. handled the d1s- t r 1 ct' s unification lawsuits -at a cost of $13,000, Dysmger said . H' s aid trustees briefly discussed setting a SlO,OOQ limit on legaJ fees for the rest of the year <Janu•ry through June) but agreed instead to re- vieweach billing. THE ANAHEIM UNION High School District has employed a fulltimc staff allorn('y for about two years, Dysinger said, and the La Habra City School District is con sidering hjring outside counsel as well. D~puty County Counsel Frank Fekete said his office is studying the ramificat10ns of such moves. Fekete said Ills personal feeling is that his of- fice could use a larger staff. BUT HE DEFENDED the service it provides by saying, "I have no reason to believe that the dis- trict has suffered m any way because of a delay from this office.'' . The county counsel employs 24 fulltime at- torneys. Fekete said three work fulltime on school matters and one works parttime on a "Limited" basis. "I thmk we certaJnly deal with our matters on a priority, .. he said. BUT DYSINGER SAID the service is more like "taking your turn in line al the clinic." Dysinger said the county counsel "in a sense pleaded us guilty" when it represented the district in a recent case over filing an environmental im- pact r eport for the new Ocean View High School campus. Toro Land Owner Pays Cowity Fees SAVE $1 Women's Bikinis 4.00 Reg. 5.00. Days of the week b1k1n1 s 7 pai r in a box l 00% nylon. As!iu rtcd colo rs. This Saturday. This Sunday. SAVE $3 OVER 20% OFF Women's Embroidered Our Big Girls' SWEATER SALE SAVE 20% P.V.C. Jacket Pullovers Big Girls' Cardigans Infants' Sleepers 13.99 3.44 5.44 3.99 Reg. 16.99. Great for rain or Reg. 4.44. Short sleeve. Reg. 6.77. Short, cuffed Reg. 4.98. Infants' Sleepers. shine. Poly·vinyl 1ackct with s,11 lor knot sr.1rf Solids with sleeves. Jacquard pattern. Print tops. solid bottoms. nylon taffeta lining. Assorted stripe act ents. Polyester. Polyester. In assorted colors. Dyne I• modacrylic/polyester. colors and embroidered SmJll , medium, large. S,M,L. 1·4. designs. '.· I• The owner of a 32-acre agricultural preserve parcel in El Toro has finally agreed to pay the coun- ty the required r ee to cancel the preserve status and open the land for development. Cecil Wright, attorney for landowner Powell West, told supe rvisors his client is prepared to put up the cancellation fee once all necessary paperwork is completed within the next 30 days. UNDER TERMS OF the Williamson Act that created the agricultural preser ve concept, owners of large tracts of farm land can place their property in a reser ve for a minimum of 10 years for lower tax rates. But if cancellation before the full term is re- quested by the owner, the fee levied to cover pa~t taxes that would have accrued 1s 12.5 percent of the full cash value of the land. COUNTV ASSESSOR Bradley J acobs t.old super visors in a memo the full value of the land •.f 1t were not in a preserve would be $740,000, meanmg West will have to pay up lo $93.500 in fees. That figure may be adjusted by the county, which has demanded West dedicate two acres for the right of way for Trabuco Road and eight acres of open space along Aliso Creek. The West property, which is bounded gener~lly by El Toro Road. Jerorumo Road and Los Ahsos Boulevard. has been used over the years as an orange grove. Diabetic Training Sessions Planned ORANGE -Parents of diabetic youngsters can enroll in a series Of training !-!CS~;ons to be offered next month at Childrens Hos pital of Orange County. Dr. Merl J . Carson, the hospital 's medical direc- tor, said the sessions will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 6, 13. 20and27. Diabetic boys and girls and their parents can at- tend. Reservations can be made by calling the hospital. SAVE 25% Furniture throws 3.33 Reg. 4.44. Cott on/acetate in iJSSortf'd colors 70x60''. 5.55 Reg. 7.44. 70x90". 8.22 Reg. 10.99. 70xl20". 9.66 Reg. 12.99. 70xl40" SAVE OVER 20% The Treasury's Own Christmas Wrap 2.33 Reg. 2.99. 3 roll pa~k. 130 sq ft L:ich 5 yds. 2 ft . 4 1n. x 2 fl. 6 1n. Assorted colors. I • I / / f 1 I 25% OFF Our Decorator Pillows 2.99 Reg. 3.99. Luxury soft crushed rayon velvet 1n a huge selection of decorator colors. SPECIAL BUY Juliette Digital Clock Radio ,. • d 'l j I ~,!--/t1 -· SAVE Men's Unlined C.P.O. Jackets 6.44 Reg 7 99. Men s unltned C P 0 11ckets in assorted pl 1 ds ,M.L.XL Sha rp Thin Electronic Calculators 24.99 33.88 Wake to music with AM /FM d1p,1 tal cl ock radio Sltding lever clock controls and Jin ger·tip alarm and time set controls. Drowse button. (1067). Reg. 39.88. Super thin and surwr convenient. It's so thin you ti.irdly notice 1t in your shut r ocket. 8 d1g1ts. 4 functions and "L1q u1d Crystal" d1.,play. AC adaptor . (EL 8010). SAVE 20% Men's Polo Shirts 2.99 Reg. 3.77. Crew necks in issorted bright stripe colors. Polyester /cotton. Pocket. Machine wash. Sizes S,M,L,XL. SAVE Big Boys' Sweatshirts 3.99 Reg. 4.99. Hooded sweat· shirts of cotton/ Acrilarr~ acrylic. Zipper front. Solids 10-16. 3.33 Re~. 3.99. little boys' sweatshirts. Sizes 4, 6, 8. Includes 608 Tele·lnstamatic camera, Flip.flash, camera case, roll of film , instruction book. Flash! Low Prices Kodak 110 or 126 film 1.09 12 exposures 1.29 20 exposures Sale priced items effective Saturdaythru Sunday. December 14. 1975 BUENA PARK: Beach at (Orangethorpe•Open weekdays 9:30 to 10. Sundays 10 to 10 ORANGE: City Or. at Garden Grove Blvd. •Open w eekdays 10 to 10. Sundays 10 to 10 • SANTA ANA: 3900 So . Bristol-No. of So. Coast Plaza•Open 9:30to10 Saturday. Sundays 10to10 .... T -iJO DAILY PILOT Hos he's Ratings Varied Who is ) our favorite tero or heroine or all lme'> Surveytakers IOmehme back put that uery lo a batch of vis· tor s to M adame ~saud 's Wax Museum r: London. J esus Christ ot the most vote::.. econd mos t Wl'nt to Winston Churchill. And John F. Kennedy came in tturd. They also asked that sam e :>ampliog of people to name the person they most hated . and feared. Lis ted in descending order were Richard M. Nixon, Adolf Hitler and J ack the Rip-- per. You may be in· terested lo learn that Israel 's Moshe Dayan showed up in fifth place on both lists. HERRING If a hernng went in for weightlifting, it would be at its peak o f physical form at age 10. IT'S A MATTER of re- cord, Loo, that a Buenos Aires court fined a cou- p l e o r parents for naming t h e 1 r children Zoroaster a n d Jupiter. HAVF. YOU EVER heard or Bill Nash? If not, you \\-Ill Can bet a ( L. M. BOYD ) s m a ll unspecifi ed sum on that. Nash is a coun· try-west ern smgt'r out of Houston with more talent than age. Ex- traordmarv \'Oll'l' The girls tn his ~1ur11C'nce don't S~l>n, tht•\ JUSt stay atrcl ::;ta:.· and stay and buy tht•1 r o\\n refreshments. the httk rascal.s WEIG HT LIFTING Q. "In weight hftin~. what's the difference -between the mthtary press. the clean and jerk, and the ::.natch?" A. In the press, the athlete lifts the barbell from lht• floor to the chest with both hands. waits fo r tht• refcrcC''s signal. then boosts the bell high over the head. In the clean and jerk. it's the same thin~. but without the wail for the refen•e 's signal. In the snatch, the bell is lLfted from the floor directly O\.cr the head in one mo· tton. Add"'' mall lo L M llovd P 0. fie• 1560, co,t• Meu •nu Friday. December 12. 1975 NINE KJLLED BY ELEPHANT Egg Ads Fa~e -Judge Weds Agaf11 Entertn1ncr Jackie Glt"'ason, divorced a month age, will marry Murilyn Taylor llorw1ch, a widow he met 'and fe ll in love with ' 25 years ago. It will be his third mar· riage. DACCA, Ba niladesh CAP> -A wild elephant trampled nme persons to death and inJured another 10 people in two villages in Cox's Bazar.' <ibout 90 miJes from Chit- tagong Port, authorities report~. WASHINGTON CUl'fJ -A ~erat Tr3de Commission Judge has ruled that t~~U rndustry engaged in false, misleading and deceptive ad· vertismg by claiming that eatmg eggs does not in crease the chance of heart attacks. To the contrary, Administrative Law Judge Ernest G. Barnes said Thursday, "There exists a substantial body or competent and reliable scien lific evidence that eating eggs increases the risk or . be art attacks or heart disease." BARNES ISSUED A CE~E AND desist order agains t the National Commission on Egg Nutrition, Park Ridge, Ill. and its advertising agency Richard Li11eoln-Douglas 011 T\I Debate Airs Tonight By JOAN HANAUER NEW YORK <UPI) -NBC hopes the Civil War will sell better in PeonJ than the Revolutionary War and that \ Americans will sit sWl for political speeches in the name of history that might turn them off if they were cur· rent events. Auruences w ill get a chance to vote on it tonight when "The Rivalry" airs at 8 :30 on Channel 4. givmg viewers an hour and a half of the 1858 debates between incumbent Illinois SC'n . Stephe n Douglas and the young lawyer challenging for his scat, Abraham Lincoln. "THE RIVALRY" IS billed as a Hallm ark H all of Fame bicenh'nnial s pecial, which puts under the um· brella of the nation's 200th birthday almost anything that ever happened m American History. !'JBC deserves a commendation for \'3lor in prc·empting two of its top shows for "The Rivalry," which goes mto the spots normally held by "Chico and the :\tan" and "The Rockford Files." This is particularly true since Utls month the network pulled dis· astrous r atings with another Hallmark bicentennial offering - "Valley For ge.'' ARTHUR HILL PLAYS Lincoln, who lost the e lection but gained enough stature to challenge Douglas two years later for the presidency - San Juan Drops Fee San Juan Capistrano city councilmen have waived requirements for busmess license fees for the American Freedom (TV REVIEW J and, of course, win. Hill plays Lincoln with intelligence , rugnity and humor. perhaps a little too much wgnity for historical accuracy. Although Hill's makeup puts the viewer in mind of Lincoln, it doesn't try to force a resemblance. Too oft en guantilies or makeup are used lo replace quality or performance, but that isn't the case here. CHARLES DURNING, who plays the policeman in N BC's nC'w situation comedy, "The Cop and the Kid," turns suave, slightly sly but basically honest as Douglas. Durning paints a portrait of the consumate politician who perceives the urgency of holding together the Union and will sacrifice means to achieve that end. As side notes, the ruJes under which they debated apparently gave them considerable freedom to interrupt and bandy words. And instead or the fold· mg chairs we give our speakers to- day, on which no one could sit with grace or com fort, in the antebellum days gentleman speakers sat on brocaded or needlepoint armchairs likely lent for the occasion by a ladies' group. $14.00 PR. Train, Inc., its con-THF.JEWELTHIEF cessionaire and local SOUTH COAST TURQUOlSE RINGS, We\nel' lnc. New York Qty, telling them to stoJ> the campaign. Barnes also suggested that the very name or the nutrition t'om mission was deceptive a nd that ir it is used in future advertising it should clearly dLSclose that it "is composed of egg producers and other 10- dtv1duals and orgaruzations of, or re lating to, the egg mdustry. •' The industry, which hotly contested the com- plaint wtuch led to Barnes' order, has already 10· dicated it would appeal any adverse ruling to the full FTC. The ruling is a preliminary one since the FTC may elect to review it or accept an appeal from the industry. THE ADVERTISING IN QUESTION appeared in such pubHcations as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Chicago Tribune last year and this year. Barnes said it was prompted by adverse publicity on the role or eggs in cholesterol build.up which the industry believed "caused severe economic loss ... through a decline in sales and per-capita consumption of eggs.'' "The net impression of most of the challenged advertisem ents in promoting the goodness and safety or eggs 1s that there is absolutely no scientific evidence of any health hazard from eating eggs or from dietary cholesterol in regard to coronary heart disease, .. Barnes s aid. ~.2!.~ INSURANCE ,~ r 1'14 Hwlter ,..,._ ~~1 COSTA MESA -S48·5554 t."",~IJ'I JiJ A \rcrnon·s SPORTSWEAR Wl~l(llff P!AlA 'BAlBOAISlANO Newpcr•&>oth :?loMor1~eAve 548-4171 675 1904 /\ Great \j / gift for I .'1 William E. Bailey, M. D. ANNOUNCES THE ()P&_NINGOF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DERMATOLOGY AT SOUTH COAST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CLINIC BUILDING 31872 COAST HIGHWAY SOUTH LAGUNA, CALI FORNI A 92677 TELEPHONE 114· 4°"' 118'1 Petropolis ...> fl NUCE Closing New York stocks. Delivered '--~same day Grr "'.' :. , ,,: ... ,; . 'GREAT THINGS! ............................... fresh ser vice and charitable VILLAGE BRACELETS, gr oups th al operate AT SUNFLOWER & BEAR AND EARRINGS... souT1-1 COA<r f't.A?A. 7', or,10 booths during th e SANTAANASS7-4Q52 $4.00 10 $36.00 NflCT ro 0ut10Cr_; HITRANCE nRSTLEvrL to your doorstep Freedom Train 's ~~~==~~~~~~~=:=::=::=::=:::==::::=~ll--.iiiiiiiiiiir=~~~~~~;=~=r-SAI:J:f;IT)~~NI)A"Y:Di;:C"Ei\:18E'FtJ.;:f'~~~~~~~ January visit. ;: I SAIL' f'NDS SUNDAY DI::' T N II $25 d -1••11••1•111• TQV SALE • ,r, •,, • • • r,CEMI3ER 1·1 II ..• fee 0~r::~1/·b~ ch:rg!~ The Wash1·ng l'!'1l~p;itl1 · 1 HURHY, SOME QUANTITIES Ll~ITED! "on any carniva l or ~~~~:o£Zo1fa:~~; Machine™ for K1· ds' f a~or1· tes. fee would be charged to concessions. tt)e shower, Call 642-5678. ~~~~::~0~0~~~ from Penneys. ·o EVOLUTIOO HEAIJH CARE comPAnY Save$}. Save$}. "' llEW DIMENSIONS Evel Knievel8 thriller. E vel Knievel e race car. I ' By Famous Maker ONlY 42 ·Round Tobie ond 4 matching choirs $23995 Reg. $470 Value OVAL TABLE WITH 4 MATCHING CHAIRS lTHE WAS H ING MACHIN© @] 00 ~ . 26.88 The Washing Machine™ puts :ill your shower needs-shampoo, conditioner, an d Clean & RichTM liquid body soap- right at your fingertips. Dispenses what you need at the push of a button. Off-white with goldtone or chrome trim. Clean & Rich™ liquid soap, 12 oz , 1.75. Afl stores open every night until Christmas. Open Sundays 10 AM·6 PM. ARCADIA FULLERTON LAKEWOOO NOATHRIOQE RIVl!RSIOE CANOGA PARK CARSON DOWNIY HUNTINGTON BEACH LAGUNA HILUJ MONTCLAIR NEWPORT llEACH ORANGE 'THE CITY' PUENTE HILLS SAN BERNARDINO V£NTURA W!ST COVINA JCPenney charge card. WHITTWOOD. Ute :rour ' I· K i n~ of the Stuntmen and 11..., ~upcr cycle does all the gn·at tricks! 7" high. 9~~0.99 Extend front wheels, it's a dragstcr; pus h 'em back, it's a .Formula I. Figure incl. 1 i~G~S.99 1 WOW! LIVE .. IN TRAINI:;) DOLLHOUSE VELVET SKIN BABY DREAMS·~ 'I rain opens up to a "home" }288 Cuddly BabyDreamsSfalls 9ss _""_'t_h_d_o_n_s_a_nd_fi_u_r_n_it_u_re_! __ 5_~-E-~-·-1_s£_9_9_-+_a_s_1ec_p_b_y_h_e_rse_1r._. _11_'_' i_o_n_g_. __ 5_R/Ji;.._EG_~_12_._~-9--ll 3.11 1.61 TOSS ACROSS" FUN GAME 11 ~~-14.99 Bean-bag.toss style Tic-Tac-Toe. 7 & up. FOR SHOPPlNC CONVENIENCE, SAY "CHARGE IT!" ·PANORAMA CITY • HAN rn:RNAAOINO • wi-:ST LO ANOF.LES • It UN'TINGTON 81-:ACll •SANTA ANA •NORWALK •FULLERTON •COSTA MF.SA •CANOGA PARK •LYNWOOD • F.AGl,F. ROCK • t.AKt:wooo COMIC MOUSE TRAP9 GAME 588 1 REG. 7.49 Crazy way to trap a toy m~use! 7 & up. • COVlNI\ •TORRAtlCE • ROSEMl:AO • MON1C4AJR SHOP MONMY lliROUCH SATURDAY. 9:30 AM TO IO·OO PM ... SUNDAY 10:00 AM TO 8100 PM ••• JUST $/o.Y "CtL\RCE rTI" ~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~~--~~--~~----r----------!l f ,, QUEENIE By Phil lnterlondi ~~, ll· I ;t. • , .... . ,, . Initiation Death Sundowner Case Suit RENO, Nev. (A P ) -The parents and sister or a Sundowner Club' in· iliate who died or acute alcohol poisoning in October have filed a wrongful death ::.uit in Washoe Dis· trict Court. John T. Davies, his wife, Billie, and daughter, Pamela, claim the death or John W. Davies was the result of his being forced to drink large quantities ·of liquor during initiation activities. 1 THE DAVIES. OF SOUl'H Lake Tahoe, seek d a m ages in excess of $10,000. Young Davies , a University of Nevada·Reno student, died Oct. 12 after losin g consciousness following three days of drinking. The Washoe County Grand Jury is· sued a report highly cnhcal of the Sundowners, but decllned to issue cnminal md1ctments. THE SUIT CHARGES defendants with gross negligence and disregard ~or .Dav!es ' safety by forcing intox· 1cating liquors down his throat and by repeatedly hitting him. Named as defendants were the Lil· tie W aJdorf Saloon. where much or the· drinking ~curred, its manager Louis Chatelle, Sundowner President Jerry Lazarri, Sundowner queen Pamela Ann Harris arid several individual Sundowners. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5678 .. 11e·s on <• t•r.i~h diet -three mart11l1s for lunch and he l 1,1-.lw-. 11110 L'\l'Q thing 111 the oll1ce." Visit Santa Daily 10 -9, Swulay 11 -6 For the Record v,., ......... M..... South Coast ?taza .. ....... SO\JTH COAST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL NOVU1,BER 17 Mr. ano Mu. Mlcllul Olelel 0.11a Point, girl. • Mr. •"" Mrs. Oavlo Seaman, El 'roro, boy. M r. •nd Mrs Jellrt'f Voun9 O><on• del M.sr. bov ' NOVEMBER 21 Mr and Mrs. Jay Newman, Mlu!Qn Mr eno Mrs Al~r~~~nUI ~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J ... n Ceoistreno, boy. ' ~ NOVIMBERtt Mr. end Mr1. 1 l'lomas u111oro, 0.1\1 Point, boy. Mr. end Mrs. Wiiiiam LH. 5.a«J,..., C.plstreno, boy. Buy Your Christmas Gifts at Public NOVEMBE It 30 Mr. •"" Mrs. Ron Mar-s, Laguna Bucl'l,boy, Death Notlre• AUCTtON COWAN, JR. EOWARO COWAN JR Rr$lcltnt of l.a9una Hiiis , born In Oetro11. BALTZ·BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673-9450 Costa Mesa 646-2424 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 11 0 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 McCORMICK MORTUARY Laguna Beach 494-94 15 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pac1tac View Drive Newpcrt Beach. Ca1tforn1a 644-2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-3525 SMITHS' MORTUARY 627 Main St. Huntington Beach 536-6539 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ~ lotlowln9 perM>M arr dol119 bU'SI· M U a\: SUMMIT HILL, L TO , 16S O Rochester, Costa Mesa. CA 91427 JOl>l'I A Miller. 1'S O Roct"strr, Costa Mn•. CA 97617 nus 1>us1,,..u ·~ conOutl~ by a tornll· ed partntr\h1p JohnA Mlllrr MIChll)an, pas~ ewey December 10. 191S Survived Dy l'l1s w1lr Marian; son. Edwero H. Cowen of Ra1,.l9h, N Carolina; daughter. J,.an Bell ol W ae>•koneta. Oh •o ; sevr n 11r•ndcll1ldren. one sister .no two brothers Memorial srrvter s S<.ndav J ·OO PM, ~nev• Presbyter.an Olurcn, l.allUN Hiiis. Ca. with TM Or. Eclwaro J Caklwrll otl1clatin9 1n1ermtnl will be P'tvatt. McCorrn1c k Laguna 8ea<h Mortuary OlreClon. MOSSTELLER A L BERT B UC KI N GHA M MOSS TEL LE R. resident of Hunllnqlon Beach, Ce. O.te of death O.cfmbtr 11, 1'7S at !he a941 of 91. Survived by Ills wll ... Wllrna Moss teller ; son, Lee Monleller; s1st,.r . Luella East· 9randson. Tlmollly Mosstel~r. Mr'. Mossteller was a rnemDer of Thr MaW>n•c Lodge'" Massillon, Otuo, a Ille member ol The Buller County Ohio G<ange. In lieu ol flowers the family re-quesu memorial contriDut1ons to the cllarlly of your cholc~ ServfcH S.etur· <lttY 2 00 PM, Smiths" MortuaryQ\4~1. Interment, Westminster Memorial Park. Sm11ns· Mortuary dtr.ecton. KEEFE RICHARD 0. KEEFE, resl~t o1 Costa Mrsa, Ca. Oatr of dratl> O..cember 10, 1975, Survived by ll1s ...,,,, R1t• Keele of Costa Mna; SOM. O.v1d, Sl,.V1!n •nd Cl'lristop,_, all ot ~I• Mew; brother, Donald of ~nn. Rosary this evening. Friday, O.cem!wr 11 et 7· 30 PM , Mass of Olrtstl«i Burial 9 00 AM Saturday, both at St. Joachim CalllOlic Olurch. Costa Mrsa , Ca lnt,.rment Holy Seo<itclwr Cemetuy. ~II Broa<lwey ff'ortuaryOirrctors. ANDERSON WILl.IAM C ANDERSON. ~I of Costa Mesa. Ca. D•I• of clHll'I O.cembef' 11, 197S. Survl,,,..cl by ll1s d•uglller. Mrs. Kathryn Mattlrr of ~ta Meu; 1-..0 sons. William C. M · <lt'rson of GU4m and James E. M- Ootnon of San Jose. Ci.; Ills lattwr, 0.Y•d AnO..rson of Illinois; tirotlwr, Watter ,.,,.,..,son of Illinois; sister, Mn. Doris Sandine or I llinols; nu,.. ll"andcl'llldrtn. Rosary Sunday at 7:00 PM. Bell Broadway Chapel. Mons of Qlrlshan Bu.rlel Monclay 10:00 AM. St. Jollo The Baptist Catnolic Cl'llKCh wHh lnle•MMlt, Good Shephercl ~melery. Bell 8roaclway Mortuary directon. CLUFF FRIDAY, SAT\JRDAY, SUNDAY AT 8 P.M. (INSPECTION 7·8 P.M.) S 1.000.000 INVENTORY From Estates, Courts, Out-of-Pawn, Bankruptcies HcH<Join~ 1111 r 1111· Crv~rol. S1erl1nq Silt er. Porcf'loins, Oritnral Ob11'c1s d'Arr. Poinrings. Jl'u, 1,.,,,, i\1111qut'S. Bro nzes. r um11ure. Srlt'CI fnd1011 TurquOISt' .•. In addulon to flnll! tsla.lf ilfms • ...,. havt-Ollf ol the largut stocks ol 1op quality. bl'llnd na mf crystal. porcelain, 'ii""· china end orhrr gift Hems •• ell brand ntw and ~rlect -lrom bankruptcits •nd Olhtr $0UICU . You stt tht prk t yourstlt ""''" lull uchengt or ttlund for crtd11 pnvilegH on anv lltm purchasfd ind grvfn Ha gilt. Or. 11 you prefu, purchase our unique gift cemlk~tu and let your lnrnd, and relati~n buy thtu own gilts In a nfw and u c111nq v.ay. You can usr vour Baali.Aaericard, :'lfH1er Cbu1e. personal chtck or cuh V. .lnl 10 stll? Call us for a lnr appri11..al. dvflng out msptction houn, a t 11our convf nienct . l>All V 111 'j HOURS Inspection & Private Sales SATIIRDAY '.>l \IMV 2·5 12-5 llo~~d lhednesday & Thur~ddv J lewfwil <fdalletieJ flM. 2S"2 WEST COAST HIGHWAY. NEWPORT BEACH, CAllrQRNIA 92663 (714) 645·2200 WE BVY FOR CASH OR SEU ON COMMISSION WHOLE ESTATES OR SINGLE ITEMS ARTll\ I'[ AUCT/0\ff R OR. ROBERT A. CLUFF, rrsl°"''°' CoH• Meu. Ca. Oar,. of Outh O.ctm~r 11, 197S Survived by Ills wile, KrlN Cluff; son, Robrrt A. Ovfl of Ana,,.lm; b<ot,.,..r. Donald~-Ouff of Colorado, sl1trr. Mrs Dorothy c. Re~n of Colorado; two gr..-s and two 9r••l·9randsons . Funer•I services Sdlurday 1 00 PM. Bell Broadway Cllaprl. R'""· Robert B Shepnarcl ofllCJal1n9. lntrrment. LOI An9e1ts N•l•onal C,.metery. Bell BroadwayMor1uaryOir,.ctors. ·'----------------------------------' This st•lement was l1INI will\ tllr County c1 .. r1t ot Orange Counl'I on '----:-~:----:-----:--:---:-::--:'...,..--:-~,---..,..-'.'"'.:"""-..,..--------------------------- 0.cembtr I, 191S FS021J P\ibllSllrd OranQf Coa<t 0•1ly Pilot. OMembtr S, 17 1• 16 "7S 074 TS PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF ABANOONMENT • OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME T,,. following person\ Ila~ abaft. doned the U"Se of tt>e 11c11tlou'I business Mrne: PHOTOGRAPHERS WEST, 1Ul0 Iowa St., CcKta M•sa. Ce lltornla 97676 TM Flctllloui Business Namr rt- lerreO to above w&\ lll•d In Orange County on 1+73 Christian 0 . l.onl•rs, Fellow~ Vaclll unOl119, P. O. Box IS7, Wilm- lnQton, Calllomla '°7 •4 J . C. Mc:Cullouol\, 16300 I-St., eosa. MHa, Calllofnla '262' Thi' buslneu wH cOl'lductecl by a veneral pertfterVllp, CMlsllal\ O. LOftJtrs This statement wet llttd witll 11\r County Clerk of Oran99 CovnlyOfl NO,.. en'C>ft" 17, 1'7S. 1'17117 Publ I S11eC1 Or at19t CO.st Dally Pl iot. Nov 21,2t.anoOec.S, u. 1'7S 4JD.7S PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS a USINl[U NAM~STATEME NT TN followt119 perlOn I' clol119 butl ,,..n•s TIMBERWALK, llffS Skyperk, S..lte F, Irvine, CA. MlcMel Janes. 10?6 Wtlltt s.tts W1y,Corona0tlMar. CA. Thl'I bu1lnen Is tonclucted by en I~ CllYIOual. Mld\HIJaMS Thl1 slatemenl wa\ llltd ""4111 ll'le County Clerk ot Oran99 County on Nov· embaf 17, 1'75. f'ft7t1 Publlsfled Orait~ Coett Dally Pllof. •v.21,2t,anOOec.S, 17, 1975 ~n P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 01' NON IUSPONSIBILITY ANOREWJ BROWN JR ,lnllfWN!r rleO man, will not b4' re'"°"'il>I• fOf anyclet>U ol LI NDA A BROWN, «iun l'nllfrlecl woman, •IM> U\lng Ille,_,.. MRS ANOV J BROWN Dated 1111' IOlll day of ~. ms ANDY J ll"OWN 4'00 River"""' Ntwl)Ol'I Buell, CA .,..., PublfsNO Oreno-Coot Ot llY l'ltot, DK4"Mtr n. ti, i..1ns 472MJ, . . FRE~H eur eHRl~TMA~ TREE~ i See the difference water makes i • our trees will be kept in water. • from the day they arrive r~~-;;;.-;;.-;;~~~~~~~;;;;;.~~~1 t DECEMBER 2nd THRU DECEMIER 21st i \\:?Q~~~-..,~-Q~~~<:a-Q9'Q9'<Qi~.,q~~~~~~9"<:19"Q~·Q-Q •. .. HOLD IACIC IMRA TlOH"' -UM MOlleJ S..fllg Ca.po1t1 CUSTOM ROCKING FtRE PROORNG .,___Ar. Scotclt , .... ptClllfatl• SIMwecl Dougla1 Ar Hobie Ar • WMte Rr Sher Tips n n 'tl\YJrf\(} ~ mrnm0@ill\1 ~i!ll!JU l!J ~ &LAMDSUPtNG t.'"U"h~~ ~~. \,. STILL TIME TO PL.AMT IULIS ...... Friday Oecemb ... 12 1975. ______ _..;;:0;...A;;.;IL;..;Y_;,P_;,IL;::;.;O;..T;...:.:A:.;J:..z_f JCPenney NEWPORT w CENTER FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY SPECIAL BUY! OUTDOOR SHOE SKATES ONLY • HIGH UPPERS SPLIT and PADDED TONGUE • 18 BALL BEARING STEEL WHEELS •AVAILABLE IN BLACK and WHITE SAVE 25% WILD BLUE MOTORCROSS STYLE · · BIKE NOW Dirt bike look is accented by front number decal and decal on frame plate. Tubular steelframe with sky blue finish. Coaster brake. padded banana style seat. studded tires. circular chain guard. Fully reflectonzed for safety. including ttre and pedal reflectors. Motocross style handlebar With squeeze grips A JC Penney exclusive! ORIG $54 99. CLOSEOUTS YOUR CHOICE u.lhcl qcaatlflu IA.111...i1 a..p E:drW 4 AIRPLANE MODELS TRISTAR L-1011 Wingspread 13" -Length 14~" aear Plastic windows Detailed flight deck Interior detailed Rear Engine Housing Rott on movable wheels BEAUFIGHTER MK ·IF W1ngSPread 2H4" Length 15W' Two detailed Bnstol engines Two crew figures Movable Propeller & wheels Oear cock1,11t and hghts MESSER SCHMITT 11 O·G&4 'Mngspreact 20" length 15W' ~a wheels & propellers Official Luttw1ffe markings Highly detailed UNITED 747 WingSPfQd 1&\4"" length 19\4" 4 detailed engine pods Ane external details Display stand aear plastic windows Offto al United marking SHOP MON. thru SAT. I 0 a.111. to 9 p.m. SUNDAY I 0 to 6 p.m. ' Friday. December 12. 1975 MB:RVYH'S Christmas g . 1 t>ur entire stock of quilt robes • NOW IN PROGRESS 20o/o off Shop Friday and Saturday 9:30 A.M.-9:30 P.M. Luxuriously quilted gift robes with pretty tr:ms, styles and color~ for every woman. Alhiasy·ca<e. Sunday 10 A.M.-6 P.M. PR ICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 Short robes. Reg. $8-$14. Gripper or button fronts. Solids and prints in 100% acetate, 100% nylon or cotton blends. women's woven polyester pants 7 • 99 REG. $10 Zip front. flare leg fashion pants in extended 2·button tab style. Crisp, tailored look 1n cadet blue. sage. taupe, apricot. Sizes 8· 16. 4.01 off hooded nylon parkas REG. $32 27.99 Smashing, washable cmch· wa1sters of wind-resistant, wh1tP 100% nylon flight sateen Zip front and paly· ester fun fur trim. 8 to 18. Coat Department acrylic cardigans REG. $1 2 I !h:!~ A favorites with V-1\[~, neck, cuffed long'('\.~ sleeves and 2 pack· "( ets. Choice of solids and tweed combina· tions. Easy-care, m sizes S-M· L. e~ening longs 1.12·$36 VALUES 22.99-28.99 Huge aso'hment of 1 and 2-piece styln including halters. Eye-catch· ing trims i nd <Mtails. Sizes 6-18 In most styles. Orm Department women'• panties Ac1ttte bMft, 6-7. reg. 79' .. 8/SS Nylon britfl, 6-7 or bikinis, 4-7. reg. 89.t • • • • • • • • • • . . ••• 7 /$5 XL,.,._ brief•, reg. S 1 ••••• 6/$6 a.. crimfnld, nowettv or nylon strttdl iwtlfl or bikinit, 5-7. rig. 1.25 • • • • • • . • . • • . . . 5/S6 Tllond FO'tDft or Eidtrlon• ~ ..... 1.10 ••••••••. 8/S6 ) sale! girls' fashion · pant sets 1.01 off SIZES 4·6X. REG. $1 0·$~3 8.99-11.99 SIZES 7-14, REG. $12-$15 10.99-13.99 Mach ine washable and dryable cotton polyester and other fabrics. Smock tops, shirt 1acs and over all sets w11h current·look t11ms junior fashion sale REG.$1 ~4 13.99-21.99 Scene-stealing Ion~. fest ive 1 and 2· piece dresses and sharp pant suits Polyester. acetate/nylor1 and po lyes· ter blends. Sizes 5-13. Junior Dress Department ~ale l evening bags 5.99 REG.$7 Complete your holiday outfit with thtse festive evening ba91I Sequin or baroque pearl beaded styles. Choice of whrte. black, qold or silver. Makes a nice gift FULLERTON sale! full figure knit tops All our reg. $6 and $8 long or short sleeve styles are now on sale' Polyester or nylon knits. In sizes 40-46. REG. $6 & $8 4.99 AND 6.99 leather-look wrap coats REG. $22 17.99 Supple. practical poly· vinyl looks and feels ltke fine leather. Stnk· 1ng wrap style 1n tan or blue. Sizes 8 to 16. Coat Department infants' and~-"\. toddlers' f \ sale! infant overalls ( gi~ls' coats REG. $4 '~\: .. "~ REG.$14 2.99 !~~ • 9 • 99 Bib· front style. In· ! / Hooded or matching· hat styles. both of snug- gly-warm 100% acrylic pile with quil ted lining. White or pastels m sizes 12·18·24 months. fants' in 100% cot· ton denim. Toddlers' in twills or corduroy. All machine wash· able. Infants' sizes 12-18-24 months. Toddler sizes 2·3·4. women's knit tops women's shirts 3 • 99 Special Purchase 6.99 REG.$8 Solid color 100% cotton with con· Tailored flora l or novelty print I l ong robes. Reg. $9-$40. Button, zip or gripper fronts, or choose wraps. Solids, prints and patch· work prints in 100% nylon, polyester/cotton or acetate/nylon blends. Sizes 5-15, 1Q.18 and S.M-L; XL sizes 3844, but not in every style. special purchase nylon polo shirts 3,fOR •10 3.39 EA. Terrific for gifts ••• styled with full placket fronts and 2-piece collars wit h stay s. Soft and smooth 100% nylon. Choice of novelty prints in light and bright fashion colors. Sizes S·M·L. save 2.01 ! cotton rl cha _mbray shirts knee-hi toe socks REG. $3 PR. 2PR.•5 2.69PR. Women's rib knit toe socks of Orlon• ac· rylic. Solids with brightly colored toes, or perky stripes. One size fits 9-11. Hosiery Oept. < nylon travel sets 5.98 ORIG.$9 Clearance I Sets include women's 5.99 REG$8 Today's free and easy casual look: work shirt with yoke front and back; full placket front with pearlized buttons, 3-button cuffs and pocket details. Chambray blue, in sizes S-M·L comfort wedge Women's 2 styles with viny l up- pers, tricot lining, rubber soles, sizes 6-10. Hosiery Dept. REG. $4 2.99 fabric bags 4.99 REG.$6 Shoulder and tote styles in tie-dye with embroidery trims, pre-wash de· nim or serape fabrics. Choose from assorted colors. women's ski jackets 17.99 REG.$20 Choose from an assortment of styles. trasting nostalgia screen printed shirts. Permanent stay collars, full tailored nylon tricot pajama with All have nylon shells with polyester fronts. Styled with long sleeves and drop crew neck ••. and great with a pair of pants. Sizes S-M·L. girls' panties Cotton bfitf• Of nylon or cotton biki nis, solids. prints. 6-14, reg. 59' .............. 6/$.l Eidtrlon• knit briefs, sohds or prrnu. 4· 14, reg. 3/1.79 •.•. 6/$3 Eidtrlon •briefs,°' tailOftd nylon 0# Elderton• bikinis, all in a choice of solids and prints, 6 14. reg. 69' .............. 5/$.l placket fronts; long sleeves with 2· button cuffs. Polyester and nylon. Available in misse,· sizes. infants' pram suits 4.99 REG.S7 S.Ve 2.01 on these warm, hooded styles with feet, mitten cuffs and front zipper. Mlde of 100% acrylic pile for corv comfort. Sizes infant to 12 months. matching coat. Pastel or Jewel tones. Broken sizes. Sleepwear Oepan ment infants' legging sets 4.99 REG.$7 Save 2.01 on an assortment of 2 and 3 piece styles for inf1nt boys and girls. Soft. euy-care 1~ ecryllc knit in a choice of white and p1stels. Bi1 th to 12 month1. fiberfill; lightweight but warm. Sizes S.M-L Sportswear Department 3 ways to chargel ,.,u :1:.:~ .,..,,~. h4 MERVYN'S ...... ._..,....,. •• c ... ~. , .... , ( "' t •ltt•·r~ ._ lJ \ A~ Cronroads Center, 3204 East Yorba linda-998-8800 HUNTINGTON BEACH 9811 Adams Avanue-983-9731 I I T r t d in L. rt nt d L M:&:RVYH'S Christmas g NOW IN PROGRESS S~op Friday and Saturday 9:30 A.M.-9:30 P.M. s ·unday 10 A.M .-6 P.M. PR ICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 l men's warm C.P.O. shirts REG. 9.99 8.99 Long sleeve styl mg m wool/nylon/linen blend. Shrrt tail bot· toms, 2 flap button· cd chest pockets and side vents. Colorful plaids. S·M·L·XL. sale! boys' size 4-7 knits REG. 2.99 EA. 2 FOR •5 2.69 EA. Short sleeve styles of/ 1 oo-, polyestt!r or 500(, polyester/50% \ cotton. Full·cut, \ ' I '\ \ with picture fronts. Macl11nt! washable. Sizes 4 7. \ \ ' ' ' .... t ) photo print ski pajamas ,.,~ . ..,,,, \ Wode ~;:~~~ \.,.)front photo pnnts! _,.;? Flame-retardant 100% polyester. Maize and blue. 8-16. Save on long sleeve sty~ 111 flo- rals and all over patterns I Ma· chine washable 100"~ nylon, ny- lon/acetate blends or 1 OO~o polyester Sizes S-M-L-X L. men's jean clearance 2.98 4 pocket wPstern flares. many from our rt'gular stock. Cotton or cotton/polyem•r; patterns, solids. Some have original price tags. 28·42. sale! entire stock of boys' 6.99 sh irts 5.97 REG.6.99 A. Leisure shirts. Comfortable long sleeve styling with open collar Machine washabl e acetate/nylon blend m floral, scenic or geo· metric prints. Sizes 8-18. B. Western shirts. Long sleeves, solid color body with contrasting patterned fro nt and back yokes. 100% cotton or polyPster/couon, machine washable. Sizes 8 18. C. Screen printed blue cotton chambray shiru. Detailed with 2 button cuffs on long sleeves; 2 flap chest pockets:Prrnts of cats, motorcycles and sk ateboards on backs. 8 18. value buysl men's crew long sleeve men's wool men's crew or turtleneck western shirts blend shirts neck knits acrylic krnts for men now •1 off 3.99 EA. VALUES REG. 5.99 REG. 12.99 REG. 9.99 2 FOR t5 4.99 9.97 8.99 2.69 lA. Short sletvt styles; multi·stripes Long sleeve styles; macf11nt wash· Solids with a variety of patterned Warm, long sleeve wool/nylon in mach ine washable and dry· 1ble. Turtlenecks. rib or rando m yoke treatm~nts. Also plaids blend shirts for cold weather com able 100% ootton or polyester/cot· rib knits. Clew necks : solids or with western yoke. Machine fort. Accented with flap pockets ton blends. Buy him 2 for solids with front body st1tch1ng. washabln:otton or polyester I Washable plaids and solids. Avail· Christmas! Sim S M·L·XL 100% acrylic. Sizes S·M·L·XL cotton blends; sizes S·M·L-XL able 1n sizes S-M·L·XL. men's polyester leisure suits in 2 popular styles Two different looks a handsome long 1acket with snap front, flap pock· ets and side v11nts. Or, a popular short jacket with buttons, flap pockets and side tabs. Flared pants have belt loops ctnd top pockets. Washable, woven polyester resists wrinkles, stays nedt wtth minimum care. Jackets, S·M t XL. Pants 1n waist sizes 30·40. THE SET. REG. 24.98 21.98 PANT, REG. 9.99 7.99 JACKET, REG. 14.99 13.99 save 3.02 on handsome leather-look jackets new! "safe" magic dart games Our Everyday Price 4.99 Super looking gilt jJckets; all in soft, supple wipe cl11an polyvinyl with the rich look and feel ol lcJ ther. Lining of 100% nylon. Popular styl· mg· 2 ch1•st flap pockets and 2 on-seam pockets. Choo"! brown or beige. Sizes M·L-XL. REG1799 14.97 men's doubleknit flares SOLIDS, REG. 12.99 PA TT ER NS, REG. 13.99 9.99 Belt loop flares of wrinkle resistant 100°0 polyt>StPr Ban-Roi • wa1stb.ind, \ trim top pockets. \'waist sizes 30 40. \ I , -~ famous-maker jean closeout 4199 $8-$10 VAL UES Every pair has the famous maker price tag, you'll ri:cog n1ze this name at a glance• Western belt loop flares; rem forced at stress points. ~la· chine washabl" cotton or poly· ester cotton in solids and fan c1es. Boys' sizes and student boys' football . . Jerseys are great gifts 3.50 EA. VALUES 2 FOR t5 Z.69 EA. Won't ~arm walls or lurn1ture Short sleeve styles with numbers 18x20", 2-srded target and ·~ plas on front. back and sleeves. Action trc gripper tape bill\ styled, easy·care 100"b cotton m Extra set of 4 balls • • • 2.49 a choice of navy, red, green or Men's Department yellow. Sizes S-M·L·XL. FULLERTON Croesroada Center, 3204 East Yorba Linda-996-8800 HUNTINGTON BEACH 9811 Adams Avenue -963-9731 ' ·. ' • f -a 14 DAIL. Y PILOT frlday 0.cem~ 12. 197S Senate Okays Bank Reforms WASlllNGTON CL Pll T hl' Senate has a p, p_rovt'd the mo.st .sweepm~ bank rdorm legislation smcc the Grt>at Depn•ss1un, in<'lud111g a provis ion lhat would 1w r m1t uikn·~t tx.•a n ng c hecking ac counts to sl•mulale compet 1t10n in f1n a nc1:il markets. The b1U , pa:-s1.•d on a 79 lit vote. 11ow got.>s to the Houst-wht'r(' ;H·twn wa!) 11ot cons1d1.·n•d hkcly until somt>hme n1.·xt Yl'ar .tl the t•.irllest. '76Gr~d" Job Outlook E?!~, ~~~Ia~~~i~h engineering degrees have the edge in tt11ll yt-ar 's 1ob market, but the situation i n 't too bad for the rest of the Class of '76. This was the conclw;ion of u survey rt!leased this "' week. THE COMPLEX MEASURE was m ore than two years in the m aking and its key provisions grE>w Crom the report o f :i s11t•c1al study commission on financial mst1tul1011s named by Pn·Mdent Richard M Nixon m 1970 .. The b all n•prest'nb the most com F'tank S. Endi~ott ~r more than 2,000 prospcc Northwestern Univcrs1-tive opPnings in the ty, who annu~lly surv~ys firms surveyed. Li beral the corporatio~s which arts m ajors could look • regularly recruit college forw a rd t o some 960 g_r ad u a tes• s aid h e openings in lhotH? farms, • ul'1 T•l""'8t• ' prehensive a pproa<·h toward restructurin~ the na twn's fm:rncwl m~t1tutions sinct! the 1930s," ~aid Sen. Thoma.s Mcintyre <D-N H ), its floor m anager and chairman of a financial m.shtutions subcom m1ttee t hat draftl'd the mca~un•. Thost> pron.sion.s include· -AUTHORIZATION FOR banks to pay 1n h•re.st on t he-eking at•counts and for .savmg~ and h.>:ins both to offer checking accounts and to permit checks to be drawn on .savmgs accounts. -Re m oval o r ce1 hng:. on mkrt'st lh<1t can be paid on savings account.s now 5 per cent al bank.s and 51.a ~rcent a t savings and loans for regular pas::. book accounts Revision of lcndmg authority so banks can do more mortga~e busin<•ss while "thri(t institutrnn::." savings and loans can expand info other :,ireas such as c::lt', hom e improvement and education loans YOUTH MARKET WINNER-Sett i ng f ast pace 1n sales across Cali forni<i 1s 1ww Clwvy Sport, a vehicle combining truc k rugged - ness \Vllh s porty ~t) le and maneuver ab1hty. !tf1Jtflr Ctrr J1ssoeiafio11 Robins Heads Dealers By('ARL C'ARSTENSEN OI 1r.. 0•1lv P1101 s1.i1 IN HIGH GE.\R Univer sity and the Ford Merchandis ing School. the limited production plans for th e Che v y Sport, more than 10,000 orders had already been placed through the first part of Nov e m bcr . Vlewed ~ur:~nt j~b pro-the study .said. Covt>r1ng Cn~i~ s.pe~s ":~th caullous op· Endt<.'ott s aid students tiousm. e nte rin g sa l es a nd U.S. Steel Corp . p~c- CORf<!RATIONS Sur· m a rkellng t.'a n ex~ct s 1 d e .n t D a v .• d veyed sa1d they.expect the la r gest s tarting Ro d e ric~ says an - to ha ve openings for: s ala ry incr eases, up 6 dustry will seek cost 3,02.2 newly gradua percent ovt•r this year. covering price r elief engllleers -a 26 per ent Libera l a r ts and bus1-in 1976 and '1 or 2 mcrease over la ye.ar ness g ra duJles a t the per cent on l op of and they P to m-bac helor level will re c reas e the iring of alize the :.ma lle~l hikes that.' women and lacks by 45 -2 percent. ----------- percent over las t year's r elatively low umbers. As ked if ltl m eant black wome with engineering degrees had the best shot at the marke t . Endicott said, "I w ould s ay tha t 's true." ·1ne2~~ ttrms s urveyed Bridge of Paper To Sell Product l ( 1 \ ~ .. ,, ~·t ~ T heodort.' Hobin~. J r of Costa Ml'"a will J s sume thl' pn•s1dt•ncy of the Motor C:1r Deale-rs Associat ion of Suullll'rn Californ1.1 Jan. 1 wit h :.i go:il or "t'onvincing Cahforn1~1 J.:ll\'l'rn m ('nt 1t s h o u ld l'qua l 11<' Cahforn1a air emis-.1un I standards with tho.st• of tht• otht'r 19 st.1tc•s " ''Thl' st.tll''s c o n suml•r:-. should not ht• furtht'r pt·n~1Ii7.l'd in fut> I Theodore Robins Ford i n Costa M esa was estci blished 54 years ago by T heodor e Robins. Sr. The younger R o bins began w o rk i n g in various d e p a rt m e n ts while still in school and devoted full t im e to the dealer ship beginning in 1950. THE CHEVY Sport gets its sporty. compact look from the com bina- t 1 0 n 0 f i t s s h 10 r t wheelbase a nd cargd box and its s triping. Set on a ll71.2-inch w h eelbcise, which is the s hortest offered by Chevrolet in i t s lig ht duty pickup m od e l s <e x c ludin g LUV >. the Sport is eqwpped with a 612-foot cargo box and 1s availa- ble with eithe r two or 4-wht>el dnvc. plan to increase their h i r i n g of c o ll ege graduates by about 10 ~rcent next year -9 percent for students with bachelor·s degrees and 11 ~rcent for those with mas t e r 's. Starting salaries will be up 2 to 6 percent, the survey m die at ed. LOS ANGELES CAP) -Bridges have been built of stone, concr<'te, wood, steel and even rope, , but St. Regis Paper Co. has built one of p aper to ad- vertise its product. THE BRIDGE OF t riplewall corrugated packaging was 12 feet high and llO feet long a nd weighed 7 .500 pounds and took nine days to bui Id. I Mercedes-Benz Good Service Mission' 'icjo Imports '••It t +• I •• •'Ao ft -.,. tthJr'I V•4'1U t'Cenomv . drn:ab1llt:-. h1ghL·r .rnto pn ct•s and chcnct> of economy car I models, .. Rt1bms s aid. Ell'ctl'd bv t ht' board of J directors f(lllow ing the recent annua l meeting. Robins added. "Dealt'rs are as ''itallv concerned wilh air quality as any Californian, but we fi rm- 1 y b l•l1 evc• t h e Air Resources Hoard s tan- dards for 1977 :1 re not justified from any point o f v 1 c• " h t' a I t h . Robins is past presi- d e nt oJ t he ~ e wport Harbor Exchange Club, a director of the Orange Coast YMCA. a former directo r o f the Costa !\'tesa Ch a mber of Com- merce and p ast presi- d e nt of Costa Mesa·s Harbo r Bo ulevard of Cars Dealer Association. He is currently on the Bo ard of th e Ford Dealers Advertising As· soc1ation. * (~{ Jl-17.+() i economic. or "Cll'nt1f1c j We ~hould pcwll out the _ inequ1ta·~ of the .state's r:==:=:....:::::::::=:==~---==--==========:;;~ unique stand.1rds to the THE NEW Che v y Sport, a workhorse truck dressed like a s po rts car. has scored we ll s ince fall introduc tion, rolling up s a les at a high r ate ac ross the country. Got two turtle doves to sell by Christmas? Move them under our tree. Buy a one or two-i nch box under our tree on December 18. Fill your box with items you no longer want or need. Convert your clutter to cash. Your old skis, sports equipment, luggage, toys , appliances or furniture might be the Christmas bargain someone else is pining for. Putting a box under our tree is easy and inexpensive. Rates are $4 for the one-inch box and $6.50 for the two-inch package. To pf ace yours just call 642-5678. Your credit is good with us. We'll bill you. Or, you can charge your ad to your Master Charge or BankAmericard. consum er and urge the legis la tur e to k1.·ep our standard.-. 1n line·" 1th the other 49 s t all's " ROBl:'llS A~l> his w1rt>. Virginia. a re both n.1ll ve Californians a nd li ve in Ne wport J\cac h wit h t hei r t h ree c hildren. Born in Newport Beach. Ro bi ns receive d his edu ca tio n a l l oca l sc h oo l s. Loyo l a Int roduced for the 1976 model year as a li mited production option. the short wheelbase Stepside pickup with sporty trim and stripes, has quickJy ca ptured the fa ncy of buyer s, accord ing to J ames Riley, Chevrolet truck sales m a nager. Riley said that. despite Unio1i Picketing Rights Expand? WASHI NGTO:"ll Clf Pl > -The House has approved compromise lt•1oslallon to expand union picketing n ghts at const ruction sites -something organized labor has sought for a quarter-century. The "Common Situs" picketing bill ,1.worked out by a ronfer c-nce com m1ltPe, cleared the House on a 229-189 vote and went to the Senate for expected r1na l congre.ss1onal ap- proval. Republicans are urging Prc1>1denl Ford to veto 1t, although backers said the compro mise was aimed at m eeting his objections. WITH CERTAIN e xcep- Disney's Project Moved Up ORLANDO, Fla . (AP) -Walt Dis ney World will begin constr uctinon ot its World Showcase, the initia l phase of a Ex- perimental Prototype Community of To mor· row, in 1976 instead of 1977 a s o ri g in a lly planned, officials say. Disney s pokes men s aid that the construc- tion date for t he project. was advanced because of enthusias m s hown by foreign countries !or the complex of e xpos ition halls. World Showcase will house exposition halls for between 10 and 30 na· tions as a dis play center for their natio nal cultures and produc lq ''Acceptance of the project 1s growing by leaps and bounds.·' said Jack B. Linquist, Disney vice president for marketing. "You get an added buoyancy when you find acceptance as Po$ltlve as Uh s ~en " Cost of the project hM been e stamalcld et $650 mtlllon. Completion Is targeted tor 1979. lion s , the legis l ation would allow s triking un- ions to picket entire con struction projects, even though this mig ht halt the work of non-urtion co ntract o r s a nd employes not involved in the labor dispute. The bill is aimed at s idest e ppin g a 1951 Supreme Co urt r uling that such picketing con· s titutes a s econdary boycott in violation of federal labor laws. THE COMPROMISE version incorporates a propos al by Labor Secretary Jp hn Dunlop that would revamp con· tract bargaining and limit inflationary wage settlements in the con· s t ruction indus try. It would e s tablish a na - tion a I lab o r - management committee to oversee local bargain- ing and impose a cooling off period of up to 30 days before any s trike or lockout. Ford discuss ed the legisl ation T hursda y with Dunlop, regarded as a strong supporter. But a Wh ite Hous e spokesman said the President would make no decision whether to accept it until he has studied lhe fiaal version. REPUBLICAN con- gressionaJ leaders who met with the President WednesdBY said they were nearly unanimous in urging him to veto lhe bill. GOP lawmakers ex- pressed concern that ac· ceptance would boost Ronald R eagan's challenge to Ford (OT the presldcnUal nomfnaUon, smce poWt>rful seam nls of the party oppose the te.cislauon . . .I AFTER engineers, the survey said the best tur ing pros pects w er e for a ccountin g, sa l e~ marketing and business admini s tr atio n graduates -a ll with It wa~ constr ucted 3l the Hollywood-Burbank Airport for U!>e in _i 00-second television com- mercial. During the filming a 21 don Rolls-Royce \\as dn vcn across thl' b1id~e. "The C hevy S port's s ty le h as es pe c ially caught the im agination of the youth m arkl't." Riley said. Specially construcll'd presses I a m in a led the corrugated pa per for the bridge. THF. LAYERS VARIF.D from six for the floor or lhe bridge to as few as two at t he base. Only glue and paper were used. Ov,•r 1''1u .. Counh·r NASO Listinqs Tho\" Quolalion•1Srln1Cs In 9' • l"t Equ S&L 1•1. 1~ l(oufl EB 10"• 11.,, Otf\11 Lg\ 11 '• 12"" Tenn•nl 13 25 'war EDIC 9 • 9·~ \uPC>litd by llw' Na Bfoadv F ' '' 1 El!wn A llV• 19 l(oy Oala 3•,, 4 Oo1lvy M lb 16 • T11tany 6•• 1''-Wash NG 10 101, hon~I A\'IO<lallon ol Bf~ Ar ,... 3''11 ExMU In 1"-8"• KeyP\ Fl> 14 ,..,, ()Qlfl) Nr SI !.6 Towle Ml 8' 1 '"' Waxmn I l l • Se<urilil'\ Dealer\. Buckbe ·~ •'• ExlrlKP 1011 11~ l(Py\I lnl 71 23~ Ofi10 Fer lS IS" Trn Oc~n 9''e 9 Wl!eoen 7''t 7:.. are bid\ •nd otlpr\ Bucke y -~ ,.,.. Fa•r Lnt S'l'J 6 I lfMS Ind 1"> 1"' Opll Coal 4'-) ... Twin DIS 19 20'i'J Wl!IQ'I WI S''t S' 1 QUOll'd bf ovu lhe· Burnp SI • , ,.~ Fa non El '" 1 Kl'-VI 12' • 13' • Ormonl 4' • 4..,, Ty-llr 11'.o 18 Wl!lfng M ,.,,. ,..,, counler dealers lo Butler M 21 , 12'1• Fum Br 16~ 16,_ l(nUds Cp 9 q•,~ P•b\t Br 20 10' t UB Fll\aC 1 H~ ~IC\I Pt 3''• 4' • uch ol~r as ol Cal Mcrw 9'1'• IO:V. Farm Gr S7•., !>&, KQO@r Pr I '• '1 P11et1r 711, 2•'4 Uni CAPI 1 1'• Ws l(yGs 13 14 close IEotern CalWI Sv 2S lo F1119rht 11, l '"' Krut'<)tr 9 10 Ptc Gam 2b 26 • Jn1on Sol u U 'll. ws1-Cl Jc. • l1 lime I The quot• Cam Iron Fsl Bosln 11v. 18', UCle<I St IQ 10 Pee Lum 231• 24\• Un T Bnc 16 11''1 Wl!ltr Fd IJ .. H • llOM do nol Include 111 112 l•I TxF1n 1'• 8\11 uncas1 91 , 8'11. Paul Ffev 13•, u UnAr1 Tll av. 9\1. WHlamt I 13·-1> 1•'• rel••I ~rllue>. ~rk Cam T•q JS''• Jl>Y. h t Unlnc 11 31"-L..ln<" 1J',, n Pyhs C.• 11\< 11 • US SUC)ar S3''> SS~ W.lsn H J 101. 11 1 oown or comm1s Ml 13"'-ll'·• l'ood Tw 37', 38 , urvi Co 19 301;, Pay N Sv 2•'4. 2S • US Trk L 13 11·~ Winns Sir II , 18 > \ion, and do nol vman S I& '1· 16 FMest 01 11\. 13 \ Law<>n Pr 1'1'"> lt P• Enlrp 13'1/. u • • Un•• Fd\ l6l!i 16' •Wini PkT 7' • I • r"P<"~nl ach .. I Jer Bk •"ll. 10•1o Frank El S>t. 6 , Lawter C IO'h II Pen1 Of! IOl!i 10\\ Var.co Sn • 4') Wi~ PU 16' .. 16 > lr4t1YCl1ons CriMlg RI p,, 3•11 Fr•sr MQ 9>, 9'.> LUY 8oy 1' 1''1> Ptl H&H 911) 101• Van Oyk s•~ 5"'-Wood Liii 16'• 21 INDUSTA1ALS ""' VIPS 101.. 11°" Fne<>d le 2l 13~• LeQgel Pl 7l't 714 tro1i. 13 14\'1 ll•n Sl\ck 2-llo )"•world S" S S 1 AND UTILITIES FS Cl\11 16 16', Fror FdE 7'1 8 Lil O.mp S\\ S'• P1nllrln 32"• 33 lllclor1 SI 19'4 19 WrlOht W 314 '3"9 Tllursd11y Clll'l\I> Pt J'li 4 Fuller H 10'• "" Llmtd Sir 1).¥. u~ Ploo H8<1 73'1> 1• Vi•u•I Sc 3'~ • Yello Frt 33 33 Oecembt'r lli 191S 0-.nl Co lll!i 11!"1 te LrJ 8''• 9:1.. L•nc B<hl n . ,.,.. Ploner W 3 J'"> Vol Sl"ICM 11v. 1114 z.ons Vtn 11> 17 B d A\IC m Cp 17"• 181/• to r Tr s•1, 6 Loctite 1'\'. 13"• P111 Ncp 161 • 11 OTC 10 M<>"l 1"('11.1'"' Acfl'W' G'I S H'• I Br Ir 61':> 63 Gelco Cp '"'• lO't. LOM Sl3• 1'14 IV. Pr•t H41n 10 10~ o ' .--'Cu\.,nl 17>tl. II~ ns Se< Autm S~• 6''• Longv Fb Pr!O<S Ml 6.,.. 1 Advnce R IV. 2 116 11• c;,n AuloP 25¥. 2~"• 110 12S Pr«>ores S'lo S'Mi wi._yer Fred A Ad Micro 10.,.. 11'"-ubb Cp ~ 34"> Gen Bind 12''• 13 L°'ws Co •l'I> 41'1> PSN ~r "'• 101·• ""'rn Mrclll Advnl Cp 11 . 13 FrOlk 1n. 19''• G En!!r9y 9 'l'h MOtrm1 4V, S~'. Puln ~P l"-• Cllubb Corp Alex Al• JO'o 31'.\li Cllr SoG.t s• > S 1. Gen Rem Ma;J G41s 11\\i 1Ho Cluakr Cti 211'> 22V, MdlmlC~ Inc AIU hal IS''• 16'il ClltnS UI ,,,,.. 2s•,~ 1'3 UI Mlj Rily '• 1 OutM Ca 18'1• 19'• Ptnn Olis Gas Allco l<IC 6''• 7•,, Hr UIA 28 28'h I Shale 11-... 111.1 MlihC~I •O 41 Raycm Amer E•Pr~~ AllQn Phr 141~ 1 s:1• .lark Ml 2S>t<. 76V. 1l~rt A 13v. ""· Marl"" C 71'h 24 19'1 10• Bdnll.A-rica Alie<! Bnc II 17,., levepk 13 13"'• Glno MS •1,, S Marl! Fri 1'h 1 Reymo 10''7 11'1> Adt'lpl> Con" Allie<!• TPI 'I'/• 9'1'• Clev 'Trlv 1'111 2111 Godfrey 121/• 1l M:Jry l(y 18 19 AllM Pac 7.... 8' .. Oorc"1er Ga~ Am Apr\I 3 J'-i low Crp S'l'o S!lt Id SFd 16 17 Mc Cmc k 33¥. 3411, Aecoq Eq S"' S°" Sow<>ln Grp Am E•pr JS'"' 36 L.lb 221/t 23'h Grhm Ma av. 9111 Mc.Owl E 1V. ,.,_ Aegl B~lo &V, 9'-" ~ ~\nf~ 1~:'.• 17S\'t Clx•C La lSlf• IS'\\ Grav Toi 1fl~ 1'¥• M<.o.Jav 10 10¥.o R•g El•c 11"• 18'1• NASO Volume lodilY S,J68,800 <' • m Cl 14"4 1S'h ey Adv 6..,, ,,,., Mea\ur 13~ ll"• Rell Univ 111. 81 1 Advance\ ~' Arn Furn 7" 2'1\1 Snrg 11 ll'n Gulf lnlsl 9 9'h Mltdcm 7 11 > Ae POb T• 16''> 77 Otcl1ne' )II Arn Gree 7''11 1'1> Cwl NtGs lSI/• 1611.. Hach Ch 1v, 8"4 ~lrn 31:\1'• 37'•• An Pia\ S'/1 611• UncM nged 1810 Amini Gr so•1• SI•/. rnwTI p nv. 7•'1• Hahn EW 4'h s MercM I 13'/o 13\'t A•• p Pr 1l03y 11~~ Total 2s.22 A Mcrosr 9'11 10\li Ci>lr Auto 9:1\ •~ Hamil Br 9 9'4 1'/ervyo JS''> 36~'1 Reyn & R -·-Am SIL 10:1• 11~ 1rvls 3'h 4 Harper R 1 1•,1 M!~r Fr ,.,,, 16"'• Rival Ml 17\'. 18'1> Ca111e r & anti Lt>l4Prll Am Telev 1711 13 •Conn Fcl 11•1, 121/• Havtam 7'• n . MldTo C 16''> 11''• Road E1 )'IV. 40 G .. l .. t:M!> Am Weld • 9 n Gen 39>,<. 401/• Hawth Fl 1•. , ... Miiier HS 4'. s•n Robrl Dis 19'1. 20'4 1 Basic Earth Sc ... I "· Up 7) 0 Amo~kQ 11 1' Papr •6 •7 Henred F 16''> 17''• Milllpor •6 48 Rolll/>\ B 71'1'1 7211> 1 Fir\1Art•sl Pd 71 1 ~ 1'i Up 21 1 Anllevsr 33"4 ~v. COrdl\ Cp 21 2• Hexcel C 11"• 171,,, M<IS.!1 A '.l'I 42 Ru<kr Ph 9"• 10''• J BarnsMlg .IOb !"1+ •,. Up 200 Aperco 17 18 CouSlns 11/o 111> Hlgb<! Co 13•1, ,.,,, Minn Fao 9''e 8'\\ Rusi Stov ll'• 1•1h 'Complr Mach :i.., + 1,,. Up 20.0 Ard n Myf l''t 1''> Cross Co 101/) 11'1• Hines EL 7• 16 MoQul Cp 16 11 ScMr•r l 'h 9•, S W\lrn Oln11a1 l:V. + ','4 Up 16 1 Arvida 4 • > Cur1 Noll 13 13"4 Hoowr 10''> 11 Morex In 21'h H'h ScllOll In '"" 10>, 6 I( o 1 Co~pln 1 + 'lo uo 1iJ M\O Cola ISV. 16''> Dani Intl 14~ 1S'h Howtl Cp U 'h 16'4 Moore S.. 13 l'J 1"'7 Scoll Inn ,.. 1~ 1 Unlc•p1lal Cp 7 + 'I• Up u J All Gs LI 1l 13~ Olr1 Org '"~ 10 Hul>t1'9t Sl Sl'h flor•n Br 2 1\'. 'i<OllSl. G I"• l' > I Blocle EnginrQ l'la+ 'la Up 12 S All Steel 10" I""' Oa1a 100 8"" 9'1• Hunl Mfg IOV. 1 l'h Morrlsn l'l'lt 20 Scrlll()S H 10 71' > • l(ullcke Soffa l'.o'a + '"" Up 'i S Atwd On 6'• 1 0.yln Ml ?'I', 31 Hyall C 4•,; 4'1oo Mo1itk Cp '1''• ,,.., St'• Wrld 10'1• 10" 10 Shaklee Cp . .0 1 + :i.., Up '2 0 Baird Alo l "• 3v, OetiS Da 2'o 3\\ Hyster C 11V. 11\ii Motion In u >. IS'11 Sv Merch 10 10' > 11 Tran\<onll Oil 1~ + •,. Up 11 8 B•lrd Wr S1• S"'-0.klb AR ~ JS IMS lnlnl ..... 6'11 Molor Cl 2'\\ 3'"' S..m1n1r 11'h 23'• 1' AllNllRE .3Sb "-+1·1• Up 111 Baku Br 2 2~ Otlhl lnU 1\\ J Inda Wat 10 X>'h Ms Smiln IJ', 14 Seven Up 33 33'• 13 ModrnMer wt 1'h + :\4 Up 11 1 8.lk•r Fe 16V. 11>t. Deluxe C 28'4 ?'l'h Inds Nuc.I 2Y. 3V. MSI Dala 3 3'h Shorew 3 3~> 14 Cenl Mlg ~11y 2~+ '.(o Up 100 S.ldwn L 11 11'1> Oi•m Cr\ 12'• 13 lnforu ,.,... 2>.. Mulhme 13 14 SlmpSOn IS"• 161• IS Ol•leau ~V•lle 1.,...+ •1o up 100 Bkam Ffll S' • S\, o;.-.i Hd 1._ 1~ Instr Lab S Sli1 NI Bk G'll 11''• 131•, St'8C> Toh JJ IJ, ~1'• 16 Oecr•IOfln 20 1 ..... • "°" Up 10 0 B•rnel Fl 1oi. ll'lo Og1t Cmc> "" 2'" lnterc En 91/) 10 ..... NII CltvSI 6"1>. H, So Cal WI 11"• 11"'-LOS!EAS Ba~sell F 1••1) 11'• Oocu1el S"• 6'/o Intel Crp 71 72•., Na1 L•bty J 3~ So CnnG\ 18'4 19"1 I H•no-ttrln SO 41/•-1"'• Off 2' 2 S.yless 8 8'h Oo41r Gen 8''1 '"" lnlml Gs 12•1, 12"-NllM<I Sv 26''> 2711> Slnd Pap 19'"' 19\'t 2 Rykofl Se 40 13 -S'Jo Off 18 8 Be~1n Cp .......... Donlllds 1S"• 16 In BkW ... 2¥. l NCNB Cp 9" 9v. Sot<lr• 13>t<. ,...., 3 Flatley Reau UI ,,,_ "• Off 2SO Bently Ls 10"'-1111• Dorch Gs 91/o 8\41 lntt rs1I 2' • l ..... Neecfllm S"• 6t/• SptlOtl N lS'h 16'1• • H•ml Inv rts\ ll• -'I• 0 11 2S 0 Belz Ub 3'¥. 3S''> Dow Jons 2SV• 21> 1ntrs1 Cp Sl!i S'.14 Newll Co 9''e 8'11 Sl•oadv I s ldenlicon Crp 2 -'I• Oii 11 1 ~ll° I(~ ~'! SI~ Doyle 0 8 8'111 9'11 la So U1'1 12'/o 22\\ NJ N•I G 11'11 17'.• a:l3 1lltl. 6 N>oran Bros In 2 -•.i. Oii 11 1 1Y • Oucomn •~ 1'h Jamest> 11 11v, Nlco1e1 In 9 10 Sid Regis 16''• 11 1 Vaugh&oJk .40 13 -l'h Oii 10.3 Blrd Sonl 70"• 731> Dunkin O 4'1o 4'h Jasn Em S'h It''• Nltlsen A te'li 19'111 Slant H"m 1''/J 14'h 8 All'9f\HIY Bv l'lo-'"' Off 10 0 8 1kHI Pw 3'1'11. JS\<, Ear1h Sci 4'11 S Johns EF 13 13"'-Nlel~n B 18'• It°"' Stk N Ale 10"'• 21''1 9 Denio~ Ind l'lo-1"t Off 100 Block ~ 1'\li 81'o Eutmt 11> 16:\lo Joslyn M 12''1 13~. Nordslr ?&•1, 79 Sleale N S 9'11 9!oll 10 Wstrn M1g Inv 1"• -\1i Ott 10 o BB~~Cll C 8S"I« •,:"' Ecoo ub 76'\\ 11V. Kaiser s1 ll'h 32'1• Nonh i<Q 11111 u•;. Slrwb Clo 24 2s•1, 11 01amondhd c ,.., -"• Olf 9 s """ P '' EDS Nuc 91h 10'1> K•lvar C 2'4 2'111 Nws NIG 711, l'io Super El A14 '" 12 Bio Med SCIPn 1'h-;v, Ott q 1 .Booeo~ Evns 71~,, 21 4 1 '!. El P.so 10 10'\li Kaman c 11'h 1111, No•ell Cp 11 >-, 11"• Syrc Sup IS.\'t 16-.\'t 13 AoylC.sll l'.>b 21/1-"• Oii '1 1 ·~""' """ • El Nuul S ..... S'l1 Kearn Tk •lo\ 4V. Ocean Or n v, 28'1> Tally Crp 2"> 2~'11 U Brls1ol Proclcl 7¥.-If• Oii 8 3 Boot" Np 13 13'1< Emerso 7'.• 9 o<elly Ser 12'1• 13 Ocean 011 111111 11"11 T•mpax 35111 3'>1h IS Fin9erhul Cp 2v. If• Oii 8 J Brtnco I 17'11. 18"\lo EnerQV C ...... '~• Kt l"n!Mr 13'4 14'h Ocean E~ •;v, 10'1• T•ylor W 12l4 131/4 16 Globelrotr Cm 1"'>-lfo Of! 8,J Adm Gw Adm Inc Adm IM Adviwr Mina~ Aetna In Aluture AGE Fd All\l•lt MUTUAL FUNDS 10.eo 11.10 S.77 Ul I.JI t .ll 11.12 12.IS flUHDS: $.51 6.10 6.S7 1.10 7.t7 t .73 7.97 1.71 •.1110.u S.42 .S.t4 4.4J 4.14 UlN.L.. SA~ ~ 7,6, N.L.. S GYI$ t.~J MS "' f'UNOS: ~11 ,. I ... lll 8al Fftd 6.IS 7 4t COrn Stll 10.26 11 n ALUI LINI ,Dl1 va1 Liie .,.,. s n Val Inc l .tf '-3' LAYAJ.S7~ U6 V•I JO t.n AN DUii; l, , .. I j l r J c c r s l t l 0 ft D e 0 p b s ti 0 u ii c 0 J'jj -C1 ·A ~ rr tr Cc n \\ gi in ta ' 1 • x ~ F rr s . SJ s5 ri ... It. pt I ~ L• cl 31 C< P1 in fi! p D Cr w bi Us ~ m •Cl pr d • be . Older, Ridler Where Did U.S. Stockholder Go? By SYLVIA PORTER 'J".be profUe of the American shareholder has changed drastically -and to me, for the worse -during this decade d ~uJent booms and busts in the stock market coupled with tn.fiation and severe economic Slump. The result: you, the individual owning stocks today ~Qre closely reHmble the detested 1929 prototype or the bloated capitaliel" than at any lime since that crisis m · Amerlcitn history. -You are much. much older. Y ou r average age has risen sharply from 48 in 1970 to 53 now. oldest age since the New York ~ock ~xchange began 1ts penodic census of stockholders back rn 1950. Money's Worth -YOU HA VE A MUCH higher household income: $19,000, ~lP from $13,500 in 1970 and comparing with an average income for all U.S. households of $11 ,800. -You are much more conservative than you were when the 1970s started. The wild speculators have generally been weeded out and those of you in the market today are concentrated in higher-grade stocks listed on the NYSE. -Your portfolio ?f stocks also is fatter: $10,050 on !lverage against $7,100 m 1970. That fits in with your higher mcome, older age, greater conservatism. -There are far fewer of you -with your ranks slashed 18.3 percent in just five years from 30 850 ooo to 25 206 ooo ~ow._ Most of the decline is accounted ro'r by enormo~s attri· lion tn holders of over-the-counter stocks and mutual funds. .-YOU .Ll':'E ~~MARILV in the East-North Central region~ and in ~1g cities, such as Chicago and New York. No longer is the m1d·AUantic region in the lead, as in 1970. -And even one aspect l might salute is not reall y cheerful: Wom en have recaptured the edge they lost in 1970 and ~gam outnumber men as sharcowner s by a narrow margm. But probably the reason ties in with that older ~hare.holder age: women usually outlive men in the U.S. and inhent the stoc ks. Wh~? Why so stunning a reveral in so short a span? It s too easy to blame the changes on the bear markets that have blotched this decade. n•s NOT THAT simple, for there were bear markets in the 1950s and 1960s too -decades during which stock ownership soar ed. A. first, more fundamental explanation must be the Amenc~n response to Watergate -the deep disenchant· ment w.1th our national institutions, our whole political· econonuc system that began in 1972. The trauma of the Nix· on ~ra surely discouraged millions of Americans -p~1cuJarly younger -from supporting our system via buymg of stocks. This also helps explain the average rise in age of shareholders: not enough young Americans are entering the stock market to offset the plain fact that the older owners get older -and die1 A S~C~ND FUNDAMENTAL explanation must be the ~psurge tn mterest rates paid on Cixt>d -income mvestments an t.h~ 1970s -ranging from the fa miliar savings cer:w1c.ates. to U.S. government, corp<.>rate and municipal obhgat1ons m various maturities. This has m ade relatively riskless bills, certificates, notes and bonds far more attractive than riskier stocks. You -: could .get a Y_ield advantage of 31 :z to 4 ~2 percent a year in AAA mdustnal bonds over industrial stocks in 1972-1975 Why lake the risks in stocks? · I t I f . ~ third ba~ic reason must be the conviction among rruU1ons of th~ disenchanted that the "big guys" have an ex- tremely unfair advantage in getting inside information and favorable commission charges. Again, why try to beat the racket, when you can't? . Finally. another fundamental must be the failure by the ~lut~ H?~se an~ /or Congress to push legislation that would give individual investors tax incentives to put their savings in s~ocks .. The appeal of the stock market has become tarrusbed, indeed . Xerox Sponsors Special NEW YORK (UPI) Xerox Corp. is sponsonng a 23-page special article in the February issue of Esqwre magazine, a move the firm says is si milar to its sponsorship o f televis ion specials. The article, written by Har- rison E . Salisbury, is entiUed .. Travels Through America." It is an appraisal of what the people of the country are thinking and feeling. At a news conference, Xerox and E squire said the magazine chose Salisbury lo write the article under its editorial control. Xerox paid Salisbury about $55,000 for rus writing fee and s ix months of research that went into the article. Esquire estimated it is paying about the same amount for production, paper and postage. Lockheed Leading With Defense Bids WASHINGTON (AP) - Lockheed Aircraft Corp. climbed into first place among the nation's defense contractors last year, the Pentagon has announced. Lockheed, with $2.08 billion in prime contract awards in fiscal 1975, rose from second place, whil e General Dynamics Corp. dropped from first to sixth position with awards just under $1~ billion. THE PENTAGON'S annual list of 100 biggest dcf ense con- lroine Bank Assets Jump 1n Utile more than a two- year period, Irvlne National Bank bat aurpa..sed the $15 million mart ln total usets, a~ to Jame.i ~cb. prelident or tbe Imne In· duJtrfal Complex - beadquartered bank. tractors show that nine com· panies received awards total· ing $1 billion or more in the bookkeeping year which ended June JO. In addition to Lockheed and· General Dynamics. Boeing Co. moved to second place from sixth last year with con- tract awards totaling nearly $1.6 billion in fiscal 1975. United Technologies Corp., formerly . United Aircraft Corp., went up a notch into third position with awards of $1.4 billion. McDONNELL·DOUGl.AS Corp., in third place in liscal 1974, slipped to fourth with awards totaling nearly $1 .4 billion. Grumman Corp. moved to fiftb place from 12th a year e11rlter by receiving $1.34 bW.lott ln con tract a wardc;. General Electric Co. moved to seventh place from filth a year earlier, with awanis tataUn1 $1.26 billion. lnlne National, which opened ln Auruat 1m thit year occupied now three· story headquarter& at 2171 Campus Drl ve, acroas from Oran1e County Airport. · "This flnancJal mU~too ts ·ahead of our project~ (J'OWtb IChtchile," Lynch stated. LITTON INDUSTRIES Inc. went from seventh to eighth place wllb contract awarm amounUns to $1.038 billion whifo Hu1bea Aircraft Co. went from eiihth to ninth in rank jn f i!C! al 1975 with $1. 026 billion ln contract awardS. i.J • I Ft , O.cembet t2, 197S s DAILY PILOT A Friday's Afternoon Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE N W VOltW. CU~ll -~-1111 :trk• . Oft .... Ntw Vort It elKtlMgt ~·• ~ust~ .-..~-....... L .IO 17 Uol ,..._ " AC~lfld UO I U JtVI + 14 A<meO't .fO s u I -\It Mln'IO.-.cw ' • 2'11 ••• Ad~ 1111 •• 13 W.+"' AclalM Mllll • tt l'-'o-l'-Adl*'"""" 11 .. 111<-"" Adwln., .1AO • • .. 1 -" AltNLf t.OI U 1S1 U \4 •• ANMOll .to s tt ·~ ... Alt..n lncp t 86 i -" AlrbFrllt .60 11 I 1214 • llo Air Pnl .20Q t• 40 •2~-" .-.ire• Inc• 1 S 7t 1111t-"' AJ tflduttn 4 4 t + Yo All-t.zo •• 20v.-" Al• Gel 1.2• • ' IJV. ~ " AlaP pl LJt . )120 7• -I Al•P pf a.ti. •. 1100 71 • YI Al•P pf t.U • 110 'IO •• Al..U lrrtll 10 I 10~ + \It "'""ytnl .60 10 1S 1) .•• AltlltrtoC .36 14 17 j~ \It AIOttrUn 72 • 12 21 -~ Ale.an Al .90 13 43 1"41 ..• Alco Std ... 5 M IJ\,+ .i. "''°" I.JI .2• 20 Sl ""•-"' Ale .. n .160 6 U 6\.-V. AlleoCP .SOb 16 2• 7 -Ye All9lud I.to S J3 2S ~ AllQ L.uClol J . I ~+ :i. Allo Pw' 60 I l3 19 + ~. Allen()rp . SO 1 I 2 • I O';lo-~ Allld OI I.ID t 'I ~+ 1 AlldMtn .60 .. 4 10 AllledPr ·'° 15 , • • . •medS1 t.60 I 1' ..,_ 16 A.lid SUl!mkt 2S 3'-. Afllt O\e 26 S 11 1011t 4 11rQfltA .S4 lo 1 "°" 4111MP .l611 • 10 •v. . Alcoa 1 34 ,.. ts >~-.,.. AINISuo SA J 4 34~ 11tt "1W.X l 7S 17 119 0>4-¥. AJMXp! $1(, I 110 Amtliec .60 S • 11¥• .-11tt ~rd lO S II ,..._.._ lltt //4rrPr(K 1.20 4 1 1n. . "-r'of t .60 3 30..,,._ 'h ""'Ht• ~ J 183 1•._-.... A Hss ji3 •• 46 '21.'t .. AlnAlrfl'I ' 13' I~-'I• Am Alrll~ .• IU 7~ •.• ""' Bolk 4() t ~ 119\+ .,.., ABl'and 2.68 7 4S 37.i.• V• Am Brest .eo 10 .. 1ev. + v. Am Bldll .3' 7 ~ 911\-Vo .-, CMI t .20A 7 102 31>4 + v. "~pl·~ • . 6 71 -~ ""'Ctn MIQ 30 IV.~ \.lo A CNln I 20 12 19 1'1.. . .. AmCya n I "'2 1 70S 23 -'I• AmOstl .1211 . 1 11/t AOlltTel S4 10 34 20~ 'Ill AmO...I Vsl 1 • -'. AmElcPw 7 q lSol 11 • AFamlly .78 1 '2 '''II-Yo AmF~y 10ll . 13 7'. "Gfl8 1 960 . 73 11"'--'. A<"'-nSc I 12 . S tµ;, A Gn lrrs 60 1 S 13"•-'• A Gn of I IO • • 10 77' t • 'I'> Am~ls1 .70 S 13 13''>• \oo ""'Hom nn t:1t 33•, •• Am~\O .lA n ISO JO -'• Am ln1restm 4t 7') "' A Medici 12 • 14 S•11 -Yo A ~lcoro • Sol s '"" Am MPIOf'I ll>S s~ AMNG 7 5.4Q 6 67 J7~-'1 ASl'tlp817k'I 4 II•+'• Am Stand I I> I) IS -'"' AmStdl)f 4¥• . • J S2'h + "-MISt..-11 lO f 74 l>Yo-,,. Amslr~ 1.60 4 11 '6 ... AmT e. f 3.<IO 10 313 49~, . AmT e. T pl 4 • • 26 S4~ " ATTotA l '4 . 2 44\1• ... ATTofB l.74 .. 2 4Sll> ••• AmWetr M s 73 ev. . . AWlr pl I 4l .. 1t20 IS'!\-\lo ArnesSI IOb • 16 S'i't-'It Ametek In I 1 t 1e•.i. • V. AMF In I 2• 11 •O ltV>-\lo Amiee Inc t 4 to 141/t-~ AMP Inc .37 12 1 O 7~-'"' Ampex Cp . • .00 •~-•1. !:::,c:.~ .• ~ ~~ ::: Antst.r pf ·" . • • 1'•• . Amsted 3.60 4 11 SI~ ... Amtel In .:n 4 31 •••o-t1tt N\lcnda .60 . . 10. ""• + '" •ncnHc 1.20 8 10 21 . AnclnO 1.20 1 10 U -''• •191lc• .11 8 20 S'•• 1" ...,,SUI Co •k J l3 ~ .. ft Acle<IWC SO 6 ?• 10'i. .a..>to Otl 4k JO tt•A • "• :~°coeo":. s ~ ,~... ... Aoooe0 't! 11 11 ?\lo A~A Sv 1-:ol 13 >O ,,,,, • 11'> Arc•t•N 44 • 1' •• • AtclWr Oltnl 16 140 2l' •-1'11 Alcllc Enll> • 6 J~ + 'it Ar11t•r Inc 7l 1•1-'it Arli PS I 3' S 43 14\lo-14 ArllllesL»I . . 4 1~ "i Arl<LaG I 70 I 1t 20V.-"' Ari«! Rll01t • • lA l"i + "i Almada Co . . ' )'Ii.-.... Armc.o I 609 5 l• J•i,,-Yo Arm of 2.to . 1 '""+-o,. Arri"& Ck IOU 43 2>">+ "' Arms N .llJO I • 14V.-..., AroC:CWClln 1 6 1 Uh+ '-'o Antin I• 13b 20 17 81'o •• ASA Lid 80 • 116 28 -"• Asarco 60 9 312 12~ • Vt Ashln()ll l'h • lt l'I Vo A.\OryG 1.40 14 t4 3l\I •, As Sc>r9 I. •O 6 3 23 Attllone .<ID 3 1 8''• Allco M 1 Sb . . ,, l'I• . • A11CyEI I Sol 1 XS 17' •-'I• A11Alcltf2V.1S 11• U V• V. ARclt pf J'll. 1t60 •S + '• Al Re of 2 '° .. n S9'ts •• ,. Atlas CPro 26 '8 2''• ATO Inc 24 ' 29 S''• ... Aul Data 40 2S SI Sl'h l''t Automln ?O l 17 •'It 1 '• Avco Corp • 10 •V• .. Avco Cp Wis.. S • If> •. A1K0Corp pt • . 1 S O '"' Avery Pr lO t9 2J 2H o -..,., !~111~0.rc, ' 1l~ ~\ti ·;~ AvonPr 1.60 11 2S4S lP4 • l'I• AlltcOG 'Ill IS 12 UY. -ft __.._ Bet>&Wll to 6 4'1 IS\41-II• BaclteG lOb 3 39 •'lit-"• 8a~er In 24 7 19 8'• -•,, 8ake<0.I '114 97 4''•-"-8 ... erOll wl • I •H• .. '\'I 8•tdwtn 60 S 11 IV.+ " 8attyM 01b I 6 10 -'• Balt~s I '6 1 SJ 20~ ••. BenCel I 34 8 a 1S + "• e.ncs.o In< 19 290 16 '4 1'~ 8-r Pn t " 4"· ... ,., Bnk ... YUQ 4 13 2SY,+ •111 Senk Ve .• 4 1t 10\I> •• BlnkTrvst 3 4 108 2S\O -.,., BU 111• 2vt • . 12l 2S'~-"i S.rl>Otl I 60 .. 4 7S'4 •. Bani CR .n 13 40 13•,11-\4t 8atlct"c .60 s 11 1~-l4t Bet" Ml 80 3 1 23'Ai + l4t BauscltL .60 12 t 27'ts •.. But~rL.212' Ii' 40 ...... BaySIG 1 eo s s 17'/•-"• Burlnot 40 e 21 11•1, • • Beat Fds .16 14 2SO 13\lt• 'ltt O~kmn S411 tn 4& • tv, Be<tonO .so 70 351 381,..-\\ BMcllA 7S<I 6 33 13'1• . Beker in .28 2 69 ""-'-lo BelcoPt 600 J 1' U -•;, 8e1Mft 1.20 'I 2 IS'\41 + 1;. BeldQH JOo 10 11 6'14 •. Bell Hwl .SA 1 78 1'\4t-~ 8"mls Co 19 1 n 11'/o + •/1 8tn<ll1Cr1> 2 9 S '2'1t 'I\ Be" Cp 1.25 4 110 17 -'I• BenCoPI 7',11 . . 1JO 2•V. Bene pl 4 >O 1 •8 . . Ben Sid MIQ .. 9 '"' ••• 84'me .1111 • "' 1· .. ==~· ~.:~ i4 ~i 1~""-~ BetllSIHI 2• S 1'8 3' -11, e10 31ne1 " 11 t• s11.~ ''• Black&O 40 21 2IO 23'1•-'h Bllu&Lg IQ 4 6 11\lt . llloOHR IO 10 31 IS ... Bluelkll to 9 10 36 + ''• BobOI• Brlls . 1t 7\4 eoe1no .ao. 1 " 2Jt9 . BolMC.i .6S 10 14S ,,,.__ 'it BoollMo I 60 1 6 21Vt • ..,., Bo<den I 30 t lS 2' \'\ llorQ w us II I) 19"4-·I· Bo<rMns In s 13 21/tt ••• ilalt Ed l « I SO 21'-'l ••. 80\!Epf I 17 11 101'•-Vt Bren1'1 .20 • '1 ,..,.,_ 1~ 8' ... n C SO 6 8 Uh -~ 8rl~S 1.60 It. t •3\.lo + \'\ Brls Mt I IO t4 It 69'4 -\t lltls Mt pf 1 . t «~-1\ ar11Pe1 .lib11 4S 11141 • .... llrt.kwy GI I 1 4 72vt-Ye 8rUnGs I n 7 II u ... -.... 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IS IS'• '1 I TT DIN 2', 11 2fl'fl •10 O..r1r NY2 4 2J 20'19 . FedSlonl 4() s 10 10' I '. I T& f plO s ~ ... ChHFnd 60 . 17 t.¥.-\'I FedOSt l.24 IS ll• \t•, , lrllrPIK 110 I J »"' OWMM 120 4 2"6 2~ + Ye f1rroCOf'p I 1 16 10... lnlP<Jl>I c;, I S 3 IS'u ', Ols#oMo .13b . 29 ?~-,.. Fl~d )Oh 10 I~ Int~ Brd 80 s 21 ll'" '• OleltH .40e 20 16 7 -.,., FldlFcl .S.11 .. 1\ l '. lntitPw I 40 • I 14'• O.mtr I 40 4 26 ,,.,.._ '·'II FldUB< ? 4() s ) ,.. • 111\l Und ,. s q 4 OlmNY2.• 4 )09 t6Y.-•,. F1eldcrMI I" I l\ • l°"'ABHI In J 3A 21'• 11, Cl'91PO 1.'6 20 t to . . . FillrolC . .ob 4 lb 6' • • I°""• El t lO IJ 7 12"-i Vo O.ale ? 10 'I 40 J2•;,.. \'• Fine I SB 20 5 ll I"' ,.. Iowa llG 1 S6 • H I~• Vt Ol'MllwCp . 18 ,11.+ ~ AnclF9<1Sll • •• 1-. , 1-..Pwu2" 34 n •o•"' OI PftNm 1 6 11 ?6'-'o-'Ill Flt"J1M I 10 t 183 ,l ._ • IOwA~ I Ml • IS 17\'1 t ''I Olocllf'"vt lll •• ?4 2 .. -llo ~Olen Sil 1 )I It~ ... lp.Oti09'1ltl 'I S2 1V. 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CIT prl SV1 • 1 70 -v, FIMIEnt 12 22 SS U , •, J CnPpl 8 11 rlbO 69•11 • "• O t"orp .• f 99t 'Mli+ V, Fl•mlno 80 7 2 1 )1~, ', J CllPl>I 7 98 ISO 61 I gt Sent 2.«> e 2S 38~ + y. FtaVan ISll 7 ,0 I'll • Jc!r Cl>Lft • 110 31> a-~.. 16 1).16--1·16 Fllntkot t 16 I 7l n • \\ .Jewel C 70 'I IJ'I 20...,-•,, g~~v· ... ~; m-.~ ~:: ~~~ ~ ; :;~ ·: =~rrf-'1~. ;g ~:~; :: Cl1V tn.vW11.. 'ti 16--1·1• FlaPwr 2.10 6 68 ,8~ Jlmwpt 160 " 31 -~ Oty Inv of 2 . S'I l6V.-"' FlaPwL l.'4 7 4'~ 2H'o I . JHn In I SOb ~· 15'/o Clerll E t60 1 111 2•~•+ ·~ Fluor O> 40 11 a3 ll'" ''• J Hnlv 1.8611 .. 14 1'1'17 + •111 ~:T A0,~u: ., ~ ~~ ·: ~~ ~'f,1! . 6 3~ ~~· • , .'.: :l:~J.~ ;~ :~ ~:~: · ~ Clev CllH S. 9 37 11'1 -'Ill Foodl'•r 10 . s 4'19 + ''• Jl\$n Cn 80 8 19 II\'•+ 'Ai ci.v El 2.48 a 48 25V>-If• Footece ,90 s • 10''• . JttnCon p11 t u•,, •1, OevEI pl 12 • . uo 112 FordMo 2.40 SO 226 •l ', .Jonlovn .CO 1'1 W 13' 1 '1 Cl4rYEpl 1.40 • 1100 77'1'H l For Mck .,, s ,, u··· .• ~Lp!A s '"° "' 7 11, QOev & l'tt1 . 110 9V>-t FIObn 1 2•b 11 " 13... ... ~I 60 1 1 76' • '. CloroaCo .S2 11 111 1 ni;, '"' FonHwd S6 12 103 JO ..., JOS~ilnc I 7 •l 191. • 'h Ch.et I p .JO . • '9 6\0o t "• FostrWI I 10 6 ~ 21 Joy M.lnuf9 ~ C>6 30 • '1 O uettP pl I .. I 11 .. Foxboro 80 8 10 ,,. • '. Jusltct Mt9 ,, I~ -'• CMI fn., Cp . . 2• 6' •-V. Fran~ M SO 13 32 l\\, •. 1(-CNA FlrwKI . . 2'1 S"" + 'lo FreptM I 60 6 llS 10.. '. IC;i1srAI 1 'Ill 4 ,, 71' 1-•• CNA pl I 10 S ll'h h Fr.,.ltuf 1 llO a 71 19', , , IC.At Ppl '"• I S0\1-2', CNAln I 121> . 16 11 Fuqua lndu 109 U '', tcalwrO SO 8 47 S~• '• (.NA l.aWln . 18 ,., ----0 G tc.tsCtpf 2 1 I 23 ' CMalpt 1 41c . 9 4 Geble Ind st 2 \'. •, KO Pf .. t\oo 11 13 ~ CoadSt Ges 3 148 7 . GAF Co S2 s BS to.. '. IYtwMtl ,, ' IS t1 ••• ~~a~,,,~~:~ 8!~€~:: s :~ H';, ·: ~~ac:.,2•1: ~ :~ ~;:;: :: CouBotl .40 IS b'I 1 • GemSpl , "° I 1'1'" " IYn GE 1 lie s 8 18 .... ColdwBk .40 11 14 83-.+ _,.. Gannell .M> 111 Sl l1 •\ 1(-N I 319 1 10 u , ColKo lndu 37 2''>-•;, GerdOen It> 11 11 ?4 •, ICenPLI I S2 1 111 11•· • ~ ~fltl'Jk ·~~: ~~ ~~:,;~~ 8:~~~1 ::,~ ~ ~! .• '• ~l~\il"1v~J'I ~ 1~~· :: Collins Food 14 77 4~-"• G4$ Svc I 10 1 11 11 ~ , .. IC41\j!l)t ()llt Ill S' ... • Col Pltfw'l .SO 13 10 JO\')-'fl Gel~way I" 9 1 S • !Uwt<k CO 17 6 ""' •,, ColonSI l.2S 6 16 20'-• '• GATX I llO 6 18 11', l<H<W(P 10 4 71 4 o Cott Indus 2 J SS 2• -''& GATX 1>17'1'> 1700 JI , , ,, ~lier In 10 19 1 S' • Olltln pl 4"•.. 1 40•.c.-v. GCA Corp 1' I 4 , 1Cell099 90 16 100 :!0''1 ~ g:~\: .~ 41 m~. ·,,.. ~~::;: ~~g 1: : : .... ~==·i:o ': : ~~ ·· C61G pf S.48 .. 1 SJ"•+ 1, GnAOtl 80Q U I )6', Qnctl I 6Sb 17 128 ?a Oii PktV,..I s 121 4'.4-.,. Gen8nc\ 80 13 II .,,. "' Kv Ufll I IO 1 11 IV '•. 1·• Cot SOl'l 2.CM 6 37 23 . GenC..bl n 6 •7 IO', • •, "~" M<G 1 11 16'1 u•~ =1 '~l~:: z~ 1~11o . . ~"c~~n~ 1;! ~ J~ :~~ ~;J;}!W!1;~ ! 1 : :~ •• • • • Combd Com 1 24 11•;.-''> Gn o. ... top J 1l l .. '• l<iddepl 2 70 1 •1 \o. Com!> E 1.90 a 60 31'"1-~. C.n Ovnt1m ~ ~ JS '• l(lmoCI I 14 q S2 :w • 1 '• OnwEd 2.)() 11 S9 30 "' Gn Elt'C l rtO u JS7 46 ,, l(lnosos co 1 ••O '''• .. '. CWEdpf 2 87 . s tt• ...... ~ GnFood l •'l 12 qs 77 ' '·• l(l~h (.. VI) i i I 11"•. '. ComEd pr 2 .. I 221ft-v, G.!nCr 1 nt> IS 14 IS', '• I( L M Alrl 3 74' • •, CWEdpf 1.47 •. 17 20 .. 11. Gen Ho\ I '-0 I ~ 10 '• ', 1<11101t1 R Sol IS SO 28'·1 , •. CWt pr l.'IO 13 ~. . Gen lnslr 71>. 10 Ml 71 • '• l<<Mhrt"9 Co 4 84 8 '• ~\ ~ ·~ 1m-"· g:~'~!'iri " ,~ ~L ,: ~=~ri':fi , l: ~~~ ... Comm Sal I S Ill U 'I\-'-GenMtll\ M II It 1 28'11 • '\ Koracorp In IQ 11 2' 1 ComPV9ra 6 85 II..,,._'·• GnM<it 2 •Ob u 177 Sf>'• .. "-Krallco I 9110 SI 41', •, Q!mpvtr Sci t 25 JI!\ . • GnMotpl 3h I m . • '• ~;~Tier,:;,: JI l'I~ n.--; • :~ ~~I·~ l '! ,!~= :~ <t,r;t:;';'.1 ~~~ 4~ 6!-..-1'\ tcrO\jer I 36 6 40 17,.. • 1 COnqtm .014 27 11._-\, G PublJ I 68 7 12a is-.. Kysor In .70 19 l •·~ ConnMt I 60 10 19 14 + 'It GnR~fr 30b 1 • 8'"' t ~ L C....recC .70 II IS2 26"1. • 'II. GnS09nal 84 17 10 ~·'I -''t L.acG.I\ 1 60 & 8 17 , "• Con Ed I 'lilt> • 230 121'1 + "• Gn Steel lnO ' 4S 1' > '. ~~Bnr~ IQ 84 ,~ 1131'·, •• ', •• C....\Ed of S.. 10 12 -Vt GT E 1 90 tJ 73" 2•', • • ...,,~ , n , ConsFd f.lS SO 143 1••'t-"-GTE pt 2' 1 7 7'h+ 1, IAtrSl1!1J 32 ) 68 S'•, ·~ ConFdpf '"" •• s p~ + 1"9 GTIFlpfl )() 110 t• uars pf,., ) H '. '' ~~811.~~ 1! ~~ ~::z: : &i~:c! :~ ~ ;: l:~ -'1 t:~~lN7~ 11 ~ ;~~~ • :-: c.onsm Pw 2 a 10$ 1• • .... C.n~•ar I 'Ill s , 11'. I . Lff\On.t 60 4 " l 2 •• Con P pt 4~. r140 Jl'h C.nutnP 64 71 110 3S\1f + '" L.tllt PIC 80 1 H q"' • , ConP pf 7.•S •. 1230 62'h-.,, Ga P~< IC)Q 16 700 '1'> .. Ull V•I tno 2) 13 ,. ConPwr pl•.. J 11 , 'I• GePwpl 7 IO 1100 66\.<t-I Vllmn 1'b 89 10~ '• ~i.lt ~~ 11~ '!v. ~:"i:r U~ 10 '1l: ~~v •• ;,. t=:'1n ~~ 9 2~ 1~': ''. OICICAln t 80 8 •2 21-.. Gelly Oii 2 11 IS lllO'h-1'• L.tvFund 1S I~ 7 , '• OIC1Copp .SO '4 41 S"• C.tl\'l>I I 70 2 11'!o-.. 1..tv• Str\ 1>4 lO )9 ''t Cont1Cp 260U 241 44 -'• GF Bus.1227 12 •'•• '• LevlU Furn IS7 J•. 'It Ctll11Cp 2 :n " Ill 2'1~-I. GiertlPC .IO 9 3 101111 • v. LFE Corpo s I , ••• ,, 01111Pr 1 29 11 101.\• 'lo Glbr Finl Sk 4 I• I'-L 0 F I 10 I )2 19', ''> 01 111 Riiy 68 1Vt + ''lt GlddLw 40b 2 18 4'-L1bl>y M<NI 10 4 1 , ContlntlOil 2 'I t3 S7.. "' Gitt Hill .S2 s II ., Llb'1t<:1> 40 s Jt] o•. ContlnlTet I 8 204 II"• '• Giil.ii~ I.SO 11 113 31-. ''I Liberty Lon 18 ,,,_·;, Con1r1 0.la 19 S9 16~. ''• Glnos lncor 9 9 10• • l•berly L pt • l '. '" ConOtpl ··~ 1100 '7 Gleason Wk ,, S'. ltOQ MV ,. ' 1 1' 28 ''•. '. Cook Uld 6k 1S 11• > Globill M•r I> S4 8"'-Liily Eii I 10 70 38'1 S1.... 1 1 Coop In I 4A a 18 « .. Gloe» Un 1cl 1 6 20\• '• L1nr Nll I 6() 11 3• 7• • Coo~r L•b "" S'"'. "• Goldwlt Fcl 1 21 10'19 "· l.tnCNll pt J " •O\\. '• Coo!>Tlre 6011 12 91,,. '• GoldWs pf4 33 t7'• LlnNF t 76b 10 16·, .. ..,. COl>elnd .60 9 27 ""• I . GoodrlC I 12 11 se II -• • Lt~I Corp 10 I"' CoppR9 .3711 . 9 11~ '• Gooc!yr I 10 10 26S 21 Ltllon ,. ,k ' 1 SI 6\o. '' CDl>WI 2.40g S 18 JS''• 2)(• GorOOn.J 31 I •1 13 "• L•ttonln pf A J 81'11 Cof'dur.t Cp . 30 ,,,,, . Govldln I 10 8 36 18'1tt "• LMI lnwotr ?I '• + ', CornG1.12a39 31 ffli•-' Gooldpfl3.S 1 2~• \It Lotk~NI 2 10 '"' ._ ~s~~s~i ·s ;~ ~;;:_::,;: ~!~~;,1:~2~ 3~ ~~~ t:'m"':.~~.1!8 ~ •~ ,~~. :: Co• B<d .40 17 48 21 >,.) • ,,, Gr and' u 90 II 201 1J • .,, LmMQ , Mlh 1 7S I "· CPC Int 7. 14 10 113 A2 Granvl I 60 6 23 7S''• ''• U\dtwn 40b q 33 10' • ,.,, g~ ~ ~~ I~ :J ·~~ + :-~!!t0r1&53 . ~ 3~ :~: ! + ~~ t= ~;~,~ .1 •; ~~ ~'> Crocker l.61o 6 20'1 20'• ~ GtL•Do 110 s • 18'111 '• LOfl911Ll l'h 1 0 IS'• ,., O'ockrNpfJ •. " JS"•-''• GIN Ir, 2.SO IS • "" v. LIL pl N 13 !Ito 111 t Croml(nl .IO 1 s 10'/t GtNNt-I 80 • 25 41~-~ LIL pl I Sll. I "' +I O'ouwH .IO 7 2 19 . . . GNN f1, I 60 I 2J\·1 + ', LonQl pl 8 ~ 1100 49''1 11, ~,::, ~~ · i "~ ~= ~~ g:~u 11' .,':, ~ 1~ ~t~ -3:; ~1°'&,": 1~ ~ 6~v. + : ! 0-nZ t.8010 S6 3A'lt• II) Gt1W pl 1 Ill lO 19~+ '• l..llL..l,.., l 11 8 16' 70"• • ''• CTS Ce> .SO 10 7 uv.-'I> G<n Gia Ull 1 • 1S L.>P•cllc 10 ll 1 t'I 1ov. . .• Culll~n .40 a 6 1 .. -"• GmC!>I 1.76 • 1 73'"' I.\\ l.ouGas I 88 ' U 13 + ''> Cummln• la 11 42 16~ ''> G<yttnO I Ool ' 1'7 17Yo v. L~teln •O xS 10"• • 'lo c..nn pf1 SO • 1160 7S111-'It Gr~yhnd WI SI 1 '-'• LTV Corp l 608 o CunnOrg 2S 8 1 S"o G<olle< Inc IO 1~~ Yo LTV Cp pl S 1 N-. t "• Clln'ln 1 Oltl 14 II • '• G<uman 60 S 41 121'11 ~ LUl>rlolCp t 16 11& 38"-'• Cur11s.s .40t> & SJ 10 -"' Guertl In 10 9 19 '' • 'o LuOyS 619 11 164 II' CuUe<H I 60 1 6 1S"--'. Guertl Mt17 8 ,. , LudlowC 4() "" s•:-'. Cn>f\IS ~ ~191'1 Gull LI~ 56 1 27 7' •-'• Lu•nSll I 60 S 13 70"1 o.rnonc 'Ill 30 m a•. •. ~W~lri ~ s 6~ 1~~: •. tm'C:"2~ .. 1. ~ 1: m:; :: O&nRl't IOI>. 30 6' > + '• Gull~f!IO< 1 • 60 1µt, ', LyncltSy 'Ill 12 Z lM)C) 4'"1 + '• Dan.\Cp I 44 8 33 36'·'1 '• GllR plA 70 I 18~ + >., -M-o.rt In 6AQ ' 38 ,., , ~. GultSIU I n • 8' 131• '. MIC0on1<1 1 1S 21'> ..... O.r11ncl of 2 s l7 + • 1 Gull&Ws 60 • 6.0 1<1•, ~ M.tcke JO s IS 3"' -'" Oltt• Genral 22 '1 J2:1<o-"' G\Al&Ws wt ll l'lt M.ttmlll 2S 4 47 41,\ .. '"o Oit'l'coC ."6C> 4 6 10'•+ '~ Gltws pl 2''> 118 ll'•+ Ye M.tcy 110 I IJ 1) + '• Oeyc pf •'. 1100 ,., '• Culton 1n0s1 1 12 l Mid Fd 60b 91 ''• OltytonH n l 1 SS 2•''> • '• -H-Mid S<iuer~ S ., l"o OeyPU 1.61> 8 40 W•o+ ''o Hall F 8 SO II 1' IS"e + ''o ~9';rCyltC0.371 , .1 1181 .~,',•,:-',". OPI.. pl 17'h. 1100 112 +I Ha11P>1 llOe S l 1111> 'Ill moOv , " T OPL~ 1.41 •• 1300 69 • •• Halllbln I J7 U 59 ICO "4 Melon.H S6 11 •4 22"' .. OAP 170 .. 1100 1111, ... HamPa 1 20 • JS I• -'• llMnlnd.OSb 10 •'• ''o Dean .so. 4 12 1~-'I• Hammono . 1 314 , . MIJnpwr 88 ' 6 14.., + 111. Qee<e I 90 I 704 •7'4 . . • H<!ndlem 40 I ll •t'o . • Men Hn 1 77 S 13'1 161/, "• OelP&L 1.20 I "' 11 -.,,, HandyHar 1 3 10 ,,.,.._ I~ MAPCO 70 11 113 :14•11-"• Del Mnt 1 40 6 n ,.,,, 'lo Ha~sCP 76 118 13'11< l!Mratlton M 7 •o 6''> OtllaAlr .6012 •3 l4 V. Hanna 1 60 • 9 '2 • 'h /WJr 011I8010 20 •1v. + ''• Delle< lntnl 3 3"• Harcr1 170 6 21 22"4+ \la MIJrcorlnt 110 H 1a•. -'• Otllona Cp . 'I l '• H.,~ Fd 11 3A S~ 4-Yo Marcor pl 2 S S6 ''-Dennison t 6 7 11' 1-... Hern\IQ I 20 • 11 16'"' I\ Mtrtmn SO 8 37 H ' • •.-, Dennlsn pf 1. 2 u •,, Harran 76.J 11 S IJ''' 11. MrlrMldl 90 3 712 IO'• 'A Dennys I .37 11 1'3 II"• v. H<trrlsC t.10 10 58 30"9 ''> MitrlonL S2 q H IH'• Den1Sf)ly .80 18 19 13''" , Vt Harsco t 20 S 24 11"4 + '" Mllrley 60 10 S 2• OIUenot .75 16 JO 1411, -v. HartSM• 60 9 28 ll"t-"i MIJrqll SOb I 16 ll'/l 0.Sololn •O . ,. 6'• I '" Har1 Hk JO 10 I ,,,,, Mrlrloll 7"11173 " IS~· 1. OelEdl\ us a 0 IJV. Haltn I"'" 7 IS~ MrmM I 8020 S8 SI • "' 0.IE pf 7.68 .. lSO 66 + 'I• Ha-El 1 16 7 6 20 -'" MrlnltF I 2' 11 II 71 ,,_ OetE pf 7.45 •. rSO "' Heyu Alb I a " ll'ltt+ "' Mlrt M 1 JO 6 S6 16 + ''• DttE p11 36 •• zno 61'~ • "• Haiett~ C1>. 6 314 . !WI Cup ~ 1 n t6'• Ott E of Wt.. l SS 'ltt Heel< Inc ,. 1 16 uv. + Vt M.,coeo .36" 11] 0 Ott E pl 7"4 .. 11 24''1 1 >11 HeclaMn 2k IS as IJV•-11. MAM>nll'" \I 16S SO 20 • '• Oe"1r Ce> " q 2 17'• 1, Hetlmn 4le • 4 I\'.-Yo M.tn40yF9 t I 24 lq"• • , Olal Fin 60 S t• 8', Ht1n1 Ht 2t II H SOV. .• MColn I 60b J4 14 \', Olarndlntf 2 I sa 35~ • • • Helene Cvrt S 2<1 61... ~ MMttv I Olb 79 tOh • '\ OIASltm 1 IO 7 2J7 411,, -'• Hell..-lnt IA 10 111 26~ • i.. M\ln., I lib 10 6S 8V. • o OlaSNn rl 2.. 12 S6 Hotm&P JS 1 I& 21' 1-'-MrlhuE 781> 16 11 1'1' • OlaSllof 10. 20 n... HemlspC.p I 11'\t • May OS I 6()1J 33 4S I'\ Okk AB .o 10 2 7\.lo-•\ Httcvits 8046 '" 76'4 Mr!yJW 7•11 n l", '" OktAOIW> .60 11 2' 1''2-•o He~y Fd I 1 II 1..-., . Moyt9 I J0a ta A )1¥• '~ Oletlold.q. 173 'H\-,, Hesatoro '°' 9 11 .... \la M8PXt 10t> 7 • 9•. OIGor9 .Oll't •• .0 )" Hestn pll 60 11 ,, -"' M c A In< I • 64 •n·-1"\ Ololll l Eqpt 30 13S 11A'"1 t ,,, Heublln I 70 16 40 Cl"' McCordCD I 'I IS 16' • \'I OIOlftah .40 5 10 '"' + ,,.. Hew1n P 30 3t 'IO n -1 MCCrorv Cp 9 31, Olllon~ " 14 27 21C\ •;. Hl!lltVolt En 10 3' •~• • McDerm 80 S 90 31" + ''. Ol-y . Ito 1) m 4e._. ~ Hlllenbr 68 10 16 ,, -"· MCOonlCI Cl> 15 167 sJ•'I .,. Olsslon .1l 6 19 6\o'o ..• HlltonH 1.40 5 l4 ~ 1w McDonO 40 a S6 IS-'lo + ·~ Ol""nlld 111 •• 21 IV>-\,\ HMW Indus S 9 ' -'"' MC0r EI XI U 31 21 1 + ·~ Ol1tnl Mt99 •. 127 13·16 1·1' Hoblrt C to 13 7 n~-"9 McG< HI S6 ' '7 11'--lit OrPltJlpr .:16 70 S4 11 -~\ Hoerner n .1 1' 14\lo Mclnyr SOt> S 1SOO 36"• • '1 OonaM .IOA • lS 311/t .... liPtf Elec1n ' IS s~. ''• Mcltee A ta ~ 6 ,, ... -\it Don Luf Jtn . . 7J 1~ Hol Inns .3$ 12 n1 U -v. McLean llO 9 1 36\'> + •. l'.>oftMlly .60 11 9 10 VI Holl~ U 7 l l1 ~ McLlh~ I 60 <I 11 II''• 0ooro.. ·'°° 5 S 1"4 + '"' Homstak l• 14 H 14 \• Mc'"ll 80 6 70 '"' • '• Dorseg.10. 1 1' 6''11 '• Honywll<I010 t3J l1'-• 1, Mead Cl 20 6 100 11'• ''i Dovr 1 . .eo I s ""' v. Hoover I l6 1 s 11 .. v. MellofB 1 ao 1 3• 0ow 1 60 U 148 "'" \If HorllOll Co .. U II() M9d11M I •O 10 2 1611' t ''t 0 p F tnc:o . 26 •l41 '" HospltlAt 4k q 16 1S M E I Corp ' to 3 Oravo I.IQ I I 31''> , ... Hoso11Co .1• 10 ?l 7t'llt-Ye Mel Shot' '8 11 U 17'11 1"o Of'ffser 1.40 1 HI S4ll. , v. ~t Intl .l6 ' 63 12~ Monfsc ?Of 3 IS a"e 11' Ore1t1l 1.44 .. 9 IS~• 'tit Houdlle '°" S 10 10 Mere Str 90 1) 7 SS••-'"I er.yts .SSb ' 8 6'"' . ~I pl 21A . J ,,---" Merck I '° 1S 320 7S'4 \41 Ouk Pw 1.4011 139 17'it '.'1 Hc>UQll M .60 6 S I "" • , Mtffllly 60 6 246 ll" '4 Oukt pl 2.6' • 27 1~''• 1 •,\ Hou\ Fall .1A l I S '-· MtMPtl OS H 118 llt,"o V. Ouk• r. '·'°. l20 7•V. HouseF 1.10 • 10 l\V• .,., MesPpl t 6(). 17 13"1 Owl& red j II '' 2''4 HouM pf 1-". 6 J.1 11'1 Mt'llb I 211> 8 l)I '"' • 'II Ouolan Cp . 41 l HousFPI 2\'> • • ' 7'1\"o '.Ail Mist• M 80 ~ 1 17''11 OuPont41.lob ll !Ot 121"4 1'11 Hou.1LP 1.56 9 109 ?1\"o • ~ M G M HI> S ll 11• .. ,, .. duPll p1 Wt .. 1 511 , " HouNIOH 1 11 ,. 47"' • '" Mttrom Ml e 40 ''"'. •1. °'-L I 72 1 104 UV. + v. ~nlJ 14 13 87 IA'" t 1-' MttEpl 8 37 . 170 71 • 1 OvqlJll 2 OS • 1100 2l I Ht.Alurel 1.llO 1 27 10'• • '" MttEpl ) 90 1100 J6 t 1 II. tNqi.;,t 2 7S • dOO ,,,,., Hud A l.60e S 1) 14\to •~ MGIC In 10 107 9'• C)ymofn llO 1 16 71J. . HBeBIAOll I I U "' Mkl\0\1.10 6 1 11\oo•" --4! Ii -HvQl!esT .40 11 115 40 "' MlchST I 20 • 7l 1'' • • .._ E sntemt t 1 2J 21'4-" HvrnAfWI .40 • s 10\lo . MkhWPpl I . 4 2S"' '• QglP 1 040 6 2 J>I~ H\111 OI .IO 2t I 12"' . Ml<l"OCIOt I I 1 ICM l7 l '• IEa~Cp .60 1 n 16"4 H~ton E 60 3 II 141i "· Mkro...a... • 21 11... • .. Eest.rn •Ir • • 61 3... .... Hu~Cl!Cp 40 1• II I)'" • '• MldcOtlt I (JI 1 21 "... • \ Eall°'F 10 4 14 27'11 H\'Cltomt )6 • 2' ~ t 11, MldSoU 1 31 t 2~ t• ·~ l!.lstUUI 11,11 1 14 14 --4 I-Mlellel\d Mt 2' l''t IE::!~'·,~,~ '~ ,~~-~ :~ • .!cs~~a: , t.M :~Vt .. , =:::~ :·~ ; n w· " (flllnM • ., 11 1 ,,,._ \.lo IC lnQ pf1\lt • t Jl'lt + .. Mlttn&r >N 10 ,. ,,,. ''i cM J~ » 1• )1t 2"' . . ICH PNrfn , 42 3 -.,_ MM&M I U ,S )U 57\\ ~ (;11d Ne;.» 10 16 U -"' ICfltlf'IO ~IM 9 9S 2S' • Mll\fll"\. I '6 • )t "" • 1f"&B< 1.41 t 10 44~-Ye ldlMl~ 1 • • II.. . MltTO At ... 1 4 II"'-Yt l:s~~ :~ ~! :1~: ~ !~ !:~ ~ !~ ~:~ : ~~~ ~ ~ l!~= ; r 11\d IS 1 '" ttlTotlW SO 17 • U Moblk Hom 7' 2'\-~- \C 1. !i • 1" 11\.lo • • • :~~') f: 1~ i: ~-; ~ =~03.~ J 2~t ~~~ .. ~ ,,_ll<'.:fll:r;J t! ~.!_ ~ INA lflY l.,. • 11 • Monawk OI 140 l -"' ~~lr t Ji It 0\6 ••. l~C~ I • ._ .• ~ ltb I 4 17 11',., l"'!lf'Ylll~ 12 4 ._._ Vt lndl"'OH I 1 1'\11-14 Mot~ 60 • 10 11 -'-!Mf'l 1. • 1 21v. -v. '~..I.' 1 • rm 1aoft • ""°' ~ . 1 ,.-. "' EMl~Ltt '! 111 1;: .. :;; . .,:t; • '11: n~ -!\\ ~1 ~ : 1f t:" • ·~ lltrt 1 • lff ll\41 t-Yl =*'II t~ 11 H 1214 ~ NllOflrotA 10 1' H 7"'o ,.. '" •• 1100 1 $ti ' • 11('0 Oil • U.J • . . #llflWn 1 60 ' )0, "'"' ~ 1 ti\! • t.41 I -4 "nd t.41 ti 11 6Wi • -l'llllOfltC)lc ! OI 1 ' ,, ._ + 1'• n 1.10 7 II 011+ .. ln8A pf 1.U •. 6 A4\4 • 1 • Mof\Pw 1.90 I 17 ,,.... "" 'i pprar t'.; ..... r y Satturdu) c.-.-.. ... _........ ....... s.c.. .... .. I H• t~ If I ~ t U ; It P l \~l 0-V. Moft9'>1 toe n 1?1.\ • ReoMot tn. 3J ti t•. I ,. TiET Of,... . " t1~ MqnyM $4'110 4) A., Reo Ill I .0 • •• ,. • l o Ta<i\ ft I • 1 " 11 Moo¥t M<C M 11 .. RevllOll 11 ) )0 '"' Yo Tu1111ll 1 Jt 1 2• 17~ \lo MorQIP 1 IO10 l~l u-. • RtlallCrdl 2 e • 1t•1 •,• lt ... \lnd 10 I 4 II~ -"" Morr\Kn • ~ 11 191'-'• IWv<oOS 40 11 41 .U • ft• ln\lr 1 S4 206 ,,_ -Morw Et~ • ,. , ,...,,., n11 :a •'• • • r. ... ,1"' c.o s ., s~ .• MorwSll JO • ll rn-. R~vlon 1 .ci n ., "'-1-r., Oii 010 • u n~-MtQlll Tr Am \J 7'. • 'o Rollam 10 7 11 l... f••P>cl.O Tr IS 1 16~ 1;. Mot1Hot II 10 \I 11l; R•>aW'd IX> ~ 11 U'--l~•Ulol I l • 10 2'lt 20 t 'It Motorol• 10 JS "' l•' • '. "-v Incl lot 1 tl ~· " r~•fllndu\116 10 1\'\ :tir.:: ;~ 1~ :: ~:.>: ·. ::~r:.r,-. )1 ~~. ~~ hAtrOll 1 10 • ts 2t Munford )6 ~ 10 '"" ''It ReyM1pl '', ) ~l t I ~Ok:u -:: J n ~=1"' Muntd pf .40 1 "' + '• RtvM pa?\'• 3 v , '• Tttomln 40o It I 7~-Yo Munsno 1ae16 • 1s"' Rty6e< 406 ' is 1•. ThomJW 50 • 11 1 + \/< = 1 10 7 1~ 1&' 1 Rlcl\Ard~ I 10 'I ••, , Thr•ttyO 40 11 SI •~-.,.. I ~ S US II RlcllMer •A 17 '7 7l ', T1CA!f'pall' t 13 SO llV)+ "- 1 Jl 11 1411 1 • n< hrnncJ IO IY ~1 10 I 'o fl!HN\er 70 S 0 77""-.... 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RfE Co I• 8 4 •• TntWlyltlO I s s 24-.... ~:~~t~ 3g , 4~ 2r:. :: =~~ ~ ,i ,~ u . ·• r1r:r:1: 1: I~ r.::: NCR C1> 12 6 114 21 • Ru»TOQ 7bH 17 10·.,,, '• TRW pf 4'~ t S.Sl>'I+ "'1 ~unt SO 9 10 I&\, • '• Ryder !ty\t 96 I \1 TRW pr 4 40 .. t (IOV> • • • Ntv Pw I SO 1 6 16'-'• S S fucWlflG ·" a ·11 !IV•-1'lt NvPwpl 2 JO 1400 20'• '• S.~nt R 00 10 3 .14' '• TwCFox .c> J 21 10 -~ NEnoEI 118 1 2l 17'• 'i.ll~rel •no II n 1• ••.. TycoL.all 70 • ,,, II~ ••• NEGsE I 78 • 60 11... S.JftW.tySt, 9 .. ~ 47'. ,~ Tyler Cp 00 4 so l'lt.-\lo NEPpl " (M • Is 18 S.9>1 C1>rr11• I II 1 •. '. ~ u-NEol Tl 3610 21 '11/tt \._ StJMnrl 'Ill 1 /I ll'h t 1•, UALlnc .609 19 toll 241,..._ ~ Ntowhall •O • •8 11 • 1 • StJoLIP I n 1 I II UARCO '·'° s J 2014 .. v. Nwmnt I 60 U bl 21°" '• SIL!.el'F 1 J 9 l 73" 1 ''• UGI q, 1.31 6 7 ttV.-V. NYSEG 2.20 7 811 13~ t ''• StPautS ~ . 31 10'" UMC liodu I I 1S I~+ _, NYsEpf6.IO •. r!tO as I ,,, SIAltQ•\, S1 8 9/ 31"• t "• UMET Tri! .• ,, IS-1"+1·1• NYsEpO 11 S 71 S.l•nlC 140 11 1 S '• t;, On.vc.o .)Cl 3 1 7~-~ NYS~ J)(, 6 t20 JI t ··~ s.noc.s , 70 18 90 llJl.1 •• ,., Un 8ncp .IA • 'l'l II -"" ~::tpl ~ ~ ;~~ w· t::'rrn'\s~ 1: .~ ,:.,, _ :~ 8::~"'f.J t; ~: ~·,.,=1 .. N1aM1>! S.2S 1100 .. t ''> S.F•lntl 30 9 1) )2'1• + "• UnO>mm tit S 16 5V. •• ·• N•M pl 10 ft() 13SO 'IS''' ~u'9e~'.'.,4r0 1 lb 10 ' '" Union Coll> I 33 •• ,,.._ "' ~L'1n~~si~ 6 "~ g'.: ~~~;..,."i.o \ S~ J',~· '• ~~e~1~?:.~ 1 ; ~~.·;,,; NI. T Crp ft() 7 1oa I\... '. S.vEI pf! 28 16 11 •••• Un Ele< of •.. z70 40 +IV. NorfolkW' s q ta b• • '. S.tvEtA I 1.1 1 11' I '. Un Flellellty 10 ,, s -v. NorlnCp , '. ' , ,. '. S..v A SIOI> 11 i '. unoc.1 I. 'II 7 1S2 43 + .... Norns I 20 b 1 711'• • • • SdvlnB M h •>J " ~· • ~ , Un()tCpf 2'1• . 5 5S\lt-'it NA Co.ii 80 II S JJ • SvOnOr l~O 10 )I 6'• ~ Un Pac 2 90 U ll 7• + \II NA Ml t 1~ 1 u \ • s.t•on lndu• ~ )I J • unlonam 18 ,,,., •.• NArnPh I 1010 9 11" '\ SCA Storvt<• H 1 Untroy•I SO 1 '16 1'1'1-\'\ NCnAor too I> 1>6 / • • • S<l'tad-r C.p S ) • • Unlroyalpl a . z..O 71 • ¥o No<:nA1rl wt 14 l 1·1b I 16 ~~11r1t1"9 ~ 21! 40A SS Utd Bran~.. 12 4~ + Ye .--.1u111n 1 n q .. '• """ 8 ... • n 111• 1 '• Utd ernd of .. 16 1>V. .•• NDtlln El ltO 10 q 24 , •, Scnlumb 80 20 174 1l • • UnCoro 121> . S7 7' 'o-~ NotllC.1~1 I tt 21'•• '• SU.A Cp SO 4 l4 1'1'• • UtdF'ncll :IO 4 47 ~Ye N11Gspr 1 90 7 n • "' SCOAln<I flO 6 20 1 t , UGasPL 72 I> 104 13"• ... UolnPS 1 36 q 104 ,,. • , Scot Llld 11. • 3\ 6 ·• Utd Guer1y 10 '8 s~-'" NollltGs 1 71> 6 .. 31 • l SconFr I Cil 10 3 , ••• 1, UnlllOLLU v..~·,. No')IPw t 84 ,. 116 75'• •, Stoll For 1' & l u 'II •t. V. "'--V. NoSPt.t) 00 110 47 xot1P't(l 68 • b6 u Utd lnM 10 • .. '"• NoSPpt 6 80 llO 7• • 1\ X Ollys I 10 IS II 11•·. • ~ UnJsy8 1 04 1 32 t "• Nr111Q.!I 251\ ,q 18 ,.. S<ovlilMIQ I J1 ]~ II >. "' Uld MM :to.. 41 ,....,. ~ Nor'lhrp I ao 6 72 ))"". • Y OVtl Pl 1 I ) 2q •• • .,., Un NucleAf' 25 2S UV.. "' Nlltrl>I>! 1.AS I JS • 1 , S<uddf'rO V 1'1 • , •10 Uld Pt.C Mlt . . 21 l"' •.• Nw,lAlrl •S 11 211 10•· Xud pf 17b lS H'. '• UnRafno ... 3 1 , .... _ .... Nw83n 1 10 <I ~ '3', 1, SOdCLn t 40 S 71 1~ 111 USFldet 2.4112 n :lS'lt + ~ NwE'1t'rgy 7 4 3 2• , '• 'AaContr 10 4 IS ll '• •,, USFoS 1 71b.. 2S IS"•+ ~ Nwst lnl/S) ~ ~· "'Sto•WAtrS> 1, 1S l'1 USGyplt011 26 IS~Yo Nwst lno w~ 1 U"' I'll Slodo<•m llO 11 3 21 ~ USHo<TW CD .. 31 4V•+ \'o Nws1101e X> s &'I • •, ~•bQPra0~ •ft ! 10 4'• • '" uSllldv .2dl . M 3 •.. NwM11IOlb10 1S q•,., •.\ ,...afl -"" , 6 14 '• h USL..t•W .29 5 S t.¥1 •.. NwSll 7.40.I 12 7J 31'. S.artGO ~1 'I 72'1 1"/o US RHllY •• ' 1>4+ lo'o Nr1n Co 1.70 1 10 14' > 'h ~af~ I W.116 )bl 0 '• '.'1 US ~ .9S 8 61 1~ ~ NortnSI ~ 11 l'IO 21 5eem~1n I. n 38 7 l'lt • USSteel 1 90 lo 137 ~ \4 Nr1SI pl 1..0 .. 61 4)l, -v, SEOCO 1ij S 10 ?I -•,, US Toll .'IO 11 6 191/tt-'la Nuc,orCp .28 4 17 ,. ..... Vo ~rv1ceC n 3 U• lh-~ UtdTechnt 2 6 41 4~-Yo NVF" Comp 1 71 6,,.. ~omn ~& 7 •S IO'to ... UtdTedl pfl.. 2 109 -1/1 Oaklnd ~ 0 ;s 6'1• ·~ ~r.6:12 ~ ' l~ ~r,, ~ :~ ~~li~A1i:~ .~ ~ nt:+ ·~ 0dklt~Pr .fl 8 10 11 ShtllerG )(> S 23 101.4 + 'lo Unit.-Q> lo 1' • · · · Oc'CtOnPel I s SJ<I 13''1-v. Shtllrpt 1 H a 16'14-~ UnlVM 1.40 5 42 30'h+ v. Occ1dPI p1 4 8 •I>'• 11, SherWll l 10 •8 3S'h-"> Univ LI Tob 6 6 ll'to+ 'lo OccPlpl 3 60 1 66 1 'Ill S,.rraPc 01 2l 9~ UOP In ,611'! 10 .. t:\11-Ye OccPI pt? SO 18 20'• 519nalC <I')<) SO 14' • • • UpJdln ·"JO 166 4211<-~ ()(cPlpl 7 11> 'I 23'• •n SIQNllC:Ol'll I t 1'117 .• USLIFE .32 S 6J 11 •. Otcd Pl-t wt SJ 6'1• 1 •,. S.QnodfCp I I) IA 32'• '• UlllleFd .9' 10 26 10 + 'la Ogden Ctp I l 113 "'• '• S•mPrcn 12 7 9 •14 ~ 1'o USNIQ> 1.20 4 10 ~ V. OQOn pt I 81 J 1S S•mn\C 88.i l) l 1 1q•1tt 'It Uteh Intl Ill 11 1S~ ~-'I• Oltto ~d 1 t.t. ' l'l3 16'1 '• S.mpP.it 41'1 l~ 'It 13''• 1'1 UIM\Pl.1.40 t 111 76 -~ Ott E p1 ' 40 r'IO u • 1 Smqt-r lO<l 10) 9' 1 Ut Pl.Pf 1.to • . 6 11\lt + V. OltE p1 tO 76 1220 IOJ + • / S1nqt'r1>1 J ' 21 7S • '• UV Indus 19 4 11 1~+ h °"'2'10 ' 76 tlO 70 -1 ~m8)1 ~I~ 2 29\\ ~ UVtn pf 1 u .. 1 ~ •. g;'laG'if 1 ~I; ~~ 1~~ -~~ Skll CorP" ;io ~ 6~•: V•lleyln-.IO-~ V-26-t4•Ai •. 0..1aNG t ltO 8 1a nlo. ,,., SkyltnC.p 24 •a 90 IP~+ 'k V«lan .20 11 74 121At--•1, Olon Cp 1.31 I> 38 2''\+ '• Sm1t1tAO 60 ti 11 l't -'• Veeder 1.IO 6 6 14"" . Ohnkrell I I 4 2SVt-'• Sm1tltlnl 36 I 1t6 71 Vt VenClo Co • • 'I ''A + 1"o C>rNrkln 60 4 14 •' • •., Smllltklt,,.. 7 14 78 57 . V.nlceln .2015 1 414-V. 0.idA L .76 S 4 1 .... -''• Sm1tlts T SO a 1 11111-~ Vestar 1.07b .. tt 12141 •.. ~Co .111 10 9' 101._-1111 Sn>uc~er IO • 13 ,., • -•• Vetco Offsh I 167 271h-'llt Or A.ckl 1 'Ill 1 14 12h-"• So4a 8,n 10 S 71 10'1'>-~ VF Qin 1.to t 77 2A -\It Otli El 1 70 1 n )SI'> Sontsta Intl t 6 7"e + Vt Vlecofn 1•1 I 1a ~ + IA. OvtbOM I 20 9 12 2S~-"' SonyCp 041> )0 1066 •H. -'. VlctorC .271\ • • 16 ~. "' OwSt\pn .15 3 ?3 lO', • '·t SooL1n 3 !Sb 8 1' 29\\ V• Elec 1.11 • U2 ll'A-\\ OW.Trn .ID 10 I It"-"• SOS CM 31 S l 7~ VeEPllf 2.90 .. 5 :rn.-V. 0...nCF .• 21 •S 42-.-:i-. S Car El 1 4a 1 61 IS~ VeEIK I/If 5 •• d40 .... + Vt 0-nlll, n 10 115 SO'n+ ,.. 5oJ Ind 1 S6 a l ll''> + '"' VaEifg >.20 •• dtO .. "". t Ownll pl 414 . S 17 +IV. Souelwn 1~1 4 S6 q t + 1/1 VIE J 7.72 •• iJ0 n 'h+ 1 Olctordln .ltO 5 1l 15'11. + 'it Sdwn pl I 80 7'. 10 Va pf 1.14 •. 2100 13111 •. __,, ,._ Soest Bk 90 a ~o 10•"' • \lo VQr-Inc l• 9 •~ 1'w PacAln 1.20 .. 1e 12"41 + ·~ Sce•.slPS lk 8 i S'l\ ~. VSt Corp .60 6 1 11~+ ''°' PacU.s I 88 • 301 ~ s C'AIEd I lie 6 368 19'1, .. I ... V\ltcnM 1.IO • 11 32 Pac 1.191./18 7 17 I•~, •19 SoutltCo I 40 1 SIS tJt,, Ill --W W-- PdcPelrl I011 SS 71'~'1 SolnGE2H a • 31 +'ft WaRRpf41h •• ~ 43 +I Pacf>wto' 1 10 a 106 181<. '" SoNRes I 6S 7 ,, 0 '"' '• W•d't Q> .,. 6 19 l,,__ ~ ~.~v! \: ~ ~: 1~:"; -'· ~~ic~fi'1L~ :~ ~~~=-:;: :: ~~ ·:. ~ ';~-; :Z Palm en .H 4 21 S''• So Rell 2 n l 1 IOS 47 .. -... wal9"ffn I • IS 12 + v. Pam1da OSb 8 •2 6'. SoAallpl so n S\\. 11' WelkH 1 . .0. ' s 27'!1. ••. Pan Am Air 11'1 4'• ''I Soun~ I lo h <1 78 ~ W•:t Bus .60 8 3 ll'h • , P8rllnd210 b 1111'>• '· Southlnd 4017 Ill 71'4t ''• WallMr.ao. 4 5 1~-•;. Pa~rcn .60 s 11 &•11 SoW\tFr 10 6 1? S', \w WetMar1 .0921 1S 131,'t-'la ~:~~::Or~ ~ :; :!\' +-•lo ~!~r~ 1~B 10 3~ 1~~' :~ ~:'a~~ 1: 1~ 1g:z_·,~ ParkHn 1.12 7 H 71 + ', Sl)aflon 74a • t I + "• Warnaco .80 . 1S ~ ~ ParkrPn •O 7 ? 17\• • "• ScwrryHull 'I 1' 9~ + Vt w11mCm .SO 6 30 17\4-V. Pasco lnc22 147 4• -I• SoRano 7' 9 363 37'h Wlll'Lam.'216119 :lt\4+1 P•yuu ;u II n IS Spt"I!~ El n 6 '"' WtmrS 1.20 " 43 1711'+ Yo PtabGI t2b 9 &'I 13\•->., Sprf19MI 1$ 19 11 10'1• .. W•si.Gs 1 .• 7 5 111/'t+ \lo Penn Ctn tr . 101 I" • • SQuarO 1 10 1 S HM 21 • "• W•.shHll .80 6 XS 10'4 ..• ... _., I 1&,. •91 .,... ... Squibb 90 11 ns 31>"·. '. WASI> Sil I• 6 1 12Vo •.• PenOh 140 9 ' •• t ''• Stalv M 1 IO S 11 '9>'. 1. Wa Wat 1 56 t • 1av.-V• ... nnPL 1 to 7 Sii 1a-. ''• St Brn<I 1 14 71 11>8 3S''I IOI Wiste Mnllt I S '""+ •Ai PPW>! ll 00 1610 llS • '• Sl8Pa1nt 37 21 13' 3•"11 ~ WalknJ .Mb 11 11 74.~ ~ PPLof 11 00 . lltO 103', SIO 0.1 CAI 2 S .07 7&'• " W.-G .40 112 11 ~ + 1.,_ PPL pf 1 60 1•:!0 87 Std Olllnd 7 a 103 40'\ -lot Wtenun Inc 3 3 4 -'"- PPL pf 8 40 1110 10 StOolOl't 1lit10 •O &6"> .. Wen pf 2-Sk • • t U\4 + '• P<JP&L pr 8 1100 15 '• StdOh pl,., llflO IS -''I ~ .40 • 2' ~ P PL pl' <O 1110 4S' • • " St Poor! 97a 11 11 >II , "• Wttlt>O.I C4> 8 a )'It . PPL p1 •SO 1110 '1 StCI PrSll •O J 78 S'· '• ~llMcL 6015 :11 ""•-•,.. ~nwll I .. 8 H 7&' / Std Prud 66 13 2 S "' • '" WellMl<I .ltO I 3 19' .. +-V1 f'nwl pl l 1tO 3 7()' Sl•nWll I.CM 10 I 70',\ • h Wltlls F9. '6 6 31 I S'lll + 'h ~nruo1 I 10 • S) 18·· '. St•nr.ty .60 1l 1 6 ....... s F IOll ,.. ·~ ... Aoopt Or 71) 111 S S"" ', St.arr•tl I 6 2 17 + \t Wn«>Fn .60 6 l 9~ .. ~I~~ 3 & 171 34', '• S!Mutual Iv • • S7 'I\+ I 16 WeKTr 1.80 1 S :H • ~ ~ps.Co 1 t.O 16 ll 1>4' • SlMllSc t.05 . 2S 101'\ + 1" WUPI f"-p 7 ' I JS.,.., ••• Pl!rlllnEI 10 11 I 12 '1 Sl•Vlftr 2 40 I 17 71\M+ \4 WstnN .40e 9 20 1 \4-•,o Pt-I Inc 1 7 I) 23'• Sltr10rQ .70 1' 1'3 It • ~ wi.llanc 1.40 S JI 17"' •.. Pl!tl!'CDI ec. s 11 •, • "• Stt rlPrc St.. S I •'• + Vo WslnNA .OSI 3 IS 1~ v. 1 ~~•Pl aoa q 11 II"> •, Sltrdent 40 a 11 11 • wst Pac tnd a ,. s~ ••• Pl!t~!tt 80d 70 ? 10~. + ,., Stewns 80 10 63 17'it-\-\ WtstPUO .Ill I> 12 12 -'I• Pl!lrol,... SO 1 41 70.., '• SttWWn l '16 I 6 72\lo -:i. WUnlon f,llO S6 •7 '™-Ye ~rlC 2 Olb 11 1~ Ste>' 1yV I 'Ill 6 10 11\lo • V. ~II El . 91 l4 418 U V.-Vo Pih "' 7t>a 1l 7Ml 2& Slonf'Ctn 60 J 17 U v. WstElpf 3..80 . 1SO U ... Pno!lp O 7 70 11 123 33 • '• StonW 2.131> 1 17 4S -14 'Mstvco IV. 'I l4 ~ ... _., PtulaEI 1 1>4 8 IS7 t•'lo .. '• Stop&S I 10 S 10 1811>-V. W9ywflb 1.18 a 3 17.,.,+ \It Pto11E1p1 .,. , 1120 as , s1or11~T Sk " ts 10 ••. WltWl'tyFrNr..! .~29s .. ~ >161"·-·v.·.· PntlElpf B'• z)() 11 ~ StOrtf Brd, 9 )() 15 + ~ II .. .... -- PllEI pl 7 110 llOO 1>8' 1 StrlocR1I 70 6 S 9~ • • WltlPS I OSI\ 3 U 1411>-V. PllllElpt p , 120 1>8' ! '•• SIUOtw 1.32 1 1 31'h-'h WMetSI pt S .• z200 4)1,t, ••• PttEI e>I 4 •O l 100 40\• -~. SludeW Pl S 3 67 -1 WIW'lpool .to 19 37 2S •.• PltEI pl. 'lO ''° 41 sva"'" Sh<x' 1 1 )It. -v. Whitt c .aoa s ., .. _ ... Pnll 5'/b .10 1 70 IH• 'I• 'Sub Proon I 6 3 14~-'.\\ WhtMPt.IOtl •• 285 7\4 •.• P!ltllp Mor llS 175 ~3•111' \.. SU<rH I )()., • n 6 • ,,.. Whltt•kr Cp •• 111 2'Ht •.• Phlllt~ 1rd . 11 7'• '• 'iun C.hm •O 11 1ov,, 1-. Wickes .7SI 1 •2 77"'+ v. f'hllP•H I Ml 13 , .. .,. • , Sun 0 11 If ~ ,~ 71 l'lt. '" w ltboldl .t8 7 4 3~+ ..... PhllVH ~ 20 7' 'SutlOilpl 21,. Cb 30'"4 .... Wltllams .60 • 336 2Jt,'t-~ Ptckwk 16b 7 to 1•' 'Sutllltom I 13 U 10'1! If• Wiii C.OS wtl . 17 25'h-l'Ht Plt'dNG I •O s I ,.,, wnstrnd .eo s 36 IS lit-.,. WlllCoc>I 90 • • 2 4l •• Pieri lmPr1 16 'I '"" Sun\ltlnt J6 t) 18 9 '4 • 'It WitsNre .OSI 8 39 S~ .,,, PlllsburyC I 13 41 :Ill~• '" Soll 011 I 80 10 I t1>1 -1 WlnnOx l.U 14 104 31\4 + V. PlorwrC I 10 8 21 18' • • 11• S-Gn 20 20 2'1 S•11-l'lt WlnnOx 08.. 10 S0'4+1 l't1rwy e oo 7 .a t l'-"• Soor~cooe I> l 111 ... -,,. Wl~baoc> • 21• ,,,., + 'Ht PitFor11 IOQ S l 17 , SuprVal l 10 4 117 2l 1a •;, Wl1EIP 1 92 12 23 27''2+ \4 Pmston Co 1 233 JO'• ''• SotroM 1Slt 31 26 l~, ''> WisElpl 8 90 .. 1.40 '8\'>+ .,.., P111a Hui 12 Sl 10' • • '·• !>wo'lllll &a. I 48 101 • '1 wtscCs .ISb 7 49 16V. •.. Plan Rt\rCh b 3• 7'• SYbron 8' 8 21 1s"' • ''• WlsG p12.ss r'70 2SVt+ •.'\t ::'~~r ~ 11 ;~ ~:: ~~ri;i: ~~ 7 :! l~',• " :1~!1 t~ I~ ~ ~·;,= ~ Polaroid n 20 Is& 78' 1• • T T -.,.,.,111w1 o.so tl 8 31*-.. ~'°'a S IO'I )'I 8• 'a hit lin t 80 q 8 271'11 '11 Womtco 60 1 II 12~ "-A>Qe r 60Q IS b ti TMrott N•t t& ,.. •• WoodsCp 4e 1 112 •'lei ...... ~'.:!cGElnc1 IQ a' 26 1 114 6 :_., T.,llpy In 00 S JS &' 1 • • Woods P.trl 9 IS _ ,._ ""'' \8 -,.. TollPt pt I .Ill ' , Wbolwlt I 10 t 1311 21''t-119 PGE¢1UO Zl80102'•• '• TAmpE t(M 8 41 16 Wool pl7 20 '31'll. ... Pt>ll.l<h t• 11 • SO • '• T4ndy Corp 10 S9 4\ ~ .,..,rid Alrw S 23 l~+ '!a I l'otEtPllb10 "6 ti'• Tandycr•I 1°' 12'•-Vo Wl'1Qly2AO.!I • 24 .,1,..._ "4t I Po!Elpl S 411 rSO )()'" ''> Tal!O<lnC 20 3/ S"' .. "" W\lrlllr OSb • 2 JV. ••• I Po4 Et pf• 04 1•SO l'I"• • '• l(..:ho<olor 3 3J 4\, + '"' Wyly Coro 14 2'Wi-Va PPGlnd 1.80 10 SS J.4"'• '• Tt<ltnlC?n 10 0 t + ·~ -XYZ- Premlnd 3' 7 ' 10 t-'• Trklronc 2• 17 1• Olio •I) Xerox Cp I II "6t 41~ ••• Prtm P4 90 1 UV. . T~IKor lS & 1 •~ • • X1r• tncorp 116 30 •~ ••• Pnlcl &C.. 122 IS<I ~ '"" Ttll'dy,,.. 1~ ~ It 1'' •-'la YelH lndu\ 6S 1" m -... ProdR•~ lO IS 17 81 t T~lf'llromp 142 4'h t tu YngStOr .60 S t I Y, •• Pr~r I I co l I ?I"-'"' Trio Co<p • .. I'~ z....corp .to 9 ll 21 -v. p s A Inc 2• S""-··~ TenKO I "' • 19'1 2• + "• Z..1.cppt .to l 171h+ 'h PuS Col I 'Ill 1 112 IS'. 1-c pf \ ' 2 "' t '!. Zaoal• 30 3 ti 121,\--~ PSEo\G I n 8 11 4 11''• + ''II Tr\Or0P"1 I I 131 13\lt :Z..oeta pf 7 1 41 -1 PSEGl>f I 40 1700 14'1• TUftCO lit I 1716 22'• -'to l•Yrf Co<p . S4 •IA!+ \\ PSEGl>I 4 1a 110 .io +I ruc Bn\11 1 10 6 ll''l • •, Zen1thRad 170 41 2:21'" ••• ~~~;~. :rn ;i•n I~ THETr 110 I .. )A ~ Zum Ind 32. 1S .Ill!'+~ PSEGpl 7 10 1100 7JV1 + I'> PSEGill 1.80 • 1160 74'"1 + I PSEGpf 9.62 .. 1100 9411> .. PSE pl 12.2S .• rUO 111 Pus rnc11n11 sa • ..., P51ndpf 9 . .U • r90 103 • I PS NH• 1 10 1 6 ttV. ~ PSNMlf 1.'8 I 11 t8'1it PutMlckr Sil IS • •'4' •;. ~ol Uh ~ ,,,, PllQISP ' 16 6 A lS'·• 'to PuOMtl I 10 8 k 2••., • ~ Pul'HCI> ... I '1 1'lo. 119 P\lrll"" F~ • . 12 l'-Vt Pvfl•lr I Ool 11 S >l'-+ IH --00-0uOO.I .. 12 ~ 2•'4-V. QuOOlttpf l I 61 -1 Qu.110 of'.S6 r1SO 102'" + '4 QullllSOt n10 )I 141'•-'"' -A --RelS10fl tO I• US .. ,,._ Ill RanMd °"' ,. t70 l\o • "' Rln<'O In ..0 9 •'- AaoidA .in. . . " J ~ ... .,.. ,.,.., 4 3 1$'11-"' Re.,.Slnll ... 5 10 14~ .•• 11111-,t'-t 1 • 40 "'--\• RCA c~o 1 1• >JO 1~-,. ACA CY pl • • 7 SO RCA pl J'"I 150 )I'" • qltodg 1p1 1 11 , , \\ ~:cm.~·4 ~ 1l'\ ~ ~Ind . 31 I"'•\"' Ree« .74e ft l tOIH '"' --~ I 80 t ti ?0'4 .... ltelcllMd • .i. 4 II II>"• .... -.~to l •rtv. 1~ "91 flee: O! l . :J "~ \' R•t°'1> 20ll t7 s-. •\ Aef0pl.5Jtl 10 111' "" At10 pf .Uh . 14 ..... JllltCIUltll< Cp ' 11 • ReoFlnS eo • s f.\4 14 Fair Trade Laws WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Ford signed tnto l:iw today a bill ehmin atin~ state fair trade laws, say- ing Uw :ic-t ion will hE>.nefit consumers by r estoring competition ln the marketplac<>. "The r epeal of thl' fair trade Jaws will enable com;umers lo get the dis· count.41 in nil 50 slates," F'ord s.aid ln signing the repeal measure in the Whale Housecnbinetroom. Plant Closes SANGER CU Pl> -The Duo Therm Di vision bf Motor Wbeel Corp., plans to clo:r1t_> its plant ln Sanger as or Dec. 31, puttin1 some l5Q local employes out o! work. it wudlsclosedl"bunday. Plant monatter Charles Cauwcls !'l:iirl th~ d~cision was ma.de la.st Sep· tcmber and lhfl lirm ·s product line will betransrerred to mldw~templants. 1 • A DAILY PILOT Ff1dl .December 12.1975 ' Value. 1'. Ou.RJ2-SHOT ~1"_.· 11 FLASHCUBES ~"'! ' ~ ..... l _ 9 7 c \ \lf !'5<1 J ~-WARDS PRICE For brig-h t p1cturt>s. 1'111) un ;ind off cu~. Fit 1110,-t l 26 earnl'r!ll:i. !\1111:i1·u b~·"' ..•.. I.:.!~ ~X -70 na,,h bur ... 1.77 Specia. GAF" VIEW-MASTER" VIEWER -' Sec hundreds of subjl·cls in spcct;lcular 3-D. Drop in reel (extra), aun :.lt liKhL 1ss Viewer, stor~c eunta1ncr and 49 co lorfu l :l-D slides ofi.:h1ldrcn's sto r1~:-.. 4s9 Great value. REAR SCREEN PROJECTOR Easy-to-operate 31hx4-in. !-lcreen . Built-in handle. 'rhcater outfil ..•.. 13.88 1588 REG.17.99 DECEMBER SPECTACULAR I SALE EN DS SATURDAY , DECEMBER !:JTIL,, HUR RY , SOM E QUANTITIES LIMITED ' • JC_ TELE-INSTAM ATIC '" 608 OUTFIT 7\<Jrma! and l• ···ph<>!" 11·11 " F lip na ... h, 1 d .. r t1lrn. n1 - i'itruclluns. \\ 11 -l ~lr,1 p ~. ' <' -. < -- _,, ·' k ' '4. ! ~ -• •• ~~' I ~I ~ _j 2897 WARDS PRICE Value. MAGNETIC-PAGE PHOTO ALBUM 229 WARDS PRICE P;idrit'd rn\·f'r. hound h:i\k C'J,.,1r pL1 s lic ph11t11 proti•t..tur.; I '11-.1 lu1und !l.\t\i 'l'o •\tur,.d \'<l\•·1· .-•. \ttl Great value. Kodak lnstamatic® 18 camera outfit. 19 ~.1 PRICE Can1cra has ~ingle-e lc n1ent. fixl•d -focu~ Jcns- just <Jim nnd shoot-::;oft- touch ::;huller release, double exposure preven- tion. Film, flip flas h. strap. Kodak® value. INSTAMATI C~ X-15 CAMERA OUTFIT X -15 can1C'rn, }497 color film. l\1a - g1cube. \\•ri 11 t WARDS strap 1nclude<l. PRICE Value. I HANDY KODAK" MOVIE CAMERA '.\l :1kebr1ght,,._harpmovies. 9270 l 'amt'ra, film and battery. Zoom camC'r Jct ....... 177.70 WARDS PRICE SAVE$8 OUR BEST TRIPOD 1:r·-r11"t;' centt.•r-2 5ss po.r;t with lol·k. 90° tilt on pAn- lu.'ad. Leg tips REG. 33.99 SAVE$4 OUR DELUXE GADGET BAG <.';1rrv-Hll fnr }788 l"jlflll't:I 11nd /l('- C!'l<!IO Tll"<; Ad -REG .21.99 JU ~tublt..• i;lrup lcn•. Tclc- convcrtcr. \A.;;~\ I~} Clo•,.·up ohuli. SAVE $5 THEVIVITAR • 110 CAMERA ~:asv-to-u sc 39ss 111ic kCt o.::Jmera. \Vi th bu i I t -1 n REG. 44.99 l'l&:tronic nai;h. HI-POWER ZOOM MOVIE CAMERA 5:1 po\.\T'I" zoorn. 3 filmin~ sp1..'cds. Fadl.'-i n, out. l!J!J.!J!.1, X:I "1.0001 •.. , 174.litl. 13988 REGULARLY 159.99 Value. WARDS BEST EDITOR KIT Dcluxl' n1otor-3288 11.ed l'diLOt , 2 400-fl. ree l s. 200mm lcn•, 2X tclc- convcrtcr on c•mcr1. «:n !§;ii~ Porlr••• work. • $}20 off. Vivitar® 35mm camera outfit. T.,l.,pholo 1hot1. $299 419.98 COMBO 220 S L camera has Vivita r 50mm f/1,8 len s, 200mm f/3.5 l ens a nd 2X tel e- converter . With case. (~~.,., '\ ·.' -I\ l- S11per-tele· photo 1ho1t. · SAVE $15 WIDE-ANGLE BINOCULAR 7x35mm. 525' 2488 fie ld Of Vlf'W ut. 1000 yds. Case, slraps. REt;:i..139.99 SAVE $35 SLOW-MOTION DUO 8 PROJECTOR Shows supe r 8 and regular 8 mov ies. Slow motion to 6 fps, f/1.5 zoo m Jens. 6988 REGULARLY 104.99 SAVE $30 splices. book. REG. 34.99 f /, SAVE$3 LENTICULAR SCREEN, 40"x40" Ideal for v1ew-15ss 1 11~ In undar k - t>ned mom. REG. 18.99 :t:'i.!1115Wx50" screen,27.88. OUR Q888 SLIDE PROJECTOR Auto. focus, electr oni c timer a.nd pop-up ed itor. 8988 2.79 •lid• ,,.,,' ' ' ' ' ' .... RECULARLYll9.99 GIVE A GIITOF ENTERTAINM ENT-USE WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT PLAN Shopping early? We're ready. • 11 ll NTING1'fJN Bf.Al:l I t_>d1n11:1!r n1 l11·E1~h. ; 1-1 ~!l:t.llhll • f'ClV I NA b11rr11nrn 111 ~nn lx•rnardln" fr,..,.,.. :iv. "4;1; 7411 · HltSE.MEAIJ ~JO n1M>1ne11d hlvd , r,7;i. 11 111 • c·n~'TA Mr:sA hr1~t•1I ~t , 111 ~on di1·.I!'• r .... } . n 1 . .;.19.mno • NORWAl.K 1ri11>o·r111I 111 n••rwa!k hl1•d , phone fl6f\-00l I • FU l,L~R1'0N horbor At or11ngclhOtJ>f!, ~79·~MO • f<:Ac:i.t: ll()('K t~•l11r11tki 11t hroadw11y. phone is• IJ:llil • C:ANOOA PARK llifl8.n(f6 platA. phone 8H:t·t000 • 1'-IONTC 'I.Al H n....,nt.cl111r plllu, photui 71•-6:ll -3o.'M . • IYN'WOOO hnpcri1i.I hlvd , ut 811\h!, phof!f' )o'W·&loo • 1.AKE WfHJ I> l11k .. wond hlvtl '" candlt'l'll'uod, ~ tl:t1-iii00 • WES'f LOS ANOEL&S lti ~1•rw11~ •t 18'/tft-t836-'l!t:l2 ' ' . SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 10:00 PM ... SUNDAY 10:00 AM TO 6:00 P'M .•. JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" ·; I . r, > \ , t ' ~' .. I ~ I \ • I • ' • I I Time to Give • • • 87 DENNIS McLELLAN OftlMO.llfll'I ......... A Cost Mesa family, gone for the weekend, returned late al night to discover their home had 'unexpected vUiilors wlule they were away. Burglars. who entered the house by lifting a sliding window off its track, made off with a television, stereo and jewelry valued at $3,500. Uthe family is lucky -and had possessions marked or serial numbers recorded -it may get them back. Chances are it won't. In 1974, $400,000 worth or v~uab_les was taken during re· s1denhal burglaries in Costa Mesa. Only 16 percent, or $64,700 was recovered by police. These figures are small when compared lo national statistics w~~b s~ow losses or nearly $700 million m 1970 and only about five percent of it recovered. Burglary has increased more than any other serious crime rommitted in the United States during the last five years. It is '5timated a burglar enters so- meone's home every 15 seconds. BURGLARY1NCREASE The crime bas shown a 53 per- cent ~ncrease from 1.96 million cases id 1969 to 3.02 million in 1974, according to FBI statistics. To help curtail residential burglaries, law enforcement agencies are initiating crime prevention programs aimed al informing citizens of the best ways to make their homes burglar·proof. Citizens, shocked at the alarm· ing crime rate. have form~d neighborhood watch groups to , keep an eye on each other 's ; homes and r eport suspicious inci- \ dents to police. .. "That's the key,'' says Officer l ,Shad Canington of the Costa t' Mesa Police Department. "The t• thing we like best is nosy i neighbors. I don't know if that's : the best way to put it. but it's a • known fact nosy neighbors deter t burglars." Members of the Huntington Beach Neighborhood Watch feel the program has been effective .since their formation. They point i to the first decline ln r esidential t burglaries in the city in ·two J years. SIGNIFICANT DROP Sgt. Bill DeNisi of the Fountain Valley Police Department believes the crime prevention , • program has contributed to a -significant drop in burglaries .from a monthly average of 80-90 to 46 last month. The Cosia Mesa Police Depart- ment r ecently hired seven crime prevention oHlcers to ·hold seminars for homeowner groups, · clubs and associations and set up a trailer in shopping centers to t display the latest security de- • vices. Officers also perform home • security inspections, which in the _ past were made only on a hit or · m iss basis, u s ually after a ~ trurglary had occurred. i' "We feel the main thing is in- • structing individual home owners in bas ic security measures," says Canington. During October -the first month of operation -550 home chttkl were made. The most common f aulu found were fmlure to lock sliding windows and the absence of deadl>olt locks , considered the most eftec· live. PRECAUTIONS While law enforcement of. ficials agree it is impossible to make a house · completely burglar·proof, thet"e are many precautions a home owner can take to deter burglars. LOCKS-A good lock is con· sidered the firs t line of defense. Cylinder deadlocks with steel· cored, one-inch deadbolts and steel reinforcing rings are con- sidered to be lhe single most ef. fective means of deterring burglars. It is r ecommended they be installed on all entry doors. WINDOWS -Most burglars avoid breaking glass for fear or attr,cting attention. Windows usually are pried open. Sliding windows can be slid or lifted out-of their tracks. Police suggest placing a dowel in the in· side lower track or putting a strong metal pin drilled through the inside track, extended partially to the sliding portion of the window. Commercial stops also are available which snap in place and lock onto the track. EASY OPEN Double hung window latches are easy to jimmy open. For win- dows in use, drill a hole into the top of the bottom window into the bottom of the top window and in· sert an easily r emoved pin or nail. Windows not in use should be screwed shut. Louvered windows are con· sidered bad security risks. It is recommende<l they be replaced with solid glass or other types of ventilating windows. They may be protected with a grate or or· namental grille, but most police and fire department ofCicials do not recommend grilles beCause of possible entrapment during a fire. Police advise leaving one wjn. dow in every bedroom available as a fire exit. The bedroom win- dow, particularly at night, is often the best and safest escape route during a fire. SLIDING DOORs-Like slid- ing windows they can be slid or pried off their tracks. Police r e· commend drilling a downward slopin g bole through the ~op channel into the top portion of the door frame and inserting a pin as a means of minimum security. QUICK EXIT Although dowels and bars may be used along the bottom track of the door to prevent entering, police feel they offer no protec- tion from the burglar who needs to make a quick exit. GARAGES -Many people are good at securing their homes but neglect the garage which can be an OPln invitation to burglars. Garages also provide an op- portunity to enter through a door leading into the house. Tools kept in the garage also may be used by the prowler for breaking in. A single lock on the garage door is considered inadequate. (A prowler can easily pry up the other side and crawl in. It is re- commended adding another bolt and padlock lo the other side in- stalling a pair of cane bolts td the inside or adding a top center hasp of hardened steel. DARK YARD LIGHTING-A darkened yard gives the prowler the secrecy he needs to break in. Ughting is particularly important when the yard'has a lot of high shrubbery. Exterior lights placed under the eaves are considered the best. An inexpensive automatic timer will turn them on and off at dusk and dawn. Inside, it is suggested a lamp· be left on in the living room . whether you 're home or not, to give the appearance of activity. . SHRUBBERY -Keep it cut and trimmed so it doesn't block the view of doors and windows. providing a hiding place for the burglar while breaking into the house. ALARMS-Many types are on the market, but space detection Your littlest angel's first Christmas can be a happy one if you 're aware of potential hazards among the trees and tinsel. 'Tis Season to a·e Careful Holidays Hazardous t . 87 Al.LISON DEERR t Of .... 0.11, ...... Staff 1 Too often during the holidays,· the joyful noise of Cbrist!Jlas music is drowned by the wail of the ambulance siren. , Accidents and illness are com- mon by·products of the season. But with a little awarene$$, most potential problems can be prevented. Here are some guidelines for parents offered by Newport .Beach pediatrician Marlene Coleman .. MisUetoe, holly and poinsettia. can be poisonous,. causma •ever• 'astrointeatblal problems 11 •tnKesttd. 'lbe brlebt colors are attrac- tin to youo• chlldreo wbOte natural bacllnation 11 to put ever-~ ink> the mouth. · II tiler• are any respiratory' problem• in the famlty, Cbriltma.a trees, especially live ones , s hould be washed \horoUihly bafore brin81ni them j.nt.o the hou.se .. BaEAKAGE P06SIBLE Ornament.I 1bould not be of the ' glittering bulb variety. Children ·in the crawling and toddling stage can be seriously injured by ingesting broken ornaments. Christmas lights are another hazard. Parents should be aware of exposed cords and light sockets. Decorations should be made of materials safe for children to chew on, since tbe glitter of thie tree will be irresistible to little ones • .. Everyone is in high gear dur- ing the holidays," Dr. Coleman said ... The children are in high. splrlts: mother is busy and the children aren 'l · watched as closely '' WUh 0 mother busily clea.ning the house for guests, she is more lite11 to leave household pro- duc\S wit.bin a child's ruch, in· cre•lng the c hance for poisorl· m, .. "It ls imPortant to keep these kinds ot petroleum products sale· Jy locked away." . In cbooling toys, parents are mdvfJed to sboP in quality stores, preferably those which list bRnned toys. Be cautious of manufacturers who appear on/ banned list and be aware of com · mon hazards. READ LABELS 'Look f or hazardou s breakables . Even products labeled "new safety feature" can have parts which can be broken off and swallowed. Thinly glued parts that pull apart easily, ratUes not made of durable plastic or rubber and stuffed animal decorations which can be removed are common danfers. Stuffed animal decorations, eyes, ears and noses should be of cloth or embroidered on. Wooden toys sbouJd be checked fCll' splintered, unsanded edges and expc>eed nails. Plastic and sheet metal toys that seem likely to crack or have sharp, jagged eds es should be a voided. Don 't be lulled by labels. Unufe ones can be sold it labeltd • potenUaJ danger . M11ny toys, such as plstols, rifles and buookas produce what- and Take 'methods are considered ex - cellent. Physical contact devices a-re prone to sendmg false alarms. Police emphasize the use of good locks. however. and warn not to depend solely on alarms for protection ' MORE TIPS Other precautions include · -Do not leave notes indicatmg your absence. -Do not leave extra keys in ob· vious places such as the mailbox or under the welcome mat. -Don't keep valuables out in the open. Keep Gifts Under Wraps The holiday season. law enforcement of· ficials agree, is a busy tJme for burglars. "They have an eX'• tra bonanza during Christmas," says Sgt. Bill DeNisi of the Fountain Valley Police Department. "It 's really sad to see someone's whole Christmas disappear from under the tree. But they're going to want to take the ob- vious stuff." It is not uncommon for families to leave several hundred dollars worth of pre- sents under the tree. It takes a .burglar only minutes to enter the home and remove them. Police recommend keeping packages hid· den from view in a closet or other safe place. Gifts l eft on the floors and seats of parked ca r s are another target of thieves. Police suggest lock· ing packages in the trunk where they are out of view and park· ing the car in well- li ghted areas. I 1 -Keep a list of serial numbers on all property. Most police de· partments also have etching tools availabl e to mark items with your driver 's license number for easy identification. BEA ANDERSON, Editor 1 -Never admit strangers into your home. An inexpensive one· way door viewer is available at hardware stores. Installation in- volves simply dnllmg a small hole and screwing into place. CODJumer advocate! call "a de- afeninl level of noise." Dr. Coleman warned ·against purcbasine toys which propel anything. Toys like this bought for older children might cause in· juries to youn1er ones. Read label suggesti~ listing age for which toys a.re designed, and use your com moo sense. Electric stoves, irons and sew· ing machines that work "jU!ll like mother's" might be b est avoided. Also. parents are ad- vtsed to screen toys gjven thclr Fri.Uy, Oecembtr U, "7S \ children by friends and relatives. If the child is too young for it, put the toy away for awhile. USE CAUTION Visitors and baby·sitters dur- ing the holidays call for extra uution. Check older sitters and guests wbo may carry medica· lions in their purses. When you visit another home, do a ciuick safety cl't~k or the rooms where your child Is likoly to be. When Oying to visit relatives. remember that your inf ant can be affected by the change in pre- ssure and be sure to carry along a bottle or pacifier for him to suck oa. Other travel· sugaestions in- cluded taking a long a d~es tant and cough medicine and finding a local pediatrician where you visit in case or emeraenclcs. "Awareness of what can h:lO· pen is the best prevention;'' I ' 82 DAILY PILOT Frtd1y. December 12, 1975 .. .Ex-husband Should Wise Up Ann Landers I DEAR ANN LANDERS. What do 1 do a bout an ex·hlbband who surfaCl'S after 27 years Jnd hasn 'l <.·hanged a bit? A Ct>\\ days ago l "~::.hopping with my mother and my tecnagt• children by my prcst•nt mar nagt• Up w:llks this obno.xiou:-, grinning ape I h• yt>lls, m a vm<.•t· that could be hcard all over thl' store, "l used to sk<.>p with you! Heh heh!" My mothl•r rC'<'ogn1ted tht· goon beforl' I did. l tried lo be polite, introdured him lo the children and attempted to move along He glommed on to mt.'. dragg~d out a wallet filled with ";] snapshots of his family und pro ceeded to bore us all todt>ath. Before l was able to pry mysl'lf loose he announced that he had been married twice since wt' parted <'ompany. One wife dwd. one he divorct>d, and at present ht> is unmarm~d and would Ukc to be friends. The following day hl· telephoned me "just to chat." 1 had a hard time getting off the phone. Five minutes ago he phoned again. How can I get rid of this pest? I don't want m y husband to know he calll'd. It could mean real trouble. -WISH MY EX WOULD EXIT Teens Need Gifts, Too DEAR WISH : Tb..-way to avoid "rt-al trouble" ls to tdl your husband at onte that the ape called and ask him what he thinks about getting an unlbted phone number. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I 'm a girl 14 in ninth grade with a pro- blem l 'm ashamed to take to anyone else. I can't bnng myself to read in front of the class. The sound of my own voice frichtens me. 1 t;ven have trouble raising my hand and answenne a-ques- tion because I can't seem to find the right words. When I 'm in a group (other than my family> I am quiet tx>cause I can't start a sentence without saying, "Um· mm ... " or csomething stupid like that. Pilot Logbook Equality's Skin Deep By ART VINSEL 6t Ille Dilly ~leU\AIH There is nothing menlttllY wrong with me although 1 'm surt? SQme people think I'm short a few marbles. It's just this pro- blem of talking. Whal can l do to get over my horrible handicap'! -LOCKED IN DEAR LOCKED: Start by re· ading aloud to yoursl'll for 30 minutes every evening In front or a mirror. Arter two weeks ask . PIAGET I I one other person to li~t«.'n to you. Next check with your M:hool coum~elor and ask where you can go for speech lt'$SOAS. Follow through and don't let anything stop you. Vour problem is not unique. It ls shared by thousands or O(b('rs in varying degrees. It can he- overcome if you wiU work al it. Get going and good luck. . . · .. . Bn tl Walker N1 u purl Th1rt y-j11 t' Fu,;h1nn l~la11tl J\c;u.µ•Jrl JJ, tJfh 644-24!14 •• • • Judging from our Letters to the Editor <'Olumn Monday, we have created much ado about the tatto6. A~RQN DE: COST~ M€S~ M~~~~l~~ns A host of worriers responded to a Daily Pilot feature story on man's ancient and honorable art of tattooing and the resurgence of interest ,among \\Omen in such bodily decor. ll seems Eve's descendants now are demand· VI NSEL inc equality in our tattoo parlors, too. ONE IRATE LETIER was signed by a whole squadron of plastic s ur- geons, worrying about tat· toos and their possible physiral and cosmetic con- sequences. These things ·should indeed be con- sidered. One other letter was signed by a doctor of the Gospel who quoted the Book of Leviticus to assert tattoos are not only ugly, gross and against Nature, but also downright si nful. MEN ONLY 3 PM to 9 PM M,onday through Friday: Closed Sat. & Sun. MALESTYLIMG MALESTYLIM MALES TY LI MALESTYL MALES TY MA LEST MALES MALE MAL MA M PICK YOUR CHOICE: REG. $I 0 NOW $5.00 LAMPCUT: Ow Expert Stylists Wll Cut Yow Hair So As to R•re a Minlnmm of Ccre. WHIZCUT: Sci1sor-Rmor Cut Rte~ mtt*d for Pr-obaetn Hair. loth lftduc:IH: St.ca•ifOO. Condition~. Style. BEAUTY SALON: Daily 8 AM to 3 PM; Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM FOi ArPOIMTMEHT ·692 W. 19th St.• Costa Mesa 642-8316 t A Merry Christmas for youngsters in foster homes . and .unde r the protection of .Juvenile Court will be possible through Operation Santa Clam; s ponsored ~Y t.he Orange County Department of Social 1 1 .: St>rv1ces. Unv. rapped new toys are offl'rl'd without cu~t to foster pClrents at a s peC'ial ~ton• in tht> Cit v The sling of the tattooist's needle is nothing compared to the Hellfire and Brimstone reserved for the tattooed when we marked men shuffle off this mortal soil with all its colorful skin ornaments, the letter writer suggest_ed. WELL, GENTLE READERS, ever since hearing the old college drinking song about t~e Australian lady who "had :i bird's-eye \1ew of Sydney. over her lcfl kidney " I have admired such c.•pidermal artwork. ·' Shopping Cent~'r. Spcci'.11 needs include gifts roi· teenagers. Sorting donation:-. are Allee Cmste<1d and r proJN't coordinator S haron AC>bl·r:-.old Donations may bl'-made by calling ~Irs. Aebt.•rsold, 83·1·4703 or dehvt>nng to 1801 X. College, Santa Ana And J now have four of them. all s imply assertions of masculinity, accord1ng to a P5YChologis l friend. Churches Focus on Women One Daily Pilot nt'\\s woman has con- fessed to recently getting a coquettish little heart tattooed on her tup. Each of us just wanted a tattoo. Simple as that. Action Ordained Down through the centuries, from the an· cient Chinese with bamboo nL1.•dles and natural dyes to the ub1qu1tous Marlboro )tan, we'\'e fell an urge lo make this puny, flabby human flesh fancier and more dis· llnctive Tattoos can sometimes do it. '.'lAIRORI . Kt•nya <tJPl l Tht.> World Council of Churches s.i1d today the role of its m1ll1on s of woml•n worshippers around tlw world must be rapidly expanded II\ all s phcrt<s of life. "There i s ample evidence that the ('X pertise and gifts of women arc not being ful- ly used . .. a l wo pagt.> council policy pJp<.'r said. The paper will bt• dis- Lnbuted among the coun- cil's 286 denominations with a combined worship of 500 million persons for urgent action. The dorument urged extra c hurch funds be aJ. located for women ;ind member churches lake part in a three-year study on the subject. Women have alreiJdV played a much more ::tr· live part in this as- sembly than in previou~ meetings. Around 21 per- Ct.>nt of the delegatl's Now appearing: WAYNE VINCENT & BOUNTY S.n ()ego F"1Mwty 11 8Mltll t "6 Anton Btwt Cosla Mtsa. C.lllC>fn•• rt2626 (714) ~0-2500 SOUTM COA6T ~ MOTEL WfSl'ER1'4 IN'T'rtlNA'TlONA( 'liOtr:(S ~ l'o1<t"flll '"' ,,..,.. w1lll IM•I• ft A11•1M• v t here were women. com- pared \\1th lt•ss than 10 percent at the last as· semblv The.do<.'ument on sex· is m apprO\'Cd OVl·r· whelmrn~ly b~· the as- ~1.·mbly ur~ect member churches lo t.>nsure full participation of women in all policy making, give priority t o th e lheolog1cal study of sex· ualtty and cons ider mak- tn~ funds av:1ilable for theological education of \\Omen M'\' FIRST ONE is a little heart on the left bicep th_at says in i:torid letters: MILLY. My second 1s a swooping bird of unidentifiable species. a cluster of flowers and a scroll on my right forearm that says: MILLY. In the twilight of my youth, it appears to me I wasn't getting .iround town much. My third is another bird and cluster of flowers on m y left forearm, added because I looked lopsided from the front with just the one on my right forearm. My fourth -the good man of the cloth who wrote us will surely say for shame -is a little caricature of the devil on my left calf. ONLY ~ FEW months ago, the left· forearm design was enhanced by a regal srroll that reads: Scotland, in memory of Grandmoth11r, who l'm1grated from Glasgow more than a century ago. One other Scots man r chanced to see in· tervi~wed on telev1s1on Sunday also confessed to. be1ng tattooed. Ile 1s actor Sean Connery . . His tattoo also say!'>: Scotland. . And so, n~ n:iatter what my psychologist fnend claims 1s Just .i Walter Mitty assertion of masculinity: I DO have something in common with .James Bond. FREE MICROWAVE OVEN COOKING SCHOOL Sat., Dec. I 3 from I p.m. to 9 p.m. Uttc.'1 Hw Ec--11 wil llllow y• t.ow to cook yow fwyorite feod1 and .... tiMe -... eMJY. ~ . at both Davis Brown locations B Toro and Costa Mesa. Earfy arrival is suggested. - Thc:i crayon pajama ... ~ .R?rfed for Christmas morn1ng. Siz.es 4 · 7 f'iamrz rczt:an:lont. from our boys' sleep~r &_?'Jim2nt; adaitional robes and. papmos, ~ 4-lD @J~o@@)~@ 44 fashion Island, nawport center 844·5070 I Friday, Oec,,mber 12 1975 Horoscope: DmPILOT 83 ~~~~ · Pisces·, Watch Maney. f '~ ae · · l SATURDAY OECEMBER13 BySYONEVOMARR ARI ES (Ma r c h 21· April 19): Take in- itiative; be a self.starter Circum s tances ravo~ your moves, e fforts. Tim· mg is on target. TAURUS CApnl 20· May 20): Feeling of con- fine m ent could prt"vaH. This 1s temporary know it and don't furl with panic. GEMINI CMay 21·June Arthur Taylor President of CBS Inc. to Speak Sunday Mr Arthur Taylor. Pres1· de11t ot Columb1~ Broadcast- ing System. Inc . will 101n his fri end Or Robert H $chullcr on the plattorm of the Great Gloss Auditorium of G;ir!len Grove Community Church. Sunday morning December 14. Mr. Taylor. together with Or. Schuller. , will be speaking at 9 30 and :ig;:iin at t I 15 a m Garden Grove Community Church 1s located at Chap- man and Lewis $t . at the junction ol the Garden Grove and Santa Ana Freeways. The services arc televised every Sunday across the United States as the "Hour ol Power" with Robert Schuller. This Sunday's service will be taped for telecast at a later date. The Hour of Power is aired on the lollowirig West Coast stations CAllfORNIA Los Angeles KTLA Ch. 5 Sun 10:00 am KHOF Ch. 30 Sat 9.00 pm KHOF Ch. 30 Sun. 6.00 pm KUCA Ch 40 Thur. 8:00 pm Sacramento KTXL Ch 40 Sun 9·00 am . Monterey KMST Ch 46 Sun 8:30 am San01ego KGTV Ch. 10 Sun.10 OOarn San Francisco KTVU Ch 2 Sun ·7:30 am KVOF Ch. 38 Sun.11 :00 am .sffti.8TOtl Tacoma /Seattle KSTW Ch. 11 Sun.10:30 am Marc h 20)· Money, peri.onal posM~si.1ons and income putcnt1JI llrl' apt to be spotlighted If you ask questions, you will obtain answers and save money. lf today is y~ur birth· day you are frank, 1n dependent. unorthodox. familiar with law and fascinated by ml'd1cine and theater. Emotional pressures h ft rn 1976 and May will be your mo::.l significant month ' f 3424 Via Udo f ,, --. Lido Shops ,...... f ~ --Newport Beach .._ f l-~•O•O•Ooa•~a-a.-a.~~-a...~ ... ~·_.. n ' e ONE FANTASTIC DAY TO SHOP AND SAVE! BUT, HURRY, SOME QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED! LOOKIN' GOOD GAUZE SHIRTS Popular pt•asant :-.tylmg 1n gss l'asy earl' fabric !)(1.50 poly/ cotton blt .. nd In hluP, gn•cn. natural S. M. L. XI. REG. $13 Ml :\ "~ l t. '\"l<;llt'l,'f:~ MEN'S DOUBLEKNIT SLACKS New textured surface pt>ly· ci,ter. Stretchl's comfortahly hut retains shape. No 1run. ln grtlal coloni, 30·40. :.1 ENS L LOTlll'I,'(; $:,~ 9ss REG. $13 MEN'S PILE-LINED GOLF JACKET Made of tou ~h polyester· 2288 cotton t.o shed wind, rain. Has zip front, wann acrylic p1lo lining. S, M. L. XL. Savti. REG. $30 ME!ll'S WOHi\ noTlll\/t: \ __. -·- Save$2. I J ' J Al ,~''·.·:0~ t't*""!~r:;; \?; ' ~ I _.-, \ I Soft and natural lace trimmed knit tops. !Al Peachy T-~hirt with crrnm lace placket front. 4s 8 IHI Baby blue tie-dye shirt, bl ue lace neckline. [cl $8 natural shirt, cream cami"ole lace trim •••..• ·•. 5.88 IA] rH {UJ $8 lt. bfue solid T-shirt, a ntique look lace ....•.... ·. 5.88 Rt:C. $7 J lt REFLECTION :'ll(lP SMOKE DETECTOR/ALARM l'rotl·tt your l1ll' and theonc-s 39ss ,c>u lovP w1lh t his :-.moke ~1l.1rm Sound:--110 dl-<:1hel .alarm. B.illt•ry pc>" 1·n·cl. REG. 44.95 I Pllll\11111•\Hl\lt'r .A I ~ '-' -~ 'J !.:;· "" ',J .~~ .~, ·~ ~-:. ~i~ ~~~-.· '( .l ". .. . ' ,. ~fJJ,·~ > 1 \i iv: t ,, ~ ~ ,/ : ·'i... ~ •. r ,. ,, • .. J, ,.. "\,;• SAVE 1/2 t&t:~~:~ BOXED CANDLE ENSEMBLE .Ju~t lhe lhrnJ! for tho:-;(' on 3ss vour ('hni-tm•t" 11:-;t. Make g r l.'at t a hit• dt't:nrallons. Come gift boxl'<I. S:svc· REC. 7.99 • .JHY.l\H~ SAVE 2lo/o VERSATILE 8-INCH ELECTRIC SAW Cut~ your pruning-down to 2888 ~17e! ldenl for trimming or pruning. Th1s ensy-to·handlt• M W cull> logs Lo 10" diamet1•r. REG. 36.95 GARO~.N :-.ltt•I' Early Bird Specials from 9:30 to 11:30 AM Saturday! ,. ·' EARLY BIRD SAVE•t LIVE CHRISTMAS PINE IN 5" POT Grow your own Christmas decorations. Ideal for table with its own ornaments. It's alive and will grow. CARDEN SllOP 222 REG.3.49 , J SAVE 36o/o EARLY BIRD A TIRACTIVE QU lLTED BED REST Great gift for bed lime read 69 7 ers! Has colorful quilt rovt>r with puffy fill. Choice of solid colors or lively prmt.q. REG. 10.99 l:IEOOING, LINEN ~ SPECIAL EARLY RIRD STURDY BIG WHEEL,,. BY MARX"' 20" high trike has low-slun)o{ 1396 stability, rul?ged molded ptas Lic consLruct1on fo r young drivers. Ages 4 thru 9. TOYS &1 ··, Keep t hosp you love m hot Wl\leT-wi th style. In mush- room coffot> t>ean or spice mot.if. JuHl for you. Save HOU~t:WARF.S REC.14.99 MAKE WARDS YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS! "CHARGE IT!" WITH A WARDS CHARG-ALL ACCOUNT! Wards. We're a family tradition. •PANORAMA CITY tob111t 1t ~. phone 894 8211 • TORRANCF. del amo fll•hlon tq11anr. pht)ne ~2 6971 • 8ANTA A.NA bri•tol e\ WW'ntHnth. '714 ~4'1 AMI •SAN UERNAROINO ~ntral ri\.Y mall. 714·llM li:lll •HUNTINGTON Wl:ACH C'dtni;er 11\ h.>Mh. 71 1 k'l.' MH l •COVINA bctrr•1Q 11lun bernardtno fr.c·w11;11, 966·7411 • ROSf!MRAD 3ti-OO ftl#ml't1d blvd . 67:1 :1110 •COSTA MESA bru1tol •l. et lttn dlt"p lwy, 714-64119400 • NOKWAU< impt'nn\ at "°"'allt blvd , phonl' 14611-~l 1 • 'Ul.L£RTON h11rbor •t nran«elhofll". 714,g79.2500 •EAGLE ROCK calorado •t broadw"" ph<!l'le :l~-'1:!61 • C'ANO<:A l'AKK lllfM1n11s plua, phofll' 88.l·IOOO • ~Ol'n'Cl.AIR 1Mn1i•hur plu.a, C>hoo" 714·fi'lJ.;lO'>~ •LYNWOOD 1ml)l'nnl hllld. at •taw. phone 637 6000 • l.AKEWOOO laltl'wood blvd •l C'llndlc-... ood. phooe 11.'l!l ?tlOO. WE!n' 1 .. os ANGS,:LES II\ C'll'Mlll al 18th et. 836-79'n SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 10:00 PM ••. SUNDAY 10:00 AM TO 6:00 PM .•. JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" 1. -. c\ j ' . 1 ' • t Friday. 0.Cemt>er 12. 1975 PUBLIC N011CE Zodiac Killer: Is He Mellowing With Old Age? SF Area IJomb --iilitie·s Try Explodes New Pay Idea SAN FRANCISCO .UPI> - What has happened to the 7.oruac luJler? Is be mellowing with age? I hs . last taunting letter, the rirst stnc6 1970, was reeeived 22 months ago. Characteristically. Zodiac demanded the letter be published in newspapers -but uncharacteristically he made no new claim about additional slav· ings · ZODIAC HAS CLAIMED 37 murders. and Pohct' huve dt-- flnitely hoked him to 5ix which occurred m California bctw.:en 1966and1969. ltas Zodiac, like everybody else, changed with lhe pas~a~e of hme? He is believed now tu be between 40 and 50. ''Maybe his propensity for violence has been arrested," says ins pector Bill Armstrong of the San Francisco Pollce Depart- Finishi11g Totreh Added Dally Piiot St.tfl Pllolo ) I t r Mason Bruce Jac kson works on stone facing for a retaining wal~. part o.f a $25,000 Lag una Beach Municipal Service!) proJect for improvement of Summit Drive hetwecn Blue Bird and >'an Dyke Drives. Summit, being ~1dened and re- paved, will be closed to through t raffi c until a l least Tues- day. -Zone Text Change I Aid S . v· . ~ s ome 1n IeJo 1 One of several changes in the zoning text for the Mfasion Viejo Pla nned Community s hould make.• il easier if Casta del Sol re- side nt:, decide they'd like a slor:1~c yard for r ecreational vehi cles and boats in their com· mun1ty C o unty p la nning c om - m1ss1oners rec.·l'nlly approved a package of what planners call "one hner ::;," changes in the wordmg to r educe minor pro- blems they haH· expencnced in working with Mission Viejo's zoning conditions . ONE OF THESE changes will permit storage yards for recrea- t1on al ve h icles. campers,· trailers. and boats in residential and agricultura l a reas with the issuance of a lh e P ermit. Kindergarten Pr_ogram Set The Saddleback Valley Unified School Dis trict has announced the formation of a new "early age" kinde rgarten program beginning Feb. 2. All children who reach their fifth birthday by Feb. 1 will be admitted to the prog ram. scheduled for O'Neill and San Joaquin Elementary School. Previously only children who were five year~ or age of older before Dec. 2 were accepted for kindergarten instruction. The two early-age k in- dergarten classes will be orrered as a pilot progam. Continuance or expansion of the classes will· depend on the evaluation or 1' school district ofricials. ,. Parents w hoae children qualify should contact the dis- trict of'fice, 586-1234. Classes will be lilnlted to 25 students and parentl will be responsible for Although dcl•d restrictions pro- hibit r esidents from parking recreational vehicles or boats in their driveway, front yard or the street, the Mission Vi ejo Com- pany does have a storage yard for these vehicles 1n the in- dustrial area. THERE IS NOW no need for another one. s aid Van Stevens . the company's director of ad- vance planning. But, he said, the change would make it possible for the company to open another if the need arises. Also. he said. the Casta del Sol Ho meowners A::;sociation had a s ked if they could h ave a storage yard in conjunction with a maintenance building in thl'a r community The ('h.1nge, Stcvc.•ns said, allows tht·m to srck a permit for this ALTHOUGH MOST of the other changes were ma<.11: at the request of counly planners, one which would permit commercial recreation uses an tbe area between Cabot Road and the San Diego freeway. south of the La Paz Road i ntercha nge , was made at thl:' rcqut•!->t of the com· pany. Once, Stevens !'laid, lhP. com·. pany was negotia ting for a large · commercial recreation facility in the a rea . Since lht·n. ht· said, the company ha~ offrn·d to donate the land to the county for t.tn animal shelter and rapid transit facility Rotarians Give 82,000 to YMCA A donation of $2,000 bas been given to the Orange Coast YMCA by the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club. Half of that money will go towards the YMCA Outreach program for youth. The other hall will be used to purchase an electnc stencil cutter for the ment "Maybe his propensity for pubhcaty also has been arrest· ed " ARMSTRONG TJUNKS ~ae t•ouJd simply have been in jail. and therefore out of circulation, or could have moved out or the area for a period. "But the interesting thing is we thmk we are going to catch this guy," Arms trong s ays . ''It sounds crazy, but from knowing the case we have the feeling that when we hit the right man, we art-going to nail him. ''Once we hit the right guy, we have sufficient evidence to bwld a case against him." TIPS FROM THE pubhc about "the right guy·' continue to flow to Armstrong &snd others who have been living with the Zodiac problem day and night since 1969. In the last year, more than 100 leads were checked. Zodiac has elude d in - vestigators in spite of a flow of clues in letters to newspapers and police. After-his last verified murder -the 1969 shooting of a San Francisco cab driver -his letter, beginning "This is the Zodiac s'peaking," contained a blood·stain~d piece of the vic- tim's s hirt. BESIDES THE CAB driver, t.odiac's other murders included the s tabbing of a Riverside coed in 1966, the pistol shooting of a teen- age couple in a lovers lane near Vallejo in 1968, another lovers lane pis tol slaying of a young woman six months later in which her boy friend survived critical injuries. and the frenzied knifing of a young woman two months after that. In the latter case, the dead woman's boy friend re· covered from a dozen wounds. Zodiac has allowed himself to be seen by five witnesses. Police have handwriting specimens . and probably have hi s fingerprints among a mass of prints in the cab in which the driver was s hot. · ON WANTED POSTERS. Zodiac appears nondescript. He 1s middle aged, stocky and of near ave rage height. He has re· ceding brown hair worn crew cut in 1969, and we ars glasses. SAN FRANCISCO t AP> -A state policeman was stunned but onJy minor <tamage resulted when a small pipe bomb e,cploded ln a seventh· floor st airwell or the State Building, police say. No radical group has daimed responsibility for the blast. ( __ s_ta_te _ __..J The bomb destroyed a fluorescent light fixture, "but otherwise ca used only minor d a mage" when it expl oded a t about 4:50 p .m . Thurs- day, said Police Inspec- tor Don Hansen. Women Sue By THOM~ D. EUM A major philo•opbical chan.,c has come to the utility industry and Ca.Ji!orni3 coruiumen are the first to CHl its effects. Briefly, the new idea is an old one. "Pay Cor the service you use.'· That's the concept berund the major changes the state's Publlc Utilities Commission has already made in its formulas for setting rates paid by elec- tric and natural gas users. It's the idea behind some changes that will soon be alf ecting customer s of California's two largest telephone companjes, too. ALREADY• THE PUC H~ SET "lifeline .. rates for electricity and natural gas. It was the first regulatory agency in the nation to make this shift, but most others are almost certain to follow. Under the new formula, rates for small users of electricity and gas wilJ rise only after larger users' prices have increased by 25 percent. That won 't happen fast. . The new idea is a l~·degree departure from the traditional formula. which s aw the biggest users pay the least per unit. The idea then -in the days of cheap energy -was that it cost less to provide service to one big user than lo many smaller ones whose total cons umption was the same. FRESNO (UP[) -An out of court compromise may be sought by the 11 THAT MEANT HOMEOWNERS AND other Fres no Unified School small users paid far more than their actual shar e of District as a way of re-the state's total energy bill. solving federal charges The same sort of system bas applied to alleging sex bias in the telephone rates. which are also undergoing radical district. change. The suit s ought ~n or· Rates for home telephones have usually been der to force the district to about half the business phone rate, in both General appoint women to high-and Pacific T elephone service areas . But business level jobs on an "ac-phones have always been used far more and caused celerated basis" and to much more than their hire and promote appli-, SOUTHERN " share of phone company cants with back pay who CALIFORNIA operating costs. allegedly were passed The new telephone over because they were '-'-__ F_O_C_U_S __ _,, r ate structure will put women. mo~t businesses on a P11pHPower LOS ANGELES (AP> -·'The learner would be the mos t importa nt person" in a $120 million s hakeup of secondary education in California, state school officia ls say. The propos a l for a ''funda mental r eform or s econdary education" presented Thursday to the state B oa rd of Education by Supt. of Public Jns tructio n Wilson Riles features a scheme for personalized instruction as well as re- quired proof of com- petency in academi c basics such as math and English. Sex Patrol system called "measured local service." Under this setup, basic rates !or business phones will drop, but there will be a limit on the numbe r of free calls allowed. THF. CHANGE HAS ALREADY BEEN made in many Pacific Telephone art:as, where businesses are allowed 80 free local calls ~r line. There is no time limit on those calls. Over in the General Telephone area, almost en· tirely in Southern California, an attempt at a more radical change has been temporarily stalled. The PUC last spring attempted to impose not only a 80-call limit on free local usage of busine~s phones, but also a five-minutetimelimitoneachfreecall. Small businesses, largely in the ·Long »each area, raised such a fuss that the change bas been de- layed. But there is little doubt it will come. So, too, will come a shift in who pays for the ''$55 million phone call" the phone companies com- plain about. The PUC's s taff experts have long urged a charge for information calls beyond a cer· tain minimum. PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUI •UllNIU NAMll STAT•MIN1' TJw following pst'°" ll dOlnt --ness•s: sweo1SH AMERICAN MOTORSPORT. 1'350flms W•r. 0... MH.I, CA. 9207 Berti• w. Wellr, 62' s. Sulll-Na. I"', Stnll AN. CA. '2~ Thi> ~IWU b C#ICWC:ttd ., M In. dlv!Wal. BtrtleW.Wehr Tiii• stelMMM WH filed wltll Vie County Cler'll Of Ottnge Co11111y .. No,,. emoer 2S, 191). ..... PubUJMd Or.anoe Collst Dell• PfWlt, Nov. 21. end OK. s. 12. It, lt7S _..,,;7s PUBLIC NODCE • PICTITIOUS •USIMIU MAllH STATEMINT The fol IOWI ng Pff $0n Is Ooh1g bW • rwu u : SAOOLEBACIC VAL\.E'I' CONSTRUCTION, 2 .. n Vie Dtl Sol, Mlulon Viejo t261S ~ 8•fdWlt1, 1 .. n Vie Dtl Sec, Minion vi.Jo 9U1S Tiils bushwu Is c:on<1uc:ltd bY tit In divldual RoOtf' Beldwln Tlll$ statement wu tlled wlttl u. County Clerk of Or•no-Counly on DaUmOtr2, lt7S ..,..,. Published O..n941 Coest D.ally Piiot. O.c. S, 12, tt, 26, 1975 '6)4.7S PUBLIC N011CE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Pursuant to tilt' provisions ot Section tSOJS.S of Ult Corpontlons Code of ti. State of Qliloml•, notice is htrtby glwn1r.at: CALCOMP LEASING PARTNERS,• partnerstup l'le,._.ofore tll l ~tln 9 b e tween CALCOMP MANAGEMEHT, INC., 111 General Partner, end JAMESY. PAYTOH,.as• li"'41e<I P•rtner. Is now dlssolwed by mutual conwnt ol the Partnership. Said pertnt0rsl\1p is dlnolved .as (If ~c:mi~r 5. 191S. Clwlrl•S H. S-rd SKrf1ery CALCOMP MANAGEMENT'. INC. Publlsn.<1 0ren99 Coest D.altv Piiot, ~c:. 12, 197S 4128-15 PUBLIC N011CE . NOTICE OP' SALi! Nollet Is twreby given pUf'suent to ~lions 3071 and 3012 of Ille Ovll ~ of 11\e Stat• of Calllornl11 the un- <MrSlgne<I, CLYl>E L. HEIL\. Wiii sell at public auction, at 1f>M2 S. Hlrbot' BIYd., Sanl11 Ana, Callfornle, 8t 10Lm. on T~$Clay, tlle 23rd City of Oece-lnber, t97S, tlle following <lescrlbed property, t~wlt: Scots Trtlltt, 1.0. Ho. S$1S198~ UcenwNo.CW9114 (C.alll.l. Said sale Is tor the purpow of Mtlsty· l"'J llM of tM ul'lderslgneo tor storeQI! IO!llllNr will\ C:C15lS of .adverUslng ilnd expen~sotsale. Olltedtllls htllcS.ayof Dtcemtier, 1t7S CLYDEL.NEILL P\lbllShed On119e Co.st D.alty Pliot. ~r 12, 197$ '1Jt.7S PUBLIC N011CE C~·t•t ...CTITIOVS BUSINESS MAMISTATaMRNT Psychia trists speculated that he is a n impotent woman hater who kills to get even with his mother. They s aw him as an anonymous nonentity seeking fame and as a person ove r- whelmed by terror who kills to gain a feeling of power. · .. LOS ANGELES (AP) Los Angeles Police Chier Edward Davis says he is going to keep uniformed police sta- tioned in front of Hollywood sex parlors - and another ranking of· ficer reports that police have been assured that the sex entrepreneurs have no legal recourse against the campaign. TIUS WOULD PUT USERS OF directory as· sistance on a pay-as-you-go basis, relieving persons who actually use telephone directories of paying for lllf ,.. ... no..--"c1o1no bus<· lltSS H : SILVEJI lil!.coVERV C:OMPAH'I', ' f70 ~ Ce~ Ot,. ..... 2AO, Hewca1..-Cll;CA. < One theory is he eventually will be caught because he wants to be caught. If captured, another· theory is his rage will turn against himself, and he will commit s uicide. Former Mesa Man Cleared In Slaying Capt. Henry Holmes. com m ander of the Hollywood poli ce division, quoted mem· be rs of the city at- torney's office as s aying Onetime Costa Mesan Robert the police action was Rennie, now a Florida Highway "well grounded in case Patrol officer. has been absolved law .. and could be "suc- of wrongdoing in the slaying of a c e s s f u 11 y defe nde d federal civil service worker on a against any legal suits lonely F1orida highway. brought by sex parlor a service they don't use. The major changes in rate structure result from two other shifts. First, the new need for energy conservation is clearly behind the lifeline electric and gas rates. The PUC has finally realized that making energy cheaper for large users encourages large use . The second shift is the result of the change in the makeup of the commission with the addition of two appointees of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Leonard Ross and Robert Batinovich have been Dllvl4 Wlllillfft ..... ~.~~~~ Center Or1Ye, SWll .. llt«ll. C.etllor11/t Tiiis busi~s la litlflt ........ Ml INIM<lvel. David Wiiiiam Nia Tiiis statement filed •lift U. Ciluftl'f om ot Orlfn99,County on Ott. u,.:. "11l_OP', ltOU TON, a UR NI & llilldCl1' • TRICK AtlWMys-.at•UW .. QytllStrMt .......,, 8Hc:ll,~tlf, Pllllllshe<I Ortn91 Co.alt Delly "'lot· No,,. 21, 21, ena Dtc. 5, 12 4CJO.. much more concerned with consumer interests ______ __..__ __ than their predecessors. AS IT HAPPENS, THE CONCERNS for con· servation and the consumer dovetail almost com· pletely in the new rate-ma.king formulas. The result is that at least one inflationary ele- ment may be spared Californians for the next few years. While it's not very likely that utility rates will actually go down, the changes should insure that prices won 'l go up nearly as fast as they have. PUBLIC NO'DCE l'ICTITIOUS IUSIM•SS HAME STATl!Ml!NT The foll0#11'19 pef'SOll Is clolng tMI• neuu: ENGIHEERING ART, tUO Gwflcld Ave. $p. No. 43, H1.W1tlngtan Beed!, CA. .,.... , : J. Mlcf\ael Luttnll, •so Ga-fleld Ave. Sc>. No. 43, HunlinQtOll &Ndl, CA. ,,.... . Val,.,,.1 M. Lutt1'1111, "'° G¥fi.td Aw , Sc>. Ho. 43, Hunllnvton Be.act\, Ga. 926'16 TlllJ lluslnns Is conctucttct..., tfl in• dlvldl.lal. Rennie, 30, was questioned in a owners ." Breva rd County coroner 's in·~ 'I . . , d 21 G • ·1 c f quest a bout the Nov_:.> killing of .,Hf afer Hel lr S 011tpe e J . Mlchffl Lu1trell 'This s tetcment wes filed Witll the County Cl•rk of Or1119e Count., on HcW- ~ 17. t97S.. Frank ~oth, 50, a Titusville. LOS ANGELES (UPl > . Fia., resident. Christine Nicholson. Q Ti• l ~ PubllSheO 0ra11ge COllst Olllly PllOI. ~v. 21, and Dec. s. 12, 1', lt7S 440S-7S arrested for poss~ssion vor ueen •t e BOOTH, UNARMED. was shot of a dagger outside a . C 1 ., in the head by Rennie's .357 newspaper orfice where PUBLIC NOTICE Magnum revolver when the of· Vice President Nelson Twenty.one senior girls from six area high NOT1ce:o~.!7ao1T01tS ficer thought he was reaching for Rockefeller was visiting, schools will compete Saturday in a joint Fountain Ho.• .. u•1 agun h d Th d 11 . . su~11R10RcoURTOflntt! .r.1c: R was c arge urs ay Va ey and Santa Ana Juruor Miss Pageant. STATE o"' C.ALIFORMtA "°" "'' icer ennie had stopped with carrying a con-The event is s ponsored. ----------· THECOUNTYOf'ORANM Booth, a federal job program ad· cealed weapon. by the Fountain Valley Santa Ana High: Renee p~~~,~~ .. "';~t~,.:J,~~· ::!-:;:E~~ ministrator, in the mistaken Miss Nicholson, 43, and Santa Ana Jaycees Clark. ~ms.ci. belief he was driving a stolen car g.ave her name at the and wi'll b ... held at 8 p.m . F 11 Hi b J t Notic•istwnbyOfffntoti.cN«ors d . t th ' . ~ OOtbf g : ane NVl"'J Clelms ~ll'lsl Ille Sllld dita-aCCOr mg oau onties. ltme or her arrest as at Los Amigos Jligh Letson. 0tn110111es.1oc1111msl"tMoffk•Of No one else witnessed the "Lucifer Satan." and r.... School, 16:;66 Newho~ p f' . 1 • u. c:1m °' ttie atorewio c:-' or to h t' th h' h ts'd ~-" • .-~ ageant of 1c1a s said prnenttnemtot11eun!Mfsl9flad.ct11e s 00 mg on e ig way OU I e portedly told a police or-St .. Fountain Valley. the contestants will be ottlct ot 8ALL, HVHT, HART, of Orlando. The victim was killed fi cer Rockefeller was Pageant s poke" man . d d f' . . . BROWN~ 8AERWITZ. 120 Undtn . t ti ., JU ge on itness, poise Aw .. P.o.eo111211,1ntt.C1t'f•Lon!i UlS an Y· somehowrespons1'blefor B1'Jl Frye s ai·d on"' d # _ _....... INQUEST TESTIMONY r e· vealed that. while Booth was un· armed and eou.ld not have been reaching for a weapon, he had been drinking and this may have been a factor 1n the killing. Both victim and suspect are· from small hometowns only a f e w miles· apart in Massachusetts. but no acquain- tance or connection was l'stablisbed. Rennie was employed at a Cast· food restaurant when he lived in Costa Mesa up until late 1970 and worked !Iller as a security euard ln F1orida berore joining the " a n a p p e a r a n c e a.ac:11, 1n Los Anvetu .......... .,. MV<ll the captivity of h e r girl will be chos en to scholastic achievement: ~ur!'r':~':':.f~~ mother. represent each city at creative and performing ln1Jtou1c1"1a1'. Sucl\f!l.alms-"llt!llO the state Junior Miss arts and a J·udges· in-,,ec .. s.ary vOYCi.t's must 1111 tiled.,. Car Ploi't SAN FRANCISCO ·<AP) -The nation's three largest car rental companies conspired to monopolize the car ren· tal market at airports. Dollar Rent A Car System of Los Angeles alleges in a rederal an- titrust suit asking $72.7 million damages. · • prtw11ttd H erons.alcS w1111111 foul' Pageant in February in terVlew. f'llOlll11Setter1i.11r1tpubllc:llUOnou111s Santa Rosa. notice. Contestants by high o.'9d::T.~;~;:,:,._ school include: E•cvtorsllf•"- F t • V U ID h WlllofwlcSOtctdt11t oun am I ey g llAU.HUNT,MART, School: Suzanne Curley, a1towN .aM Ml!RWITZ Mary Lou Gilbert, ~~:-.. J e an n e Ly n n • Kee li \. U111 llffcll, c:.alhntf•..., Scott, Brandee Scurci Put11iS11ec1 0ranve eo.au o.u., "'°'· d Nev. 21, •• AflO Ole:. S, 12, 1'7S 4m-7S Md Sherrill Svalsta ; PUBLIC NOTICE 1·1Ut SUl'UllOR COURTOl'TM& STAT• 0, CALIPORMIA ~ TH• COUNTYOl'ORANOe ............ t l "( f · tramportatJon. ··y··. . highway patrol. • :;: .'Non-faculty' Leaming at Dana Tho suit was riled Thursd3y against Hertz Corp. and A vis Rent A Car. both or New York Clty, and National Car Rental System of Min· neapolis. l,os Amigos High School: Stacy Moorehouse. Ronda Rob- bin s. Patricia Rodriguez, Sylvia Si.ngh andDebraPaUn. • La Qainta Hilb: Joy Al· Jen, Le Ana Christe.osen. Rene Jimenez. SuUMe Reese, Alllson Smith &nd Susan London. NOflef Ofl M•A IUllO Ofl ..Ul'TtON • fllOtl PlltOeAT• 011 WILL AND P0tt LaTTS.S THTAflAI NT ARY !"stale Of JAMES W. PHILLIP'S.SR, Dec:~. ! ••• '}~· Tbe maklns or cheese, suicide and water ' ~ a.re amoni topics that have been outlined ,1 to J>an• ff Ula Hish S<:h.ool students by guest ' ~en ln a newly injtiated adjunct fa culty· ,u ocram ... pl . !l<1 1be adjunct faculty is made up or members of ~ the community who are ex~rt in various ::treas of ··I r at\a(f)' that ere not normally a part or the high ) .cbOOI curriculum. ~ 1be .proaram \:IU irutiated an Scptem~r by J J>bll-Grl1non, school principal. ond Donna .I l, Cazares. president or the parent-teacher-student asSO<.'i3tion. Jn three monlh5. 3S adjunct courses heve been held. Toplc.1 included "Cheese ... How It'• Mado and How t o Se rve It," ''Suicide," "Water . PollutJon," .. fresh Fish ... How to ~ Creative," "Crime Scene Investigntion," "The Five Most Mlaunderi;tood Questions About Nuclear Eneray" ond "&-lr-~cfenst for Women ... Any person wishing to join the adjunct faculty' may do so by callina Maureen Redfield, assbt.anl pnnclpal, at 496-666e. ' Cln-lc Kiiied TORRANCE (AP> -A 67-year-old liquor store clerk wu shot to de3th in what Torranu police saJd apparently was an ttempted holdup. Investigators said the body of Thom as Levier was found sprawled at the back of a Western Avenue Uquor i11tore ~ayiqbt. Ma&er Del Higb: Dawn Miles and Lyn Uamilton. Team Wins The drill team of St. John the Baptist Church School woo first place 1n a stl.ate·wide compet1ti0rt at Ri9 Hondo Colle.ce, school o!Cicial• an· nowactd. Bit Part NOTICE 1$ HEREIV OIVCN tNt THE fllRST NATIOHAL ..,.I( OF ORA'CGI! COUfCTV lies fli..J fltf'tln .a s-llllon for Pf"9tt Of Wiii .and ,.. It tlMIK• of Utter1 THl.amentwy to 11-~uw.r. rMet'fftlClt IO wllkll k _. tor tu,,,,., pertkultrt. t~ 111.tt ti. llmt ~ pi.c.. .. !Me•lflt "" .... "-' Mto\9'tler o-.•. "7i,110:•e"' .... ""'~ ., Oepert!Mnt -. a"' t.alCI -1. et "° O"k C.11• Or1w C 0 m C d i a n F I . ,WUI, 11'1 Ille CUJ ti itMll Allll, 1 p .eau..,,,, .. W· 1 h b o...-~., ,,,, l son as een w1u.1A11Ai'.n.10tt•. named c~airman of •ALra~!lfrr-thc Amencan Cancer 11•1111.T-..1.sc.. Society's 1976 fund-:YC:::.._, raising crusade. , .~~'::,?[:a"' c..l ~~ •• ... ·~ ... •N .... ... .. • EV ... .... ... ... M '"" ... .. NG • MP NT, ... " . '· ... " ..... "'"·. , ... ·~ ,CA. .... "'· ii\• ... -.. ... " e DI EN, "'· ' ... -Sit., ·~· °' • .. "" ... .... ... •• ·-~. "'· • l . i A Mad S«.•r111nble William and JVIary junior Rod Musselman <top) and Dickinson College's John Car- roll scramble for a loose ball. They later faced each other in a jump ball situ<.1tion . \Villiam and i\1ary ga n ged up on Dickinson, 61 -56 . Sunday Tiff Meaningful For Rams LOS AN'GELES <UPJ) -The Los Angeles Rams, with perhaps an eye slightly turned toward their meeting in another week with Pittsburgh, were described Thursday as exceptionally fit for their meeting Sunday with the Green Bay Packers and ol d friend John 1-ladl . "We "'ent through an injury. free week of practice,'' said 3 Rams spokt:'s m a n. "We're in ex· C'ellent shape, except for ou r earlier losses of tight end Bob Klein and defensive tackle Larry Brooks." · The Rams already have clinched their third st.raight NFC Western Division trtle but will be _fighting Sunda, for the right to host the first tound of the NFC playoffs Dec. 27 or ZS. Under the NFL's new playoff site syslem , the NFC's two division winners with' the best win·loss record will host the first round games. The Rams currently are 10-2. while Eastern Di vision leader ~t. Louis is a game behind at 9.3 and ~finnesota, the Central "'inner, is a game ahead at ll-1. "The Packers game is impor- tant for us.·· said Joe Scibelli. Rams co-captain and right guard. "A win could assure us of playing that first week at home. J think all the guys would rather play in the Coliseum. It's impor- tant to win these last two against Green Bay and the following Saturday night against Pit- tsburgh." For Green Bay coach Bart Starr, Sunday's game will mean a return to the stadium where he quarterbacked the Packers to a victory over Kansas City in Super Bowl I in 1966. And Hadl will be trying to im- prove the Packers' 3-8 record when he throws passes opposite his old understudy, James Harris. ND Almost Does It Hoosiers Hang 01'4 63-(j() BLOOMINGTON, Ind. CAPJ - Sotre Dame basketball coach Digger Phelps sa id it was time to go for broke when the eighth- rated Irish slipped 14 points behind top-ranked lndtana Thursday night. But the decision almost broke the Hoosiers, in - stead. As it was, lndi.ana held on for a tense. hard-earned 63-60 victory, its third slr.aight of the season. The loss dropped Notre Dame's markto4-1. NOtre Dame, usi ng almost its entire team including three freshmen, upstaged the deft-nse- minded Big 10 champions with a full court zoo(' press late in the game. The defen siv e pressure rattled the usually surehanded 1-loosiers. Indiana turned the ball over rc.·- peatedly, and, "'iih it, almost Outfit Loses Helmet Suit MIAMI <AP> ~A federal jury Thursday ordered Riddell Inc., a Chicago f ootball helmet manufacturer, to pay $5.3 million in damages to a Miami youth who was paralyzed in a high school football gamt:. The jury also awarded the youth's rather $78,312 for medi cal and mainte nance costs incurred si nce Greg Stl·ad '":as injured Se-pt. 21, 1971 . "Great, man, .. said Stead from a "·heelchair. "I just hope this will prevent anyone else from be- ing hurt this way.·· The family had maintained in the five ·week trial that improper design of the helmet caused St4jad 's injury . Riddell attorneys had con- tended there w;_i s no proof that Stead was wearing one of their helmets when he was hurt. Since suffering the s pinal injury, Stead has been able to move only his neck. turned over the ga,me. "I've said all along lhat this basketball team has a long way to _go," l.ndiana co;;ich Bobby Knight said . "Our concentration broke down. This is a team that h;;is got to be better mentally if it 's going to reach its potential .'' But the problem "'as much more than cerebral. The lloosiers almost squan· dered the game after forging lo ;_i 51·37 lead m1d\\-0ay through the second half. The Irish twice pulled to ""'ithin one point in the final two minutes . On the first occasion, Scott !otay hit both ends of a one·and· one free thro\v situation. 1'hen, \\-'ith 11 seconds to gu, Quinn Buckner, who had mi ssed a pair of free throws just seconds earlier, wrapped up the victory by hitting two. • ' ' UCI Girls Advance POCATELLO . Idaho-UC Irvine's women's volleyball team upset fourth seeded Lewis and Clark College of Portland, 15-S, 15-6, then defeated Ft. Lewis of Durango, Colo. in opening day play of the national AJ.AW small college tournament here Thurs· day. The tournament is being held on the campus of Idaho State University with the Anleaters playing the University 01 ·1e11- nessee of Marlin, Tenn. today. Ross State of Texas is No. 2. Both advanced to today's action with wins Thursday. Sul Ross had to come from behind to defeat Cal· Poly <Pomona), 6-15, 15-10, 15·1 Thursday . UC Riv e r s ide whippe d Kearney State College, Kearney, Neb., 15·6, 15·5 after drawing a first round bye. Sul Ross won over Wake Forest in its opener, 15-12, 15-6. . ' Record Goal -..... _ -Ftkt!y,OK•mW 12, 111t!i DAIL Y PILOT l,.li County CIF Nixed By KOGER CAIWiON oi-.. hlly '11ot t.utr Chances for an Orange County section in CJF athletic circle:s in the near future 3ppear shot down following Thursday's meeting of Orange County principals and athletic directors due to a negative block from the variou~ private ~c hool s in Orange Cowlly. Public schools sentiment to petitioning for a separate section was in favor by a 68 percent count of the 50 schools answering the ballot. It ""·as necessary, however, for a 75 percent majori- ty, according to the l:round rules ~e~. up by the other half of the ballot, '"'hich round S7 percent favoring the 7~ ptµ>ccnt require- ment rather than a ~ ma- jority. With six of seven private schools answering the ballot with a negative vote, the overall count was 61 .4 percent in favor of call ing for a ntw...&.ection apart from theSol4tbern Section. "On the basis of the ground rules," says Huntington Beach principal Dr. Larry Lucas, "we will not be submitting a petition. "However, we'll be forwarding this information to the Clfo' Southern Section office in the near future. Our rol e now is to poll the material for a final Angels Dealing Melton . Added To Power Move Power. The long ball. The cir<"uit clout . Four-ba gger. llound tripper. They are all cliches that refer to home runs. They are also phrases that have been on ice ror the past few years in Anaheim, wher e the California Angels make their hom e. Follo"•ing Thursday's two ma- jor trades at the baseball meet- ings in 1-lollywood, Fla , it :ip- pears the words may start reap- pe aring ir. s tories about the Angels. The reasons? Bobby Bonds and Bill Melton. The 29·year-old Bonds came to California from the New York Yankees on Thursday in ex- change-for California starting pitcher Ed Figueroa and out· fi elder J ohn Milton Rivers. alias ~tickey, "'ho led the American League last season with 70 stolen bases. 1\-telton came to the Angels late Thursday night from Chicago for the newly acquired first base- ment Jim Spencer and fleet out- fielder !\1orris Nettles, who stoic. 22 bases last year. The~ }car-old Melton batted .240 with 70 rbi last S('ason. "\Ve traded 92 stolen bases and pirked up 47 home runs," said Angels general manager 1-larry Dalton. Bonds hit 32 homers for the Yanks last year and !\1elton had 15 for the White Sox. ''We're willing to trade speed for people who can hit the ball.'' A team spokesman here said the Angels already had a first baseman, and it's Bruce Boehle. He said the Angis acquired Spencer rrom Texas two days earlier in order to make him available in a trade. Nettles hit just .231 last year and the Angels spokesmi:ln said ttis loss and the loss of Rivers probably wouldn't hurt the club too much because "we feel we can rill the outrield spots from our own organization." He men- tioned the name of Gil Flores. who hit .329 at Salt Lake City. The Angels also got pitcher Steve Dunning from Chicago, whom they hope .,.,·ill take up some of the slack created by the loss of Figueroa and Bill Singer . who was traded Tuesday to Tex- as for Spencer. Dunning, who has pl ayed for Cleveland and Texas, was 15·9 with a 3.48 earned run average at Denver of the American Associa- tion in 1975 . "At the beginning of last year. we felt we had the best starting rotation in baseball -Frank Tanana, Nolan Ryan, Andy Hassler and Singer," said the spokesman. "Now we have one and three question marks." Ryan had off-season elbow s•Jr- gery, Hassler pitched poorly !ast year, Singer has been traded and even Figuf'roa, "'ho pitched wdl, is gone. Tanana, the young strikeout artist, r('mains as thl' ace of the st arr. Int e res tingly, Southern California's other baseball team , the Los Ang eles Dodgers , had been expected to make a trade or two ;;it the Florid;;i mrelings. The Dodg ers, who Jost the f.,"a- tional League title to Cincinnati by 20 games last year, have said they are in the market for a pitcher, a catcher and anybody else who can help the team. But they have yet to deal. !\1 eanwhile . the American League's last-place Angels have ., . acted like ~tiss issippi riverboat gamblers. Prothro Stays SAN DIEGO -Coach Tommy Prothro is ex pected back with the San Diego Chargers next year despite their poor record this s eason, C!wner Eugene Klein says. "He's an employe or the club and I expect him to be back next year,'' said Kl ein on a radio in · terviev.· show Wednesday night. The same, he said, is true of Harland Svare-. vice president and gene ral manager. The Chargers' record currently in the National Football Leagueis l-11 . anaJysis and we'll be meeting again in January _ .. Even though there was not a sulficient amount, It was very close. So quite a statement ii be· ing made here 3nd we'd like the Southern Section to review the situation. "A total of 68 percent i..s cer· tainly indicative or the majority, but it isn't the 75 percent re· quired." In pure numbers, 34 public schools wl're ror petitioning for the formation of a separat~ Orange County C l Fas opposed~ 16 nays <11\d three no shows. · The private schools were against the meas ure 6-1. Troj'ans Remain Unranked It was said that with John Wooden finally gone from UCLA. Southern California basketball coach Bob Boyd could now grab some o! the hoop headlines in Los Angeles. The Trojans opened the season with four consecutive victories including a victory in the Van- derbilt Invitation tournament last weekend and what happens? They are unranked in this week's Associated Press poll. Boyd's youngest team upset highly r egardt!d Kansas State 81 -80 to win the Vandy event, and this evening the Trojans host Oral Roberts in an intersectional game which will feature a hot- shooting trio or Trojans. What's galling to Boyd is that his club is not ranked but despite Wood.en 's retirement UCLA is 2-1 and is rated No . 5. Lak<>rs Pla!J 76er11 INGLEWOOD -The Los Angeles Lakers, tr-ailing Golden State by a game in the NBA's Pacific Divis ion , hos t the Philadelphia 76ers tonight w"-h ''their guards down a bit.'' 1 Gail Goodrich broke his nose.iin practice Tuesday and "ill be qut ror tonight's game. He may see action in Saturday's game in Phoenix. Lucius A'llen, meantime . mending from a pulled back mu scle s uffe red in Sunday night 's g;_ime agai n st Wa shington, was listed as a "pto- tlabl~" for tonight's game. l\'ast ase f o Lei.'lf NEW YORK -llie Nastase. winner of last week's Grand Prix l\1asters tournament, will play next season with Hawaii in the World Team Tennis League. Pleads G111l111 LOS ANGELES -Charles Colbert. the youth arrestcd last Septembt:'r inside the vandalized Coliseum press box, has pleaded guilty to malicious mischief. Colbert. 19, was found sleepi ng in the press box by the same security guard who discovered the vandalism . Damage from the incident was set at $250,000. Lo!Jola Lo.•Ps Loyola University dropped a 60-54 d e C"i s1on to Cal Slate ·(Fullerton) Thursday nigh,t des pite a 12 point effort by former Corona dcl J\1ar star J eff Wharton and an eight point con- tributi'!n by Dave Rohde, cx- Founta1n Valley player. Naslasp Win" UPPSALA, Sweden -J\.1asters winner llie Nastas(' edged ~·o jticek Fibak of Poland, 7-6, 7·5, Thursday to win th(' $15,000 Up- psala Open tennis toumamenL Basel•all Franehist' l UPI Ttltplltlo Seattle Has Shot 1 suit. They·d be better served by forbearance.'' A victory will advance UCI to the eight-team double eliinina- tion competition that begins tonight 8nd concludes Saturday. UC Riverside, recent winner over UCJ in the regional toorna- ment, is seeded No. 1 and Sul . Third seeded Geor~e Williams College of Downers Grove, Ill., beat North Dakota State, 15·2, 15·8 and Northwest Nazarene, Nampa, Jdaho, 15·8115-11 . -AIAWVOLl.:•V ... U. TOl.lltN(<MINT ... ~ ........ ...... UC lrvl ... Wf L.tWI\ Clirk of ~18ftd l}.S, l}.S; UC trvlMOl't ~. ltwtJof 011r..,1s--1, U-U. Phil Esposito had an assist on this goal by ·the New York Rangers' Steve Vickers to give him 1.200 Points in National Hockey League action . The Rangers beat host Boston 5·1, Thursday night. HOLLYWOOD. Fla. !APJ - Seattle can land a major leagu(' franchi s e with rorbeltrancc rath~r than a lawsuit, says Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. who also feels one of the two San Francisco Bay Arca teams must go. With a multimillion suit against the American League on the docket for Jan'. 12 and the re· maining uncertainty or the San Francisco Giants' franchise, ma- jor league owners wound up their part ol the annual winter meet- ings without solving all their franchise problems. Seattle had an expansion franchise in 1969 but the clu b was· pulled out or there just before the start of the 1970 season and shift· ed to l\1ilwaukee, prompting the lawsuit. I Extortion Attempt on BARRA~,QUILLA, C<>lombla (AP) -New York Yan.keet mana1er Billy Martin is ttif: vic- tim of an extortion a~tempt ln connection wlth hi1 daugbtec's .arrest on drug charses. accord· lngtoanewspaper. , The dally newspaper ''El Herald" .reported Thund1y that • local attorney had as'ked to "IOlve the case or Keib' Anne." Reports from Hollywood, F1a., . where the manaaer ii attending tbe bueball meetings, quoted MartJn as 1.,-tng that a lawyer from Barranquilla "lntended to get a bia: amount of money from me'' witb th.e promise ol setting ber free. , .,_ The cate ot Kelly Moe li under the Jurisd.lction or a miUUry court because or the slate ot 1lt41e that has existed in Colombia 1ince tut June. The 22-year-old Mi s• Martin wa1 ln Colombia on vecation, and nllea:edly she was handed f P8-Ckige Of 44S grams Of cocaine by an American nimed John Collins, the paper said. Of· ficials have accused MJ ss Martin of attempting to ~ard a plane.for th(..'t.J.S. with tJ1e Ctocalne cOn- reaJed on ber persbrl. The military judge hearing the case tt 1ald to ht11ve requested a report &om V .S. ofliclaJs on MJss Martin's backa:round. • Martin's d&u(Jbter. able to talk to newsmen for the first Ume since her captivity, told them: "Please call daddy and tell him I need hl• help. "Someone just put that tblni on me . _ . they are t.rylng to ex·· tort me. t think they also intend ' Martin to rape me. I don't want to do anythjng with the press. I don't want scandal. J onl)t want daddy to come." Police said that Miss Martin has not cooperated in the in· vestigatlon. ~ police spokesman said sht' may have been used a.s·a "mule." a drug traffic world t~rm for a person carrying drugs ror somebody else. If found·guilty o( drug traffick. ing, ,M:J.s11 Martin could be sen- . tenced to from 3-12 vears in .l>rlson and fined $500-$16,000 . The approval or the Bill Veeck a:roup Wednesday as the new owners of the Chicago White Sox knocked Seattle out ot the run- ning ror the possible tramfer ol that franchlae to the Pacific Northwest. · ·'The prospects for Seattle re· mains bright,·• aaid Kuhn at a news conference,'' but not bttause or lta 1u1t. tn my Juda~ ment, they afe not going to , achieve what they want by a law· Celebs Appear Charlton 1-leston, Chris Connel- ly, Bob Reiner, James Caan and producer Chad Everett will be in the Orange Coast area today through Sunday to practice for up- coming King of the Hill tennis matches a(!rola the nation. George MacCall of ())rona dcl Mar and former U.S. Davi.I CUp captain, will coach lbe players Saturday and Sunday. They will bo playms at the South COast Plaza Rot.el courts from 8:30 to 12 :30 and Jt the Newport Beach Ttnnb Club from I toSeacbday. Admission is Crea with .J,he pubUc Invited. .. 88 DAIL V P11.0T ~rlday December '2. 1975 Estancia Se~ks Crown 1011ight By ROGER CARLSON °' ""o ... , ...... s..t" E stancia High '~ unbealt>n ~; .. glt.•s go atler their first bi1::.kt.•t b.111 tournament crown m thl! st·hool's history tonight in Ow 47t h annual Runtin~on Beach ln- v1pJt10nal. Warren's Bears provide the ob- st.irle 3l Huntington Beach High Ill .in 8: JO test-and uppermost in th.it roadblock b .i front lmc of o I. 6 ·I and 6 4 .11m Mccloskey. Estanl'ia's 6·6 SPORTS Saddle back Falls, 71-56, To Pierce The Saddleback College Gauchos. plagued by m1 stakl's and poor ::.hootinl?. lost to Los Angeles Pierce 71 56 <1t the Sant.1 RJ r bara Invilal1onal B<iskl'llJ:.ill Toumament Thursda) mghl. Bad passes and lechrncal er· r o r s caused 16 <..;aucho s turnov0rs. 10 of lht•m coming in tht> second ha lf. Saddleback. wh1di has been a 56 percent shuutmg te.im so far this ::.eason. m.tn..ircd to hit onl y nine of 31 from tht• fl1>0r in the sl'cond half l'it.•rt·t• kd 38·37 at halftime. The G aucho-. will mect Han· <'OCk from Santa .\lana an the con::.olatwn rnund today Fres hm j n ror" .1rd Dt'nnis Smith led Sadctit'bdck ~corers _with 21 point::;, "hill· ~t1ke Bokosky ".1~ lhl' ll'jc.hng re boundC'r \.\-ilh n11w. Defensively the Gauchos. us- ing a man to man dden::.e "ere not able tn s top the .1ggr ess1ve Pie r ce s quad , "h1ch al so dommalt'cl tht· board:;. Anoth .. ·r r:1Clor W<.IS Pierce's abilltv to ('llll\'l'rl 18 or 21 free thro\\~s. whil<' Saddll'back madl' two of thn•e from the ltnt.·. Lovrlidf"f• Bo•O'.•y Srt>llll ()ay S..ddl.t>.J<k (~) f9 ft pt IP I t ' I ~ 0 1 l) \0 t l . I ~ 0 l " r., .... l~ M u ,if .. N\d ''\&( 1(h Tol~t~ It fl pl Ip I 0 t 1 l 0 1 b 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 71118~& OCC Captur~ .. Volleyball Titlf> Ora nge Co.isl College coed vollevb.ill le.im ... both ad" anced to the fin als or the Southern Californ1.i ch..tmp1onsh1ps with the AA squo.1d <'Jptunng first place and the A team taking second the p.1st "t•1•kcnd Orange Cu<1st dl'f t.•aled F.I Camino. !) 15. 15 :1 l:l 12, to lakt· first place 1n 1\A .it·t 1on The A '>q11.id lost lo Long Beach, 8·1!'!, 15 13. 9 t!'i rn the championship f1n,Jls B11th Orange Coast teJn;i.s were ~C·f'<il'rl first after pool play lhr hrst two days of the tourn a mcnt OCC Plays Arabs Orange Coa~l C11llt·).!1• ..,,.t·k~ 1l~ tturd basketball win of the youn~ season , h os t1n ~ lm p<.•rial ColleJ?e's Arabs t11n1ght at 7 30 occ·s Pirate's •2 11 ar C' fresh from a 71 62 victory over Los An~ele" City College Wednesday. Phil BoldC'n , a 6 fi freshm;m, leads tht.> Rues in s<·onng with <.1 14 5 average. lle's follO\H'd h) Skip Jeranko ( 12.0), Tom Lloy 11 I 3>. DaH~ Taylor <9 0) .md Dave Walsh (8.0). high post, s napped the tourn..t meat scoring record with 4~ points Wednesday And W arn•n an~ wc1 s the op position with a similar defense to the Long Beach Wilson crt'W thJt was demolished by M<·Closk<.•y "We think we match up a hllh• better agains t Mt·Closkey with our bigger front hne," says Wur· ren coach Jay Young. "Out no matter what we do I suppose ht's going to get his 25 point:>. Wt• have some thoughts to slow him down, however, and we'd ltkc to * * * Oil City In 90-69 Triumph By OO~ALO KEY Of Ill• O•il' P1tol St•ff Huntington Beac h lligh's Oilers displayt'd ::.omc of the potential expected of them for the 1975-76 bas ketbull campaign Thursday mght and it paid off with a 90 -69 rout of Newport Harlx>r at tht> Ollt•rs ·gym. The victorv moves coach Elmer Combs: Oilers into the consolation ch.1mpt0nship gaml' of the 47th annual Huntington Beach Invitatwn~il with Emp11't' League ri val K::itt•lla ttus l'Ven mg. beginning at;; 30 Katella made 1t to lht• con::.ol;,1- llon finals by holding off Edi::.on. Ton1qM'\ Gllftf'S (Ot\\Ol•tton S »-4<•1~11" v• Hunl•noron 61'.Kll Tlurd Pl•<• 7-l. 8 Wiison •\ Y.t. •I~ Cll•,..,P•OMllip l·J>-Es1an<1• vs W~rr~n 62-60 , a s R;.iy Gornc•z's last · second 20-foot ;.ittempt to lit' 1l went in and out. Huntington Rt•aeh nC'Vt'r trailed, jumping to a 9-0 lt•ad ~t the outset and building up a 20· point lt:>ad ( 48-28) with unly I : 27 spt'nt in the second half ln ;111 the Hunt1n1-.'lon Bt'<it•h quintet connecll'd on 3.1 of 53 at· tempts from the flonr for62 3 p1•r cent. And at the frt'l' throw hn1• they were blazing, loo, h1ttmg 24 of28 shots. Perry Harbin,"' ho scored 19 in the fir~t half, led th<.' Uilcr:s at· tack with 28 points Timt' flies --but for Edison coach Lione l Pun•t•ll and h1-, Chargers-it's doubtful thl') 'II ~ee 1t go :iny fas ter than the final 29 seconds in their los:-. to Katella. The Chargers, who had b;ittl ed back after tratlrng by as many a:s 10 points (l'i-7) in the fi rst quarter. had a <'ha nee lo close the gap lo one with 29 seconds IC'fl. Mike Samuelian hit his fir-,t free throw to close Katella's lead to 62-60, but he wasn't giv<'n a second chance when a learn· mate's violation gave Kutella tht.• ball out of bounds. The inbo und s pass was knocked out of bounds and as Katella inbounded again therl' was unaccount a bly o nly 12 seconds remaining. "1 oments late r a Katclla player was fouled. but missed at the frC'e throw hne with eight · seconds le ft and Ed1~on r e bounded and managed to get lime called with one second to go. Gomez made a ruce attempt from outside. but th<.' ball flicked l1ut of the rim and Edison s lipped outofthetourney. Edison, taking thC' good shots and playing a s teady game. hit 24 of 42 from the floor < 57 .1 percent) 1(<1t•l;a (U) N<-ut>auu A~nnon. [))mf>~ st~•111..,, Gr!"!ne Dur,can l~dm~y Toi al\ ,, tt pf tp ' 6 0 ,, 2 I l s 1 ) 2 s 0 0 l 0 u I ' 29 1 0 1 1 l I ' 1 2S " 18 117 EdlM>n (64) 19 It pl Ip 'lloqol\dnQ lo I > I J C..lldQller 1 3 0 s w1111am~ 1 O O 2 Gom•1 J J l 'I M<.Cour1 ' 1 0 'I Samuehiln o I 1 I T1m·man • ' ~rwn 'U S<or• by Ou•r1•" H•wpor1 ("I r, 11 pf tp Mr(.arllly 0 • 0 ' C..0-• 1 s ' 'I K~n l 1 ) 8 A•Qilln 0 0 1 0 (f'•1q , II I ' ~'!Y , 0 1 ' P1tt'•'k ? I ) s s-11...,1~ s t • It W1111 ~n\Of'\ s , I 11 01s1.nos1•0 lo 0 I 11 TOldts 11 's 1i) 6'1 71 , ' 18 ·~ ,,, I) 10 17 ll 60 HIHltlll.,.,_ (to I 19 tt pl Ip Ol•monel 0 1 0 1 K•r•ut I 0 l 1 F1n<llemP J ' 2 10 o·iw·~· , 1 0 !> Thornlon 2 l l ' O-n 0 1 I , soo-11 ' ' ' IA Her bl II 11 • I 18 Weir 1 0 1 ' S.m<. s 1 ' ., 1..1nn 0 0 ) 0 TOIAI~ lJ ,. 11 90 s,.,. by Oullr1.n N~Wll')t1 HMbot " IS ,, 1? ,., Hurotonglon Bu II 10 1l " >o 'IO find soml' ways to shut off the other four E~tanc i a starkr::.. • • Estane1a coa<'h Dave Carlisll' Likens the problem with Warren with the solution he had for l..ong Beach Wilson. "We have to take th<.'m out of their game and mnke them play our tempo. We like to run. but on- ly when we can dictate the tempo of the game," says Carlisle. McCloskey is averaging 24.7 per game, although forwards Pete Neumann and Stu Van Horn have come in for their share of iJory on the board'\ and guard Gary Confer has hlkd 111 for •til · ing Ray Oram t the point w rac- ing to a 4·0 record. Warren. meanwhile. has h~•d each of its st rters come up with a high point ume during its five· game winning streak aftt•r a season -opening loss to Long Beach Millikun. Jeff Korbett punched in 28 :igainst Servitc Wednesday. The Bears or Wt1rrcn use a double post system with two wings on the flan.k s to go with their guard. Jlm Klunder. "~arre~ ts good club,'' soys Carlisle, • and if we l~l them play a_t their pace we may get run nght out of the gym. We've got to slow it down and set. up our of- fense methodically. And once we can get them to ~top running and penetrating, then we can make our move with speed." Also in lhe Eagles lineup is guard Kyle Bischoff. Too, sophomor~ Jlm Price appears capable of filling the void with McCloskey on the bench. Mustangs in 82-43 Ro11t Near-perfect Effort for Costa Mesa By ED BURGART 0t Ille D•llY Pilot S~ff They had played inconsistent basketball during their first four games this year, but the Costa Mesa High Mustangs put together a near-perfect game tigainst San Clemente's Tritons Thursday night. Consistently finding the open man inside San Clemente's 1·3·1 * * * zone defense, the Mustangs rolled to a 39-23 halftime lead and cruised to a n 82-43 win in semifinals action or the Kiwanis Invitational basketbaU tourna- ment at San Clem ente High. The Mustangs meet Mi ssion Viejo's Diablos at 8 tonight for the championship while San Clemente and Pacifica clash at 6:30 for third place. * * * Although the inexperienced Tritons s tarted 6·6 and 6·5 players, they were no match on the lx>ards against a Mustangs team that featured a front line of 6·3'h Stan Miller, 6-l 'h Steve Kiley and 6-1 1h Danny Byers. Kiley and Mill er sparked a Costa Mesa scoring spree late in ' the first quarter when the Mustangs outscored the Tritons. 10·2. Diablos' Tempo Buries Pacifica With the score tied 8·8 with 2:45 left in the period, Miller hit a 15- footer. Kiley scored a layup after <l steal and hit a IO-footer mo· ments I ater. Miller came back with a 15· footer with 1: 22 left and Kiley scored a r everse layup with 4 seconds remaining. By RON EVANS Ot Ill• O•ilY Pilot SUH Contemplatrng on his game wtth Pacifica Thursday night. Mission Viejo High basketball coach Pat Roberts said, ''If we get a lead on them, they won't know what hit them." And that's exactly what hap- pened in the semifinals game of Tonl9llt'' ScMdul• s Santa Ana V5 Founlaln v .. 110 lcon~tal•on) 6 lO Pacll1ca vs S<ln Clemenlr Clhtrd pl<Kel B Ml•slon 'lll•io vs Cos la Me\a 1<""mp1onsr11p) the Kiwanis Invitational basket- ball tournament at San Clemente High. Opening a 12·4 lead against the shocked Mariners, Mission Vie· jo's Oiablos s lowed the tempo ;rnd rolled to a 53-43 win. Mission Viejo meets Costa Mesa at 8 tonight for the championship. Pacifica. 5·1. likes to run and shoot but never got the opportuni· ty against the patient Oiablos who held the ball for as long as two mmutes at a lime in hopes of finding 6·5 Steve Sawyer open un- derneath. * * * Moulo<I Viel• 031 PMlllU (4U • _.. 19 II pl tp I'd• .... ~ 2 s l 9 lOQQ ' l l 10 Sawytr S 6 3 16 Co• 1 0 1 ' HMtrup 1 S 0 9 Foerster ()Qlt G<onMI Jay Wllffler Shut1s ,, It ,,, '" 1 0 3 2 J 4 2 10 1 0 ' 14 1 2 4 ' ' 0 2 8 2 0 l ' t<•"""dY 1 l I S Blum O 2 o 2 O'Brien 0 1 0 I ~lllnQS 0 0 1 0 TOl-'I\ IS 23 12 S3 Totals 18 7 II '3 Pac•h<• MIU!On '111•10 Seo rt Illy Ouut.,·s 4 11 10 18~) 10 13 14 16-~ Basketball C.rrlt~ Tourn<1ment lc;Mmp1011\lllp S•mlflMh) Cerrll<>\l'I, ~vanna 83 ~II Garden•~. B•llflower SJ (Co,.sol•lton S.m1h11<1h) Glenn''· 'lllJlley Cllnsh•n ~ Bru.Olmda 12, S..nla Fe 67 T•tnPI• Coty Tourn•mel'lt CCMmple"'lllp Sff!llh,.llhl Corona 0.1 Mar 72, Mor.,1u te '9 Poonetr •S, Temple C•IY S• W.sl•rn Cllrosli•n Tourn•,..,et>t E•<tl\IOt 6'1, Pacohc Chr " Ont a no Chr '8. Hunl onglon Vdtley '"' .. W..bb l• SF '\/al Chr 28 Monlclaor Pr~p6), W•.S•rnCllt •7 O•llr To11r,.•mt11I 1Con.ol<1tlon S.,..,111n•ISI P1u\ X 61, Brtlhren Sl Art.c Tournament C..nvonf>I. SA Vdlit>Yll~ Garden Grove Tournam•rrt ICl\.,mp1on''"P ~m1(1nal•l LvnWOOd 1S, Glendora 10 Complon 71, Sunny Hills '1 (CollM>Lahon S.mlfiMISI Moll1l<M168, AoS<Omead sq Cypre\\ S7. Gatd"n Grov~ 4R hvtrly H1lh To11rn•m•nt ( Flttll Pl•u S.mill,.als I 'll•n•o 66, Harl 60 Thou\and Oaks80, 8ev•rly H•ll• 11 fc.t!M>l•t10" <Nerler11n•h) 'll"nlura M, San la Mon1e<1 SO Bven•O. Serr• •O MllfllhY 73, La Sallt SO ...... i... ..... Le Habra lo'I, Sonor• Sl WUtm1Mln SO, ~na '9 VlllaP<1rk60 Or•n~S1 l?OTI anS6tt·Ama1 To11ntMl'etlt IQ\amplo1ullip S.mlfl11•h) Pawoen• 71, Wesl Covina~ (MOftll·H•rto TouNl•,.,.nt (Ol• ..... IOftSlll~ S.mllln•h) No<th IA1v Ju,, Coro<1a S. Collon67, Norco •2 (,.lttll PlllU S.mif11wilsl P•lmdalt s.. CA1on SI LAQUf\41S.e<ll72, K•nnedy <S.n1-> 41 And that s trategy worked. Sawyer scored 16 points and was the target of Pacifica'::. man-to- man defense all night. One Mariner fouled out and the Diablos hit on 23 of 30 free throws and 8-of-10 in the final penod when thC'y were never s enous ly in trouble. Pacifica threatened to rally with 2:44 left when Mike Ogl<''s two free throws cut Mission Vie· jo's lead to 47-40. But the Mariners committed their 13th turnover seconds later and Kelly Cox scored a reverse layup that put M1::.::.ion Viejo in front, 49-40. ~ Actually the game was decided early in the seconrl quarter when the Oiablos pulled out to a 15-8 lead with 5: 19 left. From that point on, Roberts had Pacifica playing Misswn V1eJo's game. The bewildered )tanners forced shots when they fmally got the ball and only hit on 18 of 45 field goal attempts. While qetting off just 30 shot::.. the Diablos sank 15 of them. San Clemente never recovered against Larry Sunderman·s ~ustangs who shot well, com· milted few turnovers-four in the first half -and played aggressive man-to-man defense. Mark Oman, a 6·2 guard. com· pletely frustrated the Tntons' top offensive threat, Tim Dunham, who only scored five points. San Clemente, 2-2. only con- nected on 19 of 62 s hots while Costa Mesa, 3·2, hit on 30 of 53 overall and 8 of 14 in the second period. The Trilons also turned the ball over 20 times a nd the a lert Mustangs often took Jdvantagt! by scoring easy layups S.n a ..... ,,,. <4.J) (An .. IMU (Ill 19 II pl Ip ro 11 pt 1p Sherrv 2 0 ' 8vtri 6 s 2 " Hall mar' 2 7 f> Molltr 6 ' l 16 >iu1Cflor1<1s 0 • ' l<olo 6 0 I 12 Nealy 1 t l °"''" ' , 1 10 Ol1v~r 1 1 I l !.c><nk t 0 2 1 Horvat II • 0 1 8 Will\ 1 1 I I ..... ,, .... 11 0 0 1 OV\clrl 3 1 1 \11~1\t~\ 0 I • l'e<lllCllJ , 0 s Ounf'\dm I • s l<no• I I ' C.nMri•to t c 0 7 Tolals 19 s 18 0 Totels 13 I• ll 81 Sor• bf OtUNrs Co''"~~ S..n Clrmenl~ 18 11 ",.~ 10 ll • 12~3 Barons Ranilile In 62-48 Victory ,.ounl<1ln Vllll•Y !Ul ft It ~ tp Ford , • 0 s Zuml>O ' s t I) Barri~ ' 4 7 8 ValbU<'nd 0 s 0 17 Holland t ' 7 11 Tln<)l!Y l 0 0 6 Carroll 0 1 0 2 Tolal~ 18 16 s 61 S<or• bv ~uters Founlatn '\/alley II IS 11 1~ 62 Rub<<IO<tx 12 1l 16 1 4 FV Girls Awards CHRISTMAS GIFT TIME AT ~""""---BIKE-WAY I ., TAL8EAT x 11125 Brookhurst Fountain Valley 963-2321 BIKEW liLBGH-PIU(ilOT..wl ltDI & PAnS SIATllOAIU>S CdM, Uni, Mater Dei, lagt1na Win Corona del Mar ltigh's Sea Kings, and tbe Mater Uel Monarchs, both unbeaten, con· Unued their winning ways in basketball Thursday night to qualify for tournament cbam pionship games. And University upset hosl Lo~ Amigos to move int.o the Aztec tourney's semifinals and Laguna Beach sped past Kennedy or Barstow, 72-41, to qualify for a fifth place game again.st Cajon today. The Sea Kings ripped Miraleste. 72·49, behind the scor- ing of Alex Black (27) and Chip Stassel (16) to qualify for a shot at their second straight tourney crown against Pioneer Saturday nightat8:30. Black hit 11 of 15 from the field and Stassel was 8-for-10 as CdM was 29 of 55 as a team in destroy- ing Miraleste. University's 60·57 upset over Los Amigos was led by 6·5 Roger Poirier's dozen field goals for 24 points and the ability of Bill Halford and Keith John~;on to connect from outside in the second quarter to draw Los Amigos out of its tight zone. The Trojans play Lowell tonight at 8:30 in the Los Amigo~ gym in the semis. J im Schultz only scored s ix points for Mater Oei, but the slick Monarchs guard came up with 11 assists in leading his teammates to their sixth straighl conquest. . The victory puts Mater De1 Ill tonight's champi~nship f~nab against Pasadena m the Bishop Amat-Bassett tourney at8:30. ' UtUM aH<ll (72) Bacon L•l1e\lrom OvO<'a• 8 Stn1th Pik~ T•ylor Aklns Ev•nS Wlllll' Tol•ls .. It pl tp • 3 7 IS ' ' 3 9 s 1 2 11 7 1 3 6 • 2 0 10 1 0 0 2 1 0 6 :J 2 8 2 1 2 s 11 111 " n Unlftn1ty (.01 ,, tt pl tp Po• rier 11 O ? 1' Wood ' 0 ' 9 M<Clymohd 1 0 ' 1 Jolln\On l 3 2 ~ Halford 4 1 ? " Grtl'n t 4 ' b Eykholl o 7 o l To1a1s 2S 10 11 Ml Score Illy Ou•l'l•rs 12 17 21 17 II •111411 41 Sc•,. by Quarters un.~"''Y l.OS Amigos c;.IM (72) ,, tt pl tp SclllOem.r 0 0 1 0 Nebb I 0 J 7 BIMk 11 S 327 SUu el I 0 4 16 ~n I 0 l 2 Aki.• 1 I 1 l Tut S 1 2 12 Ahern 1 2 2 4 Gul\nf'SS l 0 I 6 TOllJIS 31 ~ 10 72 10 11 10 lft bO 20 10 13 I' S7 t.uter O•I IHI lg It pl Ip l•eknus o O 2 o w lney 1 o J 1 H•y~ 3 0 J i; Scllultr 1 ' 1 A Eleni u I 1 7~ S(emmer O O 1 n 0Uar1e 0 0 I " Hlron o ? O Kllulme" 0 O 7 l MoSbf\lcter s 7 > 11 0.rcl• 0 1 4 1 Tot•.. 24 It 10 SQ Seen-, Olf-'9n ('.Drona del M.tr M it " It 11 .Mlr~•~sle · • 11 12 12-49 LEASE '76 DATSUN PICKUP HUSTLER s11.a1 •• ,... Pl!!I' """"'' .. }I) ,_,d. "If ",,... f;JA( «rlV"'*t...j • I i '\·,14 ,,. ""11 Y J ·A :i~1~JQ ·~~H.-J COMI ,. 0.-LA .. I Mllle1'0fl Of ~· .. .....otlW009S.. MACMMOI.. MCMIAM. •~POWllW.T. ITC. AT TAAtOlll l'llCI~ r Fttday Oecf'mber 12, 197!> DAIL V PILOT 8 7 Alamitos Alamitos Race Results Vangua r ds In 81-80 Racing Entries LOS Al.AMITOS l:NT ltlES f'Olt 14TUltDAY Cl.IA•, Tll&Clt "AST, f'lltsT "°1T lt;4J ....... IHMC1a f'lrtl 11"1 re(•. t.hM<t.n '4ft,•ll•IW9'11rue .. f'lltST llAC'1 -.00 YMdt 3 Yter Old\ O•lmlng. P,,rse \UOO C1elm11111 pti<t\10,000 MIQhly L0•1n ((rtaQer) Mynemtluue IH•rll flotnMtml>O C8rool\s) Gojtl (Oreyerl .HIOnt Eteven INlcO<Jenuo) HI Temp IC.rcfo1• I Dickey' Flrt Risk <Cell) Plffd To Ruler (AC1e1r I GoQolalt IT•tu .. re I 119 119 1n 112 Ill 1:n ltt 11~ Ill LM AlaMllO• •e \llllt ~y. 0.0 1111 .. r "· 1'1$ tf.u_f, Tr~~ "••l PtltST lt&CI JSO y<lrO\ J .,.., olO\~w.ClalmlnQ PYrMl •ltOO All"'4lll< (811ni.1I 14 .0 I WI •Ill) ""llelC.U.OH1m (H.,11 10.00 ._.., R\111 Moot\ Run IC..rOO&ll I UO Time 1a Ol Alto ran Nl~y Nott, RtQAI Ol1fr. "ocktt To Me. flo<llet s111ri.o, Tln'r Hol>.-rlllo, r.10. ,c;oc;o. Scratchwo HIQh T1dt\, O\cle'\ Nine<. SnHllY THkv. Uncle Jimm'J. U aMcta NUlr,.htl< & ....... ~Him, Ptkl ''" M, SWCONOltACE -)Atyardl ,.,.., Old\~ up, Sl4rl••• illlO•Hnce. Pl.lne '2~. Rebtl llend tHartl 11 60 M•'. Ma" Ber lG••rtl Kltbero's lntt'nl <Adair> Tlma-17.87. Fru~r, On Llmlu. Nok'91thn TMl•O ltACI -400 ytrch 7 Y"' oldnwl<Mn\ C•llt llttd PurM\1tOO lloy•lly MWrH 10.rluel • 00 ~ Jo"'1 tca<flt•) FotftlOlll lltnlQl\U Time 10 21 AIM! riln Slltvtd let , Tryly OlrKI, Tiny FtrkoOU\, Tiny Ml<li, M.tal Roni, Sn•''" A 811, Htldl i MQel Scratched T 11ntln•, Lois Of OCatnOfteli, Tr4111lc End, Ct m•IOC flOUltTN ltACE -810 yards l year old\ a. up, c1almln9 Puru '1'100. Bold Twntdo IC.Ill 20.00 t 40 l llCI A•tyShtGoe\(~lt~r\I UO J«> Ml. Tloer RO<~•l IClef•U•I 2 60 Time -46.JS AIW ren -OlamOfldt Shadow, Lldy Tumigt, Notlma, Noll•• T•'''· '""" WI\, SECOND ltACE 000 yard' 7 y.,..r olCI\ Cla1mln(I Purse U200. Cle1mo119 pt•<t\4500 """cll•Ch••~ ICrn9er) 119 Mat Results Fest~• Jet Ye1 18enkU 119 Winl<en Lark (AClair) 122 Ruff Olal (8rOOI<\) 1:n T-C.•Cresn1Treasurt'I 117 l<nlghl Fllle INocOO.muU 112 Moot! E'UPa<le ILoPfleml 119 Lane 'HobO Joe IC.>roor.1 17) Foci.It Count !Ward) 1n Sopnronle 8uQ (1Cn11;i111l 119 THIRD ltACE 350 urch ol~ Alkwl•nce Pur\t '3000 Sd•11nna1'1 Giii (ICnogl'll) Vo<lon !Hartl 0>1caoo I.Astle IB•ook\I Mr HyenmlQl>ly 1Caroo1a I 8ouncSewn E•sy CA001r I O•ckey'\ Ortem CCltroud Kl~Son !Creaqerl Oil Copy Mt 1Wa1\onl 1~r 119 11q , .. "' 122 119 121 11~ FOURTH ltACE -400yards. 3 YYM olds. Allowance. Pur~• ijooo, Ann•I• Straw (Mylol 119 Mr Black Deck 18•nksl 1?2 Cocl°"* !Lil>heml 121 Fleet N' Fleklt !Caroor• I 11q Dickey\ Roell Cendy fGerral 11' ~I Swinging INlcodeftlYU 119 Sw~I Daddy (H•r1 I 111 LoM .. S Dice IAO•lrl 119 W•nOaWltCh IPx_> 11q Fl"H RACI -870 y•rd• 3 vear Old!. a.111>. Allow1nce Puru \5000 BIQ Ba<!Qer Bar (Adtlrl The Moonshiner (Trea\urel Oanoy Oen• IMtlnl l>a•ann•ll Lant <Nocodtmusl Lollie Go Fleel IR!Cl'latd\I l op s Son lSellerU SIXTH RACE 400 yard\ l y~ar Old\ & up Cla1mon11 Purse SlciQO OaomlnQ PrtCt' \2000 Sor Deekll (Lol>fl•"'' 112 0.0ey 81..e Boy 18.tnHI "' V•rquen1a IGuoMy I 119 Levun•Moon!Wa lker "' Sour Coly I Harl I 171 Ha•tv Ron (Ward I 117 1oanoGo IMylt'\I llQ Eldbt>o s Fors1 IC1rdo1•l 119 SEVENTH RACE •OO ydrd\ 3 Yf'M olds & up A)low.inu • Purw SIOOO Till' Sol•an11 MonQOJel (N1codcmusl 17Q ChtC Pal Go fKn1Qhl I 119 M1\\SVQar Copy ITrrewre l 11q The Goo<! Th1t>I I Dreyer I 117 Ml\\ PIQ PoQ (My le\ I "' L.Anlt"s J•I IACl~od 119 Our Sue ICredot r I 111 EIGHTHR•CE •OOvard' l Y<'•" 910\ & UP c1a.m1n9 Purse \l/00 Cla1m1nQpr1etSI~ Joe Moon Too (AC1a1r) 110 ~Ir SMdy(P•Qel liq M<dway O"ndy IC leriue I 119 Fickle N' 8rlQlll IBanks l 111 Tr1pleCTruly IBrool<SI 117 Parr Deck ITreawrt I "' Stormln' IKn1Ql'ltl 11q Mt JoeWuvtr (Wardl 111 -H.O.t>eyou (Hartl 110 Hy Go Bar (Nocooemusl 11' HIHTH ltACE •OO yMd\ 7 Yf'ar olCI\ Cl•1mono Puru SllOO Cl~omH"il l>"teS6SOO Sana Ro~r R11llah ITrtnurt> I 11q Mr Baytorn IN1co0•musl II~ Jtt\a Orck ICl~ri\s~I 110 FanRonDotnur IW•rdl in Suntort IW~l\onl In Moon In Thr W1•\I llopl'lc)ml 1n HOw's Trix IKno9htl 172 Runnlnq Tab IGlrtal 11• Ea\(\ Folly CC.all) 1n lYCson Jtl IHllll 11'1 SANTAANA TOUltNANIElfT Flrstltelltld 0r....,. C:..st It) UJI a.aentM44 111-Sowa 101 ore• wllh Pur111, 4-4, 1,.-l.et (8 1 won by lorlell. l:M-Allrentr•nQer 181 dee. W•l~tf'. 11.s 14-L-r 181 dee. Stew.art, 13 I. 150-A••I• IB) <IK. Davos. lC..S l~un1er IOI dee. Jennlnos, 12.0. 117-Tol>ln !Bl dee Htll, l I. 1'11-Pierwn (8J dee. Smlctt. 2-0 Hwl.-l.ns.k 10) drew w1tl'I Ponce, ,.,, Conwl•tloft 118-Morlon IEI won by lorlell, 116-M.lrtlner IEI won by lorftlt. l:M-Wllleman CE> Cite. Walk••. S.O. 142-Ztlltr (EI dee Slewart, S.2 ISO-Oa•" (0) drO!w woll'I Llet>oq. 11. 158-Flores IE Idec Moran, B·I , 167~ellev IEI orew wilh S1111leclay, IC..10. in-Holl 10~ dee Coleman, u O l~dltadoth (E) dee. Smtih, ICM>. H•l.-L•nak. COi won oy tor1e11 Seventh Ptou Orante Coat t 1 ll I 1221 F wl"'1on 11a-Rol>b IF I won by torfall 121>-Mulch IF) won t>y lorfe1t. 1:14-Walker 10 1 won by lorlt'1l 10-Stt•art (01 dee W•lltlr.om 3 0. UO-G<eent>anlo. IF I dee Oav•s. l-O 156--Bamt>er (Fl dee.Moran,• 0 1&7-Shlllaoay IOI won t>v o~tault 117-Holl <Ol de< Art.,aQa,3·0 190~au IF I dee Sml11'1, l O Hwl -t.an•I< IOJ won bv torlt•• VARSITY Mh tlOftVle lo (4') (ISi vai.nc11 tS-*lenka (Ml pinned Gontales ~ 103-Mllci'ttll (Ml dee Hartwocn. S.1 112~0SHllO (Ml ponneCI K onQ • 29 120-+iOff (V) M C G<!rUlyl' 8 4 121-Nav• (VI pinneo Colu l SS Ill-Morrow IMI CIH Tvm•s. 18-l 139~._, 1v 1 pinned Merwin] •S U S -Draper (Ml pinned 8r•On•y s S7. 15-4-Mummert IM I dee Melkus, ICH t6S-Ellan1~ CMI dee SP<>yer, S 0 1/S ~rw1n IMI dee Sm1tl'I, 10 S 191 -Clw?selka IMI oec M<lrtine1, t,.4 Hwl -Pelham IMI pinned Wallac• l.J2. JUNIOR VARSITY Mlu lon Viejo IU I 1141 Valtnei• 9S Spe1en1<a IM\11 pinned C..Olvan 12 103 E'l<:arseQa IVI dee WosPm.an, l>-7 112 RoQers IMI pinned Kappas l ·SO 1'10 Bentson IVI d~c Bara. S 0 · 127 Benll•V (V)dec Breoe-q.• 2 lll-lores (VI dee Riel>, 2 o lll-Torelt !Ml dee LOPet. I 0 US-Tryell (Ml dee Haoey, 1-1 lW-Wtule IMI o~c Norman, 6-4 161-€•eretl IM) dr•w Lucoo 17S -Nelson !M l pinned l..l!llan, I 40 191 "'"°"\1C k IMI dee Val~QdS 4-0 Hwt-G<over IMI dee IC"lly s O FaOSH·SOPH Mluoo" Vltjo (4'1 161 V•ltneoa 9S -Barlltlt IMI ponneCI Sussman I 5-4 103~eh• IMl dec 8e1>111en,, 1 112-G<ot111an IM) oec Cunnol'IQ!lam. .. , 120-Wllltam\ l\11 dee vua. 3 2 127-Atcl'liwn IMI dee varbrOUQh, .. , 133-E.,Qle lvl dee Pett, 6·0 138-Po-rs CMI dee Sluro•n. Hl 145 Mehr IMl oec Lonoemulh,86 1$4--0<l'IOa (Ml ponneo va1e9a\, 2.11 r t Prep Basketball FRESHMAN fo1111ta111Vell•t 1'11 (UI 5.anClemanlt qeulanCI 181 F 171 Ouniuon (..ow.an 131 F (0 O'Hl llOrlln H•Sktll (11>) C (01 Penile 11..,,oru 141 G (l>I Mlltl'lell FltldS (0 G IOI MulllQ<M> FV scorln(I wbs Stoll •. H11r1-10. Pasllno 2. Pollkretos •. Comoton I. EsPtnota 2, JonH l , L~V•lley I SC scoring subs Perker 2, W~ 7. Fentntaa 1, Aelam\ Hallllme: Fount•ln V•lley •• f'ltESHMAN HIHltl,,.,... .. ec .. IO I UOI 0.-Y Ot•mond (IS) Teyler (2) • WOOien 1141 Tl'IOrnc>ton IS) Norris IOI F F c G <> H B scor lnQ sut>s Paonant'lll 7 Ul Ki11uod 16)0..y (I>) Russ.II 161 S.rr IOICh•¥ilt Eldr1C19e S Hillll1tn11 Hunllnvton Btacl'l, :M u FRESHMAN Coron• cltl Mer 10 ) 10 I Sunny Hiiis SN>llln m F (21 Mot'lve\ky Slar-.s llSI F (It) ~\I Naol• 1121 c. ISi All"" Gul\ntU (3) G ll) Smllh Plckl lt 1121 G l•I Cottrell C.dM uorlnv \Ubs: Smith 8, Lemerd 1, McCorktll l, Miiier u, Teylor 2, Fr-1'12 Hallllmt CAIM, Jl.lS. Fll2SHMAN D.\NI Hflll IUl (411 Vlsl.I StnY1h 181 F 191 Rowan Groon (II F 181 Man1IOICI Andrews "" C I 10) Pa~ll'IY\I SkllaS (31 G 121 Green HllW1lin\ IOI G Ill S<llllva11 DllNI Hiiis Korlno sub· G••llam•. Dlln• Hllll, 11-lt. PllHHMAN MllMlfllt"' le.t<ll un 1:1t1 ~ • .-.... Wooton UH F 111 Bennett Teylor Ill F (l>l 5'911rd O.amono 1'91 C It> ...,llon Thofnl>ton 171 G (41 WlllQlnt Norris IOI G l•I l•ll HB Kori no sub EldrldQe 1 Halltlme H11nllng1on Bteth, 21 16 Girls Results OlltLS 'IELO HOCKEY VersltY HYnllnQlon Deech ), &~l•ntle 0 HB scoring: 811rro~ 1 J u11ltrVanlty Hun11"9fon Buao I, E&l•nclo () HBscorln9· LUOO• v ..... ., EdlW>n 6, INrlne 1 Edison scorlno: Otlbbon 7, AON!. 9reun, Colllm , Mend41nllell. MtrlM Korln9 ~Y•' J1111i.rV1~'Ml't lldltOll i, Marina O ~-MlfttftrlflO· Cll<ll 2, Tully. Pro Scores Nl\MMI latlr .. IMlll AH.Cl.a.Wt Atlen11 IU, G11tlt10" CleVitlltftd 10'>. NPW York •S WM"'"'1e1111r. N•w Or ..... , lot Go•dHI Su111101. Por11afld •• Phlladtlpl\1• 110, P,_nl• IOI! "-rl<•fl l a.itetNll AHtd ttUell O.nver 111, Vln1ln1a tC)O Htw Yor-11•. '""'an• 10. i NMMMl ... <hYW ..... • NY ll•nvert \, &e\lon 1 ""'""''°'• S, K•nwl Ctlr 3 SO PHO MOit£ Merifl• 1611 172) Ulktwood 01\0" 161 F 1131 (DlloM c-nll" l'l F 181 Solomon H~tknretch 001 C 1111 Roger\ Mielke m G 1141 Otrtn Sc><""Y 1711 G 1111 Mcltonna Mann• \COrtn9 syt>\ Sprtnoer •. 8ollm 6, Alvarn 1 Hall11me Lakewooo J2 30 SOPHOMORE H11••tl"9lon .. u ll IH I IMI Si«T• PaQna~lh 1111 F (ISi Wllrd GttfOl'd 121 OF 1191 Chambt" Slt onfltus 1191 C (Jl P•lomtno C.•~ 1121 G (61 Harvey Kno91lt (81 C. lll MllH Hll scor1n9 \Ubs: Sprow 9, T-nSO!nO 6, Shut~ 2 Hallhme HB, '3·2S J UNIOR VARSITY Core11• *' M.tr lltl un Miiii-"" Leorand C21 F (UI 8oatwrtllfll D1s1aso Ill F 1101 Brown E~lto 118) C 121 Krli9"r Nfoeson 161 G (•) Marly O.•I• 121 G (121 Moll CdM scor-inv sub~ F•rber s, Reins • Hallllme; C.dM 19-17 JUNIOR VAllSITY MlrtM 1101 1471 Lont a u c" Wll- Spadt' (Ill F 191 WIQdlld Torres 17) F 1•1 AnQrlS41nl Go~11•l c (11)0be1~ur0e Bruu 1101 G 101~ Wolle m G 171 San~ Marina scorii>g subs 8oooan I, Le<k•" •. Koeller 3, Koonu 2, C.urtos 2 H•lllo""'. Manna, 2•· IJ. College Basketball T1111rsdlly'• eau.,. a a111et1N11 Roc,.,.star 84, Buc~ntll tS Rul;t~ 9S, P•nn. 80 Millne 73, Rhoe!• llland U 11 Provld<!nct> 98, Eva n, vii It H Manhetl•n 79, t..a S..lle 71 Oavld\On 18 B•vlor 86 Furmen 1S, ftllnol\ 73 Florida SI. at, Stetson 71 tndlairoa 63, Notr• Dame 60 ICM'3S 61, Bolte Sl.56 TCU77, P•n American 76 w Tuu63,0ktel\oma s1.•, Air Foret '1, Gonn9a U leletlO ... S.n. Fran. St. U FtflllO SI. 109, UC Devos 90 trulltrton SI 60, LA Loyola ~ Wllllman n. P4cllic U Llnfleld 7', SI Martin'\ 11 w111a-11t 100. W•rntr Pa<lllc" a.uritltld St ,,, Ml Marty ro Cle t·Mudd as. LA Ballt•" 11 ORS CHE LEASING CALL THE IXPIRr llLL YATES YW /POISCHI U li2 'I AUi aD. bllf JUAN C ,.,..111' AMO 837 -4800 493-4511 u~T •rlor IMI p inned Bartenl..., 2 » 11~Mls1Ulld (M l pinned Mlr111'fl ,, 1'1-Spenctr IM> oec C099'\, S-0 Hwl-Lan1s IMI o ponntd 8toaclo\ :~. .. ,.., ... Se,.. CM\I Mala 12'1 (lll tEI Tt re tS-ltyuall ICI Cite Yelu!oO M 103-tftlOIO (Cl pinned Ht mm 0 ~. 112-hvtor IEI dee Heach 1. 120-erookt11s ICI pinned ReidO·S7. 127-Thaytr IEI pinned Al\lntl'IOCI 0·1s. 133-WH wr IE I dee Snell 11 0 tll-Nlebla\ IE I won l>y torltol. US-51-• fEI dee Clow• 1 154 t..yOla CCI plnntd NtlSon 2·20. ••s-6car1t1 ICI pinned Albrlgl'll o 30. 11s -S1ndtlng IE I oec Olvely 11·2 m -L&nqlol\ IE) won by lorlell. HW\-XtlStY (E) won by lorfell c.rei.a•IMAr 1201 (4411!1 Toro 9S--Orr (Cl pinned Yi11U'I00'0 1ID-6•1'tri IE I dtC Hemawekl 1·S. 111-Te ylor IE) plnn.O Colllnsl SS. 110-CaQIQU ICI dee lttld 7.3 117 Tl'layer IEI Clec Hawlll S-0 1lJ-Weavtt (E) pinned H•rtford 1 32 131-Notbles IE I dee IC oh I er S-0. us-s1-1 (Eldr Raymond? 2 IW~tl'IOtl IEI pinned HouonO 4S 10-(;aVQlll ICI pinned Alt>rlQM 2 4S. l1S S1ndlln9 f E ) won by lorf•1I 191 Ul'IQIOo\ IE I pinned Roll 0 0 Hwt -l(ttsey (E I won by lorfe•I S<"'lt 1'14MI Mtt M•hal, hrO't flodel. 0-W MO Ontr ••Y INiOf ~· Ian.. flll'TH •ACE -JOO yarch l ...... , OldS & up C1e1mo1>9 Vyr•t ~200 $t.yOI OlaMOnd (TrMSure) • 00 , «> 240 HO UO , WI llooMdock (AO.Ir) 0.-A T 8M90 (C.rdClle) TifN-U WI "''° r.,. -()lie Gold &lit, Ye..., O.toc.. Poo, Coraf·s Rynew•y, Tiny Watch 80Ynd Ro<klnQ Oet k SIXTH llACa -350 yard\ J 'Y'Mr OICh & UI). ClalmlnQ. P11r1e 12SOO. BICIW..O (8rooksl ••.60 10 IO 6 WI O..rm G.tln lH•rtl ).10 2 40 Surler Sendy IPl!!el 2.IO Time -18.06. Also r•n -Hy StrtnQtr. Gtll#lacl's 8oy, Earley Cl'lerve, MOon Flwr, Oly Lltts, Wl\e W1ll1t-. Noscr•tcllu. '5 Euell -1·9141 Wiie & "'°""'" Galt1, Pei. \JM.SO. HVENTH lt&CE -350 ytrcb. 3 ~ OlcK & llC), (IUSllled allowMlCt. Punt '5QllO. Twin Jet (Thomp'°" I IS 00 HO 00 360 uo 2 IO Jet Mine IRICl'l•rdsl G,..y Den<er (lfpnaml Tome -17 91 Also ran -<:tl••Qln Ollck, Men For Now. Br.n<ly Rock~I. Go V•n Pac1t1c, Toe> MHltr Free Bar\, NoKratcl'I«• EIGffTH ltACE -3W yards 2 Y"• olds All-•nu p.,,,... $2600 Pampereo Laoy CTrea•urel 17.20 11.00 3 60 LUl<t"s Jok•r IMyleSI 1 IO 4 80 Mr Aloof !(.ardor• I 3.IO Tlme -17 81 Also ran -Ve<;ias Ringo, Nlce N Ely, Wlnken OePtn, O"p S.olor, Rough M innie, Victory J•I. Gollk.,ocktt. S<r•tched -Oockeys Sl'l&ne, ltnll Sore Thing, Savann•l'I Gill, Kimdltky. U Euct• -4-P•mpered Lady & l·Lllllt'I Joktr. P•ld ssu.so. NINTH RACE 400 yards. J .,.,., Setback Th e Soulht•rn Calirorn ia Coll<-g<' Vanguar ds lost an 81 80 decis io n in t he final seconds o( overtime lo Cal St a te Northridge M at a d ors Thur sday night. With l ess t h a n 10 seconds rem aining in overtime a nd with thl' score ti e d 80 -80, Northridge guard Daw Prester a was fouled and hit his only bucket of the night to win the game. l n the l ast eight m inutes of regulation time, the lead see-sawl'<l back and forth and endl>d 74·74, forcing t he game into overtime. T h e Va n guard s jumped out to a 78· 74 overtime lead on buckets by freshman center Ran- dy A d a m s and sophomore guard David Baron. Frank Aodersoo w~ named mosl valuabltt pl ay~r on Newport Harbor Htgh's Clio' 4 A championsb1p water polo team Wednesday mght at the school's sports a wards banquet. Other varsit y star s na med most valuable along the Orange Coast area were Ron Dykes a nd David Scroggins (University football), Mark Whitmore (Costa Mesa water polo). Rick No l a n and Howard Furlong <Fountain Valley cross country and water polo) and Mike Walterhouse <M ission V1e10 cross country). Special a ward win· ners. NlWPOltT H.t.1180 11 V•rt11t W•ltr Polo CAPl•on GtorQ• Newl•nd. ~1 Val...,ble Fr•nk A~rson, Mosl •~ Dn>•td. R•nCIY Parole J ynlor V•rslty C..pleln Tom Myers. Most vt1.,.. bie Ted Tiiiman. Mo\I lmprowo. Eric Hell singer eon•"'~'"' VtrlltY 'W•t•r l'ela C..P4•"' JMI Monro• M<n l V• ..., 011' M•rll.. Whtlrthlff' M 1\t '"' 11"0...ad Mt•k c ,.,.. "'°'' ln'41••• 11una1 Sttv• ShofllOt• .. _..., Vu tllt c.p!alfl S<oll ArnulCI ,,,..,," Vdh•I bl• J•11 C.rl'°n Mo\I I lr•Cl'O..-cl Biii Gra hat11 Mo\t IMPH411uH•I ~,.. Soona11•~ • f'retll S..11 Captain· Mull P•11l~on. Mo\I V•luaDle Aon F100 . MCl\I ln1 pn>ved TOftl A_,., Mo" ln'M)ora 1tona1 JlmWrlghl. ll'OUNTAIN VALLEY er .. , ea"""' vars•h C..pleln Kt1111 (ymmln<i• Mn•I V•luet>I• flick Nolen. M<>•I 1m pro•ed Brien AP!Jell J11111or vanity C.p111n A1Cll•t'd Ft11<h•k; M0-\1 V•lu.ol>I" Kt"'n Burl, Mosl Im- proved R•tllard S.nOr•. f'rO\~Sepll C.pt.a1n \laltn' Htrn•nCIH. MO\I VllU111Ce John Sprt>otur, IW>\1 •~ proved Kin Et<lhlf'r We\trPtlo Vu ilty (.aotaln David Trul(; Mo\I v.1 ... l>lt Ho .. •rd ~ .. r1ono. MO\I '"' ptO•td Kork Cl'l.,>ey J""lor v.,slly C.otaon RoO Aldrl<l'I, Mo\I V•l<M bl• Boll M6nt\, Molt 1mp1owo J1rr P\111 Ml\SIOH VIEJO Var tlty Crou Ce•11•trf Most Oulstandon9 : Ml._f' W•ll•rhOUM. MoU IMplrell-1 Mer~ LaBonte MOH lmpro•td Adrltn 8ay1on, Coecn•s A•••e M.at11n MtM J11t1w Vanity Mo\l\l•IUIDlt Mark Hu .... s. ........... Mo\l Val.,.l>lt. Merk L•BonCr f'rfthlftlfl M1a tV•l.,.t>le Mllt8Yllillo- SAN CLl!MEH1E ~ ..... "' ... " Mo\I V•IY•blt Merk MCEiroy• &.\I LIMm•n JoM Edward), 801 • 8.t<k Bot> Wat!oOn, C•pta1n, Ke••n S•tw1rt. "'""men ,....IMlll Co cepteln\' Oon 0111 and Mokt Ounovon . Mo\I V•luat>le Br•• VA<ker; OulSlendlnQ 8•ck Jell McCranlt; OVUlandlnQ OfttnSlv~ U"""'•n: Brad Gaines. Out\l.onclt,,. ~len"-.e Llntm•n· Guy Gooom<111. vu~1y Crou Co1111try MO\I Valo,MIDCe. T ... rr, H..odltslll'\ JoM AK1tll and 8111 Ad•m•ihl, Mel>! ln~,.t~I Owen Eow•rd\. .1 ... ier Versify Mint \lat1>e1>le · 010. Ger •Id , l"M1'· s.." tw>sl Vahaable: Tom F~y. ESTANCIA ~,.,._ ..... Mo\1 V•lual>lt . O•v• Jeranko Mo•I \latu•l>lt Lonem•n S1tve c..,111; Most Va luat>le Back; """"°' OomlngUll "'"llnw11 f'ool..it Trl·capt•ons. Jol'ln 0110Qer. Brao Stewnson and Boll Goar. Mosl V•I.,. bl• Ott..-5«· Brian Yemami. Nlo$1 V•luaDCt Ooe1ense Dale s10<11well. bl~p~~~.~~r:~~~.~~.~·::;: a"• •a';., ..... , ••• , ••• , •• ~,·· •• ···~ ••• ~ pro•t<I. GtorQe Roberlwn. ! llliii1 ~ "'. ~ ~·4L • . " ~. . ··~~ : UNIVl!ltSITY • • . 1 I olels ClaomlnQ. PurseSl800. RomAn Devil LoC>Mm 1.00 00 3.40 3.80 3.00 6.20 But the Matadors cam e c h ar~i ng right back and went up by on<.'. With 34 seconds on the clock, Ad ams was fou led and put the Vanguards ahead 80·79. Venlty Foottwll • NISHIKI $ 15995 • Most lnsplrallonal: Tim Allison; : INTER NATIONAL ! . Ml.I\! lmpro-.ed: 8011 Keever; MO\! • •, !>lraue1 Breaker I Ga rial Jel OKk Red (Adair I Timi' -20.IS. So1101ern ell (IOI 19 fl ... IP v••uable Otlense: Ron Oy1< .. s, MOsl • 1~speect Chrome-molyframeSun-Tour • Valuable ~tenw: David Scro99tt'6, : • • C.O.cl'l'\AwarCI Sean Gr•ham. • Otne< tO...pe-ln>m IQ<J • Al\O ran -Ro"y Jt d, MacltAy ToP Gt rl, DI •I• Ooo•:lll. G lorltt Bound, 'Thal Triple Hawk, Hidden T•ltnt Too, Bttvan Chick PoWy Young Adams Biron Watkins • 0 0 0 'I 3 8 2 3 0 4 8 l 0 4 21 • 18 0 6 J""ior Ver~ty FOOllNll e HU W0 14-IJ5H'I'"""" -CM.Uf e """v"~"" '"" "'"· • "*" ~'°'-""' d • : Soplloftlw• : l 1 o Holds 't1I Om st mas : Mosl Valuable Offense · C.11 • -• .. ...... • ..... "'~'" ..... ~ : ~··· ._ ··-ll•d. t I I • S<•alched o ... ,., LIM Ba". 0.&I \Ian. Jtt Account. S.y A Pr•v•r. JoM\Oft • 1 l :9 Glaiter I 0 0 2 OinS<hroeoer • lolboo PetlfnwlQ 'l, :. ,, •t Frestunilll • • Mosl V•luab1e 011.,nsP OtHI~ e 6 75•7282 'Mt J/tWf<lft f"«._A• -1S Eura -._Aom•n Devit & 1·Slr 0...1 8ru h r. Pilid 58'.00. An - &ance -4'M. MelS1Hd Tole IS 2 7 30 8 , 6 20 80 unQmade, Most \l•luable O.tenw. : • JohnExl~y. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Halftime CSVN, l4 JO c;y991132eo10 55 years of experience bring you the GOLDEN TOUCH L f 1 di• -every new car is inspected for factory defects or shipping damage as soon as it amves ...,t ,. ........ -every new car is dehcatefy adjusted to give t~ mechantcal performance. ._. ,........ -each new ClJI is polished to a gleaming luster by hand rubbing with special waxes. 10 ....... *iYe -IS given each Cat 10 dooble Check handling rattles or vibrations ::'~di• -a member of the "golden touch" teem y approves each car and C8f11hes "ready 10< delivery." OHl!fl £XPIRES 1?·1'>·15 ohnson & son I* I 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA 540-5630 '72 CHE VY MOYA AofO h 1n'l f t ,H'>fy I U C..t)l'tdttOf'hl'\O 01>wer ,.,.,.no v1nv1 tof)t Vtt 'f 5oet•l l m1t1 Ctr w•lh ( 145fLV) s2299 '74 COU GAR H ·1 Fac1ory 1or cond11lon1nQ f.Mlf'M A ttectii. ••ott d4tek red•o A tru•0.1•'-'Y c.ar wtlll onl• 13 000 molH I IUJP'!.o '73 GRAN TOllMO Air rnnff ttn•*f lllNf'lno •"''" •• t t'lt r1d•o •"Cl mid· .. ,. ~omfo11,1etO•Hl1 l:;.(tt 7' s23ss '73 llNCOLN MAil IY R .. lty lfl A CleM b~ 11._.I • afl oul .. t!Wl tnQ val11• tn .,.,,. h1•u•v ltl4HSYll~ UU4Al S6266 7 4 C AP R I V-'> 2 DOOI • co..s t 1cror1 ••' conai••On•nq. •M..,M81•aco..11pe re<110 ""1v 2 1ooa mil" (H OIClCl 5 3795 '71 FORD TCMllMOGT A cir with' M l c111' .... f.,e ..,01ntt '"°"'""black vinyl ln!trll)t .,, cono •ul n !r•nt.. power ••-•nQ 1e~1osx 1 (SK 1112Al 5 2044 '74 LINCOl N COMTIHEMT AL fl'lh QOf090V• •~oor woan 11u °"'' P\.~00 "''"" lu•ury eQv•l\Df'd and ooec1ally oroced 16171( El) CSK '21&). s5543 '72 CAPRI JON 5 2266 . \ 88 DAILY PILOT BOATING I ~ • , ~ acing t II' I Finale Slated Newport Harbor Yacht Club's tradition al Christmas Regatta Saturday and Sunday will wind up the yacht racing year in Newport Harbor. Friday, Oeeembef 12. 1975 Little America's Irvine Sailor , Vying for Cup By ALMON LOCKABEV Of ... O.lly "lee Su" Interest is building in the U.S. -particularly in Southern California -on the upcoming Little America's Cup Challenge scheduled to get under way near Melbourne, Australfa Feb. 7. The Little America's Cup is patterned after the 12·meter America's Cup except that it is sailed in C Class catamarans. consid£'red to be among the Castest sailing craft in the world. Southland interest is centered on the efforts of Alex Kozloff, a resident of Irvine, who will be representing the Cabnllo Beach Yacht Club, Los Angeles Harbor. KOZLOFF HAS BEEN chosen as the U.S challenger in his sophisticated new "C" cat Aquarius V in which he has won virtually every major catamaran s aihng title m the U.S. dunng the past year. Kozloff appeared before the Newport Harbor Yachtsmen's Luncheon group Wednesday to give a brief history of the Little America ·~ Cup and to describe his new super -lightweight craft in which he plans lo win the KOZLOFF trophy for the firs t time. Invitations have been sent to s kippers and crews of 14 classes to participate in the action • on inside and outside classes. Ironically. the trophy for international C Class competition was dee<kd by the Seacliff Yacht Club, Seadiff. N.Y., in 1961 but the U.S. has never won it. In the 12 series sailed so far, Great Britain has won it eight times, Denmark once. and Australta, the current defender, three times. R ACI NG over courses inside the bay will be the Lido -14 A and B. Lehman-12, Laser A and B, Sabot A. Sabot B and Sabot C. Racing in the ocean will be the Etchells. Soling, Star, Rhodes -33, Shields. Performance Handicap and Luders-16 classes. Inside classes will sail three races on Saturday and two on Sunday with starts and fm1s hes off the NHYC mooring basin. Outside classes will have two races Saturday and one on Sunday with starts and finishe~ off the Balboa Pier. YACHTI NG action in other Southland sailing ports will be light. King Harbor Yacht Club will stage the second half of its Christmas Regatta for keelboats Saturday and Sunday. and Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club in Los Angeles Harbor will hold the first race of its Winter Series for all classes on Sunday. Th<'re an• no regattas scheduled dunng the last two weeks m December. AUSTRALIA SUCCF.sSFULL V defended the trophy in 1974 with a highly sophisticated wing-sail catamaran known as Miss Nylex. The defender has not yet been select ed. Kozloff's Aquarius V is a soft wing catamaran built of modern aircraft materials and techmques and weighing only about 450 pounds. The cost of challenging for the trophy is estimated at $25.000. including transportation of the craft and crew to Australia. The California Intern a· l!onal Sailing A:-.sociation, formed a few years ago to promote a West Coast 12-meter and to finance U.S. Olympic :rnd other international s ailors, has announced that it is backing the Little America's Cup effort. INDIVIDUAL TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribu· lions should be m ade payable to CISA and sent directly to Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club. Meanwhile, Hobie AJter, designer of the famed Hobie Cat, has announced that hi' is making a $1,000 contribution to the Australian campaign Kozloff said he and his crew plan to ship Aquarius V to Australia about three week!i ahead of the actual campaign and will practice sailing an the Australian waters off Sorrento Yacht Club, about 60 miles south of Melbourne. THE F ISALSERIES w11l consist of th(' best four of seven races ovt-r a 19-milc cour~r slJrting Feb 7 and comtmuing through Veb 15 C Class catamarans an• a dl·velopml•nt type craft about 25 fC'et long and ha\'t' been knew. n to hutld up s peeds in excess of 25 knots in J brl'l'll' In this respect the competition 1s much more exciting from a spectator standpoint th:rn the 12-meter America's Cup. Dates Set · . . .. Mll'll AUTOMOTIVE CENTERS OPEN 7:00 AM DAILY, SUNDAY 10:00 AM 15 F D . h Australian Boat or 1ng y RaceS e ries &~C~C~lle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR Lo111JNG CAR CARE AUTOMOTIVE SALE ENDS SATURDAY The Southern California Yachting As- sociation has set the dates or Jan 31 and Feb. 1 for the 1976 com petition of the E . E. Manning Dinghy Serll'S The series will be under the superv1s1on of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. · The Manning Senes 1s ~n to dinghies up to and 1nclud1n g 16 rt Cla s<;es will be establ1s h <'d with a nummum of entry of five .'boats Entries will be ac 'cepted until 9 : 45 a.m. Jan. 31 The Mannin g ~perpetual trophy . will ix' awarded to the wtnnl'r of the largest class A dis tinctive 1930s vintage trophy will b£' awarded to the winner of the second largest class The host club trophy will be presented at th(' d1scrc· lion of the race commit· tee to the most de:-.ervmg class. ' 1 Coa•talW'eather ~\UY cloudy wllll \Oml' cll•f'W" of V-ri l iQM v•rt•l>I• wind\ n10111 •nd ,._,,nl1>9"""" HI ... Wtl~M ,.__,..,, .,., Coel\1AI , .. ,.,.~,,lurt'\ Wiii ·-.,., ....... " 41 and &4 Inland l•m pereturt'\ will "'"QI' bl'IW•l'n 0 ~d U Tiit ••l•r lt'mpereturw will Ill' S6 SYDNEY (AP> -An Australian "people's boat" -paid for by businesses and a national fund-raising appeal -is· expected to challenge the United States for the American's Cup trophy off Newport. R.J ., m 1977. Jim Hardy, who skippered Australian millionaire Alan Bond's Southern Cross in the race last year. said in Brisbane, Queensland, that planning is already under way for the new 12-meter yacht. It will be christened M ati Ida. Hardy, who heads a three-man syndicate. said he hopes to raise a bout $1.9 million for Ma ti Ida m the na· tionaJ app~al. The yacht will be designed by Alan Payne, 1lrchiteet·of prcvi~ Austrana~ entries-in the race. The American yacht Intrepid won I ast year's race. MINI MAC 25 McCU LLOCH Po rtable GENER A TOR $269.95 Modtl 1500 Sun, Moon, Tide• See your authorized McCulloch Dealer today! ~ltlOAY MASTER SERVICE DEALERS s.conc1111911 S:SOo m l' SANTA ANA AN/\ HEIM Se<ondlow 10·4tp.m. 19 L.W. BEMIS TR. & IMPL. ANAHEIM SAW SHOP SA TU Ito:~.,,., 5 2 1275 E. F1m Strce1 314 S. Manchester FJ,-,1 lllQll FlntlOW Sot<ond llloft Second tow 1211pm 08 543·2639 535-4313 • o Pm 3 J COST A M::-ES~A;--------,C""O:-::S"'T~A-:-M-:-:E:-::S:-=A---tuND~~ J2 P"' 10 TONY'S BLDG. MAT. WARD & HARRI NGTON l"ll"\tllllfl • 04• m s S 2075 Newl)Ort BtV<I 1275 Bristol Street First'°"" 1 ''° m o l 548 11 2R 556 1500 tllc.ondll•Gfl 1 Up m. B FOUNTAIN VALLEY T G ON BE CH .._,,1tH6: .. am ,Mt'4 Opm HUN IN T A ~~,, u11m ,Miit 1um. WOOLCO ANGEL'S 16061 Brookhur<t 7800 Edinger Ave. 839·9000 847-6066 i jiiiiiiiiiMP.ii.iiiiii1 HUNTINGTON BEACM HUNTINGTON BEACH JC PENNEY NATIONAL LUMBER 10 Hun11nq1on Ctr 19122 Brookhurst 892·7771 962 5563 LAGUNA HILLS NCWPORT BEACH JC PENNEY JC PENNEY 24200 Ulguna H1ll1 ~II Fashion Island 581 ·7700 644·2313 SANTA ANA SANTA ANA ANGE~S tHETREASURY 3309 S. 9mtol Strafrt 3900 S Bristol StrHt 979-8181 979 3300 . 'V DECEMBER J:3TH ... HURRY, QUANTITIES LIMITED! Q! 1611 ·--· llMlrtO is lONG AS YOU OWN CAR SMOCIC USOHU WAUANTY Save44%. Heavy-duty T & C shock absorbers. ~----------_.; ' .. .. _,., , ..,1~..,.., .... , 4f1c~ REG. 8.99 Large piston on Town and CountTy s hocks gives greater working area than most originals for smooth rides and sure stops. Protect yourself and your family at a bargain price. LOW COST INSTALLATION AVAILABLE, MOST CARS SAVE 49% TOUGH STEeL TIRE PUMP Low friction ful I floating piston ltt. g1 ves _ lpng_ Uf ~, RE4 ;t29 u~e. Value! 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December 12, 1975 DAILYPILOT CJ I ~ Appeals to the Ear. / By HILARY KAVE Of Ill• Dally "ilol Sl•tf It may not replace traditional 1is ual art, but the sound exhibi- tion -n ow on display at the Newport Harbor Art Museum - is definitely a fascinating alternative. Fous: young men from Los Angeles have collaborated on a n exhibition entitled "Sounds'' that does npt fail to create a striking impression. A few visitors to the four separate galleries may wince and sputter with indignation, "That's not art!" Most viewers, however, will find the four "en- vironments" to be exciting, if sometimes perplexing, works of contemporary art. 'VIEWE R' IS not exactly the appropriate word concerning two of the displays, which are totally audio in nature. The other two exhibits, or en vironments as the artists refer l o them, are part audio and part visual. The first exhib it is by Michael Brewster, a sculptor and a sound purist who teaches at Claremont Graduate School. His exhibit gallery, with stark while walls and plain gray floor, contains only a rectangular white box at the far end of the room with two black speaker boles. The dimly-lit room is empty visually, but is filled with low and high frequency sounds. As the "user". not viewer, en- ters Brewster's gallery and mov- es about, he encounters constant sound -consisting of loud and soft ar eas of the room caused by variations in the frequency. "I 'M TR YING to get the user to experience the room with his ears, not his eyes," says Brewster, who adds that humans are about 85 percent visually oriented. Brewster, who calls his exhibit "Inside a Long Wave", admits some of his peers have ques- tioned the artistic value of his latest sculptures. Prior lo his work with sound waves, h e did other unorthodox sculptures which involved his I I burying .. clickers" in the wall. Before that, he did sculptures us- ing flashing lights similar to bar- ricade flashers. ·• 'When did you slop doing art?' some of my painter friends ask," says Brewster, smiling pa- tiently. Instead or working with an ob· ject in space, such as an actual piece of sculpture, Brews ter says he's working with space without an object. "IN EFFECT, the viewer, or user, becomes the object," ex- plains the sculptor. The other sound purist in the exhibit is Eric Orr, who has created an environment with Artists (frQm left) John Doe Co., Eric Orr, Michael McMillan and Michael Brewster created the Newport Harbor show, which includes a miniature building (right) complete with appropriate sounds. high-pitched, reverberating 16th Century Tibetan bells. The crystal-like bells, which took Orr 11 hour::; to record, re- sound through a totally darkened gallery. The reverberating bells are sounded periodically. with spaced intervals creating an eerie and all-encompassing ef- fect in the dark. Discussing his work , Orr shrugs, laughs and says, "l could be off a century or l wo. · · THE OTHF.R two exhjbits may be most appealing to thOSl' who cannot quite grasp the intentions of purists Brewster and Orr, with their varying sound waves and high-pitched bells. I .. Michael McMillan has created "Arlis tudio", an imaginative work that blends sound, light, and visual images. The viewer enters the gallery through a h alf-size door, less than five feet in height. Once in- side. he <>ncountcrs, on eye level, a m1n1ature two-story stucco buildtngP._ The l'ar ·is soon filled with low, low. varying sounds from the tiny structu11e: a ball game ... a r:td10 playing ... muffled voices of artis t s ... a baby cry- tnJ? ... traffic noise. The front of the 3·0 building in· eludes an ups t a irs "frene's f'rench M~siage'.' -complete with blinking wtndow lights and scorching red window shades. Below is Duke's Cafe, wit.h Miller High and Coors neon lights in the cafe window. At other points in the structure. which McMillan calls •·typically L.A.", are several residences, where the baby·s cries are heard. the ball game is playing to an un- known fan and the artists are speaking in the "artistudio " THE FINAL exhibit, .. Playma- jong", is as offbeat as its title. An artist who goes by the name John Doe Co. has created a blending of natural and man- madc substances. He uses lights, (See SOUNDS, PageC2> 'Antahl' Takes a TWist THE THREE KINGS, LED BY THOMAS PARRY Richard Kleber (left) and Steven Jay Warner •• 0 •. , 0 • . ... .. :-: .. ::. : ::-:.·.·.' By JACKIE HYMAN Of the Dally PlloUlatf The fabled Three Kings will be dropping in again this Christmas to visit little Amahl in the Gian Carlo Menotti opera, but at Orange Coast College they may get a surprise. Carol Boelter. music director of the OCC production of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" which will be presented at 8 p .m . Dec. 18, 19 and 20, explained, "There are· some unique twists that we've added to help give it (the opera) freshness. "AMAHL, BEING a crippled child, has always been pitied. We play him as a typical child, which is as a brat. If people would treat handicapped children as normal, they would be much more pro- ductive and creative. So we treat him as a normal child," she said. The characterization of Amahl . . contributed to some humorous stage bits in the interaction between him and the kings. Also, Ms. Boelter said, "This plays up the miracle at the end when he does walk. He then believes in something greater than himself. There's the real lesson." Ms . Boelter will also be con- ducting Handel's "Messiah" al 8 p.m. Saturday in the Orange Coast College Auditorium. Ad- mission to that event is Sl.50 and tickets will be sold at the door. Admission to "Amahl" is only rive pennies. There are no ad· vance tickets ; doors al the new OCC drama lab will open at 7 :30 p.m. each evening. THE PRODUCTION grew out of a class Ms Boelter teaches, Opera Repertory. which is open to members of the community. The group, with the college chorale, will put on Ma scag ni 's "Cavalieri a Rusticana" next spr- ing. A wide coast audience will get a second chance to see OCC's "Amahl" when it appears for Chnstmas on KOCE-TV, Chao- nel 50. The session was taped wilh one of the opera's two casts during an eight-hour recording session. Beau Palmer sings Amahl on the television show. He shares the role on stage with Ryan Dey and Marc Ratner (see related story Page CJ). THEY'RE ALL "excellent Am ah ls." Ms. Boelter s aid. ''They're all Orange County - Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Tustin kids. It ·s not easy music. That's why I have three. I don't want to strain their young voices." So far. Ms. Boelter has chosen rel all vely easy. one-act operas for Orange Coas t College. She beg:m last year with two one-acls by Puccini. .. l want to stick with these small operas for the next couple of years until we start attracting big, professional voices," she ex- plaJned. Stage director and designer is Jim Bertholf, with costumes by Stanley Tudor and lightmg by Tom Smith. A 19-member orchestra will ac· company the performances. Cast I will feature Shar yn Case, Niccolino Furticelli, Stan Throneberry, Danny Brown and Rick Schultz along wtlh Beau Palmer. lo Cast II are Ryan Dey. Marc Ratner, Linda Bevington, Steven Jay Warner, Rick Klebe.f, Thomas Parry and Don Don aldson. .. . ' HarlJor Lights Parades WIU Glow All Along the Orange Coast Chrlstmea wlll be celebrated with a speclal coastline twlat In the Orange Coast's harbors beginning thl• weekend at Huntington Harbour and next weekend at Newport and Dana Point Harbors. The Huntington Harbour Symphony of Light• wlll take place S.turday beginning at 6 p.m. -.nd wlll be repe8'ed at the same time Sunday. There will atao be • daytime parade Seturday at 11 a.m. for chltdren only. Paul Lynde wlll be Honorary Grand Marahal of the parad•t which 11 ex- pected to Include more tftan 65 decorated boat a which wllt vie for .wards In theme cat~••· Then, Dec. 18·23, crulae boat• wlll take vtsttore on guided tour• through waterweyt decorated by homeowner• also competlng for prizes. Cruise boat• wl'I leave the Information Center, 4211 Warner Ave., Hunt· lngton Beech, nightly beginning ate p.m. Oonatlona of $2.50 for adult• and $1 tor children under 12 wlll go to the Orange County Philharmonlc Society youth concert program. Aetdltlonal Information la avall•ble from 846-3489 or 846-3589. Newport Harbor'• ennu .. "Featlv•I of Llghta,•• aponaored by the Com· modore'• Club of th• Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, wlll t•k• piece Dec. 19-23 from a to 9 p.m. ••ch evening. • , I Between 80 and 100 boats using electric llghta animation and music wtlt start each evening from the Balboa lalend Ferry1 pa•• the Balboa Bay Club (about 6:30 p.m.), proceed to the turning basin by the Warehoulae Restaurant, circle Lido Isle, parallel the Balboa Penlnaula, passing the Pavilion about 7:45 p.m. end reaching the fatty about 8 p.m. ~ The procession wlll wind back patt the H•rbor Department and return to the ferry landing. Homes along the way wlll alao be competing for de- cor•tlon awards. The Dana Point Harbor Merchant• Aasocl•tfon wlll aponaor It• first boat parade, entitled "Holiday Hit Lights," one day only: at 7 p.m. Dec. 20 • The parade wlll c:frcte the harbor twlc• end la expected to l••t about two hours. The lead boat will be the "Bella Teaoro " owned by Dr. Earl Uttle. Aleo featured In the parade wlll be a flo•tf ng Santa Claus who wllt greet children aboard his boat. AU three parades can be viewed Jrom a ~~rlety of locatfona along the harbore, lncludlng docks, comm rclal buddl"I• and private homet. Vlewef'I are advlMd to dre•• warmly and be p,.pared to wait • whlle llnce time• are Inexact end th• pared• pece la kept moder8te by • flv• mll~r-hour apeed Umit In Orange County h•rbon. ' CZ DAIL v PILOT Black Perfonner Hurt by TV By VERNON SCO'IT HOLLYWOOD <UPI> -Nat Kmg Cole's t>ldt·st daughtl'r, Carol, costars in the new television series, "Grady." free o( the bitterness that brought about her father 's gr eatest <'areer disappointment Tall. willo wy and beauufuJ, Carol shunned television in the past because or memones of what the medium did to ber beloved father ··1t broke his heart," she said. "Dad was th e first black performer \41lh his 0\40 weekly show. He was a pioneer tn a time "hen blacks were set.>n onJy on Ed Sull.Jvan's show. "WH£N HE WE!li."T on the air wilb his musical sl'nes he "a'i hassled at every tum Sponsors told him they were wornl'd about his acceptance m tht• South. They didn't know what sort of black ELDEST OAUGKTER CAROL Free of Bitterness products they could sell. "In those days the networks dldn't know what to do about blacks. All the makeup depart- ments bad was two vanetles of makeup -tan No. 1 and No. 2. "Dad could go anywhere an the world and people would throw roses at his feet . But he wasn't accepted in has own country. He was heartbroken, not Just by the cancellauon of his show, but the way he was treated. "He was a genUe man He didn't say anything. He kept lhmgs lo himself. But at home "'C knew how deeply hurt he was " CAROL IS a tramt'd actress wtth excellent cred1~ Ill the New York theater and in such movtcs as "Pelham 1-2·3" and ''Prom1~c al Dawn." But she sidestepped television for other reasons. too "I didn 't want to do any pioneering and have 1l do lo nw what it dtd to dad," she ex plained.· "When blacks did begm to make headway the story ltnl·s were absurd. I had strong, re bellious feelings at the time. · ·1 thmk it was fine that the) dJd 'Julia' with Diahann Carroll But I was looking for a more re ahsllc role Somethmg other black women could identify with And that ·s why 1 agreed to do this show.'' "Grady" 1s a spmoff of the "Sanford and Son" s1tuJt10n comedy. and stars Whitman Mayo. the cantankerous Grady of Redd Foxx 's show. Carol portrays Ellie Marshall, Grady's daul!hler , who has two children of her own. ~AT'S DAUGHTER pla)S a contemporary "'oman "'hom she believes refl l'tt~ the young bl.ic:k mother in today's society. "Ellie is a Renaissance lady who laves m a f&1rly integrated THE LATE NAT KING COLE TV "Broke His Heart" world in Santa Monica," Carol said "There a re three genera- t wn s of the family living together l believe 1n that Youngsters should grow up living "1th grandparents, not VlSitmg tht>m 10 some rest home. ··There were other induce- ments for me loo I worked with Whitman ba(•k in New York in 'What If 1t Had Turned Up Heads"' He's a wonderful man and a fine actor "J 'd also performed in a New York workshop with Joe Mort.on, who plays my husband in the senes He's terrific. "So I packed up my family and moved here to California. But I sttll have my apartment in ~anhattan " C:.irol 1s the mother of two sons, Sage, 6, and Harle1gh, 5. She is Sl'parated from· her musician husband. AFTER CAROL left home s he became a militant for a time. She ~tud1ed black culture to learn more about her roots and back· ground. She still 1s m the van of the women's rights movement, especially those of black women, and the struggle for equality. She has seen much progress in the decade since her father's de· ath but Carol says there is still a Ion~ \\ .iy to go. She 1s thrilled by the success or ht.>r 26 year-old sister Natalie's htt <1lbum, "Inseparable," for Capitol records. the same com- ~Mny for which Nat recorded. . 'SOUNDS' FILL ART GALLERY ... (From PageCl> sounds, mot10ns and various tho~e who enJOY true art adven- tures . • m1f1c1al and organic artifacts Tht~ artist sa} s he St•es no con· fl1ct bl'l\H't'n lt•thnologv and nature In f.irt. ht• s ;1ys To ml' _picking up a h;rndful-of nuts and 'enterta1nmC'nt centrr··. a bizarre rest>mbl..tnce to a pinball machine for a quarter, dell\ l'r.., to the passive plJ~·er a umqul• ar· rJy of light~. moH'mt'nh. 101 at!l'S and :-ounds "Sounds", \\ h1ch rontinuc·<; through Jan. 11. may not fit the.' conventional image of art. Yet its vanous exhibits are sure lo please The :'IO ~wport Harbor Art :\luseum. loc;.ilt'd <.tl 2211 W. BalboJ Boul1:vJrd m :-.;ewport &•.ich. 1s open from noon to 4 p m Tue-..cla:.s through Sundays and also from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday nights. Admisswn is by donalton bolts 1s the saml' <.ts p1l'ktng up c.1 handful of be:iut1ful rocks • John Dol' Co has created his ., • -• 'Toys for Tots' Slates TelethOn The 1975 ·Toy-; For Tots" thr re-hour telethon has drawn the largest asscmbla~e of show business pt•r..,onaht1c.·s in the show's his· tory Thr event will :.u r Llvc on Channl'l 5 Satur- da) from 1 to ·I p m Angie D1ck1nson 1s nallonJI chairman and wdl l'O host with ~t arty Allen Jnd Johnny Grant. Spt.'l'l.ll guest is Hob Hope Lalt•st additions to the lineup are Jack Cartt.•r. Hill) H~rty Wmk :vJartmdale. frl'ne Tsu. Kathe G rr1•n. Hl'rr!C.ldf>I t<.• ~t.1ms of "The J ef- f <'rson-;, :\t1kl• Farrell nf "\1ash.'' Jose Perez of · On the Rocks ·and Terry Carter of" McCloud." \ho on the• lt•h•lhnn \\Ill be Pat Buttram. 11uth Hu111 .. J11t• Cc1mpanl'llc.1, 5calman Crothers. Huddv r:hsPn. Hhond.1 1'1l'mmg, Glenn Ford. Ros1:m.ir; Forsyth. Chnstophcr and Lynda Day Gt•org1•. ;1nd And~ (;nff1th Othns _ 1nrlud1• IJn}d llJ}'Tles, Lin da Kay llt.•nning, ~ .. 1rl Jloll1man. /\rtt• John-.on. Diane :\1eHJ1n. L1.·e Mcrl\H:thcr, Lohman and Barclay and G..1rv Owens. . . WLST('LIFI PLAZA SEIUflUJ DHOTHING. .DIS AllJ JACKETS WITH SAlfOll·SEl Christmas shopping can be as relaxing as an ocean breeze with 1400 boats for company and dozens o f dockside shops offering a treasure trove of gifts for every taste Treat yourself to a holiday now 1n your own home port DANA POINT HARBOR' llSTAURAMT DISCOUNTS WITH SHOr PUICHAHS 0,.. 1-.....,, 'tit Cir!._. MOUDA Y HllU•HTS IOAT rAaADI S••r· Dtc. 20. 7 pa IOAT lfDIS wmf IAHTA o.c ..... 2w1 11 Show Biz in New Books By WILUAMGW'YEB Al'.,_ •llllr NEW YORJ< <AP, -For the avld theater tan. new con! lam, commenta. dlgata and Jawns dOWD memOl')' t.ec. In otber wordl, the annual Cb.ristmu-time array of sbowbu f u.sdnat.on is DOW at your local bootsbop. Reading m:iy not be as good as seeing, but here as a rundown oo r ect>nt publications calculated to star dUicussion, rouse interest and perhaps make bestseller lists. Tennessee Williams, an old band al im- pressive stagecraft, bas in "Memoirs" put together a candid accOWlt of a torrid, tormented life. He calls it aJl "a sort of catharsis ol puritanical gu.i lt feelings." ONE OF BROADWAY'S melody masters Richard Rodgers, sets down more sedate but highly readable reminiscences in ".Musical Stages." The composer teUs bow his interest in music oddly began as an escape "from the generally unpleasant atmosphere" of the parental household. What follows Ui trenchant detail about the how and why of the 44 shows and hundreds of songs that have sinct' poured from him. . The 73-year-old Rodgers displays no interest m trade gossip or in ainng more than basic es- sentials about his collaborators and other in- timates. ON THE OTHER hand, actress Lilli Palmer !;Us all. as s he remei;nbers it anyway, in Change Lobsters -and Dance." The title com- es from ''Alice in Wonderland," but the German. born star's story concerns a theatrical circuit stretching from Vienna to Hollywood. ~t;r marn.age to Rex Harrison and its highly publicized spinoffs are here, along with the hazards of entertaining royalty and the charms of second roma nce. For documentation of a playwright's life there's the first volume of ''The Letters of Se~ O'Casey." The large, expensive work includes the playwright's epistles from 1910to1941. David Krause, one or his biographers, did the editing. There are two more volumes to come. support ~ur l..t:>c.q L Crqf\tsmqi1 xMAs at WHIMSEV~ HDIJJIW MARINERS VILLAGE e DANA POINT HARBOR For sheer nostal.gUI f ancien.. AllM Chatt hill b pttpared ''The 'lbeatrical 208," a copiously Wu:strated 1uney ~ ooe ~ Broadway's most fabuloul decodee, before radio, talking pictures or te&evl.! moved io to compete for mass au· dJence attention. Here 11 Bela Lugosi doing a ValeoUno, Rutb Gordoo ua teen-ager. and early censanb.lp already raDDI that •'the theater 1s a sewer.'' Ah, those golden days of innocence. Two king-size lhesp1c histories are ready for coffee-table display, .. Plays, Players a nd Playwripts" by Marion Getsinger and "Theater Through the Ages·• by Cesare Molin art. MISS GEISINGER as described as a sum· mer stock performer and show buff, credentials wb.kh pretty well summarize her umilations as an editor. The prettily illustrated text opens with ancient Greek dJlbyrambs, but as the eras pass, the treatment becomes progressively more hur- ried. The Molinari volume tackles its subject with the academic mehculousness expected of a pro Cessor of drama at the University of Parma He reaches furth er into orig1ns, Afncan as well as Oriental, but considers the American scene onlv lhrO\lib its exports to Europe. The m ajor assets 10f the book include magnificent color illustra· tions but it lacks a n index. •Handcrafted Leather • MllCfame ,...~..,....,~._ • Pottery & Hand-Painted Statuary • Gourmet Cookwear • Women's Wear • AntiQues • Lamps & Clocks •Wood Craft • Indian Jewelry & C l o thi ng • Custom-Made Sportswear• Interior Decoraltng • Ear1y American Reproductions • Stained & Leaded Glass Windows & Lamp Shades • Un1Que Phones SHOPPING ARCADE •'1SlOtllSl'"1 ••n·~· N~wi>ar18Hcll }. .. t J .. •.1. • "- Friday. December 12, 1975 CAIL v PILOT C3 'Dtree's No Crowd for Valley Fa01ily Youngsters Tackle Art, Writing, Magic and Perforrni11g By KATHY CLANCY etu..0.11,,...__,.. Marc, Scott and Linda Ratner of Fountain Valley could go on the road in their own acting, sing· ing, magic and art show. Instead, the youngsters age 14, 11 and 8, are busy studying at Courreges Elementary School an,d Fount a in V a lley High School. They pursue their artisti.c talents after school and on weekends. Marc, 14, will star in one or three casts of "Amahl and lht• Night Visitors," opening Monday at Orange Coast College Csee re- lated story, Page Cl). MEANWHILE. his 11-year-old brother and 8-year-old sister will be presenting their magic show lhis weekend to Christmas Seal c hildren from throughout California. The three are children or Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ratner, 18444 Santa Eugenia St., Fountain Valley. Their rather is a producer- director at Ch annel 50 at Golden Wes t College in Huntington Beach, and Mrs . Ratner do<·s free-lance graphic work. Marc earlier this fall played Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Fountain Valley High School, the first freshman ever to earn a leading role in a school performance there. BOTH HE AND his brolhl'r, Scott, have s tudied "1th tht• South Coast Repertory Thealt>r and have played various roles in area productions. But Marc, in addition, has earned a repu tation for his caricatures. He h as drawn Bob Hope and Carroll O 'Connor. for example, he said. and last sum- m er he earned about $.100 in Europe, drawing people ht> met while vacationing there wilh re· latives. He also has done art work at s hopping center openings, Muv- 14-year-old Marc Ratner earns money with caricatures like this one of his sister, and spends his spare time acting and singing. 1eland Wax Mu~eum. the Orangt• County Fair and trle Laguna Winter Feshval And Scott has created a follow ing for himself and his sister assistant. Lind a. through the magic acts he performs. Marc said he became interest- ed in acting after seeing a pro· duction of "1776 " "EVER SINCF. then I havt• been turned on to every aspt•ct or acting -stagl'craft and even wntmg," he.said Marc said he has bet>n working on a story idea for J pl.iy of his own, and a family fnend 1s wnt mg one for him which may be pro duced next spring Marc. who has s ung 1n J barbers hop quartet and in school distnct choral group...,, abo has b e e n r e c o r ct e d o n t h t• "Robinhood" and "Sam" \\',tit Disney albums. Scott also pas a long list of act ing and s111ging performantt•s in- cluding "Oh\ er" and "Stop the World I Want Lo C et Off." HE DEVF.LOPF.O hts magic act after r ect.•iving a m<1g1c sl'l as a gift. In :!dd1t1on , two Yl'<lrs ago he was adopted as "mascot" for Fountain Valley High School's magic club. For his performances he dresses in a bright purplt! and metallic gold "sorcerer's ap· prentice" costume. fashiorwd by Mrs. Ratner. and Linda wt.•ar~ ;i black Luxt>do-hke assistant's un iform. \ w ' \ \ • --.---~ ~ " .. ~\.lfE ART • LIMITED EDITIONS • CUSTOt.f F ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. .. z " But Scott s:.11d "ntmg is his iavonl~ pasltmt> and he hope:-. eventually to get some stont•s published. Mrs. Ratner SJid Scott got a typewnter at age 8 bl-cause writ mg longhand took him loo long. She recalled waking up at 2, o'clock one morning soon af terward to hear S<.'ott ''banging away" on the typewnter She sa1d he explained he had a story idea in his bead that just couldn't wait un \ , Scott Ratner, at 11 . . . . 1s a mag1c1an who performs with his sister Linda, 8, for Easter Seal children and others. \ ( . /1 r I I Lil mormn~ Scott abo has won school dis tnct medals for an 1m(X'rsonation of Groucho Marx and a dramah<· rendition of lht> .. Face on the Bar room f1oor " AND HE performs regularly with Orange County's "All Americ'an Boys Chorus." AJreJdy, at age 8, Linda enjoys drawing, net>dl1.•pomt aud play mg piano and has won •l school district award for drawmg But none of th1..• Ratnt.•r ch1ldn·11 plans to pursue his or twr talt.•nls professionally Lmda :said sht.• might llkt.' lo become a profess10nal Lt.•nr11-. playt>t', while Marc hopt.•s to stud) la'>'. ·•t LOVE acting," Marc sJtd. "but from what I have heard 1l 1-. .t vt>ry hard thrng to break into So l would hke to do a lot of act ing on the side "1 have always fell that luv h.1d a lot of acting tn 1t," he con llllUt.'d And Scott s:.ud he ah.<1 ma• pursue law or writing •·with a<:l mg .md mag 1c on the sidt> " In the meantime, though, the youngsters arc worktng in a. much acting, artwork and StnJ? ang as they can, and enjoying it After all, as Marc said, "I'm ; k1d I'm supposed to have fun " .JINTl~!l!E J.WlV ~ 2428 \ A o :--FRif P11IA :~ 1 MIO CHI! SI OR IQUIUl.11110(0!1 IOWAaD ANl Pu•CHASC I I I l " I ---,"G-;;:ci-:;-;.i"L;,:,:;~:r---- ,~v......._. 204 So Cl C~mrno Rul, San Cltmt~lt 4918882 ~~,. 11796 Coast Hwy, Soulh liguna 499 4~79 J42•2 DPI ObtipO. Dana Point 496 2434 23384 El foro Rd £1 foro 581-4670 ! .. ~EWPnRT 'ilnt'LE\.\HU (;OST,\ .)IES,\ ~ 4-Ncwport 6u11tom ;failor~ W •·.)tannin~\ (•iollectorff> i'l;hop / ~hci\nti<1uc"Find (;,i0mpany / 'iom~tan.J>ury i\ntiques rt: "l 'aroon. i\ntiquc (.jlocks 1,.. 1ti;trauMO ~tiques "Hclen',;~hop P11t Ice Skates 11nder the tree. Briohten their Chrcstmas with 9e- n1Jtne tee Caoades figure skates or hockey ~kales. Ma>ccmurr sup- port and comlcrl, no weak ;rnkles." Smartly styled skatcng <lothes. too. hockey equipment. kale baQs. sox. qloves and other wPtcome qills You can even rrJl.e them d orc·.,Pnl of skalrng lr<,:;ons Stop by anv dav II Mlfi 8.l~•~~1~1mo now Mesa Verde Center Harbor at Adams. Costa M~so 17 I 4t 979-8880 ieans and things J I; 11 I I • • t I• ,. p11r.-1ry ti I I I FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach '\ AL'S GARAGE 56 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH 714 644· 7030 -~--------- STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR r C4 DAIL. y PIL.OT Friday, December 12. 1975 I Ship Sets ·Kids' Party Times/ ~laces ' Technically, the Twelvt: Day.- of Christmas •re tho:.c folio\\ mg Dec. 25 thal kad lo lhl' tc.i::.t of Epiphany on Jan 6. But somehow, 1 n the modem ap- l-'oach, we 'Te likely lo pack mo::.t dour holiday celebrallng mto tht> 12 day s or ::.o preceding Christmas. While lht>re art.• many good re 860ns for our having gotten into this habit, one stands out above all <>tMrs. It's the simple fact that the .fut.pact'<i tempo leading up to Christmas tend s t o makc anything schedult>d afterward s~ anllchmat1c Those pront• lo keep the spint of Chnstmas entertaining on the rt·· alistic side have a marvelous means al their disposal. AJI they baveto do 1s treattheir fam1lv and fnends to a dinner 1n any of tht: fine restaurants hereabouts. · Most of the local dining flStabltshments are alreadv mer rilydecorated and bnmm1ng with ~cheer. The revt!lers in your '{roup should increase the glad tidings all around \VIOLE NOTING the dates for Christmas outings, don't overlook a major Orange Coa!>t t.•venl for youngsters. That fete 1s the a nnual children's Christmas party staged by the good s hip Reulx'n E Lee, 151 E. Coast l11 ghway, N.ewpo rt Beach This year's cafnival gala is St'I for Sunday, Dec. 21 , with the fcsti\'ll1cs run- !afltg from 11 a.m . to4p m. : ' Tha!1ls for the occasion go to -. thecommunily mmdt'tiopen1tors : oi Far West Services. Inc -the :.9'-aJlge County·based restaurant : ·~aatn that counts the Reuben E .• ~ amonj? its numerous dmmg ~;ittr.acttons in the county. · e Irvine headquarters office, i lmg upon the full resources spirited restaurateurs art• ncing the hohday season ; ! a bas h youngsters aren't ~ 1.~eJy to forget for a long time I• •• . ~.-~IS CUSTOMARY, there'll be :!ot.i..charge for admission. ndes or : ·f~shm ents. F'n.•e s hows, gifts. . ~ns and popcorn will also be IJl(6rdcr or the day . . Out ·n About Norman Stanley To provide an appropriate carnival atmosphere, a portion of the parking lot ad1acent to the boat will be transformed into CJ gigantic Christmas wonderland. And the activ1tit.'s scheduled thert• should prove s ufficient to keep the kids busy for hour::.. Among. the entertainment tn· eluded will be carnival ndes. thl' Mitchell Marionettes, pony rides. a horse-drawn sleigh, a popcorn wagon. a stilt man and more. Hot dogs will be served for the adults 10 the Reuben E . Lee loungt• HIGHLIGHT or the day will be thtc> dramatic arrival and de parture of Santa Claus. He'll jom the party at 1 p.m. courtesy of :\'ewport Beach's finest -via a pollce department helicopter. Jolly St. Nick will then proceed to his special throne to entertam the Christmas wishes of every tyke who can crawl, toddle or walk. At the conclusionorthepar ty he'll return to the North Pole taking to the sky in a colorful hot airballooon. Small wonder that your cluldren and their neighborhood playmates won't wanttomissout. Where else can they be treated to the spectacle of both Santa and the big boat, A BIG CELEBRA'nON in San~ ta Ana next week offers an un· usual -and ~conomical -oc· casion for holiday entertaining. Plan an early start, however, because a capacity crowd will probably luro out. On Tuesday, Dec. 16, the An· cient Mariner, 301 N. Tustin Ave .. will be observing its 10th an· niversary. That in itself is suffi. c1ent cause to be on hand but the restaurant has also come up with a bargain for the occasion. For the birthday night only. starting at 4:30 p.m .. the owners are turning the calendar back 10 years and offering the originaJ dinner menu at 1965 prices. Once diners recover from the sight of c06ts a decade past, it probably won't take more than one or two seconds to come up with a selec· lion from the house steak and seafood special lies. Just one example of next Tuesday's asking prices should s uffice : an eastern prime beef top sirloin will betabbedat$3.75. After everyone has had an OP· <See RESTAURANT, Page CS) Country Sh1ger Molly Bee will be featured this weekend at Knotts Berry Farm's Good Time Theater in Buena Park. She will sing at 3, 5 and 8 p.m. Saturday and 2, 4 and 6 pm. Sunday. Admission of S3 adult!l, Sl.50 children in- cludes rides. Gourmet Japanese Cuisine South Coast Village 1c•ou hom Soulh Coul Plan 3800S Plaza Dr. . . . ••·1 HorihHtt'a Santa Ana 1714) 557 2531 In Little Tokyo neu lh• Music Ce"tet 111 S. San Pedro Los Angeles (;!13) 680 9355 NOW at the 1F LUNCHEON MONDAY thru FRIDAY 11:00 AM-3:00 P~t fo r RESERVATIONS call (7 14) 675-l17 4 -;~~'I LA, 1 COAST HlGH\\'AY COHO'.':.\ Ol:L ~IAR. CAUFOH:-..1A ii Coast Choirs Offer Music Of the Season TONIGHT, DECEMBER 12 CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT -Choir and chamber singers. 8 o'clock tonight at Southern Caltfornia College chapel, 55 f'air Dr .. Costa Mesa. Free. 'SING NOEL' -Chotr. chamber smgers and soloists. 8 o 'clock tonight and Saturday in the Fullerton College Campus theater. 321 E. Chap· man Ave .. Fullerton tree. POF.T BEN SALTMAN -Discussing his writing career 8 o'clock tonight in the television studio at Saddleback Coll ege, 28000 Marguerilt: Parkway, Mission Viejo. Free. CHAMB E R MUSIC Featuring Dorothy Schechter, pianist, 8 o'clock tonight in the Cal State Long Beach University Theater, 6101 E. 7th St., Long Beach. Beethoven and Schubert. $2. 'SCENES FROM AMERICAN LIFE'-Satirical play, now through Dec. 20 at South Coast Repertory. 1827, Newport RI vd., Costa Mesa. 646· 1363. 'DEAR FRIENDS' -Drama at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. 2110 Main SL, Huntington Beach. 8:30 o 'clock tonight and Saturday. 842-5421. C'ONTISUJNG IN LOS ANGELES -··Too Much Johnson" "The Shadow Box," through Dec. 21 al the Mark Taper Forum; ''Selma," musical, through Dec. 21 at the Huntington Hartford Theater, Hollywood; ''The Odd Couple" at the Shubert Theater, Century City, through Jan. 11; "Rodgers and Hart" at the Westwood Playhouse, Westwood, through Jan. 4. MARK TWAIN COMEDY -"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," at Golden West College Actors Playbox, Huntington Beach; 7:30 o'clock tonight through Sunday and 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. S2 at bookstore or .door. 719 W. 19th St., Costa M~sa DC111Clng Aftd U•e &rhrtai1w11Mf Fffhlring J.J. MACK Dec. 5th thru Dec. 14 ......... S..-.ed D9ily w-....ftri. 11 ..... J p.-. DID YOU KNOW ABQUT ~ DINNER SPECIALS? Semd Monday thru Thur•y (Friday, Saturday & Sunday 'til 6 P.M.) -Excluding Holidays dinners include soup or salad, choice of baked potato or rice RED SNAPPER ..•••....••..••....... 2.45 MAHI MAHI ••....................... 2.75 ENTERTAINING · Tuesdays through Saturdays GRILLED SEA BASS .................. 2.95 TOP SIRLOIN ........................ 3.50 NEW YORK STEAK ...•.•••.•.•.•..... 3.95 LOBSTER TAIL ...................... 4.95 STEAK AND LOBSTER ................ 6.96 • Reuben"s ( laguna Hills ) .. \ 24001 Avenida de la Carlota ' ' plus 31 ot!ler varieties of svptrb nafood ind b•f dishts 1, luncheon from $1.15 _,.. dally 'til 4 P.M. Priwll Plfty FICititits to 300 39011.COAITHWY.,COAOfllA DEi. MMt AEHA VATIONS 11141 t75.0IOO 11271 PACIFIC COAST HWY., HUNTINQTON BEACH AEHAVATIONS 12131 NJ.1121 .\....'9~~ .... ~" •CHRISTMAS EVERYDAY• -Fantasys wcrkend:i now through Dec. 21 at lhe Fountain Valley Community Theat~. 18280 Mt. Baldy Qr- clc. Fountujn Valley. 7:30 o'clock tonitbt, 2 p.m. Sat\lrdiYI a(1d Sundays. 6'2-491l or63SSCS2. 'GYl'SY' Musical, at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse 140 Averuda Cabnllo, San Clemente, now tbrouih Feb. 15. W1tb dinner. 492-9950. 'DAMES AT SEA' -Musical, 8 o'cloc:k tonicht and Saturduy at Phillips HaU,. Santa Ana College, 17th at Bristol Street, Santa An•. $2.SO. 'AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITOas· -. Opera 8 o'clock tonight and Saturday in the Newp0rt Harbor Hjgh School Audjtorium. $2 adults, $1.50 students, tickets at the door. 'THE NUTCRACKER' -Performed by lhe Theater Ballet or San Francisco, tonight throuab Sunday at the Pasadena Civic. Auditorium. Tickets at agencies, $.S.50 to $7 .50. 'THE SKY IS THE UMIT' -Revue by Oranee County lnternattonal, 8 o'clock tonight at Pham- mer Audltorium. Chapman and Lemon Streets. Fullerton. $4 adults, $3 college students, $2 junior and seruor high school students. SATURDAY, DECEMBE& lJ t 'NIGHT OF THE IGUANA' -Tennessee • <See HOLIDAY, Pagt: Q) 'The Messiah' GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE CHOIR -8 o 'clock tonight at the First Presbyt.erian Church in Westminster; 4 p.m. Sunday 10 the college center. 15744 Golden West St., Hunt- mgton Beach. Free. ·ORANGE COAST COLLEGE SYMPHONIC CHORALE 8 p.m. Saturday in the auditorium. 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Sl.50, tickets at bookstore or at the door. ST. ANDRE W'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sanctuary Choir and Chamber Orchestra, Part 1 or "The Messiah" and "The First Nowell" by Ralph Vaughan-Williams, 7 :30 p.m. Sunday. 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport· Beach. $1 per person, $3 per family; child care provided. Tickets at church office. CAL STATE FULLERTON -University Choir with orchestra, "Messiah" Part I and Respighi's ''Laud to the Nativity," 8p.m. Dec. 13 and 14, Little Theater, 800 N. Stale College • Fullerton. Reservations870-3371. l ~olden ·~~ : Si{;;)ragon ~~ GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A la Corte Dishes LUNCH•Omr~ER DAIL y Food 10 Take Out Jlll ...... m.4. COSTAWllA 11 :30 AM. to 10 P.M. II 642-7162 ~~46-H 11 ... ·: the ..... • SPIRITS01 '76·· :. 1 Welcome in the :. r Bicentennial with •• •~NEW TEAR'S AT THI NiWPOllTD DINNER DANCES 9PM to 1AM A New Year's Eve you'll never forget! Gour- met dinner with your choice of New York Roast Sirloin or Lobster • Champagne • Favors • Fun • Everything! Dance to the BIG BAND SOUND OF HARRY REYNOLDS in the Monte Carlo \ ··~ Ballroom • Dance to TODA Y'S TOP 40's 111 ' with "THE ENDANGERED SPECI ES" in the Empire Room • Dance to "THE ALAN REMINGTON TRIO" in the elegant Marine •: Restaurant • Dinner Dances $45.00 per couple, prepaid • • t All taxes and gratuities intluded • By reser- • • vat ions only • OR JOIN US AFTER DINNER IN THE, •POPULAR LIDO LOUNGE with the CON· •• TEMPORARY SOUNDSof"AWAKENlNG'• • • Favors • Fun • $3.00 cover charge per ; person after 8:30 PM • l 11 Wo~' (!/fG~V?k~ ofo1~ 1101 Jnmborl'~ Road• Newoort Beach. Cnllfomi392680 II HI) 644·1700 • Cahlornoa Toll Frn (8001422-4240 • )L : ~ ' XJDlh f\k?vv fur Celebrate America's 200th New Year at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. Our New Year's Eve Celebration in the Pacific Ballroom includes: • Dinner (Steak or Lobster) • Unlimited Coc:ktails • Favors • Champagne at Midnight • Dancing to the music Q.f ~· "Society for tht Preservation' of Big Bands" from 9pm 'tit 2lm • _F~r~~a~y~.Dec~e~m~be::;;;;;r~12;;,;1~97~5~~===::;;;~~0;A~IL~Y~P~IL~O~T===C5:::;:::: r:===================================:;i CHART HOUSE C9ast Theater Improves I Community theater made a recovery orsorts 'l'.b• lrvlne players, having presented 10 con- m 1975, alter •·bottoming out" in terms of quallty secutive county nonprofessional premieres after and play selection during 1974. its second show or '75, "Father's Day," reverted This, in the proverbial nutshell. sums up the to reprises with a revival or "The Bad Seed" and ~ast 12 months or nonprofessional stage produc-second local glimpses at the comedies "Three Vons along the Orange Coast. It was a year which Bags Full'' and ''HereUes Jeremy Troy.'' saw a re-emergenc~ of imagination, a sharp in· The county's largest theater, the Laguna crease in overall competence and a demonstrat-Moulton Playhouse, enjoyed an up-and-down ed willingness on the part of the seven comm uni-year with the "ups" represented by "6 Rms Riv ty playhouses In the coastal area to tackle more Vu" and ''The Corn ls Green.'' Another mixed serious. and meaningful scripts. blessing during 1975 was the Huntington Beach · In this, the first of a series of yearend evalua-Playhouse, although its production of "Another lions, the spotlight falls on community theater. Part or the Forest" was an exemplary drama· Next Friday the coast's three colleges and two staged with the sort of finesse formerly found on- professional theaters will be discussed, and on ly in La'guna. Christmas week this column's choices for the top Meanwhile, the Westminster Community 10 productions of 1975 in community theater, the Theater was enjoying its finest overall season outstanding performances and the selection of with such first-rate productions as "Stop the the man, woman and theater of the year will be World, I Want to Get Of(," "Everybody Loves announced. Op&l," "Butterflies Are Free" and "Penod of JN 'l'ERMS OF presenting new and un- familiar scripts to its audiences, the pacesetting theater or 1975 has to be the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. Four of its five productions -"King o( Hearts." "Minnie's Boys,'' "Four on a Garden" and "Subject lo Change" -r epresent· 1!d Orange County premieres as the Costa Mesa ' group took over the leadership in this depart- ment from the Irvine Community Theater. Adjustment." This group has come a long, long way over the past decade. THE SAN CLEMENTE Community Theater shone most brightly with "'6 Rms Riv Vu," though its staging or the episodic chronology "U.S.A." was an interesting endeavor. The Lido Isle Players utilized both thespic masks in its two shows, the tense "Witness for the Prosecution" and the new comedy ·'Three Goats and a Blanket.'' Intermission Tom Titus The award for excessive appearances in a calendar year goes to "The Prisoner of Second Avenue" 3·2 over "6 Rms Riv Vu" <though the latter also was staged twice m 1974.) This re- viewer boycotted two of the productions of .. Prisoner" and hopes other theaters will do likewise with the play. On the professional front, <:iouth Coast Repertory and Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse were introducing their audiences to a number of new plays, while the college drama departments wer e growing more ambitious. More on this m next Friday's column. Ba~kon TV Comedian Bob Hope FINE STEAKS AND SEA FOODS OPEN DAILY 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 5:30 P.M 1520 w. Coast Hwy. 548·7167 Newport leach Limited Reservations Aooepted . . CROWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 32802 COAST HWY. LAGUNA NIGUEL (Al Cfc-V-.Y ~~) 499-2626 49t;.Sn3 IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT ' RESTAURANT RETURNS TO OLD DAYS .•• ~ A. • • . ' . ' (From Page C4) :ro demonstr_a~e t~e sar:ne-on the doorstep. While the merri-. ~ .. ~A ' . wtsdom Y?U exh1b1ted ·~ getting ment you had hoped to enjoy un-11 ,I.. ,. will host a Christmas party for Angie Dickin son, Redd Foxx, Donny a nd Marie Os mond and other special guests when "Tex aco Presents Bob Hope's Ch1istmas Party" at 8 p.m . Dec. 14 on Channel 4. 384 FOREST AVE. LAGUNA BEACH (t" TIM U..-,8"11 Ample free Parking , 494.9491 752-8558 portunity to discuss the fleeting return to "the good old days," there'll be other diversions to as- sure a full night 's pleasure. A number or events are planned, along with the distribution of an anniversary souvenir to every guest present. you.r. Cbnstmas shopping ~nd folds inside, you'll be straining to ~ mailing done early, be sure to hne come up with an alternative. Arts Alliance Hosts Party The board of directors of the Orange County Arts Alliance will host a Christmas open house Dec. 19 from 5 to 7 p.m .. at the Alliance offices, 1010 N. Main St., Suite 615, Santa Ana. Members of the Orange County arts com- munity -schools. col- leges. associations, com- missions, performance groups. and individual artists -are invited. up advance reservations for Ir you already have a favorite 9hristmas and New Year's ~ut-spot in mind for holiday celebrat- mgstolocal restaurantsandrught mg. make the reservations as spots. soon a s you can. Those who ha- .It's possible to let intentions ven·t yet chosen on a place might slide too long and get left stand.mg want to speed up the decision. Tenth Anniversary Celebration Tuesday, Dec. 16th SERVING Our Original Dinner Menu & Oricllnal Prices From 4:j'o p.m. AT ANCIENT MARINER 30 I M. TUSTIM AVE. SANTAANA LOTS Of RIM SOUVEHllS A Great · Christmas Dinner ... ------AtTheMarriott DINNER SPECIALS NIGHTLY ~-._JltE{1kWHAtE, l . , " COME AS YOU ;;:---~ AU Back by popular demand - Our old fashioned Turkey Dinner, with the trimmings, will be a1•ailable 011 Ch ristmas. You '/I can•e your uw11 wrkev, a11d tile leftovers belong tv y ou . SroX 11os eul k•lella '"e •n•hO!•m f 114109 2t94 TUES. & THURS. FROM 4 P.M. T6N1"'S Dollar · ~ "All· You·Can-Eat" SPAGHETTI· 21 0 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH Take an hour vacation. We're used to makm~ bu~y people frd like busmess is a m11/1on mile~ awcy-w1th full.~enerous dnnlcs. ireat beef d1 ~hes. steak.~. seafood~. hearty sandwiches. salads, omcli?tte~ and mon· Twentr ~1x lunches in all. With the kind of attentive 'erv1ce and handsome, relax in~ s urroundin~.~ that turn a .~horr hour into a vacation. And priced so that you <.an .~pod yourself or lmng ~uests, anytime. Lunch at The Velvet Turlle. In Fullerton . at 14.50 N. Harbor. 1ust north of Brea Blvd. 871-9340. Also in Newport Beach. at 59 Fashion Island 011 Newport Center Dr. 644-53 /J .. ' ·, BEAUTIFUL DINING ON THE BAY COCKTAILS UNDER THE STARS M/111m111n of thrte for w/111/1· 1111/.;1•1 , part1a n/ twn or less will huve r>latl'il 111rJ.1·v J11111tr ·: \' CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. EMTERT AIMMEHT & DAMCIMG 7 MIGHTS IOJ M. 14YSIOIDl.lft HIWPOIT llAC:H ltUHUTIOt4S 640·5123 . Now Appearing "BEST OF FRIENDS" APADANA RESTAURANT WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY PERSIAN, ARMENIAN, GREEIC, RUSSIAN & AMERICAN CUISINE SOME OF THE HOUSE SPECIALTIES ARE: Dollpth 8Ars (STUPPED GRAPE LEAVES), Shlah Kebeb t'lambl, Shuhlyk Flambl, Ct Reck of 1-b. LUNCH-Mon-Fr'• DINNER-Mon·Snt COCKTAIL'\ DAILY •CLOSED SUNDAY BUFFET LUNCHEON 00..n.aft avnwT rga otQ.Y SJ.SO , A..a.Tlllla.u.ADTOOOAll&AT roaotn.Y $1.75 Free Validated Pcrkinq , ~'l ~<?-Pt•~ from FtlhlOn li1and '" ,....,_.. c...._. nn • .....a .... •.co-1102 IAMQUIT JACIUTIES "0 .. I 001 MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW! The Newport Beach Marriott Hotel 900 Newport Center Drive • Newport lkach. Ca. 92660 Phone 640-4000 NEWPORT 0 CENTER Dancing tightly to the GALA NEW YEARS EVE DINNER CHOICE~ PRIME RIB AU 'JUS NEW YORK STEAK VEAL PICCATO SCAMPI ROMA ALL DIMHERS INCLUDE: SaupDuJaur or GENE DE VALLE TRIO A cool crisp salad to start Honey & Mustard, Bleu Cheese or Thousand Island Hot San Franciscan Loaf of Bread Vegetable du Jour tMHl\.Y TUESDAY 1HRU SUNDAY l:JO~hJt..-. LUNCH MON. TIWru RH. • STARTI~ 11:30 A.IL DNBM .. tm.T CHICl._$4.'5 ,. ..... .._"·" Beverage and Y aur Choice of Dessert Cheese Pie lee Cream ChocOla.te Mousse And Fu II Bottle of Champagne Per Couple -Party Favors Sl 2.50ro P(lstlM CALL IAIL T Pe>a llSBVA T10MS 645-5222 °""'" ~,....., .. 11 The San Franciscan Restaurant 1611 Westcliff Drivr Newport Beacll DAMCI THI MEW YEARS IN! Call us for reservations or banquet information. We honor Amencan Express eJ other maior credit cards. .. .. I • -----:;r::~ ... ~:::::· ... -"'tf· \;ft/~ LAIWW/\,-.. < : , .<I"""~ ufirporter qnn Wotel ·: J '111.ecliterra11ea11 ~oom I Clum e oj Soup or Sulr.1d SOUP -CREAM OF ASPARAGUS I \'TR/IS ROAST TURKEY Drcumit. G1hlcr Gra1·1'. h'll1r11rcJ l'ototor~ 11r Yams. Camus and /'c•af ••• 5.SO PRIME Rln. Au Jus. • . • • • •••••• 8.25 Creamed Sp111ad1, l'orf...fltire Pwldmg or Wlupµecl Pota/CIL'r ROAST LEG OF LAMB . . . • • • • • • • S.95 DrtssiflX. Wlr1f1ped P1110111ef, ('om its and Pros, lamb A 11 Jus GRILLED HALIBUT STEAK •••••••• 5.25 Tartar Sa11cl'. Wluppccl Polatot•f, CarrolS a11cl Pm~ FRESH BAKED HAM . • _ • • • • • • S.50 Cliampa~nr Sou!'<'. h'l111>J>Cil 1'11to/1>e~ w Gla:t•cJ >oms (offrr. Tr:i or Milk Oe1.~r1 Beverage .JS CHILDREN'S ME~U (under 12) 3.95 Ro.1st Rtef • Turkey • Fri<-d Shrimp SEaVtNG U NOON TO t P .!11 . NO llSl&VATtONS 18700 MacArthur-Newport (Opposite the Airport) 833-2770 ~~ .................... ._.._ ..................... ~.-.ia.ii ..... ._. ............ . ' ClJ DAILY PILOT Friday, O~mbef 12, 1975 HOLIDAY CONCERT AT GWC. • • .(From PageCA) \\11Liams drAma "1th Richard Chamberlain and R.iymond M a~scy l'H.'\. &l'WS O<'C 13 18 ($2 75 to $1111, run Ot>c 19 J.m 31 ($3 75·$11) at tht> Ahrn,111i.011 Thl'at1•1 vf lhl• Lo~ Ange-les MU~I(' C1•nh·r T1t·k~b ..tl al!t•ncit•s \10Ll \' BEE Country music ~ingt·r. :.il Km>ll ~ Ot>rry F.1rm in Buena Park. 3, 5 and Ii 11 m L>1.·1.· 1:1 . :!. 4 t•nd 6 p m . Dec. 14 $.'3 adulb, SI ~h·h&ldrt·n 3 11, nd1.-s included. •TfU: W ,\Gt: R • South Coast Repertory travel· 111g produl'lion, 6 p.m. Saturday in the Chapman College little nH'ater in the new fine arts center , ~IN G l..1ssell St . Orange. $2.50 adults, Sl.50 stu- dl·nts. 633 8821, t"<t. J09 ·SYMPHONY OF LIGHTS' -Illuminated boat parade tn Hunhngton Harbour, 6 p.m . Saturday Mtd Sunday. Also gwded boat tours, beginning at G o'clock njgbtly Dec. 16-23, leaving from Jn. formation Center, 4211 Warner Ave., Huntington ~Jch S2 .50 adults. $1 c.tuldren, benefits sym · phony SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14 •WISTER CONCERT' -Cal State Long Beach t.'hom; Jnd bras~ \'n. ... 1:mble, music by Bach, ll.1ydn \1endelssohn 4 30 p.m. Sunday m the )kn's Cvm near lh1.• mll'r..<.•ct100 of Palo Verde Avt.>nU1.' ~nd Anaheim Hoad. Long Beach. $2.50. S2 for students, senwr l'lt1zens. COSC'ERT BA!\'.0 I luntington Beach Com· munity Conn•rt l:land. l p.m . Sunday at Hunt· mgton Centl'r, 7777 Ellinger Avenue. Huntington fkach. Free. ORG.\S l\fUSIC' By advanced students, 4 p.m . Sunday in the FlM Arb Hall <it Orange Coast College. 2701 f:o'.:un icw Road. Co~ta Mesa. Free. MONO.\\", DECEMBER 15 BARRY MANILOW -i ·30 pm. Monday at the Dorothy Ch.indll'r P..1\·11ton of the Los Angeles :'ttus1c CC'ntl'r T1ckeb at agencies. Tl ESOAY, DEC E~tBER 16 ORANGE SV~tPHO'.'JIC BA.'JD -Popular and dassicJI mu ... 1r 8 pm. Dec. 16 in the Loyola· ~13rym1lu111 ,\ud1lonum. -180 S . Balana St , Orange F1111• \.\ EDNF.SOAY, DECEMBER 17 DOR\' PRl:\'IN -With Georgia Brown and Thelm~1 llou~ton . R 30 p .m . Wednesday at the f)Oroth~ Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles }lus1c Cenkr. Tickets at agencies. ·OANCE/LA' Los Angeles dance group, 7 :3CI pm Dec 17 at Ph1lhps Hall, Santa Ana CollegC', 17th at Bn:.lol :,trl'l'l, Santa Ana. SL CHRIST)l,\S C'ONCF:RT '5addleback College C'hamher S1ngl'rs in the c<1mpus library, 11 a.m . Dec 17 THl'RSD.\Y, OECEMBER 18 'A.MAHL A:\0 THE "IGIIT VISITORS'-By the 1-'tvc Penny Opera Company, 8 p.m. Dec. 18·20 m the Orange Coast College Drama Lab, 2701 Fairvtc\\ Road, Costa Mesa. Five cents ad· rruss1on. first come, flr::.t-served. CRJLORF.'-'S FIL!'1S -Dec. JS.Jan. 2 on Chnstma ... tlwme. offrrC'd by Huntington Beach Library Complete program available at the library. i 111 Talbert SL. Huntington Beach. Symphontc Bund, 8·30p m ~(' 19in the college thratl•r, 157•4 Golden West St r llunhngton Beal.'h Music by G1ov<mnm1 , Shostakovich and Rrnu.ky Korsakov. $1, llckc~ al the door. 'ARSENIC AND OLD LACE' -T ustin Theater Guild production a t lhe Tustin 11.igh School Little Theater. 8 p.m . Dec. 19, al, 26; 2 p.m. Dec. 21 and 2.8. ll32·21S7 /83tH971. THE DEFRANCO FAMILY -At "Jingle Bell Ro1.'k" Chrbtmas party, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 19 al msneyland. Ti<'kets $7.50 in advance (Ticketron, Liberty, Wallich.s, Disneyland), $9 at the door if available. 'CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT CONCERT' - Sponsor ed by the Orange County Cultural Center. 9.15 p.m. Dee. 19 at the Garden Grove Community Church, 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove Carmen Dragon conducting the Holiday O!chcstra. SlO; 541 ·9621. ULY TOMLIN -8 30 p.m . Dec. 19 at the Los Angeles Music Center Pavilion. Tickets at agen· c1es. 'FESTIVAL OF LtGIJl'S' -Illuminated boat parade, 6 to 9 p.m . Dec. 19-23 in Newport Harbor, begins at Balboa Jsland Ferry. (See Page Cl). Free. CHRISTMAS MUSIC -Santa Ana College Even- ing Chorus and College Choir, 8 p .m. Dec. 19 in Phillips Hall, 17th at Bristol Street, Santa Ana. Free. SATURDAY, DECEMBE~ 20 'HOU DAY HI! LIGlfl'S' -Lighted boat parade, . 7p.m . Dec. 20 in DanaPointHarbor.SeePageCI. 'CAVALCADE OF STARS' -Cher. Mac Davis, the Captain a nd T ennille and others at Anaheim Convention Center, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20. $7.50 to $12.50, tickets at agencies. LOS ANGELES PIDLHARMONIC -Conducted by James Levine, 8 p.m . Dec. 20 al UC Irvine Crawford Hall. Ticketmformahon646·6411 . ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CHORALE - Christmas Concert. 8p.m . Dec. 20in the Fullerton Colle ge Auditorium, Lemon and Chapman Streets. Fullerton. $3.50 adults, $1.50 s tudents. 537·8571. TEMPLE c;ARDENS ~-· ; Q-*N!;~ Re1fa11rant ~!5 LUNCHEON AND DIMMER DAILY Special Luncheon Buffet SI .85 Monday thru Friday 11 30 to 1 30 RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUMGE F eaturinq E xot1c T rop1cal Drink~ 1500 ADAMS lot Horborl COSTA MESA 540·19)7 540·1923 And, In Gar~n Gro•e 1220 I IROOKHURST IAt Chopmonl 638·7020 r-------------, I .11 1~ ~~WA~~o~K£~~~ I I l Featuring Tropical Drinks I I I I BAMBOO "FOR MEALS I I ~J,?EilRACE PREPARED WITH I FRIDA v, DECEMBER 19 -, -\Jj 11f-'rt PARTICUIAR CARE" f HOLIDAY CONCERT -Golden West College I ~HI Dillnll' frOM $2.75 I Free --------I 1J f f ;;tl Ope~~~ ~~~~a~.M. I El Matador 1 itl ·>-1 MARCIAL IS UOC! 1 ~ .. u,~ PHONE ••• 645-5550 1 COME & SAY HEUO L . .........-153 EAST17TH ... COSTA MESA I MARCIALAHt-IOUHCESSPECIAl _____________ .. SUMO A Y BREAKFAST Plue, Everythinq on tht> Menu Open al 9 00 AM LUNCHEON SPECIAL $1.50 N -N SNv1ng Beer and Wine MN u JO Sat & Sun. M on rtlru Thur 11 lo 11 • Fn 1 I 10 12 Sal 9 lu I • Jr q tc t I 1768 .-.ewport ll•d lat 18ttt St.I Co~ta "4~,a 645·3520 LUNCHEON • DIMMER COCKTAILS • SUHDA Y BRUNCH DIXIELAND JAZ1. BAND SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3 to 7 2406 Newport BIYd. •On The lay CCOME IY LANO OR IY SEAi NEWPORT BEACH 675-2244 LUNCH DINNER , Now Appearing ROY AL GARDENS JAZ1. BAND Premier Artists of Dl1i~and -Jan -Swing SATURDAY MITES 7 to 11 P·"'- OPEN DAI LY 7 30 a m • Mon ·Fri 12 Noon Saturday• Oosed Sunday 610 .C.wporl C.... Dr .. FmMon lllwt (N•JC1 to Avco Towortl ~WT llACH 640-0J22 ·Snoopy Stars The Peanuts gang will be back this year for "A Charlie Brown Christmas," to be broadcast at 8 p.m. Dec. 15 on Channel 2. They assure their tree that it needs only love to make it beautiful -but ornaments help. MIME RATINGS FDR PARENTS AND WUNG PEOPLE Tfle Hit<r ... of,,..••'""' ,, 10 ""°'"' _,,.,..,._,.....,"...,"'"' _ .. ,_let .... ..., ... ,,..,, '""ft''" ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKLING Sauce Bigarde Wild Rice J.MOHG 20 SWCT DIMHH DO"IUS Brandie Brandon Duo Entertaining ® 10 011( UtlOtl II &0•111(0 , ... t '""' "''t • .,.., '~ CflU •• '"Hll •l ~ W ~ .... • ·~•fU•f 1-lw .. Oi ~··..., J7 Foulo11 l•load Newport Ce11t~ ..... fil(.~(QOl:OO II ''°4'""'''°""' FOi IE~ERYA TIONS .. 644-2030 ---··-··----... TretltY...,..,To n..........,Poceoi A Meow Orte.s 5-day wttll ar s.itdllr "-'•'* lf'Wldt \ MIGHTLY DtMHllt SNCIAL r ...... wect.-n.n. I 0-.JO .....,.2:00 ,_ • JACK GARDENS At The Plano 1w Fri. & Sat. f•~ (',,,....,,. ·~ '"' ~ , ..... y t~· .... ,v.,...h•'• \lf M 1t W....,_..I t.I WWL1~1 uh lri 24312 DEL PRADO Mgr. IHest to lrookside WiMryl DAMA POltfT 493-8811 Presenting our new 7-days a week Brunch-Lunch 9:00 A.M.·5:00 P.M. Hors d'eouvres ond entertoim'ient d,,;,..g COC~loil hoi.r-s 3.e P.M. , . i' H lD E N T E R T A I N M E N 1 ~C: ·~a:-· NIGHTLY ""\)t ~0.,.~., '.'>.! FRl.,SAT.,SUN. /'( ·, " VIRGILBECKMAN V~f 675·1714 ·AcApss FAOM .. NE~PORT PIER· NOW APPEARING IN ·'OUR OUTRIGGER ROOM THE SENSATIONAL BOB WHITE FOi WWW fy With THE PLATFEIS -PLUS- The TONY MORALES TWO Pmalbly the finest ent.tll.ner w. to ~ ln thla ...... and you mey ~...,, BOB WHITE on a TV eegment of POiie. Story, or In tr.. movlea. lncludlnQ The Snowt of Klllman}lro. or on national commercial .. Now he bridges the generllllan gll), delighting young -"' old with hit great IOUnd, becked by the TONY' MORALES TWO •• M the group 1.-nt IOWlt\J the noetllglc. Listen ONCE. wt KNOW you will be bectc llgaln &egain. TUESDAY thru SATURDAY 9 PM to2 AM KONA LANES Weekender Deadlines Dta.dlirtt Jor 1ubmf.tR1on of material for an11 Wukmder is noon Tiuaday of the Wf'tk bf pubbcalion. Item! about mad week events should be subm1tttd m time for the Weekender l.!sut' pnor to tlte evetit. Re quests to have photographs taken or /or u posStblc /taturt story should ~ autmutted two weeks prior to publ1cotwn Material should be se11t to tl1e Weekender, Orange Coa.tt Daily Pil.ot, Bctt 1560, Costa Mtsa, CA 9'1626. TV DAILY LOG Friday Evening DECEMBER 12 Saturday Morning DECEMBER 13 , oo 8 B o..ii w ma>" 1:00 a ,.~es' km• ., .. : (3) . (t1@cD ~@:cm 0 Q1@ ~ m (llltfltllCY ... ~ R {~"'" W ~~ rn 1tt1a i..c '*" m hrtridi• h•llY lfi WMrt Q) Adl•lZ I SHallt Street El) S.ltdld 7:30 Bu11 BunnJ/llotdnilltf i Star Trek 1')@@) EI) Josie l tilt Pus. Avie boll Wtetlltr ~b (tJ) Ttvtll ,, CoMtqutn<n ~ (9 !VJ(}) fo• l Jcny/"1pe llttl• RaKlls ....... S1i*1' 6:30 l'lol Merv Crllfill Show 0 Youth l lbe Issues GJ Btw1tched Q) Elemcnl.arJ IC11n (17' CV Horin's Heiots @ Ttrry l His frlt11d1 . ED Bi.II Ptnptdivt Oii lht Hein 1:00 . ~ @ (lg) m Waldo Kitty tr Ct)) Low Amerlctn stJI• Pte:tsetteri fnends of Man 6 111 Blue Marble G1llopin1 Gourmet · Co~rtftous Cit Unit Ftur 7:00 I 0 0 Ci~ (6) m Ci) News Trve Mventllre Bowllnr tor Doll111 t CV Cf) Pebbles l 81111m 81111m 6 Mod Squid IVolct ol Tokyo ( 1 To Tell !flt Truth : Dtdric Cot11pa11J 0 COMtntr1tlon 1:30 S<w~ Doo m I lM lu'J . Q}@ ~a;) l'iAk Puther W ne FBI i Friends ol M11 (!ZJ C1) GunsllOU 6 Detulb t11t Mt_. fl) LI Ltbl IQ!, (!J) (}) Lest Sauc:tr t'l~ love Amtrlcall Stylt . Movie: (C) ~ lll!le qf tlle Ea Wo•11 ijl1 floriU" (dra) '65 -Romno f (])) Boaa111a Bram, Maureen O'Ha11. rl!Oini , (D Mtw1t: ~arid1e ol S.1 Luis Rr('-Md1111s flmtlJ (d11) '44 -f11~ Lederer. 7.30 I follow Up U1i m (!)Buis 81111111 · (!QI a;) HollJWOOd Sqluru W ilitlr Roeen' Ntil~ LM Alltrlcla StJte 9:00 § Stlu111/lsis Hour rnrnm Tiit NIPt ... Q'@~ ®l m 'rlHsUM cllrliiiiit'il'R Mtvlt: "'The i u11$1illctl" (wes) ( {) World ol the St• (j) Supermtn 0 Mllllo1 $ Movie: (C) (llu) 0 (~ (fj) (}) Adttnllru ol Gd· "lht Crlmon Cutt" (har) '68 -hflll Bons K1rloH, Chnstopher Let. I Country Music m The Bmly lulldl . C.rrascolelldlS 1(6)M11th G111t 9:30 . IUOO®Ja;)Pro fo1tb1ll Will Strttt Wttll C1nc1nna1t at Pittsbu11h. World ol Survival 1Ultr1 Min ~Utt!• MS• · <a! 001 rn m GrOO'fie coouu 1:00 (1) (') How tile 1 ClJ (IJ ScoobJ Doo Grine Stolt Ch stll.H ( ) The late : Su.tme Street Boris K1r1ofl n1i'l'ltn this 1nlm1ted 10:00 fu Out Spice Nuts hvorltt 1bout lhe mlnl·m1nded 6 Jeff's Colllt Grinch, that mlmty curmud(eon (~ ~) CIJ Cl) Sj>eed lluUJ who out scrooges Scroore, ind Movietlmt tnts lo slul all tht m1ter11I sym 1 CD fl) Sllaum/lsis Hour bots ol Chnstmu from the town ol . $9arulh Movie Whov!lle. 10:30 COhost Buste11 0 ~ ® EI) SufNd l ~ Movie: "Warriors f1Yt" ('dvl D MoWI: (Cl (Zit!) "'Where 1 The 11mem111> Cil11ley'' (c.om) '52 -Ray Bol,er (~ ([) Q; Ci) Tiit Odd 1111 ( 6) Wild Wild West Ctuplt 0 (~ 18 I (3J CD AIC rrldi! 0 Fury Peler Cram stirs Movtt. (el !Jbr) "(Uii1 tf N1mo111 lD Movie: "H1ap11a's rtnot" (wu) (II) (adv) 61-Grerory PK~. Ornd Oti Adien Tlleitre m Dultl'S Cllolu 11:00 rnrnm A Cllflltau C.rtl • Niven, Anthony Quinn. 1. Electric Compaf17 m John . Blrtlou~ Slln 6 ~ te the Sovtlt fl) S111n11b Movie (~ @l CD Cl) NCAA footblll • ti,~ ~~~s~ .,_ 11 :-llle Cameh1 Bowl, lrom SW.mento. · ...,. "".1~1 _,.. n..... ITllls Is tht Mfl ( (}JI (JJ Cl) 81rba11 Coast (lJ Cl) far Ott Spece Nub la Yid1 Coll Aurtlll : Soundll.ICt J~!I-l.lnWllc r ll:30 • Movit: "Ullder l'rtSSll" (d11) 1:30 UlJ CD 1 fmty CD (J) ~st Busters Ille Sllowm111 (R) Onct 111111, th1t h1ppy·1o·lucky Snowman w11h his Afternoon corncob pipe, button nose i nd lwo eyes made of coal bri&hlens the 12:00 B @CIJ 00 Nrl Pre.Ca mt Show holiday season. The 1nim1ted mu· U Movie: "Lili l Order" (wes) ·~3 s1cal 1s 11111altd by Jimmy Oum.le, UQ1 Woids·A·P01>pi11' O IU@l'tOl mmmm Hall· mM ub mtrlt Hill Of flmt "Tht Rrv1lry" ID 811 Blue M11b11 O Hieh Rollm (aj Cllilltr Matinee m Mtrv Qrllfil Show ED Rtal.S.des i Wlldlllt Adventure e> Roller Sime El Sllow de Ro<l 'tfV W Su11d11 M1tlnte 9:00 @ CD Cl) rnmm Tiie lZ:lO 0 @(}) (I) Pro footbaU Wi'11· Hotlltalllln( (R) liiiinidtard l111ton vs. Dallas. Thomu, P1lrici1 Neal, E.dpr Bfr· O Prep Sports Wtrld LA. City foot· gen, Andrrw Ouu•n. Cltavon Little, bill Championships. Ellen Corby and Joseph111t Hutch· O Mr. Chips 1nson slu 1n this annual olferin& (l2i Ve1etJble Soup ~bout I CUlll Amenun 111011nt11n (D Movie: "I BUIJ the Livia&" fhor) bmtly dunna the deprwion, '58 -Theodore Mel, Pew ~ lhe UlltlUdlablts Maurer, Herb Anderson. The Bold Ones I!) Thru Stoocu Mme: <C> (tllr) "The Cd § @ Lllld ot t1tt Lost (com) '69 -MdlHI Yon, Rita : llad hnptdin t11 Ult fkn Tush1n1ham. 1:00 r.mirEa TOJJ tor Ttts (311r) IWultillitoft Wttl 1111"'"' 00 ~he lovt Nor• (com) 9:30 Mftl ~ Tllrilltf Citywlldttrs • I@ Ru., Joe, Run D Cltoler .. : s., Brtlher. National EditioA 10:00 til (6) OOl EI) Pollu Ster, , Sii 1 ri11ientJ USC B1~n USC vs. 0111 1:30 · Mowlt: (C) "'The Spoilers" (w") Robtrts Univerlity, §Tiit V-trfiiii11 I Perry Ma1t1 @ Pllntt of the Apes fE Ntws • Tht Supreme Cotlrt l Clvll Ub· (itt Sult ettits MuttrJiea Tllellrr. Notorioa %:00 I This Wed In Ult Nfl Wom1n (RI Sovl T"ln 10:301 Help Som,.. TodaJ [i) Conctni Ntn .[$.Nl'fJ Hopr Dula Hopr 2:30 · A(rlculture USA 11:00 CJ) 0 GI ED GD Nm Comblt (j) OQl Q) (I) News 10 Ci)) rn Cl) h ., I (I n W Set. lllko 8111dsta~ O Movie: (C) -r1lt Y.1.P.1• (dra) I (i) UllCl.W. It Woit '63-Ell11btth T1ytor, Rldlerd Bur· cti11try Sllewcase ton. Or10n Welles. : 1'1lt Tlrbalelt Oca1 (R) W Mtrie: "llttle Ceaal" (dra) '31 • Acrtattwro USA -Edw11d G. RolllnJOn. 3:00 · NFL ea .. ot t11t Wetk Q) Mod Squd · Movie: (C) "T1lt Outridtn" I rn SorYlval (wes) '50-lotl Mc:Cru. itrtt• Strill ~ .,..: (C) "blJocn" (dra) 'S6 lie TIIH Wtttlllll -Gltnn ford, Oon111 Rted, : Will RrMt Wld m Outs U.lts ( (I)) t... -.rla1 StJ4t ~b CUpaml 11: 15 a.. l4 (j) Yolct of Aar\C111turt ll:lO @Cl) CIS Lite Mme: (t) I Cotllltl7 P'llct ... lat" (Clllll) '56 -. C.rmaltllbs rifJ~m ~ CWI ):JO . ~~ :u::u.,. (j) • ~ Mr. lllltl" · Sltar"1 (mys) '31 -Peter Lwre. 6 fllt¥1t: "'C;ntJ o..r Htnts'" ! ~u1,w ~ ~ G~ .J9 (I)) Cl) Q) Ulldt Cttc'a MU look of Wol1d RICOfds'' Fifth ~Tarin Thttln lrocm 1t1 t11e MritS. g~ ClohtmWa n 'flit Fii • Movlt: (C) "Rou(tl Nldlt ta Wetlllftlttl W... fl lllMt (wu) '67 -Dean Martin. ,_ Tr1l11 1· Nudur Powtf lltlrlllp (A) 12:00 Mevlt: "Alntt Seas" (ad'I) '54 · Fa11l1rria Flklll -Rolltrt Ryan, Jan Stertlnc. •:OO tm CD fat Mtrt m Mewle: (C) "Ctl'10" (Kl·ll) '61 irowlt: "Ulllt11 hdlk" (wet) ~I ftavtn, WIUilm Sytvtsttt. • -Jotl McCtea, lllhra Stanwycll. I"" e.-t Rias,..,. Adlta J2:JO ~ :=.::'; -crtdt" <1111S> 1so ri'r.: lte"w. -C., Gn4lt, .JoM Fenw. HllQlt lof SMw ID~ .,. ... (llfl) '49 Pt11ar W•l'Mf Slw -lrialt ~Clllrt TrMt. (I)) DIMy of Cotlra11 l:OI 0 QI (j) MNtllctit .,_... friMI leoctf $ltllll I MM Mlln'tp WdJ'a ...., t:Jt&roo ..... (C).,.. ..,.,... 4:JO ::;.:=· .,.(wll) '59-Jcfl ~. MMftcl ··e .. 1·1 (C) ~ " " ... .. , ''7-fOlll Tryot1, .lalln SalOll I ..,.. "die._. Z:JO ~ ~ .,,........ ....... ~ • '11llMt ......,.. QI CJ)) la\. C.M of ille W•k KOCE Television (50) I:• WOMA" ALIVIU a :u MtsT•• aooaa1 ... l ... 90aMOOO 4i• HSAM8 IT•llT ti• aL.aCTtllC CIOM .. A.NY t:• Vll.U ALIOal ~2_,_,_,_H_._..., __ . _c_ ... __ MeN _____ s_4_s-_1_1_1_2__,,' ~::u: .. i:::-:, 0 ltOWf" UD -6:• WOMAN CO~E.SSMAN. ASOLJ1 Yooi:i! CAMl1AIGN foJANCfS L.AS"f ~t..U110N ... I'LL LET MY lfCO«P 5PtAK V7;:~""' FOil l'f5f..LF. TUMBLEWEEDS 1~U """cz.:; wrr .J Sill M01'li~9 O~F· fl?~ VO<IJ 6tW#10R. WASN'T rr r bJ T Gt!ll K. Rym 9E:FORE. CLOSIN6 "rnl5 P0WNOW1 6UVS, I VO WANTiO "THANK vou· FOR "THE REALLY SOPER El.ECTRIC 91.ANKl!f \1'.)() GAVE ME FOR ANr:> I PROMISE 1t> PLJf tf 10 USE l THE Vt=RY Nf:)Cf nlUNPfRS'TORM! ~ 'CHIEF APPRECIATION ~..__... DAY"! ~~·~•Oq FUNKY .WINKERIEAN LET:S SEE SOME HUSTLE OUTiHERE ... C(OL) ~ GOOFBAL.LSI t • by Tom latiuk TuE4 NEVER TAUGH_I US 1HKf ONE AT CHEERL,.EAOER CAMP! FIGMENTS by Dale H• . OH C'NCN NCNv ..• ~R srEAK'S NOT THAT TOJGH ·' 1 NANCY by Ernie lusl;nli•r f t i :· I l I I ' r . \. I HOPE NOBODY I'M IN A MEAN TALKS TO ME MOOD TODAY TODAY'S CBDSSWDID PUZZLE ACROSS 45 T11ct of llnd YHterd1y'a Puule Solved· 1 Horned •7 Actor Peter animal 5 lmpoltlt '8 Columnist ·-· noise L1nder1 10 Part11lly: 49 Renges of in· Preltx flutnce 14 Move by 50 Medium of small exp111at0n degrees 53 In th• 15 ..... Y1le: amount of College 64 Suitor beneteetor 58 Atmoaphtric 16 Mint rtv1111ls tntr1nce 61 Heving no 17 Un1sp1rate irr911ullrl1iet 18 Petting erH: '62 A111rislt 2 1o11ord1 63 Up to th• 20 Plait of hair time of 22 Church 64 Oominaled compartment 65 Long time 23 Kitchen periods gadget 86 Try out 2• Attacked 67 •··• epple phyiically DOWN 26 Summer tint 1 Goldlike X1 Deer to the 2 Singleton heert 3 Skin dlMHe 30 Stone Age 4 Lia Vegas hum1n1: 2 dtvtcea. 2 word• w~d• 34 Click beetle 5 B1byloni1n lS OVfigrown deity heifdo 6 Ren ewey 36 Get •· • fOf 7 Rnided effort 8 -·· tht fit :J7 Brooda t "Ben ···" 38 Entity 10 Conttlnlng 40 Quote N1C1 41 Midi111eon 11 Ch'"8 42 Klngoflttttl 12 Po ... salvt 43 Inclined word 13 Brwin cinal 40 Mechinitfs 19 Barrel pert tool 21 KHp for 42 Mort future use teesontd 25 lndi5pu11ble 44 Old Olympic alt• 26 Complex 46 Fut IUtO· 27 Trouble par· mobiles aiateotly 47 City of Ootarlo 28 Type 49 Diga with the 29 In tht'futur1 snout 30 No. Amer. 50 Clamping dtvlc. country 51 Awere of: In• 31 111 cap111I is fonnal Auguall S2 --Tor1: 32 Sign on a Movie-meker door 53 Fish featurea 33 W111t1 56 Str1tf0fd·on· urgently 36 Thlckneu 56 Redecorate matu,. 57 Wes eware 39 Uncivilized 59 Bring suit person 60 Cunning , .... u, ... Of .... .-..... ......... ........ ~ ....... , ..... ... PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER STANO SACK! ME.AO$ UP! Mf l,t>O fMpq? il-11, I~ IT! MERE l&lE 60! FORE! DOWN Tf.IE FIELD! IN °™E AIR! HEf?E lT COMES! ARE YOU HOLDING WHAT'RE YOO DOING A SILVAN? OUT AT THIS lWIE OF , .. ...,..._.._ THE NIGITT', $AM? MISS PEACH !~A, I 'O I.ti(£ /.. MOMENT WIT~ YOU ~. DICK TRACY W>Un" llN -.llALOUSY HAS DONlt MA~CIA ! TMIS 1$ T~e Flll~T TIME IN OAY~ TMAT YOL..f'VE PAIO .ANY ATTENrlON TO Me!! Q\ t .DOOLErs WORLD GORDO MOON MUWNS ANIMAL CRACKERS DQ~1r COMPLAIN TO ME ASOJT NOr BEi~ ABLE To SL.EEP.1 mnni•ll by Charles M. Sctm -------....., MARCIE, WILL qou w1rnovr l'REllMJNAR1ES? HUiRf UP, AND KfCK THAI FOOTBALL?!! Yf.'?1 9eCAtA~! UNTIL.. Jt.A~"f N OW, I M.AVeN•i fJ!EN A~l.E TO i~INK or: A PU(A~t9t.E E.XC~ 10 PUN!M YOLA IN TM£ M01t1iH .:. t WISM I COULD ANSw!R~, SFWU<l..E. by Mell OAAl. y Pl1.0 T Cl by'Gus Arriola by foerd Johnson 11M "l'J~EC> OF S~~ ! '}t>tJ WANT l..IST~N/N<1 TO TO GIVS LITTLE You T,ALK To A .JEROME AN DUM81 ~TLJPID INFE~/ORITY \) . (f"\lli COt\APLSX? :ry'~ by Rodger Bollen I W~ED 400THAT '1 IT WASA MISTAKE To BUILD A NEST I~ AK 1 EVER.0REEN / , ~ , ... ....._, ........ 11'', I 1, \ "My lire would certainly make an exciting movie-the numerouo; times I've raced around and finally got everything ready just minutes before my dinner guests arrived.•· DEHNIS THE MENACE I ! I i ' I . .. tkWr SITE HIM I HUM~ l 5'RJA • ~HIMYA~· I t CB DAil y PILOT Friday. December 12. 1975 'Woman Under' Returns A WOMAN UNDER THE I NFLUENCE -J ohn Cassavetes has chosen un· llormly lri vial material and delivered a somewhat pro· found theme buried ahve in a boring epic. Peter Falk is good, Gene Rowlands is great , but the women's lib/human lib message 1s sorely abused by ex<.-ess. (R) In bl ark and white, the mov· ie captures tht' oppressive mood or the time but Bruce isglamonzed. (It) ... s i I I ~' Ticket• Nowt Mu1lc Centet, all ..,.YIAY'T&J:H P.M-01.JI Mw1 ... 1A .. 11c1n , \\l''l( I T'llJ.: , ·~ - BITE THE BULLET - Despite its highly contrived use of a shell casing (not a bullet>) as a temporary tooth to justify its title, this film is good for a night of galloping escapism. Horse fans won't like what happens to some of the mounts, but the ''mountees, '' including Gene Hackman. James Coburn , and C andice Bergen, make it an interest· ing endurance race -which is what it is. in color and on location. (PG ) •DYMAMm SUIFfMa DUO! "THE COLLECTION" AUMIWIY IMAiiim c ............. A .. MAT'll l'llllmffltto,..All.n Wll'la(f IJS... • ONC PDF. ONLY· S6.S0·5.50~.S0·3.SO 1 :i]\~~~O · _______ ..-_ea___ .__'2_n_1 •_2 ... _1_z'_' ___ 1_'"_v_11_,_u_N~ 5"CIAL , , Walllclla, Llbe•tr O ......... .. ,. 3 DAYS OF THE CON· DOR -Robert Redford's acting l}lmost matches his looks in Sydney PolJack's Christmas in Mexico ., timely thriller of CJA plots, subplots and counterplots. A maze of intentions and motivations deflects atten· tion from the trite Redford· Faye Dunaway relationship and Redford s patriotic naivete. CR) Former Ora nge Coast performer Toni Tennille (center) and her hus band Da r yl Dragon . who together form The Captain and Tennille, \\'111 guest star with Vikki Carr on Perry Como's "Christmas in Mexico" special at 8:30 p.m . .Monday on Channel 2. The Captain and Termille 's first big hit was "Love Will Keep Us Together.'· MONTY PYTHON AND TIIE HOLY GRAIL-This satirical look at King Arthur's court has some very funny parts reminis· cent of early Mel Brooks and Woody Allen, although the film doesn't quite come together as a whole. (PG) . ::::='!=-~---.....,,..~..,,..--, Chorale Showcased THE HIDING PLACE - . . Not a religious movie, but A Chris tmas special about religious people who featuring 24 members of took God with them into a The Irvine Master Nazi prison camp in Chorale will be present-HoUand during World War ed on ·~showcase" at II. Some very explicit 7 :30 p.m . Wednesday on violence scenes earn the KOCE-TV, Channel 50. film a PG rating, but the GAIT WUISTlll ~LUS o...a.n-Fa•~ "PACIFIC VIBRATIONS" 2 COMPUTE SHOWS 7:30 & t :30 1561 W. SUNFLOWER W. OF AISTOL C.M. 540·0594 A "GO .. IN 60 SECONDS" V "OLD .. DRACULA" (PG) A "•EMJI" IGJ v ..... ...., s.,.t-s...... 'UHMY .. Ill "Lost T9CJO ht Pcrfs" COMT1HUOUS ROM 12:30 1l4Uls-R .. SAT·SUM. THE CITY SHOPPING CENTRE ORANGE •532·6721 1'-' CITY CEMTRE CINEMAS ... S.A. FRWY !MANCHESTER EX.I G.G. FAWY (CITY OR. EX.I . A "'GOHE IM 60 SECONDS" V "SIDECAR IACHS" "">.. JEHJI" CGt v ........ , 5eP"" s.r· Ail•htl .. : I wreppail I••· ,_..... l>y IU. _..,. c..,. ~-CO"I:'~· ~---- "BENJI" l:S .. 1:0 .. 7:10.t:JO I A WALT DISHlY SHO.-T "AMAGIRL" J: I l-4:J0.•:4S.>:OO "6 Pack Annie" 2:30-6: I O-t:SO ''Born Losers" 4:00-7:45 "QOMEIN 60 SICOHDS" 2: I ~S:SO.t:ZO IPGI '"SPEED MHCHAMTS" 4:05-7:40 "BENJI" I :Oo-4:05-7: I O.t 0: 15 "DIGBY: THE GREATEST DOG" Z:35-5:40-l:45 "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" Songs featured in the pace drags nevertheless. -half-hour special will in-CPGJ "UMHY" llt "l.ast T9CJO la Pcrfs" elude ~·we Wish You a K/GENA Merry C hristmas," "A nnun Hint' Little Child Is Born," _.. .. ._ nvn'-""IN "Silent Night," "O 'Tan· LENNY -Bob Fosse's fictionalized account or the rise and fa II of con - troversial comic Lenny Bruce stars Dustin Hof- fman and Valerie Perrine. "UITH9UilE .. "AllPOIT '75" IPGt tt<\Rl+V 1:oul'• ATF.ft SPEAKS OUT in the FAIRFAX/ Los Angeles 653·311 7 FOX/ BakNst 1eld 18051 323-7511 SHERMAN Sherman Oai\5 784·9911 EL PORTAL/ North Hollywood 769-4041 FALLBROOK/ Canoga Park 883-4212 FOX/ Van Nuys 785·0449 CRITERION/ Santa Monica 394-1619 ALEX/ Glendale 241-4 194 HASTING'S RANCH/ Pas.idena 351 ·964 I FOX TWIN/ Covrna 332-0050 LOYOLA/ Westchester 670-0346 DEL AMO/ , Torrance 542-5016 FOX TWIN/ Patos Verdes 377-5403 ALONDRA II/ Cerritos 924:£?531 , \ UA CINEMA/ Manna Del Rey 822-2980 BELMONT/ Long Beach 438 ·1001 LAKEWOOD TWIN/ Long Beach 425-6431 ESPLANADE/ O><.nard (805) 485-2707 RIVIERA/ Santa Barbara (805) 965-6188 CONEJO TWIN/ Thousand Oaks (805) 495·6760 CINEMALANO/ Anaheim 17 14) 635-7601 LA MIRADA/ La Mirada (714) 994·2400 UA CINEMA/ Westminster (714) 893·0546 SOUTH COAST I Costa Mesa (71 4) 646-1363 FOX RIVERSIDE/ R1versrde 1714) 683-7212 STATE/ San Diego (71 4) 284·1 428 ROXY/ San Diego (71 4) 488-3303 PLAZA TWIN/ Escondido (7141 745-5087 .......... •• •• .. ·;, ''''a,;· ... .··4~ ········· •.4!t~ •• . "' .. . ... ,, . t M •' '• t . ,, . . . • •• • ••• •• • nenbaun," and "Allelu- ja! Merk auf mein herz." DAILY PILOT SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRES SAH DIEGO FWY. AT BRISTOL SO . .COAST "3 DAYS OF THE CONDOR" (R) PLAZA .. woMAti1uif oTRftt£'i;A'.uEMcE" s.c..7711 SO.COAST PLAZA '1JO SAT~ 1:-:ll MGM'1 FIUol CLASSIC ''SINGING IN THE RAIN" 7:JO & t:JO SAT /SUM I :l .. l:lo.S:J0.7:JO.t:JO "ROOSTER COGBURN" Dellr 2:~ :IC>-10.JO Sat/Sun 6:»10:30 "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" HOW FAR DOES A GIRL HAVE TOGO TO UNTANGLE HER TINGLE?? SEE THE UNCUT. UNCENSORED ORIGINAL 35 MM PRINTS! © DaMr l :is $at1S<in 4:25-1:25 MGM'S FILM ClASSIC "SINGING IN THE RAIN" 7:00-l:S5 •--•PLUS THE SECOND MOST FAMOUS __ ..... ADULT f I LM OF OUR TIME ... SAT /SUH 1:15-3:10.5:05-7:00-l:55 The Devil in Miss Jones FREE PARK1NC. "WOMAN UNDER TltE IHRUENCE'' 9:00 SAT/SUN· 4:10-9:00 ONLY ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING! PUSSYCAT • 673-4048 "SHELIA LEVIN£" 7:00 SAT/SUN 2:00-7:00 709 E. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach OPEN DAILY AT 12 NOON THE ROBBERY SHOULD HAVE TAKEN 10 MINUTES. 4 HOURS LATER , THE BANK WAS LIKE A CIRCUS SIDESHOW. 8 HOURS LATER, IT WAS THE HOTTEST THING ON LIVE T.V. 12 HOUR LATER, IT WAS ALL HISTORY. AND IT'S ALL TRUE. "THE PICTURE TO BEAT FOR THE NEXT .SET OF OSCARS" LARY AANCM.D WASHINGTON POST (R) ••'DOG DAY AFTERNOON' IS AN OUTSTANDINI MOTION PICTURE WITH PACINO'S PERFORM· ANCE EASILY ONE OF THE BEST OF THE YEAR:' PLUS GEORGE SEGAL KRIS KRISTOFFERSON SUSAN ANSPACH "BLUME IN LOVE0 -Aaron Schindler, family Circle I I r ~,..t/;~0 MEWPORTIEACM ~Ill' 673-aJso G E LEEMAR IN .. BITE THE BULLET rLUS CHARLES BRONSON CPG) 11BREAKOUT11 CPG) PLUS JOHN WAYNE 11BRAMIGAN11 IPGI "NASHVILLE" CRt '~OMMY" CPG) "CAMELOT' "OLIVER" "YOUMG FRAMKEHSTBM"' IPGt .. MOMTY P'fTHOH & THI HOL y. GRAIL" "OllTY MARY It CRAZY LAARY" ..YAHISHIHG POIMr' IPGI "GOHE IM 60 SECOtC>S" ''SIX..f'ACX AHHIE" "IOIM LOSERS" IRI "MONTY PYTHON & THE HOLY GRAIL" "YOUNG FIAHKEHSTBN" h •. , ... . , ..... , ... "' ,. .. ti.,, .... ,1 .... ,, ••• "'' ... l&l<X*Tt~ UT'S DO IT AGAIN"' .. ., DOC SAYAGI• .. ~ .. ,.-... ·-·-OONf IN 60 SECONDS"' SIDIW IACllS 1,.. -.llO-.. --,.-... Clll NO I lAST Tf:on PAllS i-1 UNNT 111 PACIFIC Tl4EATf'ES ORIVE·IN SUPER SWAP MEETS HAMOlt a.vo. -SWlp Meet & Auto S~ Sit. & Sun.-8 am to 4 pm ORANGE Drive-In 1 & 2 . ......... ·~ lt••• ,, tnJUI .... , .. ..... , .,., .... ,.. .... _ .... JAWS <,,., NII LAND TIMI FOIGOT 11111 ..., ....... ,, ...... 3 DA TS Of THI CONDOI ,. INl_.'fl~ .• THI HmT MOOKlh1 a.,. .................. ... ,',::;!':. aOOSTll COGIUIN ,,.. t•";.~•;•:.~S.t I Mf.,... ...:...,..t.llll&._ __ __, W.W. I Dllll DANCI llNGSCNt h ........ . ,, ... ., ... ,, ,,,.,., .......... , ... ... ,. lt•t ' .. ,.., ..... ,,, ,., ......... ==· )AllSlllll_. t • IAITHQUAICl CNt 2. All'°'1 7 s "" 3. TIDAL WAVI !"I ·-·-GONI IN 60 SICONDh e1 SIDICAI IACllS 1N1 -··-...... MAHOGANT INt NI . LORD'S Of fLATIUSMll'lt 11.1 .. G.lmt ... I&. •• GONI WITH ntl WIND11t Ill NO OM~ ti ...mat-. .... -UST TANGO IN PAllS ~ llN ........ Sil PACK ANNlh• ML IOINLOSIU"" Ollllltl-·--HAIO Niil fll! _ ... IMAU't TllAIUll"' I j I ! • ' • l 1 .... I -; .. • l Tony Randall (leftf and Jack · Krugman have reversed a trend: from television's "Odd Couple, "they've moved to the stage. Old Friends Still Fun By DENNIS M~LELLAN Ot Ille D•llY "let "-ff Watching the Shubert Theater production of "The Odd Couple" is like watching old friends, so fanu.ltar and predictable are the characters and their actions. Although m ost members of the audience have either seen other stage productaovs, the Jack Lem- mon-W.:illc r Mathau movie version or the htt television series, familiarity with the material does not dull its sharp and delightful humor. Credit naturally goes to playwright Neil Simon's talent for accurately portra)'ing mid· 20th century foibles with a com- edic genius that is distinctly his own. BUT CREDIT for the current outing (playing in Century City c:irr.--c•-" n gr.~ h A 8ulv Co"<hl Ftn through Jan. 11) goes in large measure to its stars, Jack Klugman and Tony Randall, for their excellent recreatton of their television roles. (Obviously after five years with the popular senes they have done their homework) KLUGMAN AND Randall as Oscar Madison and Felix UngC'r, two divorced men playing house together, have to qualify as lhc most perfect of odd couples. It is impossible to picture anyone improving upon Ran· dall's portrayal of the obnoxious Felix, whose h ypochondria, quest for perfection and constant tidying up would dnve any wife away. Randall gives an energetic and hilarious performance. Klugman gives a more sub· dued, but no less excellt•nt portrayal of the long-suffering, slouchy Oscar, the complete op- posite to button-downed Felix. Dressed in his usual attire -dirty sweatshirt, sneakers and turned-around bas eball cap - Klugman is the epitome of the slob who, when he spills his beer on the floor. mops it up with a club sandwich. (Wondering what to do with the now unedible sandwich, he brushes it under a chair). Laura May Lewis and Janet Lee Parker are good as the Pigeon si~te rs ("Thal 's not pidgeon as in Walter but pigeon as in coo-coo"). For even those who feel they have seen enough of "The Odd Couple." over the years it is still an entertaining and laugh-filled evening of theater. &sides, 1t 's always nice to go back and sec old friends again. That mun o/ "TRt L GR/ f " ;, buck nml look u ho'., got liim Diana Ros.s MahOO.arrJ Themanwhokn{W ~ "'hdt Mahogany was ~ cind wlwrl! she .e. ramelr\Jm-~ JOHN: )KATllARUfE WAY"E1·· IB~~ WEEKEN DER Gels ii All together and stJI 10'.ed her .... Th"' f-i,hion photugraphcr \I.ho .rt•at~d 1h1;; mo;r beau11lul rnod11l m theworld- and then tned to cil'stroy ner f-l & \ll\l 'Mlll\V.,..i,...1, ... )ROOSTERt (COGBUIU(1' TOGETHER ( ... and iM La~) WITH Thenchwunc ..\ "'ho•Mn~..i.,.. .. ,y • • [J r.,. rt ·n·1 and now _ ,., hi: v.,'\nh.d :u °"' n M.: huga ny ·~ ... ,. '"' ~ I••~ 1m111 II \ .. ·conduct Unbecoming: .. Its t1ut construcUon, mounting tension and polished p1r1ormances make for fascinating entertainment!"., ( 1.m.,~ "MELBROOKS' F1111EST:· 71;JeHo1yGlt~IL COMING SATURDAY DEC. 20 ST ANlEY KUBRICK'S "BARRY LYNDON" RYAN ONEAL • MARIA BERENSON EDWARDS CINEMA HARBOR AT ADAMS COST A MESA 546-3102 CHARLTON HESTON• YUL BRYNNER 81! THE PARTING OF THE AID SEA edwards BRISTOL CINEMA .. ISTOl 4T MAC4•THllll 140· 4 .. Frld-X· ~mbef 12, 1076 CAIL Y PILOT Cf» Bal"let Events Planned • • Ballet lovers wall have a chance lo 1ndul8e them&elves lhis season both on the Orange Coast and m Los Angeles choreographed by Clifford to mu.sic by Saint-Saens. Tickets for the event are $30. $50 and $100 and may be re:.erved by rlllhng (213> 478-0107 Zina Bethune. who~ danced with the New York Q ty Ballet and as also known as the star of the former telev1s1on senes "The Nurses.'' will be gu~t dancer in the Newport Oallet Association's production of "The Nutcracker." Stars rrom the New York City Ballet will be visiting Pasadena to dance in a benefit for the Los Angeles Ballet. The performance at 'the Ambassador AudJtonum will be on Dec. 29. Three West Coast premieres will be presented One, "Sonatine," will be danced by Violette Verdy and Jean Pierre Bonnefous. 1 . Children's The ballet will be presented at 2;30 p.m . Dec. 21 at Valley High School. 1801 S. Greenvllle St., Santa Ana. Tickets at $3 for adults and $2 for children are available from Coai,t Music stores or by calling 642-4068. "Variations Pour une Porte et un Soupir" will feature Karin von Aro}dingen and Jolvl Clifford, artistic director or the Los Angeles Ballet. Classes Set Advance registration for children's art, dance and music: classes is available now throu~h the beginning of January al th1• Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Mam St.,SantaAna. Dancing with Miss Bethune will be Donald Snyder, former maitre dt' ballet with the Ballet de Pans. and Karen Mullin. who has danced in "'CoppelJa" at the GreC'k Theater and wall be teaching at Cal State Long Beach m the spring. Kay Mazzo and Peter Martins will dance in "Duo Concertant," choreographed by Balanchine to music by Stravinsky Guest artist Allegra Kent will dance with Charles Flemmer in ··Pavane," choreographed by Clifford. Brochures outlining session~. dates and fees are available from the museum . 834-4024. Classes will include arts and crafts, folk dancmg, arumahon. c e r a m i c i, . J n J C' r e a l 1 v l" dramatics. The Los Angeles Ballet will also ·perform "Symphony," 811119 PllTIEB BILL CISl'I (PG) CO.HIT AT CENTER "TAK£ TH£ MONEY AHO RUN" CINEMA CENTER MAllOt&.TAO&.M\ COH ... •fS• ' MHA VlAOf Ct MTH '1'·• 141 'THE OTHER SIDE Of THE MOUNTAIN" TneWmd ~~~htan CINEMA CENTER M&llO~ AT •OAMS C0\1010'11 MfSA VflOEC(MUR t7t·tl ti ,, SEAN CONNERY CANDICE BERGEN ESTBROO Wl\f,.ltlSTtll 4TN OOICNUUT GAlDllHOIOYf U .. 4401 tf/llllllllO 111.¥111 '011 & OIOllOIHA tfll\.lillll NOOUCIO l'f OATIA ~ Ol"C\'tO IT lf1A Fllll OlllO""k IC'IJ(fll'1.to•.¥f 0. c. tlOOlll • CDl.0111.ADUl.U Olll.T llATUI I CINEMA VIEJO J \ 0 fUlWAYIOl&,Al MISSIOH Vlf~ ll0·6!_!~ CINEMA WEST "'01Ml14\IU Al C.OlOl~W(\f WlSTMll" _C~a __!9~9) St1nley l<ubr1ek's "2001 : A SPACE ODYSSEY" Plu• edwards BRISTOL CINEMA IRl\TOl AT MAC&.lTHUl S•O-HH HUNTINGTON CINEMA l!&CM •I UllS HI \!_•7·'601 947.4017 For \bur Plea..-.. (PG\ JOIOtl ltAYJlO: .~ llEPBUJJP(, CtfARlfS DRONSON I JAMfS COBllRN I 11ARD TIMES I CXMIT AT WEST itARp, TIMU The t.errir11i11g mot inn pid11rC' from lhe terrifying f'.'o. I bt .'41 sf'i/Rr. aws '. • . . • • • .> .·, 1 CO-Hfr AT BRISTOL ''WESTWORLD'' YUL BRYNNER CINEM WEST 1 edwards BRISTOL CINEMA , WUTMltl\TllllTGOlOIMW1H IJISlOl •T "&Clt!HUA WUTMIM.CIHTO 8'2-UU 54o.'74U PLUS PIT9Sll.LmS .. IETUIM Of ntE PIMKPA...,...... 111s1cx .. , .... c•uMW '40°140 I CJO DAILY PILOT Friday. December 12. 1975 I i Wolllan Painter Shown Seventeenth century English portrait painter Mal}' Beale, LONDON <UPI> Al 1 long last portrmt painter Mary Beale has gotton her C1r st one wom a n show It '::, about 300 years I.tit>. "The Excellent Mrs. Tbe s now's tttle comes Crom the d~icahon or a 1664 poem prais ing hl'r and one of he r setr- portra1ts. Her portraits r anked close to those of her fnend, Sir Peter Lely and Lely was the top. Mary Beale," us t b1s first exh1b1l of her pa.mt- in gs i s calle d , was JUDGED BY ranks of England's first lady of ancestors stiU h anging in the brush, its first pro-s t a t e ly homes, Lely f es s 1 o n a I w o m a n seems to have painted painter She d ied in 1699. half the court of King Practically no one has. Char les II. Some of Mrs. heard of he r s mce. Beale's pain tings were Y e t d u r 1 n g h e r long thought to be his. pa.inters," noted curator J effery Da niels or the GeCCrye Museum. where about 40 or Mrs Beale'i, portraits are on show. Wha t visitor s t..ikc away fro m the exh1 b1t1on is an impression, rem- forced by Mary's self- portraits, or a woman or s trange ly a p pealing charm. Her adoring husband Charles held a patents office post long t>nough for Samuel Pepys lo note in his Ca m o u s d a iry Beale's susceptibility to bribes. But when Charles lost his j ob the woole Beale household began concentrating on Mary's work. CHAIU.ES HIMSELF ran the house, organized Mary 's •·paynting roome," ground her pig- ments and s pent long hours priming her can- vases. The two Beale sons, C h ar l es and Bartholomew. joined the family production line to p a int dr a p e r y and t edio us bac kt round ovals. Everythine in the Bea le ramily was or- dered to let mother get on with capturing a sit ter 's likeness. The B eal e house "became a meeting place for a circle or ris- ing young m en in the church, the sciences, the professions and th.e civil service," the s how catalogue s ays. Many employed Mary to paint them -she had 83 com- missions in 1677. long a victim of "male chauvinism, " is shown at left in a J self-portrait. , hfettme, s urrounded by That 1s one reason for •t charm ing fa m ily pa.mt-Mary Beale 's centunes -f-:.-:.-:.::::====---iiiiiiiiiiiia-----------------=::=::;::~==:::::=::?~::==:;;;::===========----, 1n g factory a nd t h e of neglect. Because of center of a n m fluenllaJ "male chauvenism " ex- social circle, Mary Beale perts "invaria bly at- was very hi g hly re-trabuted her best p1c· , garded tures to other -male RICliARD ELLESCAS PAINTING AT MILLS On Loan From Westways Magazine Mills House ~Shows Comics COMIC ART llastoni of comae art wi th Katzen jam mer Kids. Batman and Superman on gmab. '4ith daspla) of Dall watercolors and works com- missioned by West\\ ays Magazme , Dec 11·28 at • Mills House. 12732 ~1 a.m St . Garden Grove. Reception 2 to 4 p m. Sunday Hours: noon to 4 p.m . Thursday-~l onday Frt>t> BES E FIT ART .\l'CTIO:\ Works by Picasso. Chagall, Rock\\ ell and others 7 o'clock viewing, 8 30 o'clock auction tonight at Amencan State Bank. 500 Newport Center Dr., Newport Beach, to benefit Children :-. I !ear :\lore Institute. $2 ad- nuss10n. 'NEW F.XPRESSIONS IN WOOD' -Works by seven craftsmen, Dec 15-Jan. 14 <closed Dec. 22-Jan. 21 a t Saddleback College Gallery, Buald- mg T 2, 28000 :\1arguerite Parkway, !\1ission Vie· JO. RecC'pt1on 3 p m . Sunday. Hours. 10 a m . to 3 p.m weekdays, 7 to 9 p.rn. Wednesdays. Free. PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW Work by advanced students. De<: I 5-J an 23 in the Orange Coast Galleries/ Exhibits College Library. 2701 Fair view Road. Costa Mesa. Hours: 7 30 am. to JO p.m. weekdays, 10 a .m. to5p.m weekends. Free OIL PAINTINGS By Marie Howes, at Mutual Savings and L oan, 2867 E . Coast Hig hway, Corona del Mar , through December. PAINTINGS BY JACKIE LOMBARDO -Oi ls, a t Imperial S avings and Loan, 3366 Via Lido, Newport Beach , through December. 'PERSONAL S ELVES DISCLOSED' Sculpture, super realis m and other media and styles, now through TuC'sda)' at Santa An a College Gallery. 17th at Rn stol Street. Santa Ana, in Humanities bwlding next to Phillips Hall. Hours . 11 a m. to3p m. Monday.Thursday, 7 to 9 pm. Tuesd ay and Thursday. 10 a.m to I p.m . Friday. 'REPRISE' Glass works a nd paintings, Der l~J an. 15 at Designs Rc('yclecl Gallery. 719 S Harbor, Fullerton !lours 10 a.m to 6 p.m . Mon day-Saturday ART AND MUSIC -Paintings by M.C. ~cher . and childre n's art, with music by the Irvine Chambe r Group, Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m . at Vorpal Gallery. 326 Glenneyre St , Laguna Beach. PAINTINGS BY D. LOGAN IDLL -Now through Dec. 31 a t Wells Fargo Bank, 450 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa. PHOTO EXIDBIT Works by Ruth Be rnhard, now throu gh Jan. 15 at the Fullerton College's William T. Boyce Library gallery. 321 E. Chap- man Ave., Fullerton CHRI TMAS CRAFTS FAIR -Dec 15-19, F\llll"rton College Stude nt Center, 321 E. Chap man A v~ .. Fullerton 10 3 m to 4 J> m and 6 to 9 pm Mond:ty T hursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . Friday LAGUNA ClllUSTMAS FAIR -10 a .m. to dusk S3turcby ond Sunday at the Festival of Art& grounds. 650 L•aun Canyon Road, La~una Beach 50 cents adul~. cluldren under 12 free. ~ aEAUSTlC PAINTINGS By Raymond Sipos , opens Dec. 13 at Ha1taenmaker Galleries. 372 N C.OUt H.aabway, L3"1Jla Beach. lfour~: 10 a .m . to~ p.m. daily • • • SKIL 7~" CIRCULAR THE MANVILLE SAW DISHMASTER FAUCET The saw. unlike people, goes round a nd round and actually gets somewhe re. 2300 You see a name like that. "Manville" and right away you think this one has to be different. It ain't. It's the good one people have been touting for years. 00 WAGNER SPRAY-TECH SPRAY GUNS f or the homeowner. for heavy duty work. and for the pro. See them in action. WAnn_o._ .. MINI- ~ SHOP WHILE STOCK LASTS Little router bite. drill bits. grinder bits. a nd a neat motor. Perfect for hobbiest. .-----( S·K"Tools 1----- 9 PIECE DEMONSTRATION THIS WEEKEND - TORRANCE STORE TUCK CELLOPHANE TAPE Turns yellow in a couple of months. but you just need a few rolls for the holiday. rig ht I 9 ~x soo·· _ ROLL WISS SHEARS Good name. my mother had a pair. never wore out. 397 PLANTER LAMP 00 2900 DOGHOUSES Fancier, at these prices you should consider moving into one yourself. SMALL .• 11 97 MEDIUM 1897 LARGE .. ·2497 COMBINATION WRENCH SET Open end and box wrench. re al q uality here. 1500 12 PIECE 3/s 11 SOCKET SET Picture tells all, includes universal and plug socket. 1700 12 PIECE ¥2 II SOCKET SET Rugged. add to it, but you should never ltave to buy another. 1900 MR. TOUCH N'CURL MIST CURLER COFFEE II The planter light a bove. the planter below. macrame. and pre-wired. Wha t more could you a sk for? (Electric ladybugs.) PR PISTOL DRIER You know what they say, "hotter 'n a pistol ... No comparison between these and the old time curling irons. People say it's great. Don't ask me. I drink Brim. 1900 1100 2100 ALADDIN KEROSENE LAMPS JE~ON 27°0 MALIBU HEAVY DUTY DUAL HEATER Looks so utilitarian. it must work good Ii''~ jij!j 1 iJ WEATHER PROOF LANTERN LOW VOLTAGE LITES 3UTE Sure I bought one. Why, (you ask). They burn with a WHITE light, go out if tipped over, put out heat too. burn clean. and are made well. (Okay, doD't all rush at once). ; ' WITH BATTERY You can go out walking in the rain with thia one. (I'd rcrlher go out walking with a pretty girl. in the dark. thank you). 469 I I You know what means, "low voltage."? 12 volts. aale. no shock in the line or at the lights. Transfotmer inside. economical too. 3900 ... . ' -' f ' r Friday.December 12, 1975 DAIL V PILOT D J Take the I ' ' • . ~ I • t ~ r ~ ~ f I I I I ~ ~ • l I . • t I "\ . YOU ARE FREEWAY CLOSE TO 9 OUTSTANDING AUTO DEALERSHIPS IN SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY 0 LAGUNA BEACH ,.NOW ON V DISPLAY 1976 TOYOTA * VOLVO * CHINOOK 18 PLUS MOTOR HOME Exclusive Dealer In Southern Orange County TIADEMOWAT , "Loyal ~customers .~e llar: o tind. b~im1~~ gea9&~~e1ce. ·· 900 S. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach, California 494·1131 & 54~9967 SAN JUAN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DANA POINT -z 0 CAPISTRANO BEACH 0 28402 MARGUERITE PKWY., MISSION VIEJO (714) 831-2040 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-9. SATURDAYS 9.6. SUNDAYS 10-6 24888 Alicia Pc:rtrway-l.oguna Hill• "Where You've Got Great PeoPle. You Do Great Things" LEASING DAILY REMT ALS 837-2400 0 ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST PRE-OWNED CADILLACS are at ALLEN ~~~ ~t#ft/11·. Wide •election of excellent nnole•-lEASE PLANS Now Avoiloblc' ALLEN OLDSMOllLE •CADIL.l.4C•GMC At the super-dome of 1uper car buy1. 28332 Camino Copl1trono in loguna Ni11"9I. Son Die90 freeway ol Avery Parkway exit. (714) 49$-6430 0 o· SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST FORD DEALER ••• WE HAVE CHANGED THE NAME. THE OWNERSHIP. THE MANAGEMENT. AND THE HOURS OF SALES AND SERVICE ••• BUT NOT THE LOCATION ... YET! ... still at 535 N EL CAMINO REAL IN SAN CLEMENTE. The Closer You Look ..• The Better We Look! 1(•1U•1l El Ca mino FORD SJS No!1h El Camino !!eat, San Clem-• S•H 1t ... .._.1,r.-s....,1w4'1 hpo r Soles Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30·9; Sat. 8:30-6; Sun. 10:30·5 L .. "'-e 11rw l bl b Ues 492-11JJ ~ S*s tSJ-1139 h•~t•"'"'•• Mt & IJ ¥-ftf I t 0..IJI-.... ,__.l ... •CMh .... Oflt-• .. I I 1 '1 I l 4 . l c ~ ·j I I I ' l I I I I . I MllRQDIS MOTORS VOLVO & TOYOTA 28802 Marguerite Pkwy. SHOP& COMPARE C.1.!:P<iiii)Ailll\N•O-liiRiiiEA~l--~111 ti Mission Viejo 831-2880 495-1210 we Lease All MaJ<es We Buy Cars (Buyer on dutv1) 494-851 s 549-3851 . . -·~c.W..• ...... ,..._.._,..,_,,,. .....,.,_.,. ,.,.... ....... ~,,,...... _ ...... ,. r.._..JiE~L_..ilf'f** SAN CLEMENTE 0 SOUTH COAST MOTORS Q ROGER MILLER CHEVROLET f)PHILLIPS BUICK, PONTIAC & OPEL 0 ALLEN OLDSMOBILE & CADILLAC 8SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS O 'MARQUIS MOTORS f)BILL YATES VOLKSWAGEN /PORSCHE O iBARWICK DATSUN GEL CAMINO 'FORD Find what you want ... Buy it for less DRIVE A 1LITTLE ..• SAVE A LOTl I' J (. . ( \ I P2 DAILY PILOT Friday O.Cember 12. 197~ ·o ~lon11111~nf •·rom \\itt Sen Ices ' Munumt'nls ur stone have been huill m lhl· n.i- thm 's (';1pita l lO honor prl•::.acknts sUl h ..,._ "asbJngton. Lincoln and K~nnedv Jnd .I ).lrl!V(' or lrl'l'S stands ht••.ith.•:-till' Poll>m.H' R1vt•r in nw m un of Lyndon Baim·-. JohnM>n. · But for Harry S 'l'rum.m thl·n · Y.111 be .1 It vang mt•mor-131 Ill lht• form of h•.1rntng ,1 $31) million Pt'r~tual "t:ho lar ... h1p fund for t·oll t·gl· :-.tu<frnh who ..., ..1nl to ~ll into ~O\ l'r11mt·nl "l n ·1l'l' Tht.' Sl•11..1ll' took .rn e:-:-11 ntial "tt•p to makl' tha t mt·mon..11 a r1'.1lll) hy <.'11nf1rm1ng e ight publ1t' mt>mbt.>rs ti) thl' hu.1rd of thl' found.1t1on that will ad rn1nhtl'f the ~t·hol.1 r:-h1p fu nd • .\moni:: tht•m \\ ,,., )lar~art•t Truman Daniel lht• 11nl) t'h1IJ of thr n.it1nn s 3Jrd pn•s1dent ' Sl'<.'rl t.1n of ~t.1tt> Ht>nry A . Kissinger J11kingl~ tfr,m1ssl·d n ·port:-uf n·nt•\\ed ho::.t1hty NESSEN betWl't'll ll 1rn t·lf <lllll Whitt.• Housl' prt·s' :O.l't'rl'lary Ron Nessen. Ile·.., :.ifter m y JOb ." Kiss in)?er re pllt•d ..., hl'n ~tsked a b<iut ~t·-,spn's r t>marks dunng Pn•s1- dt>nl Ford '~ rec<.·nt trip to China. Tht.' lat(•st dispute at1>st• on·r a K1ss1nger bnefmg g1v<.·n to three ri.'portcrs aboard Atr Force Om· :.i s the pres idential plane fl e w fro m Peking to JJk.1rt 3 last F'nd.iy. * Gov Mt'ldrim Thom!'lon 11f :'\ew llampsh1rc rt1.irn t'CI h1::. firs t secretary . .'.'.O\\ ht.· ·s been a sked to m.ir0 ;mother one -but not qwle the s ame way. Thum son informed his executi\ e council he is •• !,.in)? to bl' made a justice of lht• peace because 01\ "t't'tetary has asked that 1 marry her - pt•rform the t'eremony. that is " I Jlr<.>.idy mJrn<'d m y first secrelar} a nd a m h,1ppil~ mJrned ... Thomson said !It• m e t his w1ft>. Gail, when she worked for him \\ lwn hl' entered lht• l.i'>' hook pubhs hing bus iness • '\n J:-p1ring "m an ot tht· people" doesn't dnve .in l'XPl'ns1ve imported c;.ir , John 0. Rockeft>ller I\' PUBLIC' !'IOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSIHUS NAME STATEMENT '"' lflll0Wif19 P*f\Ofti ••• OOlftQ °"" MU o TIT AN IC PROOUC TIOfltS LTO 'RE FLECTIVE AIU 310• l'etMUtlll.n ,Co•t•Mnt CA mi. E•trell Mu o o. )IOt Fernl\utll C°'teMe•a . CA <n•h &en C Le119, lltH l • PAI, W.\lrnln,_tr, CA '2f>tl Tiu) 1>11\l ... U h COl\Ouc tCO Dy A ~r•I pertMf\n10 Ev'-"'•nMJ<.1•0 ~nC l •"9 ""' Du••t10• '' cono .. o ro DY " 9'-••ICMrlner>l\IP "~ PuDh\l>ed OrenQ(' COA\I 0•1ly P,101 PUBLIC ~OTICE PUf\UC OTICE SUPtRIO" cou•TOf' CAl.IPORNtA HOTICI TOC:•EOITO•• COUMTYOf'O•AHGI SUP(IUORCOUltTOfTHI In,,,. ~tt•r Of llw AOOotlOn ""'''"°" $TATf 01' CAl..l ,OaWIA l'OR of ROGl:R !>lEPHLN POUt..llN, THEC.OUNT't'O,ORANOC AOGIKtno Part11t N• A ti4P• CASI NUMeE• AOIW. (\ltlt ot W tiOWAR O C.ERHN C.ITATIOH au WILLIAM HOWA RD C.C.RH .N Trit ~· Ol llw Sl<tl• ot Ct lllor"'• O.t .. \<MI lo Alltoruo JoW1Mvno1 • NOTICE IS HE RE 11Y C.IVl NIU""' Yo....,. ""'•l>Y <tttcl and ·~iw to < f't'd•tor\ of trw •bO•• nan ... d o.ot-•• _.., ~ • 1"°99 of '"'' c-1 et lhilt all""''°'" "•••no <•••m1 ~n" tl\e Ot t•. 11,.,. ano pteu 109Clll.O 111\e W MI o.<-nl ere reQvi,-.ci to tile C>elowenc1109i'feenyte .. l•t•"°"wt>', I~ wlll\ Iha netonary "°"',."·In a<coro1nq to,,.. ... ,111oe1 pelit.on 111«1 .,,. otou of '"" <I••• ot ow aoovt en ...itt1 ttll> <Cit.In rou would not tonMf\t 1111.0c°""',o' topreWtnt trwm,wltllO•e' to Ii. \lf094trtfll .ooptl(ltl by ROOER nt<~~ry-.out"-"• tolM ~ STEPHEN POULTER <ti 20901 Slilm"'4• Lane, H..,llngton 0.lt •llCI 11,... Of court eppeMM(• Bt«I\. CA "l..-.. wl\ICI\ I• tht Pl«• of Merell n , 1'16. tt.m. b;&I~~ of 11\e 11nO.fll9neC1 In ell met Oirpartmen1or Room No 11 wn.-ntll\lnototlltflt•t•ofw loc»« AdOrHs of cou•t. Oranoe C..OIJl\IY oetll, wltl'llll folir monft.l •"•' 1"9 lint S.-roor Co11•t. 100 Ci"'lc Center Ori.,. 1>11bUca1>ono1tM~not1<t Wto\t, Sent• Ane, CA tllOl O•leONovemb<!r n t9H <!.EAU tLARAN CERFE:N 0.1.0 Oclober 22,1'7S E••<11tr1•oftrww111 WILLIAM E . St JOHN, ot lhttllovt n•meOdlP<~I Cler~ M•S ALICtMOO•lf 9y LlnO• Sun QtHttlt4""° Ne 1·8 Oepuly C...-.Mlflllar,CA .,US 8EWLE'l',LAULEeEN ht l1)J01t -MIL.LE• Att-rt.rEx•olrls 1111S E•U ,__ Strttl P11bll1Moc! Oran~ C.0••1 O•lty Piiot. s.tta Sle NOvemllff 21, •l'<l Oe<emlltr ~. u. 19. wi.lt1ttr, CA *'2 l•IS ~Sl-H T~ Ullll~•171 P\iDIO\IWO Or•~ Co••I 0 <1oly PolOI NOv 78, <tnO Oet ), 12, IQ 19/) •)ll·H PUBLIC NOTICE s 1)11 Pl'BLIC NOTICE p BLIC NOTICE fllCTITTO\n e USIN HS .. AMt STAT•MtNT Tiit totaowu~ ~'°"' ••• ooi,.. Mi ~·· MU A VILLAGE LtOUORS 1011 El C.ft\lno Or Coll• IN>•. CA '14.l• Freoll J ttoebt10I Jr • 11~ Olk Tree i..ne lrvll\t CA 97115 RICIWlrO A !,ylltvall, 111SI llCM141 Tr•LA,.. 1rw111t CA'211S Pttrl<lt A Koebr IC.II, 1110S 0... Tr .. La,., lvlM , CA t7'1S l,.lncltlM R SYlllvan, 11lS1 AC.•le r .... L-.1,.,.,,..,c Attla Tiu \ 1>11\lntU I> (Ol>ClllCled Cly e 9f"01rtl Ptr1Mr\l\lp Frefl• J K.o.l>rfcl\, Jr Tiil) Htltm•nl we~ II lt4 ""tll tt. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITJOU$ IUSIN US NAME STATEMl!NT Tiit tollQWl"ll P*fM>fl) art do1n9 Ml ~··· L[l''S l.AMll'S ~ SHA08, )4112 StrMt OI .... VIOiet l.t l'lltr-n, ~ "°'Ill CA '1•2' Lela Frencfl Weo,..r. S44S. VI• Veto. C..p.ltreno Bt•c" CA .,a. Hetry Jul'l•Of Wtontr loMW VI• Verclt (AC)l1Utno B .. cn CA <n•Jt Thi•_,,..~•• conoucreo by lftc CIMCll6tl), L•I• Fr~ncu W•Ql'ltr Herry J wa~nt'r Thll ltetemenl we\ lllN witl\ t"9 County Cltrk ol Of'tnilt Co11n1y on Nov lf'f'Oefll,ltlS Cou111Y Clerk of Orenv-CCKll'lty on December t, 191S Fttm l'lllNl1hH Oran0t Co.nt O•ll'r Pt101, ..-tan No'f ''· 2*, anti OH S, n . 1915 ... ,. IS Pv011S11ed OfantM Coast Delly Pll@t, Dec s,n l9,11>.1t1s •*H PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINEU NAME STATEMENT Tnt toHowtf>9 ~·wins are Oo•ft9 bu$! ntu•• SHARLUCCl 'S CONFEC· TIONARY CO LT~, 1106 SolAll COHI Hi91\way, UQunt !Mtcll, CA "651 ~··on B•rtOlll(( ... IQ()() Gleno.tk> """""'m CA P•ymono J BotflOly((I J 1 1.ac> Cilen Od~ \ An.;f\rttO C A Thi\ ll u\lnns '' conoucled by a oenual p.1rll•t!f\l\1p Sh••°" Bartotucct PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS 8USINUS NAME n ATIMINT TIW IOHOwlftC) p~()On\ •re Ooi1191>onl ~Sal E IC ASSOCIATES 2JOO Fa1t••sw Rd , C..0•1• ~s• CA Ql61io LtROV 0 El\WUI, 2JOO """"'""' Rd "'° N 205. Cost•~ ... CA '11•1• Wiiham Tl\o<N\ Kl11W 2lll V41lley VltwAw Norco CA Ql/.O T~•s D11\1n"n 1\ tonllYCled by ., ~r•I pertnrr~n p W•lh~m T1>om•\ Kl•IW l r Hoy 0 [no• "n PUBLIC NOTICE STATtMtNTOl'AeANOOtt-.NT QiUHOI' f'IC'TtTIOUS eUSINtSS NAME The , .. _,llQ pet'1.0n• ...... _ .. ~ ,,. llW of IN t1<t1"'°"' o.ain.u -A~AOANA RESTAORAHT, tOO "D"". Ntwpot'I C.11tef' Or , ~ lie.t i!, CA .,MO Ttw Flctlt•OU• eu~MH N•n-e ,.. lwred lo •bo .. we) 111•11 tn Ot-. toun1yonJu,,.t. 1'tj Jeft\UllCI K. HO•MlllUOetl, ~) OtM Strano llo D•n• Potnl. CA ~'*'" ~•OV'l Mocllr1, nu Htmlocll wo Sent• Ana, CA '1104 Thi> IJlillN\> W<IS ConCl\>Cl..S Cly e oener•I Pttr1Nol\1p J .K. Hon411nreO.h TTlll statement wo tiled wm1 uw County Cl•" ot Or•nlJI! COu<lly on Oeumt>er '· ltlS. F44ll0 Pvbll'1>td Orenoe Co.SI Oa11y Plt~t December), 12, l~ 26, 19/) .,,., ) l'l'BLIC l'\OTIC'F. . l'l(TITtOU$ •USIHESS NAMI STATEMENT Tht IOllo•1nQ ~rwin I\ dOIAQ ~ r"C\S H ALl AMERICAN 1-!0USEPL.AN EXHIBITION, 2H R•vers1<1e A .. "*-°PO"\ Bea<I\, C.A .,.._, Fredric• Ern\I, 2013 O\arle ~t ,._, C. Co~t• Mtw. CA •U21 Tl\IS ~·~s is condllcted by •n 1n 0tv10U•I FREOAICA ERfllST No• 'll,anOO.c.l, 12 .. UH 01' I) PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR cou•T OF THE $TATE OF CALI l'O•NIA FO• THE COUNTY OF ORANGE 1·~~~~~~~~~~~~-I Cl'· 144l No A·U71J SUPElllO• COU•T 0" THE NOTICE 011 HEAl'llNO OF PETITION ""' \taleMenl w•) llll'd ••olt. t~ County Clt•k 01 Or•n9t Co11ntrC111 Nov ernoer 11. tQ7S Tiii\ )lolle,,,..n1 w d\ 1111'<1 ..,,,. tl>t' t.ounlv <ler k ol Orange County on t'°v e~• 11 n1> nws st•t•menl w•s ttleO w•tll ti\> f'•9111 County Ct.,k ol Orenve County on STATEOFCALIFORNIAFOlt flOlll ftR08ATE OF WILL ANO l'Olt P\lllll''-"d Or tnQ• CO.ill 0.1oty r.101, Oecemllltr I, 197S Fat7f1 ' • l l 29 .ino O• \ 7 lqH •381 /) NOTICE Of' INTENTION TO EHOAGI. IN THI SALE OF ALOOHOt...IC e1vtRAOES 1117\ ToWnom ti May Concprn SuD1e< I to ..... l\\U<tll(f' ol u~ ltcf'n\t •IJOl•l!O for. not•<• is h•rtby o•...,. '""' '"" under119neO prooosu lo \rll olcollOllc ~ver.SIJt) at tt.e P<ffT\•W\, :lt'\crllltO as toll-\ 1916 Newport BlvO .• Cost. Mua. (Alftornla P\ir\..ant to '"' t. intent Ion. the "" :lers1t;1t1eo Is epply•no to lt.e Oeoert ..,..nl ot Alt ollollt Bt••r llQe C.olltrol tor U\IAnce ot an 1 lcol\ollc t>tvrra~ 1cense 10< loctMes I for t"e\r premi~ f\fOllOW\ 1 41'' ON SALE BEER ANO WINE llk>na Ficle PytlhC Eothno Pl.tt el MlkMI R Ort1t P11bllshtcl Oranoe Cont Dtilv ~•o• 0tom11er n. ttlS •IJ9.1~ PUBLIC NOTICE THE COUNTY OF ORANGE LnTElts TE$TAMtNTAltY No A-asu4 E'1atr ot VIOLA K WAITE. H 0 T • c E 0 F H E .. " I N G 0 F Ot!cu~ PublosM<I Ori!lnqe Coast DA•IY Piiot NO• )I 7t, •nd Oet S, 12, 1'7S 4410-/S PU BUC NOTICE PETITION FOii Pll08ATE OF NOTICE IS HCRE8" GIVEN ttw1 HOLOGRAPH IC WILL ANO FOR WILLIAM H WAI TE M \ ftltcl !Wrton • S·Ul I LETTERS TESTAMENTARY IS\19· ~lilion fO< Pro!Mlt Of W•ll •l'Cl •Ot I~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLIC NOTICE 9"\IH llOllCI _ SU,000) \u.\Mt ot Lttttr) Tt\lamtl'lt•rv 10 tM FICTITIOUS 8USINESS No A·HUI E\lllle of CLARENCE ELMER P1fhhont'U ,.f•rerw ce1ow11lc11 1\lntde NAMESTATEMENT SUPERIORCOURTOFTHE Sl1Ul.L dkd CLARENCE E SHULl, tor fll rtner P<Hl•Culers, and 11\et .,,. l'helollow1nvper$0n\artdOlftQ!NSl0 STATtOl'CALIFO•NtAFOlt Dtocrueo lime anO pl..c'° of l\Utlh~ tl\e wmt "'°\ ft9\s •s· THE COUNT 'I' OF ORANGE NO"TICE I') HEREBY GIVEN 11\al Ill'"' \ti for On 23, 1915, at' JO• m., DEE MAR INOUSTRtES. 1"8 In lllt Malltr o f t ht E)lat" of CEC.IL RAY SHULL t.es t.ieo llerein a 1<1 ll.., coyrtroom nt Otioerlmttlt "'° Jof ~nor Ave., Costa Mtsa. CA "'1621 MATILDA ROSINA SCHIEFELBEIN pelo!lon lo• Probaft of HotoqrdOh•< ~Id court, al 100 Civic C.•nler Ortvt: Jol'ln W Dwyer, ~1 Sut>urbl• • l\o know n as MAT I l DA R Wiii ano t°' Lellers Te.tamt nlary '" Wl\1 In 1ne City ot Sant<l Ana , U~ HynhnQtonBt1Hh.CA 91MO SCHIEFELBEIN,Otoa srCl ttrtntt 10 wr .. 0 1 I\ maoe for furtr>er C.eittornia Rooert J Dwyer. &S10 ""9usla, Not1t e h t.treby Qlven to c,....,11~ o.1r11cu1ars. and 111a1 ,,. .. time ano Dotto 0.:< 1 t4IS Frr\no, CA l\av1119 Ci•lms •9'11151 tt.t Uld OKt 111ac• of ~ann9 !l>e ~mt""' llttn .... 1 WILLIAM E. St JOHN, Tl>" Du\ine\~ •s conductNI by • ~nt to fole saiO cltlm' 111 lh• office ol f0< O«e<r1l>l'r JO 191S, al Q JO d m ,., C.Ovllty C'''" 9tfltr<ll lklrtni•r\llop the t lerk of tt>t elOte\lllO court 0< to .,... COYrtroom of Oep.trtmrnt No J of HASTI NGS, eL.ANCHAAO. WEILER, Jonna 0 WYH prewnt t"'m to tll• YnOersl911eo •t •~ """' COYrl. at 700 C1v1c Centu O•tY<' & KENNEO'I' f'l\is stalt'm•nt was MN! w1lh the olf1ce of SCHMITZ, AMA TO, PET Wo t on the Coty ol Santa Ana SIOWEST SIXTH ST SUITE U04 County C1••• of Oran9t' County on No• TLER, & SCHMI Tl ATTORNEYS C..hlornoa LOS AN GELES, CA 900'4 ~r n. l'US AT LAW, I/OJ AVALON BLVD tn ll>e DattODPceml>l'•8, 197S Attof"M1\f0f P•litioner FSOlllSI City o t WILMINGTO N . In LO~ WILLIAM E St JOHN, Altfl Mr W•tler P ublo,l'>t'O O'arige Coa\I Oa1ty ANGELES County wt.1ct. lat1tr ottoee Couniv Cl e•• Publl~tO OrAnQf' Co.a s t Od•IY Pllot, Pilot. Nov l8 ano Dec s t 1. 14, IQ/S h the pl.c:• 01 busoness of 1~ un- 04AALES GARRITY DPtemlll'r S 6 11 t'llS 4t.UIS .-.1s cle<)IQl>t<I In •II manen. Plfrt<\•llH'9 lo NOTICE YO Clll EOITO•.s • ., WUl11111 Slrttt sa•O .. ,.,. Suell ('••ms W•tn lllt SUPtlUO• COU•T OF THE $.Ml\• Alla, C..hton11a UIO. PU Bl.IC' NOTICE rieceue ry "'°"'~" mY\I Ill' til«I or STATE 0 1' CALIFORNIA FOlt h t 0141 S42 ~.. PUBLIC NOTICE P<nenteCI u a1or .. \aoo w11111n tour T"I: COUNTY OF ORANGE Al_, lot Pel•llOMr rrw>n4M•l1er lhe l11st OYbhcahonot .,..., FSOG Pvt>11\lltd Or1nQe Co.st Oa11y P110 1O.ctmbffl2.19,26,191SanOJ•ll.,.ry2 1'7• 4711 7\ PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS llUSIHESS NAME STATEMENT Tht l'Ollow1n11 person is do•AQ llu\ ... u al THE CLOTHES RACK FOR MEN, 111 Eut 11th St,, Costa Mtse earu '2611 • S•rat. H. Rubin, 17315 Peach lr.olrw, Clllol. <nl>M Tt.I\ business IS COn01JC.leO Dy an '" dl••dllc)I, SARAH RUBIN This Sl•lemenl w as tiled w11n ,,.., Co .. nty Clerk of Orange County on Oetemllltr 3. 191S. F SOV PllbhSl\ed Ofi•nve Cot\I Oa•IY P>lot Oectmt>er 12, 19, 26, 19Han0Janua•Y7 m• •71&-1 PUBLJC NOTICE Ne A·lU7l Pvlll \11tO Oran~Coast Oa1ly P110I S lJSI HOTICETOCAEDITOllS nol1<• Est•l•ot ANNA FIOlle, •••ANNA 01.c•ml>l'r" 11 18, l~7S 0 00.H SUPEAIORCOURTOFTHE SUPEAIOACOURTOFTHE O.teoOec , 1q7s S-tl4 7 c,toRillTENUTO FIORE 0.:t U\otO STATE OF CALI FORNI A FOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR FRANCE!> AUSTIN -'nd SUPElttOR COURT OF THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to IN' Pl'BLIC NOTICE THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TIU COUNTY OF ORANGE IRMA S MONTFORD STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR creootors ot tt.e allov"' nameo ~~I No '4·1SM• No A ISfOS AOm•n•Sl<dtOrS THE COUNTY OF ORANGE 11\dt all ~''°"' '"tvtnQ ct111m\ "9o01n\I NOTICE OF MEARING OF PETITION Eslalrot FREOWUL FF, O.:cta~ ot thtt\ldl' N•. A.em. ·~~••O de-ct'<l<enl•rt"requHeOlofllf' FICTITiOUS 8 USINESS FORPR08ATEOFWILL ANOFOR NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVENtOI"" ot\~iOot<f'Ol'nt NOTICE OF HEARING OF IN>m ...... ,. '"" nectn••Y •OVC:her\, In NAME STAT EMENT LETTERS TE~TAM£HTARY cre01tor\ of tile allO•f' named Cl«tOMll SCMMI~ AMATO, PETTLER & PETITION FOR P•OIATE OF WILL 1,...olfoc.oflt.ecle rk ofll'le•OO..,en T1"'follo,.,n1n >t:r \On\d<t:Oo•nqb1J\• E\ldt• ot M INCR K STOUT tt.atall llt'•\On\lla••nc;i <loillm\aQaon't SCHMITl • ANO FOR LETTERS TESTAMEN re.ih zes. .. 1 Tht'rdore. lht' c~indidall· for •ht> 19i6 Dt•mocrat1c nomination fl>r f!O\ t•rnor of Wt•..,l \'irJ,!101.i 1:-. ;l'l hng his two Mt•rct•dt•s Bt•n1. l>tl.O court. or to prntnl tlltm, w1tn '"" "'!\\a\ Ottu . ~d 11\e saod aec~tnl .ire requ1r~ lo We tlOJAVALON eLVO TAlllY ANO AUTHOR IUTION TO AD- I ne<tH •<f vovcntrs, lo ll'le unO~\lc;in<'<l DEAN S CH RISTlillN ACADEMY NOT1CE IS H( Rf BY GIVEN It.at 1,,,.m, w•tn ll\e ntce,sary vOU<.l\t"'· on WILMINGTON, c• tOTO MIN IS T E R U H 0 E It THE at t,.,.. offltt 01 JESSE BLATTEL. At lO I MaQnOltd Costa /oN\11 CA. '171>21 OOH HOWA RD "II' f1ll!O '-""on a llt'll 1,,,. oltict ol th<! clerk 01 the abOve I'"· Pvbli\l'leO Oran,,. CO"t O•ii• Pi'ol. INOEPENDENT AOMIHISTRATION tor~y at Law l'iOI Avtn~ of,,.... Star\, °'"'" \ l•Mn1119 Center Eachan~ lion lor P•otl.llf' ot Woll And tor '""•net 11111!<1 court, or topr•\tnt tl\em, W•thlll!' Dtcemt>er S. 17, 19~2<>. ,;;S u ·,~IS Of' ESTATES ACT IS..llt l'IO LO\A.nQ~ll'\,CA 900!>1,wtlo<I\ Int a C~l •ornoa torpordloon, 101 OI L•lll'" TrslamtnlcHY lo lt.r Pt-11 ,_ttssaryvovcl\ers,lotl'>•unOt'•st9"1'<1 --------·------Estele of LEONA BLANCHE 1'' tl\e piece ot l>u \•nns ot IN> un Maqntll n Cos t'l Mt\d , CA l•°""r roltrt•n<t to wll1tn is mtde for al,,.,. Oftice ot OAVIO WARREN At GATES,OeceasM Oer\1Qned 1n •II malltrS pertaonono 10 Tilt\ bus.ne.s 1s conClutlt•d b~ a cor lurtl'H!r Pd<htular\, •no that'"" limf' ,.,,,,.v "' Law, ISO! Wt,lc hH O:-,.,.,, PUBLIC NOTICI<; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Iha! 11\e nt;ote ot H•G rtec..O,.nt, wttl\1n lour poratoon M\d pl<tet 01ntat1n9 1"" '"ml' has Dl't'n Su•te Jtl, Newport Btacri, (.A. '17660. ---------------I DUANE M. GATES""' tiled """''",. .1utt>m o blles. * l ' S Supreme' Court no m 1 n l' l' J u d g c John Paul ~lP\'t>ns Y. on unanimous ;.1µ- p 1 o v .d from lhc Senate Jud1c1ary Co m m1ttee. His con 11oc1tHELLER f1rm;.it1on by lhl· full St>nale is expected Mondav. Stt•wn:.. nominated by President Ford to fill lhl' -.l.'3l of rettrt'd J ustice William O. Dougla~. sailed hrough the com m1llee·:-hcanngs this week without ~·ncountenng serious oppo~ition . The 15 -m ember com m1tte e \Oled 13 to Oto n"L commend e:o~f1rmation PEOPLE A M ;1 r~land m a n - ) r I .1 1 m s t h c I J t e o 1 I btllwn.ure H.L. Hunt promised to ll'.ive him Sl m11l111 n 1n his will. but forgot to do so. Walter T abaka of Bethesda filed suH in Dallas asking for tht' Sl m1lliun. J((• said H unt :.ilso owed him $400,000 m salary for pul;ltc rd<1llons work dunng a 10-year period. • '.\t;.i·.or Lionel Burton says after 14 year s as an t•kctc-c1 public official of San Marcos in San Die go C11unty ht• as retiring because "people in general are c11:-t•nrh:rnted with gov<.•rnmcnt .. "\\-e used to have a sense of community," Ourton :-aid. ·Bot no'W the North County 1s one ind1s- t1 ngw~hable mishmash We're <tll on<' l>1g economic wut Thl'rt.' is no community 1de nl1ty " • Gov Edmund G. Bru'>'n Jr. appointe d ch1l'f :.is- s1stant Los Angeles City Attorney David Perez to replace ~oel Cannon, the controvers ial "mllli-::.kut Judge" ordered n •mon>d from the bench Perez. 38. of Pacific Palis ades. started work for th<.> c1l~ in 1965 and 1s a m ember of the '.\lexican- Amenc an Lawvt'r'.'> Club !\b Cannon was removed from the bench in March by thl' Commission on Jud1c1.tl Qualiflt'd· t1on!'i. which cited her for misconduct. incluc1ing threatt'mng lo admimslcr the ".JS-caliber vas<'<.' tomy' of n mot orcycle pohccm;rn • The White llou ~e 1s decorated to r escmblt• a 19th c<.>ntury Amcn can folk Christmas c omplete with 3·fool·S tall wooden t'arousd animals. Firs t Lady Betty Ford borrowC'd anliqul" t1JyS. lecoratwns and paintings from thl' Ahhy Aldri<'h Ro('kt'ft'll er Fo lk Arl C'ollt•ct aon of Colon1;1l Wtlltamsburj? Th<'Y .ir<> plaC'l'd amid st thl' usu.11 \l.T<'ath" and potn~l!ttw ho11quN:> throughout lht· public 'l'l t ion of thP mans irm * ,\n l t'rl<'s1ac;t1 <':il a ppt•.ils rnurt aff1rmt•d that the Rev \\ illiam i\. Wt'ndt. ;in Epi-.ropal pnesl, d1 sobe' <'rl his bishop h~ .11lo'>' tnJ;! .in 1rn·gul arl~ or damed \t 11man prll'<.1 to <'t'l1•hrall' holy commun10n in his ehur<. h rn \\ J:-tu.ngton. I> C Jo an unprecedented churc·h tnal la~t May, Wendt v. .1, fou nd gwlty of disobeying B ishop William F. C rrl~bloo. · Wendt appealed the\ erd1cl of the diocesan ec- clesla~ttt':t l < ourt Thi.' s •·--en member app<.>als court -"'h11 h inc ludf>d thn>f> wom en, three pri<>sts and a lay 1.J.,,. ~ • r ;1f11rm•-d the on~inaJ dec1s wn on a 4·3 d•·u " 111n '41th ;ill t hr1'e v. omen mem hers ~senllng • Theo \tos t Rt'~ fA•'ard W. S<-ou, primate of th~ Anghcan Churc·h 11f < .10:1<!.1 , w;1!. elt>cted m oder a tor of lhl' 10<1Jor pol at • rn.ikmg b<.xJy of Lhe World Coun- cil of Church«.>'- Mr !"-tc·ott v.111 ~M"\.,. for ~''\ en years a s lcCJdt>r of !ht.' 136 m<>mhn CPntr;JJ n 1mm1HC"f> ~htch will ha m - mE>r into sh••P•· an<i t~ ;tdmanl!lttt the brotld poltcv J?Utd~hn" formubted at the council's fifth a5sembly wh ic h end~ 1n Kt"ll)., lha wt1?k. P UBLIC ~OTICE l'lc;TITtOUl ell\l•I » lllAMS UATlfa.lffl n.e ... _"' !Pe•_. ' _,.. --.. . "'IC( Wf"t•H 'l l t:llUC " o ... m ,,.,., ..... A-.. ow. ,...,.. UI .,.,. ~0.t#PoO(r ~._A DIN l"lMlot. (.A ., ._,. n.11 p.N-.• ,, UIMv<I .. "' -• dh•ldl><tl OoMld c; """< • TillJ ..... -1 ... tl..-f .. ~ Cter• eot ~ °"""'' • QK...-,),lt7J ~ II*!._.. Of~ IH~1 OWr 1111• Dfentw~u.tt.n.r11 ·~n Pcauc NOTICE •1e'f'tf1&Vi au lite di ...... u .n .MaWT , .. ...._ ... __ .. ..,..~ .., ...,,,,. A"'IUO tfltU'OltT .,. ~c.e.. ........ ,, ..,_, .... '> • ,.P!'C'•'t J ...... 11, <•"•'· ...._..._¥2 <• Tilla -1• '~lecl ibof Md\ .__ ,,_._, ... "' "-........... ~ ............ the ~ ~ •f O..enqe C...C't' Oii ~'·'"' ... I ~ ~~~~ o,~:,-;i montn\atler tl'le first publtcellonof 1111~ 0.-~n·, leornon9 C•nter E• \l't for 0.-c lO, 1q7~ i't ~ )Vo m "' '™' Wlltth I\ Ille PllKt of bu\lne's ot Int! un NOTICE TO CAEOITOlllS l)l!litlon tor Probalt of Wlll And tor l.~1 notltt , nang~ Inc counroom ot Oeoartm~nt No 1 ot ,.,,., °""loneo in 1111 mailer\ pertaining to SUPE•tOR cou AT OF THE leN testamentary and Autnoruat1on to OateO Novtm~r 1• l~IS Svt>ol Mc Cork le S•• retary CO\lrt' &! IOO Ci voe CPnter Or tv<· Wf\I in tilt ntaae of ~aid d~cedenl. w1t1>0> t-·• STATE 0" c•Lt ~06N IA FO• Ad<'f>lni\ler under tht lnOe~nOent Ad ~ lnt Cll~ot SanlaAna Cahforn1• . ~ " r " mtn•••rat·-of E • t A MARIO FIORE '"'" \ldt~""'nt wa .. l•l"d Wttl\ Int! " rron1Mallerlt.t'f1tstpubl1t a!lor>Oftll1\ THEC:OUNTYOFORANGE " •-· \,tit\ cl, tt?leren<e E•e<utor ol !Pie Woll Count t CIPrl\ ot Oranqe County on Nov 0."d 11 9.75 "°'''" No A Ul!I WlllCh I\ m.Ot for !1Jrl!w!r Pdrt1w1;v, oltlle<lllovtftdmt:Odeceaenl ernDer 17 19/S WILLIAME SI JOHN. Oell'dNoVf!mber IS, 191\ Estate ol RALPH S HOLDEN. Af\O 11\al 11\t time and Pl•ce of t.raron'J JUSIEIL.ATTEL F4'7'1 Co1Jnty Clt"rk CHESTE R J AMF'S WULFF DPtU!otd 'U...samel\HbffnstllorOec J0,1q7\ Anor,..yatLaw Putll>\h•<l 0'<111Q•· co ... \t Oaily PllOI. L.ACltMANANDL.ACKMAH E1tcu1or ottl\e W•ll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo I"" at '-30 em , in the courtroom ol l'O•Avt oltl\eSt•HSY1lel'IO Nov n 18 andt>ec ~.I? 1~7\ '317-/S L'o"~:::~~H,CA tot42 oft'1ta1>0venarneo~cedent credolonol Ille al>Ovr nameOOl'<.-~t Oeo-•lmenl No. 3 of s1110 court at 7r:ll ~Anqel•S Ca11torn1•"°°'' DAVIOWARREN tllat all ptrwns l\avlnQ c1a1ms ~•n\I Ovic CAnttr Drive Wesl, in tt>e CJly ol AU0<ntyfor Eat U1or PUBLIC'.' OTICE ""°'"*Y\k>r P•llllon., Anon1ty•tlAw lht ~10 oecedenl •tt r•qu1r,.,. to f1I• ~ltAna,Ca11torn1• ·' Pu.111os11ea Or<1n9' Co.HI Oot1ly P1101 c "' ~ 0.ted 0.c 8 1q1• IQ7S Publlsl\eO Oranot COA\I D<l•ly Pilot C»ttmt>er 17 ll, 1q 1U\ .,_..IS 1501 Wt st<htl Oriv<t tl\tm. wilt. lt'le nece•sary vOV<ners. In WI Noveme>er 21, •nd 0.cem~r s II IQ PUB LI c HEAR s . S...lt )12 the oltlce or '"' titrk ol •M tlllO .... en LLI AME St JOHN, 1'75 . • i NC. WI LL BE HtWl'On .. lltll, CA. t1MO t1Ued<OY•I OrtO pre~nttMm, will\ 11-.e County Clerk •S~IH HELO BY T11E COSTA MESA PU.N PUBLIC NOTICE Tel t7l41Ut~lS1 r.e<e>sary voucntr\ tott.ryft0er\4t;IMO OfMMIL,ZA"ETT, --------------NINC.COMMIS'ilONotltntC•lyHall /I ---------------I Atlo<'MyforEucutor tlh<t DOVIOIO&ROWL£Y Fa•! Or.ve, CO\la Me\a, CAlof0tr11ol di PuOhSl>ed Oran-Coa<I 0 •11w Pll~. • oH1etof ARTHUR STROCK. Al ISl111:.Wlllt119r8l't0 Ne . ..o' PUBLIC NOTICE I> 30 Prn or a. soon as pon1tlle CP·l41' "' • u' v• IO<Tl('yet L•w SO\J0111Slrffl.Ne"'l>0<1 Wltlttltr CA*Ol l"'rea•ttr on Monday Oece~r n NOTICE TO CllEOITO•S Nov 21, 19,and Dec S, 12 1975 4AIC>IS Beacn, Cahtornoa 91660, wt'loct. t\ I"' A~U«: Pellllenu NOTICE TOCllEOITOAS SUPEAIOlt COUATOF THE STATE OF CALIFO•NIA FO• THE COUNTY OF OK.ANGE No A·IMPIO Est•t e o t R O B C:RT J TRACE,Oecta~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lotne C.l'eOllOO of lhe allo•e n•rneO Clec~I t'1a1 •II oerson• l\t•lnQ clt •m\ &911lns1 ll>e sa10 Ge(~nl art' rtQ11irM to tolf' IP>tm, wllt. lh& ntCt\~o)ry vOU<Nr\, 1n t"" Qftlce ot 1r.. tier~ of •~ atio .. tn· tllltd court, or lo prntnl them wllll Ille M<H5ary •OUC.Mri, to 1111! unotnu;ineo .'II .,,I! o f t1ct of WH I T E . OBERHANSLEY & FLEMING, Al· torrwo el L•w • .a.1 Van Nuys Blvo , S1Jlle 7tS. Van Nun, California 91.00S. wt\ltl\ Is tile plao of buslnts, of lhe un 0tn19"t0 in ell matttr\ ptrtalNng to 11\e H late OI H id de<tOtnl, wttll1n tour monlM alter 11\e 11,.1 pytllt<alOn O! ''" notice. Dated No~mt>er 1•. >•15, DIXIE TRACE E•etulr.,ol thPWoll WHIT[, 08E A HANSl..E Y &.FLEMING 'lnorneysat Lew 6M7V&ll N1Jy\ BlvO Sv1lf' 71 S V•nNun,CA q140S Ttl t71lll ... 8'60 Ill 1971 AUorntY\ tor E •etutr u Put>l•Ywd Or•~ C.o•U D•1ly P>tol, N0"9ml>er 21. ind Ottt!mber ), 17. 19, 1q75 Reoard1ng the 10110 .. 1n9 aPC>l•col OF 8ULlt TRANS,.EA place of blls•nPss ot tnf' undersiQnrO •n P\lbO-O•an91! Coast Dally P1101 lions IS.Cs '101 '107 U CC I all matt•rs perl••nonQ lo 11\t t\141" Of Otc. 11, 12, II, l97S •Ill 7 1 Aeqyfll For Ato.ridonrnertl Of E•· Nol it" I\ l\e•"l\Y Q• ••n lo In" PUBLIC NOTICE WIOOeodl'nl. •"tnon t011r montlls attw <fl• Alley Rl9llt-Ol-W•y at •8S East lltll credlfO<s of HELGA M JORS TAO. 'i ,,,. llrSI 1>Ubl1tallonot tn1\ nohte N'ftl)loOllCleClclr•••on lla\l>l'en ···~) b•iS•ntSS .OOrfl\ I\ 2S2l Va\SN Pl.>et. NOTICE TO CR E OITORS ROBYN SUSAN HOLDEN PUBLJC NOTICE Strttl. CO\la /oNsa, Cal•lornoa CE• 1 S No "''-'°8086. Trdn>f,.ror ~, CP·l4J1 DateO~ttmtwr l, 1q1s 2. •er-Ptlltlon R·IS·2' tor OonalO C 5 •tY ot Cost• ~sa, Co.,nty of Orane)" SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Eat<ulrl•Of l!'le Wiii lnVl'\l .... nl Company, 110) Avocaoo l•t•of Ca hforn1.i lllAtilDYk l<dnSltr STATEOFCALIFORNtAFOA ol tMtboven•~ddtcedenl S·1>'6 Street No H S Newport 9,.acn I\ •bout ID b" m dd• lo 0<''1V R THECOUNTYOFORANGE At111ur Sll"!Kk SUPEllllORCOURTOFTHE (Alotorn1a for oermlS\oO'I 10 re tone oro ~riQen •nd Gfrald Ctavd• Pt ••Q!'n '> NO. A 153•1 At1«1"'y Al U• ST ATI: OF CAI.I FORNIA FOR ~~~::~~:l~f~~~.:~~~~7~~~~: I ~r!~ .. ~~ s~~:~! ~::.n!!~ ~~:::: H;~~'.'c ~'. ~~~NtE'6DN=~L~OFN ~=::11. TI4ECO~:::.:~~RANGE 1ntoconlormancew1lhthe9e11er•lptan Is 173'2 Marken La ne C•ty 01 HA.M RI C K . a lt a LEO NA RC C:..llfon1ia'2W.0 NOTICE OF HEARING OF (Negahvede<.larat1on1>ubffnloledl H<MhnQlon S.acn, County of Ortnqr I HAMRICK. aka L F, HAMRICK, Alt-rterEHCYtn1 PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL l Atr-Ptlltlon R-H-lO for Rotlwrd Stitt of Cl1Hforn1a Oecea'>l'<I Putllir.l\ed Or•nQe Coast Daily Polol, AHO f'Olt LETTIE A$ TEST AM£N Naller5, 1600Ha rbor Boul•vard f.n\ta TM prol>f'rly to bP lrAn\terre<l 1\1 NOTI CE IS11EREBY CtVENtoOll! Ott 11. I', 11>. l~IS and Jan 1. 1Q76 TAllYANOAUTHOlllZATtONTOAO Mfo\a, Oaliforn,4 tor perm.ssior> 10 ,~ located al ~83 W IQtt. St reel. CJIY Of I crtOltors ol Ille a1>0ve n<lmed <l<'Ceaent ''"I S MI N t s T E R u N o E A TH E 1one property loc~te-0 at •b• P,tncelon Co11a IN~•. County OI Oran941, State ol <lwt all persons l'lav•nQ claom\ "~'"'' INOEPIENOENT ADMINISTRATION Drove, Co\l.t ~\a (.al•tornia,from RI C..lllornoot. I tne w10 oec-nl art! rrqu1rt0 to flit PUBLIC NOTICE O,.ESTATESACT. to Ct CPQ<!nPralolan arnendtl'll!nttu Said o•o~rtv '' de\cri!WO 1noener•I It.em, w1lh Ille nec~ssary llOU<l\Pf\, or Est•le ot HELEN C. SICKELS. comn'W'rt•al cenlrr ,, ~nCl•nc;i. wb1..._1 a\ All stock 1n trade, futur,.s, ll'te olt•ce ot I~ c•er• of tM aDoVf! tn OKH~. to ret.•ar>nq b•loro td f covncol eQutpm~nt anO 9000 woll ot tllal litlf<!court,orto p•t.,.,nl 11\em,wllhlhl flCTITIOUS BUSINESS NOTICE IS HEREBY C.I V(N !Ml (Ntoat•vedl'Clar~f•on ha\bE'~nt.icaJ I 1.Kretaro•l serv1c.. bu\1n"\S known d\I ntct-Ssarrvoucher$,tolnt'.,nae<soQnf'O NAME STATEMENT UNITED CALIFORNIA SANK na' '· Rtton• Ptlllion R·IS-ll tor .,..., HELGA") SECRETARIAL SERVICE 61II>!'0H1ct of EARL H THOMPSON, Tl\e foflow•no Pt•Wlll •S dO»ftO .,.,... tlled Mnln e ptllhon for PrOO..lt' al CO\t.t ~sa p 1.,nn .119 Commi\<ion, 11 arid localtd at S8) W 1qtn Str~t. C•IY AU0<no. 1207 E Im Avenue. Suitt R ness as WI II eno tor l\SY•nc t' of Lelle,. F·l.r Or•v"' Co\la M~sa, Calo lorn' a '°' I Of Co.et /oN\tt, County of Oran91' Stdl• P 0 Bo.c tb,l6, Carlsbeo, C<111torn•a 1 DANA WEST ORA FTI NG, Stop F lJ TestemtnlJry and Aulho,.Latton lo AO p•rm1ssu1n to r•tOn~ prop .. rty at ol (Alilornia I '17008, """l<I\" I"" DI.Kt Of bUS1~S 011 lsJAncl, Dint Po1nl, p 0 8o1 ll21, minister under tM lncle~ndi!<lt AO lOOI lOO Enlerpr.,• St bl0t>A8 B.l~~, T" e llu I k Ir a n\ 1" r w111 ll• t"" ~rs•oneo on •Ii mtttters po-rtarn Caoistrano Beacn, CA '1762• m1Nstralk>n of E•lates Act. r~..-tncr· St •nObll l>'JP~ul.tr•MA•f! lromML tons11mmatt0 on or att"r IP>•17ncl dai •nt;llotrwest•l•ol,~•d a•ct'denl ..,,,.., Rooer Forrt"sl K.uru, Slip FJ) to wt.•cl\ ls madl! fo r fu rl""'' thm·tl!d 1ndvstr.a• 10 MC '9"""ra l in ol Otctmlltr. t97S, at 10 00 .t m di tour mont"' aller tl\e lir\t putlllcal1on l\l...O, Dene Po1"1 P 0 8o• :1121, ~lc11tars.anO ll>dl tht t1mt anopl•cr oustr•a•l INe9at·ve oectaratlOn hU Prottss•on•I Escrow St•••<•s w~ 01 lnl\not1ce c.ac»slr •no llea<I\, CA '762• ol ,.,..,."9 ,,,. ••me ""' bffn !>ti l0t t>eenfil.01 •Gort\\ •S 1'21 N Tu\t •n A.•PnYt' 0.teONowmt><>r n 1q1s Tl\l~ bu)lnu~ IS COl'IOU<I CO by dn ,,.. Dec )0, 1'H , al •·10 am . ,,, 1,,.. s Aerone Ptllhon R-7S-3l, tor 11\f' Santa Ana C<1hforn1• PA"TRIC•A J GU<;TAFSON dlviOUtt courtroom of Deparlmenl No lot "' O Co11a MesaPlannongComm•\S•on /1 Sola r .t\ IJ kno w n l o IP>• Aom1n1str.tt,. .. ofl1WEstate AOGERF KURTZ tour1,917000 ••<Center0rtve'Nl!sl,•" "•" or.ve, CO\la Mes•. CahfO•ll•ol IO< Trans•trff\ •II business na,.,,.., olnQ o• • ..... •1>0ve nameooeceoenL Tiiis \ll temenl ... , flleO Wlfll t~ I tt>eCltyot !>Ant• Ane, ~htorn111 11erm•sSion to rt'6one oroperly at tdd<e5\M .. s1·0 DY ""' T<c)n\ff'ror tor EARLH tHOMPSON, Cou111v Cltrk of O••noe County on OoteoOec l .1'7S 2900-?'MO ColleQ<! Avt! and l140-ll9'1 IN ().)\I tt.rf'e •"'tlrS <lrt' '"'"" 1107 Etm A .. , 5Y1lt R Otternller I, l91S WILLIAM E . St JOHN, Looan Ave. trom ML ll>mol..O •n· Ooteo NO•t'ml>fr H 1q1s P 0eo114l4 Ftol!IS c:.wtya.nr ~SI 1S dustr>all 10 MG IQ<!nt•al •nOU'1r>at) Betty R Per ogen CMIM»O, C..htorft1• '2oot P\1111•\hed Or•n~ Coul Otlly l'llot, ~WART, WOOOlll U FF & FRAZEE <Neoahw decla•ahOf\llU 1Jt<>nl·•eo1 Gf!••ld Cl'1Y<le Perioen A'-Y tor Admin•n .... ,... Ot<Atnt>er 11, "· n, lt7SanC1Jen.-.,1, A ...... J' at uw n rs PUBLIC NOTICE •· RH-Petition R-7S ll '°' lhe Translf'te<'~ PvbllSl\td Oranqe Coa\I Dally Piiot IQ76 '11~75 1KS "°'111-.Uln St. ~ta ~w PlannonQ Commiss•on. /1 P Ill 0 F ES St 0 HA L ES CR 0 W O.cotmllerS, 12, IQ, 11>, 1q1s ~1).7~ s.1 .. 1010 Fa1rOrlve,CostaMesa,Cat•torn1e,tor SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICE 5MteA,..,CA'1IOI S-1~ ~rrNss•on lo retont prOl>"rtV al 2'100 P O lloor IU&1 PUBLIC NOTICF. Anonoe~fw: PtlilioMr SUl'f llllOR COURT OF THE Br1stol Slrffl trom ML OomottO •n Santa AM, C..Ut.rnle '1111 Pvbtl\hed Oran~ Coast Daily Piiot STATE 0" CAl.IFO•NIA FOlt dU\lroall to MG lqent rat "'OU\trlall Escrow Ne 7S-Jl70 NOTICE TOCREOITO•S S·USI Oec 11• U, ti, l975 •7121\ TI4E C:OUNTY Of' ORANGE INega11wdet1arat•onll01\l>f'<'nflleol Pvlll1~ Orenge CoHt De lly Piiot, SUl'ERtOR COURT OF THE NOTICE TO CREDI TOH .... A-Mt2' 1 z-E•etohon Ptrm•t ZE·7~1l6 DPcember ''· 1'1S •l.U.JS STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR No. A·Ul?I HOTICI: 0" HIAltlNG OF PETITION lor Henry A Evient1>,elHW. IBlt.Str .... t. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE SUPERIOR COURTOI' THE PUBLIC NOTICE FOii f'ROaATE O" WILL AND POR Co\ta /oN\a Ca lilornia, tor varianrt> PUBLIC NOTICE No.&·'5t4' STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR LETTllH TISTAMIN"T A•Y trom Co\la ~'~ M1Jn1c1pat Codi' y., E\lale of BllL M KRAMER, alw THE COUNTY OF ORANGE ORDINANCE N0. 7S-S9 EslateofJOSEPH JOST,ai'IO •nown t1on13l2ll>lo allow u ist1n9 ntl'ICOn NOTICl!:INYITINGBIOS k nowri •H M ILTO N KRAMER, In ttll' Malltr ot 11\t Esl•le of ,AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY as JOE JOST, alwi Mnown a\ JOS lormonQ, '"'S•denct> to rem4 on on"'" NOTI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN ll\<tt OPceaY.O PIERRE C. MAR OR US, Oecuseo. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA JOST, also known·~ .fOSE PH E JOSf. junction wllh constr11c lion o•. fY'W\tt• I <.tdle<;I prQl>Os•I\ WI ti bl' 1eu1.edt1y1~ NOTICE IS HERE BY GI VEN lo the NotlCI' Is ~rPlly QIVtn lo CN'Oltor• MESA, CALI FO Ill NI A, AMENOtNG Ottetsed •ndu\tn at bu1ld•n91ocated'" an Ml in"" C•IY of to\ ta M~\d di •t.• of• ••t ~ t~ c'~l creoltors of • ...., above nalTl('d OKtOent l\<tv1no claims ilQ~IMI lt.e '"'d ~ce-SECTION 10.m O" THE MUNICIPAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IMI Ill 878 w 18th St . Co\IA M•\l 1y Clerk •I Ille Clly Htll, 11 'F.':: f:i-. II.at all ~rsons l'lav1n9 claims a9')1nst Cltnl to tile \did Cl,.ms in the ollite ot COOi 0, THE CITY OF COSTA JOSEPHS JOST and P ATRICIA K C<>l1lorn1• tNe9al•ve aeclM~l•on ria, Cu.MM<>sa Ca llforn1<t untiltnt!l\Oll;~f tl\e W •O Oe<eaent art requortO lo hit the alortsald court or lo 1>rewn1 lhem MESA TO DECREASE THE SPEED BUCK •s CO EXECUTORS haw f1lf'O 11tenfileO I 11 OOe m or> O..c\'m~r )I. l'7Sal-•Ch t~m. wltn Ille n•ctssary vouchers, 111 lo 1"" underS•QMO ill lht office ot LIMIT OH SUNFLOWER AVENUE ""rein"' ~lollon for ProbAll' ol Wiii and I 1-Esc911tion Ptrmtl ZE·1S-ll1 t1<n• l'-t'Y wlll l>l'OC>tll.0 pubhctyanort· Ille offlCt ot IM cterio. ol t~ allow"" '::1 ~e~:E~6 g T H 0 R N T 0 N , a ET WE IE N THE S 0 UTHE RN ror1nui.11uofLeUersT0 1amenl.ioryto lo< O.rolO R. Ryan 3718 O.>~ota ed•louO on IM CoYnc•t Ch .. mtwrs l0< Ulll!O courl,or topresentll\em wlft.tht CAHILL,AllO<~Y5 at PACIFIC llAILROAO CROSSING t~ petolloner reftttnc• to """"" " Av<tftVif, ~I• Me..a Ca!llorn•a tor lurno\t.1 n9 •If tallOr m•tProa!\, ~u11> neceuary vouct>ers, to the undt'<slorie<I Lilw, 2•04 W1lslllre BlvO., Suite '00, In AND l'AlaYI EW llOAO FROM FIFTY moO!! 10< tun.,_, 11trt1cu1ars arc!'""'' varllft<.t lrol\'I C.osld Mt ~ MUll•••o.tl ""'nt lra t1\porlal1on •nO \uct. °'""' •I l .... Olhceoltnt!1t ~llornen. AARON~ l'W C1ly ol Los A"941IH, In LOS Anc;ie!n Ml LIES PER HOUR TO f'ORTY ll>etl!Y\\' ano pla<P of ,...,,.,,q '"" sa""' CoClt S.Ctlon 13 IJ7 l to a llow a I> , f«1hho •• may be r•qulr.., tor lt\t & AARONS. INC • 11'0 HarC>or County, wl\lct. latle• olllct I• ll>e i>tact MILES PElll HOUR. ""S been ~tt 1°' Dec lO. It/\ Al ' JO .... sJty0tv1All°" In lhtcon\tructoonof 6 lands<t~ cle•tloe>ment nr Nortll East Boultv••O, Suite 709, p O Bo• 1.,, Of bu\lr'fH ol tht ~r)llJM(I In all THE CITY COUNC L OF THE Cl TY a m., In tl\e co...rtroom o• °""""men! __ rt,,.,.n111n1h 1ncon1uncl-wtll\ EmC>tnkm41ntat8tarStr~tl•'""'I-"-Costa Mtw, Clllllornl• 9a2', -•<II•\ mtlters 1>11rla1n1no to \JiO t st111t Suell OF COSTA MESA DOES HEREBY NO 3 Of \it•d court et 100 C"•IC c.M., M t •l)lift9 reslclence in an Rt lOftl', al Ol990 FrMwty • ., .,.. ,..., !he ()tact of t>vslneu ol llW 111\0tolqntO ct•lm\ •1111 Ille ftt'C~Wl'Y vouc:IW!r\ ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Ortw Wnl, In Int Cit, of Saini• "N, HSO Etoen Ave' Costa MPs.1. Asetotp1an\,S1"<illc•t1onun0011\er ln•ll ~t1ene>t<l•1nlnototMHateof "'llSlbeflledorprtsenltOesafon\AIO Sl:CTt014 I. Section IO·Jl2 of tht Ca~~01~1!..t I . l"I) C:.thtorn1a tNeo•hvedtciarahon 1111"'.11 contract oorumenl\ m•y bf' ollt••IWO at said Otceotnt, wltl\ln toyr monll>S attpr •• lll•n four months alt Pr Ille llrst MUllld pal Cade of 11\e City of Coita ......... w.LL•A;.. IE SUONN, ,,,...,, 11\t office of tl\t 0.t><'rtmf'nl Of u •wrt tl>e hr\lpUIJllcauonof ll\1\ftOtlCI'. "':'~~·~ ~ .. ~~~snotlct. MtM Mlllled: "Oecrta\e Of St•le l..olw • lofte Eao11tie" Permll ZE·1S.1Ja Se<'•ICn . 17 Fair Orlvf. Co\ta -w. Oele0No•tm1>9rl1. 1q1s. REV ROBERT V TOBIN Meal mum Speeo •" Is htrPbY CounlyCll!rk t0< M1•t0 \ C•roet Wa "hoU'f' tr.c CAI~ I JERRYLEE KRAMER and ~by,,,. •Odillon tl\erelOOl lllf! •AMSIY AND llASMUSSEN U • Ui> Eesl lltll Street Cosla ~sa· n t uoon e non rttunoabtt' IMY J ERRY DIXON KRAMER Ellt<Utorot tt.tWlll lollowlllQ. -W OCIAN eLYD $VITE I~ mPnt of '6 00 If b•Odt•s '"'Q""'I Ol.tM ol setOOtctO<'nt. • S t.OMO••ACH, CA. '2101 C..to hlornla tor vari•n<,. lrom s•on<°'°" •nd•oe<•licellon\l>I' ma1IPC1, llW!char~ E•e-:otorsolll)e E'l•t• M U It p " y ' T H 0 ll NT 0 N • • 11nflower A venue from '"'" ..-V•-: PflltleMr •II-above roof S•Qn e~cess s•9" wilt llP S7 SC> per set ot llW!•llOve namt00tcedtfll. HINEllf'•LO& CAHILL Southern Pecillc A•••nieo cros\1nq ann Pubtl\IMO Or.,.09 Coast Deily Pllol •• , .. n ct•ss lttler ~·ont And an '" EMI\ b•O sl\<lll ~ macle on tlw pro AAltONS&AARONS, INC. U .. WILSHl•IE eLYO. SUITE• Felrvi-Ao.a -•O miles per hour Otcem._.. t I, i•. II. l'1' '1ll>lS < 10 reaw •n 11tm' of 1ntormallon In or-Oer Po\al f0<m eno In tt>• mannei ll'IN•Ofd 17WHar11« .. ule•••d LOS ANGELES. CA .... S7 SI CT ION J, Tl\1s Ordinance SIWlll """ • ' ttt;1ahre u •S1•nc;i signs 1n a a L,,,..,. 1 1 5411'92" P\I tau eff9<1 and bt In full force tt.1rty tocateo at 12•·126 E. m11 SI . <:ost~ ;c:.C.:~~:~~c~;';171';.;~~;:1;~ P.O ... a1t6t Dote ~2',s~~;:~:!n~J~s~-~.·:~~t'lot. IJOI dm from Ofld alter ils Pt\SMlf, Mt~. Calltorn1a IE•emotoon OKl•r• <llt<k.,.• t>IO bon<l lor not 1,.\\tnan '°' CMU~.C:..llfenlla'2U6 .,,, ii ar>d t>rlor to Ult u()lratlon ol tilt~ t-llAsbffntttedl of Ult lmouflt ot ,,... birt, mao~ l>o)v.tble Tet: (7141,..._.... 11Sl days from Ille passage 11\t'rfOI. PUBLIC NOTICE IO. 1-IE.cei>llOfl Permit ZE·7S.1Jt tot ... CllyofCo~la MU• Anon.y,lt<'IEa>Kv~t p Ylell be e>ubtlSlled once in Ille OfatlQI' C:f'-1471 f0< U Heul Company of Or•nge County, NOTICE IS FUR THEA GIVfN lhlll Put>41"1td Or•ft9• Coast 011lly Pilot. UBLIC NOTICE C.oul Colly Piiot, a news1>o1e>e• 01 HOTICI! Of'INTENTIONTO M05o Plac•nt1a. Pt.c:entla, Cllllfom•• the City Co1incll ot .,110 City "~~ Nowmt>tr 21, ano Oecem1>er s, u, 19, --===='.""",,.._..,...,--......,--I 'il'neul c irculetlon, prlnteo onCJ CREATI! SECURITY INTt.•EST l0<varla11<elrOm\IQn <odetoatlowc-htfetotorenl•l>ll•llt<l•Dr"v•llu'tQr"t" 197S ~SS, 1\ SUPE•IORCOUllTO,.THt l>Ubtl!ohtd in'"' City of Co\11 """~· CS.0.'101 -'101 U.C.C.) \lrutllon Of • QtOYnO 119" ta<otdlf\9 el'Cf K •lf Of w•OH, In ac<oroanc.~ with STATliOFCALIFOllNAIAFOlt ~tl\fr wHh the nemtt or I"" '""m Nolit• I\ l\treby 1Jlven 10 t M lloll\)llJftarUtndSllJ'ftl't19flt,lnaO 1..,,tol>t1>11ldlntrw con\lrut11onotli. PUBLJCNOTICE T"ICOUNTYOFORANGE btrsolthtCllyCo11ncll vot1119loran<1 CredllOf\ ot CL IFFORD RESEARCH lOM, located el lMO NtwP011 8 1...S., tobovottntltltcllft\prov•mfnh Tlleh4lld Nt.AUJ4' •lnslll\fs•me. "NO OEVELOPMCNT CO , INC , Co\lt Mtsa, C•lltornl•. l£1ttrt'Clllon ret.erld Keltw•\adopteObyltw CllYl------::8~-INl=~,.-------HOTtC•Of'HIARINOOFPITITI°" PASSEO ANO ADOPTED llllS hi Oebt0<, wllo\9 bYSln•u oddrtoSS 1, 101 O.Cl•retlC111'1tSl>ffn tlltdl Counc:ll by AtMllUllOll I)'°" tl'lt llt.dty HOTl(E TO C:lll!DITORS T 0 D a Tall MIN I! TIT lo.IE TO deyof Oec.mber, 191S. ICAllftU\ ~ .. City ot (o•I• Mt'4, County II,'-E•~ti... ... """ ~··'"'. of J-•r11'7S, •nO Is on Ill• In the Of Ne.A.UM> ll'ROPE•TY A.L. PINI( LEY t71 Of•f'9'. Stat,. of Celllo1nle, that a fW Wllllam I!. Page, 1021 So S..""1, flct o1 tlle City Clerk ot HIO City Thal SUftl!RIOft COURTOl'THI '"'"'Metter oltlle Esttteof 8YROH Ma.,.orolt"- teeurlty lnttrul 1, •llol't to Ile tt••lltd Sant• An•. c;.lltor"I•, for <ondlllontl ""° , ........ K•I• I) M rt ln rtt.,rf'O 10 STATI OF CALI l"O•N•A ... ~ RALl't4 KEELER, 0.<HWO. C.ltyof Cosl4 Mtw C>y O.lllor and orented to SitntlllQO UMpji>rmlt toell-•utomobll• ,."""In anclfld091Hlln tlll~notlct H 11\0uQf\luily T"E COUNTY 01' O•ANGt To •II PffllOI\$ ctelmlft9 en,,.,._,, In AT'TEST. Bank, • C•lllornla c orporallon • .,,.,11tlnQl>\lllcll119 1nonMG1-locat· Md ~le1•ty Ml fOftl\ l\•r•ln, """ lnllltMllUWoftl\fE\l•ttotHfLEN tlwSWCll)lrtyllotr•lnefttrdH<rlbed ElletnP Plll111111y s.<111"ff P•rty,wtio~Du,lnf'Ut0drtt\ td at JO.It En .. rprlM $tr"1, CMle th.91 Mids.colt , H tdollt~O lly "'"' M MORIARTV,el10•nownHHELIEN NOtlcot•l\ef'tt>y9lvtnlhlhM•l119 01-,CIOt'lloflht I\ ~j Ent Ft,,1 SI , City of Tll\till, t.W\a, C•lllornl• IEMmpllon di<~ Anollltlon. ls m.df 1 par I 01 lhh ~le~ MARGARET MORIAfUY, O.C~. of ltle Clttltlon .. M•ruOa KMI«, A6-Otyof c.o.-. MllH CevfttyotOrenqt,SletpofCellfornta tionf\4\be•nlllt4l byrtftrMIU Notlu 1, lllrtllY Olwen to cr.dllan mll'lltlrolrl~t.fodtttrmlnatlClllOfllt .. STAfEOFCALIFORNIA ) r111~.,, l11tt,..r•l, 111 -.cl\""' 12 I-E•<-.tl011,.rmlt IE 7S.IO Th• Con tree tor \h1tll In tllt ... >tlllQ clelm• •90lnst Iha Miki ore.-to "'9 "'"'"-"Of' dtKrlbtcl ~. COUNTY OF ORANGE IS.S S.C."'11't 1111•••" •Ill be crHted ,, ,,. '°' EdwtrO Y. Fl\11, "91't Rochfftw IJWfWINllU OI ... -·~ •ncl I~ dtnl to,, .. Mid Cltlm• In tM office .. wllllltfled•llMCevft Rewn of~. ClfYOFCOSTAMESA ) lt1rn, equlpm•nl, lllrl'lllurt elld Slrfft, Co\lt MeH, Ct lllornla, for f'l'IMl,,COftformtolht l eWCodl'ollht ttw Cl«ll of lht ofortwlO ceun w IO n.Ml .. tMSllPHlotC-tot ... S4al. l,ll1LE5N I'. ll'HINNEY,O ly Ottlt !Wfof....,...OI O.btor wl\0'8 bW~\1, ver>lln<t trom ~le MeH -CIP<tt '"t•ot c..tltwnle 01141 otlltr l~ol !ht ~ tllem to tlle Uftdtrsltf*I .. 1,_ ., c:.tllforllto, 111 01111 ftr t"9 Cellrtey., Mii "«flclo Oort of 11\t Oty C:OU..Clt ~-ft H Cltttor<t .. ._,.arc.II anO Code S«llOn 11-111 a. to •II-a 1 S~ 1tatt ot C.Ollfomla a~llcabte llltftlO, otllCt of l(AMINAll, SOIU~O. AN· Or ... ~*9at 7t00vkc:..Mtr°'1w tflNQtyofOotuMua,Mrtbycertll., ~nl C.O , tnc •I'd locetf'CI et Cltllllilf dtvlallofl tor• d41Plt1 In con wllll tllt exceptloll 6llly o1 \M(h varl .. OAEEN ~ THORN, tOlO SECOHO Wt11,CI of IMllAN,Oftttltltllldly tlitUM.-OwetldforeoolnQOrd'-'Ce MO~ Or Cily ot CMIA "9W, IU11CtlOllwllheno••lilltrt\1dtftUlnM1 tlooll H INiy be •OCl"ir•ct 11...,.., t"P AVE SUITE 17!7, lfl tM C:llyof SAl4 of0.C.1t ttt·ote'ctocllA.M. MD.1f.7'f-lftlr'Oduud and~lde<to ~tfOr.-io-. Stal•of C.Otl+omlt R7 ,_ IOCelect at 1'• Rocl!fftar SI , ~te11latut•\ PVrt"'4tnt to wtlk ll Clf'O DIEGO. tn SAN Dl~GO C.OVnty, Wllktl 1"' ~l't' Wllkll h tfte ~ ef Wltlorl llVM<tloll ot o f'99Ul""'"41no Tiie "onu•O set 11rtly tr.,.wct-CIKIA Mew, Cellfornl• <E,..motlofl feelllf\OS"'••11ndtr•rtl•-•nllfl0Wfllcll tatt• Oflkt Is Ille ptaco ot twt1-. ef "-,,_.II._ I• !Mt<rl'941 u fol_.. IO «Mid Qty ~II ""Id Oii lht 111tl1Wf Wiii w COllWITlmattd O'I or .,,., lht m<tMallOflllftbffnlli.dl "'-l\ll bfftl llHltl'Mdtd by t"8 pro. the Ufteltf'llQMCI t11 llll lft•lltl"I Pl'rt<llft wtt· .. Mow111'9r, ltU, aftd 11\ott· .. tter 1211dCMfOl0eC•ll"I~. tt7S,•ls..tt-.o u ...... ,Pw • ....__ ... OITl\at Vltltll'ltoltlltUllOf Coo~ p, ..... _.to lftOIOMldM141lt M tl<l•lmswllt\ttte l91 .. Tract ... Tlllrty-lltrtt ~ ......... .-...e.s H 0 .,,... ., 0 ..... ~ ~rot It us E.aJ4 Fl"' Portion Of Y11kon An . •OJ•OM 10 ,,.. 1-\llall,. Ql .. n only 111 lhf! ............ -ts\trv VOtlChers rnu't bt !Ilea or .. Flvot, M..., -·~ 111-.. ,..,.. "'"'I"' Of Mid City Cbuftcll St.T .. tin,Cehtornle Ea\tertr lll't ot lot 1 Tr4CI No .. ,. prov-llyl•w PrtMllltO H atorn•ld wltlll" IOI.If »,,....:UotM11p,,111tlleoftl<.eoflM i.rd0t1tr.btdayofO.ctmbef,1tH,.,., Sof., 11 ll a"°"'" tottw Stc\IFtd PW• l~••r•cteu to Traci No ..,. un NO 1>10 "11111 i,. <""\tOOlrPd ...-ull I• montllulttr tM llnl llUOl'<4Uoflollllh (oynlylt~ordtrotLosA"9'1flCllulllf ... lvtlowlf19r•llullvote . tr. etl .....,_, Mlfttt a11d Mdrft1" tllYllllOflA# wuuttf\Oed to tlHrSC I medt Of\• 111..,k torm 111rnhlltd try tllt nouce. Atltnf'<t ls weby m~ IO l"9 Pttl AYES· Couetlt Members, H....,,..t. .,... ~ ,,. O.btor tor IM pnt dww "°' t\H'Ulff lflhlrtfMltlofl on tlle ..,,... 01, of C.Osl• ...-...-. •114 h ,,._,, In « OtftO NO• 1t, 1't7S II 011 •" ftl • tit fl I I\ lor I ur tfl•r ~ltl. HfltlOe ,..., _ MIM <IPCMi<M'-', .......... S" S74S •cell <Ol'dlr\U wllll IN Clf"Ovlsloll' ol th<t pro-THADDEUS J. MOR1AllTV. klllot'L NOU: CiOllftcll Membtn· ..... o..d 0MtmNt9, 1'7S et t,_ oftlft of IM ~aMlltO 0.ptrl ~l~11lromtnl"t J R tlMlk-M 0.adNewll'lllef'1', 1'1S AaS lfT: Co11"cll Mttnl>t,. • s.nu ... e.11i. .....it."-"' -11 f'elr 0.1 .... '°''" (ecllblddt•muO•llcl'n\td..O•I~ T£0J.MORIAllTY WtLLIAME.StJOHN, ........... wu-......... L.liotllltllt .... C..tlf9nlle preqvallllHut•Q<llrHbylew Eirec;lllO<'Ofthtwlll Qlll'll't'Cltt'110llCIClerll IN WITH•SS WHE•EOIP, f lww AHl\l-Vlu1 ""'ldtM (l()STAlllllESA .,,,. (llf Cov~ll Of ... (ltyd Co14• OfMld41otctdent • .. ..... ~'"'""" ...,_ ..... "'' Nncl 0"4 ef'1..ed '~ ~"""l"artr ~NNINOOOMMl\SION Mtwr•1otrvot\ll\trl(lfltlo n1jtCIOll't'Cll' llAMINAa, SOltaO, ANDll•tN & l.,T.l(li.t,0.MY SMIOfllltCltyOfCo,taMewtllli2tld SAllfT...OIAMC CC C.ltrt<t,C?!~urmen ollllldt T'HO.N ..... llAIMJ.NlllKH,lflC. ....... ~.1t71. m1..tttlltl'dSf'* Ola•1HW RotJer1) '''""'" fl'tlltw1r.Clty(lt1\ "'"""".,....•WW ,,. .... _....... atLH!NP.PHINN y N~CMfleN!o... 1ot<retAryalld CITVO" CO$? A MISA, lf,.HClONDAVlfltUI SUITI 1'f1 II.... CllYc.i.rtclf\Ou<Offkta(Je(k Att•, ...... t........... o+rttle>rlffl'lt""lllO CAl.1,0ftNll'o SllfltDl•OO,Ut.lllOllNIA'21tt ...... ,.,M.I CA ... 11 offt'leCUJCollllCUOfU. P\#1 .. 0r ..... O..sl ~ ...... p ........... 0r-.. C.0.•I OollY ""ttt~ . ""'' .. 0.-0flO't (.Utt D.tlly ....... ..... ...... Ounr C.O.\t Oally ....... l"lllllltllH .,. CN\t O.ltr PU~ Olyef CMI• ,.,. .. De<~ I), tf1S '7-d>U ,,,.( u, "" .,,. " Ot<t-lltlf• tt. "· ,.,, .... 1~ Nw ,,, •• .,,., C)rc. ), 12, ..,, 44.)f.7• wfNllf 11.•ndDM.em~ J., IJ,. ms ,.. ..... Or•• CIMU Otlt., ... ~ I # , ~,, Dltam'9, .. tfJl ~"(" PUBUC NOTICE P UBLIC: NOTICE S·ll.O SUPl lt101t COURT OF THfi STATE 01' CALI FOltNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No A UUI NOTICE OP' HEARING OF PETITION f'Olt PltOBATf OF WILL ANO FOR LEnlE ltS TEST AME NT ARY E1t.te Of E RUTH HINKEi.MAN 0e<HHd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN m .01 HAROLD C ELD ER hol\ f1IN ""''<''" .o pemfon for Probate ot W111 •nd tOt " ~• or Lelltf\ Te\l•m~nl•ry to the! ~itloner rtltrenctt to Wl'll<n "n...i.- fOf" further IN• llCulor' •ncl ri...t ,.,.. 11,,... •nd Pl.ce of "'°"""O t"" "'"'" ...,, bftn 11'1 for ~c 30. l'PS di y SJ am In the courtroom of ~1><1rlmen1 Nn l<>i WIG court, •I 100 Covoc Cent•< OfOYt' West , In Ille Co ty ol ~.int• An.i ~tffornla ' 0.ted Ott< 9 1'/S WILLIAM E St JOHN, county Cterk ftUSTON, NANCE, McCORMICK &DICARO WSE.CHAPMAN AYE. l'ULLEltTON, CA. AttorMy1 for. Ptutlon•r P\Jbl1s/l4td Or.inoP Co.o't 0dlly Pilot Oecemt>er 12, 13, U, 19/S 4732-/S PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SU .. ERIOlt COURT OF THE STATE Ol'CALll'O RNIA FOR THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE No A-ann E1l•leof.ANNA LEWIS,~, ... ~ NOTICE IS HCA EBY CIV EN to tne credllon of Ille •bove named CIPC•~nl 11\111 •II persons llav1no c la1ms "ll<'•nst lne Yid decedent art requored to tole them, with the necus.ry voucners. on the office of the c1er1o. of lht' •bOYP ffl· titled court, or to present them, witn tn.. nec~wry vouclltr,, to tne unders1Qne<t •I lneoffoct Of RHODES ANO FEDER A Proftulon•I Corp , 8J8l Wi I short• Blvd Sult• 7SO, Beverly Hiiis. C.l1lorn1• 90111, wt11ch 1s o .... pld(r 9f bu\lneu ol the unde"lon.cs on all "'" te~ perta1nlno to the ut•t' of ~·cs e1t <.0.nt, within four montM after the first PYbhcatlon of this notice Dilled !>eumber a, 1U S.. ALVIN LEWIS, Executor Ol lheWlllofthe llbovt nemt(I dPCtdent AHOOESANO FE DER A "'°'•Hlonel Corp. IJll Wll1lll re Bl•d. Sull• 750 .. ,,.ny Hiiis, C•lilornla tOll t Tel: 121J) US-4050 Attomeys for E .. culor Published Oranoe Co11st Dally Pilot December 11, 19, 16, 1'1S and Ja11uary7.' 197& A713 IS PUBLIC NOTICE SUPEll lOlt COUltTOI' THE U ATEOI' CALIFORNIA FOR THE. COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A·l470l MOTICE OF INTENTION TO Sl:LL AEAL PllOPE.ltTY AT PRIVATE SALE Estate of AUDREY BELLE WAGHER P a AUOREY 8 WAGHER •k• AUDREY WAGNER •-• A 8 WAGNER, DtCHWd NOTICE ISHERE8Y GIVE N!Nton °'.tier J•nuery S, tt76, at the law of tic .. of IC•-. DIOft, M.ad!oen & Jef>. ni"9S, Profusion•• (.orp0r•llon, Aw;o Fln•ncl•I Tower Fifth Floor, U O Newiiort Center Drive, Newpart Bt<Kh. Gallfomi. ~. the undtrsl~. as eomlnlstr•IOI' with the wlll anne~ of ,.,. est.I• of the abov•·named dKe dent, will Wll •t prlv•te Hie to the "'°""'and best blekler, su1>1tct to con flrmatlon by uod Super lor Court, all thtt rlQllt, tllle, lnlertst ;ans estal~ol sa•CI Oe<-nl atthtt timtt of her dto•tll.andall therloht, lllltancs lnternt theHtat.eMs acquired by operation of law or othtrwlM, other than or In ad<l1toon to ttwit of said decedent. In and lo tl\llt t Pf· taln real property located In th" County of OranQe, State of Calllornoa, ~cr•bed tn10110WS. RHI proe>erty situated on the County ol Oranoe. Slate of Cal1lorn1a. Ots<rlbed .as follows. Thal por loon of lne Southe.isl ciuert•r of tile Southwest quarttr of~ t(on 24, In Town1hlp 7 Soul h, Ra"91' Y Wut, S.n S.rnardlno Base and Mero OI.,,, deKrlt>ed as follows Commenclnv •t the Southwut <11< ner of the Sou111ee11 quarter of the So.Iii-st quarter ol Hid Stt<tlon 74, end running thence North o• 30· V\l\'st 2A S !Mt; IMflc• North 8'I JO' East m .10 Ifft, thence North 42• 47' East IJ0.10 fffl to the tru. PO•nl ol t>eglrw>•nq of lhe boundary ol the property 6n<rlbed herein, Hid p01nl of begin nl nQ •ISO belno Ille beolnnl"IJ of a tenoent curve concav• Northwestrrly and hev1ng • r•dous of 90 Itel , lhen<e continuing Northeastuly ••ono w•d curw 23 61 Ifft, tntnctt tangent 10 wld curw Nor111 21 • Sl' Eut 2' 01 fttl theft<• North •7 03" We\! ll JS fttl to u. Soutllffsterly llM ol lhe percet ol land conwyed 10 Junette ti Miiie• by deed dil1ed July 31, 1940, end •t<Ofdeel ln booll 10S2, pege stS, Offoclal Re<onn In the office ol !ht County Recorder of wlo Or•n9f County, thence South 4S 30' W.st along 1eld Southeasterly tone, S4.J8 IHI to the Ent line ol the 1>11r<et ol 1..0 conveyed to Paul M. Cll~r. et ux. by deed CS.ltd February•. t939, and l'e· cordtd In i-k 'It?, paoe 196, 0ttlc1a1 Records, In tile oltlce ol the County Recorder of said Orenoe County, Oience South o• 30• Ent •lonq salo Eut llne, 24.17 IHI to lht Northwest cornttr of II• per<tl of t•nd convey~d to Gla<tvs L. Coblent1,et al, bydHd deledJuly 17, 1..0, •nd rtteorde<I In book 100, page 5"3, Offklal Records, In Ille of1ktof the County Re<ordtr of said Oran91! Coun· ty; 11\ence North " 30' East ••ono t~ NOf1twr1y line ol Yid land con,_.YKI to eotii.nu, et at. JO 71 lttet. tllenctt South 47" 03' EHi •'°"9 the NOr1hHSler1y 11,.. of Yid land, S7 IHI to the true point ofbe91nnl"ll The properly Is commonly llnown end referred lo H ll6 P•rlt A,...,~. ~Beech, C111torn1• Tiii wit h subject to currfflt l•ns, cownenu, tondlllon1. rtstrlct!GM, .-. MN•llons, rl;hts, rlohu ol w•y, Mw-mtnu and txllllng encumlHenc.s ol record, If 1ny. 81cls0f offers are Invited lor Mild pro. pef1y and must bt In writing end wlll be rec: .. ved by 1119 admlnl,tr•lor with !ht wlll •nMdd II the law offices of Its •1· tonwy, IC•-· Dion, Madwn & Jtn· nlngs, Profeulon•I Corpoullon, Aw:o Flnancl•I Tower-Fiith Floor, 620 Newport C.nl•r Drive, Newpot1 0.Kh, Glllfotl'lll '2660, or m1v be Iliad In the Offlc• of 1119 Clerk of Hid ~for Court, 11 eny time alter trw first publlc•llon of 1111, no11<• end blfOte the ,.,.k1no o1 the w1e. Tffms and cond1tlon1 of Hit" Ca1hor per1 <•lh and part vedll, the ttrms of Mith credit to bt eccept11>1e to ttw un· dtnlQflld and 10 the SuperlOf Court, tell pwet11t ( 10" I of IM t mount bid to 9CCemplilly the offer, and the belanc• to bl peld ucion conllrm•tlon of M~ l>'f tht Superior Court. T •11es, rents, oci«etlno and malntenlll\tt Ul)fn'ft. 111'41 premurn\ on l~urence •<t9Pl•b4t to!M~heMr, ftNll bt prorlledtiof .,,. dltl• of rtcordll'IO of con,,.YlWIC• Stld .. It •Ill bt made upon ti• uw•• IK'9W lltm'll. TM ~ Is to tie told on •n "•i It" btill, e•C9Clt H to tlllt, •nit 1ftt \Ml ~ ntwrw l ,.,. rl911t to rtif'Ct ""tM .. , lllcb o.ttd O.c.mbtr •· 1t7S l rwlft St~rt Smith, Adminl,lra10r With lht 'Niii AMtJ!WilOf lllt Estettcil AUdrey !kl•• W•Oftar, etc . Otc,Mttd. •••••.oiott. •OHM &JINNIMOS ~ •u1-• C:W.-ltl• A'fClt ~Ill Te..,.,..Pl"tl ,...,. m.....,.,.c.w or•" ....... e..<111 Cellfe"'I• t2 ... T ....... t flMl..wt'1 ,.._.,._ Ml'lllllfttrew ... lltWlttMM'llM ~l"*t 0,.11 .. Co~"' DallY PllO,, °1r"°'ru, ,,, 1t, tt11 .,..,, t 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 , .. .... h .............. ,... ............... :alt .... -.. --, '-""···· ... $tl0 ... ---· I.Ml • ·-.. • SO)I) "'" __ ,...,_, -- Tho Bluest tarketplac• on the orance Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can S~ll It, Find It, ( 6 4 2 •5678 ) Trade It With a Want Ad One Coll Service fast Credit Approval Fnday. December 12 1975 DAILY PILOT ,,...._ .. , ,...,.,_ . _,, .. _,.....,,. ,.IOOOIOW ~~!!!.~~~~ •....... !~~!.~~ ....... ~ . GHffal I 002 Chuwu at t 001, ·············································~ _,,_ ... ._..... .tWO'IOl't Aol•-··-t .... _.._ •100 W9' ~~! .F;'.~ .~~ •••••••• !~~!~! .~~ .~~-... . . .. ~~!~! -~~ -~~-....... I ~~!~! -~~~ .~~ ....... . . 4 ERRORS: Adnrtfs.,.. GeMt"al 1002 G ... rat 1002 GtMral l002 G""'°I 1002 should chttck their ads ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• dally and report ..-. rors lmtMdiat..ty. The DAILY PILOT an umeJ liability f or the first in- COM"t'd lntertion only • Publistter•s Notice: All real estate advertised tn this newspaper 1s s ub 1ect lo the Federal 1-'t11r Housing Act or 1!1611 which makes 1l illegal to advertis e "any pre ference, limitation, or discrimination based on ESLEY N . ~YLOR · CO REAL TOHS s i ucc 1 U4 LINDA ISLE-MAIN l.AY VIEW Space for 3 boats. Watch all the boats go by from this 5 BR Contemporary. Teakwood, tile. high ceilmgs Spacious bayside terrace. Great view ! 2 11 I San ~n H1ft1 Rood NEWPORT CEHTT:R. H.I. 644-491 0 race, color, religion. sex. or national on gin. or an GeMral I 002 General I 002 intention to make any ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• such preference, h m1ta· VA ASSUMABLE lion, or discnminal1011 " FHA /VA Sharp 3 bdrm ho mt• Jo~ $39,950 .. VEAR BAY ANO BEACH 675-3000 c<io·1 E. COAST HVVY CORONA DEL MAR READY TO SELL? Our lar ge st a ff of professionals is ready. wilhng & able to help you with the sale of your property. Due lo exceptional sales activity during October & Nove mber , we can now off er greater pe rsonal service than ever. We'll b e h a ppy to give you a prQf essional estimate of value on your home. with no obligation on·your part. BAY & BEACH REAL TY OUR 26th YEAR 675-l OOO IMMACULATE WOW PL.AH WOW s ta nds for this W plan. the t ownh o u se 4 be droo m near a community pool in the Bluffs. P lush off-white carpets, patio with gas Bar 8 Q a nd a garage with electric door opener. And the price on Uus new listing JS only $61,500. WOW! U Nl()Uf: fif)M I:§ l REAL TORSo.!, 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar General 1002 Getteral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This newspapt'r wrll not know1n~ly accept any adver tising for rt·al estate which is an viola· lion orthe law. P l ush <'<Jrµet1n J!. massive stone fin•pl.il·e and cornl•r locatron are to beach , new s h.ig t·:rr peting, del·oralor \liallpaper. assum1· VA loan $25,700. Hurry 1t "on't last. 963·6767. General 1002 Getteral 1002 LIDO ISLE Genttal I 002 featured in this pnmc 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bedroom, 2 hath westsHk ho me. Lots uf Ln·es, [® I ! I, I : ) . ,. ~ . ' Attention Builders beaut 1 fully up;..: r ;i 11t'd 2 prime ocl'an bay view and no down to Hts Lill h " I : j . - lots in CdM. I blk from 545·8424 Assonatcd1---------- ~~.45~0~~cr~79·0631 South coust Bruk1·rs S47 ,500 Bargain SHADOW Ru ai...I A real home w ith 3 ENGLISH ESTATE ~ spacious bcdrms, a big 2 STORY-VIEW "Plunii.t./ ram1ly room, an island PRICE SLASHEO 4 Red rooms krll'hen with bltn oven. :\ na thrnoms d d. h h $43•950 r;inge an is was l'r 3 Car garaj!l' Close to great shopping Winding roadway leads 2 Year.; new and excellent schoob. to secluded d ri vcway With many upgradl's , in· You can't wait. amidst towenng prnes & eluding a l\ltcro\\avc 54 4141 Eucalyptus trees Spiral· oven, selling by <1ppomt· 6• ing staircase leads to ment onl} C:all :Xo" ! -~ private 2nd sto r y en· 839 1710 trance! Lavish living HEX L llODGF.S COATS&WALLACE room over looks sur REALTY round ing a r ea! Euro· ----1 REAL ESTATE, INC. pean gourmet kitchen! oai....1 THE BLUFF Dining enter tain ment. 1""111 Sweeping master bdrm retreat! Separate mom· in-law q uarters or guest or maid room with bath! Workshop ! This hilltop estate can be yours for $4500 total down or take over existing loan al $215 per mont h. For q uick appt. lo sec call 847-6010. <'IYNl11 ,.,1 lt•NIO/<I N1<f ' [~ : I ' ~ r ! ~ : ~· 1 · : : ' View -View -View "ABAMDOHED" 2 bedrooms, 2 baths Con dominium. Fireplace. IOWA FARMHOUSE family room, till' entry $24,950 Custom carpeting and Unbelievable. White d rapes. Decorator's picket fencl' for picture wallpaper throughout. perfect setting. Hambl Separate laundry room. ing ~rounds. L arge Two enclosed patios. one rooms with den. Walk in custom brickerl. 2 l·ar dosets. Country kitchen garage, ele ctric rluor withserv1ceporch&dou opener. ~w1mm1rt l! pool hie sinks. hug e endost-d a r ound thl• c 11rn;·r . patro could hr U!.Cd for Jacuu1 & Sauna another room llugt-n•ar By Owlllo..I ER ) ard "'ith s toraac burld· 1""111 ings for ra1s1ng your 18724 rarm animals. Sl'e for BIG CANYON yourselr. The price 1s Maplewood Ln n~ht • Call today for all CONDOMINIUM HUNTINGTON BE \Cl! inform at 1 on. Ca 11 OH Elli:., do"'n Chapl'I R42·2535 Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 Lane bct\lice n Be ach " ,. ' • ba th BORDEAUX Blvd&Magno ha [~ II model. Custom decorat· 968·4293 e d . seclude d pa tio , ---- ----I finished ~arage, many LIDO SANDS extras. OWNER WILL Well kept 3-+ Den home ~..--.......~ FINANCE.$125,000. w /bcaut1ru1 c·o\l'rcd • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GI HO DOWN NEAR NEW 2 STORY WALK TO SURF Huntington Beach 4·plex -4 blocks from be ach. Priced al government Always rented! P riced al appraisal. Priml' r e· ..,40 000 s1dl·nt1ul beaC'h '"i · · · ncrl{hborhood. Elegance ~ LJ PFHP with a continental ar· , l cent. Tiled entry. Stately 0 M ES Irving r oom with 3848 Ctmpus NB 549·9655 fireplace Pub type ----------1 Like new' Lido Soud 4 BR., 4 ba. l ·Owner. Cus to m bayfront. La wn. pat io, jacuzzi ; pier & float. $325,000 Wate rfront, Lido Norcl. 6 BR. or 4 BR. &2 BR. a pt. On sandy beach. $285,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy!.1de Drive N .B 675 ·6161 gou r met kitchen.------ J"'ormal dine. Gracious!•------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ family room with cr ackl- rnJ( rtreplace. Command- in~ VICW Of grounds. Huge master retreat Secluded children & guest suites. Owner transferred. Anxious! EASTSIOE General I 002 General 1002 TOWNHOUSES • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 963·71181 . ti'• ,. ~ ~ j : ) . 1 ) ·' i . ·~ : .-[ ~ COLONIAL STYLF: 2 MIHt RA)'>ICH bedrm with brick $36,500 3 BR fireplace. formal dining, GI NO DOWN large bedrms . bltns, Tree lined approac·h patio & 1' ~ yrs new Massive 23' Irvin~ room. Prime location ncur Form al dining room. shopping and bus lines Large country kitchen. Only 10"/r Down. II d h $39•500-C'.44•700 uge groun s wit <:OV · "' cred dance pav11Jon to Call 546·4140 eves. entl'rtatn or JUl>t roam . 4BDRMBEAUTY • Separate w rng for Li:te ram home on qwct 11 ~c;or;,~ hrdeaw;iy master & street wilh 2 ba, comfy 64o-8U11 childrens swtes F irst to frplc, h uge kit & lge c·a l l get s t his SAC- yard . Offered at las t yrs ANYTIME RJFICE BARGAIN! Call price of $42,500. Our ex-96J.7jl81. STARTER HOME $38,900 VA TERMS LJ?e 4 bdrm. 2 ba home in good cond. Lots of panel- ing. Close to schools & shopping. Space for your trailer or boat. This new l1st10g won't.l ast. 545·9491. -elusive listing. 646·7711. ----------1 '•·111111 11.01•.11111 '"''''' Open Eves. EASTSIDE [\a ~ OCEAN VIEW TRIPLEX . ~ IJ DUPLEX Just listed Tt•m f1l· pride ..._ __ __;;;;=====--Fee simple. 3 bdrms .• 2 of ownership property BIKE TO BEACH baths each. frplcs Good with 3 bdrm, owners unit cond Asking Sl20,000 II t• a t e d p o o 1 • h u g e 673 3663 673 0086 •---------• & 2 s"ac. 2 burm rl'nt<•I · -a eves ,.. panl'lcd family room. umlS. Less than 5 yrs old n e w c a r p e t i n g . This quality of income draperte>'. hutltins. MESA NORTH 4 Bedroom. 2 baths, fpk. complete t•arpet1ng thruout Drapes. Bltns. Obie gar. Co,·erl'd patio AJI in very Ji!ood conrli· hon. Reduced to 546.000. Roy McCardle Realtor 181 0 Newport Costa Mesa 548.7729 property is dcfrnitrly .., Edison ll1j!h School Drsl. rarrt} Beller tJl.t• '1 JO'. down. $45.000. CALL look. 646-7711. Open 962·7788 E\'eS. KEY REAi.TORS ---- associated BROKERS-REAL TORS lOlS W Bolboo 071·.ib&l Walker &lee Real Estate General ' 002 Getterat 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 640.6161 Lanai nngcd with col· COUNTRY FEELING orful flowers & g n •t'l1l·r:r Large 5 bedroom home --------~~~~ ~ Only 144 pal'C" from .., on hug£• tree COV{'red lot sandy bt•ach & s hort ID heart or Newport w.ilk tn pool & prnitt•st>d lkach. Gorgeous ocean /· park. Only Sli5.000 Co.ill hay v iew. Oversized 644-7211 quid.. family room, workshop, UNUSUAL ... macnab I Irvine realty COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE, INC. Do yov WOftf IO tonvlrl the d11lltr •ft yovr goroge to cosh? Thtni:;.r-to Doily clo111fted od. tt't the qukliHf woy to reoc:h :1! ol1 olo119 the Oronge st. ~st col ,642 5671 ond o fritndy dosslfled od vlMW wit help you ctwt. on lnup•nslvt, but eft.ctw., ... mHM199. ,oyment Is to1y, teo. v- c...dll l.s VMcf wtttl 111 You can chor99 Y9U" od Or, put II 911 YIM Motttr Chorpof~d Tiit bttl plac1 .. buy or ... *" ttw °""'Ve t.eost b h Daly""4. 642 .. 5676 DAILY PILOT ~ ' ' • l $24,500 Adult Condominium 2 Bedrm. J '" ba. extra lge rooms. OW. pn\'ate patio, completeh n• furbished As I 1t tie a~ S1225down. CALL NOW 836·4206 or835·1532 . VILLAGE REAL'ESTATE MOTHER· IN-LAW UNIT If this attractive newly (•arpeled home was in an urea with apar tments you'd call it a duplex, but Cl!'. $165,()()() PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 642·5200 675·40601 GOLF COURSE HOME f-'CQUISllC l"U!.tOm 5 hdrm. 5 ba. homt• Jlu~e pool & jaculf1 & n•gula lion hanrlball l'ourt O\er 1'..! acn• or bl'aut1ful "'''-'w Priced al $2 ~7 .000 . !>15!WH. Walker &lee IHI Estate NO DO WN TO VETS Sl.200 total cas h movl'S vou 111 th1::. l'h<i rmtnj! 3 bdrm hnml' with firt•pla<'l'. lnts of panel. quiet s lrt'l'l for children 1w::ir M'hools, bral·h & nu11or :-hnpprni.: rentl'r Vets takl' adva11taRe. call ~:1 G7fi7 ' I • :I: .. ' " [® : .. · •1 · '. I I ' ~ LEASE OPTION to us 1t 's a mother ·in·law unit. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. 2 livm~ rooms ancl - 2 kitchl'ns <Or m ake I kitchen into u bedroom). Steps to beac h 3 BR. 2·ba, bu1lt1ns +stone frplc Newly painted big $49.500. lot w /dbl ~ar. Real sharp • ~ and vacunt .n~::.~~ ~ JAct&2s~ALTY Propertie s 675 6610 752-1920 --~-~--- 1400 ouArL sr. ,..,w,ou HACH Classified Ads 642·5618 $@ \\.~l~ -~ t t/YS 8 Thof Intriguing Word Gome wifh o Chuclcle 1<111,d loy ClA r •· rouaN O R.o .. ono• let11•s of Ifie lour xro,.,bled wc<ds b.,.. low to for"' fovr ,.,..pl• wo<dl I URICES I' I 12 I I L_.e_....A _r...._E_L......_.I it _I 11 I I . I Ii 0 C C N I i 1 wl!nl lo a med.cal colleQI! ~ I' j I I ~cau1c they ne ver e mph4t . . . . . \ired ••hltho f01 1nsl•n<e, ---------lhtlr foo1ball team 1 mucol •J I l u M T A E , • -. It 1& ~ .... I ... , ...;.,l__,..l .....;..;...l';:.._I ...... o C'onlo"'" 1fle a.ucti. ~ . . . . . by Mlonq on 1he ••""'"0 _,, ..._......___.____..__ .......... __.___, vov c1 .... 1op ''°'" lltll No> 3 tttlow & P~INI NU,..8(Rf() lf1UIS IN lHC' ( ~<)UAll( ~ BEACH DUPLEX OML Y $61,500 Opportunity 1n old Corona def Mar EnJOY Bachelor hidc·away & in· q uiet village atmosphere come. Shar p rustic on extra w1tle lot charm & l'Onlemporary. Remodeled 3 bdrm • 2tn Pnced for quick sale . 1 bath home; :-.cp. dining Block to beach. 545·9491. rm. & brkfst area • plus 2 enclosed dbl i.:arages · plus spacious 2 bdrm , 2 r bath. near new apr .• for , substantial mcome : plu:-. • ll.x.20 guest swte · plus ------• lge. priv. patio area wrlh MESA 15x28 pool. First time or WOODS rered. Asking S162,000 Better than new 4 C. F .. Colesworthv bedroom. 2 bath with Realtors 640-00iO huge family room and a - - central atrium court. HANSEL & GRETEL Located on a qwet cul-EASTSIDE de-sac, a ~hort walk (~om BUNGALOW the new city park. Pnced $43 90011 nght at $59,900 with a • •• 71 ,,.; assumable loan Unbelievably unique & Call 556·2660 <'harm 1 n g Ea st s 1 de !p SELECT bungalow "'th rt:'al OAK FLOORS . 19' L1v1ng PROPERTIES r oom . 0 I cl wo r Id ----• fireplace Formal dm1ng BEST BUY IN room, this one has it all' TURTLEROCK HILLS See it and rail tn lovl'. But hurry!' Call 546-2.113. Spacious 4 ed room enter· tainml'nt ho m e w ith valley and n ight light view, m any uniqul' custom features, 5·acrl' tenn is and swim club plus your own pool. Price just Sll7,000 · whiah in· e l udes land. Call 673-8SSO. (lPffJtH?•!l,•ur;r f!'f f • ()PtN ''t q-. ''\'-"""'"")fl'• I' ['1 THE REAL ESTATE RS [® I 002 General THE REAL ESTATE RS 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~"" S...td~......-m RtJALTttRN 644-7270 OPEN HOUSES -LOVELY UDO ISU ~Charmin g 2 s tor y U contempor ary designed home. Spacious 4 b edrooms. 3 ba ths. beamed' ceiling, fireplace, gourmet kitchen. La r ge m aster sui te with fireplace and s undeck on a com er lot. Close to c lubhouse, tennis 1nd beach. Great for entertaining. $169,000. 2828 E Coost H. hwoy, Corona d I Mar ...---.-!..!:p l.-l{TL..JM!N~ttmll':U-:zmm .... -II IOI llWlll4 Uo<>ll" fil (4. •flf "' '" 1111 Ot ,, ... ••• .. HI ti llff ••lloe FINER HOMES RlOM $42,900 TO $700,000 .. EXCEUEHTDESIGM. 9U.ALITT & VIEW" Make this home perfect for a lg. fa mily or gre at separate suite for teenager s o r in-laws. Immediate occup a ncy w /sho r t escr ow. 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, study & famil y room w /fire place. Privacy in pool & patio ar eas. R educed to $210,000. Belle Chase Lee 644·6200. <KU ) ADULT LIVING AT ITS IEST Conve n iently situated in t he West cliff Area. Walking distance to shoppin g. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Pool & c lubho u se facilities. We ll manicured grounds. $42,900. Betty Kerr 644-6200. (Kl2) CORONA oa MAR i CORMER OlWLEX Near beach. 2 bedroom. 1 bath unit in rear. Cozy 1 bedroom in front w /beam ceilings & lots of knotty pine. Both units have new copper plumbing & garages. $76,500. J eanne Barnett 644-6200. CK13l WONDERFUL EASTllUFF Lovely Lusk 3 bedroom , family r oom & ga m e r oom {or 4th bedroom ). PLUS big 20x40 pool & firepit. $98.500. J eanne Newman 642·8235. (Kl4 ) TRIPLEX -SI 21,500 Excellent location -near beach & t own. 3 two-b e droom. newly c arp e t e d . painte d units (2 w/firepla ce). 3-car garage. Loads of ext ra parking. 55' fronta ge - Lagun a Beach. Mary Lou Marion 642·8235. (Kl5) • ULTIA COHDOMIMIUM 3 bedroom, 21h bath Woodstream condominium. Quality c arpet - shutters -garage door opener -lg. sunny patio. Owner will consider selling furnis hed . $51,500. Barbara Aune 642-8235. (K16) IA YFIOMT APA.ITMIMr Own your own bayfront apt. 1st choice on boat slips. Priced to sell at ~.000. Larry DyerOO 8235. (Kl7) 64J-1Zl5 64"4200 "' ()ow.., 0.-1144 "'8cMINr ....,, hecil, CM!lonM.., • I ~ j 84 DAILY PILOT Friday. December 12 1975 H~SH For Sde HousH For Sale Housu for Salf' ~~~!.~.~ ........ ~~!~!.~~~.~~ ....... !~~!~!!.~~.~'!'.~ ....... .;::;-=-~....;.;;;._...;.....;.;;;..;;...;. ___ IH----~--S_.;;..;~.;;...:..;;..;;....;.;;~..;..::.;_;.::.....=. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• • • • ••••••••••••• Newport leoch I 069 H~w-poirt leach I 069 Houses For s• ouses or • OUSH For s• Costa M~so I 024 ... ~on hoch I 040 lnlM I 04<4 LOCJla'IO Beach I 048 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ._.MM~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JOZl .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 9 0 ~~~~~ .......... !?.~~ ~~~~! .......... 1 •• 0•0•2• ~~.~~.~!'!"........ BEST EASTSIDE S4 • 5 o A • t • ..... 11 1111, .1 , 1n :! nn rflS S .,1~1 f.1n111, hu11w on riuic-t * * * * * * Heritage Collection LIDO ISLAND CHARMER 2 STORY 3 bedroom and den with 4 h.iths Highly ~odtd --shows like a mndel honw Nl•ar dubhousc. Don't miss t l11s on t • at $t29 ,500. Call 540-1 I 51. EASTSIDE 66x300 R-2 LOT with 2 housc·s 2 H<.-droom and 2 bedroom und den Hie~ fnlit ~H :rnd shrubs Won 'l lasl long - cJll qu1tk 1 1 As king $55,950: Coll 540-1141. HARD TO FIND JUMBO HOME largl• 5 Ol'drooms. 3 h.tlh. 3 <·ar garage <h<•rs11t>d famtlv room ;irul forma l dining. f<:\L't•llent lni.:,1t1on on qui~t cuJ...Oe.-soc near ~chools & shoppin~ Jus t listed hurry :iskmg $69.500 Call 540-1151 . 2 BEDROOM COSTA MESA HOME cnnn•rte<l to C-1 11-;r (about llOOsq ft.) Largl' paved <ind fenced rc:ar arl'a with access. S11per priN• only $49,500. Close to \t•wport Blvt..l. Call 546-5880. TOWNHOUSE RARE 4 IR DU .. LEX SO. OF BAYSIDE "1th u ;1 UK , :! HA rt-nl.11 Ont' l ' ~ '·ar .. old l \'.11111111.,: bt-11111 C't'lhn..:s. n.1turnl wocwl ..ind hnl I.. lt•xtUfl'S .ind prrh·l'l hK·auon t:~ll 1>44 nu. l'H E LIS TIN<i SALi<; 1 (l11ly S83,SOO unit! lkc 15 :lhr, :!l>a . f.1m 1111 Full rn·t•Jn 'I('\\ Shown bv a ppl 0\\ nt"r, 67:! :1177 . •DELUXE DUPLEX* E'\<'l'llent 3 HH 2 R1 1•round floor o" 1wr ... unit " 2 pn' p.11111~ ~ lu' unous ma~ll·r 't11t1 PLUS ;i HH Ht·nt ;ii " larg1• µat111 tit 1·k BOTH \\Ith \\(l<HI h11rn111j.! (11t•pl;ll1'1>~\ I rd \HIOd ht•a111 11·11 . ml ''llll'r Sn of II ln1'.1t1nn Sll'1.0llt Ft, l'Jll ().\.! i211 .. . . ' IRYINE TERR. 1 Rdrrns. family r rn . '>1 II.1th-; L<irJ!t' lot ~t•t•1b OJ 1111 uf :.ittcntiun. '' hu) .11 ~)(XI() Will M~ll tod,I\ Veteran no do" n no clo!->111~ l lklrm, pool d1n1n1: room A•:t<nl , c•all unyttmt', ~57-t5 Retreat !'>tlt•d. u·ntr.il A (' and h 1 i.: h I ' u JI 1• r .1 <I 1• ti $28,500 throu~huul It:. pufrl'l Close To Beach tur , ou 1 SANT A'S HELPER Ju~t tll'11' l'r<·d th•' h1•au tv to uc, Pouhlt• tl1H1r t>n · Ir\' 111lo l11x11riou~ ~dtmg nvt•rloo\..in~: f;1nta!'>lll' pool art'J. 5 ltu~t> en ·s plus bontl"• 1 ec ruom &•llt>r ~II"' to ~!:'II 1t now at onlv $6:1.!>00. Cull to day 646 7171. • [~ f , • ~ ' THE·llEAL ESTATE RS BY OW'\ I' I{. t yml' & S<'l'' i; Im :111.1, pool, l~c· rum pu)> 111111n. loh of xtr;,is ~u ooo \ \ rlo dn\\ n %4 1>1'11\ 1•r l>r .>-IJ .1"0l Will ~t·ll on convcntmnttl, VA or fo'll A tnm.; 1-'.nt n way lo h1i.: It\ 111i.: nlQm pu rlor. :1 lw1I roori\~ or convert1 bk dt•n, for<'t'll air h cal1n~. ~our ml'I bu i It ·ins. If is & ht• r clo)>t't!> in must l'r h1odroom, call 842·8854. TARBELi=: 1926-197'6 81 2 Storv Ne" parnt 111 .111tl out Formal fam•h· rm & cl111 in~ rm BB() & 1·0\ l'r<'l.1 pallU area \ t·n lo" SLEIGH BELLS pnred at 0111\ ~ 5011 LE RAISOR REALTY 4523(';1mp1" Pr. lntnl' Cumpus Valli·y Shop nr CALL 833-8600 OPEN SAT ,ISUH. 1-4 4631 Sierra Tre~ University Park 3 Bdrm 111d1v1d11al lmnw, 1·h.1r111111~: <lt·1·nr F,irmlv r111 .'t l\1t1·h•·n op1•n ontn ht11!" hr 11 I. fl.it 1t1 .. ,1 II a~ lt•t•p 111 U11s tl'I rl rt(' fTl'lr bdr Ill \\l11h· st.ir g.111nv th1 u Sll,11111~ \\,ell' (If glJ,)> \H:llAVt-: lff~T\l,S THE VILLAGE. REALTORS 552-7000 You II )>\\t·.1r \1111 c·an £0671 Tiller l'1rdL· Y.on't ht•.ir th1 111 Uon 't m•'' last 1 ! World H<'.il l-:Stalr thh irnrn.iniLit•· lii•.tUI\ SS6·77i7 Wanlc•1I r, Ht h1111 ... 1• "111 Thn•t• !-in• t1u.l BH·s 1 l••a..,.•111 hu\ l'I' Hl:!M\101 " • t h n 1 " ' I ' l" ma.., t rr F 0 R S A L F: H u s t t r "11 11 ' l/u1t·t loi·,a t 1.011 .irch1tcrtun'. :! ... 1111 v 1.k 1_.11,Jldt· lu\ur> L;.ill s1~n C1rcll' )>t.11r~.1> &:lh :171 w v1('w window lt'.111' 111 ['8Z ''tHE REAL .ESTATERS ~ m;is ll'r n't n·at. "om.kn hoard with ht'.I\ y )>hak•· fOO[ :.tnd ,glass l'Xll'rlllr 5 HH 's 3 HA's. fam rm. hrick fplr, rhC'f kitc·hc•n all gour met type appl's. custom bar and c·ounll'r, decorator floors & win dow lreatml•nts. 3 l'ar gar age. 1 1 , Yt•ars 9)3,000. Bkr962 5511 552 K!l;.',I VIEW-GOLF FORMALDlt-IE $75,500 C.nrgcous ~:in .l11:1qu1n .\lndt·I H1rnd111 :....111 .10.1 qtun. Goll ruur-.1· '11•\\' Sll'P clown II\ mg r1lt1m I\ ft1mllv rtll>111 Wl'l har Formal dinin.: /\ti t 1kd dt<'rrv Jot 1·h1•11 T11•n•1I mao.,t(·r su11l' J-o.lc-gant It.1th /\II l"lo~t·ls rn1r ron•d C Jra-'1' 11p1•n1·r 1.\1'\IEl>l/\Tl'. ()(" <: l ' I' \ '\ C. 1 I\ I·: \' F H I.I\ E ll 17' 1 llurr~ ('all ..A61an REAl ESTATE 900 Glc-nnl.'y• •' St. oill.S OU) )40 C,\J IO DIAMOMD ()(·ean \<U from nt>at ns· p111 i.:t•m ('orn1·r 1111 , ft>nced yd, immaculate $li4.50U "~tter Than New" Thi)> Charmin~ Jlomc with 2U' high heamE>d 1·e11utizs crowns 32' hv1n~ ro11m. 2 r1 rt•pl a ('l''· lorm.tl dining room, 2 hedroums, 1ll•ll, 2 buths. clrt•Jm l-1tchen. Pn\ 3<'\ & Ocl•an \'t<'"' Compar0 t' at Sl87 ,500 NICHOLS Real Estate 2025S. Coa)>t lhgh'Aay Laguna Beach 494 0703 VICTOR.IA HLDS. Elt•J.!,1nl home, custom hwlt tor prest•nt o"ner, on qwet cul de sac street. l11~h on a h ill. wilh S\.\-t't'Ptnl! t'Oi.tSl ill & \I. hite \\att:'r vil·\~s. this 3 bdrm., 4 bath home speaks o r luxury & com· fort. Spactous stor aj.!c & roflm for <.'xpans1on $177,500 SEA TERRACE Townhouse'; 2 bdrms .. lge modern k it c h en, bnck patio. /\II recrea· llonal facilttu.•s wit hin "alkmg distance. $52,500 LIDO ISLAMD YOUR OWN GAEA T SOCIETY Why wait for the future to come to you , Meet it halfway' This 5 hdrm bayfront will let you live the way you've alway:) wanted to. See it today, by app't $325,000 LIDO REALTY 3377 Via Udo, H.B. 67).7300 Newport hach I 069 Newport Beach I 069 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT VILLAS Condom 111111 m ll1111ws Ill f'rc•,(lj,:1011' Wt·~ll hff .111•.1 of Nt•\\port ll<'.11'11 542.000 to 544,000 2 lk'<Jrnoms, :! ll.ith' separ.ilt' dining .11 t .1 • IX'coratur w.111 lo ".ill Carp<' I lnJ! •End oscd p;it 111 or bakonv •Continuous l"h .i111nr ovt•n • H t• fr i gt• r a t 11 r , 1 1· t• mi.lkl'r •3 hl'at('(I s \\tmmrng pools * DrapcrH·s •Log burmn~~ frr('pl;it·e •Ahuntl.inl doM•t ~P<H'l' wit h m1rron·d c·lo~l'l doors. 1184-1256 Rutland Rood NEWPOHT HEACll C: a II f 9261i0 Salf's OffH'C l'hom· 714 /645-8373 H1•tl11n•d ~411 UllH lh 11\\'11l'r l•.ll•gant '1200ft t IM. 4 ha ch•n, l.1111 rm . ,4·p !11n1ng ht•a11t1lul \ tt'W p<1<>I Opt•n Su 11 I .1 HiOH(iala"' l>r fi\li KO·l!I COt-ITEMPORARY lh:d'Aoocl &. Cla,.., C;1li.l" 1>11 q• ·1 B It hn Ol<' 1 n DOH I Sll11r1·s 2 y I :. old l.o< ,11 /\ I A Dl')>l~n 1111 l n 1n~ & Ent1•rtainmc•r11 (; n•:1t \IC'\\ !1300 Sq fl un1l1 r rouf lh O\\ llt'I ~:.!:i'l .tHlfl "\Int v;ilu1·' 1;.11; moo 111 r. H ·lfilW OCEAN FRO HT C'h;1r111111g dupll'x. 1·nultl t'OJl\t•rt lo :-.1nglt· fom .• I BK . 2 f rplt·, Slli:i.000 LAWSON REALTY * 675-4562 * HOME,AHCOME Best 1'1·111n .. ulJ hw;1l 11111 ne.1r 01·1•:1n &. h .1~ lll•adu•' ~ J\drm 11111111• h;ic; IJ!t' '" rm " t rplc- & s1·1 l11d1•1I pal10 T\\o NO DOWN VA. Super Huntington Beach 1•nd unit Townhouse at only $39,500. 3 Big bedrooms, 2 haths, dream kitchen a nd dmmg ar ea and no common wall. Unly s tC'ps to pool and recreation. Assum a hie 7·1 ~ r; loan with payments' 'mly $212 per month inddJ.! taxes. First time off erect. Coll 546'-5880. University Realty 3001 1-: (',t llwy fi7:l liS I 0 HOLIDAY HOME ,\ ran• find 111 t''\C"IU'" <' ~h11rl'chff,, l'rl\ ;11·, + rn CHRISTMAS CHARM S3(J ,500 Snul!gl<• up around 'vOUr ro1v f1n·plal'I' a11d be I hankful sellt'r ' lnss. Your g.i111 Bt•au11ful 2 b r. " ash 1• r ti r :-t' r . rt'frtJ!t·r:itor 1nclu1IPd En 11.· rt a 1n1• r.., II r 1 r k c•ourt\ard /\II ror JUSl ~:IR.500. Call now 6-.tli 7171 1111.., 1111111 t·,1311• :1 Bdrm .. 111tt·s. f11r m;d rl 111111c [® mrnJJl FORCED SALE NEAR NEW Fanlastu· Jluntmf,!t on" ''""°· xtras 1nrt11d1n,c , . ..,tm cabinets. -soliln11m 'i.>2 li'IK) [® THE REAL ESTATERS ~~~~~: (Adultst nmECTIO'.':S From tht• Ne" port Bl\ d Fn\ v south to Jith St . turn ll'ft on 17th lo llutl.1nd II bloc!-past Irv 11w \' c 1, turn IC'ft ·11 t hs of hlr1l k to Nf.WPORT Vil.I.\~ 1 bdrm ·tf•t~. ~ 1111 'II'\\' O\\nt•r "111 twlp f111a1H'• 5125.UOO NEWPORT BEACH REALTY 675-1642 545-3261 4 BR + BONUS HARBOR VIEW 494-1177 ---~::7i~·~'ut~;;;1i~ ;:.1.11111:1:·:~·1·,:'.J I ~ trn1 1 lie. trop1eal lncl-.cp la9uno Beach I 048 $55,900 hui::e lot, c;h;ikl' roof 3 •• ••••• • • • • ••• •• • •• • • •• Emerald Boy View 2 bt.>at·h units ~2.!"illO c;d l $95,000 p.11u1 1'1·rf1•1·t for 1•11\l•t . Bdrm. 2 ha. film room 7.0fMlSl) FT BLlH; lfiti2 l1 11lcrest : open incom<'. H-2 l'Or lot (;111 sur11·r l'or111f1n11 1\fod1•I S<1t Sun. 12·4. 2 L i:<'. nv Fortune, rltr l\1\1Fl>L\Tt-: 11(" LOVELY 3 year old :Vksa Verde Home. 3 B t• d r o o m s , 2 h ~11 h s w I c a the d r a I ce1 hngs, patio k1l chl'n and corner lot. Low maintenanct' ~·ard with large patio and fruit tr~es. Call us for complete details. 546-5880. t:iin1ni.: ".li!l.'11"1 EIToro 1032 Beaul1ful. l'all 963·567,I lll'art of l..1ru11.1 l'nmt· OPEN SUN. 1·5 !•······················ 265 Mornin9 Canyon I $6000 Below Mkt. l~~t~ ~~-~ ()\\'Nim S/\YS. '"\lu:-.t i:Jr : • t ~l'll'"l:irr1"2•onsq fl '1"l;: I -·-... •I ht·tlroom " t.11n1l\. ----------•mI-11 r1111m in Lake· For l'!'l ·; • 675-5930 * (;artlt•n Dt:\!'lt1pnwnl :ll.li F I t Ill\\.< rl\1 llurrv for t111l.1)s lil'~t SEE TO BELIEVE ERITAGE Only S36,\K)0 buys a l.1rgC' ltuy' ~:!.tM~J 4 bedrnnm, 31 1 baths. *SPARKLING * MISSION VIEJO most llVlni.! ;o;ptit·c you Chnstma" lri?hto.; ;il1111111d REAL TY <"an buy for tht· mnnt•y fromfn·..,hlvn•1hrnr,1lt•d 581 _1000 837_9500 Bonus room. prl\iltl' 3 Bdrm&. fJnllh ll.1, ,\ den bedroom c·omho. General I 002 Balboa Island 1006 0t'•.1 n '"'"" \\rth l•IU FountainYoll~y 1034 hugC' hath s<•par;itc "''I t t'< t 1'<1 111111 t ()PI-'\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!nl! room ,\, lwdroorn S.\T Sl N 17111 c:.11.111·.1 I SINGLE STORY Sparklmi.: Ol'\\ \\Jll!J.lf!t'I ·········•··••········· •....•....•............ HAL PINC HIN . . and paint thruout Loh Ont• of T1hur11n' I' inest more l''\tr.is Won't la~t' HEED QUICK SALE 1'1111 '\o B.n· Frnnt 2 HR \our dreams roml' trut• Jlnu-;c• •"-2 HR CaraJ?e I \\0 bedroom S('J"tdt• \pl sn11 ooo lh ()\\ nl.'r. REALTORS !. Bi•droom ... l,, fH J .~, :?727 I·: (.'11;1.,l II\\ Y IJ.ithroon s form JI din l V ~b;J jPiiJ tu'U\~ 6 75-4392 mi:. room familv rnom., 962·44n (, ')546-8103 ,, 1r n1111ltt 111n1'<I .rct 1.1 r t·nt ----------1 •1tt;1gc "1th room to }h .IJ•pt tii3 >lllfl ~rn w. I.ocat cd 1nl t-IEW ON MKT. 111 main pool ;rntl ("luh I' \YSJIORES. \ Crt'.ll $99,500. •11mmun1tv \I.Ith flfl\,111"j J-,\l'l'Pl111natt' allr.tdl\t' l"J t ht•s ThP 111111• h :c upµ l" r :1 II ti r m 11 11 1 t t .. <'n r<'rl ut·c·ct lo ~;7 .5<HI " h<' a m1•d t 1 11111 c ;i nrl SHARP DUPLE :< llous•• f'.i-;t >;Jlt•' 1m c·ps,---------• Onoll'..tll 'lllr·1•I h\\~ 111 ~.\:1.500 \\Ill ~ell 1;1. no $42,000 2 Bclrms. 2 baths l'al"h . 1 1Jo\l.t1 0" rH·r Broker Old 2 bedroom cottrt~(' 1.1~. i 110 Near Main and AdJms I t·.1r .car Supl•r O\\IH'r , c'.111 t>73 R550 r11:g ~ i.:roo,t>d ha1 tl\\tK•l ' • ·'"'''' ' flnnr.; L.tn't' l Bdrm 11011 "ihugt• u hr ll k Huntinc:lfon Beach I 040 111" t•r unit OPEN Sl''li frfill' , • ,., .. , -111, 1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• l25PM 212 2121 ~011\'\ llROKF.H.•.•~ ti I llfo:.\CT1Fl'l.2BDR.\1 1 1 · n d c1 f l · u I ti s a c $129,000. Costa Mesa 1024 ~ir .. 5<l(lO\l.nu 5xJ ;?:~llfi_ F11 1•pl.H"l'-hi gh bt:<•ml·d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSUME $31,000 1 uhng, ~Bdrm. 2·hilth Owrwr As.,umP 71 '" S30 I a Month [~ W I: I: I ,; : :~' i1 • • I: ... ''" With all<'v enlrv on dc·<'P tot. Ownt•r will f111:.int'l' Rented. Call ror appoint ment. hnnw plu .. apart mt·nl ~9 50<1 $19? mo 11111l s .. l'lk t 1 , ( f ·h & )l>L.,, SL":'\ ..,, .• . •. -• ' ... 0 nl ... l' I>. mg Ir I! µ:ctio. < ~ .. , · • NICI' Jhr ~ba L'osla Mt''J -. I ,. • ... · d • ·======~===;;. I:' 5P:'!I 1101 B..ilbna • ?'-' I s.11 111.i(I . \..Ur\t:•J rl\tc. fl'or of i\poli>n,1 & 642--"18 ,.,,.rgr£>cn trN·s lend 11.tll1e1.~ 1 S:lii.l•lfl l•'ull l'rin• f11rl'~l atmn)>phl'rt' 1>1111• I Musl ··1·11 lrg :1hr r.ind1 "' rmi.. llu,ge hv rm HORSES' ora uan ce hou:-.t• \-.sunw h I Fii \ " I r.1cklinl! firepl<il'i.'. . realfor ln an p.1 ... rnnh onl~ 'Ul111\ gJJ~ ... hreakfasl HORSES! 51 12 m o C;.ill 5lv 3r,1;1, rn• opPns lo hnck pall'> 1i.1h1• !"11\ nl Cir.in ~··· for l.ij IU .: " l!I'<~ l':.i~10 !..ill hi•? ti• I irnll\ \\ho lt>\l"' to ---111 '''I .,Ul t!.!. take 1 '' r h1t '11, .. tr.111 \nun NEWCUSTOMHOME l'.1 , l•i.tn "1th lo,~ , .1:11 h11nlt' "1th ' l nun WITH APARTMEHT do\\ '.1 .• ()\~ nt>r PJl king 11 • klldt•·n ', t ~par1nu' Pnme lncal1on on qu1C't Bkr .lh2 5511 I• 1lr11111n ... mJst"r su1t1• ~trt•l'l. •. blot k from,-BUILDERS 1," 11' •1\\ n rnm rrsJl ion o,11u1 h hJ v. Jhr . 3ba , 2 STORY i rr "''h i1r1·pl.111• cool uscr1 bnC'k f1rt•plJ<'1·-> in SPA ... ISH PRE-CONSTR. SALE I I• hc•1 I " I 8'•1lr-111m hnmt• in Hunt· I·• II'" ,,, ,1 "·11.:on\\ rn-.tr lid rm. c1111111 r\'I Rt1 ... 111· ..... ,,,1n1sn • ~.t.11" • \\.111•rf.1ll liu11t in inll r I I-h .t k I 1 • ·~ '·' ' lllL'1n11 fk.,11•11 2 RlnC"k~ to 11•ri1 ,111 1·11111f11111nrni• ~ It<' en sun _en "11 t pool ~·p hhrar) form.ii 111·1•.111 '111" takin g I I room If\) shake rno · dining S.11·nfH·r pnn•' hoflH''llt.• r1.'"<'n ·at1on-; •• ,,.,, I .111 rt•atl1 Y !l' lc-adl'cl d1am11nrl J,!lass Savt• S.5$ MS o:J03 h•·" n 111 1 1·:ill "'endows. 1 ri.! Lt.t'a med FOREST OLSO~ INC LIOt-IS ESTA TES COLE OF NEWPORT ri·iltng thruout. Cover ed ~i:!ii .~r;1 112 1 :il 5!l2 SOJO REALTORS p<1tio. suncll•ck, 3 rar Mesa \1•rcll' ~pntli•so; <I "l I" «wist ltwv gar;igc. PLCS a lr,i! lbr BR 1 <ol v (\u11'l "t "· 1 •• -· .1ptw,heaml"dreilings& ' •1 675-5511 n ~J.r.<10 ,\~t r;.io~.'•4" l"ilrpnrt Uy O\\nl•r. y ~~~~=~~~~T ~~·:~t. 675 1884 Prin<"•riab Veterans Only MIMI-HARBOR Balboa Peninsula I 007 Gorgt>ous home· for frrr ••••••••••••••••••••••• No do\l.n, no t'lo~m~ :1 EST A TE Bed rm, be..iutiful honm; + JBOATSUPS l.<>l value. cottage, nr room. t•o,·ere<I patio Real Estate by MCVAY I Rav Island S55.000 l'nm<'loc,1l1•11 "1•1·lulfr1 \1 :irsha11Rttv fii5-4MO A~e~t. call an:it1ml'. 'JUSTHATCHED' t•nlrv unfolrl., 1 h.1rmrn.I! · -54h·51 -t5 ".1lt•rsirk .1tnl11'>pl11•r<' Capistrano hach I 018 --'\ Opc-n floor pl.in \\ 111 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• By OwnC'r, attrar 1t•<;,I i•l:P''i mnl1111I.-. m.1 •111f1 New Home $53 900 Vrrrlt· l stnry h~!11<'· 3 hr 'I nl ctnc ks11h" I• rr JI•' I r I 2 ha, "<'t bar. Sh~.950. U} On<' of ., k1n1I oppor\1101 .Ju!il completed bea11t1 u appt. 751 6l7t \t this prier 11 \\On't I hi' :l hd rm rlollhous<' tld1,1!hlfull\• 1•uc;tom11(' 1n ... 1111 1oloro; F•·aturec; Fountain & Atnum. Call Cf UJ k I 96~H456 ~~wT-~~!~~i~~ I 2 hedrooms, 2 h:iths Con dom1n111m Firt'pla11·. famtl\' rnom. till' t•nln C"uMr;m c·arpl•t1ng .tnc1 drapes Dt•c>uralnr· ... "allpapcr lhrou1?ho11t Sl'.'parate laundr\ room T"o enclosed patio-.. ont' custom bnckccl 2 c:ir1 j!i.lrage. 1·lt•t·t r11• ll11nr1 opt•nt•r. ~\\1mm1nK JH•ol around thl' cnrncr J;H•u1z1 & Sauna. BY OWNER 18724 Maplewood Ln I fUNTINGTON n fo:ACI I Off Ellis. down Chi111rl L:inc bct\\een Bt•a1·h Blvd. & Magnolia !Jf>X.-129:1 HEW HUNTINGTON H A R R 0 U H TOWN HOM F:S. 2 & :I bedroom, 1or; down in rtudin~ carpets. drapes, dubhse. pool and ja<'U7.ZI. Near sandy bf>aches From $49,500 tv lr\i,CO \l E FIUJ\1 J br . 2 ba. f1repla.ce. -------- 'I OUR oY.\i Ml\l l;irJ!<.' lot w huge Ines. •PARTYTIME• II \RBOR +-~-ioo mu s:~100 do"n Opt'n Sat & 3-BR. •l ·ha. prtcl<' of T~kc arh.inlat••~ of the ~111 ll lo5 27101 Do!ore3s1. ownerc;h1p horn<' "1lh r:ire exCCIJl•nn ('all \.\1· ... tbay Home:. 496·34. gamr rm & f1rc•pk. 11 .. 111 ~,.1t; 231:1 1ng to t t\c pool Only DESPERATE! rm Owner s l ostnJ! n1>w horn(' S11hm1t 1 Bl'auttful f 1 . . 1\l cre<l1lh (;arcien. 3 't 011 rlnn 'I n1>cd a gun Ir $53.500 llurry' 1 1 ~ ·thaw I.1st" "ht'n you YEAG F.R Rl':ALTY plat·1• .in ad in tht' Daily 556 lil71 Pilot Want Ads' Call now fi'\2 -56711 $4295 DOWH OR 51/2% LOAH [® ESTATERS G~al I 002 General I 002 This C~t n l\h'sa flowt>r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• garden home has 3 lilt, 2 baths. only M .2115 down or assuml' lhr V1\ 111:111 f o r Sl65/mo. ( .tll ·:~·c »:. TARBEL~. rn .... 1926-1976 '1 BEDROOM-$38.500 · Fantastic savings. Needs work. Ranch styled home. Lots of trees for privacy! Call for com plete details! 646·7171 "N. [~ : I) .. I I '~·,I .. I ~ ·-REDUCED $19,500 AT 17th HOLE ~ hdrm ('01v home on I~ REAL TY INC. upgrackd !cit. Short dis· 714/846·1371 t.1m l' to school. shopping __ _ & ~ac·h ~ Cati within 24 hrs 9AA·445fi Includes 1 yr warranty prof? ram ----1 Spirit of '7 6 So m1wh for i;o liltll"! 2 Story. 4 hr. :.I bu, hu"c rnm r m . many more am('n1t1l'c;. Owner is lt>a\1ng stat('. So pnct'rl low f o r mnl1va t cd buyer; at $52.'.150 962-7771 .~1,...1- 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ITWOl'-4'TBE ... home for Christmas this yl'ar. but you ran C<'lebrate the holidays in this beautiful Park 11. :I bdrm., next year. Largl' fa mily room , custom carpeting and drapcrt<'s, patio a nd a c·ut-dc·sac location Sll2.500 552-7500 red hill lot·at11111 for man~ t) pt•s of h11.,1nt•,;1t s Amµle pa rkini.: I. Jo.A.'-1-: NEUleL\.. Associates LAeuMA llACN 4tWH4 Sun,1•t .,,.it• of \1 orn IOI'''"'' 1>1 \I' !tr ind Ot'\\ )>h11v. pl • 1• honH 2'it~1 "l ft of 1nnm ;cll\'1• dp-..i.:n 1111 t11tl1111! 111<111or &1011ld1111r hr111,,., t nt·loq·if roofdl•t !.. sk,lwhh 1.\ )>t1l:1r glJ'' l'n·c·11h1111-.1 i..11 c·h•·n .. 111 nf lhl' l.1t1•:-t 111 :.ip plt.1 n1 '''·~fire pl;11 •·:-. 1111e 111 111:"" r :-11111'. Horn.in .. p.1 m;i,t1•r h.1111. ~upt·rh 'it·\\~ &. ,1 mult 1-le' l'I floor plan th.it 1nsur<')> pn\;1<·v fnr all family nwmht·rs + ,1 m . .,.1m11m of 01wn ~p;11·1 on t'tc<'h lc·\"t•I ("11nw In our Orwn 111111• '" S1111 I ~ I' \1 H5!i !\111rn1111\~.id1· I >11 ' <' '\1·.1t "" .1 pin \\t·ll h111lt ;• tM•llnH1111, :• 11.llh h11ml' F,H'l':> thl.' 11t'l',1n, lol'<ill'd 1111 thl• en1I of J 1·ut-dc··sac 111 the hl'art of Wno<I'<: <"OH' l "p<lalc II &. rl'<"<'nl· Iv shtnl-!INI. ".ffm & 1ri \ 111111• ~'I ;,oc1 I n\1•I\ 1·\p,1 n.:c•, ol m·c.,.11 thr11111.:h prl'll\ I' <1 PH\ 11 n• \\ 1 ndo\\.., th" :1 \('Jr 11111 So l..1c11n<1 horn• h ..... 111110 sq ft plt-nt~ of ..... ti 1 .. p.11•e for \'011r ail 111'l1•d1on. a rn,t'>Sl\1' ~ l.t~lt•fuJ U~t><I hnt·k fir•·pl.111·. "-111 to ".cl I W•l d h11t k hl·arth I I) pp I' cl \\ I I h e 11 ll Ugh l)tlfilo..;hPh ,., 111 hou-;e an 1•\lt·n~l\I' lrliran. op<'n lw.1m,, :1 llf'clruoms, :l h.11h~ w m;1ny t•xtr.1s ()" n1·r bought l.1rgl'r honw. ('om1• look ~ m al-.1• an offt•r. •CX.'r:/\NFHONT• Tbr·· .it S225.000 Rv C11Nnt•r 7!12 1171 499·4~'1 CHRISTMAS *TREES* Whole•, .111' to ru h I 1 r Frt•,hh d1'11vt·rect from <> r <' J.; o n l' " r n " r o r I a1111n.1 (',10\on Rii & (';en\nn A t·rt• lJr . l.<1J111na Jll'al'h OPt-.N Ill toK Zi\GHOIJZK Y 'l!l7 t!\79 494-'lf>ll MYSTIC HILLS Contrac•lor 'i. honll'. JUSI 5 Vl':H -; younJ! /\ r1•al Jt'Wt°I 111 a vl'ry pn v;1l1• setting l l has 1l .tll' From th<' til<•rl entry" 1.y & sunken h vinJ! rrn with tlt"nmc>d c<'il. IJ?c f:ir1111v rm w1lh ma..,~1vc· 11lonl' fmlc & woo<l p;rnl'lin~. lht• k1t t'h(•n ts a rlream Y.tth ln:ills of <•xtras ind. bdrm. suites: family 67.57520 n 'P,\l'l'Y' C:Jtht•tlral ,\ rm., open beams: frplc. ht•;imt·tl "rouj!hl 1rnn Beautifully decorated; HARBOR VIEW 110'.\1 f.S g:tll'•'llln" sunkl•n li\'llll! .&Jtquisite carpets & Portofino. 1mrnac. 1llr.3 r••im \l.i..,..in· rl"cl linck dr.1pes + a workshop. Ra, ftn1)>hrcl honu:-. rm,'\· l' 1 c.,., & submit loft . $91 .50ll for 11111 ck salt• "·1 ~ f in•pl;i c·i• · orm.i .x:-. 1t1n1r11.: r1111111 . ('Ill·(·, * 494-7551 * prinonly.li·llll;:Jll k1tl'l1t·n "/no11k :~.1· Oceanfront Largc.•st & twst duplt"< in to<An. Sp<'<'t<1ntl.1r 1052 coasthnC' view:-.. 2 hdrm & :1 bdrm. \\Ith ft1m1h r m . 5 hi.llhs. 4 frplc·'. 5 F:.imtly rr111t11 plu' :100 o;q ft. st:par:ill-bo1111)> r rn1111 1 m:TAC:HEI> ~IOTtll':ll IN J.!\W {2l 1\llT1''.f!..;• W1nd1ng \\J'tllll!ht 1rnr1 ~ta1rr;1<:P lo )>C'I 1111.J.otl mao;;t1·r \\'trl!' 11••;1\ 1 rl'dwootl ("11\t'rl'd p;1t111 All spr111kl1 rerl T 1h1· .111 'antav1· I '.•II 7:i:! 17110 $59,900 encl gJral!f'S :ill hit 1n' * 4-Redroom, 2·hat hs. + carp F1n1•st 111 1.•H·r ~lep-do\\ n I 1vm~ room. ything 1 S.1:'>0 oou fam ily r oom, largl'. ti~o ·'~U 1·n<•losed lol. sprinklers l Al 'Al (i) ~ · [~ ldeal familv home """'-"" • BONO REAL TY * W"t " n THE llEAl ESTATE RS 831-9411 'nr ,,,.port l'O<I ()fft<t REST PRIC E SHORE SIVE OF llIG HWAY ! Open beam LR and lush landscape in this 3 hr rnrner location. GAR DEN HOM E ... S74.500. Enjoy the Good Life 493-2513 499-4584 Laguna Niguel• the choice community ••• TRULY AN EYE CATCHER tn presUg1ous S<·a Tc•rrace of Laf,!una N1gurl 3·h<.'droom home with loads or extras plus ;:in Bxl;! addition m ram1· NEWPORT SHORES 3 Rdrm & den 11 \t'r upf)('r Choi ct· Inca 110111 Walk to heach. pool'.', tennts Only sso.~m· I CAYWOOD REALTY * 548-1290 * OPEN SAT JSUN 1-5 512 38th Street THE BLUFFS $53,750 OEN + pool Thi' fabulous "S.. p I ;in 1 Hl'd lll1· roof. R<11~1·d portico ••ntry. Step up 111 hur<' living room·vll'W tu sparkling hluc common pool. Com I\ l!Ollrm1•t kilt•hl'n. l)llt'l'll SI/•' t.x.•drol)m'>. !kn or t'>.tr .1 lwdrmim~vnur 1 ho1<·1" J>1•1·or.1tor \\ :tllp.1 Jll·r' Sl'llf'r has Jlllrt hasi•cl n(>w hnm1· i\NXIOl 'S • Tak<' atlv:111ta).!1' $.'):l.7!10 f u I l p r 1 1• ,. ! C: a I I today i52 liOO , .. ,,, '· NEWPOHT JSL.1\.'."I> W:.il<•rfronl homt'.:.J>11•r I'.. float; sp1r ·n ~p;111 :t bdrm .. 2 baths. \\ ;irm & c o m f o rl a b I t• h o m 1' k1t1.·ht•n :..i GOl 11< \11-:T'~ d c t 1 g h t 1 F r p I 1· & !;pac·1011<: p::il 111 S1•llt•r Sl:l9,000 2 l 0 44th Street THE REAL ESTATE RS m :i y h c I p f 1 n a n l' l' [ ~ Steps t o bay &. p;1rk & ___ _ s hopping. ne<A Iv cit c·or San Clemente I 07 6 dupll"X. bar1?:.11n pre ct•d •• •••. •• •• •• •• •• ••••••. at~1.500 /\pprox1mat<'IY 1 , aen• on Balboa Bay Prop. rural sln'r·t. Onan' w'~. Realtors Com< nrently loca lt'rl •675-7060• ~.OIYJ Iv room and :iddrd ----------:-.kvhtes. Romantic bn ck hearth .... S71i.500 • Harhor V1l'W Palermo 2 * •• MOVE RLG HT JN-story. 4 hd. J ha. 11\'er Vacant. l ove l y J. s11NI fam rm .:.! frptrs, AHCHOR'AGE INVESTMENTS (7 I 4J 496-7711 h<.'droom Sea Terrace" pritrn & derk . Many up '-------------' 119 Plan ·. f:xt'lus1ve ,grad1••:;. 644 ·177!J or u SF:CLUDf:D l.i\Nl': private area acc<'ss to f-42 0322 lmmaculah' :.! hedroom recreational facilities WATFflFHONT W SI IP +sunny den on wondl•d and pri vall' b eac h . . ', . 1• ' canyon nl'ar ht>ad1 f.. S84 !KIO Bill C~1rroll i, 10 ft~f)O sho11p111~. Pnn·cl to sdl L~gu~a N1gul'I Realty _Hasting & Co. Rt•altor Qwcklv nl 5;42.~1<H1 830-5050 496-4040 NEWPORT llE IC llTS Li! ._. CONVT-:HTIALF' 4 Br. ort•an Vll'W. pool. nu Just steps lo popular "T" kitch S98,SOO by .ippl ST Rf: E 'T' HE/\ c tr . OWNER 548·55Sfi SpaC11)uS rustom homt•. could be :.!, :J or 4 BR, WATERFRONT • Hoat 21'.!·ba + family rm. :J Laguna Niguel. Sltp. S pacious rustom 2 car gar. pool s7 yarrt nr. 2 Ra & d<'n. l<wat<-d in Transf'd ownc:r must the choice community Jl v t. qui ct. .., c· 1 11 r c . sell ~H.fl~ Balboa Co'<''· \1 :1nv dlx C/\Ll.4!!2·4121 OPEH SAT. /SUH. 12:30-~30 29142 l<ensiftgton Dr. $79,900. 29132 Kensington Dr. $69,500. OPEt-1 SAT. /SUH I ·4 24202 Paseo delCompo $86,900. Laguna Niguel Realty 830-5050 496·4040 features. frplr Offpn•d BERTHA Hr:NHY h y own<'r A n•ril bargain R f'~i\l .TORS 3l Sl28.000 Opcm I I oust• -- c1aily at 57 Balboa Covt•s San Ju~ 673 SAA2 Capsstrano I 078 -...................... . IFYOU have 3 S<'n rce to nffrr or ~oocts to sell. pl.it'<'·'" nil in th C' D a 1 Iv I' 1 Io t Classified Se<•t1on Phone 642·5fi78 . t;clhng 'l·OR nl'WC'r homr 10 l'hoire nhrhoo<I \'1l'w of lulls & vall1·v OPEN StrN. 12to4; ~102Call<' San R l'mo or cull own<'r, 493·1355 for appt. $49.~.oo Newport leach I 069, Newport hach I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• RARE OPPORTUNITY $35.000 G I & ALL TERMS · 4 bedroom home. Flagstone t>atio, bri<'k BBQ. Room for your boat & trailer . Has just been reduced. owner must s ell ! MV COUftfry Club Luxury 4 tx.-drm. ncc;tll•d up to broad grt>en '1stuo., of the art>as fme11t ~otr rou~ You must SCP 1l' Call~ 99'l2. ('orn 1n~ rnnk w ,1r!:' & Mission Viejo I 067 ranf.(l'. 411!<' l11lrrt1s Y.1th ••••••~•••••••••••••••• a -;upt>r m~tr, <;u1t<' off LOW ASSUMPTION pool arra 3 Jo ull baths Take over thi'I S.1fl,8SO Vc•ry private dt'ck & F HA loan at 8 1 41'~ in· patio arc<• with lpc heat· terest with payme nts of t-d «-f1ltcrt"<1 pool fnr re S380 mo. Brand new 3 J,u1nR Occlln view bedroom with air condi ~att'bo ScpnrJtC 3 car t.ionmg. 545•250_ l "vely 2 Br. pool home nr raal t.y gnrujle. lot~ of room for HO DOWN VA Al boat. tratl<'r. hohhy or . ' For those who like to r edecorate! 1-Story ho m e in beaut. area. s Bdrms .• 4 baths. fam. rm .. patio, pool. Transft?rred owner MUST sell. Aslang $109,500 lwnch S37 ,950 536 2156 ~ :i\orage. An exqul~\te 8cau~1ful ~adrid 62 with Ar.t ~ home in Jn c.•xrt·pltoMI exc1tin1t view. Larae 3 ••• •$72,500, customized ----------•I loratwn SN• today at Rdrm . formal dlnln~ 4 Br. 2 l"t, 2 frnlc '"'· 2 $125 ooo room & rcntrol 111lr condl •• ·" THIS IS IT! ' Uoninll All for $64 ,900 1arn11y room~. v()ot tablc. MISSIO .... VllJO bn r. 3 r n r ~ 0r1\1~ p . Last time. By ownf'r al m~fic:l!?t!l . ...... Larllttllt lot In tract Fruit $72,000. Village 111 • Univ IruGefl{l"M' REAL TY trees. 21472 l,cmontree Parle. 4br, 2'!.iba. Yale 4/ 837-9500 I· I 000 Lane. II n 9f~e72G. 552-7372. ~99 21100 }t l , • r I A COUJWBJ. IAM•B CO. 644-1766 I. Housu For Sai~ Income Pro -' 2000 R al Lf L-1. • • ••• • • • •••••• ••••. ••• •• pe..-.y e g a '"' Ho.aH' Unfnihed Houses Uniuntiilhed House' URfwwiSMG 2 975 DAIL v PILOT DS Son Juan ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted 2900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .:..Ft;.;ld=•Y1.:·.:0:...:ec=e;.;.m;.;be;.;;.;..r..;.1.;;;;.:...1...;...;..... ____________ ...;;;;;...;. Capistrano I 078 2f. Units in xlnt :m~a of ....................... Costa Meao 3224 ~°"leach 3240 Ne---' leach 3269 ToWftho4ne Apat taMnt1 fwWlhed Apartmftttt Unfurn. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• R1ver~ldt' c;ood cond ' () w N pr 0 J> ('\ r' v In ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ::::-.~.............. Uttfw-nished 3525 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Glve your fomilv th1 .. pool m>.000 lo~h:wood. llav.thornc 3 BR, 2 83, 2 patios, C"'ts, Br<ind new JHd .• J Ra ~ 3 Br 2 bo, Xl< 1°e yd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M.wpoti leoch 37 69 Cotto M~SG l""•utlr I " b ·1 orSo ~YArt•3? .... .. 3 BR ~ B " t • ,. t ••••••••••••••••••••••• "• u ·' l'1 room ~[3 · dr 1~ Crplt· nr HJl'k Uay W I f' I', ct h I gar a.it• room for camper & boat ' a ' 'I ' .._05 a •••••0 •••••••••••••••• 3824 home for C'hr1!itm.1s ·:· e~J-· WILL PAY CASH! s;r.o 55t11il95 w opener. w lw carp.•i... 2826 Irvine 6468883 or Mes~ Dbl~:tr,PvtpalJo, ONTlff.BEACll L.ocalt-d tn Altu l :::__Ir'. ~'n'! Ph.TomD'Alenondro ----anddn""~ Avail Jan 1 .. c"576"" $315 9634-058 $12.5 ..,tudio 6751865 afterl.ar~•·.warrtt3br,2baapl ,. _ -·-[ "" '"' ""' _ S JO 103Mcf'addt.>n .._11p1:1trano $R9,SOO. -•. __ T.D.PROPERTIES .ovt>ly 1 br home w1pvt $435 /mo. Will show ___ wathdtntngJreJ,Jlilnlry, 4 12131674 6907 unyt•ml' gurdl'll patio. cpts, drps model 848 0800 N 1-; W 3 Hr , 2 111 B ;1. n.-a U.....&.. 3600 1 or 2 Br . .idulls, no pl'I~ "fllO & (in,>plJce AHCHORAGE 32 + 4 orl714H14ti~22t uftli llt1I pd $225 mo (11 Twnhmt•' on 1!> al·n· ... ..,...•XH '"""' $160 1$1902421l':l6thSl, Adult!>onh•$27S IHVIEST -734 0222 '1 Br, 2 ba, bltns. m·w park. vww. Po<>I. 1aru11.1, ••••••••••••••••••••••• N. llL'l 646 1801 •r11 1-: VE~DOM E MEHTS 32 Units plus 2 Ouµlexei. cpts/drps, cov pallo, l!auna, lse $375. 646-2700 2 BR. 1 Ba, CdM. nu ---IK45 Anahl'lln, (' M (714) 496.771 I on l'Ullllguous propcrtl('S Rentals 2 UR home Easts11Je Lge gardener. open h st.' ----children or pets. $275 mo. 2 BR, l UA, 1 blk to lll·h li45 J:J!l 1137 ·!l517 !'i/!O<,(·)(h)()a1.nnt~ocm• "$8Plr."~~.·.e •••••••••••••••••••••• fnl'd yd Cpts. :itov~. Sat/Sun 10022 Forrest al, VlEW end unit twnhs~ on 644-b800 (Susie> $2 5 yrly 979 5157 Opt•n . Uy Ownn, Villa~.: San .Juan Townhonw "O" Mdl 3 HK, 2 Ba , 195 63·15 :.tft 4 ...,_ .. """ • t!55 mo 548 66XO nr Brkhurst & Adams lge gm bell 3 Ar, 21'7 ba. E .. "TSIDE CM. 2 Br, ent•l S~'l.e Sat/Sun. 12·4 129 35th 2 Hd Studio. Hi ba • TERRAFIRMA BALBOA ISLAND :JRr.f"m 1·9980834. $360. 6'14 H80/830·5050 '~ Gara~1•• hnrk frplc, R~afty 540•2345 \'t•a~ly ; dl.'IUlH', 1H·.1rly fnl·d ,:ad rm, frplc, bltns. l-i·n.. 3244 ~xt 22 patio & gar. $250 mo ------pnvak p.1t10 . m•w, J\vaat n1•w 2 tlH, furn h;iyfront 2 Hr.'bit d • • .. 979-2788or642·2598 Lido Is le Ual'h. J>.1llo Apt apµrn' J Jll 1 Adults. SMART apt Qwel t•rul of 1-.l <111d t\vail ni:~· it{r, ·Y71ar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON CHERRY LAKE 28R cpts drps frnlc Ind"" 67013d~! .. }dull. $1ti5 m11 2447 Ehl1•11 $275 979 1~ SantoAna 1080 ••••• BEAUT. San Jt>aqu1n Woodsy, rountry at-.... 'J OCXJU ••••••••••••••••••••••• INVESTMENT!! YParly . unr •1 llH. 3 ba, I\ harga1r1 • •1 Br, Cued }'U, Twnhme Lar~t· 2 Br, 2•·, mMphE>re! Charming 4 I~ yd gar adll no pets $240 1~2 !Ht apb $190 & $220 Aµa1rof4 Plcwsinfa-.t ram rm Lgl' mi.ti llH frpk.s.150 Ba , 2 sty. Vww of golf IK'drm.4bathhorne Use 548·9825aft4 Oct.'anfrvnt 2 Br l trl pll, pool, laundry BRADFORD PL. CONDO VACANT ~l Or. 1NlUl'Pd to $32,900. lloml' l!i vc·ry clean and ready to move into, 'l.'ry dost• to the pool. O"' nc•r v1•rv Jll\. 100:; anti will c-oni;1tlt'r any terms g39 1710 REX I. llODG ES ltl-:/\LTY mO\'lnl.l Co~ta l\lt•sa &ba •2 B1k.l11~ h.iy 3llr,yJrd,gar.S270 course & lake. $550 of pier and sabot. wshrtJry1, c·pl. 1 dultJ faul.t·pt:.,llrps,thhwhr, area $l70 ,000. $ll:IOO • • .. • • 2 Hr, tJlln~. cpts, drps. 547 7044 (,'ardc•ner in"luded. no pets, 'ti1June15,1976. rl~l'<l gar."'" 1x•b. No s pend., bit.' WE> also ha vc• .,('VNal $200 Years lease! iioo. mo Apartmettts fournished $285. 642 ;~;n duldren unclt·r 12 SOUTll COA,ST "''"'•'r n•ntab av:ul 2 Br, fnc<I gar. S215 Ideal location, be.iul. dlx 3 S4f. 4111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------Hac1cnd:111.irhnr t\pls IN\ f-:STM 1:-:NT SOMERS REALTY 4 Rr. filed yard, frplc br. 2 ba. dbl ~arai.:e. no Balboa Peninwla 3707 Bnght 2 br bca(·h apt Call t>46 121>1 llomcfintlt.>rs IH2 9'JOO _...,_l!_s_I_..se_979 ~93 * • * ••••••••••••••••••••••• own<'r aft er 6 l"ollect ---------54!JU8_12 300 MJnm'. HJI lc;l,111d - - -...... . (2 3 691 8323 2 Hr. 2 ba. ram 1 ltes * * 675-4000 • • N<'ar So Coast Plaza; 4 •RENTALS'* Barbara Hendrickson OCF.ANFRONT 3 br , 2 ha, 1 ' -"'elcoml'. Must ut1I pd ••DUPLEX** HR,2ba .. carp.dra11cs T llETERHA<"E 2240nyx ~~~tr~~t~:·1 ~52 t2t~I SantaAno 3780 Mo to mo S2 2:i 622 I Xlnt t•oncl ~. Val'ant 3 nH. 2 Ra $12;.1 Balboa Island 673 •7.,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hamrlton &15 2282 __ _ 11 Im ''1Y :'lh•sa \'t'rd•· 2 Houses fournished RC'altor 548 5527 H h s J ., Uf nn ~ J HH suit• hy srdc ••••••• ••••••• •• ••••••. anc 0 • an oaquin You are lht.' winner of one ""MIASS "'DOR 1uus 2 HR, 1 Ba, PQOI, 2 adult-. llandy to l'VPn thini:: Balbo I I POOL HOME 2 RR. den. 2 ba $475 1500 complete dinner selected BEACH. View. pier 1 hr "' "' "" max. ~S mo 1632 B S71,UOO l'rmr Onlv Call a sand 3106 3Hr.2ba.dm1n"rm.dbl 2BR,2Ra . ssso from Skinny Mike's S235. Adults. Ut1l pd. 30J OF~ERICA lowa,549-4338 Mal,5402J,l5Agt•nl ••••••••••••••••••••••• .., TURTLEROCK menuat E . F.dgewater. (1 ) TWOLOCATIONS ----- II 00 --------·~~~12~,0Bmltnt>s .. "to'rpJlcu"ni;_arl<:flhl' ~~!~:~~e b~~s~r~~~ f:i~· 3 BRC. 2 Ba ....... $450 HOLIDAY IMH 871-~ WEEKLY RATJ-:S WESTBAY 21 • ""-' ... ., c•u ""7tor540 3666. ULVl::RDALE 3131 Bn"stol St., Costa M•sa 3724 f"ULLSEHVlCE l Br-t'xtra l"e S230 •••••••••••••••••••••• Avail 12 20 11'75 3901 "'"'..., 3 BR 2 R ,...., "" "' HJ SO M b'I h 17 UNITS ---• a. ..,,,,,5 C t M 2277 Harbor, C M. J Rr/f.\1rn $245 Mobile Homes for Sale :C1u1t P~rk~ca¥11Tlr~:r ~~ --MESA VERDF: 3 Hr p, WALNUTSQUAHI-: Pl oslla 2e56sa78 t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2909Bnstol.S.A. JBr(.!Ba $335 lluntmgt1on Beach urea • nu, S3SO inl'l'd grdnr & 2 BR, 2 Ba .. ······ .. $.125 ease t•a 64 · ·ex · $37.50 WEEK & UP 645-4840&540·2300 Beautiful gardrn apts, t;11ls.aft 6,75124(i(i Under~yrstlld .AllZBR.BalbooP~n1nsula 3107 wtr Nu crpt::. & drps. 313R,T2HB~C·O-l<.>$.'ll5 /3:1~. 333 locla1myourticket. •Studio &tBRApls pvt patio:-.. pool, spa . 24x52 1973 "Dudcl_y", By t"nc:I ,::ar, patios, Rec. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 549 :!066 r, ~ NY * * * •TV & Maid S~rv Avail Adult$. nc> pPls. 151 E. R T t l 1 1 3 DR. den. 2 ba furn $600 •Phone Serv, Hld """l A~ments 2 ",., 24 uo . 68 owner. fo'or('sl Cardl.'ns. ro~e e~~~6~a~l~i~tinn~ :1UR,2 Da. Ft•d yrcl. dose DEERFIELD HAY VIEW 3 large br 2·~· •Children Section"vv Unfumlshed 1st.,....,.· On r646 16 EIToro $111,500.58611637 lo..in.S25H.OOO Ownn\\ill Macnab-Irvine to !>chb. Wtr&garb. pd 3RR,2ba. . S425 ha frpl 617 w Uay, Pen •Lowmonthlyrates. •••••••••••••••••••••••2 BR, util paid. Cpts. ('On s llll'r contract. l<L\I T't 1·11,\ll'\:\"I $-150 64244•1S 2BH.2'~ba .. $375 $550yrly Ph646·1713 •$.'>OFF week's rent Balboa Island 3806 drps, patio Children 27' Terry built. l<l1•al for older cpl. Spal'l' Avail Make offer. 531 53!12 Business Property 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ag('nt, t\4:! 7407 CHARMING COLLl-:GE PARK w ad ••••••••••••••••••••••• wt•lcome. no pets. Mi;r So Coast Plaza :i~ m1 J 3BR,2ba ....... $400 * * * 2J76NewportBlvd.CM Yearly. Bachelor. 1960 Wal!Jce, Apt 6 3 Redrooms, famtly llR, 2 u .,, patio. Uf'(\, CharlesThomas 23 UNITS l rt u.. > c 548·9755 or 645-3967 $190 Util ind. 642-7364 room + gu<'S f!U:.t ers fireplace Gardt.>ncr 552-7500 200"" Kalmus ---------1.ovely bri rk pa Lio un "' 675 5074 Nt•w l·arpl'ls & drape-. 11"t'•anfr11nt 5 ("ar park S395 Frd yrdc; M92 ~2 Costa Mesa •Elm Gardens* --------i$t7o. 1 Br, cpts. drps h ' d h' I I y f 1Br1-'·rn •tss mo Move C.-tistrano ~ach 3818 r('frig, range. 724 "O" W. t I u out. s \'rs old '1 l· mg \\'inter $.'KIO '10. ) r \tt.'sa \ l'rd(' Sh~·rn. "'hr re I OU are the winner 0 one u ~ _,,.. TAX SHELTER u ,. ., I d I d i·n for ...,85 Adults. no ••••••••••••••••••••••• James St 673·7'87 rrnnls IJJ' u!ll 1\nnual 111-ly . SI050 .:'11 o !K20 > 3066 c e) I 0 n SJ 90 comp el(' inner ~L' cctt' <><-__ _ and bus1nt•s!>, too toml' s.52.KOU f:,1,ttn!? LynneRotht•ll64t6200 67:13088 6429292 reeltv from Skinny Mikl''s 64Pe2t~ .. 5 177 f:. 22nd St N3e4w61 2 8bdc, 2amba,.nS20 85cmaop .. FOURSEJ\SONSAPTS Orange Count.''!, flnl·~t loan $307.500 O\\ner \\Ill ~ nwnu al '""" . Spacious 2 br studio. 11 ··dnt1que \\Orld"' Busi cons1d('r contract •2 Rr twnhse '\lrsa ~ HOLIDAY INN SUS CA istrano 4964923· ---• br. P'1 patio. pool Ch1lc1 nl.'SS & proper!). fi.000 sq Agent. 8'12 7~(17 Co1y 2 Ur + dl•n, fnrd }d. Verdt' Gar. w I>. pool. 3131 Bristol St., Lar"(' nicel s:~:o.s 1 br COl"OftG del Mar 3822 ok. no pets. Sl95. 73.1 rt. bldg. with orr strePI p.irkin~ S250 $285 p, l patio 833 8974. RENTALS C M Ad "i 1 Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• Joann SL 645·0332 parktnf( Will sell 0~ con Industrial / 675·6712 osta esa u ls on y. no pets 2110 tr<H'l ~ ith 20', do"' n Properly 2100 Costa Mesa 3124 2 Hr, hou-:t• 3 Bd .. 2 Ba. . . $375/470 Pll•ast• call 642 5C78. ei..l. _!'ewport Blvd - jradl'S l'OnSl'lt•rt'•tl ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr\\'cstl'11ffl'la1a, JBd.dcn.2ha ..... $450 33J tocla1myourtickel. re '", si.ooo ' , GREAT ········:·············· ~~mo &15 O'J63 3 Rd. 2'2 ba. . . $42.'i • * • Casa de Oro 11~· 11.<:r_cs~ VlLI.A MESA· From $205 2 BR. patio, p<Xll, no peLs 719 W. Wilson. 646·1251 C9 5) B Ibo 8 p 3Rr.2ha,11rn.frpll'.l•·1tin, 4Bd,2 Ba .... $325 /400 -~" .. ·- o a ay rop. YEAR END BUY!! <lb g,1r. l"onclo rt>1· fa<'1I, Dana Point 3226 LE RAISOR 2 Sty. A frame·: 3 RR. 2 c~LP~~~LIJ~i~~~A;~u 6R7~5ol7tors060 1 2 New Multi tenant In ~~ii~~~ \'t•ry Nil°l'' S:Jatl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ha. £~f!r;!~~ ten-rent. Custom designed CORONA DEL MAR 1s!;1.~,.0~een. i2orBrC. pooitizle. "nos * . * tJuslrial Hu1ldings. full y -----New 2 Br Condo, ocean & REALTY nrl'i.'" .... . featuring: 2 Br Townhousl.'. fr11k ' children /pets. 646 2738 IPased. Xlnl Mission Vie· Dano Point 3126 Sunset View. tennis, llarbor V1('w 2 & Den, 2 •Spacious kitchen with Pool. tennis. continental ConMrcial jo Location. 10'; Return ••• ••••• •••••• • • • • • •••• pool. $320. 7 t·I K33·46G9 452:3 Campus Dr .. Irvine B a, 1 n c Id R c r rig., indirect lighting breakfast. Some ocean & $30 off Sec. Dep w /ad 2 Rr Property I 600 tu '"' estor. 581 ·2340 or Super neat 2 Rr, 1 ba, g:ir. days. 714 ·496·1:1174 or Campus Valley Shop Ctr. wash('r, dryn, gardener. •Separate dm'g arl.'a Catalina views. Close to 2 Ba. child under I 01\. ••••••••••••••••••••••• afl 6, •193 76l.i7 • adlts, pvt sonH' oC'n vu, 5S2 0033 wknds . CALL 833-8600 Mon l h to mont h •lfome·llke storage shopping & fine beCJch. $205 & up. 710 W. 18th St. -$250 496 52!l3orli•t2 0<~12 r......-• . Consider furn. $495. •Private patios • 644 26ll 17S S('at restaurant in Costa Mt'<,a, :; yr.., old. S125K . owe bl A!!t Sale or I.east• Sfl<IO sq ft. lnine 3144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a Chri s tma s bonus. •Marble Pullman -Mo Call 557-6462 6 tu !J Industrial l'rc•pcrly for - -rvurno1n Volley 3234 Rent our home & receive b'7J·ll48 •Close.d gar w/storagl' 1---------•IE:.ists1de . 2 RR. 2 ha. $300 Zone M·l. 85'. A •C. Im ••••••••••••••••••••••• S350, 3 Br 21 ~ Ba. aft·, Super 3 br, 2 ba, OW. Newport Shores, 2 Br + •Kmgsize Bdrms 4 Br, 2 Ba 1850sqrt. frplc. PM. proved 400.101p BYForRentf\irn.l 'niv Pk, Twnhse T1buron.Comm. bltns. cpts. drps. beaut Convert Oen 2Ba,Walk •Pool. Barbeques-bllns, 2 blks to Beach. -------- Vacant lot, 130,c'-> .,01.,, owner 883 Sn. East St Jrvine Twnhsf• 3 Hr. 2• .. sx101.531·500lorH31·0282 landscpg, S350/mo. to Bch. Pools & Tennis. surrounded with plush $500. Also. 3 Br 2 Ba, 1 Br above carport '"' "' "' Anaheim Ph 956""30 --963456796317u"' ..,.,5 6450836 I d · $400 675-8772 or 644-7211 w patio. Drps & w f w <.irea. Hunt Ht•h · · ""'' Ba $485 mn for 3 mos · "" .....,, · an sraping ------A · 1 0 20 C 11 4 Br 2 Ra, n('w carpets. ---Adults No pc>ls Jeff C'rpt Bltns. Sl60 mu. f.42·9666 HESTEH UH OWN Lots for sale 2200 vat · cc · a blt~s fenced yr. Just ·univ Pk Terrace 2 Br. 2 Newport Shores 3 Br 2 Ba. 2 RORM S260 Ev('s aft 6. 642-7973 Realtors 11:13~171H ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~2-7883or5520:l28 painll.'d. f'rplc. S375 Ba, twnhse. dbl gar. hltns. clean• C tD.Walk 36SW WtlsonG42 1971 DELUXF. 4 BR, 3 ba. ------ House on c;2101 i '. ;i:. ----------:L-a~ach 3148 R.194945 _ frplcS375552·7896 toBch,S425lse.548-2~ _ ram rm , nr. oa.in Part1:.illyfurn 2Br.2h•1 LEVEL R 3 LOT -.,-· Hurry 1 ~~) mo 673 6992 no l'hlldren or pets Sl75 sumable loan or tradt· . • . •••••••••:••••••••••••.•Huntington ~ach 3240 3 Br Condo, J\/C, panel· San Clement~ 3276 or675 7225, Bkr Mature adults. 642 5848 1963 Harbor CM 962 f>.135 4 or possibly s units. 1 Br CottaS:l.' on V1t"ton;;i ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing, shag. children OK, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 BR Furn S185 BEST OFFER Area of del_uxe apart· Och. Ava1l lhru Junt· 30 3 RR, l '• ba. big family S330 mo Lse purchase New 3 br. 2 ba tux condo. Lots of bllns. pool. walk LEl\SF. 2 AR, 1 Ba. lge NEW 1 Br. frplc. beam 211 ·213"""1dSt.N R mcnts. Selling al as _S350 4»3 5514 rm. Nr Adams & opt.552-4883 Fplc,lennis.pool,sauna, lbeoa!hh.o93plpW1n_g19t·h'12Sl .m1. patio. l blk to beach, cKe1lhl'g, 548bltn!;c~pls, drp5. UL• sesscd ,alue. Newport~och 3169 BrookhursL $385. fa ntastic golf course. ~ adults, no pets Refs a !_'.__:_"""~---2500 sq ft . l'Onfrele fi46<l92R. eves.548-3561 645 3147 545 4289 Colony, lge 3 Br + Bonus p rl t f 548 ·0492 S310 mo 673 5864 or block bldg, retail store or ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · -Rm. air cond., tnc pool + ocean view e ec or 213 /355 6343 aft. 6 esa Verde 2 br, 2 ba, ' Del J ... _d St -G executive. SJSO/rno No bltns encl gar ....,05 mo of ice, lot size. 60x90. wee ut' room l'P'i 3Ur. 2ha. frplc. clean. $300 tennis club. real Joe.. ---· · "" ' Contact manager Travel from ocean. Now till mnnlh. st/last + SlOO Jse for less than owner's pets. 492·0169. 2035 foullerion, CM 4 Br deluxe 3 ba duplex in Water pd. 536-2575 01 -Lodge to show, 642·8252. June. No pets. $-150 per r I(' an in~ r c e . 4 782 monthly cost! $450 mo. San Juan 1 BR Furn, 2 lrg closNs. Old Corona. Nr bch & ten _968-__ 0833 __ . ------ Owner. 213/247 2120. mo.WntEh.'TARgtY. JlAJ'OF.R Scenario. 968-7079 & Ownr 552·0694 Capistrano 3 2 79 dquee~size bed, pr11v crts. Frpk. etc $450/mo. * * * • ' 968 2148 ress1ng rm, xtra gc 833·5858, 640 6216 Condominiumsffown· Mountafn,Deser+, ATTRIHARBOR · · View. privacy in new ••··~··•••••••••••••••• rooms, encl . ga r . -----Mike Murphy housesforsole 1700 Resort 2400 IMMAC 2 Br 1 Ba . Irvine community ofFanulyhome,2yrsold,3 w/storage. Adults only, 2 Br, 1 Ua, upstr:;.. lg 10945thSt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 400£.17'" FOR All Twnhme. Adults only. Rancho San Joaquin . Br,+ Br/dedn, 2 ~a.ffamd nopets. patio, gar, yrly $285 mo. M ~ HORTH LAGU ..._.A B H d Ut h 3 1 C.M. ARUS Quiel area. $225 mo. New 2 Br + library rm, covere patio. nr Ref rcq. 675-3446 days ewpor+ ach " :V!~ 1 ~a a~·re:g~.' n~~~r ~16.'l-9771 w/wetbar. Fully appoint· yd. nice nghbrhd-lease. LRG 1 Br, pool, nr. shops. 644·0997 eves. You are the winner or on•' CONDOS ed include air cond .. nopcts,$360/mo.496-1858 adlts•no pc>ts. Util pd. 1•ompletedmncrselcctc<1 s Io pes . $4 ooo S:'>OOO . d h h If 1 -1884 Monrovi 548 0336 Spacious 1 Br. frplr. drps, from Sk r 11 ny M 1 k e •, Whitewater Views :! & :1 bdrm units from $54 ,000 420 Cyprl'!>S, North Laguna Call 6 75-7225 7H ·493·3038 N1tes s ws r . se c ean oven, Santo Ana 3280 a, · -"/w n pls. pvt palm m"nu .tl V11la1~e Real F.c;tale t rash comp frplt• + " ... .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• trra1lcrs l & 2 BR, $140 . Walk to b<'h S275 util inc HOLIDAY 1u .... Orange County No /\gents Fee much more Security "" Property 2500 * Yorktown/Buc;hard ncslelcd in the foothills Racncl ohur home & receive $165 Water & Gas incld 673 1153 .ift 5 & wknds. I 3131 Bristol St .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• HEt\LTYl'l>\11•1\;>..'t 2BR,JBA .$285 5475353 nstmas bonus. l3JE.t5thSt.542·1265 CostoMesa 3824 CostaMesa • O uE ACRE* BAYFRO.._.T •Yorktown/ .. ta 0 nolia -Bolsa/Ward. 3 BR. 2 ba. ~ 'DIO APT-D Pl I " " ~ ,... Wantl.'d 5 Br hous(' will DW. cpts. drps. $325.~1 u · et·orator ••••••••••••••••••••••• ease ca 1642-5678. e'l:I LEMON HEIGHTS Pier&shp for 55'hoal 4 3BR,2BA $300 lease or buy pp ply 9634569963.1786 fum.Pvtpatio,wtr&gas Off~atenPath 333tocla1myourtickel. Bedrooms. fam1lv ronm •Garfield 1Brookhurst 842_8001552_8524 pd. Sl75 mo 646·5330_ 1. 2 & 3 Br. Adults no * * * CA~!.Sl-T' AHT,\~CH +dming room S2100/Mo. 3 BR. 2 RA S:l25 ___ _ J Br. yd, gar. $135 pets. dsh\\hrs. shag cpts, c !Kl8l •Warner/Bearh "ew Terrace T\\nhsc. 3 2 Br,condo,bltns.S240 GardenBad1 Apart. closed garaJ!e, frpk. All slumpstone construe J ane f'ra?l.'C 642 8235 3 HR. 2 OA ... s:i50 Br 2 Ba. rpts. drp ... Wl.'l 3 Br. fncd yd, ~ar, S225 Pvt. patio. $125 DHQ Gas & w;1ter prl lion. 3 BR. 4 ba. den b · d 642 1334 Pool Maslt.'r suite has hrs & •~tagnoha/Edmger har, R&O, OW, frplc. JBr.2 a ,y ,gar,$235 · KIDS ;PETS O .K. I· A S T S I D 1'.: TOWN ll OUSF: ht>r!) baths. /\II rms off 1 Br Qwet P'1 · near b,t} 3 BR. 2 BA ... SJIO patio & dbl gar Pool & 3 Ar, 1 1 ~ ba, fncd yd, gar. TRLR, 2 Br. shady park, LA MAMCHA APTS Btn 3br, 2ha. !>hag rrpl. HO rt De I pi -.o l 11 t• $225 month * Bolsatnrookhursl Rec $425. 833 3179 ~5 2 b f d I dbl adlts. no ~ts S130 + ul1l 778 Scott Plal'C, CM encl gar, In mt• S.18.250 hallway. St Charles 213 71'111 lOSR 3 BR. 2 BA ... S32.'i L D-h 3248 3 r. a, nc Y•. e 548·6173 642 5073 PRIVATE GARDEN . GARAGE FIREPLACE. S315tMO IHS-8964 ~'i2 4R83 Cl Roi 18 sh rd oquna ucac gar, frpk. bltns. S280 ------Jl('rank1lch . iambt·rs • sa u a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Homefrnders 6429900 S30offSccDepw/ad 1 RrMESA VERDE area lnco~ Propertv 2000 h111ltin:1 inc icemakE>r Hous•s Unfu-ish•d 3 BR. 2 Bt\ ... S345 2 B I d d ----G I S Home atmosphere 2 & 3 ., Rr nl'wlv p.iintc<l crpt 1 r f Ir "' '" "" •G·1rf1eld /Brookhurst r. ser u e ar<'a rl' t-. .&&. Lnnuna 3286 arden Apt, poo • 195 b di 546 ,,.,. I · •••••••••••••••••• ••• • • rt• ri I:: • rcezer i·n · •••••••••••••••••• ••••• • modeled kit & bathroom, ~" --,, 710 W. 18th St r x apti; ~1~--& drps, stm l' Nr sho~ maker [kn w/wl'l hJr & General 3202 3 ~R. 2 RA ... $335 h~irdwoo<l noors, no pets, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----CA..f:.A VICT ORIA I Mature adults $1!)5 mo NEW ouru:xEs OANA POINT 3Br12 Br $70.950 :1 Ar /2Hr $75.950 Only 2 left :1t th<'SC' prices. Wl.'stbav fnromr llomC's 34121 c'st llwy, •191l :\431 llF:LP HAVE$100,000 NPl.'d units in C M now' Ne> listing nee. f•;xc hng ok Stt•iner ln\ll'stml'nls f"12~ beer t:.ippl"r. ;ti! nr"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •MC'fadden/Brookhur!>t s:nsmo 1st las t497 l!l70 Beautiful Spanish home LqeFurn2Br 1,2&3br,DeluxeUnfur. r 675·2797or 67S-6527 v in v I Cl ours. <: rp ls. B 1 t Sh 1 n 4 BR. 2 BA ... $350 I by the bch. in exclusive Bit / d p-po I or Furn. gas/wlr pd. .--- wa lipaprr, shutters & e mon • on•-. .. ng •McFadden/Newland ClrfE 2Hr, vu hm. frplc , area. 4 Br. 4 Ba, lge !Iv s2o"os, ~dft·s, rn,:· pe~' Adults-No pets Sec. gale 2 Bd FAMIL'r O~ly. Ne\• drps thruoul l\e:Jt.rt'lv S325.2 Brhoml.'Jblksto 4BR,2BA ... $360 pat/yd.2rargar,lblkto rm. library , Cam rm , 645-3971. Pool.recrm,clcvators l carpets:~~l.St.lll.3lid ldsrpd w,,,ait•rfalls & bch . 212 CovtnJ •M rFaddenlSprin~dale beh, N. enrt Hef's req. <'Pntra1Courtvard.2car 525Victona.642·11970 S2IOM1i-t.ll.1. Koirond~. Room rortcn ~ 7t4-49i12.130 _ '1 0R.2BA .... "45 No pets ~395/y rJv nar.Ava11Jarll,$700mo.Artisls Studio apt, -----. t & · ...v " .... EW EAST SIDE 1N1l NEW J BR. 2 ba n1s l'Our sw1mmin~ Balboa Peninsula 3207 * Rolsa lSpringdale 4().t 17!15 _____ 499·4108or833·6413 skyHght. beamed ceiling. " pool. SO av<>r:ido & 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :l HR, 2 BA ... $335 ."'PR .. •'" I .IN(', 4 Ro •. W••tm1'nste.. -3298 Lse, r eas, ref!>. d('pos1t. 2 Br & Ot•n. cpts. tJrps, I f:vl<'. gar, no pets. l-rru1l trrc" $224;,il(I ..... ,... I\ "' ""' , 6422986 bltns & di.hwshr $275 tnst,il\fr<;a 642·1~ · • .. · 2 flR cluplcx. cpts tdrpi;. 9GJ-4567 or 963· 1786 IJEN hnm•'. lgl' -;und<'rk •••••••••• •••••• ••••••• ~ 642·6243 hllns w / rdng, frplr. th hi t i..anaP int 3726 _______ iNf:W 2 BR. 11-t ba, pal. w1 m·t .. 1n v1l'w : '"0elux3Br3BaCondoNoiv 0 I pat I II S2 !15 \'I Iv d h h d MESA VERDE J!.lrdt·n .. adlls, no rx.·t:. lst+lst+~lOO /\,,111 irn 2 BR. 2story rondo. Drps, range, m·1·11. is ws r . t·h1ldn•n un er 14. Will ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 5 642 liOJ mt'<i 673 6210 :-hag c·ptc;, pool Lease w w 1·arp & drapcs S.'l8S consider s in,eles . $350 BIG 2 br. 2 ba. Sl50 Uhl NEW 2 Rr, 2 Ra . adult .: 1 1 -· ---- $?15 R..170.l48.536·2375 MONTH Own r /B rkr Ref 6 i ncl. N('ar he::irh . apLc;. Lge beautiful in ~ RR studio. 1'? bJt h. Corona del Mor 3222 ---MISSION REALTY 893 1351 . Aft 6, 893-47161496-0195 or 960· 1142 tenors opt•n lo lush walerj cpts, drJ):'. ut1I inc lei 'd. New & near nC'w tax •••••••••••••••••••••••Like nt>W 3 Ar + Fam Phon~ 494-073 l ask forJerne Kukuk. u.~ Be h 3740 landscapin~ Ev<'rY <'On 5122.'i &15 807~• Sh('ltered property in ap Dec. lst June lJth. 2 Rd Hm. frplc.2 car gar nr -~ ....... ..,.on ac ce1vablc extra. Must Sl.'t' - 3TO 18 UMITS Out of County t\dams & BcJrh Blvd. L-a o..J"1nuel 3252 3Rr. large hv1ng rm. ram.······················· lo "'PPr"'"1,·1t"' ••u:s .. A l"C prec1alln~ arc,1 Som1• p 2550 J ba, rrpk. 1 hlk to H11? -..,-· "..,-d " "' "' ~.,.. ,...,..., canclose '75 roperty Corona lkfs ,1;751!117 $375rno Call!l689331 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r m. cpts. rps. covered BEAl:TIFlll. 1 hr furn MESA VERDE VILLA.<\ 10 S ESTATES ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br 2ha fplc out"tanding patio Xlnl arl.'a. S355. apls $170 & $180 Spanish 1555 Mesa Verde Dnvf' *** Robert Wyott ~ ~79or 592 5010 C A R L S n A n 3 BR, 2 ba. frpk gara1•r. 1n:imarulate J J.lr. }17 ba \ ll:W garde~ing. pool & Eves or wknds 962-0678 style bldg, pvt encl gar , East. (714 )540 8871 Just B E t\ C It F R 0 NT 414 Fernl('af MOO mn <h:lmdo, Hr ~~ls/dr$3p~. rec rlub mcmbc~ship rn pool. sauna. lndry, adlts. W. of Mesa Verd<' Ctr. off1 Costa Mesa 8 UNITS w pool nr So F.t:;TATE' Unbelievable C.410030 -n~~i cfl6~~ cl S3501mo 49$-1297. ~cn~~~~:to:!s&~~~e~~~ 17301 Keelson Ln. l blk Harbor Hlvd, ad1acnt to Youarclhewinnerofonl' 1697 Labrador Orin Coast Pla7a by n~nrr 3 Br 3 Ba, home + 2 mo • a · -- - -S 3 b d 2 b W.ofBeachorrstater. C M Golf&C Club I tompletedmnerselectetl 17.7M ~ross 1 20 M ~i ganltc 1 .Br rentals. Walkto&>ar h.2Rr, Rentourhome&rec('ivcAvail 1 /15Charmin~.2 ~pu~~rdrps,e~&'o. $31~: 842-7848 from Skinny Mrke':- &12 1690 eves 5000.sqfl of hvm~ spac(' 1 Ba. on l('AS1' $.125 a Christmas bonus nr.& Den. prof lndscp d mo 963-4569963·178'i SMALL BEACH HOTEL menu at ---------Massive all glass l iv1n~ _436 Fernl('ar 494 20111 f''1replace. nw tiltns. Garden llome w /gar . Rooms $23.SOweek. I HOLIDAY INN Multi tenant industrial & room 3 s tories .above JBr .2 Ba nl.'wlyrlccorat q>ts. clrps, 3 hr. 2 ba. opl.'nr. hltns, refrag, Rentourhome&receive J\ptsSllO.mo.S36·7056 3131 Bristol St .• orflce bldg. Orange Co: era.shin~ surf .. Gtgant1c ed ·Fro~t yd $375 f,o<J SJSO /mo . 9(13 4569 di.hwl!hr. W I D. lrash :1 C hristmas bonus CO$taMesa Airport Location Prin firPpl ace. 4 Unit pott>ll P~insettia Op('n Sat & 9f,.'l.1786 t.•omp lk•st in pvt. a.re.i t'ireplace. 4 RR. 2 BA, F'urn. Studio 1 Blk fr Please call 642.5678. cxl. only. 549 l~O_____ llal ! All on v.i acre. 75' of Sun • w I Po o I l t.> n n 1 ~ • cpls, drps. R&O, OW, beach. Water pd. Frplc, 333 I t k private bt':ich frontage rtenl our home & rece1v1· duhhoU!>t' & beach. $450 $345. mo . 963-4569 dshwshr. pool, jacuzzi. 1 toe aim your IC el. owner finan c in g at Costa Mesa 3224 a Chri s tm as bonus 4~N.;5215 963-1786 SlSSmo.846-7336 .__ ___ *_*_* ___ _ HEW I I UHIT Xlnl Costa Mesa area Pride of ownC'rship W Mors. AJ!cnt, 642 07511. 15 units W. Costa Mesa Large 9·2Br , 2Ba 6-lBr S249M $32 Gr 644 5389 FOUR INCOME UNITS ONE BLOCK TO OCEAN NEWPORT RF.AClf Very clean units Twn <2)8r, Two Stuchos. all rented on VE>nrly hasis. Priced to sell at $95.000 Includes 2 rar g:irny,rl' and park1n ~ for 2 oddttlonal cars. l.orntt•d at the top of no I ho1.1 Penin1ul1t·80otl nrrt•'l'I· Qood buy . Cnll Phil Brown $279-.000 or best offC'r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bolsn/Springdalf'. lovelv --. ---PIMECREEK STUDIO. 2 Br. Jl-'1 ba. l v E . Howard & Co $?.70 2 Br. yarcl, t·pts. 3d br. ~ .. 25 1ia. R&<!;_ 3 c4pi F;~~s~i·R~ 118;1~l~o~r~:: CondoU ..__~nl l~~ds 3 ~25 STUDIO LIVES UP I child ok, no pets. $1~. Rllrs. (1) 729.7157 drps lliO "O" Monti.' Vis· rpll • ..., mo ~ . ''"" . ·1 '4n3 167"' """"" s,,.-"' $49 WErMLY TO I 546-0689 ta 646 8883: 545 7628 963-1786 .!_a• s " . ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ TS HAME -·---·------Out of State --------M. • Vi • 3267 El t>~ant Bay front sec F\111 Kitchen &TV Ovt•r 500 tJlt trN"· und Eastside 2Br. bltins. d1~ Pro_...., 2600 "t ""l ..... 3 BR 2 nA 3hr, 2ha, crpts, drnc. all ISSton e1o S n 2 I Linens & Utilitie-; I 0 <; t r c• ·1 m' w • l h I ,.... •r "t'Sa "" mar . •• . \ .... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• bldg pac 2 r. rn, , · . hwasher. f'ncl ~ar. older •••••••••••••••••••••••many xtras. near oil hi ·in s. $360 /mo adltc; only. $595 mo MlLETOOCEAN wat<rfall<. t·rr.itr ·1 c hild OK No pets. SUMYALLEY &hools $375 5401542ur 5'101506.9628601. 2Br.frpf lc,hllndc; 675-0303. hecuth•eSuhs rf'ln"n..: -.r111nc 111r 1,, .. o _o •>Cu • · J Br. ncd yar . garage 1 --.L.& II cl r o;p o " 11 • I r """'o.xJ"O IDAHO-COHDO 5'16·94GO ~mo 3Fr. 2ba. nr b~ 2 Br. J\/cond. J?::tra~e 27 YurtlQOWW " ~ouh<:'rlrr~~~ u••I'·'~ t~lw;. . 2-Rd-. _m_d_i-vt_d_u_a_l_u_n_it Studio+ $27.000. 2Br w i~lcWt' S200nr 19th & Vacant. avail 1mmed 3 Br. frplt'. bltns Beach Blvd at Yorktown From $220 Fur 1111111l.' hkc own home, closed Slceps2to4 Maple 1st & last r('q Call968 8198 Fantas h(' v1rw1 3 nr. 536-0411 RV:\1l:Jhl<' Sm:1ll Jl{'l<; .:arage, dshwsh, frpk. Call644~lwkdysonly Adlt'I Eves wknds S I h T h rncd yd. frph'. bllns. IH \I.TV <.:0:'.11'ANV L.._,leoch 3748 OK Arlult<t onlv OH1rr adults. no pets. 361 £. • . 673.5820 pr Ol.l urst wo me. $350. I _..,.-.--9 00 t 1 00 23t_, ... "'S 1:.A 5340 so 1 rrAH . By owner 325 _ _ ~Br. Jba. m a ny featur es Nice location 1 4 nr. frplc. RVIHE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~view ~ct'. C-osta louh l. -2· · M w /100. t\t' lake, l('vt l, MF.SA VF.ROI': Sharp, 1nrl :ti! hltni.. gar dr bltns dbl garage R A N C II 0 S A N EFnCtENCY APTS. Mec;a Phone 5,5 :?JOO tree"· nnturnl sprinJZ <'h•an3hr,2bo.himrm. opener . frnt/ rear lloinefmder.;642 9900 JOAQUIN 2 Bedroom. from $190. Pool, maid,---------- .oty 2 Br house. gar, child OK. no pets. SlSIO 2208 8 Plat'Cnli3. 545-7983 Good hunt art':\ <Ceesl'. fplc. bltn:1. qw<'l i;t nr !lprl nkle r s root / ~n brand new• V1ew 1 pOOo<', laundry. Villaae Adult 2 h~e bedrooms Uucks) fl!lh inll . 2 m1 school :1hoppjl. $345/ mo <'lubhc>use ta ell. Play Newport hach 3269 On izolf courM.~' Cpts. & Inn 49'4-9436 Sl70 no pets. lnqwre apt fromairport,3m1rrom Call MrMyh~5401l~1 IHC'8!1 / park . $500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• drp!I . incl lmmed csww·1 ~aVerde2Brl~&. Rirhfleld. Xhrt for rr<", Henta~e Rraltors R47 3617 & 552·1813. Nwpl llL, 3 br. 2 ha, den. poueu1on: $HS/Mo. Bach I t\ ll . Crescent • I son Bh.m & P\1 patio, UUI hunting lod51c , t'amp ----open b(•ams. 2 fps, bltn!. (K19) Beach. Util pd. sr~s up, Sl1JDIO apt.'I, all util pd. Rm SZ2S 549-2'7(2 gmds. $450 /ocre Tt•rrn!I, Chnrmin& 3Br house with 2 llr, g:u-. cpt&, drps, $225 S42S 642 9f'66 Lynnt Rothell644.QOO mo /wkly. 4.94·2SOI, h~e tac. patio $16:i. mo. 11591---------- 838I133 days, 675 6245 O('t•nn Vll'w $325 mo 2 Dr. yd, gar, $225 unfum al'IO. w l9thSt 1).42.3452 Br UpJ)t'r. tie. lmmac: l'Yt!I 673 9950. I Rr. yd, cpts, drps. $145 BLUFFS <'Ondos. -.4.'lec bd--.,_.___.leech J16' refrh~. adults only, no Sun VaJlt>' Id 1 acre COLLEGE l'AHK 3 Br .+ H ulrn M earlows l ot Din. Rm, 2 Ba. 2 t'ar 51ar, Under •~r<i11nd utilities swlmmlnR pool, S3~lt Set> Excelhml .Jun and \'ICW hy appL 833 3000 ~ 113, $14,SOO cuh or terms M 11 rt In. D n y , l t l B 7m 734-0340cve:i. JHr,fncdyd,$170 Uonfrom$42Sto$600 lA'iJXC' 3 • 2 bA, Mt"sa ... ,...... $13S. Clun J8r, non-pr\3.S\70.54().-6338 2 Rr, C'<lndo. bltns. S230 Mtent 644 1133 Verdt Country Club F.x ••••••••••••••••••••••• amotlT$.-Pref married 3 Ur, 11., ba, l>ltns, cpu. --f'cuUve Conc1o lnslde un-$40 WK Ur 1&2 Bdr It cpl. mW.11th. s..8..Q358. D.a roW 3126 df'Tl6, R?S 500:'> fUv<'r /\ve. 3 Br. 2 Bo, It overlook•ng p ool. Bach. Color TV. mat ---••••••••••••••••••5• 4 Kr, 2 ba, dlJlt gar, $315 bltn-1, reftlit. di1hw!lhr Adulu only . $UO mo . srrv, pool. THE MESA 2 BR, l'h ba, MV. Gas Bl, 2 Brt BJ. tire dc1111 b • Homrtlndt>r&6"29900 W /D Av l 1/1/76 $39S A v ail J a n . l!Hh 415 N Nt'Wl)Ort 81. NB spat patio. 1ar. CGnve-Oc:eanview ••H.t (213 )445·6006 S4!>-3t'i98/~0-1720. 64&-9681 nlenl. cm. 540-8111Z2 .... : D8 DAIL V PILOT Friday. December 12, 1975 Add it .. Build it... Diaper 1t...Hammer it ... Carpet 1t...Cement 1t Wire it .. Hoe 1t...Clean it ... M ove 1t .Pre~~ 1t...Pamt 1t.. N ail it. .. Plaster 1t. .. F1x it. ppliaitee le-pair C~t Set-vie• Gcrdet\iftCJ SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb it. .. Palch it. .. 1pe 1t ... emo e • Roof it. .. Landscape it ... Tlle it ... Trim it...Sew !t ... H aul it ... Add it... Plant it... Alter it ... Learn it •• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HaullftCJ ~leonlftcJ Mo•lncJ rtas~ /1t~ir ftCJ Sewfng /AhraffoM .\PPLlANCE REPAlR SlO -Service Call (714) 549 a.122 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Shampoo & steam ~·k•1n Comp I garden servicf •HAULING • Want a REAL CLEAN Moving/Hauling. Studenl MARV'S PLUMIHNG Do you want your l(ood old tnte. Color bnghtencrs. Ma111tcleanu1J5·allty~s YAKlH:1.i-:ANUP HOUSE?CallCingham w/largt' truck. Reas. PATCHPLASTERING •646980'7 • dress tolookbetterlban wht carpl!. 10 min pruning ~7·9180 ••~0."41 •• Cirl.Freeests 645·5123 Barry5489723/839·5779 ••ALLTYPES•• NOJOBTOOSMALL anewone.642 1~7. • I • bh:arh Clean hv rm , d11 Free Est 540-6825 -ibysittincJ rm & ha ll SlS Avg rm •ROTOTILLING• Fast Delivery, hauling, KATHARtNE'S WHJTfo.: MOVING " Let 2 expr. Plumber. Repair. install • '••••••••••••••••••••• $7.50,C'ouch$10,chair$S. Kcas.rates.75152.~ movlng&clnups,$7 up. GLOVECLEANING menmoveyou Rea!looa VERY NEAT PATCH serv1cellnc:.c,repipe.G.Tll• I ear lfnrpc-r s,•hJ , <'.M Gu11 r ~llm ~t odor. Crp ---Freeesl 842·4597 640-8080,5pmto7pm. blc, refs. 833-3944 & JOBS & RESTUCCO. Gidley.642·9315 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ] •\Ill/PT for children 3-8 repair. lS yrs expr. Gftlft"GI 5Cf"llcH •HOUSECLEANING• ~·8481 Freeesl.893-1439. DRAIN CLE/\NED$6 sO CERAMIC TILE. Ne~ & rrs Call Shirl 642·4809 w 0 r k my:; e If, Re t •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• Ha ulmg anything, garage : remdJ. Free est. Sm1 Jobs ~ • LZ·JPM) 531 0101 I 00 IT ALL! cleanup. Reliable fas t By reliable couple. Good Moving-hauling.cleanups Custom Paint/Wallpaper. Eves, wkods same pnce welcome 536·2426. • ••vl1me Hoard for Bnbaes. J mos to llJ m ltd $.5 day. Call 646 2128 servict!. 963-6452 References 536·771 l Hesl Rates-Free F.sts. ing. PainL intr·S20rm, ex· Guar 558-7380 J CA RPET LAYING Electrical. Plumbing, F. u tndt 847 2126 $2 3B AND REPAIR etc. Reas rates. 1).(2.(957 Sunny & J er·2 vets. Tree HOLJDAY CLEANING .xpre s s . tr 49avrg r968·7452. DRAINS CLEARED Tree Sff•ice ,. A p 642 2070 c · tnm & removal, fences, Furnish own eqwpment. Pointi-•__.;n9 Paint your house in -$5 ]' '-· . age, · a rpentry , painting, Q I rk Ph· .,.o l06l ·~1· -r-·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• bldgb etc removed, oar un · wo · · .....,. • •••••••••••••••••••••• side/out. Free ectimate. _. minor repa irs . Free "' G • "' Main LiM~ $15 Removals, llrnblng, lOP· :cspe""ff Cftftetlt /Concret• estimates 545 1408 clt!JOUp. Free pic_kup Is your House ready tor PETERS PAINTIN 847·7244. Jl 1 n g , Pru n in g. J •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••• fom/apphanl'es. Holiday the Holidays., Have re· Int/Ext· Reas Rates Paper hanging. Top quali· Anytime-Anyplace FIR EWOOO $75 cord/· rld1l1ons, ftemodehnn, 1.E~ONlTE CONCRETE HANDYMAN Homes & deltv~nes ~7 2005 b t I . r Ca11Geneat~2-0458 540-1687 I " -· · Lt:;i le am . cean 1t. or _ ty work. Free est. Call del , lic/bood/ios. ->at1os, Pant'11n ~. STAMP IN G <.;ob -Apls. Cons c1cnt1ous R r 557 t417 "abincts. etc 492 9739 or blestone. bn ck & tile craftsman 645-6558. yt)U. e · · Pror. Painter. lnt. & Ext. Doug eves. 64>4727 H>'i'o OFF w /this Ad 642·2624 · • '50-9460JackorJohn. patios.etc 640·4349 £xp.lady lo dohousework Qual work & reas. Free ..,. ....... ...L ... _._..a..... Any plumbtnJ:, water Ornamental Pruning, re· 1 -------iMasonry work, carpe n l"' ~i:l'i•:a. :C '1i-~ •• ~ ~ 4 hrs day. 2 bedroom est. 751-0684 /548-2759. j,..::;:.~~_,,. /\. service. leaks, bathroom movals, refs rurn. lnsrd. aqw>ntry , Finish . Re· DKkinn 6155 try, p:untmg, gen 'I han •. ...& 63 2238 " I es R eas d L d --'ll •. ;p NEE:D "" Apts. l· Pror. painter.Int. & E"t. DOYOUMAH ~ enc os ur · · For a o sc aping new.lei & Repair. Reas ••••••••••••••••••••••• dyma n P a l McNally --.. " 8322468 :C CHRISTMAS ~· f'r0 e Est. State Lie. ij ;.CHltlSTMAS · 962-7817. I ates Call 979-0379 Bokonies/Wotkwav.r. 645-8085_______ ~ .. I\. I r-.,: MONEY? ·.-Landscaping 1261479. Ins ured. Call 'V GIFTS? · I REMODEL· BUI LO Leakin~ Problems? Respons.1bl"' Sun Vall0 v 'l ·• John 963 7244 ..,,. •""-R .... m._.... & R·pa·1r D W " .. ., l-IM>k uround the huu~c. "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• • · · ·v ..,. """~ ... SPEC. ON INS LATE , ecor allve aterpr~r Idaho couple with re-1'. dt~ ou1 1hu-.• unu-.•d "' c I S D ·g s ~ Wh d h 11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• REFS, LIC 645·3439 l oat in gs over Living fereoces looking for ''• 11.·111~ ~ 1u111 ah .. 111 11110 ~ omp vs· esi n ' PAPER/PAINT-20 yrs · Y not o veru'e t em V ' art' as. 3 y RS Guurantee. house or boat to sit while " 1·1;,,.1,11.,, 111110 ,.v \'ou Ji Sod. sprklrs, masonry, cxpr. Need work. Save $$ 111 a box lhlll sue under fl· Quality home imp. l1C'. 25 Appli•d Systems wa1lmg for own boat to :C •·un pul .in .id this ~•tc ·~· waterfalls. Ford Lnscp no wa it. Sal1s fa <"t ion ·ff UM! UAILY PU.OT ~ yrs exp. l''ree est. Fair OPPORTUNITY 'l 'STOM CARPENTRY >at10s. remodel & add1 ions. 549-4159 hl·""""•2 (213)726·1651 b"'bwlt.675-7925 ~ wi1h-11hl"11J1lyl'ilu1 " ~7817. "Uar. fo'reeest968-6077. -0 CHRISTMASTREE? u· pnce. Call Ken. I care. ~ .. ~ t'llHISTMA..•>ria:1-· • ,, <•Our t:hristmas trce will(.'} 642·1770eves&wknds. • · a. llJ,l all or your goodies' .., Ml!KftlU"V A par~ men t c l_e an in g, ~ appear Oec. iRth. Yoo JI Roofi,_ . BKtrical OO M add1t1 ons, j:?ar· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oon't give up the ship! ~~cs. p~l1 0 cov<.·r & ELECTRIClAN·Small "L.ist" it In classified; ub1nets. Mr. Kern Jobs. maint/repairs . 22 Ship to shore results . t, Our t'hr1blrna~ Trt'l' will ~ ---··· ' t F t I d r U ··~ knocks often when you. use result.getting Daily Pilo~ Classified Ads to reach the Orange Coast market. .~ appur on Ucc 18th. Call]: WIJ.1.IAMS & SONS reasonable 646·7050 .r) many days as you wish ' S "-642· ~678 for m ore~· -, Call G42-S678 for morc REPAIRS·ALLTYPE Phone 642-5678 47-7334. yrs ex pr #233108. 548-5203 _642 __ ·56_7_8_· _____ _ ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• pain 1ng, repairs. as can pace your a or asr. ...................... . ~information. • Masonry, Brick/Block 1\. anformation. • Reas, free esls. lic. 'l,,'11tr"it>."~1 ,'1i'.r"it..~·~· &Stone.Call 581·7829 Wantad results 642-5678 V~o¢=~Qti> Walt830·5020anyllme I ApartmentsUftfurn. ApcrtrnentsUnfwn. Apcahnlf'nhfumished Offic•RHtaf 4400 RentalsWant.d 4600 Lost&Found 5300 HftpW•ted 7100HelpWanted 7100 t ••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• or Unfurnished 3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• untin(jton S.ach 3840 LOCJ'8'a S.ach 3848 M•wporl leach 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE RENT FURNISHED home want· Losl: Blk Lab mix, 9 ------------------ ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE EXCITING Off 1 35, ed in Newport/Hunt. Bch m o ' s • Fe m a 1 e . BOYS ANO GIRLS ON BEACH SPACIOUSSECl.UDED •DELUXE• PALM MESA APTS. sq 1ft~ ~~ss~;naticjope~ area 3-4 br, l lo 2 y r lse .. Stymie". HB. Call VIEW APARTMENT Eastbluff 3 br. 2 ba, lse MINUT F.STONPT Laguna Nil{uel. 200 to beginning J an 10th. _960-__ 185_2_. ------12to15. $100 BONUS EHlraency fr11m $220 2 Hr, 1&2 Ha from $275 "! Rr. 2 Ba . from S450 Summ<'r & Winter at htoach 1s ))(laullful \'aews or ocean. Calahna & Palos Verdes ·Large pri' ate decks Healed Pools Saunas /\ssa#!ned coverc•d pa rkin~ •Add1t1onc.il free parking .Maid serv1ct• avail .Furniture avatl Open M F'9 30 5.30 Sal 10 5. Sun 12 5 Huntington Pacific 71 1Ocean 1\vc 1714 >536 M87 Managed bv Wilham Waller-. Co 2 BO Bch, pool apts 75. up. Adults, no pets 16 7031 WALK TO BEACH & 2 Br, cpl!., dprs, tns, gar. 221 tilth 205 Sl h Sl tl47 -3957, 2 2064 ; 536 3058 • l~e 2 br, 2 ba, dlx >0ls1de apt nr bch. Adil, > pet.s. S195 536 8362 1 Cl Sp t t BCH 2000 r 831 1400 642·5582 or 642·6725 In prestigious North n ac m as er sw t• Bach. l&2 nR. sq t · . LOST: parrot. green F.nd 3 Br, 2 Ba, dm rm. din rm & dbl t::ara..:e E R I eed 3 I d h d t frplc, lndry. Wa lk t Auto door opener av<11l fromSUIO 800Sq(t New Medical Of. xec. eocallng,n s. w re on ea• ame. Pool & recreation a recJ Adults. No Pets rice for lease •,2 block Br rurn1shed home. Mid Rewar~ lo~ r eturning town & beach. S425 mo in Adults only. no pets 1561 Mesa Dr from H o a g Hos P . Dec. to Mid Jan. Rers. our family fnei:id Please. c·I ullls. 531 E Cypres. •FROM $332• 15 Blks East of Newport Cabinets, etc, free if upon r eq uest. Ca 11 Call 645·4351 mte or day Or Apt. E. 494·3920. Blvd ) lease assumed. Ca ll 201·871·3004 or P.O. Box _H_B_a_r_ea_. ------865Am1gos Way, NB ""7"" LeeNewJesey &44-8064or 536·l487 54~860 548·3451 ttl Dec. 31. 07~~-r ·LOST: Poodle Black Toy, ~~~~.'!<:'! ... ~~-~~ Managed by fo'WPORT BEACH on the~eafteli~; 675·;,~89 Nor Ans. "Shadow". Male. Earn Christmas money working a f ew hours a fter school and Saturdays. If ·you are honest. ambitious, and not ·a1raid to t alk to people, phone Mr. WoUe at 645·2873. Equal Opportunity Employer William Wailers Co th~ waler 1 BR Condo mail r~p e~ to · 0· Business ,.invest/ Vic . P a u 1 a r in o I PARK NEWPORT . · f 11 M . 572, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box finance F a i r v i e w C M . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , APARTMENTS Bayfront 2 Rd , 2 Ra , Pvt ;l~~1s~wS~cu~ily. p~in.J. ~~ Costa Mesa, Ca.••••••••••••••••••••••• REWARD. 751 ·6742/ On the bay . . 97nc9·~19&35 &pie64r4 .. 4S55'1 50 0 · yrly parkinf:?. Furn $460. mo. • Bvsiness 645-3546 Lost & Found 5300 H.lp Wont~ 7100 I U r S390 A l Oppo ...... _t..t.y 5005 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _,uxury apartment hvmg -----n urn. ·mo. gen · Pla•a ~" LOST: Black neutered FOUND 1217 F . 1 overlooking the water. 991·3610or eves.537·4948 E ut' c:··lt ••••••••••••••••••••••• male cal W/collar & e mci e ASSEMBLERS f . . $750 000 h Ith XK ••• ..-es . bo h od n~ B . Beagle Adam s & Drook I . b d u! .nJ OY • ea OCEANFRONT 2B R corner modern. Bch. Custom.decor ated rull Ne1l!h r o ix:er . a r. bell , named Schaeffer, hursl 1i D 962·So24 rvme ase m~n ac· spa, 7 swimming pools, 7 2 BR. 1 ba. winter $.100 s i ze view 0 ff ices . Costa Mesa loc. 1st lime 497·260l Vic. Solana Way __ · _:_ · lurer of electronic c_on· lighted tennis courts plus STEPS TO BEACH ~~~~~:~:o gar Adults. Services of Certified offered. 979-1268. Leave Lag Bch. LOST; IRc blk Lab mix, sum~r products has i m· miles of bicycle trails. 2 BR, Iba $230 wanter Professional Secretary. name & #. '--t 7 k S T Vic. Mesa Ve rde area. medaaASt~SnEeeMdBfoLrER puttin g. shuffleboard. R 4000 t' & . l 1 ~ w s ago. m an Ans t o "Murphy'' • croquet. Junior l 's frp. 2 BR, J ba. winlt>r S225 ooms recep _ion eqwpmen . Es t a b Ii s h e d J r . F e m Co c k a Po o . . TRAINEES $229.50 monlhh : also I 4 BR. 2 ba. yearly $4~15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bl~ A1rporter Inn. 2082 Sportswear store for sale Beach/Edinger. Child ill. 546·0855 Starting salary $2.40 per and2bt>droomplansand Bachelor apt furn SJ651'vtent/K pnv <'M$25/ Miche lson Dr, Irvine. or lease on Balboa Reward.847·1186. Lost kitten Calico hour. 2 story townhouses. Elec· Winter wk & S60 I mo . u P . Call Eve Moore, 752-0234 I s I a n d. Re PI Y t o . w /while chest: no collar, EXP. ASSEMBLERS tric kitchens. private SEA WINO 5485954or556·00S8 FREERENT.lmonlhon class1f1edadno.603,c /oLost:1.Pr:Goldnmmed 675·8709,675-4704 Interviews Thurs. thru patios or ba !conies. Condo. 2 BR .. ~ ba , dl•n r.IVF. at Newport Beach 3001100 ft d 1 f Daily Pilot, PO Box 1560, ~rescnphon gl_ass on or Sat. 8-4. 17482 Pullman, carpetlnJ:. draperies l'nf. Yrly. S475 Wt>eklv winter rates. S35 · sq e uxe 0 c. Costa Mesa. Ca 92626. m route lo Linda Isle Lost: ~arJ,!e Ma l<; d'ran~e J rvine. Ricoh EleC· Subterranean park in~ single room. 6302 W Cst. No. C. M. 540·2200 Balboa I s le. Re wa rd. & white lonR haired cat. tronics Inc with ele\ators Opt1unal ll\\y I'meKnot l\totel. •NtwportS.ach• DRlVEIN 67J.1988or522·8280. 2300 F ai r view. CM.-----·----- maid sen ice Ju~t north (714 1673-0440 Full service garden of HAMBURGER F d b.k d .. REWARD. 979·0723. AUTO MECHANIC f F' h l I d · Free stand bldg Lse. on· oun 1 e 10 sp 24 -Versatile, experienced. o a s ion s an al fices near airport. From ly Sl25/mo. Nets SlOOO yellow Columbia F. V. Pff'SOftOls 5350 $lOOOper mo.+ Benefits. Jamboree and San Joa-R\\0~1~~e:2lp~ks;;;_~o 43<.Leasingofficeopen9 month from 11 AM to 6 July 16. Call Police at ••••••••••••••••••••••• Miss1onVieJo,8JG.1795 q u 1 n 11111 s Ro a d toS Mon· Fri. 979·6666 PM. Could be doubled. 963-9725 Ext. 344 . Orinkino problem? Telephone (714)644·1900 \\ k up . 548·9755 or ----------1 .., forrcntJl1nformation. 645·3967 CdM dlx 6 rm. s uite New beach area listing. FOUND 8 &blk · d CallAlcoholHelphne ---LAS BRISAS w /bath. Patio, ample Hurry! $12,000. Terms to G Sh m v1xe f ?A hrs a day 835·3830 UTILITIES PAID Aeautiful room in my .1 $a90 suit. Ed R1ddJe Realty, erm. ep pup. 1c o For D1scnmmat1n~ h pkg .. ult · /mo. Costa Mesa646·81111. Nash v1lle&Adams,H.B. SPlRITUAL READER BLOCK TO OCEAN d I house for lady, kite pnv 675-6900 c...,24 11 _ Deluxe Pnvate 2Br. 2ba Wat hAthu ts & ~ar Nr shops/bus. CM ------'-----1--..._-_·-_..------r -~---------• Open 10 AM ·lO PM c • 5Un set 548-3932 •l MO FREE RENT• n•Hrrn,..·m Advice on all matters, Auto Recreational ·v ehi· cle Dnver & Mechanic helper. Make application at Traveland USA, ad· ministration ore, Santa Ana Frwy, Sand Canyon Exit East Irvine . LJte walk -in closet s . o•ertheoc•an 1·2·3 Rm. offices from Opportunity 5015 Fb~U/gNryDm: a~ea l~icH28u~~~ 312N.EICaminoReal, bltns. garaJ'.!l', cable TV' HARVEST GOLD $ N ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . San Clemente. For appt. Adults/nopets.S300 mo. S.achwithinstE'ps 135 per m o. ear · Balboa Blvd, N.B . 492.9034 492.9136 ---------· till June lS. S.375 mo. on 1 RF.OHOOM WASllER & DRYER Airport. Nolea'e req. Private party wants. to 675.2526 ----------~·E'arly lease Available It t~' 1 underl yearold. 833·32239Tllnoon sell well secured first ----------1 Ar patio, erpt!'i, cl rps. " • ea t;1.I poo Excellent Cond. mortgage $18,500 paying Found· Black Female llVE.', avail Dec· 15 S200 !!_el~~"}:~a· rt:arl61 Pr~.r appt •Sun deck Apartment Size MESA VERE>E·SOO sq ft, $185 per month 7'h. in· Afgha; with white paws. BANKRUPTCY CREDIT PRODLEMS 7 Complete ser vices at very low rates 833·2513 AVON l 8 -4 0 3 1 ' I 5 0 3 C .,., "'~'-.. '" •Private balcony Grt!at Chris tmas new bldR. Cpts, drps, tcresl. Good location, Vic . H a rbor High •Adequate park1ni; PR":sL:NT furn (optional), $250/mo. triplex on Flower St Ap· ,,.,,-04.31 · .ihama Stene to Sand, 2 Rr 2 Ra, El t r_ r_ U'tV ,... • eni or Mr. Wood , 6'15·6000 or praised at $45,000 Call ----------1 bllns. patio, frpk, $295 Sec nty .$250 645~7857. 1 2 3 Bedroom apls mo. 642 9666 • u -675·G061 646-5350 LOST: Collie, a ns. to Close lobeath Furnitureavallnblt• Rentalstosharlf' 4300 -"Sandy" V ic. In · 6 2579 592.5010 Nr Hoag Hosp. Large 3 Lse req 'd-Sorry ·no veLS ••••••••••••••••••• •••• FOR LEASE MortCJGC)eS, Trust dianapohs & Newland, S g~ 2pa~~'. ':~~id b~~; 1~1~~~~~~:re~~~> HOUSEMA TES R~~A6~ftg:E •• ~~ •••••••••• ~~.~~ H.B. 962.3217 100 REBATE Ad It t S290 For appt call 642 25f'6 N rt Bch 1250 sq rt Found parrot H. B. area HARBOR AHO us.nopes. . mo AswnlteninTIM E wp · · ·· LOANS t 800/ 642-o.596 Magazine. professionally contact manager Travel Up 0 /O Green w /yellow on head BEACH AREA New Dplx. walk to ocean bnn~s people together Lodge to show. 642-8252. I st TD Loans-8l/40/o l ame. p 1 ease ca 11 Hew&NearMew ONTHf:RA't' 3 Br 2 Ra , cr pt, drps. to ~harehousUl~. Owner.213/247·2120. lndTDLo-s 846·0615 bfr4:30. lbdnn ~ nt 3 Rr2Ba.rrpk,clshws hr. D W. garbd1sp gar, yr SOWllYLIVE ALONE? -· a,.... •• m• s bltnc;. patio, S395 ly . Child OK S385 Especiallydunngthe PR I VATE OFF l _CE. FairestTermss1nce l949 Found Malemute pup. $50 REBA TE 673·57 19 6 7 5 · 064 2 / G 4 2 . O 596 / llohdays. Call S32_4l34 12xl0. $60. Xlntlocal1on. Sattler Mtlll"L Co. Male. Hamilton St., C.M -------1 673-6692 646 9381 ..,.. 645·2368 after 5:30 DIVORCE Simple and Inexpensive For complete Services •Call 833·2513• MEED EXTRA SS TO MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRIER? Earn them as an AVON REPRESENTATIVE. OUTCALL Sell beautiful gifts . MASS AGE & jewelry, cos metics , ESCORTS more. I'll s how you how. For the extra's in 11re and Call 540-7041 or Zenith the Foxiest girls You 1~7~·ll59~~-~~~~~~~ call: We come. I· Foxy Girls Inc. 542·3169 Mew & N.ar N•w 3 BR. 2 BA ---.-. . 642·2171 545-0611 Fem roommate 2 br in · f 11 -Found 6 mo. old Enghsh MASSAGE 2 bdrm apartm.nts Frplc · ·~ blk to orn San Juan Newp~rt Bch Sllp7 .50 ~::inp~:;·i~!lu~~r~ci: 2nd TO Loans Wanted Shellie F . Vic Santa Ana Babysitter for 3 mo. old. ·Start in Jan. M·Th, my home. 646·2357, NB replaces. built ins. 675·6682yrlyorwmter CapistrClftO 3878 plu.'>ut11540·225210·7 M Fashion I s l an d BuyT.D'sforcash. St.&OgleC.M.6454353 FIGUREMODELS ined cho1 -e of l arpets, B C ••••••••••••••••••••••• . I h I ·1 • ("anson2ndT D ·s ESCORTS lrds. Patio~. balconies. NEW 2 r ondo, nr_Hoa.g . 2 BR fu rn apt. to share se<:retan a e p ava1 a · N "' W h D I J 2 B l B C d I ble. 644-7600. New Loans-2nd T. O. 's FOUND Black Lab. Small 1mc s tudios , some Hosp. s r/ ryr mc' r a, on o,ent gJr. w1younl! women. $110 $3000.·$30,000. white streak o n Chest Outcall·Appt.only. iht1es paid, enclosed Adlts No pets. ~95 + ws hrtdryr. $225 m~ mo 5487245aft 12 Bqwty lnvs mt.Div. Vic. Bonita Can. Rd. Jlome·OHtce-Studio iraaes. Sec Oep. 544·6499. 551-1537 art 6PM. Avail 631 3811 ... 1 1 Ft!male Roommate to Busin.ss Rlf'ntal 4450 BARNETT MTG. CO. 640·1121. • Childr.n W•lcom4! 2 Houses to Beijch, 4 Rr 2 -' . share luxury decorator ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 Yrs in Org Cty. FOUND: Male Samoyed.T -rov--ef------5-4_5_0_ Optn Hous• 11-4 Ba. frplc. wc•tbar. den Santa Ana 3880 Park Nwpl Twnhse. 2 Br DELUXF. office, comm'I 645·2134 anytime Vic of Hamilton. H.B. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sat JC..,ft gar $500 yrly 642·3443 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 D·• 3"" 22 32 ..,AA + & -d l . I Al 1 _ .... "" ... ~· !n us na spaces. ~o Annowtc•mettts/ Owner call 979-4431. Wish to m eet gals in· 16702 Blanton 0 th C I U 2 nr stove, ds hwshr, ~a rb. Im med. Occup. 640·4160 mini warehouses 1n · n e ana · nique d1sp air cond s hag aft4 Laguna Niguel & Mission Personals/ FOUND: Prescrplion ter_e~ted in blue water BABYSITTER, mus t drive, care of 2 school children, 2·3 hrs daily. Lit e hswrk, Irvine area. 894-0567 days, ask for Mr. Garcia or Mrs. Smiley. Babysitter, my home, start Jan. ·l, 7AM lo 5:30PM. Mon-Fri. Lile cleaning, rers. 968.2474 Wf'sl ofBolsaCh1ca large l Rr, unfurn, nu <'rpt.s, drps, encl patio. Viejo ar eas. Handy to Lost&FoUnd Glasses.mensonBaySt. sa1_1tng, n on-sm o k e r . Northorwarner cpts,drps boatsllpava1l. nice residential area Female 20 to 35. to share San Diego Fwy, 200 to ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Harbor CM. 12/10. Senousonly.646-6123 l•--------- 406 22nd St. $300 mo. 673-0357 _ Close to shops, mature my apt in Mission Viejo. 2000 sq fl. As low as 3<>-AMounc:~nts 5100 968·4589 Empioyrnet1t & BAKERS Apot tntf'ftf A WALK to beach. Lge 2 br, ad~ts only. No pets. In· SlOO :no 768·0265 per sq ft. 831·1400 ....................... Prepcraffon 2b pool&t .. nn·s • .,15 qwre415S Orange AplR I . h h *** FOUND : C h a r coal ••••••••••••••••••••••• HELPER a. ~ I ..., . c . esp ga WIS es to s ar IDEAL Newport Beach Ph • Angora Kitten. Fe m. Job w-.. -~ 7075 642·3048· · charming Bal lsld hom mall location for retail & yths Stanton Vic. 20th & Aliso, CM. 5 U1TRV, Noexperiencenec·ess. I I A.-f t ~ ihd w/same. 673·2383 o wholesale. Fro m $80 17440Bushord ,,.c.,~23 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lge. 1 BR in Newport .-+= nKn s ."'rn s • 675 8139 .....ruo F\Jll·lime Da)'l' Shores; frpl , dishwr or Unfurn1sh•d 3900 -------1 67J.9606 or673 9393 Fountain Valley . . Prac. N_urse. Avail. ho~ Apply in person REALTY INC. l714 )846 1311 NO F'EF. Yearly lse $285 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Want lady to share nic You are the winner of one Lost. ~esthaghland White day re lief Sat /Sun. F1exi· 1672 Reynolds Ave Jo~s Realty 673-6210 HB home w /same p 2 p~~!~~ ~~e~o n~a~cfJ· f>mpl etSe ~inner sel_ect~ ~=~"1~[u:u.:~rs~o~~1~s ble hrs. 54S·S858 Santo Ana ffe r good through ~cember 31, 1975 •+Fam rm. Beauty on al ·de-sac. Large l<>l 75. 962-0678 evei> or .ends. SPACIOUSSECLUDED RESORT Ba . S80· 536 ·1257 0 pkg.Agent646·2414 ro m kinny Mikes Vic: Seashore, West HOUSE C L E ANING, EqualOppor.Employer VIEWAPARTMENT 5361796 menH~LIDAYINM Newport. Rew a rd . Thow· rodughly done. Apts, In prestigious North c• R-tol 4400 Industrial Rf'ftfal 4500 642·1~. in ows . R eas, r e rs. d. "' ..,, 3131 lrfstol St., ~·1488 BANK fo;nd. 3 Br. 2 Ba. in rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST 1 blk I h cd .._. "' --~ Clk rr le lndry Walk to f( & CostaMesa : ge ong air Hel Wanted 7100 neWACC-n P &. be h .$425 . 150 I WestcHff Dr 2000 Sq Ft o ice Ple"'se ""'II 642·5678 ext neut. male Cat. no collar. p <Hunt. Bch Branch) town ac . mo in· . . • warehouse s pace direct· .. .... • · v· u · p k (Th ••••••••••••••••••••••• cl ut1ls. 53 1 E Cypress LIVI NG NewportFinancrnlCtr l y a c ross from OC 33.1toclaimyourticket. ic. n1v. a r e A •Bankexperbelpful c. 2 Br, 1 ba, lge, nr Or. Laguna Bch. 494-3920 L.asinc) Offic• Space Airport549.1480 * * * Terrace) 552·3270 r~ you m anagement •Typing Full-time •w, patio apt Sep W /D --Call on Site Manager Found male 4 mo. Seal oriented 1 Earn u Jl to Apply In Person ·ea, $235. Nr. flunt. Lido lsle tux apt. 3 br. 2 (714)642·31ll ext246 * * * Point Siamese kitten $1SOOmop/t.6J9·SlZ3 PersonnelOfrice. r b r . 8 4G 13 11 o r t)n. Patio, sun dk, frplc. * MEW* Robert StepMft1 w /collar 645·4483 a ft GolMMtate lank 6-4938. SSOOmo.673·7358 Oakwood oHe rs tho ll;iilli: i'I COST• MES.a. 3600Marcn 7PM. Assemblers 10230ParamountBI -------1----------1 finest in resort living at a ; " "' Downey. 213/923·9461 JBr 2 Ba.$350,w/frplr, Wtrlrnl. yrly , xtra tge, 2 price you can afford.Jj fy} L (Near Harbor & Baker} MewDOrtleoch Found Great Dane. S.A EquaJOpporEmployer Ins, sep. gar, w /lndry, BR. 2 ba, frplc. patio. There's $1 mllllon in -1360lo3480sq. fl. l~per Youare thewinnerofone Heights area PRODUCTION hlld OK 209 di•• •. • .. ,,,. Se "/"1' C....st......... n 3 h I l d ' I cted B id e . g s· •nn. c ren • a ...,,nope .. s . -·· e recreation fac ililit"S-.,~~ sq . 1l0208. p ase compee mner see 557·2674 arma . venin s 1r :>Chester. Nr. Adams & Son PM , 4104 Rivc-r, NB. NIGHT LIG•ITED TEN· ~1111141c power. avail mid Dec, from Skinny M1ka 'a ASSEMBLERS Harvey's, 177 E. 17lh St. •ach.962-$943 213-8378643. NlSCOURTS.AruUUme ~~::'':.~ owner (714) 54CH058 or menunt FOUND: Female Cat. CM.548·9040 .,..41 activities director who ~ JCMoo ....-your Broker HOLIDAY INN Vic. Irvine, UCI. Verano -.. och -2 BR. 1 ba, fri>lc. bltn's, ,, 3131 Bri •-J St Pl 833 7508 .,--plans parties. BBQ'!\, .,, ...,., ~...a. .... ·• · · •••••••••••••••••••• new cpl.a. $260/mo. yrly ..1. .,..... Su ../ ,..,,.._ .,.._.,,. Costa Mesa 1---------- 'P a rnibble into the R. ef'sreq. (71 4)337-1106 tnp!I & mo,.e! riee n· Lease 1.000 sqn w/ofrict Please call 642·5678, ext. FOUND: Lge Male Pup· ---------1 day brunt h. ~20 V h t h t p Pt Sl Be rd Vi ·un rom yo\lr Apt. Sub l I Ba h I Plu• '--autlrul •in•lf'~. 110-. ' ea • o 333loclalmyourticket. y, . . rna c . ... r ... Luxurv, ae"'u-ty, ease ge c e or " \1': 0 ... water, new building, "d Crown Valley Elem Sehl ~ •1 '" '' P ""N rt $21"' l "-2 b edroom apt !\. ., * * * · aturt' adulU. 31755 Cat ar.. ewpo • mo r~hf'd & untumi~hed locale. 64S-2244. 496-65770.po. Bch. 11Y 4992935. M0-7063or64(M7 (8 Models open JO tn 7. $140 up store-offitH cpU Lost&Fomtd 530 FOUND: Grey ah hair i~atf'f view, n arly 2br duplex Pvt yrd, ~I. Sorry nopct.sor children drp ~ air bath. t 7301 FREE RENT ••••••••••••••••••••••• cat. Wbt on paws, collar •w?br,ihll"lbr.2bll, frplc, u r . pets.kids, Roo mm a t e Hrvlce BuchBl,HB.842·2834 LOST: & tag. Aegean Hlll1 • se-$210-s.100. Block to 0 .K. ~ 646-6238. anllablt'. Month t o SINGLE to 6 rm su.itt8 Month to month , or GERMAN SHEPHERD •2237 ?ac-h . 494 ·3313 or 1 br. St75/ mo Nr Hoag monthoccupancy. Avail. in plush office lease. A few remaining NearTalbert&Wa.rd _F_O_U_N_D_:_W_h_t_A_n_g-or-.-. 4.2339 · Ho!lplta1. 1411 Placentia bldg nr. OC Aill)Ort. F\Jll spac~ left. Mission Vie· Jn Fount1ln Valley collar & ~U. Patlflc & 646-anl. service Incl : Rece p-jo lndu tri1l Park, <San llock & T• r Br dup , North End, -. llonlst. conference ('m , Diego Frwy to A1lcl1, •-to-1..1......-... ~~A egean Hlll1 'rd, view, adulta. n Lp 2Br. 21h1 w/aar. Nr. Oakwood xerox, automated typ. north to Weben Bread> -"'uin-~u . $275. 07 ·2515 Bch. l300mo. Yrly lea!\e. G~..,dan lng,etc.Call833-3540 Brokeratnvltf)Cj. SIOORIWAlD 11252 No dop. M2·2280 wkdys _. · ~ Save.most Development No Questions Allred anfroot year 'round 1 Ip .. l 0 9 ; 3 0 p M . Apartments 60',.. SQ FT S81·2340 Of' aft 6, 493.7687 Cal 963· I I 21 • 12815; 2 br sm: t.ch WeeUodslAJrfto 8PM. ..._~.._. 1~1'7WE5l'CLlf'f'·N8 S....,. 4550 Lost: 12/1 /'5. Tin FOUND: Small fem poo. dle mlx, black nr Hunt· lngton Deb Hl School 538-"ll'lO Electronic Assemblers BAR MAID with alleast6 months ex· with local rouowlng. perience In cable bar· C .M·Newport area nesslng, soldering and _9'79-__ 1268 ______ _ touch up o r printed SEU. idle items with a clrc~ll boards. tr you Daily Pilot Classified Ad qualify 1nd are a good • reliable worker, please _642 __ ·507_8_· _____ _ apply ln person. ·&'·~ •i"J"•; • .,-.., ;·0 ·,·1 ~, .. :;. ~ PUllUS ,.•, STANDARD .;, tp J=::, 4 ,: MEMORIES f~ Got •nf or ~~~u <.; INC \.) lr4!n'I 111in11' You an \~ • •.:J list lhtm all for ulf' In 1 C.-. AN APPLIED ~ b1>11 thlulse un11« olir c"• •y DAILY PILOT ' MAON ETICS CORP. ,\. CHIU!t"TMAS TREK. ~ 2221 So. Anne Sl ~ 1'n UMIN 1at111ted 1t ... ~ 95 lJ11.Uo.tl • SPadoul 4·BR. 3-b.t. s plit· 8iO Irvine AOT. 541'5032 ....................... Chihuahua Femallf'. Sa Quiet area, '0 peta [evd condo, nr. Hoa1. Irvine at 10th f\imJshed '11~, Bank of Storage lot tor RV'ift!tc. Juan Cap isl ran o • tblld. 111 . ao. Pool. tno • H\U\a, $450. 846-01550 CG.ia MOb Plaza. SSS. a.so per mo. Ntlll Sltn lleartbroktn. lleward ~187Jor• tlSI Pb:IOX22 mo.656-3800 Co. Porlnfo,SSl-3374 -~ S.nta Ana, Ca 92104 Y' lato Chrlurn .. Colli ~ 00~ Llke Doc Found 1 '{J Our Ouot.runu n.. .w~ O e 'ft h n r S la n • An Equol OflnottunJty llJ •PPI*" D«. ittll. c.11 c!. ton Oarden Grove. EmpJo1ef M/P' ' ua.ua '•' m•re •s.m , _________ , ~ '·<wJ·u~. . . •••• - . -Hel ••• Thu tbJ Th Mt sa BE WL Ma nu m• Kr - JO ly m. :ar ln m• 'ne lilt 64 Cl Ct 49! JO 51'1 f: --..I ' m M p:.t ~ m :I) C: m & PE E "' IX a~ N Al -c E pc SI M v c. Tl 15 ..... F• J>c I> H R -Ci v. U I IT ot ('I t:. <II hi di Ir t< p - ,1 1 .. tffipW•••' 7100,HelpWonhd 7100 H...).W t d lu...i ... w-.&....~ 7100 ..,..,, ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ~r an f 7t 00 ~ Wc:mt.d 7100 u.b. W 011ftd 7100 .... .,. mnTV Friday, Oecembe< 12. 1975 DAILY PILOT D 7 ··········· ...... ·~ .......... --------:--_ ......... ________ __;;;_~...;._...;;.;::..;__.:~:. · •••••• ••••••• •• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••-·••• •••• ••• ••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ......, Wanted 7100 Appi.c:K 10 IO Oocjs 8040 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• JUNIOR SA.LESMAN Motor Route Oe11·ver1·es' . TAILORESS TOW!RUCK DRIVER. Wil!!:~t:mucfri: & op •Sulnt Pup!>. AKC. put' a nper d . G & W Towtnc. P1: unmng or 00L.1 llttle sp.irklf' under your W h . ( 1000 lrvine. N B 642 1252 61• c. s."-'!...,s crap m c l a tr ..... "lJ •30 '107 e ave a P.OS1tJoo open or an ex-., ...,..., .....-' • " 10 To 15 Years Old We have openings for delivery of newspapers lo <:arners and racks in El Toro and Mission Viejo. penenced taalores.s to work part·time -·1uEE --.-. •.-" Dix Kenmore Wa:-.ht•r & • YORKSHIRF. • alongside the greatest mast.er tailor to Audio field mstall ~ood l>ryt>r uM-d 1 ., . th.in 1 &-Jul 10 v. k rrm;ilt• be found anywhere in the GREATEST driving & work hub1ts yr s;m 642 ~3 ll ~ t'h.11np llm.>' 96? 11111 Earn $20·$40 pe r week working after · sch ool & Saturdays. Huntangton Beach 4 Fountain Valley areas only. . Leave name. address & phone number Phone 642-4321, ask for Mr. Seeley SfORE to be found anywhere. Our $2 7sstart642_5267 pm · a :\hl" Oob1t•.., thamp blood store is localed in Newport Beach & ----------11-'reezer 14 ru It rhe-.t l1nl', l'jr' •:roppcd. thetailOr ShOp iSOOthe2ndflOOrO(the ---------1 type,2refngs 1415\'Uft, wornwd. 'hots. ·1 m~ store in a lurge air conditioned room *UTOTEM * cr~.11 lop & cro':. oottom 11 •·v0~1 L will hold till on t ape recorder. Call 5364298. · with all new equipment. We also have EMPLOYMENT frttiers, SJS.7135 aft 4 <'hnstmas 496 5171. the best sales staff, selling to the OPPORTUNITIES PM. S;1moyt'd puppies jv11l nicest cust omers & if you would like to full or p41rt Tune 1 Yr old Kenmore prtht nov. \l\l l'all alter 6· have the opportunity to join our No Exper. Necessary dshwshr, Gold. 6 C}lll'' 5.l2 l?i.t ------ team ... Please send a brief resume to: Age21-6.5 Eligible Chopblk top · blln kit i H olrl male Samoyed n. D~ Pilot, P. O. los I 560, Cost. Go To The Neare:.t $170/offer 5Sl·Zl43 v.· paJ>('rs free to nght HetpW..ted 7100 Ht&pWCMt~ 7100 H-'PWanted 7100 ~pW~ 7100••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............................................. ----------1 TICTOC MARK t::T Auction 80 IS fJ11 m1h "ho v.111 lme hJ01 Barmaid Trne, hours flex 1---------· 1ble. Call Cara. Mon thru Thurs 11 ·S. 846 9708 IEAUTICIAH Manager w /foll. for NB salon. S40·8S82. 644-0661 -·-- REAtrrlCIAN NEEDED with follow only. N R. 644-8762, 644 0398 Beauty Stynsts Must be good w tcuh & na tural s tylin g. Im- mediately Top "ages R.77 -4743 or 837 8779. COCO'S L09'a'la HIHs Hus Openings For: D.AY BUSBOY And COOKS Apply ln Person Mon thru Fri 3-5pm 24001 Ave de I.a Ca riot a Laguna Halls Equal Oppor Employer Food Service MHcl. Co. tZ6Z6. Clauified od .. 60 I. For Applit'ations & Info ••••••••••••••••••••••• J~ PJrt v f llw1r home. A W• wil ~od fCM1 for c. Wwview. OR CALL (714) 642 7702 hc1u~c doi: bul needs a Workers Nat'l Fashion Publlsher TicTocSyst~ms, Inc. *•I BUY** y.inJ 499 16'12 has several immed. ------Hospital exper. Hotaling openings for ladies 18 & Hflf> WOftf9d 7100 Help W•t~ 7100 Good. Used Furniturt.> & Mall' lmh Setler. I yr old, schedule. E.0 .1':. Xlnt over who are free to ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Variety" '$600 Apphances-Olt 1 will ~hot:; Gd ~1lh ch1ldrcm. be ft u 1 • Sell for You. 0 o"' ne 1 s. , .. ust app y an travel. Travel New York. REAL ESTATE SALES Fee Paid by this MASTERS AUCTION S..'O ~ 1..,, ----· person, Costa Mesa F1a .. Calif Tr:insp. furn. AITENTlON RN ''Ouhtandinl( Co.'' 64L .... 86 & 833•9625 Hoston Tt'rricrs 1 wk!., Memorial llosp1tal, Mrs. High earnm~s. See Mrs. LICENSED Stron g t yping! Self -.u Dunlap, 301 Vict oria, Bride;w at Jlohday Inn. UNLICENSED starter! Problem solver ' A.ft &.Call 842· l 542 Ahl'..!. m<ik:., $175. hrm. C.M. 3737 t::bapman Ave , GETTHE RED Emet9.ncy Sllper benefits. Al~o. fee---------tA26410 ---------•!Orange S uit e 107 CARPET P /time. l1PM-7.30AM. jobs.Call Control Career •PUBLIC* AKClnsh St·ttt-rPups Pare_nts welcome at 1n TREATMENT'. Xlnt working conds. Employment Agency. "h 1 b FRou... OfffCE GAL E 0 IC' C t t D *FUR .... ITURE * ,,. am pion incs, :> oh. "' ter vaew. No houl>e t We train you to sell · -~· on ac 5.56-3505. " 1714ll62262t\O who lakes people. can house selling. home~w1tbanaccelerat· Roache, RN. Costa ---------•AUCTION• -----handle busy phone and Mes a M e mo r i a I WAITRESSES fTe t Yot.a 8045 wants a challenging job Lady who needs $500 mo & ed course that starts Im· Hospital. 642-2734. Exper'd. f\Jll or p/t •Tonit• 7:30PM * ... ~ .. ~•••••••••• •••••• w /a future. Apply in up. Sales onented. Phone mediately. If you_ are 1!'· Good brs. Neat appear. DEALERS WELCOME FREJ-;. Coonhound, 5 mo. Boys & Girls COOK person a t CllppcrMarine Marilyn,968-8378 terestedfin ealrhnmgtbitg ·----------i Over2l Repos-Bankruptc:ys mall· Cood watchdog.· o t r Corp .• 1919 E. Occiden-----• money rom e s ar · •-Sllrf & Sirloin .Appli ~-1 o 14 years o age. Dal-lmmed opening. Ex per. I.al, Santa Ana. UVE-IN Care of elderly get individualized free RN'S ClftC~S-rum. Day!., G4ti !l'.l'J8 ly Pilot delivery route5 in therapeutic diets pre· ----------i woman. Lite housework. training on the job in one 5930 W. Coast Hwy, NB Stock Reductions ----- may be ava1lable in you1 f'd. 4 Days per wk. 2 FULLORPARTTIME Room . board , s mall ofmany topofficeslocat· ChU-Time) NoPhoneCalls Lovely Be drm Sets Free lumb~r for your :irea.F.arnprof1tforde· Momm~meals &2eve. Work w /hve plants. salary.642-7441 edthruoutOrange Coun -WAITRESS d dress ers . che s ts : Ofrpp~~n·<'Js]cl·~'aeomr~eeoRre~sttic.:.· ~veries & ca~h. trips or meals. Apply in person. K I d C ty, call for further de· Med Sllrg, 11-7:30 shift. • ays. 4.5 Ar ht l d ~ " h now e geable . ~r ·---------• Exp t Days p1wk Callforappt moll'es. nig s an s. "A"7071 mere and1sc for setting 8382 Newman A\•e, ll.B. 1• tails . Arlene, (7 14 ) er. acu e care · bunk b e d s, bab y"'""--------'new subscriptions For 842-5551 necessary 644-8099 LOA..., o.0.3742 hospital only. Excellent 962_·554 __ 1 _____ _ ---" .,..... be ft c l t M --furniture. beautiful Lav-S i am es c m 1"' cal. information please call -ne 1 s. on ac rs . 642-4321. From San COOKS GENERAL PROCESSORS REALESTATESALES Jensen, 6422734, Costa Waa~ress. exper. f/time lllg rm set.s.eoffee&end neutered. abl g mo-.. <.:tcmenle-San Ju<1n A bell R DowneySavangs &l.oan J # Me sa M emorial S1ds BlueBeet,1072lst tables, co mm odes, declawed. Must give to (·a p1stra no area• "al I ra a estaurnnt *Secretaries has immediate openings 01·n 1 Hospital. 301 V1ctor1a Pl. N_B arter 4pm la mps. mirrors. desks. gd home 549-9918 .. m Laguna lhlls Needs T • in Orange county ro C M EOE bookcases. pictures._..;;.;_ _______ _ 4950630and M1ss1on Vie 12) Good Cooks. Call * yp1sh conventional loan pro Tarbetl,R~altors · · · WAITRESSES cha1rs&tables. f\imi+utt 8050 JO El 'foro area, call 51H·l500. ask for Tom. •Keypunch Oprs cessors. Mul>t have ex· •Free 15 day training --------Part time. Age 21 + • thru MAPLE ROCKERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5Sl·G3IO 'OOK TRAINEE . Exper •PIX Oprs per. in processing from course SALES COUNSELORS the Holidays. For appt Sewing machines. color Console walnut s tereo. Equal Oppor. Employer preferred, full time (213 ) t documents through fund •Cadillac car program For Newspaper Promo· c_a_l_l4_96_·_5_76_7 _____ & BIW TV s. stereos, chairs , corne r group, 592.1040 NEED DNOW! ing. •Hawaii.Acapulco tnps Lion.Mustenjoyworking . wa s hers . dry ers, long walnut ches t & Tempo Te mporary Help Contact Personnel Dept •ls t p I ace -s a I es in with young people 10 lo Wanted Reha bl~. mature, refnperators & stoves storage chest. 645·37 ll ount er Help Mature l7802Sky Park Irvine 549·0902 Orange County 14 years of age. Reliable ~pamsh. English spea~-LOTS OF MISC. after 2Pm. female wanted part-lime --·C-al•l •S4•0-•4•4•55--• Equal Oppor Employer •I.st place· listings taken transportation reqwred. mg fe~a_le for respansa-$$SAVE SS ------.--- Boot Manufadu~r llas immed openings for MOLD REP .AIR SPECIALIST d ays . J a c k · s su b . in Orange County Excellent part-time posi· ble. pos1t1on. Laundry & Items subject to pres ale. Bdrm furn. Anllque wht manncs . Beach & Allan· General Office, accounts -----------' •lst place-1.Jsltngs sold in tion. High pay for 2-3 maid for_ motel on beach We honor Bo£A and w gold tnm, xlnt cond. 2 Must be capable of re-~I ~5362448. receivable. in voicing LVM OrangeCounty hours each evening, half Fordetaalscall642·3030 MasterCharge. blkwrought1ronshelves painng fiberglass molds Lumbe r exper. man-F/time. PM shift. Cur-•1st plat'e-ad vertising in day Saturday. Cal l M.ASTERS.AUCTIOH couch. grn f~old. dbl bed & parts & makin g COUMTERHELP da tory. Salary open, rent Caltf. lie. Apply, Cahforma 642-8102 for interv1ew ~honcf an5•-:?NewportBl.CM &coffeetbl.673·6960 mod1f1 cahons. Req's min Pllime. Days. 18 & ovr. 540-6940 Park Su Per 1 or •1st place-advertising in before6:00 •s~ J Apply betwn 2 & 5pm ---------·•Health c are , 144. th USA ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• 833-9625&646-8686 Lg. wood dining tbl w /G yrs exper e · · · Anti SOOS chairs SlOO, 6' couch $15, ASSEMBLY wkdys. Del Taco, 1155 GIRLS-GIRLS Superior Ave, NB •lstplacewmnerRELO ques a· I 8020 496.7482 B k C t M 642 ?AlO H B . C SCRAM LETS ••••••••••••••••••••••• tcyc ~s CARPENTER a er, os a esa. Easy fun Job. day or · ome uyer s ontest • ••••••••••••••••••••••• C'apable of mstalhng pre C t 0 night. No exp. nee. we --L-V-.... -T--W----i H unlicensed. let us as-PUBLIC AUCTION Used Bikes & Parts Buy Antique round Rattan · us om rapery tram you You must like n · op ages s1styou in obtaining your ANSWERS MANY ITEMS OF FINE S" 11 & 1 rad e ·2 A 88· game tbl, w/4 chrs, 57" made woodwork on mter W1,rk. Call 642-617 1 Bayv1'ew Conv Hosp1.tal R IE 1· C II R " • '' & f bo pe<>ple & be at least 18 · ea stale 1cense. a JEWELRY . A T N ..... po rt BI •• c M. d1a. 25" in high, xlnt cxtero ats. I Yr ex· -2055Thurin CM B"llR Crw·se -L~able OBJECTS ANTIQUES '" per req'd. Deliveryman. over 21, LA Apply any art or eve. • 1 ory r • • 642 7910 rond. Mu!\t Sell $150, Ma· ApplyinPcrson Timesroutc.CoslaMesa 2930 W CoastHwy,N.B. Call642·3505 842-6691 Conch -Amulet F INE FU.RN .. ETC · ple rn~tbJ.no cbrsS45. Isl M MICROBE PHONE FOR INFO. & Ross 3 spd. bikes. ti1s / Birdseye Maple cor & ander Yachts area. No collect. Must Girl wanted ror Audio ' anagement I went lo a m e<lical col· BROCHURE. 645·2200 her, on~. carton. S17S or end tbles SSOea. 548-7800 1922 Barranca Rd h ave de Pc n d · <'a r · cassette loading & rel al· PEOPLE PERSON lege because they never mk. offer. 846·0051. lrvme 546-6427 ed assembly work Ex-~xec. l<><;>kmg for !?art e mphasi7.ed a thletics YESTERYEARS B t f I w h 1 t e tufted Equal Oppor Employer -0--1 ,. per preferred Call In-!Jme business associate For 1·nstance, their fool· COLLECT"'BLES New Mu.rray men's 26" nJu~hydc con vertible _ __ enta nsst. part-tame. t t l A d in wholesale supplies "' d C 11 D er n a 1 on a u 1 o . ball team's mascot 1s a & .A"'-'Tl"'UES 3-spd bike. ca hpe~ brks, sofa. Queen s1ze bed. BUSBOYS ~;'~~~c3~~7 8501a r . 556-1787 B u.s 11n eds s1 r u I_ I Y ---------•I MICROBE 673 1 ." ,.A S l rack & hte $40. 546-20-16 never used. Paid $440 8 Full & p/timc work Ex· -• capita 17.e . nterv1ew . I rvme ve. u1 e --mo ai?o. Muvmg on Sun. per'd. A~ply in person, . Help wanted p/time days 673·2223 Real Estate Sales SE AMS TR ES S f or "L" (in back of Hi-time Royal Kni~ht 10 speed 3 Sell for $200. Gold h1-lo ask for Ruth, Shcr3tonDentalAss1st.p/llm.e.Ex-night&graveyurd sh1fts G.ALAXYRE.ALTY Sailmaking,noexp.nec. Llquor)CostaMesa. monthsnew.$70oroffer. rarpc ting. gd cond. Nnwp11rt 4545 Mac· p_ande<I duty dental ';lS· Jack In The Box, 1205 M.ASSAGETECH. Prestigious l ocat ion. w·u l . . ht 548·7414 ' · s1st & plaque rontrol in Strong sales s upport-1 r~m r ig person. Vi ctor ian c upboard. ---------1 15xl8, S25. 751-0104. Arthur Blvd, N.B. ~tructor. Chairside ex: Baker. C.M. TR.AIHEE Apply '". person blwn Walnut. Xlnt cond & Chris tmas Spec-Re<l/whl Young lady (18 28) for High commissions. Ca ll 3.30 & 4.30 pm. 16881 misc Victorian items & blue sdwk bike & un V1ctonan Twm Beds. Ca.shiH' K'",,.ffe~ Shop per. Xray he req'd. Xlnt HOSTESSES legitimate full time posi· Vic Stuart 901 Dover Dr, Hale Irvme 557 4075 An xlnl cond Exper'd 'o-nly Apply .1n oppor Sal open 842-6631. & H t T • Swte 130, Newport Bch · · · 540-1877. icvcle. both Ii ke nu. 090 ·• . os ess ra1nees tion. No exp. nee. We equal opportun lly . 8421643. 675-1 · _person. a!4< for Ruth.DENTAL RECEP -Apply lnPer..on send to school . ear n 645-3111 employer. Antique 3 -pa ece . EAST BLUFF-Colonial. Sheraton Newport. 4545 TIONIST min 2 .vrs ex per Colony Kitchen while you learn. Apply m ~~~~~~~~~~I Renaissanre parlour set ROSS 3 spd bakes his / Sor . J. • . f = Sec retary needed w / . . . · · Convert. a, chair & MacArthur Blvd. N. B. in dental office 642-5243 27142 Ortega Hwy person any a temoon or Mint cond Appraised hers on « carton $17" or REAL ~ATE SALES payroll ex""r. 1 Person · · fr ., Hassock, $60. Custom San Juan Capistrano eve. 2112 Harbor, Costa ... ~, "'" value S2 500 Call for k ofr 846-0051 CASHIER.F/ffME DENTAL ASSISTANT, See Manager Mesa WouJdyoulike a vo1cem ofc.4 hrsperday.5Day mor e' info.'835 .0211 _m_. · burqu~sehLoveOfS~at. Va cation & co. benefits. Orthodontic chairside. -------1----------1 your futu,re'> GRAND wk. 646-0244 . Nol61B or 556-7048 after .Mans 27 .. lOspeed own us ions. er. Call for intervw 642-1758 Newport. 412 days/wk. HOSTESS ''LUNCH" MODELS-MASSEUSES VISTA REALTY is look· 8 Excellentcondil1on Approx. lOO yds, pale The Earl's Jllumhing co Ort ho ex per. req 'd . Mus t be ch arm 1 n g. Figure Models . Escorts ing for a (ew good real SECRET ARY pm. S3.5 642.5487 ~reen shag carpet, Offer. 1526 Newport Blvd. CM 642-2626 punctual and have out needed. Top money. New estate licensees. Cover· Top Notch. Xlnt typist. ANTIQUES. large assort· -· 21607 Buckeye St. NpBch. goin g pe rsonality . stud io.6.11·3811 m g the Saddl cback Sh. Use transcribing ment of Wood, Metal. 10-speed Schwinn Con· 644448 __ 1 _____ _ CASHIER DRIVERS WANTED Restaurant back~round 1 ____ .;;;;;;;;;;;;j Valley board. Call for machine. Xlnt benefits Glass _& China items tinental. Excel. cond WALL UNITS For D1nm" Room. Ex Mustbe25orover not nee. Contact Paulus. appt .. 768--1212. Equal Opp Employer. fromM1d·Wesl Estate. Bestoffer.644-0522 ll )g'T d t' 10 k .. I MOLD PRESS Salary s.550-$600 mo. Call 2602 s· · d o -ra J 1ona a . pericnce prclerred App Appy lnPerson aft. 5:30 pm daily RECEPTIONIST·SSOO 1 mgi!1gwoo r 10-speedSchwmn fl) 8' Contemporarv ly 1n person Laguna Y~llow Cab A IR P 0 RTE R I NN Front oWte a ppearance Mrs. Baker. 833·9550 North Tustm. f-l-i. 4 6· Varsity bicycle $45. ~ alnul. (Free itandm1.:" > Hills lhlton 25205 LaPaz 11251SlaterAvenue H OTEL. MacArthur OPERATOR & personality to handle SECRETARY Sat.&Slln.10-6 5.56-$78 Custo m made, high Rd.Lagunallill_s_. ____ F_o_untainValley Blvd.N.B. in p e r son & heavy Exceptional secretarial Just Moved-Mus t sell 2 ·• P t F 11 quality. Reasonable. ---------I Earn $200 mo. p /time. Housekeeper , h ve in. 5 To operate transfer & in-telephone reception. 0 C. opportunity. energetic. many antiques. Sal. On 4 ara moun • u F:d ward J o r gen s on Cl,..n·"al B d $100 3 II · Id · Airport a;ea. Some typ-self sta rter, mul\1 ly. 2036 Port Ramsgalc, campy. LJke nu, $4()()/ Custom Furniture, 957 ... ... Fuller rush Sales,local 3;YS, · sma Ject1on mo eqUJpment . NB. Baby Cradle. Tea beslofr.Eves.642-4622 Newhall St . C.M. area. Bill.968-8378. children,493-6297. for fabricating sma ll mg.833-8680. responsibility. Laguna precision switch compo-Beach.497·1795 cart, Morris c hair, New 'Schwinn 3-wheel _64_5-_0J_t_o. _____ _ GENERAL CLERK 1---------•IHousekeeper /Cook for (2) nents. Small shop. Will R.E. MAH.AGER te.lephone stand, yarn bicycle with large carry-Moving sale. Dining room Electronic Assemblers people . Live -in. P\•l train. Salary+ Override Security Guards ~mder. table, ~ouc h , ing basket on rear $:150. :;et sg5, Mexican BuHet We ha,·c an opening for an ind1 v1d ual with a m1mmum l year recent office expenence. Ideal candidate would have typing skills of 50-55 wpm and would be capable or handling genera I office duties such as filing. bill· ing and clerical support to accounting oH ice. Please apply m person : STANDARD MEMORIES INC. A Subsidiary or APPLJEO MAGNETICS CORP. 2221 So. Anne Street Santa Ana. Calif. 92704 CORE RE-WORK OPERATOR Minimum of 6 months ex· pen ence in miniature as· sembly work with m icroscope pre ferred. Good finger dexterity. Good vision (cont acts ok). If you have the above qualifications and are a good reliable worke r, please apply in per.ion. STANDARD MEMORIES, INC. . An Applied Magnetics Corp. 2221 South Anne St Sant.a Ana, Ca 92704 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Equal Opportunity . Employer M /F' Find what you want in ---------1 DailY Pilot Classifieds . SEEK & FINl1 . MAJ OR CITIES OF ENGLAND 8 R U S L S 0 U T H A M P T 0 N C 0 0 I T N E U 0 C M A H G N I T T 0 N L C R 8 E M 0 0 N 0 L Y C I 0 L C S E 0 M D D L A L L C 0 T L L B 0 S T I V E A S 8 1 J 0 C 0 N 0 E Y 0 C 0 L E E S H H R V 0 N P U T E V P R K Y N E 0 H G A U E R R 0 S D E R V E T T. U N S N M S R E I T I S 0 R C H I I 8 R V L R P 0 0 L N 0 E E P N M 1 l P B E P V E T V E l F V 0 R R l R 0 U R S S R E L F R 0 0 H 1 B 8 R E T S E H M t U N E l C B 0 I l L 0 N D 0 S C S 0 H P T 0 N M L H A T A P T 0 N L R L G N t T 0 N R L r V E R P 0 0 D N 0 T T H T U 0 A ···--·~ ...... eI=----·~--~ ~ ...... ~. "",._,"I la .......... , ... _. .. ...... _........... I :, 8rtsto1 Bfl"ftlfngham Nottfngham • Hull Coventry Shefffeld lttds Liverpool Southampton London Manchester Stoke-on-Trent room & ba. 642·9606. STACOSWITCH, IHC 5 Yrs. exper. nee. Res. Part time graveyard . ~~~v0e_.r77& Glass items. 645-2650 $75. King size Mattress, apt. etc. Active Jge well Armed post. Over 21. """""" I ~ ll39Baker, Costa Mesa located ore .. inquiries in Irvi ne Area. 551-4054 NEW Centurian 10 spd elect awn mo_w er • I.E. Mfg /Hydrau $181\ 549-3041 confidence, call 638-7529. Oak chairs , cane rocker. Bike. Cost $155. Must sell d01ens of s mall item~ CoslAcctClk /mfg $60C EqualOpp Employm/f Service Station Allen· lr g quilt. o ak t able, Sll5.64S-4594 from SOC.546-4608. Recept/G.Ofc to$7oo ---------·IR.E.SALES dant, exper'd._Day & mahogan y vanity . • • Sora 9'. quilted. SlOO, Secretary /CPA to $750 . IH .A RUT? Eves. Full & P/t1me. Ap· 645-2929. Wlding Matenafs 8025 Counter top dshwshr Irvine Personnel Aaency Nurs~ng Attendant, . ex If vou are tired of small ply. Shell Station, 17th & ••••••••••••••••••••••• El r I h t ' " pe rienced Ba view J • • • • NB ESTATE & GARAGE C M' li'-$20, ec rp c ea er. 488 E. 17th, Costa Mesa · . Y cc;imm1ss1on splats. ~nd Irvine. · SALE Antiques , furn ement axer, .enew $25. Lamp. Sl5, chest of Sllile224 642·147C Con~. Hospital. 2055 big comprany poht1.cs. Serv1·ce Sta Attendant collectibles porcelain' 559$1~96· drawers, SlO. Eves &AM ~--~ Thunn Ave, CM 642·3505 contact us or an appoint· . . , • ·1 • book • ·v• 962 0091 / ment to sec a fresh, new p /tu:ne. Exper d only. glass. ~1 ver. rare s ---·-------the f~llY ADAfr1S OFFICf ~~i~ERT approach to real estate Avail eves & wknds. & r_nus1c. trunks & appl. Cmneras & Black vinyl convertible sales. Call Clif( Landry Ne a t . ~ PP c a r • & 9-4.~ .~M. Dec_ 13 & 14• Equipment 8030 sofa. like new. only $100. HALL JEWELLERS for an interview. handwnting. Apply AM, 178 C St. Tustin ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-5606 after SPM Neat, mature person 673 7601 2590Newport Blvd.CM . CANON SLR·28mm , ---------wanted fo r f /ti me. • . Antique trunk, 545• small 50mm 85·205 Zoom Teak expandable record .An.,..~ SWITCHIOARD marble top commode ' . • & h 'f b t --" r permanent offi ce work in J" $40 642.7226 435 C It t'ases, filters . l eleex 1· 1 ca me • g"'"' or fine jewelry store. Apply RECEPTIONIST St N B • 0 on t ender, be llows, $27 en t l' rt a 1 n 1 n g $2 2 5 . in person only, betwn We ll estab'I auto de· · · · 495-5254 Cocktail table, $65. End l0am-12noon. So. Coast alership in Costa Mesa is . table!>, pr !65. or all for Plaia. looking fo r exper'd, Applionc:es 8010 Ch.ras tmas pat'kage $300.642-7650 PART·Time eves & Sat AM. Pref'd for students, inside work. guaranteed wage. Call Al. 542·0013. m ature, well-groomed ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mmolta 100 w /le~ther . individua l to operate Coppertone M a yta g case. Goldcrest Tnpod Bed._ chest, lounge chair. heavy console board & Washer & Elee dryer Bst.ofr. 496-9702 ,chairs. barstools. tables, greet public. Basic book· $250 Harvest gold G&S Cats 8035 varuum, tea car t, ot· k · & t · 'd d · ·h tomaos. heater. large eepmg ypu~g req . • s wa s h e r $ 7 $. ••••••••••••••••••••••• fan s dn set dishes · I k Xlnt co benefits. Call Guar /Del 546-8672 . -• • . • Part time g1r to wor pro ---------•I Mrs Cameron 979.2500 HIMALAYAN KITTENS s1 lvrr. sm apphances. shop & reservation desk. R sp" atory . . . Dryer electric Frig $75 Seal & F1ame Points will portable dishwasher. Great job f o r en · e Ir TEXAS OIL COMPANY xlnt.cond.3cycles:cash hold for C hristma s 31038 Calle San Diego. thus1astic individual. Th . t needs dependable person only 963-1095. 675-0168 Cnp1strano Villas. San 493-6500. erapl$ M /F who can work >" ---.......__ D 8040 Jua n Cap.lmiWofMis· Min 2 yrs exper Must without superviRion in Setr cleaning lW'• gas OCJS sion PIZZA MAN wanted, full • $125 M t b. •••••••••••••••••••••••1----------'0J'll.. Bf. A W\MNER or part time. No exper. have ex per. in blood Beach area. Contact range • a c mi SUEDE JACKETS ~ 'waJ .W£ AM I 3 24 2 C gases, ICU & general customers. Age ';tnii:n · Avocado refrlg w /cross •PET WORLD• ~~$~"'ti c:ri:·y ~k wy. ¥::g~ respiratory care. Salary portant, but m atunty IS. topftteur$1S0.962·~ Cockers , Chihuahun. Relow :hrsr:.11en•s & F.AMILVNIWt APS Niguel commensurate W/train-We train. Write T .H . Kenmore full 3-cycl Poodles. Shi h ·t ~u . women 's. 34·46. $13.SO 1-...:::....---.,.... -----=-.. --_-.-1 ing &exper . Contact Mr. Dick, Pres., South· was her white $75 Maltese, G. Shepherd. up. Open Mon· Fri, 9.5; -...., W..ted 71 O~Help Waet.d 7100 Hamilton, Costa Mesa western Petroleum, Ft. Phone646.268S • · Samoyed. Jap. Spaniels. Sul.. 10.3. Industrial ••••••••••••••••••••••' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Memoria I Hospital, Worth, Tx. E.O.E. mini-Schnauzer, Porns. Liaison. 31940 rurport. MANAGERS & ASSISTANT MANAGERS Hamburger Hamlets Due to our present rapid extension program, we are seeking ene rgetic people who wish to progress quickly. Jr you prove to be stable & dedicated & possess the ability to lead & motivate people, YoUr future is with us. Management experience is des irable, but not necessary: Excellent salary. Company paid benefits. Apply Mon thru Fri 9AM-Noon 642·2734. EOE. Hotpoint Retrigerator 100 mixed puppies. Stud t o c M 0 ( ~~~~~~~~~ Have something to sell? Harvest Gold Apt Sito svs most breeds. 2S'2S W. .oop r • • £ R~AURANT·PIZZA Now interviewing ror full & p/Ume gen'! help for locatio n n e ar O.C. AJrport. Neat np~nr. & willing l<> work fast on feet req'd. 21 or ovr. App- ly in person Mon thru t'rl. 10am-3pm, Set. Pep- pcroni's Piua Store. 2300 S. E. 8r11tol, Santo Ana Hghts. (next door to McDonalds) RN CCU/ICU Classified ads do It well. 548·2'72 17th a t Fairview. SI\. _R_ed_h_•l_L _____ _ Open eves. SJl-5027. King site Mediterranean Oarlin,C Little Stocking Bed & dresser. $250. Xtra. StuHers. AKC Yorkies. lg Executive desk, $250. male & fem ale. $175 _c_a_ll_963-__ 1025 _____ _ 962-1713 . 3 Pc. Sectional Sofa. mint Min. Schnauzer Puppi~. ern $75. Recliner chr. AKC. born Oct 2T. wUI im S49. 548 6357 • hold fOf' ChristmlS. Sl2S. Antiques, Roll Top Desks 545-SmS. &t house plants all slzes. St Bernards, 13 wts, l mo NpBlvd. NpBcl\. ma,l~. 3 fem, pet le abow SciM 1055 qua.I, reas, 8421927 Germen Sllepbc-rd Pu "61l1C .AUCTION Bttd PUJJS. 8 •b old MANY ITEMS OF FlN'E ~.&n8052. ESTATF. JEWELSY. ----------i ART OBJECTS. AN· Lhasa Apso pupplu. TIQ~. FINE FURN, champ. alred, 1bow ETC. PHONE FOR IN· pet. Shots & .orm~. F'O. &s BROCHURE. wm bold Ul Chrutmu. su.2200 Tomorrow : Hodge Podge "M" J L-~~----~----------------~----,-' GENERAL omcES 322 Mo. ~Ill Id. le•erfr H• ..... O,.portuNty ~pr: 1\all • p/\Jme. 3-11:30 6 11·7:30 shin . Contact Mn. Jensen. 642·2134. Costa Mem orial Hospital, 301 Victoria, C.M.E.O.E. (1)73«)22'2 --------Sat &ft.In AppUam;rs, un· usu1t chaln. Ines, misc. N FuUertOD N.8. 54l..f'1Cl Scll lhino Cul Wilh Dally Pilot Want Ads. Chrblmn~ BOXER Puppies, petoU MW, t8N03t or IJ0.1391 1 , D DAIL'( PH.OT Mbctlloneom ~'~1 8010 Mllllkaf loah,.Sail 9060 Motoft~et/ Friday. December 12, 1975 '--~~ 8083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~oo 9150 .................................................. --~.-. I uJ -....A ••••••••••••••••••••••• Geroge Sale 8055 GcrOCJ* Sale 8055 Geroge Sal• 8055 W .a.111...PPEft Soft If' ,...a ut Gold velv~t ••••••••••••••••••••••• t..ASER. r ly t.>qlllp.,.-... . h h k ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '63 Ol!Js $225, ronsol ~I laV tufted, t'Ur vcd ends. nt!w Oea~an Manmbn 31 oc I.i\..c new $825. Mani -Bike, 3~ ~ s oc J· l cr $150 rtl "'O• ""••}f 001.1.AR c Sold Pl · · , 847795111 B nt•w chain g · con · -=.,;;;;;..--'-"'- SA~ & S}JN. l~ou:u.•hOld & t.urttt"•' ~It', n~l· IJ On Household ltrrn~ & Home i:. c 0 • • .. ~• -cond . ~~'· l oc.· laves, $1~ l.!O Bass Ac $80/bst ufr. f68-4747 Ma'\I.' I ool 1 .1bl•· f' lt•1 h iO 1 Urdi 111 C<l 1\1 oU.ct• l"(IWP 4601 Rox 1 t' s / :.. h 0 l 8 u n s • p A 1 D 0 R V 0 U R eoff~ tab&e, 2'Jli 4'· $45. oordlan, S.SO. S48 OS8l:_ Rat'ln,:: Sabot, 2 s t111s , . . Or.:an ?819.l L.imtk·rt th 1.111 •1·"•. 1•ott1·r'I Kalk burv Rd CdM Sul Only Walkie/ falk1es. Masc ~~08Jy"''C'WrsA,TCGOtfESLD. PecJ n co Hee t;ible. liccn an the Nnttonals. Kawasaki KX 125 xlnt ti" .,~ Rti lK ~ J 111.'.lP!\l lf7~3198 -~ .,. leather 11\lerts, $25 Trombont'. $195, Orum d ,.,.99 ".,.._ v.h1•t•I . S ILVER S!:RVICf!. Haogm& l.1mp, ins ide Set.$225bolhhke Gltrnnd .645~29 con ·'" 557.9727 Oarage Sak, rdurn111.1-: It Hon~~ --8060 COLEMAN STOVE, pro-f'TN fl! P'U ltN • AN · door & hardware, all new. 968-5700 aft SPM. SAHOT DUFFIELD Au .. lr"l1a . Mu:.t 1'l'll C\HAUl-'.Si\l 1-: ••••••••••••••••••••••• p,an\', 4 l>urner w /oven ....rQCJ ...... .u .. 2200 &oodcond 7"r 6610 J' ·' A '71 Yamala 250MX . .. . ~ \ r ONLY !I j(I J ,{0 ' , Never llSl>tl $80./ bfft of· I I ..,,..,., ....... --~ • Old Gibson ES·330 GUJlar, 7245 \!ll'lll~ r1 1o:eu • • l'Verything 111111'\t'hohl 111m1tj)Jl('lrtWa,· NH lhra.,1111 :1-l tlu~st• or ft•r.551 -0261 XI t . d G Wanner $450.6756644. Great s hape". Best offer. artarlt>st>tc (;o(wipnl'\'" H1•l\\t•t•n lrvint•&T11sttn young l ady f.n l{la!..h PUm.ICAUCTlOM n t:on . rover --494-4589. Sal. & Sun !1 51'1\1 :m h t l'l ""urf'Ma rc 6731933 ••tNK J kt s ·t MANYITEMSOP'FINE W~blFl"'placeSel tuners.875·6915 Wtnds udt>r , like n e w ....:.:.~.:...---. ...-----Snug lt:Jrbor Hd Nwpl M1 .. r dot u1..:. ljng111~ i.1. i.. at' e. Iver. ES1'A'P~ JEWELRY, 6pu.>n· \;.10. yl'llow. $400or ~:.torfor '69 65~ Trn1mph Bonn. Hgts NH 11lunl'i. iww sk~s . i:ln~·t·:., I\ Yr old Chestnut Sorrel Worth $l400. Sell $600. ART OB.r!:CTS, AN 549 27"'1:? Office hmiture & or trade for !.I Sabot. $'900 .. 66250 Bultaco $300. botits. :-onw gl.1::0:.\\are, 1 .i horst• gelding, 15 Worn 5 times. ~ 1~12. nQ.UES WINI: PURN --E-"-t 8085 499.2361 Both in very good cond. Washer. Rt-fn j.!. dn•o;wr, 01hb !.. t•11d... h.111d:>, xlnt lr.uning, ~cl 673-8120 ext 156. ETC. PHONE roa (N '. Gold Sofa & l.oveseat, •••• ;.:-:~·;~·............ . 898·2084 couch. mirrors. twn hox l'• .·1 r , .. •• .. ·"' • l" /\ nt I"·.~. tr.ul hori.c w /tack . .,c.75 "'~ neth g d·rre renl lh'• FO & BR OCR URE x.lnL cond. liolh $40. GE "'-Lillo 14, trlr & {'OVt'r hets -------..... ,., , .. ~ ~ ~·r m 1 .. ., .... ;........ · Stt'r~ console. Walnut .,...y chrs $8/up. cxc svl ofsails '74 XR75, Immaculate. sprtnl: m;iltrt', .. & lc-.ul1'CI ~1. .... , &. ht•vt•lt•d 4!140497 Chnslmas?Try ..,.._.......,., C··b ...... cc7.5•'llA chrs $15 /35. scy d sks . .,.,()()() . 64Ao270 V"ry trick. 82cc. Cared fr~me ladll'!t dn·:.::.c' ~l •·· " --THE • ~ ..., ...... "'' ., 0 "' 9-~ & M . S· t & S • j.'ltt'" "intloy,, rnlvs ., H.1 v G t•ld 7 /Ii Thor Flrewood Org, Euc. S78 -Elec typewnters. Pu~rce. -' . -:-for with love. S495 a.t2i92B.1~~ne:.~an ;\~~· ~.!."1'.''1',1·t·~111·,11.11111'11'1111.11'1111.~11r,~ 111.q~hl.lr ~~!· J'~ y r " LIMITEDEDITIOM cord. de.J. Oak. Coas t Grandfaft.rO,ock 867W.19th,CM64S.74ll. 12 ~esumc :.loop, 1 4 HJ0-6566 .'."!~ 1 ~' " 11 h d r •· k I t 90 S C t......... F d • I ., .. 581 ------roller.furling Jtb. 90 lb:, <.:M. furn • uluth mun· Sjt ~.~" vtt•t•n uro e, o . oas rTW'/ arewoo ~upp y ' $395 Sotr v . L ·Shape wa.l nul desk. Gdcond. $425 979 4176 Kawasaki 15ce 9hr nu ~per Sall' chJlr!t bj ~ Su11 Dt•t· IJ !-11 620 ----__ lCHJUna, 581-ll22· Schwinn Bea~b Ca·uaser 90x30, chair •. $125. 5 -- -perf. $225. Dirt Taco .fhp stool!>. lilmps, clothl·S art ~"'"'jrtJ IM, <:dM __ 7 Yr tild, '\Int 1 haldrcn~ C..1·t·o11d le HI Viii :i ge Firewood/Stock Up 8.tke $100. 'TS Kayak walnut I fa br1 c c •n· 12' W1ldf1re. Complete, Xlnt. $95. 548·7364 ooJ · • h h both F •. Faar) l''ealunn~ 1 metal $"'" ., .. .,1 .. -ference chairs $45 ea Xlnt cond $350 I! s.ett•SJt&SunlO \11n1n1-: ('jmp Collt•r sow or~e. .n~"' Hulpture from Me tal $75corddel,642-262A ....,,_,,,__ --642-4007or833·2616 6456195 'N YAMAHA.DTlOO,St._ 2tti l\mgsPl.:.icc,N A t.1hlt--; Imm tht.' ,.:old Westt•rn, 1:1 h J 11d s Arts Ca 2 Silver &cancelled Contract 2000WATERBED-KING SZ -IJrcs, 5 spd. Xlnl cond. CAHA<i I-~ SA l F ru ... h t<1untn. The 55H>H I Uronzccastmgi.by Russ yds carpetina. below REST QUALITY , APECOPhotocopy Mach $425.Evese.111846-7171. Childrcn'::.doth111gSJt& ._n•.itt•-.t,dlt•\ou'\l'C\er 8Yr.Al'l-:)'.needi.exJ)(.•r Sh<•:ir<o Greg Ha ggans & cost.lmstall547-8729 FRAME tll HOB D . Complete ly recondi· Boats, Slips / Sun Noon Ii. 1345 t>.1rl ~t·1·0 l.t:Jllwr hor::.e col ndl•r Fur sjle or ll'use Maknlrn Moran. 3 <;uy --646·7390 IJoned. $495. 642-4097 Docks 9070 Motor Homes, in~fonl ('\t l,1r,, '-Jddles & tacks, ~."i7 17:!1 Jftl1am l'ulll·ns ramous "'rt' LionelTrarnSel. -Pets 8087 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sofe,IRent 9160 ""ud hur111n~ s to-..t·s· hmist·:. + h andrrafti:<l Complete. mounted, Used bikes. 3-10 sp<.ls, ••••••••••••••••••••••• BOATSLll'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• i111nv types, \\agun ... AialnanStud Colt 1-11 JewelcryofGold,Silver 494-5704 2·14".1912DatsunP.U.& , Somellve·aboards Hent25'19750penRoad, 1•1 )1' SALi-. JI Jn<lt hro" 11 HJl..U & Stont'\\Jfl' .:-.lnl )!afh Sll'' c Hhoadl·~ ti-I~ 1;1:m. 1:1s /\lb1•rt Pl C'!\\ ()pc· 1:1 ~ l·I 10 5PM "th'l'h of all !till''>, mo H1.1l·k, gentle. S200. &Turquoise. nut.eS»-3819 For Sljle.two mace wit~ 645tl616 Ext418J Cul:y self.cont. sips 6-8. lln•..,wrs. tables & furn 1;n Zl~!I BRl.._.G THIS AD Exclusive N. B. Tennis cage SlO lame. IOxlOx l~ ------Winter rates. 644-8385 1-.11nll' Oak>. Old llmt• 4· 1""11 Club Members hip $1200 Decorator has lSO ych> cage. call963-8767 S/\IL for 20 to 27', dock _;__, _______ _ hid• lukl• \\ht:C'b. tilil f<t·i.: T U 1711. Drlo. HJ~ FOR I00/0 963-4581,962·6115 Camel nyloo plush piJe C HRlSrMASS PECIAL sidl' tie, $110 303 E. 3 0' Blue Bird Bus k.ithl·r&woodtrunks&. lluull'rJump{'r !J "" DISCOU.._.T c:irpt't.W11lsellalcoot . X .. T p di E<lgew:iter 1·871·2866 Notorhome, Onan ~1LSun 2:.~1 Gol<l 1·n C'1r hnxt>S. ant ica phono l'rof train<'d. ,\ <'1rc·ut " 675-0540 tr~ tiny 0'!! 00 e. Gerneralor . Air Cond. I N n furn th hl'S s,1 ,-10 p l Pt , &If. ''fifiH G.E . Washer, Sears Gas ,__,_ Smg1ng Cananes. Birds Boats s~ed & •.. ,.,nn 646.7050 l'l'. · ., ··1 i.:r.1phs.hand t0<1lsofall · · " ) •-' Wale r bed & frame Dryer,both Avocadocol·Wroughl Iron Bookcase, &petsofalltypcs.All Ska·' r-9080 _,,,.,. · t~imps. :-urfboard, loh of, "ill'S & d e::.triptions, old f . d d $75 . . h W 1 pa t r Westt·rn Show Saddlt'. w bookcase $175. 14C'u t or, m g <'on . ea., 6' tall w/2 full length priced ng t 3645 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• for s e I I • 1 9 7 3 t:: • .i::.::.warl'. r u l':. f1rl' t•qu1p., 1880 Cm·a Clrl'le y Some ~il vt•r n•fn~~ Sl50, call lwfore Ladie's while pro· wrgt aron doors. SlOO. M<-FaddenSAR39·8520 ROADLlNER 28', l-.ver)lhini:giw:.<'ht•.ip kll{'ht.•n pols & p;rn:-, an l·'.qua lataon st•at, usl•<I IO lllA!\l or afte r 9Pl\t fessional shoe s kates. 642-0335. a: -&O 8090 1J~fui!:,~Rcif~~01~~· ~~l oade d , 12.000 mi. sjt onlv. lit I 1 arml·tl l iq li.irbw1ri', lfljtt) 111m·., t;73·!15!l3 ti45 1i:j(il worn once, sz 8. S20. -,..CMOS rqans 1 d . I Sacrifice Canbeseenal \ml' .. e.it S.IS Somt'Anti l)IM.''-· Old ••agon J;H'k Rocker recliner chair, 3 Adler Pool table. Custom ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~nl~e~ vriret; t;~110~r 1942 Harbor Blvd. C.M. (iueo;. & mJn~ ln•asurt•s 1u111quc1. & IOO's 11f uth1·r W1•s trrn Show Sadrtll' l.yn~n Turret loader plus positions, brn vinyl gd made w /a<'ces~ Beaut. Fl ELD'S ~archou se 64 267 · • · 642-8286, bll BegoruaC..'di\1 1lt'mo;. l'1l'k )Our O\\n w """' r \Int cond , rm1ny aCCl'i.soril's $125. shape $15. M ax hair walnut. $600 firm . S<1le. 400 pianos ~ or 6 7 ------- mu .... ·uni p1en·s Prin•d S:!Ofl >142 :1M2 Elec. l;i~n mower $15 dryer & styler, New $5. 499.2333 garu;. new/used . Span~ts, 66 Larson 14' 4o t;vinrude Motor Home Rental Lo\\et) Org.1n, Sl2.1 Furn. W ~hr . 011,t l'lothes 1 llh 1:1th :!110 Monro' 1.1 1 \I to ..,l'fl fa::.! S,1t & Sun Heel lawn mo\\er SlO. 5464435. Grands, Players. Goin~ 0 /A Just rcbll w /lrlr 20'·22'24' 111 ~>. .!05 Avt·n1da San J ewelry 8070 Gl'ar rt'durhon S20. 2 Pool table, Fisher slate. out for business. Rent $1500 556·6795aft 5pm l'.thlo. Off 1-;1 Camino ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ford m ag wheels &lires Royal Typewriter Reg. size. $250. 645-6382 w/opt to buy. Kawa i, Special Weekend & I $35 or644 4866 Weekly r ates. Reserve H1·JI s.in Clem HIH 0998 WANTED SlO Ford truck s plit rim manua . . new correc-Stt•an way , Ba Id win, 15' F1berg ls. Dual hull for Holidavs now. Chnc;tm.Js 111·m-. T11h hooks t arpt•t t''ra s.1t q t 5 11 J.1 .. mint• ( cl\t S5 2 t·hrome Ford wheels to ribbon, Sears Colds pot Blonde ,.n·b W/mattress Cha .ckt>ring, Ya mah a, w/trailt'r <2> 20 gal ga5 REGEN.CY MOTOR II 0 Train Hacc l;1r 1111 TOf' (.',\S II DOI.LAH • t r-15 l t od I M . C g 16x14xl3 " b 11 W 1 tank" .. S350. ""2·tl l55 . "' m •s ""' "'a l' m e mi re rt · ' $35 Clulds sewing mach K 1 ni a · r t z r ·~ "" HOME RENTALS 1\Htahll' Srenen :\l ,111~ P \ 1 n 1-·on YO L'H huckl'l VW seal S20. VW S75 552·7762 SS PolarotdSlS 552.8191 <7 14 1638 ·2770. 12072 81 d SA lJf'-,3 1m·o,Sl~10S,1lor Jl-.\\El.HY Wi\TCllF.S, IOhp<'ng,allnewparts.--R-l .__ds l:lroo\'.hursl.GG. '71 T cih1t1, 455 Olds .. 925N.Harbor v . · · Sun 1R25 1jhlla l' :\I \HT ORJEC'TS c;o1.1> VW lr<tns axle and 36hp Natural est war u.: • w/trlr, S2250or make of· ••531-2503•• Garag<' ::.,11(' 0,1k ta hit> & :>is 7975 s 1r.v1-: It s EH\' I c E , p.irts. ,62 fender & door _ oldest O.C. d ealer has r-:_: :~ ()QUIST PIANO REPAIR fer 897 7747 Tra·11.--, Tra•el 9170 I Pn·s'i 11,Hk Ch.11r.., -FI NI-: Fl'H"I; & AN rlia-.i· VW parts·. Dune v.·our \\-a tcr bed. 2119 ._. ... ~--Oak Uprt 0 ht, others ..... · 1 '· ... & h '""S I ,,.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • +Masc item' Salur<l.I\, ,, .. " l' air ~ . c ass TIQl' ES 1)45 2200 tiu""V bu~ket seals $30. Harbor, CM. 17940 Santa Mariana From l'495. 536-8775 ' 6 131"' f' 11 It I k 1 t Sl oo v. t "" ~ ----_ Transportation F'ully self contained 1974 •.am pm ., · ·1 lOa 1 ottr ·i 11 "'· • a l'r s·1l·"I work bench o n * * * ~--~..;.. YaOey Bl'd Balhoa l'ln ,nftnPr SIJ5. lg '.\l aple f'1;rnlt.':-~ 1 C d1amnnd " ~-CHRISTMAS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pat·er 14'. Pe rfect for h75 OJHI IA•op S150. gun rark Sl.O. nng gold s l'lt111g "111 he:" Y <'asters 3 8" ::.lC'cl Chart le "/ou are the winner or one Aircraft 91 I 0 121 751-9999 1111, mun• 415 Jlardan~ Sil lr1f11•p ror $150 top, 24"xJO ... $35 '73 esAs ov completedmnrr selectl•d GIFT? ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------- \lo\'1ng. TtHi\,, pl.into;, ltilPcnn.675 6712 ~N~ s.~IS.imlinw F11rcl trurk t a il g ate , 14482LindenAve. from Skinny Mike's Wurlit zer Eb o n y CITABRIA Almos t new ,7~ Starcr aft ~alaxy s.w· misc Sat Sun 2059:?1 J::rl't'n. S25 TV antenna lnine menu al Spinelte Organ, LC'slic 65 hrs total time. Top in~er w/awnang & refng. Goshawk l.n . llB "\r 1;.1r,1i::e Sal1·· C1111('h $25 Chn::.1m.1sSpt•1·1,ll50', off rotor SJO '56 Packard Youarelhewinnerofone HOLIDAYIMM S peaker-Amp $800 or l'qUtpml'nt 552-9fi4fi. S22C_l0_._5_36_·7_8_7_2 ___ _ lnd1anaPohs.~NcY.\antl lamp.t'lt' 2H"l:llS;1ndalaa T u r quo1sl' f1n1-.hPd p;,irts :lhp lawn vacuum completedinner selcct ed 31311risto1St., Lradefor SpincllePiano. 1,.ts of fun! l6' Dallon . l'irdl·\1 \ '>8li~•i11:1 Jl'\\l'ir) F1nd111~., 111:-hi. 5-100 11oto tillt>r $150. from Skinny Mike's &12-6393 .after5P.M. Campers.Sale/ .,.,, Be aut < nmplf'lt• HPllrm . . L1qu1d Sil\ i·r. Ft•t1sh1•-; Bm.l'S for Chris tmas pre· menu at Costa MHo ----Rent 9120 comp. refurbished to nu Set Olhrr rurn1turt'. \.\HD S,\LI"' l 111 ~µd:;. <'I<' "Hedm·t·d l'r1<·<•..," :-t' 11 t s or c and y, HOLIDAY IMM Please call 642·5671!. Ext. Baldwin Organ, full sin• ••••••••••••••••••••••• <'On e!. Fam. has out· to \~. elot h 1·s. m.1n\ !Lill'1i>hlntl l't•ugoti'4 Dt·<· llthru l 'i •1t ~11 .. 1i1•'x•a• .. ''x211"det•p,l0t' 333tocla1m yourtickel. w 1percuss1on. $1 450 grown misc· 220111 su,Jn l..1nl' llorlll.1 1110 a,.:u.1riums, ... 11mB.1 ... kl'I ~hlll•)Orll'j!JI t':t Hefngenated drink 3131 Bristol St.. * *. 548-0581. 1972Dodge $1>95.549·2085 HR !16~!J5 1 ti F11 SJt 11u111 ~"· Cum "'t~n .. dt. 11w,.S,JC' .rn:1ss;,1 111f.! l111JntiJtn $10. 71 CostaMeso Pickup&Camper T ·1 UtTty 9180 10-4 1m11·h mC1rt· l\IH Jo. l~th \ amah:i l\lX. 125tr, $300 Please call 642·5678, ext Well rooted plants, 25c & Hammond Spinet or~an Auto., P /S, A /C. d ual rai ers, 11 . . S.11 Sun '\.J on Miscellaneous 8080 1;1 llonda Super Ha wk, 333 to claim your ticket. u P . s u c c u 1 e n t s • C·IOO. P erl cond. Sac tanks, s f\O r t s man 's ••••••••••••••••••••••• llou.'>t' Salt· Sill Onl\ l.o\ . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• S:!OO * * * ~eran1ums & others. $W5. 673-057() special. 26519N. ~EA_YY DU~Y 4x8 Box ~h m.ito•rr\1\\ clothl'' C-.1,lclr.1"l'r l-dt•labint>tS.10 ,1 I I< JI t •hi " .• 4 3417 536-8755 $l999 fratler,gdtires.$300.of. . • t'I 1an1C' ~ II ,1~ :I\ tn • .,,.. . 12 ' pl.1 \flt' II c I Jtlll· ( .0111 modt• {' h JI r SJO . I Ml\ \1 1't' \11(\I bOXl'' ,., 11:!2 s E Skyhnc Dr .. Color 1V $150. Ski eqwp, For Salf.•· Practice piano. rl'r. 548·6356 __ ! ---- bab\ clotht• ho11kt .i"' < n·1h·111.1 S40 c.\ :\!.'"' f tmb 10 Spcl \1 .1n-. H1k1· ~A <nff 17th St > 10 spd $45. Sno shoes & Irvine Cocisl Country Club' ~d. cond S250 or best of· Bill Max~y Toyota Avto Service & handm.11lt• h.1rrt·I d1J1r :-..11 lK41t:-.amJrl>r l~1 :•1•1ol'nllf'~1·. \pt •q < \1 misc.Allxlnt751-0859 golf m e mb e r s hip fer 960-1819 1888IlkarhRI JIB P--£s 9400 anl1qul' furn pl.int-. p1•· \dcln' el{·c·t calculator R eason able. 673· 1050/ F--d-th 4 05 5 --. lures ~Rmuch lllM ~1··11. ~~.1·~~~n~i~ra~i:.~r~(~:· CRISIS CALL ~ ... , Ell'l'l l\ pTewntdelr F or SaColc·McemCbl ebrschalpl 673 8292 :s:;;,:~a;~~~~~o ;~·sh -8 7_-v_ s ___ ·~··~·;;;~;·::·}: ..... Port j m-.galL' ='-H •1.·1.,, I ."jntutkc·t II" \ I I f lh I t ,\<llt-r :?It· Sl75 run e Irvine ast . u . a St GE Rec d onl ""°""108aft.5P".. Fa,.,,orv D1r"<'t C"m""rs & 5 ll40 8477 ,, .~ u : srni:. l' touc 1 11 1• 111 l>t'd S7S Dan tbl Chrs & 644-Sl2S. ere o or Y ""°""' '" ~· . . ... " "' · whole mags ton on ,1 1 m11H'l' I" nd.:.111t hutt·h fruilY.OOd $300 Changer, lk nu, SSS. Olds . . S895 up. Shells $179 50, 968.7412 Jumper Plus l ip 11 ul) long or •horl' f'ronted P1t1,rn 9267 Wom tft's Sitts are J4 <33 inch bu~I wolh 40 111Ch hip) 36 140 buit 42 1'11p) )8 (47 bust. '4 /11pl 40 144 bust, 4~ tup) 4] 141, bust 48 t11pl; 44 (4~ bu'.l, !10 l11p1 46 C~ bust. 52 111pl 48 152 bust, 5' hip). Sfnd \1.00 for uch p1tt1m Add ?5t tor ,~h ~ti tm for t1rd clau 111111 111d htndlln& St., la: ........... ......... 44J .., .... m .... •• .. ~...., L~ ...... IHI I. , ..... AIMBl.D'.SOI ·..,snu..,•· ... "' ... IP tt id I lif'tlft *'9f kff llft ftT .... ... ~· "'"'"' -c~ct .... _..IW '9ftlf'I If Jllf ca.1". s, nt•1 s.. + lalt Jo•k 11.15 11~ ..... , CrlfU J $1..00 ••• ,.. ........ $1.00 , ... _. k'llllll W SI .IO For Lively Ones~ YounR\lers love 'heal card1 gan\ lor ptav iroing pl3ces! Crnc~el \mart \t•lcrbrother swea1e1s from lf\f: neck down dll 1n one p1ere Use ~porl yam C1rl•,' Ila\ prPlty npel'I wor~ ~·tiil r~ttern 7057 Chil1I'\ S11r~ 4. &. II. 10 incl \I.DO for each pallern. Add 25" earli pallern for first c:las~ mall and handling. Send to: ... ~ ~o.,+.105 o.9r .... ._ 161. ow ew-,..,_ ~ V-' MY 10011. PTW M.119, ~ Ia,. ,....,. MilttilMr. ~11£ 1han rver ~fore• 100 deJi£11$ plus 3 fret printed in- \161 H(W 1976 NEEDlECIWT CATALOG' Has twrythin&. 75' Crtekt wlltl $4tlltfU '1.00 Cftdttt t Wtrft'th $190 Nifty fifty llllllts -l 1.00 1t1,,11 Cl'ldlet $1.00 Sew + bit '"' $1.25 NHdt.,.illt IMl -SI 00 fltwtt Crtdltt lt9' S 1.00 lbl,.,,1 Crtelltt .,.-$1.00 lnJtaat Crecht litl 11.00' llldnt Mtc,.,. ..... -1,00 hntMt .._., .... 1..00 Cellflltl llft ... II 1.00 Cellflltl ""' .. ,,. 1.00 12 "'11Aft'm112 50t ltoll of 11 Q10ta II SOt ..._ D111t .... 12 501 1 s 1tmr • 1~ '' _ee, .... tf 11 Jm, • .., tran..,mtll<·r .1utomJt11"il 536 ?!lCH Antiq. Starr ph<?nograph Trumpet perf cond. $60 Beaull~ul KIMBALL con· Sleepers. 8!>8 W 18th CM ---------- )\· p h 0 n t·.., 110 11 c· l' jn mahog. cabinet. All 644 5378. sole piano, maple wood 642 8471 Antiques/ paraml'dacc; fin• <kpt ll\lo' inl.! he;1lth spa mem· leather horse collars & --. XI.NT. 645-4345 PP CA ... Pl-'R SLfL'I 1 f 8. Classics 9520 I t I t , l I r x ft 1<. k W h I Art1fac1al Chnstmas Trtt -'" , ~ .-,., . • or ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~our 1111· nr. rl' .1 l\t'-I ir:-ip .. rt m.is ga , • tac s. agon w ee s. 7 Ft. brand new, $2.0. Upright Pia no, i vory bed, $200 Xlnlcond n•·1ghh11r-. l'lt I 1·aw or pr11·1· .;10 1157 Oak furn. & more. Sat & 494.7889 keys, tuned, easy to play 645 7307 purd1,1•1· ltt•· ,,1,·111~· Sunl0·5.305AvemdaSan _ 493-6861 ----19SSPACKARD ''h'm '\O\\ Wh1·n•q·r 110 Tr:iin :.ct 4x8x ~ ... Pablo (off El Camino CROWN GUITAR , Camper-Sleeper. 8', ice 20.000origii:alm1les.lm· ,.;111.11l·11n ~our prorwr plywood. a cce ss. inrl. Real)SanClem.498-0998 classic al, $75. Refrig. TV,~o. box, bunks, l s l $240. maculatc!!! Must see lo 1, . 111 '1111 r h nus 1·, S.15. 9fiX 2.121 for info. $2.5, Couch, S60 556-4842 Hifi, Smeo 8098 takcs 11. 962 602fl. appreciate!!! !!jf~11~l'. ltath. ~.1 rd or . Pool Table, Brunswick ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----EICamiroAutoSales P''"' <'l<l S IS ('A l.I. ll1k<'. hoy., 3spd Stingray Anniversary Model. OPALS.EMERALDS AM/FM stereo console 10' Cab·OVt•r , Xlnl cond. 498-1400 Dealer tirirq:·· ht·lp 111 an' l'.11 1k'> like nt:w. xlnt 41~'x9' w/l " Slate Red. $150. AM /FM portable Xlras. $!Xl0 cir bs t. ofr.---------- 1,11wri.:i·ru, H71 :.!310 < h r1 s t mas J! 1 rt· $40. Xlnl cond. $1200. Must SAPPHIRES radio $30. 642.4417 548·6886 ·59 Edsel 4 rlr .. R/H, P /S, Portable stereo. record sell. 640·5515 aft.5:30 PM Semi-Precious Stones 1 d '76 $750 11'\'l".I· < 11.1•t ,.,,,If ('11111 l'l:I\. Pr. S25 Mina bike. 2 -M 1· ·11 be h R' • ,. •· c x nt con ·· tags. · ' ' , I ysupp aerw1 erecolorT.V.21 ",$85.Good 2 "auovcr amper, orofr.646-3006. \1i·nit.• 1,11111 l11r ..,.tl1· 1 llP grt'at for lleginners. 2A" Craftsman Jig Saw 1 day only1.~at. Dec. 13. picture & Cabinet. Eves head, gas rc·efer , butane ------- h'i!i ~:.!5:! 1 ~1;1 842·71(17 w/stand & motor $100, to sell at WHOLESALE & wknds 962.1523. li ght, jacks, very clf'an '56 Chevy Nomad sta wgn. c Got a partridge in a pear tree to sell before Christmas? Move it under our tree. Buy a one or two-inch box under our tree on December 18. Fill your box with items you no longer want or need. Convert your clutter to cash. Your old skis, sports equipment, luggage, toys, appliances or furniture might be the Christmas bargain someone else is pining for. Putting a box under our tree is easy and inexpensive. Rates are $4 fbr the one-Inch box and $6.50 for the two-Inch package. To place yours just call 642-5678. Your credit is good with us. We'll bill you. Or, you can charge your ad to your Master Charge or BankAmerica rd. DAILY PILOT aluminum patfo cover pnces to my customl'rs. S900 hst ofr. 963·<!116, Cherry body. Ask for 10'x21'. $150. Sported 762 Jack Vick. Jewel~r '71 Model RCA Color 673 6384. Aaron.675-2489. Russian Rifle $50. 4537 .J9WCoast Hwv Stereo$200 farm 645-2650 Newport Reh 675.i212 492·6530. Mot5corc00y~s / 91 SO '59 Chevy s ta wagon t1o... Classic idnt cond. air. Antique Butcher Block 3 HAMSTERS Habillrasl 25" RCA Color TV ••••••••••••••••••••••• radio, PB. CD ignition nu (30x30xl5) . Perfect for & · · ...,.. Ph. xlnt cond. $160. •73 Yamaha 250-MX, lir<'s. good gas mi. $600 Christmas gourmet Accessones. -.,.. 963"""3 kitchen. 673·7062. 548·7181 ..,...., like new, never raced 1'4."i-6353 Anytime. ZENITH 3-Speed record Oil indut'tton system re-'49 Ford 2 dr. nu paint. an· Dell Massa~er, new SRO. Miscellaneous PI a Yer w / 2 9 '·'.! • , moved. Optional rorward lerior. lire, 646-7131, Sears Washer ~d cond Wanted 808 I speakers. Good condi mounted shock brat'kets 6l7·846S ~. 540-8533 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ti on. 142 Pril'e al S35 inst alled . Su per fast, ----.r------- 642·4653 after 4. ~trong & reliable. Must 4 Wheel Drives 9550 Fr Prov 2 dressers. Wet suit w/arms & legs ----------s c•e lo appreciate .••••••••••••••••••••••• hutch. night stand, mtr· C~r t.~ yr old wghl 78·hgt Brand new Ultra Linear $.500 /flrm. 536 4758 a ft er ror. like new, paid S300 4 10 :>46 3472 speakers. 50 watts rms. fi 30 PM Sl'll all for $100 Pink Mu · 1 From SSOpair. 675·2A89 ------Landcruisers '72 Thru '75's shag carpet, Karastan sica 8083 -----.-----1 '74 Bultaco Purs:ing 250. 10• 2 x 14. sso. 2 twin beds Instruments Boats & Manne $750. Also '65 Tnumph S20 ca Matching c ur· ••••••••••• ••••• • • •••• • Equipment "basket case" h:is a lot of tams & s preads, 2 bar'Beginners Drum Set. xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• cus tom parl s. $200. 7 To Choose from EXAMPLE: stools Sl5. ea. 968·049R. cone!. 4 Drums. 3 cym· General 90 I 0 675·0970. ask for Oill ba.ls & seal . $100 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 Hardtop 372FOC Movmg Sale Washer/ 644 2038. ROY SCOUTS NEED '71 Suzuki dryer. 3 piece desk & . . BOATS. Tax Advan-TS·l25Duster $1877 . drawer set .beds &small Gu1lct D 50 At'ou sti c tages call54&4990 Converted for dirt. but items Mink Stoic, bst Guitar w /casc s35o. --·--all street equipment in-JlM le.urlA ofr. 1331 Sanlanella Tcr· Older Gibson ES125. F-VHF 25 Wall. 8 Channels eluded f:xtra tires. Good race. Irvine Terrace. hole t:let'. Guitar. $165. ind antenna. Bs l orr: Cond1t1o:i Must sell. Sat IOa m. Clarinet $95. 645·4594 549-8875or640-116A. S275. 644 0577 e VOLVO Enjoy MORE Food and fewer calories *few tw.akfost •at~ .. Giid clnnet- •• de1Mrls too Eat People Food Not Diet Food Try P.O.P. (Pounds Off P8'manentty) and Skinny Mike's Menu at the Holiday Inn l I l 1 lristal Sh-Mt CostaMfta.1 •• ,, ·. PO P it for the entire ftmily -• MM1bl• wey to loM. to malntalr\ or to Oii" weight. 14' Runabout boat, trailer. • 7 1 11 us k y , n <' w 2 engines & parts + transmission & engme. many access. $225/bs t $400 or bes t offer. ofr See an front or 305 496 8421 A'enida San Pablo, San ------- Clem. Sal & Sun 10·5 498-0998 llonda 350, needs work. Want $125 or he-st offer. 496 8421 ---- 19bb HDCbor ( M 046 930 J WANTED CJ 3 or CJS body. Box 3193, Newport Beach '73 Jeep GJ-5 3 Speed, 4. wheel drive, Equipment 9030 SL 70 Honda, very clean. hardtop, mag wheels. 1 •••• ••••••. ••• •• •• •• ••• many extras. $300. 624463. '73 Johnson 9.9 1-:lel'tric 673·1933 ~•444 0 /B engine. Just reblt •74 Suzuki Enduro 250 2 ·.rt ~ · $390. 640.0459 helmets. 642-6770. 1\11,_11 lAu.:a Boots. Power 9040 ESP c · w ~ 96.1·3274eves,Gary. .i.\UL UllLO ••••••••••••••••••••••• V A aio, near nt . ~ TOYOTA , • O B F' h' Bo t & $300. cash. 14 I IS m~ a M6·6366 aft 6 p m Trailer w /Johnson 35. --- - ---· -· -1966 Harbor, C.M 646.9303 $400. 645-3485 ·m BSA 441 & '68 Triumph Offer expires 12·15-75 500 Aoth xlnl cond, Offer. . 23' Sleekcrart top irond, 494-3160/494-2989 Sell: '59 W1llys Jeep; t andem trlc. x tras -----parts or all. Want: L226 $8395/ofr,PP.997·8603 2 Mini Bikes: 1 4HI?, 1 eng. (block)646·3372 , -~ 3HP. Reason. 10 siieed 18 DORSET San Jl:an, bike 20" almost nu $40 '73 FORD BRONCO Vs, 150 HP 1/0, outr\~gers. 581 M93 ' ' auto. PS, Jow mi., '3,a:IO bait tank. hvy dty tra iler --or bstofr. 962·3433. &full cover. 644-7409 '71 Sutukl T5·12S Jed. Cdnd $295 '7' BRONCO, loaded, 1974 34' La Paz Trnwlf'r. ' 536·1182. mustaell. Make offer. dsl. Moving-must ----&W-8853 !'acrlfice. 646·6864 be 1971Yamaa350 tween 5-1 :3() PM Extra Clean -ro Ford Bronco VI, slan· $400/offer675·1S46 dtrd 1hlft. mud • ~ Boots. Soil 9060 tires, all extras. '1~·1920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• uk ror Ken Warden • Coronado 23, top shape. 'EO Kawasaki 120, 2500 ml r<1dlo. all opllon5 at Dami 11t.rect legal, $250. firm. Trwcb 9560 Pt. 714-833·4669 days. 645 lf'82. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714·496-8174 or 552·9033 ... Su .. 1 ~ S ' 1964 FORD wnknds ,2 1u ... ~c .. nvaae Eeonohne pJckup. $'50001" -· J25cc Duster, "tnl cond, will t.rode rorfumltuni or WanlPd Exper'd SalltnliC 11c:L up tor dlrl, ac remodel work or 1P . Crew for 2 mo'a Mexico eessorics for 5lreel incl Call 751-51'3. cruise. Departing Der 557 ~. Best offrr. 16th. 640-1609. "1'2 El Camino 350, 4 1pd, • 1975 HOllTOM nu tires. xlnl runn(ng '71 C.tonado 27. Barients. 8SO CC, lntcf1\al4' el~c. con d . 111 ah t bod ~ • u.tla, new J ohnaon e, start. Beaut. ·~~ver. New. dama1e, q utclc ul• knot meter. $UOO . 200 mt Mual aacrUlee $1800/tiutot'ferSSIMOU, ~ 1Jnm41d. llW705 919-Mtrf lhn ... --_......, Friday December 12 1975 OAILYPILOT D9 . SLEMONS MERCEDES 1970 II arbor, C 1\1, 631-1276 '76 TOYOTA TRUCKS '72 Chevy Luv P .U. 49.000 m1, x lnt Cl)nd . $2000 ~n9' 7659 aft Ii pm --- 'Ii 9 Ford P . U . P IS . 16 To Choose From am lfm: crnpr shell. 2·11l '1 Spet•cl!>, 5 s iwcds. l'ng. <.d m1 Rellablt• ..iutomal1<·s. Ion~ hl·ds, 847·5036 _ short bed~ '73 El ('ammo ~.:. .. talc ,\'I Also 6 Used Compact \C, PH. PW. \'inyl t•ip Truclcs .i5.000 rn1. xlnt l'C'O<I Paid for or Mot Autos. Imported ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2195 '"r-&&7 13000 fkad1 Bhd Westnun~lcr 6.16 :?50(1Or892 ti651 CH OlDS/IAZ~ 17Dt IEACH IOI. MT. llACH • M2 .... UHer l-.xp1rt'"-12 21 75 9740 S ~pet•d , allnys, ~ll'reo & :.11r<:ond 15321.JXi $9998 '72 Porsche 91 IT Tar'C)a l!l.271 Miks. air. 5 !.peed, mags, Silver with blad; 1nter1or, ga ra1:e kept cond1t1on (838 f'.BU). SAVE NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W.Coast Hwy H.B. 642-9405 tu l'hoose rroni S3350. 67:l 5882 General 9 70 1 .•.•...........•....•.•. DON BURNS PORSCHE /AUDI 136 31 Harbor G.G. 636-2333 __ ·_ ·75 PorsC'he ~JJ S. TJr~iJ many xtras Only 3701 011lco;, L c;1v1ng town must sell 675 0993 ~etutlem~ \;;,;;/TOYOTA 1906 l401bor I M f1Jt. Y 101 '73 INTERNATIONAL Vons 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73ClubWa~on\'an Run., x lnt. looks g n «:1t, h«s hltm clm;t·t. xlnt for ski ing & Camping SJ.SW 642·2926 '69 FORD V \N $1 000. runs i::ood 31.i Ton Pickup 91i2·0llH ('rt•\\ l'i.1 h \' H ·1 uto ------- lr\.lnS., arr. c·ond;l,~ninJ,?: Ford Van. gd 1·~nd. $tiX.5. A M I FM rart 10 tHHH•r Broadway & < ~l II\\~. sll't•nn~. pt>Wt·r' IJr<ikt·~,, I. H. Union 011 Co d!'luxc inll'n.or . aux11a;y ChC\.V ·71 cmpltl~ C'~lmzrl. lJnk. \\ooclgr,1111 st1J(s, top rack car'r, R trek. d:ia l m1rron, t'l l'. l-,pd,finl S2200 'mkofr (.,;l(JJ85) 673 2J70 . $3395 ATLAS Chrysler /Plymouth OJ,>t!n Da1lv & Sunday 'lll 10 PM 2929 Harbor Bl\ d ('o'.'>t.1 ~ll·-.a 546-1934 --1 l!l75 Forrt F250 R:inf.!rr XL'!, 41l11 l'nl!. auto tr an~. a l', p s, p dist· brake~. ,. mo..,I other options \\'1th ''"" high t'Mnpcr -.h1•ll ~1!Kh) 962 176:1 1973 Toyota Pickup l klu-: <'amp1•r ~hr ll , .l.1t'k man whP<'I". low, lo\\ mill'" t:.!O:!l llW ). $3099 Bill Moxey Toyota 1~1 llt•at·h Bl H n 847-8555 'f.7 Ooc.lge \'an \' 8. ma).!.,, rrpts, curtains. tape di. 51075. 673-162!1 F.,c.., wknds uto Leasin9 9580 ••.......•....•.•...... Brand N~w I 97 6 MA·ZDA Lease Far Only $84.59 per mo+ T&L ·16 M az.cl a RU>! <.'pr (S<'rl54R!l2l 35 MPG HiWay E.P.A. 3fi m1lS () 1': I. I '·q.1 Ii M ::i x tt· r m oh I 1 g .1 l l 11 11 51232.AA <MC. lmm1.•<l1alc> Dl'll\1•n · Extc•ndc·d Tc•rms · Av :11 I a hl1· CH OLDS /MAZDA 17l31 BUCH BUD. HUMT. IUCH • 442-GGS6 Offcr i-:xp1n·s 12 :!I 75 '63 Ford F-100 PU ----- \ !'!, .iu111 tr.in~ . Jl(>"-er Autos Wonted 9590 ~trt•nnc. r;uho ht•Jtl'r. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••Datsun Leas~ New-Used OVER 100 MERCEDES OM DISPLAY House of Imports A llTllOll IZ ~:I> MERC EDES DEALER 61162 Mand1e~k1', But•na Park 523-7250 TOYOTA &VOLVO Exdusi vc Dealer South Coast Area BUY or LEA SE o new 1976 MODEL at MliR Q UIS MOTORS Off \\lr~ l'kl.\~ SD Fwy MISSION VIEJO 831-2880 495-1210 • * * Jerry Adams 284 E. 16th Pl., Apt. B Costa Mesa You an• thr "-tnnl'r of one rnmplch· dinner sc·ltC'll·d rrnm Skinny :'>l1kl• ~ menu al HOLIDAY INN • 31 3 I Bristol St .• Costa Meso Pll'as<' call 612 5fi78, l'xl 33:J to rla1m your la kt•t * * * • • • Mr s Daniel Avey 190 72 Lindsay Lone Huntington Beach You art· th<' winm•r of nn1· tnmpll'l1· 1i1n111•1 ~•·ll•i·t .-d from Sl.1n11v Milo"-. mt•n1J .11 HOLIDA Y IN~ 313 I Bristol St., Costa Mesa Plrac;p !'.di fi 12 rm7A t•xt a:l:ltollarm \Ollr 111·1.l•l ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 ~1 0 7. .f s peed. t:ilBBB /\M WM ra1l10. l.JUC'kets & rm.tom !.lnpt· l'lean 1n FJ\CTO!lY tC'nor1 &.,..b~·aullful l'X ,\UTHOHIZI-:IJ trnor ( 1--" !'HI\ S.11!15 S 1 S . TOWNE&L'OU!\TRY OH· erv!ce 1>16 4447 Dir Ports• Leas1n9 1!173 J-iguar, XKE V12 120 W. Wa rnt•r at !\lain 12,000 m1, lmrnal' THE •'74 Datsun 260 Z Santa Ana 557 21:!2 Chnslmus Gift &.15·4251 4 !>!)(.!Cd, mag whC'!'ls. air . . , . . c•ond . & low milt•:-. 70850SportSpyd<'r .i.:r<'at Serv1<·t· & rrpa 1r the (717MF.Yl ~hap<'. 35 mp);!, $1200. Jafu"~ automobile only BILL y ATES ~; -ts14 67a 9ofi.1 _ _ __ VWfu PORSCHE 74 Fi a l 128 Wa gon, KarmannGhio 9735 . • J\l\t d"M other xtras l m ••••••••• • •• •••• •• • •• • • San • uan l apistrano mi.le S2800 837 6527 / '7 l Gh1i1 AM F\1 , CllR 493-4511 8 37-48 0~ 612 7til0 wrn_c.; xlnl m & out. '74DATSUM710 850 Sµort C'on\'<'rt. 'liR fi73 1,517 1\utomat1c. radio. & Sp~der . xlnl ronnini.: Mencia 9738 hl'ater L1·s~ than 5000 cond Nu eng. SlOOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• onl!tnal milt•s cSl!MLJDJ 640~35 Ma1da ·73 \\';igon, lo mi, $3695 "71·Xl9. mags. AM FM >.Int C'ond. S2 .000 Fl \:immo .\uto Sales RP<t. S4350 or TOL Sll.l!l fl47 <r.!12 l><'l 12 7pm. 4~ 111~1 ___ y .. ·alcr mo. 551.1130 \\ILL Rl Y YOUR 01\TSU~. TOYOTA, OH VOLKSWAG EN PAID FOR OR NOT. '73 Fiat W oqon Auto. trans . radio, lug- ~age rack. Sharp car' !IOJKBR. Brand Mew 1974 MAZDA Clearance Sole $2895 On lhl· Sanlil Ana Fwy 73 MERCEDES 450 SLC l\1 el a ll1c bc1g1• "1t h malC'h1ng 1nll'r1or, automatic lransm1s~1on. J'.)01.\'t'r steenn~. f:.irtorv a1rcond1tton1n~ AM F'\1 s tereo radio, heatE'r, cte 123511S\ > $15,800 SLEMONS MERCEDES J 970 JI ..irhor C ~I. 631·1276 TOP DOLLAR ('1\1.l. $2495 '71 300 SEI. 6 3 75.000 m1 . Jn<'ludr'i Deal('r Prep. Grav "1blat·k h·athrr , AUTO. TRAMS. SB!loo. 833 ·9520 or Si\I. Hf-:R;\IAOE.'\/E 510~112 Lllos~/ 'H r1 atsun :!1rn 7.. air. •?·'*9 sl1t·k. loadcd, $5600. 13f>OO Bea<'h Rlvd 644 5005 Westminster '73 2'10 Z. 2~000 miles. -_ 636 2."i00 111 892 ~51 nn l! OI.\ ner. ~uprr clc<in Equ1ppl'll \\1th R otary 644-5383 t-:n,g1nt• & m a ny mo rl' t'X· tras. Does not in<'lude Must sell ·i;9 M•·rt'l'<ltts radio or power antenna. 280SE. $.Tl50 C:tll C·\'C~ ur <Ser .2lfi761 I 3 Yr. or afternoons. 96:.1-3139 50.000 mt factory war· .67 M 1--~ -200 -41) ranlv 1 erccc cs . r · Sedan. Gas. 4ryl, ne" $1H90 f;44 l)/j(IJ . '72 Datsun 1200 Auto trans .. A. l\1 /FM stl'rC'o radio, 8 track. mags This real .,harp car priced lo sell ' 41Ht-:SE BEACH OLDS/MAZDA val\'e job, auto. a ir con<l . '7 4 FIAT 17331 BL\CH ILVD. $26S01o fr. 644 liOO ext 5-IB H•T. IUCH • 842~ _or 839 19f-.R I 28 'SR MC'rccdt's Ben.: 300 D. S . O<frr Expires 12·2~ S3250 ur off<'r. tahonwa9on '72 RX:!. Xlnt c·ond. new ---6i5_:6495 4 Sf)<'c'tl. low mtlc•s, maJ! --- "herb. I JOOLl'W I l•ng1nc• 11::i1nt. Call !\JB. '73, 450SL Hlue (2) '71 914 PorsC'hC'-by pvt party Metalh<' blot'. ..ip Pl·ar. ~roup , 5 !>pd C'.isst.•tlt• fm stt•r . maJ! whls. 34 ,0ou mi'!-> SJX50 c;n ld , 5 c;pcl, am/fm . 5 1,000 mi's $3400 r~12 7467or75l 7210 '7 1 l'OH SC llE 914 H1•<l 1 nlk int Mint l'vt Pty $4500 . ur l.)(·St offer. 540 0421 &f.42 2502 •SPECIAL• 75 PORSCHE 914 5 six-ed. radio & mJp 1061MXR> $6895 OONBURNS PORSCHE/AUDI 13631 Harbor G.G . '74 CAftHEHA, sun roof ___ 636-2333 coupt• with t•vcrythrn~ Rolls Roy~;--__ 9_7_5_6 ,A,5<11010;1ppfrox Ja6n}5• 169706 •••••••••••••••e••••••• SI . 0 1rm . ., I I twtwcen 9 3o & 11 JO AM #1 DEALER IN U.S.A. wkday-.. ROY '64 356C. !MOl)O ong nn, fRR CARVER radio. C'hrome wheel.;, ROUS-ROYCE ne" pa ml, no body rust 21' E 17th St. J\ ftn(' ('i.l r at an xlnt COSTA MESA pncc• S.~150. 642 7357, aft \L----'s•t.-•U• 6. 557 98.11 ClOSEO SUNDAYS 9800Autos, Mew 9800 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SNARE A HARE ... '76 @rabbit ·53676 Model 170 1. Inc. tax & 1975-76 he. Cash pnce--$3960.56. S500 down payment: APR 1'4.34%, 48 payments, OAC. (1768037312). t11l·ctruck1 t.122 WE PAY T OP DOLLAR . 1-'0RTOPlJSEDCAllS Audi 9707 $2895 759 9857 c \\or k I or melalhc_ :'.Ttnl cond P\l $2195 f>l2 fi27l {'V('S Pl\ SI 2.000. 642 7773/ s9512 Only ,..,. Mo. $1499 FOREIGN. D0:'-1 ESTll' ••••••••••••••••• •••••• 'i3 RX:? H.11lro. :11r-cond, ~~ ~3·. n,,,. .. L1111~1 (•\lr;.i ... C11ocl runnini:: 7) !\lNrede:. 250. arr. 0 t F d or<"L.\Ss1cs •SPECIAL• un on or Jf vour car IS extra clean 1975 AUDI FOX GJ t-\11" tu.I LO 1•r;-1111.rrhor t • \I. cnn<l1t1on 30.(100 Ortf! mi J\ M , F .l\t . '<In l c o nd . 22-10 S :'>t..un at Warner ~<·c us first. Santa Ana 546-7070 BAUER BUICK 2925 11arbor Ol\d '74 Chevy 1h Ton Cheyenne PU V R. auto. trans . fartorv air ro11cl111on1nt', f)(>Wl;r ~h·t•nng, r;idw. ht•:tft•r, linll'd gl..i~"· Hc..iu11ful I ruck' ;; l"l $4399 Dunton Ford 22110 S Mam al Warnrr Santa Ana 546-7070 '70 Ford F-250 C~r Special PU \' 8, auto. trano; . fac·tory air rond1l1oning, PQwer ~leerinf.!. rad10, ht•aler ="ice truck' !l-1777F $2199 Dunton Ford 2240S k\1J1n at Warn<'r Santa Ana 546-7070 •73 Chevy Cheyenne Super 112 Ton PU v.s. auto trans • fartory air <'oncl1t1onm~. PQwer ~trenng' , radio. heater. linlt'<.l glass, while SPQkc wheel~. nice truck! S\642(}14. $3699 Dunton Ford 2240 S Main al Wa rner Santa Ana 546-7070 ';n RANCHF:TIO fur Po\\ er. automatic C' a 11 4'16·4322 n . 'SSlflED Wiii sc•ll 1t. Amouncemettfs Cost;i Mesa !179 2~>00 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL ~REIG~CARS CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS .. .. . 3100 W Coast Hwy H.B. 642-9405 Oranqe County's Hi9hest S Buyer on Imports Bill Ma•ey Toyota Call Ro,l!er or Bill R47 85S:i FREE APPRAISAL Wl' buy used <'<HS &. trur ks. Call GHOTH CllE\'HOLET fur a frt'c' appraisal. GROTH Cl!EVROLET 11<21 l Reach Bl \'d Hunti ngton &arh R-17 6087 549-3.131 ------ SElllMG YOUR CAR? TOP PRICES PAID For lmPQrts P::i1d for or Not Dean Lewis Imports 1966 Harbor.C M . 646·9303 -------1 5100 1 noor '1 ... ll<'f'!1 ;11r <"md . raclm & < ru1se ~"" lrnl (4fi;lli~ I .,. ) 631-1276 i'.tb a hllll' bodv work. S.5900.675·2849 Y. VOLVO ~000 hsl ofr. 551 6042 - $4995 f'\('" & "l.n<l'i For Sall'. 1959 M erccdcs l?M temt.nr CM AM-9101 11.1\t' somrlf.ling \ou \\ant ---190SL, xlnl cond. Nu Off<'r Ex irc·s 12·15·75 lo Sl'll'' C 'la~~ll1tll ad., clo Fine! "h:it ~nu \\ant in pa1nl & to p . $4,JOO. DOM BURNS PORSCHE /AUDI 13631 Har bor, G.G . 636-2 333 p --1l well. fi.'12 567~ ();111\ l'1lol < hrs~1f1t•d-;. 213 43--1 426-t. ::ifl !iPM. i<l 610 Wai::on. 12 mos old --· . • Xlnt c·nntl 20.000 mi.. Auto Service Auto Service Auto Service s:1.1:.11 645-8047 or &Partt 9400 &Parts 9400 &Parts IVl2 li5~>11. '72 Audi JO!Jl.S. 2 cit . ·71 l>A.TSl1N 5Jfl./ 2 Door :im fm . auto 113:$ t3fil Automatic. A!\1 radio. days nr C.40 1217 eves buckets, "hit cw alls & '7 1 l'o\. Lo mt Sl1<'k ·1 dr Cit-an. Slt•n•o. SJ.750 673 ~!)85 ('\'l'" heater Looks great ' (788CI MI Sl:J9!J. TOWNE&COUNTRY &H.i H17 Dir. '71. 1001.s 1\11111. air. '71 L'f,0% Sihrr Rlu<' Air. ;rm fm ll'rl.'11 I 11\\nt.·r m.ii.:s. am/fm. Super ~ f..,"iO !H;:! 1175 dt'.lll. 16000 m1. 552 1172 •SPECIAL• 1973 AUDI FOX I l>c-.c1r \utom'1lrl'. :ur t•ond & stPn•n 1 '.J.'i$..fSC: I $3695 DOH BURHS PORSCHE/AUDI 13631 HarborG.G. 636-233 3 •SPECIAL• I 974 AUDI FO X 72 Datsun 510. 57.000 mi, xlnt rond. pYt ply. $1700 752 09llS -----·1~1r>atc;un610 W ;1J!on. ~500. or offer. r~12 21s~ 7"1 Dat~un 260Z, 2+2. air, mal!s. t.1pe. xlnt cond. ~,(IOU !)48.5449. i'O, 510 Station Wagon . auto. A <', LuJ!g Rack. M1ntCond. 54R·2472 ol l>nor 1 sp<•(•d, r.11110 &:1 ________ _ \irl\l l(lp (~J071\HF>. $3995 DON BURN S POR SCHE/AUDI 13631 Harbor. G .G. 6 36-2333 1-·or Classified J\d i\CTJON Call a D~Hly Pilot ,\()VISOR f.12 567R BMW 9712 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fiat SADDLEBACK . . -BMW '76 BMW's NOWHERE 26402 M•rvuer11• Ptcwy. M'-'on VleJo m .2040 • 4M-4t4t UM Avery P•rtrw•1 u lt Open Sunday• ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST & !'ales ~rvirc-LcosinJ: Roy Carver, lne. Holls Royce UMW 234 1-; 17lh St Costa Mes~ 546 4444 1976 BMWs ARE HERE CREVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••• IIBEIB SPECIAL HOLIDAY LEASE s70~~ Leases a Beautiful 1976 FIAT 128 2-Door + lo• Cop co1t $3379.70 leo1e end •olue $I 82A 50 Dep •et $0.20 -36 "'°' open end leOle on oppt.....d credit. Off• fOOd 111 n .31.15 DICK MILLER MOTORS ft0t Foctc><y A111h0<11"d Sole1, ~>e•, locmng & o.~"eo' o.i ••• ,, 120 W. Warner & 1 sr a uo~owAv at South Main ~AMTA "'"" Santa Ana 8353171 WITH TUNE UPOR BRAKE RELINE ASK BOB TO CHANGE YOUR OIL IOIL IMCLUDEDJ CAR SERVICE (AT EL CAMINO AUTO SALES) SAVE BRAKE RELINE HLIHE ALL FOUlt WHHLS, s4,so rACll( FltOMT WHEEL IEAllMGS, TUIH DRUMS. IMWICT HYDIAUUC SYS'TTM. 011 ... E•oo'"' Ocv.emoer 3t'I Otte &ta,., Sl,Ql'\t•v H·'l""" WITH THI S COUPON SAVE DAIS•. TOYOTA· FIAT & YOl.ISWAla : TUNE UP PLU4U, rOIHTS. VALVE ADJUSTMENT, CARIUHTOR ADJUSTMENT. Sff TIMING, $Ef DWlt..L s25so II CVl~U4 & 121 f11I• $1~1\lly H1911M WITH THIS COUPON r Tt<I ULflM& fl Ottt\'11'10 M~CHll'tt 557 • 2132 ~J::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~ DJO DAILY PILOT Friday, December J2. 1975 LAST CALL FOR 75's STILL A BIG SELECTION AT THE GREATEST DISCOUNTS WE HAVE EVE'R ~: OFFERED IN OVER 54 YEARS OF BUSINESS •T-BIRDS •LTD'S •ELITE CHOOSE FROM •TORINOS •MAVERICKS •MUSTANGS •PINTOS · •PICK-UPS . . Not just a few leaders, but EVERY NEW 1976 model car and truck in our huge inventory now DISCOUNTED to save our customers MANY, MANY dollar s! Come in, pick out the new 1976 car or truck of your choice and get MANAGE- MENT APPROVED discount SAVINGS without bickering or hassle! '74 FORD F100 PICK·UP P S., I uvto 1) 1)(),.,.,.1 .. \ f1)941tl 73 PLY. DUSTtR AM owlO l•an• , fC)(t OH ,~ •• 0)941 73 COMET 2 DR. p.,.., ''"' ••nrl fv f 'v\-')W J\AH V~ .,,, C)OJ(,H\Yj 74 UAN TOllMO 1 O• Ho•dtop ovto • oo Po-~. -.1,,,) ,00, 1998011 72 YWIU' s2399 ,~~ s3433 ,7~~ '74 BRONCO ~988 • ·"·· O• p so' o "·· j.-~H h t• '-' fo 1 & ICif'lt-lAul \I(. 72FORDLTD 1 01 Hdlp AM OWIO •on• ~9;1H'~1l) & b••to "'"'' tf s2oss ,~:' '73 MUSTANG fl ~ ' out ··"•'''-''' ~ ~-.,,...,,, __ ,.,.oft ___ ... -• 1 ..... ' ... a e 74 FOID UOMCO 4x4 s-. """·""'°· r,'oi~C,"'9 '72 J.BIRD r uO ._, .. , ·•f'ltl If, \pl1t .1•\Jh ,,, ••. " 108/H (j '72 FOID PllTO , o. !>.do• ........ 'pd 1n1ozw1 71 FO«D T·llRD 2 Of Hdtp A.M fM Uet..o. ovlo, ou po .. t'f. "'"'fl •oof (IJHOXI 73 PllTO WAGOll Auto '''"'' • •odlO heot., (lloHSY) 73~E DUT 6 crl 7 0. .AM, OvtO , • """'YI 1001 19691001 '73 RANCHERO 500 .. ""'' 1 1 0"10..... P~ & Pe. ' "" •• ,,. f<'t11J ,~. :0J.1t1 74 CHEY. CUSTOM P.U. s32ss '~~ s2533 ,:, s233s ,:~ '74 DOOCE 200 r.u. ..... o . ,,~. ,/. 10679_,., 160009•1 73 FOID llUSTAllG l 0' Hdtp Auto , AM, CM. po••. ''"ti If (O O(;'llJ '74 rtllTO W,N, 1 0t-AM rod~. • 'pd , fOQf fO( .. , ~-Mil•t 171JLAC) '72 CHEY NOVA •D• ...i O '>'I J •f"d She\ PISHJO) 74 MUST.11 lllACff I \'() ..... , S., a I) 7UM•lc> l&)lU lj '73 PINTO WGN. f'••, '°' J '-o• tll•CiO•t '72 DOOCE DEMON 7 (). HdTp AM, Ot,1110 • 011 , ~ (69lllYI '73 POtlT. VENTURA CST. s19ss ,7~~ s3533 ,:, $2388 1~' s21ss ·7.:• ALL MAKES & MODELS COMPETITIVE RATES jMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON 1976 FORDS Autos, Imported Autos, Imported Autos, llftported Autos, Imported Autos, Imported Autos, Imported Autos, Imported Autos, Imported Autos, Imported ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Stutz 9761 Toyota 9765 Toyota 9765 Toyota 9765 Toyota 9765 Toyota 9765 Volksw•n 9770 Volkswogeon 9770 Volkswo~n 9770 ..........................•.....•.............................................................•......••.•...............................•..................•..•••...•....•.............. ·······················- ·74 Toyota Cehca GT 5 '72 Toyota MK II 1972 Toyota Corona '74 Toyota Celico 1974 CAMPERS '68 Bug. Xlnl cond. Gd '65 Bug, gd. cond. Nu bat· EXCLUSIVE spd. white blk vinyl lop Auto. trans, factory air A/T, A IC. vinyl roof 6 T Cho Fr body, reblt motor, $1.000 tery & brakes. $500, Am/Fm stereo.air. low conditioning. radio. Priced nght.Sl4FOT. Deluxe o ose . om 673.2562. makeofr.673-2762 FOi m1. $3700/968 1788 heater . vinyl roof, sec 1t, 2 Door hardtop, auto. An examle:Safar1 model -Orange County drive 1t at this low prire. $1399 trans .. AM /Fl\1 stereo with raised roof. irebox. '70 VW Bug. auto .. new lmmac. powder blue Bug. 'fll Toyota 4 !.pd. R /H, 385FTB Herb Fritdlander radio. Landau top. ma~ stove. etc. Complete for a tires & brakes, $1300 or Reblt. Sl.000. Warner & ~ 5J6goo6d_,c.c2·ond Best orfcr S2299 Bill Moxeyh Bl ToyotBo I I I/ .. t t J. whee I s. I 1 k e n cw . family or 4. (2342069597,. bst orr 549-0833 Reach. 847·9468 . .., 18881 Beac H . x 2 oyo aw ,ex S62KMW. $4995 847-8555 from rnar1lup VW '70 Pop Top Camper. Vol•o 9772 Thamcstoyou 1\'9llll lllu~& runsfri-aat~un $3333 DOM BURNS VW Tint, AM stereo. I ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTOR ltwurks... (I""" UIJW '71Corona,4dr.auto,air. Dunton ford VOLKSWAGEN owner. Runs great. Pr/ ORANGECOUNTY =-~~~~~ .RllAllOFUS ~ TOYOTA ~~7:)8~all aft. 7 30 pm. s:as:~;in~t4~~7o7o 13~!!.~~r::!•d .;t~1~:7;.cab pickup. EXCLU~~~r~VOLVO 'f '68 Corona. Auto, 2dr, low 534 4100 new eng & paml. $1200. Largest. Volvo Dealer DAVE ROSS ~ 1966Horbor.CM Mb930'3 mileage, gd cond. Must Triumph 9767 • 548-4193"RareBird" inOrangeCounty! f'OMTIAC-STUT'Z --Offer Expires 12·15·75 sell. $950. Ph: 556·1542. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1973 VW Super BUCJ ,71 VW Sq b k BUY or LEASE 2480 Harbor Bl•d. I . 1974 Cenco GT TR 3B, new eng, trans, Low, low miles 207GOP. 1 Owner. uari1~~Auto DIRECT ~-~~·.~:.--: ....... !~.~~ ~~~·.~:.--: ....... !~.~~ ~':.~:.--:.... 9800 Vt mykl top, mag whee11s. clutch, tires, paint. brks. $2299 Call 544·4846 ~·,·~~~~~-,,~·~ '76 PACER PRICES ARE BEING THE RRST WIDE SMALL CAR! .,. .. ~ ~ .. ~ SLASHED OM LARGE INVENTORY OF S1•ndownel- ALL 75's REMAINING • 6 GREMLINS OPTIONS LISTING OVER 5300 • 6MATADORS • 5 HORNETS HO EXTRA COST IUY or LEASE MOW THIS OFRI GOOD OH ANY PACEI IH OUR IHVEMTOAY 1971 THRU 1974 AMCGREMUMS (323CKN) ST~AT$1495 1973 FORD PIMTO actory air condltionin1. low llea1e. Top ruel economy! DWT39) $1195 1974 MATADOR 1913 AMC COUPI AMIASSADOa utomaUc, pwr. 1teerln1 utomatlc, air cond., pwr factcwy alr tond., vlft1\ top.~wt.1u1 • small VS. SQrp custom interior • low mlleqe ean with low miles. (135KEK). <417KYT> $3291 MUST SH rac stereo tape, ow. Fast, $1850. 968·9566. low miles. (780MCB). -Bill Moxey Toyota '62 VW BUS. with '64 rblt . • SA VE '71 Triumphs 18881 Beach Bl II . B. eng. New clutch. $850 _________ _ am Moxey Toyota 4 ~!:~~r~~~:.\':i~::· 2 847-8555 979·2496 2025 S. Manchester 18881 Beach Bl H .B TR·6's sli~hlly higher 1964 VW '59 VW Bus, sunroof, 40 Anaheim 750-2011 847-8555 649FEU. Starting from Needs minor brake HP. '67 Trans. Gd cond. GT6 work.$350firm. t.65().S36·36l9 '76&'75Volvos '76 $2977 751.5143 luy or Lease TOYOTAS · l '69 VW Bealle. New tires. VW BUSES #TE1103217 ft~,. 11 All~ 1 xlnt condition. Make of- $2997 m~~L ;;D ~;:,fJ:~~ .,., Doys '7~.£AM~~!~9 Plus tax & lie wrll deliver ~ · '71 VW Square Bock 7 Pass. Sharp! a new Corolla 2 door to l?M Horhor CM bd/1 9303 Auto. trans ., r adio. •73 IUS 666GNM you. 100% Financrn g Offer expiresl2·15·75 healer. Nice car! 7 Pass.Duallanks available on approved Yolks-9770 673EIA. '71 BUS 532CICT credit. for 36, 42 or 48 wo~n $ ths •••• ••• • • ••• • • •••••• ••• 1888 7 Pass. Real nice! mon · 'fi6 VW Bu~. Red. Xtnt '71 BUS 048FUM 1\~,.11 L,.,.~, ron~. $875. 497 -1895, Dwtton Ford 9Pass.Clean! GJ t\111. WJUJ evenings. 2240S.MainatWarner '71 IUS 001411 Santo Ano 546-7070 1 Pass. Air cond. TOY OT A '73 Super Beetle, ~M /FM '70 BUS 289Nll stereo. 20,000 mi, $2350, '73 VW BUS 631-0566 days 7 Pass. Low miles. 1966 Horbor. C M b46 9303 ' Full factor y equipped. '75 VW Bus:. illness in Like new! 342TEV. '70 BUS 781 BHR 7 Pass. Sunroof. '72 Corolla 1600 Deluxe, family, must sell! Im· $3777 '71 C .a.MPER 724MV1C air cond,4spd,lomi,Like mac. cond. 7000 mi A new. $2200. 673-6811 . 640-5258 "--.&on Ford Fial top. Great for the .......... weekend. Announcemetth 5100 Amounc•ments 5100 2240S. Main at Warner '70 CAMPER 8131MT •••••••••••••••. ••• •••• ••••••••••• ••••• ••• •••• Santo Ana 546-7070 Pop top. Like new! '74 VW Dasher Auto. trans., r adio, heater. Like n e w ! 533MYF. $3777 ARDEN WEST VW ·11 ~ ... 1.,\\ • o1 11, ,, Ii HI "I ~,1,111 1 \\ ..... 1 r11 ir1 ... 11·1 B!'d \\ 1''-1 ffll(, 11 I ~·U ; .• ~d Volvo Dir. since '56 WILLIAMS VOLVO HUI I l 'o mmonwt>allh Buf'na l'ark 521-7000 '76'S VOLVO'S HERE NOW •NewEn~ine •New Transmission •New Colors.. All 75'S AMDDEMO'S MUST GO THIS MONTH BUY OR '69 vw IUG LEASE New brakes, new '71 eng, Dunton Ford gd rubber. $1200. best of· USED SPECIALS '64 VW IUS fer. &73-3571 '74 Volvo 164 4 Speed. stereo radio, '70Busrebltengine Automatic, sunroor, heater, this car too njce xlnl cond. $2300 AM /FM stereo, leather. to price. See to ap-675-1166 Luxuryallt.sbest.#SOOS. predate. 546LKW. '64 vw Bug, rebll eng, nu $6395 SAYE palntS7~1019 74 Vol•o 142 M111tLA1n:1 4 Speed, overdrive, ""'' Wll.O 1961 VW Bug, good leather, AM /FM stereo transportation S4QO, cassette, a unroor. A TOYOTA S36-3273 aportasedan.752LEQ. -t ownr '72 VW bus· «399 1966 Horbor, CM 646 9303 camper. Paneled, bed, <H Offer Expires 12·15-75 tbl. tape dck w /rear eJ. l .. spkl'I. MlcheUn radials, 111 .a A1~ i '72 VW Bus, new en1lne, comp. rblt en1. at 49,000 """ UUMJ. dutc: .... radial tires, cur· ml., 11,000 on rblt en1. ~ talns, " crpl. $3000. or Exe. cond. See at 2474 ~ VOLVO best offer. 536-8994 or OranJC•! CM . 548-3515, .. ff79.1881 979·1050 days 548·3515 , 1966 Hnrbo1_ CM 6•6 9303 j 1 VW eve. 'at camper poptop. --------1 "74 164E, alr, AM /FM, 20 Xlnt, A/C, warr, 54,000 'al BUS, new paint. Muat MPG, luxury for only ml., gd tires, $2250. aell. $650/bat ofr. $C'700, must Mil 892.fl'll 642·7J01 962-1489. tVta•Wknda, • 0 .- l· 2 •• 0 r 1 s '· r. • Auto1. Imported Autos Us•d A ut · ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••• ;. •• os, U1td Autos, Uatd Autos Used ~o· U1•d F •. •• ••• .... ··-••• •• •. • ••. •••••••• • •• "' riday. December 12 1975 OAJL y PILOT wa 1 I Volvo 9772 Yrolef 9920 Ford •••• --···••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ___ .;..;....;..;...........;;...;.....~..;. "' :' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9940 Okk1..obil• 9955 Pinto 9957 Piymouth 9960 Autos, Used Alrtos, Used k.ltos Used ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • f ·m Volvo Sla Wgn a to 19112 Cor vair Monia con ·-,.,_ , •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. .._..._ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... • I R H • u vertJble 90'k t d -.,.. ton P.U. & 10 11:1 Le-ovH• . 74 ,LYMOUTH n, .. _... 9 960 roritioc 9965 .. . trans. I , 1d running d • res ore . 4 Dorado cab over camper ~ • ~ 73 Pmto Sedan J own<>r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yt'C)CI 991 .:_ <'ond. 1750 833·6413 or if::""· CpAoRw,erp t_o p A. aood cond/847--0086 IRAND HEW '75 Auto, air. AM rad1u. \Int DUSTER •7 5 PLYMOUTH .64 PONTIAC /\utom· t •••••••••••••••••••••••; ... 49Ml~ "-· n . Ply. OLDS ST"'RFIRE cond/ llrl'' 12100/ ofr 6 Cvl 3 s peed, pa~ct a ic. • • ': ---------1 SS1·Sl94. ?lFordAanc:heroGT "' Sat/SUn 64?748~ lllf.'t•nng, radio, h~ater, VALIANT VR, pwr steennj.!. r.ict10. 71 \.IJVega ,reblt327e -. '7 1 Vol•o t 42 V-8 l t f V 6 "Cas Miser" -· ~ ..,.hitewall tire~. 178889) 4 DOOR SEDAN beater & pwr w 1ndows Auto. good cund. :' Stlck sh1 rt. A \t /I-' M 1959 El Ccnino ' uu 0 rana • actoey CloMOut ,,.. '73 2-dr 4·sp 24M . nrn ·• 6 C 1 • <OYf'496 > $399 836-4095 h Aulo mat1c, rad1·0 & air cond1t1oning, power c• tir~. immaculate <'on·• $2 195 Y • auto traru. air TOWNE&COUNTRY ra(lJo, eater /\ hur~ain steering, powe r disc $3995 u co nd1ttun1ng. power 6'6 7 ,74 Ch V ateny pnc·c On ttm, h,1rd heater Like Brand New! brakes. radio. healer . $2150/ofr 968-0290 ATLAS steering, whitewall tires. 444 l>lr tt•y eqo toflnd car 04111q11 \Jll824). white wall tirt~s. vinyl S STochoose Dt..a-..a&. factory extended war· '74 F H TrJn' Am GTWa90" ••• $AYE SAVE roof, trnlt d 11lass. wheel er# 12021 l, 120213, • ., .. _... 9960 Ct.-. I .91 th t~nty .on drive train loaded. 15 ooo m1 . mint 4 Spt>c'<J. radio, heal6r.:- EICaminoAutoSal"'s l"k 120296,124875,122810. ••••••••••••••••-•••••• ... ,s~, •• ymou (631MFK l ('(>rtd $.'•-'",IS,..,,_., ··533 m .... e whl't>ls Nie<· , .. ,..J.:< " covers, J e n e w . Exte nded w l Opcnl>mly&Sunday 0 ., u1~,J ~'<>. ....,~-. l 498·1400 Dealer 34.\7022238. arr an Y ATL AS $2995 847 271H " ' • • 1\"1111 ""w 1 Available 't1110 PM •• ... ~lllWH WJW CONNELL $2999 c1.--' •1 2'J~!)~~~~re~~vd . ATLAS '69 I' I HEB l H fl v K $7.666 :~~ sf.. ft._.__Ford ::filll'JIA~ ... ,ser ,. ymouth 546•19~4 autom.1t1c .ur(·o111t .l\M DuntonFord ·:·~· ·':'!(!· VOLVO V'ffnvn .,..,. ~ Open Daily & Sun 'lll JO ~ Chrysler ;flymoutl) r adw. IJut·kl·t M'al!-& 22AOS Main at Warnef.::: CHEVROLET 2240S. Main at Warner 11111 RYD. PM ()pen Dally & Sunday viny l t op <937 ,\ }''Y > 1 !Ybll .. tlfbl)1 c M f,j(, YlO I Santa Ana 5 46·7070 1111. ......... 2929 Harbor nlvtl . '74 Plymouth 't1l 10 PM $1599 Santa Ana 5 46·70 o·. Offot Expm•-. 12 15 75 SALF.S & SERVICE 1 Oller Expires 12·21-75 5C4os6l·alM9t·3sil4 Dusttt 2929 Harbor Blvd. 64~(~~~ E &. CUl'NTHIY>I '71 lt~rhbck.Sha-rp-Belo"' 2828 Harbor ll•d. ' 4 Ford Elite 1 Auto trans . factory air Cost:i Mt·~tt r lllut' Book . 4-~pN·d Mui COSTAMESA V:8.auto.trans.,factory • 9957 ---ton d1tion1n.c. power 546-1934 Tlwltderbird 9970 ni~htmue 54~38lfl Autos , Us~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMC 9905 a ir cond1t1on1ng, full ••••••••••••••••••••••• '66 Belvedere II , 4 dr .,kcr11ng. radio. ra llye _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• . --546-1200 power, power steering, sedan, stupid door ... hut whees. custom intenor Pontiac 9965 .74 T 8 1 S r 72 \ ei:a Stution WaJ:o11 . r adio, heater. whitewall •75 PINTO V-6 runs well Must sell & f'Xtc.>n or Nice car! ••••••••••••••••••••••• tin· • ~1.nr0<11 1-'ull i\utn. Pack. R & II. lo m1 •••••••••••• ••••••••••• Bcautirul '72 Chevv Monte tires, Landau top. Like make offer 545 025J 538J.SF ,73 G Pnx A/C, p /S, p /B, r0v.,:;·1 i.<:f~~~· f~l~1~<:18~:ontJ · Sharp! Sl450. 499·3623 '72 AMC Sportabout Carlo. Asking S600 below WJgon blue bk. $1995. 833·9211 new. custom interior Stationwa9on . . $2 9 .. , ~ .... v --- 708KLO 68 \ ali •nl 2 ·•r I t 95 Low mi .. ~d rond . Automatic transm1ss1on. • " u • .. Jn ""· 4tl3 9577 Announcements 5100 Announcements 5 100 ~A444 factory air cond1t1omng. auto, l~w mill·~ ."'t>ll ~~ Auto. tran\ . radio. gage rark. 506FPP $2495 lug. '70 Monte Carlo. Xlnt cond. Ai r. PS/PB. $1750 ..(i44·1700 ext 548 or 8J9..1oc.s .,,-. radio. heater. less than m ~intaincd , Sl250 Bgs_ 1 LDNa_J 'PR_L/ •74 PonllacStatwn Wagon Dunton Ford 15,000mlles! (2J8MlEI 6468080 __ ""~ • Grand Safari. loudcd. $4195 '64 VI t 6 I 1rnmal' SIO<)(I or he-.t or 22AOS Main al Warnl•r a ian . l \ ~l11·k 13600 Beach Bhd fer. Pr1t·e1f undtr low Santa Ana 5 46-7070 R II . run~ xlut Vl'ry gd \\-\•.,tminster IJook 67:l :!7110 ,Y..Pllli7 '75 Chevy Monxa - ---cond 642 7583 6JG 2.500ur 1192~665_1_ vs. auto. trans., factory '71 Ltd Brougham. stt•reo. ·71 DUSTER. ,8, ~twk '74 FIRr:HIHD ESPH IT I 13600 Beach Blvd air cond1l1oning, poY.er air. all powN, Sl 300 1 970 11 ,1rbor.<:~1 . Sl350 'offer. '63 Plymouth. xlnl mcch Air /AM /FM. f ully · 497 1405 l C'C>nd nee-ds hrks. S250 1 d d 1 S44o Westminster 6..l6 2SOO or 8~12 GG5 I i.teering, P OWH disc · _ 6 1-1276 646-0921 496_74~2 oa t' • s uper. O brakes. radio. heater, .70LTO $599 . , ----. , --675·6644 . wh1lewull tirt>s. tinted RR o u G 11 "-M 1 d 74 WAGON, 24 .ooo mi. Autos Us~ 9900 IA.uto s, Used 9900 ~os, Used -9900 glass. l1kl.' new ! 6269 llHDTP. Al/To.' P1s: auto,gre96at~ond.$2500 .••••• : ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Buick 9910 Miles.988NBX. p B.Alfi.13Klt ,967ASJ. 26461 ••••••••••••••••••• $3999 s:n 8156 71 Pinto, radio, air. Vin. '73 Buick Centu~··· 72 FORD GRAN top. Sharp exterior. good v.s. auto. trans, factory Dunton Ford <·ond. auto. 552·02 17, air mnditionini:, powe·r 22405. Main at Warnt>r TORINO S1200or &•st offer sll'enni.:. radio, heater. Santa Ana 546·7070 SQUIRE WAGON •75 runabout nu. 5.000 mi. whitewall t1rt•s. tinted -v.s. auto trans., power A/C. sli<'k, sarrifi<'e S500 glass. wheel t•ovcrs. Lan Chrysler 9925 stcennJ,!, IX'"' t•r brakes. +TOP $96 mo 645.4535 dautop. 175HO E. ••••••••••••••••••••••• A~l FM sterl'o radrn. 'G9 Chrysler 300 ll1T , all heater. wh1tC>wa ll radial '71 Ford Pinto $7.777 pwr. radial tirt>s. 21 tires. roof ratk, \\ood 2 Door. auto tra ns .. College. Apl20, CM J! r a 1 n ~ 1 d l' tr 1 m radio. heater. Y.hitewalf Dunton Ford 2240S Main al Warnt>r Comet 9927 Santa Ana 546-7070 ~··•••••••••••••••••••• 72 Comet 6 Deluxe Mod Cadillac 9 9 15 air. AT. lo m1. 1mmac • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1213) 433-65&1 ''CADILLAC" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Continental 9930 Quall·ty & Pri·ce ' n uNco1.N ('0;\lT'L 4 dr. org OY. nl'r. perf cond O ver 7 0 fully eqwp. sal· 55i·2lU8 <639KYS I tires. nicecJr ' 220CJS. $2095 ATLAS C hrysler ;flymouth 0Pt'n t>a1lv & Sunday "ti I 10 I' 1\1 2929 11arh<>r Bhd Costa Mt>'a 546-1934 S1777 Dunton Ford 2240S Main at Warner Santa Ana 546-7070 '74 Run about 4-s pd . orange w /blk int. Radio. a /c, disc brakes. nu tires. 33M mi Xlnt cond S2.400 644 2676 . SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS · ~ --·--• -----• -• -• --..J W E MUST MOVE THESE TRADE-IMS IMW'S I ._I __ IM_PO_R_TS;;..,._-J '71 IMW 2002 '73 I MW 2002 '72 IMW lOCS 70 IMW 2100 CSA 71 IMW IA 'I ARIA DOMESTICS '74 IEi. CA.MINO 7 4 FOaD rtMTO '74 CA.Dtl.UC SIEOAH DIE YlLU 7 4 DODGE 111 TOH "CICUP '10 FORD WINDOW ¥AN '71 TOYOTA CORONA coun '7l CrTIOIH SM 'l I WOlSlUY CLAS SIC 'H PO RSC HIE 9 I I SPORTMA TIC '61 JAGUAI lltE 2 + 2 '73 MGI GT '74 DATSUH 2601 7 1 'fvl SQUA.REIACK •74 SUPH llEIETU •73 SUPH llEfTLf '71 YW IUS CAMl'°El '7l YWCAMPH '10 MHCEDH ZIO SL 28402 MARGUERm PtcWY.-MISSION VIEJO 83 I ·2040 CUse Anry Pkwy. blU 495-4949 -. to Choose From Corn tte 9932 For thl• hl·~t ruiecs. the ••••••••••••••••• •••••• lowest ll«•Sl' rall'i>, & de •TOPC'J\Sll ' '70 Tnrino Xlnl cond. B<.'~t offer 842 7887 Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, New 9800 'Autos, Mew 9800' Autos, Mew ·1aofi : ....................... ······················· .............................................................................. ·~······.-· ~'"'.~: pcndahll' st•n1tc. sec For Con l'lll:s and othPr NABERS CADILLAC U~<'d c·;irs & t ru(· b • '70Galax1e.'X>O 2fi()() II a r hor II I\' d llOW i\ H [) (' h n rolt·t. Low m1. x lnl tond IX>\c & Quail Sts Nl'ar 1 9fi~ 7:197 COSTA MES/\ !°>10 !HOO OP t-:N Sll~ I> \Y .Jambor C'!'. Rr~stol. & Lincoln 9945 MucArthur. :'\ey. port ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beach 83.'l 0555 '71 El Dorado. white on --1972 Lincoln Mark IV all wtutc. sunroof. full pwr. '74 Cor \'ellc· 454. p H. xtras. 41.000 m1 xtra im· 752 8353 Ua' s 1,73 061:! P W. P S. am fm sten·o. mat $5100. !179 2633 days, En·!. . I ne"' rad1Jb 493·0631 .1 ft 675 fifil5 c.•H·!. '74 Ca<l11lac. bl.l<'k Cuui><• fi --Maverick l ~~~;:~er ~-~1:r 1 ~c~~~~1 '72 Corvette ~7~··~:·\··e·~;~·;;;;··;;;i~ Mnd t;d ruhhl·r Pn ~Hirm 5-»15Rl9 auto. P\t ptv Call Pty S53tMI I>a~. ti45 3323. •75 Corvette 496 239-t r:\ es. f.42 ~~7>! \ '8. auto tr_ans. factory MH"Cury 9 9 50 '70 Cadillac air cond1t1onin~. AM /FM ••••••••••••••••••••••• S d stereo tape <leek. radio .. e an De Ville power stet•nng po 72 M:.irqu1" BrouJ:ham V R. auto tram .. CaC'tory rallyc wheels. l~w m~I~~· lt>s.s l~an 50.0011 m1 1-'ull air c11nd1t11inm).?. power l()li:\1J B pwr .. 11r rn111I & c•nu-.e slC'l'nng po\Aoc•r win ,. · control l'ndt•ry.hnll'!-ale d1nn. ,, \t F~I ra<110. SAVE price. S201HI Call for heall'r. \Aoh11t•wall t1rt''>. Larry. 5'11i 4141 days or r lmlC'd gt.is~ \\ht•t•I l'O\' ilSliiiJiiJ 548 OOG(i l'vt'!- l ers. lo miles. 111rt•! ! 57406. 72 Mt>n· Stu WJ?n . p 1s, p /b. p /w1nd ., A IC, r $1395 13600 Beach Blvd 429CJD. $2300. 545 2429 ·•·. Westminster Eves. 8 •• __ 636_ 2500o_r892·6651 _ -fl '73 MarQws 1mmar. non· Couqar 9933 smokt>r!-car. nu rdls. f -• · ••••••••••••••••••••••• brks. rurb /\.IC. full pwr, 13600 H<'Jth Rh rt ·r,,,q Cougar Mo<lel X H7 . must S<>ll Plp;i.;t• make W(·-.tmm-.tt•r full pwr w stereo ofr PP ll75 7211 i\nvhm<' fi362500or11n f,t;~»I ~1~15 496 1m2 ' --m Montt>rcv. 1 cir. a le. '7 J Cadillac '68 Cougar X H7. likc nu new tran-. l'l1· Nits tune r xlrrt cond up & ltn''> S375 !lll3 1078 El Dorado __ 5~-4842 Mustan9 9952 C ou e DoclcJe 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n~ 1 f 1 h I) ·th d ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1969 MUST AMG ncaU I U \Ao 1( C' Y. I r(' S • · • fc:.ilhrr inlNior full '7 1 DODGE COLT -4 FNTOA<K I-or SJIC al Cacfcllac t·q uippe/• speed.AMradio.Agrt>at wholesale• hook $1200. t234GVl'l economy car! (562ELF). <YCU870 I Many other $999. c a r s a ' a 1 I a b I c a t $5995 TOWNE&COUNTRY wholesalt• bMk' SLEMONS MERCEDES 646-4447 Plr EI Cam1110/\.utoSales 498-1400 Dealer • l!!iO 11 .trhor . C. M. 19m Dodge Station Wgn, - - r adio, heater. radial '66 Mustan~ 2R9. V K. tires. lugg. rack. $699 or Clt>an. 'Int cond. On~. 63 I ·t~76 l>esl offer. &15-3215 owner $9111) 1>44 0757 C amaro 9917 '""'Dod--88-0-M . S. '7J Must;incr Granrlc •••••• •• • •• ••.......... ~ gc on a co .._ ta ,... • .. . .. Wgn. $.50(). Xlnl cond. p/s AM /FM stcn:-o. PS /PR, '73 L1k<' Nt-,W . 1.-oaded . p/b 551.3468 new t ires. Must sell. Bst LT model '76 license. -· · ofr. s.12 7435 S.'1.595 f.42 3301 '68 Ch ar ger. 3R3 f.ni.: - • w/15000mi nusteelbelt '65 MustanJ?. 2+2r.T , 7:1 Cuma_rn ~1lv<>r .w1. blk. radi~ls sle~eo. fac air, automat1r. ~mall VS, t op PS/T H /A1r, lo . PS.PBS36·7477 powt>r ,tN•nn ~. $975. mi $-1.0001842 479() -846-7171 t'\'l'S '69 CA MAR O. m ags. 7JOODGECORONET Otdsmobile 9955 Stereo. very clean, $1500. CUSTOM ••••••••••••••••••••••• firm !179-5088 V 8, auto. trans .. air con· -ditioning. powt>r steer· Chevrolet 9920 in~. power brakes. radio, ••••••••••••••••••••••• healer, wtutewall tires. '68 lk>I Air, 6 cyl. radio, v inyl roof, cuslom in· p s. p b. xlnt running terior & exterior cond. $499 642 2187 1650 (2~ffX ). TustinA\·c.C M 51750 '73 MONTE CARLO. xlnt ATLAS cond .. a ir condition mso. 631·3388· Chrysltt ,A"lyfftOUth '7 3 E L C A M I N 0 Open Daily & Sunday Automatic, VS, AM 'tillOPM stereo. tonne au cover. 2929 Harbor Blvd air cond .. & pwr. steer· Costa Mesa ing. W h at o buy ! 546-1934 (04703P). $2995. TOWNE&COUNTRY Ford 9940 646-4447 Dir. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'f!J Townsman Wgn . F\.llly equipped. Make offer. SS7-5944. '7lFORDLTD V-8. auto. trans .• air con ditlon1ng. power steer· Ing. power brakes. radio, Sales and Service OLDSMOBILE GMCTRUCKS HONDA CARS Unive"ify Olds 28.50 Ha rbor Olvd Costa Mesa !>40 9640 LEASE 1976CUnASS "Soon to b e Number I'' <Serl 18419 > $133.19 per mo+ T&L 36 mos O.E.L. Cap $.5327 Max. T erm. obligation $2.449. OAC. tm,,..diate D•Hnry Extended Warranty Available Custom flberctass GT heater, whitewall Ures, body, small bllt V-8. ~. vinyl roof, side body lllfMI Hl-6132 • m o u 1 d i n a s , e l c CARRY ALL '66, 4 sPd, (119GHU). aux fueJ, gd tires. 6 cyl, $18 9 5 $12:50. S48~132 ARIS 73 El Camlno wllh shell. P /S P t B air cond. '32!iO/be1t oft. 842-4S27 '70 Jmpala Cust Mr. Air PIS R/8 Auto SllOO/bal ofr. 551·2559 9n 6 Chrysler ,f'trlltCMlth Open Dally lrSunday 'UI lOPM n Harbor Blvd Colta Mesa 546-1934 '55 Olds 88. 2•dr Hrd Tp. Rb1t enft, nu Ures, batt, etc. Ort1 ownr, Utllt ol lady. seriously. Body str1l1ht, nds paint. '800 or offers. 8'13·80~4 or 642-2173. 19 Impala, 2 dr, vln top, '72 Olds, 16 MPG very xlnt cond., all xtras. '63 FALCON. 2 d r ., clean, "emeraency St~ or beat ofr. Nll.2, automatlc. ird. f(ftl priced" to af!ll quickly Oakwood N . Aph . mllea3e, XLNT. ~75. 642-2187,JMOTusUn Ave • • ~80.'4t ,NB ~~ C.M. HUGE NEW SELECTION ·Astre BRAND NEW 1975 ~R CONDITIONED POntlac ASTRE lt;1185U~4 7441 Automatic transmission air cond1t1oning tint glass. whitewall tires. racllo. & heater 53789 ·~'u"•··~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 23 FIREBIRDS IN STOCK •TRANS AMS• FORMULAS• ESPRITS NEW 1976 FIREBIRD 54689-~'Uh"••O IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TEST DRIVE Sunbird YOU1LL LOVE IT! DELIVERY TODAY AT STflTZ 814A\fli IL\ \\1i The World's most l!Jxunous 2-dOOt IUtomobtle flOW r-tlw """"""""""of""~ WI lot> c.,. ~ -_ ................. ~~crd <··- wflecl as.~_....,""'"""'-" ,,..J ,..,,..., fllXd-. ~ ..,. a imt<d boo< la .... do_,.., 1 .. ........... IO OK. iotL 0.. ol .... _ • • ol<.,,.; lo'°" ........,, b, 0,,.. • .,., P...-,'Wa. P..cedOI Soll It.XI FOi •--.U MOTotlS CAIS FRONT WHEEL.BEARING PACK & IRAKE INSPECTION DRUM BRAKES DISC BRAKES DAVE ROSS PONTIAC/STUTZ 7 DAYS A WEBC 9 A.M. TO . . . • GT'S • sx·s. 5 SPEEDS • • 4 and 6 CYLINDERS • · Brand New 1976 Starfire NOTE: This is not a Ll'ftonr 1975 IUT A BRAND NEW 1976! COME "Thank JOIN OUR. You" Celebration Now! ... MEET SOME Of THE • AMERICA'S NUMBER 1 MID-SIZE CAR •••••• • CUTLASS for 1976 ilant Stock • CUTLASS S • SUPREME • • SALON • SUPREME BROUGHAM IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PLUS TAX & LICENSE GMC TRUCKS We're having a no. 1 Truck SALE loolll 4 Wheel Drive Specialists Big OFF ROAD DAY TODAY See the famous •••••••• * Larry Brooks and Terry Nelson 4x4 Vehicles Meet •••••••••••• "We've built one iust right for you" USED CAR SPECIALS PINTO SQUIRE WGH. s 1 '72 Radio. heater. air conditioning. 577 radial WSW tires. 2000 cc. console. bucket seats. (811 HXZ) ,72 CHEVROLET VEGA 51677 4 speed. radio. heater. rallye wheels. white wall tires. bucket seats. custom stripes. (775FVA) '72 AMCGREMLiN s1777 6 cylinder, radio and heater. white side wall tires. (770JFFl f Automatic. power steering. power . * Brue e Eikelberger FORD GALAXIE 500 s1111 brakes. AM /FM stereo, air 7 3 condiUonlng, '8dlal wMe wall tires. (904GST) "Wonder how many .huge Tech. Editor OFF ROAD Magmine * Ralph Bom '7 4 ~~~f.1~;~~~~~J!ASuoe• 51977 4 wheel drive supply ALL DAY TODAY••• OLDS 98 LS s2277 '73 A u t o m a I i c • power steenng-brakes·w1ndows-seat. air oondihonmg, AM/FM stereo tilt . wheel. vinyl top. cruise control, radial tires. (11 7693) Los Angelei RAMS can Iii Into one'' ... I ? ! '7 Laguna/ South Coast EDIT IO N VOL. 68, NO. 346, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A FR IOA~OECEMBE~1~1W5 k u ha -s l~losing N. Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Schnrlt Def ends Hospital Einploytnent By GAR\' GRANVILLE OftMO.llr~i.SUff Orange County Supervisor Laurence Schmit denied Thurs· day there was any impropriety in his employment by a hospital controlled by Dr. Louis Cella dur- ing the time h e was a c~didate for county supervisor. Schmit also said that. lo the best of bis knowledge, a public financial disclosure statement he (!led last April was not in error Cor failing to list the income he received in 1974 Crom Mercy General Hos pital in Santa Ana . And, Schmit m ade clear he does not consider his vole in sup· port of awa rding a county con· tract to a health testing firm linked to Cella as a conflict of m terest. In menlionrng his employment at the hospital, Schmit pointt.'d out that 1t terminated when he became a county supervisor Jan. 6 and that approximately $7,300 he had earned as a pµblic rela· lions cons ultant was declared on his tax returns last year. "All income that l received <Crom the hospital> prior lo lak mg office was sta ndard payroll and included appropriate de· ducatlons for taxes and other matters." Schmit s aid. The 34·year·old supervisor said he d id not believe it was necessary for him t o include sources of his 1974 income on the financial disclosure statement filed with the county clerk in Apnl. "As I understand it, the re- qwrement is that all sources of income received wtule a public official be reported. And the money I received for my work Jl • ara ea ID 12 at Lt1rge Laguna Hashish Ring 'Cracked' A multi·million dollar interna· tional hashish s muggling ring headquarter ed in Orange County and allegedly masterminded by a Laguna Beach man has been cracked by federal aut horities resulting in the arrest of an Irvine attorney. Sources with the Fedt.>ral Drug City Eyes Krishna Violations Citing repeated alleged viola· tlons of city ordinances, the city of Laguna Beach took legal ac· lion Thursday against the Hare Krishna group and their head· quarters at 641 Ramona Street. City Attorney George Logan claims in the lawsuit filed on behalf of the city and the state that the defendants, identified as the International Society for Krishn a Consciousness, had no authority to establish a church at the Ramona Street property. It is a lleged that the occupants have unlawfully converted a garage to sleeping quarters, pro- vide a cafe. restaurant and cafeteria on the premises and disturb neighbors by holding services, singing and ringing bells al all hours of the day and night. Logan further claims in his complaint to abate a public nuisance that neighbors object - ing to the Krishna activities have been threatened by members of the sect . Individuals named as defen- dants in the Orange County Superior Court action include : Roy Christopher Richard, Jay Israel. James lnmel, Robert (See KRISHNA, Page A2> Unit Rejects Drug Fund Turnover Bid In a scathing letter to Board of Supervisors Chairman Ralph Diedrich. attorneys for the Orang e County Drug and Narcotics Task Force said task force trustees will not turn funds entrusted to their care in to the county treasury. The official notice denying the Board of Supervisors' demand that $19,723 be funneled into the count y treasury came from Orange attorney Ronald G. Bower. Included in the attorney's blunt rejection notice was a searing at· tack on Diedri ch's a lleged motive for demanding that the trustees surrender the funds and accompanyine records to the county. . . Bower ali>o ('ritic1ied Dicdn ch and other suvcr Vi'i<>rs' h~ndlmA of thf' c1mtrov~1 sy surrounding money p1ud h y convkt<>d rlrnA nf. fendtr!I intll :i !>,)criul funtl 11:,..._'() for narcol1c lJW cn(orccmcnt "I am sure l het lhu most ~asual obstrvet "atchmg this scene unfold wm hold your re· mlll'kS ln contempt and rccoanize ( e., FUNDS, P•se A.2) /l • Enforcement Administration <DEA> said today a dozen men named in the federal grand jury indictments r emained al large. Listed as fugitives were the :.ii leged m ;.ister mind, Ernl·st Combs, 29. formerly of Laguna Beach. Also listl!d were Robert Work. 24 , of Laguna Reach . Stephen Gonsalves, 30, of Sunset Beach and Robert Fry. 30, of Orange. Irvine attorney Ken Giles Snyder, 39. of 32195 Vista del Catalina, South Laguna. was ar· rested earher this week on the Gr4'nd Jury indictment. Snyder waS released on a SS0.000 bond, a DEA spokesman said. Also arrested was R1c:hard K. Brown of Long Beach. UPI Telw!>Nee Tlte hashish rlng is believed lo have imported $10.5 million to $15.5 million worth of contraband via a music equipment transfer company which shipped rock music sound gear between lhe United States and Europe. AT&..EAST10 DIED IN FIVE-ALARM HOLOCAUST Scores of San Francisco Residents Rescued Combs is named in the indicl ments as a principal in the cast.'. and the man who recruited and directed couriers in its operation, the DEA spokesman said. At Least 10 Perish According lo the DEA, at least 3,400 pounds of hashish was re· corded being s muggled into the United States. H e speculated that much more cou ld have been slipped into the country befon• agents becam e aware of the operation in 1973. In Bay Area Blaze Authorities happened on the ring's operation almost by acc1 · dent. A shipment of hashish sent from Am sterdam to Detroit and on to Las Vegas in September 1973 was detected when one of the 26 containers was inadvertently left at John F. Kenn('dy Airport in New York and was detectf'd by a drug-sniffing dog. "They shipped the has hish to different locations throughout the United States. They funneled it via runners or transport com· panies to the Orange County an·a of Southern California, .. a DEA spokes ma n said. Other s hipments listed in th<.• indictment w e r e sent from Rome. Paris and Graz, Austria, <See HASH. Page A2) SA:" FRA:'l!C ISCO (AP> -A fire believed to be lhc work of an arsont!--l swept through a five· :;tory apartment build.mg during predawn darkness today. killine at least 10 people and injuring several others. authorities said. Fire Chief Keith Calden said nine bodies were taken from the gutted building, and a 10th person died at San Francisco General Hospital. Fifteen others were treated for injuries. and 10 of them -includ· ing seven fire men -were hospitalized. "Ba::.cd on our preliminary in w stigation. we feel fairly certain it wns an nr son fire," said Asst. Fire Chief Charles Carli. "Some fl ammable liquid was used lo start it.·· Screams filled the night alr as several of the m ore than 12.5 resi· dents of the Gartland Hotel· Bandit Santas Customers Get Free Gas CIIlCAGO (UPI) -About 100 drivers helped themselves to free gasoline and cigarettes today for · about two hours when they found attendants at a busy service station tied hand and foot, police said. . . Attendants Michael Fry and Kenneth Harns, both 20, said three bearded men held them up at g';m· point. tied them with wire in the rear or. the service station near an entrance to Lake Shore Drive. Robbery investigator David Olsen said, ''After the stickup, one !obber worked the driveway. He was dispensing gas and cigarettes, collecting the money and putting it in his pocket." The other two took approximately $5,000 from the station safe and $300 worth of cigarettes. The three left the attendants bound and on the floor. "The attendants told m<' during the time they '"ere tied up, there was a steady stre~11n of c•us lomers They looked in, saw them tied up a~d hclpNl thcmselvt•S to c•r. trdtC'.· and r,.1 ... :tT1d JUsf citO\l' aw ay," Olsen s aid. • ''Tl was apprm.11nalely two l10\1r~ 01w ., .. ,luTnl'l' fin ally used the pay phone? tl) call the police. Hu~ he didn't give his name because he probably had Just stuck them for a tank of ga~. too." I y partments in the city's M1ss1on Dislnrl used blankets lo lower themselves to safely from upper floors. and others leaped from oneslory up One man lower ed himself from a fourlh·fl oor ledge as far as he could and then jumped, sustain· mg minor injuries. Calden ~aid the arson theory was based on statements of wit· nesses who said they smelled gasoline •·and the way the fire took off." He estimated struc- tural damage at $400,000. About 200 firemen converged on the building and controlled the fire within an hour after arriving al the scene. fire officials said. "l woke up hcaring people yell· ing. ·Fire.' I open('d the front door. and it was total blackness and flames." s aid Eddie Stone, 21. who was rescued by firemen from his fourth·floor apartment. Mana Green. 34. who IJves across the street from the de· cades old building, said: "I heard a kind of explosion, like a tire going fl at. I looked out my window and saw names around lhj! first or second floor -within two seconds the whole thing was inflames. Andy Devine Stricken With Pneumonia "A touch of pneumonia" bas hospitallied actor Andy Devine, a Hoag Memorial Hospital aide reported today . However. the Newport Beach actor was reporttd in "&:ood con· dJtJon ·• and his ho.c;pitalizalion wos ~aid to be only ;\ precau· liot'\orv measure. Ot>virw, 70. wo1i> l~1kc11 to the hC\sp.tul I n111'~1l:iy . Doctor:> nre linn•rtnan he tong the ~r vtl vo1c1-<l enterlnin<'r will hJvc to rem~un :tt Ho:ii.t. Oevm'-' guff~rs from lcuk"•mia. bul it 1s rcporlt'dly a form oC lhe illness he is able to control. Mercy was belore 1 was sworn in to office." said Schmit "I might be mis taken in my in terpetation of the law. If I am, il is an honest mistake." he added. As far as the que:;llon or con Oict of interest is concerned, Schmit s aid he doesn't:.~ how a conflict can be involv('d when ht• at no time h as had any ftn<incial involvement with Or.mge County Health Testmg.Insl1tut1• · u 'I Tried To Kill Ford' SAN FRANCISCO <U PI J Sara Jane Moor e , accused of try· ing to kill President Ford, today asked to change her plea to guilty. Miss Moore, 45. in a statement before U .S. Distnct Judge Samuel Conti, said 1n a state· ment s he read calmly, "I did willingly and knowingly attempt to murder Gerald Ford by use of a handgun. "There comes a time when you have to a nswer lo yourself." her st atem e nt continued. "and I have made peace with my con:; cience. Miss Moore, 45. was schedulL·d to go on trial Monday on charJ?l'!> she attempted lo fi re a shot at Ford outside the St F'ranc1~ Hotel in San Francisco Sept. 22 She was arrested and 1m · mediately wrbtled lo the ground after firing a single shot at the president from across the street. In ber statement. Miss Moore told the court that '·nobody 1s on trial'' for attempt<.>d assas:;ina· lions of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and other heads of slate outside the United Stales, nor for what she said were murders of American ra dical leaders. "Wh en a government uses as· sassination lo put dO\m dissent it must expect that weapon to be turned against it." she said After h e r statement, Conti warned her of the consequences or changing her plea and lectured her on her nghts. Her attorney. federal public defender James Hewitt, said she changed her plea against his wishes. Conti said he would hold a hearing M onda:v at which a psychiatrist would be asked lo assure the court that Miss Moore is mentally capable and compe· t ent of cha nging her plea. Hewitt said· e arlier that Miss Moore would claim a "defense of insanity a nd mental disease in her trial.'· On Nov. 26 in Sacra mento, Lynette Fromme was convicted of attempted murder of the (See MOORE. PageA2l Skateboard Curbs Sought In Clemente San Clemente city councilmen have taken the first st ep toward a cr ackdown on skateboarding on city sid ewalks. An enabling ordin~ce allow- i n g the council to prohibit s kateboarding on designated sidewalks passed its first read mg this week on a 3-to·l vote. Sidewalks where skateboard- ing would becom e illegal would be established by later resolu· tions approved by the council. Consideration of skateboard restrictions has bobbed up at several recent council meetings . Councilmen have been in general agreement that s kateboarding on sidewalks in the city's com- mercial areas poses a safety threat to pedestrians Second reading and adoption of tbe ordinance will oo considered by tht' COUll<'il Pe<' i · Councilman Thom~1s O'K~·C'ft.• voted agaln~t lhc ordinance afl~r :l.ti\linf( th al poli<'e officf'rs could dc4J Wlth s k atebo3rd haiards through enforcemtnl or laws already on the boob. Coun cilman P3tri<'k l,l\no w absent. It was lhe institute that last Ju ly was awarded a $275,000 county co ntract cove rin g pre · employment physicaJ examina- tions for county employes. Cella, the beleaguered Santa Ana physician whose financial dealings are under investigation by a rederal grand jury as well as the county grand jury. said he divested himself of any intert-st <See SCHMIT, Page A2> UPI Tel.- CHANGES PLEA Sara Jane Moore ------ • Judgeship To Niguel Resident Orange County Juvenile Court Keferee Marvin Weeks. a resi· dent of Laguna Niguel, has been appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to a judgeship in West Orange County MunicipaJ Court, Westmins ter Weeks. 44, has served as a .Juvenile Court referee s ince 1974 Ile was the first black to he a Juvenile Court referee 1n Orange County. He is a former member of the Orange County Counsel's stafC and a former lJ S District Court Commissione r. Weeks i s a graduate o r Southwest ern University Los Anl!'eles. Governor Brown announced the appointment Thursday. Tbe position pays $41.677 annually. Brown also announced the ap- pointment of Municipal Court Judge James 0 . Perez, 49, of Fullerton, to the Orange County Superior Court bench. Perez will succeed retiring Judge Herbert Herl ands. Norbert Ebrenfreund, 54, of La Jolla, was appointed to a newfy created pos ition on the San Diego Superior Court bench and Donald Cant well, 41, a Modesto lawyer. wa s appointed l o a new municipal court judgeship in the Modesto Judicial District. Orange Coast Weather Clearing tonight with sunny weather on Satur- day, according t o the weather ser v ice. Con · tinued cool with beach highs at 60 rising lo only 64 inland. Lows 46 to 52. INSIDE TODAY "Is it really art?" some vit>WeTS -or rather. listeners -may cuk of the current Newport Harbor Art Museum show. Daily Pilot Staff Wnter Hilary Kaye trplai~ uihy 1m Pogt Cl of tht Wtekende'T Index .t.) W•1119~ .... .t.t Y-s.t'VIU _,,,. •• ..... ,, Ct • l."" .. .,. ... ,. ~Oll~lf .. 1111\ ,. ,. C.•lfOfTl•A IU !14 ................. .... (.IAU•lo..i 01 11 0.--QMMf .... C-.k\ Cl ....... l 'l o.u .. r• l;.1 11H t.w1Aft1\ C•4 CllH\ll""'li<t\ .t.11 s.,, ........... AU ....... 1 ~ ... .... ~' I H ..... rl• 1""'•"' c•' s•~~,,_.,, AUil "MMe ..... ,, ,. .. # .. ~ C6 ,..,, ..... ~ .... 1' 11 ""'-"" cu ......... It ~lllH .... ,~, ..... cs ~--.... MltL.t-.0 ll ....... Cl" • . .\J DAILY PILOT L/SC Corporal Punishing Studied A policy chang,• that \\ould al tow corpor.i.I pu111:;hnwnt of stu dents only 1f prwr p.11 \•ntal t•on sent has bt.'('tl su n•n will Ix· <·011 s iderC'd M onday nighl by Capistrano Unifit•d School Dis trict trustees The school tm.1r<I \\111 nw1.>t .!t 7 30 p m .it S.rn .Ju,1n 1':1t·nw11 tary School, JW42 1'~1 (.'.1m1110 Real, San Jujn l'.1p1str.mo There were 49 items of bu:;inl·ss on thl' meeting':; agl•nd..1 Frh2ay December 12. 1975 Dally ~Hot St.ff ~IMlt.o Candidate Sim. 1 Hopeful Pmhes Representation Commumtv uwolvemcnt and rE>presentation for a ll people from all segm ents of the Laguna &ach Community is s tressed by Laguna Beach City Council can dictates Buck Sims. one of five persons vying for l wo council seats. Sims, 43, is the manacer of An dree's Restaurant. He is joined in the fray by Planning Com missioner Sally Bellerue. wntcr Arnold Hano. builder and realtor Mark Gumbiner, and stockbroker Howard Dawson. A new :;tall' law requ1n•s that parental con:;t.>nt b<.· obL.unl'd befort• corporal pumshml'lll 1s .1dmin1:;ten•d to a studl'nt Th1.• :jw lJkl'::. dfrct Jan I The policy s ubm1tl1•d to t r u s l l' l' s b y d 1 s t r 1 (' l .1 d rmni::.lralurs stall's thl• ('Orpor.11 pumshm1•nl '>hould onl\ l.>t.• u:-1 .. 1 in "t>:>.l'ept10n.il l'll'<.'umst.1m·\'' \\hl'r<.' all ntht•r ITI\'~llls of ('lllll pulswn h..1\'l' f.11kd WENDY (RIGHT) AND JENNIFER VAUGHTERS HAVE A DIRECT LINE TO SANTA CLAUS In San Juan Capistrano, St. Nick Makes Hou se Calls-for a Price ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- "More is accomplished when a representative of the people knows how his constituents feel. That's what City Councils are all about. Actmg wisely and dt·· cisively is easier for one who knows he acts for his fellow citizens. rather than himself," Sims said in a prepared stat'-' ment. Tht> sugg1•' t 1•<1 poll <.'Y prO\'ldt·s th .it a lt'~1t•her may admin1stl'r corporal punishm<.•nt only in the prest•nct• of th<.· pnnc1pal or ;.is s1stant prancapal of th<.• school in- ,·olved. Puntshm1.·nt that might anJun• the student. -;uc h as striking thl' head or bo:\tng the t:-ars. would b1.• prohibited, m compliance with state l aw. In other business, the board wtll consider. Approval of an argum<.•nt rn supp()rt of a SJO million :;chool construction bond issue on th1.• )larch 2 election ballot. -Sale ot S7 m1lhon in bond:; authorized m 1973 for constru(' lion o f t h e l irst ph::ise of Capistrano Valley l ligh School on the San Juan Capistrano- Saddleback Vnlll'Y border. -A report from a committee that is reviewing state legislati<in that permits opt1on::1J phys1c;.1l education courses an lhe l llh :rnd 12th grades. Santa Pays Visits To Capo Youngsters °'~1nta Cl:ius is making C'arly house call::." in San JuJn C'ap1strano this Yl'<ir It's one of thrt>e arrangcm1'nls the city has made for l'htldn•n to tl'll the jolly old man tht•1r Chn!>tmas wishes. Parents can make l->pt•cial .1r r.mgeml·nts for Santa to \'lstt tht•tr l'hlldn'n al must am· ltml• of lht• dJy JUSL by calling' th1.• City hall, l'Xpl.uned Tom Baker rl'creatwn t111>rdmalor Tht.>n' I" a fee, S5 for J J5 m1nuk v1s1t and $8 for a half hour. lo offs('l the cost of SanL1 coming do\\ n from the .:"iorth Polt> Children will also be ubll' to call Santa from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m Thursday and Friday, Dec. IR ~nd 19, :Jl either 493·1173 or ·193· 117·1 The city h:ls a lso arranged for ~anta to answer lett<>rs '~hich are ma1ll•d to him ;1t the :'\orth Pole from the city. ~o postage is reqtun'Cl on tlwse letters but the child must put his or her name and address on the letter. Further information may be obtained by calling Baker at 493-1171. F ron• Page A l FUNDS ... them for what they are, a non- sensical and irrational diatribe which is beneath the dignity of your high office.'' Bower wrote to Diedrich. In response to Bower's letter. Man's Boat Burns Diedrich called it a remarkable non-legal document written by someone who apparently has political motives. Off San Clemente A horrified Redondo Beach man watched hrs S43.000 C'abin cruiser burn to the water hne eight miles off San Clemente Thursday after escaping the burrung craft to the safety of a second vessel that was in tow Or ange County Harbnr P atrol officer!> stationed al Dana Point Harbor did not learn of the inci- dent until the man pulled into the harbor in t he 13·foot outboard boat from which he watched the floating inferno Raymond H . Smith. 46, told harbor p:ttrol deputie!> that the ~ngine of ttie 38-foot Viking cruiser caught fire about 12 miles outside Oceanside Harbor during a m ornrng cruise to Avalon Harbor at Catalana Island. c F rom Page A I . HASH ... to Los Ang<!'les. Philadelphia. San FTancasco and Las Vegas Among those indicted by the Las Vegas grand jury are six Rritishers. two Austrians, a Holl ander and a Lebanese. The grand jury also listed 14 unin dicted co-conspirators in- C'luding a 27-year-old Long Beach man now serving a five.year prison term . He was arrested in 1973 in Las Vegas when he picked up the hashish discovered in New York Federal authorities said the seizure then of the 820-Pound hashish shipment was the largest ever in the " <.>st up to that lime. ORANGE COAST l v fri,.Gr.-..,.o--Coe\t Oe1ly P1•ot W"I,.,....,,,"''"',, bH"tl'"<J t'°'t tt_.W\ Prt\\. I\ JNnlt~ hY' ttvt 01 1rn1 • c,,.,, Jut, 1\l't1nq C.ompeny ~'~" "n'""" ...... PUbfi\ ... •d Mond•¥ OUOUQh f-rtOAf' fN I ,t4 ~~ t.••PGf'l 84-AC h, ... unttnq1tw'I ft-~ t • ,.,.,., la•n "•''"" Irvine, \~ddl•twc"trr. v ... t '"V ,_,..,, UQuf\•flit.t<t\ ~lt'l(.o.l\t 1'\lnQtf>t•Qnn.llrt:I hon t \ publ• .. t\fo \Aturo.-.,, ~ ~.. 11, Pf' IN •P•I pubh,tuno Pl•nt ,, M )JO W4' ,t H.t-, Strf"f't C.O\t• Mf\.tt, C .411fotnl• 9'>h?f. Robert N. Wero ''''"'<)font •nd Pub4t\JW1" Jack R. CurlPy V•t,. Prll\lttf\nt "nd (,,_nflrtl'll .Y.tn.IUI·• Thomas Kee111f Thomas A Murphine ~naQH'HJ Eeitor Charles H. Loos Richard P . Nall A•\l•tant M•n•o•"9 fO•IOn Laauna Beach Office .... c,1, ..... .,, • .,,, .. , ... lll"Q .. ., •• ~, p 0 tc>1>-. -\1 Ott.er Offtcn r .. ta """'" JJO Y>••I 8'ty !>l•---,,l ~a< fl 1U)N•w-11lcN .. •a<o! H .... lo1'9_-. .... fll1JfW ... hl-¥O•d ~i.M(• v,.11., >•1011•"'••11-•t wn O• ... ,,_...,. Smith said he tried in vain to extinguish the flames, then gave up and j umped mto th'e small out- board that w as in tow. Dep Russell Bradley reparted. After severing the line that tied the small outboard to the larger craft. Smith watched nearby as the cruiser burned to the water Line and finally sank, RracU cy said. Smith was not mjurcd. Bradley said Smith originally landed at San Clemente, asked directions from a fisherman and piloted the small boat north to the harbor where he gave the story lo harbor patrol deputies. Bradley said the U.S. Coast Guard located d ebris of the cruiser on -the surface of thr water and issued a warning for other boaters in the area to watch for it. The fire broke out about 8 a m . Smith at"rived at Dana Point Harbor a bout 10: 15 a.m. F rom Page A l KRISHNA • Grant, J ohn West and Robert T Searight. • The Laguna Beach City Coun· cil ordered Logan to pursue court action against the sect after numerous complai nts fro m neighbors When the council considered the issue at a public hearing, a string of neighbors appeared to protest the Krishnas' pre-dawn chanting and drum playing as well as heavy traffic and parking problems caused by t e mple operations. Others complained of vandalisQl and petty thievery. The leader of the Hare Krishna temple said he would do all in his power to satisfy the neighbors and correct pro blems referred to. The council, however. declared that if the sect wer e to continue to <'Onduct r eligious services 1t would have to have a conditional use permit granted by the city. JU~t as other churC'hes in !'iimilar c"cums tances have. BoysSpomor Girh' Game "How can he say the issue is resolved whe n legal opinion from county counsel and legislative counsel have said the fund is il- legal?" Diedrich asked. "And I'd like to say I don't see how the man can be quotiqg me when I have never talked to him, seen him. writte n t0 him or, for that m atte r , h eard of him." Diedrich said. Diedrich also criticized Bower's letter for claiming the auditors gave the fund a clean , bill of health. .. All he has to do is look at the court ord er an d read the auditor's r eport to see the order has been violated time and time again, including use of money without the required court or- der ,'' the Board of Supervisors chairma n said. Bower pointe d out to the Fullerton s upervisor that the fund has been audited by the slate Department of Justice and was found, in his words. to be scrupulously managed and main· tained a nd that no monies have been mishandled in any fashion. "In view of the auditors' find- ing and the attached court order, one can only assume improper m otives on your p art a nd possibly other members of the board in continuing to ,Pursue this matter in the reckless and ir- responsible manner which has been followed to date," Bower said. The court order the attorney referred to was a July 26, 1972 or· der s igned by Superior Court Judge William L. Murray. Mur- ray's order authorized lbe main- tenance of a checking account at a Santa Ana bank for use by the ·task force in undercover buy- bust operations. When the existence o( the fund was made common knowledge three months ago, Diedrich charged it was a n illegal use of what in reality is public money. Simultaneously, Supervisor Laurence Schmit called the prac- tice of taking money from offen- ders a form of "justice for sale." Diedr ich and Schmit t hen became a two-man board of supervisors committee charged to investigate the fund. SLA Planned Ransom Plot? LOS ANGELES (AP) - Threats against state officials and Northern California busi- nessm e n were discovered a m on g p ap ers in the Sym- bionese Liberation Army's Con- cord headquarter s. a police ex- pert says. f ""rom Page A I SCHMIT ... in the health testing firm six months before the contract was awarded. And at the time the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to award the contract, Schmit said he was unawa re of any Ccll:.a involvement with the firm. "How can anyone say that l as a former e mploye or Mercy Hos pital can be involved in a con· met with a contract awarded to a firm that unknown to me leases s pace fro m Mercy?" Schmit asked. Schmit termed efforts to hnk hls connection with the hospital to impropriety as "asinine" a nd the efforts of "pitiful people who are trying to make something out of nothing." f'rorn Page A I MOORE ••• President for another attempt on Ford's life outs ide the state Capitol on Sept. 5. Conti postponed the scheduled start of Miss Moore's trial until Tuesday pending a decision on whether Miss Moore would be al- lowed to change her plea. If he decides s he is not compe- tent to change the plea, pre· sumably the trial would go on. If she is ruled competent to ctiange her plea, Conti said he will hold another hearing to determine whether she was competent at the time of the attempted as- sassination. If Conti determines she was in- competent a t the time of the crime, the judge could have her committed to an institution. "We need the enthusiasm of younger res idents as well as the experience of olde r c1tmms. "Our revitalized business com- munity needs a gre<1ler represen- tation at City Council. "We all have paid and are pay ing a premium for li ving here in Laguna. None of us can afforci not to be represented at Caty Council. even though our views may not prevail. "We learn as much from dis sentmg opinaon as from maJont)' agreement; and, in a k ey issue such as developm ent. we must rum for a true con::.ensus," Sams s:iid . "The present City Council has not been indecisive, however. 1t has been ha mpered in executing various plans and polic ies because not enough people trnvt' made themselves h eard," he said. The council bid is Sims' first try for elective office. He is a 20-year resident of Lag una Beach Congress Aid To NY Near WASHINGTON CAP ) Congress is moving closer t o completing its work on keeping New York City out of default and wiJl likely send to President Ford next week a bill with $2.3 billion in loan money for the city. The funds are contained in a $10.3-billion supplemental ap propriations bill which a joint Senate-House conference com - mittee discussed on Thursday. Oally l'llot St.ti f'tloto RUNS FOR COUNCIL Lagunan Buck Sims IRA Thugs Surre nder 111 London LO'.'!DO;-..; <U PI > Pohct• broke an eight-day-old downtown London siege today and captured four I rish Republican Army gunmen who came out with their h:indsup The gu nm en first freed Mrs Sheila Matthews. 53, one of the two hostages they had held since police trapped the IRA men in the Matthews' apartment last week Then the gunmen. one waving a whilt' h;.indknchief, filed onto the apartment balcony with their hands up. Police marksmen covered the scene, ht by floodlights in the early evening darkness, as the men and hostage John Matthews. 54, appeared one by one on the second floor balcony. The siege had lasted 140 hours. All four gunmen were wedged - mto a sm all police panel truck which s ped away, its siren wail mg. Passersby broke into ap· pl a use. The gunmen were wanted for an 18-monlh series of bombings in a nd around London which killed 27 persons and injured 540. Henredon Holiday Specials All prices sh own arc spec ia ls reduced for yout holiday pleasure: E~t £Accents .•• rom Henredon •.. $ 395.00 Henredon $ 15&9 .:J:J ~ 515.0J Stop in now and make someone·s nollday extra special Te .. pttone (714) MZ-4321 CJHsHled Adnrtlal .. "4M 671 U f UM 8HCfl All~: Tt .. ~ 4M"""'6 The Laguna Beach Boys Club is going to do somethin,1 for the girls. Oak.land polite identification s pecialist William Holmes testified Thursday at the trial of SL.A mem beTs Russell LUU and Joseph Re miro t hat authorities found in the burned-out head- quarters a m ap showina t he route normally travelt'd by D. E . SlanbttTy, an executive with the Col aate-P a lmollve Co. in Berkt1~y. and an undelivered communique threatening bis Uf e ii a ransom wasn't aid. NEWPORT BEACH • 11%7 WESTCLlt'F DR . 642·20SO .I ,,..,.s. .. ei..- 4'~ C.,,,•.qi.t "H 0••"9P , .. ,, ~ ....... r~ l*lr NO ,,. ... ''°'~ lflu>t•••~. -·•• m•fl•• "' •OOtll._tn.~I\ Ntflfl "'h IN ·-oovt •n wllll••• ~••• '"' P<tfl""' .. " .. .... IQ ... .,....,., ~"<•"4 "•" ••••••• .-•11 •• (<Ml• Mou c;.111 .. n1e W.~•lot1on "' U"''' 6.l JI """' Wy l>y m•ll M U lf>MfMy ''""'"'' .... tlMI._ Ot\,,_M~ -,, The club, located at 1085 Laguna Canyon Road, will sponsor a volleyball league for junior and sen•or high ~hoot atirls Play will oogin in January Int erested players should stsin up at tM t lub or tall '94-2535 for further information. ' WUIOAYS I SATUIDAYS t:OO '91:30 LAGU NA BEACH • J4\ NOftTll C:OA~1' HW\'., 41'C·Wt • J TORRANCE • 2J&Ct HAWI'HORNF: Bl.VD COptn Fri Ill !Uiun 12-$ 301 371M27!1 I .\ ,tJ ,_ d.t ot w m .. , A m a, st to si St it: st $1 a• w bl ('( a· ir: u n1 ti re le cl a t rr sl ir tt tt 0' A rr e• 01 p b sl ti 0 u If c 0 n -C• ·A ~ n ta (; r. "' g ir t t; ~ 2 E n s 5 s r I p ] ... I c c J \ f I J f J: ~ i c c Older, Ridler Where Did U.S. Stockholder Go? I By SVl.VlA PORTER The profile O( the Amtncan shareholder hH changed drrustlcally -and to me, for tbe worse -during this decade of turbulent booms and busts in the stock market coupled with inflation and severe-economic SI ump. The result; you, tb+ individual owning stocks today moro clo::sely re!Somblo the detested 1929 prototype or the "bloated capitalist" than at any time s incl! that crisis in American history. -You are much, much <>Id e r Your 3verage age has risen sharply from 48 in 1970 to 53 now. oldes t age since the New York Stock Excha nge began its periodic census or stockholde rs back in 1950. Money's Worth -YOU HAVE A 1'1UCll higher household income. $19,000, ';JP from $13,500 in 1970 and comparing with an a verage income for aJI U.S. households of Sl 1,800. -You a re much more conservative than you were when the 1970s started. The wild speculators have gener ally been weeded out and those of you in the market today are concentrated in higher-grade stocks listed on the NYSE . Your portfolio or stocks also is fatter $10,050 on average against $7 , 100 in 1970. That fits in with your higher mcome, older age. greater conservatism . -There are far fewer of you -with your ranks slashed 18.3 percent in just five years from 30,850,000 to 25,206 000 now. Most of the decline is accounted for by enormous attri- tion in holders or over-the-counter stocks and mutual funds. -YOU LIVE PRJMARJLY in the East-North Central regions and in big cities, such as Chicago and New York. No longer is the mid-Atlantic region in the lead, as in 1970. -And even one aspect I might salute is not really cheerful. Women have recaptured the edge they lost in 1970 and again outnumber men as sharcowne rs by a narrow margin. But probably the reason tics in with that older shareholde r age: women usually oullive men in the U.S. and inherit the stocks. Why ? Why so stunning a reveral in so short a span? It's too easy to blame the changes on the bear-markets that have blotched this decade. IT'S NOT THAT simple. for there were bear markets in the 1950s and 1960s too -decade~ during which stock ownership soared. A first. more fundamental explanation must be the . American r esponse to Watergate -the deep disenchant- ment with our national institutions. our whole polilical- econom1c system Lhat began in 1972. Tbe trauma of the Nix- on era sure ly discouraged millions of Americans - particula rly younger -from supporting our system via buying of stocks . This a lso helps explai n the average r ise in age of s hareholders: not enoug h young Amen cans arc entering the stock m a rk et to offset the pl am f:.lcl that Lhe older owners get old er -and die < A SECOND FUNDAMENTAL expl anation must be the upsurge in interest rates paid on fixed-income investments in t_h_e 1970s -ra nging from the familia r savings cert1f1cates to U.S. government, corporate and municipal obligations in various maturities. This has made relatively n sklcss bills, certificates, notes and bonds far more attractive than riskier s tocks. You -could get a yield advantage of 3Y2 to 412 percent a year in ·AAA industrial bonds over industrial stocks in 1972-1975. Why take the risks in stocks? A third basic reason must be the conviction among miUions of the disenchanted that the "big guys" ha ve an ex- tremely unfair advantage jn getting inside information and favorable commission charges. Again , v. hy try to beat the racket , when you can't? Finally, a nother fundamentaJ must be the failure by the White House and /or Congress to push legislation that would give individual investors tax incentives to put their savings in stocks. The appeal of the stock market has become tarnished, indeed. J Xerox Sponsors Special NEW YORK (UPI> Xerox Corp. is sponsorin~ a 23·page special a rticle in the February issue of Esqwre magazine, a move the firm s ays i s s imilar to its s pons ors hip of televis ion specials. The article, written by Har- rison E. Salisbury. is entitled "Travels Through Am erica." Tl is an apprais al of what the people of the country are thinking and fteling. At a news c onference, Xerox and Esquire said the magazine chose Salisbury to write the article under its editorial control. Xerox paid Salisbury about $55,000 for his writing fee and six months of research that went into the article. Esquire estimated it is paying about the same amount for production, paper and postage. .... Lockheed Leading With Defense Bids WASHINGTON (AP) Lockheed Aircraft Corp . climbed into firs t place among the nation's defense contractors last year, the Pentagon has announced. Lockheed, with $2.08 billion in prime contract awards in fiscal 1975, rose from second place, while Gt?neral Dynamics Corp. dropped from first to sixth position with awards just under $1.3 billion. THE PENTAGON'S annual list of 100 biggest defense con- lroine Bank Assets Jump ln Uttle moTe than a two- year period, lrvtnct National Bank has surpaased the $lS million mark in total assets, aC'COrdlnC to J atnes L)inC?h, president of t.he Irvine In· duatrial Complax- headqunrtered bank. lrvlne Nallonal, which opened in August tm Ws year occupied new thrce- story headquarters at 2171 Campus Drive. across from Oranae Count.)' Airport. "This linanclaJ mUestonc is ahead of our projected arowtb acblclule. .. Lyoc:b stated. • tractors show that nine com- panies received awards total- ing $1 billion or more in the bookkeeping yea r which ended June 30. In addition to Lockheed and General Dynamics, Boeing Co. moved to second place from sixth last year with con- tract awards totaJlng nearly $1.6 billion in fiscal 1975. United Technologies Corp., formerly Unite d Aircraft Corp., went up a notch into third position with awards of $1.4 billion. McDONNELL· DOUGLAS Corp., in third place in fis~al 1974, slipped to fourth W\th awards totaling nearly $1.4 billion. Grumman Corp. moved to fifth place Crom 12th a year earUer by recci ving Sl.34 billion in contract awards. General Electric Co. moved to seventh place Crom fifth a year eorli~r. witb owards totallng$1.2G billion. LITTON INDUSTRIES Inc. went from seventh to eighth place with contract award.41 amounting to $1.038 billion while Hughes AlrcrB!t Co. went from clf(hth to ninth in rant in flscal 197S with Sl.028 bilUoo lD contract aw ants. ( I friday'8 Closing Price NEW YORK ~rid . O.C.mber 12. 1915 L/SC OAJL v P1LOT A 15 STOCK EXCHANGE .. .._. ,.,, I I \i"Obl t.,,_ l"l 5~ MI ,. IJ"1 t '• $1bn\pt 1 .0 &1 JI l ' • Srtl,.... Doft J 11 S!.o f f r 11teu1 to • ti u • ... T 61<0" NII '1 1 T •l .. Y '" .., ) •f '" lall•Y pf I •• f '4 T~l; I 0. I 40 14~ + 119 i:..,:~o~f 10 ~ ;~.,, ~ Tandyuet IOI 11"• '• ~ :Cllf:.cn;._211 l ~ !~ • '· ft<IW\ICOtl 10 •S I t '• felllrona 14 11 It .,""_ Vr ,_Of 1) • • '"' hi.a-; ... ,.. ' ~ 1ttt.-14 r.1epro.no n t 4'"' • \4 hi .. '°'" • us 1"'-r-o 1 '' • 408 l • , v. r~ pf s•.., 1 ,. , "' h\Of'O~I I l IS I 1J" • , ... fea.t<O 2• I 2110 22 '• r .. c.a n111 1 10 • )I ''l • • • h aETt 1 70 7 S4 Jet,\-• .. la(Tpt1''°" IJ H'• faC.;Tr l blll .,,. f•aQlllf I 10 I :I" 11'• ~::·:~~ 'Y ~ ?'~ ~: :~ l~a.-1111 Co S 110 ).._ Tea 011 OIQ • 106 11'11. .,.. ftaPtUl Tr 16 19 II TuUlll I 2• 10 J20 20'A • ~ hall lnou~11• IJ I V. Tu lfOtl I 10 I 0 20f\ •;, Ttalrpf 1.0I . l 1•'4 '·• Ttalrpf I Cl S1 10 • ''o flllol<OI 70 S :U ll'lt 'l'o Thmlklt 7' It 1.U. J.Jllt 1'1• Thomln .40o It II 1i.. ''" n.omJW '4 U • • '• Tn"llt D .0 11 )t 6' > TICorp.aln I I) H 11 ~ + .... T10.M.sr 10 S SO 11 + '• l 19tr Ill .oC> 10 109 11 't V. Time Inc l 11 ti Sf\• -'• r,,.,,., M SO 12 20 17" _,, T1m~n 2 10I I 16 JI"•• ,.. Tl\hrt\dn RI .. I? 9''l • '"' TohnPI! I~ ••. S'• + '• i~ ~1f~1 i 4~ 2~'" '.. TonoeC.o •O I 36 • -'• Tool•litl otOo u J S'• '• Tr-Co '6 8 lO 1• Tr..,wm 42 I• Ill a· ... -'Ill Tmsln t &Sb l 20'1'> • Tr•~O llO 9 H 8''°' TrMCLln •S 9 , I 'I• + .... TronollF .20 • I S.~-,_.. Tr•,,Un I lrO 14 l-4 25'111 , ~~~w1t~. 1~i 1!:;. '! lr61\\WA pt lt 10''' '• Travlr\ I 08 14 I.SS 2S..... ... ,, • ..,.,\pt l ,, 3 1'· ~. TRF Cor111n JS s~ Tri Ctt I 19b •• ti t .... TfO'IQI~ '!().) 4 11 11 '• Tri P~( )()h ~ •'• '• r r1n1tflno 1 6 18 1s• • • '• l rplc •na 70 II q4 n' ~ • ' I TllW l'I I 10 I> 241 ,...... .... TRW p4 4 1 2'0 )~'• + '• TPW or • •O O I>()·> Tuqonr, ~ 9 12'1 It i.. T•C:Fo• •o l o 10 lyroL.;b 10 a O 11 \'o Tyl~r Cp 60 • SO 1CJ1 1 11• u u UAL Inc lrOa 20 91S 14''> 1 • I UARtO I 30 S 4 10 UGI Cp I ll I> 17 1l + ¥t UMC lnOu I 8 t• 10'f• , • I UMET Tnl . 4• I~ 16• 1 16 Unarco SO J I '" • Un 6ncp a. 8 .lf I • Un Camp 2 ll M 7'"' I o I UnC•rb 2 .0 8 619 S8'-• • uneornm th s l• Ha • , ~~~f~r~ : I~ ,;:~: ~ • UnEt p12.n .. s 1~ + • Un Ele< pl • . 110 .0 • I' 1 Un El OI ··~ • 1!>0 H UnElpf•.O rlO 61V1·' ~~~~:·~ l~ 1~ .i o 4 I • UnOtCpf 2'' 47 SSI.. • r Un Pac 2 IO 14 " llh • I. Unlon•m 20 I'• Unlrovat SO 7 l(M 1v, '• ~~~'°i{,"~: lS: l~\oo ', Uld 6rnO pl . . 1'1 6''> • Un(.orp llb 71 l lfo UldFnt1I 20 • SS S r U~PL n • UI ll-\ol + • U10 C....rty 10 96 s~. (o Ullilfllu 2 12 S 21 12''°"-"° U1d lnfl\ 10 6 • • •• 8iJ~~':~ 1 ~ ,:~. '• Un Nuclrer ll •• 13\. Uld PkC Mn .. n I'll UnRt'lnq '9 J 1 9'•-•, USFldtl 2 41 11 9' lS''a ''" USFoS I 711> • • 21 JS• 1 + ... us Gyp 1 .0 17 3" 1• ~~::::e~ : 1~ ;~· '· USt.Hw 21 S 11 •'~ U 5 Retlly . • 10 H'• + • • us 9-. ts If &a 18~-"' USSIHI , IJO 6 21] '3'1• + I . US Tob 90 11 II 1'' • UldTKhnl l • 60 "'"J Uldf P<.11 pfl . ' 110 • ' \Jll1Tt4 1 1l t 183 U • • • ~•TofA IYJ l 111,. '• 1,W T•lpf 11'> • I 20< r • <. '1Nltodf Q> 7 t4 •• • • 1. Un1vof 1 tO .S .$1 301 , • ''• Univ Lf Too 6 1 t'I • • UOP In .•71'1 10 7& 91.. 11, Up]ofln .9610 ?•O 41'11 ''• USLIFE .l'l S 91> 11 Ut'"•Fd .'610 '8 ,,_,, '• USMQ> 1.20 4 10 10,_. • • Utall Intl I• 11 186 •7 VIAlll'IPL ? Cl ' 128 26' • • • Ut P l pl 7 IO • 78 i • ''> U\/ l..OUS lg 4 1' 18'" Ulllndpf S'' • I S61/1 .. I. U\/111 of I 16 1 2o-\lt -vv-llali.yln .to 3 2t u~ .. 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W.SIP Nl>QI 8 S 6 ... + 1'1> Wat•nJ .10!> 12 ll 74~-~ wav,,,. G .a 109 u •' • . WP•nun Inc 3 3 • -•-. ~ pl 7 S2c • 2 11 \4 + '·• WN 1htr .0 6 74 s-. -OPI Co I SI l''> WPllMcL 601~ S7 ..... • • Wl'tW kl 60 I 3 1'""+ I W.11• Fo .. I> 0 U'l.o + \~ W~ll\ r IOP'I 14 41 1 • ·~ W"torn 60 I> 1 q-,. . Wtjcfr I IO 7 S 11 + ~ W\I Pl P\!'p 2 q 7• 3~ t "• ws1nAr 'Oil 9 21 I''" ''• W\l\enc: I 'Cl S •4 11'-• WstnNA ~I l 2• I l'• Wsl Plf lnO 8 31 •'., '• WMIPub IO • I] 12 II, W\Jnlon I «> S. Sii IS>lo 't Wutl'I El '1 3' 491 ll\lo 1'\ WslEtpl l.llO • Z.S0 43 , . W.llVCO I If> 9 4' 30'1\ + ,.., Weyenb 1.21 a J 17'h t '"' ..,.,.,..,... '° ,5 61• 31 • Wiii Frye «> 10 42 1•'1' , ., Wt!IPS I OSI\ 3 » 1414--. wt..ISt pf S •. z200 4)\4 ••• Whrl-1 ID If 4S U • WNte C IOe S .. 19~ •• WNIC pfCJ .• 2 JSYt •• """"""°' IOfl •• "' 1~+ lo\ Wl>ltt•k• Cp • 281 l it)-~ WlckH H I 6 63 7~ .•. ~bolell .18 1 7 l~ + v. "'11\ltlems 60 .. sea 2J -·~ Will C°' wts . • 7'I lS' ~-1 '- WillCool IO .. 1 43 Wll&hlr. OSI ' 42 S~-\ ... WinnO•l .. 1' 117 ll'•• '• WinnO• 0 1!1 . 11 .so• ... + '• WI~ •• 3lS '""'• '' WhEIP f '2 12 n 71'-t I\ WI> El pf L 'II . Z40 ,. .... + \.'1 Wl><Gs .ISi> 7 62 "' .. WhG pf 1.n •. z4t0 JSYt... ~ WIKffS 1.JI ' 10 1'~ ... WlkoC 11010 I 20 -~ ¥1bh1W1 OStl 1) II )~-lw Womtco . .o 1 u n~ -. =~I~.' t~ I~ ~ ~ 111iibolwfl I.JO 9 2IO 22 ¥lbol Pl 1 20 . • 9 JI~ -WOrlo Alrw S 2l 3 .... + \\ Wrlot'fl,40I 9 14 4'"11 .. 1-. """''"' QSb.. 2 s•. . . W'fly GDr-p .. ~ ,.. • • --xn-x-Ci> 111 , .. 4 1'·. "' lCtre t~ 11' J:> 7 • "' y..., 1""'4t1 " • Y1!9Sf0r . .0 S I I II~ 1.ai.c.'P '° • 11 " -4 laleCPcif IO .. I 11'h + Vt Z-1• JO 2 Sl U -~ Z..1191• 01 t • I 411 -1 bftltlllltad I >O SI l • • l.t'IA' Corp S7 • E . ' ~ 111Fft IMI tt • 39 Vt t 11; ,. I I ! 1f6 DAILY PILOT Friday, December 12. 1975 Value. OUR 12-SHOT FLASHCUBES 97c :;;~~Sll~l9Tt WARDS PRICE For bright picture-;. Pup on and off ett~ily. Fit mosL 126 cameras. Mu~kuht.4~ ..•.. 1.29 SX-70 fl at-h bar .•. 1.77 Special. GAf 111 VIEW-MASTER!)\ VIEWER See hundreds of subjects 1 ss in spoctacula.r 3-D. Drop in reel (extra I, a im at light. Vi~wer, storage conta iner 459 und 49 colorful 3-0 8lides t of childre n's stories. Great value. REARSCREENPROJECTOR Easy-to·operate 3Ylx4-in. }SSS screen. Built-in h a nd le . Theater outfit ••.•. 13.88 REG .17.99 DECEMBER SPECTACULAR I SALE ENDS S,i.TURDAY, DECEMBER 13TH ... H URRY, SOM~ QUANTITIES LIMITED! • Great value. Kodak lnstamatic® 18 camera outfit. 19 ~R7 PRICE Cam era has si n gle-ele- ment. fixed-foc us Jens- JUSl aim a nd shoot-soft- touc h s h utte r re lease, dou ble exposure preven- tion. Film, flip flash , stra p. lena. .! Normal ah oh . converter. ....... Clos .. ·up ah oh . 200mm len•, 2X tele· converter on camera. Portrait work. • $}20 off. ... Vivitar® 35mm camera outfit. 419.98 COMBO 220 SL camera has Vivitar 50mm f/1.8 lens, 200mm f/3.5 lens a n d 2X te le- converter . With case. *t . ) ;) '"\9 J.". r;,, .. Trlrphoto •hott. S uper·lele· photo 1ho11. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+-~~~~~--~---......-~~~~--'-~-..~--~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~- TELE-INSTA.MATIC TM 608 OUTFIT :-.;orm.d .ind ll'l(·photn l1·11 - Fl1p fl., ... h, l'f1l11r film. 111· -.trlll'l1t111 .... wn -L -,tr;1p -··' ... -t 2897 WARDS PRICE Value. MAGNETIC-PAGE PHOTO ALBUM 229 WARDS PRICE Paddt>d cover, hound hnck Clear plasti c photn prolPctors f'11"t h o u n d ..... ~l.H!I I 1·xt u red t•nvt·r ... :um Value. HAND,Y KODAK IQ MOVIE CAMERA 1'\lakt• lin ght . ..;hnrp movies. 9 2 7 0 ('aml'ra. fi lm and hattery Zoom <·anwra ...... 177.70 WARDS PRICE SAVE$8 OUR BEST TRIPOD 1:r '-r1se cenler· 25ss post wit h lock. 90 Lilt on pan· head u 'g tips REG. 33 99 SAVE $4 OUR DELUXE GADGET BAG Cu rrv-all for }788 l'a mcr:L a ncl at·- l.l'!'~Ol' 1'"' · 1\d-REC 21.99 JU1>tu hlr !-lrar SAVE$20 s THE VIVITAR 19 llOCAMERA Easy-to-u se 39ss pock('t camera. \\'1th b u il t-in REG. 44.99 electronic nash. HI-POWER ZOOM MOVIE CAMERA 5: l powl'r zoom ;3 fil ming speed:-; FadP· m, out. l!J9.9H, H: I /Oom .... 174.AA 13988 REG ULARLY 159.99 Value. WARDS BEST EDitoR KIT pcluxe . mot.or-3288 1zed e dit.or . 2 40 0 -ft. reels, splices. book . REG. 34.99 SAVE$3 LiNTICULAR SCREEN, 40''x40" ltlt•al for view-15ss •nM in undark- t•ned room. REG. 18.99 :uum 50"x50" "creen, 27.88 SAVE $15 WIDE-ANGLE BINOCULAR 7x35mm. 525' 2488 field of view at 1000 y ds . Case, straps. REG. 39.99 SAVE $JS SLOW-MOTION DUO 8 PROJECTOR Shows super 8 and regular ~ movies. Slow motion to 6 fps, f/l.5 zoom lens. sgss REGULARLY 104.99 SAVE $JO OUR Q888 SLIDE PROJECTOR Auto. focus, e lectronic timer a nd pop-up editor. 2.79 1didc tray •.•..•• 1.88 sgss REGULARLY 119.99 GIVE A GIFT OF ENTERTAINMENT -USE WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT PLAN Shopping early? We're ready. · l'\,Olli\\1,\ c II \ 1cl1111' 11 rn••~· rhunc•'41ll 1o1.:11 • lflHK.\Nt" rltl mm It hmn "'1"·"1' ph1tnc· ;.it h!•.J • "'i\:-.i fA A 'llA hr 1•lol .11 •vf'ntc-.•nlh i 11 ·,Ii"" 11 .-..A'I flF.R'1A t<l>IN0 <1>ntrnl "''' m.111 i l t H>rl •1.r1 1 •Ill !\ 111\'(, re>' IU·:AC 'tf t-d111vl'r.1t ._•uch. 714 H9:l t>ltll • ('O\'I N.\ Ii 1rt ·"'" • ul "''" h1·rr1t1rdtnn lrN·wnv, 9';6 7 II I • f<OSt-:M t-:A I> ,1,1M1 rn•N111•;1d blvd . :1i:l· :11 IO • ('()STA M r:SA I 1ri lol ~l , nt ~in dt1•Jlo lwy , il l "J!I Cl too • l'\OOkWA f,K 1mV1·1111l 11t 1111n• .. tlk hhd. phone~ Olfl 1 • FUl.LERTON harbor ol nrlfn~et~, 7H'8~~MO • t-;AC,f.E K<Kt< t11lnr 1do 111 lim.1dw11\. phonr :.l5l 9.!61 •CANOGA PAHK 1Dpung11 pl11za. phone 883 1~ • MONTfLAIH no11n1d111r pl.11;1, phon" 711 621 :JO:H • 1..YNWQOD 1111pcrial hl\ld , Ol tltato, pt\oor 63l -f.000 • t.AKY.WOOl> lukt•wotid hlvd ut i:iln<lll'w"'wt phon1 l),t:J.7hOO • W~h'T LOS ANGELE 111 m •nt'((ll at 18th at.,tta6-79~ SHOP MONDAY TllROUGH 'ATlJRDAY 9:30 AM TO 10:00 PM ... SUNOAY 10:00 AMTO 6:00 PM ... JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!n ,., '1 .. JI l I • t I \ , ' , I i I I I \ ' ' , I l J ( I I • Saddleback EDITION VOL. 68, NO. 346, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A F RI DAY, DECEMBER 12, 1975 'l 'oday"'s C losing ; £ N. Y. Stock s : .. • . . . TEN CENTS: Schnrlt Def ends Hospital EIDployille~~ By GARY GRANVILLE OflM Dlllly PlloUt..H Orang<.' County Supervisor Laurence Schmit derucd Thurs- day there was any impropriety in tus employment by a hospital controlled by Dr. Louis Cella dur- ing the lime he was a candidate for county supervisor Schmit also said that, lo the best of his knowledge, a public financial disclosun.• statement he Ciled last April was not in error for failing lo list the income Ht.> received in 1974 from Mercy Gene ral Hospital in Santa Ana. And, Schmit made clear he does not consider his vote in sup· port of awarding a county con- tract to a health testing firm linked to Cella as a conflict of in· terest. In mentioning his employment at the hos pital, Schmit pointed ara 869,900 Target Budget Slashes Looming in SB Trustees of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District Monday will be a sked to take out their red pens and slash the school district's budget by $69,900. The budget cuts recommended by Superintendent Richard Welte would take effect in January. 1976 and consist of: -Reducing the district's sub- sidy for school lunches by increas- in& the cost of m eals five cents and increasing the cost of a la carte items by 10 percent, exclud· ing milk. Esltmated savings are $37,500. -EUminating the arter·school -sports program in grades K·6 for an annual savings of$32,400. Both measures are part of an overall 14-point cost cutting pro- gram s uggested earlie r this month by Dr. Welte to reduce the district 's spending. Faced by a projected 1976-77 budget deficit in the order of $1.4 million, trustees two weeks ago called for a 70 -cent increase in the district ·s tax r ate. An election is scheduled March 2todelermine whether two-thirds or the district's voters ar e willing to approve the hike from $6.41 to S7.ll per $100 of :issessecl valua- tion. Supt. Welte. however, is pro- posing concurrent budget cuts because he beli eves the district must prove its willingness to pare its expenditures if the measure is to succeed. Other items on Dr. Welte's slash list consist basically of field trip. s tudent body funding and equipment purchase reductions as well as reducing expenditures for teacher aides, counseling, and psychological and food services. These, taken together, would save the district another $583,200. Although trustees will not be asked to act on the other 12 cuts duiing the 8 p.m . meeting at Los Alisos Intermediate School, they will be requested to choose a name for the district 's next high school. The top two choices r ecom- mended by the naming commit· tee for the south Laguna Hills campus are ''Laguna Hills High School" and "Laguna •Lomas HiJZh School .'· Co ast Weather Clearing ton ight with sunny weather on Satur· day, according to lbe weather service. Con· tinued cool with beach highs at 60 rising lo only 64 inland. Lows 46 lo 52. INSIDE TODAY "Is it really art?" some viewers -or rather, listeners -may ask of the curr~ Newport Harbor Arl MU3eum show. Daily Pilot Sta// Writer Hilo'l/ Ka11e erplmns why on ~Clo/ the Wttkendn. I n dex A& C•t Al• A• At •1-1 c ... AU IH ,., .. " C& c•• M A• CMt i .' Other names in the running but later rejected by committee ac· lion included "South Laguna Hills," "Rancho Niguel," "Rancho Hills," "Alicia lulls,"' ''Moulton Hills," "Canada," "Yellowstone," and "Dwight D. Eisenhower." The 2,200-student high school is expected to cost $7.7 million and wilJ be built adjacent to the Ali so Hills Planned Community al Paseo de Valencia and Alicia Parkway. Construction 1s expect· edtobegil')in May. Judgeship To Niguel Resident Orange County Juvenile Court Heferee Ma rvin Weeks, a r esi- dent of Laguna Niguel, has been appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to a judgeship in West Orange County M un.icipal Court, Westminster. Weeks. 44. has served as a Juvenile Court referee s ince 1974 . He was the first black to be a juvenile Court referee in Orange County. He is a former membl'r of the Orange County Counsel's staff and a former U.S. District Court Com missioner. Wee k s is a graduate of Southwestern University Los Ane-eles. Governor Brown announced the appointment Thursday. The position p ays S4I.677 annually. Brown also announced the ap· pointment of Municipal Court Judge JamC's 0 . Perez, 49, of Fullerton. to the Orange County Superior Court bench. Perez will succeed retiring Judge Herbert Her lands. Norbert Ebrenfreund, 54, of La Jolla, was appointed to a n~wly created position on the San Diego Superior Court bench and Donald Cantwell, 41 , a Modesto lawyer, was appointed to a new municipal court judgeship in the Modesto Judicial District: Unit Rejects Drug Fund Turnover Bid In a scathing letter to Board of Supervisors Chairman Ralph Diedrich, attorneys for t he Orange County Drug and Narcotics Task Force said task force trustees will not tum funds entrusted to their care in to the county treas ury. The o{(lcial notice denying the Board of Supervisors' dem and that $19,723 be funneled into the county treasury came from Orange attorn ey Ro na ld G Bower. Included in the attorney's blunt rejection notice was a searini& at· t ack on D ied rich's alleged motivt for dem anding that the trust~cs ~urrendc.'r th.-(11nc1s u11d accompany1~1i! r cl•orc..L, to the count>'· 8o" er also c1 ltir1r.ed D1l•<l1 1d1 <SH FUNDS. Pa&e A2) out that it terminated when he became a county supervisor Jan 6 and that a pproximately $7.300 he had earned as a public rt.>la- llons consultant was declart!<l on his tax returns last year. "All income that 1 reeeived (from the hospital) prior to tak· ing office was standard payroll and included appropriate de- ducations for t axes and other m atters,'' Schmit said. ea The 3·1 )'t'ar old :;u~rvisor said he did not b elieve it was necess:irv for ham to include sources o·f his 1974 income on the financial disclosure statement filed with the county clerk in April. "As I underst and it, the re- quirement is that all sources or income received while a public official be reported. And the money I received for my work at • m U Pl Ttl9Pflo4o Mercy was bet ore 1 was sworn an· to office, .. said Sch mil "I might be mistakt>n in my in terpetation of the law If ( am, 1t is an honest mistake, ·he added As far as the que:.tion of con· flict of interes t 1:. concerned, Schmit said he doesn·t see how a conflict can be involved when he at no time bas h ad any financial involvement with Orange County Health Testing Institute " u 'I Tried To Kill Ford' SAN FRANC ISCO CAP.) -Sara Jane Moore declared today that she "wilfully and knowingly" at· tempted to assassinate President Ford and asked a federal judge to change her plea lo guilty. In a calm voice, Miss Moore re· ad a whtten s tatement to the judge in which s he said she did not . want to participate in a trial ''that promises lo be a circus" and declared her faith in what she called "m y drea m of a new revol· ulion in this land of ours." She said she delibe rate!)' tned to kill Ford Sept. 22 and cited as justification a llegations of U.S government involvement 1n as· sassmation plots against foreign leaders. She declared : "Any country which uses assassination to hide its own oppression must expect that tool to be used againstil. .. H was the inslltute that last.Ju-· ly was awarded a $275.000 county cont ract covering pre - employment physical examina- tions for county employes. Cella, the beleaguered Santa Ana physician whose fmancial dealings are under investigation by a federal grand jury as well as the county grand jury, said he divested himself of any interest <See SCH MIT, Page A2) UPI Tel ..... • CHANGES PLEA Sara Jane Moore Hostages Tmpped On Train ATLEAST12 DIED IN FIVE-ALARM HOLOCAUST Scores of San Francisco Residents Rescued U.S . Dis trict Court Judge Samuel Conti. a pparently sur· prised by Miss Moore's decision, urged her to reconsider and ex· plained that she was giving up all her constitutional rights to a tnal. BEILEN, The Neth e r l ands <U PI > - Fanatical South Moluccan gunm en were reported lo· day to have boobytrapped their hijacked train with explosives in a bid to keep Dutch m a r i n es from storming the stronghold and freei n g lhC'ir 26 hostages At Least i2 Perish He said he would not allow her to enter the guilty plea until sht• undergoes further psychi<Jtric ex· amination to determine whether she is sane. In Bay Area Blaze "I have to satisfy myself that you committed the act with which you are charged and that you have no legal defenses,·· the JUd~e said Conti scheduled a heanng for 11 a .m . Mond ay at which a psychiatrist will be asked to de termine Miss Moore's mental state. She had been due to stand T he Bible carry 1nJ! gunmen, who prayed and wept as they killed three captives in the s iege. seized the lr:tin and 75 hostages 11 days ago. SA:--1 FRANCISCO <AP> -A fi re believed to bl' the work of an a rsonist swept through a five· story apar tment building during predawn darkness today. killing at least 12 people and injuring several others. authorities said. Fire Chief Keith Calden said 11 bodies were taken from the gutte d building, and a 12th person died at San Francisco General Hospital. Fifteen others wcrC' treated for injuries, and 10 of them includ· ing seven firemen were hospitalized. "Based on our preliminary in· vestigalion, we feel fairly certain it was an arson fire," said Asst. Fire Chief Charles Carli. ''Some fl ammable liquid was used to start it.·· Screams filled the night air as several of the more than 125 resi- dents of the Gartland Hotel- Aparlments in the city's Mission District used blankets to lower themselves to safety from upper floors, and others leaped from one story up. One m an lowered himseU from a fourth-floor ledge as far as be could and then jumped, sustain· ing minor injuries. Andy Devine Stricken .With Pneumonia "A touch of pneumonia" has hospitalized actor Andy Devine, . a Hoag Memorial Hospital aide reported today. However, the Newport Beach actor was reported in "good con- dition'' and his hospitalization was said to be only a precau· tionarr measure. Ocvme, 70. was taken to the hospital Thurs day. Doctors are uncert:nn how long the gravel· voiced ~ntertainer wdl have to n: rrtain :\l Hoa& 0 ,..\ a·w _,,1ffrn. from leukemia, lll\t 1t 1i-,·,·vor l cdly a form of the Ulm•i1s hl' us able to c<JOlrOl 1 Calden said tht• arson theory was based on statements of wit· nesses who s aid they smelled gasoline "and the \.\ay the fire took off." He esumated struc- tural damage at $400.000 About 200 firemen converged on the building and controlled the fire within an hour after arriving <See FIRE, Page A2> ·trial Monday "I am not now insane in the legal and medical sense," Miss Moore, 45, declared. "l do not believe I was in sane in the legal and medical sense on Sept. 22, <See MOORE. Page A2) ~ They are battling to set up a republic in their Spice Is lands homeland in the Pacific that is ruled by In donesia . Reo~o n io Celebrate Thl' El Toro Hi~h School band playtd wilh s pt><'JJl l(usto at Thursday's &r:>W><lbreak· mg ceremonies for the school s ~·meter Olvm1)(c pool which has been th.r~ years in the mni inc. Sevl\ral times it looked as if the pool project might go under. but local citizens and F1ft h Dis trict. Supervisors Ronald CaspQr~ ~lnrl Thoma s Riley wouldn 'l give up Th.· ronl will be named the Ronald W. Casv 'ts Memorial Aquah~s Center. lt will open in-Jun.- ) , • • .4! DAILY PILOT SB Friday December 12, 1975 Pilot Logbook Viejo Home Tour Packing Them In Ky RUDI NIEDZIELSKJ Of the C»ll f Pl IOI St~ If C'OFt'EE POTS wen· fillt•d, drained and refilled Hus bands wert• d1spJtChl'<I for mort· punch makmgs. Nol a crumb\\ as ldt o( tht• mon• th.1n 1,000 <·ookies It was a grejt party Only 200 advance t1t·kl•ls Wl'l'l' sold for the M1ss1on Vie JO Bt.>autiful Christmas Honw Tour "We h<id no 1d<'3 that more than 650 pt•ople would make the tour. It wus mcredt· ble," said Mrs. Letty Skeen. t·omnuttee chairman. "Thl' NIEOtlE L~KI l'nunt r) S.i f .m. homes on tht.' tour were crowded and the reception at th(• Deane Club "as packed " Mrs. Ske('n said the tour wa:. so s ue cessful that the major problem f act.'CI by the comm1tll'e for the annual s pnng homt' lour 1s likely lo be rrnwd c·ontrol. ••• 1-'RASI ER. THE SE~SllOUS I.JON who 1s hu rll'cl on a hill overlooking Lwn ~oon m.\) bl' Jlllncd by his favorite lovt•, "Leflr .. L~·fl~'. "ho rll'ver bon· f'ras1er any cubs but was dl'~cr1bl·d .is his' favmite roll in the hay." is suffering rrorn .u1hntis and <• k1dlll'Y ;ulmt·nt and is losing condition. ac- tord1ng l1• offlc·1.1h j[ the "ildhfe pre-~~ • !-l'r\'I' \ HJnJ!l'I' Slt'\ l' Cn11g :;:wi I ht• 18 to 20 ~ L•ar-old li o n<'"s 1s about HO Yl'ars olc.l m humjn tt.>rm s Shl' is l11:-1ng \\eight rapidly mainly becausl' hl'r lt't'lh an· worn do\\ n to almt>!'it nothing F'ras1t'r died tn July 1972 ,ind his playmates Zona. Stompy and Scar ha\'t' already Joined him The only sun 1v10g wive:-, arc Lmda, Pacer and Left v but onl v Ldt \ \\ 111 be Lnn· buried al F'r as1e·r·s :;1de \\·hen th~ tnt·,·itable happ~n~ * * * F:OUCATORS ARE Al.\,\.\YS talking about "input " My bosse!-could J?1ve a hoot lht!Y ~ant "output "~ow tht• compUll'r indu~t ry has ~1v1·n us u new word. "throughput." The nt•w l'tllnputers produced at Burrough~ Corp. m Mission VWJt) have 1.5 lo four limes as much of 1t. wh~tevl•r "throughput·· 1s. A press relt!ase announcing the new 800 Systems com· puters also lt>lls us that the electronic brains have "high. speed peripherals" that add lo the throughput, rl'sulting in .. more throug hput than current medium sc:alP systems an <1 mult1pro,1?ramm10g data proc<'ssing en\'lronmenl for grcat- 1) 1mµroved cost pt•rformance ·· Gl'l'. I \.\lsh I couJd\\nlellkl'lhat • * • TH f. OI Cl SSIO~ "as about growth in the Saddleback • Valle,· ~ind what c:in bl· done about 1t. ltichard Lowcock, the dry ".1lted chairman of the M1ss1on Viejo Mumc1pal Au· ''lsory Count·1l. agreed it \.\as a problem. · But he said residents might JUSt as wt'll fa<"t' up to 1l "Unfortunately people still do lhmgs in the privacy of their bedrooms. so we r~allycan'tstopgrowth.' f-'rnn1 Pog~ 11 J FUNDS REJECTED. • • and other ~up<.'rv1s11r<;' handling 11f the contro\ l'rs~· surrounding money paid by convicted drug of fenders into a s pt.'C'ial fund u:st·d , for narcotic law Pn forcemcnt "I am s ure th::it tht• most casu&I obsN\'Cr watching this scene unfold "Ill hold your re· marks in ('onll'mpt <incl n•cogmze them for "hat th<>y .ire. ,1 n11n - sens1c<1I and 1rrnt11mal d1Jtnbt' \\h1ch 1~ henl'ath the dignity of your h1J?h office." Bqwer.,.. rott• to Diedrich In n •sponse to RowC'r's INt1•r. n1ednch called It a rl'markJble non-legal document '' nllm hv someone "ho apparl'nlly h<1s political motives .. How can he sav thl' 1s~ut' is rr!-Ol\'ed whl'n legai opinion from county counst>I and leg1 slativt' counsel h:n t• said thl' fund 1s 11 le~al?" Diedrich asked. "And I'd like to say I don't see how tht> man can be quoting m e when J have never talked to him, seen him, written to him or. for that matter. heard or him." Diedrich said Diedrich :ilso criticized Bower's teller for claiming the auditors J?ave tht' fund a clean bill of health. ORANGE COAST S8 ··All he has to do is look al !ht· rourt order and read th ~ auditor·s report to see the ordl'r has been violated time and tim1· again. rncludrng use of mont.'y without the required court or d er." the Board of Supervi:mrs rha1rman said. Rower point ed out to the Fullerton supervisor that lhl• fund has been audited by tht' state Department of Justice and was found . in his words. to ht• scrupulously managed and main tained and that no monies havt• been mishandled in any fashion "In view of the auditors' find i~g and the attached court ord<.'r one can only assume improper mo tives o n your part anti possibly other m e mbers of tht board m continuing to pursue lh1:-. matter in the reckless and ir responsible manner which ha!-. been followed to date." Bower said. The court order the attornl'y referred to was a July 26, 1972 or der s igned by S uperior Court Judge Williaf) L. Murray. Mur· ray's order author ized the main· tenance of a check ing account :ll a Santa Ana bank for use by tht• task force in undercover boy bust operations. From Po9ei ~t l 'MOORE .•• 197~ .. It was on that day that the plump divorcee fired n ~hot .it Ford us ht left a downtown hold after a 21peakin&i t>ngagement. I\ bystander deflected the gun and the:shot went astray. In hf>r s taleml.'nt. Miss Moon•. u former FRI informant with con nections in the Hay An·a radical underground, said. "l knew whal l was doing. l knew 1t was illt.>gal. und I made a conscious and dl' liherate der1:;1on to do what 1 wd." Shl' s aid h•:r puhlic defender, J:1mes Hewitt. lra•d to convmct• her t(I present a dcknst• of insaru • ty or d1m1mshed capacity Uul :,he said sh<.~ fell this \\as not "an honorablethmgtodo · Miss Moorc.>, dad in plaid slacks and a 11<1 v y hlue tunic. stood facing lhl' 1udge and derl::irt>d "J ha H' no more des1 rt• than anyone else to spend the rest o( my life tn pnson " But she added, "Each or us must make peace with ourselves . I <lm ready to answer for my own acts." She also ~aid she did not wish tu pla<.•e on a 1ury the hurdt>n of re- aching a verdil't she felt was alrt.'ady a foregone conclusion She then rited a numb<'r of political assassinations and at- tempts, including alleged CIA ef- forts lo kill Cuban premier 1''idel Castro and Chilean presid~nt Salvador Allende She noted that no 01w had b1•en charged with cnmes in those incidents Helen Sickels Of Laguna Hills Succumbs A memorial service will be held at 2 p .m . Tuesday at St. George's Episcopal Church in Laguna Hills for Saddleback Hospital volunteer Helen Sickels. Miss Sickels died Nov. 29 at a local Nnv a lescent hospital. She was a charter member of the Saddleback Communit y Hospital auxiliary. She was also active in a number or clubs in the Leisure World retirement com- munity, including Keyboard Con- cert, the Forum and Opera 100, according to her lifetime friend, Jo Powers Miss Sickels was members hip chairman of the Minnesota Club. "Helen s pent most of her life in Minnesota," Mrs. Powers said ~·Whenever s he saw a car with Minnesota plates, she'd ask the people inside what town they were from." Miss Sickels moved four.years ago from Minnesota to her 89-A Calle Aragon home. She is survived by a brother, Dr. E. W Sickels. of Medford, Qr('. Home Contest Deadline Set in Viejo The d('adhnl' for t•nl\.'nng lht• ~11 ss 1 on V 1 l' J 11 Bl' Jut 1 f u I Chri!>lmas home decnratin,I? con test 1s Wt."dnesday, Dec. 17. at• rord1ng to rhairman Letty Skeen. Entrants will compete for first. ~econd, third and fourth places Ill ·holiday " and "rcligio u ~" categories . Luminana Csand candles>. a traditional Mission Viejo decoration, will not be con s1dered in a separate category. hut will be judged as part of th€' overall decorations, if they an· used. Anyone interested in entering his home in the contest can send his name, add r ess. phonl· number and contest category to Ron Potts, 24721 Embajadore:. Lane, Mission Viejo. Additional information on the contest is available by calling Potts. 830-3815 (evenings). or Mrs. Skeen, 830-4752. n.. 0.-(CNl•I D••ly Piiot .,.!ti wtllcll I\<.,.... b-ttwN .. o Prn•, IH>Wli\tltOt>yltwO.- (M\I P\.bll"'inQ Comp•ny St-al•t<l•l'-t er• ...,01 .. 1-.d Mond•V lhlOllQh r1..S.y I°' !Ml• w..ow. ,...,_, flo>O<ll. H .. nu-e. .. ,. ,_ t1ln V•ll•Y. ,,.,,.,, Soddl•CM><• v111 .. •...S I~ k0<ll/'Sovlh CAI•\! A \1119 .. 1~1.0. loOft 1, !llA>ll"'9d !>olurd•v• ...., s..r.s.,1,, T"" P'l"<IOll P<lbll•lllnq p11111 " .. lJO we~1 11.e, StfHI. C.0.1• ~u. C•lllorn11 n.,. Bandit SRntBs Robert N. Weed PrlSl<Mfll IN PublltM< Jack R. Curley 'Vk ot Pfet'*111IN0.Mrel Mo- Thoma5 Keevll £dllM Thomas A. Murptune ""'41Mtl"O Ecrnor Charin H. LOO$ Richard P Nall AHlllMt Ml-1"9 £-\ s.H .. bKt Val .. y Office h10tw,..,"-"'~"~"-"'"' OtlMr Offices C.,U111M•1 U0-•1 .. v~,...,_, 11«" nu N•-1 ...._. • .. .,..,..,.. ... lka<ll 1117) -............. o U9'1Na.a<11 ,, .. (,_.,.._, TelepMM (714) "2..ul1 O-sln.d Advertl ..... '42o-5'71 ~o-• V••"'•-°'"•• se,,.,,. , ..... kt\ ("'moftlr "'"°"° Customers Get Free Gas ClDCAGO <UPI) -About 100 drivers hel~ themselves to free gasoline and cigarettes today for about two hours when they found attendants at a busy service station tied hand and foot, police said . Attendants Michael Fry and Kenneth Harris bo~ 20 •• said three ~arded ~en held them up at gun: point.. tied them with wire m the rear of the service station near an entrance to Lake Shore Drive. Robbery investigator David Olsen said, "After ~e stickup, one robber worked the driveway. He was dispensing gas and cigarettes, collecting the money and putting it in his pocket." The ot~er two took approximately SS.000 from the station safe and $300 worth of cigarettes. The three left the attendants bound and on the fl oor. "The attendants told me dunng the time they were tied up, there was a steady stream o( customers. They Jook<'d in, saw them t~d up and helped lhemselves to dgarettes and gas and just drove away," Olsen said. "It was approximately two hours. One customer finally used the pay phone to call the police. But he didn't give his name because he probably had just stu~k them for a lank of gas, loo... . ' irport lssu~ Riley to1 Push Ontario Pinn By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of tit• 0.11111., ~llot SUifl Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley will redurrect the concept of designating Ontario Internation a l Airport In San Bernar<lino County Tues day as 0:-ange County's primary com- mercial jet a irport In a letter to his fellow !)Upervisors, Riley said all other feasible a lternatives for meeting nnticipated pass;nger loads in the near future have been ex- plored and discarded. "The joint use of El Toro has been removed from any potential speculation and the use, joint or sole of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station for commercial air operations would involve this board in massive land use con- version programs,'' Riley said. The Newport Beach supervisor also conceded that his hopes for building a massive new intercon- tinental airport at Rancho California in Riverside County have been dealt a fatal blow. He said Rive rside County of- ficials have r efused to continue discu ssing the possibility of a three-county airport on the de- sert site near Temecula. The Ontario proposal wns first s uggested b y Riley's pre- decessor , tMe late Ronald W. Caspers. But a 1974 feasibility study of Ontario by a s pecial county "task force'' revealed it would have on- ly a limited, short-term impact on relieving the growth of Orange County's passenger loads. Riley contends in his latest re- commendation that the 1974 tas k force "admittedly lacked re- sources to conduct original r e- search and limited their study to the collection and analysis or data a vailable from va rious s9urces.'' · The report was received by supervisors a nd shelved. .. Recent contact with Ontario management has indicated that the airport is in the process of a medium-scale expansion at pre- sent with the capability lo ex· pand seven times over in annual passenger loading," Riley said. According tn Riley's figures, Ontario could handle 14 million passenger s a year by 1985 - · almost exactly the anticipated need for Riv e r s ide. S a n Bernar<lino and Orange Counties rombined. Riley admitted that the main problem in pressing for max- imu m u se o f Ontario is transportation, since the facility lies at leas t 40 minutes from the populatittn centers of Ora nge County. But he said completion of tht· Orange Freeway <Route 57) plus additional study of access lrom the south county could nl· leviate som e o f the problems of access. In a r ecent interview, Riley said be envisions sat ellite terminals around the county served by high-sp eed freeway ex press buses to whisk passengers to their waiting planes in On- tario. As a first step in his latest push for an airport to relieve con- troversy a round the existing county airport, Riley wants to begin talks with San Bernardino. officials to promote use of On tario International He also s aid transportation problems and cost factors should . be fully explored by the county General Services Agency and the county Transit District. Changes Eyed On Corporal Punishment A policy change that would al - low corporal punishment or stu- . dents only if prior p arent al con- sent has been given will be con- s id ere d Monday night by Capistr ano Unified School Dis- trict trustees. The school board will meet al 7:30 p .m. at San Juan Elemen- tary School, 31642 El Camino Real. San Jua n Capistrano. There were 49 items of business on the meeting's agenda. · A new s tate law requires that parental consent be obtained before corporal punishment is · administered to a student. The law takes effect J an. l. The policy s ubmitted to trustees b y district ad - ministrators s lates the corporal punishment s hould onJ y be used in .. exceptional rircumstances" where all other m eans of com puJsion have failed The s uggested policy provides that a t eacher may administer corpora! punishment onJy in the presence of the princi pal or as- sistant principal or the school in- volved. Punishment that might injure the student, such as striking the head or boxing the ears, would be prohibited, in compliance with ·state law. From Page A f FIRE •.. at ll\c s~enc, fire officials saLd. ''I woke up hearing people yell ing, 'Fire.· I opened the front door, and lt was t otal blackness and names," said Eddie Stone. 21, who was rescued by firemt.>n from his fourth-n oor npartmt>nt Maria Gr et>n, 34. who livt>s acro:is lhe street from the dl'· cades-old bullding, said: "I heard a kind of explosion, like u tire going flat. I looked out my window a nd saw flames around· the first or second floor -withfo two seconds the whole thing was inflames. "It looked like nothing but flames and s parks flying all over.'' she said. "People were screaming and hollering and I saw a few jump from the first floor. The people were in their nightclothes, and they were cry. 1ng." CaJden said firemen arriving at the scene about 4 a.m . "saw a ~umber or per~ons engulfed by fire. They were hanging out thl' windows.'' Gregory Nagle. 25. a City College student who also was rescued from the fourth floor said that when he awoke, "smok~ was all inside. I had no fire escape. I was hanging out th!! window, afraid l 'd have to jump I just kept yelling." William Barber, 30, manager Of the apartments, Said SOm(' re· sidents lowered themselves from uppe r floors with blankets. Barber said a fire blamed on arson caused minor damage in the basement of the building two months ago. Residents lost m ost or their personal belongings, and many carried out only small articles or pets. "I just grabbed my djary," :'llagle said. "I didn't have time for a nything else. I don't know what to do now. I lost ever ything." · Stone said. "My first thought was to get the cat and dog, and I wrapped them up in a blanket · · From Pag~ A I SCHMIT •.. in the health testing firm six months before the contract was awarded. And at the time the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to awar d lhe contract, Schmit said he was unaware of any Cell a involvement with the firm. "How can an yone say that I as a former employe of Mercy I lospital can be involved in a con- flict with a contract awarded to a 1 firm that unknown to me leases - space from Mercy?" Schmit I asked. Schmit termed efforts to link- his connection with the hospital to impropriety as "asinine" and the efforts of "pitiful people who are trying to m ake something out of nothing.'· Henredon Holiday Specials .. ~I - All prices shown are speciab reduced for you t holiday pleasure E~ cfa:cents ••. i1om Henredon~ .. $ 3~5.00 H0nr0don • r ~ 515.00 Stop 1~ now and make someone's holiday extra special WIEICOAYS I lATUIDATS f:OO ht S:lO {1 NEWPORT BEACH• ll27 WESTCU.-f DR . 6U·2D50 LAGUNA BfACH • J.4~ NOKTll l:OAST HW\'. ~!j4.6S$1 , . ' TORRANCE• 23849 HAWllfORNE BL\ D COµtin Fri tll 9. Si.m 12-S .'.IOI ,,._,m ! I f I \ I Irvine [OITION VOL. 68, NO. 346, 4 SECT IONS, 46 PAGES ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A Today's Closl~g N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS Schnrlt Def ends Hospital Em_ploym_ent By GARY G RANVILLE Of~ D•llY 1"119' ~H Orange (;ounty Supervisor Laurence S<.'hmit denied Thurs d ay there was any impropriety in his employment by a hospital controlled by Dr Louis Cella dur- mg the t1me he was a candidalt' for county supervisor . Schmit also said lhal. lo the best or bis knowledge, a public financial disclosure slatement ht: filed last April was not in error for failing lo list the income he received in 1974 from Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana. And, S<.'hmil made <.'lear he does not consider his vote in sup port of awarding a county con- tract to a health testing ftrm linked to Cella as a confllcl of in· terest. In mentioning his employment at the hospital, Schmit pointed ara ATLEAST1 2 DIEU IN FIVE-ALARM HOLOCAUST Scores of San F~ancisco Residents Rescued At Least 12 Perish In Bay Area Blaze SA.'.'i FRANCISCO <AP) -A fire believed lo be the work of an arsonist swept through a fi ye· story apartment building during preda"n darkness today. killing at least 12 people and injuring :.everal others. authorities said. Fire Chief Keith Calden said 11 bodies were taken from the gutted building,. and a 12th per:son died at San t'rancisco General Hos pital. Fifteen others were treated for injuries, and 10 of them -includ · Niguel Man Wins Brown Judge Post ing seven firemen -wer e hospitalized. "Based on our prelinunary in- vestigation. we feel fairly certain 1t was an arson fi re, .. said A:sst. Fire Chief Charles Carli. "Some flammable liqwd was used to start it. .. Screams filled the night air as .several of the more than 125 resi· dents of the Gartland Hotel- Apartments in the city's Mission District used blankets to lower themselves lo safety from upper floors. and others leaped from one story up. One man lowered himself from a fourth-floor ledge as far as he could and then jumped, sustain- ing minor injuries. Calden said the arson theory was based on statem ents of wit- nesses who said they sm elll!d gasoline "and the way the fire took off." He estimated struc- tural damage al $400,000. About 200 firemen converged on the building and controlled lhe (See FlltE, Page A%) out that it terminated when he became a county supervisor Jan. 6 and that approximately $7,300 he had earned as a public rela- tions consultant was declared on his tax returns last year. "All income that I received <from the hospital ) prior to tak· ang office was standard payroll a nd included appropriate de· ducations for laxes and other matters.~· Schmit said. ea 12 at Large The 34-year-old supervisor said he did not believe it was necessary for him to include sources of his 1974 income on the fin ancial disclosure statement filed with the county clerk an April "As I understand at, the re· quirement is that all sources of income received whiJe a public official be reported. And the money I receiyed for my work ot • m Laguna Hashish · Ring 'Cracked' A multi-million dollar interna- tional ha:shish smuggling ring headq11arter ed in Orange County and allegedly masterminded by a Laguna Beach man has been cracked by federal authorities resulting in the arrest of an Irvine attorney. Sources with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration <DEA> said today a dozen men named in the federal grand jury indictm ents remained al large. According to the DEA. at least 3,400 pounds of hashish was r e- corded being s muggled into the United States. He speculated that much more could have been slipped into the country before agents becam e aware of the operation in 1973. Aulhorilies happened on the ring's operation almost by acci· dent. A shipment of hashish sent from Amsterdam to Detroit and on to Las Vegas in September (See HASH, Page A2) Mercy was belore l was sworn tn· to office." said S<.'hmit. "I might be mistaken m my in· terpetation of the law. If J am, at is an honest mis take," he added. As far as the que:sllon of con- flict of interest 1s concerned. Schmit said he doesn't see how a conflict can be in volved when he at no time has had any (inancaal involvement with Oran~e County Health Testing Ins titute." u UPITel..- CHANGf$ PLEA Sara Jane Moore Listed as fugiti ves were the al- leged mas ter mind, Ernest Combs, 29. formerly of Laguna Beach. Also lis ted were Robert Wprk. 24, of Laguna Beach; Sttphen Oonaal'le5, 30, of Sun.set Beach and Robert Fry, 30, of Irvine Man Charged Orange. -1n Irvine attorney Ken Giles Snyder, 39, of 32195 Vista del Catalina. South Laguna, was ar-Car Theft Ring rested earlier this week on the Grand Jury indictment. Snyder was released on a $50,000 bond, a DEA spokesman said. Also arrested was Richard K. Brown of Long Beach. The hashish ring is believed. to have imported $10.5 million to S15.5 million worth of contraband via a music equipment transfer compa ny which shipped rock music sound gear between the United States and Europe. Combs is na med in the indict- ments as a principal in the case. and the man who recruited and directed couriers in its operation. the DEA s pokesman said. An Irvine m an was among six members of an alleged three- stale car t heft ring arrested Thursday by police and FBI agents in Clovis. N.M. Jeff Caruthers, 39, of Irvine was arrested as part of lhe ring t hat alleged l y operated in California, Arizona a nd New Mexico. T hree persons from New Mexko and two from Long Beach also were arrested. They a re c harged with interstate transportation of stolen vehicles. Along with the arrests. agents said they r ecovered three cars reported stolen 10 Los Angeles. B11 Tr11stees of Mott~ The F Br a l so r eported , "Federal charges invol ving stolen cars are being considered in connection with the recovery in Benson, Ariz .. of two other automobiles which also had been reported stolen from the Los Angeles area.·· Agent-in-charge Forrest Put· man of Albuquerque, N.M., said, ''The FBI's investigation is con- tinuing and will undoubtedly ex- tend into California and Arizona." The recovered cars were one 1975 Thunderbird, two 1974 Lin· coin Mark IV!s and. two 1975 Lin- coln Mar I V's. the agent said Drug Fund Idea Rejected Jn a scathing letter lo Board of Supervisors Chairman Ralph Diedrich, attorneys for the Or ange County Drug a nd Narcotics Task Force said task force trustees will not turn funds entrusted to their care in to the county treasury. The official notice denying the Board of Supervisors' demand that $19,723 be funneled into the county treas ury came from Orange attorney Ronald G . Bower Included in the attorney's blunt rejection notice was a searing at· t ack on Diedrich 's alleged motive for demanding that the trustees surrender the funds and accompanying records to the county. Bower also criticized Diedrich and other supervisors' handling of the controversy surrounding money paid by convicted drug of· fenders into a special fund used for narcotic law enforcement. "I am sure that the m ost casual observer watching this scene unfold will hold your re· marks in contempt and recognize lhem for what they are, a non· sensical and irrational diatribe which is beneath the dignity of your high office.•· Bower wrote to Diedrich. In response to Bower's letter. Diedrieh called it a remarkable non-legal document written by someone who apparently has political motives. Orange County Juvenile Court Heferee Marvin Weeks. a resi- dent of Laguna Niguel, has been appointed by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. to a judgeship in West Orange County Municipal Court. Westminster . Weeks, 44, has served as a Juvenile Court referee since 1974. He was the first black to be a juvenile Court referee in Orange County. Civic Center Proposed "How can he say the issue is resolved when legal opinion from county counsel and legislative counsel have said the fund is il· legal'?" Diedrich asked. "And I'd like to say I don't see how the man can be quoting me when I have never talked lo him. seen him, written to him or, for that m atter , heard of h im," Diedrich said. He is a former member of the Orange County Counsel's staff and a former U.S. District Court Corn missioner . Week s is a g r aduate of Southwestern Universit y Los Aneeles. Governor Brown announced the appointment Thursday. The position pays $41.677 annually. Brown also announced thr DP· pointment o( Municipal Court Judae James 0 . Perez, 49. or Fullerton. to the Orange Coun~y SUper\or Court bench. Pcrei wall succeed retiring Judge Herberl 1-lerlands Norbert Ebrenfreuod, 54, or Ln Joll , was appolnted to u newly created ~sillon on the San Die.io Supenor Coµrt bench rid Donald C1ntwell, 41, o Mod · to lawyer, was appolntPd to a nrw murucir•1l <'Om l judJtci-hlP 1n the Modesto J 1,1dicial l>i"UicL. Irvine Plans Temporary Location in Complex Py DOUGLAS FRJTlSCRE OftlM O•lly Pllel St.I" Faced with a city bureaucracy that is growing beyond the bounds of the present rented city hall but still is not as big as it ul· timately will be, Irvine plans to build a temporary civic center in lhe Irvine lndustrial Complex The building is expected to open next Novembe". Although the city wtll have to put out mqre money for the tem porary facility than it would if It stayed wherE' it is, net savings are expected when the city sells the temporary buildJng in about fiveyurs. Irvine is rmu::hly in lh<' poslllon of an l\partmt nl dwl.'ll1·r. with <'I ty C'll)plO)l~ \\Ork•llll Ill lr\'lnl' 1'own Center, a cumrnNclal building owned by the Irvine Company. All the rent payments go down the drain and no equity is built up. July 22, the c~uncil tol~ city officials to took into buying a t>wldmg to replace the current ci- ty hall. Cooncilmen Tuesday awarded a $1.2 million contract for the Don ald W. Shaw Construction Company t o build a 40,000· square·fool temporary city hall al Alton Avenue and Jamboree Boulevard. The site is about a block from the lrvtne school dis· trict administration building. Councilm<in John Burton. d('claring lht' counril was acting too (:\:« on th<' bid. V<>ted "no." :.t:i)or Ar'l Anthooy alwtaintd. Additionalh, the coun~U voted ,. to set up a citizens' design com· mlttee to look over the shoulders of the architects and make sure the facility is designed for the convenience or citizens. A key consideration of the committee will be that residents can have their problems handled al city hall with a minimum number o! stops, according to the council's action. The city plans to finance .the new building by borrowrng $1 ,235,000 from Bank of America at 7 .25 percent lnter e»t. The <'ity rcnta 18,672 square Ceet In U1e Town Center bulleting for $102,172 a yur. The n ew 40,000-square-foot. building ls ex· peeled to n1sc the cost to $176, 102 annutttly (Sff IRVINE, Pac Al) . , Diedrich also c r iticized Bower's letter for claiming the auditors gave the fund a clean bill of health. "All he bas to do is look at the cou rt ord er and r ead the auditor's report to see the order has been violated time and time 11ain, including use of money without the required court or- der •• th! Boitrd or Supervisors d\alrman said. Bower pointed out to the Fullerton supervisor that the tu1'd bas been audited by the state Department or Justkc and was found in his words to be scrupulously manaaed aft<\ m ain- tained and that no monies have t>eenrnlsbandled ln an~fa.shion . "Jn view of the auditors' rind csee FUNDS, P1,e A%) It was the institute that last Ju. ly was awarded a $275,000 county co ntra ct covering pre· employment physical examina· lions for county employes. Cella, the beleaguered Santa Ana physician whose financial dealings are under investigation by a federal grand jury as well as the county grand jury, said he divested himself or any interest (See SCHMIT, Page AZ> 'I Tried To Kill Ford' SAN FRANCISCO lAPJ -Sara Jane Moore declared today that she "wilfully and knowingly" at- . tempted to assassinate President Ford and asked a federal judge to change her plea to guilty. In a calm voice, Miss Moore re- ad a written statement to the judge in which she said she did not want to participate in a trial "that promises to be a circus" and declared her faith in what she called ''my dream of a new revol- ution in this la nd of ours." She said she de liberately tried to kill Ford Sept. 22 and cited as justification allegations of U.S. government involvement in as· sassination plots against foreign lead ers. She declared : ··Any country . which uses assassination to hide its own oppression must expect that tool to be used against it." U .S . District Court J udge Samuel Conti. apparently sur- prised by Ml!s Moort'11 decision, urged her to reeonsitler and ex· plained that she was giving up all her constitutional rights to a trial. He said he would not allow her to enter the guilty plea until she undergoes further psychiatric ex· amination to determine whelher she is sane. "I have to satisfy myself that you committed the act with which you are charged and that you have no legal defenses.'' lhejudgesaid. Conti scheduled a hearing for 11 a .m . Monday at w hich a psychiatrist will be asked to de- termine Miss Moore's mental state. She had been due to stand trial Monday. "I am not now insane in the legal and medical sense, .. Miss Moore. 45, decla red. "I do not believe I was insane in the legal and medical sense on Sept. 22, 1975." It was on that day lhat lhe plump divorcee fired a shot at Ford as he left a downtown hotel after a speaking engagement. A bystander deflected the gun and the shot went astray. In ber statement. Miss Moore. a former FBI informant with <.'On· nections in the Bay Area radical underground, said. "I knew what I was doing. l knew it was iJlegal. and I made a conscious and de· li berate decision to do whal I did ... <See MOORE, PageA2) Coast Weather Clearing tonight with sunny weather on Satur- day, according to the weather service . Con· tinued cool with beach highs at 60 rising to only 64 inland. Lows 46 to 52. INSIDE TODAY "Is U r~ly art?" some vi~r• -or rath~r, tiftmeTs -may eutk o I the current Ntwp0rt Harbor A rt Museum 11how. Dally Pilot Sta/f Wntn lhlary Kaye t>rploi11$ ll)/ly on Pngt> Cl of the W l'l'kt nt!c•r Index At\'wr~nlh AJ MllllM• •• ........ .. -vi.\ Cl t L-M. .. ,tl Alt MlllWI'"""' ",. CM~• AJ,,M N111 .... 11ff .. , •• QHllfl .. 01 It Or•"t•C.Ou"n • '*"'<• CT ...... " ' o..-C• .,., '"'11\tttfltt I '6 ~kn • .i.Porter AIJ . . ... • ' ... .-1-111 """~~· A.•U ""-· • I ... C6 ... Ult"~ ., ' ,.,. . ,, c• • Hwotewe '•'' •• ................ . ' ~ '1 t-.t .... 1 "' A.twl u ... , .: ...... Jr"'-•' I. •• t I Al CAil y Pll.OT 4mA Gunmen Give Up LONDON <U PI > l'ohl'l• brokt> ~rn t'it(hl day old dllW11IO\HI London stcge lod Hy and l'upturt"d four Iris h R(l1Hibli{'a1\ Arm y gumnl•n who {'amt• out with Lheir hands up The gunmen f1r:>t frtX'd Mrs Shl'tla Mallhl'Ws, SJ. one of the two hostages tht.•y had held since pohN· tr~p(Wd the I RA Oll'll 111 the )1 Jllht.•ws · apartmt.•nt Inst wet>k . Then lhl' ~unm(ln, orw waving ,1 \\hill' hJndkerc:hief, f1kd onto tht.> api1rlmt1nt b.ikony with Lhe1 r hands up Polle,• m..11 ksmen covered the scent'. ht hy lloodhghls m Lhe early l'Vt.>nmg darkness, as the men and ho~t~1ge John )l~1llht.•w::.. 5-l. a ppt'arl'd one b,¥ ont;? on the second floor l>.1kony Thl' slt'gt• h,11! l,1::-tt.•d 140 hours All four gunnll'n \\Cl"l' wNlgl'P 1nt11 .1 ::.mJll poltct• panel truck wh1rh '\l)l'd av. .1~. 1h s1rt.·n wail ing. Pa::.st·rsl>~ brokl' mlo ap- plaust~ Thl' gunmen Wt'rE' wantt-d for an 18-munlh "t•rtt•s of bombtnJ!s m and around l.ondt•n "'hi ch killed 27 pt•rson:-. .ind 111Jur<.>d S.10 One w.1!> bl'lll'\'l'd ln bl• ,1 m;111 known ii::; ~l 1rh.\l•l Wil .. on Bn tain 's m o:-.t wantl'cl lcrnll Isl Three Booked On Smuggling Pot in Boat Federal agents and :-:ewport Beach police Loda} revealed the arrest vf three m t'n and seizure of s acks of marijuana which were the only alleged cargo in an open sm a ll boat that plied a danger ou s course from Baja California to the Orange Coast. The thrt~e m en all were booked on fed e ral smut?ghng charges after their arrC'st by agents who followed thl· s m .111 boat fitted with a dozl'n 1?as tanks to a land- ing an ~ewport Harbor . The arrt>sts took place late Wednesday night, said :"Jarcotics Sgt. Darryl Youlea, as the grass was being unloaded. The a restees are George F,dwa rd Hufford. 42. Bellflower. -Gary Albert Swilling, 29, Santa Ana, and Albert Delavin Fifield, 42. of Lakewood. Each remained LO custody with bail set at $.S,000 apiece. Youle said that besides 200 pounds of the "eed. agents from the city po li ce. federal drug agen cies and U.S. Custom -; seize d :l loaded .. 45-cali bC'r automM1c pis tol during the• bust ~1t 300 E. Coa::;t Htghw.iy The street value of the> wt;?ed which was cr:lmm<'d inlo hurla p bags was $50,000, lhl' 1n · vestigator said "It must have been one heck of a trip. We understand that thl' boat left somewhere along the· Baja peninsula and made it <ill the way to :"Jcwport and the>re were more than a flow llm<'o.; when the suspE'ct::; nt•url~ cl1cln't make 1t. .. hE' said Congress Aid To NY Near WASHING TON IAP) Congress is m oving closer to completing its work on keeping New York City out of default and will likely send to President Ford next week a bill with $2.:l billion in loan money for the city. The funds are conlamed 10 a $10.3-billion suppl~mental ap- propriations bill which a joint Senate-House conference com nuttee discussed on Thursday ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT f~ Or.tnQlr Ca.t• D•llY p,1ot w '"° wti ,. ,,, .. Oiifllfd tN ... ws Preti., i\ O\fbh~ k" I~ r11 ,...._., Co.t\l PubtltltiftQCOf't'O•nY \.t(Mf•l1 rd11., .... _..,. pvt>Ot.l\tod Moftday ll'lrouol'I r,Ht ..... 'o' Co't• """'"'· N•wport &eech, Mw"IU"Qtfln l'-'41 " t """ f41n "•"•Y. lrv1nr. S.•dd•f'bttt • ...,_., •.., '"'s \AOUftril et.c"JS.OUtn CM \I A ,.,'O'' rf'1a1t\rr.t• • n oon tt pubfl•n.d S..tlurd•Y' .nd ~vN1~'f fr11 Pf'tn<.,~I pU011~1n9 otfnt '' 11tt l» Wt\1 .... , Sheet. Ge1t• M•\•, C•flforn1•.,_,,, Robert N . Wood Pr,\tnflnl ,.nd Pubtt~•· Jack R . Curtey \i1f• Pft\ld•nt •nd G•""'"' ~'t.t,,, ... Thomas Keevil £011or Thomas A . Murpt11ne M<tnao•no E 111101 Charles H . Loo~ Richard P Nall """'""' -""Olno Ed1lo,. Offices t°'t• WW JJO w.-1 Q.t.y Str•~ N...._t .. ttll J)J)"t-tloo1"'•.;•d l _ .... ,, 11 .. c.i.-••r\l•,...t """'•"9ioft ...... (" "''' 8•49Ch ht)vl..,.., .,d S--a Vali.y JUOt WI,,_ RHCI •1$<1n o_,, .. _, TelepfHNM 1714) M2-ul1 0.HH~ AdYer11Mno MM671 ~It-• va1i.yNr-'btf"• ,.,...,,0 ~ ........... c:1.,.... .... 49S-.JO (,ppyY191"i, mt Or-c:-1 ~Ill'"""~ -y, ~ IW..r\ \h><>~)o 111,,.,,.._ ........ ,., .. , ••• , .., ............... lie,., .. _, ~ t• •rffuttd wllll•"I tp•tl•I MfMIM._ ti ,_..,,._Mr M-c..,d cl•H ••tttt• •••• et C...11 Mo •a c.i•.....,• \owel•<-•11'""' •• """'' "n _., 9"~ '1"""1'4 HmOflllllY '''°'""'' ... U--U t4~111Y Friday. ~ember 12. 1975 Jlostages Trapped On Train BEILEN . Th e :-.Eeth u la nd:s (UPI ) 1-':rnattcal South Moluee•lll gunmt"'n wert> rt>portt.'tl Lu d :t) lo ha vt.• houbylruppt.'<l tht.•tr hlJU('kt•d t nun with explosives in a bid to k('t>p D ut c h m.lrtnl'S ft'otn :storming lh"' :stronglHJld a n d f n• t' 1 n ~ t h t' 1 r 2 6 hnst,1gt·s. T h 1' B 1 b I t' t' a r r y 1 11 i.: gunrm·n. \\ho prayed and \\'l'pt .is lhl'\' k11l t>d thr('l' C ~l p I 1 \ t'' tn th(' SI e g l', Sell'l'<l lth' I I ,ltn .incl 75 ho~tJgl'"' 11 \J,\\'S ,11!1' Tht.•y .in· b.1tll111~ to o.;d up a n·pubhc-1111tw1r Sp1Cl' bland!) hunwl.rnd 111 Lhl' Pacific thc.1l 1~ rul1·d b\ In dones1a · Fronr PagP .. t I IRVINE ... Rut at the enrl of f1w \ l'ilrs, llw cit y expects to haVl' <ll'cumulakd $513,2&4 in l'QU1ty. Ttll' t• ... t1matl·tl five-year l'ost is S367,246 com pared lo $510,865 in n•nl. According to Adrrumstrativc Services Director James Har rington, that estimate is con servative . More likely, he said. the city will recover alJ lhl' CO!>ls of using the space for five years Ultimately, the council plans Lo build a permanent civic center m central Irvine, between J ef- frey Road and Sand Canyon Avenue, north of thC' San Diego Freeway. ;-.; egotiattons have begun bet ween the city and the Irvine Company for a 40-acre site. accordtnj:( lo Harrington. Additionally , he sa id , negotiations are under way with other public agencies which also may want space in lhC' permanent civic center From Pnge 11 I HASH ... 1973 w:is detected" hC'n one of thr 26 containers was inJd\'l'rtl•ntlv left at John F K ennt'dy A1rpor 0 t in ~ew York and was dete«ktl by a drug-sniffing dog ··They s hipped the hasht:-.h lo d iffe r ent locations throughout lhe United States They funneled it via runner s or transport com - parues to the Orange County area of Southern California," a DEA spokesman said. Other s hipments listed in tht- indictment \\ere !>1•nt from Rome>. Paris and Graz. Austn;.1, to Los AngE'les. Ph1laclclph1a. San Francisco anci Las Vl'gas Among those 111d1cted by lht.' Las Vegas grand Jury are six Britis hers. two Austnans. a Hollander and a Lebancs1>. The grand Jury also listed 14 unindicted co-cons pirators 111 eluding a 27-year-old Long ReC1ch man now serving a five-year prison term. He was arrested m 1973 1n Las \"egas when he picked up the ha!:lhish discovl•r ed m :"iew York federal author1t1 es said thr seizure t he n of the 820-pound hashish s hipment v..as the largest e,•er in lhC' WE'Sl up lo that ltml' From Page '' I SCHMIT ... in the h ealth testing firm six months before the contract was awarded And at t he time the no a rd of Supervisor s voted unanimously to award the contract, Schmil said he was unaware of any Cella 111\'0lvem ent with the firm. "How can anyone say that I a!-. a former employe o f Mer cy Hospital ran be involved in a con - flict with a contract awardC'd to a firm that unknown to me leasE's s pace from M t'rcy?" Schmit asked. Schmit te rmed C'fforts to link tus connection with the hospital to impropriety as ''asinine" and the efforts of "pitiful people whn 3re trying to make somettung out of nothing." Man Murdered By Teen Girls NEW YORK CAP> -Thre«> teen-age girls fighting on a Queens sidewalk clubbed and s tomped to death a subway change·booth clerk who tried to break up thelr brawl, police say. Fred Pirone. who would have celebrated his S4th birthday to- day, wat\ pronounced dead on ar rival Thursday night al Lon~ 1.sland Jewis h Hospital. He was marned and the father of two dauchters. Pollet said that when Pirone tried to stop the fhrht. lhe Sirls tut'Md on him . One lftrutk lhe would-be peocc.-makfr on the head witb ~ome o bject and then oJI three kic ked him r-ept"ntcdly, police said Ontario Port Site Proposed By WILLIAM SCHREIBER 0t 111e O•llY ,.1101 SC..lf Oranl(e County S upe rvisor Thomas Rilev will resurrect the concept or designating Ontario International Airport in San Ek>rnardino County Tuesday as 01·ange County's pri rnary com mercial jt't :urport I n :t lt>tt~·r to his fellow sup~rv 1~urs, Rtley s:ud all other feast bit> ~•ltt>rna t 1 n·::; for meeting :inhc1palt'd passeng1o.•r loath 111 lht• near future hc!Vl' been ex plored a nd d1scart.ll'<l "The JOtnl UM' of El Toro ha:-. been removt.•d lrom any potenlwl speculal1on and the use. Joint or sole of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station for cum merc·1al ill r operation::. woulc.J 11wolv<• this board in m a->!>1 ve land use l'On q :rslon program:-.. Riley saul T hE' :-.ll•wport Bl•at•h ~uµerv1sor also tonceded th.it his hopes for building a m <1 ssi \ t' Ill'\\ mtt•rcon- l i nen t al airpo rt at R a nc ho California m Ri versidc County have been d ealt a fatal blow. He said R1vers1de County of- f1cials have refused to rontinu~ discussing the> possibility of a three-county airport on the de sert site near Temecula The Ontano propo:.al w;is first ~uggC's ted by Hil l•y's pn• dN•essor. lhl' 1~111• Konald \\. ('.1..,pprs But a 19i J ft.o,1 .. 11)11ity study uf Ontario b) .i spe('tJl l'Ounly •·task force" revealed it would have on Jy a limited, s hort-term impaet on relieving tht• g rowth of Orangl' County's passcng1•r loads Rtlt:'y contends m tus latest re- commendation tha t the 1974 task force "Jdm1ttedly lacked re- sources to conduct onginal rL'- search and Ii m1tcd lhetr study to the collC'clton and analysis of d ata avail able from various :sources.·· The report was received by supervisors ;.lnd s hl'lvro. "Recent contact v.ith Ontario management has md1caled that the airport is in the> process of a medium-scale expansion at pn• sent "ith the capability to ex p;.ind SC've n limes over 1n annual passenger lo.id1ng. •·Riley said. According to Riley's figures. Ontano could h andle 14 million p;1ssenger s a year by 1985 - almost exactly lhe anticipated net•d f or Rivers id e, San Bernarctino and Orange Counties combmed. Riley admitted that the m ain problem in pressmg for max- 1 mum u se of Ontario is transportation , since the facility lies at least 40 minutes from the population cenl('l'S of Orange County. But he ~aid rompll'liou of lhe Orange Freeway (Rout e 57) plus additional s tudy of access from the south county could al- leviate som e of t h e problems of access. In a recent i nterY1ew, Riley ::.atd he e n visions satellilC' terminals around the county M'rVl'd by hig h-speed freeway ex- press buses to whis k passengers to their wailing planes in On tario. As a first step in his latest push for an airport to relieve con- lro\·ersy around the ex1st1nf! rounty airport . Riley wants to begin talks with San &>rnardtno offtc1als to pro mote use of On- tano Internation,11 Frona PagP ,i\ I MOORE ... She s aid her publi c dt'ft.>nder, James Hewitt, tried to convin<'l' h~'r to present a defense of insant ty or diminished capac ity. Rut sht' said she felt this was not "an honorable thing to do .. Miss Moor e , clad in 'plaid slacks and ~· navy blue tunic, stood f ac in ~ the judge and declared : "l have no more desire than anyone else to spend lhc rest of m y Ii f e in prison." But she a dded. "Each of us must make p('l\Cl' with ourselves I am rNidy to answer for my own acts ·· She also said s he did nol wish to place on a jury the hurdl'n of re- aching a verdict she felt was already a foregone conclusion She then cited a number of pohtieal a~sassinalions and at- t empts, inc luding alleged CIA E'f· forts to kill Cuban premier Fidel Castro and Chilean president Salvador Allende. She noted that no one had been charged with crimes in those incidents. Miss Moore wa s the second penon charge d under a special federa l law covering ass aults against a president of the United States The f1r ~t w as Lyn e tt e "Squeaky"' Fromme. convicted last month of attempting to n.s sosstn ate f'ord Sept. s during .1 vi~it to Sacra mento New Amis Rapped GENEVA. Switzerland <UPJ > ._The United States and Soviet Union said today th~y will recess lhe1r StratPgic Arms Llmitstion T a lk s next w eek for th(.' Christmas 3nd New Year holiday. Bandit Santas . - Customers Get Free Gas CHICAGO <UPI} -About 100 drive.rs helped themselves to free gaM>llne and cigarettes today for about two hours when they found attendants at a busy service station tied hand and root, police said. Attendants Michael i'Ty and Kenneth Harris bo~h 20 •. suid thrnc ~ar~ed ?Jen held them up at gun'. point, lled the m w1th wire m the r ear of the ser vice station near an entrance to Lake Shore Drive. Robbery investigalor David Olsen said "After t~~ stic~up, one robber worked the driveway: lie was d1spensmg gas and cigarettes, collecting the money and putting it in his pocket." !he ot.b.er two took approximately $5,000 from the s tation safe and $300 worth of cigarettes. The three left the attendants bound and on the floor. "The attendants told me during the time they were li ed up, there was a steady stream or customers. They looked in, saw them tied up and helped themselves to cigarettes and gas and just drove away," Olsen said. "ll was approximately two hours. One customer finally used the pay phone to call the police. But he didn't give his name because he probably had just ~tuck the m for a tank of gas, too.'' Man's Boat Burns Off San Clemente A horrified Redondo Beach man watched his $43,000 cabm c ruiser burn to the water line eight miles off San Clemente Thursday after escaping the burning cra ft to the s afety of a second vessel that was in tow. $4.5 Million Ransom Paid LYON, Franct> (AP> -Kid- napers today r eleased unharmed the 9-year-old son of a Fren ch pharmaceutical millionaire after payment of a ransom of a bout S4.5 million, police announced here. French n ews m edia had ob- served a pohcc r equest for silence on t he kidnap s ince Christophe Merieux was kid- naped Tuesday while on his way to school Opposition Wins VANCOUVER, B.C. (UPI) The opposition Social Credit Party took control of the Britis h Columbia Provincial Govern- ment Thurs d ay night in a landslide upset , crushing the socialist New Democratic Party Government of Premier Dave Barrett. Orange County Harbor Patrol officers stationed at Dana Point Harbor did not learn of the inci- dent until the man pulled into the harbor in the 13-foot outboard boat from which he watched the floalinJ:? inferno. Raymond H. Smith, 46, told harbor patrol deputies lhal the engine of the 38-loot Viking cruiser caught fire about 12 miles outside Oceans ide Harbor during a morning cruise to Avalon Harbor at Catalina Island. Smith said h e tried in vain to extinguish the flames, lhen gave up and jumped into th·e small out- board that was in tow, Dep. Russell Bradley r ePorted. After severing the line that tied the small outboard to the larger craft, Smith watched nearby as the cruiser burned to the water line and fina lly sank, Bradley said . Smith was not injured. Bradley said Smith originally landed al San Clemente, asked directions from a fi s herman and piloted the s mall boat north to the harbor where he gave the story to harbor patrol de puties. Bradley s aid the U S. Coast Guard localed debris of the cruiser on the s urface of the water and issued a warning for other boaters in the area to watch Cor it. The fire broke out about 8 a.m. Smith arrive d at Da na Point Harbor about 10:15 a.m. From Page-Al FUNDS ... ing and llw ,tlt<ich ed court order . one <'an only assume 1mpro1>t.'r motives o n your part ant.I possibly other members of the board in continuing to pursue thi!. matter in the recklei..s and 1r r esponsible manner which ha:-; been followl'd lo d ate." Bower said. The t•ourt order thl' attorney referred lo was a .luly 26, 1972 or der s igned by Superior Court Judge Willh11n L. Murray. Mur ray's order authorized the main- tenancl' of ;1 checking account at a Santa Ana bank for use by tht> task force in undercover buy- bust operation::. When the exis tence of thl! fund was m ade "ommon knowledgt.> three months ago, Diedrich charged it was an illegal use or what in realit y is public money. Simultaneously, Supervisor Laurence Schmit called the prac llce of taking money from offcn ders a form of ''jus tice for sale.·· Diedrich a nd Schmit then became a two-man board of super visors comm itt~ charged lo investigate the fund. Tuesday th e Board of Super visors voted to demand that the money held by the la:-.k force be returned to the county and in a conciliatory move of fered to make county funds available for the law enforce ment work. f'rour Page .·\ I FIRE ... fire within an hour after arriving at the scen e, fire officials said. "I woke up hearing people yell- ing, 'Fire.' I opened the front door, and it was total blackness and flames," said Eddie Slone. 21. who was rescued by firemen from his fourth-floor apartment. Maria Green, 3·1. who lives across the str eet from the de- cades-old building, said: "l heard a kind of explosion, like a tire going fl at. I looked out m y window and saw flames around the first or second floor -within two seconds the whole thing was in flames. "It looked like nothing but fl a mes a nd s parks flying all over," she said . "People werC' screaming and hollering and 1 saw a few jump from the first floor. The people were in their nightclothes. and they were cry- ing." · Calden said firemen a rrivinJ! at the scene a bout 4 a.m. "saw a number of persons engulfed by fire They were hanging out the wrndows.·· Gregory Nagle. 25. a City College student who also was rescued Crom the fourth floor. said that when he a woke, "smoke was all ins ide. I had no fire escape. I was h anging out the wmdow. afraid I'd have to j ump l just ke pt yelling." Henredon Holiday Specials Al I priu.:s show n are specials reduccJ for you r holiJt'ly pl easu re: E~nt f AcceQtS •.• rom Henredon ... s 395.00 H0nrC'don :. SlS.O:l Stop in now and make someone's holiday extra special WlHDAYS I SATUIDAYS 9:00 to S:lO I' , NEWPORT BEACH• ln7Wt;STCU n~oR ' M22050 LAGUNA BEACH • :MS NOl<1'11 l:OAS'I' liW\' , 41H 6SSt TORRANCE• 23649 HAWTHORNE etvo <n11tn Fn 1119, Sun IH 301 3711-1278 Huntington Beach Fountain Valley -EDITION VOL. 68, NO.~. 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1975 Afternoon N.Y. St~ks TEN CENTS Sc -....·t Defends Hospital Einployinent By GARY GRANVJU.E qttMOallf ~letlUff Orange County Supervisor Laurence Schmit denied Th~ day there was any impropriety in hi~ employment by a hospital controlled by Dr. Louis Cella dur- ing the time he was a candidate for county supervisor. Schmit also said that, to the best of his knowledge, a public financial disclosure statement he • . filed last April was not in error for failing to list the income he received in 1974 Crom Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana And, Schmit made clear he does not consider his vole in sup port of awarding a county con tract to a health testing firm linked to Cella as a conflict of in terest. ' In mentioning has employment at the hospital, Schmit pointed ara \ -t -. ,. ·~ Here: Honored . .. Masuda~ Sclwol Dedicated VALOR RECALL!Q- Fountaln Valley'• Ma.IUda Drug Unit Says No To County In a scathing letter to Board of Supervisors Chairman Ralph Diedrich, attorneys for the Orange County Drug and ;'Jarcotics Tas k Force said task force trustees will not turn funds entrusted to their care in to the county treasµry . Tne official notice aenyihg the Board of Supervisors.' demand that Sl9, 723 be funneled into the county treasury came from Orange attorney Ronald G. Bower. Included in the attomey"a.blunt rejection notice was a searing at- t ack on Diedrich's alleged motive for demanding that the trustees surrender the funds and accompanyirtg records to the county. Bower also criticized Diedrich and other supervisors' handling of the controversy surrounding money paid by convicted drug of· fenders into a special fund used for narcotic law enforcement. "I am s u re that the most casual observer watching this scene unfold will hold your re- marks in contempt and recognize them for what they are, a non· sensical and irrational diatribe which is beneath the dignity of your hjgh office,'· Bower wrote to Diedrich. The county board chairman was not immediately available for c~mment. · Bower pointed out to the Fullerton s upervisor tb&t the fund has been audited by the state Department of Justice aJld was found, In his words. to be scrupulously managed and main· tained and that no monies have been mishandled in any fashion. "In view of the auditors' find· ing and the attached court order, one can only assume improper m otives on your part a n d pouibly other members of the board in continuing to pursue this matter in the reclclctS and h·· responsible manner which has been followed lo dale," ~wcr said. The court ordl.'r tho attorney ref erred to " aa a Jul) 26, 1972 or· der si1inc<l hy Suot>rior Court Judge Willlnrn f. ~,11rroy. Mur- ray's ordtir au\houad the main· tenanct-of o checking account at a Santa Ana bank f0r u&e by the tuk force in undercover buy- <Ste F\INDS. P.. AZ> , .. A young World War 11 hero who was killed in combat will be honored Wednesday at the de- dication or Masuda School in Fountain Valley. Kazuo Masuda, who earned the Distinguished Service Cross for his combat duty, died in July of 1944 in Italy. According to Army reports. "He deliberately sacrificed himself so that the men with him could return with valuable in- formation.·' said officials of the Fountain Valley School District. T.tie public is invited to the 7 .30 p .m . dedication ceremony at Masuda School. 17415 Los Jardines West, n ear Slater Avenue and Ward Street. The event will include Bicen- tennial singing, dancing and drama performances by Masuda students, as well a~ an ap- ~.,ance by the Asian A\nerican ~Df'Cnn and Bugle Corps of LOS Angeles. ll\ jddJUon, the Kazuo Masuda Pbst of the VFW in Santa Ana will present a $6,000 Japanese garden for the new educational facility. Members of the young soldier's family and of his Army unit will be special guests, officials said. Mr. Masuda, of Japanese an· cestry, was part of a pioneer Fountain Valley family who lived and farmed near Talbert Avenue and Brookhurst Street, officials related. In 1941 , he was inducted into the Army and joined the 442nd re- giment of 33,000 young Japanese- American soldiers He later advanced lo the rank of staff s arge ant. On July 5, 1944. district of- ficials recounted. Mr. Masuda's unit came under heavy attack near the Arno River in Italy, while the young soldier was man- ning an observation po!)t They said eyewitness accounts indicated that Mr. Mas uda crawled back 200 yards through heavy fire, picked up a helmet as a baseplate for a mortar tube and fired the piece single-handedly for 12 hours. Several days later, he was killed on patrol. The following year, his Dist- inguished Service Cross was pre sented to his sister, Mary. on the front porch of the Masuda home. <See MASUDA, Page A2) Sheila Marcus Seeks Valley Council Seat Shella Marcus, who helped lead efforts to defeat a Fountain Valley unifkalion proposal, h"' taken out nomination ~pers for the March 2 city council election. Mrs. Marcus. of 16215 Scotch Pine St., said she plans to think over her candidacy thi1 weekend before completing the nomina- tion forms. She would be joining six other announced contenders for the March 2 race. Others include Mayor Bernie Svalstad, former Fountain Valley scho9J board president Fred Voss, Parks Commissioner Manuel Abrcon, Robert H. Rusoff of the Bicentennial Com· mittee, Steve McGinnis and Dr Joseph Schloss. The four-year terms of both Sv;, I tad and Dr Marvm AdJ r expire. Adler h.ts said he will sE'E'k re-cll'Ctlon hut he h3s nqt yet filed. Onjy Rusorr antl Alarcon have returned their nC>mination form to tb• clty clerk, officials said to- da,. ) ou. thal it terminated when he became a county supervisor Jan 6 and that approximately $7,300 he had earned as a public rela- tions consultant was declared on his tax retums last year. "All income that I received (from the hospital) prior to tak- ing office was standard payroll and included appropriate de- ducations for !axes and other matters." Schmit said. ea The 34-year-old supervisor said he did not believe it was necessary, for him to include sources of his 1974 income on the financial disclosure statement filed with the county clerk in April. "As I understand it, the re- quirement is that all sources of income received while a public official be reported. And the money I received for my work &t • m UPI Tel~• ATLEAST10 DIED IN FIVE-ALARM HOLOCAUST Scores of San Francisco Residents Rescued At Least 10 Perish In Bay Al-ea Blaze SA.'\l FRAXCISCO IAP> -A firt-believed lo be the work or an arsonist swept through a five- story apartment bu1ld1ng during predawn darkness today. killing at least 10 people and injuring several others. authonties said. Fire Chief Keith Cald<'n s aid nme bodies were taken from the gulled !building, and a 10th person died at San Francisco General Hos pital. Firteen others were treated for injuries, and 10 or them -includ· an g S<'V<'n firemen were hospitalized. "Based on our preliminary in· vestigation. we feel fairly certain it was an arson fire." said Asst. Fi re Chief Charles Carli. "Some flammabk liquid was used to start 1l." Screams filled the night air as several of the more than 125 resi- dents of the Gartland Hotel- Apartments in the city's Mission District used blankets to lower themselves to safety from upper floors, and others leaped from one story up. One man lowered himself from a fourth-floor ledge as far as he could and th<'n jumped, sustain- ing minor injuries. Calden said the' arson theory was based on statements of wit· nesses who said they smelled gasoline ·'and the way the fire took off." He estimated struc- tural damage al $400,000. About 200 firemen converged on the building and controlled the fire within an hour after arriving at the scene, fire officials said. But stubborn flames lingered on the fifth floor even as firemen carried out bodies one-by-one in a basket-like structure or canvas and steel. Bandit Santas Customers Get Free Ga8 .. CfllCAGO CUPI) -About 100 drivers h~lped themselves to free gasoline and cigarettes today for about two hours when they found attendants at·;. busy service station tied hand and foot, police said. , · Attendants Michael Fry and Kenneth Harris, both 20, said three bearded men held them up at gun- point, tied them with wire in the rear of the service station near an entrance to Lake Shore Drive. Robbery investigator David Olsen said,." After the stickup, one robber worked the driveway. He was dispensin& gas and cigarettes, collecting the money and putting it in his pocket.'· The other two took approximately $5,000 from the station safe and $300 worth of cigarettes. The three left the attendants bound a.odon the floor. "The attendants told me during the time they were tied up, there was a steady stream of customers. They looked in, s aw them tied up and helped themselves to cigarettes and gas and just drove away," Olsen said. "ft was approximatel.Y two hours. One customer finally ust!d t_he pay phone to call the polic~. Bu~ he didn't give his name because be probably bad JUSt stuck them for a tankotgas, too." Mercy was bet ore l was sworn tr.· toof!ice," said Schmit "I might be mistaken in my an terpetetion or the law. If I am. at is an honest mis take," he added. As far as the queslton of con flict of mterest is concerned, Schmit said he doesn't see how a conflict can be involved when he at no time has had any financial involvement with Orange Count y H(3alth Testing Institute ·· u 'I Tried To Kill Ford' SAN FRANCISCO <U PI > Sara Jane Moore, accused of try· ing to kill President f'ord, today asked to change her plea to guilty. Miss Moore, 45, in a statement before U .S . Dis t rict Judge Samuel Conti, said in a state· ment she read calmly, '"I dad willingly and knowingly attempt to murder Gerald Ford by use of a handgun. "There comes a time when you have to answer to yourself," her statement continued. •·and I have made peace with my cons cience." Miss Moore. 45, was scheduled to go on trial Moqday on charges she attempted to fir<' a shot al Ford outside the St Fran<'ts Hotel in San Fr a nc1sco Sept 22 She was arrested and 1m mediately wrestled to the ground after firing a single shot at the president from <1c ros:. the street. In her statement. Miss Moorl' told the court that "nobody is on trial" for attempted assassin a tions of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and other heads of state outside the United Slates, nor for what she said werl' murders of American radical leaders. ''When a government usl's as sassination to put down dissent 1l musl expect that Wl'apon to be turned agamst il, ·· slw said After her st atement. Conti warned her or thl' consequences or changing her pll'a and ll'clured her on her rights. Her attorney. federal public defender Jame:. Hewitt, s aid s ht• changed her plea against his w1sht•!) Conti said he would hold •• hearing Monday at which a psychiatrist wou Id be ask<'d to assure the court that Miss Moore is mentally capable and compe· tent or changing hl'r pica. Hewitt said earlier that Miss Moore would claim a "defense of <See MOORE, Page i\2) High-speed Crash Kills Driver in HB Speeding up Huntington Beach 's quiet, d esert ed downtown Main Street, a Garden Grove man was killed instantly today when his car crashed ap- proaching a curve at ao estimat· ed ~to 100 miles per hour. Arthur Ralph Smith Jr .. 25, or 12682 Sun swept Ave., was crushed in the crumpled wreckage and pronounced dead at the scene at Lake Park. Investigators said his 1966 sedan swerved out of control. ap· parently when he braked ap proaching Main and 11th Streets. just beyond which lie a curve and a traffic signal. Tbe victim's car slid sideways for some distance, slamming into a Southern California Edison Company streetlight and power pole which was sheared off and shattered. His heavy sedan continued on leaving a tangle of spark· spewing downed power lines. Sm8$hed into a giant old eucalyp tm ttte then bounced backward and completely across to the op po«ile side of the street. Investigators s&1d the wreckaet" also mowed down a postal mail box before comin.c to l"est on the sidewalk on the · easterly side of M Bin Street. <SH CRASH., P"e AJ) It was the mslitull' thut l...tsl Ju ly was awarded a $275,000 county co ntract eovt>ring pre · employment ph) s1cal examma lions for county employes. Cella, the belt-aguered Santa Ana physician whose ftnan<'ta l dealings are under investigation by a federal grand jury as well as the county grand JUry. said he divested himself or any intere!)t <Set> SCHMIT, Page A2l UPI Te~ CHANGES PLEA Sara Jane Moore IRA Thngs Surrender · In Lorulon LONDON (U Pf) -Polace broke an e1ght·day-old downtown London siege today and captured four Iris h Republican Army gunmen who came out with their hands up The gunmen first freed Mrs. Shl'ila Matthews. 53, one of lhe two hostages they had held s tnce police trapped thl' IRA men in the ~ atthews · apartment last \\eek. Then the gunmen. one waving a whale handkerchief. filed onto the apartment balcony with their hands up. Police marksmen CO\'ercd the scene, lit by floodlighL'i in the early evening darkness. as the men and hostage John Matthews, 54. appeared one by one on the second floor balcon ~ . The siege had lasted 140 hours. All four gunmen were wedged into a small police panel truck which s ped away. its s iren wail- ing. Passer s by brokl' into ap- plause. The gunmen were wanted for an 18-monlh senl'S of bombings in and around London which killed 27 pers ons and injured 540 One was believed to Ix> a man known as Michael Wilson. Bri- tain 's most-wanted terrorist. Ills fingerprints were found at the (See HOSTAGES, Page i\2) Coast Weathe r Clearing tonight with sunny weather on Satur- day, acco~ding to the weather service. Con- tinued cool with beach highs at 60 rising to only 64 ml and. Lows 46 to 52. INSIDE TODAY "'Is iJ really arl?" some viewn-$ -or rolher, li.!tencs -may o.tk of the current NtwpOTt Harbor Art Museum $Mw. Daily Pil()t Staff Writ~ Hilary Kaye erplaim why on Page Cl of the Weekender Index AIY-S.••k• AJ MlllM~ A• ...... , ... •• NIOv•.-U ·t l...M .. 1'4 Alt -•fllNt Al• Cl'H•m• AS •• ~u .... , ..... A• Cl.lttltlM OlU Ot••c.tlMy At c:.mlC• C:t ...... ~. .,.J Cl'Mt ...... (l ......... "'~ c .. °"'"'""<•• All s11-w11 '.n•• AU ,.,.,\al, ... A• '-'1• .,, '"'..,_,_,,, Ct. S*ltMml'lltft AHl1 ,,_. AU tJ Tel9Vlt .. ll C:• ,....., ... "•fM"ll "" ,.,_..,.,, Qt .._".,.. u Wtlll'< A4 '""'""' "'°" cs ~"NMewt A• ,.,.,.u_n . , .......... ,, .. "1 ' A2 .DA.IL v PILOT H/F 2Held 1 ln Car I Thefts Two young m en possibly tied mlo a car-theft ring spec1aJ1i10g in 1971 Ford autos ure sought to- day following Thursday night in· cidents in Huntinirton Beach and 1 Fountain Valley One vehicle was stolen from 1 tht:' home of Charle-; E &rtona. 10381 K<.1muda Dnve. accordmg to police off acer Jam Bogdanof. A teen age boy Laving in the neighborhood apparently then spotted and fnghtened off two • youn~ bl..ick males wearing 'Aatch caps during an attempt to ::;teal another 1971 Ford al 10931 Kamuela Ori\ e. according to police The mcadcnts occurred an a neighborhood near the s pot where fluntinmon &•ach. Costc.1 ~ks a and f<'ount.11n V.1Hey city ltmals con\ cr~l' Huntington Ht·.1ch police said th~1t lht• lhat'Vl'~ also struck a frw blocks away in Fountain Valley .1bout thr samt' time, shortly before midnight Fountatn Vallt•y police srud to- ' day, howcvt•r, that they could supply no information when asked 1f .1 car was stolen or if the ;.n1to thieves only m:.ide an at tempt Huntington Beach police noted that a southland car theft rang is known to be de:iling only an 1971 Ford::; due to a manufacturers de- fect that received nal1onw1dl' news pubhcaty The autos· stceri ng wheel cas mg can easily be popped open. even "hen the 1gn1l!on is locked, a police spokesman said Thurs- ' day night 1mmed1ately after the ! West County incidents were re- ported. r "Then you can 1ust start the car with your thumb:· he added. noting that no 1gnit1on key 1::; even needed. · HB Trustees ; Seek to Oust r Instructor I I I Trust<'es of the Huntington &ach L'nion High School 01~ tnct voled fhursd a) night to file clJ::;m1ssal charges against J eff ' Davidson, a health education -teacher at M:inna llJgh School. clJstnct offtc1als said tn<la' Assa st ant dist n et Sup(.nnten- dcnt Glen Oysingl•r said the <'harges ag~11nsl Oa\'icison an• ··unprofrssional and immoral ! conduct. .. 1 Davidson who has been m the t district for two vears ha:; 30 da-.s ' to request a h('ar1ng bf..ifor~ · :1 slate hearing offatl'r, Dysinger said But Dysmg<'r dclclined to dis- cuss details of the charges. The action cam t' JftC'r an executive ses~1on at .1 s pt•c1al meeting of trustees ; Andy Devine Stricken With Pneumonia .\ touch of pneumonia" hJs hospatahzcd actor Andy Devine, a Hoag Memorial Hospital aide repnrtl·d today Howev<'r. the Newport Beach actor was reported in "good con- dition" and his hosp1tahzation was said to be only a precau tionary m(';.1suri· Devine. 70, ".is l:ikcn to the hospital Thurs day l.)octors arc uncertain how long the gravel- voiced entertamer wtll have to remain at Hoa~. Devine suffers from leukemia, but 1t 1s reportedly a form of the 11lnC'SS he is able to control ORANGE COAST HI rnr 0f~Q4' (CM\t O••I• P1IO' with t11ttH<h '' c~b·M'd tr"W' Nf"W\ Pre~\ ., CJUbl1\l'lf<I bf' 1N 0rllf>Q<' C:O<l\1 PuCll\l\•"9 (-y !wP<t'"" ...OthOf'I\ •rt PVl>lt\~11 Mond•Y lfVOUQf1 f ocM¥ tor C.O\ta li/tlt'\Jt N .. wpOrl l\f>.c:h .-.""ttrtiQlon S.111rh FOuttl•1n V•ttf'Y, lr'lll'lf"lf>. ~ddlf"b•r• V11tH• y •nd Lt9uM 8't~ h Soutf'I (OA\t A \tnQlr t1"9!0nl' •dlt1on f\ OUbll~d ~IUf'f:MV\ ~ \\Jt"i f\tlV\ Th~ l)fff'l(tp•t OMbH\f'tlnQ P•.nt u iU no ,,...,1 ti.y !.1rnl C:o•I• M• .... u111orn11 '101• Robert N. Wf!eO Pr~<l0.1\1 e nd Pul>U""" Jack R. Curley \I•'• "'""C)ftnl •nd C.Mt•I ~Nf'l'.., Thomas Keevll f.dolor The>mas A. Murpn1nt M<IMQll\Q f dtlOf Charles H. Loos Richard P Nall AUl~1•"1 _,..QlllQ EO•IOn Robert Barker W• \I Or tf\99 c:-n4 y f Ot!Of HUfttlnaton 8each0fflc• 1nff a..c" iM ....... ,o Melll"O A-nt ,. 0 In "°· ._ OtherOffkes '-'tquM a-..... 11 .. c;~ s1-t (l,.t. ,.,._.. U0 WU1 ~y ')lr .. 1 NoWl>Of'1 hlKll llD N....,.ot1 -v•"' SMkf-k Vel .. y U'°' I • Pei AOolCI MS...0,.._,,_ TelepMM (714) 642..u:21 C&aulfled Actvertl1Ung 642-5671 ,.,..,... ~ °'-C(d'll'( °""""""' ... ~1220 . "'"'11111' t•IS °'-"CM"....,.._,.,.. C-'*'' w.' -......... lllllJJ••-· ecill.,, .. m•ntr or •d••'"'•"'•~•• ,,,_,,.,, m•r IN ••ll•Of'ucell '"""..,. , .. ,,,, _.mlttl~ of ~tf1'4-•• s. .... o ""' """"" , •• d .. °"" ..... ~. "",_,,.. ~,.,.., ... .., ,,,,_ ..a.u _., Wy, l>Y ..... t .. )JmOl\llllf ""hlllry-llNll- 0.U-y. ·- • Friday. O.C.mber 12. 1975 Daily Pilet St.ff PhOlo Arride11ts Cited Gibbs Denies 'Bad Driving' Huntington Beach Mayor Norma Gibbs insisted today that she is a good driver but that perha~ her "hindsight'' could be better. . Mrs. Gibbs bas come under criticism as the result of fender- bender, non-injury accidents in the past couple of years. She was questioned al Mon- day's city council meeting by re- sident Marie Buckland about an incident in which she bumped in- to a tree while backing her son's car out of the Main Street branch . library Sept. 8. Mrs. Gibbs said that she was reimbursed for a $151 insurance claim because of a ruling that she was on city business. SGT. TONY VILLA HOLDS SEIZED GUN AND SURVEYS CARGO OF WEED In Newport, Endurance Smuggling Run From Beja Ends In a Bust She said s he was leaving an al- lied arts commission meeting at the library and rushing to a 5: 30 p.m. cjty council meeting. Coast Police Nab Trio in Pot Haul Federal agents and Newport &ach police today revC'aled thl' arrest of three m l'n and seazun• of sack:; llf man1uana which were the only :11leged cargo in an open small boat that piled .1 d:.ingero us course from BaJ.1 California lo the Oran{!<' Coast The three men all were booked on federal s muggling charges after their arrest by agents who followed the s mall boat f1tlro '>''1th a dozen gas tanks lo a land mg in Newport Harbor. The arrests took place late Wednesday night. said Narcotics Sgt. Darryl Youll'J, as the grass was being unloaded. The ares lct's are George Edward Hufford. 42. Bellflower. From Pagf> .'1 I SCHMIT ... in the health testing farm six months befon• lhe contract was awarded. And at the time the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to award the contract. Schmit ::;aid he was unaware of any Cell.1 mvolvement with the firm. "How can anyonr say that 1 as a former cmployc of Mercy Hospital can be involved in a con flicl with a contract awarded to a firm that unknown to me leases space from ~1ercy ?" Schmit asked. Schmit termed efforts to link his connection with the hospital to impropriety as "asinine" and the efforts of "pitiful people who are trying to make something oul of nothing.·· From Page 11 I FUNDS ... bust operations. When the existence of the fund was made common knowledge three months ago. Diedrich charged it was an illegal use of what in reality is public money. Simultaneously, Supervisor Laurence Schmit called the prac· tice of taking money from offen- ders a form of "justice for sale." Diedrich and Schmit then became a two-man board of supervisors com mittce charged to investigate the fund. Tuesday the Board of Supervisors voted to demand that the money held by the task force be returned lo the county and 111 a conciliatory move of fered to make county funds available for the law enforce- ment work. F\Jnd trustees were given an ultimatum demanding that they return the money by S p.m. Thursday or face a lawsuit. From Page Al MOORE ••• insanity and mental disease in her trial." On Nov. 26 in Sacramento, Lynette Fromme was convicted of attempt ed murder of the President for another attempt on Ford's life outside the state Capitol on Sept. 5. Conti postponed the scheduled start of Miss Moore's trial until Tuesday pending a ~ision on whether Miss Moore would be aJ. low~ to change her plea. Jl he decides s he is not eom~· tent to change tbe plea, pre· sumably the trial would go on. It she is ruled competent to change her plea, Conti said he will hold another hearing to determine whether she was competent at the time of the attempted as· sassinatlon. If Conti dt>termines she wu in· competent at the time of the cfime, the Jud.re could have her committed to on institution. Gary Albert Swilling, 29, Santa Ana. and Albert Delavin Fifield, 42, of Lakewood. Each remained in custody with bail set at SS,000 apiece Youle said that besides 200 pounds of the weed, agents from the city police, federal drug agencies and U .S . Customs seized a loaded, .45-cahber automatic pistol during the bust at 300 E . Coast Highway. The street value of the weed which was crammed into burlap bags was S50,000,. the in- vestigator said. "It must have been one heck o( a trip. We understand that the boat left somewhere along the Baja peninsula and made it all the way to Newport and there were more than a few times when the suspects nearly didn't make it," he said. f'rom Page A I HOSTAGES scene of the murder two weeks ago of Ross McWhirter, co- founder of the Guinness Book of Records. who was shot and killed on his own doorstep in the first such IRA assassination in the British mainland. Scotland Yard Chief Sir Robert Mark said the men would be charged with "a wide variety of crimes which come loosely under thC' head in~ of terrorism.·· Mrs. Matthews was rushed to Univer s ity College Hos pital where s pokesmen said she was "remarkably well considering th<.' circumstances" and was be- ing treated for shock. ·'She is all right,·· a spokesman said . The four-man IRA gang was cornered Saturday night after a crosstown police chase m which -unusual for London -shots were fired. The gunmen picked the Mat- thews apartment, apparently al random, forced their way in and took the couple hostage. An army of police marks men moved m and besieged the whole Dorset Square area of Balcombe Street m downtown London. From the beginning the police insisted on "no deals." "They are going to Brixton (prison) and no where else," Mark said. From Page A J MASUDA ••• The new Masuda School was built as a portable school. It was designed in three clusters of classrooms, which actually are portable. If district enrollment declin1!8 later, officials explained, the parts can be moved elsewhere and perhaps put to other uses. Gary Smith is the school prin- cipal a nd the staff includes 33 teacher s and a psychologist. BAD MARKET FOR RIPOFFS· HOLBROOK, Mass. (AP) - What may have been the A and B Ripoff Service was bankrupted by a police raid. Officers said they arrested three Holbrook boys and found S2,500 in alleeedly stolen television sets, stereo sets and cameras lo a shed. Police said the shed also yielded a mimeograph form on which was handwritten the let· • terhead ·'A and B Ripo(f Service.·· . l ~~~~~~~~~- Niguel Man Wins Brown Judge Post Orange County Juvenile Court Referee Marvin Weeks. a re:,1 - dent of Laguna Niguel, bas been appointed by Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr. to a judgeship in West Orange County Municipal Court, Westminster . Weeks, 44, has S('rved as a Juvenile Court referee s ince 1974. He was the first black to be a juvenile Court referee in Orange County. He is a former member of the Orange County Counsel's staff and a former U.S. District Court Commissioner. Weeks is a g raduate of Southwestern University Los Aneeles. Governor Brown announced the appointment Thursday. The position pays $41,677 annually. Brown also announced the ap- pointment of Municipal Court Judge James 0. Perez, 49, of Fullerton, to the Orange County Superior Court bench. Perez will succeed retiring Judge Herbert Herl ands. Norbert Ebrenfreund, 54, of La Jolla; was appointed to a newly created position on the San Diego Superior Court bench and Donald Cantwell. 41, a Modesto lawyer, was appointed to a new municipal court judgeship in the Modesto Judicial District. Superior Court juri:,ts rece1vC..'d $45,299 annually. "I was so preoccupied looking back to the right at the oncoming traffic while backing out of the driveway that J didn't see the tree and backed into it," she said Thursday. Mrs. Gibbs was asked by Mrs. Buckland at Monday's city coun- cil meeting if she had received a check for the car's damage. She at first s aid no, but added that on her way home from the council meeting that she recalled she did indeed receive the check but didn ·t realize what 1t was for at the time. "I was on my way to the league of cities meeting when 1t arnved and I did ask m yself. 'Oh dear. what is this for' " '·I intended to look into at when I got back from Miam.J , but l didn't get around to it." she said. An earlier accident occurred about two years ago, Mrs. Gibbs said, when she was driving a city car also on city business. She said an elderly lady pulled into her :.is she was entering a shopping center parking lot and the vehicles bumped, again caus ing only minor dam::ige. Mrs. Gibbs said the lady wa:, very upset about her insuranCl' coverage and implored her not to Scouts to Carol HB Shoppers About l ,800 G 1rl Scouts from throughout Orange County will sing carols to s hoppers at Hunt ington Center Saturday during their sixth annual "Sing Out for Christmas." The program, scheduled to start at noon, is being directed by the young adult group of the county Girl Scout Council. Delly Plllt Su.fl Photo 'l'M A GOOD DRIVER' Huntington Mayor Gibbs report the accident to police. Mrs. Gibbs had been asked why police reports on the acci- dents had not been filed. Mayor Gibbs said Thursday that she feels such questions at public meetings are intended on- ly to embarrass her. .. If they really want to find out about the accidents. they could ask me to my face," she said. "Thal also would give me a chance to get my information together." "I really resent all the flak the entire council seems lo be get· ting. I strenuously object to hav- ing our reputations impugned for performing a public service." "And besides," she added, "I am not a lousy driver. I'm a very good one." From Page Al CRASH •.• The thunderous impact of the 1 :20 a.m . accident awakened re· sidents of the quiet residential area for several blocks, resulting- in numerous calls to police. Traffic accident investigators declined lo release further in· formation pending completion of their probe, but one police spokc;sinan remarked that Smith had'reportedly just left a bar. The remains were taken to Dil- day Brothers Funeral Directors mourtuary chapel. where funeral arrangements were still pending today. Henredon Holiday Specials Al I prices shown are specials reduced for your holiday pleasure E~nt £Accents ••• rom Henredon ••• :. 515.0;) I' ( .. ~·l.; .. s 1139 .00 . •I Stop in now and make someone's holiday extra special WEbDAYS I SA T\llDA YS t:OO ht S:JO ( I NEWPOAT BEACH • 1721 WEStCUt'F DR.. IUoa:iO LAGUNA BEACH• J4S NllHTH t.'OA.\T HWY.. 41t.Wt TORRANCE• 2*t HAWTHORN£ 81..\'D. tOpen Fri. hi 9, Min. 12-S·JOt . n-.1m I I ( J • c 1 t ~ , '1 •I Orange Coast EDITION 'l 'oday's Closing N. \'. Stoeks VOL. 68, NO. 346, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY CALI FOR NIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1975 N TEN CENTS Sch:mit Def ends. Hospital EIDployIDent By GARV GRANVIU.E • OftMO•llYPlletSUft Orange County Supervisor Laurence Schmit denied Thurs- day there was any impropriety in his employment by a hospital controlled by Dr. Lou.is Cella dur- ing the time he was a candidate for county supervisor Schmit also said that, to the best of his knowledge, a public financial disclosure statement he filed last April was not in error for failing to list the income he received in 1974 from Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana. And, Schmit made clear he does not consider hil; votl.! in sup- port of awarding a county con tract to a health testing firm linked to Cella a s a conflict of in- terest. In m entioning bis employment at the hospital, Schmit pointed ara 12 ot L,.rge Laguna Hashish Ring 'Cracked' A multi-million dollar interna- tional hashish smuggling ring headquartered in Orange County and allegedly masterminded by a Laguna Beach man has been cracked by federal authorities resulting in the arrest of an Irvine attorney. Sources with the 1-\.>deral Drug Drug Unit Says No To County In a scathing letter to Board of Supervisor s Ch airman Ralph Diedrich, attorneys for the Oran ge Cou nt y Drug and Narcotics Task Force said task force trustees will not turn funds entrusted to their care in to the county treasury. The oflicial notice denying the Board of Supervisors' demand that $19,723 be funneled into the county treasury came from Orange attorney Ronald G. Bower. Included in the attorney's blunt rejection notice was a searing at- tack on Diedrich's alleged mohve for demanding that the trustees surrender the funds and accompanyi11g records to the county. Bower also criticized Diedrich and other supervisors' handling of the controversy surrounding money paid by convicted drug of- fenders into a special fund used for narcotic law enforcement. "I a m sure that the most casual observer watching this scene unfold will hold your re marks in contempt and recognize them for what they are, a non· sensical and irrational diatribe which is beneath the dignity of your high office.·· Bower wrote to Diedrich. Jn response to Bower's letter, Diedrich called it a remarkable non-legal document written by someone who apparently has political motives. "How can h e say the issue is resolved when legal opinion from county counsel and legislative counsel have said the fund is il- legal?" Diedrich asked. "And I'd like to say l don't see how the man can be quoting me when I have never talked to him, seen him written to him or, for that matter. heard of him," Diedrich said. Diedrich also criticized Bower's letter for claiming the <See FUNDS, Page A2) ·SIOCK MARKET ,TRADING SLOW NEW YORK (UPI> -The stock market closed unchanged today in slow trading on the New York Stock: Ex~hange in the absence of news and a lack of selling pressure The Dow Jon ts induslri al JtVeraae, a 1.26-point loeer Thurs- day, showed no change ot 832.73. It bad betn off mor Utan tt\ree potnl9. Declines led odvanct's by about • sevt-n-to-flve m>lritm <.Tables. AU). Prices were lower ln moderate uadJnl on the American Stock Ellchan,ce. .( ( Enforcement Administration (DEA) said today a dozen men named in the federal gr and jury indictments remained at large. Listed as fugitives were the al· leged master mind. Ernest Combs, 29, formerly of Laguna Beach. Also listed were Robert Work. 24, of Laguna Beach ; Stephen Gonsalves, 30, of Sunset Beach and Robert Fry, 30, of Orange. Irvine attorney Ken Giles Snyder, 39, of 32195 VlSta de! Catali.Qa, South Laguna, was ar- rested earlier this week on the Grand Jury indictment. Snyder was released on a $50,000 bond. a bEA spokesman said. AJso arrested was Richard K. Brown of Long Beach. The hashish ring is believed to have imported $10.5 million to $15.5 million worth of contraband via a music equipment transfer company which shipped rock music sound gear between the United States and Europe. Combs is named in the indict - ments as a principal in the case. and the man who recruited and directed couriers in its operation, the DEA spokesman said. According to the DEA, at least 3,400 pounds of hashish was re- corded being smuggled into the United States. He specuJated that much more could have been slipped into the country before agents became aware of the operation in 1973. Authorities happened on the ring's operation almost by acci- dent. A shipment of hashish sent from Amsterdam lo Detroit and on to Las Vegas in September 1973 was detected when one of the 26 containers was inadvertently left at John F . Kennedy Airport CSee HASH, Page i\2) Niguel Man Wins Brown Judge Post Orange County Juvenile Court Referee Marvin Weeks, a resi- dent of Laguna Niguel, has been appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to a judgeship in West Orange County Municipal Court, Westminster. Weeks, «. has served as a Juvenile Court referee s ince 1974. He was the first black to be a juvenile Court referee in Orange County. He is a former member ol the Orange County Counsel's staff and a former U.S. Dislrict .. Court Commissioner. We eks is a graduate of Southwestern University l.os Aneeles. Governor Brown announced the appointment Thursday. The position pays $41,677 annually Browu nlso announced the op pointment of Municipal Court Judge James O. Perei. 49, of F\lllerton, to the Orange County Superior Court bench. Perei will sueceed retmng Judge lt~rbert Herlo.nds. Norbert Ebrtl\frl'\1nd, M, of La .Jollo. was appointed to u nt>wly cre;;ted position on thi.' ~nn 01q:o &Jpenor Co\lrt bench :met Donuld Cantwell, 41, a Mode~to lawyer, was 3ppointed to o new municipal court judae!;hip in the Modesto Jodictal District. .,- out that it terminated when he bttame a county supervisor Jan. 6 and that approximately $7,300 he had earned as a public rela- tlons consultant was declared on his tax returns last year. · 'AJI income that I received !from the hospital> prior to tak- ing office was standard payroll and included appropriate de- ducations for taxes and other matters,·· Schmit said ea The 34-year-old supervisor said he did not believe it wa s necessary for him to include sources of his 1974 income on the f1nanc1al dtscJosure statement filed with the county clerk 1n April. "As I understand it, the n· quiremenl is that all sources of income received while a public official be reported. And the money I received for my work at • m Mercy was bet ore l was sworn 1r.· to office," said Schmit "I might be mistaken in my m terpetation of the law lf I am, at is an honest mistake, .. he added. As far as the quesh un of con Oict of interest 1s concerned, Schmit said he doesn 't see how a conflict can be involved when he at no lime has had any financial involvement with Oraiige County Health Testing lnstitutt!. " u O.ally Pll•I St.Mt Piiot• SGT. TONY VILLA HOLDS SEIZED GUN ANO SURVEYS CARGO OF WEED In Newport, Endurance Smuggling Run From Ba.Ja Ends in a Bust Coas.t Police Nab Trio in Pot Haul Federal agents and Newport Beach poli('e today revealed the arrest of three m en and seizur e of sacks of marijuana which were the only alleged cargo in an open small boat that plied a dangerous course from Baja California to the Orange Coast. The three men all were booked on federal smuggling charges after their arrest by agents who followed the small boat fitted with a dozen gas tanks to a land- ing in Newport Harbor. The arrests took place late Wednesday night1 said. Narcotics Sgt. Darryl Youlea, as the grass was being unloaded. The arestees are George Edward Hufford. 42. Bellflower: Gary Albert Swilling, 29, Santa Ana, and Albert Delavin Fifield, 42, of Lakewood. Each remained in custody with bail set at $.5,000 apiece. Youle said that besides 200 pounds of the weed, agents from the city police, federal drug agencies and U.S . Customs seized a loaded, .45-caliber automatic pistol during the bust at 300 E . Coast Highway. The street value of the weed which was crammed into burlap bags•was SS0.000, the in - vestigator said. "It must have been one heck or a trip. We understand that the boat left somewhere along the Baja peninsula and made it all the way to \lewport and there were mon• than a few limes when the suspects nearly didn't make it," he said Hoag Baske tball Tourney to Open The public is invited to view the Grace Hoag Memorial Basketball Tournament that begins Satur- day at the Upp er Bay and Eastbluff branches of the Harbor Area Boys' Club. All tournament games. which will continue all week, will be played at the two branches. The first game is set for 11 : 15 a.m. Saturdav. Finals will be the following Saturday Bandit Santas Customers Get Free Gm CHICAGO {UPI) -About 100 drivers helped themselves to free gasoline and cigarettes today for about two hours when they found attendants at a busy service station tied hand and foot , police said. Attendants Michael Fry and Kenneth Harris. both 20, said three bearded men held them up at gun- point, tied them with wire in the rear of the service station near an entrance to Lake Shore Ori ve. Robbery investigator David Olsen said, "Aft.er the stickup, one robber worked the driveway. He was dispensing gas and cigarettes, collecting the money and putting it in his pocket.'· The ot~er two took approximately $5,000 from the station safe and $390 worth of cigarettes The three left the attendants.bound and on the floor. "The attendants told me during the time they were tied up. there was a steady stream of customers. They looked ln , saw them tied up and help d themselves to cigarettes and gns and just drove uway," Olsen said. "ll ,·~,ts approximately two hours. One cu lomer finally u~cd Lhe pay phone to call the police. But he <lidn 't phc his name becausP he probably had just stuck them for at of gas. too.·' Riley to Urge Ontario Port Site Again By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of the 0~1ly Pilot St.aH Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley will resurrect the concept of designating Ontano International Airport in San Bernardino County Tuesday a~ Orange County's pnmary com merc1a1 Jet a 1 rpo rt. In a letter to his fe llow supervisors. Riley said all other feasible alternatives for meeting anticipated passenger lo<ids in the near future have been ex plored and discarded ·:The joint use of El Toro has been removed from any potential speculation and the use, joint or sole of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station for com merc 1al uir operations would involv<' this board in mass j.ve land use con- version programs ... Riley said. The Newport Bt.!ach supervisor also conceded thal his hopes for building a massive new intercon tinental airport at Rancho California in Riverside County have been dealt a fatal blow. He said Riverside County of fi cials have refused to continue· discussing the possibility of a three-county airport on the de sert site near TemecuJa. The Ontario proposal was first s uggested by Riley's pre decessor, the late Ronald W Caspers. <See AIRPORT, Page A2l Andy Devine Stricken With Pn.eumonia "A touch of pneumonia" has hospitalized actor Andy Devine, a Hoag Memorial Hospitnl aide reported today However, lhe Newport Beach actor was reported in "~ood con djtion .. and his hospitalization was said to be only a pr('(au tionary mtaS'\.lr<.' Devane. 70, was taken lo the hospital Thursday Doctor~ an• uncert8in how long the )(r~H·l · \'Oiced t-nlertaint'r will huv<' to rtmain at Hoaat. Devine suffers from leukemll\, but it is Nportcdly a form o( the Ulntss he ill able to c°J\trol. It was the institute that last Ju- ly was awarded a $275,000 county c ontract covering pre - employment physical examana- llons for county employ~. Cella. the beleaguered Santa Ana phys ician whose financrnJ de:lhngs are under investigation by a federal grand jury as well as the county grand jury, said he divested himself of any interesL (See SC'HMIT, P.age A2> 'I Tried To Kill Ford' SAN FRANCISCO CAP> Sara Jane Moore declared today that she "wilfully and knowingly" at- tempted to assassinate President Ford and asked a federal judge to change her plea to guilty. In a calm voice, Miss Moore re- ad a written st::itemcnl to the judge in which she said shed id nnt want to participate ma trial "that promises lo be a circus' and declared her faith an what she called "my drea m of a new revol - ution in this I and of ours · · She said she deliberately tned to kill Ford Sept. 22 and cited as 1usllf1cat1on allegations of U S. government invol\'ement in as· sassmation plots against foreign leaders. She declared : .. Any country which uses ass as~ination lo hide its own oppression must expecl that tool to be used against it.·· C S. Dis trict Court Judgl' Samuel Conti. apparently sur- prised by Miss Moore's decision, urged her to reconsider and ex-• plained that she was giving up all her constitutional rights to a trial. He said he would not allow her to enter the guilty plea until she undergoes further psychiatric t·X· amination to determine wheth~r she is sane. "I have lo s atis fy myself that you committed the act with which you are charged and !hat you have no legal defenses.·· 1he1udges a1d. Conti scheduled a heanng for 11 a .m Monda y a t which a psychiatrist will be asked to de· termtne Miss '.\t oore's mental state. She had been due to stand tna l Monday. "I am not no\\ insane m the legal and medical ~cnse, .. Miss Moore. 45, declared "I do not believe I was insane in the legaJ and medical sen:se on Sept. 22, 1975 ... It was on that day that the plump divore1•e fired a shot .1t l''ord as he left a downto\\n hoh•I aftt•r a speaking engagement A bystander defleC'ted the gun ;uul tlw shot went astray. In her !'tatement, !.'vtiss Moon'. a former F'B I informant with cnn· neclions m the Bay Area radical underground, s aid, "I knew what 1 was doing. I knew it was tllegal, and I made a conscious and de- li berate decision to do wbat I did.'' < e~ ~100RE . Page .\2) \\'eather Clearing tonight with sunny weather on Satur- day, according to the weather service . Cbn - tinued cool with beach highs al 60 rising to only 64 inland. Lows 46 to 52. INSIDE TODAY .. h 1t really art'.'" some vieweTa -or rothtr, lUtmen -may ask of the current ,'liewport llarbor Art Mmnim show. Dail11 Pa.lot Stoff Writer lhlary KOii<' lrploins why on Page Cl Of the WHkntdn Index AIY-5-rvl<• A,) ... ,_ •• .... ,"' .. MevS.s «' '-M .. .,. All Molt ...... , ..... .., c:a•HenM• ..... Mal-IHews •• CIHllf'" 01·0 ON,..C:.-y ., OHNo r.1 l'HC)lt •. l er.n-11 ' " ,,..,r•"" c ... o..lllN911<9' ,. , •• ,,It ,.t'Off AU ,.,.,,.,,r .. ,. ,. )n>rt1 aH fnlK.•lnm•f'I c'. S.;e<ll-Ml.tt AU 0 ,, .... 0 ,t, !f I\ T~ 'W1<>.-i Ct Alll"'l'•ur• '"' l'll'tllt•n c;a' H-su,. Ill WHIMI' M lftl.,mh•19<t C:\ W..r·NN•wt .. At111U•tt •t ........... Cl-It ~! DAILY PILOT N Ul"ITe .. - CHANGfS PLEA Sara J a ne Moore f 'rom Pag~ .·I I MOORE ... Shl' s:11d ht•r puhllc• dt1f1·1Hh·r. .J.1mt'" ill'\\ ltl, t1 tl•cl to 1·on vmce h1•r to prl':-.t•n t a tkfrllM' pf lnl.>ani l~ 111 d1m m1~lh1d cap..1<:11~. But ::-.hL' said .,ht• fl'lt t h1:-. was not ·«in honor ablethini:: to do." :\11ss )folll'l' l:l ad 1n plaid slacb and ..1 11:1\'Y blut' tunic, stood fa<'1ng l h1.• .1ud}!1• a nd declan•d 'I ha' l' 1111 rnon· dt•s1n• th.in ;inyOJll' l'l"l' l11 sp<'1Hl lh1.• ru.t 11f my hf1..• rn pns1111 " Rut "h<' ad(kd. E;wh of us must m.1kC' pt.•.1r1..• \\1th oursC'lve-. I am re.uh t11 JOS\\t.•r fo r m' own acts " · - he .ilso ":1111 sh1• did not\\ l"h to place on .i JUI')' the hurdt.•n of rt.•- arhing a 'erd1ct she felt \\.is al read) a fon·~one concluswn She lh1..•n <'ltt'CI :t numbt.•r of pohtlcal .i~sasl.>11Htt1ons and at tempts. 1nclud10g .11legl"CI CIA ef- forts to kill Cuha n pre mi er F'idel C'3stro and C'hile>:m pn _•s1dent Salvador All1..•ncl 1.• Shc nott'<l that no one had het•n chargl'd \\1th en mes in thOSl' in1..•1tknts. :\-1lss '.'v1 oor C' " as thc second person t harg1..•d under a special feder.d !;1 \\ CO\ 1..•ri ng assaults against a µrl's1Jt..nl of thl' lJ nitC'd Stall's The fir s t \\,Is L ~nl'tte SquL'C,lk~· Fromme. t.•onv1cted last month pf alll'mpltng to ai> s:Jssin.1!1' l''ord Scpt S dunng a ns1t lo !-i.1<' r .1 men to Safe Stolen By Burglars In Costa Mesa A team of mu::-.cular bu.rglars lifted a JOO-pound s afe from thl' Costa ~esa hom e of Elizabeth L ~toldt Thursday aftt..•r breaking in through a sliding i.:lass door. Police havC' not t•stirnat('d the loss in thl' 3flcrnoon burglary but believe the burglars may be d is· appointed a fter ::lit t he work The p rincipa l contl'nts of thl' 30 hy 30 by 30-inch safe. poli ce ~aid. "ere cans of ho me mO\'ll's personal papNs and a sta m p and com collect1on :-.;o value hJs been plac~d on the collect10ns. Police s aid thl' burglars ap parently pa rked a truck 111 the dnveway at the hom l', broke in, lifted the -;afe onto a dolly and trundled it out lo the truck :\-lrs )toldt told poh C\' that pnor to thl' burglary the safe was totally obscure d beneath a blanket and knit ting ki t Tht> safe had no wheels or caslcrs to case its removal, s hr s.11<1 Snoop De f e ns~ WASHJ'.'/GTO ~ Cl:Pl> ThC' Justice Departml'nt today an nounced it is hirrn,q 10 pnvate lawyers to defend 34 present and former government officials "'ho are being sued for billions of dollars bec ause of alleged CIA m ail openings ORANGE COAST N ltw Ofa"9f C.0A1• O•••v P1~t w1lh wt'l•<h ., rorrr>+Md tN NtWS·Pr•\\, ,, ~041\hNS bV '""' Or-Col\I Pul>ll\1111>9 tomr-• s,...,.,.,,. edlOon'\ .,. piybh1hed Mond.Ay Uwouoh FricMy tor CmtJt ~u. N•wpo,.t IWi.cf'I, HUt"ltinoton 8'Kh 1J.ount••n V•U•1 lr'tr1M, ~lf·b•<" V•lln •nd L•quM h•<"'~ut" C.0..\1 A •rnql~ tf"QlfinJtl ~dltlon " piuhll\tu11d S.hw«M"' .,..a Soun o•n ,,,.. prln<•P•I P\j~ll\hll'<Q PllWlt ... , JlO W.\l Ii.>• S••••• Co••• MH•, c..1o1"'"'• .,~~ Robert N . Weed Pre\•cN!nt ar.d Pub4•V.r Jack R. Curley VIO Proldel\t •nd ""',.., .. M.1-r Thomas Keevll [dl!Or Thomas A . M urptiine M•Nl9•"t t.oaor Qwark'JI H. Loos Richard P. Nall "''"l>l•nt M.tl'QI~ lOlton TeltplMtM (7'4) 642..&m a.uHI• Mwttlllno MM6TI ~IGM, tfJS Or.).... ONU l'IMl .... 111 ~ ,..., No -119' .... """'''"~ .. -··· -fl•• or H•tr•lte"'•"'' ,..,.,., ..,.., k ~Cft wltMVI '"<t•I ,,.rmln tOft el ~--a.c-,, .. , ....... , ...... , .... Mtte. '°"''-•· Mter._.i... •• "'"'"' JI U ~" ...,l ..,INlllM ts-Ully, ,.,,,,,.,.,_llllM'- •U~. I Friday, December 12. t9T5 f'ront Pag~ 1t I FUNDS ..• auwtors gave tbl! fund a clc3.Jl bill of health. "All he has to do I!) look at lhc court o rder and read the audltor 's report to see the order has been violated time and time a~ain. including use or money 1.1rithoul the required court or- der." the Board of Supervisors chairman said. Bowe r po inted out to the Fullerton s upe r visor that tt\e fund has been audlt«..'<i by the slate Department of Justice ~ind was found. in his words to be scrupulously m a naged and m:lin- l~uned a nd that no morues have been mishandled in any fashion. "In view of the aud.1tors' find mg and the attached court order. one can only assume improper m otives o n your pa rt and possibly othe r m e mbt'rs of the board in continumg to pursue this matter in the reckless and ir- responsible manner which has bt>en followed to date," Bower ~aid. The court ordC'r the attorney referred l1> w a.,; a July 26, 1972 or- d er s igm•d by Supcnor Court Judge Wilham L. Murray. Mur- ray's order aut horized the main- tenance of a checking account at a Santa Ana bank for use by the task force in undercover buy bust operations . When the t>xistence of the fund was made common knowledge three months ago, Diedrich charged it was an illegal use of what in r eality is public money. S imulta neous ly, Supervisor Laurence Schmit called the prac- tice of taking money from offen- ders a form of "jus tice for sale." Diedrich and Schmit then became a two-m an board of supervisor s committee charged to investigate the fund. Tues da y th e Roa rd of Super visor s voted to demand that the money held by the task force be returned to the county a nd in a concili:'.ltory move of- fered to m a ke county funds available for the law enforce- ment work. Fund trustees were given an ultima tum demanding that they rt'.'turn the m oney by 5 p.m. Thursday or face a lawsuit. From Page A J SCHMIT ... in the health testing firm six months before the contract was awarded. And at lhe time the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to award the contract, Schmit said he was unawa r e of any Cella mvolvement wijh thC' firm. "How can anyone say that I as a former employe of Mercy Hospital can be involved in a con n1ct with a contract awarded to a firm lhat unknown to me leases spa ce from Mercy?" Schmit asked Schmit termed ('(forts to link his connection with the hospit<tl to impropriety as "asinine" and the efforts of "pitiful people who are try ing to m ake something out of nothing · 'Wonn Cake' Wim Prize POl\10NA (U PI) -A r ecipe for ··earthworm applesauce sur prise cake'· won first prize at the first annual cooking with worms contest. Th e competition wa s sponsored Thursday by the North American Bait Company, with assistance from the nutrition de- partment of Cal Poly Pomona. The bait company produces earthworms for fishermen, but also for more modern uses such as soil aeration. waste disposal. fertilizer, animal feed and - most recently -people feed. Mrs. Patricia Howell, a former physics and math student at the University of Minnesota who works in the composing room of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, took a blue ribbon for her cake recipe, w hich includes on e cup o f chopped, dried earthworms. $4.5 Million Ransom Paid LYON, France CAP > -Kid· napers today released unharmed the 9-year-old son of a French pharmaceutical millionaire after payment of a ransom of about $4.S million, police announced here. French news media had ob- served a police request for silence on the kidnap since Christopht Mtrieux was kid· naped Tuesday while OD his way to school. Bomb in Miami MIAMI (AP ) -Bombs ex- ploded Friday at a bu.sines. iJ'I Miami's Little Havo.na section . and near a branch of the firm In suburban H ialea h. coueing dama.1e at both l()(1tion1 but no injuries, ~Jee utd. 0.11., ,. ... swtt ""°4• CAB HAS MESSAGE FOR NEWPORT'S DRINKING DRIVERS New Police Campaign For Holidays Starts Tonight Target: Drunks Police Brace for Holiday Police will la unch a campaign tonight to lake drunken drivers off Newpo rt Beach's streets through the holiday srason. Patrol ca r s who will focus strictly on drunken drivers will hit the streets at darkness. The program will continue, said police spokes men, throughout the holidays season. It's the first l ime, said Capt. p on Oyaas. that the Newport f'rom Page Al AIRPORT. • • But a 1974 feasibility study of Ontario by a special county "task force'' revealed it would have on- ly a limited, short-term impact on reli e ving the growth of Orange County's passenge r loads. Riley contends in his latest re- commendation tha t the 1974 task force "admittedly lacked re- sources to conduct original re- search and limited their study to the collection and analysis of data available from various sources.•· The report was received by s upervisors and s helved. "Recent contact 14ith Ontan o management has indicated that the airport is in the process of a medium-scale expansion at pre· sent with the capability to ex- pand seven times over in annual passenger loading," Riley said. Acc~rdmg to Riley's figures, Ontano could handle 14 million passengers a year by 1985 - · almost exactly the anticipated n eed for Rivers ide. S a n Bernardino and Orange Counties combined. t:seach Police Department has been a bl C' to assign units strictly to t•nforce thl' d runkcn driving laws. Oyaas said that drunken dnv- ing is a special problem during the holiday season because of the city's popularity as a watering hole. Besides the strict enforcement. Oyaas ' divi::.ion has de veloped a campaign of pubhC' a nnounct'- mC'nts r elated to the situation. All cabs scrv 1ng lhl' cit y are he- mg fitted with poster s with slogans urging drinkers to leave the car where il is and make it home by t a xi. Besides the poster s, iUustrated ~resentations to groups are being made avail<tble free, and any pro- . gram chairmen inter ested in booking the a ppearance by of- llcers at gatherings can make an a ppointment by calling644·3742. Man Murdered By Teen Girls NEW YORK (AP) -Three teen-age girls fighting on a Qu eens s idewalk clubbed and s to mped to d eath a subway change·booth clerk who tried to break up their brawl. police s ay. Fred Pirone. who would have celebra ted his S4th birthday to- day, was pronounced dead on ar- rival Thursday m ght at Long Island Jewish Hospital. He was married and the father of two daughters. Police said tbal when Pirone tried lo stop the fight. the girls turned on him. One struck the would-be pe ace m a ker on the head with some object and then all three kicked him repeatedly, police s aid 4ffiA Gunmen Give Up LONDON <UPI> -Police broke an eight-day-old downtown London siege today and captured four Iris h Republican Army gunmen who came out with their hands up. The g unmen first freed Mrs. Sheila Matthews, 53, one of the two hostages they had held sinct• police trapped the IRA m en in the Matthews ' a partment last week. Then the gunmen, one waving a white handkerchief, filed onto the apartment balcony with their hands up. Police marksm en covered the scene, lit by floodlights in the early evening darkness, as the men and hostage J ohn Matthews, 54 , appeared one by one on the second floor balcony. The siege had lasted 140 hours All four gunmen were wedged into a s mall police panel truck which :;ped away. its :;iren wail ing. Passers by broke into ap- plause. The gunmen were wanted for an 18-month series of bombings in and around London which killed 27 persons and injured 540. One wjs believed to be a man known as Mic hael Wilson. Bn- tain 's most-wanted terrorist. His fingerprints w er e found at thl' scene of the murder two weeks ago of Ross M c Whirtcr . co founder of the Guinness Book of Records, who was shot and killed on tus own doorst ep in the first such I RA assassination in the British mainland. Scotl3nd Yard Chief Sir Robert Mark said the men would be charged with "a wide variety of crimes which come loosely under the heading of terrorism ." Mrs. Matthews was rushed to Univers ity College Hospital where spokes me n said she was "remarkably w ell considering the circumstances " and was be ing treated for shock. "She is all right. 'Ya spokesman said. The four-m an IRA gang was cornered Saturday night after a crosstown poli ce chase in which unusua l for London shots were fired . The gunmen picked the Mal thews apa rtment, apparently at random , forced their way in and took the couple hostage. An army of police marksmen moved in and besieged the whole Dorset Square area of Balcombe Street in downtown London. From the beginning the policl' insisted on "no deals." •·They art'.' going to Brixton (prison ) and no where e lse," Mark said. --~ .......... ~-- Hostages Trapped On Train B.EILEN, Th e Nt?therlands CU PI) - l''anatical South Motuccan ,gunmen were reported to- day to ha ve boobytrapped their hijacked train with explosives in a bid to keep Dute h marines from storming the stronghold and freeing their 26 hostages. The Bible-c arrying gunmen, who prayed and wept as they killed three captives in the siege, seized the train and 7S hostages 11 days ago. The·y are battling to set up a republic in their Spice Islands homeland in the Pacific that is ruled by In- donesia. Apartment Fire Kills 12inSF SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -A fire believed to be the work of an arsonist swept through a five- story apartment building during predawn darkness today. killing at least 12 people and injuring :;evera l others. authorities s aid. Fire Chief Keith Calden s aid 11 bodies were taken from the g utted building, and a 12th person died at San Francisco General Hospita l. Fifteen others were treated for . injuries. and 10 of them -includ- ing seven firemen -were hospitalized. "Based on our preliminary in- vestigation, we feel fairly certain it was an arson fire," said Asst. Fire Chief Charles Carli. "Some flammable liquid was used to s tart it." Scream s filled the night air as several of the more than 125 resi- dents of the Gartland Hotel Apartments in the city's Mission District used blankets to lower themselves to safely . from upper floors, and others leaped from one story up. One man lowered himself from <1 fourth-floor ledge as far as he . could and then jumped, sustain- ing minor injuries. Calden said the arson theory was based on statements of wit· nesses who said they smelled gasoline .. and the way the fire took off." He estimated struc - tur al damage at $400.000. Riley admitted that the main problem in pr('ssing for m ax- imum u se o f Ont a ri o is transportation, since lhe facility li es at least 40 minutes from lhr population centers of Orangt• County But he s aid completion of tht• Orange Freeway <Route 57 ) plus additional study of acces~ from the south county could al leviate some of the problems of ~cress . Henredon Holiday Specials In a recent inten 'lew. Rilev ~a i d h e e n v i s i o n s s a t e 11 i t (. termina ls a round the county served by high-speed freeway ex press buses lo whisk passenger!> to their waiting planes in On tan o From Pog~ A I HASH ... 1n New York a nd was detcC'l t><f hv 41 drug.sniffing dog. · "They s hipped the hashish to different locations t hroughout lhe United States. They funneled it via runners or transport com panies to the Orange County area of Southern California."' a DEA spokesman said. Other :;hipments listed in thC' indictment were sent from Rome, Paris and Graz. Austria. to Los ·Angeles, Philadelphia. San Francisco and Las Vegas. Among those indicted bv the Las Vegas grand jury are six Britis hers , two Austrians, a Hollander and a Lebanese. The gr and jury also listed 14 unindicted co-conspirators in- cluding a 27 -ycar-old Long Beach man now serving a five.year. prison term . He was arrested in 1973 in Las Vegas wben he picked up the hashish discovered in New York. Federal authorities said the seizure then or the 820-pound h ashish s hipment was the largest ever in the west up to that time. Co~essAid To NY Near WASHINGTON CAP > Congrets ls moving closer to completing it.a work on ~eeplng New York City out of default and will likely send to President Ford next week a bill with $2.3 billion in loan money tor the dty. Tbe funds are contained ln a $10.3-billion supplemental ap- propriations bill wbich a joi.Dt Sel'late·House conforence com-mllt~ eacuased on Th~y. Al I prices shown are specials rcd uu:<l for your holiday pleasure E)®-nt {Accents. rom • • Henredon .•• $ 3CJ5 .0() Hf'nrPdl m (. h ~ 515.03 Stop in now and make someone's holiday extra special Wlff DAYS & SA TUIDA YS 9:00 to S:JO NEWPORT BEACH• 172'1 W£STCLffF DR.. fa.2050 LAGUNA BEACH• 34~ NOKTll (;OAST HWY., •-6SSt TORRANCE• 23649 HAwntORNE BLVD • (Open Fri. hi 9. Sun. 12~:301 371·1n9 I Older, Richer Where Did U.S. Stockholder Go? By SYLVIA PORTER The profile of the Amencan shar~bolder has changed draatieally and to me, for th~ worse -during this decade of turbulent booms and busts in the stock market coupled with lnflatioD and severe economic SI ump. The result: yqu, the lndtvidual owning stocks today more closely resemble the detested 1929 prototype of the "bloated capitaUst" than at any Ume since that crisis in American history. -You arc much, m u ch older. Your average age has risen sharply from 48 m 1970 to 53 now; oldes t age since the New York Stock Exchange beg<111 its periodic census of st~kholders back in 1950. Money's Worth -\'OU HAVE A MUCH h1gher household income'. $19,000, up from $13,500 1n 1970 and comparing with an average income for all U S. househol<b of $11,800 -You are much more conservative than you were when the 1970s started. The wild speculators have generally been weeded out and those of you in the market today are concentrated m higher-grade stocks listed on the NYSE. . -Your portfolio of stocks also is fatter: $10,050 on pverage against $7,lOOjn 1970. Thal fits in with your higher ~ncome, older age, greaf.er conservatism. -There are far fewer of you -with your ranks slashed tt8.3 percent in just five years from 30,850,000 to 25,2061000 flow. Most of the dechne 1s accounted for by enormous attri· t1on in holders of over-th~ counter stocks and mutual funds. -YOU LIVE PRIMARll.V in the East-North Central regions and in big cities, such as Ctucago and New York. No longer is the mid-Atl:lntic region in the lead, as in 1970. -And even one aspect [ might salul(> is not really cheerful. Women have recaptured the edge they lost in 1970 and again outnumber men as s hareowners by a nurrow margin. But probably the reason Lies in with that older shareholder age. women usually outlive men in the U.S. and tnherit the stocks Why ? Why so stunning a reveral in so short a span? It's too easy to blame th~ changes on lhe bear markets that have blotched this decade. IT'S NOT THAT simple, for there were bear markets in the 1950s and 1960s too -decades during which stock ownership soared. A first, more fundamentul explanation must be the American response to Watergate ....:... the deep disenchant- ment with our nalionaJ institutions. our whole political· economic system that be gon in 1972. The trauma of the Nix· on era s urely discouraged millions of Americans - particularly younger -from supporting our system via buying of stocks. This also helps explain the average rise in a~c of !'ihareholders: not enough young Amen cans are enlermg the stock market to offset the plam fact that the older owners get older ....:.... and die. A SECO~D FUNDAMENTAL explanation must be the upsurge in interest rates paid on fixed-income investments in t_h_c 1970s -ranging from the familiar s avings cert1f1cates to U.S. government, corporate and municipal obligations in various maturities. Frid • Oecemt>er 12 197!> N DAILY PILOT ii J a Friday's Closing Prices NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NIW YO"K (VIII) -f!lollOwlno .,.. ori<•, on tM Ntw '1'0tli 'IO<k H<llM99 lrt <'-· S.IH .... P. I! (l't-' t loM °". Mlbot• ~ lii"1' m"' . A(flndHO I J6 "°"' Aane(ly ·'° ) 1• • -"' AdAt'l\O. 04 • 10 J"" + "' MEit~ NII 13 '°"' • \\ Adrtms Mllll . 12 l.... lo\ AOOr'Ol'Ph 12 .. 1 ~ •.. Advlnv .24b . .. '"-•.• MINLI I Ol ll 274 2,V... V. Alln"60n .20 5 2S 11/t ••• All_, lncp e .0 '"" .. Alr"bl'rht 60 II I 171H + V. Air Pl'd .toa 16 ., .., 1\11 Alrco lnc.p l 5 '2 11-.. Yo A J lndtnl" 4 4 t + V. AltJOn<t , 20 . 20 ~-Vt A141 Gob t 2t • l llV. • V. A141P pf ue tno 7• -1 A141P pf 1.1' . 1100 71 ,. \'I Al1P pf' 44 110 90 Alesa<e lnt1t to t• 10""' AICrlYllll .0 10 20 tl'~ + , ... Albtr1oC J6 IS IS SY> Albef1'111 12 " •2 " -" Alun Al 80 14 a.. 1'', • 1,, Alco Sid 611 s 16 I• • ~ Alcon Lil 1' t9 11 ?I>.. , ..... Al•-• 16C> 6 .. ,, • ..... Allf9Cp 50b t7 2• 7 .... Allg(.,ud t 80 S 31 U~ V. Allg Ludpl J . . t J~ t "-Allg Pw 1,llO 8 60 17 'lo I 11t AllenGrp .~II 48 tll.-lh Allld Ch I 80 'I U S3V2 + 'II. AlldMen .60 6 10 10 .. All ltd Pr .60 IS 6 'IV, + '4 Allle<!St I llO 8 37 4)\oli Yo Alld ~U 40 l'-t Aiiis ci.. 16 5 )7 IO'lo AllrgrhtA S6 6 1 6'-Alpt\4P ~ l7 • -,,_ Al<O<I t l4 I• IOI lS'4t t-'> AmalSuo la 3 S )4\11 • • AMAX ' 7S 12 1•3 0 '•• "' AMAX pf S' • I 110 ~c .60 S I II"" Alncorcs JO s 13 •• o + Yo A.nwuc t 10 4 3 t7 • • A""ri:>I 2 . .0 3 301,,_ 'h AmHfl .Jav J 212 ts . A HU pf Ji,, SI 42¥t .. \Ir AmAlrFI 4 9 141 t4'1t-•10 Am Alrll~s 166 9 + V. Am 8e~ AO 'I 12 ll'to+ 'h ABrand 1."8 1 7t 371/• • 11o Am8'cs1 .IO 10 71 18v. + 1r, Am 81<19 40 1 s 9'h-If• A Can 1.20ll 1 112 31'1> ACMlpftlol. I 21V• 1,'11 AmCtn Mtq 33 I ~ Nfl !.ult 1"tl ~ Hr< ..,., ~I ,.,.I :,10'\ 1-t Pf \hio.J ('... (l'toi I l "'" I "' t 1 J PI •"-" (law ("q , I \"-'> (.I._,,. C• ! • I o.h (~,._. (1 1 C«ol'\.. 1 60 1 111 1' Etkd NC ll 10 17 IS'"° ..... Huntfl l! . .0 l 0 UYt-1, M G M tso \ .0 U " \o P SA Inc . 11 S', .... S'(brOtl 14 I n H'n • 1'o C.P PfJ» .. 11 ~ + ... Edsll8t I .. 'I ti 4S HUV<kCp • .0 1' 2> U M9tt'Ol'l'I 60 I 49 """. • P\IS Cot I 20 1 US IS';• •t. S'IOmlJI l 40 ll JI 11. ~ . .a J ,. '°"" Vt lo • G •• ·~ 27 IJ.... Hydromt ,. ' ,_JO '"'. "' M91l!ol.,, 110 11 • I PSE6G, 7t • Tn " • •• S-n•ron Oon , 11 S•· SJ• lfl 10... "" £led Auot II I... t,;, __, M9tl!of Ho 1100 ,..,., '"' PSEGl>f 140 •lCO U \o\ .... -T 1 rOft.•111 • ,,.,. • .• IDS Sy so. • 23 11'4 v. IC lno 1 >O 1 •1 ISll'» MGIC" 1i..10 . u1 ''" '• PSEGot 4 11 110 40 • 1 ten110 1 '° t ,. u • 1-:. .. ..IO,. '° 13\\-v. led M9mo 110 114 IC'"° olA•. uoo 70 Mkl\Gt 1.10 • • t .... '• PSEG11U IO 110 ., • ., I' T•l(ott N•I JI , "-' Jlf t .. J •t¥-\lo ~111 Ntll 11 t 1 1•11'» • ~ IC 1..0 fllfJll't • ~\It+ i,;, MIQIST I 10 S " t5'", °"' PSEGl!f 7 U 110 10 1 elley In .0 ~ 4'1 •'-c-1 Wll .AO 7 U '*--Ii\ Air Ind 13 tO )" ICN l't\¥m ti t -V. MlcllW9of I . S 2S • • • PSEG91 7 70 1100 IJ\'I • I 1 1 elle'I' of t •• '" C.CN~ .'2 6 ) ...... \lo ... sC I 10 ' HJ II ..... leleho P, 0. • Ut ,,._._lo\ Mlcrooof 11 1 Ill ll'°l '\ PSEGQf I IO lllO Tl'"' ftmpE I 04 I .0 "'', '• CatlO..IOD S 46 I~+---E.llrtCQl,.0 • ,. ~t ~ IONla..k t • • t1h . Mkr-w 9 n I) PSEGc1f9•? 1100 .. ,., 1tndy Cot~IO "•S '°l ~tl'DllTr I 10 249 6tO>o+ ..... Erner El .7S 20 20S :u -.... lcl!NI Toyo. \ 4 •\.-l'tt Mlckonl t °' I lS "" PSE pf,, ?S 11~ I II 1 enclYCP W I I 221'> 8 S t .. 11 12'0 441/, -V. Emery Air I 2' 9l 44 -14 I OS Rlt 7111 \I 1 MIOSoU I 32 t 3JA tJ " PuS ltld 1 72 11 I~ )I~ hnclYCt4'f • . tOt It\• ~. c1~1 • 11. 20l ~·;,:_ Emeryl11 .40 ll 4 0\-"' Ill Pwr 2 20 t It M\io • ', Mldllnd Mt l• 1•• PSll\OIJf t 44 1t0 t()) • t TaDOlllC 20 36 )l/'J t ~ ~ .......... -vw Eml\rt 1.:io. • 7 21111-~ 111Pw 1)12.04 . 1100 ,, Mldld R t 30 • 1l 11 , "• l"S NH• I 80 I 11 ''"-•. T.Cf.ncolor J 41 •~ 'a ·~·\It EMI Lt.19blS 1119 4'1f.-\lo tll ..... pf2.U ''°° •• MlletLbl.29 I 13 11'o '·O PSNMWl.7t I u "~· 1. Te<hnl<ofl to 0 ., •• 1.-\ llltll .I ti ) lmp0$ 1.28 9 t ni..-V+ lllToolW .5011 t:f U I/•+ 14 Ml11n8' .3M tO •O Iii.. PuOllcl<r ~ 1' • 411 • ~ hkltOnX .2417 1' Ullo V1 l\Hud \. ~ It 1'11\'t V. l!MpGe\ .20 4 2 12~ 1.......,...11( .2() \ 11 .,. Vo MM4M I U 2S •Jt )I • • '!, P\.9~1 71fl 4• 7._ + Vo T•I«« .U 6 t 6\1. OHi lllL I. 10 Q I""-V. EnQelMrd I 6 20S llt'll+ V. t~ QI 710 1$ Ill )!>40. '-MlnnPL I~ 6 "2 t7\o. PrtoAC 03ll , 711., '"" Teledyne JI! • >• It\. '• ONlllL.pf ~~ •• tJIO 64 + .. o E.f\O!ll pl 411• •• ttOO IJ~ . • tHA tnv I~ II 1)!u + 1,1, Mlrro Al '6 1 4 11'10 \o PIHllSP 11• • t 2Slo. ,,.~ TeltPfOl'nO Jiii 41~ + •,. CltnllL.pf , .... ~"' ti . . . l!.MhBF .n 4 J 5V. -"' Income (.ep 1 4"W+ .... MlunEq 2t s 2• 7• •• "' PuOmn 120 • 11' ,.~. "' Tt'IU Co.-p tn ·~ CtnlllPI "" •• l600 t~.. .... Enucfl 1 . .0 • 113 21'--" •ncC•nc 'l'lb , ...... ~ MllSAV, JO ) • "'.. Pvt"oCp .. • ~ f4I,. 1 • T-"KO I 1• Q 1' + ·~ Cnll PS, 20 I iM ""-• Enlnl11 I 20 1 JO ,."' t \.It 1n01.,c;.i 2 I , t•w.-"" ""°Pee pl, I) 1•· ••• 0 Purltlllfl FWI 1l ) • T~ of sv. I .. .. " ClllL.IE I 21 1 ., I~ .... Envtrote<ll 9 ll "'" ~ lndMlc pf n 11'0 100'•• . . MoPr1C I .a 1 n n .• Purl•tr 10412 ' )) ". .... r.w-oPet I J ISi ll" T .... CnMPw 1.).1 I 12 l~V.-\i.t €Qulflvl. M S S ' tnCIM pO 01 1UO •2 -2 Mo Pb' "6o • 10 'I~-'·o --0 0-h•~O 2• 1 1110 Ul'o l'I. CefltSW I.It 'I 247 1Sr1+ '• EQl.o(l.a•,2 .0 S l 19'1 Vo lnd ..... L I 12 I Ill I~-Vo Mot>fle Hom JI 1 au.11.0ot .. t2 •S 2•1 • "' T~•Clln\I\ 110 • 31' 1 • " CtntlSoy .a,, so l4V. 14 EqutL 2 04b 10 31 17'111 lndHlll 12017 n u •i.-.... MobllOI) ~ • Jl2 4\\ol, ~i.O.tpf l I ., _, l••ETr I 10 1 ~ 11 ..... c.entTell20 I 2' ""' ··~ ESINtk lll(. ... ,.., ..... lntll<O 011 , .. ' . ~~o .OJI 10 l)\lit ~ ~O .. sopf91l n561o''~'Ol, ••• • :·. TT.·~:Pr'1111''·, .ur ~.1· .. c.ntrnu o. 11 .io 11'-..., Ewaulrt 31 t llj s~ •no Rnd 2 • 11 121 •9~, 1 1•, Mof\e"'" Ot t4' ,.. _,. ., ..,, Tr , C.tao c I 20 . tS "'"• •• EUtrtlll " I 24 S'li + 11. Ing~ pf1 )S ,. .u•. I I Moflwlll llb I 4 11 I\•.. • -4t " r .. ourt I 10 1 J4 ?/'• c.rt,..to 6020 IS 14\11 ''• E111,1 CI 40 4 61 2•o,i. •-11 l11ldCon t 80 I ti •2'• • '• Molycrp 60 ' 11 It'• •· ~~.'!'!' ,J2 1131 11,•57 .. )'..,• TTl'.•,,",\nl~1,tg .~ •e~I !.!,• c.es'llleAlr, • S4 20·~. ... Ell'lylpf 2 40 6 u.. "' lnldSll l .,. 7 J) 40 I \Ii MotyCpl 7"• I 711.. ....... _ V""• > I ... n Tl-Olemolntl t I 204 111, Evin. PrOd Ill> ,._ ~ ,,.. Inmon• "' • 11 ,..._ I'll fWJnlNI t JO • ' 11 A .. nco In .0 12 6"' h••\lnl Co s 110 ~ .. 0.111pf120 .. SI ll'ft I 'llt EMCtlO 1.10 6 ?• tlh 'II lnsllto C 10 • 14 31,. V. MonQrm 70 4 7• •'•, R•llldA lhl ?• S 1 • Tu 011 019 6 10. "" '·• °'Ill pfSV>. 110 ~:\Ii E•CIV l.1611 . 12 Ill.\-'• IMlltvpl "· 1 ,,... Mon•Ot'A ?O II 63 • t '. R.ty~to 1 • s 15 ' .. Tul>tl.d Tr 16 l'I II OvnpSP M 9 .. 1011lo-.,.,, E•Kon Sb I SlO .. \9 •• ,. Ins~ IO 16 II ""-'II. Monttn 7 60 10 314 IJ ..... '• A•~dlntl 4 s 17 1411• ToUtll 1 ,. 10 )10 20V. + ~ 0..'1 C .O'*> l 190 ~ + ''• --4 F-lnslltunl Inv l>t I , t-11> Mont Ok 2 OI I 4 211,, •.. Rlyltwon I 9 73 47~-• • Tt•ll lnOusl 16 13 7'1> Oter1r NV 2 4 S4 20 'llt ~tlef(lt .40 I I 21> S'lli lnlegoo 32 6 22 6~ MonPw I llO 1 8~ 73'. •, RCA Corp I 16 ~ 18.\, V. Tutron I 10 I H 201... 'o O..SFllCI .60 .. 18 "'4-Yo F1irC4m 10 I) 611 31\\ -1't• l11lerco 1 52 9 3' 31'.\lo t ·~· MonQS I to. . 1~ 201-\ It• ACA '"pl 4 4 SO • • T .. 1rpf 2 oe . l 2•V. 1, Ole•M220 4 1S7 2S"'41 \I) FelrclnO.lO. 2S 5'-'o . ln1rcon101v ' Al • .,.. MonyM.541ll0 so I • '• ACA pf J•,.., ZIOO JI''> ' Tutrpl140 S2 20 ~ '• CMMto . .,., .. .a 2.,., . F•l•mlF 6' 7 l 11'4• I/• Inlet••'-1 J 7 2~"' ~· McC •7 11 •0 qRudo 1p1 t 1v,. 'lo Thiokol ro \ '3 11•1t -'o 5~fi! J! lb ~ ~:~~~:~to :~ b -~; :~:~~~i~ :fi 2H~· ;: S!~,'E 1t ·:; ~r:· ~~ &1!·~~· 1tl 1!::! :: =~~~~ 1n 3f~:-':: OWiPd 1.'.16 20 JI .O\o. '• ~s CD ·~ )'• lntHOIO .ab 75 13' ••• ,. Mo~Sh JO 6 ll 10~. Aff<e , .. ,, J 10\·. • • ThrtllyO 40,, s• ,..,, 0Wule210 9 49 321•• 1• Ft<fr1Col40 It 21 lfrllM1nCllJ J IOI :U'•+ >,, MtoeTrAm 71 '"• •, ~s tllO II 21 10'• • TtCotp.tnt 13 S) ""'" 8:'~~ 6 n ,::.;.:.. ·:: ~Nt~yu~6: 4~ n ..... :~~:~"~? ~~ 2~ .... ·~ ::ro.i:~ ~~~ :~ ~~~ : ~::s~:: ~ (j; ·r · '• ~=~r~I~ t~. n ... ,: 0--Fuf 311. •• 26 3 ,... FtO Pfp I"> 5 11 23" 1 ~ lntNck I .0., 9 Ill 2)~, Mt FUC'll 4 1? I .. ?l'o 1 Rel El..c Q() M> 19 • \o Tune Ille 2 13 11 511, '• °"'' Creft.. 19 4'~ FdPpfB t JO . t~ IS" • Intl Peper 2 12 2Q() ).41o o MtSITtll \2 'I •' I•'\ • • RetEl..c Pl 3 3 ••' 1 '1 T1mo M SO 11 ?IS 171r\ 'Iii Chrom.t .70 6 J4 ''• '• Fed'St9ftl 40 s II 10''• •o lntlAtctl I\ 11 5'• \, M.inlord lll ~ 10 ~ ... '• AelG<p 20I\ lO I> T1mknl zo.. l •• JI'•• 'Ill ChrY\lff Co .• S8l 10 t 1• Fed05111' IS 16) SI~ \Ii Int T&T 160 ?'I? lt'• Mun!Clpl 40 I 4'ot " AelG pt SSll 11 11' ._ T1\/\rNn Al . 12 91, .. '4 OvV\le<: w1 .. 71> , , I 1' F<erro(.orp I t 10 10', •'\ I TT ofl 4 IS .U~ '·1 MUMnQ I Ile.. 9 t~-.. AelC Pl 65n 16 8' • TOOnP~ l)b 46 S\;, • '• CCl~-.M111oen ..• 720l 11211~ . Flt>rb•CI )Oil 14 1... I T&°fpfJf )0 •t '• MurpCol20 I lh l&l,+" RepubhcCp i 19 6 Todd Sll1f.yd00 ) 7 _ ..... ""• Y Ir ·1 FldlFcl ,$41l 4 15 l ' • I T6 T plk • 11 401 •-'1 Murph()I 60 > 131 11 RepFlllS .IO ' ll> 9h "' Tole Ed .12 i 42 22•.. . . Cln Bell uo 1 l ti~-~ FldUBc? 40 s 3 2•'4-v. I TTrN ?1 • JS 26vt-\lo M<l!Om I 32 . II HI\ • • AtoMIM Inv . so ... TonUCp fO 1 36 • -.... Cl11~1.6' 9 S6 t7'h • · FltldcrMI I 1• 7 IS'4-•r, I T& plO S II 46 MyeM. L 40 28 20 I • ''l Aej) Sfl 1.60 4 62 21>'•• 1 • Tool.$AI ,40q 14 J SY1 "• ClllG pl9.l0 •. 1~ 99 FlllrolC.trOO 4 9'" 6,,,.._ ,,.. lnlrpec 120 7 Ill"' .. ~ H Rtsrv0.1.12 6 )'I 6'•' '"' Tr•neCo.96 8 lO 111 C111 G £Pl 4 .. l.!10 •3'14 • . . Fine I SB .20 4 " av. -v. 1ntpu1>1 G< 1 S 3 iS'.'1 + ~. Na111sco 1 30 •• 82 Ja~ •., Al't411Crdt 2 9 4 "'·• 'o Tr•nsa<n .62 1• 181 '''•-v. ClnMlla 1.40 6 27 11 • -'Ill FlnclFe<I SI< 4 IS 8'111-lllt lntst 8rO 80 5 11 13'•-•-<. Nalco Cll n 11 8b 18 + " At...coOS 40 II St 331, ~ ''• Tm\ln 1.tSb . J 70"' CIT F1112.20 6 104 26'~ • \lo Flr\tne I 10 9 192 Jl~ lllt lnhtPw I 40 8 It 14\, 1/o Nerco Sc ,6() 4 l •\o;o RtweC .?Sn 32 8 11• Tr•n\to .IO 9 S4 8' • CIT !>ff 5'h · I 70 Vi l"~ICh•rt Sk 7 SI II 'I• \·, Inst Und H ~ 15 4 NISllUAC .60 9 S4 9'1lt '• AevlOll I •O 2' 81 72 '• :\4 TrnKLln .'5 'I 1 1', t 11 Otlcotp •• 9 ll94 76V• + ~ F$1 Ol1c 9t S 209 14~-~ l.._Bfff In 3 4' 7111' V. NalAlrln .SO 10 1'I tO"' Rtch.'lm .20 1 tl J'o+ V. TrononF 20 4 I lh VO Ct S.rv 2 fO 8 31 38'1• •• ~tl B<s 1.1010 t?J JS 'Ill I-• El I lO ll tO 11"'+ \.\ NltAvll •'Ill .. 17 10t,• 'llt Runrd 112 8S ?74 IS99~,-:~. Tr.nUn 160 I• J4 75"" O Utn\ MIO .. 38 1• Fst MIU )I> \ 51 ll''o ..... low•llG I S6 6 II I& .......... Halt Cclll u s 0 II'• Rl'Y tnOJ.... II .. Tmswv 140 I> " 11•. I. A O\aln t 20 12 11 19\11 AmCy•n 1'1 7 311 Jl ClllnSo 4Sb . 9' I~ FsNBo• 1 118 s J21 70''o, .,,. 1owaPwL11 6 o 21'• • '• NI Cn ptl , 1 :1 , ' R~yln pl 1' • l ..,, • '' Tran\ w ,.,, . 111 I>'" '• '• Cly Inv 66 St 7'• FlP•Q>l 31 s 11 u '• lowaPS 160 6 30 ti'•-'• NO.msll )211 31 J.l Re~tl • al 70'• Tronsw• pt 11 tO'l •, City Inv wa 19 .,,._ I . F\l~nn MQ •l 1·~ ... lie-Co<Pr1n J3 a• 1-.... NI C.tyl. 90. ) s... AtyMfl)f ... ~ u " Tr.wlrs I oe •• t4 S 15>;, .. AmOstl 1211 2 7110 AOISITt'I 56 10 200 20' > \, AmOual Vs1 4 • .. lvnElcPw? 9 455 '°'' .... AFamlly 18 7 s• 10•, + 'llt AmFSy .10!1 14 2' • A GriB I 960 38 21~ 1 • A~nSc I 32 I IS1 •-'llt A Gn Ins .60 1 tO 13"--.... A Gn pf 1.80 t7 211« + •, AmHols1 .70 S 16 13\oo • •1, Am Hom 92 n as2 33'\ .. ,,. AmHosp .3"1 n 188 ?Q••• ~ Am lnvtStm 43 21/>-'"" A Medici 12 6 16 ~ V• A MeOlcorp 4 81 S"'o Am Moton . 737 s•n I ... AinNG 1.s.IQ 6 69 J?'I'> 1' )lm$t'l9 . lob S I I"-• Yo A Shlp8 12k 'I 4 IV.+ Yo Am Stl<ld t 6 102 14 ... -•, AmStelpf H~ . 4 53 + 'It AtnSl•rll .30 • 43 • v. . AmStn 1 60 4 10 lSh-'It AmT&.T l 4010 7SI .SO .-..... AmT&.T Of4 •• 31 ~""-'• ATTpfA~ M .• J 441/• ATTpfB 3 74 12 4~ ''o AmWatr M 5 24 8~-V. Awtr pr I'·· r'IO 12'h-~ Awtr pf 1 4l . 1120 15~ llo AlnHSt IOt> 4 II> S'h-..... Ametell In I 7 42 llV. • AMF In 1.2• 11 62 1''h-V. Amtac Inc t 4 I? ""'-•to AMP Inc .37 31 3CM UlN .. An'CKO .4Qe 3 l 8 + 'It A"1>t'~ Q> . 41Q Hli-v. Amreo C.orp .. n Iii\ . A mst¥ 2 40 4 11 3"I -II\ Atnstr pf .68 . 7 111> • Amsted 3.60 4 31 SJ 'I• t r" Amtl'I In .32 4 S2 4"9-V. Alwlcnoe .60 . 18' 1711> + ~. AncllHC I 20 8 1' 21 '·•-+ '• AndrsCI I 20 1 28 lS'I• Alloellca . 12 1 :ns s•\ •. Allsul Co 4k 3 16 '"' • :\Ii A!>«lll'C .SI) 6 JO 101 O I o Aoco Oii 411. • JO ni.. • '·• Al>Ko Corp . St 2 City Inv of 2 . 71 l&'IO "• F\IURIE 9' 10 72 91.. ITEL Co 20 4 63 s•. . NIOetrl 117 S • ..0 ~ttM pf 1';, 3 JI • '• Travlr\ of l 11 Jt'. •, Cl.irk El 60 7 139 24\• F\IVBn~ 4S 8 72 4 , IU Intl 85 4 H ''•-'-. NtlOISll I 20 6 100 IS'•, 0 Rh •S<K 4Qo) \ 7'1 11• '• T~E Corptn JS S'llr Clarlt Oii SO .. SO I'll . F~W1\C I 16 6 IS 1'''> • "' IU Intl CP A 8 JS•, I NOm of 2'• 2 JS'J R1cl\lrd"" 110 It 'I • '• Tri CU I 11111 46 11 , "' CLC Am 74 ' 37 5\,. 1 • F1Kl'IM I 10 1 ! 11 • • IU lnllof I • s IS\.-.... NUF~I 7 06 II • 10\0o .. AlchMU .... 11 II I u.... • Tr•n<;)ll' 'IOa 4 It II •• Clt'v Cliff la ' •1 .... "' ~•'1\er F 40 s JS 10 1 •• J J-NII Gyp 1 OS 9 SS 11 Rtllmnd .IO 19 Ill ~·· Tri Pte )flt\ s •'-'• CltY El 2 4 ti t07 1.5~-"" 1"1\/lerx 20 6 J '"' James F "8 q I II\, "• Nall Hornts )2 2'• '• AA11~'T"1n' ~ 67 • ~. lij"' Tr1nllyln<1 I 6 19 ?S' • • '• OevEt Pl 12 · 160 II? FlettEnl 32 22 70 12', ., Janntn 10 5 l U\.-'> NII lndu 30 SI '"' oG< -' IS•• T1p1c1na 10 11 '14 23 , • , ci.vEpf I 40 rttO ,,.,, I I Fl•mlnq !IO 1 2 131\' .. JapFnd 'Ill> ~ •••••• NatlMPI 60 t 9.,, AA'1?PrApl1A _eo,. IS !~ to•. TAW tn I 20 6 '" 1•\\ ... qQev & Pitt · 120 •11>-1 FllltV1n ISb 1 21 1.... '• Jtof!Pllot n 12 21 791;,_ ~, Nat lpf8 tV.. ? 11~• • ''• -,. • ""' U • \1 TRW rf 4'7 10 SS"+ '• qClev&PltB l10 It ~ '" Fllntkot tlb 8 34 IS'lo+ '> JCPl)f 11.00 lSO 98h+ \. N1~d Cattll 101 l)V,, '\Ot Alv1ana .96 II 30 t9'• " TAWpr•.O 'I 60'> Cto.-o•Co S2 II 179 1111, -'to Fie E Coa\I 8 I h '> ''• J CnPpt II )6 r60 8J .. 1 NaPr\I 20. S ' 30"' \'It AoOshew .70 2J 20 11 • " TU<wnc; ~ 8 129 t 1111 Cluett p .JO . llY 6,,.. t '"" Fl• Gols 90 s 8 13'1lt " J CnPpt I 12 ll60 6'1"1+ '· Nlf ~mtcon 28 Sl>8 35~. ''" RobrtSll 1''1 • 1? 20' •• • • TwCR>< .•O l ., 10 '. Ch<eltP llf 1 • 104" '"' FlaPwr 2 10 " 9S 28 \Ii J CnPpt 7118 t&O Ill> , Nal ~,., I• 8 7q ~"" '"" Aobln:s. 28a to 731 10"-• • Tyrol.all 21) a 41 "" CMI Inv Co 2'I 6Vo 'I• PlePwl. 1 ~ 7 4SI 1S'"" • •• Ju CPLPI 4 t lO J6 NI SI•~ "" S 18 1• Rocl'IG t 28o 6 JI t~'" '" Tyl•r Cp 60 4 SO 19'• '• CNA Flnact 4S S'llt • ''• FlaStttl I'/, 4 1 1q"' + .'; .k~I CI 20 'I 114 2D-"o NtStar~h .SO 111 1 •l'• ~RO<th~eOt lf901·0 11!~ lo.t11':! UAL' Inc .~20 U 9 - 1 S •• ,', CNA of 1.10 12 t t"\-1• Fluot Cp •OU 105 334" "' Je-ICor In U •1' + '• Nal Stl 2V1a 8 lo& JI~ •to l'l 'Ti •• ..,. .,._ , •., CNAln t 12b 18 10"• t.o f'MC Corp t I> 81 19 .... JimW~ll•r I 8 7S l3'• Nall TH Co 6 J't 1 Roc~owr M It H 10 • '• UAACO 1 JO s 4 20 CNA LA""" 72 .,., FMC of 2·. 11 ll"l . I J1mWl)f 11.0 14 )7 ... Natoms I 20 • to 20 •• '·• Aockwlllfl J II 117 73 UGI Cp 1 n " 17 ll .... CNallJ'f t.•:k ·· IJ 4 FooclF'dr 70 11 •• •, • • JHn In 1 )Oil 5S It. • '• NCR Cp 12 I> 16) Jt ~, \o Rock ol '"'• l \1>"-1' UMC lndu 1 II 16 10''• + • • C.a.siSt Gti l 2)0 1 "-tCB 90 s 'I IO'o J Hnlv 11181> 14 l'I' > t '• ~PIU"" 50 q 10 16\, t "-Rock pf I JS l 70 .... • • UMET Trsl 44 IS I•+ I 16 CstSG!lfl.1' •• I 13 -'• Fon1Mo740SO soo O ... + '• JallnMvl 2017 108 21"• "11 NevPwl50 1 Ill 16\• RA~mlHndl.~2.' ~! S•t'· • Unerto SO J I 1"'-'1 CstSGol t.13 ·· 10 Ill\\' '\\ For MO '12 S 41 tJ •-'• John&J ao. 79 7111 I'll• '> NvPwpl 1 30 1400 1()\, '• "'" _, v Un Bn<P M 8 :U I -'o CoceCol 2.lO lt IS4 M'" • "-frM pl I 1fO 2 21•i, + •, JI-an Cn 80 I 21 II\•~ • • NevPpf I 14 1790 16 ,, Roll•nsln JO 14 SS 20" • • Un Cl 2 13 M 70-'llt I' Coc•6oll .40 U 1n 6' •-l'o FtOOll I 74b 11 'II 1 J-.-• o Jl'lnCon pf 2 I 76', '• NEngEt I 79 1 •9 ti' e , •, Aronson · 14!1 41 S 4'" UnC.r::'f 40 9 •79 SI" 7 ': Colowtlk .4011 14 ..... + \lo For1HwCI SI> 12 288 2'1\.,-" JonL.oon 40 19 20 1)'. ... NEGsE I,. I 117 ll • •• AopeA~ .. rrCA.1.2,?_ I! 1n0 11,s • "' UnComm '" s 34 s~ ... 0 ~IKO '"°"1• ··s .~ 2"' . . • FostrWt I 10 6 ' 11 Jone\LpfA s 160 ... ' , • .., NE Ppf II 04 IS ,. A:::..,,o •ft~,·, 1• 1• ~ Union Co<o e •• 41 • :<'.:Gl&~k • ..... ,. ""1s 28\lt. ,.. Feno Doro 80 • ll ,, ... JorQSOn t 60 J I 21>' t . • • NE9t T 2 l6 10 71 151'\t ... v--.,. Un EIK I ,. • 113 13' •••• ....,r&.., .,. Y IO'n-"' l"r•nk M SO tl 35 26 Jostens In< I 7 4J 19>, • '' ~w~ll 40 I St 10>,o t 1/1 AoyalCC n 12 •l 1•' •' '"' U E 2 ·,, S 7S" • Collins l"ood" 21> •'h Fre-ptM ' 60 b 139 10... Joy Manul') 8 73 29 '·-'• NWTTVtt I '° 12 .. 21>. AoylD 3 l l>O 3 137 )8 '11 u:: ~I~ pf 4 • ttO 40 : ,. ~ ~on~Sntnt,•~ l•J 3"17 31 . . Frvertut t 80 8 SO 18' • • '11 Justice Mt?. 1(2-S I', NYSEG 2 20 7 110 231,' v. Royal I ISb 1 22 41,_ \, Un El Pl 4'h .• z.SO 47 -'h ......, "' JO'la +. "'° FuqUI lndll tO'I 31 41 NYsEpf 8 IO r SO 8S 'h ATE Cp .lb tO •"--.!lo UnEt pt4 40 . ,-30 6t'h+ 1', Colt Indus 1 3 70 1•~ + V• ---..(; c;-., KaisrAl 1 20 4 90 22'• '• NYsEPI 2 l2 6 21 t AubbmO .40 13 3 7J•·i T\ Un FIO..llty 10 30 S'I. Colll)IA 1.60 · 2 ll'lo · · G.l!Dlt lncsn l S"' KAI S7pl 4•• 1 .SO\;. 2>;, NYSEpf JV. tlO 37 + It• RuckerC .20 b 'IO l4>1. 'lro UnOC.al I 'II 1 164 43 + • • Coltln of 4V. 1 46'1•-v. GAF (p S2 s 110 10\ii .. Kali.era .so 8 t.1 s~. 1~ NNll,~l,,9074 .6. ,1~ l17s"" t ..... AussT09 .I& 24 ti 10'.) .. UnOICpf 2'h . 42 SS\to ... ,, COi ~ 2.06 1 10 21'1• Va GAF pl 1.20 . IS 15\I>-'"" KalsOpl 1' 1 • 3 74 -1" aM,... .,, Ayder S~ ~ 11/o-V• Un Pac 2.llO 14 41 73111+ ''• ColGs pf S.... t ~1'>1,_ ++ :~. Gtm Sk 1 40 S 10 1''"° + I\ KO P*'tl 1\lt · 11 IJ "' NlaMpf S JS . 1100 49 • 11; ~-bl A ~IO II .,~ Unlontm . . 20 11'o . C»fG of SAii ·• I ..., ~ " GamSpf 1 110 I 19\\ >., ~ntMll .2' l 24 13 '• NIM ptlO 60 1350 'IS'I> "" ne ·"" ,,.. · · Unll"Oyal .SO 7 104 l'J-• Cot Plclures S 1'1 4~-'to ~n~lt 60 t8 67 J1 1, IYCPLI 2 28 I 20 1•l • Nlai;i S 1 llb 3 11'>;, ~~w"'•vSllnOJ 1,1 ._!41 4J1:~ '·• Unll"Oyelpf 9 .. zSJO JO -'llt Col SOI> 2 04 S 7'I 21:\<o-•;, c;.rcso.>n lb 12 19 1• ', Kan<:Sou 111 S 12 131• -'-' NL lnOust 1 I> ISS t2l' ~;;.,,,!.pin 7 •:s 1,--::_ .._. UICI Brend3. . lO 4"' 5:~¥'1J'f 10 S2 .. 130302 l~i.. •. . Gartln~I 91> 1 s 13 , KCSoln<lpl 1 1100 ·~• '·• NLT Crp 60 7 110 IS , StJMnN I 20 1 t1 Jl9; • 1;-: UICI 6rnd pf .. 19 6\'t • 'o ~~·eoM~., 1. 11~.·i, G41rlock ~11 11 3.1 ~. "'1<.anGE13.a s 'J'J 18nt NortolkW,S9 17 f>)\. '• SUOL1Pt127 s •O''--'AI UUntdCorl>Fncl17.220~b .~ ,ssl Js~!-'4• o;;'E 1.to 8 ., 32 -~ Gei Svc 1 10 1 18 '11 I+ • :::~~.· 1 ~1 ~ 1~ :: .-Not'lnCp ,, • ' 2 1• ',. StLS..tnF 1' ' 1 ,l I .. r1 OnwEdt.3011 90 JO _,... ~·~~·Y,:,:;: ~ 2~ .. l(atyln011Sl39 11 1l .. 'I ~'&,.1':1~ ·~ ;g:'; '• SIP.ti/IS 96!. ~ti : ,·: UC-PL .n' 127 u~ ••• CwEdpl 1.17 • 14 2'114 ... ,.. GATlt pl7',, 1200 lS'I> ... KAIY pf I 46 8 ,,.. •• NA"'" tSb I 100 }'1t ••• SIA•9is l SJ • '11 31'•.. •• 8::u~~~ 1~ ~ J:"-~ &:E~~J :: I~ Po'"'~ :.: ~ lorp l'I ~ :.,, • • • ~:~~k ~ 38 I~ :~. • • ~~"'..'::' ~:I~ ~: ·;:z : ~ ~·~ ~~ :; lg I~ • • U\d Inns .10 6 4 4'. C-Pl' 190 1l 20:\4 m1n1 •P ~tntCI> 20 • 15 •• i-. SanJn A tOtt 6 l 1~ ~osyMB I °'eo 7. 33•9 1!~. ComwEO ;,_. •• 19 9'.'o : •: GnGn~~ltt 2~4b 12 238 .!: ~ • • Ktllef In 20 19 10 S • ' NoCnAlrt w1 16 It 16 t 1' ~nF rtn""1~IO 11>4 13•35 7~>• '' :-'..!. ::uct~r l' 411 ll•_;: '• ComwOll 4k •. 120 J\lt-V. ,._"VB . 1• 12 ""a,, '• t(rll099 90 ti> Ill ?~· :: ~Not•~UElll !1.?101 1131 7114~ t ;... "" • • "" ~ ' 1., .....,n ft(\ • ,, 1~~ -7 '"' ..... •• ~ S.f't'lnll .30 9 n n~. I . Uld PttC Mn . 22' .... CwOOpt 1.n ·· S I • GenC.lll 12 6 118 10• .. t • • l<l'K•.=:;:..t""'I ,• lq• !01~ _ • No Ill Gas 2 7 IJ 12~ • 'Iii UnAelng 411 l 1 •1 ''> Comm Slit I s 197 73''1-.... Gn c I 10 7 3 131< ., ···-.. -• ~. "' NllGS I 'IO 2 12'1 ... ~u98~~·,40E 1 3412 IJO' •• • ~. USFidt'I i .4 It ... 3S' I •• COmc>uore 6 84 II\\-~ Gen ~;n" 54 7 36 17'1; •to KtncU l.6Sb 11 l•I 11><. 11• Noln~ 1 36 II 108 17'~ 'lo :0..,,'E'Pw "60 • • 1ii; . ~. USl"oS U1b. 27 IS'h + ~ ColT'C>ufr Sci • ~ ~o;,-:~ Gn OeYel()I) 3 31 3'-\ KKY U1~_1G.eol ,! -~~ l?;'-· :· NoN1Gs t 16 0 '16 31'1>. I ~ .. E'f' .... , 16 ""• t Vii us Gyp t.60" 34 ,. Con AIJI'• Sii 2 .. v'I>-'" Gen ovnam s 7J J} "• Prr""" , ,.,.. ... , '• NoNGpf 5.60 IJO t.91'> II/) ... '0 U!>Home CD '° 4~ + •• ?.::;rn..1_-~ 2: 4! ~~ ~ Gn El&c I 60 IS 428 46'1'o . . ~m!W:1t'1 ~ ~~ m:: Y,: ~SStPp'"7ll.60M 9 !ro" !?I'll• :~ SavEI 1.3"1 • 7 ll'I•-Vt USlndu .20b :. 16' 3 This has made relatively nskless bills, certificates, notes and bonds far more attractive th:m riskier stocks. You · couJd get a yield advantage of 31 ~ to 41"2 percent a year in ·AAA industrial bonds over industnal stocks in 1972-1975. APL Cor~ S ll 11'' Nlollttd II 16 211•-v, ARA Sv I. 13 30 41'11 + Iii Arceta~ ."4 6 20 '""-+ v. Arcr.r Dant 1• 116 23 -~ Arctic Entp . 18 31h + ''• Arlster inc .. 87 tr•o-v. Ariz PS l.J6 S SS 14¥.-V• ArltBest .lSI • • 1\lo-lo\ Arl<l.IG 1 10 8 36 20'"' t-v, Allen AllOY . 41 1\.\ t \lo Armada Co 6 >""-v. Armco 1 ~ ~ 1911 '2"-'•-·V. Arm pf 2 10 • 1 U,. + '4 Armuriif 4llo • ''° 4S -I Arms Cit IO 23 132 23'"" + 'II. c.annMt ,_6010 23 ,. , ,,,. Gtll"ooa 14012 133 2111>-"• Kl~ 2.10 1 •? ~ No .... 5 ..... •·-:..ft 14• •• 1~:. ~~.~ ~~~ ,9 •: U: :: USLH~ .n s 11 6io •• 2 ... ,L 1' CifnGr I 221l IS II 1}11· "' r... ..... ·~ V t s·.,.._Or .1Sbl0 4S 1 -"· us AHlty .. 10 t~+ \lo C.onracC .70 1 I 40 " ., .. ,, O..nHost .so I 2 IOlol.-1-. Kl 1.60 9 2M 35•,. v. Nrtl'IQal .2Srt 49 l'I ,~. "'""' ?< us Shoe ts • 61 U \lt-~ ~f~nr~ ~ t~ ~~,,.. .. ~ Gen 1nw ,k 10 69 ,,.~-, , ~\~~ -~ 2~ ~ 1~""'~ ~ Not1hrp 1.eo • .)0 14 • ,.., s.-•n<M • so 1"" ~-12:ao • m w ... 114 c;.on,FO I.ls so 163 t'I~-,.., g:~·~J I ,; 12'• ... KL M Alrl 3 14"• ,.., ~~?I~:·:~ i1 ~ ~~ ... :2:~ ~~:~~''.iii 4l 5tt..: ~ ~J~~ 1! ~ l!:~ :·· (.onl"dpf 4"' . 1 SJV. ~ 1" GenMlllS 111 17 173 28'. + .. ICnl~ A S4 IS 60 211•.,. • • N ... e.n 110 • , , 43 ,.., ""'-UWTedl pfl • 110 .. I I > I Why take the risks in stocks? A third basic reason must be the conviction among millions of the disenchanted that the "big guys" have an ex- tremely unfair advantage in getting inside information and favor able commission charges Again, why try to beat tht! racket. when you can't ? . Finally, another fundamental must be the failure by the· White House and/or Congress to push legislation that would give individual investors t::.ix incentives to put their savings m stocks. The appeal of the stock market has become tarnished. indeed. Xerox Sponsors Special NEW YORK CUP I > Xerox Corp. is sponsonng a 23-page special article in tire February issue of Esquire magazine, a move the firm says is s imilar to 1L s s ponsors hip of television specials. The article. written by Har- rison E. Salisbury, is entitled "Travels Through America." It is an appraisal of what th(> people of the country are Market l11dexe• Due to late transmission today's listing will not appear in the Daily Pilot. Gainer• and Lo•er• Nt'W Yori! IUPIJ -Tfl• foll0"'4nQ llil \f\oW$ tr. \IOCU tr..t hive o->lne<t mo!I ~ 10\I tM most ll&wd on ~rcent Ol tNnQe on tM New York Slotk Eacr..~. Ne1 end ~rcenlallt' cn11nve\ •re lhe ctlHtrt'nce Ml.,,,..411'1 T l'lt' prevlo<J\ tlO\lnQ price •tld the current c I051nQ prk e. GAi NE.AS 1 01 111 Alty t v. .. 11. uo a .o 2 WoodlCP .48 S " 1~ Up II 6 thinking and reeling At a news conference, Xerox and Esquire said the magazine chose Salisbury lo wnte the article under its editorial control. Xerox paid Salisbury a boat $55,000 for his writing fee and six months of research that went into the article. Esqwrc estimated it is paying about the same amount for production, paper :ind postage. New ''orh 15 /tlo11t A~tlrr NEW YORK IUPIJ rt> .. n most I ecUvt stoc~s Ir•~ orf thlo New Yor-Stoc-E~cl\ilnQC Frtd"y 1 S<llft Oos. °'!; ~::c!"~ls . 301,'°9 W• + • 1 PolarO•d Cp m:~ ~~ -I~' Tr1wters O> 1'8.SOO U'-~ Citicorp l~.400 :It\~ ~ 'o WlrMr L•m 116.100 )6,.. + 1\J t=!rr.e~i·~ :g~ = ,;!! ~ I Gt,,...., Mtrs n .100 56\\ + '• ~:-t• 1~P'I :t~ ~:~ • ~I G<llf 011 Crp 8t,SOO 1'\lo 'llt Am H~ Pro as.200 3.l'• 1 .,.. 1 Sid Oil Ind 1S,'IOO .i ''J Am Tel&Tet 1S.IOO SO \.It l BT~ .30b lllt I I/, Up 16,7 ; ~.!-~~~ .~: ~ ~~ :g 1----N-----"-o_r_k_· ___ _ • Cousin• Mio ""• • \le Up 12.s ~.., • 1 Wll\MbeQO 4'11 + y, Up 11, t • MtcOon•d 1\\.. •. up 10) Sal-\'ol·--' KoH C.O<-P In 2\to + 1, Up 10 0 cc• .... .-.c- 10 ~ •• 14"' .. 111, uo 'J 11 QClev&Pll 9 6 + Y, Up 't 12 Ll"I! Corpn ' + '• Up ' I t) !1~.o!l lpl 1"'1+ ..... uo 'I 14 ~Ptll tO II\.\• ... Up IS IS °'oli.r Int I~+ " Up I.) 16 Horlron Cp 1'41+ \le UO IJ 11 S.11181" Al E 3't. t '• UP I J 11 Ate11C En•o 3v. + 1, UP 7 1 1' SCMU!uel Iv '•+lot~ U0 I I 20 U ' AHllY I~ • '00 UO 1 7 LOSlllllS ,. 7 Apprn• tn1 .. 1 Pr~Y•OU'-dAy Wttk •Qo Monln "QQ Y ... , .ion j:,,O n~~s .. ~~" "" to 0"1" "7l to Cl8tt' By UPI 11,100,0CO tl,300,000 U,OS.,610 11>,451,610 ~.D02.l60 ~'97,UI 4,50U 74.'51 l ~.113,0t.l l.811U•5.7SI ~ II\ .... 1 ,. S4 & :~.6 !--------------~.-- ;~ ltlarut Trnad ArmC pf )'.\lo 150 4S1'> Arms R 10C> 1 6 1411>-•, AroC.or9ln t 6 • 17 l, Arvllllll 131> 20 ?II l ''o ASA Ltd .IO I S6 27' o -~ Asarco .60 tO 4'10 "'" • 1 ~ Aslll110ll I I'> 4 46 191 t t l,'o AsOryG I 40 14 2J l3V.. 11, AS Sl>tC) I 40 • 4 23 All'llone 40 3 28 8111 + "• Atlco M . ISb . 1 s 1 •1. 'Ii. ~::~TcE~, ~1~ 1~ m :~''' .,, AACll pl l~ • '210 44'h-11, AtAc pf 2,80 30 S9 -~. Atlas Corp 26 100 ,,,.. A TO tnc .2• s 4S • .,.. + 1 • Aut ~ta .40 ?S S7 Stai. I Automln 20 l 23 411\ + \lo AVCO Corp • 75 411t AllCO Co w1s • lS ' 16 Av<oCorp pf 18 17 1'\t A~ryPr .JO 19 2S 13 -l'< Avis lncorp 8 JI 6'-Avnellnc .50 s 137 911, AvonPr 1 60 16 l01l u •,. + ~. AllKOG .20 IS 16 1414-~. --·-Bab&Wll .IO 6 S4 181/1 " Ba<lwlG .JOll 3 S8 • 14 " 8akt'f' In .24 7 21 911, 'It 8"-erOll .•I 14 115 4411> ~ 8"-etOll wl . . t 4Sai. • \Ii Seldwln .60 s 12 no+ :\Ii B"llCofp .70 7 7 16'"" + \I• B1llyM .02b 9 U IOV. • ee11c;.s t.'16 1 104 20v.. • 11> 8ttGs pf 4"'1 •• d40 S1 + tY, Ba11Cll I 34 I II tH~ .. ~Inc 19 2'1 2•~-l'lo 8-r Pn 2 IS 4 '"" •.• Bnk "NY l 20 4 1' 2S'4t + 1-\ BMlll Va .. 4 1' 10\'• Bat1kTrust J • 1'6 2' "• BkT OIA 2'h,. 116 JS~ Yo B•rtlOll I 60 . J3 1S ''• Bard c~ nu 61 u •11 111 Baslclnc 60 s 14 71/• ,. Bates Ml 10 J 11 2~V. + 14 S.UschL .60 12 20 27 Vt B•X'ler L .21 2'I 1'2 .io ..... + ''• BeySIG 1.IO S ' 11"-Vo BurlnQs .40 8 30 17'4 • S..at Fd$ .76 14 2M 7lalo + '·'• e..omn .56 19 177 4H'tt + l'to B«tonO .SO " 364 J7'11. t 8H<l'IA .75o 6 S8 IJI/• · • Bt'ktt In .2t 2 101 11'14 • BeltOPt .60!> l U ll \.It Belden 1.20 ' 2 IS'll. + V. BeldQH .Jav 10 12 6:Y. . Belll4wl.M 7 '9141'> 1, Bemis Co 19 7 Is IJ11t + \Ii 8eftdlxCtp 2 t S 42....,-"' Btn Q> 1.U • 162 17 14 8enC.pj>f 2\.'J • • z>O 24'11. 9tnC pf 00 . . 2 41 9tn Sid Miii . . U '" . , BellOtB .17b • 11• 1'11 ~~~ i~ ~ I~~ v. BelllSIMI 2e S 213 '2 ''• Bl9 31110 .4 1a 24 s1v. -1.1. 81.ck&D . .0 78 448 231/J -11> 81elrJM .l2 6 4 4'fa •• 81lu&Lg 1g 4 6 11'1'11 •. 910cl<HA .IO 10 3t IS •• Blue8ell .IO t 11 36 + 114 llot>OI• 8tk5 .. 37 J'Mi-..... &oel"!! .toe 1 1n ~ -'"' 9olw<:AIS .U 10 162 22"-...., 8oolLMo I.'° 1 ' 11"'1 + .... 8or'Oen I.JO • 41 2' -''o 9ot'9 W I.JS II S<I 1''9-\>ti BormeM Ill S 1' 21>11 • BoJl Ed l .44 I SS 2 I''> ~tEof 1.17 •. 3' tov.-"' Bt,nlfl .20 7 Ill 1111i •• Breun c .so 6 12 11'.llt-,,., tl~t~11t 2U ~~! ~ Btls Mrpf2 .• 444\lt ~ ... 11"91 .38b II 4' 11 8rtkwY GI I 1 • n" BrUnGs 1.n 7 20 IS'lt-vo 8'-0f'up 1.10 11 ,. It\~ • Brn Sllrp 20 • 10 S'-+ VO er~••·'° 11 ., sv. • .,... Brunswll .40 10 101 10\'t •. '"1 I " ., 1• 2• 1''> lt 16 '"'' 4\Ao ~ Off Off on Off O!f Off Ol1 Oii Off Oii Oii OH Off .. I> I I ~ri~ ,_...." :T~~~ .~ 1~ I~~+ ~ A4v~U 1.0 :.. 8\lcynn E I I) 14.:I -"' t v. , . ., ., I\~ ., ,,,.1 .. l "• '~ )I I'• :Ulli 1'• l''a "' l'4 v. 1" "' 11\-" >~-v. 2!1¥.1 -1"' g: ~ A•ft"kta" JO M••I Aetl~ ' 7 ,, 7 I 7 I •• .. , ·U '3 u . , '° NIW YOfllC CU,.I) -Tht IO 4K1"'9 •u tr.c..d Oii Ille AtMrlCAlfl SIMi •.uNn'9 · jil'rldar. sei.. a-o.. el«tron • • • ll0,400 21.-) • 1;. .. CorPn 40.-00 JI) ~ "'" l"e1 "·'°° "' • "t &!, lndln1 )S,.00 ,'141 Homes ff•tCO 11 + I~ Ocll OH ,600 t + ~ fl.i OU 1,600 D" + _, !NlllU lt,;60 14"' + lltt "'"' u.100 ... ,. + 1, , ... l ,~, 100 ~ • ~ . .. ~~~ SU ~1 , ~Pt~-~ I~.:~~~ 1'otet 11u 1k3 8\IOll9l lndv .. • s . ~.60 1 s ..... AMll!X MA•KtT TatNO lklfl"g 1 20e • I JI~+ YI l'rl~ ~ flulov1W ,20 61 8 .. ==' J10 1IO =~~ ~,: ~ 1;:-.~ UIK"*'Otd 317 419 &unfit Pf 11'1 • . • 10~-..... lolll • • • . . '11 .. , Guflllld 1.20 II JS IV!'-\If (,.,..Umlnary <Ollfttl 8url No .151111 60 JI -"" 9ur1H Pf .S5 . . 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Lon9 s. Ind 1 7 I>] t31'o + .... PIKAln I 20 25 I ... + ,. 5.ol.i Bes 10 s 2S 10"'-'h wiwd FoodS I ,, 114 •• r..ct-'-1 . , 1S''• • • GtWIU 2 •2b ' IS7 16 , ••• L~ ~ 4~ • •• • PacGas 1 .. I 337 20''o. .... ·--·I II I 6 ·~ ·~ IO ,. .~ ·~ '"' ...,..,..., IS 1m-II\ GutW l)f 1 811 M 19 't h --., ' ~ -.. Pac L19 I "8 7 1' 1'~ ""'""''• n •~ + "" Wiwn«o . • ..-'" C\111"6 1-040 • 0-. Grn Gf~ I Oii I 12 IS . . Langll I IV• 7 M 15'h + .... Pllc~trl 80 II .. ,I I '• SonyCp 04b JO 107S 9'14 -"' WernCm .50 6 SJ 1714-.... Grnc;pj, 16 I 23'1t-I~ LIL pl N 13 . '''° 111 _, Pac~, 70 I ltl ,... .... SooLln3 ISi> • •• 2'1";11 ••• WerlAm .., 1711•1 ~t1V. DamonC.2010 14l 8'~-Vo 2 lo\ LILpflS~ I .. +I PlcT&.Tl:I08 '9 13'~ V. SOSCn\.l4 S IS 1tlt+ lo\ WM'fl'Sl.20 • 43 t1'1t+\.;, DanRl't 100 .. S9 t.\\+ "· 8?"'~1 e:. q l~ '1rz -Lonol pf 8 s . 1100 491h 'h PaclfTln .IO 6 8 8... I/• s CerEll 48 7 78 15\11 . WehGs 1.• 7 s 11V, t \Ill OanaCo t."4 8 36 36'h v. ,._'0Ti1•r Int . 103 I"' ... ;~ L0n90r9 ,II) 2S S8 67 + ,,., PalneW , 100 J 50 ~·... "• SOJ Ind 1.56 8 I 1311• + ..,. WMllNtl .IO " tl.1 1ov. • .• ~~tndtn .p1~ '. •! 3111,L+ ii:. G:-uman !rO s 44 11"'_-"' ~~·!ndeo1_r1p2 .Is 24111 201:~-. ~ Pal,..pf 1,30 • 1 12,,, .... Soudwn .1s1 • S4 q~ + 11> w.,,, s.1 te " a n 1,. , O:i~ "":,"~ n ~ J?,;-V'; Gua•o '"' 10 ' J4 9'1•-v. uP.cuc 10 u m 10~-~ :::~C:.o~~ : ~~ i~~ ,,.. t!:s~ 'f:-1.:l: a ~~ ~II\•·~ =:~: : 'i '%;-; ~ DeyGOC .116b • 14 IO'to+ v. G\larO Ml~ · 11 l'llt · · LOUGe\ I flt 9 6S 1l + II'> Pan Am Air 265 \ S.oustPS 7k 8 S S'lll-'to WatknJ .100 12 ll 24-_., Oey<pf 4'4. tlOO 4• -V. ~::MLlllttAI 1 ~~ ~::-v. Lowtl•ln40 •I 101'1• t;, Parmd2.l0 6 JI 171~ ,_. SC.IEOl.6116 J9S 1'11t ••• WayneG .tl)tOt 14 4V. ,. DertonH .n 11 IOJ u •t.-'"" G::u 0,cri 70 s eis 111,.,_·;~ LTV Co<p 3 664 I~-\'o Paperctt .o s 12 •'• SoutllCo 1.40 1107' ll"'-v. 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Pe,,,..y t.1614 •1' "'"+I'"' SoW51Fr .20 1 lO S\r, • 1\ ~Tr 1.80 7 s 11 t ... Ottt•Alr 60 u 131 34.... • Heclt w 7,4 1 I 27V.. "' --M M-"'-nOI• 74q • 14 ,. • SwFO<pf ,.,., • 10 "'"' + \lo WslPt Pwo 2 ' 74 .)S4 .. y. 0.11 t t I l 3'!e 11111 F B .SO II 317 IS -'fl Mat AF 60Q 11 I 81'o -"• ~PL I to 7 91 11'1'> SowstPs 'II 10 39 11'111 }\ Wst/\ltl .4().. f 27 l''tt-~. 0.1~ 11cp:: ' w. ::: H•llPr1 llOe s II 17141-·-~ MacOonld 1 ,3 7\11. ~. PPL.pf 1300 . l,10 llS I ''• Si>.\r1~n ,.., 4 ) 7 .. 1, W\&.lc 1.40 s 44 17\11 Otnnlson 1 6 13 17111-'llt Halllbtn l.3214 '2 140 V. Mlcke .)() S IS 31,i,-l'o PPLpf 11 00 . 160 103"'1 SOerryHul I 'I 74 9'1• + "> WslnNA .OSI J 24 13.,• ••• Oennllll pl I.. 2 14 -II) HemP• 1.10 .. 40 16 v. Mlcmlll 2S 4 127 4'1• I '" p PL pf. 60 .• 1420 87 ~ryHpl J . 1 30 • •• Wst Pfc Ind • 31 6 ...... \14 • OtnnY' I .3211 2S3 17'.lli-'I• HefTYTIOnd . I) 3" v. Macy t. 10 • 14 H • •1, p PL pl 8.40 • zJIO 711 Sp Aatld ,. 10 469 37V. + "• Wt'SIPull IO 6 IJ 12 ''• Otnlsoly.IOU 23 32 .. -"°' Hencllem.408 SI S; ~ McVll'fA 41t. •• 160 4t.'1>+1114 PaP&Lprl .ltOO 7S V• St>t~ve El . 71 • 11t WUnlon1 40S6 SI IS~''• Otsentt .2.S 1• A1 l•V> . . . ~MOV,t"fter761 3 ~; n~ ~ Mad Fd .60b •. 107 IV. •• p PL pf 4 40 tllO 4W• + 11, St>tngMt ,7S 19 II 10'/• 411 Wlts111 El .'13" 4'11 13.,._ \lo OtSo,oln .40 .. U 6tlt + Vi 1nes...., • Mad SQUlre S 10 3°"' . . • p PL pf 4 .,., t 120 47 SquerD I 10 IS 121 71 + Iii WstElpf 3.IO .. ISO 41 •.. OtlEdl I '5 I 67 13Vt Henne 1.60 ' ' 41 + I'> Maftl<Cn ,J? . 20 51'1 t 'It "°"1Wlt I 48 I 3) 2611t ~ SQulbO 90 17 726 3611• + lo\ WtstY<O l'h 'I 4' 30\lt+ V1 DttEok611 .• LSO ... ·u; !::~"es,.~1~ }! 7~~ ~:: 11rveos:_1~ ·~ 71'.'>+ '4 ~nn ... pf2''1 , 1111 •.. ~:·~~N:12~ ,u ;;;::_:: ::1::2~ .,: ~Yt+ Y> i::~ ~g;;: :: zm ~:\4 +. \c; Hem"9 I 20 4 2S '6'1o-'If. 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Orl'ltppr 3'20 IS ti -'!o ...... , __ • 14 11..,+ l'o INKeyf'9 I 4 40 ,, ..... + \.It flttEI pl 0 0 ,. itO ·~ ••• SlolllyV l.20 t 1S II~ 14 WlsG oft.SS •• 100 tsV.+ ~ <>onwM eoe t st ~ + lo\ ,..._, -• .. MCl>ln I 60b .so "'"-"" flttll 5ut> .to 1 JS i.h-"• ~ .60 l ,, u -"' wtJCfilS t.ll ' to \6'41-"" OM Lui""' 140 2'-Htltn flfUO.. u nv.-\~ MMtlv, O'lb • 2'I 10•1). \'o Plllllr. Mor, IS ?JS SJ • v. Stonw 2.1111 • ,. IS'~ • Wlko c 1.2010 • '° -"' OoMelly .. j j 44 1'111i-0~ =ttln~:~~t I: ~V.~,"' ~Inv l.17b 10 7) '"' • 1'11111 Pt ttld It l Stop&S 110 S 10 Iii., .... ¥1it1YWl.05111J II l...._ '" OoofO¥ tot $ 20 14\Ct + .... Hl!lllV91t En tO SO 4\lt + 11, Mebl.IE .191> 1' 1 t l'I'\ Pllllf\91 .2Sc • I • • . Stcw191T Sit 6 IOS 101\ • "' Womtto 60 1 14 U'--"' e 10t 7 J) • -._, HI""*° .. IO 11 It _ V. Mey 0$ I 60 U IO 4S'tJ-" PNll'ltt t 60 IJ lll iO -14 Stotw 8'd 1 t 11 ISi<' ~ .._ WOocaC» .<II 2 1'2 S + ~ 1.• I I O \lt -"'1 tNrtrOtc I I t 22'Jlo . Pf\11\IH <10a JS 7V.-14 StrldeRl1 10 • I •"' ••• WNdt ~t" • 1' 1S -Vo 0..... 1.60 14 )17 "'"' y. HlltoriH I ti) S )A ,...._ I~ MeyJW 1611 • • U '"' + Yo Pltkw'I IMI 1 11 t•~-I\ StUO.W I l2 1 I Jl\lt-\'t .,.....,._ 110 ' JIO 2' ••• Opp lncp ., JI 4--\tt =~~ 1~ :g ,;\di=~ MIY1t UOe II U » + "' PledNG t 40 i 2 14~ ~ SCllOtW of S •• 4 '2 t "-' Pfl.111 • • ""' ••. Drevo 1.IO • 4 37~-I~ ...._ .., , US 14~ MBPJCI .20et 1 4 •V. • • • Pler1 tmprl t• 10 ..... • . • Suew 5'loe 7 U Jllo-\4 Willrl4 Alrw 5 U '"' + ~ Ortttffl • 1 '" H"'•" ;;;;T..cl~. 20 .S\lo+'(t, M CA Incl . IS 62'h 'llt PllliburyCIU \• 31Y>-Y, 5'111Pl"OPfll. :s u"-" Wl'IOl'(J40e. ,. '2\o\it-" o.tffl 1.44 .. 11 IS~+ V. Hoe lnnt .JS 17 UO ll'lt-"' M<CordCp I t 11 16io. . "'-rC I 70 I 77 71 • •. SucrHt .lOe I '2 6 + "' Wllr!Ut,,.~ • • 2 Siio ••• eylS .Slit • 10 '"' ""'° •-12 2t•~ .A M<.Crorv Cp . • 12 21' • IA! 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SoMI"""· J. ,..-,. etc;--··· = ~··· .SO 11\-\>tl Holplt1Af4ll t 1' W o'o YI Ml. 1·::· 9l I~-~ PllYllOY ·"·7 SO ~ll'tt .. ~~~ii J "~-·"a:·:: :: 2~~-·y; °" 14 • '"1il~-I~ HMP41C.o .1•10 J4 ,,_~ Mcl11:.\oe ·suo0 J:1.1o71;, PNPl~:::11 ~ t~~-.~ S..Oll 1MIO S l'7 -1 Ml •• I 17~+ Vl Ollfll'r ~ 4"t 0 • t #'I + "' t4MI lllll .ai t .. lJ~ • ;.:_ MckM A ie ) 14 21"-,._ ~d J2 10 19'S ~tlA SuMt'Gn .JO• W s-. +-YI .. ) ,I t) -V. ~I., l.IJ ' 1~ 1•'-+ ~ Houdl141 .toe J 21 t l\ ~ Mcl..tM .IO t , .. .M _ v. S J' '" ~ • • ""-"' teN!e oft., 1 • -1 ~tri 1· ~ 0 • tlOO n -t HOWi P4 2V. · · > 2>'h 'lit McUhS UO t 11 11\.li • . =-~ uo 1 17 : • Si.ll>rVfl 1, 10 II 17'l 24~ + Ml trtl9 C#9 • )7 t\6 • V. ~i.J ti~. !:: ~~ -1 V. :::::;: ~ 1~ :; t~~ Vt McNeil to • 20 .-. .. \.Ii ,..,_ Int 111 1 J ,.... • • . M roM l1tl )I) » >II ••. I::':r. I, ~ t'I"-, • OU.l.ol t • tlOO 11~ HcMeF I 10 ' US 1SV. Vt ,,.._. i I~ ' IJ(I 1114 ••• l'llnOI! 1-" I .. ,,Ill •·• s..lll •* t At '41 -" -,_.JI IYa• \It, arme•"~•!!.._'\'-"" ..._.,.,"·· '13 1 .... ==.~:10 ~ r.--~ ~r:t~'i~11~1~~1" ·Plant Closes '~~I 7 it 211'-._ :=rtl~ t ,.; ~\'tt + ~ MC.~~ 4 U • .__ ~ Jillee ij,.1161' '1 11\' " ~OJ t 1 "~ · ..,Ntc;.,111 4s '7"• 1. =:i..c "'°',: f': 1~:=.,. t'!!f:':,5.::.,;:: :''-.~ SANGER CUPl)-TbeDuoTherm ~""" "'r . . M" 1;:•. "" ""9rOJ 14 u 1.. ,. ,,..~ str '°" ,. $}Yo-)II iii;iii., 4.04 • .,-.,~, n.r . 1 r M un..--.a "'-1 • • l! ,. ......... ~,,. 1 is 11 • \j, ,,..~11 140u u• tsVt-" ,PG411dlR 10 '°' 15 • .., U1V\S ono otor "~ ...... .,.,p ans~o .i:=8:11 i: 1 'u i:--'7 Hiid" 1·* ~ 12 "" "' ,,..,.,"l.T 60 • an 11" ~ ..... ,.,. ' ~ tt • 1 clos~ its plant In Sa""'r n.s of Dec. 3t, [e"~ I.~ 27 JOI 1024 " H 81111 6«I I I IS \4 MeW"" .OS )4 t•7 It-. l'rMI llf u i 14-.i •• , ·~ e11t11~ 1. • ., ,. ... _ " =~::: :f ,J ~~ ~ ,,,,.,,.,,. 160 .. 20 ""'-'It ~ "o. n n '°'"' . . . put Ung some 150 l~aJ employes out of leilll""'· ",. ""···~.AID• 1 l~. MllUblf~ 1 w '""•"' l"l"od•"•1', •1'" ·-· wort. ·t &>discloscdTburM.av fC".111.attt aiat ..._,..,., MllMOl.lllTt 2 tJ +"' ~~. I IJ~ ... ~ll"9 l I--~. •..,I VI ~.r· ~ ' r A J 8 DAIL V PILOT • Frld•y. D.cember 12, 1975 Value. Special. For bright picturC's. Pop on and off easily. Fit most 126 cameras. MaJ,?i("ubN• •..•• 1.29 SX-70 llush bar ... l.77 GA~ VIEW-MASTER'° VIEWER See hundreds of subjt•ctH in spectacular 3-D Drop 111 reel (extra), aJm at light. 1ss Viewer, storage container and 49 colorful 3-D slides of children's stories. 4s9 Great value. REARSCREENPROJECTOR Eai;y-to-operate J11~x4-in. 15ss scree n. Built-in handle. Theater outfit ..... 13.88 REG.17.99 DECEMBER SPECTACULAR I SALE ENDS SATURDAY, DECEMBER l3TH ... HURRY, SOME QUANTITIES LIMITED! Great value. Kodak lnstamatic® 18 camera outfit. 1997 WARDS PRICE Camera has single-ele- ment. fixed-focus lens- just aim and s hoot-soft- tour h s hutter release, dnuhle exposure preven- tum. Film, flip flash. strap. convener. Normal 200mm lent, 2X telt'· convener on camera. • $}20 off. Vivitar® 35mm camera outfit. 419.98 COMBO 220 SL camera has V1vitar 50mm f 1 8 lens, 200mm f/3.5 lens and 2X tele- converter. With case. _,,,\ "ft 1---::-::,.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,....-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~__;_;,.•hott. Super-tele- photo ahoh. · '.-11.~1111 t'\l'4391 -~ 11111 Pl1·rtrun1c ....... ~ li11tl• I \\"1th WAROS ~ .1cu·-,s11ru:~. PRICE TELE-INSTAMATIC ™ 608 OUTFIT Norrn;il and t1•li•ph11to ll'n.... 2 89 7 Flip 11,1-.;h. t·olor film, 111- i:;t ruct11111-'' n-..t ..;trap WARDS PRICE Value. MAGNETIC-PAGE PHOTO ALBUM 229 WARDS PRICE Padrled cover, bound hack. Clear plastic photo protectors. Post bound ..... 9.99 Tt•xtured cover ... 5.99 Value. HANDY KODAK I MOVIE CAMERA Make bright., i-harp movies. 9 2 7 O Camera, film and battery. Zoom camPr:i . . . . . 177.711 WARDS PRICE SAVE$8 OUR BEST TRIPOD 1:r-rise center· 25ss post with lock 90 tilt on pan- hend. Leg tips. REC. 33.99 SAVE$4 ~--~~OUR DELUXE ir--<.....,..... GADGET BAG Carry-all for }788 \:&mera and ac- ce11sor i e~. Ad-REC. 21.99 JUstable strap. SAVE$20 SAVE $5 THE VIVITAR I llOCAMERA Easy-to-use 39ss pllckct camera . W1Lh built-in REC. 44.99 ~·lectronic flash. HI-POWER ZOOM MOVIE CAMERA 5•1 pow<.'r zoom. 3 filming 139ss speeds. Fade-in, out. 199.99, 8:1 zoom .... 174.88 REGULARLY 159.99 Value. WARDS BEST EDITOR KIT Deluxe . motor-3288 1zed editor. 2 400-ft reel s. splices, book_ REG. 34.99 SAVE$3 LENTICULAR SCREEN, 40''x4j}'.:-- !denl for view-15ss lnj,? 1n undark· ened room. REG.18.99 35.99 50"x5<Y' 8Creen, 27.88 SAVE $15 WIDE-ANGLE BINOCULAR 7x35mm. 525 · 2488 field of view at 1000 yds. Case, straps. REC. 39.99 SAVE $35 SLOW-MOTION DUO 8 PROJECTOR Shows super Sand regular 59ss 8 movies. Slow motion to 6 fps, f/l 5 zoom lens. REGULARLY 104.99 SAVE $30 OUR Q888 SLIDE PROJECTOR Auto. focus, electronic timer and pop-up editor. 2.7~ slide tray ....... 1.88 sgss REGULARLY119.99 GIVE A G IFT OF ENTERTAINMENT -USE WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT PLAN Shopping early? We're ready. • 1• NORAMA C ITY t.ob1•1111t ro~. phnnP k'H ~!11 • TOHRAN<'E dPI nmo raJnon ""QU"r"· phnn" ,,.1>1;•f11 • ~ANTA ANA hr111tol 1t llt,.t'nl•·,.nth ii I -.n hHU •SAN (lF.ltNAROI 0 ~nlr1.1l 11t .,. t11111I 1 l I HHI » • ."11 • HUNTlNC.TON BEACH edinger &l heach. 714·R92-661 I • •COVINA bruronc-n nl llan bt-1 nord1no ln'+>way. Hfi6.7tl 1 • RO~n;~n:Ar> ;1@0 m· t•mPad blvd. 0-:;1 .!I to •COSTA Mr:S/\ hnlltr1I "'. nt i.an dtt'l{O l"Y . 711 !l 19 ~14011 • NORWAl.K 1mpt>r1ol nt norwolk bl\'d , phon1> AA rot t • FULU:RTON h11rl10t 11L 1m1n1telhorpe, 714-879-2500 • F.A<a .R HUCK rolorndo nl hro11dwoy, phont• 2i\4.!)'J61 • CANOOA PARK topnn1111 pl11111, phone 883·1000 •MONTCLAIR montclarr pl1m1, ohon<' 714 621-:l054 • LYNWOOO 11nper1al hlvd , >tl llU\lc>, phone 537 6000 • LAKEWOOD lekcwood hlvd. 111 candlcwood. phnn• (',.'J:J WOO • WF.. T 1.0~ AN<;F:U:S la c1t>n<'1111 •l ltlth "l , &:lfl 7'122 HOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 1,J.:30 AM TO 10:()() PM ... SUNDAY 10:00 AM TO 6:00 PM .•• JUST AY "CHARGE IT!" r • l l .I I ., \ Orange Coast EDITION VOL. 68, NO. 346, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A F RIDAY, DECEM BER 12 , 1975 'l'cu a.~·"s Closin~ ~-\·. Stot'ks c TEN CENTS Schnrlt Def ends Hospital Eillployillent By GARY GRANVILLE Qf Ole O•lty ~llet SUH Orange County Supervisor Laurence Schmit denied Thurs · day there was any impropriety in his employment by a hospital controlled by Dr. Louis Cella dur· mg the time he was a candidate for county s upervisor. Schmit also said that, to the best of his knowledge, a public financial disclosure statement he filed last April was not in error for failing lo list the income he received in 1974 from Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana And, Schmit made clear he does not consider his vote in sup- port of awarding a county con- tract to a health testing firm linked to Cella as a conflict of in- terest. In mentioning his employment at the hospital, Schmit pointl'd ara 0.11., Piiot SIMI Pllolo .S1111ta's Rel11er Who says Christmas is just for kids? Kids of all ages. maybe -like Irene Pommier, who is ~ years young She was just one of many residents of Harbor Area con· valescent hospitals who were treated to luncheon and a Christmas party Thursday by the Rotary Anns. wives ?f Costa Mesa Rotary Club members. Rotary Ann Patricia Dinger did the honors as "Mrs. Santa.·· Party was at Girls Club. At Least 12 Perish In Bay Area Blaze SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A fire believed to be the work of an arsonist swept through a five. story apartment building during predawn darkness today, killing at least 12 people and injuring several others, authorities said. Fire Chief Keith Calden said 11 bodies were taken from the gutted building, 'and a 12th person died at San Francisco General Hospital. Fifteen others were treated for injuries. and 10 of them -includ- ing seven firemen -were hospitalized. "Based on our preliminary in- vestigation. we feel fairly certain it was an arson fire," said Asst. Fire Chief Cha rles Carli. STOCK MARKET TRADING SLOW NEW YORK <UPI) -The stock market c h anged little today in slow tz;adine on the New York Stock £xchange in the abeence of news and a lack or ~lltng pressure. The Dow Jont-~ 1ndustrial avera1e, n 1 26-po111t loser Thurs- dn.y, gamed 0.08 po11~~ lo ltl2.8J ----·~ off mnre than tilrec polnts. Dccllnts 1N1 ;uh. nces by obout a scv~n to·fh•c mariin. <Tables. AlS). PrJces wen lowt'r in moderate trad.lne on the American Stock Euban10. "Some flammable liquid was used to start it." Screams filled the night air as several o( the more than 125 resi· dents of the Gartland Hotel· Apartments in the city's Mission District used blankets to lower themselves to safety from upper floors. and others leaped from one story up. One man lowered himself from a fourth-floor ledge as far as he could and then jumped, sustain· ing minor injuries. Calden said the arson theory was based on statements of wit- nesses who said they smelled gasoline "and the way the fire took off." He estimated struc- tural damage at $400,00Q. About 200 firemen converged on the building and conlrollc4 the fire within an hour after arriving at the scene. fire officials said. "I woke up hearing people yell· ing, ·Fire.' I opened the front door, and it was total blackness and n am es." said Eddie Stone, 21, who was rescued by firemen from his fourth -noor apartment. Maria Green. 34, who hves ~~~:t the street from the de- C 3des ohl huildin~. saHJ "[ tievrd n kmd of <''P'os1on. hkl' .1 tire ~<.'t1'1( n .. t I looked c>UI m~ window an<.J ~uw Clt•m••i-t1r1111nll the tin>t or !'l'<'"nll f\001 "'11 hin two secondl'i the "lwle than~ ".1s ln fi~mes. "It looked like nothing but n ames and SJHt rk~ flying all over," s he 111ud. out that it terminated when he became a county supervisor Jan 6 and that approximately S7.300 he had earned as a public rela- hons consultant was declared on his tax returns last year. "All income that I received (from the hos pital) prior to tak ing office was standard payroll and included appropriate dC' ducalions for taxes and other matters. ··schmltsaid. ea 12 at Large The J4 year old supervisor said hc did not believe 1t was nt>ce::.::.ary for him to include sources of his 1974 incomt> on the fin ancial disclosure statement filed with the county clerk in April. .. As I understand 1t. the re· qwrement is that all sources of income received while a public official be reported. And the monl?Y I received for my work at • m Laguna Hashish Ring 'Cracked' A multi-million dollar interna- tional hashish s muggling ring headquartered in Orange County and allegedly m astermindcd by a Laguna Beach man has been cracked bv federal authorities resulting in the arrest of an Irvine attorney. 1 Sources with the Ft'deral Drug Enforcemt>nt Ad ministration <DEAl said today a dozen men named in tht> federal grand jury indict men ls remained al large. Listed as fugitives wert> the al- leged m-a ste~. mind, Ernest Combs, 29, formerly of Laguna Beach. Also listed were Robert Work, 24, of Laguna Bt>ach, Stephen Gonsalhs, 30, of Sunse~ Beach and Robert Fry, :.>, ol Orange Irvine attorney Ken Gill's Snyder. 39. of JZ195 Vista dcl Catalina. South Laguna, was ar- rested earlier this week on the Grand Jury indictment. Snyder was rt>leased on a SS0,000 bond, a DEA spokesman said Abo arrested was Richard K. Brown of Long R~ach. The hashish ring is believed to have imported Sl0.5 m1lhon lo 515 5 m11l1on worth of contraband na a mus ic equipment transfer company which !>hipped rock music sound gt>ar bet wt>en tht> l'mted States and Europe Combs is named in the indict· ments as a pr10c•pal tn the c~se, and the man who recruited and directed couriers in its opt>ralion, the DEA ::.pokesman said. According to the DEA. al least 3,400 pounds of hashish was te· corded being smuggled into lht> United States. lie speculated that (See HAS H, Page A2) Drug Unit Rejects County's Demand In a scathing letter to Board of Supervisors Chairman Ralph Diedrich, attorneys for the Orange County Drug and ~arcotics Task Force said task force trustt>es will not tum funds entrusted to their care m to the county treasury. The official notice denying the Board of Supt>rvisors· demand that $19,723 be funneled into the county lrt>asury came from Orange atlorncy Ronald G. Bower. Included in the attorney's blunt rejection notice was a searing al lack on D1edrich"s alleged motive for demanding that the trustees surrender the funds and accompanyi11g records to the county. Bower also criticized Diedrich and other supervisors' handling of the controvt>rsy surrounding money paid by convicted drug of- fenders into a special fund used for nart'ot1c law enforcement. .. 1 am s ure that the most Bandit t'asual ob::.ervcr watching this scene unfold will hold your re- marks in cont empt and recognize them for what they are. a non- sensical and 1rrationaJ diatn be which 1s beneath the dignity of your high offlcc-. ·· Bower wrote to 01t>drich . In response to Bower's letter. Diedrich called it a remarkable non-legal document written by someone who apparently has political motives <See FUNDS, Page A2) Cobbler Kille d VE!'llCE <UPI) Romeo Marcigotto. 68, was s hot and killed Thursday during the at· tt>mpted robbery of his s mall shoe repair store. Police said the bandit pulled a gun and moved toward the cash · register, and shot Mardgotto when the owner lned to stop h1 m Sant as Custom,ers Get Free Ga.s CHICAGO (UPI ) -About 100 drivers helped lhemsel ves to free gasoline and cigarettes today for about two hours when they found attendants at a busy service station tied hand and foot. police said. Attendants Michael l''ry and Kenneth Harris, both 20, said three bearded men held them up at gun- point. tied them with wire in the rear of the service station near an entrance to Lake Shore Drive. Robbery investigator David Olsen said, "After t he stickup, one robber worked the driveway. He was dispensing gas and cigarettes, collecting the money and putting it in his pocket ... The otJ::.er two took approximately $5.000 from the station safe and $390 worth of cigaretles. The three left the attendants bound and on the floor. "The attendants told me during the lime they were tied 11p. there was a steady stre~m of customers. Tht•\ lookt•d 111 , saw them lied un and helped th~ms<'l >l'S to cigarette~ and gJ • .111d Jusl droH· ;.m a'.·· O lsr1. s.1id. · It \•a" •wproximatdy two hours Orw cu~tomt•t finally 11~l·d the pay phone to call the puhce. nut he didn't ~l\'C ltis name bec~use he probably had just stuck them for a tank of gas, too." • Mercy was bet ore I was sworn 1r. to office," said Schm1l "I might be m1slakl·n in my in terpelation of the law If I am, 1l is an honest mistake." he added As far as the question of con flict of interest 1s concerned, Schmit said he doesn't see how a conflict can be involved when he at no time has had any financial involvement with Orangl' County Health Testing ln:;t1lul« ·· u UPI Tollll"°lo CHANGES PLEA Sara Jane Moore Riley to Urge Ontario Port Site Again By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of 111• Dally Piiot S..tt Orange County Super visor Thomas Riley will resurrect the concept of designating Ontario International Airport in San Bernardino County Tuesday as Orange County's pnmary com mercial jet airport In a letter t o his fello\\ supervisors, Riley sa1d all other feasible alternatives for meeting anticipated passenger loads 1n the near future have been ex plored and discarded "The joint use of El Toro has been removed from any potenllal speculation and the usc. joint or solt> of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station for commercial a ir operations would involve th1!> board in massive land use con version programs," Riley said. The Newport Hl'ach sup<'rv1sor aJso cont'eded that his hop<'s for building a massive new intercon tinental airport <.il Rancho California in R i vcrs1dc County have been dealt a fatal blow He said Ri verside County of ficials have refused to continue discussing the poss1b1lity of a three-county airport on the tk sert site near Temecula. The Ontario proposal was first suggested by Riley's pre decessor, the late Ronald W Casper s. But a 1974 feasibility study of Ontario by a special county "ta::.k force" revealed it would have on· ly a limited, s hort-term impact on relieving the g rowth of Orange County ·s passenger loads. Riley contends in his latest re t'ommendation that the 1974 ta~k force "admittedly lacked re sources lo conduct original re search and limited their study to the collection and analysis of data available from various sources." (See AIRPORT, Page A2) Hoag Basketball Tourney to Open The public 1s invited to v1eY. thl' GraceHoagMemorial Ras kt•lhall Tournament that bl·~in--S.11111 da} at thl' l 'piwr H.t \. .11u l C:;Jsthl uH hrandll's 1lf th1• Harl1<1r Area Boys· Cl uh All t~urnunwnl i,:,1n\"" \\h1rh \\Ill continue all \H't'k. will b1.· played at the two hranches. Th1.• first game b set for 11 . IS a m Saturday. Finals will b<.' th\: following Saturday It w3s the ins titute that la::.t Ju ly wa::. a\\ arded a S275,000 county contract cuver1n~ pre employment phy::.ical examinJ lions for count v employ es Cella. the bdL·aguered Santa Ana phys ician whose financial dealings arc undt·r mvest1gat1on by a federal grand Jury as well as the county grand JUI")'. ::.;nd he divested hims elf of any inll'rt'::-t CSee SCll~11T. Page . .\2) 'I Tried To Kill Ford' SA~ FRA~CISCO CAP1 Sara Jane Moore declared tod:.iy that she "wilfully and knowingly" al· tempted lo assassinate Pres1denl Ford and asked a federal Judge to change her plea to gui lly. In a cairn voice Miss l'vhJ<>rl' rt•· ad a written st~lcment lo the Judge in which s he said shed1d not want lo participate in a trial ··that promises to bt• a circus·· and dt'clared her faith in wh<il !>he called "my drc<:1m of a n<.'Y. re,ol· ut1onmlh1slandnfours · She said she deliher;.itelv lned lo kill Ford Sept 22 and citt.'CI <:1S 1usl1ficat1on allegations of L'S. government mvoh·ement m as· sa'\sination plots against foreign leaders Shc-declart>d . .. Any country which uses assassination to h1dl! its own oppression tnusl expect that tool to be used against it ·· US. District Court .Judge Samuel Conti. apparently sur- prised by Miss Moore's decision, urged her to reconsider and l'X· plained that s he was giving up all ht>r constitutional rights to atrial lie said he wou ld not allow her to enter the guilty plea until she undergoes further psychiatric ex- amination to determine whether she is sane. "l have to satisfy myself that you com milled the act with which you are charged and that you have no legal defenses ." the judge said. Conti scheduled a hearing for 11 :i m Mondav at which a ~ychiatrist wit"! be asked to dc-· termme )tiss ~1oore·s mental slalt>. She had lwen due to stand tnal )fond a~ · · 1 am not now ins am' Ill the <See )1 00RE, PageA2) Mesa Won1an Hurt In Traffic Crash A Costa Mes ;.i "orn;rn wa~ in- jured today when her compact car collided with a Costa ML'~ct er- ty matnlt>nance truck. poli ce said Virginia Dremin of 523 Fair Dnvc was rele:a:-;ed after trcal· ment at Costa Mesa Memonal Hospital following the 8. 35 a m collision at Fairvicw Road and Arlington Drive. l\·eather Clearing tonight with swmy weather on Satur day, according to the \\ eathC'r service. Con ltnut>d cool with beach highs at 60 rising to only 6-t inland. Lows 46 to 52 INSIDE TODA\' "Is 1t really art?"' some> t>ietvers -or rot her. listener.~ -may a11k of the curn'flt .Vt'Wp<>rt Harbor Ar1 Mus<'Um sfk.1u> Dally Pilot Stoff Wnter f/110711 Ka.r:e erploins whµ on Pll!}el'I of the \.\'t'l'k1•r11/4 r Index At y-SenlC• Al ....,,,,,.. oa I.. "'I.... Alt Ma•lbo• ....... " l #.1 \t&.l=°Vft",,\ ~ .. .., .,.. 'I r'l-aA:.it C,,.unh i' ;)It ~. c· • •• c.tllf9ml• M IH CIHSMlto 0 I 1: C-o c• c ... u ... rd ,, D· '"'""""' 1'1' CdolortAI P~t• I l.l'lhrt•i ....,..""' f -~ r I ~.,,.. .,, ) .... ••• Mf<ord A• I H...,,\("N I l lltle•ln<UIOI\ t l AMl..tMeH 9) .. ....,,,."" • ~ f"•th : I A .2 DAILY PILOT c 4ffiA Gunmen LONDO~ (lJ Pl> Polict> broke an t;11ght-Jay·oltl JowntoY. n London sl\•gr Wduy und captun'<.I four ln~h Hl•publtcan Army gunmen who cunh' out with their hands up. The gunmt•n first freed Mrs. Shl·1la '.\-1 attlwws, 5:J. one of t hl· two ho~tuges they had held s mn• pohc:e trnppt·d lht• IHA men m the Mallhl•\u .. · .1partmcnt la::it week. Then tht' g unmt•n. une waving .1 white handkl•tdHt•f filed onto the apartment b:.il cony with thl'ir hands up. Polin• m arksmen covt•red thl' !>Cene, lit by floodlights in the early evening darkness, ;1s the m en and hostage John Malthl·ws. 54. appeart.•d unl' by mw 110 tht• second floor b:.ilconv The s iegt' had lastl'<.11 IO hour" All four gut1ml•n \H'l'l' "t•dgl·d into a sm :i ll pnlicl' p.1nt>l trut•k which ::ipt•d awa). 1h s1rt'rl ".111 ing. Passersby broke into ;.iµ plaU!>l' The gunmen ''en• wanted for :in 18-month s t'rll'S of bombings in and around London wh1 th killed 27 person~ and injured 5-IO , One was behe\'l'd to bt• a rn.tn known ns M1ch:.il'I W1bon. Bn t ~1111 's most-wanted terron ~t 111~, fingerprints were found at llw scene of the murder two Wl'l'h .1go of Ross McWhirtt.•r-. c<• founder of the Guinness Book of Records, who was shnt and killl'd on his own doorstep in the first such IRA assass in:1t10n 1n 011· British mainland. Scotland Yu rd Ch1l•f Sir Hobt·rt '°l:Jrk s:iid the m e n would Ul' ~:harged with · · il \\ 1dc Yariely nf <·nmes which come loosely undl·r th~ heading of terrorism ... :\1rs . :vl allht•ws was rushl'd to l'niversity College llos pilal where spoke:;m e n said ~ht' was ··remarkably well considl·n11~ the circumstances" :.ind w.is hl' ing lre:ited f:.lr ~hock She ts all right. ... 1 spokl'f.m.111 said Tlw fllur m;1n I IL\ g,ing ".•~ t:nrnen·d Salu1 clJ~ 111ght .tft1·r .i rro:-.:;town p11la•1• ch<h1' 111 Y. lrn·h unusu:.il for I ,undon shoh \H're fired . The gunm l·n p1 ckl'd lhl· \l<•l thews apartment. ~1pparl•ntly al nwdom. forced thl'Jr ~\ d Y 1n and took the couple hos tugc An army of police marksmen mo\.e<l in ~ Jnd besieged the whole Dorst't Squore area of Balcombe Street in downtown London. From the beginnmg the pollt1· insisted on "no deals " They arc going lfl Rn-xlt1n prison l and no whl'r<.' els<.'.· :\l::lrk S:.tld. Richard K e efe Of Mesa Dies Rich:ird D Keefe. a 're~:ident uf Costa Mes a and manager of d cit{i processing .it lkckman Instru ments. Fullt•rtnn. has dit·<l cit thl1 age of 41 Ros<1ry will he rcc1tt•d th1 :- ever11ng al 7 . 30 ~tl. .Joachim Catholic Church, Cost<1 Mt·su 1\ burial mass will be conducted .it 9 a .m Saturday at th<• church. .ind rnlNmNit will follow ;1t Uw llol y SepulC'her Ct•ml'tl'r;.- Or;inge Mr h.eefc. who d1C'd \V(•dnc· ... <lay. is s urvived by his v.1ft'. ll1!.1 Kee fe o f Cos ta Mesa. ~on-, David, Steven. and Chns topht'r .i ll of Costa ~le:-.<i, and brothl'r nonald of Pennsylvam;1 New Arms Rappe(l GENEVA, Sw1tzerl:md IUPI 1 The United Statl'S <ind SOv1ct Union said today I hey will recess their Strategic Arms Limitation Talks next week for the Christmas and New Yearhohday ORANGE COAST Thfio Of'1tr\Qf' Co•st 0111itl~ ••1tot ..-.i11n wh1(h ,, comb~d t~ Nt'W\0Prr\\_ 1 pUof~tWC1 t"" lhit 0tft'IOt eo.nt Publhl'Hnq CorN:•.rif '#PM ... 1• f'dl110ft\ •'" publls~ Monrl.it'f' lt\r0-'4')"i r , '"'"-' tor (O\ta Mr \1t, Nrwport f.M11W n *h'"'•nQH,r1 8tetl\/f:ountA1n V~llf'Y, lr'VIN< ,,.nQlfltMf., V•H•y •no L~Q"'"• B•6cl'i/Sovth '™')' "''""l'' ripqtONI e.dUlOA '' pvbl·'~" \At'-''n.a"' "'" \v" t°t41Y~ Th~ prH\(1041 i>vbl"h•no p\Ant •• i•t J•) Wt\I ky Sl• .. I, (O''• MoA. <:Ahl"'"" '1'1'1~ Robert N Weed ,, .. ,.,,dent •nd Pvb411'1H Jae k R. Curley V•<~ Ptt\10tnt •nd Wnerat ,...."'4Qf"' Thomas Keevil EO•lor Thomas A. Murphine M•n.oo•no Ed''"" Charles H. Loos Richard P Nall .A\\ot•nf ""4MQlnQ EO•tOI\ Cost~ Mesa Offk• J)O Wt\I 8 •y Sl,-HI M••llno AOdrr\\ p 0. IM• I~.,,.,. dtMr'Offlc.es N•WPoM Ruell "" N~woon ~V••d ~.t11UNI n. .. 11 I 1 .. (iM.,.,.Yt• \lr .. t H11nuno1on S.•O•· 17tl> 1Mt<ll l\o\l..,•Arc1 ~ •• ,, .... v.11 .. r U101 LA P111 A<>Mi •I Son 01•06 f ,....,."" (ilpy'rlqllt, 1'7' O•""O<I ,_, ~11111no CAI"" Jlllt"Y HO ,,.w, \toue\,. 1t1v~t1•ttfin\, Hf1IO'"'"'' "'•"•! &f •Ov,rtl\•'"•"" M~••f' m •t flt tt1><och1teO w1111oul , .. .,., l>f"'"''"'.,. 111 un,19111- .-~•"" (l .. t .. Jt119• P••tt Ill Co,le Mo•• OlllWN• .-r111tlol\ by • .,,.,., ~' H mon """ "'INlll tol u mon1111y "'"''"" 0Ko ... 11-,ui-4:Mv. rno1y Decemt>or l;> 197) Hostages Trapped On Train BEILEN, The Sethcrlands ( U Pl) Fanatic-al South Moluccan gunmen wrrl' reported to day to have boobytr;.ippt!d tht>ir hijaC'kec1 tr«nn with t>xplosives in '' bid to keep Dutch marines fro m storming the s tronghold and freeing their 2t> hostages. · Th l' Bib I t' c <i r r y 1n g gunmen. who prayNI ;rnd '_''ept as th~y kille~thr ? { ~· µ I I v es tn t h e s I l' s eized the ~.iln nd ~ hostages 11 ays ago They ar battling to set up J reµubl c in their Spice Islands ho eland in the Pacific that s ruled by In donesia \. -..... Safe S tole n By Burglars In C o sta Mesa A lt•,1m of m11s<.'ular burglars llftt•d ;r 300 po und safe from tht• Costa \lt.•sa homl' of Elizabeth L ~loldt Thur-..day after breaking in through .i s liding glass door. PoliCl' have not estimated the loss in the afternoon burglary but beheve th(' hurgl<1rs may be d1s - :.ippoinlt'd after all the work Tht• principal contents of the 30 by 30 hy 30-tnch safe. police said, were c•;ins of home movies, personal papers and a stamp and com collettion. No value has been placed on the collections. Police said the burglars ap- pa!cnlly parked a truck in the dn veway a t the 'home broke in lifted thC' safe onto a 'dolly and trundled it out to the truck. ~rs. ~1oldt told police that pnor to the burglary the safe was lo tally obscured beneath a blanket :111d knitting kit. The safe hild no wheels or ca.;;ters to east' its rt'm ovciJ, sh e ~.11cl. HASH ... mu('h more t'ould h.in· bet·n :.lipped into the country hefort' agents became :1warc of lhc ope-ration m IH73 . .'\uth011t11..1s happened on tlw' ring's operation almost by c.1cr1 dt•nt A ::.h1pment llf has hish sent frnm Amste rdam to Detroit and 11n to Las \'l•).!;1s 1n Septembe r rn73 w:is detected wh(•n one of th1• 2fi cont:11ner5 was tn:id\'erfrntlv left :~t .John F K t•nnedy Ai rpo~1 in '.'.ew York and w:i:-.detectl'd bv :1 drug .s niffing dog. · "They s hipped the ha~h1sh lo different locatt0ns throughout 1he United Slates They funneled it via runne rs o r tran~port com· p:lnies to thl' Orangt· County are<1 <'f Southern C':1lif11 rn1:i." a DEA "P<l~.l'Sffi ~l ll ..,aid Other :ih1pml'nts listed in lhl' 1nd1 ct m e nt were sent from Rome. Pans and Graz, Austria. tu Lo::i Angeles. Philadelphi;.i. S.m f''ran<•isto ;.ind J..is Veg:1s. Among those rndit'll'tl by thl' Las Vt.•gas grand jury or t• :.1' Britis hers. two Austri an~. cl llullander and J Lebanesl'. The grand Jury also listed 1..1 umndicted co-cons pirators rn eluding a 27 -year -old Long Beach man now snving a five-yt•Jr pn:wn tl'rm He was arreslt•d in 1973 in Lh Vegas when he picked up the · hashish discovered in New York Federal authorities saicl th1· ~r1zu re then of the 820-pound hashish s hipment was thC' l:.irgt·~t ever 10 the wes t up to that time f'ronr l'!ag1-11 I SCHMIT ... 1n t he health 'tc·strng firm six. months before the contract was awarded. . And at the time the Board of Supervisors voled unanimously to award the contract. Schmit s:iid he was unaware of any Cella mvolvement with the firm. "How can anyone say that 1 as a former em ploye of Mercy Hospital can be involved in a con- n1ct with :i contract awarded to a firm that unknown to me leases s pa er from ~ ercy? ·· Schmit asked. Schm1l lt•rmE•d dforts to ltnk his rnnnection with the hospital to impropriety as "asinine'' and the t.>fforts of "pitiful people who are try in~ to make something out of nothin~." · Doctors Truce LONDON (AP> -Leaders of Britain ·~ junior hos pital doctor~ and the I.a bor governmtnt agreed early today on a wag~ formula that m av result ln re- ~um ptlon of normal hospital ope rat ion~ afl er a two week slowdown. f'r o m Pag~ :I J FUNDS ... "How can he ~ay the issue ls rt·~olvl'd when le!tal opinion from county counsel and legislative coun:,el have said the fund is il - legal?'' Diedrich a:;ked. "And I'd likt! to say J don't !'lee how the man can be quoting me whl'rl l haVl' llt'Vl'r l<tlked to turn. s een him, written to tum or. for that m~\.ter. ht•ard of him," Utt•dnch s aid. Diedri l'h als o l'rit1<·izcd Rower's l~tler for <'l:.uming lhe ,rnditors gavl' lhl' fw1tl a clean utll of hl':.ilth "All he ha~ to tlu t!> look at the c.: o 11 rt n rd 1· r J n <l rt' ad th c aud1to1":, l'l•PtH'l to sci' thl' ord('r has bt:'t>n violated time and time again, indu<.hng use of money without thl' requin'Cl court or der." the Bo<ird of Supervisors chairman s aid Bowl'r porntetl out to the Fullerton s upl•rv1sor that the fund has bl•t'n audited by the state Oepartml'nt of Justice and was found. in his words to be ~crupulously ma1wged and m a111 tained and that no monies haVl' bet'n m1sh:.rndlt>d in any fashion "lll view of the auditors' find 1ng ~·nd tlw Jtt<ithed court ordl'r. one can unly assume improper motives on your part and possibly otht'r m em~rs of the lx1ard m continuing to pursue this matter in the rec-kless and ir- rt•sponsi ble manner which has been followed to dak," Bowt•r :-.~lid. Thl' court order lht' attorney referred tow as a July 26, 1972 or der s1grwd by Superior Court .Jud~t' W1l11am L Murray. Mur r:•v's order authorized the main teiwnce or ~I r hl•C'king account at ;1 Santa An:.i bank for use by thl' t.1sk forct• in undt'tTover buy bust oper:.itions. When the C'Xistence of the fund w.is made l'ommon knowled~L' three m1,nlhs C1go. Dicdri<'h charged it \\as a n illt'gal use uf what in reality is public money. Simultant·ously. Supervisor Lourence Schmit called the prac- ltl'l' of taking money from offen· ders a form of "justicd or sale· · Diedric h and Srhmit lhf'n became a two-man board of supervisors comm1tlef' l"h<ll"ged tii investigalL' the fund f 'r om P agP 111 MOORE ... legal and medical sense." Miss Moore, 45. declared. •·1 do not believe I was insC:1ne in the legal and medical sense on Sept. 22, 1975." . It was on that day that lhl' plump divorcee /ired a shot at F'ord as he lt'ft a downtown hotel ;;ifter a s pl•:.t king 1 ngagement. A bystander deflected the gun and the shot went astrJy In her s tatemt•nt. !\11ss Moorc>, .1 former FBI rnformunt with con J1L'C'l10ns m the Ray Art•iJ radic:.il undl'rgrnund. said ... I knew wh;1t r was doing. I knew_it was illegal. .ind I made o C'ons cious and de lilit•rate d ecision to do what I did .. Sht• s aid h\•r public defender, .J .un.:s Hewitt, tric.>d to convince ht•r to present a defense of insa111- tyord1mi111shed capacity But she saict she felt this wa~ not "an honorable thing to do ·· ~tiss :\1011rt'. l·l:irl rn plaid slat•ks and a n<.1 vy blue tumc. stood f:Jcing the Judge and dt>clared "I havt• no more desire th:in anyone els<.• to spend the rest of my lifr m prison ·' But she added, .. Each of u:-. must make pe<JCl' with ourselvl'" I ::im ready tn ans wPr for my •lWll acts ·· She abu said she did not wish t•1 place 1m a j ury thr hurdt'n of n · :1c h111g ;.i verdicl shl' fl'lt wJs .II ready a foregont' crmtlusion Shl' then cited a number of polit1cJI ;.issa:-.s1nat10ns ;.md al tempts, mcluding alleged CIA c:f forts to kill Cuban premier Fidt·I C;1stro and Chilean pres iden1 Salvador Allende. She noted that no one had been charged with en mes in those incidents Five Sign Up For Mesa Council Race f<,ive people have filed their nomination pupers nnd become official candidates in the com· ing Costa Mesa City Council elec· lion. The l<itest person to return the papers is Mary T , Smallwood. vice chairman of the city's Hous· ing and Community Develop· mt•nt Committee, and wife of at torney Donald Smallwood a trustee o f tht• Newport-M~s:t Unified School Di!'ltrict. Other ofrkwl candidates in tht' t>le<'tion for t hrf'e city council seals are Dominic Raciti, incum- bent and a jeweler; Edward McFarlttnd , an insurance broker; David Yarnall, an operating e ngineer and PhJlllp L. F.vans, a sf'rvire station dealer. All told, 18 persons hav~ taken <'Ut nomination papers for lhf' M ar~h 2 c>lect ion Th latest to do so was Jay MatteRQO, ~eneral manager of an 1ndustnal firm Potential randictates hove until 5 p.m . Dec. 24 to return the papen. Os1eald Tl1reat \ FBI Agent Sais TONIOHT CH RI STM A S CA ROL CONCERT -Choir and chamber singers, Southern California College chapel, 55 Fair Drive, 8 p.m . He Flushed Note "AMAHL AND THE NIGllT VIS1TORS"-Newport Hurbor High Auditorium, Dec. 12, 13, 8 p.m . WRESTLING ·roURNAMENT -Century-Empire leagues, Estancia High School, 3 p.m . Sat. lOa.m . "SCENES FROM AMERICAN LIFE" -South Coast Repertory Theater, through Sun. 8p.m . SATURDAY, D EC.13 ESTANCIA ADOBE -State Historical Landmark, Adams and Mesa Verde Drive West. Sat. and Sun. 1-5 p .m . "THE MESSIAH" -OCC Chorale, Auditorium. 8 p .m. Adm. $1.50. SUNDAY, D EC.14 CHRISTMAS OHGAN MUSIC OCC Fine Arts Hall, 4 p.m . Fret>. Andy Devine Stricken With Pneumonia "/\ touch of pneumonia"' has hospitalized actor Andy Devine, a Hoag Me morial Hospital aide reported today. However. the Newport Beath actor was reported in "good con- dition" and his hospitalization was said to be only a precau- tionary measure. Devine, 70, was taken to the hospital Thursday. Doctors are uncertain how long the gravel· voiced entertainer will have to remain at Hoag. Devin~ suffers from leukemia. but it is reportedly a form of the illness he is able to control. $4.5 Million Ransom Paid ·LYON, France (AP) -Kid- napers today released unharmed · the 9-year-old s on of a French • pharmaceutical millionaire after payment of a ransom of about $4.5 million, police announced here. French news media had ob· se.l'ved a police reques t for s ilence o n the kidnap since Christophe M e ricux was kid· naped Tuesd ay while on his way to school. WASHINGTON (AP> A former Dallas FBI agent whom vestig~ted. the John F. Kennedy assassination testified today that he personally flushed down tht> drain a threatening letter from Lee Harvey O swald. James P. Hosty Jr., ttw f'BI agent now stationed m Kansas City, t?ld a House judiciary sub- committee that he was ordered to destroy t he Oswald letter by J. Gordon Shanklin, who at t hat time was chief of t he Dallas FBI office. Hosty said he interviewed Oswald's wife Marina and a female friend of Mrs. Oswald twic~ b~fore the Kennedy as- sassination Nov. 22, 1963. Hosty s aid he was tryrng to locate Oswald to QU('Slion him about connections with the Sovil•l Union. Hosty said the Oswald letkr was delivered by Os wald to an FBI recepltonist while he was out of the office. sometime between ~ov. 5 and Nov. 8. Hosty r eca lled that t h e handwritten letter declared th~ll f'ronr Page A 1 AI~RPORT. • • The report was received by supervisors and shelved. ''Recent contact with Ontano managem ent has indicated that the airport is in the process of a medium-scale expansion at pre- sent with the capability to ex- pand seven times over in annual · passenger loading,'' Riley said. Acc~rding to Riley's figures, Ontano could handle 14 million passengers a year by 1985 - · almost exactly the anticipated need for Riv erside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties combined. Riley admitted that the me.in problem in pressing for max- imum use of Ontario is transportation, since the facility lies at least 40 minutes from the population centers or Orange County. . But he said completion of the Orange Freeway (Rout e 57) plus additional study of access from the south county could al· leviate some of the problems of ~ccess. In a recent interview, Riley sai d he envisions satellite termin a ls around the county served by high-speed freeway ex- press buses to whisk passengers to their waiting planes in On· tario. 1f "I did not slop laJkmg lo h•\I w1fr. he (Osw;.ild > would take :lt'· hon agams t the FBI " Hostv said lht~ letkr didn't ;.ip pear to be serious and he had r1• ceived many s imilaJ' onl'S frorn others. Hosty said he put the IE>t tl·r 10 his work box In the hours aftl'l' th<' Kl'nnedy a::.sassin~tion. Hosty said he wa.., ('ailed into Shanklin's office and ordered to write a memorandum sc.>tting forth details of his receipt of the letter and his intervh!\\ with Mrs.1.0s wald. On Nov 2:1 1963. Has ty 'testified, he dict{ttt•d a memo to a stenographer. Then on Sunday. Nov. 24, c.ilXltlt two to four hours after Osw.ild was pronounced dead, Hosly sc.11d h l' w a s c a 11 l' d i n a g" i n l < • Shanklin 's office. "Mr. Shanklin re:.ichcd d1mn into <I lowt•r right hand drawt·r df his desk and took out the nwm<• and the letll'r in question and said, 'Oswald b dead now Th1•n· can be no trial',·· said I lo:;t>· Hosty then said he wus ord<'rl'll to destroy the Os w:.ild Mll'r J11· said hl· to re it up then ~md tht·n· but Shank111 d l•c larcd· "Gl'l 1t 11111 t)f hen· ·' Niguel Man Wins Brown Judge Post Orange County Juverule Court Heferee Marvin Weeks, a resi dent of Laguna Niguel, has been appointed by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. to a judgeship in West Orange County Municipal Court Westminster. · Weeks , 44, has served as a Juvenile Court referee since 1974. He was the first black to bl' a juvenile Court r eferee in Orange County He is a former member of thl· Orange County Counsel's staff and a former U .S. District Court tCommissioner. Weeks is a graduate of Southwestern University Los Aneele~. Governor Brown announced the app0intment Thursday. Thl• - position pays $41,677 annually. Brown a lso announced the ap pointment of Municipal Court Judge James 0 . Perez, 49, of Fullerton, to the Orange Counh Superior Court bench. Perez wcil succeed retiring Judge Herbert Herlands. Henredon Holiday Specials AJ I pnu·s !>hown an: specials n.:ducc<l fo1 your hol 1d,1y plcasu re Ele~t {Accents ... rom Henredon ... \ 395.0D Hf'nrPdcm ~ r; ts. •• ~ ... -::la:.!.JJ'I ~ •• 7 •T,.. ''.( C.V .. s lU9.fJu ~· · Stop i~ now and make someone's holiday extra Special WERDAfS & SATURDAYS t :OO t. 5:30 NEWPORT BEACH . • 172'7 Wl':~Tt'Llff' DR. 6t2·~ . LAGUNA BEACH • .14.\ NOH111 C..:OAS'l' HW\' , 1i.H~l •.. I TORRANCE • 23649 HAWOIORNF. BLVO !Open rn 1119. Sun l2·S 301 378'1279 , ( ( • v _( lh hLi St p. :\r tv .~f in lie Ft V<l a~ en is .. ~ Stl p:, S\I tr' h:- HI in SU in n• n• SU f o z~ sn f I A; 3t St in dt ti dt ;\ pc tr Cu :;i w vi ti t~ A IT si rr ~ c n 1 d ,, .S h c 1 c