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1976-02-14 - Orange Coast Pilot
7 ' Orange Coast l.li11u-.11•f..,i11e Bt1r9ai11s To1la11 ED ITI O N VOL. 69, N O . 45, 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1976 I TEN CENT ~ Patty Describes Kidnap, Torture ; SA!': FH \~ClSCO fA l'l - J>:Jtncw lk;ir:st, \H'<'1nng :inrl :.training IC11" hn.·<i th, recalled for Jurors f"r uJ.iy lht• nrg htmtirC' M'l'nl'S Of l\l'r C:af)ll \ tty a tal<.• Of '1olcnt abdutt1011, torture untl rear that hl'I' ll0 1'1'111·1:-l kidnapt'f'S mll·nclc•il to hurv twr a l1\·e. 1't•:-t1fy111g an· 111·1 '"' n dd1•n'l' :1t hl'r b.1111. r11hh1•1 \ tn.11. tlll' pale• and ... 11·1111t•r dt·l1•11dant tnld for the f11 :.t t11ne 111 puhlte how :.hC' was b l1n d foltkcl, drJgged from her a pa rtment and knocked unconscious. then dumped into the trunk of a car as she he;trd gunshots and screams behind her. .. Bitch. you'd better be quiet." tht• tearful Miss Hearst quoti•d hl•r chief torme nto r, Donald ··cinque" De Freeze. as shouting the ni ght he broke into her apart - ment with two others. Weaving a ta le or horror and degradation, Miss Hearst 'Spent Childre11 Injured In m1 p.11 • .r Ill d 1e ".ul m 11H-.tt·r It r-.t ~11d lo '.\I a ry Lou \'a r~a ~ 11 . 11 I ~.111 I .i , \ 11; 1 .111d lw rt It n ·< • t' h ti rl r('n \\ ho \\ t're in 1u1 vcl in a 11 .11'1'11· ,1n 1d1 ·11t f'11d;1\ :llt l'rnoon an l r\'i1w Policl'~a1d '.\lr-, \ .ar• .t'\' C',11 111!11d1·d \\1th .a <'.1r cl1 I\ l'll 11\ l':1 triC'1a H11J.!t•1:-. I~ 11! s.11.t.1 1\11 1 111 tlt1· 1nt1·r"l't·t1on ni ;\l<ain Strl'l'\ and Cul\ 1 1 In 1' ,. \11 . f{ll,..!1·r-. 1·.ir l lwn stru('k :in auto drt\ 1•11 ll\ I 1.11111 I\\ 1111d·,. :~11. •il .\pplL• \':dky :--:1·1llwr ~I rs H11~i.·rs nor \\111 111 t f• 11l1 d "l'rt11u1 1111t1111·-. :\Ir' \'arga-. .111<1 hc·1 1 l11!d1 1 11\\111· 1.1• • 11111 'I t1'.'.tlll t'nmmunit) llosp1lal \\hl'n' till'\ \\Pl 1111'.ol t cl ,111o n·l1·.ao.,1•d . Lockheed Ousts 2 In Payoff Scandal l. 0 s \ \. I : 1 I I<:-; ' \ l' > L11,.l.h1•1·11 \11<1·111 <'111p pl.1 •t11ol l1\ Ill lll'•l!l:lllllfl,ol t..11·!-h.11 I. "1';1111!.il .111'1 .• -.1.1111 llllllllll\ tli•lof lt.1 • lftt I I d lfll' I I' "ll'!l,1!11111 111 11 -. lop t1,111 I'\· t't Ill I\ I"• l<t'"I 11111 111 1 IH• fl.1!-1·\ I' 1'11 d.1\ ",.,,. ( l,11111 I .I I l.111 •!111111. f'11 :111 tt1 .:II "' 1111 • 1lt1 '1 .11'1" p.11 1• Ill Ill. ,11td \ I .;1 I I\• It h1.111 \ t• 1• I h.111 lll:tl\ .11tol 1 lt!''t "f'c I .clfll uJ f II'• I I'"' '''"'I 'II.ii 11111. '.till•' ti "P•'t 1,tl h11,11 if 1111 <'1111' ( ;rll1·d Ill I ht• 11 .1!-1 111 I\ 1111 hl.tll s .1 cJ m 1 ...... 1"11 ... 1 11 1 1111" 11 • • 1 h ,ti l ,111·h.lw1•d h.tcl 11.11d 11ll1n.il" ot -..1·' ,., .d 1·01°111 11•"· .11 11 .1 ... 1 :-i:':! n11ll11111 l11 .i1d ..... d•·. 111 11 ... 111 c r:1ll ll1i.11d lllt!11lll'I 1(11!1111 \\ ll.1.11k, .11-o, \\htt \\,1 , ··l1·111·d <· h" 111'1 , 111 I'' " I , • • 11 , ; 111 l t lw 1l1r1 1•111r ... t 1·11 t I• 1·11111p.111\ l'l'tl'lll\' ,111.r I 1•l111ldl'I. \\11ttld p1·1 l1 q•s 1<1 lt11!1 r Jl!tolo •I c·d ll.1ui.:ht1111 ;111d h11t!'l11 111 1•\ 1·11"'•d 1he111 -;l'J\t"• f111r11 tl11• 1111· nll"l'" ll.11tt!hto11. h i .11111 1'11t1 hi.in, (i:.!. an· l'll1•1hl1• tor rl'111 .. 1111•11l Ill .. ~ l>i'(:/,';/(JN f 'UU t :f J\(,'( JRJ)f.; /'r1 I•• / Ir,. , 1 r 1 r ' ·1 ir1•1-1>11•l11/ ,, /,q '1"•'•1 fl• 111111 I 11••11' I '' ;, II "I,. 'I ,. I .. " ()/f/ 11f 1t11/I i' 'I• p/1', p/111 I' 0 11,f t'I <'llf~ /I / 1· 1· • •' ' ' I /,.),"'•I I /II 1,11 // ,\, (/I/ I I h 11t1i1> I ,, (. 1 I ' I I I fP't 1 I I ' I 'II'/' •• r/ •• ·' I • I '' I I/ ' t/ " I ~ .11111 will he rt•\:11n c·d as "c·nn..,111 t,1nh ancl :111\ 1<.,e r:-" f111 thl· pr ... ... ,.111. -..;11d I l.1 ;l('k. Thl' nC\\ thJirm:1n, \\ho 1oint·cl lht• Lockhl'l'<I board tn 19i:! art<·r a ~C'<'Unlic•<; C'ar cl.'r that 11wlud1·d !ht• prc•:-1cll'nt'Y of ttw \:l'W Yeirk ~tock E\ch,tnl!l'. d('('l1m·d ln ell-.. l'IJ's I he• p;i~ 111 f :;can<l.tl ln:-t1•:1d. lw ll!'!lt·d n·f1na11c·tn~ \111" 1't>rpn 1·a111rn 's Hl)(1 m1llt1111 111 ht a:. .1 mon~ h1 -. h1 gh1•-.t )II llll 11 II'°' L11rl-hl't•tl's fi g ht for .,tlf\'l\':tl 1s hh1•lv to IH' m ade n111n · difftrult. oh.,l:f\'C'r:-h\0 hl'\ t', hv lhl• pa~off rC'\ cl at inn~ :-inc(' tht'V t•ould hurt the> (I\ ersc·Hs businc•ss on wh1l·h l.ork hN•d has become more de" p1•n1h'nt 111 recent) cars. l..tll'r. 111 a st atrmc'nl. I J;J:u·k s.11d that llw boar<\ ' last S<·P· t1·mbcr acli)Jltl'd a slringcnt m·w tHiltev "ith n ·spl'tt t11 llw :-l'l1'<' 1111n. ll"l' ;in1I p:tvm<'nl of inll·rn.1 111111.11 mar 1..Pt mg t·o1b11lt.mls. Badly Hurt Hitchhiker From Coast ,\ \'OUnl.! h1t chh1k1•r hlin1J1•rl In 11111• 01''"' \\ lwn h 1 I h' .m 11ll 11'11 thnm11 11 11111 ,1 p.1 s ... 111,.: l':tr ":"' 1111 111 tta<•d I.ti 1• Friday nigh\ as l<11h111 l.on :1, 1!1, of llunlmgton 1~ ..... h. Lnna. \\hoc;<' address\\ as lt-..tNl hnl<1hce as 1~06 Pecan Ave .. 1-. n • l)(lrlNI 1n s;itis factory c•ond1t1on tod.1,v a t Oran$(C' County l\1ed1c·al rc•ntcr. Pnhcc ~;11r1 Lona. and :i rompa rn1111. Hit'h:trd 1\1 ;uor. or <l:.!H llith !'it • llunttnl!l <'n B1•:1 1'11 \\C•a 1· hill hhrl..111g alnni: a lun1·I~ '' rl'tl'll 11r I' .1cafu· c ·11.1 ... 1 II 1c h\\ a~ m llun 1111gll111 lk ach ~11 :i hnul !l l a p. m • \d1t•n l.nn.1 wns hat 1n ttw ldt f'\1' '" ;1 proJl'l"lal<' p<1.....,1hl~ .1 IH1l 1 I•• -thrO\\ n from a p.ts~ing c.ir nearly two h ours on the witness stand after the prosecution rest- ed its case against her. U.S. Atty. J ames L. Browning said he felt the government 's case had gone well. although he planned to offer a s ubsta ntial amount of evidence in rebuttal to the defense. The seven women and five men of her jury, ~who had not he;ird her testify before, swiveled thei'r chairs in her direction and up- peared to hang on every word. Miss Hearst burst into tear:. only moments into her tes timony as she told of being dragged into the darkness or the radical un- derground, where she was lockC'd bland folded in a padded closet for weeks. She recalled h<>r dreaded captor. "Field Marshal Cinque" of the Sym b1onc:o,e Liberation Army, m a king constant threat!>. "Jf I tried lo escapc, I'd bl' killed If I m adc anv noise. I'd be beaten or t hey'd ·hang me up from the ceiling •• Captive m thl' rwarly :11 r!toss closet. s he fearc•d :,he might ha\'-' been buried aln t'. "I was rC'allv scarl•d." s lw :;;ml in a soft. brc;,lthv \Oll't•. "l must ha\'e dune so1nl·th1ng -0<·1·:111w right away they told ml· 1l \\ ,1-. J closet.·· Soon, she s;.111i , Cmqu1· tu111ed to physical ahu ... 1>. 1J1..,:.a11 ... ttl'd with her perforrn;.incc 011 ;,1 lap1· fl'l'Ordl'd ''1·omn11111111u1•, ·•:-hi• 11· \:llt1'<1 tt•:11f11tl y, lt1• p1nl'lll'd lw1 111 lht· tireJ,t:. .rnd g111111 . Tlw '<•Un~ tw 111'" tl•sltfat.•d "1th hl'r p~tn.·nt s .1r1d four :.1:.ll·r~ looking 011 . thC'tr f:wt•s ang111slw1i ,1.; lhl'\' hl•Jr<l 1111rl' more th1• 111 ... 1 I :ip1• rt•t•onl mg ol .!\It-.:, I l1•,1r'>I "l'lll from th1• undl•rground J""' t\\O ~c·ar-. .1/;!11. /\s 1h1· lup1• 11l:t.\l'I' 1111· Jllrnr:-, Hando tph lle;u:-l :-al <S«t'l fl~.\RST, Pa~t· \:!J Death Penalty Loollls In FV Store Murder Sentence . Ordered By Jury fl\' TO~I Hi\ Rl.E\' "01 u'' Ooeul'f' Pilot '>•dtt A wt:'ary. gra~ -fan•d Orangl' Count~ Supt•nor Court JUl'y f1INI b;ic}< into llw c·ourtrnom Fnd;1y night tu ruh· that Hugh U<lllll'I lka11 niu..,1 ht' J'l\'t•n the death JJC!n:itt~ for tin· f (llt• he 11la~c·d in lhl' s l.1yrni.: nf -.d111lar athld(' SIC'phen · · '.\l tkl" · F mhh-.1 of Voun ta111 \':.tlll'v,. .Judge \vt111 am I.. Murray ;w CC'IJtt'd t he 'l'rd1ct that trnd st•l'm<'d verv unl1kclv Fnday af- ternoon anci s l'l March 4 :JS the datt.· he will Sl'nltn<"-' lkan. ~4 . to <lea th .J11d,:!l' Murra~ mu...i fir<;t ruf<' on a motion for a nl'\\ tnal that \\tll lw arguC'd M ~1rC'h4 hy O!'pu· I' l'ubhe llrh•ndl'r .John l\11\ <'<'. l\4•an·.., dl'ft'ntkr tn a '"" month tra .11 ('.(>Vl'f' <:<•!'mc·<I m<11·1· d1:-trPo.,s1•d ' than hi'> cltc•nt .1t a \1•rcl1<"t th;1t 10., on h I he· sc·c·o11Cf of th h 111rt ill' II\ ~·rNi rn .111 Or:m •!<' Count\ Su JH' r llH (' 11 tt r l t r1 .rl s in t' l' t'altforni:ins m Prwlwlrr11ngly ap- Jll'O\'l'd th1° 1n1I iatl\ l' th:d ltThn1C'al\\· n •-..tnrN1 lht· death 1xmalt~ to.the• :-talut<•s i\ 1u rv in .J udir<' Bvron 1'. ;\f c :'11i11:1n ':-. rourtro1;m l a~l mnnth approvC'rl thl' 1\l'ath Pi.'nal- t \· for Glenn Ellt-. 0 Conm·r. 19, the• Hl\c>rs1dt• m:in \\hq sh<1t and ktllf'rl ;rn AnalH'tm ""man 111 lwr h<>rnt• nftC'r rohhm.c hl'r of S2 n Cnnn<'r \\ tll h1· "''"'"nrNI F"t·h 2:\ :ift1•r .Ju<l gl• :'111':'11111:111 rules on a m11111111 for a n1·\\ tnal. BC'an rC'ma1nl·d <'aim and ~N·mmgly un1l1sturlwcl Friday mitht as tht• .111r~· announ<'l'<i 1t' verdict anrl conf1rnll'cl that \'Crdict clunng polling orclrr<'d by .Judgt' !\lurray. lie ha<I m:i111- t iJ 1 n l' cl l h ;1 t r o m fl o s u r c thrnuf!hout his tnal. lie an<I his hrnlhcr. lknn1s Chari<'!> 11l'an, 22. Y.<'H' arr(•:-tPll N 1w t . Hli 1. 2 1 hour ... aft l.'r Ftnkl<'a. rn . \\a-. ~hot and kallcd :1~ ht• prcpan•d to cn<I t11s :-rwll or dutv 111thc7·11 markl·l at Euclirt Strt•C'l ;ind \\''1rnC'r AH•nuc in Fountain Valley. It was t estified that F'inklea was shot in the mt)uth as he• chal1C'ngcr1 th<' two brothers and lhat hC' was then s hot five more l1rn1•s ::is he ran to a n •ar stor<' rcl<>m and vninly sought sheller from a vollev or bullets. 1\ Santa Ana patrolman \\h1) l~f'f' DE/\Tll, Pa~«' A2> SUPREME PENAL TY Hugh Bean , I I f 1 t t CLEAN-UP CONTINUED FRIDAY AT SCENE OF DEVASTATING SAN Cl c MENTE :IRE As Crews Worked, Federal Officials Announced Aar For Fire Vtcl•m~ Clementeans Qualify for Fire Loans Thi• S1n,1fl Bt1 s1111•..,, 1\<l· 1111n1 ... 11-.it111n d t·.,1g n.111 •d S:rn Clt'ITil'fll<' :1 11t .... 1-..ll r .1r1·.1 1-'1 acf.1\ a d1·1·1-.1on th.ti \\111 all1m 1111' agt'O<',\ to pro\'1111' rt·1·1111 ... tru1·111111 lo:in:-tn vll·t1ms 11! tlw .Jan. :.!l fi n· SB\ loan~ 1o'1•r 1 ..... ..,"" 11111 r1· 1mhur ... ed b' f1r1• 111.,111 .1111'1 . Thl'l l' IS .1 . .)II !11111 ITI'1\111111nl '"' real propc•rl ~ .incl '7111,IKllJ 111." inwm for 1wr ... on.tf pn•1w1 I' l!:tlph ,\lr"·'t'rt'. :m ~ll \ <f1 .. a<.tc•r loan "'lll'C1a l1~1 . '' rtl 1,.. a\·ailahtc :11 S.111 C k 11wnl1• «11' llall at 8 a m . Tuc:-da~ to l'\J>l.11n bcnct 1h and rn'' 11le apphr.1t111n forms to fin• \'ll't1ms. ll has he<'n l'Sl1matPcl th.it th1' 2.400·acre hre that brnk1· out ,\ t'am1> P!'ndleton C'au:-1•11 :1houl SI 7 m1ll1on in prnpc•11y d.1mai.:1• Srxl \'-OllH' h<111s1•s \\'l'rt' dc•s troy1•d or d:ima,:!t'll \\ hl'll :-..111!;1 ,\11,1 \\ mcls dnw1• t lw flam1·-. mto ;1 l11lltop nt'l,L!hhMhoori. Hl'enn:-t rut•\11111 loan:-\\Ill lir• .1 hh•s:-in~ IO II\\ IH'fS Of hOlnC'" \\ ht""t' fire m'>lir~int•t• \\ ,1!> nol adequall' to CO\'<'r o:-Sl'"· The S BA loans are offrrcd ;it :tn :111nual intcn•st rate ofli G p<'r· t•cnt . Thc:rl' ts a m <l\imum rPpa~ · mcnt l<'rm of :w \'(·ar-. The•<""" t rcp:1y m1'nl fll'r11i1l, hem 1•11•r, 111· pl'nrls on ;.1 p1'rs o11·s ;ihrlrty to 1·1° pa~. ;\11 ..,:-1•n· s,1111 \11.....,1•n • :-;1ul .1n SH,\ 11ff1n.il \\ill ht• :I\ :til.1hk :11 San< '11 •1111•111 1· l'il y llall as l1111 g as 1:-m·1·1•)\-..;1n rnr \'il'tims to )ll C'k up appl1<·;i t1<m~ The filtn!! 1frallhn1° lnr ap pltC'altons 1s J\pnl JJ, l\ti:-.;1·n :.aid. Mayor of Laguna To Be on PanPI La~una BC':tch Mayor T<o" llohn \\ 111 a11rwar as one· or thr<·" panl'11s1s wh<>n "Focu)\ Ora nl,!c· County" looks at the off.s hore 011 situation to h t• broaclra~t :11 7 · :w pm. Mond>ty over KOCE. chan· M l 50. UFO Malady? Man Se11ds .for Exorcist \ <•.1rtl1•n <:111\1 \\n111.111 .inti 111'1 l'f1tld, h11~J1il .dt11•d 111\dl I 111\"\l'l'lllll' I'll \'11111' I.Ill! I ", \\I I" II p1>1\1•d Ill J..:11111! I 111td ll 1111 1111!,1~ .1-. tlw f.HIH·r < .ilkd 1111011 .111 1' 11rt't'-I 111 11·!1•.1•" !11P p.11r 1111·11 th1•1r ·· :-1r:111g1· m.11..du•• " ,\ -.1'11 k1• .. n1.111 1111 l-'111111t.1rn \;tilt•\ ( '11m 11111111I' llo 1•1t.d .,,1111 lln;ui' !--1 1111 111;1 ,111.11:11 ,d .1 '" :l th1•r1• 1'.11 h ~.1 t 111·d.1' n11111111 .. 1 .. ,l\\;lll Ill•· ~·,1111·1,I \\h1l\\,1 111 1llo1t1•d ti I h·· II I' 'tllfl ••I •••• I ~I 11tl '1•h\" II I.Iii Jl1 ... \\Iii' 11 •111a1111 cl hn,p1t.d111·•1 ··1111d1•r lt~hl 11 ... 1 r ;11111 . It• 1 ~hl' '' .1., hr1111).:hl tn 1.111 l· 11tl.1\ ... 11ff1•1111 i.: fr 0111 :111 1111d• 111>••<! -.1·1z11n• that S(·1111 f(lld h•• 1111 .ti p1•r:ion1w l w:t,., l>rnught 1111 "" •·.r l ' FO 1•xp1•rtenn· " Tht' 1 h1hl :1 1\1 11 \" 1r nld •q I h:id 111•1•11 hr1•tH1 hl \11th• h 1· p1t .il \hC' d,I\ fWf1111• -.11lf1·11111 fl Plll :-~ mptt•m ., ol :.1 11t1 .1pp1 11 rl1C'lll" Shi' \\,I' '.1 rd II• 1•1• 11 .. 1111· l'Onlflll l.1hlv ;ind HI !Ito d.111"1 I II• <la\'. Srotl s um1111111°•d p:11 ;11111·dw· In hr .s hlltlll' Th11r ... tl.1\ 1111'hl :ift• 1 hC' cla1mt'cl th1· d n ld ".1 ... f111111d 111 lhP h:tck 'ard "1th ;1'rr:111p1 ·11·d halo s11rrn11ndm~ lwr ht•:11I llC' wa-; 11n:ihh· to "'Jll.1111 how thC' C'hthl ~"' r1 11111 lll'r cr1h lo 1'11• ~ ard 'I lw pr1· ... 1·111 1• of t 111' 1 "" la g ht anti h1 1 t"1111pl :11111 -; 111 \'ie•jo llonH· Bifl•·tl For 8 1 .. 500 iu I ,ool Tiurgl:irs h;n 1• 1 .1n.,,11 \..I'd 1 Massmn Vtt'JO h11n11· \\ htl1• \Ill' family was ahi;t•nl anti 1·a1 rn•d off JC'\\ c•I ry . a C' .1 m1·1 .1. 'h·1t·11 cqu1pml'Ol anrl C'a'ih \\llh .1 Int.ii \'aluC' of SI ,500 Or :1111!1' Count v s heriff's 11rf1<·1•1.., 11·11<11 11•d OC'p11 ti1•.; .s:11cl lite tht ft or rurn•d :1t I h1• holll•' 111 ·1 ho •lll llarn l'rC'.11, :1'.!, 11! ·1 ,:111 ·11111 Ura"~. whtl~ 1 IH' pn•1111wo., \\ 1•11• unoc·c·u1111•1t Thi• loot \\ .1-. 1.,1, .. 11 r r nm " 11 (' IH• n (" ;i h 111 \."' an cl hallw~1y and bC'rlroom rlos .. ts .~1, 111.u h 1 .... 11 o1 d I 11;1l"1 .rl~ II• I" II .11111 .r II \ ill • f I 111. 111 l I If l 1>n 1 I 1 .. 11, .. I I • II 11111 \\ I h<' !-.1 1 •I I lt1111 I • 11111 ',I I I 11 ' 11111 I 1111 ' ., ft·· p11h1 I ... , ... 1. .. "" ,11\ •. 11 f "'· .. ' I I I. (I, " 'I I I I t I I\ I l• ftl Ill I I' Ill I'•, l l•• I• 1'<11 l I ··' 111 tlHI Ill" l .'.11111 It 1.t to. I I ~ "" ljlj•t I I \ I I ! I I ,11 d h • I 1 I I I\ 1 II I I \I I .ol ii I I 1;, 11111 'I ....... 1 I I• 'lllJ1l.1111l \\ •' lll't I" ,tlld l tl1 d \\II lt111I\ I 11' !1<·1· 111 \ '. 111. I' I• I• I lo .11.t I " I~' 11'1 11 p111 I._ h,11t \,, 111 111.llh lit If I ll1111'I•I1°1!1 tlol Id< Ith . !-.('1111 !11td tit .. "" Jiii .ti • 1•111..• · 111,111 I I• 11 lw t• 1 It•' n pl.I~ ti/ d I•\ ~1 .1" I \•'It' 1111 • I \\ J' JI \ t .t I~ I 11lf Or'911:.:•·; C '""' L...~ :>- "c·a r l u•r I 11t (l.I It I '1\-. lh1·11 1·. :1 (It ,111 •'1' f111 'l•t•\\ 1•1-. f11111111•h1111t the• .111• I \\:Iii • l.,1 ..... 1 11 ,, 111 11\ ''' 111-:lit l111•h fl'IJIJ>1 J,d•llt '.ill'<'\ 1111 1.tt 11111>1 111.·)) ,,I). \\Ill! lo 111 111 11111 f \I I ( 11•,~tr •/ I •ii/•trllf f111111• •• t t 4 • ,,, ' I ... ! , I ~ /tJ/I /111 tin I.QI l·ll /, \IT ,1()//11',/ /It fl lit I c/111• rol /1.1111111 " 111111 ,, 111•'11• •Ill ndr1111 ~ nl/1'11·1/ /111 1111 \, tt'J'lilrf \J, • \ti Jll I· tlr .. I ,,.,., />1 ;10111111 Ill S1 ,. ti I ~l1•rl/ 11(•111· • \ : lnd4°"~ Cl.1\\1t •d (t. ,, ,.,,..,.. .... , I •I c_on\1C\ ( l '•PD'~ I I CGrT\l'N'nt ,,. \tnrlli M.H-'it1\ ... , Crouwo,.d n r,,,.,,,,en II• °"',_.,,,,..l)fltf'' u "', ....... , II>~ toto~ GHd•n Af ,, ..... Ill Ho"'\(0,,. "' U~tlP Lu P~o-.. , ·\2 DAILY PILOT Lo1r 1 1 id(• Saturday. February 1' "" t 0•1ly Pilot Photo Oy P•t••<~ O'Oon~ll Bo:1ls a lo ng 1:.itlu1:1 hl:11Hl 'o.; Crane! Canal g <.•t lhl·ir bot· l c.H~1.., ~t r:1tdwd .is !cm l1lk of minus U.U ll't'l at ~ 07 pm. I· :·1d:1y c·n •:111•.., a lw :ieh \\'hen• thl'l'l' 11s uall\' is n't one Lu\\ t1dl·s o l 11rnn1.., I 1 ll'l.'l al 2 I~ p .m . toJa.' <ind 1.0 ft•N a t :1 · 1:, p 111 Sund ;1~· l1 g 11rl! to bring oul the clam mL·rs alo ng I ht• Ur:.ingt• l'oa:-.L County May Lease Space in Ziggurat nv FtltWEl<ICI\ SCllOl·:.,rn11r. • Ot lhP 0 •111 Pilot StMI ThC' fl•d1•r;1I s.:m 1·rr11nl·rtl ,.., In Jn~ lO 111(1'1'l'Sl 0 1'.lllj.!t' l 'otlllll \ ,;, t11·1als 111 lt-ll'•lllS.: 'P·n·1• :ti 1h1· ,.,. latl\'t•h t•mpl,\ L .1L'lltl.1 '\1~·111 ·1 FPtkr:tl B 111 ld 111~· .\net. 1l ·'P l""'''" tlu• 1111111\\ 1. JU't as 1nll·n ·o.,ll <I 1n llwdt'.tl .-\ l'Olllll~ o.,p.H'l' pl:tl\lllll~ .tllft• \'Onf1rml0d F11tl.1\ th.11 lw h.td d1scuss1·d l1•a..,1• ol -.pat'l' \\1th o l l1cals of lht' fl•ch·r~il CC'nt>ral .St•n ·1cC's t\clm 1n1-.11 a1 1on. 11\\1H'r of the n11l11on :-.t1u:1n · l•~•l hmld· 1ng. rom nwnl.' 1'.tll1·rl tht• "11i.: ~urat" Ul'CJlhl' of 1l'.'> B;ih\ lon1,1n dt> .... IJ,!11 . The c; l 'lll'r:al S1·n tc ,., \rl mm1~t r.11 1on ulf11·1.1I' · "''l•nwtl \Pry lnll•l(·-.tl•d 111 i.;1•1\1111! 1111' t·nunt\ Ill lt•,1'of• 'P·ll'•' 111 llll' h111ld In!!." ~.11<1 \\ <. l-:11111' ... p.1l 1· .111d 1il:rnnttl!! ltr .ir1t h 1 ft11 I l11r 1 tw 1 t1 ll 11 t \ " C o t It ( I , ii ~ t •I \ 1 t' l'" \!:1'11('\ T hi' nirn•n t ull·.1.1111111 i, lrw.1\ ,.t( 111 .111111111..,<'<I 111111 1!11111 t• ;ii t ilt• :-;1,11th n 1.11n•1· 1·1>11111,· \1111111·111 • .i ( n11rtho11:..1-. .d1011t 111111 mtlt" .1 \\ .t\ c;:ilt•s 1·01iltl 1111t lw 11•. . 1l'ht•d lot 1·nn1 1111•111 1·:1111 1" ".!Id p1q•11l otl10 11 "111\\ th Ill I h1• "''II Ii t 0!1111 \ dllff .1 h.tt I.. ltt ~ 11 1 'l>tll t (',l 'l"' 1111'.lfl O., I li t· n1111 I11111111 \\ 11 I Ii 1'" 111 lw phi t d Ill ... l I\ ll I' Ill .!1111111 .1 \t .ti \ "l"'l..1·..,ni.111 1111 '1h1• <:1·1tl'l .ti !'it•n ll'•'" .\ti 111 1111 ... 11 1111111 .... 1111 h1· \\ J '.'\ llot ,I\\ .11 t• I h.11 tilt' C11\ t'l It ,,. Weathe r I ' .,,. 1•., •• •n t• "'" ' • J ' ,. I ~ f I ' 1-'W, , c-•11 I •I ''111. J/. I' ,\l t•f ,,t•ft cN ff',.,,.,, 11 ,,,, ··-""'· 11 ,,, .,., •• , I "' I "" ,. 'I ,., •• lf\un1t·, • 1 1''" • 11 ly I ,,. •Ii• I '. tl•HH!• 11111 ....,..,,, ,,_ '"' f,,, I ' t f"' 1 I ORANGf COJ\!>T It • I ti • Hr lH rt fJ \'••·~I .. .1.1 I H ( "''' v \, •I I I' l h(ltt I ~ t' VII lhOll I fl lo/'1111 h•r11• •' ... Olf occ~ '' Tt'lcphonr 17141642 4J71 Cl<t~\tltf"d Advcrt1~inq 642 S678 ' . ' . ' 581 63 10 4qs o~Jo 540 1120 .. mt·nt w::is inlerC'SlC'd 10 lca..,ing a por·t1on of tlH' !Jutldmg I<• rton 1t·d1•r;d a gC'nl·ic·'· hut nolt•d th.ti 1t \\11uld lJt' lt·g;.il lo do ..,o 111• -:aid tlw ;1drni111:..tr:1t11111 h:i-; n ·u·t\'\•d a ll'lll'r lnim E111110., 1111 thl' leas{' que-.twn. t\ n •pl,\ '' 111 lw 111.ak :-01111 . the :-poki'sman ~aul. /\bout 25 pl•rcenl of lhe space• tn lhC' mammoth huildtng 1~ now sha red hy four fc·dc·ral •tJ!l·n<·tl'"· inc luding the :'\ationa l 1\r(·h1\<'" and H e c o rds SP r 1· 1 c {'. I n - l l' r n .1 I R e ' c• n ll l' Sc· r' 1 1· c•. Gl'Olng ical Sur\'l'Y a nd tlw Ccnc:ral Sen 1c-c~ ,\dmtnl'tra· t11m. Contro1·er:-:y o.,urrounding 1·:-. c hdnge of thC' but I ding bl'l\1 c·t>n Hock\\ L·ll ln tl'rnatmnl and the· f l'<kra I J.!O \'ern m 1•nt h ao., hl•1·n • ltlaml'd :t!-> a fal·tnr that has l-l•pl nl her f1·1k r:tl ;igc•111·tl'' I r11m. tit· !->lrlllg to lo ea t e al Lagun:i :'\t J.!U<'I ThC' gO\'L•rnmt•nt ~pokC'sman dl!->l'ltUl11l'd :1 r L·port that I h1· C PnPr:il Sen ·1c1•s .\dmm1"1r .1t11111 \\oulcl Ii\• '' llling to '.'>c-11 the· Laguna :-\iput'I hu1 l<ltng. c·:..t 1111.11 l'd to lw worth $19 millwn . T hl•r1· \l .i.... a puliil .... hNI rc·pnrt I h I:.. \\ l' I' k I h : I ( .t II \I II t 111 J.! I ti II lkaeh man who own:.. .in dl'l' 1rn1111•.., firm \\a!'> 111t1•1t•o.,(l'<I Ill 11111 <·ha~tng the 11ggur.11. · ,\~of now wc han• no inll'rest 111 '>i•lllng the hu1 ld111g What \\ 1• \\.int lo do is IP.i-.c spa<'<' 1n lht• ttt11lcl111!!'" lhl' SfWl.C"inl;tll sa11I 111• not(•d that sale of pml·rn nwnt pro pp rt.\ ""oh l'' a c·om pl<•\ proc·t'<lurl' .\pprmal trom a 111 \ n ,tel of J!O\ ern nwnt iJl!l'lll'11•s .111<1 ,1 puhl1c J Utl iun .11 t• n .' q1111 l'd, hcsa1d. From Page Al DEATH ... :11TC'sll'cl lh<' brothNS 2•1 hours l:tl1·r s :11d he found both guns u,,1•d Ill the s hooting iri the· hrothC'rs · C':Jr togcthl'r with lh<· Sl3J l<tkl'n from the l'a:-.h regis ter m:11ntainC'd by Frnklra The st rap1)ing captain of thl' Orange Co3st Colkgc wr<.•sllinl! lt'.1111 .1 popular f\gun· and un honor studt•nt on the• OCC cam p11s was found <lead in tJ llOOI of blood hy poh ce \\ho rushed to the markl•t . .lud!!C' l\lurrav ruled afl<'r sci· ting Hug h Bc;;rn 's :-.t>nlcn<'1ng dnll• th:1t the tnal of Charles Den- "'" Bl':m witl open Ttll'sday in tus c·cmrtroom with sekclton of a Ill'\' jur~ Th<' youngc•r nc ... n ;1!~11 faCl'S the death pl'nally. Doily Pilot O~li•ery h G11oronte~ ~·.·n<L1v f (t"f,..,, II \'f\lj 1tn '"''"WI• 'v +it ti.H'' r c v ~ 30 p rn r ;II ~'li 1r•' I £_ n1 .. o11\IJ ynur l't.JPY will l·•· n .. l1v• rt'f1 '•·'""'''1v f\nrt f,unf1,\V' 1t vnu oo nnt f1f t•1v•' VO\H tfl1'Y l1V t't ,1"1 • ,1fu r• rt.t.. < r R "m ~.,,,,rf,t't '·'"I 1·t .,, 1() .1" .1nct vn11r f''fV w1U t,. rt•·l1\l•rt-O CirculaliOfl T•l•pll°"~' ,,.., I(.,,,.,,,., t .,,ni. flt•,, '41·011 N rtt w• t ••u,,•11111h·n bt 'f •'"''\'I'·''"""'•, \40..llJO "''•·m1 .,, < 1r 1 tr,1rt10i .... n • ,, J11.t ( .u, h , t l ,1,,1f1t••'•' I("' 11't1l 1'lt1" l I .,,.,.., 1 N•1111"I ••~·06 JO e Heroin Counts Complnin t s c h arging [I Westminster woman and two male companions with selling heroin l o a H untington Beach polic1.• undc rcovt'r agent were bt:· ing sou~ht Friday, as the trio rl' mained in jail. ,. They in c lud e Sus a n M Strother. 25, of 10220 .Bolsa Ave . W t>sl min s t cr : Fra nk l\I Belmonte, 31. of 541 Hamilton .St , Costa Mc:.;a and L1brado D Garcia, 33. of 112.t W. Jl.Jghl:.ind St., Santa J\na. Detective Sgt. Carl \11tlano. of the narcotics cleta1l, said all an· held in lie u of SI0.000 ball penrlmg issuance of the complaints antl court a rr:11gnmcnl. lie• s:.iid !\ts . Strothe r also \\CJ.., booked into Orange County J ail on se\'l'I" a I arrest warr;int..;. 111- dudm~ one carry ing S2.500 b<ul and charging all<'gcd probation violation. The alle):(cd n arcotics transac· tinn ocn1rrNI in a !-hopping center at Brno khurst Strel't and Mc l''adde n t\ venue \\'(:dncsday afternoon , ~1 ('(·or<lin g to in· vcstigators . They l'l a1m M s. Strothl'I' handed packets of alleged hC'r11111 packa~cd in toy balloons for $:!00 tn cash after the dl•al was ar ran~ctl through un 1nlt.•rmc<l1ary Front Page 1lJ HEARST .•. with his IC'fl hand ~h1cldmg his eye~. F.arlu.'r 1n thP <l :.w. tht• llc·ar..,t family w:c., thn·atc·rwd .\l'I ai.:~11n by tcrror1~ts . lh1!-> 11mt• 111 a com mun1qut' purpnrtc dl.\ from tht· group lh<l l had hnmhed th1· fabled lll'ars t Castl\• thl.' dav bcfort?. Thl' com rnuniquc sa1i1 tha t had J\1 iss llcarst bt'en n·· ll'ased o n bat! she would n<1t have llvt•d lo go to trial Miss llC'arst told during twr t c•s11mony or l)('f'fl.'('7.<''s hateful wor<ls about ta·r parc·nts "lit• S<tlfl th:Jl my parl'nts h ad <'Ommitt1·cl c·nnH'~ ~1gamst tht• 1woplc :ind lhal I ''as tw1ng hl'ld fur thl•1r l'riml·s . II<' :-a ul lhat I <'nuld he trit.•d for '' h<tt my parcnts had don<'." Miss ll t•ari.t. who had dis · avowed any r adical alflogian<'<''- dunng te~t1monv Mondav '"th tht> 1ury abs ent. continued t<1 portray hers(.')f as victim. nol al I~'. of k1dncipcrs sh<' 1dcnt1f1l'tl ;.-. DcF'rC<.'7.e. J\nj!l•la J\t\\c10<.I and Wtlharn llarris. Onlv llarn s ts still a h vc · After th<' playing of the tapc r l' cording that bC'gan . "Mom. Da<I. I'm 0 K ," he r allornC'v ~· Ll'c B::iil<'y r<':-.uml'ct rru<'stinnmg Ha1l<'Y as kl•d 1f Cinqu1• h;1rl :1n,lh1n i.: 111 .... n .d J<•ut h<r p('rfOfl11JIH'l' 1111 llW l:1f11· 1\ \' C''i l 1 <' l' a nw O\'c·r Io nw and s:11cl hl''d he:1rd fr11111 ~11111 t· nl her Sl'tl'I'!-> t lw '' onw n tlw n · I h:rt I \\ :1-.n 't c·•" •pl'r:rl 1n:.: :llld that I '!I tu•ner nut d11 1t .111 vrn orl' Q. Wh al <ltd lw clo to \cni tlwn ·• i\ lit• pincht'd nw · <l \\' h l' l'l'., ,\ In m ~· llrC'asts and dO\\rt p~l ll'•l' q l'r" al1• p;1rt , :is \q •ll • ,\ \'C's . q And thl'll tlC' l1•fl lh t• l'lo..,(•\" ,\ \' l'S Q And w a s the hltndfol<I replaced " 1\ ' cs. i\l that point, t111~ SC'S''1tln <·n1ktl :ind :\l1ss llc·.1 ~1 . '>1111 ~n1fflmg l<'fl lh1• 'land .111tl '' .1 .... li·d 11wt l.I.\ out of court Th<.• 2 1 ·ycar·olcl il l'frnrl a nl . s martly :.itttr<'d 111 :t nc\l palt• i::ra y p :1nts s uit :incl p1•ach rolorl'CI blous<'. h a d com<' tu rnurt 1n the m orning t'XPN'lllli:! to SL'c• the mnn who s hared llw tPrro r of her k1dnap111g hl•r former Ill\ er. Stc,·cn Wt·c•cl. Out Wet•d. :-:chcdulr d as thr first <fef1•n"e ll'ltl1CSS, w:1S JHIS!'t•cl ovt•r bv fll'fense atlurne" ll<iilev who !)ad t•;tll <•d W<'.NJ "i;.: rrspons1hll'" for holding a new~ l'nnfc r cnc<• In di'.'>C'11s s l\l 1s s Jlcarsl and his hook about hn Hearing Set By Planners On Home Jobs I\ publi<' hc:iring has b<'<'n sC'h<'dulrd nC''<t month to help the Newport Rl.':tt'h Planning Com· misswn d<'C'tcic whl'ther or not re· !>1dents should b<' allnwC'd to con· duel \':lr1ous ocrupal1ons in their home~. tinder lhl' exis ting rity r mle, r esic1cnts an• proh1b1te ct from conducting ~1ny orcupat1on in lhC'tr homl'. Thi.' prnrnserl or· d inanct• would allow horn<' or- c·upat 1ons provid<•d I hey d<1 not :1ffect the ht>:ilth. safety, or peace ofnPi1?hhors. At the Mar ch 18 puhllc h<'nrtn,I?, citizens will h<' ahl<' to l<'ll rom rn1s::.ioncrs whether or not th1·y favor tht> proposed change J\c<'ordm,I? to Plannini: Oirl'C· tor Dick llogan . th<' 1:-sul' sur- faC'<'d r cc<'ntly when a piano teacher was <lcnH'd a bu ... ine:-.s ltr t•n!-c' twr :111<,c• !-Ill' 11 .111led to ~I\ e the le>~ons in hc•r hom(' Boy-sizt• \/ole11tine Bryan 1-'l·rher. ;,, SOil of ;\Jr and J\lrs. n ithard Fcrhcr of Corona dt>l l\I ar l1ws s ix po1111<ls worth of \ alt.:ntinl' e:.111 · d.v on for s 111· 'l'ltl' hug l• \ ;il1 ·11t111c cos t s:w-<.1 bit out of Bn :1n 's IJ1tcl p l'l and hl' had to look for something ~1na l l1 •r for hts f:l\ont c g irl B11t. ht· :-.aid, lhl' \':.1lcnl111L' ".1'.'> fu n to ltnld Newport Policeman Has Hex of a Day F r11l.I\ tho t:llh t'-'-llPIH"t·cl t u 111· .111 11111 u t I..\ d,1\ Jllcl fut \;1·\\JlC•tl ICt".1 1'11 p o ll n·m.111 :\l1l'11.11•I Ot·l.1d111 .11\11•\ II \\ ,..., t'H'l'.\lh11tj..;Jl '>(l,1l'i..l•d 11ptol11• lk 11p1•m •cl tla· <1 ,1\ h\ 111,1111-,1 pnson1•1 fl l•1n g t1 a n-.prn ll'cl ltt t 1 I\ 1.1tl and ht· <·l""'tl 11 \\ 1tlt .1 tw.1d on t r:tl I 11• :i1•1 1<li •11t Fnrt11n.1l1·h tlw \111111 1• 01111·1·1 \\;i,n 'I 111 1111t•d 111 llw 1'1'.t~h 11111 II<' 111 1·.1 1l11·tl .1 11•h ''' t l'ftt'f \l h•·n \":111·1111111 '!l.t\ lw i .t11.tll1 r 111rd 111).!hl P P l:tcl11r.1111 1•\' l tl''\ l1111 •h with m10.,fn1111111• 1 ;11rn· :tl11n1l .! a 111 "111·11 ht· .11111 !-.).'\ :'ll w ho1r I 11111<''1 .irn·o.,11•cl 1'1•11'\ IC.1\ 11111nd l~I. •)II '11'1'11 lttll Of flCt'o I'' '11111 ol ( l)(':tllll '"' ..... 111· Boat l\Iotor Stolf•n Orani.:e C'ount' \h1•11((, 111 fi1•1•r.., ;111· 111\t' 11,'.11111 • lh1 111 .. 11 of .in 011\ht1.11 d 11111t•1L 1 .1!Ut d ;ti $1. IOO fro111 .1 ho.it m11011·<! .1l Dan.1 1'111111 ll.111>111 1!1·1.11111 ..,a1d lh< 11111lt11 \\ ,1:, 1111"< 11•\\t ti ftolll t hl' I l',11 of ;t ' .111 l>lt,ll II\\ ltt•tl h~ rl'l1n·t· Ed"' .11 ti(,w11t' \\'11otl . ~'8. of :!7kli'.! \'1.t 1'1,11111 .... ;\l 1~"tt Ul \'il'JU • } ' Ila .\ m nnd. unh:111dcuHt·cl. \l ,10., put tntu tlw bark of a polll·t· 1 .tr ancl L>t-btl11 ran\I.'\ ell·d1•d 111 -.1 •• v b<.·hind lo hook -Ha~ 1110111.l :-. t:J·, for e\·ttll'n<'l'. - \\'hill• Hl1t('h "'as dn\'lng lo thl' pollel' s ta111111. hl· :tllS\H•n •d a C'all of a hurgl.11 y 111 Jll"lll.!rf'Ss a\ :!IUO \\ ('oa:-.l ll1g lt\1 ·". lit· l1·lt thl' < ar to ehl'ck 11ut tlw li111ltl111i..: .i11d "lll'll hl· ,.,., tll lll'd II ,1.' n 11111d 1\ "~ )!1ln l' '''' m .1ck hr.., l' 1-.q w '" 111·,·111 ~· oll lltt 11h11l1· d11t11' p .1111·l .111d Jr q1 1ng lhl' l:JlC'h from t h1· 111-.1dt· :\ pol1n· :-e~11T h ol th1· ,1n·;1 fa11<•d to t urn 1111 tlll' m1:-•o111g Jll l'l>nl'r J-'0 1 ;1 \1 t11l1• F r 11l;I\ ;111 ll .1~. \1 1 11 \11th llt-l.1d111 .11ll1•\ unttl lw lt••l\C ·tf up 1111 \\nrk l,tll F111l.1~ 1o1cht ~1.!I Tun\ \ tll:t s~11d 1111' 11fflrr·r \\,1.., rl11\1111-hi" t>.11111\ 1-.11 cl11\\n t it• hill •HI S11p1·11111 \\1•11111 • fll"t .. h11\ 1· \\ t' I C'o.1 ,I ll1:'h\\ ,1\ "h1·n 111 1·:11 \l ," hrt hl .1tl •111 It.\ .1 \ • '!.' .t 'I 111• cl rn '·1 :1 nd t 11 o p. ''""nc1·1 , "I th• .,m:tl l t·.11\\1·1 1·111 ,1l1·tl Int lllllltJI ll\111111'' anti l h 1• dt1\t'I \\ ,1 .II I 1·-.1 t·d 111t 11~1111 11111 111 f• l•HI~ dn1nk cll'I\ Ill)' lit 1111· 11 '' n "' 1·11lt•nt .. -. Airport Warned By Burke 11 u n 1 1 11 i.: t o 11 rs 1· .1 1· h • ~ l\kudow I ark A 11 11111·1 h1·,.,1·1i.:l·tl n•ccntly wi th 1·o mpl.11nt .... lrn111 n •:;icknt1al lll'tghhurs a11d <'tty o f f1t•1als .. nO\\ ha' ht•1•11 \\ :11 lll·tl h) AsH•mlil) man Hol11•rl llurke (If l luntingl1>n lk :tdl I tu ~hape up vr l>c closc•ll. In a ll•t\l'r lo \1rport :\lanag1•r f)\C'k 0 l'l'IO lhl!-o \\l'l'k. lhl rkt• plcdgl'd to "do \\hall•\ t•r it takt·.-. h1'rL· tn thC' -.1;itl' lt•g1..;l:11urc to doH• elem n M l'ad owl:irl-" uni<•..,.., :urcrnft nob <.• and f11gh1 pall<'rn' are 1rnprm et! N t•rn> C'ould not lw rt>al·ht•d for comm C'nt J\n ;.111h' to B url.I' s;.iHI 1-'1 111:1\ ht'i Offtt·c• h :ts I l'l'C'l\ 1•\I nl.1 11~ <'ompl,11nt.... 11 11111 ,\k,11lm.l;1 rl- ncighbur!>. 1wa r \\',u1wr i\H·nu1• :md Uoba C hic a !'llrt•t't, 111c.:lud111 i: OllC' pN 1I1<J11 In h is IC'llN, Burkl' s aict . "Th<'re havt• bt•en ;illt·gat1ons of ob::.tcnc gl'~I urcs m;id1• hy lhl· pilots from tht• :11r al low levels . UllZ7.ini:t lllHI llH' rt.'VVln~ up of l 0ng1ncs lo cklihl'ratcly annoy lhl' airport's llC'ighhoro;, "Plainly s p\•akinJ.!, th1.., condt lion has bec·onH: 111tnkra lilL· for thl• Pt'(IPI<' who '"'' 1w;1r tlw J\lcado\\lurk 1\11por1 ," Hurht· ~aid Burke's ldt1•r c·um<· rm lhl' hcl'I::. of .:rnolht•r complaint Mon- day r11 ghl hy Jl unt1ns,'\on ncadl Mayor Pro Tern Jl amNl Wiedt·r. \\hO sa1d tht.• tit~· !.hould s uppttrt the t um plaints of n ·stdl•nts . "It's t1mt• '' <' -.111p l'"'"nJ! tht' h11ck and t.tkl' a -.t:.irnl ' ~he ... a11I "Tht• 1wopll• out\ h1·n · ha\ e a rt'. ti pro IJ It• 111 Burl.!'. tn ht.., h •tt1·r to ~t.·no cont llllll'd. • · 1. pt•rscmall~, would not like lo s <'l' opl·rat1ons JI J\IeatloY. lark s hut d<m n." Hut he J>lt.'d gc<I to pursu<' m at . lC'rs through s t :ttc a1qH1rt heens- 1 n g a gt' n t' 1 1.• s :.ind JJ l h 1· r IC'g10.,lal1\ l' nll':111'.'> tf thl' n 1m,\' prnhll·nt:... "t•x,...l1nJ,! nwn:1i.:1'- nw nl and pilot ;11 t1tudt· · !fon l lrtlJll'll\ l'. 111· s:11d Ill' alr1•:uf\ h a~ d1 •, <·u~~t·d lhl· m.1tll'r \\1th n · i.: u I :i tory a J.(l' n 1· 11·s t 11 sN•k ;i mutual s olut10 11 hut t11u11cl thc:m to cl o llltlt' hut "pass thl' lrntk ' 11 .... ;1 l'C'!>.Ult. lw -.aul • 1 lwr1• h,1, hpt•n l1llll· 1t1 11111 rn1fH r<1l1011 f1or11 ~OU to ('llrrt•1·1 I hl' 11hJl'C'll11n.1I :11· tl\'llle'o C it y ,\<l m 1111 0.,t1a111r O a\1· HO\\ la nds has 111.11nl.111\l'd th.11 tlw (' 1 l \ h ;I\ I 11 t It' J llrls d I ('I Hill llH 'r t h1· m .1t1t·r ht•t·:iu,1· tl11• airport 10., 11n<lt 1 I'.\\ I l't.!Ul.1 t 11111-.. l k sa id pl.ill<'" 'h1111l d not f l\ lO\\l'I" t h.in I 11111111•1'111u•r ltnm1•, ;t('('lll"tflll).! lo I l't;t1l.1l lt1Jl' hilt t )t,,j d1tt•s not g11\~·ri1 .11 1n.t11 111 1 .. ~. •If Ill lancl11q.:. \\ ltvll lfll'\ .11 • h\'11m ;>110 I \'t'I DIFFERENT CHAIRS to chooi• from 277 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA IH IUILDUS f Ml'OIUUM SHOl''IHG ClHTE• HUT TO C AU'S Jlt . ...................................................................................... . ,. Saturday f ebruary 14 1976 0.t.ll V PILOT A 3 J Penmanship in the Brain • l\y RUDI NIE DZlFiSJd twm. u t l ht.• \\ 11lt•r·':-; ~lutt· uf !'>l'\l'fttl hand " nt111i.: 1•:0,,1mpk~ llw (1n l•r· l'nwlaon:. uf ll(v,' lh 11111 Old Papers Fade Away Oil"• Dally PlloUl•ll mmd I t d I 'l'hc term "ha ndwntingf' i!\ a :ire lll't't'"':irv tu m.1"t' .111 .11· pmn i.' 011 mis n o m e r , a cco rdajJ,! t o Ttnv h.trtd\\fllrng. 111, t\,tm 1·11r:il1 di:1.:1111'1' ol 1'11.11.11·111 . '\,1p11lt•o11 H 1111.1p,1rt1· ~raphologist Lloyd DuN11l'ho 10• pit• usualh indll«l\t'" ,111 otdi•rh act·o1tlrni.: t11 l>unn \\ho s;t\s Sl)tllalun.'. l'\'t•n a l th1·. ht•1i.:ht 111 I ) I ,1 II J.! t' (' II U II l 'f :.ss ts that it really !>hottld ht• :.t'll'lllifit• nund ,, h il\• targt• :.cnpl s1i;n.1tu11•:. I" 1 hl'ffl'<'l\l•o. .11 t• h1~ PO \\ er, drooped m d1t.1lm).: ca lled "bra mwnting " C'hJral·ter1tcs .. ,1 loU!-\ SI'< fl 1 • 11111') <'\,1m J1ln. lrtT.111'1' llu' d t•pre:.:.10n And Adolf llttlt•r " ..... !'-.11p1•n 1.,ori-\\ 111 lw ,f,k\•d I 11t•:.tl.t\ Ii\ tll\'tr (.;l'IWI .11 ~\'r\ ll't;s l\~1·111·v ((.i!-. \I for p1·rm 1s:;1011 I 11 1lt•:.troy 1101.<'11:. of boxes f u I I of ' 'dor- rn.mt n·1·orrt s " llandsactually havc hllle to do kt•(•p i·r. a 1w 1,011 \\hu1:')' ,1 mi 11fl1·n 111tl11'.1t1 · ''h:il 1h1 ''"'''' dt•:.c ri ~cd IJy Dun n a ~. "J with on e's writing i,t )'lc mam-thl' line, and Oll l' who 1 ... n·t t lal pt l.'ll•nd:. tu lll' psyrho trc from the wont go. la1ns Dunn. who sa ys that tl·sh world's grc•1tesl dtplom:.it." conducted with paraplegics after WW 11 prnvl' it. Dunn, 69, po1nll·d out th:it m or<' "G l's were taug ht how lo writl• than 600 muJOr t·orporations 1n by h olding pen c ils in thi•ir eluding the Ba nk o f J\nwnca •md rn(luths or with tht•ir frl·t anti lhc St•:.1rs now submit hanrhHJtlllJ.! 1.·xa m p lcs of tlw i r to p t'Xt'l'Ult\I'" same writing form l'ffil'rS:l'd il'> orig inally, w hN hcr lh<.'y did 11 to graphologi:-ts bt•fort· rnns11!11 with their h a nds or \\It h lht•ar mg lht·m for promot1011 tot.>s," he told a ~athermg of till' "Pro blems sud1 ·" fJt1r.:u1.· 111 E xC'hange C lub of the Sad· depre~:.ion ... hcl\\ up ''' 1dl.'. dl<.'back Vallc v . said Dunn lit-tuld E xd1Jl\g1•11t·-. Dunn, a gr.apholog isl w ith 2li that droops a t tht· l'nd of a wo1 ti BRAINWRITING EXPERT Lloyd Dunn years e xpe rience. s ays the 16 d1f o r a line gol's ha nd in h;.11111 \\1t h fl-ren t factors tha t ctw rnctcrizc a fatig ue, dt•spondc ncy :rnd rnood1 pers on 's script really arc ind1ca· nt'SS. t I Avenge Death Irish Bands OnRamp3ge BELFAST, Northern Ireland CJ\P ) -Rands of milit;mt Hom a n Catholics attaC'ke d Oritish a rmy patrols and Sl'l h i jacked au to-. afire• in lk lfost Fri- day to pro tl·st l hL' hungt:r ·strikl' death of an I ris h pri:.orw r rn England Bo mb~ explod t:d in Uclfa~l und Oubhn In Lon don. pohce dt'm o lition cx()<.'rts defu"<'cl ;1 fi ve pound bomb found in a suitcase in the crowrl<>ci Oxford Street s ulrn ay s ta tion at the C'H'ninr. ru'h hour . No t asualties Wt're rcportNl 111 t hL• t.ioml.11 n~s or .attacks in Ulstl'r. Ireland and 1':ngla n<I. Thl' bom hs in Dublin <l a m af.l t•d Jhe Bntis h - owncd Shclbournc holl'I, two WoohH1rlh variety s ton•s and :o.('\'l'ra I ollw r firms Authorc I ll'S in lk•IJ ;isl n•porl1•d t h r<.'(' -.ton•, \\(•re bornbl•<I there and ""'Pl'rs ltrrrl on ;11 ll':i-;t rnur Britis h arm~· patrols. Oth<·r p atroh W l'rf' the targets of l\l olotov to<'kta1ls a nd rock' as the y m oved a1:ains t gangs that ~c1zcd a dotcn a utos and :.ct som e on ft n >. Thrcl' men. including a poli<:eman. WC'rC k1lkcl Thursday night 1n Northt'rn Ir ela nd in a n oul bur~t of \'iolcnce follO \\ 1111! the cle;cth of f"r;,nk Staff 111 an English prison :it \.\'akdit>ld north ol Lon1lun Stagg, un Irish Hepuhli<:a n J\rmy ml'mhC'r con· \'icted in a bo mb consptracy and Sl'Olt'nccd to 10 )'Cars . died Thurs day from a 6Hfa.v hunJ.{cr stnkt'. lie w as clt•manding a transfL•r l o :i prison 111 NorlhC'rn lr c:la ncl . The· I Hi\ \'U\\C'd lo a \•t·ngt: h 1.., dl·ath :ind Britis h and Iris h offH·1;cl" t•xpn''M'cl fr.cc· t hat the s pate of bomb ings m a1 ked lht: licgrnnrn~ of a m aJor tcr rorist offcnl';1\ t: T he IR \ .Sl't•ks lo end Bnt1!-h rule 10 Northern Jr1'l:rn1I .1n<.l 11n1t<· the m..iinly l'rol<· ... 1.1nt prm llll'l' \\Ith the h ·ish re public. whieh is !J:i 111·rr1 •n1 Human Cathnht• Sl'Clan.1n \\arfan· 111 l blt•r h.1s lakl'n al ll•ast 1.11;, ll\·1•s sn lhc p;i:-.l G1 .• yt·,11 ~ and ston·s o l othe r persons ha\'e hN'n killcri bv r clatcrl lt•rron:--1 ,1l1;.icks 1n En,1.!land ~ind ln•l,1ncl End Comes To Grants NEW YORK (,\[>) J\fll'r S!'\'l'r;tl \'l'HrS or rn\,llt11nill11ln doll:1r loss1'~ and four months of <'ourl - proll'rtctl voluntar.' h;rnkruplr·y. \\' T <:rant agreed tu en d lb 70 )L'ar:-of CXl:O.ll'lll't' lhl'> p a st week. In the fina l :wt of the trouhll'd retailing chain·!'- strul'.:'!!lt' to :-urv1vc. J frdt'rnl 1ud)!1• <ird<•1l·<I (;rant on Thuro;tl;sy t1> closlt (Ir sell it:. n •111;1111m).! :J:i9 :.torl':. '"l h111 fill da:.s T ht•\' '' 1•rt• :ill that rl'matn .. <1 11t t h1· f.!i:tnl f·hatn onl'(' 1 ht• nal 11111 ' rira h l.1r~(·:-1 11 1.11h·r ''1th I .u7 l :.llll'l':- On F n d ;1y. :1 company s p11k1•,111a11 c;a11l that :!2:! of !ht• n •n1:1rn 1ni-: :1:.!1 s t<1n·s \lc·rc• • lt"l'd p1•rn1am·nt· Iv. Till' l'l'lll:ltnsn,I.! t:l7. a l"o f'ln..,1·d ,,.., ctf Friday, will 1·1•open l\l :i r d1 •I thn111r.:h l\1.1rrh :?i. 101 :1 "going <>11t ol hus1111•:-.s salt"' 1n \\hl<:h a ll of Gr .1111 .., 1nq·ntorit .. ., \1111 h<• on ... ale. The• l11l.d \ aluc· of c:r:rnt ·s a''' r... lh1· -.ton·" :incl lhl' 11•m:11111nc lll\1'111111 ' "'-•I:! I 111tlf11111 .11 1·c111h n;.! 111 lilt' c·11·d11111 ' 1·c1111n11llc·I' (;1,1nt ti < h1 -. l11t.1k<I SI 11 1111111111. 1111\11·\1·1 .. cntl !ht· 1 h.1111 h.111k l1·1Hkrs alt (•,111\ h,1\1• t.11..<•fl l'Xll\'1'1\>tl 111.111 lt h"C"• Ill· to :11To1111t 111 I ht• JI·'"' cp1.11 t1•1 ..., ) W11h ;.0.0110,11111,,., ...... 1 ... ·"" 1.1;1) J.rr 11>1· ..i1.11n ' h .1d ;!1.111111 -.t tll 1111 h:tt1cl \\ h1•t1 1111:1) hq111cl,1li11n \\.IS t11'1!t•l't•d 1. .... 1\\1•f'k. ,\.., 111 1·'1 1d ,1' 11111· 11f l lw ··I ti I 1111 ... 1•11 kcl q 111·,t11111 "·'' ••mpl11\ 1• Pl'lhl•lll'> \ I :r.1111 -.11111.1· 111,111 ,,11d th;1t 111 .Ill ltl.r•lthornl, 1•u1plm·c•.., I\ Ill lt,tu• tlw 11pl1m1 etl kl'l'Jlllll' I h1•11 fll'll'IClll 1·.1,h Ill I h1·11 p1•11•.1011 pl.111 .11111 f l'l t'I\ Ill;. lllCllllhh I' I\ lllt'l•h f,\ 1 lr1·1 1.., \\1tlult.1\\lllJ! thl'll' 1.1-.h 11111111•1h.1l1 ·h 111 ,1 lump ""I II l'h1• ... p11l.1•:-m.1n .... 11cl lht• 1·ml'hl\t' /11•11•.wn pl.111 1·• 111<f1•1 11•11dc lit (If 1111' t'llrllJ>.10\ ,lflcl \\I I t'll!llllllll' 111 1 'l"I ;111cl 11111·1.tlt• .d1t•1 <:1 ,1111''11qn1d.1lc·d Coast R esidents Guilty in Oregon I \S \ 1-:1: '"· ;\f•\ f \('I I h11 C' f'.ddciltll.Cll' .ind ,111()11•1•1111 111 ;111 \\1 '1'1' l'f•TI\ 1l'11•cl 1-'1111.1\ ol 1·11n • !111101.: ltt Ill Ill~ :-111111• KOO fH1\11Hh 111 Ill.ti I )ll.111,1 llllo llw l'n11l'tl St.lll'!'-frnm ;\11'\ll'ct 19" DIAGOMAL f-401:12 AFC/CHROMATIC ONE BUTION TU NER I , • D IOIJO'ld l~C~ ~ITH ·- \Go at•O c:: .11 LOWEST PRICC LV[R OfFERF D WEHOHOlt . IAt-'KAMEIUCARD & MAST~CHARGE I l ZEMITH 17" Dioqonal GlBSO LIMITED SUPPLY! A VALENTINE SPECIAL .. ONLY A FEW IN STOCK ZEH I TH tfllOlity of bud~t pnc~! A lthou j.(h handwn tinJ.! analys1.., of h1stor1<·;il p (•rson..; re:1lly 1sn'I f .1 1 r p I a y Ii t' 1· a 11 s t' l h l' 1 r pt' rsotw ht tt•s a rt• k nn\\ n t uo wl'l I. Ounn dn•" '>t'\ t•r.11 1·011du,111n· ahoul t ht.' '•~·n.1t 11r1•s ol lh<' I a mo us and 111 l ,1 m nu" . :it1 ktnJ!IHll ll1:1nr1<·h \11111 ~lc·r. fot 1•,,1111ph· 11si·d :11w11l;11· :;tr11k1•, '' 1tho111 111undnt•'' oJ form "l11rh . :H'C'CH <h nt: to Dunn 1s ,IT\ incl t•x o t both C'rul'ltv ancl a hril11 ;int m ind "But h1• "tw cl nn t•onct•pl nf g 1•nll1•n c• ... :-,, low• und A braha m L in roln':-writing St \ ll-. on the othe r hand. sh11Wl'tl hl: "as :.i n 1nd1vidual with g rt.'at Ptl\\er s of eontcntrnllo n and that ht• wa:. :rn 111d 1nduHI oul \\j rJh 1•xt rO\'t'rtctl \ l't h.irl a tC'llcl C'tH'v lo · ltwk h1mse'ir 11••0 hi'> own 11ltlt \\Orfd " Uunn . \\ h11 '' n ll'" a '' l't'k I\ n l' \\ s p a p l' r l' o I u m 11 . s .1 111 hJ nclw nt1111: <•n;cly:.1s now 1s lit• ing USl'd \\1th 85 pt•rn·nt :w cur atv in the dt:tt·ct ion or 1·;111C'l'I uµ to· two ye;.11·s bdort• the cli~ t•asi.' nw ruft•sts itsl'lf. --------- In a bnt'f n·port fl) the hoard . GS/\ 1>1rcdor H I. "Cuha" M o rn:-..,,ml th1· I housan<ls of boXL•cl l'l'\'tlrli'i .111· 'lat·l..l·cl 111 tht• h.11lw:1~s 111 t 111' <·ount' ·~ '' .11 ,·111111-.i• .11 11 1:1 I•: Fr 0 lll I St 111 S.111tJ \11;1 Ill-:-aid thl' lm-c1'' <·on l ,tlll '>Ul'h lhinJ,!S :t:o. 1~·\'l':ll 11lcl mail. l'lght y1•ar <•l<l t1n11• r :1rd :-.. H! \l'.lr old "111·1.. 111 tl1•1 .. and titiht y rl'· ('111'<1<> 1-YR. 3-YR . PARTS AND SERVICE PICTURE TUBE ONE OF ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST 41-iO LARGE.ST SERVICE 0Ef'.AJITME"'1.S TO U Cf(U,. OUR WAUAHTY ... WE'RE nouo OF OUR SUVICE U<:OID. AHO WILL, AT AU TIMES. STRIVE TO MAKE I~ EVD4 lfTTH. RC A's Top Of Tlur linf XL-I 00 ZEt41TH 1~"01-al G47~0J' •v•n•• l C 4ll <ot LOWl\T ,.,,Cf .~ .. RCA's T 09 Of ~ Li11~ XL-I 00 13-PAYMENTSJ OR TERMS UP TO 36 MONTHS 19" 54'/E DIAGONAL sao . FU4 7'J RCA Colorlrok A DIRECT c ;couNT _________________ ..... THE TV THAT 'iHIHl<S IH COLOR " ColorTral< ;w1om;1'1c c,o,lv1 C.""''·"' hol J· lle!>h ton1•.., to nltonQ'• you ~elt·cl . nt•N .ui,11·1 /\LLllf .J1t•1 p1c1t11e> lub<· 25" DIAGONAL GUH18 RCA Colorlrok THE TV THAT '"THINKS IN COLOR" RCA Cnlc1r Tr.1~ lh•r . .i 11.tu t• t.riqhln1 fhJI .1JI >rTldl• 111~ .1 l,.1 • t 1 ... ,urt' 9" 1! '""wine; •n 11rPn 1 ,p1y rl'X..., I qhl s799 ~ NOW ONLY s499 ,\ fl'dl'r'll <•11u rt Jill'\' <h-h lll'r;11t•cl :ihnut fl''" hours ht•f n a ' r l'111 r n11q.: tlH• \'1•rd1 l'l' ;q.:a1ns t H ny T hompson, :JO, of l'ortl;rn<I Ore.' .. l><'r<'k ll;1rns. 29, and !\l1rh .11•l llN•\1• :10. hoth n( S11nsC'I Bl'.1rh. :tnct OVER 20 YEARS IN O RANGE COUNTY HOURS: ,\lhNt I> L.I'' .Ir . ;1,. ul I .. ci..:1111.1 II• .u·h l..I\\. l l.1rr1' .inti H1•1•\1 '" n· .1r11·,t1·1I ~11\ :!II 111 .1 f\111llth'r t'1h '\1•\ "'n11·1· ,1,111110 "h,•n f1'1hr.1l 09 cJt 19046 BROOK HURST HUNTINGTON 5,o~ BEACH co1..011.'lt.1..t."' phone 968 -3329 CORNER BROOKHURST & GARFIELD MON.-FRI. 10-7 SATURDAY 10-5:30 ... 1,111• .11111 liw.11 .n1thon1'if', Ii.tit< ti tht•11 '·'"' lh.11 .t( 1 It L!t'clh 1·1111l.11t1 NI 111.111111.111.1 'f l11111111,ci11 ~ hmll I .1gi•n1.; 'J1nllt'1I tl\ln' 11!0\1• th\· '.111-. 10 a 1'"" I 1'11.l!IOt' ,Ill'\ I .tit. \\ ,,, ,tl'ft''lt•tl "'\ 1·1 ,t( h(ll11 -. l.1t1•r U()OUt 70 1111lt•:. lllll I h 11f l.,ti. \ q ,:,1:-. ·-----.. ------------·------------~ ... -------------.rm··-----•lll•••l'fll••••• • ,• .· . ' :· :· A.f DAILY Pll.OT Saturday. February 1• 1976 Cultural Chat Session I \ .. She'll Teach Japa11rV.S. Habits-f·or Fwi tsy Ill LA RV Ki\\' I·: Of t~e O•lly Ptl01 \1•11 Kaori Tanl•gashima. better known in the:.c p<irts as K :iy Wilson, udm1ts her slru~,.:lcs \\cith the E ng lish 1:.ing uagc were a com· t•dyofcrrors ut first. She tells of an instan<:c when :.he w<is in a Scottish rt•:-taurant w ht• rt' th c rt•:. l r 11 o rn s w c r e marked .. Lassies" and "Lad· dies .·· BEC'AUSF. "Li\DOIES" lookccJ similar lo lachcs. a nd she had no i1ka what .. L a:.~t<:s" m !'anl, ~h. \\'1 lson l'nlt•n•d thl· "l.adu1l':." I L'stroom. t·au~tng the man 11b1dc to run out ~·l•lltng i\not her 11 ml'. \\ hrn µIt: ad mg "grnlty \\'llh i.111 l''l:planat1on" to J traffH· t1C'k1:1. lht• 1udi.:t· off<•r1•d l\b. W1lsonSIOorl\\Od<ns I karrng only ·· w or <!", ~Is W1bon quickly ans\\t•rt•d. "I'll t:.ikc lwo .. and wa:. nc<.1rlv sent lo 1ail · "Anytime anyone talks ;ihout :) any subJCCl. I 'vc vrobably madl' !. ·ome boo· boo,·· sa~s l\l s. Wilson. who now S(H~uks pL·rfrct ~nglish ,, II h a J ap~inese ilCCl'nl ON 'M ONDAY, f't:B. 2'.I, Ms. Wils1Hl will b1.•gin leadting a "l'l'kl.v cultura l cxthangl• <:lass. t' o r b o t h J a p :i n 1• ~ <' a n d ,,ml'ntans. 111 lhl' Nl''\P<>rl·Mcsa Adult Educ a lion Dc·par1 nwnt. ll"s the firs t ~uc h progrum she know~ of Shi· ~ays it \\'111 he j.!l'un•d (O\\ anb 1\mt·riC'ans \l ho h:H'l' bl'l'll to Ja11an and ha\l' !'>tones to s h.rn• or qt1L•st1ons to ,1:.k. Arnent·an~ planning to go lo .Japan. Aml'ru·un~ JU~l 111kn:~ll'd in Japam•si• culturl· and Japam•st• l\ ho "ant to brush up on 1h,•1r t:ngllsh and ll·arn rnon· :1hout Aml'.'nt·.tn t·u~tom,, Bet·:111~,. 11-., .1 morning l'lass. from 10 a rn. LO n1111n. '.\h. \\'il~un l'XPL'rlS mo~( ly ht1llSl'Wl\'l'S II) enroll. although c\l'l".\llnl' 1~ 'H'lc'Ome l~'rF.R ESTEO PF.RSO:'\S mav si!!n up ~1t tlw f1r:-.t d;i!-.~ nwd111;• in thl' rnul11purposl' n111111 :.t E:rsthluft Sdiool. :m:n \'1,,t:1 <ll'f Oro Fnr n1nr1• rrtformal 11111 phonl' ;,5(j '.!:IOI} "It 's not ;11·;11ll•m11· .111<l l111•ro"" no honH'\\11rk 11 's 111 ... 1 " 11111. 1·1ill11r.JI l''l:1·h.1nj.!1• that \\Ill D••lf Pllol ~l•tt ""°lo ADDING SOME CULTURE Teacher Kay Wilson hc.•nt·fit !tot h .I :a p.1llt'''' .i11d Anwnca 11:-..":. he ~a'.., ~b \\'il:rnrt \\;is 11;1111111 l 11·l..1t1~'. l'htna. ln1l 1s .I :1 p;11ws1• .111d ":1 ... r;11sed 1n Tok\·11 Sl11· ('.llllt' H• Calif1.l'lli;1 hv i11•1.,,•lf :1 1 :1J.!1' I~ 111 So11tl1 C'"'"'!J Coast anel OKs Residential Plans Pl·rmtls \lt'rt' grant1•d tl11s \l"(•t•k h' th1· Soulh ('oa't H1•(:1•111al Z11rw I 'tinM·n al l•'rl Corn m1-.!'>1on t11r 1h1•1 011 .• 1nwt111n of 111•\\ re..,1d1·1111.d unit' 1n' arwus South< >rangl·Cmint~ t1l11·' P t.> rm rb J,!r;1nl t•d h~· t ht· commr~swn 1ntlucl<- ·' pr1111'l'I hv J.; I'. lnl'. Cir .\lurllll K11rd1('1\, t<• hulld 11; l\H1 ~lnr) '"'\ nhnuM· 1•111111<1m1nium 11n1h ;1 1 I he no rt h'H·~t n1rrwr of Sant ;1 n::ira and (;o lclt•fl LanlC'rn Ill n:1na P111n1 Thi' prokrt t·alb for a sw11nminl! pool. C'hildrcn ':; plav ';1rd and parJ..1ng for~u;ear:-. -,\ TWO-STOH \', Iii 111111 :ip:irlml'nl b11il1l111~ al :1:.!:;0 \q•n11ta dt•I l'rps11ll'11t1• 1n San ( 'll'm<•nt t·. ll\ SI oms I k\'l·lopmt'nl C11mpan~ ,\ n l'' I<'"" 111n '' ;" ~r:rntt'd fnr .1 (\l(t .tntl lhrt•t'-il'll'f ~I\ 11011 C'<•nstn1t•t111n 11f ;i '"'"s111rv s 1n i.:lc-fi1m ily 1H111 ... t· .1l 2i1~.·.i P :ist•Odf'I Sur in South La1!1111a. hy H1chard i\. l>u l'u1~. Com m1~sion1·rs '111 •·II l" w:111 unt1\ l\larch I to 1kr11l1· "hl'llll'ror not IOL'Xll'llcl a 1wrm1t for Fr.1nl-S Smith, lo h111 ld a 0111· slur~ .. 1:1 ur11l ap:1rl mt•nt ('OOl pll'\. al :1~1110 <'am inn l'ap1i.I r:ino m C;q.>1'>tr.1n11 Beach uftt>r dctHling four yC'ars C'ar)J(·r th;it s he would someday makt· U11. tnp. SllE ATTf./liOEOCal State Los Angeles. whe re s ht· n·c·civcd a Hi\ dc~rt•c in ;irt. ;ind later rccciv(·d master'sctcgret'S rn Asian Studie~ and J ~IJIUlll'Sl' Ul U~C. l\h.. W1bon taui.:ht .Japanesf' at UC Irvine for three Vl·ars b(.•forc thc entire A~ian Studies program wa:. cann'lll'rl last Yl'Lll'. Althouj.!h 2.000 students pclitiMt'd to kl'l'IJ th(• program. the adm1n1stratwn told Ms. W1 bo11 thcrewu!lnomorl· money Shl' is now tcaehin,:e Japanc:.c pa rtt1mc at Cal Stull' Long Bc<1ch l\ts Wiison ubo s crn·d as a l'On· :.ultunt for tht• I r\'lne Compan) h<'IPtnJ! Pl'rson~ l•mplt1~l'd ;1t Japanc!oie companac~ lot-.1ll1d 111 tht• lr \'tnC lndu:.trial ComplL·x • Sit t-: Si\ \'S SUE lwlpl·tl tlwm :tclJust to OrangL· Count~ fill-of fcnng h<•lp in t-:ngltsh and abo ll'aching thl'm shortt·ut!'> to lc:.trn mg l\mcnt·an t·ustnms th<ll sh,· p1ekt'd up throu)!h t nal ancl crrur during lwr t•nrly yl•ars ht•rl'. l\l s . W1bon is now hranchJ11g out into hl•r own hus int•!-.s. J.i~11:-.111l J\s.soc·iatl's, whl'l'l' sh1•1t 11ff<:r thl' Stllllt' .. :JCIJUSI ing" s1•n •11·t• "!look Eng li..,h" r:-. ;q1pall'llll' not L'lltlUJ!h "hl'rt a tor l'ig1wr c·om<'~ lo,\ mc.•rit·;i. ~II<' "ay:-. "When I first t'anw hL·n-. I though! I was prl'll~ g1111d ~111d klll'W u lot 11( r: ng h~h ... :-.h(' sa) ~ "8l1T WllEN c·o~J.'HO~TEI> Wtth ~l;11l)!,l\\;1~l11~\ ll \\<!S.lll'od blow to 111~ l'J!t>." 11·1·at1 .... :\! .... \\'1b11n "l'l'llfllt-\\IHllO L011m1· 111111 111\ ktll'lll'n .11111 .1 ,..1... 'Ill''. \\ h.11 ' l·nol-ing, 11.111\' .111<1 I II ;111...,\\1·1 Sl•r111u'l'. · '.\t .1t·:110111 a11tl dll'l''4'. .. ~ht•""·' .... Or . "hl·n a«l'llst·d ol · p11ll111J.! m\ fl'J.! .. l\ts \\'11:-.un \~t)U)d :.a), "Oh . no I m 1101 1 •• /\C'C:ORl>I N f; TO Tif f: ,l;1p:1lll'''' t1-;1d1l'r, lwr ~·11;tl 1s lo 1.11..1• 1 lw '"''' ol hul It <·ultun•<, 1'1· ta1111n g 111•1 1,,, 11 1111• part ... 11( .I :1p;11ll'M' l'ldl 111 1· .111d 11ll'orpo.ra1 Ill).! 111'\\ ,o-.po·t (., 11f 1\ llll'rl\'.tll lift• !"lw hl'l11•\ I'" st 11tf1•11h 111 l11·r Ill''' 1·1.1-.s \\ 111 1ind1111ht 1•t11\ t 111d ~llf1\\'\h111 g Ill'\\ .• lllol 1·\('llllli'. too Suninier Canip Cou11selors Souglit at Y Thi· S.11ldh·h.11 k \ .• 11 .. , \ \W \ I\ ;t('I !'Pl Ill.' ,q1Jol11 .1111111' 1111 :-11m111c•r t'.11111' 1111m~1·l11r' ,111ol <l1n·1"1111 '· .1e1111 d1111: ICJ ~11•\ t• \ ltllll).!. f'\1'1'1111\ ,. cl111 ,., .. , ,\ppf11·,1111 ' 11111,1 111· .ol ""''I Ii ~ l·.1r~ 11111 .111<1 n •.,.d1·111 ... 11( lhl' Saddl1•h;11'1' ,. "1·1' 11·1· .1r1·;1. \\h11'11 11wl111h•s El '111111 ln1111-. ~t1 ... ~1on v ll'I" .ind l..1~·1111.1 11111 ... :\ rou11-.1•lnr 111 11.,1111111c p111 ,.:ram 1~ av:11l.d1h-l or :-.t11d1 •11h 1~. 10 17\1·:1r., old Tr;.11n1ni.: si·s ... 1011 ., "ill 11,. 1·11111 p\t•ll'd lll'fflr1• 'llll)lllt'I t .tlllP" 11111•11 , Ym111).! "·"" Add1t1t•r1.il 1nl11rm.1l1•111 ;111d :op pllt'.1!1011 111rm ' .111· .i\ .111.11111· :ii lhl• \', :.!:11:11 111:111:.:1· \\1• 1-.I Tnro. li:lll Y .\I('\ .1par1nw111 h11lldtn l! .•I l."i:!.i l.i~i (."I I 1• s a(" r .1 Ill,. JI I 0 111 s ·'II l'll'nll'lll1· ll1•\1•l11pc·r ... ;111• (;nrclnn l't·I 1•r..,111 :1nd lknn1-. Sul It' an \ pro lt'«t t 1\ c•\I 1•ntl 1 h1• (''I:,.,, mg c nh ''·"I 1111 1>.11 I ,,f th1• tiluff fan• al l ~1U~1 l\\wna \ 1sl;1 111 S,m Cl1·m<•ntt· Th1•11• " an L'\lsllnl! 111111t1 f.11rnl\ do•\ 1•lopnwnt .11 !ht• CVSD Trustee Says Bond Funds Needed "" l' -CO~ST ftl'(.'T IO~ OF :1 Thl' USL' of hond" Io fin an«(' rnn'>lruc t ion of nr'" "·h1111I' \l'<Jl> ... uppe111 l'll 11\ Capistrano l '111fwd Sdwol 1>1-.1nrl trusl1·1· E 1; "T1•d ' 1\111111111 .rn <.trldress Io San Clt•m1•nlt• l'hamlwrof ('om mNc1· d 1rc•c•t111 " 1hrc•t• le\ l'I. ~ingl(• f;in11ly """"'' .ii :!1:!12 C1·an111hu" tn ~011th Laguna, hv l'h1lip<' Oram Noting th HI enrollnwnl w1thrn thcdlslrrct 1s P\;P<'C'l('(l 11"" c·ll l1vH (HI() stu<IC'nls h,\' !!)RO. Knpp s:1id. "St:ilc la" s:1ys you lthl' srhool d1~tnct 1 :~ Dana Hills HS "'II han· to t•tluc-al1• lhoM' sl u- <ll'nls nntf pul a r oof ov1.•r lhl'1r heads. "0 0:\'0ING IS ;1 l'lwap wav 11) <1111\. W1,.r(' look mg In <lo things in th<• chcapt'sl \\ a y pos~1hk ." l\opp !-:11cl . l'hr1•t• l>:rn.1 ll1lls 1111.!h S('f11111I \'olt'rs 111 tlw Cap1 ... 1rano cli~ ... l•n111r~ h,I\ 1• hl'l'll 1·or11nwndt•d tnct \\ill lw ;1skNI ;\lan·h 2 ll> :IJI· lt1r 111•rf11r111 .11111• Ill tlu• N.11111n;tl J . .11'1'\'t• 1ssuan<'l' of S:IO m1ll111n in \h•rtl 81'11111.11 ship C'orpor:ition's honrb 10 fin;inc·c· t•11nslrucl1on uf h.1ttl·r~· of JH l' 1·11lll•J.:1• 1•ntrancc M'hools to hundlt• thl' ant1c1p<Jl£·d 11''1" '* l'nrollm('nt mcrl'as1• Tlw '>t11dt>nh ar<' Tony R New srhools :1 rt' plannrrl for l.11l·.1rna111. t-:111:llw1h 1\ NL'' l"On l\lission \"rrJo ;11111 S.111 .luan .ind Ll'\' St .John Cap1c;tr:ino. lhc-lwo f:ii:.t gro\llnl! areas of th<· d 1~1 rict ANIMAlogic{$~y Nohigtr I've MAO IT OP \0 "ERE-WITH 6f1Nu A OE N MOTHcF< '· .. KOPP Si\ID T ll,\T honds would hC' sold on :rn as n<'l'dt•ll ha!'""· 11 tlw g(•rwral 1~~u1..• 1~ apprcn "" "' ,·01 f'rs Thl' bonds woulcl he n•paul <wt•r :-. :111 yt-.1r p(•rwd. 1>1st11rt off1('1:1ls han• stn•ssPct that lht• hon(ls <·:111 bl• issued without :in int·r1•aM· in thcdist rirl ·s1;1>t r alc• This can ht• a1·c·nm11lrshed. they say. b_v rnamt:11ning till' bond r<.'- rlt'mptio n t;ix rnte :it rls currt•nl ll'l'<'I. rather than ;Jllov.ln,:: it to fall. as it \l oulll 1f no m•w h\1nds \\ t'rt' 1ssul'd :Hie! old bonds Wl'f"l' pa1doff l\OPP l ' It GE 0 votrr~ to turn l\lll on cir rt 1011 clay bcC'aU~<' th<.• ii. ~lit'. lo pas~. m u~l i:atn a t" O· thirds n•s \'O\C' "It takes I\' 0 ,\C'S VOi C'S lo <'<IO('(') outonenO\VOll'," Koppcxplamcd Hamm Named Chamber Head Hoy llamm. manai::1•1 of s,.,.,., San 'clNnl•ntc• furnit un• 11111 ll't , ha" h<'l'll 11nan11nou-,l\' d1·<·t1·<1 pr(•sidt•nt o f San <"11•1111·1111• Chamht'r of Com ml'n" II am m s u cc<' t•cls \\" 1111 am \\'a Iker a' JWl',tdt•nt Othrr off1crr" Plrrt 1•cl hv rha m bl'r cl 1 r<'1'l11rs \\l'rt' '.\1;11 k Mark!'>. ftr!'>I \'11·1• pn·si1h-11t. William lo;C'nd.111 . )>t'('mHI '11•c.• prc-s1cll'nl , :ind II :tlph t\l;1:iwll lrl':tStll"C'I' i'.°C'l\' offir<'r-. "rll lw 111-,l:illc·d :11 ;1 h:t11<1111•t ,\p1 ii 10 al lh1• San <.'lemrnll' I 11n T11·kl''" arc 111m ;w :iil:iblc• .111 hr l'11a111fll'r ('o-.t '' • 9 pt•r pl'r:-on P ersonne l Dirf'c tor Named al Hospital ~ Larry Mor1o?:tn hns hcl'n namrd the-nC'\l prr~nnnl'I dtrr c'for ;1t SaddlL•b;H'k Commu11it~ 110 ... p1tal 111 La,:?un:i II ills. ;ic·t•ordtni! lo Harold C:ano. lht' h11'>p1l:1I ~ n <•cuti vc-cl 1 re-ct or :\1oq:an ''as fornwrh JWr'lm nc-1 <11n•cl11r at n nn11ni;:u1·1 \'alll'\' llosp1t:1I m Compton II<' is .1 nnlt\'C' <'•ll1forn1an, .11!r.nJu:it1• or Cul St•tc Long B<.•:ll'h District To Get Graded T hl' Cap1s1ran11 lJnifi1•d E<lu<·ators t\:.Sut'lat1on, "" or ga ni z at 11111 n·~ n•s l'nl 1 ng :17 fl C~1p1st1·;111u lln1fil•d Sl'ho11I J>1s tril'l tt•:il'lll·rs. is pl:mni11g to i:o. Mil· a ··~t.1k of t•<lt1t'<.1t1or1" n ·rwrt to thl' l'llllHllllllll~ Ton.'' Lt·o11 . Cl' 1-:/\ pre .. r<lt•nt, s~ml th1· 1·1·111111 "ill he ha~(·d nn lat«' to fat1• 1nt1•n ll'\\• c.·11111hll'L l'<I hv te.1clwr:. \\ ilh eomrnum1-. kadL·r~ l.EO:\ S \I U ml1•r' It'\\:." 111 hL• ht•ld "1th111 th1· n1''<t:JUda.':-, Fmcl 1111!" "111ht·1.11J11l.11l•1I .mtl tlw 11· port pn·pan·u lll·~u11 ... \\ill fotui. 1111 t·um mu111t\ \ll'\\' uf thl· '>t·huol-. · -.1.11t. -.1"1111111 1>11.11 d ac.• 1·1111111 ah1lat' .111tl lhl 111 t.1i.. tl11t1.11 ... l.1•011 ,,11d ··1r 1·hani.:1•s ar1• 1w1·l')>"an 111 tllt'rt' 1-. d1s!'>:lli-.fot•t11111 \\llh lhl' \\ u ~ lht.· ti 1:..t n l'I 1:-. nm, lt•L 's I 11111 11ut0 n0\1 ." Ll·on s11111. 'J Ill' "11:-.knin;.: It> .11111·· l':tm pa1g11, ~1~ Lt•o11c ;ill~1t.1,,t/1(•l:ill'i.t r11 c<111111111nrly·t1n(·111t•cl projt•Cls lakc.•11 up liy th<· {'U f':A. whrdl n·pn·s1•nl:. a tiou I I'' 1t·I h1 r<b of tht• <11stril'I \ 5r10 ''"'d1t·1·s 1n :n ·::\ Tl.\', <TE1\ l11·l!an p11hh~h111i• ;1 l't1lllrlHHlll~ 11l'\\~ll'I 11'1 1•1t11tl1•d 11 1-:ST lll·lll'I: Ed111'.1I 11111 St .111tlanb T1,d:1~ '1'111' 1 .1111p:11i.:11 111 1nrn•a:-.t• l't11n- rnun11' ... uppul'l I or the tt'al·lwrs 1'.11111· 111 1h1 · wakl' of sa l ~11·v 111·~1111.11111n' :n "h1l'h h'al'ht·r~ tlo•Jl1,llltlt•d ,I Sl'\ t•ll fll'fC'l'fl\ ,,,l,11, 1111·1,'.t"I :11HI I l'st111 al11111 111111-.1n11111111.il .11tl1·" Thi·"' li1111I 1!11.11 ti hl'ltl l..-.t rn1 ,, I ·, p1·11 .. 111 ,,ol.11 \ .t111l 11111"1 h1•111•f 1I 1111Jll11\ I 1111 Ill JI.II I.. ,1\!1 .111tl I >'f\l"t"tl 111I1· .. 11111 llto• .11111·' f.1•1111 ..... 11t1 !"l f•:,\ h.1 ... t1llil'I Jlll) Jl'('h pl.lll1t1·1l. llt• '·""I h1• :t.'-!-.1111:1t11m pl.ins 111 t <JJ..l· :tfl ;11·tl\1' 11111• Ill th• 1!117 !-.t'hnol 1111.1 rd 1·h·c·111111 rri \\ hrd1 :-.c.•:.its 111 lhr1•1 Ir u~tt·1'" ;in• al .... tdk(• iVeu11orl (;uls .50111P (; i I ize11 Snrnl· ol Ith ~I .incl in~· l0 tll/l''" <'omm11t<'!'~ 1n 'I'" p111 t 111 .. 11 h "l'rt' rt•\ 1 .... 11 a 11d si•\ t•ral 1 11' l'llllllt'l I I •llll 11111 l l'I'" \\ l'I I d1m111:1tPd d11nni.: tl11s \H•t·k s \ 1 I\ I 1111111 ii Ill !Tl I 111! · \I lh1• 11·qu1 ... , ul \l.1 \111 1)1111.drl \J1 lnnr.... 1111·inlwr' "' 1111 ( 11\ 11.tll II 1·11111d1·lrni.: 1 '11mm1111·1. 11!1 1.1111 .11\ \I 1'11JI1•1 I :-.1·11·1·111111 ( '111111111111•1 th•• l.1du 1 ... 1, l.•'.1 ,, <'•tfllllllll•·• tho· \l :1rrn .i11.1rl.. l.1·a~1· <'01111111111 •1• 1111 .\111 .. 111 "" I .1·c11111 l.1•.1 ... 1· «11111 r111tt1·•· ;i11d 1 h• 01.111c•· ('1111111' c:111\\lh <'11mm11 t 1·1· "v11• d1~l1.1,ntl•·d H\H \Hit.\ :o;T\111.1.ll "" ·'!' po11111•d lr11111 ,\ll'lll111' t11 ... 11111 111 \\ , • ..,, ~ t'I\ p111 I I 11 11'1 I h« I .11·:1111 \ IHI lh1• t'ttlllllltlllll\ l>1•\1•h1Jtlllt'lll <'11111•11-, \d1 '"''' t 'on11111111·1 •·r \'.tll·d '" 111, ,.,.,1~n.1f11111 ol \\ 1II1.1 Ill ..... I\\ ' II ll.1111111 \II'\\ lf llf' I l''-lllt•nl 1111 I.. ~111111111·1 ";1' a111w111111•d 111 111 .. ,,11111• 1·om11\lll1·1· h\ ('11un nlrn.111 .loh11 ~1 .. 11· !'>p1111111•1 1111 .. a \,w;1111\ 1•11'.il(•d I" !Ill ;ip IM•llll lllllll ol I '1•1 'I rt hll'f I 11 1111 I II~ l',1r),, Jk,11 hi'' .11111 l!t•( I'( ,I llflll I '11111111 ....... 11111 ( Ol '('II.\! I:' l<l:CEI\ 1:1> lh•· 11• 1 11.1t111n 111l\\u111lw1 111111 1111lll't flit 111h1 ,..., \\ llhuul l1ll111L I Ill'\ .1<-.1111·11•, C.110Hiw t·111r:i' c·1t<·tl pn·..,~an~ n1mm11 m1•111 ... \\1th th1• 1•11 \ .., B1l'1•nt1•11111 .1' <'nm m11l1•1• Im fw,. n·s1j.!11:1 t11•n lrnm tlll' IO:m ;ron nwnial <)11:1111.' ('11n1rnl l 'omm11 It•<• anti J.\1·11 Eli.:111 ~:1 111 hr' hus 1 ll{':iS IS 1-t'l'Plll j.! him 0111 of Nt•1\ pC1r1 l k;irh ;111d llllls makint.! him un:ihll' lo \v1wk \\ 11h !111• ll1ryt'I<' Tr:111 ... ('11111·11~ /\d\'lsorv Comm1111•c• H1·\· C.1r~. "•'lllCll' ps~ t'holoµ,' 111 ;1 t 11 r l r o m l • \' 1 l'.. . 1' h11mt•1·11 111111 11 q111•c·n of ~out h1·1·11 < 'altl11r111.1 C'11llC'g1.·. ( ·11-.1.1 \11·,,1 ~1"' .l11'1nson of I lunltnctun lk:1< h ;111<1 '.\an n H11t·c·11l.1 ol ( 'un•n.i rll.'I ~ljll' .i1·1.· all1.·ndanh f • • Light K11ights Pair of workmen from a Los J\n~clcs e lectrical firm in- stall bank of lights on pole at Luke Davis b aseball field in Costa Mesa's Lions' Park. Baseball facility is being rl'furh1s h<•d in time for upcoming :-.cason or Harbor J\rea Hasl'll:ill Program. Stands h ;n •t• bC'en r ebuilt a nd new l1g'1l s arc being put 111 County Eyes Food Frolll Lowly W orin · \11h1al~ llk1·~ rnc-. t·vt·I'~ hod\' h:-.lb mro, I'm g onna t•a\ -;nmC' worm ... · Th.11 d11ldh11111t ~11t1111dt· 111av 111· morl· ot a rt·:illtv in th<' futun· rt" lhf· "''I Id dlt.!' f11r 11101·1· p111t1•inn;·h lornls. a1•1·ord111.i:: t'o lhC' Or;ingl' (;ou111.' 1".11111 ll11n·:111 111 :111'\\1 •1 111 lho hr111rnrn:' t.11 .. 1nc·<.' <•I wt11 r;1 f:1rmrni.:. tlw c·11un1v 11111,·.111 1!.1 s l 11rm 1•d .111 F ;1 1 t h \\ 11 r m (' 11 m en 11 d 1 I ' I 11 II ;1 r I Ill l II I In I(' I ('..,I c·d ;'1t1\1t·r)> t'.Ht (';ill 1111 d1·p:1r111w111 .11 ,._:.::i..i~:;:1 for 111l11rm.1ll1111 1111 1h11r inclu~lr~. IH 'Hf·:,\l' SPOKF:S~I ,\~ l>ur Tlwtf•11 If :-,11d :1 tlt·p:irtnwn1 mt m hl1 ... f11p 11111l1n·111·1· \\Ill t :il..1· plac..-F\'11 :.!i \\ h1•11• 11 "'a11h11111 ;.:r.1111 ... I 1·~ 111.1ll111l ... l.1\ 111.1tlt•1 ' 111:11l..t·l111..! .11111 J>I 011111l lt11l ttl I ho \\Ul Il l lill'llll'"' \\ 111 lu d1 1·11.., ... 1•tf 'I l1t·l l•11ti -..11d1'.11 lll\\111111" m:1\ lw 11111 111 lltt 11111 111 ... 111''1 11111111• "'"'II,., .... Ill h1 ~·h I" 1•1•'111 l1111tl lit1ll1 '"' a111rn :1ls ancl /111111:111~ "'lndu,try ~pok«sm1·n als<1 <'Ill' IOIJlllrl anl nl'\\ II"('~ 111 r:irrr1 11p1·ra1111n~. 11411111' ).!.trtlr·n'. p111f11 111111 co111rol pro1t·1·1~ and M 'lt'll· ld11· n·sc·areh," h1·~a11I Tll ETFORO S,\10 farrn1~rs ha\'1' 1.nown for C'('nl11ri1·~ thal \\11rm s r•mtrthlllt• lo sod qu:d1 t y 111' :ti ~II s i ;1 d I h I' !'> '1'11 rm y C'l'C':llur~·~ arc ,·aluahlt• in d1g<'~ 111111 of p I .1111 " a~t e m al<· n als ust•cl forrompos l ·· t-::irt h" orm ~ an• cap:ihl<· 111 c·11n-.11m111 !! '1rtu;llh an' I\ flt' 111 h111dPgr:11l:1hk rt•fu:-1• mah·n.11 .. \l h1C'h "ll!!c1·.,ti; tlw1r tdl':il 11:.1· II\ \l :hi<' 1h~pn .... 1J." T}wtf11nba11J Th1' larm h11rp;1u It;"' , .... trm.11 NI th:1t H·rm1t·ult11rt• C\\orm r.ir:-;111i.: I ·~ n11w pradic<'d h~ lfl.000 P<'OJllC' in (':il1f11rnia :111tl " t·nns1dc-rl'd onr 111 tlw fa.,11·'1 ~rowing agncultural indt"l nl'" Ir\ I h1• ~I alt· Service Held For Druggist Mr. Chandler l-'uncr;1I ~l·rnrcs were• hcl<f in '=•'\\port Bt·:ich Th11r!-.cl:1y for Hnlwrt P t'h:in<llrr of S:m .111.111 Cap1~t 1 :rno. fo11n1h-r :inrl opc•r.11or 11f .1 1h:a111 of f>;1~ad1·na .1n ,1 ph:11 m:1t1<·~ ;\I r Ch.1mlh·r tl1l·il Sunday. lit• was tifi !\tr. Chanlllc-r is s11rv1vC<l bv his '\'1tlow. lkt ly, of the farnity h l' m t' . 2 f, o o n J\ \' t' n i ti .1 J\ l'ropu <'rt o : two d;1 u~h I l'rs. .Judith J\. Safford. of Sanl;J l\lnr11<';1 :ind Ph.\ lhs Thomp~<>n . nf :\l1~s1111ri . :i hrolhl'r. H1chanf, 11f n1on:1.. lwn sisters. ;\Jr ... \' 1 r I! 1 n r .1 H 11 ~ h . o ( N l' w ll:imp~htrl' :ind Mrs. Eltnnr Bro \t n . 1\ f II aw :.111 · I hr r •· g1 andchil<fr<'n anti h\O i::rl'al gr Jnd c hild n•n In l!llfi. ~I r l'h:tncllcr foundNI Cha ndl er ·~ Prcscr1 pl1on l'harma<'t('S in P asadc-na ancl opcratccl the chain until IOOR. II<' had r c-s1dcd 1n San .J uan Capistrano for fi\'c years. i\rrnnJ!COH'nts \\'l'rC made-h~ PaC'1f1c View ~I orl uary. l\'.ewporl lkad1. Ali Oops! Police Pull Champ Over !-iT J OSEPll. :\ll<·h IL'l'I > -St nil• tr11np1•r DouJ,!las l\lurph~ now t•:tn <'1:11m a fl•al l'\'t•n .Joe-Fra11L·r h~'"" t ac· c·omplishcd --stopping ~1 uha mm ad 1\li t" tl'l' The-28-ye::i r·old trooper ..,. as patrolling a c;l'ct 100 of tn· l<'rStatc• 94 n('ar this ~11ulhwc:.t l\l1c·h1.i::an c·1t~ :incl spollt•rl a l!li\ Holts RnyrC' r11nvf'r11hle r;11·m j! with :1 D:ihun ::MOB <•I speeds cxcccdinJ? 105 m1ks per hour. )JC RJ,!11\' Pt'LLF.O TllE~J O\'E lt. Ormng the Holls n o~ ('C Wlb I ht' world hea vrwcighl ho~.t,QJ.! -<:hampi1111 \luhamm:ul 1\11 In the· other <·ar \\as .l11h11 lkma:-, :!I. nf t'hica).!o. i\li. en roul<' to his m·w RO·ncr c fnrm in nr:arhv llrr1wn Spnni.:s. C')U1t•tly :H't'l'Pll'd the !ittm mons. t h1•n ... 1c),, ly r1· s uml•fl his l r1p i\turplw ~:1 111 t hat Dl'ma!'> "stood tl1(·rc• hallhhnJ.?." s11 mu<'h /\Ii nen·r h:id :rchancc lo ~ay much to the lroopc·r. "I STOPPED 111:\1 (Al.I) FOR the !..um <.' l hmJ.! last SC'Jl· tf'mlwr." l\lurphy s;11fl. "I tol<I him onrr w;1s plenty hut t wiCl' was l ime to take• action. Ila wus \•cry ro11rtcous." "I don ·1 know \\lint m:iflc them !'ilart raeinJ!. But I think fir<' young i;:11y ei::g1•d J\li on a lilllr hit. The k1CI was rom· plc1C'I\ fluhhcri.wslf'cl hy lhl' \\hole thin~. m ainly l\Ct!ing /\Ii dri\ing clnwn th<' road." /l m:11lt•d notic·<· \\Ill t1•ll Ah and nc-m:is th<' amount ... of lh<'i r finc-s. 'fhC'y (';1n plc·:icl i.:111lly :11ul 1wy the fine• hy m<11l or mntcst the trckcl :111tl '-'JlP<':tr in <'1rnr1 . Ma,imum 1w11ally fortlw 'iol:1t1on 1"-S\00 ond 00 day~ in J.111. But Murphy said tlw JUcl~mcnh a~;11n~1 holh drl\cr~ probably would not rN1ch the m aximum " , ' I f ' r DAIL y PILOT A .... Navy Asks $55 Billion Ne1~po1·t -Pla1111 e rs Eye Zo11e Defe11se Officials Urged lo Rebuilcl Fleet ~~--.. Chief of Staff Dr. J erone/\. Snvdt•r. \\ho i!-i in family prattict>, ltw.; li<.'<.'n t!lc..·<·I ed "h ief o f s ta ff al ('1H;la l\l c s u M e mur 1a l llo s pit a l, s uc ccc..•dll\g Dr . Lionel B. <l aSilva, who com- plcll'd his onc·ycar term. College Fae11lt'6 Wt\Slll~C TO:'\ <A P I The Na\'Y :.i:.k1·d top P l'ntoi.:c!n ol lidals F riday to app1m l' :i ~.):-, h11lte111 pla n to rebuild thl' f~l·l'l. now :..it its :-.mall1..':-.t Mn{{' bdon· l't•arl llarhor . to 600 :-hip:. hv lhl· l.1\cl!.lllll:-. St•c•rcta1 v of 1h1• NH\'V .J. \\'1lli.1m l\1 ;dll1•111lorf and Adm J ~Jilli'~ I, 11 ull1l\\ a'. d1icf of n,1 \al Olll'l'<tllOll~. IH J,!t•d M'llllJI' dcft•ll!,1' off1t·iab to ;1dd 50 ships u11d ~lbuut ~fl hillion tu tile tcntal1\'(' lung range• sh1phwl<ling 11lan :-.cnt to Congress l:.i:-.t month. Tlli\T PL/\N ('ALI.Im for ('011· st ruc tion of 111 fr11!atcs. suh mar11ws. airrr:.ifl carnt•rs an1l othl'r ships th1.· 1wxl fl\'1.• year:-al 1111l'st1matrcl1·0:-.t ul ::\.l!i .·1 t111lion P c D• t a J! o n o f I i (' 1 a I s a<"knowledg1.•n lo C'on11n·ss th:.it prngr;1m w11uld not be h1g C'noug h 10 hl'ing the N;1vy )'rom its JH't•:-.1.•nt 177 ships tot h1.• 1ksin•d gnal of liOO. but in1hcatl'd h11d).!et ronstr;JJnl:. hc·ld th\•m l>~n·k Jrom u:-.k111g rnon· JI O\\'E\'ER , J\llOOE~DOR F a nd Holloway. <ll'gU1nl! that a re btuld1ng of the U S. fleN" tlh fast. m odl•1·11 ships \\as vitttl to !11.·al \\1th ;J sl<·acltly gro\\ 1n~ So' it•! nu\\, n:c·C'i\l·d 1111l1c·alt11110., lro111 key cOlll!l'l'Ssnwn that !Ill' St·natl· and llou~1.· \\ 011ld go along \\ 1th ;, largt•r program th;m llll' Ad min1strati11n (1fll•r1.'tl in l'rl':-.idcnl Ford':. hud gt·I for ne't ~ 1..•Jr. Tht• ·avv "l'nl baek to llw clt·;m ing bo(inl and carrw up wiH1 a propos al 1'<11 ahout 100 n1.•\\ ship:.. The new plan \\OUlll l.tke 2nd Degree Murder PLAC ERV I LLE CA P > · Jamc•s Locklear has chang1'd hrs plea from innon·nL to gtulty of second·tkgrcc murder in connC<·· t ion with LhL' IK·hour stL'gt• 1n \\ hirh a hostage W•tS k11le1I •1l LakcT•1ho1:. 38 Given Sabbaticals ... \ tol :-ii of :18 instructors ha\'l' hccn gninlt>tl s nhhat iei.d lt•a\'c rcq1H's ts by t rustees uf the CoJ:.t Curn111 11nity CollC'gc District. 'The board mcmh\•rs \\Olld1.·n ·cl 11 lh1.•r1..• could not IJt• a :-.a,·111gs on llwl l'st imatt• h\ l'L'<Hr :111g 1ng sdwdull•s or· ('omb111111g t•l:rs:-i·-. :-11 :-111111°111'>11 uC'lors \\ould not It.I\ l' lo 1,.• 1 q1l~1n•d 111'1. '\ ~l \I)\)" .11>0111 lour ~ l'.J1 :-lum,.t•r to fulfill :UHi \\IHtld hn11g tlw r\,I\.} to lhl' (l()O.:-.hip l1·vcl hy :.ilJout ltlll!.I. T llE U.S. FLEET h .t'> lwt•n :.t1.·J<.ld~ d1m1111:.h1ng from lhl· \'il'lna m '' ar IH'a k of ~m; ~h111s. Old \'1." .. :-1+ .. han• hL't'n l.11d 1111 l11•t•aus 1.• tlW\ h1•1·a 11w 11)(1 l'llo.,lb tu 01wratt· .111d 111tl.1111111, l11 t11g 11w sharply nsin~ (•onstrut•ltcm l'lls l:-., has limilt•<I tht• J>:l\'l' of llC'W s hip {'Onsl1 lltl1011 for lhl' Nav). Nl•ithl'I' Lhc N:n v nor lhL' lkfrn:..c l>l'partml·nt \,ould cum· tllL'llt on lhl' program, pres1:nlcd hy :\I id1kndorf and llollo\\ ay to l>cpu l~ Dcfl'nsc Scrrll<.iry William Clcmcnli:.. 110 \\'t-:VF.R, SOME :-.our('c•s s:11d lhl· plan n·c1.·I\ l'd a fa, or a bit rc~1Cl10n from Cit· m l'nb. The Na\':v's ""'"' propo!-al must \\ 111 till' appro\'al elf S1•cn·tary of l>1•f('nst• l>onalcl l!um,lt'ld :.iml l'rc·s111!·111 1'11rcl hl'l11rc It t·:in IJt· '-I'll\ to Congrl':-.s. Newport Bc~1ch µlannjng com missiolll'l'S \\ 111 <'Cms1der llw creation or a m ·w zonl' m the> 1·tty.0 th:it would rncludl' ;Jn·as of hb r torical s ig111 f1canc·e or spc·c:~" d1aractcr. Spl'<:il 1c· Slll'S h avt• not h1•t•n 111ckl'J out 1n NC\\ port B\':il'h. h ut nty plan11L·r~ said 11t·oulcl111rnlv1· lul':..ilions s uch as the Haltwa l'J\'1lton. -A public h eartnl:! has been O.,\•I for Mur c h 4 , whe n co111 - m1 ssione r s w i II ht•ar pros a111I cons reg:1rd111~ the new zon~\ Accordm~ to i,en1or {I;Jlllf'1<'r l>av1ct Dmohows k1. the n~"h_Zj)lH' would o nly "be used if rl'(J~tcd h,v tndivillu:.il propl'rly owner'>. DmohO\\l .. kt cxpl:'.lmt•d that pm · rwr1y O\\ nc r:-. \\ 1th1n the: his· torical zon(' "oulrl Ill' l'lig11Jlc for va n ous s late t:.ix breaks. llOW\'\'l'f'. I ht•.\ \\out.I <ilsn Ill' suhJed tu <.icld1twnal n •:.tnc.:l1C111:-.. .'tpurus SI lHj.(lioH · ('a ro I Burn ~tf!ij ·l 1, h a:-. <1IJ:-.ol11ldy r<.'f~Jltu appc..•a1 111 ('Olllllll'l'cial ;i(I\ t·rli!'..lllJ.! \Ill t dc•\'1:-tlOll, l'l'JIOl'll.:c..Jly I'(• t us 111g SI m1ll10n olt L•r from .1 lood tomp;lll). --------- Call 642-5678. Put a few wo rds lo work lot you. Th1rlN'n nll'mhc•rs of thC' C oldl'n \\\•st College f:wult.\' ~mcl la Oran)..!l' Coast Colic·~<' foculL~· mcmht•rs will re· ('t'i\'C the leaVt'S. Some nf lhl' s;1b· balJC'al.s <ll'l' for Olll' M'lllt'.Sl('r Oil rull pay and others ar1..• for t\\'O scml'!'>lt·rs on half pay. T hl'l'<' \\ ;10., ;ibo d1scuss11111 of Ilic 1·1· ('<'111 t':o.l:ihll,flm1·nt tw ttw d1s tnc·t of a Jll'OIC!'iSIOlla l d t•\'(•l1111rn1.·111111sl ti Ult• 111· ~1g1wtl 111 t•nco11r:1gt• fa<'ull~ memhl•rs Io I lll!Jl'll\ c lht• 1 rt' x pt· rt 1:-.l' casual & P.Otio furniture Shops CO'IE TO Ol'H PHE-GH \ \U OP E\l\G OF' Ot'H ~EW MISSI O~ \'IEJO-LA Gl':\.\ l\ICUE L LOCATION :\PPROV.\L 0 F Tll E sahbal1<·ats on .1 ;,.o \'Otc l'am1· ;ift1.•r m11eh d1,c·tto.,s1c111 Till' board \1 ,,.., told 1n an :1clm1111str:1 twn rl'IJOl't lhe sal.Jhall<:als \\<Hild ensl an C"•l tmate d S22H.OOO. or1 I he ha''" that ~ath ICJ\'C \\ ould co:.l ahout S6,0W Lions Clubs THE IJO.\lll) 111\U pn•\·111110.,I\ 111• culc·d !hat up tn $.illO.lllKJ t·1111ld Ill' 'I Will Oil lh,11 1n-.ttl11t1• :1111( \Ill' 11111111 \\.I' mad1.• lh:il llH• o.,a l>h.tt11·ab 1•1111 111 111• p;11d for out 111 that :1mo11nt Las t ~\·ar :!I -..1hh:it11 .il:-. t·11st1111 ~1\)out Sl I I ,000 '' t·r1· ).!I Jllll'd o.,. SPECIALS f: Quake Aid Readied PAGODA SERIE S T\\ o L ions l'I u bi; ;1re t ry111g to ht' IP SC'nd a m1ni- 1·c11H oy of mt•d1eal .sup- phc•s tu Gu<.itemala. The Ornngc Coas t l.inns Club ancl the (.'o<;t:1 l\les a-:--.;ewport 11 arbor L mns Club hil\ e don.1lNI ~111n ea1·h to 1·;1h1n1·1 makl'r Sll'\'e ;\llf•n of ll11nt1nmun l h-at"/1 \1 hn \I 111 lean· Ttll'sd :11· ort ,1 tnp to c_;uatt•m.rl:1·,11th .1 G:.irdcn.1 polict· ofl lt'l't'. Al.I.I-:~ S,\11) 1-'l'lllav h e and P n l it'I' S i.:1'. Hit·harrl :'>lt·l;!.1r '' tll 1·:wh drn 11a1 r11d •. l11.11ll'1h\lth m1.•1hc•;i l ma11•t 1al '"P plll•cl l>v !Ill' vualt•m:1l.1n Jess Unruh Files Innocence Plea llROKF.Rlrk lt\l'J Slate Trra:-url'r .11.'~s l'nruh ha~ plC'adC'd 111no· Ci."nl to a clr11nkrn dn\'lng t'h;.1rge. courl offtC'ials s;11d t'r ida \' Court clt·rk .J<.ic(jul'hlll' Gtlmc•tc• o.,;1111 l 'nruh :-. at- torney. Thom as i\l 1 ll1·r. C'l1tl•rcd the• pll'a for his c I 1 e 11 t ~l o n d a v 1 n \\' .1 ~ h 1 n ~: l on .I 11 ~ t 1 r l' Court A p n •t rt .1 I h1•.1nnl! was schcdull'd tor r.t:irl'l1 :i ;1 OW l 'nruh, a f11rml'r /\' :-it'mhl )' !'-1>£·:ikL•r ;r11d Democratic· r:inclrcl.111· for J!O\'Crnor. was arrc· ... t cd for drunken drl\ 111 1! J :1n 11 nn lnt~·r-.1.dt• Ni .1usl atro -.s lhl' Sarramc•nto I< I\ rr f1 c1111 S:.H·ramenl.11 The' highwav p:tlrol !ii.till Llnruh "~·~ dn\ 111g t•r ratH·.dh ('II P off 1nals .ilso sa11I l'nrnh rl'fused Id tal..1.• a .;nhnC'I) ll'"' UPI Ttlt pl>Oll Tl1e Rt.•tl Bar1•11 J l,111dkr n IC' ('l\,ISOlldian sllll\\~ 111 1 ('ham p1nn .Int'~,· .... HN I J\;11·1111 :1111•1 tht• f..1!,,d:111d lc'l'l ll'I' (l\\IH'd h\ """ \'11·g1111;c 1>1d .. -.on of I.ti 1 lahra "as <'110.,1•11 "hl'!-t 111 shCI\\" al 1 lw 1001 h a111111.1I \\\•sl tl\111'-h'I 1'1•111ll'I l'111'1 ~hll\\ Ill '\l'\\ \Ill J.. l'1\ \ r•111!'.111a11• in Lo .... Ang!'l1•s Ill!' ~.,'illll 111rlf'..; Ir> lhC' quak10.:..tn!'l..1·11 nllfnln . ,\111·11 sarcl th1• c;1n sul.111• \\ ii I 11n1 \ 1clc I he• lllt'tll!'<il :..llp pl11·'· :ip p:1n•nt 1,v h1111gh1 fro111 clon:tl 111ns mafl1· 111 1111' 1·1111,ul;tll'. hul lh.11 lt1• ;ind1 S g t. !'ll•lg,1r 111·1·111-d OIOlll'Y l•l 11<1) for I hi• I twl l \I.I.I-:" S \IU lh1 c·110.,t \\1111111 Ill' ,iholll s11111 ·II cl1•1'1d1•d 111 1·11111.11'1 1111' "''"' H'I' c·h11l' :ind th1•\ ht•lpt•d,' lw ,,11d 1-'1 ul.I\ ·hut '"' :-.ti ll 1t\'1·1l :-;;!t111 mon· · A1 1,.n li n·o; .11 1'.17r.HI C'l;1n•mont L.1111• J l11n1 mJ,!I 1111 lkJrh 111' ph1m1· nu111l11•1· 1s !JfiH i:.!li:! * * * Guateniala AidAsk e<l Thi· F1r,..,t ll apl1 o;I ('11111 I fi 111 ( '11,f ,1 \)lo,,1 \\ 111 lw "'<'d ,10., .1 c 11111·1· 111111 t 1•1111•1 tor .111\0111· \\ 1:-.h111.t.: '" 111111.11<• '•llfl t•lt t·" w· nt11111•\ to .1111, 11 l 11111-. 11! lh1• <:11 .1\1•111.il.111 ";11·•hqu.1k1· I lh•:11·1111 l\,t:-tl .I :t!.!1':11<1 s;11d 111•111-. 1 :1k1•11 111 lh1• 1 !11111 h .11 :1111 \l .1<•n••h.1 St. \\Ill lw 1.1k1·n lo th1.· 111•1 m.11111 1':1ht11 mis s11111:11 ~ 111•11.i1111a11n11 :ii :!0811 I' I :11· 1' 11 t 1.1 ,'\'" l' 11 ' I ,1 \I f' -. .1 I 11 I I r;11i-.11111I.d11111 I 11 I hi' S1•lll h ,\ llll'flt'.111 11:11 Hiii Ho pital To Stage 'Fair' 1\11 • ~:.t rth F :11r ' '"" h!' h1•ltl tod.t\' "'' llt'wrh ;\1:111!11' l'11i1,·;1 h ·sl't•ll0 l 1111'111!.d , l.al!llll.1 I I ill' 111 th.1111\ 'llpp•11 l1•r s of till' hoo., pt I ;ii T lw l.11r 111w11 to t h1' flllhlll'. \\Ill ht• h 1•ld hl'I\\ 1•1•11 I :111 .ind :1 :111 p rn .11 1111· 1111,r111.11 1111 :! I If>:!\ 1,1 E 'I' ;ida \11111111: lh1• .11trad11111s :ire• .1 111111 c·uh .ind d11111 p.11111•1· t 111111 I .11111 (.'oun t r ' S .t ( .1 r 1 • .1 pt•rl nrm:1n1·c· h v l ht• l.aJ!l1t1.1 (':i11\·0 11 H1<l111i.: l'luh .• 1 do,.: 11h1•ll 11:11c•\• n· la\' shm\ .• 111<1 i.: \ 11Hia:-.h fr;)nl I .:igun,t lk.tt·h 1 ligh Srl11l11I Thi• l'Olt'l I .llltllH'lll Ill rltuh•o., ,t u·n·m11111:il In 1ll.1n 1l.1n r <'. l.1·1:-11n• \\'11rJd ' d1l\I II I l'llllJll'. ;1111) \I is.;11>11 \ lt'lll ll1i.:ll !->••1111111 ' • Sp1111 11( iii m11:..1t 1.111', by Poc1f1c Rollo" 30" Arlila FIRE CONE White Only UST S?99 00 sggoo CASH & CARRY 36" Avo1lable 511yh•Jy lf1n•wr SAVE 40'. ro so•, ft •I •• • ,), '"I 1 1 t•lfl .t, 1•11< lo •111·1• .. •• 1 J 1 1111 I 111011• I I•\ j, -•lh 4 •tit I 1,., s17995 1 I I 11 I I• 1 ho 1 •••••. 11 ·~ ·-·1:-;rll .·,h~\ff\ .... . ~. Dl l\EH'~ DELIGHT 11~ TABLE & 4 CHAIRS~ r.~~ .. :..~, }~~~!~: .. )"' ';:\ \'?~-··I'•-, • ' t" I HC>o"y co,t olum1nurn .. , \,_~;fr:~ ... :_·-· ,-~.,:-; / •""' White fin1)h, I '/, 1 .. ". ·' •• ~l)J L •),!, 1 : J .. ( r ~I I II I' / \ .• ·'--J .: • 1~ $249 \~:.~:·:(:·::; 1'(\/.! \~~.·· ~:·:::.-'.;<I I I ' t. > '• , <> ) l \: ...ii ""' by Woodard d:?" heavy wrovqhl iron tromc•· lcmpr•c>d glo'' t op, dclv•c tv\h1on1 "' lrmon pr1nl, o nd onhqvl' whit(' l ist For $329.00 DIRECTOR'S CHAI~ $16 88 Hordwood frame. U S. Made. NO RUST CA ~T ALUMINUM 4? Round toblC' and 4 matching choir~ TcmpNl'd gloss. Reg. Value $349.95 ONLY$229 95 .. " I I llO t U"': 01'1•;'\ O \11.\ 11::.0 lo(> p .111. • FHll> \ \ •)::to 11• '' 1•.m . • ~• '\H \ Y I Cl I<•:; p .m . \ t -... ~ ;.~: '\(. 'c ~I• ttr\mnrr~ WAREHOUSE '..>·/~: ·:.\ ... "1,./ ~ "-OUTLET ·y· f :!Cl I \\'.Cit \I'" \ ~ • ;;:~:!o<, i '> I 01'1 N TO THf PURllC' ---1---- ~a11ta ~110 17:!.} \. \1 \I'\• :i l :\oH:! I :~ QCo»to Jflcso 1 :-0<1 '\t·:\\ 1'111t r BL\ n. .. --..... _f (1 i:; 0 :! If)() , . ,... 6 ( __ -C_o_m_m_e_nt_P_a_g_e_J Re~g-an's $90 Billion Plan Makes Worthwhile Debate By DONALl> Lt\MBRO VnllH p,.., lnltt,_,11.,..1 WASlllNGTON --lf Honald Reagan's S90·billion plan nc- comphshes lilllc C'lsc, it 1s fore· inl! a much-need ed dcbak ovc:r how big lhe American penplc n:· ully "anl the ir govcrnrncnt lo tJ<'l'<J me. Th;Jt rna y be the most impor. tanl pol1tic:.tl question Ame ricans face in this ba•cnlt'nnia l .rear. when President Ford's proje1·ted S395·b1lhon budgl'l 1s expected to soar well ove1· S.100 billion. The former California gov- crno1· has put together :.i con. lro\'l'rs1al lii.l of progrt.1ms lw :. a \. s l' o u I cl b c r u n m o r l' respons1\'cly and mon· r hl.'a pl) by t he s t ates 1r they a l:so \\'l'I'\! g1\'en the federally pre-empted tax sources to rund them. Reagan's pl~in ii-to abolish or tr;rn~rer to s ta\1•-; :.mne S90 l>illioil in programs, th us rutting fede ral s pending by roughly 25 percent· and to use the money to r educe thE' federal dt:bt and lo,yc r federal Laxes by an average 2J perct>nt. T llF. O\'ERAU . plan has b('cn attacl.ed as rJdl<'al a nd IO · humnnl'. Tht' t•hlt11'I\' \\Ould h(• "thrown 011t 1nlo the.snow," one pollti<.•o warned. RO NALD REAGAN Ilul upon clo<;cr e-..:amination. one finds mcrit 1n m any of lkag;.in ·s proposals. For examplC'. h e would require military p1•rsonnl'I to conlnhute lo lhc11· relirl'nh'nl fund, .1:, other government workers mus t do. Savings: S2 b1l1Jon. He \\ ould te rminate the Law enforcemt'Ol As-;1:,tun<'C AcJ ministration, which a lmdg<.'t of. rice s tudy :.aid has wasted lax· payers·· m on ey. S:.iving:.· St billion. Ile would end wh:1t remains of the five·)l'UI', SJu 2 bllhon n·· vcnuc-shanng nrogr;irn. which h as given mom•y to :18,000 local govcrnme1)ts u llh ough many have budget surplusc:.. Savmg:.. SG.3 billion. lie would ~1 bolish the old an· tipoverty C111nmun1ty Action Program, \\'l11d1 St•n. /\hr<1ham H1bitoff (I) Conn 1. a formt·r· :-.u11porter, now rvnl L·:.:-l·:-. "as led money. llE WOULD r equire 3 raise in posta~e r ates tu erase the post al service's ht•a vy annual dehts, while endinl{ its monopoly over lcll1•r ddi \'ery so pn vatc carriers cou ld 1uovide lowl'r-cost ::ill C'rnati Vt' S<'rv ll't•s. lie would end rc·dl'l':ll :.ubsidics to airlines hy lt•ltinJ! tho:-.t• who Oy pay the cost of :11r 1r:1fl u· t:on- trollers and olhl'r :.t'I \ tl't•s. thus making othrr. lt1\\1·r 1•1wrg\. consu 1t1 m g 111111ll·~ nl lnin:::.µort':i· lion more tom pct 111 Vl'. lie would tra ns fer to states other programs, including food stamps. welfa re assistance and student loans, which are among the mos t w a s te ful in gover n· ment. HEW says we wai3'1 billion a nnua lly on we lfa re payments. i''ood sta m p errors and waste total over S800 million. Student loans progr ams have lost over Sl b11lion . according to a Senat1; subcommittee. /\LL 0 F THIS shows ma ny or t hese prog ram s m ay not be worth continuing, and those that MC s un·lv could be run no worse by the st.it.cs. There has been much t alk lak- ly in Washtngton among liberals and conser vatives about reduc· ing lht· size of ~overnment and lhc fcder<.1 1 budgl'l. Until now. nu one has come up with a plan to do il. Not all R eagan's propos als - intended to be imple me nted gradually over many years - may be fras1ble . n ut he has ignit- l'd a hvely debate O\!Cr programs th.it rarely have bel'n challen~ed in Coni?r c•ss, questioning whether \\C need ;ill t he federa l programs people in Was hington say \\C do. t Sprawl Perils State Farmlands i By THOMASD. £LIA.' r With Californ ia farm lands be· in~ converted to s ubdivisions and shopprn~ cC'ntc rs al a r :1tc of abt111t 20.000 to :l0,000 acrl's per year. i t 's not likely that agrieul\ ure -t he st~1tc's largl.'..,l indu~t ry -will be devl'lopcd 111lo 01Jh\'1on soon. But the Sll'ady sprcatl of <IC'· ,·elopment does rnsure Lhat less and Jess rarming Wiii b<:' done near 11rhan :.ircas and th<1t urhan spra\\ I uf the Los Angeles vuncly will also spread unless someon e stops 1t. Pressure for urban sprawl is m os t in tense today in the Southern Ca lifornia suburba n counties or Ventura and Orange, northern San D1C'go County amt eas tern Alametb County nc.·.ir theS:1n Francisco 0.iy. Dt'Vl'lopers apµan•ntly fear that Dl•rnocratie A:-;s<'mblvman Charles \\'arren of Lo~ Angelt·-; m1 1?hl be the m :.in to hall tho~c prl's:::.11rcs. /\ Wurren l.1111 d1'- s1gned to protect Californ1a's 12 million prime a~nrnllural acres from rurlher encroachment by build('!'!> has now de.::ircd the Ai.· sembly. TllE ME ASURE did so only on the narrowest poss1hle mar~1n, 11 ·3b. l(C'tl1ng a one \lltl' tn<•J<Jnty last m11nth 1n the IO\\Cr house. wh1 1'11 '" J.!l·nc·rall\' mon· et<1logy. m1nrl1•!1 than thl' :-talc Sl'n<tl<' \\ht•n• lhe lull J!Ol'"-IW'<l. 1\n ;1ccur~te ml•3:.ure of how mud1 d e' l·lop(•r.!i ancl lar1.:1· f<JrmC'r-; who p rnfrt from sl'll111g off lanrl to huildt'r :. f(•ar the War· r<.•n bill" a:-I hl'll' '-llPPOr1 for a rt• la\1q•I\ unhl·rnllll-ll hill thnl cll':tl'l'rl lh<' ~C'n.1\ f' Jllsl hdon• Warn·n's passed th1• 1\-;-;C'mhlv Tl11s on1• woultl rl'flUlrl' rl'im· bur-,rmenl nf J.1ncltl\\ nerc; who arc prt'\'l'ntC'll from d1·' t•lop111~ proper !~ dt•C'mt•fl to h1· 11( ··cn11t'<tl .•• en\ 1ronm1•111al 1•11n c<·rn ' f:\'t'n thou~ h I hr rt'J m hursr m e111 hill s111rn ... 11n·rl hy RC'puhlil'an l l(1ward \Va\ of "~' Pll'r. J hll\~t 11111• ha1•k1•r of l.irJ,:1• ; aJ?racullure's mlcrcsts -clearccl the• Sl'nale M'\'l'r:.il d<J\S before Wim ·c:n·s measure gut ~ul of lhe J\sc:cmhly. 1t "a clc;Jrly .i re1'p11n:.c· tn \\' .1rn·n \.\'.1rrt•n's htll \\mild :.C'l up a new .\gritultur:il Hl•sourccs Council to regulate farmland. Loe a l J?o,·crn men ts with mor e than l.f>OO :1cn·s used or 1.0nl'd for farm1og v.ould hJ\'C ll) submit their i::cner<ll plans :ind all lanil· use la\\!> lo Lhl• new council for re· Vil'W . i\~Y ARF.A lt'SS than 20 :ierr» a nd l:iq:cr 1r.1rts alrl·ad~ de vclopC'd for othrr uc;es \.\-ould h<' exempt flut <1 11 large p1e<.•1•s of farmland would ha\e to he i!len· l1f1rd and th1•1 r fol ure ust· fur .my othn purpose would be pro· h1l>1!1'tl. If this sounds a bit s1milnr to !'Om1• of tht' 1'1'g11l.1t11111' in th<.· propos l•fl <..:;1 Ir rorn1J ('(Ja'>tal P\;111. rt 1s no :icndent. \\ .1rren's 11111 w~s 1les1~nrd tn t.IO\'etail with lht' c·o.1stal plan . sin<·c il <·xc·luctcs n1;t,\;1l lancts from the new t•oun· <'II "' Jlll'1'\dic·t1•rns. lll•to.1ils of W.1y·s hill make 1t C'lt·,1r t hat 11 1 ... dl'f1n1tc·ly ;.i res pon~w to hot h t h1.• co.1!>tal plan ;ind W:irrcn·c.; rro110~~1. Supported bv the Agricultural Counnl. the st~\l' Ch.1mhcr of Commer<'t' o.1nd the Callrorn1a :\lanufat'turer ... A:.-.n . rt would nlso call for rt'<;trirt1\'e l;1nd-usc n •i:ulat1on ... llul :in,,11n .. \\hose land was cuven·d hy sudl rcstriC· trons would hl· eum11,·11,,1ltd for i l. While W:"' 1lrc;cnl>1•d h" pro- posal a :. lht· lit·).!1nr1111).! of st;1tt•wid1• land llsl' pla11111n~ •n Californ1:.i.' · c11ns1·rv.1t10111st!'> \ ll'V. l'd 1l ;1:; .1 r>11ll'nt1.ll 1h ... ;istcr. ··Thi-; \\ uulrl htt•rallv l•lrpedo proj!rt'SS ·"" \\ ,. h.I\ I' I ltn1l• l•) J..1111\\ 11. · :;.wt Hl'puhlw.in Sen. l'c·lcr RehrofTibu/'1111 TRYING TO m.11-.1• 1·11mpcn'iJ · lion to l.111tl11 \\ 1111 :-\\11Uld b:.mkrupt lhl· sl all'. h1• ·,:11d '" un.v le1w th:tt purpw i:. lo 'J\l.' op<>n I.ind In 1111.., mt.,HI ... 1s 1m pr:lrlll'al '-llH'C 1\ nnild llt'\l'r lH' 1mplenw1l\1•tl i\:c,·t·rllwll'S!', \\'a\' 'hill c;cem ... li kt•l\ to ht• ,1 s111•n•ssf11I l'l>Ull IC'rpi1'1\' 111 \\ .ir-r<•n ' \\'hill· tlwrc is no l'lianc1• 1 h.11 \\ .1) s me;t!>urc \\Ill ('\'CTI tll•.ir l'r1m1111lh'P m lht• J\ssc·mbl\•. lht•2:> 7 !s!'n.111· ~olt•on 1\ presage•:-rough :-.lt•ddtng. for Warren·s m11ch tou~l1t•r hill Th<' om• 1mp11ncl1·rahlt· 111 this Np1:1tion 1s tilt' impart nf Go\'. Edmuntl <; Br1)\\ n .Jr :. "' 11\H.•d llltt'rt'Sl In pr1':-0l'I'\ Hll.! r.irntlaruls lie did nothing fnr \\'atr.·n ~ lllll in Lhc A.c;scrnhl\·. hul 111.11 \\ a ... 11 l ncC<.''>s;.iry for pC1s-.,1i.:1• 1 lls '"fl· port IS th1• on).\ r<.11'l1Jr lh,11 1 llU)cJ possihlv win ~1·natl' !>1Jf1J1011 fur 1t a nd eve n that is very doubtful. Yet. Warren h as a lready :ic· com plis h e d somet hin i:: h y \'alhng attention to the d\\ mrtl- 111~ ai.:neullural aneage Law'> with J S wide an impact as this one t·oulJ ha''<' frC'qucnlly rt· marnl•d in t he Le~J~l :.iturc for !>l'veral years before pass:i~e. Thou~h they seem r adical at fi rst. thcy gr adually v.in uccep tanC'e t here. The state·s new lt.1ws on homosexual beha vior and m ariJu<1na are prime examples of Lh1s phenome non. This wor ry, rather than a fear or imme dia te p a ssage, was clearly the rea son for developer backin~ of W ay's bill, which very precisely spotlights their poinl of \"ICW. i ,_ ____________________________________________________ ..._,, On Postage: Five Cents For Storage By H ERB CAEN SAN F RANCISCO -T o publicize it s great new com. puter. named Adam, the J ohn Peers Co. of M ilten Road In n ul'lingame h as produced a full color brochure showing, 011 the covN. a naked blonde g irl seated at the console and eating an apple. You get it, of course: Adam , the first of its kind. and E ve. Also getting it, in the form o f complaints . is J ohn Peers , who sounds like Lhe kind of jolly fellow who enjoys peering :it toothsom e. blondes. The first outraged screams came from the joy. less No.it '! Or ganizat ion for Women. follow('d by protests from po t cnti~1 l J\cl a m (•ustom0r~ in lhc M idwcstC'rn and South<.•rn Bible lk'lts. 1Jro· testlll(! .. this g ro:,s and <.lh· :-.ccnc Ii bel on th e Bible." to (fUotc out one. T he $5,000 hroch urc is be ing wilhdrawn, to bC' rl'pla<.'cd by one wilhout rcmalc· (H'rs on , naked u r otherwise. T his makes the worlct a bette r place in which to h ve,Ja? INSID E O UT : M aur i ce Fitti;:l'ralci. P r of. of Englis h at College of S'Mateo, will prob;rh ly r un :iguinst Congr. Leo J1y:rn m June "bcc:.iuse som <'hody ha.; to bury Lhis J!UY." F1t2gcrald, who live~ Ill :.\~ lls h ll1llsboro11gh, is abo head of the (iruvcchggcrs l:n1on 1 look. would l m ake these thmi.:s up?) ... Scot t Prcnch's fat IJoo k, "The U1i; Brother Game" -all about bugging. wiretapping. taihn~, :.urr<·1n1tio1.,:; cnt ry, etc .• and put out by S .F.'s Gnu Puhh.,h1ng Co · is off to a fa,\ 't.•rl Copies have hecn ordt'rl'd hy the FBl. CIA . Tn•asurv Dept., Sc\'l'tal Lus \'eg.1 ... l'a'\inos. ~nd -the H11 ,~1.tn Emlla~~Y. "hich has l>ouJ.!hl llirt•l' .. SF:f.l\l)RO '.\H ;: l\l Trader \'i1"s. h1 ... f•'ll'l.Jll! adlrcrs k I' p I I r 0 ti p 1 ll ~ ft V c ( I> Dc,1gnt•r Bill Ulass' t le lo lrarie pC'cks on the check, s o "'he n yet <i noth cr flower- print·c lad body bent over him. he· dut1rullv kissed the rhl'ek thereof -·and let out 3 yowl heard a ll the way lo Un io~q u r e . Pos s ibl e he adh c has event: Bill Blass sses B usboy! .••. Rona ld Reagan has turned 65 and now is eligible for all those socia l b e n efits he deplores .•• JOURNALIST Shana Alex- ander . here to cover the P atty Hearst trial for Newsday. is al the Grosven or· Towe rt·. w here her ne ighbors include J oe Alio t o, ba n ished by Angelina from t heir Pres idio Ave. mans ion ; J oe sacks out in his son John's t hree-room apt.. J ohn being in the Middle East. FILE & FORGET : Cathe rine Sang notes that Pr es. F ord's n e w bud get shows a cut in funds for earth· quake researc h . and wonders if h e's punis hin g us for Ronald R ea gan <y<'s) .•. Let· ter in the Mill Valley Record : "Last week the Mill Valley Hefuse emptie t.I only one or m y two garbage cans ~o th1:. wee k I put out a note for the m : •Pl eas e take bolh cans.' They did." ... On Van Ness, Sam M eblin found himself driving a longside a n or ange Honda containing a young couple. both vigorously brushing the ir teeth wilh bat· t ery jobs. and he has been worr y 1 n~ ever since: "I me an. when~. in a Honda C1v1c, do you spit'? AS A native of the Cam<>lha City. it grieves me to reveal why so m a ny of the Gov· emor 's top a ides arc quittinc to return to t he Bay Area, with m ore resignations on the way. The reason is -gulp - Sacramento. "No social life," s ays on e. "No scene, no nothing. We work all hours of the day and night because ther e isn 't anothe r blessed lhlng to do. •• · ConcoPr:i4 .... .. A JUST COURT? I Thr A"n<;atrd I'm< ll••t ,, '""•• too murh o" T wo cliolars Say It Relies on Sociology, Not Law t \"A~l ll ''<··i·c>N C 1. r 1• SOl'1olog1c:al rath er than leg.ii "' ., .~ ' ' 1 ins:: 11 data m~s t hat :-.tru1·k down :.t~lc abor· "This lattr•r comment ctis plays lion laws. :.i :.tud.\ or Suprt'"1 l' a cll.'prC'SSlOI! lack nf knowledge Court ci{'t'ISIOn m.1km~ :-•• ~ ... lhl• or ht)\\ cnurts. 111dutl1 nl! the. court ~omct 1 m 1'' ':ing<'" '-O far Supr1•me Court . h.t\<' ,1lways <.1d· afil'ld for mform.ttum th•1l 1l fail~ t•ll .. they" rtli• toc1c;1I f:nrly. . . Jn.,tea d , 1ht'lr <·rilieism is Tht• ('011Clusrnn IS part or :l a1mrd nt thl• ".1 ~ Ill \dll('h lhe paper by .'"'0 l;iv. prn~cc;sorc; ~•l <'our1 obt.11ns llll' informJt1on 1t Georl!e \\ .1sh1n~to11 I n1vc·rc.1tv hl'rt'. Arthur Sc-lwvn ~lrlll'r ;i rul Je rome 1-\. B;1rron. \\h1d1 h.1.., been published by the \'irgm1a L:iw Rev1t'W. :'\l 1ll<'r ;ind Rarron a ri::111• that the tU!'l1crs ton 11ftt·n ba:.t· 1 ht•1 r dec1i.ions on rnrormat1on thal has not hcen tcs t('d 1n luw~·r 1•ourb ·'Tht•\ t•un anct do roam f<1r afield, ,'1pparl'nlly sl·let'l 11111 (.11·ts and J:iw to huttr1" rh r Pl• existing pos rt1on,.,· 1ltt .111th111" .sa y "THOSE WllO ltht· . arc not ::\CCllrdl'd th1•11 ·rt.n 1n r1111rl ' that 1s basic lo f:i irness · The two· prof<.·~'or~ s;w I hey <.•re not echo in,.: 1 h(• \ 11•w of som<' congress1onal cr1t1cs of the court As <''(:t mples, th<'~' ('1lr twn dt• l'i"tllnS 111 1073 invalirJatln!! s tate l:I\\ .... 1).!a 10:.I It h<•rt 1110:. and in l'l6it ,, d1•,·1 ... 11111h111.11l<•n1n1: th" nrot('t' t1on 11f tht· n<'"., nwch:i UJ.:JIO!'l IJht•l '-lll\S by puhhc of£1r1;tls "Tht' particular forts of the ahorl1nn casl'S were a maL· tc•r nf almost no concC'rn" 111 the 111sl1t'""· lhl' prof('ssors write rhl'' t'Olltc>nd the• l:l\\'\t'IS 111 lht• l':l"l:S. "by :1 t·t1 n~ hkt• couns t>I bdor'' a lrJ,?1slat1 ve comm1ttet' "<'re. 1n t•frN·I. :i..,km)! the Suprt-me Court to m;1kt• new <>o 1;11 poltc' r.tlh<'r lhan tn rufl.' 1n :H·cord:1ne1• w 11 h 'tlw la\\ ... <1 1 I n s I :r (I (. l' • l h l' y ~ a ~ • v.ome n·s rii:htc; j:lro11J)" :1rs:u<'<I that public ~ind proft· ... '>1on.il op1· n 1 o n w 1· r <' bl' h 1 n ti rn Cl r l' pcrmissi"e a hnrt ion laws "That 1:; rcn lly lohh~ 1n~ the court." sa\ ~lllll'r and Barron. Th<'r a·,._., tlul'stion J 11s tiC'c Il:irry·i\ Hlac krnun's trc.>Mmt•nt, in hr~ ftp1111on , 111 I hr reasons fnr 191 h CPnl urv sl .itc l:rn ' m:.iking .1bortion a ,. n rn l'. "llF. AfTt·:r TEO th<' 111t·a th:•t the I a ws \\ 1•r,· r 11 r t ht• nroh'l'l 1111111f t he lwulth 01 "1111w11. ;i.; .1i.:.11n~1 II\\' ;1rgurrw11t Lh.11 lht' \\t•ri• l<> protl'<'I 1111h11rn c·l11hlll·n · lht•\ \Hill'. "llv ~u mm/inl.v r<•11•1'lt111\ th<' :ir1rnm t'lll 1 h;il ll!l'M' l.m ' Wl'l'I' ln<lt'l t•d for l IH' p11rp11.;t• Of proll•rt1n~ tlw ft•111 ... Hl :ll'kmun ma<ll' it 111•t·1'''·11 ,. th.it tlw ;1uthontll'' ht 1•1lt•d for h1-. con rlll'>IOTIS ht'11•stt•tJ ' The ;1horti11n dec1sinn:. h:i"c b<'cn 1111M1{'rt's~full~ t•hnll<'n1.wct in lt>wC'r <'Ou rt:. on 1· rnundc; that lhc JU~(J C('4' 11:->\'d lli:tCt'Ur jt(' material on this '"su<' S1m1lnrh 111 lh1• Hl"'1 llhel case. the "~t•cll.' ar).:U\'~ ~1 ·.!>tun ning alteration of the American law of libel wns genera ted " at l<'ast in part by a lawyer 's his· torieal paralle l with government action af?ainst political oppo. nents unde r t he 19th century Alien a nd Sedit ion Law. Rut it s ays the a uthenticity of historical text s cit <'d hy Herbert Wechsler . who r epresented the New York Times in t he case. was "nowhere s u bjected to critical C'<am1n:it ion b y opposi n ~ counsel." "Historical t exts which miJ?ht nol bc pt' r m illed to be introduced in <'V1dc n cc at t rial for any purpose thus ar e pcrmiltcd to create a n illusion of authority a nd authe nticity before the Supreme Court." Miller and Bar. ron write. WC'chsle r, who is a professor constitullonal lnw al Colum bia l 'nivers1tv. said in New York t hat he ha<t read the Miller . Barron pnper in draft form nnd considered it "not only inac· curote, but intem perate and in· nm1petent." • The professors conclude that "a pr O('C'Sc; o f s u btle a n d soph ist 1c-ated joint policy. makin~" i!> c;1rricd on by the justices a n d a corps or ex· pcrienced lawyers who practice regularly before the h.i~h court. RE•'ERRING to the libel case, which arose in Alobam a. they ndd: "The s ubtle cues may not tx-as readily discovered w hen the advocate 1s an able Al::abam a la wver who.SC' li fe wo rk 1s not ahs.orbl'<I with ever y r a ise<I eyebrow at Supreme Court oral argument · · The two lcg;il scholors s uggest that the court ;idopt some rule to subject s ue h data to scrutiny. either by a lowC'r court, in a con· fe rence before oral a rguments or by a panel of resicte nt social ~ci<.-ntists. "It Ii; In c u mbent upon the j u11tices not to resnrt to blind guesses a bout the d fecl of their decision~ or to an uncrilicnl ac- ccrt ance of d :ata," they con· eluded Ounng the ~ix-month study, which was s upported by a gr ant fr o m the L aw a nd Socio! ScienC'es Progr a m of the Na lional Science F oundation. the writers questioned 175 law and p olitical scie nce professors whose s pecia lly is constitutional Jaw. The write r s did not ,::iv<' their personal opinion on either the abortion or libe l issues. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT The comment 1'101!(' (Ir \h(> O;ii- ly l'llot sl'ck-; In In form .mrt stimulate> rcnd<'rs hy prl''-l'lll in1t a varietv nf ('t1mm1•nt11rv on to111 cs .of 1nte1 e ... t .ind Ml!Oificanc(' (rom tnfornlt'd oh~t·rvcr.:; and 'POk1·~m1·n Robf!n N Wrrd f>u/Jlrtltc.T Thllmo~ Pnl"'r' Commfnl l'ar1c £c11t1Yf Saturday, Feb. 14, 1976 .. .. 111 ~irb and hn) s. . Wel l, our 1976 Valc•ntine Ar t Contl'st i.; over for ;inolhcr y<.•ur :md the winners <.1ppc<Jr on your pai;c Lod~1y. . The judg~·-. n ·;.tlly had a rou)!h t1mesclect1r1 g a Gra nd Pnzc win. l•l'r frflm th<..' mon• than ::!SO l'nl 1-il's n~cct vccl. llONORAULF: !\IF.:\'TIO~ AOC''\ to No1·ll Truu. Debbie and Stwll" Fox. Pam, Barbara, Jill. Thl•rt•:..:1 and Danny Minear. all of llunl ingt o n Be;.ich : Sandy Sm 1t h Susie Hoss. I il'a thcr N1hlo. 0 1.•\ nn Pickup and Cara Milll'r, all ol N ewpor t B eac h ; ;ind U :J\ 1d \\'ing alc , :'Il aria T uckl'r, Barbar;,i and Lee U I N y, J a111t c· Tomt•i. J\lt'~ oml Linu B a1p .... \'s. J o,sll' Fiorda, and l\l aria Stat ll'll. :.ill of Co!>ta :\l esa. .. A ll)O 10 ;\l a r cy P:tl:.ifcrn <if Corona de l l\lar : s usan Tou1ous1· * Grand Prize Winne r * of Stunlon: Oa\'id Thn·adl!old of L a J! u n a n c a c h : t\ m' a 11 d Maria Florda, 13, of 3074 Van Buren, Costa Mesa Carml'lla J\rnold. Cami\ i>oronn and Oiana Gill.>t•rt . allur"Fou11l!l1n Valley: Kim C arril\'. .Jill and Amy Moffat. a nd T:1;· Via. all of Jrvinc: Eric llucg of Da na Point , and DcbbicColmanofl1a lhoa Hung on to your hats boys untl girls . Uncle Len has the mo .... t <'X· citing news o f one of the best n>n- tec;1s evt>r. The "8th Annual Weslern :'\11- tional Roat :ind l\T arinr Show" is ~ponsoring 11111 111•\I .trl n ml1•,1 thrl'llgh :\I .1rc·h Ii Tha l ITl('.111:-. '011 will h.1n · 111 1·1•(• \I 1T !-." to s111;m11 )0111• hl .. .,t <ll':l\1111 ;.: ... t11r 1111' (;r;111<1 1'1'11.l' Th1'l l' 11 tll abc• ii<• "'"<'<1nil and third pl,tc (' 111 111· ... plu .... t1·l·P !J(1;1t .,how t11·"1•t:-. 111 llt111u1.1hlc l\IC'nl1<m l'nlril's . 1\ll you ha\'l' tn do is d raw boats sa tlllo:1ts, molor bo at.,, cruiser s , yal'11ts , catamaran ..... schooners ... ~·uu na ml' it and or aw it. Enter as many l1ml'S as ~011 wish The m or l' you <'ntcr, lhl• lwl · te r chance• y OU ha\ l' of JUdJ.!l'S selecting your e ntry. Next "<.'t'k I :n e lt' lA·ll 11 ill a11 noum·c all Lht• p l'lll'." a ncl lh1·.' .111· tre ml'IHlous t ·n1 ti 1 lh'n 111.1\ t:'ach anrl l'\ l'l',V o il(' h.I\ 1· 1hl'1lI1, very bes t of l'H'I") thizi;.: Cheryl Conrad, 12, of 10211 Meredith Drive. Huntingt!>n Beach (" Letters From Ellie (Ct 1,1• JU ft E Ht-r-4 Dear Ellie, Dear Ellie , \\'hy are some animals albinos and otht•ri. not'! I wa.; \Hrntl.-rin ~ \\hich animal has thl• lon~ri.t ~f>stat iun period.'" ii lh1· t'lt•phant'.' What causei. this~ :\tar!-K . T.11 . Dea r Mark. D1•a1 I' 11 Th<.' cht'm if'al suhstancC's "hk h 1 l'fl1·ct 1trh1 \'c•.,, 1oll an• rntTN't ,\.., f.11 a:-. "t' know. lhc· deph:111t h.•· tlw 11•11>1'"' p1r..:11.11H' 1>1 i.:1· ... 1.it11111 "''r1t11l r h1..; 111111· t111 t1·1" \\111< h .1011111 • rn.im111.1l!o, hul th•· l11ll11\\lll)' .111•l(•lll<1t1\d,\ c·1111c•c·t Plc·ph.1nl. :?ll lo 2'.I rn nnth". r h11101·1•1 n' IH 111011lhs. ,t.:l ral II', 15 month .... "ha 11•-. 11 mnnt 11 m•1'"'" 8 m1111t "". dt•1·1 . i m1111th..; \011111;.: 1tn111P-.111 .1111111.ih. t h1" 111111· '" rayo; and which w(• c.111 C()(ur arr ~-1 correctly kno" n as '"p1gm1·nh .. r { ~. from thl' Latin worrl me~ming •, l •·to paint " Among lhc mo::.t .. "1clesprcad of thC' animal p1~· m l'nt s arc t h o~e c alled "mcl:inms" which arc responsi- ble for a 11 l he blacks . hrowns usu.rlh '''I"''" .1 d 111 11.11 ho1 "'· :1'.!'.! lu :11:1 "·" · rall k. ;!';"< t11 :»<.". "·"" i.:11,11 .ind t-.lll'•'P 111, 111 1;,:J da~ .. dor Ii'.! 111 1,H d,I\~. l';tl, 55 to G:I d ;11., Th·· and grays. A complete lat'k of llii;;; the body's capa cit~· Lo produt·c "melanin" r esult!-111 albinism . ~ifJO!it.o shnrll· ... t 1w1111d 11l prt•).!1).111n crn•s tn lht•11po ...... 11m 1 1 ~ or l:l d.1\"t Hut h1·1 ....... 1111lw<.1'1'tJl .tll mar ... 11p1~1 h. lhl'"' m11.,1 <11111 111m 1ta1•11 dl•\t•l11pr111•nt 111 tlw ft·m.rl('" p<111t h. Hur th•• !-11 nan ham-.u·r run' .11•ln'>1· s1•cond. pr<1d 11r111).! \\di 1l1·\1•lo1H ti ~oung 111 IHI(\ 11 ii ,t \ ... Tl11s can occur in a ny spt·c·it.>!' liul is m ost common rn "hill' r ;.ibbsl!>, r:.ils ~111d m11•1· \\ ilh pink or reddish •'Yl'" A b1c1log1cal error 1s rcsp1111s1hl<' for all alhinn~. the 1ndi\'idual is horn without lhc cnzymr· I hat pro rluces p1gm l'nls ,\~a rt•,ult. th1• hair appcar!\ "hilt', a11rl the !>kin an cl C\ "'· alsn .l!'t 11.ill\ ··c.,1lurl(•,.," .1n· pmk or n·dch'-h het.1uM 11r hlood '(''"('(' "h11·h ~ht•\\ through the t1ss.ut''- 1\~~\\ EH TO l .. \ST Wf.;Ef\'S <H 'EST IO:\: Is t h~ d1nLo a n.1 \t\l' 11f .\11..,t rali ~i . a nd 1:-. it u mar.,u111.tl"' Tl"• 11111:.:11 lwlonJ.!m J.! lo tht> <loJ.! fa m11' I' not n.111,,· tn \11-.1r.1h:i hut \\a' l111111i:ht lh1·n 11 om \:-.ia 11\ ~101w 1\J.!l' \1;111 .dmul xooo )hlr" .1~·11 11 1,; n11l .1 mar ... 11111al Wh1ll' .in1111;il..; \\l\h da rk C•\'1•<; .1ra· mil :ilh1no-;, <inrl man~ t\n 111· :1111111.tl., c·,d1.tni:c th1·1 1 ti.irk ~11111 m er fur or r..-.ithC't'!' ti11 ,\111t• \\hie h ,,111 hdp ('nn ct•j J I hem\\ h11n the grn11nd 1s c-<1\ 1·n ·d "11 h .... 11t1\\ Qt EST10 :...: \\'h, 1., 11w 1·111,\n or 1h11111" ~1.trli'lt "UC'h a lllll.,,llll"l"' HE \l>ER". '\1•nd :1111m.1l q111· ... t 111n" 111 Fl .I IE. 1· o or T iii' 1);1!1\ l'llPI I' I l Bo\ 1;11il). t"11~t.1 :'111 • .. t. 't:.!ti:.!t; ""'"' .. ftd• ~ <omplet~ ro.volu""' "'' ol CM Merit SttJdtnh Cr1cyc1ootel1"' to l.Aur• M .. nctll, ..-11, ot l .tnwr. \ C • for "er ql.te'\hOn. WHAT IS A DEVILl-'l~lf'! This qu<'slwn gan· i\ndy <111111• a had t ime wh<'n tw ~;11 dO\\n to <Jnswcr it. Nill he <·a11s<' h1· 1hdn"t know lhe :tn'\\\ t'r <1u11l· th1· op J>O."ll<'. Thi,.. l1m<' Andy kill'\\ a IHl too much. II<" knew thal llwn• an• two animals living in thl' orcan commonly railed a clrvilfish Anrl exnc·tly wh1t'h <lcvillillh to write about was the problem. \\'hen m e n first bc~an studyin~ an imals in a c;c ientif1c· way. nne of the firc;t t hings tht'y c·on sidered w <1 s p l ac111g them 1n some sort of ordt'r. /\ hat. for c·11 .. am 1llc, niC's thr ouJ?h llw air with the J?rcatest of case but thi-. doesn't ncccssanlv ma k<' him .1 bird And the 111 tl'itigt'nt dolphin live!\ 111 the <H·t•atl ;11111 can ~\\Im with speed n11rl graN'. hut that st ill rl(1esn·t m a kl' him .1 fish TllE i\Nl:\1 AL kingclnm ,., srpnratcrl In to :w or mor{' phyln. On C' of tht'S <' 1s t h<' phy lum Chordata. or lht' antmab with a backh<>ne. In f11 rlhcr d1v1s1ons of this phylum Wl' ll1l'cl nur first dC'· vilfish -t h<.' m :tnt:t rav Hc's n la rf:C flatt1,...h fclltm . ,,.,· mlll'h as 22 feet acrO!lS an<I 'H'IJZhm~ up to 3.500 pounds. HE.' M't•m s tCl fl y throu~h lht' o rrun on huge, w1nJ:likl' fin" 1\ It hough t\1• m•l!hl Al\t' )OU <]tlltl• l1 s tart1r >OU \\\'1(' to meet him face to fart:, h<' is r, •. l·:ll 11· ally a rath<'r l?<'nll<' J?rnnt. An<1 s inct' hr onlv t•a ls sm:lil m :1nnr· animal:::, yo~1 \\OUldn 1 i,,. 1111 ht., 111('1\U Our ·'f'('tllHI <t1•\•rlf1<,lt lh1 (JI" toru". be Jo1q.~s t 11 the 1\1oll11'-f.. phylum Th1 ... l.11 1!1' i;11111p 111 cludt•" thl' ,n,111". "llll'"· c-1.im., oysll·r .... and l lw c11·111p11s It " no wontl<.•r tlw oclupu" i.... 1·alh•d :1 tl1• ''ilfis h ht• rrally look' tlw;1a1 t \\'1th eight Joni! a rms and h \O e)'<'S b11lg1nJ! o\1t from .1top h1" head , ht' look~ m u<'h f tl'rc'('l" lh;in ht' rt'ully is 1\llhot1g h both th<' mant.1 1.1\ and th<• <lt'\tlJlll' ,er'' <'.1tlrd d1• vii fish . 11 1!'1 a 11 a nw t h;1t nl'il lw r of thrm dcst'I \ 11._ I· 111 1 lw mu~.\ p:irt th<'' ~1rl' J.'••nllt• 111:il111L'" and i;l'ltl Hll \ml h\ r m..in unli• , thcy nrC' holh11r<'cl f1r '>I •~' Wnd' ~ 1 ttoh.1~ ,_,of Choe Cf"otu<fe1 of M•m t• to Orne~" H.1ynl•. 49" I. 01 0.<•luf', G.I , tcw Mr qu•\t1on llOW UOES \ (tl'E E~ llEE RF:COME ,\ Ol'f:E~'! A. t·ol1my of h11~:r huu.111f.! hl'l's <'a n ha v1• as m :inv :t'-611.noo m<'m· lwr!-. 1!111 11 ''ii I 1111\ 1• 11111\ ont' q11t•Pn Shl' 1-. I .1rgr r ancl · morr "'Jll'<'I a l Iv r q u 1 pp~:tl I han lhl• \\ 01 kl•l'S .rnti ti rnm:s. :ind hrr ,, ... ~ 1 1111~rt.in1 1ol• I" It) l.11 th1• 1•gg., lur th .. •·rn11rr• hnt• In uni· d.1.' sh1• m ay l;i y 1111 to a tlwus.mcl f'/.?).!'i. :ind <lurini: her f1vr·rc11r lift• -.p ;111 "hl' m 1~ht prodm·r <• \\hop pin!! 2 m 1 llu111 n ur 111yJI fll H'<'n secretes :i ~ub· ~ta 11r1• t h <1t r c :i ssu H·s the \\ nrk ,........ ur lwr Jll~!-cnrl' The ;ih..;t•nt•c of this sccr('lion trlls the ""1 k c•rs they m ust prrrrnrr i-11t·1•1:al <'<'Its 111 lhc comh fnr a l\('\1 q11C'l·n . The wnrkrrs l1rt'l1•ss- h 11m 11 1-;l1 thl' Ian :.1or1h1• 1•ro\\ 111g c1111•1•n \1 1th 1•\lr:a11111 1111011~ fnrnl .11111 !-I'< n·t 1n11s Wh1•11 ,...hl' is n•.111~-. llw hr;111d 11r11 <111ct•n cut.; lll'r \\<JV out or )lf'r c:dt und lx>i?ino; lw r 1 t•1i:n If b1 c hance ;mother qu(•cn Ii.ts <•11rH.•arNf .11 lht• snnw 111111.'. Cllll' mus ( kill th<' otht'r hdo n• harmony 011 the hive 1s I l'"lor1•<1 I Do ~ ou h ;n t• n flllt'~llon to ~ K ,\~))\ ~ SNacl It o n " pOl't c11 rd with ~our na mt'. ag1• :w d t'omplc-k ac1· tlr•""''" \Sf\ \~OY ln t':lfl'Orthl'I nt>"«papn. FntriP'I Opt.'n to ~irb anc1 ho) s 7 to 17.) Students Learn Free Enterprise TACO MA. Wush <APJ -Tax <'Ollector Kent G 1bson. 12. has more mon~·y than anyone else in lhe min isoc1cty of "Jasonville." That 's prob ably because no one cls l' understa nds Lhe in t ricacics of J as onville'::. la\ for·m. which bristh.~ with inst rut· Lions s uch as: "If answl'rs to liu~s 23 and 26 arc no. l'Oll'r tot;il from line 20," -JUSL li ke the rl':il thing. In anoth er m111isoc ictv naml'O "The llumnn e Socil'ly:" polite arc paid sn currency bearing the likeness of Donald Duck -at the ~oing rate or 200 d ut k s a week. "J asonville" <'om cs to life one h o ur eac h week 1n J er ry Ramsey's sixt h-grade class room a t Downing Ele mentary School while "The Humam' Society" 1s found in Lynn ,\ndcrson 's thm.I and fourth-grade classroom ul 11rookd:.lll• Ele mt'11tary School. HOTH PROJ ECT S :11m to te<r t h g r:idt· s choo l c htldn ·u .tl1out t'l'Orto m i<·s :md free l'll tt•rprise. Cnlll•t'I01 C ib.,on 1•;..pl ;iins \\Ii\ his tax form ·b :-.o toui::ll ·:\Ir H:mist•y said if it ·s complH·alL·d 1t "ll SC'em more like rl·al hi" " Salurday f'.°l'bruary 14 197S OAILYPILOT 7 76 Mike Whitaker, 13, of 1597 Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach By 1nrrt1c1pating 111 small M"alr imit~ll1on s of tlw rc~tl \\Oriti, pupils ga111 an unch•rstanchng of l·nnccpts !'ouc h as supply :inc1 dt'- 111 ,1nd. inflat1011 J rlll se.1rc 1l\ lh1•11·tl'.1t0hl'l"'":I\ •• Marcus Minear, 7, o f 8211 Lambert Drive, Huntington Beach ./.1s1111\ 1111· ll;i-, 1t~ 11wn 11..il! aml n11-r1•1w\ •• t 111d i:.1·. ,1 h:ink, 'aril' 11 :-.t ort•. 11•:t l 1• ... l :tll' •tll11·1 . 111'1\"l'·ll"'I 1.id 111 ... t.1ti11n :ind .tn .111\ 1·n1.,1n1! 1·c111 c l11nwr:111· .ill run ;ind p:il n 1n111·d '"' pu,.1h In lhl' llu111 anl· S111·1l'lv, K1•\IJ1 Ella~nn slart <·d .1 1)11'111l'~..., t-.1lll'd ··Sn<m I l.11.l• ('11 '." w iling p.Jp1.·r cut out ~now fl;ikes f11r f"itX> <lu1.:i..~ e:irh ll1gh pn 1·p., will cut de m ;Jnd. K 1.•\'10 found F \CEI> \\ IT ll .1 "<':tr< tl' ol ("t1.,lllflH'1". h<' knrn l.1•rf lt1..., pnl'!· d 1J\\rl 111 to d11l·1's .incl 11•\l\t·d t11 -. hll,1111'"" llt t It t 1· .11 It 1• 1 1·n ("•HI r a g t• p11p1h 111 111 ;il.1· tll1·1r m \tl dt· n :-.11111, h~ l'lt.11 g 1ng ,t ~lilf l l•t• lor t•t1nsull a t 1011s • One l'l1l t•r pris 1ng J,1.,11n \ 1lll· ~111111;.:"ll·r l'\th ;in gcd his J a:-on \ti I 1• m lllH' \ £ n r I C'Ctl lll<Hlt•\ l1""1blt• al illl' rall· of 11n1· rt.•:1i !11111.11 101 :!O Jason\ 11lt' 1to llar.;. liou).!hl rt•a l c·and) :.it ,t n ·..i J .,111rc'. thr11 rl·,old h i:-. l'anclv 111 .J a~on ' 1llt· ;1l r.tl<'" that 1·11.;bll'd him I" makl' J $:! n ·al pror11 Erin Bock, 11 , or 2003 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa THE QUIZ worldscope ·.~. ( 10 poents l0t H eh que1tio11 answentd correclly) lh• tar 1tt•n.111"1uln1t111l,t•>•ht ( nn hl11l111H, l11ff1'''··''' '"' '''" ,1 lh• J , I .. , ·''' , .• II··· 11. • 111 I "'JI ., l'tt•.unhl1• ,, p,.,1,,,p,,,, ' 11. I "' H11•I l 1 t•" dt1u't ''I • p• • h I C.•''f' (1( 1lu· fl\'' ' 1•11.11,111"1 1•d 111 1111· t 1 \n1,.111in .. •n1 1111• "' I ' I J Pu• t 1HL'r• ''"\" 11•••nlln• \ lh,. ( I I if d11• f""f"' ,.,~1·1·p .. 11dlf1"11.,•11. hll11 JIHl11f d 1 fu t l11q trt11111tf11u nt / ..S ,,.,.._,,•,flth11r ti''''' rlu ·11h \1n1 ndtn1 flt ,,, .. If 11 I" >tpll' I ,11111111 l>t• l11l<1'il I I I( 111)() ... f ( )'f , .. ,1 ;1\ .11;.1111.1 1h1•111•1•l11 Ill. lllllll1.1! « .i 1•-... )~•\t' 11uh fl• H• t•hl1• '' "' pt•.1(1•i1n\1·\ ') I h•• lj1h A1111·1)t!1111•11I "·•"" th.11 ,1 fH'"l•ll 11111111.11 .Iv 1n.11· 111• rrwd 1111 1hr• o1m1• oll1•1h•' ,1•onlv 11n1 ,. 11 .t n1,1unH1nt ul ''""'" f1m1u, I ·I' 1•1.Hh 111111"' .1 , II m.1y t.1l1• fC) ~t'f ol t Of)\ IC 114 Ul newsname (10 point' II 1ou un Identify this person in the news) I .1\1 \flllll~. r ... ~11 lrnt I""' ·'l'I" 111111•11ffi•'1111lw f .!111111 I 111h flf 1,,., lf•l,fl y !•I I 1.111'11"' 1.t1111n. I .1111 th•· l1111r1h 111.111 I" lw.111 th" d••p.11 tn11•11I '"" 1• 11 \\,I' Ul'.llt•if h y .111 ,)(I of t • H11:r'"'' 111 1%b [Jo you ~H11w mv o.1m;•I matchwords (4 points for uch conect m1tch) .1 .1 ""'"· 111 \11111\j~ p.1prr •• 111il11l.11t• l hq•lf)llC I In :1111.lition to h1·ing a famih fun fralu rr. Tll E tll IZ is an i111t·~r a l part of 1h1• i11 ·1·la.,s room nt•\1.; 11ro).!r:11n 11n·.,1·11t1·d iu Ot .HIL•· C11:i"t an ·a :.d11111I' as a puhlit· "'I"\ i<'•' h' 1111' f>a1h Pilot. ~"'""fl'\ •PrH .. , 'ov~11Jf" •t ..,f"ll l .. 10-... ""' ~ news picture ( 10 polnu If you •nrwer lhl' ques1ion correclly) ...,11t1d.1 1 .. 1•111.11• 1 • n 111 If,. 1 ii d,1\ t•I 1111• I 1mnt1< AmN11 .11) tttr.n••· ftu•"•"'" r1I It· d• r I J ''' t ~t ut\\-h1 rn11\H sportlight (2 points tor H eh question 1nswered correclly) l h.-1•n, \\ 1111r1 Oh "'P'' , .u• '"' 11 1100 ... r o"'r n1h :!:>1h) 111 lht• I'll• Pl \\11111•1 ( .. 11111 l K11 fl,111~ 1 hn"'" •" .111 .111 • 11 l11n\,•ltf pl.W\ ft1r th•• In•. 1\n):PI.•, I .of..1°1\ pf 1111 l<..11 \ I 1111 111 ( ,11» I ) Thi· W .1n.1m.1l.n I\ \1llrr'\f" "·'"''''.HI' .t l.11U\llJ\ (C I IOO'lr 0 '1: ho\\ 11111:. t1,1rk ,ind lwld ) nw1·1 4 •\ hnn,p1rl •~ lhl' n.11111 \~""" tn .1 m.iirh 10 1hr ~por l ol 1C I 100<.1 ()NI I 11!11111:. 1111 I c II t; (\I 1001\! O Nf R11d I·'""'· 11••1••1~ t 011nn1\) drfr ."''<I Rjorn tl.•q; Ill""' 1lw t ~ lnd11111 111" 11 •11u' h111111.1m1·111, roundtable · h ml11 dlecussion (no tcort ) 5 .... p rrli•11'fl<1• r \f·l1·c 1111r, oric 1hrnA over anothrr l>o y1111 1hink 1h.1t 1hr Olvmp;t t..mw\ h .1\'r hf'COrnf' 100 t11mml'1t 1.il111•d/ \'OUR SCORE: 91 to 100 point& -TO' SC011£1 llto90 Points -Eacellent. 71 to 80 PolnlS -Good &I to 70 poln\I -h it 29-76 e VEC. Inc~ MadllOfl, WllCOfUln !'JOUUO:) .\wtu I r·s '. 5 ll!J·ln:l·ti ! pt<ltj pun ~pr..11-r. ';)<:1n.-1 ·?. 'lllll·T :,tf1!)11.tlf0dS AUOlllUV u ur.sns ::ru rlJ.31dS.\\3N i:·S : • .,.,. :p·r: !c·c: :c(•I :soUOMllJJ.VW . J f 'Ut!W·l{O,) ,L ltll'IJI' ,\\ : :·l WVNSr\\~il~ l) ~: S;JSP.J (CU~u.f lJ,) U! C:J,\f<lSUl:tl(l lC:Utr:f11 AJl\"·'I \• : lU:t\Upll:tlllV puc; 'sJ}.·t: '.>l tl,IJ,?. :.J·t ::•IJ0 .15 0'llJOM ~ ' . , AB OAIL y PILOT ,I Saturday, February 14 197 Coast College Brollhaha- 1 ~:~~~~~N Reor:~::~~~.i::i ,~~~! .~~.~~~[:~,:: .. '"" Ofl~•0•11,P1101s1.11 meeting. ofthcar <.·ontrol on 1·0tarH contcnl. The issue of how to rcorgan1tl' thl' Coast Community Colh.'ge District, which has put ad manistrators a nd some faculty members 111 conflict. has ::.lll'· fuccd again. A committee of tht' joint senatl's --0f Golden Wt•st a nd Orange Coast Colll·j.!<.'" nt•atl'tl 111 study clis trirL organ11at11111 after som<' faculty mcmb<.·rs pro tested the communin•r::.1L\' t•on c·ept pr csl·ntcd a report lo the board of trus tees tl11s week. THE R E PORT CONTAINEll no apparent s urprises . ll was structured a round the hasac con- l'Cpt that t he distri<'t shoulcl lw n· tlrgani1.l•d into a \wo-rollt•gc .!.Vl>tl'.'m. ·While 1l v. as toncluc:11ng 1h i.tud\', the t•orn rn1lt et• """ 111 ~t ructNI to ::.t 1l'k to a t"' o 1·11l lt·g1• c·onr<.•pt. l'\·cn though 11 '"111ld ronnict with the admini-.trataon position ncation of<• third an st1t ut1on. the l'<>m muniver~1tv Wedncsclay night. l)r. Nm:m :m Watson distric·t t•ha11cellor. told trnstees that, in r cs ponsl' to lht• com m i tt c e n • 1> o rt . t IH· 11 d • ministration would n·turn with ;i T UE COl.LEG F. OISTRtCT has two l' a rrt J.1 u~c:. Golden West and Orange Coast -and an evening college, which arranges night cla:.st>s at both !'ampusl.'S, a t c o m m u n 1 t y l' l' n t l' r s throughout the dastncl, arHI lhl· Channel 50 TV ~lataon. The en•ning t·ollt·~l' st:Jff and !he admin1stratwn uf tht• TV Ma· t1on rrport dirett ly to thL• d1::.tncl offin>. That fact has lonJ.! arnlatt•d some fac ulty nH•mhe rs. \\ho have complainc·rl they havt' an adequatt• control over the content of the TV courSL'S . Thl·v have also maintainer! thut tht• night classes an• not on an l'(Jual fooling with tht• d;iy classes. T ll F.S E 1.0 ~ G ·II El.O ohJ t!t'· lions 11ndl'rla,v fal·ulty protl''>ls m t•r tht• C'O mmurll\t'rsaty pro· JXll-al bc1·a usl' that plan would han• m ade th<' 1·ommunavC'r~1ty responsible for :rl I aclult t-tluca- taon. including tht• night classc·s and the TV cou rsl'S. The conC'ept ab11 \\Ouhl have l'Staulis hc•d a thi rd curriculum t·ommitlt'C ahlt· to 1q1pro\1• cour.scs. Facult y mcmh<.'l'l> also So there "'a" l1ttll' -.urprtM' Wednesday nig ht "lwn tlw com w rn1ttet• prcsc:ntl•d its rep1ll'.t , which urged th;1t tlw day and • evening opt•rat ions bl· 1ntcgrak<l • under one a<lm in 1s t 1 atwn at l':u'h college' and n ·t•nnimt•ndcd lh:~t curriculum cont r ul lw kqit 111 its prcSl'lll form.it THE F:SSE~c..: 01' th1• n •port appeared to he th;.it thl' d ,1\ o;chools would Ill' s t rl'ngl ht•m·ll hy havtng c·crntrol of I hl· 111 ).!hl C'lasst.•!> and th l.I~ then: \\OUld IH' no los!> 111 faeulty p<J\\cr (l\l'r course cont en L. The l'Om malt Cl' did r1·c·11m mend l'slrablishing u "fal'1htat1111.: nrricc" at thl• d1,tric·t ll'vcl to dP vclop and t.·oordinatc ofl ·l'an1 pus offenni,:s. Bui t ht• C'urnmit11•1• said off-campus <1rtcl nn-n 1mp11-. classes should hl' 1n1t•grall·d 1111 1kr one ~1drn1111l>tratwn In the past. t ht• po.,11 wn of tlw d1stnct adrn1n1!>trat1on h;1-: hc•1•11 thut a th a rd 111s t 1tuao11. ~11l'h , • .., .1 comum11111H·r-.1I\, \\1th 1h m\11 cur r i c u I 11 m c o m rn it ttH' " a ... nl'ccssary to m :.11nta111 ftcsilnl1t'. Thi' boa11d of trustl'l')> h<\!i t v11 tat1n·lv M't th1· fa ll of this v~...-• .-: lhc tinit.•for anvd1ang1•!> · UPI hl<tPMCo Baeks Roils s l' n . T h o m a ..., E:1gkton :-..aid aft v1· ,1 l'l'l'l'lll ndt· on an .\rnt rak train in :'\l is- :-.011 n th at <·11tti11 g "l'I"\ 1<.'l' ""c·ou ld lit· till' ch';1t h :-.t'lll l'll t t• lo 1-;.iil P·'""t·ngt•r t ra' d Thi• annual South ll.11-.1>1.1 )>t:ltl' Pll'nH' \\jll h1· lwld from 11 a m . l o t 11 m Suncl;iy al B1:1.U.\' l':irk . l.1111g lll·:irh Silt Renioval Ordered ' The Or.ingc County Unud of SUJ>l'f\ 1-.nr., h,1, ''" ;ird1•cl a t·1111tr .1l I for 11•1n11\.;ll of ~1lt thut h.i..., l'll d .111 g l' I l' d ln1 .I t °' '1 l ll ,111 ;_1 I' o 111 I l1 ,1 rh111 . (ht•1 thl' 11:1 ... 1 f1\1• ~t·a.-.. -.11t frnm storm dr.11r1-. I h.1t t•n1pt~ 1111c1 1111 h<1rh111 ha)> .1N·umul.1tl·<I tu tlw po111t \\hl•11• )>llnh· l1uut.., ha'"' run .1µrou 11d , a<'l'Qrd111g to 1·111111t~ off1e1 ;il-.. Tlt1> $1),Xltl drt•dging c·ontrul't was ;m a rd ed to ~h t•llmal..t·r. Inc: . of ~l'\l port llcad1 ~u111•n 1:-or·., orlll'l'l'U thl· dn·dg1nµ op,•r .1L11111 111 .l ulll' It tool. "" rnont h~ tn11ht.1111 lll'('\''),;11 \ di l'<IJ.:111g )l\'rmrb. nw nH111t, ... 11 ,11 IH11 ' H1·.1l"lws and l'.1rl..-. 0l'p;1r11111•111 l"lll t t•nth 1..., .,t111ly 1111. long ll'r m s11lutio11·. lll lht• )>tll 1>111- hh•m ,\It t•rn.at 1 "'" r .111).!l' I ro111 up :.ln•;1111 c•aptun· of llw -.111 lo cit 1•dg1 ng un a ,.,, gul;1r lHls1s. offa<.· iuls said DR. H. MICHAEL SHACK r or s~n 01MJO ~·C'~w.1v ·" c.1m1no 0, [\trr111 lutn !llJht 10 (,1m1no Mtr~ CO\t,1 PH 114 496 4(;01 l'H 714 49(, S8~ 1 Inflation beating tips ... Every day in the 1•01\'l~!MJ --. OPTOMETRY EYE EXAMINATIONS-CONTACT LENSES ANNOUNCES NEW 1976 ftES FOR OPTHALMIC MATERIALS • Bausch & Lomb sott contact tense:; $195 pr • Hard con1..ic1 len::.1.>::. $1 25 pr. • Fa >h1 o ncd Cyt'wear & prescripl1on len'>P'> depending upon tramp & IPnl.a'> selected -\....-comoe1c1ively oricod. \-\ = = ·1 .. ~41 ·~. t ,"' ,"""' ''t"1 ---:..:--I J4 HI ••dWlllH4 \U WICt NEWPORT BEACH tlH uod •IU.AtOlt 3416 VIA LIDO 67l·420<P ., •rt'OIHfMfHf OMtl T 494-3008 UGUHA IEACH ti-.\. ..... ,, ..... , ......... 265 LAGUNA A VE. 494-3001 Chicke11 Pluckers Helped \\'/\SlllNCTON (i\J'l T h l' ,\ g r I l' 11 1 t 11 r l' lkpartrn<.•nt 1s C'hang111g tis rult•s )>II I hat d1il'kl•11 pl11ckt•rs :ind ot ht•rs v. hn \lOrk in federally Ill· sperted poultry plants c•an takt• advantage of nrw tN·hno logy when tht'\' wash their hands., Your Horoseopt• Cancer: Keep Eye ·on Moneyi S l 'NDAY, FEHRl'i\UV 1::; I I I PIANOS & ORGANS TA SALE d rfic 1als sa id th;it frrlrral rules currt'nll.v prohibit poultry hoU)>l' "nrkt•n. f rom u "i n g wash bas111s thal n·q111n· tht'm to turn th<''' at1·1 c1n and off I n st1·:ttl. th1· \\orkt•r ... USl' . 'c•1111t lllUClllS v. att•r fl cn' .. f:i1·1lll1t')>. \\ h I(' h 0 ff IC j ah )> .1 ~ '' a ... tcs watC'r ;inti adcl ... 111 '' .1),tt• dt)>C'harg,·s fr111n planll> But now. thP depart mcnt s aid. thl•re an· "New dC'\'elopmcnts 111 design ant.I construction of hand-was hing c:quip· ment'' nnd the rule rhan~e. which took cffc•ct 1-'rida\'. allows their US l' ,, si>Okl'sman s aul th<' n c '' r u I <' p c• r rn 1 t ' han<h\ JShln i.! <It'\ ll'('" Ill \\hlth the· \\att•r '' tu rncd on a ncl o 11 Ii~ a lc·,·er ;1ct I\ :1ll'd hv :i pC'l'c;on 's elbow. foot or knl'.'l". for c~ampk . -.o long as hl' <l11t·.;n t h;n 1• to use l11s dirty hancb JO .. ES AQfHlJ Sl t.J J()tl( \ "-.1 l• ' '' ft N f)l),t ft+ tt" _,, ( ti f ,,, l0l I ,,,.,,,.. • ., '' 1 t fl'\ tt• .,, v , 11,' "'lo ().1n-1t"; l I n• • ''r t J "'t "lt t4o ,..,.c."'" r -'"" Jhth•t' 1 By S \' ONE V 0:\11\IUt ARIES D t arch 21April 191 i\l't"l'nl on c·n •atll 1 t~. 1·hani::l'. <1,•ahngl> "1th rh1lclr<>n .ind th11l>t' "ho st1mulat£• anrl arou .... l' • thrs 1!> a mo\ 1ng, artwn ltllll' and~ our ~p~c11lat1onl> l·1111ld h1: on tar gl't. T:\ l" R l 'S 1,\ pri I ~O \1ay :.!1t 1 I ltJnw. sl·t·un t' n •la1111ns \\ 1lh fa111ilv lht•.,,• an• 1•1r1pha~11.1•d ('1111 Cl'l'll 1ndiC'all'd Ill l'Cllllll'('tlOll \\Ith l'll)>h, ('\'.d1J.1t1111i.... :ind appra1s uls. GE:\tlNI 1 .\la~ ~t .lun .. :.!OI 1-'ull \!11011 ,11·1·1•1 11-. ~hort trip~. m 1·s~agl•)>, 1·lo ... 1• 111·1i.:hh•11 ., 11·l.1l1\ , . ., l<ka)> an· pknl 1f11I . kt•\ 1 ... lo b(• s1'11·ctl\ <.· <11w \\hn cfnl"' mudi t.ilkrng fll,1\ lw h11hng -.1111H· 111.1111• q11;1l'll'!> C.\'\CEH 1.lunl' ~l·.J 11h 2:.!> 1\1·1·1·111 r1n \\h.it \CHI O\\n. \\hat you l'an :rlfortl. \\h11"' pa' 111g huy in g 111· )>1'111111! Full .\loon 1.., in that arL·a of \1111r <'hart n·latl·rl to pl'rM111,t1 J>ll!>St·s-.111ns • l.F.O C.lub· 2:11\11g 2:!> Full .\loon in ~our ... ,gn I roinC'1cl c>s llO \\' \\'r lh 1wrscrnality. pt·r-.nn;d ;qr ' pc>:1ranc·t· fn·"h ... tart in ftl'ld \\h1l'h \1J1111nd1•r!>la11d You gain .11ldt·d r,·<·oi,:nllll!ll. fl•l'l l.Jl·nt·l1l 11f ... p1r1t11al 1 t·11unst·I \"IRGO (,\ug 2:! S<.•pl :!:! 1 Take l'nlll pl uni.:•· m<'.lfl" ht> 111dc•111·n1lc·n1 . 1·0111tclrnl l·nough to IH'f.!lll a 111owtt \\ ,·trnnll' <'h.ilh·n c1·-.. t11n1;1<.·t<o fn·-.h op pnrtun1tll'"' UHR1\ (Sept :!:l·<kt :!:.!1 Y11u g:11n g n •at1·1 111 i-1)!ht)>. ~011 know \\h:.il \OU nctd l.l!'t l'Olllr asll'd to rn<•rt• \\ 1sh1•., :\l l'mhl'I" Of ll(lflll"llt• "'I'\.\\ ill pl,r~n.. '"'' t ant roll-\.-~ S{'OUPIO r(kl '.!:! I'o' :!I l Hc• ll1·~1h)1· c·l1n11~h· IC• f..!O .1n11111d Oh)>\ :iek ,\\"Old IH'.HI ''° ('Ollf rolll :11 11111 S.\{;fTT:\RICS ('.'\m 2:.! l11·c· "I • <'h1·l'lo. .qr p.u·t•nt minor pornh .,t111lv 11111· p1111t < lp111 1111 .. -. nf <'om munrl' a lion lln<l~t· d1 ... 1.1111·t· g.q1 INVENTORY TAX TIME IS ALMOST HERE! ! ! OUR AUDITORS SAY "SELL NOW OR PAY A WHOPPING TAX PAYMENT." PRICES SLASHED WAY BELOW OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. PIANOS AT SLASHED PRICES, ORGANS AT SLASHED PRICES. WE WOULD RATHER PASS TH~SAVINGS ON TO YOU! I ~;7~~1.;",,.''.;,"'~ ',',"'' ', '., ~,;, C \PRICOR ~ 11>1·1 2:! .Jan 1!1 1 t-:\1wnnwnl .... " c .. 1 ... , ..... I•'"' I"' I 1·11111~ fl·l·I. ... nH·ll n·atl11111 ... t11 \11111 11\\11 111111"11 ~.:~ ,,M 1 ~~;:;.:'. ~· ;,"', , "',.' ;:"''' _,' ~1·rhl'" ll•rirl to dom in :itl' C; I\ l' I 1111 pl.I\ I 11 t'1t111t 111ri- '""'' r ,.. 'f"' <• ... • '" • , • 111 ch.111l!t'" :ind to ~ oiu· ahilll ~ 111 1·11111pr1·lwnd 111111· : ~~~·~,, ~:.:1111.'';', '/, ~·!:~·, ' t 1,···· ·: :, .ttHI tHIP ftt11t • h M• '""'' 11 I HI I l•r,; 1'• 1\I 1 uu·nl P.11 tfH V 1 N M1 •u 1to 11 l'U • "' wt'"' 1 "" ,. •1 f , r / . ,. ~t')tt!J.ltY tl rl 1 I' HOVER I It ff'' M ,f tlJ P r• •I•• t hf '''' M • I I I; 1f t I 1"" t • ,,,, ..., " t' ' , , '~ .... ,, ". ~· 1 , t' , .• , ,,. h·•' 1 I ti l' • , ! • • t t . M• I " I .. , I ( 'I """" ,,,, lf\1• IU f f '.Ao m r.11 l'P• fJ hll 1rl It• 1 I I I '"" ,1• w fl + .;,, ~I tt"' I( I 1itf I t• ti ,, f /'l,n•I'• w p .. , ~"I"" t .n t· ir t1 '°'""' 1 1 it • u•• J •i• II fl• 1·IN ; "'""l·l"'>ff'IHl·fl'H BAL TZ·BERGERON FUNERAL tiOME I Corona del Mar 673·9450 Costa Mesa 646-2424 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadwav Costa Mesa 642-9 150 McCORMICK MORTUARY Laguna Beach 494-94 t 5 San Juan Cap1c;1rano 495· I 776 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Mortuarv Chapel 3500 Pac1hc View Orivl' Newport Beach, Calltorn1a 644-2700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Botsa Ave Wes1m1ns1er 893·3525 SMITHS" MORTUARY 627 Marn St Huntington Beach 536-6539 1\C'l.:\Rfl'S (.f:in :W F!'l1 18 1 ('\c•l1• .-. '1wh ~ . ' th;1l ll•J,:a l <•ff~1 1r)> d111111n.1l1· Full '\l oon l'mpha!>I' 1s 1111 part nl chart n •l;1tl'd to pa111w1 )>}lip. t·11nt r.11•1. m.1rnagl· llomc-;11111 .,t·1·11rrl\ c·omm:ind mor ,. lh.111 usu.ii :1mo1111t of a1t1·nt11111 Pt:--CES ( Fdl 111 \l.111· h :!111 l.11.:hl t111wh 1 ;11•h1t•\ "" mnn· :it I h.-. I 11111• I h.111 pr , . ...,...,,ni.: 1n),1.,t 111 1.! 11tn1\\ 111)! .1111111111 "1•1ghl 'I 11111· l·:~p !'1111ht he•'' orl.. Ill)! Cl\ 1·rl 11111• \ Oil ..... 11 ... 1· \\ h.11 1-. llllH'l'Ur. . cosr 4 MESA STORE 0 PREVIEW TODAYf ~ TH IS WEEKEND! FURNITURE"! LAMP.S. ACCESSORIES! 1 I SAT. SUN. & MON. ARTU SCULPTURE'' PROMlNEN't lNTERlOR OtSIGNER SHOW~OOM FINCAOLNMAN RYKA-DMAOWHMAS OM llOVIDATES .$\00,000 STOCK. I PIANOS AMO 50AT~cos ANND MEORE~ I and THOMAS .. I t.OFF RETAIL PR\CES AT HUGE SAVINGS. \ HUNDREDS OF FINE PIANOS & ORGANS Ot:"rER• .:~·: nu PL.ANT WITH SPE.CIAl r r • r~ AU. ~\.tS Of •1000.-MORE ROBERTSON .SOUTH '2.010 Q.UAIL (QUA1\. ,,_, ~\p,.(W) NNPORT SEACH , CAL.I~. MOH.-FRI. 9.5 -11q/Sl15· 9'+1q MASTERCHAAGE. OK I AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS. I MANY MODELS AND STYLES l OF USED ORGANS FROM $295. IEHCHES AND DBJYHY · INCLUDED W /PUICt4ASl·OF '"ESE ITEMS ALL ITEMS SUIJECT TO ,RIOR SALE. "WE HAVE A STOCK FROM BACH TO ROCK " Cornet' of Htwporl and Harbor. Costa Mtso 642-2 851 • Moatwc._.,.. 1o•1t.-ncrd, ooocl~iR9•'~ lrooa&lwnt at T albC!rl fou•t~n Y aU~y Of fr_, ff Mt 0"°9o frHWll'f 963-6733 . • . ~ • e .- Flowers 'Hobby' Of Viejo Woman ~ Uy i\N!'ll<: ('OOPEH Ot 1•1 Oiloly Potot si.11 • rt>llow mC'mbcr-1 or the l\l1i-.s11111 \'il'jo Botanicos who c<Jll Corm•li:i • Parkl•r "Mr-; Cardcnc•r" for ht•f' hot;1111c11l cxpcrl1sc <Jren 't !-.v1· prised to ll•arn of ht·r un11!-.ual hohlJ,\ Mrs. l'arkl'r rl0dt·l·nr;1tt•s ht•r ll<1lhrnc1111 <'vcn· fl>w rrH111ths with Sl•asonally ~1pprnprialt• flora Thi.., w1111 .. r .11ntt' lh;• ('ht'i"tmh" lf.-<·r11'.1 tions wt•rt• dis 111anlll•d i11 lh1• i hath room, l\l rs l'urk1·1· 111:1Cll· .111 l'laboratl• 11rr:1ngC'ml•nt of rlr11•d hare· branl'hl':. uh1n·l' thl· h:tlhluli '") tr\' lo ;id111·H· <·011 11111111\ 111th lhl; outdoors." '"l' '>.lltl '"II\· hnn~1ng a b1l of 1l ms1dl• ' ~IRS. P i\RK EH hl·~;111 g.1nh·11 1n g llC'arly liO ~ 1.,11., ,1g11 1n . \l.1rl1n ... \'llh.', Intl . \\ht'IL' her lathl·r \\:JS a flonst lier dacl m :1dt• n 1 n t• ,. P ,1 r old lh·l t v res1)nns 1hll• lo1. t IH') anl \\'ht•n s hl' was 1·1, thC' youn~ i.::1rrkn<.·r ''"t•nt lo lhl.' lirll\'1.'rsll \' of l llinui~ t·ampui.. to \'1sil hl;r brothl'r. who was a studC'nt lht.'rt'. I It' shu\1 ed h<'r I hi.' "ork bt•in~ ti u n c• n t the u n I\ <.' r :-. 1 t v 111 I .111 d ::. t' a p In 1-! • and l h I.' r (' h y :-parkl'd .i lift• long lll'rnt1on to tlw :11-rangl'ml'nl of !:I'll\\ 111g lhlllf.!S. ' Saturday February 14 1q76 DAIL (PILOT Make Floral Pool· A Tropical Oasis \\'•1t<.>r garcfl'n1n ~ 1t datt•s h.ll'k :JO-Oil) ears \\'a ll·r m tht• gardt•n 1·.111 n11•an ;1 troµit :ll oa:-is pnol 111111 ;1 W:llt•r·fall SlllTlllllll)('tf hy f\•1'111> a11d fillt•d '' ilh 1·1wtk bt•a11t.1 ol' \1 ;itt•r ltht•s : :1 s1•n·1w Ont·11t:tl S<'fl111g highlight<.'<! 11,v l•ttu .... rock ..... hamlt1111 anti ,, i-mall ~t a1t11·. or .1 t ilt•·t•clg1•tl Sj1;111..,h 1.·011rtyard p1111I \\1th :i ~plashing fount;.iin . Do n ·t think th:1 1 :i ,::arden pool h us ll> he h1g lhouf.!h Soml.' Of t he IO\'l'lll''>t :II"\' Sllll pk a tub. sunk in the ground, surrounded hv Rabv Tear:-or lx'clding plants and f1lkd '"th a miniature water lily . u s uall y hloom lh1 ou ~ll Chnst11la!> THE EXOTI(' l.OTl1S, sJCrt'll in tht• l•ar l•:ast, 1s populur 111th 0 m .111 y 11 .l ll'I' g :inll'lll'rS l ls '•hl·n· ltltll' i.:n.·1·11 pad ... rl'il' 2 a ll'l'l ;;h11\ 1• I ht• "at1.•r. and 1111• fl ow1•rs tkn•lop "c1.·d ~){b "l11d1 tan t.1t1..•r hl' rut for clnL·d llow«t .trl':lll).!l'nll'llls ··1 cl111n ·1 clo an' thing 11nu .. u.i1 · s lw s~11d . '"but I p1d .. t•cl up th1• hasi(· skllb of g anh·n111g li1·1·a11.,1· I had to do my 101' · ··.\ perso n mus l rhoo.o.,i• 11 h1'thcr to lw a I ill,. hous<.•kt·l'lll'f or a t1c·d1t·;H1•11 1101 al ;irrangl·1·. ~Ir... P;.irkl'r s aid .. 011t· 111111.. around my h11u:-..e. :ind a11~w11• 11ould kno11 m~ prl'ft•rt'rhT hl'l11t•1.:n th<• two I'm a n·gular th 1 pn1t1n k I IJ ring i 11 I t':H L's, I\\ 1g :-., g 1·asst•s, t lowt•rs. 1·v c'l)'lhtng I c~pt•t·1ally Iii\(• to ml l1•c-r l111 n gs 11;1 tin• tot ht: a n·;.1 \\' lwn "<..' arl' 1 ravl'ling 0411y P!tol ~1411 Pholo Onl'C ,·ou 've d<:l'1ded on a l!ard<>n p~1ol , llw first thin~ lh:il t·omcs tom ind is "hat to put 1n 11 . The li~t is a lmost L0111ll1•..,s sa)' tht• Cahfor111a J\s~oe1all11n of Nurserymen. Tht• star of th .. puol is undoubted Iv tlw "all'r 111' Waler lilit•:-a~t· :.t\•a1lahl1.· 1n :111 exciting array of rolors wl1111., ydlcl\\. ('llflJH.'r . pink. l'oM " 11.'<I. bl11t'. violet and l'Vcn grl.'l'll Amo ng tht· sm.111 flow1·nn)..! \\all'r plants 1:-. l ht• \\;11t·r l'Ol>P' II ha:-. snwll round lt•;l\"1.''i and brJJ.!hl) l'llow I lower.., ~h;1pcd 111-..1 :1 C.iliforn1a !'tippy. Dainty\\ h1 t1· flo" t•r .... 1\ ii h fin· p(•1;tl-; re~eml1l- 111g s nO\\ fh1kc:-. arc borne hy tlw aptly named Water Sno11flakc Walt•r Crt•i..i... USl·d 111 l-oalads and g,11 n1-.htn ~s. h.1s rlark i.:re1·n lea\l's 1111<1 :-;m.111 \\hill· f101H·f~ It d111..·s l'SIH .'l"I a I h \\ 1·11 nt•jr nl''' 111~{"' :Jlt•r Spyglass Hill Club to Meet MISSION VIEJO HOUSEWIFE DISPLAYS FLOWER PROJECl Cornelia Parker Known As "Mrs. Gardener" For He"-Expertlse Horticulture Lecture Set . • . . ' ' Spri.:111:-;s llill c;;rnl1•11Cluh11111 ron<luct 1ls nt·.\l llll't'llllg on \\\•d lll'sduv al 9.:iu um. at llw ho1111· uf l\lrs. l\l ~1kum Grc·l·n. ~:1 San ~lateo Dn\'e. Cortina tll'I \l,1r Co-hoslt'ss1..•s "ill bl· ;\I mt·::. Robert II a II ~lllcl J osi·ph l.;1fc·rt y 1\udrt') l<odng11t'l of 'l'hl· l'lant Kt'nrwl 111 Santa 1\11,1"111 Ill' g ul·st s Jlt•al-..t•r MRS. PARKER h:is shar<·d hn· \'''l>l'rllse 111 dried l'loral arr:1111:1• 111L·nt s "1th m1·mlwrs of lht• Botanic:ns gardl'n l'luh ",\n~·on<· \\1th an 1111pn•1·1.1t 1011 fnr diffL·n·nt ll•:-...t un•:-. n1lor" 1111d lorms ran mah• lwa11t1f11I clnul :irr;mgPmc•nts. ·· :-.lw :-.a11I ~lrs Parkt'r olft·n·d lh1• follm1 111g hints lnr bl'l-!lllOl'r' llt''":.'11 an :1rr.11w1·nit•111 •II' prnpn.llt• Ill I ht· 111.11·\• ti \\di Ill' d1 ... pl;1~ ··<I lr,·in~ Gardene r s To Meet F c h. 25 ln 'Jnl' c:ankn Club will Ol<'t'I FL•h 2:--0 •• et H :io ;1 11\ • at 1';.irl-., \\ 011J (."111 bhOUSl'. (;t•r.i1l' l~urkc• of \\' t\tl1•<· B11q11•t· Co . 1\ ill pn·sent ~· shc!L• ll•c·t11r1· on '"(;rim 111~ \\•J.:l'lahlt• ;ind .\nnu.ils Ill Conl;1111ers" 11 i\ It D V I\ l'O l) T It 0 PI(" 1\ L types an• a\·ailablt· and a l''llll bination of bot h gin·.s :1 hloom111g s l' a :-o n o f !) . I 0 m o 11 t h .., 111 C';iliforni<1. Both <lay-hlo11mrng and night-hloomrng lilit•:. c·an Ill' found. T ropical \\ att.'r Illy hlooms h;.11•<.> pl.'rfumt: so fragrant 11 will f)t'rme:1tt• th<' wt111lt• garden . Nl•\1'p11rt ll1-'.1l'h (;:.inkn Clul. will mt•l•I T11 C's<lav al I() am. a/ tht· h11ml· of .\I rs · llt'lt·n Miah 1.1 Corona dt·I ~I a r I I Pl.111t cl1.1J.!n11'1" .mil 1·an· \\ 111 Ill' llw top11· 1•1 rl "l"ll"''"" .mrl 111t•mh1•1 s ,,,.,. 111\ 11t·d '" hnn1 al1111)! tlw1r s1t·I.. pl.1111 ... rn h·,I\ ,., lr11n1l,1ri.:l·r1111t· ... \1 :111•11.i1 ... c·.111 ht' t'.1th1·11 tf ,111\\d1t·n • Ill I ho· 1111( t1f tl•1t11 111.'11b11I,·:-.. t 1l'lds \JI 1·.1n..,rd1 rn 1111111111.1111 lllfl li1w:-.h .1n· 11 l'11·1111w For :idd1- 11.,11:i I 111f11n11.1twn. <·.di l.111 ... \\';J!..,h ;,:1:! x~1;,2 or .lurw Cunt• >-:1;1;: 1;:;, HOME/CARDEN Wat1•r lihC's tan \"arv lrom pyg mae liht•:. "1th hloo;ns anti pads ll·~s than l\\o llll'ht·s at·1oss tn mammoth plants\\ 1th flmq·1 ... tht• s 1L1: nf <l 111n1:r p latt·s 111 C.1111111111.1 . plant1ni.: timt 1111 harcl~ l1l1t•s run:-thro\j~h <11 lolit•r Tr11p11·ab SI"\ 11ul 1f1' .\l.1~ ;\l rs. V1 rg1n1a Carbon. ~ut·l> s pe;.iki:r , \\Ill d i s cu s . "ll orl1<.'u llur c ." S h <: 1 · hort1 tul turc l'h airman o Califurn1:i State Garden Clubs .. 1udge for I Ill' Host· Society. a c11n .,111t111g 1 us:irian in the i\mcnc-a1 Ho::.l' Sol'te:t'. flhwl'r :-how ~.thrni 111'-I nit· tor ,;ntl <1ec red1tt·d flo" (' s h1l\\ Jlltl).!1• For. furtlwr rnlormatnin. t".11 IH·l 083(i ' rr/ _ k l Ca111e llia ; • . 1'' el! P ll<. l G<1rrle 11i11g Showing Fireplaee Aid B1in1 Oitl Elni Beetle Time to Awaken Sleeping Lawns BUY NOW and SAVE POTTED COLOR ARRANGEMENTS 20% I 1 Checklist ~".~~1:,~1~,~ Th?'-.r alllorn1,1 ll1·p;1rtnw11t of .\i,:ri1·11ltt1r1· ,, 11ri.:111t: rv:-.1dn1i... 111 ~111111111.1. \,1pa. :ind S:111ta ('l,1ra C'111111t11·., 111 l•'t ' 11p 1'1111 """" Ill lh1•1r t1n•pl:it·l'' 111'1111·1• \\ :in11t·1 \\ 1·:1llwr -...is 111 Tht· n·;1so11 1s th.111l "111hdp1Ptarrl llw '>1111·ad ol 011ll'f1 l'I Ol cl ISl'(ISI' Your law11 may h1• r l's t i n g t h r n 11 ).! h 1 h 1• "int~r. hut \\L't•d "t·1·d.., "111 st:1rt J.:t•rm 111a1 111i.: t ·r·· ...... '' 1• OFFMA~klOftatc'E L;...:_.:__;__~~~~~~~~~~ l :'\ 11 I .., l" I' \ , 1 8 I :! II ; e l.:rn11-. \\ d1 <•111111· 111 l\1·11111-..hur-.1 St. Ft111nl.i111 I ltfl•:111~\\l'l'l-..t1n\\ \l1•t•tl \';illl'\, \\ill t't1t1tl11el a 1 mg ;1l th1:-11rn1• will ).!l'l (.';1n\l'l11;i .... 1111\\ l11d.1) ;inti j lhC'm offtn a l!Uml .,larl S1111tl;I\· ''1th tours :11 Ill I a m a~HI noun l'a<'h da.\ t: e .\ :-t ht• 1\ t'.1 th l' r Open lo tlw p11 lihl' tht• ) 11 ,1rms 111>. J..1'l'P .1 '-h•tl\ \1111 1t-:1111r•· ... nnH· 1• w:itd1ful l'\l' rrn )t1111· lfWld1lk1l•111 1 ;111l"lrl·:-..111 '1 .rost•s ''1>h11ls 1u"l lo\c c .1mt'll1~1 'i '' h1d1 g nl\\ 111 th.it ll'lltlt•r n<.'\\ g1cmth th1· Southc111 (';ol1fom1.1 , Ask \llllr 1111r.;(•n111.1n :11·,.:i \ f11r ,;n 1·tlntl\1' ~fl'·'~ Ul'Rl ~GTll ETOl"lt. J 1u·os.:ram or h111ln~1c· 11 lhl' i:u1d1' "Ill p111\ irk 111- 1 1·1111t rol 'lld\ .i:-. l.111) hug., l11rm.11111n 1111 '.1nd1t·-.. vi pr.I\ 111~ 111.11111' 1<lt•.1 I pL1ntmg lm·a1111ns. lkpartm1·n1 1>1n·1·tor I. T \\'al1:11•t· s a.'s tlw lt•sM'I' l-:11ro1ll'an l'llll h.irl-.. lw\'lk, !he c.1 rn1:r 11( lhL· l>utd1 Elm rl1s1·ast' fungus, Cl\er\\ 1ntt•r., 1111•lm \\nod pile·., and in rl1•ad dm \\llod limhs. "lwrt· 1t la'' 1h 1·~i.: .... altL·r l'm1·r:..:ini.: 111 the· 1".irl~ part o·r 1h1• '1•.01 l"st' 111 th•· <'Im \\nod 111 ,1 frrl'r>l:JC'I' ~llulrl hn•:ik th<' ht•1•t l1· .., lifl· n 1'11· 1>11td1 1·1 m cl 1"1'""''· \I h11'11 h:i:-. \llpt•d 11111 q;i{1·h f:111 llJlt'.t ll .111d \1111·1"1(':111 l'1111 ... 1hro11i.:h11111 m111 It •1l lh1• I :-.. 1•.1-. l1r-.l l•11111il rn C;1lrf1irn1:1 l:"t .J11h S1;111· 11fl111;il ... ;111· hq1ins.! 111 c.•radH'.lll' I l1t• ti 1'-.1·.1-;" !Jl'111r1• 11 'i11rl'•1rls e To kt'l'P thrqh trnm Ill\ .1<l1ng ) 011r g l.icl1ot11 ... , tlu-.t tlw l'11 rn1' t h11th-.1 "Ith 1nq•ct1«1dt• ltl'lon· \1111 plant Tlwn "P'"·''" \dWn I tlJI I.! t"O\\ th h,h n·a<'lwd Loi.1~ht (>1' 11·11 111 t°llt'S Ill ht•Jgh\ nwt hmls of pl.11111111! anti t:tl'l' nf 1·am1•l lla:.. In .11]. L----------------------J 111111111. l';1t h Jll'l""llll \\ 111 . • • • j 11'1'\'l\'l' •• 11 ... 1111;.! 11f :tll \,11"1l'lll'S <lrspl:i)1°tl \\1th 111form:1t 1on on g ro\\ 111~ hahlls and 1lt-s 1r,tl1k lrwat 11111 Patriotic Garde1l ;ind fl!I\\ naturally from hanging has kl'\:, I h I s m O 11 I h I ll I h I' "arml.'r n•).!11lns of lh1· st;.itc :.ind lhr!> M arl'11 Hl Sorthl•rn C<1l1furn1.J To h1•lp · kc•t•p lh1• mu('h I ;ilk1.:d ;.ibout \\ l"l'il. 1.-r.1lJ /;!rai-.s, untfrr ('Ontrol, man\' Ca l if11r111.1 i.:.irfli.>tt<.'rl-> will bt• apph 111,:.: prt'·<'m1•ri::1•111·v \H'l.'d l-..1lll•rs 10 ttwir l.11\ 1i... rh1• f1r ... 1 st1 •p 1m1.111I )!t>otf la\\11 \\l't·<I m.llla)!t'mt•nt '" c·orri·t·I · h 1c11•1H1f\ 1111! '011r \\1•1.•11 ,;roblems· hl'('.111:-c· 1l '1t1l'' littk or no i.:111111 lo ;1ppl\' a c:rahgra"" 11111t1nl 111 m:m' 111 lht• l r.ilJ).!ra..,, l1H1k."alikl's. S1mpl) tak\• :-n m l' 1"'(' l' rt ., a m p I l's from ) 011 r l.1\111 t 11 .1 •Jiii' l11l'al n11rs1'r.' for a 11uirk tdl'nlif1e:11wn 111• r:1n tlll'n 011tlint• llw Prtltll'r I I 'j , . &flf 1 • .. We cover the waterfron t in the MmM;lt.11 •' I 'Jll•l•-'"•J'/ J !) JJ ;) ~ JJ 1 & LANDSCA~ING i ! • Flrl\\ l'rtn.i.: 1w:1dw-; ~hou ltl lw pnirH·d t';u·h ) e:1r tn 111·on11it1• pi<'nt.1 11( n t•11 gr1111 lh 1111· 111 •\I 't•:1r ·.., hloom Thi• spr:i1s of hl•111111 ma\ ll\' pn11wd off "' I 11 II 1 olor :inti m11\ 1•d 1r1111t111' how,,• for t11 ... pl.1' 111 \1111 <·.111 ".11 t lllll 11 I h1• I !Im t 1·.., I.ult• anti tl11'1111r 111111111\,..: tlwn '' 111\01111!.•l.I\ Fol lo" 111.i.: th\• show. holh t11d:1y .111rl .Sunday . tlwn· \1 Ill In• a lecture anrl llC'm onq ration on ,\fnc·an \·mll'IS al 2 p.m Bdnn') ou pn·par•• tlw :-;1111 111 your flm11·1· lll'cls l'11ns1dl'r lh:il "1· onh 1!1•1 111w l'hant·1· to t'1·khr.111· our natHm·s :!Ollth H1rlh 1l;rv :ind "h:ll ~1 "I>'''" t:i<·111.11· l!P ... t un• :1 n·d . 11h11t' .ind 1>1111· 1111,11·1· J:?:Jrdt•n ''ill hi" l 11•rli:rp' \'nu"d l1k t' lo 1•nl,1 rj.!P ~·our· lwdd111i.: art"' 111 .11· t•ommod.1l1· .t H11•P11lc·11 ma I flor .d tk:-11! 11 111 .11 lrl ;1 IC'\\ 11ltll't' h :11l C lll;.! ha.,kl•l., lo I hl' pon h O tt c:R()\\' R E ll and \\ hlli' J.:t'l'Llllllln1' \\ 11 h " hord1•r 111 hlut· :ii.:1•r;1ltlm Ftlr I ht• s h:ult-1 m pal It'll" 111 rt·d .wd \1 hrlt' nt1.\1•cl \11lh hll1t' li1h(·lra m;1kc· ;1 t•ol1>rf11I and <'11.11·n11m:. 111rnh111.11111n "lt•ps t11 l11kl' lo d11n111;1IL' --------- .\'!1ur \\'l't•cls • • , f • ; I • I ii • ' , . I ~ . . • J I • • • ' ' ) 1 J i f , ' f f ' ~ I t t t ' . i J • . I I I I :...h.11h• II,.,., ,\I l' .,\\II .I\ :11lahlt• Ill h,111' l<Htl Thl''t' trt't'" 1•.,t.1h1t ... h ltll'm..,rh1·.., '\U11·J..h .111• 1·:1S\ lo h .1111 IP .ind .111· 11 .... u.al h Ii'~.., ('' 111·ri...I\ ,. 1 h:111 t h1 •1 r (•11111 .11111 ,. ;..:r1111II1'11111111'1" Jl.\l'J-. Spray Now For Pes t (; a i· ti f' 11 JI (' s I -" ,11 l' 11'-Uolll\' h1dd1•11 lr11111 '-tl!hl or t.1:-t .1 .... ln·p d111 111)! lllt' \\ llllt'I' 11\tll\th .. hut 111111 I "" I 111111'<1 h~ I h I' I r p .1 .., ' I \ l' ii I' rw.1r:1111·1· ll 1 i.:ht nm\. 1h111ng llll'll' 111111 \\ llllo r chwmanl 111·r11•1I. 1:-tlw lw-.l tinw to l..nnt•I-.. lh1 ·m t1111 lwfnr1• t ""' h.I\ ,. :1 dl:llH'I' 111 111<'1 1'.l'I' lht•lf nu Ill h l' r " II r t ' .1 II ... I' 'l'flllll' p111hl1•11i.... lh" 'il' 111g :\l 11t• .... <'•'rl .1111 "';111' .111cl "111'('11'' 1tl .1ph1d .... .111d tl1:-1•.1'1':-'"'"" ..... 1 n 1 I d 1 • 1' • r u .... I , , n ti hl.11•!.:-pol I 1111 rn""' '· :Incl tlw l11rq'.11 ~ lh . .i 1 a11s1•.., 1wa1·h h'af t·111 I .ll'1' lw-.t t•imt rolh'd 1111h U Wllll\'I' !-;fll':t~ lllJ! ,\ l' 11 in 111 n a t 1 11 n 11 I I \\ 11 l->proys. an 1111 ~pr;I\ t1l c11ntn1I 111-.l'l'I s ,ind .1 fun,::rl'ld~·. has prnn•rl nio ... 1 l'lf<'l'lh1• 111 1·011 trolling h1b1·rn.111n~ "111t1•r pt'''-' Call 642-5678 Put a h'w words to worlt. for ou Ttw ll·1·t u re '' 111 bt: on 1•:11·1· :111d prr>pagat1on .inti 1nfonn:iu11n 1111 thl' man' <l1ffrrl'nl varieties :I\ :11l;1hl1· l hw Annuals For (~olor!-' ( rt',l ft• ,I f l''-l 1 \ I' a l mn-.ph1·1 ,. l11r t lw 111111 ,, ........ n ho11· h 11111·., .ind Ft1lll lh 11t .l11h 1·1•h •lt1a l111n ... "1th t•11l11rl11l .111 1111,11..., 1•'111 I.Ill' ..,111111111'1" 1t1l1tr put Ill 11·d . \\h1ll' .111tl hl111· :1...i1·rs 111 p111 \ 1'11· .1i.:r:111d I111;d1· 111 lh1· l\11•1•111\'1\lll:il '1•.1r ()(•\ 1•l11p ~our O\\ 11 tl.11r (or t•olor \\1th I n ·1• 1111111 I p.1ttl'rns ot r1•d . \\hltl' I :ind hlt11• l'lanl ttw n •tl. \\hlll' .ind hllll' -.hadt•., ol I \\•rlll'rlil nr ca..,, l11 J.'l'll\\ h,1t·hl'101 li11lt1111s 10 l.1rµ1· hlt1ck., l11 111.1!..1• tlw c·ulor' :-I anti 11111 l'l·t un1.1 .... 111 patnol I(· .... hadl''> m:ik(' ,, lll',1ut1ltrl d1"pla\' 111 l11lio., .......... LA-I-BOY-...--. ...,,'<, ,~ White's Showcase OVER I 00 CHAIRS OH DISPLAY SAVE $50 s I 7900 011 "--•• two •'rtn AMERICANA COLLECTION t----•We Serv1co What Wo Sell •Free Delrvery --•Stock on Hand 2•1•2 ••tt v••f•• n ._., Svlt• 1 -o l•• •·~~::;~ ,:•;::,:,. i.vo. I A4l ufef'll v1.,o c., ............. "" .... t,' 495. n02 60.t6S 1 h• c:!~ 7..: 14 FF:RTll.17.E \'Ol 'K•··························-L.\\\:-.;S throu g h lhl' \\ 11\ I (' r l 11 k l' l' JI th l" Ill gret•n and h\·:llth,· \\"t•ak or -.tn•:-:-l•cl la,11i.... .irt• Fabio 's ''BIG BAND U. S. A.'' r .:-r i\T YOlH -,\'E(THr i\f<f r 0 TH• SIGt-W, Ai 10 r 1 i ,l) 01 Bt/\\JT i:1 IL I LO .V1 • S AMO MUSIL VALENTINE'S DAY SAT .. FEB. 14 12:30 -3:30 CAMELLIA SHOW Feb. 1 l. M. I ~ (Q~,PQM'"" MU51l f'lRfORMAN(f i;.1ui;r ru~m LOCAL •7 AIM ROGER'S GARDEN NEWPORT CENTER 2301 San JoaQIJln Hills Rd Newport Beach I•R•S .'.1•rdt·e ""ti (Ju rtli1, Si""'' f<Jtr, NURSERY- FLORIST OUT TO GET YOU "INVE1\1TORY REDUCTION SALE'' ALL 1 GAL. N URSERV STOCK11~1ft"11 . ALL 5 GAL. NURSERY STOCK111:_':;~~--i:.l.-_,._ Plants • Shrubs • Trees All Top Qualtl ~ l\/~o Look For Sp<'cia l RAG T AG Sale Items "\\'<''cl lta lhC'r Sl'll 't>m Tha n Counl ·l'm! !" l•R•S Srwcials Thru F 1·h. :!9 PLilll CRAZY?-Plant ll\·o PRA YING ~l t\NTIS PLlffi 1 TR EES S\\.-T\ RO'I\ TI11 h, Ill• l~1n·t~ 1.111 '1\l\l'\I\ Sweet and Mild \/ \t (,(,(\'>I' ~~~ ''i' , .. ftllll \ 1·.:,) c~~ 2.98 llJ r.•. root, s t:i1111.1 L t1 J~~ ·:,'.::;::::~: .. ~.. ~ ffiUIT TR-EES 4.98 Also ••• Appl(•. P<>a1 h -,\priC'ot -t'\1•1 tarin•· \l,lflti . II.ti• h .t•. 11• .. 1ll11·r w.1rr11 I l1t•\ t If 11,l I lflllll l•lli"> ••• 11111 Vl'"l'l.lllflll, PHONE 546-5525 2640 Harbor Blvd ... <:ostu Me~u OPEN DAILY 9-5:l0 SUNDAYS 9·5 I I I I I J 0 DAIL 'Y PILOT Soturday F11bru,1ry 14 t97t> Wagner ~ Chorale t To Perform Sunday Roger \V ;1g11rr "'II concluct hts rhorah· ;ind cn"mbcr orr ht·o;trJ in a conct·rl ~1t II p 111 . Sunduv al f.:Jrdl·n (iroH· C'ummunlty thurl'h. Included in thl· 11rogra111 ol lhC' s p1•c1al Val1.:nt111e's Ua) l'\'l•nl \\ill IJc Faurc's "Requil·m ," a Biccntt·n111al trtl.Jutl', Lerner and Lowe sl'lt·t'· ( __ BR_I _Ef_'S _J Wagne r is founder Jill! clirt•ttor lions and works hy .l\u1·on Copl<i n d . 'fh1• 26·\'otet• l'llOr<J lt.•, forms I he r\ltl'll'us ol' t he 100-voicc I.us /\ngl•ll':. i\liJsll'r Chorak. of "!11th .. The l\dvc·nl ure .. ;md ('h:lllt•11gt"i of Being .1 M1111st1·1 's \\ 1k .. will be recounted for \\ornc•n <1tl L·nd1n~ ;.r wom<·n s hrcakfo:>l at <i ;JO 3.m . Tuesday at the L:1guniJ ll1lt-. Hilton Jnn The cVl'llL ,., spon:.01 t·d by Lake Hills Community fhurc h. Luis Leestma. \\ire uf the church's pastor, will spc;.rk. No resen Jl1uns arc reqwr ed. Members (Jf Shir Ila 1'1a'alol Si'>tt•rh11ocl \\ill parl1cip..ik in J d1:.- cussion and worh.s hop on "The Jt'\\ls h Su n 1val K11·· at 1:iu1»m. Thursday at the home of Mrs J 1·rry .lot·obs. Folio\\ 1ng thl' 11rog r .1m. which is open to the public'. there will lie a potl uc·k salad l11n1·h1•1111 More information is ava1lablc b) c;.illing Temple Shir Ha .Ma'JluL .it 675·7230. Dr. G•1ry Barmor<•, 1ww p.1 ... 111ror Fain•il'w Community Church <Amt'rkan Uaptiro.t) 111 Cn:.t.1 ,\l1•s.1, 1s fratunng · pl•ople's crlehr,t tion'' wors hip 1n the roumJ <il lht• 10 a.m. srrv1cc Sunday, with colke <1nd back talk lo follow. The T emple Sharon d 1oir h;.is bt•t•n rracl iv;1ll'd undC'r th€• tltrf't· tion of Sus an Ly le and assistant d1r·cttor Scott Golub and meet:. at 7 • p.m. each Monday ul the Temp){•. The choir 1s open to both memh1•r' and non-members. More inform ation is a vailable by calll11 i; 646-5552. Me lvin Merm<.'lsl<'in, a flunlington Be ach man who t•scapNI Nazi Germany's ~as chamh<.'r:., will spc;ik ;it Temple Bat Yahm's Sabbath servil'CS at 8 . l!'l p m . Friday a t 2101 J51h St.. NL·w1>0rt B.~ach. lhs spt'cch. "Can ll llappen l kre? How solid is the Bill of Rights Today·!·' w11l l>c followed by a t1uestion and answer period. Pastor ::tnd Mrs. David God\\ in of People's Chur<'h in M iss11111 Viejo have returned from a fi ve·\\ ~ck 1\1 issions Crus;ide in l1rug 1h1v and Rev. Godwin will dcserihc their cxpericnc<.' at the 111-:JS <1 ni service Sunday. ln addition. Sunday mark<; the conJ!n•gat1on'!> l;1'l week in tcmpor::iry quarters al thl' !\Jissrnn \·1ejo Elks Club. f"l'i> ~:! service's will start al the new sanctuary south of/\ very Parkway on ~ Marguerite Parkw;.iy, I Melodylaod Hotline Center will s ponsor a free "Swcelh<'~trt· Banquet" at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Melod ylan<l Theate r nt•ar 1>1 ...... neyJand. 'Theme of the event is ''Make Melodyland Hotline Your Sweetheart." Donations and pledges will be used to finunce tonst rue· t lon of student· collages at the youth Ranch· Academy ne;.ir ~Ju Jacinto. 1 The words of Abraham L incoln and the music or J nv Eikrs , will come togethe r 1n •· ,\ Lincoln Concert'' at the s: 45 J>. m. ~;vl·nt1d1· service Sunday nt c; ar111•n Grov.-Community (.'hurch. J\ ~radtwlt• nt ~ Westminster Chol!' Coll1•gc in J>rinc<.·ton, l\l iss Eilers has pla~ t«I I piano s in<'e the :t~<.· of four nn<I has workc•<I in slag1• m11s1C«ils :11111 films. She h as d nnu choral arranging and has Vl'Cll p1Jn11 ;1cr11111 . panist for sc vera l cont·crl art1~ls. Officers of the National F1•dcratron of Tl'mplt-~1:.terhood .... Wl'stcrn l>i'lrict will lrad a workshop tor the r1·1 1·11tly lunnl'd ~1·,. lerhoo<I ofTt>mplt> Hat \'ah m of ~1·wporl l~ach at Ill :i.111. Thur:.d.1\' at the Coron:t dcl ~1 .11 h11111c of \\ 1111uc Hoss. Temple f s;iiah of 1'\c\\ port Beach (Conscrvati\•1·) \\ill ti•kbrall' Brotherhood Weck at 8:15 p.m . 1''r1day with a g111.:'t ::.rwcd1 tiy Hev. Gene Swanson of II arbor Chnst1an Church. Sl•1' r<:es wrll he held ;,-; usual at JI arbor Christian Church, Ne\\ port Hc.Jt'l1. /\ sot•1J I hour fur members of the church and temple congregation-.'' ill follow. Te11or to S ing l\Jillurd Buchholz, former m i n 1 s L c 1· o f m u s i c a t Newpurl -~l csa Christian <:C nlc•r :incl a nationallr- kno\\ n tenor. \\ 111 sing at the X::.10 :.Lm. ser\'it·C' Sun- day at Pl~ mouth Congrcga· 1 ion,d Chun.:h of Newport t 1:11·1Jor. 'Happiness' Luncl1eon Scl1eduled i\n old-rash1011cd chickt·n luncheon w ith appk pie. hooth:. ,1f (•\hihib 111 ;l 1·1111ntrv fair al 11w,11h{·11'. ;i 11d p.1tnoi1c mu-.1r .1ml speaker \\ill n1mbme Thurs· cl.I\. as wom en of Lake I lllb Community Church prcscnl · · 11.1ppr Ill'" Is L o\\' 11f Count r} ... l'lll' l'\ l'llt ll(ll'n Ill all \\Ollll'll Ill Or.11tf.(l' t 'ount~. 1·ocmhn:ltcs the ~roup·!> 1970 tlwmc of "llupp1- n<''" I.;"'' 1th a h i<'t.'ntrnnial em- phasis. ~rnd w 1 ll be hdd from 11 :10 a m. to I: :10 p.m . at Forc~t (;;.rrdt·n~. l\Job1lt• J>:.irk, Gretchen l.,11l).!l·r.1k, hoslt·ss. Gaj th•·r Trio Due. The 1!111 <.;:11 t h1•r Tno wrll pl•rlorrn ut '.! rm. and x Jl.Ol. S.1turcl.I\ F1•h . :!l :it /\nahl•tm t '011\'1·11t 1on <'1.:11l1·r <.:.11lhcr, 0111· ul f\rn1•r1t.1 ' 11otccl go:.p<'l !><m g \\ ntl·rs Jll'llfl1•c1 "l 11-Toul'h<'d t\11•," ·· RcCaU:>l.' llf' Lives,' "(;1.:t 1\ll F:l\1.:1tNI,'' and many more ~Ion· 111form:1t1on on the· c.:onc1•rt 1' :1v,11lablt• hy t•alhng .tht• ron '1.•nt 111n center box office at Wj-5000. Newport Minister Joins World Vision Rev. Donald O. M ;,i<ldox of ~i~t h largest Pr1•,h yl,·11.ln Ncwporl Bl'aeh h as been ap l'11111 l'h in th1· 1·111111tn pointed Chun:h Hl'lations /\:.-i\ i.:rad u.itl' 111 1 l'J.i\. Mallt.lo'( sociatc for World Vision lnlt>rna atlt'thh·tl F ulll•1· Thl·11h1gH·ial tional, the nonprofit Christi.111 Si•rninary and t•anwd h~~l Drv humanilarian agency hus an dl•gl'el· <•l Pruicl'tun Thl•olog 1riJI nounce~ ~kminary. For the past three years, Mad dox has been assis tant pastor ut llt• is VH'l' Presu.Jl'nt of the St. A ndrew's Prt•s l>v tl•1•1a11 Newport llarl)or C'ou0<·1l M Church in Newport Beach. 1 h' l'h11rl'hl'S and :1 1111•mher of Ila· previous ly served as 1nkrim Boan! of /\lurn111 .1t 1'111lt•r pastor at Firs t Presbyl cri;.in _ Tht•1>l11g 11.:;1I St•111111ar~. lie is Churc h of Pomona. wdf<HL' 1.·h.11r11l:111 tor lh t• 111 hts new position, Maddox i:-c~porl 11;.irbnr L'n1t of thP will serve churchl's of all de !-ialvatmnl\1mya11da :-.wffd11l·1· TAKES NEW POST Newport's Maddox 110 min a t ion s th ro u g ltou t tor for /\UC: ltdpllm•, <1 l l houi Southern Californi ~1. The j)tlpular counsl.'1111g :.>l'I'\ ice. minister will be avail able to help pastors as a pulpit supply as well ;.rs a spe~1ker for various church group fun ct ions, m1ss1on con fercnces and othe r prugr;im~ /\s m1n1s tcr of membership and outn •ach at St . l\nilrcws. hl· n •prcsl'nted the church at tl\'11' and t·ommun1ly furu:tions, 1ltn·t:t cd programs lor tamrlil's. men's tdlowshq1:;, special trarn111 ~ dassl's :11111 o llw r nut n•ach prn- gr;1111s th;1t hl•lµ1•d St. i\11(11·l'W" grow to m11rt• t ha n 1t()()() 1ncm llcrs. The c h urch 1s presently th · Kids' Musical To Be Staged Eighty rh1ldrc·n of L ak(' lhlls Communtt\' Ch11rd1 iunl<' tht· p uhhc· to hl:ln n•l<.·hrat<' our 1·01111- trv ·s 20oth b1rlhdav 11r frl'l.'durn and d ('m11c raev uiHflor Goel ~" rht-y s 111 ,.: a ·nt•w Flo Pri<'1· ('htldrcn-.. mu,w:il t1tlt·d "I L1k1• lht• S1111111l n l 'I U'll' ' Thi• <·11 mh1111•tl dlillln·n ' chmr-; "111 perf11rm :ft 7 p m Ft·h. :!2 .11 El Toro I lig h Sdmol -. llltk llwah•r, d1rl·et1·d hy 1\1.iry Biegel with Dorulhy Waltz us pianist. STRING TRJO TO PERFORM Tht' Opus One Tno. an ('llst·m . hit• 11ll'IL1d1C1 g <'.I \'IOlrn1~t. ct.'111~1 .ind p 1an1sl . v. i ll ix·1form <JI ;J pm. Suncl.iy in ;1 con<·1·1 t .11 <;ardl'll t:10\c Corn10un1t' <:hur«h ' Th<' perform ;in t•c 1s thl' first ol 11\t' trec\\tll t•oncert:. sdu:Juku hy t h1.: l'hurch '!> Chr.st1an lkn•lopmcnt Ccntc•r for t he l'l'I forming 1\rb this spr111g Pror,·c•ds ''ill go to the Perform· 111g Arts Ccnkr. Growth Focus Scie11ce of Mind W orkslwp Or. llcm ry <.;t·rhartl, 1111n...,t1·r nf tlw Chun·h of Hl'l1g11>11s Sc1cnr1· of Laguna Bl'~1eh, 2(KJ4)2 L:1~u0<1 ('a11.111n l<t•,id :11 11.,. 1u1wl111'<' 111 El Toro Hoad, has annuunec·<I the lJl'g111n111g 111 t\\11 • 1'(·r~11n.d 1:111111 11 Workshops" Monday. M;irch I, al lhl· church. Or. Doris Oickclman. Mmrsll'1' 11f H ell ~wu:> S('1rnct• :ind pro fcssional 1.·ounselor , will ll'ad groups. /\'morning g roup. 01Cl'l1llg fr11111 10 a m I•> 1101111 , 1~ tor \\t,HTil·n. •md the evening group. 7:30 t 11 u::10 p.m . is rur men. Enrullnw11t in ('al'h is limit<'d to 12. As enrollment" JITanh. ;11ltl1t 1111wl \\f1rk.,hups will l>e s cll<.'d u l 1•d. "These works hops are not class1•s nor psy1·h11loJ:?1t·:1l «ou11st>l- 1r1~. nor psy('hia trit: catharsis," ~ays lJr . D1ck1•lman ··TJw\ <1rL' m :-tc·;1d eanng workshops whereby one lc;.irns hO\\ prop1:rly lo lovt· on<.''s S('Jf, I hC'rt•fore others ." Or. U1ckclman has :1 master·~ dcgr cl' in lwhavmr:.il !'«ient·r Shl· was for 20 years one of the ministers :it thl' 'hurch of Ht•l1 f,!ious Scll'ncc, BcvNly Jltlls. whc•rc she was Tl•achcr or Science of Mtnd classes and Director of Pa'>toral Counsrhng The groups m eet for kn wt·ck l~ st•,~111ns '1'111111111 ror 1 ht> lt•n \\l'<'ks t!> $35. Hegistrations a r c now being acn•11ted a t !he chur1'11 Author to Speak At Men's Meeting Ll'l' 113)-<'S. ;1u \hor of "The Prodigal Woman," will he the ke~nntc spl.'akl'r :.it a G :~O am. IJre;ikfa:.t Wl'dnt·st.l::1y ::11 G.:irdcn Grovt• Community Chun•h. Thi~ '' l'1·kly nwn·s fl•llowship h ri•akfa:.t 1s hi.'lrl in c;c;c<'·s Ft'll<>11:.h1p l1 ;1 ll. 12 141 L<'w1sSt l\lr!> llayl"' wllls ll:1n·tht>sl11rv ul 1111\\ "''' ··r·t·rr(•(•t \\t11 ltt " t ra::.hl·d ar11u111l h1•r Thl' man shr lm't.'d :ind to \t h11111 :-h1· w:1 .. mur nl·d fu1 s1\ \l':1r' h:l(I her l h11m 11 11110 a filth} 1.111 <'I'll 111 f\h·,w·11. telling the poll cl· she was mc·ri t:il· Jy m..,:inc. ".l u :.l lJan·h con"c10u'i that I \'-a!:-;.i humJn °ll•.'•l11!, I l.J~ t>n thl' floor of th:>t tell pounding softly, nH•t•h anicully with m y f 1si.... '\\'herr 1s th;1t (;•1d 111 11,,,. '"'' motht!r us1•d I•> tdl nw aliuu1 ''"I ask1·d nn .. vlf. '\\'here ;.ire \OU (;od ·1• I ~T11·d 11111.' \\l'llt•' \1r ... • llaycs 111 hl•r 11•1,•\·11lly rl'll'a:.cd hook. Jn lh1« hn first hook. :'11rs llayc•s tl'lb ahllut t lw !11s111tf'gr :i- t 1n11 or her m :1ro·1:1L!I'. lh1 Sl'lf. dl•str11t'l11111 111 tht· r.11 ... h.11111 ,fl,· \10r,l111111rd ;11111 l11•r lr111 • J""' nM to find t he rcJlll\ of('hnst 1n h1;r It ft• Hcsl'rv::it ron-; ;in• a\ .1tlahll' throui:h nr,. 1)41,·1d n.111<•\ s 1.f rice. 7:;0 'jt}()() · l=====O===R===AN=====G==E:;-,===:==CO===A===S===T=====CH::::::-;-U_R_C_H_D _IR--:-E;:::::::==C=====T====O:::::::;-;-;:::R=====Y====-. I! CAPISTRANO V AUEY BAPTIST CHURCH l20l2 Dl'I Obir.po Rel.. Saft Jllo11 CopittrOllO Su1M1cry Wonhip Set"•l.:e-1 It I I A.M .• 7: IS f' .M. s..dayliblt Sc~9:l0 A.M .. Chrhtion Troi11i"'J-6 P.M. W~"4Dr Pray~:4S P . .M. Pastor W1t11.-1m Davenport 49l·1 HO-24 Hc.n FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NEWPORT BEACH 2501 Chit DflvC N<'wport Beach -&42 7441 Dr. F Kenton Bf'shorc Pastor 5-doy School-9:JO A..M., Worwp-10:10 A.M.' 1 ,. .M. Wf'dltt.doy f'royf'f' Sf't'•iu -7:30 P .M. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6SO W. Homilto11 S~rt. C o,to Muo 642-9181 SUtolOAY SCHOOL -9:4S A.M, WORSHll" SERVICES -I I A.M. & 6 f' .M. NURSERY f'ROVIOED PAS TOlt. REV. JOE HEftUR HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH CCW'Mf' af FairYi~w and lolaff. ca,to Mr'o RtY. c-ir Safio•, Po•lor 'ho~ 171 41 SS6·7737 SUHOAY WORSHIP SERVICES 1 :30 It I I A.M.-SUHOAV SCH.OL 9:4S A.M. WEONESDA VS -7 l".M. loyt l nlJOdr & Pio-Girh S..nday hf'flinq St ... ict -6 P.M. ADULT lllLE STU DIES CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH 23rd St. at Oranae, Costa Mesa -645-5050 Pottcw-: ltoi-i M t.MJtt- Mon!Mq WaNllip -I O:lO A.M .. S..ltdcry Scllool 9 A.M. S..llday htntnq Wonhip -6:)0 P .M. f'royet" Mr.elinq W~twtGy -1 P .M. COMMUf'llTY CHURCH BY THE BAY Meet mo <'itC h Su ne1.1v in Cor-o def Mor Hiqt. Siti.oo. 210 I EHtbhlif Dr., Htwpori ko.:t.-1 0 A.M. Df' Willio"'lt Pwlt~.f'ott~ f« jnf°"""tio11, 64S-76SO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Ill A.NC HES OF THE MOTHER CHURCH THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST IN BO STON. MASSACHUSETTS "SOUL" February I 5, 197 6 CostoMeso-Fint Church of Christ, Scitlltitl 2880 Mtso Verd~ Dr .. Co,111 Me•11 S..i.doy Sithool -9: IS A.M Church »r••ct -I I A.M. bodiftcJ Room, 28SO Mua ¥erdt Dr. Hunlinqton Beach-Fint Church of Chris.I, Scientist Ith & Oli•e, Hillntrnqton leach C~h & S..ndoy School -9:30 & 11 A..M. lt..octinq Room -228 Main St. Child Cert lff~ay' 9:30 to 11 :JO A.M. For RtadinCJ Room Study lrvi~ -Christion Scitnce Socitly of lr•int Uninnity Hi9h School 4 77 I Co'"P"' Dr .. Room' 21 7 ·218 S..ndoy S<hoot -9 4 .M. Church SIPM'ict -I 0:30 A..M .. Am. 223 WC'd. Set"•iitt -8 P.M., Rm. 301 t.oq11no Beach-First Church of Chri s.t, Scitnti\t 63S HilJh OnYe Church & Sunday S'hool -I 0 A..M. R..octinq Roo1n -284 Forut A•t. loquna Hiquet-fint Church of C hrist, Scie..tist Contfl' Crown Votl~y Porlaway & Clubhoont OriY• Chwch & Sllftday School -I 0 A.M. Reodinql--17762 ~'Rel. Suitt l Mi Hion Viejo-fint Church of Christ, Scitnfot Cordillffo EJ~nor,.tcwy School. 2S9S2 Cordillet"a Dr. Church & S..ndoy School-I 0 A.M. Rf'Odi"'J R--Sohwoy Cenlet", MuirtOft(f, tr! Le f'cn Newport koch-First Chvrch of Christ, Scientist ))OJ Vio Lido. Htwport a.a.:h Cllirdl & s...dcry Scllool-t:OO & IO:JO A...M. Rt-OdincJ ·-· l l IS ¥ia Udo ._, ~u l'tuv"'"~ t ,,. ..• '•' c. ">, t " ~~ ....,, ,,.,,., t ~wport Buch -Seco11d Church of Cttrist, Scientist l 100 Pacific Vil'w Dr .. Corona <Ml MW' Ct.rch & Sunday School -I 0 A.M. Rf'Odlnq Room-JSOO "I" E. Coolf Hwy., CdM WC'd. E•~ninq T~•ftmony Mr~hn<JI -8 l'.M .. All Cllut"Clwt \1l .ar1 , "'ti a.di\ 111\ 1(1"1! 111 1tl•·nol Ith' 1 l111rd1 j •'/\ 111·~ .111111,111111 lh• I''" 1"'1:1• >«•f tho• -I« ,11l111g 1(1111111, I Child C~t ftro•idrd A.T ALL SU VICES --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___. NEW CHURCH OF Tlw Woy Newly Formed • No~enomlnallonnl Bible Centered • Medl1111lons Psycholoqicc:il & Mriaph)"'icof lnt~otionJ Services Sundt1y 11 00 A M Mental Science Worltshop, Wed. 8 P.M Meeting Room of Girls Club. 2032 Ora nge Avo., C.M. I 11 I• COAST CHRISTIAN CENTER lnltt'Otna,..inatlonol Cllorls-llc 883 W. 15th St., Newport lt'och WELCOMES YOU ~'"" •~ f-!l"'l1n101i L !u1 .i11or1ct.r<.,..~ .1\11 Ages-9 45A M WOf1:,111P 11 •\',I\ M WORSHIP-bP M f'A~TOll JOE TRUCKS Moronotho Proiie Concert ff-idoy - 7:30 P.M. 631-1955 751·0417 T I I I ST CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Of NEWPORT BEACH SUNDAY SEltVICE ond SUNDAY SCHOOL-I 0:30 A..M. "OPEN MY EYES" URBANUS SQUARE MacArthur at Ford Rood -HewportBeoch 640..5738 Jf)H AU lrJ'.PIMA.Tl')tU\\ Ml"/."ACf ()ll\l f4• .... ,. MWt~'• No. S414SIO HEW PORT HARIOR CHUltCH OF ltELIGIOUS SCIENCE ::.t•rmon-Mf"d1lat1on-Heahng ~UN DAY SCHOOL -1 I A M. "LOVE IS FOR LIVING" Rt•. &-c. Joela'°" 541 Center St. Costa Mesa 646-1032 C HURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF LAGUNA BEAC H ~, , ,.,.,, 1•.11v 1n~1.11t1 t111r..1•~1t H1 • ,, i ,Hl~tHJ Cl p ~1n1•lf"' .1111 •• '",,I A\ t ~'4nt ~!,\• If' SUNOAV SERVICE-9 Ir I I 4.M. Jr.Church & YoutllGr_,,.-9 A;M.Ollly ----l ( "\ I SERvtC>fS I 0 A.M. & 6 P.M. t INTERESTING FUNDAMEMT AL BIBLE TEACHING I COAST BIBLE CHURCH MAit Ot(lf4 ff ~ Jll Ht ••t ,t ll )()t ,,, lllli•'.''C.'&"Vl(JJ' .AN ... IA,..t M I , ... ANO 493.1949 494-1141 U0-0407 ---- HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD I 740 W. Wilson, Costa MesQ 548-4704 OOHALD £. lllUR ~ICHAlOLOUll Pa•tcw-Auocl .. r I SUHOAY SHVICES 9:45 A .M .-SUMDAY SCHOOL I 0:45 A .M .-Gvttl Spulttt Pllil Grtttt I 6:00 P .M.-G.e1t SpHltet" I ,..Gn... I I COST A MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ..,,,_ • ..-:r't('Jtrlf llC1N,,-,q,uJPn f. ,1tfn11/1I If\/ -(..rfl~ (AUt · Pitpnm tt h C 011~rl'ql1f loillll C Ill t re h I l \. \. 3262 lroCHISlq Nr~t.~ll-'4?-1740 I SUHDA Y WORSHIP· 8:30 & I 0:00 A.M. "SHARE FELLOWSHIP" Dr.i..w.•.-r... I Clllrwce. Se~JO & I 0 A.M. I I I HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH ofNorporlkoch I Dit<iplnl 2401 IM'iM ot Sontahob~ c ...... ~·-.. A ..... . ~JO .. ... Montinq W~ip 10:4SA.M. "THE rHSISTENCE PRINClf'LE" f<• •v ""'"' H ~wan:;11rl P.1 tor fl45-~/1'1 Mwn«y~ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I\ M;un & Adam" StrC'l"I": f-iun1tngton BC':tch libl~ School & Morni!ICJ Wonhip 9A.M.& IO:lO A.M. VESPERS-6 ... M. GOLDtNHOUR of WORSHIP'-7 P.M. ~u ',f'1'ftf1'• ''rOV+·Jr•f1,tt.UI ,,.fYU .. \.'. I A Cord1~I Welco~ from the UNlfEO CHURCH or CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL 611 Htliotropr A•t., CMOIOO dtl Mor 644-7400 OOM!ld W. IC11h, Mi"i't~ I 0 A.M.-Sllftda~ Wonhip ( ~· t , I rl If • f 0 • I NCIGHBORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 340 St. Ann't Pl ut GknMyrt. loCJll"o lto<h 494·806 I Jo!WI M RtY"old\, Minl\ltr ' .. ':OOA M. Cnoti•t Arh Hour 10 A..M.-Sunday Wor\llip 0-.:11 S<hool i .....,.__, SHEPHERD or THE HILLS 30 I 21 HiCJ11'4 Road. Lacp#lo Hiqiitl 495-1310 OcrYid SClldMrcJ, Mtnisttr I 0 A.M.-Conttmporory I L Off1c<' 536·2'iB9 Family Won hip Dial Devotrrm !>.!6·9580 I 011dChurchSchoof --- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 792 Vidorio 6t., Co,to MHa 81blP School 9 1 !>A M -Wo rsh10 I 0 30 A M YoulhGrouos6P M -Veo;pr>rr, 7 PM WilliomG. Wolliff,PHtor •1 ... , .... 541·14611 ' . . . - \\tl,.l.l r·1;~'!/, I l'.,; •I~ •. /II/\ \I \/I 11 -, < (' I 'r I ~v._>! MORNING WORSHll' ,, ..... 0 8 JO nr 1 I •' "' ,.. .. I "YOU ARE INVITED fO THE DANCE" I .. EXODUS 14 1-15 ?1 II (JI II 4 CHHISTll\N rouCl\TION .11111 ClllLDlllN ~. Ct L[[IR/\ !ION ., '1'1 "I .~ r vrNtNG won-.Hw r, 11 '" \ I DR DOB OOWMl\N ,, J:"11 ,.,,,I tf .t ·ffl ' \\\(' Urn1 !I If• t1 ~lur' , 0 "'".... 111 r ,, "'~·· " "'"'"' ,, .. ., .,. /'11''"' • <' ,,,,.., .,. -11· I I ( (J . ~ Newport Unit y Re>v Sune Richards. M1n1-.ler OootiOflel S~nlu I 0 A.M. -S..IMMy School' A.M. 'YOU AR E GOD S GIFT TO HIE WORLD '""" . 6 t 1. 1.cMfo Clvb I Sitt & lnhw, "r..,,ort .. Kh Office-646-S 111 DIAL·A·f'U YtR 646· 7751 I~ . Saturd;1y, FebrUill"f 14. 1976 OAIL y PILOl A I I Junk FOod Hits Top 40 J 'OFFICER OF THE YEAR' Robert Mosley ·OFFICER FRIENDLY' Mic hae l McKay 'Officer of Year' Honored in Valley Fountain Vallt'Y Puli<.'l' Officer ltohcrl J\los lcy hao,; rt•c<:ivcll the "Of· f1c·t'r of the Y 1·a r " :rn:m l from the l'ity's Exl'han~1· Club .\lu:.lcy. \\ho 1s a:.:-11.:nect to the d<:11arlmcnl''> canin<' unil.. was honon.•d for l11s t'fforh at hL·lpin~ n•clut'l' commcrl'1:tl burglant•s tn the l'lty hy :to pcrtcnt last )l':JI', duh officials :.aid !\JOTOH('\'CI. E OFFICE R BICYCLE OFFICER John Mihalik New Parking Survey Set For Laguna A 11rw park in~ .sur\'C'Y 1s und<:r way lo dl•tcrm inc w ho is parkinJ! wht•rc 111 the downtown Lag una Ue:H:h business d 1strict. Record Names Advertisers -and Succeeds LOS ANGELES CAP> -And TlllW for t:vcrvonc who's ever fell guilt y about gobbling down a Big Mac or a Hostess Twinkie -and liking it -comes a song of Vtn· dication. It 's called "Junk Food Junkie," and it t e lls t he schizophre nic talc of a young m an WhO by day IS SO far tnlO health food that the folks down at the Whole 1-;arth Vitamin Bar call hi m Mr. Natural. Com e n1 i.;htfall, though , it's a different story "RUT \\'llEN THAT c lock strikt's m idnigh t and I'm all by mys~lf. I work that combinatio'h. on my secret hideaway shelf. And I pull out som e Fritos Corn Chips, Dr. P eppe r and an 01' Moon Pie, then I sit back in glorious expectation of a genuine Junk food high. "I've hit hom e on som ething here," says L arry Gro<·c, lhe writer and singer of ",Junk rood J unkie." llco must be ri,qht. Thi.' record is No. 29 on Billbdard Mag;ninc's n.1tionul list of top scllin~ pop ~mJ!ll's and also appears on the country and easy list enrng charts. THE SUCCESS COMES in ( TOPS in POPS J ~pite of the fact thnt u few r adio s tations reportedly have rduM·cl lO play the record for £l•Ur 0£ Of fondin g atlvertisers name in tlw lvrics. Rut else" here :.ome ot lhosc same acJvNtiser..., haH• participated in s1wc1al promo t1onal contests, suc h :is .1unk f11<1d eutmg l·ontests. All this attention to JS m11.-.1 welcome to Grol'C. a fo lk · navorcd sini;:cr with an amh.1blc voice who's been making er li1·in~ at performing and reconlrng for six years without cracking lh1· national m:irkel. A bearded, d:irk-ey<·<I m;in of 27 who lives in a rural art•:i 1w.1r Philippi. W. Va .. Groe\• :.:i~:. lu· wrote "Junk Food JunkH· · as .1 humorou:. l'Omment on a ... cw1.1I phenomenon he ·s grO\\ n up\\ 1t II "TlllS IS THE WAY Am cn <';J ic;," he c•xplains cht'l'rfolly. "No matter what people say, they wind up catin' this stuff." And Groce s;.iys ht"s no cxc~·ption. The sonJ? initially\\ ~1:-0 l'l'('IJrdcd and r<:'ll•a.sl'd by G ro1·1• on h1-. own l.1lwl at :l eoi-;t of less th:in $1.000, lll't'ord1n).! to his mana~cr, Hand~ I laul>rt Air pl:1y rn C;ihfor111:.i ;11 11 acl\!d Warner-Curb Hecord ... \\ hich :-is;m•cl him 0.111<1 dis 111but1'il the single natiorwlly under 1\s bunncr. An ulburn followed Ju!>I WCt.'k. I T'S i\NOTlll<:I< in t crc~t lll ~ dcvclopmcnl in ;1 vurictl c:11'l'cr (;rot·e is L>uild 1111!. J\ native of !>:ilia..,. ht karncd to pl:.1y the gu1t.1r \\hilt allending W. IL Adamson 111).!h · St'hool thL•re. wher e fellow ~tu dents inc luded singL'I'" B \\'. Stevenson and Hay W1ll•y lluh bard. Since thc•11 h t>'s earned :1 had1eltlr ':-. dt•gn•t• in Engl1sl1 htl•ruturc from a <.'ollege in II li1101s. lt clpl'd Wl•st Virg in1 .1 ~chookhildrt•n 1ll'vclop s ongwnt ing :inti performing ~k ills under a )!rant rrom the National Endo\\· in1•111 lni lht• ,\rts, and written :1 tilm M'rtpl I hat he hopes l(J h:.iv1· procluted some d ay. This t11r11 of c•1·<•nts lcavr' Gnwc wilh 1111<· worry . "I <lon'l want to J.(l'l labclc!d ;1:-. :1 funn.v song s inger," hf' Sa\'" "ht•c::111:-<· t h:1t 's not whut I ""· l m :r nwn• s eri1111:. 11111:-1<·1.111 th;JO lh1s sonj! would tntlH':.11<' .John l\11h.1l1k and Comn~n1ly Ser\'ICl' Offr<·er l\I1chacl McKay :1bo rt'l'civt•d m t·rit •h~:ird:; from I ht• dub for corn m 11111t v servin· The aw<1rds w<:n· presented al ~• lundll'Cll\ ,,, part of "Crimt· Pn'\l'lll i11n \\ l't.'k ," spnnson•tl iointl.\ h v tht• Exchange Cluh 4.111J th1• i"uunta 111 \',\I It>~ City Counl'l I <.'rime Prevcnt11111 Weck will enll tollay with ;rn n1wn hou:.i• at lhl' City polil'l' s \:tllllll, IU:!OU SlatL"r !\ vc . I rom ~toll p m. Thl' s urvey is IJcinJ! conducted by fi 1·c mcm bcrs of the l';11·king, Transportation :.rnd Cirtulation Com m1ttce ;rnd i.s dL".s1j.!ncd to sec hm' lite pubh<.· and pn\'alc park· 111g :.p:.1l'l'S an• ut1hicll Nine Mesans On D~an 's List ·. !\loslev. a L•" \11 ~1·ll'S n:tllH'. ioincd t 0he Fn11nt.1111 \':1ll•·v di' pal'lmt·nt 111 \p1tl 1!17 i. Iii' 1·ar\11•r w11r!-1·1l \\1th lhl· Lo~ . \ngt•\l's l'ul1t·1· ll1•pa11 nwnl Tll E 3'.!· \' E,\ H ·O U> ofl u·t•r r1 · s ea n· hC'd and s ug).!1•s\l'd 1111• l'::1111nc ur11t. l'oltn• l'h1l'f i\lar\'111 Foi 1111 said. :11ul the program \\;JS udopled in l ~J7 I. M nsll')"::. µol 1t·c dog, Enc, Ii \'l'" wi lh the off 1t•cr. 111 -; w if 1.'. \larwnn. and I hc•11· d ;1uJ!htC'1". ' \\'l•ridv .\I.1ra', al tht•1r Fount,1111 \a II<'~' honw. orrict•f' ~kl':iv . """ h;1o.; f)l'l'l1 1tl1 t ht• (111 \'I' I 01' S I'\ \ l';tl' '' ;" hunorl'd f111 111:. ''11rk ·" 11.11,un ,,ff!C't•r bl't \\'1'l'l1 sd111<1b, '' lw1 t• Fortin :.:1111 111· h:is 1•;1nwd ltw rncl-namL' · Ofl ll'<:r l"11t•n1ll} ·• 0 ... F ((' E R i\1111 A u K. \\ h II joined the d<.•p:i rtmcnt n1m• :i. 1•:11"• .1J.!O, was crt·ditt·<l with orga1111 IOI! .1 hiC) l'l1• s;1fctv 11r11i.:1 .1111 ''h1ch rl'duc1•d h11·v1·h· :tl'<.'1dt·11t-. ltv :1~. pt•rcC'nl llunni.: 1!}75, Fo1 11n • ;1 ill Dissolution Of Sanitary Board Eyed [) 1ss oI11t111 n ll f I h l ' So 111 II L :.1guna San1t<1ry D1sll 1t'l ;mtl m1•rgC'r of 1b IH 111H'rl1t's \\1th ll11· South Co:is t l'11 1111t v W ;.it t•1 U1~1 nl'l Wt'l'l' :-o\\ 111 ly .;1ppro\'1•d by till' Local J\g l'lllY F or111at1u11 Comm1ss1on. Tlw :lt'l ion is :1 111;11or :.t1·1> 111\\ .1nl 111l'I t.:1·r oft hl' l\\n 'Jl<•1·1;1I c\l,ln<·t.; ~•'n 111;! S11t1lh l.;1i.:u11a :i111I p11rt im1' ol l.;1,c 11n:1 '\n•111·I Thi· inall t•r nm1 1-:lll'S ht'lol •' tlu• 0 1· ;1 11 ~ l' C () u n I v II o ;1 ! ti id S11p1•n 1~11rs \\'h1·r1· ti :111111 m t·d. lht' <!lll'.SllOll fll lhC' dt:-11'1<'1 ' nwri.:t·r "ill h1· pl..1<·<·d h1•lt.11 t· \ O\C'I'' Ill J lllll' Tlw ltoard of MlfH·I'\ i'iol'' c·an 1\111 :11'1 111111 I p1•11d111~· ,, :.i t l' It L!t,l.1t1nn 111tr11d11t·,.d hy ,\, 't·mlth man Holw11 r: B.1dhot111 11{ '\l·\1po1t llL•at•h \ '' cn.11·t1•1l liy tht"'' ate leJ.:l.slaturt• s l a " s {' It I) 11 • d I rt· 1' l () r (tr muntl'l!Jal :-Ol'l'\'H'l':.. 1 ... one of tho:.c doing th<.· checking lit• .... 1111 t h1: '>111'\'l'Y \\ill inrludc .1 '1lll':-ot111nnai1·c for 1lowntown 1·m11l11 \'t'" ;1~k111i.: if tlwv dnvL' a 1 :II'. \\ twn· 1 lwv park· a11tl lht· m.1k1· :111!1 l1c-1•1I!><: numllt'r c•f tlll'll t'oll Sl'holl ;-.;11d lhl' f'{'Slllts of the 'lll'l'l'' 11 ottld hl· lt<:lpful tn re· d111·(·l 1ni.: ;tll d.J} 1•111ploycr· t·mplo.\ 1· park111g to oullyin~ nrcas thus 0 1wn1ng downtown JJarlrn1g to shopp<'l's. Otht•r ml'11\h1•rs are H arry .\loon .... 11 lwom m ltl<'C' <·hat rm an: Don s ~h1dd:., llnnruc Kuntl and :\I ik(• .\It Dowell Ballots Available J\bi>t'ntc<: t)allc>ts for thl• l\tarch 2 city council Cll'l'llons may IJc ob· tained through f"cb. 24 al the city clC'rk's office at San Cl<:mentc Ci· tv Hall. · Thl' <tuickesl wa~ to c:1'il an ahs1•nll'c b:i llot 1s lo go tc1 the dl'rk's office and fill 0111 Ult• re· quir<'d nppllcalion form 1.1nd l'OmpldC' t hC' a bsentcc ballot N111e Costa M esa stu· CIC'nts havt• been named 1 0 the So uth e rn California College dean 's li s t f o r academic ad111•\'1'm<·t1t . Th1•\' .in· lh ·hr.1 ,\n· 1lcr~11n. <iloria ('arl,on . Tnm Fo~s. K:ir,.11 .111:~ gerl. H1 chanl l.11111\'all. BI II Lon g . ( i t' r :ii ti l'ilrker. Sul· lkrgcrson and Carol Whiddon. £rtt San Oitgo Fr.ew~~ at Camino Of Htrtlla Turn rignt to Camino Mir• cos ti PH 714 49&-4601 PH 7l-i 496·SBS 1 Thomas A . McClain, CSB. Christian Science Lecturer Attend this free CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE "Why Spiritual Healing?" Saturday • February 21 • I 0:30 Edwards Newport-Cinema, Newport Center 300 Newport Center Dr. CChild core p rovide dl SPONSORED BY FIRST & SECOND CHURCHES OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST NEWPORT BEACH \_ ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY l . . t ST.JAMESEPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach !.UHOAY 7:30 A.M. Holy Euchotisl 9& t I A.M.HolyEuchorisland MOM1i1>9 Prayrr, alttt11ole ' A.M. C~n:h School HUa!.ERY CAJIE -' & II A.M. CHARISMATIC MASS l rd Sunday of Mottttl. 7:30 P.M. TUE!.OAY I 0 .t..M. Haly Eucltarill, Heolitt<J S~vicr witll LAY I HG OH OF HAHDS 10:'45 A.M. -PllAYEA GltOUP The Rl'•. John P. Ashty II, ArclM-PhoM 675·02 I 0 ST. JOH .... THE DIVl .... E EPISCOPAL CHURCH 204 3 Oron9e A ve., Cos to Mesa SUNDAY SERVICES -8 & 10 A .M. CHURCH SCHOOL -9.40 AM NURSERV CARE Fr.HowordMottCortwriqM, Vicar-Phonr S48-22l7 ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH VISTA VERDE SCHOOL 51 H MlchelMin. lr••M Worship Ser view & ~ndoy School-I 0 A.M. SSl·'4lbl N11ntryPro•ldrd 552-8751 Thr Rr•. l. Lo'"°"' WilhH Jr .. Vicar Saint Michael And All Angels Episcopal Church 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mor Sundoy SH•ic:u-8 & 9:10 A.M. N11r1rry & ChllclCarr-9:30 A.M. Tuudays -7 A.M. Wednndoys-9.10 .t..M Thr Rl'•. John AOC)rn Da•i1, ltrclor Pt.o-6'4'4-001 • LUTHERAN CHURCH Of THE RESURRECTION P.t.ULH.t.LVOaSON NEWPORT HARBOR P'aslor LUTHERAN CHURCH ,:00.t..M. 7980o•r .. or. !.'48-)b31 'I ri•l Y•'OUAIH:,tnv1tt Hrwport kach 10:304.M. Re>eJer J. B""J, Pastor ~ fUM ... •l.Al '1l •pJ1r l f..H I.,. ' & I 0:30 A.M. Wur',h1p 800A M. ••VHL..., .,l.'1Ulil Um llari Hurwry Catt Pro•i~ W"''>l11p '1 1'1/IM, ft•~flVP 981 2 Hamilton V.'Or ,I 1p 10 JOA 'VI Huntinqton Be och ., ' .. " ~ ,, ,. 962-5005 WELCOME I -------- CHRIST LUTHERA .... CHURCH M1s:.01111 Synod 7 bO Victoria St .. Co1la Mua Lott.or V, TOf"l'low. Pastcw-!.'41·5'40'4 Wo"hipSrrvicu-8:15& I I A.M. Sunday !.chool & Adl.11 l iblr Clan-9:30 A.M. Christio1tElemrntory !.c:hool-541·UU PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN C HURCH ?'187 MrsoVrr-cHOr .. Co1taMeH "'• .'J •"• •• t ~N ._ 1 ~ ot-JA ... l~H tU.lSCJN A•.\•"lt.trt S..nday School-9:30 A.M. MOn'li'"J Wonhip-1 & 11 A.M. I 1~f' 1 ,,f~'' ,1 I l 111~,l\M ,(Nli,pt ,.,, '" ,,n.-.• '''"'''•uno •\,,,.,., .. , I I 1 -. A CordialWelcotMfrom THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa Mesa Hun1tn9ton Beach FIRST UNITED Hunltngton Beach METHODIST CHURCH FIRST UNITED 19th SI & Harbor Blvd. METHODIST CHURCH Clwn:h School for 2721 171h St 536·3!>37 All ACJH-f:30 S«•io-t: I!. & I 0:30 Wonhif.";9: lO & I I 4.M. Nu•~C.feAU._,....,..,,_f'KJ L"> tW 15llfll U 0 Church Sc...,._t : I 5 Costa Mesa Nortt' MESA VERDE Huntmgton Beach North METHODIST CHURC H COMMUNITY UNITS> M .. i.av•uo.-4aa .... ~, METHODIST CHURCH •u~:J• 6662 Ho11Ave.842·446 l Wonhl, & Chvrclt Sc ho°' t:lOA.M. Wontii,.._t& IO:JO Chwch !.chool CHRIST C HURCH ,, 10:304.M. BY THE SEA Newport Beach NEWPORT CENTER 1400W Balboa Olva UNITS> METHODIST 673-380 5 Rev Robert Sheoard Jr 1601 MarguenteAve. won111, & Chwch School Corona del Mar f:JOA.M. W~& S...ct.y Schoof I 0 A.M. W~doy l"r.-!.cltoof llr ... Johll lt.1Ctt011 ,., 1:45 l"hit~644-0745 ! I I SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT I HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE I S•Mffl S..-•lcn Frlclcy '""'"" I : IS P.M. FIM!lilyw•lu PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Church of the Covenant 21 SO Fair•irw Rd .. Costa Meso 1..-e A. IC11me. Pastor ~y Wonhip & Chwch !.chool-8:30 & I 0 4.M. Pt.oM:S57-lHO Community Presbyterian Chureh '41 !. fottlt A•r .. LOCJYfta hach Re•. Artiwr J. Ta,.fMlry ltn.41bert0. Hirrpt -Rt•. Arttiur l .Chwtift" 9·10 A.M.-Cltri1lian Educoti0tt Hour 10:154.M.-'Wonhip 11 :15 .t..M.-hllowthipH_. ~494-75!.!. St. Marie Presbyterian Church CorM'!' Jofllborrr I. Eo1tf.luff Or~ c-de4 Mor Ru . 'Willialfl A. McQ11oid, l'odw Wonhip&Clwn:hSchool-'& 10:30..t..M. Phottr:b4'4·1341 -- (, t"'\ T tw, Sunday Wo rc;h in 1n -- \. ..J51..1lnd1:'il'~'Prc::.fiylcrim1 Chw r/1 600 f°I J\1ic1rrw<> Rn,11! • Nr .... nr rt rl,..ac.h on. CHARLC:S H OICACNFIELO, PASTOR "SO YOU'RE NOT IN 'WHO'S WHO'!" Dr Charles H D1crrn1tcld. Prcach.ng Services a AM .9 30A M and 11 AM. ABC LIME OF HELP-645·2222 FintFri4-yof..__...._ 7:JOPJil. Rabbi Bernard P. King 1400W. Balboa Blvd. I'-_ --------T-E_M_P_L_E~l-5..,.l_A_-H ___ , Clntor· Bacbarn Lauterbach Newport Beach. Caltl. \ \~ \ \;/• ·.: Educator Oons M1chael Feriflf-t'-,u1U7S.7210 /;/[./. COHSHVATIVl ST. WILFRED'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH LU~AHCHURCH ~HE·~~STER3 2900 1'acificVirw0r~C-d.IM• 11 Elli• A•r .. IE. ot S Poinh) . ...,nlinqfon leach Or Jamrs C. wlry-RKtor Oarly \,1011 thr11 r" -'I JO 11 .lO /\ M ,.,,,.. . ..,rhool v1011.1.,_, ,, 11 , H J\ Otrl"rt rps~ t 9ull·J IOUJ ~ySM~ttf\ 11 tll\J\ M I toly l uc ''·"' .r w1ll1 ITl(>d1lal111n ~1 J OA M -Allr•t 111111 •I li1lv L uc;h,m'>l 8 Murnrnci ~·r;1vnr lnur··•''Yt H• <l I I\ I\ I I 1 r h ' 1'1('101 11 1 fl.M l\ll1•rn 1l>'\P1n1nr)Pr.1y1•r&H 1l1(ul".ll.111·.I tHlf•.t•fy c ~1'• ii llllf' 'lt1 J11111rn °'"11lhl1r m1P '• lllll' !I.I '•1•n11H Y1•1tlhl.1n1 11> i l~'' M '"lt"lll I ~l'llJ\)I '1 Wl'Clnetdayt & Holy Day\ Ill 00 /\ M I l.ily I 111 ll,ir•SI Holy laplhm, Haty l'ena1tcr, Holy Mom11q.e by appol"""',.t St Wilfrid'\ Chvn:h IUO lltr loolo of c-11 l'royttofll'( Rectory 536·406 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'! A guide to community chu'chet and thefr eYent• appe.,a S1turdey1 6'4'4·2664 I• S..ndoy School 9 : I 5 Mominq Worship I 0:30 I Re•. Larry ~uftlittq, P'ast--SSZ·07U r-----------------------1 SOUTH CO.t.ST CHURCH OF CHRIST Mf'e>ltnq Al Harbor Arra Boy\ Club l 1 JI h \hn 4•~, Co•la Moa II' • hon9efist-&>b Mflear 530-7706 For lntormation: Call 968-0776 535-4866 ATT END -THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEKEND t. TEMPLE BATY AHM IR~"""'I lt.W Mil YIH D. SfLVEIM4 .. S..._... S..-•lc1-.f.n4-y I : ISP' .M. et2101 UftlSt~.....,..~11 ·~·Sc...,._..., f:l04.M.htl2 H.._w Setto.1-"'-'44!'Y 4: IS· 6: 15 P .M. '-~lttf-ti...c .. ,1s.a11' r .o .1o1 2s1.c-.. M•UUS In the I 1Jj I \IQ J (t l i !.~--~~~~-~--~-~-~~~~~~-- , .,,n11~A11~ ~ Sabbath Service~ t , .... f] En,.Yfnday at 8: 15 P .M. ''..j Horbo<' C hristiott Ch.n:h of Hrwpoti h ach 2 '40 I lr'<itte A•e~ Htwpoti llfKh HHUWI. S!.7·!.lU 60·7512 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Or. Fu,. Roi~. Robbi -- r r IS RAEL ACA DEMY . \JlPAN Y~AEl 1Jf.f111 IS RAEL ACADEMY -Sih UNIVERSITY SYt4AGOGUE 1\ r l'll'llrat ion of Li f c lvarl Acodelfly Mo•H To: ltoMho S1111 Joo .. 11 lnt...._dlott School '114 ~, """'''#"' '•' •JtOUy I '"11tf"I 1ly (~I • Ir~ II\ SiittdO'f--4=.tl. I 5-«lfCtU Ha Au pho kldoy • hb. 20 • l :IS p..... Sobbalt! ht S«vlctt s .... ,. hft. 21·10 ....... n•-· StnlCH. TONll a.ts llobffi Jtn'flll.tl ·~ 10 .... 1. a.wt A guide to community churches lnlh• l11Jl\j _Qj(tl1 J r • • A J 2 DAIL V PILOT Silturday ~ebruary 14 19( I 1:; .. I I ' "AJAX" CLEANSER TOWELS Two Ply' SHEETS C 103 39 KAOPECTATE by UPJOHN 1 1 1. r tif 1: r·' ' s oz 99c Teens ·SAN F'HANC I S<.'O (A f'I -y<lun ~~t('r~ "t'nnttnuc th<'ir On<'·th1rd of San Frunttt.c·o drinking habits into llw1r ad111t youngsters bctwc•t·n 12 and 17 lite. the 1nt•1dcncc or akohohi.m H·Jrs old "\•llJllY 1.:l'lt1n g d1·1111k and of ah:ohol rt•l.1tc:d cnmc :.ind Cllll'l' HI a While,'.' .. 1 :>tUd\ Of th1:-. tJe)JOQUL'll('V \\ill ht• l>ound to 111 h.1rd 1lr1nk111g to wn re\ c.al!'> • crea~c in ~.1n Fr;Jne1:-.co m tht: The f\•porl ~.Jtd nc:.trl) 20 Pl't • near futun' .. n ·nt of the bo\ s 111 lh1-. agl· g10111> TRc t>tudy wa!'> Jll'l'J>:.trl•d for tlw • 1ml 13 percl'nt ol thl• g1rh ~;.rnl city i.. Bun•iJu of Alroh1lh!'>m by a ttwy haVl' as many J :-. fuur drink!'> '(.: Berkl•lcy l)ul)ltl· h<'alth team a day on <1ttas1u11. h1'aded uv Donald Cahalan a nd Beatrice i ·rcun an. :\ SUlll.;\R N l 'MHEJt nl .vouth:-. 1•xh1bil s igns of c·on.r- pubi\ l' drinking l l \\Jrnl'd that 1f lh t·~c "I WAS Sl1Rl'IUSEO a nd hor- rified about lht• kuls." Cahala11 said in a n 111tcrv1l'w. ··1 was Getting Drunk es pt-cially !.hock ed about the .:iris . Some of then 11 und OVl'r sl'em to l'llJllY gcttin~ drunk ·'" much as the boys. In past studtl'' Airls sct'mt'd to d1 inJ.. less, hut they're c:Hthing up " The rt.·~>rl !'>ho" t.•d that nearly fiO percc•nl ol ~Jll t-'l'anc·1-.c·wh bel\\cen the agt.•s of 18 and 5i. drink ut least ont.·e a W<'ck, con\ P•ircd with 44 percent ~tatcw11k Comparative figures fo r olhl·r m ajor California metropolitan ·Jrcas wen~ not available. CA HALAN SAID THE r at<' for • ot h•ast on <' drink :1 wct.•k ''~1s i i J~rccnt in suburban Mann <.:oun ty. but lh\.' UPPl'r clJss rc!'>11knh of that arl'a an· hl'tll'r :1l h1d111g or coping " 1th the ir drank an~ "In tht.> city pcopk bump into each othe r morl'. lht•rc an• n1111 t.• bar!> a nd lht•n• <.irt· mon• 1111 portunil11·s for a cl:.tsh bl'l\\t.•t•n tntliv1duals." said Cahalan Ile satd San Francisco's drink inA rate is "about on a par" with tlw citie s of New York ;.inti Chicai::o. but th~•l ttw city by 1lw bay docs tcpd to allral't murl' skid row typM r Mr . Canepa Reme 1nhe r e d • /\ mernorial fund an honor or Elt1.u bt•I h C' ~1111• 11.1 of ~~·\qi-Ort Beach hJs bt'L'n t·..,t.1hl1:-.llt'cl hy the Ad\ 1sory ('1111111 ti of thL• H<'ltrcd St•rl1ol' \'olunll•l•r l'ro· gram of ~outh OrJn~l' County. l\I rs C .tnl'll:t. "Ito du·d lkl' 2~ • \\as a :.t•11101· aide\\ lllt UH: HSVl'. \ontribut1ons to thl' Ehzabt.·th l':tnl'pa M\.•moraal F'11nd may bC' "'t.'llt to the• HSVI' offt1•1•s, 17111 \\\•st Ual lm.1 Bhd , N1:wport Hcad1. t I SOFT'N'PRETTY BATHROOM TISSUE SWEET· HEART FABRIC SOFTENER (t(l Refreshing LIME! GAL. ! ~-=-UPJOHN UNICAP ,Unicaii 0, MUl TtVtT AMIN • -; L · · r ormura ror ,,._ -. ·.!....t_J;, lOO' the r2am1ry1 1 9 ~~~ PLU~Z4 · ,_ rREE • ,. t._ KAOPECTATE I ~ CONCENTRATE by UPJOHN !I ( 1, • ,1 Jrrt11.\ i' l11nt•1 If llo 'V 9:30 AM TO 9:30 PM MON .. SAT. 10:00 AM TO 7:00 PM SUN. . BIG VALUES for SUN., MON. & TUES. CUSHION SET for Your "ROCKER" ·, ,, I I 7 .88 SET "PRINTS" 4ROLL 65c PAK . . • .1 . . _. r ·~ PLANTERS "COCKTAIL" PEANUTS Reclosable plastic hd retains fre shness! "BIC" BALL POINT PENS r II'• PAK l)f 3 PEPSOOENT TOOTHBRUSHES I • ~ N.1:ur.11 R11 lk1 ~ ~ 3 ~1.00 PLANTERS "ORY ROASTED" PEANUTS SAVEi SAVEi SAVEi THERMOS m ~ac.uu.~ ~o~tle ·11 H ::·;:; , 1 ~.99 JI OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION R ~1.'.1r nr ! r;;i, ' SAVEi SAVEi ·sAVEI CLOSE ·UP TOOTHPASTE 4.60Z. 59c LARGE SIZE CARNATION "INSTANr ff OT COCOA MIX Just Add Hot Water! DECORATIVE Throw Pillows I n•1,J11t 1• v 1111 .ol.1 w1I h l~1·~r. m 1•vtoln1,, iii· "'"" 111 1 r.11ob11w 1d f 11 I YOUR 2 F 7 00 CHOICE ~ • i OIAPARENE •) BABY WASH CLOTHS With LANOLIN! ( £CONOMV SIZ£ 150 SHHtS 99 ~aby Wash C, .c1o~~~ \.. -__::_,) SOFT & ORI "Non-Sting" ANTl-PERSPIRANT Assorted Formulas! Boz. 79~. SHOP SAY-ON DRUG STORES-EXTRA LOW PRICES -EVERY DA y OF THE WJEK HUHT.HACH_.dmfts & ,,_.....,._Spriti«Jdel• & td~ FOUHTAIH YAlUY ·~•I W-HIWPOIT llACH-102' '"""· Weatcllff "•H s.A-ltl I S°""' lritt.I St. ft. TOI0-2012 locliflttd bed MUGUfllTl f'tCWAY-Min lOfl Ylt(o _r .... Satur(J.;ay, fe~ary t4 1976 DAIL y PILOT BJ Hamill Easily Wins Skating Gold Me~al figure skating in thl' 12\~ Winter Dorothy rrwd ag~un -,11n·-.1d,•1H 111 ttw l 11ll'rnat111n.cl t•ontt.•nt \\ 11 h 1 lw ~.ih 1·1 11w1l.1I. dents Cnrlo &..,1 o f fknvl'r, :i 1'-~SBHl'C K IAI» ~ht· -.Jt nn ~1 Oro" n l'orcfu1 oy -.ofa '\ gohl n1t-d.ll 1l.111gll·d from u rtblx111 .iround hl.'r Ot•t·k :.incl ;i houqu1·t ol llo"t·r::. w<1-. <·radh•ll 111 h1·1 J t m:-. "I l':.111'l tk-.l'rlhl' hO\\ hJpp) I Jnt," '>ht• '>a 11I S11 ~,1111 Doruth v I lamtll .1~ Uu· lwlls 111 old lnnshn1t•k toll\;,!I nwl lllj.!hl Elt•vt•n Yl'•trs of d1·clwal11111 . hard work ancl :-.;1('nl1 t•1• hail ('Oll\l' l o rru1t1on 1>111 ol h\ ll.11111 11 uf Htv1·r~1dt'. l'onn . wa·~ tht• g11lc.J nll•d:tl1sl She had n· al'ht•d the pinnacle of \\omen'.:-. Morley's Eagle Ties J.C. Snead S1\N 01 F:la> l.\I') Soft ~pokl'n M1kt• l\lorlL'Y. a can·t·r non \\ innt•r b ul a t•on :-.lant t•halll'ngt•r I his ~eason, t'i1glt•d his ftn::il hoh~ for a lili and lllll\'L•d 11\lo a til' with .J C. SnL•:td fur lht· 11.'acl f<~riday 111 tlw :<L'l'ond nHmd ur the $180.000 San Di t•go Open golf tourname nt. Thl' unht•raltkd l\'lorlt•v. who:-.<· n.•markabfy 1mpro\·ed i1fay ha~ put him 1n l'trnlt•ntwn four 1111H· . .., aln•acly lht~ Vl'ar. put toJ,:l'l hl't :i l\\O·round l:J:J, 11 untkr par .ift1·r O n Tt'Today Chann~I 2 at 2 ont• r ound nH•r l':tl'll 111 thl· tw11 Torr<'' I' till'" l '1111nt 1' l'luli courst·~ UM'd fur I Ill' {11 ~r :11i hol•·' uf lh1~ t'\ t•nt Snl'~1d. th1• fi r-.l round l1. .. 11k1 and ch•ft•nt11n g l'hamp11111, ... 1101 .1 ~t·c·oncl round <i8 1n tltt• d1tll). doudv \vt•;1t ht<r Au;lralaan \'l'lcran Brur<' Cram P.~n . Sn l' acl'-. play 1 ng partner•n the long<·r. tuughcr. 7.0·17-yard south 1·011r.;1'. had :i !-olid G8 ~HHI was om• st rokl• av. <tY from the co·ll'adcr!> al t:l<I It was a 11ollH'r l\111 ~lrokc·~ h:Jck to Don .J;.inuary. l>on Bu·s and .Jam M :1~~l'rio. tH'd al t:lfi .lanuan"s Sl'Vi.'n -undt•r p ar Ii~ 11 as the; bes t round uf tht• d.1~ U1l'S had ~I 6ti and M asM•no a fii Morley. January ancl Ma~wno played on the 6.667 yard north c·m1rst'. the l'as1er of thl' 11111 ~l'asade layout:.. Onl~ th<• '>outh cour~e \1 Ill lw used tor th1· 1110 Imai rounds Both l:J\ouh Y.1·n· s t 111 IH'I .J11cl ~ogg~ from 1\1·1·1.. l1111g 1 a1ns th.11 droppl'd 111111 t• lhJn f11 l' llll'ht· ... on lhl· s.m llit·:..u .11 c·a and . ,,.., a t·on~,.qu1·n 1 1· pla~c·r'> 111.·1 <' .dlm11•d lo lrfl d1•an :md pl.H'l' t 11\• l>all •>II Ill!' fall'\\ :t\ ... .J n h ·n n 1 :\I 1 I I t• r .1 n <I 111 · n <:rcnshav. ~ C'a<:h .1 1\111 t1nw 11111- rwr tht!-s1•ar a nti .l:wk :\1ckl.iu~ .in• not com1wtini.: \lorlt•v. "ho once 1·on<;t<krNI qu•tlmg the· tour 1n d1sg11s f hoi-. 11n1"hl'd :-;1•t·11nd 11111'1'. l1111r1h 11n<'l' .ind h ;id two 11tlwr pl:iC'111 1·~ in th1· t11p l:i aln·;1dv lh1-.. :-.P.1.,1111 "'"" ry i•f fq,,,,,,,,,, •1( .. , ( ,,., I ( \,,,.•I t;. .-,.M "'irto ; l•'-M·• *'' (1>rtfl1 ,., •. I••· it'• M ,, U1n " le l"l••l''tl'T'l:J l"I i "'• 1' ,., ( ,,,, ( '""'ii II• Olymp1<·s "l C'Ouldn·1 h l·lt> 1t . · "hl' saat.I Oh 111 1111 Ccimrn1lll'l' .and Errath tlw b111r11l• man of l tahan birth. abo li..•d Un Earlwr. the saml' l'\l('!> that "It wasn 't becausl' I had fm,il b ;\nd thos 1• l\111 ~11ung wcimt•11 For th1::. 111ll' l''l11l.11Jt11w l'll'll t;1111's .John Curry tntlW ml•n':..m· now ghstenl'd 1n a dcluy<'d m·w~ \\On lhl' ml'dal It 1\ci~ sl'Culg l/11' .,t.111dini.: 1111 t•1thl·r s1dt· of ht•r 1n~. Ooroth~ 11 ;is 111tbt•JtJblt· d1nduJI cn1wn \\'t•duc~day . t·otlfercncc 1n thc eat a1·omh~ of American flag A<> \IJ> :iml ht·ann.14 11c•1 t•ti'I 1u-.l .Ill.\ -.k,tlt•rs Thc·y She wa~ ~Upl•rb 11011,1.d thl' Olympic lee llall had Wl'llcd \ll'rl' Wiii Id r ham1111111... Daannt• "I rl·all\' felt l'lllllltknt all rn~, m•n. "'" ..... 'JI 10..• "''" I f.•\I with tl·ars . 011 T\I (Chatuu•l 1 ) tk l.t'l'U I\ of Tht• Nt•tlwrlan1b, \ICl'k." \ht; pd al l', dark lt :11n•tl ';";~·:~'"~ ~ .. ~C1~~.?.:nr;·,7u:"~. :, ':;'·..; .. CZ;·;:~;:~. Uorothy admitted s h1• 1·1•1t•11 the• 197.'l 11 tnnt'r. and <'hristint• ll'l'na~l'f {1)ld,, l'l'lll>rll'r~ \\ho h.1d 11 1 4HO' t."1c ... mnn111 1 'oCJ7l h I b f h ··.···o. 6 •• ·•o.. •• L' 1 1. •.• t c· 1 k 1 1 F111u,,su""" s ort y l' ore sh<' wc>nt onto t t• ..-., ._. ., r.rr.11 \II .1.'.aS 11•rn1any, CJUl'l'll ~l'Cll it•r ., all' 1n .J r n ·~:-. ), 11 · w,,,... n, 11n..1 1 00,11m1 """''"· R•"'""" ll'l' lo skatt• lhc must ttnportanl 11rf1i.:un• i-kat1n i.: 111 1\-174 des crib1•d as i\mt•nt'-'.111 lkauly c11n.i ~u oro•n•'" 1 o .. 1nn•· °" l• .. .,w. r11o I I l [ 11 I I k l I · f> ct h I I" ti N• '"''"•"'""· 10 o J c"""''''w ("""'· l11\t program of hl·r l!J )l'ars l ~as the band play 'The Star Spang l.'1 >11 10 t) 1;11 l> ·a t•1 ui.:a 1nst ,(1sc . an t t•n stay1.·1 on or 11• ,,.,,,,,.,.v 18 0 • Ann.t ,,,,..1"'h. E·"'"'""""'Y l'motwn. Banner '" ltll'm for lht•st.' tilll'S :ind loll!. li11t l1111g wait for a ch a l\\ 1th lht• m·w J111 ' ''·•1Jo•1 °' Na•~"" w. 1 C..•rfl\dnv, \H • ThC'n , "flt•r thl' l'"~ults wnr .. Ill 1'hl• ma t) \\'hi> dra 1>l'd tht> llOllhi!>llllll' t•h;.101p1on Wtndy HuHI• vMCll'n C..ro-.·. ll.l 0 8 L.•Otl~ ffd ..... ~ "" "-h•nf'lt:. t u" Af\Q•·I•\ t.1 0 and a big red <.'arpel hat.I been medal around Dorothy's 11l'('k Tht;>lon~ kgogt•ddo lA•t•u w,\1h11 Oorolhy 'st•oac:h ~al ht·s1clt•twr. 10Hooov cc,oupe1 l·ollc d acros-~.· th" 1'cc for the • t th hi l d II\'"' 1n Loi-i\n•'l'lt'~ hut :-.katt·s sharin•• for lhl• sc•t·ond tlllll' an Rom.>nw• Sw•"'''1d""J .. ... wasn t JUS ano er uc coat '~ .... ., JdPd"' Ou•QM•~\ nwdal presentation rercmonic:.. olficial It was Lord K1ll;min. for Thl' Nt•thc•rlands, had to bt· this Olympic~ thc glor~ of ht!> stu Au\lrtdl vu90\ld•"' 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.tHr Pttot ~,.olot br R1<h.trO JCorhter KELL y GALLAGHER (13) REBOUNDS AGAINST FV'S JON HOLLAND (40), BILL CARROLL (45). Spor ts in Brief P ole Vaults 1 8 -31/2; Bruins, H u skies Vie TOH0:-\1'0 \\ I a <I ' ., I .1 " K111:ikt1 •\\ 11·1 ol 1'111.11111 ~c·I .1 \\Oriti 111dn111 rt·1 nnl Ill I h1· poll· 1 ,11111 f-'1 1d;I\ 111).!11! h\ so;.inng IX :11 • at tilt' 1111111110 tnclonr ~;1 n)l·~ Ko1ak11•\\ 1t1' ll•:ip, un h1" "<'c111ul :.itt1·mpt a t Ill :~·" 1•r:1M•tl tht• mark of I>! 3 sl'I la"t \lt·1·~ 111 Poland h:-<·11111111 ~ m;111 Tacll•u:-.1 s1u ... 1rs~1 l '\ pn'.'!-Col ltcc· a '>'i t!-l.1rtl <11.11·h nan 1!1pl1·y m.-.~1·d hi' lhn·1· ;\tt<·mpt" ,1\ IX :!'· lo lm1.,h .,1•1·1mcl and K111 ;1kw\111•1 ch•e li111·d tu tr' ancl furthc·r 1 .11~1· h1~ m·w n•roi·rt Bruin• on Tl' I.OS \\;Gl':LES lTL\ c·:in r.11..1• a h1J.! -;tc·p to\\arrl :111nth1•1 l1.11·tlt<· x h;1~\..l'lhall rh.11n p11111 ... h1p till., .cfll'rnnon \11th .1 I 1rlon 0\ t•r t hi' I Ill\ c·r ... 11 ~ or \\,,...hllH'f1111 .1t l '.11Jlc•\ 11;1\!111111 Tlw :~ 11 1·l11<'k 1-.:1nu· "111 111· h le•\ 1~c•cl 1111 ( 'h,111n1 •I 1 I ( I..\ ~ 11111111-. .111• i I Ill l'a1· 8 "'·" Cl lll' h .1011' .1h1-.1il 11f \\',i-hl!lt!lllll ·1111· 11 11~h.11·-. 11•11 111 tht' H1 lllll., .1 "1·c·h .11:11 111 th1• l'.11·1l1t· ;\111'\h\11•-.t '1 ;11 q111•., .J11h11..i111, I\ ho 'ffln•d t'.I 1•01111~ 111 .1 IOI 'ix \\In m 1•r w ..... h1ng 11111 s1.111· ·111111 1!:1\ n1).!hl . 11.11·1·-. lh1· Brutn.., 11!1111' 7 o n•nt1•r .l.rnw-. Eel 11 ,1nb 11·.icl-. lit•· llusktt'" · In anotht•r l'at• H gaml' t11n1gh1 . l'~(' hid.; for tt'> ftr-.1 <'ClllfN1•n1·c· wan . hostm g \\':.ish111gt11n :-,t.clt· .11 R Lak4>rt1 Romp l'.\0 (;1,EWOllll Thi· t.11" i\11gd1·s l.;1h.1•1 ... h..t11n cl r...111·,.111 1\hd11I .l:1hh.1 1 ., :1:.: p11111t-. .ind I i.1Ji ( io11d1 wit ' :111 n ;.111!..c ·d 11p 1lw11 11lf1·11.,1· .ind 11ppl'd t11•· ,,.,1 t1rl1.,111.., .l.111 . l:!t: II:.! l'ncl.1\ 111 :\':1111111.tl B;1 ... h.1·1h.1ll \• rn·1.1111.!1 pl.I\ ur w O Jll r r.~; 1'1 M ,,, u '"''' H<Jf t: J •"'" • ~ '(J' "'''"·' , A01J f.1~t ,, ,. , ,,...,,JI ft• N l•H I" LO ""I•• ',, t ii J .,. 1 •' • .. ' ,.,,,. I' If Bf-1n·er11 Triumph !-. I' \ \; FI) I< 11 "'•ll' t ' I I lhrt>11 ., tn the• I t'l 1111111111 ttf pl.1\ 111 1;n1rg1· '1'111 l..1 •1 .11111 1. .. 111111 Slwlt1111 g,,, ,. On ·~·cir1 :-.1 :111• .110 1.1; 11111 oH•r llw S1.1nl11ril t '.11 d111.1I 111 .i l'.11·1f11· Kl '<111!1•11·1111• h.1 ... l..l'I hall J.:.1111<' Frtd,I\ 111i.:ht Balanced Attack FV Races Past Edison, 86-68 By ROG EH C1\ltUiON Of lhp O.l16-t Pdo1 Stdtl Fountain V;.1111·) lligh'" n•tl h11l Baron~ hla1.t•tl lo lhl'll ltflh -;tr;.11ght Suns t·l l.t'.1).!Ul' baslfrt ball triumph F r1d;iy 111ghl to gr;.ilJ a s han• of :-it•c:ond plac·1• v. 1th Edis on and L11ar:1 \1 tlh t11 0 gaml's IC'rtoftlw rl'gular ~l'ason Tilt• llaron .... o f c·11,1ch l>:tl1· Rrown blttn'CI \'t~1ttng EcliMm. 81i·G8, bt•hrnd .in 1mprc ...... ~11 l'I~ halanct·cl ~l'ot 111J,! :it l.U'k :rntl an O\'t•rwhl•lming \ 1<'1111 ~ on llll' boa rtl~ Foun1 .11 n \'allt•y ~''l'llll'd lo ha1't' t'\ t·ry l'<lll·gun 1n 1t-. fa\'or monlt'nlum. dc·plh. n · hounding .11ul mo:-.1 1111porl.ml of all lhl· :ih11t' to c·o111w1 I Thl• \I 1111w;.., 1 r .11lt·cl onl\ 11m•1· tli I 1 ;end h.1d t 111' ;'.t lll! 111 h:1111I ,11 lht· h .ilf \I 1lh ,1 l ~•·ill it-.HI th.111\..s lo -1:1 att1•mpl ft 11111 11t1• fu·ld :incl :1-1 n·h11unch. It-ti h~ llo1 Bo\llhl's JO carom~ Fount:un \'allt•y made· 20 of tho~l' 43 shot~ f11r 41i 5 pl·r<Tnl. hut llw :-.t;.il1 sl1c 1:-m1~lc·;icltni.: If thl' Baron .... m1s:.l'd. th1·.v s 1m11I.\ k<>pl gl'lt1n,r:: th1• n •hoitnrl ant.I put· ting 11 up until thn .,,.111 n l Balanrc'l /\l tlw half llich \'al but•na lt·d FV \I 1th rune •poants, fnllowc·d hv Bill C:1rroll and Box· old \\Ith l'l0g ht apll'<'l'. Mike Zurn bo and Sn>lt Ford with 'iCVl'n upicc:c :.ind .Jon llollancl with six agam!>l Ed1~un ·~ m an-to· mun ck r <·n~l .. Tht· ('har i.:l.·I'~ of Edison co:Jc:h L1onl'I l'urn•ll pJrcd the dcf1c1t to 4!J ·13 with 4 SR lt'ft 111 lhc third p t• r 1 11 d h t• h 1 n d t h e n i f l y fll·rformam·t• 11f flu riddled Hoh \'01!cb.111g. hul lhl· hosts l':tnlc bat'k \11th four cJ1ffcrcnt pla~·t·rs h1t1111g lht• n1·'t flvt• butkl'lS n111I Eda:-.on w a!> dm1 n by 11 \\1th 011\' quJrtcr ll'fl \'albut·n:.i :.ind Ford hit al !ht· lllllH'l of thl' rmal Stanrn and 1-:1h~on ",,.., dn\\ n hy 1;, :rnd 1 c· ah:-.l1l'alh out 111 ('OOtl'ntlun In all ~·ounl .11n \'allt•\ m ade: :1:, of i i; from I he f1t'lll \\ 11 h mo'>\ 11{ tht• fan•po\\ t•r t·1•111l'retl arouncl th<• mside game· FV's Geroge Harnos and Zurn· bo fouled out m id "ay through the fmal period and Eda~cm trl'Pl to \\1th1n 75 1;R, hut llol lJnd. \1ho led FV \\1th 21 po mts. ~c-ort•cl C'ight of his t'OuntNs in llw rl'maining 2 2!; \'ogl'l s an A sc<1rl'tl :H for F.disun hut 1! was n't 1.·no11~h to ofl st•t sax ftw:-. an double· f1gun·s Tht· Baro n ~ mu!>t contin111• lht•t r "tnntnS! ways to qualtfy for a Cl F pla \'t1fh bt•rth ;ind next on lht• agcnd.i 1:-. i\I arina WL1d1ll'sday. £d1>0n 1 .. , IN I Founl••ft V•ll~ .. IQ II pC IP lq II pC IP M1 1~,,, • 1 I 1 v ,.,,,,,,'Jf " I) 0 , ,, l . m rr1 r '"'l" } 1 I I f ,,,1 \ l • r~ 11 . I ~ ~ l v"'M ' '1 r/1fY•1 1 n • • t\t•• ., ., () . • ( I ~ .. I " ,, • ,. '" . 11 .. I I) I• ""' , .. ' " , 4 V~•t,J•"ll t . ) ti "'I ti'\•') .. . I • " ..... ,, \ I 11 1 •• ,.,,, f ···~1' I .. 14 ,, '" I "' ••• ... , S,corf" b't Qujf1f'r' .. ,,, ,, .. f ' ffll t•'\ V I t 'i I' t f 1• , Today's TV I ·For Oly1npics U \' Thi• ,\ssoriall'd Pn•s!'> fhc: :1ttl'mpt for ,1 hron1.1· -1wtlal II\ th1· 1 · S lu1.-k1•\ \t'.1111 •' 111 htJ!h.lti.;ht fl\ 1· l11111r' of Oh 111 tllt' kin 1.,1tlll t'U\ l'r.1gl' lod.I:\ On th1• l.1 ... 1 m .11or cl:11 of com- p 1· t 1 I 1 \) n .11 I tll' I :.! I h \\'In I l' r (;a ml''-· 1\ fl{' \11ll i-h11\1 htl!hlight:o: fr"m :! 30 !l t m l :1 \ . h :\O 7 .111<1 !l 11 111n1ght rtw J\mt•nc :in twrk1•\ l<'.)01 :nl•( h \\'1•-.1 \;l•rtn.im tocla~ and 1 't<'ton or .1 I 1t· \1 tll n •-.ull 111 a 11ron1t• int•d.tl tlw I llh mt·d.il 11 lht'"'' <;aml'.., Oth1•n1tst'. lhl· ch anr ''" of lhc• i\m1·nl'an~ rt" .1t'hrng tlw1r allt1m1• high of 12 nwdah :11 1· ... 1trn Sports on TV Oregon '1'01111 Cal 1n:1t1-\l·:l.E'I (;n-v ll;tllanl "'pl11cl1 ·d for :r• p11111h 1"11tl,I\ 111g ht l1(•fco:1d t/11• I r1111·r .,.111 11f Ort•J.:nn to :t i '1 1;1 l'aC'il11 >- ('011lrr1•nc·L' ha ... kl'lh.ilt \ 11'1111 \ t)\'t'r till' California 111 """ Otlwr t'\ l'llb ~1·h1·dult•tl toda\' .ire th<' nwn·., sl.1hHn. lhC' fm:~I , uns 111 I hl' four m .111 hoh:-.lc·d . t hC' nwn ':; 111.0011 nwl 1·r s p1·1·d s h.atcni.: .11111 t lw nwn ., f10 k dnm1•t t•r :n ;-i11ll•s n·o~:-. c·oun\ry ral'e Abo, lh1•rt• '' th1• hol'kt•\' ga rn1· h l' t 11· 1• t' n H 11 s ... 1 .1 a 11 ti l'll'l'hns lo\ .1k1.1 Tlw \\ tll lll'r J!<'h lhl' i.:old nH·tl.11 .111d lhl· lo~er lh1· ..,lh l'I 111 ,, m 11:11 c ·01.1.t·:c; t·: l\\S K .. :Tl\\1.1. 1111· \\p I \'11 j.!1111.I :\1 olllll;t Hll't'I'" t.11,.1• "" ,-.:01r1• l>.1m 1•., 1•1gh11n ·: 111,h I I :Ill .1 11\ I,, I '111. llOCh I'\ T lw 1.11-. 1\nr l'li ·• l\llll'-. I -. lh1• ('.111;11!11•11-. ,cl \1 1111111•.>I ., 1'11111111 I p n1 I I> ('01,1,1'(, I : 1\.\:0. K J.'. TI\\ I. I. Thi• \f.1n l.111tl Tl·• 1 .1pm-. t.1t..1 1111 th1• t 'Ji•nl.,011 1'11!1'1'' I i I l'ltO HO\\l.f '(; l'h•· .. ;11 IHll) F.111 l..1111 · Op1•11 11 e111111.i111n111t1• 2 I'm 1:: I (,()f.F ll'llllfl pl.I\ 111 lht• \\ lll1:im-. !-'.111 0 1 .. 1:0 t111 11l l'nrr1·\ l'llH'.., ( '11111 'l' Thml \ 11ch llp1·11 (;ntf ":111. H ;'Ill ;111tl ~Ip nt ti l ' 11 \\I :\ T E It O I. \' ~1 I' H ' (, \ :H fo:S 1!·1· hew k t·~· mt·n ·, ... 1.1111111, lour man hnl1•.ft•d dlll ).!, m1·11,4\.!_H.IHIO 1111•11•1 'fh'l'd -.k;it1~1t "ti~I 11w11 s ~111 k 11111111•11• r i'cw~ef·i olllll I') ~h' Ill I.! • ' :!fl r 01 f ;1 I f Ol,1.fo:(;f>; I\ \!'\K ETB \I.I. ll1J.!hhi.:ht-. 111 .1 l!.11111• h<•l" 1•1•n .\thl1 l1·' an \1 1 mn anrf t h1· Ct1H'tn11:at1 111·.11 <al'-frc1m ('1111 11111.111 < 11 m 111 <01.1.rc;r n '~ h 1: T n ,, 1. 1. 1 h c· \\;i,fi111 i.:ton llt1'i k11·.., nwC'l th1• l Cl.\ 11111111 .; .1 1 l'a11h·v l'.1\tllnn I :J II p Ill I :! ) ('JI \l .t .f.:~(:t-: OF T iit·: :0-1:, 1-:S \ hm111111! m.1lt•h .mtl .1 pnol g;i1111· holh t.qwd .11 \11,..s111n \ 11•10 :1 pm 1:!1 S PORTS s r E<T \('l 1 ... \R Tiii' llKlth \\'1• ... 1m111"1t•r K1·nn1·l l'luh -.Jul\\ from :'It ;1el1 -.1111 ~111.1r•· 1:.1rdc•n 1 ;1 \\ll>t: \\OHLO OF S l•ORTS \1 11h;1111111:11l 1\11 .inti llrl\l ,1rcl l '11.;-.1'll 11'\'lt'\I ttlrn:-. of torm!'r < h.1m11101h ,\1'11, lhc• 1>,1\ Inna 12.'> -.101·k (';1r r.11·t' 'i :10p Ill !:!H I T llEWA\' IT \\,\S .\ lrthulc• lo lhl' l!l,1 j ii IHI I !1.'lH ;\ I! ' d1 .I Ill p111n-.l11p ._,.,. ... ., lwl\11•1·11 lh1· f\t,.,lnn l'1·l111·~ ;incl SI 1 ,0111~ I l.1\\ k:; I< p m (,'i I ('01.(, .. :(;t•: HA S I\ ET RA I. I, Th t• \\':1:-hmgl on II us k t<'s 1·~ ttw l ('f.,\ !\nuns an a g.1 m<' lap1•tl 111 t hl• .1flt•rnoon .11 1':11tl1·v l';I\ Ji10ll 10 I' m 1:i 1 < ·m .1.1·:ca: "'~Kl :Tfl,\l.1. Th<' \\',1,h1nl.!t t111 St.1t1• t'ouf,!.11 -. rrH'l'I tlw l S(' T r11 f,111-. 111 ,, c.11111· l.q11•d .11 I ht· "p111 h \rl'n.1 ('rint•r Pi("kPd HOISi•:. lcl.1 ho .11111 1'111w1 :1~. an ............ 1.11ll 1·11.11 h .11 I < I.\ 11 ·"' ... c•IC'l'll'd l"r11l.11 ,,.., lilt' 111·11 ht'.HI foul b.tl I t 11.11 h .11 1101"1 SI.Hr I 11111•r..,1 t \ l'nnt•r h .1:-. hl'"" .111 ..... .,1-.t.int .11 l '('f,,\ fnr I h r1•1• '1 ,11 FV'S RICH VALBUENA (35) BATILES RAY GOMEZ (21). In lht• mt•11 's :-10 ktlnm1•t1•1 rro-;~ l'011n1 r\' r:11·1>, lhP l ' S en tnc·s an· T1nl C'ald\\l'll anct Hill KoC't1 l-\ol'11 \I 1111 r lw ~tl\•t•r medal an thl' I~ ~11t1nwt<>r-.. hut he· h:is 11111\ ract•tl ;11 ;,o k1lnm1·tPr'> nm·<· twron· In hoh-.lc·d and tlw m1·n·s 10.000 ml•tc•r -.pt·1·1f '>k.1tmg_ lhr J\m1•ric.1n.., h;n l' \ ll'tu;tl l~ no nwcl a I hopt·s U.S. DoekeyTeam Bids f or Medal INNS1'fl l '('I-\ < \f'l l.l'ft \\ an i.: StC'\'l' .I P11:-.l't1. f,1-.f c·-.1 sh01)l\'r C\11 t lw l ' ~ < ll \'n1p1e· 11·1 hnl'kt'v team. \I 111 he• f.!lllHlllH! lor ttw V:·<'sl (;<•rman i;o.tl and a hromr nH"dal l11day in llw XII Wantcr Garn<'~ "I tt11nk :ill !hr l!U\'~ ;1rr m(•n t :illy prC'p.1n·<I for ;1 h1g v1<•tor\'. .h•nsc•n s~11r1 Fr11l:1\' "\\.',. sc•l'm 10 h<' peaktnl!. i::11n111).! m1111· 1·1111 f11lenrt'. 11 lulc• tlw 11!/wr 1t•.1m ... ;11'1• ,l!<'ltln.I! "1•,Jkl'I .Jtons<'n. 20. a h11"'k' fi f11111 :? hltrntl rrnm rh mn11th \l1n11 11,1., "l'·1rk1•d tile' \nwnc·.111 c11I h•gt:ill• '1111.itl Y.tlh "\\' ,11.1b Ill four ~:im1·-. .incl • h.11 , • .., r11nnl'r llfl hon1ir-. .1s t lw 11111-.t pt ol1f11· -.corc•r \11th th11•p 1111•11illl'.-.11l llw 1·ral'k ~)\'l('f ll'.lnl Tlw 1\ mc•rir.111~ 111 ... 1 to th<' l n 11 i.: h H 11 ., ... 1 :1 n ., H n cl Ctl'dW-.lm .1ks 111 lttt• fir'\ two 1-::tlll!''-· lh1•1l r;1 1!11•d Wtlh VIC' tnnt's !l\ t•r F111la11d and Poland To \1111 the hrn111c• rnl'tl,11, th<' l ' :-.\ lt'.1m nc>Pth al lc•:1 ... 1 a Ill' \\llh \\ 1•-.1 c:1•111t .Ill\ tilt• oll11•r ...a11p11..,1• 11',lm · :'lt .1\ h1 11 -. tlw1r C:l•rm.111 hlnc11I hut !111· 'omc• rr;t'>Ull the•\ 11• ,, hlllc• 1111111• ,1i.:gn•-.-.1\c• .tori l11t h.11 d1•r t lt.m lht• othrr Europ<':in tc.i m -. ... J .. 11-.1•11 -..11d111 th1~ UntlC'd Sl at<':;· I 1n;tl 1111111 >111•111 "Tht• Gl'rrnan" :11"1' 11.cu• 1·c111s tant now on lhl' ict• 11111 -.top .111tl i.:o hut rontmuou~ <'11T1il:•t111n und they're a good passmg duh " /\lonj.! with t h1· 11t h1·r l l s Olympians . .JC'ns ,.n tr.mwd for the lnns l>ruck tournanwnl 1n a i:ruclinJ,? 60 mat l'h l"<h1hc t111n sl ~ll<' in the• l 'ntll'd Stall"' :111cl F;urnpl'. rC'1nfore<'d "1th .1 "Pl'c·1.1I hod } hutldinJ.? 111't1J!1 :1111 thJ t dramal1call:-1mprn\1•d h1' 'hoot mg ah1hl~ S coach Rnh .lohll'-1111 ha' cal le d .J c•n c; c 11 t lu 11· .1 m ·.., q1111·k1•'il shoOl l'r ancl 1•11mparc1I his sli11 ~ ... h11I :-.t:-11• "1th s ome of thP Sr)\'h'l st.11·s "Clui ckl'r s h11nl1ng l'om<•s from l1H111g a lul of \\'l'tJ.!hL-; and rrac- tacmg as much as possihll'," .Jr ni-l'n t· plainer! "i\ftcr r cgulnr daily pr:H·ti<'l'. I s tay out on the 1cc :Jncl takl' 50 to 100 t•xlra s hots, and I can rc~illy '><'l' the improve- ment " "Bl'fOrl', ( wnuld h:lV<' to look 00\\ n ;.ii lh<• ru<'k :incl think :.ihoul "h<'r<' I 'm go1n~ lo pul 1t and how I'm goan ,:t lo ~h<ml 11 wri:.l it. '>l:ip 1t or 011> 1t But now I try lo 3\0ld looking at.the' n1'l," hd,aid. 82-DAILY ri1ri Loara, 67~64 Vikings Clhich Ti'e for Crown Hy EO Hl'lt<:Art'f 01 t~* O•oly Pilot \1•11 ·Easily the l<.•rror cif th<· Surl' .. d Le<1gue two wt•l'ks ago \\ hl·n tlwy \\Crc l>l•at111g 11ppu11l·n1 .... hy :m points, thl· l\1 a rina l11gh \'1h.1ng.., arl' ~uddl•nly alld111g sonw :-.u:- 1x·n ... L• lo tht•tr frt·n111'<l l1.e:-."l'lh.tll l'OdlllgS ./\gaan ... t tht• l.o;ir.e Saxon:-Fri <by night. lhl· \'1k·ng-; !luln'I 11,. cide the uull'Ollh' until ... ,.,,.n s<·conds n •m .wwd '' lw rt g11.1n l Rich llra nn ing ~a11h. t '' 11 In l' throws. 'fhal increa ... t•ll l\l .. 1r1na's il'ad lo67-62 and tht• V1l.l•:.. \\1111h7 1;i 111 p key Sun:,ct L<•agt11• h.1:-.kt•th.111 ~ame before a ... 1a11ding room 0 11 ly cr6wd a l Luara lltg h : Losers of t" o '' r .. ught bcfo1 c- J.'nday night. tlw \'1kt•.., 1n1p111,<·d thc11· lea gut• n·<·urtl 111 Ill:! '' hll1· the Saxons m:.irk 1'1·11 to H I M arina has l'1111 c hcd al lt·a ... t .1 ltl' fort he leag-ut• t 1 tie. Loara. which lost to l\l.1nna 80·52 carlit>r. w~~s d1ni,:111g to ;1 60·59 lead with :J :4 l lo g11 hdore the Vikings rallh.'<l nff s ix &lraight point!'>. Loara rl'fust'cl to fold. h<i\H'\'l't". rutting the margrn lo li5 li2 \\ h<'n P aul Roche sank a 15 foOll'r "11 h 35 seconds to go It looked ;1s though lh<' Saxon .... might cul the It-ad h• onl' "h<'n Marina turn('d the h:1ll m·t·r I ~ seconds later But L11.1ra 1ni-.s 1·d a shot and Rr<tnn1 nJ..: ''as fuult•d with scv~n M:<:onds lo go. n ranning \\ ound up "1th :J:! points and was :-ix for si:-.. £wn1 thl' frl'l' thl'll\\ l111c 111 the f11urth qu:irt{'I' B:. d1rnbk tl•arn1ni.: Branning .md u::.111g ..i bait 11111! llJlll', thl' !-1:1:-.un.., :-.tayt·d l'lo-.l' although tlw~· onl~ ll·ll threl' t1nw:-. :.!I 22 .111<1 '.!Ii :!I 111 th1• ..,l'nmcl qua rtl'I' .ind lill 5!J 111 th•· tourth l'l'l'lod Hl'l~111~ hl':..t\11\ cm B1 .11111111i.: thl' \'ikini.::.. fa11l'1t tu g1·t th,· h.ill 111-.1d<• n·1 y ofll·n \\ lw n th•·~ d11t 1·1 lllt•r :\I alt (.'otJJ.. L':J..,11) :-.µun .11 ound h1-. cll'l1:11tlcr, "rnumg up \\Ith 11 !}Ollll!'> l\larina pla~ t•<I .1 man tld<•Jl..,t' Ill th~ fir:-l qu.1rt1.·r. but thl' S .. I\ nns "l'rt' lw at1ng Lh1· \th.Ill~:-. 111 '>lcll• anti t hl' :wnn· \\a.., l 1t·d at :!II Thl' \'1kt•s S \\ tlt•ht.'d tu :i J '.! :! lOllt' 1n 1 lw :..1.•cond J>l'rtod :ind n · ll\ II I II I'd I 11 t h ;1 I d l' ft• 11 .., 1· llh'r••:tlll'r. But L o.11 :1 ... t:1\1•d t·lo..,,• lhanh,.., Lo lh1· :-harp out ~1tl1· sl1111l!in g :rncl f)Utl'k d1 I\ L'S Ii\ :\tark Ho<:l1t· "ho sl·on•tl ~ti point:-. Connl'cl ing on 17 of 27 !->hub 111 lhl• flr~t hulf, Marina only hit l'tght nf 2·1 in the s t·<·ont.f half \\ht•n l.oara s ank 12 of :!I for tiO 1-1crccnt. ~""• IUI 1'41 Lo•ro c .... fh.1hl1 r I t • n ft<1 \V "''" 1 ft '). i\\-1r1n.1 l ••.• lq It pt IP tq II pt Ip 1 U > b F°<''1,,..m<l J ? 1 i4 1 It 4 .a P Rotht: J I) J h J ) 11 tic..Ht11} \ U l 11 , l • n v 'utc ,, J o / '• 11 J/ M ~ "• t 1 .& .t lt1 1 to-l 'iwi-""f'lt f I U ; t :0\ l/ '1 tJI \/· ~ I 1 4 .I l "I ,,.,., }1 ti JO ti..a Scor-~ t>y Ou•rter\ I /'l I ,, ., J I"' t t t & t.t Dvttrak ln.iured Lagunans Def eat SC Five, 69-64 ' By l.1\l'ltl·:\:1·: K E\'S 01 lllf D•oly P•IOI !>l•ll The Lag una tll·at·h ll1i.:h Artis ts L·d g1.•cl pa .... 1 lltl' S.111 Cl('ml'nlc Tntons m Iii for .i South Coast LL'aJ.:Ul' h.1~kt·lli.1ll triumph Frid;.iy night, l>ul 11 "asn'l all guud nt•\\:, .il tht· L..aguna gym . 'Laguna guard Dus ty lhorak inJured hrs ha nd early 111 lhl• finu l quarter and m a~ lJl· out for th£' rest of the s eason I le .... torl:d u; points bt•fore hi' lt•lt lht• g:im1•. a nd the ,\rlt!>lS \\l're lt.-ad111g 51· ll; at the ti nH'. The Tntons tnok .t<h .1111 ;1!.!t' tif Ovor.ik 's ab-..1•11<·1• c1111I \\httllt·•I down lht' il-a cl 0 11 lnng r.tn ~t· 111n1 pC'rs b~ Ttm 1>11nh.1111 ~ 111 Clt•ml'nle :-111 1-!t'd .1h1·acl c I li't with 2·22 1('11 mi :1 "h11t frurn lh1• Lop of thl' l..l·~ b\ .I 11hn \\'11 111 r I'll But th1· :\rt1 ....i .... p u ll•·of lh('ms t•I vt·s ttlg CI h1•r and took 1 lw ll'.trl .1 t.;~11n on .a -.11111 i., 111•11 D:.icou" ho:.l'orc d ~I µ.1111h * * ,.,.~ s.an Ch""'"'" W •,. .. ·ti.-H S,tH tt t tci ll pl Ip I t , 'I flt' ,, ' ! • t ~ \ ' i I 1 111 .. ~ I rr,rr, "''' .. ll rit"' * IQ II pl IP I I l I k.t•\111 l'1k•· \\l'lll lo tlll' flt'l' thrcm tine "1th 1 ·ox lu hit t\\o <'lulch shots :md g;1\'l' th•· i\rt1:-.1.., a ltltll· hrt·:.ith111 g r o •1111 \\'1th fl\'l' Sl'l'UIHI .... :-.htl\\ m g on Lhc clock th(· ./\rt1..,ls wPrc loult><I aguin <tnd this Lime Bn:rnl Smith hit two to clinch t he win. Sm it h s cored 11 po in ls and .J:!rabbed eight rebounds 111 lhl· h ard·fought contest. Withe re ll scored 22 for th1· Tntons :ind Uunham atcounll'd for 21. with lti commg 111 lht· Sl'COnd half. It was ~ frustrating loss for San Clt•m ('nl<.• which tr:11led h,· 10 lat<· 111 the third p<•nod but t>ain c b:.i<'k !-tlrongly. In lht• fourth quart••r , tlw Tnlons "l'l'e frn allv :1hk t n pt•nl'trate lht• l.ag un.; 1ollt'. liul tlwy fon·ed ·,orne .... 110i.... :ind rn:ult• l\lll l'l'Ul't:tl luul:, 111 the fin;il n11nut1•. Lai.:una co:H'h Ed H11rli11i.:h:im t,!ot ~:uotl plforls frnrn Enc· ""•"" •.ind Hoh Wh11 ,• a;; lh<'.'' t•am1· olf the bt.:nl'h 111 thc fourth tH'nod .. El Toro .. Edge Uni; MVRpmps El Toru's ·('h~1rgt·rs rt•mainc.•cl 111 tht· runnrng for ;,1 Cl F 2.,\ pl:.l)Otf bt•rth, tnpplllj.! lht· \'ISlllllg l 'n1vl'1..,1ty l11 g h Trojans 49-45 111 South Coa:-.t Ll·a~uc bas kdlrnll att 1on ... rid a y 11 i g ht In anolht•r t·1rl'u1t J.Wlllt'. Mis- :-.tr111 \'11.·10.., lliahlos thl'y'vt• Jlrt•ady dtnthl•d lhl' lcagut> t 1tll· rolll·tl lo a 70 5·1 \\ 111 on-r host Dana lltlb \\1th I\\ o i.::1 mt•:-In go, El Toro Is 111 I 1\11 ti p I .1 l' l' 0 1\l' g;J llll' hch1nd L ;q.~una llt'a l'h. Thl• l'ha1·gt.·r .... 1rl' It 7 "htl<' l nl\ L·rs i· l~ and D•tna 11 111::. l'ach dropped l05·8 Tht• tiny Ch~1rgt>rs h~1d playl"d lhl' la<;l th rt'l' games "1thoul ~ophomorc llub Charles and lo~t them a ll But Friday nis.:ht. Charles re· turned anti lht· !i-111 guard con· nt'('lcd on two fr t'l' I hro\\.., "1l h t.•1ght St'concb r c111a111111g when El Toro\\ <'nl •llwad b~ four ('harlt•s wound up I\ 1th nin(' po111ts "h1lc l\lill'IY llC'1m patl'd El Toro with 12. F or lhl· gamt>, the Chargl•rs ..,:ink 21 "f 11ti fu.:ld goal utttmpts for 45 pt.•rc1•nt ~phomort.• Hoger l 'oirwr l<'d Ll n1vt•rsity with 14 pomts whill' Btll Jlalforcl adch:d 12. In kt•t•p1llg p an· with thl'ir goal of :!O wins. tht.• Dtablo.., had ltllk trouhlt• tll upp111g th1•1r st•ason rt" l'Ord lt.1 u1 .. 1 Fr11.Ja v. fhtling a bla1.111~~ -;~ P<'rl't.'nt frc>m llll' h<·hl 1n t hl' first half. the t>1altlo.., ;;pul'll·cl tt1 u 3!.>-:!:! h;tlft1ml' lt•:i <I ;111tl hret·tc tl lhl•rt.·<11t1•r i\ctuall~. llw ga1111· \\:.IS dl•111ftotl 1..·arl) 111 th1.· l1r:-t tlt.'rw<I "hen tht· lh.iblu:-. openl·d a 11·'.! lt•atl l't·ntt•r Sic•\ t' S.J" \Tr ;ind £111·\\ .1nl l>;I\ 111 Zogg t'.1t·h ;;c·11r1•d ;.m )lOll\I'> fur .\I"'"'"" \'tt•JO \\hilt- g11,1nl K t•lly (.'11\ l'lllpJ><'cl 1n 10 Tlw l>olph111 ... had thn·c pla)l'r.., 111 1lo11l>lt· f1gurl•:-.. ll'tl l1y Jeff Paulson 's I.\ points. l kn r~ Mikiew ict. h~d 13 a nd And y~ Hoffman 12. l~I O•ft•H•lh Mt\\iOn V••io (10\ tq IC pC Ip tq ft pl Cp P'111JIVln \ I I 4 ArJiH'n'\. 1 Q fJ , J~1 '...,,. CJ ? I /nflO it .._ 1 'JIJ M 1't,1 11it1t f \ 1 .. 1 "'~" 111 0 .. 'J j ti tlfrf, lh ,I '• \ I ( ,. 4 I I!) ( r 1t~1 I 0 •• 1lt,'1I• I • : ., tt•·•n ., n "•tl'WOi J II 0 '· h 1tJf ' I fJIJ'l•t I ') ') 4 lf1t11h 1~ 1' HJ fl) S<ore by Ou•rtrr\ M •'' '"'• V 1f I' 11 1q 1~ 1 '1 11 t),\f\d Hiii I I~ 1t \,. 14•) Cl To•o WJ'l1h ... "'I .. M•"• Hilt N.tr.: HW ,., ,, ,.,. ,,. 1 \ 0 ~ 0 ll A \J • • 0 I ' .. (J .. It 0 0 I II 1 I U H f 1m C,r,.t-n#f>Od ? 0 ' ' I 11 '" IOI•'' 11 U•h~r\.•ty f4\) lq fl pl Ip Jon"'°n l o 1 ~ .-1~1tord f> O 1 P Poirier o 1 • I• Wl)OIJ 4 0 4 II M<Ctymond\4 t l • TOldl~ ,, ) lb ·~ S<or~byQ.,.,,..n Un•"''''' ff f 1 Jo,-o l~ Q " 10-4\ U I ) b 14-41 ·Gauchos, Bucs Play Saclrll£>1'>:irk and Or:mgr Coast c·olleg1•s faC'l' ,, p;1ir or :-tiff fol''> tonighl 111 junior l'Olll'J!C basket h,ill art inn. Sacldll•back 's <; :iuchos trav<'I to San ;\J arco ~ 111 h:tltl1· l'alr1mar Colll•J!t• ir1 l\l i..,sinn Con IPrrnt•t• pl.1y :ti H \\hilt• OC(."<, l'1r.itt'S t:i"t.' on ho:-.t S;mta 1\n;1 in South Coa~t .1c t ion al i :111 NI tly ()unh)M Horv 1lh t-i·1··h1n•l f 1ll4I, ' 1 II 1a I] 11 .., .. J.u ,. .. I I I I I ' •• ' I 1 t I 'l \ I I 11 •' 1-\ ;\ Swinnning Results C "lJOA fi• l I'\ •Jt'\{.li ,..,, "'' ' h t t I\ I h 1 't Tars Handed 64-51 Defeat Wc>i;l m1nsll·r IJ1 ph .., l.11111-, 1:11t .1 tou~h 11\1.H'll pc •1 t11rm.i1w 1• It •Hlt T ony Com pt 1111 :ind .... orn• · , I 1111 h s hoot1ni.: £r11rn :\111..c• '-'•Hltl1'1"' 111 th1' four th qu.1r11•r .ind 11 p.11d nll "'ilh :1 1: I :-t1 ~"""''' l.1-.11•11" b askc•tball v11'1111' m1·r \1'>1l 1n~ N1•\\ port I I .1rlior I· 1 1tl " 1111•hl The ::\:n lo r-.. of N 1•\11~ 1rl t l.11 hnr frll h Phtncl llv 10 111tcl \\:I\ Uiro11gh tlw fin.II qu.irlt•r. ;11111 with Kim {'111•._,. 1111 tit•' l1t •111 ti With ft\'l' p l'l M !ll:tl 111111 .... "\1•\\ pot t couhln 't dci..,,• llw J'.1J1 lldl \\ill.. 1n t11t l1•d '""po rt with I'< .111d <.'1tctl..1• h .1d I I Compton \\ .1-.. 1·-..1w1·1.tll\ 11111g h d1•frn:-.1\'t'lv a ~'.1111-..1 '"" 111111 Nf'wO'l)f"t H.ubOr f\t) '"4 W• •m•f'\ t , w ." ,. C1'1 .t tnt.,t,.., ((_I lrt• 1'f\..,1)1hP I I Q , ..... f '"It" I I• fQ ft ot tQ lf'f tt pt If' ..... , ''"' .. ,, I I \ U 'I ,, I J \ I-ho .,... t n ' J l t omn• h''I J '°' I . ..,..,,,, I I I /J 't~••brOu~'1N\ I n t t I • t , "': ' ·~ I f) I l I ' Nl>w~f"t H1trb0t I 1"\ 1 • W. fm''' • r Ill) I~ I I , .. ,,1 JUNIOR CDlll'CE P.a\.td'""_. 1101 U l ~ck11"~' ""'"" 't ,. ,, 1 f.',, 1• ' 1 1 ' ,, ,y hto 1 ."lo I rh1f •S 1H II '.,I ' H,,. <lfP 1 f"I.,. .,, '15 "· /')fr,., l flf,,lt•f f'I ': J~1 1\ U'I) If lH,.nt'Mt" I l 1Plo ' ti R \11 fft ;• t M HJ•l• it 1 j l Jrl'lo\l \ •• 1 1 flJf' \ /(t}tn'1 rTu<1l"f 1 f-.' m tn (f' / i"h r 1 tPI r:i.. "o"· , • r ""' 1 • ~, 1 md1 t tJ1vo111 1 t , , nd ~ 11 ' W 1r1 I I t (_,\ro.1Ht Pl r n1f'I' ,1A Hv 1 J'f•• I 11 I W 11' PJ l l'f 1 ' 1 11nof t \I ~I 111) trr• t r\r1•t.t11·r U'l 1 M..11k~1t •I) 1 lf';t!ft,rt).1011'~' 1 no '" 10 t:oh.""" , C\.utthdf 1 .• •• w .1 nu••\ M m.m •,N1 ,,,.,. 1 WI ,, rh11'\d !Pl 1 P11 ,,, tr• l I ylr ('1 l T Hhf• • \I ll /Ofl h,. ! f I f 1••...,t."'''1 tf'J 1 01• 1 11 ' f 101,.tit 11,,...,,,, I <•'''r"\t i'.>I •' W ,111• t'"l l r, irrMnt fPI 1'11,11' 11a 1(1 4r'Otff"t•r1 l,\y I ',, IOh n.11 • l1rr-t 10 l l occ 1u11••1s .. n011'(JOMl''J f(fl,,.,,. di 'Y ~'I 1y I t •t' 'it 1 11,..... ' M ' 'otl r ,,., 1 ,., ' ~ U·1 01 ) Mu ..,, r t t W ir'1 <i l fO• 11 JI i ._, f '', I t f1•l1t t\) I , I •I""° ·.t 1 If ti t·/ tc) ' '1'\I• ' \,14 1 \t1 J , I I M.t ti• II ) ) J '" • l rot ., ti h. 1.1·n O 1 ''' )~"' I Ill tM I /lff I VI 1 U •f•t• ~l T 0'' I 'l tn• r,"" 11:i11 "•'" 0 V•fl''l I l W ' t I ' f "W'" 1 It l 1.u • (1f • "-•I J • ... ~-IUI f It'• •I\ 0 J f 1 'r ''" ' , •. , ' I I O• I 1lt111 "lu .,,,., f\ '''"• ' I' )JC) '"''' ' ' ,, lh' 0> J Uttt IH"I Ot 1 0111pn1t' T1~ • i jj 4 .-11 ,,,. k• 'f 1 l• f'l( l•f") T1,,,,. l 1\ l Vl\A~ll Y 'uUl (lrm•''\'" 11\1 foC'\I TM y M1· l1 t h I j' J tr. 11• J1ntr , ,., ' "•t Ir•,. t ( ,1rf1 t~• I •"Y,.,.' t1 t I ~ltrf+I' tn I••• 1 11 Vanguards Host Fresno Outfit Soulhc>rn Califnrni.1 ('o ll1•i.:<'. tiPd for f ir<;l pl.11·•· 1n lh1· Nnrth<'rn 01v1,1nn 'Ii \I \ l>blfll'I UI sland111i.:,.. "11 h l\t11l.1 "1111•11 trrta1n Vn• ... 110l'ar 1f11·111n1J,;ht 1K> in annth£'r 1.·1 n 1111 m •llt'h Th(' Soc.ii \ .111i.:11.1n l!i lt .1\1· fpur conft•11•11c·t• c .11111•.., rrm.1tll mg 1ncludtn~ '-' cruu,11 11n1,.• .it • Ca ltfo rn1.1 l.11tht•r.1n Col lc•g1· T 11t•scl.1\' r11i.:h t . hd ot 1• th1· <ll'>Lr ll't pl.l~ nt t~ lw1:m \ 1; 11'l'l11l'I,, I rff lw l\\PC'll 1111111 111r t1111 \ .1111·\ Cllri-.11 .1 11 .11111 \I.in· !'I.tr 11 ( llw S1·.1 111 non k .IJ!lll' htJ,!h :-.1'1111111 ,11·tt•lll pl l ' ('<'dl'S I he Sul ti ).! .1 llH' ~Ind M•·rt 'Y 1 O rf"'rtn.tt't ,) 1 G.:Jnp• Cl I l ( ,... n f 1 l lf\I f •,o rr '' , I '•''-..!ll urr(J H .. ~,.., ff l nu~ tl T•nl• ,, I 0 v1n'1 I Q,.., <f• 1 "rllv lft Yt·t•fn. r Tl P. •RI II\/) lJll~J1 ) (J01 »1 v , "'f f>J On1 q T HV 1 flO r) 1fJ) f ,,., I H tV• (l)] ltnc~> lfJ) r_,rr_,,n I , , ...... ~) \ rl} frf'•· , nr:t"lrm•" "l 1 \nyf')tr ,,, 1 riur /#"\., 1 I I Ht•f C1• Y 1()0 IP•• t W1•rn•·t ( )' 1 t it 1',1n .. 1c,1 1 (.tf "'' fl ' f ,,..,.. ' r..1i 4 , I) hu .. ~ .1 I r,(Hllolll •• l 1 l 1 (Otf"'" If ' l Ount\,H'f\ , t T ,m,. I O\ / .CA.i (f•'• R• '·";' 1 'tl"!(IM'f'l•nh• Nnrim• "ROSH SOPH Troy llOU 1401 \•n C'l•,,,..ntr lntlMMth I (fl'!\~ \ J fVV I 111' '" 0} I } •» t , ..... ' •t"'r•P 1'1'• I Hnuu IT 1 l llr.,nrlrin ( f I !If'! ' .,, • N'l l.,'1 M1 1111 >1 I ( t'TIOhf II ff t 1 Wt f\-.t1·r Cf l l M<HIH•• /' ,; T1fni ' .,, I • l f ,.. 1 M u ,,,,,,,., ! f' 1 M.vf\.Jdo Cl) 1 ltut• 1t• / 'f) r '""'" ; '•,.. 'f)() J l'I t ( ,unptJtt11 11 . 1 P.utirlry H ) t (Ot" l J 1•1'1 1 \I 4 VCfr-..t t Hoe>Q (TJ 'I tf~np tTJJ llrtM•n fl• tin•• '"'' tCfHt1n '(t),,ti..tll) w '""'"''f)l "\m,cnr t ''"" t -. ' I"' 1 ,,.. I t l M .• ",.,,, trt .. C'wllt.>v 41 I I ~t wf:f If ,,,,_ 1 14 .f, •fllt J n Qi •v 1 l, •1 T ,..-. 4 01 i Area Calendar \"11V-rdlY t Ff'b If) f\,),.I f'Mlf 0, tl'\•11 f \ f If ''"' t An I 1 )OJ .. ·'1 .,,....._, ... "' f'1'"" ,, if ,,._. 1'-'1 I I\ "'r1'1 t ' '' "' I ' ~ ,t .., •'' •" r U•I l'n• t 1 , ,,. , it tft M oot ·' 1t ul th• -• t., •ttml1n11t .11 \l.Ulroy 0 t;;_ ;' 1•1 H1vt .tt ovnu ,,. ( t•,11.r,.,., (. u.-oi· '" Sw1mm11'\'l f ·l•C.n,, • ,, t.1tn V,\!lr·, ,\f R1Jll1t11i tf1ll lll'tH. tfl •f\ ti f•n,\l f I "' \I( lr ... lnt' .. ,) •1 ''' If\ '' 1 \f.'tf• ti r-.• Al•lft H 11lw f l fttlt\ I fl'"' tt~"htll t 1ff1n Wr•I tt '\ ~v • .. t•n)"I ,,._,,n,..v ·" ,...,,", n W•· t ''t lfv""' ,,, 'n)lnt,1 (UJUl>h.f\•·Act1' ,,, onnnt MOnd11Y tr 11tt ,,., tt.t·.~f'1tfl tJn1,v 1\t \.m ,,,"'>" ,,, <1iouO'• rn t 1htmn••• (1111,.•t• 11(1" ,,, UC 1rv1rvo t('li)U\ •t·"'1tJh1~'''•l'l'·t tt noun, I A v.,111 y .1\ (o1•hJ• n w, t Or>'"• n'").;:' vnU,,yt,,,u \<1ntf' M nr11t.t 11t Cofftrn w"'t TUf\dn lF•b t1) ,_,\,~fbltll ''''"'"''0'""' ,,,, trh ,,, t<.tfrftl r1 fr•rn '' M i\\11'Jt\ 'V1f·10, \Jn1v,.r\1tf ;1t l "!OYn" u. t• ~. 0 U\,t ~•1 I\ ,, 1r,,1n (It rn·nt1 r\11 ,11 ll UC lf'v1n" '' Amt"'''''""' 't(')ulhrrn r <lhtnrn1, (n1 •• ,,_. ·'' f 11 \ uttv' ''' M·•'"''l ltt'M .,,, Hunt1nqt1"1n Vtflf'f '"'' ''''' '' nu1'1trn t.u.rnrn1*' (Ollf'•• '··"··· ,.,,..,, .. p, I t1 [h Nlf\<1-\ ,,.., , lCH 'nt n ~ t I M H H l ll)11f\,f (}tt>,.Ot M,, •• .,, ..-'11 .u •n ( 11 '"" "'" ''"' ~ An,,,.., 1+At4, n • •'' ., l w \1m1h\t1 r lf N l'WJ)l')'1 H.H~ , t t1, # n • • t)\fnt,.•n v •II•., ,, ttunt1n 11on '""·" n y ,,.., "' r, .. ,,,.., '~' ••v,. .tt Mtr'n" 0 lit \.ld ft • r 1 • N M ir , , o\tit 1 1 --0...1 v • 1(1\ P~'"" b 'f t.I• h1t.J "'V"°I_., FLYING HIGH 1:011111.1 1 \.tilt·) fn· .... tu11,111 ('11 1 t F wld. <2~ 1 .... 11 111>1 • o\, 1 .1 1 11. 1 1 , I pl.I\<' ... :nc·lud111t' H1 \ ;\l<..·1>1111.dd 1 I • 'I odd I i 11 k1 : f 111 1 11111 ">'.1 , 1 I> 1 .... 1:.!.~ 1 t•I Edr:-011 :111d ll.11111' ll.1 1,.·ll 1:1:.!1 11t •tw L.111111' Rustlers Fall, 81-7;) ( ;11 Jd 1•11 \\I I I ,, :. I I ,, It.di"',., 'I I .Ill• I •I. ti I 0 I' I'"" I II .... I • I C'.d11111 r11.1 I"' t• 11 111, I , j '1' 11' l I , 'I i.1flJ1• I" 11 illl 1111 JI fll1r; ( 'oll1•µ1· I 11.t.1-. 111 111 Tht \\ 1111111 l\11,1I•1 I... I 'I lht• g,11111 111 111• l.1 I 1\'." 111 I ,1, \\IH'n .ll'fl '1111~111• ,1111 J,,1111 f .Cl<'ht•liflll.' l .II II 1111 fl 11,111 C1f frcT th1 n" to1 ,,7;-;-11 .. ,<1 'I lwn .1111 •1 11,.. fl 1 11 .. 1 1· 1111 St.h1ll1·1 I '1 IJI Id \\ 1l!i I 1-1 • C o ltll 11 \\ • t J 11! 11,, ti:, I ! 11 I \\hen 1!111 11111d•o111111 ti l 1 • 1 But .1 1111 11. 1 "·' •• ", .i:, ,1 for 11.1\1 1111, I I 1. \\ ,; • ... • "l'l'lllld -.. It II 1\111 1!11 j ... ~.\I :\lcC 1111 ,. 1 t11t1• I .1 1• . .11 ,,f I .. lhnm-. :111d 11,.. J:,. 1 11 r ! ,1 I ,1 f!f -;:, old\ ,tld I I ,tll•f ,• \jt (111ltl1•11 \\ 1" I It••\\ L 11 11111 f,.rc·1111· pl.1" "· .1 , ti 1 fn·..,hm.111 ,., • 1, 1 I '.11tl :,, l1i]I., 1 \\hll'('lll •'d "Ip• 11•· I 11 t \\11 ''f• and .J,lt'I.. l·l1 •t1 11• t 1 .. 'Ii .id!• I 1. for I lw I( 11 t 11·1-.. Hin I lni:cl11 1 I 11 1 I II\ I ,1•1C'ht Ill !II '\'.I ... M l• .. :-\E\\ 11 \I I I t 11 f11r 1h lllh '' "''' 1 • 11. h:i1 I ... , I ttll 1 .. 111 :1· I I II Ha pl1-.t C111l1 ., '1 t• .'" ""'' I j I ti l d I I \ . ~ C11;1th J1r:1 111 111 •1 <'.tlc'r' t.:1\1 d111p 1 • d I 1 • thc ·11 h1-..I fi•lll •• 1111• .ti d II• h;I\'(' .1 111111 1',1,1111111111d I! h,I.., l l\t' :'.tlll<' f II ti'• I fl>n tt'hl '-, 1·11111,• I GWC l.old1•n \\ ('11111•1 • 1.tll11 d from .111 l-111 tl1·l 1• 11 111 dl'f1 •t Ptt'l'('I' Colli i•1• tit !\ Ill .1 1 1111 .ol 1 !l•tn ltr.11·j.,1 I I• 1-..1 '•.ill 11111 r I 'h• ('.1 ... 1•\ .... 11·111' I l H11• 11.t1:1t I I .11 <:olrl1•11\\; 1 1'11<1,I\ 111 .11111l h1•1 St••tt ., I •1 ""' ...,,ttl cl Id> :I I I.. ( t' I I 1 II ( I I'" h < l'omo 11.1 ) .I\' , 1 \11d 111 111111 r nnfe11·11 11• 11!1111 l\1•r• h.mtlcd Ir •'I ( )f ·'I I c cl.I I .1. <I C'f (',It I n t111l.1\ ·• ~11•11 t'( t11l1t t1•·\ pl ~1.v. (;oldt•11 \\ c •I hn,t, 11111 1111•1 J .. do at 10 ;111 to 1lh••1011•0:.1•1111111 flt' whtll' S.1cldlPfl,11" I.we·, I l:i11 t'IJt•k at I :HI .11 I '1·1 nt11'- l ll !'rttl.1\ .... p l:I \', -..11111 OcsrnsH'r ' 1\\11 111 11 ~111111 1• 111 1111• c•tghth lllllllli' ( ·•l'IH'" II I I\ r 1111 rally and i:.•\ 1 th•· 1(1i...fl1·1. , Ill>- lead C:11ld 1 II \\ t I lt,11\ t1.11l1•cl MI' afl\'r fo111 I 1 .1111 .. l'al l-'<'1 J, .d-.o 11.J'I .1 '""1 •11• s ini::lc 111 I h • 1·1rh 1h l11r t 111• lh1 ... tkr:- l\l <'Jl1\l h1h'. :...11 1oll1 1h.11 I.. \\ •• hl•l1l to Jll'l lhtt't hll-..\\1tJ111, It th •• -...... 8AHON \ ., .f ti : IHI I I I ii ••, I I 1111 I 11 11 1 • •! l\ltl,I\ 11''· • \I r•r.11 I '11 .•I•' 1-• • : t ti ~,,,'' : SCORES II '.'I ''' j :· \\I I• l es llt1· I.Ph I 111111 ! I " I I 11) I ' j •, •• \ . '·' \ ( { fl f : I •ht 1.11 ·ti .1 t .tit 11 .... , 1!111 ii '!1:1• P t1t 11 thl It' I''" Ill 1111 l1lltlft tll! ,I 111"1'' h\ ll,l\1• 1l1• I q1.i1l .. li11ol l\1•' f, • trqolo• I 'd \1 It •Ill •lo• tlld ,1 dn1tl.J1• h\ · ... 1. \ 1' 111111"' • l>,1\1' H1•11q11t11'1 llr:1d I 1111 · .111.t I 1,tll ''Jl.tlll ,d( ! .. tel I\\ 1ltth 1111111 I '11 • it, .... Fl\ 1· ot <·,pt I"·'· 1 un.., \ll't • 11tt I llt'tl 1 l1 ' 1"111n1 I,.. pl.!,\ 'I 111·~1!.1\ ""'I 1111 ( nldt r \\ • I ,11 '' ,IP ,, ... ... 'aOo"!'•tu ., '' • If ""' H •• , &.ta 'f I I fe4 'I' ... ' . t .. . .. I' I ' Ecli~t)t ~<lJl Jllt~s ~ Fre ~Ju11e11 I\\ 110\\ \HI> L . II , •. 0' tl'H (U 1I f f lt'JI \M'f 'I 1\1· l·.111 -.011 ll 11•h !'\c li11•d fr1•..,h111.111 h .1..,hl'll1.1ll !1·:1111 ~~it1 1•d ll\t' p ttlllh .11 1111' 11·1·1· 1h111\\ l11w 111 o\ 1•l'l111w to h:111tl 1,.,..,1 1'1111111.1111 \ .1111·1 1111'11 :1 11 :IH 1tt-li'.1t 111 s11 11 ... 1•1 t .1'.1•:t1t' :1t·t 11111 ,..nd.1\ 111g hl l h1· lo • \\ .1 ... I he• :-.1•1'•H\ll :-tr.11.:ht 111 1 .. :i~'lt• pl.i' 1111 1•11,wh .11111 It.II II• f!.111111' Ill tt\C•1I11111• It "'" I ht Ill \\II h .1 111 I 111.11 h Ill •II t'llll .tt 111111 .111d :tll l.'i .I ll't"<lfd •·~\'I .ii; l'li• I•·~ .. 11'11 tl11•1 n l1et.I 1111 1 ..... 1 \\1th \.1 \\lll!ll II •rl'tll c •'.Ith 1·.1111 ll.11 n II up ll 1'1.lldltl t-:cl1..,t111 l'l'.llJ,!t'I". ll>flj., tl1> lt·.1tf 111 th• 111 ... 1 qu;.ir l1·r ,1nrl lwltl ti I 11111 I lt1· I 1r1,il 11•i t.l,111011 ; ,11111 loll/ •1 I \\ 1!1•11 1{.tl p h H1·ul.111d hit tl11• l\llW h.1 .\..d lo 'l'llC! I hi• I 11111 111 111tt\1'11 II' t' Jl1•f1 \\I fl' ... ,1111 ttf lt11ll1,fllfl' 1111 h11l It ,.il1 \\ 11 h 1·:cl!'>1111 I odtl 11.tt "• 1 .11l't ..,,,., c· f).t\ 1. d111lll! a11 1111ht .111111111• 11111 111 t l'l1t1undtn,' "" \\ 1•11 t' '>1'111 dt) I l.11 ~ t'I 1111 I • ind ll,11 h 11 .t11d 111 Iii<• t.11111 11 IH'f'l<1d. II \\ ,• ll,1\1-.. \\ h11 It.Ill tho• 11t1l1'h : ...... 11:111111·111 111 · t11p1 111 1-'. F 1J11111 :1111 \';ill1•\ ·:. I It 11rlh ( '11\\ :111 ( '111\ :111 tho·• p.11 j.,1111111 • ll:i ro11. :itt.1• k '>('(If I'l l 1·11•l1t .. 1 ,,, • Ill 1•11111. 111 l h1· 1h11 d 111 nod llul \\llh ll.1\ I ;q 1p l\ Ill~ 1111' (lfC''.>1111' l'I lh1 l11tt1 th ,(.111/,I, h1• ;\ ,f • h 1·ltl ... llll I'll' ('11\l,111 dtcl \\1•1J Ill t1l h1 I , "I" c I, ho\\ 1•\ 1•1 11•1!011 11<11 11~: I hr•. '.hot '· I 1·,d1111• I "' 11.oll I\\ ll 1 .11111 1.il1h111~· •• 11111 I llllllJ• l,.ill 1111 (t1lll •1t'l .1-.111n .... J t ,, f "d1 I t t I 4f0 N '• . ' I ' ' I 1• II I" I .1111 If 1: r 1·1 I , •I or Win I ' • \ I (. rP" .. " '""'''" (lt •• ,., ''"' t " I• t ."t • o r, '"" "'l I 'I r ,. o,~ ... , ... (n.1,t ·•C>• "'" ! I I"'' II I I) I t11 1• 11 • I"'' I' l"i!, 1 I ti WI ''' lf'I 4 I t th r ft~ \I i I \ton bt tnn1n~\ .. "" I • • I .. I . Cage Standings 'Anita For ]Cs, Preps Racing •\ Entries \OVTM[RN(ALCONFERENC[ W L f>F' PA l A +1dtDQf ~• 0 1\4 bl/ 'Jdnltt/tt\ol"11C.Y I } fJJO #,>U ( yprr "' A J "'°" \ 10 k 1u •H;n(Jt) ~ ~ l'JfJ / t \ f-A;Jld•r1Wt·\I • ~ fJI' /t) 'A ;J~tt\wt•1,,1 I I r,H ~ IQ\An11••"tc I 1 \.40 ~ F'r•d11y',Scur•·\ P tnt1ondlliU, C..<1hJ••n W••"tt /') \JHtaMonicttU r~pu•\-.~) l A(( LA ~UtrlN\.' ,, t \(Uf\t Utt IY t+htblM) WIO"ud•w·~ C•Mt\ t A ttnroor •. u 0 10 Honon c,,1nt.•Mon1'--''''' LAC.( (',uldtnW~\htl(•P'+ \\ SV NSCl LEAGUE W L PF PA M.1r1n 1 Founl.ttn V•llt-"W E:01Y>f\ l!'od... A"l LO\AI•~ Y,,...\frtun .. ti·r '•• tf!llQOr\ t-idrt>Or ~·,t .. rn HJ ) " ~ Fr•dtly•i ~tore\ M-u1ndt.1 LOtHd, .. f ovnt.t1n V.tlt"" '/ 16. l ch "n ul Nf'\tm.n\IN f;4 Nt'w~J'1 .-1 trOOt St Wedn•\d.tt'' G•mn f'nuntd,n V•Utov .ti Mott•"·• WP t Pf"f'4 dt "'"Wl>'J ' t U.tftiC)r £01 .(Jn ,JI W; •.Hrnn .ti·t lt1d,.16t Lt1.Al.\n1tto .. SOUTH COASl LEAGUE W L PF PA M 1· \tOn V1t tU '1 l It) t;lO l •Quna bi·.u.•l I '-ttl\ ,,..,, El Toro ' 1 '18 IOI o.in.01111. " """ n o C..lO(IPml•l'\\I• t9 >\ft /'i\ Umv1•r\11it \ K (~~ 1!'1 Fr1d.tY'\ Sc.Orf\ M1"1on \11~10 10, o.,n,, tl11f•. t..c LdQIJU,1 Br• nht,4, \o.1n Ch•fnt n11 M Fl Toro 4'1, Un1..,1•r ~•ty 4~ Tutt\d.ty'\ G~mn f I Tnro ,., M 1'1,111n Vu•1•1 Urt1'1fl f\tly.Jt liJllUniJ Ht•.H.n LH11d H ilt\.;t .,"" Clt•n.,•nt•· ANG[LUS LEAGVC W L PF PA M.1f•·r [)•1 1 WJ '11 '>• A•HhO"'f lJ1\IHJpAm.1t \I P •v• h 4ot.A .. ,,.. \ \Ill )()& t "'' \10 f .. .&Al .. ,1 I) ~ <\l ~I~ FrtOoiy \~(Ott"\ M.1r~r Do 1 6/ \t Puvl ''1 '\t Anthon"-.' .,,., 'l•h· \~ K· noo A"•rlt \4 P1u\ ~ 4..J lve,,d•Y 'G.tmt~ M 1t•·r 0t •" U h ll Am 1t t µ•ul H '''"''" Pt\jjoA .n •' hl'IU·.,; Monarchs Roll,67-56 S/\N T /\ SPHI NGS :tl ;1ll1 r Dl•1 ll1gh's Monarchs got ·I~ points from lhl11r t wo guards Jim Ell·nz and .Jam Schult1. and wcnl on to post a 67 51i /\ng(.•lus l.t-;1guC' baskctlwll \'I<.'· tory at St. Paul lltgh 1-'n · day night to rl•m aan atop the c1rc·u1t with two games ll'fl. Coach .Jurv Tanhc's lca~Ul'·ll'<Hh·rs caml' from bl'hand tu post lht• rl<.'caswn an the ultra· tough s urrounding:-. 1Jf the S\\01 ds mcn. The kl'V Ill the Win \\;JS :t 71 f)('I'· l't•nt effort 111 the th1ril 11('nocl 1 JO of 11 from tht· fiC'ld l ;t<; thl• \II 1111H'l'S gralJlwd an 11 point kacl \\1th 1111<' 1wnod n •m.1111· 111)! ThC' w1t1 l'l111cht·s :i playoff "11 0 1 for I ht• :\tonart'hs. the filth in lh1• last s cVl'll Yl'ill's . * * M•IM Ott 1'1 I lq fl '•111'¥<1 * pl IP I) fllw, .on.&' • • r 11 fl I tt 111 , ,,,j!f/ , '''"' (•·1••11 H11r,r\ • •U'"' •'1 t•rl\"'"' ,,,, i 1.11 M 1J1•01 ' f "' 11 " ) 11 \t ort by Oui11ttn I I II " I I A ,, " n '' .,, II ti 11 t• ~ ACADEMY LEA CU£ W l PA Pl' HUftl Valley'""\''•" 1 0 •11 1'~ Ht''''•O~ \ l 't"l •i()'.f Ambd\\dOOr 4 4 4M ...... Avdiloo ? A M HI Wt+\t,.tn (h11\t1nn J ~ O• ,.b'i Mat•n,.,nd • '> 11~ JI~ Fridn'• Stor• Hortl•Qe 14, Amb.l~~•aor /1 ORANGE LEAGUE \onc,(;t CAnyun Vt L PF 1 ' \\1 I 1 '>11 "'•·· (\g..,an1.t " I \1~ IOI I •\I •~I Vih•M 1tl I tJ 4/\ \~1 F'rtOllly'\ ~(Oft\ Brra f).4 Vtll"'nt 111 ~8 ~nor.;J) E \Pf"'U''Ud 1H fl O..r.1do '18 (.dnyon S1 Ttff\O•y'\ G•me\ 8rf"a tlt Et Ov,-.,cio !:ionor a tt\ (dn ~on V"h:-nc.1..,cU l \l)et<1nt ..1 Vanguards Nine Dealt 9-2 Loss H EO L /\NOS -Thc nood ~al('S opent•d in the lat<' innings and host Univ('rsily of Hedlands !'itorccl nint• runs on 17 hits 10 topple vis iting Southern California CollC'gl' here F riday af· h:rnoon, 9·2. It was the scl•,1ncl slraii;:ht loss for coach Fred Kee ner 's SoCal Vanguards \\ho return to action M onday with a homl' doubl e header aj!ainst the n1vcrsily of San Di('go bt>ginning al noon "Our pitching g aw ur too manv hits," Kcl'lll'r said ·"J;hl'Y :.i rt•n 'l half as good as l'C Irvine." <UCI dt'fl•atcd Sot'al. 5 .. \, Thursday rn the sea::.on opcm·r. > /\guins l Sarr Uil•go Ke('tH'r w ill ~t·ncl r.t1 kt• Wardlow lo thC' mount.1111 l h l' UPl' IH' r ;11111 U ak Thornton will µ1tdl tlw nightc:.ip Both Wl'rl' sli.lrll•rs las t vt•ar and t•ach worhd against L'CI in the uµcnl'r SoCal scort•d a stnglc run tn the third after t\\u outs whl'n Handy Crl'cr htt a line cl ri vc lo right field for a two-basl' er· ror . B ob .J o hn son doublc·d him homt·. ln the fourth . l>an White s mgkd with t"'' :.i\\av and .John ~tcC11l hit :1h1gh singll· tl1rn n th1· nght fie ld ltnc tn gl'l him across F••~u~oo c1 ... , • """ f tr\1 PO\'1 p.m u o,,,, Ooubl• on hi a lt>d l!•<h \SE••<••• on ~lh, llh & tlh ""'°' FfltST RAC£ fl turion\f'• • v1·M old\ & up C.l1ttrtWHI Pu"1 \It)(~ c.1.11m11'\Q "''"• \t1 \00 ''O.Ol() rin1 AlpM K•Dll• Alpho l:!~l.t t-4,tW!illon HOlt<J'l}'I 4'•1'''"''"' t \I ArflVdl 1 .m .. fVt·rta••H• I "J l~1rt1t~"Plu'atVun11Jh1J ll\ WmOy JuQrlt ...-IV,1J1J1•I > I,,. 1<><11a<lOOi'IL01>«11 Ill h ,,, DIYt'' iAty,tft I J I It. l(,.p,cf'\ re H\ t(ctb.t11111r•u 1 \I looGliltrr fRd hl•r• I) tt~ Atf/ntJwy 1011W!if,-f'-. I 116 M.Hff'l•l1CdlM"nt M u hn fM• d1n1t tl1 lhi• 8ur-t"o Ultdt it .J1t11_. rl) I J tt.:n1qnt M..l.._fl, tH twwt• , 1 H I Al\6 EltQtbl• M,trry 8dtUtr (Puw o t I I HI SECOND !!ACE ~ 1,,,1,inq V•·J r<.1hit1lt1"\ Chti"''""'I J-lu1..., 1t1UI-" Cf1ttmttu1 11r1c• \]\OU() ''' 'J(JC> R,..,,.,,1(){• Af>td rY (luh r~,ttt\f'llu<.~ «H11w lt-y) Ith So1Wt"l l A\h•f Vtthh"l ~ • ·~ Crv\tat H• l\,.llf ,., ' I It Adopt• d tto0t~•ul •l·•mt>t , It 11~ H{"ll() HO\tr· .... C\ .. 1nnt' ; '"• t uto' Mt• tti,,.0.1 t01tv u ,., 1 I 1b Ounttfn Out h f'\.« Toro 1 Ml\\ Te'''' to tP•n( dV. 1.Nt•lvt" Ool1oJr~ ((,11t\1J1t't) Pourt~I~\ l•,11:!' (Mt·n·•• rlCIAO RACE yb tr olct m.tldt•n flltu lt.t1.(0.!Jt•,.Or1•., cn.,,valtH10U\ l'JM1Mt r f V''"'P ">u~· tt~ tM••din11 • 'SQu•n\ rt \Jfol tu,1onn1, l '''""' ~"l.00 L11dy C,04•' lod1l'f tl +ttflf'4'''' Poptorn Print i''' HJl1wl''' ,) E ..:IPmp.,.r.int..•nl.tl CM• nit I Volni'-h•l'\Q Print 1 .... , tV..ahJ1 1 ) Jdur\hnq tCmi fM , I Se<_1)f\CJ ~h·tumq 1()1.u 1 Aw-,11ll1bti11~ 1~ntwm ,._,.,I II/ 117 II/ I 11 111 111 111 Ill 11 I I II FOURTH RACE t 1 11cim1l1·-. l v••.>r oltJ n M1d• n • f>lh ,. q• ld1~J' P\ir't-P \10 000 (t11 Pn• ,Alvrmu (n V .. IOOf' f rorOI S., 1Cn.u cwt t',ht.i• "'·•~•, • 1n-.1.111mf'nt Uu11 f f M ,, II• I (,ord'f f h• (,r ... 1t IV 1h11 t) Al(l.hy 0o¥ Al 11.u 1 11 V1QC1r '-•\• ""' r 1 ~ .... rn tlOt1IOf\ '''''"' 1h·11 ~•mburu 1()11.,••'• ) 1 t\r (him.. Ot•1w 1t J C>-tt.t Juq1.r.o t1 ,.,1. t f \.:,r1.11~vfl lC,t.Jf11) Aho Ehq1blf' f "' "''''•I H~• I t'~ 1, • 1nl,f .tH U h If I 't• I ~'"" AA(( 11111·•"1 ,,., "' II• l lM "' 111 "" "' ... I ~ I M yt•Jr Ofcf lJ. UJ) I 1tl1I l 11 t' f S1UOOQ ("ld1f1111111 11111• \/ OO'J \1fJ f1J) ()Ht I \uJnlol ~11 Oucftn1td fVdltJ1 I \ ().;v1rJ .. w 1nq, •(,.'"'·'" 11 H.JOOf V1f 1UQ {l 11tHC,. rt i P .1ll.tcJ1uHl M~I! 1) tk>Nd~ •. ~'""' IM1Jf1U•• I lJntJ• t ().; ~ r',h'>' ,,1 ,., , '1 Nt «\l,lmO H·H1w Htlt l'.l1Hll!0 11!tt<r IP,.•111 ' lf•··h t 1uH1 int t l ulJ•' 0 HHJt(f ""'"''J U)l•-.1 .,. i S•ttll1•M 1 l ut"v n.,,.,, l.11Prt''1'410" 0 11'\Nh 1 1 Al\O E.l1q1blc Or l.Jt1 Mu,.n •V• HJ 11 11 C/'nlvry (,ofO 'Mu1~•h· .1 ''· , .. u: I IM ". I 11 Ill I •t 1111 1•1 '" Iii I•/ SIXTl-t RACE ,. tutl•"'4l• 1 y1 .U Uld f"Ult\ 6 'J' ll'JtrH' htl fj ttt t •tilt AllO•JnlH• Pur ,.. \U.Of>fJ Al'h•rtlfH . "'"'1"''"* CoJlt.ttt1'1•' J-h•l't kut•m 1••r ••·•""''' AH't_Jtl(IWt (.,, l'•f• •r 'I/Yr 1 "& ,-l1m• r) • ''' I J>(ni'lhl ' l '"' ,,. , t 100.\1 f'4 l'l,.l HI /It .,/.t 1• I "J f M..1•11 P1 ·• ~""'·tl••J U,1'.t"t J~.c.r \t tfu \t" SEVENTH AA([ ''". _, ,,.,, ,,ltf •,t. ;p A '''· 111 I• II I '" I/ I I I '· \tt. ffl '·f• '" 1,. ''"'~I If,,, tM ("V,rrn1l••n ti •• .,.,.. • 'I 11 I 111 c;,,...-,, •• " c;,r~M. ct Jonnv,n It> Pr,wNI It P.•trf'•, Jo w ,,u11ow Or'I Whiff''" Mr Gitt Hf'),-n \, c>.J1v•nt>-•11., u Mt11v.n.,n r1 A.CltlM\ P lOtal • It 0 ,, " .. ti ,, () II ,, II 1 tJ I ,, .. " r " fl II Hlfl f")IJ } I 1 f u M.t"1 f11J ;/,1fO• / f f·t ft.r• I A.f ltn M1rtl1 I II .unf)t '! f 11 '"'-''1nP·1_., n 1•11,, • 41 A 1t~·"1.1l1•+t'i HJI .i 1• 11 J'.1., Tr1hu1• H•11H •• I) '1hl)till '1ht)I 11\ 1lt1 I I t t-4.111 .. h• flwP.../J u ,, EICHTH RllC( 1•1111 11 I I I 11 ,., "• l'I I 'I h V"·U (rltl l1tl•• •,1,.~ 1 p,,, • \Ir 1;11 U 1ll'h1• tL t.ru• ·• \ptl fl t 11 ;Nll\•u·r / \~ 11/J, o,1rt1nrt ~1'1 '''• ft••trl \I\ ,".O """'"~ n~H. '"''I \1~'~ l • l·'"·~"' 1,,,.., •..• <,t,(.Mrn11,,,J~ ~t·dl1l'1d\ 100 11l U • it ti CJ b<1H1 lHbl" tf-,H\t ,,,, I Ju ,I A I' ft " {\/111•1• I I II\ 111 11/ Pre p Soccer Vl>R~ITY \ lflfJ, ,.,,,-nl' l ( '11>. rt '1( .(~' ,,., ' () .,..,,,,fl JUNIOR VARSIT't ~ 1rt '1•''"' ntr t r 'IM 1 \>Cl'•n l ..,, M~r,,. HCtcJt1QU' t (dM "' r,.,,., VARSITY Ed1\0n • wv· '"' ".t• t fhtl\ ro, • .,,," 1J1,ovi..• 1 1r11 , fol.•il'Ml1n'1(,11fl Ht~l•'f J t 111 "' f •'O•lf v 'l ,.,,.,,.If fl,tt • Y1oa ·,~ ,,, ,,, ;1 '"•"•,I tut r 1 •• ~··· ,, • fl\cJt •1r t (J;tt 'JM 01•.; U1 t NINTH ~ACC , , "· ., .. ,. , 1,l•"'"'"''J '-'' '. ~' \ J f 1•tw•llH ·1tt t ttt1.t ( 11 r •. ,11m.l'I ..,,_,,, • '·"'1'11• llfn ;flt lt w ,, 11 f• • t f)1 I f•• r ti,,,., ( ,,..,,.,,. "'l It """ 'ti r, 1•(1mm.1t10•r ,,,.,,.,,., r 0•\ n J' •"''1 ,.,, ,. C II N t "Nt.Dl•f fi••t'lrn 0 ege e JUNIOR Vl>RS ITY £ <l ~"I W• 1m,n I• t o .1l'f (J,1• t •Ii.• It tf'I' -.tut I "' rT It ,, M1r~1I M1f'l'ft1 I '/t I• I { '"'r ~ ·'' t n/ I' I JI (d r1n r ·n·1 t• 1•1· Mt tt J-., 1 ., .. '" l{Jl111.1• Sununaries M(N ~l'HULH Ton U( tnflnt' t•t 11 t l\ttlO".a U r '•nQlf'\ 3-ye ar-olds "' W l+'lnt rl I tl1 t ft\• t J ,, I ,j '·I ....... l .. ,.,,,., .... " .. 1 .... 1 ,,,., .. Run at Santa A ni·t I ll'f t'Hf r 11n \I ;. 1 I '.t tl1ti f q ''' ' t Ow u II l A ~ 1 ~ a K '"" 111 " ' .\tlJ• 1 l ,,.,,,n,1h" I 1, I t>oublfl\ Wr•qht t ' lH' "' ~• t t11"1 .;.11f"t111 f t>1' I f. A I\ 11 ih l1 I f •fl• U I tll I I" l••r•,(H1 f tJN1tr1J I,, l '-I I. 1\ll<',\l>IJ\ Snlllt' of t Ill' \\' t•s t l 'o:ts 1 's lop ~ .. aa••O"<" •.1.~~>1~~ 1·' Mo•>!·• flt•r by prospPrts lake 1111• .,,,""' .¥1 *'' f,,,.,,~, ,;,, tr.H:k tocla\ :1-.; Santa M ... , ... 'I.I ,, I ., "I •• I ' I • I 1\n1t:t Jll t•St'nt:-lht• first :1 ~·IAt; .. ,'; '/~ ':~ •' :: 11 1 1. :,',~.,''' 1 .:, or th1'l't.' ~t:,kl1S UO :I hull ..,,,,,.,, ,.n, 1, 1 (hr+ l1Jtf1nno 1 da\ \\l't.'kP1Hl '"' '"' 1 • ~.1,~1._ Th"' .sft1'rnoon. 11 \ lhl' • '""': 1 1 .,., ,, 1 ''"""" $30.0011 S ,1 n \' 11· .. nl<' 1,~·~1 1 ,;1·~;;;1::1 ";··;· ,·~· S l.1kl'.., al s 1•,·1•n furhmi.:.., v,. "'· • • ... M 1 .1. • w. for I hn·11 \ t'.1r 11ltl.; .11111 "" 1111 Sund.I\', 11·s th1• w oM EN \ R £ wu' s 7 :-, . on o 1: :1 l' .1 n a <I a uc trvinr ill ~1~~'~'\•nt .. O•r"'"" St.1kt•s .11 11 ~ lllllcs lor ·1°1 •"' • •1"""' •• ,,, ''' f11111 ~l·.1 r ufltftlltl'<;, t •<f·f' ,f\t *·' l •C ,,, '!l 1 t. i , ,,,, f1f ••I I I "''' I ~h h I t I "'ft •fl•". J I .. V.. t 1·' I' I I M th• I , lo I\• 1 ~ t rt. I f i1 '" t'l I \ 1 11, !: 11 ! t •ti, I ~ '1 l'>ov"'"\ u .... t f r U• " I I t',r\1 1l I fl 1 •\ 1"•1 l UH t o·,. I , I ,,. 1,., r.n 1 ti I Hit 11•• /\ro111• '' \f''k /1,/1+ 11 It I ~ ,., M1•t1ft1lf\1, I'· I l .. 4••u.-4• -'lark I\. < :zt ... St.1111t'd l ; la.;s . r 1111 fl II L' r (I r " f m II (' h • «<•lt•hraH•d 1\•lly s Pop 111 tlw {\il1forn1a BrPeders Stakt's . f1gun•s tn Vil' tor fa\IH'll"'lll with Bold I' or ht' s 1 n I h t' San \'1t'l'lll1' l11 tt•r<•sl111J.!ly. l.afftt P1rll':I\ .Jr . \\ h11 rnch: Stam1•d t: l;f..,.., 111 hh 'lt<'lon .... 11d.s \\1th lloltl For ht'" \\ ht1 ,.., \\ 111 It-..,.., .11 S:111t:1 1\n1ta aft1•r h<•inj.! 11nheatl•n .1-. a l\Hl q•ar , , I d 1 11 :'\ ,. \\. 'i 11 r h. Ft'rn a ndll T11111 r •di'-. Stasnl'd (; l:1ss Tl11:-r ar t• drt•\\ f1,·1· nthl'r ll•p prO'-fll'1·t "· an ·1'1uchng thn•1• 1 inll' S:mt:1 Anita " innl•r Sun• 1'1n•, II o I h ·" o 1Hf .l ll ' t· n ti l' r ham.1non H1•-.t It•...., Ht•"t It':-.". J.o-.; Fl• I 11 \ 1 <·t m lk•.1 u T.alt•nt .ind Sunnv Slopl' St akt•.., \\ 1nn1•r ThrrmJI ErH•rg y , a h i$!h ly ·I 1111 t t•cl nrr-;11n 111! of /\l'k 1\rk. Houruling out lhC'fidlf IS (; l'lll11• I\: 111,.::. () 0 IJOLS Tiil:. l>l: \ll:.R ,\I \l\J.. ,\ l>IH H<I "'tl 1 3 Only Exec. Cars While they L .. t ':tnln \nu l.i1woln '9c•rN1r~ :. t 7-0:t I I It , 1 rt.1111/1• '1/11 h 1 ,,. u11 u11tlJ1111.1.I ii, ,i/, 1 1/111/ "'I ,,,, ,,, ,,,,II ""'" \, "" /rt ""''''I ' • /111 ,,, ffoj•T< l 11 /1111 1f\,11/,1t1, \1 1 II\ /U\/ ( f 1.1/1\ /, .i11111: 1111.I 11rt11 • , 1/ II, rt, ./1 1 /I, 11 MISSION \I ILJO l\ll'OIU Ii l..:~)1q:v ~~:_J~~I\ ~\~llfl \ l\J•l f - 1 t It \~I l_:_.j:) , .. .. -··~rc,av f cbrv::iry 1 <\ 1976 DAILY PILOT ft :l -· . ·santa A nita Racing R esult s Fer Fndey ~ ... ,. , .. , FlllSl llACE • 1 lurlonQ"> ht M olct\ Cl••m1n9 Pv•-.• \,tOUO "'' "°'"°' C.r•nll f JO '•mt\W4VJf~ (HOwJrO I l+QfU0CHr,, CP1f'rttil ,,~ 1,. ) XI ' ' 7111) • !11'1 lW AIM> r·4'n M,uttJt f\•rr l 1•n M.1rk•' Ruh~ IC1nq T.uoynf'..-., ~tr C..un Uu•o • ltt"t Mt>O, ~C>tiro ~1ulrnbn 'l<rdl<l\"I Lut kV t N . \ECONO RACE 6 furl""'I• 4 ....... , OIU\ & up, M..t 1dr n, f'-.lh l' tYUAJ PJ\\ lhtu 4'lh0t:m.;kttr I t .-1t l"O\ 4M~nd) IU MO ~ 00 JloO • 11'.l l tO 1 'U P11>rf n Drl.lffl\ (H"9wlty I f mY> I It ~tw ''" Sc;ccorto, llt1r1qcJOm u .. 111 ~w,,,,., !>n~nt., Er 1n'., 0 -Nn, ~.,.. (Jt E•11tr Out SthutM'1411 No\<-r.tt(ht-'\ O.•IJ OOubl•, »Sir Honor a •P•u Tllru. ~•Cl "4 SO lHIRO llACE 6 lur!Ot!Q\ l V,.Jr oto rniud-n t1lht'\ b,.eo 1n Cah t 001111 1nq Pur'~ SOSOO l-u<'• Pret~not'r IH•wlr y I I 40 ~ <O 160 '• 4'1\0 •trt IJtH\'f I •"· J"o1t .htt<J ~flu• (dr01,1 •t Mi ~ .. 111•1 1 t tu..y ... 1 M "I ~ ... "' ' ,, '·~ •l'l ~I• ( '" f U ( 01,tl t .w. Wt fl J1 '41 Jol1 t> I ~· .. t h• J \.,., "''''• 1 U I '\ '"'" A t 1111 t..m•Jv •.h,, .. tt _.,.,u ,w I rn& (t 11Htef O t4 #1t 11 Mt I ~\·I tO t II 'tc t l I\ W••• t n\1 !;,.': .. f I~ J 4 Ao10\ I •I 1 l ••• ., { "l/(t 0 t'1,; ,.., ··;''''"' \tVtNTH llACI ,.-•' ..Jf 11.1 • A i IV,_ 1lll\ j t Uf ~UATM AAC' o, .. ""M.i I ,L ... i !:~ ~:~ ~:~ T; 1--~~'f f ~1 \' & 1011'1 • ,-•"J' viii• & USI ll 11uu .. f L ,, ·11 '' .. "'"''' i""'" P Cl.•JVt1 C111U••t (Mot IMl Aur•I Wtro• ''• ''"''' t . ,,,,h·v'. w .n 1l..1mr., 1 t' t11tl(t 1 JI. \ ... J i<Q l 40 41\U 1.u1 HHhtfJ. (1ull, W '1f M ilt Wurr l' Aµ111''it +µ1 No v r11t<tii FtF'lH RA(.[ Ut1• 011!" l\lt•.pul I lllllt,••. (t+j1ft1,uy ... \H ,, \\D OUll I f,fl f'l ) •'I" U •••tttl 4 t m ., l"1Hft1cr a 10. M• 1'111IHH IN•llU1' \0 \lJtTH AAi(E: '· l•J'll'"'l 4 y1·,11 1ltj,".up M.t 1•0 ._.,U,,. \IO"I M 'I .. ,11\ Wur•U•, W t .. 1~ i • u I '•I .J ,,.1 Attrt.•dtJI ll '"''"'ti I U Iii.; t• to M.••y1t1( ••1 111.,..,..11 .• ) 'ltJJ rm~ , '"' 1'1 ' ' rn I•, r C> t~ 1..-. •·v t '''''"••jl,1 ,i •C 11i1,,t1 - 1 "" , 01f4 '; f<4t1·,,, .1 n .. J I.,) 111 f 1 lfJ U t •..t<t•, • 0Jft(•n9 ftfth'nt o.,,.yUo,p•tdUO 00 ll • E.IGHTHRACE tl\lrli')IHJ •v1·" ull), I\ "" (.1,1 ,1o.1ln•d Al1u·1t"1'h 1·•. f l'\11 .. \1\ UV\), I 't1 ,,,,,. ,. 1 1\) t••'' "'I(.. ·f ll t••Jt <IV Hrtouf '1 i.trvl I,,.,. ln'I "'' .11tru cJ 'Jo iwhJvlt• College Cage Scores l NJ "! 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I rul"hJ• IUPtl•J 1 N'f H ... •llJ• f\ I \t l N• I W • "•f\~\u••U Uuth1:10 I .\11.;nt 11 t'ln\tnn & l 11t1torn14 1 ( • •t ~Jn D1r90 frt t wJy 11 (~mmo OP EllltftJ Tum r19nt 10 Cimino Mira c~u PH 714 496-4601 Cliou1\n tROWlfl'"l I t; 00 J ~ hl<tnd Prom1\r tS.-rnnt·r> t: •U Time I 11) S ,:-,,.,.., r\ 11 •. 1) t I UC On.-..__., ~ .• ,"vllr ,, , .. , n (P,J.(lf'nt,tf•-..t {. L•.,t1t t t J!tt.-S ,, ' .. "" \~ t-•<it..l•, ~ L.19w & 1 &19 Atcs.r N~ ,,v oo. I PH 714 496-S8St II -1 ----------------------- * a monarc • WI A fiM ccr from Jomson & Son is an intres~nt in pri~ of o wnenhip. The "Go&dttn Touch" is our way of \howinq owr pride in tt.e extra ccre we qi•e n er, ccr and etrtty customrr. ~= 4~~~. ·- ' ' .. f W• {)·If I I •·! •" :i•,o .. r1111•:" r1, ~tin J• 1 $4440. ~,p1 •i1, Ill'{ I r1, •ff !n•, :f(.i'.V 4l J,. 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Cotl °'"'"'' P40\l Br Pt M Poe C..'" p.,. °" P.t~f RtY Pth.\ (•' Ptt N \• ~.!":;ti ~I H&tl P.ltoltf' P Mrtn II 111 !<!Id POtWt W P II NCO Pf At M,._n Pr•« Ml PtOQrr't 11\N {., Pvtn C•o f)...or (f\ °""*" ~ Q••t\m ll14 14 I I I ~,_. II • 11'-7• • 1~ ti ,, J I a \ ... ,. .. )\ l lO II 1) .. )& I . . .. tl"" 1f I JI • II , .. ,, ... ,. ,, ' "'• ,, . ti I\ .. ,. 111., Jo I )/ • ~ ,. I )I.. A I It • ll ll'-· u 1 I '" 8 \ .... II 11'- S • 6 11 1 19 1 11 1• 5o '"""' \Ind P,p Soe<lt• S4>o-a.1 N Sl ... td• I S•o llrQ ' \I•" .-.~ \(• ,., . ,. S f'f~ N \ SffwO (lo "-' El h llr Cro T•MO•• T1tlor '# l'M•ftf ltJt it '" ;~:~:·Ml T"' Oun Tw n 0 \ Tym\~t ua ""'' V• Cfpl ,, ' II • )0 . )() ' " u• .. I 11 ,, ti • ,, • It H I I) l• I • U I I\ l\ I• • •• ~ l • " )' l I "" ti • It I )I • 1'4 11\ I • 8 • II ti 10 ' 11 n 1• • 1• • 1' .. ''· . , l • • • 1' ••• .. 10 111 no vn'°" Spl vn 1 &"' unArt Tll us Wq.tl U~ '" L Un.1_. Fd~ I l t I II'> 1• 1 ""' , .. ,, . , .. ,. .... l'ftd 11 • u . AllM Pl< 10 • 10..,_ N<toq (Q 1'-t ' ll•O•n LO n'-1J • ~qi Beto 11 • n • P'"Q Elt< 11'• 71 _. R,J un" 10 . 11 P•ovb T1 10 )0 1 Qff Pt.t\ ... 4 A,., P Pt 10 IJ ll••n l>R 10 11 A ~•I Ml 1A > 1' • '10.aa E' 4S '1 '6. • RoH "' e •H , ,. , Pu,kr Pr'! 11 ~ 11 • Ru\I Srov 16.., II \(~rtr 10 l.1 \..hall n U 11 t,e.~l '"" ,.,,_ I• ... II L C. ) 1 • '!lir""PD\ H 11 J 1) Yi WrlJ n._ IP • \t' Ml-n I\ I\ \,.11'f •• 01r l•• 11 1 .-,_,,.n UP J9 40 \NWt• l ' ... qm, Al 1\ 1& • S.m~ 10 71, ~!.,,'~ ~~ ~~: Viln<.f 51'1 V•• o,, v.,.. s,,.,, VKIOf St V• (M'I V \u.tl Soc Vol S- W., [81. W.-h NC. W•,11;mn t WHd'rn =~I 5X ~:~';? ~ W\ ICyG• Wl!/>ot {I W.llt Fd W'itl•m• I W l1n H J W M\\ r Wini I'>! WI\< Pl l -L1• 'WOrld 'Sw Wt1QN W VtllO f,t lOll\ Uln I • I • I ,, .. 11. 11 " ' ,, , J ' ' '~"' , .. 11 • I) I) I 11 l • • 11 • 1•'9 11 \, It • I t I• ' . '"" I I\ I' U JU J " .. II > 1• ,. ... ~ . I) ,. •• 1'~ . , .. ,, ... " t•"-n . • • • • . .. 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Pl•rfctl M'on·s hy Ed Schmcrlcr unU Tom J\tkins turnl'rl thl' tnv1:J lu:.:.ll' into u dogfight this week a~ Ed m11sdl'd into lht· lt·ad und Tum moved into hi s vun1lL'<l s pot, a lll' for scc·or1d plat•c. Trina Willia ms ancl C'hrb Trela ca<.:h look ud· vantage of thc1r M'<'Ond ('hancc cm the "V1ri.:in1;1 Woolf" qul':.t rnn :iiul c·amL· up with llJ' ~points M a~ Frah:y, tht• Uomh ~c1uad, Nancy P rior and Kt·n· marluu ull had JO 1101nls. whlfl' Tracy (;udfrcy top pl\•d from the ll•ad l>y tv1ng Barhura lklgado, Len· 1wtt1· flomanosk y <ind Hay Pt.•tt.•rsun with nine. Thunk:. to J\I a~ 's dul'umt•ntt.•d proof that Scul Oa\'IS and Fram·1.•s Langford ;tlso sang ··11ooray for lloll~wood." l'\.lra half pmnls \\<.:re ;rn ardcd to him. Tom, Ed. ttw Bomh Squad, Chns and Dolly Saniom'. "ho :.al out this '' eek To Wallt.•r lknt1111 your lu:-.t 1•ntr postmarked Mom.Jay, arnn•d Frnla' aml )uu !Tfay he in the !\time bo:H ltus '' cl'I• Sl'ore anothl'r onl' for lhc post.ii d1sH'l'\'ll'l' Lucky 11umbl'r scH·n 1:-. our l\H1- pomtcr th1~ WCl'k t. KING KO:-.:G WAS :rn inhah1t:.1nt r1f \\hat 1 ... tand" :! On thl' Addams Fumllv. John Astin was turned on when CarC1lyn Jo1ws ::.,poke" hat language'' 3. In \\h:Jl mov1t· did tht· ml0nl1on of lhl' word ··munkr" g1v<.• Red Skelton lht·..,hakcs·• ·I H1e hard f{(lclgl•rs horrnwl'd what song from his "Victory ;_1t Sl•a" scon• for \\hat Urua<l\\ ay musical'! 5. 1:'11 "ANNIE (;.f•:T Your Cun," !"rank Butln ''ants a wnm an'' ho w1tt wear what type of flow tr m lll.'r hair·• Ii. The name. plt'aSl'. of S<.'nor Wl'nccs' du mm~. 7. ··Ttwrl•':. Nl'\ll'I' llN•n ,\n\'om· Ebe But You" \\a:> a ml•lody pl.1ycd pt•riotl1ta.lly throug hout what ''di kn0\\11 mov11."1 ~ Namt• till' m·wspapcr run hy llum1>hrcy Tonight~s 1V Highlights Kil.I (!Jl 8.00 ··sh:.inl'." P o::;s11Jlv lhl' g rt•alNil Wl'Skrn l'V<.'r llWcf(', this rn;{3 C'l11 ss1c stars /\Ian Ladd :..is a g unfight('r trying to put dmvn roots '~ilh a frontier famrl.\' (\'an llt'f'hn, Jean Arthur and Br;mdon lh•\\'il<k I hut headed for a ::.howdown with .I ack Pa lance. I\ BC ( 7) I I . :10 "E<1sy H1rkr ."' The pnriular moton·yclc mm·ie for l!JliH "hit'h t).!nilecl tlw t•:1rl'L'l'S of its three ~tars J>etl•r Fnnd a . l>t•nnis I loppl'r and the t IH·n· littll-kncm n .J ..i <:k Ni<:hobon TV DAILY LOG ED Thr Ad1ms Chron1tlu rR1 Sa tu rda y rn £1 Sho• de ldn1(1 Nmuo Ei) Ch1ld1tn's llp1nne C111oons Evening s 10 o 11 J s Doc ID LOTS MORE JOKES ON FEBRUARY 14 I .* NEW HEE HAW TONITE 5.00 0 S1tu1d•r I m Hie HUI I.•~ ,f\ •le run r 0 si.o Totk 111 I All I"""" M11e 6 G1111r1n'1 hl•nd rn hp1nnr lan(U•R• PIORflm~ 0 129 BI 3 Cl)ABC's W1d• 9.00 0 17 ll 8 Mary Tylr1 Mooor World ol Spo1h M11h 1rnn•HI ~11 '' Show l,uo&I J•l•ru•· t,\ "' •h••n .i t~"' tt~ ut"if 1~hh 111 A11 l1oT1t ti.\ J\Otnl' pt1f t n11 I 11r\ 1fl twr O Wild Wold Wot I' .• th .. " pn.n~ 1n rr,, .. tr· ct11.11h 10 Hr•\ 11it •1•• •,u\P ~' '' , 11 b .. c 1 J ,r 1' m ~USPENSE & ORAMA' ,, I f( ll1r I ( • I .r W th Sh II W t 6 8on1n11 Sa1u1d•r * I e Y IO e rS Q (79 8 J l Cl}XllW1nltr T 01111e 011 KTTV Ch 11 Olympic cam•i • 1 l . ,., I ffi M4•1t "lht l·l•d Ruom" 1• <' r , 1 ' •' ·" " @ Commentary to Snv1et ID N11ht C1llrry 11 R W d 13 6 Vo" ol A,Nu'<•" * r m by . urmbrJn Jt> Pop Cu•> lh• Co.,nl•y who spenl 14 year S ID Rulld1dn 1n Communist prisons !I! SuPtt Sho• ID YO·<• ol lh• Mu!J" m t•n•d••n Ad.rnl"lt ID lhPllU '" Ame11u ra Addi ms r 1m ' I rn P1tm1t1 f~m S JO 0 8 10 Nr"' 9 JO 0 17 3 8 Bob Nrwh11I Show 6 I l nr l •<Y Q) Allred Hilchcock 1'1tstnh u & Cd.ut1on ii w ... ~ ID Ohio Players Star Don 1t> N,.h.,llt M1M * Kirshner Rock Concert ID lhr w., II W•• m Don K1nhnrr's Roo Concer1 ffi ln\t~hl 10 00 0 17 J 8 Cu ol Burnttt Sho• Ell liltlt R1<ei l< 0 tollrgr 8n•rlball C · 11·00 o o 11 3 rn m Nt•\ I ,., , , ;• .. , 1 .... 1 , , O Sprwl f .tn1 d 1 f " I II• 6 Sammy & tomp•ny ~,,, "' 1· 'I" I lnOI II '11•11 l&n,1,1 m N1w1 ''"' •• t 1," lo I 11 I P• 1·· l:i) Mu11ul CMlr<I 6 lu1or 16 1 hr Un1nuch1blr1 U M1m1ci • U) lou Co1don Sho" 110 hun\ldr rO JO O Mo•oe (Cl "Shtolock Holm!\ & ID Jh1 f 81 chr Sp1dt1 Woman" (tr)' 1 '41 rn lulbol Sumo I 111 ,1 ~ ''"''• ri• (, 1lr '"""•'l~J lld 13 6 Concrrn @ Sfl1d10?? Ou111 l1mt '" Htt u... rn I""'"' I Ao. You l•511n1nR' tlJ lm1gt; o! At1n~ I l 00 f) J 0 8 ff) Nt•I 6 30 0 MN8C Ht• C11nltrtft(t I m Movir "lhr M•d Room" '11) & G~t SmJrt • t \lu• I• v ,, 1•'t" r)'• 'l,1 .... 1~· U ( l9 8 I 1 l (fl X 11 W 1 n t ' I 1 Ol1mp c G1m•1 '' 1 n 11 ' ,rn1 @ S1n1Wr C1nrm• "' '•· 1 r '•, • • 17 3 PIL Club I • .,.,,, I \I•' '" 1J 6 Orn Ad1m1' Sc1ern Tut , 1 1 't•til •111n•1 • 1t>100Cluh 1r1 I 1 c w 1' r ID ""'''" City l1m11~ 8 Popi ( JQ 8 I lou11 P1ul lthm1n p J Pop Coo th• Counhy ED C•n•m• l4 1 l 6 Nr.,. ~ R1cr C11 Acl~n U) 801 d• M•11<0 u,1 Rod Cnn<trt tC f11m rwu•t 11 15 l Mo"' (Cl "W1111•" on t~r U) Mt ltltlr Miil"' Wind" 1111 ~I ~ <• I< G" • 1 00 tJ C•lld•d C1111r11 fi1 Orm1hc Iott S101~1 Q H Hr-ood ~11110 I l JO tJ f 1b1,lou' 521 (C) "S•n I"""" 6 \II.id \II d Wr-t ru lnlrrn•hon1r 1 • • 11 \ • O Et•• tnn1 101 Anc•I" I 1 • • ' .,. I'•·~ 8 ,,,, Comm•ndtf\ t• I~ \' r " I h I 1 J " ..... ,, 0 10 ll 6 Spm t9'19 I O 13 6 10 'ir S>lu•d•Y N1cht ID l10 l )E!)lu rrncr Wtl~ 11 Mo•ir "lh•OO<h Olllr"OI· Sho• Inn(' '""' H fl, 1· 1 '''" 11 3 H.r H•• 1 , v ,, • • r .. @ Ad1m IZ O Movie. (Cl "Cny R1dr1" Id••) 1(> lrfs Mair A Dul ' l Pr••r r' n~ I O•·rn.' llO(•P"' ill'"'"' l•n! A Mo••!. "Or1(1n1tron loiyn" CD M1won lmpos"blt 1r1.) •IJ ( "V 1,1 nt U) Or l1,~r11 lnV111on Hour 0 Sclfntt f o<l1on lhntlr 1:30 O Wild 1'101ld ol Amm•I• ( ?9 8 ) N•w• 0 N1mt I h1I lonr 11 ·0 ( 19 8 ) Sc"ncr r1cl1on Thul1t 0 lrl'\ M1ir A Dul ll 00 0 Mo.,r· (Cl "f11\I 10 f1chl" ffi Room 111 ,,; 11 ~I r~ 1 I 1.r1• 11 1,.·n• Jt> 8r1t ol C1nu<ho J 11 .. 1.,, "· 11 '" """, 8-00 8 17 3 I Tht lrllrr,0~1 ED Kup'1 Show 71 6 10 EI) All 011nry MOY 11JO16 W1lrl\ fe1111ly or N1~hl (Cl C)hl) I l• '" l 00 Q Al Ont With t 1•~1 -0.·1, ·~v ,\If( ' I• 0) All Nithl Sho•· "llhl\IOn ol 1'11lr1 l•'f y.,,, r• <~ r •••• lh' Bod1 Sn11chrri." "f1th1t1 At 0 Collttr 8111,lblll I (lA \I I t1<•." ''V1mp11r Mttl or lht lost \\.t "" V' .. H ~ , '''"'"' 6 Htr ll1w 17 3 Mo~1f "!ht ll>t P/n~ir1" 0 ( 29 • I l CD Al111•11t ."' II l I , ~ h A ... ,. ' l~t11• Goo 1 O• 1 v,, ' I 0 MO'<>< ((I (11 h•l "S~1••' A·~ •1 , (• 1 l A', I f •• A I' l JO 0 lo'O• • CCI "My 1111>• fftl-'~" m l1l)#ll(P I ' I 0t'I( ti "• ( n Cc · '!' r .,. Al , """'t S?•~ •h ,,. .. t ) 00 0 M.... "Walt OI l~t •rd ,. Mo.., 111'.rc~" I '.I 4$ ,, I'•• r By T.T. Bogart 111 '' lkacll1111· l ~,\ 9. IDENTI fo'Y 'flit·: T\o-' t'Jrtoon ('h.11•a1·11•r \\ho \I.JS u:-.uully lnuml s 111g111g ' i\1 ~ IJ ~11 ling ('I• 1111·11 llnl· ... lO JaOll'l> Ma-,w1 and .l;.itk W1•-,to11 pla)t•d TRIVIA STA NDINGS E<fS<l\m•rhrOt1 "' (lomb !oqu,111 llU I \I Tom.Alll.•n" '11 ·' l frdt.t' Cl>ctlrt·'p I~ ..,,, Md" f ,.,,i.·v 1 hH '· 0MC)dfd 0t•hht0"> I'• t L•·nf'M th.• ~o"'Jn•• "• IJ 4' 1tlnJ W 1Ut.1m• 1 I I\ 0. nn1\ J•~Uu , 1., 8 Ndl"K y Pnur 101 9 K t."nm.Htou nn1 41 tn11\ r, ... _. 110 • J H 10 rotn r t 1N,UH'tHf ,. J. u •Oollv \.1n1a1 .. ~ , .. n hro~n' ,,,,._. t 1 .I 1 t (ornoult•r ()ii 1 ''" t~ Jr nn Rv .• 1 l •W Jlh·t Qf-MO" I J I\ R1l'I' P .. 11 t ,fl -11 l• If MOthm•·r I II f .-m•ty J.11.,r1 , t ,. (hi!~··•'" l ~ •no entry rt<fn1ed h.all vi ,.,.,, Wf"t"lil \ \(Ott •••roed <·hnractt.•r:. '' hn!-.l' (11-..1 nallll''> '' t. n· ulcnt1<';il to t hl•1r lal>t n<imt!~ 1n \\ h:il t" ''mm ll'' • l.a.,l \\t•1•k')o An-,\\C'r!'> J J\I r l>n -,flail-I I llllh1lll1'-. h;inkl'I 1 2. l\lr llai·tburn I I.ad~ P -,IJo-,.,1 3 Iluc·kinJ,!ham 1'1'111\ T11t11 4. Jaml'S .J \\'alk1•1 1··t.m1· :\k 111l>w1111h1•r 1,. 5 "\\'h1 spt•rt11g Sl1t•1•h" (Davis "t·1·1;il 1 6. In su1tt·ast')o 1 Burr 's hrnl,\ 1 7 PC'ckt.•rwood I Ht•aun•ganl'-, pl.1111 ;i(111111 I:! ValN'lt.' l'(•rr 1n1· tn "Sla 11g hll'1ho11·1· J·1~1· (l\lontana \\'ildha('I\ > H. llul Spn11i.:.., l'l'rnth w• <:1111.,1•q111·111·1·-. 1 HI Fran I-. S111:itr:1 ("(h(·.11' \I 1nr11•r 1 11 i\rl'11all' ( "\'11 i.:in1.1 \\'111111 'llnl' 1 :Send 11u11 ro11.\ll l'l'l11'/'/llr/t\ /;ni 1,1,11 "'"'" '11·11 !J:!li'.!1; J\/I 1•11lrit' 11111\I ho• r11oIf1•1/ 11•1 II l'r/111 \1{11·1 11theru.•1sl• lral ft lw 11/11111·1 ~ /11.\I "11r1• 11 11/ lw "'' •111frtl WIHHER 6 GO~DEH GLOBE AWARDS INCLUDING BEST DRAMATIC ACTOR. BEST DRAMATIC ACTRESS. BEST DRAMATIC FILM. BEST DIRECTOR. JKK NICHOLIOM ONE FU.W OWEll 1HE CUCkC:>~ NIST A fanra sy Fiim H 1561 W SUNFLOWER W. OF BRISTOL C M !140 05!4 A "'WIMTY MAWK" 1f'GI V •ML SUP'H IMYISllLr t> .. ILACKIURD'S GHOST" "JOUltHU IACK TO 01" IGI IH( CITY SHOPPING CfN!fll ORANGE •!>J7 b/71 ~ cm CEHTH CIMEMA5 SA FRWY IMANCHE S TE R E )( I GG f:FIWY ICITYOR EX I A "WIHTERHAWK" V MMR. SUP'ER t.,.vrs11Lr "SHAMP'oo·· llt l "THE FORTUNE" 1111 /A "ALOHA IOllY & ROSE" ~ .. WHllE LIHE FEYER" lf><i,I "JAWS" "THE GRl:Al WALDO PEPPH" 1f'Gl "WIHTERH AWK" 1PGI 2:15-4:00·5:50 7:JS-9:25 Th• Trrrifyinq Motion Piclurr From Tlir T rrrifyinq ;.J I l ut Sl'llrr "JAWS" tPGI 2:15-4·JS. 7:00-9:20 W arTl'n Bt'otty "SHAMPOO" tRI 2:00-5:45-9· 2S Woll Oi\nry'1 "NO DEPOSIT. ~· ,. ... ., .. Urur~d Arll\f'. "Oltf FLEW OVER THC CUCKOO'S HESl"1R) 1 >o " ~ •s \•t '\UN MON-t 0C)+) l~S )0 l•\10t\ ' .. "RIJ1JST£R COGBURN" t OO t J0\41\T \UH tl)OS ).'fOb "AOfOS AMIGO" I\\ \a. f \UH I\\ 1 1\ ~ f • • 1 ' .. "DOC DAY AfTERHOOH" \ \\ I 0 °'\ 1•f \UH .t\ \ H 10"\ ''OR1l'NHIHG POCl" • 10 \&T \UM•CIJllO CllEllAW&· =~ .... ·sJGRl Of O' X • I\ • 40 \•t \U,..llOtJ\•• .. "Tlfi BOOB TUB£'' •IU\4 1 '\U,..1 •0 •Ulloi Docu111 n llPll"l\\fHIJ\ !1 l'l II•''"'' 1 11•l 1o1• • I 111. ll \ J • I/Ill l'ol • d fl I !ti I \,If I I II II t I II ' lh t it.11 111111 111.11' 11 111 ,,1 I 1,, '\olLll\,rl lflll 111 11th• I 1 ,111 oilll I\ ;1 111 ,11 lllllllll l'd I 111 I I\ 1111! \\ 1111.11 \',ill 11 II,, I 11.1 .I (hi' It' \l.111 h '/ 11, rt., ,1111 to I \1 .11!1 111\ \\\,11tf ll il \I td dlfl\\ ,d II." lli •IOlll\ l !t,tllllh l 11,1\ 1l.<11l ltl tlil· l.11.; 1\ll~'I fl' \I ti If' I I li(1 I flll' dCll 111111 !If II'\ 1 <•111111111 1 I 1:••11111 .rlr d 11.1 l11ll11\\ 1111 ti \ .·.111 , \\' " I , ... -I JI I 1 .. •,• ' .. I I •'-I • ~Co.wr i.1 II ANO ~l>LU ~ A Frid.ly Tht I lffl end ScrtloW'Goy Theo I 4Hi MIDNIGHT SHOW ... The Fint-Tht But~ Theo 8i99eoit Rock Futin~ her "t~d .... "WOOD STOCK " ~ H .• H"'" II I• Al th G4ory low Of flu o~ Al I l )0 S'-ow S tori1 A I loildlilqllt ADMISSIOtl $2.5{) J "LUCl<Y LADY" IPGI "ROYAL FLASH" "SHULOC:C HOLM~S' SMAllltR BAOlHEit" 1PGI "QUAC~SU f-OAT\JHE" SUt-4SHIN~ BOYS" IPGI "TAI([ THE M':>Ha AHO RUH" "SHAMOOO" .. THE FORiUHl " IRI 'HO Oll'O~IT ~O RETURN" 1Gl CHArU; I. lHE A~Cfl" 151 U NIVCn:'!"L JTU0108 TOUP ''" Ir 11111111111 I/ltd /Ill/ /ltt 11111 l111111 lh1 /t I I tft/1111/ \,, / /11 ,/ ,, /{i I 5 ROe.ERl RO'/ WW 111CHARD SO!EIDEJl ORffiU~S JAWS 1 •1 , , NO RETURN" (G) 12:00·2: I S·4:4S 7:10-9:40 Al10 ACADEMY CARTOOl"S J\\tl\f:Pfll,d\L\111 ·g Hil4B'--~ Hi ·•~U~I r .. Rob.rt R rdf Of"d "l DAYS O F THE COHOOR" IPGI J:J0-7:20 Fll/SAT l:lO·S:l()..9:30 "THE PARALLAX VIEW" 1:)0 -5 :30-9:1 0 FRI/SAT 3·40-7:20 • '1 ' . '('· .,... • . ,., » '-·~· ... ,.....,""'" ~·1~ e \ tO e •·OO e 10 11 PUTT TliEATRE II In The City Centre Orange ~ 634-9282 .. O I • I uu flilAT1U$ 1a. sJotOw nws ~·· · UNt.M rov10 HttO" +----------~..--------<•) MUM'S SO. COAST PLAZA 685 Sun!lc~er ~ tm:t Costa Mesa • S49 33~2 .F~~lt·~ S ~l '. ll U. ~ I ltfYfl• ' &u,h C'td Si.M·~ of t GudLi C1c• 1 1•1 l a:IM ~·~1 • B4 i:'l Li t e d. • Ill 2nd BIG WEEK "ACAPULCO GOLD" "REEFER MADNESS'' RATED IGI $2.25 All Scoh 8:00 Showinq RUSSIAN BALLET f ILM FESTIVAL fh1• ',\ode! rflt•m.i l Ii 11 1 I (.1 llo,.JllV '"I'll~. KOLSllOI B.\LLE I"' Matinees Sat., Son. J"' m, •/1 / /"'<<"1 /I ::n1t I •1 t 11 •• 1 11101111 d h.: 11'-1· '\[111/1.1110/ oiJI I • I.'</ /1 11/ /,I/ •fl ( 1,/11 11,/. I fi t' 11 llkf "'""'"' -...n•u • 040-CW 1ve"' ~UNSHINI aon "' Ult IHUl'll 10• SHOWTIMIS -f1•M•lllA,...._T ,/I! Htnfa: LAST 10 DAYS '°' IJl&HI ·--_ ........ ~~~~;l!lr-~,~.;.:~,~.-, WINT1tHAW1l lNI __ ........ A MAH CAlUD MOUi """ OPIH t 11 M • _.,....,., OiUl.' WU•I"' &OTTY • JUUf ( .... 1,nl SHAMPOO• __,UU J!it M.Art"Y • J.ACa Nl(H()U°''t n1l IOUUNI • _ ......... --, ww t..Itt;t•ttTitiiIITIIti ttIII .~ • . • •t;J ·~ ·"·' "' SUPEP SNAP loll p<, .... ,.tt·JI# tt. ,o "'"• •. s ... ap Meer Sar & Sun -8 am ro 4 pm OR<\NGE 011vl'·ln I & 1 • ' • , .. •.r ._,.,. .._ >"'Clrtt _.,.._. ... • Fe..,l'v Fun' Prohls' 8aroa1n~ GalorP1 P' tM .... .... " :nl~~o ... I .. ~ f ..... ., ,,,......, 'C.lo:.M11M.~:.ar~~21 ~m IYAH & Uf\Hllll 0 NIH '-''U MOON"' _, "'°" ·-· .,,_ OH HIMOINIU:-0 .,. nu OU.AT WALDO .,.,,..,. •Ollia'~ .............. -----·-·---PUW CMI M CUI001 lllST • --UHCMO OllUJU ~ ....... ~ttlt • "U C)U.T~ GAILE & lVMM•D ' UNOEllCOVlltS HfPO • "°'" ""° ••hO Ot()eOI ( "°" • '°961 ,.., ,. .... ' nu HINO«NBUIG IQ .oa.ttt llCWl)IO ll;[ ~UT WAlOO PIPPll .., -·~·-w LUCIO' ~y,._ itlllill foetCr • !IC*. "'Cl •• tM I -..a ,A(IN() 000 DAY Affil:NOON , DROWNING l'OOl "' \#•HI~ MOv1n •vtn n>n w.al.J t.ti""•' U.Al)IC j • DAILY PILOT B " S1hJt•Hy r .. brvary_i .i :'l'··-· -------"------· Lin<. a Blair 'Repossessed' 'Glad You Aske d That' h~Ji l ~i·, - Sean c~nncrij mI~~aBI ~a!ne c~rls.topMr Plummar ... Tlrn man \Vila Wuul~ Be K!n~ CO HIT AT WF.ST CIAN,\ l~O ... > · MAHOCAt~Y ' NOSCvV COtJl D onEAIVI HIM UP H15 BA~ll( r,c On' h I( IS .t'l.L HH l\'ulh [,l,..\Rn, L. 1..~t.:::::~ IT S TIH;:..• -CINEMA WEST ' ... T~lk\Tl~~f,,L,J!tlv ~r • \tE fM1~.c1 r1ru ,.n u n (R) c · ... Pacino. Lun1ct ar.1 tti~, ,,., i sell .... :1 definitely be u p for Ac:;rJr.m~ A"' •rd·,." f, "'IQ L ,,,. •. I<.' ,_ o · 1 11 11 11• tit ti 1 11.11.1 u1J11 ""'' , 1·1:1;.• h 111 .1\ 11'1. th1 1 oh· of tl11• I 11111 t It ti 1:11 I 111 "'tiht· I ' II 1,J ... 111 t h.i t '"'' \\1 i ch1 111p h.r J lt lll" .ll t'l'I J.111 "'"' ..... t t 11·tl. B l.1111hh.,111 l.1111111, I !6 ~ \ I .. 11 '.111.1'1 I 11111' .t! 111 ~~111· 1. I ' I \ I 1. • 111 ' I • ' I "'" .. I I I \ 111 t t\I I'· .. 1 .. 1 I r SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES FOR THIS GREAT FAMILY PROGRAM M W LTS $2 50, CHILDREN $1.00 THfSf H /O GRr r.r F'AMIL y FILMS 1 OGl THE.RI Ok THE rtRST TIME -:"JS ENGACP1[NT POSITll/El y ENUS TLLS., FEB . 17 NOW PLAYING AT THE WO, :LO 'S MOST B EAUTIFUL TnEATRE IN THE WHOLE WO RLD. ''• !H~\\T CRT : •• ~ CENTER FA!J:ilON ISLA ND • NE WPORT CENTER ••••••••• ,~.,······••4••••••• .. ~ ... • • • • .. . • • • v.,, ••• ·············y ··~············ • C.0'ST lll'll'. 1\T ~,<CART11U R BLVD. ~ Nt•VfORT BEAt:il • 644·0760 ,., " I I., r I I ..i~. f, II y 'ff t1' • C , ., 1 h • i:·::-1 1.:.~ ... . 0 G1\·.~t , ... I• ..• , x • t run ~CMFDUlt M·f 6•J 10.IC 1\ S.AT \U,.. 1 ·H ·) ~~ ""· ~ ~-IClO • p~ !·~ rnr 1)000 tUOE l<A lfll l< rrt~~1d( ePISTOl Cl~CMA - u. i.:.111 .ct ol l'l' 11 httt I I • 'I lo '>I.II t ... 111111111 11.• I '\1111 I I 1',111 11 Ill \\ 1111 " ,/11 II ·'· ... 11 !••Ill.I\ 111 .1111111111 1111111111.1 -.11111 I Ith 111111· ,I . ·' 1. \•'.II old l11t•h 1 1111111 "•'1111!1 I "' \1lllnj! ( 'llflllo'I I ll'llf ,111 t I Ii I lo111.1•1tlt'd 111 1 ~'II 111111 .1 /.,, 1111 • Ill ( l'''''" I .111 I I .. , h1 I·' 1111·.-.1 . h,1\11\).! ~·111 ·•·ii 1111111· lh.111 ~111111111111011\\111ld1\1d1· O: ,\h••r lh1· 11111\ i1 '' .t., 1 1· 0LA1 R lt·aw 11. d ill11 '1 f;n·g111.\ l't·1·1. 1.q1 ('h ..1rlto11 flt·~ICJn fur "'IJ""'"I! hb tl1·11i1·11• in .. l'l.1111'1 11f 1111· A11t"·.'.'" -lh-lh1•1 t ~t. .I .. ~l'I a11t1111, l'.1 .\ \\ 11.11 1; 11·1!111, "·''. n 111 11111J,.' ".1, 1 h1· .11. :1 11r .lf'tor., 111tht·1111111 .. ,, .1 l.111 111· t. 11 • II'' 111 p,t•, I h:il \1 h11'11 "' lq!1l1111.tf,. 11 Ill 11111.1111 ' Th1·n h" .11ld1 d \'i (111 lllllld l1 .11 1·d 1111'1\ 1•11\llll)..: \I\, II 11 ,1r \•lld' 1111 \II\\ \(Ill l..1\11\I ll.i-.1" 1111.!1 h \\ h11 \\ ,1111 Iii MORE BEST FILM LISTS THAN ANY OTHER MOVIE the most highl y a11 l.1inwd fil m ol tlw .. car_ 11'fl'ii"'"'Ju• I ,, \ '''" 111 \,111•1 • ·I ' 1 I hd ~.1f•1.lo·••••u I~·· l'I ,, • l t I I 1111 lf\•t ti ,J.1 I t \ I \1 ~ l I h I hjH\ I· "lht• 'Iii dnl1 I'\ il;1' f rir 1111' 1!1/IJ\ ' warrl'n Lwall\' Jlllll' t l111~1i1•. l.(ll!di1 • h J \\'ll I '.·~ -R 11srt1't10 r. Plus .. , '· • " ' " ''The Fortune ... a farce of a rare order" • • t '· ..... ' ~. .. , • , JACK NICHOLSON WARRl:N BEATIY IHI fOUllJ~I ( HU~H~~IH~l~LNftEMA I 847 .9608 847·6017 : e~~Jp~~ J!~~r ~11.Ng~A ) \ NEWPORT BEACH 6 73 8 l SO ~ ~r •• THESE TWO GREAT HITS NOW PLAYI NG AT TWO edwards CI NEMAS .. by Marilyn a~d Hy Gardner ,,., th.ti " '1111·'. '"""'" lw 11· nl'' 1111'11 lw.11h 111 ,(p,1<f 1111111'11 I UlllJI' I•• l\l ..tl..l ,1111111 ~: llcm u 1m1• J ;11111.;' ( .1an ,11tf1t1•nh gut mar rh-d a gain'.' I 11,ioughl aft1•1 "'' dhurc•t• h<• in .. i<.1t•1f thal ht•" :i' a i.t .i in'>I 111011 1.•!-:\'--\Ir ... l.11n•lt.l D .. l'ur tl and, 0 rt• • A On tlH• t·1rnt1 an · I t1nll n11,1•l f ~omrtim1•c; hlflk111g ''' d c''Pl'I atdv 1111 ... unll'lio;h le, f.tll in lol'I· \11!h l h;it I '111 w11l111g i c• cf,, ti\\ 1lh :t111111'1 ;111~ l1odv. • (.'aan t~ q uoh•d a-. ~.J~Hlg 111 l h1· F eltru.11·1 111:.i,llov: 3 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS BEST COMEDY BEST ACTOR BEST SUf PORTIHG ACTOR ~ \/ J Walter Matthau, best actor in a musical or comedy. Richard Ben1a min, best supporting actor. .e Walter Matthau & George Burns . Neil Simon's "The Sunshine Boys" Richard BenJam1n (PG) · Ne 1S t.:i·1S•1rl ·, •• I H\:rr .-·1 : ~ .,J ' BRISTOL CI NEMA SRISTOl AT ~ACARTHUR S. COAST SHOPPING AREA ~7444 czma> ANAH EIM DRIVE IN -CINEDDME 21 i " ,, /\\ .. ·nl•I' .1t :... A r, '/'l.''V . Or ".,' •Ji17 \~:>B U'fhN 11 '~I ~l • t~A~H'1 A flt UI •4 ,o,., t 1 I• ' '''°" 't' Sean Conneru rn1cnae1 Gain TilB man Who Would Be Kin '!'lw I 1ll' .ind Tint\'s of GRIZZLY .ADAMS INSl HI , • •I ,t '• 'Y° I Aki• .. I •·• flHl/.IACfNffR '" ' ,,, ' LET~s II IT RliBlft HARBOR I YllN ····' \ ... . ' :ill~~~ IHI "'·' fOllTIJ~I edwa1ds LIOO CINEMA ......... ()(• t •t Al °'"' 0 .. '""''"''ti• 1.4..., .. , • HU~!!~P!.~~ CLH,CMA I eoun1 ,..,,,,,.,J --, I '; '• '' 1•l< -.th! I •t I. . . . of -''-It A I I Y I O f NQ~hin!l ic; wrong if it fct'.'lc; ry1od. i f:ll '1'( J1 ,1 .1 •• w•. "rf . -· .. ,., ~ XAVIERA \ HOLLANDER flUQ 1 Rf VNOl.DS ( x) CAll"t( 'NI DCNC-vvt: .. HUSTU: .. • ..~~~.~1.~~[~L.... I "' fWl"'(,H?('1 t•/U •t l . ·' 3 . DAftOP THI DOA ROB LR T REOI ORO FAYE. DUNAWAY "'nin aiown1~l:N '-!_ll~ , Cl HlMA Cf~CR ,: "'••• ••' ,. •••. '"'•M• j ',..,,.Wt It Of ('fMU• • r• 4 t_•t Cl/1£1,•A WCSI • .. ll41 I ... , f W W ( .... f "~ I t• I r-• .-..... ~ ,_ •.• , .. UP I> f HAl•r A H t.t • It'( +'-;, "° '.(Jl [) flARBGR !WIN ,,, CIN£MAW(SJ ....,,. , ..... f..ilfl .... ~ .. .,, .. ~~!.:'! , II.I .. 1 Y• ""'' '' •t -; IPCl GOLDEN GLOOC: AWARD WINNER FOFl BEST FOREION FILM. fNGLISH LANGUAGE ptU!> • 'I.di ~l t.tiJ WffiS'J.:i-~))l STARS d JEFF BRIDGES ed~alds BR~STOL CINEMA At•""' •,1 VA . . ' l f, I' '' ... ,,,., I 41 ( II ' ·'"'"' . ,.,.,.,,r,, r.,.~M ,• ... H[ WPOR I CINll.IAS ... ... L I • •• t CIHfl,IA wmR . ... .. '" ...'""' •1•r t r1 .. n 1 '• •H• 1111 I 1 lllll ll\11>1 I 11 l 111 J \1111 'l\l'loi' l~I 0\ ll MMW l !fl( N I I Ar.( ' WfSIBROOK J w ,.,. ... , •• ., •t u• t•I J <·• IC'll N "•~nt \ .n I PLUS l\lll( rORCE ltllV SA\l ... l AS I ••\tw~m~~~i~M-::-'1 G•IOf,.,,G•O•f \ .o ••OI • BB OAll y PILOT Sarurday February 14 19; •• For t l1e R ecord Pl BLIC' !'llOTIC'f: FICTITIOUS IUSINC\S NAM[ STATEMCNT r e Bl.JC NOTICE FICTITIOU\ IU~l .. (S\ NAMESlAfEMENT NOflcr '0011 IHJOll~ \Ul'l lll()H (QU~ 1 O• I HI n•rt.o~ (AL •OHNIA •(Jiii THE COUNf V Q• OllAN(,,[ No A 16-111 T he O se l ,.. tc..110.-1ng Otr .un\ •t • Owr\\l l>u\1 "'I'\\·~ 'f"• IC.tlo111111(l9 ~ f\Qf\\. c1rc ..X....nq OU\ Dl••ohdlonaOI Marriage t 1f" I l A 'L i11da L ol'el <tr<>' ,,i iuo "t'\\ •• PllO OC~IGN )011 OrolR(lt w C S 1 C 11 t< W O u 1. I """ . S•nl .. """ (A ~1101 1 r l ( p .. 0" E A "'s w r ., IN' I I I FINAlOECllCl\ Fol~d J•n.,,.ry U nr au,un, \.Jno, .j .1o•J l ,., , " (.nut<h St11'\tl'd .1nn Jon.1tP).1nM (.rd'(ton, f>'4;1ttt1 111 A. tinU f1vnotlO r • 1 \11\y, Jt rom.-\I tOO Ju!J1Ut A Otlnd't OvOOrutt J tnrJ Murr w Miii .. , Mdrlt•Ht .,nu ,.,,H ·• o •• ,1d tevplt, Oc.mHIU •. ma , lh '"··· n \rft'Tld~ OW\t> I fl •HH'I l .1nn CMv1tJ J, ftlc;irrtll, Ot•wn., •, Jf\d Ju"" P lic'l#dln. ltld• h.'\ M 1.JnO AulJt1 IM Mo"'°''·"'ny M Jr ttHt('6t1riu10UJ\ LtutQP\\, (u"'' (J rHH1 kC)fl•tl•J t 4nyd v.u1 .. 1u.•\, Mu th J<ttrnnu Jnu (J•Y M tC'°ld .. I (rdlQ \ •ndd M .1na Cti.trh•• rriHltt.hn U-l(d 81110<..d 1 .1no J(11 ho•rt.J M fk .tr• {ort L 1tnd Jolt ltrl M AnOOt \Oft, \._(IU1,r• M ter'd .,:. ttl«, !,milt\, ~·1't n l ""d l Un n I ..k>hn\c;n_ N.,.,,., l OU ·"H' W1tl1.tm f,1 C"41..0n, fC1.trtnM ono f4ob\.rl P Nrdtr\d, Jo-,,•pn E 11t1d Ronn1e M.. •1Ul"b J.t< .. 'f ·'hCI "·' • { P1rttt T .. ,,. ••• 4 dntJ \tf DP't-t·n 0. Por1Pt • b•·f'r "4. r l .. tnr1 \<tt>ol J ~nlon, Md,• W1ll1JM dn(J P~n'Y'l.f , ... ,,,,. Nl.<Cdr lhY Thom4)· J .ind M *' \n WP'10rt, 0Jvt0 M fOhtt t Jnd Oun MJry ,,)Jy • £d"tetrd J JniJ M-H1 It Gr•N\e A.tlohlOd.,._.,\(, ..,,,If,, ,(" ....,,,_. '· Jdmt'"\ JO\t CJh .. tr1d P\tw lc1>1_o M.Jr1fa MAr• n.111. Jonn W -'nd fh Uy w.i .. 1n·~. MJO• lint M .mo Cirt 94>'' l_t•• 'hutT'IO'tO" WttlJrd l ...... r .JM i .... •-l1Jit"hnt-Nw1r11 N1<P'1t.>h, Ut tty Jon11 .tnJ l tawrt·llf.\.' l OWcHO <«·~ l vt•tvn Jo, dnJ J1>hn R~ r l"intom lf.lf\I U.1 M.t.1y,JndArm.1nLf't• Wilh\, Ru' .1•11 0 ,\nO l tndl.) GJh• C 14•\l\on, FrJntt t-iow.Hd c.H'HI L11fMf\ Jl"'ltn '5W\'•I, WJ llcr V J r .1na l(,i1n~·1:n 1. co .... Ruby R .ind r.ot>t•n L. L••c JonMonlu.:ro.ano Pdtr1cidLynn ~¥'dl'r , Lt"d.._t L .• ind Robt•rl A. f-linld~. 0JrOJrtt M Jnd V~rd•l 0 Jr. JOf\r'l\tt1nl'. Jdmt1\ and lliHlltlril H. Mc.Connell, 0\:bOr.>h Anf't JnU O,rnn)' C,cme Clo\>On, JoM Cu!)•ne Jr •• ond Robon l~e W41r1'•n, Oo"'l~y r-.• one! J O\I uh 'Cl W1lll\fJ4'\. ~Jfl; P. ~•nJ S11•J)twn C ~ttthdrri, l ttm-.trJ Ad\t t.1f\IJ (ldrkr• Ot nru1 APr ~. Ot"h-, Jo.tn .Jnd \t• J>"' n (d wntO lto~lu, C.J.,Jfl M .UVJl't(J O,.h,,OAllto <,ou1., Vt< tot J u ,,,,d H:o'\I• t f" Pwb"M 1nQ''>U J H•;•w.' J Jw~•d -'·••np\.C,t• ~"U O 1n+t 1 A \1llf ft. t'fr.pt" Jt .Jn1'1fl1· und R ct11r t ( .. ..,. .. hrt11•'11 r l •fHJJ 0 ctl'ld f t:lwurd tl• 1 o J• mm Ar.,, .1nd A Utt a rJt1•q. ,,. f lnom.•\. • 'J'lia.1111 1f\d C..otoltn J1 .m t'it1(1'•fnd''· Lt-noru • 1oinr•• ·J•HJ f tonk. r flwdn:J Ot\Yh, J1tl rinC'J W1ttr .. ,, <nnrl•' AH1rt'0 J tfH( i H HHJ ltrt fJ•JI '(~~•\It \uyrlr_. I( AuU11 v ( .Jn11 ltill<; V t"f11tlOf. D• n. ~t; k• '''~· tJ'l'1 ( irl l 11wrttnc1_• H 1r111 y kuth11no (11•hJ'd J• rmn;- Cunn1nqrivrn, Jo A. un(I ll11l n l iutt•nL1· Pu•r<.-. JO.in l .uno l rn1 '' Wd1r-M "'1G<Jrf', (d,Olto L vril'I .. ind 0,1rryt Jd. '''\On "''~· t;t'r, L'-'"'Y w 1111.tm d"d J°of<Jn"ll"U\J f ldn(.I\ Hudo•ph o ""'<I tt/J 1>l AV ct •1\ (.4 ,1 Ctt..H>IT••" It> 1 • 1 "•tm . .,nto lr11jn~ CA ~711~ OrunQt (A Nor t ••f u1 f.,' OonJ'O l Sp.alh 10114 L4 H'ac.~ .. n Lcw.aC.ornttt\ln1t.-11t1n\ 1r1c.01Qu1"~ t.u J 1 •I'• ........ , ... O.A't'l '11 fount411'\Vollt-r CA.,,ttli "'° k .. .., )tdtP11f(JI tu•n a• ·~~u ""'' ,,. r •· John A W1hon. kl J '-'·•'tJt'' 8t-d nu11..c1 !J•·l'ffH,"tt' (A\/o...IJ.> ,,...~ ;" • f":\..tt.lfy ':!:.!i 111ol1un V•tt.-.v CAffl\&lJ ~nthc>Of JCI t-on 01 .. ..,, -.U~b 0 .. 11. "',, H 11 lh \ t:R '\ON S('OIT 11<11 l.Y\\(l()l) ll )'() Eow.ra.t. "•o•""·"/ltl'.i1,,,..., OoQ...oc.o'>"•''·°'<""'"'" LA...:tt•v "" .,,, , •• ,. p1t111r •·~ .Il l' l'lig 1lik l11r to tflfinfl,(A tf/11 ltit\tlU\lf\11\\1\'-C>n(hJlkObVo,vt ltllt-.Jtv~rt c l•l•H 11l •t• 111 'ntlhlh J\ \•It)\' Ol ~ J\ \\ .J r<l '."1i td':.i·;·,~~~~~:~\•\c.onauc.h.ob;t111rn1t pc;.r.;1tvnco"''<orn,,..11.1111cJtco,,~"•t, ;,c1,~.";;~".•:1.1, ',,'' ;:·,•,··, ·:·, • ll•>llllU .. tlHHL' lhl' ye;u • 011ttalOE. Sootr1 An•nonv J 011vo•1o flORfNCI M 110111" • 1 < "• n :!Oil of \\hll"h ha\'1.•n 'l got Tn1\ \ldh•rnttnt Wen ftlt•tl w11n 'hi! J.>ur\•<knt AYt' "lf11r1u,m1 •' (I\ ""'11' .. I llf,t.\ l•r County Cfttrk Of OrttntJ\1 (01.1nty 01 l ri1-. ~tuh:nwnl """ .. f1ll-.U with '"' th!· Pld1 1 flf hu\l•H ""' "" \4' •h, ''" 1 Janutt' 'I 11, 11'1• Countv CltrJ, ut Or jnQt! c 01..111,., on 1•1 .tll m .1t11·1 ' v• , 1 111 ,,,. 10 ''" • 1.11t ,,, ,.,..., Jdnu,,rv 11 ICll6 ,,11dtf•,. ,,, ,q w H1.r1 "'11' '', ''' 111,, ~UbhV'lfld Ofct"IQi.: C01Ht Ooil'f J'llOI FSltU Int •1t ,ft ·•hln 1h ,fu1t 1'11 11 11 Jdn l 1uno fc:b 1, U 11, ,_,,~ Publl'-tH'<J Orc.JneJt· Co• 11).)11)1 V•h•' l>·•t~u '"''''''f 1 ,,,, PlJJU.I(' .\'OTl('f; FICTITIOUS BUSI N(SS NAME STATEMENT ~I J•n 11 flnQ f-t:b /, 14 11, 19/ti • ~-ltJ ttUN • )N.11tT P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINES~ NAMESTAfEMENT l • •t•'I r IH N I f It''' t1C1 •'lf1 h 0111 JO+ ,1 I• nl Ft..ORENCE M NONIH 021 Collutn A·~ !>lle•m•nO•~" CA "•n AltOl'fl~J tur E ·•f'<uh.1r TIW Hl7:i Os r ;11' l':.tll· d 1d .1ll"s 111l'IU1k I l11·ks I rur11 C.111.1!1.1. 1-:n i.:l i.lnd, Fr,111n•, I lung K<>ni!, lt:.i· Iv J a p a n , Hu ss1,1, S 11 l'lkn ;.111ll S \1 1lz t·1fond. II 11 1-. \1 ,, n ;1. B hula n. F:.1 ~·li• 'l111clt ;\}~-.(\'!'\ l I\• .I\\ a~, 11 II I ll1 11 c· :i-. t '' Ii 1 , Ir llunt1 11.tll "The• \11\. •If S h I'(' I 11 \'I.. d I lj J.r Smarl 1·r llr.it11 tlw o t lw1 h.11111 " <'llll' lo"" •1111 \ 11 lfttl •111.111/\' ll'11dh11•-.1 I 11 ii .. 1 ) C.tr .. J .I\\' • • I h'. 1111111· ,.,,,.,, I .. tOth ... Morr •• .. 8rCJCll>.I "" ohJ tum Tnt• fOHt1w1no Ut't\Cln~ df\• OU1t\t) °" . ,..,..,.. d' TnP tolluw •n'J pt"rwn~ J'• 00•09bu~ M\.-.d\ F-'uo1 • J () ,,. I r J•" 7.a J, Jl''l hd) I [I t••t I ... , ~ 1',11 a~U.1\'. kt'land J llcl .---------- \lo11;.:ol1j \1 l'l'C !>h u l out Wf CIO (OWd((f W h' " c '"'", Ctoi•,i. • rn<-'''M"ii 01'1 bt·tt.,. l C>u C )()lornun, ~1('1.trd li\• f,A, .,,. niJ £11. n ..,.._ '• FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SfAlCMENT n 1 .J• •nJ bu•t MAll,.£1 M AO<(!<~ 112 ~"' 'Wd Ori ltc:, Mwntu•'JfOtl fJ _,, t. { .. , 111>•• P.iut Ctl1lds-Mu•' 1 '· ..,U1 Mr.1",1ord Or • Hunt1n11h>n (h ,,, ti <A. ,,...,,, llw. IJU'.rn<·o,·. 1'\ conauc fl-'OY 11n m ~Hl10J,MI fJJul C Muf'tlr•r Tn, .. "J1.;11•n.-·nt wJ tt1•·C1 w11h ,,.., (ountv Cluil. 1,1 OrJ0'-1• (ount,. or\ f~O•uury J, 1~16 F\2213 Pub11\nl"CJ Or\lnl")~ C..O·•~I O,Jil'f P11ot Fl•b I U 1' 2" l~Ht> .tt.1 /IJ P URI.IC NOTl('E k Et..GA 'i ':>[(11£11\lllAl ",(PVl(E )IJ)W IHh')t, C.o\t•t "-..J Pl4NT ,-RlfNO~ 2081 Trou"n'>I Co\I.; Mt-•" CA •Z.71 (.Jllf\J,,\I<) .,~,, ~d'e'::u~t~:.~,~~r·::.:<:•lj~J~~.::.~ SI ~~;:.~:~~:.:~:·~;:~;~o:~~~::: ----- Gtr.ol<J (l .. vO• µ, roq•n II.II PC .'>•nl .. AnJ lA •1/0 Fl(flTIOU\OU~l•H\~ J"l Hl.J< '\ 0 1 ll'I Man1.,.. l-tm ttuntln~iun U•Jl h, Jt1ynu·MJ·t 1 JIU8ftortt"Kt'~t $, NAME \TAll Mt.Nr C J11,,j,,•1tl .,1,,_.1 U quna, (.~ 9J&11 fht--t 1 "', , , d 1 I • Tth Ou'"''' "'"nourt1 0 b y J 9"':;;~.~:;~.~, ... ~.~~ <onduttf'd Df at 'W 'f•LltH f rO'A I oi~0t•ral::.~:~t~\~~Oflq, n Mar• S S .. llbt rq P AN f r f ,,. 1' • Wt.,., Ni ;twC.Orl 1 Tht\ \t ttf'mi nl ,,., ldtd wilk "" 'BltYh ( •l1to11 ·~1't.0 I Gt'rttl<.1 C Pt ''9t n rr-., .. ..,1,1u·m{'nt w.,, tih·O with ,,,,. C.OIJf'Jt_. (11 o Of Ordr•qt: COYnf'I Of\ JJn i/, nt•' fh f '' • ~ / t, \jl •f l•t• '.J\lnl f ( 11 , ' ot O r \.lnC)l' (.uunh fJ4' '21. l~lf. ROdU l •) 'f/• J 1 t44 v 11 ti • J'°'nuary I) ,.,,,, FS1'M 1t t ,, 1•-1 1 t • IJ t1 It, .u F)'4'N PuDl1'ttlC'd OrttnQ1 fo,nt Ddtlf P•ICll, .:J•V•'.J •·~ J,..:~1111 '"10'\i: G S Tl" DIOS, I \H'lll 1l•Lh Cl•nlury. 1-'m. q u .ti 1 f r l' d :rn r i" I m :, ('ol 11 rn b1:i had IX \ml'fll':.sn lnlt'rnationa l, 11, \\'arm·r Bros .. 13. P .1 r .1 m o u n t • I 2 . 1 ·111 \'t'I"·~ I, n 111t· :incl ~!(; \l In l' r-1vblt hf'..(j Or '"91 (t).t t o~u•..-f•.1 •. 1 Jan J1 .ino f f:b '· 14.11. 1Cift.i. I ".'I . I• ti'" ~ b , I 78 ]')'q lb Tht , 1t• '" t ..... t Ii I ., 'ti ,,. I l I k t h. 1 'U·HV • 11 , llflb ~ -----C.Qu111;c 1 .~ ut IJt illJ• t1v1'ly1lf•. ,,, fl I ' t.• HlO ~ \\ h1 t h Pl ~IU.IC ~OTH'E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TPl(• •ollowing 0L't Wt\ p, dOIOf) 0U111 OP\\''~ ~E ACllH Cl.(ANf R\ Ill°' M oon Strt.~I. H1.mtmqtcrn tJbu h r A V1b-SH Oon,•ltJ Ii( & A.udtt''( Nf')1• ~4'-11 Oittmvl"KJ Or •• •'4uu111v)1<m lk11< n. (ft <rJM~ ,,,.,. bU'llHIC\\ I\ fr•nduth•fJ h'f ,lh lfi d11t1du-JI l~.1111. 1 r.11111111 Iii• 1 ud i.:l'cl In · 1 )l4ol!I \}H'll' l'll\ l'I'~, 0 1TlO:-.t llll)\ le -------f"'Ul;l•1f'l•1t flt Ill; t 1 I ll+nlt I'll' FICflTIOUS81.1SINESS r •. ~ ,. "I Mo'"..... .,,,,, 11111·:-. 1r11f1c all' the \IOl'lh NAME STATEMENT o f l h1·1r l'Ullll'llb Tllo• lnllowonQ p1•1-.qn\ .i1~·•J•,.nqw" f'( 1\1 I(· ,0 l'lt 'I : ~'>.-"' ~'"'~' 1 (• '\\'htnllt" h1-. n ~hl rnmd L A M P C 0 l I (, II T 1 N C -----• M/\INl(NAI•((, ., •••• ,. •• on ....... \~II• \\1Hlltf p .1y 111 !\l'l' "llurr_., Un°1 0,to,1 .. M.-.1.CAV?o1• 1 W Pl1110Rcouk1ornt1 I Ip, or I II lk :HI''" \\'hat Kull U1·r9,1rnm, '""'"''· Hol I H AT[ O~(All l ()M N IA I OI< I .1l11111l ·1>011 t l'r·,, \V'1lh C<tflU01h•OflVt". f .rnnr()o"-CA>1Jf12" THl COUNT.., (J( Okl\Nll6 Pl'Hf.1(' ~OTWE· llOqPrW,o•I•" •tol lPJlvn••L1no· j N" A•t.•11 I 'i 1111 r !'ll i>ulh F ull," Yorbd lor>d4, CA 'n•R• • .. 0 TI c f 0, H I A r< I N '· I) I JM'"'' Alh·n '>l'hl> /\l"u" torch PET111014 FOM l'llOllAtl O• Will 'Tilt•\ (',111 ll l•r Oni· FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ... ul:lr•Y No,. NAME STATEM£NT Thi\ \luh•tno•nt w •• -. t 1hd ¥11llh th W!'\lffM\lrr (A~/l>lll jANO FOM ll I tf II\ ll '•IAMI N !-;\I' • "'\\ h ;1l llH' l't'i'J>l'I' rno• bu\•n1•\\ ' (00<111\h•<l by I E All'f ANO AN AMI NO"'I NI 10 ,~.I\\ .. ··ro11k:-.-.ron ... ol ~· Qf•nt'rdlCMrfnf'r .... n1n ' CTITION f-OH l'kOUA ff rn Wflt ...... ,,Woltor . • NO P El111011 1011 If"'" (II \\ 111dn\\ C"li'.llll'I"," trl lht \l1U•·rutnr w~• f,f, t w1'h tho OMINl\!kAll(JN W lfH THt W•lt. J.tlfd:t J.t>\ t•fa c·t• fo r (Q1jOf'( (t fr• Qf tJr.u111 l ., •• ,,. Oil jiANNr AE 0 Jonu.i,, M. '''' t r '·•· 1 '''a 111.1, • .uf Pr l''Hh·nl. F~Jl)S , 1 , Puhl .nrod Ot-t'l'J .. ro 1•,111.1111 s 11.t u •I Jon...,•114 lldMIPl.•u.111/,U ""· rM/>I." 1\l.I. .\Rt: 1•1lg1hlt• lh1s l rif' fo11ow1nq P••r\or\ ·~ Uo111q hu·• C.nur\t+; (It,~ f')f Or Jn•'' C.uunly 110 Of'\' ·l' J.mu • .try 10 19/b !Ht HCAO SHOI 7•11 Co11.,, l')lf7• •vp (O• lcl M 1 -.. I ( /\ 'IH~~ r"ubl1\h1-tJ Ot ''"~It' ( t,.. t p 11ly hi •I M11. f .trl.1"ll .ri•J r ""'''"'"' .1 Jun :14 l• .1na ' Pb 1 u •Y'" /''111 ,,. ( •lltorn1d l.'l,por,1t11}n 11H UJlltC,• -- Av1 (.O\f1t M• .J. (.A tlt,,J,_, l ,.,, tif.l•ul'k « c.onctur It J Oy .t tr.J' LENNY BAJ<ER SHllH. Y\1 ! \ .1 CHRISTOPHER 'nALt\t ~ PAUL MAZL I<.' ' K Rl$1HICll0 • BLACKBIRD GEORGE SEGAL 1 00 P M " , , 11 s '' 1111 tlw 1111p111i•11f I 11' 11tt 1i·1· •• 11,1il11t1 h 1111 f \I lo 1• I ht' I r1 111111.1 11·.t lor \\1th ~:.!HU Ill l'lll''ot'.S 1 d 1 H • 1 It .1 ps II 1tlllflt1l1 lt> r .if I '11·Lurt·s ll h l h tl\\ll ... '.'J l ~. tl TSOO IT /..CAIN I( 4'., p ... K,.d1nq, C.111 R .,no Ann t 'WOlttnb4.:rt) M HVtln•t~ t,trt1.1• r,. McO...w•U.J1mrnvH .,nJf.fur>vH. flut<l'Vr, o.-"'" u "" 1 l tnn ( forrt~. To•OP A JrHlf., r1H,1n Co•P~(Mn L .mo L~hwr1 nc1 Nt•I ~nck>r'\. C~tl J. unO tv ti• O Mc F-,trl ind tnd (nmo tnv W1l1.1rtJ .. M II.JI• , V 1C• for• 11Jo '•I ltH\ .f 111 m .. nr .__ t ftfo d '#flo th 1'- f ounty (lo r\> nl UJ.;l1•JI ((lulll-t f tt.Ltu.ury ... l,,li. i1h1TIOUS8U~INf_$_S __ NAME HATEMCNT 'hP toHo#in() Pt r\On , • c:k.ltfl'l tM''' ni ~\ .... J'I Bl.I(' ~OTl("E \<'.11 tor .1n <ht .1 r .1-. lll'-.L fil prt I llrt' 'I hl'll' d trl'l"lt>r-.. ~ p),l\l'f... ...., t t h--.ij.!Ol'I :-.. HARBOit Ai '• lJ.J •. ccs I .... MESA tlotdu~r. Wdrn• t f.' 4ntJ Ndn1 v L. '-"'"'P<oe, W 11f1d tn Stu h. .-na AA.try l OU N40n1•9"l' ( th•t n f .1ru1 ,tv\1t h.tf'I J. l1"•tktr l\1lbH Jt·.)nJrht u 1..;noC l 1ld,dtn ~irmJI N .111C1 ( 1nth1 1 I W1U1c1m\, Pd01(1d Alic jt Jnd kl'>Qf" Jw H.tndJJJ, V 1r 91tHJ R •Ind c;,,;r,wfdM. l'INAI. OECAECS F1lt d J.>nu•rv u W1!11,)m\. l.Jwf4·ntf•(t .1no L•ll•o..11'\M. (.ur r•N. \on111 ', .1no C,1lh-•f t W L-Jnq ff0()4.'r Ot nn1 •• 1no k oir\·nC,.111 H Hf ct( kd, P4f'T\(IJ ll nd M tCl'h)f I JctM,h, Jr, \ t,( h1m ')h1rP, F•ort·nc" [ lino A1c.r"-11<1 A l._tn\On,. l on1 P.lhY 11 nd ~o~ f.rt"'deric" (.hUMb(\r\, JoPln F', Jr ",Jnel 01)nn..1 {, t uyr'ld, V1ro1n10 l l,\n(f t-t••rf')li·rt l lf~nuricl\, Ad~lt· Jnd Wlll1o\m I(. W-lQn•·'. tln•no •• r •J'l•J J• rt, l .. M 1111,l" 1n-1o1,n-in1J( l1J1 t J.11 1. Juli• '"'"' '"" Al>1• n.11 11\nt)t J t I'll•, J,l~• 't I J•ni I •l••\J L)1.1••·· \u .1n n1., .... .,.,,~. ltJ J • .11'\ dnd f· 11r1c..a M 1t.nd .. I t t.}(I\ HdroldJu.11nJ r dnO(\iftt,n Lt·y. °'nn•\ R10htrt1 dnd c,,,,1 (,rate Carter, J1.1dy k rt)tlnt: drus N1t~Ji. J.i. \....,_ •t. R1rk., Lltt .ind l1n<J\ lou1\f• J·""""'· 19n.><•u ro~1, dno RO<}"lo, (..Jn•1 Horn, J.tmf 0 .ind lOtt.J'"' l. ~·l"lf\, Cnr.• ""' L lnfl Ar<"'' ~th. rn(lm 1 r-1 1t'HJ J ,,., " <~rdon J.u-n1 P .m,Jl•r,'ti\ ,,_ flU'" P) J'>•, OP) E .JMJ Uv.u rt Anrt ~tO. l• Hl /41 n '"'J Jr• < ~1rr• Of1, t1•1f1J Ario t11'\d l""'"~ ( .,.., . .,,, lut.--.r. Tt·rry lr>•J 1nt1l".-nnf'lnl .... • M tno1• H '"''"CJ '"'' ,.,,,..., Rotvit1 t ,11 hl)l"t J H " l .ltHI M .)rtt\ t A Murrdf h "b·t~ JO.'n 1•nrt C n lfh tlDO At1 t l.cf' ... HO ~HH1 ll'H\111) f'f"ber.O ~ ntnn, Modi Willt.)m ttnd PcJm •t,1J r td'"'''"· ~h ... r• Lyon dnO C....or~ l cfW,trd ',fn' .. "· Uarbdt•i r .,,.01 .1nd Ct.c.11 Tnon-1uot, ~tonl 1~•·,M.tr'fJ.JndL<H'\c11 J OOn.itld~c.in, J O':.\Pfl W\.:t1\J1·t11JnO Joytc J\JI\ h t'i0'<1¥1Ud l-' tl,1 M •'"" fhrt t, •trio 1•1. M.111 ,,ho l "• ,Hut ltnr-1"\u J''-llt l...Hnb, Q,.,..,1f1 [ .tf'Hl I irv1 I I flNAl OECllEES. F1Jtd J .. nuoarv ,, J-"clr dut. Jf'.1n A •• no l 1tt·•t>" ·H\ P •l•Qrn c_.,.,,,/qJn,Jn J"•r, J1·-.1n Nt·~·• N 1nt.r '' *Jnt.J"' -n• rt ) "tnlur tdno. l ucdd J V, atrm /\r11 I h tlt)°)j "-"l"'l'l. Lif\d 'dr,.l llff t Af)l1\1I <» 11.-ue. RCJb-rf /'-11c;. re Jl"J Yv """' l 1nt1'7t ,._,..q11ty ltare>.1ru V0r'l1" ' ,, Cl C •'Y tA~"h·t• I U•.tiJrt ,.,,., . 1'1~ 1 1 Jut A ,,.,, r , I u , , , f •1tr • .-1. (>ti'\ .1t1 l , 1r1\J M '''-I V,;.1'1 ..... t.-·~•·t JJn•,,,,. •'1( If I Oultll: M "II• ,n.-JV 1r1 ,. '•n ti •dtr» f u •1 l.to r .,. I• t )rm 11n. JHtr• y lynu J '1 t 111.11) •" """' llw t• '• (tr 1yn /\• ri ,1nJ f dn hl1 IO\• i:•n () t• Ol''l J•J Hll', t 1 · I l ' I' I •,.n•cW '· '\t.1• Al 11 '' J \I ~ '., •t R• yr W1'1 11 ,f oi t f h ,lt1 " tJ• I· ·Wl, w 111.utt' '''Hi I .,., • fu '~II t O.t , KtJO'I• ,.,,,, IJ 11 1• ,,,,I ~41\l•J! J • '"I t '"'·-· Otlt •' L .1nrf 1.,,, ;, ,, 11 ~h.U• I; •• v ••• 'f' 'H•d t ltt' ' < nr1 l1.tr'1 ,1 l'l, H• t>•• '°'"' 11n1t C.h1f1•11, Vt rtMn rt{tlt111IU , t<1'lrt f\ h hf1 ,)rHJ l rlv-.Jtct u ,1yuit)nfJ '''"'"l JwJ1lh l .,,..,, "''''' l u'1t1,w . l Uw1n t• .wet J,tl\1 ,. ..,Ml f h ,,,_. f. ,,.,,, l Ullf I ~ v.-1)1.Jt'l, f.CC>ti•ri l.J ,11111 """' ,, ¥' t\ t '\''"· c.,,1·qory l • l· ·•'"'Mi"' u, flt n' "" ·'"·'" 0-,, • r 1u1l ll 1¥ul II 1\41" '• Jrn11 tn•I Ir 11"tlli 'II (r Ill l •tU,\ l I' IM t ) • 1 f'ti• Olo, (,t rlrl I'\ • U I -./ ") f 'I• l#t-\u f '' t ' M dt h l t•\fl .~ft t ft c~ d fl.,"'Wjr r I"' H .t tr\I J•f'ttt t '""''' <,u 1n1• < 01 t '' h '' t • 1~h ''• 1f'\1 '11-h ly•11 11 •J f IV•• f..,rt/ ,,,,,. '1·1t I '1 1f\> t \ J 'U"ll WU•11n '.'Y; 111 J11f1 , ...... '··. It If~ It t l " I 1t'l I If/fl I /.'\..tti''''. f •. ''-•t'\ tn r uq f'\1.tl I,, f'\ I ( 1ol I tt l l"'t\ k (\ I' I I t" 1 \ti' •) h 1 I t ', t t~ { ot f ¥ .. I Ill I lft , l'I • ( t\ r \II • ,,, "t i ... •••11•• \II',.,. • ' "' "'• •'"•" ... 1"1 I ( h•t I tt C v •1tl If H'•t f •It r ( lff I t\,Hl 1f+1 I lll1f 1-t'l'I f J""t,, '" tN.t It rt ,,,, 1 "., • I Aft ·U "l. \I,,,_" I,.., •'1'' I. c It If ,, "-'' y+, Oqnn1·" ''" t f tt\ W '"'-.' l ,w,t P._\lt•C1,t l\ .,nt'tW11!1.•'" U•w ,11n ~u .,,,,, ~ ti;' tnrt Jnnnny II ~-.ton Sw.~1n Jf "'" Jl'tnm• t1 f'llPr1tr O• h, l K .1y 1tr1 t J IVtmv W 1ltt, < lf'"Oll <•·I'' Ai ,;in 1 "-• ,,n. '"W <no• ""'~1r ,, ~ ,1n('f '-'"'11" 'r N"1t)hnq 4 ''"'" { .u'~d A1 r,. t J Ct rd.1, Rh•Jnd11 l ynn tN1 M.1 h ·h·t • 1r)i ,.,,..., Jun 1hA"'"·'"f1 Mlf'P'\\HJ1 •t•rl r11i• h IW [ n,tld W tr'l1t ,, I l MH)tt'\,['.,nt( 11·Jlh1r \ft C.t1rnrn M ,, ,,., l "''ff H •'' 1J I " ~"' f •·nbt tf\ th ....... ~,,., A• I ' '"'d w ,.,,'"" ( • .,.,,•pr\ C"i. n. "'' ro" ·'" 1 Jr\, t ).l • """''"'• .. t J t''I• ' y. "I 1 ~ .. ,. R°•ITl•"•I n trw M 1i,d _. '"l" Or'O/ JO,.A-t1n1fl•t,.1f "'~'\Im lh (,I I •n.1 f..I 1"lt' rt •hu .. (...,, .. ,. U onr C.•1t.t1M Ol..t"\i BOYi.i A1 '"' ---FIC11TIOU\6Us1HE\S __ _ F)7JOI f'vnli•nt·d Or "11• (-> • I 0 1 t J t Ith I rt }I /"i 11/f, ., • h, l AR ZANA M0 1011S 1\1\ M ··• y, ''k+ Or E1hf )IL. (O\fd M w. <.A "'1•1~ \ r1u1 t 10..,10. , .... , M • • • V1•r0t-Of l:d'ol )/l ( t•,frt Mt• •·J { I\ 'll~J'i NAM( \lATEMENl Tht toll"""''""' v• 1 ,, .,,, ••• , ''"J'JU , f'W,• I 111111po-.1·1-. .in d .d i till' 11· l 111<1\ il r 1·.1111 111 646-0573 646-3266 .1 \\ .1 I ii ... I II l1 ., It l' I I' L __ ...::=====::--=-::....---==---= Pl' Rf.I(' ~OTI< 'E FICTICIOUS BU.1.INESS NAM(\lATEMENT fh1· bu iftt \ ·~ ( .,n<Ju• l1·d lJ'f ..-. 111 f'll\l'ftl\Jot l l '11, ''·•h•ttu•nl w 1 f11f ft 'tllf+lh "" (~v"tv Ct. 1 • t.f Or iJl"•W (.Uuntt ""' Jdnu.-ry JO, 'QJfa 1,,1•tOllow1nlJPt.:r .ur1 1111 001~00·• Fi11ll 1 ..... , , P ublt'>,,l-<I Or.ln(t'' (0;1\t ()d1lv ~llot. 11.tN(, PIN MANU~Anur>1·.r. Jdn 1•,ll,ano f .. b I, I•, 191• co . 1 IOH L ,f()iJl•J ( Hl If''" f.11J..td l-JQUf\.1 fl•••lrh l/t, .} (f,J1'1 A U Hf• lt ._1tO} t 1i )vt1o1 .up;on kvull, LuO'ln,, lh 1 t1 ';Jf,•,J J1>hn l >1on -<1•fl• .,, 4/J ~ t-i1•flfrop.• C.otOfM fJt· IM er, (i-1111. fJ}"1:''· t "''• tJu 1nr> -.. 1-. <.urutu1 t ,._, b/ ,, "Jl'twr,_if pur1n••r ,.h1c1 Cr "'lA H .,,.,_,, -.l'. Pt 'Hl.I(' :'llOTl('Jo: F l(Tl110U~ BUSI NL S~ NAMEHAfEMCNT 171 I• f,,,~ I H• •H,.ftf .,.. 1 11'• I -n ''l tn, RAffH0Rf\C,4/1t'1dl',I iaiin•., c '' r 11 .. , Cu •' t , ,, , ,,. O.· .Jf '• CA ·n1i• 1 • • l.Jtu.11 I J 1\i '"-f r'"" f tn1 ·.1C 1o•J1llr1 Jr H?tt.iJ J'.~718) 4_,1 l.U'l\,lt\o'thl H '-( J\f.11"\' J'lut\11 .n1 d Or 1n I'" ( t 0, "' bfU.Jrf I, ... It : ,.,,,, , L ,1 Thi\ bu\•,.,..\ '• condutlt"d tJ,y ,Jn m ~ di ttf1uJI .. r~1nk r rn'"·',. ·Hld1lln, ,, Th1't Slt.1lf'm .. n1 Wd\ tu...a ""''" ,,_,. PUBLIC NOTICF. County Ch•rll ot OtJnqo C.ount1 Ot· 1---------------1 J~n...,rv20. 1'16 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEM E"T ltw> fouo .. mg ~t)On\ .11~ <k>l"9 bu)•· ,., S,AFlfV (OrHl<Ot \Y<,ffM<. '!161 Proc:tuct1<iifl Pl• Nf'lrpott ij..>d h (A 17~) FSllll PuDl1\hf"d OrA"ft<'l' c.01• t O•ltly t>'"'' J""u.ory1',l1 JnaF~b<IJdry/ "· 1•10 'l'IJ1r. P l ' RI.IC :'liOTICE J!Jttn•td-' flunu, ?lHIOu'Y'""' .1--------------- ll loro. CA •1•JO Robf·<t L "untJ,.11~11 Ourv• 1 Dr, (I loro (A ~Ir JC> O·l1t11d -c' l'\111lt, ll$11 Our..,r.t Or, £1 loro. CA '2t>JU T h+\ th1\1n .. ' 1\ t.onOUlh.d 01 d ~n--rdlPJ''"' r•h1p Ju.H11l,t J K unl 1 FIC1 ITIOUS OUSINC\S. NAM£ STATEMENT ll'l,. touo .. m'I ttt f .ot\ '" Ovfn'J tw 1 ""., ... ._,, f(RJ l'UOl'fi'!Tlr,, 11\1 Ourvnl Qr,..,1, ~I.Ith! ;,).}, h v111r, ( 11tttur11 1 r1/t\ Qtttl•tttJ k-lnd'llPPl Jo hn· n, 111191 t r".1tr1 " P11-• I, l4t W D'lfl l\f 1H h. (:,11111,n"'"'M.' l •'l•1fl.1 "I-l o J•J#•1r" • ft,01 "• •111 to.1.ltiw 'f l,tq1,,1u.1lu ·•' f+ (/\ .,_., t ft.1 C,'t''t (OtJblt"r lo• , ... ..._. _,., COd\t •t#'j ld')Urt., ht .Jr h. l A 'fir 1 b~11 ... r,on ln•J>J' '' ,, 1 VJ \JI', .,,n 'l/1P<lf ltll/CI • ... <tf lhf (:.,ti.,,., (I\ V'.JC-'•l T t\1\ Ou~1n,..,, 1. conduc tl'd fJtf J ? nt•rtt,1><Httlf't1Pl1p lf'l1•r,.f1 (( r1h1Jl1 f lfH f11iio~ " '""'"' •• " •• 'l fll\ •,l.tll•n1rnl W oJ , I h ·tl ""'''' If)" Count~ c1,.,-., "' Or"'nq,. t..t11mlf ,,,1 Jot"tudt' 2U, '9/b PutJl••nf"d 01.1nq•• Co., .t 0 1111v ''•''~- J . .n 11 ll,+flt1Jf ll>, '~ ,.,,,, ,, .. ," Pl HI.IC ~OTl<'E ---,, 1cri rio u \ou<.INF\'> "A"'£ \TAfEMlNr file "JoiP. ••'>Mr rtr-1t '''''~Jt <t1t)p4 '\Vt..fl M'l Rt,/t N'1 f1tUUr1 .. t.••ur.f lrWJfon '"' ·•' h. (A ~Jt.At, 1 IM IJfJM fli'IOW">l"I •"2 1 N.rl~\ttir•1 (Jr1 wr. ti"nt nQToo b-.,,., CA Y't'- T n1· 11 J ••t\.-, 1•. c•.>nou' t' fJ L., .1n 1r1• "'"'°"''' T 1m Onmbro"" ..-, lt\1 I 1h·,,.,.,,, w 1 1 h I w·tn; UV (rKJnt., (hn (11 O't10'j•! C "''•l'f ti JJnU.H'f' ,U, l t''• f-"\lt>lf• fit •J flt ,ffUl•• ( •t·I f r • V ~ J.tr\ )4 JI Ant.If, 0 I, I• Wit. /•, '' l'l"fll.IC l'\OTJCI: FICTI n o u s 8US•NE\S NAMESlATEMUH F11 I 1, 0.d•· 'f WllllAMI \IJOH•4 r .1, OOOllNA/IAN l(I N(. ANOSCHUl zr A l'f(OFC\\IONA l (Of(r•o11A111111 1)}0 8rO~ld*oJ ¥' Sutf,. lOD I Ii. If It I'' , 1 I I' 1111 :-0111111• lit 11•' .ir1• 11Ul 111•h t d1•t•1 •1 \lll ~. I l'. \1111 \;11\\ f or ~11m dhrng t "11111pll'l1•lv l>Jfkrl'nl." ;\11l 111 fn•q111·ntly ;1 11111\ 1<' t1tl1· a tlPmpb t•; • ,1 11 111 1111 -.on11• otlw 1- 4ttorn·t"f \ tot PM1l•fJf\t ,- ._ ,r-.. '" tf11 11o,. It 1.11+1( I r'J.it;r,,,1t r IA ,,, t I 1 '• ' I 1111' I 111 t. ..... "l/( '(', ..... , l.:1-.1 11'.11 · ('lol'li\\ttrk H h 11• \\ ,1•, l1111 ... 1·d 1111 th .. p 11lilw \\ 1111 h cl1d lllll 111 hl dhl' 11 1111 1 -.1·q1r1·I 111 \ l"l'IU.I<' :'\OTlt'I. "J'l•l.\I' \UPf'IOf)U rou1n ')I loll \1 11 f l OJ (Al IJ f1 ~NI hf ...... ~::1:;u~~1~N~r·:'. .. :~,,;~L:,:' I REAi. Pf>OPLf>l '( A l f'lllVAll SAt..E l I•' , I Ii Vt,, , I # 11 I () I I f f6" 11f I lrr1 k 11111 j.. ( It .111,t..' 1· '1111 : 'H•'\I• o1 fhP \tt;tf \._,, I II•· II 111t l•·nhu n~ Sud1 1111r11l•·nt11111.d d 1-..iq1·1.., .I \l l.111lf.! l .. 1 ... I l.ll\I'' .lllif . f>11t· :-;,I\ ,1f.!i•. tho• 'I 111 111 llr 0 1111•" don I r 1 ,ii I\ I 1111111 I'll<' .f.qr.1111·-.1• h ;1\t' ,, 11•\ t11111h \\llh 1111 .... 'I II,. I .1 1 :-. .1 m l\f .11 "f.11\ t II I.. "I 111 ,1-.;1n 111 H1111nll \\ .1 .... 1t ·l.1 nd " · '-.hr 11111!..11 I 0t1p . ·1 rol .l'>,lfl l h111j, \fdlPn"!l'nt Wit\ f1l1>d ¥t1fh '"°' Cou nty (h • "-ul Ordn91• (uunt f gn j~nuMy 11, Jq/~ l n. bu tr1• • "conduth.O hy .,r\ 10 FU•36 tl1t•n1".-•I l ,..,_. touo,,.1n·J p._•r '°"' M c d01lltJ bu:.i ,,, ... ·t • ,,.. f;' "', ,, Or-tnr '•' I'•' .... 1111.ir 11.111 • .111d '.11.111,1 II h11 11 I • ,\'I 1 11 \ 1• I •, 11111 \\1111 lp1111l l1.llh. c;1iotl "Thi· 11111 .111 Puhh·\f\f'd t')1 ...,nf)•• (o,J t OcJ1•y P11•:it, R1t h tr t1 R1thrll'\lflt\ Jr1t•u ,,, l•if" t O(l"rll non M 1113 11 h .H I , ..,, (.,.I;) M· .• ' '" 'f/t t+t I f I ~' ft ., ,, //t t•11 ' • I •1•1 I .... ... '·. Jon 1l clnO tt.O 1. U., l\, 1 ilb Thi ,t.11t·m• 11t ~ '"' It!• I ""1i, t••• JH lb f"f}1.m~y < • rto r t Cn,11"1t'J1• <..111Jnty u.• (,111u11• H ',,., •n1 t 11 17:>1 M t• h1•1.u'' A<i11 , ( ?·'•'Mi ,. r I\ V"liil' "' t i---------------f 1 btu ,,..., t t'Hf, JlllFU,I(' NOTICE f1Jt)l1\t1rf')f), '"'F C-'11 t (J111; ('111! f.fl r.1lf11tlf p,,.. Jo n•; IJQl M1•1) l•ll\ ( Al/I• r,,. t 1M 1",.1 (I\ 'l~tl+ 1 h1\ hu\11'\t ,, 1. t' nnuc !NJ f y ,.,, 1'• J1y1tJu,11 •. h ' ·----=----------f • bru.H r I, liJ. J t, 1141 I II~ flCTITIOU\ BUSINESS 1111' NAME !tTATEMENT lt1 • i111111 nl w' t ~ 1 w 1•, Hw •, .. T~ fnll'>"Wtn~ µ1•r·~t_,11\ ... 01'\•f"ltl ou ... 1 J•t; Ul,IC N()TICt~ f''l1,n1.,' H·,-~ • 1 f)'·'""l• Co•.41,1, "'h 1 ~"·;~Rrr, «;, Jrt RFATIONc: Jhdl>---------------l lO, til-.,. LM• l·I'-H unlu"Jlfllt f!o .,,r. FICTITIOUSBUSINC\'> Puh'•'"'" CJ• '"'l" '"'' 1 l.l Cdl!fl"lrn1.1 f)•A? NAM E \TATEMENT r••U 1-4 .. t,1fl Mrtr ', '~'b , l.•11n• ',)'l!J .,.., •. " l tn L• ,, ~u 1.,.,,, l "'"• l"• ro11ow..,,., P'''VI" 1 clO•"'' nv.,• La,,,.. ti1,.H\hr,1ron D' <J(h, c_,,11l-.Hf'1 j ~ ..... i,~r-\AW ttOR~r UN LI Mt' r 0 n,,.~ Tr b\#'••"'"•' t•. r >ndutlrt1 r:.r ._1n n ~1· J H '11""1 <A "'"1 di't1'+'1u ,, Jonn l.'Jr1n'l O tllr. \OJ ··J 1 lh1IO.i..1 .. ,,.,.,.. fl"f l 1• 'I'} c~:~~~,.1nt'\", ,, (t)ndur tf'd .... ''" •" ft'\ f,•h fTtPnf t I• 1 f'r '' I"" r unt t (•,.,.• 1 O• .;n•1 \..OUl'lt'f ,,, , '"" ,, f 11. ,,,,~ ~·un11• h,...., O• dll'l• Cr>' 1 r.tl••v t· d•Y•UU·tl J .hn l (ly,.,. Th•\ t.H• ,~, ,..,, w •• t111 t1 "'"th '"" r'\untv r:1"'" ut Or"nQ"' ( •11"'1 t,.. J,1nu-1tf"]I 10" l'l IH.I<: :'\OTICf. n c rrr1ous ou~•NESS NAME \11\TE ME NT ,.,,,. ',,,,""',' ' ' • 1 rJ.,..n<'J t1v 1 t"' Ill T f..i f lf1U ,. A w .1fn1' .,. '"' "'1" "'h• , ,, {.·~"·'ti t 1r I I Ir , """, ,,•• JAf\ H •. 1ntJF,.tt 1. U JI, Vilt. YU'' F'Jt .. t H1•nlt""l f-I!) Al,Hl -~11 'll"dt' Pl"IH.H' ~OTIC'E FICTITIOU\ 8USrNCSS NAME STATEMENT f\.lblt hP•I Or '"'>'' (<M \,t 0 •ilf ••ti' I lfl ..,,, •"' J11n )I dntt t-1 t1 I. 14, Jt, 1-,11, lM>-11< l~ 1ti:lv '' ( .~.,If II' l I' Pl Ill.I(' ~OTl('E Th , , ,r. "" "' ,,.. 1 f1 • 'nunty r 1 ·~tr' ll• , •• tc.i, 1., ,__..,I· t HJ.'°"'' •' Put111 tH't1 Or'"''' r' ;, ~ 11~~~., h .r>I It r1bU,Jl,/~11l"liJM11 '·-tt:tC, PU RI.I(" ~OTIC'E NOTICE TO (11 £ Oil ORS ~UPE ll!OR COU 11 T OF TH( Sl/\Tf OF CALIFO llNIA FOii THE COUNT'fOFOllANGE No A tl•H r ,I 1H•nt I YM.f\'i l•OVf•MJ rH-1'1(., .. ' . ~ . ' .. f/ I •1 ' ,, I• , ,,,,,, Iii• ,. '"I' I' 1•, l VM/\N n Mf tn-1"", •" 1 l ti ,, Ml iuurl"' ''' , • 1 NrJruc l\t'f'''f1"''""'''* .,,... I P\ 1\1.1(' :'llOTtn: f: ~1111 '' tl1lrtr nt .,,, ,1f, "' 1' "'" it d•':I •rt "' ,,,, '• f d I ll .,,,. • o., f C• ... ,., ,.,, '1• *"·"AH f' '"'1" r1 ... I /ljj 1;, "AM(\TATC M(Nf FICflllOU\ BU\INC\'> , • I 1n. 1 • ,,, "'"'•r· ~ .. ,, ·n r'" __ 1_•1 1\1.1(" 'lolOTl('E ,,.,t ~;,~ ~ ~~"'4q l:. ~ ~ :·.0 ".~.~' F ICl •l•OUS 6U\IHE\-.. lfll I f1" l f • •1 I l I 1 i h'J•l.1• tf\11' I"" h-. ,.('I l'itl ~ 'Y1U• 'lfh I . • ff ' I iJ /'~ IJ I • fl I I ' f 1n1 I (l (. 1~ I, '1 r tt ! t• "I I'' ' . ,. • ' ~I NAME STAlEMCNT lhP 11)11~,..-•'1•-l Of'l\01'\ I dOtt'IQ ht,1'\t ,. ' ' Ar M r ( A\ttNG\, 11fl'j \ f to<1¥·r '"tl'\l.• At\,, r11 '1?1(11 OMD.1r t M .Hy "'''""'· 110• < i f lttWf r r~.1nt.t An-. (It, ff1101 lhf, Ou·'"" •• ... t 1nd11tfl d h Y .1n "' d•v,f1u 11 "'''"'"" Ourtii.1• '"'" •.f.\tt "'""' w.t\ f1lf'd w•th thr 1;•1ty ~ •,ti. c f Ur ,.,,, t. •H•11v ,,, I (flu,,ly ( h '"-ot OrAf'IQI· louf'\h on 1 tf'l1.uny l.H"' -=~nu J,1nwr;10 •~lb r ( I I I FSllJI Puhh ,.., 1 , , ... 'l... ' ' I '<( •• I , rvbhtl•wfJ ()f1lnf.),. ro ... , 0.111.-P11'1I, r' n I IA ll ,•• I 1ft-' J11n 7.t, )t.and f"b 7. u t'1~ Pl'RUC' l'iOTf("E ,,, '" Pl 'Ill.IC' ~OTln: nl1ftt ,9 •'> ,1t '"' "''I ' 1,_lf '\•')'"'• I •H U I <1''" • t1f J 'it-•• t •, Oil ~(~ IH1l1 1 AVL,f'lr., AH•••"',. I \.1.--t1114>•f'\ t,,nmt J:.1,,.,, C' (J &rt• ,._., '\un Vellt., l. 1 1 ,,.,, l r1 •. #t'h•tn 1\ f"it pt,)o f' Hf h•f 'I•• lt->!Jf ~110U t tn• nr.1. 0.•'' ., f·ll" f .. ,., ',,. "'•t4f Q f r '>14• ""''"" Af'fm,111 w,.,,~,,,., ''t ''" "''" """"., '"' u. r , ,, ' ,,, ,,..,, n 1n • 11t lo I Fl\Hl(IN l\,l \ON AN O IA'flOll AHOfnf'f\. ~t l-1 w 4flJ \41'1 Fertt.lndo R o,td p 0 8••141 \U:" Vi:tHt'lf (Ji.tor"•" •'1\1 lPI 1•10111,111 O•lll Ano•Mr tar Adn·un•,tr,u nr *''"' ,,,.,, W1U "'f'tnt••t'd It 1t !'f' • I ~"""'' t 11 'I I• . ' I ' I I< All HOVl "Oll I B•C'.E llALOW( 111 M H\OW1l,nn1 Uouh., 1ttl St11t,. 11. 0 l,.n\ Af'lq"I"\ (,1111'1' n1.t • \ u1 Tr1 11f1 ll~ l' I) Attorn ..... ,,,r ( "1 uln• ·.· '. .. Fl(llTIOUS 8USINFSS "llMf STATCMCNT Tt ~ f nllt-h11t'10Q Of~' V>t• ,ttf 11•11'lQ t'U"I ni ,\ ,, FICTI TIO)JS 8USINIESS N"""E STATEMCNT Puhh Iv ft Or l11f111 f uJ"I O·Hly l 11ll')t J,1n 1• ll ·•n<J f Ph I 11. '"'' 11n n 1~ut1 '.h1 fl ii <t I' ( I I' t t I 111, I ,,, 1.1 rt,,'', l "MA''' 19) 11 \. flutw1'1 W 1y \.t.,tA An1 fl\ >Jiu t ftvln Joi I 1mb~ym t t h;,1n1 A~ ~r-...110HlH• ttr1 tti ;,~,.,I, C h,Hlt·, f Wd on t71 ''i11t101)tj14l1 .r HuMt.n·1r ' ~4 1 ., ~" • ••' fl"I ~ 1• ,,. '1\ c. n1t11 t• d t., , 1,m 1 .... , p ,,,,,,.' ~ p w h"!n f ,., •• ,, ..... ft'w 'nHt)w lnQ ,,, '"'" , , <l'u"q hu'lt1 ""'' ..... "' uu c ~onn: Pl BU(' 'OTI< I Ml !Al t C>f,f {l)NTl\INfR (0, 114'! f\rttnud(.t o,..,.,., ("'''·•NY• I (A f'IUf\ll(N0 11CF--- ~J,,]lt, tt,ttf..nt 0 I'( \if hfu'\I I ,lfl •fH)t I" "•(JI nl o P•h1 (lrl.i•ln \14• 11"tmw1• •1nrt , .. .,,,t1nthr,u1h•~·' 11t<+t•1p11,. lr1'' Qr,y1 ( 1 IA Mr·'• (" "1"1'-''''"•If• ( " .. , ,,.. ~ ,.,,, \~Hi 'Tl I rourty(1r~ MnvMy 11 '' ,. ''"'' ,, o I f'\lh 1\h• i Or '"''l",,, '"''' O• • • H"]ltn:ittfi 14lll'' •I I It t if" I ' f t, .. ,. '-,\,I " I ( 111111· ,. t d111111;ij..1·1 -, h ,1 \t• th1• h.lllL' rd ii lr1<1. ,1, '" 1d1·111·1 d ti\ ·:-.11.111).!h,11 I ii .111d tlw :-.1111 l.111 I, hid \\h11 h . lll•1dc·11!.d f\ rl11t 11111 ~1.11 Hullt'rt l:1•dlo1 d ;111tl f ',1111 '' "111.111 T h,. <':1-.t \\ :1-. l11-.11l1·of II\ ~hth S111 Chm 11.111 .111<1 I .11111.. I· II'. '1 \'' ,, 1>• r n 11!..1 r \\ .1-. 1 q1p1·d toll 11\ tht l1tlt· 'l01>llli-\ 111• h \\ h11 h ''a~ nol tlw 1111' nl .1 -.1 r 1111g out t ·111111 "' p1"1-..1n t. l:t.11 j.. Jiii I 11 r f'..; < 11n 111 1111 rl prop11l.ir with -.111 h lltlo .1... ,\,111111 .l.o \''" \11 • l.1 • l'lw !Har k <" ... t ·II"'· Bue l.. t 1n\ n ." · 1 11111h1 l',1d. t·::i rl anti \k · · Vr 1d:1 \· F•h lt·r." I 1 I .., 1>11 I I ,\ga111 " ;ind 'l.1h111•an\ · · l h•· lll ;i d. Bi ni.' ! "lll.11 ~ <'h ri-.tma-.," and / "lll.11•1. Thur-.d;iv," ' h 1 l \\ I' \ 1 • I • \\ I. r I ' "n 0 l ·I r r I 1 11 11 • ti I \ 111 1 i· n l ,. d 111111 '\1•1l111•r. tor that 111.ill•·r '' ;1-. '\\"hrte Lint• Ft•\ r'I s .. 1111• 11rt'l 11 rt·... \\ l'rt' pt111h11·1·tl \\1th .I l',l ... l 11f OJ 1111'11· Pl't -.1111. '"t\p - p1·t 'It , ' \\.I" o n t• -.ud1 111lh :-..ir.1h Fl.111 thc• lone p1•rtnr nwr. 1\n11lhl•r \~a~ C.1\ 1• 1·m I It'll llarry" "rl h .I amt•..;\\ hit more · 1rr1 1t:n~ -'Thi· \Lin \\h11 \\"011ltl 111• I\ inc· h.1d 1·.1-.t " 111 t h1111-.ant1 ... 111 th•· old Ir ad1t111n, m !-lh I .1lihl1• Ill I':!).!... • "1•1·t•1,ll S i·c·t ron." • fnt 1 1~n 1 m pnrt . g:J\ l' ,1·1 r•1•11 i•r t•d1I \11 7:t <II' 1111-. 110 111· ol whom h;I\ 1• • 1 1i•11111\l' <"h a n1·1· of lll1!1lll1,1lttlll llOt I'\ I "It h h011:-.1'h1tld 1\,1111(' :i~ ""flll'r r1· ll11 ', I.I •1111 !11·11111 Ill (;; :1111, .l.11q111•"H 1s p :1 .11111111'111· f 0\ r1111 I., 11111• t1111 .... p11'111r1· h ;11I l \\11 111 1tlw r o f \\h 1d1 1•\1·111•!1 .111 \0111'. 'l.rH' a I 11tl1 ~lt·.il a l.111 " and \1111 p h thi· Sui I '· T II E \t,\ ~ (' 11 l If more ~ ... ~: else, you I ' J :,j, \ l I I edwards "ON E ..J V ISUMLL W OR K S ·O F FILM CINE 'JJ1 RAVISHf .:> ENTHP '"'- A B RE.\"1 I :T. -Davi d .... , , ri 'ii . HARBQq 1..' ' 'I ,.., ON HAP8CP bl~ ing ' ( '"' I v )' l ·9<."' r~m1 -rR1. 8 PM 11 NCC t.' )NI TOR .... · . Our. Valentine ·Page Fr.o m Stram ho at to Hawaii 11.1v11J !'1·011 (ell in love with Susie M l't'onncll ~ '~ r-/:~ r."i -..@~ ~, ,, .. C2 DAILY P.ILOT Saturday. February 14. 191\. itildllOllWliili"lililliillllllillOOIOOlllllOOIOOIOOiiiiiiliiiliilll¥¥¥>¥ol••101tallilllOlOlllll0000006ibObllOOIOOOil'Vl••················•e1eeoo1ootiOIO Our Page No. 2 Hapn ,._)Y Valentin , And Al! M es Day My 3 Wt Y Love To Orks Of A ll rt. ll~'i1t~8:~ BONNIE- Happiness 1s a year old today. Love Howard 'Io '\arK !l Ch hopp1ri<'~' 'rl ·d so rn 11 '1 1111 I('(!( ( • lll flf l' ) (Ill I (' • "' 1111• ''tor I rl !.II t>l'lhcurl ''" .... 1 11rou · A I . I'll" I I '. 11·tf1• Cllll• 11,IJI ' ill for r1111 ' 111 11111 l !II 1sh tjllll fl(tU 11 111111. .111 I 1111 1111 I . 111nt1rl' ll I • I ' 111 I I I I I I'' u I i I I j111d jll 1111' 11111 . !111·1111111011 ~ l:it11tl'lll</ ti'."' •111ll (IHI Lt• .JANI~ • I 1.,ot·t-'\'oU for,•t~~r .Joh•• ·-. "1~:1 '";;· ....,,,,,,.. . ' \ / . ~I. •I, 1,. ' /. / At.lllll l ll l•~tjlllAlllllQllAIAAIAl.jAllllllAllllllllllllll,A lllll llllltttle11 11 AtlltltlQllpllllllltlllA•tllllllll l tll lllll t ltlt t111 1plllllllpRppllllh A ' I • / • Our ·page No. 3 All our Love . to Su%anue from your gugs Jim & Ji1nnt!I IZ~1,?1 . //' r //1v(y The t\ beautiful reasons whv YOU arc my Vale11t11w. Love you very muc ~. but l adore you most ol <Jll Love i:-. Walks in roin; Hr.rng :ilways !11gc>thr r Even 'th11 ~t·purntt'd · hy tnrlcs. LtH't• 1~ forcvt•r for us. To frMJie's Daddy. Elephmtts ccm hefp us up but can step °" ar.yone too, but our fitffe M knows the diH~e and onfy steps °"you. From ... lo Dad Our favorite Volentine. p ~ Love, d~~ Alison, Cathy ~ ... , &Kristen ~ f f ~· Our Page No. 4 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Be Our Valentine, Melinda We love you, Amanda, Jessica, & Mike '--1 )! 1' ' ' ,.... -. ' t' •• , . s wEETHE ARlOFTHE VEARAWARO ' ·te & sexiest For being th~ beS w 1 1'... 2 FOR 2 girl 1n the wor v . AWARD is herebv bestowed to CAROLANN KYLE by her greatest admirer. lover & passionate husband to be t1ers forever. 1 You 11\ree are qreal '10 pat1en1ly wR1I while I am ott l\·Sa111nq 2 vou d•d not broach a hrm reproach nor even m1t<1 w a1hn<l 3 ThO you mav 1h1n1e. 4 I ask you three 1 really sttnk to still rove me (-> to leave you al 1h1s time and be my Valentine ({ '~ ~~ LOVE, DAD .._'g...., ~!.: from Nancv ·~ ' r • ~ . ,,, . ~. . , •I 1 1 ' '"1· .. • ' ( . , . • SawrO.'ly Feo1uary '' 1976 DAILY PILOT BOOMER by Wm. F. liOwn ..t Mtl Casson-DOOLEY'S WORLD-------- Voll1', (t~e1s! t µAee1- C01JE IN MY NOl~ ! i ~w C086? ' 111--'1 ., ,\ ~ 1 I r.\Jl \'\\ Al.. 1 1 \\\I l l\\'r •LI I 1 .,~, ., I l '-• ) \.. \ .. .. I TUMBLEWEEDS 1'~ ~--by Tom K. Ryan FUNKY WIMKERBEAM by Tom Batiuk DR. SMOCK GORDO A"f1"EN1"10/'-J, YOUNG L.OVERS .1 CUPIP IS NOW IN SURGERY! WHEN "T'H e ARROW IS RE:MOVEP F ROM HIS FOO.,.-, 'fHE:: KIP WIL.L. "TRY AGAIN.' HE:E HEE! SAYINGS FRo/11 nE . irii I 'f4J Ot'l6 t;; -rnE MASrER ~5: THE FIR5T AME.RICAM FtlLITICIA~ WE.RE RE.\.01...UTIONARIES ... AND MOST OF 1llE.M HAIJE SEEN PRE.Tr(,) REVOLTING EVER 51NCE ! ~E:lllf llOOtC OF (HINE.SE l'Mll.06CPHY FIGMENTS NANCY C LOVE SATURDAYS··- -NOTHING CAN GET ME OUT OF BED TODAY ,..,.., -··..-(.. ....... --...... ~ TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS oarMI I Oraqgt!<I a SS Thin rartia 1on9 behind t1on hncs Ii Af11can tr11es 56 Plurnb•nq foe- II Grow old 1urr• 14 inlorml'd S8 Jew~led 1r, 1nc1den1 nrMI lti Opo of POS band 17 R~f~s1en 60 E ••SIS prior 10 w11h-:1ung b) u ... 18 MJnh.ill•ll -~1~11·1~ 1C\•den1 2 6ti Holy on~ ~, worr1~ Aht11 JO lf'\trnsl' t,.~, 67 A. 12 Rh~rhm• .ti G~nNally beatrnQ r.a W11t1 , g 23 Nfl ltJm li9 111.,JI ~C"" 25 £ ftatr Httly :J ~8 5,..l't'I •f"l• 70 lor' t n,i.r r1abl11 71 $1nq11'Q 79 Antnropn1rl twOICP' 30 MJtl11n• DOWN 1001• 'n 11)•.hPI 32 l r.wrl trv ,,., root J4 fr \l•IP~ 7 11~ on nc•l•t mdn 3 I IPrthc,11 J9 Arh·~ncr t•• f1°hld~llllf'tf lf1 h1h111on •.lrumrn\ 4~ Low r.irt~ 4 Nu At'!lrr ·I) th.111 lr11Mn, t.uion ~ Cm-.n. 4'1 Wr,1thrt f1n1mi'I cork' 6 Ontnun 4fi (11~ nn I tkr (01JllfV Onr.1110 U\111 4!1 Coe kn"v ' lh•rr.itrcltv rirv,rn1 !I Arnn <,() Anrl Anrjy Avrr• ""' S•nn111a • 'J lvmt nnr 2 ) • s Yesterday·~ P1111re Solved ----Ia['J: R ll 11 0 R J..!!,H . i.L A R £ r c A R I A JU! .. ,R ,E N T p A y E R S 0 0 0 R ,A 1~ T K N [ ~ t L E IR ,~ iA K IC N A• 0 [ \J I S E £ " ~ l I ) u 11 0 A:~ I ~ l A D ,. I[ !~ A ~ I S I l [ 1\ 0 I I ~ 0 R A ' 0 ~·s N i\ R • ~ I 0 r o 11 I O O ~ A T s [ A • v ~ l • ~ ,, f I I ~ < • A ~ I A ·~ I ~ I ~ .\. l I" ~ I ~ " l 'ii[ !:~ :I\ :l ,A. lot rt Tt;: 7- [ . t'.:~ L-L-L-~ ~ I ,. " 10 Cr•a r " t•MQ II Jn•nt 17 WAIPI t"rrj' n ~rron lq 0•11 [tJV :!1 Rt•t11J~ft1 Abbr 11 Runwly< 14 Mar1nr•'\ dt ,t"i U••ftn 77 Wor~ ,.,,. ,,. 111Wrttt•111 ,1 cf'H,11nw1v 11 S111Ht11n 1Htl htir•.r nt 15 1 h•~ Oil"' 1f\ Ort1n1f1Vt~ t'Jl:.tf\ I l7 Warv 3Jl f Mlarn t•t\l ... S 41) Sell estePm~ 41 PJt1 of l" h• 44 lv"r pMm< A1 Rad"\', 1~ M,11av coin '1'l H1,mt>J,, 11\ 01•v11fv.n 'l:' fllf '0•''' ,, 51Th.II1'1111 o,o, UI ~ ~·n~ '\] lNV~ al oner ~~ Ch1lrl'• '"'°'V word n1 Go a•J11lV 6~ Cau"'<1 t•v 64 Sri1 fl'\ Ari"r f nq1•. MOOH MULLINS by Dale Hole ANIMAL CRACKERS by &nie Bushmillft" , ...... ""'" ... -···l:.i- PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH ELWOOD, THIS \$THE >-0..R l.IJ~EN ~E ~ BECOMES Al.JUE WfTH EYClTEME NT/ by Chartes M. Schub ~~~~~~~--. "'~~, .. -c ... ~\::'-l. .. :..~7J \ .\ .. : .... -\: s C'.\· -o ~~----"".,: @ _\ by Harold Le Doux by Mell !~A, YOl!I ~AY YOU'llE ANNOYED !3ECAlA$£ YOIA~ F'ArHER YEL.L7 Ai YOU F'O~ ee1N& ~ ~OHEN 9A~EEMLL PLAYER. OOE5 1µ1_, MEAN 'f'OlA WANT ro Ol<OP 0 p DICK TRACY 0M,E6ALL? •• THOSE ARE THE BUSINESS ENDS OF OUR FEMALE BANDITS:• •• @ I T 7i:l:IA~ iO M~ n-1E~E'$ ol\ \r.A~ .. E ALiE'2'NATIVE by Chester Gould \ OKA'i!Wi TO i~E i...?1110 S~f A>JO FAOf IN "I'll!: M~fhA{;jf:J. by Georqe Lemont by Gus Arriola 5pecia.f ValEnfine lov& from T&huana., MamlL by Ferd Johnson i-----/ ANP ze gouGuET H.A-5 ,A DELl(jHiftJL W/Nc. by Rodqer Bollen "I'' H, ~II•'" 1n \\1·1,'11! d1111rhdl. 1l~'.1r d1.111 I MJ!~I v..hnl I 11• "''" 1l·111111h'l11111~h -1.111111i: 111• rl\'" tlrct 11111.1\" DENNIS THE MENACE 11 'foo 00JJ HOW TtlOSt THINGS GO RJSM COHl TO SHOVE Atro S~ ~ 10 POW I ~ ffJ DAILY PILOT Pu~ch Serurday. Februa~ 14, 1975 Young 'Seized' By Sects ClfICAGO CUP!) -J\meric~111 children huvc become :i gener ation of lollowl'rs, ho ldmg sclt'- ·determina tion of little value and eas ily s usc<'p· tlblc to "brainwas hing" by m ystical and r e · hl:1ous cullts ts. a ccord· ing t o a n a r ticle rn "Today's lll•alth." 1'he a rticle, ror tho American Med1l'al /\::,. soc1ation publication by l\la1< C unthcr, s tudies ·W~ding Veto? Capitol Hill Lovers Comnmte By DICK WEST WASHINGTON <UPll -We :Jfe all familiar with marnagc~ th':it were made m heaven. llut. what of the one that was made in Congress? The first husband and wife ('ver to serve together in the na- tiona l le gislature, Reps. Martha Keys and Andrew Jacobs Jr., we re married during lhl' recent congressiona l r ecess a nd have r esumed their d uties in t he· House or RepresentattVt!S. THEIR UNION definitely has u Capitol llillis h fl~-. \>\GHT£1t SIDE The Kansa!t Democrat s miled at him sweetly. J asked if their disagreements over legis lat ion imposed much or a strain on the marriage. "NO PROBLEIU AT all," the Kansas Democ rat re1>li ed. 1'As long a s we have honest d1f- fert?nces of opmions, there's no personal conflict " New Serles? - The 4!1e&"'' M•rl.etpl1t1 on th• OtM\Ct Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You t°" ~1M II fold U, T •nde II \Y11h u Wo111 A•I ~42-~67!!] 011• Cull \rrv14c f II> I l1 ~dtl AjllJfOvol .............•.••...•.. ERRORS; Ad•erfisers sh04lld ch~ck tfteir ads dally and report er• rors immediately. The DAILY PILOT assumes liability for the fint in- corred insertion only.· "Cood grierl NoUJ wbo'11 got control or the radio station?" ln<\ludi'1g Solons MReceive the efforts of extremi!tt religious cults to ''dcpro. gram" young people. SOME CULTS, Gun· ther sa.vs. 8CC'Ompl1sh brainwas hing by creat. int? fear Ill follower)) or the cult. They also often will keep members working hard all day, then r \• quire t hem to :-.lay 1111 half th~ ni{!ht to s t11ct y lessons :111d teachm[!.s 11f tht· sect. he said. Uenial of s le(•p and food. lw said. are powerful levers of the cultists. She. a Kansas Ocmocr at. is r e- taining her home in Manhatt<Jn, Kan. fie. an India na Democrat, retains his home in Indianapolis. On weekends, she visits her con- stitue ncy and he visits hi s. While in W as h ingt o n , they l ive to~cther. Docs that not sound exactly like something that might have been put together by a con- gress ional committee'! At about this time the bells ra ng for another vote a nd I :ic· companied them to the c hamber for the balloting. Damed if they didn't cancel each othe r out :Jga1n. But they still ca me out smiling. Pro\ling that IO\le conquers all. The Kansas Democrat said the only difficulties that had arisen t hus far cam e in sch eduling weekend trips to their home dis- lncts. Hobert S t a<:k . who pl a~·e<.J Eliot Ness in TV'!<> 'The Cn- lo ucha blcs. • 1s starn11g in new Quinn J\J arr 1n .st•rc<•s pilot as h ead ol s pet'i<1l poli ce task lorc·c. /\BC-TV p i lot i s ca ll e d 'Mos t Wanted• ~isher's Notice: 1\ll rt-.tl 1·~l.1tt• .Hh•cr: l!>t•d 111 tlw, "''" -.p.11)('r 1:. :sub· J1·1 t In lhc h •clL•ral Fair ll11u:-.111 ~ \ct or J !lcill \\h11·1t 111.1J..c:s 11 1ll1:gal t•J at.her 1,,.,,. "tiny pn· frrcllt'l'. J11n1tat1011. <1r d1:.cnrnination i,a:scd on ra1•t>, <'nlor. rl'h1?1on, !'ex, 111 11.1l1u11al 11ni.:111. ur Jll 111knt 111n lo make ;,ny .,tu·h prdc rcm t·1·. It m 1la· t 11111, '1r dhl n rnrnatccm. •· State Pens ion SACRAM ENTO (AP) -C';iliforni<.1 lcgis lati"e pensions went to 139 persons l<1s t year including two former governors, a former lawm ::iker under a prison sentc•nct•, and the Judge who tried Lynette 1-'romme. TllE JOB JS ma d e c asic•r, Gunthl•r su ites. since m any youngsters <•re eonfusC'd and don't know what 111 bl·lil;ve The pensions :ilso went to five former stale legislators or ofr1cials who are incumbent California con{!rC'~srncn, and one U.S. senator "They h:.i \ c nu ::.tron~ beliefs t hat can be v1olat ed -a nd what's mon:, thl'.\''re dt•spc•ral t'ly l1111k mi.: for :-.nmt.·hody to tl'll lhc111 \\ h.1t Lo ).Jl'11c\'t.'." ht• ,,1111 J\ TOTAL OF Sl.061'111.1.ION W 1\$ paid rluring • lhc year, s :.iys the Cahrorn1~1 Leg1~l:itor!>' Hetirt·· ment S\'!>lt•m <lnrwal rt•port Th~· rcc1p1cnts 1nrluOc•ct 13 n ·t1rNI ~tal <'w11lf' of- fic:iab or their \\ 1dm\!>, 1:?1 rt•tin•cl lrg1:-l;a tors or lht•1r \\·1tlow:-.. and l\\O fornwr of f1crrs of th<· f .t•g 1sl<1tUrl' who n· C('l\'Cd ltc·rwflts in the J!J74 75 ''' cal y<'ar 11 1': S,\Jf) TUE \' :111• w1!1111),! to lnlJow ol 11\lllh' olfi•nnc .1 frnn . 1';1-.y to 1111 d t' r :-. t ;1 n d t' 11 tic on \1h11'11 lco p.1Clt•rn llll'1r h \'l' .. 1'he m ost prominent 1s former Gov Ron ald Hcagan. who r eceived SI ,08:1 <J month for ha\'111 g scn•N1 eight years Ft>rmcr Gov Edmund G "Pat " Brown r eceived 22,tt7;J a month fur ciJ,:ht )'t'ars ;is ~ov rrnor and eight year~ as at torncy gcncr:tl "Som ch ow wt• h :i \'1• fall rel to m akc 1111.' world a p I at'<' \\ h <.· r c· th 1· pri,·ilege of thinking for ones elf 1s prt•t·1nu-, c·nouJ!h lo out wl'igh th<' pa in. C:11ntht•r c•on· duclt•s 'T hL• f;1ult. tlwn. m av n nt lw that 111 ;i f1•w f;1n:1w· lt·;1d<•ro,;, hut ot•r 11w11. for hav111 1~ 1natlt· f 11 1 111 \\' 1· r .. " r ,, u ,. ch1ltlr1·11 !lROWH \'IRGINIA·KNIGllT. \\'IFt: OF TllE latt.· Gov Gooftwin Knight. rl•N•i,·c·d Sl om ;1 mnnt h The forml'r h•g1"lator un<lt.'r a prison scntPncc 1s Richard Dol w1~. fi7 , \\hO r C<'l'tvcd Sl ,2·18 for h1 " 2·1 ~ t•ars r eprc•scnt in g ~an Mat co County. II c w <Jl> '<'n · 1enced tu f1\'C year :. in fctleral prison last ) car for reaJ estate fra ud. The Judge in the Lynette Fromme trial is Thomas Mac Bride of U.S. Dist ric t Court in Sacramento. who gets $276 a month for hnving been an assemblyman from 1956 lo 1960. Miss Fromme was sentenced to 11fc for attempting to kill Presi- dent Ford. TU E LAW CUTS 1\£:'\EFITS TO most persons who tak<' other s tat(• 101.J.,, cxct•pl tudgcs. But benefit., tontrnut.• to lho-.e \\ho t .1kt· fl'llL·ra l jobs. ,\mong the<:(' ;1n• l' S S1•n /\Ian Cranston. :1 forml'r l-131•• cni1t111111•1 \\ho got S7R-t a -'? month. t'1111,.:n·.;-.m.111 C:lt.•nn J\n. t.kr.;on .• 1 f11rnwr lit•11t<•11:rnt ,!?(IV· 1•rnor \\ho got <;1 .1-;:{ a month, .ind ('11ngr1•.;s m1•11 Gt.•<.1rgc 1>:1111d .. on, 1\11g1"tu:-. llawki11s, Jl arnlcl T .. l11h11Mrn and John Mos:- \m11ng ol ht•rs: Former S1·n;it1• J'r1•,idl·fll 11ro tern llugh lt11rn-. SH:!'..!. l11rm•1r ll S St·n. Thoma-. l\ul'hcl. \\ho M'r\C'tl Ill CllANHOH \'Par .. 11\ llw LC'gi::.lature. Sl.ili5, former Lt. Gm . llarnlcl ''Butch" J>ow<'r.,, SI ,9:.!9; former as- . 1·mhh m:in and former Los A11s.:clcs Mayor Sam Yori,\. S2711, :i ~upn•ml'('ourt .Justice a~d fori:ner al· tome~ gcncr.\I St:inlt.•y ;\lo:-.k. Sl.S.12-tn add1l1on to l11s ~ularr :i:-. 111111-!l' of Sl.:l-01 a month. c \ltl. n 1.1-:n11w a-:n . EXEC\ TIVE officer of tlit.' 1111111. r1·1111rt1•cl 11·1·1·1111 ot I 5 m11l1on, \\hteh 11 J s °'I IO.:J71 mm 1· tlt .111 th1• lt1•11cof1ts p.lul The n •ct•1ph \\1•n· 1r1.1m h11th lht• 'it.Jll" and from .tl'l l\e st~lll' 11ff1<·1• h11ldc•1s, \\ho m ake \\1thhold1nj.! '"" llH'lll~ · /llt-1 l11111!1'r rl•porlt•d assets of t he fund at $;.! :lfi 1ntlho11 Tu rc•cc1ve P<'lbtons, :-i former C[iliforni:i of- flC'ia l mu .. 1 he :JJ.!l' HO or olcJ1·r. or have 15 years :-.t·n Ht.' tn :-t Jtc offrcC'. Children's Lot In U.S. Worse Neckties Hanging In There SAN Fll/\~C I SCO (:\l'I -Ot•sp1ll' 11n 1•mploymC'nt and inlla t11111, ,\mcnc<.in ml'n an· <;tic·k1n~ their nt·tk" out in high numbers tll sup- port a b1l11on·dollar 111 dustrv. ~.iv lite nwn \\ho shnut(t know. T h 1' b II s i n c• S 5 i s TIN' kt 11•s. h at l l'r1·d lt y t11rllent•el..s. 1<·1:-ur1· s111b ;111<1 tilt• ltk\'. !Jut still h :111 l( tn g 111 l lw re, O.°"E Tlll:'\G hc lpmt? nt'l'ktic s:ilcs is. odd(>. J11hll•ss11ess, s ays Val l\I C'ndonc:i. furnrs hinJ!" managcr at a Groom's ~l11re. a m .1jor m l•rl's \\ <·ar 0111lrt. ... Job" :in• harrl tc> t?1•t m•w , !'O ynu ha\ t' tn drL'"' up\\ hcth1•r '011 \I• ant to or not," h1.· s;11d 1n an Ill· tc·rvi<'w. O ES rlTF: Tit E ti<' k1ll1n g on!t laught nt <',l!-Ual "'<'ar. n n<.'w "c•r,1. o I e I e i: an<' c · ' is l ht' fort•ra-.t of B<'r n.ir d l\ulkstein. :i rlirc•c•tcw of till' l\t en '.s Tit' Frnrnda C ll•ll and 11n•s tcl t•11t nf I\ .ti k s t ('in S ti k :\I ii'". P;111·r~11n, N .I "St'V('ll Ill' l'I J~ht ~·'ar-. , 1 I! II , n l' (' k \V I' ;t I' \\ :t !'. h11om111g ,'' h1• said "'l'lw l!Hftr!-11·\· did ;i h11S1111•-., WAS! llNCiTO:'ll (,\rl l\llhe1u1!h tht•ri· .• r .. l't•w1·r 11t $1 l. b1ll11111 wrth th•· d11 ltln•n 111 A~r11•:1 tnll.1-. tha11 Clt1·1p WC'l'I' ln1· ,t\l'l':t/.!I' tit' :-.1.•ll111 J.! fnr , 1':\l's al!n .. 1 l:t''ri·1~1 p1·n ·11t ;1g1• cit tlw111 J r l' p1111r $:! ~>() ll11s1nc"' I :ist ~1·ar Th" tl> rnit• 1·1111t•h1sron ,1hm1l 1m\'t•r1.v .. rhrld fwalth t11t;1lcd SI htllion. with i·;tr<' .inct 1,11 11 11\ -.tnll'IUrt' do1·um1•11tcd in ;1 111·w tlw ;1ven1J,:<' Ill' go111J.! for· I S:), t I JI II h l 1 l' ,1 I I t1 11 C' .1II1•1 -----------.. Am r rica ':-C'hlldr1·n 1976." TllF. OO ·l',\(a: hook. \p<>nsnn·d h v the· N.1 t 1on :i l C11unr1l 11f Orj!:in17.a t1 ons f or t'hildn•n .11111 '\ 1111th. 1" h,1,.cd on frtlC'rn l Ct•osu-. lt11r1•au 111;1f\•ri,il It out111ws how ('han~ 1 n ~ ,1 tl i t 11 cl l' <; a h 1111 I wonwn. ;i n o;in).! d1w111·t• rat(' anti :-.('vt·r~ll )'l'ar!-111 ('COnomk 111H'<'rta1ntv h.IVl' ~lffl'l'lt•d till' ll ;1. hon's (iii m1ll11m chtldren undt'r HI Some findings :ire: -O U R I NG 197 t , about nnt• rn s rx d1ilrlr<>11 1n /\ml'r1rn l1\t•1l 111 f,1rn1h<•o; \\ ho't' 1111·ortw \\,IS lwlO\\ lht• 11H1r1.il • fcJl"r.tl 1111q•rc~ lt•\t•I. s..i.o:us for :t f j m ti,\ of four This comp:irC's with :1 hou t nn<' 1n '."f'vrn d11l<Jn•11 in I !'IW T ,. n ni 1 l l i o n <'hildr<.'n. .1 houc mu• m <.1x, wcr<' lll'tllJ.! 1 ;11.;('('J AC'CO ROI NG TO r't anl.. G t 'or1wll. 111·1·'>1· cll'nt f1f !ht' h1tt Oakland I I l' m a n II I .l t' t II r (' r . ( 'nrndl or (';11itorn1a, tlH' h•...,urt'~ :-ult h:i~ hu11 ll1t• Ol'l'kl 11' hv ;1 <>1nglt• p.1n·n1 m -----------. 1!174. Tiu-. ('(1mp:in'" \\1th I I :1 fl(l lll On(• Ill SI'\ ('ll <'hildrt•n four ~1'.1rs t•arhl·r -Af,THOUGH TIU.: infant m ortality rat<' has · dropix-d about 25 rwrtl'nl sinCl' 19t;(), it is slill t\\ ICC as h i~h for nunwhite ehi ldrrn a s wh it e t•h 1 ltl rcn In I !'175. :i ho1r<1wn C>Ut or f1\ 1• chiltlrl'rl ~) nwt hC'rs 1n t h1• l.1hor fClrt'l'. ;i 12 P<' rce nt In rrt'.ISt' O\'('r l!l70 '"'"' lj ~,,.,, l <. r/lt'll' !JO fhr W 1llll('tS' They're luc ky President Ford -<lidn 'l ve to it. DE S PITE SUC'll career divergenc1cs. I feel s ure the m<.1r· riagc will last 1-'ortunate l.v. they have a lot in common. Both, for example . are m<'mhcrs of the Ways and Means Cornmitlt•c And you know lht' old ~;ryin,.:, the f a mily that r :11:-.es tax<·s to~ether.stays togcthcr l had a talk with the ncwlyw"ds the other day to see what impact ma t rimony mi~ht ht• having on their roles as law~h·l·rs The m- lcrvicw bc~;,in 011 neutral te r- ntory -her office TllE V llAO J ST returned from cast1ni.: voll's 11n -.oml· minor mi'a:-.un• on 1/11• lfou.,c n oor lft• volt'd .. :i ve ... s he . no .. "Thi-. w:1\' so 0 m l:'on1· 111 thr• family 1s ah~ays right." th1· In· ll1ana Dl'motr<J I s aid linghtly TR E V C ATC H TllE same plane. but he stops in Indiana whereas s he J!Oes on lo Kansas . "I gue ss you could say she tells me whl.'rt' to get off ," the Indiana DC'monat s:iid hrighlly. T he Kansas Democrat smilt>d at that, too. Proving that love w11lfind a way. l said, "I take 11 then that you approve of m e mbers of Congress marry ing each other and would r ecomm en d it to your col-leag ues?" "I TIJJNK IT'S l>E"Tf cct.'' said the Kans<1s·f>r m orrat "We're so mut·h lu<"klt'r th;,in m<'mbcrs of Congress w ho :1n•n'l married to mcmhl'rs of C.:ongrl·ss." Pred1C'l ion . they will live hap. ruly ever after . or until one foils lo get re·clcl'lt•d. whichever com· cs firs t. Laetrile Case Goes To Appeal SAN DIEGO <APJ --A Covina physician will be a llowed to re- m ain free wloi:.: he appt':lls his conviction on charges of olfcnng laetrile to cancer pat1enLc, Dr. Jaml·s Pn\'1tera. J:l. \\:t'- granll'd :m 1ndf'f1r11tt• "l.1y of l11s ~i x-month Jail tc•r m hy San D11·~11 County Supt'riur Court Judi.:e Hoy F1t Zj.!l'nilcl. Psv~hiacrisc Says . . .. PR I V IT E R ,\ A N 0 F 0 l! It fllht.•rs wert· con\ frt<·d c•f vml;1t· ing the state l k :ilth and S.t11•1v C()(k, which fortml" lhl! U))e of J;Jctnle agains t cancer. La I) t r i I l• • :1 J s o k now n M> vitamin Bl7 or amygrl:ilm. 1s (''\ trartec1 from apric·ot pits :in<J well known in f\1<·~11·11 :1s :J <.:anct:r treatment. Hut 1 1.~ -m<·d1<'it1:tl use i-. h:1nm•t1 in th1· l 'nit1•u Sttrt('s :inn importing it into this country 1:-,, fl'lony. End to Chauvinism Upsets Some Wives l'Rl\'ITERJ\, \\'110 h;ul h<'1·11 frl't' on h1o,; own rt'<·nt:ni1~1nr·t -. had to post $111,UOIJ had lot·ft111 1i1 .. 11\J.! n ·h·asl•d. F1tig1·1.tlt1 ,tl.,o It l :-.land an ord1·r hannmg him 1111m J::t\ inJ.! or ~1·1lrng hrtttrr le to any pa tient. CIIICACO (Al» -Motlu•rs may be partly r espons1blc for making male chau\'ini~ts out of .th eir so n s, a California psyehi atrist s uggesLc;. And, says Dr. Sherwyn M . Woods. he has found lh<.il some women are unhappy whl'n their husbands, after psychotht·rap~. ~1vc up their ~upcrior :itt1tucJe::. and b <'havior. WOO OS. F RO." I '<>C. rrport<"<I 1n ttw .J:1nu.1n 1s.,t1(' <11 lht· Archives of c.;enc•r:il JIS\'l'h1nr1 rv lln 1 l m en tn·atcd for problem:-. 1;1 Pot U s ers Weigh Habit In Balance S,\:"l F HA'.'l:CISC'O (i\P I -Pnt smnk<'rs :ire weri.:hrni.: th<> cnnsc· (IUl'llCl'S or !'alifur111a's )JIH•r.aJ Ill'\\ manJ11:111.1 l.1w by u"1n;; pocket s 17.t•d sr:i h•s to cnsuri· lh<'v don 't t.:t'l t';111i.:ht "'th mor<' th:i'n an num·t• ol lht• popular \\ l'l'cl Till' l:iw "h1d1 w1•11t into t'ffl•ct .J.111 I pm\ 11le:-. th~rt ncr:-.ons t .111ght \\1th .1n 111ince or less of mnr,111a11.1 \\ill Al't ~• c1t.1llon likt· a tra(t 1c 11 ck('t "1th a fine of not mort.• lh!Jn SIOU. Being caught \\1th rnort' than on<' ounce of m:1111uan:i "' a misdeamenor pun1:-.hahlc by six m onths in t·ounl,v jarl or a fine of up to S500 or both. fi\f PORTING OR <1tt<'mptin.1? 111 :-1·11 111ort1 th.111 1111c ounce 1s :.i fl'lon~· 1H11l1!.h:1hlt' by fi\'t' YL':lr:-. t11 hf1.• in p11:-1111 . r11 l.m, l\ng1•h's, police have hl•t•n 1:-.:-.111'11 lt ght wt'ight scales .,11nrlar ti• thost• that USl'rs art• lt11v 111g In San Fr:1nr1:-<·o. officers have h1•en ln!>l ruclt'd tn 11s1.• l ht.•1r "cupp<'c1 h.111ds" to if Pll'rmmc if lhl• nffc.'llrkr ha:-morl' than <in1• oun('l'. till' tht'111y tll'tng that lhl' :1n•r.1gl' ('llPJWtl hands hold Jll!'>l Jboul on1• nunt'l'. OTllF.R POI.In ·: drp~1rtm<'nts havt• 1ssurd cl1rt•t·ll\C<; nn ho\\ m .rny mariJuana cr ~arett<•s 1''111.tl-. :1n n11111·t· St'lkr " ll.1\ 1• "' arll'd m.1!.o; m.11 k1•!1111! I h1.• s<·alt'!> for SI SO lo .. S2 50 u r11lc.•r :>U<'h l;tl1e ls as • ··sc·ales of JUSltt'l' " Ads nppPar· ing m untkrgro11ncl papers w:1rn s mokt'rs Iha! "~our life will llternlly h:inr-rn the: balann" thc1r rt'l:it1on<;h1fl'> with \\()m!'n The mN1. <iJ.:c•ll ~I tr• '\Ii, \H•rc weJl.educa tc·d and includc:d !>ever al phvs1c1ans. Four were married an·d two were di\lorcect or separated. "Male chauvinism is not s imp. "fy-i problem or m<'n ... \\.ootl<; s;11d rn thr i\mcriran ;\krhC'al 1h· <;Oc1.1t111n pubht·a t11111 "Wnnw n loo nt:l\ shan• tlw <ullur:tl h1:.i<; or neurot1call> drl\ t•11 .itt1ludcs. J.'OR T ll E 1 1 r:t11t•nls he lr c:.i t e<l w i th p sy. eh o a n :1 I y., tic t h <.' r :1 p y . h t' s:11cl. "It ·\\ "" nHht 11r11•n lh1·1r mot hrr:-. who dirt•ct h <•I' rnd1rc•1·l· I.\ t:rn1o:ht or suppurteu th1· 11!1';1 lhal :1dt•q11:ic·y as ~· man ml':tn l clor11111ancP :ind :-.uµcnonly ovt'r I h1' wnm an " 'l'ht' mothrr~ oftrn unknnwin~· Iv t;1ui::ht th<•tr sons that 1h..,1r hui-band.; \\ t•rr not ch;1u\ m1sl 1l' C'nm1[!h. hr -.;wl. ' l 'SUAl.I. \', T H ER E 'S I\ • n rJ t lC't':1tJIL· impr ovement 1 n s n c 1 a 1 .1 n rt s c x • uai rel:1t1onsh1ps arter the pa- lt<>nt has dea lt with the conflicts whi c h cause h im to lit! chau\'in1l>t1 c. Woolls s:ml Aul Ill ~OmC (';)'il'S, "Wi\'CS nnrl long lime p:irtnC'r<; became in- creasingly <'motionally urst•t ~1s their mcn stoppcd r<'latmg to them in the pn.:nous manner.'' hl' said. Black Judge REDWOOD C ITY <U PI) - Phrase! I.. She lton. ~n. was sworn in as San Mateo County's f1rsl bl ark Municipal Cou r1 j udge. J\nothl'r defendant in the cas1•, Wilham David Turner of Chula V1!'ta. had Im. i;o.day J:.tll ~en· tence st ayed pending appc .. 11 He Reads It For Helnwt /11formatio1i SALT L i\K F: C'lTV 11'1'1 l St :1lC' Audit or IJ :I\ 11! !\!1111-.\111 :-.;1\' 11t1• l 't.11t l'uhlic S.1f'l·lv l>i·p.11 t nwnt :-uhs rri Ill'<: t11 .1 "11t1d1t m11torr\t·lc m:1pa11nr." B111 th ' dt•partment say:-. it's all in the 1.1 tt•re-;t 11( good ~O\'crnmcnt. Puhli<.: Safctv Commrs!>imll'r R a ,. m o n d .J :.i c k ., o 11 acknm\ ll·d~ed thnt his h1J?h"-':t~ s::ifct~ d1v1swn h:id a subsrrip tio n lo "Easy fiid1•1:;," :1 m a J? a /1 n <' I a c N I \\ 1th h :i r t· bosomt·d beauties :in<I rnotorry· de nl'\\ '· But 11 's not lht' nudt•S th:it in t ere!>I .la<'k :<nn lie s:iul tlw 'lih st•ript um "a, c11 tll·n·d lwt .1u:-1• the m .1g.11111l' ha-. the latt·st .111d mos t rlL·f111111 \ •• 111l111111.1 tw11 about motorryc!\> hl'lmd l:I\\:-111 the nation "Sure 1t has nud1•o; in 11," tilt' commr"';WOt.'I Sarti "Hut r (',flt also karn mort· :11.lout ht•lml'I ltt ws from on(• i"111• nf 1 1t ~1 mag:r'l1111.• th.in tlw 11·d1·1·:tl i,:11v 1 • r n nw n l t' an t 1 ·II rn • 111 t 11 1 • y ·ars. Pest Ligl1t Clai1ns Hit By Youna r ' ~J\CRJ\l\l E~TO 11\1') - \aliforr11.1 l\tt~. GC'n, Evf•lh• Y1lu11gt•r h :1!1 :11·cus1'cl a l\('w York 1·ompany uf usml! m1!.l10,1rt in)! adv<'rt1s ini: tu st'll fllS(.lCt light 1 traps. Youngt'r :ll>kt•d lh<' Sn('r:lm<'n to Co11nty Sup.-r1or t'ourt for an inj unct ron agarns t l'1'!>tol1t ... which makes the Magil' HJ.u·k Litt' Insect Co1Hn1I T h e attorne\' C<'ne ral sn1d Pes tolit1• <'l:um·s thot llw light wit I "rid 'our hom;t> and garden of Oyin~ insect pest~" when ac tua lly not a ll !>p('c ics of ny1n~ in· scc•ts are a ttracted lo thl' light. KATHY ARNOLO, a 2!f•yr :1r olcf rommunicot1ons s tudC'nl . stnrted her own company, KllA Produt•t1ons. to sell pot sralcs. She says the nl"w company has :.old :i.0110 scolc items through motl a nd t<'lephone orders . 'Tahforn1:1 is a pretty libcrnl stole.'' said Miss Arnold, who U!'CCI $.100 of he r savings to sl::rt the company. Ex-fl)ut h:tllcr and Monday 111ght fuol ba II commentator Don Ml·rcdil h will sta r m NUC-T\''~ "Banjo flnckcll." Chuck Conno r!>. Gl ori:i d e ll:tv('n :ind Da n O'JfcJ'lihy guest ~lnr . Ile said the lil?hl also drnw!> 111. sects from a larJ?<' ar<'n instt•nd or l hC' stnull area c laim<'IJ by Pesto lite Youn~1'r a lso llsked for a $2.SOO fine for l'~1ch :ict of m1i,reprc~t·n t:illon and 11nfo1r bus111css pr:11· lice :11!1•J!l'dly c1111\mrll!•ct by thr rompany. ' This newspaper will not kn111vrn1:ly acC'<:Jtl a ny a d v1·rt1 i.1n g I or rt•11I t·i-lalc wh1l'h IS in VIUl<t· l11111 ul thd,1w. ----H041ses for Sale ··········•···•·••····· G~erol 1002 •····•··•••·•······•·•• "ABANDONED" ENGLISH EST A. TE 2 STY-VIEW S42.950 Wincl1ni: ru.1d" jy lr:.i•l<: 111 .,,.,.lu1lt•tf •lrrn•wav .1m11t-.1 111..,,i•1111g p11w:. ~ 1·u• .1h ptu-, t rct·:-. Sr11ra1 . 1111-! ,t,1111 J 1• !t'.Hh It> prn .ti•· :•11t1 'lt1r\ •'II tr,•n1t·' 1 ... ,. h 11\1111• 1111 111 (1\ l 1 loul.' :.ur r11undtn1! Ol'ca n :.ind \< ,I 11 t• y 1 r: Ur II pt.' a II ~j1urmc:l 1<111:ht·n! Vmcng t•ntc:rta1nmc11t. S\\C't·p11i;: ma:.tc:r bdrm t ltlt•.1t 1 :wpar.itc· mom·tn·l.Jw 11u:.irll'r~ or l!Uc~t or mu1d roum will! Ii.1th: W o r k ., h •> fl ' I • r 1 t· c ~l <i'>lll'lf ' 'f'hl~ hilltop l..,,tal\• 1·11 n lo1• vour' fnr !).l~I l11t ,ti tllJ"' 11 <1r L tl..t• 11\<t'I l'\ISllll).: ln,111 Jl S:!1 .. 111•r n111111h I :..1" ' <'.111 lr11 •11J11 I. 111ur! CJll >-.1, ·~1111 CORONA DEL MAR COTTAGE Nrw 1r ,t1ni: ~nuth nf hll'h"' .• ,. t \1 l'llcnl 1<11.i· tum. :..1.11111.1 rrf IC :! l•ll \1 1111 l'lt .11 1~•11 1111.11 (',t(f 11 fur 1111111· inlurm .11100. L1llf1i:t K,,',o (®IM!JI . ADUlTS ONLY ,~:. s!~~ .. ~:~~" ft,11111, :111~ Ir rl1«·t• :-hJ · I ,.lfJU tlll/ ht 1< I\ Wt•llll 111111111; 111 "J'l.11 • \\ .1IJ.. 111 n1.11nr , ... ,., ... , .. 111.t '"' 11 .111 l'"ll .tl1 Hl1 '-II tU 1 Ill I""" I \I I " I ' I I ) ' II I I ... ,.,,,\I 1-.1-. 'It!;;,., ~ KEY 'VREA LTOP.s X PRICE REDUC ED GREAT VIEW CORONA DEL MAR \\ .1111 .111 1111111.1> ul.111 :1 111 dr1111111 .I It.1th l11•m1· \\Il l! 1\111111111\ J>•H tl" (',tll """. ,. , .... , , ,, 1•1·il1t1 ' -.(11111• 111"1•1.lt •' \ 11'\\·, 111 (':1t;il111 .1 ll 1111) It\ Ill. r1)r 1111 d1111111• ro11111 .. md 111.1 .. 11•r 1 .. d11111111 '"''. l't t\ ,1 11• 1 1111 1·1 Im· at 11111 l'h1· h.1 11 .di" .\ntl ''' '' p I I I • I II I h •' 1tl'l1'11ho11l11 .. 11 I (l\\rJI 1• .... 1111 '" " j I '" Ill j.! • ~l t •• ~~· I .itl 1,.,1 K.,,,11 IF YOU Jt,1\1' ;1 ''I I Wl' 111 lllfl'r l•I' I IMl\f .• t 1 .di Jtl I• I .en .111 111 \ h I' IJ I I I\ I ' 1 I" I ( '·""'''"''' s. j 111111 1'1111111•1.t~· :11.'j~ t or rlt1,(jfkd Ad AC.1 10:-1 (~II .t. O.lll Y "lOT AO·"ISO« 60-h71 .. ~~!~!!.~~-~°!~ ........ ~~!~!!.~~.~~.· ........ )~~:~!.~~~.~~ ....... . G ...... 1 I 002 GeMf'Of t 002 G._,.... _ I 002 .....•.......•...••.•.. ············•·········· ....................... . COSTAMfSA CHARMER OHL Y $42,500 :i M.1l>'>l\t-hl'1lr11om ~ ~j>\·r l'lean f.un1ly hOlll\' "ll h I Jr i: ,. c 11 u n Ir)' k1lC'he n lluatc <tuul.ilc 11.1rJJ:c /\~11umahl1• lo" 1nl1·rc:.l IOJ 11 I' r1 n·d hdow markt!l al ~t;.!,:,00. Call &l6 7lil today. W• 't I I • I ; • l • I. HARIOR VIEW HOMES 5120.000. PAl"#Jo;1n10 PLAN. 4 BR. Fam. Hm. i ~tory with unob~truttcd Vlllll-y view unfl decorated wath best of everything! HARIOR VIEW HILLS $103.800 3 BR. Farn. Hoom. with I.A RG f; lot (almos t lf.JAcrc), with gorgeous pool. play yard and dog run. J\11 with view of Harbor. HousH For Sale IHou'u For Sale I <;a1urd<1y f 1it>ruary 1• 197& DAIL v P1LOf ('7 c;;:;~~ · · · · ··· ·· · ioo2 G~;,:;r·;,· • •• •••• •• i·ooi H«Nne• For Sole I Hou~o For Sale 'Houses For SalC' jH011Ses° For Sale ..................................................................... , .•.•..........•....••...•.•••.•.•............. ······················-:. t·~SLEY N ~YLOR CO HEALT OHS si11ec 1H4f REW ARD YOUR F.t.MIL Y W1lh this s pac: New custorn 4 udrm beauty. The whole larn1ly will IO\t• Balboa Island. lmrnetl. po~M·~s1on Near beach & s hops. l::xlra pkng. $154.~00 200 PEAltL Sat/Sun l ·S G~rol I 002 G•nerol I 002 Gett.,.al I 002 GMf!rol 9 002 ........ ··············· ······················· ,.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.· ·.·.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··-·.· ·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··.·-· VALLEY REALTY PRESENTS 4 UNITS AT THE BEACH F1 l'~l tit Ill' Ol ll' l'l1d '· n·r ~ ~ uk h \ :-.tth.· <lupll·xc.·!. 111 mrnt l·11ntl1t1or1 . one :1 ho1 m :1 IJalh llllll thn·1· 2 bdrm. l l>alh \llllls. 011lv 01w blork to the o<'can ~:wo.ooo ~.>Jk·n Sal. & Sun. t 5 130 41ith St. E vc~. ti \6 2XK!S. BEST IN BLUFFS OPEN SAT /SUM 11 TO 5 2926 PERL.t. lotf Vi1to df!I Oro> EXP AMO ED E-rLAN Ont' or ,1 hind t•ntl unit. ~00 :-.q ft r>f l'U,lom b1.•.n1t~ :1 BR :11 ·• h.1. 1 :h~U l<'nrm din. rm 1 lu~c fam rm w '~1\ll ft pk \\\'l li;ir Sp:t1.'Hll•~ t1h.:u µut10 & I 1r1: pit, pJnorarmr v11.·w CUSTOM HOME J\r ch1t-:l'lurully tfr .. igncd, protl·~S1onally lantli.cupcd. :lllr. 2Ua llomc w /Golf course, \lourita1n & On•an Views. t:xll'rtor Cl'dur '1ding. Flnel:lt quality workmanship th U·uul. Cull Own/ A.it 49A· IAYCREST $12!J,500 Che c k the value; another $5000 reduction in price! :1 br, Fam. rm., formal dining . Fantas ti c pool & jacuzzi. Beautifully decorated. Hefri~crator, w a s h c r a n d d r y t• r i n c I 11 d c cl ; mini-mainte nance yard. Motivated seller ready lo move. Open Sat., Sun .. and Mon .• 1·5 P .M.1927 Leeward. LINDA ISLE-MAIN BAY VIEW Space for 3 boats. You'll lovl· the :,unsels & water view f rom this 5 on contemporary. Ahuncl;111t tile 1n C'ntry & s pacious baysjcle t<·rra1·c S:ll!i.OOO BA. YFRONT ELEGANCE Th~n· as nothing else lo uo t o this highly upgrach·d 4 hdrm. bl·•ntl. Execµl hllilt a :-hp ror your h11.1t ~ lt\'lng rooll1s. lor111.1l dimng ruo rn . •~land kitchen 1\ l>~lq.!<1111 al !$285,000. n1wn S<1l & Su11 . 1 ~, 1: 1.1 B:.Jy:.id1.· ..:, cs.1,1:1 7-;'!J I BLUFFS BARGAIN :1 rut.~·-· ha. <:harmer. { Highly upgJ·ad<•u. !'riv pal1v. $.58,500 1 TRI-LEVEL "RErUILIC" IELOW MARkET !'ride or owne rship 'treel Manicured landscape. l'n::.tii.:c en lry. Elevated vt•st1buk tJpen hc:im ,·aulled l·cil· mgs. llui:l' formul han 4uel room Hr1 1:ht i:ardcn kitd'ICI) ovH· views .. sunkl•n" familv room wrth co1,y lireplacc. Th1i. 1s truly an exceptional home al un unmatchable price for the area. Seller l>uuj.!hl JllOlhcr ;inti woultl like <1ulck sale. llurry fo r llui. one! Call 54ti 2:11:1. / ""'' ·~··· ' • •f•(f~1r,1 [~Bl Coast College Spl Herc is the expandcrl 400 plan! ll as 4 b11: l1cdrooms. walk lu OranJ?!' C'o.1i.t t'ollt•i:c.1 lc1ls ul room " 11 h 1>11QI ,.11ccl )ard JrCJ Only ~.950. 546-414' ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE , INC. CHARMING IAYSHORE COTTAGE ONLY $64,900!! :llingll• with Uw movie ~1ars only l:lll'PS lrom lht· presl11:c or N1•wporl ""atcrfronl. Hust1c cul tage with hu~c tree" pro \ides once 1n J hfetlmt• bargain. Jfoml· is loaded with pen.onal1ty + +. SPYGLASS $190.000 TRAOl!:WINDS PLAN. 4 13R, :W:! ba. + Fam. Rm. On one of the best lots with best view of ocean and coasllanc. Price includes your la ndscaping plans . llG CANYON Sl 20.000 2 BR. + den Condo with professional decorating and custom furnishings which arc available to you. if you wish. $134,000 2 BR. + den Condo. Expanded plan with 180 d egree view. Decorator's home . $1:!4.500. 2 DR. +den Condo. willt occ:m view. V acant and ready lo move inlo. LE RAISOR REALTY 4523 Campus Or., Irvin~ CALL 833-8600 Gf!ftffol 1002 Gf!ttual 1002 .••••.•..•••..••....••••......•....•••..•....• SHOllECLIFFS OPEH SUM. I ·5 247 Driftwood, Corona d e f Mar. Custom Hdrms .. :J ha .. forn.rm .. high hea m ccil., I-story ; pool. $160,000 IALIOA rENINSULA ro1NT Sweeping bay view fi:om s uper 5 BR family home. Close lo bay, priv. beac h & ocean. Sauna. jacuzzi, works hop , boat storage. $240,000 LINDA ISLE Beaut. 4 Bil. fam. rm. Country 1:-.:nglis h . e nclosed paliu. eslahli:-.he<l trees, boat s lip. $245,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Ba)"1dc Or •v .. N 8 675 ·bl bl You must sec lo believe fur this pnu~ llurry Gf!Mral 1002 G~ral 1002 Owner n1u'L $.!U t J~a· :.uJ • •• ••• •• • • • • •• ••••••••• •••••• • • •• • •••••• • ••••• :SG LINDJ\ ISL8 DH Sal1.Su111·5 FANTASTIC BEAUTY-LINDA ISLE The only NEW home for s~llc on th1~ exclus ive is land. Truly elegant thruout. 5 BR. FR, DH. billiard rm, pool, j<.tCUlZI, sauna. pier ;s lip. 76 LINDA ISLE DH. Sat/Sun 1·5 CASUAL -COMFORTABLE -$89.500 Extra ls,:e Ii\ ing rm with cornl·r ltrepl t- fi.Jm rm with a 2nd frpl. 4 Bedrms, 21 ~ baths. Jn Cherry Lake ;.irea. 23 19 ll EATII Eli LI\£. Sal. l -5 DOYER S HORES-$198,500 Dram:.itic 4 bC'drm home with huge fam r m & rormal OH. (;orgeous vu of bay & Fashion Island. l'ool & bonus rm HIOHCAL/\XY DH. ~al /Sun l ·S HARBOR VIEW HILLS-SI 17,950 M ct i t· u I o u s I y 11rn 1 n t a i 11 (' d ' :1 B Jl Sau!.ctlilo m odel hv Lusk.· Lo\'c & tare mi.lkcs tliis the shai·pc:-.t. Land inl'luckd IN CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH with country atmosphC'rc! C:olf <·ourse being hit nc arhy . Sharp ti hdrm home on q wet :;t. Huom for hoal. $81.:il>O 2!>26S ILVElll,N I·: Open Sun I S 21 I I Son Joaquin Hills Road HEWrORT CEMTER, H.B. 644-4910 Ge-nttal 1002 ······················· •......••..•........... VIEW OF THE HILLS Lo,ely ante rior \\llh 1n1rr11r~. \\allp:JfH.•r s. c:ti-.ln111 drapl'ncs & fflllth. 11111d1 mon-. t! Lg1· IJdrms, :! hath:--, wet har : g arden 1.·nlry & 1·0\ • . ~rl'tl 1>t1ti11 . ::i57 ,;,oo TWO STORY BEAUTY NAKED OM LIDO You <.'<ln ptt•k out ~ C>ur own t·arpcls . wall coverings and dr:.Jpes 11 ~ u11 hurr y. NC'w <.'<>IHl01n1111ums on l'orrt Channel. 2 &. :1 ll1·droums. plus lien, l11't'plan·'>. Only ·I lc lt . From $179.500 ,\!'\k .1h11ut our un1qul' linanl'1ng Upl'll Sat a111I Sun. 1·5 320 \'1a Lido '.':1>nl ,.;, ('~ Ii w 2X>{X LET ME PAY FOR MYSELF l can if YOU add a ui11t t'orn1·r H 1 lot m Corona cl<:I :\(,1r :1 l>dnn:-. .. t1l'W copper plumbing Hl-.1dy to Ill· de- veloped. Onl y ~liX,01111 . E vu:,. G73· 77'.> I CALL 675-7225 G~eral 1002 Getteral 1002 . ...•..••..••.....•..•. ·······•·••··••·•·••·•· ELKINS "OYER SO YEARS OF SERVICE" r!ow i11 r!ewport Beacli Offf!f'inq you th~ set"vic~s of this newest G eorqe Elkins o ffice, PLUS th~ extra ochantoq~ of dos~ cOOf'dination with our office s in l•v~rly Hills. Bel Air, Hofmby Hills, Brentwood, Pacific Pali~ades, &tcino, Son Marino ond Arcadia. Tl'1'1'1f1t I loor plan with :s hdrms. up •OPEN SUN I ·S ~ta1r:o;. 1 down. Tlw 2nd frpk 1::. 111 2445 VISTA HOBLEIA. lhe lamih rrn . Lill' kitchen ha~ .1 Love ly . '·Linda ·· !'Ian End Cn1t lgc. J.J:Jnlr)·. lhl'l'l'0 S lots of sluragt• \'<..· Condomin ium in till' .Nl'Wl'I' muffs Air it "s conv<'nienl to n•t:rcat1un ·ond1l1nrwd I Ston :1Hcdroom s,:.!Baths la cilitics &~hopp111g $71 .5011 l'allos Nl':tr J•c111l ~I:! !)OO Ind Land. SHOWPLACE •BY APPOINTMENT ~\-:,.n~,J:/ l! "· 111 0 0 w ! 5 Bedrm Mansion \ hc~wltftd I l1dnn . :! li.1lh . 1n Turtle BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT! INVESTORS DREAM With l'1 vr t\: F lo.1l l· 11r l .. 1rc1• ';11 ht IOUNITS Hock !!ills. lk li:.:hllul f ;.11nll~ rrn • Spl'tlJ<.:ul;1r 2 Ston c u ... 111m B111lt llonw BIGCAHYOH on mJss1ve lhl :!ljlJ(h q ft or hv1n)!. Curm.11 dmrnit rm. 2 fplcs. 3 BATHS. flurry. won 't last ;it onlr S6..'>.500. Bkr !l63-7~. HESITATE· AND MISS SIS0.000 lornw l dnun;.:. i·ti-.lom t1JLl'rtcJ1 · 1>11 Lot W 1lh -1;; l"l ol Sand\· lWac·h ·I h Prim'' rc~uJcnt1Jt Jrc.1 p~illo& frc:--h pallll SD 1.:.oo Bt•drnoms 1'111' l(l·nl .il \pt.\:1ew ol B.1~· '" L:n1h include t 111 & l'r11mo11lory An'.t ;\lany Extras. cJ1\'11luJI homl'' • :J 552 7500 1Luplc:\-::o. 1\11 Jr•· mntlt>rn -S:J:l!J,000 Ind La nd dt>~1i.:n & ("t>11i.lrun11111 BIG CANYON "DOVER '' l·><QW'llC 01!.IOC ~l•>n:ico lundom1n1um w1lh a mar,elouo; v1~w : 3 bcl r ms. ;e•,. haths. Sl79,50U l .. ee. ::-.; •• , .. <.1 i.om1·h"ni.: (:ri-.it d h•11 realty 0\1·rlo11k1ng l tlth <;n'<'ll El<•g:1nt End Thie; model home. 2 rn•c:o.trnt•nl <ipporlur11l\ re I Unit. Iltghly l 'pg r;1dt•d ~ Br 2 Ha . 01<1 story. '' bedrooms. 2 lor hunc.Jy pt•f!>1m. 1'. Z ·•"11111111 1· I I 1· I !) baths. f.1 m1ly room. Two terms. bl to rnll 1:l·ts 1h1s ··•PW 1111... •,ng IS l Countr~· ''le' wn rn $1 l .).(HX) master s uit e~. new h·rrif1c hari.:Jin. Call TOWNHOUS E W /OWN BOAT DOCK! BAYCREST carpels thru·OUI, II & f CJ111ck91i:l-7881. ··cov<'s'' t\n·;i Pt11~h ~Sly :1 Br. 2•:: na. tmmui·. t.yon & C';i 3hion pool. prt•s t 11~c Hunt· '·' ,_' ,., ·. '' G 1 1002 G I 1002 Super l ;1sfl•r S111I" <;011 rnwt l-:tteh<'ll . ;:~~1~e~~~~~:;~£ ~t1~~·~~~t ~:~;~~~:~~~·tr~:~~o;(s~~~ [~ -.. ~.~~B:A •• M •• D •• O •• ~E-·D···· •• p~~u~b~:,.,:c··:·o··.·,:c··e··· ~s'i~~~~l~>ci·~~~ ~~·~1~1. Sll9.soo~·l'c mcnts S~55 1 mo. (;ull , ~J ,... •~ flfll'l' H1·d1t1Td 1 S1111ny & Hnll' 1 Story HarborVi•wHills ~·,1~:~:·1 ••• , .,. ,.,,,. *FIXER* Government IJ11m1· W1th .A11 Air of F r llwlly l'harm. Lusk built :1 l11lrm [ B ! THROWAWAY ,\ \a1·.1nl h•11l11· 1wc·d-Assumable Loons :!Hr l B;1 , c ... 1·d l \rll'k V1n.:placi:. L.i1 i.;1• ::-.a u:-..d1 t 11 1lt•C'or.1tor: ~ ' · THELAW,...MOWER 'lorrw Jlll'llllvn .111111 111 ,,,,111.11111-111 1•\1•nrnw I Y.ard '.'J1>w0nl~·~t7 .:IOCI llJP<'r-... dr;1pcric:. & :.hul· • 1nl'I11 cl t n I! ma :-.~"" Lo\\ inll'rc:o.l ,I\ al1 ;1hll'. I I• k 1 k I l and cnJOY 1·arC'fr<'c hv1111! l'rs. ar • C' yarr or in th is :1 Yl'.1r n1•w O)J,kr ,.u1k "llh \\.111.. • t•nl l1kl' 1>:•> m1•n1,, GEORGE ELKIHS CO., REALTORS l'omElcLrEIEo~_}Hl<!UIJ.OOOOSO·'r~e. 11.~--c s. om<'lh111t! tn !>di"' Tuw11hou~c :1 llt•clrrH1m . '"t l•>:o.t•l't Jntl '1111lo.t•n luh ,1\ ,1tl.1hlt'. .11.~1 '1 h•:•l~mirn ' 881 DOVER DRIVE 631-18 00 "' "' -:,e h.ith l.iri:<' irriv.iti• 111 h .11 t :-Ol'p.ir.111· horrtl':-a\a1,., ,. ,, 'I'•' _ _ __ _ REALTOR 644-0322 r.;1as!'_1r1ed.hbdo1twl'll 11tr1llll'1 111 l,1\\ 111l•· 11 \1111 qu.1111,·. • .111 , ll·'1111· tlhk l!·•t:ll!l' + h·n Mn11 .. 111 .. m l.1m11\ ~' T.\llBt-:1.1.. ll I': \I.TOH::, G~raf I 002 General I 002 I 002'G I I 002 Ill'> n 1url .... 1x1ol-.. LA>t'JI I I General eMra 1h11in1:. r mo; t110 l'1111•d 540-1720 •••••••••••••••••••••·· 1 ··••••••••••••••••• •••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• l'•I doM Ill :-.outh l'•tJ'I II I o wueR DESPERATE' 1-----------------•l l'l.11.1 ;ind 111111·1! unh 1 " • 1 "" \trlll 1 1 " 111 " 1 "' · SPANISH VILLA 533.5011 L"Jll lor rnml'il'lc u II g 1 '1 tic '· ~ .\I. I. S BEDROOM + POOL llr.1111 .1111 II\ 1nl! ro11m m <Ji:1,11b.srn~1 TtJl>\Y I ~I VANODOWH \\llli l11 l·pl.111· c:.irrli•n t'l"'4tiH Sffki."ti tJ"1.'f~ Wh,il .1 lril\ • llun I 111, , \" \\ l.11 d11 11 fl\ crl1•1•k :o. i lj'1''~~1 ~ CALL NOW 1 ••' .\t.,1mltrrh••I ..! .. tun , lr1.111l 1f11I J1.ol 111 ."\1·.1r ~~ J ! 752 7315 1 11111•1• l11·cl1c1111n. \\Ith ".•'\\1.1rttd'>lhruu1.h~1~1 --=(y ~ J-• 111•1,,1\l' 111 ,,.,1 .. r .11 111 I Joi.ii 1111n uni\ ~l.:.r~I RI ~\•~•~.,~ •1·---------..... L..:-=.=-_:_~:.;:..i 1 t-,\•·r~ \\11111.111 -. d11•.rt11 l '.tll'"•·li.i1ii ~: IU • •• _, DONALD M BIRO I. itclwn , 1 1 I m A\\OCIOlf'"• Rf'ol•o" [,---®-=11~e=i:H .. ;tl! llll'01,1l•' JHl'S'''"IOll I • 644-72 70 N t 8 h SPANISH ESTATE \-..111111· ht\\ 111\t 11·•1 1 ... , .. ewpor e ac or Ill'\\' \' \ \\ 1\ h 1111 1111\\ II 2 STORY pric·1• 111 low 111:1rk.-1 .11 OPEN HOUSES $30,000DOWH •nuys T lllS LARGF: 0 CO!l)NIAL no;vn: in DOVJ.:lt SJfOH ES for I ht• hig family lh:al likes to 1•nl1•rt arn. 7 lkdroom'. 1; h:alhs. rain1lv room. l;11•g1• liill1.1rrl room w1 th ~Yt'I li<ir. l\l :i~l cr ~1111<· ha:-. II IS AND 11 J.o:H h i.Jlh:-. + il "lc;im h;ith Gym. l'raviJlt• :-.tudy. tt l Hampshir~ Ct, N.8. CALL US Sc.In 1-5 llGCAMYON ~ New on markt'l. f bedroom 0 BroadmMr mndl.'I ;;2 -with vil'W. pool. J :l('ttt.1.1. f.l\tl1i:! room ('onv1•rs al1on pit with lcreplnt·l· allows adtlt·d (•llll't1.ninml!nl ;lrl'a Ell't" s pnnkll'rs. low voltag<' lightang. oul<looa· 1.ws fir~'r>1t. E:<tl'a lgc m str ~will' w /w:1lkin C'losets. This outs tanding lfoml! i n mov<!-i n conditt0n 1s attrnctivcly offered at $189, 900. For further d e t a i Is o r nppointment to s<'<' anytime, call Bevis i\lct7.1Cr 61M·825!J 2878 E Coast Highway. Corol'IO del Mor PAOPERT'f MANAGEMINT .. cmqrs '" l NOllHS I 011 llVlllC "' IWO~K •f f tllf W• ' 'C°• I t H I ""f lfUf ••t,1 t t ~ l•I ••'"'If End 'OPoint $43.950 :-. .. 1.01111 '·"' Luil;q· Wrndrn.t: \\alk\\,1}' thrn 1>11. ili l A BAM DOMED On l)(·c11n 1h•· :o.!1·11~ t11 lx-,1rh •\ lnu• far111lv (1111 h11m1• room l11r l''<lr.1:. 11woplt• or 1h111~~l X t:nn 'crtlble rooms. J hath:;, 1mod µark1ni:, ~OO<I c·on· 1lilinn. licl flnancini.: now while mont•y 1s cheap anil ;i\';11lablc. Let us hl'lpyn11 400 £.17'' • FOR All I C.M. . --• -UlA) I.===:. 7 UNITS 7.18xGross Onlv ;, ""''' old ~p.1111:-.h ,:,1t•1111r " \11\' root Ori•• hl•<IHHHTI ,.,,. h, ",ill 1'11•1• lht U\ltll • 111 1•nmc s10:-.o mo hill Jllll:I! $90,500 11 New~tl. ,, .. c~to 040-8 11 ANYTIME t.: a!'> ti Ii :1 n l' II LI I l y :11 111 k.1ds lo ;111lht•n111· 11·.t tilt• r II 0 I ,4 II ti :0.. p ,1 It I :.. h hulcony ! ~l)dudl'<I cntr) lf> :1tloh1· 111~· am1cl ft an <"Ito Vi 11 a Ii v 111 i.: room' F1 est11 <lin1n i.: h11?hh~hh-1l hy ('unlin.1 k1ll·hc·n w .• 11, of 1:Ja,~, a ('l'l'll I J)rl v .1 l l' fl' a I 1"1111rl~;i1il' S\\1'1·p1n1· ~1.11n·.1,1• ""'r' 111 ma-.lcrl lltlrm ~.UH'lu.ir~ + 2 U<in · d1rt1' s 11.I' B<frm s . th crlc>0ko; roll1n1? hilh .1n1I i;:rJ~i.y i.:rc l·nb<'lll> Comm p .. 01 . walk to i.·n ni~ -I h1:-. '11la c.1n lx.• )ours fur St40U lntal clown or lJk<' Cl\ 1•r "' l'l 1n.t: lu.111 al <::\2.'11 mo. '.111 <lllll'k X 17 !iOltl t:lus-.1f1('1I ails !>l'll 111,.: 1t1·ins. -.rn.111 1tc'm~ 11r .111\ item .• lu.~l ('.111 6'1:! f,(:711. · OPPORTUNITY •1·---------l lm0<0k!! oll1•n wh1•n vou ------- *LOOK* thru "Thi• llnllh) ~hup llA 11. \ 1 '11.trl' l'l,1,"lll·tl sm1on ''arh w,·u & :O.Jl IN' rl'"llll i!••lllrl j: U,111) ol '1l1ll Cl.1,.. .. 111,.<I \ti, 111 I 1•,11 h I tw 1 \r .llH 1• ( o.l"l 111.1rl.•·1 l 'ho11~·1,1:: ;lt .. 11 is a good day to advertise in the Daily Pilot Classified Section. 642·5678 --, ~ \ I. I• :-. :'11 I•: "-o r 111111hJ-:11s. ,1wr1 •1IJ1n \\'h.11 \ 1111 ,,., ..... \\ h.11 '!Ill l!\'l 1i11 nw .irl•a 1n "',Ilk Ill)! 111'1.tOl'I' In ..i1•r)lt'll t.11' 'du1ol. p.1rk arc•a ,\ ~h111'J>ll1).! C11\ I 11 111•1, l11w 1h1\\ 11 py ml. ,f usl p11I 1111 lllc markt:l. (j.h, 17J I S;G R JJ N\-~t!f '5 · That Intriguing Woro' Gome wilh o Chuckle -----l 41tt'9 t.r (l At • POUAN ----- 0 .-"""0'" .. ~ a,.,,,,, c• ""'"' • I "''",_"' ,.rf 'Nf)loi\ f,. 1 ... .,., f"\,,..1 t r ,. • • I ROC T CR 1· I I I 11 II n I t• fl 1 I I 1· I I I V E f{ G A I I I I I) I R U T P I II I I I' I I My L"''" looh on dnri~•no h J ' •lf"'T\C H 0' I h~ l'T'C't! ye .J " , • ,.,,. -yov \1'~' I : '"" C) ...,. ,. ,,, c"-.. •1" nuo'"d . , ,~ .. r ' 1 ""' • t I '1'fl ~·'I~ ~ ... J J l,ief( ._ TI I I la[ I SCRAM-LETS Answen in ClauificatiOft 8080 TRI-LEVEL 2:l!ill Set ft Sp:tr1011:o; 2R R, conv f:1rn rm . lorm d111 . \H'I bur: lwy \"tt•w . Nt·:1rly ne w' ~1!1.!iOO. Ph-asl' h•I us :-.hm' you ;ill the homL''> <Jv<-111 111Lil<'1·:1rdn·l· JJl uH:-- HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR. IHC. MLS 644-0134 19 7 3 Top Lister & Top SolHman 1974 & 1975 llvMH-Up Hewport·Mf!sa Board of Rf!altors General 10 02'Generol 1002 •····•·•···•·••········ ••••••••·•··········•·· NEWPORT WATERFRONT Pier & Slip OutragL·ous w ~1tl•rl ront home. Th n·1.· s p;1t·1ou:-- IH·drooms . :J ltath:-., :! l1replaet·~. ~umptuo us i.:rounds and j.!a rd1·n~. Lh·1· on lhl· wal,·r· for onh Sll!l,ooo CALL. . REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE 300 H. Newport Bhd, N~wport leach 645-6646 Ge-neral I 002 General 1002 .•......................................•..••• A WATERFRONT HOME ON BEACH -CHAHHEL VIEW Open House: Sot & Sun I ·5 PM 01w of l111• lo\\ l":o-l pnl·1·~ for a ~urwr -.h:1rp :J l11lr111 . :111;1 h11rnl' nn the 1n:.\Cll L:1r;..:1• l.11111I\ room \\Jlrplc: ,\. ht-;11·th !-.ur101111d"d h .v l u:-h J.1rnh t·L1 pl·d grl'l'l1t'f.V . Coll\<·111t·nt ln .Ill Flt':>:tll lc f1na1w 1ng: Contrc.1c:t of -..jll' or lca:-.l' 11pl 11111 $205.000 A WA TERFRO.,.T HOME for your BOAT You l'.t ll 11 \ l' n11 lh1· \\ ,\Tl·:H lrw un· dc:r ::;:!1111.111111 1 I 11clc11ir 011tdrn1r II\ 1ng 111 1h1-. 1lt:it111111. .: lul1 h1111w \\ h~e II\ 111:.: 1 m ,\ pit clwd lw.un-. 1111 uout lJUH'l. p \l an·.1 O\\IWI mu:--t k..1\c \\ ,1t1•r lor hr•;il h 1 ('.t'-lllb \\ \\Ill ton- -.11lt·r 1•:..1·h.111 , 1111 h11nw or 11111t:-1n ( "111011.1 cit•( .\I .11. "l'\\ Jllll t 11 1·1,...ltb. f"U~l Ill or ' $139,SOO A WATERFRONT HOME on the OCEANFRONT -Sand -Seo -Suri L.1:-.t,·11 10 ll11.· ~11rl t'\,; 1·11,1oy 1 hv Vll·:w lr111n 11t1:-. i\1•\\ t-:11~~!.1 1\d :-t~ le hotnc. J liL•(fs, :.! !rp\r:-, s 165,000 CONDOMINIUMS-ON THE WATER 1>11 lk1ll>o.1 l \·11i11">ul.1 :; bL·lb, ~ha. Bo~ll :--h p a' ,1 1 I. ~Hi ,:-,oo 011 th1· \J.1111 <"h.11111c•I TEHIUFW Fl!O~T HO\\" \"II.\\' I.I·. \SE 01'T or S.\l.E th1:; ~1111~h1 m· Y ELLOW ... parl-.kr Oul!i l.ind1n!.! :.! hl'rl .! h ;1 .'\· p.1rk ~nur :-.11 1 or po\\ 1·1 h11.1I 11111 ,1cf1• I Ill' door. l'rl\,J\\ 111 ,111 .1du ll :-c ·1111·11~ Jiwld111g ::;1:1:.!,!)011 SS' OH TH E WATER -LIDO f-.;p:tlh l\ 1· l h1•d .\d11ll 1·111Hlo \\ p 1111I ,\• llr>:il :-.l1p fol' ":111 ,\. )lO\\'\•r. ( )\\ 111·1 .111'\IOlh 11•.1\ 111 : t lt1 • .II\ .J ~ 1 ~~1. lll IO LEASE/OPTIO,... ~l"'=Ol1STHl C'Tl·:I> \'II·:\\" lll" HIXE l'.\l"IFll' \'\· (;01.1" C"Oli l<St·: -San l ·111tnl'll\11 1 nl1ll:ll' ,\ 1no' 1• 111 1.:ond . :.:' lwd l 'nndo I h\ 111 r 11'.l\'tl)" .11·1•:1 1\ \\Ill t'OJISlfh•I h·.1 -.1·f11pl lltll IOI ~ l(Jtl 11111 ,, ~'.!01111e1p111111 P' m l i"ttll 11111·1· '.'-.IX.i :ill Opt·n St111 1 • INVEST IN IRV l"4E I hH C.t.1ntl111 g 1 lu·d. tl111 J m ,\ l.1m. 1 m w "'I"'' 1.tl d1•1•11r.11nr ,.,,,as Stu1wn<lou:--l.aS.1111• modl"I 011 qlttl'l n1l-d1• '·"' \\';rll-. t11 pc111l , p;1rk ~kn m :-. 1·1 t ..... 01w1i :-..it, Sund;1v l :1 1'~1 . ~:l,!l.111 SUPER WATER REHT Al w /Boat Slip lk;n1l i111l ~ ~t11n l'11r11ln \\ ,l\'I ,•nt rv & :1 l>tf1 JI)<, f ,Ir 'lllh' W /"'JH'l'k ;.; hnn \Jr'\\ 111 \\,tli-1 ,\ 1111.il l'\I p.1111 1 \\ ~·r1•t•1w1 \ Yo11r ''" 11 h11 :1l sli p lor ;11,· 1111.11 1111·h11h'd 111 this ll'a'>t'. 0111 \. s1,1:1. 1110. lmm;w & ~harp ! 1 Jll 1 lollt.'11 ltl • •ll II 11 \I t!1 I Ill •If lhl" ~ 1lll"f • \JI'\\ , •I\\ ,1•1 ·1 l1t11 n1 \\ • Ii• 1\\ h , \ln,11o111d1 .Ir WATERFRONT HOM~S 111 I l \V t'11,1,rl I• ,1 u" '\,\\I" rt (~. II ,, !'i'l•l1fi HI HXI I I . I \. CB DAILY PJL.OT Saturday Feorua"t \4, is1. ~.~!!! !.~~ .~~~-....... 1 ~.~~!!! !.~~ .~~~ .... : . . . ~-~~!~! -~~ -~~~-.... ~ .. Gf'Mrol 1002GeMrol 1002 Gefterol IOOZ ····•···················•·······•············· ...................... . OPEN SAT /SUH 1-5 3120 McKINLEY WAY NEW.LISTING! Sweetheart Special! I • 1 lidrm& • 2 b:.ilhl>, on qwel tr1't' llnl'tl t•ul de :.a1• m t:o:.lJ ~lc~a. Spurkhni: d e an 1n:.1dt• & out l'nt·c1J at SS7 .900 I I ' EASTBLUFF THREE IEOROOM Nhv lt~tin g on un irnmat:ulalc 3 hedroom 111 Eas tbluff. B ig lol , uttractiVl' decor, ('UI <It· s<H' lot<.ilion nc:ar a park The best posi,ilJlc..• I 111anc 111g c·a11 be arrangc<f. I' resented h y :\l :in ly11 Hodges al SIH ,500 U ,.._ lf)U I: li()M~S REAL TORS Ci75 CiOOO 2443 [ Co.1~1 HuittwJy, CorunJ del M.ir 1/10 M1•11 V1•11/t', ~J(i ~'!!JO .mt/ 8.11/10..J /fl.mu 673 4J:!J GeMral 1002 ll73·Jti63 54t\·~73 ~VC~ associated 8ROKERS-RE ALl ORS 202~ W 8albQo 61 I IU I PRIVATE LAKE VILLA ········•·•········•···••••·•·•••••••·•······· lmporletl t ill• cnlry, m a s:. 1 ' e c a I h L' 11 r a I l>eamed ceil1ni.:l>, guurmcl d1n1ni:. Jltll111 krtcht•o. rumlly room. tro p1 cJI .1tnum 11r1 !>t'duded m a:.tt•r ::.111tc. (;o hoal1ni.: 111 ~our 11\\n 1·ommun1ty lakl• 0111) $.'>Ii • !I ti I) l' J I I 11 u w . l>IS-UJll:l INVESTMENT MINDED? S0.000 + SHARES OF WALKER & LEE REAL ESTATE STOCK FOR SALE. . .'h PRICE INCLUDES: Summit Escrow Corp. •Wolker & lee Morlqoqe Co. •Mew H~se Sales Division •Resole Offices• Morkttinq Div. ond many others For more information write: P.O . Box 1264 Tustin, Col. 92680 • • . A COt.DWfll Ullkl~ COMPAllY .. ~~~!~~! .......... ~?.~~1~~~~~~! .......... ~?.~~ OPEN SAT /SUH 1-5 S & S Bonus Rm. Model • 2~192 Whth'lrt'C, II II t.uvclv ·I Bil POOL home. ·bc1al l(JI<'. llui;c bonus rm. THIS IA YFRONT HAS EVERYTHING I•: x c t ll n I! a l'l 1 on "t l' '" or rn .1 in ch;.innl'I & O('l'.111, l"l'I' {'<.; .... 1ip, ha~s 1dt• tc rr•itt·. ad HH'l'llt s anely head1. lovely cn t los<"I <·ourt~·;1r<I patio. Ii brary. offitl' ~10.CK.IO OPEN 2-S. 20 IS IA YSIDE DR. STUHNING SANTIAGO HOME Soaring bc<.1 mcd tellings pr;ov1ck an elegant canoµy for this immacul:lte contcmporXry home. 5 lw drooms. family & g.mH• rooms. with one of B ayercst 's laq.:l•st lrt·l·sh:11INI y:.trds. St7!1,$()11 ft'l' OPEN 1-5. 1438 SANTIAGO BLUFFS H-PLAN Wh<lt <tn open ll'l'ling m !ht· t·harm of tJld Blul I\ Spaciou~ :! hl•droom. dmmJ.! room. 11nl'los<:d pa l10 ;i-; well .is lcrr:i<·{', View near pool. S75,000 OPEN 1-5. 1972 VISTA CAUDAL VIEW -POOl -VIEW Broadmoor Harbor View. ·l large bedrooms. fam. rm . 2 fireplaces. fe n ced w1mm1n ~ pool & a breathtaking \'ICW of Harbor. ocean & ~·;1s hion hlund Hl'alis lll'allv prtc:ed ,it $13!1/>0U 1221 SURFLIN.E WAY OPEN 1-5 * * *BY APPOINTMENT* * * PRIME IRVINE TERRACE VIEW E"<tra lar1.!<' c·u:-i torn 4 l>L·droom . ·JI :: hath. Ont· 111' our ftnt•s t h1m1cs. L :1r ge pool & t·xl ra lll'll\ 11~ room 1\dult oc.:r up1 ~·d •'« lnoh Ill'\\' ~:?!! .. iOO VIEW LOT Huilcl vour 11wn homC'. LC'vC'I lot w oc·t':lll \'t<•w 1;5·, 1:15• 1·ornt·r. dose l11 shopping a rl'a, good locat 111n , DJ\. 1\l'OI NT nnly $.11.i50 HANSEL & GRETEL BAYFRONT Quaint :1 lwrlrnom h111lh'. t·:o.qui">tlcl~' dt•1·11rall'd. on m.11n I 111 rnng h<t!i lll \\'h1l 1· "·'"'" fll'l\:1IP h ea<"h . h1-;1u1111111 n·1·s ,v.,.. I ind; 11'11 ate mak<' lh1 ... I h1• lu· ... t h11 \ 1111 11·1· land for S'.~:.!:l,I KIO BONAFIDE BARGAIN Sh;1rp & 1'11.,111 h1111:-i• onlv G l>ln<'ks to IH•:rd1 ,'<.· a It'\\' ">lt'I"" l o l,ido '>hnpp1111! '1'1·rr11'11· lrm 1·11..,l hnm<' \'Oil 1·.1n h1· p1•011d 1JI for only $5!1.111111 • BEST BUY -RUTGERS Twt1 .... 111rv :i lwdroom lo\.\ 11ho11:.1• 111 \'lll.u.:1· :I D111111g roo111 .'<: 1'.11nil\' ro11111 . W ;Ilk Io pools .~I l'llllJ'i, f"n·si1 p:11nt hut hr111 ).! your g.tnll•IT tooh. smU.HlO w11h land CUSTOM HOME -llG CANYON BPa11t 1f11ll~· "''"ll!ttl'd ,v.,.. 1·rni....1 nH·ll'd:; ht•drnorn d1•n, 1111 n1al <11111111.! nmm. l:imll,\ room honw \·11·\~ ol la"<' &- go 11 1·11111 "l' <;oocl :-lit' l11l w l' :-. 1· 1· II c• n I pr I\ ;1 (' .v I·:,.<' r ~· c·orw1•1' ;1 ble ;1 mn111,v from punclcfl <kn to sl t'P clown bar S:l:W,1100. IT'S SMART TO OWN ... lnrnmr propt•rl \' Tw111 Corona d c>I :\l:rr dupl1•\t•'\ olf<•r<'d tflgt'lher or s <'p:tr:1ll'ly. A \ <·r~ n(•;JI f'lil t·kage H1pe for .1 dl';tl Sl'!:l.000<·;1<·h. · CUSTOM BAYFRONT '1(l' of ft''' I :1 ncl wrth 011l:-ta11ding ho ml' SI' ;1 c· 1 o us 1 n d c• s 1 g n , bC'aut1fully "''<'or:1tr<I '~ l:111cisc·;1pcd with s1.•p :1 r:it~· i~ucst quarters. $27!1,500 A COU>Wl&.L IAHUR CO. 644-1766 • 765 1 Lch cq:h . W <' s l m 1 11 s I 1• r !:) h a r p 1 Hn . parqul'l· Cloor ,, p:inclcll l>onu:. rm REAL TV INC. 714/846-1371 ORIGINAL BLUFFS C:us1n m11cll V1t·w • E l'l.111, a BH & f"Mn 1t111 Open Sat Sun ~lr.n 11 ·S 306 A\'1•111rla Carlo:. I PLAZA "A .. PLAN ! :1 BH , ~ Ila, I 't111y ~ •. 10 1 Sho\\ 11 hy .111111 Elite Properties I 152.0341 C-1 ZONE 1h ACRE i\n11:.-; from loll n•nlC'l at ()(.; /\II I'll fl ') r ·'I (II' 1·11u111 ul J..l.111.111 ntr' 11t•r 1tJ) • Sl'lll·r h4u11l.1l1111.! a-.~1·i.... 11rll't' JU"l 11• dU<:~·d SJ/I Oltll''' 1,.u; 7711 q •. MESA VERDE 31: \'1'.1r 11Jtl 111\ 1•lv :I h<:droom, :! It.1th 1w;1w l'rl\ :.tl'.' )Jiu'' I.ow m.1111 l l.'nan <:1'. l'oul•I h.tVl' lr:.i1l1•r a1T1''"· \,c,um,1 , hit' I nan with m11t1 v .11l'n sellers Call :1 11,.,)~l> TRI LEVEL POOL HOME Th"" :.i 11111' 1•,am11l1• or "hat mnn1'}' ~1nll d1·1 or;.t UI):: l.1lt Ill l 'illl JI h1t•\ I' l'h l'> I IH·lll U<llll J II.1th . pool h11ml' \\ •lh lu1 m.ill d1111ni.: 1,, lul .•ll•tl rn 0111· 111 l°'"'·' \11·'·' s lm1•..,l 111·1r.:hhurh1111tl ., 'l'h1• 11\\lll'r 11111'1 "''" 'IUl\'l.I\ lo t.11-.1• .hi\ .111t.1i.:1· 111 .111 t!Uh\.111ol11t1! Jiiii 111 ft•r "'ull pnn· ,71; i1K1 (' \l.t roo :!•~"' c;:;. SEL ECT I PROPERTIES FREE RENTAL SERVICE :\o d1:1rr.:1· l11 l.11ull11rth nr lt•11.inh I lidrm l.1m 1111, 111 l'I )! ;1 I'd II t' I ~ 11111 .;Ito-I ;,l-1 or lll1X .JT. I SCARCE l• •• 1:-t:.1111· t ·n~t.1 ~lt-.... 1. I h l•1lrr111m" .ill hll ""· f1rt•pl.11 t'. \'ll'I' l.!JI 111101. h•L' nl lr l'"" O" r1t•r h.1, hnui:ht .11111th1•r hOml' l>111d. '""'''':-01110 (.'.ill ""~lime 5-111 11~ I ~HERITAGE REALTORS OH THE FAIRWAY Hulon llrnlc.!l•" c·u ... 111111 hulll 1'Xl.'1 11t1\'(' humt•, tna .. 1>l'-1' m ,1,ll•r '"'It' 11n•r1nok1nr.: tlw l'llfhnf,! i.:r1•t•ns anti f.11r\\';rys ol 111~ C.I0_\1)0 l':IC'~a11t hv mf,! ma Sl'l'llr<' .1r<·n Cnll ror ;ippolnlmt•nt loday S2t>S.000. ~~!!!.'":'.~~~ ........ [~~!~!!.~~-~ ........ ~~!!!.~~~-~~ ........ I~~!!!.~~~-~~ ........ ~~~~ .......... !~.~~!~~~~ .......... ~?~~ G..._rol I 002 GeMral I 001 G ol I OOiG~rol I 002 ............................................... . ·····································~· OUR 32nd YEAR WHEN BUYING A HOME IN THE HEW,ORT IEACH°COROMA DEL MAR AREA. YOU REALLY SHOULD IUY FROM US. WE KNOW THE TERRITORY! LATTICE The o;trnngt" soft light around the ent r y, the Us L· of lallil'l:. the gorgeous gankns with gr eenhouse, give an t.•lht•t't>;ll fL·l·ling lo th1!> ll<Jrbor View ll1lls home. ll 's a 211) ft . wide lot. has .J Bit, i Ha ., p wdr. rm .. ~ frples .. llbr:.iry & muth more. Now only ~ lli7 .·JOO WE ARE WILLING Abo. n·ally t'l'.HI V to ~t·ll or l'\ <:h•1ngl' th1:,, .ihsot'utd,v gorgeous ~ yr. new ~py glas:-. home . :l BH . :! ha . tam. rm .. Ice land. lo\'cly gardens & oh what a v1ew 1 Come sec tl. .. ~165.UUU Ot>E:"/ llO USF. Sl ·:--1 . 1-5 7 P ()l '.\:TSUH. Ctl~l COMPANY REALTORS 2865 E. Coo~t Hwy .. Corona del Mor "Sellinq Reat fatate in Newporl Harbor Since 1944" 673-4400 GeMrol 1002G~rof 1002 •..••.••...................................... WATERFRONT DUPLEXES WITH PIERS ANO DOCKS • lmosl <·omph'\t·d p1l'k yo11rt. own 1·11lor ..... pill'> on·an p<·t·k SIX1 ,111111 • Looks ;i I m <~~I Ill'\\ \\ 11 h loads of wood :.11<1 hrwk Slli!l,500 * Bolh 11n1ts totally n •modelcd. !las t•xlr~1 lar~l·dock $137,500 IT DOES IT ALL IH NEWPORT BEACH Sl•t·lud('(I patio ~ind pr1\;11t• l1ttk ht•at'h Al1s111l1tl'l~· pl'l'f1 ·1·\ r tll' l Ill' kids '(\\II pool-.. t'luhhou:--1· :111d 1<·nn1 s 1·1111rt 111 ... 1rhv ,\. D 11 111 .... 1 h.1pp1·n~ lo ha v1• ;1 1·ompll'll•ly 1 t·d<'<·<1r:1tt·<I two sll1r~· :l HH ho m \' \\ 1th h 11111 111 -. hr and 11 l' \\ 1·~1rpclln J.: and :di tlw In mm 1 n gs. $82.500 JACOBS REALTY 6 75-6670 2919 Mewp6rt Blvd. comer 30th I 002 Getterol 1002 .......•...................•.........•..•..•.• * Baftoa .!Jjfand * OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 1TO5 307 CORAL dt•li L'.ht I ul LllH' ('nd honw k:itunn~ :$ hdrlils . :! p:il111 .... ~ gUL'st mi ,\ IJ;llh. ('111.~ I hd1·111 . :tpl. 111 n·a1'. OllL•t'L•d ~•l ~1 :s:1.(100 111 CRYSTAL. Stun11111 g 3 bdrm. homl' 011 I .ill ll' 1~1.ind . \\1th gn.•.il \IC'W Varntlv r111 . front & s1d1· palms l\: 111'>11 · lidrm. \\ 1llt de<·k. plu .... :! hd1 Ill J pt .I ll"I "ll'l's Ill IH•ad1 ::>l.>i •• )1.10 212 AGATE II ,·nu :1rt· looktn!! lor .t l'L•al ,·,tlm.'. I h ,..., ,..., ll • lkautll ul I hdrm ho11w \\ 11h t.1m11\ rm oll ''' k1tdwn 111 for ;1 gourml.'l. Lo\l'I\' ll'cint p:1l111 . gn•;JI lol'ation ('lose to lw.id1 :! Bdrm .1p1 111 rt•.ir. J>n<'t'<I lo sell now .tl ;:.1:n.!1.;n WILLIAM WINTON REAL ESTATE 229 Marine, Balboa Island 675-3331 GeMrol 1002 General 1002 .•.•...•..••..•.••.•... ·•·······••••···•••••·· F.V. Patio Home BEACH EST AT£ 2 STORY $42,500 tJnlwht•\ ahh' .'I tut, ;: h.1 OCEAH BREEZES lh v :-hi. r1111f 111 lhi.-Fm m.11 \'nlrv In :.11nk1·n REALTORS 675-5511 OPEN HOUSES •llG CANYON: 47 Royal St. GHre)e: Rig & beautiful. gene rous u~l' of tn g la· a m s . woods. s l one ; l hr c e fircpl<il'CS. fam1ly·play room next lo pool ; on the.· golf <'ours<>. Five heclroom qualify twill with great 11l(liv1duality O l'EN !';un /:\Jon l to 5 •llG CANYON: 5 Royol St. Ge«qe: Bc<.1utiful. clist111dl\ t •. C'Us lom built ft\'t• bc<fruurn 011 th<.• 7th Tee. Gourml't k1lthcn. hu).!t• lcrmily room with WL'l bar. s tumt.•tl glass entry. OP£N Sal/Sun IM1Jn 1 toS. * V 1s 1ting a rrangcments made at private t.•11try. CAMEO HIGHLANDS: 70 I Rockford Rd.: Oecun and 1·anyo11 view : quiet. l'<IOI patio: four hc<frooms or three & cc n . 111 f1nl' t·on llition . attr;icti\ l'lv dt·<·oralt>cl : pool·sin'<I ~·ard . p rivate headw:-. OP l':N S.i t 1Su n I ~1 ()n I I () 5. IRVIHE TERRACE: I SO& Serenad~. Two bedroom and clcn or three hl'dl'oorn with pool in a t ropic·al !wtl111g . ·A "h \•s t bu.v" lmmcl.l1ah• ·move• in. OPEN Sal/Sun/Mon. 1 lo s. CORONA DEL MAR: 110 Jasmine: Walk lo lhe IH,.a<·h south of the hig hway. Smal l Hill' bedroom hideaway on ll·t! lot <>pen Sat/Sun l ti) 5. COSTA MESA: 1039 Concord: Made to ordC'r for <·omfortahlt.: family hvmg Four lwdroom. two.story; t•lo"e lo s('hool s . Bcaut irully ch:<·oratt•cl 0 PEN Sat Sun I lo 5. COSTA MESA : 15& Brookline: :\1c1nlttl'llo 1·on1h1 End unit with loft hl·1lroom ,\lnum palm. Pool. Orwn S.it1Sun /:\lon UNIVERSITY PARK -Deane Home Thn•c hC'd room. lam1ly room, upgrade d . a 11 1 mprovemcnt:; in .Just $77 ,500. JASMINE CREEK: Corono del Mat'. Two ;,ind d1·11 . h<·auttl'ully upgraclC!<I Pool. j:1rt11.11 , ll·nn1s. l'luhhou~c. pn\':t<'Y * •P S It ·..., i11'l';tl . l li\l• llwn· loo .1l·:111 Cult• COLt OF MEWPORT REALTORS 2 5 I 5 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mor 675-5511 G"'uol 1002 ·•·········••••••·····················•······· * * OPEN HOOSES * * 2005 E. OCEAN BLVD .. l'l·nll\'>lll.1 Pl ~p;1t1ou .... :t hd1 m & cl1·n or I hdrm . 1111 ran· 1:, It lot ;\wt· p:il10 & "P'H'l' f11r 1111;11<II'1r.11l1·r l'\1·1·d .... sorn<· 11:..- up, hut i.:11011 \.JI lit'. A~k lllJ.: S!J(i.5UO. Open ~un I ;, 4312 SPINDRIFT WAY. ~.n. 'l'll\\t1h1111sl', f11p 111 hill 11\.. !'ln!.l' lo IJt·adi Sp;H'IOll~ :~bdrm , d111111g rm . pt'I\ p:i1111 . 11111·ns 111 1>1>111 & gn •1·11 lll·ll B<-sl ';ilm· 111 :'lieM port Hl'<H'h . 1hk111g S IH,!l.>11 < H<'l\\1'('ll l'la1·cnt1a & Supl'r'1<1r . rtl•;11 ll <1;t1.! ). Upl.'n S:it . Sun I :; 24 BALBOA COVES. N n Wide wall'rl rn111; l hclrm'>. + :-.t·p. :\!other· 111-la\\ <1tlill'lt•r ..... d1wk lor l;.(l'. l10;1l. lkcl111·L•d lo. J:l!l.:iOll Op<.'11 S;t t. I :1 ••CALL FOR APPT. ** MONTICELLO CONDO. :1 lldrms .. ·> 1>.1 ..... 111<110 1 r1·1· ll111·d \\:di-.:-. r c.:c .• .i r,. ,1 ~ ::.:n . .)1111 PEEK-A-VIEW. Pl'tlin 4'11la Pt. homr on :;11 It lo!. 1w:..l door 111 o t('an 1 Bdrm .... + ..,t·p :-.u111m,•rlHn1sl1, lac.: 1111.? i.:a nlt•n ,\-.k in:.: s 1:j!J,:10tl WEST NEWPORT. 'l'l'L'4.' s ha<h-d . t·11~tom du pk'. llt';tl' wal!'r. Ow1wr h111lt . :J hdr111 + :! lidrm .. :~'{110 sq. ll .:!frplt:-. !-.lt:CiOll DAVIDSON BEALT! S801 W Coast Hwy .NB 645·7575 3116 N-pott Blvd . N B 673· 9060 lll.'.lll\11111 I \ r ''"' lmm1· 1 • • \'I II I! r 0 II m \\ 11 h r11mm111111' 111101 ~ 11·11n1... I' 1) w E H 1 ;-.; 1 i I 002 G~rol 41 111 1h·\\'l11p11w111 ;\1.11 (' \ ·1 II !-: U H \ I. G"'erol 1002 \ltl•· ~t l'.•rk. ,t·t1opf, & t"EILJN(;S Banr1ut•I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••,•••• ,hop11mi.:. r>1;; •l l!tl :o111·1l l•11 m:il dmml! room A-FRAME GLASS CHALET ARTIST RETREAT 1:. 1·11n\ 1•m1•nlly ~l·n 1•11 h~ h 11 .: l' .: .1 r 111• n ' I l' " k It t'ht'O 1\1.J J!OI fll'('Ol 1.1m1h 1•nt1•rlatnmt'nt ruom \qlh CIV\l'" l.IN(; flr1•11lan• anrl wall 111 )!l.1'" '11·w ol krra1·1· c II I'll I ·' I q a I r .... t " /11111.,1\\,1\ m,1 ... k r '"'k & d11l1lri·11~ 1111art1•rs Mu ... 1 .... 11·rtll1 ,. al only $(\Vll"I 1·./. l1·rm;. ll U HllY ' l'.111 !••:I 7>1111 FORMAL DIHING lkau1th1I l.11 l!l' 111101 I. f.1m1h r111lm • 1·11tr.t1 i\lr,;1 \ 1•rtll' 111•;1r 1·oun Irv 1'111 It ;'l !'\11.11· 11111' ht;Jro11n1.... :• lt.11 h .11111 l'Ompt.•11·1 \' .1p11ninh•d k11dw11 1 1111 ,1antl111 ~· floor plan llur 1°\1·!11'1''' ,11 Sil.51)() (',111 ; .. 111 I l.11 ~HERITAGE REALTORS BEACH HOME ONLY S71 .950 Thrs ht•.1ut1lul 2 story, 4 1111. 2 ha formal din rm hmn1· 1:. J musl for 111·,11•1> Im 1·rs lo :-1'1' 2 lrl! palm~ room f11r ho al nr tr ,llfl'r '\"" I \' I 1' l t' 11 • <· .1 11 .• 1:. !11!11 Pride of Ownft'ship Mul'h love has !(one intn 1h1 :\ home. Origi nal own1•r Mes a Ver d(' PnccsNler ~Sq fl .. 3 ht.'drm, 2 bath. r ustom 15~ IH add1t1on. (luahty hw It ~ 11 n ll1111w l'~lra' ~''"' ~1·1• to appn•1·i.111• 1\\ 1111pt onl} $1i~1.:)l.1u Ai.tl'nt. !i7tl-5268 macnab I lrvtrte realty FIHEI HOMES FROM S71,500 TO SIS0,000 OPEM SAT. & SUN. l ·S P.M. Beauti ful 4 b edroom Spy~lass Tradewlnds model w /glorious view of H arbo r & ni g ht li g h ts. Profl•ssionnl d l?cor &. la ndscapin~. Lovely cout·ty at·d entry w /f ounlain. :kar garage. $185,000. 21 TllUROH 8AY. (Vt!J) ''THE PENINSULA'' Come vis it th b f111 e quality 4 l>t'.'droom. •I hath home & nhscrvc the lntl\' fanlastit· way of ltfc 0 11 the Pc1)in:-.ula Slti~.500 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1.5 P.M. 2219 CHANNEL RD. ( \'2·1) "SECLUDED" \'cl convenient •I bedroom residence in a prime Newport Beach private community or only 17 separate homes. Pri \'<.tlt• pool & p ulling green. :)!.11.500. O,EH SAT. & SUH. 1-S P.M. 2309 PRIVATE RD. (V25) HARBOR VIEW GIVE-A-WAY! The lowest priecd 4 bedroo m Palermo model in H arbor Vie w H omes . You own the la nd! Expansive y<.1 r d . sun d eck. totally in viting interior design. C<.trl Butler 642·8235. C V 2ti) "llG CAMYON" O verlook111J.! Lh c 9th g r een & clubhou:-c o ne of the finest new bC'clroom homes in Newport Beach :.iwaits only the most d1scl'iminaling. Every con ven1c11ce inc luding 7 b;,i ths. fomily r oom & billiard room inrnrpor <itcd into this Country English m asterpiece. 5'150,000. Appl. only. Lynne: Hothcll 61M-G200. (V27) BEAU IDEAL! Serenil y. t•lcga net:> & artistry sur· round lhb pr(·::.t 1g tous home s ituated lugh 111 Big Canyon . l<~rom its cool garden entry. thru all its g raceful rooms. including J.!a m c/studio room, wine room , family room & spacious bedrooms, to its unique secluded pool & jacuzzi, to its breathtaking view of sea & s hips & sho re. $350.000. .John Macnab/J ack Cu:,ter 642·82:!5. (\'28l MAGNIFICENT Supl'rhly c..·onstrurtecl, cus t om 4 bedroo m Lido 1:-.l e home w /4 bedrooms, family r oom , formal din· mg room. billianl room, marme baths, fountain e nt ry & 2·story atrium. Over 5000 sq.ft. of elegance. S24!J.500. U a rbara Aune 642·8235. 1V29> "ELEGANT" 'Show & Sell ' an University Park.' Sharpl~· decorated 2 bedroom ex- etuti\·c home! ! SiS.000 incl. land. La~1.l0Sharkany752·1414. <VJO) IAYFRONT ESTATE f.xc lusive Dover Shor es. E legant 4 bedroom home ideal for entertain· rnt!. Scp a r •itc m aid's q u arters. formal dmmg room . den & sunken piano bar. Ucluxc health s p<l on ad · Joinin.[! lot rn duding har, cooking facilities. marbll' jat:uzzi, massagl! room. s<iuna -;:ill o.vcrlook1ng pool & watcrfnll. Pier & do{'k. Priced a t $.595,0<JO incl . land. /\my Gaston .l:.i2·8235. (V31) I IUY-LEASE OR LEASE/O,TIOM Owner mov1n~ -offere d below replacement cost. Qu;.ihty Newport 13e;:ich condC1 mmiurn w/3 bedroom s. dining room & dt'n. Upgrad ed carpl'tmg, drnpes & wall coverings. Pool -Tennis pnv. FLEXIULE f1nanc1ng. !:ii l ,500. L'1rry lJ yt•r ti-12·823.l. < V32) LOVELY TO LOOK AT! Ghmm<.'rtng li ghts & s tarry nights - all f r om clegt1 n t 11 bedr oom Versailles in Bt!! Canyon. $235,000. Tom Qurcn 644·6200. CV33l BEAUTIFUL VISTAS! <·.111 h<' s <'en ft'om this fohulou:-Jl a. t 1cnda 011 the· ~n·t·n . h h<'<lrnom. ~· s t or v w I \' l' I' :1 11 cl ~' o v c• r I cl o k 1 n g t•hartnmg <·011rly~1rd w,.1:1c uzz1. lm· portl'd tiles & I 1xtun·o; lhruout. ~28!1,SUO. l,y11111.1 Jtollu·ll ()ot<1 .fl20U. < \':J...I I SOUTHPORT MANSIOH OH SPYGLASS HILL Charming apt• 'od h om e w/6 IH•dr1)1)f11 '>. l g f am il y room \\ ltn•placc. spa c1ou~ livmj! room \\' m:rrhlc l lr'L'(Jlatl'. formal 'lining room. ca1111g :ir{'a in k1l<'hcn + I}!. bonus room. On huge corner lot w I ocran & li J?hl view! M arJC'>rtc Mahon 644-11200. ( v 35 > OME OF NEWPORT IEACH'S FINEST LOCATIONS Ov(•rlook1nJ.! lhl' aashmJ,! surf in Cot'ona dt·I Mar's Short.·rlt ff. /\truly m;1g11il'ic·t•11l view from the m ajor 11 vi11 J.! areas of this e luganl 4 hcdroom + m aid's room hom e. $195.000. Tom Queen 644 ·6200. (V36) NOW IN IRVINE at CA.MPUS VALLEY CENTER 752-1414 6414235 644-6200 tO I 00.•• 0•"• 160MK Aflhvt ( Sa1urda Ft!l>wll 14 19.,Ci DAil Y ~· ~ C'!"J ~~~!~!.':~~~~~ ........ ~-~!~!.~~-~~~ ........ 1~~~!~!.~~~ ...... . GeMrol I 002 Gefterol I 002 Get1er ol I DO? •••.............•.••.••.......••.............•........•...•.•.... , .. LIDO WATERFRONT SPEC TACULAR VIEWS of ~1·wpOl't ll.i ~ from t'\'l'rv "111dow <if th1 -; dl·1·or;i tor lk:-.1i.:r11:d ~ 11,·!1 111om <:o ndomin111m . /\ v a i I a b It· 1 111 11 w ti 1 a l 1 • "" Bo al :--Ii p ;1\a i l <1 1ll1• \•;l..111 14 ~1 :i:;,0110 F 11r mforrn.il11>11 1•;tll ti I:! :i:!l>O SUPER BLUFFS CONDO SPACIOUS 2 STORY "I" pion, ahsolutl'I~ 1rnmat'ul all' I ln•d rnom ..... fa m llv room ''1th Wl'l har l'oul ;.il1out <!OO It a~a y and play ~·u n i rw;1rll\ \...,l,rn~ :)!1.!,;1011. MESA WOODS CHARMER J-:u kr tlu ott:.!fl the wrought · iron g:1t1•:. 111lo t 111· c:cr :1m1c tile e ntry. Tht• <11·1·111· 1:-. 111 wa rm c:.ir th tones. \i<·w p:i ll\I , 111·w ('arpl'l:-., w~dlpa pc1· I H l'dn11111h. t•xtra la rge fa m il y mom . l.'i:\:!11 1·m 1•t't•d pul10 !-'nu t ! r l't'"' \hut Ill''' 11 It Im c Offt•t'l'CI al .1 lo\\ s1; l,~100 O PEH HOUSE SUNDAY 1-S 34 7 1 Santo Cloro, Costo Meso Call us to s1...•c oth<>r fi ne ho ml'S & <'Ondns in the Newport/Corona dcl Mur /\rca We ha\'c orwnings for :l ex per . real {':o-l :1te :-:alcspcoplC' C .F. COLESWORTHY 640.0020 EASTBLUFF CENTER . I fill ~%~~y CH 963-9771 2HOUSES EASTSIDE ....................................... •SEE THESE SAT /SUN. 1·5 * EXQUISITE BA YFROHT F<.ilJu lous s w1:,1...·t:-. I.\ ,1111 111~1111 1 hall· nl'I vww fmm lh i ~ 11>\ 1·h 1 l1d 1111 Olll' W 1 l h !'i I I l t 11 ~! I 111 . f :1111 ti~ I Ill m aid 's :-.utlt'. ~· · h.1 llts ·'" 1~·1· :-.hp lli. 3 boat:>. ::;:!HS ,000. 2K I .11111.1 hll· OCEAN VIEW & POOL l m m acul;.all' ·I lsd 1 111 1.11111 h 1 11 home \\ 1lh l11 vt•I \ p1111I I 1111111·d 111 lllj):t ll l ~ .t\.111 :O-'Jli,11111 1.111 454 Vista Romo Npt Sch Sot /Sun I ·S INCOME STARTER UNITS I ASSUME $32,500 !--:?K~. p"r mo l'l'l'I \\':tl l..tnJ.! dts la lll'l' 111 !'-111 l 'na-.l l'l.11<1 :~ Bl<. lam r m .:! 11.1 honH· I.gt: lol " rm lor poCJI + bn:tl -;tor~igt· Hoor11 lor \ l'~C'lahlt• · .1nh.>n . ll111\ :-:1 \;>ll do" n ' O r ;.i:-.::.t1 me I ' :11HI S:.!88.p1.·1· tllO. p.1 ~ llll'lll. General I 002 G enerol 1002 ....•...........•............................. COSTA MESA Sl4.450 EACH I Curll anti. t ';.i1m·o l I 1g li 1;11111 TWO HO MES, O HE LOT 2 SEPARATE H OUSES ON LO T \\ tlh !'-f><H'ICIUS y;1nl lur t·:wlr Bike chslann· lo I hr arh . H1>0m In liulltl 1ww unir 1m fron t lot. For 1nform:il1011 t·.1 1l Iii:! 5:!00 SEE THE PACIFIC FROM COST A MESA BLUFFS lll':il :! b ed room honw. l lltQl' fr111•t•d Y<1rd . C'Overed pulio. zont·tl H <! Si!i,500 Call for inform at11111 ' G~rol .•..•......•........... THR~E UNITS EASTSIDE COSTA MESA ll•1U'oc 11lu~ dupl• ' "11 Ii .' l11·1lr11urn , ·• f1,1fh' O\\fll I ' (jll.1111 I" \\Ill l''' h.111 1•• I I. 11 1 :11, St.ill \11111 Ill\ I l 11 • II 1uo,.:1.1tH lltt\\ UI 11\1.' th(·n· ·""' Id I h1 I. nL. h<'lf) 11:iy 1h1· 1111111 ~:.•1.1· I l~Quail ~ I liiiilPlace ~ · Praperties \ '- 1s1 -1920 ~ .... 140~0UA1l)l _NfW POIH ftl AC .. Luxury Duplex 1 Sp.11· 11111-. 1111111.11· 11I.111 • .111tl lrn :d "tl S1111 1b •ol l lilf!h W,I \' Ill 1'()1((1', \ lJl·:I. :\1,\1( .• I h,d1111•111I \\llh 1111111.il tl1111n;: 1111 I :.lair~ . .!. lkd111 .. 111 .11111 ,1 dt'n dt1\\ n:.1.111 ~ ll•1t h ha \'l ' I ir1•µl .1,•1· .11111 I pn\'illc µ.1110. I.ow m .1111 L lt'nanc1• y .ird . :-;l ... l<> .i fl µrt'n .111 640-6 16 1 TUC KED A W A Y \m .. 11,: all th" ,.,.,' 1 lhl:> \10\1·h 1 l11•df1uom :! halh I '••II•, 1• I' 11. h·11110 1·1',dllllll. 1.11 1.• • 1• ti,,, l.1m1h 1 P11111 11·oi11pt.•1" I \\ I I' 11 11 I I .t Ii I , · F111·1•l 11·1" 111·.1111 11111 1 ph ,\ ol111 . \11 1111 ,., tur .dh d1· .1 ~ n•·.t 11.11,,, .\nol 111111 h 111111 II Ill· 1 ,. 1 1 w 11 I I Ill Ii \ I II "' I .. ~.II I .till• lll•t .ond 11111'1 "'" I'"" I 1111 11 . I I I Eastside Income I . "''I' ti It ft• '", J1fl l...t t 1• 11 f .,,\ l,\01t I 1111 11 l 1• ,111 ------1 ~~ \c~~.~~,.~ ~er1e~~ l ho''' t ' I t, nod t / t 111 ti If •11111 • \\ 11 h ' '"' 1 It -,11 p dmlll ll\111 ;1oq111 \lllh I j'l 1 ,11 11 .. 1'1 II I' I )111111" I •hllll I • i•f 11 fi )II ·I 11 l'hl l"I' I h ,.1 Ill l 11111 ''" d111111 I \\II h ...... 11 I llt 111!. II\ • \\ ..... 1 ·'·" I 111111\ 1111 1 .. '"' 1 1. .... Ii id.\ 1111111'1) 111111 \ """ ~'" '1 .• n ~ow IS THE TIME r111 , .. 1, ,., ·1 ~, 1 1 1 111 , 1. 1111 11.111' , ..... , JI,'" \\ 11111 I •I 1 I• ii 1 II 11,, I I l 11 i\11 Ill \\ 1tf1 .1!1 I t I l \\ " I• ti I '" ... '1 ,, ,., HOUSES FOR SALE I BEDROOM :!111 .l .h!llllll' Coron.i dl·I ;\J;ir lfi,; .-1.11 1 Sal S11n I .ipfll 2 BEDROOM . ,J • ! \ldc·r l'nl\ l'l''-11 \ I'!-. Jn ;;;,:! 7:100 s.'"11 .,1111 S.it S1111 I " 2 BR & FAM RM or DEH 11i;x1 (;l'11 1...·\ a . I n 11w 5 HJ·l l :i l s:,0.1100 Su11d:1v I ,, GCl2 Dohrn C'r, ll1mlington B1•;ll'h !'iHl·:!:IOli :i,W,:1tl() Sal Sun I ;, ·IG!J .J u:-.mi1ll', l..1 ~1111.1 Bt .. 1l'11 l!l!l·l:-1;)1 SJJ '.! .. 111t1 St1n I I I l<J!J l>o!plti11 '1'1·1 r . :\ewp111 t 1 ~1'11 H:rJ :01:1 $1 l'I .i(lt> S;tl :-.1111 !ti I i87 :°'i> l':-0 Pl:.H'(', L i.tJ.!Ull;t Bt•,H'h (i 1·1-ti~()O S: 1 I 1 .1 700 \lar g uc n t<'. < lld1· Coro11 ;1 l'd \I 1;7;, 7'1:>.) :--i.i~ 111111 Sun 1 i fi."i!I Ht1bi.lrti.l, J.a ~u n~1 Be:.ic·h Ii 11 1;200 S..i l Sun I •• • 15tlfi S<>ran:.id l'. 11·\· Terr. Cd .\I 1;7:; ',·,i I S;cl S1111 :\I on I :) 111.111 I '11rwnrd . C11s t:.i :\k.._ .• 1,7; .-,:;1 1 S.sl Sun I" . 3 BEDROOM • • ·.r:! ::s1 h ..;, . :\<·" '"'11 H(•;11 1t 'l:U :II'.!.) 1.J I. ~11)0 s. it S1111 11 1'11 1 111 ·111 1. \1•\\ port IX.at It 1-1'11' ·1;::1; S1tt<.~l.'11l S11n I :1 I' t' 1 .\ 1.11 111t · r-. I) r 1 \\' <'s 1 c I 1 fl 1 :'\ H 1.J1 :1111 ~ ... '>.J..>uo !1.1t Sun I .i lll<i \'1 ... 11· S111•1 t c-< H.l t1f f:. l :\ H ·~111 1·1xX ~.-.:1.!illlJSal S1111 t,\J1H1 I:! I 11:1:: < 'or:d Dn \ <'. f,:ig11n ,1 H1•:1l'll I'll "Ifill ::\l.i:i.000 S:1I Sun l :; I 1.1 \\'1· .1 < '1•111 ,., •. ( 'o:-.tu :\k :-.:1 '1'1•r :; :1:i -..:; 1.:-100 S.d ,Su n lO .i I '.1 \\ 111 f '\I . I ,. I • ! . l .11 I I . 111 \. I 11 I. I I I'\' ;, ,'.! 7.1111 1 s:,:l !Hiil _Sun 1 !i 11111 c;h fl\\011111 <:n·t·11tn·1·l I r~ ~,;.:.i.1!i1111 s.'i1i :.i110 Sat Sui't'l .-, ••t.;1 11.11·borhl.1ndHd.:\B • 1; I (.li'1tlll ::;:!7!1 ,:illO ~.1t 1S1111 l ·,) I \\.J1111'woocl ll Ill\. P.1rk >In inc liT1 :woo S.-1'1.!11111 S.11 ,S11n I 1 •Ii:~'{'! Flint l>r. l lnl ·• B 1 h 11-;•1 w;:1:1 S.it Sun I -, •lili ln 111c•/\\(' ,:\\\pl Hd1 1, Iii 7171 <;;t oti.O(J(I S.11 Sun I·. •":111 l.:1 n-.1n~. ,\l r·"a '\111 lh. l '\I .. 1•1 ····~·· .... ;,:1 •11111 ~ .. t ,"\llll l ·I 1,.;1.:.::.....111.fal\\110<11 l l'I r:w••> I n ~. , .. 711110 s1; 1.»1u1 ~.1t <..;11 11 1.:; ~~~.:< l '11' ·~:11 I'. C'11s t.1 :\ll's.1 1.i 1 0:;11:~ s.1Ji.:;011 S;d 1S11n 1 .i 1'1 1 I »•11• \l1•\\ 1>111'1 lk:wh •• 1·1 OKI:' $1.'U lr111 St1n 1 1 J BR & FAM RM or OEN ·•110:, I·: 01·1•;111 l\I\ ll't·11111 P t ).:\'.H 1: 1: •. 1 .• 1·, ..;•11; 10!1 S11 11 1 ~ 11 1(111· l 'a1111('-.. ( B1i.: Ca11 yon > :'-: I\ 1.: I 11.:·•·1 S.11 S1111 I ') I ''Ill> F•.1 Pll<' l.n I H:iycn •st ) NII 1:11 11:·!" .... 1111.:.00 S.1t /S11n 1 ~. :.!1111 1.'11t1:-.t <l'ppl·r Hn~·>~ ll t. I'' x~·1:1 S.it St111 1 -. It.! I I{ 111 I \' 11 • \\ < '11 • Cd \ I 1, 11 tlliti '-1 ·n 01.10 S1111 I " • "" 1"1>!111111., 11\'I I. ( 'cl.\I h ;:1 "(",ill S J 17 ~1011 :....1111 1 ~1 ~·,,;:: F.mt 1t•ld B d l ':tm Sh rs C'tl \t 1.-;'.! 71110 hU o dOS.tl S11n :\Ion I~ ti X:l f(ll\ ;ti St <:1•111 1't•. 111 1! C'\ll ~B 1:111 lll'il S1!1.,ooo S.cl 1S11n I :, • • .) 11 :\XI ll SI "\ t'\\ port H1•.1t·h x:1.1 :11:•:1 ::;1x,· .11011 S.il ,Su11 11 1 .~11:'.'i S:111111a l'l < \lt•-.:1 \'l'I rl1'1 (' \I d'l 11'1'!'' ,_.,7 1!111 Sal S1111 I:! I :1:: 11;. •nd St. ;\ 1•\\ port lkad1 1.1~ •11;111 S:11 1S11n J ;, !ll.1 \'fr:-;J H.1v. ;'-;1•1qx11·1 H1•:11'11 '• 11; ·1 I 11 s:; 10,01)0 S;1t Sttn I ~I llilO 1'11,t 1n . N1•\\ po 11 l~'.11'11 Ii 1~1 i!li!I .;,;o.noo S:it 1s 11n In 1 'i I' rn n t S11 r I > r 1 Sp v J.! I ass ) Ctl.\ t 1;-;:1 "1011 Stli.1 000 Sun I .I ~l:l:.! Norin!!... S11n11r1t•rf1t•ld, JIB 1,lti i0ti~1 s;,1;,!1ill1 S;1l !-\11n l t 1 1'<71'1 f'.i-.1•n C'11rt1•1 (I' Hor·!..> 11 \ 1.1.! 7·1no ~' 1 ,1H1 s .11 S11n I .• • I ii,.. l.11rr.11111· I 1\1111• s .11 ..;un 1 , SPYGLASS Hill J>anornm1 t• View l rom Brand New 4BH Landscaped w /auto timt•c.l srrinklcr:-.. Sl79,5o0 fee . O P EN SAT. &SU N. 1·5 P .t\1 . fi7 MONTC:C lTO. S1m'l' thl·~··rl• on one lot., ,w 'vc i.:ut to :.cll IJoLh ;i:. 11 fJ.1ck.1~c. Henl out holh. 0 1 In" in 111w Jnd n:nl tlH otlwr l;l'l ;1 lncn<l aml I huy both. One 1s J :1 IH•d ruom·Ofi l' IS J ~ bt'Clroom SI\. ruunlhs old. \\ti h \.l11l l'llll ll Lh - t10n.:l Hdrms ~:!111 11111..., 1.11l1\\tll1 ~ buths. frph hit 111 l..11< lw11 . ,\ t:irpo rts . :-.x .. 0110 t!l:i.' 1'1•1111 111, l .~Quail l liiilPlac• Prap•rti•s~\' 7S'l•l9 l 0 ~~ 1400 OUAll ~I Nl WPOlll 81ACH DIRECTORY 5~00 It i V('I' i\ vt•. N l'Wport lka <:h Ii I 1 7:!11 ::;1;:1 .~l.)O S;1l/St1n 1 .. ; 1n:,7 Ht1u·ll1nl ('au yon Rd, La.i.: HC'h 1~11 ~111; · S;,it Sun 1:\.Jrin l '.!·i1 :i:!.i l'•1111t·o Shor ('s, C:im Sh rs Cd:\1 fi/.) .i?:!li Si.t!l,.')00 O Sat tSun I :, • 17117 l'orl Sll<'ffwld (l{Vll > :\'.B x:1J :.1:; 11 SI Oli.IJOO Su n 1-:> 112 17 l>nflwood <Shor c('ltffs) Cd:\1 ti7:>-!iltH sum.ooo Sun. I·!"> ••1!11 5 Bay:rnlc Or .. Cd:\J 1.:11 .1100 Sl05.000 Sat/Sun J.:; *I.i ii Broo kline, Co:-.ta :\Je..,a 1;7:; :;;; 11 Sat Sun /;\Ion l ·:J l~ili P.1noram,1 D r .. Laguna lkh :-\!'1tl.I HIO SaltSun 1 2-~1 !II I W ,tk<·ha m . S11 \oa:.l Shor£'-; .'j:;1; :!lilitl St;:1.:1110 Sun J .:; :17:.!:i St•:w l1 fl. S u I '11a st Shor es :1:>1i • :!<iGO SI i 1. !1011 S11 n l -5 I l:!fiGoldc nrocl (II V. llills) Cd;\1 x:l:l 8fi0<J ::;10:1,800 Sot/Sun l ·:J ~1 7 I l cliotrope, old Cd:\1, Cd .\I 117:1 fiOllll $H 7,l)OO Sat/Su n I ·~ IOOO Whill' St1il ~. llVl lJ lls, Ccl:\1 1;7;,.r,000 St 1;,.000 Sa l 1Sun 1.;; 4 BEDROOM .. 10:.n Dol ph ~n Tt•rrar t'. \d :\I 1; 11 7:!11 $1!1!1 . .JOOS:it Sun/:\fon l 5 :u:w t\l r l\m l1•v \\';1 y, Co:,la ,\les:i 1;1:1 :11a;:1 $.'i7 .HOO SJl Sun l ;; IO!H 'ollon, Nl'wpor1 Shor('s , N B 1;1:1.7r.01 SH:i.000 Sat/Sun l ·!'i ,, •:!I Balhoa ('II\"'· Bnl Con's :'\B Iii) 7.17.i !:ii:l'l.500 S:tl. i .:; f.i :\l ontN·1to 1S p,,·gla-;s !Jill) C1Dl 1.12 82:ti $17!1.500 Sat Sun 1.;, :11:-i<;oldt•nr1HI J\,·1·. ('cl \! li75 !I:~~ :::!JX.000 Sat/Sun 1-1 20!1 Pl':trl (Ba lhou lsland ) N..H. r;11 .1!110 c;;1:, 1,5110> Sat/Sun 1-5 :1021.J:t\'a, M esa Vc•rdc, C.M. 5,10-!l922 S12!1.5oo Sat 1·5 701 Hock ford , Camro lnnrls. C<l \I n7:i·!'i3 1 I Snt /Sun /~lon 1-5 4 BR & FAM RM or DEM •:.!i2 Bre ntwood. Eastsidc. C.'.\J. 1; Hi 7 1 H $."itl .!"100 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 :m~i HC'll wo11d . I rv111e 7!i2 1:w> ~70.750 Sat J .. -1 231!) IJ(';1tht'r J.n (Baek Bay) N B r~l4 ·4!l10 AA!l.500 Sat. 1 ·!) 201; Via Dijon I I .t<ln Is le) N. 13. fi ll-17fifi ~1 :,.1.500 S::i t. J.;} !}HI D:1hl1a ((;rl'l•nhrook) C.i\l. G71 7:mo Sli!l .:ioo Sun. I ·30.:-1 i:l.'l Hedl.rnr b INpl l ksi~ht-;J N B (;itli l 111 S!l 1.5011 Sat. 1 5 795 0 :1k St n •t•I. I .:tJ.!una Tkach ~1:1li li!l!i:! Sl rn ,;,no Sat /Sun l l ·5 •:11:1 Ir vine A v 1'. Np( Tights. N B !'1 IH .'i.i.ili $!)8,500 Sat/Sun I :30-2:30 •18.1:!1 Mandr11k c Way. Jrvine !i:>:! 7215 Sat /Sun /!\lon 12 5 1!110 ll1g hl:111 cl D r . (llhr lllncls ) N H f,,lfi.QI 00 $i!J.SOO S;it /Su11 /i\l o11 I :i I05:1 H;lll>na. Lag1111:t B<':tr h '1!17 171i l $78.!l.10 S:1l /Stm l !i 1801i Anlii,.:11;.i Cirt·IP. Npt Bc<.1C'h fi'14 ·17flli $17!1.!ilKI Sun. I ;, •2218 Windward l.n (Baycrcst> NH 7!i2· 1,11 \ $14!1,SOO Sat. l·:i •I HOti Pl Sttrlin ~. llVIIomes NB li-12 112:1.i Sat. 1 ;, c 'or . fil n d SI & La nr astt'r. N H. :1 IX 1'~!10 ~i!l .500 Sun. I ;, • 1~10 I 01 rt n gl on . < ':inwn Shr-. ('ti :'It 1'>11 f\:!OO Sll0,1){)() S:tt1Sun I ;1 :!:m:1 P r1 ' :ch· 1«1 . Nn f~I t li:WO .. !I I !iOO Sa l /Sun I ·5 l51fi K t•cl <JIV llills) Cd :\1 1;11 li:!IJO ~J :J!J,:,1111 Snl/Sun J.,=, ~:!l~I Channel ltd .. B.dlro:.i Pt•nin Ii i:! X:!:i:; $11;!1,:-,oo Sal/Sun 1.;> 21 T 1huro11 Ba y I Sp~ )!lass I Ccl:\1 li-1:! Hl:!:. S:1t/Sun 1 :'i 21·11.\Lmno (B:t\>'ihores) 'B !;12·82:is ~1 :!!1.'.·,uo S;sl/Sun 1.:; 20:3:1 Porl Prnvc11 ct• t JI Vllomcs l N 13 G<12-82:.15 Sat/Sun 12·~ •8 Cyp r c:-.s Point CBig Canyon ) i\: B lit2·8235 $'.?!J5 .000 Sat/Sun 1 .> Iii ,\Jnnf N'itn rSp ' gl<IMi) Crl.\I f>12 82:J;, $17~J .:i1Kl S.1t Sun l·S 11 ~7 C:ollh-nrud I I IVI 1111-. l < ·11 \l l~l :!·X2:\:; SI :l l.!.HHI S:it 1Sun l·:'i lfi(Jf; 1\nl1 L!tt:l \\':1 ~'. ;\'.ewporl lk h ti:JJ UX>t! $1.i.'i,500 S al /Sun 1·5 400 La J•: .... p('r.111/:s, S.m Cll·mcntc ·l!~:J 0:!08 .' 11 !I .11110 Sat 1 :!<i 1!110 Whitt it•r, Co...,ta :\le-;a 8 1:! 1118 Sun l·S • l:J l2 J)olphin 'T'r rr:wc, N.R. m :1-111x $1311,1100 Sat 1Sunl-5 18'.!l:'i /\rt' ht·~ Ct. 11unt in6'1.on Br h 7:12 1n11 S:-1 l.!J!iO S:ll 1·5 1:i·1 Vi:-.1 a Ho m :.i. l':aslhluff. NB li7S.l\lll;O S!l2.!il 11> Sat 1Sun 1·5 Hi:~:; Bl 11<'11ircl Canyon IM. La~ BC'h 1!J1 :!I Iii S;,il/!;un/:\1011 12-5 221!i2 Wr1<1cl Island. LaCursta. l lB '• !1f;8.11:1n ~8.ooo Sun 12·4 273 1 Pl'hble l>r. (I IV l ti lls ) Cdl\I fi73-t fOO $I 5!). 000 Sun. 1-5 rHl>l:i H;1y:-.1 d t• Dr . Newport Tklt 1;7;,.721;; s:.!8!'i.OOO Sal /Sun 1·5 3f,fifi Soul h Ma II . I n ·int• 7'.i:.! 7:11 :l :-.Iii .!11111 Sat /Sun 1-.) • ll:O~ c:.1Jax~· llr. llo\'e r Sh rs '.\:B ti l 1-l!llO <~l!IR.500) Sat ,Sun 1·5 1r 15117 Corl/:111t/ Wa mco 11 1<'1~) CcJ:\1 1;75.3000 S!W.500 S~l t/Sun J-;, ~~I P oripy , Corona d r l Ma r !'i:i2·701lll Slli7,!iOO S al/Sunl-5 •45111 Sand burg Way, Uni v P k . T'\R li:ll "1110 ~:!.!J!iO Sat /Sun 1·5 3<Mi:J l\fotlt•ir;.i . <.;o:-.l:J l\tcsa :;,10.11:.io Sat. &Sun. 204 2 Fla rn in!!o . Cnstu :\lc:-;a 54G-2:1n $77.!IOll Sunday 1·5 2807 Red Wing. Co.;ta i\frsa 511f).2:11 ;1 SI 12.000 Sund::i y 1-5 l 21Y.I S:snling o. Newport Brach 54(i -2313 $129.500 Sunday 1·5 tt ll Monterey Cir. Newport Bch ;,iir, 2:113 S l!J!l.000 Sunday 1-5 •4500 Orrrngton. Cameo Sh rs Cd.i\1 tii!l fl9fl0 S21f!l .!iOO Snt , S11n/i\'1on 1·'1: 30 l8iO!ISa n 1\11tonioSI . F'.V . !Hi8·5:JJ !l. G112·85R.1 ~J.!)1)0 Sun/i\Tnn • 11110 ;\ottmg ham . N C'\\JlOrt Beach fr1fi 7711 Sal1Sun 1·:> 4!15 Stu rl!con. Cost a ~lcsa 540 1720 Sat. & Sun 6:l MonteC'ilo (S pyJ?IOS~) Cd;\l 8:\:J.RfiOO srno.ooo Sun /l\Jon l·S •t!l27 Lcrw~1rd (Ravcr('Sl) N.B. 8:J:l·RGOO Sl:l1 .500Sal/~un /M on 1·5 1855 ISo:i Vista Cir. ~lcsa V . Ci\1 5.1r..S!l!lO SX7.:i00 Sal/Sun I·!''> HY.I Via Nicc, l.1110 lslr . NH 1;7:i.(iOOO ~1 :,:,.000 Sat /Sun 1.5 32fi E vening c ,1ny11n , Shor<'lfs Cdi\t ti75-fiOOO $1l !i,ooo S;.at /Sun 1.5 S BR & FAM RM or DEM 107R 1 t,a Batista. Fount Vnllrv !l62·1f"7 l $(i5.SOO Sat isun 1·5 :lOtf.2Stlvc·r Spur. :\tiss. lllsSJ C H75·fiOOll SI :17 ,500 S:il 1-5 1\.1 7 Hoyal SL. (;l'orJ!<'. Bii,! Cn NB q s .);s 11 Su n /Mon 1·5 :=;, tloy al St G cor~c. Bi g Cyn NB lii'!i·!i!i l 1 S:tl /Sun /M on 1·5 Co:-.la l\ks:c A REAL C HARMER In Ul\1\l'l'...,llY 1';11 i... • lo:--1· le, h"I' ping, pools 1'i. 1(·11111 :-. :1 l'.dr 11 1-. fJ1:1 v~1lt• pl;111t1•d p:1l 111. fo r llt:d d111111 nn .. dcl1 ghll11J :11r1111111'\·11·ll 1w• 111"11 f rpl1 l<t<;illv 111·.1111 11 111 1 s:1!J !HI" l11l'ludt·s la 11d ·I \\'lt 1tc•\\11c1d BAY & BEACH REAL TY OUR 27th YEAR 6 7 S-3000 • •Jli Linda hie D r. L md.1 h i \' H 64 4·4!Jl o cs:n;;,cM.10 . ~Jt ~;1111 i :1 • * •iG L inda hi· l>r. J.111d.11:-1 '\; B f~\4 -19111 :-.., II ~\111 l • 305 No St;1r . ,"\t•" p<Jrl Bt .. 11 It G42 !JfiO I '-.,II ~·llll l , •2521 ~ (;J'J:0,:0.(1111 l..J!,!1111.1 11111 ... :»>H-7151; s7'1 ~1110 :-...;11 S 1111 I ~;, 2Cherry l1 1lh Ur B11: I \II '\ H i 52-7315 :-..1l/Su11 i , • •73 Lind a fsll'. :\I~ 644·6200 $325.00(1 S.1! 1S11n l " *420 K in gs JM. Clift Jiu ' 1·n . N H 642·5200 Sl·l'i.500 Sal /S11r.l;; ••:lW V ia Lido So111I , Lido bl\ LI 614 · 17f;(i S:l!iO. 000 S1111 I :> ••2R Lind:1hl<'1 !.111d .1 ls li•1 :'\'H 67S·:moo S2~: •. ouo s:11 s1111 : .. 6 BR & FAM RM or DEM ~ll :\l ontce1l o (Sp~ glJ:-.:-.) l'd;\1 &M·<i200 :-...<Jt S1111 l " 7 BR & FAM RM or DEN tt3 1J :tmps hirc Ct. 01>vt•r Shm1· '\ 11 f,\ \-7270 Sund.1' I , CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM • l t~I Yorktown. \l o11t1n·ll11 c· \I fi·Hi·R8 1 I S:11;,1.·10 S;it ...,!Ill l ;, 2 BR & FAM RM or DEM 2691 CrC'!-il v ww, :\(•\\port H1·.11 Ii .5 Hi :!:lt:! ~1.:.!l!IJ ~.11 S1111) .• 320 Via Lido Nord. J.,1tfc) h i j\ H "75·7225 Sli!J,500 ~:11 Sun 1 , 3 BEDROOM 4312Spindri ll <P ark L1do 1 ~I' &-l5·7575 $.18,!l!">IJ S;it Sun! " •45:\ Vist a(; r;md1· BltJ! 1:-., !'\ H f,.\O.(;l fil !:-7!i.t11 10 S.1l ! ,, 30ti J\vC'nid;i Carin:-. :--.!. H. 752·0347 ~al /Sun '\!rm 11 " 3 BR & FAM RM or DEH 18190 Glacier Ct . 1"111 1111 \.ii !)fJ:l-20U!J ~l!J 1111) C...,,11 Sim J 11 ;. DUPLEXES FOR SALE I BEDROOM EACH ·1150r ehid . Co ron:a <It I \l.ir G75·Si21i $fi8,:illO S:il Sun Z BR & I BR **7210 \V. Ore~r11 f n1r1t. N.n. 675·456::! $11>5.ooo S:1t /Sun I· l :111 2 BEDROOMS EA :lOfi.:106' ~ Cor:d <ltd b l )~ n s;,i.7000 ::.1~:i.ooo :-i:11 ,s1111 t _, 70:i & 70.'i • :• /\1·u<·1;1. ('d \T li·16· 771 l S. ti ~1111 I ·, 130 \Gth St., N r wport lk:11 h ti75·72l;; $!).·,,ooo ~~1 t S un 1 ·, l BR & FAM & I BR '7701 /021.! Nc•pt11 n c•, l\'1•\\'P<H'l H1 h 642-22:37 /Ii I!; :117 1 :--.1f ~Ill 3 BR & 2 BR 121 lf5th St . N t·wpn1 t lk.11 It 1;7;;.70()0 ,''l(JX,l.IJ(I ~.1( ~1111 I I TRIPLEXES FOR SALE 2101 llunl rngt Oil SI • I IH s 3!1·G77:J S!l;,,ooo "i:1 t S1111 1 ~· HOME & INCOME l BR & 2 BR t!l:l:? Pnnwrw. Co•.1.1 :\lr·"a li7.'i<JOIJ() $/i.';,11011 :-0..11 ."illll I • J BEDROOMS EA 41 5 Poppy, C o11111 ;i dl'I :\t.11 fl73 2278 S:1lfSu11 I:.! :i INCOME PROPERTY 2 BR + I BR +-2 BACH 125 28th St . N<'wport B<'.11'11 &16-74 Ji1 SI IH,;,oo S.11 Sllll 1 * Pool Woter4ront Waterfront & Pool , \I ' . I I C I 0 Ol'lll Y PILO T Saturda'( ~ebruary 14 1976 l~~~!~!!.~~~~••••••••J ~.~!~!!.~~~~••••••• ~~!~!.~~~~•••••••• ~~!~!!.~~.~~•••••••• ~~!~!.~~~~••••••• ~~!~!!.~~~~•••••••• Housts For Sal~ HO\l\t\ For S aft Ho \1)0 For sat. osta Mesa I 024 Hw.tinqt0tt leach I 040 lniM I 044 LCICJU"O leach I 048 LoqYna Beach I 048 LCICJU"O leach I 048 .......................•...•.••.••.....••.•••••..••....•.........••...••••••••••••••••••.••. , ............................................................................................. ···············•·•····· G t n•rol I 002 Corona d tl Mar I 0221Ccnto Mt so I 024 i-··-------·1·--------.......•..............• OUTSTANDING l.tJ <.: ,\ I I() :0. h J µ µ) ... un~: IJn11h '' u11h,11111\ ,1l~•Ul l1•i1\llH' 1h" 11.11• •' '-lllr\ 11111111• '' puhlu I\ p.11111 tu.II '' h11ul 1 "11 • 1111 ;! 11 1! ,11u1111;.: 11111' II\\\' Ir\\ 11111\' 1 .1 I: I( " I ti. I ' JI.II'" 11 ... I• 11o111I \\'lltlt• "'"''I' lo.· "I' ,, I I ... ' I I \\\.,I· I I\ I 1111\ 'l r111 1:11rnl ,.....,:, ,( ~11 i 1IM ) 1.ollit• \ li1~1ll \ '11 I 'I. 1:1.l'lf..I '11.1:1 1 I SWISS CHALET ' \\ 11 ht111I I h1• ''""\ \'1111 ' .111 111.1 h.1· ti \ ,., \ t .... 1 I 1111\I)' fa 1 \.\ ll ta ,11 t I "".t 1l 1o '11111 ' Ill 1111 I• I\ I •I I litll lll 1 lo,1 111 11111 1111 '" It\ I flt .11 ,,I\ I~"' FOR THE KING ••••.•.•••.••.......... ···•····•····•·•······• It\ (I\\' I· I( 'l'J. IMMI I UPPER IACK IA y ~I»~'·''~ I 1,1d1•\\tmt.. ~;:'.:A~• l'oun1n '"'"" Jt llllt ' h.1 flt 1100! 111\ Jlltl'l'' Lm'.1tnl in J,11u111 l'Jn11r.1m11 \U Ill· .rr,11tt.-H,11·1. Uav r.111 1'~17 I .ti •'.I 0\\111•1 \ o•rv .oil\ "l l'l•Hll\ll·:w 1111i-:-..111 ~'1111tlm 1Ult 111 II\\ lll'I 1 hr ' ., t;.1 ""''l' "Iii ljr,111 J.1111 1111 .111 11 01111 .111 ~ ''' ·" 1•.1111 Ht 1t1\\ 1111-.1 Q,,, flttt'-ltc ~ua .11 ~1 •. i 1~rilt11 1 '1'J l11 ../1'£, ''l• Welton®.Company "''A i t o ns l ' \ ;\11-:0 SI I( >I< r'.S l'\l'I' I lllt, 1. 111\. pool. \II\\ 1111\ lfl'h ~'l!I ;1lHI I 1llO I )1I111 i.:l 1111 l'11n111.1 •It I \1.11 01a n S.11 :-ouu \11111 I I .111 -RCALTORS :'lln.,1 \ 1•r<l1• t:>m1111r~ C:lul> \ 111.h ;llll', .! • IJ:t 1·or11lo !)(it.:ioo lly o\\n1•r Cull \Ir La111lt •n:1 :1%11 HO DOWN PA YMEMT to Ve ts I 1Slln1'1 ' llll'e t.11'1'.I 1\ll HELP! *** (/ur..t 1·uJ 111• ~.,,. rl'trcJI 11 u I! I! 1· 11 1i I'" r k l'I t l c l.1t1·h .. n. 1.111111> ruum, hrwk I rn•plal't'. 1·11\ l'n:d p .1110 lmm 1l l'U lall' lhroui.:hout l'r11.:cd far h 1• I u w 1• o m 11 u r J b I c homl!~ 1n the nt'l'a. llur· l'Y lll'lm.: E;1:;l~t01! lul!a 11011 won 't la:.1 1:! <.:all 1;.1~, U:Jll:J • • . \I "I ~J!I .11111 \ .111 Ill'•·" I ... ''"· l 1 ..... 1111! I SUH R.E. 6 l 1-22 2 2 ACOtOWfH IA#WI co•m O PEN TODAY 12·6 Dano Point 1026 1 .1111<11:...1 .. 11 .. .1 11.irrn... BEAUTY •..........•••......•.. 2 Story $51,500 ALL TERMS Just lt~H.-d and pn1·ed ror I ;\l;\l l.!:OIATE :-.tll' lh~ lot "''th buJt or tru1ll'r .ll'l'l'i.:. µ11,,:.1h1l1lrc:. 20x:ro t':imrly room with mas:.l\'C cnll'rta rnnH·nt bar. A w1nmni-: 'alu1• at Jusl S-51.500. Call 962 777 1 RARE FIND ldcul homl' tor Jl"llH' n• llr~'tl or :.lartrr home for )'oung <·ouµl1• One ol Ir\ 111e ·~ (rnci.I <·om mun1l1ei-2 lkdrm & family room SS0.000 0 .... nl'r m11vtnl! Oul of :o.lJlc ~ho\\:. l1k1· :.1 modl'I horn(.' Wrth m;rny extra:.. Call !'>40 I IS l ~HERITAGE tlmJ!!JiljlJ ,....._. _______ _ ·• REALTORS Real Estate byMcl/AY MORESEHSE USSMOHEY DEAHEHOMES $86,500.FEE FOOTHILL VIEW! The cll'KJnt Ucanr Lingo real estate **OPEN HOUSES** Fo.-r Supet'bly Det.ign.d Homo AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY 1·4:30 PM -2437 MONACO DR. -Irvine Cove. 7·BH l•rcnc:h Country 838 EMERALD I.A Y -5UR En ~lis h Country 424 PANORAMA -2B H & den. a character horn(· . 469 JASMINE-Horth laquna -Tudo r charm Opcn beam ce1hn~s 494-8086 $435,000. ~65,000. $225.000. Sll2,500. 499-4551 I J 1 l/111•1 II 1111> \\ ''"" ,\ fl d Jl 1 I h ,1 \ t ht t I\ I I [1 fl/II\ ,qqdlt ,f f o I"" 11\1 t lh1 l11• I ti'-lfl 111.-. ",II 1111 .ll .. I ,, l11lr Ill .! Ii.1th (11\\ 111111111 1 n I 11 1 v I' ,, 1 i-I r ' 4 5 33 FAIRFIELD I MESA VERDE lutno,ol <1 111111 :...upt'tl• I fir ~p.111.lrni: l'l\'ilO. un·.111 \II'\\ 1'1·1 \ '""" h 1 ·1111• I 'It l'I'\ JUSI 1r,.,11'd l>ELICllTFULLV COZY .1 Br.:! U.1 . lu\ury l'U~tom hom1·, lilt'"' & rel ni.:. 111·Jr :Ol:irrna. nt•1•d (J:.t 'alt• JI '5'.l.~00, 9<J7 ll!J57 humt•:o. IJrJ.!t• . .,1 mndd .oWJl l ' )011 1 I ;\\ ~I fo:IJIJ\'l'E l)t:l'l.'1'1\N t:Y' llc;iut1lul ttll•d en Lry, 2 :.lone' hrl-(h Spal·1uu:.ly clcg.rnl h\'llll: ronm ho:.h J l ·:.tur> IJrrl!k (1rc11l;H'•' "''th 1\11 unU..•at:>IJlc \Uhll' ror ;it rrurn a~tdl' Form.ii --------------------------------- a rhecrful 3 IJdrm home d r n 1111: r 11t1111 \' 1 e w lr•ine I 044 Loquna Be ac h I 048 1 LOCJYl'a leach I 048 VIEW THE OCEAN 1'11 <'II lo" 11' \l\\ol\'I nltht :.I'll 1111 RICH REALTY "'t.'~'·~h h ., ,, Wl' I .tll I. II• .t .t In fnc.·ndly "'c.•Jl c'-art!d for kitchen & do•\ "l mi)~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• nctl!hborhood :.ta ny ,., I th1:> all ~k\ll'an Ille lr.1~. Ii.: lot. 1•11\ <'rt•J floor & l'ountl•r tuµ:.' pat!O,l!~IJM'l"'.on:Jn C.dl l lll'il'Y hraml•d 1•c1ltngl ''"'"tit• Ill [I u ...... 1h ',, 'HI•\ ',u "1t 111·1 r1• ,\ t \tt ti 1• tb ' "' 11 "I 111 1111 I. t • I II, I I " I f ,lltft f\ li11ttl\' Ill 11ftf 673-70 40 · ·M'acnab-lrvina I ti \I ;. 11,. vi If I J \ I I\ I II \I I ' \ \ \ BALBOA ISLAND I SPAHISH VILLA I COMPARE & SEE \rlt,r' h111111• \\Ith .1 :-.11 11.1tid 1111 t ,,.,,, 111 Sup,•r ;.harp :J Bit.:.! ll.1 I 1••111h 11.111 ..! 1i.1111111-o 1111111t• rn1.111lr1111t' :-0111" I hunw\\ j.!•lrl:l'Ou;.y;rrd& li.l1 11h 11111• 111• 111'111;.:h 1.11111.11 Ill'\\' l'rl\,1!1•1•11 t't>ll\'<'1111'111 lnc,ol11111 ,,, 111.lhl' .I :11.t 11111111 ,,1 ti'\ 110111 ,\ J .lt'll//I \l11ll\.1l1·tl '''"l'I' \\rll 1•\11',o 1111"11111•' lf'tllll ti.· 1111,1 '"' 11 \ 11' 11 ;. ;1 1 ltMl'll <11'1<.:'\' Sl 'tJ I ,1 lo hll11 I ., l11ll t11 ,qi! I "'•II" ·.11110 , l.111111' ~'~ll~MI • ~1 1~~1 I 111<i111 d111111r 1·11111111,111~· :..<H "f'llt'(J.\SI \ ,. 11 '' 1"' "II I'" 1• l1 1:00.\ l-'.ST\11~'\ I' 552·7000 kr • h .. 11 .lll\ Ill 11\ 1111! ·.t!I ll>il.' , 10 .. fl\ 1 \;~1 1111 . (.111d11:11111\1,1:~H~1:1 \fl'.:-.\\ lo.l(J>I.,, lli~.U l't•\ ,; J" l>t , dt t ',. Ii\ .11HI "-\'Ii i . \Cl. . · t h1·1·h. 11ul ll11' :1 11,·1irno111 , )0 .\l lUB" OUTSTANDING I .!h.1. '"'""' ::...i i.10 11 ESTATE SALE I tirr I 111lph111 ·1, 1 1 "' ...... , tf~f t11,. 11-..,t -.1111 Jn I VIEW DUPLEX 111t1·11·,t~·1l '"~I~ ~~IH 771 t , • IJ.-11 , l1 11nt t ,IJ lf.tlo,.11 .1lh't l1 1,111Ml1~ 11· ••• 1-.1 •. 11.111\ '"""l ... h [@-M~ ~ J Hl >ll\l : 1: \ 11\\m•r ~- 1111111 " 111111 I'• 1111.111\'lll : =~ ,,,,,1.1,.\0t'I'\'\. ---· - SHARP OCEAM 'JU :J 111 ctn tfU ld Cul «f. ,.;11• I .. t111b1·,qll'd p.tl 10 Wo11 't l."t .1t :-:1•1,:1:111 l'utnl 11 t'.tl I } I !) Ii ~1 li II II & loday9ti8·445i1 O\t•r cxtrJ l;irge fomrl> WALK RIGHT IN pa1 111 rovm 1 EX'I II,\ l~l:l ll:WH Set rri.:ht <lU\\ll 111 tlm LAIW I·: BEDllOU;\\S' adoralJll' La Cul':. la home , 1-;;1.,'l'UI" 1· m.1:.lt•r :.Wll' -with famtly rm. 2 l!.•r 1 \\llh Homan '>lVll' tub & SJJlTtad1lar 111·1•,tn \'11•w 1.i:ar, 4 l>drm. 2 IJath~. n·rl walk 111 1·111.-t·I~· Then· r:. Sau11•1.1111<1I, :! htl, C11111lu. hr rr k p atio, IH1i1l & nwrc '1!11 rh·a111nl! Frµl1'. :! :-.un ch •l'ks.1·tratlcr <ll'l'CS-'. l'lumb· 0\1!11, p rtllll' c•ul 1k-1'~1l' ~ \\ ,. \' 111 n i.: \ I l' w 0 , mg. lwa1111i.: & l°ll'l'll'l('al I n I' al r •) ll ' ,, I(' \Y ll r ( 01)a .. tl1n1• S~17 ,00U.I l>}'Sll'ITl~ l'O\'t'rl'(I hy I rr foothrll'~. \'LI!. <.:itll now O\\lll'l l!l:l 3X·l!'1 \\:u-ranly. %11··11!1ti 7!'1:! 171111 V<1cant ,l\t I -\\a1ltn1!' Fountain Valley I 034 "START ••••••••••••••••••••••• IN SQUEAKY CLEAN STYLE" l.uxu1111u;. :! "I} hornt'. II! l.1kc new :1 1111. mo1Jtol lot, w h1·aut1lul l'll\'1'rl'u hom e cund. upl!ra<l<'ll 11.ilon & v•I I ltr, 2° ~ Ba, thruout, wallpapcr v.uotl lg "'' rm " fqill" fn·:-h pandhni:. ~huller~. hnck 11.11111 ~ pal)l•r thruoul. .\ patio, EZ l'<lrC IJnd:-l!aP· THE RANCH l!rt•at l1uy Jl ~:i7,501J. 1nJ! Comm. pool, dub 12 :-.turv CaM'.tlle Mod1·I hou,,1· Xlnt l1Jt'Jliun. On L'pi.:r:i.dt•1I t:M•1· honw I> ~.!'>00 5-16 t7!H lhr, :!1: h,t, l.1m rm, I frpk, "l'l h.11 , :11·Jr g ,or, 11•ntral :11r. 1·11,l llr.1111·' THE PROPERTY MART \ 11 \\ I I I I It It It\\ ' II\ 1•11111.f 11 ... l•11t.1I '' I•~ f fll .1 I •I 1111 fl • ,\ '• '1• -Jn.: I ' I " 11\ II \'ll I"'"' \\ ,.,,,,t College Park EMERY REALTY 1 J.!·•~ 111H, 1'111·, .. 1 111'1 ...... m.1rl.1•l .11 :>li!l.~iStl. IH .... 1:1' •11.1 Ill .I , f, I -Ill ( ,. l It ,ol I '\ I· \ I· It \ .• l ·' II I •l..'1 11Mt l .1111>1 1 :::11 Cream Puff I 840 -JJ01 ""' "''' :.: .. =·~, .. :i ''"" \11 I !1·.111 I I\ 1 , ir1·1 •" • .1h1 . :! ':11.1, 111 ll'\t'I :! ~"I FABULOUS '11"'" "11'·' t 11hl'l1,, 1 hi\ 111••:1.1111·.t "I It < ;n·enhrttok Ti .11•t "GULLS WAY" aotboa Island I 006 ~ llltld\'I lt'.1l11r .. , Ill'\\ I w l'lhh·w to.. pool Nr Han • on the m arkl'l & a $68,990-IRVINE •••• •••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • I '.11 '" 1,, ltr tl'k I irl'Jtl.u••·, ..,, hb ~711,!Jllll By own..r new listrni: of t:<1lhy Stan PATIO HOME 1\\ '\ t·:H .,,., 11011 .1111 i..1 I ..!...:.__:___ l 11< '"'''" p.ol111 ;11ltl1t11111 I ,\111111mly !Hi:I 11111 t'vcs rn presltj:!tou:-. "l'::trk DEH +BAR! tlo'l'' I'·""' '1111111 dtr I ' ' ' l'l1t'1'd 1111 ·' 'lllft h. ,..,r1, .. 11 -Huntu~Hon " Sl•par:itc Ont• or lr\'lnl'' ftnC'~l 1111\lllt.1111 111,,•11,1, ·-..1x·,1111 \\1·11\ lt'111 " OPEN HOUSE lam1l}·rm,wwuodbur11 p.otro hlln\l•:-11::-;i-:1 Co) ta Me so I 024 t,.,.' 1.i:, tt,Jtl'I Price Re d"4:fion 111i:: fp<'. s " l'c'(lllll! ma.,ler \'1·:1\H .\/ 1-:w · \h,ol11ll'I~ , WALNUT SQUARE CONDO 2 llH , :!-ba end unit. hll!hly upi.:r:1d1•ol N1•ar p:Jrk & J>IJlll s:i.t,!M)ll It•(> 1w1-:N su::-; 1.5 11:>.'17 )\,J/Jll 673-760 I anytime SWEETHEARTS FOREVER ... th:il·, \\hJ t you'll h1· \\ IWll \'OU I l\'t• HI I h1~ bl' JUI ;ful h111111• \\II h 1·1·r,.n111· I olo 1·11tr\. '11.ll llllh 1.111111} l•ltllll. I 11<11111 ' .!. II .1 I lh. h.ttl h<'ll ll•••h., tori11.tl d111 111g ru"m "'"I ·' :1 1.11 c.1r,1i.:•· It"·" 111· .. ll p.11111 lfl'"''' Jllrl •1111 ,pnnklt·r, ,onll p.11111 , ·~1.:i<HI 552-7500 red hill ro.ilt.y :11 ld •11\.1l11 111111,,••••••••••••••••••••••• • 'u rt " w m1 r r l1r1•d ()l'TS 'l'.\:0-:IJl:O..til.\' '' l'I• I 111" J "·" :, ~"11 M D I •• • .•. $64,000 \1,1rdruh(', 1.1111\t•tl c'c•tl IH:('tll<1\T~:ll' \ •·r•t ~ I I \1 ,.,. .... ,. "I" esa e Mar 18548 Limt Circlt 1ni::· .. j.:lllll'111\'l p.11111 '''lllld1'll11.1lh\\a\ 1•1tll\ ~ lf1l 1•'>ll•\ ~I 11111" I 1lllu\ • l l.1u l11•d111,.111 """ p11•1f lot1h1•n, l11r111al d1111• (',olho•olt ,d l'•·litll~'.' ----------- 1 '•1';\:0.lf $49,noo th'\\ "lh.11: 1',1fjll'h, ll••W ll11~hq11,tltl~ Upgr.111!11~: \l.11t111111th ll\111~: 11111111 aolboo Penin~ulo I 00 7 ., 1111 \\ ·" I th• ••lfl ry 1•111 !It• .\dull IWl 'lll'll'tl l.Hik'o h11, t ' I .• ",,ti I' ,I I I h 1111 ""' \ \ l•1 111 ACOlOWllt l UK!HOMPU T .11· .1 11 ... , hra11d 11<·\\' 01<~:.".~·••JJct l 'lurnp,11111,. 1111·i1l.11 ,. ,........................ t\ td ,,,,, I ' •It. f "' tlf :i.1 t .. \IJO\\' ll0~1 t·: on llam11lPfl, "'-.t.>11 K 11..1uty J.!11urr1tt•t 't \It POOL DRAMATIC CHATEAU Sweepmg-ol'can VIEWS ! ·I BIG bdrms .. fam . rm . frp k . 2·s tory. wood & s hingle:-.. un1qul·ly hriclgcd <.Jcr oss a tho1cc con u.:r . nt•wf'r. lrrcpl:.ic:cuble <.1t this LOW PRICK E xcc:utivc urea. Vatant. $92500 SEE IT SUNDAY I TO 4 2888 BERNARD COURT COMMERCIAL IUILDERS ... ATIEHTIOM! 111;> Ft l1 1gh,,a~· lronl<1ge rnncd C·l. :\" ort II <•11d of I. a ).!1111.1 Ht•:td1 al C n _-sce nt Ba\ Dr . on·<trl -.11 ll' 111 lht• II\\ v. with cwt:<lll \1<•\1 . 1:-. "IU PI·:" for a ·luxurv hotel. I'l'St;.wr:mt. l'lc. Ftrs l ti me offered. BUILD S.AHDCASTlES OM THE BUCH The pcrfcc:l family home in North L<.1guna: :J huge lxlrms. (can be 4 ! ) , 3 la vish haths. family rm .. bric k frplc .. formal din in g (or den ): Jue. fenced lot : :!·Slor~', with "pt•ek" 11f o<·l.•an 1 '.! Blk. to beach : 1H'w(•r . S ll'.J,.IUO Suhmitoffer s: ... 494-7551 ... I 000 No. Coast Hwy. Loqwta Beach I Door To Ocean ''11 ·' 111• i:•l·11 1•11111 11t HEW LISTING 11:1!1 11111 -l.111 h1·11 ~ .drnl11u, ol1·11 I I'll 11,,111,. ,, 111,1 ·'' 'r• • 11111 ' '"'" , .11111 r By Ownt·r ..... ,.11m1· \" \ .. 111 \\ 1, 1, r' S42 500 r: I I BH I .I "1 I'll/\' ;i " Ill "1 Within Steps l't\ll":...ll>E llE.\1--i·y :1 loq\lna Beach I 0 48 Laqyna ~ach I 048 Ut-t1n"•nl .... th·n F.an1ah I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ) I .l ... II.I lr1 1111 l fll( tlftl ill >II\' ~.Ill I\ lo.ill IMIHI 1 ~1 L' ,',J:lll, ' II\ .... ~ ul'l' ~IJ ll'llJll h • l'iloj.!'1111 ''"'' t.il•I• "''" l.11111l·. ""'"' I. II ' .I 1 .... 11 .... 111 ''"" .! l .. trnl'r lot. $.t!I IHlll ""''" • . ,. . • •II• di 11 ''I 1•d "' • .111 · !'.' , d11v.n rna.,ter .,urlt· :'11.r \t• ,, 1• •l , ,111 1 ,1 l11•11l.1" 1:11111,111 d111 i..,1hh111111·111111111i.·l1u.t GARDEHDELIGHT lloUM' \\l'Ckl·ntb _lli.!~2 rorcd w.irilruli"' l l • f I ! . I I 1 ','~ ".'! '' 1 " "" ' ·I•" :'.'., : 11~·:'.1.., 11~ 'i-.'.:'' '.''·,·: 1 : ';,~:1, ': •::;,,.'1 1 11 ;I'~;·;,',;';,•·, I Lus h J.1,~~,R~a~d{' 11 & ~;;~il;:.~~Vk~)~ S-h• :,IJ:>ti I :~ ~1;:;.: "l1::.11~ 1;~.~l<l 1 :.~ I "-II 1111·1 1 \'I •I•' l7.:ll l'k "' oll JNl11J,11ll' lo1·Jt1on tn\llc CLUSETOCOLLE<;E l'rl'U Jl,tlm .. 1umt"l11111· h.ttc lwn I· .. ,.,, «;on• 'anl \\tlh l<1h 111 up~ratl1n~ l°:'•l\',.:HSIT\' l'.\HI\. LE RAISOR REALTY VALENTINE'S DAY ..., Do yr1u lic•l1C'vC' u home is the best p<1ss1hh· g1ll '1 If 'iO. come hy for Open I'\\ r .., I ~11 '\I '"" rrtlo lht., lm·ply :lhr.1 1..•)H•ly l mm,11'. 3 Br. I , fin· p1l lY. m.111•h1111: pl.111 ' '.' . ,, "·' ;\lnntl•n•\ rncKll'I B.i humc ...... urn rm. U'l''1 ll'I'. l.!ol' llllll ,111 'llf I lousl' lo -.c • "nod & i;:lass. spacious room-, & a ht'<llll 1ful \ 1cw. Ori ve )),• <'rl'Ss h~ the l 'ott1·r~ Shack & follow th(• Corona d eli.ta r 1022 ••..•..•...•..•••••..•. DUPLE~ $6a,soo • 11 lo I 11·r '\,I' "l•in I Ltll Ill I ' ,I ,, 11• d,lh I 11 l1t I h•ti Ill 1 I 1, • I ' , , 'I II• J"' ,,,,, I• • li11 CAMEO SHORES VU Open Sat/Sun I -S 325 Cameo Shore\ Rd. t 111• I '' j11•1 fl 1 lo.1tl. 111 I , :: •• ,1 u1 'I' l1t•tl I , ,,, 1111 II 11 lH,111 t i .11 \ II ti Scenic Properlic\ • • I I q I • • RARE 4 BR PlJPLEX SO. OF BAYSIDE t I t f t I I 1 " 11 I' I I 11 I ti I ' I 111 I li1 "" ' l tl1t I I •ti ti \\11;1 I lhl 1111 I I , ,,. ' t II J , .. ' f Ill 1(111, 1 I 1 II ~I I °"'I I 11'1.I I 't It ' "' \II .. -. \ \ I I< I> I I I \I I<' 111 I •ll· .I htll I)\ 111·1 .1 '\ldll , p ill ft.. 11:. 1111, I t hi I ,I Pllt l" lll I \'. 1111• \l1" t \'Id• I• ,ti' \ I 1111\\' !',di 1 1 111111 \ I l 111h.111 I It•' It• I 11\ • .1 I • n' ( Ct t I 11 I • I ~ t 11 • 1 did 11 l'I t 111• '1 I "'"' I 1dh I 11111 ••I" ii I 'I'"" II 11 " I 111 I .\11\H 1 , 111 II 11,, I :.is l Ir ii COLLEGE PARK REDUCED!! '\ 11 • '. t 1tl r nl • h 1 I h I"" I. h•tll I t ,, ft• f I l J d1~1 I ,11 833·2906 f CCMBI~ ASSOCIATES I JJ\t 10 f.•, ll1t>\\11•r'.t• 1\11d••J I 1 • lo, I""" l I• !fd11~ ttpt .... dtp \'\ r 141 I' I I II I fl flt\ ,1 •I"'''• I 'l:l\11 \\I "-I 'I 11 11 I f I \ '\ 1111:111 I ·11111 I Ii I t ' ... 1 \ \l I • \ I!\ " \ . Jt I ' I t• I dttt "I 11 •I I •1111•1 I 111 ,, 11 " 1., 1 t '" '' II I .It I . I "I I 1 1,.f ·I I 1 II ,jl,j 11 -~.'""I'" 1111 '"~· '" <--"'• • h1h lu1"11d p11· ,, 111h t ll h117 llollll \l•ftl o\Ptlf t1pd 1°111\ "Ill\' \ ••lu11,1 ill I \.t., h1111 p!1 l't1t1 \t11 1111 I 111 t t I• I I\\ '" ' I ' • I 1 "t 111 I -...,. ,,, t I n I I 1 Ii i'I'"' I I I I I\\ '1 t I I \ If 111 I t \lll I \ I 1tltf l '' • ~ I I , 1 .t\I •ti I ••Ii t •I I l \1 ', \ 1• ' I' l !l • llt II\\ I "I ,, I I. I' I It I ' \ " '\ fi\11 ltl.\ I 1 I I ii \I I IJ It I,.. GIANT Doll Houie '" II \ ' I ' 't, 1J f ... tl ! I I II '' .. VIEW 1 MUST ~ELL ( ' .. I• t tft I r1111r ,. h o I." • a ,,1 ; HJ. h1l1•11p """ trtf 'I 'tlt11l1 ·I • ti ,, It \I ,\ htt 11 \ 1.. Ill ,, ..... I \I 11 \\ \I t.. I I' 111 \I I \ ., : ' 111 ~ \ I I I t:',f-. 11:111\11 I \],I \h ltd 1111 .1 l \\1 11\\' I \111 I,,, I l ' l ti I 11 I \ •.r \ ' 111 I """' I' I ' '·II;-. 111\'-I 1'1.\/\ t 1 1 lfl l 1( 11 1 I lttl I d• • ! , 11 I I· ~'I ' II J;1 ii I I If 'llo,l '"11 C.M. DUPLEX $47 ,500 , I~""'"'" l11t1h•' pfii- h1 di •Hlf1' q1,11'111•'1\I "''"'" 111·111l.d1l1· '"" \1 I in Pl I• 1• 1t \\ 1111 I l.1-.1 11111 ll\ .qq111111t 1111·111 Piii \ llu~·" m,lr .. llltl' w m1r l>nl·k lrplc. rn,111\ ll.lra, ruumh'd 111 ~1t1mp,t11n1• 1on•1I \,11111_, ,(. mrrrorcrl ind JX>1Jl &. J.11•11111, ,.,,, \\,111' for p111,10' ('\I.I. hc·Jdlw1,1nl m 1·rl..,1k pool l'rt•d patio. lount.1111 & 'I ( >U.\ \' i:.;: li lHI \ uu 1.1\111/.: ,\ tl1111ni.: :tfl'J :-IJlull'. "r11ui.:ht 1run j \\lln'thc.,orn·' 11nn11i.-1 .. '' \\ 1•1 liar I frn<'l'. lrc,hl~ p.11111t••I. ,----·-·====== 1'1·1 I.\ <'1·1J.1r1·d l;1m nt·v.I\' l:1r11bq1d llp•'ll l [~ •. ~ 1111 \\.1llp.1p1•r1•0 h.1tl'h1·11 llou.,·r Sun I:!;,, 1;,x111 ' l1v1I.. 11111 onto i.:.1nkt1<•r ' \\'tl'klow l..111l' ov. lll'f ' ' .l\'111.:ht ('11111pt.•11· w 1bn t·k $.'o!l,!lOO. . . I! II ti 11 I ,, 11 t ,. r ,.. , & -------- t 1'cl'"" 11l p.tl111 l'llVl!r Sl'lf Hl-:i\UTI n ;t. SALE FELL THRU r I,, ,1 11 "\' ,. 11 , a 1 r . \\'Jlk to S«h11ol:-, Ei11,,rm now lhi• ,l'lli•r 1~ l'.ll!t'r l\.tl lp,qwr -" 1111i.:rad.• l'ark, Of't•a n .. l mrn:n'l 1\ turnwr 111ocll'I, lh1:-. 1·:1rpl'I ,1dtl 111111 .. llr:o.ur~ !lOITll' &.,>·'-~'I. ( :•rr:l~.r Int 1 honw ll)l'\•rp111 ,11, • ., I 1111 . •ti llla1nll•11a111••• lr••t• .1. lul. " ha. l .pgr.llll'll l fum rt11 , 111111111• rm ~ t111\nh11m1· lt\111,I! llurr~ (rpt-,drp,,&apµl."1"1'1'l-~p.orklinl! p1111I ('htll\'I' ""'\' '1!1 ,~.tflf l'.111 O\\tH'rmu~tH·ll :J\,.:rr..I lot·al111n 111 Tlw Jt.1nd1 ••• , :!l"fll11r.q1pmnlnll'nl ~.1wni.: '$hli,:i1f0 <!101i2 1 1n1111• .. 11111 11•,l('d oil ~: I ~Quail ·~ i-.:.1usl·h Cr .11 B 1 mu.'t ""'1 SiiH.~io llii IPlace ~ s 1·H·1,,1.s,\l.1-: 1\' l'lhuro11 ··nd llrlll, "1!1J!ll' i ~ CALL NOW Properl:ies -::;,.--,tor) • .! 1)('11 room:-. :! ASSUMABLE II IJOO OuA?ls\~-~~a.~OPT BIA(~ lt.l(h ... r .. rmalrlrr1111i.:rm. . •• I 752·7315 ,..,1, m i.: pr11·1• • M .llhll (rr<'at 5 hr·<lroorn homl'. EASTSIDE C.M. S34,950 1111. "" llt'l li111 tl t I' '(• t c tPU. t u••lt "''' • t tt\ ,t I t• It •I 1 · t I' ' •I II II' I• I Ill h I ll11rl\ l' ' 1 1 • 111 LOWDOWN '" 1111 ''"'"'•111111.: li;tllt <11 If Ill• I ' l>11 h "I 11 't.111 11\lo n1'r \\Ill 1·11n,1d1•r l'i•r~ ~haq1 .tnd d<.':cn OONAlD M BIRD .t11~lht11t.:. llkr , l'11n11nl~ ::-;c\\ly p.t11tl<'d llllge "'"01101~, •~oho• 1,1:, i ll!/ family room µ,1(111 111111 L'::-;Dt-:ll~llU.lllll ho Lots ul 1•\I r .tlo l lri:hl~ :\lu~l ,l•ll t 111., 1111 "'" :! llr 11pi.:r.11frd Ow111·r ,111' hmm· 111 pupul.or l;rc, n ADDED FAMILY ROOM I .Cl' t•noui:h lnr JH><•I t:rhll' 111.1 I.\'' 1111 .ti lr111nl' for I •• m r II II .~· I I \ I n I! th 1•r:-111·ll Int , p.11111, t 1 pl1· lilt. "1:-. S 111 .r.ou ~>lh li~>I - IUU" ~,:,,;14MI I I rl'P tlo•\ l'lllf'llh'lll. t hl'I' 1 B r . l ~ 1 B .1 + I a m +frpk. 19filtsqfl arrro,. 11mi (lt'ean SliJ.tllJO 1\)!cnt 9'\2 ih81; POOL&SPA Wrttr hto;1ul 3 Br horn!' !i:Jll:! l"ltnl Open th1~ "krrtl I :i. or call \)!l tu :.ho11r111i.: ,\/ ~' h1H1\ .. T11 S1•1• ,, l•I llU\ t>~ L \'~Ii ,!1:141 EMERY REALTY 846-JJOl I+. I "t I ' II ·"' lo."" \.'\~l'\11•: 7'' \',\ Tolotl 979·8533 IAl\'1•1\' T1m11h111111• l 'n" l'k ·11 . ·I lt1l. :!' • ha + l:lm rm . :! frpk;., :.!51111 "It It By llWll('r, a:i<! ?:!l !'l 011t·11 ll11u:-~· Sat . ~un ,'i, ~tun. lt\1 "fl\\ \Ill"\ \ .11 ,lfll I.! \I old :!ltr H.1 I 11111h 1111 (l111d "' 1 l.1'1 '"' .1• 'II< 'Miii l'h loll, 'tt., 111 'I p.1~ n11•11t~ ~11;, m11. For q11,il :lllr I 1 • ha + LI!. 1hn .trl'.t Fl'. pam•lrnJ.!, ln\' 11oi1111 hltn:-, It.: Int. lio,11 )'.th• :o;J l,IHHI Ill "' '"m•· ~u .. :,;10 It\' own I :~.1 1:.1:. • GIVE A JINGLE 9 11,00 NO POINTS 5BEOROOM L:iri:<' f<1m1ly hom1• rn hC<tUltful arl•a. 11t•ar :-hopprn)! & schonb C-21 848· 1885 OPEMHOUSE 66 71 Melbo.-rne OPEN HOUSE FRI.MOH 12·5 2 Bedroom Twnhse Xtr.1 II! m'tr h1lrm. lurm:ol drn rm. '\lr.1 I~ \'cl , "' 1111111111• patro ,\ 1·1:.!:l l°JlllfJU~ IJ1·. In tilt' l .trnpu .. \' J Ill') Sh11p l 't 1 CALL Sll-8600 TURTLEROCK "''" 1111 11WI "''' 1'1111111.11 I :I lxlrm , l.111111\ 11n ""' Ill)! I Ill <! l1,1't "'. f rplt' (Jtt11•(, ~l'I IUtkol 1111·.tftllll I' 11111·1.. p.rt 1•1 11 un \' ull thr:-'""'' :-~:1 ~>tflt l1)1'!11ol 1111: land DAVID D. CARLSON REALTOR 8 33-9293 :1 rrnws In 1657 Bluebird Canyon Dr. 16 3 5 Bluebird Canyon Dr. Loqwia ~ach ;>-;1u>11 tll :11',\I. Sal Su11 & ~1 011 MA .YOCK (' 0 H I' 0 I I 1\ T I 0 N LAGUNA BEACH 494-2146 ----------------------- l>t:1•rf11'1d T"nh .. l' :'\1•\\ .1 1 hd. :i1 .. ha 1111<·11 ""ltM'/ Sun I :. Ii.I I 1~1;,x L 09 u n a Beach t 048 ----••• .................... 1 Loquna Be ach I 048 Lo9una Be a ch I 0 48 By 0\4·nc·r . '"' unrqu.-and •• • •• • •• • • •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • dC'J.!ilnl hou~1· m i\ort h c•lfd :lllr ,\... 111·11. :!1 ha, L • 11.11.. p.1rl(Ut'l lh1<1r ... '"'I I n g a '' J.! n ,. r \\ ·' 11 p .t 11l'1 " .1.,m .• , •.• n ,,11u11 .. r ... :-,.,. re a I e 8 tat e .. 111n•rm 11f1 " w n pt .. 111 hr:-.\ h .o 11 1,11q h .. 1•rh111\•1I ~l'tl 1111: Ill II ,\ hl,llll' \U. \\,111. 111 111,tlll l11•al'h ShO\\ 11 It~ ,q1pt !li!I olhhli rl.1 '°'. l~1i :!X;!h 1· ,. e ~ & "' 1• 1• k · l' n II,.. :'1:!-1.!.QO l'rincrpall. 11nl1 ComplC'll'I~ rt•m1111'·l1•d :!hr, l ha 1\•rn11ll' l\•1 ral'l' l.ai.:un.1 11.-.... 11 ·l!IHilf>!I OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun I to SPM •BY OWMER• GREAT OCEAN VIEW HOME with plenty of ro()m for f:tm1h 11pst:i1rs plus a large lBdrm. ~lit'."' :1rl'a cJcmnsla1 rs. in South Laguna ~li .11011 499-4551 INCOME PROPERTY in Laquno leach. :J-Scpa r~tt<.• eol tagcs. idea I for owner LO Cll'l'UJJY one• a nd rpnl olhl'f lwo -Quiet sl't'h1rh-d nhrhood SI 1!1.500. 494-8086 PANORAMIC COASTLINE VIEWS from 1h1s :!Bdrm homl' 111 O:uia J>oi11! -;i largt' d t'tks :11•:tr g ar m1 1111lC'S to :111r. :Jllil lh 1·:x1•t•1111\•' I \I lloml' :Jo mrl1•' Whtt•• _l_H~ ~l'llla. "1 0~).01JO. 493-8812 W;att·r & <'ti' \'11•" ~:iuna. l'rofl:o;!'1011alh Lo9una Beach I 048 1Loquna Beach I 048 d \' '· o r .• l • · d "1 I '' l t • ~ t • • • • • • • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1· a r pl' t ', ti r.a JI•'' •"< 0\ 1·; 1\ 'I; s 1 1J J·: fl \\ \' w.rllpapt·r~ I· ur111\un• l'rr\'all• ,11 ,.,1 l\\•,111111111 ,11 ;111 h~. ;.~·p.ir:il" '"" lll'.tdl. 1'\l'l'Ul I\ P lr111111• .I lra\l 11.i;1 ( 11r:rl L>r 1..11 llH dc•n :t h.1 tllltfll'' .;;1--1w .. t' 11 1· 1 "n1 · • ~ ·'"· ""' •' ·' ~1 ' rm . pool "' qH·t I'd FUMCTIOMAL 1\:'\'l> CHARMING \\, ,, 111 111,. "''"" lint· ~h.1r11 I llr , ~n F\" .. ,,I . 111111• •.( ""'' lt-tlllS.: llum•· l.c Mlllll ~ k II, i11 '"\''" ,1 111 ft1Jr111' 111.1111.1111 lrph·, Jl\l y1l. tn Ul\l'ly pool h11m1· .11 :1 pn:·:-l'ason Jlfll'<' S:o0 .. 10IJ I'll\ l'r. fllH1J , JI.trio, fo..·t·----------1 p.11111 ~···.,101 F \llL'l.Ol s 111'\'.lll \II'\\ lrmrw, r mm.II' -'r>•" 1ou, :J IHl. :!' lt,1 , t 11111 h or ~t'" Orl1•0.11" d1Jrm. m1rrnn•il frt11. formal <hnrne rm . l!ll\lrml'l krt Lr!! "'rnul!hl mm trim tl••1·k'. i:r1•.11 .. 111r;i1:1• St11r~ hook wl'l11cl1•tl hrtt lo. p.11111 ,1,; L!.11 th'11 w h1un t.11n l'I :•; ,.llHt \ 11"111,I 11n11,11al h111111• Bl' .1 m ., , ti•' 1 "r .1 I" r v.allp.11.11•r 1 l'r.11n1c trh· rlrn1r,, l 1ff.111y lam11'. natural ~.11 .. 1 llanchni.:. (1rrplJCI', nl'W r ;irpl'lln)! l~uri:c enrlo .. cd pn vah' patio 4 UH, 2·ba. Onl\ $72,:J4IO • ' 1· r ' 11 1 ' r r a h I 1• "ftth\tt4HI tl•H•t ' ht11i•I.-hi I I I I tll'IJ.! ><•r 111rK , 'lmrt ,,,f1· '"'" f,,, 11 b,u ~ \ ttc I I I I ' , '1'111 \\:tlk, :Sl:I, IOU ctn, \\ HI ,, •u \ t '' t I t't'' 1 ,111, 'l.'ilf!I 111 """ ~11ur l'&l 11nly ·11i1 12 1l~ 11\\ lll'r pnn 1>nly ~4.000 I II\ llul 1 lur n ' IHillH S.t11 Antnmo St n1wn lluu,t•Sun &. Mon I SOUTHLANDERS 642-6368 ',I I ft f11\\01Hl t1p1 •11 I \ I ' •1:1 l"'"I '" illlf 111 II ft·d 1il1i 1111 \•I 3 BEDROOM $39,900. 1111 .1 111\' " I 11'1 11111'11 'MO>! ,,:Jl'1 1>12 11~4 Huntington Be ac h I 040 ............•..•.•..•.. BUILDERS PRE-COMSTR. SALE :v I H..rlrn11m hornl'~ 111 ll1111l 111g t1111 ll1·.1d1 .! 111111·1..' 111 t11'1•a11 N11w l,tkfll)! hMl'll'~llt' rl'WfVlo tum .. C -2 1 848-1885 "Cattfrtt livincf' Sl6,500 That's rrJ?hl · lhrs fan· tal.trc cond11 has flrt \'alr J!rounits with sl•cunly I! u a rel 1-'a nl ;1~ lt l" ro'l' r·1•n1t'r '''ti h l"•ol. I l'nn" l'h, hnhhy 'h11p, l!''m. putt 111i.: 1!f\•1·n~ & \\:ilk to hc•.Jl'h 1\11 1111 l'lllnn1Un1 t'. 11111• s111111~1· rnu-.t h1· •l\l'f ·Ill i!!.17 11:12 I h.1,k1•thall Earthy "'00tl trc,1lm1·nt 0 11 1 .. 111,, :1 rms, :11 r !'ond & up ~r;11le<I 1l~h\\~hr. SJR.'t:14t ~>1111; 1-:1~kf11rcl /\\<' SSL ~l!I n"so;-;1-:cw 1\ 1o;1::-;u SBED ~~MS 1\T I' . Pl./\\'G ·;-;u OCEAN VIEW 5 BLOCKS TO 111-:.\Cll * $79,900 * 0 \\':0-: !-'OH 1\l'l'T C \l.L * 494-7609 * 0 1' ~:~ llOl 'S 1-: I :; linrv l':ork "Tt•rr;1c1•" :1 nrt, .,.ormal l>rn rm, hn.,1kr:"t rm. ltw ma,tt•r hdrm I 111-:hlv 11111!rnd1•cl \\ \' U '\ ll In ti r ,I I' I' ' , 1•11riwt 1ni.: I\. \\ .11lpi1Jll'r l•---------- Thinl ltllrm ~ l.1u11dry 1:1 rm!> l"ntfllH' 1·c.•d.1r room 1•11n\'t•rh'1I to 11:1: homf' Prl\ :rt·v. vu 1ll'n w hllln w:rll unrl S l 2!l,OOU 11 1;warll llC'd wooo d<'l'klnl! tn .lnhn~un nlty •1!17 li41 pa1111, g11r 1lt1or 11p<'nt•r · :;2t;t; l'lumlrcc so:i.~oo OPEN HOUSE I ' i\ 'I: 0 HA :'II I(' 111• t• an "''" .I Bil.:.! 11.1 , lrpl . ll.11111 d1•1'1( l'lot'I' Ill :-;urlh 1'1111 ~l :.!'1,l.HHI t•E<; 1\1 ,LI·;'\ lll-:1\LTOH l'M i;iilt 11~1:1 :'\ ( '0;1~l. La11una COZY Ibgewater REAL ESTAH 1350 S.Coost Hwy. 494 -8536 !~VESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IRVIHE TERRACE Open Sot /Sun Mon I· 5 1023 Dolphinlc rr. I I r 11nl II"" I 11 I 1111 I 1 11 \1 I \11\ll'lo!l• l\l l 1111 !11• '·" 't11•t•l \\flll ,1 1 r I l.1 .1 ir• , l.11 ~·· '.11 d 1, .. , II .. 111,1 LIONS ESf A TES ~1:1+i <![17!1 ti1:11 M12 ~OtO SSJ.IH '° SAT /SUH. I -S Neat & clean. 2 bl-lrm , OCEAN\'l t-:w o .... n your OV.ll apl \\' Jlk Ill ht':Jl'h :!:!:!.~ l;lt•nnt'} rl' St .. \pl \ \!\ktng S42.51iU ' UGUNACHARM hctm<' updated, \'lucrky clt•an. hl•hrncl \\ allt•cl ( 1• n 1· 1•. I .1 r I! r } .1 rd ~I.IOI KnC'll·ks llcrc! 1115 n . on Luguna Canyon Hd wrth an cx rs ltng, s mall 2 bdrm hou c: over 21,000 :.q fl nr M tA proJ)<'rly. Would ynu hl'lrc\l' ::.."1.'l.\li\U ' I • I I' I' I 11 I .I 11111 11 111111 , 11" pl ,11 '' t 11 I ''" ,1 1 ,11111 I ti•·• J11 , I I 1.111111• J.m"~""ll lrriM 1044 Turtlt' H()('k llornC', hii:thly H a r 1• :! II r II 1• ,1 u t y •• ••. •••. •• • •• • •••. •• •• up1:r:idcd. J hr. 2 ha s. .. ·lwl1•d. :11 •\r 11111 1•ul l'ro(l''i. l.11111,r·;q wd ilc• .it i-11. ,11111 ()\\ ni•r (~rl'rnl r•'<' OJlell ~un I;!~. \ln11ni hro• pit I!;" hlt<t. 1111 '·""' 1;•1.: F1n•,11h• Cr ·1 llr :! tr.1,h t 11n1 11.1rt11r S4i4i,OOO, • 1\.1 • F.1m 11111 \ \ 11r "' o .... n. 1 1'11111· unh fh ""111'1 I\\ ,111111111 .! h1I l 'onn·nt11m.ol hnun1111•! !Ul Hi:!;! ll111·11 ll11u,1· -..,1 11111 111 1'ul tit '·'l ~ .> !t '',,II \k l "-!'!1111 I ·, 1•11;1 !'oiu·rr.1 '-lh.:~10 ~I 2.IO•• 551 3321 r,12 ~ilill \IJn.1 lltl 11 \:1 fie;) rc>f§l Ill©ell~~ •99 2800 OCEAN VIEW LOT :111 '1111111 11 .. arl\ 11·11'1 S:'t• u•1 %,\1; HUl>ZI\ \ R1•allor !Il l Ml.II HCHIH\ For s• Housts For Sol• 'HOUHS For Sat. HousH For S• HouaH For s• Ho..tt, For s• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• •• •••• ••• •••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••• ••••••••••• Saturday. February 14 1Y76 OAtl v PILOT ("I I Loguno leoch I 048 L~o Hi9utl I 052 LOC)Y\CI HIC)U~I I OS2 H l!wport S.oc h I 069 Ne wport Beach I 069 Newport leach l 069 HCHlsH for Sde-~r Real btat• Othtr Re ol Es tote ..•••.•...••••••••.•...••..•••....•........•.. ·••••·················• .•.....••.•..........•....•...•............... ··•••••••·••·····•····· ....•••••••••.••...........................•.••••••..•.••.•..•..••••. NOR INS REALTY ANH CHISMAN REAL ESTAn NEW -Three Arch Bay l.1stmg Ocrun view, custom 3 llclrm . 2 ba . home w /rumpus r oom . i\lovc in l:omht1o n . Proh:ss1onully lamJscapl'tl . . ........ ::>1 l!J,500 SPIC & S l'AN l>a11a P utnl Dupll'=-<-Solid t·ons tn1ct10n. UPPl'I uru t has oc:can \·1cw & d ct:k. J\I alw appointm<:nt lo ~<.·e ........ $7 1,500 ~'.,... 'm lf671 & JUSI c-tHwy~ So.-....,_ 4't· IHI 40-2147 OPEN HOUSE OCEAN VIEW SAT&SUMl2·5 BY ow Ell S\\'i': 795 OAK ST. CO:\l\11)1'. '\ :!Br :•l1o1 , ~cw :!WU Ml ll 1 u~lorn f.irn rm ,. '\'"' q•l. home. \1 ,.,11111.111 .,1,.,111 rl·m1111r . n'ltl1•1 .. u 1 l'I\~ ''"". lrom ,.,,.n · "7~:~":/11111111lw \\111 hl I mom ·1111 ... t111.1lll \ 111111\ l:.11 IJ,,_ VETERANS 'lo ,.,,.,h 1hm n' c ·11..,,111111 I htT I lul -.111111\ h11flll• \\l\h '"'" "' htll I l\<•111 Ol l.1111 I Ill I 1'111 hi pl.o\~.u•I 1'11t1.,l l11 111 .11 ~~l.!1.~I I w1o:s l't'l,11"1-' :J Ur :.! llJ. ll:l' lot 1·ounlr) l.1t<·hc 11 t.. cl11u11i.: I 1n, room lur 110111 111 J ti ti " n U '"' u I l111h.1·pt1. ~.1,:-,uu up,•11 t $l O SJI .\I sun I 51' '1 . 1·1~~ 1 000 \l.ir11w1' n1 11;11 .u 11 • f ' 1' n·s h & open cl'1111g: newly dt'<'Ot'atcu : llv ()l..,11•r, \\1·,11·111J ;m•a ht•aul1ful gurclcn (.111ll'j1 & ll(Ji.lrkling, new Ill\ .1 U1 t•, llJ, i''Jm kit h ., (~·1 f' ·1 Hui, 1•11, ... r1.,1 tln·l.l'd · c en ."' urm s . + am1y1•11), San Juan ll1·d r1111n1 :1 l1<1 l lt Ttl1ur1111 l'o\\ 11111111·., Elt·~.1nt 111!111111 J 1111 uut J u11r 111111~ .II II ;. 11,•,l pal1u. l111ma1 01wn Sul LIDO REALTY s uii • '~ ;\lo11 I ~·l'M . 3377 Vio Lido, H .B. 673-7300 r.I Us l St• It ' :57 !I, ~dlll. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i;u; 01!111 l:Hu I ll~hJ;mrl - Copiitrano 1078 I m jQuail ~ ·•••·•••••••••••••••••• · Place l·:lt:~ant 5 b1·dro11m h11rn1• Prap•rtie-s with "111r;tl .,ta 11·1•c1 ... 1• 7S'2·19l0 ':., kadlllj! to l•l'l';UI \ ll'W 1400 OUAllSI NIWPORI UA(M µ,,ircnb' rclr1•;1l. ~m.500 673-760 I anytime You ;in· 111v1lctl lo ao OPEN HOUSE I ~11' ~I Suntla} at ~5 Calli• c.Jrl Tesoro, SJ <..: (Harbor La Ill' I -t bd. :! hJ Top 11111d /Int VA Assumable tt·rm~ Lo"l')>I pm·cu uu 1t 111 .1rl·a ~·•.h~>ll WATERFRONT l.1" l'Jtlr,·), 1<1.,•lh HOME l.i:!'i' ~. l'~t "" y 1,'ll S 119,500 with Dock ·l!,.1-U'i!IJ :'\l'" ly n·dunl' 1n~11h• aml ,\ u th 1. 11 11 1· 1\ 1) o II I•: 11u1. !'frw t·arpct!>, :.hut 11,\Cll·:Nl>.\ 1111 :! , J<•r1·,. l1·r:., kll<'hl·n & roof. By lt;.11d 111 "''''''" l.g1· aµfJOmlnh•nt only Ui\K lr l't''· 11ol111i.: rrni.: "- l,_.Quail ~ liiii. I Plac• Prapertie-a \' 7S,·1920 ~ .... 1400 QUAii ~I N I WPORI 81ilCM 1·11rral 1':'<1'1U~I\ 1• ar1·:1 !'1·1 road~~·<: l'ntr~ l!Jl1·~ Oii cn·d .1t !'ii IU,IXHI, CJ II S an .I u a 11 H •·J I t \' 1!1:1 J:J:n • Santa Ana 1080 .•.•..•...•...•.•...... VACANT Wall hJ\'l' l1r.J111l Ill'\\ µJrnl A. l'.rrµl'l :! Bl<. I H.\ L ari!•· 11.1rl.. ltk" h.u·k ) Jrd Only ~::!8.!Jl!O E.,,.,} lt·rms SCOTIREALTY 536-7533 Duplues/ Clnits sole 1800 ••..••.....•........... :\101'111-:ll I :\ I.,\\\' SEl'\l(\'l'I l'\11' l111 'I U l' lo t• ,1 I h h 11 111 I' \\ JJI ll/11 ~ Hum.111 Tuh 2hr S!15,0<JO 1, W I ~II h !'>I II H S:lti ·1!111 Dur>ll•\ Co;.1.1 'Ill·'·' .!hr ~;k« hlt11~ I :111 I c.11 II\ "" 11.:r :>,11t II 11>11 111 .>Ill l!l:!i LUXURY DUPLEX Hunt Harbour llll 11i.... ,.,p11 JI ,,,1 Jll • ,,.,,. '>ll11l.1•1: I" 1111 !-1111kt•11 1<11111.111 1.;1th , llfJlt 111 UIK'll l1t•J Ill I l Iii 111:. .t 11 111;11hlt', .111 \\,\\ ,,,, 11uh1•k ltJl1·1111) " 1111 m.11111 p.1\10, I ~r uhl. ~10 :1 11110 •• 1ppt •llal\ ~111 1111<;, • t l'l.l•'.X :1 1111.., 11 11111 II I' I' ,t II I I' ' I ,t ol 1 ti lhl Ulllll 1\ll 111111 l!.1\ • l111·pl.t1\'' hl.1111 11111\ ~MJ l~N' L!m REALTY INC 714/846-1371 :..l '\.., ,. I 111 \t I l 11 ~1.111 1 '1'11( TRADE FOR OCEANFRONT 11 :" ,. I" 11 l>uplt•,\'.t·~ 111 ,.,lt,11 p l'1111d1111111, 1\ll<HI 111 •'llllh \\'ti I I 1 ,11h• I 111 ht•tlt t .tll l11r 1h'IJ1I-. \1:1111 ,d'l 111!1" SMART INVESTMENT SI\ .! 11111111 l 111h :\1111 i.11\,ol Jl<.I ti11111I Ill If/nil ~Ol 111< 't 1\:-. I I\\ t·;:-.1 \HSI' .'>1'11)111:! •UNITS• J '\ '\ I.\\ J 11>1 II JI E \l' 11 I h ,1 t \\ 111 11 J y f "r I lit loht•I\ I \Ill\ hll.. lit lw.1<li 11111\ 'llH.1IJl1 <JJ~ 11 :-.1111 I .t l:!.1 .!Klh ~It •·• I, \ ll ll)lf fl,11!~1.1 l<h ti 1 II urn UNITED BROKERS 646-7414 .11111111 '.111·;.i (j IU . l·'..\.'i'l ~llll·. 1 l'ln All ., l11d100111 I lt.1111 .11 ~:!O'I l.11\\ \ t1 .111< ' I .11 I Ot •)\I, 111111 'ti 1)11\\ 11 /'11.11111·1,1111111\\ l',tll /111 .1111111·-. I '11111 "'"" 11111\ 1l'I ,;11 .tll 11 1.1 I IHli~' ;[--=--~ I 2 UNITS Costa Mesa \I.I . "'•Ii""'" h.11 p ,,.. \\ I t I I ' ' II ' 11; • hllllll' "1111 .1 •tllll'I l'UI Ut' .. 1 __________ _ ,. Mission Vie jo I 06 7 •1t11 .,.., hi•, 1,)~f. ....... , , •• , .,;;l 11c\l lo 11o1rl.., ;1 t.11.. ... 111 1···.·.V••A···H• • 0 •• D.•O•W•••M·.·.·· • 1 hl.'Jl'h . l'tllll l'' 6, l.,ll!Ull.t lk·.1t·h I l1gh !'u·h11ol ,\JI n •d\\OIHI l'\ll•rtur Jl111 •• ---.. ------- ol 1,111 ..A61tZn REAL ESTATE ALMOST 1h ACRE l•ll' \ oll.1 •1 I '11tfl Income Property 2000 \ t ult•~ Ur 1 h>u"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l'lll'll<.'r trim et1m1Jlcrn1·nt a Ullll)Ul' h~·<rhil' th''ll!ll whu:h meld:. 1 Bdrm:.. 2 lull & :! half ualhc•s. I d1•tk. fom rm. \\dbar. 11, rm. elm. rm, :11·ar l!ar ,11,; 111 o r 1• S I I !I , ;, U O • 711 1.r,:Jti i.:)I;;,! 900 Glenn~re St. 494 9473 S49 0)16 TEMPEST ~~xpansh l' 1•11stom hom1' f'tllbo:.11mr1l 1111 a l.;1~1111;1 l'ul lk S.w I llfl l'llh :1 li;1lh~. Id~• ~llllkt•ll 11111' I $1:!."i,1)(11) '1'111~ .I 111 111 •• m hll :tll~ I hon~' FIVE UNITS .111 Jt..,.1l1Jll' 111111 h11uw ll<JltSES' llOl<:-,ES ' lluntan1:to11 ll1·.11 h C.:111 1.d .111 1•1111<11111111111~ :!c>ar~.1r.1i.:<' f:,,.n room fur" lrallJHll! :; ll lo1·k, 1•1 h1 •J1 II 1\ll lfratly lur l.1!>.l ~ • .i,. NEWPORT 1\llr:ll"ll\\' l r1•l·~ w /ll:l'I rin ~ a s ktni.: S'l:!,!Jtlll with f1n•pl.11·1·-. ,\I"·"' :,.Ii !llM1 "''"'"d lot O\\n"r tran:-.lerrcd an1l I 11·ntl'rl "/ ,\(; HOil%" \ DREAM HOUSE HEIGHTS ""''" .1 1 •l 1otlav' 1 n •atly lo mll\'I' Hllr POOL OHL Y $55, 900 I \io '\.i ... h H1"111' · •· 1:! 1.1:11 >1:1!1 1710 r 494-861 I Lag. Be ach. ...... ~.l' :1,-\\II It , , ,, l 11111'111•\ .olilt• I lt.11111• ltf I UI Ii i:! .... 111 [• 1 t Ii M I-IJl I f!H•] MAIN BEACH UNITS """" 1.111111\ 1'1111111 ,1fll1•1111..-Ill '\1·\\11111\ 111•1·.'\ lllll :-01·. ~1111 1:. oth R IEst t I LAGUNABEACH I IJ!Jull•u" l.111.t, .1111111· ,\ l>O\ F-:11 s 111>111 .. s \l<I· \ "'"t< ti 1111111:11 111.111· :i 11111'" ;1111 1.1111 110 pi.111 er t o at _ . <.·••unlr\ "dhth•ll u\t·t L t• l l't hotth•\\i '''*"• h \ IH·th un111 L 1ril11\ hut1H'Ufl '' ~lli"&I h uu,t• 11.uhol •••••:•••••••••••••••••1, !"'ihup .. la1 11t1• ll11 ll••\\ U\\':'111-:lt \\.,.ltH •s toi-••11 11•11,111~: po11l ,\ p,1 \II """'''·"1:11.:11H11.:1111KK~' p1•-.t11•11.11, 1·11·1• l1111·tl '"'" 11111,11 ., -..1111.,11011 Mobile Ho mes 1!11\\11111\\1! ,,,, .. ,1111 11111 ~ l'Ollll•lllpor.1r) 01•,•;in \1111 "'•'I \\.1111t·d 111.1 ll\'l'I '""" ('loll "'"(' lilll 1'111 1 shl'llll'ltl I ForSalt 1100 IJ.HI. ,,k1t1i• 'di'.1.11111. V1t•wh1111w, ll1u·11ll11u"l' Ni~•.'•HJ 1 BY OWNER l'111·1•ol 1111tl•1 1111..l I••• ~1.,11 1111 1! llt·,ol ,.,,1,,1,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\llh ~1 1 1111110 il.0"11 l~Quail ·~ .. IPtace Properties 7S'2·19,0 19 UNITS Wl-:-.l'illJI·,( \I '-:17:1 l~HI 'I.Iii llill l'f'"' 111 '""'' ~11~11 .. ,,, 11ol.tl1h l!i·liullt lll.1• Ill\\ l.1 I I'"'"' .tll\ ;; II .. olt1·1 11, I,\ I IMli" (@ B~,I \\ \'\I "I ti '111 \Ill·. 1111 .1 11.1• v ,1111 1 111 I 1'11 ·."1• 1·.dl l'aµ 'i:I 21.\hH :! Ill< :! B.1 1111. ul ::<n;, IHMJ. ""' •• I.It· II "'ll 111•11 dqll •'l 1.1111111 S.11 & Sun 111 t ' I'll :!1>KX MISSION VIEJO I lmm .. n .... :t HMI .,,1 It 1 •tu 11 I. , ,of" 111111 > • 1 Ml :r.11 ; St.1r F.1mll\ I' ,1rl,., s .I ()" 11o·1 "111 • a11 > I 111,1111 Hc..'dwoo<I lk.idl ltouw REAL TY 1, 1 II r ,1 r v (",. u n 1 r, ! II NEWPORT HEIGHTS .1~1~~~1 l 'n ply 111M, 110:1>1 ~ l.>11 1wr 1111i111h, 1111 hul "' .11ltl1l11111 ii 1111 ••m" 111 "' lllk from ht:.llh h;,,, s:1i"1:11~1 ,...,, 1111~1 "•lth111 l'••1I :-,, . .,.1H11\ J 111 :! Ila. 111 tin tu\'\ . t •11t: ~ • 1n11 1•"I l\.tfJlll• ··I"" 1111 h11 • 1111 '""' · .illaml'mli''"'''111 ·'111111 • ''"" 1 1111 '.)1:111111111 :11µ.·11 ll11u.,1·!'>.1t :-.u11t111 11S\:!>!_Srni.:h· .\iJull l'.i1I. du• 111 t•J)• •I 1'1"11·11 h1111 • .1. 1 1lir111111 111 A :-." l . :.t .\I\ Lt: I.fl\~ 1111 1111, 0 1 1· a n S 1 II 1· :.l•1 lu1kn ~.1 rilt·n 11 L' It H Y O :0. •1..:1111• .}1"l'.' 1h1 ·"' ~ r, 11l.il Newport St ach I 069 1,,,1 I I IX 1 111 111 l u , 1 111 11 ..., 111 I m :\ II h t ~'"'"' 1.11.1·• I 1·11 ,1111111.ol i. "' 1111 11111" 1111 111 .111 111 c ... t.o \I,,,, 7•. u111h .... 1 .1 w 111 1···•••••••••••••••••••• 1,1~,7!1i'• CJll l.!1'11 1'.l l:!:!IX -..1»·•~· l11\l'l••r.h1r11 \l,\,,1i1c..111 , 1.i.:t.ni 1!11".ll Ol'E:\~.\I I 'I WATERFRO .... T 12l WATERFROHT -\lllJJ 11f'fHt1lo11111\ '" ''"" .... , ... ' J 11 lt " HOMES COZY HF \('11 l"fJTT \C;i-; BY OWNER lh• lllt• I l..o 1111.1 111111 111\ •'" Loquno Hills I 050 \\1•!'-I '\1·" 1"11 t :.!ltHI "I Ii. .111111111h '"'h•111r.11 ... 1 \\ ith In• 1111w t nil " ll•·tlrm ()11ulrh· "i•I·· 1111•11 t.1l f""I" '" 48 U..,.ITS .;.x;i,;,."' II 1 s,·••••••••••••••••••••••i II hotnw 1111 •h•· '"·'""' 1 1 1 We 're here to help! 11111\ ..,.,., ,HMI l>oll 111111•1· 111 •1.,,,.1 ,1111111 II• .... 11 .. 111•,1 '"1 O C t 1'11•1 • 111• \tat 1 11 I ' '1 1 '·' 1111111• -~'"1 " ltl1I.' ~·, 1 .~1 ',_. 1 rang• oun y '"' I 'I' I I I I II ·', _, 1111 I""" lh\IHI 111.t~ ..... •' ·'".. .. A lot for your monty. .1 lri• l11llrri.. .111.1111 t .. 111• 1 ·•I"• ,11 , .. ,1 LIDO SA .... DS 1 ,111,1 ~llh s111.11 \ 1 r 1 , .i 1 , ".., Enjoy the Good life I ,,.. II I I 1 I 1 '111• " 1111 "111 ' 1 .oll ""11 ~ LAGU...,AU...,ITS ,.or~l' ~"·'" -.q 111111 lrp• .. '1wot I"•• ll.1 I .llJll'\ "ll~Jl-.1< .~,f .!:IHlw li.l•ill/()\I• ,... ,..., ·" h·• 1 1 111,ol '1~1 h11nw ;, Ill< , FH & l>ll ... 1 w 111111 \ 1111 h·r 111 .Iii., '\ '.'il.ir '\o·\\ 1'00 • 1 5200 Ri•er 11 i-: \I.I llll ,, 11, .!i:::t FOR SALE 1 1,,. ,, "" • l ti 11. 1 .. 1 :91:?3'.!.5'. :-.1 4 1 <.:11•1~91 117 ... 5) 1 3· B1'.1ul11 uh l.1111h1-.1 po·d 'lll.1••1 tl1m n ''" "''' '"" OPEN SAT & SUM ..,, t • \Iulo di· h•HIH' '\u 1 l)dll\• ,,\ 11., ltld , ,. " t/11 .. 1 I" ", l '1 "'" 1 t" . 49 ·4 8 4 3· ' '0 ~· ... 11nni..1 .. r,._ \1•1\ •·•t'n ;t., 1,1 ·111 111.1\ \\.•"'1111111t 1111111t1•1•'"I I BEACH HOUSE l!\I0111..t.il.1"111nt• 111111·1 111" 11111111 11 .. 1 11111 "' I 1 I I I \ I 5 "' ""' I \Ir ' Pltl/ "'t I \\ I l!l' l'll"l'r1·tl p ,1110 h·· 1'-!'-11111\d lh111 .\ 1 ,111 I• 1 •' 11 r·1 1'1 ''" . • I :lllr \111111.111 1.111 hi·n l'\I ,1tl11ll 111t.. ~••M• l'h , 11 \• •• •I • 11 1 1) I • I I 'll•· p.11 "111 • ,1, 111 ' . , 11.,11 ' c OMMERC IAL ,;:1 .. >t~1 ;,x1 i 1:1•1 I' IU. :-. ri 1; r. 11 o" 1. :-. •1111 " '.',I... .1 1111 1 .f,.,. 111 1 • .11 •'' '" 1 11111.11,.11 .,. d , ... ,, "·"111., 1,;,1.<.t:!I "'·'""1 " .ti 1• "" 1 1 I . ,_ - , . I 1,1~. IA,11, tll l,_ml :0-.t :-Ot•\\ purl ,,1111h 111 ·"It ~ .. l,tltltl 011 1•1·11111"!1.1 :1 hlk<. 1 ":IHbU,J vµ1tuJlu111l.1 LoqunoHinuel 10521 0 s t/c .. I 5 ;.101111t· ll1tllll' ,,,,, 11 ... 111. 111''111 111' ""1111 111 ",., u1Q·'a1·1 . 1'1•\\,Wl·llh111l1 111:i11111:" ••••••••••~:........... ••VIEW •• ~l~".o \~n.1 • i·.o111•111-'11 1 11111111111 '\"l'I 1'111 "\I II k ·i~:.,-ir :-.•111·1\\1111.111\1111.1111 I' l• .,. ~ I I .• ,1.0\' El. y I Bl(. r Jill rrn. ~l''4 Jt11rt 111·1 '!hh. 1111 lt.-.tlt111 Id! •11,111 • I ~ " I " II II II I I.. I ,\..,k1111! -,.\IO I I I . l Prop-rte"-· \ ,, lunni: lnuu.11 "'"~ ol \ n.r·.S\ \•," ~· . "."'"'''" 1111111 ()1o•.111 I I II p,ir ....... Ill). ''"1111·~11.llllt tlt Place :tpprtt)I .l~lt "11 It I ~ 1111 !jllll'l nrl tit• :-..11· hllf..:l' 111J(' I ltH ' :! 1 ... h•lllll' ,. 11 ,, "11'"111' ( Ill fl ... ... ~ hllrin .d1•11h11nw,\\hll'h l'rll.ltht:tl ,,,nl, "rol h i -----------' I ' · 1:!1:11r.l11J 1,!i.' 111 1•\1· GREENLEAF ••t.,;1111iHt •• I 7S1·19,0 ~ 1 .. 111 ll•'1•1111, ,11 •I tCl t'tllll r . ol1•11 . l.111111~ 1111 (;111111111'1 1 • CO...,DO * I · ' ' I 1,1,~ il;!i.'1 ••DO \lUAll ~' NfWPOll 8£ACH ' 1 " hbqxl S:.!1.~1 .. 0 1.111 hi·n :• 111,ii ., ... 11.11.,,. ,... ;, Star 1\tlul1 ('0111111111111 \ 44 U .. 'ITS 1nt·r1·1,tl ""I'. 11n L.11!11na " (';1m "'' Ht! . ;1t'ru-. ... <r11111 BOHO REAL TY • ••11 ,'\i ht'!l'I. 11.11111 ~·· t .. 11H1I .1 11111111• " . lt,11 h , 11111 Newport Beach I 069 , Newport Beach I 069 lif..t1 Wh1ll .,., \ ~ t'. 1 · ,\1 fll1'-'1 ~ll"'il'IUH)I '!h hl,000 8J f ... 941 I <\I I 0 ,,,,, !-'I ' '"'''tJ \\l'f h.tl ftplf' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• h.i~ .t\.Hl.dtf•• \i ;•)\,)f, l..11 ~··· 1111 r:ht l..11 1 111·11 111 and Nt''" \·111.1 \\1·~1 1\ . DUPLEX 1 flY OW!'; 1-:1t :1 llr, t .11 11.1 I l'I! r ,,., .... , .11 p1· 1.., ,\( 111.'.11111( ul 11111lo1ll h11m1 \II \d11ll ll111ld111 111 )'11111• 111111.ol \I• .t I '1 lfll'l fl.d' I 111 II Paul W . Brumfield & A ssoc. Spal·1nu~ 1111:,l' 111 to\\11 . 11r .,. 11 1, i ph. dip,, H~ lt 11 tli:q1"~ \l.t1i\ ,.,lr.1 .. I L'.ill l>t1•n'11,1m1 1ll'.•U•••111 "·'"' ~ 1111:11.~ 1·11"·r1·i1 ""' i.. "·""' ...... , .. ., .... , ....... 1111 ... 1>1.i l"'' ·•i.·· ''""" ~leTA7Tlnrls' 646-7965 '1e "". 1'•11 h 111111 -1•nmm pour ~1·1 •1,.11 ht•l11" 11•111.11111111• 11111dt+. CJ YC ",. }:-':--'· 1.1" x~ •. 111 I"'" t11 . 1111>11 Just Comple tinq Htg Bch Triple11e5. .'lt1l llu11t111L11111."'ll Open Doily. 1·5PM I Builder 539-6779 I"" h111111'1111 l.11 Cl' l1tl. Ill l ol \I \)\\ 111 I ll11dol1•f h1lrm:.. ' h.1thro11111 ~ 1!~'> 11:-,1 NEWPORT CREST 111 '\,G . .,.L1,. 0 ,,Dl <E'.,'.'"F'A"Y'•, .t•M• most On W1\Tt:ll \ '"" 111 Lulu < •1111rl .tl-.11 lo1• l.1r1:1· h11tnl· C11nil11. ·I Ill(. l.1111 'm ., t-.11'. ':i:!!l %0 :!llr_._ :!1.i. Fourplex S9 5,000 t l'.1r l!.11 ;11·1• l.rt'.ol ~ ilt11 rm l-.11.t 111111 11111 RE LTOR 6A2 5333 t .1 1«11, .1:i:i11 ufll11• i ..... i.1/>111 .... rt B h I l~th-1111,tl. \11 unu,11,11111 Laguna Niguel. ,,.,. •In"' \\ 1111 '. 11 •• 1 A ., • s nec acu. 1ar h11m1· ..... ewpo eac I h n11r ~l.!.1 IMHI "}:-' I "''" I.. t. • .. II h • 60 U ... ITS 4!!1~ .. !~~·· HOS N.Coo" Hwy .• l oguno 494-1177 HIGH UP AND LOWDOWN :-.1nlurn• 'l•'\1'1 .11d111\••· I 11rt• '' 11 II 1111• 1· 1•11 t•\1 t•11111 the choice communit'/ ::-":! "" 1c~rciol ·• 1111 't 11.11 11. 111• u"' .., \\ 1: I' 1• 1 '\ <; 1 x 111 -GEM· OCEAN FRO HT ocean VJews Propt rty 1600 ·'' \\ 11111 1 """ 111 t 111• I I • 1 I Ut•-1· llhlui \\•' '\II I He orriver 1'etty Ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111r:-11111111• • 1.·111 1 \I I > lr II'." llt'I.\'\ ln.\1.11111-.. 1.i•11 • .::1•·1 11111111,,l11.•U1"1 m \'II·.\\',"""'~ 1111111\.Jllll " ro .. . BA YFRONT 1~.h 1:.1 11 .. 111 ,,.,111 •• 111 ,. 111 • .. !lill "I 11 Ovplex:Sl 27,900 1110.•11._,,, :-.111111 .111 ... ,,h l.11 1·1· ...... : ol1111111:I LAWSON REALTY Sp~lass l..11 1!" :1 lllt, :• ll,1\h ,. I 1111t 111.1 ... 1t·1 h.11 m 11111· .!rl :t., ,:.111 ltlli • • 675-4562 • • .ill l.11 in..: l 111• 111'1'.10 W1111hl \1111 h1·l11·\I· .1111•11 -.;, • .,.port ~h11r1•., I 111 • The Total Woman ~ ~ th1111"'·' \ ,,, .. .,,.,( H.1 :!•I\ 111.111\ hltn I "'II 111\1' th" 111 1111· 111 H•tt .,,., rl'lrt'.1t 111r.l.11r' .il"1 \\1lh lllk.-. 111 111•.11 Ii I Jiik 111 t1\\t11•1.,fltf1 d11J1I"'· ltll':tl 1 . ::..:. '. ··~ 111·1•a11 '"'"' l ll1111.1ll' 111 t'nmm l'lr '.! p1111h 1111 ,.r ttl l\.tlh11.1' 1111,,1 -_ l11\11r' 111111\ \\;i1l \11 -.1•e "'" \'luhl1<111"' 111 .1rt'.1 1\1111'111111• 111.i .1 ~ lhh 11111' :-0:"1;, IHHI lhlllt'I' ~,I/! Xll:!.1 11.!t' h11111: 1111 " II Jiii I • -:._:::-..•":!'.ili~.,_'ll!!@a<'!J91~r:-~>~---.... --""'1----- t,.w1111;1 '\11•111·1 H1'.1l1' l1tl1111' • 1, 11lo """" orr11·1· h111hl111i:. "r"c IJ1'11l;1r 'If'\\. lu\u111111s l':l.('\'U\ l\'l' 111 ht l''> H1·1lun•d lo ~.IK),lllKI BILL GRUNDY Realtor 6 7 5-6 16 I Cl',\" 1 ... hl'" lo purdia,.c• .1pp111\lfn.t11'1\ ~;11Hl,IMMI 111 g11.1<I e&u. UI tOA 6 fAtl ll1111A11 OI t'&LUI VALLEY REALTY A llERO ENTl!APAISEI CO. Investment Division l714, 752-7300 l"t1\111~:l1111 I l'h'' 1111111 tllt.!1 Oil lk.11 h :-I t:l tHtll Newport 8eoch 1'1 If!• I \\I o I hq1 11 t.11.,d ,, Ina~''' p11t• l't1 I I I '"''" 'on \•I 1 •I I 11tt1 •i•.11 ol\h l)lltll l'I•"' l'1np1rt11•• ""' >Ill• "' I II\ 1·.11111 Ill 1·., I 1·. ti f .. ' ·' If I'' l~Quail ' .. IPlac~ ~ I Properties \' n,·IQ70 -*-.... 1JOO OUA U ,, P'"'llfWPOQT Rf AC~ 1d · W h \ I II I·: H 1-; II ( • I·: I ) \ I< .... II \I, 1-: s I l.1•1·.1t o•d hq;h lift •Ill I. \ < ;t' '\ \ S V \ \I I·: I> II I\ I t·; II \ I '() \:0-.'t' I. I ';t<'. 830-5050 496.40401----------I»• 1111 . ,\ 1 .. 111-1111\ l ,tt\\t'I ~:!~~;:~~~~~~~==~~~~~;~: OPEH SAT /S UH 1-5 j '""Ill • l1,1l11 111111 I. 121 45th S treet 1· 1 ••.it 1111 l"omm•·n·i.il l'ror11•1 I\ Ill l.af!llll.I n1',lf'h f11r ''"'" Ion,,: l1•rm lll\'<'"I m<'nl t•nn Onh • :o l l/\.111111 I, .1d1•1-.lt1p L t f I 2200 11,.,o1 1:1.111•Xl't1t.,, o s orsac \\'1 '1'11 ,, ,, .\It lll I' '11-:w 01· Tiii·: s1-:' Laguna Niguel~ t 11111 111•, \\I'll tl1·~·ll!ll1'll ·~~- lk"l',111 ' ' l1l11d.' ll11Hli-1 II duph•\ ;1 ,\ :• ltd1 rn 1111 ii<; S<-lh·r \\Ill I 00;11111•' ':itoi!.l:i001 Balboa Bay Prop. Realtors .. 675-7060 .. 1111111 11 1.111 1 ... ,,t,,, ... 1 the c hoicecommunity 111>1<\I:-. ,1. I \\I ID!,\ 1.\IU:t-: f)fo:l.l '\I·; t 111( 'l'•ll'Htll • 1111111,11 Ill I Ill )ll);\11•:. flllfll 1\ ),11'11//1 II\:-. \\ llllll 11 1·: \\IS, 'i I 1 I t ----------\\\I.I :-. 111-' 1;1 \S:O-,\ "~;~l'~IJ,',:;1 11.:; •·:11 «:.':~' . fl~; I> l' I·'. I>\ II lol'lfHf \I'll.ti h1t\ ,11 h11 1111.:.l.111~111~ ftl•t I' \ '\ I I I '\ (; '>~11,!(~I fWllll'' I .ill 1\11.! i .111\1111 !'>I' \I<" I. I\ 1 • .., I' I. I' l .. 1i.;1111,1 ~11•111·11(1·.tlt ' 11,.,,11' '" 1 11''·1 S \\l-11 "ll'lllF\ h.1',8 30·5050 496-4040 hill Ill .1ppll.1111 ... 1·l.111•tl llll· 11 ........ ,\ 1•\ll'll ... l\I' ..... ,. "I h I I ol \\ .. It ol I ,1hllll'I' l'hl\ I 11•111111 1 1t1111t 1 .. 1c1111,1 lt1111w "·'' t.· .• 111n·, '"" 111111111111 ... "' Laguna Niguel~ 1111·1111011 11 -; \ \I\ SI ""!V :-.~:1 .. 1111, ,, . .r (11r the c h oice community S69,500 OPEN HOUSE SUH. NO DOWN PYMT. FEB. 15. 1-5PM S11bJ1•1 t tu \ \ tr111' "' 2 3232 Tasmania d1cil111t1' ... nt1r1· It.ii 111 p11111· ,\ 111t fl•" .1hh• ~1 l!I p1.•1 11111 1111 ~II \ r' ,11 Ii t ,11111u.d l't'l'l l'OI .1).!1' ralt' MISSION REAL TY '.hl.'l S l'~l 11'" '. La,,:111111 Phon• 04-07 l I ~1 \ ~ I I(' 1111.1,~ I Ii:; S\1111'1 Iii \ ,1p 1111111t 1·tl h(tllltl rt\ 1•rlotik 111~ t'H'I' 1·h.11u.:11u! t•l t 1,1u '''t~•. th1~ I lltlrm. l;1mll~ ~ <11111111.: r1H1111 1111111<• tak1·~ \\Ill 111\11 -.\\ .... 11111 \'11111 tnrl llt1:h ·1wanwtl 1·1•11 111.:~. ~1111 1 1111'1 k1td1 \\ l)rkf"t on'.1 ..... , 1o.1r. 11111 111.1ny l11\11r11•, 111 jlrllll 'f/(11 ,t("I l..1~1111,1 "1i.:1wl Ho'.tlt \ NO TIME TO HAGGLE Owne r dtmond~ Action 1111-:UH:'ll S. :111 \I llS Sl l'fh In ht•ad1, 111• "'11h11t.-rt p.11111 ~ 1·nt1•r t.1111m1•nl ,1r1 .. 1. 1·0111rn l•llJI' 11., 1t·11111 ... 673-760 I . anytime "·" ""' \ ,. .... l'.tl1·11111 mntl•·I \,,,1 to 1 """I ,\ I '1"1 l•:,t••ll1• I .1111• I llH'I\ F11 ..... 1 :-.1111 t ' I 1'11rm.1I 1h111m· rm • r.1111 I tMtl\I I'll \.II .lllf (. I 1' .1 ti\ I " 111 •I\ ,. I II t ti I ... 11•1 ,>IMI \1•1•fll HARBOR HIGHLANDS .1111 I ,lo,1 111• '111 \lnl tt f1»• , 1.:< •1:.11 Op1·n ll111h1' "•Ill . I .o I'll.' 11 t ,1 11.I l' ;1 I I \I ,I I I! I (',11npln·ll 1<111< .!ti.Iii I I 11111111.11 I( 1. NEWPORT BEACH GOLD COAST 1 'k·r .111fr1111t :• 1111. t 11,1, old hut i:•1od 1•01111 1.ol :t1l\ill 0"111•r "'" lak1• ... mull 1111 ... 11 Jlll ,\ 11wn1 & 1 ,lrf\' l1t1ll1 .fl 11 11'; ll11' 1• lo\ •,·~11 \\' 1 ln•an I runt I)( l Nll'l ll1-.l 111 IJ 1)t n111.1111 \l.11..1• 11ll1•r l'r1111q1.d· """ pl'""'' \1 I t~I.' • ll•"I t'.1r1t11 ,,,. I n11lt,l11h l.thl,• i'•1 1.,111111 \I•\\ 11\1 , 11.t I Ill 111.11 I Bl0-5050 496-4040 1•.111. I 1, 1111 I \11·11 "'' \\.111·rl11111t 111 11111 •I' ,\ I 11111 h II 111 I I \ I.\ 'h~1 ·~~I (".111 I'll II~. ,oil j 1'\1 • 11p1•r.1l11 11\ •1'41111 ill '1-<th ..,1 ir111 11 h't' -.1111 '"" •.I I 1, t•1•1 ~.it "'"' 11 I ll I.I IL!.1 f•~I h,. I l••I 1"4.! hi. r .. \ limitr d numhr r of :J, 1 ,~ :> bedroom r<'~iclc-nccs. From ~1 35.000 lo $203,000 S.1nla An;i FW\' \:\11'1 ---~·'" 01rlt" -.. .. ~ ~ VI ..... ~ ~'O • -040: -.. -.. .-C.::: 0. :::i c -;al (I') :t ~ ~ i. :-..111 .l11,111u111 lhJls R rl P11C'1h1· Cnast ltwv 1 ~ Anolt~j!a Bay Dnv•• • N rwr<M:l Rl'ill'h • Iii I \ Iii I 1.\:!1 I• 1r111-lwrl mo>tlo•I• 11111 11 d.111\' from Ill .1111 Ill I 1 I' Ill l:!I ;l) 3!12 '21!111< COSTA MESA 82.BOO SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL rnm1• t:omnwrnal 1 or nl'r /Unctl C I. :-.;,.,, 111 Uanl.., ,,,I\ IOI!:. t'<. lo.Ill, op P'"'''' maJor dl'p.11 t ml·nt s t11n· \ .1lu1• 11n<'1'<I al s:1;,o,11011 Compll•ll-1\ p:Hl'rl "1lh :.m.111 ofhr 1• huahltns: & 111.!hl ... 1.111 tlanh Call 7a2 17110 1111 ti l' I .11 I:. It E 1\ I. I·::-. T T t-:HS l,"\'EST\H:i''I l>IVISIUN. ------- SHOPPING CENTER 12 \'r ... olil 111 ('11i.t.1 ;\h·~.1 (;ro~:. in1·11111P ~l;?,lllli :!I 11t·r ;. r X hit 1t'I111... Sal<' 1mrc s:! I0.11011 l1rnwq1,1i... onl}' 1\1!1 . 1: I:! 5:u;i1 Shopping Center Costa Mesa WILL t;XCll ANG 1': S360,000 th111\I l'la<'t' l'ropt•rt11•s, hwrstml'.'nl UI\ 1i.1nn. •1r <:cncvJ Hyon !711 , i52 1n11 PRICE REDUCED! 16 UN HWPT BCH ll1·n·' a 1 t •'>111\,.1\ 11• ctorw 11ltl1·1 111111· li11 ali-11 tJI t Ill' ht '.111 111 1 llt' 1'1•11 111,11\,1 I ,.,. l.11111 \o•\ l'I .1 \ ~u .11u \ pt,.,,,,., .. \\ '1-.u lltllll!J 1~11.1111 '~"II tM~t S11IH11tl , .. , Ill .I \ II I.' '\lit.I>:-. ,1, I O Jll.1 I •1 t ldll "'.'I.II :-. \;\ Ct,F\l l·. '\"I I· 1m11 ·• ••....•.....•..•.•••.•• I'\ I l' I) ".111l. ll'.11 I 1lu\\I\ h11u ,., ut \._lt \01 ... 111 I \I •ti ;\I\, I·.~ I'' t,,,, '1"·' s I f>..\l. I I • \ o 111 \l \ '\11~1.IMMI (lltol •.'1~~1 11 \11 1 .. , I I 111111 /1 II ,\, :-h11p 1 •1111 111.11 ... lll11ltl1·1• 1 111p11r111111 I ;11hh•11\\ ,.,1 ,\ \~1 •1111111 l•'I fll\\l• l)11111t.11ol1, 1' 1•1•1 I Ill< I "'" \i II• h ,\Mountain Desert St11n·,, ~;1~1 11111 1111111111 Resort' ' 2400 < •. d I t f I I 1 I 'i., \ 7 LC of • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I :! I '.11 li:I" I:~ I' I 'I 1 IJ'lh•\ I· ,.,,,, .. "'''·' ~ •. , IKMI ~1111 t.1, •ht 11•'1 \):\'111 II.I'' 1to!I'' I· 1 ,, -'~) .4~1'\l I 1, o .(.~ G Belly Kerr Really H ome + lncome ·ot lo lw 1l11pht'.1l1·1I I ;1 IHI 1h1ph-\ "' kr1111: 1·rnHI 'ummo•r "1111.., 11·111.ol ~l h1•tl11lt• :! \I ' l'hl " ll.1 1\ Ir plr 111 1 .o< h 11011 \\I'll h11oll ·' .. 11.111 675-1181. I 'I. \.-..:-.11 11. I 1 "Ill ..,.II 11 ()\\I\ \ •1111 II\\ II \111h1l1• ll\11111 l.111 111 IH'.111111111 1•.11111 llo · ,,, 1.11•tll • 1 In·,. 1 .. '"'" l-.1 ... •11hn'41•1 ~1 .. .111 .ii ( 'lllt•I 111 l'.tffl\ I'"'' 1 t ,\II 1111 .11111 111111'~ 1111 l11ol1111• 11111 ,. '" 1111 1111111: Jiii• 11 I 1'1' I t '.ol I ti II I 1'111 t'I \\II h .111Jlllllllll' 1.11•1 '''"Ill 111111.trll 101>111 '·t11na. hie lru•na!•' "''h l.1td11·11. ti! h111t· I'\ l'l'U\I\ 1• I' toll l'lllll'M' ;11111 p111 '""" 1•ult 1111: l!rn•n. ... 1111£111• h11.11tl 1111111 11'11 111,. 1·,11111 I .111 '' m .1111111 ...i·1t11111 :1.>\>I'• I l'o>I , \\II h .111 111111111 I ot 1111 lt1w \\tll 1,111\ 11111lr.1t1 I 'hnll• • 'I ,I '1 11 1r1~1'J , 11 \~ llli 1 Lr• 111• ti .111 '\11 I '1 l),.t!, 1'11111 I' 11 llo'< 1 ... II l .. l.t \11·,,1 I J •111 .... t • .. , .. , ..... C l 2 OAILV PILOT S8turday February 14 1976 ~~!~!.~~!~~ .... !~~~~~!.~~~~~~~,.~~~ .... Tou:~r:hed )525 11~~~:.~·:.~~ •• ~~~~'!':.~~-~ .... ~~~':.'!'.".~':.~; .... ~~~~~~~~~~!~!~ ..... .I~~~!.~~!~~~ .... ~~!~! .~~!~~~ .... ~~':'.~ ............ ~~.4.~ ~.~':'~':'.~~.~~~ ••• ~~.~~ r~;;~;·~·l·.~;:~:.··,~:,:,~: ~~':'r.!~.~.~~~ ... ~?.6.~ .~~~·.~~-.?~.~~ :~!~~~~:: ....... ?!.~~ Mowftaln, D esert, 'Corona del Mor J222 Huntinqton Beoch 3240 • un 11.1 rl., "·'' h II n lot .. ..i11lroJ11l \11111 .. r , rw.it :! Nt'.;W UUl'Lt:X. Ddu,t• Re$ort 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~···•••••••••••••••••••, \111 l.1•.1 1• ·1 1111. • ''"'11"'1 /11·whh ;1 111 " rt•f11 1! >111 I ::..JM> mil lilt 1,.1r .ululh. 1w 1~·~ i.plrl lt•\cl 1:1uO!>lt II .!. lu ••••••••••••••••••• .... , . I Chormin<J Cotto<]I' li,1 I· r 1 I• 1 111 / 111 111 l'rpl. 1l1tl 11 " 1 l"t 'lh:' 1o1., I !111.J i 11111 ''"' "\'.'1 .. ·, •11 "'·• :sutK .,.. llt•n ilH•rl•ll'l.lllt.: hvm~ I ll LOFT ONLY Pol O rt C d I llr I H.1 it. n ,..., l .1rn '\',.,, .. lw,idi 1 llll Ott .Ill ~1.c<l\11 \\.011 1' :-.11!1 ch•1r '.! 1111. I••,, h 101 I'\ ' rrn\\ t rph l'hhh l.irpl'l linm1·d011·upJ111 ~ 1 1111 m\ e~.e 1 on ° It 111 . \ '' " ' 11 p It-'. "' '" ~ r;-, 111,, 1111\ 1 •111.t" 11 1\. 1 o\ '' "' :>l " I \·11 10 1., ,, l .. , Jll 3600 I 111 I ur11 ~.! • 1110 rnd 'cl 1111: llunri• Ir ki• ,.11>r J.:l' l'\l l>Jllu. I 1111;. I H be · • 11 · 00 !':.!h,.iilll IJlln, ~'>i.1 mu '"" 1:1 •• 1 I H URR "" \~I •• 1 I. lul U1J11c ;i 1 \I'• 111 tt.:1 '·""' Dupl~x~s Unfurn ut rl M•'I" ll1 IJl'J ch .,.. :s l••c· .,.. :ilk•ll 1 lo:-.d" HAYLO FT 14.PTS 'IJ ;jj., :!:Ill Hlti Y! 1.111 m •u ••••••••••••••••••••••• !'>II t.>1:~11.;., i5~ 11.1lh 1 ••u1•,1 II.1th lllln 28) A •o c odo, CM , . , . \lrrr•"l "'" & lo1•,111l1f11I :1 <..".111~11.!I ~,IJl\jl ur'l1>'.l Ill".~ ~ 1111111,u· .! llr c11 th•n \\' W r.t1ll.,l'l-.~\\'ll Fortl'll ;ur I .\I.\! Sll((,'dll-\I I\ 1111 .... IJ1lll IW1tll' I J'l 111.:-.1 \\I l I. 0111 I""' 11111 1lqh 111111-. \\ I).! Hr o ..... n1 111111 \\ j.!Jf. 64 5·014 ) .!_ll .!B(umlunt-.11 '11·11111 In 1,,1 11' lqilt lw:u.il :lhr,:!11,1 lr•'l"•111.1JhJn 1 11111.. .. 1,, 1 11 ,.,, 1,11111". 1•1,1,1 J11.,1w 1 hi·ol1111 k .• · hit ~·-11 I h1.1I l'.11111 tlt•o•k 2 1·.ir i\lon·i''rr:Jµm lo7µm I l uh. IJl"•l • .l .1111111 .!111111· 1111111' 1111 \c1~ 111..inv xlr,1-. :0.1111 1• 111 l.1'.1·« .11111111 •oll 'tlll ll.11'\. ud, t11.111t1 1·.,1, 111~1 up l"' p.1trol 11\t ll4·~~~~·1~;1;~,7;1\:1:;3u 111· l'nt~I 1-!Jf,ll!l'W 'l11r.ir.:t•6. S.11Sun10.11n l1>4pm >l!J.;,Ull !'wll 111 l r .1111• i·l•l'•· .. I·., j11 idi s 0 1, ·r 1•1111.t "<lt11 111·1i.:hhorh•11KI 1)111< 1 1 u 11s. , ,11 .\I 111 I \I ' "·11 ".olt·t 1rJ'1 114 l.1uncl ry rm t •.1y 1.nh (, I I • "" ,... • -101 I .... , .~ OM .• l"\'I .~ .. 1 "''M I \ I I I I I '1111' ll\I lll'h ~:Ill lkh ,.,,., 11·11 1\111111• ."'·1 Al w1wr ' ... :.l""'''"I • ~:.1 \In t.11 11:1:·~· ..,. ... '"'~ ~ .. "'· " • "111111•1 11! .1 "•"i' 1.111)1 v 1w1i.:h 1111 lt1111 11 11• .1 • I llr, Ol'JI' ll\'l';111. \It'" • . .,, .. :! llr, I IJa. :.mi.:h.· ~tor) I LI fl I f'I -.1.,o uru J /\I!, 1r11lc'. ~.·.~ .. 11111111cltl"1><111l,.c11 l 1" ·.rntS.it..r·t u \,in .vc•arl.v. rn:iturt• m;111 ('1•a,.1 ll"y;1l1lot'k,11'0111 '.hJ•'•·ri>l•,clrt>' .. "'tl••>. OutofCounty . ~·1 ''"11 uc ·.1111 ,rr :J ISIJIC\lt'l.l•:\:'ll \1,111 . " llu1 ,.11lhlk l111\l:!:!Op.1l I , ,. w .. ,,. , • .,, .tp,111" 11111 1.1'i'Jl.1 l·111111l111".1l11i1:!:.:1Ml 1\l!l 1.,. llll i\v irl 'u"' :)l!J5.:'11.1rl'l1 \,t.7:1 2t..77 '.\',1\'h ~4 2 5 1 3 :, trpll',lx-iim\·i•tl,tbhwhi. Property 2550:-.11 1111111•"1111 1111 c·1 11t llll1h <'l11w to ~.1·hl I'. ~I ' . . l111ltl l•11rod . l'h o11,· g.1r /\1l11lh $4!35 2ll:i0 •••••••••••••••••••·~··r 11;,.,, t11;c·t•cl .11r' lillm.: '""'' )\;l:!.o 1110 \1t.!1 :i 11~1 RENTALS ., I:! 1111. (;;ii.ii.:•• & v111 c1 :l~i!I !'ih·1~' lo "11rh. ;'\loll 4!.~1 171 1)1,1:,.lJ:J:n "I." Ehh•ll ~:17.:1125 !'>1•1l11d1·t)H0 .11·11·~. ~:1,IH10 r .. 11111 1·1111 l;JI , Jllllll;Jl'. :11\r + 1-':11111\11\ I Frµll', :.!ll lC.~ludy,:!li.1 -.11HI (/u,1111l :-Owpl bl -U1 \I• lllh l'I (' :'11 \!lull 1111 hr, frptr. fellfn ('t•rl /\II • \lr1l ll•rrr" I 1111 to P·" 1·.t IJtrll'I rn.ilnr\· <'ttupt1., 111, 1, .... 1" 11 .... ,,1.11 ..,.1.,,1• 11111 .! llH.:: 1;.1 . :-1:,u 11, 1111 clt1i.;s. rd'!> ::.;1.:~ • 11 1.t,. 1 .. ,., '. •. 1 .. 1,.11., !\11.1\ blln:-. Fru1111>:.!15 1).1:!.:1:»:!~ Su:'ll:"\V :1 llr :.! ~l.1 W /Hll)' I I t II t ·~ ~ J ~ ., ' " •• "('ti m:i ·17 l!J 1 ·I ·~·. • " ~" .,_ 0 • • • • . • & (kt•a11 Vu. s. of Jlwy 111•11 1:• " ll " c•\ •\ d11lt11 Pll c>r' IJ\'b. S:!91.1 x.11 !rt.ti><"' :11.:• 111111 :.! l\lt, :.!' 1 11.1 "'" »VI dXll 11 ·h I\ 1 1 J.:.1rth•11 pllll • nm tii:! :!:!7X :! lit . .! li,1 1111: ( ') 11 :o.·~111 . . ., " ' ' '''.. , ll • I\\ 11•1ll1'.., 111 QU•l'l ll\1~1!hhOrh11o<l. $:)JU l .1.•\l'l~!>u11t•-.,s1 ·1 ,110 Sup"' !>h.11·p :!h1 ,:!h:1 ., ' ·1111t "II ~J~· 'lit>'l llr t d1r1, ~ l/,J. .. '•" h1.1<h. l.rtlo A1cu. rwr mo.t.75·71!JR .! \lollrl(· 1111111"' ml n · Cos to Me s o "' 3224 j ~.11· •hl111 ,,,. :-. H11 • l , • '. ·' -;, .1 1:.1rJ;.:t• W ,jll. lo 11 ... 1d1.1Aparlments ~rnished Sl7:"1 ii7J :.:1;;;, ••••• 111'1 L[ RAISOR '1 .. 11 11111 !l!IX 7iw11 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\llr 2 llr. I ha duri!c. x p:.au. •••••••••••••••••• <.:,tlt:,.~:!·.-; ... , I ll''f'\''L't>U''T I I •I ht · I •.:14• ·~·1·•1• Balboa Island 37 06 • "" · .. ·" ' '' • \ tn:-. "' ' I'• "'" ir. 'SJ tu I· 1 .11111•d 111 11.i 1 11 O\\llC'I' l1;11·t.. ll:o' L u111h.. I 1\1'. :1 [ Y llt'l'c1r a I or fu 1 n , :!It r . \Ju ,\gi•lll 1;.1 I· ;:~·n ;111\I01hlt•1m... ll.1 , 111·11 c11l , cl111-. 'I llr . l ' ll.1 t1u1h1110 ff ALT I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ., tr I 11.0. :-111.tlt 1 ,1111 \\tntcr. ::.;Jto."1, ) rly ~l'i5. \l.111\' lt·io•I t r.,,.i., lrnnl p.11111 -..1:::111111 ;,1;, :!:!II h .. ·' u l ti 1· 1· 11 r ·'' "11 ~.11111 11111 rte·" 1~: r< t "omp r\'1111 l11:-ht•ll lu'lu1 ~ Opt•ll S;il Sun. ll ·!\pm 11.1dwlor f'.ul 1111111 , "1r 1·1·· I."" 7:;11•111. 1 •• 11 l!r .... or l.i;~l('.,1111111'111 '''1!1l' nu•h1,.11 1~1:.!"Tll I .1pl ·• llr 1111 <hrhlrl·n illlU W oc•1._111rrnnt int•lultl~i:ar...it:<' .t, ... ,, 11·:\1 \'1111\\ \\ .11111·.t :.! hr ~ ..... :!.'li.l I t .11n11u~ \ .111• \ Slt1111 l Ir I II I I ··1··· " Ill' ' t• ,. I l'll j :.. ·"'mo SIT~ 711:1 i\1·.11·1.1 ll1>11ll',, ' I •1 .. 11 , up hn11.:.il11\\ Sn·111 tl\ • CALL 833-8600 \!-:\\ l'llHTl'll~::-.1 I I.fl 1 \rl\ hi.I ;~~l!I STlllll() \µl !'lo:." tu I 111.11t('l!lg ,\ \ .111 l.ol-t• d11hh•1U't'. II\ :0-.1> ",111 \ h.is,l•il Ir, .... •)1,\' '"1 1111,·· I 'iurrl.t·ll II\ rm. I.I Ill I rn :· ".rll.'r .'\. lia I l'rr \'. l'llrll llnJ!hl Sj)J('IOUS :.! llr. 11.1. l1.1ntl•>lphH1·oll\ J l ',.1 l'l.11.1 \u IJl.'b •'~hql .:, II :! •1 11'' l11 t•1l whl l'.1!111 llnrrl\' ·1 ti.1 1111111,.. puol,\m"•..111 lLlt•j!.111l :!hr Fqill', i.:rt nlllllll} Uut·I. & h11.at l cl"1·k i.;.1r.S.11f llwy ,1111 •111, 1,.:J .>II.!. I' (I · 1111, '17'11~1'1'.l ollol '.ir. ll.'llllt' 11 Ho·• Ht I ,1111 11111 'l1J1l• . ···~I.Hi 1.1• t'.!7•. '1111'.tllotl, 'Pl u1 :.n~lt• 11n1 h:-. 1\\arl J1t. ::..!<!..> 11<'1' ::.3 15 int· utrl '11.X \\\•J\l'l\llh• l'.1111 1 ;ill .\II ," \\tll ''111 '1 ll.1 11'1' ol1p .111\H I '-t''1Hh 1 ..... ll.1>11 K:l."1U:!llE.\l lti:IY lii:l :~'I:-,;; '•olf.ll 11.111•''" • 'r-. 111 ;.: .. 111111 'l'r l-lr . \hit 1,,, •.• :i ill1>i,'"I'" i.1, t ltll lllr .: "·' · · COLLEGE PARK P"n''" ~111.111 "" 11 I \Ir h ,., th ... 111 \ 11 , :.! 1111lt. 111111 small h,,..h ·•Pl I .idlt Son C lemente 37 7 6 L t,.\Si': J IU. 2 Ur I ll,1 Out of Stat~ .I 1!11lr1111111 , .! l>.1lh!>.j Ir <kt'.111, 111 '· Ir i\"t•I P l< \1.111 1mrni·d Slillfl 11\\'I' :.!1i, 11°111 '10ol. .. r , no ••••••••••••••••••••••• IJ!t: p:itro. bltn:.. lilk '" Property 2600 , .. a i p "' t ~. •Ir J ,, l'..,. :,:it. t<• ;~J Loquna Beach 124 8 u~u ht t •:.!:!!t .. I ~•u(ll·nl I!!:; l lJ ~xl UJt;..) 1-Urn B'"'l·h. Sl:.!O tent util. t"-.·,·:1n /\du\\~. no pl·l~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltrt pl .. H·e cl ut•l;J.· •..• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 Jilk l lk h Ht·f ~ :•:too St•avh.'\\. '11·w :1 Iii', :J bd upl. Frµta· s:wo mu. t.7:>·10:.M or rt7:J ll\l.>tl •<!llr, 11\.1, !\la•:.a \t•1dc. upper. (;JI 11gt-1\t.lulli.. ~l .1 :'\11 pcl:. 83:1·8~7.\ I Lr.:t· 11,1.·h A11t. cpl~. drp<. ~Ion-. n •fn1•. St50. !tlll< \',tl1·m·1a. Cl\1 . 5 tO X061 or ;,u, :-.1:n I llr. c·ph. t.lrp.... bltns. :\1 .. 1r UCt' Sl lo5 mo 751 5."i'il or 1;J1 222:! fOUR SEASONS Al'TS Sp.icmu!> :! Hr lwnhso l' 11.t, Jll l 11:11111, pool J1lulb. no 11•·t~. ~05. 73."> Jo.inn St. &15 11:132 llul S1mn~ ... ,\1 l..111-..1-, j!,1r,1i.:1-. ;).11:1 11•'1' munlh I "'.'1 l\I'. It\.\• Ill'\\ ! 1111 nEHT ALS Su~r Wate r Rental '1 ~~ '"1'' ,1.111~. 1, wr'.11 1~f Cl ;:~·Xlil2 7 I ·I r, 7 :1 5 II •• I (Ir \\.ot<'r ,\ ;...1rd1 n .. r· L11111I .. l".ll Pull •t11r·1 ,. 1111\I :-.1.ll'L'>CLl'IH.1> ¥-.;;;1.,;1•t '1 y rurl.i . ----21J:IS!'it;:Jt:J Opl·n llou..,l• EASTSll>f: I ~ 2 Ar 'i'.!,.!tMI Uu) 1111" l. oki· 1ur111,,h<'cl 1 nr 1111'~1: •1r'"'· 1""'1. l.11111111' "" LAGUHA BEAC H 11<'.iul 2 !-tlor~ (',.11ol 11 '"· • ~ Santo Ana 3 780 111 ·I.2114 & 15 .ulull,., 110 P<'b. $l75 & lt.· ... 01 t I u111 ·11•1' tr Ir I '' ., .. ~:!.1:1 "'" II • 111 "41 1 .. 0.1111.1 I llolr,,, , r. "3"1 'I'""· l'lt' Will tr Jtlt• l)l·,1utrlul i.:ruu111h ' " '~ 11 I•\ I i·1111 I ~· :11o1' -..!i~• :\lo. :!llr, 111.i wrlh ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1~.1. 511" :, R Mc di !•ai :.'!kl7101Jl11,;,1ti hlll.'\ .1pllA11.1k1llhll •. tl,."1· \l t I II " k 2 Brl0.1,dhl1::1r,hhn" l ltiXOtt,.'i o y c or e '"'"""·' \\',dlo.lo:o.lrop '"' ,., ~1111'111 1 IH'l' 11 ''1'' ~ 1'·111 "· .!l:; poot.11rl1<'at'l1./\d111l-..,no()u1ct 2 llr I"! Ha. J1 <tl111 R h F Realtor 1810 H ewport Walk I•• urn :11:1t, :·11.1, 111111 ,,,,,1 '" .11 h ,\ti uld , .,1 I••>,· i "''1\ oil w:.i,·,r & I 1>1.111101ntl <.'.itl 117~. ~11;1 ~. AMBASSADOR IHHS pd" ~11;, m;, :1r1:!K dnl! ()K. t\tl11ll~. $<!1111 t~tu one es, arms. L'c1:0.l.1 \la·'·'~. 1x ;;·_ .. , c•1 PIS.:. ol1 '''"· 11 pk. I> \\'. 1 "' ·' ' ' I'·' 1 " O F AMa:RIC.A G roves 2700 p.ilto o.~l~.-.l.-''' l~I ""1111''1 ''·"11 ·'1" ,, i•••'lltl' l111.1t liplo" IL1\fru11t 1111 V1•11rl\ T\\Ol.tll'.\Tll)°'S .1 ... i11n ~•IK!l!'ii:I ••••••••••••••••••••••• !I••..! i;:ll... , ilfllt \l " Hl \I l't::-. :>c. 1 .... 11 "'"''""'" '" tlir') '' '" 11111 ,\ ih-1111~11 \"L'.L,'L"t.Y lt,\'t•L:s C asto Mesa 3 8 2 4 11 II I I' I ~ I I I l(\I 11"111 '' lnt1ll 111j ll'.I'•' I J11lv ~1,j,,11111 1111 ti'1:1 'Ml!17 ,,·.r n ,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW YO RBA LIN DA 1 .r ~ ·'· t.11111 ' rm. :11 1 1•· • :•111 '· 1 '' · ""' 1.. 1 11 1 Ft:t.1.s1·:11v w~: <.."/\.'\/\ VtCTOHIA Horse Property 1"~;1.11 '.il rl~i rm. ·• 11. hlr n,. I :.: ''.': i.... .,'1 rp' ::-l.oll 111 " \;l:1 1 1'1 1 ;·,•: 1il~•1:11.d ~~.~ i:;;,'; ' 111·" ,\: "h.iq• ~:!77 ll:irh•1r. C.:\I J .~&.:I hr. lll'luxl' Uri! 111 . <! & .J llr Stuolw ,\pt' L' 1· 11 ''· ·' .il.1 ... t.. I "~. ix,_ \11\111111 -.. ·1· •1 ~10111111 '. 1Bolboo Pe ninsula 3707 ·11•1•1 11 . 101 SA ... I l<·"I > I)\\', L'r11l1·. _.,I',·•. o·,\!j\11,lli• ·.:0.1•1· 11111" · '" " \\:\II HI llC 1'-I '••••••••••• •••••••••••• _.,. • rr:-. , • • or r urn. 1::1:0./\\ l 1' Jll -~ r • I >11 1•111.d h h111 ll ··~ .1111:-..,•11 prn l lit•. IOI\ 11h1011,.1·, :1 FREE Ml SSIO H REAL TJ 111 )\II ... I f~\!'J .. \~·111 & 540·23•>0 /\clullS-Nll 11l'l:-. s~·r 1:.1l1· I ' 'I ~:i:1;, ~:j!1;, r 'Ill •t t / • 11 ' -~ ,Sli·10:-. t" 11<.·.idi. ·" l.v ll;orh J• I I I I M O FREE RE...,T .11· t'' 11.:!'·h.1.u1111ng r111. !•1'.1:-.1 ,1 "'·t..11•11)111 ~::::::;:;r.;--Rt:All:!:>IAIE.I ~-. 1N1.1·t·1·1111.t·1·1-;111r" • " ': ,,,.,... l}1111'I , 111· -., 11 .... 1,, '""'' Rental Ser•ice Ph e 4q4.07 l 1 I r ~ h.jl "'' 11 > '1 •0 a.I 1•1 ind ti utrl. i\bo A .. Clr'imfltt ----~.2.'i Vidona. ()<1:!·H!J71l t IX W Wilson . C:\1 Cul1Nnw10St•t• p111g ~lU:! 111 tillJ sl'l!l\!;JJ,\1.1<:\\.ES'I' on '°'1111•·r I llr, 1111 IH'l:>.'"'f"Unil.I 'hd C -2 1 848-188 5 ;,:.::1 ";iXK, L-·•:s '•'•.'" '''I t:ut-.J s1""'""·"l' .... ~•111111 -.11"1U1H1 11 .. uw 1:111,1'. :1 llll. ur '''"""''· i,7:,;,'lllOl!rl.ruoF<·l'. mis e Off Beaten Poth IFlll'l.C. Jlhns. b (•am J vu-" .... ' \I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. _ I I' d I I 1:11 ·w~I l llH.:!l1J ilhl i.:.11 .;:11.1 lf •r ·1 1 II g l.1111 c "'· t1111 1·h1111·h1"' :!1•w1 HaJ:o. . ! Costa Mesa 37 24 Balboa Island 3 8 06 I. 2, L" :i Hr. /\olu t.s. nn 1·1•1 ~. apts. rp..,, poo . Real Estate :t l\lt,:.!ll.1.fplt· -..1:1., 1111 •h•\I. , , ,.,111 , 11.", llp•·n I" :-..11 t :\l\/l: I~••••••••••••••••••••••• p t:b. d shws hrs. :.ha ~~Br. A1l111t~. no pC'\s. Mi:r Wante d 2900 :1 llr l 'J ll.1, IJll•I. """' lll .\;l"\'lll.\(il: <'.ill ol l .dl ll~d X.1111111' ll!J\11'.S l;i .. W IHI ••••••••••••••••••••••• <·pts . closed i::n rJ l!c. ri.ui~.107 1.lllam·Xl'M . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.11.,, ,<: 1•111 I )ti. nr Sl ltl·. II • 11 sl'1111~cl.tli• .. 11111 S37.50 WEEI< & UP Yt·arly. !>pac·11111!> 2 UH frµk . BBQ. Ga:. & wutcr, 11 1111 1- 1'11 p.11 11 "·rnh 'llt '11 '\.1111 ->l>I lid 1111< ·•1 .. 1,rph· ~;t.t. ,, .. , '111. I'. t:.1. l1pl1 ·~1111h11 & t lllt Apr' ·•1'1 lrp k. ::.:1.!:i. urdd ixl l'ool. r n'i. <>nr ~''' r i I I I 11•1 I .. Il l( l1.1 I'·'',,, ' .. ·1 •• i l''I'••"'"' "'"' h ""' .,, h' "'' s, " lllol 1• '"' I ulli r,;:, :!:fi~1 LA MA .... CHA .o.pys i1t1,hcr hookup, sn .. 1·~ ""'' '"II ,. "' ti '' OCEAN VIEW ' II I ,,.,." \ i I 1111 ,,,, d •T\ ~ \l.1111 S1•1' /\v;11 " "' I liar Lri! d inrnr.: S2Ull 1'1·111 11111\ l!t' 1 ':'>'\ SI II I ti "II' JI! 1-.:-. 1 '' 1' ·· · 11·' 11' ,. /1 1 lu?di 1 11 ·'' 11, I'""" 1 • l'l1111it• :-. .. n . 1 llcl pu"l I llr ,11 .t1l 111r, r I\ n ·nt.il iill S1't11l l'la1:c. C:\1 '•;:! r.201 l:r 'll.i . .!t.ll 1!·•1·1·" 1;:11 111·hl ll11K1~h111 I j 111 " \Ill 11" 1" Ith I •lh11rh .. 11S1·1·l1•rn c'I"'" tu Jl.t). ;T'l~W. 1.1:,::~1~:; Rcntols 1.1111, c 111 1111•· ... :1:1·, r .: hi! 'It •. i11o1. .11 ·'"'" •II•• ' .f, 11 I,., .•:111 1 ltl1• '" i "" • '"' '• 1 .. •I""' "'"nll1h '·'"' v .., 111.1 1.t.111, 1. 1 .. 11.1" 1 1 'll'H\ 1."1" 1 1~11 ""· '" 1111 '" "' 11 1:1, . 1111 :o.i1-:sA vt-:Hl>t-: ,1,..,1 };~~;;~;,:tsh";~ • •• • • • '" ''' '' "' ,.,.. '•!<..,' ll1i,h,11 ol \1 l,1111.1 • .. 1111 n11t111 ·1 lo ,. o11.1 •·It • • '' ·~·~.~I I• 11 t'c·lo. ,. 'int Balboa Peninsula J80 7 lluml.' atmo,.phcn.-2 & :I ••••••••••••••••••••••• J ll1 . I.~" l11nl l>.tc J.. )II : I Ill< .!h.1 t111t ::.,1!11 i:.11 i 111 ,. u1 1 .• 11 F' Ill! ..! 11:1. cl111 'm. 111 I ,2.1,1, '""IH•1t llh1I. ('~l ••••••••••••••••••••••• brllcluxc apt!\ !>IG·H>J I Balboalslond 3106 h 11h Oh. ::.t.!;, :\lo llt'l•;\\\1 1·.\~ I • I \1.,ll 11\1" fltl:\H i """' & par!.. ll.i1lu11 ~>4ll!liJ~1ort'1:.:1!1ti7 l.u,.ury Apl 1111 llalb11a 2 11r t •-,. Ua brand n ew ••••••••••••••••••••••• :•M· .-1~~1 ,1, 1;7'i .ixu; \n•IJ11tl 1\\i.1r111·1 I 11 r•util. 1,,1 1,., '" "'I \ 11 w 1,7:11w1 llJY ;$ lk. :.! Ba. \\/den. 2 Twnh!'>c !'>lylc. 1-·rptc. l.J:c :: 1111 .:.!h.1 lplo-. l>'.I:.!:. II I " ' I I 2035 Fvlle-rto n, CM 11 p in .. :di ltlln rutty P't pallo, gur , Sl75. 2·H 7 ::O.c151l. 311.r · :! l1.i. I l'l'"' · .I llr, :: ll.1. J!.11 ;11:1" t 011 rh'rl :O-(JI. \ 1:-. I'\ ~':\·~I 1 '11111 11 II" "'1 ~ San Jua n I 111< l''urn. :! Ir ).! d oi.l'ls, c'f.tUI pt ktl, I aund ry. 900 L'.ldcn 979.1c;ca p.ttio "13 Dr.imund l' "'I ' 1 t t 1 t I I 11·•.1c·l1 111•11 · ' " ' ' ·' "11"' ( C apistrano 327 8 t I ·~ ...:o .-.,.: • 11 · ).!~.ll'I I""' ..... ,, " 1:1 .... , ~""''"·tlk ln s:111 '1Ul'\'n"l1l' ICC. JHIV I', ll.tlh11.1. h<lat :-.pace ------- i .. ;,!Jtil;, ).J7:1. l';tll 1•11 ,q1p11111t 1 1111<.:!lia .fplt• ~.11.,1 1 11 1 ... 11 h 111 l\i;.!o ... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1lr1·-.:.111i.: rrn. xtra I.:" .l\·:111 ('.111 for v1e"ing. Balboo Peninsulo 3 107 11w11l1ill ll1I 1 :-.1,\Hl1\:..1' :-.1,,11 ,,, ,1 ,,,11 ,11 ""' lll1 :1 11.1h11m1·111 bl'Jlh<\ 10.,111 :--. 1•t1ll i:..ir ~l!t ~~•kH .<·l•'!:<li·l:!·.\lfi3 \I( F.1dol111 l"d".11 o1 . 111,. 1111 11111111 .. 11,1,,1 ''" 11.111.1 l'l \l .11111.1 ::-1;,11 "~1oir.ti:l· J\dulb 11111) •••••••••••••••••••••••1.1 11111111-... ' 11.1 . hit llh 11'1' ·11 ti 1 'II 1 " I 1·• ·111 •t 1.\11"' 11111 (;n·at lcwalrnn l \. .... >.t t J l' ).!.tr ...,, ,; ,\ I ,II di 111 I IUn f,I ·'· f\0 lh'l!'. " 110·11°.1111 1\J>.1111 l 1,11•1 1 ~l .'>"ISI' 1 l.IH.1'.\\\lf..ll "11l.11h!'i1 l :-.h11rlhll;lu Macnab·lnina HI \I" 111\ll'\'\ PEHINSUL..A PT. OCEAH FROHT '.11 ol •I h I "r ·' '" Sp1•111 i.:ol.di· \11 l".idd1 11 ' Santo Ana 3280, !->'It 1111> 111 h I\ 1n11·:-. ::-:.i:!:1 11111. <"l11ld1,•11 "" •111 ... 1111t.:tli.1.d1tl"~:;or ::.:t:.11 1 11'''11''1'1' l'J1><1.u........................ WEEKLY RATES lt i.1'"' '"" 1oi m11 Ind l-l:U~r~~l 1 t'li,111111111• •fi ll 111111 :•1· ;I ll• l'nt\ llup "''" ! 1"ullK11d11·n&'I\' •111\t'.tl'lt .:.'•.1rprlo.').!&I "I' 1'1 "··'· 111' 111,11;,1 ·1'1'1 ,!!11 \l.11111!,.111 .tl tl•>.1::.:1 t 'IOSl·:100I'~;,\'\ 1,.ILk.ho:! d.o_\>. 5 11 ·1.!~i •• " .' ht ,,,.,, " "'" ·Bil. :11J.1 1"11h::." :\r 1111<11 "-· dhh' II.ii k H;,' ~!X.1 M:l7·115:JU. L\·l'. 5HI IZl:.t !::1\ST!:>I u E 2 y ns OU> 2 Ur 2 Ila. bllns. d:.hw:.hr. c·pL,, gar. AdullStno pt•b. l lllk lo Halphs '.\larkt•l S3UIJmo 55Hi462aCl 4Pllf STU!'\NINI. J llr ~11'15. :! llr. $.:!'.!.>. 3 llr ~S:i. S:JO •>If d(•p." .• d i 111 \\' 1111 h SI C:\I l.ml'ly :1 lir . .! ha a111 w trpl<'. patro. p:tnlry <.Ir 111101. 1\dull!>. S:JIJO. 11111 1>1~ .. :1:1111 . I' 1 II II · l l ' I c.1 1 .. 111 '''"' "·'·''' 111u h I'S I···• I l.1111·11-..'1.l't1lrl11'-. lr i•p.111" 1\tlults.n11p"h 1>nl\ -.~1111 \lu , •1111p 1111 ,, 1,11 •• hop .. 963-4569 • 963-1786 1011 l.·.i·, ,,.,,1110 1 .'I'• W estminster 3298• ExecutiY~ Suite-s "'''' I u 1 11 I 1 I -1 I -1 1 ' ·1 .u. ,. 1 Ill I Adult g:irclc·n ty pr• apt~ :! 1 1 ' ;,..J r.i.'t 1 1' t I I I 11 I \ t I J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1"""'1:wpor 11 ~1·1·, I ltl 1111 On b(·ach l\4·1lrnom ~i~111•-.1 11•0111 '1" 1 ""· r11 l'."11' n·11 •oil 1111 1'1 · • lll 11111• I Co!>l;i \l ~~.1 llr. I U.1. :! llr, dt'n. :! h.1 THE FRIENDLY PLACE t.O'Un ~.ind ;,1'.1rp.ul. Lll'J.!Jrtl Jllr. :!h.1. 1>111 oi. ~1:.c1 IA-."" lrplt,11.11101 .!lll\.. '"'""~:····.It~< 1\ I l111h •Pl , t.\:!2•ol l :-;,~:~h· ,•;I. i'~1 ~rn~·r;•1 1:11,11y 1hel!oocllif\·' l.l\C' "'''''tro. H:1c hclo r . rni.: J ulv S2:!01J, Au:: rm. lr pk. clr!>h\\Jshl'r. K'IX l'i:l'I \\,.,nh 1 '"" ·''"; ''1 '11• " 1 :-II"'"" · ·"" "11 ·• ..,,. ··" .1mo11g 111 a~n1(1l'c•nt Hcaul. l andsco pcd S!600 n ·:r; l p.11111, .\>Ji;, mu .\I l'-<:1 • 3 B t:: llll oil \1 <;I. I·:-.: "''1' 1 tr 1111 ' •· 11 :)J;" I 'H.t 1 ~.·• :M;:J 1 '""· 11" 1 c•n I El Pffrlo M esa lmm.1c 2 llr I', B;i ~lu11in. t r l' I' 1'. !> l r <'am ~ & \\ 1 pool. l..<-nncRothl'llf~1 11;21~1 \1·nk l'd:.OK 1;1:.!·1;1,.11 l'<t !lltJ I 11.d 11·•· /\:-.!.Cur Bt•\ 111 1 I BEOROOM >.tra ":tr <l\a1I for S2ll watcrlalb 1n a qu1t'l. MarliniqueA.pts #2 , \l.\I{ llU:\11': Clll' l S, l•.i· .. &. 111 llli l>lll'!-t 1>111. 1;1\H L1V11.Jn0Hi9uel 3252 · ----"•Hlrrhlrcn.nu11t•l,. S:.,'75yrly Opt·n lli.cS.it mountarn·lrkci;clhnJ! :l75t:: llllhSt.C.M. \\ \I.I\ TU S lllJl'S L!:-1-: • .:-:~••••••••••••••• ••• J llr 11, Ila. 2 'l' T v. nh"·· """' & lfrt·n ·.11um t. Sun. I 1 . .iu7 Jlarclin~ C lubhouse, TY r oom & fl31·3003 ~~?:~.~:! ~:~ ... ~ ! .2.~ 1 ~.:~'.~": ,: ,'.~11:1:1~1'.~ ~1~1;1 ..:1.!:, ·>··i; :!:17.. \\ c 1 \1111· ('onclu o n i.:oll '~~1 mu hi & bl. l'ool 1 1959 Mopl~ A ve, C M \pl E i:\I ~.oi;, ·i;.i5.i::;:-,i, pool tables, social .\dulls 2hr. 2ha. l'pst:i~r!-. ('11111'1•:-.h11rc·~o., .. ,,111m11 '"" .,,·, 11f 11 11"1"" ;11111. nc\\h "' f1·•11" ll t>.l:.t :!i,xu 11., .. h \Jll ev~n t s, Sunday l'l1l i11I l'•1t1l. U!>h\\:.hr • ...,,, :1 1:1 • 111 ~ di I' 1 1 I 1 ~Ill Furn 2 llr (;Jr al!•·:-' h1111w" l'""I l'\l l1r .t"'"" 1 \,\I t h"t ,\ ''1•1 '' 11111"1 '" Houses ~mishedor !:'"'"I.•""'· 11urrli"d ~l:ll•11111 ~11\ l'lllpd bninches & parties. 2 :'\o 1l11c:--. 3:!1 1-:. :!Ulh l•1lllh .1 111 ' rr1,1ul t l>«lf 1.11111 ,,. '"''1" t'.dl'"•·I ""•" , Ill•'"'\ ,.1 1.• '"" Unfurnished 3300 "·•111 \tlult" "" 1111' i;-:-:111,\i swimminn po ols, lame c.t5 1i1o1 ll.1 ll111 ltm. I .1111 11111 I fir "'' ·' ,. :-.,, "'1111 '' 1'11 l•••'• '7 • '7 ,,51~1 1111, o.,..1.,.11 • .11.1111, "'" .\ ••pl \dull 1:•• " , • 111 111.,,1 ""·"I •••••••••••••••••••••••I :!tt.!ll l·ull•·rt1111 •'"' 1 Corono d el Mar 3822 jo c u11i, 2 s aunas ,.! 11111' Cor n·nl I lllr , I ~ pd ,., 11 .. li.! I 1 •• 11111111 111 1., 1, Newport Beach 3269 ~ r•' 1 i·11l.1l 'l f\"' 1111111 111111 I. I. ••I '' "111111 \11· •••••••••••••••••••••••I •olleyball, BBc;>s . llr. ~ar.11!". q>b dq1~ .. :1 111! . ..! ll.o I"''''" ' 1,1k \\' 1 \ 1 1. 1 \I 1111 llo-111.tl• .iu -.;r,•1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 11 ,. 1 "n 11 " ·'' 11 I ~ I hlo<k:-..i ••I II.I\ <lu:alrty .1dult a pl" !rnm ltltrn,.5\X ll:!.! t rom l.1 111 0· 1·,.,,111' CJ<>>:-. .. \t... '.S I Ir. •Ill.I 1··1··.., I 1!1 ..!' · 1:.1 ''1''1111111"1'' 11 '111' \\', 1·l:!lic.:lll ~:!v (;u\l11mdrc11ratc·ol I I••· 11h '"" 1 11 .l1111 o•l H,.111 tf11-.1h.irm1n1::1hr I Ill\. '11.1 111 .11 lil'otth l•.1111 1:111. 1•11 11.11111. "·"'' 1u-.t lh" 111111"1' )uu" •. rS . 111 1111 •·I I' :-..i-:w :.: 1111. 11 , h.1. p a11 .. I I ll.11,·'•·••11 l1"1"1r1"!11r Ii\:: 11111111 l1.11l1·r " J ' <rm. irmnccc•n . · "" " " '' Sl \II $111."1 (; .1•, l( \\' .11!•1 I '· L__"" r,. ·'.-1•' I ~ I Tiil • ¥ Id I .l ,1h ..:1·•1 ''''' 1·.111 l1l\1111 ·I '' 1111i11• "' 111" l.•k•• ~11~1 11r't '·1~1 •1·1·1111\\, ..... 1.111 i.ll 11"11 ",",11 ,11.111 .' " "" " m I ti ·• 111 " I ti l -.,1111 11.~1.l '.lll'.I \\ II ·• 111 pi.·r ·' ·"'"' 1111 i '.!1111 t 11'.llltrl . I .111 .•. .. ... "' • I t • J'.•rclc•n. ;1dl1<:. no p1•1 • ~":.::, 1>1:! rn1:1 I\ <;7·~1 l·•·r mu 'I •'.ti''> l.·1111.1 "r II.II •11,:; •1,1, 11r I I V t ~ I' 111• Id .:--.;,, kid'. 1111 ,,,., • .-.panous 1 u-." s cv \'Up c 11111.0 , ... ,,. ''''"' .I llr' I'"'" 111•·1 .. trdl'n•·r ... ~.).,,11 l•m11h1•11 ,. ·; 111, " '"'· 1:1.1 1 .. 11.1hSl 1;c 1:•r,·, H1,1r1... ur111 ur" ' ll,1y \'ltakt ,\pt" I hr \\ .11111 \\'uud hur11111 •.• lq11,, l'.tl10. )!.1 r .1~!•' .<. 7 W . ll.1y. ~:!I ll. lllll t~\~ .\;!~1 •• Ii I:! lli.oll I 963.4 569 . 963.178" ('IJll<>''AOr.t 'l\1' ma11l,1·r1111·;1\:11l.1hlo· 11 .. m.• 101 1,.,, . .,., "11110·1 11t I 1111 1 \1 .. 11 t l ,1 · 1 ' hl111 I> \\.,pl ,\ olr p -. u ' r. • ·• · ' ., , ·'' , ,,11,,,11 1,,1,11 ' ... 'l-1.1 I "Elm Garden s • ·• llr ·111" 11111111,1 •. frr1l1• :-.mall Pl'l' arc·•·ptt•cl .11111 .II ::-1.!.1 11111 1·.111 .. 1., 1111 \'11.1h ,\ \\.t11 .... ,~1t.11p 'I lilt :! Ila. \1ll.1 " ·-----------I r ,,., I ()l l 1t't·hu111~:1 1111i 1oi."1 1•.I•" l<o·:i l l•: .. 1.111· l'.1111 11 !'"""" .1 ..... ,. 111 \dlh ·'' Jl11,11 111, 1, •• '' 11111 • ·" m11 l'.M1I. 11·11111-., nmlrn•'nl:tl I -..•1.1111~••1' I S1 \l 11 I ,--I I :!:ll ~I F.11 1\IO'\\,\':\I 1'1" h1'.1rh \\llh 11·11111. ""·"'"' 1.l.! .•. 1 ... 1 ' ·' 111 • irllt~·· • tll '• "" 111 ' 1• '. hrt·.11-1 1"1 So111w111·1•.111,\I Co~toMeso 3 1 24 ll,1 '""' lld1t-. :0><1, ('.iurl, l'o1ol ,\ .1,.,11111 , I: t.tl•·lorl1•:"1· :::.?n.t!-tl 1,L':t1.l'1 l'.il.tlin;i ,;1•11, t'l•h•• lio 5 45-2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• k.11"' St1 .. 11 :\0 l'ETS I 11,.,1111t1ul p.id..lilo.t· a l \w11 ll111Y11•,,11 ll:o1\. ll,1v t ~1·,1111 1wrmol1~111rn jDanoPo'int 3726 ,hnppmg & trnc• 1t1 .. 1d1 I 1'11 l'<I 11r hr..: c·111111•I•·''"' • l)1111·I E:"b1tl<'. LI!•' I hr. hlln-.. cpl-<, otri" .. oil 111 11 Jlil ~l!I~ ,\dull. 110 pt·I t~\(i 0'1:11 \o'I\ p11,,1lo1,1'11•,1nt111111 1'11111\ll v:.i .. \,., ,\:\•ltl rn11.,11h1·t•· ::,.t~o.1 11111 j 111 !:-.1i1 11111 t:.!1 :11 ~llH1 '"''""' hu11 I 11 .,,11 •EJm G ordens• I 1 ' • -I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ' l~r 11u f11rn ~1°0 mo l•r c·utl.1•:,. ll,11 h \11 I'·'" h J :.::• 110 1 · I H I I :-. It I·: \ L l ><1,•1 .'tMt, l>ir.I 1'11., 1110 ~"'' '"'11•·1 ,\ I'"" , -" 1"'1' -...•111 .. 1~11 .. :•: 1-..·1·11· "''11 ,. ('.di IL.I \\ ll.q: :•11 1< 111 h.1·h & I '\dulh, nr) pd ~ J;7 F ~~. ·111,l"''·•'•·'l.t1•·1, .. 1 1111111 ·. 1· .. 111111,, 1 ••. , ..... , 11, ... 1., ill •~.07.,H ,1,,1, h.11t1<•r :-:•;1 II .!.1ll!lt.11-:rrY \lt-'.W.a lcr h1' nnt1s11.12:11;15 l IO I llr \I II 1 11111 pd I\ I'.., "'"" Irvin~ 3244 j ... 1.111111 ,11 "l'I • • 111 w• '" ,1 11 l.:il'r«'~l.1 1•11 1.x.1~ 11.,,.11, :! 111< g round""'"' . k.1th11I. .... ,. \1.0111 110111.ol • .111 •,::~·t ••••••••••••••••••••••• \•1 1111.r1 11i:1 "1 ' • ''' •1 ' . lllltlulDuiili•\\\ Jdl\'t\ t/lll-.T carcll'tll)p1•:rdult \I I( I • 1-r !'iu111·r lll'.1t I lir \ 11l .1 S l''('J.L'S h.1l'h :!.\o:t h1frm ·•fll' .1111 1•111.1 1111., .• •1 I I I l<ur.illll.\l I ..... 111 .1.1.11p1111 1 I Si t 1111 ,111 '"'" . , , .r.. ,., I h , I lilt, 1111 J.:.or, p.11111, ht .. 1m 11•11. ('"· 1·11 . l'ol11•j!(', q1111'1 1w1i.:hhn" ;'\o pd~ :>IX > 1111 I ).!,1!\ ,\ '1 .111• r .1 .. 1o 11.11it; 1I1 ~ewport Beach 1111 :.! 11 1111••'' 1 1 1 11 \\\ll1tl1:0,1 :1 1111 ·.,,, I~··'"" ,11111 , fl\ 1i .. ,11, ", c.··.~ur '·'.,'c., •·• l'ltL.l·'l ... ll ltL'.J) ~ •. ·,.-,11 lo.-1.1l -. l\l p.1tro. 3169 .II,.,,,.,. \\lllllll ,, .• I,.' I ., ,. ...... I -11 I t"ll ,. ,. f I I II ., \ I. fl' I 11' .~I ••1·-'"'~··, 11tt'll h .1111p111 ll ll :-t·.u 11'"-· 111 " " -JI ITIOI 1'.tll 1\•'1·nt. !><llTIC'" rp c:.. r oo. \l.1111 II• 111.il ·.i I 1.r.•1 '1 '1' ,, \\ 1' I" llhl I ,, '. ·' I. " \ 11.rn" I I ll l 1 he 11 ' "1" " ·' l.1 k ,. ''o'.ou 111" '1-f; •~.hll H·-t·1n'"'on B•och 37 AO h i 1 7 'I I \ •:d "' "'1 '" '11 e 1 ' 1 -· .,. "' "' --I prnc. hl·.1ut I .1ml"""'"" "'''"·''"' > .•...............•.•... I 1·111J101r.111 , .... 1.,t \I .1r \pt ,\ \\ 1\ 'hi lhll. 1•1 l11h '<''"' 11111 11 111 If l '· ' .t'tC •.• , Huqe Do•er Shores , Ill< 1 ll.1 I 11 I" 1111 I 'on Ill 11 I >r11 I" I 111 Ol•f qll I• 11 • 111 1•11 h.t1 11"" h.t ~.tlo h ,\ 1111.t I, 'I IOOl lllOI o1'1 Ui'I, B1 .. a•\ 111\ .. • ••• ,,, •• I ht loll "II \\ • 11 """ ~'' I' I ISi t ''1111 SI t.1 •"'I• \1•\1 l.11\ .' ty .I fir :! ll.1. 1tpl1 ,\ l .1111 Hm. l'\I t.rk"'""' c 11111111 '•·.1r ""' I' I l'l.11.0 1·1.,11,qll ~, ,11 rnoo\ 1• ,1, ·.i •o :-.«~I 11\0f .I 111 I f \.1 ' "' .'I\ l t11 ll11•111to1.lf11,\do1t.' drp", I,. f'lod \d 111lo11111 ,\ lh•"h 1'11111• t 'bil I•• 11111\ 1;1 • ln"l o , ..... 1."'"" .. ,, ... ,1 .. •I" . 1 lo·""''"" Ill" 1,p, 1·11,, 'lld 0·1f1I, dq• .... I •1• l11•'<I I Ill I "" ,.,j It> ,ol 1 1·.11' ~~!:!.~~!~~~~~~~~•••• t II 'o'I, 'o 1~1 • 1 General 3202 Dono Point 3226, .......................................•••.... , •LANDLO RDS • ·Ill-\1'1111111 'ii·:. U11.:!t·1 FREE SERVICE I 1'.11 t.1111 ,, d1·fl11,.1t ,'<. i-.tl I 11r Io I .11I 11111 ' I .ill "111' l'~I •t>11o lh•1111111 fir""'' FountainVolley 32 3 4 548-6457 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 'll• 'n•tlhk)•l.1011 RENTERS! I lo Ill l h1loln·11 •' l'l'I ,, ~ , ... I tit • I 'II 11'1'1 "" ,,, I .iltl 1>1· .. • I ""' I(, 11• .ti oil 1r1 1 ~ .111 pt to, I 1,1001.0 1 f fl1 . ( 1111111>. \to 11 Olf i,1!..1• ( 111 llo I ' h\ , .... I.I > 11111 ~.JI .<~I •.>0 S48-64S7 I k.111111~. 11••1 1 • 11111 I K.1!11.1:.:i ''" \!.,.ti•~ 1 1 ''11 '"11 ,. I I I llll "'II \ """' "'~ I ... I' 11(11 ,. I' I I . \J.ut1llo111 ii .,I) ,1 'I I>\\ ll () duloh· .. • I.re rl ' th ~ t1 l It It 11 t 1 ,l t11I Corono del Mor 3222 •1,,.11,si; 1111 •• 111.ol t •. ,. \ I. Im llo \ o 1 .I•,,. ···~~~;·~~;~~~···1 Jtr •I• 1 1 111 11 , d h.11 I .... 1 , .• '""'"''"Ill • h.olh.I \d ltll11 :1 pit• I pl . dlttlll' ,,, f P 1 d\ ,. tll p ltlt1· ······'· ~,,,, •• • lh ''"' d p.11111 111,., I. '''I ( h 1 I cl 1 1• 11 11 t• I ' 11 ~ 111111-. ~t · • 11111 .• i'i 11, I HAL PINCHIN • HI· \I 11 Ills Hunhnqton Beach 324 0 ·········•··•••••••••·· '1~ IHll I ,II 111 I :-.I, I '.1,'1 1 l'llt,i ti 11 Condominiums 1 • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • ' Hr t ll.1 I "nh'<t' I rrlr. .\ttr.u·t r' ~· ~c·nl :.' 111!. :-.;,:1-1 ., 11111 \dull:.. *RENTALS • "' ,i..11 '" ,'/,1'.1 111 ~ Unfumi~hed 3 425 llJ-:\1 TIH I. 1 lir fnrn ,.,111 p.111 .. t.lk Ir l11h ,\ M art1n1que Apts J>.1~:-. r.7 .. 1>xoo \ I \ \\ It pit• ,. "h ••••••••••••••••••••••• .q1t .... 'l/u -.\~IMO !'-tp.anhhj I _ 1 t'lfi -·~''' 1 11 .-.iwri I \I E 1..,11 1'\llk. lrl 1•tl 10.11,,, ',.,,.,,: '~1~1 .. t1lol1'.111t i•r11l l!.11 . '"" l'-.1."• .... 1.ix. ~ .. , .. _,ir •· "'"· f':q•.;,1il1:!7tot ll\ll '' "·1 11111 1 1 "1'"'' '·"'·"'" 1 1""11 ''" "l""''1 1":1''".'1 1 1 11t.:.! 111~1· I""' ~.1u11.1.l111IP ,at11t-!'-11111.v ,\ lmm.11· :1 llr ;i.\olulldc·lu>.1'. I llr.1> W. ,:\l.1rn1·1l n 11111l1· "''m.111 ;1 Ill< 11 01 1'111 ~· 11 '".»Cl l.111 It• II ,\ l111li \ •Jtlllt •I\ 0'1 "'1"111;. '11"1 liJ1ll "''t'l-.1111 I.II, I hJJ.. · f "' II I l • 1 ' ll .1. 111•1••·r l11·l11w rdnl!. rplt'. h Jr. pool ·hllr n11p1t1 "''' "llr I '"I~ II I \I l. 1111'1 t1I 1 .. h l.•1 ........ 1 111.11111,1 " nn'.otl II \\ tol 11<'.il'hllll :O.l;ili•r I 11 I' .1 .. t: ~· ~ I'll I 1 11 1r.1 11 .i rol ~.:1"" 111 ,, ~·t·.!-."I" ll\1\ trrl1• ~n l ;1 r111m :"\o \'l'h. llli5 l'omon.1 ~1711 .!t>'ii W.tltJl'Ci\\l'. ;J •. • :.1 .., "II . • 11v.11,, 1 , I ;111: ~ ., ., 1 , .,. 111·:1:111··11·;1.ll 1 1 x.1 .1, i:.ir ;\opl'I"' S l ~11> 1.1:.-.. 1..,., ___ 1.11,•x::1. :• llH :!' 11,, '-.l..11 I\ 11.111 •· I I~ 111 • •111 L......,no Beach 37 48 1h1 n1 1\1•1 1.1~1 r:'..l:.!!> _ 1 l'C &. 1 1 ---- 1 I• \\ I' 'I' 11 I,,.,. ('untlu 1111 I -'7-·' • I '.! Ir. Jlctll. nr Sp.11 111111 • .: br. l'.t 11 I"' <HH. •n.. ,, ... i '" ·'''" 1 " ''' • • ~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 11 I ' ,1, 1._ ... 1 "''·' 1 '"'"" c 1 :t llr . ., l.11\llfl"'" .! llr. ::-:11111. :11•1 ~ 11111,.. ar i.. no Jlt•b 1>.1 l'.1110. ~lnl J11r ., 1111-.l !ll.11"\\ 1,..,,.11 I!~•\ •" 'I I 11 I'll''' ... fl.1 ttJ•lt'l'·'""·:•,.11 1.11. '.'·111• P •·1'·11 · · "' \1.1n•11 .. n1i.,OpcnS.1l.i\ l'ltl I"' 11\lil Monro\la , ,1 .. rl.111g a1llt!> s:i 1:1 ;i l:JI '11·' "11111 llrl• o• 1>1111 I .,, ... 1. "'""II l'll•lllllf, 1 .... fl<lllf I s r I I) I () .\I' T 111 :0.1111 I.! 11'\I !'>Ill u:t11i lii:l J!~l'I 1.111.f·.:\11111" · I ;-,..11, ,1 '·' .._1,1,111,, :-.,,, ""'" 111111,., 1 ... r 1111a l<1•.i1h 1111 .110•1·1 ------- .! 111< I 1<' ·"'I l"I ,\11 iwt , ;, 1., .I I:~•• p.1rk1111: ,~.ilk lo 111 .. 11'11 Costa Mesa 3824 Costa Mesa 3824 Costa M esa 3824 ('\1.11'" lhl\l1•,;"'\ dX Hf,,,, ~11~ .. rnu •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·······················I t 111( .. II:• i:· I' HEW ELL 11.111, 111,s,,11 .1,.,,, 11111 Newporl Beach 3269 Newport Beach 3 269 t '···················•••P ....................... & ASSOCIATES ·•1t11 • 11,, •'"I .! lll( .• h.1.1lo11 ... 11.11 • ' 494 -6594 II \l '!)l 'F't 1'11 II I OCl-:1\:'\Fllt>NT :! lilt. ;t 11" ~· 11•• """' · 5-I •11 I m!lcnab I 1·rv1·ne c: 10) :-..1 \\'l'llll lllL\1'11 u .!h.1 lurn aµt..,. l. m u 11111 ... ll.1 ,. .. , ... 1 realty llli ''i·'.;;~~~::W.\TFH t'I I.\ I'll!> \I.I' I I I ~ ., 1 llJI :.! II.I ":li.i l<'.I l·~,1.111• I'll . ~Ml1 I'll: I\ II l.llW.., I :-1:, I 111 n 1 •II\ h:11 h \r I :1 llH • 1 •• , ... :I.'• LIDO ISLE h• ti t 11 t 1111 I!,.~,. :J lwdro11111 ho11w \\ p1 I\ :11<' p:tl10. \'rnrtl 11.11111 I'll l:!rMl 552-7500 red hill );.,., Jiii\ •'II ,l/llo•tl l\o •,1111 · '" .\ "''"· ""' ..... ti:"I \ d '\i I J'f f 't 4 •1 tJ l'f.l 111 I 111•11• lo n Ill 'lllh'I I 11110• 1 IH, :• h.1 C 1°1 1lrp., ,.11.:, 11111 'Jl • .I t.01.!I ·~.:1 tlxr: :--;., rl'nt.rl 11•1• •\•k 1111 fl4'1 II( .JOit' ,\,tilth lw.ll'h ,I\ •II J•lt'I ,\ :-.l ip'. :-.1 •011 1110 \1•.1 1 1~. l.~11111 Hol hvll 1,j I i..;tltl l \'..!O I "LUXURIOUS" :l l11•cl1 Cllllll \11111.11 ·11 Ill f:1 :,.: (',I ll\ <lll 111\ qtllt•I 1·111 dt• 11 1:, .111111111 l.111 \\,I\ \II \\' "'l lltll> tllll \1•;111\ .l 11h11 l;1.111.t1h Iii.! X.!:: .. I \"'1 1 LIMOA ISLE LEASE S!:(1 lk.1111 furn I hr ;1pt '' '""" h l 't rl l'tl No Pt'I' lt1·~11 1•111pl cl adl1' N I 12<•1 !\17~, :"1.,11 111·t•Jn t;11I Jl.lld ....... \l.1111 H1•nL1l ... ;, so ;,:1w M~wport Beach 3769 .............••.••..••. I 111 ,' 111 :rdull • 11t1 pt•I, ;;>ljtl :-.t:kl ;!I 'I t·. lti\h St.I '\: Ill' lo Iii IKHI Waterrront Rentals% :-.,,.\\' • )1111 •·.in II\<> :11 \\;tl1•r',t1k•• •111'1'11111\olo ol h\ .1 11111 I 111 111:it11r1• tri••·" :111il I• h pl.111b rwhl 111 1111 11111loll1• ••f ,\J. ,;i \·, r1l1• In :i 'llinv 11t' \\alt'rL1ll' a111I 11.1nd1 nn)! ,.,,., .1m,. l!1•l.I\ •111''""111 .. ·k al cl:I\.; r•ntl, \\'.1l1•h li-.h •r.u·r- f 11'\ tl,r,..h lo\ 1-1 rrrJ..1 I h• r.ild th .. ~ tttrw ••Ill Or 11 111. "', r lo the• dult lor ;1 ltrt,I.; 11 orJ..11111, a i·,11111• 111 II n111 , loar\..:•:1111mon. t.il1l1• p11ni: 11r iu-1 .;onu• i.:•ic•I fr11 ·111ls l'"ll'• r 111~ :tr1111ncl lh•• JMH1I :rn1l lh1 r:q1) ~pa. \lo·~.1 \'rrrl• \ilia . tho· "'""'•I :rnil mo.,f pri«l.j!llllli-:ulull :tjt;1rtn11111 n •11111111nit \ 111 th•• :o;c111lh Cu:1-.t :ti• .1 l•:\1 tttn)! ,.11wl1• :rrrol 1•1.t 1. I d :11qrt 1111•111 n-~i.J .. 1111 . l\ II h t1r•·pl:rl·1 '•' H 111111' 1 . .t l11•1l 1-;1l 11 drn~· . rro hi,\ !lf'!••llll••l rntt•riiw•, loo··111t1l11I "·'h '.il•1111•1n· • 11•n1hi11i.: 11011\. al1\a)s \\:111lo·tl 111 .1 111' 11r1"11 :1p.1rt111 .. h! r.·~i1lo•m···· .\111/ a ll 11 tlhin 11alJ..init clr.1:11w•· (1f mm''''• ~hop .. rl',;taura11l1<. lh1· iH' 1·n•am parl11r • \ .. 11 an in• i..k:1tin1.:" rink. J~-.11Jfd1d I 111 <11•11. l1·c· I fir, f.1m rrn. !11111111: 1 m :.! .I nr I'· ll.1 .' 1 .11 1:.11 ,I I .1111 Hm ;? ~I\ Form ol h.1 Tur 1lt•r111 I, lt111111• ;\l:1:.:11it 11·1·t1l ('tllllt'llllllll'.ll',\ d!':-Ol)..'I\ :: '.'<lt>I'\ !1111111·~ rnom. I;• tl1•11 \\' p;111t'I 111 ·• & f1r<•pl;11·1·. up:-1 :1 1rs l':imtl.\ 111P ll1 '' lt.1 r I 1.11111 h h<'d roo111s 1 111:11.i · ... q11:1rt ,.,.. !•;,, r:1 I;.; Int I >f k11·d \1 •;1rl~ .1l :-..111110 11111 1\Jlpl 0 11ly. t'.1lh\' ~. 111• 1•11·!,1•11 ti I.! "i::.1~1 I\':::..! I $-111 \\,I\ l I' I .~ ' l11lr ,~I 11.11 h <'111<1r T V. m :r rtl, !.1•rv. pool Tit i-: M i-:s,\ I •115 N N1•wporl Ill, NII •>tt .. !lfJl1 I 1 llr .. l Bath dci;litn!; from UTS.345 per month. 2 Br .• 2 Bath d cslf!nS rrom S.J.1!'>-465 per month. MESA VERDE VlllAS l•ll.' Ir 11 ... 1d 1 11111 •\ I.n I\ m 1' 11 It Ir pk "\1 ro,., I roim 1'.1rl. 1•111...,• '-l!l.1 lllo• \\,Iii .t I·''· , ... ~~···"'"'Ill"•'' loltlll 64'l-A2lS 0 ,"",I"""' U•1Vf' ·~ .. I I <1<1 11r ,;,1 i.\1,1 I" '-.~•I 111to I I l."I • 1 1 1 "·' 0 1 •• 111 1•1 ..... r 1 ,1 ,,, , , ''"" ,,11 ..,, ,., ""'t (o .1111J..11 ""111•1 1111 \\II \I\\ I" I f:t 'I "1n.1m1,111inl1"fil11 ... ,,.,. II•'"""• 1o11,,, 110,r11ol•I •tor.·· lt.1 ,,11 1•1"111 o < .1111111" 11 Ji,, ,, q•I tltp tlf• lrt•I I"'"" "I" olr p, \.Mti1J '"\1 ol~ldt•ll l•fl>llll ol Jk•oo th1ld11111•,1·•1 lllH "-t l •lo ,,.,~ '''trt1.t ''" llil ... '\ ,... l .. , ... \\~llt l T" l ' } f,44-6200 1ti1 'I."-',, Arlfh t 211r, :!h.1 \\ rnkr rt·lll.d ~. olr ' lo ht h :"\1•w fur 11, nt\\h p.11nt1•1I Ill 11.th. 1 :-.1 \I 1 l'o.l"'> 11111 ti:;, t1;1111 I llr :'-t 1111,11 11•"1'. $;.!Ott ''''"· flol '"'" 11><1 I' l.11 t 11t1 .r. lo I•· 1.•1' ,I ln1n11·1l 11,' 11p I\,·, \loo '' \,·f'llo· lt1 i111 Ea,1 • f'o:.la ~11.,::r,!'1\ ll:!ti'.!11 • (711};1 1(}.."!"il Ji; r \\'1• 1 .. r lh• ~I· .1 \, rolo• I', 111•'1'.fllf 11.rrhur llh•I ..V :1•lr.u·1nl 111 tho• (",o .l'.1 ~It' .:1 (;,llf t\ t'11Ul\fl'\ rl11li. 11• l'IJl,llPI' Olhdo·I, 111111 '''"I\ f,,r ,Ji pl.1\ 1111111 :1111 '" •• IMI p rn tl.111' ~ f01'4t t'OtJc;1t.;ft f"IPrf1fHt/¥f r'S ~ ~~~1==:;:::=:===============================~ ~ ~~ .... ·:~ .... ~~:.~·:.~ .... ~~t:.~ .... ~.~·:.~ .... ~.·.~·~.~ .... ~~ ............ ~~.o.~ I~ Saturday. February 14, 1976 DAIL y PILOT (,'I :J Cotto M"a 3124 ~°"leach 3140 Hunti'"jtOft IHc h 3840 ~°" Newport Beach 3869 L 't furn. room vt bnth, Offiu Rflttal 4400 lusiMH • •• Lost & Found 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• ••••••••••••• ~ 3842 ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• : I p " ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opporfuftlty sy; .••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• UCEl\NFHONT Ill' • Coo ... ~ .• l,n. apl~.1~.~".".;~,s32c5· •• w_ 150.11001'Q f "r MCkl•. No ••••••••••••••• ... 0 u N u : (; 0 I 11 e 2 Dr. cpts & drps, stove nr ON BEACH Hunl"nlrt.tn Harbour lbr ,.,. " -u '"' "' shops, :id ults , $IO!'I. ll!O t: 1 A'tl • • New c•undo . tease. main vu 1. I Ur upvcr Cf1ts, -Costn Me:soi, llC'Ur Fwy. nlCYCf.£ Ocuf('rships to Orn1t/wht/blk. MJIC V1{' n 0 c h e !It(' r "~ t . A ~::~:!,, (:t.~)~~~1i1• cha)1MI. 40' boat slip. dyrps1•• bl1tns. '~ ~.2n5o pets lloom1, lite k11ch ~ lndry S.10-2200 l>c appoillll~. 1·op lJjkes Ln rn J)s n n I<: II ..i r b•>r. 67sr.s2?or fl.tS9'1 _ _J . _ __ tennis, pool, I llr, blllns. r Y !'le . .,.. m o rac1 HPf<; ltcq d. CM & uti S\Mt & :.nnrtin•• ••O()lls. Xlnt Car<.leo<:row o:ill·3520 --• --:_ -1 • 100 10 ... US •-h suo It .. , 6'l2 3443 ..... 1""2 w.•ec ve es ·-· " " -~ " l!:X lge. 2 Br. 2 Jia. dlx uc owner 1• r , · urcu • ...., ... F 0 1 1 s c r tM c e , locattoos. traltu~g & ln· 1-'0UND; Surf J'kwrd 211 :!. Quiel t Rr cotlai::c apt , F.ffic11:ncy from$195 poolside apt. nr bch. C'oJ&llup S361(884 1·omt• Mr sayer inc'.s utrl's, vvt pat io. 1 nr,1 ,~ Ha sz65 J\d It. 0 0 pets , $ l9S. ------t::HluJf 3 llr 2 Jta Tw11h:.c Hnom an pvt horne. Pnme Pc· r o; on a Ii zed phon <' 213 377 · 5 · • Vw. II II Ownl·r c:.itl & gar, s hal{ l'rpts. $204 00 2 Jlr, !&2 Ua CromS;no 5.'l6-B36Z lnlne 384 OW, J1s1.1. <llil 1:ar w/auto 11.ll. loe. Non s moker. service, confcrt•nc•l.' __ · _m ~den~1fy. 94;!:43rn __ _ '"'lk. 645•2240 ••••••••••••••••••••••• donr 01mr l'ool & Ht!\: l{llfi. Sl25 mo 536 9583 roorn. xc·r.ox: A.v:.111 11\ INOIA.N J '-"W"','l1Y Mf•• .. ..... tr "'<ill ly "~"2 . "' n ) r:. c. u , found : M alo PUI>, purt ---•Sommer & Winter 3l Deluxe 2 Br, 2 Ba. bltns. New :uJr. ~ha + l>co c ',. b un ....... mo. 1.1 1rvort .lrt:tl (.,, ' 11 R. n I St ('II Bl 0 o ... Poiftf 3826 ""•1clli~bnaut1lul gur.Children/sm allpt:b fo'rplc.allextras.Jacua l.s c• ;1v;11J . fj4·HllJG 4/ B~H~1 ~/k1.1ch priv~.s: sturtmitS:.>(J(J ll:l33tl40 'lint ... l't <ll or1• fl H', 1 uccye. ana ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .,.,. " '" ok. $27S. 640·8.f98 pool, community llUOI 111 S.itl·Ol:tfl ___ _ I vt 1·ntranc;. Ne?r {)(;C · · · Su1>erb Loe. U.G. $3500. l't '193 5523 _____ _ Large 2Ur. near beach & ·~·~~~i~~,~~~los CulleJ:c I' ark. Vac ant 2 Ur l Jfo Yrly. Sli.l St. Blk &shopvang. 962·75.io *IDEAL* dn. G:Jli R270 Penonals S350 harhor. "0 " ·25011 l L a Verdes 3 Bdrm. 2 bath. lluge. Sl25 mo s:n ·636.1. (213 > to Ueae't1. Sil:> ulll pd. Room & loard 4050 E i~'t~tn /,'';. i-!! ~'1 ~ G STOllt:S·SANTA ANA • ••••••••••• •• • •• •••••• Cresta. $215. 494·6848 •l~arge private d ecks Near Beach. 923·6084, (213) s92.2rn1 (~6·9:!18/675.()SSS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gross SllliO. Unnkln~ problc•m? bd •lleate<ll'ool Saunas $350. 962'67'1I. Sleep in ba\Jys 1lle r 4 ~rl)u nct fl oor, air· T errn s O.W.C. C.:ullAlcohollM11linc Lge. 2 rm. 2 ba, 2·sty. •/\ssigncd CO\/crcd 2 Blk to bch on 7th St. l brl 2 81' or 3 Br. $325 or S.J15. I I • . , ' . ' con\Jlttc>ncd, tl'modelrd 585.000. llkr 213/7H3·1000 ?ii hrs a day 835·3830 Wa lk to beach & :1hops. parkin~ w trrp lc & e nclosed Lak•fr011tCottdo ~lsf t~ <X;ean on ~th SL ~hl:ah~~ea ,:~c~0~nm c~ beautifully d ecora ted ---_ -=.:.;i~s~~don, agt •Additional free parking g n r a g e. N 0 P e t 5 • l.ovcl~ honcy·l~ned San r Y lse. 673·7lll0 board. 1 t•hiltJ. llrand PLUS other office s uite:;. Floweri·AtttiqYes SPllUTU/\l . IH:/\DER ----------1 •Maid serv11•c a\/a1I 536·9724. J oaqwn co~\J~ .. snuggc~r. 2 Ur 1 •,, ua Townhsc sly Ji•, m•w Contlo w /swimming Prom Sl4S. to SJSll, Call Heb owner $950 rno Open 10 AM·IO PM P anora mic Ocean View •Furniture av:11l wb ith()wct 1bukr : :.! 01 Hk. 2 &~ liltns, trpls, Jrps ml'I. vool, own room & pn. G75·7;i<hl • , Open !1·7, Ii tlavs, dosed Advice on till mntll'rs , Very large delux<' 2Br, NO l'~TS 2 Br, 2 Ba. nice area, no a. ver oo •nl! a e . t' h l I I d It . bath t;42·'13!1!1 M E IUU:J.L JU,/\J.TY Sunday !-'lower dcs1Jl,nt•r :112 N. E l C:umno He al, 283, Adulti;, no dOJl.S. pets. C:h rlll W('lcom c. fairway. $.')OO Per mo. pa 10· ~ C{ i><>0• -.u. u s · " · · will stay ,.1 $2 fiO p/hr. San <,;Jcmcnte. For appt. S280 mo. 498.2447. Open M. F' 9· 30·:>·3o Sl75. mo. !)63. 1824 C. F. <.:olc11w11r1hy -~-p~ts. 15 548'2~ Guest Home 41 SO l\genl. 531 .. MGll 4!12-!IO:w 492·1H3fl Sal 10·5, Sun l i!·S Realtors fi10·~2 Bayfront \'vt llch & pier, 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llkE TO HACH 1·2·3 lledroom /\pls LIONS ESTATES llunt ington llar hour a rea -Bel 3 11 1 f S5St 1 f 11 1 REST AURA .. T Lose your Cl)ol with yow · 3 llr 2 u a, tlrps. t"pts, LogunaB~ach 3848 or, .'· ~om r. 1· ,nving care or eicry 10-:M.TYCll;\ll'.o\;>.;Y 'J'O r• 1_0 , .... 1.1<)N, ch10l·d.rl•n'_!~lc1•lp1.s uva1}a· Huntl·n9ton h h f 1 >1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. !11.1.00:11or6-14··1.111) male or fe m. Ua l. d•eb. ...&WPORT l"'-"'CH " " II i!l I "I J K!l!9 ds ws r, rpc 1114 1 ex. , ------homev,p1.11111.544-31133 "'" ''"'' NEWP()H'l' fll-:/\Cll. ~· irs ...... ·• --- pacl.fi"c . l'\•t car. $315. 16661 Lynn Drop :i pebble 111to lhe tbr. 1•ark Nwprt, tennis, -~ -------New m edical pla7.a • Q.iiKa<'ilY 100, Xlnt \:Of\d. M .._55 .._GE St. 542-1707 Ocean from your /\pl. s pa . be l ow m r k t at VacahOft Rentals 4250 medical sw lcs Cor lenso: Good tl!rms. ~xccptional " " $ . . n 7llO<'ean Avo Leasc.Luxury,sccun ty, $248/m o. J\\/ail 3 ·1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4S0to3600 sq . ft. Near le i.1s c•. /\n1pl" 011 Sil" £.IGUREMODELS 536·257!1 592 5010 ~ pac1ous new lriplci< 3 .,r Sl45. Ocean brel!ze. Stv/ Ptl t d 11 ·•11"~ est 11 •1 · 1 (V""} • ~ ~ n & 2 Br units. Start at (714)536·1'187 frig. Baby ok . Fee a ure a u s ... ....., . 833-9'l23. RENT. A .RA NC H . oag ' os p1ta . OJ parkini.:. <.:all M .Gian· ESCORTS Se 1 d Hwy. 499·2835 Silvt•rwood Lake 2 BR, 3 Chuck Hirsch G42·27S7 uini. G42.5200• Ai:ent. $250 .• p. ~ar wt n ry ManaRcd by Main Hcntals, 540·5319 2 Br lower. ,\C. $70. Wknd, Sl <10. Wk _ ------Outcall· l\ppt only llome·Offlcc· Stulf 111 ~r;: 54o·S6JJ wknds or ~~IH:.1m Waile rs Co._ Geori:cous J Br. S2•19, 2 'ta;e~a.'~::~~r~~n~o;r>':: SJ00~;\~.1~,1~:,~'.~7\10 633·620-1 . lusi~s RHltd 4450 ~P~~-~~tt~~;11~.:v~~~~~~'; ltintinb•tun Harbour area Hr , Sl95: All x tr a s . l "i IJa . Open beams. ------, -SKI PA.HK CITY UTAH ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'urls nrall.IH2·592'J. 631 -3811 2&l IEDROOMS 4 plcx, 2 Ur 2 Ua, & owner <.:hildren wekome 1 hlk frpk. lri: Jel•k, laundry. Jbr. 2ba. fq >lc ~~/ mo. 1.ux condo avail F eb !\rt Center, Laguna Beach ·- 2 BATH. GARAGE u n it. Cpt ~, ~l~µs, W. 11r Hea!'l1 olf Slater. SSOOrno.Owncr.•1!12·0'J82. Yrly lsC'. 5 1~, ~lu!~h1o~sc 24 Mar ;i Sliis G +.no Shop. IW Slf. ft til·t2 ~. lnvestnMnt . FOXY GIRLS OUT 'i\l.L·M/\SSA(a; MOl>ELI G l''rom $250. 646·8498 U;hwshr. 213·92G·~ 8-12·B328 & li9'1·1UI I___ . . w Dr. 8.'l-!:.!7201 ~!J·86i!·.12:JS. Imes, Sihl. ptr night. Call <.:oa~t Hwy IX05J 527-%65 Opport11n1ty 5015 ----------·----Studio A.pl. Walk l n & , Collect (11/ll) 22S·38"r. or (714) 4lH·2lllf> ••••••••••••••••••••••• HuntillCJlon Beach 38401Klttti'"jt0ft IHch 3840 Huntington leach 3840 be~._ S\iS. S111g!'-' adult. 2 ~r. 2 .ha upper ~pix .• ~r -• • • ""---. -. • . , .-·,-.--,-Wanted SSO,ooo or mol'e to ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• /\vail 317 49•i·H9!12 ~t h, $300. 2 1!1 I ~<1spcct Bl<, BI::A.ll CABIN. 2llr , S1 OHJ:<,.Qf I• IC!'. SllC>I h G ·t , . , . - -. -_&15·4nl8 or 5'18·11912. _ frplc, cpts. sips 8. Weck Newport & 133y Ct:intcr ~Y. e m s on.cs .~\t r l lomc·Offict. .. Stu<.11c1 540·4~0 lt.IEADOWLL\.RK ES'll\.TES GRAND OPENING A LITTLE BIT OF 9ouNTRY I~ THE CITY Are you looking to move? There is a time for change. ·' -. • Golf on Yon Doorstep Phone 840-2601 or 848-8300 • Ocean Abounding • Country Club Setlin9 • Tranquility. Quiet, Serenity 1 BDRM ............ $210 1 Bath Fealures Private Bafconv 2 BDRM .•.•.•.....• $290 1 ~ Bath Features Enclosed Yard 2 BDRM .....•..•... S325 1)1;. Bath Features On Golf Course Enclosed Yard 3 BDRM ........... S375 2Y: Bath Features Privale Patio, Fireplace Every Deluxe Apt. includes Built-ins and Dishwashers l !II Cl ~' .J ~# (!" < u Dcvclop~d By ROBERT l. STELLRECHT PrP.scntC?d By KENT ROGERS REALTY 840-260 1 • 848-8300 • ) . nn un rum. .1 ~l. BRE·THT· "'ING or wknd. (71 4)675-(:773 2052Newporl UI Ytl. C.J\1 . S\!US. '-!.bl you~ aovest. by •GRAND OPENING• POOL. close lo shop g, " ~" -- --oo;.1252 (144•2228 l mo. C.111_&15::J._1_4o ___ , /\·PAHK M/\SS/\Ci ~ Adults only, n o pets . VIEW Rentalstoshar~ 4300 ----M t l 5025 Free UoJy S lla m por• ~. $275. llugc t l>r apt hi on ••••••••••••••••••••••• IDEAL SHOPS oney o oan w/:\d • 2·UR 2ha unrurn. apt Ba c k lia Y 111 uff w /2 fem :II c t 0 s h 3 r c :i avail in the m:ill :it the ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1885-B Park 11\'t•, C.M . ·Short walk lo .~1each. pnvah• balc·•1111cs, frpk. bl-.lroomhomean CM. J-':acl ury, cannery •BANK RATES 640 ·:1!1•1 1 Mnn ·S t1I l'at10~ ~~r,:ig\: S3.~o h l•:1lc <I 11?111. lu<11b uf i~15 1!6ti:! Vill~egc, N .U. 673·!1606 , II am -lam 1-.t>C.f.WATf,I{ closet~ 74., Unmmgo Ur. 1173·H:l!l3 NU fiALLOOr.J Real 1-:o;1at1• 49-1·11536 Call !17!> l:!t~ or f,.i,>.Jl!lilJ Wnt'd fem. 1x.21 shrc :JIJR -I iWMlNb ----homc. lsl & last. Nr OCC SHO I' Uldg. F"orccd air ncrinilncc 10 rnn!>olid:•I<' 1 Br Small ~aragP al't, I I ) Oc\·tin View :J llH. re· $100. /\van now! G-16 n.'lt heal. CZ zone. Ideal for Sl89 mo . mquarc ·MS Oak, ady Mardi I "76 S37S. ------.;iuto r l.'iiaar, t>oat m aint Jcbti.. Make• hornc im ••11 """" mo u.,,·ftCJ Alofte I I I 11rovemcnts or JUSt have .,.,. ·...rw · • 1nw r·~1m or < 1s11 ay. (2 ) V l 2 Bl, ti " '' "' extra cash. C<i 11 Me__... I h 3869 . acan . ~ w1 l a Con Be a IYmmer Approx 15tHl ~·•· ft. w/of J'JU :c;.'111\N'f? car Ill K c II II r' d c fl l i II I coun!.el111~ & rderr:il. A.hortiun, ad option & kl'f•r11nj! lll'CAHI.; S47·2Sti3 -..-• eoc t111y o1·1•a11 JICck. S3:!5. L'INIJ S0.'1 " •. 0N .... 11\:c & ston·room . 110/UO MECHANICS ••••••••••••••••••••••• n1u. r ·• ,. r \~olts, ~inglc & 3 phase. MA TIOMAL BANK AUOf<Tl<>N JACOBS REALTY OEPENO/\BL J-: J\Jr, wutl'r, eli·r. gas in· 17141638-3954 Counst'lini: & Hcfcrr:.il WATERFRONT VIEWS IN NEWPORT. 675•6670 lo~h;irc hou:.111g with ··lu<le•I. U··n ·· l'u1.111 "'r"a. __ _ _ __ ___ Prl'i.:. ll'sl~ avu1I. "kn•I:> '"1\l.l.ll<)l'" ...... ·~1\"l"i','".· • ' u u u .. '"' ""'' •• ·~ C:1ll 1\rt or Jl runo a1 MoneyWanted 5030 _:M llrhc lpl1111·:>•17 1M95 'lc;ir lloag llo:-.p1la l lge 2 X:S:! •II:! I A~k for .Jam 4:~; 5~)5:l. 492·:lO'J(l. __ ••••••••:•••••••••••••• Social Clubs 5400 Ill!. 1'1 ha Townhrnti.t•. '.!llH :tll;\ 'l'nwn h i.t • . PA.llT~bfl dl.':-1re<I for ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stnktn') f!r·win .mo .m ('ll'C).lllt, e~Cl(lllrl W.1V (0 llV(' cnoo"'' 101 rs o.1v w1n(lOw~ wv1oqnr~ 11r1> places vour ow11 uri~.11" patio or o.:i1conv A 1n1•na1v mtll•OO·dOllar rl'r tenter. Hmm~ court~. too llltn~. ~111,·1•, UW. 11.1(111'·1 lw.rntdully funi l'X l n1queShnp, Lug llch l\rl lughly profitable p rime .. t•r11•llf l'••r ~:!.tll/mo. du""'' ;\II ••11nipkx Cir. ~OO~t1lt . Xl111 cst;.11>. real t•s tate \'l·11lurc. Christ1 :10 L<1v1·r~ M ~r. ,\llulh t~I:! .1;~•n !-itr;11i.:ht lad.'· I 'hom.: all. hx·. ·l!ll-li\i2:! & ·l!M :1m :i S 1 H.tlOO rl·<1 u1 l"l'd 'm . ~~;;.7~cl11~l~1~11<t:,i• "~J'~·:~ :! lldr, (;ar, Fpll'. Yrly hpm Hi:lt~ G.l I •t!IXO S:\IALL <.;O:l-1.\H:HC ll\L ~~~1:,~~·~~:d ~.'r~~ ':;e~~~~t~n 1Mui5, Lon~ Bc;.ich: Ca. SJ f1U 11111 . lltal. inl'f . lnl fl·m . lu ~har~CM 1'1'1. S 1'1\CES lorShn,,~ & Of· !ltl!·U!l!hlloJ:.iy' !)(j8(yl !lli:l liO~I or Open 2/14, 15. <.:Jll"t'\I' I\ d 61 • 6l;06 fic·es. From SOS m o -------- lz:.! •ltilh St cvt·s" • n Y , ti· f>lll·7i!49 . ~; Trust Travel 5450 o;~ . 5035 ··~·················~·· n t • 2 Ur. 2'k ba, hrand new 2 Males Scekini: l"cmall! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Going to Fla, would lr kc ..-romontory.'oml l'ondo w /:1 rn1·n1t1 c~ l<o-0mma1<·. Large Jllr LARGESTORES older passen i:c r s to lllln:.. l(a r :q.~··· pul10 . house m llunl Bch. S11hl for rent or l\:J !>(' On LOANS up to 80% ~~-~p. 751-4029cve!> s:rm mo. l213)13t.1·6<117 or rl'nt C u ll aft 5p rn Newport l:ilvd • Costa luxurv adult rent,11s from 675·5(J!><J ~12 i!titfi l\k~a. <: 2 Ma ny us<ii.:c:-. 1st TD Loans.-8114°/o Empfoyment & SHO monrn1v Lot~ of l';:,rkrng. Ca ll · 2nd TD Loans Preparation 200 Prornomorv Or west Spac·u:u:. :i hr, .ch·~· 2 ba. :! 'Pl 1·:.1:,l Bluffs :.eeks Lat·henmycr ltc~eltor F:urestTcrms Slnl'C l!).l() ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jusl nortn ot J;inlt>orf~•· :. Ul't ""· lr plt · g,ir $:J4i;i ~lra1"ht 11r11I m;1°n 35 •Jr '>1"·:*1"'" "Vl'S.117:1-4577 ottf C Schools & on Pac111c Co.1st tlotJIW;J y I \I ll I' I · l' ~., ,.. ' v "" ~ S •r Mtn. o H:IC'Pr1onC' 11141 r,1s IJOOO yr Y 1 < u :. 't. .1 ,, ll\'er to sh arr hc aul furn " ..,.. • Instruction Own~oJndrn•n•heokv l •ic"·in \'Uh"(' "'/t···<i - -6.1:!<!171 54S·Olil l 700S Tne l;vone comp'a.~v. u Nr:w z Hr .. , llJ, fq>h'. ~· "'· ~ ~ lttdustrialRental 4500 -••••••••••••••••••••••• l.Jllns, pool~ Wcs tcllff othus. S.:j)()/mo. ind util, ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEfo.:D new Isl or 2ncl T 0 . Slim down, t 1rm up lo UTILITIES PAID a rc<i S37li mo 117.5· 1957 i.:art.lnc•r ti44 <WM tor outstand111 1! hca<.h musn• with Pat. For info BLOCK TOOCE/\N Bach. as~. ut1hlles ~1d, Share l':'•ely .qtrs ~ith, no AIRPORT prop Own~r. !_:12 71~ £3.:.3:_l:t:!&u75·Zun . Oclux~Pri\/atc2Ur.2ba. S12S mu. s,m•.>kc, m ... atur..:,llm 4500tob400&1.Ft. fundsavailabl~ JobsWcmted, 7075 Ls:c walk ·rn clO!>cls. r,12 Hi59 1 "''ac·y Sll" 5-lll·S&IX 19'~· l'crSq. Ft wc\l·~ub:.tanta:il funds ••••••••••••••••••••••• liltns , s:arage. cable TV, llnuH'mJtc to ~hare my 2 l\ir conditeoneJ otrtcl.'~. ;l\'-11l.1hlc to huv /\dulls/no pcls . $3!lll mo. Deluxe. ~ br apt • Bal ~panou~ ·1 lir l"Xll humc. ample parktni:. ..:lml tru~t 1kc1is on y<>arly lc:tSl' Sel' lo Pcnm C.:pt:.. dq>:>, frplr', ll II SlliO mn + uttl Harbor Invest. Co. m11rlJJ:cs apprcc1at,•.Call for appt ct ~h~hr S:?7S. yrly l'ruks;, lndy w /ICl yr ohJ Realton, 673-4400 c,ill r1nalt11)<\.!a!->~1){· 5S1·6(}12aftcr 6 l'M IS.l!l·l.!AA dau~hkr ~1thcr male or t;.1;,.:110.; --,-.. Rk ... EWPO-RT Lux. ,\dlt 2 llr 2 BJ . frvk. fem. Call :.ifl 5 or wknds. 7:..'0 "Q. fl hll' lnJustn;il ------~ " patio. nrw drps & 1•rpb 9fill·3lJ2. w Ofl:"s L)!l' rl.'ar 1lr.1i:l•I .Announcements/ APARTMENTS w a I k l 0 w e~ t l' I Irr --fo Baker, (.;;\1 1>1Hi17:! Per1onals/ llarhclor l or 2 Shop·ng <;tr . s:izs Gor~s r R~nt 4350 Lost&Found Hcdr()Oms and 64:,.1528 •••••••••••••••••• ••••• FREE RENT •••••••••••••••• •• ••••• Tnwohousc:. 123 114t h St. Ncwport lntlustnal Space Announcements 5100 F r . S23'J :;o Son Juon llcach. 52.'>t mo. Tell sum· X51l :!(1(~1:-i<J. Fl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Open !1-6 Uaily Capistrano 3878 mcr.19:!·7110. I\:. l11w ·'" 1!1• ,. per s f. \" ,\ L J:~N T I :-..; E · s n A y Spa· Pools-Tennis ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fount am Valf1•y I JI EH P ME at V1~10ns, Across from f'a::.h1on 3 llll <..:orufo. Crpls. drps, North l:o:.ta Mes~• i\rca. /\dJan•nt tu S I). Frwy. <.'•ia s t H wy. LJ g un :.t G:irai:c. S.% mo . C-'1962 •493 ls l:ind a l J amboree on patio & pool, No pl'I:., 1 998.()(i:i\I ut ·~ Hearh San Joaqwnlhlb lload . S300.mo.ltds re11.1\va1I. _ · --------·- 1714,644 1900 s 7 · •n 11!1 •1 2.'•'lO S'l Ft 1\1 1. front "r Lost & Found 5300 ------·---3/1 I j, "· · · • 1· ___ Office Rental 4400 ftl'C, ti.:1.: rL•ar door . S.195 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sclct l l\'C lf1)Us1•h11ld. l\'urstnl! & Family Care l'ersnnnd Employl•r l'J.'~ F1·c· 4500 Campus Llrl\ ,. :"\ n \'a II :. Hi 1.·,us (;rdc·ninJ: r1 . in So. Orange Cn ty . •ir t •. u .• CJll H-17 ·!~150 !J\i8-ll!l7 Exec SL'Crl'lary v;eri crl n .· ix·r. ~e1·ks pe rs1mal sec·y l'OSlttun ()..\Ii ll!J!I ----111.i yr nlll hoy 1nl 'tJ 10 la pidary & j.owdry mak· lfll!. ntl,, )Oh I h·M Xi!l:I J BR. 2 ha. i.::ir. 1-1at1o, Santa Ana 3880 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\lo. 12-10 Lui.:i.in St . Unit ·LOST s m:lll f1·m S1am••,,c block to bl'aeh. No pl•ts. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1501 Westcliff Dr. <; ll.1y,, S.IU·~>71U. evci. VH' 11 111 ,11.,. Cyp n·~s Ht•!!. nur~l'. l..''<p1•r J li.1\ Yrly W Nwpl. f..42 11\0:J Wr Cundo. flraclfnrrl l'I , Newport F rnanr ial Ctr 1;H1j.(Jl~I l..;i)!una lkh. 4[J.I IJli:l or house l'll.'arw r. 1•1<pt.:r . SJ2S m o P oul av ;111. LeasincJ Offic~ Space Storoqe 4550 i1:r,.1.1:1~,7 HL'" nr.1 • __ N H . .irC':u.ii:J.ji<!!ll STEPS TO BEACH .~~:~~1~1 l·S '1:li·2<!1ilJ. \'\"\:" Ctlll on Site Man:igcr ••••••••••••••••••••••• uist. Small whill' l'umlk Heip Wonted 7100 Irvine • ll4if frviM 3844 lrYiM 3844 (714 I 642·31I \ext 246 24'xl6'x13'H Sl!Z mo. nr m•ar 1-:11a,, & Ch;Jpcl. 1111. ••••••••••••••••:•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• z nn. 2 ba, yrly. furn. ~~ t Fu • h d ----'--"> ----OTA.KER Turtle Rock Apartments. You expectthem to be Special. In 1111• "'dtt•IV<' \1111.w· ot Turli<· f.!nc ~. rwtlc Roi" v1~t.1 1\n.lrlllll'llh I' tl11· lirq npp11rtun1ty of 11 -l-11,tf 1 lw < ommu111ty '' 'Pl'C t.11. Nnw yn.i l 1m Ill' .1 p111 I n l I h1 '> C'nvirnnmf'nt ;ind 11npy ,\ u·l.1x1·d lift'~tyf1• m so mC' vrry ~rf'11.1l .1p.t1lnll'tlt". Yo a'll li.iw y111ir own priv,1tf' 1'nt1.mcl', q u,ll11y .1ppointnwnh .ind l hnH 1' ni I· tr> l·lwdrrn11n pl11m. inc lud111µ 11 twCJ·\l'HY. twn lwdrnum 111\\ 11h n11w. /\\11m ·'P·'•lnwnh ofl,.r l111•pl.111 '• W1l\IH'r f(lry1•r 'P·H (' ,ind 1111·.1~!.1..i Ii.tr~ /\II (•n111y llll' 0111dnm 1 nurty.Hd\ h,Hbt•t UC' .Hl'1l\ .md pook Turtl<' Roi k 1\r,111ml·n1,, Yrn> "~fl"' t 1lwm 10 hf' c;pcci.11 .ind tlwy .11 1· 1-'vnl.11· t..•1,0 1n "111) n111111htv l 1111· 1;,. l \l\l.1 '1·"'"" ,,, '" ll•l'' ;ll,1~1· Ill ""''' ~ .. l I I 111•1 fi,., I'" \ 11111 I 11\llll'. ( .1lo1t 1111.1 'I, I • I l•I l\ 11 (1.11111 ; Turtle Reck Vista /_) Apartments cc..., S.'l7'i ~.mens nus e Orange County /\1rp11rt C:ill 9ut1·5385. 6IJ·0:11 1 A 3 RR. 2 ba. Wntr S.150 or Unfurnish.d 3900 1 S-IS-823X ltt•ward: For liu~y sail':. ol fl Cl'. 3 BR. t • ~ ba hou~l-. SJ75 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ! Rfllfals Wonte-d 4600 LOS'r : Lada,u; ~olci nn~. ~lust he ne.1t. vrea~ant &...,, SEA WIND TllE EXCITING ./ A••C""d'"°""'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• I L'llJny working w /l hl' Condo: l Hit. 2 ll:r. Un· PALM MESA APTS. .lcompln• ,.,,.,...... Set wi:<ml <Jiamon< s & 3 puhhl'. Apply 111 pl'rson • ..; Hchablc work mg t·m1plc s ml hlill' !'appl11rl'S 211< I',, n n v.., .i v ,. r. 1 5 .1 5 furn. yt·;irly · S-100 l\11N UT1-:S Tu N l'T ./ ~:~ie• nc•cd 1 or ~ lief rm hs1'. V1t· of )I ann Thl•:1trt• II :-.;,:wporl I\ Ivel.\. i\l. llCll .lr .. 11 ... wo,>lton••• w 1f1w1I y rrl. & gar. Pd:. or CoC11 ·~ 11r ~11 . Cst associated BROKEAS-AEAL TORS 202S W Balboa 61l·h&l LASBRISAS 1''or l)iscr1 m1na11ng i\uults W otch tfle s1111set ovtt tfle ocean leach within steps I & 2 11t•drno ms Heated pool·secunly f\Jrnalurc a \·;11l:iblc 5515 River J\v.: (<1l Seashore ,I(, 551h I •DELUXE• Jo:astb\uff 3 br. 2''2 ba IA.'asc. lnrl. sp :ir. m:lslcr sui te. din r m & dhl l?:tr:i~c /\ulo door opener :rv:i1J l'nnl & recreation area /\dulls only. no pets •Sl37.• 1165/\mii::os Way, N R MH«l&I or 53ti M87 Manaj?cd hy William Wallt·r~ Co. lla1·h, I&:! Bil. ol'-u•o• ""'" OK s:rno o r u ntlcr. 1'1:11.:1 Ill•\\ an! ;.;,1-1;1-1:.. rr,1m $Ill<.-.I s.c, ..... ". .... li4fi·537J ;1fl ~. ----• -- /\dull!', No l'cls ./ '"'P'• "''"'"ii LOST: lllk ~h:1i:i.:y dog. 1:>61 Mrsa Ur Mus11'al g rp. nds. 1ir<H't1re vi l' o I II l'" ,. h & (;d1lk,,.~::1stof~ewp11rl plcc, rl'as. rates . \'11rkto"n,llB,1111•d s11.t•. llhtl.) 53G·l75Jortl·1:1.o:m:i Hc\varll. ~ \1~1:1!1. ~ .. 1r. !ll«i(I SMll up ~tore-offices rpls ---------- ----tlrps a ir b a t h . 17301 Jllll 2BA Bal Pen. F a m. HEW/\RO Lost s ml l'at, IM COST A MESA nl.'ar Irvine & Newport 1\euch RI, 11.B. 842·21134 of 3 ad ults Around Mar wht/orani:c re m ~l'">"l'1I 2D. &12·'1R9:1 anytime V11• flush:1 rd IC :arf1rltl FREE RE .. T -----118 J\ns tu ··Pumpkin ... Offices a1' low as 35; per S M L II. PT N f: f: n En I Pl••a:.•• return if founrl sq ft M1ss1nn V11•Jo & could \'XCh~c hs1•wl; !r)r W 1• Io v 1• h ,. r , 1· a 11 Lai:una Nii!Ud. 2011 t o rctl uccrl rent. llc hahlc anytime. !lli:t ·ll!·IH :!000 SQ ft. S.11 · t.100 1175-7itl5 f;\ l'S. -----, --1-'0U~ I) ll1t·1!l' 1'1111dk 60' PER SQ FT Rei.n. working <·pl nc!'1I ~; near ~:111s & \\';ml. Fnun DISTINCTIVE IG17 Wt-:STC:LI F P -NR Side CM /:-iwpt li~b 2 Br ta111 Valkv 1;;in t,il0. AGT. 541·51132 houst•/apl w 1gar . l'n •f. · Adult Apartments 154? No t'hl ldrcn nr pets Found. Lgc .Ma le <iL•r flcautiful 1H•w rlcvclop-OFFICE s uit!" approx 800 Hcfs. f145-:l731 Sh1•pr~t lkrnanl J\l 1x. m1•n1 wnh all :im1·nat1cs. s Q ft. w /t•nd p ntio. --V • <' . <.: n .1.; I 11 w Y I l'lu\Jhnu~e. pool. tr•nn1s, ('timplclely rum ., inl'I lusiMSs/lttvest/ "'.cwpor~ ,Bh'.tl. lJndt•r 1 l!Ylll. <:rrat floor plans. <l ra flan~! t:1hlc w /pla n FinCllKe \ r old M.? ·102•1 priv:i lc p;1lJCl-;/d c<·k:.. <1r;1wcrs, clra pl•d , crpls, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ·t· Rl · •k:\t ·I, l" ·k-.- lwamc•tl Ct'rhnl!' J\ v;111 /\IC.: s tcrC'o u..IC':ll ror 141s· .. os · .1c '.a ', 111 1 r · fumnrunfurn ront r<ictor' Burgla r o'~-·t SOOS reil collar .K111i.:" 111·_:•.<·h . I . \ I' , k' ,.,....... .... I Y l'lac 1•r < nunt ' I a i.: Answerin9 Service \.1 t..11·. 111 L>r ;111gc C11. l'llX l'>.per. tt rd 'll . I' l 1m1• ~11wlull "kn.I:-.. EOE ;;.1:J.?787 ASSEMBLY ,rv_ I. 1 l <! m a 1'11 1 n i n g • m:111111• parll>. lll'tl t'~· 111:r"il \lol)m<•ll, flUt <'k tn h •;ir11. Co:. I a M e :o;;i. :.t!l·K>l!;.I ASSIST A.NT To The President S h a rp youn ~ p e rs on W/J.!()r)() r el.I ll IJ!H'k · gr(1ur11I to .1s,.,1sl tn all phas t'!'o or m1·n ·s & wom1•u ·s rn•'fl'h:imll:.mn. Musi /)(• C,lr•'l'r m111tfNI &. ready lo 'larl 1rnmetl <.:all for appo1ntm1.:nl & 111tt•n ·11·w THE LOOK 540·4500 from $230. month ,1 :11 m . 1 mp c p.1r 1ni::. •••••••••••••••••••••'• :: 0 7 .•. 1 H F .. v , H u 555p I • CM 325 mo 23 111 Nwp t •r• .... ' 1 OrA1>ply J\t au anno, lllvd, C. M~ ~ .. t.'l 2G16 LAGUNA BEACH !M;:i.:it i5or_~l~·li5&:l. :10111 lkdl11ll i\v1•11m: (714)549-I 302 --W ;TER VIEW Fores t ~venul'·Lai:un;i Lost or Strayl·tl Ill N H }ll1t:.: ·I. Suite IO!l Npt Fry south lo llakc·r ,.. /\rt lt Cr:ift Boutique . ;ir c a 011 v 1, Gr cl' 11 ... Cu-.1:1 M1·o;:1 n Aht :it l';1ulanno ...,EWPORT IE'"'CH SIS 000 I t r -----" ~ . P us rnvcn o Y · S·1mson1tc 1 e0 '1l S11.c At Salt•i.offil·copl!n from .._.ORl ... S RE ... LTY · · ' ... • ' i\11tt1. Gr nr·rnl off1r1· & !''or lca~c·. Te rrar(' :.pt. f,.,. V /\:\t In Ii l'M Fr pk., wet bar• 11riv. " " " tac h e Case t•ont:11 n111 g lnll111A l11suran1·1• i·1ir11 · bny \/it•w :!ntf floor. 4 Br, ---: ---hath , nak firs .. p r ime 494-8057 masc file•!' & r1:111c rs . panll':., fu• Body ~hew. <1 Ila :lo' I.iv. Hm, Din 2 or 3 hcl Cnndn~ Oc•r :m luc:il1on! S.ti:i Month Va!uabk •inly to ow1wr l'l<'1ts:int workm~ comh Hm.' llrkfs t n m. i\ir v_i,cw. ll'l1n,1s, .1:11·on 1, BILL GRUNDY te.rTavHttw/Food 111'.Wlll!I> No r~uc:st1ons t111ns 1..1rry llunt 1\uto i;75.7030 s.11111 :1 .1.1 .i <11i 10 "r REALTOR 675-6161 S4600p/mogron ~i.~l'<l.Ca11 5l7~.i3ttlays, C1·n1r-r l.a1:un.1 Hc•a<'h. -4!15-07U:i f l>lt1·Cri.1\I \'VI'S. l!).1 :~1:!:! ll I) l Si\N CLEM 1<:NT I·~ Lo1s o parkinl! w 1shop· l:l.IFF ll up l'X. 1•111.Y ' p111t: cc11t1•r loc;1t111n FOli N11 llrow11&Wh1lc 2 nr I Ha, frpk. :-ml y<I, Rooms 4000 N1•w uff1n•s an prime l'rrscntly help run llar :o11111ttl.'d 11u11py. Nwpl ~u CJ?,t!> & clrpks. l!ttar. kit/ •l;••••••••S•::••••k•••••• ~'..:.'1'0:\nti1oon/\, ,.'t'~1•.w1:• 91•.\:1'._~a,,"''"I! :;cuts 211 Corne <'hctk it ll1(t" ti-lri·:!!'.1111 1•:\'1•!> Tlmuoui,:hly •l•x1lwr11•nt(·l•tl AUTOIHSURANCE uar u1111ni:. nu y Jllnl.', d >o 111 -. • Z" w u fJ ""' ... -pcr~nn, pa r 1mc u r I K .,., k I Aiz1•nl 53t ·441i0 , ~ ·' ~ml rr1g () . .,.,oo mo. w/ Ht'l!'n l\pts $37 !lO Free n•nl for 1 mo l:ix20 ... ---.-l'OU N I> I 1101111· mix, ;iul1111l~uraoccuCflt . f,45.:i;1t1:1 wk u 11 . 5411 · \17 :\:. u r f\ offici•. Gr<>nl buif<Jin~ D~ESS s hop ror :wle; r11p hlal·k Lo~l.'~1bl~·· s mart. Cort Foir Lea1i1t9 6'15·3'.:Mn nrbch&bayitlNfi,Sl~J. C.M . locat 1on . I ;nil. &1(1(}1.17 ___ 251!UNewJX)rt lll .,C.M. L •PARISl" ...... E• · C ·7• ""'70 /\ I 8.1H 400 or f.45·5000 apt 645 1661 '* A IU"" P\'t 1•nt 1K priv. M S25/ t> ,, • .,.. gn i!l>I J-'91md l.11r1:c-puppy, Lah1 _____ • 2 tlr furn & unrurr1 S215. wk & s.;01m11 uii mix, .Mn~lc & Vielona /\UTOMOTIVJo:/Mi\ntNI·: & up. /\II l'le dr1l'. 5''85954orSS6·0058 ••FREEREHT•• Mfa.PictureFnns arca<.:M,t>-15·(8S3 PAl11'SSJ\I.,.;spl!:HSON 1''1re placc. llcatcJ p00l. . -. G11rden orrt <'CS from 45' .,,. d M ull1'. no JX'h 2000 )jlOrl· ~1)a1·1· & 7il-O or :r.zi llln·h St, Ncwporl S 177,000. toles 1975 f' o u N I) : w h 1 l c Aetron :t.1lc11p1~ri;on wnt 97!1·1<.'i>Hnrfi·l51~ill flC{' ~pll ('(' ror ICnM' R1•a c h (:1t a irpor t) lncl~111cs plunt &2 rct;ul Samoyl•d/llu:.ky mnl('. fo r /\uto i\l a r 1 n1• i\c·ross from ).!olf cuur~l' ~ornl'f llarhor •'-' .llak(•r . :179.~ oullcb Own1•r of 6 yrs Vic. Sl.iler /l.kach, ll.U wa rehou?!c d11'trlbulor. W4J:?S:tn\ll Ann i\\'l' lall John Wuli-h. (;1t11en~ wants lo r etire 8.i2 :1741 EXI' in .111\<> parts ll~··· B.mk. !17!1 IWO •I l\11) Fil 1<:1-: It 1-~NT • /\gen! 531 .. 1<160 --fcrrelf. Scrvrc~ ('Urn:nt I :? :1 Brn. 1•fl1n:~ from -Lost •I mo. o1d ft>ma l<' an·11unls "' J,!ruw111s; ntn 3br, 3ho. frplr, rrnt111, Lg hclrtll . cwean\ u , :>Ull· ponl, a1Jul•~. flit flClS clerk, pn• t'O(r Sl :~:J 0\0 S3f,'i "411 Ei71Ut, l).1fi.1i7 IO <: U ;\I TTl 07112 ~1 25 fH·r mo AdJR<•auty S alon 5 ~ta It. ti1·rmun Sh ort l1 11 1r l'ompan;> 1\11p<>rl1'r lfolel Noleasc Harbour area in lfH Nwpl lit:!. ltl!:WAHU! COAST OJSTHIDV1'0RS r1"'1. ll33<~223 n tal noon $9000. R<16-'1~t6 aft G PM 631 0797 114·~0· 7003 - ,j CJ4 OAlLV PILOT Sa1u1day Fttbruary 14 197& r Add ll. .Uutld 11 . D1apPr ti .. Hamm e r It. . Car pet l " .Ccm~nt 11 .•• Wrre 11. •. Hoe 11. •. Ctean 11. .M ove '"ii Prr•<,c; II .. Paint 1t.. N a1t 1t...Ptaste r 1t. .• F1x 1l.. SERVICE Plurnb 1t •• Patch it P1PL' 11 Remooel it..."I Roof 11 .. L und'>CcJPt! 1t . TtlL' 11 Trim 1t. .. Se w1t.. H a ul it.. Add it. .. Pr,int II .. /\t l!'r 1t...L c>arn i t...,. DIRECTORY Applionct' R&palr COfltroctor Getterot Services 1 Heoltf\ Ch.tbs Income Tax . Movinci ··•·•••·•·•········•·•• •.•.........••••••.........••......•••••...•.. ···•······•··•···•···•· ·····················•· ......•••••••.......•.• ·······•·•····•·•·•···· \ l'PJ,J \~C'J.: IC 1-:J>Allt ~hJmlklO & 'll'Jrn d1·an ca:!'IEHAI. I DO IT ALL! John L. Sullivan·.., (;yul 1:'\C TAX ~:s llutl I l.(•l ml· \\()\'I '\C ' l.1 l .••• , I•' ~111 Sl'l\IC!'l.'Jll 111g £'1>l11r hr1ghll'ncr,_ (.'0:-./TltACTOR Jo:lectrll'JI, l'lumt>1 n g, <_La d1c:o /(j ~\l c m .i n ) ea~l· lhe pJtn Yr,. pn•p 11w11 11111\P \•Ill lh '.1,., \71-1)~>4!1-<!422 wht (•urpl :c: 10 min Bo Wall elc.Re.i:.ratc~.t>il:.!11!)!'>7 Lomr1tcll'(•}.\ctt«t Sauna mo '::., yr round 011'. r,·h f>l5K.~:lor1u:i :m 11 • hlc<ich t'kan l1v r m. (1111 \\'1.•1.:ht 1.:ond111 onin.: ~ Sall!>! i:uar n:a:o. 1-'l·d/~l CabinetMakin9 rm & hall ::.IS. 1\vg rm (;u,.torn honws & udll•· 11/\:'l/UY~IJ\N ·llorrH.'s & floor ... ,crt.:1M' No l'On Yourhvrne/myofl Appl ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1 !lt•,toU\h.SlU,rhuarS5. 1"1"~ :!o \'r:.it.·~p inN U Apt:,,. Consr1cnt1 ou:t lrJt.'l ~l&:,:>ton Vac Ju. S.,l8·J777 "1l <:h r .1l111wh, n.tm wall <:uar dim fll.'l u<lur. Crpl JI l'J F1nuncint.t J\ uil cr.1lt:.m.i11. li4S-t>55H. !'>Ill !1190 1 'L··:.:_:, • ~Ill\ 111.:. h,1ufl111:. l ll'.lllUp :! ,.1ucfrnl::. l•.10110011,·.il. tll'lk.'llcfJlJll'. 1.11-:!:11~1 Ullll'i, lullH'l' 11at10::., hoJl 1q1J,r. i;, )rs t'Xjlr llo Lil". n \ <!071147 Soulh ---- -----scaptnc) rm1lli.: 1;.w f>lW. \\urk my 1>ctr. Hd::. Coast Inv e s tme nt J/\Y'SCUSTOMllEPJ\IR Housedeanin9 '"'••••••••••••••••••••••• PointiftC)/Popering 5Jl 0101 !>l!I OIS12 CJbinl't & £orm 1ca work .~•••••••••••••••••••~ Rotot1lhns: $25 L11ndscup ••••••••••••••••••••••• Carpenter -----•• --. -:-. jtl·n 'I rurpcnlry. Com· Wa nt a IU~l\LCLt:/\N mg, Sod lllul',i:r.1!.'> 16' Pt-;·n :ns l'AINTI ''; ••••••••••••••••••••••• CaterinCJ GJ-.HWH.:K &SON.· mcrf ltc::.idcntlal nays JIOUSE'!CallGingh:im Sq.l"l.1'o m9ti0·2170 -ln111-:i.1 Hl•,1-; lt.1t1•-. REMODEL.MG ••••••••••••••••••••••• /\ut.litiuns & !t•·modellng j 1!!1:!·4517. evl'S 6-12 8f!O'J. Girl. J.'rec l'!>ts ti45 512:1 --C:.ill Gl'lll' al ~.;,2 (~l~-.'i Lie Ul:J IO'J•l2 --- -------CUSTOM OESl(;Ns \llt•r al1<Jn •,_ rl'l'•11f"'. S1N{lalty-i\kxican.l)nen-!>l\l :!lill li7:l 001lll' It 0 !-' t; I\ HI' t: T JIO USECL J.;l\NJNt~ 1 ... Sod lawns, ::.p"klrs. -turt·'· ~•dd1t1on'>, h:ith!> &. /\mer. Focxls. Your home -: • . • . CLEM IN<.; /\l~o lloor Our Hu::.1uelts C all pat1olt, t"O\l'rs. n·10tJI'~ I. 11 t' h c"'. • .il11 11 d ::.. nr cluh. SOhr minimum ~·'=" VEi\Z,.. Y & SO:>.S t·arc & w1mlow ... 537 !SOM J anH·t•:. H;igi:cdy Anni. olde r y u r d s. It cc n· Painting/Papering Remodel & Repair ·•·••···•·•············ ...............•....•.• 1 '1\l~ll:"-t: I IUS I' l'lt'l' 1-.,l: l'.1t10 ('OV\'rl>, I" \lll'J ('(·f1Wrlt , <iutlt•r & Oowu 1111 "\I 1•11111· Ill !'>p11Uh, lllk . wall:-., \\ ... I. II) J II'> h 111. J) It• I. ~I' rt 11 I. I •• r sys l e Ill:.. •• '01111 '•II 1.'.!:.! I' )'> I 11 l'Vl'll p.11111 )tlul f "I -''·1~·»11 I I e .........•......••••••• Pla.st•r /Rttpoir l 1 .. 1tf\MI<.; Tll.t:;. New & ••• •• • • • • •• • • •• •• •• • •• • 1 tll\ll i"0r l'<' , .. ,l S ml JOb~ I' \'ll'll 1·1.As n :1t1:-.c \\1•k11m1' 531··~12ti • •1\l.l.'J'\'l'l•:S • • T S : ---Ft, • ., 1:,1 :, 10 W<.!~ ree ervtct' ........••.•..••••.••.. p.11111:.. i·t·rn1•11t work 1:.is O:;HI (Ju<.1hly i:. Morc.~hJn : ---l1i5 1"553 rnoval, 11run111i:. l.H·'ll l11•rno\ .1b, ltml1111i.:. 11111 Jltll !!, p r 11n111 g. I 'I I< l•:WOOI> S75 coril/ 111· I I 1 <: I b o 11 d I 111". l-.1111r.1t•tur tluc~ own -------awt1r<l1t>us . 1Gloss -----1 Wi\1.1.l'/\1'1-;ltJ Nl: 1\11 '.•·11 "·,.11' Cement/Concreft' , r contr<.1t·tor. 1:4 ) r s 111 Iii 1 1 • ·•1"•1 work l'.ilorttlm 1·1m:.l •• • Com1111Hcs1<.I U·l lf:.lt4l!!JO ••••••••••••••••••••••• •llOUSt:C:.:ti':i\NINli• F OHD Lan<.1::.l'Jptug , K1n1h Work Cucir,111 \ 1.llY ,.; \T l'i\TC'lf ' --•-_ ---- \1t-111h1r II II H f\ll work • • •••••••••••••••••• !.l{~J.IU:l-1 !i:u>-693'11.;lass & !>CICl'n n:1H.11r. Uvrl'11ablt!t·uu11lc Good 962•7817 ll·l•cl Fn·•• t-.~t1m.tln Jllll:O. ~ l<l'lltttl •1,,.l. rl'mo,al & trim · .eu,11 •)!,.! K31 t 'F'rcl' l·~t1m.1te::.! l'h1llips -I u ·1· ' c.· II ""~ J7 < f\I Tl-'1'/\Tl(lN" n . d .llw pnc"'" <t~ ~. om . rc1cn·nct•s 5:Jti 7711 .• 1 M .orm. °"'" 1\la or ,., 1.,. ,.,1 li'l,I I l.J'I 1111111! !'.'rel' t'Sl. C;i ll Uol>, t<fo:,\JOUl-:L. Comml'rc·i:il &1{frs1dl'11t1al l.11-, l"n•1· ,.,t. MS J.t:!!I Cl·mcnl Co. l'.1t 10,, • ·' • "'· rri .1 1 1;~1;.()b13 - - -----l'ROI-'. Ll\NDS<.:Al'IN~ ti75·1oll.! i;1;1 m11HorGlti :mN driveways. I.it.:/ llon<Je<l tl1t111n::., p.1t10;., Cl'mcnl J::xclm;1vc llOl\t 1-; CJ\HE Ut:Sll!n & consti ucuon ------Plumbing ----- 751·56.'l7 all G. ~II wkn<ls. w r k . L 1 c. 54 ti · 07 llG . Houting f\mb1t1ous female ::.eek· ~SIS<! or MH··Mti 1 l'.111111ng " l'apcrh;i 11i.: r 1 •••.•• ••••••••••••• .... Upholstery -~o !l<!OJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• in>: homes or apt~ to ----------111g llru:.h. ro.11~ ~;~pr ..I)' I Ill\\ 1-·s,\" I .l<s ••••••••••• •••••••••••• llltl<.:K & BUH.:K --llauhnl<( .inythin~. g.1ra,::c maint.1111 '14 kly. Hcfs . Masonry l..11· 11 .. 1ref~.11 12 :!J:,i, • l'l11mli1ni.: &. l lt-.1111ir Bill's Upholsterv DRYWALL SER. l';.ilio~. l.'urb & Gutter E:lectrical l lcanun lll'ft:tblc, fai.l ti75 :1075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·' l "' ,.,., "f 7·1 ,. •',Im 1>·11nt/w·•ll11a1)1•r1111• 1 1"''1·,111 11.111·~ hull• 11' ~· .. , v111" ()r.·111••1• c., ov~r ~11r.1yc1 Ul"(>1ti;l11-, .. ayrtl'""'""'' · ••••••••••••••••••••••• sl'rvin•.9113·645:! -----l\tJ\SONllY T tlc, lmc-lt.'" ' u ,-., ,., ~ ~ \'ill hr I 1~1 I l apt & -------J a 11 a n e i.. c I a it y l',11nl 1ntr :s;!Or111 '-l'l't·1.1I 11 1t.i1.1,• '' ,., 11 1• ~111 111 :.!II y r::.. Hetu\ cring/ re \. l I/ ••• : •• : • t.~:o:-.irn: co~c ru-:TE ~~1.~:CTH I CI A ·Small II I I I L" 'I blot.:k, l'OllCrt'll', i..10111· llfll''lt•n11r'.ll"71~.:· h i X17 0:111.1 11111 1\ ,\ 1'·'11111!.'/ r1· ... 1.vltn". No ,,,111 l ex b3G -1x:n 1l " •. 1• \,'I I' I N 1., •'o b -JVU".,.111_a_1.1111. rcpa_ir:. .,:!.:! ;iul111i.:1mu\lnl!/c ea1111p 111uM:t.: can1n~ ~.:\llr 1 , l.u."d !lGll :.!SO.I '" ·•-~ ... 1.11 •. 11.:l'i _ •1',1,,,111''ni·, 111•111• ,': lil ... ~r~tXIJI __ 131011 ;>-II!5~113 ~iup (;l'nrcp.11r, fl'•"'-0\\11 tran,portallon -_ ;\l..1,11·11 h.11 1•1· 111h tuu .. m.111. !{cl our " "' ~ -l•';.i,l lrl·c c:.t K-1:! .1;1117 t'I:! fl!X Wll.Lli\MS & SO~S Cu~tom W<ilh"<I\ c rnig, ~ p1 ll'l' lit-fort• you dcc11k. . t 1· I ~ p tlo l<" tilll rll\.I l'.H111tng. l.11• d :!II ~r:. l'lt1111lt1•r' 11·p.111 l•'JllJll' W C C k k \. ..irp..-11 r~ '.'fll!'. I '"I a _:..l' .. -~1.El:Tlllt'IA N Ht•s1ll ' ---lnco~Tax --l\l,1"11nry/H111'k/lll11ck 1·:i-i1r V1·r\'11l•:il•.:1'1Hlill :-1•r\1<" 1111•"• & in-1.1llJ m , zv u ... ·1,owm•r. l<l't1111dl'1 111~ & Hl·11a1r I C . f W k l'om m 'I N" j11 IJ too & Slone Call SK I ill2!J t11m 1; 1.11111·•. t. I.! :n 1~1 i.111 5~11111 ~·, tiltl'_• --· ltt•Js r.11l's ('all !li9 O.J7!1 I °"· ere e or crn.111 l" •II 1"111 c. ".I I'"'•"' s 12 a Load! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---I I I ~ u ,. ·•·• ""., • tc.1~011.ib ,. tl' ... ll\•ns 1t1I•· C S . I-rl'l' l''"'· ll..indy -Gl•t llul or l '11:.1ghlly SJ\ I:: SS ll 1•J:.on,1 lilt.•11lf!ck . llhwk, S tnnt.'. Till' l11t fi•'t Fr ""l' Viclon.1 orpe t er v1ce Call K:J7 IStCI.! • T H/\Sll & LH:BHIS r.ill's 1'1ck up Cl\I <Arc:.a Work l'Xpcrtly 111111<' by 11t h 11aint111g. •1!17 :l45-1 ,. • .•• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • ----Garden1nq I Collel-!l' Sludl.!nl•S lll·f>'128 l'h . !>48·2-177. lie conlr..it:lor lJG<!·ti7 I 2 M/\l<V S l'J.1 1 \1111~<: •ft u; c1xu1 • M 1.1<111 TOii SM/\ I.I.' Wunt lo Sell V1111r llohhy ll<'ms? 1•1 ... ·1• )our .111 umkr "The Hobby Shop" Hum. l';1ch Wed. & S\Jl. 1\\l'CareC;H'pl'lCll1aner:. Contractor ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------__ ----------~t<·am <"ka1111r ,)l,1mpoo 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• L;iwn & 1;.inkn Marnt I MU; VUU liOllt-:l>'' 1':1'-Con::.ul\ant, J 1, r:. l'' Ci;tm F1rl'plat'l'S·l 'lanters \hu I 'f\1)01 1\ll \\ork R J\Dl-'ORU & SON Tt11> jub <:11,..1.1 Mc :i.i 011 lhl'n l!l'l ~our..l'lf 111\111\·\.od pr, 4 ) r.-1 llS. llOn1leJ Bnl'k <.'ttncrt.:flo l'allo :.!\tar. Hd' 1-'rt·•· 1-:. ... 1 s. 1 rt E'.\IOIH:L H 1-:1• J\ IR I). Frc•c <'sl ~Ill R1:?2 <.lomg tlttnt-:' 1ir grmi. 1111{ Carl'l·n Whl'aton 963 211:1!> Ulock W,ilb l!Hl/ l'ib lh '.i-r.it1· .. Ii 1r1 :17lli ,\dd11101b-L1c u 1;,,;,!1;:! thmg,. Cht'C'k ''Tiu• llohlly • _Hefs. J.:..is . fAli O.Uil - .. : ... t 19:x! tii5·1>!!.lti M . It . L A W N , I. :1 w n Sh u p ·· 111 1 he I),\ I I. y Tax Service Co . Ill 01 Wtn· i ·111.t \\!1,11 ~1111 ,,,rnt 111 1 . ma1nl • ~ .1rtl •·ka11up I'll.OT (.'l;L\~tfit'tl 1'l'llion dy SJnd!-. l.'1rcl1: II B S.·ll tlung:. l,1:-l with J)ail~ I l.111' I ilul l l.'""111 .. d... \\ .1111 \ti, 1.·.11 It.1"1 '11>:x1 lt1• • .-. ~,;r; :!1~111 .ill 5pm l'al·h w,,1 lit !'>.it ~12 :i:>tJ J •1111t W.int ,\th 1· ---- BOYS AND GIRLS If you arc l~ to lti )c:.irs o ld and would like to earn $20 to $.50 UIHI more per week . with u chanc(' to win :.t l rtp to P hllad t>lphia. <..:<I P<' K<·nn l·dy or Washinglort. D.C. and cash awards. hikes and olht'r prit.l'S. I hav~ a J<>h for you. If you arc w1lhn_g tn work h are!. learn r csponsilulity and the valu(• of money. l'U ll M r . St·o tt, 549 -8951i. Transportation will be furnished. This 1s not a pupcr route. Equal Opportunity Employer /\,!', /\ H I\ ping l'.'l.pl'r n1·•·1·s~ Will lr.1111 tor l!llllJl\llt•r lnsur.lll!'l' ur .1ul11mot1\ 1· h;u·k,i:r ou11d h1'111ful I•' \'I\ .; IU :! 111 J\ L'111n p.11111111 l11r 1•l1l1·rl v m.111 L1gllt dut11•s. :! I hr' •• t1.1~. hl'I n1.11n & :!11111 11.tlhu.; l'l'lllll">Ul.1 (1i,t lX7'• CONTROLLER Or.uw•· Count' Sh pl! t:tr I lk\\011111\."r M'\•k ,. "Sh11 t !'>keve t•onl111lkr. "l'A. JUNIOR SALESMAN 1 0 To 15 Years Old E:.irn ~O $4 0 pc.•r w1 •1•k workini:! after sc-hool & Saturdays. l1 11nl111i.,rton lkat·h & Fount<11n Valley areas only LPave n;,im1:. addrc.•ss & phone number on tape r cc:ord<:r . <..:all 536-4298 Mcdu:al B.1ck Oh' pos t· 1111n . I/lime E xrw r "cl nn ly ror 1; I' 111 l .. 1~u11.1 lk'ath l'lt·.1-..• -.uhm1l r.· ,..111nt• l•1 \'.trl II Wl'lwr \I I> 111.i!IS11 <"11J,l ll"'y, l..•J.:llfl.1 lll';1d1 <.:.1 !12ti51 I 11~1 '17.!I Mtttol Spinners Full & p /llllll' t-:>.1u•r"I :-iupn •rnc E11g111t·•·r 1n l! 1!1:111 l'l.1n·nt1a AH'. L' M 1,.11, m:ii •. 1,.11; :!731i F1gurl' ~1111.kb. 1-... 1 "rt' I II• t'il1•1I Tup 11111111°\' :>.P\\ 1 l\ly JlmrHI',, ;111" c;, 111111• Hu'I\ H•iu ,. 11.111111·1 lll'W 111 ;,11-.1 X\" I \ fll I :-.pr;1y 4\"j n12 Chui I< t.:011'1lt"nt1ou' ,<1., Nt'.11 1111 • 1 p.1111ter w 11 hl''>l' •1ual, !>U<1olll7 111 .... 1" 1t111l1·. PURCHAS ING CLERK ll,111dll-1111n h."11w l•>r 111.111.1r 1 1111·1\l \'•lll~ult.Jn.: t1r111 \1·1111.11t• I) 111111 ,., 'l' 11 f I .1 I 'I I' :-, l ,1 cl 1111t11 -.1•'1 "11 So 1111• 1\1111\\ lt·<I~ I' 111 .11 ! nt11>lll1J' flftllt•llt11•' l1t·lpl11l S.1 1.11 \ l 11111 IO<'n'UI .11t• w11t..-.1l .ir1 .1 llcnl'l1l MODULEARH, INC :121:.x C.im1110 Capis trano • Su1te:w:; IJ<I:'-I ~II!'..'\ .. The Hobby S hor" W1•d11l' • .r ,, '' .1111 !'\.11111 ti.I\ .. 1>,111\ l'll•1l l '·""1 .... 1 ... IJ/\ IL Y Pl I.OT t ·1,,,.,..1rwd Sl·• 1ion ,\LI. li-12 5Gi!S -----.. H~lpWonted 7I001H elpWonted 7100 ·······················~······················· 11s,\l .ES 111·.,\L E:->'l 1\'l I•: lkl.111 nur~L·ryman So. OPPORTUt-41TY <.;;.illf's. m o:-l u n111ue l1<.·f11n .i:o1111• 111111 lit.-rt.ii 1 .1nl••n t•1•n1t•r, :-pcl'1all1.· ,.,..,al•· p1 1111 11111 .... , llll' 111 t nl11r ba!>keh, is 111t: Ill '' 1111 II..-ht l ~t · '' 1•l-.111J,! t 'Xfll'rt~·nCl'll fl'• .11 111111.111 fld1 l .. 11111 0 l.11l111ir,.t:r;..incn wh11arc 111\1'1 Hl'.111111 \\ II '""'''"' l-. tndustnou~. 1111 .111·.J 111 . 111111 • 1111111 \111l •Jl,11'. eornm & I II 1: I 111 I 1 •• II • .i IH Ill Ith ~··nd rompll'lC ,,tft•'tJ\'ftf'f~· \ UUJ HV•f1 11'..,llfllt•l n d1·,1-. .1111l 1•h•111•· Jr< \'1·,11 ·, l<t1<:1·:W~G/\HUE:-;s 111 '·""' lw ·'' "'" 111 nl • 1 :!:IOI S.i11 .loaquin J11ll:s ;11h 1·1 11••·' )111Jr l1>11ag~ l<rl . J\cY.port Ueach. CJ . ,\ p,1, lur ) 11111 .1•h u " :1.:1~10 1n1. <1•J11d 11.111-. 111· l'll·U ,\1111 · <icoriie C r a<>ber N1 "111111 Bil ii , l '•i.I J l.111 1711 > ti40 .Jl:IUO for mt l\h .i 1, lt1 :J:J:!H· , \t''· ·'l•J••1111mcnl .,., S in .J11,1n l".111,..tr an11 ~ l.110 . .t < lfll>'ll 1-.mJil"' .. ,. ~or ·1 5 ~l~i.' I'll'.•'-•" -------,- '111111111 r• '"" '~'! I' o Help Wonted 11 OO'Help Wonted 7100 --l'-l\("J•1,,-,,~ !tiJ.!t..!•l·• '······················· ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• , H~lpWonted 7 100 :HelpWanted 7100 6<1.\ll\ 1 1.,,11,1 •..t t•'1-11111 111111 1-·1111 ,ti 111 ~ L•·i:.il :->1•1r11.1 1}. 1:1u11l ~~\lt>'l-.'l ::i ::i !'>l111h11 1,.11 l»I t ' S A LESWOMEN ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\Pllltll Ul'''d•tl l1,"", .. 0 ~nlt'ltt.tn l 11t1 u.11 u p t '~tll'. l..1).!un.1 ~IJ.!thl I' l1nh '' ,1 luturt BOAT BUILDER .1ru1 1 11111, "·"k··h ,\ 1111 pur t .di .•t>S :1>-111 !-:"·'! lllt' 4!"11··1~11 l I 1~111 1i.i7 l11r .1p111 l .in 11·"1"· i ... " ,, """111•• • REAL ESTATE I •If • '1111\ ·"' 111 '\lh I I .. AVON Li Yen Up Your Life & Earn Money Too, :::.~II quality procturh \\ ,.,h.111 l '01 p h I' 1111 d.t 111 i:.11 d• II" "1 "-\111 I I'll •11xx I LEGAL SECRET ARY \\"I h ,. r ' II ,. I tll' r lllt'tl \ .11 .1111' lnl ,., h I\•' 11111'" • 'l't ri• 111 ' Ill I I • I I I (lo 111p'I11 II" I 111· 1 I I I. I\ ..... ··11111~ '' .. 1111 '' ·''' l '.1rl lime 1111 .I .1 .... ~··r,, ' I"' 1l 1mll\11l11.tl l:1111tl• 1 1·"'" ~·111111111~'"' 1 '' j rn:.: \lihl "·"''""" 1ru1 k 111 :-,'\\f)l l\•nli•r l lr' r•-1w11:.1h11it11·'· 'l••.111 \\ 111111 I 'r <Xlll'I \111-1 .11, .. "11111•11-"1:1• "' •111 Ill .111111 .v trlr . .'\1111 Ill' I fh•'llJI~ 1'11-,1,,1• '<l'Orl rt' 1111:, l.1 1111tl1y. )!rllll I > II I\ ' ) \\ II l • I) I • 1111 .1 1, 111· 1 ' I\ Ill .d ' ,\ I I • • ' ' ' " 1 1 1 \\ 11 f••r 111r ''''I' 111.11111•• 111 J ,uin•• to I' o llux \5 \ 'topp1111-(, ~ .11l1•111 1ni.:1 .. l.1111\\ ll'tlJ.:t' Ill 1 .. 11,;11•..ll .tll• "'·•Ill' I' -1. 11 I I ... I -'11-It II I I I . lht• llt1lt11·tl Ill I'"' 111 • 1.1 11 •'\IJ •"· .' l11l 'II II 1111 I 11(( 111111 '111111 .. , • )\ • I ' --.I ........ 1111 . 'l..'t.11.! I I l • I' IJ«11d1h S.1 l.11v 1·11111 1111·111 "' ,.,, '·' ·'" l.,11 tl1•11l'1 111r i\pl 111111 Hrs .Ill' .1r111ru'( 11i .:11 hr~ ll'I' 111 \lrnlo·I It I l 1111 CAREER t ' ,ti I II u lill\ Sh .11 I.. I •..!:1 l't I ltt11 11,1 l '.n~\ f ~U lfl t t 1flld 11• 'P 1 111111 11111!\" 1 .. 1 t h. , .. 111.\l.l ..,J \II '\\I.I.:-. t1t•1' 1 1111•11 1.111 r, \111 'II"' ,, ... I•'" iw.d llt·.t Ill I'"'' 11 11 .. 1 "'·'"'" • I. l :'\l.11"1 ,..,I JI. ""'" ,, 1lf1 II•\\ '" ••111 :'>1 1111n1um 3 ~ 1 ~ l')l.Jl r sal.11 v + (;omm. St•lhni.: 1111111 llll>t•r.1f\ Europl-.•ll I .1 h 11111 "' ,\ I' 11 I } I 11 l'l'l '-1111 t1 11rnpo .... :!\I I ,, h1nr1 l ~l.1nu. ,\:.k t.1r .111.111111' •SECRETARY Dnw11ey S;i\ 1ni.:s & L11:in f 'llHllll• IJy lhl• \\ tirld :.. !Jrgc:.l cos mct1t•,.. <"•m p.1ny ln1 .. rc--1 ... 1 ! Call >IU 71~1 I or z,•1111 h I t:lj!J • "' ·' \I 1 1 • f \1111 \Ir J!i .1n.t1111 1 • 1.;rm1111: i.rr '• 1 " - 1m·n,.,ur.tll' w tc,iit·r 1\p ;\lu-t ht: fl• 1111 .11w 11t ,\I pk'\. "' · (),,,!> l"'r "~. l..Ot:,\I~ (.'ontrallor ::.eek p<'r wk lfll•\1hlP> 11 1• pll'!O f;uard, r 1•,p11n,lfil1• (.di fur l ~;;;,11 p1•r monlh (.'a ll Ill)! t11p "orkmg Supt'llll· qu1rc•m1•nh :! ~'' ,.,,.,.r \\,.,h.111 (.'11rror.1111in ·'l'l'I '·' 1 .!:!Id .,. .... , .~ 1.1.i :1:~1 l1•11dcnl Lo run "'VI k prdcrrt•(I 111 h•1u'c "'>rt-. <:1.1 ·1 11 ~1<1'.ll "' )1111• ,. ,,.,, .1n· 1·1 t \lt1•1 .. r .• 1,,.1, 1 111·Eo11lh1·1"» ·1 Hl"\l\ll.'I ' 11.011111 11th• l11ld 1111 h . .-. oµc111n i.: 111 Or:ini:c ... < 11 1111 :-harp 1nd1v11luJI . ::-;.>)ld'ormwl. \1<' \\i·1I '>\.\I to II :111,\.\1 ~111 .. t 11'.• 11uahlwd in .tll ,.., chili! 1·.ire Hd. aulo 1·11,t.1 :\Jto,,1 11111\ 11•'llPr,tl OfJHT !-,l.ill;;,l "h.1:.1· ... St ,111' 1jualil11'.1 ''<'ry s lroni: "'n"· 111 phoitt• nnh·r 1h·:.I.. 1·x1wr DEBURRl...,G 11111" & m1111mum \\.ti!•'" rt:'l"'""'l11ltttty &. cll·pl'n II I I "' 1 ••• ~1 l\Jll'l 1 t;1r1 Hit' I I I ' I •'""'tt1·r. •'Ol m'J I I \ ,,, ,111 ,,k"'"· ''I I.I kll\ 1\1 ·I I. ().11\l dJh1hty, 1!•11111 "'n1t-.111" h1111i.· t..• 111 111111 <"ti,, Boat Electricians ·'"1' l.•11 .• 1111111 I •1'1 It• 1111111 ( \l J 1 1·11111, I' (I HO'( 1~>1>11 l"11,l.1 'oml. plt'.l!>l' t'.ill ""'IHI\ 1h\11 lr.i11,rt1 1,;,,,.11"' \ll~I h.1\1' bo.1t h1111tl 1111, '""'hi ''11"1" __ \ft-,,1 ~1lti.!fl ~.·,1, :11<1111 rrl'lm 11 J ,., .. , 1111.: ''l'''I "•' .1r1• 111111.. 11·t1.1hh• ,\. h1\t• '""" -1,1111 .!lil•.'i .ltllo!I 111g 1,w11111t1 1''""1.J 11111 l1111111•1·\11 .. 1 l't1111 .(;1•11 'I 01 1-. I Jl l•rson lL\N ~.Ir• 1'1•r sh1f1 1 !: ,, h' I l 1 • 1 I 1 t •· 1-;1 1•11 1111.111-. 1 .. 1 1.1 .. 1 I 111111• 1111 ... 1111111 1•11 11 •hl ' 1'1111 .. ltllll1m1 •"'I' prl•I ti l-\,1n·11•w ('on• ll•>'P. :--.,,,,.,,. It.. 1\111t-. ,\~\I' li111111•1•11.1 .. r1.rn11,111l,r11\\111,· 1·,1 \Int,., 111.111 c· ..... 1.1 ,,,. ·' 1•1i-.".111ll\'1••11ho11•·111.1n ~~(11Thm1111\l•.t2.1:.u~. 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'''I", I• lll'I 011 11'.'" :'\ 11 11 .. , Pl11pm 1•11t h \1111 I~\ ,111 Sl.ilt• l\,111t-. \.II 1':1p.il1l1• 111 01 11111.llfl t.ltt 111"1 1111 1.~.i..-. lhrou~·h t11.1I I li.11.11111· :-.111111' 1' p111 • H.1111-.1111: l.11.111:O-<t1tl.11\1 h\} .11 11>11111. p,1\.il1h '\ .. ,, f'"' I I<• .1d 1 .111·.1 ('1111,11111·111111 1Ju11kl..1 1•11. al}llWlll Ill !'\l.i11• ll,1111-. 1111.;, t'\J> llPI" '-..if.tr\' 1.111 11 1~1 111wn I<• pl\ to I' I) l<o\ I ,1,11 11.111\ l'lf nl 11.\'\f..:--:-.~1. < 1.1,,111111. ,\1( '\11 .• .ix BRANCH MAl'-4AGER I ( '11'>1.I "'''•'· :1:!11'.!f. \ I 1·1h•1 .t ..._I\ 1111 .. , i\·, ll.1ol.l-.l'1'J11 r, 11111 c h.1n!1· tH I e\ l•H\ I 't'I ~ "' ' ,1 llllll.•~•11111 lh '\p\\p1111 111.11'11111111• lt1dl\11f11.il 1&1111111 h,I\ ,. 1111.111• 1.d ill" t.11 111• '.. ,., 111·1 \\ 111 h t 111 •lit• \l\"I\ ,11111111111· /II'\\ flll.,1111 • tit•\ t'l1111 1tt1•11t ..... t'I ''1'-f1Hn••r . ,\ 1111111\.111• I" I 1111111'1 \lltl \1 <11 1..trl" '"""' ,\ f., IU Ill II• ph 111 \Ir '"''' , 1 J , '·,.,to I •111.11 1 lpp111 • 11111lt1\. I BARTEHDER I' I 11111• I \.ilhn.1 I '1•11111 11111·1 '" \\ "" ,\ 'l"hur' ••'7'1 ,·;:\u BEAUTY OPERATOR I I.Ill" :>I\ li-.1 \Y 1111111\\ Ill)' ,1• 1.1 I'"'" ' II \\ lta-.tl I l.t11· ,111tl ur I Oll:,1111 1111I.I'111111111 1·:q1 .ilil1• 111 11rod1w10•: l111.11H 1,tl 'l 1l1·1111•11I. 1111 111 .tl I s 11 r ,111.•1· 1"11 11 .. , 1•11111111 .•11 1 (ti 1'.tl •11.i ' 1. 1 ..... r .. t111 Bookk~~per · 111111• I 1111 1 h If"•' for f f1,ff 1Ltf•lt' llf •.tilt If tnll Ill ru .. 1111 "ll1111ld 111• ,., jll oJ 1 ll .1 I I ,I I,. I ' S I 11111111111\ l\llh l.l>11 d1• 11.1lif.-\\111. '" ·1,•1, \l,111\ l'1l1tl, I' II 1\11\ 1..1,11 t "'1.1 \11•"1, 1· \ ! ~:!I 1..'f ~ CAl'-4VASSERS DOOR TO DOO R 1)111\ t'\IH 1 'd IH'• d .q111I\ \'til \lt 11,1\1 1111111.11 '.tr1• l111 I ..... h•H•I .1 .. I h1ld BEAUTY O P R ,, 111 •• m1 11n hu11 " i ·, t ' I 1 .. ,. 1'11111111 ·' 'I< I ''" ,, '""",. I' I 111 111111 toll lM•t:l .'.IU1'.~' lll1"dl,tlt•l\t1•d lol' .. I I BEAUTY STYLIST •CAS HIER- \111 l 111• lt\11\\ 1111 \\ill h1t •lll' ,111111111\, 1·1111\p.111\, :tt.'.! .\11,1111• I •\ h1111 ... ·l..11·1wr Thi· 11111 \\ .. II II I GUARDS ,ll f.,ll'llllol .'J) :'\11 t•ll.J'( :Xur't''I ·'"'"'· t'' rwr flfl' f fl. I l i •hi ll \It'' I · 11 & II"' .\pp!) Wl'll :! IH. :! 111-.:\T\I. '"''l'I'\:"-r. f·u . ]l.irl 11111•· P"'1 111 . .t'" :'\11 photll'l.1ll' \\·rdt• ('1111• 11•"1' 1~·1 < 1·n11:r St.<' ~1 I h 111 •-11J.o I I lllll' \I 11 1111' ,11 ..111. l 111f111 Ol'> lt•J 1 h ,.1., 1 ,,., 1 :...Hnl 1ur111,h,·1I l".1r .\. ph11rtl' -----------• .,_l,;HSI;-.(; :-.1i... II Jt hll• .I illl It 'I \\ t>I k fur •1111' 111 1h•• • I l1•11t.d ,\.,,i..t.111l '''" p111 I t11p :11•11.11tl outfit-> 111 th1 MAIDS Rt-4 5'iperv1sor 11.1t1q11 ·1 h1•..,,• Jllh'> an· 111 I' .111n1· d,1y :.hill . l\1-.11·h X1 .IV l 1•11 •• llw .l.1ml1orl'1· IM . N II LYl'-4 11111 I ll11· \'I" r pfl· It 11 l'li •-1 I .!lll.1 . 1rc.1.<.:.11l t:HJlli l~• :l!l:.t1 l '1l<.1l11lnc:; nnw :w:11l:ihll' 1 P l1m1•11.1~'1.h11l ;\11,•\1w11t•111"11·11u1n•.t 11\p11f y l1.1rk :--11111•rior 1l.11r"1\ 11,t • <'omm or lk11t:il ll<t 1•plu11>1 .I 1;'""' I lww1lh 1•'111.il \I 1 li1•11tl'I 1lpp .. r 1111 11 hi 111'1' 1111 ll.11111•1'-. 1)1•n " pl··, .1nl 1••, 1111.1lil\ >-1-; •·~11 \,k lnr ll.111 11 I I 111 \ I'• I I ti I \ ult 111 ~ \ I 11•.1111 .ti •'.I :-..11.11 \ 11111·11 " 1 <ol I• lt1 nr 111, \,111 .i1:1.l lil11•t\\lllll,\ I l .1111 ,\ .! ,\ 111111 HO USEKEEPERS \l,lltllt' ('l'f:>Oll• t;uurl hc111•l1ts ,\flult rl·s 1d tan• t rnll·r 1t12 ~illfil 1>1·111,tl ''""t.1111 \l.llun·. lt11u"'"l't'Jl•'r l"1111I. for 1'\lll'r'd 1'11.111 11k. t·.11 • 011pl1· 1.11 ,. 111 P v t t 1t11 ... ,,.., ,.. :.i)I x~ 11 r1111111 .'I. hath 1;.1~ 111it/li 111 .. vn1. ,....,....,1c... r \:>. r l It ,1 11 '•I ti<' t' \ pt' I 1\1•1 , • ._...,II\ " II lo I I •t.!11 l>I 'I' \I . \SSIST \:"'I' I 'I" 1 11 ., I d.I\, '111111· -...1t .. >lit 'It I I ll 1• 111 .ii ll t•. •• 111 H 1111 "I . '''"IH•lt 111•,11 h 1;t•1wr.tl lh•nl1 l \r.1v 'I'll 1w1· . 11111111111'111\ 1·,1p.1hl1• lront ,\ lt.wl.. H:tl 011•1,t l'\ l'' & \\ """~ DRIVERS WAHTED \1 I fl Ill \\ 111111'11 \\u"t tw -!.• 11r t1\t.•1 \p1•h 111 1'1•1 ''I" Yellow Cab 1 r 1-.1 Sl.1t1•r '' 1•n11 .. F11u111.u11 \ .•II• , ll111t ... •l..t't"lll'r ror gU1•'1 h1111w t .111 hetwn !l.i1n "" :ip111. ti \11 1,;11; Housektteper F I 11111· \\ kd'... 11,1 \ \ II'"' t"ml\ ll11'p. :ms:; 'Thun11. I' \I 1;,1;? .1.>11:. l ll.I\ • 1 "1·1·k l'r1•l1•r O\\ n tr:111 ... 11ort.1t1nn Iii.I 011.·,z 111111-.i• mni:r wnld, rno11nn pwtur1· tl11·atn•. N1•w1u11 t ,1r.•,1 "••lltl I lllll(lll'(I' It• '11111•' 111\\1•,1t·rn \11111,1• 1rw11t I"•• :111111 :-.un,,t"f Ill\ d, I. 1\ • !ltllMo'I Apply In Person , 11 " 1 I t 11 1· .1 1 <' • 1 1 1 1 ;\l11n1hruSat :11 ~lll'l'1 1or 1\\1'. I\ fl l·:mpl11~ m1·nl tllf11·1' i.t.! :!llll I·: Cl t-: 1 I.mp lo~"' 1·111 r .1111 t' un I l.1 rl1or 111 HI I OFFtCE MGR GrulJh & 1:111~ <.:om mt•r<"1a l ltt·:il Es l.1lc Disneyland I :1I"!11.trhor Hh cJ \11.1h1•1111 1-:qu.tl <>p1~1r ~; rn pl•1yt•r & t' x p 1· n :. e t· u n I rt• I • Com~1.1 n~ "Nt•\\ port lk.·al'h"' 1:.. 'e1•k1ni: Offtt'l' \lanaj?l'r I>ul11•\ 1n< l111lr :.111wn1,wn 11f 1·f1•11ral I i..tJrr. an ounlinj!, 1>11111:1'1 MAIHTEHAHCE lh' ... P<lll .. 1hl1• ror .• 11 f t' I PERSONNEL ll""'' & ofc "'"ll'm" i\l<ill' nr frm.il<· :-,,1\.1ry 01'lt'n S11hrn11 rt• '-Uffit: tu lt11n 'I orn~11·, l'all ~u 1027 hl'IW!'l'n r.!~ll\ l\l aci\rthur 111'11. 110011 & :-,prn fur info s u 1 t c 1 u o. :'\ l' \\ 11111 I 1'.qu:~Op11or l'.:mpl11~ ("r llc•,1r h. C.1 !l21tr.11 li:l:t ;!!Mtll ~t.111a1!,.me11t 1\11 1•q11,tl 11ppor1un111 l't·:OPL1'; I' Jo:ltSON (•mplu~ t·r t·:wc l11ok111J.! fo1 p.irl 0 l'T I (.A I C 0 \ T 1: II llffiL' :1''ll<'1alt• 1n 1•1,,1,.L .•.• • .. .,., 1', 1 t 1 I f I" IJ " ,H~.r. nn~ rtH Ill 11 11' <'~a 1' ~lll•fl '"~ 'u y t1on l'I · !'> II 1'12 ' 111" c,1r111al111'd.Hi:t:?2:!:J '111 · ' ·• ' l\1 \ltlNF lllll\FTS\I :'II Oplonw1r1r 1\..,,t :'>l u ~l • ' t•11t•. ha\I' 1 .• r. ll\1' 1n I-or ''"' ll11ill •lr.1"1111!" ,-i.,, ,;n.,1 \\Ill tr.1111 hlK 2:1:10 m.11111.il pt t·11ar.1t 1n11 f11r I '.111111 h11,1l l'Ct1ll r.wt 'I lw \\'1llartl Co , I.IOI> l.11g,1n. ( IJ"\l.J ~, •• , ·' 5 t•; :>:J:!:• I .1111.11 Up11or 1-:1nplo~ 1·r 111 I PARTJTIME 1:at111•r1111: 'll.!ll;1l11n•' for1 -.;.,, 1·mlll·r h.111111 :..1 01.1111 ~ 00 po·r hr :,:;1 14117. I 111111\\lllJ! 11111 111"<' I •'II ".i i:r... I· I I uro .111'.1 ~r. I 1 I I 11n1:l7 ~i7'1 I runl 01l1t•I' '"'""I ~ .. 1111 ~lfill\\l'l'I< & 11p. ~lr•11 phon•'' \uln ~ .... h~1·r •'X 1111 l .. 1tlll''i fuJl,·i llru~h 1wr h1•lrt11I I ,111I111111111 ~.11 .. , !ltil-1 RT.II l .1 r.•••r l·.111pl11\ 1111•111 -- 11 ... t-.1>r " "lllll' llltr"lll! <'.'1.l!\:f. fl\ •. Ill $:1011 1110 \Int .11·1·11m, tin\'" t ..r 1111 '-lntlkl·r~ ti I.; 5(100 :1pt l'Xl .l:!l JANITOR l\1 ,\ T U ll I·: W 0 M I\ N , p 1t1m1· tn W<.'lro mr tll'w1·11m1•r, ~ ton lat l n11•rd1.111l,., Flc•"hh• h,... N1•1•cl ••ar. l1lc l vp111~. r~n .lif.ri PBX O PERATOR f\n..,wenni.: S1•rvt1'l' t•xp only. rnr full or part ttml'. J ll shift It 12 11111:1 1<. 111111• ~'."h11111' h.1" Jn 1•ppor lur ~ 1111 I•' 1·.11 n .1 .. 111111'11 .1.; $1 ~ti p1•1 hr pro r11 ('11 ,\ p1t11111· rht' .... ,; 170 , ,~.~X~ .. ~.~~~'~·" I\ 1'1111i 1ld1\\•r\ 111ut., Ill.I\ h•• ,l\ ,11J,1hJ1• ltl }llUI 111· t 1:.1rn prnf1l l11r d1• 111 .. n •• , ~ .. <"1'h. In 11o; 111 111t•1d1.md1"' for ,,dllnl! Ill\\ '""'1·1111111111~. I• Ill 111lorm.1111111 t>flo.1 l' 1·.tl l 1tl.'tt.:1 ~r11mS.>1l 1 'l1• tt1t'l\l1· :->.1 11 ,J 11 .111 t tlll'\11.111•1 .lft• I I dll t. I ·-·~· Ill I \11, 11111 \I• ,.. I I 1111.. 111 • '·'"I •Ill) 'II F11111l llPI"" Fm11l11•1•1 l • \1•1•111 \ ....... fl.111 I I) I I l'..'\ EXEC SEC y i\11'111 shirt p , I l'lllmlry 1 luh (..'.111 M~ .'"illll 111 tt-rvw Tu1•s 1 :! :lU '11111) :\IO'\ill \Y CASHIER (I\ l'r :•11 f t 11111 • 1•11011 .... , ; ""' ,1111111 METRO CAR WASH ~·1so 11.11 ltor 111 t ' \1 Clerk/Typist In g l' 11·1 (Ir I I l' 1' ... "111 s IH'C'fh'!I 1t1r II\(•\\' )!rtl\\ 111)! 0111•r:.l1n11 \'.1rwl' uf \\11fk \I.1th :.kill' cl1•"r,1 h11• I tt,llO .lfl'.I W11l<' ,\11 =i..!H, ll.111\ l'1l vl I' (I (tu, 151.11, ('11,l.1 ,,,.,.1 (. \ •111>:111 I f'I ,., 1r t'\ ,., hro \4 ,. 1hr1111)'h 1111'. 11111111\ :-.111>1' Ill th .. t'l."''111'11 "'I l 1111) 1".trh Wt1l111••1l.1~ & :-.1111rrl.i\ OON1 RETIRE! T.11.1· up 11 1ww h11lihv Watd1 for ' 1 h1• l l11hll\ ~hop'" {'.ll·h W1•l10l•'ll.1y & Sal 11 rd .1 v 1 n I II I' r l:is::1r11•d !.1•1•11011 ~.111 .111:111 1·,q11 «t1•an11 II• ,1.,11 rh & ""' 1•lnr1 nwnl l-'11 in "' I~ l' I;,,, 11111111'111 11•1111.111 {I. 11\11.llllll" polt 1111,11 M't'I..' lnp 1,., .. 1 I·;"'' Sl't' ll• 111· p1•li•.lwd l'•'I"''' \\ ,,Ill 1111!.11111.1111111.il .. i..111 ~111 .. l ll-111• 111111 Ill :l ) r ' ,. '11 'I 11 p It"<'!' I '>l'l'l'l'l.tri a I p 11 s 1l 111n !-.nnw l-.1111"' 11-d~I' 11f h•g,11, ~111 nlll ic· {I. r1•.il l''t.1lt• I•----------• 111 1111111 < ;ood mc•morv A :m ur.11 v t11r tll'\:111 ,, "' OPPORTUNITY f{lll'lll' i•l\\'f•\f l\p1111:.1 1.11011.., 1111 ••11 \\f1t•11 ~(Ill 1111 \\'l'\l )'>hlhml 111111 ,,. , ,I I I•' 1111 1 d l lli'! ll,pJ\' •1'111 •'II \ 1111 lw1wl II • l'1h1I I l.1 11111) \1h In I '.I\ 1 11111111 t 11 11 r ,1 t t' ! '• •' h I h1• llt ·Ill•'•' I 0,1,I \\ ,1\1tl1t \ <\ ''' fll I )'11 I 111.11 l..1 I ll•lll 1\\,111 11111111•11 l :-; l'h11111•1ol.! .ll>t'< I· I~"' h1•,•I, I nr appl i i I 1'1.1 11~1:\or 1111 '1:!11,.! \l.1l11rl• 111U'll 1.lllS nth•1f '"I .• cl 11 "·' II I, . .. , ., ,rnlf r1h rl'lir.-11 prd ···" •111:,11 \1 1-:l>ll'\I. BAL'K on·1c E :'11 :i l u rt• • 1• ' p l' r ·fl • plrH<iont. !'.omt' fronl , 1v1w & 1n!> llunl llch 1\.17 K58!> ------- l\lr1l11'al nfr1rc <'ll'rk l\nuwlrch:<' of 11rt•ot10I s puynl>lt• 111111 l!C'OC'r.11 of ltn• 'kills l11,11r:mr e lttll· 1n1: r •••1u1n•1I l-i:dnt y 111>t·11 1;.111 Ol:l \ 1 '1,,,.,.111«1 ,,,,., ~..r l l11c tl1·11l,, i..111.ill 11t·ni-. 111 .in) 11t-m r.1:? ~11.111 Pl.U;\'1IH:H !ltin1mum :; \ r' l'\J>t'r in pl11mh1ni: & ll!',111111! 'l'I \IC l' ,\, rl' p.ur-. 1.12 :11.i.i P SYCHIATRIC Social W ork•r l\I S W lo 111onl111.1l1• .11 I I V I' I 11 · ]I ,1 l I I' II l pi:~Th1.1t r11· "''"'"''' 1ri out s ta ndl n l! 11e 11l'r.d hosp. J-:1q>N'tl at J!roup tht•rnpy. l:1m1ly lh1•rapy & lrcal m1•nl rl1s 1)0<,1llon, ol:1nn1ni: & pl.11°l•m1•111 ~· 11m1• or p tt1m1• Xlnt ,111.1rv & fnn~!t' l11•nl'f1h 1\Pl•I)• 1hrt•c·1 I~ 111 fll'l•I 11( 11'} l'hl.1lr~. :o;,1111.1 1\n.1 T11 :..t1n ('r1111m11n1f \ ll(•~111t.d . HHll l'\o Tu:-1111 1\\t',!-..1111 .1 An.1 t-:ciu.il l)fl!'><ll 1-:mplnyrr \\',, 1r.u11 > •111 I u •II 1111111 .oll l.111d.1 • ..r' , • " hoint \\ 1tlt ,Oii ,If t I 1, I .<l l'IJ t Ulll'-1 Ill ol '>l.dh 1111 n1t·1lio1I• 1. If '1111 .111· 111 lt11 •,l•·d 111 • 11111111 Ii I 11111111•\ t 1 <1111 I h,. 'I.II I Cll 111tl1qtJ11tl111d It" 11.1111111; Ill/ tli· Jiiii Ill loflt If I· I "I ,I' fJI I'\ IST \lo rl I .d l lllJll 1111 ° I p l• ·"·•1.1. 111.1l 11r" ' I" rd t' ,, .. •I" 1 .. ph .. u · ,\ Ill• I l11t1l l\tJ1 lo.I 11 • .X 1 111111.111\ '"I' •11!1• 1 I•·• ,i R ECEPTIONIST '"I lhru "'' 111 ,111, .. I 111111 \\' I' 11111 • htl1111I 11•ri I\ t 111 I I I 111111•1 tl" (\,•••t11h1111 .. 1u I 1111411\ l,1 11:. \111111, l1ll)l •\II l l'•ld lotl .... Ill 11 II XIX 11~1" '' • 1 1 .q11 11.11111 I<• •'.lrl I. ·' l·.\1,1."I \II '\\I.I.~ fl•H l•1•r11•1t 111111 '.t\ 11'11/hltllltl• \' .J.1111 Join :ff 1 ,, . 'fl" , .... 1 1111""'' 1 • I JI ' ' I ' , ) , ~ • Tarbell, Re altors I• •I.I\ tr.111 111 t U11f • •l .111111.11 • .11 pro~1 .1111 •I I 1" .111 \1-.1p11l1 <t I I If•'- •I ' I fl I .1 • 1 .1I1 ' 1 n ( lr.11lf"' I "011111 V 'l'I pf.II• h 1111•.; t.11.1·~ 111 I lr.111 • t u1111. •h t pl.11 1 "!111 • .. 11111111 ( It .111 •1 \ "1111 I 1 •hi pl.11 • 11!11 •l1s1n1• 111 (°,1hlt1l Ill I •I I 1'111 • 111\t tll tll,' lfl l Ii• I ..._ \ •I I pl'" '11111wr ltl 1.11 11111111 11111 l'I C••lllt'~I RECEPTIONIST 1"111 I 11 11 1 It ".,t 1111 lt.1111 11u1 II• ll,. '>Jinn. "'~' '\1\\1"•11 t 11 I !r '\fl RELIEF LVM'S 121 :-.11,\-..1111'1'\l lll'\I ~ I I I·'·"'·" I ti \I . \ \1 RELIEF RH <....11.\ :-1111, \\I II'\\ 1"11111 111 \Ii ·1 h11r10.111 II I . .... .• 1. I l'l It 11 -.. H I' I', 'l"ntl 111.! II I 11·, 1· l Ill< 111 Ill\ 1• II 11111 Ill\• I " ,'••11ll 'h ~ l)'p1nj! lo.ill :\In! .. alary & 1> .. rwf11 s. ('all l'crsonncl f111 lurlht•r 111111 549-0902 I •111 111 lpµor !-:mph•' "r "'•1r1 l.1n ..._,,i, A ·,1.irl..1 ltnl? Al'<'n· • • 11•""' t'\Jll I tJ !Jt'l•llfl t•• h 111dl1• J r 11 I 11lf1•·c d11t1•.., l 'h-,1.~C 1.111 for IO• h I\ It'\\ \\, ,1m:irk k \•«ch lo•lllrlh!:>l ~Ull••ll ,,,, 11111 ~ .... 1.1 u Se c r etory /Recept :"-• .11 rt'l1 .1hf\•. 1.o•ncl 111111111• l" I 1111.tlt t \ , I 111"• In llr,1n l!" L"Hu n ty 1\11 1••11 "\111,.tl ntllll' .ti· 1111"ph1·11" i.rv\' 111g com· fl.Ill\ \\ 11. I I \ \I ' ''° ,J 0 II ;>: • I '-1. 11:i.1 ;.,.1; SECRETARY I 11r ....;,."'poi I \, 1111·r 1h•· \11<11111 :-.h ,\ l\1'1111! ••• q ti. :-01·nd t •'•111111 '"Mr. \1111111 I'•• 1\1" I'll.ti, 't \\ l'Hll 1 l~t·.11 h \ .I~· 11~., ~ It 111111• ,, 1d 1 .. 1 11• .1 "-1 t \ ull Ill uli1 011111 • \ ttll lk,d I •t.1l• II•• II ,.\ ,ill llH t'I \,,,, 11•1 II .11 t ..... nJ.n1.1I LEE COLLIHS 962-5566 TAllEll= 1926-1976 REAL ESTATE SALES M ANAGER WAMTED ("1111111111 .1111111 111·:.:1111,1 hl1• ll11t 1 111 u11.1 1!1 I \\.11 111111t•\\1\h lnl 111 \\ ,lfl., Ill 11 ,11111 1(1•pl\ Ill <"1111 f11l,•m I II> 1\d :!:i'I, ll 111\ l'tlol I' I) llo\ l'1f,11 "'"'-' \J1•<,,4 <:.1 '1"(1211 ll1•,il I· ·t.1!1• NOT TOO LATE! 1h10, \l'oll ...,,. 11' l''lltt'l 1111: I h1• 111'?-l n(I I\ 1t V 111 r1•..itk11l 1,d IC ,,tit • \ 1 I I'\ 11"1 It'll< I ti Ill l hl' 'It•" port 11.11 hur co~1.1 Ml''•I oll l'.I I ht'I I' •I r1• t \\In rnot ,. l'""·fllnn... I'' 111 .1111111 • t11 ltll 11111 lllll I.di t ".dl II ii t "' •• ut •r• •:• '• 111 .~ • .111 ;i ppl l.1·1 Ill•"''''""" 11.111 """ '1111111' · "l'fl"' I f1rn11 t•\ pt 1 lt''tl l JI H1 tl),f1 t•tnt·ta• ( .111 l I I \ ... 11 ''"'"II• I 11111 J.!lllllL! '111111.h' \\1• Ill\ Ill \Oii Ill fl,11 lll 1p,11t•1 .1\11.1 111 II ' "• t•I J \ l'IJ...1 J ,hl & ;11 •'111-i 11111 I' 11111 I • .1111j 111r.t1•• t 11111'\11,1I , 111 fl,1v. • •~th ""' • '' "' II r• \in•• nit 11 •' $..1:.::; mo trc • •· ,,.., I ''"htel,.•11 l·I I 11111 '1~h RX:}l) ~ I \ t t n.. •o 1., 1 I 11 lttt I,."(\!\ I 11111 ldt 1111.1 I 11,( l I \dt \\ l 1\'<k t.11 \ 1111 •· 'I· t II I•: 1'1\ II\ SAi.i '.S I n• 1·1l1·d fur 111.111 i.:ru" II!-l \II Ill • lllfljl.lll\ Ill (' \I t I I ,,,I,. I Ill ·"' 1 ,,,,, \\Hll.111~ '""''· ASST.MANAGERS ,, 111n 1•1· l11111•f1i... \\1th I'\)' 1111t1n1 ...... 11 .Jr loll tl71HI s1~·· 1.111' :-.h"tt ,\d\ .• n 1 't Ult HI t pp11f \ llllf lt' ~ I .: llt"l 1111 It· 11• f ti ,\ pph 11111> r,1111 I I 1'1111}. 111 \\ •' • I 11\ 111 ' I 1 I '" .1 I I \\, •.tto S ALBMEH j\\I I 1 I ,1111111 ( 11111\111 ·.11111 If \ 1111 ·" •.. 111 l'X 111•1 ti -..di \Ill Ill\\ I '•Ill I" ,Jul I< 11 I. 111111 11 111 ti r1·1 I • f1t' 111 f lh1°f "'-I • f I.th\ '°iiolJt \. I .,,, I ,ft} t;.' \ flCll b t 11 i t ' \ ' ii, \ f ' t \J11l1"'' "' tl11l l11-. 111 • osnn11 u•rp;, h.J\•• hc'l'll • ,11 r\t<I Ill t h·· I! F l J I• IC'hl i\11 1111•11 ,1 11 1J 11 I 'rnlli ' 11 .• ti· I \\ 1·1•1-. t r ,11n111 1• t ,, h • 11111 SECRETARY/ BUYER SECURITY OFFICER '\ 111· \\Ill". l1'.1<l 1n r. .'\1 "flt>rf Ht•.11'11 ""''"'· 1.dl i. II 17011 al\ X JU l':'ll, ,,,1., 1 .. 1 t'h11•I .. r !'>1·c-unl \ •Sec'y /G en'I Ofc f /C Bide pr /C onstr Admi11 A ssistant 11111·, I·,.,. I '.1111 I I/ lt('1n1lt·1 ~1\l!l'lll'\ •IO~tl Birch SI. Sll' 11)1 :\1 "rlort B1·.11 h H:1:1 HIOO I •• 11111r 1\ppt/l•:,t ah 1;:-, IOI ·'11111 \\11•1..h I ,di \It \li11 pit\ i.. 1.1 t•.' 111 St I 'I l •' St.1 t1110 II Cll • NOTICE h11w II 111\ l'1lol t l.1 .~ -----------·· 11>1 I ,,1 11• "'·" 11,.11 11.1111, 1•\Jlt'r·u . [hi) & l•,vt·~ Full & p/lim<' f\p· 11h-. Sh1•ll St.1t1on. 17th & In int·. 'i II I "" I • "ti Ii " I "'' \ I h• 1,,,., ..... 1 •Ii II" Ill lhl' .111.t llllJ••I • t 11111 ... 1 II' \\1· I ,1 fl.1tlV 1'11111 .11•• p1 .. 11.t 1°1 ,,, 11 111\ "h.11.. 1,.,. ""' r1 l111ll'I"• \\,11111•1! 'I 1.1111111g Jlr~ •. '1!11·1! I.J I :1.!1 \ l I I 11 • I •I \ t) I'" '11 • • I I • ti 11 I' lo II 111 I I"'' 1•. 1~11"'" ll•nl ... "I.. ,,, • '.'< . . .· 1 · ~~1!.~.~·.·.~ ..... !!~~1~~1r.~.0.~·~.~ ••••• !~~~ ~.h!"'dli• • twldlng MoteriaJ1 ao25j:"""'"'"~ aosolGorOCJt' Sol• 8055 ·······•··· ..••..•.•••.••••••.•.............•........•...•... ···········•··••••····· ( Antique1 1005 Gar age work bcnrh, hvy AnllltUt">, m..iny ~m:i ll SALES MANAGER TRAINING ••••••••••••••••••••••• duty t·onstr1u'l1«111 Furn S.1('rtf1r(', .. ;,el· llt•m!!., t.ihll· .\ "h..11r• .. PUIUCAUCTIOM J:Jx:.!"1 ', 117 5 117:.!5 / 111u v1n.:. mus t !!.ell, COJl1.1er , IJr..i:.s, .:1.isi., Ncw:,µapl!r promotwn t•ornpun y has MANYrr.i-;MS01''1''JNI!: s12~. lldtmi.. L1 v·rm ·:. & rloth•n••· d1 Items to on.•nings rur "l'O"ll! w1Lh vans or ~talion J E W i-: I. It Y. A RT 1> 11 1 .... ... < 11.. 1. 1-'ormJI um.rm. Almru-1 numerous 10 mention •·· ,. ,.,. ()f•J L'CT'-· AN1'l"U "''-' ~ IC:• •1UJru • " " " 'r wa~<m:-.. E.trntnJ!"i $150 to ~iOO or more .i-·t N ~: ,:-'{i RN "E·rc· IL Nt;W ).h':u h ne" :A.X :.'002 l'n PIY ~7~ ~s~ is..1:1 t.:ortci1 t.:~1 JI Cr W C Ck • (; h O d <:h a n <' C f 0 r PllONE FOJt iNJ-'O. & ~II tHt. !1211!1 llt:uu11fol roum di\ 1dcr. - advurwcmcnl Must ht• able lo work nnocuu1u; •~•5·2lOO iCots 80lSj double l>ed h~.idbo.11d & •ESTATE SALh with t eenagers. This 1s oot a paper ---••••••••••••••••••••••• rat·k f>'IO H4u Jani·':. An11ques l'dM route AHTIQUE SHOW l'er!>l31) "•\lens, i.how Sofa "" Chair. I yr. Olli. Feb l3. 11 & l!ilh .. Saturday Februury 14 1976 DAILY PILOT Cl5. J t wtlry 8070 Mlsu Uan""s I08~Mlscetleeou.I 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J lJ1 ,1mornl ~1IC11.1t \\SI. I Srii5 .• 1'!..1111: ~It)() ur l>c:-1 UM c LAI MED t>l 1 !llllti Uv.sto<lc -8075 PERSONAL PROPIRTY SALE ·•···••················ llorse Bl.ml..t'h \\ JShl-IJ oroC In J llJ)' St OU IWti S M:11n !-ti\ 5'ti I ti~ SAT. THAU WED. j Ca ll Mr. Scott a l 549·8956 for &SALE (1uah1y. ~tud scn11:e S l 35 . CosL.i M esJ lOAM ll'M G2.J l'<•lmdall' Feb. 13, 14, 15 ava1lulllc t>Jg.93<11S ~!HJ!IS7 ~r:1111tc, c_·,_1l_1f_. __ Mlsc~ICIMOt.ls appointme nt. Jn Ballroom of Su. Coai.t ------••••••••••••••••••••••• IMIH~SUF STORAGE W.A.REHOUSISI ALLSPACE 8080 Plui..i }lotel, Costa Mesu Dogs 8040 (.;\>l'kt:ul tbl, marble top, ~l uva n g' .. :ver ythin g C;o .. ~' "at/Sun 9 l" ,c. <Sun D1e1a> Fwy a t ••••••••••••••••••••••• wool! bu:.c, Sx2', ~IS "~ "' "' '' BnslOI) f'!i. 7:~.opm, S~t •PET WORLD• t.'15 titl!r.I 1''urn1turc. uvphum·e!> & 12-W s 2 6 ·r -------huusehold 1:001Js. 11121 · pm. un.l ·pm 0 l>it Bulls P l·kcs 1 Id G c b. 'T ille r W a .v . CdM . Be n efit He art 1-'und. Cl11hu:1hua,' l'oo·'l"s'. ti lo er un a in<.'l . · • u ~ S60 548 9688 lltarhor V1t w II ills I S1.50admission. S b1h·lzu, Maltese, G. · • · --- F.qual Opportunity F.mploycr H~lp Wonted 7 I OOHelp Wanted 71 00 .............•..••.•.......•............•..... 8564 HAMILTON ST. TO ~~~T0~1~LAR (Corner Hamilton & Newland ) l PA 1 l> FO It y ou H WWDAYS 1-7WEEKENDS1-S Jl::WEl.RY. WA1'Cfl~S. /\llT OUJ E\TS, (;OLU S IL v E It s 1-: ll v l c; 1-:. Miscellaneous 8080 MiscellanHUs 8010 MEN TELEPHONE SALES WOMEN OVER 20 tlavc fun !'t'l linJ.! OranJ!c County's leading newspaper :Jlon~ with an important charity dri Vl' EXCELLEHT EARNINGS Two three hour sh.Hts. I 0:30·1 :30 5:30-8:30 FULL OR PART TIME Come in prefern.•d, 0 1· cull Mike .Johnson. 2;,o E. 17th S treet, Suite 0 , 646-4100. co~la l\J CSU, Ca. I Hflp W0ttted 7 100 Htlp Want~d 7100 ····•·········•···•···· ············•·•·•··•··· SHOE SALES r art llml.' µos1liu11 lur CX· 1~r pt·rson. 633·7~!8 aft 7 Pl\l *UTOTEM* EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES l•'ull or l'arl·T1me O<>OKt:i\SF. <Eng-late She pherd, Porns. JOO,;' sofa. Naugahyde. ox Gar-..ilc Still'. Jo'ri. Sal . l!Jth ('t:ntury m a hoi:> mixed puppies. Stud svs blood. Xlut cu1ld. $1:.!5. !H l'M ~puni :.h G.am c w /i.:la ss dbl d oors. moslbrccds.:!52SW.t7lh Callli4~7V&I. Set : h ullll' 1l ccQr; s t "Wx5o\"llxH" deep. at 1''a1rv1cw . S A. Open duthm.:. l>'l. IH2. m1:.c. Great for builttn. $225. ~.531-5027. Wht Y.Ct lth'r luolf,\Jur'l ~Kltl <.:hcstnut /\vc. t:M . F I NI:; FUHN &. f\N. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• T IQUES. li45·2200 C.inccllt..><l <.:1>nlrJct . ----:!<W Yd~. Caqwt1ni.: Irvine Coast Country Club PUBLIC AUCTIOH lklow Co:.t :>-17 1172'J m c mhcrship for sale DINNER GONc: w /stand Dinette, couch, d\rs. ut IUllJ M1·sa Vcrtld <U nique collector's GOOD NEWS to mcns. (}n sofa ·bd S· t... 10-:: 17''5~1 A diet sc1c nt1flcally Reas 5'19·3804 a 1..,un ··•· c. vi!> er, M/\NV ITEMS o .. · FJNt: --------S600 +trans foe. Bus. ph ESTATE JEWELRY, MOTORCYCLE Lt·ulhcr k38·6511. Alt S:JO, res A HT OUJ ECTS. AN· panls, Jacket, bools. 1· 639·~19. I TIQUl::S, FINE FUUN., Mot o r cycle trlr, l ·. , . J P iece) mad c fr om balanc(.'<f for your dog. ___ ._ --------t.: M S1 m lcth recln1:1 •German :.hell Casing No s upplements, lcs:. ~nb w/m.itt. & matl·hinl! chmr. toys, lots of m1M·. JSl50. Call S4S·3967 waste. 1-'ree delivery. dres:;er SllO. Youth bed --- E1'C. P JIONF: FOR IN· Yamaha JOO. H~Ft. W Kawasaki 90cc, 1100 I 1"0. & U R OCH u R E . D1n.:y w /oars & s ails m1. ~· twao wale r bed &IS-2200 II r J II ti IJ l• w c 0 m r I $20. 963-4966 Science Diet Produc•·· SJO. 54lH772 ~ 0 v 1 n ~ l o 0 re & on · Hound oak lbl, 4 oak chrs, ..., .t:: v 1· r y th 1 n ~ G 0 e s ! $400, sml oak dresser 536·lt40. ___ -1 M(lvani.: lo Alaska. Must Sut/Sun 9to5.ut 225Cot Kini: size bed, n ew. xtra Ucdroom :.cl. «Qn ~L bed) l Hrand m•w Coul'h & Chr Set 4\13·1982 I m r $1«• "•2 95·•t firm $19S incl del. Usual· w 1 ror. -"'·"" · 4 DonOBEDIENCEClass Sell ti rms uf new M..-,ht luge Place. C~l Wt14n " ) fr lyhome!OS-2263. -----------· •ANNOUNCING* to Start Wed. Feb 18 furn, ind formal din rm, 21st & h ose. u --FIREWOOD 7.30PM Newport/ kin.: bdrm. hv rm & Wes trn1nsll'r Ul vd I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS The Opening lrvancJ\rca. St6 <t!I~ mm· M-10·2907 /\quanum:., S 1S n•fn~. WATERBEDS ~-8250 of our New Antique S hop ---was her & dryer, porl. Co 1 t Sl2\l 9S d r d ----Rector -/\dm1l-Ncwporl Beach Uc I f o~ l (f tbl I h h L'I f!lP !' e . ' ~ l\'C '63 llond;:, 70. bum per Grave -Turn1p -~1g c. p1cture·JX!r c<•t. 2 .. vcnpor. co cc s. 11:. wa:. cr. c. cc mower N l' •. VEH. UNDEll SOLU. ral·k. s·•oo. Skis S?S •tL'ANL'J> Our speciality h as yri. s p..i ycd female dresser & mirror. much & cdga. Exec. W.ilnut Aqualleavcn it307002 " ""' "'' always been Country & N<'<'ds lu\·in~ home & murc. 642·32311-del>k & <:i chrs ), Ol li --------· -495-6317 My uncle looks on drink Period American Ant•· ammul t·ompan1<>ns h1p S LES p E m o tor. book:., m ISl' Fi~wood-Stoclc Up llosp. hell wat•·rproof !~g as a m1:.dcmcanor ques from the 18lh & l\lu.:.t sacnllcc, leaving A AM L S hoU!>chold i:ood:., lots of S7!'>Cord /Ud6't2.:!G2il . 11 5.)S ·, 11 11 . . Jhc more yuu rn1i.s, the Early 19th Century slate. 6'12 8:112 FR0:\1 FAMOUS MFG 'S mi:.c 1urnilur1·. i.;ardcn ----ma · .:0 r •. ,11 ·a ·w.iy r.n :AN 1-:H you ,::ct. .A.doms House/Hpt. --IOCJ'i. STYLES & S IZES tools. Call 5<111·!11117. Wantffi·Jukc llox or l'in· bt.'<1 S20.~,J~ 1~----- 3109 v ·11 w N u M1rualurt' Darhs hund New sofas & love:H·ats nail M:Jl'h Work111g or vJ.23 Monopfnnc l'arl10 I· Us1..'<i carpets 111 Sood con lli\M.'.JP~,1 ·~~~r·Sat pup1>1cs, AK<.', Ulk & l an. from $1t;:i, Sl9!J & ~'Ill, MOVINfi S/\U :. Thuri. not ·also scrv ti:iA·llG2 I b It k 1 f :. I 'IU' llil1(111 w1lh pad. licst of K:Jo J~t:; be I I II « th S B h & Fil 11:1!1'1;1!· · ' y 0 ' 1 or sa l.'. • " fer AIM<lti39 673-4'151 838·0742 ----------· x room sets, u s .,M:I. ru • un. eac • 1' · • com11tl'led hv an cx1K·rt ..:. ___ . ----- {1uecns SHl'.I, K111i.:s s,:!4!1. v1ci111ly Furn & much c.:rarts rn.111. You t·a11 l•ui.1· <.:umvlclc oo ~al {i:;h tilnk Antique pump organ. Xlnt Yellow Lab, mule. !l mus. llt·x;Jgon dmeltl·. 1111 & 4 misc·. 1811!2 L1su Lune, THE HAYLOFT ly fimsh 11ssembly. SliOO. lropicul fish. eond. $365. Cnll 008·224<! old. Xlnt hrccdinl(, to p C'haars s:m, w /6 1·h:11rs llunl lkl'i. is now opl'n! ! Antu~ul.'s, Ware house !!a le . ISJI 84:!·5929 I • I i p c (' . I': II u (' •• t I u II 'fC'a-cht•r!oc Sl•nd rc•:.um1: :.l-151)2 ll1jJhp1nc, El Toro. Ca!Jiu30 rclcphone C:1nva:.!> follow up, makr app1s hourly + bonu:. Cull Thom..is Gure fl73 IJS()() No Ex per Nl.'('t"<sary i\.:c :!I t.i5 Eh1:1ble c;u Tu Tht· N1•:1rl.':.t TICTO(.' M \HKJ<:T Blwn Uam ·lipm. Mus t q ua hly &IO·llllf1_1 ___ S!l9 M:1llrcs:.cs & hox U lld ~ collcctahlcs, plants. M on rovia , Unil 1., ------ sell. .. 're~· lo (id homl• Xlnt :,pnni:s full siz1• S:l!I, Kin~ 7 ye. ass~tt , rm et, mucrume. The oltl lhc Newport Ueat·h. Btwn t:: I cc. ho s p . b e d 1 family pd . 1'' /Spanicl or Qt1l'l'n :.1zt· box :.prin~s Coffee & fo,n<J 1 bis, .<>th~r unus ual. 1.ocatl'd across l!"lth & l'roduclion Place. wt monkey bar, bedside J ------- THELOOK Has 3 I111nw po:.11ions open for JX'Oplc C\Pl·r·d m h1i:h fa:.h1on women':. :-port~" 1·ar Coll 540-4500 For i\ppomtml·nt Or /\IJJllY Al JOO\ ll<'1lh1ll \v1•nuc Biili: I, S111lc lOll t ••l't.1 ;\ll-~a The Reuben E. Lee ~ow Taking /\pµhrnlw11s For: HOSTESSES l\pply in pcr:.nn onlv 1\1011 & '1'111·-. :Jl';\I :>1'\I 151 E. Coo~t Hwy Nt wport Beock F.gual Opµor F.mployer For /\p11hcat1om. & Info OH C/\l.L 171 11 U.12 770~ Tie Tnr systems, In<' Pvt. 1-:slatt..• Sale. Antique 89'l·llti7C.afl •I :10 l'i\1 & malln!:.S<'S $79. lhcd l~rn 4 _lllk1Whl fV :.. from !ht• San <.:kmcntc Feb t:I· ISlh, 9.5 lbl, whcclchr, unn:ils :;liver, brass, t•locks. __ .1-urniturc;ill "lnli·onil. 'l"'o liJ Sµd Hikes, 11nl1 Pirr. l'nc·cd far under IJt>dp:ins. walker & OrlJ.!. oils. Nu dculcri. BTFI. COi.LiE PUPS & i\11 Ura ... tically Rl'dm·ed 41u1'"• r l.'l'•tnl.,, loy~. anynn<• l'ume&browsc. '.\'lcmlH·r~hq), Irvine crulC:hcs.$5S0494·SG52 l•---------1 plca:.e'497·2'J30. MUTlll::ll S,\flLE /\NIJ p l l.JO<iks, campmJ.! equip. • , ----<.:tJuolry Club. St>SO. -- ,, •ml Uprl."hl WlllTJ-:.SJ!iil~J. ___ , ''.l"''·,.,.'"0~ '"1"1 1A.kh&1•mh.1\llmu1>ll:O Pl\C ll· IC V I EW . l f>l4 ·1l0Sor9'J:l·2:J42. ••f'()X FUR JIAT. New WAITRESSES for bu:.y rnflee sho11 Ex· tit·r .1 rn11:.t J\N1ly. Tiny N.t) lor's, 27000 UrtCl.;J llwy.S.I(.' ------· W.AITRESSES 1':\f\\'rd Fullnr p I Cood hr:. ;-.,.,ll appear <lv1•r :!I Surf & S11 ll11n :;930 W (.'11 ..... 111" y, N 1l 1 11 l'hont• !':Ill:. ---·------- A Neat rt:in•ToShop "Th1• ll11hl>y Shup" tn U1c L'la:.:-1fwd M•('I inn of 1.h1· l>J\11.\' l'IWT C\'t:ry W1'\I &SJL i\nt1qu ... ~ ,.. 61!:11' • .\lh~t._S:.'nt.ii\na !J.5 1-:v1·r)ll.1y 2 1;! (.\•ml.'lcryl'lntlti spat•1•s) -----~1a::cClochc typc,$1JO l'iano. tbird cal(c aclmn> Cute• Co1·k.1pon 1•upp1l'S, U1>en Du~j/:;~~iun 11 i\rJl(on 1\1>l <.:. S <.: I.at 3:12 Ckl•an \'1ew Want c d : G c rm an. Q.10 1195 llurll-d Walnut, Jltac·hed II "!..:.. i\l & F e in. SS.OU Sl:!llO Will :.ell sepJr;iLe J..ipam•i.c War Hehci., ----------· de1·or . C:Jlltllc holder:.. l'J.~lti002t 1 S.1t Sun ~!II:! l 'Jr Cirt· ('all!'>SI 1M12 sY.ords. dui.a:er:;, un Wallace Stcrhni: Stiver I L'I l l l 0 J l\1 k ltl'I l'l'u r ;i\in·• ·• <.:lull II lj L'urll"l I h•>nl"' .'"'W r I f 8 x A t • ... eran " 11 I.'. m . J c -----" ·· • ,,. 1 orm:., hclml'li. Glli 5226 or .. tras. nt1que p;, -( ulr. ll\.l 2.2l5 ur l ·i711·14l6 Fmc: l\l:ih• llJ'>'>cll llnurnl diJtr-.. 121 • lilue J.!rl'l'" 1ni.: m.11 t11nn, lamp:.. Fir~wood-Euc:/ - - -tcm. lnillal "W" Lo\ely art Ii 31, ) r:. lk• ... l or p,q1cr, ll\n~I .... I <rltttlllJn, \Int '~""~··11th S75 cord <.:st1I !illk SaC'cn'>, ~ooll w tcoloniJI 675·9-175 _ S•Til'> t1111wly 1•nu.all\' qu.ihl\ ~:! ...... t fj.,IJOil'l l ~·"~"I 1 I I J0"1 ( umtl ,1'oolt~hlc lam11!', .- -~l11v1n~ ~.Jlc : Antique pt·ilii.:n•t•il r1.111 11~1 11i..1:. . -. t:,11.11-!l' ~.it,• :1 I "al "1-''" 'n•rt 11 K ·J 11 h !t.•-.winle:.ssmk on h.•i;:.. M1sc;fllaneous furn & .I :.ofa, hutch. matt•uiiwith Ourp..itlor 1 :-.r ~11 <i111"'11 S!. (nn 'l1u111ll1• llvd &. :\lJll}' \'/\l'l'l':\1S $.Z!l'l~. 1:.i:i w.11 Wont~d 8081 r ' r fir• l" t k & \l'I t Sol.i l .JnJ.: ::.;,.m,:.i·ll 1t1·n1-11~1 • ' 1•JllJ "r \JC"l' • 1 .: rue )Ours f7~ ·•·•u11 ' r.' " d ., V \''l l '\I!' II EP.\I H Ell : , •••••••••••••,•••••••••• h l "'> \V 11 Pl '"......, . S:.MMI ::-.1~, no1.:!, Ill n1"'" , .. 'I '•I'• :11"'7 ~ t·· I c PP r ill rcfr1 <'"" · "• c :. · -• -0 l·:Xt'tl\'.\:ti1-:u&J'AHTS ·' :.: c ' J! SSC.A.SHSSFOR f.>15·3071 l·h•c Dobl•rrn.1n f(·m. I', l.,\I((; f: WlJOIJl':N IH:~fo. Ill.I\ \\'HT TVs s;2'.1 !I< ~.I~. !">!.l' walnut toll thl Good cd f f . •r" .,.,,n .. 11 I ot ··• I < ... L.1r).!e C.ir !'>.ill' !\!Jn~ • ''Jl.tll! 'l'\'• c'·!I.".'.'. $:.!.'>. LI! n.r nu, "a:. Ulil' us urn/re n~s V • J '· ........ J ""· :.\.'. • :. 1 "· liu l'11ll• 1111111, ~ I · • ..... , .,,., .,~ " ' (r1.rs/stovcs 546 0768 HCA \'11.:trola V210 & re· hslirk n r nt•nd Iv g d 1,.15 I IOO too :-, l'OITIJI r "' 'I pray Ji\!\ E'S. •ltiO N ='lw.pt Ill ~1110 5'111·3178 __ · • . • cords Gd cond Sl 7J · l h ,..· Nd · 'd & -------_ '•Utllt, Ilk t .di 11Hr~ll' w NTL'D L •t d l · · · wa t "''i! s y Jr .,,.r .... n , Ju1,·11 "•J' 1.1r1k-. N II ()pin J>,nl~ lll 7 l>RAf1f:"G TABLE /\ "' · ate •• 0 e 5'1Ull?!~? kids 11-17·31!15 ,\NTl(llll·: M.1h11J.!JllY ~· " "· Callti-15fl"I S30 Coppcrtone or llarvcst A...Jjon 80 I 0 U1111ni.: ~wt. Sr>an.' ~J\'\'r "'1' rni...•· S.il Sull K:, .?:'>21 --' • --t"o rloor rcfr1 iler<itor. ~ ces K~l·~hontl l'UJJ ll•l'S, AKC h1..><l.C.all1;12 1K:11 t'aint·lli,a .. l'\.I •' •I MATTRESSES ,• ... ·~.s. 1"~8 .• _ l':ill&Hi·lll20l_kforr5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ht.·~1:,t crt·cl i\tlural>lc ~ -.~ --- .Monl.'y.savcr: Kch·1n11tor V~dcnt111\'lt. 11-12 :.lll!IK Unbc:ital>k pn~·ci:. Sm~ll l.)IVOHI I'. S.\LJ" so mi Urun<.l nc•w from motld 1 n ll.t r • JiJ. 111 f 1 S-..1 Office furnil urc Desk NOW IS THE TIME n1mrn. lrce1.<'r Rx:1, Xlnl --fartory. We h;nc J1v.1·m . '1.11111f11"" :!ti.1.l~c);,c l.anl'. ho1r11·s . 1\ll makes & ll~W. TV. ::.=:o. __ ~. ~lhl lh>tll·nw. d11·nt ·chair~. ' I , l'\ln<I llst nfr lll:!·K7W V()HKll·: Mall'. 3 m os, & dl'n furn, vcr" t.!OOd t 11:.lJ Mes.• i,t,1 .~t!I ',""', .u ar"Jln ••rices• ~~~;1P111 ... r1y tr .. r k:-.. tJ •SIU 4!).1·6715/4!11 !Jfo54 11t'Jll •:ol'1'1\l'l .• f11('111·t·k t----i\L·r·, ll",'I VY CuJ l . ~ I ' " r "'""'" ------II 11 I I' I 11 "" ~ falirlt' <·umt• & :-i:e u:. U!ISl31 \\~c-l j" I\ .' "'1 l'l1111 \\'111 h11y :.omt• rt'fr1i.:s. ur· sm.tll /~clcd hm. <:all Thunk you !Ifill JSO.I Nri9hbomood Solr ,. ~ ' ---I' ~r 11 \xii )'1·ar Wanted by Pvt .. Pty. 3 pc. •111 '1 r .is:.i ''"' ion ph;1nn•s runnint.! or not J :J'J:J.:J.IH!J. ---S11lid l'IH'rrv Cl·nu1n1: H 11!n1 r Sl.1 $-11 W n 1~ J 1 l.'. ' ' eurn•d s ectiona l 1n lht· Jttli 'llU '' ,a11l " nut ,1ls11 •1•r.11· n1 .. t,·1l "-1.5 ~:~cu ----t• t ·· d I l'•J•, tm·.1s. l"rs· ·I)•". k, (Jtl1"r '"::-. ·' ' '• ' · · l' ' old. Sll>S II ' • • ., "-·"' us umn curvl' 1ar. w / '" • "' • :-1.111. Knl'1,..,..1, lllt1<• Sl.ar. ,.,.., .. 11~ H rfl\\ n l c·alh c r o r '"'' 1•111111ahltt '"'"'"'•'I --\ K (; M in 1 a tu r c l\\o p:adiJccl stool:., s;i-1:-, lurn1tun·. l11Jlh1ni:. m1:.c ;)I:•. t h-all 1>111, l.t11Jk 11111 "v·• ' ' naui.:.1hydc 111 i;d conl.1. 1>lf1•f111 .... \()Ill' ,,,.n ,,.,., :'>l11hdc·:'tl.i11l plbl IJls· l>achi.huml l\1JIC K WN·k:. 1"3 ..... ll I "\'I' ,. I J I h h I ,, .;.l.-1 I: I" .. ,, • l· I din.:-.. Tire Lha111s. J·:vc:.. Stl'rl1n .: :.ilv1•rw:H l'. );! r~lll-21}:)2 1\1lh .111 .ul 111 lh" .lot was <'r, 111•" Y over · 0111, 11.·1p•·r tr.11n"d SIOO. JU 'l"I 1•11 11 11111111 • --------• ~ ~ ·• • ~ • ~HI! O:!llii pl:acl' r 15 "tr:o pl\'l'l'S 11f -. \\,111lt.."I calt..'~••Q. l'hun( h:iull'd. Sli!'i 5-lli:.'.!_1~ 831·22~. llantlcarvc1t bar & I htir lrv111c l!J.I ;i1w.R;1;1 1Sii llllf Tn11oll· ".\latli·ira" \\:anl<'d -Co~b1n,:'lllon Gl:!SGil! Washer & Or)rr (gas >. O 5 stools. hull.'.h sccrf'tar-y. WllOI ES,\1.1-: Pl.\"\T!' Jl.Hli·rn Opru :.lt1i·k Smk,Hl'fnn&l.asStove. <.:opfk•rlone, SlUO. IJoth. f.rttfoYou 8 4 wallshclC unit. l:Ju JS.~ S \T,~l.J.'\" 11 \.\t till i l>\I H iit \,1h•nl1nl'" l>;iy, lti•tail ou•r ~l .illll Allmluni\ ~111 1-101 .............................................. &1.2 ~9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4~Jl>.!1146 :!111~:11 Co,ha" k J •• 11H· F1cu' )knJ.1ntinJ 7', S:1t·rlfll c· lor $jlllJ 171-1) -------t:ood homr Mall· lab ,\II llB Antqv)u1·h&d1r-.1\ ~I . 1rl'l.nl ~l 511 1 1 to1., kJ.-')jt~t1 M..aslcol The Total Look .... , 'I ) \ t I f' I '\ , 1tt,..1n ,· Im "I'~ r 'l~rn ''' '" t 11 \ A mul, h1M1tnr Stnd to .....,_Mertloo .......... 0.,..441 ~ ..... 1U Wut tetll St • ....., f e rl, "' I 00 I I. l'rl•I "4MI. AOOllSS, t:I,., SID -S'rYU MUMIU. Do 1011 knnw htw to ttt 1 pattern l1ct t Send now for our nfw r,11 Wlnt•r Plllt1n C>l,109. chn <"upon 1n1idr tor '"' oatttrn ot your choice Stnd ISt noN Sew Knit 110._ IMllnt Monty Crall\ lnsl•nl '''~'"" lo~~ lnsont St•11n1 11oc' ii 2S s1 no S1 00 St 00 Make It Now i l11 Alla 8-u-c& I r.·1,~ ynur .,~ • ·fl~.1tr· ·rt 11,. v.i 11•·1 111n1111. Ll•.h n,1 .ti 1 I"''''' Vt:.Jf l1iJ. \'l.11~ 1 .. 111 .~ : 1n sm ort style ~n•t '"" 1111•0 n• ~ wr1trr 11 I ( 111 1·. 'It r< ~('(In I' rll•rn lo ,,, , 10. ll l•I. Iii. Ill irfu•lctl • • $I 00 l·J' t 1cli r 111,.;n Add 1~( r1ch Nllrm tor llrs!·clus a 1ml1I ~nJ mtldlrng. Sud to1 Met "'°'*• ......,nrftO~l.IOS Oei1""' '°' IU, OW Ci..4-Sfoa.. Ntw Yon_ HT 10011. Milt Mm., Addr.u. Zlp, ,......,,. ~. "(l~f lh I~ r "' ltrf 11• I ?r.1 '"' 11•n· I''' , 'r r r ,, .. ,.,. t 1u .,,,, M .'f ' f, 1 fl h•,ff r.'f\11'1a11 , ,,,. C1ochrt w11h ~q11<11c\ C•nthrl .1 vw111nhe HlllV ftlrr Ourlh R•~ntr Croch~I Sew • Knit Book llcedtooint Book Flow" Crnchrl Boo~ H111p1n Croch~I Oook IMtant Cro,het Book Instant M~cr,1111r Boo~ ln1tant Mon-v 80itk Complrtc C1lt 8ook ComplUt Al•h1n' I~ 17 Prut Al ~'" I' 8no~ nl Iii Q,1111• I Mu 'Ul'I 011111 BM I 1 1 s 0~1111 lo• Jo~n 3 Boo~ ot 16 laity lluu ~· 00 St 00 SI 00 $1 00 St.75 s t.(/O ~? 00 q 00 ~I 00 SI 00 ~I DO SI 00 $1 00 Soc r.n, Sile ~Ot '.Oc h l '·I k d B,\RG,\IN ·New K111 i.: & hl-<I fl'Jml' 1;.1c; rlrvcr. ''·'• .. ·,·r n ~.·. L·,.nl iJ lnstnHMtth 8081 Bltn rani;!c & m·cn uniL s oU> ~ 1r n, lramc to ·' n. ~ J!:O~. ,\voe ~rn . Ilolh dotncks ~ 25-10 Qn :.1 Pnni•css ortho set, ihnini.: rm lbf chrs. ulhcr P.11111-. S• hl'fflt•r,a, lll Sml floral dl'>pl:iys. l::.ed ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl2:>. ti'i5 :!5116 --------'firm 51511• "'"fa & Jov. mr-.e furn ~lb li:lltO hl2 St'I!! all 51';\I f11rn out uf \lw ordm...r)• Cutt ar Ya ham G ·SSA -.\11'<rd Spnn1:1•r pupp1t•s, l':.t·..il :s1;;o, 536· 1723 . . ---••111:. Jl'lli'i ,\l'Y. por< Hhd w h:ird,hdl case. Cost UU>C"t;\f!\lj~;S,\lJI'; I' l fl I~ I 1.. .. Wash mJt·hinc $30. :1:. 1s , nn•iJ .. o mi•onc to loq• Sdl wai:on wh('•·I bunk S.il Suu !J 10 1 111 1.1 m..i~' 1 " ' ·• <' !'ulld · , l'.:\l Sl:IU, hk<' nu !:>70. bl 1-10:1:1 ~et• lo :.pprcc1JlC tht·mR--17 U·Hil t~ul• "'Ill, t11v ... ,, .. ··111 1 101·· I' I' c· I nt•w l .di Jft. 511m ----""l" "'' "' '" u ~:. .1).!11 .J1!0 trl· l' "lk l'l$C !' If I 1 \\. 1 "-t ff (iutt..ir C;1f)son S\.. "''/ t:JI ml'" 11\H"•l'hlMll tll~Sk 1(12 IOU:! .~ . 1 "' l' U ),, I ~IHI .-. '1 ' -----(i(.'rm Sh<'p \I :l\llrt' 1111 -:----f 111mpl :-d llH I 1> .. ,.: ~liJ t'.IM'. flrown 14 <10d f1ni~h. Vn;.:uL11r1· l'11•c (.lr}cr Gu ' ~Jt.l)l'<I fc·m. llsbrkn Corm•r ifri.k & rlr"r'. !IC..! '1><~1 Slluhu li··tl •II I l.11rt11ne1 .'>:i!l.o.'>!ll J11xltv, Tre m olo S300. tund S.l:i :-,11<. h•1rn1• Iii'• :?:a:J:I .... 1.-n•u '"II'""' I :11!10 11' - -liiJ:ll'i1 ti-11113·1. --ni.a\i•hiril! ... wtv<'I ihr ('.i1pl'l. lil.1· 1ww, ""''fl 1·11rtl11l.c~•·r•i1 lll1lm.1tl1t ·on11·l(11 f11·1 t1nllan SI~) :I mo mal1• Sht•p Collie Xlnl 1.'.0rul. S\8·51 l:I. 2:!l 1 pll,•, h i.:ht li11•1•1•, "lf'h' A-h '1'1"1:-' S2.1 (;,,... l•lf'' llniwruni.: :!:! rillt• <o.7.'• ----------Mix. (;uod 11crson :•ltly 1-.ldl'n. C\_1 __ ____ "' w.1L1 r d..1111.11:1· :! 1\nll ::.111 :ll.1h111! thl ;!II ·x Ill" F n Id 1n 1' b <' 11 s :! :, :-;o.•,1rs "a:.hl'r. 1!'1S dryl•r, <;11 w 1k 1iJs. \i-HHi l 2~. 111• l!rt'<'ll !'nfa. Xlnl qua! 111ut• w11·l..l•r 1·u1u1 Ii & 1·x"'n1I~ 111 i !l ... 1w1·1I~ re 11.1llln;ilti•r n·,·r S:llJ :.mall upri).!ht (r11l"l'. Cindy. r''' -~• f 1 < 1 •• ir, Olcl md.t ,..11:n:.. • l1111:..h111i.:. SIU :1~1i 2 11:1 l'rn11·1 lnr S7. II.air 1lr\.'1•r ... ---~.JV l"·r 1"' I ti 'If i''l I . Sranl:-h wall unit 8 IO t.ii~ ·n-· 1· ,, ll'" ~ nir..c· '' ' -· t Sun h l' a m ) ~ 1 2 s:mliagu Hll 5:;7.0070 Pure lln.:11 Corker Sp.mid: · · •. l . I l:!i S11mt•r,l'l l,n. NU N.11 T1·n111~ l\ll'mht•rsl11p. o,11,riit·r llftondcr s:w --w ,p.qwrs, l'un· hred f.'lt1n + .,1 .. dr TV l<C/\ Sat !I 1r1in ~alril11·1•' llt",tolf1•r. !>11!•;$:!!'! G 1-: D o uhl<-do o r B.1:-,dth<mmfli-12 l·IH(1 _l s,.·t4J.Sl•ciJim.a:i·liiwli'l .• , , ---%.fli.Xl&:111.!•i ll~l ---- l'dn1!,t'r<1lllr,l'llppcrtonc. J • •• , • , • SI ND." ONl.Y 1> Ir> 1 --• -l\l'IGSIZF. u£n bel>t •ifkr6i:J 556:1 ti mo olll ho11srhrnk .. n l 111~ I.ii I. l~lh, t :\I, !J·-1·~i ~: l"r1r, .. 1•w ini.: m.1< h, l'Afti•f·:T 01•1•or.1lnr h.1:-'\."ill ----.--S\\l'\'l m .dc PUPl~Y 11•,·1·d!'I l\llf," -nll:.\·. 1:11 :. l'l!'ll.'nJdl' 2.iO >"' 1·hn1·11 IJ1JI . Mu't :'i'.'ll:l.17~ 1111111 d1,.hwas her. (~ca.rs horn<' w1l·nl'I) rt" It 1.10.S l•lununi•r ,. D.llll!>h ti-ak ;; 'tBf i.t·l I shof•'' I nlNIOl's, ---- bt'st ) nrl.v new, Sll>O. F 1 N l'lk t•nfl' thl mrnl l'untl ~II' --Z.IC;t) \\ttn,NBl.t:!2:?:i .. ur Knt.! ),/. hetl S7!'i, Walnut nl<lt·r frl•c1.er chest works l'ITI:l c vr"' C'l!1 •111 ·• I , llMI 'Hiii '\ lmnnll :'II 11 • ' l.1~hl hl111· Sur.1. 1>1n1•\l1• fi;;, 5.~111 con:.ol>• TV. i\d:-"ork. l!d.S:J0.961$2810 llound. 1 y r ~~ii . ti~ l!llr' · · -~ .. 1 H1·1 l1n1 11 i.: L'h.11r, --l\lake off.-r til:?:!Ki!I. • . -hnm('wty.in-1 1.11 1~1.~ Bdrm ~l'l . Twn l1<•<l' w / II•· d ". ;\{;a 1· 11Jv11" <:11tf :'ll1•mhl•r,.h1p lor '·"'' -- 1\E:"J:'olOHl•, \\;i:-hl•r & i:as . I mitt l""l•fl!" htlhrll" t t•n,ol;· .rr.. rn1''' Ft•b l r•ir11· C•1.1,.1 Cl' fo'or s.llc·, I ll r·.rllo n hoth !>l~t :11;:n . S~!l·i,f,3'.J II•> t.! 111" u "l' llrr" I.. c1 11. ~ t ir,.; ~ n 11 , . ., 1 11111' ;\h•rt 1, s1•1 up Si:> !lMl 1117.; G1h.;t>n Ell ·:.1 ba:..s w 1har d :.h c ll case, ;1cousllc spkr cab $200 1>11; .. 12'JI C.:larinct, bl:'lck, wood. ~o 645·7!164 Conn sopr:ino !.axaphonc, good 1:ond1t1on Sl~O 540·117!'17 Fcn<ler .Jaguar guitar. S:!:.11 w l!·;i~c. F ender Ch a mp .1 mph . $50. t'roy,,n WaWa Fun vo" rt•pt.,1l prr!'osi.1on . SJS. ~Ill 111' t\-12·S9:!!1 1lr~1·r. t•11p1wrlo11c. s1:l."1 'louni.: :.p.ay ,•11 C.-m.il.·1 1 ~ tin·~ 1•r Pl dr\\r,·I Ji •11.1.11;;11~1('11\J 1>1111:.;tXorJl!lilll)() 1•.1v l sal\\\;alt•1.111u.1riu111r11ll) pla\IU l.o\•111~ .11n1y · :-..11 .\.Sun 111 :'.l'\l ,:?fll;, -----l'r11l~1<l:11rr W .1c;h,•r & :.1.11i . .!>l-ll I :.i i; 1111111 •·•7 t.lll\'I _ __ I \' 1, I .1 I·. n tr .ad,, :\II Hobby Shop 8500 Hobby Shop 8 500 Hobby Shop 8500 Uryl'r h•lrt·) S.\UO U 1· t " I • I • I"' I . ~iruntnn ... lh•.tuf\ Hf• ... 1. llut•·h. ~S.J. t'hl"''· t;,. •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnul 1~1;; :!~:.:.? 11 r "·1 1 n 1"' 1 10•1 1 I 1 · t 1 l I '-I (' fl -----l'uprJY l"d' 1'1nnl! l111n1c· "'"t:" -:.1 w11 \Int 1·11n1I .111 . ~ •' ·'· " 1·1• .-r:---~ I lnl1>1>1n1 u1•rr,.•. ltkr ni•w Sm II c 11 & l ual1lh· ~1111 l.1.S11 i..1 .. i.," 11111:1 l.iltl. 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Sto\'l' 1Conlt'mr1o:I) 2 ~~ •. 7;,•it, 5'.lli l:l7'1 ll11l1..•.1h1•1lu1ut·h. ~111•1•n s1.. 111 1,.'l'·" · turn. ~J..i:.. • / • ~ -~, thens. 2 Hrmlcrl-, (;rid 1 I k 1 ) ~ -,.. .. ~ tlll' 6t I f!Urnl'r with a StiJncl:ird 11,,1i<llr, r\prirnl 1t.inc~1·rn ~~'!': ~·111) I'll\ ,.:1r ' ~ • •: ot ll's :.:0011 !-J..1..I I •-!'i .vrs ohl. lo J.!!1 ltu•lH' hlw1 gl.1~" '"" ...... 1 l\ .. w.1m1·c·. ( 111\1 , 1..J TRAPPED GLASS SUPPLIES hr:un Sl5111>1:! !J:!Jj ~ , . l.'~'U!~r~·1• ti II.I l !IX<!. Sin..:I•• 11,.11 w m,rpli• 1 lt.tlhromn <.rnk.:.? i.hi•('t l , J C11~1omStain,•d <;1,,..., Wl'.l\lll)!/\•;\larr.1me • ...!..;) I\ t• 11 rn c1 r ~ W ~.,h e r & h7.l ltil.l fr.lll1l' & 11 • .,,.11111,11 •I S:IO ml'l .ii h11odi.. 42xtili' . . I . \. W1ntl11w~ /\. l.;1mp~h;11h's. HANDCRAFTED .' 'I l lll~1·r. <.ii. (nnd. S·lll F..i 't 80SO 1"11 ·1 11x I tK''"•'i. I 71xt.u•,. t \. I 1-;1C'h111)!, l{<•\1·lin~ ~1.11w11 :1ra• l'or1·1'l:11n l \ 'J l':((h. ll!I :I I St. NII nu ure · · '.·'t•''·"''l'.I 1 , I 11"11111r~ Tlll .. ~l\lTllF-:ll t-:1\ll'l'll \ 1 :' I ... , "'" · ••• • •• • • • • • •• • • •••••••"It' I ,... "~ 1\T Tit I·: F ,\('T() n \' > """•'·~· . . . n1111•" <'1i...1 1 ''"f'111·r ., " .1::.1:w1hst ::::1. ;1:11 l 11 1 -Shop & S.1\I' llt'W & 11:-.i-d 1 ountl mal'hlt• ltrfl I 11111111: ti() V E 11 S II 0 It I': S ·•J ·l:!.'i :tot It ~trf't•t. 1\ II Iii.I .1:1111 l' \ • lkfnl!. l'hrfro If 1•11 fl furn. ltl ll :.. m1 o;c ."t•I, 1•, .,,1,,.1 .. 11•11r.,, ('\l'\"I. S \l I' II ., f -• Call1:·;~,;!0fl -----\I ,.., ' ' .'. '.' " ": . ',. ., '' \•' Tiii·: 11011/IY lllll'St: ·:I I >1111hl1• !1011r. ;1 \'oca1l1r. Wilso11 ·s ll.ir~:t rn 1\11111.. i.11; :itm s l• :" u N l. ' I ~ 011 ... ~ ~ ,_1.,11 1,. 111 , It 1 ~ •· ' :-1x.1 K;11 11111 :.1:. w 1!1111s1 <.: M ,.1,1 ..... ~. N n. 9 • RUG CRAFTER S ~·" '' • ~ . ' . • -- -,\1-r,·!1111 Snl.1 & 111\1•,t•:tl ----r'\...J :.?1:!1111.ii~un:t llilb ;\!;ill L.lJ!llll:I ~11•m•I II.II \18.11 l , .. cf 1'11111 np waslu•r"' & **I BUY* * .111}11..,11w11 1;r,\m().1 11 .1 ... m11v1•ol . UJ J ~•'<\ 111:111 l.1 1"1;11·.,~:1·111°•1 l l ~g dr.v1·r~ '1:!;"1. l!d f11r :a(>b. ., t I I f 11 f " ----.olll :1. I I mu" 1 i-po~1· '' :i urn"' • '.C ll't 11ff1•r !H;:1:12.1l G<lOll tl~t·d 1'\1n11tun· -"· h11u~··l11tftl •l1•111•. :!:II I ,\l111h•f...,1l.11ll'P•'' Or1).!111.il •Il l p.1111t1n1'"• -~/ /\1•r•t1an<'l'" Olt J will G-09• Sol• 8055 ,\>111.1rl11.1· 111 1i1:1 :r,•11 ll' ,l~ l'l.onl',, ~hip:-., ......... al•.o• "'1 ·11 1<'r <'r>Jlurs.,~ hth1"' hy ~ \ (;;i-. 'lll\'I' & ltt•fr•I! . ) l'll . '"' "' "' I II l I ,.., \ n 1 n v)(fr S.•ll fnr \'ou. ••••••••••••••••••••••• i. \ 1 a1 10 11111t111 1•1 p :an•·. • •• 111 • ·• ,. • 11 • ""' h ~ llHI I:; I I·: I 'II h SI I l I ..... I I l \. I k, \'\I MASTERS AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTIOH I.ill\' ia.•m•., r1•I .m.1\ 1 · '"'".ill t~111·:-i•I ll•n111" ..... ·1111 ur"" iy ,. rn .1. I • \ lwd, 1•h,..,t of 1lr,1w1•r•. ~ 1•111111mwn1 1.1.i if11>7 \ ------646-8686 & 8 33-9 625 M,\'lY ITl':\I" IH' fl'\;E I ---u...J\ K nl'll' l\1•nm11n• y, U'>ht•r I.imp" !-.un i:,ih •IOI\'. l:!ll ,, El Toro Hobby & JEWELRY CLASSES ' Aft 6-Coll842-1542 l•:ST\TI·: .11-:w1-:t.1t\, :'ti.inn•·''"' B.illtoa T · _j s•1;,, '\ori:1• EIN' iln 't'r 1\JIT OllJ ~:cTs. I\\ l~l.tnd tii;I >ti;t! ennrs Shop 111 lht• ail of l.1l'ot W11:ic. :':~">. \\,1o;l1·k1m: U~hw-~hr 1 l'JO"lt.'r. h:rn<I ('.lrl<'<l hl'il 'ff</llES, 1"1='-1-: Fl'l<\I • -11;:0 I:!:.;-, S11p11l1l'!-. tooh. :-t<1nt•:., , 1 ~;: •. Ko•nmor<' 1•l•'1· <Iner w sh1Jl 'ce1w Mu-.1 :.l'll. 1::-11· 1'110'11-: FClll J'IJ Horsts 8060 / lU:-Lorn mnlol m.1k1ni: l ~· l' r ~l!i""-2 . \ll~ITft,\1'1:-> :).~• ,u;i ·• '""' ..,,ltltl h't 1i l:11ti1'1 11r PO ~ llHO<.ll lj Ht-: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' I FIVEMGEMS ,, 111:1 w IJ,\KJ-:ll,C"" \ T.1pp.m :m·· Ell'l' Hanttl' 1;1:. IZ'll <'VI'S •>IS noo ll1•c I. \rah1.111/(l11:tr1<•r I\~ C"ompll'tl' r.11lroJ1l111i:. r.o E 17lh, c M l " .... :-t Ill :'tl:llt•hma:: hood. ::.:!S i · t I I t I> h 'I >"'I),,. l'L I' t .,-t •. ,.1 I<'" ii1·llli111! Xlnl tr:11I. I , I frt~· 1·11Hrdlnrnm <lk'hmct Wrt Sr.11) ' I' ~ •. 1m. C ;1 l 1· ~r . .Ill.., " ( , , • r. > h I ·•·~ ~i ~I l'Hi iK<l'I IJ j 1 . \ Onlv :! ~rs 11hl !H~I :111;1.1 ... 1'1 ... •• dn .... 11 1·1111hoar•I I Ordu•I. l 'dM \ l.11111' lilt ' . :.m l:l!lt;_____ _ ___ i.1 •• tfl(rl r S•··tr' K•·nm•H•' 1•1,.1• ;-o;,.w 1·111111 Ill'·" •1lb..r\th1111" Jrwelry 8070 __ '" 111\1·1. \\111·a1ltt, :! >•:-llr'l 'II.~ li.11 .1c .. 1111111rl'.11i.:1t ... h.1n •••••••••••••••••••••••) 1') 1 J I MAKE MON£YI. 1::, nlrl :-11111 <.'.ill .art ·I. Snf:1 h1•d :-:.11. ,,,111 •1 h1.,I tr•llh' 1111n. 11ntl1·r 11•t.11I WAMTED .... 11111 11 .. ;1 ::;:.o r1•1:11l.1r i.111·. , 1111t1, , ""' :-..1111111\ 111 .1""'\1:. ...'..JI'\. J S~:ll .vour hohh,v 1ll·ms w11 h an ad m / . 11~··· \ TOI' {',\!'II l>OLl.1\ll 8020 <l•·~k k!1?:111i;1 1.111111111.aNr< 1',\llJ F<>H y 111 11 Tiii•: ll OHBY S llOP Don 't ll•I B••iCo'f••C•le••S••••••••••••••• ,1L·w1•,1,1t~·. \\' \'1•••111:,s,·, .\'Otlr S(•(f 11('' ()Or('(I \\'ilh llf" "l'l \\'ll11w \'11l\l 1·•11l\'t'1l1hh•«i:11 ,H!1• Sak ,l(M;11 llt1\l'!' r ' ' ,_ " r. ;;,, 2;;. lt.1li•11:h. '1'011 ol !'OUdl 111-.111111111 t'IHHI l.11 11~·. \'11 ... t.1 ~1 ...... Mfl' (Jll.r ~:c-rs. i ;or.n. lllVOlved With Ct'l':ttnlt'S, m:H'n1mc, Thi• 1.111<'. 2:1 1hs All lk~toffer ·ltlt 77:111 Thur:. .Fri ,S.1l.1'li~u11 S IL\'J·.Jt !-t l:ll\'ll't-:. / •:~. / J'l·1nl •• J·n "•I ·y kn1·t~ 1·t ·n ·1 1( • F INE f.'U ltN & AN , , .-.... "\y\: I .. . • .., a1 Cu g ass, Frcn<'f\. f.l(• nolds :;:11 f(' ti orh cl 'n r ' ft 'tn ' ... r I. k t I )llllllf.? l!oom !'ll'l t:ST ,, T 1-: S1\ I. E THg, ~:~ i;.1~. :•:ioo l ~· l t' r . {' r . I g. g I I " tn ,, • ramt'. 1 1' nu, mu-; ~<'r • t "I f Ii 'I' n h O l O '' r .·1 µ h y , c I ('. f•' <> r n1 Or C .. l' · ' ~j Coi-t (l\'f.'t S.'><>0 Siil', s:ms lo l' Hll r~ J' ti Oanl'tll'. l>hl hl'll. sn ll, .. ,, ... >1 ' nr tr:icti· for tram• 1•:1r 1~1;? 1;:131 mist' San .fuan 1·:.~tatt'"· Daarnontl n''P111 r ' of mformation t:all dass1ficd G·l2·Sti78 & {111~ c:1rl ·, N1~h1k 1 JO~pd , •279 :r.~10:! i\lip:v SJC r hiprwd "10n''' r<'r'tll 1" 1~ kt on<' of our fri<.•nd ly advbors help J .. ~ .. ~ ... ");J)j TI1111-.thru S.1t Win I 1tll'fl'11\l'\'11l111• Diamond ~100 5.'lli oo:;;, 1..1ti511l 111~,1 ~•lu. Ynu can 'l hral llw rat rs for this IFYOU l.l·l ::;~~L\1~.~1nfi~0.,..,r h'h 111;, li2:°)2 Ch1· ... tnu1 , h J j 11n iftt1(' t ypC' of adn·rtisin l!. T il l': h'B'' J !-to ;it .lor<L11t. lr11 qu.101.11101•, ,,1pp ''"· . I lf()l'l'Y Slt()f' ·11 I I • h.1\1''1M'l'\H'c•looH1•ror \hr1111 i:h "lht• llohlly 1 ,. am1•lh\,I, r11l11"'· 011.11~ ~· , ~ l • • \\'I ;1p1H~ar CaCl -' \ If <tpm .~.1r :.:,!l 17 1~1 h 1 "\ I I 11. S l I J l'to0<1'lr'"''ll,pl.111-.c111.11I Sha•11 ' In lh1• lli\11. &.1ir111n 1l.111(oa11111111·1•, 1 ~ l'( lll'S< ay \V. ~I \Jr(a). 1 111 th 1• IL1 1h 1•11111 11•11.41r c1.1~ .. 1111-.r ~·1 t1nn ,\111\lnl(Soilt•l-\•h l:t.111:; The Ortl'lll<il .ft·Y.l'I. 331, t l 1 ~·-"\ ( l.r~"l11•tl Sed1on . . t'H't) W1-;ln1•"l.1y F. S.11u1 \lnl I urn l<: ,\11,r :!Ii i .. : J.: lith SI ('.\I. 1~1., 34 IO l/ L,,......;; ... ·.> (',..) ~ •r-.9 -.,r-:-, ,...,, ~ '7\ .-, I) I ./.l .. i_(c;'~ l'lmm·lil'' . .i.,11 tl.1~ !'Ith \Jll 1111. l'\I "'Iii.I :11 10 ~~iTJ. ...,, ...... ,.!t,. 1...87~L <..:-('~;,~<l ;./p~fl~1(_.'\,,, ("' •· . ('If> DAILY PILO r Saturday Feoruary 14~ H er e's How You Can Use Our Fa mous Dime-A-Lines • Bung them or matl them with correct cash to one ol our 5 convenient otltces. • No livestock produce or planls • No com merc1a I :ids ¥I lowed r • our famous DIME-A-tlNES . - FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU OEADLIN E :Jpm Fria.w JJOW BavSt ,CM 11 noon-All branch ott1ces ,- • LAGUNA BEACH • I 186 Glenneyre SI • COSTA MESA 330 West Bay • Each item must be J)bc ed with no item over 525 ~~ ..................................................................................................... ~' ~~ ..................... ,,~ • HUNTINGTON BEACH 17875 Beach Blvd. • SADDLE BACK VALLEY 25201 LaPaz Rd , Laguna Hiiis l•t:'IN Ml r11 l /poh• Sii! h UH K th.111-. Sii 1.1111 K ~.1hr1 1pmk JJO nil, (11111 1"i< "·•Ill< uun ~IO 111 w ~.:o '"' h .!.! 'IJ1 tu N~w l.xiol~ ~lie to ~II g un ~7 M•1tur1yll1• Sm 1ll \11uum 1h11111r h1ltl\1I SH Sil:.i ll1x, lll ::>Ill l'V tr.1v ... wouu :>;!U (>Ult , ~l1t1 hdl :JllU 111•( IU gJI J lUllllllUlll l~Hlk ~ 'i Y• ar-. C t ogr.111h1(' S.!11 L .Jngc <ltt sci o r ~ 1\1 1·11~ I :J :J!.111111 ~15 .! i:\1ar1111 b att1 ry S.!5 111 w 11111l111g 11011 ~ :s.l~ ~lotor l)'dc h\:11111 t !:i'• .: ....:J l'•llll !'itll.Jlm-.; JI) Ii ph l llt" & \\h ods, Jo SHI ~·· y,,..,41 1.1dd1 l>otlH V.111, ~10 t 1d1 '"'' tlulJI ~r> tilt! \\Outl <' l 11 1 h t,., m c 11 , ~ "' 1h ur ~7 I 111(1 \\tHXI \\111111 II " t hddt1.l1' ""'"g I"'' !>Ii l\1tt:i11 :-it ~Ill l'•ll IJ1111d.1 lank W11ghl lly polt ::.111 N,•w 7.1 mutlcl !)I'• .! t 1rtl I Ill w11 I\ 7 11111 11\ p11l1 l 1l1lt ' ~'i 1•.11:h l'~n•l.ir111 ::.<!:! ~h1l..1 ,ph1 11 1. I 1.1l!111ll ::0111 :'1.t:w i\l 1X 1111 11.: 11011 • I\ I I '>I K .! hout" ::.HI l.!b li.!nd Sl l.11 kk hu''' ~Ill ::.tr. IU 11:11 1,11, l.!f1"i SCUU.\ lJnk-. l.1 1.11 h IHKJ\'1'.lt up111-tht S:!5 .111 Air n •gu!Jtor ::.'1 "'""!-: (llfUl "hll1•d1 JIJ<I} ::..>s:!.i i.:1 .ir ::.1 SS .!. "11 ku h .H c 11 It or 111gc ,11.1g 1rn t 1 " "loub ~ t a1h TV" l ::>:I .11111111:1. to }lb ~ )u~ Ut::.hcs & l..1t t h~11 ut1•11,1b l t1(1krni: Ult 11,lb sr. SIU 51: l5t ll1•11k-. at lllt 1 at h, l> Ill " 11 lt r $25 :Srn.111 tahl1• i.:ucJll \\llOU II' w Ir l I 't ,j II d 111 g !S7 ~ th.llHl'lli!ll" lmlllt >< '-ll!I ,1g" l thllll h. ::><!!"> ·k t'.11h {Juultl)' tXll1111r 1.1(h p1~tu 1c" \,Jr111u" hn11i.q1.t111b ::.:! !'>O i.: lllcm "'1."~ St :>:!'> ~.u h i.:u11.11 Sui J.:l IJll~ J.:lm 1., 'il 1>a1r ::;.i5 111 w m 1 l .ti h1 ti lf11ll11w llll t t.i h tlll'I l1 a 111t: ~Ii .! 1dr ,1 "1r door,. .!)1 l>I 2 ,,1111 l 1,11 ,, ,.m ,111 I tu 'l l>IO l:JI h 501: l .Jt h Old l\d "ul(.., & 111,1ht1~'.lll)' nig h t .,l.111tl 1ul>t1tr ::>I ::.; :1 g.111011 \\llh u1"""" ::.1·, :! 11\J pla,,111 IJm kt b .! •l l 1d1 pl1 111).(hl :.IJllU:. ::..!51 .11 h 5U J.(.JlilJll d1 Ulll~ l>.! ~U 1..1[, llil.! t.ith P .l'.,J g 1 tl1111r-.1 ::..! 'lll 1•.tt h ,\-.,orl1 ti ~II llUY S Sdl\\lllll "'"' 1•1111 ~ ph \\110<1 p "'' liui.: i:r ,1v s:!5 Mt. llilill DIME-A-LINES An Fo r PnYate ParitH ONLY Ads From Bus 111eu A.ddreues Not A.cc:epled AdYertisen •1olattn9 t~se re911lahons may ~ '" •1olot1011 of State- Franc:h I\ e Board & local busineu hc:ense- ~ahons fo I J\ 1 I\.)() ~l>YUt•r J>.Ht:. S1iar~1111:111111m ::,.;! re ar bump1•1 S.! !>par k pluu" "°' tt 11 2&•11 U&W TV S2!l h1l1 .1m /fm "•tlnut ~ah :s<i5 hoy:.. ::ii I 0 g I ti y lJ I k I' , g II Cl ti s:!O IXti;ht ho~ Sa rm lur.:.. $1 ~5 .!. :oo. 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'"'' I.I .: ''"' ,,, ... , fl \ 1 hr' iii 1111 • '' "'I • 111 """ /1,111111h'f'> 1~1.11>1<1.t I ('il\~l'llt' l.J!Jt' dt•c I.. 11111d j '~1 11Joli 1 ~ 1 '11:" WANTED ·' I ol I ,,·, 1, ,,, ol ~ 1·,,,,, I Flllti Ofr.Jltb t.11 l 'M' ·"" 11·•-1 I '"I' ••1111 i,i;7 w 1·11h t "'", .i 11 1111.11 1 Jt1ll' llJhv CrJ11dl l Motor Homes .... 1· 1• ' 1 a.\\urlllll'f I1 l·nth l'rv' l'urtJUh·C11lur I\. \l.llobu uuttt~ .:o 11111 '1' l'hon1•\lr (;1 111111 ''" 1•11• '' IU\J tloiltlt l\111\lllll'f IS.1f1\ 11 1JIHfl'l.lliblJI :>IJj I\\ lllh ,\ ll ,lll\'I, '!l;iCl\J 540-2660 I 1.11 C' 111111h I Sh I I<: I \ ~ fJJ.!:J I);.\ Of I :• .. ~ llCIClll I ••• fl,11 I I I c•111<I ,, 1'111 1.•1, '\1 \11 '"'·ti 1'.l1·ll1H \111l"'• I I' I .,. v I "\1111 I I 1111111kl1 • 1•11" WA~TED 1,111.:,\ \\,111111 ''' II 11 •1.11111 " ,111111 :\u S4AM1 '-o or w l 11111 1 f"lll ~i.11 untp. 1!111 3115 .\~I F'I !'-.ll'l t'll ,\ tc • 11111 "J" "" 1 l>t"-.k w \\' Jl1111t .t.1111flo , h Jug I.' r . th· ,1 u l Ii.:,. "'" ~Ill(! t1111 I 1\..1 II•" ,, ,II 1\ Jiii.iii.i 1'.h-l'\Olll' B7U ... ,·n·u1, Jll ( h.11111 1•1, fl ~11.1u1'.ilnd1 \\l\1·1l <1r g,1n . 1(1111 lop ::.~~l!I ur hc ~l 1111,1 VALENTIN~ SPECIAL! Mini Motor Home\ l'horw ~Ir <;11l111h 540-2660 11 1 ll,Jll, .~:11, I.I ~ :!l'IX 1111 l.'l'll ll'>~ICJll "l'llWO. ~9.i :,.u, ~11 7 •r1~111 .• ;1.1 i.n .11.:n :!l 'l\1l11r \I .1111<· 1 '1111 11h• •1,· v,, .ilolw1 llJl"illJ.' Trailers, Travel 9170 '""lnop :r·t11 '\It ~l)U •••••••••••••••••••• ••• .'1 1 ',1t.ol111.1 " 1:!X :>I 1,'Mlll 1-"1l'l1I ~ Stt 1·.1111 l I l1 .11ii I t 1 l 1,tJ "" I' I 1ltl I,, r ~:!! .............. ~?.~~,~:.":~~t~:3.~~i~0~s •• ~?.~~ r. \ ~1i.1 11 '.'"h It ,\ HI·: t .11111· .\ 11111111 l·.LN \ l'url ahll· S c·\\ m g ('11d ... 111·1I '-••••ol, 111~ 111g \l;1d11111• 1'1•1 I ConcJ1. J\ U ll \Ill~: I' f\'.1 en II htHlll' St JO .1.11 •111.i't I 11111 l•'11lh g u.11·. l>11e' IJ Y :'I: A t :! II ;1111 I'' 1\ n1•1,1h111i.: ::.111;,. Si ll l>.\S·:IX l>rl'.111111. l•11t \i Pianos & Orqon~ 8090 11111111111_, or. m !•1 dJ~, !,llj/j t:!:Jt. •••••••• ••• •••• ••• ••• • • ( a..,h P .J t ·,,, 1\gl·1u•\. 1•11-:1.1> :... \\ "' 1 ""ll'• o1•.11r111J ,, .J""' l'ux 1 :....11,. 11111 111.11111 ,\ 111 1111r'll h )l',1111lg1111duu~!> ~·"" "''" ·~ 1•d :...p111\'I . ,\ oll')Jl.'IHIJloll· 'crv1t.:l' c;1,1111l ·· l'l,n1•1 1,11111 •I •• ix 11~;>.111\!1111<• nut I 111 1111,1111 IC l 111 . · ,, ttfll 111 111" I\·"'·" Sport1n9 Good) 80 )4 1'111nl'l'r lu1wr ,\\I I', 11• H ·rll. ltolJl'rh t.1p1· ,,. ll 11'1 h-1·. I I 11 ~ ' fl~. I , ~141 l:!l~I '·""'" h1l pl1t•111 ' l;Jrr,irol t11111t.il1h. ,\I m1:.c \'llWP lii5 JI.·, 23" RCA Color TV Sll lfl\.\ ·'>. ILdll\\ tu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ('f111 l.1 I Ill \ 1111,,11,1 lllfll\11111' flr.1,111\\,1~ rth " I Ill Ii ·' I I \\ I I t , I I I.! ~·11.1~:" Sh·L' Sl.t ~ Skl :)llMI 17 I l lt..t"< '1, u 1..:u 1 ' '-'.X.1t1rn1 •tf~' h'.!J., :.i11 1 •1, • Boats & Marine I lro11l..t1111 -.1 I ,I , 111-.111 s 1..1.. lt·.1111 .. r 1i. ... 1, Equipment l 1'1111.111 l'I \'\fl-. \I.I·. 1 / 1111 1\ l'uh-' :>lllJ lur ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll<Hl...,,t\'\l'l\'\11 .111 .•. ~.i.11.1 G eneral 9010 11. • .,, ... l,tt l '114 f, '" 11·,l1111·d l pn 111 1•1 '""' .It ''"" ,\ l11111l111i.:". ,(JI (Ill~ .1t :-• ... 1111 11111 I llllll, ~ .. , ····•·······•··•······· Gil I:!) lj' h..1 \ ,11. I I 1\I ..... 11 Ii .11, 1-.1.rnd1·1 lhl '·><•••. OI llulJIW Sl1•pp-. 1 l.11.. 1 .. 1, 1 11, ,, It .,' llt•I\ ~i!J.i, :,.ix I Ill~ I' I Ill \l.1r11 .. I l'I .\ol UUf ~ 111 I • I ·• ' · '"'· 1 Auto S<>r vice & '"·'" I'.• I '' .10' l<h1 1d1• \ 1\11 "'>I" " . ... "· Porh 9400 ~'I .t!HI 11\\ 1111. I' \l<h.EH \ \I 'II I ;-.,\ LJ:-::... 11.ll I ~11 •.••••..•.............. FIJl ;\!.</.' I I "i • l.11.l 111'\I t'.oll .Ill ;,IX l'IX7 l '1 111 ... 1111: s ·' 1 I l1 n.i I' "• 11 I"" l• 1, u 1 , 1 t 'T Antiques/ It "1111 ·1111 II ,\ olhl'f" Clouics 9520 111\..r 'It,.! ll\11 ·••••···•············•• I lul" 11, 11111 I 1 .111 Su tn•1 lt.l\do•f •,111 o.11~1. 11" II Ir "' otl I., I 11''11 .>11 r l11rll \\ "' ' ... ~}'- """. ,1u\h1·11lt• ''-111 1•11 l/Jolc hlp I "Ill 111''111,ol l.11 lllJ I 1m11I JI l ul 1 1., .1 II I" Boots, Slip s/ Ooclts 9070 JI .\It; 111 \1,11 I.. II t.l,11 i. •...•....•...••....•... :...I II' ..... 11ll111.1h ... , 111:•; I· I·. ,, \\ .111·1 "" ""'" 1·1 ·I I 1 t.. .. ""'' \ 1111111-: .t ra1•\\ t••p ,\ I 1;J1Jh ~HJ ....:Li'KI I .1'\' /\Ii , I "' t.J'\ I 1111 t I L+·•I I•··•, 1 h.rt ~~·t I • 111 \II I I 1. \I I 1 • ' I It l1t I 1! I 'I '"II .\11 I . I I 111•1 ' t .ru 1• l .. f. 11 •.J • "'JI • I I I"• I l ,1 '1111111 t. I I lo •I I' lllJ.: 11111111 d1 lt\l'I \I t'.oll .~11 'th~ FtnJll1111,.. ·" .111•1 .oll ..,ur1t.u.1111 'i :1 ', 1<u,~..t1 x:11, u1,1111 101 11 11 11il I' 1;1111 -.ill l 'k.011 \\ 1·;ir l'JI 11\'I' ,\. .oil .11 t""'" I ~ 1 uhl :...,11· .11 I 1 ,11 l1011 11I n1.,I 1:11 1..r1 :! J I I, ,, ' 111 ,1 Ill '\ '"'' '"I)>, l 11111 111 l'\l Recreational Vehicles 9530 .•..................... 74 Ford Cour ,., lo-l,•plh1111· 1111111 111.011 .. 11 ;, IX I j .!lo l 'H H "IS\I \\. l'l \\.11 r :!ll l:l :\. \t.1111 :... \ Store, Restaura nt, .!llU. .... s11 ••IS\ 1•111\ Sar S095 .at:\Lttn!-itt ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOH :-i.\l.t-: I >.l11 l dr11p I lw 11.oll ' '•"I .i '' ~:l.1"' J•'"·•·lry ~i"1' lf!h \11th .I f11\\ 1" I fl.1111 '11•1 ;,ix I l:!M 1111111 I I." II 11•d \d Autos, New 98 001 Autos. New 9800 •••....•.............•................•••..•.• I 'i.! !'-.t11111 \'S I'!'> I'll .11 Boots Maintenanc e/ fltill' 1'111< ICl.\.I 1111 1111,111. ,11r .l1111t.. 1111 11 ., '11 Ser'vice '10201 111"'1 "" 1" .'• ~ .. mu I lttd1. I''"'·"" .ol l.""I" 11," .•......•.....•••...... '"'''th" '"·· lth:ilJ I UUll !'-i,J( 11J J• ........ .,,,. I .llllj'' • \\ 1,IJ 111 1111\ nl1 ~ll11r1 • 111 Ill 1•:\1'~ 1.,,1 11 L' \II I Bo .1 I I' .1 111 I 1 11 1: ,\I 111n1111111• ll.111110,1 hlo· 1;1a~~ 111111\ 11111,. 11111 ,., 1 , ., ol I , , 1 l<d1111~h111 g l'.1111l111g \\1th \\llh11•1l '"'·•I . (',oll l •11 . •I I :. I I I I I \. I • ('I ' I I I ... 1 • ,, ) ' Ill 11.nt. I ~1r111~11111!. '' 1-.1111111 11111"1'1 lJl\\11 X.o l:.'t:11 I 1 1 I I I 'I t I I ' I . II '. \ II . ,. II II' 'I". ,., ' ... "' .. 11\.t ...... ~' .. ,... 'It I H ·~·hi ti.I :11t1:! ~11(1!• ~.JU ·~ t•:-.tunate" t,,,> .u, -f 1 1~ .. ·, , 1 S LIPS IN H.B. 4 Wheel Drives 9550 , I .ill ltl 1 '(1oJ1, \1(1'1111•111 f\.,,;I I)\\ 111 I l11~ll'.1CI nl l1w.111 • tit I\ 1·.11b. I 1•.111 """ It \ 11111 I \\ ''\I 1.11 ~I.II' I· llH 1..: 111.I 011•' .... "'·'"'' ll 1 .... 1.. l 111<1'>1'1< \I I' ""'' 111'\I I •• "' I •.• x I tll 'l'I)\ ..... Boats.Marine ""'' .. 1,,,, 111 11 .11 •.......•.•............ ,, II 1975 GMC JIMMY "HIGH SIERRA" • 1 II I I 11 ,, \\ l I \\ I I lo ' I ~•ulnr11~11 tt 4\ dlf 'u dJ !111111111: \\If I I 1 ... 1. 1 .. ·' 1 • Equipment 90 30 '• """' 1 I"'"' 1 1111.11 I.•••••••••••••••••••••• \ t 1n1 ttdu 1 h IP I• SADOLESACK VALLEY IMPORTS SJ 1-2040 495.4949 I Ult if t, t W,,l1t I t11 I'll \\,\'\I J·" II ... ""' '"" \I I '•''" t1t·Jln,1 .J.t1 "J I 11.11..•1 1>1111•1 •I•...,, 111 Boah,Speed& 11·11111•, 111 I I I ... 1 •• •I ' Ski 90 SO "" ,_..,.' q II 1th , ... ,,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• u ... ,1._,.,.,,., .. 1,,\1 ••• '·' "'' .,, ,,, ... , '' I'< o.' :...111111.1 ,f 1 • I' I '' I th I\ I t, .tMI fill ,, ... I ••flll ...._.,~~• : •. 1.! 111; !II 1,f •\I >I I ti• I I 9S1 ct Auto~ Wanted 9590 Auto\ Wonted 9 590 ············•······•·•· •......•...........•... ···········•••••••••·•· 1'173 CHEVY VANS ' I l(CI \I ,\ t;' f·· \l.111\ I \f I .I SAOOLEBACK I VALLEY IMPORTS 0 3 1-2040 495.4949 ... \ . ll "II \ t I •• 1. .. I t J I , r fl .1•tt• 1 u1 ' I .. '" . ' ' I.\ ' ll.11 ii. \ ,111, '"\I ',, +.•' \'l '"' l1 lh .ltdH ' \ Ill I l 11 d I .. 1.11 I I llll<lo· I Ill• 1 l .. 11111 di\ I I 11 • l I ••ti \ •II 1:1111' ,,, .. l I ,lo II \ .111 I:--It 1 .. 11 \ ' , I) I !it I 1l'l't It ti ,, I I \I I I 11. t,,, -· • · ,d •• I• 1 \ 11\t I"'' II ,. -t '• .. A Ii)-. Wonted 9S90 .... ·············••·•·· "WANT TO SELL "'OUR CAR?" \,. 1 .. 1. ,, •• h • ,, ' l 1 1.14 ~ I I; I,; I' l1flt.1J I ft. J , I , ,\ I 11 \1 ii I I jl If! I i 11 H1,1 tun,\ tJI•' I If, ( \ I iUfl TOP s Paid I 11 I ... l/1•.ol1 I Used VW 's f'c.c! for or 1'4ot \\I I'\\ 1111 11111 1 \I< TOPBUYER IOI{ IOI l '>I 111 \U ... "'•'I II hi I·' 1.1-1 1•1• 111111.11 •. '\ IJll\11 '1 II I"""·'' I'·"" 1111 11111"' I 111 n . \s..,ll ·.., COST A MESA II 111u1 1.11 I'> I \II.I I !.·.111 "\l lh 111 ,1 SAUER BUICK :t:1:!,1 I/ ,1 rhor 1111 cl l *u..,l.t \lt,•'°•I .,,., .. ' .Oi TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR All FOREIGN CARS C ALL OR COME IN TO SEE US NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W Coast Hwr H 8. 642·9405 DATSUN .. ~1 di 1ll~11 Hh•I I ,, l.1 '" ,I "'' 1. I I ORANGE COUMTY'S HIGHEST $ BUYER ON IMPORTS BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ,, .. ,, ....... ~1t1.asn MUMTIM~TQN llACM l-111 luh 1'.1 111l1•1t ,l11.1 1111 .~ ... l\'.11l 1h1· .11h 111 I It• 11111111\ "'""\I 1•11T\ \\ 1•11 , ...... 1.11 ,, ..... 111111!.1\ Auto), H ew 98001Auto), H ew 9SOO ...•..................• , ...••.......•.......... I SNARE A HARE . . . I NEW '75 VW RABBIT Q\£.fu.. • mr --ta - ONL Y $3795 ~·~·· .~: ln1.l11dc-; pprlt1rm,1nr.I' pac.k.1qP dr•lu" 10lf'f1or '"'" w 1n<.1uw of'lro~t••r ~ AM FM ',JCllO IJ4 '...IO'JJ I SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1t.'tt:,:1. I hp I \ 111111d1 H• \\ l'.11111 ,\ h.11 -'"• ,,, , \111 I .. 1 lll.111•1 \\ d1 I\ I fl• \ l'I ,, ... , 11 I:\ •• \ • 1J1 (llJll ll(ll I I 111111 11\llfl .>Iii lllo.! ;11l1 I 11 Auto\, N• ,, 'iPllC "utos New 9800 Autos, New 9SOO 1 Autos, Hew '?900 ··•·•·•·····•·········· .......................•.•..•.•...•....•..•.••.•..••...•............. HH.\:\U ,,~,,- I "" ""'"'"' !.'~ I -r\. .. ,.,. ·, U"-~r '75 BOBCAT WAGON $3476 8•'.J1Jlol11I wh1ll' V iii 1•11• • ·nQ1nP lu'i l·•'J• • r 1 .. ·, l• ti•·(ll' J r l 11 ti I fl i. &..,T•2'f'>r'•1,lltJ' '1 W 1C)fJO 2 3 lttrP 1• .,. VI, P.t > ,;): ••• I ~:I<. ~Pr No 1/1•\I /luy 1111 f 11/ll'i HIC .\'U ,-,·:\\' r-~J n~ ·74; 4'.\1•111 \.1 '' \\ llhl"" 1:.1tlo11 I II• H.tll k 10.11• 111ln1tt 1' • I u l ii 11111 : t I '"'"' .~. 111111\ollll.11 <11 1111 .!''I 111' I) \11 I 11 ""' ,. "" 11 l ,,,,; t I .\ot, It 1•1111 ,\ ' •• II I' \I I 1111 111 11 u lit 1\ I 11 I ~. , 11111 I "\ t I ... ' • 'I •• 1 , '11 ~. n ~""·; ""''" I'-• tl I i•I ~.ii• l'•.t1 II.I\ 1111• •1 "'"tlln1111d '!I ; t I t I 'JI I II I .. ,~. ' '.I''• I \\ \'\ 11 II ''"" "' /.11111.11 I\ 1w ' 1nl I.ii d1t1 ptt1 t I,., .t I\ "' 11 .. q I ( lfl i .. lt1•p I .. Pl• l..111• -.fll'fl \flll I •1t1.f lu.1.fc ,j l111111io, ..,,hMkl lo II ... ~\ .... f,( ,,1 I JP (111 \\,ltd 1 llltlft ( ' I 1111 J 'I J 'rt k 1111 1 • ~ 1 t ... _·1~ril 111\ I "d \ I II• 1111' \I ,.I• Ill \ "111 lu "'I ol 1 "''''" '"' I n•·' 1 , 11 , ti ' ' 1 ·"''"' ' 111 h;,J 1 ~" 1 ... I 1111" ·\I •• "I "II. I hi I Lih•I ,.,, .. 11'< tl.1 \ I rron·porlota"on 11• l·o111t I·""•" ' 1 111.111. I I.II ~l"l.1I1 It \\ ! 111 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• '''·' '·'•" t .itl ,di Boots, Power 9040 Campers, Sale/ 11'\l ··~ • •11:-.:1 l ;(~:,·t:~.~;:·,~1··;··;'"'··;::: Rent 9 120 .1,.," 1..i, .t 4••1 , \ ••••••••••••••••••••••• \l.lfl\ I,,, I I)\) 1 ldt 111 1.\ (1u1ul •nnd ',11q ....,,,. C \\\ \d\t'UfUftf \ti\ 1 .. ltti •ttll 1thl I l1h11111' '""II.ii•~· II ""'' I 11" 1 1 ... ··11 hi B111>u1.dr 111 ,, I 1111 11111 I' I Ja1' j, I \•\Ill dl111 ~ .... t l•11U ft ltil II ' II ti I It I t.tl" ... .. ' .tll ·l'\I ., I ' ,,, ,.. I ,, .. 1 :. I I \\11\1" t I ,u t ,.,, t i ht'I lh I l •1 I\ ,11, p • 1 \ x •• ' , .. 1 .. 1 Truck) 9560 1974 El CAMINO .,, \11rtJffl j I \ ti( • .. ' I Pl I It ·' h1 I I ·'· fin\ I._ t \\It 11 .l,lt 11• .t ., f u • 'I \\ I............ I ~~· l "'I ,111 111,,t,., I t I\ t I S ADOLEBAC I< VALLEY IMPORTS S31-204 0 495.4949 I 11 l1i ,14' 11 I I I I t I t lhil ,,,,,,,,.,.,,, .. -., ',111 "' 11 ,, " J'\ .110 jt1 c h11 ', ,111 •• ,,,,,, 'I \Ill' "J t 11111 1•1.11.1 \Ill· l<.1111" Iii :....11111d1·1 '>h•I\\ •I dt11 11 . I ~ f t I' I ' I It•. Mofort:yc:le\/ Scoolers l1J1f I 9 1 50 Autos. Imported '······················· ••••••••••••••••••••••• tGene-rol 970 l s3976 1· •. : .. :'.·::.::::·.: .. : .. : ·:·:.:·:· ,,,fl._ ·'(I f ff! I •ijll, I 1 ,_r; .1 \I 111 u '• Ip .i "' 1970 H onda 4. SOCL 1 ...................... . I H.1d• I ,\ 1 '• i')lltn11.1ll\ I It t I t ! t ' ( l 1i I 1 ~ , t I $S75 MARQUIS MOTORS SJ1.2sso 495-12 13 MOVE 'EM OUT •I f • • r If q r v ll (I ,. , ~I I'"' ' HI II I c •• l 1 "''·'' llu!I 1111 '1011111·1·/1 UH.\'U ,.~,,- ...... ·1ti '10\.\Hfll 2·DH. $4376 I r '"'' •111 11 1 , I /\ ,· 1 Ti 11 do,,. hr lk•"· t • 11 , . , ,.,, hi I ' r 'd1,\I t rr • '" .. ' Nr 1,W.l'1l ',110l I\ 1, •II ' I • o A '73 BUICK 2 DOOR '71 LINC. CONTINENTAL CPE. ... .. - s3995 ,,\,\'J .\ ' .\~.\ I I \'f f>I \' - .'II ff' t...IC \' ' '···,, I F\1•-..l""p1Uf-.-. 1 1 1 It. I! 11lcri· I I .111· ,,, ,, .. 11 ,, 111 II"'" 1111 I I I '"ndu., 1\11111111 I I I 1; I 1111111 II II" \tll\ ll'lhl \!o19ti 'I• I I 1 II t;, ind n tllt• • , '\l\\(\ d1 tll il1d It I I fl II ti I~, .... 1 " I\ ' I '\ 1° \\ f I I I ( f l ! r I J.. f I 1.},1 , , 1 111 , •' '\.,t, I • 1 .... r, .. ~. 1 , ", 1 "'" • 1 •·\111 ,,11, \II \\ ~nd 11·17 '(ti'I ~ VALENTINE SPECIAL' 'I "il..1p1.1• ~ I "" 111 ll'fl rt• '• I •tt 1 .. l Ill lh\1•11 1111111111 11., ,, .• ,, ... ;:u 1111u JI, I '111 h ( 't 1111111• Jio I I 11 -.• :. t "·~. ,, '" iii \l.1"h.11u ... : I llfJ•I II\\ Ill I. t' \Hf\ I I< I, \ \l 111 :... \I I !'- II !· ' , , I I "I '"' lt.1 ~' I I" I ,,j • I ' ti I J 11 h 11 I. • .1. I. I ,, ... .. II•,,,,\ I... 11111 lro •'"' I .tll 1.1 ~ Ii 'I I ••" •'·'' ~ I tj~ I t .4JI; ' 1,1t • 1 11 • •• '' , ... • I II I I• I I I I "'"' • . I " • ,. '1111 ' • Httl tti 11 i.,,I I II • ••1•f •• I "" ~1 .. ,,... I • I \ "" 1h 1 \ Zs11 '"'' • "II" .10 1u,, ·l· 1 \I. • 1wt I • .,lltJ 11111·· I 111111, I 1t111 "' 'I I f .u I d "-• ,,, ,,..1 ')\~I I 111 I,' 11111 \11 f•u·· 1 Iii• \11.1 11•11•1 th.111 11•\I It I, t\111 I l 11 .. 11<1 i \II' • , "1111 I ,\ \I l 'tt"' p.ittt\ V' l'U " '-' '1111 t tl'I !di 1"11 I .11111 j.\ '111( II,\ \II.I ·~. ·1 ....... 1 1111 .111 ltll \1111 • 111111 :....11 ..... 11 hn\\ ,\. ,1111 to\ d1\ 1111, ,1.Y1 1,•• 1 l ... 111. 1111·111 111 I I II ... 1111•1 111 1 ,.,,, , 111 I''''" ,.1 l'r 1il1 I l1111tl.o 111111 II 1 'l \'I~"( ,,,,,,1, I ' • 1u1d t 011 l.11• rund1·I \ l1h·.ol II\•· ""' 11.J ll,111" Ht p, ••• , tfl\I '' ,\ ''" ~··.1\\lfUI t•I..: ,.,,o, t°'""·' do.111 I'< 1.11 11,01 1< \flht1 I II,\ It 11111 I <1111\ .... ' t' 1., \I I .., \ 111 l \ I l 'F'\ 11 I< 1. 11. 1111 • Boots. Soil 9060 ..•.........•.•........ LASER \fnl I HJllf '1fHI f1f J ·"" I •ll f 11 'I :'i ( .. 1 l.1 1111.1 ( ,, 111 011f1111,1rol \,11 I .1ol111 Id l.ot .1 "'l 1 ,,.. • :-11 ,1<1111 lhl ·~11:1 I 11111 I I ..... 1'111\ , I II 11 d 1 I •" \ I \ I 11 I t l11'il ~ ,pO IJt ""h.f0 " t \II , I' \I 111 .11 11·•, ' ti 1111111 1111..1• ,,111, I 1 .... 11 Iii..• Ill\\ .. , ... S'I I II'< I h,1\\ I ,1h1 I lllltl \111~1 .... ,1,, I ,;,11 11 :., I ;o1 : 1·11 '111111 I I II• 'II' f.t "'I. t II tflfld lkl h1iit Pfl o II 1•111.•1•1 !Motor Hom es. Sale/Rent \ 111 1 \111 I 9160 ..........••.••........ 3 DAY SALE FRI-SAT-SUN ALL PRICED TOGO '74 Corolla Wagon \111 .. I·"" \1;if\t I' $2449.75 '7 3 Celie a I 'l"I lll I' lh I I S277S '7S Corolla II I I I" .I If•• 11 . 'I• I ;o" \I ol1 - S2851 '75 C o rolla pd ,1, 1111 ;.-~11.1 \ $2900 11.11 p 7 I Corolla . \1'l" ft," lrlllt , t,ftih HI $1208.48 74 Corolla Sedan \11tn ' fo 4 flt;n :...·1 l\:1~·111 :c;'il $2250 '72 l ondcruisC'r \111 11nd 1111• 1.11.,\1\111 $3550 '7 3 Datsun PU l.11lli· ll11 ""' lot ........ S2300 '12 Dodge 1 2 Ton \11111 I' S .11r 11111•1 "'"'I (,on\..• .'I ol'I'\ $2697.33 '71 C o lt h1MI rn.1 •, !'111~111 It '7 4 Celi c a G T ' 'l"I. 1111~ I l11p I If•• Ill.It .:10\11"1! $3250 ·7 4 Celie a S T '1111, ,\lrl.;11111 pa• l..1i 1• 1;7~11\V $2099 l' \L 2 :? I H.11·1· 111 I rt11 " •1 h.11:,. 11 II \.1 "-flt•ll 'Ill' H1·11I .1.1 1•r, .. ( lp•·n llu.1cl, (h'C'f l(H) :\\'\\ ,\ I I'll 111 luih ,.JI 111111 '-II" It H dl1•l'>c' 1111111 II \Ml .11111 I '.'.loXlllf 1>11 I' I I· \ I 1>~!)1~1 1 111 tl.1\ 1.11~ ·~ ( --.. T"3 lltlllll·. J1,t1 'f)t-lr (, 11111 ( 1.j\~~ ,, "~ I ''I I 'r,·rt '~« ,f, .111 1p111 I' I pl\ \\ 1111•·1 Ii ·11• t.I I H.11!.i ltl.1' I h1• 11111, 111,1111 .111 , ; I '·•I' .. 1. \\ 111 1.-1 ..,, , !'-II' " '"""' I It '••I 1 l'l'i ll 1 ' I I,• 111 ' ..., I',~ .ill I I:\ d,I\ \\11·"'-. f,.,, I • I II! t. P \I ull t'I " BILL MAXEY TOYOTA , .. ,, ......... ., .. us MUMtlN.TQN llAC:H ~ I 'l t 4 .t • c OllU !( r -YOU . •11 ""' ... Offv , (1 ) , "' R •t> F ' 17 ·~ Tl.t> 1976 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX FULLY FACTORY E<;>UIPPEO O RDER YOURS NO W 2·· 6 :· HOfCE -· 1' .,. .,. , • • ~ I fl# ·•OUTSTANDING\ RESALE VALUES ·; ,/ -. DOMESTIC SPECIALS 196 7 l'OMTIA C C ATAUMA .. 1971 POMTIAC LE MANS ,. 19H 4MC GREMLIN X 196' l'OMTl.AC FIRHIRD ' . ~ .. 1972 POMTIA C CA.TA.LIMA ... 5 1676 1971 CHEVROLET I I 'IH FORD MOHTE CARLO " I /1~0 RUNAIO~T I \ L "' 52376 O'°'E O f THREE 197l l"Ol"TIAC flREllRD 53476 1911 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 5 5976 TRUCK SPECIALS 1972 FORD COURIER PICKUP '• 1'70 CHEVROLET I 1'74 GMC ' ) TOM PICKUP I I I TOM PICI( UP I .. 5 337 6 IMPORT SPECIALS 1972 MAI.DA 2 POOR COUPE ,, . 1973 D.ATSU,.. 1200 1964VW CAMPER VA1'4 ·~' ' ,,. .. ' ,,,, 'J•' 5 1476 1974 CAPRI ,., ... 5 3376 ~ .. 1971 DATSUN PICKUP TRUCK ' ,, ,, 197S OATSUM 2000 l'ICltUI' A • 53576 Barry PONTIAC v.in & lrur~\ UM1rro 5 YEAR 50,COC MILE WARRANT\' 2000 E. I st Street SANTA ANA 'I • I.)~ Alt Mdlu & Modt4l ... It ' ~ ~ I I 11 \ "'" t fl f' )IP • ,_,. 7(: 558-1000 • • C 18 DA•I f Pl OT _______ s_i_1u•rJw f"1·b•u11ry 1• 1976 t~~·.~~·. '.":~:>.~ ....... ~~~~~·. ·.n:~~.r:~ ....... 1 ~~t.~~·.'.":~~~~ ....... l~'!*.~~·.·.~~.r:t~ ....... l~~t.~~·!.~~~.r:t~ ....... 1~.~-~:·.1.":~~.r:t~' ...... . Auto.\ Wanted 9590 A11lo), lmporlf'd Autos. Import~ •·····••••····••····· .......•......•..••..........••..••........... Oofwn 9 720 Ffot 9725 Fiot 9725 Mtt-eedeshn1 9740 MG8 9744 Votk~wo~n 9770 ......••••••••.••...... . ......••.••.••••.•.•.......••.••••••...•...•• I Ill \ ll 'I I " Audi 9707 BMW 9712 '75 VOLKSWAGEN 1":Jl ... ,, ···•·····•••··········· ....•.•..•••........... ... . ·, ~:.;:~~:~: ............. ··~·· ......... : .... F.j:li .. . 197s..MBI 230 f )11 I 11111111111< ,,f f11·,H1I \ t .111 I I" lt1lif I I 1'111 1 .. \\ 11 II I \ • •11111 11. I I I 1974 MGB COHVERTIBLE dlt -1.: .. I\ 1111.J l..111\ 111 .. I 1 11• I' l ~ .111 1•1 1• < I• I • tt•I I Ill I. t,h.J II 1 ,ll\ I l'\1 " I\ ~1111 I .1111),1\ W A NTED J 1111 I.. \ ''" \ lll t tllt\ •I It.II I\\ h1•1II111 ' l'ltull\ 'I• 1;1 i11 111 540·2660 197 5 AUDI FOX ' llr I "1'<'1·11 ''", i.il I .. \ I' I ltl ,\I•·" ff\llt' SAOOLEIACK VALLEY IMPORTS 8 3 1·2040 495.4949 A11)tin·Hl'all'y 9709 ·······················' ••' ~l1J<l l'I'. 11111 , 11 • 1 1111'-f'lf J-'1111 I II f,. '' ••I I t,, I 'lt,I ••I I ' ' 1 •H; . ,,. BMW 9712 Auto~ Imported 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. •. • •• ••••• : •••.••.•..••••••• J ORANGE COUNTY;S ~~~~! .......... ~?.~~, OLDEST , I l.O'l'l'S l.1 ,, un. .i.:. 111.1111· 11 11\11 fl•'\\ 11. IMMl1 "' 1111 '"I" 11.-\\ I•\ I I '"••HI I ~.1t.·-. s,.,., II l l.l'.I 1111 ,.,, 1111 :-.. i •11 1o1'· '11 t I Roy Carver, In c. 1,l ,\11.1111 \1111•111 I {;1,;11) 1(1111 1:11\I<' 11\I\\ 111 Ji·,1 " otlllll '·101 I (',iJf ''II,. J .lfl '-.I l'\111, .. ~" 11·11·1.1\l,,., .11,111: d!'-t!Jl1.l11Jl,1111 II\ I IJlll< 1'1)1111 ~ '1.1'1 ( l.1 -1111·11 \ii ... ""' -..iii l,.h, 1t1.:·• I tlf l t'Ul '' •Ut:lh111:... Autos, Used Autos, Us~d ······•···•··································· SADDLEIACK BMW S30i's & 2002 A11tomatiu HERE NOW USED BMW's 1970 2800 CSA .\Ul11rll,ll1<' 1972 3.0 CSA \IHI• "I 111~! 11111• 1973 2002 I I" ,.,j \\1th ,t,·11 n 1973 BAVARIA I 'I'• 1·d S\ltlll i·.I· \1 I, ll\I\\ '-+ 1 'tile• It l 11\•1 HAL GREENE BMW ~ I \11111111 .... 11·•' I ,. • ,\ G:v~-1 .. 1' 111111111111111111 ILLER )1 Ullv•l·youbuy '·l'\'1 111111 "'ADDL~BACU OTO RS I ~ r: " Mission Vl•lo VALLEY IMPORTS 83 I ·2040 495.4949 anun \\If.I Id ' \ H('f( lt \I '-l ' Ill' ll I \ Ill( \Ill I\ ... \\ \1.1·:\ Imports I\ .1•1y l 1<11 ~. 0 F WV t1J 1·111\U I' \Il l 1'111! llJ( 'qi 1111•111111 \It I \I.I. !'> \I. I, I·. I: \ J> I• ;\ 1· ,.tll 011 . I \t 11111) H d 9727 \l 11111lt1/l.l1 on ° I Sales •Senicc :::;,··;;~~·1:::1~;1··1~;,~·.~ I Parts •Leosinq 1.111 1111•1·11 \n ~..11 ~.':llMt 1•11\\ \\,111111.11 \l.1111 I .)(;_l'r, ~.1111.1 \11,1 '1: .. "11:! Jaquar 9730 '7 4 Fl AT X I 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I' •111/. lilil \\ Ioli..'"' \11 ' "l"lf't' lld .... I I\ I 1111,;i•, \\1 l•\I 11 11.11 'l'••d l<.1t1111 Ii• 11,·1 1974 JAGUAR XJ6 SEDAN ... u .101..11111:11 .... , •!111 , \I."• "h. 'I \ 111' 1 ,,, .,.,ul.1Jll1 ONLY S949S McL~on Cadillac CONVERTIBLE '• 1 "" "11 11 t.1.1< ~ in ""''' .,, 1111.t .... 1llh1 1"1"1 1111" 1" ~11 111111'' \1111' •11 11• 111111 Im ~I I' I :t I ' I I \' 111.11·111.tl< 1 h.11 1, 111 11" 1 \I \I I I st $4395 Buys DON BURNS I MARQUISMOTORS VOLKSWAGEN :!1ul .\ \J.11n !\.111t.1 \n.1 I 83 I ·2880 49 5 -12 13 I 3 7 3 I Horbor Bl~d 543-9421 O~I 9746 GARDEN GROVE •7 3 Mercedes 2200 DIESEL ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• , 534 .. 4100 I: .• \lp<'I \1.111t I 11111111 • 1•111• 1111•1'\ll'll ~"' I "·111 ·1111 ' , .. ,,.,, 1"'"1 I , .. 1111 \\ t.'111 1111:1· 1.1\:I. .fl\K•llll -..l.1,1\1 •11.,1 l'll\11 ,1111 Ill!, II.lo I. ,f\•r J•t• I Pantera 9 7 4 7 '1 '1·111 H 1·' I.' I . I I (, t , •• 1 l ,. ' \I II ll IU \ • ·······················1··' ~UJU'I H 11t tit•. 1·\1 >4 \f'k \11111111,1t11 11,111.1111 .. ~11111 1'11 1 \\l11l1· l'.111fl1.i 1.1Htll 1t·11" I 111•\\ IL1d1.d,, 111 11111dt( 11•111111' I·'"'"· I 1111 '"''·' """ '"''""l ',,, ( II I 1111 1 I \I 1111 1;11 lu,1h1r l"•·w1 1td-1••• 1 l1t •·H1 ,•1.1~ l \1t1.d \I \h~.1 '" ";t1 It I 11 .1 l ·I ,111d ., .. ,.\ \ -'lhtl •1.11i'. 11\' I lilll' Id, .. ~I t10111 r... I l'•t\I \ 11111) l~ ""' 11111.' \11 11Had 11~t•ll1Ul,: P\\I 1\'l'S $7895 PeUCJl'Ot 9748 Ii .... l>\111111111 ,\)\ lllli 1111 1.1.1d1•1l 111 1111 , llM' $4 395 IH \\ "' '"J.1 .1'.Jlt l1,,:1 Santo Ano 11 1111 \\I I·' \I 'll'r 1•11 I L' 1111,~1 1111 1.~.1 1111 ,".! 1.,, 1ncoln M_ercury 1.,1 .• 1 11.,,~""'·'' .1 5 1.•1' •11-1111 onto Ano 5 47.0511 FOR LEASE I •i I I'·' "" .,,,,.: \t1l Ufll ti 1 t ,1 I I t llttl I' ' ,. If t,\ Ill •• ,_. Ill.ti 111 \I • Cort Fox Leosin9 '.IN,,, \\ 11.,rl hi , I \1 645.3661 '7 S FIAT X· I 19 ·l.11\lllll' \J .. ti \\I I· \I ,\ •11.11' Ill .. ~4395 MARQUIS MOTORS 831·2880495·121J 1111· 1'1•1••·· \\1111111\\-I \\I I .\: !1·11·11 t.1 111· ~~~ .... 1 •. i1 1,,,, ,\ t1,·1u,,· \ rjWU1~1 ''h1·1·l, \111 I '1 ''11 11111 ·-··••••illlillli1llifll lTI\ .1lo"' l'\(I ,1 •Ill \hi I 'l • \~:: \': .11· I I .11! 1· 111 '" 1 11~ Ot-4L Y $8895 ''·" 11!1 .. ,, 1:1 • .i Mcl~an Cadillac ,,,, ,\ \1 .. 111 .... 111!.1 \ 11.1 543-9421 I ' ,, I \f 1 631-1276 111 \ i,1• II l '1111p• lllll I 11 I• ·11'1'1•1 ~11H1f,11 1.,. \I I\ 11 I 1 !'>1111r11111 1 ,, 1 4 '.1111., 11.:!11; < urul' It lu11·tl .! tunt "' ',.. .... f'H't ... •'' •.• \1111 "" 1:1 Ill :1 i1t~f •·········•············ '"• \\~11 Su1l11 tl11 .1111~ II ,, " I ' \ I II I I II I ~.:,,, 11tt '"'I' ·' lK I ,, 1 Porsche 9750 ..........•••..••...... 1973 Porsche 91 IT J ,,..._., I .111 • 11ul1t u111111 "\tUU "'' f( •' t.\ •t It 11 Un I\ 1 '' • au it, I,_;' \J '\ ALLEN I ltd "" "·" 1 ·"' 1.\1,t ''"111 j 11 l \\ ' 11 '1111 1·11111' L '"''° llU 11n "''' \\ .... f' pll '" I ~ht 'I olll .) ""I" I l ... •tl\ \(Ill I •1111 H.11111• \1 1111 ... • IUlll '"' .... I ... 1111 (It .111 1:.1 11111 htn 1·.1111t 'I '!t1 1.111 li. :•1 .ill• r I,\ "l..tllh •.J \ \\ I !11 t.1MHI t tt11tltt Ul,t ,1lli 11..IX \\\ 1111 ,,,, '"" ••l .A.Area•51, ·' 't,H/. <"•1\ll" . .i•1 Hewt'st Dea ler !" \ '1 1' \I 1 ·,pd 111·' • 11 .. 111 '·' I l.1 l 11 "" 11. I 1p' 11 1 f.1-. Jlt<d d .\Id '. 1'1111\I, lw,11itll11I 495-64)0 1 .. l.11.111"d \1111 11111111 llt I\ I t , Ot1.f t tll1d 11.,,11 x.lt ~'.l>..1 jjo,-fll'l'°'IOlll' llhtl 1111111 \ll ol' 11111\ ,,;11~/ r111 '1111 Ill \\,tlfJl11\ ::i:o'l 11I l>u\\ lh"\ t.!J.l •1• 'i t.11.;1,, Jo\,I:! ~.>.J;.! :1 \t11,., w .. :.1 .. 11.11., '-h111 1 .. Jiu11• l o' 11lh' 11111d .J11llHI 1111 ~.dllll I 4 • ; "I • ' I I ~1· 1 I l ~ .. ~r.1., h1' 1t1,n ILl1;· l't'., ('ttn\• 11 \ 11 .x ~ ~~M1:...; .,1n1, 1u 1 unit·· ,i•• 1111.1 ,,, , 1,1;"' , \II '/ .1 , . 1.111.i :-.up1 rl1 1, 11111 ""' 1 d tf ftlfl J• I JI ... ,.1~ f q ii •'4111tf .. C-REVJER 1Fiot 9725 .J.•i.: ·1 1 \l.11 1.. d1 . :1 111.111 .. 1.11, 1111 .o11 ·•1•111 11;, •it.' \\1111" 1111 1111 I 1'':.!\n/. '"Pd n1.q·:'t 111 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !°'P~I 1.!q•1d '"11d "''''I S,ll ~und~•) .ill d.1~ 1111• 1}n1 ._, .. , ... , \II 11 \,\I l"\I d1·;111 '""'" j 11.11111 ~1 :t1H1 l'l'..t1:.1:1:!:! 1111·d ;,11.1. •.,.,11111 ~..i1.1t,·,1 o11r1o,:1 .. ,.1:•, 1 :!XII :0.1. :' 1"11' ·'"'11 1:";;1111•1 IRA.ND NEW '75 Jensen 97 32 \\I I· \I t!11u 111 111t 11111cl f1h J 't#I'' I f11• '.I I t II I \\ '63 VW. Good trans ...i,,,11 1• 111 \1 111.w .!I.Ill '7 1 VOLKSWAGEH (Owned by drivers particular enough t('I trade for a Mercedes Benz) '75 vw BEETLE DELUXE I el I l>I ;, ll~OllDWAV 9J \ANIA Ar<A I I HI Ul I .14<[ ~R~;~ ~,!,~..!;( t~I n ,11 -.un l'h ~UI• t:11•HI FIAT ........................ ~• ?IX'•~t ~"'' 1111 • ~:"111 111 '"1 ""' 1 19 7 3 JENSEN 1 -· I 11 (o • \I ' I ' I " I . ' :! 1111 1•• 111 IHTERCEPTOR II 128 WAGON .1J,..11 l11li'I) 1111111.11· 1 un~ , I ll,1h1t11 11.:111 \Int 1 •llld H•'.111\1'111 tu"'"" ltl.11 ~ hi"· 1111 :'lt u~I ~.11 I.'"" ...,,_...,1 .. ,,..i 11111 h fl,1, .Ill 111111'1111111 111,'lllllllll\ :i.il llJj/) lldllll I• 111! •·11 • l"f ~!f\".111 .11 l'l 111 'fl.,I llHll I Ii· ' I """" "' .ii 1111; '' I I h I ' JI 1• <' ol II .lfl rflt" IHfl, I 1'td10 ,\ 111 ·'''I ··h ~.d1· )'I 14·11d I . 1.1'~,l l \I $1488 l·~~I ','.~'~\'' ~;111.-.'•"1 ',\'.'l'1 1li:t•l;) i3:i f i I .! cJvor lil1t1 m•ll·S SJ-l';b lb05~WB) '74 CHEVROLET" MONTE CARLO ·~· : lllllJt.:, ·"' .1111 1111 I 111!.11 t 11 l'' 'ltl\ I o>ft•I t 1'1) 'It•.! 11i.:1 ;ill 11 .:1 I\,,, ,111.1 pd \11 "1111, ,1111 tlll. I Ull-. 1!11 ~ •. :l't;> tt 1.! h I.! S 111,.1111· 11111 ••••• tl.\.\11 1l II 1t 1111 "" I dt•••I '°"''it .... f1 I "C u.,e.,f ~rrari 9723 1······················· 1111' )I\\ I "l\'1'1 lllj.! f'11•1 \fl< \\1fH(11\\-,,\ \\I V\I 'l<'1t'" t.1p1• \II llw d,• 111"·1·\ll .... \\llh '"" 111\\1 llllh. 'il.l.!t ONLY S989S I ~:!1•1 ul1 t1i.1 t..i11, '11'.,![ .. n JEEP] t.i J .... ..,, hi' !II:• ~. "" I All are excellent, high ,11·11" '"" ,.:ii <n111l ,.," '°~:::::-;~;: ....... quolity Rolls·Royce trode·ins ... '-' 1. ,U'l11•f ;•t ~l •' \ 1· • ., ·• l1t "' B1 u.\ tt \111-I 'II I I I I h C1ll1 I 1.1 \ \\ I! \J\HI I """ •'"" 1111 \\I l·\I c ,, •·It• • q •dt.I _., 11 .• I,, I I 11 I Auto Iran<; a1t cond111onin9 power sleerrng beaul1lul qreon with swivel buci..ct scats 4 console. S4 19!> 16!>8KKE.1 , i I! \I II I 111 " 11 .1(111 I \\I I \1 ,\ I II'" _11 1""I 1.~1•.,I\1·1 I .!1111111 1967 FERRARI .c Mclean Cadillac .:11.t ,\ \1.1111 "·"'' I \11.1 '7 1 3.5 ConYertible \. '"" \\ .11ldl1 " ~11(11 I 111 I I), 1111 I Ill 1111 111 \\ 1111 '71 FIAT SPYDER CONVERTIBLE -l sc:>e<'d 1acl10. hcilter. onEl own"' red with blac..k vrnyl 1nte11or, s 1895 ( 160EKWI '75 MERCEDES BENZ 4SOSL COUPE ROADSTER l\utO lr(ln;, l.Jl.t<>ry olll COnd1!11Jr11nq pOWPI 'olP1?r1nq radio h 1rnt«r. bc.10t1tul ,, ·O w1t11 m.ilch1111 int1•r1Qr II·,.; th.m 7000 .1clu.11 mote· $lb 9!>u 1:-, mn:.1 Authorized Mercedes B enz Dealer 1970 H:trbo r, Costa M~U.17141 53 1·1276 .Autos, Hew 9800 •....•••••.•.•..•...... • G 5· smsav1ng owerdriwe transmi1sion I I I "" I 111 tit I\ ; •..! I .!.IU, ' '" ,.,,,,·•fl tlf I t1fl•t1 I II :11 ti I \11111111 I '"It II \\Ill """' h-.1111•'1 1111t-11111 A. Capri 9 7 1 S I .. 11111 lh1· 111'111\1· 1111111111 1•••••••••••••••••••••••1 lt1 UH lll lOtUhl lOU Ytllhl r .. .,. .... , 1972 CAPRI ' i• r :-I" w m ' I l':. lii;;:;;=il I '\IX'l'd, "'IH·r \'flit 11•!1 1111,:JllZVI I 1r11n •"-l•m "'"•'' ,\11 PRICED TO SELL I LO DOWN PAYMENT .\L\,LA •. D.1rD 1 LEBACK 1 1 , ~ Mcleon Cadillac v ALLEY IMPORTS ~ml &· \l.1111 s.1111.1 \11,1 1, 831-2040 495.4949 543-9421 I~ ~--j'Jll \1 tllltf ,Ill Fiat J1Js '' 111u lt>t f 1 t t '' x~•:-< .·~ 1 • Datsun --- • fll] 2 ') '11P.r f'n91nr • Pnw••r lrn11! 11•.t t111k 'S • ( J\ f df' l .Upt•\ lfUj • " full tori.,ol•l • 1~1 liH ~ liutl<t•I ""·'(', 9725 FAL'1 Ok Y Al.JTllUHLZl::l> s.t . W-.k• ,. .... • l.HM9t 120 W Warner al Ma.in Santa Ana 551 2132 ~---y-J -- • t;tottPd • tr1:1.1 \'1h .. ,:11~ • f•o'1\•'1~•·Str1;111 • 1 r1t • ! •11 11 • \'lot• t 1.l'.11 ~111 e ( Vt'll 11l /\t.l rJdl AN D CHEC:< OUT THESE OlJ f ST ANDING RESALE VALUES! '71 TOYOTA COROLLA STATION WAGON '1'1. TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DOOR OH~r Good Th"' 2 16 ,7e, 171 TOYOTA Ct:llCA I 1 t I i1 11'1 UI' 4,l)•"lw•t t1'AIM11rl h/1(11! i1 '.(lPI' l W•'h llf • • 11d11t11, I I H 'l I'( $1588 '73 TOYOTA CELICA "• I with 1or •l Ii 1n1 l 1 1 • $2988 '7 5 TOYOTA PICK UP /\1 '11 $3888 $1888 WE TAKE PRIDE IN OUR EXCELLE~ SERVICE DEPARTMENT -TRY US AMD YOU'LL 8'-1..IEVE US! 1974 TOYOTA LANOCRUISER 4 wnr11I clr '• I'. I ,1 1"1 "' • 1 I 1tl 1t!Kl M $4588 $2688 '73 VW BUS 7 PASSENGER r.~~r·l1rn1 • Iii " 11 rf-\'\I $3388 1974 DATSUN 260Z 4 ,,,,,•I .111 < 1r t • ~ & /'~-..\ f f,1 ""II I) r. .... 11111• 1'1hl I It $5488 543-9421 1, .111111 111111 , .. , 11111 Rolls Royce 9756 111 .... , '73 Jense n Hea ley I< II \ I>:-. I' I•. II II .1 l\ \ \J I· \l 1\ 111" 1111),., I SAODLEBACK I ' VALLEY IMPORTS I 831·2040495·4949 l1·1t"'" l11t1·11 •·pl11 1 II l'.lil I 1 111~1 1111 ~11 !l!t't til .• J;,i,, Kormann G hio 9735 .•.....•.......•......• 1,, C 1 I ,'.it 4 uni I Jt,1 , 111 \11 • \\I I \I 1111·11 ( .ill I. 111 \ "1 .. I "•" ... ' I , I k \I< \1 "' I .I 11 \ 1111111 ii" ' l.!•HI t•l I hlU .d ;t, I.! \ lfll I, 1h IM1.,!'\ I \I t,I .1 d • 1 \I 11• I I I; \ I ' '" 1111 l .11 ·~,h 1111 I 1110 '1. 11u· Mercl'dc~ Bcn1 I •MERCEDES• •CLASSICS • 1,11 ,.11 !'> J. I 111 f 'I I" 1·d ,, 11 h Hiil ... ,1 II p•d\\ t I I I h4tH ff Ill• fin 11 1 ft\\ lh'f •• I I • It IJ1 ll t .. , ... ;:.1-; .1 .. 11~ •• ,,hi• 1 I '71 6.3 S edan \ll•l:ilh1· :.il\t•r " hlu1· f1.,1th< r 111l1·rt111 full I""'''' 1111 111,. \I HZ 11111 " II I ... '. ll ' I 1 ~ "; • I I! ',IJ If.( o J I • '74 450SL Coupe 11111 f. I.''. I II \l .told 11· It• ,t l h I ' t ltl 1 I I I ti f ft Id\ Jf1 01J11 1\-t•,t 11 • . ")I l ;H '74 450SEL Sedan I \I• t.11111 '11\<'I ld111· " '11111' 11 ,11 IJl'f 11\11 I ll1r I di•<\ 111· Uflrl1'1I .dl11\ \\ 111·1 I, :_.1 111111 11111•< I .1h-.11l11l1·f\ ll.1\\l1· ... -1 -11. ~I -;''V\l l/.1 • '75 280 St>don ,~, ... t t i1·· •• ,, ltc•·t 1flU~~ " ))\ l"iNt lllt:t 1 • ., \)( I I 1 Hlrnur • 11•1••1 -.n "'l '::.,.o 11 I 0£AL£R IN U.S.A. mIBJ ~~~VER r ROllS-ROYC[ l 7l4 I l11h SI COSlA l.\f\A ~·~ "44'4 ClOSlO ~UNOAY•, .... :•;.11 ~I I 1 ll I' 1·: \" I I I .,... It' I I 4 It,. 1tt'11 I 1' I .' M ... I; )111111 11 ,1llltt IHIJ .........•.•..••.••.••. ...... AJ \II ti • t I If ..... .1110£AL£R IN U.S.A I ,., \ \\ rnR ~~~VER 'I r ROUS-ROYCE 1l4l ll•li SI COSIA Ml SA , , .111,IHll t .1t 1111\ '· 111 1#;J/ ,J Hl ~ \Int 111111! E\tr.1 ... 1\1 I '·l I 1 I ;, ) t 1,1,·1 ' \~---"' S46•44U I•••\\\ 1111,· Toyota 9765 J,1111 ,,,,fP 11 l1o\11f1 (1!1111•, \\\ f,1, 111uJ llHld 1 '" \11 " I I 1.11 I \"I \1 11 I '11 l .di !•li'I :J.'l I I o'I It 1•\ t•t I I ,pf I ,11!1 .Ill hi' \I I \fl'Jll \\ kJliJ , ri .. lifl•'' u11 t 11\\!1•' .ill rl•ll1 1., :0-,\1 II<'""" 1•11 oll 1111 1•1.111 ,,, \ \\ IL11,1 '•'\\ I•··~· I'll 71 \ olttll.1 4 JI• I u 1111. ft.Ullf ,\ luJJ ,.,,, '•' , I 1t\\f1t' d ~. 1.11 ... \}Id .,, • 1•-i I ~I "'l'J.1 h~ I 1tl1 i\.l. 1, '•A lefonY•'-r a TOYOTA-.. IKE IMPORTS lt66HAllOI ~tlOJ . COSTA 1Jo9SA, . . '' t Ulflll. IN t ii .111 fl•,._ 1,1 • I· 1111 Io I:,\ II \ If ,. j• "'~ "'' I ,, • I I . I \ \\ hi ....• , II·"" :!:!,t•H• ..J 1 1111 :O.ll"MI 11 I 11lr ' I ,1111,11.1~:,x , I \ \\ f 1 1 111 1 • \ I I th \\ .. ,, "I 1•f .... \ 1111 l11•l11-. t I. "111 , , ••• 1. '"' 'l~I ., 1.1 ltt.Hn• t1d f' I I r. f It fttl 1t ' • \ \\ "'""'"' •JI'\ 11 '", , 111 :h.,' 11. , \ 11 .tllt ! I J, I , I I I 11111111 1' ( til 11 I t: d I Hiid ~ 11ftd " I\• tf 1111 I "' "'I 1111 Id llf, I I ' Ill I ii ,, 1 ... I lt1\1•LI' I 111 l. I I I 11 1111d I t•~ld \ It•,,,, I '" I •If 'I ..... , \11 111 \ ,J :.I. " I ; I t II I I' \ \l I I 1 j "II I. I \ II • I I I \ lpt ••II ! 1 t lhl •l I 1, 1 t1l 1 • I I l!i f q, t \ \\ I 1111111 1 , I 1!1111 • 11 ,\fl.Ill :ftllH pl 'I• \ ti I• .,, I, ti '''I I 1•lttJ fl,,,,,' II' \\ .111l11111 1111 !'>11 \ll I' • I 1 ,I J ~I I. "•I" I ,,,,, lfH Id \ \1 I i l df!#' Iii! ,f/l I ,\11 l I fl >f I ' \\ I I f ' ', • hl!'q11.111 ltd•~ "'11~ I · ' ' ' i' / \~ , I J 1 ... '1 r. 1 • tt' t \IJ ,I I •l'fllll1I'\ SADDLEBAC I< VALLEY IMPORTS 831·2040 495-4949 FOR LEASE I I,; \l1 I• ttl• "'' "' II'• I 11 Ill t l.1 .• 1, ltlt '' I 'I I I'\ I I 111 \lit I rt • Cort Fox Lco~ing ·"' • \\ , ... , \ II I \1 6 45-3661 Lease New -Used OVER I 0 0 MERC EDES OM DISPLAY "I .11111 ,, ~ll'11 ,\ '\I l 'li '·'·i. ",J J l 1• ,..,_·, II FOR LEASE •I • l 111.' ... •I • ,f I 11 ltJll l ..... I \I . I \ Corl Fox l ea sing •" '" \\ I" t I 1 \I 645-3661 I I I 1 ·' I pd \11 "I• td1n •1 1 fltlfl 11'1 t l'•'lt• d ,, •• "., ,i·, '"'·,·· • "' -,1 1.1 t \II " 1 1'\ I!'" \ 1111,11 I • I I , .. ! I \ J " .. "· • "~· .f \1 If .'"l~I \f1tf I llllof I 1 1 "" II• I • 1 .. ,. I II II\ House of lmf.orts "'l"I'" 111 ...... , I \I 1 llttf<ll .11 \11 11n.1J1"~ IH \I 1.,1i 'MG 9742 f .... I 11t 11 l \ tl1 l II I I f• hf• I .... Triumph '•" I It, \ f I lt 1,, ,, ,,, • ' 1111o) '\I ~ .f't,!. I, ,\ I J ~ 11. 11 9767 I I' It I ii t ,, ''i '. 1969 TR6 C O HVF.RTl8LE •/II " S2 195 MARQUIS MO TORS 8 3 1·288049 5·121) l.''\I. \1 .. 1 .. 1 ... I 1•1 1111, ''" I' 11 I.. 523-7250 t·················.······1 1.1 I 1;. '· ... I'·'"'' ti• \I I'•' \H; \ t(uuf '' J \llll 1itp 111 11111d l '111 11 1 1•111: ltt1tl\ 1111 \\110•\\hl I 1111 11111'11 ~·""" \1,1 I\\\ ~1h.r\I h., >''HI t i1U ,'tt • 1 t'• I. \I Ill. 'llMI ~ ' .. 11111· \ MGB 9744 .1.1 ... 11 •,ll \\1 •~ ,.~, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ,,,, .. 1111 1 ''1:1 II 11 .. d1·1 1972MGBGT i 11' I 'I\ • '\I I • tt, I I Ill 111111)1"1 ... lltll' I\• I\ \\1•1 11111 .... ,t I 1111 1\1"' I r 1 • •II• •I •• I ., . ... 111 1111111 11111rl111 .. 11 \\Ill \\I I \I \111 I ,, •" SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS 83 I ·2040 495.4949 .. •v• ....... \•t.t,!T1'At1V\ 'i ·~ l"'l"\( " .,_,, C-'H fCOU' t ,'' ,.., '" . ' ''"-1' ~ .. ""'""'"' VW BUS ES & CAMPERS '7 3 Bus 66bGNM ; 1· ,, ' " • f I• I I i11I '71 Bus00 t41 I l.1. \1 "' '72 Camper 836FY E I I 111 •1 .111 111 '7 1 Bus 048FUM I I' .... ' II •I l It· 111 '72 Camp,..r 268JHU 1'f,1f t"l'~.1f.111 I ,11111" I '69 C amper 97317 l'up I op Fl ''1 \I( , 1 II I, tll' Yolvo 9772 7 2 VOLVO 16 4E I I t I I I) 1. lt11 t \ I I "' '"'' SAODLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS SJ 1·2040 495-4949 '71 Volvo 1800 f I II I t I \ ' "'"' I"" I •'I •It \1r t ••r11t ~ 11 ••• ~ ,\\t111tl '111•!.l• $4995 MARQUIS MOTORS 8J 1-2880 495.1 21 3 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO \1 11 .t\ l'I \\I)) \·11 I 111 I t \ •1l\ H, , •• 11•·1 ,, tl1.11t"t ( lllj)lf\ 111 ~ 111 I t· \-.I 11111 1·'.\' I l'f:)E:J 2025 S M onchester ;\n,1he1m 7!:>0 -2011 \I \•I I \ I ""'' ~· \\ ' \ I"'"' ,. 'Ir I I""'' I •'rt 1' '' ,., , 1,1~ 111 l l '"....._~_, ..... • ,ouo- IKE IMrORTS tfUtfAHO• M~tJOI . COST A MESA ., ,l\111\11111 1,1111 1.Pll" d 11. I' I ... II ,. \ I ,. 111 .. 111 .. 11 1 1111 •. \l.'\'T 1 • 11 \ It ,• :1 I :, 11 • 11 .... 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Xlnt cond Vtn)'I top , ~117 C'OtH':ir ,\utu. 1• s t •b \11•11 I dr. 11 I' .111t .. 1 11 T111t111.1du 1111111.11 Plymouth 9960 jVe 90 ?•17-l '>1•a-: '1?71 • l·'ulh f.1t tu1v ··i1u1p1,•·tl nan J•;J1ut. hra"•· .... J l', P l\.,urtorul t ilt \\J,·t·l t I'' .... L'"'"°' iun \1t•Pl1u 4·thr ~o• t1.uJ• ••••••••••••••••••••••·r ·····•••••••••••••••·• ••••••:•••••••••••• ••· SPECIALS I .Jtl i11 ,..., h1•,1l1•1. Hl·al .Y :. !:ti .l~>ll i;;:i t.la[>t · ~'1\I I' I' td! h!l~I.> I 11 '-•'I "11 "1' .ihl'• ltJJ 1 1111.t' I''" ·1""' '7 4 Pl YMOUTH 7; Ill\ hi ~ I< 11 I 1 • ' \ ' " 1 ,\ 11 l.-.·111111rny "' lhc lcallcr Ctte.vro let 9920 99351 '73 MONTEGO MX I·" c·,,u,,~ 11" in~ ·'" SEBRING P LUS 11;1· ':' '' 11.111.1 l'l JI '•' I \ .1 I \I, 1·0'7WS ',u,,ic, kl t~-kyhol wll ~I I ~;·;~~.\~'~,lllt'an '.\lolul:. ·····c··a··N··N···E··L·L······ ••••••••••••.••....••.• I D11w \ II ·"".I• Ill ,. !" T' n '" .1n '"T .-\.1,•.t •• ,' O\d>ll I0'-1.'\C •. 1 .. I ',I I •• t'QUlpflt·ll. 1'11 111~ lu1 $2088 l1tl:tHlll :o.hJtll l11,1k• I\,,,!,., 111 11\1 .1 111111 1 \II ,111 I'-., I""' ll\1111 ,'I. lltJl.t 'II~ '7 ti I 1 t fl 1t 1 \I \t1llll -· 'li71X11l:.:l· ~l.1l111.11 \\JI ,.,1 I ' '"" 1 -.1. • 1 11 I" "• 1 .1111 • 111.11•111 1·1 1.111 '"'' • · 1 • tr .•11'""''"'" 7 I Veno Hotchboc k • \ ' ti " 1 \" c,iua·k i.ult lli.!IJ\l \.l 1 \~kiu.:!).11)() 1.:i1 7•111 I 11·1111\ ;,i11 .. 11>11111111111 t• ti 1 ""' t .-11 ii la 1 •II• 1 •'•"' 11 h1 •·I 111,. , ,11 .. ~~:·::.~.~~~· ·~" ... 1m ·iii~ il 11 1 c" Ev Ro LET •• ... 01 .'.~ '.: .~ ,\ .. • • • • • .. .. ... ··.~~ :.·~. M• ... " " : ........ ::t. . ';: ..... ~·..... . .... ~: ... :·.: ": .. · . .;: '.::. , .... , .. .... " . .. .. .. . .. c o&r l'm.11.1 .... 11 lh•'lft~C .. ll JEEP)' ~.\l.1·:~&'-~.1t\1n. ....................... $1895 Pinto 9957 '''·' , , ,., .. 1. 11 ... 1, ,.,11• • , \H•t-l.t·11d. 1u:9lo.,111 2828 Hor bor Blvd. .., Ehtl' \\ 1111• "" 1111111 ••••••••••••••••• ................ ,..~ ...... .-. '68Ponc he912 Cpe . 11111 .......... ....,......... t:UST\\,t-::-.A loJtll'd ''!IJ11 1·.1·. SantoAno Super 011·1· • .1r '-•'l'tb J c.o••• "" 546 1200 fi7J t.i;;JJ Lincoln Mercury "11uirt· \\i.;n °111 I' 1' humt'.16;,!l~l>.\1 B11ick 9910 • 1:1Ut'l;.1'u,,t111 1'1 11 1 1.11 1., ... ~:!.l!~J\I, 1 1 111 1'=~=~=~~~~ '72MBZ 3SOSL ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 'GS Ford I.I I> Wgu lull SontoAno 547-05 11 1 1·1 """"'11'"''°11"11' · , "' . l!ln Montl' c ,11·!0. tm ri.:J111 pY.1 . :1.lnl l'<md. ::.1 ow. Dnv1• ll11~. om· .rnd ~ou II •·! l l·nturw11 4 tlr hn1lp JJrin· :S IMVll 1-:H riini:~ :>it; 1;.->ll 1 .. t 00521 •·• 1'111111 l.011 1111 1•11• 1'"1 .. ~::;:;-;;:r .. •·•• ncvl•r M·tlk for ll· ... ::.r~· l. 1111111111 1·\l'I ~ li-ll!!>2;>S .... u~ong 7-,. 11111al 'H .. i 1x11,111o1 .11lll:!I Lca~c or huy. llKl:!057 I . .., n .'l> ·t·t. l·\1111 l'JtUIJJJll•tl , 71 I.TD. I 111 . '1111 1·n11d I••••••••••••••••••••••• l.1 d\\' 1111., •1~··· '74 Ch~vy -\\11er f'I ' 11·,·., !IJtil. tl!J i\l;,illuu, 4! d1 JIT, .11r. I'S I'll, \l . 1111 \\, \\ ·1 hi \fu,1.111g ::.~:•, I' ~ I(' I I <: h -I'll I'S I sr ·•w r ad1:.ih, !.>:.l l JIJ, l'I' 111.1~:-0,l';Jfll:Sl.ill 7,, Hun11[)1111t .•• 11· Clillll wil l ""1 llJ'>l St Cadillac 9915 · / .Cl'Jll •• ~ · ~,•,1 ~·~·3 1 •• ·11 1•.u•1 l\l"J111111.1.'h1·1:-t1.111111u,1 7:! lhi-!1·1 .Jiii \' x HJc II)~ I ,llJI ho ,HI< I ~. J Utu, ,Jlll 1111 ....:.. . .!l~ I ., .. ~1 111:!1> Y.hl·d lll-.1dy lo )l<al'k & 5l!li 3171 ~ """ ~ " roll 1.1•"''' on t·\ll'n1k!I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.II th"" I.. i: 1·• l.>J:, Pontiac 9965 tt-1 nv• 11.1J11.111 1975 CADILLAC !'>tn\\g11 ·1.: h.111~ ..,,,.. ... .,, '73 FORD 71 \lu 'n1: •I" , ,.\"1:1 Plymouth 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 Chavy ....,on io 2 + 2 El UurJtl11l'mt\1·1 t1l•lt·. ,\.I t1 l 1 "11 ii 'I '1 '1 • GRAN TORIN O I• 1' I '111 '""1 ..,TIAC " Pt \\~e ~ult! 11 11 , \\ ~\h \'t:!l t1r· :!l.lht.;>h'•r1u ••tttl 'st:•'" "''·' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, lie.Al l'lu11u111.r 111th J lul u'•aulilul "J l·tiaf .. r" lilu .. 1~ Haymunll ""' l.' :'<l SPORT. V-8 l e Mons C o upe ••I t'IJ .... Huy 11r k;i:.c °' ' ' 1\uto lr.111, F.1t'l<11v .111 "" \ll~L\'-<i la 1\I ATLAS l 11.111t'd' \11.ilt1.111" .11;u l,tl1I\•. 11113!1071 with m;.itdung llllt•nur & "i3 Munll· Curlu Vinyl l'U11tl l 'o"l'I' ,.l, 1•r111i: .111111. \ 1·r.' 1111·1• •·w11l I l1.:.1ut1\1tlh111" 1titl1·~ '74TR-6Rdstr. whilctop.lla.,;illtlwcx l u p Hlu. Vl·rv t'l\•.ii1 l'11Y.er tit::.•· ltiJl.o .. :::.>l-•11 1.1 . .i,•1:!1>ti.10nt1J•i Chrysler/Plymouth SADDLE8ACK 1>r1''l'!o l1k1· a dn·:irn tru::..(IW~ll(>I.. P l'.Sl .!1!15fi·11i:.i21 H.Jcliu ll\•ati·i· 11p,.nl>;11ly&S1111 ·111111 VALLEY IMPORTS 9800 Autos, New 9800 ·······••••··•··•······ ..•••.•...••........... 837-4800 493-4511 32852\•ll•Rd. S•n.lu•nC•pletr•no SALES SERVICE LEASING * SPECI AL ORDER * 1976 PO~SC HE 91 IS TARGA C.r.jrirJ p,,. .,...1 • · • need. r alloy whc ot•,. Suµcr sh.up~ JJrt,·ctJ lo McLe~Cod1lloc Wh1ll \\,111~ \ 1ml 111111 ·,,, 1;111 \, .• 1.r1l""' 1111·1 j 1,\1 I 2nd& 5 J\ 4 1. 3 _n s 4 .1 2 111. 1 ·11\n.1 ·1.xSta \\'g11 ll1·:-.t nmd1 T111tl'tl J.'I ''" 1.11" \1 1°111 r .atn .11. ,1,,11 83 1-2040495-4949 ~l'll <:?:?:t11:11n llun.S.1111 \1111 -.11: .. 111 .. 111,• 1·11 '""I 1 .•. 111111: •·•111111' • "l''lll.11l1•irlll1al I '75MBZ 450SE . tilli 7.,1111 l.tc :>Ut;l;l.I 1 1,.1.,1:l~'t>i I ('111.1\10· .. 1 1.1 •o1.1i.l'11' l11rn1.p11 1--------..,.------------., Low rn11l·-. •. 1111111.w11l:1l1·1 I 546· I 9 34 1 1111 I• r 111 "hi \\I ,. \I * NEW VW RABBITS * <'Ond1l11111 1-'ull\ L.1tJ:, .... t.· 1'1111111111 ·;J('hl'I l 'JJ>f'f l't· 111\111~ $2495 II I.It 1 \ t._ .\ ·1 \I ''' \111 l••P \.In• blJc:;k trirn & h•,111•• • .:1•cw19 wheel t'tllUIJ lll'll s h .. 1p' 1 .. .,, ... ,.1 •1975 odilloc's • opll<m ... ""w 1111•, II.ill S ontoAno I I'S \1ml lPI• \'I l·\il 1 '74 PlYMOUTH , ,11.J ,1 1111 \1,.111 1 1 1 Mr,d1I 11 •. D ''Ao· •r, lo 'ht•r 11 .. 11r IJuy 011 1·'t"111lnt ('11up~·lk\1ll1•, Sh;.iqJ ~~1:>41 l!JJ'I"'" •1"rt11lm111:11·•1i:1kl"1 1 OUSTERV.8 lil• " .. 1;1,l.>'11,111 rr 1rcJr>fQtJlf" 1'1'1lJqJ 'o· .. lllel'1'd r,1o;J1als l ,. r 01 .' . w, .. i. <' 11 ,, ~·dJtt l>l• \ 111<• ., Lincoln M e rcury I t.1' \I I & d• 1.: hr ", ... ~ ., .. \ I I I 'I • I I \11111 11 111 ,.,,,,,I to I . I SI •• .1.,. 'I 1-:1 11ur,11tu , l!fiJ. 1011ll' l'at O L.lllt JU, I.IHI '-l 1i-.l111 j '' '" "111 '. ''"" 1111 5 3 8 6 7 .SJ)l.•cia • . ..... ,.. I u. -"-I -11 I( I 11 I \ I I •74 Mezz4 0Diesel &Fkcl\\IH><t ,.. SunruofS2'ilM1 Sonto A no 5 4 7-05 11 -.·0 111rut1tr 1a1.!,::1.M .. 111• ,11 111 l'.11·1 111,,1,., 1 11••111 <1 ·1~.1 .1111.. 58 1b_030., , lnOronqeCounty !>-ltl7JI~• 1 \\ 1•11hs1 l'.\I 11ull \111\I 111l11 1111 1, . 1, t •. 1 11 "" \.Int t.:lc::an. wl'll marnt.iinl'd 1''or-.;.ill•'f:!F1111f<:.d.1\.11 \\h ... I '"'"1'. l.11 11111·1 l'I' .ti •. .t t1;1x ~conumy l'h1,.. Ll'a:..l· .\II \\1lh low mali·-. & 'tu-.t Sdl, :-l:!.i nd• ""'"" "I. I ' , '.111 1.111 p.,, 11 1 11111 lllihl.I. Mot;l rl I/·\ I JV<11laulc. Sec ll lu<l.J)' ~c.Jr lJl'ltir)l•Jrt..inl~ li:\lolll<•('.1Jlo,lnHO\u· ;,:Jli ll:!l7.-ll '•l'lll 1 -..i. ,1,.~ ""ik ::.t.111 i.,tl $2595 1 ,. 1.,,11" I'"'· ltt.idi·tl IP.Jth11••1t•· r1.,uo0 l1ill1.r (112:.!t>-12) ALLEN ;,10 :1i.i.1; 11lr1 .. ,t•.Xl I 111111 tll 11 1!11u111d11 &d•.,ct;,r,iki . '7~MBZ4 50SEl I Ohb.11111htlf'l'.1tl dl~ll' ... h.11p lo'l('111lrn.1 ,\" '" S ontoAna 11.1111 .. 11 t'l'1.1.'l:!"t s3 70 I • i I EXN'lllt1'1·dw1111 Lu-'Uf.\) l.\(;l ~1\\1t:l 'l-:t. l;?Chl'\•W.1i:1111 .l:!7 .wto, nu ::,_,.,o,lw:-.loli i\ll ·• \'11t 1~~111~l.iiq tt·ll·:·: 11,1111,~. li,,coln Mercury jVego 9 974 5809·Qe01 7 • :..cllan. Mt'lal11" f1111i-h.1 495-6430 ~1'"~~ eoml .,1,1.·11 ~.~11·-... :1;a1 11011; \111111 11111 ''•'' i.o •t• •,1. !:>tot' 111 1111 f'lc1·t r ool. ! ·1, .. 11 a Ill'« ' ·'""t 11\l • ~1.11 '''•' •· illl •••••••••••••••••• •••• • * NEW VW SCIRQ((Q * 1~, ('u,111m .'11tl 11\111•1 SontoAno 547,05 11 ·l ll .1 l•tl •• 1a·I.. \1 ~.J µn•·l·d (tllllli!MH I "CADILLAC " C ome t 9927 'tHh i-rt •> I> \1111 "' '" u '' a111: i al '"' \\I I \I ,1111 i "'"' '.tll '75MBZ 280Sedon . ••••••••••••••••••••••• "~Ill ·l!l1>K.i.:! "1 1 1, 1.11·• , , .. 1 1·1· 1.1o 1 d1 11 l1.llal1 , " .t11 .I•\\ l.o ''"' ,. 1-:'l:l'Cllll\ l' d t•m o . "i'J <:ornl'l :!I :'<I I'<:. ,11r ,-1.'ou 1'1'.1·1•1 I •:1ul111 1d1h. ~111111 lll l' II:~ t~ 1.1 l'll•arJllt'I.' JJIH't•d L l'i.ll>C Quality & Price l'Olld .. xlnl. COllU . S:!lltl\I ti7 1''11nl ~t .1 \\ .111111 lh \\ ~I <:111.1 \I .111t ' I'S. , .. 111 •1,•1 ::1,7 \ I I .. , .. 1 ,.,, uq>un·hJ:.l' (I l'~tX7). Ov'"'r 70 ~IC! 4!6il f>.11111. gil I rt 1 • Hun Z .,. • l'I\ .011 ~l,.~1 11rr11 II."" •1111wlh1111! 111 ,...i1 \\,1 "" ~l. .. · '76 MB 4 SOSL '"" ::O.li.1 I.I ~ I'll• I to Choose From C t' t I 9"30 1·11, "'•. 1 l.1 •111 oJ ... t t11111 "'·II .1~ •' • .J1111 Coupe Roodster on 1nen o -, "THE HOT O HE" I ) 1 I f\ I "' • I . \, '<.r l rn1' A •• 0 For 1 ht· ••t·~c pt ,,.t ''."I t ht· ••••••• • • ••• •• • • • • • • •• • I':\ l' I 11lI 1 1' SI t' r l'fl l1J\\l''-t 11·.1..,• I ,lft' , ,\ tit· 1·J .. :-.l'lt ... 11"'"' ••ti tor p1·ntl.1Lilc 'l'f\'Ht'. :.,.,. 'I:! .\I.irk I\'. :-. Int , 111111 ,11 F11nl .al'"' •·r· 1·q, I ti r ,,.,, t-4 ,\ 1 ttf1f ''"' .. Autos, New 9800 A uto s, H e w 9800 . ...•..•.. ;: •..•....•.. t······················· ''" l 't ~ I f.1761-4850 $ 5 I 6 I 9800 Autos, N ew 9800 Aut~s. New 9800 ................................... t ••••••••••• .. 1lt•t11 li-.hl' 111..! .. l.lt.1. '74 MBZ 280 C 1-'ull' 1·1p11p1u·tl 111; l11tl1111: -u111 1111l 1111111.11111.ok •'- I" " "ti t 11 ., ' II I h 1 .. , .. ,.,.~Pttd S~t I'•' '1uu.-.h~:) NABERS CADILLAC :.:111~1 ll.1rlMI' lll\d CllS I ,\ \I l·:s \ ~tlll !1111< 01'1':'-S I''-I I\\' I 'ly l'IJU)I ti, :111 111111 ,If I 1111. :0-~1.l1C~lf1r111 1111 I'll !17!' llllH . 1.>< I, 111 1:1'"' h.11.1 \1111 1u11d 'dJ I )• .H1 p ·,;:-; l.1011il11. Id .... 1111 I' 1• ~ .• •• "•·• 1"1'~ "" 111·. nu.-. P•'l I .tll I'\\ I t ·" \I II I I 11' \11r. ,,..., l't2k~a$t Hll p1tll1 11 I 1111 HOUSE ·~ f·:ltf11r,1lft1, I fi,t1J1p,1~ Ill II• 1• '" ,,1111111. mt . .,011 Corvette 9932 111•1 "11 "" , ., . llMJI lu 1111. 11 P 1 tt '1'.0< • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 7:, T l1111 I.II \IH.fl I 11 f.t J JI> •''' ft ff U I tdfu I ll" IMPORTS 523-7250 1!17.f C.::11l1lt.11 St•tl.Jn I Ji \\ .irt • .111 l 111-.l· 111" JH• UJ llll tat~'• UIU \ 0 II' .lh • r. I \1111· <:.rlll•lr111101111rJI i-1 1\C'r •.11\1·r, "•'•'•• lrial'\I I'll :1:J~7 1.1:! J'.l!~I Lincoln 1;,) c ... 11. hlk. l11.1d1·d t l:!J w C:on o·tt·· ( "'"' Sa I .d -:'>l'W 'I 111•' ~11p1•r 1,111111 1 II Iii l l1.1 r lt-~lt111 I \I ···············-······· '71 LINCOLN CONTINENT A L COUPE V.8 AMC 9905' Sh.11>e -.111111 1.i: .r.1;7 '~'1!1~) ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •••1li-I C;uJ "dutu 1·;xr~·lf1·nt '74 MATADOR X 1·c111ll ~''" SPORT COUPE t• 1• .-., ix.• Cougar 9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f 111J I••\\• I \11111 11.irt '73 COUGAR XR 7 V-8 I .u ttq \ .111 t n11d ~1t·t t•u ifo.ol•I \\11111\\,tli 1111111\1-.1; .. 11t11m.n11: USE THE l I ,I II Ill I 'ltlll )'UWl'f \ "''' 11101 I. 1ffi, I '" 1\11111 ll.11"' F.11·1111\ ,11 1 ta·n•il Lil 111 1'1111\ t't11HI. l'flY.l'I ~l1·0·1 Ill I $3995 l 'o'~··r t.11-..-h1 ,d.1·-. I ,.\\.IPlt, \Ill (()'lj. 1 ~ll't·nrr~ I"•",., hr .1kcs. DAIL y PILOT r.1tl111 ,\ h1-.111·1. ont-1 .. F.ST "" rtl·r. ~.al1· 1'1 11 e d. "" llurr~' 1t:111h,,:../,1 RESULT" $2088 SERVICE UH.I ... -.~II ..._,.,h~-l ••'-c ..... 10,. DIRECTORY For Hcsult Service Call 642-56 78 Ed. 322 I< a <I 1 o • II , .. 1 ! • r I Santo Ana \\h1t1''\.JJI'< \'11"' '""' Lincoln M e rc ury I 111lt ti , l.1 \\ h1 • I • "' I 'JOI t \ ·1 11, 1111 I 1·1' \Ill\ I 11111 11111. Lil s t A 5 A 7 05 I I ·~-,JK 1: t ' on a no ., • $339 5 Mercury 9950 Santo Ana ·;1 C.1pr1 11;1111 1 "" Lincoln Mercury Wht 1 ,.,, 1111 t:i \I 1 1 1.1111 :-.:. 'rm.1111 ::,1 :!:~1 1>.11 ~1:1 ,q, , " S ontaAno 547-05 11 ,.,e-...ilti-i1:•1c.>1i1r"·· I I ...••..•.•••........... Autos, Mew 9800 Auto s, New 9800 Autos. H ew 9800 Autos, H ew 9800 I ···•···•·•··•·········· ·•····••······•···••••• llt.l "'td ''f'W 7f Tuyot.1 Mod;·I 1• i ~110 f • t h , ti ti• r•L1\ t.p~I«. dwn 4 HJnk p,,o-m1·nl<:tc.>l~/04~ (ullur·'-• ,, t-lud•ng I '. 1• '• .~ .. O··~· ,,..d o.tvm•·nt l)fl\.• llWWAL Jot RC! t/IJIGI HAil 11 4 TRIPLf l /FF Tl Mr SOW ICC POLICY ON ALL USED CARS SHAKE TH ESE USED CAR SPECIALS . off our tree It takrs little effort to make a den/ On ,,,ff Sunt1nwn Std ff or lP\9 NO•PO'' Jtettwo y 1400 N. TU STIN AVE. ORANGE CA. (714) 639-6750 IL!JlQJlrJlQJ(!J~) OF OR ANGE I Our New Honda Dep artme No w Open . • OYER 100 NEW 's IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIAT E DEl VERY WE ARE PROUD Of OUR OUTSTANDING :lECORO WITH THIS Ol!TSTAND:tlS CAR Before ¥OU Bu\' COMPARE OUR SAVINGS Atm mSPfCT OUR COMPlrn HONDA SHh/10 FACILITIES BRAND NEW I 976 1' / / HONDA CIVIC S 42 m.p.g. ' !l_ DAILY PILOT •• ~ I) . • f t• t . ; j ! J ~ j .. J t ;. • ~ ' . $ I, ;,. !J' !.' r ,I l " l ,l,. f '· . ll,_ OF FANTASTIC BUYS! *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . ! COSTA MESA AMC * ,!4 . * * ·~~ * . * * . . STRA IGHT THROUGH. from 9 a.m. Thurs. 'til 8 p.m. Sunday! * i:it~.Ul : BUY ANY VEHICLE ON SALE Between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 a.m. * * * and ~~i*ve an odditional $I 00 DISCOUNT! · * ***** ** *-~~ *********************** '7 5 GREMLINS. • • • OUR LOSS YOUR '7 6 GREMLINS. • • • .. ., OYE '50 FACTORY INVOICE! Cifil tt ! t: . " ~.. ~ .. , '. '/ All Invoice Cost Prices Posted On Vehicles 1976 PACER Economical 6 cylinder. 3 speed. electronic ignition. 2 speed wiper s. front & rear bumper guards! (A65S667A144351) SALE I PRICE ... 1976 MATADOR WAGON 9 passenger. V-8, automatic, air conditioning. t ilt wheel. power steering, disc brakes. trailer package, luggage rack. wood grain sides. & much more! I (A6A887N1 05797L j SALE $4 976 PRICE •.. 1976 HORNET 4-DOOR Economical 6 cylinder. automatic. power steering, radio. heavy duty cooling system. tinted glass. & more! (A6A057A277716). SUGGESTED RETAIL $4510 SALE $ 76 PRICE ... 1975 MATADOR Coupe with air conditioning. power steering. radial tires. disc brakes. tinted glass. & much more! CASA 167H200697). SUGGESTED RETAIL $5432 SALE PRICE ... • • • • • • • ' • • • • • ' • • • ¥ • • • • • • • • • • • '67 CHRYSLER 4·DOOR Aulo. rrans . :m powN o;rccnng, grcJt lransportat1on' (TIJ381) '63 VW BUG '72 AMC SPORT ABOUT WAGON LEMANS 4 Cyl . 4 speed, likl' n('W's ''876 ~~I~ t '.'~ns bi·~ 1~ft"'3"i' Jr· (PMZ478} (969HWMl ~ 1.7 I ~ 17 1 AMC AMX V-8. auto_ trans . ;ur. powN steering (1156605) '70 DODGE SURFER VAN 6cyl .. 3 specd. $ 1476 Save JTOnev' (78387E) ·10 AMC HORNET 2 Door. 6 cyl . auto . a" cond1l1o'l1ng. L o w mileage (654LVEJ. '72 FORD LTD Auto. trans.. air. pow"!r stocnng. low miles! (092EHH) S 16 7 6 •75 AMC PACER x 6 cyl auro trans air. power steenng AM F M ~IC'rl'O ffiJQ·; /I !.IP.al' (78SMWKl '73 JEEP WAGOHEER ~!: 0a~bo. ~r1~"; s !J.!'~,wer7stee,ring. ( 77'1HOV) ~., 1 1 74 JEEP CHEROKEE V-8. riuto tran-;. air. power steering. winch. & mags• {614LISI MANY MOR E CARS TO CHOOSE FROM I I I \