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1976-02-18 - Orange Coast Pilot
'I I ht ••• He Was Going to Kill Me' .Yugoslav Woman OC Grand Jury Beaten to Death;· Probes County Son,· 24, Missing Man's Jail Death j DAILY PILOT an * * * 10' * * * l , WEONE SOAYv~:!~~~~~s~;A~~UARY 18, 1976 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 'Not A Hazard' Reds Reject Radiation Claim MOSCOW (AP> ..-Izvestia, the Soviet go\'ern- ment news paper, a('knowledged today that there is "~kctromagncttc radiation" tn the VS. Embassy in Moscow but s aid 1t 1s no more than a normal level of cm1ss1ons for any laq~e city. The ne\\spapcr d1s m1sscd wesl<'rn ne\\S reports that the r<Jd1at1on was dangcrous as "trumped up from beginning to end." In thl' firs t So\ tt!t C'ommcnl on reports of radia- tion ha1.ards al the embassy, Izvestia rejected any SUJ!j!('St ion that the health or Embassy personnel were cndangcn·d. ll blamed the n'ports on "circles that op- pose the ltn<.• of maintaining and developing good, normal r e lations lx.·lwccn the U.S.S.R. and the L'nited States.'' T ht• Boston Glob<-said !\Iondav that lJ.S. am- hass<1dor Waltl'r Stot•ssl'I has a mysterious blood ail· m cnt 1x>ss1bly caused or aggravated by hig h levels of Soviet mt<'rowavl'S. RB Bartender County GrandJury Probes Jail Death lh K.\ Tll\' ("I,\ '1,('\' Of tfll• O•llt ....... \U" Th<' Oran J.:l' ('1111111 > <; r .1111..I J111 v is looking 1nt11 thl' dr11th or :1 Westmin,11•r man who may hav1• su!rt>rrd f.1t.1l t1<·arl tnjlrrw-1 \\h1lc s1.•rvsnl( a wt•1•kt•11111a1l H·rm . .ltm Enr1Rht, ('hit'( dc•puty dis- tri1.·t attornl•y, sascl hoth th<' <Srand Jurv nnd tlll' 111ry ·~ Cnmmal J11!'ittr1• ( ·omm1tll'1' h11v1• !!tarted an 1nt1111ry into lhl' fo°t'b 2 death of Don Ne Ison. 3U A !'pokt'sman for tht' .. tale nt tomey Rt>nerul 's oHtcr '>11111 today an inve11t1gallon b\' that Ol(rncy Lnto the death probablv will take a .. 'OUR PAPE.R' AD SOLD C4R "The ad sold the car Thr Daily Pilot is ·our paper' for sure." That's the sales success story told by the Corona del Mar Man who placed this ad in the Dally Pilot. '71 El Dorado. xlnt t'ond Fully equip. 39,000 mi's. Pvt. Pty XXX·XXXJt If you have a car you wont to 11ell. call 642-5678 It only takes a few words in tht' right place to attract a buyer. Along the Orange Coast the right place to advertise 1s the Daily Pilot h.1t'k scat to lh<' local prohe, at h•,1<1t trrnpor..inl} l>cput ~ Allorm•y General Dan Kremer or San Dtcl<!O had reques t· ed 1mt1al rrporL'I on th<' drath fie cnuld not be reachc·d for comment tod.1v. B1it an aide said his invl'stiga· tion at th ts point i11 u1mt'd pnmurl· , ly at makinj.! certain an offac1al probe 1s bt>tnl( C'Om pletl'll lit• may C'OnUUC'l his own IOV(•St1gal1on latrr. thl' 111dt> said. Nelson. a bartcndrr at the Maritn Inn in Uuntml(ton lkaC'h and candidate tn la~t spnng's ()(oean \'1ew SC'hool 01stnct elec· lions. died at Orange County Medical Center aClt>r I) m~ m a C'oma for a week following sur - gery for a s kull fracture He was taken to OCMC Jan. 25 by 1a1I officials a Cler becoming 111 in his cell. At the llme. he was serving the first or rive weekend Jllil terms on a drunken dnvmg convtcllon. Enright said Tuesday the Grand Jury 1s responsible for an on-going tn\·estigation into jail conditions and "would not hC· nore" c hecking into any jail· related death. The district attorney's oCfice will be looking into the matter as well. Ennght said , as an advisor totheGrandJury. But so far. he continued. all h is office has received are int\tal re· ports from the shenffs omce, as well as correspondence from an <Se~ PROBE, Page AZ> In Tot's Woillan Found Clubbed Orange Couni~ Sher1H's of. f1C'ers launchl•d a statev. 11Jc sear<'h today for a Yui.:osl«in·tan 1mm1grant who disappeared fro m this art•a shortly after ht~ mother's hattt•rrd body v.as found in h1::. Santa Ana traill•r home Sheriff's inves tigators said they took over the invl'st1gcitwn into the killing of Nada W1b11n. 46, or Tus ttn. artl•r th<'Y dl· termsned that s hr was dubb<'d to death v.1th a tabl1.• Ir).! in the Mod Jeska Canyon Jrt'a. Wanted ror CjUl'SllOntnj! Ill con ncrt1nn v.1th h(•r dc·ath" Mu·h:il'I Branko M1h•nt1Jt'\ 1r. 21. \\ho v.as IJ~l \l'l'n Fr111a} ni~ht v.hC'n ht"> i.tepfother. Ott\ t; W1l,11n \ 1 ... 1t <'c1 the tr:iiler on MrFadd1·n A\'enue in ~•·an·h nf h.-. \'l(r ln Y<'\t1~ator!'> 'Jld M1ll'nl1JC'\1r told Wilso n tha t Mr' W1h.nn \\Js Jll right and hl' should n·turn homr Santa Ana poltC'f' :.Jtd W1l!.nn n •turnt•d lo I h1• Ir a tin l.111•r when h111 '>lt•p-.on ldl th1· \dlld<· .inti found his w1lr's hotl)' under a blood stauwd hlankt•t. Investigators today s .11tl ttwv hC'l1evl' M ilt'nl 1J1•\ 1c tonk h" mothC'r out to ModJ1•\ka Can}on and k11lt'd hl•r with a lahle h·I{ s hortly uCl('r tht•y h•ft h<'r Tustin horn<' Friday on a shoppm~ trip. lnvl.'st1~ators s;11d lht•y knnw that MilC'nt11ev1c had a lonl! hii.· (~e BODY, Pa.Cf' /\2) Amin Ditty Big in Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO <AP> -Two Brazilian son gwriters ha ve com· posed a carnival tune in honor of Uganda's con· trovers1al president, ldi Amin. The song, who'le title is translated as "If Amin Said So ... , .. is said to be among the favorites or the city's disc jockeys. The song has been re· corded by one of Brazil's veteran car nival performers and will be s ung by frolickers during the city's official pre- Lenten carnival festivilte5 from Feb. 28 through March2. Ufft T•f.-OtM.10 'MIND AND BODY SWAMPED, RAVAGED BY SLA' Patricia Hearst Gives Tear1ul Testimony Patty Feared Death In Hibernia Bank • SAN FH/\:-o;CJS('O !/\Pl Patr1C'1a ll1•Jr'I ., .. ,, h1•r mini! was 'v.am1lf'll "1th rC'\'•1lut11>narv rhetoric and h1•r hoclv rJ\ai.:1•11 hy rape and othu ph\4'1rul abu'>c when 'lhl' rohhl'd a bank under f l'ar or execution Miss Hearst wt•pt rrequently a'l she test1f1ed bdort' thl' JUry for the second trm<' TUl"•day a.day on w1"11ch lhe t rt a I JUdlo?4.' l<i-.Ued a memorandum saying the newspaper heir ess railed to con- vu1ce htm sh e was "a pnsoner whose every move was made un· · der the watchful eye" of her Symbionese Liberation Army kid.napers. Miss Hearst, sipping water and using tissues to wipe away ll'urs, told jurors that she <'ntcrcd a Hibernia Bank branchonApnl 15, 1974, cert:11n that SW\ ch1dtain Donald "Ctnqul'" OeFree7<' m tended to gun hrr down in front of surveillance cameras. Shi' watch<'fl a rl'pl.1\. 11( ttw hank rohlwn :ind.\\ h1•11 a'k•·d hy ·d<'fl•n-.i' coun~t·I F I A·f· ll.11l1·v "hy \hl' fn·qul'nll \' i:lann.,I o\ 1•1 hl'r \houlr1Pr at ()l'f· r1•1·11-. (St>e PATTY, Pa1o?e i\2) Airline Bear Dies at Zoo SAN DIEGO <AP) -T<'ddy, the four e~ ed "I hate Qantas" koala bear of television com- merc1alc;, 1s cll'ad. His death Monday was blamed on a kidney mflammalinn and malnutrrt ion. according to a . pathologist's report. Teddy. born m /\ustralla,in 1967, was the only male koala al the San 01e1oto Zoo. The zoo ha!' threl'females. , . Mother's Friend Suspect By ARTlll'R R. VINSEL • Ol lh• D•1ly '•le4 !M.111 A man tdl•ntsf1l•d a!> a l1w-in boyfr1t'nc1 "ai. arr C'stt•d hy llunt· mgton 111.'ach pollee t•arly today and char~<'d with murdl·r. in rnn. nt•C'tio11 with thl• d1•ath of l yl'ar- old Ol'lta Dav.n Oavtd!>IJll. Tht' l1ltlt• girl was pronounc('(j dear1 in th<• llunl1ngton Inte rcom· mun1t y ll o!.p1t:.ll 1·mnge ncy room ••l 1 <i m .. l1•ss than one hour after :o.tw w a:-. brought there by hn mot h1·r Patrn•k IL lkhcrt, 2'1, of 17441 Koledo Lan<', wa'> l><x>kl·<I on s us. p1r1on of mu rdcr ufll'r IH•ing stoppl•d h) h•>lh lluntin.:ton ll<'arh JrHI Wl•s t111111s t1•r pol11·c at Hl'at'h B oult•\ ..ird Jnd llcd A\l'llUl'. ll!'l1t•rl. v.lw i'> unrmploy1•d. 1'4 hl'lfl 111 llunl 1n).!lon lll·ad1 City .fall \\1th1111t h.111 . 11t•ndm~ I'>· !>u.1nr" or .1 1 om11l,11nt ·1ht•11t•acl 1 l11ld ' motht•r. O<•lly I I.I\ 11l,11n w hum pollc·1· .,;11fl ts on "1•11.11 ,. . 11,1., 1111t 111•1•11 ' harJ.(C'CI I \\II h ,111 V orr I'll''' ,11111 "ol'. .1ll11wc•d to 11'1.1111 l u ... t•1dv 111 .11111tlwr H \l'.11 old ll.1111:hll•r I I' 11 I 1 1• ,. w 1· r 1· 1· .1 l I 1· 11 h y 1•1111•1 ~1·11t'y 111urn n11r'I' .I.in A11 pl1•h1·11 v 'hortlv .1ftrr Mr ... ll.1v11l<.11n 11t-l1\..i•11•1I th1· un.· <S1•1• H,.:A'TIN(;, P111t1• A;o Or::n:a. .:"~t t "'(•nth••r Vari,1 hit• l11~!h 1"1111111 •; h<·1·11m111l! 1111 ... 1 Iv c l11u1lv Th11r .. 1lov l'uld1v f11~ an;I lnw 1'111111ls l11111i:h1 .11111 ·1 h11r ... 1l.1v mnrnmg ll1l!h-< / in thc· low li<h 1.o"" 1'1 111 ·.o. INSIDE TODA V Thouah othrr m111•w' hm•r micr 11urpq H<'d ''' t:xu ntf11 I' record. non•· h111 e cnpl11rt'd • 1111' p11hllr 1mo11lnnlu111 lrkl' "Gone With lht H rnd .. A7. AtT ... r...,vlo .. 111.,. €•-..... !OH, LM .. yd 0t11 ..... 1. °''""' <:r•'1w.rlf O.••ft ... UC•\ ee11er111, ... l."t•f't•tftm.nt l'!IWMO ,_ -IMltHenl ........... ...... u.-.. Index Al MlllMI AH Mew-I•\ (I "'"'" ... Al Mwl.,.I l'ttnelt A\ H.,191oal Ho wt DI Or-C.WlllY DI--· At \y!Yla ... r1tr At~' 8•\ MOO-•UO •• , h ..... _ c• u ""•"" At It .... , ... , (.J .......... " Cl • A• I 8• I •• •• A• At (t ) ., 111 ) .. , •• ••• A• A• I A2 OAILYPILOT s Potty Tells of Attacks by SLA ~air SAN FRANCISCO (U PI> - Excerpu from Patncla Hearst's t"timony 1'uesd:ay at her bank robbery tnal &1lcy: Prior to the mok1n1 ol lhls last tape, as be~l you can re- <'Jll, rtld there come a Ume when one of the women came to you and t:ilked to you Jbout gelling It oo with 11omt-onf'; MU.s Hearst Yes Q. All right. <.:an you r e· memoor where you were ut the lime" Ford Orders · A. I WU in the closet. Q. Were you blindfolded! I\. Yet. Q. Do you remembt.'f' who the 1pe11kerwap? A.Yes. Q. Who! A. AnJela Atwood. Q. All rt111ht. Can you t ell \l~ what sM said, us best you can re· member? A. She said that I wa.-; going to sleep with William Wolfe. 4,l. Uh-huh. A.And sol did. Spying on U.S. Citizens Ba1·1·ed WASlllNCTON <API -Prec;i- dent Ford 1!.sued onier. today barnng the CIA and other in- telligence agencies from using e le ctronic or p h ysical s ur- veillanc•l' to collect information on the domestic act1v111e:. or mo!>t American l'1t1zl'ns and organ1la· lions. Jn a followup to his Tuesday night press confcrenC'c at which he announced plans forroorgansz· ing the intelligence community, This Sa/e's Real,ly Safe SAN LORENZO tUPI> Burglars stole a !>afl· from a San l.or<•n10 1un1or high SC'hool and dtM·ovNl'd they couldn't open 1t. In fru s tration. the thieves put the• :!5 pound !>are on tht• rJtlroad track!> and wa1tt•d. A Southern Pac1r1c train hit the safe, k1111ck1ng st 40 feet down tht> track!>. It .,.. as still scaled when found by authorit1(•' Woman Suing Bar in Death Of Husband OamaJtcs In be• determmed in ·the trial court arl' bt'mg dr· manded by a Nt'wport Beach Y.Om,m .,.. ho rl;umc; her lal<' husband ''i dealh wa!> caused by the numbt•r o f drinks ht.> was sen ·ed al a lluntmj!lon Ucach bar. Germ ainl' llolgu1n M<'Millan. 112 W Coa~t l11 ghway, Newport llcal·h. names tht• opc.•rators of the Driftwood lh•ach t'lub, 21462 l'acir1c Coao;t ll1~hwny, llunt· 111gton Reach, as defendants in h1•r Orunj.!c• County Superior Court l:t\\ :;ult .lomt1tl as c·o plumt1ff by her !I Y<'Jr old :-on. Broch. 'he ullci;:cs 111 lhe nct1on that drink-; ser v<'d to H1chard F. llnl~utn IJst Feb :J "hen th(' dc•ft·ndanh kn<•w h<' ulr1•iteh w.1~ drunk 1<'11 h1 hl'I c;uf· h•nn~ r.1tal lnJUl ll'' \\ht•n his c·ur pl1111i.:N111110 .1 clr.1111.1.ic· dill h Blast Cas~ Eyrd UIHMl:-.:<..:llA\I. /\lu < Pl A '01111·1· 1·lm>1• lo 1\tl\ Ct•n f11ll 1~1,ln c·onr1rm1·tl t111t.1~ thJt .in Ill\ ...... 1.iat IOll 11 .... ht•t•n ll'lll)('nt'll 111tu thl• lhrmmiihum 1•hun·h l'X plo:-111n which kllll'll four youni.: blurk i.:irls 12) t•ar~ 01111 ORANGE COAST ,.~ , .... t~•·t ''"'' ...... •'"' -~ t I I t I H .. '-t•"' I ••Ci• •\ 1'-""' .._"1 rt •J. I r j> I I' t , 1f ii f ·H tJ ( ,_,_.,.., t '-I• 0 ... Hltl • .1•• t vf '' t I ¥ ""''"''f ...... rv• , I I t • ~ ' ,, Mt ......... f .. t ...... " ····"'"""' I I t' I •••"\•t 1 'i'•dl ' II• I o .. , .... • I • t 1 I •1•1 ~ "''ftl'fll• l•t t '•"~,th I 1'4 f A ~·"'""1'• • ' ,,.,,,. • t "... • ' '' ..... , \ ,, ..... , ~ .. rl " _.., 11.1t o 11 .. ("' t • t ti I f• ,1 • 'ol I Wt • Iii lA.I ~ II •I )lr•t I I •I 1 ~ I t• I '"" t '"'"" Rob4'rl N WM'd f•• .... ,.,, . .., r °"' ... , J•c k R C"url;oy '-'•rlr .. ,.,..,.,.,... '•"-IM-,.1 l hQn1,,<. l<.1."1'1t1I 1 ho ni.1' II M urplllnt' "' 'I ""f ' A I I fliA., • ~ t ., # Ottius (,.. .. ,,.,..,, .. ~ .. .,,,.., ·~·._, , ...... "' .. '" ''"' ., .. , ....... ' t'""! "•''""' f\r •tfil 1 • ,....,.,~ "'o I '-••a.J••(;.• •\•IN t I ,...,fl I~• .. <J .. , '-' .. ft ·~,,.. ••• l•letillon• (114) 60-4J11 Cl•uitif'CI Adnrt1s1nq '42 S'71 '-l ti ...... "-" ......... , "' ... Sl1-4l10 f rtw-...... (. ~l""IPl'!tp 4tS.OUO ''"""~'1't~~'"'~·· ~''" 5-40-12?0 (llf'!Y't~I 1'1• Or~ CN~t f'.-1-.l•flrO (O"'\> ................ * \I ,H IU\f\tl ''"""~ ""•t!Yotl "'•ti'' ' ·~ "' t ,. ,. '"'' '"''' '" " ... , , .. rt l • 11-..i .. rt ._,t"'•~I Ht 4.••I l'''"'''-•1•., ct (C"'fl·Y"'I~, '-'<<""'" I 14t\t ~O\l•O• 0t H1 flf t •\t.t #llllo\A f •• ,,.,... ,,. '""°'' t 1th oClll P.-\1 t IH' • \_) 2\ ""'~ "'"" .., .. ,.., .. •'4 ttmol'lltMt •••u11u"''°"''..,..*" \.) l\f't¥H • • Ford also said he would support legislat1on requinngjud1cial war- rants for national security wiretal)6 and mail opening. Jn a message to Congress, Ford indicated he would seek to expand the power of the government to u p e n mall , which 1s n ow permitted only in criminal tn· vestigalions. "We need authority to open mail. .. in ordertoobtaLO v itally n eeded ,foreign in- telligence information," Ford said. Ford also proposed a stlff new secrecy law which would provide cnminal penalties for any ~OV· E"rnmt.>nl em ploye or contractor FORD~EAGAN STANDS 'TO RIGHT OF ME', A4 who leaks intelligence secrets. The law also would gl\e th<' gov- ernment new legal J>0"' t.>rs lo pre· vent the publication of s uch secrets. A 36-page executive order that takes effect M arrh t also wouhJ bar tnfiltrat1on of domestic or ganizations. drug tests on un !>USpectmg humans and 11legally obtaining feder a l tax returns. The restrictions do not appl) to the FBI which will begoverne<I by a separnte set of guidelines l<i be issued within 90 days . The CIA would be completely b a r r e d ( r o m e I c c t r o n i 1• eavesdropping inside the Unttl'd States. and the National Security Agency would be prohibited from intercepting a ny "comr.nunica- t ion which is made from,'or is in- tended by the sender to be re- <'l'l\'ed in, the lJ n 1ted States.'· ··u n conse n ted phys ical searches." apparently including break-ins, would be outlawed within the U n1ted States or against U.S. cit1wns abroad ex· cept "under procedurei. appro\•ed by the attorney general.·· An accom pany1ng document said that the res tnct1on.-; plac"d on inte lligence act1vi11es pro vided for "limited except ions" which, for instance, would allow physical surveillance of a US citizen who is a present or rorml'r employe of an intelligence agency or one of its contractors, or 1s "rl'· asonably believed to be acting on behalf of a foreign power or e ngaging in international l er- ronstor n a rcotics activities or al" tivitie~ threatening the national security." Parts of Ford's executiv<' order were not made public "because or the 11ensihv1ty of the information and its re l a lion to national sccu11 tv." a White lloust! documl'nt said. Fr .. r-.Al PROBE ••• attorney for Nelson 's w11low, Bon- nie The Gr:ind Jury has not v<>t d<'· clded if 1t will call fortM!tlmon) m thC' mattt•r. Enright said. f:nrlght said Mrs Nelson'" nt torney. RobC'rt Llt·~ .Jtmhn:-;. hn:- 11skc-d his officl' to 1nvest1..:11tC' But before that tNtul•St wu!> rt• <'t'IVed both t he Grund Jury 11nd (.'r1mln11I Justicl' Comm1tll•1• alrt.>ady hnct requt'sted an in vei1 tlgahon, hesatd. lie !laid the agl'n<'y will c-h<'<•k to sel' 1£ there were ony t'rm11n11I violations or v1olal1ons of pro <'edures. lie could not predict how long lhe probe might ta.kt' Cuba Troops Withdrawing WASHINGTON <API -The Sont't-bat'ked P opular Move- m ent for the Liberation of l\ngola apparentl y has decided to withdraw C uban troops from further combat in a vlctortous ad\'ance southward. U.S . or- ftclals say. Halling the Cubans would avert a clash w ith South African forces holding a defense line some 21 miles inside the African country. official'S here so.id Tues· day. Q. Did she explain to you any of the t'UStoms of the SI.A, what lhelr sexual pattt'rn wu that you "ere to be aware or! A. Yes, she said that s he and everybody els<' wantf'd m e lo know more about what 1t was hke belna in lbe cell with tht'm. Q.Uh-buh. /\. And tJt:tt e-veryo n e hod to takt! cure of the ncoos ol other ~oplc> 11nd that :.exuul freedom wa:. a p11rt of the fun<'· tionlne of th\' c1•ll und that sin<'c J'd been there. even though 1 wu:. * * * F,....r~AJ PATTY ••• rt.>plil'd. "l had thought that evt-o though I would go in and do this, that he wus 1tomg to kill me anyway inside the bank." She said she reacted 1A 1th 1hs- ~hef .,.. hen the SLA told her they wert.> going to rob a bank and !>he "ould parll<'1pate They s:.ud they needed money. she test1f1t.'d. and that De Freeze "v. anted me to be wanted by the FBI." The basis of Miss Hearst's de- fense is that she part1c1pated in the holdup under threat of death The jurors I istened intently Tues day as the defendant testified bet ween replays of the tapes she s aid she recorded in blind terror. She told them or being forced to 'have l>exual intercourse with DeFreeie a nd SLA m e mber Willie Wolfe 1n the cell·l1ke c loset where she .,.. as kept blindfolded Balley said M 1ss lkarst would continue hl'r sau today, her third day on the s.J.and. a:. !.he mo\e:. in- to what he tOn<'l:des 1s the "sllck1est point·· 1n ht•r defense a shooting spreP that ll'd indirect· ly to the death!> of 0e..-·ree2t.>. Willie Wolfe and four olher SLA members in a shootout. Tht> defendant has admitted spraying a Los Angelei; sportrnl! goods store with ri rle fire in .,.. hat she rla1mt.>d was an SLA·mduced reOex to fret.> two SI.A members from a bungled shophftml! al tempt A pistol le rt on the sidewalk and u teen-ager t a ken hostagt.> over· night plus other clues led Los An~eles polic·c• to the s hootout in Y.h1ch thE• !>IX SLJ\ mc•mbers died May 17, 1974. Tht> jury will see a \'1deotaped newscai.t of the fiery afternoon. Bailey said. US. Atty. Jamt.>s L. Browning Jr. IA On a crucial v1ctoryJ_ast Wed· nesday whe n U S. Di!t. Judge Ohver J . Carter allowed the Los Angt-les act1 v1t1es and Miss lleart1t's tape-recorded words as "Tama" to be admitted into evidence Woman Gets Her Eye Back LOS ANGELES <UPI > -The t'yenapmg ended qwetly. with lhe hostage back in its SO<'ket and the susJ>(!ct set frel'. A 42-yeur-old woman com- plained to police last week that h<"r boyfriend hud stolen hl'r glass eye and w as holding it for $JOO ransom. Poh<'e took thl' 46-yt'ar-old sus· pect into c ustody Tuesday, but he told them he had already re- turned the l'ye after s~mg re- ports that police wl'rc lookmg for him OHic<'rs found the woman at County USC llosp1tal. hnvm g the t>ye replacl'd in hl'r l'''<'SOCkl't. She said o;he did not Y.Unt to preso; <'harli?t'S and thl' cyC'naper 1Aa:. re· lensed in the t'losrt. that I should kno"'' more about thc>m. Q llow 1011~ an t>r she had lht'> conversat ion "'Ith you did W1ll11• Wolle COM t' 10 ! A. Not Ion.-urtt'r thJt l don t know exactly. It ,.lb tho noH.' night. Q. Was your blindfold n · movt><t> A \'t.>s. Q What t'loth1n~ hut! )OU ~·\•11 usmg since >our capuv1t.>'" 1>111 they ke>ep you 1n the bath1 ohc 111 furnish you some clothe:.'' A Thry gave me clothes. IJ Uo you remem~r "'hnt 1..mrl " l'..in you descnbe them 1n .In\ IA a)"' A ~o 1J \\ ht>n Mr. Wolf<' came 1n tht> t lo!>ct "'hut did he i.uy and do'' /\ I don't really remember \\hat.\( anything. hl' said. <~ l>hl h~ take you out of th~ 'h1'\'t ., A No. ~ Whaldidhe do? /\ Ill' <'ft me 1n to the closet and ht' dosed the door Bound on a Honda Q Did he m ake you lJc down on the noor" A Yt•!> Q And then whal did h<' do·· A. tlad i.e>.ual 1ntt1rroursc Q l\l •omt: tlmt' urt..r that, tlul aom t'\me else cont(' to lbc cl~,·t !or the same pu1 po!>e ' A Yell. q , llow Ion..: aftu.i : A M;a)'l>t• 11 1A1•t•k Q. Who wu-i it? A lt Willi ('1r111Ul'. Q Old he do lht• sarnl' thin.:• A . \'cs lllollJ Pllool -· lly .... I NINtlol•ll Some dogs "ill do an~ th111g to plea~e tht'ir maslt'rs. as 1s <kmun-.1 r..1ted by this "Easy H1d<•r " 1·ru ... 111g .. 1111th on the Sant a Ana FrN•\\ ;i~ 'l'm•..ilC1~ 'l'hl' bizarre s ight !>tarlll'Ci motorists, 111<'lud111J.? two Highway Patrolmen. who were too bus~· writing tickets to check up on the legality of c ar- rying canine passengers. A piece or carpet on the tank top keeps the pup from dip- ping off during cornering. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 2-week Delay OK'd For V allerga Trial Former OranJ!<' Count\ a' sessor J ack \'alll'rlla ha~ h1•1•11 grantt.>d a two \H't'k d1•l .1' uf .1 conspiracy tnal th al .,.. .1-. 11•1·1•11t ~· tran!>fern•ll to K,•rn t 'nunlv Superior Court 1n Jl.1ki-r,r1l'ld . \'allenia. 51. "111 noY. ~o on tnal M art·h I. t ht' II alt• 't'I rnr I ht· trial of Conj.!rt'''m.111 /\ncin•\\ llinshaw on 1dt•nt 1c.1l ch.irl!l's I hru;ha"', 53. "111 Ill' trtt:'d tn S.in ta Ana Bakersr1eld court orf1<'1ah \I.ho 1nd1cat ed TuesdJy that JUI\ · :o1election was under IA3 V m th1· Vallerga case l'xpl:1111NI toda~ that the t n a I .,.. as a<"tu.il ly :.i-. signed to Judgt> I'. H Borton ' courtroom . They said :i panel or pros p<'<' li\'e Jurors had hl'c'n sc·nl In that court room shortly bf'forc the con tinuance was granted ''At the point that the inform ~1 tion was released lo lh<' 1111•)s \H' were under lhl' 1mpn·..,s1nn th.11 we hall a t rial undC'r Y.3\1 lwrt•.' the court 0Cftr1al expla1111•!1 Yuma J et CraMh YUM.A. An1 <l'PT> A pilot killed in lh<' rolhs 111n or '"" military Jl'l~ ""·"' 11l1•1111f1••tl today as Ma nm• C:.1pt (o1•111 i;1· C. L11dd. 29. of I h1• l\Ta1 tn<' Corp'> l\1r Station at H1•jufort S t ' /\l 1o;sue 1n the Bakcrsfidd trial 1-; th<' allel!atum that Valleqw \\ J'-one or a number of l'mployes 111 lhl' a.;c;es!>or 's 0H1re who p l' r m 1 t t t' d c o u n I y t 1 m c· • matl'nals and manpower to be U"l'd during county assessor An· cln•y. llm!>haw's successrul bid fnr ConJ!ress m 1972_ \ allerga "as conv1cl<'d on multiple crimina l charges last Au.:ui.t 1n J trial held m Ventura C:ounty Superior Court. lit• was fined $1 ,000. removed from county ofrlce :ind ordcrcd to M'l'\l' a 60·day jail term. Thl' fine ,ind Jail term havl' been stayed pending a ruling on his appeal. Fro• Page Al BODY ••. lnrv nr m ental probll'ms and was lllld('r o;omc· form or mroicalion at 1h1• t1ml' of h1~ dbapJ)<'aranC'C' Tht•\ s :w1 lhl'Y do not know at 1h1~ poirll 1f the• ·drug pluwll any p.1rt 111 the :illtoged killing of h1.; 1no1hc•r ln\cq1~ators said they arl' not ·•"an· at this sta~<' of the prolw If t h1• "'unlf'd man and his mnllwr \H'fl' tn\olvt•ll m ;my dispute Ulut 111.1y ha Vl• ll'd to her death. Fro•Pa~AI BEATING •.. conscious child lCI th<• rmcrgenl'y room Detccti\'c J ark Welsh said lo day 1t app<•ared little Oelta Dawn died Of 1nJUl'IC8 inn1ctcd by a beat mg. No evHlence or hums or otht•r ind1calions or child m1i.lrl'alment werl' c\•1rtent. at•cordsng 111 Detective Welsh. The v1rllm'c; hnd~· rl'mamt.>d :ii lluntsn ~ton lntc;r commun1tv llosp1tal, wh<>rc c:ornnl'r's dt; put1es schedulrd n noon autop:w to determ tne the exact Ca US<! of death. JI 0 m I c I d c I n v (' 'i I I g a t 0 r ., . me;mwhtlc. were cnnft•rrmg \\1tli the Orani::c County U1slnrt Al torncy's orr1c·c and plannl'cl furthl'r intcrroi::iti11n or the fl\'1' foot. rive inch, l:JO 1>11und !.U.'>P<'<'t. Detet'tivc We lsh said he had s poken with the d c>ud toddll1r ·~ fath"r· Mrs. I>av1dsnn ·, C'Strangcd hu sb~1nd, Uav1d, 111 Corner:. v 1111', I nil . where he· "' employed as a ml·<:hun1c:. II<' said thC' fathl'r I) com mg to lluntmJ!tnn Be:wh 1mmed1Jteh to handle arran~l·mcnL., und <:1111· fer Y.1th police. No morl u:i ry had t>.·c•n sell•('l I'd or a-.-.1i.:1wd yet toduy. pc·nllm~· <'ornple11on of the autof)'jy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- HELMSMAN HARVFf (LE.FT) DESIGNER KOZLOFF WIN CUP ·C•t•meren Rec:era Score Little Amerlc• ·a Victory Irvine Sailor Wins Little America's Cup Cornes Horne nv Al.MON LOCKAREY O.tlly 1>1i.1 h.th ... llllit• l\lt•x l<111l11H or lrvmt· unri his vouth ful helms man. 1t ohli1 1• llarvey, :11'(' wm~mii their W{ty home rrom AU!itralau todny C'lutch1n11 lhl' Little Aml'rira's ('up, S) mbohC o r supremU<)' Ill t'la-.s C Catamaran racing. t\o!lofr. de1111(ner and builder or the ,oft wing Aquanu., V, took t ht• 2 5 ·fool ca t a maran to Melbourne. Australia. early this year determint-d to bring the cup to the U S for the first lime since 1l "'as dedicated 14 years ago. Rnta1n hu11 won 1t eight times, Australia three and Denmark one Kozloff a nd Harvey lived up lo their slogan. "Bring it Back" ma !.l'l' saw battle with the Australian defender, Miss Nylex, a h xed -C Cat, by winning the fourth and final race of the best four of seven series Tuesday U\u~trallan time I. During the hrst six races at rort Phill i p s B ay n ear Melbournf', Aquarius V httd won bv wid' margins in liAht t o moderatt! b reezes, but Miu Ny I<' x h u 11 s hown d t• f 1 n ti,. 'lllJI(' riori r v w h1•n t hl• w ind' wh111tlec1 up to tnOl'l' than 1;, knot!! "Th<' fo<'t that 1t wa-, thrt'c all hc•forf' !ht• r1nal rfll'I' Wiii ell! WOii d('r-1 rnr th1'! i.;t vl(' of ruc1n1t, · a11d1'll Ko1 loff rt!! tw c"1•lt•hrut1•1f h1~ ~c·v('nt h ('hnll('n2<' for th,. ruri "Th<' Y. ('ath('r w.1-. JU'>t what IA<' hart h1•1•n hoptnJ: for," s1111I lla r vey. th<' Cabnllo lkuch helm<,man "We could not havr a,k<'d for better cond1t1on"I for ui. I am vt>ry proud for l\mC'n<·o amt for Alex for what he ha\ put tnto gettln~ the cup back " Ko1loff and ll uncy o;111d they will bt-pr<>par1•1I to cl1>f1·ntt the cup m JR m onth11 oH thl' <'uhrill11 Reach \' arht C"luh unth•1 whost> burgee they sailed. NY Train Death NEW Y.ORK <A P > -An un- 1denllfied, e lderly woman died under the wheels 0<>f a Pe nn Cen- tral tra in in lhr Bronx an<'r she ran onto the \r1o1cks to r escue a dog, police aay . . .. .. &\S W©l!n rr ®@l?WO©© ~column •lltM!~n dallyeu~ Saltardaya and lloedaya. NeDk•t ·DEAR PAT: Last Friday even· 1"8 my wlte ond I went Into the Tale of the Whale in Balboa to have a drink and play a game or back1ammon. Upon receiving our drinks, the ba rmaid told us if was illegal to play dice games in a bar. We both explained that there was no gambling involved. She refused to hear our case and advised us to s peak to the management. We decided to finish our drinks and leave, but I'd like to know If there ls a law against such activities, or if were Just playing tlle wrong game. , C.N., Balboa Playing dire, nrds or any other similar came la a bar ls ll· legaJ In California. Owner BUI Caoette uplal•ed that such ac· Uvltln are strictly out of line in Im establJ1hemeat, plu.a belag agaJa1t U.e law. P.etrt1 Pllblbller DEAR PAT: I am very in· terested ln putting my collection of poems and short sayings into book form . Can you tell m e where I can get the names and addresses of publishers? L.B .• Newport Beach You and another poetry writer, IL ll., Huntington Beach, should refer to your library'• copy ol Writer's Market, publilhed by Writer'• Digest Publish.Ing Co., tt33 Alliance Road, Cladnnatl, OH 0%42. This reference book Oats 5,?0% paying markets for poetry, a rtlcles, abort stories, books aed other types of writing. It also Includes thousands of market• for pbotofraphy to ac- compaoy articles for consumer magazines and trade journals. Tefe.t,....... DEAR PAT: I purchased a Sylvania color television for $600 in 1974. The set worked fine for the one year while it was ln war- ranty, but in May 1975 I began having trouble. fo'irst the channel selector. then the transformer had to be replaced. The next week the color faded. Total re· paini were $113. l phoned th~· store where I'd purchased the set and wrote to Sylvania m New York to ask ir my set was defec· tive Both said no. I feel that something s hould be done about this. 8 . R .• Fountain V11lley Mlcbael Caputo, field aervlce manaiter for GTE, Sylvania's ea· tertainmeat products group, re· viewed your service probtf'ms and refunded $31 to you u an O\•trpaymtnt on your 1'111l aervlce <'all. ('on"um.-r Rf'ports IHt )'Ur ratf'd lhf' Sylvania <'OD· IJOle color TV u havlnl( nry «0od •"rvlcubility. Ol!:AR PAT : I o r dcreo men:ha0:51dc from Aldens In c. 111 <'hlcaito l:.i st AuJ(us l I i.1·nt $1 JS 64. 1 h(• full p11yml'nt. with the order. 'fhr ee items wcrt' de· lln •rt-d. hut lhc rc.•s l or my ordl'I was out of stock f rf'turn1-tl 1111 p11~r11 to Aldems 1.nd rN.1ucstcd a refund for the unava1l11hll• llt•tns Sc'> fnr, no refund ha11 l~'·n mulh•t1 to me 1..M .. Cnpblrnno lkerh K . l,a\'t'rty, cu1tomt>r <"Or · rnpondenrf' rf'prf's«"ntatlv1• rnr Aldeftl, uld that t'he<'kl totallnll( Stl.45 now hav• b1•t"n mallrd to you for lht' mc:rchandlilt that wai. noc avallable. Eft .. ,oltN DEAR PAT I ord••rC'fi f:ttnn John's 197•t 1n·<'onccrt hook froin U & R ~h·r<'handl11i1111 in Jkv1•rly Hills obo\lt u month BRO. Wht•n the book arrlvf'd, It ww1 lh<' 197$ edition C.-n I R(lt either the 197<1 book or 11 refund? I 0 G , Co~to Me:i;a Bout•·f'll Enterprisf'l'J, In<'. wlll coatad )'OU PC'rtJon1tly. WMn the ltlS book 111 rectolved by tht> flrm, thf' 1974 C'dltloo will be malJf'd to you. More Rain Due in North SAN FRANCISCO CAP> Another in a series of Pacific '11.'e&ther fronts threatened rain in Northern California today and Thursday. with snow 1n th'-• Sltrra The Weather Servlct> said drtulf' wa:> the leut that rould be t'xpected in the Bay Area throuith th.ls evening. plus patchy !OR and overcast m most districts. DAILY PILOT 1\3 I ... Thug Described ( Piiot Logbook J Musical Cha,irs Valley Teacher Helps With Sketch For OC Officials Fountain Vallt'y Hi&h School teacher Denis Gil.shier. savaa,:ely .b.eateo Oec. 13, bu provideo poli<'e with a description or the man who ottacked tum llnd killed anolf·duty Loni &achoflker. Officer t'ranke Nell Lewis. 28. was 11hot in the face Dec. 13 in Long Beach u he tried to come to GllA bier'l' llid, d\41'tng what police believe wa.s a robbery and beating. Long Beach Sgt. Dan Sallmen said a composite sketch or the 17S.pound attacker was clrt'ulat· l'<i to neighboring police depart· men ts and news media Tuesday. And he said he is hopi,nz the sketch wlll produce some citizen Big Spenders 1"8ponse and new leads in the cue. uwis, a pollce Of!iet>r tor two years, was just goi.na off duty wht'n be was abot in front or hi• bome. poUce aald. His wife beard the shot and ran out.aide. cradllng h~r husbund's ~ad In her urms w; he dJC'd. of· ficers said. Gltachier, who livt>S in Tor· ranee, told police he had parked his car to get some 1leep while en route borne from u party in the Irvine ares. He said he was beaten on the head by a man "ho entt>red the "\'ehicle while be slept. Sallmen said Tuuday police have re- covered no weapons ln the eue and do not know U U>e au..uar ne<1 on foot or lo a cu. Paul Beraer. prtnclpal et Fountain Valley Hi•h St'bool, uld Git ahler returned to his cluaroom duties as a bulne1s teacher early this month. Both be and Sallmen said lhe :JO.year-old instruct« atill i& hav- IDR dlfficulty with one eye In· jured ln the attack. Gitshler de1c rlbed the allacker as Caucasian, in his mid 20's, w1th a medium athletic build. Police said he had dark curly hair with a single light·colored curl over hia left eye. 8 y WILUAM SCHREIBER Of .. o.11, ...... """ Unless )'OU have the money or the name to go rrom a poUUcal nobody to a poUUcaJ somebody In a 11lnalc 11top, about the only alternate route Is the sta1r1tep approach - do1catcher to scnutor wilh a do1en po~ts In between. n HAPPENS evecy Ume an election rolls around. Water board members and planning commissioners look to city council seats. council members look to the Leaislatur~ or higher local oHicH and legislators look to Congreas and so on It's no dir!erent this year in Orange County. If 1nything, the sta1r.stt!pplng phenomenon is even more pronounced as big-money campa1gn contributions dry up. 2 County Senators Supervisors To Support BETWEEN H and 2S percent ot the dedared candidates in v;arious county races this year will try to stairstep from political jobs they now have Into others. Most won 'l succeed and some will forfeit the poals they now hold in the attempt. iotaatH• There are so many lhls year -more than usual, accord· lng to the county Registrar of Voters -that it makes one wonder who's minding the store during the election season. Among Top in State ~~A~.2£ER The Santa Ana City Council alone has contributed two candidates -one for the board of supervisors and one for the state Assembly. Fl'om Wlre Senkea Or ange County's two state Senators placed in the top ten of big spenders in the state Senate according to a report filed this week which showed that it cost $11.25 million to run the upper house of the Legislature in 1975. Senator Dennis Carpenter <R· Newport Beach > spent a total or $232,626, which made him the second biggest senate spender of 1975. First place honors went to Senator Millon Marks <R-San Francisco I who spent $240.GCO. Senator James Whetmore CR· FUiierton) placed sixth with ex- penditures totaling $213,173. A spokesman for Senator Carpenter said a press release explaining the expenditures would be mailed from the Orange Coast senator's Sacramento of· fice this week. The !igl.lres. released by the senate Rules Committee. under the ne w Legis lative Open Records Act , covered everything that each senator had to pay to run his office, including employes' pay, in.state travel and per diem. out of state travel, leased car rental and main· tenancc, gasoline and oil, auto rentals, district building ex· penses. printing and duplicating, publications. telephone and tele· graph, postage, freight and newsletters. The amounts listed do not in· elude the $21,120 salary each senator receivl's. Salaries would add $844,800 to the total. Low man on the list was Sen. Albert S. Rodda <D·Sacr amento1 who does not have to maintain a distn cl offit·e, an expense which ranges from less than $200 to $7,000 a month ror other senators. Individual expenditures from the report, in order of a mount spent. are; -Mi iton Marks <R -San Fransisco>. $240.040 ; -Dennis Ca rpente r (R · Newport Beach l, $232.626: -George Moscone <D-San Francisco). S231 ,623: Jark Schradc (R San Die~ol. $228,001, {);iv1d Hol>erti (D·Los /\nj?elel' >. $219, 170: James Whetmore (ll· Fullerton). S2l3.l73 George Zenovirh CD · Fre1100). $208.5R3 ; John Stull CR·Escondido). $207,776: Omrr Ruins ([).Sa nto llatlrnral. $207,544, No l l' H olden (f).l.o!\ Anitt.'lt-!4 >. $200, 738, II. L. Ric h urd:ion <H·L0!'.1 Anj?ele~). $200,587 ; A If rl•d A lq ui11t CD Sant a Clara 1. $199, 705. R;rndolph (;oi lier Cl> Sonoma>. SI00.61R; Alfrf'cl Son~ CD ·L01'1 Anj?ei<"ll. Sl!JX.46R , ,John Uunlap Cl>-Napal, Sl!l8.0l'>4 . -C lare Hn ry h i ll <R · Mode11to>. $197,744 , Alan Ro hhins CD -Los AnJ:•·I~~ I. $193,497 . 04111e~llr"4111MMI / Orange County Supervisors ~:=:~ said Tuesday they'll join and sup-~~iiiliii port financially a new city. °"'"'--....... NUMBER TWO SPENDER Sen. Denni• Carpente r -James Mills CO-San Diego), Sl90,008: -Peter Behr <R·San Rafael). $188,004; -Ruben A yal a CD -San county government liaison or- ganiiation to replace the near- d ef u n ct Intergovernmental Coordinating Council (ICC). But they attached a big condi· lion to their tentative endorse- ment of a county Mini-COG CCoµncil of Governments I. · • Supervisors made it clear that at least 75 to 80 percent of the county's city.dwelling population must be represented on the Mini· COG before full county endorse· ment will be given. "I would certainly support this new concept if we agree that some set percentage of the coun· ty's city population be represent· ed," said Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. "I don't want to be car- rying on a dying organization." The ICC was formed three years ago and its city mem- bers hip roster has steadily declined ever s ince. Le5..<i than half the county's 26 cities are still on the ICC and county govern· ment has withheld it.'i required support assessment so far this year. The ICC and Its proposed suc- cessor. Mini-COG. are i,ltended to draw together local govern-Bernardino I, $180,398; -Nicholas Petris Alameda>. Sl 78,525; -Walt er Stiern Bakersfield). $178,915; ( D · ments within a given geo- graphical area such as a county ( D . to present a united front to larger -Ralph Dills <D·Los Angeles). $174,174: Ge<>rge Deukmejian (R·Long Beach). $167,180: -Newton Russell CR-Los Angeles), $165,630; ~John Nejedly <R-Walnul Creek J. $164.464; -Robert Stevens <R·Los Angeles 1, $163.370 : -Al ex Garcia (D L o s Angeles). $163.206. -Jerry Smith• (D·Santa Clara ), $154.817: -Arlan Ger gorio CD-San Mateo), $152,968, -Donald G.runs k y (H Monterey). $1S0,1!62: .John llolmdahl Cl> agencies such as the state and federal governments. Supervisor Ralph Clar k, a founder nnd longtime backer ot the ICC cqncepl, said such "sub· regional" bodies differ from larger regional groups like lhe Southern California Assodahon or Governments. which has much broader scope and responsibility. He said counties must come to SCAG as a single enUty seeking grunt funds and other support or "the resources will flow into other areas and we will lose out." ICC backers claim that by do· mg away with the current struc- ture in favor or a mini·COG. the local organiiatlon will have more power and muscle to approach and deal effectively with r e-Alameda I. Sl-17.756. t:ou Cu~aOO\'ICh AJUZt')e~J. $144,6-04; Jume11 Wedworth Ani:l'les >. $140,'.l!'i:J , ' It. Los .:1ooal problems Current ICC estimates are that 1 {).J,o.; 1t wtll cost about the same lo run R o b e r I P r l' :> l ~ y IJ · R1ver~1de >. Sl:l7,342. J OSt'l)h Ll·nn11·k (().Los AnAf'le~ I, s 136.IU :I. JIOWllrcl Way en t•rcsno). SlJl.728, n11t Gn•\•111• CD lb.I AnAl'l('~). $127,1~1 : Anthony Jlealenson CD-Los ' Anj?Clt's). StOS.322. Albf'rt H ocl<l;1 Cl>· Sacrnmt•ntol. $104 ,34~1 8oguK. Conviction St\CHAM t:NTO ctll'll .M frey Ha rk 1•t t. u 3:1 yt•n r ·old Stockton man has plt'adcd i.:uil ty to char.ie1' on con.'iptnnJ: wit h five other ml'n to sell $72 million in rn\lrtlf'rft.1t rurrcnt·y u mini-COG a s the ICC -about $6.'1,000 for the next fiscal year. Thi• costs would be shared by the county and cities that choose to Jom. If all the cities joined, the coun- ty's s hare of the co!>t would ht! about $9,750. Gem Talk /111J r lllTMPl/flll~S TWO CYPRESS council members are running for other posts and one of them. Sonia "Sunny" Sonju, has declared for lwo-11tate Senate and the Assembly. She'll have to nar· row ii: to one in the coming month. The other council member is opting for an Assembly seal. The Irvine, Stanton and Garden Grove councils have con· trlbuted one candidate each so far. Two county assemblymen are taking a shot at the next level -stale Senate -as is a former Orange County supervbor. a current county supervisor and a community college trustee. THREE OTHER school trustees are aiming at jobs as state assemblymen or assemblywomen, as the case may be. And, in the races for Congress, at least one county as· semblyman has announced his desire to make that step uµ. ward. • Depending on the outcome of the nomination period that ends March 12, the picture may change a bit. But one thing's pretty clear -to be a politician is never to be content with the seat you 're in at the moment. OC Cost Too Mueb? Board to Oppose Judge Pay Formnld •• The stale L egislature's formula for reimbursing coun- ties for the cost of new Superior Court judges came under fire again Tuesday by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The targ<'t of the board's re- newed crilk ism was Assembly Bill 2806 by Huntington Beach Re publican Assemblyman Robert Burke. In its current form. AB 2806 would add five more judicial p<>sts to the county Superior Tramit Director Meet on Thursday Orange County Transit District directors. bumped out of their re· gular meeting day by the Mon· day holiday this week. will con· vene at 9 a .m. Thursday in the county Board of Supervisors hearing room in Santa Ana · D1 al·B·Ride bus service. up coming e mploye salary ne$Cotia· lions and proposed service Im- provements arc on the agenda. Court. Two new seats were filled earlier this m onth. In addition to lhe $40,000 salary Of a jUdJle, the State 8JIOCaleS I $60,000 a year per position to the county to help defray the costs or , setting up. and operating a new court. Supervisors have claimed In the past -and reiterated Tues- day -that the actual cost or a new judge, apart from salary. is $200,000 and the county mw;t pick up the $140,000 difference. The board's estima t e in· 1 <'Orporates s uch things a~ courtroom space, equipment and supplies. bailiffs. clf'rks and other support personnel reqwrcd by each judge. Supervisor11 voted unanimous- ly to oppose Hurkc's bill unless the s tate allocates the full $200,000 in support money. They said they would take a neutral pos1!ion if the bill is amended lo f(lve them tht' fin ul d<>terminflt1on U8 lo when uny Jllll~e or )ud.:es should IX'. addecl to the.· Su1wrior C111,1rt. In Or;,nge County. Crafty Rodent Big Rat 'Lauglu' at Marines .. Facts Not in the News In South West Africa lies a land t or s.000.000 new people now engaged in a bitter internal war certain to be won by communists. Most people know that Angola is strategically important. but I~ few are aware t hat a huge diamond industry Is a lso at stake. Angola, prior to curnnt • d is ruption , h ad an annual diamond productjon of over 2,000,000 carats or above average quality. ll has seven o r eight diamond-bearing rivers, and ,, mining is a stream-bed gravel operation, rivers being diverted for gravel sirting. So modern dry·dredglng methods become reasible. A -JARDIN TRCI LIS S[T 8 -NO'>CCllV C-PODllt A!:!Carveo If you know n ~·ay to catch a smart IOO·Po\lnd rodent. tell it to the marines. The lt'ath~rn ecks at Ca mp Ptndleton m nnaged all rlght nt the halls of Monteiuma and the ~hores of Tripoli but they're hav- ing a h:ird tim e capturing a capybara. a South Amenc;in ro· dent that looks like a 1tinnt guinea pi£. The rodent n 1me from nobody-knows-where and invaded the Marine base. It seems to be un expert at guerrilla toc ti cs, appearing t o raid caulifl ower patches and vanishing GunnC'ry Sgt II. F. Copeland. tilt base game ~ arden. was or- dered to catch It , and has been trying for weeks m s tr aps ~nared the c-npyhnrn on !levcral O<.'CHions, but It mana~ed to get frtt every time. The animal still was there when Cop~land appeared lo check a trap Monday night. "He stood on his haunc~s and barked at us," Copeland said. "It sounded like a seal. We don't know 1t It wM laugh.ing at us for bein1t stupid, or adminng our tenacity for stayin1t out in the cold itt 4 in the morning.·• The ~apybara apparently learned le could escape by lifting the trap's entrance with his snout and sliding underneath. "He's a very intelligent animal." Copeland sntd. "The <'8fle 1s really a deer trap but it looks like 11 capybara is smarter thanadeer. • Although we do not have enough other facts to pass judgement as to America's stake in this conOict, one thing is certain: another •·gem'' is being absorbed by the Soviet Union. , 0-rl I UR Floral Lovn E -Vll!DllNf nincy, Dc«i1mc-<1 to f'XJ)n"•-. your low• 111 munv hr11uliful w11y'l. Wh1·thrr you Chn<>M' onr• oft he f'li·Ronl Ooral pnttcrn11, Or 11nv of thr othn · muny lovc-in~pirl'ff rin1111. If it'.: .m Art< 'ntv1•d, you'll 1icc Jove writl<"n nil c.vl!r ii. t 823 NEWPORT Ol VO , COST A MESA CONVENIENT 'T£RMS BanV.mertcard-Mntet Ch11ge lO YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE S48·~1 . ., • . r· A..t DAILY PILOT Wecsne.day Fa0tuwy 11. 197'1 .Jost ,... Lockheed C'oa tiog~1~!'J S l D ~r · e own , . ' ;!:: By SEC ~-.rphiae SF.A STORIES: Suv11nt11 who )tu<ty government will tell you lhO!t milk an~ burc111;racy wc,rk •~a rru11tratton ut bci.t. But ov(•rhap u C'Ouplt' of th1•11t• govc1 nml'nt Jurisd1rt1ons und the C)(J>erb dc>clare ) ou ha vt• JUSt made the 1mposs1ble completely unthtnka 1'1e Tbat 's how at 111 in theory Hut rons1der th as i.1tuat1on You have a geographic urea "h1rh includt.'i. miles of ocean beach. open sea, bay bearhl's and the largest pleasure boat harbor 1n the world. LOS ANGELES <AP> -TM ~cunttes and t:xchance <A>11>· mlulon wlll not .allow Lockheed Aircraft Corp . to elect new of· flcen or sell stock 011 the stock market until the firm makes a Cull r eport on payotrs to promote its foreign s ales, the SEC chairman says. (_1_N_SH_O_R_T_J SEC Chairman Rodenck M. llllls said Tuesday that be bope Lockheed follows the Hample Of Gulf Ott and issues an early re· port. NAMED TO BOARD -From left. Fotmer Army Secretary Stephen Ailes. former D<'puty Sec•retary of Slate Robert Murphy, and economist Leo Cherne 'H'rc appointed Tuesday by President Ford to t& nt'w m· telligence comm1Uee to report all abuses of 11legal spy mg. Ford Predicts Primary Wins WASHINGTON tAPl Prealdcnl Ford 'II)'' he nnd challenger Ronald Ruaan dllfor on some lsroues. Uut "hether 11 '1 u ph1I011ophil':1I diffcr~ncc> seems to depend on whic:h or tht> Pre~11h:ot '11 i.tatementa onl• neon At one pomt in u nallonoilly broadcast new:. conforcncc Tucsda,y n1ai ht , f'ord saki, "(;ovt•rnor Re1111un 1:s to tht> nght or mt• philosoph1cally " Eluboriihng on their dlffert>nres about rederal spendtna 1o1nd S-Oc1al ~urit)'. he s.ud "It ts a somewh1o1t different philosophy · · But a rew minutes later. in response to another Reagan quei.t1on. to"ord :.aid. "I don't thank there are any philosophical differences . l tlunk he 1s to the right of me an a pragmatic and practical way." EITHER WAY, Ford a lso ~·o ••-'GA" To offer publtc safety to a re- gion such as thus, you ~sign two ..,.. governmental agencies. First, under city JUn sdlcuon. you have a marine safety d1vas1Qn. Then under county control, you assign a harbor department MrlA~-·~ By Valted Preu lntentatioeal Almost 60 countries now re· cognize the Soviet-backed faction in Angola as the nation's legitimate government, but US. officials indicate they will wllhhold recognition as long as Cuban and Soviet military forces remain there. Ford's Conference Highlights Listed WASHINGTON (AP> -Here at-a-g lance are highlights of Pr esident fo'ord's news ex· pressed in a news conference much of his income since becom mg President, he said declared that '"anybody tu lht.' that '"Gov Reagan has never ra g ht o f me, Democr al or proposed that Social Security Ropublican, can't w111 a national funds should be invested i.n the election." stock market " He~amed no other names, but RE G AR U I NG FORD'S on the Democratic sjde seemed criticism of Reagan's proposed EAC:I HAS A CREW of men. Each has some boats Each 1s l'Oncerned with i.afely of the public upon the waterways and shoreline Then you g1 vc tl\em their or- ders something like this: "Now we want you fellows to patrol the water:., rescue people in trouble and keep the peace. You fellows take the harbor except when you might have to do some rei.cwng at sea and you other chapc. watch the beache'>. except when you need to "Jlch the ocean or the bay .. !':ow you all gt>l along nicely and don't get rn each other 's "ay .... Well. if you I ned some double JUt1sd1ct1onal lashup hke that. the go\·ernment exper1s would took al 1t in d1i.bt!l1t!f and start rolling around on the floor in laughter That kind of a system would ne\'er have <1 chance. t:XCEPT, Ot' COt:RSE. that's the kind of S)'lt(•m that has bcf'n working no"' for several decades right here along our C'Oast 10 :'\ewport Harbor and tht• l"llY of Newport Beach. In Washington, the state de· partment said Tuesday 58 coun· tries, including 38 from Africa, have r ecognized the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola. (MPLA). K~ I• Pft"M CARABALLEDA, Venezuela <UPI 1-Secretary of Slate Henry KJssinger. movmg on to Peru to. day. has proposed a si"·poinl pro- gram to mcrease economic and pohural cooperation between Was hington and Latin America Before his scheduled departure from Caracas. Kissinger again cntac1zed Cuba's military in· tervention in Angola and said the t:nited Stales ··will not stand idly by .. 1f Havana intervenes militarily in other countries ~·Get 1..btl•fl Tuesday night· , . I NTELLIGENCE -I n · telh gence supervision will be re- organized, with CIA director George Bush an charge of over· all management and with over s ight by a new panel of privale citizens. He gave new orders gov· ermng d11>rlosure of secrets and protection of U S . c1t12ens' rights against intelligence abuses. NIXON Ford i.rud~rt)er President Nixon's tnp to C.ii"ina will have no effect on US foreign pohcy, and l"ord !>ajd he will not ask Nn<on to delay it until afler the New Hampshire pnmary JOBS BILL lie :.aid the emergency Jobs ball he vet~ 1:. an election year hoax in which Jobs crealed would cost $25,000 each , a GOP proposal can crea11·. jobs fas ter. ch eaper and more cf. fectively, he su1d llOUSEllOLD SAVl ..,.GS The costs of college for lhre ... of his children and fananc1al gifts or an unspecified amount to his ch1ld~en kept Ford from saving LEAKS -Also asked Congress to mak_e it a crime for govern· ment officials to leak intelligence mformation. She Seeks Advertuing clearly to be referring to Gov. transfer of federal oro~rams lo George C. Wallace of AJabama. the state lt•vel. Nofz1.ier said· Jn Mressing the Social Secunty "Gov Reagan has always pro· and federal spending issues, posed tha t uny-truns fe r of Ford continued lo hit at themes federally ·fund1•d prof:rams bark he believes will help in lh<' New 10 the s tates mus t always be 11c H ampshirt: and Florida 'companied by a trunsrer of I.ix primaries sourees." But he declined two op-Nofzti:er s1ud the President's portunilles al the news con· implied refert>nccs to Rca1:an :&!> forence to flatly predict vie-"an extremt:.t" were 1ncons1s· 0 KL AH 0 MA C 1 Ty tones. t<>nt with prl'vious statement!> "I think we will do well in both made by ford <UPI> -Entertainer Anne J am encouraged ·lD both "When Ford was here in 1974. Marie • w ho c I a• mi. cases." he said. right around the t1ml' he bt:camt- m easurements of 67 25 36, Do you expect to win, he was Pres ident, he was praising h as filed suit again:.l asked Reagan's n•cord very h1ghly," newspapers refusing to uc ··When J say l am encouraged, Nofziger said cept advertisements for J think that 1s qwle ind1callvc "It seems odd to us also that her act. that l think I "ill do very well." the President would appoint .l The suit filed Tuesday he replied man that he roni.1ders an ex- asked the court lo order tht' tremi!>t to ai. critical u com Daily -Oklahoman and R E AGAN t'AMPAJG N m1ss1onas theCJACommiss1on. Oklahoma Caty T1mc>s lo m a n a g l' r Ly n No f ziger J think that anyone who looks at carry her ads. It a lso seeks challenged Ford's r~italions of the fact that Rea.:an wus twice $500,000andamages. the former California governor's overwhelmingly t!lccted in \he Ann Mane, 21. \\ho up po:.ll1ons Ford l>ald Reagan has state that 1s 3 2 Democratic peared m the X ratl'd muv· !>u.:gested from time to lime that would h avl' to accept that, at 1e Super Vixens. openl'd <it Soeaal Security ought to be volun-least. an the eyes (\f Cahforn1ans, an Oklahoma Caty n1i:h1 tarv and that he has suggested he 1s noextremil>I " club Monda) S<><:1al Security funds might be Reagan, who has been cam· lnanewsconforence,:-ht.• tn\'<'~tl•dmthestOl·kmarket. paignan~ pr1 mara~y in New :;aid she had never had ~• "We wt.>r<' surpnst'<i and a little Hampshire, Florida, llhno1s and newspaper in the Unitt-d d1sappoint~d that the President North Ca rolm a, returned to States or Canada rdusl' her 1s eitht•r sdf1)()orly briefl'd or bad· California Sunday '"for a rest," Anet la!.t night, a wbole banquet hall full of c1t12ens turned out al the Balboa Pavilion to honor t>Ao old sea dogs who made that dou ble S)slem work T hey are Hobert E Reed, city dtrec·tor or marine .,aft.•ly and Al Ober~. hJrbormastcr for lhe Orange Cnuntv Harbor Departmi.·nt P HI LADELPlllA tuPll -In coming months Amencans may be able to let their fingers do the walking when they go hunting for a lawyer. The American Bar ASSO<'HI · t1on. facing lawsuits aimed at 1u v1ng the cons umer more an formation about lawyer:. an duding how much they charge approved changes m the pro ress1on's ethical code Tuesday <ti lo-.mg hm1ted advertising an the Yellow Pages and legal direc· tones adsalthoughsomchadrun Iv misanform<'d about Gov Nohij.ter said. lie added that I Rabbi Dragged Off only a picture or her fot'l' ffoagan's statements and pro-Heagan will make• no pollt1t'al ap· She said she• ii. not a slnp posals." said Nofziger in r cac·-pt•arancl'S while in California. ""'r and only cxpost•s a t t f' d ' t t ts d R ·11 BRl'SSt-:u~. Belgium (APl r ion o or s s a emen . Nofziger sa1 cagan w1 re· Habh1 Mt.>ar Kahane. leaderofthe large portion of hN brt.'a'1~ Norui::er said that Reagan new his campaigning an New militant Jt.•wish Dcft•nst' Lea gut•. bOpt.'<lple "ill knv" lhc) Jrl' "hai. been slating very dearly" Jlampshare on Friday 1n prepara· "as thrown to the floor by real that he behcq•s Sol"ial Secunty t1onforthat s tate's pnmarync"l Hoth arc rt•tirin~ no-A lkl'd has served thl· city ha.., head man on Ou~ waterfront for nearly two 1Jt.orades Obt>rg began lj$ a city harbor patrolm.rn in 1948, ~"'itched O\ l'r to county l'mploy ment Jnd hN'ame hurbormaster ne I g 1 an po 11 c e today and mu!>l be mandator:t . and added Tu<'Sday dragAed a" ay from u conference :::~~~~~=====---======================-==========; on the phghl of Jc""'" the So\· act II) 195i Last n1i;:ht lh<'~ ga\C! them the plaQUl'S and ap1>lau:.t• they de· ,,•rH· for loni;t Cl\ 1c service RF.E l>. I S RF.SPONDING, noted. "Toi:1•1 hl·r, we dealt with 'omt' of thi.' most mlscrabk '1tua11ons that could ever happen on tht.· ".11l•r Hut we did 1t "1tho11t onr "'ord of ugrccment in "'r1t 1111< .. Oh1•1 lo'( "ho.,<• talk in response "''" 1111t•rr11pt1:d hy th<' county t11·t•hout pullln~ up to th(• l'u\'1111111 "'1th a i.1ren and Y.Uler .. pta\ ... 1lut1'. al'kno"h•1h:1·d, Buh :11111 I hJVC t•nJO\t'<i t'\1•ry minutt• or .1ll tho~1· v1•al"I · ·\I.I. o•· THIS would harn1• ttf1• 'o callrd '"'P<'rl ~ who "ould tell \IHI tv.11 J:OVl·rnmt'nl a~('nr11·~ unr c1l \'. 11n1• r11111\ty <'l1ult1n I be j.!1\ l'I\ :.uch <;1m1lar ruhl11· '11frly 1.""' 111 tht• .... mt• i:t.-<>11rnrh1r .1rt>1111ml mnk<' 11 v..orl.. ll11t Hoh Ht't'd und Al rn~·ri.: d1c1 11 fnr 1krad1•' /\1111 \1111 know \\h,1t • 'fhr) :.lilt t'Hn like-r11rh 11thi.'I l,;nton Boys, Girls State Programs App~oved WASHINGTON <A Pl -The government says it's all nght forlhl' Amen ran Legion to conllnue its Boys Slate and G 1rb. State projilr11ml>, but federal laws against se" d1st·nmmat1on might be violated if academic cr edit is l(tven The Department of llealth, Edu<·ahon and Welfc.n: ruled Tues- day that the programs do not violate federal lu"s barring sex d1i.· cnmmat1on as long as purt1c1punt:.do not recc1 ve academic crl'd1t RJ;VERSING an earlier op1n1on by II EW 's San F'run('1!>rn off 11·1• COVt'nng Ar11ona schools. acting d1rt.•ctor Mart an Ct·rry of the l ' s or (ice for C1v1l R 1ghls 1>:11d "tht' mt'mh<"r!lhlJ) prorlll'e or Hoyi. St .Ill• and Girls Stale are ~"empt frorn Title IX," lht• law µroh1h1ting :.c·x 1h:- cnmmat1on. Gerry said the programs receive no federal fonds. the• sponsoring orianizat1on 1s tax exempt, mtl!>t JH1rt1<'•11anl\ an• under 19) earl! of age and program empha.'ll!t 1s on bu1ldin1l better c1l12cns, all t·ovcrc<l by leg1slat1ve amendments Mor<' than l 3 m1lhon .. tudcnt1> hinc p.1rt1<'1JHlll0d an thl' progr:.nn ~Ince the first B<i)'!i Stull' '4a!I heltl Ill llhnotl> Ill 193!! olfllf lht• r1r'l C:1rh State was held in Washanl(ton. 0 (' 1n 1938 Art'ordlng lo the Leg1on·s late:. I count, •18 'talt.'l> and tht• l>l'lrwt of Columbia hold ttnnuol lloys Stall'' 11ncl 1111 ~ 'IUI"'· lhl' JJ111tnct of Columhla and the Punama Canal Zone hold G1rh St:.itcs Thunderstorms in South Seven Tomadoe3 Kill Four in 3 States Tr•,,,..afMr~• "''~ ~ .. Al but)..,..~ .. n 4U.,,t• ,, \t ~ ..... " .... t)r~\¥1, .. ll .. ""••••o •I 11 C.Nt•un ,. )0 <'""-""•U •' \I (llllW-1•~ " J\ o.u., .. \I o-,. •• ; " 111 °""'"•' •• .. , ... ,bM"' . J t ... ,,.,,,""''"' •• 'O • •l't'WI\ C.h ... ,. 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(f'ifl\1'61 "41ft CGe\1 _,ff\ ~VY~ •ntor'"' frWlll (f'ftttAf T•~ lft- -~ .... ~--. MoMfl"'4W -MllU_, ..... ~,. .. De~''''""• W.•tth•••••,U Altoo•th•'· t.t•trt tor~••••' t&w<MO O•~ T ue\d•Y '"'"' trt Lou"'-"'•· fM .. ift At~•l"W\ #Ml.,. ~'~''" -.-. ~ , ..... ,. ··-· --ftl"lt Oft >(-I\ •It. .. , ..,,.. •tr1•twettd trom f"-•H ~'\ il'I ,,.. tk•~r O•m Mt tort, r •"O tit>•~ nf~t,. .. om,.,,., .... , •• , tf'tfo NfhOf\AI ~~tf'w>f ~V•t• fat~•\t 1nc.r .. •\•f\O t~ #\\ tflif'••f\1 ••lh m~tt,, 1~, .,..,'"' tw Th..,..S.0¥ ff.ICLtt \ "-'9" •' H 111 \ h\ Af'IQ!t .... C...•tt (Allllff'f ••• 10 '"-'' .... ~ ·~· -~'.,"' ••t• (Mrtly ftouch ••t"' ,_.,,., rt\+"'9 •l\IO I,... to# to\ at r~ -~ 0.wrh w•t• •l\G 1Mrtlit tloudy _,ff\~ ftil\l'f •tf\O' Httf'-'\ ,.,.,..,i hon"t •l t• 11 •~ '""' fiu9J\ df\111',t\ M'ld MO tift1ttfttN.._~,1 ••Htt\ l•9.ht ••rt•&tt •tf'\O\ rt•oM •f"d ft'lt)rl'I~ "*""' MH)h\ t f'W"~' •ft 1M -to• C.\tat t•m .. r•tvfe\ •ill r.-qit "'•••" SO •"ft •• I nl•nd t'"' ...... ..,.,will ••-ll"I• .. ~ ,. - .., ,,_ ••••' 1 .. tnoeratur9\ .,..u bt >' S1111. Moo-. Tldn W•Ollf;tOAY ~--I 01pm 01 ~-~•qi\ 11 Hp"' H T"UlllSOAY "'°"' -\ •I " m 0 I Ftr\t ........ I I At• m • 1 $f<_,.. I Op"' 0 • i.-,, ..... »• ........ j ,. .... Nllll)iOIHt\•'\ t n D M M h e 0 4 m WEEKENDER We'll tell you whereto go Whether It's a tip on a fine restaurant, a clue to lead you to a painting you've waited a lifetime to see or a mini-review of a movie or play, Weekender helps you plan more fun In your weekend. Weekender brings you complete news, features and llatlnga of the arts and entertainment events scheduled each weekend along the Orange Coast. And, you'll find helpful advice on fine area reataurants penned by Norman Stanley In his Out 'n' About column . Daily Pilot staff writers regularly contribute revlewa of films and performing arts attrac- tion• to help you make your best entertain- ment choice. You'll find the most complete array of theater advertising of In- terest to Orange Coaat residents in the pages of Weekender . finally, a complete events calendar guides you to area attrac- tions offering low or no-coat fun. To plan more fun In your weekend, every Friday read ( WEEKEND-e-R} in the DAILY PltOT 642-4321 --Wednesoay February 18 1976 0A1Lv P1Lor Aa In Riverside C'ountg Utility Seeking Nuclear Plants SACRAMENTO <L'PI > -San Dtt>alO Ca' and Electnc Co 1s i.t>t>k 1ni.: i.tate apJJrov;d for con 1ru('t1on nf tl4 o Sl2 billion nul'lear l>U"' er plan~ 1n t'astcrn R1vtr111tlc• <.:ouoty nnr Blythe. built ont-"'a time, Wlb tht> f1rs1 of its type to be submitted lo th oe~ State Energy Comm13s1on, whlC'h under r~cently enacted l('11sln lion 1s res pons1bll-for s iting nuclear po14 er 1enMalu1 ll hne ~out h or l' urkt'r ;Jntl u ··M1l p1ta:. Wash" site about JO miles southwdt of Hlyth(• 111 Im p.-nal County tnc C'lt>ars that process. 1t then would m11ke a formal oppUcatlon 1nvolv1ng 11ubm1ss1on of an t•nv1ronmcntal 1mp1tct report and the C'omrn1!>s1on 1Aould deride 1r the project can bf' bu111 The apphratwn for the 9)0 me~""'utt plants. wh1<'h would be l::aC'h proposed !>1te woultl uljt• "rwlotr .. wutt'r rrom tht.' Color.ido Rlvt•r for C'OOlln.i ot tht' plllnt. THE COMMISSION, which rt• T he utility r1l t'd a formal Tlle eommls,lon s t a rr. ,, spokC'sm nn uploint,,.I, now will review tht• ullllty's apphcatl<>n for "adequut'y and content." u Pf'O<'ess that urny take up to 30 dll\'S Electric Gun Opposed in LA ce1ved the application Tuesday, "nOllC't' or intt'nl ... which In 30 must rule af\er an inveiiliaaUon of days ~ 111 itcllvate un Ul·month the proposal and an extend<'d ' long pro<'edure under wh 1ch the series or public heanngs which commuu11on mus t consider th(•('n will occur In the midst or llll' v1ro nme ntal and 1echn1cul political fight over tht.' Nuclcllr swtab1hty ofthefoursites T he spokl's m an said lh\• publlt- hearlngs "ill ht• held 1n lhe Ulyth\• ait•a a nd throughout the u•11tty 'i. ser\'tC'e area Ready for Lift Off Pe ler Neushul <left) will be co pilot anrl Dr Thoma~ llcinshe1mer lrighl> will he pilot for tht• hi.Jlloon lb:.tC'k· ground ) which \\as to be launrhcd toda~ 1n El Segundo. Launc h or the balloon. c hnstcnt'd "Arn!.'n<'a ... '"part of a research proi.:r am to develop an unmanned .. atmo::-.phcnc satelhlc" to c1r<:le the earth. LOS ;\-.;GELES IUPl l -The T .c.t•r clet·tron1l' sho<-k l(Un 1s mort' dangerou:o. than a hlU\dgun. the Los Angelt•s l.'1t~ Council m aintains."' en though 1t doesn't kill v1ct1ms The t'OUnC'1l. "h1ch h~ refused to t'ndor:.e le~1slatton to outlaw handii:uns. 'ol~d 11·2 Tuesday to support any measure that IAOUld ban the n ashhght·shaped Taser. T he Taser. wh1<'h fires a pair or darts that give orr a shock capa· ble of dis abling a person for several mmutes. has been used 10 several holdups. .. There are several proble ms with this little gadget," argued Councilman Ernani Bernardi, who said people wouJd be more like ly to ust> a Taser than a handgun because it is nonlethal. A police spokesman said Chief Ed Davis. a fi r m o pponent or gun l't>ntrol. also supports placing the s hock gun in the s a me outlawed category a s brass knuckles, s awed·oH s hotguns and black- Jacks. Power Plants ln1tu1t1ve on the June8ballot The uuhty lis ted ns the No l c ho1C'e for its proposed .. Sun Desert Nuclt•ar ProJt•rt " a :.i\e about 20 mile' !'>Oulh1Ae'it of Bly the n e ar the Caltf1>rn1d Antonahne. IT ALSO LISTED thre<' alternative s ites .. Palo Verde North" about 10 miles north or Blythe, "Parker VaJle}," about IS miles over the Aruona state Man Charged In Kidnaping LOS ANGELES <UPI> - James Jenkin s. 30, of Los Angeles was arres ted on suspi- cion f kidr\aping Monday night in co ectlon with the alleged ab· ducf n of a 9·year-old girl mtss· ing f r sever al hours. P Ice said J enkins reportedly ap r o ached the girl ut the do town bus te rminal. In S~ra111ento Pessintisrn, Hostility Mark Farlll Hearing Sears l ! SACRAMENTO <AP) -Pessimis m from legis lator s and anger from farm workers marked the first heanng mto proposed ~rower backed C'hanges in <.:ah fornta 's dormant farm lubor law No sign o r an ajotrecment. either to approve thl' t•h angl?'S or fund the law w ithout tht.'m , cmugt•d fro m 1'uesduy's hearing or the Assembly Labor Re lations Committee. Barr-Un Lo•e 81d LOS ANGELES IUPI ) -The FRI does no,t ha\'c to identify any mfor· mants who he lpt.'d C'aptur<' Patricia Hearst and Symb1onesc l.1berat1on Army m em bers W11l1am and Emily Harns, superior Court Judge Mark Brandler has ruled. The llarrt'll'' hacl cl<'manded the .lus11ce l}(•pJrlm<'nt ~· required to thscto .. e lh1.· nam1.•-. of anv h~tcr.., "ho led the FBI to SLA hideouts. B,..._n-AIU11g LOS ANC F.l.F.S IAP> -J\1hn1? tn· dustnahst Arma nd llammer·s lift' may be t'ndanflt'red 1r he ap!)('ars 111 ('ourt to anc;wer chargcc; or makml! a ~l"eret donation to former Pr<'s rdr nt H1chard M Nixon. his attorneys sav. The lawyers h ave askt'd the lJ S District Court to ht'nr his pica 1r1 a ~pecUJI bed s ide S<'!b1on Brotftt AppolntH SACR.UI F::"olTO tl'l'I > As .. cmbly Spt-;1k{'r Lt•o T MrCJrthy has ap· poinlt•d hh formf'r cl11('f rival Willie ( State ) Brov.n Jr. a'> a comm1tlt.>e chJ1rman and named :i lll'W chairman or lhe budgN·wntmg \\ ays and Mean., com· m1tte~ Tu<.·'locla\ ·s appointment of Brov.n ID·San Francl!>t·ol, as rha1rman or the Revenue and Ta '(atton Committee "as n·s.:arded us n mO\ e by McCarthy to neutraltn• h1o; nppo')1t1on as his key lieutenant!> prl·pun'<.I to leave the As- '){'mbh . •ffrfl If off"• Clo•H !'\.\:"' Ql.E:'\TI'\; I \1'1 -"The llell Holt• ·· j !1 \ e tu·r w1·1 um of San Quen- t an J'ri,on H"..t'n '"'I ror the mns l m<'nac·1ns.: mmal<',. h .1-; be<'n rinsed h<'t'.1tl'••' 11( .J llt•t·rt'.111t.• HI prison population. a prison 'Poke-; man said. Tht• prison on San Franc isco Bay now hou:-es 1.M85 inmate!>. about half tlw numher of a vt.>ar a~o Spokl'sman V. llham Merk It• ~a1rt new paroll• prac- tll'f'>; ;.ire rl'~pnn!>ll1lc ror the culdown. Of Perjury Charite Executive Cleared LO~ ANGF.LES CAP> A f('(Jeral court jury h.is clc.1rl'd l>r. Frank Stanton . form •'r pre·" dent of Lon ~ llt»1C'h Amusement t'n . nt l\tnl' ---------to a f{'d1•r,il i.:r.rn1I 1111 \ 111 NO\emh~·r IYil v. h1•11 1,.. dt'n1ed ,1 ul hr or ir in1• fl·" mt•nl nr .1 hr1h1• lo IA1n1• UcaC'h Ctl\. <'uu1111lm.111 Wavnt>~h .1111 • t.intun. 1.:1. hrnk•' rnlr1 tears Tut''<l:I\ .1r11 1 1111· vc•rd1ct wa' r.•1111111•11 . ·Sharp. v. ho IA ,1, f11wd $100 anti put 011p111l1.1l1n11 after ph':1<1tni: no c 111111·,1 111111 y<'ar to a d1~11 t.:•' nt per1ury. t'·~11f11'<I hi' re· ('t1ved Sl,000 tn ,.,r ht1n~11· for ('l\111111 g a ra v·ur:1l>h• '011• on .1 l1-;1or;<' :i~rrr mt•fll hC'IH'f1t1n .,: SI·'" Ion .. r1rm ~t.1n1on t1•,t1fv1n.: in h1.;; uv.11 lwhalf .. 11lm1ttcd ht• h.111 .111lhnritt·ll rt'1m hur"•1111•111 of $1 1100 pu1d "' I· lnwr < \ dJrt•, a 111.qm -.1m·kh11ldrr 111 the• .1m11"•m1•111 111mµany, to ""·" p l\ut St.111lon 111c;1•\lf'(J hl' d 111 'II h I'(' U U '1• h I' ti.•lwv1·d th1• mont·} w,1., <1 i.:1•nu1 11r l"Jtnµa11:n t'<>n Ill hut 11111 .111d 11111 .1 hn Ix> ror Sh:1rp ' Volt' l)ll lh<' l1'.1sini.: of u 1·11 v owned park111~ 1111 'Healer' Convicted n<'.,c;. t uh C'r r ulosls, .1rthrill-1 ancl ratarJct s. '\ Where Thrift SAVE20%! Regular $2.47 Full-figure Bra J 97 Collon and polyester. Podded strops. White. 8, C, D cup sites. SA. Vf~ 20'%,! Nylon Half Sl ip Regular Sl.97 J57 Anti-cling Antron' llf nylon. White, colors XL. XXL, XXXL . -Regular $8.99 ff SAN DIEGO Gas and Elc< .. (;Jammy Victor Even the Judges Got Sick DALY CITY <t:PI> -For as long a:-. anybody can re· member 250·pound AJ Nicolini "as considered lhe clam eating C'hamp or the 57 Club. For instanC'e. one night he de· voured 102 steamed cl11mi-. three pitchers of beer. and 10 slices or French bread befllre going to a friend's house for dinner. But todav, there is a new champion. As about 100 watched Monday, Daly City Patrolman Randy Desha, a relatively svelte 220·pounder. and N1collnl went at it in the first annual Daly City steamed clam eaung contest. One j udge leCL the scene early an~ noted thu~ while the contestants s~emed happy in their eating, the orctclals were getting sick while keeping score. The contest was halted after 43 minutes and 20 seconds and the scoreboard sho1Aed that Des ha had bolted 162 clams while Nicolini. who made the tat•tical mis take of chewrng each clam before swallowmg, had lo s ettle for 113. the lower Leve~ p Thi s Ad Effective through Saturday February 21 Use Sears Revolving Charge SAV 25%! Pants and Tops • 1n Women's Special Sizes 6 7 4 Regular ~ 54 pants $7 .49 d tops LOS A'IGF:LF.S 11\1'1 A !: e I f d t' ' r r 1 b 1• d .. po;~rh1r healrr .. \\a' f1n1•d $50() and plJl'l'<I 1111 t"n ~ear<," proh:i1111n artcr h1.; con,1rt1on on fra ud rhttrJH'!i> .,lt•mmm~ from hie; C'l.11m th.11 ht· could cur<' ( Jnrt'r, hhnd "'rk OJI.re;, 22, was 1·1111\ 11"11•<1 Tu(•,d ay in v. hat Dt•puty City Atty H1thard L<'R<'ll !'>aid wa.s lh1• firq cac;c or fraud prO'<(•Culed h~ rily of r1l·1alo; <;incr 192f. Ul'I To'-'9 --------------------"~ f"aadfN Th<' home o f Julie Andrews (above> and h er hu ~ba nd Blake Edwards has b<'en called ·•nn im- proper e nvironment " for Edwards' 16- year-o ld son by a previous m a rriage who ti vcs with the coup l <' Th e ooy·s m o th <>r . Patr1 c 1a REWARD Stretch Pantliner Regular $2.97 211 Pants ... polyester double knit. Pull-on style. Stitch crease. Washable. Mock front belt. Popular colors. Women's sizes 32-38. W£ WANT OIAMONOS GEM STONES AND FINE JEWELRY H!Pt\t p11~ paid for jf'\Wlry from pm111r incliv1du1I' 11141 tflltts. f "' 01m1n111on and 1ppra1gl by Gnd 111te Gtmolo11~t PIN1o11 call 536·7548 for 1ppoint· ment. Ask for Mr. Ttrry u UNIVERSAL DIAMOND INDUSTRIES 41Z Ol1w. Suitt Z03 H11nr111tton Bnch, C1hl . 92648 Nylon, spondu for oll over shaping . Whit•, M, L, XL. R•·•· 13. 79 Pantllnrr. XXI,. ....• 3 .27 Tops ... 100°/o polyester knit. Easy-care. In an assort- ment of prints to coordinate with pants shown. Short sleeves. Button front. Sizes 38-44. I Sears I So. Coast Plaza 3333 8rlstol St. Phone 540-3333 Buena Park 1150 L1 Palm• Ave. Phone 121--4400 Oran2e 2100 N. TustFn Ave. PN»ne 637·2100 STOH HOUIS: Monday lh•u ,,.d 10 AM to • ' Sotv•doy 0 JO AM lo 9 Svnllo"t. 11 Neon I ' .. • Edwar9s. ts tr) ing to get cu~tod) 7141536 7548 • 1i...--------------------------~----------------'·1 t ,.. • DAILV PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE New Ai1·port Attack The focal Point of u g reat dc:~I of rnt1r1~m 1n the past, tiny M "ado\\ lark AtrJ.)Ort hJ:. c·oml' undc1 an- lcnsc: Ullac k ugatn from lll'arb\ l c,ldl·nl~. a memWr or the city c·ounc1l anti now ·A~c mlll\ m<Jn Hol>t:rt Durk<'. • Burke. in fact, la:,t week w.ir lll'd airport man,1i:l•r Dick Ne rio to C'lc.tll up th(• t<mducl of pilot:-or lt.1l't.• l'f forts by the lc~!lhlator to C'losc.• tht• f.1nlit v dm\ n . Tb~re h.tvc bl·cn compl.itnb of Im~~ flymg. d rink· \Oil whale Oytn" and obsccnl' ~chlurc:, d1n·ch.'d at re:,i dents by pilots lrthcse all(•$:<itmns ur (' l•'Ul' lhl'Y s houltl bc halll.'<.1 without any dilly-d all}llla.! It ts d.ini:'l·rou.., Thl·re 1:, no room ror tha t kind of (•onclutt in todJ\ s d11natc ur high emotions and C'losc ciuarkrs. · The airport ""'!) there f11 s l arld no r mally it :;houldn't have lo tJeft·nd at:, t.·x1 slencc to Hut lo.~ or anyone else. Ruycr " undoubtedly knc:" o f 1t!> l'X L"Wnce beforl' ch~lng at Js ,1 tll't)!hbor Out <tl On $.! with lhh r1~hl. :\1e.ulo'' l~rk must operate with utmo~t rl·gard for thl• ~afl•l' and comfort or the res idt.•nts below. Offcndmg pilots should be barred from the f1dd. Jr these e fforts are m et. there seem s to be no reaso n why the airport and residents cannot uve in peace side by s ide. Sixth Grade Shift Trus tees of the Huntington Beach City <elemen- tary> School District a g reed wisely last week to study poss ible reorganization of the dis trict's three in· termediate schools. The boud set a March 2 meeting to consider a proposal by Trus l<.>e Norma Vander Molen to shift the sixth graders from Gis ler. Sov. er s and Dwyer ln· termed1ate Schools back to the c.:lementary cam· puses. Sh<' said many inderRarten through fifth ~rudl· sehools now have empt) classrooms ." hilt' Gisler und ~\\ers o re holding uboul JOO sludenU. above capar1 l.> Jn addtUon. 0\'}'Cr "'lll soon need renovation or l''l:pluccment and rmdln~ tempor:iry houslnJ{ for :.cvcnlh and e 1i:hlh ,;raders alone might be easier. Mrs. Vuf)der Molen's proposal deserves careful l'ons1dcralton by the board. although tru~lce$ s hould not act in baste without examining long-range enroll· menl projection. and weighing alternatives. Rl'SidC'nts of the dis trict who reel strongly should be m v1ted lo contact d1s tnct oUteials. The ~tuft probably would involv~ some chang('s in ~chool uttend:inc(' areas. as well a s a c hange In the s ixth gradl' cducutional program and should not be tukcn lightly. y Recognition Merited Congratulations are in order for Fountain Valley r ou ce Officer Robert Mosley, who was named Officer ofthe Year by the city's Exchange Club. In making the a\\ ard. c lub officials and Police Chief Mar\'ln Fortin cited Mosley's efforts in helping rE!ducc the commercial burglary rate b y 30 percent last year. as well as his work in establishing the de- partment's two-year-old canine unit. Other well-earned merit awards were given to Officer Michael McKay whose work as communi· ty services officer has won him the nickname "Of. fleer Friendly." and to Motorcy cle Patrolman J ohn Mihalik, who was credited with starting a bicycle safely program. The awards were presented during Crime Prevention Week, which was co-sponsored by the city andJhe Exchange Club. They were a well·deserved trit'ffite to men who work hard tokeeptheircity safe. H /F Landlocked African Nations See Angola Threat W ASHlNGTON -In sending a special emissary here to plead to an ostrich-like U.S. Congress for help, Zaire's President Mobutu has warned that the now certain Soviet victory in Angola could escalate lnto rar worse defeat for the Western world elsewhere In southern Africa. That somber message, carried to a s core or key Sen- ator s nnd R e presen· talives by Mobutu 's f oreign minister, Nguza, has had some Im· pact. But it 1s conjectural whether Congress, in its election· year isolalionast mood bn'<i out or Vietnam. is now prepared to \'Ole help ror Zaire, Zumb1n ond other nauons of southern Afnca afte r its Oat veto of President Ford's plan to aid Angola. IF CONGR ESS keeps its head m the sand, the fault will not lie in the clear warnings of either President Ford or Nguza. "ho spent 10 days roving Capitol Hill. Za1re·s Rcl~ium -educated foreign m1n1ster. who is highly rt'ga rdcd 1n Western F.urope, carrie d this m essage· US. failure to compete with brazen Soviet fore1~n mterventt1m would threaten not only his own country and neig hboring Zambia: it would endanger Afnca's entire southern salient down to the Cape of Good Hope. The reason is Angola's unique stratet:ic position. "h1ch gives 1l immense eC'onom1 c levcragt' ove r landlocked Zambia und nearly landlocked Zaire. IC Mos· cow retains its present pawer in Angola, both Zaire and Zambia <.'Ould be economically de- ( EVANS.NOVAK ) cimaled. Zaire (the former Be lgian Congo) is the largest fertile coun· try in.Africa, equal in s u:e to the U.S. east of the Mississippi. ll is also one or the world's richest sources of copper. manganese and other valuable minerals. The critical geographical ract is Zaire's dependence on rail traru;port across Angola to the Atlantic Ocean .. That is our hreline," Ngu1a told us here this week. ''Close it and our people In Shaba (formerly Katanga, tbe copper-rich part of Zwre) will be rwned." MOSCOW has coveted the riches of the old Belgian Congo for decades. Antoine Gizenga, a key pro-Soviet hgurc on the lo . ing side or tht' Congolese CIVIi war a decade ago. 1s now in Angola for possible trouble· making in his old homela nd Abo in Angola are i.omc S.000 anl1· Mob,utu troops from the old Cl\ ii war -military pawns for u.w b~inZaire. What frightens Zn1re. Zamltia and other non-all.:1wtJ nallon.., nr southern Africa even more than massive Soviet military a11l 111 Angola is the contrasting U s rt• fusal to help. As Nguza told us and warned Congr~ssmen : "Tht' Africans. 1 am sorry to s ay, ure losing their confidenrc in tht• United States. Whenever there 1s any trouble, the U.S. says, 'No more Vietnams. ·Thal 1s hard for us to understand." Thal conhrmed \\hilt Euro- peans, far better informed on once-colonial Arnca th:>n Americans. have been pn\'alt•ly warning: lbe m ere exi!>tcncc of So1-1el·backcd Angola, t"oupled "1th the <.'onxress1onal rerusal to t•ompt>te, c·ould automatically JtCnerate pro·Commumst mO\ e· ments. "lthout pressure from lbe Krt!mhn. NG l ' Z A n n d other n o n · CommurH:.I Africans arl' count· mg on a \ ISll by Sl'cretary or ~ t a t e JI ,. n r y K i s s 1 n ~ e r t o '11u1h1•1 n Afric a to h<·lp sho" that the· l ' ~ dot.''\ not intend to \l.llhtl ra w rrom s uper-power competitwn on the continent. But the rt•al question lies in Congress. Can Congress, as some tenuous sign!> now 1nd1ra~al· ly rid itsclr of the c<>Stly illusion that t'Very lJ S . involvement is u candidate for "another Viet- nam"? l 'nlei.s tht.• an<;\\er 1i, yes, the pol1tll·al outlook rn southt'rn Africa IS danger ous. North or Zaire IS the Peoples' Republic or the Congo (lhe former French Congol, controlled by an antl- Western regime. To the east along the I nd1an Ocean lies Moiamb1que, like 1\ngola 3 former Portuguese colony whose government has Intimate ties to MMcow. Jf the assumption is ror- rect that Moscow will indeed be able to consolidate and hold Its politic al influenN' over pro- Sovil't Angola, Zaire und Zambia are extremely vulnerable landloc ked countries sc1ueezed between Angola and Mozambl· que. THAT WAS the mesr.age of President Mobutu's emissary here. Whether Congress un· dcrstands it wlll not be known un- til 1t takes up the President's military and economic aid pro- ~ram for 7.aire. It nmounts lo a p1ddhnit S42 million. but the con· gress1onal utt1tude toward it. could foretell the fate of southern Afnca. Recycled Exhaust Fumes Blamed for Ace ·dents Tothtt Editor In his rect!nl Just Coast in~ col- umn. Thomas F. Murphme was :amazt'd to ~ee a newspaper stick atop the trunk lid or a spe<-tlin~ automobllt.>. AC'cMdinJt lo ncrodynnmir" engineers. a varuum Is creatrcl b<•h1nd moving obkcts :ind that could be one of rt-nsons for I lw newspuJ)('r not rn I hni: off. Tr .i g i c n 11 y • th£' s ~· m 1• <lt'rodynum11•s 1·n•111~ n nf'1(Ut1v1• prC'1.1•rnrr w1thm the 1.1ut11m11h11t• that ~ur ks thl' c·nr·~ c·arhon monnx1de back into the pai;<.l·n.:c• compartment. numpl'r to bum JX'r t ruffle oh v1ou .. 1y•force" dr1 vi'~ to hr t•ath1• m 0 'IS I V (' 'I U ll n I It 11' 'I Or it II I n tmlp1pc cxhoui.t from p1t·t'l'thn).: Vf'hitlt'~ whr t'h h 111•1rrln11' cirC'um<1tunce •" compoun1lt·1I hv 01>f'nlni;t the talli;:utf' v.rndm\ .. or ~lttt1on wu11on11 and. JlO''i1t>h . tw thl' rear \ f'nt populurly ..,, ~ 11'11 tnlo <1om(' or the mon• rt'('~·nt mntur vt·h•clcs . THE Envlronm<'ntnl l'rotf'I• tlon Af(rn1·y'l4 l>uk1• VnivC'r..,11y Rnt>arch l'<•nt<'r. in rondud111i: :o.tutit<'~ or driv1•r tlrow .. inr~i.. found th 1t 10 perc<'nt nf Nor th ('l)rolinn rtri vc•rs admitl1·cl t'pi11odc11 of r11l1injl (l'llt'('Jl lwhmrl Ult' w ht.>t'l :t n<I C'unl'Ur with ttw An10n11 lli1thwoy Potrnl and Oh1n Stall• llnlvt>r!illV 11·1lotl-. that • • m o lo r v 1• h 1 " I 1• <' '( h n u 't t'm1ss1on11 produrc drl' er 10.ith'n l ion, 1trow 11l nt·'I~ noel LtlltnJ: aslt>ep al lh<• \\-h<'1'I •· an1I !-t:1tt'" lh•' to bt• for u mor1• c ommnn pht"nomtnon th;1n hu,'I 1iten<'rally ht'<'n rf"toi.tnl1ed Hot her than i:nmtin~ the Mnt1 ~ar Gloomy Gu Wiil Rep Hinshaw's C'a m· paign SIOgtan be, "\"Ott• for me. even thouith I cnn t vote ror you., .. C' L .......... ~·~·........-.. _.. ____ ....... , ........ _fl/I_ ... ._.~-.... _ .. ._,o •. o.u,,.,,. nuinJ? 1Jem:inds of automobile manuf:H·turcr.; fnr time <'lC· tt'ns1on:. 1n dt•Vt•loping <•ngint" ex· h:iust pol1111111n runt rol<\, a.; a mat· tf'r of IH'Jlth .ind s:ift.ty for dnv('rs, passt•nf.(e•rs and JX'Opl(• wnrkin~ and living along muJul" hi~hwavs. lh1• EPA !'hould de· manrl and r•nforc•t• it.; deadline. "urn all r1·~1:.lt•rC'll drivers oft he hl•:tlth ha1anls and rt.'<1tt1rc wnl· tt'n noth-1' to tw JK>,lt'IJ in all moMr \'l'htl'lc•s "lalml! the• ('() c·n.:m(' 1•m1 .... 1on d<tngt•r\ of automobile c.Jn\ in.:. 1m.c.:cE s llOPPI~G /\'o Sla•p• To tht' Editor t-:\ N ..,.nr1• thc post of(1CC' boo'ltl'd lhC' f1r ... 1 t•ln~!\ rate lo 13 tt'nt~. "" h:ivc• found 1t o.1lmoi;t impos,1bll' to buv thC' Ol'<'('~l4:ary 3 cent st:11nps Thc•y had plt'nty of "Jrnm g thnt Con.ires~ wa~ go1n.: to 1-•nuc·t the• :l n•nl ran«• but OP· parenll) did nothing about prtnl· 1ng thl' ~turnp~ un11I ubout the d~1y thl'v mu-<t he udtkd toouroltJ JO cent h•ttcr.;, Wh ll'h 11•1Jltnth m (' of thr old .. R:innn11·· ~oniz · "\'<'". \H' hnvt' no 3 rrntt-rs, w« h11vr no :l (•1•nh.'r" toclny. W<• ROt Ml<<''!, nnd SC\ <>ns. and r1nc•1•ns. nnct 'l<'vt•no;. And uny kmd or oth<•r.; 'ou 'll\\' "We· JlOt 'sp<'ctnls, :incl r e· .:htt'rrdo; und cert1f1eds and dul' .. t;iml)'. And all pretty colors but !:rt') .. Hut \'"". "t' 1:ot no 3-<"enteM, Wl' szot nn :'l·Cl'ntrrc; tnday'" n tA."'I K KLOCK A nif"ol tl•ddl_. To Lht' Editor I rcct'ntl) had occa!non to try to U"<' t ht' '\c.'f\ ICt'S of lht• Anll"Qlll Control A 11rt'nsed rat <'<Im<' to my hou~c 'fh1nkanJl 1t would be simple to find th<' ow'fu•r by the hrensc numbt'r I rolled the Hunt ington Beach number IL<1ted on the tag. Thi~ number had been dlS<'Onnected so was referred to another numbl"r an Oran2l' Ant'r calling th1.; number rt'peatedly and beini.t put on hold e<•ch llm<'. I fmnll) 11tot through to be l1lld that not onl)' would thty not give me tht' o wner's name and telephone number but thnt thf'y wou ld not notify the owner either I plact•d (I round :id IO lht' Daily ( MAILBOX J Pilot. which was free and an :id in the Register. I got a call from a very nice lady telling me lo CIJll the Costa Mesa Animal Control to have the m get the owner's name. They called back w1lh thl' report that all the record" of llun· tinl(lon ~ach h ad bet>n lost for numbers 700 to 1.000. The cats tag ·~ ll851. Is this why we pay Ucense fC'es., l!I It ju!lt to s well the city's trea~ury or tis lhere S<lmr prolt·r uon for the animal owners and pets., I am appalled at Ole indfiC'i<'n· cy nod downrijthl rudencs!I of lht' Animal Control s tuff H :ANNf: OONEGAN ll•J-• At'tl.,. To the Editor: tlo!l plta l ond S('r vicc F.mployees Union. Local 399, wi11hf'!I to hrlnf( to your t1tlcnllon and that of the public. a matter whi<'h 114 of JtrClll con<·t'm to our memtx-rs. On Feb. 2, 56 main· tt>nanre employes, mt'mbt'f'll of our union. who are t'mployed at the McOonnell·Dougla." Phent in llunlln~'ton Beath were thro'An out of work. For over 10 year11 members or Local 399 have loyally and effi· rtenlly maintained the plant and In return have received union "ages. health a nd welfare cov· t"rage. Pt"ns1on benefits and other fnnge bene'1ts. Many of these displaced employt's had as much as 12 years· service at the McDonnell-Douglas Plant. In January. however. the com· pany unilaterally dttidl'd to sub· contract the 1a nltonaJ work out to a mainttnonce comp3 ny which docs not provide union wa11es or benefits. thereby plac- ing 56 people out in the street. What mW<es the situation m<>!ll intolerabll'-is that McDonnell· Douglas is n corporation which has bet'n and is the recipient of numerous government con· tract!! • uch 3 C'Of110rnt1on can usually be expected to act in a responsible mannt>r and show concern for th<' nel'(iS of fK'Oplc whose lives 1t a ffo<'ts In throw- ing these workers out m thl." street. McDonnell· Douglas has acted in a rephreh<'n~1blc man· ner and has shown no concern for those employes or their ram1hcs We believe the public should ht• made aware of the un1ust actw n of McDonnell-Douglas and hO}>•' that they will s upport the former employes in their efforts to \\> tn their jobs back JAM F~<i 7.ELLF:RS Execut 1vl' V1r1· Pn•,ufrnt Poor R_.,.ord To the Editor: Sen. Dennis Carpent<'r took onl' more opportunit ~ , pnor lo h1' dl· parture for the W1nlt•r Olymp1r,, tn speak out aaarnst IC'g1..,lat1vr help to Im J>rovt-lht• ~lat II~ Of women Consistent with lw1 h:1d voting record on womt·n·, 1i.i.u<'!'t , he· again Jumped at th<' opportunit y to oppo~e womc·n, ACR 13Z (Ar;:wmhly Con~ur· rent Resolution which r xll'nch1 thf life or lh«' Jo1nt <:o mmlttN' on Leia! Eriuullty thro uith L>eeembN or 19761 pass<'d the AR· scmbly and the• S1•natc. Sen. Carl)<"nter. howeV<'r. WOR ont or two voic<'l4 who !!pokf' a1u1ln~t tht' rt'!IOlutlon. contendin~. a ... u•rnnl th3t "u<'h n romm1ttce 1s un necetisary bt'causf' women arc not d1scr1mlnated nanmsl. The Joint Com mitt~ on t_.ea3I Equality 1s mandatl'<i to bring in lo conformity with federal law all of California's codes and re· gulatlons concerning Ole aboh· lion of discrim1n11tioo bnsed on sex. It also rev1ew<1 the function· inc of state agenc1~ ror sex d•~· criminat1on. The findings of this <"Ommittce have led to corrective legtSlation resulting in m111or ~trides toward achie,·inJ equality ror all Cal.tfomta wom('n JOAN JENSl-:N Women's Lobby Inc. .. Slaarpde .. t~11 To the Editor; With deep devotion to our Callrornia Highway Pntrol and other police enforcement agen c1es. t Ju!l t read the Feb 9 11rt1cle "Sus~cts Saved by Loot " Ter nf1c' Whnt. you got a new rulin~. ""hen 10 doubt lead out with shotguns?.. Ev<•n I can hit a bn<.'k wall with on1• of those What ever happened to the movie ven.ion of radio ahead for help and try to ~hoot out tht' tires with a rirte on fleeing car sus- pects·• I'll bet they·re easier to rc•plare than s lolcn articles and bodies flow u bout a wC'll placed non-vital shot to fleeing foot sus- tx'rl s., Oh. I 'vc bN,n watching loo many mnv1t•s, that's old hat, you weren't t r;.11ned for SWAT. Peo- plt• art' t>a~tf'r to hrl with ti 'hol~un. tin•.; don't bluw out ea~y now. Throw thoi;r sharpo;hnotini: av. ard:> in th1' garbaitc. You don 'l dcsl'rvc the m . PJ\'rRICIA 11/\LL Coa•t Controls To the F.d1tor Th._. lip of th<' it'l'OOrl( 1s show· Ing. Your "Coastal Proposa l Ht·vt'lllc•d " I Ft'11 101 tells how ~nalor Anth<iny He Henson want1' to put "pl•rmnm•nl" cnntrol!I on the roust be«aus<• the whole 1,072 m11t•~of1t ar1•sos1wd;.1l Next it will be the form!I, field11. lll'sl'rtll and mountain!! that will nt•cd thls 11peciu.I protection. The Co11st11l Cornrn11111ion'A "Constitution for th<• Coo!ll'' 111 a complete• reversal from the U.S. CoMlll ution that l(tmrantt'4.'S the raaht !i of pr1 v att' property ownership ttncl hu111n~~ freedom. from the bl111~c'it businesii to the Ii ma 11 cs l co I t a g c• Sc n a l ~ r Be1lenson, who l!'i c hairman orthe Senate FinanC'e Committer. i;hould know what this lakeover wall cost. The Coai;tal Commission plans for acquiring land within their 1,000-yard juris diction ure estimatt'd al over SS billion with an added yearly upk~p or $120 mil hon This doesn't Include what Will be tllken Off the private lAX rolls and added o!Mo yours and my tax bills. It Is httrd lo imagine the• economic effect of buyinR more of <'allfoml11. or what we would buy It with The economy and un· employment on the <'Oasl arc already rar below the rest of Cnlifnrnia heeause of these con trols. and the whole state h3s been hurt by lht•rr stopping of bwldlng, industry and cncru production. Senator ~ilenson should give us a cost pro1ection as well as more emotional rhetoric. This 1s more than creeping 11ocialism. the rest of the iceberg is solid totalitarianism. GOLOJEJOSEPll lrref,...,aRt To the Edilor On page one of Section J\ or tht' Feb. 11 , ISilUC or the Daily P1lnl you reported the sentencing tu county ,all or a woman conv1<·tc·d of embeizlin it funds from an Irvine bui.ines!> e!>tuhl1~hmt•nl. In both the headline and the article 1tsclr you re!errt"d to lht' woman as th(' wife of a polrr1• or. fifer I have one t11mplt• <tUl"!>tmn le; that fact any morc.: rt•lc•vant 111 thf' 1ssut• than hrtd sht' IX'rn th11 wife of a tencher, ultornc•y. or medtcul dn<'tor'> Woulcl your ht'adline have IJcen "WHc <11 ·reacher S.-ntcnccd"? As a profe1u1ional law cnforc<'· ment orr.cer I vC'ry m1k'h rC'Rfnl lht• IYP<' or unwarranted and. m my JUdgmC"nt, lrrt·~ponslhlt! rt" J)(1r1ing ~xempllfit'ft in thut urti- '<'le. 1111<1 the guilty pnrty hcrflf'lf hc-t'n 11pOllt•<'1>frk1:.t ot the tlmt..' of lhc offcn11e. I hat wcfuld be u riroprr lntt>r1'11t. 't'hnt how<-vrr w11s nol the C'nsc• and thu11 thr rt•fert!nec tn lh<-off<-n1frr'11 hur.h11ncl11hould Ml huve~c.·nmcl111lcd H:nnv novo ORANCI! COAST DAILY PILOT Rl>Mrt N w .. l'd. l'uhluhrr ThrmlO• I<,,,,,, f'rl11~ /Jarbtlrll I\ rr•thcc Ii f.dwmnl l'OQt l-'d1ll1f' The f'dltonat pAar o( thr 011lly Pilot '-l'<'k• tu 1nrorm and "11mulsh· n-.u1rr~ bv vn•'<'fltin.: on lhl~ P•Jtt• 1.ltvt'1 t rommmtary on top•r~ ol 1nterl'!ll bv r.yndlcal· l'd ('olumnl~I\ and ('artoon11u, by pro\ 1dtnl: II I Orum for ~11drf"ll' vrl'v.~ oind b y prne•nllnll lhi8 nl'v.i.11a1lt'r·!I r>plt1lon" and idea~ on ('Urrt'nt toplt't Ttlt <'dltorh1I opinion~ of I hr Onllv Pilot appc"ar only 1n tht' 1'1J11orl11I rolumn 111 thr top 11( lhr pui:c Opinions fll· p1 ('\'<('(! IJy th<' rnlumnii.t~ :ind ('Drtoont~l~ and lettl'r v.littrs are thi>1 r ov.n nnd no l'ndun1<'mcnt o( thr1 r \It'"'' hy lhr l>ally Pilot 'hould ht-1nftrrt'd Wednes d ay, Fe b. 18, 1976 Myths of Scarktt, Rhett Write r Digs Up History of Legendary Film Hy ROH TllO't \.." LOS' ANGEr.1-:s 1 '"' h>r 2~ >eJr'>, "Gonl' wtth the Wind" wai. lht• tu~·...:• ,l t'JI n1111t longe!i>t .md mo.t fabled mo\ 1c in ll"ll~v.1101j h1!i>tun Its ~ecord 4il~ J Oll)fll') m Jlo.t•r · v. a s findlly ~lipaed ln 1965 V. bt•n '1'111' S.iuncJ ur ~fo!iolt',. !i>OUred Lo the too of thl' h't 1l1 r 1•t·ord ha' !>IO<'e liecn echp&ed by "'I IH' <iodlJl/lt'r JO<.! nuv., "Jav.i. · "Cleopatra·· tn 19tJ r.111 1011..tn on th<' s<·reen. NO MOV IE? WIU . 1·H·r -.u11rn:.'> "Gone with the Wind" Jn legend, and mw .. 111r 11"1oll<'rh•d in a nt.'w book, "Sc;irlett. Hhl'lt 1111cl u c·u,l ,,, Thuu.,Jnds " (Macmillan. Sl:I ~51 , h\ ll11laruJ flam1111. a Tu~e magulne corresvondc-nt 111 IQ.I\1\0f(l'll''> Mu c h of it It. lllg Ashley \\'1lke5, ar guin(C that he was too old -45 to Wilkes· 23 in the eurly l'l<'enes Selinick c hanged Ho"•urd li mtnd b)' olfenn.i to let ham help produce "lnlermeuo" 1'he actor wrote his daughter. "Money 11> the m 1i.i,1on here, and 1o1. ho um I to refuse It "" -Margurcl M1khell re mained pubhclv aloof from thl' •warrh for st.in. to play the maJor roles. Privately. :,he did not enthiue about <.iisblc u~ tthctt, preferring Oas tl Rathbone F1nalht!i> in thc race for Scarlt'lt were PoulPttE" Goddard. Joc.tn J:konnell, J ean Arthur and \'1' ten Leigh -TllO"IAS MITCHELL. WHO PU\YED Scarlett's rather, was so ternhed !)f horses that has ('Ontrart read hl' would not h(lve to ride But d1rec· tor \'1ctt>r Fleming tncked him into performing the runa~ d) horse M·ene Joan Hlondell. Loretta Young and Gladys George "' ere am ong those cons1dt>red for the role or Belle Walling !:>elz.nick ulso tned to sound out QUEENIE ~ .. ,, . \. Wodn~ay F eoru;...;a_rv,__18_1_11_~.,_-______ O;;,.A_l...;;l_'f...;,P_•L;;,.0:;...;,,,.t __:'~7:,. By Phil lnterlond1 NOBOO\ ·~ D£RH'-1 E ye o n Hig h Worsh ipiwrs Guarded lH'Tlt<lll t l 'l'll 1h1h1 v.h11 pr.n in ~I \l11\~1u .. Hoan.rn l 1tlh1•l11 l i 1u1 r h Jft' nll lo11.i.:1•r .1t1111t .i ll'lt•\' i...1011 l .Hn1·r ,1 lll.·1•r' dnv. n from .1lll.I\ •• ·1 ht• c Jn11•r.1, 11u1r111 "si•t u1 ''' "'"'Ill, 1llw-.11·~ int111 Jt•· .1 I.it I.. 11f (J1th In llwir fl'lh1v. m.111. church <1rf11•1,1l' :..1), hut "' llwr t• tu .1111 tho:w \\ hu ma~ht Ol'~'ll ll "/\I.AO\' (',UH'" TIO: otlwr d.1~ and put her coat 1hl\~ 11." ~Jttl tll1· Hn Hu .. -.l'l) t-: l\.t>hkr. ai.sls· 1:1111 I'·"'"'· "dari<'•"Cl r>11 II 111111 thrn ~l rlpJ>e1I 11,1k1·d .. Thu~,. Ii\ 111~ 111 h.1llwu) hou'!1·:-. 1111 lht• mentttllY 111 m tll\• do" ntm\ 11 :tff«I conw 111to thl' c hurch ... 11m1·t1mt·:-. to pr.I\. ,,11111\.ohlt't CRDU'. Tll t. t•R11 :sT s \10. \\'\.,'\th(' primary problt·m for "h1d1 tlw l'Jlllt'fj~ an• 1"<PeC'tl'd l o be a <.IPtcrn•nt If the la st time you had lunch Camilla r , but Flo m1111 baa done h t' le.i.:w11rk travelang lo P1i1r1:. to tn terv1ew O il v 1 a dt• Hav11land, sur\'l\'llr nr the quartet of star~. Jtld t.o Atlanta to learn more about author ~tJrgJrel Mitchell Tallulah B;,nkht.'ad, though h<' feared her wrath ---------------------at Victor Hugo's His res earch hJ' paid orr in new inform ... lion about David O Selznick's triumph and tus downfall he could ne ver quell his dei.an· 10 top "Gone with the Wind." The~e arc sonw of the things the averagl' GABLE moviegoer might' not kno"' Jbout the film. -MGM HAD A ('llA:'ll''I-: TO buy the M1tcht'll novel. but ln'tnR Thalbf·n: Jlh"c•<.I Louis D :\'t ay<·r against at becau:.e "11111..'1vd W.ir IJ11:turc ever made a nickel." -Among tht.o Atlanta ~OcliJKtes 3ud1l1oned for the role or SC'arlctt v.a)>, Cath1·nm· C'ampbell, later the wife or Randolph llt-.ir~t .rnd mllthcr of !'atty Hearst -Clark Gable was rl'lul·t;mt to acC'ept the role of Rhett Butlt•r "loo lJ1..t ..in order, I don't "'ant any part or him .. lie r clt'nkd bt-l'ou!>e he oeeded money to d1' orce h1:. l)l'l'Ond v.1ft.: and marry Carole Lombard. -LESLIE HOWARD AL'iO BALKED at play- after bc1n~ turned down for Scarlett Belle was played b) a !'\ew York uctresi,, Ona Monon -For researrh or the d<'h\ ery scene. the mettculous Ohv1a deHa\1lland d1sgwsed herself as a nurse and spent hours watchinR childbirths at Los Angeles County llos"1tal -DURING TllESCE~E IN which Prissy com· plained she knew nothing about "b1rthin' babies,'' \'iv1en Leigh s lapped Butterfly McQueen so hard that the blaC'k actress demunded an apology. "She's hurting me," Butterfly complained. ''I'm no s tunt man, I 'm an a<'lrC'!>.S" Louis ~ Ma) er t·omplaaned about the length of "Gone with the Wmd" "They'd stone Christ 1! he came bac k and spoke for four hours ." -SF:LZ~IC K PERSONALl.Y DIRECTED 'the ~cene of Rhett's walkout on Scarll'tt, shooting it with two taglines: "Frankly, my dear, I don't gave 3 damn," and "Frankly, dear, I JUSt don't l'arc " The producer had to plead with movie czar Will Hays to use "damn." wh1 ch was barred by the Production Code. Ha)':) hnally consented, exacting a $5.000 fine because Selznick violated the Code. Sa11 Diego Lette r Buy-centennia l Perils Cited SA.l\J DIF.GO IL1PI> Cit~ 1Jff1l·1..il,, l'ltwg nHr commerC'talttat1on or t\rnvnl'a :. :.!tHJth lnrthd.n . have wnrned olht>r <01t1t'~ lh:.il n11<·rat11r.., of t h•· American Freedom Tr:un may try to O\~rst·ll tickets for their attrart1on. The warning , an a <'1ly ----------- report. says the altral' lion IS worth seeing but 1t accused <'On<'ess1ona1rcs in San Diego of turnin.i.: the visit into a · C'ras~ emphasis on bu)· centennial." c·Jn i:o throut:h lh1 11 ;11n hourly. till' ••·rnrl ,,11d the ofrir1ab d11l n111 1.11..t• tnlo account hH· 11..dt•\\ n-. in a C'On~·eyor Ut·l111""l to :.hut tie thl 11 ... 11or~ through the t 1 .i in T HE REPORT ~as rn "Of couri.1· llw train was when the boss went out of town , now is the time to rediscove r one of the best values for your money. ------..... ··----- \lie<' 11t Rapt' MPlnn Bour h(·p .i l.1 R<'lllt' <ip1C t•d Pt'ol< h I w1J r ll'"h 'l'J"on.tl \ q.~1·1.1bll''> \ \'.ml·!~ (If Brt•.1d, K.11"n K11 <' Puddm~ ( 111111 ,. 01 fh•\1•1.1~1· eluded in an informat1or\'--~urv1\e -; b1 ,,.111n~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~package sent to nther t1rkeb and a l!•t.1t <llal cities where the tr..i1n " or effort i:oi· ... 11110 )!1•tl111J,! scheduledto~lop lt ~J\!-people t o p111 1 ho1.,.. no m ore than 12.000 them," :.aid f\t•\ 111 \tun tjckets s hould bl' sold on nell~. 1o1. ho IH<'PJ• c·d lht• a daily bai,1s for train report .. Hui t hl· prublt.'m visits. 1~ that lh~· Iraan M·lb Backwards Dash Chanip Any seasoned l'tl111·n \\ 111 h·ll 'ou t h:it th1• late Bill "Ro1an.i.:J1•'" l!olnn,on "~;s some .. ort of a recordbrcuk1·r in th.1 t thl·alrtl·al drt calll·d lap danC'ing Out flOI man\' 1 t'.lh/l' he· \\ iJS In deed a recordbrt>.1k1·r'. tuu. rn lht• athlt'tll' a<.'- llvity of runnm.: h•Jl'kv. arrb ~oboth l'lw in the world ec1uall'<I him in r1w 50 \Jrd da-.h backwards ut six M'<·on1h, the 10.\·arc1 dash backwards at H 2 ~1·1·on<t... and !ht· too yard dash backwJrds al 1:1 :!,,., ond... · lenses on 1t., ev<'c;"" A The an.Jbleps '> Isn't that thf' little bea~t that swims along th<' i.urfacc, looking out or lht• wal{'r and under the waler at the :.amc time·! Uelil'V(' SO The train drew mixed 1111irt• t11·kt·h 111•r 11.1.' reviews duranJ: 1ls flvl• lhan 11 l'•lll po ...... 1111\ han· day S an D1l·go st op. dlt•" I a r g e I y b <' C' u u s 1· operators sold lti.0011 tickets a day and man' persons were unable to see the exh1b1tion. WIDLE OPERATORS maintained 1.400 Pt>rs .., Tll F: R •: ro K 1' .ii ... 0 cnt1<•1u•d tht• l'tt, f111 11111 m;.1k1ni.: l'nou.i.:11 "atPr ;1\ a1lable for p1·11plt tJ111 in)! an un.,c0:1,un.1I "1111t·r ht'al v..1H' that h 11 Su11 Diego Jurin~ llw \ 1~1t. Believe W 1 llw m 1\n ·h1 hJl<I Spotllll'r ·, pre• mler sltp of lht• tnni.:111• "a~ hh r1 mark to a bridegroom · "It '' k1s,t11111,1r> to 'u..,~ tht• bnde." I like that on .. lwtll'r th.in his line· to :i student. "You h1swd In\ "'"tt•r> lc-ctur<.·" RI FO<.'Al_..; Q. "What'<> th.at trupu·..il (1 ..,h \\rth bifocal Wht•n r ('Sl.'iJrche r s askc'<l numerous Catholic :.C'hol:irs at Columbia l lmvcrs1ty H they expected to ml.trry outside their faith, Jpprox1mately 66 percent i,aad ye:. About 46 percent or the l'rotestants :.aid yes, too nut onl} 15 percent of the ~,l'\\ ash Students said }CS Address moil to L.M Boyd. P 0 Bor 1560, Costa Mesa 9262b ~IT THE OPT~CAi DEPARTMENT] Nobody ever got --a ticket on the bus To fit, or not to fit: that ~ e qu~~~~gg~~~·fi~ TH£ OPTICAL DEPARTMENT AT MONTGOMERY WARD Costa Mesa bristol st. at san diego fwy ... 714-549-9400 well. Slippin~. pinC'hing glasses nre a dai.comfort you can d o without. That 's why the Optical Dc- p;1rtm1·nt al \Varcls ~peC'ialill'-. in f1lltnj( .clnsses. We takt• at . long, 1 ardul look nt you r~ no~. 1•a rs. tr•mples and <'yes to m11k<' ... u re you RCt a fit tho!' ... JU"-l nght. Wlu:n you ke<'p in mind our lnrgt• 1u-lection of •gond -looking fra mes und r<'B'IOnahle co11t, 1t'11 ('RliY lo 800 why thP Opt1cnl Dt•partmenl nl \\.'nrrl" hM ht gl1u1Ae<1 on owr half n m1ll1on fncc14. So v. ht•n you nt.'4:•<l glM!W'I, 1·111111• '''C u11. We'll mnkt• 11urc ''"' Jo!t'l 11 fit iust ni. you like 1l. Put~face in our hands. OPT-3 MONT(,(>MfRY WARD / You're il law C1lJidi11n dli/t'll. right According to a ~fanford Uni\.'er~ity .,rudv vou only lJr<><•k the lilw in fwo w<Jy'i. When you do your tax return. and t•verv- time you get behind the whcd of your car. And whilt> we're not .-,ug- gesting that you s top driving a ltogether. we have a pla n. A plan that will drnsticdll y redun• the time you have to spend h<·· hind the wheel. A pldn thclt \\:ill fo, ""°" mfonnadott uU S47·3:1H. 6 a.a. to JO p.m. w••kdaye and 8 ..... to S p..-. °" -•k .. nde. furn \''Hit l un111111lit1 q l111 w into rl'l,"1t1q ll'i ... u11· ttnw . .ind ""\'I' \111 1 " lo t n l 111rnw v ,,.., \U•ll. 111 ... t<•.rcl 111 drrv1r1q lo \.lllfk, I Ortl!llllll' \\illi 1111' ( hcHllJI' ( l1llllfl/ l r.rn ... 11 1>1 ... tru t And to n 11 •tTll\\. worry alw111 1.011r l<tXl''-in- '>tead of worryin!J <1bout ('Op.,. :0 Ride the bus and see what you've been ~ssing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I-~~~~~~~~~ ~· . A. DAILY PILOT W.Onetday. Fet>ruary 18 1976 ·M;:;r;;on . Board Limits Child Support Staff pposes Three Orange County act things r olling lowllrd compliance Wllh JU:it 47 But tK-cuuse tht•y rould j.t(•t neither t•on(1rma governmc:nl dtpart · newemployes t1on or denial thut tht! mont>y is flowtn .i m, S ik: Pl m enu who mu:st ad -Novick argued that to fully comply w11h the sul'erv1sors ordered that the t•ounty ':s "urt1.111 tr e an minu.ter new federal low. he mu¥v .. ·org'anue bis div~1on mlo 11pedul t•n· tmputed revenue:s" uccoun t ~ t•p~d for t he tinw «h1ld support laws a~ked forcement (cams and could not do so with only 47 beb1~ By O. C. HUSTINGS ........ .,,. ....... Marian ~rgeton of Newport Buch ii\ .M11tinat up bet campal1n to move from her current s~at on the Newport-Mesa School Board to the 74th As· aembly ae at being vacated by Republican Rob Badham, who's running for Cooiress. Mrs. Bergeson told euests at a recent reception • "" Lido Island ahe op)>Oses any leglslallon that .• 'would lecaliie strik• by public employes and, as an Aa.sembtywoman wouJd press ror a measure that would outlaw such actions. • More rece ptions for Mrs. Be rgeson are scheduled for this week, starting with an arr:.ur ut the Don.Adkinson Home at 8 p.m. Thursday and a 10 ~ a .m . coffee klatch Frida)' at the Lawrence 'Thompson home in Mission Viejo. • * * THE ORANGE County Chapter of the National Women 's Political Caucus is rallymg its mem· bership for the group's stale convention March • 26-28 at the Sheraton Newport llotel. * *. AN ORGANIZATION called the Orange County Assassination Group has scheduled two organiza- tional meetings, Wednesday and March 3 at 3073 Johnson Ave. in Costa Mesa. The unit is an outgrowth of the Citizens Com- mission of Inquiry formed in Washington DC. to put pressure on Congress to reopen the probe of President John F. Kennedy's slaying. ••• . the county Boa rd or new employcs Thl'Y nlso mttdl'it dc~rto Nov1t•k und other dt· SUperv1sors Tuesday !or Thomais · unaly:sts made a similar cut m the re· partmt>nt rcprt>sentattvtts that morl' m1.1npowl'r "111 183 add1t1onal cmployt-5 quest by the Prob11tton ~piartmt•nt for 15 new ~· pro,•ided if tht• rit..-d ar1st•11, p11rtkul11rly I( tlu· to dQ the iob. _ posu. Thf!t w a:-; r\'d\ic:ed to six and probation or-fodt>ral requirements prove difficult to meet. But supervisors, ac-t f1cials offt>red s1m1lar ~guments to those ot Nov. ing on the aJv1ce of the 1ck. ., ---------------------County Adm1n1str~U,•e • Office. granted le~&than T HERE WAS CONSIDERABLE confus ion dur· one-third of the new !>061 · 1ng the board 's dbcuss100 ot the J~rsonnel reqwrc· t1on requests . They ments a:. lo when• the money would come frorri for argu\'<i that 1t would be ORANGE COUNTY U1e new enforct>ment stuff . impossible for the dt.' Thomas l>a1d he hus not yet seen uny ftderal part men ts to lure and funds and sauJ he assumed the ~unly would hav~ to tram more than 54 ix><>· foot tht> bill until reimbursements start comina: ple in the next six The federal law provides for reimbursements months anyway. for staffing or 75 percent of the sala,ries. THE BIGGEST LOSER in the board's action was the D1s tncl Attorney's family ~upport division. wtuch is the arm of governmc·nt that s1:eks out and prosecutes fathers who fail to l>Upport their families. Families without such s upport must turn to the C'ounty Socrnl Service:. Department for weUare money under the Aid to Fam11.Jes w1lh Depe ndent Children (AFDC> program. . A. C. Novick. deputy District Allorney in charge of the family support d1v1s1on, said 1t would' take at least 167 new employes do a stepped-up en - forcement job sallsfactory to the federal govern· menl under the new PublJc Law 93-647. HAD ALL 187 POSmONS been approved, the count y would have ass um ed immed iate rt>Sponsib11lt y for hnding cash to pay about S2 mtlhon an salaries. The 54 approved positions will cost roughly $600,000 a year Novick said the federal, governml'nt. through st.ate agencies. a lready has reimbursed the county in advance of its actual needs based on past man- power requi re ments. He said the County Auditor- t•ontroller has received three checks worth nearly $500,000. DR. H. MICHAEL SHACK OPTOM£f'RY EYE EXAMtNATIONS-coNTACT LENSES AHNOUNaS NfW 1976 RES FOR ornw.MIC MATERIALS • Bausch & Lomb solt contact lenses Sl95 p1. • Hard contact lenses st 25 pr • Fashioned e yewear & prescription lenses depending upon frame & lenses i;ele<:ted oompeht1vely priced. -,--•• ~u.,..,.. .... .,......_....., W.O•-C.1---.... U NL MIS-W.'llCI "'--· 494-3008 MIWf'OIT llACH ... U90 ''""- LAtMIMA HACH ·'---..... ZH LA6VNA A YI. , ... VIA U00 A SPOK ESMAN IN that office confirmed later that a trust fund has been set up to collect federal reimbursement money for the child support en-BUT COUNTV ADMJNISTRATIVE OFFICER forcement program for expenditure when the coun. ALICIA COOPE R , the Mission Viejo Robert Thomas said the District Attorney could ty beefs up its efforts. --------------------Republican who's announced her candidacy for the~------------------'------'-----':......---------------:-----~---~------------- 67M100 4'4-JOOI seat of Congressman Andrew Hinshaw CR-Newport . Beach), will make a round of community ap· • pearances starting Sunday. • A coffee meeting with Mrs. Cooper will take place from 1 to 5 p.;n. Sunday at the Donald E Kerans home, 954 Sandcastle Drive in Corona del Mar. She will meet with the Saddleback Republican l Women's club Feb. 24 at 9 :30 a .m. at the People's • Federal Savings branch. 23688 El Toro Road and is • on the roster of speakers for lhe local California Republican Assembly chapter meeting Feb. 27 at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Newport Beach f -~ / Deaths Elsewhere UNITED NATIONS, • :N.Y. (AP> -Albert F. Bendu, 61, longtime U.S. diplomat, died Mon- day night in Geneva. ltender had been serving as chairman of the Unit-ed Nations J oint Inspec- tion Unit. • CANONSBURG. Pa. CAP> -Stanley Vinton, father or singer Bobby ~inton. died Tuesday m J>ittsburgh after a linger· ing illness. He was a ~ DftlCla Not I~• mus ician himseH and had conducted his own orchestra. POMPANO BEACH, Fia. <UPI ) -Marjorie Mueller Worthington, 77, who authored 11 books and wrote a number or short ston es, died Tues- day et a local hospital, after a five-year bout with cancer. Among her most popular books was "The Strange World of Willie Seabrook." D~atll Notlr~• lllOAO NICHOLS l'AUl IC 8AOAO. re\16f"I ot C.0.UI C>Of4Al0 A NICHOLS of H""'1"91Qn aiww, CA 0.tlt of o .. tfl F•-Y 11, 8H<I\ CA s .. ,.1-1>¥ "" ,.,,. CA<Ol ""· \yf'e'lv•d by hi\ SN•ttntii. Ml ... '-"''•'Oil\. Jeffrey. Ttmothy Ma Se-. *""-. Roteo. L 8roH ot Colt.t MRw. Ntc9"Mi; two tlf'-ot,,,.,.,. WWtOl•M •f'lld .,_.,.h. Mr. a Mr\ Jo-Cum-110f loll<,....,, '°"' "'''"• tOt • fr•nlo., INnqt ot '°''" ~W tf\rl\11"" •'<• Clo>fol .. y 81 .. hlll.,, ll11lh S<lll.a,r M)<S ••v•<e .. u De ... 10 el 1 JO ~y l...,ft Go\19oon Vltlle!fotl flV..Uy .... ,.1~ meu or Cflrl•tl•" -••I ""· 1:90 to •:IO a 1 oo 1o •·oo PM. 0.10.y .. , 10 00 AM, Delfi el SI _,,.m lll'ot,,..,., Molttl)<Y ll•tery T~y Clltl'IOll< 0.11rel'1 ...... MJ4• n--· J I.JO PM •• IP• morluory. ""'"" Fri<My ,.."'" ofUcta"'· •nt•rMettt. GoOd t )0 AM, Cjt !.tmon & lu-0. C..ttw:>h< "--•O Comaluy. &.11 11<-·'Y °"'"'"· --"• & I-•"""°'''-Huft· ""°''*""YOitKIO" 11"91.,. llH<fl, (a , Ol•«ttd..., 0.10.t llUS"f 8rot,,.rs Mortuary,'"" S."<h Bl.O llVTH llUST, 62 YH r.s ""'1Ul'O\Ot!llH<fl,C• .. 1.lllL ~ llu<fl, C• •no ""9' CAlC>«llON ,_,._ •w•y Febr1Nry t•1' JOHN CAlOEAON, SR Su'"'""" Dt _,•,..tired farmer Sutvlwel C>Y "'' 'tMft. Eu"n (A1oe,Of' ANfll"r91" aom, Wlrrtn Ru" of 1..•9t.H'\I 8eac..,_ rntfthet Pt•-f'•m1ty Coton14I FUfW'r•I .,.., a.non lltu't of Pf•uott. Ar1.,., Honw# W•Um1,.s1er, C• an )SJ~/ .. llOlltor . .J•<Qu•''" Adi of Col· """'~ -·Ariton., tour 9ronO<hlldtfft, lt'.1.,KY .... -••<.n ••• t<n.Oulod Cr•mlll-00L0Af~"0 .. "8ELSKV,ro"oenl 9'ftd •url•I •I t••· S,,•ffer L.a9\lf\a of Co\t• M•\A, C• Oi1te ot O••ttl"t ••d\MorttJ•rydtr•cton. Ft t>r.,....1 u , ,.,, Surv•W'tO ov ~4' SHOOC rnot .... r flor.,n<e 8el\ky Of Co\t• FAIEOA L SHOOIC., ~ M, '~"°"' M .. • F•nerol ur••n• lnur\Ooy Ii" ,..,.-1 IMa<h. C• O•I• ol O...lfl "91><-y "at I 00 PM Poclll< Vl.,... .. br'uMy U, "" Survo .. a °" "*'' Cl\apel ""'" Atv (Ac11 O E-• °"' Eottwr, Hi1rr• H•lllttiM)f'I, ,_,, "'" et•nt '" • ._.,of ffO..H t~ ,.,,,.,., \_,. f~ fv•hft 1-0v .. u. Lov•w K.9nnt:cty, OHt' memort11I \..Of"lrlbutlcwu cw mec11t e• HHS eftd ~-· 8••·"'· Sfit'#I(" io '"• (l\.lltlh of yovr (tlOi<t E-.t°'""' ••r• "•'O Wtd"•'d•Y. on•••• ,...,,, P1clf1c view Memorial P•""· trn•\fct., AoM HUI' P•rll,. Wt11u1 .... ~•port &••C>t, C•. P1t1flt Vit w ta 'tow Ml!lt Mo,.,u.ary dlf•cton. MOrh1.-y clirttlon LIONAllO MONtO MATTHEW P t..EONAllO ol ft-. SAL.lY MOloltG, "''""'"' o< Uf1U"'I t•ln V•H•v, C11 Aot.•ry '*~~ H1lh. Ct Oat• ot d••th F .. ~ .... ,, ti, t ·O PM, !>t Slf'ftlOn &. JufM (AtNtll< ttt• S,.,r'#h•O l>Y "•' P\1r,1\o.tt\11 Mlfh• .. 0.Uttft Mlt"'°tt• A f~l•n•pcMI\, Hwn "°"HI Ser¥1(e\ iltW ptn.dlrlQ titt ~t1fk ,.,.,.Oft .. -. .. '"M'•I m•\\ ff\uittc)iay VI•• M•morlAI p,,, M nrHo1•'•· .,JO AM, SI _."''°" & J...,_ C..lhOI•< 'Wwoorl IM<t<fl, C:a . Owrct\. tnterm.nt, Good StwSJ"~rct Cittntttf'f"Y. fUrf'(ltod by 01td4y llt~'-" ,...,,11<.,Y '"" llH<h 111.0 , Hunt· ---------- .,....., lluc "· C• .. , II 11 l•ONAllO PUBLIC NOTJC't MAllTHAM lCONAAOolr.,....,.1,, ----------- v.11 ••• 0 Row•y WOO"•""•Y I 0\ ,_ fl'M, \I \<moll t. '"°" C•tllolo< 0-V•<fl SUl'•lllOll COUllT 01' THI'. ~II• & ll>Ol•""OO'"· H""''"lll"" ITATIOl'CAt..ll'OllHIAl'O• .. ..,,, ,_rel rn•'t\ tfl"'"°"' t lO TMICOUNTYOl'OllANOI 4M. St \lmot1 & Jud• C•ll'IOll< °""1;1> Ne A·'64U , ..... , ....... , °""41\llepl\erdC..--Y NOllt• OP HIAll lNO OP 111-....i iW Ollc!•• .,,,, ... ,. _.._ • ...,.,TION l'Oll l'llOIATI 01' Wilt. t"tlijo~lllMI H .... 11,_.ien_fl. !IND 1'011 LITTlllS OP AO C.. .. > 1111 ' ' littNllTllATION WITH WILL Aloi· 11AL n.eu•aU•ON 'VNlAAL HOME Coron. d•I Mat 873·a4ll0 Cotta MeM 846-2424 Bill 8ROAOWAY MORTUARY 110 Bro.ctway Cotta Mesa 642-Gt!>O McCORMICK MORTUARY laQuna Beach 494-9415 5-1 Juan C.pistrano 495-t 776 flAClflC VIEW MEMORIAL flARK c.m.tety Mortuery Chapel 3500 he1lic View Drive N9WPC>rt Beach, Cahlomia 644-2700 ~EK,AMILY COl.ONIAL 'UNERAl.. HOME 7801 Bot.a Ave. Westminster 893-3525 SMmfS' MORTUARY 827 Main St Huntington Beach 536-8539 NllllO lt•l•leel MA"JOA IE l MI Yl'A,, ... MAIUOlltl l!tl.(l!N M(Vfll\, 0.<ff-H()TICI IS Hfll,llY OIVfN ,,.., \Tll""1tN MIYl!llf. ... \ lll.O-••t1 • .. 1111 ....... Pr.Wt• "' WI II •M lw L•I .... o• AOl'f'IHll\lr•llOf> .. 1111 Wiii ""' .._ .. o to tM pet1tt.otwr, ,_.,,...,.,,.. '• lflltH(f\ I'\ l'fttctt IOt fV .. tf'Wf fNttltVlMl1 9"d tf'Mlt .... Ume and Pl•t • of ,,_.,.,.. ..... "'"" ,.., bH-f\ \•\ fO' '•Otwiry Jot IU6, al 10 00 • m , It! IN tOurf,_,, f1' C)o-\nwnt ""' l Of \Aid <llV" .ot tOI) c1v1( Ot,.,.,.. 011w W.\t, '" • ..., tltv ot ,..,, .. Ma. C•llfornut 0..t.O ,.•"'"'''I It/I WIU.IAM • St JONlol, , ........ ,,.,, MUllll'I', SMAW 6 TOMICH l9't "fill'\ll-Orlv• -Maf'IM,Ut11M _._.,. ... ,...,._, P\11111"'..S O.•"~ (ool\I, C>.ioY Piiat ...,._,,II, If, II, I.,, W.1• PUBLIC' NOTICF. "CTITIOUS IUSIMUS NAMllSTATIMINT ,.,,. ,..._,"9 .,.,_ .• OO<nq ~ IWHa'' CHUJl·CYCLE. ,_ At>«o\ SI , C:.O.I• """''" c;e11torNe .,U, C"9r,., Wlll•am Oo...,.,,. Jr .,... Mdtos SL. Cotta M•,a, C..11,c>mf• .,.,. Tl\!' lloN ..... I• (OftOllCl..t l>Y"" '"' ....... , c ... rlo\ w Oor>otl .... ,, "''" \"t•tffttfi"'1 _,., IUH ""''" t,_ Cou'11y Cl••~ of Or•t1te t0..'11• "" ... ~ .... , , ). ,.,. .... .,, Pllbll'lll.O Or•t1~ C:O.il 0.llf Piiot Feb. ti. U. afld _, S. 10, 1'11 ~IS-7• I Neptune Society ,:11£MATION 8Ullll'L AT SEA 646·7431 Y ... W'' *• MC•l'tty ... ta..._... ____ .. .......,.-. Celllef-~le l It -""' ,....,, OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS lllllt KITCHIN PRINTS KODEL® Ill TIP SHEARED I A"• 1 "Hl111'H'1ITH 1'· f1Hlll(!AI t< 11>1'fl 1\11 .. 1A~ANIH H!fllllll I l'A 1111-111 Of "ilt,N~ l"l ~ 1(>!1 · l)fl ()I If ,11111 Ill U'ilJRHt\1'1 IH llJ,'I ',IYl 1~1. I. 'M\INW WIT H A 4BI SO. YD. SAVI •ow s~u PllCID • n.oo r.r 'if1 1NH i<l'l A' 1 ,, MOW SAU PllUD •• 11· so."· SAVI SJ.ff COMPAIAIU UTAll ....... U." COMPAIAIU llTAll ••...•. St. .. MARVESS®OLEFll TIGHT.LOOP 10() ~AfhE~':l · OL[flN FIBER Wl1H LATEX 8ACl'.ING. A T01AL E~VIRQi\~l~ CARP(l FOR HOMl. Af'ARlMtNT OP COV~[flCIAL USl 'MAN¥ OlLuRAi\;R (.\)Lu~:> OUR LOW PllCI •.• BB SQ. YD. I Cl.eLANESE ftvLON HI-LOW 1. \) I tl ANl )£NYLON Pll l l'Uf'ULAIHH LOW lWf ((j I Al ll 1~~ !HAI LUMBIN£'l 8(AUIY ANO l)UHAhiLllY LAkvl Jl lll. llON ur HAil.HT LUl (II<'> •OW SAU PllCID •.. COM1HAIU llfAll ...................... S4 ... DUPOIT IYLOI TRI-COLOR SHAG !PO UUPONT NYL11N Pll( RICH OUP.OUl<AUl( .,tW, IN Blll\,111 111!1!1 cu11JR Dl)l(,N,, IOW SALE PllCID ..• COMHUIU mAll ...................... sot LEVEL LOOP HERCULON®IV 11~1 HfR\UlON· IVUlfll"I PIL[ fX(flllNI I (Ill HIC.H lkAff I( AHi A I IN OH ltf*'I 1111 At'AHl'.llN!) MA.>K) !>Oil flfSl'ilS ~,iAINS IOW SAU PIKID ••• COUAIAIU lfTAll ................... U.H 99 SQ. YD • SUI u .oo BB SQ. YD. SAYE U .00 99 so."· SAVI u.oo • 1ST QUALITY NAME BRAID CARPETS AT LOW DISCOUNT p\1cES • SELECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET llVEITORY II THE WEST • EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED AID PRICED FOi YOUR SHOPPING COllVElllllCE • All LABOR UllCOIDITIOIALl Y GUARAITHD BIG SAVINGS. ON SSS REMNANTS SSS SMALL SIZES LARGE SIZES I llHOOMS, llVI" IOOMS, 11111' IOOMS. UIS. MAUWAU, IATMIOOMI, ITC • lllH YOUI IOOM MllSUllMllTS 11111 'difJN 111 I 1111,1\N I f '111 ,11 1•111 t ·"II 'I I WI 111 l • llllJ f, /\I 'I I 1\111\r, I 711 SO. YI, SAVI •ow Ull PRICID • • • H .00 DUPONT IYLON DINSE SHA' I l f 1 II • 1~1! r-. q r 1r1 1 1 1 I I Iii/I I 1t N ,1 '.llA'. 111 11\/t ,Ji ... 111 1 111 llll\lllJ N , I J;1t~1. HI ,ti I A 1111 '1 I I "1'1 I Ii '.'1 •ow SAU PllUD 99 10. YD. SAVI ss.oo COMPHAIU llTAll •.•... SI t.tt COM,HAlll llTAll ...... SI'·" NYLON PRINTED PATTERNS 100 DUPONT 501 CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON PIL[ WIT H FOAM RUBBER BACK. COLORFUL. BRIGHT PAIT[RN DlSIGNS, THAT MINIMIZE UPKffP lll£Al fOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL USC. OUl LOW PllCI ••• BB SQ. YD. ._, ... ,., ____ ~~~..o_M_o_•r_s_N_o_1N_r_1•_1_si~·-<_0N_v_1_N1_1N_1_c_•1_o_n_,_1 a_N_s_a"~o~•-•_11«~T1-••_s_•_v_•_n•_•_11_·....,<•~u-ro~•-11_11_s_"_o,~''-·"_0_•_1_s1~•v_t_c1_·_v_1s_n_o_u_•_cu_s_ro_•_o_•_,_"_''To_1_,,_,_,._,_"-'---~ NO. HOLLYWOOD 7007 L•u,.! Canyon Blvd. -tl2·2200 VENTURA 2501 E. M•ln StrHI (105) 841·50Cl WHITTIER 15913 E. Whltti•r Blvd. 9'3·0181 PASAD~NA 2810 E. Col0t•do Blvd. 671-1900 LONG BEACH 3001 leflflow9f etwd. •21-IU4 MONTCLAIR Ult Holt Boulev1rd (T1•) 121·3517 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1!5M!S Hlfbof Blvd. (714) 139-1100 W. LOS ANGELES 10525 V•nlc.e Blwd. 55t-15t0 EL CAJON 237 E. M1ln SI. (714) U 0·'2'2 NO AllFORNIA LOCATIONS •CAMPBELL• SAN CARLOS •MILLBRAE •SAN fRANCISCO •MT VIEW 01.te·i......,.-lec~et Of OO!vv1<1yl Cllio<ode ti l'lylOll hoed 11'1 Cl\AmQOS o< llQl\I t>lv• SlzH 7 to I' Solft 4 lo 6X I.at Olfle' .,......_ '-"· Poly ..... f conon inle<lOCk knll Preny COIOra H'I ..... S·M·L I] to 141. S•zes S·M·L (3 to 6X~ 1.1a oi.1e· '°"9......., c.,dlfM. Med•um -IQhl 11eryhc I.not tn white •nd COfOf 1 G1tl1 · SUH S·M·l (7 IO 14) Sona S·M·l 13 10 6XI. J.4t Ollf'W U--" T .elllft. POiyffteflOOllOl'I lefM'f lhOrl·.-.c! cla$1lc. N•vy. llQlll blue. or""' Of ''""' JunlOf llllJll ••ta S-M·l (6 lo 14), I Olrtl1 ......... IC11811t twlll ..-_ N•lur81 .. , •••• 2 i>elch P<>C~"" fly 11on1. ""'• le<;la Nitvy. l'Qlll t•n ...,,,.., JunlOf "'Qll .,,et 6 10 " 0-""-........ 01t1e· ........... Jui.-tr1mmed OC>lr- -1cotton lf'I J 8ll1KI-t!yl!K. NatU<81, CO< .. Cl< llgM t>IU<I Sil• S.M·l 11 to t4~ 0111e·c.....,~ lffM. T""' 000\llt>< a!'l'ff '" o• .. t •l>'•nq co'On S.ztt 1 I() 14 "''"' ..-0 r9901 .. ..... 11111n7•14 ..... .... In ttw .. ~II-daisy atytee. CtlooM the long. ~ lelaufe suit with animal, bird °' liah 1c:1een prints on bKk and pam leg -Of two lhort·aleeYed. tie ben UylM with COO<dlnatlng panta. Eay- care fabrtca. ~ colors. .............. IX peftt .... In two cute styles. Both have short· Sl99Ved toos witl'I 'ppllque trim ~ band-front, eiastlc back pants. P~I cotton In spring colon. Salepe1cee effectl¥e thfough Sunday, February 22. WednHday, Feoruary 18, 1976 DAIL Y•PiLOT A• f ... ..,_., t I .,...._ """ ..... tor lr"-lnO ~ ~ ....... ..,..,...~ """ ... In a lolmflc .,, w ............ ., ...... ChooN embf'Oidefy • .,.,.,.,, MWlng. lloutetlold 0# ........................... ueortment of llUNon cob's. A8lot'9d ~ -'dthe. OOlorl. ............. 0 = ....... \ - Ns Hlar/ooetllt ....._ Oellgtltful prints °" wtlite Of light C>ec:kground1. 45" wide. G••••........, .. 1•at11tt ,......_ E•1Y-cere blends need little Of no Ironing. ChooM from hof1ta. calleos. petehworkt. "'°"'· 44/45" wide. ~ ...... eM atL ... Ml ....... Polyettlf/ cotton blend• In dress weights, dotted awtsses, printed volleS. lenol. more. 4'/'45" wide. dNUmakera' ~ Stodl UC) nowt • • 09 .. C,.,... cladt In • suoer aetec:tlon ot atrtpee and prints. POIYfttef/cotton. 45" fride. 08Ule prtnta. Natural baclc0f'ound1 with softly muted prlntt. Eaty~re polye1t11/cotton. '45" wide. Available in Los Angeles, Orange, Rlv...tde, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. • I J . A,. DAil. y PtLOT' Wedneed2• F~!ty 18. 1976 Coard i nates. Special buy savings get you set for spring. c~ ~ ••ntt •• ,...._ '" I OflgMty red. whit• end t>lu•. Solid c:olOt ~,., com1>1,,., t>eeutlfulty wtlll alul>-&e•Wted oolyeat•r /aHk 1t11pe1. All 11'1 m11,1M' Illa. Special 9.99 Je«M9 Special 5.99 Special 4.99 Short·••••Yed blou ... , pant or aklrt. OuentlllH llmlted. o ... ....,..,.. shoulder beg ot aolt letlher-look poty. \ltetlhel\. 3 ll'lltde NCt!Ont 1Mu1 zippered ._1.u 1n.io.• CGf'IN'1ment. 2 1nap· '~;;;=~~===-oloMO out.id• com· partmeni.. Qtlaftlftfee Hmfted. Special 5.99 fl~·eoled ...._. hu aontv gathered ¥Imp, adjuat&t>le ,,,.P w11h lflasllc lnM!'l for better flt. Fashloo color• In womeo·a &lift. 01.1efttlU.. llrnfted. 10.99 Jvnlof blb·•ll•. ChooM Of.,w11hed p()/ynlwlnttof'I denim on blue or potye1..,/co1100 c:rtnllte c:loth In snorted colors. Both wtlh lier• 1991. adJuateble 1tr1p1, front pocket end back zlpe>er. Junior 11111. 4.99 LOftf ........... "' '°" COllOl'I knit. Wide U·neck and tong alee.,,.. make thl1 • winner el 11111 IOw. low prloe. Scoop VO a ~ICh 11'1 fllhlol'I atrlpeL SIHI S·M·L. Now save ·· even more. Teke en ••tr• 10~ off our already discounted ease pnoe. Pinless. prefolded disPOMbee diapers with sell-slicking tepes. • Overnole 12 to a pkg .• 15 pkg. per c:aae. reg. 18.35. Sale 14.72 Daytime JO 10 a pkg .• 6 Pkg. per caae. reg. 12.54. Sale 11.29 Newt>orn JO lo e pkg .. 6 pkg. per c:aso. reg. 10.14. Sale 9.13 Toddler 12 lo a pkg .• 15 pkg. per c:ase. reQ . 15.4'8. Sale 13.93 Ute rowr JC Penney Ctlerge Card. Big Savings for small ones. 3-1.39 ................ of .... ~""' COi'°" .,,__ While only. lnl.,,1 II-M-l ·Xl.. 3*1.39 ........... ~ ...., ........ 111\0ukMf. WlllM eat'°" ~nil WI 1n1.,.1 .. ,., S M·l 2.29 ........... ...._. Dov~ Gr!CIO« INPI .-0. II IO 9'0W -t•n W110° .,OUftd o~ en4 too lof _., OrMtlng Cotton In --toltoettA ........... "'"- o. A • ..,_ ..,__ ......... 10' boy Ot Qlf1, ~,..., -n•I OOIO '"''' tn mull••COlo< Kffff1 P•lfll ""°""" p1n11 on 0""" a11d eot1d11. POiy• .. ., ICOllOll SllH I I IO 4f, 2.99 e ........... -.., ..... AM0"911 1ty1H. l'IHlte ~NICI dlAOftl·P•nly No·l<on DO!y9tlefl COllOft In Pltlell $11n '" 10 1 '"· 99' •·.,.,,... ..-tMrt. s~ .-... w1111 ~ ~ Mid er-nee-Cotton •nit in ...... 9'ld ~· 9,,.. ' 10 •• 3.89 ......................... °'~' Ctllei\ ~fWfO'f INe Cf4MCll, 11900..S lo,_ _. CNI Mlflt ..... ......, Wiie'--6oltcl ~Oielf9 tot -·~ IO >. 15.88 A .............. wllll Color• lul lllve l\lbul., 14.-t leg•. r.O "'"Ji Mii R.-aPO<O•· • ..... ...., 12 """Ulea. '"" lof 1>1111y .... ., 10' M0tn • . Special 14.88 Mlfll CNW ol Cl!f-Olaled luOular alee! lre me Pl .. ltc 1•1y end IOOlr"'I. o<•lll•d -yl covered POlyurelhene lo•"' ..,., •no l>Klo PIOI. I ol<lt '"' ll0<99e Special 20.88 ..................... " Mjvllable ..... ,.., lftf '"4· '"'-Cht-..._, tvlllvler ..... lreme, .. ~ Bflf .,.,. ~Mei-... , ......... Available In Los Angeles, Orange. Rtverstde, San Bernardino and Ventura countfn. Special 19.44 M•"' ,i.,,.... wUll Chrome Olllot<I tubultr ..... lrtme C..•n111r lilQ 1upoor1 puno.a vonyl p.O, Me•..,rH Hile', Room brighteners. Values for bed and bath. And an airy look for your windows. Special 1.68 . Floral print towel enNmble. Soll cotton terry w1tn a V1ctor1.in.style 101e oront f'rtnged batn and lace tower. In yellow. pink or blue. ti and T owet. Special He Ouanllflta limited. Special 3.88 D••1tner 10011 l>Ofre•l•rl cotton llnll ai.epwe•r Lorig gowns. snort gowns. tong p J s baby dolls on fasn1on colors Manv styles Junior sizes OuentlllH llmlted. Wasn clotn. Special He Speci~I 4.44 AMOrted bi.nketa. Solids and prints regular weaves and tnermals In acrylic and ootyeste1 l acryhc blt>nd~ All 12a90 lwtnlfull S•ZO. OuanllllH llmlled. I I ' I 11 J 11 -- 2-pc. awtaltr ,& Slunny rtbbt!d acrylic \nil 1n a matcn1ng U·neck tank too ana snort·sleeved carC11gan w1ln turnecJ bac~ CUii Beautiful soring colors 1n s•zes S M L. Ouantlllt• llmlted. Special 1.22 Airy tallored p..-of POiyester marquisette. Use atone or as unde1- sneers tor a decorator ctlect In wntte only 40•81", Ouantlllet llmlted. Special 2'°'79' N1lon trlcol bllllnlt. C1an1c 1a1101ed style w1111 double tabroc crolcll Pretty oestels ana b1t9h11 M1ue1 11181 S·M·L Ouatttlt ... tl"'lted. N,ton mnh pentr hoM 1n your choice ot J ••ies tor better lot Reinforced oanty toe ano ""' Po· pula1 slledes 1n sizes snort averege tong Ouantltl" ll"'lled. Special 10.99 ~ .. 9.99 ,,. -. 5-IMece battl aet. Cut· and-loop Dacron• polyelter C>lle w1tn "Span1sn 111e·· design Roller latex backing Beaut•lul sohd colors to coo1d1nate W1tn your own special color scneme Set includes bath mat. contou1 mat, ltd COVl'r and IWO•Pte<:e tank set. W!dn!!day. February 1&. 197& Wuh•ble quitted bed•etld. Your cnolce or beautiful oronts and doco1 a tor solids on polyester/cotton. polyeste1/rayon and all- conon. all comoletely wasl\abte for easy care Tneso fully quilted spreads are a fabulous buy. but come early tor tht best selecllon. Full size. Special 13.ff Queen 1>1ze. Special 11.H Kong size. Speclaf 19.H QuanlJtlH llmllad. UH,_ JC,._, Cher .. Cetd. Special 8.88 Embouad de119n vln~I covered hamper. Sturdy steel cons1tvct1on In you1 choice ot wn1te. g1een 01 gold Matcr11ng waste oask.et. Speclal 2.H f OuantlllH llmllad. ) rain or shine ~4 coats. 3 great styles. 15.88 Pant le1t9lh coal• ot polyesierlco11on oophn are treated w1tn ZEPEL •. DuPonts 1nv151ble ra1nlsta1n reoeller Choose aouble·broasted single bre&1ted 01 trencn style All are nylon toned •nd mecnme washable Sslt. navy or oowder blue in mosses sizes Available in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura countt•. \.._--------------------------------------------------~---------------------------__J i t I I I t I ' ( ' DAil Y PILOT w , 11,t'79 20°/o Sale 3.59 . off our lowest-priced boys' jeans. And the ..... •.ct. Wfflffl\•atyM jean with liar.cl bottom. Two fr0<1t acooo oocketa. two bt.cll paten POCltett, Yoll• beck wttn contrast 1t1tcnlr19. Reinforced""" tor tong -r through lite 12 In 111 site ranges. No-Iron Dacron• P<>1yet1erlcotton denim In tavorote co1or1 tor 111Ze11 8 to 12. Regular or Slim. Sizes '4 to 18. Regula~ or Slim, Reg '89. lale 3.11 Husky llZH 8 to 18. Reg. 5 29. •• •.n Pre-scnool a•tea 3 to 7. Regular or Slim. Reg. 3 77, late 3.02 perfect shirts Sale 2 so to top them. :.:::,-:~"'=== All sale price• etfecdve ttvough Sund8J. Febfu,my 22. ahor1 alff'I" and bottom. Bright array ol eolOra and prlnll In 100% potyeater tor alaa S-M·l·Xl (8 to 20). S1.zes S·M·l (2 to 7), Reg. $3, Sale 2.40 Sale 1.83 " ... 2.2t. CrewMCll llnlt alttr1 of Dacron• p0tyester/combed cotton. Short sleeved styling In a choice of SIN>es tor SIHS S·M·l (2 to 7). Sizes S-M-L (8 10 20) with cn .. t pocl.et. Reg. 2.79 ..... Z.23 Special 17.88 PotY"t• cteu•le hit lelNN tuft. S"a~lro11t closura. snno-llap poc;llat1 and weatetn yokt1 Wt1ttf!rn.cu1 jearia wnn hammed bottom 11nd Dell loops rash•on colora In men·• 11re1. Special 18.88 The ct...ic .,....,, Polyetter In ••tofted eotof• •I'd a111chea 8Mutllully tailored, a great D\ly. Met\'t sizes 38 to <1e. Special 7.99 Potyfflw cteuMe lullt ....._ With wide belt loops on<1 hemmed flare lega. Ataotled l>leldt ,,., men'1 sozea. Ouantltlff llmlted on apec:l•I merch•ndlae. Special 1.99 Ser"" print ••Hlahlrt. Comlortable cot1on/acryhc blend In your choice of colors. Boys' 11zos S·M·l (8 to 16). Quanllll .. llmlted. 3'0r2.28 Boye' T·thlr1t and brlelt. f la1- i.n11 T ·Shirt or rib-knit brief, both of cool, comfortable collon. Tremendous value! Sizes S-M·L. Bor'a athletic tube toelc of comDcd collontnylon Orlon' acrylic. Comfortable cushion loot. Over·lhe-call styling In white with atrooed top. Siles M·L. four pairs per package. Special 6.88 W"1ern •¥• ehlr1. Hendsome braid trimmed yoke tor a -•tMn t111vor. In wrlnllle-tree polyester/ co11on. Fashion colors In men's sizes S·M·L·Xl. Ouantmn llmlted. Luggage sale. Sale S28 22"c.,ry-on .. ... 135. JCPaftney M•uede·looll" Ylnyf luggage. Sturdy 110111 fr11 mo,. hc11vy-dutv -II•. brass w1ng.1wopt 11pp0r1 nncJ l11rgn comlonable handles. Ten. blull or gold. 24" pyllman. rag. $42. l ate 3'.10 29" overseH. r09 S52. l•le 41.10 Shoulder to111. reg. $21. Sala 11.10 Uae J8"' JCft•ftMY Chart• Ctfd. Avalable In Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura colJ!'tl••· Count on our new low prices! Now 10.88 "-"--~· ._....pttc.de~ '"· Zero IUPPl!!UIOI\ e1tm1natM unnecessery Z4'•ot 1n •esull Now 13.88 "odl ... lnlemdoMI" _,~..,""· 2-lley mef'nO<y sytte"' Slor9' numbers tor future use Truf" l>f!ftenta911" key leis you aad or sut>«racl ,, perce,,tage to or lrom catculatoon w1thou1 rnalung a separate entry ~erllow 1nd1cators Zero suppression , u "l "" g ~ ·• I ,- -ICI I ...... , .. . " ., < • () .; ) J • .. Now 19.95 ···-I' •• ' ,-~·- ~II.,.. INlefrwlliol...,• •'-Cttefllc e~ ,.,,,, memQl'y 2•R ' 11111,•c tuncto<>nt "• i.ey 4 ""Y .,....m<>'V , •t l\anoe i.ey lloo••no cl~orn.tl 8 O>q•I 111Q•tr(11'1 O••P4lty Now 89.95 un11re1 • or1nttne celclliletor 2-COlor ttbbon • sub totals and eted11 t>al~ p11n\ed 1n ted on SLandard 211 oaoer Automatic pre-•lecbon ot dPC1mat O~erttow lltO supre111on Butler syetem allows lilP•d operation 8-d1g1t entry l2·d1911 1otal print-out aa •• mca•• am a a mmm • aim a a awm •.-~ DA.IL Y PILOT A l.:J Speclall Flies for tax time! \~ I --I .., ____ J 1 L. _-__ 1J L.: Special 29.88 2 .. _ S..., Ille cebtMf wttfl lodl. Smooch 01X'n1n9 nylon rollers me1al d1v1de•s 111 each d1awe1 Chrome nandles ilnd "'dl'~ plates 4-0rawer 1111 "'''h loci. Spec:lel 41.H Special 6.99 "'9 ,_ tea paperw. G1an1 Sleet ltl" bol 12 • 10 • 10 laeal tor tea oaoers Tan ball.O en•mf"I Has manila hie lolders loci. i.ey o...-..11"'"9d. Special 4.99 ~ • or 11urdy ""' 81llect on f'fl•Mel hnl11' File 11 tH9 l'lnc>vgl\ IOI t111\d1•d llce tole14t•• Special 4.99 """ ,_ ctwdit lft Ofdef. Steel cner-~ ltle t>o• Tan l>tk4'<1 enamel Monthly dt~1d•<• included. Special 15.49 I~ nvlt bo•. Secut11Y to1 pape1s and valuables f11e "'ttardant Protect 11&lu"l>4e oaoe•s ,,., w. 9•.1"0 • 6', H Includes secu111y envetopes. Save 20°/o on these JCPenney cameras. ' I ~~~....;;;;:.......------~~----~------~--~----'-' Sale 15.99 R99. 11.H . JCPenner Podlet H c..-. outnt. Compacc caH1es eas11y 1n oocl\el 110 him cer111dge E•oosu1e ore· set IOI outdoor hQhling S19nar tells wnen 10 change Maoicube Includes Mm Ma9><:ut>e e•tenoer ond WflSI strap Stereo • savings Save 30.95. Sale s99 Ill.. 111.ts AMl l'M rldlo/phono/ •·tree .. ,..,. FHtures AMIFM/FM 1tereo tuner FM 11e1eo 1nd1cato• 110111 and lighted d1el Pusn llullo,, 8-track program neadPllOne and 1peelle• output 11cks Ceramic c1rt11dge w•lh d1amondl s11pph1re atylus Walnut wood gr111n vinyl '""'h #1I03 UM ,..,,,.., COfl••nlent Time Pl)'-"1 "•" St•r1• Thu,.d•y. Feb. 11. Save on these freezers. "89 Ult. JCP-r 11 cu ft . uptight treeref. CP•lono PV:\pnqcor lnr un1tnrm tc-mreralu•• ~ \1dt•C1 mnonPltt do<11 on~'-"' ""'"" mn1nt11n 11 l1QhtP• co•d ~"al J !11rcl frf'f'TM \hf"IV,., .. Ooor Shf'IYP~ 1nclt1C11no 1111tf• rnch White 11511 rJ • - Sale 11.99 "et· 14.H . J CP._, Poc .. et t1 outfit Use5 Mag1cut>e tor indoors Film· advance lever rotates cut>e Our 1owut priceo c1me11 outltt Includes 12. elloowre tQJor pront ltlm I Mag1cube. cut>e e•1ende1 wnsl strap Iii. P5! JCPonnoy 44 .. . ~t ~ ~ I ~ '---) ~22 Sale 549 "et· st.ff. ·~ ··-pNIMpepfl lftlnl record chen99f 8 turntable .as RPM adapte1 Dusr cove1 Each c.tb1net con1a1n1 one soe&ktt w1lh a t 5 01 meone1 Headonone 111c11 Walnut v1nt1 ttnisned cabinet #110S 39.9~ AC/DC c"Mtt• recorder. Autometoc shut·oll bu1f1.1n condensor m1cropnones Keys tor rewind s1op play and I.isl forward D•g•till lape counter Includes C-30 cesselle tape AC ltne cord earphones. pause and tone control 11531 Sale 139.95 ..... 151.H AM"M redlo/phono1 l ·lrecll pl•J· AM/FM stereo tvner BSR cnanger and t,.o 4 x6 soeai.ers Headphone speatte• 1ac•s 1utomat•c sll<Jt·oll ~S RPM adaotor W11ln111 •• ny• fon.sn 11902 Sale 319.95 "et nt H JCPenner 1' cu. ti uprlehf ""Hr. Shae.nvl 0,1,kf"t power on w.irn1nq 11qhl dt'llOal drain 4.,,d,.d m11onctoc oa~kct and 1nl('t10r 11qht Sp11ng e1rc1or Iyo!' IQCk A1111l11blo dOCOrlllOt colon cott no more '1t1t ;;>' Sale 27.99 "-t· S4.". JCPeftftey Pootet 44 etfMfa Mtflt. U1es 110 t11m etlft11doe tor b19 3 •, 14' • · photos 01 11t<1e1 E ioc:trtc cyo HIS l!Qh1 e•oosure eutomo11cnlly Signals 1n 111ewf1ndcr tell when !lash ·~ needed. wnen to ct11nge M1g1cut>e. 1nc1u0e1 ahdlng ten• co-, 111000 aocket. wr111 llr•P film. Mtgocube. cutMI -extender. -L 'I • Sale 99.99 Reg. 10t.ff. 4·tlltch tlg·l'I wfth 2 .tretcfl •fflcftff. Evun at a p11co this low, troplo overlock and rickrack atretcll atllches• Automatic bobbin shut·Oll • can be lilted whole sewing light over needle Variable speed 1001 control 11050 34.99 Fr~-drm tabl<' Porlnct tor lhO I 2·Sh1Ch l1eP·t1rm rnach1ne Meuu•e5 Jr wide n dMP ond 30 h1gn leg• lotd tor atoragtt 11110 Save '40. Sale ~279.95 Reg. J11.H . 12·1ttlch free•llflft -11te mechlne. With t 2 bu1lt-1n 111lche9 including straight 110 110 tt1ple loci. str llCll r!Ck · 1 llClo. '" f"l(.11 r"9ul1r blind 11nd '''"''" bltn<I 11100 .... , ARCADIA-SANTA ANTA CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIA NEWPORT BEACH CARSON NORTHRl>GE 'FOX tll.LS' DOWNEY FULLERTON tUmNOTOH BEACH UOUNA ta.LI PUENTE tlL.LS AIVERllDE SAN 8ERNMDINO VENTURA WEST COV1NA WHrTWOOO c.-tora .e.o at NORTH HOU YWOOO, TOAAAHCE F,..nre Md "*" COlftPO'••ta Meo et HUNTNlTON ft AN(. NORTH HOU. YWOOO, TORRAHCf AJ4 DAILY PILOT Heavy dvty m""'9r. Dou.,.. wrel>C)ed constructton and -•dad Inner lubes All 1om1S ind end tubes seateo Gatvanizeo ltntshed. Eaoert 1nstallallon available. UM Penney• connnleftt Time P1ymenl Pt1n. Sale onJCPenney Mlleagemaker polyester .tires. Ml .. .,emltl9f ~ , ........ , *9. Tough 4·PIY oolyester cord body "With b11S pty eot\l.lrucl10t1 for bi!tte• troction und slab<hty. 8tack•atls. Tire eln ,....,,_ ......... ..,.l.T. A78-13 2200 • .., 117 1 74 878-13 ... 00 • .., 117 1 84 E18-14 2600 • tor Stt 2~ F78 14 2800 • lef Stt 239 G78-14 2900 ... , ... 2SS 560-t~ 21 00 • lef 171 1 81 G78-15 3000 • .., i1• 2 58 H78-1S 3200 ... l10I 2 80 MOtff'ltlno 11Mf rotatton at no adte coet. No treM·ln ,.quired. Tire .... prices etfeettve through Monde'f, Febnary 23. Outstanding value! Cargomaster II® truck tires. c 1roo-taf 11 • tn.tck '""· Auggeo nyion co•d 111e lor hgnt service trucks 81es-pty cons1ruc- t1on enh•~• llacllon and control. Tube type Tire t ire 700-1516 750-1618 Price J1 .00 31.00 +F.E.T. 2 83 3 59 The JCPettMJ ,_.~"" battarJ. The n-battery ao revolutJonary you ne~r need lo add water Futl werrenty lor as long as vou own your cu. •enaiMJ: f"v" fl>A''•""r fO' "' toMJ .o '°'' o.-.1\ 'fOU' O#U111tte C•I OI to ,.~ II I .. 4 .. 1 '"' '\ l•'t "l, t(J • "'•"l• '"'"''' I'""'-' \V,. "'ti H'l-•l.t1 e I ,, .. , No trade-In required. &Pp•uvlngs tor the d9-lt- ,.xnelf mechanic. Sale 749 ......... ... . ....... ...... --··"· ...... ~· ............ P9rl9ct rapl~ll IOf ~CM Of llQlll lrUC:kl. ..._..~ ...... , --cfMlr9e. Spin balance special. 2.99,... ...... .... ........ na. Drum brake overhaul epeclal . 49.88* • install new S100-Act1on• bralce llntngs on all wheels • rebu•ld wneel cyhndera • resurface brake drums • repaci.. front wheel ~rings • replace front grease seals • inspect t>f111e so,.ngs • 1nsooc1 master cylinder • Inspect end adjust parking brake • bl99d end rellll brake system •road test • Moet Arnericen and "'81'1Y tota1tnc-. ,,.. btelle edjuetment for the llta of IM llnl"9. Not av•ble at C.-.on. Sale 8.69 ._.._. ... "°f. U .ft, ltop-Actloft" -.0 i.r.-e ,.-. wnh neat ros11Wr'll . res11H>Ha lln•,.,o f oo aua1t1y met.f•els II • ~nsauonolly low price. Wheel eytlnder reoo•r kll. Reg. 2 68 lele 1.H Cattper repair 1111 R11g. • 59. 18'e3.44 Matier cylinder HMmt>ly. 21.n to J1.tt "'°'' un Disc brake overhaul special. 69.88* • install new StoP·Ac11on• tronl d•sc brake p.ids • 1ebv1ld front ca1ioet11 • resurface front rotors • replace lront grease seals • inspect master cvt1noe• • repack tront wneel bt>artngs •replace rear b•Bke hn111gs • re1ur1ece rear brake drums • rebuild rear wneel c:ytinde•s •inspect rear bralo.e springs • bleed and refill brake system •road test •Moel American end aome tore'9n cars. Not avabble et Carson. JC Penney -13/a" super heavy duty i shocks. 9.99eacll low. low !Hie• n,., our ""'"''"'' heavy dutv snock 11h~orber Suorr n!'avy t.luh ,nor~ "'"'" P•lr ,1 IMQI' 1 ,.,,., P•\IOn lllt gq•,11! t di' PC ndttl:>•llty And 1on9er l<tc E•ocrt 1n11a11011on av111tablc Bike sale! Sale 34.99 Ride on with super savings. ; Sale 59.99 ~:-~ ..... H .H . ""lfM din Mlle etytl"9 tor t>oya end 9or1~ W1td F "ti o• Wild Flowe< ..0 in 51n91l" "oeed be"tH with motocross ,iylir>9 Accented by front number O<'Clll .1no lr&mf' o•att' :xl• I 1'5 tn ealra nubby bt&e"wall '""~ Not '°' oll·lht'"'08d use ltont r11C1ng SlflDf.!5 Pull-on pan1 w11n botlom 199 zipper s•de r ac1"0 ilrioes Men. S•lfll ln-e~ price ..... H .H . 11• conveftlbte •lda- ••lk bicycle With motoeroH ti\ ling Racy look. converts 10 boya· or gtr11· "'ode I Sale 99.99 ~~~:r'0" ..... 11t.H . C.,..atttton lt\Otocr- blke na• tne tealu•l'S n11C1>~s11rv tor an oll-roed t11ke HPnvv ou•y h1nq••O tr:imc r{'onforted Ill \lrf'\~ l)!)•nt .. neavy outy 500k1'5 1nd .. m~ tnd mo•,. 10.99 Sport ... ~d• Sved9<1 IPlil· 1ea1h11r and nylon tellete upper Smootn v1nyt·covered coll er. curveo h•gh at back Molded gum-rubber Oul•Olff • wtth HW•tooth dH1gn Men a ~""' Wrep-efavnd Mio ~ ol'faf'4I. leather upper 1moo1n v1nyt-covercd Plldded IOC)·ltnes Mens sizes Paint and save. .. Sale 4.66 gal. Reg 8 ff Eeonomy ne1 letu Interior pelnl Wh.t• ''"" 1 .. m" ''11 ,, t .1• •r ,,1,ut••' l\p1Jht '• ••. , •• iv ·••1t1 d111"\ n~11r.i..1v 1n ., f 1•.'11t1H,,f1l1 fl.it f1rHl\h Llt"On', llll w10' j'i1 I •,t).tO .int1 W:I'"' UH Panne11 cOflwenlent S I 6 99 Ttme Peyment Plan. a e • 9•L "et· 10.H . Cuetom eolOf lfttariof llet pelnl. E;i•.y '" uto. easy to ctPan ur> Intl'• Cnoo141 thP color 1u•t "II''' lor vou 3 Qu•~k end • 1· v WOY IO Cl')()rd1natP your d('Cor:tt•na Cu~lom rolm ~rm1-010• • paint reri I I qq Sale 1 It In Cullom paint m1'n'I. bncau~t' colO• 1nt1"n,11y d1ff1'1 , 1111' volumP Of OQ1nt per c11n mny 1n -.om,. C.ISP~ tJr ~hQhlty ff'\' 1nan on" p11ton AACADIA-sANTA ANTA CAhOGA PARK CARSON CULVER CITY 'FOX HU.S' DOWNEY FUU..EATOH HUNTINOTOH BE.Aa. LAGUNA HILLS MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH WEST COVINA WHITTWOOO VENTURA Auto c.nt• allo •t BUENA PARK (Orengethorpe at V ... y View) llicydn allo 8t BUENA PARK, CULVER aTY, FONTANA. LAKEWOOO, NORTH HOUYWOOO,TORRANCE NORTitRIDGE ORANGE '1ltE aTY' PUENT£ ta.LS RIVERSIDE SAN 8ERNAROINO Paint and aportlng goods a11o at LAK.EWOOO .. .. ·students Bus Line Extended Students from ~.in Clcmentl' to St•al lk.1l h <'an now take Or.tnl!t' County bu-. lane Houk I to get to C.11 Slate Long Beach. The hnc-will tr.1\11 from the San Cf(·nwnk K·Mart Plaza on Pat'lfll· Coast H11!h" ay to S<>al Beach Boulevard It tht·n turns south on t-:ll'rtm-, onlo Ma rina. north on Westmin~t er. Wt"•l ''" Studebakc-r. north 1111 Seventh St n•et to (',11 State Lon ~ lit' a<'h a11d the Vet eran.., \d min1strat111n lln ... p1t 11 back to CoJ ... t ll11:h\\J\ to Circle l>r&\'t· In 1111 X1mino. and rt'lu111 ... to Coast J11gh" ay on I.1th Street. Fu rthrr rll'l;11b ma\ lw obta1nerl h' ( .1ll1n~ • 5-17-3311 Immig rant ~Workshop Scheduled A workshn1) un im.011 ~ration la\\' and 1mn11 )!rant :statu:s 1n t lr;in~1· ('ounty "''II t;tl-l' (Jl.tl't• .11 7 30 pm. F l•b :!I Ill tht• \\'e5tm111c;tcr C'omm11111 t,· SN' 1r1• t't·ntt·r. 7'iil \\'est m i n s t l' r A \' 1• • , \\'l'Slminstcr T h e work<ihop '" sponsored by the Pac1fu.· Asian American Ct:ntrr Jt lS open to the puhlu· without chari:<>. Jos1•ph Surtck. district cllre<·tor of the US. lmm111rut11m and Natur a l1 111t1nn Servi ce, "'ill lH' th1• speaker For more information, contact Oorolh\ c:1•t'. PAA<.; coord1nator JI 1194-4455. Money Seminar Offered Would you hkr In ll'arn ho~t 'rope." w ith tht· ,. h . Ii I n )! (' c· II 11 Cl m 11' II H"' ., .. Or:Jnjic' Co.1 ... 1 ('11111·~" '" 0H1·n11i,: .1 II•" '"" p.irt 11\111 n1ni: ll•rt1111• ... <'rll''I lh.11 cl1•:il ... \\tlh mont>~. Ill\,.,, 1nr! .1n1I hnJnct.tl pl.11111111r It ml't'I' 1111 fl\ t' ~11c•c ,.,..,,,,. Thur:;tlil\' hq~1r111111j! I h I II \\ I' I' I.. • I r 11 rn 9 30 11 311 a m .1 t llw l'lun<1 11011,1• 111 N1•\\ JI"' t Cent<'r. 11 ·, f11T In th1· 11ubh1· The srr11•, "ii I h·· nf kr<'d Ul(alll 1111 Mrnula\ <' v t' n I n jl 'I • h 1• ll 111 n 1 n ~· J\prtl l!l, frtllll j ;111 'I .10 in 0('("'1 Full' \ rb l 1•1 1ure lloll l l!l St•r1<'" 111'11111•1 I ' Ed" u rd \I ,. '\ ,, r' • ,1 vt"teran of nwn• 1 h.•n :!~. veari; of W a II St 1 1•d anti tea<'hin• <'~J)rrtrn<'r The npt•nan~ lerllir1• "'1 II off er a cl 1,ru,,1011 ;iboul mn.ition jfllJ 111 t' sent i;ome tips d1•-.1i.:111'fl to take th<' "'''"'n 11111 offlnancHtl plann1n.: MesanHonor~d ForScholar. hip K a t hleen (;r1•1•r1 of Costa Mr'::\ "'.1s Jmonl! the 145 s tud<'nl s honort'il for ncadem1r ~lrh1r'«' mcnt at Lrnfwltl Collc.•)lc.• in M c~tmn' 11lr. Orr Studt>nh on tlw honor rGll ranked arac11·m1ral ly in the top 10 p1.·rn·nt of their rla!lc; durtn~ the r.111 grading prn11d ___ ,_ ... 1~ --· ~ ............ .... .. , .... ._ .. ......... , FINALLY ••• We were able to get another shipment of Mason Jar Canning Caps at a SPECIAL PRICE! '~ j• . r-~1 w ~.' / ~". -... ~; · . .'\. \.. _J v ly belier Mtcki119 BOX OF 12 1-PIECE MASON JAR CAllNlllG CAPS .. "'~ ~ • ~ or l ti Jt.;<>' f C"' ..-~ ~· ""' & r ~rg 01-c,.<• We IUC"'· i .. ,:P • v• ~d ~t! 1 .jl'\~ ~a c.ap,. ttom Af'\C."OI HOC~•no Do ' ., • l ~ d•t' u"' tours IO<laV ii ya..r r.ffrtly l hufly' -~-----!. ---MATCHllG CHAii Ollf 996 24 x 36" SIZE AMERICAN INDIAN PRINT RUGS Oul\l.l<'d "'l mu'l• COIOI Amt,.Clll lnc:l•an p11nl9d pattern' Otl tOO"I. '""i on P "' 1 • • H·c:h <'atural colon ot rusl. 1>fow11 •lld 9old w11h 1111Utrel • ''Ml I "9'"',. l~ M;Kn•tl4l wUh•ble 11on<t-•lt ruoti.r w•tll• bKll. 30.S2" NYLON AREA RUG A 69 'BIC .. I BIC REC. 1.,, 99c DISPOSAILI UGHTIR & IALL POllT PEI • ;•1 • ~ .... .,, ~ 11.' ~ (i19' ..... ~ 'T\lfty c ··:• s•tcn txc Pkg Costa Mesa 2 ll E. I 7tti St. Costa Mesa 2100 ~ ot WilSCM! \ _____ __.~ \-: ... ... .~\ . ~ ----,,~ ~---=-~ -- -.. . Pfi Mff'n • ' • ' • ::x..! ... .'c.t·'. '\. ~ I r ~N ;I/. ( ,1 • " *, lllt .. ' , ..... ·.-:-" ""'l r • ~ I • ...... l • I' .. \ J ---·----H::~. 3 ··aac Ste' FOi .. , .. COLOlllG 10015 .,, J\•"' !\ !ltt1H~'"l l>'CIU<M & cub· ~<!'\,,. ~ .. .., _,_""'"' 01 'olot"'Q I CJ''' r; ' t(J ~ ''ll Santa Ana ll2S an,tol ot MocArltNr Santa Ana 1406 w. ~' lri\tol ALSO IN A DEEP, RICH CHOCOLATE BROWN! Oll"IALL Y 1.29 49..~z. L'OREAL HEllAL SHAMPOO r"rot:~ !tie 11.1 • ""'!!I ...,. ··~ f"'l· '" 'I 111 Pt ll11'Yl'f'I <c I e0 '.ls. V"l~8QC frn'l JeeN (}sc o~o lllllEY'I llllll cmaJn :..=-141 NAVOllNE •OTO• Oil ·--= -.... ... :=' 47c Fountain Valley M..,-ootT~ Fountain Valley I 614 I HGri»or ot Edlnqtr Wednesd•y. February 18. 1976 DAIL v PlLOf A I 5 ASUAtBOOTS CNOtCI OF SAID 01 CHOCOLATE ORIGINALLY 79c 28~. FLAME GLO I LASH BRITE LIP MAKE-UP EYE MAKE-UP .. ,,p "'I 1\C"IU• r1.1~ CIO Pe!ll'led Sl\.m!T!C!I Lip Glo5s. ' •u4 I H l•l'd l •P'•<~ "us l •o Sh•nt'f UMS Ill auoned coluts O• y"l\i• l•••••·lr I a.Pl Br •e PurleO Sn.mm" Eye 5'1.1'1.,..-Btush A Stow!\ Crl'mt Eye SlllOOW O..c Pttg ~ .... ·Ill.Ill -1••11111 •aau• ellc ==45' YOU'VE SHI WSll OUAUTY ·51u11G FOi JAi MOii -YOU'VE GOTIA SH 'UI TO llLIEVE 'EM : • CUSllONID AIOI UfOIT I Sl'llrp mocca •n sr~i. In soll. tier.Ole ~ wed• lee'Nf anklH.gll boots. So et11y 011 ine t)fl 11 poput.11 S.ind or • J O\ocoilll! color & H ly on flt Ifft w•ll lllH / sott mOIOeQ ctepe wecjge IOltt & •c:h $uppor1. Meo's 6'1· 12. Soys' 2'1·6. 219 .... Nf W RICE " RONI ·11CJ~A•I fwmtmm ::-35~· BToro El Toro at loclrfittd Huntinqton Beach 916 1 Ada.Mat l roc*hunt Huntinatoh Beach 21 111 ltoc'ft ll•d. at AMClllfo Westminster W tdmiMt" ot GCIWttl W Ht Huntinqton Beach 9S ~°" Cewt., Huntinaton Beach saaf w°""" l I • ~ . . . ' . , . . .. I .. . A 16 DAILY PILOT Wedl\esday Feeruary 18. 1976 Smog Law 1'it Saddle back Group. Takes Stand Otrect on or lbc Suddkbuk VaJl ry Cbomber ol Com merce are uraimg Gov. Edmund C . Brown Jr. and the 5tale Le1iA lature to 11wsJ)('nd i. con troverslul ne ... air pollution rule Rule 20 I of · the Cttllfornh1 Air Resources Boa rd wu dncribc:d by the ch1unber #ll virtually ur.urlng u "no-growth ·• pohcy und t'llm1nut1nic l\Umerous Jobs lo <-onstructfon and m dwitry T 11 t: R V L t: W 0 lJ L V a 11 o 1111 authorilka to deny eon:tlruttion pro- Jttts, 1f such construction would in· Lerfere with the uttalnment or main· lenant'e or air q uality swndards. Local air pollution control district11 would have the power to mall~ !>~b decisions. J'I~• Colorado James Mic hener. author of the )'ear's best seller "Centennial" about the state of Colorado, says the state 's biggest challenge in the year o r its l OOth bi rthday will be protectin g itself from the geographical attractions th at have made it one or the nation's most popular places to live. Chamber d1 rtttol'8 sa1d the rullo& wall halt mosl ma jor coostruc'tJon pro- Jects and freeze buslness al extsllnr levt"lt. The)' al.Bo uld it wlU delay lbe development or additianal aourcu or energy. IT WAS ASSE RTED by the ch amb er t hat rule 20.l would c-llmlnate n.:w co~truction or ex· panslon of such businesses and in- s titutions u aspha lt plants , un- wenutl.-... 0 1sneyhand, various aov- crnment. fa c1bties, sewage treatment pla nts, container manufacturing plants. machine works, chem ical m ak e r s. s h o pping c e nte rs , townh ouses a nd a irc rurt parl5 manufacturing plants. lion Cotintry To Offer 3 African Trips IAon Country Safari will increase its offering of wildlife safaris to Africa in 1976. Expa nsion of the three·yea r-old progra m is t o include a "Saddle Safari" to East Africa and a desert· oriented safari to Southern Africa, in addition to 1be .. African Animals Close-up" program sponsored jointly "1th the UC Irvine Extension. TUE 22·DA V "SADDLE Safari" de- parts June 7 a nd will be hosted by Orange County horse owner and en- thusiast Candace Howell. T o ur participa nts will explor e Kenya's nor t hern fr ontier dis trict by horseback and visit major game parks by Land Rover. Dr. Barry Thomas, director of the Tut'ker Wildlife Sanctuary, will lead the 22-day ·'Wild life Conservation aod Photography Safa ri" scheduled to de- part June 28. Participant.lS will earn s ax units of c r edit at Cal State Fullerton. •• For the· Record O.C.-Wt• ........ Mn. -.... -.u ...... Vll~.CIMt•-... ~ ,. -....... w. ... ~ .. -0..-..~ .. IO(ll,91•1 ,.,_."""'-MM ~.Mt ................. Klt,tlfl -.--........ -. ..... ..,.. ~"" .. -*·"~ ~ ... IN ..... -·--..._,..,, .._ ........ O•~•t.Hwi ....... ~ .. w ................. ~. -h1 .... , u. .. "_..,.._ leed\, .... ~w . """ '*" ""u •k '-fltt.. 2100 """"'-""~ Ho. UC, (.Mta -..... ~ •t Million .. Pair Share NJ Lottery Froft'I Wlre~~ For yean, 8 tHley S apbaald, :.&. Dnd hi• oelahbor. Mn. Bein~~. 51, put down 2S cents apttt. every. we~k to bu.y a New J euey lottery ticket • Yore often than not, the two Cliffside Park res1 dents came up empty hand<.-d. But lhia week, Sapinski and Mra. Oeptuch, th~ mother of two chil<lnln. "connected" in the NC'w Jtraey wttkly lottery's SJ million bonunza drowins: •t Panlppany Hills H.lgh School. The lottery co mml.sslon wlll P•Y c1tch or tht•ni 12$,000 annually for the nu t 20 years. Mt. -Mn. ·-Ottll•, DU lit E•-• .... c.ue ........ , Kin" Jaan Carlos will vlslt the UnitL'<.l Stales IN. -Mtt. TN K-. U.W • •• ""-or .• " ............. ~ J uoe3. lhe news agency Europa Pttss stud. •·=... _ Mn. L...,. "'-· 111 It will be the first visit by n r~u. .CK&a* ... "" Spa nish c hief of state since --" • before lhe Spanish civU war. Mr • ....,Mn. -rt\Mltfl. WT.,. The agency said the 38-year· -,:.·~·~·~~·~~· old monar ch, who became king -=-~=~~~!:!°:), 22a1 oner the death of Generalissimo -.A ..... c.. ...... w.o.v F r anclaco f'r ailco Nov. 20, -· •"" Mr\ •~1 $1\lotff • ..,., would visit Pre1>ld.ent f'ont and v_. L.rt., ,._,, 1n, """'•~ T iit-: F \\Hl.\ ctm l ~ U ~ Ui I l\.1•u 1w "I'm glad Mommy doesn't hove whi,kers. If 'lie did we'd NEVER get breakfast." Be11ef it Co1tcert Planned at UCI 11 .. c11.11o, participate in various activities o.':tc~~":i~~~=~~.,., in connection with the American Latin American s tniter Sun1 raz will give a benefit o.u-• bicentennial celebration. concert at UC Irvine Thursday under sponsorship or ~:~.;0-;-.;:::.;..~=·g<:::-"'" '. NANCA•U>s • J\1ECHA (Movimiento Estudiuntil Chicanode Mr .• ...,· Mn ......... u,1or, ,,,. • Among those ~n hand in Namaroneck, N. Y. ror Artlan). ':.,"7:,,:::,-;.C:.::-~·~rr.Jl?E. lhea funehrald~r sltawd ~.ctRorbeSlalWMltlnhoeotwAerce Nic~olfas The concert 1s schl'<iull'd for 8 p.m. in the Mesa 10111$1.,Coot•-w.ttrc ay. w o tree e e u ause or Court Gold Room ""'· -Mn . r;..-"''•-0 1 which Mineo received a 1955 Oscar nomination; ac-~'!...,~10,.,~~~= mu t r ess Jill Hawo rth, PROCEEDS WJU , tx· E.C-Oft, """"ntt•hac11.'o1r1 Mineo's costar in "Ex-( J donated to the defenst• of ~,!.".'.'C:;:·_n:;•: 111"1._, • odus," and Desni Arnez, PEOPLE Olga Talamante, a UC -.-MT ... 01 ...... 11o11•-.J:Jn Jr. Santa Cru z ho n ors ~":!,0'.-.~1~.'":"'",:,t':~-. ~· "He lived his life with ----------graduate imprisoned m A11 ... 1a,Hun11nq1 ... 1 ... ,,.11o, c ou r age, a bandon . Argentin a m ore Lhan a ""'·'""°"""'"1:-... F111te'-·131' humor style a nd grace " Mlneo's brother-in-law >-·e ar. H e r molh"r . Ant•-W•'. Newport h•t11, boy • • • • ' -' ' o.u.w11.ttn Chip Meyeraor Duxbury, Mass., said 1n a eulogy. Refugio Talamante of '::,;,;a"::i.~~,,:;::.~~~~· ttl t . CdsryinfgM~penlyTihn the front pe~edwerhe tbodhree a,ctor Gilroy, will speak al the ""'· '""" Mrs. P•ut HtGM•i. ,.,rz n en o ineo . ey accompam t e y rom concert. :~:;·:;~· ~:~;.:~, Flftoctllo, CMalifomiad. ETlllhey .Mwere Cour1ney Burr. Michael Admission is St for stu- 111130r-.eott•-••,g1r1 ason an ott int.I. dents a nd S2 for lht' Mr. And NV\ M.t< Moure.ww, 1"4)1 * general pubJiC G1'6--~:;;;t;~,11•11ev.1»r Boston Pops Conductor Arthur Fiedler "looks ""·•""'*'·W1111.onGM, 1*2--like a new ma n" an.er a brief hospital stay in MS. PAZ. who tearhes '""·"..,11""°".,.~"·"°' C da h' ( ·1 sot'iology at R utgers :;,_!.~~~·~:.::,-·,.. ana ' 15 amt Y says. University, writes and Mr anc1 M". ey,_ Todd, *" "He's been sleeping, sleep-sings the new "canciones ~:n•-L" • """"1191"" ee«.11. ing, sleeping," said his wife, El· prolestas" that tell the ""'· -Mr" Eric Au1111tot1. s ~~ lea, in a telephone interview. ,_,II'_ trvl.W, MY J-yJ,tt16 ,_ """ Mt" A-rt G•ll~occl. l~t !Wien• O r., Hut1tlftgt9ft lie-. girl tw. ~ -.ilr\. Ol•rlH Snlltll, PA 8"" EA, 0.... PoHll, boy Mr. ..... M rs. Matk Ellh, >601 Pv •vl•• U. .• trviM, girl Mt. •nd Mn. Cu lg Ota, 10201 Joll Ort The 81 ·year·old orchestra leader arrived in Boston after a bout with what doctors initially ~ thought was pneumonia. But to Fiedler it was just "a bad cold.'' PUBLIC NOTICE ~ICTITIOUS IUSINl!U NAME STATlM IENT Th• tot10-..1n9 "''°" h 00.Nl ~ ~,., MtltA(I.£ MAlQA, 11\0 H•r- ltf\fd , C..O'l• Mew , C•Utorn1tt m11 s t ru Kg l('s o f L alin Americans Olga Ta lam ante. who had f'One to Argentina In 1973 to study was arrest· ed with sever al friends after the imposition or special st ate of Sieg_, laws in November 1974 PUBLIC NOTICE t'ICTITIOUS •USINllU NAM• SYATEMINT T"-fOiflow tf\g perwtr\~ M"• dOlnQ~~' ... ".' J M ENTEllPAISE, ''"'° .... ,,_, Ori_,., CoU• Mtf\•, Celtfot'rN• ~ Jorv. Tllomn O'~•·•· "" ........ -0<1 ••• Co•l.o M•WI, Calll~nl• ,,.,. """""• !kllu•l•r o·~ .... 1• VtTW'O\ 01,w. (0"6 M•M. C.lltor"'• ,,.,, Tiii\ OV\I,.._\ It <Ondti<ltd tty'°",,.. Jlvlto~•I M•rthe S O'Mfara Tf\I\ \tltfH'ntnt wit hl4'd wU'h U. Coo~!, cror• ol Ot•11ge '°""'' .,. Fel>ru.,, IJ, 1'7• PtttJ• P\Jt>ll\hl'd Or•ntM C1>Ht D•ll' Pilot, Foll II,)\, •"<l M•t ). 10, .. ,. .01 1' Money Mmwging Course Sclwduled TUE Tlll"D ANNUAL "African Animals Close-up" will depart July l2 for a 22-day African visit unde.r the guidance of Or . Donald Dooley, Lion Country's resident veterinarian. Five units of t•redit a re allowed for this pro· gram by UC Irvine. · O< • H-ill9'0t1 it.ell, gi rt PllDLIR C..mp00ll 6*,.,... Inc . tllO ,,.,,_ * 81vd . c.c»t• "•"•n•, C.•h,O(nt•.,.11 PUBUC NOTICE Fa milies with limited bud~et.s t·an learn how to get the most out of their money by cnrolhng in a rww con. ~umer courst' offered at Saddlcbac·k College this sprin~. The course, Home E<·onom•t'<; 2!>0. wlll offer inform ation on how to dt·· \'elop new techniques ror household managemt•nt und consumer buying technique~. INSTRUCTOR MARV <>!Imus says 1he class is design('() to help con- ~umers evaluate product~ and ad- \'ertisements before layingoutt:ash. Bilingual guesl speakers will be on hand lo explain consumer protection programs, scn •it·cs and aids THE CLASS WILL be taught 111 lht• San Juan Capistrano arcu. Exact dates ar<• beinj! confirmed. Details ahout the fo ur hours a week progra m an• available from Mrs. Osmus. 832 2938, or by c·all1 nl( the t·ol lcite al 8.11 9700. t-:xt 2'.ll. Another safari, called "People and Places of Africa ." will focus on the in· ch genous cultures and wi ldlife or South and E ast Africa. Dr. J .L. Philbrick. psychology professor at Cal Poly Pomona. will escort partici· pants on the 22-day triJ' scheduled to depart J uly 24. T H E "SOUTH E RN AFRICA Desert Safari" wilJ explore remote areas or the Ka lahari Desert, Ovambo Land. Okavango S.,.a m p and the Namb1b Desert. Scheduled to depart Sept. 11. the 22-day adventure will be cs<-orted by Pat Quinn. director of zoology at Lion Coun(ry Safari. All the safaris a re public and will be preceded by orientation meetings at Lion Country Safa ri. Additiona l information is available by railing Lion Country's t ravel de- partment 837-1200. Collt-ge Fi11a11ee Class l Focus on Retireillent Pt'rllon~ who w unt to ~nJ(lY the leurnn• yc•nr' of l.C<• without worryinit .Jboul f1na11t·1·~ w1•rc• invitNI 111 I Jkl· pnrt in 11 rH·w Suddl('h!Jl'" ( 'ul11•i.:<' c·oursl' bein~ offt-rt•c1 this s pnn11 The .-nd produ<'l of thl' thr<'e·unit <'OUnlC <'a ll<>d "1''10anr1ul l'lanninA for Retlremt•nt" as u Pl'nmnuli7(•d rt'tin• rnrnt plan for each studt•nt (1.l\S.l\J:l-4 Wll.l. HE h<•ld from 7 lo 10 Weclnl'sd uy n 1i.:hh at lr v1111"' l lnivt•rslty 1l 11(h Srhnol hei.1111n1nl( Murch 10 ln workf'hop fo rmat. th1• <'\JUl'llC 1!'1 d1•ll1).(nc•cl In offrr prnrt1rul Jekyll/Hyde Suspect H e ld In Tennessee NAS HVILLE. Tenn (tlf'l I .lohn Otll. a fo rm l'r mental pntlt'nt and <'nn· vlett'd bur~lur. h,111 lx'<'n bound to the Onvitit1o n Countv ~rnn<t jury nn <-har~es or m11nkrin1t ;i n1illlonnlr(' heiress. The 23-yeur-0ld man, who told in- \'t!Stiga1ors ht' was o srhizophrenic with homicida l tendC'l1clt'.s , was cbar"ed in tht~ bc.>atin~ death of Nina Stratton Foster Oetectivt> M1k<' Erwin said that Otll ree n act ed the s laying for in· vestlgators In the victim's foshion;1· ~e home in the Belle Meade aren after jtlvin g an oral confession. "During our intervi<'w with th«' sub j~ct. he said it was poosiblc for the other .John -the other personality to do it tkill the womnn>. but sujd the John I was talking to was not capabh• (lf it." Erwin said. Ottl i;nid he killed M1s11 Fost::-r, doughter or retirt>d nl'WSpaper publlshf'r M. Stratton F01Ster. dunng an argument Q\'f'r, her plans to r.-turn toC'1hfor nio pl;rnnan.: s kills nece!lsary in dealing "Jth flnunrial burdrn!i or rctlrt'menl. The (•ours<' work is the result or five years rest•t1n·h by in!4trut'lor J ack rnast'r who ha11 more than 30 years of m ;inagem cnt :ind p lanning e x· pencn<-t' befort' ht' ended hi11 own c•Mvt•r with t•arly retirement: "TH•: COURSE IS primuri ly in· l{'ntkd for t hox(' i1t1ll 1•arnlng their l1vehhO<>d yet r<>allr-t1ca lly roncerned w11h the 101•vit a bility of retirement," hi.' i<nyl'I "However. the• rxJ)Crience 1·:rn also ht>neftl thOl'le new to retire· mt'nt who mia ht wunt to renew or re· ~stH.'SS their original plan11." <:I ;1~rr addt'd th at th~ c-las11 will be of s pecial value to husbandll and w1v1•s who c an lnkl.' th ~ course to~elht'r and both bt•ncfil from l.h' In rormation Persons plnnnm ~ to t nrolt enn rc- J.?l&ler fort he coun1e th.rough March 19. Nurses Offered Legal Overview What nurs<'!I !lhould know about the leu l impllcatiOWI of their profession is beinR covered in a ne w allied health course premi-e ring a t Saddleback College this spring. "Legal Aspe<'ls of Nursing," a lhree·Unit course lo nurses ond persons em ployed in related health professions, will meet from 7 p.m . to 10 p.m. Tuesdays beginning March 3. Students wUl meet in room 122 of the Math· Science Building. Registration for the sprinit quarter will be held at the col· lege &f3rch l 4 Nltr. -Mtl. A-rt JOllllSOI\ lol1 E. ltlh \I., Cost• ~W. boy Ja-ya,1t16 Ml and Mo. Jollfl Llvi"9'1oft, l2S - \I • """''"""" &ta<ll. girl Mt , aM Mtl. Ml< ... el ~Ck, 9112 S.<klcW, Hllf\tl"910ft .. aclt. titl JHONry S, 1t1' IN •nd M,.. Jtlltey U ... S. ltf 11 "Ill St., Hcw,,.,,.1 Bea<ll,flrl Mt. •nd "'"· Jolln Gelte, •JH """''"""Or . Hunlll\qlOtl IMtcl\,gin Ot •nd M t \ (Ari Cab.,.I~ )Of Fvc~•••. C.o\la Me••· •ot• • • • • lf\•\ bu\IM'\\. I\. t ondutl.ci by• COf• Prime MtnlSter fldel Castro of Cuba 1s expect· _ .. ion "~c;~,~~~!:~!·:,::s ed to pay an official visit to Sweden next fall, the ~':::!':'~8~~;,,'nc '~ coiiow1119 pmon "004"'...,.., government announced. !ooo< T.... ,,. ..... The Cuban leader was invited to St""kholm last "'" "., ..... ,., 1 ... , "'"' .. ,,,, 1~ LAP•~ L<1zv1.i. 110 8•-..... CO.•• . . . ""' . . °""''' Cl••~ of Or•"IH C.o.1111v on Mtw , CA. "414 year when Prime Mm1ster Olof Palme v1s1ted ,, ....... ,. u , "" l•"• ""'{"•" Ohl"'°"· '"" Cuba . He will probably come in October after the Pvt>llV\ed O••n91t ~o.,1 oau/'l!,~.~ =• 1"' Hun••119•on 8~"'"· (" Swedish general election, officials s aid. r.1>. it. H.•"""'·" 1. 10. m• m ,. r"" ""''""'' "<ond\lctec1..,,.., ,,.. * 1------------ldMdU•ILMry M. D••ICI'°" Peter GaaU and Per Nllsea of Seattle, who once P UBLIC NOTICE n." •M••m~n1 wo "'~ .-1111 ,,.. I__. ri tl k f Count, Cit,. ot Or•nte CouMr on ..,.. .. m oney res to ng an ques, now ma e some o ,1CT1,10u,•usiNns .un ... r,>o, ,,,. ,..,.a.••tun a the world's fanciest yo-yoo out Ot such exotic NAMUTAUM•NT ,.,"' H••;~~r'AL ·hardwoods as birds-eye maple and zebra wood. -'::,'"'-1110 """...,. '' <IOI"' _.. ~':~": 1t~~.~~:1 0'"'' ~~._· Mr. •11d Mra. •011ert c.11-. "H ltell people that I am the major West Coast 1< E "· s v 1 ,.. v L A EPA 1 R a...o-Niow~;.::r, 14 manufacturer of yo-yos, their jaws slack and their ~e RvicE. '°' Sou•11 su•llvan. • •07• P UBLIC NOTICF. -•!Id M•\ A .. 1-• *""~• eyes do funny things," said GanU. "But we d idn't ....,i;:.:,:i~11e'.!~O:.. H••Q• .. v••· '°' -------------~Hill• ol•I l'ICTITIOUS •uSllltl'$S • .io-, u make a nickel fixing antiques." Soutn \>1•11••n. "101• \itn•• ",..· c.. NANIE UATEMENT Mr. and Mn P•ul FIH, S•n Gantt and Nilsen. both 1972 graduates of the "~·~ i.w.-." <Onducle<f l>Y"" In. '"" IOllowlng ,..,'°" ~ 004119 l>W o.:.':t"°.l.~ "'"' M'(tn . ~ Ulliversity of Washington School or Art. spent two ,.~~· ~~~.\;A. LORD A'.:SOCIATES.""" c-......... , years as custom wood turners before goinJt into the n,1, ~;;;:~ ::::q1~7:;-:.,,n 1,.. Nt•PO•t c.nter or1n. Suit• uoo, ~. nd ~J-tY 1~, ......... )'0-YO business. °"'"'Y Cl1<k ot O••nqe County on N9--1 lle11<ll, ':A'1MO -7",..·.!.., -"· Juan •''-· ..... -. ,.11.,,.,,,, ,.,., DollQlas ""'""'Lord, Y$ Gttfflllt ,..,,. -FSHll W•y, lAq11 ... e.acn, CA91UI Mr And "'" .Hllrep LIKAIS. ~ Pvl>41111f<! Or""9" C.CMl•I 0.11, PllO<, Tt\I\ °"'' ..... ,, condw:I" "' ........ 0 .-nw"t.•. "" F9b 11 1• 1S d ~ "l 191 dt¥1Cllltl ,_,.,,, . !'f arga rC't TrodC'aU, w_ife of c;anadian Prime . . ' •n r< . ~ n 11• OovQlnA. lord ""' •nd M" wi111•m R•b·-· s... MmtSter P ierre Trudeau, 1s spending the week at '"" "'"'.,"•nt .... •Hect •"" "-c-nt•.9'~._.,,. Key Biscayn e, 1-'la . on a PUBLIC NOTICE ~':.~!~;:,.01 OrAn"" c°"n1' °" ,.,., •llCI Mt\. Cll•r••' ~· ~ separate vacation following an ..,_ C-n1•,9'rl , d f C PtCTITIOUS•USINESS l'ubliv..d OrAnff Goa'! O<tlly Pllo<, ""' •llCI -..~ YllOn\os Autw."" 11· ay tour o uba and two NAME nATtiMt NT Ft11 11. •t,11 .... •-«1>>, m• 0. .... 111. g.,1 other Latin America countries n. 1oi1o•1"q "'""' '' oo.nq ""'' JANUAllY t' . .,,. Mr •Ni Mf'\ Ff'•nk A•UM , \Mt C,._nl•.""Y JANUA R '4' >t, l'>t NII •ftd M_r\ Jem•\ MVf'IY•\, ~ (letnef\ .. ,9tf"t llN -Mr\ Jot.•llft 1\1•0 ., '"''-· Qlrl Mf'. •nd Mt\. f'f•der•t~ Nwlrey, '*"" Pol"I. boY JANUARY J1, tth Mr. -Mt\, Q..or, ArwMrwn. LA.-Hiii\, boy t'll•VARY t, 1'7t IN ...... M n urr., M1111-. s.. C.-nle,Qltl 11N -MtJ O.vi<I lttM-. ()one "°'"'· bo' PllRUAllY t, t•t• llN. -Mt" 1.a•t' L•-·-· S.... """"Capl lr•llO,Qlrl ,_IRUAR Y), 1.,. Mr •"" Mr\ '"""'' All•I\ 0.-""H<ll. "°" SOVTM ClOA5Y O)llllolUNITY HOSPITAL ,_,,. Mr -M" Wllll.,.. llOt»tn, S... 0.-111· ••• ,, Mt aftd Mr\. Wllll•ll'I "'t e{hot, Et to,., ao, '-"·· #I. -~· llayrMM VOIMM , ~ .Notn c..pi•I•-· .... Mt •lid """ ~· '"·--· ..__ .. ,_ .. ...,., ,_,,,, Mr -..... w ..... C)Kkff, ~ ""~·""' f'OV9rfAllf VAL\.•Y CIOMMVIUTY MOtl>tTAL _.,,,1.u ""· -~ ... ,,,_I_,.,_....,.._ nS1 ._. Mot11ti.a ore ... """'.......,. ..."'""· ,_ty ... 1.,. •· -Mn. ~•I.ii lltlc11t1~ ..nt ~L-,H-1"919'1-t\. ..... '-t? "· ,.,. tltt. -Mn. 111< ... rd ,. • .,..,. lCllPe fl,..., aw., .. -...,. vaue,, ""'· t/ltt, -Mn. M ii, Vttt.r Jr~ '1'1 Ol<t..,, ClrUt, WottMI-. elfl. ~ .. 1.,, Mr. -*" .1( ........ , .......... ...._,._, ,._ .. ,.v.1 .. ,, .. ,1. ,....,,"·"" ""'· -Mn."-' .... 17"'M· -$1 .. ,,_, .. ,. v .... ,. "'" #tr •Old Mra. ~•II U.tllar, ml ~ """"" Cl•t le ..... '· ~ ""'91119M<lt,...,. Mr. -Mn. MlctlNC Mc•"· "'n o.r......u• . ...._ v .. .._..,.. Mr. -Mn. s-..i.-~ .• , .. ~ .. ..... , A ... , .... Ma, HIHlllftt(M ........... 1--rtt."7• Mr.-~ Henf H•l 11, -' lllllO V•rN ..... U7. HtM\lf'llM ._._,.,,,. '~"'""' ""·""'~ •-V-Jr.,17C1.-Mc11 Aw,.w..tmt~.MY, ""'· -Mt~,... ...... ~ ... "° s. ......... ~s.M•A#t•, ... ,. -. ... 1,,. Mr. -Mn. "9..C t're ... la, HQ-· 1-~. "-"""" .. 0(1\, tlfl. ~"·"" -........... OeN .. ..__ _v......,.-u1 .. ve1,.,,...., Mr ..... Mtt. ·-·· "•fll4r .... "'""" Clr<te. """'""" ... IMUI. .-,,. ' MU. fRUDe"l.I with her husband. Mrs. Trudeau, 27. said her arrival at a secluded apartment building was for a "vacation from m y three roles, as a wi fe, mother and diplomat ... lo gel som e s un a nd get buck in shape." She plans to leave for Canada Friday . • ,,. ,~ . ,.,,, ., PUBLIC NOTICE CONSIJMEll'S GUI DE TV I. AP· Pl.I ANC E, 10i. Fuller ion, Ho 8. CD\ tot Mew.C•lllornl•'1471 · 1--------------- DrnW ,, ... I 0 l'IAn ?OH .. ~c:~,~~~!:~!·:::s FvH•rto". Unit 8 , (.o,l• Mtn~o111. TM IOllow1nQ ~"on ., dotr-.c) t>U'V C•lllornl• •1'11 ,,..\A, n.1, .... u ..... l\<Ofldvtl•ODy .. nln THE TEMPTOAE~S. 7101' c11¥1<111•IO llC O'Nlll H••-Blvd •I A~•m• "'"" • C.O\t• '"'" · Mtw. C•l1torn1• '7•16 l,,,, ..... ,,..nl •• , lllMI ...... the Vl•Oiftl• II HocmO\, ,.., ,.,,.,... Covnl' Clttk ol Or•1111• C°"'"' Oft Rtl . Co\I• ""''"• C •lllorflll ""•" Ft11ru.ry•, lt7' t'UJOll fllh bu\11~\> 1, <ondu<l•d by""'" Pvl>li_., OunQe Cool 0011, Pllol. dlvlf111flv1roln1• H. llolm•\ F•b 1t1 11. ?S •,,O Mar l lUr. Sl~7' T"t\ \t•tf"m""' wAS tll•d W'llh fhr-The University or Michigan received a letter C<>unt• (l••k al Or•nQ• '°""'• (In from Merseburg, East Germany, addressed to PUBLIC NOTlfE F•"'u"'' "· 1m ""'• Pub*J\r'Wt-d OrM.,. en .. ,, D•Uly ''ll11t James c. Wa taon, direclor of the colh.•gt• Ob· PICTITIOUSIVSINUS servatory. NAME ITATI ME NT University officials c-ouldn't <1uite placr. the .... ~.•o•io••11Q H"0n ""°'"II n..u name and bel(an digging into lh'~ r~cords jn a n at· M•A'ICLE MA7DA, 11io HJt•bo• tempt lo locate h im and, if pc>fis1ble. to forward the 81""c~~~;t;;.~ .. ~1;~~,~~;~~:.- r~o 1•. H.•nd ~'· 3, 10, 1t>• \Jt; J,.. PUBLIC NOTICI': letter. 111w , c.,,,,. M.-•. <••11~r11••"1•11 t'ICTITIOV,•U"NHS N'IMIUAflMINf The univer11ity fin ally located Watson in the in••'''"'"""" •on<lu<t•d b• an in '"" 10110•1nq ""''"" "<IQINJ """ ~"'°"•' 1\111-\\ o't\ files. (•MnboollnMV•,lltf AIHMAC. /11 w "'" 8•0u Ht, A 11 pokesm a n said Wulson ser ved a~ oh· cowArCJ M fl•O.•• ~1•AN>u.r•1110•nl•9>u1 '-(. t ree\ 0..vld St"'U"'· 14)• M'*" \1~11.-~ M<rv atory director from 1863 to I 879 and d tt'd an 11111 "•••-•I "'"' 111...i ..,,,. 1.,. CM•• ""''a, c:a111orn•• 9>A11 Madlaon. Wis .. in IRllO c:;ounl, ti••• •• o •• ~ ..... (.(lo"'' Iii\ T•I• ll<J"""" h '"'"1v<l•CI '"' "" ,, fff)t119r, 1), 1t1• ll••du•I • llJl•1' Cl••ICJ ''~MM P\;lMh""' Or..,~ '-0"'' 0Atl¥ ruot Thi\ \Ut,.nw nt .,,,, ., '""'d ... ~ .,~ Paul Sprin•er !<!:I""' hill last paraC'hule J·uwp is hb It, l l encl M .. , 10. 1••• ~· '· r.~vnty r •• ,. ... O• .. no• (nonl> '"' 8 ~.. febru1'rv• 10111 really bi.a tu t. He plunat·d J.000 fct•t and h l the.> PU 0 ~ '11io1 around Ill 72 miles an hour, his <-hutc only partiall~ BllC H TICE ""'"''"''"'l'M"'" ..... • r ........... , " J ,_..n It, t• J\ .1tvt M,u 1 _,.,,; \r '" ()pCO. l'ICTITIOU' •U\INIU The accide nt occurred in the Panama JUfll:I<' ni; ,.,. ,.,~:w~! '!.~!,,«.,~~1:!,..., 0,,.1 Springer. 38, :a n Army Spe{'ial f'or<•cs re11er vist, .... ~,, made a trainlnlJl jump from a Ctl o at 3 a m. on Jan D•t•\ L•ovo11 •o,. 1 a ... .,.. •. __ r_t_i_n_1_.1_c __ N_'_1_T_rc_._,.._· _ 30. ,.~::.;·~··(.).~:o:!!~. ,1.., Liv••• l'IC T1'10Vl llVtlNf\\ Springer Wllll intrrvlewt'd at o San Diego Naval A .. «•P'"" < • ~,n 1,,. , .... ~.~~ ~7." .. '.!'."':~.".,!,,,,.,,,,,. ho!lpilal where he 111 recovering rrom ;1 hrokcn buck ,,.!,~.~0".,." '' "'Mv•1•~ t .. -" '" """ •• broken leg and 11 cro{'ked jaw "°''"" < °""O"°'"Y "Rr Ni 1' "''M' 1 ·"' ~""" l"" ''•'"""""' .-., t11t•ct w1111lk t~ \•1'• ..... "'-' """ t ""'"' ... t \rll<w (.,ovnt; (111,11. "' o, .. ,.0\11 (hdm~ on M•httf'" ~,,, .. ,. tJtUU' J1 1~ '> J•"u.ttylO "" Ot41Mf)A(f_ \AMA "'""· ( AflfM"'""'". CompQ11 er Carlis le Floyd has been com ' ""'1• ..... ,,,. ' ..... "' ,,,. .... 11,,, \ missioned to create a new onoratie treatment or /\II ,...,.,.,,,,..., o •• ,.., .. to•" O•••r 1"11'. 0••mr>..n ~·"1• An•.< •111'""'"•1"" .,--J:tbtwar y 4, t t. '8, JS, 1'11t <tl)t It. l ht' hU\lt""' • '\ t 11nn~.11 IMf hV The King's Men.'' novelist Rob<.'rt Penn Warren's 1---------·------1-.,•·::;:..7:~~:1;11.,,.,...., bellt·selle r about the rise and fall or a Southern gov-PUBLIC' NOTIC E .... "'•"l" '""'''"''" • emorclosely resembling Louisiana'ti Huey Long. '"" ... ,.,~.n• .,., ,,,,.., w••h "" The "Ommlssion w .. s "nnounccd by Kennedy ricT1T1ovs•v$1N1U <oun1 y ""' Qf u ... ~., .. ''~'"'•"' " '"· "' NAMf \TATl:MI NT J•llv••• I\ "'' Center Productions, producing arm or lhc Kennedy TN IOllowrnq !If'"'" " O<Wno OV•I '"" ,,........ f" th r f I A t "t\~A\ Pvf•h""~" ()r.-no~ fn·"' o .. 11y t•1•t1I ~·el' vr e e r Orm n~ r S . Cll<OY \, 61'0 WH1m•n\l•r J.., n •ndl•b • 11 ·~·"" 10" F'1oyd, who has written "Su.c;annah," "Of Mice ........... w •• 1m•n•l••.c .. 111o•n••1'17Ml And Men," "Wuthering ltelJthts" and "The Passion ~"' 1. · ~ w E' 'M 1 "H r 11 ff , COlllPOAATION, A 1.•lllO•ft••<ll'll!)t• ofJonathanWade."is onlhe~l.41 off orida St11tc 11011, ,ao w .. 1rn1n ••., 11 ........ University. ••1"""''"· <-•"'"'"'•"&A1 •---,.-,c-,-,,-,-o-v·-, •vscwess '"'' ""''""" "tondutl•d"'. t.or NANll STAT•Mll'n ..,..uot1~'''W.\lmln\l•r ,,,. laHowlnq P""0" •\ dol"'2 "'" Pl:HLIC' NOTICE • Prime M lnister Indira Gandhi said she 1s more a "°'"'"''"" "'",·~c;111. p.,o,oc;11111 Pt.ic~ •·~ mother than a mother·in ·law to her two daughte rs ~~~.·:;~;"' lfvlnt """. n104 ,.. 110• iq1 ,,. "'17>'1 ln·law. Tllk •l••~m..,1 "'"' '' .,, w.1" 1"" """'" "'"'••"•• .,,,,., to""'' (lfl'f~ •• Oi ~,.11,. tovnh Of\ lot\ Al~ft\•rd, ••O I rv·~ Av,. She told ~ women's rally, "The mother·ln·law i.c; ,..~ ... ,., ,.,. 11 101 N ... .,,,.1 e .. rn. r..111u•"'• "~' Q greatly maligned person. OIOllOI V OIN&.Ml ll 111 '"" °"•'"""" <O"IO"''"' nv "" " "I do not know how o\h~r mothers-in·law feel =o:i,,.. 0tv•""•'t on111.,..,..,., But I can say I feel more like a mother to my -11 .... 1 .. " n .. , ~,.,.,.,,.,., ... , 111"'' *''" 1""' dAU"hlf'l'S·in·law than th•ir mother.in tuw " "tto .. -•....... "'""1' ""~ "' O•~"_. Counl• 0" " "' l.AIA ... te•.C..ll .. •11<•..... ~"' ... r,11. ltl• n Th~ r ally wns oraanized to mark the end o( In· ruu1 ,,,, tem aliona.1 Women's Year. 1'\11111111"" or•fl9" C"•" PA"• Puo1. l'l<ot1'""" Or•n.,. '&•" o ... ,, J'l•&t f'ob 11, H.•"!I -· 1 10 !ti• '11 ,. "•b II I> ·~ M., I 10 Ull Y'O I .. • ' ' l ______ .. Yuw rl .. Cltd t~r-nt•llv• •huuld tw bo1h rftpot>•f\lf to end acutdy •were of the luu41'• and l'rulrl .. 111• !.Lfnfi U• •II •• c111..-no. ol N"'61pon S.ech In che ~ to come prior co th• upc ommg Ap1ll I J1h rnuolclp.I elKUOfl, I wUI d!-cu. ~al e1eu o( OluU••I con<•m lh .. tollo"''"ll ot onf ., ... thel concerne-.. all -llre ~ote-cclon Wr wldom 1hlnk of our fir" ckpartmenl i.ntll ~. IK.ot M rnldenb ol Newpon, - .,, fonunetf' co h••• o~ of che wmrr ~rtmeni. In lht' IOUlhland With lh• r••nC Publk f h• Protrc1iun R•pon )v•C complflt'd, Nt'Wpc>fl Improved lta munlc:lp.I r•li"I In rno•I ar .. •• u4 che clly, m.•""'9 •"Y"'h"'" &om • 4 w 20"' rtd11e11oft In ltt IMW- 'Pr•mlum• for manv allvctwn Th .. fire ckp&l1mt'ftl WU lnstrutn«tllal lfl obc.alnJnt e •pnnlJer 0tdllla.nn for cornm«rclal bu11du.g. and lmple-lint • cocnpwte lnapec11oft prO'jlram by •h• fire Pft'\lc>nlion bureau lot luu.anu ol an ~ Ile.-. Th-,, ....... ~othd wllhln • 1tnc1 city budg•I (1.3"' ol OVI .,.,,ual city~ la for lre Pf-llllot\.. •uppraaton and edrninMIJaUon) to Pfovlck q.,.Jory lilt savtot MrvkH M•nv ol ch• olcln M'CJJoN of cown otler ""° be1lc jWObletna. M•"ll 11nK111r .. •r• nlr•m•lv clow cogether and building 1na1.n..b on roof. and ovUJcl<r walla .,. au ..... 1y Rem-bl•. Our o .. partmen1 ol Communlry Dew1ot>men1 ti.. promoc.d «dine-to 11redloally con.ct 1h•H problt'm ereu Ill ...,.,..) wey.. and 1h11 Pf09r•m hM beell WfY lnaUum•nUI In •h• con «llOn o4 many non<oodorming and unaaW ~•uatlona within the dty. Cunenlly lft4 lh.n 3"-o( rt'aockncn In lown hevt' •"'°"-ckttttlon ~. Such cMYk"• would provtde lmmt'dlac" Hrly warnlnp o( 6re -..,.a.Uy In 1ht' mo.I HWT•lv crowded wctloM of th• city. Thu• t.hoWd b«come a atandatd Item In cwrv "-hold ellhcc 11\rough cunllnut'd •ducellon by che fir• prewnrion bvHeu or en ordlnence r•· qulri"1) ln11ell .. lon bcfor" lr•nal•r• of owtlt'fahlp or modUlcallon by permit. The eflecl being 1ha1 If your M19hbor\ houte wcr« to catch !Irr al 3 •.m. h• wov1d be awekentd In lime 10 prevcnc thr firf from taklnt addhJonal dwellinll$ In che eree. DAILY PILOT A J 7 Overton .New ~at Fastest? Serie Slated Mesa Firm U1weils MacGregor-36 MacGregor Yarhts or COila Mesa bclleHs its new 36·foot rutnmaran will prove to be tht> California Yacht Club fastest production crua of Manna del Hey hM BQAIJNC ans sailboat ever de· 1cheduled its r>Lx ·race \'eloped. Overton 'erlt• for <>run The MncGrraor 36 1-. Rudna yt.tchh und 1ts the product of a fou1 II arr Is st' r I(' !t r 0 r Yt'•r d tvl'lopml·nt tlllcl P\•rformonce lfu ndi<'up ·E d tnUne program ulml'<.I RlH'lni f'IHl ~ ll<'hls nsena a at combmlna the ultru 1tutmg with lht> 43·mlle t\liih performance or \hl' Mah bu Tr :in1>·Bay rat'l' S • b 1 g d ti y • s u i l 1 n ~ f'eb 28 em1nar cat11marans with th~· The O\l·rton Seril'S 1s safety, luxury and rom open to ocean r ncmg tort o r C'onvl'ntionul t)P<' )8<'hl5 measuring Announced \:n.usang 11a1lboatl>, at• 30 fet•l or m orC' oq,•rull cord In g lo H u g l' r and "1th Jn lntt·rna· MorGreaor, president of l1onal Off!>hon• Huie Sea Magazine hai. an tht.'frrm Mark Ill rdhna of~.5 noun ced u one·d etY MaC'Grt>gor uidinan feet or more seminar desianed to help ihal tests tltl• boat t'x Yachts °"1th lei.s than yachtsmen prepare for reeded 25 m1lei. IJ('r hour the annual Newport to h 30 feet overall length and Enaenada race. The OU reac es l'Hn in IHser handicap ratings rlass will be lie Id April 7 heavy seas -and O\ er 14 mar request pt>rmass1on miles per hour hard on to compete an the senes. from 7 to l0:30 P m. at the wind. Other races in the l\ewport Harbor \'acht TO PROVIDE a high s er i e i. a re · San la Club, 720 W · Buy AH' • dearee o r safet>. the de· Balboa. • Uarb.ira Island . 85 sign 1s coni.ervat1ve, m 1 I es , M arch 13 : E\'erything from pre· with Inch thick hand· laid sta rt tartic s l o the Anacapa Island, 100 technique or making suc· f1ber1tan at critical m 11 e ~. M arch 2 7; C'essful s hore boat con· strc::.s areas. three hefty May?r i. Trophy race Ito nections in Ensenada• rross tu~es and ~ sturdy Ne" port Beach I 78 Harbor will be covered conventional rag. The males, A~rrl 17: Com-in the class, according to ~asthead genoa pro· m ls.,1oner s Trophy race. Ken W eiss seminar v1des superb light air 70 mile~. June 12·13, and direcror • perfor~anrc with a rrg the Point Du~c Trans· Instructo rs will be tha t lssampleandeas) to FASTEST CRUISING SAILBOAT AFLOAT? MacGregor Catamaran Undergo•• Test and the rabin hatche:-. i.eal op light for s ailing in heav y weather, MacGrej!or said. two m e n about three hours to reassemble the boat for ramp launching. 3 Skippers . .. • . • ' -. Tht' rKtnt JS.pa9e Public fir• Prottttloll Rt1>0rt IHutd by th• lnaur•nc• S.l'\llca Offlc• of California In m•nv cnpccu eon far beyond what i. Konomkelly leulble. but m•kn Hwral potnl• which I lttl dewrw vuytng dt"gren of prlorlty In lmplcmenc .. ton. 111 Out overell wet"' eupply rttelved e !itOOcl retJ119. but Mverlll !Ire hydranc •Y'l«lnS 1n1vd •howf!d preuwe defldtonclft. Thne ddk:Mlnt areu of our water •Y.t•rn •huuld be given Che hlgh••t P'lo~lly In Wln9 con«Ct'd. ~:Y race, 5~2 males, June suc h w c 11 . k n 0 w n handle. . SouthJand sailors as Den T~e boat contains JOO Mitc hell, And> M at' cubic feet . or uretha.rw donald, Dick Deaver and ~oam flotallon -pro' sci I!'\ Tiit: e\ l'Ot of a capsiz('. <i un1qut• s)"Slem d e ,. c l o p {' <I h y MacGregor l'nabll's thl· crew to nJ!hl the• boat and C' o n l trl u l' ~ a sl 111 i.: without oul~1d1• <t"t s1:-tanct> a • Jl'lt' 3mon.: big l'ata111a1 •Lil' Set for Race :~ ... (21 Broun o4 1he (l'fowth of our clcy enolht'f englM company Is rKomm•ndtd. Thi. 1• currently bclnt a&lled lor. eDd I would sllongly rttomm~ apprwel of 1h...- llrm In lh• '76-'77 bud9e1 along wich tht' MCftAl)I ~nonnel to men •hi• equlpMeOI. 13) The growth of our clcy wlU ulllmetely crute problems In Weat N.wpon end In 1he lndutulal .-.h•rn .e<tlon. ftr" •C.Ck>N must ewntueily be adckd or mowd cloau 10 1he" erH• •nd should becom• •pan of our llf'neral plan I -• pr...,...01 •I 1h• rttenl ~an Cl""'"""' fife u part ol 1he ~henfh Surch Rncue unll o.VV to note 1ht1 prnencr of • N..wpon ~ech entlM company. Tho• mu1ual aid progr•m ""•llable ITom and 10 outlytng commllfl1tlu allot"' fOf tht' Lmmedlete moblllu. lion of wh•lt'\IV lore• i. nttnury lo 1uppr..u ·~ llr• 11 hand. In th• Merlner'• Mlle hr• unil• from Co.ta Mna had jo1...d Newport •llhrn ten mlnuln of 1hr •larm. ju\I •• "'" haw gone 10 1helr utl•t•n<• In tome of Mtd. Thne mutual •od pach go• lon11 "'•II In malun11 •highly elfecel11e fire flghlln IHm en ttonomle rultr\I Beginners Clws Set Gordon West . ang 6,240 pounds of Further information pos1t1ve buo~:anC'.Y Tht> 1499 MonrO\l'la Newport under.bunk area, bov. B e a c h • t e 1' e R h 0 n c and s le r n co mp art l!A" «""' menu. mast boom .ind The Dana P oint l ' S "'""'" ""· rross tubes rontam solid P ov. er Squadron v.111 Sta With Jt foam The hull 1ntcno1-. b<>gm a 12·week be!'m Y are selr h.1lhni: l'Hl'Pt T ht> bo\1 " h:I\ 1· ht·c•n kept full Th,• h11.1t hJo; sho~ n n o lt'ndl0111' lo n o~c din.• 01 hr11.1t'h e\ <'n al h1,::h :<Pl"l'i.b 111 l' h ll p p ~ 'o l' a !> , 'o .1 I cl :'-laC'Gn•i:or Three Fireball skip-·._ pe1s q11uhf1ed for th• • "urld C'humpions h1p 111' thl' rl a!>~ Monda\' an a • ~pt·l·1.1l thn·e rac~ post m1d\1 inter s crtl':. hl'ld bv l'Jbrillo Hc J C'h \'achl l'luh nt•rsboatmgC'lass al'i 30 Tbel'oastliuard ays . ror the :.mall :.t l't'<I pm :'-lonchl\ at D;ind I( you capsize and tht• bt>l\\een tht' bunk-. Tht•rt• \1 l'I'<' l S t>nlnes 1n thl' 'l'rlt'" and the three qua 11 '1 l' rs. from northern Callrorniu. '4.l'rl' l'.:d H err y and Gordon Danrcli.on, St. Francis \'achl Club. San Franl'IS<'o, and John l.icbcnder~. Del Valle Sa1lrn~ Club. Livermore. Jl1lls ll1g h School boat remami. afloat. sla\ 8eC'aUl>c of tht• hm1t c-.J Thl' fn·e clasi. v. ill co' v.rth rt. Do not abandon amount or v. itlN that can l'r !tl'Jm,m1>h1p. sarct~ at the \'essel until you hu\'l' be retained an tht> hulls m 'lea. rules or na\ 1i:11tson . no other choice You v.11J the e\'ent of rtoodm.: or and emer"enn pro be easier lo spot Crom a damage. the l>o;1t will ct>durea fo r both sail and ~earch plan~ o r another sta\ on 1ls Imes and con· pov.errr11r1. boat. Hang on and con· t1nue s atlin ).! 1'h e Tht' )1 a cG re~or 36 a.. abo tnuil'rabh• II 1•.111 bl· dismantled 11nd t•:irnl..-1 on a sper1 al trailC'I· 111 an eight-fool "1dc packJ.:l' It is loni;r but light :111<1 can be towt>d ht•htnd J standard C'.11 It tal.l'l> :e~~ ro~ kt.\~{ OlJN<.AN MclNTOSH <..•ndode1«'for the (try Cwncll Heg1strat1on 1s at the _s_e_r_,·_e_)_·o_u_r_s_t_r_e_n_g_th_. ___ c_oc_kp1ts 1.11 l' -.ell barlsn.: f1r~1 c·le<1~ session 1'ht' ---- ., . ~ If you heve • quHllon or wl•h 10 comm•nl on • loplc. pln1• giw mf' A call rnstruC'tor I!> Lt. Mrkc PeW few by tile Cku•-to Elect O.•ca• Mclatoell Ito" cllfi HH Vi. 0(1HH1o, S•lte 212. N••ll>Ort hecll, CA. 9266S (714) '7S·H60 Check Trailer In o fl'IOOcl to !rode ond ·I wonct.nng wt-• 10 f1nc1 1 o lahr? Just col 642 S678 ond o fnencfy dau 1hed od·VliOt wll lltlp you crtote on tnH~>1n11 ~•, but tffect1H, Miies meuoqe lt't the lpJldr111 way lo r.och l*IPe all along lhe Oronge (.oo,1_ PoymMI ol flny. loo Tour er.dot •l good wrtll u~ You con c~ge yOUf' od CX, pvt ot on your Motter Chorqe of Bor*Mtt'rKard The bttl ploct to buy or Mii alonv the <Xonge Cootl 642-5678 DAILY PILOT Boatin,I? safety soould bt-grn tn the d ri vew ay for a ll owners o f trailer boat" Before ~·ou leave, rheck tire prcssurt>, hatches and bearings to l\'01d becoming a boating aC'cadent on the h1~hway -~--~-~--~-------~ DEPILATRON 'f ~tally SAFE, Totally PAINLESS, Totally · ·!'ERMANENT Hair Removal. Now lhf'rll 11 a rovolullO'\MV new way to remove ''· unwanted hair from any oert of vovr body II s called the OEPILATRON Method end rt s as sale end petnlee111111 rs effective DIPIL.ATIOH usos the '-'""' l>'•nc•oles 15 standard elec1rolys1'1 Wfn40UT ~ Instead 11 soec1111y designed tweerer 11 u\ed to c:oaQulate lhe hair roof by aoofytnQ energy d1r11Ctly lhf't>UOh the hair w•thoul ftllher skrn contact Of' body oe,,.1ral10n Unwanted hatr will ourckly and easily be rerTCved from lac11I area. legs arms brer..t and bck1ri1 tine All areas are d eaned w1thoul oain swellt"9 0< 1rnt1tt0n In fief. rreke uo can be aoolied 1mmed1ately after treatment The 9Qu1omont ha5 F CC aoorovat and has been !>'Oven to be as safe as llsteni"9 to your radio. Treatment, 1v11labfe al D9'1L4'BOH rtlONISM>t&AL CINT1R1. '~ME;DICALLY ENDORSED~ ·I have slvd•ed lhe OeQll111ron MethOd as a medical ck;a& bolh cllnocallv & woth b•~Y me11n1 The twldenoe-tt1i:"'"::'lt ~.!'pl~atron rrechone does work 11 c1Nt1y available and PfOYen -• Melvin Sh1ffmen. M O Surg1c111 Residency 11 Veterans Adm1n111r1tion Hosottal Long Beach. Oal 011>101Tate American Board of Svr9ery Assistant Oonocal Profet90r of Sorgery Un1vens1ty of Caltforni1. M 0 . F I CS and M O.FASH ·11 is my op1n1on as a CW8d1C1"9 bOWd eert1f1ed 0et1Tatolo01st that the ~latrot'I technloue rs 1 oemwnent. sale. and oein1ea method of '9rTCv1t19 unwanted hatr · ~ Hwvey GTiil. M 0 Dtc>+on9t• Amencan Board of OoenNt0!09y DEPILATRON PROFESSIONAL CENTERS AHAHttM 'ltLU.. ..... Celt. "-'ll·••• LAGUNA HILLS TeiM.w ... 1UJ I ,_ D. ,._ .. ~ ..... C41f. ~7~UJI WESTMIHSTH l41JO .... ~ W..lff ~ ..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ten years from today you'll more than double your money If you open a 7. 75% high-earning savings account at First Federal Savings now. With an annual yield of 8.06o/o and Insurance by an agency of the federal government to $40,000 ••• It's one of the safest •nd surest w•ya to fight inflation. HERE ARE IXAMPLEI OF EARNINGS YOU CAN ENJOY IN THE YEARS AHR~D WITH A llNOLE DEPOSIT OF: $1,000 2.500 5,000 10.000 20,000 AT MATURITY IN SIX YEARS $1,590 3,980 7.960 15,920 31,840 , IN TEN YEARS $ 2,170 5,425 10,850 21,700 43,410 The figures •bove baaed upon a alx-ye•r certificate account •t the current r•te of 7.75% \A!~th lf!t~reat left I!" tf!• ~ccount to compound and rounded off to the ne•r•at tena of doll•ra. So why gamble? Let First Feder•I Savlnga help you make today a day to remember ••• fOf' • long, long time to come. • First Federal Savi~ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF SAl'lo:TA MONICA Costa Mesa Office Baker Near Harbor A J 8 DAILY PILOT THIS COP SINGS Telly S•vallat Telly's Singing Tonight By JAY SHA RBUTf N EW YO RK (AP) - Telly Sav a l as bumps Bumper Morgan's "Blue Knight" show tonight for a CBS musicale called "T e lly ... Who Loves Y a, Baby?" If you've never seen KoJak arrest a so n g , h e r e 's your chance. Costarrin g with him in this one·hour e ndeavor are Barbara "I Dream of J eannie " Eden. Diahann C ar r o ll . C l o ri s Leach man, s t ar of CBS' new "Phy llis" s eries, an d T e ll y's on l y racehorse. <Channel 2, 10 p.m .) EVERYO!'iE GETS to s i ng e xc ept t h e ra cehorse. wh o sa id neigh to the idea. • T he s how s tarts in t raditional "Ko1ak " style as Telly , in hLS un. m arked police c:ir, roars through the streets of •M a nh atta n to CRS Te levision Cat v in Los Angeles in les's than a minute. T WO COPS are watt· ing for him there . But they don't do t he right thing and tickt>t him for going too slow on t he Holly wood F reeway. Tht>y instead warn him the suspects are inside Te levis ion Caty. .(TV HEVJEW ) "I'm going an alone," he snaps . By golly, he wands up fa l'in g nothin g {TlOrc da ngerous tha n a studio audience. It c heers and (.?t vcs him a ba g hancl for s ang an g a cl 1 s l"O·bc at tune, "\.\'ho Loves Ya. Ha by," wh1l<' sax lovelies swirl about him. T llEN COM E S brisk patter, a m odt>sl con- cession he 's no t hreat to f"rank Sinat ra nnd a re· hcar~al ~k 1l an nt•Pd of both rt'ht'ar!>ul und skit He la ter introdur<'" Miss Ed<'n . Aft£•r a qwp _ exchan~e. she pulls her "Jeannie" m agll' bit. makan~ ham vanish M> she r an i.ani.: II <' subsrqut>n tly n•ap pe :.tr s u l a n e mpt y ra-rt'trark, r a rrv 111~ 1111 1n ha s toui;h .· w11r111 Rrr•(lkl.\ n st~ ll-atiout $2 window hah1ll11•s ".lei..· Av<'rnite." 111' t·alls 't•m :111!1 a k111's d ream of o wn •n it u ra rcho r!>c sonlt'da ~. ANO St 'R •: C'nouit h. Td ly'' 't1•1•tl dew" 11 dor>· on lt 1101•1>11 '1 add mud1 to th1• show, hut wt• don I want to nJi;t So wt•'11 sa v t hf' ~O<KI part11 are· M1'is C11rroll's s 1n i.:1n ~. Ml ~i. l.l•a r hman '"' Ci ni.' lu lk un'1 11on)! i;olo 11 bout Ilk :is nn :1t·t rt•:<is, Tcll~··s (lt1ltl'r nbout being Grt>t•k und the Gr 1•ck danr«> number he dot>i'I with hi11 kid brother. Teddy, and 12 or so othe r dancers THE SETS on the show :\rt' <'Y<'·Ca t c hln ~. Marvin Ln1rd's music arran~ements are nirty and M artv Pasella's d irect ion ket>ps th<' pro· c et>d ings r e a s onably lively. But when Tell y sings , some trained e ars may wrinkle an pain. lie J?ets so fl at o n the h1ghl'r notes of "This Is All I As k .. t h at so m eone should h ave advised TV's top cop of his right lo remain silent. Telly 's a fine actor . But his efforts at music give m e t he same sink- ing feeUng I get when a guy sit s down at the piano bar, has four stiff belts and says he will ·now sing "Volar e." ' Wednesday. Fet>ruary 18. 1976 Nurse Guilty • Ill Killing ·of a Mother LOS ANG ELES <UPI I -Norm a Ju n Armistead. who cr eated a "Vitper precnanr y" and then kltlt.'d an expect11nt mother in order to fake • birth, wias found guilty or first ·degree murder When the jury of ~even wonu•n imd five men announced the ir verdict Tuesday to Superior C'ourt Jud"w llurry Pet>tn!o, the; 44·year-old dC'fendant e;tood qwcUy. lhen sat down and wept A san ity trial for the ddcndant e>pcmw today . DE P UTY' DISTRICT ATTORSF.Y Women's Knee Highs 2/$1 Reg .. 77. Cable stitching Orlon 10 /acrylic stretch nylon blend. Solid colors. David ltnss <'harged dun ng the s1ic du~ t n itl lh;tl ~1' Ar militead planneJ tht< &la)•mic of Kathryn Viramontt'S, 2J!. "ho ~ai. found dt'lld in her Van Nuyi. home with ht"r thrO•l slas~ May 17 Authorilieas \\ho found ht'r bodv stud tt make->hlft Cc1tut11rn M't'taon had b<'en performt•d on the deod ~omJn to rctn<>H' her nearly full·term baby, .... ho o;urv1n·d T?le prosecution s:ud the defonc:tnnt created a "pape r pregnun('y" for he rM•lf nine months earlier by f1hng n·cord.s at Kais er Permanente Hospital where :.he worked as an o bstetrics nur~e. She then 253 OFF 253 OFF l rackt'd d o w n und k i lled Mis:s \'1ramo11tt':., who \Ha:.. scht:'dult'd to gl\ c lnrth ot about the s<ime time tht· "pa~r pregnancy" was to end. MS. ARM ISTEAD ALSO a llegedly conducted u buby swatch o n Mary Child.'>, who had gl\'en birth to u hl'allhy infant at the ho:.p1tal 111 St>pkrntwr 197 1. M:. Armaskad is U<'CU.Wd of SUb!ootltU\lllg a srtltborn baby tor the mfnnt and telh"1t Mr11. Chtldg her daughh•r h11d been born dead. Authorit1es found the Child's g11'1 when tbey arrested Ms. Arm1ste 11d . .r ,, \ / ______ ladies' Wrap·Vamp Sling Backs ladies' Cross-Strap .Sandals Men's T-Shirts Big Boys' Tank Tops 2.99 Reg. 3.99. Marshmallow soft vinyl in red. white. navy or black. 5-10. 2.99 Reg. 3.99. Two ple<:e vamp on a styhsh rope trimmed wedge. Assor1ed colors. S-10. Mar hine wash cotton. Short sleeve. Assorted. S,M,L,XL. Boys' T·Shirts also available. Machine wash cotton. S,M.L.Xl. • lfyouTe thinking 'IO)'ota,)'Ou should read this ad. r 0 ql't to us y ou lt.ive to ~1!'. rJ11v~rnor t1, thdt's ~~--~ why w1.J hJve to do -~A -. rl\Ol t' Ill Ollf fllld.::.. w W ,md 11 1 uur serv1c:u. Cninu l\t:c lur \ lJtll ~l·l I. Warquis A 11tlwriutl Ii 11•1•/11 l>1·ai<·r ).in U 1,·i;11 f w y ,AH•ty •·\11,M1 "1"11\1q .1 ( 11 11:1 II ..':-~ti Misses' Halter Tops ea. Nylon brief in 34·40 . Or stretch nylon Zodiac bikinis. One size. Limited quantities. Screen Print Tops Your Choice 2.66 Halter is machine wash cotton. One size. Sold for $5.00 in September '75. Assorted prints and colors to choose f rom. Available with assor1ed decals. • $3 OFF 253 OFF ladies' Braid Stitch Wedges 253 OFF Ladies' T-Strap Sandals Straw Handbags Junior Fashion Slacks 2.99 Reg. 3.99. Soft vinyl wedges with open back an green. blue, doe or white 5-10. Mott DRESSES COATS JACKETS 99~ Sale prtced items effective Thursday thru Saturday. February 21. 1976 2.99 Reg. 3.99. Cushion vinyl in green, blue, doe red, yellow. white. 5 10. 19.99 .. , •old aeparetety: 1 qt covered saucepan . . 8.95 3 QI. covered saucepan • 12. 95 10" covered sl11llo1 .•.12.95 Blecll Handle . . 4.50 Total Value .. . .. ...... 39.95 BUENA PARK• Beach at Orangethorpe •()pen weekdays • 9 30 to 9 30 Sundays 10 to 6 Wome-Casuals 2.44 Vinyl upp..,rs w1lh rope tnm wedges Assor1ed colors. S11es 5·10 (Whote) SUPER LOW Corningware Saucepans 5.55 I qt. 6.68 2qt. 7.77 3 qt. All in wanted cornflower patterns. All with covers. s4.s5..se 4.99 Great selection of straw handbags. Assorted styles to choose from. Reg. 7.99. Polyester/rayon painted an brt ght sunshine colors tor sprtng. 5-15. $4 OFF Mirro 7-pc. cookware set 12 99 Reg. 16.99. Porccl.itn-on- alum1num set 1ncludqs 1 qt covered saucepan. 2·Qt covered • saucepan. 10" try pan, 5-qt Dutch oven with cover Avocado. gold or brown • XPerney UJ 4S I 70 0 I --........ -__ . ..._ __ Use Your JCPenney Charge. eicept supermarket. SANTA ANA• 3900 So Bristol·No ol So Coast Plaza • Open weelldays • 9 30 to 9 Saturday 9 30 to 9 Sundays 10 to 6. ORANGE• City Dr at Garden Grove Blvd ,. •Open weekdays 10 to 9 Sundays 11 »S Sal 10 to 7 Nigeria Net Play Halted ROME .M u rk <'ox <'d.C~f Dick Cri.>aly G 4, 1 6. 6 ll, h><hay in tht-Opening of u World Chum pionsh1p Tennis tournament de· layed by u ('OUP utkmpl in Nigena The Optonin.: of lht• event, ('ailed tht• "Puma Cup" was de· layed by u day as players were stranded 1n La~os during an aborted coup in which N1acnan president M urt a Ila Mohammed was 1tssasstnated. As player:. rlcw into Rome, Arthur Ashe said h is match with Jerr Borowiak in Lagos was sud denly stopp('d by bOld1ers who manhandled but did not hurt - Lheplayers ··They thought we should not _!µve been playtnK during a J>(>nod or mourn mg." Ashe said ·They thought us Americans ~ere be mg d1sre~pt.'<.'tru1 •" lie said the episode · ·i.cared the hell outofeverybod y ·· Ashe and Borowiak returned to the U.S . Embassy and later were nown out or the country. ~Top.Jazz NEW ORLEANS -Karet!m Abdul-J abbar and Gail Goodrich scored 28 points apiece Tuesday night to lead Los Angeles to a llS-101 National Basketball As· sociation victory over the New Orleans Jazz. New Orleans s cored rour points in a row to lake a 51-48 lead al the beginning of the third quarter, but the Lake rs hit 11 or their next 13 field goal attempts to take a 71·61 lead and coasted home from there. I.OS ANOIEl.E\ llUI -C••-f? w.-..... 1" -J•-II Good""" It. Al_,, "· F,_.._, I Ford 1 NEWOltLEANS fltll -co1-1. Woll••-·· ""'°°'• to M.er•••<'-JJ. 8ord tO. J•f'ftft 11. St .. ,_,,, IJ, ICollov I, .. .._•. 8'M>y 1. kenlryQN.,.n '-"'A-In 10 1' ll 7'-11S He• ()<10...,, 77 IS lO 1• IOI Tol.N fouh l.oi A-IH JI.,.._()<',.~ II. A; 11,CMl. IO•p Trf .. plt INGLEWOOD Bob Berry knocked in the winning goal rive seconds after an apparent Los Angeles goal was dtSallowed as the Kings pos ted a 2·1 National Hockey League victory over the Minnesota Norlh Stars Tuesday night. The v 1c tory enable d the second-place Kings to maintain 1he1r e1ghl-poanl bulge over the 1hird ·place Pitts burgh Pcngwns m the Norris d1v1 s1on. The ddeal was the eighth straight for the North Stars, who have now lost their last four on the road. IHahlo Sa.,n C HI NO -The future for Oiabolo. the 4·year-old roll who broke his leg Monday a t Santa Anita, looked brighter today nftf( sµr11erv . 01abolo, who won lhe 1975 California Dl'rby and rm1shed third m both the Kentucky Derby and the Pre ukness, had a pm plared in his hrokt•n n i;tht rear leJ.: dunng s urge ry here Tue:>day. 1~.ui.ue c,.. ... .,. s 1\ L 1 s n u R Y • M d -11 1 1· Ntt:-.lai.t• <'ru1:;l•d into tht.• third round of the SS0 ,000 Natmnal In· door npt'n lt•nn1s championsh111:-o Tut'11clay night "'11 h a 6 2. 6 2 'IC' lor~ m·1·r .l11aq11111 l.11y11 M ;l\O \' 1t .1, t: eru I a 1t lh t•h minall'<I .John Antlr <>w, 7 6, r. 7. ti :l urul Ah''( M J''t•r ... truJo.th'<I to o Ii ;J. t Ii, G :1 ~in llH'r <:hn' Lt''-'" Top 'l'(011t-cl .J 1 m nw Connnr'i m:ik<'' his tournl'\ 1h•h11t ton1~ht ,1.:11in,t 1111"•1•1l1•d lltll MM(' ~Ilk!' t-:'h'I) u11\,JIHt''1 "Ith .1 11 2. I Ii. Ii :I \'tctury 11v1•r .11-rr \U,l in EN"rt "''"• OF.THOIT Top !4<'('(11'(1 Chri.'i F: ""' t cl 1• r 1· .111·cl M r1 n nna s 1 lllllllWM'll ti :?. t; I 111 1•1~·1ur1i: 1lav ar t 11111 or I ht• D1•1 r111I 'top or lhr "omen >1 prn((•,i.ional l1·11n1s tour ·Tut"tday n11{hl . 1\l-.0 Tr1 >1 h Fnulknl'r up:<t't I It• It• n (; 11 u r I ;h ' tl 4 , ti :I , I 'i ;-i F ern .1nrl r1 cl1•(1•11t1•1t Hn:inn M ar~1k11\ a G 7. ll 4. 6 11, fo:lh· \'('!>'It'°' 11tnpp1•tl H nyn1 1-'o'< I ~. fit. fi 2 .• ind <:nrrl l' M1•v1•r C'hminntl'd D1.1n1• Fromholl1 1 Ii. 6 l.'fl 2 Olh1•r malC'h1•o; found Manta Redondn ntop R t'nota Tomano1ra 6 2, fi 2. Ann Knomura bcstt'd t-1or<"nla M1ho164.6 2. Cvnth1:1' Oo<>rn<"r brnt J uht.' Anthony fi :1. :?·6 n 3. and P am Tt'<'i.tuar~n dt.' fedlt•d K<llh~ Ku ~ lo.endall 7 5. 6 :l w .. AdralK'~ ST LOUIS Gu1ll~rmo Vilas led a group or eedcd play<"r'i through the first round of the $60,000 St Louis tennis cl..1ss1c T uesd ay \'1las defeated Annnd AmritraJ 7·6, 6·2 Manuel Orantes beat Ray Moore. 6·4. I 6. 6·3 and John All'x ander downl'd Butch Buchholz 7-6. 7 5 Billy Martin defeated Onny Parun 6 l , 7 5. Bnan Gotlfnt'd topped Phil Dent 6·2, 7 6 and Raul Ramirez ralhed to edge Jan Kodes 3-6. 6-2. 6·2 • ~Hf Pltet P·Mt•1 •• ~4'l!•('9. 0 '0."NU HUNTINGTON'S KEVIN KARKUT (24) MOVES BEHIND SCOTT WEIR'S SCREEN. KatellB Stops DB, 63·55 Oilers Drop to Third in Empire Cage Race By R OGER CARLSON CMtlMO.ily,.. ... - Perry Harbin came up with his seventh 26 ·point plu s performance of the season Tues· day night for the Huntington Beach Oilers, bul 1t wa~n 'l enough in a key Empire League basketball s trugJtle as host Katella powered Lls wat to a 63-SS victory. The loss drops coach Elmer Combs' Huntington Beach to third place in league standings. a game behind the Knights, who appear t o have clinched second place and a Cl 1" 4·A pla}ofrs spot. . Both teams still have two games remaining in league warfare, but are heavy favorites to dispose of their opponents in this lopsided loop League leader Cypress plays tonight against visitmE? Foothill The Oilers grabbed an early 18·10 lead with Jim Spowart a nd Ha rbin leading the ~ ay "'1th e ight pornts apiece rn thu\ spurt, but they kissed away the lead mid way through the second Irvine Rallies; So Does SCC UC lrvine·s Anteaters and the Southern California College Vangua rds sta~ed st•cond hair rallU's m defeating Ambassador and Cal Lutheran <'Olleges Tue!- day night The Anteaters <"amt• up with a big play wht•n Sl·ott Jt•nkm.., scor ed a layup with 17 seconds remamm~. gl\ ing UC Irvine a f.5 ·6 1 nctorv nv1•r hosl Am bassador 1n no n·confrr <'n n · bus ketba ll actwn David Barron hit sevt•n rn·c • throws in the ~t·cond hulf lo ~pat k \•1s 1ting Southern C11hforn1t1 Colle.ic past Cal Lutheran, RS 77 , man NAIA Dis trict Ill gamt• The Vanguards onlv hatl a t~n point lead "'1th '"' mmult'~ to 1:11 ~hen co.H'h Paul Peak nrdt•ri•d his team mlo u four·t·ornl'r uf ff'nse That·~ wht•n Harmn \\C'nl to work, contn hutmg four <•' :.1!\t!\ lie wound up" 1th 2:11101111 ... tee.I C.11~ IU I '• 11 .. , ... •• ti ... , .. -· • I ... M.ltil\t••(J I 1 I ~ c,.1.,,., 1 I I • W•t• "'' l ' I I _,,.., • • \ .. '°""'"" , 0 0 • ,..., J 0 I • Mt l"•" 0 I II I f\Mr°"' I • ) ,, rot•" ll 11 It., HAlth"'°' .,. l•tl Ut tr••• •• ti ... " le 11 .. 1' (l•'#fAftd • I . .. ,,.,.n""" I 0 I I ~t11tn'\ , 0 1 10 V OU'\q.t II 0 I If f\u•••t I 0 ' .. WAht)n I ' ~ I -1 0 0 ' H•H I I • • O..••\ ' 0 ' 10 r1''"°'°'''' I , I • '"''" ,. I 10 0\ ........ '". A me...-l\lO J>(>nod , and ne\'er r egained 1t. Huntington Beach tied the C'ount at 36 with 40 second:; ~pent in the third penod on a patr of Harbin free thro-ws. but that was Huntington's last :.hot al taking the lead The w1nn1n g comb1na t 1on came with 5 .21 to go m the gaml' with Katella :.1tling on a SI 17 bulge. Rick Neubauer hat from 20 reel for the Knights and moments later the hosts went into a ~tall, "tuch evolved into a three point play inside the boi.ehne bv Mike Domene · That made 1t 56 47 and mo ments later 1t ~a~ JUnlor Churk Greene from four feet out and th1..· Knights had sealed the vu:tory Play ~as mten~c throughout before the full house at Katella as exemphf1ed h) lhl' pla.> or Spowart, ~ho broh the 1.nm door 0) 1ng off the court. ll<1rbm, who lost h1~ ~hoc in the b.ittlc, and Kalellc1 ('OJth Tom 0Jnle~. ~hose blood prt'ssurl' appt>Jred 111the 200·plu~ art•.i Katclla ~on th1· turnoH•r-; bJt t le. 20 9. a nd got off lil 'hob rrom the fll'ld (It madt• 29 1111 16 ti per t·ent I to II H s 19 of Jtl p(:rformJnt·1..· for~ 7 l>eH'l'nl. "".., .... ~ 1111 '"' "•1•11• •• " pf '" I• II .. 1~ '-oc>w•rt \ 1 1 •1 ,.,.vb4Ullf' 10 I ' " H•rt>•n . " I 11 ~"""~ • II u •1 ._m, • 0 ' • Oom.n.,. 1 , \ ~•nut I • • • "''""" \ II f•Nt\•mp I 0 a 1 RtnhPf I • I -· u u J 0 ~, .. ,.,.,,, 0 u ' " °""'~ 0 u I 0 Tot••\ 1• ~ ,, u T<ttAI\ 1' 11 I\ ,, \<Of9 lli'f 0U..'1H~ ~-•vnt1noton8t•'" t• ,,. 1~ " K°•ltll• '4 JI t I la. t.t HB'S JIM SPOWART (42), CLAR ~ SIMS (52) GO HIGH. Barons Tangle With Vikes Edison Duels Lions; Tars Host Wes ten i In the midst or a fierce battlt' for se<"ond pla<'t.'. f ount ain Vall~y·s Barons race their rir.a of two cruc ial g ames tOntli!hl when they tackle the leal{ue-leadmg Marina Hit;h Vikings TipoH 1s at 7 at Manna High and Steve Popovich's Vikings. 10·2. can chnch the lea~ue title with a win over Dave Rrown·~ Barons who arc 8-4 and 1n a three.way lie for second place <Fountain Valley meets Loara (8-4 tf'nday. One or those other R-4 teams Edison. is at Westminster <5 7 'While l.oara invades l,I)• Alamitos <S-7 \. Newport ltarbor (J..91 and Wes tern (l ll I roll1de al Newport in the leaj.tue " ot~e1 game All tipoHs are at 7 Pia\ mg as ~rll :lf. anv l<'.1m 1r tht.> Sun.,et l.t•a~m·. 'fou11ta11 Vallry has ~on f1vt' stra1J:ht an1 comes off a s urpni.1n1tl.> ca.-.\ 86 68 win over Ed1c;on ~ h1ch ell' reated Manna last week. Goin« with a ta ller lineup earlier this year. Brown has opt· ed for speed in recent gameo;. not starting a player taller than 6 3 And the s trateu has worked as the Barons have defeated their last four opponents by an average or 21 5 Points They've b€>en itetllnJ! balan<'cd sronn~ from se\'en players. led hy }ward Mike Zumbo \\ho b avt•ra~ing 12 3 point!I Althou11th thev dercall'd th<" Rtiron" f~ ~. the V1kmJ:S ha' 1• not ~en pla.> mg ~ell recently and don't h;I\ 1• ;1.., m1J1 h d1•pth ·\II Cff J!UJr<I H1ch I ann1ng h;I ... bt•l'n "<'llrt II~ h.-. 27 p0111l '- but thE' \'1kt•s h.1H• looked <"ohes t\'l', lo<;1ng tw lht•ir ha"lt three and barely b<•almi! Lnara. 6i·64 Westmins t e r !. Linne; ga\e Edison all 11 c-0uld handlt• e:uher Edison "on m O\Crt1mc 71 ·69 an<! tht• C'haq.wr' ;.ir1• hampert•d h y rlu J-:d1 .-;on'<, star guard. Bob Vo11telsan~. 1s playin$? as well as an}on<' tn the IE>agut'. aHraj.?ang 2:J :i point!'. 11e ·s had h ve :lo pl11<> J?llm<'s Newport Harbor 1s led h~ Kim Cooke '12 7 a VC'r a)!<' I and H1 II W1lktnson c 11 H l Thl• Tdr~ top pied WE-stern . i6 GI, 111 hr..t round play Wl!dnesoay February 18 1976 DAILY PILOT 8 J Austrian Police Used Brutality, Charges Official BILLF.R IC A. Mass <AP> Au~t r 1u 11 p oltn• t(·pl'Jtt•dly l'll{bbed <> mt•m ht•r of tht' l 1 S Olympic hockn ll.'um 111 In· n~bruck la:>t Satu rday n1.:hl and ht•ld another as ht• w<t:S beaten by II <'IVlhan, the fath1.•r 0( one or tht• players says Ro~rt r.tiller Sr told The A~· oc1ated Pres:. the mc1dent o(· ('Urred aft er a tavem bra" I that appar ... ntl~ started wh ... n h1~ ~on, Hobert Jr . 1!1, unknowingly Y.alked into a pnvate party at the Bauernkeller ta ,·ern Miller said hts son and team· mate Gary Ro:.s, 22. of ROM'UU. Minn . ~ere beaten 1nsidl• the ta,ern and beveral other pla)l'rs ~ere struck o n the head with chairs and bottles In a te lephone interview Tues· day night, Mille r said he saw an officer s lam his knee into the f.!roin of the tt!am physician when he tned to examine Ross The elder Mille r descnbed the senes or eve nts as ··a nightmare that shouldn't have happt."ned . Mv son and I both reel that the sooner lbe full story IS told in the proper context, the better it will be .. Neither Ross nor young Miller was senously Injured. although Miller was treated at a hospital and had four stitches ins ide his mouth. has father said The, elder M tiler sajd a polite ofrlcer .. hauled off and punched me m the s ide of the race " hen I askt>d tf he understood English." Ph1hp 0 Krum m , pres1dt•nt or the S 01) mp1c Committee. Y.as quoted m today's editions of the Ne~ York Daily News as t'ha rgmg ··police brutahty'' m tht' fracas Krumm ~as quoted in thl' Dai· ly Nt•Y.s .. wry a~ saying the com m1llN' cnns.idt'red the caH' <'lo~ed "I don •t intt.'nd to create an mtcrnat1onal incident." Krumm ,·oul(j nol be reacht'd for comm 1•nt Tuesday night. Ile "'os bellt•v,•d to be• ~n route from lnnsbrut•k lo the llnltcd States. No players or p.11rents wen' quoted in the Daily News report Don Ross. brother of Gary Ross. said Gary had callt'd his tanuly to ti:ll of thl' incident and hadn't g1vt.>11 nny indic:at1011 of police brutality Garv Ro&s could not ~ t l' ached ·ror com ml'nt But the t•ldcr Miiler said ht• s aw several pohcemen <'hJSl' Ross. "'ho hnally stopped and threw up his hands ··A poh<'emun .:rabbed his lapel and hll him over the head with a billy C'lub," Miller ~aid "He was beutcn on the arms. shoulde r a nd ba<'k with clubs and two othe r po h <'emen came tn help the beating "lie said 30 to 40 pohce were involved m the enhrt' fracas lie said s hortly aft<'r that. whllt.• he and his son were sitting on a bench under a tree near tht• tavern. four policemen roared up in o Volkswagen a nd jumJ>(>d out The father s aid ... J ust then a s hort, chunkv Aui.triun fellow came runnin ~ up to the police C'ar and told the m something in Aust rian or German, pointed to m y boy and said ·Thal 's one or them.' I guess ··They ttrabbed Bob. o ne bell.Ind his ba('k and one on both arms, and lht• s hort Austrian came up and pun('hl'<l m y boy in the faC'e a nd the police did not do a thing .. He said he then saw his son dragged to the car and .. picked up like a sack or flour and stuffed IJllO the ba<'k St'Ut .. lie said he was !'olruc k by one ol the pohcom en art1•r asking 1f h1• could nde in thl• ('Ur with Rosi; and his :>on. got no rcsrxmse and tht•n a sked the llfflccr if he un dcrstood English Crenshaw Favorite As LA Open Begins LOS ANGELES <AP> Ben l'rensha". the 24 -) ear-old Texan "ho "on back lo -back )!olfinJ! '1ctorn.'h rn the Hing Crosby and Ila\\ au an Open. dt•t'lares. ·· 1 ·m f.!OMl g to try and for~l't those two and COOl'l•ntrale on the rest or the y1• a r · · Artt-r h1 i. tnumph..,. Crenshaw took t ~ o ~eeks orr and now rl'- turns for the SlRS.000 Lt~ Angele'> Open ~tarting Thur:.day with a $..17 ,1100 top pu rsc l'r c•ns h a\\ tops tht• l'rofc!..1-1onal Golfers Assot•aation mone,· \\lnnt•rs for 197fi with SAA,68il nnd h 1~ off·wet•k:,, abo pron•d lucrat1vt.' as he signed a 1·11 ntract 111 rl'prcsenl til1..• ~kC;regor <·nm pan~. a deal that hud bel·n !..t't t'H'n hdore his two \'1ctones hul one which became rel n1a c·t 1 ,. t• Artt'r "'1nninl! the San Antonio· Ex-Charge r s Doctor Didn't Bre ak Law SAN DIEGO IAl'I A h1.:h ranktnl! Cal1for111a nur1•n11r ~ Ugt•nt l\U)~ hi' Offtt•t• WOI)'\ f'I• aftt•r a l.:n1v1•r-.1ty of C'alrrnrr11a ll'l)Chlalrisl rur ... upplvml{ cit u.:-. to mem lll'r~ 11r t h1• San l>11•i,i11 Chnqcers .JO'll'ph ll oll~I'. ~llJ>t'r\'1'111~! spt·<·1al UJ.(C'nl of tlw statt• Hui t'Jll 11r Narrot1cs. ~aid T1wstla v that Dr Arnold Mandell appa.rC'nlly nrted le1t111ly 1n i:1vmj.( CharJ.(1''" playc•rs drui.ts whtl1• he was th1· t'lul>'s unofflr1al psyrhiatnst rlur 1111( the 197:lseasnn M ~· n ct e 11 . '' ho ht' u 11' th t• p<.)<'h1alry depar1m1•nt at llw l '111 vers1 t y of C.1l1forn11.1 San 1>1ego, ho:. a m£'d1C'al cl1•1(rl'e rrom Tulane Un1ver,;1tv tn l\c•w Orleans · All a medical rloctnr t hen. Man d<'ll was quahf1ed to adm101st<'r dtugs 1fhe saw ht . llou.o:;e~a•d Chargers o" nn F.ug<"n<' Kl<'m said Man1lell ··c11s1X'ns1·d · l,7o<J amphetamme pills to h1'i players in 1973. with '100 Ji(Otn~ lo one un named player alone Klem also said ht.' had w1tncsse-; who saw Mandell handing out pills despite orders not to But Jloust.' said his offire will not reopen the hari:er.; drug m veshgations or 197:1 unless Klein can come up with ('videncc of ~rongdmni;t Said House · ··Anybody can make allegations. It would lake a l<"am or mcdical doctors to ap· prov£' or disapprove or thi> dis· penc;1njo? nr tho ~c 400 pills, "hale\erthe't are ·· Texas 0J>(>n in his first outing Ul'> a pro, Crenshaw Wf.'nl two years without a victory before the Bini( Crosby. "I d1dn 't do anythin){ d1rcerent there. but I JU~t frlt more conf1 dent about m y game. a hlllt' more at ea:>e." he ~aa<t .. Nothinl! has been easy and when you s ul rer. 1t makei. playing better mon· rewording ·· The blond formt>r University of Texas star says that dunng h11; l WO years o( V H'tOry drought he listened to a lot nf ~1dv1c·c, but now. ··1 l1stt·n tn my Dad and to my ll'<1C'h1nj! pro 111 Austin. Harvey l'<"n1 r k Nol)()(ly else " The ll1 v1cra Country Cluh, scene of lht' I .os AngC'lc·s Open, plays to a 35 :lfi. 71 with a demand ing 7 ,029 ya rel-. ' ··1 rC'ully prdc•r .1 course like this becauM' th1·rc• 1::. more' vane ly of t1•rra111 and thJt makes lhl' game mnn· C''<1·11111i.:. · C"n·nshaw said artl•r planni.: 27 pruc·t1C't' holes Tu1"1d <I' Ill' ad m ll ll'll, "I havl'11°I hc•l!n near th<• i.t·• mi· of,, .I .1t·k Nu·klau-. or a John n \ M 1111•1 '1•1 Thl'tr "" 1ngs an· mnri· i!ronH·d lhun mine · The•\ dnn I m ,.,., n!'ar ..... mam shnlh a' I 1111 But I Ill u~ually ;, ~ood l,1)! 1111111•1 .11111<·an1w11 pull hum anv" lit'! 1· on tht· i,:rc•t•n " N1rklJll'> .. 111 h11u~h ori~inally <'lll(•rl'd. hu'I \\llh,tr .. wn from lht· Los Ang1•l1•-. 1·v1•11I a " d1cl U S Opt>n <'h.rn1p111n l.1111 <:ruhum tlut n111"I ol 1111• 11llll'r '\Lars art• ht•r(> 1111·l11d1n 1t MlllN, Tum W11tiw11 I h1• Jlrtt 1 ~h Opl'n dwmp11111 ..r1tl /\rnolcl l'ulml'r. who ha .. w1111 th1· Lo~ A11~1'11•1> Opt>n th rt·•· 1 in11·i. CSLB S tops Ante ater s, 3-2 LON\. llJo:A Cll Th<> l'C lrvmt' Anteater-. put on a nmth innin1t rally h1•n• Tul'i1clay artrrnoon bul fell onr run 'hort. l1,..,1nJ,? 10 Cal State Lonw U<".J<'h. J 2, 111 rol lcg1ate ba"l'll.ill Jt•tlon :1t nlntr f''1t.'ld Tra1lm!l 3·1 cnlcnnJ,? the ninth. the Anteaters scored qu1 cklv when Ke n Washml(ton tripled home St'ott Winters with none out But Washmf(ton wai. taler thrown out at the plate when Brad Weaver missed a !.queen• bunt llo>lM<O, f l .,..,,.,, )b -il•"+•O.H C.rOJ"t•r dh Enqlf. 10 W'lnt•r ,, lb UClf•iM UtlnlM OI .. , "' .. .. , " .. • l I 0 Wl\l\tnqton, t1 • 0 I 1 ' 0 ) 0 Mo•tOft. ( • 0 0 0 • 0 I 0 E'IPY ti , 0 0 0 4 0 I I .,..,.,.,. e>" I 0 I 0 • 0 I 0 HlO m .... p 0 0 0 0 1 I I 0 Tot•!\ 31 ' • t \cfft ., 1~~1.... , " • C.I Sl.,t ~O ... ll••rl'o 001 000 ant I • 1 000 100 IO• J 1 I • f BJ DAILY PILOT WednMdey. February 111 19711 O<toly P'llel ""°I•• •Y "•t?lc• O'Ou,..11 OILERS JIM ELDRIDGE (42), DOUG DIAMOND, TOM TAYLOR (52) BATTLE FOR THE BALL. Basketball Standings For Preps ic>UT" COUT LIEAOUIE ... l ,.,, "" M t\\•Of\ V e I'> I l J /.. •\I U-lleMll I I .. l - El loro • I llO 1)0 \.tl>Cto"'""'" • a "1 .. 1 HB Frosh In 68-52 Triumph By L \l'RE:\ E KEYS Ott ... 0•••1 ...... ''°" The Huntanl{ton Beach 11.Jgh freshmen trounced the Katella Knights 68-52 Laguna Falls Trojans Capture OT Verdici, 49-42 B> EO Bl RG \Rf Of tN D•tlf I'll• $<•rt Free thrc1\\ 111t•H1t•1t•nr\ ftnJll\ t'aught up v. Ith tht• l.ugu1\J ti4'.1d1 H.igh Art1si:. Tucsduy 111.:ht Mts!>mg th1 et• 011t• on 1in1• op portun1t1 ci. an n·~ulJl1u11 , lht• rt1st::. onl> m .idt• olll' or s1>. rr t't' throws Ill O\ t>rt 1ml' and lo,.1111 lht· l'n1' t•rs1t} TrnJ.tn'> .!!) ·I:! 111 a South l'ousl l.t•u.:u1• b.t-.ko •!b,111 ~Jme al La.:un,1 Ut•ar h lla~h The lo:.i. leu\'eS L•i.:una lk.1r h with a 7-7 lt>u~ut• n•t'ord and univ one game Jht.•ad or l'm\l'r,1l~. 1-:1 Toro and San Clt•mt.•nll' in Lht• wild battle ror l>l'tond pl..ic t' Mike M r Ch mond,, \\ho mis sed murh oi thl· :>t'Cund hulf becaui.e or lhrC'e foub, '>l'Oretl 1 hl' crucaul bai.ket ror l'nl\ e1 ::.11) with 1 10 left an O\ crtanw His dn\Jnjo! layup :.t•nt the Tro Jans ahud 45 41 and hl• ~ank a free throv. w11 h 29 :.econds rt' main1.11g to J!I\ e Un1vcr:.1I) OJ fi\'e·Potnt lead Before Mt'Clymonds scorea the layup . LagunJ l:k-1H·h m1S'il'd two one-on one ch.itnl'l'I> The Artis ts were forc·NI to pl;1) <':ttt·h up during the entan• tl\l'rt1me. al lowing s ure s hooting Roger Poirier to :.ink a 15 footer "1th * Uft1ven1ty CO) 1911p1tp I 1 1 ) '°""''"' Maltord 0 0 I • 1 70 • ' • 'f * * IOI Ut•"• auch ,, " ltl '" ) I l I t 11.-\t'om ~ O 1 10 11\m·I~ J I 1' p, .... M<.(1,monch• • ~ l~t•Or 0 I 1 0 I 7 0 l I• Utt,.,. o 1 o E.-.n, E ••"'Olt 0 I 1 IJ How II 0 0 1 0 toc•h 11 1 '• n lot••' ,, a u O Stot• •v Our,...-, 10 I\ 11 • ~ •t H J 14 11.1 1 •I :! :.!3t-Jrl) in lht> ~xtr.i penod Ed Burhnght1m ·,. Arl1sta. <'amt.> uµ .,.. 1th n big sc.>cond half to st.>nll tht' t:.ime 1nto O\ t<rllmt' Hully1n.i rrom 11 27 17 dehcal eurly in thl' third quarter. the Artbt.s flm11ly l1t•d tht• .:ame, 41 41. nn .Jim l-:\ani.' tap ~1th 2·11 lt'ft in thl' luurth qu.irter The TroJans sorely missed :\ld.'lymond:s during La1rnn<I Ue.ich's rally but came up v. 1th :-.Oml' kt•y baskets from Polner v. ho wound up with 20 Point:. SH.'' t' Wood hit thrt'e buckets in .i rov. an the third and fourth J>('r1od1> to pre:.er ve t.ht> TrOJans' lend Monarchs Roll By Amat,67-63 LA PUENTE Mater Oe1 High School rhnt·hed nt IC'ast a tu.• for the chump1on:.h1p m the Angl'lu-. League basketball C'hase Tut•-. da) night with a 67 f>3 \'1<'lor~ O\ er ho:.t B1~hop Amat J11~h hcrt' Mater Dei has won its last eight 11•ngue games and is 20·3 for lhl' sc•ason and a wrn Frida\' rught at homl' 3!!ainst Ser' 11~· v.ould g1vl' them their f1r ... 1 baskl'tbull tlllE' an scvl'rnl \ears -··· O.t ('11 I• It 1t! Ip 1, It pl Ip c ... ,.... ~ • l tt ".aic"""'" J • () •.· \t• m mtr l l ' EtH'1 I 0 4 '' ~'ft'~ 0 4 141 C...H•• \ 1 0 lot•!\ 1• n u '' \coret,o~n.n ti 18 I\ 1• -(;I >0 '9 14 N •l 49-48 Win To Diablos; C Collects ~11,,11111 \ II' )II ' £l1.1hl11<. lll.llh• II lhrt•t• '11.11.:ht 11\'l'I rl\:JI t-:1 Tw u Tu1""1t.1' 111.:ht lml lht• '11 111rv cl1cln I c•11m1· 1'.1,1h· l'ut H1•h1•1 h ll1.1hlu:. \H'rt• 1•\ lt'1\\lt•d 1r1111 m 1·1·11nw 11n1I h11rt·I~ ht'ld on to i>"'' 11 <l!I ·It! South l \1u:.t l..t•.1.,:111• b,1!-<l..1•1 hull VH'lt11 ~ 111 M1' :.11111 \'u•111 llu:h In ;111111 hl·T r1n·u1t i.:.rnw. Sau C11·011•n11· 1111" 1wd t>.11111 llllb iO t•l 1o n •111.1111 111 lh(' runnmi.: fo1 a Jl\.>:.:-.1lil1• :.1·1·1•11d µI.It'\' Ill' W11h orw ,,:.111w I 11 l{o. S;m l'1t'm1·n1t•. l '1m 1•1,11' .ind El Toro an• G 8 '' h1k l .. 1j( un.1 Bl·arh .... h1d1 mt.'l'l:. M1~~wn \ ll'JO Frid.i) 1:-. i 1 Thl• D1.1blo' JPl>t'.11 l'<l to hJH' tht• .:.1rnl' .... 1 aµp1•d up l'Jrl) an m 1•rt1m1· "hl'll l>.1 .. 11 Zu.:i:·, hud.l'l "''Ill tlwm .iJll'••d l!}.41; But Ooh l'hJ1 ll'' l11t ,1 b<t:-.kt•t \\t\h I 46 lo i.:o and El Torn h.1d lYio :.hot" an l h1• '' u 111 n ~ 'l'('oml'! Tam l>unh.1rn 'l'Orc'<i 'l7 poinb and Marl. ~ht•rn and n1ll 1"l•t•h 1•:wh ~r..iblw1111 rt'l.>ouncb to µa1·~· S.rn Clt-m1•1111• 0.MMltt\IM ) 1, fl"' ... P._,fwn t J 1 t I Rtt .. ,.,. \ t q M•• rwu 1 ~ffrT'141'f\ tO• n (.t•tk• '"'•'' ' hJ j • , ... 0 1 ' ) ' . 2.f \• !\f flt 1111 \.lft Cl•-··· 1, ,, "' •• W \Mt4111 l 1 t tt ~:'.Y C>urm.;m ~.:.-1h • t I t t ' ' ... 11 J J 11 ~ I J 11 10.... ll I• '' 10 S.<ore by Q~rwn El To,. 14tl M1~~·• I M.tt._, t4·U tt !I 111 Ip I 0 I 14 I l I n ' .. ) ' 1, • J 10 0 • • '' 10 I\ U H tfl '"' u "1i ,. 11' 10 11 10 c•t> M4u1•" V••1• 'f'M'WOt' lk .I•• •• " pt tit I I I I • ) ' q ' } 1 '" 0 I • ? I I J • ~ IJ • , it I I 4f \ton ~Y OV•r1tf'\ [ ~ f o,o ·~V·f' e I UH 11 t 411t 1t u ... ) fl \)fll1 .,.r\Ut • I 1)) 7•t 0.... "''" I t Ill .. Twet4ll1y•t S<e,., an bai.ketbull action .. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~1 TuE'!>da) afternoon. and M•\tllOn "••tO "' Et fl)ro 41 t()l t V"•.,.'\•ly ••. L•Qul'\4l t:M-.cn ,a) '0TI s~c-.."'f'"'• to o.,,. H11h ... ~r1-•y 'G•mH Uf'\1_..,.,,.,., ~ Ctemtnle O.~H1lh•t E• roto l..19\M'W 8•.c:n1t Ml\\tOl'IV .. tO IMl'llll LIAOUE W L ,., (YO'~\\ 10 I J?• K•l•tl• 10 > .... Hv<tllnQton llH<ll • I i'I ........ o, • .,. O.a-I I ll Ft.MM1'111 •I* ~101>ao 1 • \n AAal'tf•m O 17 .00 Tt,.'41y'1 \c:ert\ 1(111•11• •l Hun11n441ton A••t h \\ l'~nNo01 .0 ~otdOltW< l II °'""Qtll, ....... ,,., u ,.,.,.,,,.,c;.,,,. .. 001ht-U •t C ypo'' llr1•11·, 0 •"'•' Vdr:UeCkt< II. •t AMM'l"l (YO'.,." •t Or•n04r '°""'"'"•I H•nllnqton 11 .. c11 tC•t•tl• et Keruwdy 'llfOILUSLIAGUe ~t•rO.I ~t A"f~'f tit"'°°.,,,,.. \,-,.,,,,. 0# L ,.~ "" t .,, ""° 1 .,.41 •U .... VI • )I I lo. ~t P1ut "'''"' I • HI >II O • •IO )>' TW\4ey'1 \cen\ ~tu 0.1 •I 8 1\ftOO Anwl •l ~ ..... ,,,. t.1 \t P•v• n "' Anthoftt JO f"· "' • II '''••¥ 1 GaF'ft•\ ~t Aftt~'t •f ftf\f'\,._O A~I ._"'''• •t -....t•r 0.1 \l P•11I •1 Ptv\ • ACAOIMY llAOUI 0# L "" "~ Ml.rtt ~•''"" C.nr11fl•n Ill u -.c .a... ..... 1_ • ) Ill \~ AmD-e\wdor ' .,. ...,, 't¥nt•rf\CM l\11.,. \ .... ,,, Avttlon \ J\• 11\ M.t,11\r41tf\• t I 1n .. ,_, .... , ,(.,.. HB'S DOUG DIAMOND ATTEMPTS A SHOT. are but one game av.ay from thc Empm: League lit le Coach Tony F<'rruzzo's 22 l 112 0 an l eague> Ollt•r., JumpNt out to an early kad. and \\ere nc\'er ht>adt'd O\·crv. hl'lmini.: Katellil \\1th a rus t paC'l'd or- rl'll'l'· ~ood pas~1ng and ,1 "l>lrtll'd mun to.man dckn!le. thl' host Oilers ll•d 52·2!1 111 the third JK'r111d bdurl' Ferruzzo brou~ht IJl tl&l' rcsen·l's. llunltn~ton i.:uard Rico Thompson :.cored 15 Points and s eemed to be \\herever the ball was Thl' f1rcd·UP Thompson '~as in on several steals twrore lea\'lng the game. But the pace never slo" l'd down as he was n.•plared bv R ick Glenn. Glt>nn !>t'Ored nine Polnl.s and kept th<' Oilers mov mg"' 1th the so me mO\'l'S th.it th\\ artcd Katella all artt•rmxm ll•t.li.. Ull IM I "w"I a .. d AA\Of'll4 1 f-(U )O•emond ~,,..,, 10t ,. HI l eV10' ftito.ntr 110) C 11' J WootP.n W"• t)I <... 11\I l~ Mfolt~f' fl> (,, r11 ""'°"'"'' H8 \(Qt1n9 \Ub\ EIOn0<9t I, C,.l•M t (tl'll I H•\\l JIJ"l\~f\2 H•lftim• H8 0 1' Hvf\t Valftf' (PHHf lan JL ,,,..,~th.es. "rtUy't Gem•• M-f'•n•t"• •I Amoe".tOOf" •-w•lon •• w.,,.,,, ~htr4•¥'t 0•"'• CIF Cage Rankings Spike Summaries ... r-U•oe ¥\ Hvnt V•11t1' •t KC (I om I A-.•lon at Amt>a\~ft .. VAASITY Miarl~• llH Ul) <#•,O•l"I Oro..,. 11-" • C>•""'"""''' ~I ) (\f ;n-ot IM I 1tw> o'\ , T """' tO) Oa'l!•OI LIAOUI '"ft•ll •v-•• f 'lllPPf'M'le 'V•I•"'< I• ... l I I 1 I • l l • ,..,.., •• , t\c•u" [f()o).r44't"11• "'••\I <•"f'f""'\ ~a••'• Coron.l <kl 1\1 ar ll1gh •, ~~ unbl'alt>n Sea l\mJ.t .... .,tlll \Ill! the onl) perf1« 1 pn·p ~: basketball 11'.1111 111 tlw ..,. Cl F Soulht·r n Sc•c 1111n, 11• ''' m::un" :-.o :.! m lht' I \ Jr'fl t ('•""""'''' tM J f'l'l!lf'<il't •N< J 't•tt•.,, . t ,,,,. / J ' ,u' t ~~··•' l\A I 1 •t ''tr.ct t. fM I I I • 111f·fl-., • ' •O.. • ) ._., •••I• • M I M...t'""""" ~<tl'r••••' ¥ 1.nw )IJ M \I ,. •. r I t 1 1tf ~I l /."Yf• U:I" ¥ t ,."°, 4 I~ 1 """ A•••• I ~, P'lttf ( 'P9' •nH f\ V•1ef\( 1• ll ~AllWAY llAOUt w L "" "" II I -\..• H•tw.. 10 M l II\ ..... ""' p.,~ "" "1t l ~II • U't IU) l,,,., • ' .,, •11 ~.., .... n.-' !It "'I• t ~le An • V•llty 4 "f l \G "fJt """"•t-flll\ ' '1 .,, ... T_..,.,,., \e'er•' ',,,, .. "9'11t""• .... l 4_.11 M \vMf Htllt \t , Ull•t UH'I '1 \4 '1•114' t H t'41•'WI Pat• 7a l • H•b'• ... .. , ... ,., o ..... , l rov •t ftw•"• r., .. l • t'1•b• •et \4i-wil~n• l .... I At \A Ve lley ~,"" H 1lh •t f w11 .. , tnn Women's Results WOMllf \8ASICITeALL OAAOl"I OllOYl INVIT'ITIOMAL v'IA\tTY lrM* De• • ., •• ., ............. ....... T .... IOt , IJI M<°"'41d s-,,u ... n , )) I Ct,, \lllt•IU•""" ~·'ftOf'llt ,., r '" ~,..,~ Ao"' 'l <. 1101 Sit .. U,...,,,. 01 C. IOI ,._,._,, MD \COf1"' Htl>1 M•Y•' t Mt~t Hetf1u"9 Mtl•' 0-1. JA )t --"•••• IMI IU I l9' Al .. Wt••·•"'' tu ,. ,, Mc>• .. <f"Wf JC"o• tJ> ' tH fl'dll\ M<()oft••d '" c ,,. ,,_, ... SI-181 G tU u._. WOii• fQI C. 1111 ,..._ Htffttm• l.01 A lfO\ U 10 ... •Mr1 "uhr 1411 IH I "•IM ........ Wiiii•-1101 , 11 IC-y O:now ,.I f (•I CM.,,,.111 .._...,,.....,, !JI C 11 I'""'"'" Woll•UI C. IOI Mcf_., Mt 0......10 111 c. '" r,...,. Nl•OOf' t \<.011"9 \Wb \"Qlt '' H•fftl""" Priilt•POrt Hlrbot »n ..... ,.,, "••••• 1411 IO I 1,,,. ......... "t•M Wlltl•-IOI ' !'°I SI•.,,., Kno• 1111 F (II "-•I• "-'" c Ill Oll..it• "9M1-1110 G 111 Motr-MrO....ld •11 G 111 .._,.._ ,...,oor, '"°' Woltt t Mnn'I t H•tttf"'-flrt••Nr'1 HatOOt ,... 14 t GJ!t' poll lwhmd onn• 1><'.1t('n Loni.: 11•·..irh l'ol\ Olht•r 01 :tORl' l'o.1 .. 1 :irea tt>.1m~ to i:;1111 r,. coi:n1l1on an· '1..iltr lk1 1 "\o i 1n I \ 1 .. n.i \I 1 ..... 11111 \1rJot:>.o •1111:! \• 4A 1Lf)Pftty111 ti 1 C.."4Wffl-•tn•1 ) "-"f,G4"9')" •f 11 ! I • \.nt• "•' b••. ,. • 'V••bvm()f.1111 41 11 AIP\•mbf' 4 11 1t J Mt .. ro.1 n• u I ('/Pt4f\\ '1~ 41 • \t l f1f'\t'l "O to 111 )) ... •U '" ' Ill ., 1' 1Q ,,,,..,.,... • ', ., \I now" M"''"'•· lnf)l•...,r>tt AUP"\lf ••~nti"1140f'I Or111ct\ ""t•ll• l.t•twjjllt • Mv1t. l& Mtf··••n. V•tt• .... , <1'1'•' ... I A t (fM,fWlllll'tl)t It 1'1 )l•nfllllnil')d n11 ,., l l eM1t•d"' JtH 1'} •llt•~·•tll4l ,, ' ... ""°"'°°'''. ,,. "Pelm\Ofjf\O\''' JI I~ 1 r ..,11 • ..t()l"I ••' 4t rt •¥•ttJJ'VeH•¥ 1'JI JI~ ' t.•ttr1lfo I ti 41 1\ 10 ~rov • 1• \I ' OIM"' (Jn..,llll•f' ~·10'1 M • l 41 H•O'• r •• ",.'""" 10 ~ f')••t. , "'" G•Cn•I M l run\f" ( ... , .. ., 11 t I rt It •Ji, f.., f 4 t,"') tl1f I ( P' ff • ,..., J 'o/ir.,,,,,,t t(. I .. ,,,., t-1 In.-'' II I): ft I ¥ "'" ,,,.fllll' -A J if""'• • "' , t .. , • ..,,,.. ... , • ' •• t • 4,'l,,,. 41# 1 M111•1nlll. I "111> ,, '\ ~ t• t••••t t M t• ,_,. I rrw 1 •• H ' f n ,, _, ., t 1 It• • r. .... " , t , ... ,. , fll LI I i..~"' n "'1 t" t'I • Y h,il an,._ (.1 (>'If•"'•• I I •·v t • ¥ ~ .. 1 .,,.., l~q,.. M ••••t' 11• • r I • •• "" i "11 t fl J'.i"''' 1 ~4 _,.11 o ', J .,.. • I ' , .IUftOO• V &•\lfT M.i&n"' U'I 10 1 O•td•111 OreYe HVC Rips Maranatl1a :\l1kl' llog1lannv 11111•d :i= po1n1 , .1n1I ltoh Sn"ll'r i;!r .1bht•d ('ll'hl ufft•n-."" rl.'hn11n1I' t n I rod llunl an~11n \.ill•' ('hn,11.111 !heh "rho•1I tn .1 ii .ii A c a d •' m ' I. 1• ,, ~ u • ha' k •'I h ,1 I I v. 1 n 11' ,. r tllwb<dl,_,. 4, '""'• c;., • •• 1 A t \rta ('•'• )0 l • 1 ~flrAAt M 14)1 I ~·t•\.0'9\ot ll ~ • Mattf\0 Ya1·•· ~t• lt \ "4"'-' 10 •• \t arJn.1t h .1 < h r1-.11,111 .~ ll1 J?h TUf''\1!.1\ n1J.'ht at ,._, Southern l u I 1rurn1a ::'. Cnllri;:t• The \ 1r tor' dinrher1 ;; th<' IPaJ:?ur c hnmi11onsh11> • for Huntan iztnn \ Jll1•\' I• '41th l\\O ~amt'' 11ma1n • ,..rr1\ ft• d 1 f l1f"'Of"• '• Jl ••••• , ... 11 • t Mll-V•o .. 111 <I 10 [I 0.,,-II" BasketbaJI IJ1ote Tl F"rt'tlO P•c1t1t U Atuw,.ut11c U VSIVW C.•t ..._O\I 1)t P.tc f+c '"'"".,.. t1 Cteremoni Mudd lOt (.1 1 T ~cP\ 11 OonH~U.f M1ft\ 4' LA 8A~1\f 'l -.dll•"'dt /1 ""omo"• Pdt•' n M nt1., 11 L.• ..,,,,.,.,,,. 11 Atu'1 TCtJfl T•••\ At.AA '41 MOW\tOl'I t0 1 •• _., TM:f'l 11 11,1ar '• l.OWl'\wllft .. Twlwt '° tQf I 0.-al 9'oblth IO N•br•O• °"'"NI SI "°''.,.. u ,. No''"""''''~'",.. ~h•M\ M (elOAfP WI 1nJ:? 11\T nov. ha-; .1 perfert. 8 fl. rN·nrrl an lt'a~ue pin~ II\ C play<, HerataJ:?t> at SCC tn o home ro m1n~ i:ia mc· Saturda' at R """' 'Y•ft•y c .. r.,,, ... ,,,, 8oq0fl"'OW • l & ) J) Ptt•oaH 1 t 't t. ~,.., ' . , " lltOl""d t 0 0 l • ' ' 11 l 0 l • ~ .. ,,, S•<MWf ·DN-, Tot•·\ WI n H 11 s. .... , 0V•r1•" M9r•n•th111 I) I) '4 UI "' Mtrll"• VelMf' U , 10 't 100 1 M HP\1t tM ) ) Toth CC,> ) Nef •"• IM I f m-lf' " I ))0 I Nl•ff,.. •M I 1 Jaf\l'\'\on f(;l l l04h (,I ''"""" }4 I U !'\ I Mt it.U\f'WY l"lt)) Or111 IGJJ (•••'rN ,,,.,.. t 000 MO 1 ICOtfh ·M t J P•''O"\ tGJ l C..110 <.1 fot"J~ 1 I)• M • 1 ""''\~" c;J no ~Oftd M tP\ ,., ' ,,,. \ :J ) UOtH Dw\l\•tO ,,_,no ~°""" or trutd t '""'° \~ 1 M I• ""1•r8 ' MA,·t'I· Not,.,. u 1 '~f''* (, t fwe"'I u_,, 1 8r•lf\ f, U•·QP\I ) 0 l J t ~t.,.tj "Q tt', I J V •hi M l ,,,.f\.m (11 CJ•tl•"•• 11 I \P t l "*" '1 J lOQ .. n Gt Nl '" ,,, O•\l•N• )l'J I ~AO\H \01'" Miltltu ttn ltl J G•t••f'I Or•-. ,,, t '\ l\r.• ... , M I I f1Aftt••'\Ot\ M 1 •4• ,,, "9 r.-,,,. t"t • )')"!' I \,f' l'\n_., (J•t ~ ~) ,-tttbf'f•'"°" ,,.,. t .. ,,.,, "'' f,JT" .. 1• .. <M'. I Pll>nfJ•tQ••I M } th1m""'' '(_,, 1 l ""' " M l ,,,.,,_ '' 1 1W I t,., • M J V ""'tt•tJ t(, 1 "'1m•'f\•t •1 r,.,... ) 11 t M1 '* \ t,.emt>l1n •Mt 1 w.,_,.,,..,. '"",,,. ff'\tt<3 ' ,.... \ Qt . I "" !~ l , ..,..,, t,1 /,,H ... t lt\•11' '•rn. 1'0 ,.. ' u1,.r1 ,__.,, 1 W•t~ lM ) fl~ ti} ... t ,,.. fH ; ) '\P\11• tM 1 no ·~. l 11 n i M t) \"4• CM t M fh1'f1 I ,,._ I\ 1 4t1Jlh ,., ' Mitru'I• T nv ''tit M l•ff-•\ .. J M4 ' 1'11#1 N t'lft?W' 111 I M"'' °' ¥ I 'lon'\p •'"l i ,,.,, ••• ,.yt l .. t I I t #IN ~'I_.. '""'l1t11 IM , 1 '~ ,,..11t•1 ""' "' ''"',. 11)fJ' ''-I t f'AUl"tVU'I •Ml 1 \tY~•· ''-' ' t\f I Hr Jhf " • \&• t r •mrtwt ,,,, • 1 Jt;fvt1()" ''•• l Hal'\ " M (I Ian • 0 J • Pro ScorPs ...... .,. .... ,,., ....... , ....... f\t1tlAi01'1t P«ttll•nG tt) r,11, ,,." \t ,., .. 104 ~ • ..., Vn• ~"" •• ••1 ~""'' '') .&11,.nt• ,, '"' A,,:Jf'I'" 't ""II.-• Or ••~· tOt (•'H(•Q"J tt4 P~•n ,, Ul t IC•f\·•\ (' ty '1\ PP\· _.d .. •pf'I .. 1!)1 W• '"'"°O'°" l II *'•u••• 1'7 "'f•t1~t ... t.••YU•• N Y ... "" .. '' 1 NY h ·~r'\ I ~ .. .,, •. "" .• , v.,, 'kol'+f•" 1 ,, ... °''"°"''"qft• ••"w'r.11 1 \. "'-'~••I M •,..,,.\011 1 ----- IA•ast- llark I\" < 2 --0 t!JI#' 3 Only Exec. Cars w1on.n..~ ..... San•• .\na Une-..ln ,._.n•ar~· :t 17-0:t 11 White Letter Wide Tread Pol~gla' for Small Cal'\ .. ( uJuoo lkll l'uhstlA\" "Polyg)as GT" (50-HllU) "Custom Wide Tread Polyglas" Lol\ Price\ On Pol)e\tcr ..,,,,,.t'r ')in·,~ -7X kir l..in:r ( ~" bllt•Hll m .u f II IS Glt·14 Cit 15 Hll· 14 Hll·JS s33 "\ lll JS All ll 811 ll Cll 14 •1~ s •01 ... 1:. ( J 1 dl'~t"I•,., ,. ., *""°0:•1• tni. lft.,llS~,!ll"'.o I >I Steel Belt Radial\ for Foreign Car' "(, l(IMJ. -, .. "1JX)(J ,\file I 1rr s32 s35 SJS UURll ms•11 IUSRll IUSRll llSUll 10U14 IUUIS I II <:-• •I nu•u 1m~u lt1SRll llSSR14 ~· Pol~·gla\ ,, Radial \\hite"all' I tK \11111/1, \ l1•dwm & / .,1t'!!t' ( '"' s35 s45 s55 AAll ll OUI 11 euiu ore u 1.1 ,.,, u , ... ti C.71 11 ,. A• A HH:t II JJll llr;1 ) Auto Scrricc ..• for more good years in your car Lube, Oil & Filter Front-End Alignment S988 . ' .... , .... ,,,, I'""''"'"·.,,, SJJ88 • iJ ; J • ll•'t' ,, .. p It tr •'41 t I '' " ,,.., 0 • I t f " •rt " . \ 1 .. 'I ' .. I I • ... •-•!')' tt-•-d "'ti" , ....... • hu I••• 111~1 ""'tr,' t i \•f• I f>t •t'I ·-. ' GOOD/YEAR • f ,,."•Our ().vf' .,,h,mt r (,11 l IP· 1"1 • MJ\tr• c111191> • A-•' ,,,.. £ •P" \ fAonf'11y C ,,,, • Q,,, ,,, Ct•1t~ • c.irtp B11n' "" •El~ ~Am .. 11card GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER COST A MESA-NEWPORT HACH 1596 .Wwporl ll•d. ot 16"' St. 548-9383 "'-": .........,,., 1-7. w ..... NEWPORT TIRE CENTER 3000 £..Coast Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR 644-8022 ~ Mea.-M .... , • Set .•• s • _, 8:J DAll Y Pll OT * WedMmdey Fec><1.1ery t8. t976 Santa Anita Racing Entries Me a Plays CdM Battles Estancia Five e«d. Ettancla li'l -S, the Cit.Mn ere 1-1. Estancia will need 11 near perfect eftort to up- H t Corona del Mar which bH held 12 ol Hs last 1l opponents to un- der ~ points, including Es tancia which lost Soccer Scores VAllllfY 141-I,"'" ve110, o IE•-"-'"' ~•vtw11 c.M• ..... ._ ...... , "'·-c-......... -· ..,,_ t. MtCen, L•o.,,.• II••<" C-""'"'"" .... (-~le ) Ml"-V .. IO I ~-.... !C """-•· C...uo l. ':...'=: •. ~~ 0...M• I t -""''" ...... 0.l •• .. ••t JU•IOa 'llAat l fY ~ llllltf, LAI°"''"'' I r.•-·· ,.. .. v.1 ... t \t••f't l•wtt Yoeft J, M9a~te.f\. '" -...... ... (OMJ ~ ...... 1 S<or1... COM .,_,_, l]lh" l&- M<C-fth, lllC..,.,."4. .., ... , .. .,. ~""·'·~··-I Miari,..MOH-~ l(a rtn6ft -,,,....... 0. .. 1~"1()11¥.tlftl "' .. I.ST •JIC9 t ""'-' I.,..,., ._,.HI ""°tl~ol llJ -• ,.. C••'"''"ll ...,,._ HCIUD ~~ tPH•url 11• Cl•olftl ... IJUh tt t" ~ (41HI -... Go 10 .. tl llO ~ ... I All\Mh< ,_"""" T'Ml•O .... Cl t ,.,..,_, ;,11,.. c..11,. uww ... 11 '" ., ....,. 4 , .. , .,.,.. ., "" Mo-r°' -..1»1 ...... 1 II)-~ ... \.,. .. tM•8t,..llMl- lla!M "-rl le.I_ .. , '" a.a ... "' . c.o. ...... ~ .. 1"'"'''"1 >"1 c..-0.11.1 ....... 11 "' _,.,M C11-.11tflto"1 Ill 0o ... ,r .. 1111 .. e1 111 ..._,... .. _ 1\10141 .. Wll II\ I ... _o 11.41-rll Ill ,.._,.._o l~"'•J I 11) _,,_la.a.II Ill 0.-.. Y C(.t-\I IU ~IW"4 ((;-10 ... 11 •111 , ....... ~ .... 1 :t>lll -··-, ...... , ,,, 1o1.-.., 111 ....... ,. ,,, .......... ll'•"C•tl "' """-" l ... 111\1 Ill IW'°'tlo (-1-1 I I ti ,.....,...,.• IOttv•f~t 1•4 .._...,..._ .... .,..,,"• \II .. COlllD•AC8 t tw_. ,, .. ,... C...tc...tM 1..,_, .. ,0 , ttl ...... °'. y .. , -..... C.•-"O iW•lu.Gt ......... "' llww tit.• (101m•"9 ,,.,,•U:J OOO '-'"•""-...... _,., 111 IM.--"• ""' ""'••.t-'°"""" •ACI • ,..,_ I Oitpt .,..., °"' __ ,,toll• t. .. 101ft9• .,,_,, CJ•-• 0.111.o"fl n1111 '" C.llf ...,,,.. l lllOO w 1t110 "'"14., .._..,, .__, l~• .. u I 111 °""'"• C•..o Owo...,Wl-11.•mbltrll Ill ~•..0 11.omblttll v.f .. t hlt ((,e.ft4e••I J & HJ Ml .t.ft1't1hM'• C(,oft1e ltf t UA-v IV.r .. u l 11• °"40 ,_ IV•l .. 11 ... 0...-0.w....,,l IMllMI llt No ltoOI •-•• .. I Ill ~ ........ ,_.1••1 114 ..,.°"'"'"9ltlr"ll IHow1..,1 Ill .............. t\•1-1 ... M11•• Mu IM .. Mtl Ill l'lf'TM aA(I ,,., "''I•• Of\""° • --..... Al .. -0 flwv ,,._ ... "'9-...0oreCI"' ~' 0.M_ ( ... tthl 114 Cllt ... ~ ,.......... llO ... __ 1()11-.. 1 '" ,, ... , ....... , ....... , llJ ~· !"'-" ..... I II• """""I Mo .. • IL•m••U 111 °"91IACflh< IH•wlOy) HI TV Ml.-•9'1 1Vt•041•ol llJ ~Otll• ... llTetel llJ ......,.., V1<1 .. y lV•tO.tl llJ i1a~M •ACI II It"'''°' J -°'°' C'••'"''"" 11'11• .. M.IOO (l.O"" ....... (. '10.000 .... ooo .... (..,. • .. _,o.,. .....,,w." •6oftn•t1I •Ill -..1Ho111.emi.110 1.-.!alwffll•y ... IMorl\4'1 llt Al\,11(1 IP•"<OI "' 11• "°"It ..... t~ ... •¥ I lit A "°'IO"'' \ttol'Q 114•• '•• • --(P ... OI 'I• Fonl ll•lvrfl oOlt•t '•' I II• Dnoon\.t•lo<l~•I 114 Alole \Ho.,.IHe .. 1 .. 1 Ill llVl•f• ••Cf OM ...... c.,.....,..,, .. IPt•"•' ••• .., ... ..._ & MiM•~ 4 .-•• , old\ ~ wp •• A f'Mtbor View ~ M "'"'n•O ... tty tow•ftC•• """''' \l •\t'>O '•"_. '•'tl'f\t. iw .. °'°' -n ••• 1 M-lt•• 1 ...... ,1 ,_, tllH\e ......... . ...__,o ........ , ........... , ....... , My~"°'"' IV•l•1I ....... ..,. °'" ... _,' "-•-lMo .. I ,...,., .. ••ce " ,,,,, .• .,, •m.-, t U &. m.t•' 4 ¥ff' O'Ch ~ wD ( l•tl'N"f "' ~rv t.•.ooo (la1m1~ .. 1 •t• ''I * 1tt , ...... Wt"'•"~ (\IWNlf ot "4 -..nvn. Atfll•mDf • .._,t•O•• (J\.M· .. , ... ~ II) fl. l•llt''-lit~ tl•Mb9••• 1141 • Ot~ .-1. 1\a. ""•') .. ..,,1 0. .... ,,.,,....,I Sl••••<W l~ .... , ,,, J.l\'"•'•Alit'''•'• cc.."'•'•tl U\ ~IH'y• \Whit •t>h"•'""'' ••o.tf'M ••c• ''"• ... ,... , ... , otf\ ,, • ._ ., Put'* \.\0 000 .-... cu•"' u~ '" 'u ... n,__., Po Geel, --"' oco 11111,, " '00 t01lf•ll U.hO, 1u111 •1>0 \••"• ~·~·'· hl4U••t • ~""•w CHo•••OI ~Cfif9QW.tt ,..,....., 0...011 1!>001 I ""°'tAlot IMtn•I tMrl)ifO$ f)oll tif\Mf'1\•'•• I Almet •ld-.V..:IO• t\•1ftttfltl '" ... ... II' II\ Ill '" ... Corona del M ar't Sta Kina.a contm'-1~ lbclr tMd toward an unbeaten re· a(ula r atu on lonlghl when they hos t the E stancia Hlch Eaglts who need a victory to keep a hve their llll"l\ hopes of qualifying for the Cl F 4-A basketball playoffs. IUNID• va•SIT Y 63-48, -t•All••,MAttMO Ooo FOii• , ..... 1.,1 111 Ger-~ .. -l\orll•n• -·•••1 1 ... •o•OI Ill r-1t1"9 IM-I ,, . ... , Ill ... v•11..,111 • ., ITorol Mt<tMl lOoetl °"'te • "'9w IH••••Y I I ti C.IOllM ,J.-e\ ... f•"911•<• ...... ,,.I ttl (ly\l••W•l•r t~m•~•'l tll ~"1m1...-i .. 1Hawr l••> ... A A•ea..•Ot\e~•O•""" "' '"' Tipoff is at 7 at Corona del Mar High. Elsewhtte in the Century League, Colla Mesa's Mustangs travel to Maenolia High to mt!'et the w inleu Sen- tineu, El Modena i5 at ViJla Park and Tu.still ls at Santa Ana. All games The Sea Kin11 have -;;;::... ____ .....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:==:...-------r:~=:=:~=-~ ..... ~~~~~;...,..~~~~~~~:=:;;.......;;;...::"'::":::'':"""":":~:---""i''"":":7.:::'::::::':".:::::::::="'1 !~::.~ b~a~~:o:;<1w~~ SPECIAL VALUES COSTA MESA FULLERTON SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER their ninth and tenth 2M6 IRISTOl ST. 1530 S. HARIOA BLVD. 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS 15221 BEACH BLVD. men H they are with FOR TODAY so. OF SA.N DIEGO FWY. PHOf'itE: 870-0700 PHOf'itE.: 547-7477 PHONE: 893·8$44 tMir Ht'Ond and third. Center Alex Bla~k (15.3 "':t PHONE: !M9·1533 points ) is the only Sea THRU SUNDA OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 8 A.M.·9 P.M./SAT. 8 A.M.·6 P.M./SUN . 9 A.M.·5 P.M. King in double figures. Estancia 's top player is also a center~-6 Jim start at 7 · McCloskey who is scor- Corona del Mar, 23-0 ing 22.9 points a game. A and ranked No. 2 in the good outside shooter, CIF 4·A poll, has already McCloskey iln 't as strong clinched the circuit title defensively as Black who while Estancia is two won the lint meetll\g. games be hind second outscoring McCloskey pl~e Villa Park. lfHS. . With 32 teams qualify. Cocta Mesa's record is 1ng for the CJ F 4-A quite misleading-four playoffs , it 's posgible a of the Jo.aes have been thlrd place team might by one point and a nother advance but none of the was by three. Led by third place contenders-Dan Byers 04.6), the Estancia, Costa Mesa, Mustangs should have El Modena and Tustin-Ii tt le tro uble w itb has an impressive re-Magnolia (0·12 ). GW Tops Boes; ... Gauchos Lose Golden West College's Rustlers struc k for four runs in the ninth inning to subdue host Orange Coast College, 4-~. in non· ronft'rence baseball ac- tion Tuesday. And a t Saddleback College, the Gauchos kept pace with a tough Cerritos College nine for seven innings, but rell. 8 2. whe n tht' latter scored sax times m the fin al two fram es The R us lie rs put il 3'4 ay in the ninth inning after t wo out when pinch hitter Sh a wn G u inn "Aalked and advanced to second on an infield Jut by Tom J ohnsoa. Jim Bruneaux reached firs t on an ~rror with Gulnn scoring, then John Leone tripled home a pair and scored on Doug Mansollno's single OCC whi((ed l l times against the s la nts or Doug Moll (8 times m 6 innings> a nd Mor gan Ab- Gauchos, GW, Boes In Action ·~···"' Yar91~ Ht ~ •. Ml -···" Ouf•~. ( Well.C~ lb t!oy., ..._, .. ·-··· U-1..,on111 .. , " "' I I 0 0 I 0 " 0 1 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Q 0 I 0 0 0 , 0 -••o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ' 0 !lofHlo 0 ~ 0 tot~I\ H k_,,, ... , " . C,.ul~ OO'J 000 00 a 1 t 1 ~....... •ot too lot ' • l Tennis Results DUNLOP METRIC RADIALS STEEL BELTED FOR COMPACTS SUB-COMPACTS AND IMPORTS •STOCI I / ~II.I) l t.~R .. I t,'11 I\ II ~R 14 ll(CUl,.._ .. llAOIAl nf'f INNER TUIES PC. P~$1IOC)fl (AH & tfUCl l LIMtTED WAlltlltAHTY' •-«i ,.., n .,.. .. • ·-ft• ...... , ... ., a.-,,...,.._, , I"' flOt • ~_,.,.-••OW~' •'•!•\I • I "6•t ••t•t'f't i-_.._. ••\.U-~• t Ml.,_ .......... fl ••HM"'°'""''.•••• ,.._It!"'.......,.~, •t oll\• _,,,,. llute.I ... .,. 0-. .,..,,,.. )• 1.,. .,. 4 •' '-•• "*~-... S36 69 $31 9.5 Sll.95 $40.75 $0.9.5 NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED All r•rccs KU'S flOlUL fJCISf TU CITIZENS BAND•~ RECEIVER CAR MA TS AUTO CARBURETOR ~AUORTEDCOLORS AIR FILTERS - \ • "IUllD COIOI •Ot '"' Hfw r Al INl'f llOllS • tftNf0tCIO IN t<f .. \IY WIAt ... , .. $ o l0H(, I A)llNv ll~SIS WIAI ANO \I AIN \ <f!_'!J; ·<..:a) AIR FILTERS FOR MOST FITS MOST ClRS AM01CAN CARS TOUR CHOICE 14!! 3!~ ECOllR FILTERS159 , ' I TIRE or AIR MATTRESS INFLATOR UNIVERSAL MOUNT TRUCK & TRAILER MIRROR WT TO llSTlll a·· FOft lllOtT FOREIM CMS ua. •N f.> ~PfJll I W t,,. .. \t<AM, ( lJtl II •0 11 11111• WlfN( H 179 PEP BOYS • HEl vr DUTY SHOCK ABSORBERS 1 3/161 ' PISTON floj ltt4• • "' I•••• ,11 t l•1l.1., \Ii.ti • ' " J ,1_. ,fHllf .,. .. , FITS MOST AMERICAN CAR / ~ 90 .\~:' lltSTALLA no11 AYA/U6LE AT LOW COST '~ \ . ' • 0 f DAILY PILOT Russian .Duo Earn Ovation in Irvine Concert ll >'on "'1tho11t :.J ~ mi: thJt ,1flt I ,I '0('( i.'.,.,100 ()( l'Jrln'l1·cl 1•111H'l·rt l<>Url! • mil th14 JI ltll loc1.1I a11 l't'JI Jiii i (11.lll>'I! l 00.i.'l 11111' II fcl\ I I:. \\I rt• ck h.:t>tt·d tu al l.1~1 h.nt lht• f1ll'J~url' of "'(•lrormn~ Hu,,..1,1n rtl Jt•:.t r u Gen 11,1d} fto1 htlt:~l \ l'Ol>k)' LO I ht' p 1i ti I U 01 I I\ U (; In 1m· '!I C1 ..114 ford HaJI Hut G~nnady or the grund manner and bUSU· 1na ba to n m u*t t ake h!<'O nd plac e 1n t his .in .,l y1 11 t o the llal4Nustung lady who got the ovation of the even- ing last weekend ln a memorable concert that rtt}X'atedly bro ught the audience to Its feet . NOT THAT the re· TOMBARLeY~ Music Box · doubtable Russian will object too strenuously to suc h te mporary re· leaatton or his own ~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-:;;_iiiii_;;;;iiiiir:========:::;::;-alder a ble t a lents : for 1he nwterp1ta cf br.am lot-t that stunnd France. were on their fet't as quirkly as tht audience to pay tribu tt' to 1h11 ma~nthcent a rtist Sht' g oes into this writer's notebook as one of only three fe male ~rformers who hove re· aUy known how to In- terpret and adequately concert plant.St V1ktoria Postrulcova Ls Mme. Gen- nady Rozbde1t vcn1ky in private li fe a nd this superb artl&t never rat1s t o r e mind b e r 1n - dtUver the demandlna B c-on<'ert r t'pertolre flat minor work. The , others. for the record, A G AI N, "E we r <' are Dame Myra Hess gi ve n p erfec ti o n . and the alway• bnlliant RCjpondint: to insptrt.>tl Eileen Joyce. dt r ert i o n f rom the pcxhum. the LAPO n <'hJ) But we saw enouab of urned lht> :.1:indan1 ovu Vi kto ria ·, c onductor lion. It rt>c:t'1\ed from an husband in the 8 nut audience that ob\lously mmor and the preceding loved t'\'erv moment or "Ha mlet" overt ure to thlS oil TSC"h11 1kowslc y anur1pate with rellah his progrom post-1ntt'rmissk>n otrer· Love you. Viktorl a 1na · Tll'ha iko w:J ky 's Lo\•e \OU, Gl'nnJdy And Fifth Sy mphony. th•t in· that gOt>s for all of us " ho tense. fervent work that left with sore hands alter gh1e¥ ua one of the most that superb \' Jlt>ntme'i. ansp1rtne finale• In the Day conc,•rl A portrait of lot 'to nd 1ubmission IQ dJJorrJu tht Jil!WS. ~rv1ewer1 of that added -------------~;::;::;;::;::;;:;;;::-::::=-:::;:~--:;-:---- accompliJbment. ~ DU'OWT. HO lll'URM" ... ""CHAIUI a THI ...... -let A. IJl..,/M.us RIJMM - '.s'.> "° ---- If Vllctoria '1 marital sta tu s had b ee n otherwise, it's u s afe bet that s he co uld have taken ber pick Saturday rugbt from any one or a number or m ale music lovers who we re bowled ,...~-...~~...::..;~==~ over by the brilliance of --------~ '---------~ . her Tschaikowsky -the ~--=~~~~e---t immortal Concerto No. I A SO.COAST PLAZA ......... _, ..... e-.... -, ...... '"OM£ FUW Ml THC COCH O'S llST" (I) ... ,. ,. ..... u. ~1711 IAf~ll-1-J:I._.,,.,., .... J-~l ....... ~ •• so. COAST "GABLE & LOMBARD" Pl Az.A 7:30-t:45 Lft s .. ,is.. 1:00-l:IW:J0-7:41-10:11 ~.lJSf CllHIAWD TMIH .:!:·~ "AOOSTH COGIUIN"• i U-TU \4T ~·~•M '"TOMMY" ' ..... ,..,.,.-.;, .... ,. "'DOG DAY AFTBHOOH"' Cll "DROWHIMG POOL .. I ltl4T,__., • .. THE IOOI TUii .. t It '4 T ""'° I -IMl:I • "STORY OF O" (X) ·~ ...... "''-... "'" .. NOMINATED FOR 9 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR BEST ACTRESS BEST DIRECTOR Q The Devll In ~ MissJones ************************* • X-RATED ADULT MOVIES : >t HOW IH COSTA MESA BEL-CONGO MOTEL it CLOSIO alCUfT CO&.Ol n ,. •26'5 MARIOR ILYI>. S4S.f4Uit ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • m B fla t manor. 1.;:VT:_..;~g1~~!:.-J It was absolute perfec-r lion. delivered with a de-• terqiinatlon a nd force that is not always avaiJa· bl e l Q the f emale ,_ ________ .,. performer and interpret- ed with a sense or llnung · and subtlety that more than once had her con- d uctor husband grancrng u . fRWY tMANCHUTER u u towards the soloist with o o. ""WY tc1Tv D". 0 .1 obvious admiration. "'WINTaHAWI .. AND IT was worth not-t--.,,.--SUPB--*-'-''*"--'-· _. ing that ma ny m em bers of th e Los Angeles Philarmonic Orchestra. r---~-------t ADVENTURE IN ALL ITS GLORY i iftiiu~.IDlc•Ht Caine C-n1t1p-1r PlummBI ~It~---· DB man Ma Wool~ BB ~II ~:!:ii 11111.-.-.bl ........ *'~ Carmen F' Zol!opru~n•~ Ingmar Bergman's ~GJC edwards LIDO CINEMA NEWPORT BLVD. AT VIA LIDO NEWPORT IEACH 673-8350 . ~ I ' .... If more than anything else, you want love- Then I [rnml>nul?lk. \1.1111'-'<'Ch 1..ou tq love \1..1th all thl! lrl'l'dom ol m(lll and i\ll th<! 1maginc1t1on of \\,Qml\n You v.ill savo.Mth me- nothing tS wrong i( 11 feeb good "MAH WHO WOULD II IJNW' '?AN.l.ON" INI .. WA f M • (O.Nf't ._...._(ti ' ,,., ' .... ,..~, ...... ,., •• ,, , .. '"' •· .... t-•t\'' • • J -: ·'t; "'tl l s , ~. 'f ,. I •, ,. "") "'. P1 #\r> t't"'-1,"Y~ 6\1·~· t, ....... ,,. f(~\ .. '~ ... ,, ... " .... ''"· I,<);_, H ,r \•"'\ lo.,. ~ #114• I f) r11f'1 ''. '1HI, I f•j '/;/~• 1 ....... , .......................... J [llJ..:;.~ ... ~4!"] SOU7M cow PWA II "'"nunr I & 2 -615 IUNflown n. .. M cm C1NT11 Plus THE LIFE &TIMESOF .. edwara BRISTOL CINEMA XAVIERA . HOLLAHDER .. 1111f0l AT WACAITMUI 540-740 t«>eODY COUl.D ~UMHIMU, . .. I 9ANK AOBHAY II All THE MOAl BIZAAAE eECAUIE trlTAUEI INCLUDING: BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR, AL PACINO (R) BEST DIA~CTOA BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR, CHRIS SARANDON Qlfl'a -• M'o.aul 0..-. ~ C... ._,, --1~»-•-H•ll LA lllMDA 4: WMJl ... IAllOAHI "''" ., .. llOWOAY -UTUtl04' flMefl ......... 1 11:11 • t• Ml•llT & MCM.IDATI 11:11 6 t• ----WM .. •nw e - -• ~IOTS,_ ou•--·-••._....,, ·----()NI IUW O¥tl rNr CUC:X00'5 NUT 1111 w ......... --, ·----IMAMPOO • •-•uune11M11~ M fOITUHI .. -·-·---· f~1 -•flllll!!fm--;:;;;=-y 4 I lo.MY "" ,,, 'I , OUIUIUI llt(JJtl ""' ._.~_..~~' : .. ~ I IASY "KU '°' ......... s. ---· ... "' ___ .. Oo\aU & lOMMID .. UNDUCOYDI HQO 111 -· .., ....... •IU96f•-~fl:lll SMAMP00 "1 -lll e M "'°'-Of e NM"UU-N lUCIC'Y lADY "' .. ..._ 000 .,.. AmlMOOft • ~~•• .,..... .,.,,,, ........ Mi"' ... -.... llUllt fOIC1 • --DUYM W9SH • • .............. Wedn.day. Febfuary t8. 1078 D-'IL V PILOT • S It's AB~ on Top-Again 1953 Wets a Good Year for Leaving Home NEW YORK <AP> -A1ain alded by lop raUnas for ala Olympics telecasts at nl1bt, ABC hu emereNS No 1 In the average weekly raUnp ol the A C. Nielsen <.:ompany for the ti.Ith consecutive week Nielsen audience estimates ror tM •ffk endlnf Feb. 15 ahow four or ABC's seven Olympia bf'9acf· cuu among the week's 20 most-popular evenlng prosrama, In add1uon to five ABC entertalnment shows. According to the Nielsen aampla, made public Tuesday, the top· rated show lut week waa ABC's "Laverne and Shirley" iwries, aeen ln nearly 21 .~ million homf•s by a n estimated 44 percent of the na· l.lonal audience. THE NI Ei.SEN FIGURES, (or the second week of ABC's Olym pics coverage, abowed that the network 's Friday nlghlOlymplca broadcast was the week's alxth most.watched pro1ram, seen in 17 .f mlllion homes. By contrast , the smalle~t audience ror ABC's Olympics show was on Saturday night, when only about 10.2 m1lhon homes tuned m for at. According to Nielsen esumates for lhe 12 nights ABC's Olympics procrams have been on the aar. the sporu broadcasts have gotten a ni1htly aver age or nearly 34 per<'ent or the natu?_naJ audience. A 3t P E RCENT SHAllE ls generally con· sidered by the networ"-' to be a sign or a program's success. Last week's 20 most-watched evenin1 pro. gram1, according to Neilsen estimates, were "Laverne and Shirley" and "Happy Days" <both ABC>; "All in the Family'' <CBS); "Rach Man. Poor Man'' <ABC>: "Charlie Brown Special" <CBS>; "Friday Olympics'' <ABC>; "Police WINNER 7 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Wriue11 for the ween ind ~tteted by STA~EY J\YBRICK INCLUDING: BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR HAR90R ot ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 ON HAllOI l lVO • ONI MIU IOUTH O• SAN DllOO FW'f, ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION WINNER ~ 4 INClUDINO: BEST ACTOR WALTER MATTHAU BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR GEORGE BURNS Walter Matthau & George Bums ~Neil Sirnoris "The Sunshine Boys" co Sl.trT ng Richard Benjamin p....., \O'l.Mctroccb t;.: .. cno .y 0v Ne1ISimon P.<XMf'dtl'fRayStari< ~·cc:'1"" Herbert Ross .... ~re.ian (PG) llAISTOl ctN!MA ll'llTOL. AT MACMTMUlt I. COMT ltG FM MIA ... , ... Ol•Pfl'W" AWt>u• •t SA. ffWY. Of1,.e • U2-3328 Woman" <NBCI: "The Walton.a" (CBS>: "Walt RUSSIAN IAUfT Disney" (NBC>; "Rhoda," "llawau Fave-0" and flLM FfSTIVAI. "Maude" <all CBS>. "Winter Olympics, Tuesday, The W0tJd'• f'Ot~ Monday and Wednesday" Call ABC•· "Sax Million Ba.lletCompwiy Dollar Man" (A BC); "KoJaJc" and "Phyll11" (both ."SWAN LA.Kr' CBS1; "Welco me 8acl, Kotter" <ABC>. and ''San· Matla ... 1 Sot./Sun. lord and Son" CNB<.:1 ~==~~~~~~ NOMINATED FOR ' ACADEMY AWARDS "JAWS .. ,,., J:JM:41-1:' .... ,. "THE IUWR RITT" J:M-a:ot Ill "THE WILBY CONSPIRACY" ~ .... IO:tt -TW • •c-• ..... , w ........ ..., '~" Il l ~ ..... t-.Jt [ '1'HE FORTUNE" I 4:et-7:41 FOUN-YAIN VALL.Ii V ',,.,,.M A f' U -Uo•• ..... > A I ..... II .... •• ACADIMY AWAID MOMINEE lI.NNY BAKER SHEUEY WOOIRS EllEN GREF.NE CHIUSTOPHf.R WAJ.Kf.N ...,~.., •• PAULMAZURSKY . TONY RAY ~ .. ~-... ., .. PAUL MAZURSKY l \,)H~"·•(M•"41 ......... "' • •• • u•J. R UllltCltA R~HARD DREYFUSS ~'INSERTS".~ .m',A tWmi !U tmlNS ~'CA C>Jlm>,00 · STEPtlN DAVIES ki!tx>M~tWR'< !INN ~~GAVINA lIU.Mi1 Q.IVE PNWS ®·--· _.., II ..,. all!>~:'l..ofl !Jl'RU',I llart.MAr1rlCI "TOMMr1 111 'UT THE GOOD TIMES IOLL" ,,., w•~·· "NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN" 1•1 ORANGE COUNTY EXCLUSIVE HARBOR TWIN HARIOR ATWJLSOH, COSTA MESA 646-0573 646-3266 INCLUDING: SEIT ACTOR ALPACINO vsT DIRECTOR Ill.ST SUPPORTING ACTOR c:Hf'l5 SARANDON I ..... ~~™~£~~olf~ ... u , U •l•OIClfolTI& '1t·4 I 4 I lf!~~!'J~l~" lwt~IH Clf'TU ltl ·44U CO·HIT A MST "THE DROW NINO POOL" winner 4 WINNER 4 ACADEMY AWAAD ..... m"flho'ullv "''"' t 1111 ... 1•• qultlw• to .... o IHO..UOINO: llESl ACTOR WALTOR MATHAU llEST SUPPORINO ACTOR GEORGE llUflNS c-, 7A11<>..zr--ngmar ,tjergman . ·~"~ -_,,..1.·. , . ~ -~-~ ) , ,,,,, "' .. . .,....__ -; ~} ·' \ . . /. -,. . ), ·"' . ,.,. ' • 1 ' . ( ; ;\, . . ..~, . . . .. • f ''"" TAt{hEY l\!JBRICK RYAN O'N E AL • MARISA llERENSOH INCLUDI NG: BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR EXCLUSIVE IN ORANGE COUNTY EDWAIDS CINEMA HA..oi&l.OA ... \ COST• MU • so.JI OZ Travel everywhere ... Sundays In the 1..0.UOtNO BEST ART DIRECTION CO-HIT AT HAR BOA 'GOLD ' HARB RTWIN INCLUDING BEST ACTRESS ANN-MARGRET CO·HIT AT MESA FRIENDS -e .... !-!-~~.,..s,"""'~.,...,.0..,,...S~~Sl,~~~AI COSTA MfSA S41 1uJ r-:f.t~f!1.~!'J~.t~~~-( W17;.,:,"' CtHfH an 44tJ CO·HIT AT WEST WOMEN IN LOVE' PLUS ..,. ..,.,_ ~~~OES ,_,.j.~ edwards BRISTOL CINEMA .. IU Ol ., MA-C•ttMU9 '40.7444 INCl.UDINO BEST PICTURE BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Lil Y TOMLIN & RONEE BLAKLEY BEST DIRECTOR CO-HIT AT BRISTOL 'WHERES POPPA redw~.~~!,B~~SJ.~~.~~MA) l . \40·1444 _) ,.=..-WESTBROOK I twfU ... 114\U••• H OOIHUt \f G AIOIHG I OYI \JO 4401 CO·HIT AT WESTBROOK "BLA~IRD TM• t1 9oy WeMt•t Ut ,.JI ... w•t 9'f'I• Of l'W f feel dH•CIOtt ef ... tyWM4t tV ••O .. t•••P•"I ••• t M ""'"'•M c.of""9d••• flifo• .... ,..Ill.Inf potAO• lliwt IMt •• IUltH•nl OOfNM 'INSERTS ' A OHIP Nt llMI 111 111 (X) WIHt OIONHY ITAllllll<O lllC>iAllO 1>11rnu111 f\l'f I 1•~· ho•' ~ .._Jm ~"""' It .mcl hi" la.Icon'"''""' ,1 lun111"" 88 DAILY PILOT P UIHJC NOTICE -PURI.JC NOTICF. ,,..,. \Ul'l•IO• COU•TO' ntl UATI 0, (ALI l'O•MIA "I>• Pll BLIC NOTICE ) '140 \Ul'llllOll COUllT 01' THI STATI Oft CALlflO•NtA l'O• PUBLIC NOTICE Tonight's TV Highlights KOCE 8 7:30 -Showcase The folk mwstc team of Keith and Rusty McNeil traces America's bent.age from lhe Civil War to lhe pre~enl in "YesWt<Lay's Songs and People Music." N'B0 8 8:00 -Bell Family Theater. The RlngHng Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus is featured 10 Lrui> special on tbe theme "200 yeurs of cittus in America." Slnger Johnny Cash is lhe h08t. CBS 8 IO :op -Telly ... Who Loves Ya. Baby? A musical comedy special built arnund the talents or Telly Savalas which aren't normally on view ln "Ko· jak. •• Guests are Diahann Carroll, »arb~ra Eden and Cloris Leachman. <Review, Al8) TV DAILY LOG Wednesday Evening KOCE Television (50) Nuclear Reactor Backed W ASJUNGTON (UPI> -The controvenial n1.1ele,ar b~er reactor bu won 1lr00& c:odorle· ment f ro m a con· aruslooal nbcommlt· tee "Wblcb uld tho new type power pl~ot ta es· senUal to the naOoc'a eocr&y future. • Cral1 Lyo• has been named HANT sales manager ror ColaltrucUon Center, an in· T H E H o u s E • duatrial development for contracton. recycling SENAT£ panel con· plants. land1upinR firms and vehlclestorage belnAt eluded tbal lbe safety developed by the Irvine lndu:strilal Complex in and !ftVlronmental pro-· !nine. . blemi ot the breeder can Lyon Joined llC ln 1'13 and will market the SO· be overcome with a top acrtdcve opment. priority research effort. The subcommittee said the problems provide no basis for delaying the breeder's development program. The breeder is a new 1eneraUon atomic power plant that produces more nuclear fuel than it bunu. Its use thus would assure the nation 's power industry with enough fu e l for its atomic reactors for cen· turies ahead. "The breeder program will guar antee nuclear fuel ror plants built dur· ing this century and for hundreds of years in the future if it is needed," sa id R e p . Mike McCormack <D·Wash.), chairman of the subcom· mittee of the Joint Com· mittee on Atomic Energy. • THE BREEDER pro- ject is already the na· • s.eve lloll1tela joins Santiago Bank in Tus-lin ns asaiatanl vtce presidenL He lives in Irvine with his wtfe. • Huntington Beach resident John G. Barry bas been appointed western division m anager for Starcraft Company West facilities in Costa Mesa. • Dale Stuard, president of American National lloula1 Corp. of Newport Beach, has been elected a national representative of California to the Na· t.ional Association of Homebuilders. He is a past president of that association's Orange County chapter. • Huntington Beach resident Richard W. Ungau has been elected a vice president of Transamer1u Ufe luarance and Anaulty Co. in Los Angeles. Lingane, who heads the sales division, had been second vice president since 1973. He joined the firm in 1970 after nine years with Occidental Lite of California. lion's top energy effort • with a test plant Verda Hinkle has been scheduled to beeinnamedco-direclorofsolld state L1110AN1 operation at Oak Ridge, tttearch and development for Costa Mesa based Teno .. in 1983. Semlcoa. He lives in Huntington Be»ch. Over The Counter HASOUtNftcp MUTUAL FUNDS NIW YOll~lott F .. tOI t .tl titl"" l<I 14 01 ·)""0 vth '" l k CUf'l I -l"oli.wl11t .,_ I ,. i t ll,..•9y U IQ N L II\< il&U I II . I• • tltl of ~O •ftd CALVIN l'UllOl: l'•lrlld t 1) t t Incl FAm l 01 ... .., ptl<tt Oft lull Fd n IA 1i 1 I'm au.. l ,iJ N L.i lM..... I t7 I.~ M\ilual Fuftdt et C4'I I'd a M t I l'IOl•ATIO O• Ill 1~ .. ,1 t 11 •O I\ -'"' ~y tlw NA$0 OI• S11r J U J.4 A &Aedr I ti t .O lft .. r!' 0 I 71 N L. t1't lt•tWO t ,. 10 • I!~• II II lft• Ould I ti N l --NY VHt 10 O '1 t «II "'' 11.41 , In• l!ldl< I It N l. ......... ,. 11. '"' 1ncil ' .. •. olliOUl'1 IN"ln f-Y ~ l'uftd t 10 10 "P LI Y Ill• llo1 10 U '1 tl Mf ..... ,..,,, II I It ..... .,. ... JO t .07 COVNHL -Ow J 10 • t Sh• t 11 10 ~~·' e tO t '' W."" t.» t lJ """' fn< JU I In• 10 11 '1 '1 Ire II .. N.L It Sii j 0t , I ,.._ lftl 1.14 , ~I'd 11 U n t f llOC IOON I. I llT O•OUI': """IM• Jot JJ4 A I Ont 1.71 ,, IOS ln<I I 't I., Ael,.. r<• • ..0 0t Oii: llWllY I all 01 NL IOS 001 "°1 » ..,.._ lft ll.411 .M FfWli! .,, r t!-• 1)0 •.. 10$ NO •tO I ll AhAw•• t » L l'rO" • Ue 4.lS l"uftd IJ ,, It H IDS ... AO! I'd 4.0 sot ~tr • 1 It 11 ret111 10 0. 11 M Mvt11o9I "11\ttt• t M 10 tO S..CI UI \I .. ,., I' 4 Jt UI ~-It "'""" fld '°E N.L. ~ I'd UI ' '" ,,, .. N l s-... 1 ""' 91'1h " "tJ Oil Oel 11 ,, ""'· ,,_ 11 1111 Gt v .. ":X ~ u = ~!\'.lot• .• J. 44 Ltwf:"O ~r.• 4 :~i:.".~:-l: :"; 11:" -..n k l r1! l.t • llM .... I , .. J,I f'lll 0Yft • Q H L O-w111 4 M Amuo s JO 11t ~~, •·" 1 61 1'111 llld 4.14 N L I~ All\ f"( In t JJ L IAL "" I"' I, .. N L T"I Vt Am Mvt t:1• 10,04 5 : !tlf'' Y• 11.'2 U.04 Tr•I $1\ A SM<! •n 611 f 111 t ,Ill T i•ltl '"d 9nct. ,A 14 lt Of -t 4t 10.JI "'" ITO•lt 'Ivy '""" t JIN l C. I' A HS '. ei-Wlll 4 ti S DtK I'd U 1 1.11.J I' Owtll 10 n " " Giii Al'\ 4 ft I I• lllt-I 44 t ,J Ortll I'd .,.. I >C>J.....,. ,d 17.M N l lflt ...,,. 14.tO t.. I-IJ " N.I.,, I-, It ... ~I~ 70 ., N l Inv Am II •l .. l TH "'-" a7 0 I 14 IO"ll HA Iii COCK: ~'; ,.71, 'f ; •::• ltl II We11\ M tl.41 I• -0111 O•I': A Go\M e OJ t JI A GCOr 4 '1 • '' A 0..IN: t 1i t .I A G Ye<1 ~1.01t4t ::1:;. : :; 1.; ....... Ill J.+> t -Or!fl ...... ""'IMltt ul la Alft l'"ttl 4 t0 ,Ll-llUP :"'~. 1.• • f'l ~-·-.. _,, =': ..... .'!:.~ ... Bread Prices Up 1.5c WASHINGTON <A P) -Consumers puld l .~ cenl.8 more ror u lollf of bread last year, with lht• middleman appuentl~ 8t'tUna mos t of the addl'tl prirc, according t.o prt>· llm lnary government niures. THE FIGURES, an average for I ht enli~ 12 months, showed that u one-pound loaf of white bread cost ttn &&veraae retaU price of 36 cents ln uns. rompared with 34.~ rents in 1974. Acrording to the Agriculture Depart· ment 's Economi c Research Service, the farm value or wheal in " single loaf dropped to 4.5 cents last year from 5.5 cents in 1974. Including other ingre. dlents such as non-fat dry milk, shortening and sugar, the total farm value of lngredients In u 1975 loaf dropped to 6.8 cents from 8 cents in 1974, the report said. According to the figures. the retail price increase resulted frorn higher midd l eman charges between the llme wheat and other in· gredienls left the farm and when bread was put on retail s helves. THE WHOLESALE price was 31.4 cents per loaf last year. up from 23.6 in 1974. The spread between wholesaler imd retailer dropped to 4.6 cents last year lrom 5.8 ln 1974. ti tt llOI ,3 :! .: g lll•tJ!• ,UNOt • 2' ••• l t 1 I I~ • n .,. 1 14 t M 10., It .. t1 I U ~ rn " !4 I t• Ha ednc day' Afternoon Prices NEW YORK STOCK EX CHANCE Wednl!Sdar Feb1vary 18. 1976 s D~ILV PILOT 87 Salaries, Raf es ~ Now Costs $3.80 To Send Letter? By ~Vl,\'IA PORTf:R ll now costs 1no~ lh..111S.:il'I()111 p1 u<lut•t• ont• 11m~lt>, 6tan dud businc1111 h·ltt•r up ut h:;i:-1t Ill to l!I 1wn•t•nt c>vt:r tht• ll'\-el of a )'t!8t ni,:o. Thlll lnrludt•:f COft.'l('rv11llvt•ly 1·,llmuh•tl 1111l11nt•s or lht• pt>rson who dlclakd the lctkr and thr !ll't't elary "ho took lht roce·to·fact> dtctnuor\ anti type<l lht-h•tlt•r , 111all'rt1als In· \Oh•t'<I. ov..-rlu:1&d co:sti.. rlhng aod malhnJC cosb, \'!~· Tht' wtal 1:1 rcucht'<I via " aJ)(t<'ial formulu of lht• Oartntll l nstlt Uk or Business Rcst••rch, headquartered 111 Ch1C'ago. Money's Worth A STUDV OF T iit: Dartnell 11t:illstar' th:it went mto tht• total underlineb ho" c•on.'len·allvt' thul S.:1HO1:. at koi.t m many urban areab of the I'S Fvr 1n'1ant't'. tht• i.alury of thl• person diet at mg and blgnang the ll'tlt•r 1i. put ut an avcra.:t• of slightly O\'er $300 a w~k In big c11te' parllrularly. mid dle-managemt>nl salanes are "l'll abo\(' I hat The 'alal") of the St"cretary turning out thl• ll'llN 111 put ..11 an U\l'ragc or JU.St over $140. In C'1t1es such ..tb "-l'" York, that blllnr} range for se<-retar1cs 1s ancient h1~tor} \\'1th h r:.l·clas:. :.tam(.lt> up to l'.l t·1•111,, L>artnell probably will soon rense that $3 *>upward l't•rhJps $.1OO·plu:.1s an underestimate in m1d·Manhuttan What C'an you do -outside of not\\ riling bus iness let ters., I And there 'are llmC'S wht•n thl· phonl' 1s not enough and a profession ally typed letter plu:. carbon are "mui.ts".J The least )Ou can do 1s make sure your l'XJK'nsht> lcttc-r gets to 1lS de:.tination as r ap1dly as possible und you a \'01d rnslly. t1me·consummg error:>. -DE VF.WP THE hoh1t among )1Hir £•mplo)1'" (1111'11111· ing yourself I of m allin~ ~·our rorrc:.pon1lt•11t•t· bd nrc I um·h, and by a ll means. avoid rush hour ma1hn~:s. It may bt' thal 1f you have a bag or firbl rla:s:s mail 11.'ady by 2 p rn., th1• local post office will pick 1t up for you, po~:.1bly i.uvmg you hours or lime. -Zip C'ode all )llllr mail this ran n11•a 11 a flay or t"o faster delivery. for nnn-Z1p mail mu'I bl· ht•ltl (or ronvc·n uonal sorting at slO\\l'f :spt•edl't lha11 u11· u:sl·d h) lht' po:.tal service's ncw >.orting machines l Z1p }our n •t urn oddre:.i. too I Use thc proper eml'lopes and kel'P ..111..1rnplc 11upply or \'arious Sile envelopes on hand sn )OU cun matrh thl' e n· velope s ize to its contents Too smull l'IH l'lolH"'• m :iy break dunnf( procesbing; too lan~e firi.t clu:s:s t•m 1·lopt''> may be m1btakC'n for slo" c·r movm)! third <'la:s' \\hen }OU must •1s e large. flat ftrs.t-<'la:s11 crl\'clopt.'11, ~ 11un• tht•) have u cl111 hnct1ve ~reeen d 1amnnc1 border dt''l~n for t'•l'Y fir:.t das.; 1denttftC'ation And use light colo1 l·d t'll\t'IOpt.•.., '>O tht>n• I'> a ('ontras1 with the :iddre:.s 1mp1 I''""" for t•asy read mg by lht• machine. -KNOW Wll t:S POSTAi. sen 1c·t• truck ... rl .. inrs and trnins depart and arr:.tnJH' your mu11tni.: ,r1w1l11l1• a1·1·ur<1111g ly If you use a ..,l n•c-lor build1ni.: lohhy m ;11I hnx. t'hN·k tht.• <·nlle<'tion limt>.,: you may bt,o ubh• to ..,JVt' ,1 full day on dt• llH'ry by posting )'our mail JUbl a htl11• t•ar h1•r I "' lht• po.,t orflce itself too -Doublc-c·heek your ~<'ale·'· for :is l'1trw~ lkrnc-'>. a leadtnJ,: manufarturc•r of po.,1ai.:1• rn1•11•r -. w111 m. in111· l'Urall' '<·ales l·an t·aust· you o lot of t11111lik A "h1J.:h" !'Ot":.tl1• readm1: means you :.irt• 11\l•1 11a \ 111i.: ll<l'I ai.:1'. a "low" n·ad mg means "postai;1• rlu1• "Plan· nmt.· p1•nn1t.''> on your t>O'ilJI SC' ale . they shou lei "cigh ex ..1ct ly CIOl' 01H1t c: tr ttw:i-111111 I , f "'· your SC' ales at on<"e FlND Ol'T IF YOU'RE ehi;:1blt· for 'Pl'<'1al hulk mail rates if you mall 200 1denltC'al p1t•r1·-. nr mon• at a 11mr· Cl'! the details from your rostma,tt.•r an1! 1111.., for rrlllllOllllOJ.: hulk mail C'oi.ts -Kl'l'p your ma1hnr. ll,t-; curn•nt f111 111.1x1111t1m t rr1 C'1enc~ Pnnt .. addrc:s., c•uri t·1·110n 1 c•11111•..,t1•d • on 1111l .1'111ni.: envelope l:': a..,k rt•l'1p1t•nt' one l' ur I\\ ll 1 .1 "''" 1f lht•> "Jiil to remain o n vour li~l Mark all parkagt•<; \\Ith l'<t ... tlv lm·ak:ihll· ort1f'll', 'fragile .. Al>k '.\'Our hwal '"''' 11ff11·c· for thP ft l't' JH1111phlt•1 "llow to Park <ind\\ 1.1p Pan·cb l11r i'IL11l111~~ " f'OR A •'Rf:E HOOKl.ET "20 \\.,,..,lo lfl'lp Y11up;pl1 111 Fastt:r Postal Sc·n 1l'e. '' 1111 J•11111'\ How1·'· W .1lnut X. Par1f1c Streets, Stamford. Conn . OG!l01 Energy Saving Exhibit A special hnm1• 1·rn·r i;:y r·on:sc•n·,1t11m l'Xh1h1t prr·1rnr1·d liy Southern Cal1forn1.1 <;;.., ('11 "al th1· '\1•\\ port ('1•1111•1 111 Newport Ue:.ich through Ft•hnwry The 1>xh1h1t , \.\ hll'h "Ill Ill' 1w.1r I h1• I 'a:shwn hla11d Broadway store, 11wlt11lc•.., 1ll ... pl;1\., th.it .,J111wra-,i· c·nc·r 1•y s avin~ home f1•;1lu11•' and out l111t• pr ul'l1<·al "a ~" homl'makt•r!41·an 1·n11,1·n,. n.1tur11l µ;1 ... Gas comp;.iny 1·11n:s11rr1t•r 1111111111.11 1<111 'o pl•r 1.111 ... h "'II tw at t)le t>xh1h1t d.11lv 10 '11· ... 111111' th1 • d 1 pl;1\' ,11111 ·'" '" .. 1 Que .. t1onll ;11>11111 ma11.1g111~· :111 •II• 11'\ 1•!1 11 I• 01 ltr1m1· UCB Official To Forecas t OC Econon1y ... Jnhn /\ K}'if'r, '11·1" pn·,1 111°111 nr tlntl(•d ( .ll1f01111 .1 flunk. "111 for1'C".1't 01 .1111••· l'c11111ty 's t•1·111111m11· 11111111 • .II lht• J·;C'b l'fi 1-(l'llt"l',il llll'lll her!>hlp ml'N111i: •1f lh1· ~.id dlt>b:H'k Vallc•y Ch.1mh1·1 111 ('ommc•rrt• Thr hrt•nkfas l ... , . .,.,..,,. 1·. 8<'hE'dult•d tor 7 :llJ ,1 111 in th•· M1 ic111011 Vi1 •111 ('ountr \ Cluh l\)i<er 1~ 111 t•h.1r~,. .. r thr 1 ,. g 1 o n a I ;1 n d 1 11 1111 ' I r 1 a I l'<'Onom1C'11 itroup 111 1111· l <'II re 11 e a r c h a n cJ 1 d ..r1 n 1 11 L! 1h\ t'IOll Jlr 1:0. r1·~111111,1hl1• for t h"' In t t' r II r l' t ,, I I II II ,, , f'ronomll' tn•nd' 111('alif•11111,1 rt n d I ht' w r -.1 ,. r n I n 111' ti Stat rs Re!<t-rvotion' for ltw SI ~.{) breakfast may lw m .111 .. 11\ oa llln1i tht-< hamh1•1 .11 X37 4753 by Fl'b <!3 CHAMBER SPEAKER John A. Kyser J ct lley Park Lea ing Tol<L l\1•11rh l«I pt•r('t'nt of th'· 'IJ.ll"t' ...... hl'l'li ll'.i~t'<I Ill llll' 7 1 HOU "lll1lrl' ff)O I m11lt1 ll'nJnl <.t·l·twn of tl11• l'ut·1f1r lr11lu\l11.ll P <1rk 111 F111mla1n \ .11l e \. arrurdini: t11 J.rC' Md'ullou.ch. I\ 11no h•a:uni: .1j.!1·nt Thirtv lhrl't' tt•nanlc; havc-s1~ncd ·for n totn l of f>K.980 s<111an• ft>ct in s pa<'e rangmJ: from 850 to 4.000 square feet. 1n th1• four building complex located at Euclid and the Snn D1e~o Frt'CWllY In Fountain Valley. FOLraER'S "Mollltaih Grown" COFFEE 3 lb. Con 3.99 AM/FM Stereo Receiver With RECORD CMANGDt by SOUNDlSIGN Rotdry co"trols for volume. balance and tooe Match•ng spea ers' 011ect dial tuning with built 1n AFC tor better ..... ,,r. ... ,D, ~:;11;,nu. 4 ' S 3 IS . FM reception. H\£:~~~ ~ ~ · ,3340 16.88 ROCKING ~' ~~~,?!.!!, ~ Bu rcn rocker w•tll this r ntemporcir y set 1n decor a tor colOfs SET 7 .88 2:7.00 BICENTtNNIAL KITES 36x30'' RPd. WhtlP .ind Blue' PAPER 39c PUSTIC 59c Gliders & Planes "AJAX" CLEANSER JllSt AM -Hot Water! 12 ENVELOPES B5c ~Jll~ 1 ........... -.1 itANDI WIPES" i.EW FREEDOM" ALL-PURPOSE HONEYCOMB Beltless MAXI-PADS CLOTHS BOX OF 30 Reasable! Ultr' Absorbent! 1~ 'AT All.. . . 8ANdMlAICARO M *f#M .... 160Z 79c SIZC LOTION FOR ORY SKlt EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK 16 OL PlUS FREE 1112 Ol. CRUM 2.66 "t INAL TOUCH" F AB~IC SOFTENER 64 oz. KING SIZE 1.29 Robitussin COUGH FORMUlA Id .11 Jnd 9 gc ~001~ nv' 4 Ol. OOUXI Tennis Socks "Colden CIH stc" S w P .d p r o 1.1 I a o d 'omforldbl~ wtlh • lllP., IOD GARDEN SUPPLIES CLOSE•UP TOOTHPASTE 4.6 oz. LARGE • • SIZE 69 \\ c ~ ~ PEPSODENT ' :.• Toothbrushes 3: 1.00 TOllmf': "FAMILY" USE ~~ from JOHNSON'S ..,._.... Baby POWDER 99 c f~ ~I 141L ~-,... c .-, -') Baby OIL 1 0 9 / , ... ' ~ 10 oz. • ... 1 99 ~ t:b; Baby LOTION c "---1~ 9 oz -- Almond Roca ~~·. ~' family Pak (veryone's ta1·orik lrNt 1 ILB. TUB 1.59 -:: RUIBOMAIO Shelf Liner Wa\hJt • linen l 1n1~h 1n de· .01 atur color, • 1r 1 10 n . 69 c e 22" IS rt. [A WHEN YOU PURCHASl ANY FOUR OF THESE PRODUCTS I t f l r ··- ( \ ,,Y•\ft1r\<• I ~ f .PA' I :,; I • '•'-Qtips -·· VASELINE 7 gc VASlllNE • latu 11t1 CMr PUltOHUM llfl .. IQ 11 lfll Y I ) 11 VASELINE 7 gc Q TIPS laltlllft Clift , .. Of 110 Ill~ ltMI 1l ti CUTEX 0111 N111 Po111• a."'"'" • ., 3 gc Assorted Formal u 1 8 OZ. SIZE EA. BEAN BREW CAPITALIZES ON FAME Beans Look ing Better On~oni.1dercd a poor man's veget le. the bedn L' gauung new re:> cl ANually the dried lunds have a fanq noime. k.:ume . and a soph1st1catE'd . "t.'11 traveled h1~ Lury rrom their dJ)b J' the l'h1cf prote in bLaple or Old \\ orld l'X· plorers And beans h:ivc contnbutl'd to U S history, too With a l1ttlC' b it or money . .>llu t'un !>Lock up on black. pinto, t(<Ar hant1>. lima, pink. kidne)' und OU\) bcu~ und have somt.> fun mJkanJ;l good home·st~ It.· regional Amen can disht>s No matte r "ho 1s 1r1 th1.· \\'hilt· House or "hat poltL1t•i. <lft' lk•111.: played in Wash1n11ton. lk·an -.oup has been u Cont(rl'1>!.1onal 1rad1 t1 on in the C:ap1tol dining ruomi. for75n•:irs Of tb11 famous L'n1h'tl St ult•' Senall' Restaurnnl lkJn ~uµ, tht' lute S~nator f:Hr.-tt M Dirksen lll quoll'd as s.1) ml;(. "Not only Is it h111h in nutri ment but an that purt1t•ulur I.Incl Of Stuff that Impart:. l'lll'I ~y and drive to the bl'ttn t'Jkr J111) partic ularly lht• Sen..itori. "ho need this sustain ml! forn• "twn they prepare for <l long i..iwcch un the Senate floor.·· BEA ANDERSON, Editor CAROL MOORE, Food Editor 'v'lre<1nesd11y, February 18 1976 Cl lk•un Un•" addi. beN to t he orq:inal 111j!rt•d 1t•nt:. or nu' y bt•Jni., hJm .ind muons that i.1m· mt•r for houri. to become :.u nu\orful. \ t•rmont l.1m..1 Bean C.1ii.wroh.• '"'J<'I. of old tame bubblmt: t·on llHllon., that mad\! mountain k1tC'hen :-.hi\ t':. 'ul"h a ct•nh.•r of nm.:t•n1.1l11\. 11 makt•i. u Jln•at .1ltt•111a tl\ t• I<• tht• trad1l1onal ;\;t'w En.: land bakt•d beans. South\\ t•:.h'rnt•rs enjoy th1•1r n•d IWJll:>, tUl't>)'. and tortillas. '-''1>Cc1.lll' "hc·n t•mliell1shl'd "1th -.hn•dded t ht•t•'>e and hot )o.JUCt• 111 1-:nrh1lad.1 Cai.st•rolt• Bt• 'urt• .:md u't.' lht• CJrutl'd k1dm•.) lx·..tn' Cor lhlb rt:'t'IPl'. \'FU 10ST Ll\1.\ BF..\S c \S~trnou: l pound p..ickJl:t:' dncd lima bl'JO)'., pn•ktilbly dn1:d baby hmJ bean-. 5 l·upi. ":1ler I l.argl' onaon. studded with 8 'o' hOll' dO\ l'S 1 ~cup m.iplc :.~ rup 1• l'UP c.1t<'hup 2 tl'aspoon-. :..tit 1 bi\\ k.if pountl :.alt pork, thinly i.het·d I ll.'Ji.poon Tab~co J>C(Jp<•r saU<'l' R111-.e lama beans. tum into larl(l' :-lllll'l'pan. add" alt'r. <'OVl•r and soak for "l'\ cral houri. or m crn11!ht :\Jd onion. bnng to a holl and bud 5 mmutci. un- t'O\ t'rl•tf Turn into 3 quart c·a:.!>l'rOlt> "1th11ut dr J1n1ni;: .\dd n•m;.11n1r1g in~rt•ti1t·nh and CO\l'r. Ua l..c Jt 3:!5 dt•J:fl't.'" F for J hour:.. until bl-Jib Jfl' tender St•nt.·~ 8. ENCIOLAD/\ C'ASSEROLE •,pound ground tx•c( 1 z t'UP c hopped onion 8-0uncc can tomat~ · l ll'aspoon salt 1. tcai.poon chill p0wder 1 • teai.poon Tabasco pepper :.auce 17 -ounc1• can r ed kidney beans, dramt>d and mashed 8·ounce cun tomato su\K'e 18 tortillas 1 e up s hredded Cheddar chC'cse lireak up ground tx~r In largl' skillet Add onion and cook unlit beef 1s browned and onion lender. Add tomatO\'s. suit, chili powder, Tabasco and mashed kidney beans Simm er 10 minutes. Star 1n 1 s cup or tomato sauce. Spoon a little bean mixture over bottom of 6-cup round casserole or souffle dish . Alternate layers of tortillas and bean mixture, end· 1ng with tortilla. Pour remaining tomato s auce O\'rr top and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in JSOdegree t'. oven20to2S mmutes. Cut into wedge-shaped porttons to serve. BEAN BRF.\V :? pounds small Michigan Na\'\' Beans io cups waler 3 <.'ans o r bottles ClZ ounces each I bt.•cr 11, pounds ham hocks I medium onion Su It and pepper to taste Wash bea ns thorou~hly with hot \.\ :ller. Put in large pot with \\ater, beer and ham hocks. Cov- er and bring to a boil. Bro\\ n onion an butter or margarine and add Lo soup, Cov- <'r and b-011 slo" ly appro:omately 3 hours. Word Defined The bean w<Js a staple in early America As \\l' ~rt'\\ more pr~perous . \\(' bt•came a bet.•f t•t1l111g t'ountry and the ht-an fdl from favor. The ta bit•'\ h~n t' lurnt·d \\'ilh thl' inc·rt•c,1 ... ing 'Aorld !)horlagl' of .inim;i! protein not tu m1·nt1on the mcrt•a..,t• in prttl' nutnlt011t!)h at t' turning to beam., partJ<:ularly so~ ht•ans, as an 1ncxpensl\ c .11ll'rnatl\ t• or addtlann lo ml'al. llalf a <·up of kulm•y lw:rns. for instance. con- tuins about tht• s ame amount of protein as ont• l'gg, 11n1.• •wnct• of t·ookt•d mt.•Jt or one c up of milk. ,\nd bcuns ure a good source of iron. t hiummt•, ribofla\ m and mal'tn. Dried be;J ns ean bt• stored \\ it hout refrigera- t11m for long periods or time. l'\'E.'n up to a year . Thc•1r flavor 1s pleasant and yel bland so they llll'< \\ l'll Wit h other foods. Herc IS a glossary or 1lw c11m .. rcnt vart('l1t·s. BLACK ORTVRTLE BEANS Smaller than kidney hc;ms, they are usC'd in "oup. t.•specially 111 lht~ South. \.\here they are grown in Flurid a. tht• Sl>ulhw('~l. und California. RL.\CK E \'t: i\'.";0 \'El.LOW B EA~S C.tlkd "pc•us" m the South. they arl' O\ al- ... haped and ha\'t' c1lht•r a hlack or yellow spot llnpptni.: J ohn. a Southern !>pcc1alty, 1s mudt· "1th hlackcyc p('as. C'IDC'K PF.AS ,\lso known ••s Cl'l'I ix·as, ~a rbanzo bC'an~. or Sp:inr..h lwans. Th{• pt•1.1s, or bt'ans. havt• a nutl1kt• fla\or ::ind firm ll'xturt:'. For years th(•y ha',. hl't•n <'SP(•c·1al favorites on the West Coast. Tht•Y ar<' familiar m Italian Minestrone soup. t l'h1s type of bean n •q wres lon g cooking, so it is hc•\I to use th('m cunnNJ.) C'RASHt:RRV R F.A~S ~1mtlar lo p1nln ht•uns l''l't•pt that th<' mark· 111~·, .111· p111k r.1tht·r than hro\\ n. Popular 1n < >h1e1. 111<11.111.1 a11d "'\t•\\ Engh1nd !\l..ates. lJ)IA BEAS S They come in both largl' and small varieties, i::ro'' n largely tn (.'aftforn1a. In the South, ··calico" or "spctklt'<l bultt'r beans" arc la rge l.1mas s potted"" 1th purpl<' Pl ~TO A~D PI SK BEASS These l '' o are relall·d and ml('rchangeablc in most r<'C'ipes. Although they don't look alike, both beans turn reddbh-brown in cooking. Pintos arc pale pink '' ith brown spc•eks. Pink beans arc hnl\\ nish n•d and may l>e called "red miners" or "red :\lcx1can'' l>cans R ED llt:ANS As the namt• implies. these arc darker than "pink " beans. They arc featured in a variety of Spanish dish es. Also called Mexican "chili lx·ans." they a rc favored for making chill con earn(' in the Sottlhwt•st. RE D KIONE\' BEANS They h ave a d1sl1nt"livc flavor. bright red· purple color and are grown primarily in Michigan. Califotnta and New York State. The canned bc.·ans arc cspt•c.•1ally tonvcnient for chili. soup-. and salads Hcd kidney beans arc ra'(' the "orld 's Sl'C<md most important bean. SO YB EA S S ThC' "orld ·s mo~l important bean -valued for food and 011 in t•ountncs ha\'ing dens('ly populated arc•a:-,. \'c·r~· high m protein, with a d1i.· ltnt"t1 ve fla\'or. soytwans C'an be yellow, green. hnm n, black. 11r h1c·ol11red The~· circ grown 111 this tnunt r·y in :\l 1ch1gan. 1 lhnois. ~1 issouri. M tn· nesola, and the South WlllTE UEA:\S This calt>gory tomprisP'> four beans: Mar· row. the largest -).!rown mainly in the East: Great Northern. very large' with a delicate fla vor -g ro wn in the Midwest. Idaho a nd E ast('rn States. and featurl'<l in bak<'d bean dbhes: N<H \. s mall<>r than Great :'\ortht•rns gro"n mami~ in ,\hc:hi).!an : Pt•a. !'>lllalk~l of tht• wh1l(' bt•Jns used for Boston Bakt•d lk:Jns. European Potato Supply By C. R F.GOR\' J ENSEN LONDON ! U Pl > -The th1e( before the bar of JU11t1 ce h'1d stolrn something very precious. and the JU<il>(t' was stem. "P otatoes m1~ht be compared with je\\clry thrsc days," l<'ctured Magislrah• Ma rk Romer . ''Due to the price or pot aloes this offcns{• of st<>ahng lhl'm has become prevall'nl. /\ fine must be Imposed to deter people lik<' you.·· And he slapp<'d a $206 fine upon Andrew Ca rim. potato th1<>f Why on l'arth would anyone want to stc>a l potatoes" Why 111 De nni'i Bradley, who nor mally Jtuards pay rolls and gold bullion, standing nightly guard with his gun and fie rce Alsatian. on 200 tons of potatoes in an English farme r's bnrn? Why h as Norman Higgins, who owns a cafe, offered his $2 ,500 speedboat as a swap ror7t.., tons or s puds? Because there's an aching hunger for potatoes in ho IC of Europe. That's why. Prices are sky hilth. Common Market ministers wrln11 {heir hands and som e very complicated double shufOinjt is going on A United Presi; lntcmallonal s urvey or the great potato famine uncovered one note of cheer for those who, like the British , demand chips with everything. Go East, young man . go East. Or South. There's no potato problem in Poland or Russia. in Italy or Greece, in Austria and Switzerland. Spain has fritos in plenty, but potatoes in neighboring Portugal doubled in price almost overnig ht Finland m ashes mernly away. but imports a nd prices tfi next-door Sweden and Denmark are zooming. LIMA OEAN CASSEROLE SMACKS DELICIOUSLY OF NEW ENGLAND 'Spuddering' Out? /\s in so man' lhuwc; Eurorwan th<'"' days. Britain .... ""r-.111rt English hoU'><'WI\ ,., .1rr• p;1)<1nJ.! 2~ r1·nt -; ;1 pound for th1· lei" I\ ''""' ~1111 ko, on h.1nd a th1rrl of normal "di lw 1•or1 t· hy /\p1il (ir11c1·r~ ':1 \ 1111· Pl w1· \\ 111 111· I ~, r<·nh .1 pound by lht•n Potatof's url' almh'll as 1•\JH•ns i\f' HI Gcrman), Italy anti \'uf.'"'la\1,1 and t·\INI wori.t• 1r1 l>l'nm;1rk. th1· \ l'I '1ir,·1•v shm~ed Only~O\'t·rnnwnt ... 111r.11l11·"· pnrr· r1•rl1111:., :.and C\tr.i 1mpor1' h,1\1· 1wl'l1•il th1• 11111·" in Belgium. S\\ l'd1·n .111111'111111.:.rl Thl' root or tht· pot.1111 pr11hlr•m ~·n·" 1n 1974 Th1•n• ",,, a /.!rt".11 c11111 I h.11 ~ c•ar. "" pnC('S took aJHIC:C'<il\t' Naturally farm•·r -. pl.lnlc•ll r1•\\t'r c;pudc; in 1975 Thcn caml' a h11t. dn ~umnwr t h1• potatoes hall·d i;nm:rn' 'nop, J 1h1rd o{ thl' Common Mark .. t'., po1a101· ... \\:1" down a quart~·r . Y111!0'>l:l\1a s do"n hv 50 p(!N!enl. J.:uropt• 's ~··n,.rallv hv ;!:; 1wrc;•nt. followinj! the 1;1\\ of "unpl} anti <lrmand. prices thPrl'fotC' "rnt w1lcl Govl'rnment aftt.•r l!O\t'rnm<•nl tried to slap a lad on thl'm Some• r<•sults "l're alma<;t comic Tak<> BelJ.!1um Belgium claims lo ha\t' 1nH•nted French fries. It servt>s tht>m "1th "' r ryth1ng It sells them an paper tup-. an tiny "fntun•" s hops which sell nolhinl! r lst• Thus potatoes loom largt.' IO the cost or living index. Tr) ing 10 kel'p that index down. the government -;loP1wd on a Cl'ihng price or ll cent" a pound 011 potatoes. Two things happened. One, Be lgian i?rmH'r" 'lopp<'d Sl'lltng potatoes m Belgium T"o. thry s hipped the m by the ton aC"ro"' the border to Holland, where price'> arr higher. llolland. ml' an" hilr, mc•rnly shipl>f'd it~ own spud" all "' n the• pl arr -abouL HI0.000 tons lo !->\\t•1kn. what a Danish official n rl l\•11 · '1•1 \I larg<' amounti." to ll<•nmurk. 172 ,rillO t•111., 111 Brttatn :.11 fur thli. Wtnlt•t Finland rushcd int11 llw Hd!!ian fr ilu rc l!ap with 147 tons o r ~pud .... though LI Finnish offH·1n l plc:.ad<'d. "l'lr•:i'c don 't tl'll 1•vc•ryhc>dy W<' hav<' .,., many potol<>eli or w1"ll be 11wam pf'd \\-1th r<'11u1·-.t,." lldg1um ra1sect 11 -. t•1·1hnJ.! 11r1 ct'. Common Murk<'l hun .. •u!'rat-.. ~poltinR a vacuum. art1·1t ra .. t. l'otal0<'' ar<• the-only maJOr farm t•rop not C"0\•1·n·d hy a Common Markl't policy. c;o thf•y prnm11tly Jlrlll>O'il'd one. complt•lt· with quulity norms for three typ<•s of tuhcr. l\t mu;tc•rs t rlccl to scrap import duties on potatO<'S from North /\frica. Frnncc and Jtaly blochd that to boost prict•s for their <'arly sprlnJ.t crops. But tarif('I were lifted on old potatoei. from Poland. a world po"l'r m potatoes. "h<'r<' western spud lover s soughL sal,·allon. Poland. however, was hit like everyone else by the 1975 droul{hl. Its potato mountain 1s m ore a molehill, leftovers from a crop of 46 million tons compared with 52· mrUaon two vcars earlier. So school children in Lincolnshire. En~land's main potato urea. are l{etllnft potatoes with only two school meals a week tn!ltead or five. They're ~ctt1n~ curry and nee instead, but according to one spokesman, "'They seem to like the alternatives." \Nec:tne~a Februa 18 1976 r. T a Party' History Staged Aa thci delegateli from th•· Iii <..:olomes gathered to talk ubout their growing problem'I "1th Enaland, emotion ran tugh The as11cmbly oftt:n bu~t into healed cries of "taxation without representa tion." A "tea party ' was planned JO prolt'l>t of htl(h levies, i\nd the ai.:.t-mbly agrc~l the king was a tyrant. History was coming altve ul Te Winkle M iddle &hool. Co~L.-.1 Mesa, thanks to lhe efforts of Pat Hume and Nancy F.b5l'n , originators of a "theater JO education" program ttUed llap PY Birthday, America The r<!creation of the Contrn en· tal Congress. which ended "Ith the cutting or decorated b1rthdJy cakes, will t a ke place in ischuol" throughout Orange County until November of this year. wht>n its bookings are ended, according to Mrs. Hume. She firs t learned or the theater in education concept m Eng land. where eve11 science is taught hy actors who travel lo lhl· ~chuol. Mrs . Hume thoug ht 1t would ht' a good vehicle for t eaching Ame rican history to s tudents here, and applied for a grJ nl from the Cal1'ornia Arts Cum mission to fund it. The experience is not meant to be watched, s he ex plamt'Cl. since ·It is a performanc·e hy !>tudents for themselves . She prepart:s them by going into the chls!>room three weeks bdore the p;irty. following a rout1nt: of \~arm-up . games and the telling or the story oCthe revolution. Pat Hume quenes students gathered tor ·continental Congress· b efore party. Earh dtt'' '' '"' orn 111 ,., r t•t \ about \Aoh:t l tht'\ .in• 1111•11,trlrtl!. so \I\ hl·n th1· f;nal i.:• l l11i.:\'lh< r doe-. 1akt' p!JP 111ttn·-.t ;ir11ong the ~tudent.s 1-. high :\lr:-.. llunw . ..t 101 nwr pro lt''-'dtlOJI Jiit•'' IH l11\t'' tlt1' l.111d 11( l1.1t h1rt • h." .1 lot of J:P.ll• r1t1.d an th1· l '-Sht· pl.in-. to do Jt111tlwr pr11l!r .1111 1111 111 ... 101 v \\ h1•11 !ht· 811·en1 ••rt111al pr c•,t•nt ;i Iron 1~ t tlroug h Books Not Binding I ~ 1-:w Y O kt.. St-x rt>- i.t•urchl'r" Wall111111 II Masters and \II r1111a E Jotm.;ou adm it thl'v :11 t· '"dH·pb t·one.-rnt-d'" m <'r lhl' ~ro" in.: d1•11t·nd«nn• of AnwrH·1111 ""m••n un books lhnt uff1•r i>••l ~olutiun:. tu rnurn"l>t' probll'm' "\\'ht'n u tl1;111"11t~«' 1:o1 an dl'l'P II uul>lt'. :-.tl-1t•o\\1-1«11 iul \'ll'l' of th1• do 1l ~ our~ll f 'Jrll't) n in be: tlama~lnj( ... the• rumou., hu:.01111d Jnct \\ 1f1 t1•:1m a~s<'rtetl m an ..1rt1dt· fur tht• :\lan:h l~:.uc of lkdbook mJg..111111· l'.tnph..l!>IZlll.: that tlwv hU\ l' no de~"''-' to !-t'I vt a:. hool.. cnt1c11. ;\J 1t-.lt>r~ ;.and Johni;on C'xamaned l\\>o book-. th.ti l'neoua a.:e "0m t>n l\\ ~ :.11brn1~-.,1\t' 111 ttwir rt:la - twn~h1µ:. \\1th llh'lr hu:.band~. Whrl1· .1r kno"' h·d ~mg that .. O<' < .1 ... 1011..illv .. huth "Thl' Total W 111t1.J11 ' :.tn d · · F::ist:anatan ~ \\om Jnhoud "' offt•r :>011w t•nn !>ll'Ul"la\l' ad\"ICC', Ma:.tt·i:o; unll J o hn so n sai d they also "perpetuate many maccurac1es about the nature o r sexu11l response." And '"they apecirtcally pro· mote old behers and patterns of mantul behavior that have Iona btit'n reco1n1teod aa frequent ~ources of problems between hUbbund and wife -especially :.exual problems. .. This is an era of d<Ht-yourself psychiatry and o f often 111 advised. self·help llteraturl.'," Masters and Johnson explained. "It is also an e ra or extreme vulnerability for wome n in the-ir expression or sexuality and their man-woman r elationstups ... 1 and) we are concerned lhnt many women (and their hll:Sbands > may ultimately be hW't because the\' aresovuJnera· ble to packaged, cookbook answers to their problems." To d iscover why so many young women have been attract- Ni by the pl1losophies of thesr two books. 1'••~l~rs and J ohnson tntc.1r\'1ewt>J.~ number or them and found t • t 60 percent wen • looking for :1 uy to fulfill ex,l>t!t' tallon11 they d hud of murrua,vc bc'fore they" re marri.ed. .. It came a a surprise to thl'm to lttarn that a 'dream' marrias:l' r t>q uires mfre fro m both partners bey d the marrlage ceremony an their efforts to meet the dernrnds or daily Ii" ing." Masters und Johnson re- J.>01'le-d. I Although th~· agret'd that u woman who 1s unhappy in her marriage is ··,listificd in choos· ing any metht~ (of help> that seems r ight to h~." Masters and Johnson said t · t the methods advocated by th e books "do not go forward b t a long way backward, and ntt tolhe good old ways, but lo the ~orstold ways." Pisces: Dig for Info THURSO.W , F.:BRUARY 19 By S\'DNEYO~IARR ARJES <Al<1rth 21-April 19 >: Wbat seems an l!rE'a of t•oncern \4 111 boomer<JOK in your fa\'Or. A lei: a l dOl'Ument C'ould pro\ ade ~re<'n light. Get rid of procedure " ht c h ro!>li. mort', dt-lays m ore. TAl'Rl'S (t\pnl ~May ~0 ) · Jlighhght in- dependent't•. cn·;Jt1\·1t~, '" al hngness to try new a reas of <'XP('rit'nl·e. Much that occµrs could be the result of a .. whispering campaign." GE~11 ~1 ( !\l <i" '.!!·June 20 l. Costs are taken into con!>tdl·raticm: more !>O than usual. You may bt.· call r d in to pro\ 1de an account mg, to take in· \l•nto n C"A~('F.R <June 21-July 221 · llold back - don "t Jump at first offer Check relt'uM~!'l. s pecial rights or pl'rm1:-.stun!> Propt.'rty value 1s spotlaght('(f LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Hold of on journey, if possible. Tendenry exists towatd confusion, misplaced instructions or resef\·ations. On positive side, ideas are putto work. VIRGO tAug. 23·Sept. 22 1: Bt ready for change, travel, a \'ariety or calls and messages. Gemini is in picture. Confer with partner or mate regarding money. expcnd1tures and oolleftions. LIBRA <Sept. 23·0ct. 22>: Lunar cycle is s uch that you make decisions, gain trust , eon· fide nce of family and associates. What appears to be a light romanc·e could become :.omething more sohd. SCORPIO (Oct 23·Nov. 21}: Scc> as is, not merely as you would like placl's and lk.'Op le to be. Sho ve a side sclf·dl•cepl1on Uon t confu~c creativity with wis hful think mg . 1 t Aim: A Red -~ r AT ~ .. ,J WIT'S Letter ~ END Drop Guns Ann~ Landers SAGITTARlt;S <Nov. 22 Dec. 211 lnvolvl .. ment 1s featured noth1rrg is half.,.....1y. Know 11 and r<'a hze stakl's ;ire h1i,:h and probably "for keep:; " CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·J an. 191 · F inish what you start -enla rge horizons. Publish, advertlst>, diss<'minate information. Threat of legal oction m1~hl be in p1rture Popularity as ::.trong, ho" ever ! t I ' I . , f Day? By ERMA BOMBECK The popularity of a column 1:. reflt•<·t1•rl in the amount of ma al it rN·ei\'es These are the six letters I got last } 1•;1r ON. MANNERS ... Your culumn on manners brought b;iek memories of our daughter . We had a freshly h<ik~d cak1· cooling on top of the refra.i:crator and •1f course she spotted It and began ) et11n.i:. 'Pte, pie, pie.· I Do your kJds call cake, V•t'. and pie, cake:' I "(finally cut her a p1ere and ln handin.i: it to her said, 'Now. what do you Sa\~· V. ath a wide smile and blue eyes sparkltng shf' muttered. softl y, ·spoon." " ON WEIGHT: "'At tht• close of World War II, one of the first m1s:.ion., the Arnt,\ undertook in the in\'asion of the Ph1hpp1nt·~ was tht> resNJe of ullied civ1hans being ht>ld at the an famous San Tom us POW camp out stde Mantia , "An Army d octor hl'lpcd one orthP f11 -.t hberatec1 American wnrnt'n on thC' sr;ilt•'> a nd called out. 'This "oman 1'> five fl'\'I seven inches tall She ~eagh'> 65 pounds.· ·• 'Sixty-fi ve pounds.' S<'reccht•d th,. former prison e r 'That·s wonderful Nim if I can 1ust lose fa\'e mm<' pounds, I'll Ill' 1u~t right!' .. ON DISC IPl.INE "\.\h<•n <1ur l,l(h were small. m v w1f<' and I \\(11J ld takl' lur "' being the 'b31!-~uy' so that I ".is n't al \4.;}\ the boogey m a n with th<' ~pankan.1: hit She'd takl' n mo nth and l 'd lake a month lo e\'en it out. We referr<'d to one anothc1 .1:-. the 'des1ttnatec1 hitter · .. ON LETTEH WRITF.RS "\\ht>n 011r .,nn \Ao a.; 1n rc,lleitr unit faalt•\I tu "1111• t11r ~onie 111111•, Ill\ hu,h.1ml .md I w11111d.,. nd ham ;i lit'""' ktt1·r tn "h1d1 "''' \.\ould .... ., "Thnu~ht ~·ou 1111.:ltl n••l'cl .i l11tl1· 1111u,. mnn\'\' 1',1ll'lt1,t•cl I~ ..it lwd .. ( )j I llllf ,,. \I I lt.'ft th'c rhl!t'k out '",o\llTll)St llllllWlh;alc•I\. 1\1' l \"!t'l\l•d .i v1•r v Ill'":.\' kltt·r with .11 .1,11.al I'" -.a\ 111~· II\: thl' wa \', \'Oii 1111 1:111 111 1•n1 111-..1· tlw d1t•c·k 0 N l ' I' :\1 A ;-.; s II I I' . \ 1'11 I 1 " IJl.'l.\"t'hnl11it1st \Ao ,1 < hn·.1kf,1,t111~ "'1th 111 dau~hll•r , who 1 du~t'<l to ,.,.1 Slw 1n'•''' ii on he in~ st•n c•d a h1l'il worm Tlw tr tt ti \I\ Orm "as hr1H11(ht 111 JrHI t111• lathn l••ld lwr to <'a l. Tht• d111tl -.met, ·\ 1111 1•111 h;11f "' 1t " Thl' foth1•r 1•nmph«'d .111d th,. <'hilcl whined. 'You 1ust at<' m\ h.11r · ·· ON IHH;s .. You, l:ad\', 1·1m 1:11 l<r h You don 't know un)thmg 11hout tloJ!s ThM arl' l>f'll<'r than 1woplc. TIH•v'1 r luncll'r Smarter. And rurt> about Hiii I promt'>•· 11111 1f you writr anothf'r rolumn .1hout 1lo~s. I ;1m not going tot ak" you r ~· cl nt•w 'fl npn' Have u1ood dnv " --- BRUSH -* BLOWER SCISSOR STYLES HOW TO DO THEM STEP BY STEP Anyona can care for a Bru<.ri & Blowe• ria1r ,1 ,..~ er our orriPr curt coaollno fu~s 1r ... ,, hill lu" 1 "ill SClSSOR STYUS whrch /Ire .l~ f'll~V to do ilS 1v.' h 1m- DOO' Our lamp cuts l1110Pr luml'\1(> cul cu• •"'1 r n CUIS. wash towel dry t>•u~h n flu!! t:u!S or''"'"'' W~'" and wear cuts are SCISSORED. all t11<e·c¥e~1., ••<> t styles Good tor any aqe any hair No t~11~ 't:l n~ rollers. no pins no POLLUTING HAIR SPRAY<.. •UO; JitO \n nlNAN( .. "T W&Yft '°" _., ..... WUtf fO )ft t 0UI M•i~ ...... OPIM JOSEPH'S SCISSOR STYLING le111 .10,...SAT.•SUH.9·5 356 S Tustin A vfi! Or11nqe 9564 Hamilton A~e Huntington Be.u:n ;,os N Harbor Blvd . Fullerton fl0CAfl0Af f"E•~<.1NAl1'""YILLACICL ;c,. 9'7·11U 968-lSJ!. 17'f-llU DEAH A'' HPt'l•nth )OU 111·11111 d :i lc'ltn frnm .c \1 1uni.: 1:11 I \.\h•1:.t' ho,ft11·nd 11111\.., up \Ao 1lh h,•1 l \ t•i \ 11111·1• "'t•t'k' ;iml ;i ... l,c•d I H .di ht ·~ dt~ b,lt, I. lit.: 'llllr\d' "" !llUC'h lrkt· th1· It Ii. llnlllJlUI \" l><H I ma1rtt'tl. I hadttl\\ntt• ,\ftl:'r •~ \.l'dr of h t::htm£ bn•:.sl.1nr up. n·lurn 1111! ull ha~ ·pn·<.l'llh und n1..ikanl! up c1i.:.iin, 1\t' (1nalh !(ot marnt•d Tht•11. 1•\1•1·, 111111• 111• hall an ,11 guml'nt lw d rTHI\ l' nut .end t.11..1· Jh1· I\' .;ti-rc·o. l'amera E'qu1prnt•11t. t•ll-r\ f1•\4 tl.t\' lat1·1 l1t,.d move back 1n with all lh1· ~luff I m ..,un· ll11· neighbors qul'st1oned our ... :11111 ~ The l'nd of my ~to~ 1:-. tragic Last ) rar I killec1 ham walh a loaded hand RUll \11.· kPpl lyrng around in l'U.,t" ·rnrneonl' brokt• 1n Pll·.1s1' \\ arn all )Oun~ girl-. to run .1 m1k fro111 rt•l.111011:-hap.., lakt• th~tl Tht· 111.111 I 111.tl I ll•d clrO\l'llll'C'r,11\ I .11n110"' 1111dl0r l''''h1.1tr11 1-;1rl' t1\1n1: tt• land Ill\ \4 ;1~· h;1d• It ., .1 l111ni.: hdl "ht•n I think nf \.\hllt I dttl 1"11 lll'\1·1~·.-t11Hr 1! Sign llll' I no J..\Tfo,, H1\ll\ llK\R l'JtlE:\O: I am truh -.01 n ahout \Our nlghtmari..,h f'lJ>f'riencP hut J'111 ~l ad )ou "rott'. I wond1•r how man:-1woplt· "h" rt·ad )Our l1•tt1•r al'o ha\'t' a gun lyinit around .. in C:lll>t' !'-O· nwonl' lire ala.~ in." ,\crordln i: to tho• Cl\'k Oi..,arm a nwnt <'om· mittl'{' fo r Ha nditun Control in Chkaj(o, :.ah•1ut fir1 pt>rrt'nt or all murdt>rli are the rt•,ult of f:arni l ~ fi ithl'> or d l.;a gr cl'm t'nL-.. "Ith fra .. nd-.. II t hnf' "c•r e no g un handv a nd th1• an.l(ry' Jlf'r,on i.:rahlw d a l..!tt'ht>n knifr. his \ictim "ould ha\I' fj\t• tame•., a~ ~ood a c h ance to liH'. Thl·rt· aro· ;,iboul :n million hand~un,, pi,tol'I and fl'\111\1•1' loo-.!' in tilt' l .S ... or our 11~n :.ak1· and for tlw .. al..c· of otht•n1, "'' mu:.I Rht• lhl'lll 1111. 1>1' \H \'\;\ l.,\,lll-'.lh I \1' 111 ,,., llt'.ttd of .1no1h1·r ~to\\ n 111.m \\ 11 h I h .. I'' .. 1111 rta rn.1 h11,hancl li;i-. \.~ t• 'l' ~·111 to I 11111 .i -.1,!11111111 hc·l11n· I ~·o mad lit•'"' II th11111•h1 11( Ill""' ( 11111111111111\ :111<1 ~1u 11· .... 1111111 1111 '"" .. ~ II• ··•"Jr Ir• 1pw11th all• 1 \Aolll l\111' I.tit• ,l!ld la.1 ii le \4 111•1·1 flt• ',I\' II'\ r1t \1•r n11't ''' "' t'" 11 .dli11o11hh I 111 ·o111•· "h1·11 lw .111.t h1· lc11dd1t ""I 1 .. 1.dl..1111. r111l)lJth hotltc•a"• 111 k11'p' t •11111 I twn 11 .. 1·t11111' h•.,111• '""' r<'.dh d r unk l>ut l••••llrH 1•11.,d • .111d 1•11t " ,,, 1 ... i1 f11t .i "'hilt• -a nd 11.i ll1t I" 11hl1·111 lit I' t, up !11 I'll l<1 th1· ii:LA-Z-BOY m White's Showcase OVER JOO LA·Z-BOYS ON DISPLAY _ , .. ., ...., ........ ,....,, ......... •1e1. ... \." . ., ., ., CU-StoJ I c ...... .. J bathrol)m. 1•nly ht' dut"sn·t quill:' make 1l evc>n rhouch the b<i throom ~only five fret from has ::.1th• u ( t hl· ~d In his slt>t'f).\. IJN·r~ s t:.str. ht• proceeds tn r e· lal'\ 1· h1msl·lf. usually an tht• cornt•r all O\'t'r th1• rJIJlt'I, or lwt\4t'C'll th<' hed and the hathroom by hr" t ht·~t of dra"crs Lao;t night was the worst \l'l Tht' l"h<'s l of dra ... t:'rs \\as open and he soaked his ~ocks and T-shirts. l'H• tri1•d i;:ellmg mad. 1·v<' also tried nppt-al· ani.: to his ~l'll<,l' of pnrtt'. :-.:othani:: helps. It JU!>t kl•l'ps on happt·n1n.-:. An~· ad\ ll't.'.. lllS WI F~ DEAR Wlt:t:: Your ln ·hous<' s prinklt>r :-.y!'te m has a d1•epn problem than the ont' you are complalninl'? about. It is called alcoholis m. Thr guy h 3 heer drunk. If you want lo continue to li\e "ith him in )>l'ace, join Al·Anon and learn hnw. Look in the phone hook or contact \kohollc!> Anonymoui. for more information. CO:\ l'IOE:'liTIAL ro WAXTS TO CO:'\TROL ~!Y :\! J-:.\'.\I TO:\t;t·E Ma kt• up your rnmd \ t\11 fl' ~•Hill-! t u trc·at ('\'c>ry person~ OU know <IS If 11 s lhl' la:-.t t111tl' ~ou \4111 l'\'Cr s t•(• him Ynu"ll be amazt>d .it ""hat a d1rfrr<'nCP in y'lur heha\ aor tha-. one thought can make. PERSONALITY ANALYSIS lndMdudfr Applied LasfMt by Carol ~·~sh~) 1\lrnil'l 1111.: ~ < ·11.1nn ~c h11e ·! 3404 Via Lido, Suite I, Newport leach • AQt:ARICS <Ji:in 20-Ft.'i). lRl Crcatanty 1:- stimulatcd. Love and llfe bN·omc more than \\.Ords your actions, responses are more mean- ingful. Refuse to be backed into c·orner. PISCES (reb. 19-March 20): Diit beneath &uperftcial layers for explanation~. add1tiooal in- formation. Confer with partner, mate regarding tax matters and finances an general. Ir F't>b. 19 is your birthday you a rc crcati\'c. unorthodox, independent, intriguing to member:. of the opposite sex. ~Photography Stu~io ~ p o rlra1ts/pa)sports/cop&es h a111e~ nut 1ncludcd MC)M-SLtrt a collect ion f()r \'<>t1r<·l1ilcl \rit l1 a :>x7 na tu ra I color portrait :\o .1ppoi111rnrn1 ncr-d1·d ( >nr 11!1° 1 ('X'r JWI ~Oii -I\\ I) 37¢ per famil~·· 51 f/11 charge for CJt Ii added pnsrna 111 groups. ·1 hi' photograph uffc·r 4 Day Offer m.1 y nut Ix t 11inl)llinJ v. nh 11ny other advertised oiler. {\\l·want )OO totrym) offer ends Sat., Feb. 21 Photographer·~ Hour.; Dilly 1~11 Sat 9 3-0 6 Sun l2·S ALHA MBRA-BUENA PARK SOUTH COAST PLAZA-TORRANCE Wednesday. Februaiv 18 1976 DAil V PILOT (':J Choosing Sides: More Than Meets the Eye STOltHS Conn (,\f') "Gel 1111.: on 'omt•one·s Jtood 111de .. ts more' than .1 rii.:urc of 1>~('h, 1>11}'1 J r>~) choh>ill•t who 'it't"S dt'Jr v11 ttt-rn1> an lht.· ~ JY men .in<i ~omC'n prdt•r to be up· 1>roJl'hl•d II )uu wJnt tu J.:t•I un u ... tr<tnl(t•r " "1i11lC>d htde, • !l.atd Dr Jl'fCrey I> f'lst:cr, 1t ~•II mean .1pproach1ng a woman from lhc front and a m Jn from the s1d1• In slud1£>1> on nonvl'rbaJ t•om· mumcation he found u pattern of nt•1:.1t1ve rei-r><>n:.c from people wlwn tht·~ Mt• upJ1ru1.H·hl'<l from th•·tr ··had i.tdc:. · · Where a pt>r:son ltkt·l> to h<1\C hb "pcrSOllJI SPJ<'e in- Htded" from 1:. rooh:o in ::.c" linked Jtlatudcs on compclalJon dnd 50Ciability. nys Fuher, an ii$1>1atant profeuor ot PJ)'Cbolo&y at the University of Conoertacul. "ThlS lund or reiearch would 1nd1cate that some decree or mis· 1nterprelalion takes placo bt>cause or difrereneea Ill ~x .. In a recent article In the Joumml of Peraon1thly and Social P:iychology. Faaher ood Pror Donn Byrnl' wrote. "A femialc ~ho wants to befriend an un- known male may be 1urpriu<l to find that a nonlbrealenln& <to h~r > eyeball-to-eyeball appl'()4ch <"auses consternation and alarm. "In th~ same w ay, a male who attempts lo ingratiute himself ~•th an unknown female by sit· ling down beside Mr m a non- threatening <to him) pos1t1on mav be suron~Pli that ~ ellcitA u'MlSs MuHet' reaction.• Even amoo& 1roups or Jarcel) the same 1ex. lndl\·idual senslUvltJes can be rubbed the wron1 way by lgnonne pre- ferencn for how people Uke to prtt«!rve their personal space. 1aJd Fisher "Think or the Purls peace talks on Vlttn•m." he i.ald, recalling the at'rious debate over the ~hape ol the negotlataon table -rtt· ta.ngular. oblong or doughnut The participants frnally agreed a d'ou&hnut-sbaped table would create the lea:it tension. Whether they knew it or not. the douahnut decision by the diplomats lends to support the re- aearch f'isher and Ryrne d1d when they were at Purdue University. J In two different studies among 12S students an the campus Mmes. William H. Kennedy (left), John Sheridan, polish plane library. the reiearchers round females fell more comfortable 1r they wue approached face to- face by· strangers. tales pre- ferred straneers to approach them from the side, the re· seotrchera said. Sut v. hen interaclln1t w1tb rn~nds. womf'n ltkL'd them lo comE> from tht' s1dl" and ml'n pre !err~ a frontal approach . The atudy wa:. done by in terv1ewer5 who opproached aub- jffla from darterent directions and rttorded 'their unswtr& to subje-ctive questions. Also when students in the library were observed without their knowledge, men tendt.'<l lo arrangc books und possessions to form a barrier to face-to-face contact w1lh someone who m1¥hl sit across from them Women tended lo coni.truct such barriers to pr~vent cont:n·l with someone sitting on their 1ide Fisher and Byrne found th:il when lhey questioned student:. '4hoae "penonal spact'" had been deliberately invadl'<l tht- "wron£ way." they tended to form unpleasant or hostile opt nlOnS Of the i0\'8der, CVt'n without social contact. Fis her said men tended to feel the library wa1' crowded 1r there were strangeu tn rroot of them, while women felt crowded tf there wer e people alon~slde them The psychologist said that if the women's liberation move ment "is r eally ch<&nging people. preferences might be eluninated over lime." Props Ready For Auction The re:;earchers suy the reac Uons may be due to competthve s1tuat1ons ~cnt•rully bemai r .. c•· to.face :i;1tuJllun::. "'tulc people an t'OOJ)f'rati,·c s1tuutto1\8 generally s at 111de b) 1d1• Jo1shu 21a1ll tht•r'-' un• 1ntpor"' • t:int dt'Sti:ll 1m1>hculion.\ to be dru" n from his rt·~eurrh Alrpurt ":11t1 n.i romnll ('Ould Ix• frtt•ndlier pl orell nnd hbrarat'S could bt• m(ll'l' dflod1H' lt•ur1\111~ t•nvlrvn· rnl•nts if both for"·to-fuc<' und side-to-side senllng arrnnge nwnts :art• o:.t•d. hl• i.t1id. Asked 1r tht• k nowl<'d)tl' of prf' frrrcd uppro1.1d1t'S hull cnhun1et'd his o" 11 rc l11thin~h11ie-when <'Oh· rrontt•d h y s tranJ(NS, Jo~isher s:ud. "I wouldn 'l snv I use il to ~in friend~ and anituence pt.'O pie " HWttNG PROl&.EM? I Sl'tCIAUll IM MUYI DUIMISS C.SIS MAJOl MAMUfACTu.US Hl'l1HHT1D TIH YUH tM COIOMA Oil MAl Bigger and Better seems to be the motto of Harbor Key as members collect im· pressive wares for t he auction block. Wf~fWlf PlAJ.A llAIBOA ISl~ HAL ABUSOtfR HEARING AIDS Heading the list are s uc h luxuries as a Piper Warrior, a custom built 28-fool cabin cruiser. three new cars-o Cadillac Seville. Mercedes Benz a nd a Metcury Monarch Ghia. plus round-tdp tickets for two to Ha" aii and Las Vegas and a vacation on a pri\'ate houseboat on Lake Shasta for 10. Buyers also will be tempted with a fine ar ray of antiques. furs, gold and turquoise jewelry. furniture, gourmet foods. paint· ings, s ports clothes and equipment and fashions. Doors to the annual ~ale will open at noon Sundav. Feb. 29. at the Sheraton Newport. and Sandy Hochman will begin auctioneering at I p m Along with the auction will be op- portunity tables filled with a range of less expensive articles Two dollar <1dmission tickets will be sold at the door Proceeds ~upport the Child Guidance Center of Orungc County, u non-profit psychiatric clinic for emotionally disturbed children and their families 1409 l . c ... at Hwy. c-...... -'75·lllJ Ntww!l!eoth 716Mor•""" .. s.&-~111 MS IQ()f a -~~ . ~ 'ti MERCEDES1 We •ry harder. Ma•aJon Vl•lo lmPOf1• ..,.., ......... < .... O. .... C7 t 4) ea1-t 740 Poul Patrick McBride. M.D. SPECIALIST IN OFFICE GYNECOlOGY ANO OISEA.SES Of WOMEN PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIPLOMAT( MA£R(N r 80ARO Couples Select Wedding Cattle or condominium, find your dream home l 'ornn:i llPI Mar lhi.:h St'hool J!raduates ""'' l m n and Sl\'vt· llamv11in pl Jn to 111.111 \ :\I JV I in llH' ru-:o.t Mt>thod1:.l Church. .... mt.i An.1 \nnounc·cm<'nl ~ J~ mJde by her parents. 'I• .inti \Ir... \\ llh.im I l'orr~ of Corona tlel \IJ1 \Ir und Mr' Ho~rt H llampton Ill '''"port lkalh Jr~· p.irenl:-. or the ruture hn<ln:111om Cords-Larson \11 and :'II r' l'harl<·s Cord" of Piedmont h.I\ o• ,11lllllUn1•c•d th<' l'nJ,!aJ,!ement Of tht'ar tl.1111:htn . \'1rJ,!1ni.1 l'onb and 1t.111dall I .11 'Cl" \on of Mr and Mr:. !\h ies Lur~on of '•·~port Hc•Jch Till' n111 plt• h:i-, rl'~wrvt>d P1Nlml)nt Com- mu111h l'hurl'h for Au~ :!I 1 ht• hrtd<' lo IH' and her r1anc·c· Uri.' n· ... p1·c·t I\<· prt·~ 1llt•nh or Ka ppu A I phu I h1·t.1 ... nroril \ :and Phi l>c·lla Theta l1.111·11lll\ 011 lhl· l111ver:.1l~ of t'ullforn1a. .._,1111 .1 ll.1rh.11.1 c·arn11u~ II•• 1 ... ,in al11mnu ... uf Ne·~ port llarhor ll1rh "•·hrntl anti 'ht• ,.:1.uh1Jlt•tl 110111 1'1t·d fl11111I 111.:h :0-\'110111 V1rqin1a Cords. Randall Larson Broussard-Hurley Mr and Mrs. Alvin J . Broussard or llunt· mgton Beach have announced the Pngage. ment or their daughter. Cynthia Ann Broussard and J ames Francis Hurley Jr . son of the James llurleys or Anabctm The couple plan to marry Apnl 10 an Sts Simon and Jude Catholic Church. llunt meton Bea('h Miss Broussard 1s li graduall' of llunt mgton Beach lhgh St'hool. attendcd Cal State Long Beach and no~ 1~ at Golden West Collegeo Her r1ancc graduat<'d from Savanna ll t~h School. Anaheim and attended l"ullerton Collegt• Deborah R tley and John Dixon will ex C'ha nge wc•ddinR ,·nw~ July 2'1 in ;'l;cwport Harbor Lutheran <..:hurt'h. Ncw11orl Beach Their t•nga~t'mcnt hu). bc't'n announcf'd by ht•r parents. Mr and Mr!-DeMoll l> Weddings ~ and Engagements 1 o ,J\ 11111 1la,,11111ntnl m1•111 11111 ... 111•1 1"1• l111c11·, .111• r1•m 111th•d 111h,1\1· th1·1r "1•c'l1l111~ ... 111rt1'' \\1th l1l.1d, .11111 "11111· J.!lo''' ph•1l11L1 .1ph' In lht; l>Jlh 1'11111 l'1·1111lt• 1>q1.111 nwnt 111w \\ 1·1·k 11 .. 1011• 1 ht \H•cltl 1ni.: 1•111 UI•'' rt•( t'I\ c·•I .1111'1 I h.11 t 11111• \\ 111 not ht• U"ot•d ) 1-'111 <·ngai: •m1•n1 anrtount<•mt·n" 11 '' 1m1i.·r.i1t\ l' I .11 ttw ~tor, ul '" ,,,.,.nm p.rnw<I II\ .1 1l.1l·k .inti "11111• J,!lt•'"' I'll tun', lw \11hm11tt·tl '''< ~1·1•k , or n1ur1• h{'fnrt• I ht• "1•11tlani: dut1· 11lh1•1\\IW 11 "111 nol h1· puhlt,hc•cl To help fill r<'Qlun·m1•nh on Hth \\t•d !11njl and (·n~u~l'Oll'Ot ~tllrtt''· (111111 , ,11" 11vo1lablt> tn 1111 J>.ol) l'tlot offtl'I'' Fur th1•r 11uei1tlon' ~ 111 111• an'"l'fl'fl h~ l'c'npll- l)(•partment 11turr m1•mhc.·r~ .it 1;12 t:J21 Rile\ of Costa Mesa. lie is the son of Mr and ·Mrs llow ard II Dixon, also or Coi.ta Mesa Miss Riley graduated from Estant1a lli~h School ancl carnt'<i her BA in f:nglish hleratun• at UCLA. where ~he uHihated with Kappa Kappa Gamma llcr rianre. an alumnus of E stancia llt~h. atlende<i Orani:?e Coast CollcJ,!e. ''here he was a memht•r or lh<' football team. and n(l" ts a student at l:C lk>rkclcy ANNOUNCING mai nicho~ now al lhe /;,;)'IOfh'l ;pl/; Wi,~~~,!~as MllNICUlllNO PfOOCltl<IN<. ftJ'f!CIALIS f IN JUlll !fl 6 l'OllCI lAIN NA.ll~I 1107 Jamboree Rd . Newport Beach 640-4740 MIKE TURIM'S r.o.r. Waste Costly POUNDS OFF PERMANENTLY ITll \l \. N ' I \f'l An ·" rr3i:?C' hnu.,t•hold 1n I h 1' l nun t r' " ·' "t <'.., ,Jt'w)U( <.htl "nrth O( fond .annunlh . '""' ,1 nutn 1 1 t• n 1 o; t a t Co r n 1.· 11 t Ill\ t•r ... 1l v c:a1I llarnson. a n~1t in~ prnrl'so;or from the l'nl\t•r,11 ... n( t\rttona. :-:ud a Ctlur '<':-ar study of dt"' .1rtl1•t1 food sho~ l'd thJI 111 Jlt'r<'t•nt or the i\nwru· ,111 food bili gOt.~ for ft>O\J thJ.l t" ".1-;tNI VIRGINIA'S Snip 'n Stitch lll4 l. Co..t"-J .. C.... .. M• ,....,,).8050 We are open to serve you In our newly remodeled store with new fabrics and more still to come. See you soon. Pat. Jean. Bev. Mary & Jane ~ Hrs.: Mott. ....... s.t. t:lO to 5:l0. m S.ltdoy I .Z t. 5 ,._ CIQ RlEE rARKIHG l ... ..nca Lot My name IS MIKE TURIN The p1clure I am showing is of mysell 1ust 6 years ago at 255 pounds In 11 1 2 months I lost 120 pounds alter carrying 1he overweight for 35 years I ~ was on hundreds ot g1mm1ck diets I spent mv ltfe up and down ltke a yo-yo. ' It's a MIRACLE after spending years on diet after diet I discovered there is no reason to be over weight. not even by 1 O pounds. There as no reason to give up the foods you ltke. There 1s no reason to battle with weight. I have eaten more hot fudge sundaes in the last 5 years than all the rest o f my hfe combined. FREE LfCTURf-THUAS .• FEB. 19-8 P.M. Hal.., ~"t. Mno 31 3 I Mihal St. At S.. D Sundaya In the DAILY PILOT Thrv lit.,'-'· 21 IUPIR VALUIS Ind SAVINQll POLY DOUBLE KNITS , .......... oo Spring '76 IOlld colors In a .vine· 197 ty of stitches and yarn dye fan- cies. Stat1 1()1'1"0 sewing with this saving. 60" wide. Full bolls F G · s reg. Low Prices to 2 98 Jll • PIRMA PRiii PRINTS V1tiety or p1t1em1 in dress weight Col· c , ........ 2.00 88 tons and Poly-Collon blend Full boll• and precu11. 45" wide Reo 1 19· t •9 r4 T ·SHIRT KNIT PRINTS Y..._teS.IO 111 Florets. geometrics. conY«sahonals No-lfon Poly-Cotton blend 60" Wide Full bol1s and precuts. Reg 2 29·2 49 " NEWPORT BEACH 20 FASHION ISLAND OPIEH: MOft •• nt.r... Fri., I 0 to 9 T••·· W.d., Sot. I 0 to 6 S.ltdcly I 2 to 5 OAJLY PILOT W.one.iay F"ebru~•v 18 1976 B> DOROTHY WE.~CX Or_C-.., __ _ canned . be tr(·~1-. ... t with !'ptoul 1nhtb1to1' "' When you atort' p<>tut04.·-. j• • home. there's not much you t'un do LO Inhi bit ~proutlnA unlc~-. Crop Dying E1.1rope ls havln& Poti.to ('M~ u Pnc .. · hoa\ t" mol"t-th.andoubl .. tJ a~ u rei.ult of poor ~row1n.: ccmd1 t1ons last i>ummer lind n-duced !)Uppliet Potatoes n re m ore or a 11turle u\ the du:t of £uro~Al\)o lhoan of :ire t>ndanit"red Tbt-f'reneh art" conct"rn('d »bout lack or potatoe for tbt'tr 5oup.., and fo)-~eh frle.. And 1n West Gt-rmany, wtwtrethe most potatoes are prodU<'ed. 1m ported. and eaten, lhe 1horlqc thr-eatens the d 1u ly diet. L.tst year the Germans con· ~umtd 202 pounds of potatot>s per ~rson ln tht-U S lo\ consumed 1u~t about half that amount -113 pound~ per per!'lon Th<' proct"sst-d potialOC$ offer not only con,•enienc.-~ tn pr.para· lion but also protecuon trom llpmlage In Southl'm Cuhforn1u "ht>re we ha vc no cool basement 11tora(le area. even a lO·pound sack or J)()tutoc~ 111 too lurac for s mallfam1l1t"s Fresh potat()(t!I need a stora&e temperature or about ~ detr~es When tht'y are stored in warmer temperaturH thc-y tt"nd to llproot •rter a 6C»d•Y po t-han•et1t dor · manlperiod ~ o u s ~o r e l h c m 1 n t h ,. rerneerlltor And .. hen )OU do this. tht• ('old t~rnpcruturc tJUM'~ the starch lo ch:1nai\'to:>ul{ur Thls ts not harmful. but tl dO\'' cauae potat~11 lo h11vc u runn). Aml'ncan swet"t nia\•or On the Vine The" orld pol.ito crop 1 !>C\•ond now unly to tht.-world v.~ut crop. Jnd about 85 pcr('cnt ur lhl' J)Ut.itoei. arov. n m the world urc J:ro"' n in Euro JM•. In Ct.>rman). the consumption IS llke-1)1 to ~ lrt"Sb pot.aloes. Trad1lton.ally, German ramih" buy potatoes In 100.pound sacks and •tore tht'm In their home banmcnt& ror tbe wlntcr. 'l'he sprouts u (' u1> • lot nr molsturt" H w~ll ng nulricnt'S in l~ pota to, and while thesproutf'd potate>f'11 arc sale to eat, they lend It )'OU take the PotatOl'S out or the-r~rr1eerutor a few d1t)i. bdor1• uslna them. i.om ~oft ht• !'luA:ar "111 chunee back to 5tucb und lht!~ will taste twttt-r Tht' pot»lo chap munuluctvn·r') rt'(rlgernte potutot' · durrn.: s tor111&e 1rnd then rt'<'und11w11 them a l wormt•r ten\1~·rutu~l'" twCore trylna th~m Othl.'rw1"t' thl· sugar causes the ch11is to g1•l l<Kl brown. ' ~ Versatile Cherries Cheery Fresh b a ked buns, made from unbleached flour for better Clavor and textve, can create a feeling of war mth and hospitality for family and guests. This versaUle r ecipe serves all occasions and hailJ Geor ge Washington a nd the de Hghtful red tart cherry. B J CENT•~NN I AL CH E RRY BUNS 1 No. 303 can red tart cherries 1J cup sugar 2 tabl e s poons un· bleached flour l lablespoon butter Few drops red food coloring • 1 package active dry yeast 1 1 cup warm water l cup milk, scalded '~ cup s hortening 1 1 cup sugar l teaspoon salt ! l egi! 4 to 4 12 cups :.1 fted un· bleached flour Drain c h e rri es thor oughly. \omb1ne 'iugar and fl o ur. Add t'herries and cook until t hick . Add butter and food coloring. Cool and reserve. Soften yeast in warm water. Add hot milk to s hor tening , s ugar and .. alt Stir until shortening ,., melted : cool t o lukewarm. Stir in \I .i cups of lht' nour. Add softl'nt•d Yl'3st J nd egg. beal "'ell St.Jr in remaining flour or l'nOUgh to m ake a soft dough. \over and let rest 10 minutes. Knead on light· ' ly noured sur face untH ~mooth . a bout 5 m inutes. Place an a greased bowl: t•on•r and let rise in a "arm rlace until double ' in bulk. about 1 to l '2 hours Punch do " n : co\·er .ind ll•t rest 10 mmules. n oll dough to slightly 11·~ than •,.inch thick. l'ul "1th a 21 :a-in ch cut· t{'r. Place 2 1nchf's apart on u lightly l(reused bak· 1nic !iheet. Cover and lt>t rise until 111thl, about 45 m inute1. With fingers. pres!i down renter or buns: spoon '" t·herry fil li ng. Bake ftl 375 degret's .1bout \S minutes. Makes 11 l dozen. Sweeten 'n' Heat G rnpt'fruit lsn 't 1ust for du.•1, • A crunchy ~rJnol a l yJ)4' toppinll ltnd~ navor ond odd1llonol C00<I value t n 11 1) t (; r u p" r r 1 111 t 1lcah·<·11. llnnt'Y nnd <'In· namon hlend with the d l ru11 t o ••nhanrc its naturnl 1toodness. HOT <t RAPE•'RUI T HALVF.S 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon honey l~ teaspoon cinnamon l , cup rais ins \, c up c h opped walnuts 1 , c u p s h r 1• d de d coconut 2 gra!>('frult Mell bullt'r in medium saucepan. Rem ove from M at and stir in hooey. cinn amon. r aisin s , walnuts and coconut. · Cut grapefruit in ball: remove core. Cut around each section. loosening fruit fro m membrane. 1 Do not cul around entire outer edge o( fruit. Spoon raisin filling lnto t h e middle o f eac:b g npefrull h a lf and spread on lop. Place grapefruit In s hallow bakinc pan Bake at 350 degrees tor 15 minutes. Se.rves 4. l•W•....:t•-•• I ............................... .. ._......~ ............... --c.-..··~ deli. The 1horla11e h1&1 brOl.ijlht about potuto r.mug~llng in lrelW\d Milt.I potato ru11 l11nai an Hrltum Jn £njtl.ind, gardent-r v1adantl's ure keepmg watch over their crops at ru11ht. Hntons fear thNr f~h and chips In thl' U.S .. only aboul 40 per. t"1•11t of tht" potatoes we conaumc are purchased freah. Theother60 percent ure fToiten, cblpa or shoestrlnes. dehydrated , or to be flabby. • In ware houses. polal()('a are held at a cool tempcraturt' lO dt'- lay 11proutin1 and they also muy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ YOUA1WAY5 SAVEi WIFi STATER BROS. 1ow-1ow PRICIS FRYING TURKEY SLICED WINGS OR BACON CHICKEN D~'!~~!·~!'S U.S.D.A. OltADE A '.. WHOLE-BODY FRYERS 39~ fAltMH JOHN 1-f'OUND "ACKAGf C GROUND CHUCK BEEF ROAST fltESH LUQ MUTS1m •••••&Ol ~ 49' LI. IXTIA LIAN ••• $1.19 LI. IHf M.ADf CUT 55! 59~ 89' ·-'°"" . ' .. "'co. WIENERS OIC.t.IMA• .. • 107 '"Ci •• ,_ ... UT·UP fRYIRS ....... "w. ~;I HARD SALAMI o•o•-•11·• 01 '"" LIVER CHEESE HOff'Y • I LI "" WIENERS s71939• ~-. ~~ c u.S.D.A. GIADI A 4 9 c 99' '------------'?' iii-7 o'Aii .. • 1 •• i'OUNi. .• T.AK _. .. "'' 1 27 P'Oliil1aMOUll . ... 79• it'i1.Jiur~~N .. s1 n iiuMi•i'ouT .. •1 27 eu••D ITIA• .. •1••1:aoN111u• .. •1 •• .. •17• , .... • \0) Ol • tOtflit UV .. \ • TAQUITO.S OKA• MAf'll •I Ol ••Cil CHOPPED HAM s109 -·--» •1 n -·-·oo• 8 ---, ... .. .• , .... ..,t... 99• snw MIAT .. AltM •OUT ll 9c Ria ITIAK ...... ... .. •13• Ole.Al! ... , ••• ,..., .. (,, WIENERS .. IUF FRANKS s1 09 TURBOT sucio aACON .. •1 •7 7~iiNI •OAST ... 89c i'o'Pliii.Oi'N .. •1 •• " .. •1 •• "s1 09 ....... .., .... ·-.• s111 iLici'D '"aA'coN •I Ol NG• 1 •7 iMOui.Diit •OUT ,. '1 ~·iii-snail' '.s2s9 CRAB LEGS _ •12• ----".... • 11• ..... ~ .. -... ------------1 U "" ... ROAIT UWlel ·-.. SHOULD•• ITUll ... •13• ....... o...~ .. POLISH SAUSAGE wMiiiCLE WHIP. $137 TREESWEET JUICE ::=~ ...oz.56' ---··~GALLON --.OL GATORADE ~~~ltMl • 11.0Z $1.29 ICE CREAM 894 FRUITDRINK wacHum ...oz. 49' nLIKMMANN'l • l ·lA-IOW\ WT.fUYOIS c INSTANT POTATOES ~=TIY 2.0Z. 14' 'f MARGARINE 7 5 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE muwm l 12.oz 66' . UQUIO •OAUON 75 c MACARONI & CHEESE ;-::~NSlc::.N~i:20' . ICLOROX BLEACH _ ! ~=:~':A~s '"""· ....... 27c • °"p~·E()f,llA •. ,.c·OUNHC. ES YILlOWCU.. 48 c • suet• CHI uuu __ "iiiirT1ssuE 694 ~t~'~r;~;::.m·" :st·.:::r.: • AUr o • IACH 5 2 GATORADE ~~;uMl n.oz. 44' f VIYA TOWELS_ c GREEN BEANS~~MONO-A ! It-OZ. 23' . l 'u"" .. G'. 24-0UHQC s 1 70 APPLE BUTTER KUN"S ·-l~Z. 79• . LEANER t •SMLu,w• .. D.•woa"LNurs ...• ~ .... s 127 STATIR $AYIRl I AYI YOU MONIYI -...., .. ...... '-........................... ~ ........... ...-....... ~ ,..____, ................ ~-w. ,.... ......................... ,,_ --............. ----........ .._.....,,..... DATRIL TA•Lns ! ·--69 c HAIR SPRAY Y0-5 . .. _, $139 SINl·AID TAaLITS H ·<OU"f 7 9 c llA aRllZE ANTISIPTICS 10-0UH<I s 1 39 NICI 'N' EASY MAIR COLOR $149 OIAL DIODOUNT YIRY DRY SOLID ! "·-· $139 8RYLCRllM HAii DUSllNG .,_, 99c CONGISPIRIN COLD TA8UTI .• 61 c ,,.: U.t-• 11111 \lO W/WTTU lAUCI • l'IJNCM \UQO llAHS W /Wllft U UU • 42' NIBLETS ASST. YE GET ABLES~ .. ::.;;'=:~, ORANGE JUICE ••01 59• u~1 45• ..or 25• WEIGHT WATCHER'S SOLE DINNER ,,~r $1 23 . s1 .. <"'Ht • lkUMUO'• l'OU fO • C"'"' • 81' ..or MltS. 1('$ IUNTUS.,,., 11.or WillHllO SNOW CRH -•·llntt•-UUSAG£ s 1 •• •1..v11 ..... 0 54' M l LEMON JUICE . 1 t.01 MARGARINE ::~?0".. .. ........... 1.a. 58' V•N ~···,., • s104 CORN TORTILLAS "".°' 12.01 15' FISH & CHIPS ,.. __ .. __ ,..oz. ROOT BEER ~:.::.': OI '1 09 ... 0 " 0 ·•n• 59c TWINKIES = ... ·····-:_~~-~."°1· ... 19• ~~~~ICANA VEGETABLES ! •0-01 RED KIDNEY BEANS ~·-··--u.M>L 30' XLNT BURRITOS ____ . _ .0132• l::r.:: ... ..,La3c, .... ,30CIPARTY DIPS :~o'." .... 1.0%. 42' -HEDDI WIP H•lcu•M s1 20 SMALL RED BEANS IM'T "---UJ.01'.. 29' • l0"1NG . IS-OZ. • • CHILI BEANS 32' IMO DlfSSING ................................... .. ......... 16-01. 42 """'-·· ······--'u..oi. IMO CHIVO 45• NEW POTATOES ~···-· .. -· .. 14-S-OL u .. .... .. .. .. .. .............. l6-0Z. • SPINACH """' -.tu.oz 24' WHIP.() TOPPING 1oo·s ·····-····· ... -.... 1S-Ol. 50 TOMATOES:o·WHCtl ···-·---'M>L 49' MARGARINE ~s Flllf••·~. ·a .. a• atusE:::·-.:... -i.31 cttHoaa C11US1:::·---'2.71 w• 10,llVf PRICH £me. II •••a• S1NGL£s.-... ••.69 c1u11 cttEtSE:..--.... 25· ™' 11°"' ro 7 .... L 0,,1 IWR FlOOI WAl .. •• '1 .SO WIEMU WUPS=-:"' _.1 25• UMtt .;:,-:~"" rul woooo CLOTHES Pll U.:. '1.09 AMUICAM CHHSE=--'1.19 COMMHC. IAl RI. 1119U Ullt CLUMH:::!t. .. _ .... IT UT£ Ull SLICES-... IT .::::!~., ftl. 25 ca11W101 ROU.S-..... • CHUU 11ssu=--u- .. 2/1-0l. 49' Halve Shells • • • Oy:stcr11 ore .l!rl'.tl for s 11 Up ., , S I l' \\ '> J II 41 chm~dl'" lh•rl· a1 1• .1 ft>w 111mph• d1n•1·1111n' rur lo m a k-l• s h 11 t' k 1 n ~ easwr You'll Ol't.'d Jn m'ln knrfe and u 1•.111 ,;I 11r d1nury plH'r'> Sl.trt hy nipping a :<m all S(•rtron from l hl.' lhtn bill or lhl· i.h('ll with }our plwr-. Jus l enoui:h tu prm 1111· J .. 111 lo ini.crt the knife lip Then proc1:cd as follow$· e' llold oy!'>tcr "'1th dec1> s ide or sh1·1l do-... n sn a' not to lose 1111 liquor Cinp knife. with thum b about I• tnCh from lip or bladt• In prevcnl ''I Jltllng lrht•rt tip hcl\Hcn 1>lwll.-. wht•n· you nipped lh~ bill Wnrk kn1fr 1n. agam-.t top s hell. "1th J ... 1t~ht \\rr'>I molron l\.1•1·p .111 'ancrng hladt• untrl 1111· top muscle'' 1·u1 .md top shcU freed. H l' m o v c to p s h c 11. Work knife rardully around and unilt-1 o~'l<'r to 1·111 boll:im rnu.~t'lt• L<'.I\ t• o~stcr 11111,1• 111 1h t1\\ n lr11uur Seconds Warmed Th1':-<' \ t'J?l'l .t hh• l1•f tll\'('r' th.ti 't'1·n1 tn 1•t1n rrl'~1.•t1• 1n th1· ti"" .. 1111. rt'fnr1•r.1t1•r 1'.11• """ r1· .1r1w.1r .111ti lw ,q1p n·1·1.11 l'\I l ':-l' l'lll', I \\It 1•1' lhrt'\' \'l' ,.'l'l.1 hi l'" C1lmb1nl' I cup h11I mt•<1rum wh1l 1• :-:nu 1· \\ 11 h '.? l' ll I' " I· 0 I 1 k I'd , d r;11n1•tl \ 1'.1 t'l.1 hlt• Pl.~t'l' tn ,1 j!rt',"<'cl Ii.ii. rnj! d1:-h .111<1 :-pr 111icl1• \\I th f111 1•I-. l'h11pp,•d. ttl.ht1•d ".dn11t" l>nt "'1111 hl1tt1•r ,1t11I h.lkt• :'It Ji\) d,·~·rt•t'-1·· :'1 •r 2\l lO :!.; 111 llHllt'' 11111 !1 lo11hhlt ;\1 ,11!1·' I '" Ii ~''I'\ IH)' ~ NOW AVAILABLE DCLUSIYI AT MIU ,.OOUC I REAL CHARWOOD fr'Oftl ARIZONA ... ow e-~ .............. ·~kM: ..... flla•.w _. tr.. clilerwaocl -ct. .._,,.....wood. IHTIO OUC:TOU' OHU ·~ 1.4' l"ritH Good nr.. Moa., ~ .. $179 Good Till Feb. 21 CLOSED SUNDAY WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS Wednesday February 18. 1976 DAILY PILOT ('j Changing Tradition ByCEC'IL\' BRO\\N TOSE A•-.. -~ .. •-l•W When " e h1•ard about J H'USt-bakin)! rl'C'lpt' l'X r hJng1.· lhJl brou&:hl forth 13,000 t•ntn1.·i. from l'\ er• i.t .itt• 111 lhl· lJ S i\ and four other 1.·ountnt~1 \H' ai.kl"d fer a look i;t.>t> Amon.: I ht• nCIJ)CS ('ho:>en lo be 1n u recipe l'\c•hanRl' booklet IS 01 ... fur F.n.:11,11 st) 11· muf fmi. All ~" of our tuslt.'rs enJO) cd this hrt•ud \t.•ry muc h Should \ ou try the rt'<'llH'. CXJ'Jl'Ct :.oft, t•om vacl 11•\tun· and s\\<'l'.l na\Or that d1fftor lrolll tht-trad1lton.ll E 11gll'h 111uH111 MRS. {',\RROLI.'~ ESG LISH ~1 l ' •. •·1~S .t to -t 1i cup!> all· purpose flour 1 pa<'k Jj!C Instant blend dn \ ea ... 1 minutes al medium i.peed nv hand. g radually stir rn rern;11n1n~ tlOW"tu makl• a ftrrn d ou~h Kne.id on ll11un•d :.urf.wc unul bmooth Jnd l'l;c,t1c .1bout 5 llllnUll"> Plac e 1n greused bo"l, lurntnt! to gn•ase top CO\'t>r . let 11:-.e In wurm plll <'t' un t i l doublt>d al.lout l hour. Pundt do'>' n dou ~h. t·ut Ill hair On a :1ur fa cl' :.prtnkled "'ith cornmt>al. roll out one half of the dou..:h at u 1 tnll' to 1" 1111·h th1l·kn1·ss Cul 111111 J 111th : oumb PlaCl'. J ft•\\ lnt'hl''> ajlart . on Ull l.!t'l'J :.cd cook ti.' s hl'<'t,. Co\.l'r and l!!t rs11e until do ublL-d - about 30 m1nutt's Bake. cornmeal side do\\n, on llghlly otled prehea ted etet·I rH' gnd die or electnl' i.ktlk< ut 325 de11r<'l'S until dct'P ~olden brO\\ n about 8 mmutei. Turn und bukt• ~ minull's on other s1dt• Cool on "ire ruck:. Bdon • 'll'r\ 1n~. :.phi . toast and butter. Mllk1·~ 181020 .£ & ff( U.wt-911 VcWuj ~-..'.·~-~ ·: 1712 SANTA AIU A\t · , .. ~ COSTA MESA • Ull Mlll~l ... -·.::. . lllVE IN •nd SAVE ..... ,..._. •--r FRESH MILK our SPECIALTY ... ,..._ CERTIFIED RAW MILK " o.. 77' .. u...- EGG NOG ,,1 .... 0-01 u..tM FARM FRESH EGGS to-... , Al.f..- RAW COTTAGE CHEESE ~ .. 11 41.lf...-.. FLAVORED KEFIR 1a-.i Al.f...-.. "CHERRY BLOSSOM" Ice Cream ,, Goi RC COLA (It Ot _, 99c 69' 79c 99c 99c ~L~!.:. ._ _____ EXPIRES FEB 22 ------ •, t:up "holt•\\ ht•at ;;;;;;....==. __ ;;.....;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;: _______ .:;;;;.;;.. ___ ~ flour 1 • 1·up \\ ht•:Jt germ 1 cup qu1ck-cook111g rolled oa I:. l c up non fat dry milk sohds 3 ta bll•:.poons :.ugar 2 teaspoons ~alt :? cups " .11<.•r 1 1 cuµ oil 1 1 cup cornmc;il In large clet·tri <· ml\c.•r btm I 1>l1r to..:l'lht•r \ll'll 2 <'UP' of t tw CJll · purp11s1• flour. thl• ~l'<isl. \\hOll•\\h1•at flour. wh1.•at J!<'rm. <>Jh, milk ~ollds. :,,u~ar ~nd :-all Add warm water n:.'O lo 130 dt'gr<'(.'!·.J :md wl BIC'nd at low spt:ed until m o1stl.'ncd . beat 3 Spir•f SU«-.. 11 W hof~ or ff •ff Attention SKIERS HAMS T• ..... aOelldwt HOMEY l.AKEO HAM for•h•Y"T.A1 DIMMER. LUNCH or SH.ACK! ~""""-•....., k Stn• •"'.._.,'a s,ka Glaa • s,Mr.i SMc-4 "'-T., .. ...._ •We Ptdep _, SW, tr-c:o.t te c-t • ~ ChMtft _.WM 3700 E. Cooit Highway. Corona del Mor -673· 9000 ,_ ....... c--.......... 1222 S.lraalillont ... W Id.. AMlww Ul-24'1 'f 71550 ...,.._., lfl 11 • ._._ MINp 1111 1911dte ..ertJ 714->46-1194 IF SOMEBODY WWil~tTihraveAI o· h ATYOUR ' ny is PARTY __ __ In tlw Wlh <'«ntur\ tt\,ll'r' \\l•n• .1 bn .111 11111m1 t .rnt p.ll'I of AllH'rll'.111 llfl' In I.HI. \hr:ih.1111 .mrt ;\l ,1n Todd l.1111·0)11 \~ h1h· :-1111Ii\111~ 111 l l11no1:-. 11ft1·11 C'ntt·r 1.11nrd .1t p.1rttt•, \\h1·11· 11, ... 11·1 ... \11•n• M'n1•d t•xdu:-1 t1•h . :rnd 111 t'\l'n c111H·1•1 \ ahl1· ta. ... h11'in th ::.lt'I:-.1rt• an 1'\l'1•lkn1 ..,.,11n·1· of high quJhl) prott·m. mml'r.d' .111tl \ 1 I" lllllh •• 11'(• l'.I' I h dlJ:l''l<'ll .inrl q111tkl\ 1·11ol..1·d \!all\ lfl'lii:h1ful 11.11lat1on' in food '' t'rc dt•\ t•lo1w1t ti~ th1• rt• 'OlltCl'ful J>lllllt'C'f' \\ho nfl I'll 11,111 ltJ m.11..l' do \l 11 h '' h.111 '1·r \\ ...... it h.11111 111•11 ... an 1 nlr1·r• "tm11Jr tu ,,h,1t lh1•\ m1ch1h.1H·1nJ11\1·tl1111 'l't I l.11 •tt'I' l'll'n' < 01.0\I \l.OP;n .R \ '\ I> II \ '1 Pl 1-: I pant '"'lt·r' lrt·'h 11r 111111•11 \lill..11r h.11f .ind h.111 1, <'lll' rn~1rg.111nt· or C'Ool-.rn~ I rup rhnpp1•rl on1nn I p.111-..tl.!1' I )!I 11Url\'('I f!l1/1•1] 111·.a -1 I C'llP I I• (lip flllt'h C'hfl)lp1•d ro11k1•tl h.1 rn 1 I I 11 1' f I 11tll t ..... I'""" l'.ll li(• .... 111 I• ft', .... IJllllfl ,;tf( (l,1 It"' • .1\1'11111' 1 llp dr I \\ hll1• \\IOI' 11r h.tlt • 11111 h.1lf T1nv 1>1 ... 11111, <d1rn·t111n ... fol liH\ I Thaw froH•n n\~111 -;. t.lrain and .. av1• lrquor i\tld rntll-. or h.111 anrt half :i-, nc•t•dl•cl l o m::.t1 r 11 qu111· to mil kt• I <'UP lrqwcl lt('Jf maq.:artnl.' ur ('IHlklnJ,! 111) 1n f1 ~1nJ.! p.1n i\cld m't1·r~ and 1·ook unt1l 1·d~P' <·url L1rt t>~'>lt.'r~ (1 0111 pan'' 1th "loth•d 'J.loon Sci .1s11lt• ,\1ltl onion .inti Pl'<l' to m.irJ!annt• or 1•01 1!..111~ ml . <'ook uni II union 1s tt•n<ll'r . not Imm n \dd h.1m . ht'JI Stir an rtour ,.:.1rlrc ... 111 'alt .. tnd«.l\l•nn1• \lie! liq111cl c nok 'lirnn.i: c·on~ .. 1 Jnlh 11111 ii I h1rl..1·rw1t ~ltr 111 \\lfll' or h.111 .11111 h.tll lw.11 until huhhlin~· \dtl "' .. 11·1' Spoon 11\1\IUrt• 111111 ,h,11111\\ l <1ua1t h.1l-.111j.' 111 ... h ,\rr.1nJ.!l' lw.11111'i :ir<1und t·cli;:1· fl.lkt• .1! 1:!5 <frlU l'I'' ;ilHJUI l~1 mrnu1r ... or unt ii h1sl'u11\ ar<' '111m· .1m1 hro'>'nc•cl arHI tr\s((•r rm:-.lun• h11I .rntl huhhl) :\iakt•' ·I 't'I\ 111!1'> Tiny Rhruil': 1'1 l'p.1rP 11 • 1 111,... pn•p,1rt'd t11'l'llll mix ,, ... tl11I'<11•d 1111 p.1rl..a~<' lalwt Hnll 11111 on lrj!hlh 11111111•<1 ho,1rd In ' · m ch lhn·knc• .. ::. ( 'ul 11110 l ' · 11wh round' lt\•f1 l).!1•r;1t I' 11111 ii 11•,111\ 111 11'1' '1.1!..t•, I:! h1" 1111 ... PRODUCE SAYINGS 1854 NEWPORT BLVD. tco&•::~~6::~t.00~•Y OPEN 6 DAYS 9 to 6 PHONE 642-6025 EXTRA LARGE 59 EGGS ~en TANGERINES 9 1bs. 99c l r ' MUSHROOMS .. ASPARAGUS 49.~ DOESN'-T M.11qnn1n Mix l 1 •qt11l.1 :jur.rr .n MP< t.11 .. 1( ,rn Coffee Mix l.lluody M.ma Mix -------------------LI KE LA PAZ _ .. .........___ MARGARITAS SEND JHEM-H-OM-_E __ =---~-- ) ) SAVE AN EASY25C and let Top Job' help make vour deaning easier, too! With the coupon below. you can ~ave 25<'-1nd 1:c·t .1 ( lranN that cleans better than any other leading l1qu1cJ-'.O 11 l1rln" make your cleaning easier! Top Job's a c lc>an1nr, ronr ,.,1 trate. Use 1t in your kitchen. bathroom. on wa<.hahlP sur faces all around your house. Why work hardN tl1c1n you havr to? Clip the coupon and try Top Job right now1 Cl.JI AlONG OOTUD llNl TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR STORE SAVE25c WHEN YOU BUY TOP JOB ANY SIZE . ® LIMIT Otm COUPON PEA PUACHAM l' ''°'WA•'"" ... _,._,_ ........ ..,_,.,_,._,.__ -•• ..... f•-+...,.,. •• ' ' ....... -...... w ..... -.... .-. , • ' ....... -... • ,. .. _ 41 , •• • •• ·~ ' ,. .. • .. t• t ft• "yu11,i -(.lt,,.~t.tl f .. U~OfY,,.. ._. IAI fll~t •, I•• 11 "'' !Vt ,. ,..,,, •• ,, ...... , .... -...... ,,. ........ "'"'1 .. t ~.. ....... Ill .... , .. --• • • 1 ~. I .. ~ ..... ~..,..,,_ " • ... ,.,. ~ ... ·-·""~ ... • t • rf'""' I .... •flt• .. .. ...... I • •" • •"""'" ,.......,_ ....... "'-,.. W • ._ ...,. ~~..::.~, ~-":o. ...... · ...... .:.:.~~·" ..... ~·: .. ~ :· :., . .'"',! .... PROCTER & GAMBLE .. • , ~ ~ I GET .$AF.EWAY ON THE EXPRESS All Sllew1y Stetts 111•• .. "'"" ClllcU._. 0,.. hwy .._ .. Siert " .,_..,.....,.wtlt l-• leu nge Juice Minute Maid Chilled. •. : 32-oz. 100'ft Pure. Carton Dog Food Vets, Several Varieties. 1: 151/2-oz. l Tasty Treat For Your Dog.,.. .. Can Shortening I • •I Vetkay, All Purpose. For Cooking, Baking or Frying. We Welcome USDA FOOD STAMP COUPONS I -lb. ~· 3can r-Nu-Made Oil eo::i~~·:;. ~~ O St. Elmo Rum ·i:,~;:.~r, Scoresby Scotch ;~~' c c c U.S.D.A. CHOICE GRADE BEEF Beef Rib Sleak .......... FRESH, REGULAR GROUND BEEF Any Size Pkg. lb. ~~~!~!~~~~~.~ .... -~139 Beef Flank Steak $199 USOA Cllolc:t lllf ............................. Ill. ~~.~ !:~~s!~.! ........... 1b~l 39 SMOK-A-ROMA BACON Sliced (Tl*' Sllctd 1 ·lb, s119 ~ ... "'• '2.37) Pkg. Sliced Beef Liver ~;~:;e11 Zippe Burritos Butterfish Fillets 4 Vat t ' t~ f•c:e~ Ot'•os·ea 't 59' •, o; 39' P•g ·~ 69' 'lire , l•t:•' Dungeness Crabs Ot"c~·~~ Shop and Sa ve at SEfeivay.' 69C Detergent u::;~~~;::" ·::.-99c Fresh Bread·:;~t::: 1~~· 39c Purina Cat Food::.\:~~ 29c Chili Con Carneo-·-···~· 49c Intensive Care ·=... ~ 79c .:,~·12" Bathroomlissue ~~~~~·39° TAiLfiViN'ES Salad DressingR::.i~:~ .. §:.39° ~::c::~ s1 ss . ~ 99 Seagram's 7-Crown ~~' H 'ine Departme111.' Shampoo '=: ! 99c SAFEWAY FRESH PRODUCE Green Cabbage l'M~ frfJh $1:\M ~l•'' Plump. Red, Ripe Beauties lb. -lb. Bag Navel Oranges Swttl ~ Jurcy Potatoes U S No I Wllllf Rosf lb 19¢ ro 15c ~!.~.~~~.~ .... ,..$399 r.~~'!!! ........ ,.. 4 70 Port) Gallon App I e ·Ju Ice Tree Top, Rich Hall 0 Tangy Flavor Gallon ~~~~,~~~;ilch ~'·;'!:.:::::;.; :~, :;:: Refried Beans ·:.~~~·· 3~:· 59° Chateau La Salle c~:~1·~" r •••• '21~ e 1 " 0 "' l!aitt ( "'' Cocktail Juice 0~::~~;· a;r. 75° Large Eggs l~ 65C ~1-doL Ctn. Margarine 33c Coldbrook Cubes ..... 1-lb. Carton Lucerne Potato Salad P D. lf •C'fl! An1 5 Lucerne arty 1ps 1."·"~"'01~1 1.1n 4 ' . M<' W• Qhl , 10 Of 65 Danish Rolls OIM•Qf or l.•"'1.llll0f1 P~9 t l 'ariety Depart men! ~ 0-Tips Cotton Swabs c~1~0 77' ~Vaseline Jelly rr-'::.~,,., . Jlf I 68' Ultra Ban Roll-On •"''""'~r ·~· \.:~1 '1 09 Truly Fine Baby Oil 1601 99' Btil!lf C09,r09hl 1'60, Stleway S•ortt, lncori:>OUled Q Chili No Beans Mortn•I !')01 69' O Hetty Tra sh Bags N• •• • I• I t 1 ~· 0..d '1 t,~ ""' f f;t 0 Del Monte Juice Pt~oplt 46 ~, 49' 0 Pie Filling ( .. ·~~· 691 !.tap•liu·1 t \11 ~ ll••ll t • lb I v "'' ~ 0 J ()I G•~Pf'!IUtl 6 I~~ 79' 0 Fresca or Tab 6 '.1, s 1 . range u1ce Ju•lt f!rt)w•el 1'4(~ (.I t• Q M G s On•Of' OI ) ,,, 291 Q Pie Crust Mix Jl•" I II 491 rs. raSS 0Up Ch1C~tnNc10<1I, •,It (.1 , .. ,, ,, FROZEN FOODS VEGETABLES •Corn• Peas •Peas And I Carrots •Mixed .. Vegetables c 2-lb. Pkg. ~~~'1'.~~ t !,::.39C ~;~:r ~Inner~~ .. , 49 c 0 17rt/ ll9' Banquet Dinners ,,.~,, i·1ew• ~~·i 99' 0 (~Of ll9' Bel -air Cut Green Beans 1 'Q 89' /4 QI ~Bel-air Shoestring Potatoes ~Q 59' J>l.Q Snow Star Ice Milk Bars o' 11 991 II 01 rnc.. m.ctt..,... 1w1. 1111 "'w ........ °"""· '"""" s. ...,..,.... Egge Waffles Pill> 1n1~ v()\jf f~1'"' PltQ 49' and lhwskll c..eltt (t1Clpt Cltllllla ........ i u.. "' ..... ~Only. ___________ ._, •IOI BC:....OINI, S.Ci... .. . ...................... .._. ltedl • 144 17 , ... "'Or ... w-.... '"-•24 "'-'ell kJ l'lfl•. S.... i....-•Mote AH frtt•ey It Le 'n. Mhwooo v-i.;. • lt61 So. Mthlt, s..te AM WedneS<Jay Feo•uJry t8 1976 D~IL 'y PILOT C7 Veal Chops Calories and Shrinks Budget 8y BARBARA GI BBO!\~ Succull'nl Jnd -;ubtl) flu\ort"d \eJI Ill Jll l'JJlt'Urt'.IO lrt al lllJl abo happ1·n-. to I"· a t Jlun1• barj(JIO \ e.al t•hup., ... .-c l'-"ll lhJn GOO calorit''I ,1 11ourul n1mpJn·1l ..-.1th 1.600 or mori· for full ~ro..-.n lwef. Troubll' 1'1 thl' 'lhOllJ>l'r '' charl!t:c1 for lht· fu ll ~·r•1~11 'h'l'r the veal c·ould h.i' t• bt•ctmll' Though \t'<JI" lwrdJy a bud1:1 t item , at 1:-. \Uffil'"' hJt mon· 11h•n l1ful and lt•,...g !'ru.,h1111;I~ l'' pcnsl\ e th;in 1t h .1::. l>t·t·n And 1l 1' such a burg;i111 . t·ulor1c·allv s pe11king, that d1t•l "-Jtc•ht•r, might be inclined to • anduli:t· more often Veal ro:ls ti. c·an II<' -.uuth :.easoned with ht•rb, and J dJ'h of ..-. hate ..-. ITI(' or ll-mon )Wt l' ur mon • dramauc;ill) spared "'llh j!Jrl1t• oregano and J lia,h· or tomJIO )UICt' In t·1lht·r CJ:.e, \t•al 'huuld .11.,. a)' bt' :.lo..-. roa,lt-d .al .1 r1• l.1ll\dy luw tcmpt•rJture ·11111tt1 ·~ dl'greci. and n •mu\ t'll lr11m t h t• u ' e n w h c n .1 11 ,. ·' t thrrmomt•ter 1n,erh-d 1111. · 111111 cllt• n·ad' 170 dt'grN''> '' 1•.il " tt ndert''l ..-. ht·n l>l'r\ • ·J 'tall .. ta .;htly pink I \'t:AI. CHO PS CRF:Ol.t- '1 l1•an 'l'lll <·hupt. <'UI ', 1nrh lhll'k l l<Jblt<...,poon c11I l c:up c:a11n 1•cl torn,11111·'· hrolo.l•n up 1 , cup s h red onion .... I c-1<•\e m1nc-t'<i ~arhr I teai.poon preµart'd mU!>lJICI ~Jlt and pt>p pn 3 lJblt-!>poon!> t hop1wd tr l''h µ.ir,le} HtESH CUT SHARr Urov. n lht l'hOJI' 111 thl' ml in "' hot noru.l1t·k !>lo.tlll.'l rt•moH· .md 1lr;.i11111rr lhl' ml \lax lo••l·thl·r all remum1ni; 1n 1•1 t•thcnh t'Xl't J>l l)ur,ll'\ Pour m r r rhop' .ind rm t•r llll' ~kllll•t ~OHIWI 11\ t'I lov. t''l h1 <ll I hour rn mutt unlll dw!Jb a11: \l'r) lt·n•la l IH'll\ l'l Jlltl niok until !>UUl'e " •'' ·" \ thrr k Strr 111 pur..ll') Se.1-.1111 t u lJ ~lc a nd ,,.n l' !'wn ,., four l!Ool < aJont•s ' 1,0\\ .(' \ 1.0 RI E Vt:l\I, ,\:'Iii> t:c.<;S t:NC'ORt: ' r 11p 11n11m' mmn.'d hnc I ,.i11•t•n 1wr11wr t.et><Jt . .tJ Jnd I hoppt•d fllll' ' • l'UJl u ·lt•r \ chopped f1m· I u1blt•-.p1111n dlt'l mur~:inn(' :! l UP' d H't•d lefto\ l'r ll'Jn r ocJ'ol H ·al I> a ' h 11 I T ;i b .a .., t• o or \\ 11r< '''It 1 -.h1n.> ...,J U('l' 1ur both 1 CHEDDAR CHEESE BARM . BULK STYLE SLICED BACON 1.49u. Et::: GROUND BEEF 1.09LI. f iiEliN HAMS :;:e 2.59L .. IUUC SUCEO IAI M 99c HOFFY'S 99c ARMOURS 139 WIENERS LB. WIENERS LB. BACON 12 -EA. I teaspoon lJrr agon 2 leaspoQnl> par .... lt.') nal..t·' 6 egg:. shi:htly bvJtt'n Heat th~ mcJrgunn1• m ,1 lar~t· iron skallet and cook onaon. IX'P per and ct'ler~ unlll 1u:.t tt'11t h·1 l\dd 'eal. Taba:.t•o turra.:on .11111 tos:. '~ j b.t) lt:Jf P1nt'l1 or th' ml' I l.iblt':.puon dnt'\.I J>Jf'>lt'' 0.Jl..t•:. I ka,poon .,Jlt •It a~poon IH'Pl>l'f l 01 5 t' a I I Ill:., M'fUpt'll Jilli 'hl'l'tl lhtt•k THE SLIM GOURMET Combine egft'· 1 h1•1•.,1• uni! parsley and pour (l\'t•r \Nil ml\ tun>, cook uvt•r lov. tll'ut ui1t il t•ggs began to s t•l Put tht' :.kallt•t wtder a prt•ht•ah'd bro1lt•r fur ,1 rt>\\ manult.•1> until brn\\m'<I on toµ Ser\'t'S i.ax. 2()3 calon1•., 1•;1l'11 C0l1NTR\' F'RF:~Clt VEAi. Ri\GOlT I tablespoon 011 l ' i poundi. lean H'al. t·ut 111 ~ubes Sor 6 small pt.'elt.'C.l on1on' 1111 16ounc-e:., c·anned l I . l'UP di") \\hilt:\\ int· I cup chicken broth .I ..-. hilt• tu1 n1µi. µt•ck'<i anti qu..rtt•rt·d ll1•at ttw 1111 in ,1 n on l>tlc·I.. :-k11lt.•t .tnd bro" n tht• H•;il qu1('k I\ lllot "1th p:i111•r low\•ls unct ar 1 .in~t.·"' .in 11\'l'll proof r a i..,t•rolt• \tld th(• onions, "'lfll'. d11ck(•11 broth ba~ lt•Jf. th) nw. puri.lt') lfak e~. :.;ill and p1•pper t'oH·r and ba~• at 325 degret.•s for t hour t\dd carrots ;ind turnips. bake an .11.1d1twnal 30 minutes or more until lt•ndt>r ~l'r\t.'l> six. 223 t•alont•, e.it•h TO THE BONE COST A MESA 19th and PlACENTIA IE.ff ROUHD ROUND STEA a 1.19LI. FRESH SLICED BEEF LIVER 69~ FOSTU FARMS OR 'IACKY FARMS FRYING CHICKEN WHOLE 59c IODY LB. Store Hours: 9 to 9 Daily -Sunday 9 to 7 f'ric" lff.cti•• Thursday. Feb. I 9 . Thru Wed., Feb. 25 P'ricft ~ .. s.-11 ........ W• Gt.., Acupt Food St_,., . SWEET 'H JUICY HAVEL ANG ES 10~ LARGE SLICING PEPSI COLA ··~ CRYSTAL WHITE REG. or DIET 6 Pack I 2 OL Cans LIQUID FOR DISHES LEMON or REG. 48 OL Bottte IMPERIAL SOFT 59c SPRINGFIELD Whiteor 23c MARGARINE BREAD .:~~:af I LB. 8 MIXES ALL REG. 75' SPRINGFIELD KIDNEY BEANS CHILI BEANS PINTO BEANS ' KERNS DARK RED 300 CAN IOMA TO JUICE AHTHOMY'S NOODLES All St'ZES I LB. MOHO M'S YOUR CHOICE CRISr REO RADISHES FRESH GREEM ONIONS 1 o~UMCH GARDEN I 9c FRESH LB. MACARONI AHO CHEESE lll.IOll SIUHHfR'S EGG NOODLES IJOL LIQUOR DEPT. I \. ca DAIL v PILOT Back to Basics: Hearty Homemade Pot Pie l Wht'n wH the hasl lJme you :ak a really cood Pol ple wllh h<'ftY p1ec~ or meat, natur:.l ta.sun~ aravy and vegelubles coolu:d to ~rlect1on! Ir you'vt' been uught ut> in th(• <'ook·it..yourstll ·naturaJ·wuy n· \IVal. thC'n maybe you 'vt• ;1lready dis<·overed what sausrv mg good t'ahng homemade pot pies can bl' Here. two dif(erent lt>thniques are use-d In on ... the saU<'t: 1~ made by th1• fl'l(Ul.&r while sJucc· method. Jn thl' other, thl• <·urn ... tarch and wuter ur,• :111rn'CI tORt'ther, then other lfl&redlent~ thaw1.-d l whol.-plmit•nto, <'OOp~I •, u·aspoon thyme lt:1&ves I tuspoon it alt '• tea!lpoon pepper 1 ret'1pt>double ('rust pastry rh1('kc•n. peas. p1mu:nto, th' m'·· '.tit and ~ppt•r Pour Into pastr)' hnl'd 9 uw h pie plate Cover PH' "1th J.rn,lry. M"al and flutt' ed.:t". Cut :.ht!> 1n top to allow ~tt'am to ('M'DP\' tlur Ul~ bi1kin~ 1 rup milk 2 tablespoons mar~,mnl' 2 <·up• c·<•Ok<'d rou:.l bc••f r ut 111 bite slz<' pu~ccs • • c-up finely chopped onion • i teaiJX>()n dr•~d ha:.11 1 teaspoon ~alt !>UU<'t'pan. GrJduJIJy !ltir in m1Uc unit I "mooth and add rt-wn l'd • 'l'iotl'labll.' liquid anll niL1rt:arl1w. • Bnn~ to a boll ov\•r ml'<llum twat, stirring constantly. Boll L · minute• : Jddt'd CHICKF.N POT PU-: 2 tubh-5J>Ollns man;unn{' I cup Sltl·ed mush.rouru!> l clove carhc, mmct'(I lJ,lkt' Ul 3'75 dt'S:rl'I' 3S m1nu1t·~ or until l'rust 1' ..:old~·n bru"' 11 Mukl'~ ti to 8 St'f\ ini:s ~. tt>uspoon pcpJ)('r 1 rl'cipl' doubll• 1·1 ust pal4tn Stir 10 bt>t•f. rnrrol". J)(lltiloe.;, 0111011 , bu1>il , suit <11111 11\'l>flN Pour 11\to pa!> ti ) lin'"~' !I inch lllt' 11IJ\t> Cun·r pit• with lla!>ll')'. !>\'JI and nut" \•d.:l' Unlike flour, comslatth ust-d for thickening a sauce, gives a lightness and translucency rather lhan a heavy pa.sty coo· s11lency. 2 t1blespoons comst1i1rch 112 cups milk 21"1 cups cooked chickt·n or turkey cul In bite size pieces 10 o~n<'e pa<'kage pea-.. Tn skillet nll'lt margunm.• Adil mu:.hroorns ;ind garltc. Sltllll' ov1•r medium heat unlal hRbtl y brownt'd Measurt• c·om~t.inh 111 to :.aun•pan Gradujll)' Nt1r 1n milk until smooth Mix 1n mu1thrtK1ms. 51urllt' anti pan dnppings lir1n~ to a boil oH•r medium ht';tt, i.t1rnnj! t·u11 itt3nllv. Boil l mtnutt' Stir in Mf:AT AND POTATO l''OT PU: l 11 cups d1et·d pot:llOt'!'\ l c-u p it hc:ed c arrots 2cups watt.•r 2 tablespoo n' cornstan·h In snu<'epan plnn· polJhln i-..11 rut:. and wutt•r UrtnJ: ln .1 boll : reduce heal, •·ov\•r und '1m m e r 1 S m i n u I ,. '< or u 11 1 1 I 'l'.:etablt•s are tcndt•r Un11n. n·· M'rvmg 1, <'UP ve1H•tablt• hqu1d Measure cornstarc h Into Cul tthls 111 tu1l to ullow ~tcum to t•sc:1pf' durln..: bakm.:. tl11kl-ul 375 de.:ret'" J5 m111uh.'' or until rrusl 1s ~olden br<>wn Makes 6 to IJ !it'rVIOJ:ll. Cheesy Dutch Angle Hearty and delectable salmon steaks are baked w1th a lopping or mashed potatoes mixed with grated chees e. and then laden with a piquant sauce combining butter. chopped onions, celery and whole berry cran· berry sauce. ·A most s ucculent main course. Serve along witb a salad of crisp greens a nd a bottle of dry white wine. For dessert con- sider a mild Dutch cheese with crackers and fresh fruit. DUTCH SALMON STEAKS 6 salmon steaks. each about I in<'h thick Salt and pepper 4 cups seasoned mashed Potatoes J cup 14 ounc-es) Edam or Muens ter cheese, grated ·~ <'UP butter or margarine l large o nion, l'hopped 1 c-up chopped celery 8·ounrc can whole berry <'ranberry saurc Place balmon steaks on :l greased, foil·hned 1>hallow baking pan, side by side in a s ingle la)er. Sprinkle with salt and pepper . In a bowl. mix ma.o;ht'd po tatoes and c-hN•se. Spoon m 1 x lure 1n n mound in the center or t'JC'h salmon steak. Hake al 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes or untiJ s almon flakes easily when t~Sll'd with a fork and potatoes are li~htly browned In a saucl•pan, melt butter and l'OOk onion and cel('ry until soft. about 5 minutes. Stir in "hole berry c rnnbt•rry ~auce. Simmer until bub· hi v. Season to t aste with :.a.It. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join Ralphs 103n1 ann • ry celebration • I 5 ---•EXAMPU---•• ----.. I MANUFACTURERS COUPON Oi; •.... ,..,, ,., ,._-"' -,,.,,, pet (OU~ ........ ~ ...... ..._ ... _ ADOmONAl I 15cOFF I •ALPNI ADDS I 112 THI YALUE I FO•YOYAL OF 4Sc OFF .I --------------· ----Contpare Meat Master Meats Super~ Super VmietJ Super Trim cnl Super Low Prices Meat Master Meats NOW AVAILABLE IN SUPER FRESH PACK -5 lb. Pkg A BLEND OF GROUND BEEF ANO SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE Aelpha-Mepte Pecan 01n11h Make Ralphs everyday low prices go even further with our "coupon and a half" savings. Manufacturers' cents. off coupons from newspapers and magaxines are like coupons and o half at Ralphs this week, when you buy the item. One coupon per item and one item per coupon unless specified otherwise. Not to include "retailer'' or "free" coupons or exceed the value of the item. Offer is effective thru February 25. Wnltrn perlb .• 47 ~Super BlendlM Coffee ~Cakes 8 0 1 pkg lceburg .55 ~Lettuce Beef Bollom or .t.1mour Golden Star Boneless Top Butterbasted lb .• 59 ~Round Steak lb 1.28 ~Tom Turkeys Beel Cllucll-Clad Style Plcnte Style Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast ·~88 Boneless Rolled Beef Roast Super Froh Pie~. ~lb P\g Sup" Fruh P.tck-J lb p\9 81.'t'I Ground Ground perlb. 1.15 ~Beef P•r 59 ~Chuck ID • ~ F~hB;f Brisket 1.38 Arm or Shoulder or lb 1.69 lb Veal Rib Chops Ouick ro F11 USDA Choice Wl'l1\e or WhUI -Sendwich or Splll Top Ralphs oBread Salad 1:0~~ .49 ~Tomatoes P••lb •• 25 D Ail. st;;·aread 1601 29 IO•f o pvrlb •• 25 ~ F~h1cAPple Pies ptrlb, .29 perlb •• 10 perlb .• 29 Sandra ~Vodka Super Flowers 111111 2.99 4 Pol ,111h 3.99 Neanthe ;~:' 2.19 ~Palms ~ s~~5ht11~~n D Min Chebl11 Burqundy. Vin Rout Cribari Wines each 1.47 . . • . . . . .. .. . ~ . .Spoon thi'I sau<'e over 'almon sll'aks after they have bcc.>n plared on .. <'r\'ln~ plates. Garnish "1lh pJrs lcy; if desired. Beef Cube Steaks ~ ~·"v~;k 'steak lb 1.78 lb .99 Lamb Shoulder Roast $k1nlen lb .79 D Brewec11110rP9on-11oz Bolllu 6 k 99 OAssorted-6 Pol Aspen Gold Beer :in. • ~ House Plants m h 3.97 : New Twist For Pie l'hr ~h:ikrr.:;, :'In rartv r"11.:rnu:1 iw1·1 n:imt'll 1111 I he• un 1'1 lH' cl J 11c·t• that \\ ,I 'I p II r l 0 r I h l' I r "nr'h1p, h <1d a re1mt11 tum for .. 11 11·1 :11ih1•n·nr1· 10 ''f:1m1lv '' rulrs. \lrnll1mc w~:. nc~ '''-<'l'I>· Iron. !'-hakc.>r'I W('rt• amnnli( thi• C'nuntry·~ h('~t <'<"'k". l'ks w t•rt' fun cl :irm•n tnl to tht•ir l'oolon1i1 and, dc•1wnd1ni: nn t h1• f1ll1ni.:. cnuld he.> any pa rt 11f the• nw11t. On<' favnrill' '"' made \\1th whok fr<"ih lt•mon« OllltH.EMON PIE Pastry for 2 1·ru!lt R·in<'h pit.> 2 lemcm-; l ·11 cups s ugar 4 l'flj.?S I.me ll·tn<'h pie plnte "1th pa'lt ry Set a..;ide. Shred peel from ll'mons to make 2 teaspoons, set a:i;1de. Pttl lemons, removing :111 while mcmbrant•: cut l<'mon:i; into V l'r \' thin <;h e-es . Remove ·seeds. l\11x lemon slice", peel and su~a r. Lt'l sl and 20 minutes. s t1rrin ~ O<' <'n<11ona\ly. Heal egJ:S well. Stir in· to lemon mixture. pour into pastry·lined plate ~dJust top c-r u,t, cut s llt5. Seat and Clutt' cdjtt>S . Ra kt• n l 400 delitrees till done. 35 to 40 mmutes. lb 2.29 Sliced Beef Liver ~ Gr~n~rR~;{ci'' PC'I lb 1.29 ~ F~i1/c"~k;i0ti~m ~R~~;;-r;;;Roast lb 1.09 ~ R;lpt;'; +hidk9 aacon l;?l 811• 5111 1 39 Bo~ess Stewing Beef lb • M $;;;'~it.;d ~usage ~~:k0st~ks lb 1.48 f..A ~i;h"~~";ge fv1 p;;~ Spareribs lb 1.09 lv1 D~~;ti~k1~1~~ Wl~gs ~Pork lotn 6 Cir Cwl 1nd 3 End Cul Chop\ 1 38 Mixed Port< Chops lb • ~ H~41 n [Al 10 01 Pk9 Bit O'Shrimp M si~ f:i~ '~rkgSausaQe 1.29 ~ ~j~0~~ St;~ks lb 1.29 mh 1.99 lb 1.49 lb 1.19 Ill .49 l'lt h .99 lb 2.59 Iii !J, 1§ iti #.f {§ ;11 AUOllctd f l,WOI\ HiC ~Drinks Glo11ttlll Tomato Juice Health U Beauty Golden-Whole K11n,1 Niblets 46c~~ .39 oCorn Old r .. h1ont d Ralphs •6~~," .39 ~Ice Cream Pantry Fillers f 1201. 29 . e1n • """89 V•l.cln~ Super Deli ~ Pttlroleum Jelly I nt 59 IV1 l~;~nt·P;tatoes 6' flt 41 Vaseline ,., . r·,~ • ~ Cuttt [yj F~b~i~ ~;;~~~r 1n11 49 Polish Remover •01 39 10101 Mt1fl Ralphs ~Wieners Hom•O" Sauerl<raut D sii~'ti~m Alo -lllNT Burritos Troplcen1 -011119e or Grapefruit Juice Oo•dtn -S111gt• Siie o r ood Amert can b11111a • ~ T~~· ii LShave Cream llOI 99 ~ r ~•ly C11otorn1~ E>11~ l ergl' fan • Pitted Ripe Olives ,,, 01 .77 ~Cheese 1701 .99 Frozen Food l0 Fldd1t~ 1F~ddJ;" OI nM .61 80t 1.75 Sor •• 33 32or .55 0 Ffei~hmanns Yeast ~ ~i~h Sausage ~ ~ffY Wieners D R~iph~nf:~iipDri~k" U t h .10 ••0 1 1.88 ~ ~~,j~ice \~~ .30 T~1rtar Sauce F;;~c1hb B~ Dough Po•,~, .89 ~ P~ddl~~tMi;~~ 0 SMacaroloull•• •-Con'",. S&ouic"•heeseor 1~.~! •59 0 L•u•n 'it utld•• 1 lb. 1.05 l'.'£J ..... ~ Virginia Peanuts 0 Moor Alllgt O kr1rt 11111~n 1111 .• 89 l'.'£J Onion Rings '~~~ .79 ~Salad Dressing li~fj I (fl 49 t t4n a p~~ .59 lq \11~ 21· p•q • ""' 81 """ . l~nt 95 bollll' • Prices Effective February 19 through February 25. , r--,~•, -•, r • -~~:,~1·~"',.!> .... , - -, Spring 80UQUet I , .. , ,..n~c0ue>0• •• ,. 11 .... 1•·••hcoupon ,.,s I Ah Purpo.. fhlpht Stoneware 59 I Piiisbury 119 11 Salad I Saucer --z.~£:~-: ::-1 Flour I~~~ • 11 OH !!.~.t •• 59 1 •·• -,._,. I ~'"''' 0•• 11•"' ••d 0flt Coupon l't• Col011Ht 11 L•"'ll On• lt•rn and On• Coupon ,.,('. uttorn•• I All COnlpletar Pieces Available L Coupon c"·~~~~~ough Felt 2S .I L cowpon ttt•~;~~~;~;o"'h ro 25 .I ~ ~ ----------------r COC1Yf'thl tt7• by A•lph1 C1oee<y CM1111nr Aft R19ht1 Aoe"'ed ~s~~ISAMlOCAl!,w ~!Oft!!,1rst'" 2.41 67 PASEO DE VAlENCIA, lAGUN.A HIUS 17261 17th ST .. TUSTIN COSTA MfSA 9901 ADAMS BLVD .. HUNTINGTON BEACH 1S..7l S. BROO«HURST, WESTMINSTER 401 H. LOARA,AHAHEIM 6942 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH STORE HOURS· 9·10 D01ly, 9.9 Sunday Sugar Daddy . - Ann F1t1p Jt nck of St(){·kbncli!l'. :\IJ-.,-; has turned the father of her tounlr~ into J 'i·loot <·;.rnd~ :-.t<ilut-on d1~play at Lo\H•ll Inn. a ;\l1nn'-•sola landmark that look!:> s1m1lar to Mou11l \'l•rno11 Shl· n!:,t•<1tTh<·d l hl' c:o:.tum<' for t'''' month-. bt'for 1• -.,tarting 20 hour:-of appl~ mg !:l\\eCh to a drt·~::.mahl·r:.. torm p.11lcll'd "1th old n11 l<ttn!:>. \\';n L!Um ll'l'lh form thl· ruffll· 1111 lht• blucbern hard cand~ t·11.11 B1t t•nlt·nn1..1I -.,tn pl'd mint:.. add a ribbon tnm L1tnnc<• dnip.-. '' t'fl' u-.l•d for lht• booh Finl co,·<·r<'d candy k1!>!'>l''> 11t1tlint· -.,pur-. and gold c·m t·rul 1 hon1latc t'Otn~ ~t:n t' a-. hutt111i-. Sake's Subtle Thr -.uhl le• 1.1 .11• 111 .l.1p.111' lq,:hl r11 I' \\ 1111' I ' ,I rl.1\ Ill l'nh1.1n11•r th.ti 1••11111wl1·1w1k, llw "orhl 0\1•r t1.1\t' '"'" lindini.: mort' \l!ol' f• '' ov1•r 1 h1• ',.,11, But "ou don I h.i' 1• In tw .1 1tourm<'l rnok In h1• .1ht1• lo II"' Saki' 1•ffer1 1 v 1• h 1n n •1·1tH'' Bll•nchn.: 1wrf1.•ct h "1th m~·.1t-.. poultry. fl'h '1•r.-1.ihl1·'· and fruit. II 111n 11.tnsform th•· s1 mpl<'~I <11 ... h inln 1•ll'~Wn<'•' COR ~ISll 11 t:~~ \\ITll S \K f: ASO \\ILD RI( t: 4 t'orn1sh h1•n' I• C'Up "'" S:JUC<' 1 C'Ufl S<1k1• 1 cup" dd rt rt' 1unrnokC'<l1 '•cup " hitc 1 .11 ... in-. '~ cup honey 6 tablf''lpoons butll'r 1 cup sltced mu.;hrooms '· 1 cup sllct•d <;calhons l cup chopped cdery '"cup chopped par.;lcy l:i cup chopped pistachios or walnuts 1 1 cup drained. crushed pineapple 4 shce'I bacon Pepp4.'r and salt to taste W11sh and dn rom1..,h hens pl.11 1• j.!lhh•I-. in ;i "1111rr'p:111 "1th :!' 1·u1" nf ".1t1·r \\" thC' "I) .... iUl'I' "1th • I tip ~.1k1• 1n .• l.11 lot t' ho" I ;ind 111.11 1n;1tt• 1h1• cor n1~h tl!'n, 1111 n tnj.! Oft<'n. ror :!O rntnute' llrtn~ thl' J!lhll•t'4 tn u ho1l. ad1I "'"' n et• s1 mm1•r 311 minult•s or until ncf.' t" l1•nth•r \l1•an" hilt. '"Jk th<' rn1 ... ms 111 th1• r t•m .11ninR ' · <'UP ~akl' ancl h1 .it"1th lh1• hon1•\· \I I'll hull• r 1n a lar~" "kt I kt A!ld the muo;hroom~. 'ralhom., rt'lt'n. parslcv, nulS. pineapple and ra1s1n-. Sautc hJthlly \\hen nc1• ha-. rooked. rcmO\ e ~1hlt•h and disl'ard 1 nss rtC'<' "1th pineapple m1'<ture, mt'< "<'II ~tuff the four ht>ns "'th this. skc•w<•r npc.>n1n~s cl0$ed Rt.-sen c.> the remainder or the n ee max lure and kt>ep warm. Covt'r each hen \4 ith bacon; pl ace on a rack in a roasting pan a nd roast to r I hour ond 10 m inute' at 375 degrees F Rt•mm l' ba('on 20 minutes bt>fore the hens han~ f101sheod rooksne !:i<>n <' hnt w 1t h add1t1onal "1ld net' S<'n es 4 Wedl'le9day F111>ruary 18 1!179 DAILY PILOT ('9 Grains Grow With Country Corn 1s one u( the gruins Amerl<'a i:rt>w up 11n Ne w En~l<And n1ok~ hl•t•aml' known for runcy numtoJ 1·rcu \lor\11 t>t>.:un from lnd1 .. m mt•al " Anud..ima Hrt·ad '" a:. ru:h 1n flavor as 1t 111 111 history COLOSl\L COHN Ml n ·a.,s 1 cup enn chl'd com me»l 1 cup 1ftcd all·purp<>be flour \J cup sugar 4 teaspoon~ bal.mg po""der l lt>aspoon lialt I cup &rated ra"" l'arrob 1 1 cup l'hoppe d :.ailed ~anuts 11 ~ cup:. lUJll. 1 egg 1 • cup bulter or margan ne. melted r.1~ht corns~ rup Chopped salted peanuti. Sift corn m eal flour ~ugar. baking po wder und salt into bowl Stir in grated carrob and choppt>d peanuts Add milk. egg and melted but 1er Stir only unul dry mgrl' d1enls arc moistened Fill ~ell &rt:Dsed muHin cup~.h full Bake~ m preheated hot oven 1425 degrees> 15 lCJ 20 minutes Remo\ e from oven Brush w 1th light <'Orn S) rup and spnnkle "ith chopped peanuts. • Serve warm. Makes 18 muf· fuu. FA\'OIUTF. ANADAMA BRf:AD 1 cak (' compressed or package dr> > eust 1 •cup lukew..irm wal<'r 1 cup enriched t•orn mt•al 1 1 cup dark molru.scs 1 , cup raisin:. 14 cup butter or mari,;arine 211 teasp<>ons salt I teaspoon soda 1 cup boiling "atcr 1 egg 21 ~ cups ~•fled all·purpose flour Soften ~ <'ast in lukewarm \\3\cr t l 's·l' warm water for dry }e~ll Jn large bo>AI combine corn meal. molasses. ra1s1ns , butter. sail and soda Stir m boiling \\'ater : cool to lukewarm Add softened yeast. egg and l cup (lour ; beat 2 minutes on medium speed or electnc mixer or JOO vil(orous Mrokes with a wooden spoon. Stir an re maining n our Spoon b atter equally into three w t>ll-g reased 20·ouncc metal cans. Cover : let nse m warm place until nearly double in size, about 1 hour. • Bake <350 degrees) 35 lo 40 mmutes Re move Crom oven : let stand 30 minutes. Loosen and re- move from cans; cool bread thorough ly. Makes J loves. JNOlfSAllOS .,., UASMl• NfMI . . . ......us .... ms WID IHF IOllELESS CUBE STEAK I Uf l.,... IOIM·t• NEW YORK STEAK 99 •to -·-fll•10•• ..... w.. s 1" SALMON .......... " SLICED $ IACOll ........ ~= 119 ~$149 SLICES 11 •lo .. , ... ••o ; •• , ... .. ••• ,;.:; ... 11th• ..... H 65' .... 45· •to ~;;~·;;:·.~, •10 ;;:,..,., "-• r, 7'~ioN£ 79 ; "I ROAST 'J' \I •to \.. ~ WU -•to ~:.7< .• -. .. .. ss· ••o ~:.:..:.. M 35• ·••o:.; ............ SI 45' ... ;:~ . .._, .... •t( '2" ""'' .... ,, ;;JiM&"~9~ CHICKEN ll ... -----· ---· ---------.. --· --.. -· ·--··----·--·--------..... -.. ·-----·---------· --- ll(f WAS_f .. •HllUC...S APPLES .. , ... ... ;:~;;:.:.-;~..... . . ... .. 79• .. M 5s· .. .. ss· MA YOIHIAISE WA\ ... •to;.:.,·; ~· .. 49< ... ;:., ..... ~ 39' •10 ~~ ... '-'"'-, .... .. .. 59' ... ;:;;,;. .. )Q 29' r "I FIUIT !~~~~KS * 1110 .:;;.;;..,Mu ... ;;.;;;, , .... •to l7~;.·~·h•••t .. • .. 72< \..~~~==~~~~ ~ 39 -..z u• ••• ~ , ... ;, .. , ... .... •to~-~ ........ , ••• ,~-~;.i:. •to.:.~ .. -.... ' .. , ... .. M 19' ... 'K° S J H .... 75< ....... 63• "us 24" PINTO Y IEA~S ••• .... ... ~ ~ .. , -9'•;·;~ .,. ••••• . ···~--.. . .:: ... 39' ••• a;.:.-;.._... . .. •H .. 59• ••o ~:;:.;c ...... •10 ;;::, ,;. ••• •to~·;: .... ••• ;:.:.. •• < ..... •to~.:. ..... ••• ;;..;:; o .... •fO ;,.~;;~ .. '•••U' ... ;·.:;,.-... SALT•IS ••• ••• ,. 24' "' ,. 89' ~· )4 25' ~ 11 •• ~· .. 59• .. 63' ~ \1°1 •• \V' 96' ~··~-........ -.. ... 79•. FllEllDI 39 IM L ... ,. . r. .... .. w,519~ i'H;;-;;; .... HAH'a ... .,. ;:.:;.-:·~·--· -SMA:= ... ... ---.... ·-· ... . .__,a... .. -........... __ \.. ~ ---... ,.., ........ s••s-nan r1tu• ito•. fltMllMl•A •to , ' UH0 tAU027.~ illio ..,, .. ..... , •••• •••• ••o \. ~ WAI -•te> ;;:·:;;:~·; .. ,,. ... " 75 < •eo -··--·-.. ~ s4 11 , .. ,.,.,t•HH .. • ,. <~:.-;;;;· .. 79• •to;;.;:._ • .. M 28• r,.-.... l ICUHMANI St f(( CllAM .......... ,,, .. , . ••l Cl• ... \. ••• 1,1 ... .i ,~ .... •to ~.~·,<••"''••• ... ~: .... \ .. ~. •to ;~.~ (OlH ~ ••i ... -)(· 99• ~ \,,, .. ••. )( q n ;;~~-;; mm19* DlllllER ' .. , '"' ... .. , ... 7 BOIE 99c ROAST • Chulk rut l'.S.0 A. Choice l>HC Ground Beef ••• s 1°! Extru ll'un -bulk 11r patllt'' Chili Grind ••••• 99f ('oar-.11' ~round b ...... , hearty navor 0 BOllE s 109 ROAST • C'hu1 k cut l) S I) A. Cho1<'I' bet'l Beef Shanks • • • 89~ ('entt-r tut -l f.S D.A. Cho1C'e beer Sliced Bacon ••• s1 2! El Hum·ho's thu:ker ritnch tityle Polska Kielbasa s 15! Autht'nl1t· tla\11r frvm H11lsh1re Farm~ Tom 59c Turkeys • CHUCK STEAK 89~ Center cut' l'.~ D.A. Choice beef COMPARE QUALITY ... SIZE .•• VALUE! ..• YOU'LL SEE THAT KING SIZE FRYERS AND PARTS FROM El RANCHO ••• FRESH! PLUMP! MEATY! TENDER! • • • OFFER MORE GOOD EATING! fry1r lr1asts ... w ... II!; Frl'l-h and Kull( S1tt•d tv lmng you all tht plta•Urt' ~ou h&H 11 ri.:ht tu Upt-<'11 t:rndl• 'A · t,,.,• ("11!1"' UCt) • l11s D Thighs ..... w ... 111· Huh JU«n. 1 ... nder d11rk meat h11nd lUt lrum lrl''h Cr1101: "A' Km.: ~11t· lntr'' Fryer Wings FRlSK. •••••• 59~ Hand cut' Our lre~h Cradt "A" lryt1r~' Chicken Livers F1tESK. ••• 99~ Spare Ribs in s 1 °! Lt'lln and mt'al~ f1n11er tood ~ou 'll enio~ and rn\l 11huut' PORK s 1 s9 . BEEF s 119 ROAST • ROAST • Frt'Sh Iowa wrn·ted bvnele~ Bo~ton l' S I> A Ch• 't<'l 1 H"nt·lt> ... , ,.,11 .. d Hutt •hut k nil LHtt-:l 111111 t 'h1ll\'I' Lamb Chops IOllUss s ~! · :->ur.11111..1 lum nit l !"> () A, Chnl\'t' Ground Veal .•. s1 4! Lt•1111' l •t·1.11111t molk rut ' ... 11 • MILK FED BOtll.ESS VEAL $ 2 1 9 ROAST ... \ ,.,,1 -.houlcl•·r , luu ~ 1111 Fr ozen Fuod! ORANGE 39c JUICE Ing o'lamb ......... 8 ......... 1l5!l s,,af ood Spr{ in/ . .,' FRESH FILLETS! PAaFIC RED $15 9 SNAPPER lb I r & \\' Imm \'ull'nCtB'1 H oz CllO Pies aao sTillO • • • • 49c Super Fresh Produce Ha Ii but Steak .. s 289 App/BS .... =~ICEUS ••••••••• 4 • 1 l Van d" l\amp'i. 11)' oi pkK ( , 11ll r • 111' Fr11111 \ 11rl h1 rn ".111 r Coffee Rich . • . . 29c Halibut Fillets .. s 14! 1'\1111 chur\', Imm H1rh' Iii nt ctn Fn··h I r1111 11 • rt'-IH d Ir• 111 h d,111d Jeno's Pizza • . . ggc Smoked Fish ... s2 1? l'hte.,r. l'f'PJlt'runt or Sau'11i:r' 111•7 Wheat Bread. • . 49c Hrirl1telnrd -pkl( nf lwo 1 lh I08\'H PETITE PEAS I & \\ ~wl'nt 111111 lf'nder1 HI nz pkll( Italian 2 5.c Squash Extrn lann· and renll~ lrv~h' Green Peas . . • • 39 \ (;arden lr~h. v.11h lull podo. GRAPE-3 1 s 1 FRUIT I Potatoes •....•. 19\ Anjou Pears :-t\H'Pl ' .fu11'' 11n hnrd' I r••m \;ort horn 'I 11ur th• 11 t • 11,tl 11111 • r :-.,, lll••tt Cooked Shrimp s 18! t '111 i<t .11i -111• • !<·ruler 11nct t11•t'' Fillet of s219 SOLE FRESH lb ~'.11i.:l:-h "'''' I• r 11111.! 11,., .. r S rrvice.' Quality.' Valu e.1 Look for the difference at El Rancho! To els 45c ~~~!i~ .... ~~~~,,'.;,:.:"~gc Mayonnaise QUART •• 79c ,: ~ CORONET ••••••••••••• Th•· '"•' roll 111 l ulurful "!"ltudto l'r1nl11" "''''· •trllnj( ttlld nh ... urhent lJut prt'll\. A-1 Sauce . . . . . ggc Low I ht• '1lltU.' nllu rd1•d '" !"lpr tnl{hl'ld 1:rr11t qua ht\ 111 II hwlv.1 I ,.1. ,.,,, prtc t ' Uncola 2soz.N.R. •••••••••••• 39c I .,. 11 011 1111.'.11 111 n111kmi;' Ill 111 Chili Con Carne 49c 'I hut tl..11.:htfulh rt'lr1•1<htnli: 7 l p Hf'1t\Jl11r nr ~u1tar Frc'i' 11nd un clf'rh1I ~•" tn•••' I furnwl v. 1wlln•' Hell or llot' Jr, 0 1 Toilet Tissue ....... 45c Vanilla Wafers. 49c I htlttt11 '"" r .. 1111111 k 111\d m 11 \Arlf'I\ n( n1l11r<1 or l'h111 11 Villi llll'l••r Salad 39c Dressing Zee Napkins ... 49e ( 1111111 f\ 1.nrci1'il l'"lor~' I &II 1 I Coffee ocCAJJtllATID. • • s 1 '' ~ 11'.t \\ ('nluml1111n' I Iii'"" \\ 11>hh111w Iii •·11nu· Fn•nt h, 1111111111 '" Th•111-.1111rl t .. l;ind Whole Potatoes 19c Green Beans . • . 23c ~rr1111Cfielrl H1•1: 11r Frtml h ' 1111 "" ·u 1.t {)<'/icatcssen Specials! Lunch Meats ....... 39c Hud1lti,: ' Ill \our t ho11 !' 11( ~1x Krt'At na\tt~' :I 1'7 pk11 Turkey Franks . 79c Cheese IUJISTIJ •••• S?O\ .. ,, '""" 1•11J""' 1 r, H11 h '' I.! 11r Spread towo m. • • • ggc Dressing sra ISlMeS •• ggc Fnom Tht> i..RuRhtnlt r<'v.' 6 nz Bl111> ( hf'<"e or 1000 l•I 16 111 Spread tlOT M(). • • • ggc Turkey Pastrami' 129 Frnm Tht l..Ru1thtnl( '""' 11 nt Rirh'" try H11m or Smoked Turkt\1 fl 01 l'rnr~ in efftcl Thur Feb 19 throu1th Wed Ffh 2:; T I SOLID 45c oma oes PACK ••••••••• 1111111 • t11•• h1i.: '\,u ".!. r11n 1h111',. hnmlul ol i.:11rdu1 i:'""lt.•-' I•'•• 1 t t •·l\llll' Tomato Juice ~~~K 69c 'llu •I\ p111k 111rll\1du11I ~171 ~1' 1•11111r •ttll~ frt•ll1 1.1 .. ,, .. 11,, t r I''''''"'' 11 o• 1 Pecan Twirls ..• &gc Gaines Meal ... s539 '\1 rvt• '1•111 h11t ' Sprmi:lir•lrl pk11 Peanuts 1111Y ROAsr •••• age Dog Food s~"'· ... 15c lt•·1· Ill I I k• l1l 'h1 '• ., ' I ' II/ f,iquur Dep 't . \ialue.-..1 R SAVE si.oo ON $ 399 U m EL RANCHO'S ••••••••••••••• Scotch LUO's ......... s1295 C d. SJ99 ana 1an sm 10e ••• !'\11\f' I 0 1 0 11 thr l111lf.itnllon 'It.I" .. I lt.11111 , .. " "" 11ro .. 11 I 11th Blended Whiskeys499 Champagne •... s1 79 El R.in• ho'~ 116 pruor (lt 11111111.l\ I IOH .. l·.tctr11 I )f'\ I Fill h Vodka or Gin •• s399 Vintage Wine •. s2•0 'nur chntce Holiday T1me5' Qunrt lni:l1•n11nk Bur1tu11ll\', < 'h•hl11,' Fifth Open daily 9 Lei 9 Sunrle\ 10 tn i ;\" •11lt"• to <if'lllf'N ARCADIA PASADENA SOUTH PASADENA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH EASTBLUFF IRVINE . , !>un-.>1 .1"'1 "1un1tno«()n J..'(l W (,olorado 81"'1 F••monl and Huntinolon Wa1ntr' an0 Alqonqu1n ?1}1 ~rt Blvd 1555 ~ll>lull 0. Unlvt'rt"Y oll1d Mic....,Mn · t 1 ~.mcrwi ~It'!, • £ ol Ora"9"'9•0•1', ~ulht'Jl\I coon~• ' ' ,H;ubou• Mall~ On lhP. P•nm)ult 'ullblufl Village Cenl•j •. lP•ti\ Vo.,_ Cent•• j , BABY POWDER ••.•.••.••.••• $1.29 motOL .................... $1.39 TOMATO SAUCE .............. 19C MOTID'S COOKIS ......... $1.99 FABRIC SOfTENER ........... $2.44 ll11n1 , v./omon or muahmom' 8 07 c•n Tht> b111 1 lh b11~ "fam1h Chmrt' I 1c,,.,n1·1 t ht' '"' uunrt -11t 1 (ill. & tff) ALU SELTZIR .............. $1.09 HAIR RINSE. . • • • . . • • • . • • • • • • • • 9&e CANADA DRY.,.. •..••..••.. $1.25 PIZZA MIX •.•..••••••.•.••••.. 49c BATHROOM CWNER.... .. .. • • 79c ··'"'1 •ntand tthfr r.d •• ,f' o/ ,If; B~k Cr&mt -rho1cf ol thtdl!I' 7 111 81ttf! l..edXln, Qummf Wel*r -12 01 '.'l.H App••n \\11y -1u•l 1dd fta1n '11 12 , oz I'm• Sol -dun~ end d111nf«l•' 17 t•' • W.on.ectey. February 19. 1979 DAILY PILOT Cl I Oysters Spawn Controversy, Concern 1 8 y TOM llOCE Othtors 1nbt8\ that \he t-p1cure~ of .\llt•1i1h\·nu.•?> hntl c11•t·11 into inland ours. t.o tht y don't rwd 1t Chesapeake ut"a parsley. flour. susonln1 ~nd AP Newafuture"S Wrltt'r 11nc1rnl Rome bluit?J tht• traul :.ctlll•ments "1th b1&rreLs or b1& necesaary to drown the row one~ SCAl .LOPED OYSTERS t'f't!am. Cook, aUrrtng COAStantzy, The uy11tcr hul! bct•n ..iround for ~toi.t 111(1 l'l' lhi1t lht• t;rt'eb in JWC)' Cht>s<ipc.ikc H.ay oyster:. ui hot uucc or smother the rned 3 \;ibltl!PoOnl butter UU souce Is thick. a Ion.: time. but cousen JUon1ab oldt-n Um\'1 wt'rc food of o)r.tl't:. "hlrh are st.all co11:.1de~ among onrs In huvy batter. :S table 1 poon:s chopp ed Add l'rackcr crumbs to O.YSter "arn thot It may not stay mvc:h .-nd innovated the sUll Cf,Pul.11 tht• ftnl'St. parsley liquid and let stand till crumbs tonger unlen Wl' do somet.hu'M cu.tom or b11klnt1 the ivalve i\mt>rtt'an>1 ha\" thC'ir own w:iv There Is 3 persl.stent romor 4 l-ablcapoons nour absorb llquld. Mix panley aauct·. bout w:.ter polluuon and O\let o.-t'r hol cool• untd the •twll or callntt oysters We have Ionic t.h~t oyitcrs art' un ate to eat In Ploch ca_yenne pepper C1'1tcker mix and dralMd oysters dredging Stllrfh•h ond prl-dtalor) UJ!l'nt'd , it•\\ed with horror the Ell~hi.h monlh5 "hit'h lat'k the letttr "r .. 1 teaspoon celt1t')' i1tll add lna u lt to taste. n:.111-1 havl' also pln:>ed hJv0< 0}&ler& ure :i grC'at fJvonte In <'Ul>lom of dippinc them rJ\\ In C'tually they breed durlni lh~c 1 <'UP Num Ptaco In Individual 1bells. tlb the b1vnh c . lht· l "nllt'd State:. and have: bt·•·n , 1n,•gi.r and cJo" nmg them "llrm months and It is forbiddt<n l quart fresh oysters sprinkle with paprtka 1nd bake Some 1tt.1dt'nl11 or ..:astronomy ''"''c the dnys wh.-n horis,· ,1n1I to catch them in m any ataics. 1 cup cracker crumM in 375·dt1ree oven 30 minute-~. lt1fm lhal the Ch1n<.'sc \\t'rc the w.i1eon ·· .. xpre111 .. (' ·· frum The Enithsh retort th.it their Drain oy1tters. saving liquid Stnt• sev<'n. Good with chilled irs\ onc4 to 1111111 ph: lhc•1 _)_)_tc_r_. _u_a_lt_I m_o_r_c_r_u_m_b_le_d_u_l'rt_•_si._lh_c _b_1 \_..i_h_t>_) _h_J_\ c_· _m_u_rc_· _n_.Av_o_r_th_J_" __ 1_le_r_e _1_s_u _r_e_c_ipe_r_r_om_l_h_e __ M_el_l _b_ut_te_r_a_n_d_s_li_r _1n_to_c_h_oP_P<'_t:_l _d_ry_w_h_l_te_w_1_ne_. _____ _ Beef Up Methods The cattle Industry in Callrornia dates back to 1540 whe n Cor onado brought 500 head along on lus first expedition. B oth Cortez and Co~onado, as well as the mlJs1on padres were responsible for the sur- vivpl or these r1rst herds. ECA With all the wild claims abOut tower food prices. who can you believe? Well. Luclcy has a1w1ys been recognized as 1ne low pnce leader. not only by shoppers but also by the supermarket industry PRO 151 There isn't a supermarket who can consrstenlly promise prices lower than Lucky"s everyday row prices throughout our entire store. Our pricing policy has always been to lo.eep food prices as low as possible to Insure our customers true value lor their IOOd dollar. And we promise to continue with everyday LOWER PRICES OVERALL. If the early times, dry· ing. was the only means of jreser vmg perishable betr. Methods have changed and here is the t'u~enl method for mak· ing'beer jerky. COMPARE OUR BEEF PRICES WITH ANY OTHER MARKET! CALIFORNIA BEEF .JERKY lean nank steak !~~Y.~rad~~A5 ac Boneless Round Steak BONDED BEEF •• LB 123 <brisket , chuck or other lean beef 1s also swta- ble> 1'z cup soy s:iuce Cross Rib Roast : 1 , teas poon garlic sal( BONELESS BONOEO BEEF CHUCK LB. 129 Top Sirloin Steak BONDED BEEF LOIN .. 11s pe~r teaspoon lemon Extra Lean Ground Beef 11im off all visible rat r r e> m b c c r . c u t 7 -80111 Chuck Steak len*1hwise with grain m--otoMu to tong th1in . strips. no Top Round Steak more than • ·mch thick. • ..... , '"-•1ttt• ~mb1n e soy sauce 7 8 Ch k R t an season1ns:s . Pour I . one UC OH o\I beef strip!> and toss ...., ..... "'" • un ':C~t~oi~i:drack 00 l~J.~,·~~S JIP Steak LO 123 I• 89~ 8 143 83~ .• 1'3 Porterhouse Steak .. ,. ..... '-' d( t• ll." Boneless Rump Roast •· .fftJ(O eflf Ilk'\._.,. '\•II' """CU' . Bottom Round Steak • "-tlll•~Olff' Small End Rib Steak I o. Small End Rib Roast bal4ing sheet. I\ rran~e stnps on r ack lo touch. buttnot overlap. !lake in ver y s low ovt•n (I~ to 17Sr degrel's 1 ove rnight. 10tb 12 hours Lower prices th Store f1ni:.hcd jerky at r oom t t•mpcraturc in aa~eht t•on1:11nu u all fat has bl·t·n removed beef Jerky "111 l..ecp m· definitely !'» 0 t e n l' (' r J er k y s~ld not be t·nsp H 1l is, oven 1s too hot Dal Monte Graen Beans ~ CUT OR St lCtO Lady Laa Corn .. 16-0Z CAN CkEAM STVLf on WHOLE 17 oz CAN Harvest Day Pears Lady Lee Spinach 29..QZ CAN l~·OZ CAN ll 111 • l l 143 l l 133 l l 113 ti. 1" You may n l.'ed two ba~inl( s lwets 1C Cl<mk ste•k is larfte. /\rrani:t• in c enter of oven no closer than '1 inches from lop or bollom Harvest Day Bread 16-0Z LOAF Harvest Day ~.~ffins oc•! 3gc IC Jerky 1:-not quilt• rlry en~1th . "hit<' spet·!..-; ma~ appear Mtcr a ft'" da~ S1mrlv ~ 1pe off th" ha'lllle-;s mold Jnd en10~ the peer Applatima Applesauce 4'>-0l JAR Ladl Lee ~~!.~~L,Baa~~0.: ggc Velveeta Cheese' Food ,, 0 -;:,. 16 5 Lipton Tea Bags L jg h te·n Welch1de Grape Drink .. < .. 4 7c 100 ;--:,, 149 j Harvest Day Apricot Hal~~ 0:: 4 7c ~~~r.~~~~ .. Elberta Peach•! 01 <( .. 59c Supper lady Lee Apricot Nectar .• /: .. 53c ~~~~~(s Salad Dressing t-0,C:,, 49c Th rt'(' \'I' j! (' t.' h I l'' S~ast1 Diet Beverages ,, :~ .. 13c Stokely Gatorade Drink JI Ol:l 44 c ~h~· ,:~u"!':r'\(·'"~'1;~: Van Camp Pork~ Beans,. 0 < ... 57c Nestle's Hot Cocoa Mix ,, ,c(,, 95c 11ntl Ch1nt"H' p1•;1 ·pod' \\Ith '"'' 111111rv ct1,h of 1 ,~ COMPLETE " Harvest Day lasagne .-,~-29c frr •'H1~1t•rh1't·:id :.nil ·'II ...... 11 1 t· ~•n11·t:~:.~',l~'1'11 1 --J • PRESCRIPTION Betty Crocker Pie Crust ~.t~ !. 4 7c ~~·:·~~~·~;~~i..:,~t•.i<I ' r,··,,,,~>--, l·.'1 PHARMACY !!~·~~~!l Muffin Mix 11,,,,~, 5gc t :'l\lli fin\\ ('r / ll. G• ' Sa B Q P' .f t t·11111i11111111• \\ 111 r 1.,, .~ •• r_.~ SAVE TIME! SAVE MONEY! lnO S usage ag-• 1~0~~.,. 1 H I 11•,l'IJhltlll ,,i(t • M s 'th Ch Pi ? t.1hlt> .. 1)1111n' 11111tt·r '/ BET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED rs. ml trry I .. !~r 153 ,,r "~'i'.:~,·,:.1,~~tlll'I C11111r WHILE SHOPPING AT LUCKY. Springfield Orange Jule•,.,,,~ .... 59c JI 11·11p .. Ill ilk COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! - •• i.~1 .. w ti 111· 11 ,. "" t· • to •c• .. ~::~: ~~. ,, • • SIO•u •11., ... ,..'°'' Pet Ritz Pie Shells -. Cl~r•o 45c ' _, < 1tl11llOJ1 1• I• If t '• IOCtrtO lllCW , c: ~ t r i p '4 ha•· 11 n , "'-_.;ll.;..;°';.;;.11.;..c•_.•u~··~".;..' _______ _. ... ~~~~:~ir'~111 l"l"l~J> ,.,,d ITEMS BELOW AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT CENTERS ONLYI St'J1.H.:llt• 1'.111J1flmH'1 -~ ~ rRINT VIHl 1 n l() 11111 t" 1< 111 .1 I I ~ PlACEMATS now\.rt•t'4 . l11t11nr \\hf'r<' • • rJ'I ~ ~ nerf'~'·"). ",hh an11 t..~ ., 69 c~~::'.'7~'~c':, 1lr11&n ~ \ C """' Cl "'"O W•O.- t H ll "'"'r' aurf-1\(\1 I l':il11iOow<'r "1th e...c11 wn trr nnft ~.:lit. 1·11n•n-1I. Jlll'I 11111 d 1 l'n<IN M \ WOVEN Cff£a( m 1 n u t t• !I • n r .i 1 n i r I KITCHUI TOWELS nE'C'£'5~ a r\' ~fnke a "hit<' l'(l\ICC' of lht' hutter, flour. milk n n d p e p p l' r , o ct d r:iuliflo" <'r .ind mix \ \\ell: reheat . Sprinkl(' "1th the t'rumbl('(t hMon ~fakes 6sen111~s . t 1~ ~velty • I _, MEN'S SCUIE rRINl COTIOll KNITS n.1·1 A MUl10M ·~111'.11 T-Bone Steak 80N0£0 BEEF LOIN ...........•..... l8 Large End Rib lloast 80NOEOOEEF Lady Laa lea Cream . ............... LB . • . .•..•••. ~.-GAL. SOVARE CTN. 11s Lady Lee 0 Yogurt ~ 22 . .. ... . ..... I-OZ.CTN Wagon Master Sliced Meats ~ •VARIETIES • •. .. 3·0l Pl<G. Wishbone Salad Dressing ~ ITALIAN 16·0Z BTL Harvest Day Peas ..... 11.oz CAN Chiffon Paper Towels ·~~0 ,.~l 53c Lady Lee Aluminum Fo~sa .~l 1 H Handi-Wnp Pl11tic W.~J "~' 3gc Clorox Liquid Bleach 0 .'f': 75e Kai Kan MPS Dog Food ,,. n'f':.. .. 49c ~.~~~l 2~.~en Cit Food ~·•: .... 21 c Lux Liquid Detergent !> 0~ft 990 Pine-Sol Liquid Cl11ner ,.. ~.1 121 ~~~i!.~~~~~ns Whiskey '"~.,\ 411 ~~!~ .. Calvert Whiskey ... 0., ~ 1 0" Golden Crown Beer m 11 01 r ... \ 111 t •V if •t lllll' A 1AtlAOt.f Ofitl._'f At lfOf'ltWU ... \.WJ"'°" l.IL't JTMn91t ·---.. ...--,,_ ... _ .._-.,. ....... l .... I• ,...., I' lllt" G'ratcd Parmesan ch~!!e is an rxcclknl ad· clition to a tossed green sahld or :i hnrd·t'ooked egg spread f o r sandwiches. 49 • •• In Or-. '""" .,.. --"' w IA ''ua.l A¥91W ,,. 1tO. u1.-o ....... " •m ~ Miii If IA '.U •UI_... 1'tt Unu.t AYl . """' lift......,'""" .... _.. .... , ...... STOIB GHii Al t i•.&.&. • 11 e .o. 'ran Cttut4 "'f•. .... ,_ .. ,,ll _ ..... cerra-.. n•-•ft. . ,..,, "°. '""" "'"-"''"'" • """""... 9'.tCll .. , •!Ullft• ..... ....... QICA • ._ ... _.. ....... ~ . .... •• L CWllM .,, ... .... .... .,. ... _,....,, --·•-•w-•-• ._ , .. .,_... ..... ·~ ..... ._, ... Any Size Pkg.63 c Ground Beef • "·· LB Large End Rib Steaks 80NOEO Bf ~F •.. . ·" 149 Wilson Smoked Sausage ~~~~:!.~c!~~~~~~-.~~m t• 231 \!!!&on's Certified Bacon 1,~, N O 111 B~f Sausage •l.•-t 101 lO 111 I K!!~!"..!ican Cheese. _ J.Uo;0 3" !~1~~~.~:!~merican ~~~~!:;:0 111 ~'!f!!~!~~~r ChHS~----16-0~o. 175 1 Armour Stir Hot Dogs ,,_ 0 ;r::,, 95c Jones Sliced Braunsc~~JP!! 79~ ~~~~l~~~!!~.~d Ham . ..0;:0 93c Dinola Sliced Ch_opp~d H~.f!C:: 135 Health & Beaut~ Aids YJ~!!!~~!~~~~~···r··-·"-··en.:-700 a7c ~,i~!!~~~c~•~,t!septic_ .. J10:1r~ 121 ~~~~'~V Injector Blades_ ... 0:0', 97c ~~~~~.~'!'?er II -~,. 79c Excedrin Tablets 0"4 107 p,(Q 0'60 Produce Russet Potatoes 61Jll( U HU I Artichokes IAOl(J( "ll Charry Tomatoes tOf "t "'"' .-Aa.,A(>-, ti \1/ t • Rad Grapes lfJit ~l 10flil '"4AG• '; Brown Onions ~-.. ~-....... -,,.. ... -_ .. ___ _ i.·-·-- Ml.9f• )U •• llQ.11 ~ ..,,,..,.. NO ..... ...._,msT mns '"" '' t:te ,.... • • I ~ . --' r--- 1 Cl ! DAIL y PILOT I ' Finish Mee.ii • 1n Blaze of Glory End every special meal tn u blaze or g l(lryl ll '11 easy whenever you prepare on~ ol these fabulous df'UC'rts .it I.he l» ble In your chafinl( dash BA NANASCONNOl.SfELR 4 large grf'en tapped bananas. ahc~ dlateonall)' 111 l · anch pieces J tablespoon~ lime JWCl· ~. cup butter • i cup sugar 12 cup apricot brandy 1 cup sour cream Sprinkle bananas with lim~ JWCe. Heal butler in large blu,er Treasured Bread's 'Golden' Remember how good old·fashioned bread pud- ding tasted on a cnsp, cold night., In pioneer da)!> ll was cormdered a rare treat because thl're was seldom bread '"left over" to use for such an elegant dessert The chance of topping 1t off with lemon sauce was almost unheard of except for California set- tlers. Sl'TrER 'S GOl.D BREAD Pt:DDl~G J cups milk 2 eggs ' 1 cup sugar ,, teaspoon salt '• teasPoon nutmeg J cups lightly pa<'ked stale while bread cubes tsee below> l cup seed l ess raismi. · l tables poon fresh grated lemon peel In medium S,ucepan O\'er medium t . heat milk until tiny ubblcs form around the edge Ml'anwhile. an 112· ~uart rasserol<'. "1th "ire "'h1'k or fork. tx>.11 eggs. su~ar ... ;ill and nulmC'g uni 11 \.\ l'll rnm· l>1ncd Gradually beat hot malk into egg m1~tur1• Stir an bread rubes, raisins and J:ratcd peel. Plarl' n1sscrolc in s hallow bakln1ot pan , pour hot water l inch dttp around dis h . Bakt• at 350 degrees F for l hour or until knife inserted an renter romes out clean Serve pucldmg ~arm \\it h Lemon Saurt• Nolf': 1f \OU USl' one Of thl' "!-oft· .. brands of \.\hlle breud . allow :JO manut<'S longer for cook- ing To dr) fre~h bread. place an oven at 1". 200 llel-!r<.><"I for l hour. LF.~ION Sf\l:CF. I I ('\lfl 'Uf.!,lr I l.1hlt''l1tllln <'or n~tarrh 1 l'llJI"' a ter 21.1hll'!-ipoons huttc•r 1 • tt'a!.po11n I rt"•h i.:r::itrd lt•nwn P<'CI 2 tablc•spoonc; frc•sh '-QUN•11•1l l1•mnn ]Ult"<' In <1m.1ll ... 111r1·1rnn , 1h11ro11,.:hh 1•11ml111w su.: .11 .11111 r1Hn~t.1n·h Add \\:ttl'I . sllrrin~ 1111111 11mooth. flrin.: tel boil over mt>dlum h<'lll . 'tlr nna constantly, l'c>ok 1 to 2 mmult'' Stir 111 hutll·r. lc•mon I IJl'C'I and 1u11·1• S1•r' v , ''arm ov1•r hrl·;H1 putl •lln~ :\l ukl'' I '· rup"' Energize Quickly ;\ Jtfry lunC'h 10: J'rrat. 1f J! h:l" J!CI flOWC'I •' 1''11rth<'rmor<'. 11 rm1o;t providr l'sscntial fot>tl:< " u t h n s Jl 1 11 t e 1 n • t arhohydratcs and )OU .11:-o nt't'd somt>lhtn~ ~rt><'n It !IUreb JUI'~ to include tit rus fnu l. 1lur lwsl M\lfC't' of Vitamin{' fall on dt'lic1ous ch1v~ rotta(!l' thl'eH' and c1tn1." fruit to take away thl' hum·drum nssoriat· <'d with plain cottage cht"t'St!'. You'll t>nd up with a tasty high prott'tn. low calorie midday mt' al. LinP A s hallow bowl or plait!' with crisp le:tvl'S or 1~ber(! lettuce. Add a (!t"nerou..-S<'OOP of rtuve rottaJ?l' <'heese. Arrnnre st>rlions of grapefruit around tbe cotta,ie cheest>. Servt' ~ith mayonnaise thinned \\llh a bit of gupefnut JuiC'e :ind a irratang or two of citrus peel. P•n O\'t'r canoed heat w1\h m~d1um flame. Add bWJanli:s and heat quickly. Stir 1n 11u1ar and lllll but 1 tabl~poon apricot brand)•. Hut r ·ma1ntn& apraco&. brandy in I•· die or large urvtng spoon over rt.im~. Ignite hot liqueur und pour O\•er bununai.. Shakt> pan or '\1r W\tll flam\: cltM ..iwuy, serve bananas top~ ~•th ~our cream S#rvf'S4 APPLE •'RITrERS WITH LEMON MlJClo: 11 l cups silted all·purpose flour 11., teaspoon!\ bakint.! PQ'1'dtr '~ lt11t•poon ~ull teu ~.cup milk · 2 cups finely t•hopped in 1rl°(f cooking apple 3 tablespoon~ bu111•r Sift together flour hul..•ni.t powder and i.111t. l.k>Jt 1·1ut ""Ith milk 1n mt.'<11um t>o~ I bll·ntl 111 dry 1ngred1ents Sttr an Jl)pl•· Heat buttt'r an 1>1111.t•r tl.in acl - justc.-d for mcc.l1um Oumt• Drnp batter by the spoonful into hut butt~r. Cook, turnlfl1e onct>. until ~. t I l~ t• •t'• • ,, '' .. ,\.( "°" ... \l~IT 199 POLAROID FILM 11(0 29 ,., bro" nt<<1 on built "tdl'\ Sc·n t• "1th Lemon Suuc<· l\lak1·' I:? I 111 ten., tJ st-rnnas LEMOSSAlC.; 1 J C'Up l<Ulhtr I l<.1blei.poo111 om.,t211 ch 1 nap"' Jl\•r :J 1.iblt'sp<1on' l111111·r l lt'u .. p1111n i.:1 .111·d h•1111m 1111d :! t..iblt•,poon' ll•1111111111111· ' -lt':J"po11n ,,,11 In "'"•'II 'Ju1·1•p.rn rm' 'll.:J1 .incl l'llrllst .1 rd1 St 11 111 \1 .111 1 Cook, i.llrnn~ 1·1111~1a11111 until sJUce "' clt>.1r .ind th1Ckl•nt·1l .inti com~ to a boil ... VASELINE Stir in butt.-1 , h•mnn rind h•mon Jull·.-.111ct salt t\~·µ ",1rm Ir\ \ll\Jll ('htiflOJ.: d i..h Pl-' \('ti Fl •. \l\tnt-: 10IRROSI.\ I t.1llI1· s p1111 n ltutt 1•r 111 111.11 i.:arin,• • l"llt> ''" 1•n•1I almoncl' :! t.1blt•,pc11111 .. hro"n .. ui.:aa :.! l,1bl<1'flt\i•ll Ol'llll~t' Jutl•I' :.! 1n1c i...11-•••s 1 10 ounC'l'' l'lH'h l I I l•t1•n :iht•1•il p1·.11°hl'!> \':tndl,1ll"l'1•1e.1m ' •cup .. 1111•<fd1•cl coconut • 1 I t"UI) ~ '111 Ill I t'Ull 111 hi ,11111\ ltt•UI bUtll'I 111 hl.111 •1 jl.HI \J almond~ anti 11111"' n h.:htl\ :--11 1n b111wn s ui.:.11 11ml n1,1ni:1• 1111t•1 1\1lct l't'Ut'ht•:. :111<1 h1•,1f Pl,H•t• 'l't1••11:. ol ',111111.1 11 1·u·:tm '"tll""l'I I 1lt,h1· .. 'Jll 1111. I "1th c1wo 11111 \\ .11111 hq111·1 rn 1. 1Jl1•. 1i.:n 1t1• .11111 p11u1 "' ,. l"'lll"hl'I' Sh~1k1• 11:111 111 ,111 11111 11 ll.1111 burn~ out I .Jdl1•11 \ l'I 11·1· 111·J111 lObM.'f\ 1111!' KODAK COLOR FILM WILKINSON INTENSIVE CARE LOTION VISINE EYE DROPS CORICIDIN D COLD TABLETS I • ... , ,. • .-~. 1\ • u1 ( •.t '· ,,, '' ,, '• ,, NOW 19" ONLY 'i' u . . ~ SUPEft\OR ELEClft\C HE~ T~RS j I ' ,. ~· I ,. t i I • l I t I fl I ~ . . ... ~.. 95 ~~-:~. _99_9 r~ ~ Mlt-.EY MOUSE SING ALONG RADIO ,. "'"' ,,, I ..,. ~I . ... ' ' ,.. " .. ' :. ~. ... . ... ""'" 9 7 .... '999 ::~, 69 ~-,,:.. \. .--·.. '• f('; ~· °'I r . , , -I .. ,.,.. .. . :J'i ::~r ,. \,.,.,~--~ ASSOATIO HANGING PLANTERS C-1Mllt"' ~ o< ll'IO tao-f!)>le ...... rvJ•oont'I OIH t< "''" "'flnn COIGI Ca" t• ~MO .s '"""'"O oa..w.,, too' • I ST :~~~~SS BLADES ,~ .. I J)f'\l •I• O\X\E CUP O\SPEMSER ' .. .. G 1•1 '"'• "'q <•'•'• l('I' ~IMCO ,, ~u, ""•I< 0, I I l#l'f tOttH l""l•t' I 1 If I 79~ RE G I 18 ~f •. I (j I . c _, LIP QUENCHERS ... REVLON COLORSILK TOM THUMB CASH REGISTER A((; 299 . ~· 11 I ••t•, I• t I .ti. CASHMERE BOUOUET BODY POWDER ,, !•·"·. . , ' MR BUBBLE BUBBLE BATH ' . 10 PIECE TEA SET lltG I •• .~,, ~r~}i~· ( ... . I I FISHER PRICE ~.' ri· RADIO MUSIC BOX . ~ l . \ rt "'... 2 9 7 . ' ., ' ... j .. DRUGS -R' US ~\ 11030 BAOOKHURST '0UNTAIN VALL!Y NOW!! FOR THE FIRST TIME An opportunltr for rou •nd rour f•mtlr to purch•M preaerlptlone at wholeHlt prlcH ... plu• 50' PHARMACY HOURS: Ullll 1or111 DAii Y 9 U ·91'1111 SUIOAT r. PHONEHl-8921 "° sra1wc; o• cmnucu • IT IS lAIY TO JOIN . . . . :·· ... • 4 ::: ... :-: . . ... . . .·. W AUC TO llACH 2 STOIY $67,900 M•gn1hc•nt 2 slory tMtach hOml with Ch•rm and petsonal1ty Prov•le IOnoeck oomoiete wtth wet bW Soper lu•ury tn down1tatrs ""''"' wing, •nd two add11tona1 pedrooms up11airs and two l ull baths Massive f1replace and oncloeect •tnum with orc;h1ds add much to thta rol'\anllc aenmo Wife 11v.r country lulc:hen t t-+ llex1ble 11nanc1no Don't miss this t>Nuty Call now for more lnfornrion &4&-7171. CUSTOM ISTAn + l STOIY GUIST HOUSE $49,500 A long w1nd1ng country lane. th.cled beneath an umbf•lla o f rowenno trees leedl to th1t rustic hldeewayt ~·no for 5 c111tl Bt0 wooden 4 bdrm cuttom pluS seoara1e 2 story guest chalet on ovetatzed Iott A Ntndyman s dream woricshop! Sweep.no party ~oo wilh h~ br•ck BBQ! Sepwate ~n lllH for gr"n 111u~! St0taoe tac1flty 0< playhooM f0< kiddies! Your own p1111ate waterwell1 Soanng 2 story guest house Of rentalt Shovel em out, P81nl em up and you've got yourself an eS1ate1 Priced d•rt cheap~or all you get-Oon t hes11a1e Call 847-801 0. PltlCE ltEDUCED-GUAT VIEW COltOMA DR MAa wan• an immaculate 3 bedroom-3 bath home with Anthony pool? Call now' Floor-to-ce1l1 ng stone tirei>tace Views of Catalina from hv1ng room. d1n1ng room and master bedroom suite Prlvlle corner location This has 11 all' And best prtce 1n the ne1ghb0f'h0od. Reduced lo Sl 17.500. C.11673-8550. NIEHCH CHATEAU -2 sn IEACK-IOOL $36,750 Dramatic living room, lonrel d1n1ng room. garden view kitchen. artistic open stairs to 1eparate mester & children s suite 22 ft . ballroom sized Pll1Y room oveflOOlung courtyard nonyt 963-7881. IA YSHORE IEAUTY 5 IEO.OOM 5 IA TH Brand-new kitchen with every w1f&-Sav1ng convenience. 3.000 souare feel of abso4ute luxury Masrer bath has lover s 1acuu1 Huge 3 car garage View lhe Bay. Problems cause sacnhce below rrerket at $ t 75.000. Ccsll for details 646-71 71 . SPANISH VILLA $0, 950 -2 STOltY Winding walkway thru Cast111an courtyard -authentic red tile root & Span1Sh balcony Secluded entry to adObe t1le-ranch0 ltv1ng room• Fiesta d1ning-canttna ktlchen Walls ol glass to rear courtyard Sweeping s1a1rca~e soars 10 master bedroom + 2 band1do size bdrms -•ew---<:<>mm POOi S4400 total down or take aver existing loan al S325 rro Call 847-6010 OL' SPANISH 2 STOltY POOL -$.40, 900 Neslled beneath toweflng eucalyptus trees Pnvate courtyard enlry Lush new cocoa brown carpeting 3 oueen bedroom su11~ 2 baths Dining All b\1111-tn oourmel k11cnen with dishwasher Freshly painted thruout Spanish red hie roof Community POOi. Near the beach Won t last long. call early 842-2535. MODERN 3 + DIHING IEACH -OHLY $37,'50 Just hated' Unbeh&vable Established tree lined area 3 Queen bedrooms Family dining area Spar1d1ng kitchen w1m bu11t·1ns and breakfast bar 2 full baths Sliding qlass doors 10 two party patios 2-car gan.oe with boat door to rear yard SchOols & ShOPS nearby Jog to beach Low low down Bette< hurry Call 842-2535. AIAHDONED HEB>S LOVE S49,900-HO DOWN! Irvine -vacant and wa1t1ng• Needs YOUR tender loving care -ASAP Hideaway entry Vaulted ceiling 1tv1ng room hosts Palos Verdeflreolace Huge glass are11, 3 oa110 doors Very large k11chen -plus family room K1n11 s11ed master suite Low maintenance yard NO DOWN 10 vets Or low down FHA too1 Call IOday l "J') t 700 DREAM HOME THE COLONY S54.500 Ou1et lrv1nn street -1n!.1de corner lot OecoratOf's tlream homo Upgraded hVlng room Crackling red brick liropl11c1> t~lra large 11aroen k1lchen plus family room w1lh dncoraror paneling Oecoroled bedrooms plus 'lOCludo<l maslor 'Juite Loads ot closers & cupboards l and,caper s drodm yard Heavy redwood patio [ n<:losoo dOQ run Sohd work bench 1n large garage lmm.tcul.itP' Try $5450 TO BUY -00% lo•n. Hurry - c..tll 7">'2 1700 TWO STOltY -FORMAL DINE S47.t00 '} 'llO'Y bargain• Prum Irvine location Mexican ttle nntry Slf'P down l1v1nq room Soanish brick hrepleee ~Ofmal d1n1ng area hosl9 o;rroke<t mirrors & cork wat11 Handy r hnl s k1lr hrn with or«>onory view W1nd1ng '>lairc11sn to larQn ~orludf'd rrcnlor wino All m1rrored clo'>ffl'I 2,,., balh~ Sl1d1nq QllWI door to secluded wood duckoct ·slnl co vered patio No maintenance yard. Won I 1a~1 -call no w 752· 1 700 FAMILY HOME-44EWPORT HACH Exceo1tonally fine home •n BAYCREST area of Newoort Sftnr.h tour t:M!drooms new drapes wall to wall carl>f'hng Recently rooecor11ted temhc locallon. pncod al S79,500 Calf 67~550 f0< more det•ils. Join the winning t..,, of outl1anding people! Helping ot~ 11 rewerd•no. r•al eatal• 11 e11c111ng w1tl'I THE RE.Al. ESTATERS )'OIJ c.n complete more tr1nS11ct1on1 with 1 ... frut1r111ons and parhc1pate tn oor profit lhanng bonus program. We offer an extensive. oersonattzed training program. held monthly by our highly 1ucceasful manegement team. Earn wti1le Y'Oll fewn in a pleuant and exc111ng otf1oe environment. LOI• ol t\elp & an CJPCX)rtun1ty to grow! ~ ~ 7 -L /J ././ ~ tf _ PhD. Lera talk about itl '-'Tl /n ~~ Pleue call Gail Gnnon for an President 1000tntment 11 &4<>-2500 ThaMlt UtcunYE ISTATE 4 ID+ POOL CUI de uc shelters mamm>th 4 bedroom! S.ciuded raised tile entry to step down hving room• F0<mel d1nel Rumpus family room. sunshine gourmet kitchen Sc>lrahng 11a1rcase to New Orleans balcony• Master bedroom retreat plua 3 cn11dren'1 sanctuanes• Estate hke grounds with two seoarate yerdal Pool with shde and diving board! This 3 yew new estate 11 available. but won't last! Take Ollf!Jlf ex1st1ng loan of $39,500 at $322/mo. Call QUICk. &47-6010. AIANDOte 2 STOltY IEACH +POOL Formel entry to gigantic hv1ng room Formal dining room. Gourmet kitchen. Famtly room Conversation p11 with fireplace Sweeping stairs to melter suite & children's Quarters. Access for camper or boat. Hurry call~767 5 IEDIOOM + POOL VA-MODOWH Owner desperate, what a buyl Donl miss 1t1 Abandoned 2-story Beauttful heated pool, 5 huge bedrooms with massive master suite. 1mmed1ate POUession + + + assumable low interest loan or new VA with no down. Only S61 .000 Call today. 646-7171. ,. A-NAME HOUSE Of GLASS ASSUME SJS,500 Artistic beach chalet Tile entry to hv1ng room with fireplace & view of lush grounds Gourmet kitchen & breakfast bar Family room. H1deaw•Y master retreat with wall of glass Wtng for children & guest. Magnihoent 30· studio loft with oc>en beamed ce11tngs T•ke over 7'4" VA loan. No new loan costs S327 33/~ys all 963-7881. IHA TKT AIUHG VIEW HIGH AIOVE CITT M1gn1f1cent appro ac h Courtyard entry Most prnllg10ue floor pl11n Completely upgraded thru-out Unbeliev•ble 180• view of p1cturesQue harbor & ocean + city, etc A MUST TO SEE NOW AT AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN PRICE. Call 10 see s.4&-2313. .. SEASIDE CHAUT'" Sum"19rt1me beach retreat. Few steps to ocean Total pnvac:y w11h high walls A-fraire styling, House o f glass Indoor garoen atnum loaded With tropical plants & fems Rugged beam 08lhngs 1n all rooms Log born1ng l1replaoe. W1nd1ng staircase to loft landing Pfware sundeclc terrace off rreSS1ve rrester suite + 2 more bedrooms One bedroom downstairs could be a den Forni d1n1ng off brick decorated k1tcl\en Courtyard patio + Olympic swimming pool & tennis courts. 842-2535. MESA VBDE GaAHDE Big 4 bedroom with everyth1ng111 2 brick fireplaces. Every woman s dream kitchen. Beauttful tree-lined street Spic 1f span. shiner ready to rrove ln + t--+ great aasurnable VA roan. Only S6 t ,500. Call now• 646-7171. ASS.UME VA LOAN $34,500 Beal buy of fl\e week. Beautiful 4 bedroom home decofated throughout Covered patio large rear yard, located on Quiet cul-d8-$8C street Hurry b8 first 10 call fOf an appo1n1men1 to see. 963-6767. .. PIHTIGE HOME .. 5 + POOL Outstanding curb appeal. Shadowed O't tall trees Giant 2 story, 4 bedrooms up + master bedroom or guest Quarters on lower level adfQlning lavish pool, board & shoe loW ma1n1enance rear groonds lmed with palm & yucca trees Huge covered party l1na1 New doeskin tone carpeting Rock fireplace 514% loan av111lable at S255 monlh or new llnanc1ng 01<. Call 842-2535. MESA VaDE PACESETTER IARGAIN PRICE Pride of ownership area Ideally situated Manicured grounds Secluded entry Free flowing interior. beaullfutty appointed. OWNER MUST SELL' Take actvantege of thus opportunity, Call now. 546·2313 CORONA DEL MAR SELECTIONS I TOIS MultiPle unit •n the heart of Corona del Mar Just a block from the beech One of the most unuaual prooert..s on the merkel Ort an R3 ow1'1zecl lot -has .,, e11oeptionally good income. 1nd we believe 11 can be 1moroved -we·re excited abOut ""s 11111ng -call us tor mote lnformahon Cati 673-8550 llST NICE -GHAT VllW -CDM! lmmtculate 3 l>edroom-3 bath home with Anthony Pool Call nowt Floor-to-ce1hng stone fireplace V•e""" of Catalina from living room. d1n1ng room 1nd maater b9droom tulle Prtvafe comer IOcallon Has 11 all' And beat price In the netghbomo<>d. Owners want to go filtl1ng! Call 873-8550 *******TOP PRODUCERS * * * * * * * Also: DAILY PILOT 8 f OPEN 'TIL 9 CHAIMIM• IAYSHOltl conA•H llDUCB> THOUSAHOSI Mlr'QI• with the movl• atara only altos from the prMllge ot Newpo1t waterlront. Ru111c cottaoe wllh huge tr-s prov1dl1 onco in • l1t1t1m1 b•rga1n Honw 11 loaded with person•hty + + You mutt soe to bllfl\18 lor this prtce -hurry -<>Wf* muat go -take edvantage -call nowl 540-2313. A.fftAMI GLASS CHALET AITIST REnEA T By.the-sea Towering A-frame chalet nestled in the t1ees Courtyard entry 3 bedtOOmS 1nc1ue1e ae~11e master wing Family room ROCk firepl1ce lsl•nd kttchen Sweeping s111rcase to 30 toot loft studio w1lh beam ceilings II s unioue No Quahly1ng Assume 714"° loan at S327 month incl taxa. Call now• 842-2535. OWHS HHDS HELP! 4 + 2 FAMILY · DINE Immediate POSSess1on• Move in nowl Extensive used brick accentuates lh•s country-style horne Every woman's dream kitchen with all the wife-saver conveniences Mammoth brtck fireplace. Four k1ng-s1zed bedrooms w1lh massive in.Ster suite. Entenaine'$ covered patio Enclosed wortt.hop area ... + + assume low interest VA loall. Seller'S loss -your gain Al S49 950 Call today. 640-7171 "AIAMDOHED" BfGUSH EST A Tl 2 STY -VlEW $4l,SOO Winding roadw1y leads to secluded dnveway amidlt towenng p1nea & eucalyptus trees! Spiraltng stalraise leads to private 2nd StOf'Y entrance• Lavish ltving room overlooks ocean and vatleyl European gourmet kitchen! Dining entertainment Sweeping master bedroom retreatl Separate mom-in-law Quarters Or guest room• WorkshOO' Price slashed' This htlltOQ estate can be yours for $4300 total dOwn Or take over exist loan II S2t5per month I SAY• Calf forQUICk tour847-6010. UtcUTIVE CUSTOM EST A Tl OMTHE .. U Prestige area. Massive 32' parlor with sunken c:onV8f'Satton pit. Kitchen, elegant formel barlQuet room Enormous l1m1ly room with wet bar. Mua1c-oame room + hobby dark room with double atnkS. cabinets. etc Huge private master suite with dressing room + sewing room -separate children's wino + much too much to mention here. Calf and see now 5-4&-2313. Tit-UV& '"UPUIUC .. IE1.0W MA.llCET Pride ol o wnership street -nwn1cured land1CJ1pe presttge entry. Elevated vest1t>Yle. ()pen tMtam vaulled 08lhngs Huge formal blnauet room Bnght garden kitchen overviews "sunken" family room with cozy f1r9()lace This is truly an exceptional hOme 11 an unmatchable pnce for ttte area. Seller bought ano1her and would hke Quick sale -hurry for lh1s onel Call 546-2313. GHAT STARTER UMITS EASTSIDE! Foor two-bedroom units• What a chance to make SS and hve 1n Easts1de Costa Mesa f0< very few dollars Priced below market at S91 .500 -iust reduced. Call today 64&-7t71. SPANISH RXER-3 H 2 STOltY~EACH-f'OOL $21,500 Large family sized hv•no room. Canllna lutchen. Dine. Terrace 1n walled courtyard. Sweeping stairs lo separate master relreitt & children's suites. Assume 7"""' FHA loan. N o new loan costs. s 185/mo. pays all. wonl last the week HURRY! Call 963-7881. FIX AMO SAVE THOUSANDS Customized 2 story on pretty tree lined street. Huge step down family room with fireplace + many, many extras -different from standatd models -super large expanded bedrooms. parouet floor in formal d1n1ng Needs some TL C -take ADVANTAGE OF THIS CONDITION & SAVE THOUSANDS. Hurry call now! 54&-2313. INVESTORS DREAM I 0 UMITS S 150,000 Prime residential 11rea. 10 units Include 4 individual homes + 3 duplexes All are modern design & conslruc t1on Need some fixing. Great investment ooPOrtunily for handy person. E-Z terms available. Many other beach investment properties available. Please call 963-7881. llVINE -$3650 DOWH ANXIOUS -2 STORY Need 1mmed1ate sale! Prime Irvine location. 2 story townhome -Walnut SQuare Sonken living room hosts smoky mirrored walls Gourmet kitchen W1nd1ng wrought iron st airway to Queen s11e bedroom'>. Separate laundry room. Central air cond1l1on1ng. Secluded pallo. Sparkling Olympic sized comm 0001. S3650 down -full pnco S3i,500. Call fasl 752· t 700. 2 STORY SPANISH VILLA + POOL $41 ,900 Huge family sized 1tv1ng room wllh f1repfaco. Garden k11chen overlooking pnvate encl05ed patto Completely oe<:oroled throughout. LOClled across atroet f1om park. Call QUICk 963·6767, NEWLYUSTED Excellent loc1111on 1n lrv1na Terraco-'\uper clean-freshly pa1ntod-omodeled k1l chen-overs1zed oarage-4'tuge living room-<eally a sparkler-call us for moro infort'Mlton 6 73-8550. l IDRM + FAMILY ROOM Pride o! ownership area Quiet t1en tined 'ltreer Located 2 minule~ lrom the ocean Largn f1m1ly 1oom with fireplace Form11 d1n1ng atea plus many more extras For only $43.500 Hurry call' g3&-a76 7, Gea91 DeVry &.Ty MGnJOI' ,,_. TltaxtOll ..... With BEACPt OFFICE COSTA MESA FOUNT AIM VALLEY CORONA DB. MAR IRVIME 1700 ~BMS. 64&-7t7t 2790 Harbot BMS. ~2'313 18109Br~ 983-788\ 332 Mquerite ST.Ml550 1"""2 MICA~ r752-1700 ' 8J OMV PILOT IOOMEI TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom I. Ryan _!. .t .. t . ,... -t#hr FUMKY WINKERBEAM by T °"' latilik rrv.i 1UBA PLJWER JU&T aorr ™E BAND I WHAT I 'D LIKE 40Ll n 00 15 &J -rnROUGH ALL !HE 5lUDENT INFORMA110N CARD5 .... ANO PICJ< OUT A SfUDENT wrrn NICE FAT ltP5 / FtGMEHTS 'NANCY ,, ... , .. ~ ~::.:: ........ =-#· ·-.... ,.. by &Ne Bust-.miler .--~~~~~~---. 5-L..GGO NA"'E -He: C.A:::>,-A!... OF THE NETHERLANDS AMSTERDARN TODAY'S CRDSSIDID PUZZLE A(ROS~ 1 llu•t.•"•• Mo\1.ef .. c (tl(j Q~''"" 'I '>h•ll•, '"' nn• 1• ~ .• 'f yfll l' J.( "" '"' ,,, H ~1,.'-f VI: 44 M ''" th1Wl1•n •') ,,.,,rift\' .4h l'AOAI n1tt"f' •R fto.Mt t1, 11('11 \ ....... "'•'••j1 •J, A.t•1fv1r\ \ ,,,,' t ' ~.. I' •fl 1 ·~ .. ,,, f•J ,,,,. i rH1'l7 rt!P~ ' . I o In ,. T n I I. • 0 j I r o r r , ' . I 0 I \ ' ( \ . l I T I\ I rrm 0 ' ~I< ~ !I ~ .,. r , " . ,__ .. " . ' I • 0 u . " I < I! ~. -.. .. " l' • " I , . • £ IL 'f p,, t" • ., "l • .. If I ' ' . fl,,,.., UI t1"1".1 t "'''' ~'l l 411 ... .,.n t 11~u ... v • " ~ . l "' 111' "' ',, • ,f po 1 I 1q l...,.,... hf) M1Jo1,., •1( '"' ll\>411'\ ~Tr ~r . " .. r-~H:J )() f•t\ ,,,,,,, '~"'Q ]I s .. ton •"••r.,. ;'1 furir••t ;'\ t.n,t .h l .t-l'*'''t' • ' ' ',. t ''",. )q N9'Q.tt1w,. r•- 1 t '2 l t,MP'\t•~IO" 1, ( ., ..... '•'] ., fl''"''''•' .. • Ui.1t\1.t•• I '1"' 11C ••1 \¥\' lnot ''" 1'l ~ .. .,. r~nrl1 hon ) wu,d• ~ (M•I\ t 1 Of ""'''•I ,. .. ~ t f • .,, ... kJ "''"''" Ylltlt f"\of'I ,.,,. o,,,.,._. .... fl' V "' nvi. l•\W"'4 I \-.u t tow• .. TI. ' t '•.tllf1 • '""'' nt ,, "' '"'"' 1•1-.tHh 'f tm1,1tr• A Wh,.thnQ '"""" '\ N•h•O~A nil ""• t0 '9A"'U'' /\rt ,..,.. " -" ~'. ,1 '" uu •I •I 1J tt' ~A' .t ,,,., JJ ( ... "~)f\ .t', '·"~1flln tr~•· \n r.u o ... ,.. 11 r·•y·flv '" fn.m •f '' ' .... , ll Wini t ,.,,1 k11•11 " ~nl i.o••l •t .n r • ._.~,, "'' use•''" ( \ ~ht•+tal•tn iOPW'\I' 11'\ 1 lirf.,..\ • • ll'\11.tf•t'\Cf u hi..-'' '4\~·o '"tj+r\ ,. ft\i111111t ·~n \1 rat";twilV "Al-0" >\I h• 11 ~'•"' '" "'.1 111 0 •'1.>t• •ull 1 J . ~ -- \Muir '' r1•f"•t••"' ,,..,,.,. ... , ... ,.,~, 4C.. ",."', "" f tJt t '"norr •I An ''' f..• hi I ·~ ~r-.,,.1.c..• ~,• o ... ~. t '\ ln9f""""' i!I() f Uf'f ~I CtH"l'imf'onr,. f "'' •. N1 tit' .. f .. MthlH"\ t,J On~,,...~ "" r ,,~ ''" ,,,,. P.,q • ,, .,. JUDGE P ARIEi THIS BEEF WfLLINVTQI<. ~ suPtR~ A6&Y' I MU$T COMPL MfNT Y(\)i:I ()l(f ' ITS Tllf N S T f 'Vf 1-\AD 5'NCE ~ \11 l TO l()HO()H ~ 72: MISS PEACH 01.A~ P'i.AV OPEN~ IN AP(ll.. H.AVE YOtA DONE .ANY CAfilN(; YET;-...----"' DICK TRACY DOOLEY'S WORLD MOON MUWMS ANIMAL CRACKERS HI, LANA\ 6(.)E.SS WHO/ .. .. f )( h )c )< ') < "\ ;: ( ) ( ) ( ) (O) ( ) ( 1() ( )( )( )( )( )() NO ... NQ ... NQ .. . NOPE ... U~ OH .. . NA\O ... NQPE .. . NO ... NOPE ... ~o , .. t-JA\4.l ... 014 U\4 ... ~E€'A1' 1\JE ... NO , .. OOPE ... NOPE ... by Rodrpr lroctfltlt by~ Johnson \.JHAT1Re 'iot.J 1RYING 10 ()0, WOM/>.N •• SHOCK M'f -~ SYSTEM?~~ ., ~ by Herold Le Doux by Mell by Chester Gould I alWll\\ love !hr \t:rnnd d.1v ur " ''''"' lh111' whl'll I 1Jn1ilt II "n'I V.llllh 11 DENNIS THE MENACE PUBLIC NOTI-P UBLIC NO'l'ICE '°ICTIT'104tt a USl •&U ....ana, .. 1WT Pl(TITI0\1$ a u111tt1S N•MI \TAllMl1t1 , ... .._ ... __ ~ ... -..... , Tiie ..-... --....... -.... CNlltltONMfNTA\. .. IALTH tVJ'fl.,.S,.n'lj• Ot• ... ~~ C..nut MINDGUA•D<X>, lift'-- 4• .C..'9-. u. ~ ._ J Kitt-. It" .. __ ..... c.. ..... _..(A f'tti. , ..,,,.. •• _,, ... ,o.~11. m '"'' °''" c-u Mew. C..~ n ... ....i_i._.,....,~.,. -J•-•J ICl<c-"'" ... w.o ,, ,_.., °" .. .,._ ........ """'"""' M<Det"'et ,,_~ .-.t.....-..ftt •• , ........ "" """ >l•__..1 .... ··--· -c;....,., Oeft .. Or-~--~·· Cl••• .. o ....... C-y .. _,_,,)O, ••I• ' ,.,. ,,_ PU'ln '°loell-Or-(Mtol o.llot "Ill l'WOll-O<-(0010.11, Pllal, ~--·II, ... u -.... r<lll, "" ""°"-'. 4, ""'· u ltll • ,. ut-J• P UBLIC N<YllCE -PUBLIC NOTICE ,.CTITlOVt a1111•1 u NAMIUATIMAINT ..OflCI Toc••D TCHll ... A .. , .. \Ul'l•101t COUltfOP TNI ITATI OP (ALI l'O,NIA l'O• THI COUNlT Of'tlll AMGI no. ... _.,. __ ....... _ ...... '" ttw M.•H•r of t\• l \l•t• ot WiHlfllEO D. Cll l(,oHTOH 0.tff- ILTlt()H INOU,fllll,, -S.. .... A ... ~--'-'" ... ,, .. , c.i '2191 WALTl!lll Pll.t.NI( JO<>i. ,_ \ (;a<1elO. ·-·'-'" .,, ... HDU<• f\ Mf"•ltf t •tlltft te CHdtMr• T•ll• ..... -. "(-"(~ 0Y M I~ d•V._I w .... ,,. .-,. .... ,., ,...,"', ... .,~,, ~ ~ °""-• ...... lo II ...... <l•I.,,, ....... Oll<O .. ™' ,,.,~ .... "'-' .. "' .,... nw ,,. ..... ei uw ••tif•••d c.°""1 °' IO .. ,....,I I .. ,.. lu 1 ... ....,.., .. _., N C-•w Cle•• .. 0.•"119 C:-y °" -•rU,ltl• ott1<1 ol TAYlOlll, KIM"Pf •, & ~UM MEI<\, AU .. .._n •I \ofw, 11>1 .... Ille ..... ,.,., 1110<) • UI W.f \;•II• &4 . In""' Cu t ot Lo\,.,, .. ._,. tn LO'\.,,.,..,,. (AN{·•··•"-•<" •·•i.1 .-1ic .. ",,.. "6•• c,; w"ne" oi tN v ... t w~ "' •It Mitntt\ pitft .. f'U"'O IOMMI .,,.._. W" ti .. "'' •llPt , .. ,. ... w,., ,,....,,,...,., ""'' o. '*""'or .,,.,.,wet., efar'9\•..ct •""'" •°""' mo"tht •"•' ,,. ftt\t p.1bt1<.•ttonof \hi\ f\OtCA 0.1..s r •1> •. "'• Joh,. A Cretfl't°"" E~vt'••tlf',.••11 ....... -.... , l ATLOlt, ICUl'l'I• I \UMMllD llJol ,..clhc M-.1 .... WWII• Sill\" \L LMA_..l,(4 -· ""°''-Ct•" .. , .. ,, 0..IJ POot, f.el>. 11, It, U, M.11<1 J, ltll PUBLIC NOTICE Pl'8LI(' N(YTICE Pl(TITIOU\IUSINU\ NAMll.SfATIMINT ,,.. tot•o·,~ Mt'°"'.,. dOl"9tM.lt.1 "W\\ ., OAO~~NUI ~HOP l llMo•llW' ~._. "•lbcW f\t•nd C..•htor"I• .,...J Aobtf'1 J M ~' "°"· 11 in 9" •'°" L•,..., Hunt•"'94on 8••<" CAl•ton'w• ,,_ (it-.«.• A •"M' \O" ) I U1 9r•t~ ·'""' Hvnt1ftQ10ft 8••"'• (•t1t0fftt• ,, ... 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CtOf' mor• •••""lt1n"""""' J\lltwtittlOftOI lt•t.-\ltn \)tUOft ••<hK11no •nt •QUI~'-" ttwl"l•tOft\ •nd rne1M•twnc.• •Q111oment t 4 F'.t.,,..Of' S.,..t11\ftCr.t,,.,or .,..,.,",.,,..,_"'1,~. C>rtWf' .. Y•ft•<•• or Co1"11>in••.an• V•fntl9'of J••I"'°' Y•fU(l•'"-'''Mft•JoM. r:Of'• .... ,. °"'""',. ft\jlf'• Movn'tCI Po'#fr &oom tl¥•\4tr Truc9t. , .. ,,.., ""'"'""' . . . . . M1t«:rt Tt\H'lk Othr•f' u•~•< "'......,...,.,IUO"iotl _.,.ttO.,.tfttln9 ~, •IMh ., ,1m+lar \MC.I .. .t1K,,...,.,.,h. °"""''o4 hM\\lt m1.-tr\K•\~Jy¥f.h 0rh"9t\f/I hMt\1t ,..,,, trv<••)....,.Ofmor•. TILl:LATllll •II Tilel...t"'• . Fortm.,. fl•\\ tllon II,...,., S 001»< uy •OO"" ,_,..,,,,_ TILi "I Ll'I • • 11 • • JI • II It 10 ., , )I 10,, 10 .. ~ II ft 1n" 10 14 10•1 " ... "" ·~ t I) IU • 1• A)) • 10 . ,. IU IO l't meHol-................................. e•s Gtrtll•.., • . .. .. . .. .. , , , .. • .. . .. I 10 , .......... nq ..... dul""., -., ...... ~ " .... ., -• -••"'9 ... , .. ~ -· ,,.. •••• "'" ,,..._, --rllnw --\IWlll IN .r _..II-al'CI .,.Mii 11 ~II M 1'1•Nl•l~Y -0. CONTltACtOlt I• ............ <-••I " ..,..,...., .,.., -any •llb<-ecler -· -• ... ,,Ml In~ u...-U.. ... . -".._,.,.,, .... _ ..... .,._.,....., .............. c-111 ....... 1 ............ 1. Ne -may wltlldrew fl't bid !er •-locl of ,_ty.flw IOI dan al~ IN dtttt01•1:11t-"90lb ..... A .,..,_,., _., •t!d •""-.,--II M ...._......, ""°' lq e.-<ul..., f/I Ille (.,.ltecl flle 110-ftl -.,..,, .,. 1" aw'°'"' _. ltf'lll lfl ,,. e-r•I --tfll• S.t.OOLEIACX VALLEY UNll"lt!O~OOI. OISTltlCT c;e ...... "'-.. 1¥ ltOIC ltT t4 FlltOUSON Aul-fndA...,t ~1-0. ..... C-\10..ly ....... ~"-""· "· lf1• ~~.~·.~ ............ I~.*:':.~.~ ....... . G.-nl IOOZ~ 1001 ·············~································ INVESTMENT MINDED? 50.000 + SHAIES OF WAL.KU & Lit RIAL HTATI STOCK FOi SALl-'/1 PllCI IHCLUOES: s.-it Escrow Corp. • w ....... Ii LM Mor+9099 Co. •Hew H~ Sde-1 DMllOR •IH.ae Offlcn • Marta.~ DI•. •d ...-y °""'"' Few we •to.-tH. write: P.O. loJt I 264 Talilt, C& tZHO ~.-·,Notice: All real t'!!lult• 111lverl lSl'<I in lhb newi.pupcr is i.ub J{·ct to ttw t'lodl•r.il 1-\ur lloui>1ni: 1\t·l or l~lill wha·h ma.kl'» 1t 1lleg11I ll ad\t'rllH' ·any l.lrl' fere nce. hm1tnt1on. o cllscnm1m1t1on bas ed on r11ee. color, rchR1on. sex, or naltonul ori.iin. or un 1nlt'nlloo l o make anyl•----------• 11..:h preferenre. Ltmu~ Ltoo. or d1i.cn mtnauun ... Ttus newspaper will no\ knowingly uct·cpl Ult ) udvertas tni( tor real estate whtl'h is 111 v>0l11 lJOn ol I.he luw. Homes few Sale •••.•.•..••••.......... 1002 .••.•..••••.•.......... AIAMDOHED Whal you St>e '" 10<h.1t •11u get. Pnme urea in Wjll.. mg dl:.tanc'' to elcmcn lary school, 11ark an·..i & shoppin.:. Govt ofh'r' low down pyml Ju~l put on I.he market. 646 7111. Walker & lBB Real lstat1 CONTEMPORARY WITHVIEW lrvtnc Terrucc. b('~l \ilue' llJV & ot·t·an \ll'W J Bdrrn" • J h.;th' open bt'um,, wall' 111 i;l :!bs. Formul 11111111~ .area <.'u:.tum d""''~" $88,500 C. F. Colesworthv RHlton 640.0of o F.V. Patio Hom. $42,500 nbl'he-:1blt• J Ix.I. :.! ha lh y "hi. roof 111 lh1' ~aultrul l > r old homt• Cummuml> pool & ll'""'"' t1 m dt•\'t•lopml'nt Nt-.1r Mlle Sq Park. M'huub & shopp1n.: ~~) !14!JI Walker &lee Reel l1tata STEA.LIT!! $34.900 3 Bedroom !>lart.er's <h' bghl. Gourmet k1t1..h1·n, covered patio, b1 )( ma!\ter "'1th 2nd bath Prest11o:c <·ommunity hv ing SUV(' thnusJn1b 1 Cu II 645·0303 FOREST OLSON IMC CUFFHA.VEH Neal as a pin, dean a!> a wh1sllc' J HR doll howw w1t.h lrc•mcndoui.ly la1 J.:•' sunde<'k ov<'rloolu11i: Cl>lalc :.tLc yard SGH.~1 lalboa lay Prop. R•atton • 675·7060 • FIXER HEEDS TLC Temh'r lll\'Hll! l ',IP' I" i.ill l h ,, t 1' r 1• <I u 1 r P ti I 11 tr.an.,form llw. hnnw 10111 a l>ho\lo 111.itt• llu i.:1 ma't"r "Jilt• \lo<llh ltorn.i1l h11lh . ~I l!l"''I 1)(11 "" .111.t hOllU!. r1111111 l'I ll't•d Ill 11ell ut Stl7 ,!ltHI ~ 752-~31~ DONALD M. BIRD AHO•••••' ••oho" C-t ZOME 112 ACRE Aero~ I nm1 loll n•nll'f ;H OC A1ri111rl Trulfl•• l'QUOl ol 34.0IKI ' •• r ... pt'I d.a)' St'llt•r hqu1dal>nl: ,a,.sct~ prit•t• JU"l n· dt11.·t-d s:io.ouo• • • 1>46 n n . THREE UNITS EASTSIDE COSTA.MESA llou."' plus duple" w1lh 3 IH·droum:.. &! bulh" O\lolll'r':i quJrlt·r" Will t''lrhuns:r I': 7. term:. St .. rl your IO\'(',,lmt>nl pro.: ram nuw. or ln'f' lherl' ·um.l 11·1 lhe rl'OL' help PJY lhc mort.:ai;t.' u: •~::.~~ tt . Prapttrti•• 7S2-1920 ~ 1400 OUAll $1 NI WllO•t 11 A(H AFfORDAILE COSTA.MESA ONLY $48,950 Collt·i.t1• l';ork ht>Olt' 1111 lur!!t' corn1•1 lot . m JOY t•xta a"' not lounll norm.ti I) 111 u h11u,_, .• 1t lh1"' 11r1t'<' Wtll i:o 1.a,I, Ml t .ill lur a1111 t tu 'l't'' 833·2906 ( COAllN ASSOCIATES) f REALTORS SCARCE f.J,.ti.uk l '11,.,t.1 M.-:.a. 4 llt'dr1111m,, 1111 hlln!>, I m•plan'. dt'l' i.:.ar 11om. loh 111 I n·c•19 ( l\lo nc·r ha:. l1ou1!hl an•>lh.-r horn•'. <Ju irk ?'"'('"''°11. <.:a 11 an) lime 541) 1151 ...,.. HERITAGE ·-· REALTORS A Watttfr0tti Home On llEA<'ll <.:h.;nnel V11·w Low prl l'I' frir <,Up1•r s ha rp .il!r. Jh.1 honw J .i.;. l.1m rm""'""' ~111 roundNJ by lu,h lnd"'ll ti l!fl'<'lll'r) .. ,,., 1111,111• 1111: :-..1 h or h t•, 1111l 111n. s:l(L'i.(U l Wl\TI ru HONT llOMI.., Rf AL ESTATE (, !I 1400 TUCKED AWAY \m•mi: all lht· I 1 ,.,., " ltm. lt1H•lv ii ll1·1ln•>m. :.! Ii.1th C '11111•11,. 11.11 k lu11111• I• '"'I un 111: l.11 i.:1• ·w11.1 r .1t.· l.orwh ''""" 11 11111ph·tr• w II ''" I l ,1 h I 1· I F II t'pl.11·1 ' 111 .llJ 1ii11 I I ph ilt tll 11' /\II hll<'• 1111,ollv ol••'<11!11•·d p.11111 I\ nil 111111 11 111111 h 11w11 • II " 11 ,. r m " ' 1 n 1• I •• :-,11 I .11111 Ill•• .11111 lllU I "'II 1)1111 l 1111" 11'' I .111 'rlh "~t ~HERITAGE REALTORS ('l:i,,d1t•1I .111-. 'It'll 1111• i------------ 1ti•n\,, \Ill.Ill 111•11\' 111 ,fll\ 1l1•m Ju.'>I 1·,lll t.1.! '•ill h ml \loh,il \HU \\ ,1111 Ill !l.11IY l'tlt1I I l.1 '\II 11.,h s~~Jtl 1A-~ttr5 ~ That Intriguing W ord Gom<> with o Chudlt> -------14•••4 .,, Cl•' I 'OU ... --- 0 ~ .... "~":!:~t: ~,.. --~~' ;· ...... I f , I, ..,., • _.-,,. I It It s u R T I 1 I !' I I I TUN YT I 11,.,, nolh'>l ,....,,., "" ' I t\.Qftn') 'n • SO¢"'' f ti 11:' t 1'11 . . . "'') ,..,oi; ~ lO"Jl:I 1t~ 1.r•• I r----------., ,, .. , '1111 ,,.,..,,,., ., -·-·ti I T E F C E F I ''•" ''1"'-"'' 1 '1 '°i.-.. ,-~,--., .... ,-.. ,-~,91-< C) .,... .... ••• ~. "• a ••of .. _ .. _ _.._ .. _ _.._ ... _ ........ ;.;.:..,;,·1.:.. ';;p ~"1 :".,,!' l 'J' l I ..... ~ [ 11111 t~ ' • '""'i·""" t SCUM..uTS AMwwn ill Clou lficatfon 1010 1 I ' \ 4 DAil. Y Pll.OT ~.':':..':!! ....... !~.~~ ...... . G•••.. 1002 & ... ,.. 1002 ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ....................... . ~.~.~ ........ ,~:.~~ ....... ~.~~~ ....... . 1006 G•••• IOGl G .. tOOJ 8 .. IOOZ ..................................................................... • S AL E MP!N or Southport· Model. s Bdrms . Enloarj(cd m sl.r. suile includes silting room & frplc. Jacuui tub in mukr bath. O utstanding view of bay. ocean and lights. $255.000 • eOLDWa.L IA.Ml9 co. 644-1766 c.u 142·5171. Put • few word• to work for ln lhe DAILY PILOT BBOKERS. aJlare olrke • r«eve ~ comm . ll'• the w11;1 '° IO· Call Sam or c .... PILOT a.EAL ESTATE. ~ ------ UAsaf0'1'0M OIM! cl \he ..... •• tJ'W,y o•talaQcllnl bayfroat bomu I• ••elvllv• Ouv~r Sborea. No• available on • IZS.000 a year lea1e/Ol)Uoo. cau UI for dftaJla Sel11dJe 1lems ' A WAY TO aw. YOU.~ .. This Btutrl» C plan hu the perfect room!. . Oownsu1rs, next to the front door for hale s lee ping and fast get-awoys ! Thm 4 bedroom unit also hu 3 baths, beautiful lt.alhin marble Ooorang. new carpeting and is owned by a very meticulous homemaker. You'll love it! At $89.SOO. U~lfJUI: li()Ml:S REAL TORS• 675 6000 744,j E. Cont Highway, Coton• del Mor .,flO'Ha v .. ai,. 5"6·5/l.90¥1df.MftfMIGntJIJlJ 4314 G9""1111 I OOJ Gtwa.. I OOZ Gt•,.., . ......•....•..•..•.•......•........ , ........ . -------------· l H l llM9S M>AD. tU. OPIM ll·l .. f CZ11t•SUM. Fabulous v1tw-Catallna/Dana Pl. 2 BR+ofc or 3 llR 2 BA , 5 huge windows-opens to pvt. outdoor palio. · Your Dally Kltgs Rd. Realtor IHOOAMAGIL t714t '4l·HOO -------------IOOZG_... 1002 Yllo AR UIATHl'AIUMG U\\ f;R$75,tl00 30r,::h.1. tn ... p.allo ~ d11. vaw I'll tln•net·m *ill Of the blue Pamfk from uu. maamhcient VI I' f\: ,.......... I 007 side.ore Huac-LR "1th noor lo <'l'lllOI (rpk ldt!al formal enlC'(lJan lnfl. o-.ner lrunsrerrt'd bnn11 all oChn trail T7 l l. WalktH C lH Aul l st1r1 oorToOc.- 1 n lwuu -..1dbl aur PLl l._chdor Unit ,.nd uni urut h •d Ot'('t111 Pntential for Ill ur an\ l'l>lo1. • mrrtt COAST Vl':STMt-:NT M9~1il -~ Tnpl\• ~ llr t•a l Ulk h• M•wport ...._., Ol'\!1111 bay Sl 111.~1 lllllsldc hom.-. fol• 01 M11l'll II IUty tlU·<WOi' pnvaey. 3 1.k>droom, ~ -• bl.Ith, 11mplt' Ulil' of wood RUllUt• ~tclr)' (;hiarmer und opeo ix-11m11 $82,SOO on lur I! 1·111 nc•r duplo•K PETE BARRETT 1()1. J I I hou111.1 fcu111 , ~-..t ~ 1 h l'erm Ol~lm -REALTY-& t>ay ' l'") w.~oo '42·S200 6TS·4050 ' , t 1.>rulk•rt1ci. ----b7J~10_ .G.-1.. IOOZG••r• lto2 G ... r.. 1002 G••r.. IOOJIG•••.. 1002 ............................................................................................. ·••••·················· BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 ~b~ HetM. -CoroM Mw I 022 YA-FHA TE•MS S bd. 3 bil, an 1h1a rhJrm ing nearly nil"' home Lrg FR. formJI d1run11. h\ y !>hk root t'ho1ce C M location I.o w Lo-.. dov.n. $78,750 545 1*491 -. I j Fors. NEWPORT IEACH HoM.1, ltniMu LocotiOM. Motels, Vec..t Land 455 Newport A venue. This sale includes a 2 story 23 unit MOTEL and MANAGERS COTTAGE built in 1961 with swimmin~ pool. Current monthly rental is $1,300.00. The lot covers 19.784 square feet including 2,000 square feel of street area, is relatively level, zdned C·l and semi-rectangular in shape. Minimum bid is $83,000.00. Required deposit is SS,800.00. Sale date is March 24 at 10 a .m. Refer to Public Auction No. 811J. 415 Newport Avenue. This sale includes a 2 storv. 24 unit MOTEL and an 880 square foot frame siding • res idence. Five units were built in 1946 and 19 units were bwlt in 1963. Current monthJy rent is Sl.300.00. The lot covers 26,737 square feet including 2.423 square feet of s treet area. This motel also has a s wimming pool. Minimum bid.is $94,000.00. Required deposit is $9,900.00. SaJe dale March 24 at 10 :30 a .m . Refer to Public Auction No. 8114. 419 Newport i\ venue. Improvements on lhis lot include 1 s tory frame and stucco building built in 1955 with 2,390 square feet. Current monthly tenancy is $125.00. The lot <·overs-19,856 square feet including 1,508 square feel of s treet area , is relatively rectan~u lar in shape, r elatively level and currentlv 7.oned C·l. Minimum bld is $34.500.00. Hequi re<l deposit is $3,950.00. Sale date is March 24 at 11 a m . Refe r to Public Auction No. 8115. 108 Kings Road. This RE.51DENCE is a single story home (2.590 square feet> with 3 Bedrooms. de n, 2 baths. SWIMMING POOL and a 2 car garage. The lot covers 18.899 square feel, and is irregular and sloping. Minimum bid S70,000.00. Required dt>pos 1t 1s S7,500.00. Sale dale March 10 al 9:30 a m . Refer to Public Auclton No. 8095. 1721 Kings Road. This HOME is a 2 story res idence cons1slm~ of 3 bedrooms. ram1ly room. J baths and 2 car garage Total square footage 1s 2.554. The lot is s loping, irregular in shape, zoned R-1 and covers 11.552 square feel. Minimum bid is SSS.000.00. Reqwred depos it 1s S6.300.00. Sale date is March 10 al 10 a .m . Refer lo Public Auction No. 8096. 1821 Kings Road. ThL'i RESIDENCE 1s a 1 storv home built in approximately 1959 with 2,463 squar'c feet. 3 bedrooms. J baths. guest room with ~ .. bath and 2 ca~ garage. !he lot covers 8,764 square feet. is sloping, trreguhlr in shape and zoned R·l. Minimum hid is $56,500.00. Requjred deposit is $6.150.00. Sale date is March 10 nt 10:30 a .m . Refer to Public Audion No. 8097. 215 Tustin Avenue. This HOME 1s a sin~le story rt>sidt>ncl' (1 ,ROO square feet) built in 1948 with 2 bedroom~. den, }:\!,. baths and 2 car garage. The lot covers 7,500 squan• ft•t'l, Is rectanj!ular in shitl)t!. slopi ng, a nd zonl'<I n I. Minimum bid is $35,250.00. Rcqwrcd deposit 1., S.l.025.00. Sall' date 1s :\tarch 10 all! a m Hcfer to Puhhc Auction No. R008 208 Tustin Ave. This HEStDENC-E 1s a s1n~le ston home (1,607 square feet> built in 1959 with '3 bedrooms. 2 baths and 2 car ttarage. The lot cover~ 8,520 square feel, Lo; sloping, irregular in shape and ~oncd It l M in 1 mum bid is s:r., 500 00. Req ui rt'd depos it 1s S-4.250.00. Sale date is March 10 al 11 30 a m . Refer to Public Auction No. 8099. 300 Holmwood . Thi~ HOME t~ a si n ~le story res1dcnc<' n .516 squar~ reel) bui ll in 1952 w\th :l tl<'drooms. 2 b aths, a nd 2 cor jlara.:e. The lot covers 7.383 squaro feet. is ioncd·R·l, irre~ulnr in shape nnd sloptnl(. Minimum bid is $36,000.00. Requin"<.I deposit is $4,100.00. Sale date iii! March 10 at 12 noon. Refer to Public Auction No. 8100. l.ocutcd approximately 230 feet north of Pacific Coast llil{hwuy eusl or Tustin Avenue this parcel t·ons1slin~ of 45,460 8"juare feet will be offered for a minimum bid price of Sl.20.000.00. The land is a lmost rrl'tan~ulnr. kvel. zoned C2·H and landlockt>d Minimum bid is $120.000 00. Rt'quired deposit 1s $12.000.00. ~ale date is March 30 at 10 a.m Refer t o Public Auction No. 8132. FINANCING AVAILABLE ON THIS PARCEL ONLY. For_...,.lllfwwtSoac• Mr. C_....t C21ll '1t-271M Dt'hliled ~ c.oectn1J11 rMI Mt• off•ud -..,. c• It• olttohtM by c.-.cta.9 th Celtr•• ... .. '.,. ....... 1 •• lt-4 ..... ..tke -..., ........... .... Depa t:m..t at ttte ....... .._.W.W. ~-·"· 0 ..... e:c..-.~ UIW.Sfrtlla..1 la ....... Cllll:•.U Custom 3 bdrms ., 3 ba., fam. rm.; h igh beam ceil.; 1-story; pool. $160,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J•I' fl.,.,,,,d, (), . '• H t>?'> 6161 C:.-40' l t.:OA b 'T M\/V"if C:ORONA Ol L MAR YOUR MONEY'S WORTH ... money has value again--e;pecially when you can buy a one year old d uplex at the same figure its twin sold for last year! Front unit has 3 bdrms., family rm. & 2'1'.1 baths. Rear unit has 3 bdrms. & 2 baths + a view! 1-:ach unit has a 2 car encl. garage. Price only $121,500. BAY & BEACH REALTY OUR 27th YEAa '75-3000 .._,... IOO~G1•rol 1002 G1Mr.. 10021G""'al IOOJ ~·I:~;·~·;~~·:·~:·:~:· ···:;~~:~~~:~~:~··: ............................................. . ~1:~~!~P~:,~~~~ut Slll per"'° rm II 11 panehn&. beam ceilings Walking d1stanl'e to .../':fno h er tlOleU galore Steps l South Coa~t Pl aza . 3 ofi Ch beach Realtor. 642 2237 ltedroom + fam rm. 2 • / " 5"411-165t bath home Large lot td.o ,. -~r Wtn>Om for pool + boat! _.. · or trailer storage and l 7 UNITS stall have room for $110 QQQ vegetable garden or, , . l ross S.mO Down. Or llSSume beautiful garden entry & sparkling new Walker & Lee ReaJ Estate * • 7UMITS • * ...,.,~. Best 1ncom1• property buy an Newport ! Priced t.o ioell at '229.$00 673-3663 675·4717 t:vc!> associated 8 ll t ~ ~ f W '.., M J 1' ,. l iJ •, '" • ft t I f J , rt- IAYFIOMT LEASE WITH OPTION Vacant. bt'aut1Cully de· corated 2·8H Condo w 1fanta5llc v1l'w rrom bnlcony and hvmi: room $525/mo or $88,000. JACOIS REALTY 675-6670 7 18 G I .,. hat ha ve, you. Only ' Fresh & open rl·chns,:, newly decorated; Only~ )t!ari. uld -· ~:~S288permo.pay· kitchen .2Bdrms. +fum1ly rm. ' ~ru O~e e.:d~!"m ~~l:~.! ~ . . LIDO REAL TY Newport Riviera "a_ll elec thruout" In· l Pl-.fHl ])77 Vlo Udo. M.I. 673-7300 Reduced$ I ,500. come $10~0. mo full O l\1 ES SHARP4-bedroom, C'lo:.e pnce isss w aoi.er .C.M. to pool. t<>nni!> courts, $90.500 ~., to Morilet •o•ll•t GtMrei I 002 ' G........ I 002 clubhuuse nnd greenbelt. a;al -lrt; S49-86SS •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• Super locallon. ~.:>Oii 10' .. down CALL646-4477 ~ K€Y THaow AWAY ' R€ALTORSft ANYTIME THI LAWM MOWER ---- l~~~~~~~~·I and enjoy rarefr1!e livtnJl ~NlfJ[l DAIL[ Y & A~~UCIAl[S NEW ORW-:ANS de-;111n. 4 ·BR & honus r m . Spyglus~ home. Pool ~' lot. l'Ul·dl' ~UC ~t., 11·0• ' lund. $159,ltlO. La-9":~~ REAL CSTAll 64~·6397 Corona del Mur fourplci.. Pncc, $161,JOO l''ur sull' by ownl·f Ei..rellcnl , cond Se'f 0Wfll'I al 4.!(I'-. Larkspur, Cd.\t or c .. 11 644·13:!6 C'orono dl·I Mar duplt>x. t•ncl', SIS2)1UO 1-'or !>al1• by o"' n l ' I' E 'l' l' 11 t•nl <'()lld Set· ownt•r nl 4201 Wrk ... pur, ('d\1 ur 1 .111 • tM 7326 ----OUT ST AMDIMG VIEW DUPLEX :? Door'! from Curnat1011 Park. :i roomy luitunou,, 3 nOR:\1 2 HA o"'m'r' urHl w/non permun1·nt l'llANN .. :I. & CH't·:\' Vlt-:w l'lu~ 113 Hl>HM. 2 HA. ground fl oor n·11\.1I w/(ormul d1n1ni.: k• ina'l~·r i.lllll' lhul0 .., N 1-; V .. : H ,, a l' :i n l ." Sl27.500. Cull 6<14·7211 1· I in this 3 year ne w )) Townhouse. 3 Bedroom.I M.tm rrideofOWMnhip 2 bath, large pr1 vute, DOVU SHOlllS-Sltl,$00 Much love has irone IOl(I patio. dble garai:e Hen I Dramatic 4 bed rm home with huge ram ' •. '· I • _J this home CJrig1nall n11 courts, poub Lo<·nt I I owner. Mei.a Verde ed close to South Coa!<I rm & formal DR. Gorgeous vu of bay & -:-_ - Pa<'C!lt'lll'r 2000Sqft .J Plau and pncl•d uni> F'ashion lsland.Pool &bonusrm . ••A RAHE FIND Costo~sa bedrm. 2 bath. custom! $33,500. Call for complete 1608 GALAXY DR. Open Thurs 1·5 Lovely 3 bedroom. pool 1024 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• lblll add1t1on Quah ty det.lllls. $46-Sll80 211 I S-Jo .... Hiit Ito.cf homt-. .Profes~1on.1ll)' built with many t'Xlns landscaped Irvine Tl·r Owner Gone! Must sec to appl't'c111te 1 MEWPORT CEMTBt. M.I . 644-49 I 0 race sacnf1 ce. S83.500 By appt only $GS,900 I COLE OF NEWPORT 4 Bdrrru.. + t'11m1ly It :'It. MesoDelMar l'nbl'hevablc prH'<' al ~b.000! Fine lo<'at1011 nl·Jr South Coa'l l'l:tn. Vai:Jnl lit ready for qw l I.. poi.se:.~•1on. U1g room'. cui.tom dtcor. l.a rae family room. ov1:r!>m><I h vani,: room with tw;,rty l1n•11la n· 1-·u11 dining room, buill·1n:i. Wuw : l.11.:R., Cllll 540 1720 •A•e.en•t•. 97•9-•s.268 ____ ~~~~~~~~ G..wral I 002 GtMr.. I 002 REALTORS -••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2SlS E l.A>aasl llwy !Gt•r.. 1002 1&.....-1002 ASSUME VA 675.•551 I TRI LEVEL i' .. loan. 4 HH. t'or lot. --FO-UR -U~l-T_S_ FOURPLEX $59,950 These bread 'n butter 2 bedroom uniLc; represent a ~r~ut investment opportunity. Located just north 0£ St>. Co a s t PluziL Walk lo a ll shoppin~. As sume existing 7 1<.i'i~ VA loan, 640·G1Gl. LUXURY DUPLEX Spac-ious. 1mmac·ulate and localf'd South of ll1 1!hway in CORONA UEL MAit. J bedroom with formal d inin~ ups tairs 2 B('droom and a c1en down:-.la1rs . Roth h;we r1replut·c and private patio Low maintenance yard Sec to apprcdate. 640·6161 A WEE I IT DIFFERENT and 3 whopp-0r of a buy too! This s pac1ou-. M t:SA VERDE POOL h o m " h a .; t' v <' r y u m en 1 t y fo r gruc1oui-f11m1ly h vlna. S83,!l50. CALL NOW ror all information and uppt »fl2·4454 QUAINT ARCHITECTURAL r>etailmJ( here! 4 lledroom~. 2 bath Cape lluntini:tton Townhome. Obie detached garog<' and large patio Located near pool! S42.900. Call now. 962-4454 A BIG SPLASH is whal you'll make with the kids in lhis 3 bedroom, 2 bath pool home. Relax on the covered patio as the kids play. Has aulo garage door opener & block wall fence. A low maintenance home. Call for more information 546 4141 BIG l + RUMPUS ROOM You heard ri~hl! Almost 2000 sq.ft. of home in Costa Mesa. Rumpus room is detached for study /art or checker games. Overlooks nice yard decor with night li ghts and waterfall. Don't miss this one, only ..9.900. VA/FHA OK.CallS46-4141 Offtct'\ loc att"d ill CO\to MH o Hwltwtqton Broch -Newport B.t-och 1 ... . -• POOL HOME big work~hoµ, h:c cov " . patio. lrwt trel'~. ne~ AT THE lliCH nus is afaneexamplt'of plumbing & more OPENDAll.Yl·S what money and deeoral Pn<'t!d lower than ) ou I 130 46th ST N u Ing talent can achieve lhmk .. •' nus 4 bedroom 3-bath .. 1rsl lime offered l·ver pool home w11h forrui SUM R.E. 631-2222 Tw<> side·bY·!l1de duplex dt111n1t. 1s l<K'aled in Ofl<' HEE es in mini cond1t1on One (If Costa M ci1a''I finosl 3 b<lrm. 3 bath unil·lhrl.'t' nca.:hhorhoods. Th,• RENTAL 2 bdrm . 1 bath units. On· I ownl'r must sl'll 4wek~ SERVICE ly one block l:> the ocean I lo take advanlaJle of 0 1 Nocharaelolandlordsor S200.000. l'~ve s. ph .: oul~tand 1n.1t JOh offN lenanL'I. 4 bdrm . Cam rm, 646·28811 l''ull price $76,700 (.;ALI. incl gardner $400, 675·7225 · ~2660 ~17~or968·3371. I c;:: SELECT ~ ! :S-PROPERTIES Walker E lee Real fstale OUTST AMDIMG J,OC ATION·happy 'llouna family 1s unhaPi.>Y S1n<'e thf"y're on Onf' lol, ~bout leaving this sp.tc 2 .,..., \ t• .:ot to 'ell hoth a' a ~lory homt!. Nr pubhc & packa~e Kt>nl out both, µa roclual schools. c1v1c or bve 1n one and rent the rntr, 2 reg shopplt cntra. othl'r t:<•t a lnl'nd and t Crw)s. GW cullegl' S buy bnth Onr I' a 3 •it "• J ba, 2 paltos, ll&F b<•dru <1m ·un\: 1i. a 2 t •OI w/auto 1weep & bedroom h I r n l r . S t' I I 1£ jQuail Ad•'llA/Conv. Too Rood la t S67.~l0 Dalbey Plac• t•alty, rm1 is33 ~3.20,13 2 HOUSES f.ASTSIDl COSTA MESA Sl4.450 UCH < £ • ' NI I .. , I t •• f \\LI.El I< E.\I T' A BERG ENTERPRISES CO liCJ FcMMly7 Here 1:. your home Ill 1: h I y u 1J 1: r .1111• d I lS cdrm. :! h.1, 1,1m rm .dine roo m. p1111I Near all t1thuol~ & ST JOACHIM l'ATllOLI<.; ·1o:a:s t <1 1de lot·a t1on 640->W~ Prap•rtl•• . 7Jl•1920 $1-.1 .1. 1dl1• 1lcm11 w1tb --------•I 1o100 ow.11" Ntwl'Ollt 1t-.<M l»11lv 1'1lul (.;la111ur1c•ll A11 G.-ral IOOZ~al 1002 .............................................. ~u.S..uA~w Rl~1\ LTftKN 6"4-7270 .... llG C •····•·•••••••···•····· TAIBElL "II I In Califonila" Me1111 Verde <.;ounlry Cluh Vill us . 3br. 21 .• ba l'ondo ~·.~). By O\OI 111'1. (;.d i Mr. l.1md1, 97!1 :l:J:.O RXER . Sl6,950 10'; ON.· LGt.-; Y /\IU> Ai(nl C1•ll ll4li lllOG 3 BEDROOM $39,900. .. on J lu\ l'I> lH'c 11111 11 rul de :>llt ,1n·..t w11h .. lur111· yurd 111•1 ll' JU'l the t>IJt•e to ra1 i.t• ,1 I .11rll • ly t-:JZ term' Low"""'"· l"Quail ~ liiiilPlac• Pr ti•• GP,~f-1•20 .. 00 OUAll\I NIWH>•I llACH '"# I lit C_.fornla" U New on marke 4 bedroom Broadmoor mod #2 -with view. pool. jacuni. .ivlng room conversat ion pit w fireplace allows added enlerta ment area. Elec s prinklers, I w voltage lighting, outdoor gas repit. Extra h~e mslr s uite w /walki closets. This outs l andinJt home n move-in condition is attractlv offered al $189,900. For furthe details or ~II. macneb I Irvine 1'-realty appointment to see ytime, call Bevis Metzler 6-44·8259 · '"' .... , ... UYla ._ ..... UMIYHSrTY PAIK 2 b e droom Execulivt> h o m lt w/family room. dinin" room - hlghly upgraded! Pool, tennis. park & s hopping nearby. $75,000 fee. Laszlo Shark any 752·1414. (V67) '42~1235 901 Dover Drive 644-6200 Harbor View Center I Nine at c.tmPll\ Valley Center 7S2·1414 .· Otlilef> .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ...................... . ca.r ......... Wedft.sday February 18 1976 DAILY PILOT ·~FOfW. ...........•••.••..... ············•····•••••· ..... ._. .............. ... Hew,.... e.-ti '°" C I cW ......................... ,,., .. ., . .._ Pr1,ar•y JOOO ......_ u.......... ..._.. Uehi J1lll1d ..._.. u.twwl.._, .. ..................... ••••••k••·············· .............................................. . UOMSISTATIS G1111tll JJU tlilwl ..... •leech J240 S-J.. · W ... --OMT I ... YFllOMT D, ..... iB . ._ i1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.,..,,._. : J21• ......................... c....w... 1024 ....... 1040&....,.~ 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B.ACK OA Y AR RJ\ Vac:..tnl, 12 yr old Jlir, 28a, f,.mlly rm . (luJt-t ...... lM.U !'\11n14.• $0,!AJQ Ph l!m) 81.17 14'll Ila' 9Rr'R A DW..-er roa~r ·~ 101 FREE ...................... . HA.NDYMAM Wnt ~. MOO &q Offh:a bwld1n1. •~<' ~y. •To 20 lmll.I 111 •LAMOloaDS• 4 Br JD.a home nrbto11<'h & SPICIAL n born. Oft th. W•tcr lat'ular vie•·. lu.xunOU$ ptiru Hfl In tlunt NHSBVICI ...... ~Ice 1>an11 .. t M11rina ~ t: .. qUA.ail• •Br, 2~1 8ll OUPLEXAT Pier .ti allp. X.hu. cood • H~veotn-l~ar0.?_8c•ch. New 6 For fut ullon ! Call SPHIN''D .. U:WI'~,. mo ..... ~9 1AP11r•tk'tl lhruout, l't'n lCTO A I )-Ira bd.nN. ) b&t.ha, 2 ...... Ole ·--Uorotb toll "' ,. ...,,,, tr•I iur. <'U•lom dr~ V RJ BEAC1 fl'lJlcs Pntf'dlo11cllfbl edutedw1'00,000 SJ6-Jl7t HJ 5010 y ,8 u Boin Spnn&d11I\• ;;--b S&SllG SUI \'It,· 1111r.J&• dr OJl('Mt HERE • S A Rt.! AL •1zn,ooo, Xl .. t term• llU GRUNDY • 141-6457 4 tut.llba,dbl &•r ~ Nt'w lh1u1H' 3 t' 2 a.; DUPLE "L"'EPL~R' 1-a•-' on • "' ..,. • • ............._ 3 uu.ll'"-.fpl"' Hn <''"S drp., blll,na~ rplC', • C.M. X f.tnlu•lll pool. Uni ...... "'. _.....,.. ••o.ooooov.n,Olfl'Dtwut -61Ml61 FliVl ..... ITS 0 " ... ' -... 11 "··I Uie oc~ao "de of the ... · 1.-"" CORONA Dl-!LJdAll llUt\TVIU.Alit: cur i:ar. on (,r~n ..,.! t $471 500 ~.7)0o." LY•....,7.... hwy WITH l':r\.'iY AC ~~~.~~-'.b•lulr~.~1Y11.._,_,,.-.,.......__....__....-.....i Jhan~ooU.a<'h l.c>Ye nl'!ltw/rrvlt\*l llt'll/Spnni1d.1lr $315 Owner 4114'~ or '' -· JU C~ TO TIIE BEACll. -__ ,,,... Oi -S·Block11 to boach All N.:WPORT BEACH :s Hft.2baJpl<' , . , ~ (v.3 314\1 3 &drown hou~t plui. l S1n1lo 1tor)' •rcbat•c· Pt4t;STIG.t: ll MES, IALBOA with rl~P•11~. AIWil)'ll Zbr TU w/pool.s.11\1 38R,2b.a,l)llll0 . ~ s.t.AM • nao ~~!~_'.>o m ~P11o11ttm t'nt IW't , bwlt on l~vel I()( -~---------1 rented. ZACROL>ZKY. tbthw11&ho61.K&J',$:!4!i SOUTllStl01t•:.~ ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• .,...,.., ... pen•,a>l'too At W I ALL SORTS Ofo' ••YllW•* a.IJflONT Rltr. llUNTING1'0N8l':A<.'ll Curflcld1Hr~hun.t , • thai pnn.: it won·i '"'' R F. 1 0 I> •: L 8R 4t ... 61 IL .. _.. 2brt1,11n11&lllds.~ SBR 2bu dbll•1111r *310 S3!il) Mo "i rly 1•<' only Iona. By 11vi>o111trncn1 t'OSSllilLITI t.:S ·rbt Newport llel1bl1: Im· lJO lea waterfront pro-.. _ 3..,3 +~ TH. K4tS, $24S c · .. :NTUl<Y l'i\ltt\. s11.1c Wr. 2h.1 wl&aru~1· only. lMUY REALTY l 11 r II t' r unit b a• ;k!M'.., •BR .. a b:t. home. ~ &()ft(!d romil. &ill•• LACMIMA UMITS c.;~•A t.lESA 8W1hard Alluntu on luvl"IY i·ul d i()lC tor 11.1a..::.c.,a11 ~ ___ 846-3301 SPACIOUS LIV. HM n. amlly/m.Gour~~ 0 OC' marine 1orvl~ FO•SALI 2brM<',K ...... s.sus •Btt,2ba,tpll' ...... ~ lll>l>\CUIH;.!:?~-- w /OPEN BEAM ED ~~en, 2 ~1111C;'.:·~--dock, lport (lshlnic t.nd ...... l"Xtolft"•• bid"., view ~brAlHN,RfeL~!.;,.,.K,.•r..s,P'~. OCt::ANVlt-:W Nr S t'oll~l l'liua, 3 llr i ''"'l'IN'', U.&SSIV"' r"""•bnc .. pat .... .-. lnc.pt•cbt Ulf'l.c>CellnC> uc.. .., • ... o:.n1n r r.c. N I d i'" ..,., ~ v "'" "" ... __ -ol coul. Air c-ond., on '"~" ... ..,11 l'W 11n n<1111t'r ., Ila, f l', 111r ron4, DYlitl Prap-Ll-· 1044 L'IRL'PLACE ()f' OLD C'Al.L e 60•JU4 v• y -· ttalaura.nt _,_, 3BR 2b f I ·~··· ....... I -· ... 1--'--,. "' 9! ' ..._ Pri --..000 sate J•rllln" ~ fully ----------• • '*·Pc · · · · • ......, .. M11rch 12 . ...w 1•tl ~t + 712·Hno ,....._ BRICK, ........,., Compa·.. II .SC. or•.....-. ce _., " SOL v1~r · • ""' '-~' 11 d l ltllk . A 111fc invei.t • • " " Ott .. 963·2187 • \400 OU••u• N1w-1 "'•<" ••••••••••••••••••••••• k 1 1,. h,. n ( N L' "' 0 s or wi '-'O'UI tr tan. ... h 11 11 .. -----"' ' "' .... lMlll for Ownt'r or w.er COf"Oll9 .. w.. )222 uo:>ac ' ~ ... ~.T TWO STORY HtNOVA'nNG) " din ,.. .. , ,...!.~~. :."'., omu ··~IZOO ~lltr ... ,II \'i.trr)' nn1oc 1 BR,2boa.fpk .. . . SJU w.,.-...,. 32,. "'""'"" In)( are11 w/i'"r~nch door ,...._.,......, · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• STAttl)UST ••••••••••••••••••••••• · HEIGHTS HAUTY oprrun,toi.4K'~edpah1> "-'YPftder lllBRt'"!~!!::~rp. COIYCOTI'AGI Mc t'adden'Y.d.,...1t<I Nt<'tl 3 Bit. 1•1 beth, <'Pl, ,,....LY $46,000. ·rN11l1 <' noor plan wrth Uruqu. bath hu UBL. 8Jt.~r:r ~:l~~r ;rem1,.,.-.....,_....,.-....__.,_..,......,11111 • • 17$--8700 • • Laree 2·bedroom 2-bath, 4B'R.2ba,dble11ar .. ~S dl'J)I, DW, R 0, $.!HO/mu. "" lhrl~ tk't.lruum" uviota1n f" U L L )f A N 6 ----------I----------d 1n1 n It. f I r e p I ace. SUNKJST ~-I.St., U6J 17116, llu rt'n 3 Bdrm& + f.tm rm & lri: .. nd one down 1'h<' 2nd M A II 0 G A N Y Rm, covered decke COSTA MISA Tl.ADI FOi Mdo.ed pal.lo, bl()('k lo Spnngdall', Mcf"11ddcn toal f~ Ai.k for }kv or y11rd. Ple:Ul'l'all hrepl .. ce bin the famlly PANELED WALLS IN pa\.lo, lmmae. 05M'D Sat OCUHFIONT sboJll. $42S. mo. 4 BR.2ba,dbll' gar ~ Joe. room. lhl' kLtt bl'n hai. a NAUTl<:AL DECOH ~o · " Non. l ·SPM ll.I005q.PT. HALP1MCHIH ------ IJrl:l' pantry, the"'':. lou 1lus 1lrwlurally sound M uit Sell l 11».SOO COUtBCIAL ~vrpe ~tl~::.leg= 1~n Rt:ALTORS lf 3 Br 1•., Sa. 2 sty Ttrnh:.e, of :.t°'al(c room and 11·~ older duplex JS IN 6t&'0100 llMOlltghland. Prime commercial cor· er~ ~mo Isl & hit. Pool, conv('mcnt to r ecreation ·NEED o~· PAJNTl!llG. ner zoned C·l. Next to come. Wall trade 1 or 113-4519 • 963·1116 p;illo. '114 879 3811> fac1hl1Q aud :.hopprng YARD WORK & MINOR IY OWN& bank, aavinp 6 loan, op-both. Call for details 3 Br J Ba, den & f"am -.......... -- $11.SOO REPAIRS. Ir you hoaH! Immense i400 IQ. ft. poii11.e major department Agent. 549-01112 Rm, View, 2 fr pk 's, 3 Br, den. frplc, ct11ldren ......._,_._Of" ...................... ·!~~~~~;:~~~~ DELJGJITFULLY COZY I' 3 Br, 2 .Ila. luxury c:ui.tum --- home, bltms & rerr11i. Turtlerock near Manna, ne('(J fa:.l • ~ s~le :it s.w.soo. 9'J7 ll!JS7 Presa dent &Toro 1012 Home ••••••••••••••••••••••• Crat'ious ~ ~room. 2 Ftt Lake Fort1f :.Lory. Ideally s wtl.'d lo No assoc dut•:. 7'. A" elc1111 n1. form:.il li11 1ng .>um ab I c I u a 11 1> a y <too l.1m11)· run $13ij,500 desired a PLACE AT BR, 3 lia, f'am-rm, stot-e. Value pneed at S RT blt.n:. $.57S mo.67S.19S7 ok.$350.l..easc u...fwwl~ 1100 THE BEACH WIREN· Library , Countr) $3SO.OOO. Completely ' ~-1739 •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• TAL INCO~tE, th1:. may KJlt'hen. Pool. Newport' paved with small oHtce INVESTMENT Almost new & be;iutlful 3 .,..._ 1244 Free ~nt.il ~erv1ce.llunl· be your last chanc-e al Finest. tor 1130,000 bwldmg & light stan· Six 2 Bdrm Units. Xlnl BR, 2\~ buth home. Lge. 1 n ll t o n 8 c ll c h • ~pnceof 6731148 ~~il~~R7:..\1l00Er~ rental area. Good in ~11ru~:.·r~~fi';lc~.:O~o~~:; ~·~~·~:;~·~::··;::·;~:~ ~~e:~~~~t~~ l~~~'::·Y~ A V A~!A9·,~~rO L 0 T VA 1 .... ...._.J.le TATERS lNVESTMENT comeSoUTH COAST cloc.e to ~ach.. $750 Per Twnhme l.l.lri.te 2 Br. 2•., huvc been lookmK ror, " ~·-Mo.644·0322 83. 2 sty. View of goll .~EARBY J UST ~01.D WATHNONT DIVISION. l NVESTMt;NT l::tleen Hudson. Rltr. t'ourse & lake. $~SU FOR $47 .000. owner will M9·0812 547. 7044 offer terms. HOMI ~" Center MISSION HAL TY $11 t .500 wfffl Dock I'"'• . Jllst C ..... H.4) Coste Mesa 3224 • RENTALS • 911SS Cst llwy,.La.i:una Newly redone 1ns1de li fa Mesa HhJ Id Triplean •••••••••••••••••••••""• UN IVERSlTV PARK Pttoo.494-0711 out. New t'Urpels. sbul· WILL EXCHANGE. 2101llunlingtonSt . &ck Buy Condo, 4 Br. 3 481t,21,bu,fum .. S50ll $300,000l'almSpnngs lcrs,katchen&rooC.li $360,000. Quail Place Ope11Doity,l-SPM Ba, new c pts, drps, 3BR,fumrm,2ha $4SO 1-~tutdorleoaHl'. LCICJUIMI M~ I OS2 appoinlment only. Properties, lnvelitmenl Wldeor 519-6779 pamt. S42Smo. S4S·22-'I l'Ht; Tl::HHACt; $1700. per mo lJn(urn. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I D1vis100, or Geoevu ------3 Bil, 2 Bu .... $4201435 $2400 JK•r mo l''Urn. t'Omplete Pt'rimeter pro· Pr~ tn Plac8 " 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, 3 u • 2 a · · · · ,....., llc...•rs 714 till7 o100 dU)!> $256./mo. tncl tx-&1n!I 3 Bdrm. 2 Balh lmmed pou . Drive by 23-192 C:.ivanaagh Rd (Jwnta rll 642·2991 hcep&.dY.._ IJ~1Ql,1all ~ Ryan(7141752·19'.!0 LohforHM 22001---------Dl::ER•'IUD Incl .:urdener & po11l 3 Bdrm .. I "• bath, pool, Iii Plac9 Id jClltaH ~ •P•V•T•••P,•T••y•••w•a••n•t:••1•e•a·r~ COLLlGI PAIK 2 ~RR. 2•8, lla · · .. · .. ~ M~rVlt'\'. Coall 11111 W. tecllon sy~tem & fl1 c 7S2·"20 ~'--down ho~es or vuC' lot:. cit r p e Is. d r it p e:., l'HI:: COLONY or71 I ~9600 art S. LE RAISOR sensors tn e\<ery room ___ st Nt-nHot ..-.-.,;; ;;;'o• in C M or NO. l::ve:.. f1replat'e, double car J SR .2 Ba · ~oc , _________ _ Loc. at end of cul-de :>JC * UDO ISLE * -°""6lst ·,.._, ""°' 615 8074 garage, $375 per month. G Rl::ENTJU:t: REALTY OJ)t'ns to expanses of Water & gardener 2BR. I Ila ·· · $340 C°'9do ... NWM C 2 Sty Polynl's1an •BR. AST£AL' LaCOlita lot O\'t'rlookini: furnl•hed for th~·e CALH' llU~n;s u..fwW.awd 1425 RJn<'ho 'ap1:1tr11no If $l" ~oo .. ~· (S23Campu~or .. Jr\•1ne HoaJHSRE.ALTY t>a ldealforfJm1ly &en Restauranlbldg&equlp· &o rourse, "·" beauurulgroonds 38R,2 lla . s.J25 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lake Forest Condo. :i bd Co.1mpu:. \'Jllcy Shop Ctr 49~ •057 It' rt a 1 n In ii:. t:: x ot 1 menl 72S Baker, C ~ 49K-0468~492 Wl4 ---•oy McC_. RanchoSJn J uuqwn Spar. t:x<'<· Cundo 3llJ. c lub It lak\• Jtt'e~~. CAlllll-1600 -----waterfall & pool~n So S100M!_of_!.:...Agt._!U·9666.1 tta..t•O.Mrl, RNttwlllOHewport :!BR.2 Ba ~ Mt.,,aVt·rdrl't' 3 Ur 2'• $39 900 830 ~001 ---LOVELY 4 BR f pauo Ll\JOY tn r /oul CHdo-'•i••1fTow•·1 Retort 2400 1 2 BR. 2 bll. den S.lbl.I IJJ, lrpk 1>.1llo. 2 l'ilr l(ar • • •• ·u 1 <>r L leoc.h 1048 • am rm. door l1v1ng , nea L........-~ C~laM1.'lla5'48 729 RA<.:QUETCLUlt !A-aul tcroundi. 11(1.'pool _7_52_-0100 •~•••••••••••••••• 00 q1wl'ldcul lled-6~l'. hu,!Z1e clubhouse & tennis Ma -. for•• 1700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2 BJ Pool . $<15l s.i~i.10 No child undt•r s-1~ V-'' I OJ~ enl' u~e >;•r • pro )' trade for rommetc1al o ••••••••••••••••••••••• P• DHerl COftdo NEWPORT HEAl'll 18 ,i'\ .. n••ts ~~·"'"" ~ -uwwey "'Complt'lt'ly rl'moJelcd. t<bcpd $.i9.9SO • 3 Hr. 1•2 8a, c-ptd, nice v,.... .....,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21Jr. 2b• Templl' Ter IOHO REALTY indu.stnul Ry .. pp't only IEAUTIFUL 1 BR. Air. Pool $26.~ p11uo & end yd, 11r iichli.. 4 BR. 2•, BJ ~ • 11/J°lo HOPOIHTS ran• Laguna Be ac h IJl-9411 * 645-2425 * LUXURIOUS 213·35S·Z341 ___ RJtr $340 ~·4471 48R~~~'l::RUAU: $375 fo;~,r:i~':1'.::~.~mA~1i Sharp 4 Br, Su. 1''V ~ lllfi8 ----4 Bt:droom , 3 bath 'PALMSPR<.>S Bl::AUTY -oCIAH VII;;--TH lo: WILLOWS l:lSOmo. S42 26!.15 llome._L i: i.unny k1\, 1 .... V"'STM"' .... T 1 u~Owner,48r,2bu,fully Tiburon Townhouse. 2B-2RCondonearTcnna~ . 38n 28 $32~ ... I f I ·• " "' "'" d 'd Eleaaol indoor and out· Club. pool, J ucuz.11 •Br. 2 Bii. 2 cur garage, ·• a.......... To---'--·1e .. rama IC rp c. 1nt )u.111 OP,ORTU ... ITY t'rpl . t'ov pullo, l'Of" d .._ v t r y d c ., 1 r a h I t• " I nt•r lot 831 IM7 aft 5 30 door hvlng at 11 's best. $49.SOO. Sell or I radc bllns. cpl.ti,. rpis. '39S. UftfwNdwd 3525 nei1thborhood. :.hnrt ,arl' KmK'k~ lkn·' 111;, 1-'I M wkd)'li. anytimt>.,. knd~ I I *Quail ~· Owner. 64~~xt 429 l 161 Glcneaitle Terrace. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1·hl walk. $1:1,•IOO !In l....ii;unJ ('.111)1111 Htl "•th ---M1102S9orM119S82 Brand new~'''"' l'Anh~·· your P&I nnh $:11!1 l:l II> ,111 l'X•~ttn,i:, ~m .111 ~ HtWPOaTSHORES-Plac9 • °"'...:!...+Co.tty., 2550 JBr. Lge fncd but·k )'d Topor Lai:um.111111:.. J llr uwnerpnnnoly $..J.l.'-IO hd1m huuw .o\t:r :?1 .111~ 2 St .. 8 .. ( 2 ...._.,-t... rnJr-l'T1 K d OK s325 M 2 Hu ,u1r1•0111!,putu>.ek1• • l870IJ San Anlonio Sl ~4 ll of .M I.\ IJrllllt'rt' y. " '"• lHn. rm ' .--• -P. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' i Ii o k1tch lfrl' ('tr, kna1s d ,.,, ' ()p('n llou~c Sun & Mon W " u I cl y u u 11cI11· \ t ba. Newly decor. Comer ·-ou.~s~-~:!C:C,., ••ACH 40 acres, Nrthrn Ca hr ~-266() & 675'3805 ~'il ·5064 Eve~. & w•nds 1J(l8 ~19 6-1<! MJlil ::.:i:J.:!IJO" h>" • VIC'W of canlll : s m11ll, -' , -Spnng, roads. pwr. btfl JUR 3ba twnhsC' Nr pool -T" ' sandy beat'h sa>.SOO [2 Br Ueaul). 1' .V. Br111_ht view of v11llt>y. As!lum;i 4t ibhb Back Ua $385 .,....." Unfum 3600 DYOWNt-;n 3 llr,1•,11.1 ~ CAYWOOORlALTY & airy See. lo•:e it. ble 6a...";.. 1:.t. $1100 JX'r g:J.05:iQ Lee Ji.4219' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mlle Squar.• l'k vr•··•i' fi~~IT'€.\ __ •541-12'0 • 'i ~.16453_.9so. Agt ~lste 67ac:~ lrade .. Owncr. "'-'l's __ · · '1''irslllmelo renl,!lupcr lmmat'2 1lr ordc~W1 W Mrhls & i.hoppin.:. $-17 .:xitl ~ ti:JGtlllC}.7 ......,.... nare 4 br. 2 ba. t·pt, drps, r rpls. drJ)l>. bltm.: W, I> tU!l·Sl47 •9':1 ~1100 llncomeh-operty 2000 -----t:le&ant 3llr. 2ba, l>in S36S./m o 9.;J .456!! hookup. Cov pal1(>, p\l · -----j M.wport HeiC)llt1 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ 210n rm, frpk. duihwa:.hcr, 963·171!6. No rental fee yd, gar, walcr/lrai.h p<I *VA TERMS* '1 YSTI(' 111 I.LS. 1175 You l'an Ll':ASt; lhas lov CHA.RMB 12 UMITS I ... ~_...,... 'f patio, S37S mo. Mesa Al.k for (Je,•orJoc. Mlu no pell>. $230. Bt ll • -J•ar1f1r /\\f' t.nob-.trtx· 1 e I v \'Al' 1\ NT 3 BR F.X<'~llcnl local Ion onl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Verde. Pets 0 K 642-6766 ----Ulvd F:. on Slatl'r to Vu11 lil.-uutiCulflJnth~o \lc•~·'. IJble 1•0.t>lltnc \tew G.i"rdt•n ll omc until larwl'lol.2Bcdroomplan CosfaW... Trade2houscsoncomm &494-4117 RENTALS Bun•nlblktoHl2f!Opal 1 R~~(/f Hu. 11•11 ·~~~ IHr,, 211 .t 1-'treplJrc ~-:.nuw d~~ See thl!J with uvper l<'vel fwmily ALL2 ~roc1rp 3harpun· cocner for units or land 2BR,:.ludy,Zba ... $400 Cr.ll8.Ava1INuw_. __ lnl!'I ,,,1 "vr •11 11'11 l.i ' t' am 1 I> II m CJ :'> LY pndc of ownl'r!\h1p home All I I ''' Will ex c ba g Scott Realty~ 7$33 Charming 3 Bdrm. I ba 2 °R 2" ~1~ u~~umau i• \ n.1 n Slf\C. ·~1 ,. II .... 'I'"'" ft room n IUJX'I' neat . o e . laow.e ()(' $325 ., • ua ......... ~ DI 3Bfl I ' H d:Ji h \\ILL Bt' OP~''ll St;' -·~""" •J ,,,... ..... ..a 1h.1t need ... a new owner mo\•c m cond1t1on. New SZlS.000. ean111cw. . 2BR,2'•8a ....... $300 x •a ws r ·u \V • • I l'M 1\(1..... $7 t.500 on the market. ~ :.ure I& jQuail ~ ...... mo 67~1094 2 Br. 2 ba. B1g <.:yn . $'.KIO ~r· r~$.14~~~dam' "'-· ruktni:'.ss7,i:.0 IYOWMER &.joytheGooodUfe! andSffll C.lls-4().1151 • Plaat • 1······················· 3br.2ba.den,2caricar,2 3 BR,2 Ba ...... ~5/SOO ur • ~ 11.'19 1710 ll325So Co.1:0.l ltw Pr~ t-. tto.M. Fun.t~ fnC'd yrds. Rm for boat or LE RAISOR E~ISIOt; Cm.la Mcsn. 2 ' homt· ''' 1·11tl'rtJin m •99 ~58• ~93 2513 1 ...... c • "' ... "' "' • 7S2 1-••••••••••••••••••••••• tr.uler.cmr ot. ~. bt, Rr. war. 11tov1'. rclr1g. J llr. JB.t S.1un11 llli.:b ' -.... v ..... 1-•-_. 3106 I d 979 ...,,., I I MOO OUA!t If Nlw.olll H ACM I -!bl , cp. ~... REALTY fn<.'d yan ~ 2573'. • _ .tlop Lui:unJ .... 11h Jo m11._. • _ --- Ynnt'=n+-leoch I o~o "'hlll'"' "'.t'r & l 11\ \ ll'W Laguna Niguel ~ ... Sharp-Unit~~ O~a~g~ Lo·····.···3·b····2·b····,···I:· CAlleJ?e Park 3 BH, 2 b:t, J ............. , Fvrnislwd -..-.. ....,._.. "' I I. u ' h { Vb <Ir .qi.·'. L-h . . • Con I ve y r • n, rp '. bltol> new cpl pa tnl 45Zl Campu~ l>r . rvint• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,..J ll papt•r.,·)hulll''' trl'li:COfcecommunlty 1:'11f:WLISl'ING.2 i.ty 5 Br County10ngbltas · dttk,palm,+charmtn!l t'nrl' d Db.I •ar. CampusValleyShoµrtr.a.oaldand 3706 IUILDERS ~hown h\ ,,11pt 11.i), or :-> 1-:w 1.1~11~(; Siii-i .!l:.41 1 Ila, SIS6,UOO by Owner dos) ror tncomc or lr~I lrg in-law apl. ~rplc, an C hi Id r~ n · 0 K. · $~05 CALL 83J-8600 •••••••••••••••••;••••• Pll-COHSTR. SALE ,. 'n I ~J .uuo l' a 11 for lh1s bt.>11ut1ru1 •·u~tum I rn:., An11.1 l.n. 646·i411 ~o~veriilon Tra1g 7up I t1que rurn1!'hm&;i.. $600 1133-9781 . ---. . --<.:omp rcrurb1shcd luxury J2 4 Bedroom homi·'> in 4tH i!\171! lk•n llrn"'n horn•• tn i:u..trdt•tl l(:lll' i\ppt Only S.u mil. Agt. ~ · 751 yrly 673-3924. Oecrf1eld. 2br. 2 1-,ba. l l fl h Id 1 ~ Jrt•J Hro.tnd m·w 1•nnd11 , · 1-.ves. 675·9966 Prine. ---Mesa VcnJe Beaut. 4 Br 2 rrplc, patio, rrpts, drpi.. ap ~· no ,r 1 ren ~l~~~18n~~o~,.~;1111r~nw 11cw l·arlJl'ltn)!, clrJpc' llAKllOll\'lt-:W llOM .. :S Only. CorOftacMIMar 1122 Ba. 1-·am. Rm, frplc, $325/mo. !'1~2 ~4!.l!'i, ~~·~t;~cqd.$350mo u1ul upµh1.1nt·1•:. Mtn. & l'alermoMudl'I 4hr,3ba. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• chocsha.: S.100.546-0281 eves/wknds )ry6 • __ .....__ t.1k1nghomei.1ten•st•n;1 (J(·nvi._..,..4111l,2 ha r..mrm llil(hlyuv \ '~~ JBR,2Ba,frdyr~.·~blk -----, .. $27!'1Mo.:mr,lfla.wilh lttlnll l.a)lu11aN1!-!u4?IRcallv i:raded Fec land Uy rrom Lillie Corona D..aPoint 3226 Sh~rp J Ur. 2 1 li,tlhi;. trees & µaltv 2IJ UOMS EST A TES 8 30.SOSO 496•4040 uwni•r S97.~100 &I I +;ms. bC'ach. Now 1111 June ••••••••••••••••••••••• N1re rented yd L<>a:.t• for IJ!urn;iml C'all ti?S 0015 5J6 2579 121:11 Ml:.' •,urn 1Sth. $350 mo c:ull htwn 3br duplex. 27• liv rm, S mos .. bci:tn Mart'!l'1 H 4·7pm. 67:1·9419 white w11ler 0<.·eon view, . 54~~-___ 5.,_ f,(J90 I UH. furn w/.i:ar. $200. - •• b 1 . 3 fncdyrd. S3SO 49'J 2237. f\im or Unforn 4 Br 2,., plull ut1I. llll )un11. A6ltUt REAL ESTATE 000 Gll'nn.-) •" !It •9• 9• 'J \•9 OJIO Coloratura Ou "J r { r ti u ous oce.1n \ iew. • -.• ti73 moo t 1" 11"'11 >wnt·r mu .. t BetlyK.,rAHlly BK 2 Ba. Chtnu Cove FountoiftValley 1214 83 .trvme hnmc. l>••po~•I '' ----· ~ fo'nt 111 .. rd p11t10 1d1•..al for lirll J ltr, :? h11 rnncl11 u ___ + 1.,,.__ •, ;irc;i 2 1'"rpl<"s. 2 PallO'!' ••••••••••••••••••••••• _rf<_!_d . 833·14111J__ _ Cotta M.aa .3724 -ul ml 111\l'I'' 1 trmJI <ltn 1"r1111111)1( 011 lht• I'\ ~ .... ........,. w 11 ~n~ r'"tm. lµk 1 , I bllrm!\ dw•IH' Jo.I ~11:u1•I (iulf Not lo be duphcatrd 4/J , tnler r.!.!nl:il now 1,' Condo. rplc. 4 Bit. 2 BA. LacJMna leach J241 •••••••••••••••••4•• .. • Re&J Estat(! byMLVAY '~ll.~~1 (.'111.11 ,t: Hirn ~.~ ... ,.., 111 hd duplex offenn11 "oo<t ' ~r1Y.1. $42.'I mo. 67~·06G9 OW1R10, clubhse fa1·1I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $37.50 WfEK & UP unfurn $51,001). 1\t:t i.ummer,.,.'1ntcr n •nt;il '11 " $365 /m o 963-4 Sfi9Charmmi: 2 Ult \'OtlJllt'. •Stud10&1llllA1>l.'I 4'13 ~101 MEW LISTING schedule 20, yrs old/ z M.wport leoch l 169 003 17116 no rC'nlal re~ oc-ean VIPW s:1:10/rn11 •TV & M.1111S..rv 1\Yutl C .., t • H u---.. __ View H..._.• lb & frplc 1n c.ich unit ••••• ••• ••••••••••• •••• Al.k for Bev or Joe_.__ "rokcr, 4"" 2277 • l'hor"' SI.·•'" lltrl pc1ol MORI SIMSE Ofh'"OC or' omt '•1r1h\1fi~ Jl'r 2 11 11111· ~ -· " '"' "• • -' • Well bwll & sharp ..._ D SL-----•l'h1l1lrt•n :0..•1·t1•111 LfSSMOHfY ~ ,, ... r, \Oun.i: lht' oni• Cul clc '"'· mrHd tnr PHASl!lll 671-1111 • ...,... o•er --!' 3 Ur, 2 bu. enclOl>ed back 2 Br N. La~unu, w.1lk 111 •l..owm11nthlvr.1t1..., An unhr111.1bl1• \,1lm• f1111 11·" '1 .ill ' 11 ~:·· htlrm' lot. b1·;im d n·1I. hl't: PortoflnoP1• · 5 BK. 4'1 Hu . I.I\, fam, yd lillns, frpk , cpts, town & bca<·h $31.0 mu ·~<lfo'l''wc:di ll ll'Ml u th1 .. ·r1ul J h•l rm h11tn1· J full h.11h ~ .. upt•r ~tndi: frpk "" 1011v an·J l '1)ri.11l'w;3 l\r&<bonu!I Form."11 Dtn ' P\l maid d.rpii, n1rc ar~a. $360 494..z:l2aft1,f'M wad • lnlm•ndlv ...... 111 ,1r1••ll111 "'"''''' '111 1t' olf 1111111 lk.11h. li:nn" .:olf nrl>)' room S97.~. Tu 11cc, ATTH: qtn,3c:ar ... nrµvtl>l·h. (;hild ren /pclll ok 3252 2376Nt•"ll01 tllhti ('M IU'tJ;hl•1rhinl Mun'!'•'' Jrt•.t k1l1 h1·n 111 .uh•d u .... nrSt.7 IOlll'l.if ... 911 c..tll R~llHVESTORS s'1'~!;mlJ(o('~~~('.!.~brkhl, 5-184'!71 ~M1,...1 M11 9'1:.:.11rM:.:i0.i1 t II( It l '' ., 'I "''th .i:o11d1o•, f.1m1I) rm 673 760 I TIN ,,.., ,,.,..., W ••••••••••••••••••••••• l',1'1 1 1',1· 1 1,~rt'.,·,.',.',10 \ '.1' "'" h11~•1· lq1lc· & "''M•I MlsMot!V~jo 1067 • CA EFRt-:•:tNCUME Lit 3 llr. Ct1lmont. Wt•!tl Ntnt• Condo 011 11011 2035fvllerlon,CM I _, ..,~· • .,, ~ M 11.uwlmi.: Nink••n ll\inl( ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,fi TAXSlll-:LTl!:R Yt:AltLY 2 Ur. 1 ua. dplx frt!llhly p:un,ted 1 dms1dr"n' & murM' :!Ill<, rwwlv it.· 11"''1' •.,.., 1'""'' lh I I I II. ___ ..,. ... ___ ("A."lt Rf:'l'\lkS uppfr. '• t : ar. •'urn, oul. be11ul1 U Y • re jl, ,.01 ·•tu·• 11111111,,1 111 I fill f'\irn, :.! lr1t l'loi.t'li., W"L·K llr-HT IH rm "'' ""'m .. 1 <'l'I • "VA-HO DOWM" .. W /I) h •" ·' vr mcl t nl • u ,u . <1u1·1·n<1111· h1·1I , prt v. " .. l•h· 1·1111\ 1,.,. hltl & v· buv1•r• lllJl'RV ' Callnow.1111ltrurJoe t'Plll , •• rr·'· Wll r -ur, . I y ('l.lflllnc·y . ~:11 :. m o St·t i 1111\l down 111 th" mlurahlc l .. 1('1w~IJ lt11m1 ~1lh lumtl\I rm / • 11r ai11r. 4 l1<l11ll 2 l1,1lh'. 11·11 br11•k 11111111, ho ul Iii tr.11h•r .1n ,.~, l'luml1 111..:. h1•n1 tnl! & t•h••·t 111 JI l<\•h•m,. 1•t1\1•r1•1I h> I YI w:irrunty !)111! 4·1$1'i I I " ~ ' :"TWrT llGTS, Ot•e•n Vu, ~ Cknfrnt Nr Murkt'l $400permo. •1131,,.,, drt·'l,tnl( rrn. xtru h:u hll1•n•1 11011 l)t i•.111\11•w ..... ,. 3 111 flar""l•>nu 1• I I • I • II ., "'"' I I '"" '' • poo . ltf•I Y ... r.nu l 'l>f.'.l(fl Ull~k(•t $340/mo An11I CIHTU•Y21 mom ~. cnt· .llJI . l!Mt'llo l.ul' " flrt\,tt~ on .1lii.olulr tk>ll houw k1trh. $!11t,!1Co MuKI 11cll ' •1• 6 ,. .1 213 n. .. ,1111 11:1· Ailu1t1' only 1h•1k &. 11.1t1u .ir1•11 ~·11 a ''••11lr11I "Ir l'llf"'tl'un1n·• "" u .. l .. lf or ( ) IMUY RliLTY 4 ..... i h11 . Qolf IOllr\I' • • .. u '" ' ,. Submit ownr :.411 ~ () l\l J·~ .~ 3.ll 54<Nl h 1 h 1111111°1'1 1 .11 i:.tr.11:1· l11r ,111i .1..:•· or Kc•udy tor 11 fnlll ,.1111,,. _ .~ 146-lJO I view, Ill' 110 " & " "II" 'T h ct h h ,. X I n I 547 '•lO S.. C..._...e I 076 \SSS w.lo ... r.C,M. Houtft Uftfunlllhed ----$42.'l 1wr mo. '1!1:, 111:,z •11 STUlllO 1w1i:ht1<1rhon1I, 1•10"' lo ·ORUM HOUSE ....................... N .. t to Mort.otl a•loot Hu.tt"'4Jto..leech 1240 11.11 2700 WlfkLY RATlS ~· 11 ••• 1 ... l'llt'l'tl lljthl ul POOL 549·86SS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • -. -'·"111 K111•h1•n. ·rv i.i i.' l~JO O<'F.AN Vl>:W from lh1a lhtwral 3202 n-If 1 8 d 1 "r•intlnl( on ... I N1).!1wl ri "' l 4 tt t t exrcptl&n11I Shorl!C'liff• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~aut 1u 4 ., r , ~.n. .II~ <iolf t:ours1·, :i 111 , :.l h;1 l.11wn~ & Ul1lll lt•1< 1j~~~ (I.Ill~ i I ;11r'o1~ ;~ home Walk to be11C'h, t''i\lt' ronll&l.IOWI 4·Pll.'Xl'tl r nm, (m, • aty · r orma to111lo J-urn $4i!l mil 111 C'l.OS .. : TO C)I' ~;AN VACANT!! f\lc<'tl\ rl.{' :I l\c:•llroom~ p11110, l(OIWI ft·ur Ul>ll\'I lor onl> s.:k>.!Jlln HAVE YOU SEEN.. Ov.na 'ubm11 all ll•rm!' RoSt'marw \le l\o"' rn ·, on the!\ 'J\loll'•"V' :I ~ton . 4 lale!lt St-.1bun ll\t1ni:l bc•drm t tll·n Pt't'k)' Fobulou" fJnltl> rm n '(JJr p.1n1•hni: lhruout v. hea\y b1'.1mf•d r1•1I Oc·rn n ~ 11ty 'IC"" 1ng11 , rr,11 ld1n j( u'I'' $7K~ bnclt fplc. IJrC'oakfa,l rn -- vte"'-s bnrk •'{I\ pntto :ii i'io IAtlt '? 1.ml'I\' 'lt'W un •erved b\• J fo!i•ur nit•I 1L~. l11 blk" to hr h Ck>$(' lc1tcht'n ~purmu~ form Io !I h o p!I $1 I J. SOO bv, sep laun.lry l..(lw .itl'• (~nt'r. 54H 51104. 613 3731 and only 10·;, down f( nr----------Carpe l o n 11..tm tltu 962 ~11 -------;\ KAtH: l..\Gl''lA BIRD A T 0 P 111. ll t: 8 I It D rARK l.1bulou~ lrtndM'llfllnl( & 1:olf l'O\iri.e 4t 1hopp1n1e ISl!parate dcroa > Wdl •IKTHSI l>ln & Liv llm, with friik unfurn S:M~I mo 1t1:1i;1111 &xec:utl•e SultH •'",""" located. Hun11 n1eton Nl.'w •-1·1aUicd servl<'t $4!JS mo. Avntl 3/1/7ti, •. " ... IN1•w1w11l l'l\1l t:UUlltry kllt•ht'O O\'l'r ..,, _, ~ 963 ~c.aJ 'f'l n•") """' 1 lnokini: JllM•I & iipa All fkla<'h Wiii l't•ll iall or to you Rf'nl1tl~ all 11rl!U, . ...,., or a -v•v M.wport hoch l269 l'ii.n1 M•·~:1 . Y•JU <''er wanti•d Ju t \l "ucHO• "''--I p1rt. l''in11nc1n11 to ru all prl<'et. f et Urokc:r. ••••••••••• • •• •• •• • • •• • 1142!l+JI1 • !II •" •• n4'c:d11 . OwnH/Agl, C.lllJ.>orothy C ... oo ... Cott-,e •Dl.Ul''PS, 1 fir 2•i ll.1, ~. '° IMYISTMIMTS 631-Z3:&3/67S~. 141·6457 N<'ar ~uch, 4 bd, ocean Jo'11m. Hm. l'\l p11t111 •8"1Gardeft•• £••J.fi!-t · 17141 4t ... 7711 view, $J7S. mo. $430. 644 141!()/ K30 5050 X I hr fur n Sl!.IS. m o -"=""~_...., -1111( & ,,Nfl ROBIN HOOD HUR•Yt iz. Adult ... 1111 1wt!I. 177 1-: -."'·I ---Call988S080orll63102S 2'lndM IW:!Jfl4:1 137•9500 sei-tooo 2RR.11'1 8.1 Coodl.oca ---V1e~tlomeonH11C'kRav : ---lion. SS0.000. 492·4344 0 U f If I S IF TC l RAC SL L I W W811t lo Ot'n. JBR, 2bo, Br, SSH mu. 12131 ~ leoc:h I 0'9 P"n<' only plutc__ f1 Y 0 0 N H Y R E H C R A J K I H Y A erpta. drpg, f11>lc. D1W. 81J!:2007. 861 lllli7 •••••• ••• ••• ••••••••••• ............... •--'a.........._ R R R T I E " A I 0 f1 A R I A H l R H pa Ito. S37S Lae 962 6365 81 r r C d I ~ -o:;a,...... u II on OS' Ciol~('~ SUSCASITAS FtJltN HM'llt\ t:x1·(•ptJonttll)' N>n• 2110Nwprt lJlval.C M. UDO SANDS ••••••••••••••••••••••• G N E T U T C H £ J A H E Y f1 I U 0 2 Sly 3 Br, cpl.~ &: d'll!', 11tart1n1 al S4Y5 Wt>ll kept 3+ !kn homt> Moba. HoMn U [ S H 0 0 0 M A R I G N 0 T A T B E S38S mo Isl & ll;t. Ktdi. & J\l(ent 644 1133 S'I W>i:-llN<: 1 Or thrd•rt "'bl'.1ut1ful ronrrd FwS* 1100 y HT LR NU 8 0 RF II FR HS S l J>C'I OK.Call96J8050 Avt. l'ool, ltrr ... rr11 . L.tn:it nnied with rol ••••••••••••••••••••••• E G O R I C H C T I l R l f 0 G H H A ----Jhcc Dt:wt•r Shore'! $2IO orful Oo•ers .ti ar~ll<'r) S Star f'1mlly Parle, ~ J H N N E W T R H C G [ I y I B N E l 0 8,_~,c~~r fl:~~: ::.: See s!:i~u~i. 710 W IKth St CM Only 144 paces from a C'•P ·13 24xGO 2 BR. 2 Ba R J A B 0 W T H A K C U T R A I R F A tennis $315 9611-261.J ---D-. Pofftt )726 ssndy bea<'h 4r s hort $18500 Pn pty 4Y8-203I ' • 3 Br + den, 2 ba, 2 rar ••••••••••••••••••••••• w11llt to t*>I & propo!K'd - -U K B R L £ A l N I H R H E H l W " N NEW 3 Br Twnhse, good garage. Walk to bca<"h pJrtc 1 Bft' Mobile llome. very O [ y U I R H l E I( I [ E H V T 0 0 A Io c ., many x tr as. S..SO. mo 998 '1800 or I.~ 2br, nr bdi & harbor How Redilced To <'lean •dull purk. Ask1n1 I R R C 0 r T I N J K M N S B 0 0 I L Re as o n ab I c r ent . SJ6..29S6 . • $ 2 2 5 . . , II . • 0o11 1 o..ty S62.000. S4roJ Ml 533'1 MS-7ft91 ---l..11Crt'llla 4!H 684A . S I R f A l R K N l 0 A 6 H T N 0 A L 3/BR, 2/ba, din rm .. nr ~ <:all6'4 '121lqwck' On WATER View o( Lido I HE l S 0 N R 0 CT HEM f1 ET MA Nice 3 bd, t •~ ba Condo. pool & park, Harbor Hutt1n9'0ttleach:3740 Isle, 129,950 2Br, 2ba. G y M K I R K L [. E S U N y R R C M H $285. + dcpo«it. 631·19SS View. 673-7601 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.tiet.P~Pod S•Bectooms•S /Jn ~l(Jl l OAIL£.Y ~ ASSUCll\i ES 846 3336 Ofh<'e, 6'7S-S38E or7Sl-007. STUDIO : home ,,. : Hidden_. ....., , . A· Frame, l ·sty, z Br. Vaulted <'t'illnfo!, BLOCK~ FROM Ut:ACll aunkt'n l.alk p11 wlfpl(' OCE N VIST CZ7.250 C:1ll S3& HX3ti A A N Hits. T'npl~x. 3 Lovl'ly m SltARrllOME&:J'RICE 2 br units Ulf,$00. I I ·-~: _I $79,900•0WN. Ownu,$48S804,6'f3·373J ~__..._!!!!!"!!-!-!'-!~l .• 7~!>1;~0~1~ut':b~1~rd=C!~~n~y:o~n~Dr~ For B 1 g Can yon P'°O· <:all 4'4 7609 for appt ~rue. Call 81g Canyon £__ t Reall)' &44 1193 ··-" rr..-ty 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beauty Shop. 2 sh•mPoO bowls " othflr equip· mt"nt Lols Of t)lpo!tUfC. A.mplt' p•rltmi. No cUen tt'lt! T o s ee phone. 6<&2-4210 -.G, we>.~°"...,_..,, Flnd ffllh er..t lloa ft lfl. \ Very dun 2 story Cond1> t'OllY. den. P1tt10. Wolk to $49 WEEKLY l AduJts, no pet$. S260 Isl beat'h. $400 Afll. 5"8·1290 Full Kltt'hc" & TV -l • la.sl. 163~ between ----l.lllCM I. Ut1hlit>ll ~ •PM &llPM WESTCLrn~ 3 Rr z Ba. MILl-:TOOl'f':AN 0 18' 1 Z2' J''am. Rm, llui:r bee.ti•• S.m 3Br, t •'J ba, frplt'. Lge Kitch. dbl frplc. ll:t' 727 Yorirtowtt••d. patio. l m1 from beach ~Lio. grdnr mcl'd Walk U SS mo •. l\va1l 3 / l to s hop.. $S2S mo Beach Blvd at Yorktown 968 2101 $48 7842 f:,c--c & WkndA ,536-0411 \--- All1n°1-dal t Arc~ry Notttn9ha11 Ktng Richard Little John Shtrtff frhr Tuck "'1d "'r11n Shen«>od King Htnry Merry 81nd "'ch TOll>rrow: ftnhnd DB OAJL V PILOT .. 4400 ••..........•••••...•.. ,,.. ........... •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......., L..tt&Fo.d 5lOO~W..t.d 7100 • ......,. •• _. 174oc..t.w... 1124 t11w:1tis4' .. 1eedl l UO •••• 1140 •••••••...•........•...•••••••••..•.••...•....•.•••••••......................•..•.•••••••••. ntE £XCJT1NO PALM MIS.A APn.. WJN\JTES TO NPT 8CH 60"naSQFT 1111 WESTCUfY NB ACT 64l·5'm C>f'• ,,....., so 05 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• • •• •• • • ••• • • • ••• ••• Rev. ard t'°'t h: ft'mall· A TTIHTIC>t4! U~AVTlFVL I br furn apU Sl10 & l lflO Spana.h otyle bkllC. pvt en<:I '"'· pool, Hlll\ll, lndry, 11dll.I, 173111 tl.Hbon L11, I blk w °' tki.cb urr Slatt:r CASA VICTORIA l UiJ br. 0.lu~~ lJnh1r <1' •"rn 1411 Wtf pd Adllla No !'Cb Sc-1.: 1t11tl' l'ool rtt rm, t'lt'' .iton ~ V1rton11 Ml 1111"70 ___ "2 7M11 ____ 1 ~ br 11, Ba. IJnmd n'"" T •nb:lt' 10l)"lt' t'rplc, l.j¢• Ntw,_.. leach 17 M pvt ~uo Nitr. 117$ ~m •••• • ••• •• • • • • • •••• •• • • l::Jdttn inU 1~ l or 2 Hr. •dult.11. no PtU SIT01SIYO 2"121 t; ltith St. N Uta. t.46 l80t $40 WK UP 1412 Bdr Hat h. Color 'l'V. mJI ktV, l)IUOI 1'11 1-; M ~'iA 4ll N N.,wport 81, Nr 646-0081 l!Hr, 2011. WIDtn rt'nt11I dr1 to bt.h New tum. m,wly painttd I t4 U1l St. NB 1325 mu 675 o:IM <>ce11nf root wlntt'r. ne.i( · HR, l(llr. iadull.I, no pt'L\ S250 (213 l 79~ :totll I lk Nr. Hoag llosp, $200 Adil!!. no p e t ) 1481 l'l.icent1a, 646·6973 lmrnt'd Ckcup MF.SA Vt;Rot: VILLA .. '\ l.ar11t· l&Z bdrni apt•. t...uut mlenur'i t>l>"n II lu.&h V.illff l1Ul<l1H·11p1nl( lo.:vt'ry 1:u111•c1v,.ble '" .. Mu1t llt'«" tu 11pµrt'c Stf' lo M& I~ Mt-aa \ ttrdt II r I \I {' .. : .i • t I 7 1 4 I 5-W lllff I JW1t W of \II·~· Verde Ctr urr ll11tl10r Hl\d, lid) to C ~ ~olf (; <:lub THE FllEHDLY Pl.ACE OPEN DAILY BRIGHT -NEW "--4 lee,...._ .. y_. .,..,...., MOW AVAILABLE • 1 8 <..-droom . paw balcony $210 • 2 Bedroom. ltc encl06ed yard S290 • 3 Bedroom. 2 ~ ba w /fplc $375. All have bltns, and disbwu ben *C .. LDUH OI• DRIVE RY : interseetion or Graham & Heil, Huntington Beach WE'LL BE THERE TO TALK WITH YOU !! Blch. l~BR. fromSUIO Adulta. No P«.J 13"111 Neu Or t> Blks Eut of NeWlJOl1 Blvd l 546-lllliO RESORT LIVING ...... $170 .................. Gerin V.trl•hw1n·d "''" U Mo'• WCN'tl OFF'ICE 11ui1A appro._ IOO ......_ e..-St$0 -C~n Pomt 411 !'.tcKu11nt I I It OVff sq ft w1enc l patio <)p('n 117, 6 d•>•· <'loo.l'd Lit l. 8 tlH 1~_· __ _ Complettl)' furn • Incl Sunday tiu._cr dnl1&ner P-~ 53,.0 dnfllnl table w plan Wiii ita)' 11 12 50 p,br --· • dr1wtn1. dr11ped. erpt.t. Aient ~I 4460 •••••••••••• •• ••••••••• AIC, 1tereo, ideal fo r -Dnnk1nic problt'm" contracto r Bur1lar H 0 T S P R I N G S C.ill Alcohl)J Hc-lplJnc alarm.. Amj)lc parlunc ARKANSAS. Lake Com M bn a d1y 11.3$ 3llJO UU mo. 2118 Nwpt men:1al /\<'n:, Good lil)O( - llhd. c M IMA·2illll . tor mannii • •'urn 1pt, S!>IRITUAl. 1o:ADt;tt tr Ir 1 pa<'• 1, et e t)p&•n lll AM 10 PM • • .... llMT • • 114 ~• 1>668 Ownr A1.h lt'e on .. 11 mattcfll , We will lra.ln you Ul our ~IW'" No atnkH or llA)OU•. plt"nly of worlt. It yuu'rc-aniblllout II WQUld I.I.kc 111 JJ0$1l1un out ' ot tho ord1ntry. Cl&ll betwn9 30&3p m. U'·l Ill GIU'den offlc" from .W ------312 N •:1 Camino Rul. Auto MO<'hanlr. Tunl' up & 3'7%1 Birch St. Newport ~.000 per yur N turn oo S..n l:kmenh" Fnr tppt <kncrlll lln.,work . Clau Uttnh '<a t airport ). 114.000 lnvt>tt sec ured MllM.I 4!12lU36 A s mu.i RC!<'\'nt nper ~ ~~/~~)'. Cull l"oe1:i Lo1w your 1·~1(11 :,Ith you1 top 1:1ay & ~ntfltl. App' ' •I MO l''Kt:t; ltt;N1'• 1·hlldn•n'.' llelp h.1 11v111lu· l~. Or1i1n~u County Auto t ;,i.3 Rm uffkt frum Start career u Int blt'~hrli ).1!111\1~ <i4•nl~r ;:.&Ol N. T1A1Un, 11 2:; pc r mo. Ad) Dn111n.-r t:am &r learn ~zsnt11 An:.----- Nf'llC)l'Wr Hottl No lc{l.)e throuah exp Share lo MASSAGE A\Tl'OMOTIVE/MARINI': req.833·32239Ulnoon i tudlo expc:n1c. N.B. ~GUUMODILS PAltTI;SALESVlmSON -------631·3003 " Store/ofc nr. Nt'wport ---------ESCORTS Act1un nlt>1jpcm1on wntd Oakwood orttrii the Polt Ofc Ii Grohound ...,,......._. f 0 r Au t u M 11 r In e fin.tinrC'IOrt bvtnsata 4-pot mgq rt.llOOr.to 0,,a,._..., SOIS Ou1t~~~~~~~c:.~rudio v.arehouse dli.tnbutor. pn~ you c».o alfonl Aaml 144 M l4 •••••• ••• • • • • • • •• •• •• • • t:x P ID autD part. P,,. ------------Wanted i.w.ooo or more to 61 l·ll I I rer~ Service-c11rttnl Tbt're'a SJ million 1n beaitt•• S.iht buy G•ms tonu O\fr -------IH'(UUnls In arowlott rt't'rettioo fadht1ca Fu I I a e r v 1 c e uu. Dbl your invest bi FOXY G llLS <'l>nlll¥ny NIGHT LIGHTED TEN· Pt'rsonallHd p h on e l mo C.11~3440 OUTCALL·M~SAGE COAST DISTRIBUTORS NISCOURTS.Afullllmt service, confertnc11 ---MODELING 714~7063 ictivillH director who room . xerox. Avail. m lovntor wanted Short & Home-Otf1ce·Stud10 plans parties, BBQ's, 11rporl area <N o l Ion& term poss1b1ht1es S4G-4480orS42 31~ tn-• mort'! Ft~ Sun· ~tarunaS200 833·3640 w/ a bwlder developer -------.... who has an lllnt tr ack re· •GI.AND OPB41HG • day bnmc:b. •IDEAL* ~'Ord. 20'"'° return guaran· A·PARK MASSAGE A.UTOSA.LH i Br Oceanfront w 1icar I hltn1, $:!7S til June Beaut rum 673 2493 Steps lo ~ach Mod. 2&4 br. frplc. ~dm ce1l All bllru. From S2.4S. ti42 3490 Pl .__ r I I I .. loctllon to r REA t~. Sec11r~ w/CM ruJ Free Body S hampoo Et\)oylh4.'ll(>()(l llrl'' Liv us ...,auti u 5 ng "· ESTATE Q L'f'I CE . estii~. Sl00.000 needed. JN/Ad KEMT ROGERS REALTY 1&2 bedr oom apt s, .. Profess 1on 11I aal e ic p e r so n . Pre f er 11u1omot.1ve sales b1ek- 1tr ound. Straight sell. House established ,for U"t'r 2S years. Looking fur I full lime person to round out sales staff. Top ' wal(t>i. + btments. Aak for Larry al 547 ·58216, amon11 m11 1e nlf1cent fUT1111hed a.unfwuisbed. g r ound floor air 64.2·4226 Jim . lllllS-BParkAvt,C M . l reel>. i. t r e .i m ~ & Re f S 70 condJtlontd. rem~elt.od ~tolot. 5025 6 46·9944 M un ·S 1 t waterfalls in .i quiet. 840-260 I or 141-1300 ots rom l . beautifully d ecorated -:::::!••••••••••••••••• llam-4am mounlJun·llke i.etun,g Models open lO to 7. PLUS other office au.It.es PREGNANT" ClillWMluM, TV roon1 & SorrynopetsorchUd,,.n. ~~~l~. to $3SO. Clilll •BANK RATES Caring eunf1dentlal lc6oca.l.a..d )106 pool tables, 1ociall Hoom male service counseling & n •fcrral •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ••efttl , Sund a y available. Month t o MERRELLREALTY NOBALLOON Aboruon. udoptiun a.i---------- 1.tJr.av.ail foryrlyrcntal brwtche1 & pcwff•t. 2CcntaMna 3824 t6ewpoetlelldt 1169 monthoccupancy. lS0-1100 SQ. FT. office. Refma~~~E~~oli.date ~~~~~E f~c:e lD Bay. 673-1200. awi...Nng poob, lcr«Je ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·•••••••••••••••••••• Oa.kwood North Coeta Mesa, nea debts. Make homti im· ~7 25":1 jacull, 2 sauftu, •Elm G...,.s• UTtLfTllS PA!D Ga.rden freeway. S40-2200. provements or jwst bave ABORTION AVON $225 Mo. 2Br , lBa. with tree~ llnd pat io 213 Diamond Clll 67S·!l615 wolleybal. llc;>s. l Br unJurn $180 m o BLOCK TOOCt:AN ...._., ...... extra euh. Call Counselmg & Rl'farJI Quality adult apts from Adults, no pet.:;. 177 t: DelWle Pnvzste 28r, 2ba . Apartments MECHANICS Preg. test.s uvail wkmb U•ewUpYaw Ufe&hn Motley Too, ~ CllStom dt>corah.'<i I 22nd St. 642 3645 Lae walk 10 closets. Sl'ORE-OFFJCE·SHOP MATIONA.L IAMK -2' !_l~e}pllne54i·~!ll> Bdrm t Bdrm & den 1'1 • ---bltns. Rarage. cable TV• Hewp.t IMc• NeWJ)Ol't & Bay Center .:! Br, fri>k. cpts, drps, b.ith ·2 Bdrm 2 b~th QUIET garden type adult Adults no pets llSOmo 8801rvine 2!0.'.'l2NewPortBlvd.C M __ 17_14)6ll0 ltS4_ TlwG...tt.Touch Sell quullty products wshrt dryr, bltns, incl Spanous clue.els & cup bacb,:!.4.Jbdrm;ipts on yearly lezsse. ~ t Irvine at 16th . 646-125:? '44· ~w..t.ct 5010 ForthelllUe t>xtr.i~ mude by thti world's dShwshr, lse yrly. $300. boar d:.. Furniture & 1"2 baths l'\l poiUO. apl>':K11te. <.All for ap 645-0550or642-8HO -:::::!••••••••••••••••• mout·call m11s,aiie large•! cosmelll'S com· 673 3328 maid 5<'ntrl' a\ailable sutnt' w 1lrpln. vuul, ~I 60t2artcr6 VM . IDIAl SHOPS PARTNER de.Ired for ___ Call_!JS 4~19 pany. lnlt'tellled? Call I •----P1•' xv'a 1107 Small P\'l.S :.icetipted. walking d1slnnce to ~hop--, ... ., MEW..,..IT 2 or 3 bd Condos. Ocean avall in lhe m,•11 11t t h1.ahJy p-11l1ble pnme "'J::..-& 540-7\Ml or Zenith 7·1359. -._ 0Hlrehour~!llo 6 p1n.i. beuut laudscal)t.-d --.-v view, tennis, Jacun1, • '"' 1~~ i-----~~~~~ ....................... 2300Fairview.<:.M. Attr:.t'tnerent. APAITMBCTS Sauna . 493·4 676 or Fact o r y, Can n e r y real e11tate venture ~ 11 2 8r,2ba;lblktoocean& 545-2300 Mriati ... Alth Bachelorlor2 49S-0705. Villaiie. N.B. 1173·IMI06, $10,000 required 1m ........................ l:l.lb)iSlttcrnd 'dforl4mo. bay. $400 Mo yrly ___ s.&6-SM2 °' 631 ~ Bedrooms and 67J.D3 mediately. 100'' return SdMloh & boy Ov. n trans. ~MZ? ftbf'l>ha11K.Jt~S"4f,()()FRPLC. Dltns. beam Townhouses ~ 4000 UnlqueShop L1&BchArt 1u.aranteedandsccured a..tr.cHOR 7005 or~J764 I Adult dtluxe. l Br. D W. •'r S239 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ctr. 200sqft'. Xlnl e1l1b. ~today ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------Nice lBR Great location reil'g.crpts.drp-;,pool,1 refn", f....Jc. oar .-• ,,._. Rooms S2S wk up ,_ •. Babys 1ttc-r. Mzsture on ...... St.l•hortblkto Br."d"l'~.n·'• ..... "1 "r " .,.., " ...,... "'l"<"n S-.5 Diily · ..,.;.4tM-8622w 494·»l3 VndllllnT-t h" ........ a n v .... v~.... ... .. No pets. 197S Pomona Spa-Pools·Tenru!I wtkltcheo. Apts $37.SO -,.._..... ....... ·-· IEA wom:.n lO Wil e • t>ch & stores. $225/mo ~5<17UOam8PM 6424435. Acron Crom Fashion wk up. S48·97SS or SMALL COMMERCIA Dejdl 5015 rtuldren,11ii1t.S &llaflr. Lease or mo to mo Incl sTuNNING l H0ts52 liland al Jamboree Oft ~3967 SPACES for Shopa • or ••••••••••••••••••••••• TRAVEL AGENT nooN Own transp. Vic. lp~orvke,.fl. r:fr1'!g .• p2~~.~r Br.~·.3Br$25S,$30otr I IRLOFTOHLY SaoJoaqwnHJllsRoad. :J)O()' tore &7SO'ol fices. Fro m HS mo . LOH.I~ up t.o 80% $1Jt:k~~l~-~~m~~~"' . dcp w/ad lmmed Occupancy C7 I 4J644-lt00 rice' apa~~a~!r lease: 5411.7249 NW Adu 1 t s . no pet s 7lOW 18th St CM Pvt l)alJo. frpk.1 yr Ille .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-;-;-;-;:.. ht TD a.o.....t ¥4~• CLASSES START 11m_. _______ _ s.44 t2001646·Rlll2. · HAYLOFT A.'1S Corner Harbor & Baker. MONTlll,Y I·--L<n·cly 3 br, 2 b.i apt •DELUX~ CallJohnWallb,ClUi.ens •5TOllS• 2..tTOLoc.1 ~m cummi~)IOll Uuby11tter Wanted : c_... det Mw 3122 w/frpk. patio, i>antr)' & 213 Avocado, CM Eu~tbluH 3 br, 2\~ ba . Bank, 979-4200 for rt'nl or lean On F11rest Termu inct' 19'!1 whih.: you learn Woman to babyalt 2 ....................... p()OI. Adults. $300. mo. 645-0143 Lease. lnrl. sp:.c. master Newport Blvd ., Costa s.tfteto M .... Co. 'mull t'h1ldrC'n ln my ---------•I 645-3J8I Mon t'ri 5pm tu7pm i1u1te, din rm 4. dbl Room in pvt home. Prime Meu. c.2. Many uaaaes. 642 2171 ""r ~S~Otill PACIFIC H11rhor View Home. 2 3 -~-· Sal Sun toam 1041)m icara&t'. Auto door H.B. loc. Non smolter. Lotsof parklni:. Call TRAVEL SCHOOL tlJ )' .1 week. M4·8336 Mature adult garden type ---opener Mv11il Pool 4t Refs. Sl2S mo. 536-9513 Lachenmyer Realtor apU. 2 Br. l Ba; 2 Br, New 3 br . z b11 apt i''rplc. recreauon area. Adwts , 610 E 17lhSt, S i\na ll11hy!llttt•r for S yr old in den , 2 ba w /pallo. $300 m o. 675 1094 or only,oopell. Nice Sunny room for 646-392l:eves.lltJ·4577 .., ar.c......ts/ 543-6655 rnir Irvine home. 1:30 lo Rac hel or . B ca u t . 673·9'J50 •$137• elderly man or woman. ,.,.,,,,..,,/ Accred1tetl h) '\'I rs I .101'M Mon·l-'ri. Nctd laodlca~ w /pool. No 86SA w NB Good food, 2S88 E. Santa HOME+ business Lott• Fotlnd ~tabh!llwcl 1111>:1 "''II c hild orie n ted COHONA DEL MAR •2Br. !Ba. Mes a Verde, 644.=: s:i:~i487 Ana Ave. C.M. 642-2008. Nl<'C home, 3 BR • den , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-'lnanrrnl Aid l'rni1r~•m' 1icr:.11n, no housework. 2 !Jr T-nhoust', frpk ~;.a-,,....,. #2 upper. Garage f\llulls M !Cl b IOOllll • lowcl 4050 dbl llt w/a/o bath. Gd re Lost & Fo.d SlOO Own trans. Salary open. Pool. Lenna. continental ··~....--'"'f"'• S21S. No. ""b 833 8974 anage Y 1.a-u 1 ..... 7.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• --• U):.. 1134 ~881 E v ea. 275 1<: llllh~t c M. ~ W1lh1m Walters Co. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ""'" a •re• ...... mo. Jobs Wanied 7075 ~ ~~~:~1~-:\~w~~ ~!:'en t~ 631 JOOJ NEW B -b . Sleep-in babysitter, 4 546-5&41or64612111 Found ;::tMoneyB9/15k~hop· ••••••••••••-'•••••••••• ~..!. 1267 -3 R. 2 a, 11ar. palto, nights a week in ex· ...._tri .. l..t• 4500 J>!n& c r nr ~ ,urst, UAHYSIITER. for work· :o.hoppm' a. fine beach. NJo:W 2 IJR , 1 '• ba, patio. b.lock to beach. No pee.a. c hance for roo m & f V Contact fo .V. 1 ohce in" molher. Vic. C.M. 644 2611 l?ardt-n. adlt.s. no pe~. ~ & 3 Br Studio Apt~. _l rly. W. Nwpt. 642 .. 1&03 board. 1 child. Brand ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dept 962·4444 M~·Fr• 646..sGeD •~~~~~~~~~! ~ M2 IWJ R&.-0. l>W. f'rplc, 2 Ua, Selective llou1>ehuld, ~ t-+. S33S $3115 OCEANFRONT new ( new Condo w/swlmming A.llPOIT F' 0 U N 0 . w h 1 t e Nurs1.11~ & l"am1ly Care 8ankmte exper teller on· ly Amen can Slate Bank. ~SIClll JETl'Y VIEW. a lice lux Quiel 1 Rr t·otta1te apt, unous 2 BR around noor 1nc"s utit'... pvt patio. urut ol Duplex w 'Jetty &r i.:nr • .,h.iie r rpLs $204 no "l'Can view Sl~Cl.F.S IX'L' 645 22Jll l'llEPt:ltltt-~U . $S50 --- V / mo. C •I I /lo a c n t , I Hr. :.tun• &r refng, ''ref tM 7211 N1icel matun · ~rson, nu l>l'b ----1 or 1•h1ldrcn. $100 l t1I in 2 &. 3 Or Twnh.~4.'·s, 1325 & c 'd. 642 ~U:I I MO. HtEI REHT vu>, 1 Br upper. Cpl.I pool, own room 4' pn. '500to&400Sq Ft Samoyetlt llu~ky male Personnel 148 W Wil'<on. CM drps, bltn!!. aar. no pets bath. &42·3399. 19~ Per Sq. t'l.. Vic Slater/Ueach. II li Employer P.i)s f'ee EJ\STSIDt: 2 YRS OLD Z Rr 2 Bn, bltn'I, dshw:.hr, <'pts . .:ar \dulU.t no pelA I lilk. lo Rull)hs M:arkct s:.Jo mu ~H>4G2 aft 4P~ Yrly ls e. $3 2~ mo. G..ett4-4150 Z Air-rondi\looed offlcn, ~-3744 4500Campus DnveN 8 642 3443 ............. •••••••••• zsm.:!:,c;klol(. FOUND 3mo. rem cat <.:allS4G·ISOS i-:Blu!f 3 Rr 2 Ba T wnhl LovUlg care for 61derty M•nt. Co. Part Slameiie I.a Cu~t:.i Worlcmg mother!\ helper ow. dbp. dbl aar w/aul malt or fem. Bil d1eu, .. ..._, 6 71-4400 8 y Th c Se a . II B Your 1ron1nii, mending door opnr. Pool & R homey, patio. M4·JS33 1168-1371. p1hng up" Call J\nna. ctr, Adlt.s only $.132 mo y GtlOR lltlhlh 4250 720 sq. n. Ii~ lndustnal Cosu.i Mt's& 642 3523 -------Bankmit Loan Secretary Nt>wport Beach are:.. Amer ican Stile Bank 640-SIOO. Lse av111I . 644-8064 / .:::••••••••••••••••••• w/Ofc'c• Liere1rdr.63' Found Black d og w i4 --------BANKS M L ~ 0128 Baker. M. 644·6172 while. reel. l'hest & nose Young man m need or Job. IRAHCH MAMA.GER -------1 RENT · A · R /\NC II . fem. 64S 2322 2 yn, sales exJ)\'r. neat $425, t'nrl p11t10, blk rr ------1 1.Jch & 11hops 673·7t83 lkich, partly furn patio. HYnff..,tOft ~och 1840 --$l4a anc utll fttalure ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW UlJl'LEX Dt•lu'" l>t'I son 2til Me~d Or :-pht level 1300 !IQ n. 2 br ll46 73.t:! w den overlookinit h\ 1ng rm & frplr l'lu:.h l'ilf~t NICE 2 Ur l 1111. $210. 11111 llom{'·hke 1tor1111r Adult~. !*llH V 11 lrnt·1 u . " 3 hit• walkin l'IO!l\'h l'M ~1; ~:n 11r :.40 1mm llalh & guc•st IJ11th Dltn . r11n1w &. nven 1-·11rt'\'cl 11 ir Mesa lk-1 M 11r l.11r11r .I h;•nl Pnllo dN·k 2 rnr bdrm, 3 h.i Nl'wly d•' i·m·I l!nr111u! w/~toro1w ~ i•orato'<I ~'!I~ i!>I tl7l14 l11und1 y rm P11y unlylQl.Llrl :? Hr. t ''i Hu . patio. 1•!1'('lfH' /\tlult~ Su or iloll ()I\, t'OUl'h"' $200 l owil llwy ~ hhl<'k" tmm litoJwrnn !'r»C !l!t73 bt•11rh $\2 ~ 4:1 ~ -- (i o I II I' n rod I' hon" THE GAILES m 11111$ t13..T1 ~mny & lmr11.-r J ltr 2 II .• . II p I> l' r n I" I Cl v. 11 ... ~ lrvlr .. 0111r1um ~· J I :0. o fl I' t " $ I ~ 0 1._.11t All\ ~rol!l /\llr .! llr. I bu 1luph'1t Ultn' & cl"h"'o;hr ~ M11nth l\1t1•nt 1>44 73KJ 2br,1•,b.1w i:nr Adult' 1•1pt" rlrp' bltn1 w11trr pit . re n1 cl y r.I <'ult 1.Jti 112\f :.tJ9Oran&•·1\H• ··o" ~l).'i {'l\',1n l!h r ""'" 1lrr" ,1m1• n•fnl( l'l11ld 11~1·1 7 """ po·t" ;o;> J um•'' M li73 :IU'tll hy J 1>111 CodoM.-a 3124 2 llr. I H.t, l'uol, llltn,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 MJ.W' Sl 'Wl 'JiC'r rno Off leirtH Patil 114:! ll11rl 11fl ~l'M t, 2. & 3 llr J\dultw, no . .._ 1 • 1 r 1 l'flll, ll~hw,hr-. i.huic l';.iuLO.,u r ""' <! Ir. '11 c 'pt•, 1 loi-1•11 l(Oflllll'. 1u•I, "'· r ll .. r tf~ ~ho~ lrllh'. llHll <:11, 6 wi.tl'r ~l • ... ll"' 1>4.'> i;m1 !'Cl P11ol Tnwnht1111<e I 1MO S1111ll1 LA MAHCHA A.P'TS 1\1110, t •M 21\r . U1•11, 2 bu 77M !;t•ntt Pl it rt', CM S3:1o lt._'ltl llll:~ llt ti4!> .;;n:, , ... 2 ~l'73 Htn Jbr. 3ba, frplc. patio, SlJ~erwood Lake 2 BR. 3 ~Sq l'l M·t. front of· - - -- -appcaruncc Avail for ll l"l(Jfl!_OdrlooEmACJ\~• l>UUI. :.idulta. no pets. AC. $10. Wknd, $140. Wk. f1ce, li:e rear door $.195. Pound 6 mo puppy tun & wo rk in varied jobs • ·"' ,...... $366. 646 6789, fl.46-6710. 833 6204 Mo. 1240 Logan St , Unit whl poodle. Vtl' ln·lnc at a variable. Call 673·3442 /\ Federal Savm111 As· SO<'IUllOO IS se\•king a manllRcr !or ll5 Newport Beach ornrc. Individuals !lhould huve linunc1ol or business expcr which can errect1vely stimulate new bu~iness develop-, mcnt. 1JSK1st cuslornrr5. LIONS ~'TJ\'fl--'> G. Days 540-5710, cve11 20t.bSS7 71!1H or 67:>-S767. A.~k for 8111 536~79 592.~>10 2 Or$32S l lbt• to Ot·<'an BIG BEAR CABIN. 2Br. 6'6-0681 f'ound ·Guld kl'ychain jr. Sp11c1ous nt'w lnplrx 3 Ur & 2 lir units . Start at S2SO S\•p l!:•r w 1 lndry mnn. ~Iii s.63:1 wkndi. or «fl tl. 2&3 IB>ROOMS 2 IATH, GAR.AGE .l''fom S25Q 646 8498 1-:x la~e. 2 Ur . 2 1111, dill J>OOIUdC' 11pl nr bt h /\cllt. no P<'l~ $l!IS :.JI·~ • l>t-lu11r 2 llr, 2 JIJ, blln'<. it.Jr (111lt..lrt·n :.m.ill IJt'l• ok $27'1 641i IU!M l llr 2 ll.1 n111• .i rt• .i, no lll't' Ch1t1I "'"" oml' St 75 mo :.i:I 11\21 t:ror1trou1 3 llr, 1:m1. 2 llr. $19.\ J\ll :\tr•• \'t11ld11•n ""''It •>ml' I hlk \\ of li9 a r h nH .SI 111\'r M..' M.12ll l<lr.14 llll l No Surnm,•r lnr tl'lf"' 2b• u11 f urn, r lo•l'll 11aral(t''I Sr>r'y no ~t11 or 1·h1lcln•n ·~'>A 12'h St ll44 o n 29th Sl Yrly lse fri>k. cpt.s. SIP8 8. Weck -----------67~7180 orwknd. (714)67S-6T73 R ...... W...W 4600 w tfam sty le pictures. Hesponsiblc teen·aite boy Huyfront Pvt Bch & pier , 8rl or 3 l\d, from ~:IC> mo 979063lor644 4510 Nl'ur lloai: llU!1p1tal l.:e BK. J 1, 1).1 Townhouse Rltn1, i1tovr, OW. p11liot1 . e nt'lli 11 ;ar $250 f m o . Adul!JI 00 4:1117 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ut111de Thnrty. Ur~g needs jobs-Yardwork, R1Wt•1 to..._. 4300 Garage.-Apt/? for quiet Store llarbor Shop g errands delivery & mis· ••••••••••••••••••••••• no n s m ok1nl( work1nl( Cntr. C~ 675 2!?3 ___ cellan~u'I work. Orange U•llMJ .,_. lady Approx SI~ mo /'' Heward, Sm dol( taken Coa!lt College Jrcu. <.:;ill C• • • l••ncr 1 646 17~ from car at Slaters No 545-4.Z.iO an Jpm ___ _ l-'I NDSOMEONE tll ELP' S t udio apt 4uei.trons_!>4556.'lt> ___ Bookkeeping F1C 8 yri. DEPt:NO/\fJLE I desperalc.-ly needlod by Lost .1tirl s Navy coal red t' x P S P e l. ' a I lo11h1re housing with reliable womam . 675-7765 iapout hn·g d ays 83J..848S per-.11n.ilm '<l "r·n ire ~n CALLHOUSE-MATt:S Ew~. i•ve.1>42 az:i2 small OUblDe!>llt.'S & rn & motivate pt.>rsonrll'I Xlnl wurkrn11 conds & bc:ncf111; Rt•ply tn: Mr Kerr, 7141522 0610 i':t1ual Oppor Employer 1132.4134 Al!k for J im d1v111uali. Our lit'r In 2 Br. 2"' ha, brand nt"* -----Need gat3Rt' fnr boat .. 'OUNO Yng mall' Gl'rm cludh ty111 ng ~l lllc - l'ondo w /1t m en1llt'1 2 Main Seeking Ft'male stt1ra1e 81,. x 22'~' min Shep ,.-111rvll'W & Hiiker menl,, makm.: p.iyrull, Uar M.111h, purl t1mf'.Slr Hlln1, i:arUJll'. J>1t10 Roommate Larl{e 3Br &i~~7 e\t.'A. CM Call 7s1 !il•H quarterly 111xc·:1 r .. inn 11.,,rwv11 ·1r"rrn 177 i-: $.'170 mo \213)4~ 6417 u houS<' ID llunt Reh S plit -ulinl( bank ar·i·nunt~ & 111h M <.:M [).~ 111110 li7~~ rC'nl Call art Sp m .__.•/ln•••t/ IA!t 1Clas11ei. 1n rt.'<1 r11:.e pay1n11 monthly t11lh N11 962·21115 Altmlce Vl r ur J\rl'hl'!o (' ,ife JOU l<>O s m11 ll WI' l11vt• NF.W 2 fir, l! Ao. rrpk hlln,, pool. Westrllfl Mile roommat• wanted. 2 »rN SJ'i5 mo 675 1957 blks to bch Mar bl. $137 50 mo Manlyn aft W11lk tn hc-111·h, 2+ dt•n, 11 JOpmM2 2199 I~. jla&r11lll'. yrly. 1325 ---- 7~ Ol!44 R/)ommate want.rd M/F, Halbou Pt•nin 3 Hr 1.1pt STU'S TO HACH !it~~;.,,~1~ mo. 673 878U I Hr Iba, tum, yrly Sri 3 Hr.21,.. . unt. yrly S.'M G.r..,.. for .... 4ll0 4 llr 2 b11 , )'e11rly '450 ••• •••••••••••••••••••• 3 Ur. :z ha, wntr ~ Nt>rth Colla Me.a Are11. SIA WIHD Gar111t' $..'!.)mo. <.:nndn 2 llftrm11 2 ba I ·9!J8 ~--· __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rt'Wurd 54114:nU ufl4 thl'm 111 1 fi4S 1711:! nr ........ • S"8 il71 I O,part.lty SOOS L1111t Amer •.'lk1mo Pup ____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l•Y· 31 J mos old. Whah· 11 20 yr old lJ. ol (' 'll udl'nl lffrT /food mal<' Vic · Orun111·1 d4'1>lr1•s work thruuit h •• _,,. w H<K'hellll't ('M l,.lr)(r March, t'XP d 111 of111•1• $4600 ''"'°CJ"OSI rt'w11rd &IS ~J:; v.-ork. •rlh1111. r l11l1fr11n•. Lola ol par In& w/1hop , -have rderem•e11 111:, ~ p ing ecntt'r loc al1u n LOST L11dy ~ l>iamnn•I t•vt·~ PrCHntly help run. RGr ll1n11, Coronu dcl Mar or aealJl20.COme checkll lhlbo.t l 11 lund t'r1.HefpW..t•d 7100 Agrnt 531 4400 I.3th 117~ ~H •• • • •• • •. •• ••. •• ••. • • •• lllClllNTA.LS f"OlJND . fl<'m, Gt•rm Account11111/<i1•110fr Shl..'P 1 to 1•, yri. YouCanCovn+O"I '6.800. full price T a 11 I h I k w ar n 1• r & Xlnt ll('n1·r11 ... npr"1rt uni IUUTICIAH • Nt~-dl'll full tinw, C'C'lllla M~u /\re" :...o 11'31 .. rt 51'M IUUTYOrR wir l'op Mmm Iii •; NH -a Ion, liH Ofili I, :.40 ~:! Jkuul)' 01k·rutor llulr Myll11l o•'l.'114'11 fk't;'.'· 1:u11r11nty with ur without r•1l lowlt11l Wiii t ri11n. I m m 1• 11 II I' l' fl I n " I " •1 u H 11 f I 1• rt p I' r 11 o n /\llr1•1lu'"· llulhou hluntl. m~f.J(no Co, ta Meta 37 24 Costa Mna 37 24 •••••••• •• ••••••• •• •• •• • •••••••••••• ••• •••• ••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• 1 TW"ft.ti Rock w1rum Yearly 1400 W~Jo:O· Ohl Garase. lrvlne. Nwl>l Bch or CM. Call Joh.n, M6 4Sfl2 PrlCCl ln_cludu sa .soo. t:dwrd~. llB !las ll('nll ly &. l.'Ollj(e111al i.tuH In 11tork. !;ome 11ale11 4r 842 314~. thl" m1·cl '1111· ru th111 servlt'i'. Nt"t~I llvt'·Wlrc • ----l)nd1•ll ll~1·lf on c•mployrt'1---------- We've Opened The Doors On A New Concept In RESIDENTIAL MOTEL LIVING AMBASSADOR INN FROM .s41 WEEKLY •J.cun• & HeetedPool •All U11h1tet Ptid •Wkly Miid SeN1ce • K1tcheo Faclhhes Avail • WashPf & Dryer Av111 •Wei Bar/ Rel119er ators • TV 011ec\ Dial PhOf'lft Av111 Fumllhed Slngl• Aot/Motel ur..11 For lnf0tmat10n con• WISA/2277 Harbor Blvd Tl&. 71 4/64Ml41 YiatoAph associated operator. Xlnt beach FOVNI> 21to1111 in11 11 111 r('1.111on,. t'11ll .ll'nn 1-:11 BOYS & Girls 8.tt!I A(lt 837.4200___ wearil'lll ('nllor I. IJll h11l '1 y, ll:t:I 2711(1 lknn1~ ~ to 1111(y1•11r' or lll(t' l>tu •• , ,;. I U , U f f\ 1 "r, \'r111 II "nJllV .i n•lux('(I hle!<t) h.• 111 lht• l'flt lu~IVI' V1ll111ll' of Turtll" lh'k l 'h111c-1· 11f t lo 3 l\drm11 In fl 2 .. tor1 2 n11rm lllwni,nm...-$200 In $430 mo Thtt't.' HO<'k\ll'W Ur • In me "33 04111 Office l..t• 4400 ~ P'lctw. "-I011t t i.11 llolh red mull•& U 1• n n 1 it I' 1• 1 1' o n 11 t• I ly 1'11111 1t1•llw•ry roult•'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 541121:1:11 S4·rYll'r or l rv1n1•, ZOHZ m:i y lll' 1IV,Hluhll' In your -----150 I w tclff Dr s ,000 .... 1975 M1ehel~on llr Brt'll 1-:11rn iirul1t rur I.I••· 21lr, 1'1ba twnhile ~tylC', ft • Includes ~Int" 2 rel.all Found w h llf' puppy, ---hvl'Ml''I & <·o h , tnPI' or 1'\ ,. l#lit • 11• • ' , , bllill', crpl.s , drps, lnel Nt'WpOI\ Financial Clr outleu. Owner ol 6 yn w1bm s pot• & hrn l"ar~. Admln Trne to 1700 mi•rr hllndi•r for llelllni.t patm, heatl'd pool 1dulu ~ Offlce S,.C• want.I to retire. vie lfuar d. ~h"noha IOLUHG STONES nl'w llUh .. ('t1plloM. For no IJC'h ~15 Bach.: I Call on Stte Manaa('r Aaf'flt s:n-~~or 898-~~-_ I. e 11 cl 1 n ll 1" w,. I q informuti11n 1111-11, .. r111l $170 M8216tl2 C71 4)M2-31Uut248 f"ound SIAMESE CAT ml'f r h11nd 1 .. e r 'et•k" 6 12 1:12 1 ... rom S.io :--..,.w J Br 2 Ba + Den -MOTOllCYCLll y r 1 Se 1 1tr11~'<1 1ncln to lrnm Clemrntv ~an Ju.in "'1-plr. all 'tr.&J< J ,u·tu11. IA Y YllW Neu $100,000. yr. .<llml( ema "' 8 point all 1>ha~t·i. or bu~int''lll l'.ipistr 1100 .H\'ll, 1 ,111 l(Jmm puol 111 ~olh.•11' lbr, wtll to wall ah11 l al Oranae Cly's be:l!t <.:nmino C:ipuitrano at St'f'rf't11 m 1I, bkkl'flr., ad 4g:, Oblll und M ''"On Vil' l'k V;n .int $425 m o l'l"Pl-', dflll!, patio. yard, Honda Sain 6 ~rv1<'• 1...aZ..nja 4~3 9~~ ---mm. & 'llllM <:rnwtb Op Jti Y,I Toro Prea, c:.ill ~37 6:1113. 213 !123 66H1 , aarau. 1210/mo/yrly. .tNoc ra ·• Otv~forcesaale Only t'ound Poodle max. rem po r l'Jll L1'>a l\,1y, S.10 l:!:lO 2um2.1GI 96.l-.sa.\3 ~=-,__.. 75Mdownw/Jdntterms Sm all . ho ney l'Ulor 8481.288. Ut<nni' & Oen 1-..qu .. IQpPor Employt'r L.o1J-C1 leech 1141 ....................... Drop a ~bble 111l11 the \)('ran from yuur /\pt Le .. ~<! Lu,ur). ~rrunt)'. Mature 11dulh 3175.5 (.')l II~ y l9!J 2Kl:. ./ •-Alt. 1137"'200 f'a1rv1ew Hosp groundl! nu1 Pl'rM>nnl'I S<>rv1rc• of EAST BLUFF' ./ ,,. --~ 3540 Hu11Unicton lk'ul·h. 111168 2 bd, 2 ba rrplr, pnol, ./--DRES.5 ahop for HI•. T llc11c:h Blvd Surtr 121 AduJt.t. '325 8411 AmlllOS .I'---C M. loutlon. l'tu Foond Brown & white ---4~ tmor&MO'JOll .1 -.-.... 831-1400 or ~·5000 111 doll Vir Sow<'~ School, A.DTA.ICEll 3176 ....••......•••••...... ' •" M r Howard f\4!. (;10! 213 1111 C11ll H2· 7223 11rt f•or bu11y 111le!I nff1 ce. SAMOWICHIS 7pm M1111t bt-nut, pll.'nsonl ~ (fl -enjoy worklnl( v.-t tht• Oc1•11nrront Whitewater S140 up store-<> ce r pUI Nna Sl.800 mo. lat Whit gold ';"lll&ht pubtk. Apl)ly m J.Wnmn. Duplex, 2br v. gar Nwly Vu.ncwl&e.2 Br2&hax drps •ir bath. 17301 All help nan! Ablolute blueatonewoman srinR. Prnnyll ilV('r 1 ~4 5 dc:rt 'd . oce:sn vl~w. $300 upart. All 11ppo1Dlmcnt.s Reach Bl. H.B. 842-2834 gold mint' for Mom 6 hu "~enUmental value, Newport Blvd C ~1 · 4~-~. S4SC> mo. ~ Granada, NH llNT P<>J>. All lake out. Ill Call rolled SS4·Z463 · ·---..,._rt •---t.. 31 .... 492 4360. II only rra!IOf\ ahop t -LOST---,,--ld-B-lk_l_b ASSIMILEIS .-.. ,...---...,. Otnrn a• low as JY per s ale T erm 11 . Aat ; ., yr o .a . "".LECTRONICS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sc.ta AM 1110 aq f\ Mw1on VIC'jo 6 837"'200 Vic Santa Ana area r. • F'olf' ten~ Tc.-rTac~ apt r.o· ••••••••••••••••••••••• L.aguna N111uel %00 to ----------4 2tl3/76 Wuhmicton do& A Min. I )'r recent exper bay Vll'W 2nd fluor 4 Ur. $160, l nr. blt.ru, M'frig, a>oosq n 831 1400 GSTORES~4JANTA ANA lap Ans lo "Vulcan'', on r hauls wirin1ot & PCB 4 Ba. 30· l.1~. Rm , Om rpU, dr"J", c-nel 1ar no ---Groat JllllO. p~~ call S40 6431 d11yic. assembllf'll l>ay llhil'l Km. Hrkht Rm. Air Ptta. nr So cout Plan Sl:."LL Idle 1trmll with 11 TennaO W C. o r uo 7850 n11ih u IS.MAI 675 ':'030 642_.t66 D:uty ~1~ot~l~tfr~ Ad. _ SllS,000 Bkr211/783 1000 REWARD 3000W Warner.S A BOAT SKIPPER 117' f'riv11te y u('hl lo t·rw~t Northern (..'1 IH k <1Ct·as1onally Nort.hwrst. Mut1t have dleael Ii elec· lr•Xll<' oper•Unc exper Submit full ref'& & H lary r rt1 ul r ~mcnt11 lo Cl11!mfwd ad no 577, c /o o .. 11y Nlot. PO Box 1560. CO'\UI Me:\a, Ca 92G2.8. s1-:u . idle 1tt'ms with a U..i1ly Pilot Clusiftf'CI Ad \ .. . r Add it .•. 8u1ld 1t .Diaper it .. Hammer It ... Carpel 1t...Cement lt...Wtr~ 1t .•. Hoe it ... Clean lt...Move it .. Press It .. Paint 1t ... Na1l 1t ..• Plaster lt...Flx it ... SERVICE DIRECTORY· • DAU.V PILOT 01 .. • ,..., • ..,..,. c.,.tS.•"'-c .. ad• ._. • 1 u 11111 ' 1 T• ....... ..,... .. .... a1t..-. .! ....................•.. ...............•••..... ....................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .•..................... .. APPl..IANC.E IU~PAJ.a Shampoo• slam itun 'RADro&Dla!ON 1\1m ·n P'..da +Otan·up Wuo Rf!ALQ.EAN C 1 t•t•4 Wl.LLLUIS6SONS ~ Walkovertn.p a ~ Dl PaUo covers, • S10 -Stt..-1"CaU :t Cclof' brtpt..,... RDl00£L REPAIR Depeod•ble Wkll HOUSE?C&UCl;n&ham TAXPIEPAIATION Matlos)'Jarielf8Joek Pa1miaa. Uc'd to 1n. C.mmt. Gullet le Oov.u • _ l710~~ • l c•rpu U ml r!~.,..·~ll~ ftoeeb~~acz.-n Glrl.Pl'eeau&U4m B)'apC'Gf...so.<uac· •a...c.ua1.,. t:qir.Veryne.alm.llll. Spouts, Blk walla, • Cit' DI ....... ~=-:-~•~YA':'a· HOUSECLEANING l1 couatlQ&fina.OpuJUI a; II 8'ock. a... TUc Ruaoo bl /R lbl Spraaklor Syslem•. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• GENERAL Our 8u1lae11. Cal I round. Eai.b: over 107n w!.i ............ , ..... bv llll.Ju~,:, ":~CM't•t 5414222 I KJlcb cablMta, ntm wall ST 50' (()Utb StO (b.alr SS COHTRACl'OR C ... s..tcn J ... 's l\aaled-7 Aw la Watmlnatcr arH , lk. ~;'tDC'llJ " kb Pa1D&la&. 4t'f·MS4 !At Sam do U Wallpa~r, • Wiii.i, laUleco-pat.JOll, boat ~r~": ~ a:;'JW ~~ lo W,. •••••••••••••••••••••• m.GSI .... f-.112~ tnlure. tapln11. palndn.a 1 nndlt ....,$.219 work myulf. Reh Cultom bomea 6 iwtdl IDOITAUJ WOULDN'T YOU Oltm""'1ilacw-PlaMsl Ml BioalC'I are Getlln& Qual wrk tii·>lll af\ 1 ,,...,....__ "-bl la C \ 5.31 CllOI tk1Qa. 2JO Yrs eap. lo N.8. Elertrlcal. Plum bl DI •HOUSECLEAN'INO• IATllBB baq a pl"Oo aick.c..cn.. P.O. l»lt,y, Hcwao painter. Tpm j _._., ~ na • • m --P\nandn• Hail ttc Rea rata Ml.-sl By reliable couple. Good feulonal w I pre1tl1• lletll Walla BBQ PM.I lltW ta.,.... lyn aapr/• .. •aJI uruu .. l•UJce~aUQI, O.tom Qlrpet a..-ulla u'!~·B·l 20144'7 South . . ttfcncie..531-TlU pnpani yoW iaeomo tu "411. 1111.1........ •P1'1l7 .... 1ll!Chwlt T9t ~mdl 1.644-11. tloos. Youra/N100 Cout lovealment llANDY~AH-HomH nibU11? For u eve.i.a lllUCX. IMod, S&ool • PAPER/PAlNT·JOyrt ~~;·,~·;~.-~~:·~~:;·; c:.,..... ::.=·All work 1\1&1' St!MaU !~·~:.~~~10" :':Pl lo )'OIH boaae, Coacule "o r ll •1 ·~·N..SworkSaveU nndl. f'rceesl. SmlJot>e. j •••;.•1::._:;00••••BJ•••:;;;_••• GF.RWJCK.,SON J-:--Y'SCUSTOMR""P•Jfl Superbhouec'leuUniat &MuU-..i.a Stowarl ll•1oar1 Wail.Satilf1dk>n "lcome$363e2' .....,. ....., .. .LO .. •~~Lac ,..._,,_ " .,, .... reu ra~ )45.202Z an ..._.__ •n•. paar.Freeesl~ ---C• ... ,__... m .......... 1 Cabinet• tonnlc• wOl1l .. --Y • .& a....1•aT TIU Alletat1on1. re1u11ra. ••••-••• .. ••-•••• Lic 813~ aen'I carpeoll')' com 4prn •••••••••••••••••••••.. ........ ......,.,,..,.,. .,._. »tons. addlttoot, i,.t.tw 6 Spedal~·MeJtlcao.-Onu· 549-2170 873.ecMJ mer I ReatdirnLI ai Day ~ cleaa&QI I RO NINO ••••••••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••••• R • I i d I C o m m • I • ~~~fo~~n:~m~~~·::~t Am.tr. roods. Your bocn' ALTERATIONS, Rm ad· -..Ul7,evaMZ-8IOI. Owolrans . DR,£SSMAKING MOVING? Let 2 u pr. PATCH PLASTERING K He h ens· bath•• <:oo\ractor doe• own or club, $tlhr a:unlmu dUiont, palJ'19, cemeat p R 0 F C A R P E 1/98S-31S4 any tlcne 131..ztll men move ~. a.... ••AJ..L TYPE.ti•• ~=-frplta, enlr)'t. - work. P1lombo COflllt. kS-0581 •rJl. Lie. $4'·01H, a.EA.NINO. Alao Ooor ~..... rell.MUSUorUS.»M P'M!etlst 540> f MembttBB.B.AUwon -.GO:J. can6wlndowt$1J·U08 ~;>~~~~Uoa ....................... ,......,, .. .,... VERY NEAT PATCll rt.:•JJ.J7 tO. guar. 982-8314. c.-.t/eo.cr.fe a.ctrt~ :Mll-41862 c M ~1111.,.125. La.Ddlcep-.... -...... ._....... JOBS 6 R •:STUCCO. Tree Strtlc• ----•••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• 2 1trb to ride, clA .. u · · in&. Sod·Bluetraw llh< PETERS PAJMTlNG Fl"ee ett. m.1m. ••••••••••••••• •••••••• XDIODEL. Commn1:iaJ Free F.allmata! PhdU ELECTRICIAN-Small !oltr/.!.~!..lbone. Ru1 Housed~waet.soa Stt.Ft..Tomll0.3170 IAl/.E&l·lleatll.tes " ,, I JWmovals, llmbll\&, top. 41ResldenWll.Uc,~M Cement Co. Patios • -·-• reaular ba11.e b)' !•dJ ..,,0 S CallQ.eal~ pin&, prunlo", -est. ~34311 dn vew a"". Uc I Bo~ jobs. m.aiAl/ repain. 22 w /e1,.,,ence. SCT-3131 CUSTOM D LOH N ••••••••••• •••••••• •••• ,. -'N _ _._ yrse1tprlZ33lOI. 5tl-~ u...... Sod lawa1, aprkltl, WALLPAPBal NG·All HOMESAVERS FIREWOOD f7S rord/· Carpenlry·l"lnlan 6 ~S&S7alU.allwkuu;,. .._, E J Nmd.l'c del , llc /bond/aos .... ~modellnt 6 Repair ELECTRICIAN. kHHI/ •••••••••••••••••••••• ..!.!~.:.. . II p Ha a est palduoe, ~cf'• t Kinda. Work Ouaran· ~~':'!'.,,._ tk• ~~It•-M2·216:M. 1 · BRJCK68LOCK Comm'l. No job too llaulm&/mo\JDlllC'leuup uu•acnca.mni. u own o er 1ar •. ree re· teed. Free Esllmalea .... ,..,.,~.,~ ~ ...,._ • _iwasrale$ E•llt7lJ.CXJ79 Pal1<11,Curb6GUUer amall.CllllBobMl~ S7up Gtnrep111r.rus. tnnsportaUon.~!11111 moval, pruoinJ. Lic'd C.U Norm. as-3705 Of ~able ll'n'ICe '10. Upllolthrf ~--As.r.lce Wayue&U-8673 Futfrttesl84.2~ .___Tu cooll'aclor. 1ll >'"in HB. 17~7U2 br, 847·0Sl2 .BofA 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I -P""· --------s .. H d ~ FORD Landscapanc. llast.eNh• .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• L£0NITE CONCRET moae/ eat electors, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... lT n..·-t.lnt •-Pa..., ...... an•· . • -•• .... U..i.-.11a..-• Cree imla1. Also £Jed. •PREE HAULING of _..,., .-.uu • .,..rn ,. ....-•••r WeC&teC.rpetCleaoen STAMPING. Cob ..-.-as.•~ ... .,,...., JUDk m•tal, old •P·SAVE $_$. Reuooablt ina.Bn.la.rollw apray. Plumber, ~air, repipe, Servma Orange Coover Stum clean or 1bampoo blestone. bnct 6 UI ...-... '~. ...... ........ plu1.~s. ~etc. Abo 1 bu.)' rates. Piclt up CM area.. PROI-°. LANDSCAPING uc. Btt refs. so.issl M:IYice lbia • lnslalla· 20 )'l"I. Recover-fog/ re• A1lo Upbol. AJI work p:iu06, etc.~ e. • 1 Junk can 988 30ll6 Pb: S41-ZJ77. Des1pa 6 ron.stNClioft lion. G.Oidley84.2-93U pa1nn1/ rtslyllna. No j guar. Rdt . f'rM Eat•s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• --· · T "-~ui Stl-$Jlaor $9-4414 Prof painter, Int/ext. Job too small, &et our • 1 Rus.rates.6'$-3716 eo.cr.t.W.tl ... R LAWN L FREE HAULI NG ax'-U<NI t.aot,14yrsex-Qua1wlt/reM.P!'eee9t. llA&V'SPLUllBING pricebefore youdcc1de. • · · • aw 0 1 t ' pr 4 yrs IRS Booded. """..... ha t •-.. s oe1~ l"I 21<1 *f46.9907• W G C koskl owner Have somethlll& lo iell! Prttests. Randy ma1nt .. yard cleanup. c e&nu(I. tree work or c8_ Wb ~963-203$ cu":' w t )'OU w,ao ... • l · .. , .. • ., • NOJOBTOOSMALL! m zy • • Cl11S1i!ied ads do it wrll. Call 83'1-8132 twas. Ml-2048 an 5pm. .able l\eou. SS7·2005 reeo ea Daily Pilot Clauaraedt. _«_-st_• _______ ----------• M&-.Sfl0/64.5·61M. ] I • tWpw..-. 11 710 HelpW-.Md 7100 .... Wmhd 7 10 HefpW•hcl 7100 HofpW..tff 7100HelpW-"4 7100 NelpW..tH 710otWpW..t.d 1100. f ................................................................................................................................................................. •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------------• OPTICAL COATER 1 ~~~·N~ ~r=.· SALES MU.MEI TUININC TllEPHONE SALES l BOYS AHO GIRLS U you are 12to18 years old and· would .. like to earn $20 to SSC> and more per . week, with a chance to win a trip to PbiJad elphia, Cape Kennedy or Washington, D.C. and cash awards, ·'JUNIOR SALESMAN Opto m etric Asst/Ofc M&ml. Dispensing. Ex· per desired. F /t.ame. 5S7 ·2020. CM Newspaper promotion company bu MEN WOMEM openings for people with vans or station wagons. Earnings SlSO lo S300 or more per w eek . Good c h a n ce f or advancement. Mint be able lo work with teenagers. This is not a paper route. • bikes and other prizes, I have a job for : you. If you ar e willing lo work hard. learn responsibility and the value of money, call Mr. Scott, 549·8956. . Transportation will be furnished. This is not a paper route. Equal Opportunity Employer 10 Te 15 Years Old Earn $20-$40 per week working cifter school & Saturdays. Huntington Beach & Fountain Valley areas only. Leave name. address & phone number oo tape recorder. Call 53&-4298. 'ilTfTI'-'41 Gathcrin1 slJ,naturet for November baUoL. ~.OOto $11.00 per hr. iSl-4407. Part-Ti me eves le Sal. AM Perfect for StU· dents Ins ide work. Guaranteed wage. Call Al. an 4pm. S.A. 542.9013 Call Mr. Scott at 549·8956 (or appointment. Equal Opportwt.ity Employer ______________ ....,W.ted 7100 Wmhd 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HllpWmhd 7 10 0,tWpWanhd 7 100,Gcn'l orc. 1 person MAMAGHTaMIE orG.G SJ0.8460. HefpW-.4 71 HllpW....... 71M .............................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Const.ructJon ~xp pref'd. Nat•t co olfen out.stand· Career opportunities DENTAL ASSISTANT. Pleasant telephone man· 1og tr111n1ng program to Answering Service exp. Real Dt•le only. for full or part· lime. 3-11 shift. M2·1403 RETAIL OPENINGS FOR: w/Joho Hancock Life, Cha1r11dt' f/tlme. Al ner. Qukk Utinker. Typ. aggressive <"a reer exper not necessar y, 1~.u;l 6 mo's exper. Some mg & some bltkpng. Neat moC.J\•aU!d and1v who bas base compensation + S.ats H.8 .846-3540. appearance. Non smo&er ludersh1p abahly & r...t.ct romm, xlnl tramm11 pro-De ul R~onist Good pref'd. Call wkdys belwn degree All benefits Call w.-.1ora.- 11.ram. fringe b~nchu ~r. for ng.ht Person 8:30 & lOam" Sat betwn Mike Ford. 833·2700. --..., l'~qulal O~forOolunln1ly w/pleasunt personality 9 JO&nooo.540~!_'54_. -~~v~c~rr:~1::~.. Hows t:mp oyer ..... r · m ic IJ\ b~y specialty ofc 1n r~ ft£-/ ... ..._ ... t 9_.2:30,.. °" tT14 ) 963 8939 or (213 ) S.A. Tusun area. Salary •-vn. A-A U M1cbelson_D_r_. ____ 1 l :30.,,_ 592·22-« open w /corp. benefits. F {~~::r:ar MAT U R E WOMAN • Earn $4 hr putting your •CASHIH• Call $44M37 betwn JO & UiReinder.sAgency p /lime lo welcome personality to work. All lJlc typinl(. .. fo'ront ol llam & 2 & 3pm. 4020 Birch Sl. Ste 104 nt'wcomera & contact work done from our new rice appearan<'e " Lot.'I Dental As1>l!ltant Mulure, Newport Reach 8J3.8l90 merchants. F1ex1ble hrs. Irvine ore. you mu1l fJl person11hty. Will con· exper 'd chairside. En· Call for Appt/Estab ·~ Need car. lite lypln&. pos.sess a pleasant clear ,.1der train~! Cull Con· lhusiasuc. s.s-8844. 547-~. voice & a confident man· l Gu •IDS ner. Perfect ror students trol Caner •:mp oymenl ----"" Medical A&11stanl le housewives. No actual AaencySl. "!·IS-OSN ,; 3400 CDhENTALdASSISTANT full " pa~I tU1melf post. OUTNOMT iellln& Involved. P'or Irvine. el.,.., u . aar:.1 e . ex per. uon1 av... n orm11 V ri 11 , .. _ .. 1 b ... _ NOT TOO LATE! ASST. MAMACHRS With expaocho1 Nat'I J r . Thia year we're expect· Specially Shop. Advan· IJ\C lhe beat activity In cement opportunities. residential reulea )'el geMl"OUS benefits. Apply experienced in lbe in person, PETRIES. H7 Newport Harbor-Costa w I II I l Mesa area. There are ealm niter a ' two more positions re· _w_estm __ . ------ mainin& to rm out OU •llV1IWIR * staff Call H al Cox, Clerical insurance back· 540-9'2'2 to make an appt. ground helpful. Flaure IA?l me demonstrate bow aptitude. lnler eatina. strong support from ex· d1veniried job. tm · peneoced manacernenl mediate hire! Call Con· can get your production lrOl ear.er Employment IOln& quickly! We Invite Acency. 551-IMS. 3400 youtopartid patel Irvine, Ste lOZ, N.B. ---------1 nettsSary. N 8 . 64HJ211. fW'tU!lhed. Car Ir phone a . ety mr: ..ey n asy more inlo. 833-IO!M ...,lwn CA.SHIH req. Won foe ooe of the MD s om«. Knowledca· tam.spm. ._.. S.. $9360 Over 20. f/tlml·, aood !>E~ALASSlSTANT top·J auard oulllls m the bleandJv. will rill the bill. ---'---........ ----4 Pro re ss ion a I a P · paySl.ocallons. ~perd.2Jdays,aom nationThesejobsarein Call Cheryl S mall, PHONE VERIFI ER. peuance. busiMSs at· MITIO CAil WASH s.a_t._546_·~------1 the J a.mborff Rd .• N.8 . IN8·l288. Denrua "·Den· Holaday Spa Hea.llb lltude essential lo thl1 2950 Harbor Bl.<: M. Denh l R eceptionis t . _an_a_._c. __ 11_<2_13_>_64.S-__ 3950 __ . rus PetsOCUlel Service ol Clubs. Reeion•l olrice. aervireorienled co. After Hwillogton Beach, 161111 \-9 PM Wttkda)"f. Con· s week.I raile to ~.75. OVIR 20 Have fun selling Orange County's leading newspaper along with an important charity drive. UCB.LINT IAIMIMGS Two three hour shifts. I O:J0-1 :JO 5:3o-l:JO FULL ott PART TIMI Come in preferred, or call Mike J ohnson. 250 E. 17th Street, Suite 0, 648--000, Costa Mesa. Ca. HefpW..tM 7100 HetpW..ted 7 100 , •.••.••.••••.•.•••.•..•.•............••...... SECRETARY Hyland Laboratories ha11 an Immediate openin1 in ill buly market.Ing de· partment. Position re· quires 2 ·3 years secretarial experience eel prollciency in typing and 1horlb11nd. Appll- canl mwit possess ex- cellenl communicaUon and organiuW>oal akLll.s. For more lnformalion, call: Dona Leveret I 714/~5000 ext 207 TYPISTS •stet •DldaplloM •TtcS.lcal -~ VOLT •t P,llll1 .. 111Atft' ,., t1 ..,• t "• 1u1c...,...ort.e 546-4741 (Across fo'rom o.c. /\1rport) F.qual Oppor t:;mployer TYPIST f?llCEPT -l t \."LEANING-: part lime Nc-wporl Beach. General Ha1rslyhst • Comm or Beach Blvd, Suite 12\. IJICt: L. Hlu.nes, 893-1331,1~~~~~~~~~~1 ca II R 0 n Na d I er, lo 5 PM w~kd.iys, •l Denll~I Xray cert nee . booth rental, w/cltenlel 537.2320. 833-2700. Denni• " Den· lhoruu1thly capable fronl Daruel's Den M«iical Front Of nee Newport•s most mlrre<5t & back. 8XHJ893 evei. & 8C'7·7903Ask for Dan Mowh'TMT.._! PLUMBER-Minlm~m S REAL ESTATE nis Penoanel Service of trtg re.taurant. Wnte l wk nds. To move up lo i tyhi b olc )'l"I ~per. in p~umbtlll & OPPOITUMITY Irvine, 2082 Micbebon HYLAND LABORATORIES 3300 Hyland Ave Costa Mesa, Ca 921626 Neat, accurnte, 11ood grammar, uper'd o nly. I Contact Mrs. McL>owell, Mt.o620. • • I' O. Box 566• Balboa, C. Housekeeper. II ve In that seeks cheerful indiv. hcat1n1 service & re· Before toin& loto tbe real Dr. 92166l DOHUTSHOf' Prefer older woman. ~ ireet client.~. answer palrs.&42·5667. estale prolessloo-1ee'---.-.-5-A-Ll_S___ Anequalopportunily/ W111iamPereiraA,.,soc. C• ~ic ... L Part Ile Full time No rx-Co s t a Me s a a r e a . phonft cl<' .. Xlnl lout.ton. Pr-· brake o-rw.. E·· mo flrst-{or tbe beat de· E 1 C lor amrmauveactlon ti1acArthur al Ford, ..._ .A pr. nec. Woman age 642-6523 t II J I Maloney ... -..-~ al~lact BUJ Lachen· mpoymenl ounse employer CdM /\/P, AIR tyr1ng expcr. ~-.S. Apply in person. ---------a u " . De · pcrienced. 845 • 16th. myer, Re altor. Well U you bave the ability •1---------_ EqualOppor Employ~. ne<'eu Wll tram fo 135 E 17thSl. CM Housekeeper Mon & 833·2'700. Dennlll " n· Newport Beach. loctted RE office. n--. the desire lo work w/peo-1--------- t'Omputer, lru.urance o ----1 Thurs or Tues & t'r1 nl.s Penionnel Service ol -----..,.,.... pie le have had aales ex· . l•--------b k d Irvine, 2082 Mlchel1on ""·aUnedmechanic w/re· ing for 2 licensed ·1 Secretanal 11utomot1ve 11c aroun DRIVERS WAHTIO Days 752-0975, Eves Or. -rAr, Comm. "-e John. salc1---ple. Your own per. we w1 I train you. *UTOTEM * hdp<ul •· Vly 540-:llll ... w 67" -~1 "' ~ ~-We are the nation's TYPIST· Past & :ll'· __:_ .:._ · -__:_ .. en or omt'n "'"'" · ---------• 3190 L(arbor, CM desk •nd phone. 18 Yeara U I .,..,,PLOYMEu.-....... '-"'" IVf .-largest with 560 omces c urate. nusua • in· goo "' Coo" "'"'"""'""or over , -·•y n--'-~oman to do Medical Back"' l('e ln aame location. Broker · (" ..... I I p ....u ~ w coaal to coHl. P lease terestmi o 11ce. -~ mo. orf'OITUHITllES L>mner S11ull!. Mu11t bl• App Y n er90n Ute housekeeping, cook Doc+« ,,.tcribft! REAL ESTATE SALES advertises your llstinp Call, El Toro. S86·8830 & thorouiJhly rxpn'd in Yellow Cab mg.SU.'1920, an. 12. OulllO\n& md1 v. to aui;at ATIENTION 6 pays for your advertl1· J ack Bame, St-0-SOOl 4116-al.8. 1-\111 or Part-Time 11251 S111tl'r i\venuc dcd11•»lt•d doctor 10 LICENSED. I ing. Good walk-Ina. 1860 ---------No t:xper. Necessary pan !la Ill" w o rk FoontamValley •""-••s-llTAIY rnencUyofc Call Marion UNLJCENSED. Newport Blvd., Costa Soolllng&Snellingol A.ic:.i1-G.SEli1:ihlc <'h11t i:a ubr1and11 --- --__ ,,... ~ CETTllERED M ., .. 8 392• !ileWJ>OrlBeach Agency SELL SANOWICllES GoToThl'Nearcsl !>uuces. Le11d1n11 N.B t.AmSlllOweek&up,Men Parttimefoc3lawyen Mann.8332700.~DOIS& CARPET !~!·...,. o: eves, 4340CampusDrin Momings,salary +com· TICTOC MARKET h t I L' <> ... ,. I in N ....... Cent•r. JI-Denni ~ Per1onnel 1~~'7~~~~77~-~~~~~~'~iiiiiwiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii~ . I C II LI d o " · .. ~ ........ a °' Lad1~ t\lller Brush -... ~ •0 TR""ATMENT' mass on. a n a, F'orApphcat1oni.&Jnro ll44 1700 ut 531. Oexible Pleue send n Service of lrvme, ~ "' • ..,.,, """'0 M l h ---1 ~15 968-8371l aume to P .O.Box 154. M1clwl1100Dr. We tra10 you lo sell S&J.Eap'/EE tol20X .._.....,, us ave own Oll CALL.1714)642 7702 COOK B Ibo 1 1 d 92ee2 -homes with an accelerat· R.eceptjonjst l6SO eom::i~ tol850 car. T1c TocSyst.em'l, Inc. hec. S.c-11 3 1 an · M-d1c ,1I offlc• ~terk _. -·-e ... al s•-rts a·m· F-iMr*' O... ltl L'-t'ook f b ,. ff p "1 "·. ··-'N Attn · Mr Brandon r • r ~ ............... ~ Ut .... n -FC pr/m I /EDP l850 Service Station salesman ---,. • Y or u:.y ... o t'{ 1 lime .,. ... < ays cw · · l\nowlt'l.l&l· or a<'C'OUnll --'iately. tr you are in· Ftt Paid ... ~ ~ h M l b f "' h I I r I t'I - --nxu Recepttry_.g $500 for graveyard 1hil\ Must WAITRESSES · o V u' " •·" o <' r a.s ion 11 or n L v N $35 Pt' r s b 1 fl payable and aencral of lerested In earnln« bie Lovely co. seeks c heerful Irvine p et A 3 ""' II bo l' ,. r • c n t ,. d , 1 In)' C'O Mi.lure Judarm .. nt. Bayview Conv. llo•p, h1·e i.ktll1'. ln.aurancc-hill money from lhe slllrl, lnd1v. for front desk posl· enonn 1enc1 be exper. 1.., u r 1-:xpcr d. 1-\111or 11/I . • ')lor '• _,,.,., ()rl"" • r " nl ~ .. •r • 11lnt d S J •·-1 CaJI J"'•n Clark, •E.l7thColllaMesa Blvd, CK. Goodhr·s N° .. t 1.11>• .. •ur. ,,., a ~"'"" .,.u l' ... l' l'Arl: · ~Tbwin.CMM2·~ 1n14 require · a IH)' &et tnd1v1dualiz.ed rree uvu vw Suite~ 642·1470 () "':,1 ,,. II w " • S • n J u " 1 1<,-rN.ar11tl illulb rt"q'd. ---------~n &40 0434 trauunl[ on the JOb in one 833-2100. Al80 f'tt Jobs. Service St•. Attl'ndunt, ve~' l ll!)L'lruno ----1 (;Qi;wJ bt-nd11... P091Uon M-.. I 8 k (v I of maoy top offices local· Dennia le Den1111 Person--p/time Exper'd only Surf & ~irlom av1ul t"Mrly Ma rc h MAQUNIST ruJt'a •'<° "<' p08 · C'dlhruoutOungeCoun· ne!Servleeoflrvmc,2082 s.t=.., SIJ,000 Avail ~vea 6 wknda SOOOW l'oJst l!wy,Nll COOICS Amrnt'an R11k MR mt. 1 ...._ Sc M_., t.ion. t /t1mr. P.11J>f'r'd on cy, call for further de· Mlcbell!Ofl Dr. ........ Neal a pp e 8 r . 6 __ No l'hun•• t..:11111 ri~r .. ~;.·n~ 21J ~~~~:~ 714/494 7745 ----MW flW All ~::~ g.~~s:~u::!~t"~ ~42 Ar I en e • < 714 > llCll'TIOHIST C.rett oppor olfered to handwriUng. Apply AM, MwchmMll•• c:tr llr. NH Apply 1n l::xpcor seam'lltt '· 1>1lt"I AcmeCridleyexp. :sume to Qirl H Wrl>t'r For Tue• lhru S at. lndlw. w1llOOCi track re-2580NewportBlvd,CM ••••••••••••••••••••••• J)l'l'Oll ~ 4pm daily oncntrd Will lriun to mk Turret lJttte M D 1929 Su co .. t llwy, REAL ESl'ATESALES Richard Ouc>lleUe Salon, cord! Car aJlow. ol 132S Service Station Attendant ......... I OOS lc>•t.Mt' •PP"'~' for W(Hlt i....iuna Hc•ch Ca ~ Wn # l 200 Newport ctr or. NB + npen141 am. Great fuU or part Ume, apply ••••••••• •••••••••••••• o EL• v I': R v M AN . COii.lit GYPll>' •tM 91M General M-"1'nas· t ~ 9721. ,.. ~. c.n Mlk• Ford, Brown·• Shell 990 F. • AHHOUMCIMG • p•·rmunrnt part hm<:. --AH 11MT•L HO•TISS W.Z'700 l>eMia '5 Den Co If N 'LB h I • .. Tim •·11·h1-Sal-Tm"' noc11 .._....&....1 s I T---...-, 1----A • -'· p • I a-• ol. ut wy, w~ c · 'l'hf'O ..... mn" t•ar)' mom . .,.,. es """' •• '' · S.•l up oprr•tor. own ...,..... p 1H1r1 -~ At rtJ , ... .nonne n•::rv.ce -, .. "S O.•hv1•1y lo Cc>11l• Ml'n !>"r. Mi.lurt". 89? 8412 ur tools. min. 3 to 5 Y'" ('X FUii A p/timl', t':11per'd ~!e. U day lt1dnlo1 n~•ed v:!i:°f1~"n~~:: Irvine 208? Mlchel1on Service Station Allen· orourNt•wi\nllQu•• hop honw... No <'nllert 1111r 21114, Ma Mr•'•tc per. Suprt>m~ Y.nalnl"f!rtnr. ...,....... n... _.. "' 'd Dr. ' dant exfcr'd Ouy & Newport lkul·h ~ 44111 L,J .. (·l .. rk Apply In Ptr'lon 1930 Pla<'i'nlla Ave, C.M. -C.dlllar rnr proar•m -a .. -.. area .... 11p pro· ---------• t:ves'. Ful & p/llm1•, /\p Oursf)f:rrnlly hat1 •!w11.Y• • ... , , SHUil " -COR, .... ......, fl46.21JO •Hawaii. Acapul('C)tnps rerrecl. lmmed•at.c opeo· SALISWOMIM ply, Shell St11Uon, J7lh & bt•t:n C.:•1untry " I "nod l~Uverymun LA 'r1mt•11 HA,,YTIMIS! _...,.. _,_,.,.,, --•l1l plat'r 1111 lea In Ina. &llary + upl. Ph Minimum a )'rt eicpr . Irvine. N.D. /\menr11n Anti,11uc11 from nrl)' mornln1t 3 d11y1 I n th l ~ plush o f c. 1300 ENormandyPISA Mamt-Couplet rulyour OranircCounty IM~-·------S.lary+Comm.&IUna l~l' 18th & i'.urly l!lth wetok 67:1~l~/M61413 Con11t•ruul 11\111111M'k1 In 11 hlk No. ol Mcfo·acl<kn, unproductive t1ml' to •llrt phace·hshni;ca ta.ken R. E. Sales eootemporary Kuropean Shaklee D11lri bull'n <.;cntury div. ror a vartt'ty J)O!lt ~~lkW olOr•n:ct> work A Hrurc your lnOraneeCou.nty CURTIS R.E.1• expand· fu blona. Apply lo wanted. T ralnina pro· AdalMHcMtH/Hpt. lion <'"nil Mary l.c•wb. fi.qu•IOppor.Employ futuni&4().t081 •lJll plat·ehsungaaoldln tna lls Investment penon. Apropoi. 29 vlded.83l-127l 3109Vll111W11y,Nn 1 l>rll vny men over :.i I , ~· m 1>'t 1-:1rty m11111 I.A T1mt'!' dt•hv. to(' M hnmt's. $2$0 mo. C.ll ~ 1740 Ml 121l8. ~nnls fl l>rn· OranceCoonty Dlvl1lon. Our tnvctl· fuhk>n l1land. Aak. for SN•''K BAR SAL""S, 11/\M 41'M Thur Sal nt.. Pl•nonnd S.-rv1rt' or DS for motel work MODEl...S-M~S~~SES •lst place·advertialnl ln ml'nl Salum en arc Joeaoe ,~... 1'h"' 673~1 1011 1'174r lfuntlnaton ~af'h, 161611 No "l>tt· ntt. APl>IY In fl~tt Mode... ...rort.s CallfomJa a~na In excesa ol · mature woman ur ------m :NTAI. INSURANCF. Pt•f"'41n for buay otn~ t:'.\pr rt"qui l'M. Salary npt>n 60 ·7173, Mu~ J004:'1 Dttltal M511t. Trainee l:k-at'hlllvd.Su1tc-121 . penoo. Col!t• Ml'H IM, nttdt-d Top money.New •1st place-advt'rtisln1t ln SM>O.OOO. p/mo. Learii•--------•I Sun Den Brown'• 31106 Antique aml U11r111hl ,._...-.,.-... -L OFC----3205_ Harbor_ Bl, C.M___ Studio 631 3". 11 I.he u.s A. how eully you can In ••r"IBAIJ Co111t Hwy, So Laaun• _ .,i11no, (bird 1."111tt »ct1on > _,.. •1st pla~ winner RE.LO C1'UH your production &II -JJurlod W•lnut, all11<"hcd A raptdly 1trowln1t lrvn,. MAIDS . Pu.II le part-Ume Motel ex~r d maid, 5 hni tlomc Buycr'11 Contal by caJllna 962.2451 ror Downey Savlnp • Loao Start Now. Local Amway decor. c11ndll' holdc>r11. l'lectron1cs distributor up·d preferred. ow~ =-=~~~ excb•nitc ror If unhcefttffi. Jet us...._ conlldenUal lntervirw. hu °""Ina I.ft Oranac ~ft~~Ytof~ro~r!.~ Elric•nt.!!.'!_l condJ _8Makc- ha.<1 ffVtral opportunJUes trans, Ben Brown'• 31106 "" _ -----1 111lyou tD obtalnln11 your A.!!kror Vince. Co. for iharp Individual ~~We aullt. For appl ofr. Mt·-or ·" ltlt. r0f"qu11tfled Pf'Ovle. Re-CoestHv.y.S.La.&u.n• Nurse., AJde. ASAP. Real~tatellct1111e.C.J11---------w/food ah" typlnir call6'13-4716 afl_.s ______ _ quareml'nts: Mm. 3 yn Llv.tn. on l.aaUD.11 .Bcb LB COLUMS Restalll'aDt ski la. Xlnt ulary 6 · Pvt FAt.ate Sale. Anhqua olct11per.dedlratJonto MAIMT'IHAMCI for Molher '1 Em· 962-5566 MAMA .. Tbel bmeflla. C.11 Pcreonnel •SUPBYISOI• 1ilver, brao, clockl, TIHOl:I TOUCH Needed 1n fut otrl<'e posruon. Xlnt oppor. ror rer11hed ass1s l»nl lo arow '" 4 b•nded den· U."try C.tll Ct."Cha Wtll, 848-1.2118. 1Xn1us • u.n nlll ~el ~rv1<"e ol lluoll1'~oo Buel\. 16168 Beach Blvd. Suite 121 ~aJI. capable ol bandl '8lSOHHa ph)'llt'ma. Exp'd. ref• Major nal'I co. tfflr.a rorfur\berlnfo Tlmekerpln1 • In· oric. oll11. No dealers 1"11 hlith volume. caret"r Maleorfemale. Good pay, Coll•ct u.reer mot.lvatlld lndlw. Wt..ot02 aurance back11round ple~•4972930 J or1enled &c \on~ term lf>· Call ~102'7 between 211/M.2·7479. HI arn or for ~xcltJn• Pf'Olr&ln tn Equal Oppor ~mplo1cr Penonnel dut1e1. Lilt -t('f'Utpc)tutK1n~open oooofc5pmfortnlo pm Oranae Co Call Bobl~~~~~~~~~~ typtof. 1mmf'dl1lc hire! Oltk P&MI~ Counlrr, 10• t HOTIC I how D11ily P1lol Clns~- 1tied alb th1pl1y their mC'SUtS w1tb leaib1Uly lllld Impact 1 Our ads. we 11re proud lO 51)'. really ael results. rhonl!I &U $178. •T~ Opr. Eq1111l()ppor. Employer -Wat. ... ._ Denaia la Call Control Career l..0011. return 4', beaut ll111h volume detailed --NURSING ---------t Denna• P4!uonnel Sf;CRETARY Employ ml'nt /\1eocy. Othfr •nl1quu. (;all <'o mmun1c1H1ons. Ex· Malr & Fem help. days or llH ~ R.E. APT.SALES Service of Huotlnatoe P'or e.ecut.lve or boat ~. 3tOO Irvine, Ste St9·287T Ul !WM, t~ lrtmc •~•ey reca·d. ni.«hls. l8 or over. APl>lY P/UnMday shill. babllshcd. auraalwe Beadt, lll• Beacb Blvd, manuract u rl n I c o . 102, N.8. IM-70'lt •K ... xt..T......, Kentucky t'riedCbJcbn, LYM om~. speoclalllll"l• lo I.ft. _S1M __ 12_1. _____ V.,._. "9lln. T7Plnl, -------~ 683 So. Coast Hwy, Laa, P/Umedl)' shift vestment proportla • th,,.._. Trainee/On'lOlc 4 lland·carved tables. drk POlllll\I & bigb vol~me Beach. Appl7 Park Supenor ucbaosu. need• 2 •••"--' OM YOUR MAIK ••lnul. <matched> Circa aC'l"W'aey. Mana~ement Health c are. U4S h1shly motivated R.E. ...,_...._** S.:.whwt/lleeepf ~Sd-Ooln exdtlncc0. l!M>O. Floe condition. •Rll..a PEOPLE PERSON Superior Ave, N.8 . saktperwonll. Will train. MANA<iERTRAlNEES Boat 8 11 tlneaa -where YWtatJUty 11 the _9G_·l_te_1. _____ _ M~nini ro. oe>en & Eaec lootinl tor part· IJU.Jno £. 0. E. For 1·ppolnlmenl, cell Mml i. ovn' 21 ,,.. ol N~ J.5 clays pe key. Friendly pi.ce. Call closed rues. Xlnt growth 't ime assoctalt' 1n ssa.&n. •••·&aper. Mlp(til, but wt, 1'1 wltnds. Pref PaWe P~1 M ·lM, You don't ne<..'CI a 11un to owor .. ulary & frinite wbolesalesuppUes. f\111)' ~'t .~Ive up the •hip! ---------•not nee. AIP() ln pef'llOO. aceD-ac>. liU-1lOO. Dennis• uenna1 Pel'IOft· "draw rut•• when you bent!fils. Contact Wendy. capltalued. 673-2223. LlSl It In classified; Ha~ l()m('thlng you went bet wn 3·5pm. Colony Ciani fl.. Adi sell bla Del Service ol HunUniton plac>e an ad 1n tht Dally 1 Schweber Elect roruct. Ship to abore result.$. to HU! Clu1lf1~ ads do Kitchen "4lta1&rant. 3211 Ile,.., saaU ti.ma or Beach, 1'1111 Beacb Blvd, Piiot Want Ada! Call now ~ Want ad results '4.2·5671 642·5'78 It well. 6C2·56711.. H.ai1>or Bl,d, C.11. 11117 kem. ta-~ &lite 1.21. -5'2·$178. ' • Milc:d -IOI ... Ci.-.w IOIO .... Mllia h •c:•/ •••••••••••••••••••••• ._........................ ~ fOJO • D8 DAILY PtLOT ,,.,.~_. 1010 DDta 104 r. bu• IOSO Memb.nbif., Jr•I• 1'Hlldain1 retrl1. Uke ....................... ....._...._.., ...._ W..ted 9190 ........... -w •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••--• Co .. at•y c .. b. s•so -w "'hll'"' Coauert S./l..t 9160 .. • .. ... • ... "'' y • u 0. t p. ' 0 t I D • .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• ••• •• •••••••••• • Kttunorewahr.112$, K•'11 Yellow Lab male t DO&. sa.p • Satt -new• tlMd st6-Wllor~DG. 1Gfa.IG.1Z11 Befln.ltblo1 Paloltal ..... W•••A··~E·•D•••••• T~IUYH o.ta. 97%0 more IM ~er. 1100. *-Xlnt ·~IC top hn. Jlfll, mile. lhmberab(.'i' Newporl YanWitunc ... Cleanup "I SCle wa flnt.., I.at' To ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• yrs . copperluoe qu•lil" ~·-.. 1 • WU1i00'1 llilrJ1•in Nook . WaD&ed! Oermea Atbl•tlt' lub. 112 .. ••--mall.,,-~ ....... " ~ ..... _..__u---. .. _ .. __ dfi «M~l/ $48 41.50 ----"-~ SOW. l!lth Sl C M. JapJ1nae War Rellu .., ~ ~ .,... .-. --.._ ........,. pat °"Import.. DiLlwl 13 a.oz 30 ooo -----ri---IDTf'L COLLIE PUPS 6 aword,a. dauus, un ZDIO!-GT ..uaMtta '1).Jl'1$. PbaDe Mr. Cl1mlb COSTA MISA tabo ~ deiii Pf'rf:;;· : · • ~~ ~::·,: MOTHER. SABLE MfD *•I BUY* * lforma, betmeta. M6-.m1 ~ve OeU • Chall', ~ w.t.e 540.2660 DATSUN Nu palnl, MichC'bn•. ll/r .. • .ilioM"rap metal JU~ WHJ'f!: $31-14$1 p Ill lrvme Couc Counuy Cha t&:iO. v~I Only ~ I$ •I nt 9010 AMto SwYic & 21k$ llarbor Bh·d. AM /t'M. whol..,.lllt book Good UMd Purnku,.. 6 membe lllp lo I C.1mor9C·T1'7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P..+a • 9400 ColUI MC9• ~MlO $4400. ~ 311!81tMl l9M ;rycl~ KenlDOlt .,, .. i,;r "o~c~h!J ~~1: s'.::b AppUaoe$1--0R I wtU *° + ~:O. td. a..:.•~ . m HP, OMC Enf w/Out· ••••••••••••••••••••••• tlll>4 ()ai.,un Waaon. runs 1116. Norse Eltt drye '*1.. papa-trat.n.ed 1:100 ~~f~. • •-nAW ~l. An 5:30, ru tl1 ~ •••-driv•. atcwnni lt\llll'\i ·• Coro.rut CT. •n MCB o.ANal COUMTY-S eood. ~ 6'1$ in~ Ill\ IJS, Wutd11n1 Ollhwa · ....._.,_.,.._ ...,.. ~ W-"d IOll mtnU Nearly new, •l'M S'1S. Kt,tUJWrt' tiltr dryer Qt Z!l8ll """'"' & IJM625 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• !i&T-4'758 ~art~ r.asonablc .t:n<' flCHEST IJ), Gwir. ~Mm lriab Sl'ltt>r • mo All Aft~ 14Z.114Z ~ noro:;:_:r:.•:!t~ S$C4SHSPOI 4HP Mercury outboard. -~ ... ,. Keomor1e. el• :~~1f~;~~ pct. Bo ~ llGUll •Port Blvd Cooduaedf11rn/refr111 .,... lt74, ncvc-r u•t'd AIM.,u/ S dtyer. AV<Wlldo, i ,, ...... -,. apaee·••Y•r b<ed, 'c c·u fnn/•tovft~68 644 GIG. t'Xt 228 day1. Cte.AIU 95%0 W , 'fn-cotnt'r Lable $'$ e .. ... a..~ k ds ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUYER old . ltOO <:all lllt 4 AKC fl!m1tle Collle · ~ll37 'u -pa. Cott" •-bl ltO Wanledb•vPrt. Pty.3""', -~~ · • .. 1'46.l'-'l bl .. _ • '# ~ ~9 .-onU1u: Bonnevllle, "13 240l Atr, n11o1a:it. AM /t-'M , t•lr11n . ~ ~ ofrtr 64-4 ~I . UlS 4C»1 O..tsun 73, 2401., 29,000 ml . . ~ a t'/whlte $ZS t o Walnial colfM tablt! • <'urved U<'tlonal In lotih.Pow..-9040 V-8. lltWt att-cnnit, pwr ON IMPORTS 2'Jcull. &Id~ by 1tdr. Unit ~!.r~I PM ___ h• S. 1055 Small wood cksk ~ Brown leather or ....................... br1tke•. 11:i ,oou orlc. OrlJ:, Ownl'r 1l', 1 "'Cl Ccmmere111I Rt>fl1ai MIN OO:itte rup. 1 wlls. ••••u••••••••••••••••• traek tape: deck Adnur naucabyde ln td cond. 18' Blrehcral\, nu •e•l¥ m II<'$. Su pc r r 1 can SlSO. l'wr Mower, SJ:. Yemale. $4.S. Black Def. ~flht bl11e Sofa, Otnell11 u . 'Portable broiler &61-21UZ for 6, nu '7UllP Chry11ld f'nicln<'/ 1nler1or. ~. 1)46..1179 tlAM. M7 t.0. Set, Rct'Hoto1 Cllalr , oveo $11. •·a& • lo-4a Wanted-Combination ~ wltrlr, lild for skunl(. <.:lll'..!'Rc~6.~ 321;9, Bed'• M a In a" o • radio for 8 track ca &nk Refri.a .. Gu Slo\·e. big eno~h for flllhina .. -.... ..... ...._. MO\(ING · Must i.acnf1r, Tnun11u1 by John Marun Q>nwle. • touic. Feb. pla)'ttllS 6U·T8ST .... • surrifll-.i $1,000, !162 2968 ............. vn•ff 9550 UE Wa:Jher. & l<lil> dryl'r Jl Ch.-mplon Kt'ttnela 17 20. &44·TT09CdM -- ' · ""ltl l un.ll. ~·1404 afl 5PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anttqll4" Cold. Uaed lt•1 ~ 11211 ' lNTERIOR DOORS WANT!:D-Exe<'ullv. Of. ---• Jttp, lllle "14 ('J5, V8, ttlan Ill mo Utl5 32t:ocoreCn.NB.Tbur. StOElicb fit't' Furniture P•·t. Oassk 1960 Chn~ Cr11f\ M•nyexlras.JhlSllres. M11trh1r141 G L no-frvi.t I ""to Y• Frt, Sut. S.IOam. Floe BABY CA.R SEAT pty. Cub. Call IHo SPM all ma hog 111 • Ull I Y<'ry lo ml • t'Uni>lder ru fl rt'fne. tu mu ol 1045 fumi.ahll1J,16fla.Uunp. XLNTCOND S20 9'1'9-al <Bu.s > runabout, V ti. S2ooo tndl'.11911·~ S2VS All ~rlt'l't eood ••••••••••••••••••••••• - -!Mi-8S7'1af\e ~87Ulor6404172 -----6i~~I Ger rn • n sh or l h a 1 ~ t070 OHke lw wltwe &-68 f''ORD Bronl'O. Potnler, Male AKC, 2 yrs ....... -.............. CARPET. Nevu used. 14 •• dp F ... IOIS v ALIHTIHI s,•IHG S.aenf1rt" a~ IS $1000. Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 .... •11., ••• \ uv..,1 .,ul1"-lf•• It I BUY JUNK CARS IM1-9637 540-SIZS WANTED Trucks Vans t"Mrry' $HSO 644·UW3 0 1 7!\2 7~ '71 Oal.$un 1200, fl'l'l!nl tWI(> U.p, clHll, 11<1 \'000 Sl:s:IO /offtor. 5411 t6:kl ·74 aroz. Choc brown. air, j l!ihics. ~t!OO./bst ofr. 61~6670 or~!\ 371!6 'TO 240Z. Xlnt rond , AM l''M, air, M111t-,, low nu . dark a~o. ~ ltT3. f''r'el&ht OamJll\' llolpom SJle Jtl23 W W11rncr ncJr llurbor. Sant .. An11 old l..tlVN ktds 1137-0536 WANTED )'di. orance l\}'100 plwi ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPICIAL! a.11586-6347 ~IUe. fem, spJyl"d, TOP CASH DOLLAR MllSt~ll~. Elec typewriters. Sey 24' Slt1pJ4 ck ll~. S9.SOO .-,-2-J ~p-W .-;,o_n_e_e_r yn., needi. good home PA ID F 0 R V 0 UR POOL TABLE, 4'd' clvs $8/u.p, exc s• I rh~ 30· Jeffne:. St f' •535, <.:u:.lom. loaded. ver) l'ort11ble w•ohertdryer li> lt6&-ll96 JEWELRY. WATClU!lS, One year old. $1St3S, scy dsks. Plel"l'e Sll,000 clean 1 Owner 848-0518. Van Convers101\!1 4 Wheel Dn\e Phone Mr. Gnffllh 540.2660 t'or Sale '72 0<1l!lun ru. - umper shell ~ape deck I $2000 b:s l of r i31 239-i j Fiat 9725 -lloo"er w1i.tar ker xlnl ART OBJECTS, COLD, Ml-'llT "67 W.190\, CM 64~·7411 :ll' Owens Concurd Sit' tvnd $110/ 3 )rs old R.oomtoromp&TLCnd· SILVER SERYl CE, f~.IJU.000 Trucks 9560 W d d Cd II ---------~· ........................ IW02108 1 by a iopunky, spaye FINE FURN " AN· B:abyslroller,hkeoew. Exttuuve Desk & Chair, 46'Chns<.:onnu:. Un:.tol' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ante 4· r a I lic, Cldn. Relr. 548-567'1l TlQUt:S ~-Z2100 Call Cheryl. $650 value! Only S295 115.51. 5m.500 '76 Dauun PU. 3000 m1. 1973· Cal~ Kefnlil 1Cohhpol )2dr$75 ----------------• MS-4221,S20 963-l~or9S2-7787 46'Alaskan•S55,$89000 t.1ustSell ----F~at Stove $25 W .1!>ht:r FREE GERMAN SHE Aquamarine. sapphire. DAVID L l'ARf\Elt 492 9739 I .ct dryerS70~lh Whttl chr PUPS. 2 Male. 3 f'em, uneth)'Sl, n&bJetl, opals w•TERBEDS ...... °"JoM 1090 YACHT SAL~ ---. Alltoa.•pllrl Before yOu t>w .. tee! $35 500 other 1temi.1 wki.,Q.115.51 1172 &JJrt'OI\. Barcain pn1."el. "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631-tHll '67 Datsun PU Hard lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5.57-2005 Bia•·:, --b •-don h~·~e t The Oriental Jt>-nl. 336 Completelt29.tsdt'hv UPRJGHTPIANOSALE ----ftnd Looki. runs great. GeMr.. 9701 -8'on Vlelo '"'..... "' " ""'"' E t.h S c~t NEVER UNDERSOLD CRAFTSMAN PIANO 25' TroJan, nu. :.ht blk. ....ISO 839·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1-yc1n 102 good .. -me Wi'IJrge yard. · 17 • t, •~ · 64.5-:M40 H •• ....,__,.. ~ ..... 61 .. 9l"" Aqua eaven 830-7 Has a large stock of bow & strn cov . divorce ----'74 LOTUS -la&l one .__.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~3008 or .,. w _ __ ----------... ••oovox Radio s ter rt5tored Upn&bt P1ar>o11. selllemenl, mst . .sellj '~j tson Che\'y, tO' flat made, u mo. new, 16,000 Avery Eidt. S.O Fw/. '75 · 25" Rale1.:h Tounnti trt.'e IO ~ood homl' 6 wee ~ tOtO -~ ....... P-bin• __. ~. starting at $350 t mclud· $4000 an 5 pm 840 19911 or """· 1W5 ml, sold oew over SI0,000. 831-1740 bike all t 'renrh top ol .,. ..... .., ..,... "' .... •vu • ..., 1ng tuning/d eli ver y) (213)931J.J666 837~ S42-6ttlll ~II for $7450. 64Wl71 "'iiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • L.ob m" pup female ••••••••••••••••••••••• & $$. le..S atnkera, ra I lhe lme, hke nu, tost ~7~1 WA ..... ED table • 4 rbrs S8. sho Financing avail. Call X-I • ·1 'Q) CllEVV i,, T Pickup. Audi 9707 over $500. sa('. $2115, m~I ----------• "1 836-0600 for friendly tra C' l'an Ill (, assp11r M.-c~OOM L-1.A..-8050 TOP CASH DOLLAR pingurtS.S._~~-.e:w.s __ _, telephoneinformation. w/Volvo I/() & Trailer, Long bed, Camper shell.••••••••••••••••••••••• ...__._... CRJU"TSMAN P IANO Only $2495 MESA BOAT 542.4745 '7S f'ox 2 dr. 12,000 mi. •1Udift9Materi .. •1025 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• PAID FOR Y OURWke1lrl'sStrngray.S2Z. 201SN.Main.SA CE.Vrt::H,646401<! AMt f''M. s teel belted ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kini:stzt• v.atuhcd pd JEWELRY. WATCHES, Tape rerorder. Ctpbe 2 BllcsSo.ofS.A. Ftwy '72 Ford Courier. tires, Lmled glass Suve ..:arage work bench, hvy $300, ~ mo lil(O, now ART OBJECTS. GOLD sng.I ~ $15, 64&-lSZ.S a t Main St. 32' nu rn~lom frh1ds fly .,,,. ~.~7stai.ftit•l51p. ... SIOOO + Xlnl eond See lo S254J or b:.t off Mike SILVER SERVICE. ----------i bnd11e. l'rw~er, dt'cp V. .,...,..,_ m ,,.., 88 duly C'On!>tru<·t1on · • FINL' .. "U RN •-AN• ..,,,.lrTOCICB -----appr ........ ·91 13 2' . 675 111 5 8426551 "" r "" •-• Spinet, Upright pianos diesel, loni: rang\', hot p ---------" , . i I -------TIQUES 6'5-2JOO ....-IFT •u~ f ~...,... f bhower. roomy "all"y, is. LUV ICKUP Mikado. •·-~Y._..y 9709 IW28""1____ POOLTAuL•',A x.11·. • ,.,. an_. rom ....,_,., some re'"· .. ~ t a 1800 17 I _._ __ 0 c... <--WWWMetSole oewbammers~l IOb of ll'Jk, )(d for Me.~ C' airk. m1. ga ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cah 8035 One )l'atold Kmg sL&e bed, new. xtn ..,.._,_Thur. Feb 19. from --------u:an <·rwber.1'1'646 61i:J !_~ ;}!~ . c1tmpcr. $4000. 'tl6 Monev Sa\IO" Spnte -------'===== 961 "117 H "' firm $195 tncl .. _I U•ual <>-bl c bJ Bab G nd .....,........., 1 " •••••••••••••••••••••••• .., v ..., " IOA M to 3 30 PM ""' l a e Y ra Good runnini: & ~ood ly home83S "263. & Wurltlier French Prov loah, Soil 9060 ,_... •· 968 •'er:.ian Kittens sho1o1. .. \lmiture for SYlh, AnlJ· ------540W 19t.hSl CM. IS"• ton 4 x 4. t'1tmper ....,..1ngm ... out. 09S8 I S • ' Baby Grand 493 6861 ••••••••• •• •• •••••••••• quJ ll) lud ~en ice 11u~. ~lf'dllcrrunean ~ Firewood-Mock U, 646-4024 ____ lop. all power. $S,W5/bst IMW_____ 9712 J\aalJble 63893111 Mdpll'.96ZHOtill S7$Cordt 0el64.22l624 -TV---.ivamaha t:lectoneo 870 VA.LIH'TIHESPRIHG ufr6'21tit.lev"~-·---••••••••••••••••••••••• ---_ 19 . Portable SPECIAL! )OCJI 1040 RB>ECORATIHG Wanled·Juke Box or Ptn Pia.ya very good. Op r & an. Ru I I t.'!.f~ 26' L xcahber llJt'in" VGM 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,1 M b. W L ...... .,~1525 ercusSton section ..,~ .. Tv.o !I <.ustom l"OU<:'bt!li. ..., at OC'•tn8 or .,_ .....,.. 673 3637. Sloop •S..I. $9 SoCJc) ••••••••••••••••••••••• •PET WORLD• "' do"'n bark cushions. not, alliO serv 638·2t62. For Sale 3 Stodt>nl desks ------27' Catilhna •5:a!. Sl~.!1011 ii \'W Bu~ Nu eng. gd I' 1 l B u I I•. I' l' kt' s Oni: roH Sl500. ea O.li46 2 boa\ aas tanks, bed Wanted Piano PP"' anti. 36' lslan<kr Ubl aS56. Of ltreb, bt-d. Ible. $1850 _-b1huahua , Poodles, ~~u~c otrer ~111 sell PACIF"lC VIEW 1 rrame. 3 side benr to buy piano ~or cai.h fer.. l.Ji.tuna-t97lo:J7 S~uh tzu. MJlle:>tl' LhJ5J :.tparutel~ b/5 203S j ,.._ ... Pl l IS level steel frwme work 838-6888. 835-7566 40 Manner •Sl9 $.'114 000 ----,. k • ~-' -'l.Km,..,er') o spaces/ • -50 K' .. "' y 1 ~•w G~H' \'an. J9714wh~I i\pso; "()('.Hi.. 11~1 mllc.-u Mtod1t Br !>l'l, Span DR' Lot 332 Ocean View table w felt top. IQS!l&le1 SporiMMJ Goods 1094 ,..,..es J" •.,.... llrl\ ,. Tl'rra V .in 350 puppes Stud'>., moi.~ not Smoke i\$h fuush 4 SUOO. Wtll sell separate rark. car lop ski r .. ek, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sli4U~'IDL l'i\k"-~:ft 1·11.:. autu. PS1PU, air b~~h 2525 W l?th 31 r~ c·hmJ JSp1tn This Call5Sl~2 map file. c1trd rack. re Gurus Ruuer 357 :\IJ" '"i"'llT'-. 'l,t'" 1:und CJ>tm intcnur + I-a1n 1ew !>A Opco c• """' · · I & 1 bl l · " · .. · • .,._ .,,., ~ !.:II 50'l1 <•olfl'4t end. 2 Span Oil vo vinit . 0 ong s M· Blackhawk 303 Clll-t In 631 11111 man) exln1s Off ru;id p111nl1nl(s. 2 hane · .i Firew~IMc/ llonary 646 3888. ___ field . 01 V't n ll tank~ ;-qwppt'd Mu"'t Sl'e to ap c:ooo N .. :ws wqthl iron lampc.. I lbl $75 cont SWIDISH w 1valvc & bcH'kpack. J2' Cl11i.111c South Sloup 1H,•1'1Jle $13.000 P vt ,\ d 1t-I H '" n l tr,,. a JI) lamp i\ll hr and nc111 5-'2 50 hcord/del IU0-974-0 FUtl:P• ... CE $75 ~· &l2·S305 Kellen bur~ l>e" I( 11. pl) ti42 7773 & 494 ~ :-;0 i.ut>plc·mt•nt" l,., VACUUMS $29 95 494 2417 Aft 5pm TY, aoclo, teak trim ,\h,,nlul••I> llulJnC'l'<i for )our rlo11 <•und 96211161 ---• --I -----Hroru.~·fai.lencd. •arru~h WU~lt' 1-'l"e..••lchv{'r)' ,\I0\1111( tu ·"·"ka -Must VACt.:UMS Ut::PAIKED • ....R. s~ 8091 bni.tol w'111 1.'0n"d•·r ~Jti 1140 funi. 111i:l form;,11 din rm. BLK1WHTTV) S29.9~ stit lue. card tuble. 25" R<:A Color TV 2 'fr IS'fi " 1-'ib<-rl(l.ii." SnlJ>o. 'i~ t.i ~l"V11n Mui.t :.et• lo JIJl>fl't'1,1li-. $3895 or l>~t 11lr lll-1 ~139 SADDLEBACK BMW 530f'•• 2002A~ffc• HERE HOW IESTCOLOI SEUCTIOHIM THE SOUTHLAND SADDLHACK IMW 131-%040 495-4949 aaun FACTO KV i\UTllORIZED Saka •w•ice ,.,.., •Ltcniftc) l20W WarnerulM11111 Sant.i An:. ~7 2132 JCICJlllOf' 9730 ..•.........••.••...... '71 XK E. l'nn•'l, beaut1ru1 rond. JI •IOO mt ~00 <.:all 547 W7~ J11g 3 4 Murk I I dr . :, ~pd.. i;ooll eonll. new .. I I . i ' ~·11·nt·c U1ct l'roducl.s S..-116 rm:. or nt•w ~frcl1t I::XCJIANGt:D& Pi\RTS tor :o.ale idasi. cuno. •••••••••••••••••••••••1 1radt• Ai.k111.:SGOOO ' k1n11 bdrm. 11" rm & CO~R TV:>t SOO 95 ctuldrcns ".".".II plaqut•s, w11rr11nty, full remoll' w trlr l"ew i.a•"· llh '7:! Uull)(l' Van CJ1l , 1,,i.i>1hcd Ad!4 hl2 Sli71tl m1st· 1140-2!!07 __ JAKE'S. 460 N Nwpt Rl rheap 847 666(1 <.'OOtrol fn~ delivery $2111! JUl'kt·t~. fc•ndt•r:; $6~0 rp~rdil'1:. ti '').1.,:~c 00s2"6.,~'0fl ORAMCiJE COUNTY'S OLDEST pamt $1300 l'I' ~6-4922. : JftlMft -9732 j Spring Duo t,,,., "" I 1 rr• ,,.,, ·~ ' fUfyt 'V" \( •l"t'flt ri ,., W 1h \~ltf'flf'. 1.c "'' r'CI I I <'nr ••id\ fl\~.......,,,. ('h ., • ,~ ... ~ "'' '"'' blf'fld 1'1 nlrcl P111t•~ 'l(llJ"I lol \It\ S.11" I ,O 1~ 11 ii 1• S•.'• I~ llmt l.c ,,,,.,,, '"" 1•. ~ 111· 60 "'" , 1t•1 ~f ... S l 00 lor •.t<:~ o-111•n -dd 3~ IOI tXll palltrn flll l11lt<l•u "rm11I ~hftl $9"111 ............. ............. 442 .., .... U1 W ... IM St~.._ Ten, MY lftt I . Prfet ......_ A.OMHi, IJP, SID _.snu.-..... Ot ttt kltf• -·-. lt &tt 1 Jltttr~ l1t1' Su4 MW 111 nr 1t1w ftl~Wletu "•lftrft C1t1lec -thf "''o 1•ll16t ler '"' pllltr~ ti rout ,,...n St•• 75, MW' Stw -111111 lttl IAttnt MMty Cr1lh ln1lll!t hsltltfl ..... l•stnt S.crlllt .... 'I 7S SI 00 \I 00 SI.GO Doll Plus Oothes 'J(\11£ '~'" .... ""' ,.,. '1(11 .... ,.., "'"( ' ,,., prtftl•-1 ·~ 1" l,fW • l.f!Dll RI.fl jf/.1()(j ll•• f't'Pf'YI~·"~ ,~, Crec•rt ••!ti S.nrts SI 00 C'9dtl 1 Wtrdt1•t SI 00 11111, Mty O•llU S 1.00 • ,.,,, Crt<•tl St 00 Stw -ltllit ... l SI 25 ....... ,.i., '". " 00 flt•tr Crec•tl ... , SI 00 ht~ll CttOtt I tel SI 00 lttlUI (rt(•tl a..a ~I 00 lilibnt •rtlM .... SI 00 tU!llftl Mltlltf ltol 11 00 C1m,lttt Cllt lo.. $1 00 c""'"'' a1111111s fl• s 1 oo 11 '"" "CUtl• : 11 so. lttt rl it Owilh t i '°' Ntrtt11 011111 .... U SOc IS hilts fw 7Hly :) llC), .... ., " litt, .... so, N B Open Daily 'lll 7 oo (276 An • in. ma .. ~· ~ ' • • XIC)U" !lt)J ~ Call645 6421 -----Rll·h~rd,011 ·, Y a1·h1 1 -SCRAM-lETS roRTABL~iim,oR T v Sah'l-m 2020 Autot Wantflt 9590 MA TIRES SES s · ••••••••••••••••••••••• HISWERS ~·6529 llOBI t: 12. hlu .. & "'h114• .. Brand new from model M -racepr11,t'11.1 ,111 tilhl7J. WAHTTOSElL homes All m.ake:i. & Thr~h Eiithl P:mason1t· <1m fm strrt"O nrs.52 ~J!I YOUR CAR?" stzh 8Jrl(::11n prire\1 ~tlull y t:ffect K lr~ck tape dt'rk Car LN u' ~l'll •l for you. ~116.lf. THETUNt: rard turn lbl Xlnl 2.'l l'llll•'r <'l.'"'' dbl CASll ' Wl' lakc m trade Nu TeruusMcmbe"hip ~re'1nou11ngmorean· !179-4642_____ j 1•ndl'T $.l~llll litl'. any ma kl' or ~cnfll'l''Bl"~lofft'r. noy1natoaspon110rthan loClh&MoriM Rl':.ton'tl ~."5-tO model 1·ar!>, lrurks . llti34!'ldl&!f62nll~ h1t\mg people foriiet the Eq.l,.....t \lahhu tioln1: .!•I rnmp \ltn,, re crc Jt1onal . , brand n.ome but .re·••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ,,111, ~ trJilt·i $.tuO •t•h1l·le' import:. & lunrelled Conlral"l member THE TUNt: of CieMral 9010 b'l olr ~ UOOtl doml'!'>ltC'' \lu~l be 1n 2000 Vds Carpeting the commercial runnm.i rond111on & m t'<'I u~ ,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• <X"lo'" .... o:.l54711729 _ , 25. Allb er hrt •-,a11~,1 l2"ttlboal .ne'"41111,11.,,,. l'..ihrorn1J :.arety codl •Good matlress. spnng & ' · "' i: ', nw ~ ur bl''l •Jffcr stJndarru. Golf Membership for sale frame for dbl bed S40, w Ltdo Is moonn1: "1d' ~-91Ct4 El Cammo i\ulo Sales Ir v In e Co as l (' <.: Formica breakllll>t lbl motor SlOOO 14 run11bo111 49tl 1400 De;1ler 6'W-l~ or 581 '7800. Paul extra leaf, 4 p11ddcd chr~ w112hp motor S11µ :.t\ Jtl LASER Mom!' S40 673-6093 $2:50. bl5·0842 _____ Good S111hna Rcc•o rd Hobby Shop 1500 Hobby Shop--1500 Hobby Shop 1500 ·······················I······················· •....•........••.••••.. TlA,,ED GLASS l'll~lom Slaml"(I t:l111.,. W1ndoWJ1 & l.,1m1111h11dt-~ t:lrh1n11. l~velln..: Rt•11111r'< 1\TT ll .. : ... \("l'llH 't 425 JOth SI t~·l NH Cull ti7~ ~II I aUG CRAFTERS 21~111.ui:unu lt1th '1 Jll .iH I l~l.ICI MlllJPI• nr .tll 1 \ ,,.., Planl.., 'h'I" 1,,1 '· .il ... I) radio 111111111111 .. 1 pl.in<"• 1\lw 1• II t qx•• ol l"n"" C'(ll&lPm•·nl El Toro Hobby & T """' Shop 14.ki 17% Ml"11TllAINS 1113 W RAK Ett. ('M Compll'IC• 1111lr11ud1n.:. lrt~· roHt•t• It .:um ~~111 l ~!lff a1w.on Roww ."_,. ....... Koc:Mh ft·2. (.anlt'n Gro•" Art1uns Guild •111~14 t:uden Grovr llh d Gwrtwn Gn" e $3() 7021 SU,,LIES Wt'll\ ml( & ~lananw' HANDCRAFTED !'>tonew.1n· l'orn•ltun • ': 'l lH: \HYfll 1-.H I..\ II 111 l ' IZJ:IClth~l •21. '\It . II l>iJ 13-10 • \ --\I nlF llOUllY I HH'S~; I ?7601 Forl>o.•, ~l .. 1111 '"'"I t~-Y.· -~. l..Jl(UnJ N1.:u•>I n """ - 13 l"IJI:' l't•ntcr I Orii.t1n.tl 011 p.11nt•nJt'I, walt•r colurl> & hlho'< by l ;; J o h n J S I u n 1· 1 n K){fT ( S<'ulpturt.>s by \'••link u ins WJ? / \ .:U1 .. ~~~II n~Yofl~.!~S!~x. J. J ,.,,,pp ('!I, l•JO ~. litlln1''<, c·uslom mold m11kml( FtVEMGEMS ?.70 1.-; 17th. I.: M 1 llt•htnd Wt'I ~11 I I 1'4~ 111011 .Mumr-< ror ( '11ll{•fl111 ' t'11u11l l'hilutl'l11·., Hll 11.•k!•r. ( 'Olltn M1·~.1 l'l'ldSt.1n M1111 $<\fl 17'11 CiJOLD DIC.GU, LTD. l.1qwd JCOlrl J\!wclt y <:u.lllom m.1t1" ... ~ 71l'i7 .... ' J , \ ~ . ~ ) /1 I ·, · \ MAKE MONEY! XLNT C:ONL.> $700 li73 :~W2 67S ~7fii CAL 2 24 Ra<'t' or Cru1"· l ba1111. 0 H. Nl'"l'"rl Sll11 Sll.800 tuffcr llomt•. 642 9 ti<11 ur work 634 89\Jti loah, SUp./ 1 Docks . 9070 • ...................... . Whh to huy on :.hur• rnoorin1:. llulhou hit w1th 1wllhoot ho;it, (',ell rnllet'l bl wn It f1. 1.l IJ 1 ~!) 616.S SLl,S IH H.I . (.'.;II &IS ~11, loah, Spffd& Ski 9010 ....................... Siu Roa_\. .. (Ir Snh>, 1971 D•Y (.'fb111er Sout hw1mJ ill.I • 7 hr.. on t•n.:. 007 4lll1 9150 .....•.....••.......... llurlt•y U11v11bon Ua~k"t' for 'lalc• l'nll J ohn 1173 5741 •rt fl7!1 !Hll2 '72 llon1l.1 (' I :i:.o run• w " I I $ J ~· 0 (I I II f ' l>t"•l>l'I alt' 1 4'f7 lf~l7 l'\'I'\ llMW 71 l1!1U1fi full l1r1·~· I \lrflll ll"V 1.1.l f>'.lt"J , • .,,. 4~ ll;Ji, . ,3 Spr1 'lt•r lk m1 $20CIO 1>a11 <11tl:! ·72 Kn,. d'Ak1 :i~.11 11,, Hom Road & Trull. xlnt <'OOd • '625 or lii.t olr 642 7910or496 0382 Motor HotMs. Sa&e/•Mt 9160 ...•.•....•............ Wt: PAV TOP DOLLAR FOK TOP us .. .:DCARS t'OREIGN, DOMESTIC or <.:LASSl<.:S H your rar 1s extra clean :.l'C u~ first. IAUER IUICK 29'ts Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 979 2500 TOP DOLLAR rAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOHJCiH CARS CAU oa COME IH TO SEE US NEWPCJHT IMPORTS llOO W Cont !hwy ltJ. 642-9405 TUP $ Paid !"Ort Used YW's Poid for or Hot Harbour V. W. I ' llun! lie h ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• f & • • JcnKen lntcrn•plor II Salcs-ServtC'e Leusm.: 1971, 45,000 m1 Sti,9'J9. Roy CarYer, IK. 675 3735 Rolls ~oyr.r . UMW tc..,,...; G.;;;--9-735 234 ti:_.. 17th St ••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mci.J ~46 4444 'Gt Kumann Ghia, run!> HAlGREEME BMW & l(rl'at, Harky curb. body good 1•ond •. $tiOO. 646 1587 pm Melda 9731 ............•.......... 73 Mazda RXJ wag /\1r, Sales & scrYl<'C emtlm, oulo. lo m1 '1-. "LA. Atta's $135(1. Al . days 646 0628, Hewnt Dealef'!" eves642·~1 17<Y1 Firestone Jllvd '73, X 3 Wogon.G~·ond. Ouwnl'y t21319'l7 6G35 ~:n1< t1p-to1> i.hape. SI ,!lOO. 3 Mtles Wc11t ol 600 968 8318. CREVIER & I ST 6 HOAOWA'r SAHIA AHA 835·3171 h•l UlflMAlE OfttV•HO MACHINf 7:1 H~W 3 !K'S, lt'alh1·r i\;\1 l"M & tt11>4'. ;!1).IJOO mt lmma\' 752 l <!Jll, fi:ll 3171 '715 ...................•••. 72 C.1pn Vt. 11ut11. 1111 . PR. 22.~100 m1 , 'lt'r<~ !C'Jli 52.12 C.:..ipn, 74. S.11110 i\M1t'M 'I ill*''· •I ~µ<l lo m1, >.Int 1·orn I r"1:. !If> 71i DatWR 9720 ......................• 112111, AM t f"M •tl'feo. HI.WO ml. 11174, for $249~ t iri•11t ll11r1111m li42 ~1'1 FOR LIASE 197~ llut11un 211()7. 2 + 2 Autnrn1111r, 111r r nnrl . " l \' I 4' II ~ II) JI I( '> 10:.1111-'M I Corl Foa hatlnq :t:.llli N;•w11orl Ill . ( ~I 645-3661 '7'1. 4!1&01.. 4 '1141, 111.11(". Ull . /\M , ... M. d t•an , mo'I i<l'll. he~l o(r 1,7:1 ~.~.al Merc•dealett1 9740 •••••••.........•...•.. FOR LEASE 1974 Mercedes 4SO S~: Super cleun' llai. ull lh<' extr:is. t049LOY I Cull Mel James. Corl Fox L.aslftCJ ~ Nl'wporl Ill .. C M . 645-3661 UGH New-U1ecl OVER 100' MEICEDIS OH D1SPLAY House of IMDorb "'rn 111 H 1 z J.: u MF.Rt't:IH.S 1JF:A1.t;1t 1114112 M unrhr11trr. llu1•n.1 l'urk 523-7%50 Onltlf'Si.nlo Ana t'wy 73 Mercedes 2200 DIESEL Grrul t>r onumy ' /\ul1m1u1u· trnn»m1~~l11n. .11r 1•11111l1t111n1nl(. rh<hu, hrnh•1 1 S.•r 111171i I Sell your hobby ih·mc; with an ad In TJIE ll OBDY SHOP. Don 't let yourself J(et bored with hfe -~et involved with ceramic~. m acrame. planl,, Jewelry. kn1l<i, stained klass. l~ather . crochet in fZ. gift items. photo~r<1ph y, e t c. For more inrormation eall cla~sifiro 642·5678 & let one of our fril'ndly advisors help you. You can 'l beat the rates for this / unique type or advertisinf(. THE 1108 BY SHOP wlll appear each Wednesday & SJaturd.-y. WANTED MotorHotMs PholK' Mr Gnflilh -. -"' ~ . ...... 540.2660 t. .. ., . ., Uft11> · '> • , .... .... ...... ..,,_~ .. . . -... .. • <> . .......... . ,,. .. .. , .. "" • ·~ ..,.....,. ')t-rQi-.. ' .. .,,._' .. _ ". ·- · • _ AM+ol.UHd .A.to-.Ua•d IAAd°',U1ed I Wt .. nt~11vFtc>11..1ry:f:l ·•"f r. r-• f}!) ....••••.••.•..•••..... ···············•·•····· ....................... . ~ •••••W Mto6.-'""•rt-d ~!·.~~., ... ,.,. ... 1'eon....,.... tuo1Ford tt40 Met-c-nso ..... u-.ct , ..... Uaflt ....,.,, u .. ct ~ .._ ;·;.;· v.... 9112 ca.. ... ,... 9910 ........................ _. •••••••••••••••••••••.... ~··:·······:·:····· ....................... ;;·.;,:;.:,e:······· .. ; .. ·a ................. ;:;;o ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... •••••••••••••• .. •• •••••••uu•••••••••••• IS l.inl·oln Ilk• nu, LTD 8~baoi. Xlnl "70 COUGAR rs I B, .. 1r PWo tt57 F 96 ~ ·····•········•··· ••.•................... ~ ~. O't\nt-"r rusis i)t'rfect al cood 2 dr 1-''.ar 11r P s x an l cu n. d lo m • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••• •• ••••••• ·rs.~SL Yellow oaAHGICOUMTY Gt Cht-•y ~'" Wi:n bo.· 1 p ... ..,. ~ f'4~7'7 ' p b Rl-50 .,:,~ l*l8 • ~lolr l>W~7l4 .. n ~ "74 P1nlo~wrt• W.in Air ATLAS 71 ~1t·r "'\I '.I.. I'' Id-* VOi.YO cundtlton, )4IU " P•r ---pm 4 »"'1 r.ldhtl' Ii uooo11 I' 0 Auto \Mt-" )I OllU 6U-ocs8 £XCLUMVt:LY VOLVO l~ 7~l 2-11.l C...th ttl2, "'73 LTD, pwr ~teer. pwt ........_.__--9952 GIH:A"I l'ond $.ll<lll I uv.nr Sil~' ~ .. 1 JJla --h-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• brat~. air. 1d t'Ond ....... __., ("rt Pl} b>U 1 Uti Chryller /P'ty__.. l.Arl(hl Voh·.o .,.._ •l~r '6:1 Nuva t.cunu II cyl '7S 1' lu WAIH:o ,u.J S?~ "113 nu ••••••:• .. ••••••••••••• Oprn U.uly ~ ~n l1I 10 P...tfec 9965 MG t74J inn'f';.n1~L~~ I< Hhuu:::,y•b. l'~.i"IAt ".irr. 1'u.t Ilk<' "',,.·1 --;4(.l\11v1111u10. t>h. "r.! !'1111.UrC" Y.;11on ... u10 PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••~ .. ··~••••••••••••••• it;:-?' r fl' ' \ll'ry 'rl'.11' SllH•r &!Iver, $7119S Tl Counlry Sqwrl' V\j;Q ('8.aot.$.1500 firm 1111 011j:111JI. l>'l pl~ 2!l.!:l llJrbo1 Uhd )~ l'nnll.11 llo11nt•\1lh- lll62 MGA Ro:td1h•r, d nl Oil C IOUO irm~4Ml•lb t>t:!l9!N aLlxtru,12,000rni.t.lnll 411blllti7 :\Int ).!lull l~J6llllb Cm.l»M(':..,. ' ont' 0"'1111 \ti p-.1 Sl~.'1~I tr1.Mpe>rtotlo11 SI~ rlrm 'tl:i lor.,~ttt! nim ~" 11 · ---• ---a.motalle 9955 ... .,. SU~ll't c·lc•Jn 0·111:1111• 111 rn.11.body,mt WirewhlJ,~,~~11~~ 'tU Ch~~y Ht•I Alrt· lld ----tofMl.Jlt.W.~-07~ ,.~, ... "'k11d, 5_..._1934 ~c.· .. 11111: 11v.r 111111.c·, ---• • lH.t. C.:harlL·,ton. l"" 60 F&lroo Cla))I(, Z d11••••••••••••••••••••••• i.•nor $."410 \ Jll t.1:> l-"li::t 'ortet.. 9750 _ _ .~_'71111 uflGpm SJ.l'l.S 11utom.1t11', nu "ahc~ 73 ·r11ron•do 1m mu< .&Mto1, New 9100 Autos. N•w tlOO Rill> •••••••••••••••••••••• 2C>205.• Cllirytler 9925 -----titcnrtr•tor. •b4)t·k'. t1rc'" \.Tt~punw uffl'r• ~_,r lr.u.h.• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'ti89U L. low rr11ln A-~ ~ 20er11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• podp ttl & brlu. run~ su~r luolol tur t."llW\y , 411tl :nb) n1cel'Und1tlon, , __ "' /'JV-'& Nt.•w rl. nu tlre'I> •••••••••••••••••••••• Good. Silcnhl't.' '311S. Pl ·-• • ~.8'733014 1 hpo 1 W1:ll mitlnl ;llnl'd 't. ~ 1<1 ~utl.i.1» 442 lllllol 111r, tin & t s. C'll'."~: 1' nl C'orone&. Uu rublc ·-· . 'l'~. P t lS. cl,•ao1, m111 lmmacul1te 1l DH , A.IC. rood STOOibl.t, 64:.l 2().17 i·ccmomtl'~I " l"YI Air •2 ton! \1J"t'rn k i..lnt dnv,· to upprn·1.ill' Sir~ MltCI. AMI YM Sten: "t2 Town & Country Ma 1, s QWl'l. t•omlort1abl conJ . Jt~. oiUl11, pwr '73 Uml'l(oi V 11 u1r. 1• ~- Ania exhau11t . Xlrl W~n. low mtle•&t!. \l'fy r11m1ly car $lllJ6 11 SlllW,tl41 11411 P IS , rlt-Ull I .. 11ubl1• :.113-430-3796 ----ih.irp )4(}-Tfll3 Cubnllo ~t CM 6U 2S4:S LllKolR tt45 46.00U nu $0!,1.00 lll-t l.!11 '66 f 12. SJ 500 . ••• •• • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •• • • Of" 494 72117 c-t t927 •~ l0hJr&er l\l'w 1:n1t U'7~164, 83.S 07~ Mt111 •••••••••••••••••••••••j rylJlt. 4-tO tu in Hr.in is Llm'Oln Co111inl'nllil • 13 Old:. Cul.J11s' Supn•ml· "73 Comtot GT Xhtt l"OIKI nrw poi1nl JOb $1000 dr . lull vv.r \tnyl ll1p l powrr ~tl'l'nn.11. 1'4-)\H'r llolsloy'e 9716 ..:-.. y Auto, nt'w tun 1 <l!M 27W l.'ru1i.omutt•·. ult 1>ll'r brakt'S, ful'tor)' air •••••••••••••••••••••• i3 Vol.,o 144, '1pd. radio ......,. • ----v. h I . N J' ) b I u ,. . ster.-o muh1pltx. I>''" •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. drk au.,,n Olt'rlOt Only 51850 6ll-J!j60 lSlll Dodge Dart GT. II <: AM ,..M !>tt'reo radl0,, lra<:t1on t'U)!tom IOll'rror P1rPll1 t1rrs XL:'111 eo..ttMnlal ttlO tleun. mukc orfer lov. mt , lnder S7.000 .xlntcond mu~l~.acnlllt' IOY I.." 0 " I) • S 3 4 S 0 •••••• ••• •• •••. • •• •• ••., 83:> 7001 or 8:11 20S2 .lf\ 848 IUS ur !Jt)lj I~ SJ.200 ~ ~ CA.llVll 711 5JK .>Ill. in OranRe '7'.! \lark l\' Xlnt lOnd t.P\t ~ 9950 -· ROU.S ROYCE I -'d • -....... ~wy ,3 tutlJ'' !-uprcm, 1 UH 1;,..,, 1 ·w Voho Xlnt ru11run1e r 1> t•qup · Ju?'° Ill Ford 994 ••••••••••••••••••••••• owrwr AM t•:\t """''"' COSTAMUA crmJ 5750 C<ill .. 1tt'r ~ "':.SS.QQUfirm In l't> •••••••••••••••••••••• 68ColonyP;irk\\1!n.P S I PH PS. 31 .UUU mt IRAMD MEW '75 128 4 DR. SE:OAN LO DOWH PAYMEHT Of\•r1o ~·' .. , Plv' 1 & ..,.... t ,-=-'• 52999 THIS WEEK-EHD OML Y DICK MILLER FIAT Factory Authonffd SalH·Servk:9·Part..t.aa-'no 120 W. Warner at Main SS7-2132 l'----" ~•-•«4 I Sl8 ~27 9'7:j .asu___ 7S t:htt' While on v. h1tc. P W. ,\ C . AM t' ~1 . U e I u :1. ,. r 1 m:. I'\,. v. Ct.OllDWHOAU -......... ... 9100 lo.11.tctJ $4850 pp r .. d1oal:., xlnt c:ond roidta.l1o $3395 !lti821UI .... ut ... 910 1...... ... 9100,............ ... tlOO --'73 lllOO i-:s: 311,000 m1 _,.._new 613 Qi.31 s.57 7&&1j 1968 7"7~ "" 01, ntw 0 -·o•, new ~~. n•w Toyofe 97651 xlnt cond. lua&age rack.••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-••••••••••••••••••••••• 1••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••!••••••••••••••••• S6.SOQ, 64-1 2l!fl I ~fore Y°" lluy aTOYOTA,tt llCE IMPORTS '9U HA•IOll U• f 101 C0\14 toeHA I Autos. UMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• !Mc.It 9910 ~ ....................... 't3 ~n\unon 4-dr hrdtp Xlnl cond 1n ever y rtll>t!C't. FUiiy equ1ppt.'<1 .. 1-owner Pr. G7S 9'".!61. ;; Corona. Clean, 1 ownr. Cedillec 9915 lo mt P.P. $17S. Oay1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •H.'">-!IMS Lar&Ml !i<!ltct tun Of * 1971 Codilloc'1 • Tri...... 9767 Coupe~ V1llt':. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~an Ck Vaue·s '62 TR4 Cherry cond Nu1 t:I Dorado's top$9004!17 ~ I a. flcet~ooc:h VollswecJ" t770 '" 0~ Cow.ty ••••••••••••••••••••••• AJJ "ath low m•le~ & 'i:! POP TOP C~ PR Xlnt )e.ir fat-ton v. ;1rranly mnd W tent IUR~ nuk, AIJ.IH am fm 8-lrack $\.er Pl' Oldsmobile Coid1llac $3.650 842 4232 LAGUNr\ ~IG vEL '6l VW. GoodtrClfts 495-6410 S650 t'JR~I Y6H 21JO ·75 VW RABOI f only~ m1 . AM t-".\1 CuHc>lt~ 4:H 6361 o r ~!i '13311-126) 11CADILLAC" Quality & Price Onr-70 to ci.o •• from l"or thl· best pn,.,.,, llw lov.e .. 1 lcai.t.' rall"i. & ti<' 1,7 \W Caml)\·r 'il Hhl Pl!ndublcsl'ntn'. :>t'l' i•n>:. & lrJll' 'lt•rt•o, '111 NABERS CADILLAC ·72 Super lk·dh-W ~nr1. Jm fm. llU ltrt''· br;ikcs ~ ~J Mt Ii hij 02:!)1 ""~ Jrupl'' $1750 orr ~-;~ .. 1816 2tlOO II arbor £i1\11 '7~ \'W r;irnp.•r l'nnv ru,1j COSTA ME!\\ ~..io 91<111 11'1 ;am rm. !I oou m1 likt Ol1E:-.O :-.V'\D,\\ I mcnl~ 1147 I ISi ·i! ~.hlorJ.lo. l h.111110Jl{111 · nu C'nml l .ikt• uq•r I•} 1 ·. . 11 .. ·1.:o· ,Jtldk ml ~uni 1;-; \ W Squ.in•burk. l!OOlf m11r 111 mt I' I' !i:>1 ~!Ill tr.1n~pvrt..il1on Sll50 1 ·;3 l 'llUIJt• d,· \'olh· "'••JI _ l..t.'> ~2!1 Ahi·t• m1 . l'n·.1 m Purr $411~ "t.ti \ W bll IJ61.!J)!'. l)ll!V lllt Sillil Tukl•, .... lµ<'r 21111 l'JI ~h 42lJ 't~ Coupe l>e\'1lle Nu tr,, hk'. t.:!m. shJrp Si'~ "• \·w Ills" huJ Xlnt lJJ\'1••:-t %35 rn1·th.in11.1I tunrl, ~54.1 ,-,. (. J II (.' -1, ·t II •v J I I Jl" uupf' ,. I 1 ~I~ \ 111, • .:d rnnd. $Hllll ur i i llU>: \<'r\ 111~ m1h·aii,· l~·,t 1111 1t31.. c•.ou ~;;~01ndtt1nn $1.b.50 Che•r-o&ef 9920 ; I \ w \ "n \ ,. r I I h Ir \\I l'\I I ..1d1n, l(llllO! , ""'1 r 1 • 114.\ 1 Jll, ·1~1\WC'.o m1" 1 >.Int c-"ud • •11~1 Xlrn:. 111.1 .1011 1.1:-..111.111•/1111 i. 111'1'( .. ''""'' 11\ up !-I "' ~·1·1.11 .... 11 ''"" ..•.....•.•.•........... CONNELL CHEVROLET S,\1.1-:.S & S ~:rt\' It' t-: 2121 Harbor llvd. <'OST A ~H:.S,\ 546-1200 1. I \ W I ' ,I Ill I'•' I \ t• I \ 1 1,.,1n , I 1111, 1,..1 r .. , I '7:1 l"'ht•\ ('.ljlfl\ 1• l.11\llf) , 11,00 .'I Ill 'I'll.II .I J), 111'11\lll.' !\l'"' Ill<'' l1,11t ~h11rv $?!1:~1 1·n 1111;1i Volvo "772 ~lu•I :-.t II' I i.' M11n10 ('urln lrnm.11 • .. 111 il~.i • ............••.•..•.... .. ~ \'111\11 ~·. 1.1 "'', oh 1\1• "'11 n•1I I "'' o 1 ••111.or II·" hlh lll~il ''' '"' , UC • "\1•11 J 1;1 lltoh l ull\ •"IUI 11 Mu•t >t•ll ~!llMI + -..111 7 .17 ~."!:'.~·. ~ :~~ ...•.....•. ~.~~-. ~ ~~~............ I (Owned by drivers particular enough to tredo lor a Mercedes Benz) •75 vw BEETLE DELUXE 2 doOt low molt' $349~ t60C,CW8) 174 CHEVROLET MOMTECARLO Auto tr111ns • .,, cond1hon1no POW9f ste4tf'no boevhtul oreen w 1ll'I !Wive! bvekel selfs ' console si11 gs 16S8KKC '71 FIAT SPYDER CONVERTIBLE 4 soeed. rld10 helfe< ont1 e>wnN red w1lh blec:k vinyl 1nte11or. '1895 (I eoEl<Wl '75.MERCEDES BENZ 4SOSL COUPE ROADSTER Auto trans . lectory aor condotoon•no. oower steering. rld10 neater. beautitul red w11h mttch1ng inlenor. less tn.n 7000 actual mlles. $18,250 (297NOS) ~EARLE IKE SAYS.~ . f--.j LARGEST SELf\Tl<)t~ OF TOYOTA TRUC" i<c., 1N THE A REA LARGE. .. ,T ENGINE OF ANY IMPORT A UTO\'ATIC TRAN <; 4 SI£ EO ><;PEfO l ONG rit DOH SHORT BED 0 \ *I w4 •I IMt I I&>• If tM ~I •<&ffT'f i.••A•tU Ott t.U lllllW CA.IS""'-••• .......... ,........,_...-... ... _, .-...--........ .. ............. t...-"' ,_ ........... , ...,.,.... --~. -~ .. _ __, .,.._,., ......... HAVE WE GOT THE CARS FOR YOU!! Yts, we'•e qot the fiftfft. Two faDu&o.is import1 - Hw Volvo and the Toyota. AM cON to.nu$h. your nery Htd. Styli119, comfort, safety, •ol~. e<onomy & price. We be!ie•e our service deport· mtnt to be the very finest for that after soles _L it;.l), !~ Our lowesl price ever on a 1976 modPI 40 mo financing total deferred $3871 inc ldx & cense interest a all oel prep & tiant.Jhnq APR 1S1351•00 AC Ser ITE31 l21450 DEMONSTRATOR SPECIAL 1975 TOYOTA A l'l"""WI 'tf\ -""'' ltfl'I ,,,.,. "···· (1_,•, .. ~. t •ttr r \• I P I 11 1/11 ..- 'RICED RIGHT! THE PERFECT VACATION VEHICLE!! Con•enion by SCAT CAT ON TOYOTA CHASSIS! OTHER IMPORTS!! A ll frbPrql asc; body C pl r1 rlL•llP 1,)tJ r> rJ1.JI r1•ar wriee1s bucket sears w,)lit·I"• .J'f'1 c.1b loJll f, "'9n hf<,l".l ro m f 1 IPPI ol von'} '"' i ;>() gllllon frt ., walr•• 1 111~ ooublr• .,, a1nf PV c;tr>PI int.. W11h OPm 1nr1 wdler pqmp 2 burner !>IOVP qu~en ~1ze oed & ll"n Qr1flon h<Jh1 n'} la,.,k PllJS UP TO 11 22 l-41LfS PER GALLON'' 1974 nu '11 TOYOTA '61 VOLKSWAGEN 114 "'"" ~· .. ·~ f • • ~ -• • " .. f • 4' 1 ('VI i 1 I 52972 51377 4-WHEEL DRIVE BUYS! 1971 TOYOU 1>-.«UIUI . '•. .. 1973 JEEP CJ5 .. . .•. 1974 TOYOTA l>.-Cl\11\11 " ill I I 53776 '3976 s4976 SPORTS CAR SPECIALS!! 11 MG -ff .... I 0 ' O• ""' Pp, t ~ t.,.,, 'X">''I..• 1966 SUNBUM 1971 TR 6 COH?Mflllf • .. ,.IP po 1.,:-:~, _. I .... ,, ... 51884 51976 53176 NEW '76 VOLVO 2-DR. SEDAN ' ; ' .# -<•"' "lo """' ~ '.-J lt,lo(t• ••• ,,. ""'" .. ,,.1 ,,. ... ' • 14•~ • • >' r.,.. '~· 4"< f -._,.. •-.• "•..Q tt~ff".-• l-4-\J•1 t• ""J~Otl A•1\ fu 1 ~Pt' tO r "'""° rJ • -. 4 """•'"' COMPLETE VOL VO LEASING AVAILABLE! COMPARE US AND SEE ... WITH CADILLAC. LIMCOLH. MERCEDES •.. ETC.!! WE THINK YOU'LL AGREE & GO VOLVO!!! DEMONSTRATOR SPECIAL 1975 VOLVO f h1• "•' t ! I , ... rt ,,.., ,, ,,.. .. I·'"-•' ,.,., "'"•'" "I ,,, Jl-h•J' ,,.,,_,,, ,_.,,. ft-M ft. • "" t I I o I •4"4' 'l ... '"'" ,..,,.i-.·· " ..... "110~··11 MUST 8E SEEN t••..f 11 ". ; ,\ .... , ., • • • ' •', ·• II ._., All All '7' "4008. 'tOlVOS !'OW ()I' Dl\rL4 't ltOOt 55145 51891 5199 YOLV '71 moo YOLYO "' W.t60" .. ,. II,. f I ,,..., . ,,., ... . ~ . VOLVO r ; THE GREAT MEW '76 VOLARE Economical 6 cylinder. 3 speed, cloth & vinyl lntenor. front & ,..,. bumper guards, & rr«e! (Hl29C6B137862). 1'76 SPORT FU_!Y §::§~~t~~ OUNT"T\ -·~ .... ....,.,...,._....,. SC !.-!-.! rQ)f • • ~-~"'00• a """'- D \ 1300 USED CAR BUY OF THE WEEK Off .. _. ............ "'4ce '7 4 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX USED CAR SAVINGS '75 PONTIAC ASTU Econom1c11 4 cylinder aulo lrans . 111 oon<11toon1ng radio. healer. wMewall tires ,,..gs. bue11el .. als I 798MWW) s2795 '73 FORD PINTO IUMAIOUT Economical 4 cylinder 4 speed, rldt0, healer. wtltlew1t1111es (1 16~1) $1895 \1·8 auto trans 111 cond111on1119 power stee11n9 power brakes po..,.r w111dows, $ 3795 POwer sells wh1tew11ll tires 111ny1 root, m1gs tilt wheel. AM FM stereo w/tape l133KBN J '73 MAIDA '73 DODGE DAITSwtMla 4 cyt1nder 4 soeed rldtO heater ,,..0 wheels V-8 auto trans . air cond111ornng l»#9f steering (502LW0) ~ brlltlet. radio. helter wtl1tew&11 fires vinyl root 1021M00l s1595 s2395 '72 TOYOTA '73 PINTO DllUllWA~ $9Ulll WA.aM EoonomlCll 4 cyhnder. auto trans whttew1tt Eoonomocal 4 cyhnder 4 soeed rachO he1ter. fires (52gEYLI steel belled radials (229GHE) s1495 $2195 WITH INTERNATIONAL TRAVELER & SCOUT '7 6 SCOUT II 4x4 s57 5 V-8. p0wer s1eer111g, delux:e 1111er1or & ex:lenor. body Stde moldings. 000< edge guards fuel tank skid plate. radio. & more' IF0062FG024251) COMPLETE "HEAVY DUTY" SERVICE AVAU.AILE FOR YOUR R.V. ONE OF THE FINEST SERVICE FACILITIES IN ORANGE COUNTY! OPEN SATURDAYS 1:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. MONDAY THRU FllDA Y: 7:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. 7 ~aguna/South Coast Today's Closing N.Y. St~ks VOL 69, N0 . .49, 6SECTIONS, 6.4 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA W EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1976 TEN CENTS Anti-nuke Vote, Poverty Tied-Teller B y DOUG LAS FRJTZSCllE OI UI• D•llf ,.. ... SUH bonwide effort to cnpple the Safeguards on nuclear power country's potential to develop plants. he said, have prevented A vote for Propo:.at1on 15 ~he nuclear energy sources, he told a a ny loss or Me or threat to life nnta-nu('lear t•nl·r~y mtJsurc ts s tudent audience at Orange from an accident 1n the tustory of ' r d Coast College Tuesday. the nuclear po" er industry. a vote or povertv, amine an He d"""'s not "la1'm that nucl"ar Los f r war, an the '1cw ur 1-:tlward ~ " " " s o money, yes Lo!>:. u Teller. u Ph> ~u:ist w~e ties tu reactors are foolproof l.Jves or even health, no." he said. nuclear energy tlalt: to reseJrch "If anybody says that an in· But loss o r nuclear power a.!> a 00 the first atom bomb strument 1s foolproof, the fool source of energy, he predicted, "111 turn out bigger than the pro· "111 be d1Sastrous. The Califor nia a nti nuclear of." he said, drawtng laughter By 198S, he said. nuclear powe!_!nltlata V~ lb part of a n_a_· __ f_r_om_lh_e_m_o_r_e_th_a_n_400 __ s_tud_e_n_l_s __ e_n_e_r_g_y_c_a_n_s_u_p_p_l_u_n_t_th_e_b_u_rn_1_n_g Dtlty P'll04 l"Mle .-, alHI NIHlleh kl /tluf t O 'H a Motorbike Soml' dog-; w all do anything to please their rna..;tt•rs . as 1s demonstrated by this ··fo:asy Hider'' <'ruismg south on the Santa Ana Freeway Tuesday. The bizarre sight i-.tartled motorbts. including two Hi ghway Patrolmen, who were too busy writing tickets lo check up on the legality of car· rymg canine passengers. A piece of carpet on the tank top keeps the pup from slJp. ping off during cornering. Irvine Co. Eyes Swap El Toro Land for Gartkn Grove Nike Site? <:ardt•n c;ro\ (' c·ounrllml'n haH' ('h,1n.:1•cl ,1 J!COl'ral plan de· -,1J!11Jt1011 for .1n Jb.mdnnt'<I Nike ~Ill'. t'J .,111 1! th1• \\,J\ for a pro poslc'd land '"JP lx•twct•n !ht• lrvant• Comp.iny and the l' S. ~I annt• l'orµs site from open space to planned industrial development Accord an g lo Carden G rO\'<' Urban De,·elopment Mana~er St>A art Maller, a zone change For China Trip and other pr ocessanJ! actions will be required before the lund can ht> developed The feder al f.?OVernment has of· <See SWAP. Page AZ> or six billion ba rrels or Oil daily. the amount the U S. currently imports. "We n eed energy to keep California healthy," hi! s aid "We need energy to keep thl• Vn1ted Stall's healthy. But mort' than anyt hing els t>. we nl•t.'Ci tht• energy for the \\Orld We haH' J s hortage or encrg) . but ""e ha' c a surplus or bab1e:.. Pred1ct1ng a "orld population of SC\'t'n lnlhon by the turn Of the century. the llunguraan·born phys1(·1s t :.aid. "These pt'<>plc wall be "n•tchl'1Jly poor an<l tnc•1r poverty "111 not be alleviated without energy 1£ we ban reac· tors, "''-' "111 tJkc ml "" ay from others by driving up thl• pnct•s and the unde' doped countn1.•s "111 s tay poor.·· "If IAt' manage to develop every rc:isonablc s vu r l'e of ('nergy -nul'lt•nr, coal. (:US, :.ol.1r. i,:t'OlhermJI -\h' m1i,:ht in 10 and 2~ years 11nprovl! our wuy of h\'111g anct, more 1mportunlly, help othl'r s. "H not, t he world b hl'Udl'd to" ard dt•pn•::.s10n and conn1ct \\Or:.lc' than thl' dl•pre:.s 1on o( lhl' 1930 :. a nd "ar wor..e than the Slt<·ond World War that follo\\etl. "The P<'Opl1.• udn>e:>tmg thts <See TELLER, Page Al) P~tty Feared Death • Ill Bank * * * * * * Heiress Lust in the Closet ·w eep·s·---SLA Sex Trysts p~~.~~~~~ Told by Patty was S\\amped "Ith n •\nlut111nJr:. ~A~ FllANC ISCO <l 1'1 1 tht~ l;l'>I 1.111t•. J ' bl0sl ~ou l'Jn r; rhetoric and he r bod> ra'a~l·rl b) t>,cerpt:. Crum l'Jtnl'ia tlear~t s <·Jll, did llwrl' l'O nll' .1 t1mc \\hl'll rape and other phy!->1l·al ubu-.1.· l1.•sl1mon) Tul'sday Jl hl'r bank onl' o f lht• women t·amt• to you when she robbl•d a bdnk untlt·r robbery trial ~ind talk<•d lo> ou about gctttnG 1t fear or execution. on "1th som l'Ont' ' Miss Heurst \\t'Pl frequt•nlly as Hailey: Prior to thl' making of Miss tlcars t · Yl•S she testified bl.'fon· thl' Jury for Q . All nght. Can you rt•· the second time Tuestla) a day memb1.•r "Ill' re you \\l'rt.: ul lh1• on which lhc trial JUd~c ISSUl'tl J 2 Cletnenle lime" memorandum say1n~ t he A 1 >AU'> in th1.•cloM't. newspaper heiress failed to con-Q. Were you blindfolded? vince him &he was "a prisoner V Se• A. Yes. whose every move wus made un-I' OnllflS £ Q. Do you remember who the der t he "a l chful l')l'" or her speaker was? Symb1onese Liberation Army Candidates for the San /\.Yes. k1dnapers. Clemente City Council Q. Who" Miss H earst. s1ppmg water and have been invited to two A Angela Atwood. using tissues to wipe away tt:'ars, forums'Thursday. Q All right. Can you tell u., told jurors tha t she entered a Candidatt>s wall appear what she said, as best you l'an re· Hibernia Bank bran<'honArml 15. at 4 p.m . at the mumcapal member? 1974, certain that S L.A ch1t'flaan golf course clubhousl' to A She s aid that 1 was going lo Donald "Cinque" DeF'rC<'ZC In· c1ddress membl'r::. of the :.h.'l'P" 1th W1ll1Jm Wolfe. tended to gun her down in front of Pres iden ti a 1 11 e 11:~h b Q l h huh surveillance camera~ l lomc"<>IA ners Association A And so 1 did She watche d a replay or tht• At 6 30 p. m . c andidates Q Dad sht• t':1. pl,11n lo you any 01 bank robbery and. \\hen asked b y will be featured al a dinnt·r the custom i. of the SI.A. \\hdl defense rounsel F . l,..ec Halley meet 1 n g 0 r th e s an tlw1r sexual pJll1•1 n \\as that you (~PATTY, Pa~e i\2) Clemente lh:,toncal Stl<'ll'· IAt•rt• to he ...... an· or .. ty at thl• c o mmunll y A. Yes, s hl' said that !>he and clubhous l'. t'Vlc'rybody t•l.,1• wanh•d me lo know mun• aboul 1Ahat 1l \\a:. hkc be1ni:: m the cell w1lh them. <) Ch huh. Tht• Car<11•11 CrnH' '"'UP and olht•f out ol l 1 \In•' \ •'ntun•-, lw · IOj:t l'~ 1•d II\' llw In int• rnmpanv ha\ 1· ht·1•c1 mt• .111 1111·1 t•a:-.111gly 1m pOI t.1111 Jl•ll I or t'<1mp11ny 01wra ttnn~ .h l llt' r II Ill loOl.'o lOIA ,1nf d1H•r-,1f11'.1l1t1ll nf 1t'> holdinl!"· .it 1•orclini,: t11 1·11m 11o11\\ \'nt· l'rt·:.1 cknl 1..11"1111! ~. ht·r Im !! Nixon Leaves Friday Rice Rejected As Candidate A . And that c•vcryonc h.1d In take• l'<lrl' or the needs or othrr JICOPlt• and lhal M·xual freedom wa ~ a parl of thl' fun<'· 11oninl! ()r th1· ('t•ll and that Sllll'l' I'd hel•n tlwrt·, t•v1.·n thtlUl!h I was m the clO!>l'l. that I s hould know mon • ahoul th1·m Al tlll' t•ntl 11f J thn•t• hour ht·.1nn...: 1'111 ·"1.". 1h1• 111unl'll l h.1n 1:1·d t ht• I .inti 11..,,. 11t-.. 1J:n.1t 1on ftH H~l ,1t I ,., 111 I h1• :•:!X .H· 11• \ 1k4• former Pres ident Ril'hard M !'\1'1(.on "111 depart for China from 1.o ~ Angeles lnll'rnat1ona l Airport Frida). not El Tnro Manne Co rp.; Slut1on a~ h.id bt•l•n ~pt.-culdlt•d l'arlier l're!>1dent Ford ~J}'> Nixon I" i:omg to China <is a prl\atc 1·1t1 7.en and not to be involved an any foreign pollr v matter!> Ford told a news r onferl'nCC' Tuc•sday night he saw no reason to a~k the for mPr pre,1dent to po,tponc or rancl•I the tnp, ----------- 'Go East, l'oung Jtfan' ··Grerle}." \\ho looks as if he'd advise be· tng :.in~" hrrt' but \\here he 1s. was among 100 dn~s g n t•n ~hots al the rabies chnic m Laguna B l'adl Tucsda} ::.ponsored b y the local \'ctennarians and the Lions Club. Dr. Mike Loge adm1mstered the \'accme to Greele}. while fnend Norm Weingarten administered a fnendly pat. which bej!ms Saturd.1' "Mr N1'1(.on .., l!oini:: to thl' Peoplt''s lkpubl1l' or China a ... a pn\'Jle l'lllll'n at lh1.• 1n\ 1tat1011 of that J?ovcrnm<·nt." Forcl c;a1d ··1 don't be he\ c• for am ,11\t•l.!t·d pohllcal µurpo"l'~ I hat 0 I <,houht intervene wllh the invitation of .1 fore1i::n J!OVernml•nt tu h<1v1· .1 pn,ate Am<"r1r an <'1t 11<•n \1..il lh:1t count n · A~k whether lhl' tnp \\-OUld produc<.' any romphr.1tutn'> 1111 US for<'1i.:n polH y, l'ord <,a1tl, ·~one \\hahot·H·r · As presidt·nt . N 1 ""n r<•\C'r., .. tl U S poh c v l111A u rd I ht• C'orn mumst maml;rncl lo on•· of '>t·1·k in~ a<·c·ornmo1lat1•Jn ratlwr th.in ma111ta1nini.: an 11·y c1t ... 1arw1· 'I lw 111v1lation 1.., \ 1t•w1•d g1•npralh a.., reaffirmation hy l't•klflJ.: 11( 11 -. in terl'st in dl•tt•nll' anrl pm.:.1hlv !I'> a -.uhl le• sul!~1•-,t1011 th:.il rl'lat11111., with llw l 111t1'fl Stalt•s ar1· 11111 JlfCl('(•eillll l! ras l t•l)(11JJ.:h In lh1., l'OUnl rv, nw:tn1Nh1l1·. therl' are !->UJ.:J.:t•..,11on., ln:it :'loin on'!'! tnp IA Ill clruw :illl•nlton from thl' :°lil'W llam)l-.hirc· prr .. 111<-nt1.1I pnmury "h1r h w 111 ht· hl•ltl T 11l''I <St'e N I XO~. Pagt' i\2) 'OUR PAPER' AD SOLD CAR "The ad sold the car. Thi'.' D::uly P1lot 1c; ·our paper' for ..,ure " That s the sales surce.,~ '\tort told by the Corona del Mar MJn "ho placed this ad an the Da ily Pilot . '7:t F:I Oorado. xlnt cond f ull) equip J9 ooo m1 ~ Pvt f'ty x' '< xx xx If ~ou hav<' a car you want to sell. call 642·5678 It only takes a few words an the right place lo attral't a buy er. AlonJt th<' Orange Coac;t the rii:ht place to advertise as the Daily Pilot In Clemente !'oh<'(' officer Ruc;.,ell fl1t·1·-; nJme "111 nol lit• u n th1· pnnl• cl h a 11 o l ~t a 1 1· h 2 \\ h t· n :-. .1 11 Ch·ml'nle 'otcr!> l'IC'C't thl•lf lll'W C11\ Counr il < >ran~t· C 'ount y Superior < 'm11 1 .l uc l1:c· .J.1mc•, O l'c·rrL mJcf(' th.11 't•rtain Tue~day "hl'n h1.· r ult·tl I hat Hir e•. 2fi, \\a'> not ;1 rt ~1-.ti>red \Oler whrn h<· t1.111k 11111 nom1nat1 on p a pc· rs fro m c·11 '( t'lnk ~1 ax lkrl.! " offlu · anti I'> tlll'rt•fofl• IOf·h~ I hi!' ll1r c· '""" C'd t11cla \ to n ·m;11n 1n th1• rar1.• ,1., a rm mat w111t• 111 1·.111 d 11la tc• Tiu• rlt•J1l l11w fur \\rl l•• 111 1·.111clul atl''i In I tit• 1l•·1·la1 .1t1 11n pJp1·r~ at I'll y hall 1~ Mnnd.1 \ ' I was <11~.q1po1111l•d , 11.1lu1 .ilt v. Thi· Jlidl!t' ('Oltllf h.i\I' \'N Y l'ol'>lh ~·111w 0111· 1Aa v 11r llw ullll'r "" 11 ha pp1•11-, hl· \\ •·nl for lht• 1·11 \ H1e "s.1111 Jl1• .,,1111 lflC' IHl"lll'C'l'""fll l 11 •1 .ti at'llOn ra11,l'cl h1111 ,1lto111 ~.UHJ ' lh•<.n tl1111~ H11 t•., la1lt111· 111 f'n.,Url' hi' 1·lt,.:11t1hty .1 .. '.1 hoo hoo" J11tl J?t' 1'1•n •1 111~,.., !'-:111 ('l<·mc•nt(' c·1t v 11((1c•1:11, 111 1·11,1111· that all Cutun· c·;1111t11t.1t1•.., f11r c ti \ offlrP ar1· m<11l1• 1A1•ll ,11A .11t• of c•h•('I 1nn rode r ('' 1-,111n., IJdon thcv h it> "It n •all\' mea n., that a fl('r-.on 'houlcl go to,\ la"\ er to find out 1r he 1s quahflN1 to r un for offit•f' " attornt>} J n hn T nrnh111 com mented a rt er .Jud gt.' l'l•rc1. rult-d agam.,t h1 m Tnrnb10 unsurc·o>c;sfully arJ!Ut'd before J udi?f' P erez that H11•1• "hould bl' a llo" r d lo c·ontC'.,t t hP <'lert1on as a n a uthl'nt1c trnllol candidate smre he ""as nevrr told at the c 1ly clerk·, offl rc th;1t he must be a re~1stert>d voter. Other Stories Add1t1o nal S outh County stones appear today on Page Al6. () How lcmi! aftt•r ~111• harl this !'o n\ Prs.Jtwn with ~ou d1tl W1llw \\ olh· c·nmt• 1n ., A !\11t lonl! arll'r th;1I I don't kno\\ l'\J<•tly, It 16 a ... thl' san1c OIJ!ht <J W ,1'{ \<IUr hl1ndfold rt · mo\ 1•tl • \ \ t·~ l} \\ h.1t C'lnlhinl~ hall )OU hC'NI """'I-! '>Ill( I' ) our ('olJlllVll} I 1>111 thn k•·•·ft '"" 111 lh4• Lt.11hrobt• 111 1111111-,h \Oil ... OOlt' l ltithr·'> ., I\ 'I h••\ I!·" 1· 1111• dotlws. () 1111 }ttll r<'nll'mh1•1 \\h,11 l11nd'' l '.111 '011 th•-.c nl>t· tlw m 1n 1S.•1• 11 1-.i\ltST, l'l1Jt4' Al) Orani,t•• _l _k~' " ......... .. \';111 .1 hl1• h1 1'h <'111u1l•. lw10111 1n i.: ll\11..,1 I\' • 1111111\ 1 lrnr,tlJ\ l'all h \ l1tJ.: .111tl '"" d11111f.., t11n1i.:h1 :11111 '111111 ..,cl.I\ m 111 ninit llli.:h-. 111 th•' lolA fill.., l.o"'' 1 .• lo ~~I. l~SIDE TODA" Thouqh orhf'r mrw1t• M l'<' smcr ,u rpou ed rl s />fir 0/111 e 11•1 urd, none ha11· «Jplurrd rlw puh11C' rmnumntwn l1kt: • (;11n1• ~\1th 1111• ~\ 111cJ 'A1. Index. •• At Ywr \tir"1ce ...... ,_. AJ MollllH ,.,, ,.... .... , ••I '""" aomr.o l"" lloyd (.l;l1te""' Com•r• (TeUl#Otd o .. 1~HGtt<n e•tt•t•t I'• .. l"•tNiftnMftt ~-~(· ,_ ,.. ....... ( ... "-K•pe M•U""'n Cl "''''" ... ..,, .... t ... l fu..-. Ai M1itft_.f "itt•\ 01 <><••• C..••11 OJ _ _., "'. ,,,.1 .... ,., .. ... \Off1• ••I ~tec•Mit•-el\ '", , .... ".~""' C• Cl Tl>o•le" "'''~; =~::-~.. . CZ •• •• •• •• Ctl ., 111·1 .. , •• ••I ... ... 7 Huntington Beach Fountain Valley ED I T ION . Afternoon N. 't'. Stoeks ) VOL. 69, NO. 49, 6 SECTIONS, 6.4 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNtA W E DNESDAY, FEBRUAR Y 18, 1976 TEN CENTS , OC -Grand J11~·y Probing Jail Death By K ATHY CLANCY OfU..0.llyl'I ... _ Th~ Orange County Grand Jury Is looking into the death of a Westminster man who may have sufrered fatal head injunes wblle aen·ing a weekend jad term. Jam Enright, chief deputy dis· tract attorney, saad both the Grand Jury and the jury's Cnminal Justice Committee have started an inquiry anto the Feb. 2 * * * Family Suing County The family of Don Nelson, 39, who died Feb. 2 after serving a weekend Jail term, filed a 53.647,000 claim today against Orange County employes. In the c laim . Mri.. Bonnie l'ebon alleges county officials failed to get adequate medical care for her hus band whiJe he v.as ill in his jail cell Jan. 25 and failed to describe his illness ade· quately to phys1c1ans at Orange County Medical Center. As a result. the claim asserts. a skull fracture was not properly diagnosed. Mrs. Nelson also as· sert.s in the claim that county e mployes failed to notify her of her husband's illncs~ and sur· gery for a skull fracture. The claim was received at 8: 15 a m today by the clerk or the County Board o r Supervis ors . County orr1c1als have 45 days to either accept or reject the claim, before Mrs. Nelson's attorney can Cale a lawsu1t 1n the case. Jn the claim, Mrs. Nelson seeks Sl million for loss or the society and comra n1 onsh1p of her husband, $2 m1l11on for pain and t'motional d istress, $640,000 for loss of her husbond's income and S7.000 for medical and funeral ex· pc~cs. HOME Letter Leaves Coen 'Bristling' A st atem('nt by the HOME Council tha t indicates the city 1!.n't doing a ll at can to s pur <'conom1c Rrowth an ltuntangton &>ach set off sparks at Tuesday n1..:ht ·s Cat y Council mct!ling. One paragraph in a letter !>1gned by HOME Council Presa· drnt !o1ant Morrison uppcared to port1<'ularly nettle <.:ounc1lmnn Al C<X'n Thr s tatl'ment said. "Mueh hp !>f'r\ lt't'. but ltttl(' concentrated ('(fort hn~ ht•en p.l1d to economic tl l•\ t•l1lpm ('Ill or llunlington lk11d1 \\hll<' our nr1J.?hbors such ·'" lrvinr und Fountain Valll'y huvt• :.idllrH•cl !>l~ntr1l'anl pro· Joli(''\' " C'1wn lir1st lt'1I "Thi' .tll1•1:a11un 1s \'l'ry ir· r1•-1pon'\1bll'. · hl' 11a1d "I've h<'llrll the• 'am£> commrnt fnr \t'Jri. .rnli ll '"' totally wrong an mo'll r c•,1w1·t:-1." "All }011 hn''l" to do 1~ drive throui:h till' K:11 i.er·l\ctna in· clustt IJI park t<> ~•·•·the• 1lroi.tress th111 1!< 1:11111.: nn." ht' 1101d Morrt11on :'lpol111:11l'd ror some nf llll' "'orchnJ,! in th<' o;tatemrnt but \lflllltt•d 0111 thul1t wa'4 his In· 11•11111111 only for thr r 1ty to br.,udt·n lls ta" h•hl' 11nd to en· t·m1ru.:1• f'<'Onom1<' 1trowth llr also s aid thnl some in· c1wurlal nrc-ti~ urc hc•ln~ ••roded b\' ntlwr uiw'> and thut he hopc.-s the prartace does not ronunue. A rl'solullon 11ubm1tlt'd by tlOM F. CounC'1I v. as then un nmmous ly approv('(t. ll called for Establishmcnl or a eomm1t· t<'<' to recommend spec1r1c areas or indui;tnal jlrowth. Offering o( inducements to bus int'sses such as deferment or rt>duclion or 3SSl'SSments or tax- t'S for a period or lime. Requests that bids be issued to determine ond to employ a re· putable private agency to sol.ie1t new business. preferably on a l'ommission basis. Transit Proposal LONG BEACH (AP> -A $7 S h1l11on rapid transit proposal sponsored by County Super\'isor Uaxter Ward has been un· anrmously endorsed by Long Rt>•ch Caty Coun<'al members. v. ho ttlso backed Ward's plan to 1:1kf' the issue to the vote~ in 3 June 8 election death or Don Nelson, 39. A spokesman for the state at· tomey general'• orfk~said today an 1nvestigallon by that ag~cy mto lM death probably will tab a back seal lo the locaJ probe, at lea.st temporarily. Deputy Attorney GcneraJ Dan Kremer of Sao Diego had request· ed Initial reports on the death. He could not be reached for comment today. But an aide said hl3 investiea· Uon at this point ts lllmtd vnmurl· , ly at making certain an offl('lal probe I.a beang completed.. He may l'Of'lduct has own investtgat1on bter, the aide said. Nelson . a bartender at the Marlm Inn io Huntington Beach and candidate in la.st s pring's . Ocean View ~hool Oastrict elec- tions. died at Orange County Medical Center after ly ing in a . Ul'IT.._ 'MIND AND BODY SWAMPED, RAVAGED BY SLA' Patricia Hearst Gives Tearful Testimony Patty Feared Death In Hibernia Bank SAN FRANCISCO (/\P l Patricia llearst says her mind wus swamped with revolutionary rhetoric and her body ra\·aged by rape and other ph~1t·al abuse when s he robbed a bank under fear of execution. Mass Jlearst wept frequently as she testified before the jury for the second time Tuesday a d ay on which the trial jud1te issued a memorandum saying the newspaper heiress railed to con· vince ham she was "a pnsoner whose ever y move was made un- dl'r the watchful C)'t.'" or her Symbtoncse L1bcrat1on Army k1dnapers Mass Hearst . sippinic water and using tissues to w1p" away l<'ars , told Jurors that :;he rntered a lhbt>rn1a Rank hranchoni\pnl 15. 1974. certain thot Sl~A chteflain Donald "Cinque" Ut'Frt'cze tn tc•nded to gun he r down 1n front of survt'1ll ont'<' c ameras . Shl' watch<•d a n•pl11y of the h:ink robbery and. whrn askt'd l)y drfcnRe coumwl 1". 1.l'c tln1lc•y why she frequently glanct'd ovt•r her s houlrlt•r at UcFrt'eu, r<'phcd. "I had thouJ,!hl that c.-ven though I would 1:11 111 :ind do this, that he was going to kill me anyway lns1'1e the hank .. She ~t11d :-ihe rcucted with d1:c· belier when the SL/\ told hf'r they wen,• going to roh A bank and sht• would participat<' They said thev nt'edcd money. s he tcst1rwd. and Woman Gets Her Eye Back that De Freeze "wantt'<I mt• to be wanl<-d by the FRI. .. Thr basis of M 1ss Ht•arst 'i, dl'· Ccnse 1s that i.he 11art1<·1µatt'<.I m the holdup underthreat of dt•ath The jurors I ii.tent•d intently Tues day a s the dl'fl'ndant tesllf1ed between replay!> or lht• tapes she said ~he recorded in bhnd terror She lold th<'m of being forced to have s1•>c ual inter<'our .. e with Del-'r ecie and S L/\ m C'mber W1ll1e Wolfe an tht• ('t•ll lrkc· c loset wht•re s he v. a" kt•pt bhndfold<'d Ratli.>y su1d Mas-; llcar!>t wnulll cStt PATT\', Pal(C'i\2 ) • • * T e stimony From Patty Excerpted SAN FRANCISC'O llll'l 1 Exre rplo; Crom Patn<'lll llearst" testimony Tuesday at ht•r h.111k robbery lrtal. llntll'y · Prior to the mnkinJL of th1~ last tape, as b<'!lt you <'ll n rr· <•Oii, did thNe come u t1m1• when one or thr women <'a me to vou nnc1 t nlkecl to you about i.:cthn~ rt on with someone"' Mas!' llear'll Ye'I Q All r1~ht. Can you rt' member wh(•re you were at the time? A. I was 1n lhe closeot Q Were you blindfolded" /\.Yes. Q. Do you remember who thr LOS ANGELES <UPI) -Thc.-!lpt!aker was" eyenapmg e nded qwctly, v.1th A. Yes. the hostage back in its socket and Q. Who., the suspect set free. J\. An~ela Atwood. A 42·year-old woman com· Q All right. Can you tell us plained to police la.st week that whet she said, as best you can re- her boyfriend had stolen her member ? glass eye and was holding it for A She said that I wa-; going to S300 ransom. sleep with W1lllam Wolfe. Police took the 46-year-old sus· · ~ Uh-huh .. peel into custody Tuesday, but he A. And so I dad. told them he had already r~ Q Dad she explain to you any of turned the eye arter seeing re· the customs o( the SL.A, wht1t ports that police wen! looking for their sexual pattern was that you him were to be aware oP OHtcers found the woman at' A. Yes. she said thnt she 3nd County·USC Hosp ital. having the everybody else wanted me lo eye replaced in her eyesockel. know more about wh:tt 1t was like She said s he did not want to press being in the cell with them. charges and lhe e)'cnaper was re· Q Uh ·huh. leased.. <Sff HEARST. Page Al) <'Oma for a w~ek following sur· gery for a skull fracture. Hl' was taken to OCMC Jan 2S by Jail ofCic1als after becoming ill an his cell. At the tame, he was serving lhe rirst or five weekend jail terms on a drunken dnvang conv1ction. Enright said Tuesday the Grand Jury as responsible for an on·going investigation into jail conditions and "woutd not 1g· nore" l'hccklng Into any Jall· ~lated death. Tht• d1~trlct attorney's ocrlcc wall be looking into the matter u:< well. Enright said, all an ud vLSo r to the Grand Jury. But so for. he contJnued. all hus ofhce has rece1ved are 1nallal re· ports from the sheriff's ofhce. us well as correspondence from 1u1 attorney for Nelson's \\tdow, Bon. nie. The Grand Jury hll!l not yet de· <'ldt'd lr It will call rortesUmony In the matter, Enright said. Enrtght 11a1d M n . Nelson's at · torney, Robt-rt Des Jard.ins. has tlSked his oHace to investigate. But berorc that request was re· ceaved both the Grand Jury and Criminal Justice Committee already had requested an ln· vestigatlon . he said. <See PROBE , Page A:) I I B Tot Killed Police Nab Morn's Friend By ARTHUR R . \'JNSEL Of .... 04ily l'li.t Sta" A man identified as a live-in boyfnend was arrested by Hunt· ington Reach police early today and charged"' 1th murder . an con- nection v. 1th the death of 2 year· old Delta Dawn Davidson. The little girl was pronounced dead in the Hunhngton Intercom· mun1ty Hos pital e me rgency room at 1 a .m .. less than one hour arter s he was brought there by her mother. Patrick R . Hebert, 24, or 17441 Pair Bound With Cord In Robbery A 60·year·old Fountain Valley wo man and he r 33-year·old daughter were robbed of $3,000 an valuables Tuesday morning by gunmen who burst into their home and lied them up with a telephone cord. Police Lt. Carl Lawren<'e said Mrs. Eloise Harris or 10370 El Monterey St. Ave .. in southcasl Fountain Valley. told offi cers she heard a knock on the door about 10 30 am As she opened at. Lawrence said. two men, one or them carry· ing a handg un. s hoved her aside and forced their way into the home They Jerked the cord off a telephone'. bound her and her dau~hter. t hen forced them to he on the floor while the pair rani.acked the residence, she told police Lawrence said at took only a few minutt's for the two women lo work their way free -Just long enou~h for the pair to cscapc.-. He said tht' wo men heard a car leave but dad not see at. Ofrt<'ers said the loss Included SJOO in r:ish, a televL'lton :.ct and J''"' cl r}. Tht• h.rnc11t s W<'r<' described as m alrs. wh1t1• ;ind Lalin, of 3\'<'ru~c.· but Id and ubout 30 years old l.awrenc<' said both women \\1•n• badly fr1~htem'<i by the tn· c1denl. hut "'ere not ''ahusc·d an ;my \\JY .. hy the robber,. Airline Bear Dies at Wo ~ SAN OTF:GO (i\l'l T<·d1ly, the· four l'} ed "I hute Qnnta'" koala h<'<lr of t<'lev11>1on com .' merc1al1>, l!I dc•tul. Hts death Monday w1111 blamed on a kidney inflammalton and malnutritio n. a ccordinl( lo a patholo~11>t 'i; report Tt'c1dy, b<>rn in Australia an 1967. "'as the uni v m ale koalu at the• San D1e~o 7.110, The zoo hu'- thn•l" female!<. 'OUR PAPER' AD SOLD Cffi "The ad sold the ear . The Daily Pilot 1s 'our paper' for sure." That's the sales success story told by th" Corona del Mar Man who placed this ad in the Daily P1lot . •;3 F.1 Dorado, xlnt roorl ~·u lly ~qurp . 39,000 mt!! Pvt Ply nx-xxxx , IC you have a car yuu want to S<'ll. call 642·5678. It only takes a few words in lhe f'iAht place to allract a buyer. Along the Orange Coast the right. pine to advertise is the OaUy Pilot. Koledo Lane, was booked on s us· picion of murder aftl'r bc111g sto pped b y both Huntingt o n Beach and Wes tminster poh(•e al Beach Boulevard and lle tl Avenue. Hebert. who •s unemployed. is held in Huntington Beach L'1ty Jail without bail, pending Ill· suance of a complaint. The dead child's mother, Betty Davidson. who m police said as on ~elfare, has not been charged with any ofrense and "'as allowed to retam eu!»itody of another 8· year -old d auRhtcr. P o la c t' w e r e r a II e d b y· emer~ency room nur.;e Jan Ap· pleberr i.hortly after Mrs Davidson dt•lt\ered the un· conscious child to the emergen<'y room. Dt'tecllvr Jack Welsh said to· day at appeared httle Delta Dawn died of IOJUrtCS inflJCled by u beatinl!. No t'v1dence of burns or other ind1cat1ons of child mistreatment were e\·1denl. according to (See Bt:i\TING, Pagei\.2) Court Exchange Gerrymandering Charge Hits Battin BvTOM BARLEY Ol ... O.llyPl ... - Oranae County Supervisor Robert Battin was accused in court today or planning the •·ger· rymandering" of part or his First Supervisorial District in a bid to ine!ude much of Westminster ln his jurisdiction. Deputy Distrkt Attorney Jack Ryan told Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lae durtnJ? questioning that brought defense attorney Matthew Kurihch to his feel in fury that Ballin 's aim was "lo gain the influe nce or Derck McWhinncy." And Hyan pointed out during arguing that brought both lawyers reprimands from Judge Lae, that Battin's alleged redrawing of the distnct 's boun· Principal At Le Bard Quits Post H James Davila, prinripal al LcRard S<'hool r esigned "undt·r protest" Tuesday night beforl' the llunt1n jt lon Beach Caty telementary I School Board. The board had held a three· hour executive session lasl week with Dav il a, tcachNs and parents. thrn told him his con tract would not be renewed beyond .June :io, orf1c1als 1>1:11d In his re111~nat1on lt•ltc•r , Davila s aid, "I submit this re· s1gnat1on with a <'lear conS<·wnrt'. havang known that I 1lrcl 1111th1ni:: worthy of removal from my pollr lion " lie al110 ai.k<•ll to he plarcc1 on :1 salary s<'ht'dulc 1111 a ll'nch••r, oml orricials sut<l hf• would he n• as1111.mcc1 in the ran I s a clas'I in structor. Davila. 38, hod b<><'n;1 teat'ht'r al Burke St'hool tM'forr lx>tn~ made LeRard School pr1n1•1pal two yt'l1r!I a~o The !\chool board 11C'ct•11tc•d th1• res1gnn11on unanimous ly. Sclwol Kids Get Out Early Students in the Huntangl on Beach City <e lementary> School District will leave classc'I early Feb. 25 so their tcachcl"l can at. tend an afternoon c:ireer educa· lion workshop C urr1c.-ulum Director Jim ttfal'on said classe!I at all cam· puses will be d ismissed by 2 pm. that day so the racuJty can attend the 2:20 to 3:20 p.m. work.'lhop at LeBard School. Macon said notict'S about the early dism1s1'al wtll be sent home with younaslers next Mondoy. daries came al a lime whep tho Grand Jury was investigating . McWhinney. Judge Lac was told that McWhmney, then mayor or Westminster and planmng com- missioner Tad Fujita were tn· dieted on bribe ry charges that. later brought about their convic- tion. It was also noted in s pirited pretrial action that rcpeall'tfly ·boiled over into a rguments and reprimands from the. bench that both men were <'onv1cted and that Ballan himself was called before the Grand Jury during its in vestigation into what Hyan called the .. Mile Square Park scandal." At issue in the present heannJt is Battin's claim that he faces criminal char~es contained in a Grand Jury indictment because or discriminatory prosecution tach<'S practiced by District At- torney Cecil Hacks. The hearing 1s now In its seventh week. And there wa<; no indication today when llaltin''i <See BATTIN, Page A2) Westminst er S&L Robbe r Sought Westmins ter policl' are in· vesta~attng a holdup Tuesday af. ternoon or th<> Brl'ntwood Sav· mgs and Loan offll'l' al 15639 Rrookhurst St. Police s aid n blond· haired man wearing a 11un visor and bran· dishing a rt'volv<.'r escaped with $2,000 There w('re no inJune~ or shot'> fared, nccording to police. Ora n~e ,-.J.. Coa~t ._£_¥IL__ \tt•nther Var lablt• high cloud" h<'<'oming mo<itly d oudv 'Thurs day. l'ntchy ro~ an1I low rloucl~ to11li;:ht .incl 'rhursday mnrninJ:. lliv,h~ rn the low r.o~. Lows 1:; to so. INSIDE TOD~Y Tliouqh othrr mouws htmr ~nee ~urpaurd ''·' bor of/tee i rn·ord, none have capfur1•d tht' pull/re 1mog111atwn like "Gone With tile Wind." A1. lnde"' AJ MotllMI •• AIY-s.tn10 -· ... A l7 -.; .. .. ' ErtN .. "'M<ll L M ..... ~;-· c.n.1<• Off•-• OtM.llN•ll<" l.do•l4• 1'• .. Rltl9""'1-"' l'l-• -........ lt>IK ... ~-.._ ...... _,. (J _, .. , ., _,,_, .. _...,., ...... , OJ Or-Cil<lftlY 01 ....... Al iYhMI ...,,., .. s..'1• 14 t MetU"•""t'll a .. 1 To .. vhief' Ct II n .. lff't ..... --(I_ ...... Cl • •• Ill •• .. (IJ ., •• J .... , •• ··-· •• At .\2 OAILYPILOT H/~ Pla11•kkt Sat1• Anti-nuke Vote f To Spell War o.,.,~ ... SWt- TELLS NUCLEAR NEED Energy Researcher Teller HB District To Lease Cook Land Hunting ton Reac h 1Jn1on llrgh School D1stncl trus tee!> Jgrecd Tuei.day night lo leas€' Cook Elementary School for S20.000 for one year as a makes hift Ocean View High S<'hool l':.tmpui. Tht' board a lso IE'amcd that "hat had bc<'n a S7 m1ll1on OceJn \le" lliith Sc·hool \\Ill no" t·o.,t $8 2 mtllwn unle!>i. cul' <.1r~· made Tht• board asked the staff to prcp..in' a hst of possible cuts in order of pnon l \ b" Tuesda) The nddl•d cos t announcement brought an ani.:ry n·act1on from trustee Ron Shenkman "ho said '\\ hnt I feared would happen happt•nl•tl .. Ill' and form er trustee Denni:. \1.ingt•rs votl'd against the Ocea11 \'1ew con!>lruc t1on saytng the dti.· lnrl c:ouldn l afford the school. 'The Cook C'ampus wall house about 800 frt'!-hm<'n at lt:a!'ll half •• '~·ar \\hilt• Ocean \'1cw is being rinc.hl·d . Dead Whale . Washes Up t At Huntington /\ dead pilot "hale nearly IA l1·t•t lonl'[ "ashed 3'1 horc olf Coldl'n W t•st St rl'et in llunlmf.?ton lk'arh about 3 pm Tuesday. 1 hrn ldt hN11lt'CI for Newport Bt•nrh on th(' next h11(h tide ll unt1n1:ton !'\tale Oeac h Hnng<'r Wall T aylor :.aul rt wu:. '"l'Pl :IW:I\' hefon~ city 1•re\\s 1·oultl rl·movt' the carn1'is Th<' "ha 11•. wh1 rh had lll'rn h.ully m.1nRl•'<1 ;1ml < ht·"c'<l bv -.h.11 k,, "Js 111 -.t '1~h1•cl ahc1Ut .1 hill mil1• out 111 s1•.1 .1t·c·onlml.! ~o hl1·~u.111" I ht•y n nt i£11•d ll unt1nj.!lon l\4•,11'11 110111·1· .111ci rrq111•,t1'il lht• 1•1ltr1· h1·l11·1111tt'r l'(I'\' tu flv 11\ol'r .11111 11l1•1111tv thl' ohJcrt \1i;1bl1• It 1lllHh01t· Yun1n J•"l Crash \'l'M\,/\111. l\'1'11 Apilot t.1ll1•d Ill th1• t lllll'tllll or lwn in11t1 .1n 11•h ",,, 1ct1•1111r ... ,1 lnd.t\' ·" \l Jr11w t 'npl (;4•nr~1· (. 1 .11111 '.'1l, ur lhl' MMlnl" ('orp .. \tr ~l.1t1nn .11 lkaufort. S (.' ORANGE COAST ". t.,. t'•11 .,, l .,.,. ~-tf't f:-•.,t •1IJll. *''" 1\ I ''' '•""•I I .... ht •\,.,,.,, ' t-'l-.111 ......... t "• t"• c ,,,.. r t ,.,, f vf'll I\,.,, f •• , • ., ... ,, 4fW' ·•• t·' t .. 41t ~ht f 1 I ...,....,,..1 ... II~ u._;. I• "'' I t •, It M<f•• Ne -.,.,, 1-...-~ ••·,t·•~f w ••••• ''"'''" y,,.111, ··-........ ,,., ... •I 1o<i , , •I l f•J ff'••"'" """"' t~ I lfl> ''"t I_,_ .. 1 t tvf ••,• 11"' I 't\ •I •t ' I· 1'"' ••i I 'lr,f I • I •"t .t lfu It' t hffl (ft. t ltJ t ,, I •f' -' •• ,. • Rotw-rt N WI~ ........ , •• fll .. J•l k R Curl,.y "' ''. .,_,., ,..,,, ·~· .. ,.,.,,. . ...,.. T l'lom"~ Krev11 '" ThOl'M\ A M urnt\tn<' "I t I ~ • , C11Mle' H Loo' R1ch.lrd P. Nall /I> ,,.,., M.t ,,,, ,l1tU:"' Robt-rt Aarker IN• tol (. • '~liio.-t C"'w"'h t t,t~ Huntl~ton 8uctl0fflo .. ... • ( • ••!!'I Mia 1•'W'• f: ..... ~ I • --.. I ,..,.,. ,.., t ._, ' .. .... .,. ....... . ~.,.. .... .. ~·· ... , ' • t • , '4'• .. Ttlf91M>nt (7 1') 60~l2' Ct~uetif'd Advtrtl\tlnq Ml S671 ' It ,.. fJ." l,..••N.J• ( •lff>' • °" ~h• 540-1220 \'" .... 1"'1 t•h °'' O" lH I''~'"'""·~ Ct,,_ I"" " • ,._ • ,, ,, ., • " v• 11 ,, IOI'\• , t~tt1• •iitl ,.,.,,, ., .,, .. ,,,,, .... r,~ •·•·,. "•• •• •t f •I '11' •:'! • '"9\ill \t'• $ .... t \ .... I f ., . .,, .......... """' ..., n•• • •U f'l'-'lol•tJr f • "1 • (~\h """'• ... • .. ..,., • t "' ,, •• \. "~ , .. , r-,-.. ""'' ..... ',.., ·-· .,,;i'\,,t~ \. _ .... By OOL'Ct.AS FR~IU-: Ot-0.llyl'I ......... A vote for rropo:cltaon l~ tht• .wu nuclear cnt'rl:) ml'~un· ts ... vote ror poverty. famml' Jnd war. lfl the view of Edwurd TellN . ..i ph)sic1sl \\hose lits to nuclear energy d ate to rl!e1card1 on the Cirst atom b<>mh The CalHorniu ant1-nul'lcu power lnltlallve Is part of " nu tlon wlde effort to cnpplt' th<' rountry 'a potent 1 a I lo develop nuC'lear energ) sources, he told M student audience at Orungl' Coast College Tuesday He dOt's not claim that nuclear reactors are foolproof "If anybody s ays that an 1n 11truml'nt 1s foo lproof. the fool "111 turn out bigger than the pro of." he said, dra\\ m~ laughter from the m ore than 400 students Safeguards on nuc lear power plants. he said, ha\e preventecl any loss of hft' or threat to lrre from "° accident m the h1stor)' of the nuclear power andustry "Loss of money. ~cs Los'I of h\'es or even health. no." ht.'Sdrd But loss of nuclea r power ai. a source of energy, he predicted. will be disastrous. By 1985, he said . nuclear energy <'an supplant the burning of six billion barrels of oil daily. the amount the U S. currently imports. "We need energy to keep California healthy," he said. "We need energy to keep the Cotted States healthy. But more than anything else. we need lhe energy for the world. We have a shortage of energy, but we have a surplus of bab ies. PrediC't1ng a world population of seven billion by the tum of the century, the Hungaraan·born physil'ist said, "These people will be wretchedly poor ano tll<'ir poverty will not be alleviated without energy. If we ban reac· tors. we will take oil away from others by dnvang up the pnces and the undeveloped rountnl·~ will slay poor " ··ir we manage to dl'velop every r('aso nabl e sourel' of energy-nuclear. coal. gas. solar, geothermal -we might 10 10 ;:ind 25 years improve our wuy of hvmg and, more 1mport:1ntly. help others. ··tr not. the world is hcarl<>d lO\\ ard depression and confhl'l worse than the depression of the 1930's and ~ ar "orse than the Second World War that followed "The people advocating th1~ ban are bringing about a c n s1s mul'h wors(' and more real than t hl' rm ag1ned •Prometheus Cn sis'." He described the ''Prometheus Crasas," a book and soon· to· be· released movie. in caustic terms "It has a wonderful plot." he !.:lid, 1m1lating an cnthus raSh <' rt'vrewer. "A n uc I ear reactor 1s gomg wild And lo that you add a \\Onderful love a ffair. It •,nll be asgood as'Jaws'." The movie "111 come out this ~pring , he said tn a m ore iwnous \('to, addmg. "It will b<> on this lrn !> 1 \ th•• l th,. pt·•q ll l· or ('.1hrorn1a ~u to the JJ111ls on llw ~th of June "' Talkm~ about thrcl' Genl'ral F:IN·trac nuclear power plant <'n1otineers and an cnginet.'r from thl' Nuc lea r Rt'g ulatory Com m111!.1on who resigned aftt•r <'On tl·ndang nuclear po\o\er plants an· 11n-..1rt'. Telll'r r har)led. 'All rour "' tho .. t• r><'<>Jlk on llll' day or lhl'll n•,1.:nat1uns stcpp,·d 11110 nc•w JOh'I to f1.:ht 11udc.ir re.irtor' JI iht• s ame i.Jlary as bdort•" The rn.:1n~er s hJvc h tRUn <':.tmpa 1~n1n)i! f ur l'r0Jl'c.l- Sun11\ ul. till' .-:roup C'llm1m1gnmlo( lor thi.' in1t iut1Vl' rn ('.iltfc;irniu (J U •'' t 1 o 111' cl I :.t l e r . h • 1" .-n· r . T1•ll1•1 s.11d h1• roulcl llul dtX'U m l' n I h " 1 • h a 1 ..: t' ,1 ho u I ttw .1m•lunl of thc•1r :<a ln111'' · ;\I v <it3km<'nl<; al'o ,1r1• not Coolp1:oof." ht• :<a 111 after l h<> 1 .. lk . hut l think I am more• npt to ht• a fool Ill relut1on to lhe ,lt'llOn'I or ~l(·oplt• th:tn I J m "11 h """·tor,, \\hrch arc my fH•ld." Woman Suing Bar in Death Of Husband Oamnges t o h<' dt'termin('(I rn ·the-tnnl ('Oort arl' lx'tnR d<' mand<'d by a Ne'>'port fk'ach \\Oman who chums hr r late husband's death was l'auscd hy the number of drinks he was served at a Hunltngton Beach hnr Germaine Holguin McMillan. 112 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bea<'h. names the operators or the Dnrtwood Beach Club. 21462 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghwa), llunt inizton Beach, as defendanLo; 1n her Orange County SupN1or Court lawsuit. Joined as CO·plaint1Cf bv her 9·year·old son. Broda, she alleRl''I tn the action that drinks served to Richard E Holgum last fo~eb 3 when the defcncl:1n.ts kn<'w he already was drunk led to his ~ur fenng fatal 1nj1mf'~ v.hen his car plunged Into a drainage ditch \ Dolly ~ ... -· ................. , .. Mutt on a Motorbike Double Fatality Studied ~ti Spt'l'lfll' t.',l\IM' "Ill 111..l·h l'\t'r hl' k no" n 1n ll llurit1n.:l1111 tlt'Jch t1 uff11: ,·olh~1on thlll k1ll1·11 .1 (.'usta l\h-:.J poh<'t•man'i. onh child 1ulll his ~1rl comv:Ullon r a1 h ·rm•,Ju\. pohl't:' s:ud today Tlw l'I .ii<h . "h1l•h also lt\JUf<'<I ,, \0111111 l'oupll' sll't'P'"il 111 th1•11 parkt•d van bt>stde Pudfic Cl'U't ll11<h" a\ JU >;l l'llllt of SunM•t Ht' :H' h. " us not "11 nesse<J IH Jll \ Olll' l' b t• l'uul K:rna n1 Hro;ul, 18, :.on of l'o t u l\t ('sa :--en1or pnll C'l' 1'Ji1olmJn Ho s rlll' "Kul'k nro:1d. <llld Oeboruh !Jt.'l\tont. \!I "'t'rl· reported I\ rt'lumma from J.4111~ Ht:'.H~h "ht:'n lhl' 12 10 ,1 111 UC'C'ldt.'nl ocrurrt.'d Hroad . a d rafttnA tcehnolo.:' ma1or at Or:tll(H' Coast ('oll1•J!1· and part·t111H• 1ntt•rn in tht' ('ti\ 111 t'ui.tJ Ml'S<t TruHH· f.o:ngllll'<.'rirw lh•pat I IOt:'Ol. \\ ,\S ktllt.'d Ill 't unt Iv Some dogs wall do anythmg to p leas e their mas t ers. as 1s demo ns trated by this "Easy Rider " crwsm~ south on the Santa Ana Freeway Tue!>day . The bizarre s ight s tartled motoris ts, mC'luding two Highway Patrolme n , who wert• too busy "nttn~ tickets to c heck up on the legality of car- rying c anme passen gt•rs A piece of carpet on the tank top keeps the pup from s lip- ping off during cornering. '1 t!l!I I h• ;\I ont. of 12982 l..orrlt ,1 I Jill', S.111i.1 An.i. \\,1:. µ111 llllllO<'l'd dt•,111 ;1l lluntinglon In it•n·ommu111t.' lloi.p1tal a bout fou r hours ah~·r tht• c·olh:.100 th.11 1-.mx:kl'd th(' parked' an 50 feet Polan· Traffic 01v1~1on Sgt On a Akin said later Tue~da\ tw doubt~ 1t wall be posstbk to' Ill· ll'rnunc "hat caused Broad ' 1975 forei~n com pact car to \l'l'I' 11rr the roadway Big Brother Called Off The double death.'I. ftr!.t ;ind 't•cond traffic fataltttc:. of 197ti 111 lluntin~t on Ht•aC'h , !.tunrwd a "1de r 1rcle of friend:. of th• llroadi. JrHI thl' DP~lont:-Ford Orders CIA to Stop Domestic Spying WASHl~GTON (AP> Presi- dent Ford issued orders today barring the CIA and olher 1n· telligence agencies from using e lectron ic or physical sur- veillance to collect information on the domestic activities of most American c1t1zens and organiza· lions. In a followup to his Tuesday night press conference at wh1rh h(' announced plans for reorgam z. ing the mtelhgenrl' commumty. PlwneBooth .4 'Prison' In Humington Getting s t uck at a pay telephone booth without a dime or two nickels 1s not.Jung com· pared to a Huntington Beach woman's problem Tuesday of be· mg stuck inside the booth. The door wouldn't budge and the victim trapped al Bolsa Avenue and Edwards Street didn't have the correct change to call for help. Police s aid her s houts and pounding attracted another woman who arrived to use an ad· Joining booth but she apparently had only one dime or just mC'kels to make a necessary phone call She dialed rt . then asked hrr answ<'nng service to relay the uther lady's d istress call By the time police came r:lC'lng to rescue, however, tht> victim had apparently been extn caled from Ma B e ll's gluss and alum mum prison and gone on her way Irvine Co. Way Paved For Swap By DOllGl./\S f-'RJTlSCllf: ()4 .... O.••• ,. .... '"ti l.<tr<frn C: rov1• 1·11unr ilnH•n h:1H· rhan~<'d a R<'ncrul plan M '1~nat1on for ;an aban<.lont'd Ntkt! ~•Ir, easing thl' way for a pro posed land S\\ np b<'lwcen the lr\'lnl' Company und the U S Manne Corps Thr (;arde n Grove swap ond other out·or Irvine vcntu~l'I b<'· in~ eyed by the Irvine Company have berome un 1nrrC'a.'langly im- portant part or company operu- tum'I as the firm look'I toward di\ er'11flcat1on or its hold10g11, ac· t'Orchng to <'Ompany Vice PreM· dt'nt Lansin1t F.bcrling At the end of a three hour hearinll Tue'lch1 y, t he counril changed the land us(' dl'!'l1J(natton for 85 3<'1't'S of the 228 acre Nrkr 111te from ope n space to planned tndustrial d evelopment. According to Garden Grovl' Urban Development Manager Stwart Miller. o zone change and other proces~ing actions will be reqwred before the land can be developed F,....P~AJ PROBE ••. He said the agency '>'ill check lo see 1f there werl' any cnminal v1olallons or violations or pro· ccdures-He could not predict how long the probe might take. Ford also said he would support legislallon requ1rmg1ud1c1al war rants for natio nal sccunty wiretaps and ma ii opening. ln a message to Congr~s. Ford indicated he would set-k to expand the power of the government 111 o pen mall . which is n ow permitted only in criminal in- vestigations . "We need authority to open mail. . in order toobla1n vitally need ed foreign 10 telhgence mformat1on," F ord F,....P~Al HEARST ... A . And th a t e v E'ryont' had to take care of the needs of other people and that SE':<ual freedom was a part of the func· tioning of the C<'ll and that since I'd been there, even though I was m the closet. that I should know more about them. Q. How long after shl' had this conversation with you did W1ll11· Wolle come ro? A . Not Ion~ aft('r that I don't know exactly It wus tht• same mght. Q Was } our blindfold r1• moved? A Yes Q. Whal clothing had you be(•n usrng s inc<' your raptn 1t;.? Did they keep you m the bathrobe or furnish you some rlothes» A They gave mt' clothes. Q Do ) ou remember "hat kind? Can you describe them rn any way'' A No Q When Mr Wolfe camC' in the closet. wh:il did he say and do" A I d on 't really remember what. 1f anyt hin.:. he said. Q Did he takl• you out or the closet, /\ No Q Whatdtd hr do., A He cnm<' to lo th<> doset and ht' <'lo~<'d the doc>r () llrd h<' ma kl' )OU hr do\\n on lhr flt)(')I 't /\ Yes <J And then whal did ht' du" /\ llacl M'XUal intl'lf'C)lll"•I' Col At somr lime afll'r that tlrd Mimeont• C'l!>C' rnm1• to th1· rlo,rt 'or th«.> same purpo\c • A. Y<''I q Uow long oft1·r·1 /\ M ;iytw :t w1•1•k Q Who \\ ·'' II ' A It WlJS ('tr\lfU!' Q. Otd he do the same thtni!" A. Y<'!! * * * E'rOMP~Al PAITY ... contanue ht'r i;oga tr.><lay, her thm l dot\' on the' stand, u'I i.h1• nlll\'c•i. in to· wt1at ~\ conc<'dt·~ Is tht· ":1t1ck1cs t "1n hertlt-fcnse :i i;hoot1nR sp ~r thul lrd md1rel't ly to lh<' dc•aths or OeJo~recu. Willi<' Wolfr a nd four other Sf.A members in a shootout The de fendant hao; adm1llecl spraying a Los /\nReles ~portang goods store with n.(ll' fin· 1n what s he claimed was an SL.A mduced rencx to free two SI.A memher.., from a bungled shoplrflmg at tempt. A pistol left on the s1dc\\-alk and a teen·aRcr tak<'n ho,;ta(!t' over· night plus other clu~ lc<l Los Angeles police to the shootout m which the six SLA members d1<'<1 May 17. 1974 The JUTY w1ll see a v1d<'Olaped ne"scao;t of the f1rry afternoon. Bailey said said Ford also pro1>0s<'d a stiff nt•w secrecy law whrdt \\Ould provide cnmtnal penalties for any go\ ernmcnt employe or contructor FORD-AEAGAN STANDS 'TO RIGHT OF ME', A4 who lt•aks 10telhgenct' scl'rC\!\ The law also would gl\ c the go, ernmcnt new legal powers to prt• \COi the pubhcat1on of i>U<'h serreb A 36·pal(e l'Xt.'CUtive order that takes effect March l abo would bar mflltral1on of domci.llc ur ~a01zat1ons. drug te!lts on un susperlrnli( humans ~md illegally obtaining federal tax return~ Th<' restrict ions do not apply tn the Flll which will be govcrn('d by a st'purate ~et o f guidelines to ht• ll>SUCd within 90 da) s. Fro.aPag<-AI BEATING ... Drt<•C'll\'t' Welsh Thl• v1rt 1 m ·s bod v remamNI at l lunlrngton l nte.rrnmmun1tv llospllal. wherr corom•r 's dl; putt<·~ scht•dull•d a noon autop);v IO drtermtnt.' the <'X<tC'l C'aU'•l' nr drath Ho m 1c 1d r 1 n \'f'<;trg :.itors. ml'anwhllt'. w<•rt> confernn~ "1th the Oran~e County 01str1l'I Ai tornt.'y'i. Off1c·e ~ind planned furt hl'r interrogation of the• fl\l' fool. fi ve inch. 130 pound i.U,fll'Cl Dl'teclt\'e Wclsh.saul Ill' h::id s poken with the dead toddlt•r 's ( a t h t' r . M r s . D a v 1 d :. o n · s c·c;tr:rnged hus band. David. in Cornersvrlle, Ind .. wht•n• hl· " <'mployecl as a m echanw lie !>aid the father 1s <'nm1ni.: lo fluntmRton Ilea<'h 1mmed1Utf'ly to hand I<' arrang«.>mcnts and con for "1th police ~o mortuar y h:Hl h<.•t•n \1·l1•r11•tl or a'l!>1gned yet tod:I\. 11t•ndin~ completron of th(' JUl<•p:.\ Fro.a Page Al BATTIN ... ;1rtual 1 ra,11 on '-<'H'n f<·lonv l'OUOI' of ~r:111tl 1111'11 , lllll>:IJI pro pi 1 .11 ton 1>f pu bhr flln1h .ind frlrni: f;Jl ~c· p11y rla1m' m1i.:ht l><'g1n Tho'l1' r h:11 ~<''an• lrnc;rtl 110 :11 lr.:~1t111n:-. !hill llutt111 rt'f>l'rtl1·1llv mt'IU:.NI l11 s office· :-.tarr :inti prav1lt•11t'" whE"n h t· wa" un,111 <·t•ss fully rampaign1ni.: fi1r l.1t•utc·n~111t Govc·rnor m 1!174 • • * Rites Slated For Two HB Crash Victims l'atholt<· und Lutht'ran fun<'rJI ~t·n'll'('!I art• M'hedult•d Thur,tla\ .and Frida.' fur .1 p:.11r of )Outh 'l'r\ll'l' or.l(an11al1on mt·mbl'1' k1 llt•d TUl'SdJ~ 111 a pr('da'>'n llunt1n~ton lh•:H·h traffic l'rai.h \'1sttat1on ht•f.(in<. today at ~I p rn 1n Bl•ll Broadway Mortuao for Paul Kanun1 llrom1, 18, :.on ur t'o:.ta M c!>a St·naur P o lic•(• Patrolman Ho~nw Hro;1d ancf Mr'> l..orr:11nt· Broad A Cl111st1an wake s er vtcC' 1n "h1rh mournl'rs and M s~r . Thum.1' .I :'\l'\ 10 alt1•rnate 10 re· ntanf.( pra~t·rs for till' dl'acl as 't·heclult•d Thursday ut 7 30 1>.m in St Joachim's Church. Ma~!. for young Broarf. who h\l'd with his pan•nt!. :it 21:11 l'omonu AH~ . Costa ~ksu, will h1• fnday at 10 a m. rn the samt• d1ureh. "1th 1ntl'rrr11•11l al Good Stwpht•rd (.'emt•h.>ry, lluntm1..rton lk•ach Thl' Orang<· Coa:.t Colleg«.> :11 u 11<'nl and par1 ~11me c·1t \ tr affu: l' n J! 1 n <' c· r 1 n g d t' pa r t men l draftsman rntl'rn lt•<lH'" only h1.; p J r l' n l ., a n d m .1 t t' r n a I 1:randpan·nts. Mr un<I J\1 r'> .IO!.l!J>h Cumm1ni.:i.. of Cos ta M c !. a . a l. 1· o r <I 1 n J! t o B e I I Broadwuy Mortu:.iry directors. An i-:a..:lt· Srout w ith St .Jn~1rhim 'i.. Troop HO, Mr. Hroud '"" abo .1 nH'lll IH·r of lh<• llunt 1 n .: l o n n 1· a " h <·ha pt e r o f IJl•Mola\ l.uth1•1a11 !.l'r\t C'(•!. J ro· :.i·h1•1luh•ll l"n da.\ at 2 p m 111 W1nh1gl1•r F.1rn1lv l\lorluan . Santa AnJ. f11r tlw \•11·11111 ' pa.,w11f.(l'r. l>1•h11 1 :1h I><' Mont. J'I of t:!11H2 l.m "' t.1 l.;rnt'. S:11Hu An.1 ~1 1-., l h·~t out "J\ princ·c~:4 111 t h1· 111101111Jtt011 Ht• adt Chaplt·r . .loh·., l>a11J!hter ... r1•tm•ll honor Pd q111·1·11 or .lob's l>:iuf.(ltll'r!., Sant II \ II ll l ' h .1 11 I 1• r , a n II JI 11 s t '•" 1•1•1 ho ·a rt •11 t Ill' suntu An.1 J)t ~J e)Jll\ ('h,tfl\1 I A ,,., 11•1.11 ~ 1•1npl11\1'fl ltv lw1 L1th(•I .1l hi'-Ftl Monl Corp •• 111 11"111 :11111• ,tj.(1'111'\, l\1 1' \ l)t-\111nl It·," t'' twr p.1r1·11h \1 1 .111d P.I r' lt.ilph lh·~1 011t , l11 uth1·f\ Stt•\•· ~t It h1wl a net S1•11ll .11111 J .,11oto·1 .l.11w1 , all of tlw h1111w ·1 h•· Hn 1-,l\\ornl Mon•l,1n11 \\tll 11f l11·1alt• al llw ..,., \ 11•1•\, with In I,. r Ill ,. II I ... ,. It,." II I 1• d •• I V.11rha\l'll l\1o·11l•" 1411 P.1rk 'Not a Hazard' Reds Reject Radiation Claini MOS('()\\' CJ\P I l1\1•st1:r . t lw ~ova<'I ~OV€'rn m t'nl 11cw!-pa1wr. :wknm\J t•dj.!1·d today tlrnl there· '' "clcctromu~nl'l1t• rad1:1t111n " in 1111' tJ S Emba!\!\Y in Moscow hut s aicl 1t is no mm t• th<tn a normc.11 level of t•m14's ions for anv Ian~<> c·11y 'fht' newsp~1 p<>r chs rn1-.. ... <'rl "rs t «rn n l'ws re· port c; that the radiation wa s danJ.t<•rous '" "trum1w d up from beginnin g to f.'nd " In the rars l ~Jvtct romm!'nl on rt•ti<l• t4' o f r :11J1:1 lion hazards at the crnba.....,\. 17' t•st1a r<>Jcctcd an.,.· sugg<'st1on that tht• hC'ulth o f Emha,sv pt•r..,on nc•I \\Cr<' endan~ercd. It blam<'d the report~ on "carrh•s thut op pose the line or ma1nt~1in1ng a nd de\cloptnJ! i.ioorl . normal rclattons hctw<'l'n the l ' S S H ancl th<• lln1t<'d States." Tht' Rosto n Glo be• s aul Mondu v tha t tJ S :tm· t>::issador Wa lle!r Stc.x.·sscl has :i mvsirrious hlood <J al m<>nt possibly C'ausN1 or a~J?ra\'ated by high IC'V<'ls of ~,, 1N m1crowa\'es 7 Irvine EDITION VOL. 69, NO . .t9, 6 SECTIONS, 6-4 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Today's Closing N.Y.Stoeks W EDNESDAY, FE'BRUA~Y 18, 1976 TEN CENTS ( .Anti-nuke Vote, Poverty Tied-Telleli By DOUGLAS FRJTl.sCJli: Ot-o.orrli.t..._.. A vote for Propoi.ition 15-the anta·nuclear ent-rgy measure '" a vote for wvcrty, famme and war, tn the vtcw of Edward Teller. a physicist whose taes to nuclear energy date to cesearch on the first atom bomb. The California anti·nudear power initiative is part of a na· t1onwide effort to cripple the country's potential to develoo nuclear energy :.ources, ht• told a student audience at Orang~ Coast College Tuesda\'. He does not claim thut nuclear reactors are foolproof "If anybody says that an in· strument as foolproof. the fool will turn out bigger than the pro- of," he said, drawing laughter from the more than 400students . Safeguards on nuclear powl'r plants, he saad, havt! prevent~! any loss or life or threat to lafl' from an accident m the hu;tory of the nuclear pow~r industry. "Loss of money, yes. Loss or Ii vos or even health, no." he said. But loss of nuclear power as a source or energy, he predicted, will be disastrous. By 1985. he said. nuclear energy can supplant the burning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~ Ootly "'lot l'lwlo lty ll1tfl NIH1l1IOl1 /tlutt on a Motorbike Some dogs will do anything to please their mas ters. a s is demonstrated by this "Easy Rider" cruising south on the Santa Ana Freeway Tuesday. The·bizarre sight ~tartlcd motorists. including two Highway Patrolmen. who were too busy writing tickets to check up on the legality of car- rying canine passengers. A piece of carpet on the tank top keeps the pup Crom slip· ping off during cornering. Irvine Co. Eyes Swap El Toro Land for Garden Grove Nike Site? Carden Grov<.' councilmen han· rhang('d a ~eneral plan dC'· St~nation ri1r an abandon('CI Nike :>tle. easing the way for a pro· posed land swap between the I rvin1• Company and the U S. l\T .iranc Corps. mi;( County Supl'rv1i.or Laurence Schmit. who wirnt tu makl· the area a park But the City of Gardl·n Gron·. t'ymg industrial df.'velopml·nt or the parcel as a sourc..-or tax money and Jobs for 1ls residents, opposes that idea. Smt•e 1974 when the park was propoM•d, no action has been takt'n to dt>vl'101' al. accord mg lo M 11ler. County supervis ors, however, han· passed a resolution ind1cal- ing they want the parcel to be a rel!ional park. Nonetheless, the federal gov- ernment. which owns the land. has made it clear that it intends to try to use 1s in a deal to protect El Toro. Miller s aid. Meanwhile. the land deals be· <See SWAP. Page AZ> of six billion barrels ot oil daily. lht• amounl the U.S. currently am ports. .. We need energy to keep California healthy," he said. "We need ent-rgy to keep the United States healthy. But more than anything else. we need the energy for the world. We have " shortage of energy, but we have a surplus of babies. Predicting a world population of seven billion b y the tur-n or tht' century. the ll ungunun-born physicist said. "These f>t.'<>Pk will be wretcht>dly i;oor and their poverty will not be alh.•\ aated without energy, IC wf.' ban reac- tors, we will take 011 away from others by driving up the priC'es nnd the undeveloped countries will stay poor.'' "If we manage to develop every reas onable s ource of 1 ent'rgy-nuC'lear, ('nul, Aull, solar, 8COthcrmal-wc miJ:ht In 10 and 25 years ampro\'e our wuy of hvmg and, more 11nportanlly, help others . "lf not. the world is headt.-d toward depress ion and conClirt worse than the depression or lhl• ll)JO's and war worse than the Serond World W ur that followed. "The peoplt• advo<.·utin~ this <Stt TELLER, Page AZ~ Patty Feared Death • Ill Bank Heiress Weeps On Stand SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Putricia Hearst says her mind was swamped with revolutionary rhetoriC' and her body ravished by rape and other physical abuse when s he robbed a bank under fear of execution. Miss Hearst wept frequently as she testified before the jury for the second time Tuesday a day on which the trial judge issued a memorandum saying the newspaper heiress failed to con· vince him she was "a prisoner whose every move was made un· der the w atcb ful eye" or her Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapers . Miss Hearst, sipping water and using tissues to wi~ away tears, told jurors that she entered a Hibernia Bank branch on April 15, 1974. certain that SI.A chieftain Donald "Cinq.ue" DeFreeze in· tended to Run her down tn front of :.urve11lance cameras . She watched a replay of the bank robbery and. when asked by ·defense counsel F . Lee Bailey why she frequently glanced over her s houlder at DeF'reeze, reph('d, "I had thought that even though I wnuld go 10 and do ttlis. that he was ~omg to kill me anyway ins ide the bank " She said she reacted with das - CSee PATTY, Page A2) * * * *' * * Lust ira the Closet SLA Sex Trysts Told by Patty SAN FRANCISCO <U PI > Excerpts from P atricw llear~t "' testimony Tuesday at her bank robbery trial . Ba1lt'y : Prior to th(' makm~ of this last tape, a s best you can rl'- call, did there come a lime when one of the women cume to you and ta1ked to you about getting il · on with someone '! Philp Going To San Diego SAN OIEGO 1APJ Or. John P . Philp. pul.il1 c· health dir('ctor of Orangt• County. is munng tn lht' same job 1n San Dwgo County. Philp, 57. was na med from among 35 applicants today. He IS CXJ><'Cled ln bf.'gin his JOh March 15, making S46,500 annually Philp s ucceeds Or. J. n. As kew, who retired. Miss flearst Yes . Q . All right. Can you rv- member wht'rc you were al the llm<"' A I was 1r1 the closet. Q. Wen• you blindfolded"! A. Yes . Q. Do you remember who the speaker was? A. Yes. Q. Who? · A. AnRela Atwood. Q. All right. Can you tell us what s he said, as best you can re- member? A. She said that Twas going to s leep with William Wolfe. ~. Uh·huh . A. And so I did. Q. Did she explain to you any of th<• customs or thl' SC.A. whal their sexual pullern was thal you· were to be aware of'' A. Yes. sht.> s aid ttlat she and e\'l'rybody elsC' wantc•<l me to know mon• ahout what 1t wa~ikc hemi: in the cell with lhl'm. Q Uh·huh . A . A n d t h a t t• v <' r yo n c had lo take care of lhl' needs of other people and that :,,cxual freC'dom was a part of I.he funC'· tionin~ of the cell and that since I'd bN.•n there. ev('n though I was in the closet. that l should know more about them. The Garden Grove swap and other out of.Irvine ventur('s be- 111~ ey<'d by the Irvin•• Company have beconw a n increasingly im- portant J>art of company opera lions "' thr firm looks toward <hvers1ft<'alio11 of tlS holdtn~S . aC· •·ordin,.: 111 t•ompany Vace Pn·s1- tlcnt L.ins m~ Eberling. Gard('n Grove Mavor T~·rnard Adams recently rnrnment('d. "If Schmal lrl('S to s lop us from l'rl'atm~ JOh'> an1l u tux ba~w for our pt·opk, 1t would be ltkr kill ani:: San\,a Cluu s und motht'rhoo<l " lrv-ine Candidates Speak Q. Uow lnng aft<'r sht> had thi5 <'1111\'t'r:-atwn with you did Willie Wolfl' <''>me• in ., • At thr (•1HI of a thn••· hour ht'artnR Tu<·11duy. tht• <'ounc·tl t·hani.:t•d llw land use dl'!illl.:11at1011 for g:; ilt'r('S or lh1· :l~ <•t·ri· N1 lw s tll' frum 01wn :-purl' to plunnt•d anduslnal dt•veluµml'nl Art'orrlanl{ to Gurdt·n (;r<l\r llrhtut l>t•\'1•lopnw111 ManaJ:Pr !'\twurt Mlllt'r. a 1on1• C'IH111i.:1• and vlh('r prort.'"'tn1! .1C'l 111n" will ht• n •q111r1•tl IH'fot 1• lht• la111I t'all Ix: ckvt•lo1wd Tht• f(•dt•r al i.:ov1•r11nw111ho!<.11( fert'tl till' I rvuw ('omµany th,. Ntlw :.lh' Ill 1•xd1ani.:t• for lan!l 11ro11nd El Toro M aruw C'orp' Atr !'\tat1on. u f,H·1hty th(• Munn1·~ hd11•\•1• nta,v ht• lhrc•atl'111•cl hy nt•arby dt•n•lnpment Ttw M ur1n1·~ ur1· ath1mpt111~ to trnck thr (;11nk11 (irnv1• Nike hast' und oth1•r holdmi.:s fo1 about GIO II{' rt·~ Ill lht• 1-;1 Toro n1i.:ht pat tern. :ll'C'Ordini.: to Irvin<· Com- pany s ix1k11,man Jt'ronwCollm~ Tht' c:arckn Crewe s ilt• ha-; bt>t•n rontt':-ll•d by oth<'rs. inclucl 'UUR PAPER' AD SOLD CAR "Tht-ad sold th<' car The Daily P1lot 1~ 'our paper' for sure." That ·~ the sales succ~s stnry told by the Corona dt'I Mar Mnn \\hO placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: '13 El Dorado, xlnt C'Ond Fully cquq>. 39.000 m1'~ Pvt . Pty X1C;"t·1'Xxx If you have a car you wont to sell . call 642-5678 It onlv takes a few words in the n~ht ·place to attract a buyer Alonjt the Orange Coast the right place to advertise is the Daily Pilot. I Jury Probing Wwlly Man's Death in Jail H) KA'fll\' ('l ,i\!"li('\' 011"• o .......... ~ ... . ·rh1• Orun~l' Count~ <:rant! Jury •~ lookmi.: anlo tht• tlt•alh or a Wt'strnmster mun who muy lu1111• s11H1•n•d fatal ht'acl 1nJ11r11·-i "hll1• Sl'rvin~ u w1•c•kc•nd pll t 1•rm Jim .Jo:nri1o1ht . <'htt'f <h'puty tit~ trac t atto rn1•y, 1111111 hnth th1• Grand .Jury an!f thf• iurv ·s Cramm al J 11s tt1·1· Comm1lll'<' h:1v.- 11tarted nn •n'llll ry 1nto tht· F<'I> 2 death of 1>011 N1•l:11111, :m A <;pokcsmun for thP stale nt tomey !{<'neral ·~ ofrll'l' sn1d to.lny :in Jn\'t'Slt~ation h y that ai;(em·y into th(' cieath probablv "111 tukl' u hack seat lo I he local prnbt'. at leas t t1:mpor.inly . Ol'puty Attorney G~nt'rul nnn f\remer of San 0 1<'1{0 had request t'd initial rej>ort:-. on the death llt• could not be reached for comment toduy. But an aid<' said his investiga· lion at this point is a1mt'<J pnmari· ly at making certain an official probe is being completed. lie may conduct his own investigation later. theaade said. Nelson . a bartender at the Marlin Inn in Huntington Bea('h and candidate an las t spring's Ocean View SC'hool Dtstnct <'IC<.' lions, daed at Orange County Medical Center after lviniz m a coma Co~ wt>Ck following s ur· gery for a skull fracture . He was taken to OCMC Jan. 2.5 by Jail officials after becomtng ill - m h.is cell. At the time. he was <Stt PROBE, Page" A?) Issues Vary at Forum lrvtnl.' C1tv t'(JUn<'tl candidates hit on a wide• rang(' of issues at <i forum :,,ponsored bv th(' Parkside Community Associut1on. Thlr· lec•n candidates SP<>ke · C11ndicl;it1• W11l1am C'riM•ll 1•11 1•d h11; CXJJt'rl('OC'E' u-; a C'Nllfu•d p II h l 1 (' •• (' ,. () II n t a II t. a ' h I ... '1Uahf1c::it1on for off1<·t• 11(' pro rn1l!l'd to kt'4'P ;1 l1~hl rt•111 011 sp<>ndinl(. addtnR. "I can 't pro masc tax1•x will .:o clown I thank they will ~o up. But I'm not a hl>ender,thal'x forxurl'" Speakanl( for t·and~date Robert ~~-FOA 'BALANCED GROWTH' Mary Ann Galdo ~tarlm, Hank Adler s aid Martin nppoSt'S local housing subsidies and bellev('s the total tax burdf'n 1s hr~h enough and should not be increased. lie called for ti~hlc·n · JOJ:( cit y process for evaluatm~ proposed developments. lie said hc· would put a UC lrvmc student on a c·1ty comm 1ss1on M artm was c ampai~n1njl <'IS<'where Ctand1dutc• Carol Morris said a "drahlh' mll!take was made wht•n the c·1ty was drawn up," re· ft'rrrnit to the industrial tax ha!u? available to the• city, but not in· s1d(' the Irvine iu·hool district. Ci· ty coun('ilmen, s ht' i,aid, need to be conc·unNI with tht' protilc·m ... of school f11i;ir1i.:e Sht• also cal11•d for a be tlt•r puul1e t r,1n,11 !>ystem Cand1dat<' Hohrrt Miller '"'" he 1s pas:,m J! a p1•t 1t 11111 gal h1•1111g s1~natures to prl'~sun· th1· C1I • Council to limit rt•s1<11•11l1JI ck Vt'lopmt•nl 111 500 houM·~ a \f';1r and to prl'v<'nl s 111Js 1d1111d h<111-. mg in tlH' 1·11 y . 111• prm111M•d 111 limit growth und •>IJJ)l>W 'uh sidles IC l'lc·ct 1•d Candidate Hrut•t• I( a~ru·r ~:1111 . "The most conqwlhng qu1•stum is wheth<'r we• f':tn 11Hnnl t11 hv1• in <See FOR VM. l'n1wA2> Candidate Keeps Eye on Developers ~ 'Ed1tor'8 Note : Thu f., one of a unes of 1ntt'rv1ews Wtth candidates for the Irvine City Counctl. Sixteen c-andidote11 are vying far three open M ata to be /11/ed tn Mar~h 2 balloting. No incumbent• are seeking re· electron I "We have frequently let de- velopers pull the wool over our eyes." says Mary Ann Gaido, a candidate who also belJeves gov · ernment Jargon is clouding is- sues and that some crucial decisions have been consigned lo a lamb<> of inaction. Mrs. Gaido, 33. is a transport•· lion <'Omrrii.ssioner and former planning commissioner. Add1- t1onally. s he trns ·served on several ciliiens advisory com- mittecs in hrr six year" in lrvtn<' She lives at 5071 flcrl'an Lane· with h e r hus b a nd and two children. The rate of development of th1• city, s he cotHcnds, is the most important issue facmg Irvine "Allowing additional res1dt'n· tial d evelopment to ocrur without development of our in· dustrlal and commt'rcial tax base is foolish," she maintains. "Allowing res idential develop. ment lo occur which rt'quires a lessened level of public safety I!> wrong.•· The crux or the problem. she believes, is the clty'!'I residential development permll process. Jrvin <' iuuu develooment <See GA.fDOt Page AZ) ' ' A. Not long after that. I don·t know t':'C<JC'lly. It was lhf' s arnc night.. Q . W J •; your blindfoltl re· movC'd" A Yl•S . <./.Whal d olhing had you h1·<·n \ISIJlg Stn('I' your c·apll\ •IV" l>HI tll<'y kPC'p you tn I h1· hathrolw ur f11rnt).h yo11 •mm1· rlnlh1·:. • A. Tlwy i.:av1• 11w dotlw~. ll l>o yn11 rc·m1·n1hl'I· wh11f krnil ., ('.in you d1•:.<·11lie tht·11\ 11\ any W<•Y' A :'\11 (/ Wh1•11 Mr Wolf1• ramt· in the <S.•e tlEi\RS'f, l'al(c JU> Orani:~ .Cou" ~ .._: -·. "'c•a a hc•r V.1r1 11l>l1· hig h dmul:. IH'C'O m 111 i.: m II). t 1 v 1 loud v Thur.,d.1y l'.1td1~ log .mfl low 1"1111111~ lor111~hl ,11111 Thur..,day morn1ni.: ll1gh, 111 lhl· lu\\ liOs. Lows tlJ to :i(). INSIDE TODA\' Tho11ql1 oltu•r mn111r11 hnt1t' S1"t C !1Urp<1.,,1t'd II.~ ho.r 11/fll't' rrcord. none have copturrd lflf' pu/1/te 1maqrnahon like "Gone With the Wmd." "7. Index .... At y..,, t..rvlc.• ... ,, .... ,,_ ........... LM .. yd C.OllNrftl• Cemiu CreU-0Ht~No11o• l"dll.-1•111>• .. f•le.-Ut-•I "'MM• A) MlllWI All IM•l•t CJ Mv.it ... Al Mvl ... l l'~M\ At H4100ft•I Hew\ I•$ •• H -.... , ........... "-><-"""'---·• O> 0r ..... C.Ov•IY 01 ...... . At Syl .. t ... ,,.r A•~· 14 J M•-,,_. l'lt~t .. , . '•'-" ....... C4 U tlletto•• At 1' WOttllt• CJ World,...,. CJ ..... At (', It I t J . ., •• .. ' .... A• . ' . .\ ! DAILY Pt LOT Oetlyll'l ... tUH~ TELLS NUCLEAR NEEP. Energy R•t•arch«Tef er l'r .. r~AI TELLER ... 11:111 .ue bringing about •' tn.;1, mlwh "1" 'l' und m ore real than ltw IOlJ)!1n1•d 'l'romctheu' 'ni.1:-. .. flt <lt•,cnbed the "Promelht•u' ('n:.1:-.. · a hook and -.oon tu lw n·l11a!>ed OlO\'tl', in ca~t1c term' It has a \\ ondertul plot, · ht• ~aid, 1m1lat1ng an cnthu!>ia!>t1c rt·\ re~ er. '·A nuc lcor reactor ts ~omg wild. And lo thut you add a \\onderful love u ffa1r. It will be us~ood as 'J aws' " Tht• mo\'tt• "tll C"omt• out th1:-. :oprtng. ht' -.aid tn .1 mon• '>l'rtOu' '1•tn, :ul\1111.:. · ll "111 ht• 011 lht.., h ,I !-I <; I h (I I t h I' JH' 0 p !(· ll r C.1l1foin1.1 J.!n lo tlw poll' •Ill tllt' Klh of .lurtt• T;lfkrn.: Jbnut three Gent•ral Electric nul'lt•<.ir pow<'r plJnl t'ng1neers and an engineer lrom tht.> Nuclear ffr~ulatorv Com- mission "ho re:.1gned after cun lt•nd ms: nuclear po\\ er plant-. arc> unsafr. Teller charl(t•d. "All four 11f those people on the day of Uwtr r1·,1~nat1on!> s tepped 111to nt'\\ 1oh-. lt> ftS(hl nuclear rr,1ctnrs at 1111· ,,,mt• salan J'> bdo1 1· rht• (•nj!tn(•('r -; ha\ e bC'.i,:un 1· .1 r 11 p ''' g n 1 n ).! f or I' r o j c ct Sun I\ RI. lht• group cumpa1i:ntni: lor th1· 1n1t1at1\ c• m Cahforn1a. t) u 1•" 1 1 one d I u I er. h u wt• v <' r . 1 <'ll1•r :.aid he t·ould not doru rru•nl ht'I c h arJi?e about lhl· .inwunt ot thc1r salunes. · ~I \' stat1•m1•n b also a rc nol foolproof.· hl' :-.:.1111 uftl•r tht> tnlk "but l think I arn moicapttobeJ tunl in 11•lat1on lo the actionl> of lll'OJ>le than I am with rellctors . '' h1ch 31 l' my ftt•ltl " Tr Iler, a rC' t1rl'c1 profl''""r. :-.11d ht' ha:s no hnane1al lies tu lh<' nuclc»r powt<r rndu't r) T1•l l\or 1ksrnb<·d nuclear power plJnt-. as mud1 s afer t han fl. 11uef1C'd nalur ul s:n:, bar2es de- 'llZtWd to tlrrng i:a:-. to Lo'i \11i;1·tr11 ll;1 rbor Tho!il' barges 'Jn <'\plodt'. he ~a id, "1th more tor<'l' lhJn the ll1rosh1ma atom h11mb Ruth Rust, 82, Succumbs 1..1).lunnn Ruth J t'Hrrson Rust. a , ,.,1111•11t of Or1t1'11-(t' County for 1.;:) l'.lfll, d 1ed M onduy Mrs Hubl ''a' K2 M r<1 Hus t h v1•d most of her life 111 1\nJh1•1 m wlwr 1.• sh<' was un 11ran1w i:rovc ra11('h1•r She wa!> u an1'm lwr of t h1' llJuJ:htcrs of Am..r11·an ltt•volut111n, /l.nahc1m ..ii fl It .111011 ~lr' llu-.t rnmc'lt 111 l.aAuna10 \C',11., Ji:n Jfll·r hll\1111( ll\e<l IO Corona tl1•l M :tr In t.ai:una. i;hc "''"''''' "1th J f;()l1 lit ~;13 ;\llJ I ai.:una lk•uh•vur <1 Sun t\llr"I nri· ... on,, Warrrn Hu't or Lui.:unu llt'ut•h. BIH\011 1111.,l nf J'r ,·ir.~·ott. /\r11 • untl d.1111:h1,.r .• IJc<1111•bn Hu .. t of Cot 111n"11ocl, /1.11 1 Nu "''l\'tC't'~ 11rt• I h1•!111ft•d OAAHOECOAn DAILY PILOT o .... , ..... ,, '"·~'' ~ .... .,, .. ,"'~''"' , ...... It • 1 lh ... ..,. f .,. ' '' t""l t1.tWo1tt \'It. ,,. W'l9" l •• t I I I , 11\f l \IH•lt,41\ .. 'Wl'tl-41 I dtl""" .. Al I I \11 . #• f\111, ,,...floWVfil t ,..,,.,., flt , .. !..- "'-'•1 ' •• , •••• , ...... fill """'''''""'' ~ .fii!I,.. ~' .. ,,.. t ..... ' • • ,, ••ft• 111hl••f· ... • • ..... ,. .... ., ... ! .. ~·~·: ·.,. " •. ~~,·~i'~·;~ . ._ ·:.~r,:~.~ ........ ··,;, •• I .,., ···''""' "-'I••• I ' ,, 1 "'-'' I •ll•l•#llt 4i(l'lo ........ Ro~rlN w~ I •t • ..,.,., •• t t ~· ,,.... Jo1tk R Curll'Y \ .r, ,., ,,_,._, M.t~· 1 honM\ l<.l'l"'Vtl ' .. 1 noma~ A Murph•l'll' ,,,.,..,. ,. ........ Ch.Jr!("• H LOO.. R1(l\3rd P. N.tll Ii -w •••I M .. --.,. ..... lli\Ot\ Otfl<U Cfll '•M• , IW ~.,,f\,y'\t•wf ,..,..,. ....... ,. ,, .. <, ....... ..,..\.f,_t ,, rit ""1~n.., ,,. , .... """ ... ~'-" .,~, 1 .. t \1 .... ,,., l\1\,l\1t1"_., .. ,__, ,1 to lh•"' I , ....... T~lts>tlone 010 642~1 Ct.l~~lflf'd Aclvertl\lftt .,., 5471 Sil UIO ,,.,. ~"(h"...-' .. OS.O.JO t CtV'•,... "'' f'H•~ ,,,.,. ~ • .,,.,... C•""' 1"•"'"? ,.., '"'.," .. ~ 1u.11o ''""~""'.....,. -'1W.1at 411 "' • t "'"''''"ft •At\ ,. .. ,.,.,. ...... t• ......... ,.,.' t .. '"'•111 ~· "'' •• , • t-41" .,,,.ft •• ""''' ,.,., • •ttt·• " ,,. t 1 "' ••• r •·'1 •t r "'• -.... ..... ( e f <1 " ' at••" f>• ,lloH •t \.f f\ ,...,.""" .... '' . '~ "., ..,.,, ... , .... ~~i·• ""''·Nf~ "' ~· . Cinque 'Elated' At Heist SAN FRANCI SCO <A Pl P11tr1cl.<t flt'ur>l i.u1d tnduy th.it ht>r p3r1ir1p.-t1on 1n <• boank rob bery SO boos ted thl' t'jtO or h(•f ''hll'I captor that llt' Ntrolle<I nm fldently throuah t~· i.trt'<'t' ur Sun 1-'rancl!iCO ll<'ar<'hlng for'"'"' recrUJls to tt'rr11ri11rn Miu Hearst. tl'km11 th1.• MJnd an her own deferl!\t' for the third day. uid that t1ohorlly ;1ft1.·r I h1• April 15. 1974. bank robbery with which she 1~ d11.1rgt'tl. S> rn btonesc L1berat1on Army <·ha•f uu1 Donald "C1nqut'" ~f'rC'CH told her ''he w {llj gomg Lo rini: doorbells and tell people -.ho tw "a..'I He s aid thc-r1· "a.> M> n1uch support in the ne1ghbortJ<>od for lheSLA .. Mts~ Ht':.tr<tt "<1ttd Orfo'rrrn· later brou~hl four udull:. .ind three l'htldn ·n into Lht' ~l.i\ hideout on Goldl'n Coll' A\ 1.•nuc'. ma prel.lommantly blaek :-e<'tmn of the e1tv lie introduce-d hl•r a -. "'Tania ... ·the revolutionary naml g1vt!n to her by the SLA She s aid !>he 6aw thl' four adults ··several time!)" •tnd th.H they purchased ~rocenec, unt1 supplies for the fug1t1\'l'.., Shl• said three of thl' vis itor!> \\ere the .same persons who refused to testify for the 1:overnment lus t week Thev were Jamellc•a :'\1umlal. Retimah X and Ronald T .1h• In add1t1on. M1:-s Hearst !>aid !>h1• met a fourth person tnlroducc·d to heron b as "Brother 1\h She said she "as orderl'CI tn Oef'reeze to tell the ,.i..,1tnrs "that I had J01ned the . I.A and robbed the bank \'OlunLanl~· .. MISS Hear!>l \\a~ t·ompos<'O J ' she recalled c \'ents after the• holdup. On Tuesday. !>hl' told th1· JUr)' of bemJ? forced to JOtn 1n thl• bank robbery. t.:nder quest1onmi.: by defenw attorney F . Lee Bailey , s he said s he was afraid thttt r>eFree11· would "kill me an~" J ) m~ 1d1• 1 h1• bank" desptlt' his cl1•s1re tu h;1\e• hN sought as an accomphct• II\ the FBI. She s aid today that after th1• holdup, SLA member N:1111'} LmJ: Perry told her s h<' \\ J !> fortunate to h •n·e rl!mt:mbt•rt•d mstrucllons lo s a y h<'r name out loud durinsz the robbery. l'ro•P~AI FORUM •.. tlus city or not .. lit :.aid pt>oplc arc b~rng t axed out or lh1• t·11' tit• opposed ustni? a ny frdrrall y funded programs and oppoM•d locally financed houi.tnJ! 'ub s1d1es. Spcakinll for candidate E H11 v QUJgley. Cid Ide nted Qwgh.•.> s c-xpenencl' a<; a former cnun <'tlman. lie said Qwgley v.oulJ "ork for "bal,m crd Jlm.,..1h " lh· al~o rhaq~ed that lcx·JI subs1d1e:. for housing would d11v1· l.H payers out of town Qwglcy "•'' out or to" n (' ondtda tc Pa trick HonnN <'ailed for a sharp n'<1U<'t1on 1n the 12.000 to 15,000 new n·<1illen1., mo\ 1n.i.: into l r vinr annuall .. f'111lun• to do ~o . ht• !>atd, v.oul!I mt•an cull> in puhh(' ,.,fc·t~ .md otlw1 M'r VtC'e'< ··Thi• 1·11 ' lll't'll' to 11<• J!UH!t•d tn th1• 111•\I fo111 'c:irs ltk1• It \\ti I n1•\ l'I' 1w1·d ti ai.::i1n ... tw ''"" c i1 n d I d J I (> n .• ' I I .. u 111 . \'nrdouhs <'I led h1-c t'XJM.'nt<n1·1· nn thr <'tty planninl! eomm1"111n anti 11"' a comrnuntt\ .1 .. -.ot'tJl1t111 d1r1•ctor a!> f1Ual1t1r .1t111ns II•· :-.:11d ht< could ht'lp tht• c11\ '1t•JI "1th mu"l~t vc pro11·ct1•cl hudi.:1•1 df'r1c1ts and a numbt·r 11f oth1•1 prnhlrm' l'nndadate M.1n Ann c:u11l11 11t11d. "Whut thr nl y nt't'th '" re11pons1bl<' 1;tro" th .. <.'1tan)o[ h..r t"qWr1Cnt·t• un t ht• t r:111-.µ.11 t ullrnt and plnnntnJZ comm1•;.,111n,, 'h" quoltd lrvuw ('omµany l'n''' dent Raymond J .. Wnt1'on a' ron tf'ndlng the re('t•\SIOll IS slOWIOj.! izrowth o( lr\'m1"~ 1111lu.'<lrtul ta'I bn~e. Thf' city n<>ed11 to pla n to balanC'~ orr lh~ 11low1"<11nllu~trlal growth . she sn1d. Cnndldntc ,John A<lnm~ c•11<•d hi!I t'XP<'rl<'nre :ti\ d1rrctor of publil' work!'! 1n CN11l11s II•· qulpJl{'d , "Thi" 1.; tht.• only up portur11t v you will lrnvf' lo vott· for t1 John Adu m!'I in lhr h1crnt l'11 01111 y1•ar .. lie s:ud he oppc-....1· .. subs1d1es for hnu'l1 ni.: "l•:v1•n 11n1• who Ii vcs m Irv Int'." he ~ il 1<1. "should have the opportunttv to i:et hert> as YOJ.J t1 nd J 1101 ht•n• Cand1datl' GeorRl' Kfl".-;lrr ':ltd he supports USlnJt federal or 11tat1• howunlit funds 1f available l want to m ake it possible for m v parents and m y ch1ldrt>n to hH' here," he said. Growjh 1s "go1n~ O\'erboard." be said. Candidate Geor ge l\frClurt• said the C'ily cannot afford the lowt-sl-growth option of th<' 1teneral plan. M a1ntenance :ind other services on the open space land wall make that plan too ex· pensive for the lowe r populnlton. huaid . Candidate David Sills proposed estabhshinA A cit17.cns rcsearC'h bureau to s upplant some of tM expensive consultant ~tud1e~ thl· city has <'ommtssiont'd lie also propo1't-d councilmen be 1tm1tcd tol"A'Olerms. • u .. 1 .......... 'RAVISHED BY SLA' Patty Hearst Testifies PAITY ... beht>f \\hen the SI.A tolt.I her thl!\ "erl' gomg lo rob a bank .md s h;. "ould partt<'tpatt'. The\ :o.atd lht·\ nt•t>ded mon1.'} .,ht• lt•.,l1 fll .. 'l.I . u11;1 that DeFn·1.•1(• v. Jlltt'll me It• bl.· \\antedb' Utt• l''BI .. The ba•.is Clf !'111-.s Hearst 0!> <le• fcnsc 1:-. that 'ht• part1c1pated m the holdup under lhrl'al or death The Jurors I 1s tened mtentf\ Tue:.duy a:-. the d e fc nd ~.111l test1f1t.>d bet ween replays of th1· IJJX'" i;h1.· .,aid ),hc rt'C'orded tn blind ll•1 ror Slw lold thl'm of hl'llli: ron•t·d tu h;t\ l' H''IU :tl 1ntt•rt11urst' \\1th l><'f1e1•11• ancl SLA memh1•1 \\'t lltt• Wolfe 1n t ht rl'll hi..•• 1 I"" l'l "' h t' r t• s h 1 • \\ ., s I. l' µ t hltnllfoldt'd HJ1h.'~ said :.11:.s llear;l would 1.•un1trlUe her \J$:J tod:.t~. hl•r thud d.1~ on the stand, a., :.ht• rnmr, tn to "hal ht• l'Onl'l'dl'~ IS lht• ··s11C'k1est pomt" m her defense a shoottnl! :.pre<' that le-d indirect I) 10 tht• cll•Jths of De fo''rl•t•H'. \\'1llte \\olfe and four other SLA mcmbt>rs 111 a '>hootout Thi• cll'fendanl has adnutt<.·cl :.pro) mi: u Los Angt•lt·~ s porting goods st on· ~1th rt tit' ft rem what :.he rla1mt>d w 11s Jn SI.A-induced n•nex t n frt•t• l w o SLJ\ mem bt.•rs from d bun~ll•d !>hopltftini.t at km pt A p1s tol l<>ft on thl'stdewulk and .1 lcN1 -agt•r t 11kt·n hosta1:e over night plus oth1•r dues led Los 1\ngeleit pohct.· to the s hootout an whtch th1• SI\ St.A members died Mdy 17. 1974 The Jury will see u .. 1deolaped news cast of the r1ery afl<'rnoon, Batley su1d. l S Atty Jamt•i. L Urowning Jr "onal•ruc1ulv1ctorylastWed nt'Sdllv \\hc•n ll S Dt:.t. Jud).!l' Olt\•t•r J CurlN nllowed the l.11!> Angell'' .1ct1 \'ll1t·s and Mi s~ lll'ar,l's lope rccordt'd worcb a s 'Tania" to be admitted anto t'\ 1d1•nl e * * * f"ro. P~AI HEARST ... t•lo,1•1, \\hat did he say and do" A 1 lfon'1 reully rt•memht•r \\hat. tf arw tlHng, ht• sa 11l t) Did lw 1 akt• you uul of th1· dosl'I " /I. !'<o <J \\'h,1t 1l1d lll'<lt•. 1\ I h• 1· :11111• 1n 1 .. I hC' dosd .ind h1• 1'10 ... 1·tl the• dn11r (> 11111 ht• m Jkt• yuu ltt• do" 11 rm llw n 110 r .. \ \I'' (1 And t h1•11 what dul tw do ' 1\ lfttd M'\U,tf 1nt1•1<'Ullf''it' () At '101111• t1m1• otflt•r thal d11I -.11rn1·on1• c•t .. 1• 1 11m1• tn 1111' t·lu't'l lut Lht• -.Jlllt JIUI 1111"1' \ y,., ~ llo" Ion~ :ift1·1 • A MJ\ht•a-..1•ck t~ \\ho" '' ti • 1\ It"·" C'1nq u1• Q 1>111hc·1l11 lh1• 'Jm1· thini.: \ \ l'' * * * Bailey Tells 'Hearst Dies Today' Call SAN FR/I. ~Cl~C'O (lJ Pl) -Al torney f . l.t-t• H:lllc•y :.a11l lrwlay that ;a <":tll('r iclrnt1f\1n1ot h1mwlf "' a m 1•mh1•r of t ht• ~1·w Wm Id l.tlwrut111r1 ,..1 nnl half told J tel<' .. l"lon !\lalwn · llundotph ltt'l1r'lt tltt'' toth1y ' n 3 I h· \ I 0 I d 111• v. ' Ill I. n J II\ I h('fon• th1• upl'lltnJ.! of tod.t\ ·" '<.'"ston of the l'aln<·1a ffrat"'I tnal that h<' had only fraRm<>n lary <IC'ta11 ... but undentood lht• call was mnde to a Lele\ ls1on s ta- ticm rn Los Angele~. · Are you k1dd1n11 '" a reportl'r a~kl.'d · :\o. I'm not," Ra1lry<1a1d Tht> New World Liberation F'ront ha'I takt'n rei;pons ibthly for IMI wr('k 's Sl m1lhon bomb· in~ at the Hearst e~tate at San Si- meo n, which the radical te r· rortst!' snid was 1n retaliation for Mlsjj Hearst ':i1 denunc iation of the S~ mbionei<e Liberation Army at her bank robbl'ry lt111I. tlenrst said hc hod heard of the <"Bil and added "What kind or re action can ) ou h ove to a Lhing hke that'" Gen·ymander Rap Hits Battin fh· TOM lli\Rl.t:\ OC •• Otllf "'"""'°IC Orun)o!t' ('o unt} ~upC'n 1sor Robt•rt ll.1tt111 v. ll:-. u1.·cu:o.l'd tn l'OUrt tod.I\ Of plHnl\111).! tlw 1').!t•r r\'1t1Jfllh•1 Ill~. of ll1trl or lrn. "'" 'l Supt•n tMH lal l>l!l llll'l Ill ll llld tu 1ndudl' m ut·h <lf \\'1•,l111111i.tt•1 111 hts 1unsd1t·t tun ' Oeputy 1)1,tnrt A1tc11111•\ J Jt'I. Rvun toll! Sup1·r1or Court Judi.:1· Kt'nncl h L:w durin~ (1Ul''>ll1•n111~ that 1.>1 ou).!hl ddt•n•w allur 111•\ ~~allht'v. K urilu·h to hi' ft'l't tn fury that Baum " ,um v. .L, "lu J?31n tht-1nllut•1H'l' ul DN1'k MeWhannt'\ f\nc1 H) an poanlt•J Olll liunrw Jr2u1ng t h.n hruu).!hl l11Hh lav. 't>r' r('prt m :.rnlio; from .I ud).!t' I. at' I h ,1 t II .at I 111 ' .d It•).! ttl rt'(lr3\\lnl! of tht d1,tn1t 'hou11 t!ancs eamt' Jt J tlOll' \\hl'n tht• <•rand Jury "a:. 111vv:-.t1).!.1t111,.: Mc\\ h1nne) Judi;e Lae \\a!> to l1I that Mc Whinne). thl'n mu yor of f'ro• Pa~AI SWAP ... mg viewed l>.v tht• I rvinl' Com pany are becomm.: a luri;rr part of the corpora lt.• ptl'lurt•, Ebl•rl mg said Tut•-.cla ~ In add1t1on t o till• (i Jl'tll!n Grove s ilt•. th1• ftrm 1:-. 1•11n~11t1•1 1n~ other go, t'rnml'nl trddt·'> such a!> a \\ arehou-.t• t·11mf1h·x 111 San Francisco m t'\t•hangt· for the land around El Toro Also. the compan' has offen·d to buy th.: nld Fort Worth. Tcxa~. airpo rt . a fac 11tty r ecenll) replaced by a UJlla:>·Forl Worth regional factltl) The company, \\ h1rh rould bl' d a m a ~ e 11 h y a b u 1 I d 1 n g moratorium in In tnt'. has bt•Aun looktnJ: al other arl•us as an in !>Urance pol1<·). Eberhn~ :.aid Add1t1onully, 1t gl\1·~ tt11• l't>rn pany a future ht•}ond tlw hm1tl·d I rv1ne Ranc h 1H·1 t.•J).!1', ht• po111tt'd out If JX•ndtl1j.! Oftl'I' 1111 a lai.POVl't h) !\lohtl Otl ;11·1• a1·1•ppt ~·tl. Elt1•1 I 1ng ~UIH(l'Sled. lhP firm lllJV move further 111t11 dt\l't~tftl'alwn of its holdtn~s in lht• f11tun· On the (;a11.k11 Cit0\I' :-.111., t·11rn pa11y s pokesmc>11 !-.Jtd that no fmal tr.1n~Jct10n h,1 s lx'l'O a~rt'l'U upon bl.'t \H•1•11 t h1• frdt•r .11 1.?m t'rn m~t ant.I lht· In tnl' Compam 1 f"ro• Pag~ 11 I PROBE ... 't'n mg tlw r1n.1 or fl\ 1· \H•c·l.t·ncl Jatl I t•rm' on J drunken d11' 111~ <'Oll\ICllOll \\ t"litmln)!lt•t and plnnrun~ t•om m1111110nl•r T 111I FuJ1la wt>rc m d1ctt•ll on brtb<.'ry <'hur.:,•s that lutl'r brou.:ht about their convir 11on It \4 ,1') al-.n not<'d Ill i-tH l'lll'd 111l't11ul ud1un t hut 11;·p~·ah'lll)' · lxn1,,.1 m·1.·r into oq:umt•nts und repnmunds from tht• bench that both mt•n wt•rt• l'Ull\'lt'kd 1111d 1h..it Uotttn himself \\,&s C'alkd bt•rort' tltt' (;rand Jury durm~ 1\), 1n,·e11t1i:atwn into wh;Jt Hyan t·Jllt•d the "M tic &1uJrt• Parl.. M':.rndal '' At l'l:.ue in the pre~ent he:mni.: " Hallin'!> l'la1m that ht• fort•, a1min11I <'harl!es <'onta1n1'Ci m .. c;1 :rnd J ury 1nd1ctment !)cl'au!>e nf d"C'nmln aton orosrcuuon 1at•ttt·s practtct•d tJ\· D1stnr t :\t tomeyCe<'1I Hicks The he aring as no" 1n 1l!> :-.evt'ntb "eek. And then• wa:-. 1111 tnd1C'at1on today "hen Battin·~ actual trial on seven felony C'ounts of grand theft. m1sap- propnat1on of public funds ancl f11tng false pay claims might be gm. r Those C'harges are based on 111· le~at1ons that Hallin repeatedly misused h is oCficc staff and pnvrleges when he wa.-; unsuc- cess fu lly C'ampalgn1ng for L11.'utenant Governor in 1974. Ryan again hammered awav today at Battin 's descnption of the "tie rs of influence" in Oran~e County po litics that. tht• witness claims. had C'Onstantly been Investigated and persecut t'<I since Hicks became d1stm·t attorney. Toda y Battin ldentiried htm!>elf. Dr. Lours J. Cella, M1s- s 1o n Vlejo rant'her Ri<'hnrd O'Neill and the late Fred Harber as t-arly members of a coaht1on that was formt>d "sometime between 1968 and 1900 " Rattan to ld Ryan that formc•r Firth Distrt<'l Super\'isor Ronald Caspers became a member oflhl' l'Oaltlaon opposed by J he.ks m 196!) Cas per:-. :ind llarbcr Wl're .1mon).! a numbl'r of peoplt• 1trowned tn Jun<'. 1974, wtll'n ltarber's yacht "Shooting Star" foundl'red off Ba1a California. Ryan today resume-d his bid to ftnd some locatw n other than thl' M1!1~1on Community Hospital 11\ !\t1,.s1on Vit•Jo whcrl! lht• coal1tio11 dl'st•ralled by Hallin held Jts rnt•t•l111.i.:s . Out Haltrn appcJr<'d to tw 11na· hie 111 r ecall any other IO<'alton for '>llt'h coahttnn j;?:.tthl'nnJ!s and told tht• pros1:rutor that lhc Mt:.· !>ton Community Hospital w:is w1<.'d "hPcau!>c I J?"ucss it was r<m \t•1111·nt for Dr . Cella and O'Nc11l .. This Safe's R eaJ,ly Sa/ e ~\\ ll)ltF,ZU tl l'l > 11111 .:I.tr' 'tolt' j :-..1f1• from J '-.111 l.1111•11111111111111 h11:h 'l'hti.ll Jnd l.lt'ICO\l'I Cd thl·~ l'\lUld11 '111µl'11 II I n f 1 u •.t r .111 on. th,. 1h11•\ ,., t•ut t ht• :!:1 pnund "·'fl' 1111th1•1.11ltuJd 11ack:-. .11111 "a1t1·1t \ SoutlH•t n l'an flc tra111 h1t th1· ,,1ft• k 11od.i11i; tl ·Ill frt'l d11\\11 t h1· 11.1d,>1 H ",,,''di ~1·.1l1·d '' h1•11 found ll\ .llltl11•1 1t ,,., f 'ro• Pog~ A I GAIDO • • • Jlt'I 11111, 11 .... 1•d un .1 point :-\l>lt•m Ill'\ 1'1111w1-... .:et pointi. for ,l\t\llal.11111\ of ''''H'r'. \\Ul<'r poh<'l'. ltn• µ1t1tltl1un and Ulc 111..l' Tht•\ nrn .. 1 1lTl't\1• :!II of 11 po:.!.1blt• :15 po111h to rt'l't'l\'t' ap pro\' al "Tht' 11·Md1•11t1:1l tlt'H'lopment permit pr01 l'I>' " 1wl work mg," s he contend:. 'Ttw t•ounc1I ~1v1•!> permits lo all I hl• th•H•lopers "ho C'ome m I d hkl· to l>l'C the pro cess ti£hll'n1•t! up.·· During ht•r y<'ars on <:ity com- missions. RO\ 1:rnnwnt Juq;on has become a sore 1>01r1t , Mrs. Gaido said The• j:iri:on . ~ht• bi.•licv<.'s. in hib1ts r1t111•11 111,·olvt•mcnt rn city l(overnm1•nt "Surt• ,·ou have c1111rn purt1t1pat1011 'l;ht• peoplt· <'Omt' 111 anrt g1·t a lot of J:Ob blt•dys:ook and thn ·11· 1•mbar r.1sMtcl to 'av that atwv don't un d11r!>tand " She prnm1't'' "rlt•a1 JangUtl$!1'" Ill Cl(\. h>Jll ti 1•ll1('1l'll On lht> $!t•n1•r.il pl;m l,1nd u-.l' option eventually to he M'lcctt.>tl by the cit). l>hc ma1ntums lhul none of the thr<'t' t·urrcnl option:. are aeceptablt•. She fn,ors a "h }brid option" that would rncludc n lot of open s pace ant.I a,.:r1t•ulture, bltl perhaps "11 h h1i;hl•r rt•s1dcnttul dcnst11~ than forC'M'<'n in any or thl' ex1stm~ ~ro" th plan:.. Althous:h desirable. she points out. the open spact' \\ould be t•x pensive 111 t<'rms of maintenance :ind acqu1s1t1on unl<•ss hulanccrt by dcvl'lnpml'nt t•b<'" ht'rc She bt•llt•\•r ., th<· 1·1ty should rontmur tu ha' 1• a vn11·(' m di' \ clopmt•nt <>f lhl' I rvrnc Com pany's t•oai.tal lan<I hc'lwccn lrvtnt'. Nt•wport Brach and l,a~unn n <'ach. httl ShC' c>ppose!> unnrxation oft he l:ind. On housm i:. s he opposes USC of 1-::-,11 t ~I XC'l> for :<ubs1d1t's. but l>d1c•vco; lht• t'1ly !>hould pursw· ~my fert1•r.tl o r :-.tatt• he>u."tn~ sul1· :-.1dy funds th:at may bernnw availabh· She r a vnro: "a rford:i ble housin~ for .1 \ Jril'ly ol pt•oplt•" and lx•ltt'H''> "th1· 1·11 v '' heod<'d m the nght dtrt'C'l1on" "1th rt•qum• nwnts that to perrC'nt of the n1•w homt•-. ht• pnn·d tor mcx.lcr atc 111 c·omc> famll1C'~ F:nr1.:ht 'iJHI TUl''c1Jv th\• Crand Jur~ l!> 1 ""llCHL"hh· for ,in on )ZlltnA 1rt\t·:-.t1~·Jt11111 ullo J.111 t'orlllltions .ind '"1111ld not II>! nort"' d11•1•k tn~ 111111 ;my Jatl l'l'lull'd dl'.tth Thl' 1! .... tnt'! ;illotnl'} s ofr1l·1• v. 111 bt• look111~: mto lhc rnall<·r a' "''II. f•:11r1~ht ~atd , ai. an .1•1\ 1~11r 2-week Delay OK'd For V allerga Trial loth•'l;rund .Jun Former Orans:c County n~ llut "' f.11 111· l·11nt11111t•1I. ,tl l h1..., 1>£':0.M>r Jack Vallcrga has been urt11·1• h:" t 1·1·1·n 1•d alt' 111it1.il n · .:runtt•d u two WN•k delay of a ports from lh1· i.hrrtff'I'> offt r t'. :" con::.p1ra<·y trial that was rocent· Wl'll "' rnrr1>-.p111Hl1•111·1· f111n1 •111 ly transferred to Kl'rn County .1ll1H nt•y for:\< 1 .. 1111·, \\ tdow. B<111 Superior Court in Rakersf1eld. n11· VJllC'r,1w. 54, will now go nn Th<'\. ran cl J un• ha' not v1•1 di• I nal Ma rch 1. tht• dale M'l fort ht· <1dcd1f1t "11ltallfurt1.•i.1trno1l\l0 tnal nf Con2reso;man Andrl'w lh1•111alll'r J-:111 ·~·hi sa11t lltnshaw on tdt'nlical C'huri.t<'!i Fnni.:ht '"'"J .\I 1' '\..fwn·, at llt11!-.h~1w . 53. will bt• tnc•cl 1n S:in· IOI m·~. Hoh1•1 I Dt•' Jartltr"· h..... I.I Arin :"hd ht' nfflrc• to tn\1·.,t1i::.1tc• Hnk1•r!!f1elc1 C'ourt offtctals who Hut hefnte• th.al tl'flU'''t "a:. 11• 1ndtC'lltrd Tu l'~tJay thal jurv 1·1°1\r•cl hnth lh1• C:r.md .lurv anti . •wl1•ction wa .. 11r11h•r W J) in th•· 1'11n11 11JI J11,t1t·1· l'omm1tt1·1• \ .1llcri;:a <'.Js c 1•xplalnt'll today .111 1••1th h.td 11•11111· .. t• d """ 111 th.11 th1• tr111I wa .. 11rllrnlly u' \ 1•,t tJ!JI tnn lw ot,.all "l.:'11•11 tn .J utht1· I'. H Hot11111 ... I It• ':lltl 1111· a).!1•n1·v "1111 h<'rk to t•u11r1r11oin . :-.1•p tf tht•n• Wl'rc· .111v 1·1111\111al Tht•y •;11i1t ~ poncl of prO!>Jl('1· \lol.1t1<>11' •11 \111l.1t1on-. nf pro lt\ll' 1uro1s h:id h1'1•n ~wnt In th111 1·1•du rt'' 111• 1•ou Id not pr.·1l1rl how 1·11ur1 room i;h11rt ly b<'forc the t•on lnn.i: thc· 11111b1· 1111111tl L1k1• tmuancc waK J(rantl'<I. F'f»r China Trip "At thl' po111t that the 1nforma · lion w;1s rc·kas<>ll lo the press we• werr utllll'r t h1• 1mpresi.wn thut we hall a tria l un1Jtor way here.· th<' n111rt off1nal c•x plamcd. At .... -.111• tn rh1• Bt1k c•rsfll'lll trial l'i I h1• .ti I 1'1' a t t0n tit.ti \'al11•ri:a \\as one 11f :1 nu m her of <'mploye-. 1n tht• ,..,.., •. ,,or's office who JI c r m 1 l l c II l' 11 u n I y l 1 m c•. rnalt"rtub aml ma11p11w('r to ht· USf'd dunni: 1·ountv .1sscssor An dn•w llmshaw's -.ucrr·i.-.rul bid forCnni:r ci.' m 1'172 V:11l1•1 i.:a \\.ts 111n\'11lrtl 0 11 mult1pll' cn m1n.tl cha1 J:•'' l u .. t /\u,::1"1 Ill a 111 ,d hl'ltl 111 V1•ntur.1 1 'rnml v S11 pc•rtr1 r Court llr w.1 .. t11wd s 1,1.100. t1•m11111·1I Ir 11111 <'Olli\ l v nfl 11 1· 11 nd orlfc· rt'fl t .. 'cn1• a 60 1Jny 1atl 11•1111 Tiii' f1n1• and 1:111 1 nm h11 v1· h<·1·n 11t.1yt'tf Jll'ndmit .1 ruling on hi!> a ppt•nl. Nixon Leaves Friday F'ormC'r PrM1dent H1rh:ird M "liaxon wtll d<·pJ rt for (.'h1n,1 from l.o:oi Ani:e•lt•" l nt1•r11at 11111J I Airport l''rtd.1). not El Tnro ~1ar1nc ('01 p:-. St:Jtton al\ had bet>n SPl'<"Ulutt•d l'Hrllt'r Pres 1dt>nl Foi tJ !>J)"> J\1xon ts ~oinJ? t o Chm.• u., u prtvnlt• e1t1zen :ind not to ht• 1nvolvcc.l 10 any rorc1i::n poht·y mattcro;. Ford told a n ews confC'ren('f" Tuesday night he !l<1w no reason to ask the former pre"l1dent to poi;tpone or canC'el thl' trip, which begins Salurdav "Mr. Nixon 1-; ~om~ to thC' People's Republic of China ac, a private C'1tlzen at th<• 11t\'llat1on orthal govt>rnment." Fnrd uld "I don't be lit"' t"' for an~ alleRt''1 political purpo11r11 th;it I ir.hould intervene with the invitation of a ·foreign go\'ernrn1·nt lo httVl' l• pn\'ate American dtucn \'IStl Lhat country." A~k Whl'lhJr the trip would flt0ch11·<' any rom plicut1on!i ro1 I 1 S forc•tl(n policy. For<l ~;1111 , Noni• whatsoever " A-. prcs1dl'nt, N1llOn rcvenccl l ' S 1>oltcy toward the Com mum.,t mainland to On(' of l><'l'k· mg aC'C'Om modation rut her th;in maintaining an 1ry distanc<' Thi.' anvitalton t"I viewed j{Cneratlv :1~ rearrtrmataon by Peking of its In · tere:i1t In detente and possibly ;1~ a subtle SUl{Jtes tion that relation-. \\llh the United Stat<'S are not proccedinJ? fast enough. In this country. meanwhile. there are suftgestions lnal Nix on 's lrip will draw attention from the New H ampshire presidential pnmary w h ich will be held Tues· dav ~ htle Nixon Is In China. Ford :i1<ald lh~•t while Nixon ha., received "pe riodic briefings o r 1nformt1tion concerning world 11f· fairs," he was given no special hru•r11111111 rc•l11t inn t11 l11-. \ ,,.t N11w11 w11l !1•11v1· 1At"l /\n1'PIM ut .1 lloul •1 a 111 Fr 111.1 \ for 1lu•Itt11 l11 l'1•kt11j.: ill" "tfl fl} Ill .1 ( htnt•'.t' ll111·inr. io7 11•t l1n1•r '' h11'11 ,., :-1 lwtlult'd to 1111111 al .1 ltltl1· ll'i('tl "'rt 111n nf l.n°' /\n1tl'l1•-. lnlt•rna t1 onJI A1rpnrt nbout thr<'t' hour' bdnri• tht• {lt'JHI rt 11 re• On 1to; tnp 10 thc trn1lC'CI Stair'. thl' plJne pick' UJJ a l 1 ~ 1\1r f'orcc t'i.<"nrt crew ul Tokyo. a mllltarv c;pokec;mon tn Jlnnnlulu '""! Tht: plan1• \\ 111 1·ont111u1• 111 \'anrou\l'r, U.C . th<·n on to 1.(1' l\ngl'IC'<1 Thl' lJ S. crl'w 1, rompoo;l'd or .1 na\ 1gnt11r anti a 11t1ol. Tlw l'hin<":-.t.' cn•w 1s comr<>•wd or 1:-1 people. The jl'tltnl'r will tnk<' lht• Nix ons fir:o.t to Anrho1 n~l'. Alas kn • then to Tokyo. whl'rl' the All' Jo'orc<' t'scort <'rt>w wlll lt<'l off ~fnrr tht• ftnAI lf'g to Pck1Mt. the .spokesman aatd. ' 7 ~aguna/South Coast - Today's Closing N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 69, NO. 49, 6 SECTIONS, M PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1976 TEN CENTS Anti-nuke Vote, Poverty Tied-Teller By DOUGLAS FRrnscHE • Ol llM O•llf ...... w..fl A vote for Proposition lS he anti nuclt'ar cncrjly meu:.urc Is a vote for poverty, fJmane und war, In lht' \ l('W or Edward Teller . .., phys1<:1st who:>e ties to nuclear energy date to research on the first a tom bomb. The Cahfornia anta·nuclear poWU i1:11t1at1ve lS part Of a na· tionwide effort to cripple the country 'a potential to develQP nuclear energy sources, be told a s tudent audience at Oranee Coast College Tuesday. He does not claim that nuclear reactors are foolproof. "lf anybody says that an tn· strumenl JS foolprool. the fool wall lurn out bigger than the pro- of," he said, drawtng laughter from the more than 400 students Sofe11uards on nuclear power plants, he aa1d, have prevented uny loss or li re or threat to life from an accident in the tustory of the nuclear power industry. "Loss or money. ye:.. Loss or lJves or even health. no," he s1ud. But loss or nuclear poYrer as a source of energy, he predicted. will be disastrous. By 1985, he s aid, nudear energy can supplant the burmng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Muit on a Motorlrike Some dug~ will do anything to please their rnastl'rs. a s 1s demonstrated by this "Ea!Sy Htd~r·• cruising south on the Santa Ana fo'r<!eway Tuesday. The bizarre s ight i.t(jrtled motorbts. inrluding two Highway Patrolmen. who were too busy writing tickets lo c heck up on the legality of car· rying canine passengers. A piece of car pel on the tank top keep; the pup from slip· ping off during cornering. Irvine Co. Eyes Swap El Toro Land for Garden Grove Ni~ Site? 8\ DOl Gl .. \S •'RITZSC'JIE Of tM D4Hf ,..,._ l4:4H Gardrn (;rovt:' roun('llmen haH' l'hJlll!l'd .1 i.:enl'ral plan de- ~1gn.1t1011 for .1n Jbandon<'d Nike !'>Ile. t'a.,mi.: lhl' "ay for a pro Ptl~t'd IJ1H1 :-." Jp bt:twecn the Irvine Compan) and the U.S. Marirll' Corps sate from open space lo planned industrial development Acrording lo Garden Grove Urban Development Mana1oicr Stwart Miller, a zone changt.• For Chino Trip and other processini: actions will be required before the land can be developed. The federal ftovernment has of· <See WAP, PageA2> • or six billion barrels or oil daily. the amount the U S. currently imports. "We need energy to ket'p Callfornla healthy," he :.aid . "We need energy to ket'p the United State~ ht.>ulthy. But more than ~nyttung else. we nct!d the energy for the world We hin•e a shortaa:e or encrg), but we ha\C a surplus or babae:.. Predicting a ..., orld population of seven billion by the turn or the centu ry, the Hungarian-born physicist sold , "1'fiese people will be wretche<Jly poor ana tne1r pe>\'erty will not be aJle\ 1ated without energy. U we ban reac· tors, we wall take oil nway from others by driving up the pnccs and the unde\'eloped countnl·:. will stay poor.'' "If we manage lo dt!velop every reasonable source or energy-nuclear, coal. ~us. :.olar. geothermul tl nus:ht 111 10 und 25 years am prove our w11y of ltnng and. more Importantly, help others. "lf not. the world b ht'aded toward dl•prt':.saon and ronnact wor:.e than th<> depr~1on or lhc 1930':. and y, ar wor:.e than the St°('()nd World War that followed. "The people advocPllnJt this <See Tt:LLER, Page A!) Pl:ltty Feared Death • ID Bank Heiress * * ~ * * * Lust in the Closet -weeps ----SLA Sex Trysts p~~.~~~~~~~ Told by Patty was swamped w1!h re,olutaonar~ SA~ FRANCISCO <l 'PI 1 this l;ist tapt', a~ bci.t you ran r; rhetoric and her bod} rava1¢cd by Excerpt:. Crom Patricia lleari.t s rail. dad there· 1·omt• a lime whl•n rape and other phy!'>acal abuse tt.•st1mony Tuc~day at her bank one or lht• women came to you when she robbed a bank under robbery trial and talkt:'d to you ..,bout getting 11 fear of exerutaon. on with som<>ont··1 Miss Hearst wcpt frequently ai. Halley: Prior t o the making of Mass llears l : \'cs. s he testified before the Jury for Q. All riithL Can you rc - lhe second timt' Tue:.day a day member "here you were at thl' on which the trial 1ud~e issued a 2 Cle~nnte 11me? memorandum say an ~ the ••-.c-A.l wai.inthcrlo!'>cl. newspaper heiress failed to con· Q. Were you blindfolded? vince him ahe wu •·a prisoner v 0 Set A. Yes. whose every m ove was made un· C 1 m"'8 Q. Do you r~membcr who the der the watchful eye" or her speaker was? Symb1onese Liberation Army Candidates for the San ~.Yes. k1dnapers. CJemente City Council ().Who? Miss Hearst. sippmg water and have been invited to two A Angela Atwood. using tissues to wipe away tears, forums.Thursday. Q. All right. Can you tell us told jurors that she entered a Candidates will appear what she s1ud, as best you can re· Hibernaa Bank branchonApnl 15. at 4 p.m . at the municipal member, 1974, cutam that SI.A ch1crtaan flOlf course clubhou:.e to A. She said lhal r was going to Donald "Cmque" De Freeze an-address member~ or the sleep with W11l1 am Wolfe. tendedlogunherdownmCrontor Presidential H e ig hts IJ Uh huh surveillance cc1mera!> Homeowners Association. A And so 1 did She watched a replay of the At6.30p.m .. candidate!> Q 01d s heexplamtoyouany o1 bank robbery and. when asked by will be featured 31 a dmm•r the customi. of the SI./\, what defense counsel F . Lee Bailey meeting of the S an lh<'irSl!xualpJlll'rn"'u~thalyou <See PATTY, Par_eA21 Clemente H1stoncal Soc1e-\H•rt•tobeawart•of'.' ty at the community A. Ye~. !>ht.' baid that ::.he and clubhouse. everybody e ls<' wantc.•d me to know more about what al wa!> hkc being an the cell with them. Thl' (;ardt•ri (;ro\·r swap and othl'I' out nf In IOl' V<•nture!> b<>· IOI! t·~ 1•d hv I h1• In in1• Company ha' l' lw1·nn11· an llH'rt'ai.m).!ly im· poi tant p.11 1 of 1·ompnny opNa 11011' "' lht• firm looki. lo\Htr<I dl\t•r ... 1llr.1l10n or ll!'> hol1hnl.!i.. J(' t·orlfanJ: to !'om puny V1l'C Prl'~I· cknt l.an,1111.! Etwrhn..i Nixon Leaves Friday Rice Rejected As Candidate Q. Uh huh. /\. And that everyo n e had to take care of the needs of other people and that sexual freedom was u part cir the func- tioning or lhl' C'l'll und that sinre I'd be1•n thcrt', even though I was 1n !ht' closet. lhut l should know more about th<•m At th1· t•ntl nf .1 lhn•t• hour h!'anni.: T111•,l(.I\ lh1· <·ou1H'll t•hJn~1·1l till' Jami u''' 111•-.ij.!nul inn for R5 .1<, ,., of th,• :!:!X .1rn· :\1k1• Former President Richard M Nixon wall depart for Chma from Los Angeles lnlernat1onul Airport Friday. not El Toro Manne Corps Station a:. hud bet•n sperulatl'd e<trhrr Prei.tdcnt Ford :.ay!'> Nixon ,., ~o East, l'oung Man' ~oang to China as a private ('1t11.en and not to be involved in any Corc11tn pohry matters Ford told 11 news confrrenc<' Tut''!day n1J:hl he s aw no reason to ask the former pre-..dent lo poslpC1ne nr ranrcl lht• trip, Delly ,.. ... Ji.ff .... "Greeley." \\ho looks as 1f he'd advise be- ing any" hl're hut where he is. was among · 100 dogs S:J\'C'n :;hoL5 at the rabies clinic in Laguna Bca<.'h Tuc:;day ~ponsored by the local veterinarians and the Lions Club. Dr. Mike Loge admmistered the vaccine to Greeley. while fnend Norm Weingarten administered a f nendly pat. which begins Saturday. "Mr. Nixon .., going lo thr People's HepubliC' of Chm:i m. a private c1l1z<'n al the anv1tat1on of that tzovernml'nl," Ford said "I don't bl'ltl'\t' for any alll'l!<'d political purpo~es that l s houlct intervene "1th the anv1tat1on of a foreign i:overnml'nt to hav(• a private American eallzl'n v1i.1t that countr} .. Ask whether the trip would produce any complication:. for US foreign policy, Ford i.u1ct, "None y, hat:-.oev<·r " As president, Nixon revrrs<'d l1 S policy toward the· Com munisl m :11nlJnd to om· or ),l•(•k· tnl! accommodat1on rather than ma1nt:11n111j! an u·y r11slanrc· Tlw 10v1tat1on •~ 'wwt•d gcncrnlly u., r<'Mfirmatwn hy P'·kini: of 1b in ter<'sl an dell'ntc anti poi.~.1hly us a subtle sug ~e..,t1on I hat n·lullon11 w1lh th<' l 'n1terl Sl:ih:s arc not f>rt)Cl'cdlllj.( fa~l l'nOUl!h In th1~ country, mt•anwhilr, there arc s ugl(c•-.t1nns tnut Nix on's trip will drow alt£•ntmn from the New llampsh1rc prei.11lt•n1rnl primary which will be h<>ld Tue:.· <S.-e NIXON, Page A2> 'OUR PAPER' AD SOLD CAR "The act sold the car. The Oaaly Pilot is ·our paper' for~urc " That ·s lht' sales succl"ls story told by the Corona del Mur Man who plac<'d lh1:. ad an the Daily Pilot '73 F.I Dorado. xlnt cond 1-'u lly ('(fUIJ> J!l,000 mi's Pvt Ply X),,X XX~JI( H you have a car you want to sell, call 642-5678. fl only takes a few words in the righl place to attract a buyer . Along lhe Orange Coast the neht place to advertise is the Daily Pilot. In Clemente Poli cl' officer Russell R 1ee s nam<> "111 nut h1• "n the· pnnkd ballot March 2 Y.hcn SJn Clemente 'oters l'lcct tht'Jr new Cit) CounC"al OranJ!e Co unt v Sur>enor Court Judgr Jamt'!'> 0 Pcrr1 matJr th.14. cc•rta1n Tue:.day Y.hen he rult·d that Rice , 26, y, as not a n ·· J?tStered vol er y, hen h<' took out nomination pap<•r:. fn1m ('11 y Clerk Max Berg i. ofrict' and 1s thrr<>fore anchg1bh'. Hice vow<'d toclay lo remain in thC' race as a formal wntl··in t·an· <hdulc Thr dt•adltn(• for wnir· in candidates to file• d1·C'l<iratwn pa1wri111l <'lt.v hall 1s Monda) ··1 was cl1sappnint1!d, 11Jlurally. Tht' JUd~e could havc v1•ry 1•:.i.,dy J.!<llle one• wuv or llw oth(•r. A.., It happt•ns ht• 'went for th1: 1·1t v," HIN' said I le i.uul th" un-.urr<·~sful ll'l!al urt1on caused him Jhout swo l>e!icrihan~ Hu·<'·., fa1lur1• to <'n!~ure his f'llg1b1hly a.., "a hoo boo," J udJ?e l'i:rc•1 ur1t<'d San Cl<>mcnte cit y ofr1<'1ah to t'n~urr lhal all fulun~ c and1dal"' for r1t v ofhce a ri: m adc "ell a\\ un' of elect1nn code rev1s11ms bdort• th<>y r11e "It really m e ans that a per ... on s hould go to a lawvcr tn find out 1f he is quahhcd to ·run for office," attorney John Tornbao com· mented after Judge PercL rulc•d llRamst him Tornb10 uns u<'ccssfully aq?uc•d ~fore Judge Perez that H1rC' s hould be allowed to contcc;l thr election as an aulh<'nt1c ball91 candidate s ince he was never told at the city clerk's office that he must be a regastertod voter. Other Stories Additional South County stones appear today on Page Al&. tl. llow long a ftl•r !>h<' hart thi'i rnnveri.'1lton w 1th you did W1Jlw Wolft• come 1n ., J\ l\cH long :J ftc:r I ha! 1 don 'l know t•,.,,ac·lly. ll ":..~ the ::.amc mJ:ht <J Wa s >our hhndfold n ·- mm t'll' \ 'I'{"; Q \\ hal elnthin~ bud ynu he<•n u~in~ ''"< 1• ) our ra1111v11 y '' 0111 lhev k1•1•p you 111 I h<' h.11 hrob<: or furn1.,h 'ou '>om l' < luth1 .. , ·1 A Th!'y ~"' ,. nw d11th1•'i. Q l>o you 1 l' nll'mhl·r wh.1t kanrl" <".in \Oll <l1•-.i·r1h1· th<•m in l~r JIJ:AHST, Page• A2> Ora111:•d .'.""'I t~ =-· "•~aaht•1· \'.111.1hlt• h1 ~h 1·lnu11., lwr1m11 ni.t mn .. tlv 1'1111111' Thur~d:iy. l':ilth) fo~ .mil low doud., ton1ghl unil Thur'\dav mnrninii lhi:h., 111 ttw low llll~. I.ow., ii;, t11 ;i(J, ·~s•o•: TODA y Though olher 11111111<>• hat>f' ttn£"r su rponed ti s bor olfve record, none ha1•1• ruptured lhe pul>hr 1maqin111wn like Cinnt• With the" 1ml '1\7. AIYour~Nlt• A• ::~i.. ...... o: '" .......... AU Me¥1•\ tt '"''''" ... •1' •1 l. M llord C..Ut•rftA• ~f(t c:r.u-r• Oul11Hollt9' , ............ .. '"''""''"-"' 1'111.tttH --lllellf<e.r• --. .. AA•lA-r\ Al """' .. ,, .. ...,, AS ... 11 .......... , or Or•,... c.e""'' 01 ........ Al Sylvia...,,,., A• '-9rt• a1 t i.t•• MtthU .. ' , ..... ,_ C.• 1' Tll••wn Al,ll ... , ... , Cl -~,..~ C.I •• Al Al C.I > ., •H .. ' .. •1 ' Al ... < ·I :? DAILY PILOT use Wedl"ffd1y F41Muwy 18 1978 Clelftenie BOlldn Make $15,000?, Move On In! li) f Rt-:Dt:Rl f K sc110•;?1umL UI IM 0.llT "* -rr )Ou t·ilrn less th.m Sl~.000 u H·ar. don't think 1tbout bU)'tni u hoWic In San Clt•mt'fllt• n·, IHI udcls·on bet you can't uffordon•• Thul 's one ru11J111g 111aJ1.• 111 a houi.mg ('h•ment under !!tudy by tht: San Clemt'ntc Planning Com· lllll>~llOn Arrording to tht• l'lement, cmc• •1( the l'htef houl>1ng goal~ in the • 1ty should bt• I' ns1on of l:ldr qu.ite hous1n1t lo all persons. n: i,:Jrdle'ii. uf inc:oml', Jge, rat'e. or l'lhni<' ba1·kl(ruund It •~ eonc~dcd m the element that the goal !1H"es many olJ ,t .11'1e,, Mont.oy. not surpn:sm~I), 1, the tmo:('st om· Ac·c·11r1lan~ to th(' <'lemNit, >touslni,: prir1·s 10 t he S1111 ('lt•ml'ntt-4reJ. and throughout I h 1• (' 0 U II t \ , ha Ve "far o U l cli~tam•1·1I " 1ncrt'ases in fc;m1ly 1nroml'. mak1n~ new homes t~' ond thc fmJncaal ranl(e or m.rn\ fJullhe' (.' <> n s t r u t' t 1 o n d 1• I J \ ' . 111oratori,1 1•n1.-1runm1•nt,ll rt• f'ro•P~AI SWAP ... ~l·rt'<I the In 1ne CornpJnV th•· :-..1kl' ~It•· an \'\('h;,ingi: for l:.ind ,1rouncl El Toro ~t Jnnt• Co~ l\1r ~IJllon. J f.ittht\ lht• :\t anncs hd1eH· mJ' b(• threatened hv ne:.irby dl'H:lopmenl . The Mar1ne1> are attemptini.: 111 1radt' the Garden Gro"c :'\1k1· h.1:-.e ancl ot h1·r holdini.:s for about t.10 a(Tt'!> m th1' El Toro flight pal lt·rn, ;H·rord111i: to In me Com pan) :-.pok<·:-.m ;Jn .Jtorume Collin., The (iul'dl'n Grove :-.1tc h ;i.., ht•c•n conlt>,h•c1 h\' others. mrlu<l 111.: Count' Su1wn is•>r l..iurt·nrl' Schm11 "'ho "JIH 111 m;tl..l· the .1n•a a p.11 k nut thr l'll \ of Garden c;rm ,. t '\ mg andu't rial dl·H·lopmt-nt of I Ile pn 1 l'l'I .1' u soun-e or t :.i 't !1'1'11lt'\ :11111 1oh.., for 1b rl'Sldent~. 11ppl"''' th;,il idea Santt.• l!.17 1 wh1•n thl' park "'as proposed, no ,1t't ion h..i:-. b(•en ta ken to df'velop 11 arn1nllna.: tu M Iller. (i.11dl•n (;rov1• M8)0r Bernard 1\d,1m' rt>rt•ntly commented, "If ~~hrn at tnt'' to ~top us from I N?UtlOI? JObc; anti ;.\lax baSC' for nur ~·011h· 11 \\011ld he> hke kill 1 n I! :-.. .1 11 t :a < • I .1 11 ' a 11 ti 11wth1•1 hovd l'o11nt) '\llJH'n IM)r' hOWl'\t'I hJ\ c• 1JJ:..-.1•d J fl•,ulut1on 1nd1t•at ini: th1•\ "ant thl• parcf'I lo hf' .1 11·i.:1onal pJrk • '\;or111i lu•ll'':0., 'ht• rederul ~m· 1·11rnw111. "h1t'11 0\\'11'1 th<' land. h;p, 111ad1· 11 <ll'ar that 1t 1ntt·nch '" tn to 11-.1· "111 ,1 d(•;_il lo prot('<'I I I Teno '\11111•1 'aid Board Pleased With Student Test Results 1'111• l.;1~·11na Reach Srhool 110.11 cl "u' 111t·11~l·d TU1·,d.1y "1111 1lw 11•,ult' nf a pr11fu·1<.·nr) t('l'.t .I\ .11l.1hlt· 111 htf.!h ~c-hool ,t•n111r:-. aulJllom.. i.onanj? and bwldmg 1'odl"!! a nd other go\ em ment n-.tnct1ons ~ l'rl' hsll'd u citu!les for the prtt'e tnt'rease:s. It Ill proposed In t~ document that houril na <'oi.t:s m111ht be IOI.\ i.'red by Ulllt2Ul100 of new ll'l'hnology and conslructlon pnl('llces: promotion of mobUt.• home parks. public purchase or ~cant land to Crt'ale a "lnnd bank·· for res1dent1al develop- ments and new standards for low·cost senior citizen housma complexes A draft of tht' element r~enUy prl'i.ented to thl' planrung com m1ss1on by pnv&te planning con o;ullants also urged ;1pplll'11t ion of federal rent subsidl<'S to lo~ mrome md1viduab. The comm ission. however, or dered that all referenres to )Ub· )td1e~ and housing assistance bl• cleansed from the element One commissioner said i.uh ~1d1es could open a · Pandora's Rox" by permitting people "ho "'ould hke to 11\e by tht• beat·h. hut can't afford 1l, lo move to Sun Clemenlt-. The element l'alls for a city ··oousmg strategy" of "h1ch the document would be a part. The .;trategy also should include bet ter <'Ommunicat1on with sur round 1 n j.! c 1 t 1 e o;. 1 mp r o \' l'll coord1nat1on w 1th deH•lopers an<I a C'entralazed ·'housing data system.' The element further propos(>s that the city encourage efforts to restore and upgrade e"<1stmg re s1dent1al properly One suggest ion 1s for neighborhood tool :.ind malendl "pools · that t•o11ld !.>\•!>hared b~ n .•:-.1dPnts. Wilkimon, Walker Wi11 Endorsemem San Clemente City Council can d1dutl's Wilham Walker and Don na Wilkinson rt>ceivcd the en ctorserncnl of the San Clemenh• llOml'O\\ ners A:.:..o<-iat1on Tues · da) night. Walker 41 . is president or th1· San Clemente ChamUt•r of Com merC'e ~I rs Wrlkmson, 44, 1s J ~an Clemente planninR com m1i.s1ont'r Jam<'s Mos~. a member of .i thre<'-mrmbl.'r rornm1ttee th.it mterv1e" ed all C'and1datl's. ":.Jtd Walk er :.ind Mr ~ \\'1lkms0Qo's ph1losopl11es best fit I hnsc (If the hom eo\\ m~r·s ArOUp It h..i., about200 members Moss said the assoc1allon 's b11t g..,,t concern 1s ··a lack of 011e•n l~pe or governmcnl which I' re!'>J,>Ons1ble to c1t11en needs " The endorscment \Oll' WJ' taken al a i?«'nl'ral meeting al Concordia Elementary School al tended by about 100 m<'mbers. TC'n people arc scekm~ l\\O C1 ty Council seals m the Murch 2 t'lecl ion BB Bartender .... , 1•1111 M.-. ~ TELLS NUCLEAR NEED Energy ReHarcM< 'reUer Fromr~Al TELLER .•. ban a re bringing about a cnsio; much worse and more real than the imagined 'P r ometheu:-. Cns1s'.'' lie des en bed the "l'romethl'U:s Cnsis." a book and soon to-be released mo' 1e. in cau...,t1c terms "It has a ~ond('rlul plot," he said. im1tatm~ an enthus1ast1c reviewer. "A nuclear reactor I!> gomg wild. And to that you add a wonderful love arfair. ll Wiii be asgOC\d as 'Jaws'." The movie will come• out this spring. hl' said 10 a mon· senou., vem. adding. "It will be on this basis that the pe ople of Cahforn1a go lo the polls on the 8thof June.' " Talking about thr('{' GeneraJ Electnc nuclear power plant l'Ol(tneers and an engme<>r from the NuC'lear Rel(ulatory Com· truss ion "ho resigned afl<'r con tending nuclear powN plants are unsafe. Teller chargc•d. "All four of those p<'ople on lhC' day of their res1gnat1ons s(eppt•d into nr" Jobs to fight nuclea r reactors al the same salarv a:-. before " The enginecr!> havC' b('gun C'ampaign1n~ for Project !'urv1val. tht• group campa1gn1ng for the m1l13tl\e in CaJ1forn111 Questwned I a ter . ho" ever. Tt."ller said he C'ould not docu rnent his charge about the Jmount of their salarie:o., "My statements also are not foolproof," he said after l he talk. "but I think I am more apt to be a fool in relation to the actions or people than I am wilh reactors. wh1<'h are my field " Check Scheme Figure Freed LOS ANGELES <AP) -Busi- nessman Morton Freeman has been freed after spending 437 days in custody for his part 1n " Hheme to cash stole n cit~ treasury checks Freeman. 48, was rclcast•rl Tuesday nod as experted to bc u key prosecution "1tncss 111 the forthcomini: trial of Richard Keats, thl' alleged mastermind or lhesrhl•me. I h1· 11''1 ,din\\' 'lurlt•nl' lo 11•,I\ 1• 'C h1111I 1'.11 I\ If lhl'\ !>•"' ,111!1 1'1 1111'\ .1 t1•rld11,1H• lh1• • 1p11 \ .1 lt·nt ol .1 h11!h s1·h1111I it11•l11111.1 I ho h11,11d1111kd th,11 lht• r.lll'Of I'''' l~I' 111 l..1,:1111.1 114•,H'h \\a-.. I 1<'111·1 I h.111 llw ,1.111· .1\t•rai.:1· I 1 ~h1 't111l1•nh t11nk llw h·'t 1111d County Grand Jury Probes Jail Death " l'·""'d I h•· .. 1.1t1: t1\t·r,1i.:1· 1:. .d1<1111 1:1 p1·rc1•111 lh1• hn,11 ti .al ,n n11trd th.1t of lht• •I\ dl!!lhlt• (or l'.111\ rt•ft•:t'I', four It 111 .1 .. 1 111\•cl 111 .:o on to rollert-. 1 1tlwr than JU't c•111h11i: tlll'tr • 1h11-.1I 111n ORA .. GE COAST ' . Hotxrt N W1...cl t ' ••t-• •fllllf• I ,.r. ,._ J Mk'R Cur"'y \. t , t "'""' •••• Mtn..~• I "' 1 h<lm." A Murpt1111(> Y •"'•oJ "!JI ,l If• Ch..rlt'\ H I 00\ Richar d P. Nl'lll ,. .... ,,,,,. tl'l.•C: ""'' ,,,, Uff,~~.~~~~~".~!•<~ ,. Olllc~ t~llfl Yfl"41 J" ..-..-,IF\•~·-.-• ,,.,, """' ........ 1 • ·-··· ............. . ,.,,.., ,,,....__. v• • , , .. _ ., ~. r ai 1e...., ' .,_ ... TtltptlOM 1714) 60--011 Ctau1fied Adver1t\lng 642·~71 uguna Buell All ~rtmeflh: Ttltptlo.,. 494-9466 , 'Of"'\_ .. ' ,,..,. .. OJ·OUO t""'"')I\' t•'• n .. ,,_.,.. Cl't••• ~.,... ._,..,... c~ l'll"t t. ,__ ~Ulf .-~ fll~ '"f'fW"I"\,, M't\IN1•t f" •lh• '" 61t•tU\t,.t~h "'*'''"" rr •w t• ••o• ~~ •ft • ,,.•v• •••<••1 , ... ,",,,,, .. ,.or , .. , gf~ """"•' ~H _.., I• t'& '40 " c;• -4 ·~ (ptl• il#U (4 • t\> • t II I ' tfll''•.-• \.) 1\ ,..,,_ ... ,_,,...... ... it~•--' ,.. ............... ~ ~ .. Ry KATH\' <1.i\NC"V OI 111+ 0 ••1¥ Pllet\l•ff Thl" Orani:c (;ounty c;rancl .Jut y 14' looktnji! into tht• d('Olh of .1 \\'f')tmln!'tter man who may havt• 'llfft•n•d f;1t;il head 1111unro; wh1l1• 'lt>rvini;t a WN'kend 11111 tc•rm . Jim Enn~ht. ch1rf d<.·ruty 1h!I tr1t•t 3ttorn€'}. :.:1111 hoth th<' Grnnrl Jurv and thr• JUry ·, C'r1 m ma I J usllc''' ( 'on1m1llN' h11 v<• stnrtrd an 1nq'U1ry mtn ttw Fch 2 death of Don N l'lsou. J'J A SPoke:<1man fnr thf' r-t111t• 111 tomt•\' ftenl'r:al ·~ offtctl 11111tl \.<1cla\I un 1nH•!lt1i:11t111n hv that 8Jll'fll'V 111to th<' dt•ttt h prob a hlv "ill take .1 hark ll~at to Hw l0t·al protx•. ut lca't temporanl} lwputy Attornt' Genrrnl Dan Kremer ot San Diego had requ.-st ed lnilJal rrports on the dcalh II <' could not~ reac hed for comment today. But nn aide said hi'I 1nvcslli.ta· tion at 1h1s point 1s a1moo pnman- lv at makin~ certain an offi cial probe is being <'Ompletcd lie may conduct his own mvesligataon later. the aide said Net.son. a bartender at the Maritn Inn in Huntmgton Beach and ('and1 date an last spnng " Ocean \'t(>W School D1stnct elec t1ons. died at OranRe County Medical Center after h mil in 11 coma for a W<'<'k rollO\l.UIJl .sur jlcry for a skull fracture He \!.•as taken to OCMC Jan 2.5 by Jllil officials after becoming 111 an his cell At the time. he wao; servm,.-: the first or '"'t' weekend J31l l<>rms on a drunken drivmfl conv1rtton Enright said Tuesday thc- Grand Jury 1s responsible for an on . .:oin~ ttivestii:ation into jail <-onchtaons and "would not 1i;t· norr'' chct'ktnit into any jail· rc-lall'd dc•at h The d1stri('l attorney's offiC'•' "''II bt• look 111g Into the mattC'r as w.-11. Ennitht 11a1d, a:< un advisor tot he• Grond Jury Out ~o far. lw continued. all h111 off1re haii rHctv€'d arr Initial rt· J,>Ort!I from th<· shC'nff'~ orfl('I', a~ wl'll ns rorrespondcncr from un nttorn<.·y for Nelson's widow. 11011 rur Th<• Cr:antl .Jury ha'> not vrt ell' f'tdcd 1f tl will ra 11 for l(• .. ti mMy an th•• mattt.'r. f:nri~ht'la11I f.nrtRht 'laid Mr" Nt>lc;on·s ot tornev. Robert l)('c; Jardans. ha:< ·'"'kt"d his offin· lo mvest1.:11tl' Rut before that r<'qUN>t wai. ri• ce1ved both the c;rand Jurv snd Criminal Ju!\t1r<' Comni1ttee ;1lrea<t~ had request<.'d un in· \ e.st1gat1on. he said. Laguna Woman's Wedding Ring Gone A diamond and J:olct wedding bnnd 'alued at $600 wa.s rcportf"<I stolcn to Laguna Beach Pohcc Tuesday by Valene F Rowe, 8.'M> Park A"e , Laf?una 8ea<'h The woman told police the ring had been left In her homt•':- bedroom while the house was for sale. She said it could have been taken anytime during a three- week perlod when the house was being shown to prospective buyers. Statfteide Ca• n End to Coastal This Sa/e's Really Safe Panel Sought SA!'J 1.0RE'\IZO <U l'l 1 llu11:l.1r:-. :-.lult'I a :-..1!1• from ,1 S.in Lort'nlo junior h1~h !>l'huol Jilli OIM'U\l'fl'<i tht') t•ouldn 'l op1•n It 8)' Ill LA R l' K.\ \' t: Oo-O•lft ,.,,.. \Mn A Jtah•"'•dt• in1tllltl\I' <"••m p111gn aamt•d ut lorC'anjl lhc d(' mist' of thl" l'uhfonua C.:oustal Comm1:.SH111 1:. du1• lo bt•.:111 within to day:-.. t.;11 Ft•ri.:u ... 011 , t•ampal&n organtzl'r. 'aid toJu} Ferguson, head or tht· •:ro111' that 1s s~arhead1n~ thl· ('am palgn, Colilo1 nlj l'oord1nJt1n~ Council <CCC I. :.ut<I :~.Wtl vahc1 Mgnaturcs an• nccdl'<l on pt'll lions by Junt• 21, lf the CCC 1s !>UC'l'e"ful .rnd \Olers approve the bJllut measure in November, lh1• n· i:1onal and Sldll' ro~tal <'om rmss1ons would be fnn·cd out ot b u s i n (' s s :1 n c1 I h e s t a t " Legislature would be prohibited from replacing tht'm FerRuson. a NC\\ Port Bcach Avco Exempt From Park Improvements Avco Commun1t~ l>c\'t'lopNs has l.Jcen rl'lea~l!d from Cln Orange County go,ernment n• quiremenl to make nood control and other s ite 1mpro,ement.!> at 12·acre Crown Vall('y Commun•· ty Park in Laguna !\'.1i:ul'I In exchange for reht'f from the• county mandate. thc corJ,>Or.it1on gave the county title to :.1x arre., of prime. flat land adj<1Cent to th1· park. In a related action Tuc:-.cla.Y. lhe county Roa rd of Su1><.·n 1:-.c1rs approved a 1·ont rurt "11 h Woodwurd 01kl! l.andscap1.• Architect~ and l'I nnn~·r., to dr~•fl a developm('nt pl;_1n for tht' ent1n· park Thr part "111 co~l a ma\ 1mum or $90,000 The park :.Ill' 1:-. loc;.111~1 ;1lonl! Crown \'allc•y Purk"a) and 1., generallv h1M•t·tl'll h' Sulph111 Crec•k, \\h1d1 tun' .(1,\\n to nearby 'l!:lll'I l.aki Ht•i,:wnJI I' ark. If A\'t'O hud paul fur the n· quired 1mprovt.·mt.·1Hs at lh1· vark site. the cost would hJH' been about $308.000 Hut rnunt\ ol f1t·1als h:t\ c l''l1m.1tl·d the· <-011nl\ l'ttn do ttw "01 I.. 101 Jhout SIM,000 The Sil\. acrt• pJrn:-1 J!IH'n In A\ t'O 1n tradl' 1s "<1rth an ·~t 1matod $155,000 to SlK5.000 lnn1:il plan' t·all for c·m"lrin t 1o11 or a n 1• \\ ('om mun 11 ~ dubhousc on purl of tlw :-.1x an1• "h' !Cl replnr1· ..i rluh fa<·11i1, :about n mile· .~ lhal 1:-. ~l.1ll'd for demolllwn h~ •kH·lopnwnl ml crests Fr0111 Pag_. A I PATTY. • • v.hy sh<' fr1•QUl'nth i:l.mct•rl m11 her :-.houlcfrr ut lh•Frt•1·1c·. rephccl, "I had thought that C\ ,.,, though I \\t>Uld ~o in and do th1~ that hl' WI\!'> ~oirag to kill m" anvw~" '"""l' I hl· hJnk " She saul :.lw n•acll-tl ~1th d1~ belief wh('n !ht• SI.A told h1 ·r the•\ were gomg to 1 oti u bank und ~lw "ould part1r1p,1t 1· Tht•v sa1rl 1 h .. , needed mone) -..hf.' t.•stif1C'd .. ind that DeFrN'/l' · ":1nlc'<j mt• 111 lw wantl'dh) th1· Fiii " Th€' has1 " of M •~s lll·Jr'l s 1lt- rrn~1· I ' th.it ,lat• par 1111p:tl1•cl 111 the hohlul' 1111111• rt h r1·ut 11( dl'uth The jurors llstenl'd intC'nlly Tuesday a!I the· lll'fc·ndunt test1f1t."d betw1•c•11 r('plH)'I of ttw tapes she s;1ul she n•r11r1h•cl in blind terror. She told t h1•m or h<-mi: rorrr<I to have ~exual llllt•rn111r\C· "1th DeFre<'7C and SI./\ mC'mbt'r Wtlhe Wolfe• 111 the• t'('ll l1k" clost'l wher€' 'h1· wa" kt·pt blindfoldC'd. * * * FrOM Pagr 1\ I HEAR T. ;my ~ay., A No • • Q When Mr Wolfr camr m the cl~ct, what dul he• say anti do" A. I don't really n·m<"mtx·r what, 1! 11nyth1n~. ht' !>31d Q. Did he lake you out or lht• closet'.' A .No. Q Whal did hcdo" /\. He came In to thl" <'loc;et and he cl<>st>d the door Q. Did h~m okr) nu lit• do" n ''" the noor" • A Yes Q Ant.I then what d1rl h1• clo ' A Had sexual 1ntert·oursr Q At some lime 3ft1·r th:it, c111I Romconc el!le <'OmC' to the do,cl {or the same purpos1• • A Yt's Q How Ion~ aftN'' A Ma} be a" eek Q Whowaslt" A. It wa.s Cinqu1• Q 01d he do the same thm~ A \'es lobb\ 1:i.l h11 IJh01 und ron,lrur t11111 lnkf\•,h. 11rl•d1i-" hi:. j.!fUUI> " ti I I! J t h 1• r t h l' 11 t• ct•:-. s a r y ~•.:11atu11 .. "II \q1u I cl h u \ ,. bt•en a lot 1'.1:.11•1 1f \\1· t·11ultl h:tH• l"·~un ttw 1•f 1ort I.1st 1111111th . IJul tht• i.tutt> hJ" bl·i.>n clr.ii.:.imi: 1h I ('Cl 111 n•t u 111 m ~ our tK"t 1111m." fo't•q:u:mn ,,1111 Thi• lohb) ''t ,.11<1 thc"rt•t1t1nn \\," S\lbflllltt•cl l>C'(' 15 bUl '1111 h,1, nnt h1'l'll n •t u rnt'd llo"' ,., N ~·1 rd.in nf Mj!t• Manh l"on.,: t-:\1 told hun ht' "'ould haH· tltt• pt't1t10n h\ 111'\l \\ t•cl... ht• :..attJ "I'm not t·ul1111i.: ll a con :-.p1rac~. but ttwy v1.· "a-.h.'tl a lot or our t •ml' . .f:n, 1ronmc11tah-..h i-t.•em to h ,I\ e no lroubll.' i,:t>tt mi.: their pelltions through qwrkly, · Feq:uson :said. The roa:stal l'Omm1ssions were 1·reated in 1972 b\ another vot1.•r in1t1.itl\'c. tht• Cai1forma Coa:stul At·t. or Propa:s1llon 20. ,\ccor ding to Feq~uson, the CCC represents JS l'oa1Jt1ons of c·auzen , labor a nd bus1ncsi. ~roup llc says 1t represents about one million people. M (' a n w h i I c . t h c s t a t 1• U>g1slature is considenn~ a bill h~ Mate Sen Anthony Bcilensl·n that \\OU Id conlll\Ut' the hfe or lht• t·oastul cdmm1:s:.1on. Bealensen's bill mcorporatt·' the major pohC'1es for protecting the coastline that were set forth in the comm11>:s1on's state C'oa:stal plan L'nlcss some art1on 1s taken bv thP legislature. the comn11ss1on~ "ill automatically die Dec. 31. Ruth Rust, 82, Succumbs- LaJ(unan Huth Jefferson Ru!>t, .1 rl'-.1dent of Oranj!e Counl) for t;:.!)e.1rs,J11.•d Monda) Mr~ Rui>l "'as IQ ~Ir-. Hra<;t II\ 1•d mo~t of h1•r ltfc• 111 Anah('tm v.h1•n• :-.he v.a:-. ;,in oranl-(l' i.:r U\ 1• 1 J ndwr She wu:; a mcmbt.>r of tlw Daughters ol 1\mcrarun Hc~olut1on, Anaheim aHiliat1nn l\trs. Hust mnvt•d to Lagunt1 10 · \'t>ars a~o a£t(.>1 havmt.t lived an Corona d<'I Mur ln l.a~una , shl' n •:-.1ded "'1th a snn at 2933 Alta L.1gun.1 Uoull'' ;ird l-..ur\l\Ors ar•· -..om,, Wcirren Hu~t or Lagun11 Hl•Jch. Barton Hu~t of Pn•scoll. /\nz . ;ind cl.1uJ!hlt•r, J a<"q 1wh n Rusi 11r \nl 1un"'nod Arai '" -.i·nH'I'' .11t.• ~dll'llUlt•d I n r I u ' t I •• t • I) " • I h ,. I htr\\"'I lllll ltl\' 2.1 ll(IU!ld "·''l' on th<' 1 .1111 oad true~ Jnd '" Jllt'd /\ Southt'rn PuC'1f1c Iraan hit thl' ~urt'. knot•kmt: 1t 40 ll't•t 1h1\\n th1• ll:n·k!!. It \\II:< :.1tll "<.'al1•d when found hy ll\llhOl'llll'~ f'r091PageAJ NIXON .•• <l,I\ \\hilt• :'\1x11111s to l'h111a t-\,rd s;.11d that "h1le N1«on ha:-. 11•n'" t•tt "pc1 t0d1r bri<'fm.:s or tnformJttnn t•1111cermng "'orld uf fairs." he was .:1\'en no special hner1ng "' r el at ion to his v1:.1l. Nixon" 111 lt•.n·c Los Angeles al about9a m Frad:n forthc tnplCl Pt'kmg lit• "111 flv 111 a Chme:.t· Bot."ing 707 Jet liner "h1ch 1:-. schedult."d to lamt at a hltle·used Se<'\1on or Los Ani,:eles lnterno ttonal Airport about thr1•e hours ~rore the departun• On its trap lo lhl• L'n1l{'<I Slate~. thl' plane picks up .1 ll S. Air i-·orn• es1·01 l l'rc·w JI Tokyo, a military spokesman an Honolulu !>atd. The plan<' '~ 111 conttnue to \'ancoun•r, .B C . tht•n on to Los An~eli.>-... Th<' l.' S. l'r<'\\ 1i. composed of a na\'li:ator and a pilot. Thi.' C'htnl'Sl' crew 1s compo:sed of 15 people Thi.> Jethnt'r "111 take the Na>. on~ first to /\nchorage, Ahi!>ku, then to Tokyo. when• th'• Air force escort crew will gct ore hl'fore the final leg to 1~ck111g, U11• :spokesman ~aid . N1xorl 1i. SC'ht."du led to return to l'nhfornw Ft•b 29. sourn•:s:o.aH1. Nixon and his Wife r at will tw n•turnmg lo J'ek ante almo:-.t four "ears to the day t 111111 tus hr:-.1 h1storv makln.: '1:-.it to th1· Pl'ople'i. Repubht• 11f(.'hm11 E:irlwr reports had the Nixon party lcavm~ from ~;1 Torn. th1• :urport Ul>l'd by the l'\ pre-.1dcnt for his frt."QUt'nt 1unkeb tu lh1• Wcslcrn Whitt• lloust• A spokl'sman for lht• !Jase•, howe\Cr. said no rcqul':st had IJcl'n made by the Nixon staff for departure pnvtlcgcs from El Toro. Yuma J et Crash 'liMA. Ariz. IUPI > -A pilot k1llcd 1n the collis1on or two military Jels w:.i' 1denl1f1l'd today :1' Manni! C:ipl. C1•ori:;1· __ (' J.udrl, 29, or the Ma~mc• Corp~ Air St;,it1on at Beaufort,~<.'. Court Exeban~._. Gerrymandering I Charge Hits Battin BvTOM BARLEY Of Ille 0111, l'llotSlaff Oranf!I.' C1n1111 y Supf.'rv1:-.or Hnlwrl llat11n \\>JS accused an l'OUrt today or planning the "ge1 n manderin.:" of part or his F1rhl !')uperv1sonal D1slnct m a b1cl to 11\t'lud11 murh or Westminster In h1' j11r"d ll't 111n lh•put~ 1)1.,lrtl'I Allomey J:1rk Jh ;m lnl<I Superwr Court .Juc1J11· Kt-nnet h l.uc· d 11 nnl( 'llll'!>t t<>nmi.: t h.11 l1111111!hl tll'fi·n'" att11rn1·~ ~~atthew Kunhl·h to ht' f1•cl 111 fury that Ha ttm's aim was "t11 ..:uin thr influence of IJer<'k MrWhlnney.·· And Jl) un poinl('d out durin~ argu1ni: thul brou~hl hnlh lawyt·rs rcpr1m:111ctii from .JudRt' r. a e. that B ti tt in' s a 11 e., r• cl rc•dr<IWtn~ or lhC' d1Stnt'l 's hOUll cl.ml'" ram1• at o time when th1• Clrancl .fury W3!1 1nvest11l:tl1n~ MrWhinney. .I 1111 ,.: 1• I. a c· w a :oi t 11 I tl t h :i t l\1c•Wh1n11(.•y . lhl·n mayor nr Wc•st 111111st<'r a 11cl plann1n~ C'0111 m1i.,1onc•r Tttd l'llJllu w1·ri· in rl1rt 1•cl un hr1 hl'r v d1:11 J.:••s lh.1l lutt•r hroughl ubnut th1·1r 1"11m11 I 11111 It wuo; al<,o nott'<l 1n 'J11r1lt·rl pretnul aC'l 11in that n•p1 .. 1tl'l.ll Y hml('d m f.'r into ar ~u11wnh :11111 rt•pr1mancl:-. from th<' twrwh th11t hoth men Wf.'re c·t>m 11·li•cl :inti ihat Hallin hlltlll('lf was 1•11lll'cl beforl' the Grund Jury rlunn..: 11<; inve!lll~alwn Into what Hn111 calll'd the "Mile Square l''ark scandal." At 1s~ue in the present hennn~ is Battm's claim that he furt·., <'nmanal char~es rontaint-d in •• Grand Jurv indictment becau111• of d1<;t·rimani1tory prosecution 1 act1('s pn1rt 1c<'d by Olstrtl'\ Al · tornevCer1I Hicks. Thr hearin~ 1s now 1n 1l., !it>vt>nlh \\l'(>k J\nd there was no 1nrl1cat1on today when Hattan's JCtual tria l on seven f(>Jon y t'OUlll'I of .:rand thHt. m1sap riropriat1on of public fund.'! and f1hni;: false pay claims mlRtit b<>gm Thost." charges are based on :11 le1tat1ons that Raltin rcJ)('atedly misused h1:-o"1ce staff antl privilc·~.-~ Wh<'n he was unsuc· <•essfully ca mpu igni n ~ for l.1euten;int Governor m 1!174. Ryan ~1i;:a1n hammer<'<! away l()(lav at Batlm's ckscripl1on of I ht• "I •<'rs of 1nfluencc" 1n Ch ·'"I!" County pohtt('" that. tht· \\llnt''' t IJ1ms, ll:ut constant I\ lw1•11 Ill\ 1•sl1~:.1tc•d and 1wr..,t•t'ul •·II \IO('I' I ltr k:-. llt'('Uffi(I ch:.tr11·1 allor 1w\ T II t1 a \' II a II I II I" c n 1 I r II' <1 h1111:-.c•H, 1>1 J.11111 -.. .I <'1·llu. M1:-. .. 1011 V1t•j11 r<1nd11·r lticharcl <J'Nt•ill and the late· .. 'red Jl:irbt•r us l'arlv ml'rnh1•1'!> of a coalition lhJt ~-.. .., formc·d "sometim1• twlween 19i1Ka11d 1!.lro" Battin told Hyun that formc•r Firth 1>1:-.lr11•t SupC'rv1o;or Honnld Ctt<•Pt'rl! bc•ramc• ;i rr11·inhcrort1w <"nulttmn uppoi.<•d hy Jl1rks in rnm ('a'IJH'r'-nnrl llarhcr wen· nnwni! :1 n11mh1·r or pcopfr cir uwn1•cl in J 11n1•, 1!174 , whc•n I lar lwr i1 yaC'11t ' ~h<.111lml( St11r " l11und1·rl'd orf llap Cultrorurn. lh an toclav 11·-.um<'t.I h111 hid tn f1n1f '"m" lo<•J1t1011111111'1 than th1· ~1'''""' ('01111111rn1t \ lloi.pttul an \J1"111n \'11•111 \\ lwr 1• lht• <'11al11Hm ilc•-.c·r 1111'<1 It\ lll:11l111 ht·hl 1h m1·c·tani.:., llul H.1tlm JPP'"'rc'<l to JI{• un:i hie• tu r1•t•all any oth('r IO<'Jlton for 11urh coolrl11111 Jt;ilht•1111i,:-. and tohl ltw pr 11J1t-rutur thut the M1 -. hton Commun 11 y llo:.pllal WJ' u~t'd "bernu~c I gucM• il wal) 1·011 vrnrrnt for f>r. <.:clla and O'Nl.'111." Battin describC'd the coalition mr<'ltnllll n" "hr:lln!ltormlni: :<;1•<;s1on" .. in\\ hi<'h the 111m wa'! 111 plan tat•tar 'I thut would counter the plan' of the Lmroln Clul" ;1 litn>UP or "l'<•lthy Ut•pubhcttn~ re pt'atedl v 1dC'nt 1 ( 1ed by H11tt m a' bemg oppoM•ci 10 h" ronhl1on Jud~e Lae 1s J member or th1 Lmroln Club Battin 1dentif1l'd oth€'r mt'm brrs of his coaht1n11 U'I ~tali• l"1>n lroller K e nnt'th Cory, "" :1emblyman Richard ltohlnlion. former County Planrun~ Com ml•1ontr Arnold Forde' and Garden Grove Councilman John Dt'ttn. ---Wednesdey February 18 1976 DAIL y PILOT A 5 In Ri1'erricle C'ountg Utility Seeking Nuclear Plants Ready for Lift Off Peter Neushul Oeru will be co-pilot and Dr. Thomas llein~hcimcr <right) Y.ill be pilot for the balloon 1 bad.- ground) which was to be launched today m El Segundo. Launch of the balloon. chnstencd "America." 1s part of a resear ch program to develop an unmanned "atmosphenc satell1Le " to c ircle the earth. In Sacra111ento :,ACR \MENTO tlJPll -San Olt't(u Gas and Electnc Co b .Sffktni.; r.tate appro\laJ for con 1.irut'llon of t\\O Sl 2 b1lhon nuclear Powt•r 11h1nLs 1n eastern R1ve~1dt' County near Blythe. The u11µl1cation for the 950 mt•gawutl plants. what•h \\ould bt:' Electric Gun Opposed in LA LOS '"G 1-:LES ll'PIJ The Ta. .. er elt-ctronit· !>hock gun ll> more dangerous th.in a handgun. the Los Aniitelt•i. City Council maintain!>, eHn though at doesn't kill \llCt1ms The council. "h1ch has refw.ed to endorse lef!1Slat1on to outlaw handguns. voted 11·2 Tuesday to i.upport any measure that would ban the flashlight-shaped Tast'r. The Taser. "h1ch fm-s a pair of darts that g1\'(.' o rr a shock capa- ble of disabling a person for several m111utes, has been used m several holdups "There are several problems with this hlllt' i:adget." argued Councilman Ernan1 Bernardi, who s aid people would be more likely to use a Taser than a handgun because it 1s nonlethal. A police spokesman said Chief Ed Davis. a firm opponent or gun control, also supports placing the shock gun in the same outlawed c ategory as br ass knuckles, sawed·off s hotguns and black· Jacks. Pessirnisin, Hostility Mark Farlll Hearing SACRAMENTO <AP> -Pessimtsm Crom legislators and anger from farm workers m arked the first ht.>aring into proposed growl'r ·b<1ckt'<.I changes in California's dormant farm labor law. No s ign or an a(:rc."t?ment, either to approve the changes o r fund the law "1tho ut them. t:"mcrced from Tuesaa y's hcann~ of the Assembly Labor Relations Comrruttce. Harrbn Lo•~ Bid Brotea Appofatftl SACRAM ESTO <UPI> -Assembly Speaker Leo T. McCarthy has ap- pointed his former chief rival Willie State Brown Jr. al> a committee c bwlt one at o tame," tt.'> lht-hl"'lt or IU type to be SU bm tlt<'d to lhl' nt•W Stale Energy Commu.:.1on, \\hJt·h under rerf'ntly enacted lt'.:1:1la lion as rl•spons1blt.' for l>ttin.: nucle&r power gtneraton. THE COMMISSION, which re ceived the application Tuesday. must rule after an mvl'st111at1on or the propos11l and nn t>xtended series of public ht'ann~:. which \A. Ill occur m the m1ll:.t of tht' political fight ovt.>r the Nurll'ar Power Plants ln1llatl\e on tht• June8ballot The ut1l1t v ltsted a., tht' ;-\o 1 chotcl.'-for· its propo:.ed "Sun Desert Nuclear ProJl'Ct' ;,i ~11\• about 20 m 1Jeo; south\\est or Blythe n car the California Arizona ltne IT ALSO L I ST ED thrt.'e alternative sites "Palo Vcnil• North'' about 10 males north or Blythe. "Parker \'alley," about 15 males O\'er the An.tona stale Man Charged In Kidnaping LOS ANGELES IU P I > James J e nkins, 30. of Los Angeles was arrested on susp1 cion of kidnaping Monday night in connection with the alleged ab- duction of a 9-year-old girl miss- ing for several hours . Police said Jenkins reportedly a pp roached the girl at t he downtown bus termmal. LOS ANGELES <UP I I -The FRI does not ha\ c to 1dent1fv any infor mants who hC'lpect c·apturt• Patnci•1 llear<il and Svmb1onc:;l L1ber..it1on Army ml•mbl·r<1 Wilham and Emily llarns. su1wnor Court Judge .Mark Hrandln ha!. rult'Ct. and naml'd a nt>w ehairman or the budjitet-wnting Ways and Means com- mittee. SAVE20%! The I larnst•" had dl'manded the• .lust1N• fh'par1ment l><' required tn ll1!>Clo~e lhl• nartH'" of any t1pe.ter'>.,.. ho led the f'l:H to SI.A hideouts. Tuesday's appotntml'nl of Brown <D·San Franc1sco1. as chairman of the Re\'l'nue and Taxallon Committee was reJ!arded as a move by McCarthy to neutralize his oppos1t1on as his key lieutenants prepared lo leave the As· :.embl} . ·B~H Bole' Clo•ftl Regular $2.47 Full-figure Bro J 97 Collon ond polye,ter. Podded tlrops. White . 8, C. D cup si1es. Ba..aft" A iUng SAN QUENTIN <AP> -"The Hell llole. ··a f1ve-t1cr section of San Quen- tin P rison resen ed for the mos t menactn~ inmates. has bt>en cloi.cd because of a decr<>usc in prison populalt(ln. a prison spokesma n said ........ 0 LOS ANGF.LF.S IAPl -Ailing 1n- 1lu~tnali:-l Armand Hammer'!> life may be enctan~er('d if hl' appears m •·ourt tn an~'l\f"r c hargcs of mnkm~ a ~erret dt1nat1011 to former Pres1dt•nt Hie· hard M Nixon, his attorneys !>UV Tho• lawvrr5 ht1\'1• ai.kcd lht• l ' S 1>1i.lnrl Court lo hf'ar h1 .., pka 1n J ... p<>c1:il bt'cl .. Hl e M'S ... 1011. The prison on San Francisco Bay now houses 1,885 inmate:.. ab<1ul half th(' number of a year ago Spokt'sman Wilham MC'rkle said new parole prac· t ices are rcspon.,1hle for Lhl' t·utdown Of Perjury Charge ·Executive Cleared 1 O~ A:'.'l:CEl.F.~ l.\Pl Stanton . former prC''" J\ f1•1h•rJI n1url Jllrv dent of I.on.: Rl•:11·h h.t ... f'll'Jrt•li fir I-rank Amusement Co • or 1) IOI-! -to a fl'deral gr,rnd JUry in Novt>mber 197t "lwn h1• dl'nil'd authnr11111i: p ,I\ mf'nl of ;1 1Jr1 lw to Lnni.: Bt•at•h ('1tv l'ounnlm;in W.1vn1• Sha.rp Stanton. 63. hrok1• into teurs T11l''iday artrr the verdict wa~ rt'lurn<'d Sharp. who was finl'ii SlOO and put on prnhut1nn after pkodini;t no cnnl<'!-l la'lt yt•a r to a C'harj.(C' or prrjury. tesl1f1t'd h<' n.·· cc1v1•d $1 ,000 in rxrhanr.w for rusting a f:lvornhl<' \ nt(' on .1 lt•as1• :1i:rre ment l11•nt•f1tini: Stan ton'sfirm St.inion. teshf) mg m h1..; O\\ n heh .1 Ir. ad mitt NI lw h.ld a11thon1t•cl r(•1m hurs('nwnt or $1 ,000 pnul h\ Elm1·r l' \' •·l,tr('. a nl:tJOr 'itock hohl1•1 in lht• nmuscmC'nt com1>any, to Sharp flul Stnntnn m~1stl'd h<' d Id :'\ !) b \' '"' u :. I' IH· l'K'hl•vect thr mnn1•y wai. .1 ~l'nUJnt:> campn1J:n c·on- tnbutson and nol a hnlw for Sharp's voh• on the lr·11~ini: of a c1t yown<'tl park mg lot 'Healer' Convicted SA VE 20'*' ! Nylon Half Slip Regular $1.97 J57 Anl1·chng Antron • Ill nylon. White, colors. XL. XXL, XXXL. 0 line soul h or Park er and u "M1lp1t1t-. W.t\h \lie about ~ mtll'S bOUlh\\l'lit or Bl)the an Im· penal Count)' Each proposed :.1te \\OUld use "runorf'' w att>r from thf'C'olorudo River for cooltnt: of thl' plant The utility f iled a form al "nollC't' or intent ... \\hldl Ill 30 duys "111 aet1vate a n 18·m onth lon11 prot·edure under wh lch the t·ornm1i. ... 1on must consider the en- ,. 1 r o n ml' n t u I and t cc h n 1 ca I !>U1tab1lit) of thl'four:.ih.'l> IF SA~ DIEGO Gas and Elec- tnr clt•nr11 that pr~~. at l.ht>n \\Ould make a Cor111.t1 up11ltr»t1on 1nvulv1nai subrnl1111 1o n o( 1.111 l'nvaronmental 1mp1u:t report and the commission would dec1do 1f the projet't can bl" bwll. The comm1~s1on :it ..irr. n i;pokes man exP.h1int'<I, now .... 111 review the ullhty's uppHcatlon for "ndttquacy and contt•nt." u process that may take up to 30 days. The spokE"s man said the publt1· heanng!> wall be hrld in th~ Bl\'\ht· urea and t hroughout lhc u• 1ht) ·, ser\ltce area Clammy Vietor Even the Judges Got Sick DAL\' CITY Cl'PI I -For as long as an) body can rt• member. 250-pound Al l'\1coltnt \\as coni.1dered the clam eating champ of the 57 Club For instance, one night he de voured 102 steamed clams. three pitchers of beer, and 10 sltces or French bread before going to a friend's hou:.e for dinner But today, there is a new champion. As about 100 \\atched Monday. Daly City Patrolman Randy Desha , a relath·ely S\'l'lle 220 pounder. and N1cohn1 \\tmt at 1t m the first annual Daly City i.tcamed clam eutmg contt'st. One judge left the scene early and noted that while the contestants seemed happy sn their eattng, the ofhc1als were gettmg s ick while keeping score. The contest was halted after 43 minutes and 20 seconds and the scoreboard sho\\cd that Del>ha had bolted 162 clams while Nicolini, who made the tactical m1:.take of chewmg each clam before swallowmg, had lo settle for 113. the lowe r This Ad Effective through Saturday February 21 Use Sears Re volving Charge SAV 25%! Pants and Tops . In Women's Special Sizes l,OS ANG ELF.S CA P > A s e I r . d e s •. r I h (' rl · ps\ch1 c hcalc>r" was fined SSOO and plar<'d on two ~ears· probation after h is conv1ct1on on fraud charges strmmin~ from his claim that he could cur e cancer. blmd· ness. tuhercu l os1s. arthnt1s and cataracts Kirk Oakc>s, 22, wa.." ronv1rted Tuec;day m what Deputy City Atty. R1rhard LeBell said was th<' first case of fraud prosecuted by city or C1c1als stnce 1926. Regular $8.99 6 7 4 Regular ~ 54 pants $7 .49 d top' u~''.......,.~---~-----------~--~-Bo.w Fa .. tftf Thc home of Juhc Andrews (a bove) a nd hcr h usban d Blake Edwards has bt.>cn called "an im- proper C'm·ironmcnt" for Edwards' 16 · yl.'ar-ol d son by a prcvinus marri..igc who lives with the couplc. The boy's mother . P a tri cia • F..dwards. is t rymg to get custody. --- REWARD WE WANT DIAMONDS GEM-STONES ANO FINE JEWELRY HightU prices paid for 1ewelry from privltt ind1widutl\ and n tatu. Fm 1nmin111on and 1ppra1sel bv Grid uatt Gtmologtrt. Pleue call 536·7S48 for appoint ment. Ask fo r Mr. Terry. u UNI VE RSAL DIAMOND INDUSTRIES 412 Ohw, Suit1 203 Runtir19ton S.edl. Callt 9%841 714/536 7&48 Stretch Pontliner Regular S'l.97 217 Nylon, spandex for oll over shaping. White, M, l, XL. R .. J(. 13. 79 Pancllne r . XXI.. ••... 3.27 Pants ... polyester double crease. Washable. Mock Women's sizes 32-38. knit. front Pull-on style. Stitch belt. Popular colors. Tops ... 100°/o polyester knit. Easy-care. In an assort- ment of prints to coordinate with pants shown. Short sleeves. Button front. Sizes 38-44. jSearsJ So. Coast Plaza Buena Park Orane:e 2100 N. Tustin Avt. St Ollf HOURS Mo.,doy •h•u fr.Jay 10 AM to Q PM Soturdoy 3333 Bristol St. Phon• 540-3333 8150 La Palma An. Phont 128-4400 PN>n• 637·2100 9 JO AM lo 9 PM Svndoy 12 Neen le~ PM 'J I : .46 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL P GE An Obvious Answer It's h ard to und{lrslJnd hO\\ Tru'>te<• A r,. Wt.•stbt!r..: <:tin 1u,t1fy hb cont1nu1•d Pfl'St•nct.• on the Cup1!-.lram.> Un1 f1l.'<1 &hool 1)1J)trn:l IJo•m.l ol cduca· t1 on Th<' fa{·ts of the \\'P'>th\·r~ mJtlf•r <•re not com- plex. tic won r cc·lt•t·l w11 in T 1 uslt.•c An•;.i 2 an San Clemente. then mnv<.'CI lo Truslt.'t.• Arca J. thu:> kuvmJ.! Area 2 w1th11ut 1't•prc.'!.t.•nlt1t1un. The t ruslt.•c an·as an· dt.•s1gncd lo bprcad n!µrt.·sc11t;.it10n l'\ cnly throughout the spr'-lwhnM cl1s tnc·t Wcstbcri{ su\s ht• \\on't h·avt• thc• ho,1rd u11lt.•,.., ht., position b ch ·d.irt•d v.a·:ull h~ <1n Or;,in~c Count' Su~·rwr· Court JU<h!t.' Such t1 dcl'laralwn soon " 111 lw 1ought by .tht• C.1hforn1a Teu~·ht>r:. i'\':.ot·1at10n on t>t'half of a in aJority •Jf the d1s tnct '') kachers. The legal question in the c·ase I'> not as important a s the tn<ffJI fJOt'. Should u trustee remain in office in Ji irect de fiance of the d1stn<'l 's truslt'e area represen fat1on system ·' T he ansv.er 1s no. Westberg should re· ~ign. Logical Merger Merging the South Luguna San nary Dtstnt•t "1th the South Coa ... t County Watl'r d1stn ct is ,m uka \I.hose time h<t!i cumc. • . Merger would mt'an a redut•cd O\'crht'ad with thr •haring of management, clen cJl St Jff ,ind ca111t,1l fac ilities. And bec~1u'\c of the ad\'ancing technology of w ater r cclam.it10n, 1t 1s only logical that water suppl). no long..r he <.'(1n:.1th·n.'<1 separJtely from tt::. dt'>PO~al or n·u::.c Tht> JOll\UlJ.: or the <listri<:ts ::.till has an ob:,tudl• ('OUIM' of lt.·~a l burners to run, but tnllial rl'sponsc by rl·~ulatory agt>ne1es h11s been favorable Aµprovals by the stall' Lt.•g1slalurl' and the Orungt.• Coun ty Bo;.ird of SupN\·1sors un• µending .\lter thc:.t•, lht· t•nt1rc• C'JUl'Sl 11m \\ 111 ht.• atldres~1.·<1 hy lht.• \'Ol\:r:., probabl~ m JUl\l' S\\lft ttnd Jll1rmut1\l' Jl'lmn 'hould l>t• takt.•n to J(I\ Jlll't.• lhl• lllt'I gl•I Law of Politics EIN twn-.. hkt.· \\Jr, t•;.in bnng out the bc'>t and thl' ''orst in people.· Elections C'aD bt m g a commun1l~ togcthe1. in t·rcasc 1ls U\\ arcness or Ill> problems a nd focus atten· 11on on need s . The good or an e leclton 1s lhal solutions {'<.in be brough t forn ard on community issues. As for the bad. in their zeal to achte\'e office, un ~crupulous candidates may resort lo character as :.ass.nation in an effort, not to bwld up their candidate or cause. but lo pull d own their opponents. Sadly. this 1s huppcnmg in Laguna Beach. where -.ounou:. '' h1 spt.•rmg <'ampaigns ;ffc Ul'tnl! d1n•t'lt.•d ~1ga inst somt· nty council l'und1d<1tt.•s The elector ate s hould be intelligt'nl enough to re t•ogn1zc a bas1t physical law -that tu µull down a C<1ndiclate by lies and innuendo. the one doing the pull mJ: ha:. to be bt.'nl'ath the one he" ould t opple use Landlocked African .Nations See Angola Threat WASHINGTON -In sendin~ a special emissary here lo plead to an ostrich-like U.S. Congress for help, Zaire's President .Mobutu has warned that the now certain Soviet victory m Angola could escalate into far worse defeat for the Western world cbewhcrc 1n aouthern Africa. Thal somber mess:.i).!e. carrll'd to a sc o re of k ey Sen- at ors ancl R e pn•sl•n . t&tl Vl'S h y Mobutu 's forl•t gn m1 n1 s tcr . N~uta , h a~ had soml' 1m pact Uut 1t 1-. l'OnJcct ura I '4 hethcr Congrl'SS. in its elc<'tllln )ear 1solationsst mood brC<I out or \'1etnam,..., now prepared to vow help for Zam .>, Z:}mb1J and other nation~ or ~outht•rn Afn1·J Jllt'r its nat \'elo of President Ford's ( ] plantoa1d Angola EVANS.NOVA~ IF CO!'liG RF.S~keeps it-; _ • head in the san<l . the fault "'111 not ht> in th<.' l'lcJr "arning-. of either Pres1d l'nl Ford or Ngu1.a, who :.pent 10 days ro\'ml{ Ca pitol Hill. Zaire's Belgium <'ducatC'd foreign minister, who 1s highly regarded in Wes tern Europe, ("arn ed this messa~e : U.S. failure to ("om pete with brazen Scwiet foreign intervention would threaten not only his own count t)' and ne ighborin g Zambia, 11 "ould endanJ:er Arnca's entire ~outht>rn s alient do"n to the Cape of Good Hope. Tht> r eason 1s Angola's uniqup ~lrateg1c po:.1llo11. "'h1ch g1\C!'. 1l immense economic le\'erage over landlocked Zambia a nd near ly landlocked Zaire. If Mos· cow retains its present powl'r m Angola. both Zaire and ZambtJ could b e t'l'onom1cally d e• c1matt>d Za1rt> Ith<' rormt>r Belgian Congo) 1s the large:.t rert1le<'oun try m Africa. equal in size to th!.' US. east or the Mississippi It is also one of the world's richest sources of copper. munganest• and other valuable minerals. The critical geographical fact is Zaire's dc pcndencc on r;11l transport across Angola to thc Atlant1t' <h·can "That is ou1 lifeline." Nguza told w. herc lh1!'. v.('('k . "Close it and our people m Shaba <formerly Katanga. tht' copper·rtch part or Zaire I "111 bl' ruined ... MOSCOW has coveted the rirhes or the old Belgian Congo for decodl's. Antoine G1zenga, a key pro·So\'il't figure on thl' Jo,. 1ng side or the Congolt·St' Cl\ll war a decade ago. 1s no" 111 Angola for possible troubll- mak1ng in his old homeland. Abo tn Angola are some 5,000 ;inti Mobutu troops from lhc old Cl\ 11 war -m11t1ary pa\\n:-for UM' back in Za1r<' What fnghtt.>ns Zaire, Zambia and other non-ulignl'<i nalwns or southern l\fr1ca evcn mort' than massivl' Soviet m1lttary aid lo Angola 1s the l'Ontrasting U.S n· rusal t o help. As Nguiu told us and warned Congressmen: "Tlw Africans. 1 am sorry to say. an· losing their confidence 1n thl' n1ted States. Whent'ver th<'n• ll' any trouble. tht• US sny:.. ':\o more Vietnams ·Thal 1s hard for us Lo unders l and .. That conftrmt'd '4hal Euro· peans, far better informed on once ·colon1 a l Afri ca than Americans. have bt't>n pnvatelv warning: lht> mere ex1:.tenct' of So\·1el backed Angola, couplc'd "llh the congress1onal refusal to t·ompcte, C'ould automallrally lleneratl' pro C:nm mlUll't mm 1• ments. without pressure from lhl' l\rt>mhn ~Gt:Zi\ and other non Communist Africans arr count in~ on a \'1s1t hy Secretary of State H e nry K issrnJ,!er t o southern Africa tu help sho" th:.1t thc U .S. docs uot intend to withd r aw from s upcr·powN compet ition on the continent. But the real question lws 111 Congress Can Congress, as sorta• tenuous signs now md1catt>. fm.11 ly nd 1tsl'lf of the costly 11lu~1on that e\'l'ry t' S. involvement" a <'and1datl' for .. another Viel nam "" L'nless the ans" er is yes. the political outlook in southern Africa ts dangerous North of Zaire IS the Peopll's' RC'pubh1· or the Congo tlhl' forr;icr Frcn<'h C'ongol. t-ontrolkd h\ un ;inti Wt•sll•rn 11·)!1nw 1'11 the t'a'.'ot along th<· I 11d1 .1n On•;u1 l 11'' !\101amb1Q Ul.'. ltkl' Angola 11 former Port 111: m·~l.' colony v. hoM· i:ovt.>rnm\·nl hui. 1nt1m:.ilt tics \11 Mo:-.1·11v. 11 thl· ''"unwtwn 1, t'f)f rt'<'l th;11 Mn:-1·nv. \\ill l1Hh-l•d h1 • able to conMlltdt•ll' amt hold 11, poht1ral 1nf111t•rh·c.• ov1'r prn Sov11.•t i\n1wla. Za111• and Zaml11a arc cxtn·ml·b· '11ln1•rabk landlut'kl•d cou11l1 ll'' "lllt'<'l•'tl l>etw(•t•n i\n~ol;1 ;111d l\1111arrll11 • c1ut•. Tlli\T \\ /\S lhr mc.•-.-;a1:e 11f Pre~1d1•nt M ol11Jlu ' l'mt~:-:sry hl'rl' Wl11•1 lwr C11111{n·:-~ u11 derMands 11 v.1 11 not be.· kno"n un til 11 t akc-!i up tht• l'rl•-.idt•nt ' military and t•conomu· a11I pro gram for ;t,,ur<.' 1l am<1unh to J piddling $42 m11l11111 hut tht• t•on g resswn.tl :itt1t111h· tn",1rcl 11 eould forl'lt•ll l he I Jlt• of !'>csulht·t n /\I r1n1 Recycled Exhaust F~mes Blamed for ·Accidents Toth<' F.dttor In h1~ n•c('nl .I 11,1 Cou..,llnJ: rol umn. Thoma .. F. Murph1nc ""-l' .unan•d lo ~l'•' a r1t'\\ s1m11t•r ~I 1c•k .1wp the trunk lid nf u l-P<'l·dtn1! ,UllOlllOhl 11•. i\1'('111·rl1n~ In a1•rodynam11•" 1•n).!11w1.·1-.. a 'a1·1111m 1s c·ri·at1•1I hd11nd mm 1111: 11ltJ1•cts anti I hal 1·r111lcl h1· 111w of rl'uJ>nn' for t ht• llt'\\'l>:li't'I 11111 f:il1 1rlJ:11fr T r ,, ~ 1 l' .1 I I } . t h l' " u m ,. ;wro11\nam11·-. 1·11•all~ a 1wi.:;1ll\t' pn•-.,11r1• "11h1n thc• .111t11m11hil1• th.ii ">111·1..-. lht• 1-.1r·.., c .11 hon mono\ 1111• h.1rk in lo I ht• pa,,1•ni.:1•r 1·om1).irt nwnt B11mp1•1 lo hun•qwr I rutru· 1111 \IOU"I\ fnrrt'' •lnq•r-. tn hr1·,1lh1· nl,"'-1\ I' qu.11\ll l lt'!\ 111 Jlllt> t111lp11w t"l(h,111"\t from pn•r1•1ling \' t• h I c II· ' w h ll h h .tt .11 ti 1111-. 11rr11rn,lant•t• 1' rompo11111li•il II\ tllti.'lltnl! lhl' t111lg.1tt> "1r1!11m ' of ... 1.1111111 wai.:on~ and, JJ1t'-'1hl\ 1,.. thl• n"1r vent populnrl} '<I\ h·1t 1r1t11 :.onw of !ht• m11fl' rt'l't•nl 11101111 \1•h1rl1·-.. Tin: t:rl\ 1ro11mr111a1 1'1 111!·1· lion l\)(<•nr} ''( lh1k1 l 111\l·r~1t\. Jk~<·nr(•h Ct•nlt•r. 111 <·onilul'l111g 'ltudu.•.; n f flriv1•r 1lrow:-1n1•l'" fo11 11d that 10 perrt·nt uf North l'nrolin(I 1l ri \'1•r!< nclrn1tl1•1I 1•p1so1lt'~ of f.tlhni.: 11-.kf'p lwh1111t th1• wh1•1•l and 1·nn .. ur "Ith tlw t\nrnnn llt~hwa' f'ntml and llh1n Stal\• l l111\•1•1,1t\ 11•rx1rt<i th.it •• m 0 t (l r v I' h I (' I 1• t• '\ h a II ' I c>nl1Slilon~ produce dn\ l'r molll'n ttnn, clrO\\ •.inr<,S arid falling .1-.lt.'ep nt th<'" h1.•<'I · .rnd -.1,111•-. th1-. to b<' f.11 a mon· l'nmmon o~ar Gloon1y Gu R Rejlarding San Clemrntt-c; proposl'd Sl't.·e~s ion from Orange County Oran$!<' Countv's lo!>" would lit• San 01t'go'count' ' loss s .I (' -.-c-......... ·--.. ~-.. .-... «•••••tty _ _... ----·s...---·--,o.i..o..1,1'1111 phenomt>non th:.in h.1s g<'ncrall) ht'l'n rel'O!'! 111 n·il Hotht•r than gr a11t111)! the cont1 nusn~ demand:-of .1utomohil1· rnan11f;i1•tur1•r-. 101 llml' t•\· ttons111n .; in devl'loping t•11g111<' l'X· h;111~t poll11t11111 nmt1111,, ,1o; a mu•· kr of twalth and '<all'I\' 1111 llnvt'rs. pa .. :-.c•ni.:1.·ro; .1ml 11e.•oph• "orkmg :ind II\ 111,.: alon..: mJJClr h1)!hWU\'-. th1• t-:l'i\ 'h1111l1I tit• . nwn1I a11d 1•n!o11·1• 1t'i ck.1dl1111'. v.arn oil n·~"lt•11•1l dn\I'" ol ttw hl·alth h.11J11b ,1n1I n·11111 r1· v.ril l<'n nnts1•1• to h1• po..,IL'<l 111.dl nwt11r \'t'h1cll'' ... 1.11111~ ttw CO (•ni•1n1• 1•m1,,1011 11.111).!L r ... 111 .1utom11ltil1· clrt\tng ftira•~lul To the F.dttnr I ~UJlt)or l 1 ht• 1>1·hool hon11 1-;-.ue on tht• Marrh 2 hallol llavm1: .co11t• (rum t'll'nl<'ntar\ through h1~h !i<'hl)(>I in tht• C';1p1slranu t'n1r1ed School Dt'>t rt<'l. m}' t'll11r11tltm v. as for the most part obtaincd in :.in un<•rnwc!t-d, ri• htxt•tl L'IWlr11nm 1·nt wh1•rc thl· tl'ut•ht•n1 had tinw to .:1,·1· 1•,.tr.1 hf'lt> when I n''t'dl'rl tt l pon "'·" lnJi thc• loral ~rhr1ol -.)~h-m Iv.a.., hns1t•.11ly v. di pr('p.irt'!I fnr col h·.:·· T ll ERF. WF.RE t1mt''· hnv.-r vt•r . wht•n so111t• nf nn cl.1c;w-. "('r1• ll\'rrrro\\dt'll, ,mtl time:-\\hf•n rl.1s,e'> "ere on dou hit• ~{'s,um~ In I ht''I' \II uat mns lt>a('ht>r4' did not h,l\l' adl'Quat1' time to .:1' c• to ll1l'1r <,tuch•nt., 1-:\·en c;o<'t:il rt>lal1on"h1Jl'-amonJ! -.1uc1ent' wt'rt' lt•n .. e In short. till' c;etttnj! wac; not <'Ond11<'1\'<' lo rr C'f'l\ 1ng a good t'ducat1on Fortunately. "'hc·n this -.11 ua lion arose the pac;sag<' of a school hond hac1 O<'('urrc•cl School ~1tt-: had been -;ell'ctl'd and <'ono;trur tum v.as rt•ach to begm I fcl'l j!ratrful to th<' t<1'tpavl'rs of that tsrne for cann~ C'nouah <1bout my Ntuc<•llon to pas~ that school bond I now want to ~1\1.' our studl'nts the same opportunities madC' av:ulable to mr. MRS J i\:'llF. MEADOWS Canyon Plan To the F.d1tor C<ind1d:He McDov.l'll 1n hi' compat.-:n hrochurc• h~1~ mode a <'Unou.<1 st.iLl'ment about lht<'I' ( MAILBOX ) Letters from readers ore welcome The nght lo condense letters tn fit spact or fhm1nole lrbel 1s resen.~d. 'l..eller1 of 300 wordJ or less will he Qlv."I ptf'f rrl'nC'e A II letters muat 1n d ude 11griature and mrubng address hul names mo11 be wtthht>ld on rt · QU('ll 1f suff1c1ent rto&on u apporenl. l'IWITl/ !Lil/ nt)f hf' puhh~hrd neighborhood sprr1f1t· plan~ A' cnu• of man) proJ)l'rt} o"n1•1, v. ho workc•d on I ht• Can-. on 11111-. Plan these pni.t llC month-. and ":itch<'d 11 pm1:. t'\C'f\ i.tep t'111-. prt'"<'nt ronrl 1t ion. t ht• ~11).!.l(t''ll 11111 1hat 1li. µro.:re ... !I. hJ'> been '1111 drnly '1111-t rac·k1•cl h~ c·t•rtJ1n C'ounrll and pl:inning r1>mm1"1011 rl'pn•io.<•nt11t1\ c•-." 1-. hnr1I lo rl' ronr1l<• "1th the fort' No mc•mhl'I o( the counril could bl' ln\'olvl••I. ttw mattt•r hn~ yt•t to comt• before• thnt hod}. and 1n my 1•x1H•rt1•n<·c· J 11hn Mr l>owt'll was th<' only pl unnin1! comml!<:oimn('r who 1·00111stcntlv 1iuring the 11tudy ~1·ssion~ trn·tl to 1i:nort', down.l(r.1tl<'. anrl !lldt'trrtl'k our plan for altnosl a v1•.11 . 111' m1'ist.'d the m1t1al r<m n •pt prt.'11c-ntat wn and "a"' fit nl'\<'r to bt-f11l t>d in l11trr hv nc111hhorhootJ os-.oc1at 1nn rt'prec;('ntnt1vt•'I 111• "a'<n't on th1· Plan ning Comm1sc;1on tour or <.'onyon At·n•" lh 1\1' v.-1th all tht• other mrmtx·r~. ;inti '" roulc1 not have ht•t•n "'t'll appn\cd of 10('.d probll'm' by art'a n •c;1ci\-nts HIS jlent>rnl at11111'1C' aoou1 ne1,hborhood s pet-1(ic plan.; hac; lx'cn obvious and unfa\'or:1hl1• tie had alv.a~\ "antcd thcm plac~ ut th«' bottom of the \\Ork pnority list. and the burden of any work on them laid of on the c1t1zens When area res1d1•nts and property owners undertook this task. thl'1r industry and de termination p roved that they did intend to secure the benefits or sound planning for themselves an d the ir propHty This. howl'ver. Sl'emed onl y lo alarm Mr McDowr ll activist c1litens and self·dt>termtng in· dividuals apparenlly do this Lo him The rr<'ord ~hows that he rett the rpquest by th<' r.1)~tir Park Neighborhood Associ ation "raised the point of Just how m any othl'r neighborhood!-> will b<' presentinJ? such plans " When the E l R and publi<' hcar· ings before the pl:mmnA com- mission are past and tht' Canyon l11l ls Spec1f1c Pl:i n com<•s b1•rnr\' the council. I hopl' that all lht• membl'rs of that body will 1-t1v1• 11 fair <'Ons1deration and not I)(' pre· disposed for or aJ,?amsl 11 Tv.o nf tho~e membcrs "ill IK· S<'kl'tN1 -.oon and serious <·ho11:t•s must Ill' made TERENCl-:C GtnlA'\ Poor Rt-f"Ord To the t:d1 tor Sen l>{'nn1" C:irpl'ntt'r took one murt• 11111>111 t unit\. 1111111 to hi' d1• p.1rturt• for tht· \\ inl(•r (II} mflll''-, tu c;r,.·nk out al!:.111\:-.t lt·~l">lal1H' h('lp to 1mprov1• llw 'talu' of "1101<'11 < '011s1..,t c•nl "'11 h h1~ h:icl \'ot m•: rt•rorJ on wonH'n .. l'"\Ul''" lw .1,.:.1111 1urr1p1•!1 al lht• opp111t11111ly to nppoi.t• wom \'rt i\('R 13:.? <1\-...,1•mhlv C'nnrur rent Hesolut1on wh1e·h l'lllt•ncl'l the• hfr or lh1· .l111nl ("omm1tt1•1• 011 I, c· ii 11 I E fl u a I 1 t y t h r I) u ~ h Dt•rt•mlwr of 197fi) pasM-.1 th1 • As st•mbly 11nti tht• S\'nllt" S1·n Carp('nter. hOWt'Vl'I, w:i~ unl' or two voices who '\poke• a1:11111s1 lbt• resolution, contl'ntltn~. a" '"tn,1 that such a 1·um1111tlt't' 1'1 un necei;sary bcc 11 ll'll' women a rl' notd1scnminatt'l..I a~atnsl The• J oint ('omm1llC'I' on l..4'1:al F.11uallty 1c; mandate'<! to bnnl( in tnC'onform1l y wilh ft-<it'ral law all or Cah fornrn 's <'ll<fM and re gulations concerning the ab<>h hon of d1scnminat1on bao;C<I on sex It also rl'vll'" s th<' funC'llon tnll of stat<' aJ,?rnr1es for se~ d1:; cnminat1on Th4.' findin~s of this t-ommittr•• have led to corrcctt\'e le1uslot1on resulung in m 3JOr stndes to" a rrl ;kh1eving t'quality for a ll Cahfom1a women JOAN JENSEN Women's Lobby tnc. Coa•• Cont.rob To the Editor The tip or thf' iceberg Is show ing Your .. CoasUI Propo"io.l Revealed" <Feb tO l tells how Senator An thony Re1len.<con want-; lo put "permanent · controlc; on lhl' coast bt>cause the whole 1.072 miles of it are so spl'rial Next it will be the farms. fieldc;, deserts and m ountains that will need this special protection. The Coastal Commisswn·s "Constitution for the Coast",, a complcte rt>versal from thl' U s Con!>t1lutton that guarantees thc• rights or private property o~nershtp ancl busme!>s frecd<>L. from the bi.1rncst busine .. s to """" sma lll"s l l'Ottal!c. Sl'nat nr Ht·1lt•nson. who ts chairman or th1· St'nate F'1nanc<' Comrn1Uc·1., should know "hat thi:. takto\l'r \\ 111 l'o~t Thl' l'oao;tal Comml\>11on plan' for urriu1ring land "1th1n their I 000 ~:ir<l J11ri:-cl11•t1 on ,1r1• f"'>llmated at O\ er SS b11l1on with an add1•'1 ~t·arlv uµk1•1•p of $1W m1lhnn Thi.; doc .. n 't ml'luck "h.1t \\Ill ht• lakt•n otr tlw 1111vah• t.1" rolb ttnr1 nchkd onto your-. und mv ta ... lull-. It I' hJrtl to 1tnu).!1nt• th1• t'r o1111m 11• 1•Ht•1·t 11f huym~t nwrl' 111 t'allf111 n1u, ur what"<' v.ouhl l11J\ 11 v. 11 h Tht• t'l'o1111my and 1111 1·mpln\ m1·nt on tht· ('OU't JI 1· alri•;ulv r.ir lwlow tlw fl''' or ('t1llforn1U hCl'HllSl' or l hl'~t· l'Ofl t r't1b , 11011 lhL• whole stulc ha~ 111•1•11 hun hy th1•1r slopplnj,( or h11ild1111L 1nduc;try und rnt'r.:y proclurt11111 St•nalur fkllt•n!<1111 shoul1I i:1v1• u .. a co-.t projt·ction a.; "I'll :..-. 111111 l' rmot wn:il rhet<tn<'. Tl11s 1:-. morr thun <'n•1•111nii M>e'!Hh'm th1· rc ... t of the 1retx•n! '" ~ol1tl tot tihl 11rian1!-l rn COLOIEJOSJ.:f'll .4ilaorpalaoof ...-. To the Editor With d ePp 1l('\'Ot1on to our California H1ghv. ay Patrol :met othl'r poli<'l' t'nlnrcemcnl ag1•n cies. I JUSt read the Feh !J orllrk "Su11pects Savt•d hy l,.t1ot " Tt•r rific t What. you got a n1~w ruhn~. "~hen in doubt lead our \\tlh sholl'Uns7" Even l can hit :1 bnrk wall with onc ofthose What ever hapJ)t'ned to the movie version or radio ahra<t for help and try to shoot out thc tires wi th a rifle on fleeing cur !lu!' p('cts? 1'11 bet they'rt• l'a~1cr tn replace than stolen articles and bodil's How about a well pl;ir1•d non ntal shot to fleeing foot sus pects., Oh. I '\'e bl'en watchtnl! too many mov1t'!I , that's nld hat, ~ou weren't trnincd for SW1\T l'co pie an· ('(ISll'I , .. 1111 \\Ith II :-hot.i1111 , l ll l'' d11n 1 blow out easy now . T hro\.\ th11:-t· s ha1p,ho(1t1nl! 11w;1r<b 111 tht• i.:ar h.1g1· \'1111don1 deserve t hc.·m 11/\'l'l!IC'I.\ llAl.I . lrrt"lf"roret Toth1• Ed1l1t1 On 11.1/.!t' 0111• 11( "•'t'I 11,n i\ ol tl1• Fch 11. 1"111• of I h1• 1>.111\ 1 'il••f YOU ft'llOl ll'd 1111' °"•l)lt•ll( IOI' l•I ('1111111 \' 1.111 ol a \\ 11111,1111 1111\ II l• d "' c.·n1tw11 hn1· 1111111, lrum ,,,. I 1\111t• l11 .... 1111· ..... ,.,t .11i1i ... 111111·111 In h11lh tl11· lll'.11111111• ;11111 1111 .1rtll'lc.• 11-..·ll \1111 rd .. 11t·cl 111 1111 \\Oman ,..., I hr• "tit• of .1 p11l11 t• 11 llu·t I h,1\t· 11111 1111pl1·•1111,111.11 1-. lh.11 l.11·1 '"'' 111111" rdt·\,1111 1 .. the• I''"'' lh.111 h;11I •ht• tu t 11 1111 \\1h• 111 .1 It .tdlf'I . ,111111 Ill'\ I I 1rwd11 .ii 1101101 • \\oulil \11111 ht'.1111111<' h,1\1• hl'l'll '\\cir• rd 'I 1';11 111'1 St•nl 1 111 t•d .. J\' ,1 fl! llft''-'dftn,tl l.t\I 1'111111 I• n11·nt 111111·1·1 I \.1•1 v m1wh rt'" 111 1111' l\pt• of 1111"a1r;1r1t1•d .11111 111 Ill\ jlld~'lllt'lll . 111 l''Jlllrl"lhll' I• port1111-: 1'\l'lllf1fllw1l Ill that .1111 l'I•· II.id tlw 1•11il1v p:111v h1•1..c·ll 111•1•11 .1p11l1n•ofl11·1·r11 1 lht·liri1t•i.I I lit' 11fh•11,1· I hat\\ nuld 1>1• .1 pt "I" 1 11111•1 .... , Th.11 h11\.\ .. ,,., ~ .... llHI llw 1•a...c• ,md I hu' I Ill' r dt•r 1•111·• 111 tlw 11flf'rt1l1•1 'l111 .. lt.1r11f 'l11111ld 11111 h.IVI' ht'l'll 1111 lt1dt d .11'.llU\'IHl\ P ORANGE COAST DAllY PILOT\ /' 1,, •I \ II• r·t/ l'u/111•~• r I' '"'''. ~ f I, ,, ,. tlJflft U1;rlttl'·I l\,r111•11I f 1/11 .. •111/ / 'lllJ" t "'"' I hr 1·tfi111r 1.11 , ... , • .. 1 lltt· l>.111\ f'ilul I• I.;'" I 11 tit 1 ur Ill .11 .. I 'lllllUl,111 I I .1rl1 I I> flll'"'lt\1111! "" ""' J··•~ • 1f 11 • t • t 1111111w111.1r \ Ort ....... ~ "' 1111•,, . I II\ • I,. ....... <'ff 111111111111,h "'"I • .111•~1111,I 111 fl'"' ulinl! .1 for um f111 " 1111-r' \ 11'14 ' .11111 111 Jllt''f'Ollnl' 1111' n•'ll 'fl:IJll'I ' 1>p1111nn' .11111 1d1•11' till I ltrt >'01 lnp1r' 1 hi 1•lt!u11.tl 11111111•m' .. 111w 1>.nl\ 1'11111 ·•l'Jl<'ar ••Ill\ in lh•• 1••lll11r1.il n11t111111 .11 lhl• lnp of 1111 p.1 j!" (If 111111111' I'\ pr1·~,1~l Iii Lill' • 11lun1r11 I' .trtd 1.lfl•~•nl•I• ,otHl 11 ll•·t -.1111·1 .111· lht•u U\\11 .1Hd f\11 1 rtdnf .,, nu ut of lh1•1r \It'"' 111 11 ... lt.1111 l'tlr1I \houlll f.,. 1nf1rn11 Wt•cJnt•<.,dav. Frh JR 1!)76 , - t Wf"dn day' Clo ing Prict-~ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Wednesday February 111. 1976 tlsc OAJLY PILOT ., Salaries, Rates Now Costs $3.80 To Send Letter? ByS\'LVIA P()RTF.R It now cor.ti. rnoN> than SJ tc.l to produl't' oht-single, 1tan dard buslnc1~ lt'lll'r up ul 1"11:.l 10 to 1~ pcrc~nt over lht> level of a )'Ur ai:o. This inrludt'll C'onservatlvel)' t''lllmitled sal11rlt:s or lhe penon who dlrtatt'd tht: lt'Ut'r ~md thl' scrretary,who took I.ht: facc·to·faCt' dil·tut1on and tyl)l•ll the ltotttr, rnuturials in· volvcd, ov~rheJd <'06L'>, ftllng and malling l"OSl..'1. t'll.'. Thl' tol~I is rea<'hed via a special formulll or the Dllrtnell lnstitut<' of Buun eiss R ese a rrh. headquartert•d 1n Chtl'ago Money's Worth i\ STUDY OF Tiit: Dartnell i.tatlst1t•s that went into the total underlines how 1:onservat1ve thut $3 80 1s -at lea.st In many urban ar eas of tht> U S For mstant'e, the salary ol lhc person dictating and signing the letter 1s put al un averagt.> ol slightly over $300 a -... eek. In big <'Illes partirularly, mid- dle-managemt'nt salanes are well above that. The sala11 of the secretary turning out the ll'ltt'r lb put al an U\'erage or JUSt over $14-0. In cllses suc-h as Ncw York, thitt salary range for secretaries 1s ant'1ent hu.to!J . With first·class stamps up to 13 t·tmts. Dartnell probably wtll soon revise that $3.80 upward. Pl!rhaps $4 00-plus is an underestimate in mid-Manhattan. What can you do -outside ol not writing business let- ters'! (And there are times when the phone 1s not enough and a professionally typed letter plus l.'arbon are "musts" ) Thl· least you can do is make sure your ex!>('nssve teller gets to its destination as rapidly as possible and you uvo1c.J costly, llme·consumin~ errors -DEVF.WP Tilt: habit amonj.? your «.>mploye' (Includ- ing yourself) of mailing your correspondenct• bdore lunch. and by all m eans, avoid rush-hour mailings. It may be that 1( you have a bag of f1rs t·dass mail rcudy by 2 p.m ., the loeal pos t office wilJ pick 1l up for you. posbibly saving you hours of time. Zip code all }Our mail: this can mean a day or two faster delivery. for non·Zlp m:ul mui.t be held for convcn- lJonal sorting at slowt!f speeds Ulan ure Ubed by the postal ser vice's new sorting machines (Zip your return addrcs~ too.> -Use the proper envelopes and ket:p an ample supply of \·arious size envelopes on hand so you can match the e n- velope size to its contents. Too small envl'lopeb may break during prot'e~ing; too large first class C'O\ t•lopcb may be mistaken lor slower movsng thud cl abs When you must U!-e large. flat first·class c·melope:., be sure they ha\e a ds:. ttnl:t l\'C greeen d1amoml border de..,1gn for eUSV first da~i; 1dl•nttfscat1on. And use light rolon·d CO\t'IOpcs loo lhl'rc 1.., a ('ontrast with the uddrcss 1mprl·s~1011 for easy rcadm.: by the machine. -KSOW ~ llES PO~'TAL service trucks, planes and trains depart a nd arrange your m;11lin~ :.chcdulc accord mg l~. If you use a street or building lobby mall hox, !'heck thl' collection timl's; you may be able to :.uve u full day on de- hwry by posting your mail just a little carhl'r. Us<' the post offke itself too -Double·check your scules, for · us P1tnl'y Uowt•i., a leadinl! m anufad urer of postage meters warn~ mur· curate scal<.•s can cause you a lot of trouble A "h11:h" scale readint: means you arc ml•rpaym~ po:-.ta.:c. a "low" rl'Ucl · in~ means "postage due.·· Place 111111• p1·nnics on your po .. tal i.C'ale : they should weigh exactly one ounce. If they don t, fix your scales at once. Fll'~D OUT IF YOU'RE eltg1blc for sp<'cial bulk mall rates 1( you mas I 200 iclcntical pieces or more al a ts me. GN the det ails from }our postmaster and hp~ f11r msn1m1Z1n~ bulk mail costs . -Keep your mailing lists t'urrent for rnax1mum effi ciency. Prmt .. addr<'SS t'Orn·rt1on rN1ue.,tNl" on <1u tA01ng <'nvelopes, ask reripscnb once or t\\H'C a .>c:.ir 1f they \\ant to rem am on your list. Mark all packaACS with easllv breakable arti('lc' "frai:sle ·· Ask your loc·al post 0H1te for the fret pamphM · llow to Pack and Wrap Pan·els for Ma1hn~. ·• FOR A FREE BOOKLET "20 Way" lo ltelp Yllurself to Fastl'r Postal Sern<'t'." wntc P1tn1·y Ho~cs Walnut & Pacific Streets. St.1mford, Conn., 009().t. ' Energy Saving Exhibit A spedal homr <'ner gy conscrvats<m t•xhlb1l prcparcll hy Southern California Gas Co. is al the Ncwporl C.:Cnlcr sn Newport Beach throuJ?h February. The exhibit, which will IX' n<'ar thr Fashion Jslanll Broadway store. inl'lull<·s display-. that !>h11wcas<' <'nni.:v saving home ft•a lur<•s ancl 011tli11t• 111 atlscal "il)"' homemakers can nmsnvc natural J!.i'> Gas company ronsumer snfot mal1•111 '111•1·1:1!1..,h w1ll lw at the exh1b1t <las!\ to tlcM-r1hr th1· 111'11l ,1\'" und ''""'"'·r questions about m .1r1.1gmr, an 1·n•·ri.:~ !'111111111 homt• UCB Official To Forecast ·OC Economy John A . Kyser, \ 1c-1• pr1'!;1 clt•nt of 1Jnstcd C'aliforni.1 Hunk. wtll fon•eo<1t I )1'11111!1• County•" 1•c-011omtc· llllu11· al t ht• Frb 2fl l{t·nnul mr n1 hl'r11h1p rnt•f•tini? nl tlw Suri dlfolnwk V:dl1·y C'hunih<'' "' <·om 11wrt·1• Tht.• 111 t•akf.1,1 .,, . ..,...son • .., !iChl'dul<•d for 7 30 :1 m 111 t h1• M1<1<11on V1t•J11 C'nuntry rluh KyH'r I!> in <·harJ.(<" of 1111• n · l{iona l ancl 1ndu.,l11al et'11nom1n "roup m ttw IJ(' II r 1• ~ e a r c h .1 11 cl p I a n n 1 11 .: <l1v1s1on I h· 1, n ·,pons1hl1• for I ht.' 1 n t t' r p r 1• 1 at 111 n 11 f economic-trend!! in tahf11rr11.1 CHAMBER SPEAKER John A . Kyser ,11111 th1• "''''>tt.·rn l r1t11•tl MJh'" ll1•-.1•n :111nn-. (01 I h« SI ~,() hrt·:ik r ,1.,t 111.1 v Ill' rnncl<· by t .ti I 111 ,. 1 h 1• r h :i m lier a L >l'n .• 11:;J Ir\ , .... " 2.1. .... FlllD'S 1lblrtai1 Grown" C(f'fH 3 Lh. Con 3.99 Rotary controls tor volume , balance and tone. Matching speake1s' 14533/503 89.95 SOUNDESIGN AM/fM --.._ Table RADIO Direct dial tuning with buil t 1n AF C for better ~ fM reception. ~:;::~~~;.. 16 88 ··•un~u:W ;;~ .. :ir.": 0 0 I ·~·~":., ,.• i'J340 • CARNATDI ISTUT HOT COOOA fll .hlst ui -Met Water! 12 EIMLOP£S --. 85c ....al'~ -lllX-1.-... --1 SHAMPOO ~ llEU:ME CIMTIS f avo11te foimulas 1 1&1z. 55c ea. ~ - iwD WFES" 10FREEIDf' AU-PllPOSE tDIYCllll Beftless MAXI-PADS CLOTHS BOX Of 30 Ret~e! Ultra Absorttnt! PAK Of 10 .. ~~~2 ~1.00 1A9 ~~Ni °':, ~~!?!,!!, ~ LOTION FOi Dill SK .. la!'IOhn enntlled 1 EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK \. Boston rocker with this ' • contemporary set 1n decorator colors S£T 7 .88 16 Ol. PLUS t l t 1 ; FRIE 1112 Ol. ,-<-~ CIEAM l b •~ • ...... 2.66 Thro~.,~!!~!~ ~ ~Js • fasc1nahng designs with . artistic detd1hng. 2:7.00 FOOD SUff'llMOff FOi SIC .. mMI COAT Nutri en t s tor a heatttiy s ~1 n and ~~~~~~!~pa21n of 1ten 9 se 200's • • DRISTAN Robitussin COUGH FOIMUlA Tasty and 99c soothing• 4 IL Robitussin OM 6-1 HOtRl COUGH FOi.MULA :Cottc' 1 49 4 ll. • Robitussin PE 08.UXI Tennis Socks "Gol•en Classic" SwPatpr ool and comfortable with stripe top 2!2.50 I , MEN'S · · ·· / Crew Socks ' ' I "Gtldu Chss1c" f ,~ 12 OL CAN PEPSI ~ J tJ9 jf'2.49 r;· ~\:·.~---( ::::r'·~r:! :=or Collars DECONGESTANT TAIUT1 Relie v es s inu s congest1on'l 9 8 ... ---50 TABS • for nasal $lu111nPS\ and cougtis• 119 4 H . • \/( _ ~~0,~e clotton0a9nd ..... PR. • BOYS' T b S cks ··~ol~u 21usic'" r I I ~ · --~~ 'j~; ,,f/' ~ For well dres~ed ~s1'1 6 ! ggc ~ ""' URGl \ , 11 Kaopectate ~ d1c1rrhea1 ·-,. Rehet ol 9 9c "AJAX" CLEANSER I I OL L---' s~:, 99~~ 1.88 , Kaopectate LEADS TO MATC~ ,:k 99~ l .08 v .. r INAL TOUCH" FABRIC SOFlENER 1.29 COHCDfTIA Tt 5~~;~:a1 1 0 9 I OL • • ~~t%n anld nyloon. gftts • IRONW£YI • MISSlS' '"FANCY" Knee Hi's 111 bun ac ryl ic 10 I 1\cinat1ng dec.1gns and r o lor ~mbinat1nns 1. o 9 GARDEN SUPPLIES "DOWNY" Concentrated FABRIC SOFTENER ,~ ClOSE•lf TOOTHPASTE 4.6 oz . URGE .,.s1u &Be PEPSOOlNT 3 • 1 00 ToethltrMslteS : • Almond Roca Family Pak [ver yone's ta1·orile treat 1 , 1LB. TUB 1.59 .:: RUB8lRMAID Shelf Liner Wa~hablP i.nrn ti111sh 1n decorator color • 12" • 10 FT. 69C • 21" I 5 FT. EA. CHATtAU CAPRta WINES Chablis, BurRundy. Vin Ro~e or Pink Chabh s 1 1fl GAL99~A. 1~ 15' CANDY BAR~ Popular ta1011te" ~/i YOUR 2 ' 19C ~!7 CHOIC£ ~ ~ ~ 2.00~~~.~ WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY FOUR Of THI.Sf PIOOUCTS r 1 .... -1 r,r ·--· \ -.. ~,~ l , c -~-· .•.1_ ... , l~\Qtipsl . ' I ) - VASUIME 7 9c VASELINE 49c 111111me Carr 'lJaOUUM letlt9 10 ., J(llY 1 i" VASELINE 79c "''"'"" t¥• .,,_ ..... 11 " O·TIPS 49c ru Of 111 CUTEX 011, 1b11,.11" ••MO'ler c ., 3 9c .. Soft & Orr Non-Sting ANTl-PERSPIRANT Assorted Ferm•las! 8 OZ. SIZE EA. ~ 7 • Saddleback EDITION Today' • Closing toe ks VOL. 69, NO. 4'9, 6 SECTIONS, 64 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, FEBRU~~y 18, 1976 TEN CENTS ' , ·svusn Teachers' Bu~et Cuts Assaile~ By LA URIE KASPER Ol-D•llrl'l._tMtt 1'he Saddleback Valley Unified School District 's non-teaching employea ashd trustees Tues- day not to allo.,., teachers to "negotiate away" ;obs in the du- trict's support services PauJ Brauer. president of the Saddlebaclt Valley chapter of the California School Employes As· sociation. ·apparently was react- 111g to teacher-5 ' proposed budget cuts. and salary requests wh1ch wil1 be presented to ad· muustrators and tr~tees during negotiations beginning nexl month. Classified employes wiJI also begin negotiatmg "'•th lhe dl.l>· tnct next month. Both groups expect to approve their final budget recommmda· lions and salary r equests for these negotiations Thursday. Brauer contended that last year teachers caus~ a loss or Jobs "only tor their own benefit '<'1th ltttle or no regard for our-well betng. "We cannot wait this year to see 1r the teachers. under the auspices or saving the distnC't ·Mutt on o Motorbike Some dogs will do anything to pkase their masters. as is demons trated bv this "Easy Rid<•r " <'rwsmg south on the· Santa Ana Freeway Tuesday. Thl' btlarre sight startled motorists. including two Highway Patrolmt·n. who \\t'n• tov busy wnlmg ttc kl'ls to thcC'k up on the legality of car- rying e<.1nint' pu-;s mgcrs . A pil·ce of carpet on the tank top krcps the pup from slip· pmj? off during torncnng. Irvine Co. Eyes Swap El Toro Land/or Garden Grove Ni~ Site? By DOl'G LAS FR117.SCllE Ot.,.. 0.11, ~ .... Sol.ttf Garden Grove C'ouncilm<'n have changl'd a f.!l'nt•ral plan df' s1gnat1on for an abandoned N1kl· !>Ile. easing the w•1y for a pro posed land swaµ b<•l'.\cen the lr\'tne Company and lhl' U S Marine Corps. }'hf Gnrden Grove swap and ~ out of.Irvine venture!! be· Ing <'yed by th<' Irvine Company have become an increasingly 1m· portant part of company opera t1ons II~ th<' r1rm looks towarli d1vers1ricat1on or lb holdings, ilC' c·ord1ng lo compuny Vice Prcs1· dent LanMni.t 1-:bnling At the end of J lhrt•t' hour h<'arinii T1ll'Sd av. tht• rounc1I rhan.:<·d the l11nd U'lf' dt'!il11Jlal111n for~ ocres of th<' 228 acre :'\1k(' 111te from open spacl:' lo plJnncd industrial dt'\ elopml'nl Arrordmi.: to Garckn GrO\'C' l'rban Devt•lo pmt·nl l\tJnili.!t•r Stwiart M1ll(•r. :a rnnt' t·han..tt• :ind other prOC'<'l'l'lnll ut·l1onc: "'tit tw rt>t1uln•d twfun• ltw I.ind can he dt>\ l'loPt•d Thr r<'dnnl J:m t>rnrnc•nt h;" of forl'd the Irvin<' Compuny tht' N1kl' !!Ill' in l'Xt'hnn1w for lane! around t:l 1'oro M .mnr ('nrp, /\1r Stotioo. n f<1dlltv lh1• Maruw~ twll<'ve may br thrcatc•ned by nl•nrby ell'' t•lopmt'nt Th<' Martn<'ll ar<' all<'mptmJ.? to trade' lht c;arclt·n c;ro\C• N1kt' bast• and otht•r hnldln,.:>1 for •1h<1ut tllO acrc.1 Ill the 1-:1 Toro n11o1ht pat· tt'rn. urcord1nl( to lr\'mt' Com. pnny spokes mun Jeromr Colhn'i Th<' Gnrdt•n Grov<' Sii<' hus been conte11trd hy oth<'l"'I . mctud lnll Counly Supcr v1sor Luurence 'OUR PAPER' AD SOW CAR "The ad sold the car The Daily Pilot IS 'our paper' for sure " That's the sales success story told by thf' Corona del Mar Man who placed lhts ad in lhc D::uly Pilot: ·73 El Dorado. 'Cini rond. Fully equip. 39,000 m1 s Pvt. Pty XXX·UXll If you havf' n car you "·ant to sell, call 642-5678 It only takes a few words in the right place to ottract a buyer. Along the Orange Coast the ri1otht place to ad\•trtise as the Daily Pilot Schmit, "ho "'ant to makl• lhc· area a parlt. Rut the C1tv of Garden (;rent'. eying mdustr1al de\t•loµml·nl or the parC'cl a!> a source of lJ\ money and jobs for 1ls r('~1drnh. opposes that 1dl·a. S10l'l' I !Ii I '.\hen the park "as propo:.c."Cl . no action has be<'n takt>n to dt•v1•lup 1t, according to Miller. · Garden Gro\'c Mayor UNn.ml Adams rN'enlly cornrnentl·tl. "If Schmit tries to stop us from creatini:: JObs and a l:lx ha~l' for our people. at '.\ouhi bl• likl· kill 1ni:: Santa Clau~ and motherhood ... Counl~ ~uperv1~nr ... h1m1•\1•r, han• pa~l!<'d a n·.,ol11l 111n 111cl11·.1t mi:: tht•v want th<· pJrct·I lo In• .1 re~1onal 1>ark :"'om•thcl<'ll!o, the federal gov nnment. "'h1ch o'.\ n.'i the land. has mark 11 clear lhat 11 intends lo tr~ to use 1s in a deal to protect f:IToro, M11ler ~a1d :\kanwh1le. tht• land d<'als be· mi:: \ll''.\t'd by lhe lrvmc Com ~ µany are be com 1ng a larger part or the rnrporate picture. Eberl mg said Tuc>'lday In add1t1on to the Garden (;rm·c ~•t<'. lhl• firm 1!>. t'On!>.ider· m1ot other ~o\ <•rnment lrad1•:- ~uC'h a .. a \'I arf'hou!>.c complex in S:m Franc1.,co 1n exchange for thl' land around El Toro Also. th<• c<1rn pany hac; offered to bu\' the old Fort Worth, Texas , a Ir Jl;l rl . ,1 r a(' iJ 1 l) r (' (' <' n t I} r1•pl:.i<'cd h)' .1 Dalla:. l-'9f'l Worth !~h' SWA P, P aitf' t\2) Don Ames To Head New High School l>on Amt•i1. <'urrrntlv pnnc·1p.1l nf M1s'i1 on \'1e10 111).lh ~·hnol, h:1i. bN•n uppmntl'fl pnnc1p;il "' llw new. }('I le\ hl· built, t.ai.:una 11111-. 111,::h Srhnol D1~tncl offlC'lalll .,,1111 Am1•s will probably ~tuy nt :\l1.,.,1on Vn• Jn. "'ht•re he has hc1•n p111w1p.1I for thrf'l' years. for ut k:a~t u purl 11( ne'<l ~ear . The new hii.?h ~c·honl •~ not rl111• toopt>n until Fall. l!ni Amee;· appoml me•nt "'·'' nnc• nf !lever al appnn C'd b\ thl' ...,Jd dlcback \'alley t ·111rwct SC'honl Daslrict's Board of Educ.1t1on Tue!>day. Trustees also appoantoo Or rat McDaniel. currently prin r1pal al \'alenc1a Elementary School. as principal or the new t'lementary sch ool in Lake Forest. lie w tit begin nl the t1chool. which 1s unnamed as yet. on July 1. The school \\111 open in Septt'mber. John Dellos. assistant pr1n- c1pal at Serrano Intermediate School, was named pnnc1pal at De Portola Elementary School errecti"e l\l arch 1 Ht started in the district as a teacher rour years ago. Joseph Baffa. currently a prin- C'1pal at th<' Frank D Par<'nt Elementary School in lnRlt>\\ood, was approved as an element :ir~ level prinC'ipal effect h·e Julv 1 Trustees did not ass1i:n lt1ff;1 "ho has been a principal at c•l('m«'nl ar' and JUn111r h1J?h 'C'hnnls for Iii yl'a1 '·to :.i ~p<>c1f1c •.;rhuol Huhy Edman. prt•sentlv a fl'l)'l'holoJ{1:.t at F,I Toro ll1 Rh S<•hr10l. wac; appo1nh>d as actan~ a .. .,1stant prinl'qlal ut 1-:'>pcranr.a ~·hool Shr will t ake the post on Marr h I Al'io, trus tC'l''I appoint«.>d Chuck llu~hrs. a sor1al sr1<'nC'c teach<•r nl M1<1i.wn V1(•jo ll11ih School. as actan~ a .. s1stanl pnnc1pal at Ser rJnc>. TUXJ Sclwo/,s In MY Park Proposed Capistrano Un1f1ed School 01'· tnct trustees reacted favorably Tuesday mght to a proposal for construction of two schools an a n 85 acre •·super park" m the M1s - s1on V1e10 planned community. Trustees were told that joint U5e or the park would be finan- c1allv favorable for the dtstncl in that "tess land ~ould have to be purchased for u se as athletic fields The proposal was advanced by Jeromc Thornsley. sC'hools <Stt Pi\RK. Vagt' AZI from nnancial dlrftculties, re- peat last year's pattern," he iiatd. Brauer said neither the di.strict nor the •~aching staff could exist for long without efficient support services. Maintenance could be cut back for a short tame, he sa1d, bul tn the long run the d1stncl would be living on "false e<'onomy." If services are ilmored. he said. they and the cost of repair would multiply. "No district can exist without us. No school body can afford to be without a competent and lcyal support st a fr.'' he srud. He said he was not opposing re- quests made by the teachers and other <'trtiflcated t'mployel\. lnstend, he anld , he wa:i representing the employt>S "1A1ho, I believe, are oflC'n 1gnorl'l.I m the 0 \ er all Vl('W or the cfhclel\l operation or a school d1slrict.J' lie said he trusted the trusteec; to look at the "wholl' picture" m coming salary and bud.:ct con- s1deral1ons. Patty Feared Death •• Ill Bank Heiress Weeps On Stand SAN FRANCISCO CAP> - Patricia llears t says her mind was swampl'd with re\•olutionary rhetoric.· and her bodv ravished by rape and other ph)os1cal ahu~c when she robbed a bank under fear or t'X£'('Ut1on Miss Hearst wept frequently as she testiried bl•forc the jury for lhe second time Tuesday a day on which the trial Judge 1ssut>d a memorandum sayi ng the newspaper heiress failed to con· vince him s he was "a prisoner whose every move was made un- der the watchful eye" or her Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapers. Miss Hearst, sipping wate r and using tissues to wipe away tears, told jurors that she entered a Hibernia Bank branch on Apnl 15, 1974, certain that SLA ch1crtatn Donald ··cmque" Ot!Freeie m· tended to gun her down IJl front or surveillance C'ameras. She watched a replay or the bank robbery and. when asked by defense C'ounsel f. Lee Dailey '>'hy she frequently J.?lanccd over her s houlder at DeFrcczc. replied. ··1 had thought that even lhough I wo•Jld go m and do this. that he was ~omg to kill me anyway m.;ide the bank " She sa 1d s he reactt'<l with dis- belief when the SLA told her they were i:oing to rob a bank and s he would part1c1patc They !laid they nredt'd monry. :.ht' lc•st1fled, and thal DeFrel'll' "wanted me lo be wantedbvth<' F'R I " The basis or MISS Hearst's dC'· frnl>e is that s he part1c1puled in lhe holdup under th real of death Tbe Jurors listl'nt'd intently Tuesdav as the defendant le'lllflcd ·bt'l" <'en replays of the tape., c;h<' !>aid '>he n·rordrd m bhnd terror She told them of bcmi;? forceli lo have se'Cual mtcrcourc;e "1th <See PATTY, Va1tt>A2) Othf>r Stories /\dd1t1onal South County stones appcJr tod<1y on l'agc AlG. * * * * * * Lust ira tlae Closet SLA Sex Trysts 1 Told by Patty Ul'IT•I•-• 'RAVISHEDSLA' Patty Hearst Testifies Oust Hinshaw Plea Sought By Viejo Man Preston Howell. a resident or Mission \'1eJO, asked Saddlcbark Valley Unified Srhool Distract trustees Tuesday to consider usk· ing Congre ssman Andrew Hinshaw lo res11otn The H.epuhhcan congrcssm,lll h35 been round gu1 It} or charge., that he ucc<'µted s terf'o equip ment a!I britws from lh<' Tan<h Corporal ion "hll<' he workl'd a!'. Orange County's a.,.,\',~Or pnr1r 10 his elerl1on in l!J7l Und<'r tnformal rulcc; of lhf' flousc of RepresentallvC's, run <See lllNSlli\ W, P a1t1• i\2) SAN FHANCISCO <UPI> - Exc<•rpts from Pat ricia lleurst :. te:.11mony TUl'~day at her bank robbery tnal Ba1lt•y . Prior to th(' making of this last tapt', as hl•sl you ran n• t·all did tht•rc• comt• a l1m l' when one' or the women came to you and talked lo )OU about gelling 1l on with someone·• Miss Hearst: Yes. Q. All right. Can you re· member where you were al lhe time? A. I was In the closet. Q. Were you blindfolded? A. Yes. Q. Do you remember who the speaker was-> A. Yes Q.Who" A An1otela Atwood. Q All right Can }OU tell us whal she said. as h<•sl you can re. member" A. Sht' said that I was going ln s leep \'I 11 h Wilham Wolft• <.~ t •h huh A Andsold1d Q. Did she explain lo you any of the customs or the SLA. whal their sexual pall<'rn was lhat yuu were to he aware of'1 A Yes. she said that she ancl evt•rybody C!lsr wanted me to know more aboul what 1l was hke being m the· <'ell with lhl'm. Q Uh huh A And that cvc•rynnl' had lo lakc• t•:in• of tht• n<'l'd~ or other pcopll• and that ~ex ual frl't•dom was a part ur the rune tionm1t or the l't'll am1 that <,me<· I d lwcn there·. t'\C'll lhoui.:h I was m tht' clo'\el. that I 'hould know more ahoul t hc•m Q llnw Joni! a flcr \ht• had lh1~ C'nnvl•r-.atum '-"llh you dul W1lh1• \\11lf1• 1·11m1• m ., A Nol loni.: a ftt•1 llrnl I llun'f know ''"""""' ll "'·" the· '1,1m•· n1i:hl Q Wao; your hlandfnlcl rr· ITIO\ ('(I'' A y,., () Whal C"loth1ni: had you hN•n (Sf>t> llE1HlST, l'agf' A21 Anti-nuclear Vote 'A Vote for War' "'••n• h••r By DOUGLAS fRf1'1-c;cJIE 0t "'• D•ll• ru .. 'Uf' A VOi(' ror Propos1t1on 15-the anti nurl<'ar energy measure s a vote for poverty. ramine and war, in the view o r Edward Teller. a phys icist whose tics to nuclear energy dale to research on the first atom bomb. The California anll-nuclear power initiative is part of a na· tionwide effort to cripple the rountry's potential to develoo nuclear energy sources. he told a student audience at Orange Coast College Tuesday He does not claim that nuclear reactors are roolproof. "If anybody says that an in- strument Is foolproof, the fool wiJI tum out bigger than the pro- or," he said, drawing !aught.er from lhe more than 400 students. Safeguards on nuclear power plants. he said. ha\'e prevent«.>d an)' loss of 1tre or threat to life from an accident in thr history or the nuclear powt·r tndustry "Loss or money. yl's l.os' of liv<'!I or even health. no ... hC' said But loss or nuclear j)OW('r "' a source of energy, he predicted. will be disastrous. By 1985, h e said, nuclear energy C'an supplant the burn111g of six billion barrels or 011 da1h. the amount the U S. currently imports. • "We need enHgy to keep California healthy," he saul "We need en ergy to ke<'P the United States healthy But more than anything else, we need the energy for the world. We have a shortage of energy. but we have a surplus or babies . Predicting a world P')pulat1on of seven billion by the turn of lhc century. the Hungarian born physicist said. · "'rhese people'-" 111 be wretchedly poor and lheir poverty will not be allc\ 1otcd (See TELLER, Page i\2) \'oriohll' hq•h l'lnuct .. hf'com1ni; mui.tlv e loiulv ThurMl11v P.1tl·hy f111: .ind lnw t·l1luds ton1..tllt .inti Th11r'lti.1y rnorn1nJ! 111~11' 111 thl' low fill., Lo~' 1;, Ill 50 INSIDE TODAY TMuCJh nthrr mn111<'.• halX' stnct· s.urpourd 11s ooz olf1< I.' rf'C'OTd. nonr houf' ropturrrl thr rrn/lhc 1moqmollon lllu• · c.;onr ~1th th(' Wind " A7. At,...,., \enlc• INll-. ,,_ ........ (. L M .. y. (AUfot'f\t• c.m10 o-......... Dul~HOllC"' f_fUtrtatP• .. f.l'tff'UhWtM"t "i"""O -,._,.,.ll•o•• ~ .... "'"'u_,, Index A> Molfltoa AU Mewt•\ Cf """'" ... Al Mvt,...I PwM4 A~ Nah ... atNe*'\ g~ ~J." C.w•l1 At hl•I• Per1er A• ,..,,, 114 \ \!«~ MtrUh I• I 1'•11vi\lef'I (411 T._ ... ,. ... " _ .. ,,., CJ Wtri. '"'"' Ct Al lit' •• •• A4 •• Cl I Ill Ill I .. ' IH 114' A• ... "' DAILY PILOf SB o •• ,, ...... --. TELLS NUCLEAR NEED Energy Re1e1rcherTeller E',...PageAl TELLER ... \\lthout ener~y If we ban rc&t· tors, "e \\ill take 011 away from others by drivmg up the pnce' .ind the undt•\'eloped counlncs \\Ill SIU) poor " "If wc manage to deH·lt>p ev<'ry reasonable ... ourcc of t>nt·r.:y nul'leur, <'OJI , g:i..., ~olar, geothermal we rn1ghl m 10 and 25 years imprO\'e our way of h v1ng and, more importantly, help others . "If not. the worltl 1s headC>tl I toward dt•11r<•s s1on and l'onfhrt "cirse than the depn•si..1on of the t!IJO's and "ar wor!>l' than the !St·rond World WJrlhat followed "The pt.•oph• ;.id,·ocating lhl'> ban art• bnnginJ: about a cns1-. much wor!>t' and more real than the 1mag1ned · PromC'lhcus CrisJS' ... He described thl' .. Promt'theui. Cns1s." J book and soon to·bt.- released mov1t', 1n l'aust1c terms "ll has a wondcrfuJ plot," ht• said. imitating an enthus1ast1t re\'lewer. "A nuclear reactor 1s i:om~ wild. And to that ,\Ou add a \\Onderful lo\'e affair It "-Ill be .ts good as 'Jaws'.·· The mo' 1e "111 come out this spnng, he said in a more scnous \ein. adding, "It will be on this l1as1s th<it lhl· people o f California RO tc1 thl" poll:! on thl' >Ith of June " Talking about three Generul Electric nuclear power plant ,·ngineer!I and an en~u\.eer from the Nuclear Re~ulatory Com 1 m15s1on who resigned after con tending nuclear power plants arc unsarc. Teller tharged, "All four •1f thosC> people on the dJ)' of lhl'1r n•s1gnat1ons stepped 10lo 0('\\- 1obs lo hi:ht nurll.'u r reactors .al 1 ht• SJ me !>JIJry a!> bcfon• " Thi· t·ni:1nrcr' h:l\t' b<•aun I ·' "' I' •• I g rl I II I! r II r I' r 0 J l' (' l :...un" al lht• i:mup rampa1Ji?n1nR 1111 the 1n111ntl\ t.' in Cahforn1il \JUl'btlOllt'd l<Jlt'r . hO\\t'Ver T('lli•r :-.aid hr t·oulcl not docu 111(•nt h1'i 1·hargt' about lhl' ,omOUlll or lhl'lr SJlanes. ':\h stat<'ml.'nh also ar(' no\ l11olproof .• he !>a11J uncr the talk. · butt thank I am more apt to ht> 11 foul m relat1nn to the ilCllons of 1~nple than I <1m with rcattor~. '' h1rh tin• my field '' Tell{'r, a It' tired pruft•'lsor. ~uifl he has nc. fmnnt1ul t1c!l to th<' nuclear l)t)W\'1 1r1duslry I Cbambt'!r Tak~s In !-iix N e w Mt'nwer s !'Pc new nll•m hl'I'' "'rrr oddrd '" th<' rostrr 11( tht• Saddlehatk \ .llll'Y l'h.1mlwr or Commt•rr e 1n r t•hruan Tht'v are Jnnw" :II Fowlrr, nr , 11l1nt;tnl In in1• Hex ll1>tlg1•' H1•t1lt}. Laauna 11111!., lh1:.st•ll II .tohn,un, l-:1 T,,.-11 , Mounta111 \ 11•w /\pnrt mt•nl'I, 1-:1 T(lrn, H .1ncho M •~~Ion Vlt•JO. M l'IJ.lon \ ll'Jll, .1nc1 r "~ ll1eha1tl't, Ill fl'rnt•\, \llS'llOO V1t'Jll ORANGE COA'iT Ro~'"' N WP«j t .... f\1 •'W, ...... fWt " ... !•!.,~.~.cu~!!.L.-. 11\0mt\\ Kttvl! t ~ I f l non"" A M'"""'"" ~ • 1,1 I • {holrlf'\H LOO\ R•cNtrdP Nall • "' ',.,,.. •• 'l •.• ~ddltb~I( Vlllt'( Offt<t ,,..., .. ,. ,.., .. , .. f •w"••" Ofll<ft . ''"" '~ ... , .. ,,..,, ,, ,,.,.. "' ... ... ...,, ••f , f'•• P' t ~ .. ',....,..." '"""'"'•"" I l '"' •Mf'•• fill 11 .. ,.,,...,,•\tu .. t ~··"'•" v., .... ,.,. ...... ,...,'\ .. 511-4)10 • ,. \•ft ( •• ·-·~ 4U.0.l0 f ~ . • Gerrymander Rap Hits Battin lh TOM Hi\Kl.t:Y Ol-O•llrl'li.ttuft Orana'-' County Super\11..,nr Robert Uuttlll W8'\ acCU."ll'(i Ill C'OUr t tocluy or plunnintt the "aer rymundt•fln)t .. or part of hi!> F1r..l Superv1i1t1nal 1>1stnt'l lfl a b11l lt1 mdude mut·h of Wc.stmtn:.ter an bis }unsd1ct1on Deputy Distract /\lwmt•y Jack R) an told Supt.>r1or Court Judgt• Kenntth Lae durln.: questlonin1t lhat broui?hl def('ruse attorney &!atthew Kurilich Lo hi:. feet 10 fury thut Bullin·, i11m was "to ~ain the influence of Derek :\1cWh1nney .. And l<)an pointed out dunn~ arguing lhilt broui,:hl bnth la")ers reprimands from Jud.:e Lal', th..at Batt1n's allcgt.•r1 rt.'<.lra\\ln~ or the d1stnct's boun- Ford Bans CIA Spying On Citizens WASHINGTON (AP) PrMi· dent Ford issued orders today barring the CIA and other in f('IL1 genre agencies from U!>1ng e lectronic or physical !>Ur ve1llance to collect informatwn on the domestic ilctivities of most American citizens and organlta uons Jn a folio" up to his Tuesd&y mght press ronference at which he announced p Jans for reorgan 1z ml? the mtelhgencc commumt\ FORD~EAGAN STANDS 'TO RIGHT OF ME', A4 i-·ord also said he "ould support legislation requ1r1ng1ud1c1al" ar rants fo r national security wiretaps and mailopenmg. In a message to Congress. Ford indicated he would seek to expand lhe power of tbe go\'emment 111 open mail , w_h1e~ 1s now permitted only in cnmmal m vestigations. "We need aulhonty to open moil .. in orderloobtam v itally n eeded foreign in · telligence 1nformat1on, .. f ord said. Ford also proposed a st..irr new secrecy law -..hich would provide criminal penalties for any gov emmenl em plo) e or contractor who leaks mtelhgence secrel'<. The law also would lll"e the gov emment ne\\ leJ:al µowers to pn· ,ent the publlrat1on of such ~ecrels A 36-page cxetul1\e order that takes effect March I also \\OUhl bar anfiltrat1on of domestic or ~anizat1ons. dru~ tests on un suspecting humans und illegally obtamtnjit federal tax returns The restrict ions do not appl\ lo tht• FRI which will be governed h' 11 -.eparate :.et of ~wdehne~ to lw issued\\ 1lhlrt 90 cl il vs The C IA ~ould ht• c111nplt•l ch b :1 r r t' d I r o ni 1• I t• r l r 11 n 1 t' 1"1vesdroppml( inside the United !'\tales. and lht• Natwnul Serurity AJ!em·y would h(' proh1h1t£•1f rwm rnlt•rcepllniz any "comm111111·u 11on \\ h1ch 1s mu<l1· from. or 1s 1n · 11·ndt•d b) ~<· Sl'11dt'r to ht• rt• t·1•1wc11n, th{• l ln111•d 'ttit('<i · · U n to n b t• n t e 11 fl h > " 11· 11 I 'ol'ilrcht"" .. uppan•ntly 1ndudani.: hrt•ak 1n:it. \\ riuld bt• outlu\\ NI \\lthin thf' lJn1lt'd ~l<ilt''I or .1ga1n11t t1 S c·1t i1<>ns obroud f'x rt•pt "under 11rott•Clure' npprOH'<I hy the attorn1•y J:t•nt•rnl J\n 11rr nm1>.in) IOI( docunwnt c.111d thnt the r t'str1t'tmn-. plan'<! on 1ntcll11tt•nrt• 11rt1' 111rc. 11ro '1dt'<i for "hm11<•1I t''tf't•plwn' • \\ hlrh, ror lllllt:lll('I', \\Ollld UllOW 1>hv~1<'al c;une1llann• of a l' ~ rlltzen 14hO 1-. a prt"wnl or form1·r c•mplO) I' of ~Ill lnl<'IJIJ(enrt.• 8J!f'nl') or on<' or lt'I ro11tr11rloN, or 1"1 "rt• a!lonuhly h1•ht.•v1•d to bt> .1ct mi:: on bl'hnlf of u fore1l(n pow1•r or 1•n1o:,1gini.: 111 11111·1n.1t1nnal lt•r ron't nr n.11·fnl re .., ad I\ 1t1t"H11 ·" ll\1lh"<1 lhrt•a1t•11111i.: lht• 11a111111.il wrunty " tlJ1 w:1 (';1m1· Jt a linw \\hen ltw Cranrt Jun· \\J!> irl\.t'sllA:Jtin.: \tr Whrnnc> Judait• Lal' was lold that ~h'Wh1nnt'Y, lhrn ma)or o( \\'t•-.1 rrlln~tt·r Hnd plunnin.: tom rr11~:.111n1•r Tad FuJ1t .. 1 wt•rt• m dlt'tl'd on hralwry ('har~cs lh..it lalt•r broui«hl ..about Uw1r l'Onvit· t1tin II \\ .h ulsc> notl'J 111 sp1ntcd pretriul .trtwn th;it n·11Ual1-dly bolled over 111tv .iri:um1•nls :ind n•pnmanth from llw ht•n<'h lhJt l>oth men \\ cr t• l'llO\.ll'tt'd anti lhJt 8att111 h1mwll \\~ ('ailed before th\• Grand Jury durin~ its 1n\ t''i t IJ:Jllun 111to \\hat ll> an rJllt•d the ".\t lie St1u.1n· l'ark M'andJI ' Al bsu~· in I hl' prt'S<'nt heannit I" Hallan', cllum that be face:. cnmanal thari;es contained an a Grand Jurv ind1ttment IM>cause of d1i.crim1natory prn.,t•culron tact1ts prilrt1ced by D1stnrt Al 1omeyCec1l llit>k:. The he.Hin~ 1s now in its i.eventh IAeek And thl're was no uid1cat1on today when Uattl.Jl's actual trial on Hven felony eounts of grand theft, misap- propriation or publk funds and filing false pay claims might beli?IO Tho::.e chor~C'~ arc based on al k~at1on~ thilt Hattan rt•1>t•:itcdly m1su!<ed his off1re :.tarr and pn, 1lt'ges wht'n he was unsuc ,•essfully c-ampaign1ng for Lll'Utenanl Govt-rnor in 1974 H} an agilin hamm<·red away today at Battrn 'l> dt>st'npllon of the 'tiers of influence" in Orani:e Count) politics that. tht' '41lnl'.,::. C'la1ms. had eoru.tantly been 1nH'st1gated and persecut· t'd since flicks becJme dL'itnct attorney T oday 8;.itt1n 11l1•nl1f1t·d himself. Dr Louis J . Cello, M1!>- s1on \'1e10 rancher H1charrt O 'Neill .1nd the late Fred llarher a.!. early mt.'mbcrs or a eoahtion that "as formed "somct1ml' between 1968 and 1969 " Battin told Ryan that formt'r 1-~1fth D1stntt Supervisor Honal<J Caspers became o member of the coahlion opposed by ll1cks m 1969 Caspers and llurber wen amon~ a number of people llrowned in Junt'. 1974. when lfarber's yal·ht "Shooting Star" found<>rt•d off Baja Callforrua Byan today resumed hLS bid to rind some locataon otht>r than tht' M1ss1on Community llosp1tal in M1&s1on V1t•Jo wht•rc the coiiltt1011 clcs<'rabed by llutl1n held ll!> meetm.:s But Battin appcau~l to be uni• blc to recall any olht·r location for such coilhl1on ~alht'nngs anct told thl' pro!>ecutur that the M 1, ~ion Community Hospital Wils ust.'<l "because I f(uess 1t wa:. con ,en1ent for nr CC'l la ant! O'Neill ' Ballan described lhe co11l1l1on meetings as • 'hra1nstorm1n.: sessums" in\\ hil'h the aim was to plan tactic'> that would counter thl" plans of I he Lincoln Cl uh, tt 11roup of wealthy R epubhcan:. re ~aledly 1dcnt1r1c1I hy Ballin a!, being uppc>s(•d to h1.., coahtwo . JudJ.:t' Lac 1s a mcmhN tlf th1• Lincoln ('lull Fro• Pagf' Al PARK ... c.u1wnntt•ncl1•nt and l\t1,,111n \It'· 111C'11mp11ny11lann!'r.., t ndt•r tlw plJll tht• '<t'hnol th' t 111'1 \\ 011 lcl pu ro h ,1...c• a huut l:! .1c1 \'"\ nf I anti "1111'11 \\1111111 h1· "'t'll lor :in 1•l1·nw11t.1ry ttn<I m tt•rmNl1,1l1• i..chool Th.it "alM111t h.111 lht• a1·1 t'.1i.t1• th;1I norm.di\ \\1111111 lw n1•1•1h·tl 1111 I wo 'l'hool ... llt'' I •• II ti I h a I n (I r m n I I y \l llllld lw 11·qu11 t•cl lur 111 hlt·l u r1f'ld.'t wn11lcl hr t•1111nty ,,ark 1.in•J I 1 "nultl ht• 11'''' n ·1-.I for 'trhnol tl1'1111·111'1'111111111" "'h11ol hour-. rh1· 'lll•1•1 pa1k"1' l111·:1lr·1I on lhl' rllll lh "1d1• of 1\ll('l•I f'lt!K\\,I\ h1•l\l•'t'JI '1'1 .1hu1·11 Hoad anti M arl(ut•f1l1• 1'11 rk way Amin Ditty Big in Brazil RJO OE JANEIRO CA l"l -Two 8ra .tal1Jn son,wrller» h;.1\t' <'om posed a carnl\.il tune 111 honor ot l ~and.1 s t 1111 lrOvt'r:uul pr<' nh'nl. ld1 Amin Tht• son>:. '4 hc"t' t1llt· '' tnrnslJtcd .1, If •\mm &11d ~ . " :i.aHl ll• ht• amon~ llw f:avor1lc:1 C>l lht• Cll} ,<Jl!>l' JO<'kl'}S Tht• :.ung hus bt•t•n I l' t'Urckd hy 0111• of Brazil s v t• t t' r u n t' u r n 1 ' u I J>t>dormt• 1 :1 and will ht• sung by frolu:kl'r'> dunn1ot the city's titr1n.d pr1• l..t•nh •n \'~1rni val fr.,11\lllt's from Feb. :!8 lh1ou.:h March 2 OCJury Studying Jail Death By KATll\' CLA.SCY Olt~•O•llY f'll•UUll The Orange County Grand Jury is lookmg into the dc;ith of a Westminster man who may h;ivc suffered fatal tiead in1unes while serving a weekend 1a1l term Jim Enright, chief deputy dis- trict attorney, said both the Grand Jury and the Jury·~ Criminal J ui.i 1ct' Comm1tlCt' have started an 1nqu1 ry into the l''l•b 2 death of Don Nt.'l!>on. 39 A spokesman for thl' statc at tomey general's 0H1t·(•:.•.11d lodav an mvest1~at1on by that a gt•ncy into the death pro!Jubh· "111 takc a back seat to the locill prol>c, al least temporarily. Deputy Attorney General Ua11 Kremer of San D1egohad requ,.,, t'd initial r eports on the death lie could not be reached fortommcnt today. But an a1dt.' said his tn\'eslo:a t1on at this point'' a1nu'<I pnmun Iv al milking crrtain un 0Cfic1al probe 1s being com plt•ted I le muy ronduct has O\ln JO\estiguttun lilter. the a1desu1d Nelson. a bartt•ndl'I al lht• Marlin Inn 111 llu111 111~·ton lk.11•h ~md randtdatc m la:.t ..,11nng .., Ocean View School 1>1s1r1cl l'll·r t1ons. died ut Ornn~1· Count' Medical Center <tfll'r l\'&nl.! 1n ,1 c·oma for u wt·ck folio\\ mg i.u1 ~t.'ry for li skull friH·tu~t· , . Ill' was lakl'll 111 (X ;'vt( Jitn 2!"> hy 111il ufflc1jb atte1 bl°l'om111i.: 111 in his tt•ll J\t lh1• lmw, ht• \\<t' :o.t•n mg tht• f1r-.t 11r f1\1· 1.1.('<'k,·1111 Jail tt•rms 011 a tlrunkNl tJn\linJ.! l'On\'ICtlOn Enrq:ht ,,111J Tuo•'>tl.l\ lhf' Cram! Jury 1:. n •,p11n,1hl1· h11 .m on ~oul~ 111\ t•sl1~,111on into J.iil c·c111cl111on-. und would not 11: nnn"' rhC'l'k1n.: into .111v p&I rclated clealh Tht· dist net J ltornc\l 'c, olf 11·1• "-Ill be IOQkinR 11ilo tlll' mullt•r J' well, EnnRht stud. J.S un :uh1sor totheGrandJur.> Hut so far. he t•ontanut'<l, all hi' office has recC'J\ ed Jrt• an1l1.1I n · ports from the Sh NI ff 1' OfflCt', a:-. well as rorrespon<l1•1\1'1• from <in allornl'y for Nt'lson 's w1dc1w, !Jon 1)1(' The Grand Jury has not Yl't <I<· c·1ded tf 1t will call fortC''iltmun, 111 the mutter. l'~nrii.:ht :.:ml Enright su1d 1\1 rs. :">.l'l!ion 's <11 lornPy. Rohl•rt l>1•s .J ;1nlan~. ha~ .1~kl'd his orru·e to 1nvl!~l1/,lalc• But hdnrc· thol 1 t•q1w:-.1 wt1i. re· ''"IH'd both th1· c; rand .lurv and C11m1n a I Ju' 11 <'l' ('om m 111 1·.- ;ilr<'J<!\ h.111 t t''llll',11'1'1 .on Ill "''llJ.!at 111n ht• '·"cl Japan Prob~ Set 'I Oh 'l (I 1 \I'1 l'r 11111• M111"11·r T.1kc11 '\!11..1"11111:-.1111·1 inat 'f'llrllni,: .1 'tlt•nal c·n\C1v 111 \L1,h1111o:1 0 11 Ill 1n\1• ... 11 v a11· l'.J' orr' ·" lo•J: 1·ol h m.1111· t.\ 1111 l.01·kh1•1•!1 t\1rc1 .dl C'orp 111 Japun .• 1n Jill•· '""' lr1cl.1,. t ltt•lalt•tl ,101 ~· \1 1 For China Trip SLA Elated Holdup Said 'Ego Boost' ~I\!\ r'H!\NClSCO <AP> l'atr1c1a llt·ari.l said today lh11t ht•r port1c1pat1on 1n u bank rub bt.•ry SO OOWltt•d lhe f'l(O o( llt'r t'htd t•uplor that he st.rulll<tl <'Oil lith'ntl~ lhrou~h tht.• i.treet5 or ~u11 I-'\ l.lflt'lli<'O srurdung rm new rt'rru1 ts to terror1l! 111 M1)s Hearst. ltikin)t the st.ind 111 ht•r crn n ddensl' for tht• third l111\. :mid that short!\• .iftl•r lhl' 1\1.iril l!>, l!JH. bank robbt!ry with '4 l11ch she 1s char~t·d. Sym hione e L1bt•rahon Army ehwf tJlll Donald "Cinque" lkl-'rc\•it.• told ht•r "he w u:i i;oing to rin)( doortwll!. and tt•ll J)t"<>ple \\ho hr \\a' flt• 'ia1d lhl're ''as so murh 'UPPMl Ill ltH.' Ol'l(;hborhood fo1 IJ'lc SLA .. ~11 ss Heari.t said Ot·Fret'tl' I.Hu broui.:ht four adults and three childr{'n into thl' SLI\ hideout on (;olden Galt• A\'enul'. 1n a J'rt•dommanlly black section nf the city He introduced her u' · Tania." the revolutionary namt! g1,·ento her by the SL.A . She said s he saw the four odulls "Se\'eral times" and that lheY purc hased groceries and !>Up.plies for the f~1tl\'e!o. She said three or the visitors were the same persons wbo refused to testify for tbe government last week They wt' re J amellea Mumta1, Rct1mah X and R onald Tate. In * * * FromrageAJ PATTY ••• lh•Freeze and SLA ml'mber W1ll1c Wolfe 10 the cell likt' l'lllHl where she was keµt blind folded. Bailey said M 1ss Hearst woulct contmul' her saga today, her third tidy on the stand. as she moves 1n- 1 o what he concedes is the "st1ck1c::.t point" in her defense u !>hooting spree that led indirect- ly to the deaths of DeFreeze. Willie Wolre and four other SLA mC'mbers 1n a s hootout. The defendant has admitted :.praying a Los Angeles sportini:! i:ood s store with nfl<' fire m what :-.ht• claimed w:1s an SLA·mduced n·nt'' to fr<.'l' two SI.A members from a bungled s hoplifi1.11g ;it tl'mpt A pistol left on the sidewalk and .i let•rr'ager takl•ll hostage Ovt•r night plus other clues led Los l\ngt>l('!I polict• to the shootout m "h11·h the six SLA members died :'11,1\ 17, 197'1 The jury will sec a '11lt'l1laped newscast of the fiery afternoon. Bailey said l ' S Ally James L Browning .Ir "on a crucia I victory last Wed rw .. tl;n \\ hl'n lJ S Dist. J udi::e Oh\l•r J Carter alfowed the Los An.:t•ll''l activ1t1es and Miss ll1•arc;t s tape-recorded \lord.., ""' Tan1 .. 1" l o be ;1dm1llcd into t'' 1den<'e llro\lning has <.'Ontendcd lht• 21 }'eilr old newspaper heiress ;1cted o f her own free will when :.he robbed the bank and then a month later. acting alone. used a submarhme gun lo rcscue SLA memhers William uncl Emily llarn-. Man Succumbs At Viejo Club A 72 \ t•ar old M1ss1on V1t'J" 111:111 cl11·d Tuesday mghl aftc1 t ollJP'>tnJ? at a m1•n's club ml'el 111.: or an aµpan•nt heart altark 1 c·tl Ehnk Schuurman 111 237:12 \ IJ I.a <'oruna "J~ <lehhnllatt•d h\ J1<1rnmed1cs hut t'ffort.'> to re• 'I\ l' him "ere uns1u·1·cssful 111• ".1.., 11111n1111nt•1•d tlt-;.icl on 11rri\ .ti .11 M1-...,11in Commu1111v ll11:.J11la l .1r11uncl k p m A "itness ~a 1d M r Schuurmnn \\as 't11l 1111o: ;11 1 lw lw:id I t1hl1· or .1 rtH'l'llOJ! or ,1hout MCJ J.:<ilf1·1 !.. al lht• I '.1:-.I a tit' I Sul rt•l 1 r1•m1•nl c·om 111111111 y \\ h1·n ht• Pll'-"\NI l)Ul :incl ll'llo\1•1 . udchtaon. Ma .. , lh·.u~t i-.11d :o.hc met a fourth pt•ri.on mtroduccd to twr onl> as " llrotht'r AJ1 " Sht> i.alJ i-tw '4 a:c ordt'red by CkFrt•ett• to tt'll the \1~1lori. "that I h•d jmnt•d the SLA and a~bb«I thebonkYolunturaly" Mms llcar't was tompo..~eo ui- sht• recallt'<t t•v1•111:c ofter the holdup On 1'11t•i-du.'. 11hc told tht• Jllry of b\.'lll).! fo1 l'l'll tu tOln UI lbt' bJnk rol>bt•r y l 'nclt•r 11u1'"illon1ni.t by ddt•nst• .1ttornt'Y F Lt•t• 11.ult•y. ~he MHd ~he \\as .ifr,ncl th .. 1l Dt>t-'reett• would "kill OH' an.' wa~ inside lht• hanl.." dt'i.JHh• h" dt•s1re to havt! ht.>1 soui:ht ,1, .in ..lCtomplicc by the FRI Sht• SJld today thJl oner lht• holdup. !'-LA mt'rl1ht•r Nuncy I.mg Peri y told hrr sht-\\as fortunate to hJ \ l' 1 t•membered 111stn1<·t1ons to s.I\ h1•1 name out oud dunn,.: t hl• rohbl'r~ Oncp b..a<'k an the h1<leout. M 1ss Hearst i-a1d, lhl• SI0.660 wa!t d1\ 1ded nine w:.1~s "lo holct on to. !>Owe would :ill ha\t• rnuney " * * * Fr.,_ P09~ A I HEARST ••. using since )Our raptivity" Did they keep you in the bulhrobe or furnish you some c lolhes? /\.They gave me t lolhcs. Q. Do you rt>mt•mbcr wh11t kind'.' Cun you dc:.cr1bt! them m any wny ·• A No , Q Wht>n M 1 Wollt• t·anw in tht• closet.\\ hat did he: say und do" A l don't really rt•nil'tnht•r \\hat. 1r :tn) lh1ni.;. tw said Q. Did he tak'-' ~ou out of lht• cloi.el"' A No Q. What dad hl' do ' A. llt' eamc 1n to the closcl and he closed the door Q. U1d he make you lJt.•do\\non the noor? A . Ye.; Q And th,•11 "'hut did he do' A. Had llt'l\U,tl rntert·uutM·. Q. At some time an er thul. dtcl someone c•lsl' rom<' to the l'I01><'I for th<' ~an1c• purpow ' A. Yes Q How long uflt'I ' A. Maybl' a wt•t•k Q Who wus 11 " A It was Cinqu1• Q 1>111 he do Lht• same thing" /\. Yt•s. Bandleader To Address History Unit Form<•r orrhl',tra l eadt·r Carland t'ollrant• '~11. talk abou1 · H11? Ritnds. Uoollegg1n '. Proh1b1t10n and Horse Th1t'vin'," m Orangt' Count v Sund;iy when ht· appears as ~ut'"t :-.1>Cakcr bcfort· the Saddleba<'k Area ll1stonc:il So<'iety. Coltranr wa.., ch1l'f of police 111 thl' citv of OranJ,?c• from 19.2!) to 1!143, served as 11n•s1dt•nt of the Orange C'o11111y Citrus Associ;.i tum. and plajNI at the Halbou J>nvilion and ov1•r H:1d111 KFJ. l11s talk, opc•n to lh<' public. will he held at 3 pm. m tht• ~utl cllebark Vnll1•y l'l:.11a Commun1 ·" Hoom n<•xt 10 th1• W11y M11t1011 ltrstau1'a111 1n El Toro HINSHAW. • • lo:rt'h ... mf'll ('On\ ll'h'd or a rnmr do not \Ott• llo\\1•11. a m1n1,kr anti form1•r "<'hoot I r11,1t•1" 11hi1·ct1·cl lhut tht' srhool 1li...tr Hl l'I not lw1ni.: rC'prc.,rntt•d 111 \\ <1"ll11n1Cton 1.n lt•,.;..,lal mn 11·l.1t1111( 111 t•ilucollon lkt'Ull \l' ur lh1~. Ill' ll'kt•tl tru:.t1•1•s 111 .. ~wr1011..,I~ !ltU<I\ \\hl•lh('r a rl'<,•1lut11111 "lhouhl lw 111.ISM•ll :1~k lllf( I ht• l'ltnj(rM~m .111 I 11 rl'\I i!ll. I l'art:c of Ford'~ t•xc•c·u11w•t1r1IN wt•rt• nnl m !Hlr puhlic 'l'>t•t·1111:-.1• of th<• 'H'nR1t lv1l v of 1111' 111fnrmut1on ;11111 its rl'l:tt1nn to natmnnl ,t•cu11 I\. .1 \\. h1l1• II oust• docunw111 r-a11! 1'111' park "\lt1• 1' lit•ini:t i.:111tf,.d II\ \l..,,11111 V11·111 ('omp11nv .ind \\Ill lw cl11n:11c·<I to lht• n11111tv 11 \\Ill bf' lht• t·11unty''< n•-.p1111'11h1l1 1, lo d1•\ t•lop 1t Ir lh1• pl.rn i'ou1·1·t•1•cl..,, Thnrn"l"v ,,1111 tht• !l{'hool d1,lr1rt \\-ould 11111 h." r tn purtha!lt' lari:1·r amt tth'1 <'fort• mnr(• C"<r>t:n'>H'\ l' 1•1t•mcn\Jr\. and 111tt•rm1•cl1.11fo ,rhool "-1h•'t 1•1'"" h1•r(• tn M1.o;i.1on \'ll'}O Nixon Leaves F riday Fr091P~AI SWAP ... ri•ct1nnal rat'1hh The com pan). \\ tur h r nulcl ht• damag.-d by a hu1ld1ni: moraton um in In·'"'" has 1x'l(u11 looking at othf'r nrcu.s as an in ... uronre pohl'y. Eh1·rling <>aid Add1ttonally. 1t ~IYl.'S thl' com pany a fulurt' heoyond the hm1t<.'d Irvine Ranch arrcaae. he pamtc-d out H pendin~ offers for o tnkM)\·er bv Mobil Oil nre arceptcd, Eberl Ina SUjlflt'Sled. tht' firm m.1y mov<• further into dl\ crs1f1calron of lls holdings rn th<.• future On the Garden Grove s1le, rompany spokesm e n said that no rlnal transattton has bffn ugrttd upe>n bc."tween the frderal J?O,ern ment and the I rvmc Company. 1\ .. llh• ll(•n1•r11 or lhc plan. Thorni.h·v 'aid. would tH• lht• Jl0<;~1litv or 1n1t1tlll0~ tcam mn~Jl~t·mrnt of c.chools T,llnrn1lev ".lttl a m;m<1t:t•mrnt tt'll"m could be trroled to m..ana6(1> the adJat{'nl ~1·ht>0I~ al a C'ost lia\·m~s ln the d1<1trt<'l There was also spetulutmn amon.: trustee~ thnt the ad1acent schools could sha r e an auditorium. thus savml( on lhl' cm.I of huild1njt l\\O i..eparate 8..'i· !lembly hulls Thr-1oinl u s e roneept drcw 'leveral favorable comm"nh from trustees They approv<'d Thomsley·s recommendation to C'OnllnU«' d1scussion11 w1lh lht• '111mon \'l{'JO Company and the count). , 1--C>rm<'r Prl.',11l1•nt lt11'11ar1I 1\1 :'l:l'on \\Ill d1•11.1rl for<'h111.1 lrnni r,.,., Angl•le' ln tc.-111.1t11111ul t\1rp11rl V111l;iv , not !':I Toro :'11Jrtn4." Corr" '-t.1t1nn ,J, h.111 ht'l'n 'IK't'ul;.11\•tl t•:irht·r Pre..,1denl Ford ..,,1\<; 1'"11n 1·; J?OIOJ: to <.'h1na ;" .1 pr I' ,111• C'l1111·n unrl not to tw tnH1IH·d 1n any forf'1gn f.IOllC'\' matt<>r:. Ford told a nc\\" confl'ren<'t• Tuesday night he 1111w no rea-;on to ask the formf'r prc-;1dent lo postpone or cancel the trip, which bel(ins Saturday "Mr Nixon as ~01n1o: lo th1• People's Hepubl11• of Chana ao; .1 private citizen nt lh(• invitation or that governm1·nt ." Font said "I don 't bl'lievt• for any alleged pohtital purposes th11t I 'houl<I intervene with the iO\ 1tat1<1n or a · forei~n government to '""" .1 private /\mrnran cituen '1s1t that country.·· J\-.k whether lh<' lrip would prt1du1·e any t'Ompli<-at1on11 for I S fnrr1J(n polic·y, Ford sa1t1, · '\on1• whahot•\'t'r " t\'1 prt•..,111l'nt. Nixon r«'\'«'ri.c•d I !'\ policy townrcl thr Com· 1111m1s1 mainland lo one of 1wek In$! ()('COmmodatton rntht•r than muinlainm.: <1n icy distance Tht• mv1lnt1on as v1ew1•d i;lt'nerully a<; , t•artirm at ion hy Pt'king of its ln- l1•rr.,t an delentc und possibly as a <\Uhl If' su~Ji?t•st ion lhat rel at ion~ \\ rth lhe l ' nited Slatt>S are not proceeding fast enough Jn this country, meanwhl~c. tht'rP arc su~~estions l.r_lat Nix· on'c; trip will draw oltt•nt1on rrom the• l'\t>W llampsh1re presidenllnl 1mm.-.ry which ~111 be h_eld Tues· lla)' while Nixon 1s m China. Ford sold that while Nixon has rl'ee1Yed "periodic bricfmgs or mrormallon toncernlng world ar fairs." he was tivcn no speciul hrierani:: in r<'l.1t1nn to h1'I v1,1I N1x1111w11111•," 1• Lo' Anl(l'lt·' .11 ~IM>UI !I :.t 111 r 1111.1\ rm lht• Ir lfl lfl 1'Pkm11 lit• \\Ill llv 1n J l'h111t•o;1• lltll'lll)( 7117 11'1 llfl('I \l h1 r h I' '"h,·cl11l1•d 111 lontl ;11 .1 l1lllt• 11sl•tl St't't 11111 or Los J\ n1•dt·'> lnlf'rnu t1onol J\1rpo11 ah11111 th1t•1• hour., twf ore t hr d c• pa rt u rr· On 11:. trip lot hl· l nlll'(I St:1t1•<,, the plnne pick" up a l ~ Air Forrt• <'~tort c·rew ol Tok vo, 0 m11itorv '!liPflkMman In llnnolulu said ·1'1u• JJl~n<' "111 rnnt1nue to Vancou' t•r, 1J C • tlll'n on to I .<>~ Ang eh·.., The l S rrC'w i~ rompn'l<'<I or a na,·1gato1 and 11 pilot. Th<' Chanto•se ('rt'W is t·11m11oscd or 15 people The jclhnt•r will t oke the Nix ons ftrst to Anrh111 aite. Alaska. then lo Tokyo. "hc•rt• the /\tr Force escort crt•w will Jtct off before tht' rinat lcit to Peking, the .spokesman $~Id. -W~nl'sd11y f"e1>ruary 18 1976 OAtl V PILOT • \ 5 '" Ri n-side Count" Utility Seeking Nuclear Plants Ready for Lift 011 Peter ;.;cushul <left) will be co-pilot and Dr. Thomas llein~lw1nwr 1 righll will be pilot for the balloon I back- ground J wh1rh was to be launched today in El Segundo. Launch of the b.i lloon . christened "Amerira. ··is part of a 1 l·M·.1r('h pnJ~r..im to develop an unmanned "atmospheric ~<.1tc:llttL' ·to c1rde lhc earth. In Sacramento SACRAMENTO CU Pll San Diego Ga• iand Elt-ctnc Co I!• Sf'ekang statf' oappnl\'1&1 rur con 1truct1on o r two Sl 2 b1lhon nuclear powl'r plants Ill ellStern R1vers1de Cnunly near Blythe The application for the 950 megav.11ll pion ls . "lul'h would tx• Electric Gun Opposed in LA LOS A~GELES <UPI> The T~er ekrlron1c l>ho<.'k gun I!> more dangerou~ than a handgun. the Los Angele'> Clly Council maintains.e'en though 1t doesn't kill\ ICltmi. The eounc1I. "h1rh has rtfused lo endorse leg1:.lat1on to outlaw handguns. voted 11 2 Tuesday to support any measure that \\OuJd ban the nashhghl shaped Taser. The Taser. "h1c h fires a pair of darts that give off a shock capa- ble or disabling a person for several minutes. has been used in several holdups "There are several problems with this little gadget," argued Councilman Ernant Bernardi, who said people would be more likely to use a Taser than a handgun because 1l 1s nonlethal. A police spokesman said Chief Ed Davis, a firm opponent of gun rontrol, also supports placing the shO<'k gun in the same outlawed ralegory as brass knuckles, sawed.off shotguns and black- jacks. Pessirnisin, Hostility Mark Farlll Hearing S.\CRA-'1 F.~TO <AP> -Pessimism from leg1.,latori. and anger from farm \\urkcrs marked the first hearing mto proposed i:rnwcr backed changes in Calllorn1a's dormant farm labor law. No s ign of an agrc~mcnt. either to ;1pprovl• the changes or fund the law 'Without th1.•m. c m cq~cd from Tut'.'~oay ·s hl•a rini.: of the Assembly Labor Rel a lions .Comm1ltec. llarrhn LfHe Bid Brote11 Appol11ted SACRAME~TO IUPI> -Assembly Speaker Leo T. l\kCarthy has ap· pointed his former chief nval Willie ( State J bwlt one at o t1mt-. v. us the (trst uf Its lype to be r;ub1n1t1t'\l to ~ht· n~v. State Eneru Commission. v.tuch und"r recently enutit'<i ll'.i1~la t1ot1 Is responsible for ~1t1n.: nU(lear power gencr1ttor!> THE COMMIHSION, \\h1c·h r1• l't'1ved the npµhcut1011 Tw:.tla~ must rule aCtt'r un invt''ll1lt1l1on of the proposul and an extcnd1•tl series or publt(• heann.::. "h1d1 will ocrur 1n the midst (lf th'· poltlJcal fight over the Nudt.'a1 Power Plants lntllall\ c un the June8ballot Tht utility lis ted :l!> the :\u I rho1ce for Its proposl•d "Sun Desert Nuclear Pro1c1·t · a ~Ill' about 20 milt•:. 'uuth"l"•l n ( Blythe near l he Caltfurn1J Anzona hnt' IT i\ L S 0 L I ST F. 0 t h n· 1• alternat1n• sites .. Palo \'(•rclt· North" about 10 mile!> north of Blythe ... Parker \alle:-:· about IS miles O\'er the Anzona i.lalt: Man Charged In Kidnaping LOS ANGELES CU PI J James J e nkins, 30, of Los Angeles was arrested on l>USJ)I· cion of k1dnaping Monday night in connection with the alleged ab duction of a 9·year-old ~1rl m1i.s· ing for sever al hours. Police said J enk ms reportedly approached the girl al the downtown bus terminal. LOS ANG ELF.S <U PI> -The FBI dOt'S not ha' c to identify any mfor- manti. \\ho h<>lped eopture Patnr1 a Hearst and Svmb1onese Liberation Arm~· membt•rs Wilham and Emily llarri". s upn111r Court Judge Mark Hrandlt'r has rulC'd Brown Jr. as a committee chairman and named a new chairman of the budget-writing Ways and Means com- mittee. SAVE20%! The• ll.1rrtsl•s had demanded the . 1u .. t1C'l' llt·11.1rlml'nl bt.• r('Qu1n-d lo d 1-..do:.l' 1 h1 nanws uf an} ltP'>ll'r:. \\ho kd the F JI I lo ~I .A h1dL'OUtS. Hoaaawr AIUng LOS AXG F.l.F.S CAPJ -A1l1ng in- du~t11.t11 .. 1 \rrn.mtl llJmmer's l1f1• m;1v Ill' t'nclan~erl'd if he apJX'ars tn t•nurt to un"" C'r c•hJrJ(es of makm~ a l>t'l'l l'l 1!011:11 ion to former Prcs1d('nl H1rhard M \i1xon, his allorneys say. Thi• l,1\\ \er-; haH' askC'd the US. Jl1.,tn1·t c,,111 t to lwar his plea in a "l>l'l'IJI lwd<..tc1t' 'i('"'hln Tuesday's appointmenl of Brown <D-San FrancLsco), as chairman of the Revenue and Taxal.Jon Committee was regarded as a move by McCarthy to neutralize his oppossllon as his key lieutenants prepared to leave the l\s· sembly . •ffnl Holr Closed SAN QUENTIN (APJ -"The Hell Hole." a five·lier sertion of San Quen- tin Prison reserved for the most menaemg lnmal('S, has been cloi.ed becaus(' of a derrease in prison population, a pnson spokesman said. The prison on San Francisco Bay now houses 1,885 inmates, about half the number of a year ago. Spokesman William Merkle said new parole prac· t1ces arc res ponsible for the cutdown. ()f P._.rjury Charge Executive Cleared I OS 1\ 'I: El.ES IA P I Stanton. fnrmn pr<''>I· .\ fl•.11•1.il c·1111rl JUrv d\'nt or l.(lnj.! HeJ<'h h 1, 1 h'.u ,.11 !Jr 1-'rank Amusement Co . of I} m~ -----lo a ff'deral J!rand Jiii")' iil Novembt'r 1974 when he denu.•d uuthonz1n.: pay m<'nl of a bnb1· to LonJ.t Beuc:h ('1ty Counc·1l111.111 Wa yncShurp vote on a lc•asc :Jgr'l'e· mcnt ben('flllOJ: Slan- ton·s r1rm Regular $2.47 Full-figure Bra J 97 Cotton ond polyester. Podded 1trops. While. 8, C, D cup 1i1es. SA VE 20'%>! Nylon Half Slip Regular $1 .97 J57 Anh-cling Antron · Ill nylon. White, colon. Xl, XX L, XXXl. Stanton. 63, brokt• 111l11 tear" Tursday uflt•r lht• verdlt't was rc.·turn1•d Stanton. te'>t1fysng in hss o"n bl'half, adm1llt"d he had authonz('(I r('1m- bursement of Sl ,000 paid b' Elmc.•r C Velar<'. a major !ilOC'khoJdcr in tht' 11musemenl company, to Sharp ........................ .. Sharp. who "'al> fined $100 and put on proha1111n arter pleud1n.: no eontt•<;I lost year to a rharilt' of perjury. te11t1r1ed he.• rt'· re1ved Sl.000 m c•xrhan~t' (Or ca11lm(.! u favorublc But Stanton in!l1strd he did :.o berau'c be twhevcd thc mon<·y was a J,tenuine rampa1i;:n con tnbutwn nnd not a bnbe for Sharp ·~ vol<' on the leasin.: of a r 1t y owned parkllllit lot 'Healer' Convicted line i.outh or Parke r anli ,I 'M1lplljs Wash" 1>1le about 30 mLlei. southweM or Blythe 1n lrn penal County t:ach JINllJCIM'tl :.tit• "Ollld llM' "runoff"" Ult'r (rom the Colorado RlH~t fon·ool1n.i oflhcvhrnt Tht• 11t ll1ty fill'd u form.II "nollt'l' 1•f 111tt:nt ... \\hll'h an 30 d:1}s "111 lll'l1vute an 18·month 1011~ prol'edure under wh lt'h tlw t•ommu ... 100 must consider lht' l'n \·1r onrn1·11lul and leehn1rul :.wlub1llt \' o(tht> four sites ff SAN DIEGO Gas and Elt'e lrit· t°ll'IArS lh:1l process, It th~n "ould make ll formal upphcitllon lll\Olvin~ t'UbmllSSIOO O( un t•nv1nmmt'nlul 1mJ11u1 report nnd tht• ron11n 1~s1on would decide If thl• proJt•rt e an be built. The l'On\m1!'~10n s luH. u :1µokesman explll&nl'<I, now wall rc\•1cw the utility's upphrulion tor "ndequa('Y und C'oolenl," 11 process that m1ty take up to 30 duys Tht' spokel'man said the publir ht'armA~" 111 be ht>ld m the Blythe area and th roug houl the u• 1hty 's servH'e area Clammy Vietor Eve11 the Judges Got Sick DALY CITY IL' Pl l -f'or as long as anybody can rt' member . 2Su·pound Al :'\1cohn1 "as considt•rcd the dam eatmg champ of the 57 Club. For instance, one night he de· ,oured 102 steamed clams. three pitchers of beer, and 10 ::.hces of French bread before going lo a friend's house for dinner But today, there 1s a new champion. Ai. about 100 "atched Monday, Daly City Patrolman Randy Del> ha , a relati\'<'ly svelte 220 pounder. and N1cohn1 went at 1l in the first annual Dal> City steamed clam eating contest. One judge left the scene early and noted that while the contestants s~emed happy in their eating, the officials were getting sick while keeping score. The contest was halted after 43 minutes and 20 seconds and the srorcboard showed that Desha had boltt'.'d 162 clams wh~e Nicolini. 'Who mude the tactical mistake of che" mg each clam before swallowing, had to settle for 113. This Ad Effective through Saturday February 21 Use Sears Revolving Charge SAVE25%! Pants and Tops . 1n Women's Special Sizes LOS ANG ELF:S IAPI A s etr de~ersbccl "p<;yeh1c hcalt'r" wa" (med $500 and plarl'd on '" o years' probation after h1<1 com· 1rt wn on fraud chaq:es stt'mmin,£ from h1<1 claim that he could cure cancer. bhnd- ness, tuber('ulos1s. arthnt1s and cataract!'! Kirk Oakt-s, 22. was convicted Tuesdoy In "hat Deputy Clly Atty. Rsrhard Lt-Bell said was the first r ase of fraud proseruted b\ C'l ty or f1r1als s ince 1926 Regular $8.99 6 7 4 Regular ~ 54 pants $7 .49 ~ tops U~lh ........ ffO'ffW f'ault~ ---------------- Tht' home of J uhr ,\ n d r c.• \\ s ( ab o v cl .ind hl'r hus band Hlakl' Edwards has f)('e n railed "an im- proprr t'O\'ironmcnl" for Edward s' 16· .\ t'ar old son by a pn•\ 1ous mar nag(' \\ho ll\'<.'c:; with the c· o up 1 t> Th l' b o v 's moth1·r . Patri c ia 1 f<:ct"anl" 1.., tr) mg lo .rt•l c.:u-.t0<h REWARD WE WANT DIAMONDS GEM-STONES ANO FINE JEWELRY H19hHt pric.1 p1id for jewtlry from private individu1ls ind tttatas. Fna tumination end 1ppraiml by Cract- uat• G1molo9ii1. PIMw call 536· 7548 for 1ppomt· ment. Aik for 'Mr. Tt~ , u UNI VERSAL DIAMOND INDUSTRIES 412 Ohw. Suitt 203 Hunt1119ton Budl. C1hf. 92648 714/U&-7548 Stretch Pantliner Regular $2.97 211 Nylon, 1pand•• for oil over shaping. White, M, l, XL. Re9f. 93. 79 Pancllner. XXl ....... 3.27 Pants ... polyester double crease. Washable. Mock Women's sizes 32-38. knit. front Pull-on belt. style. Stitch Popular colors. Tops ... 100°/o polyester knit. Easy-care. In an assort- ment of prints to coordinate with pants shown. Short sleeves. Button front. Sizes 38-44. /SearsJ So. Coast Plaza Buena Park Orange STOllE HOURS Monday th1u f1ldoy 10 AM to 9 '"" Soturdoy 3333 Bristol St. Phone 540-3333 81SO La P alma Ave . Phone 828-4400 2100 N. Tustin Ave. Pf\ont 637-2100 9 30 AM lo 9 '"" Sunday I? N .. n to S 'M ' • A6 DAll.1 Y PILOT EDITORIAl.1 PAGE Fundamental School The .. b<lck to baMt's" movem<'nt mal..1n1o: wan.•b nationally in th~ fi~ld of t:ducatlon h<ib nut m1:..s(•d Irvine. Groups of J>Jr1:nb ha\l' ag1tatt!d for a !lo cull ed ''furufamcntaJ" M:hool for mort lla..111 two \•cars. • A rC('l'rll ~urwy by tht• dlslnct loc·att>d 508 (amtlics who an· Alad the dt">tnct l!'i looktnJ: Ullo the pc1ss1bllity of est~iblishmg an alternatn t· program c-c·ntered on a nwrt• lr't1d1t111rwl appro4t:h lo <•dun1t1on A 1>arcnt studv 1-:roup halo> bct!n org:.in11t'll to t'X· ..imine the possi b1ltty of scttm~ up ~UC' h u .. thrct'· Hs .. orientc·d p ro).(rarn u1 thl' In ult' :..t•hool cl1~tn('t Tht• ">tutly indudl'S un cxammatwn of tht.• go<JI., and teuchmg trchn1q11t.•s that would bt• us t•d Tht.> I rvirH' '<:t1ool bo:.ird trad1t10nally...J1Js rl':o.pondc<l pos1t ncly when parents h;.ne !\Ought sut:h ;,iltcrnativ(•s as 1;, 15 ycC:1r·round takndars. oµ<•n <:l~~c:, arid lht• SJ..:I;F sdiool <Jmong others. If the parl!nt study grnup l'unrlud<>s th.ti It w:1nts to go bal'k LO basics, the di:-.lntt :-.hould rcmem!Jt•r its trad1t1on:il res pons 1 vt• nl's' Sign Ac tion Now i\l iss1on Viejo has established itself as a <·om· mumty of c:-,th et1c quality with one glanng exception M~rvsce stut1on signs. Altho ug h the station s themselves are des igned to l'Om plem ent th e c haracter o f the community. their signs sometimes a re not. This has brought a demand from t he Mun icipal Ad \·isory Council to outlaw free stand ing service st ation signs . MAC councilmen have asked t he county planning romm1ssion. the Mission Viejo Company and 1-'iJth District Supervisor Thomas 1". Riley to initiate more s tringent sign regulations with respect to service sta - tions . Their request deser\'cs s~nous ~onsideration hecause J\l is sion Vicjo's development is not yet com- pletc and the addition of (uturt> sen ice s tatwrb "1th lJrge si~n!I will <:ertnanly detrol'l from th'._. C'om rnumty · s · ·uuslt m" attract I\ ent·si. Otht'r <'<>mmunillcs "h1<.·h did not han• thl' rores tJ:hl of 1tr1µos111g strict s11mm.: n•gulutwns illl' (ut't'<J with problem.' of b light or costly si~n t't>mo\ ab 111 Mission \'lt'Jl> it's sltll not too late Ca mpaign Site In a <.·1ty with very (e\\ public ),!attu.•nng plart·~ .. tlw shoppihg <'t•nters O\\llt'd by the Irvine Comp~rn~ Sl'rvc a useful tn·1<: fun<·tion. So1t ii, good that lt1l' t'On1 pan) has opened th<• tt'tikl's lo campaigning by lrnnt· City Countil tand1t.lalcs, prov1dtng an additionul op portunsly for rt>s1<knts to hecom<.' rnvolvl'd wit h their «sty govnn m<•nt . In th(• c·ompan~ ·µulJhs hcd nl'wspapl'r. \'ice Pn•s1 dt:nt C Thom<Js \Vikk recently explatnl'd that tht· t•ompany has a "hands-off" polity toward the cll't:· lion. say mg that the company has the "right" to bad .. candidates. but its "Judgment'' w ;is not to do ~o Uut the shopping ct'nter~ ha\·e b(•en, and pn· :-.umably continue to be. off·hmits to citizen cam paignmg seeking support for local ballot measures Direct legis lation -the referendum. imtiatl\·e and recall provis ions in California's constitution -is the citizen's protect ion against unresponsive govern ment and a legitimate part of the political process. Both Irvin e the city and Irvine the compan y are in a uniq u e situatio n because of the one·ftrm mrnership of the business centers which are natural focal paint s for civic a('tivity. Purely local attempts at dir ect leg1slat1on -local ba llot pr opositions -are few enough a nd unlikely to get out o f hand. T he com pany pohcy barring such ac- li\'lty from shopping centers is clearly a prope1 t•x ercise of the company's rights. But the judgment iri volved d eserves reexamination. SB Landlocked African Nations See Angola Threat WAS HING TON -In sending a specia l e missary her e to plead to :tn ostrich· like U.S . Congress for help, Zaire's President Mobutu has warned t h at lhe,now certain Soviet victory in Angola could eecalate into far worst.' defe<1t for the Western world <'lsewhere m southern Africa. T hat sombt:'r mt:'ssagc, car ried t o a score <.>f key Sen ato r s and Kepresl'n· t atives by Mo b ut u '!> rore 1 gn m 1 n 1s t l' r . Nguza. ha!> had so mt• 1 m - pact Hut 1t 1s c·o n J e cl u r a I "hether {.'nn~n·i;s. in IU. election· ~ l'ar 1solatsomsl mood bred out of Vietnam. 1s now prepared l-0 vole help for Zair('. 7.ambiu and other nation:. of sout hern Africa after its fl at veto of President Ford's ( J plan to aid Angola. EVANS-NOV AK I F CONG R ESS keeps its _ • head in the sand. the fault \\ill not lie in t he clear "arnings or either Presw!cnt Ford or Nguza. who spent IO days roving Capitol Hill. Zaire's Belg1um·t'du('ated foreign mimslN. who 1s highly regarded in Western Europe. carried this mess age U .S . failure to compete with brazen Sm 1et forei~n intcrvenl111n wouJd threaten not only his own country and neighboring Zambia ; 1t would endanger Afn('a's entire ~nuthern salient down lo the Cape of Good II opt· The rt>ason is Ang('lla·~ unique ~trateg1c pos1t1011. "h1ch gives at immense economic Jevt•rage over landlo('ked Zam bia and nearly landlocked Zaire. If Mos- cow re~ains its pres(•nt power in Angola. both Zain· and Zambia could bi-f'ronom1c111ly dt·· cimated. Zaire !the for mer Belgian CongoJ is the lar gest.ferule coun try in Africa. equal in siz<' lo the U.S . east of the M iss1ss1pp1. ll 1s also one or the world's riches t sources of copper. manganese and other valuable minerals. The critical gcographical fact is Zaire's dependenl'e on r ail tr anspor t acrdss Angola to the Atlantic Ocean "Thal is our lifeline." Nguza told us her<' this week. "Close il and our people m Shaba !formerly Katanga, th1• copper· rich part of Zaire> will bl' ruined ." MOSCOW has coveted the riches of the old Belgian Congo for decades. i\ntomc Gizcnga, a key pro·Sov1ct figure• on the los trlg side of llit• Congolese n' ii war a d(•cadc ago. 1:-. nu" 111 Angola for p0~!>1hlt• trouhlt· making in his old homl'l;md Abo in Angola an• some 5,000 ;11111 Mobutu troops frorn tht• nlcl l'l\'tl -war m1htary p:.iwn~ for u~1· back m Zaire What fn ghtt'fls Zaire. Zamb1.1 and other non·alignl>d nations ul southern Africa even more than massive Soviet mibtarv aid t11 Angola 1s the contrasting lJ S n · fusal to help As NJ?uza told '" and warned Congressmen ··The· Africans, I am sorry lo say, are losing their conf1d.cncc 10 the lfn1ted Stall's Whl'nt>w r thcrc 1~ any troubll'. Lhc l ' S ->ays, '!'<11 more Victnams 'ThJl 1s hard for us to understand '· That conf1r mt•ll what Eurn peans. far better tnformed on o n C'e ·co lon1a l Africa l ha n Americans. huve been pn vately warning: the mere f'xisten('(' nf S<l\0 it•t·b~1t·k1'cl Angola, n>11pl1•tl \\llh the r<in~resswnal rl'fu:,.11 lo n 1mr>l'll'. l'o u1'1 aulomat1n1tlv ~1·11t•ratt• pro (.'o m nt11111st mo\ 1• ffil'nh. '' tthout prt·~'lll't' from tht• K11·mli11 !l>i G l 'ZA and olh<·r 111111 ('ommuni~t t\lrtt·.111:-.111• <·011111 1111-: on a '1~1t In S1•rr1·t.1n of S l ale II 1: n r y h 1 ':-.111~1• 1· t 11 :.oulhl'rn Afric•t1 lo lwlp ~how that the U S does 1101 1nt1•nrl 111 v.1thdr.1w fro m sup<·1 ,,.,,, c•r com pc11t111n 011 I ht• t·o11t 111t•11t But the n •:tl f'IUt•:-.tton 111'' in l'oni;:rcss. Can Cuni..:n•,:-., 11-; !'o1>11w tC'OUOUS s1i:n~ now 1ndac·.1t••. fm .11 ly rid ils1·I( nf thl' eosth 1ll11!'o1011 that ew•rv t • S 111vol\'l'm1•n l ., ::i rancl1dut.t• fnr '';.inothc•r \ 11•l nttm '"' l 'nlt'ss t h1• all~\\ er 1~ \'(''· th1• political outlonk an :-.c1uth1·rn Africa 1s dan~t·rm1s North ol Zaire 1s the l'eopk.;' H1•puhlJe of th(• Cl)ngo lthe flirnwr Frrnf'h Coni;:o J, C'o11t 1 ol lt•d hy an tint1 Wc·~tt•rn "''l!•tnt'. T11 tlw cai-1 ailing tlw tnt11.1n 0Cl'atl l1c!I :'ll111aml>1q111•, like• 1\n~ola J fornwr P111 t u.c Ul''>t' «olonv v. host• j!O\ t•1111111•11t has 11111111at1• tu•s to M11,c11" If t Ill' "'"11mp1 wn • .., r or ft't'l th.it !\lt>'>t'P\\ will llllll•l•cl IJI' .1ltl1• to C'tlll!'onhdalt· a111t holct lb p o lal 1<·:11 111fl tH'IH'1· ll\ {'r pro Sm ll'I An..:ula. Z:a111• aml Zambia arc· 1·xtn·rn1·h· qil111•rahlt· l.rnrtl1irkNI ... rnnt r11· ... -.1.j11t•\•1e<l belWl't'll Ani.,:11la :111ct 1\1111.arnl11 QUt' TllAT WAS lhc• nwssal?<' of Pn·s1dt•n1 M11hulu'~ l'm1~san hl'I I' v. hC'!h1•1 ('llll){rl'SS uri tkrst ands 11 w al I nc>l be knn" nun t1I 1t l ake' up lht• l'n·~1dt•11t's md1t :1n and c•nmom1r a11t pro gram for %.un· fl amounh lo :1 p1ctdlln~ S-12 millwn. hut the con gn·i.s 11>n a l atltlud" toward 1t could fort'll'll tht• falt• of :>outhcrn ,\fnca Recycled Exhaust Fumes Blamed for Accidents Tc) lht• Ed1to1 In hio; rt•('1•nt .h1'1 ('ousting <"OI· umn. Tho11lJ!'o F. M111phm1.· wu!'o ;1ma1••d lo M't' a 111·~'\pas~r .;t1l'k .llnp t ht' t runk lad of a !>J}t.'t•d111g au1omoh1 h• /\rrorrtiniz II• :1nodynamic-!'o 1•ng1111•t•1 ~. a ';wuum 1~ 1·r1•;11t•d lwhind moving 11h.11•t'h .md th:1t c·uuld Ill' fltlt' or 1 t·11~ons fur the• lll'W'>p;1p1•r 1101 rallJn):Of( T r .1 J.: 1 f' a I I \ , t h 1• :-. a 111 t • n1•rod)11a11111· .. 1 n•al(•s a rw•:,111"' llrt"'"'un· "11h111 lhl' .1utumnl>tll• that !'olld1!> t ht• c·ar'!'o c•arhon "101111\Hk h11t•k in lo lht• PUS<,1•ng1·r n11npa1 t tnl•llt l1t1111111•r to h11mp1•r tr:1ff11• nl• \IOU:-oh lllf'l'I'' <111\l'I '> to h11·ath1• in •• !'-:-. I \' I' q II a II t 1 t 11• ll 0 f a 11 l fl l111l111111· t•\h.111~t from Pl'l'«t·tl111..: ,.(' h I 1· I 1•' w h 11· h ha 1nrd1111 , 1•irt•um01t11n1·<' 1., c·ompc111111kd h\ "1"'11111~ ttw ta1h.::1ti• w111d1m ' of -.1:1111111 wa.:1>11" ,md. f)l1-. ... 1hh. II\ ll11· r t•11r \'l'rlt pc•pulnl"I\' 'I\ lt •<l 111111 ... onw ol lhr rrwn• n ·1·1·11t mnlnr \ l'll1l'lt•S. Tt .. : Env1ronmrntttl P r11l1•i- l11m Ai:c•111•y ':-1 1>11kt• l 0lll\'l'r!'.1ty R<'ll('nrrh l'1•nt,.1 . in l'tmduct 111.c stud•''' or 11! 1\ t•r drnw"'""""· found that 10 pt>r1•1•nt of North C:irolt11a 1l r1\t'1' a1lm1t11·cl vpl<l<l(h° .. or f,ll\in1: .. ,i(oc•p li.•hinrl the• '' h1•1•I and 1•nnn1r ''1th th<' /\nrnrw ll1Jlh" II,\ l'atrol and Ohm St;1f(• t•rl1\<'l "lt) rt'pnrh that • • m 11 l n r ' 1• h 1 1· It• c• ' ha 11 ' t 1'fn1:<swns pro<lur1• dn"t'r matt1·n t ton. dn1w•o111t•<:s and ralltrl.1! asll'<'P nt th<' '' h<'f'l ·· :ind <;t ;•I<'' th1-. tn bl' f.u a more cnmmrtn Dea r Gloomy Gus Dear Fluor· Are these the d1m('s that huy m<'n ·s souls" · EF ~0..-••tt •--a.y _.. ....... -4 .......... 11,_tlM -.. -..... _,,.. ~ .... \'WW "'4 __ c;_, G~, OAllf ,., ... phenomenon t hun h.1s izcner .lily ht.•t•n rl'rn.c n11t•d Ratht•r than 1.:r.1nl1n.c the l'Ont1 nutng 1.km <and.; of .automobile man u fa ct u r 11 r ' for l 1 m c 1' \ · t1·n~1on'\ 111 d1•\ l'lop1111~ C'llj{tn<' t''<- haust pol tut ion ,·uni rnl..;, ..1.; u mat· t1•r 11£ hc•alth .111!1 !'oaf1•tv fur dn\ers . p,1S,('r\f.!l'I' and 1wopl1• \\Orkin~ anti II\ 1ni! .i111n.c n1.1111r hiuh\\a\'. tha• El'.\ ... h1111lc l tit• man<I .rnd. t·nfor c·1• 1h d1·,1dh1H'. \\lll'rl all 11•i.;1!'olt•1t•d 1!11\'t•r!'o ol tl11• hc•Jlth h.11 ,11 d, and n •q111rc· \Hit l<'fl not1n• 10 ht· po!'ot"d an .all motor \('ht<'IC'I 't :1l1111~ 1111' \'() t'nJ.!lllt' t•m1~~1nn <l.11\J.!t'I'" "' .1utomoh1ll' rtnv1111: Hlll'Ct-: ~HOPPING ftirRf4-fttf To th<' F.d1tor I 1<11pvnrt the• 'rhool hood l!'osur on lht• M:H"C'lt 2 h:illnl llu\tnJ.! i:onc· frnin l'l1•m<'nt ,11 y through h1..:h '>l'hc111l 1n the• ('ap1:-.tran11 l 'n1fn·d .S1·h•10I l>1i1tr1rt . m~ Nlurn1111n "as fur t lw mo~t p11r t nbtmnc•d 111 :in un1·rnwfll•ti, n• laxC'd £'1l\11nn11H·nt "lwrc the t~·adwrs had t1m1• to •:1v1• 1•xtr11 help w hi.'n I llt'Nh·d 1l llpon lt'a\ 10~ llw fond 11ehool sy~h·nl t "a' h111ol'ally w \'II pn•p.1n•d fnr c·nl ll'lo:l' T If E H •: \\' F. R t-: t 1 m "., . hO\\l•\t•r, \\hl'll Slltllt' or ttl\' d.1.;,(•.; w 1•r1• n\·1•rc•rnwd1-.I. nncl t 1111t'!< "ht'll t' I a '<st'' wcr(• on dou hie s1•ss1ons In 1 h1•M• s1l11atmns tcacht.>rs dtd not havr adequate time to ~I\ I' to llwlr i.ludent" F.\f'n !ior1al fl'l ~1l1nnshipc; amnni: ~tu<knts ~1·rt• 11•mw In short, Hu· 'ett1n£ w :I!' nnt rondUl'l\'t' to re· ('e1nn~ a £nm1 rdurat1nn fortunntC'lv. ~ h<•n lh1c; c;ltua· ttnn aros e• tlw p;issag r of a '>t hool hood had ocrurn•d School ~1te-. had been sel1.'rlr<1 and cunslru1· tJ<ln was ready to bt>gm I f<·cl jtraldul to the laxpayc•rs o r that lime for caring t'noui:h ubout my l'du~·ation to pass that school bcmd I now want to ,::ive our students the same opportunilies made available to me. MRS J/\NE MEADOWS ll ~ bsu,. To the Editor A special intcrr'lt i::roup ('If no more than 30 .~l'llVl' members In lhe <'lty of lrvrnc OP ( ___ M_A_IL_B_o_x __ J pears to have su<·c<•('(fed m form· mg an alliance with ttw l 'CI Stu dent Coalit ion for th•· purpo-.1• of :issunn j:l a bloc \ (llt• that "ill force subsidized h1111~111J.! n11 this community Wt• knclw of no u 1twr an trrpretat1nn th:.1t l't1n h1· 1.ltH'\'d on the COllW 111 Ill J.! l'IHlill''Wllll'llh nf lrvme T omorrow and tlw I '( I Student Coallt1on It ., a had to deliver tla• ('llY of In inc· 11110 ltw hands of the 'ndvorat<'~ of ~uh Sld17.l'd hOllSlllJ.: IF TlllS I!> not so. kt Irvin<· Tomorrnw l'XPIJlll 1h position on th<' suh1c1·t uf s uhs 1tl11c•d hous111 g I locs Irvin<' Tomorrow lH'C'l'PI It or n•)l•1·1 11 '• l><w~ lr\'1llt' Tt1mu1 ro~ or oppoi;1• or 'upport th<' l.1~ s uit that s nmc• of 1h lt'.ttllflt.: m''mb<'rs h,I\ r f1lt•d :1"t:11r1't t h1 .. <'1IY, a suit that 1lwv IHtv<• ofk11•d lo >11•llll' 1( tht• t:n.payc•r'l of In 1111• "ould undN" rllt· a mult1m1llwn dollar suh:Hd17.l'CI ho11s111~ pro gram We thank th•·'(' 1111(•st111n<. ('an no lon~1·r lw dul'kc•cl h> 1111• lrad<'n,hip or Jn 1111• T11morrn~ It I~ now out 1n llw 0114•11 "at h ttw l'C.'I Stucknt l'nulat11rn'<1 1111 nOUllCt'd :\llllf>Orl or ttll' l r Vtlll' Tomorrow city rnunril s lat1• Ttw rwnph· of I r\'lnl' ha\'I' ;a right to kno" whnt" Irvine· Tomorrow and th1•11· l 'CI stu d<'nt folio~ ing 'ii and on this ma Jor election 1~11111' Wh1•n tlw pos 1 tsons are made clc1Lr on thcst" questions. wt• hehev<' th1• \'otc•r.., in Irvine can make up lhc>ir own m inds and vOtf' :tcC'ordmgly BRL'C.'F. E RA.~NF.R GEORGE W McCl.l'Rf:JH \\'1 LL I A~I M CRISF:LL PATRICK H RO~NF:I! F. RAY Ql1JGLf:Y ROBERT M Mll,l.J-:R City Council Candidatc·s PrP-.. o•ndf tftod! To the Editor· The Daily Pil~. Feb 4, report· ed that th e Irvine Tomorrow political organization has rc1erl· ed l3 candidates for the In ·inc Ci· ly Council and has announced It~ own sl ate of three candidates We are greall~ concerned about Irvine Tomorrow's actcon. it has frightenin~ implications ror lrvinl' It threatens the naht or our citizens to h:J\'t' their volt's all c·ount equally. It threatens to :-.ubs tttutc· JO Jn ine Tomorrow point of\ 11•w for a nl1zen potnl of va•w. DO WE s uddcntv farr ro11nril mcmbl.'rs pre conim1tt<•d lo I' surs hy the political organ11:1t11m that supportPd them ·• lntn•' Tomorrow "nu Id do "1•11 to look l'ardully tit 1111' l rv11w<'omp:iny' 1x>llry. wh1C'h d11r.; not nllo" sup J.1111 t or 111cl1 \'HI u ;JI l' 11 \' «anclulal c·~ W(' llt'IH'\l' th:at lrvuw Tomor row should pr t''>t•nt 1t., "1sh1·' ('\Ill' h as 1111 s 11hs 1d 1 zt•<l ho11s111g I 111 an opc•n cou11rtl and r~ tht' d1;an1·1•s of "111n mg ur losml! just ns cloe.;1•\'••n otht·rmcmh<•1 Mlh'· l' om rn 11111 t ~· IJHl 1 ,. 1 ct 11 :a I 111 i:rnup Wt• ask :ill 1'1lt1C'rlS or tr vuw to rnn!'.1rl1•r t hi' r:a m 1r1r11t1nn' of Irvine Tontonow ·~ rt'f)(>rtNI HI l<•nl to influc·nrc• th1• 1·1l y 1•l1·1·t HHI So far In llll' ha' ndl ht·c·onw a town rult•ll la\' n111• !'.mall f;al'lwn . a nd we· do not '''IH'd Irvin•· l'tt11c·ns lo allow 11\'11l!'Tt1111ora1m to l'hall<'n1:1· our and1•1wll1h·nt t rad1t1on:-. HOC Jo;H RA Pl' Cha11mt1n. Jrv1nr('1111.1·n~ f11rum A bo F luor? To the Editor T he pr<'s!-l n•ports lhal thP Flnor ('orpoq1tion ha.-. t11rC'd ,1 Jl("rson t('I "reco mmend ll'~l:-.ta tion and pohtic·at candiclu\1•s for the corporntion to support ut ~talc and lornl l<'vcls " We an• ,::r<'atly roncerned about 1·1uor's 11cl1on : 1t has friJ?htcning im pl\cahons for Irvine. H lhrcatcn'i the rii::ht of our l'lhZ<'ns to hav<' their votes all counl Ntually II threatens to substitut<' a com pany i)()wt of v1cv. for a citl1.cn poml of vie~ DO WE suddenly face council members pre ·comm1tted lo is- sues by the company that sup· ported them., Fluor would do well to look carefuJl y :it the lrvine Compan y's policy, which does not allow support or in dividual ('1ty candidates WC' believe t hat Fluor should represent it~ wishes to :\n o~n counril and lace the chances or winning or losinJ? JUSl as does cver) other member of the com· munilv -ind1v1dual or cor· porate We ask all citizens of lrvin1· to ronsidf'r tht' r an11r1c<.1t1on-, •>f t'luor's reported intent tu 111 fluc'nC'e the city clC'rtion So far lnim· has not bl•come ~ ('<)m p1my town. und we do not t•Xp<·t·I ll'\tnt• <'1111.t•ns to ;allow 1•111or lo rhall('11!!t' our indt·1wndrnt tnid1 110115 MAH ILYN \ /\SSOS Hrw.frr\ 1111111 tw ""''""~'""in r-um ponn11,,,.,1ihr11.\1'1il111111111 t/11•11110 ,.., tc•r.~ ohol't' Bay T raflir To ttw Ecl1tor Ynur l'd1l1>11 :ll nf Fc'h 11 •·t '11 J)('r ll:iy Trarr11··· r11·i~lf•c•t , tn 11 lumin:.il(' sl)n\I' rnth1•r nh\ 11111-. point ~ <;1 :1nt1•1t, the' l '111v1•rs11 y J)rs\'I' t·xt1·n s i11n ha' h•·Pn pl:rnrwll ~Hl<'t' rn;,7 /\t lhal t1r111•. lhl' plan-, for that Pnrt 11f 1 ri1wr Nt•w port lluv "c·r•· f111 a mar 111:1 puhhc· h1•ad1 anct l11rtht·r 1·om m1·1 r111( dt•vr·lopm«nt. n<>ll•' nl w h 1 r h " n u I ti h a ,. 1• h 1• 1· 11 cll'lrtml'nlally impa<'tPll liv .111 :ict<hl wn.111 oad Tmby, tlw p1rlur1• hns lw<·n rad1t·:ally thanl!t'd Tlw I.av hi•' lw1·om 1• a wllctllft• rc·fl1..:1· •• 1 h.1\ 1·11 for mli.t r atory hi rel-, and vc•a 1 r<1111HI rt'!'. 1d1 •11t ., w h"''' ~1 :1t11r.1I hah1tllt'l :arc• 1 ap1clly d1m1111s h111g Thi• ha,v •~ 111,o onf' or thl' la<;! l:11·g(' .. 1:11\fh f)f ll:tll\ ,. Vt•l(c•lat11111 lc•ft 111 011r 11tlwn'1'" 1~1nd11c:.ipt•d c·1t\ In ndd1t11111 , lh1• \l ppt•r Bu\ i-011l<1in ' arl'ht•ologi«a I r<•i;nur<'l'" I hut !'an 1<lwct much l1j.(hf 011 th1• prl' h1stort(' mh;1h1t;1nti; 11r Oran..:« C:ount) WE 00 NOT ncPd an f·:tn tr1 t<>ll ui; that if Cnl\•t•rs itv l>rtvl' I' extended the w1ldhft• "·,11 rctrc•ul to the seclui;ion or qu1et<'r spot.; in the bay to e~capt• the noise· <1nd emission pollution, in <•i1senr r not using part of the rcfu~<' r<'S<'r\'cd for them Wt> do not nt'l'<I ;111 EIH to tell us lhut Areal quantities or native p l ant:. and h1~toriC'al e\'idence of man's existcnre ~ill Ix> destroyed to build a six·lanc· roadway that offers nothin~ but redundancy. M otonst~ S<'l'km ~ routes around the ba\' hti\«' onh to use Bristol 1 ~hich cJn h;. widened for considerably l1•s!' 1·x pensc than bu1 ldin~ :rn n tension > o r soon , the fr(•t·~ J\. hoth or which pe1ralkl lht• pr~I fMl!'-l'cl t ·111\1·r~11 .v Dri\'c' rout1• Win .;;ir nf1t'l' .ind scanf:t tht• u1> IJl'I 11•ad1t·~ or the• rc·~rn•t• with a 1t11ally unnC'rt·-...,<try new ro11!1 ''ht·n t"o 1•>0..,1111g r11u1t·' .u·c· 11111 11111• q11<1rtt•r of ;1 rnil1• :iwa~"' MANl>Y COLIO: I rr1•l1•ra11' Tot ht• Edtlnr ( 111pal!I'11111• 111 St•l'l 1nn /\ rif lhl' ft•h 11 . I' u .. 111 th•· J>.111.\ t•Jl11I \•HI IC'poat t'd lh1• '>l'lllc•11t·1111• le> c·111111h 1all nf :1 \\ 11111:111 1·11n \ tr I •·rl of 1•n1IH•11l111 1: t11111h 1111111 .111 I 1\1111' lrn-..111'"" t•-,1.1 hh!'ohllll'1tl In hoth th1· lw.1dl11w .incl ih1• ,IJtldl' lt'\c•ll \<Ill 1t'f1•111•d 111 tht• \111m;111 "' ttw "1£1• 11f .1 poh<'I' t>f l H •·r I h.1\t• ''°" -.u n pli-q\H·-.t11111 b that lac t ;111\ m 1111· 1 l'lf'\ :1111 111 tlw 1 ...... 111· th.111° h.id -,h1· lwt·n !lit• \\ale• of a t1 .. 1dw1 . ;!11111111•\', or rn1·1t11•.il 1!111 II••·· \\'111tld )11111 h1•:adltllt' ft ,11 C' lt1•1•t1 "\\'tf1• of T1 •:lf'lw1 "\1•1111•111 t·tf "• /\, .1 p 11111''""11 ,1 I 1.1w t"l1f<11 t'I' rn1·nt 11fl 11'"' I '1·1 v 1n11d1 n·~r·nl tlw t\ P«' of 1111 ,, :11 r .1ntt·d 11rwt. 111 lllV 111clgm1•111 , II fl''POll'lllil1· re • JlllltJll J.: 1•'(t'll\plif1,.1f lfl lhlll Ulll t It• It ad I ht' I' ualh party hn~r·ll 111·.-11 ,1pnll(·1·11fl1C1·1 :at th1•11mc-nf tllC' 11111·11,c•, I h:il \\ 11t1ltl h<-.1 pr•11p1·r 10lc•11·'t 'I lt;il 1111\\1 '\C'I "ll ~ not tlw 1"1'(' and <1111~ 1111• 1 l'ft•11·nt·1· tu tlw 111f1•11dt•r ·, h ll' h .111CI ,11111111! not h ,I\'(• h•'C'll 111> l11if1•tf ""·I( JI y 110 \'I) ORANGE COAST DAILY Pll01\ fl1olwrt \ I\• rrf /•1111/1\ltt•f rJ111mn' Krrt 1/ fAtr"r /111r1~.,,, lo.""'''' 11 f 'dtl•1rrnl 1'11111 I '"'"' Thi• 1•11!111nal p.11·1• 11f tilt' 1>111h 1'11 111 .,,., . ..,, '" 111(111 rn .ind 'llflltJI~•'•' 11·,,d• r , "' pr •''•·ntu1r 1111 lht'11J .:•· 111\ 1•1,1• 111mnw nl.t1 \ nn tnp11 " of 1nl1•r ,.,, II\ ""1111 111 .. 1 e11lun1111't' al\ll <'a • lltrllll'I'. II\ ptt•\ 11hn11 ;i l 111 um f111 r1•.11l1·r• ""'"' .rnrt h' pr"'\'1111111.! 1h.- "''"'Jta1J<•r ' up111111n-. amt u!1·a~ r111 t•urr ... nt top1r' 'I ht• f'Q1tr111.1 I nr11n1nn<. "' ttw llatlv l'1lot app1•;11 onh 111tlw1'fl1tnr1;1l rnlumn 111 th1• tnp 11t ih" 11o1l!I' Orinann., ,., .,, ,."'"' "' lh1• cnlumm~t" 11ntl r .1rt1111ni'h unrl 1 .. 11t•r v. 1"1t1•1" .art• 1111·11 ""II ,flltl IHI ••ntlnr"'Oll'lll Ill 1h1•1t '""" h' t hr D111h 1'1101 •houl1I t11· 1nl1·11 l'fl Wcdncs rlny, Fc·b 18, 1976 7 Orange Coast .· -• EOITIQ.t4 Today's Closing N •• Stoeks ... ,,_ ...,._,_. ___ _ J ' 1 VOL. 69, NO. ,9, 6 SECTIONS,~ PAGES .. ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A WEDNESDAY, FEBR\JAR'Y18, 1976 C TEN CENTS f .Anti-nuke I Vote, Poverty Tied -Teller.~ ! By DOUGLAS F11117BCHE • Of .... O.llyl'I ...... A vote for ProposiUon u-t.he &lnli-nuclear energy measure-u a vote for poverty. ramlne and war, m the \'tew or Edward Teller. a phys icist whoM ties to nuclear energy date to research oo the first atom bomb. The California anti-nuclear power lruUat1ve is part or a na· tlonwlde effort to ('rippJe the country's .,otential to develQo nuclear energy aources, he told a student audience al Orange Coast College Tuesday~ He does not claim th4l nuclear reactors are foolproof. "H anybody s.ays that an in- strument is foolproof, the fool will turn out bigger than the pro- of," he said, drawing laughter from the more than 400 students. Safeeuarda on nuclear power plant.s, he said. h•ve prevented any loss or life or threat to life from an accident lo the history or the nuclear power industry. "Loss or money. yes. Lo6s of lives or even health, no." he said. But loss or nuclear power as a source or energy, he predicted, will~ disastrous. By 1985, he said, nuclear energy can supplant the burning of six billion barrels of 011 daUy, lbe amount the U.S. currently Im Porta. "We need energy to keep California healthy," he said. "We need energy to keep the United Stales healthy. But more than anythinc else, we need the enerey for the world. We have a shortage or energy. but we have a surplus or babies. Predictmg a world population or seven billion by the turn or the century, the Hungarian-born physltlst said, •·Tfiese people will be wretchedly poor and their poverty will not be alleviated without energy. lf we ban reac· tors, we will take 011 away from others by driving up the prices and the undeveloped countries will stay poor." "If we manage to develop every reasonable source or ent-rgy-nuclear, coul. aas; solu, at.'Olhcrmal e might Jn~ 10 and 25 years Improve our way or livlng and, more Importantly, ht>lp others. "If not. tbe world Is headed toward depression and conruct "'orse than the depression or the 1930's and war worse than the Second World Wa r that followed ··The people advocating this tSeeTELL E R, P age A.%) Patty's Barrage 'Meant to Miss' 'Rules' For CIA. Outlined WASHINGTON (AP> -Presi-• dent Ford issued orders today barring the CIA and oth~r in- telligence agencies from using electronic or phys ical sur- veillance to collect information on the domes tac activities of mosl American citizens and organiza- llons. oc Jitry Probing Death t B) KA TllV CLANCY r Ot-0.11-,~i ... SUlf ' The OranJ?e County Grand Jury ).s looking into the death of u Westminster man who may have suffered fatal head an1ur1es while 5ervmg a weekend Jail term. Jim Ennghl. chief deputy dis· \rict attorney. !>a ad both the Grand Jury and the jury's Crim mu I JU!>llC<' Comm1ltcehave 11tarted an inq ua ry into the Feb. 2 death or Don Nelson, 39. A spokesman for the stale al· t omey general'11 omceaald today an investigatio n by that agency into the deatb probably will take a back seat to the local probe, at least temporarily. Deputy Attorney General Dan Kremer or San D1e.llo had request- ed 1n1tia I reporti. on the death. lie C"ould not be reached for comment today But an aide said his investiga- tion at this point 1s ;11 med pnman· ly at making ccrtam an omcial probe 1s bean g com plett"d I le may conduct has o" n mveslagataon later. the aide said. Nel!>on, a b.artender at the Marlin Inn an Huntington Beach and c andidate an last spring's Ocean \'1ew School D1stnct elec· t 1ons. died ;it Orange County Medical Center after lvinfl an a coma for a wi>ek following sur· jlery for a skull fraclun• H e wa<1 taken to OCMC J an 25 hy 11111 offlcaa b ~•ftcr i'M'l'Oming 111 an his Cf'll At th<' tune, h<' was ~en mi: thl' first (If ft\'C weekend J:11l ll'rrns on J drunk<'n dnvmg <'t1nv1rt ion Enri~ht i.aad Tuc•,dnv thr Grand Jury ,., rC'c;ponMbh· Cur nn M ·ftOIOJ: IO\ l"'illJ!lltlOn tnt<1 JUll c·oncht1ons und ""oulll not 1g nor<'' (•hrrkinr. into nny 1a1l· r<'l.1t<'d dt•ath 'J h(• cli'ltru t 11ttomr\ 'c; offlc<' lN't' PROB F.. Pa~" i\2) * * * Wuntian's Jail Death, Damages Eyed Tht> family of llon Nrll\on, 39. ·who dit•d Fl'11 2 nflt•r srrvln" a w('c k C'nd J J II t 1'rrr1 , f 1 lt•cl n s.1.r .. n .ooo <'1111 m t1Mfay a1wlnst Oran~r Countv l·mploye~. In the l'1111m, Mr" nonnil' ?'<'Ison n ll<'IH'S county oHtcaals faalC'd to i;:N adt>qual<' medical · c·are for ht•r h11,bond while he "as 111 in his j1ul Ct'll Jan 25. As a result. thl' claim asserts, u skull fracture was not properly d1al(nosed Mrs NeL<;00 also as- serts in the claim that t'ounty employes failed lo notify her or her husband's illness and sur· iery for a skull fracture The rla1m was received at s· ts a m today by the clerk or the \.. County Board or Supervisors. l C'.ounty officials have 45 days to either accept or reJect the daim. ~fore Mrs . Nelson's attorney n .n file a la wsua t in the case. Jn the claim. Mrs. Nelson seeks Sl million for loss or the society and companionship or he r husband. $2 milli<fn for pain and emotional d1stres!I, $640,000 ror loss of her husband's mcome and f'T .000 for medical and funeral rx pens es. • Philp Going To San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP> -Dr. John P. Philp. public health director of Orange County, is mo\•ing to the same job in San Diego County. Philp, 57, was named from among 35 applicants today. He is expected to begin his JOb March 15, making $46,500 annually. Ph1l1, succeeds Or J. B. Askew, wbo retired. College Park Re~~neVote In Deadlock- The second,,..ading or the con· troversial rezone of a lot in College Park ran anto a stalemate at the Costa Mesa City Council Tuesday night. The vote on the second rcadtng came out 2-2, with council mem bers Robert Wilson and Norma Hertzog favoring the change and Jack Hammett and Dom Rac1t1 opposed. The firth council member. Mayor Alvm L. Pinkley, who cast his ballot in favor of the change at the first reading of the ordanance. was absent. The second reading was thus delayed two weeks and wall come up agaln at the March 1 council meeting. Residents of a grou" of homeowners In Collt>gc Park who are opposed to the rezone, have in· dacatfii that ar the second readani.t 1s approved they will attempt to get 10 percent of the city's 28,6.10 registered voters to sign a pet1t1on to put the Issue on the June primary ballot. The rezone would change a lot al 464 Princeton Drive from re- sadentiiil lo commer<'rnl use The lot, next to Harbor Boulevard and the Nabers Cadillac aJZency '" owned by the auto dealership Thl' oi:ency wants to use the salt', now landscaped like a miniature park. as a display area for uutomobalt·~ Pinkley was in Sarramenlo Tuesday attending a meeting of the California llighway Com· mis11on and contacting state lt'glslators to lobby for a Costa Mesa resident to be appointed lo the Orange County Fair Board. 'OUR PA.PER, AD SOW CAR "The ad sold the car. The Daily Pilot is 'our paper' for sure." That·s the sales success story told by the Corona del Mar Man who placed this ad in the Dady Pilot: '73 El Dorado. xlnt rond Fully equip 39.000 nu's. Pvt. Pty x xx· UU Ir you have a car you want to sell, caJJ 642-5678. It only takes a few words ln the right place lt) attract :i buyer. Along the Orange Coast the right place to advertise Is the Daily Pilot 1 'Sticky' Portion Of Case • SAN FRANCISCO (U PI) Patncia Hearst testified today that she tried to avoid hlttrng anyone when she opened fire al a Los Angeles sportmg goods store to rescue two of her k1dnapers. Mass Hurst said "the Sym- bionese Liberation Army penalty for not rescuing a comrade was .. death" and that she picked up an automatic carbine and started shooting as •·just sort of a renex .• U,.T..__. In a followup to his Tuesday night press conference at which he announced plans for reorganar.- ing the intelligence community, FORD-REAGAN STANDS 'TO RIGHT OF ME', A4 Ford also said he \\<ould support leg1sla1Jon requir1ngJud1c1al war. rants for national security wiretaps and maalopemng. In a mcsi.age lo Congrt'ss. Ford indicated he would seek to expand the power of the government to open mail , whic h· is now permitted only in cnmmal in- vestigations ... We need authority to open m ail. . .in order to obtain vitally needed foreq~n in- telligence information," Ford said. Defense attorney F . Lee Balley, who has described lhe Los Angeles Incident as the "stickiest part" or bis case, led the defendant through her ex- planation or why sbe not only didn't try lo escape but also ac- tually helped her captors get away. 'MIND AND BODY SWAMPED, RAVISHED BY SLA' P•trlcla Hearst Give• THrful Te11tmony Ford also proposed a stiff new secrecy law which would provide criminal penalties for any gov- ernment employe or contractor who leaks Intelligence secrets. The Jaw also would give the gov- ernment new legal poweri to pre- vent the publication of such secrets. "If anyone in the group ever got an trouble, you are supposed to r1re at those attacking them ... she s aid. "It wu an the code of war. If you didn't you would be killed .. Patty Feared Death -in Hibernia Bank A 36·page executive order that takes effect March 1 also would bar infiltration of domestic or ganizations, drug tests on un- suspecting humans and illegally obtaining federal tax returns. ··1 would never have fired al anybody '' Miss Hears t s aid William and Emily Harris went mto .Mel 's Sporting Goods in the Inglewood section to get some clothes, leav- ing hrr in the van with four guns, includang an automal.Jc carbine and a semi·automatic. She re- alized something was wrong when she s aw Bill on the ground and Emily being held by .so· meone. tSee SLA, P age A2> DOW STAGES A COMEBACK NEW YORK <UPI> -A buying ~a\'e, sparked by signs the ('('Onomy bt1ll 1s 1otrow1ng slrong<'r and by American Telephone & T<•lcgraph 's d1v1dend hake. swept pnccs broadly higher an a~1ve tradang tnday on the New York Stock Exch:rnge The Dow Jones industrial average, which lost 7 79 points Tue!lday. gain rd 9 52 poi nu lo or.o oo Adv11nct>t1 outda~tanced d€'r ltnes, morethon2 1 Volume came to 29,900,000 shares. up lrom the 25,'160.000 t rndPd Tuesday. Prices also rallied an heavy tradang on the 1\mencan Stock F.xchanl(C. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Patricia Hearst says her mind was swamped with revolutionary rhetoric and her body ravished by rape and other physical abuse when she robbed a bank under fear of execution. Miss Hearst wept frequently as she testified before the JUT)' for lhe second tame Tuesday -a day on which the trial judge issued a memorandum s aying the newspaper heiress failed to con- vince him s he was "a prisoner whose e\'cry move was made un- der the watchful eye" or her Symbaonese Liberation Army k1dnapers. Miss Hearst, sipping water and using tissues to wipe away tears, told jurors that she entered a · H1bern1a Bank branchonApnl 15. 1974. certaan that SL.A chieftain Donald "Cinque" Defo'reeze in- tended to gun her down in front or sune1llance cameras. She watched a replay of the bank robbery and. wht'n asked by ·defense counsel F. Lee Railey why she frequt>nlly glanced over her l'l houldr r ut OeFrccze , replied. "I hod thought that even though I would go an and do this, that he was going to kill me anyway inside the bank." She said she reacted with dis- belief when the SLA told her they were J?omg to rob n hank and she would partic1patt'. They said they . Little Ataerira's Cup needed m oney, she testified, and that De Freeze "wanted me to be wanted by the FBI." The basis of Miss Hearst's de· fense is that she participated in the holdup under threat of dealh. The jurors listened intently (Stt PA TTY, Page A2) Senate Nixes Aid to Chile The restrictions do not apply to the FBI which will be governed hy . a separate set or gwdehncs to bt• issued within 00 days. The CIA would be completely barred from e l ectronic e~vesdropping inside the United Stales, and lhc National Security Agency would be prohibited from intercepting any "communica· tion whic h is made from, or is in - tended by the sender to be r e ce1ved in. the United States." WASHlNGTON (UPI ) -The Senate voled today to cut off all An accompanying doc ument deliveries of weapons to Chile's said that the restrictions placNI on intelligence act1v1t1es pro military government. descnbcd vided for "limited exception!." by Sen. Hubert II. Humphrey (0. which, for instance, would allow Minn.>. as "a group or generals I r who act like thugs and shot their physical surveil once 0 a ll S c1t1it>n who 1s a present or formt•r way Into power·" employe or an antelhgcncc• a~cnc}' • After heated debate, the Senate or one or Its contractors. or 1s "n• voted 48-39 for the cutoff proposal asonably believed lo be acting on by Sen. Edward M . Kennedy (0. behatr of n foreign J>OW<'r or Mass.). He said it would prohib1l engaging in lntt>rnational ter· . all military a id , assistance, sale11 roristor n a r<'otics a<'llv1t1l's or uc·· ·and deliveries lo the current die· t1v1tae~ threnten1ns: lht> national tatorshlp in Chile.'' secunty.'' T he Senate rejected softer· language in Lhe $3 billion fore11<n at1Slstance bill that would hav<' . permitted cxistin1t deals with Chile to he completed and ap- proved direct, cash sail's or weapons. \\'·•·n&ht•r Irvine Sailor Winner Variable high rloud' becom an.: mo:.t ly rloudy Thtmicfay. Patchy ro~ un1l low r louds lonll(ht und Th11r<1(111y mnrntni.:. llagh., an the low 60'>. Low~ '15 to 50. By ALMON LOCKABEY o.u, ....... -· .. ·--Alex Kozloff of Irvine and his Kozloff and Horvey lived up to their slogan, ''Bring it Back" in a see-sa w battle with the Australian defender. Miss Nylu. a fixed·C Cat , by winning the fourth and final race or the best four of seven series Tuesday CAustraUan lime>. youthful he lmsman, Robbie Harvey, are winging their way home from Australia today tlutchtni the Little Amerit'a 's Cup, symbolic or supremacy in Class C Catamaran racing. Kozloff, designer and builder During tbe first six races at o(thesort-wingAquariusV,look Port Phillips Bay near the 2S ·foot ca tamaran t o Melbourne, Aquarius V hnd won Melbourne. Australia, earJy this by wide margins in light to year determined to bring the cup moderate ,breezes. bu' M~u totheU.S.forthefirattimesince Ny le~ ba d s hown derlo1te It wu dedicated 14 years ago. · su~enorlty wben the w lnd• Britajn has won 1t eight times, wlustled up to more than JS Australia three and Denmark )mots. one. "Tbe fact tbal ll was three-all " • ,, J before the final race will do won den for this s tyle of racing," added Kozloff as he celebrated bu seventh chaJlenge for the cup . "The weather was just what we bad been hoping ror," said Harvey. the CabriJlo Beach helmsman "We could ool have asked for better conditions for UJ. I am very proud for America and for Alex for what he has put into gettin&thecup back." Kozloff and H arvey said they will be prepared to defend the cup in 18 months of( the Cabtillo Beach Yacht Club under whose burgee they sailed. " INSIDE TODAY Though othtr mow• halJI! '11IC t iu rpc"ed 111 bo:r (I fl trf' rt~ord. nont ho~ captured IM publu: rmoginolion like "Cone With lht Wmd." A1. l•dex. Al Mol.-a Al1 -., CJ_, .. , A7 -·~-· AS ... 11.,.l IM'" DJ Or-Cieu"'' DJ,..,._ At Sflvla _,., A• ..... _,-·Me"'"'' ... , T•levh- U.11 ........ "'·'' --· a _,...,. Cl ,.. •••• •• •• ,.. ,.. (f.J ., •t·l ·~7 •• •••• A4 ,.. ,,. 1l2 DAILY PILOT c Double Fatality Studied No s pecific t'ause "111 likely t'\ er be known m <i Jlunllnitu11 &aC'h lrafftC' colhaiotl lhol killed .i <.:o.la Meo policeman's only <'htld and his 11rl companl.on ear I> ·ruesday. police saJd loday. Th\: aash, which ali.o tnjured u :youna couple• 1.ll'l'J1111.i 111 their 11arked van beside P1tc1fic Co11r.l llaehwuy jul$l cut ol Sunset Ueach, was not w1tnet'iHd by ~inyone el:1t> Paul Kan;ini Jlroad, 18. SOD or Costa Mua senior poller Patrolm;in R oHoe "Hock" Hroad, and Deborah DeMoot. 19. were reportedly relummg from Long Bea<"h when the 12 10 a .m JCC1dent occurred Broad, a drufung technolog) maJor al Orange Coai.t ('ollt•tw .md part time inll'rn an the city of Costa Me<,a Trarr.c t.:ngancenng Department, was killed in· ~tantly Miss De-'tont. of 12982 Loretta Lane, Sant a Anu. was pro- nounced dead at llunlangton In· t crC'ommunily Hospital about rour hours after lhe colhs1on that knocked the parked van 50 reel. Police Traffic D1\·1s1on Sgt. Orva Ak in said later Tuesday he doubts at will be possible to de· termine what C'aused Uroad's 1975 foreign compact car lo veer off the roadway The double deaths. f1r.;t and 'l.'cond trarfil' fa ta hues of 1976 m lluntmgton Bea<"h, s tunned a \lo Ide circle or friends of thl' Broads and the DeMonLc.. Tun Newport Officers Nab Lido Suspects Two Ne"'port ReaC'h in · 'estagators "'ho "'ere helping 11 patrolman check out faully ,1larms in the Lado area arrested lwo men Tuesday after allegedly wat<"h1ng them commit u burglary In cus tod~ t oday at th e :":ewport Beach Jail Me John Darreyl De Molle, 28. of 766 W Wilson St . Costa Mesa and Gun nar Emil Walson II, 29, nf 2303 fo'parhlll Drive. Newport Reach Both ore bem~ held an lieu or $10,000 bail Detective Jam Car..on said he Jnd Detect 1 \ c I> an 01 Santo were hacktng up a patrol unit sent to <'heck out l wo '>llcnt alarms "' hen they nol1ccd lh\• pair eru1sang the .1rea Becnuse the t"'o stopJX•d frequcnll) to i:et out or their car .ind \lo;ilk aroun'1 hmN''· the l\loo tletccln cs de1·1 tled to follow tht'm Car:.on ~aid Ue Motl d1s;1p J>l'ared b<'l\lol'en t"'o housl's and 1•mergcd a short l1m4.' later. ;11 lcgedl) c·arr} 1ng some s1hcr lrayswrapped an hisJackel He was picked up by his assert t'<1 partner and the twodctecl1ves ... topp<'d thl' pair o few blocks ,1\loa\ frnm the '>Cem· II ~ sa1<I lhcv Wl'n' ahlt.' to locnte 1 h<' house where thl• hurglary occurred bcC'ause 11 .... nm an house pa inter on the roor .. r an :ic1Jacc•nt hn1t)lt' r<'portedl)' '·'"' I>t• Motte l'ntfr the home 11t •JO \'1,1 l.11111 l'forll Carson 1o a1'1 thc• homl' 1-; m· c upll'cl hv an e•lclt'rh C'ouph• 11nc1 that !ht•.,.. om Jn. "'ho"' a~ 111 , \lo :.a ... . .-.h•1•p 111 Jn uw.ta1rs b<-<lroom nl lht.> llmt• nr th1· hur.:l.&t) Bo8ton Hiotinf' UOSTU:>; I A I' 1 Abnut :..•oo 'nun.: Jl\'OJll 1• ro.1 mc'fl 1 hrnui;:h HCl'l llJn .. Ch:11 lt· .. to1A n '('CllCln I Ul.'4'dll\ n1_1:h1 :o.e•ttan.: r1rl'~. 111 t'11k IOR Voh Ct' harncodcs <incl , n1:11.:111i: 111 ':o.po1 JCll t' ro<'._ 1h11m an.1t. · pol1r c •1111d ORANGE COAST I,., I • '"t.I'" C' f 4~1 \111,lt t'1Hlo'I •lft WI 11t1 1 1 I ·•11 11~ ti••' ••••t."I I\ ("1.it'4ttr/94t f't I•-. .,.1)' , ,..,, r~.r .,.,,. ''"' ( ""'"'\#'!" ~..., .•• , , t t \ .,, vut 1• ~,,.. ,,,,. "'''•• lfN\IW'QIF' r '' u, I .. I '1 ,,,,.._ N•~'" ti tMfl4f'l lhH-4 •••' • '•· ' I ,, •• " .... ,,. • It•'"" .. I I·'" t. ' """IP•"''~,,,,_~.,,. tt••t\ ..,.,,. .. , \llt\t 6 .._""'' ~·""• •O t11-r t l•l I\'• 1'--tw•\MI,.,111"'1\6'1 '"•' I•• t'f • 4 •I (',I • "'•"'V •It• .. " 411f &Jii.1 ~ t t •• """ ,.,, .. ,,, ..... '""••""ii•• .. ,· Ro~rl N w~ \1 I 14' (' tlif .... J.icll R Curl"y \ ... ,. ,,_ ,. ''' • ..iw T nom-.., Kl'f'11ll ' l homl\ A Murptit!W' "''~· ..... ,.,,_ (h.Jrles H LOO\ RKl\jlrd P. N11ll ,. ,.,,..,.., M.~··"O '°''.,r' COst..l M~• OHie. . ~"' .. " ).,. ... Ii'• .... AIM••\\ jt" llO• t~ •JI"• , .. , '"' t. ,. 1'111•(..••,..,..~"°'>'"•' ,.""' "'•' ,.., •• ,,. '''''"--' f""'9tt ·1 ... ~., .. 'v ........ 1•~11 ·'·· ..,, .... "'~"'' ..... , ...... , T•l•l>f\OM (710 60 ... 111 Cln ,ltled Ad~r11sing Mi ~71 ,,..,,. .... <rt ... ,,. .. ~ .. ,_.' D\i.,. ~.,... c~ IMI-*• ~l'I ..__,,, ,,.llf"\, 1tl\, ~f I it'\\ llid1t.W1AI ,..•I"'' fl• 11"•f tt1tt •f'liftrtl , .. ,,f'I ""~f O• t•or,..rl1,1t r(f w t'lie"'I \C"'t 1•t ',t.,-.l•t••ft •• t.U"¥··~M .. ""ff ,,.,,.. .. , ••• "'"'''••"' r• • .-1 • • '• ~,. t.. ' .. \ ~· ...... ~ t • ., ,... ,1 ,, ~ .,.., .,,.. "'''~ , .. ,. ... ~~~~ U I '"' , J p,....r-.AJ TELLER .•. ban are bnntUll About a c-rbas much worse and mOl"e real \.ban the lma•lncd 'Prometbeu1 <.:rtJls" ... He dHt'ribf'd the-"PrometMU~ Cntt.t:· a book and M>On·te>-bt'· released movie, in caustJc terms "It bas u wonderluJ plot," ht' ~•ul1, 1m1tatmg ~in t'nlhu..!>u1stll" revtewu ··A nuclear ttactor Is going wild And tu th.a.t you add a wonderful love affair. ll wUI bt.-as good u 'Ja>A s '." The movu.• v.111 come out thl'- sprm g. he said an a mor<' ~l."rtous \etn. addm11:. "It will be on lhui b a a I s t h a t t h e• pc o pl e o t Cahfornl11 go to tbe polls OI\ the 8th of June " Talking a&bout three General f'.:lectnc nucl~oar power pla nt engineers and an engineer from the Nuclear R egulatory Com· mission who resigned aner con· • D91ly l"li.I ..... l''-4• l<'nd111g nuclear power plan~ arc unsafe, Telll'r C'harged, "All four of those people on the day or their ~s1gnat1ons stepped into ne"' )ol>s to fight nuclear rea<"tors al the same salary a~ before " BOB REED (LEFT), Al OBERG ARE GOIN' FISHIN' O ld Men of See Feted a t Retire ment Dinner The engineers have begun campaisning for Project Survival, the group campaigning for the initiative in Califonua Questioned later, howeve r , Teller s aid he could not docu ment his charge about the amount of their salaries. "My statements also are not 200 Honor Retired Lifeguard Bob Reed foolproof," he said after lhe talk. Nearly 200 people lumed out "but I think I am more apt to be a Tuesday mghl to honor Bob Reed, fool in relation lo the actions of the retired chief of the Newport ~ople than l am with reactors, Beach lifeguard service and Al which are my field." Teller, a re Oberg, the retiring Orange Coun· tired professor . said he has no ly harbor master financial ties to the nuclear power The 1 wo m en, who have been industry responsible for manne safety an Teller described nuclear po"' er and around Newport Harbor for plants as much ;afer than II· almost 30 years, were lauded by queh ed natura.1 gas barges de· .civic dignitaries and govemmen· "lagned to bring gas to Los. tal o rfacials at a banquet Angeles Harbor sponsored by the Manne Division Rites Slated For Two HB Crash Victims Catholic and Lutheran runeral ~ervaces are scheduled Thursday and Fnday for a pair of youth ser\'ace organization members killed Tues day in a predawn lluntington Beach tram c crash \'ls1t ation begins today al 3 p m in Bell Broadway Mortuar)' ror Paul Kanani Broad, 18. son or Costa Mesa Senior Poltce Patrolman Roscoe Broad and Mrs. Lorraine Broad. A Christian wake service an "'h1rh mourners and P.tsgr. Thomas J Ne\'in :iltcrnate 1n re rllm~ pra\ crs for the clC'ad 1s st·heduled Thur.,day al 7·30 p m m Sl Joachim's Church Mass for young Broad. "'ho h\l'd \loath his pa rent~ at 2131 l•omona A vc Co., la :\tesa "'111 tl(' rridav al 10 a m m th<' :.am(' church. ~1th interment at Good Shepherd Cemetery lluntingtnn HeaC'h The Oran)!e Coast College s tu dent and part-time city trarftc P n ~ineerang department t1raftsman intern leaves only hll• pa r e nt s and materna l f!randparents . Mr 1ind Mrs Joseph Cummin gs. of Cost:1 Mes a . accord ln i:l to ll<'ll Hrondwuv Mortu:irv cl1rt·l'tnr:. /\ n E ;,g I e ~C O.Ill w 1th St .Joachim's Troop l!O. l\lr Aro.id "'as also a m('mher of the liunl I n It t 0 n H l' a c h c h :1 p t I' r (I r l>t•:\1olay L 11 I h c r a n s t• 1 v 1 c e s a r ~· :.d1edulcd FndJ~ .it 2 p m in W1nh1glt•r Fam1h Mortuary. Santa Ana . for the· vtrllm':; p.1 .. seni.:t•1 l>eh<lrah Dc-Mont. t!f, nr 129821.oretta Lane, Santa An.i Miss Oel\t onl was pnnC'ess nr thl' Huntington Hl'nrh Chu pt er . .loh's l>au1thter .... relarl"d honorNt c111c\•n or J oh :. lhtulo(hler<i, Santa A n " (. · h a p t c r . .1 n cl I> 11 ., I \WN·thc•nrt or tht' ~11ntu An.1 l>t-Molay Chapkr A Ill'<' r('l 111 y em 1>loyeod by h1'r rather at h1-. Fcl Mont Corp . 110 m:curarH't' u1tency , Mis~ l>eMnnt ll•avf'i hl•r part•nt .. Mr :.and Mr'!. llalph lh•Mont . brothers Stt'H'. M1C'hacl nnd Srott, ;1nd 11 ~1i.tt·r Jnn('l, ull of the home Th<• Rtv. F,lwood Moreland will officiate at the 11ervi('c~. with l nt('rm en l sC'h e d u l e d ul fo'iu rhavcn Mcmorinl Purk or the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce Atone point, that recognition in· cluded a watery salute from the Harbor Department fire boat whacb pulled up outside the ban- quet hall at the Balboa Pavilion with lights ;,nd sirens going and "'at er cascading from ats hoses. Honors accorded the two men ranged fro m a city proclamation presented by Mayor Donald Mcinnis to a pair of fishing poles and a bul'ket of formerly bve ba1t presented by the operators or l WO local sport fis hing outfits. Ken Sampson. retired director of the county's now de funct Harbor D1s tri<"t praised the two men for their long years of work· Ing ·'together for the safety of the JK'Opleofthis area." But an the end, it was Oberg, who retires at the end or March, and Recd. who left city service an late 1975. honoring each other. In remm ai.cm~ a bout one sea disaster an ~ hach the two depart- f'ro• Page AJ PROBE ••• "''"be looking into the matter as well, Enrii;:ht ·aid, as an advisor totheGrandJury But so far, he conlmued, all has office has reC'e1ved are Initial re ports from the s herHf's orfice, as well as C'Or respondence from an attorney for Nelson's widow. Bon- nie The Grand Jury has not yet de · <'tded if it will call for testimony in the matter, E nrightSflid Enright 1111 1d Mrs Nelson's at· tornt'y. Robert Des Jardins. has asked has offaC'e to investigate. nut beforc> 1 hat request was re- ceived both thf Grand Jury and <.:rtminal J U!lt1ce Committee already hal1 requested an in- vt>~l1gal1on, he s :i id lie sa id the ugt•nc·y will check to ... ee tr lht're were any cnman<JI '1olatlon., or vaolation.'I of pro n-durt''I tic could not prt.'d.Jct how lonJ! the• rrobc• rn aght take 9 Counties Added SACRAMJo:NTO (lJPI) -Gov. Jo:dmund G. Hrown Jr. has odded ntnl" ('Ountit'~ tO the hst or 13 rountle11 that he wanL'I declared frd<•nil ch&Mtc-r areas because of the California drought, a state of· fi <'lal rtport~d Tut>llday. Orange County was not on thut list. Longtillle Resident Mrs. Flinn Dead A pioneer res ident or CMta Mesa. Mrs . Harnett E Flinn, has died at the age of 94 Graveside services wtll be con· ducted at Fairhaven Memona.J Park. Santa Ana, at 11 a m . Thursday, with visitation at Brown Colonial Mortuary, 204 W. 17th St , Santa Ano. from 3 to 9 p.m . today. Mrs. f1inn, who died Monday. and her husband, Earnest F. F1inn. m oved to Costa Mesa from Indiana in 1924 They built their own home and established the first electrical contracting Orm an Costa Mesa on Ha~r Street Earnest Fl inn and Edwud Gage helped lo change tbe name of the street lo Broad~ay whtn It beeamr the f1rsl C'ur~d and paved street 1n the city. The Fhnns also operated a variety store nut to the Post Of. fice on Newport Boulevard and Apple Blossom Court. Mrs. Flinn was active in the development of the Women's Friday Club. The F1anns would have commemorat- ed their 70th wedding anniversary thjs year. In recent years, they have lived In Sanla Ana. Mrs. Flinn Is s urvived by her husband , ason . F . Wayne Flinnor Los Altos. a dauahter, Mrs. Jane F. Jones of Santa Ana; a sister, Mrs. Mabel Rurd.ull or Sitnl# Ana: a brother. Frank Dienst of Lou11iana fiv e grandchildren, .and four &TeDl·&randchildren. ments combined rescue efCorb, Reed said: .. No matter what 1s said about what we d id. all throu~h the years 1 ·11 never for gel that rught and tht- fort1tude that Al Ober g ~howed I'll never forget Al Oberg he ~ one hell or a guy .. Oberg P<Hnled out thut while hl' worked for a county agency ancl Heed worked for the city, ''wt• d1dn 't care as long as we got the JOb done And don't Uu nk ...,~. dido 't enJOY ever y m mute of 1t we did. It was n 'l JUSl a case ol a Job we got paid for. ll wa~ something we liked doing " Oberg predicted lhul "the nl'"' regime" will provide the s ame kind of sernce "Who kno\los• ll maybe even better," he said TONJGtrr OCC DRAMA -"Incident al Vichy" b y Arthur ltUller , Drama Lab Theater, Feb. 18-21. 8 p.m. Free . OCC LECTURES .. Income Tax Preparation ... Richard /\ Brown Jr. lecturer, Fane Arts Bldg. 119, 7 ·30 p.m . "Fashion Ac· c~sories Workshop." Barbara l..leuwen. lecturer. Estancia High School Room 325. 7 p m BASKETBALL Cerra to!> College at OCC, 7 30 p m. Costa Mesa High a l Magnolia, 7 p.m Estancia at Corona del Mar . 7 p.m. Western at Newport Harbor, 7p.m . "THE NATIONAL HEALTH" -South Coast R epertory Theater . through Feb. 21.8p.m . TllURSDA Y. FEB.19 CHART -Regular meetini:. Glendale F ederal S&L, Harbor &. Wilson, 7 :30 a .m . LIBJttrllY STORY HOUR CoslaMesaLibrary, 10.JOa m . O RANGE COUNTY FAIR BOARD -Regular meeting, K8 Fa1rDrive,8p m OCC LECTURE -·"Antiques and Collect1bles," Allen Lawton lecturer. Fm e Arts Bldg. 119, 7 :10 p.m Bicentennial Ship to Visit Newport Bay The 1\1.S. Explorer, dl'shtnatNI official bicentennial nagship for the western s lalell. Is due In. N~port Harbor later thl:; week for a four.<Jay 5tay. The 1411·foot. brigantine ~11iltn1ot vessel will b<• o pen to the JiubhC' durlnJ( her ~tay In Nl'wµorl lltirbor, acC'ordang to Orun.ie• County Harbor Department of f1('1;tlS. Tht• ship 1s e·urr{•ntlv on hl·r way down coast from S<1n fo'ran c1sco and is expected to arrt\I' t•1ther f'riday. Saturd.1y c>r Sun day. F1 rcboots manned with Harbor Oepart menl crews wall meet the vessel at the harbor en- trance. After she l eaves Newport Beach, the Explorer will head for the east coast , where she'll participate ln b icentennial celebrations. Accordlng to Harbor Deport ment Sgt. Dick Olwn, the Ex plorer has seen service as a navy pat.rot boat and later as a lumber barge. She was built In 1004 , originally as an Ice breaker While she Is in the harbor, she'll be docked at the Coast Guard station and wlll be ~n to the publir for inspection durln~ hours to be determlned aner her am val. lflexfean·A•erir n Aid .. Mrs. Morales Sees City Help 1':d1tc>r s f\ult" T/'at"f'I' nrt IT can dldottl l'l/lnll fur r/lrf'~ aNta 011 lhc Cuata Mt'an C1t11 Counnl T/113 alO'l/ "' al'i<>ul Urlt' 01 thtm. rtw t4'cUon .. Marrh :! Costa Mesa Caty CoUJlr1l nan d1dutc Rose P. Morales says she would ('ncoura..:~ Mcio can Amenc11n1t to become involved with r1lv t1uvernment it she UJ elect l'd to lhr council. "I "'ould hlte lo see them act mort' 111volvl.'d lfl votlnl ll.nd m t.1king part in the city," she sCAid l could get lhem organu.ed We shouldn't let e\·erybody el.l.e do the \\Ork " Mrs M o 1ale~. a bus1 nl',s1Aortta11 "'ho has lived in the t·1t~ for 18 ~car~. ~tressed her sa11sfaC't1on "tlh p~l and pre· sent rnunc1ls m Cost..1 Mesa "\\e h..1ve had good coun<"il people," she said. "I \loOuld hke tobeabletodoaswell " Mrs Morales. 46. as married and the mother of thre\.• children A Me-<1can -American , s ht• speaks Spanish and Enghsh Sht' h\'l'S at 736 W. Baker St. In her bll!>mess, she ~ells olive and palm trl'es "I have had a bus111ess for a lonJ! time," s he said. "Costa Mesa has been good to me and I ha\'e been success ful . My children are g rown up and l "'ould like to serve the com mun1ly "l C'Ould he!µ in any b1lingu.il mailers. There hasn't been a Mexican o n the council. I thipk we should do our pa rt too." On some of the issues, Mrs, Morales said $he Cavon a city operated day care center and suggested some Orange Coast College students could help staff ll She also spoke in support of Costa Mesa city council mem· bers have instituted co.ndemna· lion proceedings on a parcel of l11nd lhey want for expansion or the downtown I 1brar:y. Acquisition of the parcel owned by Harry Ke lso of Newport Ut'ar h 1s one of a series of purchases the city plans to make th1s year to gain all the land in the block north of Lions Park. This block. bordered by Center and Plumer Streets and Anaheim and Park /\ "enues. comprises about three acres. City Manager F'red Sorsabal said plans are to combine lhas block with the 9.5· aC're Lions Park and create a "super block " It would have .,everal c1tv fat•1hties on il and µcrha ps be a focal point for downtown redevelopment. Sorsabal s aid traffic studies ;ire being made to determine whether it is feasible to close <"c•nter Stn•C!l to combine the I wo blocks lie s aid the <"ity hopes lo ac· 'Juire all the other parcels in the hlock this year . T otal acquisition costs arc estam~ted at$1 million. The city already owns the Boys Club bu1ldin~ on the block. Plans <'all for the city to buy the private l:ind on which the library pre- "ently stands <tnc1 expand the ral'1lity, to build u new fire sta- llon on t he block, a community r1•nlPr. p:i rllr ularly for usf' t)\· .. .-n111r r11111•n .... and possibly d dJ \ c;.trf' l't•ntcr The• hhr:iry would be rebwll by I ht• raty, but would r(•maln i1 1•011nty opcrntlon. The rare stu 11on. c!\t1mated to cost more than ~o.ooo. would replace the stu- t1on on Rochc·~trr Street . The development costs for 1 ht•S(' r a ci It ti e:1, inrluding re· moctclln~ of lbe Royis' Cluh, hu~ Ileen esl1makd at $1 2 mllhon, Sorsabal Raid Thr St 2 m I Ilion figure Includes th(' CO!St of II rlly·SJIOnsored 1fay cure· N•nter. thouJCh Sorsobol t'UlltlOn<'d 1hat ;1 day e11 rc cente r hn:< not bern up provc<.I by th(' 1•ouncll ;incl lhf" rounrll ha'I not cr1cl11·.ih'd that thr n·nlc•r woulrl h<' lnrnlt'cl 1n the "~uper block" 1f II IAl'rt' built. Sors ahnl would not detail the 11m,•tt1hlt• fnr f'nn\lnwhon of lh•· fut·11tt1Ps othe1 than to note lhat lhc fire ~latton probuhly woult1 be first and that priontJes for thl' othrr fac1hl1l''I "'ould have to~ determined by lhe council. MASKED B4NDIT 'JUTS' $1,574 SAN DIF.GO CAP> A mo.sl<t'fl man armed w ith a ba.\eball bat robbed the Am veta Th.rift Shop Qf $1.574 in <'88h and checks. Police said the Lowsvlllt' i1lulo( ger apparently was his only "'eapon. °'"•"' ... ''""-BILINGUAL CANDIDATE Mra . Rose P. Morales federal sub::.1d1cs for housing for the elderly and ~aid there also is a need for b1c} cle paths for children's s afely She· notl'<t that .• 1!> u member of ~t John lt11· H,q1t1:0.I <.:atholtr C'hurt·h. s ilt· h..1 ~ done i.ocial "'o rk . a ss 1 ~t1111( the l'lderl} p3l'llC'Uldrl) She ~aid ~he liked 1 h~ adl'a of a m JrlOJ on the Wl'..,t1>1de ant1 cc11lll'ndt'CI lhut surh a propo:.al as fcustblc• A:.kt>d about :i c1l) ncw<i;letler. ::.he said a cit1zc•n could keep abreast of civic affairs by read- 1nR the loC'al pre:.s She also said ~hl' would con· llnu1· lh1· current city pohcy of m1unt..1m1ng a 25 percent cash re M'I'\~' SLA ••. "I picked up the J,?un and stGrt· Cod faring '' "At a nythin g m parti<'ulur~" ask<'d Bailey "I tried to fin• at the top or the bwlding. IL was just sort of a renex '' "Dad you think of anybody gel· ting hit? .. "Yes. I tried to fire ot lhetopoC the building." Miss Heari1t, who said she had never fired eithe r weapon before, picked up the automatic carbine and s hot over the seat and oul an open window. "I pulled the tri~gC'r and it jumped out of m} hand. I saw the bullets hit the divider. I had lo pick it up and fi re It again." She empllcct the 30-shot clip, the n picked up the se m1 - aulomat1c a nd squeezed off three more shot~ "1 think I fared kindoforfto my left because the llarrises 'were C'oming aC'ross the street." She said she thought it would have been impossi1blc to !ire at the people chasing lhe llarrises without hilling the two SLA members. She said they Jumped in the van and drove off. "Wilha m Harris started yell- mg at me because I didn't shoot sooner " "At thal time did you have any thoughts of es cupm1r!" Bailey asked. "No .. "Whal was th<' penalty for not rescuing a r um rndc" · "Ol'ath." * . * * Fra.P~Al • • • r · T11c•.,<1,1 v .i "' th•· <lcf1·n1l.1 n L '""11r1l·ll hl'\WCl'rt 1 e•play., of the taJ)t"i :o.lw xu1d ~ho rcl"onlt·d In hi ind l n rm She loltl th r m of hcin.lt fnrce'1 to hnv<' :.rxual 11lt1•rc·11ur~1· wit h l>f•fo'rc<'7.(' :encl !;I.I\ mrmb('r W1ll1e Wulfc in thl' <'l'll-lrk r r lo:<1 t•t where· ~h 1: wu:'I kcvt hhndfoldc•d. 3 Engineers 1 Rap Nuclear ' Safety Check ~ WJ\S lllNCTON (AP> -Th«- Cederul :1 arety checks on nuclca1 reactor control~ are lcsii str jngent than those jlovcrnin.1t toasters a nd h31r dryer.\, nccord· ing to three engineers who quit their jobs lo worn of dangers of nucll'nr power. The thrCl'. who resigned from middle-level management pos1- 11o n ~ nt fi('nl'l,'al Electric'!!. nuclear division on Feb 2 so they could focus attention on nuclear ~afety defects. warned lodoy tho1 federal regulations lack any re· quircmcnt for on indc(>('ndent re· view of certaui o.uclear controls • • ---Wednesday. Febrvory 18 1976 DAILY Pl LOT ,\ 5 In Ri1'erdde Cmmt.g Utility Seeking Nuclear Plants Ready for Lift Off Peter Ncushul <lefll will be co-pilot and Dr Thomas lh:1n::.hc1mt·r (l'lght1 \\Ill be pilot for the balloon (back· ground> wha('h was to be launched today an El Segundo LClunch of th(' halloon. ('hnstened "Am('nca. ·· 1s part of a 1 t•st•ar('h program to develop an unmanned "atmospheric ::.atclhtc" to circle the t!arth. In Soerarnento · SAC'RAMENTO <l'Pl 1 San D1eeo Ga:> und Electnc Co ll> l>ttk1ng state approval for con atru(•t1on or two SI 2 b1lhon nuclear po\\ t'r plant~ m ea:.tern RI\ er 1de County near Blythe The apphc11t1on ror the 950 mega\\ .Alt plants." h1ch would be Electric Gun Opposed in LA LOS A:-.;GEl.1-:S cl 'Pll The TJ1ter electronic :.hock gun 1:-. more dangerous than a handgun. the Los Anitt>ll's City Council m:untains. e\ en though 1t doesn't kill ,·1ct1ms The council . "h1ch has refused to endorse leg1slat1on to outlaw handguns. \'Oll'd 11 2 Tue:>day to support any mt.>asurc that wouJd ban the flas hltghl·:.tfaped Taser The Taser. "h1ch fires a pair of darts that give off a :>hock rapa ble of disabling a person for sever al minutes. has been used 111 several holdups "There are several problems with this ltttle gadget.·• argued Councilman Ernanl Bernardi, who said people would be more likely to us <• a Taser th an a handgun because 1t is nonlethal. A police spokesman said Chief Ed Davis. a ft rm opponent of gun control, also supports placing the s hock gun 1n the same outlawed <'alegory as brass knuckles, 'awed·off shotguns and black· Jacks. Pessinris01, Hostility Mark Far01 Hearing S,\CR,\~t F.NTO 1AP1 Pes~1m1Sm from leg1~latM~ and anger from farm \\Orkt.•r:. marked the f1r:.l hl'arang 1ntu woposcd ~r<>wcr·bal·kcd chan.:es 1r1 1.:a111orn1a 's 'dorm ant farm labor I~· No sagn of un agreement, either to approve tht_• changes or fund the law "1thout them. t•meq:ed Crom 'l'u<'~Oay's ht•Jnn s.: of the A~scmbly Labor Helat1ons Committee. Harr&~• L••~ Bid B,....,.. Appel11tftf SACRAMENTO tUPI > Assembly Speak<'r Leo T . J\l l'Carthy has ap· pointed his rormf'r chief rival Wilhe ( S t a te J bwll one al u time. "as the fir.a of 1u. type to be :.ubmattt<d lo the ne" State Energy Cvmmi~.s1on, which under recently enacted le1:1~la lion ls re!\pon:.1blP for !\1t1n~ nuclear powt'r generator T HE COMMISSION, which rt' cetved the applH•ataon Tuesday, must rule after an mve:st11at1onof the proposa l und an ext<'nded sene.s of public hcanni.ts "h1ch will occur in the mad:.t or the political fight over th<• Nurle.1r Power Plants lmt1ult\l' on tht• June 8 ballot The utility listed ru. the No I choice for 1ls propo:.ed "Sun Desert Nuclear ProJt•c·t " a s ill· about 20 mtll'" :.outh\\t'!'>t or Bh the ncJr the CJltfornia Arizona line IT ALS O LIST E D three alternatl\ e ~Ill''> "Palu \'erde North" about 10 m1lei. north or Blythe. "Parker \'alley," about 15 mtles over the Anzona stale Man Charged In Kidnaping LOS ANGELES <UPl l James Jenkins , 30, o r Los Angeles w as arr ested on suspi. cion of kidnaping Monday night in connection with the aJleged ab· duction ol a 9·year -old girl mass ing for several hours. Police said J enkins reportedly approached the girl al the downtown bus termmal. LOS ANGELES <UPI I -Thl' FRI cloes not ha\'e to adcnllfy any infor· mant:. °"ho hl•lped capture Patnc1a llearst and S~·mb1onesc Liberation \rmv memb('rs William and Emily I larr1s. supN1or Court J udge .Mark llr;1 nd ler has ruled Brown Jr. as a comm1ttet.i chairman and named a new cha1rman of the budget-writing Ways and Means com- m1ttee. SA.VE20%! The llJrrlSt'S had dl'mandcd thC' .lust ice l>C'pa rt mt:'nt be n•qu1 red tu !11-.l'lo~t' lhl• name' of any t1~tt•r-. \\ho It'd the FRI to SI.A hideouts. Tuesda) ·s appointment of Brown <D·San Francisco), as chairman of the Revenue and Taxallon Committee was reJ.!a rded as a mo\e by McCarthy tb neutralize his oppos1t1on as his key beutcnant.s prepared to lt:a.,,e the As- sembl) . •ffftl Role-· Clo•rd lla~AHJ11g LOS ANG F.LF.S IM» --/\1hng in· ilu<;tn.ihst Armand llammcr 's ltfl• may he <'nd:tngcrcd if he ap(X'ar-; in , nurt to an~wcr charges of makmi: a -.C'r rel donut ion to former Pre1>1drnt Harhar<I M Nixon. his attorneys say SA~ Q U E~TIN (AP> -"The Hell llole." a Ci \'e · Lier sect ion of San Quen· tin Prison res erved for the most menarmg inmates, has. been closed bC<·ause or IJ d<•rrcasc In prison population. a pri!lon spokesman said. The prison nn San Francisco Bay now houses 1.885 inmall's, about half th<' numht>r of a year ago Spokesman Witha m Merkle sau1 new parole prac· ttCl'S arc respon~1hlc fo r lhl' cutdown. The> In~ VN~ ha\'C asked th(' U.S. ll1:-.tnct <:c»urt to hear his pka in a -.p('rtal bl•d s tcll· M'Ssmn. Of P~rjury Cba~e J · Executive Cleared LOS 1\ ~<:Jo~!. F.S < i\ P> 1\ frill' r .ti t•nu rt Jury h.1 .. l'l1•.1r1•ll Dr 1-'r.tnk Stanton. rorm l'r pre"i dent or l,o n ..: lll'a 1·h Amuseml•nt Co . or I) tnJ.! ------to 0 fedcr.ll J!r;111d JUr~ In Novl'mbt•r 1!17 1 "h1•n h1· df'n1ed authon11n1: ri.i' menl (If .1 tn1l11· 111 Lorn: Rt"uch Cit v C111111rtlm.111 WurneSh.;r ll Stanton. Ii'.!, hrnkt• 11111. tears Tu1"1tl ti\ ,1(t1•r th" v,•rd1ct " .ia returnl•d Sharp. who ~ .1., rincd StOO and put on prnh.1t um 3ftl'r plcu<ltnJ: nn runh·'t la!\t year to u rhar.:1• or (X'rJury. tl'llt1fwd ht• n• ('l'IVt'd $1,00()111 l':\l'htilli(I' for {'U~lint.: II f.l\M<thlt• \'Ot<' nn .1 Ir<"•' ;.1i:rc•<'- nwnt hcnd1ltn~ Man ton·, f11 m Slanton. t<><.ttf\ ing an his o~ n he half .. 1d n11ltt-<I he hact authonH•cl ream h11ro;l'm1•nt of S 1 000 pa1tl '" 1-:lnwr I' \'.-l:trt'. .1 n;,11nr -.\o!'khohlt·a an thl· amu<;Cmf'nl c 11m ll•lll). to Sharp Hut Stanton ans1!'>tf'd he ti Id ~ 11 h \' C II IJ '> (' b (' ll(•h1•vc·d 1 ht• monrv wa:-. a .Ct'llUtn!' camp.:11.:n ron tnbut1on und not a bnbc for Sharp's votr on the ll':i!-inJ{ of a 1'1ly-nw1wd 1>arkinl! 1<11 'Heale r ' Convic t ed Regular $2.47 Full-figure Bra J97 Cotton o nd polyuler. Podded strops. White. B, C, D cup sizes. SA VE 20'%1! Nylon Half Sli p Regular $1.97 J57 A nit-cling Antron · Ill nylon. While, colo". Xl, XXL, XXXl. line i.Oulh or J'urkl•I and .1 · M1lp1tas W1111h" ~•h.' .ibo•ut :10 males i.outh\\el>l of lU)lhl' tn Im J)('rtlll County ~ach propo:.ed site \\oulJ w.e "runoff' wuter from llw<.'olor.1110 Rjvt-r for roohn.: of the plant The u11lsty ftlt•<t a lo1111al •·notice of intent." which 1r1 311 days \\tll act1vute an 18·month long procedure under wh 1ch the romm1ss1on m u:.t con.<\Hh•r lhl' t•n '1ronmt>nlal an(J t('d101cal swtab1hty of the four Mt es. IF SAN DIEGO Gas and Ell't' trH· l'lear' th.it proct-'· at thl'll \\ould m uke .1 for muJ .tppHt·nllon 1n\oh1n~ 'uhm""lon of an t'n' 1ronrnt•11t.tl 1mµut·t report 1111!1 the comm1i.1>1on would dec1du 11 lht• pro1e1•t cun be bwlt. The ('1>mm1sslo11 1tturr. ~ 'Poke:.m ~tn t'" pl;1int'd, now "111 review lhl' utility's sppltcutio11 for "Jdt.>quac·v 111111 <'Olltl'nt,'' a proress thul m llY tllk1' up to 30 davs The iipokesman said the publtt· hl'ann~1o "111 bl• h1·ltl 1n thl' Hl\tht• .in•a 1rnd throu.:hout tht• u• 11ity·,. ::.erv1ce area Clammy Vietor Even the Judges Got Sick DALY CITY (L'Pl 1 For as long a' anybody can re membt'r. 250-pound Al :-\tl'Ohnt ~ Jl> con"den•d the clam eaung champ of the 57 Club For m'tanc<'. one ntl(hl he de· voured 102 st ea med dams. lhret• pitchers of beer. and 10 slices of French bread before gom~ to a fnend :. house ror dinner But today. there 1s .i ne~ champion As about 100 watched Momfa). Daly City l'Jlrolman Randy Desha. a relatively s\C'lle 220 pounder. and ~1cohn1 went al 11 in the rirsl annual D.ily l'1l) :-.learned dam eatmg contest. Ont' judge lert th<' scene carly and nott•cl that while t)w contestants s~emed happy an their cutini:. the offll'ial~re getting sick while keepmg score. The contest was halted aft1•r 43 minutes and 20 seconds and the scoreboard sho~ eel th~ll Desha had bolled 162 clams whiJe N1colim, who made the tactical m1:-.take of chewing each clam before!.\\ allow1,?Jl. had to settle for 113. the lowe•leve~p This Ad Effective through Saturday Fe bru ary 2 1 Use Se ars Re volvin g Charge SAVE25%! Pants and Tops • 1n Women's Special Sizes LOS /\°'JC.El.ES <API A i1c lf dr s rr1bcd "PllY<'hl<' hcalt'r ""~ fined S50t1 and plan'<l on two Y<'Jf<.' prnbat1nn artt'r hie; ron\'H·t 1on on fraud r hari:eo; :.tl·mmml! from ht" cl.um that hc could cure rancer. blind nC'<t~. tuhl'rrulost'I, arthritic; :1n<I rntaracto; Kirk Oakc~. 22. wa'i ronnrted Tue.,day in ~hat Ocputy City Atty Richard LeR<'ll s.11d \\all lht' hr .. l ('3'l(' or fraud proc;ccute J bv <'lty oC· hcialc; since 1926 Regular $8.99 6 7 4 Regular ~ 54 pants $7.49 d top s U~I T-----------------------Boat# E'atdtftf Th<' horn(' of Julie ,\ n d r <' \\ s < ah o v e l and hl'r hu!'bancl Blake Edwards has IX'<'n call<'d "an im· propl'r t'nvironmt'nt " for Erlwarcls' lti ~·t'ar old son h\' :1 pl't.'\IOUS marrt;:tg(' \\ho ll\l'<; \\1lh the' <·oupll' Tht• hoy 's mothl'r . Patr1 r1a Edwards. 1s lr) an~ to J?t'l custody. REWARD WE WANT DIAMONDS GEM·STONES ANO FINE JEWELRY HithtU pric:ss paid for jtwtlry from privltt 1ndividu1h and tstltu .. Fret examination and apprll'al by Grtd uate C1molog1st. Pltaw call 536 7548 for 1ppo1nt ment. Ask for Mr. T11ry. u UNI VE RSAL DIAMOND INDU STRIES 412 Oltw Suitt 203 Hunt1nqton Bueti. C11tf. 92648 ... • 7141536 7548 • Stretch Pantliner Regular $2.97 211 Nylon, spandex for all over shaping. White, M, l, XL. R.-•. 13. 79 P a nHlne r . X XI, •••••. 3.27 Pants ... polyester double crease. Washable. Mock Women's sizes 32-38. knit. Pull -on styl e. Stitch front be lt. Popular colors. Tops ... 100°/o polyester knit. Easy-care. In an a ssort- ment of prints to coordinate with pants shown. Short slee ves. Button front . Sizes 38-44. I Sears I So. Coast Plaza Buena Park Ora ne:e 2100 N. T ustin Ave. STOil HOURS Monclny 11-o•v fudoy 10 AM to 9 'M Solvrcloy 3333 B rist ol St. Phone 540·3333 81SO La Palma Ave. Phone 828-4400 P N>ne 637·2100 q 30 AM lo 'I ,M S1.1ncloy ll Noon to S 'M t -- .. tG D All.1 Y PILOT EDITORI LPAGE Time for Decisions Ncwporl Mes.• "l'hOol trustt>t•s havt> spent numcrou~ ml't·tinw. discus~ing \\h:At tu do with their 't'l\. It' n·nkr fund " Thut mon<>> now total5 alx.>ut s100.ooo and C'Omc..•s from taxt•s cullctkd from NC\\IXHt lkad1 und co~ta \lc:-.a 1.:1li:t.t·n ~ fl 1s ~uppo~c.·d to be used to fund JOllll .... chool t·ommun1I> Jll'OJl't'lS Jn the• J><l'il, trU.">tC:l'S ha\l• flrtrnn UJ> lists of prio111 u.·s to hl'lp them dccJdt· how to spend the money. They h uvt· also hc.·ard numerou~ 1>lt-c.is front Sl)(.'<'tal intc-r<:~t ~roup!S pu.-.hini;: lhC'1r O\\rl proJct·ts. However. tht.' sc·hool hoal'd hu~ yet to m~kl· any dct·1~10n oth e r than apvroval of a $1 ,:Nn proJt•c:t tu tn- ~tull u hu:-.<·lwll twckbtop at Lincoln .M1ddlt· School T1 uskcs could not det1dc 1( oth<.•r propoi;als :.ttl>· rrutlt•d wen• rl'asonablc UM.'S ofthc civic <'enter fund Truslt!es ~.11d they would u~;11n consider the mat ter un ~arch !I lkforc then, 11 \\Ou Id be" 1se for them to lorrn more tonc1'ck ideas about hO\\ th~ money can tx-11 ... cct - Tht•r l' an.· plt'nty of rde<.ii> for s pending the SI00.000 a total of S2 5 mtlhon \\Orth The school boJrd ... houlcl narnrn the cntl'rw so \\Orth'' hilt', reasonable: pi 01ctts can be <:ons1dcred and acted upon Foresight Missing Ne\\port -~ll'sa was among the school districts which held regular l'las..,es la~t Frida)'. despite the fac'l the day \\a~ sanclw1c ht:d bel\\eC'n t\\O holtda)s .md J "eek end Numerous utlll'r districts declared the d:.t) a hoh- tlay, 1.·recitmg a f1\l' day vacation ~lany N<•wport-~lcs a stu1.h:nts took thl• <lay off too. and probably t'OSt the distract thousand s of dollurs m '>talc' funds. Between 35 and 50 pcrtent. of the sul tfont:.s tavcd horn<.• Frida\ l>istr.al't tru~tccs and admtnl!>~rators could not rlecl<.irc Frn.lay a holiday without upsettmg the state's required number of utknd.incc d ins 'or could tht.•\ haH.' ~wapped th{' hohdav from Thursda\ to F'rtdJ\ bl'cuuM.-thc» OlJy not hold clai.:."·::. on a legal hohda' · It \\a:o. an Ob\'iou~ chant·i.' for J ftvt• day bn·ak 1n the i.chool t•ah•nd.H and 1t wa:-. equall~ ob\ 1ous th•1t m-.ny tt.'achc.>n. nnd ~tudents dtd plu~ hooky on ~·n d.Jy Thi'> :-.hould hove:> tx>..-n loreraM b' tlw lt'a<'h\•r bargainan)l u111t •• rnd by tht' i.chool l><>tird . \\ ht•n the s<·hool <'Ult>ndMr '' ai. dru\\n up last ... ummt•r As it wui., the studt•tlt!) and teachers ''ho did al- lcnd clasM'I> "t.'ft• s hort d1an~('d nnd the d1stn<'l "as J)(.'nallzcd an ~t~tc fumb bcc•at.:,cul ab::.cntt>e1::.m Freeway Identification The Cost•• !\k~a Cit\' Coun<'tl "ant~ Route 55. p1 l' sently named tht• ~l'\\porl F1t0l'\\U\, nmaml·d the C~ta !\1e~a FrN•\\;t\ A formal toun('il 'oll' ha~ .1ppro' t•d Litt' rt.'soh111or1 urgm~ h.-)!1..,lal1\e rcpn.'"l'nt<•ll\t''> to ca1 r~ a bill al foctml{ the <·hangt>, \\hath "ould mean altenng map:. and :.1gns In one ~COM.'. the propo'>al appears lo h:H l' onh 11wsann• \ al•Jt' It "as proposed by Cuunctlman Robert Wilson "ho ltkcl> to toss darts at :'\('\.\port Beach and the uJca could be no more than a parting Jibe before he steps down as a councilman But there is scnSl' to 11 F'reewa vs are named bv their terminus and Ne\\ port Beath. plainly docs not want any freeway lo terminate m -or originate or <'\'en run through its trty. To have its name on a free\\ay is a contrad1ct1on of publlt .1tt1tudes and public poltl'Y m ;\:cwport Beach Costa l\l l•sa h<i s sutfcred lrorn planning, i.'conomac and csthct1t· problt•ms c-rcated by right CJf way ucqubit1on and un<.'erlatnty o\·er the s tatus ot thl· 11'<.•eway. The freeway doC's lt'rmanate m th<.· city and will for many y<.•ars. pcrhap.., fore\·er Smee rt has thl· inconvenience. 1t ma) as \H•ll h:l\'e the adentit). c Landlocked African Nations See Angola Threat WASHl.'.'JGTON -In sending a 'pcc1al emissary here to plead to .in ostnch-hke S Congress ror help . .Zaire's President Mobutu h.is warned that the now ccrtatl) So\ iel victory in Angola coul~ escalatt• into far "on.e dt>feat for the Western "orld ch.CY. herl' 1n southt•rn Africa Thal i.ombl·r ml•si.Jgc, l'arnt•d lo a sco re '" key Sen alori. and Heprl'!'H'n· I/Ill\'('°' b\I \l u b u I u ' :-. f II r t' 1 f.t n m1n1,lt•r, Ngu1.i, ha ' h,111 ... orn1: 1 Ill P.iCI But It " t'Oll ll'l'I Ur ,1 I '' hdht•r C'nn~r<'ss. tn it' l'leclwn \\'.it 1solalw111i.I moorl brt-d out or \'u•tnam "no" pr('p.1rt•d lo' olt• hl'IJl fo1 .ZJll t'. ZJ111h1.1.incl1>th1•r 11.1lllllb or ~11uth1·rn ,\fncJ J(ll'r its flat veto of President Ford'!> plan to aid Angola. If' COS GR ESS keep~ Ill> head in the sand. the rault \\ 111 not ht:> in thl' clt'ar wammJl-; of either Presidenl Ford or !",1?U73. Y.hO :.pt•nt 10 da~s rov1n~ Capitol 11111 Za1n•'s B<'lg1um·educatc-d foret~n min1stl'r. \\ho 1s h1,1?hlv regarded in Wl.'slern Euro1>l'. <'arr1ed this mc·s:.as:e : US fat lure to compdt• "'1th bra:wn $<>\'let foreign intervention would ahreaten not nnlv his own eountrv and ne1ghb{lrinR Zambia: ;l would endani.:er Arnca's entire• !-oOuthern salient down to the Ca1>t.> of Good Hope. The rea!'oon i;; An,l?ola's u111qur 'ltrateg1c poi.1t1on. Y.h1ch ~IVl'~ 1l 1mmt'nse t-conom1c leverage O\'('r landlockl'd Zambia and nearly landlol'ked 7.a1re. H Mos· cow n•tarns its presl'nt power in ngot,1. both .Z:11re and ZamhtJ <'Ollld be ec11nom1cally '"" ( EV ANS-NOV AK ) c1mated Zaire:' 1 the• forml·r Hrts:1.in Congo) IS thl' lar~l''' rert1IC' ro1m try m Africa. t•4ual 111 "Ill' tu the· l 's l'USt or the M1i.:.1:.s1pp1 It I~ utso one of thl· >Aorld ·:. r1ch1·s1 sources of coppl'r. man~anc .. ,1° and other vuluablt.' mmcrub Tht.• <'rillcat ~l'ographt<'ttl foci i'I Zaire's dt.•pendcn1'I' on r;11I transport acros:. l'\11g11lu to thl' Atlantic· 0<'l•an ·That ,., ou1 llfehn<'." Nguza told us here· I h1i. Y.l't.>k . "Close ll and our people an Shaba <formerly t\.Jtani::a. th1· ('Opper·rtCh J>JI l or Za1r1•) '""hi' ruined " MOSCOW has cmeted thl' richl'S or lht• nld &·l~l:.ln Con.:11 for decade<;. Antomt· G1lt'n~J .• 1 key pro·So\ lt't f1gun• on thl' to' 1ng !>tdl' or I he ConJ:<>lt•M• t'I\ 11 uar a decadl• a,::11. 1s n11Y. 111 AnJ?ola fur po~i.tbll• troubll• making m h1-. old homeland Al1111 m Angola art' !>Orne 5.000 11nt1· :\fobulu troop' from the olll t'I\ ii \\~Jr m1l1lJn paY.ns f111 .. .,.. bal'k 111 Za 11 l' Wh~1t fr1ghtl'll' Z.m10, Z.1mh1.1 ;rnd olht>r non al1gnl'tl nation' of southt•rn Africa <'' l'll morr· than maSSl\l' So\ ll'l m1htarv ;ml 111 Angola ts t hl' contra:i;tmg l' ~ n· fusal to help /\s Ngu1.1 told u ... ~rnd "arned Con~n·:.smt·n "Thi· Afrll':lns. I am sorry tu s.1~. url' losing their conr1denet• In lhl' l'nited States \Vh('nt•n•r th('n•" :.iny trouble, lhl' l' S '>a~c;. ·;-.., more \'1t>tnams ·Thal 1s hunl for us to understand " Thal <'Onf1rmed what fo:un' peans. Car better tnformc'fl 1111 once -colonial Africa than American<;. hav<' Ix-en pn\ .111·1\· \\ arning: 1 he men• <'\l!>tc•nct• of S<l\'ll't bJt'k1•1I Angola. c·ouplcd '' 1lh Uw rmtJ!rl.'"IOnal rdu-.al tu l'Ompl'lt'. <·11uld automat11·allv ~1.·nl'rJIC' t>r o ('om mun1st mm 1· rnenti.. "1tho11t prl'!'osttrl' from llw hremhn ~G\, Z .\ otnd 11tht·1 11011 {'om11111111,1 1\tt 11·Jn:. ;11" 1·1111111 Ill~ nn .t \ l!oll In Sl•('rC'l.1r\ 11( s I a l l' II l ' n r ~ " I~ :s I n J.! l ' I I II "lulhl'rn Afl'lt':.t to lwlp ~he)\\ th.it tlw l ' S dol's not lllt<•nd 111 y. t t h d r a\\ r r om 'u Ill' r po y, l' r c·ompel1twn on the continent But the rt'al quc~tion Ill's 111 (.'nngress Can Congress. ;1:-. ~onw tl>nunu-, signs now ind1c·ah'. final h rid 1lsl'IC of the• c·ostlv 1llus1on that l'H'r~ l ' S Ill\ ul \'l'ment " J <'Jnd1d.1t1• for ":innth('r V1l'I · nam"" l nit'" tht• .111'" 1•r 1-. \ t''· tht• 11ol1tu·al outlook m .,ilutht•rn Africa 11; d.tnj.!Nou-. :\orth of Z.ure ,, tht• l't•ople' ltr1)1thhc or lhe (.'on,::11 Ith<' fo1 nwr F1·1•11l'h C'oni:o> l'tmtrnlkd II\ JO anll \\ l''ll't n I l'~lll\t• To tht• '""I al1111~ tlw I 11cl1.111 <kt.,1n lie" ~to1amh1qu1• 111..1· 1\n,.:ul.1 ., 101 m1•1 1'111111~111•"• t•olon\ \\ lt11\1 l!ll\i'rnmo•nt h." 1nt1m.1to-111•' '" \lo'l'll\\ JI t hl· .1~'11111pt11111 I' 1·111 11•1·t th.it ;\Jo,c•m\ \I ill 1111f1·1·d ho ,1hi1• to <'llll,ol1tl.1t1· ,11\d 1111111 ll poll t 11-.tl 111ti111°111·1· m 1 r pro Sm 11°1 1\11i.:11l.1 Z.11rl' ,11111 i'.,1mh1.1 :.trt' t'\t 11•mt•h 'ulm•1,1hlt• l•\ll<llot·k1•cl ('1111111111'' ''1111'1'/l'd tl('IW\'l'll 1\11i:ol.1 .1111! J\l111.1ml11 qul'. T llAT \\ ,\~ tht· 1111•,..,,1).'!1• ol rr1·i;11lt'r1l l\111h11111 · ... l''"""·lf)'. twrr Wh1•tlwr <'on ,::1 , • .,.., un rl<•rstand' 11 v. 111 not hl• knoy. nun Ill 1t takt•i. up tilt' Pn•,11knl'~ m1ltt an and t·con11m11· aid pro 11ram for .Z:.itn• It a1111111nh lo ,1 p1c1rllln~ S.I:! milll11n. hut tht· con gn·,~1011,il .ill 1!11111' 111\1 .1rtl 11 could f1111:lt•ll I hl.' f.1lc• or Milt I hem ~\fr1<·a Recycled Exhaust Fumes Blamed for Accidents 'I ntht· Ecl1t111 In 111, fl'l't'nt .I 11"1 l'oa-.ting c nl 11mn. Thom"'' I'. ;\l11rphmt• "·'' .1111.111•11 tn M''' ,1 nn, ... pa~>t'r st11·I.. alnp lht• trunk 1111 or a i.pct'clrng .H1l 11n 111hal '" \1·c·nrdin$; le> at'rollynamir" "nl.!llll'l'I S, ,1 \I ,11•1111n1 I' ('I l',llt·cl lwh111rl rn11v1ng uh)l1C'h a111I that • u11lcl h1• (J01• of I t'.!~1111' ror I ht• lll''"P:lf tl'r nol l.1 II lnll llff t' r .1 g 1 l' .1 I I \ , I h 1• s .1 m 1 • .11 1rnh11.111111 •,1 n".tll'' .1 nt•j.!.lll\I' p1 .. "11r1• "1th111 tltl' .111111111ol11lt· th.it'"""'' the• 1'.1r-. 1.111>1111 llhtllll\ 1111' h,11 lo. tn(ll thl' JlJ,"ll'lllo:l'I • 11mp.1rt 1111·111 1111111111 1 111 h11mrwr t rurf11· oh \ 11111•. I\ fori•1•' 1111 \t'l '1 I 11 ht I .1llw m.1''" 1· tp1a1111111•, of ,11110 t.11lp1p" 1•\h.11i...t from 1111·11·11111 • \ 1·h11 ,,., \\ hl1 h h.11.1rtl111h , 11111119'1.tnc·c• " r11rnrx1unil1••t ltv 11p•·n1ni.: tltt• t ,111J,:.11t• "111d11\\' of t ,1!11111 \\ .IJ.:011\ 111111, llll"lhh , hv t h1• 11-.11 \'1•nl p11pula1 h '1' lt-11111111 11n11· ol tht• ntorl' 11•11•nt 11111t111' "l'llll' 1 ...... T H E 1'11\'1rnnnwnt.1l l't 11t1•1· 111111 J\j.!!'1\1'\ .... ll11k1 l'fll\1'"11\ H1•'11o;11 l'11 l '1•1111·r. in 1.•ond111't111i.: 111111111•, r1r ti fl\ 1•r clrll\\ 1'1 111"1'1, l11untl I hat Ill pt•rf'1•nl nr i'orth c .1 1111111.1 c1 rivt•t' a1lm11t 1•tl t'll"•'1h'" nl t.ilhn.: a'llt•c•p lwl11ncl I ht• \\ hl't•t 11 net ('!lnt'llr \\ ltll t ht' \111on11 ll11!h" .n l'alrul 111111 Oh111 ~t.111' t 111\ e1 ,11y r1'p<1rl' th.it ' Ill II f 11 I \ t' h I I' I 1• I' \ h 1111' I 1•n11i.' 111rl'< prt11h11·1• II n \'l'r 111.1 t h'n t 11111. 1h cm"'"<''" .incl l.dltn ~· ,1,lt•t'll ,1t lht• \\ ht•t•I " .inti ,I ,1!1•-. 1111 .. In ht• t .11 .1 01011· 1·11m11111n \\' r n H d J C'rO~~\\ all. 111 po'<I orftC'l' i\ \'C'OU(' Df'nr Gloon1y Gu~ prci ('~I ri :in front nf tht• on Or:rni.:1• \\ t. I. 0-Y 0.. (-M\ ••• ,_..., ........... .,.. ..... -.c..,,~ •• , 19ftikl.,. ... -...... --... ---_... .. o_, o.a. o.u, ,..._ phenomenon than has generally lw<'n reC'og r1111•cl Hatht•r thJn )!rantins: th(• conti· nu1ni;: 1h'ma11tls of ;Jutomul11l(• nwnur.1rlllrt•r.; fnr time t'X lt'lhlllllS 111 dt•\ l'lt1p11\i;! l'O~IOC' I''< haust pollttt 1nn t•onl ml~. a~ a mul tC'r ot lw.tlth and s.dt•t v f111 tlfl\'l'rs. p.1~"·11i.:t•ro; and p1•11plP \\nrkmg Jnd II\ tnL! ;doni.: m.qnr h1~h\\ ;I\!-1111· I·: I',\ i.h1111l1I cit• m.ind .incl 1•nlor11· 11, 1h•adhn1., \\:tin .1!11t·i.:1,tt·11•d tl1nt·r-.ul 1h1· twallh h.11arcl' .inti n•q11111• \\Ill l••n notH'l' t11 ht• r111,trcJ 111 .lll ntulor \l•h11'11• ... \l.111111.! lh1• ('() l'llJ.:1111' 1·n11"11in 1IJnJ.!t•r-. uf .111lnm11h1h• tlrl\lllj.! HHl'('E S llOPPJ'\G ff ortff'f ttat la.-r11 Tolht· t:d1tm \\'11 h r1•frrc·nc·e to 1\rthur lltln '5 '4·111•1 to \'011 1•nt1ll1•cl · C111o;1• The• A1rpnrt' 11>u1l v 1'1l11t . Feb 131 I '"V hoi ..,1•f1'.1tlwr' for ht" drlth1·rJll' rn1-<rru1ltnl( o( mv slnl't•r(• rt• m.11 k" llmn•\'t•r 1r h(' \1.111 vntr r11r I ht• 1•1•".11111n Cl( Jl'l lr;lll1'JlOI 11 "tit \oh' 1111 I hl• non 1·r111~111~: uf hoalo; 1n I h<• buy ALANL HLt:M Poli~P 11.-lp Tot h1' 1-:1111or . /\ n•n•nt ncws p.•Jl4'r h('lltlhnt'. "W1tne''il''I l>o r\othms: a<. T"n l\anthl~ t\1tlnap Man.·• rc•rtamh <ipnrkf'd outrugl' m n•adl'r" from .1 I I o' 1• r . a 111 on~ th l' rn l It 1• Worn u n · s ('" 11· l.l•;11.tt11• 11( '\C'>Aport llJ rhnr Since''" h<•l11•\1' Jll'Ople arc• ufkn ,\fr:tid to n•port crimes for ft'.lr nr rcl.1h.1 lion, \\I' dec1dl•d to l'on~ull holh thl' "l'" port ll<':t l'h ;mli CO\ta M~J l'oht'<' <'htd" Oot h pollC't• d1•p.1rt menls as sured u..; that they und<-r;;tood th•" fear. particularly m the elderly. However. they informed us I hat 1( a caller. in report in~ a ('nme he has seen. or one he bl"he\•es rs about to be rom· m1llt'd, asks that t)is name b<' k<'rt confidl'ntaa I. lh1s re'lue<;t "HI h<' rcspccted /\lso, allhouJ?h thl'v ..;tn•sscd that they prdcr th<' r:fll1'r to 1dt'nlih l11m~l'lr. thl•\' n'"rced th<it . s houlcl th(' pcr'lon m s1st upon an anonym<iu.; c:.ill. Ill' may. and th<' call will lw 1i:n <'" ullrnt1on flolh r1tlt•11, h) the• Y.a\', h:t\'t' .. NctJ:hborhood Watch' pro· ( MAILBOX J l,t'tltr• /rom reader~ are Wf'lcnme. The nght to condtn&f' letters to /II 6JXJCt or tlrminatf' II/lei i.• rntn:ed. f,Atltrs of JOO worcU or less u~ll hr g11wn prt/t>renC't> All ltttt-r3 mU8t tn dlltU s1gnalurl' and mailing oddrf'!I.! hut namf'' may he 1111thhPld on rr qunt 1( ruf(11•1rrtl rta11;ri 1.t apparent /'<W'll'l/ Wiii not hi' publuhl'd ~ram.; 111 npcral1on anti Y.C'korn1• the• h1•lp or rr,ulrnls, m 1h1•1r con ttnuou .. r11:hl l\~Jlll't lht• Jl111 Ill 1n1tl y raµ11I g 1 owl h 1111·11 n11· M HS I. S Sl '"l>t-:lll.1\:\I> \\ 0111 .ill "Ci' 11· t .1•ai.:11•• 11f ='-l''AJlllr\ ll.11 lw1r ,, . ., .-.laWtp• T11 lh1• F.tl1t11r l::\1•1 "lllH'l' lilt• po'I 11ffir•1• lx>oi.t1•tl lht• fir~t clll'' ruh· lo 1.l l'l'nl". \loC h.I\ l' fouri1I ll almn-.t 1111po11111hh• lo huy 1h1• ne<'l.'S"1rv I n•nt '-t;imps ThC'\I Ii.id pll•rtl y nf \\ UI n1n.: I hat ('11nitr1•'1 ... Wllli ~OlllJ.: tn ••nn<'lt t hr 3 <'l'nt r.11'>•> hut aµ pnrl•ntlv dltl not1t1ni.: ah<1ut print 111Jl thl' stamps until nl>0ut tht' clay lh<'Y mu'll b<' adch•cl lo our old to <'<'nt 1<'1 l<'rs Which rrmmils 11w of lht• oltl ''llanana" son it \'r11. "<' h:JH' nn 3 rt•nt.01!1, "'' ha\'t' no 3 rentc•r' t1Klll\. W1· i.:111 .,IX<'S. ond '"'en ..... rnd ltfl1•1•11 .. , ;1n1I h•\t'n'. 1\rul am kmll nf othrr" \Ott'·" "Wl; AOI 'P<'<'l:JI!-. a11d 11' J!1c;tered" ancl <'t•rt 1f11'<h rind du1· stamps. /\nd all prt·ll~ rnlnr., but J:r<'y ' But Vt~. wc J.?OI no 3 crnl<'~. Y.e got nn 3 r<'nter-!'1 loda\ • · f'RANK KLOCK .. Poor R_.("ord T{l the Editor· Sl'n Den ms C'arpentrr took on1• more opportuntl~'. pnor to his rl<· parture for thl.' W1nlt•r 01~ mpw ... to speak oul ai::ain"l ll'IO~l:il1\1• help to 1mpro\l' thl• -.1.1tu:. nf Y.Omen Cons1strnt with h>-· hart ,·11t1n~ 1 erord on wom 1.·n ~ l'.'>'11'"" h1· ;1J(:.11n 111mp1•fl at tlw op1K11t11n1t\ to OPl>tl"l' "om l'll ACR 13:? 1 i\..;,1.·mhh C'11nf'11r rent ll£1~ol11t1011 "'h11·i1 t•\1t•n1h th1• llf1• oft hr .loin I ('omrmtlt•c• 1111 Le~ a I E q u JI t t v th r<• u ~ h l){'c·t'mbl•r of 1!171;1 pa,.,t'<l lht• 1\-. -.embtv ,inti th4• Sl·natt.• S1•n Carpcntt•1. ho\lo l'\ll'I . ".1-. ont· of tY.11 \Oll'I'' "ho "Jlt>kc· ;1~am..i thf• 1t•,otul1on. l'Onkn1l11ii!. d-; u-.uJI that Mll'h a l'nmm1tt1·r 1s 1111 n<'ce<1o;arv b<'<':lll'C "11m1·n .1rr not c1111cri.rn111all•tl :l•!a111't Thi• J111nt l'om 1111111·1· on l.1°1•al J-:quJhl'l •~ rnanclJl•'fl to hrtnl! 111 t11n1nfnrm1ly w1lh fc'fh•r;1l law all of ('ahforn1.1·~ C'rnll•" and 1 r .:ulat11111~ 1·11111•1•r11111g ttw ahoh ltnn or d1s1.·nminot1on ht11o1•tJ on "t'lC It :ilso rt-v1t'"'" llw fllnl·t1<111 111g of 'tale agl'nC'lt'' for ~ex d1-, c11m111all1m Tlw f11111in1t1< 11( t h1~ romm1tll'f• hov<' lc•d to corrrcllvl' l€'~1i.l.1ll(1n l't'~Ull in~ 111 m •IJlll' ~• 1111!0-1 low:11 cl ii(' h I(' VI n .ll l' (Ill ll 11 t y f II r 11 ti Cahfornta \\OrtH·n JO/\ 'I .JF:NSF:N Wnmt·n·.., Lolihy fill' .fiiha rp•hoof rr• To the F;d1lor With rlcep dt'\ otwo to our Cahrorn1a lltfthWJ\. Patrol ~nd other police enfon·1•ml•nt aizen· c1es. l JUSI read lhf' F1•h 9 art1cll' "Suspecti. Saved by Loot" Tcr· "I'm torry Did J •lartle 1oa?" • nr1c·' What, you got :i m•w rulinl!, "Y.hen in doubt lead oul \\Ith c;hoti:uns"" i::H•n I c·an l11t u bnrk Y.all w1thoneor1hust• Whal enr happened t•J the· movie version of radio ahead f11r lwlp and lt'y 111 ~hoot out thl' t111·" Y.1lh u nflt• on r!t'l'tnl! <'ar !-U~ l>"Clc;" I II het they're c·u~1er lo tt•plat't' lhan stolen a1l1t•l1•-. un<I ho<11l'l> llo" ahout J \H•ll pl.11·1•11 nnn \'tt:.it !-liot to flL•c•ms.: fo<il , .. , IH'Ct ... ·• Oh. l\C' he<·n \\al<·h111i.: Inn many mO\ II''· that ·, old hJI, ,,,u Y.l'ren t tr:llnl•fl (111 SWAT 1'1•11 Ph' Jr<' t·a~•l·r to 1111 "1th a <,hnti:un . tire•:-. dont IJl•)w 011l <•J<;\ now T 0 hroY. t ho'ir o;h;1rp.,hoot1ni.: JY. ar<h tn th(• ~JrhJJ:1• You don l '1t·..,1•rvc• thl'lll Pi\ T HICI /\ 11 A I.I. ('omct ('on I rob Tnllw 1-:clttor Thi• 11µ of t h1° irc•h<•ri: 1o; ~hoY. 1111: Yn11r "<'OJ~t;il 1'1111111i.11I J(('v<'n lert " ( l't•h Ill) tc•IJ, how S.•natnr /\ nlhony Bt•iteni.1111 w1111h lo put "pc•rmant•nt" 1·1111tr11lo; on the> coast bccaww the >Aholl· l .~172 miles of 1l a r(' so i.p1•cial. Nrxt 1t will lw ttw furmo,. fu•ld,. ck-;crts and mountains that "'111 nN·d t h11111111•<' 111 I prott•('t um Tht• ('0111ital Comm1!-!-1on ':-. "Constitution for lh<' Co:"r" "a C'omph•tc• rt•vc•rsal rrom lhl' l :-... Constitution that i;:uaranh•t•s tlw 11ght11 of l'fl\':tll' prnpl'rl\ 11\\ nershtp and hu'l ml'"' I 11•1•tlom . from th<' b1g~1"1I h11i-m1.''' lo th•· ' m r1 11 es t <' n 1 I J g c• ~ c• n a I 111 r1<'1lcn<1on, who IS t•h;urman of I ht' St•nall' Fin:1n('1' CommtllN·. c;hnuld know what this. takCO\'<'f "tit cost. The Coa<1tal Comm1ss1on plan~ for acquiring land within their 1.000 yard Jur1sdlct1on arc estimated al over SS l:iilhon with an added yearly upl(~p or 5120 million This doesn't include what writ be taken off lhe private la'( rolls and added en to yours and my tax b1ll!I. lt rs hard to ima~int" the• <'<'onomic effect of buying mon• of C:itirorn~a . or ~hat \\C would h11y 11 "11 h The economy nnll 11n rmplo~ ment on th<' ro:i~t arc• aln·atlv f;1r below Ult• reo;I of California bt><'OlJ<;C or thes(' ('()n 1rol11, and the" hol<' state hai; bc<'n hurt by thr1r ~tnppmg of building, industry and en(·rgy production . ~·n.ltllf llf•il1•11"111 .,h1111ld l!I\ l' us a ('0,I prlljl'('t lf)ll J'> \H'll ..... mcll'1• ••mot ion.ii 1lwlm11· Th" '' mo1t• than rrc·1·111ni; -.01·1.t11 ... m th1• n•'t of the ll'd1t·1 g '" ,01111 tot:iltta11an1s111 C (I I. DI F·: .JllSE I 'II lrrt•lt>t•a1tt Tollw l-:1ht111 On pai.:1· 11111· of Sl'1°1t11n \ 111 th•• Ft•h. 11. 1"111· 111 t h1· J>.111\ l'tl111 ~OU 1 t'Jllll lt•d I ho• 1'1'1111'111 1111' 111 nuutl \ 1.111 nf :i '' nn1.1n • 1111' 11·11 ol r1f 1•mll!'11l1n)! 1111111-11 11111 .111 lt' ttw 1111 ... 1111°' ,.,1.1hh-.hrn1·111 In hot h 1 lw h1".1oll 111,. .111d tho · ,lrtl<'lt• ll"ll'll \1111 11 f••111•cl 111 tit" \\llm.111 '" lhl \\ t!P Ill •I IKlllt I ' hf fl ('l'I J h.1\•• 11f11• 'llllph•1p11 ·,l11111 h I h.1t l.11'1 .Ill\ 1111111• I• lo \.1111 111 !Ju• "''II' t h.111 h.1cl "Ill' 1,. • 11 1111 '\"\It· ol .t tl';11 l11•1-, .111111111•\ 111 n11•cl11'.d d11c1 11 1 ' \\1111lol \11111 h<'.t<ll11w hJ\I' 111°1•11 \\If" .. 1 Tt'.ll'h1•1 S1·rtl l'nc 1·!1 ' \-. ,1 p1ol1•,..,1<1tl:il l:t\\ 1•11!•1111 m1•nl nlll<'t•t I v1•1 \ mut h 1 •·-,1·111 lht• I\ po• of 11n>A :1rt .llllt•<I :111tl, 111 ITI\ 1111h1n11•nt . 111 l''>Jlllll'\lhlt· 11· porl111i.: ""c•mpli.f1t•cl Ill lh:1t .11t1 c I•· ll.111 th•· g111 ll\ p111h twr "·lr l/1'1•n .1 p11l11·1° of f1 1'c·r 11t I llt' 111111· 111 I hi' 11ffc•11"" I h.11 v.1111ltl Ill• a Jlr<IJ1•·1 111t1'1 •·,1 Thal 1111\\1°\l'I' "''" n••I I 111° '""'' 11ntl I""'"''' rdl'll'llf'I' 111 I ht• 11f11·1Hlo-1 . .., h11,fi;1111t 'oh1111lrl 11111 Jt,l\;I' hl'l'll lllC'lllclt rf .IEHllY llOY11 ORA NGE COAST DAILY PllOr, /1,.lwrl \ II, 1•d l'1•'""/ 1·r / lin"W!, ,....,., ~ 1J.t r /lorll<iro lo.•1 1111111 f1J11m10I f•nq•· f "''"' Thi• 1'ff1t1rn11t r1;1c1• of thr l>;11h f'1J11t '''"11' lo 1nft1rm 111111 .. 11rnul:ll1t• rc'.H11'1' '" 1111·"·1111111 ''"th" 11.1111· 1J 1\ \'r'" 111mml'nt ,,, ' on IOfllr' of 1nll•1 "~I h\ "ncli( .11 •~1 .-olumn"t' .1n!I 1·;1rt•w1111''' '" pro\ 1rtin11 ,1 forum for r1'.11h·r • ''""' oinrl b\ prr~•·nllnl! 1 h1' n1•"\l)llJ>f'I ~ IJJ>llllllll' ,111<) 1111'.J' on <urrt•111 lopu, I ht• 1•t11hr1.1I llf>lllllln' uf lh1· l>111h 1'1l•!C ,1pp1•,11 •mh 1n lh1· ••1ht1111.d rnfumn .11th• 1<11) .. r 1 ht• p.11••· np111111n .. , , l'fl'''•'rl h\ tlw 111lu111n1'I' .md t .1rl1w1111 \I a net INto•r "nt1•r ., .... th•'tr uv.n .uHI fHI t·ndof \f'UH "' ,., tht•11 \ "'" • II\ tht• 11.1111 l'1lut ~ho11lcl Ix> 111!1•rr1 cl Wednesday, Feb. 18. l!Jiti • ' Orange Coast EDIT ION Today's Clo !itinl( N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 69, NO. ~9,6 SECTIONS, 6" PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNtA W EDNESDAY, FEBRUA~v·1e, 1976 N TEN CENTS f "Anti-nuke Vote, Poverty Tied-Teller i \ By O(WCLAS FRITlSCllF. Of ... 0.11, ,., ... -· A vol .. for Propoi.1hon 15-the :inti·nuclear eneri;y measure I!> a vote for 1x.>verty, fomtnl' ~nd war, tn the view of Edward Teller, n phys 1c1s t whose tws to nuclear energy dale to research on the first atom bomb. The CalHornia ;inti·nu<.'lear power in1liahve is part of a oa· taonwide effort lo cripple the country'• potential to devl"lQ&> nuclear energy sources, he told a studt"nt audience• at Oranae Coast College Tuesday. He does not claim that nuclear reactors are foolproof .. Jr anybod~ says that an In· strument is foolproof. the fool will turn out bigger than the pro· of." he sllld, drawing laughter from the more than 400 students. Saleiuards on nuclear power plants, he said, have prevented any loss of life or t~at to hie from an accident In the tustory of the nuclear power indwslry. "Loss of money, yes. Los:s or lives or even health, no,'' he said. But loss or nuclear power OS a sourte o f energy, he pre<hctC!d. will be d isaslroWi. By 1985, be said, nuclear energy can supplant the burrung of six billion barrels of 011 daily. the ~mount the U.S. cur~ntly imports "We need energy to keep California healthy," he said. ··w e need energy to kt>ep the Umted States heulth_y. Hut more than anything else, we need the energy for the world. We have a shortage of energy, but we have a surplus of bab1e.s. Predicting a world population or seven b1ll1\ln hy tht' tu• n or tht' centurv. lhl' lluni.:un:in·born ph)l>tt'tsl said, "The~l' lWQPlc "111 be wretchedly voor uncl tlw1 r poverty will not tx· allcvrnh'd v. 1thout en er t:> If Wt' h;111 rl'uc tors. "<'will take oil a v.ay from others by dnv1ng up the pnccs and the unde\•clopt'd countries will stay poor." "If we manage to develop eve r y r easonable source.-of Patty's Barrage 'Meant to Miss' ·OC]ury Probing Death 8\ K,\Tll\'Cl.A~n· "' Of•• 0.1tt '9'1._. s.t.H Th<' Orani.:t• Count) Grand Jury is lookin~ into the death of a ·Westmtnsll'r man "ho may have ,suffered fatal head injuries whilr servinjl a" eek end J.lll tcrm. Jim Enn~ht, l'htd deputy d1!>· t n ct attorney, said both th<' Grand Jury :.ind the jury '., Criminal Justice Committee have stoned an 1nqu1ry tnto the Feb. 2 death of Don Nelson, 39. A spokesman for the stnte at· torn<'y general·~ office said today <Jn investigation by that agency into the death probably will lake u back seat to the local probe, at lcasttemporanly. Deputy Attorney General Dan Krem('r of San 01t·~o had rcqut>'it· cd in1t1ul n •ports on the death. lit• <'OU Id not be reached for<'ommcnt today. Rut an aide said hill\ investJi.ta· tion at th1:. point 1:. t11ml'<I pnman· ly at making c.:c.:rt.itn an official protx> 1:-hein(;( com~lletcd He may condul·t ht!> o" n invcst1gat1on Jatt'r. the aide i;a1ct Ncbon. a hartt'ndcr et th(• J\1arlln Inn 1n llunt1nl{ton Beach :ind c;rnd1datl· in l.1~l i.prinf(s Ocean \'1ew Schon! 01strkt ch.•c· llon!>, cl u·d .1t Orange County Medical l'l•nll!r after l\'int! in J ('00\a ror .. \\ ('l'" follov.tn~ i.ur· ~en for a ~k ull fr .H't url' lit• v. u' takt>n lo O<:MC J an :!5 hv 1.111 uCftciab ofl<'r bt>comin~ 111 111 tu .. C'l'll Al thl' t1mt', ht• "J' !'o''r\Hll-: thl' flr't of f1\C Y.<'<'kl·ntl 1;11 l t1•1 mi; 011 .i drunken dr1,1ni.: 1 on\ ll'l11111 l-:nr1.:ht c;aid 1'uc• .. cl.n lh<' Ct.11111 .lurv •~ r t''l'"'""'hk for ,\n ttn ~11in~ tn\ t'~t1i.:almr1 11110 J•ll l 1·11nclitwns and "w1111l<I not 1.1: llHl't' . t'h111'k111l! 11lln ;my J<lll· 11 l.111•1lllt.'nth 1 hl' d1,tnct Jtlutn<'y'' oChcc (St·t' l'KORF., r ai:t' A2) • * * Jail Deatli Damages Eyed Thl' f.1m1h 11r nnn l"c>lsnn . :\11. "ho 1lw1I J.'('11 :! .>fh•r !.t'r\tn.i;t J \\ ,, ,. k I' n II 1.11 I I t• rm . r 1 It'" II S.1.1>17,000 l'l<i1111 t11J11y .lllUIO\t Or.mi,:t• Count\ 1•m11l11H'"' In 1h1· 1'1.11m . Mr' Honnir ="i•f ,on .ilk~<'' t•11unty oft1c1:.1i.. failrd to ~l'l :11h•11uate ml'dtral 1·an• for hn husbund wh1ll' ht• \\;i-: 111 in h1<1 Fiii n'll Jnn 25 und fo1lt>d tn ctPsrn bt' his illness ade· quatt•h to phy:-1r1uns at Orani:c Count\ Med real Ct'ntl'r . As a r('sult. th<• cl:um a.~serts. a :i;kull fracturl' wa!\ nol properly c!1agno«cd Mrs Nelc;on also ac; serts in the claim that count'' t'mplOH'S fatlt'd to nollfy ht'r of he r husba nd's illness and su1 · Iler:, for a skull fracture. The C'l:um "·as rcce1\'ed at 8 IS a m today by the clerk of thf' Countv Board of Super,1sors. County omc1als h8\4~ 45 days lO t'lther nccept or r eject the ela1 m. before Mrs. Nelson's attorney can file a lawsuit m the case lnlheclnim. Mrs Nelsonseekc; St m1lhon for loss of lhe !.oc1ety and compan1onsh1p of her husband. $2 million for pain and emotional distress, $640.000 for loss of her husband 'c; tnt'ome and $7,000 for med1cal anct funeral e-< ~nses Philp Going To San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -or. John P . Philp. public hulth director or Orange County. is mO\. JOg to the samc Job 1n San Diego County. Philp. 57. w.is named from among 35 apphc<tnt.s today. lie 1:. cxp<.•ct<'d l•J bt?g111 his Job 1\1 arch 15, making S.16.500 annually Philp suct'el'ds Or. J D. Aske"," ho retired. Irvine Co. Way Paved . For Swap Garden Grove councilm en have changed a general plan de· s1gnat1on for an abandoned Nike sit<', easing the way for a pro· posed land s" ap between the Irvine Company and lhc US. Manne Corps. The Garden Grove s wap and other out-of.Irvine \.'t>ntures Ix'· ing eyed by the 1 n inc Company have become an mcreasrngly im· portant p:irt of company opera· !Ions as the firm looks toward d1vero;1flcalion of its holdings, at'· cording lo company Vice Pres 1· dent Lansing Ebl'rhnR At the end or a three·hour hea nn~ Tuesdny, the council changed the land use designation for 85 acrt>s of the 228-acre Ntkt' site from open space to planned 111du<1 tr1al dcv<'lopmc.-nt. Al'l'Ordmg to Garden Grove l 'rb.1n Drvelo pmt•nt Manager St\.\ art M Iller. a zone chanj?e and oth<'r procc>ss1n~ action~ "111 be rt•q111rrd before the land can l>t• dC\ t'lop1•d Thr ft>cl1•r a I JlllVt'rnmcnt hn~ nf feri·d lhe tn·1nc· l'ompany tht• Niki' site in l''<ChanJte ror la nd around El Toro Manne Corps Atr S1:1rum, a fac1llty tht• Marin('s ll<'ltcvt• mnv he threat<'ncd by 111•nrhv tft•vt;l111lmcnt Thl' M .in nco; :1 re attrmptln1t to trnc1t' th<' Gurdt'n Grove N1k(• bn'it' ;incl oth,•r holrlmjls for about 610 nC're<1 m the El Toro flight pat· tt•rn. :icc·onlln~ lo lrvlnl' Corn panv 11poke'iman Jerome Collins. Ttw G:lrdcn c;rove ~1tt' hos h<'<•n contcstt'd bv nth<'rll. JnC'lud JOR l'ountv Supt•rv1:i.or Laun·ner Schmit. "ho "unt to make !he• ar1•a :1 park J\11t th<' C 1 t v nf Garden Grove, t>) tnj? 1ndust r1 n l devclopmt'nl of the pnrct.>l a" a s ource or tux mon<'y and Jobs for iL'I res1dcnL'i, opposes that 1d<'a. 'OVR PAPER' AD SOLD CAR I .. The ad sold the <."ar. The Daily Pilot 1s 'our paper' for sure." That's the sales s uccess story told by the Corona del M::ir Man \.\ho placed lhts ad in the D:uly Pilot ·73 El Dorado. xlnl C'Oncl Fully equip. 39.o<IO m1-. P\"\ Ply X'<'t UUA H you have a car you want to Sl'll. call 642·5678. It only takes 11 few words in the right place to attract a buyer. Along the Orange Coast the nght place to advertise is the Daily P&Jot ' 'Sticky' Portion Of Case • SAN FRANCISCO <U P I I Patncia Hearst testified today that she tried to a\'01d h1ttmg anyone when she opened fire at a Los Angeles sporting goods store to rescue two of h er kidnapers. l\1 iss Hearst satd the Sym· bionesc Liberation Army penalty for not rescu.ing a comrade was ''death'' and th al s he picked up an automatic carbine and started s hootine as "just sort or a reflex." Defense a ttorney F . Lee Bailey, who bas described \he Los Angeles lncidenl as the "stickiest part'' of his case. led the defendant through her ex· planation of why she not only didn't try lo escape but also ac· tually helped her captors get away. "tr anyone in the group ever got in trouble, you are supposl'<f to ft re at those attacking them," she satd. "ll was in the code or war. If you didn't you would be killed ... "J would never have fired nt anybody." Miss Hears t snid William nnd Emily H arns went into Ml'l's Sporting Goods in the ln~lewood stttion to get some clothes, leav- ing her In the van with four guns. including an automatic carbine and a semi-automatic. She re· alized something was wrong when s he saw Hill on the ground and Emily being held by so. meone. (See SLA, Page A.2> DOW STAGES A COMEBACK NEW YORK (UPI) -A buyin~ wave. spark ed by siRni. th(' economy s t11l 1s growing stronger and by Americ an Telephone &c Telegraph's d1v1d<'nd h1ke, ii;wept prices broadly higher In acllvt' tradmg today on the New York Stock Exchange The Dow Jon<'!'I indu!ilr1al a\•erage. whieh lost 7.79 point:. Tuesday. gained 9 52 po1nL-c to 000 09. Advancl'!I outdi!'ltnn1'<'d dechne!I, morcthnnz I Volumt> came-to 29.900,000 share!\, up I rom I hl' 25.400,000 traded Tue11day. Prices ul!\o rnllu'll rn h('avv lradmg on the I\ ml'ricun St0<·k t:xchange. Ul'I ftllf>l•llo •MIND ANO 800Y SWAMPED, RAVISHED BY SLA' Patricia Hearst Gives Tearful Testimony Patty Feared Death In Hibernia Bank SAN FRANCISCO CA P> - Patricia Hearst s ays ht-r m ind was swamped with revolutionary rhetor ic and h er body ravished by rape and other physical abuse "hen she r obbed a bank under fear of cxecut ion. Miss Hearst "cpl frequently as sht• testified before the jury for tht• second liml' Tuesday a day on "'ht ch the tn al JUdge issued a memorandum s aying the newspaper ht'1ress failed to con· \'IOCC him she ~as .. a prisoner who'\e l'Verv mO\'C was made un- \lt'r the w·atrhful eye" of her S\'mb1oncse Liberation Army kidnapers. M 1s~ Hearst, sippin~ waler und uMn~ tissues to wipe away tC'ars, told jurors that she enll'rcd a lllbcrnia Rank brnnchon Apnl IS, 197", certain that SLA d11eftain Oonald ''Cinqut-" Det'rl'cze 1n- l<'ndcd to gun hN down in front Of 11Ur\'t'1llance c·a ml•rall She w alrhf'd n rc•plny or the bank robbery nnd, whl'n a..,k('d by defrn.'le coumwl F. IA'c Hatley why !lht• fr1•qu1•ntly Rlanc<'d ovc•r h<:r should~r ut Dc fre eze. replied, "I hild thought thul cv••n thOuJ:h I wo•Jld JW m and do lhl!., lhnt he "a!. l(OJOj? lo kill me ;111y";1v ms1dt'thrbank " Sh<' ~a 1d sh<> rt' acted with ct1'l- ht'l1(1f "ht•n the SLA told h<'r lh1·y Wl'n• i;totn~ tu 1 ob :i hank and "he "oultl part1t•1p;1tl' Th<'Y 'lntd they nrl'drd monc·y. sh1· 11~11fil•cl, und that Dl'FrC'Cll' "wanll'd me to be wanted bv th<: F HI..' The basis of M 1ss I lcar~t 's d<'· rense is that s he participated in the holdup under thr<'at of <kath. The jurors I 1:. t enl.'<f intenll y CSee PATTY, P age A2) Rogers Out Of Hospital, Feels 'Great' Nc.-wport Reaeh <'1tv Coun· cilman Howard Hogers today sate! hi! 1s "fN·hnt? ~n·at" uftt•r leaving Jlo:iJ! M <·mortal ll1>c;p1tal where he underwent hl•urt ~ur gery. RoRers, who has lw<'n hom1• since Sunda~ 'Jlil tw 1-; !>till somewhat wt·ak :111cl 111 c•tl Ile said his clot'tor-. hJ\:I' or· dert>d h1 m t 11 ~ t 11 .Y 111 tu,., h011.'>P for the next. wet•k and after that ht• will begin a i:r . .1<lu.il n•<,umpt1on of aC'tlv1l1<'s "I ex1wct 1t will b<· M:1v twCort• I'm bal'k full l1m1•,' h(' 1>:J11l. Rogers su1d h<• is ullow\'!I to havt• v1sitor!'I :inti 1s luokrnH forward lo ralrhm~ up on "h.1l ha., lt.111 pcnc•d stnt·1• lw wa:. h1t'>.p1tt1htt1l mon• 1h;rn a m11nlh ago Little Amerira's Cup Irvine Sailor Winner By ALMON LOOL\BEY o.11,,..ie.-..c1"9E•w Alu Kozloff of Irvine and his youthful helmsman, Robbie Harvey. are winging their way h ome from Au~traha today clutching the Lillie Amt'nca 's Cup, symboliC' of supremacy an Class C Catamaran racing. Koiloff. designer and bwlder of the soft·wmg Aquarius V, took the 25 ·foot t'alamaran to Melbourne, Austraha. early this year determined to bring the cup to the U.S. for the first lime since it was dedicated 14 years ago. Britain has won it eight times, Au.5traha three and Denmark one. t<o7.loff and Harvey lived up to thctr slogan. "Orang it Back" in a sl'e·saw ba ttl e with the Ao.strahan defender. Miss Nylex. a flxed ·C Cat. by winninR the fourth and final race or the best four of seven series Tuesday CAustrahan time>. Ourin~ the first six races at Port Phillips Bay near Melbourne, Aquarius V had won by wide margins in light to moderate .breezes. bu~ M.iss N}•l ex had l'\h own definite superiority whe n the wlnds whistled up to more than 15 knots. .. The fact that it wo.s Lbree·all befor(> the f11lOI rac<" will do won· ders for thrs s t yl<' of rac mg,'' added Kozloff as he celebrated his seventh challenge for the cup. "The weather was 1usl what we had bt'cn hoptnJ! for.'' said Harvl'y, the Cabnllo Oeac h helmsman "We could not have as ked for b<'ttcr cond1t1ons for u~ I am very proud for Amen ca and for Alex for what hC' has put into getting the cup back." Ko%Joff and Harvey said they w\11 be prepared to defend lho cup 1n 18 months orr t~ Cab\iho Buch Yacht Club under whose bur gee they sa1l('<d . <'nf'rgy -n11<'h•:.1r. t'Oal. gs~. solnr . Nl'Othermal w~ m11(hl an to and 25 )Cnr~ 1mproH• our way tlf h\'JOj; und. m ore-1mpor:anUy, hl'lp ''ther:.. "If not . the world is hNldt'<t lO\.\ .ird dt>pre~s1on and connicl ''orse than thl' depression of th1• 1930's and war worse than the St-t•ond World\\' ar thut followed. "The people ad\OCUhng this <See TELLER, Page /\Zi 'Rules' For CIA Outlined WASHINGTON lAP> -Presi· dent Ford ii.sued orders today barring the (.'IA and other JO· Wlhgencc ai;cnc1cs from usmg elt't'tron1c or phy:.1cal s ur- ' e1llance to collect m!ormalton on the domestic act1v1ltes or mo:.t Amencan c111uns and organita· tton~. In a followup to h.is Tuesday night prt•i.:. co11fer cnc<' at which he announced vlan:. for n ·organiz· inJt the mh•llts:t•ncc commumt:\', FORO~EAGAN STANOS 'TO RIGHT OF ME'. A4 t-•ord aho .... 11tl ht• wouhf "'PflOrl lc.:1:-I at ion rt•q111 r111 ~ JUd1r1a I war· runt:-. for national ~l'<'urily \\ 1rt•tap:. and m ;111 upc.•nini: In ;1 nH.'"'"~t· to Coni.:n·~.,. Ford 1nd1t'dlt'd tw '' ould seek to expand tht' pcJ" 1·1 of t ht' i.:o' c·rnmcnt lo open mall . \\h1c h 1s n ow ~11.·rm1lled onl.v 1n 1•n mm al in· 't"·ll~allons. "We nt•<'11 authority lo open mail. . in ordC'rtooblain vitally necdl'd foreig n tn · telligencc information," Ford i;a1d Ford also proposed :i :.hCC new secrecy Jaw" hi ch woultl provide cnminal penalt ies for any gov· ernmcnt c mploye or contractor who leaks intell11~encc secrets. The law al&,o would Rive the Rov - ernmenl new lei.: al powl'rs to pre· Hnl the publication Of SUt'h :O.('C r<'tS. A JG·pai::<' <'xccutivc order that takt•s effect M areh 1 abu woultl bJr infiltration of domestic or· J?a nizations. drui.: lest!; on un· :.uspectm ~ humans and 1llcgally obtaining fednal tux r<'turns. The restrictions do not apply lo the rBI whtch Wiil be govt.'rncd by a st'parate sci of gu1dehne'> to he IS'IUCd within 90 ctuy!.. The CIA would be completely h ar rcd from clt•rtron1c 1"1vcsdropp1n~ ms 1de lht• Unill'd ~tatl'S. and the :'\ational S<·cunty /\genc·y would ht• proh1h1tt•d from m•erceplin,:! any "<·<1mmum<'a twn \\ h1ch 1s m ade from. or 1s 111 lrnrlt'd bv tlw ~ender t11 he rt· Ct'I\ cd m." tht• U n1tctl States." l\n accompanying documC'nl said that lht• r1•s1 nc·t ums plac·l•d on 1ntel11~c·nt·1· ;ic·l 1v1t11"i pro \l(kd for "l1m1ll•tl 1·'<<'1.•pt1on~" ~h1ch, for in'tanc•t•. ~ould allow phy.,1cal "Un t•rl l;1m·1• nf a ll ~ c1t11cn who 1:. a prt·•wnt or formN· t•mployc· nr ;in 1nt1·ll 1j!cn1·<~ ai;:cnc·y or om• of 1t ... t·o1llr11dors, or 1s "r•'- J'iOnably ltl'h1•vf'll (I) I)(> Udin~ llll lwh.tlf of .1 l1111·1~n powc•r or l'nJ:a1l1nJ.l 1n 11111•rn,1twnal I 1·r- ror1!11 or n<• rr11t tt·.., al'l 1v1ltt•:. nr at·. t11dlH'" thr1•:i l1•n rr11( the national !'lt•c·11r1I y " Oran~c _.J Cua~t -£-FA . "••utb~r Vnnahl1• hiv,h t'lourl'l lwn'uninit mostlv dnullv Thuri.d.iv l'ald1v fo1! nn(f lov. 1'1111111-. l"Oll!hl and Thurvlav mornin1: lliwh-. in the low I.lb. L<1W'> '15 lo ~1'1, INSIDE TODAY Thuuqli othrr mov11'& '1aue aincl' surpa11.~rd its l>or of/ice rrcord. nww h1we t'CJplurrd lhc puh/JC' 1mn11motio11 Ii~ "Gone With flw Wind." 117. lnde~ A& AIY-\ff•~• ........ .. , """'""• .,, ...... , .. , Er ___ _ l.M .. ,. (.Ill-• """'" 0-.n .. •• o .. "' ... 'I<-' ........... 1~ .... 1lft••NtMM11U ~-· -___ .,,. NWWIC-M" ""-" C1 M<ltJ<lle• &1 -IFv...,< AJ ... l ..... l ... W\ 01 Or-C.tl"lf OJ """'• •• 5tM• P0'1•r ... _.., ti•, \lee.llMlt'11t\\ ... , T•~"~ C• U TI!ot•'"" .......... \ .... Cl ........ ""' CJ ' •• •• ... ... Cl J ,, ., J .. , " .. ' •• ... " Al OAJL.Y Pll.OT N • Stat.etclde Ca.. End to Coastal : Panel Sought I B1 HILARY KAVf: Mean"'' h 1 I l'. t tn· "'I .it 1· °" .. o.o, ~.,....,.. l.t!&1:>lttlUrl' 1:. 4·on,1dl:'nnl( J 11111 A •lnll'Wldc in1t1.;at1vu ~~"!-hy Male St•n /\nthvny &-tleru .. n r>aaRn atmt>d Al for<'°" t~c dt • that "ould <'Unt111ui: the ltfe uf thl· f'!llH o.r the: c .. 1&torn1a t0Ht11l l'o.astal cum mb!l1on Comm1111lon I!. due to bet:in Ae1lf'n11t"n'11 bill lm•orpo1.11t·' within 10 day1, Gil Ferg~on, !ht• ma1or poh('•C'~ for pro11•rtio~ <'amp11l~n or1uin1u•r, 11uhl today. ttw <'OJ111ltnt' I h:it \H•rc· i-\'t f111 th f'l'rguson. hl'<itl or tlw .:riiul' 111 the cumm1~bwn 'l)ti.lt• n1a:1t11I that 111 speJthud1nr< thf' turn-phn · pulgn, C~l!!~rn1a Coordanatmg l'~lei.s 11oml' at'11cm 111 t .. l.£>11 h}' Council ((.;<,:( J • s;iid 325,000 valut tht• IC"g1slaturt-thl· con1rn1:1'lon~ s11natures arc nt!OOed un pcla "all autom11t1c~lli d1t'lkc :Jl. r lions by June 26 lC the CCC 1:s ~ucces-.ful and voters upprove lhe ballot measure in November, the tt'· glonaJ and state roastal com- ml.ssaons would be forced out of bus 1 n es s .a n d th e s t .a 1 ,. Legislature would be prob1b1tcd from replacing tht'm. f'er~uson, a Nev.port Rea<·h lobbyist for labor and con~truc· ll?n interests, predicts bas groul' wall gather the nccessaq signature. "It would bah' ~·t•n .i 1111 easier if we could ha\'l' hegun the• t"rtort la s t month, but the s tate has been dra~J;!mg all. feet in tl'lurnan.: our i'('llllOn, · Ferguson said . The lobbyist said the pet1t1on was submitted Dec 15, but stall has not been returned. llow<'vc•r . Secr etary or State March Fung Eu told him h e would have the petition by next week, he said "I'm not caUing 1t a con- spiracy, but they've wasted a. lot of our l ime. Environmentalists seem to have no trouble getting their petitions through qwckly." Ferguson said The <'Oaslal commissions were created in 1972 b y another 'oter amtiall\'e, the Cahfomaa Coastal Act, or Propos1t1on 20 According to Ferguson. the CCC represents 35 coahuons of t•1t1zen. labor and bus int>:. ... groups . He c;a\s 11 r eprCSl'nt:. about one m1lhon peoµlt' Fr09IP~AI PROBE ••• will be looking into the matter a~ well, Enright sa id, as .an advisor to the Grand Jury. But so far, he <'Onlinucd, all his oUice has received an· lna Uul re· Ports from the shenft's offi<'e, OS well as correspondence from an attorney for Nelson's widow, Bon nie. Thl' Grand Jur)' has not ret de· cided If at" 111 ('all fortr.:tamony In the matter. Ennghtsaad Enright said M re;. !'\<.'l'ion ., at lorne\', Robert Dt•' JJrdms, ha~ ..sked has offl<'e t o tn\e,t1g.itt- But before that reque~t wa~ rc- ce1\·ed both the Crand Jury and Criminal Jus t1 r e CornmtllCl• already had requested un 111 \ estigat1on, he said . lie said the a~ency will check to .ste ar there were any crimanul violation'! or v1olat1ons of pro <'edures. He rould not prC'd1c·t how long the probe might take. S&L Trouble Reported WASlfl:-.;<;TON Ci\Pl /\ .:ov 1•rnm1•nt oi,c1•ncy 1 t•port1'fl Tue·-. .tav that 6:1 ,.,,1v1ni;:' nnd lonn 111 ' I I t II t I 0 n s w l' r l' I 1 ~ I •• 11 IJ ' problt•m 1n'llllul1nn,." m 1975 A ~pokt'<imJn for the· .,"t.'tkrul llome Loun flunk 11oord ,,,ad Vi of the ln'lt11ut1on" ar1• 1n tht' mo'l M'nou" <'Olt>J:<>ry wh1•r1• I ht•y nr1• t•onsldert•d u~ lakelv to rrqum· ~ovemmt'nt financ ial help unlc~s drastic <'han11el'" C)(.'Cur ORANGE COAn ltw (,., •• I" ' ,., ' .. '• , ................ ' • n ~""''' "• ,,, •\ t•t • ' t '''' i111 ·1 It ti l"t<Ut t • .. t tuhh .;r.1"'f f '""• t *'I ''~ • I I''"' pHI t '•f•I· ~•<f ,._f't"l•t ft"t V.ll t' '' f ',, 4' t t N'• \A Nt _,,,, •t ,_. ... ,,, t•wt·I ,.,., I Hr oto t ''-"''"'" \l•tu t lt.11V ,.,,_ .. ,, • t \r' • • t ofltl ~ •'I' •·A Hf ~· h "''Mff> t .. I 1' i' , .... -61 t•l•l!!.f'I " .. ,., ....... t ""''If" ... , . " .......... "''"''fl .. , J~t·' •.• ,, ........ ' ,, ""'"'~' "'~· , .... ' l•"'• ""' • ' ..... '"'""' ,,.,. Robtrt N Wt'('d .... ., .. " •• ,., f ""''"""" Tl'IOm,,~ Krrv1I .,,,,, ThOmas A. Murph1ne ............ l ...... owe.., ' ...... , .. J'-, \llwir\t "'"-• ...... . , ............. ,, , ... , ........... , .... , ... ~, .,.,,., •~•'"' ,,.,,...,..,,, .. ,.. ... rj ":A~t·H•"'6f • \1'11 • • ~ ., ~ • t.., HGt.•I ... "-t I "I" t -. ••'41 T•l•pflOM (714) '41-4321 Oassihf'd AdYUtninQ MJ.5671 f#~•O"l"t. tU•Orahf" C•a t f~ "'""'""""' D9'\\' hO ,.,.., \tOf' •\ 111.,... h •t••• .-.~ .... .,., "•""' ....... , , .. ,,. .• "'.~ ... '. •l'I ....... r-. •to•nd•f 9oG ••H'lo-..t l Ott • o • • • "'H"•'M\ "' fQPYh 91U ..,,...., \.«Oftd tie\\ C.,\t•o• f)••d •' CMt• "'-'A• ( ... ,.,.,. 4 'Vft"t f'tf•I M t•f '•· ,_.. \.t 1\ fWlrt ._ ..,., .,.,... ... ..,."~'~'• '"'"'"'~~ ,,,..,..,., u u"'°"'"'• ' F,....Pllfl#AI TELLER ••• ban are bringing about .1 c ri:.1s much wor:.e and m ore rt•JI th.in th l' 1 mag llH' d f' 1 o met h l' u '> Cnsis'." lie des<'nbed t he • Prometheus Cns1s," a book and :.oon-to be· released m ovie, in caustic ttrm.,, '"It has a wonderful plot," hl' said. 1m1tating an enthu~ta!il tt' reviewer. "A nuclear reactor ,., going wild. And to that ~ou urttl .1 wonderful love affair II "111 lw asgoodas'Jaws'" The movie "111 <"OOH' uut th1-; spnng, he s aid 111 a more ~cnou., vein, adding, "It will be on tlu" basis that the: IH'o pl c u f California go to thl' polb on t he 8th of June." Talking about thre<· Genen1I Electric nuclear JXl"er plant engineers and a n en~an<'cr from the Nudear Re~ulaton Com- m1ss1on "ho resigned after t•on tending nudear p0" er plant:. arP unsafe, Teller <'harged. '"All four of those people on the ria} or thl'tr res1goat1ons s tepped into m:w JObs to fight nudear n·al'lor:. .it the s ame s alal") as bt'fort.> · The engineers hJ\ t· h1·J!1tr1 ca m pa 1 g n 1 n i.: f or P ro J l'I' 1 Surn \'al. the g roup l'.1mpa1jln1111o: for tbe 1n111atl\ c 111 CJltforn1J Quest 1 one d I 111 t' r. ho" l'' l' r Teller ~aid he C'ould not tloru ment has <'huq:e about 1h1• amount of their s alanes "My statements ubo :ire not f90lproof." he said after the talf.... '"but 1 think I am m ore apt to b<.• .:.i fool an r elation to thl· action:. nf 1.wople than I am \\1th reucton. which are m y f11•ld "Teller, a r•· tared professor. 1111111 he ha' no financ ial lies to the nuclear JlO" t•r mdustry. Teller descnbed nuclt·~1r '"'" 1·1 pl.lnls ~·~ much saf1•1 lh;in It qud1ec1 natural JiJS h,1r~t'' iJ1• :.ai;:nl•d Io ha 111 ~ 1'..h to I "' 1\nl!l'I\''\ ll;1rhor '111!1'.'>1' h.11 C•'' (,II) t'\(IJOdt', Ill' 'Jlc1, \\Ith 111011 roree th,1n thl• l11roi.h111lJ .11om homb. \\ h.11 h.1pp1·n' ii .1 r1-.11•tu1 1 \ 11lu.;,.,' Ir .i r1 .. 11·111r 1 \pl111ft•, I tw I.iv., ul flh \~H' v.lfl h1· 11 ~ll'.llt'll ' hl' :.a11l: 1nd1!'.1t1111• tu• 1>4•111'\I'' ~u"h .111 t•\1•111 111 ho· 1n1 llO"'lhk Two Newport Officers Nab Lido Suspects T\\O ~1•wporl lh•ac·h 111 'l''ltt!alors "ho "l'rt' h<:lptn)l .1 p.1tro lrna11 r ht•1·k oul fu ult' :d.irm' rn lhl' l.1d11 :in-.1 ,1rr1•,11•1I '"n m t·n Tut·~ll.t\ .1111·1 alll'~""" '' ,11 r hen J.! I h t· m 1 o ni m 1 t ·' llur~l.an 111 111,1011\ Intl.I\ .II 1111· !'1:1•v.rort lk.i< h J .111 ure .J•ihn D.1rrt'' I lh.' Mnllt'. ~'M. ot 71,1, \\ \\1l'lon St , ('o:-.t .i ~t1•'a ancl (;un nar t-:m 1l Wnhon II. l'J. or :?:l11.I .. -.11rh1ll l>n\f' '\1•\\porl ri.-u('h lkllh an• hl•tnJ: lll'lt.I an la1•u 111 $10,000 h.111 Ol'tC't'l1vc J am Car'ion ~:.11d he· and Dt.'tecllvt• Dan 1>1 Sunto "1•11• hurkinl( up a patrol 11n1l .,t·nt to c heck out l\\ o ~llt>nt 11l.1rn1~ ~ht'n tht')' notin·d the p111r rrw!l,anl.! lht· urcn BN·:111"r t ht' t"n !1l11p1ll'd frt•CflH'fllly to it«'I out of lht•1r I ,If und walk nround hou'>t''· tho•'"" cl C'IC l'tl\'NI cll't'lll\'fl lo (ollow thrm Carson sa1tl D<> Moll el1 ~ap 111•11rc•cl twtw1•1•n tv.o hrn1<11•, .111rl 1'ml'qlrd u 1-hort l1nw lat1·1 . 111 l1·~!1•1ll v !'arrv111i: '""'I' ''"'"I tr.1" wrup1wd 111h1~1.1rk1•t Jlt-\\.,l'I Jlll'ke•1l llfl h\ ha-. ·""''If ('{1 pnrtnC'r .and thr 1"oll1•tf'l·ll"·' SlOPP<'d th1• 1rn11 ,1 f1•w him k., ;;" ;ay from th•• '"''n•• Ill' ... aid the)' "er1• :ihlt• t11 lo<'alr the housr "hrre lhc• hur~la ry occurred b<-c:i11"e ,1 "Oman house paantf'r n n thr roof of an adJa<'ent house reportedly !'i:lW De Motte enter the home al 210 Via Lado Nord. Carson said the homt' 1" oc eup1ed by an rld<>rlv <'Ouple and that the wom an, wht>\\:t' 111, "·" asleep in an up<1ta1rs bcdroom at the lime of the bur ~l:ir> Yuma Jet Cra8h Yl'MA, Ariz. (lJPll A pilot k illed an the colh~ann of two military jets w as 1dentif1ed today as Marine Capt. Gr<>rge C. Ladd. 29. of the Mnnn<' Corps Air Stollon at Beauro1t, s c o..1r ~"'4 Man "-• BOB REED (LEFT), Al OBERG ARE GOIN' FISHIN' Old Men of Sea Feted at Retirement Dinner 200 Honor Retired Lifeguard Bob Reed :\'earl> 200 people turned out Tut•sday night to honor Bob Reed. the rt>lll t'd Chi('( of the Newport lk'a1·h hfeguard service and l\l Ol>cr1o:. the retarang Orange Coun- ty harbor mastl•r The two men, who have been re:.ponsable for m ,;inne safety in dnd around Newport Harbor for almo't :JO years. were lauded by Cl\ 1c d1gn1tancs and govemmen· tal off1c1c1ls at a banquet '>ponsored by thtl Manne Division of the ~cwport llarbor Chamber of Commen·c At one point. that recognition in- d uded o "a tNv s:ilute from the llarbor Dt•partment f1re bo11l "ha('h pullc•d up outside the bun qul't hull a t the Balboa Pavilion v.1t h h~hts .and s irens goang und "all·rt·a:.cad1nJ: fro m its hoses Honor11 aC'corded the tv.o mt'n 1 .ing<.•d from a city proclamation pr('sentt.•d by Mayor Donald ~klnn1s to a pair of fishing poles .and a bucht of formerly live bait pn•:.entcrt by the operators of l wo local s port f1sh1ng outfits. !\en Sampson. retired dire<'lor of th~: county's now defunct lla1·bor na~lrtt'l praisc·ll lhl:' lv.n llll'll for their Ion A years of v.ork 1ng "to1H·t he r for the saf<'ty.or tht• p<.·opkufthas ar c s " But an lh<' l'lld, 11 "·'' otx•r.:. who ret1n·~ at lh1• 4•nd 1>( Mun·h, and Heed. who kft ('11\ :.cr\'ll'l' ar1 late 1975. honoring eat•hotht>r In rl:'m1111scin~ (1bout one M'a d1:.uster an" ha C'h lhl• two d<•part men ts com baned rescue cffon~, Heed:.a1d . ":"l<o matt.1r what t'> s111d about 14 hat v. t.' cl 11(, ,1 I I th rouJ,?h Utt• y1•a r' l '11 never forgt'l thJI n1~hl .ind tho • fort1tudt.• th;1t Al Ob('ri:: !>hOwt'd I II ncn•r for~e t A I Ollt'rt: he " ont·hrllofu ~U) • Olwri: poanll·tl oul th.JI v. hill• h1• v.or ked for a c11un1 v <•~t·ncy and Reed "orked for the• <'II}. "v.c d1d11 '1 cart-as lonJ! as "t' J.:111 the iob done. And don't lhmk. w1· didn't en1oy every ananult' uf at v.e did. Il wasn 't 1ui.t ia toi.e ol a J<>b v.e got p111d for It ".i:. :.omethmgwehkedrioan.: · Oberg pred1l'tt'd th.it "!ht' rww regime" will prcH 1c1c tlw sanw kind of SerVl('C "\Vh(I knows'! a maybe even bNter." hl"rn11I 2-week Delay OK'd For Vallerga Trial Fo rm1•r 0 1 Jnl(t• C"o1111t\ J ' ~t'"lll J .11 k \ <1 ll1•rj.!.I h.I' IJl'l'll I'• .1n1t-tl .1 '" o "l't'k dt•l.i~ uf .1 r11nsp11 ii(' y t n .al I 11:11 "as recent I\ trani.(t•rn•d to h.l·m Countv ~•l't't 111r Courl rn ltrk1•1· ... f1t'ld \ ·•lll'r~J, 5 I, "111 n11w ,.:11 on Irr.al ~1.11d1 I , lhl·dalt'M'I forlhf:' 111.tl of <'ongr es:.111Jn Antlrt•v. Oust Hinshaw Plea Sought By Viejo Man l'r1·.,111n 11<1'\ 1•11 , .1 1 t•,11l1•nt nf \11'"'"'' \ 11•111, ;,~kt•rl !'l,uJdll'l•alk \ .1111•\ l '111f11·<1 !-.rh1111I 1>1,I rac·t 1ri1'll!•'' T111•,tf.I\ 1 11 1 1111~1dt•r u'k lllj.; I flll i.:. ,.,,Ill Jll Andi l'W ll111-.h.1v. 11111''1):11 ·1 hl• l<l'p 11lth 1 ,1n cnni.:re~~man h,1·, hl'l'll founct lo:Uifl) llf I htari!l'S lh,JI ht• oll'C"l'Jllt'lf ~lf•f('O ('QUIP r11t•nl "' h ra bt·" ( 1 t1m !ht• 1'andv Curpcir JI 11111 w h lie• he• "orkcd as 01 .i11.:1• C'nunt" '-; n'Sl'!>llOI prior to h1H•l(•c·t111n an 1972 t'nd1•r 111for rn a I rulei. of the> I loil\\' nf H 1·1lrt'"cntat1vc•ic, ron- 1..:rc"s"mrn 1·on' actN1 or a rr• me tlu 1111t 'oil' Jlow<'ll. r1 m1n1 .. tl'r and formt•r ...,·hool 11 u,11•1•. 11h11•cll"<l that tht• 'rhool cit,trar l h not h1•11111 r 1·1111·~1·11t1•cl an \\.'ll'lhinjl\on on 11 111.,lut ''"' rc•l.1tmi.: IO t'clut'alaon lhnshaw o n 1d1•nt11·,1I rh.1rt.:t·~ llansh.i v. 5:1. " a II ht• tr11·tl an S.1 n Id Ana. Bakersfal'ld rourl uffat·1.1b "ho 1ntl1 <'Jl1•d Tut·~el.I\ l h,11 JUrv • selertaon was und..r \\JV 111 ttw \'alll'r).:J < ~•"l' 1"q 1l.i1111•1I tod.iv that the tn.tl "a" •HIUJllv a~ 'l~ned to J udRt.' I'. H Borton s 1·ourtroom They s aid a pnnl'l of proi-pcr· 11ve Jurors had ht•1•11 i-Pnl I<> th.at rourtroom shortly hdor t· tilt' con· t1nuan<.·e was gr:rnlt•cl "At the pornt •hut thr 111forma- 1aon was re leased lo the pn-ss w1· wen: under lht• 1r11prr•-.s1on th:1I l.\t' hail ;1 traul 11ntlt·1 \\,1v hcr1'," 1 h1• t•ourt off1r1 a I t'iq 1la11wd At IS~llt' )II the· Hakt·r-.tll'lfl l11al •~ l he• 11 llegot1on thnl VallnJ:,1 "·" nn1• of .a num brr of ,..mr>lovl"•1 111 lttt• a o;' I''"""·<; of I 11·1• who "l' I' m I l t l' d \'II 11111 :. l I m l" m.1t1•1 1:1I~ .ind n1anpov.1•r lo tw llM'd <IUI IOI! t lllllll V ;"'t''-'111 /In tlrev. Hm,haw· .. 'llt'<'t~,rul h11I tor Congres:. tn ltl72 \'nller~a w1" con\ 1rtc•d on mulllpl<-criminal ('hJ1 ~1·~ la't August in a tra:il tw hl 111 V1•ntur,1 Count~ Supf'raor Court lie w a11 fined $1.00lt, rt•rnovt•ll from count v 11H1r1• and orch·rt>ll tr1 'en·e ::1 60-dJy JJtl tc·1 rn Tlw 1111 .. .ind JOll lt>1 rn hav1· tw·c•n ..,lll}'Cd p<.'nd1n11. a ruhni.: on ht-. .1111wal . For.Chjno Trip Lust iP tlae Closet l SLA Sex Trysts Told by .Patty S A1'. FRANCISCO <l'PI l l':\ccrph I ron1 P;1tnt·1a Ill' JI s t " lt'sllmu11 v 'l Ul'l>dJy ut tlt'r bank robh''" t 11.il 11.1111·' t•rior lo lht• mak1n1: .,f 1111' l.1~1 t.1p1•, ·" lw~l ~llU l'llll It' r all. dhl th1•r1• C'onw a t111w "ht•n ont• of thl' v. o m1•11 t'11 nw lo ) 11u und t.ilkt'd to' ou about )lc:tt1111o: at on" Ith MIO'll'Olh' • M 1:.s II l' .II b I \' t'" Q All r1.:ht C::in )ou 11• mc·mbt•r "ht•n• )OU \\l'll' Jt th\.' t1m1•' ;\ I "..I" 1n lht• do.,rl Q \.\ t>re }OU blindfolded • 1\ Yes Q Do ) ou n ·membe1 "ho the :.pe:ikt•r "a:.~ J.\ \'1•s Q Who·• 1\ Angela At"ooJ Q All rag ht. Ctn ~ l)U lt•ll II' v.hat she s aid. as Le:.t }uu l'Jn re· member" A. Sht• said that I"·'" i.:u1ni.: to ~ll·t•p "1th William \\'11tr1• Q Uh huh A i\ 11tb.o I ct 111 li l>1d .,he 1•xpl:11n lo~ 011 .in' ol lht.' rustoms of tht• S L/\, v.h,1l lht'1r s e.>.ual pattern v.a:. that )OU "t•re to be a" an: 11(" A Yes. s he s a1c1 th.at she .and l'\ t<rybody t•ls<> w ;anlt•d mC' 10 know more about what al wu' laf...t· l>eang an tht> cell wath them. Q L'h huh. I\ And th at everyon<' ha<J lo take can• of the needs of other people and that ~exual freedom v. as a part of the fun1·- t1onang of the <'ell and that ~•nee I cl been the re, even thouJ!h I \\J~ in the closN . that I should know more about them. Q llow loni.: uftt•r r;hC' had lhh conversatio n w11h \UU <1111 W1ll1l' \\.olfC' <·omt• an " · A ~ot Ion~ aflt•r th.it l <Inn t know c•xt.11·11~ Jt \\a:. th<' :.J1111· na~ht (T Wa~ your blandfol<I n ·- mo' I'(! ' A. Yes. <l. Whot clot hang had you bt•t•n • * * f"ro• Paflf! A I SLA •.• · · 1 picked up the gun and ~tart t•c1 ftnnj! " .. i\t anythini: in particular·:" a!>\..t•d Ra 1ley. "I tried to fire ;at thl' tnp of thl' huildani: It \\a., JU~t :.ort ul .1 r l'fle'< · "Dad you thank of anybody J:f'l tang hat "" '"Ye:' I tri!'d to f1r e atthc top or lh<' bualdan.: .. Miss ll<•ar!lt. who s:ud :-.he had OI'\ er fired t•at hl'r wC'apon before. packed up the automat1C' carhant· and shot O\ l'r the seal and out ;m OP<'n window. "I pulled the l ri~ger and tl Jumped out of my hand. I saw th<.' bullets hit the divider. I had to pack it up and fare it a~ain." . S he emptied the JO-shot clap, th<'n picked up the s emi- uutomat1c a nd squeezed off three more s hots . "I think I fired kind of off lo my lert bccau~c the llarrhes were: <.·omang urross lhl' street ·· Sh!' .. :11d she thought 1t woultl havl' br en imposs11blc to f11't' al the ptoopll• cha~1ng lhc ll.1rra-;c·' v.1 thoul h1ttan~ lh1• tv.o S I.A m1•mbers She ~aid thry 1umpc:d 111 tht• van and dr<1vl•11rr '\.\1111.un lfarras Martrd )l'll ani.? A me bccJ usc I d1d11't 'h1>0l ''IUOt•r " "/\I that timl' dad you have :my thoughts oC 4:~Capmg?" H .. 11lc•y J"kt'c1. 11No " "What w:1s the p!'nalty for OIJl rl"'IC'VIOJ:: J C'tHl\I at!\:?" "l)f';Uh " ""'°~ ~1111·,• '11u1 1·a pll\ II)'' l>acl lh1•\ kt•,·p ~ou 111 lhl· IJJthrobl• or rurm11h ~ ou ~om,• c lot ht·~·· A Ttwv ~.avt• 1111• l'll\lt ... ,. () 1>11 '011 11· 1111•n1tk·r v. h11t l..111d'' l'a11 \•HI 1h''('tlOO ltll'm an .111.~ ''a)" Nu Q \\'lwn 1\1 I \\ ufh• l':lllll' Ill th<' 1 ft)M•t . "hut dad lw '·'> 11nd do'' I\ I Jon t ""illv I l·memb<'r Y.hJt t( .111\!hlll~!. hl''Ullf, ~ t>1d ht• lJl.1• ~Oii out O( 11\e \lo~rt·• 1\ ::'\II Q \\'h.1td1dht•d11' ;\ tit> t'arnt• rn 111 the l'loset and h,• do,ed the d1wr Q ll1dh1•m.ik1•,11ul1c:down on th1• lloor ' \ \ ,., Q And llwn v. h,ll lhd he do·· 1\ llad M•xu.11 antercourw Q ,\ t i.omc t 1 mt• art er I hat. d1cl '.'>Onlt'orW else l'OOH' to lht• C'IOSt'l •or lht• ..... mt• PUrflOW. \ y,., l) llow Ion~: :1(11•1 \ 1\1,1 y tw ,1 \\l'l'k t) \\ho\\"' 11 ' I\ It wa' <.'1n11u1· l) n1cJ he: du thl• 'ameltuni;:" ,\ y,.,, * * * Fro• Pafl~AI PATTY ••. T11t">1la\ J' tl11• d c•f(•ndunl 1to ... 11twcl bl't"t't'll rl'Pli•)11 of lh1· l.q~·' s lw ~aid !>he n ·cordc:d 111 hlarHI lt•rro1 !-.ht• tohl tilt' m of twin~ forced lo h,I\ I' 't''UUI ll\l1•11·11vr '.'te "Ith lh•Fr l'l'/I' .11111 S I.A ml·mh1•1· \\ illlt' \\ 111ft• an lht• ('('f l hkt• de"1•1 w la· re ~ht· "a:. kl'pl hhndloldl·J. Bicenlennial Ship to Visit Newport Bay Th!' M S. E"<plorcr, designated Mf1c1t1I b1cenlt•nnial flagship for the we~tnn stales, is due in Newport Harbor later this week for a four-day s tay. The 149 fool brigantine sa1lillf! 'ri.st•I wall be o pen to the pubhc 1luran~ her st11y an Newport llJ1 bor. arc·ord1ng to Orange County Ha rbor lh·partmcnl of- l11·1ah The• ship as rurrently on hc•r wJy do" n coast from San J-'ran c·1-.<'o and 1.; <''<peeled to arrive 1·1tht·r Fr 11lav. SuturdtJv or Sun clay Farchoato; mannrd with I larhor lh•partment t·rews wall ffi<'l'l lhc vc~scl al the harbor en- t ran<'e. /\ftr r s hf' lt•avt•s Newport R<'a<'h , the 1-:,.plorcr will head for thr ea~l r o a o.;l, where !.he'll parti<'ipatc an h1 ccntennlal c·c-l<'l1ral1ons. Arcordrng to II arbor Depart- ment Si,:t. Oic-k Olson, the Ex- plorc•r has st•c•n i-l'r v1c<· as a navy pal m l ho.it urnl lal1•r :a~ a lumber hnri:1• Sht• ":i" l111all in l!JOit, 11ni.:1n;dlv ;1s .an It 1· l111·uker . \\ htll' "'"' '' 111 1h1• harbor. i-lk'll h1• dnrk1•1I .11 thl· Coast <:11;i11I .,1,1111111 anti v.111 tw' open to tht· p11l1l11· lor lll\p1·1 I ton durin~ hours lo ho· cll'l1·111111wd after her ,1rrt\ JI Oil Slick Inquiry ,, :-.: "" ro 1.1 s c" "> --Th1' r 1t1·,;11w.1kt• B.1 \ F1111rulJl1on hu<i '.llli·•I fur a <'11111in·,~11inul in •1w1 \ 111111 tilt' m.1'>,l\I' oil ~plll an 1!11· V11~1r11.1 11111t1011 uf the.: ('h1·~••1wakc U;iy. 1 Hc•1·:111~1· o f llai.,, he: no;kc·<I 1111,1 1•1•., to ".;c•raoui.lv ~•tll(f v" \\hl'th1•1 a 11• ... 11lu1mn ~hould b1· p.1"1•d 11.,k mi.: th1• l'lm1:11•s11m1111 111 r1·-.1~n Nixon Leaves Friday· . ·~ Woman Suing Bar in Death Of Husband Damage" to be dett'rmined in • the trl a I court a re ~ang de- manded bv ~ N1•w1iort Bea<'h woman who rlatm'I he r late hus band ' dtsth w11" caused hy lht• numbt>r of dnnk" he w:i~ ~<'n ed at a llunllnt.'lon &ach har • Gcrmoane H olguin McMillan. 11:! W Coac,t Highway. Newport l'Wach. names the operators of the 011rtwood Bench Club, 21462 Pacific Coast lltf.!hway, Hunt· anJ:ton R~och, as t.lelendants 1n her O ran ~<' County Super>or Court l.lv. ~u1t . F ormt>r l'reS•dt•nt llal·hurcl M Nixon wall depart for ('hinn from l.o <1 i\ n g e I r s I n t <' r n JI 1!1 n • .r Airport Frat.lay , 1111t .. :1 Torn Manne Corps Station .1, tl.ICI been sprculaled earh<'r. President fo'orct S11}s Nllcon '' .going to China a s ~1 11raval1• c1t12en and not lo be lnvcJI\ ed an any foreign polt<'y m atters. Ford told a news t•onfercncc Tuesday night he \aw no n•n,on to nsk the former prMulent to postpone o r can<'el the trap, which begins Saturday "Mr. Nixon 1s glltnf.! to the People's Re public of Chma us :i private citizen Jl the anv1tat1o n or that govtrn m en!," Ford r..ud "I don't believe for a ny a lle1ted poliUcal purposes that I should intervene with the mv1tati11n of :a '/or~lgn government to havt> a private American Cllltt•n \d!i1l that country.·' ""k wht'lh<>r lh<' tnr woulil pr111h11•1• a11 y rrim plir11t1on., lor 11 S. fort•1.in polat·v. Fonl sJ11I, ";'\;1111(' "h.HMlt'Vt•r ' /\s pr<'lilc1ent. Nixon rever"iNt l l S . pol11·y to ward th1• ('om munist m amlund lo one of S{'<'k mi,c acC'ommodntaon rnthcr lhan mamtamanR an •<'Y distance. Thi• an\•1tat1 on 1~ viewed generally a., r earflrma11on by Peking of ats in terest an detcnle and possibly a' a subtle suggest ion that relation., w ith t he L'n1tl'd St.ti{'<; arc not procecri mJt fa or; t <.•noui.:h In this co unlr)'. mcanwhah-, th<'l l' :.ire ~u~~t· ... 1ao11s tn;1l N1" ma 's trip wall draw 11tll'nlfnn from the New llampshrrr prt•'!dc·nt1;il •w•mary which" 111 be hl'ld Tur' day whale Nixon 1s an Chma. Ford said thoal v.hjle Nixon hai. received "periodic brit>fing'I or informohon <·onre rnmg v.orld af fair:.," be was ~1ven no special llrwran~ 1n r <'I nt ion to hue v1s1t ""con w1ll l1•uvt• l.oot l\nRl'll'~ nt .1houtU:i m V11cJ11vforth1•lrlp lu 1'1•kin•: 111· wall fly an 11 Chinese• l<11t•1ni.: 707 11•l li111•r whlrh l'f 'C'h1•d11lrd to ltinll Jt u little Ullt'CI ... l'l't ion or l.0'4 A ni•t•ll'S lnh•rnw. 1aonal J\arrort ah out three houric tx>forPthedt.>purtu11• on at\ t rar1 to ttw l n1tt'd Statc11, th<' pl;anc• park., up n lJ S. Air For•·t' 1•-.rnrl rrew at Tokyo, n m tlll ;1rv 'Pok1•-irn:an an Honolulu sJ1d Tlw ril.1n" "111 Mntlnu<' to \'11nc·n11\ 1•r H (' , tl11•n 011 In l.o-. /ln~rlr" Thi· I' S 1•r1•v. 1' rompoo;rd or n nnv1~ot11r anti a paint The> ('h1n1•M' <·r1•w " 1nrnp11"11'fJ of J!i IX'OJ)l<' Tht• Jt•thne•r will l;1kl' th<' Nix ono: fmet to Anc-hnr£11o1e. J\la!lka, then to T ok vo , whl'rt' th1• Air Force escort c rtw will Jict off h<>for«> the hnal lrc lo l'<'klng, the . !IPOke:iman said. • -Wed~•y February 18 1976 DAIL y PILOT A.> In Ri1'erside Countg Utility Seeking Nuclear Plants Ready for Lift Oii Peter :"cus hul Cleft) will be co-pilot and Dr. Thomas llem!->hl'tmer <rightJ \\tll be pilot for the balloon <back· ,!.!round 1 "h1c h "'as to be launched today m El Segundo. Launc h nf the balloon. christened "America." is part of a r<.'Sl'i.lt<'h prog ram to dc·vclop an unmanned .. atmosphe n c: ~atdlltc" to ttrclc the earth. In Sacramento ----------- ~,\CRAM F.NTO •l Pt 1 S<in l>tt'go G.1s Jnd t::lcctnl' Co 1:. &t't'k1n i.lalt• Jpprm al for con lllruc l1on or two Sl 2 balhon nudl'ar poy, t'f plJt1t.s an eai.lt'rn R1v~ri.1dt: Counl~ neii.r Blythe Tht' 11pplH'Jt1on for th\• 950 mt'gay, all plant::.," luch Y>ould be Electric Gun Opposed in LA LOS ANG El.ES tlJPI 1 The T J"t'r clt•ctronac :.hcxk gun as more dan.:eroui. than u handgun. lht' Lo:. Anio:l'lt.''> C1l' Counc·1I maintains. e' t'n though 1t doc:.n l ktll \ IC~hm:. Tht> council. "hach has rerused to endor:.e le)(1 '>lal1on to outlaw h.rndgun.,, 'oted 11 2 Tue:.de1y to .,upport any mt'asure that would ban the na:.hlaght 'haped Taser. The Tas er. wha·h fares a pair or darts that j(I\ t.' Off a Shock capa- ble or dis abling a person for ::.C\'eral manutt>s. has been used m several holdup:. "There are several problems with this little gadget." argued Councilman Ernani Bernardi. who said people "ould be more likely to use a Taser than a handgun because it 1s nonlethal. A police spokesman said Chief Ed DU\'IS, a rarm opponent or gun control, also s upports placing the shock gun m the same outlawed <.'Jlegory a s brass knuckles, s awcd·off shotguns and black· jacks. Pessinllsrn, Hostility Mark Farlll Hearing SACRAM E.:'\TO <AP) -Pesslmbm from leg1:.lators and anger from farm \\Orkcrs mJrkcd the (1r:.t heanng anto proposed g ro~ e r backl'd changes an Cahrorn1a':. dormant farm labor law. No :.1t!n of an a1trcernent, either to approvt• tht• thJOl!l'S or fund the law w 1 t h u 11 t t h l' m . t' m l' q; e d r r o m 1\ll'soav'-; ht•ann,? of the Assembly Labor ltl'lat1ons Comm1ttcc. Harmr• Lo•~ Bid 8roMm Appol•t~d SACRAMENTO <UPI > -Assembly Speaker Leo T . McCarthy has ap- pointed his former cluer nval Wilhc ( ___ s_ia_t_e __ J ht.ult one at u t1mt'. wa!t the f1r..t or tlS type lo be :.ubm1lted to the O\'\\- State Energy Com mt:. ion, whlch under rt'l't'ntly t'n.ll'ted lcga,I;.& lion is rt."spons able for btlln~ nuclear power gener3tor.. THE COMMISSION, "hil'h '"' ceaved the upplicalloo Tuesda), mu.st rult> after an 1nvest1gat1on of the proposal and an extended series or pubh<· heann~s "h1<'h will occur 111 the mu.bl of lh1• pohtacal fight O\{•r tht• Nuclt•ar Power Plant.s tnat1al1\'c on thl• June 8 ballot The utahty listed as th1• l"o l choice for ats propos{'d "Suri Desert Nuclear ProJt•ct " a 1111<' about 20 male., :.outhwe:.t of Blythe near the C:.d1Corn1a · Antona hne IT ALS O L I STF.D three alternat1\'e :.1tcs "Palo \'~rtfo l'\orth" about 10 males north or Blythe, "Parker Vallt'Y." about 15 mtles over the Aniona statt- Man Charged In Kidnaping LOS ANG EL ES <U P l > James J enk ins, 30. of Los Angeles was arrested on sui.p1- cion of k1dn aping Monday night in connection with t he alleged ab- duction of a 9-year-old girl miss- ing for several hours. Police said Jenk111s reportedly approached the girl at th~ downtown bus terminal. LOS ANG F.LES <UPI! -The FBI does not ha H' to 1dcntaly any anfor· mants "ho ht'lped capture Patnc1a llt>arst and ::,ymb1ont'Se L1bcrat1on Armv members Wilham and Emily llarras . s upt'nor Court Judge Mark HrnndlC'r has rult•rl Brown Jr. a:. a commalke chairman and named a new chairman or the budget-wnllng Ways and Mean:-. com- mlllee. SAVE20%! Thl' ll:ir n '"' h.1d dC'manded the .lust1ce lk p.Htm,·nt ht• rcqu1rl'd lo 1hsd ose thl' n .imt'' of Jny t1~lt•rs who ll'd tht> FHI to ~I.A hideouts . Tuesday's appointment or Rroy,n <D-San 1''ranr1sco). as l'haarmJn of the Revenue and Taxauon <..:ommallce was re~arded a s a mo\'e by Ml'Cc1.rthy to neutralize his o ppos1t1on a s his key lieutenants prepared to leave the A:.· Sl'mbly . •ffftl Hole' Clo•f"d lla•awr A IU•fJ LOS ANG F.l.F.S tAPI -Aaltn~ in- du ... tn.1lt't At mand l l.1mmcr's l1fl• rnav he l'nrlan1tcred 1r he appears m t'OUrt to UO'•\\l'r rharJ;:{'S Of maktn~ a -.1•rret rlon ;i t inn to form('r Prl'stdt•nt lhcharrl M '-:1"<nn. h1., .1ttornry'i say SA:'IJ QUE:-.OT IN CAP! -"Tbe llell Hole." a five tier scrllon of San Quen- tin Prison r eserverl for the most menacing mmatt•-;, ha.s been dosed because of a decreas e an prison population, a prison spokPs man :.JHI. The prison ~ San f'ranr1sco Bay now houses 1,885 anmall'S, about half the numbPr of a year ai:o Spokt·sman W11l13m Merklt· s;1H1 m•w parol1· prac· tires arc responsible for the cult.lo" n. Thr l:i" \ l'I ... ha\<' askrrl lhC' l1 S D1slrict t 'o111t to ht·:i r his PINI an ;,i spt•t'Hll IH'd'it<fr S C'S'olOll Of P~rjury Cbati(e Executive Cleared I.OS 1\ ";El ES I \l'l ,\ fl'll1•r.il c•oort 111n h.1 ... 1'11•.ir1•1l llr_,/f'l .ml.. ,..,..,,.. / ~ Stnnton. form<'r pres1- llt'nt of 1.o n J! l\f•a rh Amu.sc·mc•nt l'n . of h 111..: tu .1 ft'<ieral i:r.ind J•ir~ m l\nvemtwr 1971 "hf'n hi' tll'n1t'<1 :1uthon11ni;t pay· mc•nt or ,I ht the lo l,1111).! Jlt-ach Cit v Cou nr1lm.rn WayneSh.Jrp Stanton. r.:i. hrok1' into tears Tursd;" .1r11·r th1• vt'rdact "as n·turnt~I Sharp. who w.1 ~ fined $100 and put on pr11hat11m aftrr pl('udm~ no t'ontc·'t lll!lt ve:ir to a cha1 lo(t• ol pNJUrv. l<'st1f1cd h<' n • r.•tv<'d $1,000 111 r~chanJ.:C' for castrnlo( ;i ravnr.1hlP volt' on a lr.1o;p ;i1o:rer m e nt hc n 1•r1t1ng St .tr• tcm· ... r1rm Stanton. tro;t 1f\ In).! in his o" n ht>h.1lf. .11l m1lt1-.I hr har1 a11thon11•d n-1m hur.,em1•nt 11f SI r11w1 11.1111 h\· 1-:1m1•r (' \ 1 I.in·. ,1 rO<JJOr 'lnrkhnl d1·1 in thP .1mui;C'm<'nt 1·1111111.111). to Shar}l Rut Stanton 10<;1-.t!'d ht• rl I rl " (I h I' I' II ti ~ I' h l' lwhe' l'cl th•• m11nn ":1"' LI J;:t'n111n1• rarnp111c n t·o11 tnbut1on a nd not .1 hn tw for Sharp " volt• 1111 lh1• lea~tnlo! of a r 1\\ '"'nrd park tnl! lot 'He aler' Convicte d nc""· 1uh £'r r 11l nc;1 ~. arthnt 1-; ancl l'at.1rar1' Regular $2.4 7 Full-figure Bra J 97 Collon and polyester. Podded strops. White. 8, C, 0 cup sizes. SJ\ Vt~ 20o/t, ! Nylon Ha lf Slip Regular $1.97 J 57 Ant1-clcng Antron' Ill nylon. White, colo". XL, XXL, XXXl. lint> south of Porker and n "M1lpllas Wa6h" :.Ile about :\0 miles south~est or Hlythc in Im 1)(-nal County. £al'h proposed ~tit< wwld U'lt' "runoff" wat~r from lheColorutio River for cooltn~ ofthl' plant The utility ftlt•d .i rormJI "not ace of mtent," which 111 :111 days wall actavatt• an 18-month Joni: procedure under \\ h trh th\' <·omm1~s1on must consider the t•n \ 1ronm<'nlal and techn1ntl :.wtab1ht~ of the foursllei. I F SAN DIE GO Gas and Elcc· Int· clt'ar-. th.it proc.'t>~~. 1t lhl•11 ~ould m.lkl' u forrn<1I upphl'allon JO\ o h 111.: ~ubm 1si.1on of an t'n\lr1mmt'n\11l 1mp11ct report and lht comm1~s1on would decide al the proJel'\ c·1n b<' built The co11111111;.,1on s\::iH, 11 ~pokc~man t"qll.111wtl , now "111 11•\'lt'w thl' ulllaty's npphc11lto11 for "adcquucy and ro111t•nt." ,1 process that m uy tukc up to 30 day' Tht!' spok<'sman s;11d tht• publi1· heunni:s \\ 111 bt• ht•lrl 111 tht.' Ulvl11,• .irca Jnd throughout the u•11tty ~ St'rVtl't.' area Clammy Victor Even the Judges Got Sick DALY CITY <t:Pll -For as long 3'> anybody can re· member. 250-pound Al l'\1colm1 y,as con ... at.ll'rl•d lhl• c lam eatang c.-hamp of the 57 Club For m~tanl'<'. one 111ght he dc· \Oured 102 steamed clams, three palchers of beer, and 10 shct>s of French bread before going to a £nend ':. hou:.c fur dinner. But today. there is a new champion As about 100 watched Monday, Daly City Patrolman Randy Desha. a relatavely svelle 220 1K1undt•r. and N1cultn1 went al il m the first annual Daly (;it:> steamod dam eat111g contest. One judge left the scene early and noted that whale the contestants s~emed happy m their eating, the off1c1ab were getting sick while keeping score. T he contest was halted after 43 minutes and 20 seconds and the scoreboard showed that Desha had bolted 162 dams while Nicolini. who made the tactical ma!>take or chewing each clam before swaJlowing, had lo settle for 113. on the lowe r This Ad Effective through Sa turday February 21 Use Sears Revolving Charge SAVE25'%! Pants and Tops Women's Special . '" Sizes LOS 1\~GF.LF.S C,\P1 1\ .s elf ·dt•.s cr1bcd "fl'\'Cha· hcalt'r · "as ftn<'d S.'IOO and placed on two ~e;irs · probation after his l'On\'lclton on fraud char~e., s tcmmm£ from h~m that he <'Ould cure ca""er. blind Kuk <.>Jkr'\, Z!. ~J'\ com 1cll·d Tueo,d ,1y u1 ~hat Oepuly Cit \ Alt~ Richard LeBl'll "•ml y,ao; the rir ... t ('34\(' or fraud prosccutC'd h\ c ity or. f1 c1als since 19::?6 Regular $8.99 6 7 4 Regular ~ 54 pants $7 .49 d tops Ul'llo ...... B o...,Faultrd l'ht• hnmt• of .Juhr ,\ n ti I l' \\ ._, ( ;i b 0 \ (' l .rnd h l·r hu sband Rlakr Edwards has h<>l'n called ":an 1m- prnpr r r n\'lronmcnt" fcl r Ed\\ards ' 16 'car.o ld son h y :a JH"P \'IOU S mal'rrag(' \\hO la \'('S \\ tlh lht• n luple ThC' tw '.\ s m o lhl'r . Patri c ia l'.:d\\ ard..,, ,., tr) ang to S:t'l <.'U '-lnd ~. REWARD WE WANT DIAM ONDS GEM·STONES ANO FINE JEWEL RV High~t pncn paid for j~lrv from prrvate 1nd1¥1du1I' Mid trtatn. frwt eium1n1tion and 1ppr11sal by Grad u.11 Gemologist. Pl"se cell 536· 7548 for 1ppo1nt ment. Ask tor Mr. Terry. u UNI VERSAL DIA MOND INDUSTRIE S 412 Ohvw, Svne 203 Hu11tington Bud!, Cahl. 92648 714/536· 7 548 SA VE 17%! .S tretch Pantliner Regular $2.,97 211 Nylon, 'pondu for all over shaping. White, M, l, XL. Rr .r. 8:1. 79 PRnCllm•r . XX L .•... 3.27 Pants ... polyester double crease. Washable. Mock Women's sizes 32-38. knit. Pull-on style . front b elt. Popular St itch colors. Tops ... 100°/o polyester knit. Easy-care . In an a ssort- ment of prints to coordinate w ith pants s hown . Short sleeves. Button front. Sizes 38-44. I Sears I So. Coast Plaza 3333 Br istol St . Phone 540-3333 Buena Park 8150 La Pa lma Ave. Phone 828-4400 Orange 2100 N. Tustin Ave. PN>ne 637·2100 ~TOllE HOUR~ Monday tl.rv r .. doy 10 AM lo q 'M Solvrdoy q JO AM lo 'I""" Sunday I, NMn •• S PM ' I ,\8 DAIL"' PILOT E Dl"rORl.*'L PAGE Tllne for Decisions !\c"' purl :\I t.· ... a '>C h lwl It 11 ... tt·t·:. have i.p ent numt.·rou ... m1·1·t1ni.:.., d1M·us-,111.c "'ltul to do·\\ Ith lhe ar ·c1vu· c·t•ntt·r fund Thal mo11l'v now totals about SI00,000 and com es Crom lUXl'S ('Oll\•(•l(•d from ""'\\ ~XJrt B1;ach .rnd ro ... la Mesu c1t1.wns It 1s :-.up1>1>w<l lo be UM:d lo fund JOmt :-.l:hool 1<.·01r1rnun1t y pro Jt'<'ts I n the pa!>t . ltthh•t•.., ltan· dnrn n up 11..,t~ o! pr iorilit·!'> to la·lp tht·m dt•t.•t<k hu"" to i,pt:mJ the rnom·y. Ttu:y h;.ivt• JI'><> lward 1wt1wrous pleas frorn pecwl mtt•rt•st ).!r1Jup ... ptl"lhtrtg lht·1r uwn proJ<.>cts llowt•q•r, lht• sd11111I board h..1!'> \t'l l o makt• ;m v ck·ris1or1 olht.•r than ;.ip1>1·0, JI of J ~1 .:nu prOJl't<l to 1n :-.tall a hal'>chall hJc·k!'>top ••l l.1m·ul11 ~liddll> Sc·hool Tru!'>ll't'!'> c·ould not d•'l'Ult.• 1f ot(wr pr oposab ... uh lllllkd "'l'rt' n.·a.,cmahlc w ••. ., uf tlw ('I' 1c· c·t·nt<>r fund T rw .. l c·t•s saul tht·} \\t>Uld a~:.im c·on-.1d1•r the mat teron March ~l Hd mt· thc:n. 1t \\OUld lJ1· "'1st.· for them t.o form mon~ cunc rcll' 1de.1'> .1l>out ho\\ the m one} c :.an bl' UM!U Thl'ft• at\' pl•·nty of ul(•Js for '>1H·11c.Jmg the SlOU,000 a total ot S2 :l m1llton "ot1.h Thi.' school board should n:.arro \\-thL· <:nlL'n;1 so \\Orth\\ hilt'. rt:asonablc projects can IJc cons1dcrcd and iittt·c.J upon. Fore ig ht Missing ~t.>wport ~lt:!-:.i WJ'> ~1mong thL· school district~ whtl'h hdd n·1.:ulJr da..,..,t • .., la:.t Frirlay desp1\t• the fact the day \\;J'> ~Wld\\lchcd ht'l"een l\\O hohd.1~s .Jnd a \H•t•kt•nd ;.;umt•rous 11tht•r d1'>lrtC'h dt•t•lared th« da' a hoh· day, creating a fl\l' d:n \:.t~·at1on rl'<}u1reci numbl'r of attendanre dtl\ s ~or t.•ould tht:>\ havl' s\\ apped lh<> h<>hda} from 1'hursdJy to Ftadi1 \ bt-t·ausl' lht>) may nut hold classes on a lt·gnl hollda~ It wJs an obviou.-. ch ance fur u frH• day br,•ak 111 the school c alcndJr and ll wus c<1ually ob\·ious th.it many teachers und s tudents chd play hook} on l"n da). This s hould ha\•c b<.-en for er:1st tn tht· ll'Jrh,•1 bargain mi:: unit . und by tht• l'lchool bo~rd. "h1·n tht· s chool t·a lendur Wil~ drawn up lasl !'>UmnlL'I A!'I 1t \\as. lhc studenls and tt'adwrs "ho did ,1t tC'nd cla!>l'>('S W('rf' short c:hanJl4.'d und th"' da...tnet ",,, 1)(.'llahtcd m sldl<• fund ... bt•c·a1.ht• of abitL•lltl'l't">lll Freeway Ide ntification Th(' Cos tu M <'!>~•Caty Council" :.ant ... Route~:;. pn· -;ently nam~ th<.· l"ewport FrN'\\ U), rcnamt•d th1• Costa Mesa Fr~\\ay A form a I counC'll \ otc hus appro\ cd the rC'solut1 011 urging leg1s lallvc reprcsentat1H·.., to curry a btll al krtmg the change, \\h1ch \\Ould mean allenng maps and s igns In one sense, the proposal a ppears to haH• onl\ nuis ancl' value. It "as proposed by Counctlnrnn Robe rt Wilson \\ho hkcs to toss darts at :\'e\\ port Reach and the ide a could be no more than a parting Jibe before he s leIJb down a:. a councilman. But there 1s sense to 1t Freeways\:ire namNI h\ lhc:ir t e rminus ;.ind :'\e" port Bcat·h · plaml~ doc'> not "'ant any free"' ay to term male in -or orig mate 01· c\·en run th rough its <'tty. To ha\'e its name on a free" ay 1s :.a contrad1ct 10n or public att 1t udes ;;inti public policy in :'\:c" port U<'ach. -( : \ Many :'\t•\\ port ~li·'>J s tudent:-took the da~ off too. and pro bu bl:. nJ:-.t thl· d1 ... t rict thou~a11d s of dollar!-. m slate funds . Be·t\\l'l'll :35 ant.I 50 percl'nt of lhr sut dents staved home f<'rnl:.a.r. D1s tr.1ct trustl'cS and •1d m1nistr;.itors l'Ould not declare F riday a hoh<la) without upsetting the s tate's Cost<.1 Mesa has suffered from pl:.ann1n ~. cconomu.· and csthctlc pl'oblcms created by righl·Of \\ ay acquis ition a nd uncl'rtamty o\'er the status of the frt•e"' ay. T he free way docs ~ermmate m the city and will for many yea rs, per haps forc\'er. Since it has thl' inconvenien ce. it may as well have the identity. ,. Toaeth t rJ )'OU guys would be o bril lic.\ht c~ndid ote .'' N Landlocked African Nations See Angola Threat \\'ASHINGTON -In s<·mhn~ :i ..,pec1al emissary hert' to plc.id lo .m ostnch·hkc U S Congrc·ss for help. Zaire's Pn•-.1tlt·nl Muhutu has "arned that lhl' now n •rtJin Soviet victory in ,\nJ!r>IJ couhl escalak into r ar "ot \1• 11t•ft•.1t for the Wes le rn "or Id t•l·w" hl•n· in Southern ,\fnc;i Thal sombt>r m~::.sJg1·. tJrnt•el to a -.rorc of kt•y St'n· .1 1 or s and H t-prC::.l'll · i11 t1vc .; hV Mobutu "s f o r l' 1 g n m i ni stl·r . N,::u1a, ha ~ had somc• 1m p11<•t But 1t I'> <'O OJl'C I 11 r.1 l "hether ('rmJ,!n•..,-;, in 1to; el<'cl1nn \ear 1sol.1t1011l't mood hrt•d 11111 nf \'1elnam. ''now prn1.1red hl \11!1• hd p fnr ZJ1 rl' Z.11u 111.1 .met ol lwr nJllons of '""' h<•rn Afn< ,1 Jflt'r its Oat \cw o( President Ford's [ ] plun to .11d .Angola. EVANS-Nov A~ U' {'O~G R ESSk e<'po; 1h . . ht•ad in thl' sand. the fJult "111 not Ire in thl· C'lrar "arnmi:~ 11( e>1lhl'r Pn·~rdt-nl 1-'ord or :-.:i.:uta, \\ho :-.1wnt 10 da~.; rm mg Capitol l hll ZJ1r<''s Hl'l~111m·cducat1'<1 fon•1gn min1slrr. \\ho 1:-. highly n•~arded 10 \\.' l'~tNn fo:uropl'. t'arried th1 ~ mC's::.a~e . US f.11lun • to c·orn pl'lc• \\1th 1Jra7l'n S.J\'lt'I fnrc•1gn 1ntcr\'t"nt1<m would thr1•:.l11•n not onl \' his own counlrv 11nd nr1g hbori-1'1)( Zambia . 1-t \\Ould endanger Afrll':l's cnt1r£• ~outhcrn s a hC>nt olo\\ n to the Cape uf (;ood I lupt• Tht" n·~,...on 1s 1\ni.:111:i·s un1<JU<' ''' .J11•s:11· po-.11 wn, "hr ch J!l\l'S 1t rmmt'n'l' t·l·onnmH' le\c•raJ,!t' O\'C'r ljndlockl'd Zambia and nearly landlocked Zaire If M os· row r<'l3lO'i 1ts pre~t·nt power 1n J\n)!ola , hoth Zai1 <' ancl Zamti111 could bt• cronuma·Jlly dt•· c1mated Za1rc <thl' (orm<'r ll<'l~1an Congo I 1s the larg<'st fC'rlll<' coun try m Afrfra. cqual 1n Sile to the U S east of the M 1!-.s1ss1pp1 II 1s also one of t hc "orld 's rirht•s\ sources of copper, manJ,!an(I~{· and other valuable mmt•rab The c ritical i::coJ,!raphical fot·t is Zaire's dependem·t.• on r ;11I tram.port acros:. An)!ola to tlw Allanttc Oc ean "That b our hfeltnr," N.:u1a told u..., herl' th1-.. " l'l'k ''Close ll and our pc:oplc 111 !>haba (formerly Katani:a. ltw l'opper·n l'h p a rt of Zam.'I "111 hl' rwned." M OSCOW has coveted lh<' riches or the old Bel~ran ConJ!o for dccadcs. Antoine G1zcnl!a. J ke~ pro -Sov11'f f1i;:11rc· on th1· 111 ... rn~ s1dE' of I ht· <.'onguh·w t I\ JI war a deracl1• aa.:o " 1111w 111 Angola for po,,1bl1• troubh making rn his uld homt'IJ111I At...11 m Ani::ola arl' soml.' 5.0011 .mt1 Mobutu troops from tht· olcl c l\ll \\Ur m1htJr) pa\\n'> Im 11'1' hack m Za1rr What fni.:htl'n' Zam-. Zamh1.1 and other non a lri.:n<'tl rwt1on:-of southern Afrt«a C'\'C'n mon• than massive• So\ 1<•t m 1htan :11cl to Angola 1s tht• t·ontras\mg l ' S rt· fusal to help A-. Ngu1a told u ... and "arnc•d C:t1nj!rt•:-sm1.•n · 'Tht• Africans , I am sorry to s:iv. :1n• losmJ.! thc•1r c·onfulenct• II) th1• l mlt•d St:ites Whc•rw,·c•r lht•rt•" :.inv t rouble. th(• l S '>3\"" ·;-.,. more \'ietnams . Th.it '' h.ird 1111 us to unders t a nti · That conf1rml.'f1 "hat t-:uro peans, far belh•r 1nformt'<i on once.colonial Afnra t han Amen ran:-. h:I\ <' ht.-cn prl\ .111•1\ "a ming thl' mt•rc ex1~lt'n<'t' of NI\ 1et barkc>d t\ngolJ, <'Ollpkd \\1th lht• lu11s:r1•,smnJI r1•fu.,-il 10 llHl1Pl'lt'. 1·11u ld .1uton1Jllt'Jll) l!l'llt'I Jll I'• 11 <'om munr't 11111\ , .. m1·nh. \\ 1thn11l 1H l'ssur,• from thl· t\r('mlln. N G l 'ZA .111cl olhc•r 111111 <'1trt11111111 .... t Afnl :an., .1n· c·ount mi.: on a \l"t 11~ S1•l·1l'1:11\ of S l a 11• II t' 11 r ~ K " ... 1 n i.: 1· 1 t o i>uutht•rn /\fnra to hl'Iµ stll1\\ that lhC' l ' S . clot•:-nut 11111•1111 lo \\II hctra\\ from ~UIH'I 1)0\H •r c·nmpl'lttwn tlll th1· 1·ont11w11t But llw rc•al tpH•;o;t11m lit''> in CunJ!n •s:-Can Con).!t l'SS. as :-um£• trnunu.., :-1i::n-. no\\ 111d1C'ah'. fina l h rrd tlM•lf of the• n>,lh 1llu~11111 t hJl l'\N\ l ' :--. 111\0IH·ment ,..., a CJ nd 1d J l-1· tor "anothC'r Vll't uam"" l 'nlt'"' lhl.' .ins \\ l'r "' \t''>, thf' pohlrcal out look rn .,(1utht·rn Africa '' d.ini:t·rou' :'1101th uf ~.urr 1-; lhl· 1'1•11 plt•..,' lkpuhltt of the Con~n 1 lh<' forml•r Ft l'IH'h Con1?ol. <'onlrullNI hv •ln :in11 \\'('o;trrn rc•grnw Tei th1• •'j'\ alting t hl' I nd1.1n (lt•1•,in lit•, !\l1lla mh111111', l1k1• 1\n.:01.1 11 former 1'111 tui.:ut•,t• colon~ "how g1l\'l'rnmr11l h,..., 111t1mall' 111•' 111 .\lost'O\\ If th1• ,l''>t111lpl11111,... c•or n•ct that l\111'('"" \1111 mtlt•t·cl 111· :ilJlc• to c·o11~nl11l.1lt• aml hold 1h poltl 1t•a l 111f111t•11c l' o\ l'I' pro ~)\ 1l'l An~11l.1. Z.t11 t• and Zanilna art• t•xtn•rnt•lv \ 11lrwrahle• landloC'kl·d c·niint rt1'' 'fllll'('/t•d hc't\\l't'll Angola and Muwmtll l]lll'. TllAT WAS th1• rnt•..,sai.:e of Prc:-1d<•nt l\tohutu'' t•milr\:iry ht'I<' Whl·th1•r l'nn~n·::.s un dl'rstancb 11w1ll11ot tx• knu" nun til 1t t:ck(''> u p thl' l'rl''1~n1·, m1hlary and t'C'CH\omu· a11I prn ).!ram for Z;,iin• II amount... to .1 p1ddhnj! S.12 m1ll1e1n, b11l th1• nm J(rcs•11ona l <•tt1tutlc· to\\,1rd ll t•nuld forell'll thl' fJlc of ::.c1uth1•111 AfrtCJ. Recycled Exhaust Fumes Blamed for Accidents Tot hf' F.1111111 In hr.; rl'l't'nt .J 11,1 ('n11<;t 10~ 1·111 110111 Thom a' I' \1111 ph1111• ":1-. arn;11e•cl In 't'1' .1 ne·\"P·•rx·r ... 11d, .1tnp th« t runt.. 1111 111 .1 'l"'1•cl 111g ;i11t111not11l1• 1\e·c·<1r!l1n ~ tn .ll'rod~n.11llll'' <'ni::m<•C'r"-, :i v.11·1111111 1' 1•rP,1l1'd ht'tund mo\ ani.: nhJ•'rh .111cl I h.1t 1·1111111 ht• etl\t' of 11•a,rn1s for I Ill' lll'\"jlap1•r nnl f;tllin,.;11ff T r :'I I! 1 <' ;1 I I \ . I h t' .., .t rn 1• :wroch 11a1111 c·, c t 1'.1t1•' .1 nc·~'.•I I\,. Jlll'''"rc• '' 1t h1n I hr .iuto11111t11l1· 1h .1t 'llC'I,, thc· 1·a1 ·, c,11h1111 nl•llHI\ 11lc-hac k an tot llt' Jl·'''''"~WI t't11l\ 11.11 t Ill•' 111 ll11mpe•1 to hurnpc·r lr.11111 nlo "'""'" fnrrc•, th 1\1·1' t11 1111 .ti It•• m,...,,I\•' q11a11t1 l 11' nt .111111 l n1t111p•· "'"·•U"t from pr,., ··llt11l' '"' 111 t' It•... \\ h IC' h h .11 .II ti"'"' t•irc llrll'l .lrll'I' .... ('llnlJIOtlfldt'll fl\ 111wni11..: tin• tJll~.11l' \\111elo\'' 11t .. 1.1111111 \\,1~nn' .1011. pu''tlih I" t ht' 11· .ir ' rnt f)()l)U I u r I\ ''' h ·cl 1111 .. -.e11r\I' or th!' mon• n •11•nl 111111•11 H'hlclt•< T IU: F:nv1ronmrnL1I l'1 11t•·r tlnn 1\j!rnr \ ·, ll11k1 I '11" 1•1 ti v ftt•Nf•11rd1 <'1•11t1•r , 111 c 11nd111'11na.: atucltt'" of d1 I\ c·r d111"'1n.-,, fo1111cl !hat 10 111•1 n •nt of ~nrt h C :i r n I 1 n :1 cir 1 \ 1• r ... 11elm1It1· d 1•111,0111•' of f.111111..: lt'<li•t•p IH•h111cl th1• \\ h1•1•l and c•o m1•11r \\ 1lh thc• \1 111111:1 ll1i;!h\\ :I\ l'.1lt11l .1111l Clh111 :::it.111• l 'nl\1'1 .. cit\ r1•p1111 , lh,11 •'Ill n I 111 \ 1• h I I f I' t• \ h :t II'' ('m4':-11111'< p1 otl111·e• tlr I\ 1•1 111.1111•11 111111 . dfll\\ ... 101' ..... incl l.111111 1 .1 ... h•1•p at llw "hc•t•I .111d ... 1.111·' thl' to lw l.1r :1 mori• r11nun11n O.•ur Gloon1y Gu~ Wouldn 'I I\ b<' OIC(" ,, thn<;e drab blu<' mailhol\e'" an Corona dl'I M ;ir ('n\1lcl tw- i:n·<'n a n<'W coat 111 r t'll ''hit<' and bhu• p.11n\ fur lh1:-81cl'ntnrnn1al \1·.1r" \' II A ~'# C)4'l("-\W•l --... ~--.. --..... ,..,-.... .'"" ............... , ~ -... --~' G•, 0~1ly ""'""' Jlht•nc1m1•nnn than h;1.., i.:t•1u:r<1lly l•11•11 11 c·11..:11111•d H,11h1·r th.rn c r.11111nc tht• Mnl1 nUIOJ! llC' llLI net-. u( ,1utomob1 h• 111 ;11111 fa C' I 1'1 r I' r ' for I Im(' l' \ ll'll'ICHI' 111 d1·\ 1·lnprni,: !'nJ!tnl' l'\ ha11!\I p11ll11t 11111 C'ltr1t rot.... a:-a m.11 · tl'r of 111'.illh :111d ... ;1ft•t v for drl\ 1•1 s. P·""''nl.!1·1.., and 1wuplt• working and lr\'ln1• ;!long lll:IJClr h1i;:h\\:l\o;, th1• El'\ 'houlcl <k · 111a111I ;11rcl 1•111111·1·1• 1h clt•:ulltnt', \\Urn all rc•1•1,h·• ··d cll1\(•r.., 11f thc• lw.dth h.11.11 "' .11111 '""11111• \\Ill· fl•n notlC'c' lo Ill' p11 ... t1'<l 1n all motor \ t'hlt'lt•'t 'I.Cl Ill).! thl' {'() l'lll!IOl' 1·1111,,1011 d.1111•1·1' 111 .1111t111111l11lc• llr1\ ini.: Hin n ·: :-.. llOl'PI\.(; llorsrf Paih,.r• Tn !ht' Ed1tu1 \\ 11 h 11•ft•re•nc·1• In Arthur Rrh-\ ' ll'ltt·r In \ou <·nlttlt'ti '('li~'t' Thi' /\11pi°1rl . l l>:til\ P1l 111 . l't<h 1:1 1 I 'J Y h11r-..1·lt•J lh1•t ... rur l11s dt•lr hc•rate• ml're•n<ltn): of m) ''"rcn• r<' m.1rk' 1111\\l'\ er If he "ill \'ol1• fe•r I he• re•:-s.11 icm of wt tr.m'fK•rt I "Ill \•nt1· fnr I h<• non cnu ... 111,:: ul bout;-; 111 I h1• ha~ A L/\N L Bl.l M Poli'°,. llf•lp T(lthr Ed1tnr ,\ 11•1·c·11t 111•\\ 'IHl lW• hea<lhn1'. · W1tnf'"<'..; l>o "111thrng a' T\\11 fla111ftt, 1\11111.11> ~1.111.' l'<'ft.nnl\ 'l'·•rk1•cl outrage• m rl':lll(•r-c from .ti I '" t' r . J m n n I! l ht' m th t' Wom an ·, ('1\1(' l.l•a).!u(' of '('\\po rt II :ir hor SinC'l' "'e• lit•lre\ c pl'tlJ>h• jf 1• urtt'n alr:ud to n'pClrt rrtml's for fr.er of rc-t;iha t111n. "r '11•c·11h•rl tn cnn,ult both the ~""port Heath Jlld Co~t.1 \tec;a r ohrc· rh1t'f, Both 11tlht'e dt'p:.lrtments a" 'ured u' th:1t the•\· undl'rslood this fear. parltc.'ularly in the t•ldcrly llo\\t•ver, they mform1'd us that 1f :i c.1lkr. in reportm~ a t rime h<' ha' s een. or on<' h<' h<'he\'es rs ;ihoul to be rom m1tted. asks that h1o; name b<· k<'Jll conftelPnt 1 al, this reqursl "ill br respect <'d Also. although the) stressed t hat thl'y prefer the c.'all<'r to 1dl'ntify h1m~clf. they aRrced that, s hould th<> person m "'"l upon an anonym~ \'all. hl• ma~. and the call \\tll bf' 1:1Hn attention Hoth r11tt"o;, b\' the ":i~. have .. N1•1 ~h borhood W :1t1·h" pro [ ] Poor Rf><"Ord MAILBOX To lhe Editor • Sen Ot•n111s Carpf'nlc•rtook 11111• -------------more opporluni\~. pncir to h1 ~ de· /~tiers from reader! orf' Wf'lcome pa rturl' for the \\'1nlt•1 OI) mp11·i.. Thf' nghr lo condense letlers to /11 to spl.'ak out a1?:11n ... 1 ll'Cl'>lall\ t· 8J>OCf' or thminote hhel rs resf>Ttlf'd ht'lp to 1mprnvc• the· ::.tatu., 111 l.Ptttri o/ 300 word.~ or less unll /)(' wom<'n . gu.'t'TI prf'ftrence. All lrt11>rs must in Cl1ns1stc•n1 \\1th hi.., h.1d \llltnl! cludt ngnoture and mruhna oddrr~.~ rl:'c·ord 1111 "'om c•n ·, 1 ...... uc•.... ht bu1 nomu may be t.1!1thheld on re aga111 1um1lf'd 111 llw oppnrl 111111 \ qwisl 1/ suf/1r 1rnl rto!lrm rs apparrnl 111 opJ>O!>l' \Hlffit'n Poory Wiil nor l>t' pubtrsfwd j!rams in '>P<'r,1t1on ~•nrl \q•konw the help of l l'!<Hknt<;, 111 th1•11 ('011 tmuous f1 ,::ht fl).!.llll'I the• al.irm IOl!h rapul J!fO\\ th nf cnnw M HS L S Sl'"\IH.HI./\ "\I> Woman "'l'I\ 1r L<'.1a.:11r11f N t'\\ 11111 t I l.11 h<11 "o Sfa•p• Tn the F:d1lor Jo:vc•r <ilO<'<' thr pn.,t off1 r1• boo'lt<.'d th<' f1r!\t rla~~ rate• to I :1 N'OI,, we• h:IV(' found It Dlnrn ... t 1mprn;'l1blc to buy tht• m·t·r ... i.ar~ :1 rent ~1:1m pi1 . Tht•y hacl plc•nty nf wnrntnJL thnt Con~re's v. u~ i.:01111: to t•nart llw 3 r1•n1 ra1~1· hut up pnrt•ntly cl1rl nothtnll ahout pnnt tnit the st:>mJh until ;iho11t thr cluy th<'Y mu"t ht• ,1clrlc•d to our old 10 ('t•nl lt'lll'I !< Wh1r h rem 1ncf" ml' of ttw nlcl "Runana" •;crng "\'t'"· W(' h;1 \ 1• no :I e·e•nlt•r ... \\i' hJ\'t' no 3 et·nlt'r' tr1d.n. \\ 1' ~·11t "''H">. and :O-f'Vt'n' •• 111d f1f1t•r11,, und 'le\'r n<>. 1\nd Jll\. kmrt of oth<'r'I )OU s:i~ "Wc• J?OI c;pt•nab, anti re• f:!l"tereds and rc·rllf1c'<1" ;ind dut• s\amp!l . .l\nd all Jlrl.'tl) C'Olflr' but gr r} "But Yes. we J?Ol no 3 Cf'nter«. ~e F(ol n<1 J.crntPr<; loda~' FR/\NK KLO\K Pun th .. J\CR l:l:! I ,\-.,l'rnhh ( 11n1·11r r1•11t H1)"1lut111n "hllh 1\l1•11cl' thc • ltft• of lhc• .1111111 ('11rnm1t11•1• trn I t' g J I t-: q ll J l 1 t \ I h 1 "u I! h f kc t•m ht•r of I !171o > p.1 ... -.t'tl I ht• 1\' ... ·mhh .111<1 th•· !'>1·11.J11• !'>1·n (';111)4•111t•1, 1111" t•\ t•r ",1, one• of t"n \lllC't'' "ho 'fl"k'' ,1)!.11n ... 1 the· 1 t''t1lut111n 1·111111•n1t11\J.' ,,, u,11,JI th.11 '""h a 1•11rnm1111•1· '' 11n nt•t·t-...s.Jn ht•1· .1 ll'<' \\ 11mc·n Jr,. 11111cll\t'I1m1 nalc•el a1:;1111-.1 The• Jmnt l'omm11t1·•· on L1•c.1I l·:c1ualtl\ I' m.111clat1•el 111l11111 i.:1n tn l'Onformrl \ with frdc •r,111.1"' all of t'.tl1(flrn1:i's t"C>clc·~ anti r 1• 1t11lalmn' 1·11111·1•111111s: lht• .1h11l1 twn or 1l1v nm1n:1t1on hll''''' •Ill S•'X It al'<t> I l'VIC'\\S 1111' flllll'llOll lllj.! or -.t.111• .lj!f'llf'll'" f11r I.,('\ "'' t11 m1nat ron The· fincl1111!~ of 1h1" 1•11mm1111•p hO\<• lt•d to 1·11rr1•<·t1\t· h•g1slat11111 rc•..,ult rng 111 maim ... 1r11lt•-; lo\\arcl ,1 C'lll l' v 1 n J! •· 1111 .ti 1 I \ f" 1 .ii I ('a Ir forr11.1 \\ ci111t·n .10/\"J H :"'SE"1 \\ onwn'.., l..ohl>\ Inc· .4ilt a rp•hmu ~• To lh<' Editor With d<>e11 II<'\ ot 1110 tn our Cahfomi;1 ll1j!h\\ ··~ l'.1trol and oth1•r pohce t·nfor<'«ml•nl OJ::l'n c1eo;. I JU'-t rf'acl the• f''rb 9 a rhc h• 'Sus pert<. S,1 ' t•d bv Loot " Tcr ~ ' ,.,,_ . . ~r. H rTy. Did I 1t.artl. you7" nfrl'' Wh al. :,011 got a """ ruling, "\\ ht·n In l1011bl l1•acl out with :.h111 1i:un~"" l-:\l•n I l'an h1l a b11 ck \\all " 1th orw of lh11,(• \\'hal C'\'l'r happ1•ncd to t ht· mm·w \'l'rsion of radio ahl·U<I for h<'lp and try to shoot out thC' l111·s \\1th a rt fl I' nn fll't'Hll! c;,ir '>LIS lll'Ct~·· I 'll lwt tht•)'rt• f'as1N to 11·µlart• than ~•n ll'n ;11t1l'IP'> <1n1I hod rt•<; l11m :1 hn11t :1 \q•ll plarc·d non-vital :.hot to fl1•1111g foot -.u, fk'C'I~·> Oh. l '\1· h1•l•n ~atc·h111i.: too lll:tll~ 11111\ II'\ th.ti·-. old h;1l , ~Oil \\rrt·n t tr.mini l111 :0-\\i\'I 111•11 ph• ,111• l':C 'll'I lo 1111 \\llh .I 'ho\ i:11n t 11 , • .., clnn I ltlm• out (',I'\ llO\\ T.hrn~ I ho"· ,h;1rp,hcml 1n 1? J " .1rd.., in lhl' ~JI liJ~t· Yuu clon I lll"'H'• \ 1• t hc•m l'ATHH'I/\ llJ\l.l. (·om•f ('ottfrob Tnth1• Et11t11r Tiii' t1p nl the• 1 rc•hc·r~ 1:-show lfll! Ynur "('n,1 ... 1111 l'ro1K1sal H1·\l•alt•1I" t 1-'t•h IOI tells how S.•n11tnr /\nthon\' llPllc•n-;on want... to put "111•1 mai1t•nt" e·ontroh 011 lhl' e·ni"I ht'('lllll-C' HI!' \\hOI(• 1.072 mile· .. of 1t an· s11,111•1·1:tl N1•:1.I rt wrll Ill' tlw farms. fu•ltls. cJ<-.,erts .incl nwunla111 ... lhitt ~di 111 •c •cl I h 1 ~ '1 f IC' n a I p rol t •t·t 11111 'I h1• l'na..,I n I Comm""'""'" ('Oll'<ltl llt wn 1111 llw <'oa ... t" ''a n1mplc•11• r1•v1•r ... 11I from lllC' I ' !'> l 'nn .. t 1t ut ion th :1 t )!uaranlt•c•s tlw rri;:hh o f p11va1t• p rop1•rty n\\n(•f'htp .ind bu-.mc·.,., (r(•c·dom . h orn the• h•l!l!t''' hu,1n1'" tu lht• s m ;i 11 l•.., I < n ti a J! I' St' n al or Retlenson. "ho .... chJ1 rman or llll' Sc•n atc l-'1na1u·1• (.'ommill<'t'. c;hould know "hat this takeov(lr "111 co<;t Th<' Coa'>lal Comm1.,.;1on plJns for at'qumng la nd w1th1n th1•1r t ,000-y ard Jurtsd1 ct1o n ar<' C'5llmated at over SS bilhon "1th M add<'d yearly upke<'p of $120 m1lhon This doe<;n 'l mclude what will be taken off the• private lax rolls and addcd onto yours and my tax bills It is hard 10 ima~me th<' ('Cnnom ic df l'Cl of buying l'J'lOr f 11( Cahtornrn. or what we would buv 1l "1th The c-conomy and un C'mJlloyment on the co.1st ar•• ulrP;,idy far below the rest of California because of these con trots, and thc "hole i>late has bt'c•n hurt by their s toppinizof bmldtnf:!, industry and energy produr t1on • Senator Bl•1lrn.,nn c,hould ~11 t• us a ro~t pro JN I um a-. "I'll ;p., morr cmot 1onal rhe·tonr 'l'tu ... 1-. mon• lh<in c·r1•t•p1ni.: !'l1w1;d"111 . tht• r<"'>l of I h1• 1rl'h<'l'g l!'I l!tthrl tol ahtanan1sm CO I.DIE JOS~;PJ I lrrPl••t•anf Tolh<' Edit or· On pa.:1· oil•' 11f Sf'C·t 111n I\ 111 I h1• •·'1•h It, "~llt' 111 I hr• J).11 h l 'tlnl ~011 rc•p111 t1·d lh1· 'l'lll1·1w111~· 1•1 ('OUllt \' J:itl 111 .t \111111:111 t·•111\11·11 •d ol 1•rnl11'11ltn1• t1111ct ... 1t11111 .111 I 1 \Ill<' hll'>llH' ...... ,.,t .1 ht1 ... h111•·11t 111 hlllh lht• ht'.1dh11I' .111d 1111' a1111 I<-11 .... ·lf \1111 1 dl'11t·rl lo 1h1· \\om.in .... 11 ... 1\ 11•· 111 .1p•1ltt1· ••I 1111·1 I h,1\1' 11111· 1111 pl1· q111•,111111 1 ... lh,11 f.11'1 ,Ill\ 111111 I' It It\ .1111 IO lh1• l''llC' lh.111 h.111 'h1• ht 111 lhP "flt• 111 .1 l1-.11 lt1·1 . .'ct101 n1·\, "' nti'tlt1·.d cl11t t "' ' \\'oulcl \0111 l11'.1rlh11c· h.I\ ,. lwc·n · \\ ir't· 111 lt'.l1'1l1•1 S1·111t·nn·d ., \., .1 prof1•"1011.il law r nlm1·•· m1·11t off 11·•·1 I ',.,' murh 1t"u ot lhc• 1.\ pt• ol 11111\ .111 :111t1•d .incl. 111 m\ 111cl1•m1•n 1. tr 11•,pon'lhh• r •· p111t1n~ t'\1'1t1pltl11•tl Ill lh.11 a1l1 e 11• II.tel 1111• ~:rnlt\ part\ lwrwlf ht•t•ll H p11l11•1· otl 11•1·1 11! I ht• t 111u• 11f I ht• oft C'll'-t'. 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Fd1 18. 19ifi \ Wednesday'& Clo~in~ l'ricNt NEW YORK • STOCK EXCHANGE ... - ~y. February t&. 1976 N OAILVPILOT 87 Salaries, Rates Now Costs $3.80 4 To Send Letter? By S\ L\'IA PORTUt It now cost:s m ort' than S3 80 to produN.' one single. stBn· dard busi.ness letter' up ut least 10 to IS Jlerccnt over the level of tl year ago This includes conservntlVt'ly estimated ~alurl('S or th1• person who d•ctuted the l\'llor and the ~ccrc~tury who took the face t o·foce dictat1011 and typed the letter, materials in volvcd. overhead costs, f1lmg and maahog c06ls etc The total u; reached via a special formula of the Dartncll Institute of Busin es s Rese11rch. h eadquart ered 1n Chicago Money's Worth A STUDY OF TllE Darlnell statistics that wcht mto tlw total underhnes.tio" consenat1 Vl' thtlt S3 80 1s -al least 111 rnuny urbun areas or the U S For instance the salary of tht• person dictating a nd signing the letter 1s put at an average of slightly over S300 a week In big cities particularly, mad die management salnnes arc well abo\ e that The salary of the secretary turning out tht• letter '" put at an average or JUSt over $140 Jn catH•s such as Nt•w York, that salary range for secretaries 1s ancient hu;tory. With f1rst·class stamiJ6 up to 13 cents, Oartnell probably will soon revise that S3 80 upward Perhaps $4 00-plus ts an underestimate in m1d·Manhattan What can you do -outside of not wntang, business let· ters'' (And there are times "hen the phone 1s not enough and a profrss1onally typed letter plus carbon are "musts' ) The least 'ou can do 1s makl' sure } our expensl\ e letter gets to its destmataon as rapidly as possible and you avo1<,i costly. time consuming errors -DEVELOP THE habit among your Pmplo)t's linl'lud mg yourself) of maalmg your cor respondence before lunch and b) all means. a' 01d rtL<;h hour ma1hngs It may be that af you ha \'t' a bag of first tlass mall ready by 2 p m , thl• local post office wall pack tt up for you. possibly saving you hours or ttrne -Za p code all \our mall this ran mean a day or two faster dell' er). for non Zip mat I mus t be ht>ld for conven- tional sorting at slower speeds than are used by the postal servace·s new s orting machmes (Zip your return address too> -Use the proper envelopes and keep an ample supply or 'anous s ize envelopes on hand so you can match the en· velope Sile to its contenl" Too small envelopes may break dunng process mi;:, loo l.irge first-class em elopes may be mistaken for slo" e r rnovm~ third class When you must use large, nat first class cmclopes, b<' s ure they have a dts linct1ve ~reeen diamond bordl'r dt•s1).(n for easy ftrst class 1d<'nt1flcat10n And use h~hl colored 1 nv1 lopes so thert' 1s a < ontr ast with tlw acldrC!>S 11n p1 c~~11111 tor ~a~y reudini; hy tlw mach1n1• -Kl"liOW \\HES POSTAL serv1c·c truc ks planes and train-.. dt•purt and .11 rangt• )Our mailing M hNlult• .11 curding h lf 'ou use a strcl'l or hut Id mi: lobh\ rn a 1 I box rhcck thl rnllf'ct ion times you may b<' t1hlc ti) ~ave a full day on de· 11\t•n b\ posting )Our mull Ju~t .t latllt.: \'arher Use the post offll'I.' Itself too Double check your scales, for ·as Pitney Bowes. a l<'ading manufacture• of postagl' mt•t<>rs warns -mac· curate sc·.1lcs can cause you a lot of trouble A "h1eh " scale reading means vou are O\ erpa\ m~ postu~e, a "low" read mg means· postage due "Place nine pC'nmes on your postal scale. the) s hould weigh exactly one ounce. If they don t , fix your scales at once n ND OUT IF YOU'RE el1g1ble for special bulk mat! rates af you mall .!00 1dentl(•al pieces or more at a time Get the details from your postmaJ>ter and tips for m101m1zang bulk mail cost:. Keep your ma11tng ltsts current fo r max1rni.1rn cffa r1enc} Prant · addre!ls corrt•f•t10n rcQU<'SlNI" nn outgoing ('11\elopes ask rcc1p1c•nts OOl'c or t\.\ret a y<.'ar if they want to 1 <'ma m on your list Mark all paekages with castlv breakable art1clt•s "fragile • Ask your Im .11 po~l offttl' for the free pamphlet l lo~ lo Pack and \\ 1.1p Parcels for Mailing " FOR i\ FREE HOOK LET "20 Wa}s to Help Yourself to Faster Post.ii Sl'rv1ce," write Pitney Bowe!>, WaJnu~ & Pacific Streets, Stamford, Conn , 06904. NPW 'l'ork 15 Mo•• Ac-ffrP II MO\T ACTIVE STOCll\ NF W 'f'J~tt fUPt I Thfl f) "10"\t M GafnPr• and Lo•Pr• Nfiw Vor' fUPI > f"fl tnllt>Winq I -.1 ~ ttw '10(•\ HM t hAv~ 1)11 rwd fO' ~• M'ld 10\t lht m 0\1 b4Vd un P"H•nl "'' < n..,.o-on th• , .. w "{,.,., )IQt " l ... fl\UIO" dl~::.:c':' ~~:~'·r.:. ':~n;r"~ ~fo,:~ O'lct and ttw c urr•n1 '10\•AQ r~, 1• t GAHU 11~ ; ~~Ian Ml~ ~.\~: I : u~ ~; ~ ,,..,, 111o1 •\ ''"°"'0 on ,,,,. Nfl'w y.,,., ··•0< ~ t ,, ~IHJf Wl'fJ,,,..\d•~ ~:~·~JO cir-<"t p,.,, '4" "'f lfl>v I/ I \Hh "'"' ,,.,1\,11 t n toq ~ r A ( 'l'li!I \ "0"' (1) tit 1,.rtt ion.., W"i1I,. M~tm WJ-. "•" I / V OQ ht t (.If> l •f ""'I '4W \ 8111n1lf 1nt111 PntAt1 (J I tf.,1 f•••H> t11 Arn MOIM\ 1n M>t) / 111'000 ~ "'"Ml() 'll .. 1~1 II)() 7\ 1'91 600 l'4 • 1•1 100 • .. I • .. 1•. .. 1f)4 t.()() J I •_. t\.I ti)() '.._ • 1., 1H 11>0 1141 1 , 1\7 000 t\ ' 1 ~1000 1)'\ ..... 1\0 oOO AO'• 1•1 JOO 71 • • ... IUOOO , •• ,... ! ~r:.1, ci:t~ ~ , : ·: ~:~ ~: ~ ! ~~·£/".!f, ~ ~; .; ~~ ~6 r-----N-PU.--,-..,-o-r_k_• ___ _ 1 Cnv"'"' Mtq l • t • IJt) 10 I) : ~:,~7;·~~~ ~~: :: ~~ :: ~ Sal'• \lolu•.:-,o Pvrll•n F\h t, ~ • VI'> 1 ~ ~; ~~~Y 'o"W) ~~; ': ~~: !~: n \on1HtA tM• ' • • "'• u,t 14 / u C.Omovtt ,, 1 ,,...,. • ~. ''P '' l 1\ ,,,.\flhml ln'I ) •• '• UO t t J '•8•~"''t\ 1• ''•• 1. "" n• 11 8-n \td MllJ J • • .,_ 1111 t ~ u 'Ii.MI '"" f o I) • 1 1111 '', ~ ~r;~"A•\~;~ ! ~; "' :~~ :, ' l rrir ,,, ... 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Wi\~IP t '1 ll 'IQ 1'tt t 1<'\ • 1 I • • ~ 'f g( I t0 1 '0 101t1, " t 1~ i" '11 W1'e«.C," t 10 I flt 1~• \J • 1 .z:~'t.' r ~ 10 1>: ~;: • \, •Ill • Witco c 1 10 u w '""• 1 • I) • Wol.WI 0\D" UJ ) ... '• '~ ~M1(0 60 '1 \I , ..... t ~ "" 1 ... -"' 4llf l l/J ,.. '• 111'•' ,._ WOOOl ~''' I )1 11 4'" WDohflfh 1 10 • )\A 1J' • + -... , U •, t I WOOi pf I 10 11 ).I'"-\• '°"' -•o "''• • o • ~:" 7 .. =~t,'i:I.! ~ ~ .} ': ! 1..: '1 • ' Wyly Corp 11 • -.,. ?t ••I -)tYl--u ... + v. •..-o• Cp I IS 4'1 O"'-+ I • lllr• IN:O<P IS 0 1014 •• 1'A-..._ Y•tn 1-t l)t •t ,,.._.,. (.p Y"OSI 0. 60 • 11 11 -~. Ill ,, + "' Z..le<Mt> 10 ' W tt\lo .-\lo 17 t ''\ • .. ~leQlof 10 • It 111 11' \ • "• a .JO J 71 UV.-i.. .. I l l Yr• COf"I) IJ6 1'4 l"lo • )J ~¥'+ '-11,,_IHI I JO HI ~\lo + "-JiO I • wr~ lllO J'l ll 11• Ullo_+·""• . - • ) Fil.ID'S '\blrta11 Grown" JClffEE 3 Lb. Con 3.99 !f'llattnm:-:!Umi:,<jJlll!!lli!ll!i5o1i!o!il!f•llPffili!!fl .. !!E'llS!il=tt • •· •'- ;ij AM/FM Stereo Receiver i; W"rth RKOID CHANGa i:I ~ SCMllUGN m Rot.,ry controls for ·:i volume. ba lance and iii to11e. Matching speakers! ;i .;r _.!----' /I SOUNDESIGN AM/FM Table RADIO Direct dial tuning wrth bullt-tn MC for better ~ FM reception. •''ll"r:u: • ;;;.,,:;r:!r. ••tt:.r.r:JJ• ~!u•"""' o i · -~1~:D,., 13~0 16.88 ooclNG owa Pillow sn Dress up your traditional Boston rocker with this co ntemporary set 1n decorator colors. SET 7.88 CARNATD ISTAMT llJT CIDJA flX --iiOi co'co& ..-111Xw. , ................ , list~ Hit Wu! 12 ENvtlOP£S SHAMPOO -, llEUME CUiTIS favonte formulas 1 1&:; 55c _____ .... LOTION FOi DIY SKlt Lanolin enriched! 16 OZ. PlUS FREE 1V2 OL ca£1M 2.66 Thro~,~!!~~~ ~ ~s fasc1nahng designs with • artistic detathng. 2i7.00 PLASTIC 59c Gliders & Planes "AJAX" CLEANSER LEADS TO MATC~ ,:199~ 1.88 1 fNAl TOUCH" FABRIC SOFTENER 64 oz. KING SIZE 1.29 itA11 WFES" ALL-PllPOSE tmYCCl18 CLOTHS RHsallte! PAK OF 10 "NEW FREEDOM" Belttess MAXI-PADS BOX Of 30 Ultra bsdlttt! 4.6 OL LARGE 1A9 1 PEPSOOENT 3 , 1 00 • ToothbrMsbes : • SIZE I 9 \ ~ c ~ -~1 ii I ray All 8ANKAMERICARO ... *%0* Robitussin COUGH FORMUlA Tasty and 9 gc soo1hing1 4oL Relieves pain of tense · alll headaches. 2 19 oM 2ot's • .• Checks 1 09 Diarrhea ! 8 Ol. • Goldtone or silverlone chains with fasc1nat1ng newly designed drops ·• •.• stars, butterfltes, etc. . 2.50 EACH ~h'1~=1t~::±!'.i'.:fif'.!;t.;t-=t::~r---:;;-r ... :;:r-;:r.::m:"~· ·~!:l! ·r:;t:-" . :t ;, Almond Roca Family Pak Ever yone's lavor1te treat! , llB. TUa 1.59 -:: · ' Vacuum eomE . f//i RUl8ERMAI> ~rea=~1 s1rong1as ~Ill I/~ Shelf Liner tiller , Built 1n cup with 1 l redl handle Be prepared Washable l1nPn f1n1 ~h tn lor Spr1ngl1me ~porting ll decorator colors. events' • 12" l 10 FT. 69 1 99 •22"1SFT.£A. C QT. Sil£ a ·... ... GARDEN SUPPLIES "DOWNY" Concentrated FABRIC SOFTENER Chablts, Burgundy, Vin Rose or Pink Chablis' '12CAL99~ 2.00~S.K WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY FOUR Of THESE PROOUCTS ~ \ ] \ ~~~ ~ l Ir! ·-! -It(\'"'"''; I ti " ~11 ~1: ·~f A\~tips i \-1.1 .. '\.) YASCLINE 7 9c YASUINE 49c IRltRltfl Cart P(TllOlfUfll lit~ 10 II Jlll Y 1 5 IL. O·TIPS 49c PAK Of 170 VASELINE 7 gc IRttt11n Cart Ill-ltMI Iii 11 CUTEX Otlr ""' P1111• a11tO'llf • ., 3 gc ,. "Soft & Ori" Non-Sting ANTI-PERSPIRANT Assorted Formulas! 8 OZ. SIZE EA. . . •